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A network of Growers, Institutions and service Companies
ANVE - Associazione Nazionale Vivaisti Esportatori (National Association of Nursery-Stock Exporters), is the national association of nurserygardening entrepreneurs operating at Italian and international level. ANVE, aware of the strategic importance of exporting, is not only directed to Nursery-stock Exporters, but operates to protect the interests of all Italian nurserymen. ANVE offers support and protection services to nurserymen and is an efficient representative instrument of Italian nurserygardening companies for dialogue with institutions. The association was established thanks to the operators of the sector interested in having access to more specific information and aimed at their activity and participate in sector consultancy roundtables, both in Europe and out of EU boundaries.
Who joins ANVE
Full members and Partners join ANVE. This way it is possible to guarantee maximum national representation thanks to direct contact with local realities. ANVE is composed of the General Members Meeting, Board of Directors that includes the Chairman and Councillors, all coming from the main Italian nursery-gardening regions, and Board of Auditors. Association activities are carried out with the help of the General Secretariat, which also coordinates communication and marketing.
ANVE means:
• Having your needs and those of the nursery-gardening sector represented before the political, administration, union, and social Institutions;
• Facing work, environmental, and safety problems;
• Developing relations with credit institutions;
• Extending the market to foreign countries;
• Being constantly and promptly updated and finding any useful sector document or information;
• Being protagonist of various association projects;
• Participating in updating meetings on sector problems;
• Creating a Network among entrepreneurs favouring the aggregation on common projects, interchange of ideas, information and experiences;
• Participating in sector fairs;
• Being able to use exclusive services dedicated to the nurserygardening sector at convenient conditions.
ANVE offers its members a variety of services aimed at facilitating the daily execution of their entrepreneurial activity.
• Continuous updating assistance regarding phytosanitary and customs aspects;
• Promotional activity on European and Extra-European markets;
• Monitoring and assistance in public funding for companies;
• Access to credit;
• Growing in Anve: training and information activities for members;
• Tax Consultancy;
• Pests and Natural disaster Insurance;
• Recovery and Credit Insurance;
• Machinery, systems, and structures Insurance;
• Processing environmental certifications;
• Translation and interpreting;
• Hardware and software development and assistance;
• Internationalization of companies.
Institutional Representation
ANVE collaborates with the main Italian administrations and participates in ministerial roundtables to contribute to the improvement of the sector policies. Specifically it is member of the Technical Roundtable of the nursery-gardening sector established by the Minister Of Agriculture Food And Forestry Policies.
Within ENA (European Nurserystock Association) and AIPH (International Association of Horticultural Producers) ANVE permanently participates in the Legislation, Promotion and Quality Working Groups.