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Cos’è AIPH?
L’Associazione internazionale dei produttori orticoli (AIPH), fondata nel 1948, è una prospera comunità globale di membri del settore dell’orticoltura. In qualità di “Sostenitori mondiali del potere delle piante”, AIPH consente ai propri membri di acquisire conoscenze, sviluppare competenze e migliori pratiche, accedere agli sviluppi più recenti nel settore, impegnarsi in iniziative nel settore, ricevere gratuitamente le pubblicazioni AIPH (compresa International Statistics - Flowers and Plants) e ottenere copertura mediatica globale tramite i canali multimediali di AIPH. I Soci possono anche presentare candidati per i premi International Grower of the Year e richiedere l’approvazione per ospitare esposizioni di orticoltura a livello internazionale.
Anve è membro di AIPH e rappresenta l’Italia all’interno dell’Associazione. L’ex Presidente dell’ANVE Leonardo Capitanio è stato eletto presidente AIPH a settembre 2022 e sta lavorando con un unico obiettivo fondamentale: promuovere il ruolo delle piante nella vita delle persone.
DENMARK - Dansk Gartneri
FINLAND - Kauppapuutarhaliito
SWEDEN - LRF Trädgård - Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund
UNITED KINGDOM - Horticultural Trades Association
IRELAND - Irish Hardy Nursery Stock Association (IHNSA) c/o The Irish Farmers’ Association
GERMANY - Bund deutscher Baumschulen (BdB) - Zentralverband Gartenbau (ZVG)
ITALY - AFFI – Associazione Floricoltori e Fioristi Italiani
ANVE – Associazione Nazionale Vivaisti Esportatori
NETHERLANDS - Nederlandse Tuinbouwraad- Vereniging van Bloemenveilingen in Nederland (VBN) - Koninklijke
Algemeene Vereeniging voor Bloembollencultuur (KAVB) -
LTO Vakgroep Bomen en vaste planten - JardinSuisse
SWITZERLAND - JardinSuisse, Unternehmerverband Gärtner Schweiz
CZECH REPUBLIC - Union of Flower Growers and Florists
HUNGARY - Hungarian Ornamental Horticulturists Association
GREECE / HELLAS - Hellenic Plant Material Exporters and Importers Association (HEPEXIA)
POLAND - Polish Nurserymen Association (PNA)
The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), founded in 1948, is a thriving global community of members from the horticulture industry. As “the World’s Champion for the Power of Plants”, AIPH enables members to get knowledge, develop expertise and best practice, access latest industry developments, engage in industry initiatives, receive free AIPH publications (including International Statistics - Flowers and Plants) and gain global media coverage through AIPH’s media channels. Members can also enter candidates for the International Grower of the Year Awards and seek approval to host international horticultural expos.
Anve is a member of AIPH and represents Italy within the Association. Anve’s former president Leonardo Capitanio is now AIPH President, elected in September 2022. He is now uniting all associations in one essential goal : promoting the place of plants in people’s lives
CANADA - Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA) - Canadian Ornamental Horticulture Alliance - Flowers Canada Growers Inc (FCG) - Québec Vert
MEXICO - Ornamental, Plants & Flowers (OPF)
USA - American Hort
BRAZIL - Cooperative Veiling Holambra
COLOMBIA - Asocoflores
COSTA RICA - Chamber of Plants, Flowers, and Foliage of Costa Rica
PAKISTAN - Horticultural Society of Pakistan
QATAR - Ministry of Municipality and Environment
TURKEY - Ornamental Plants and Products Exporters Association
P.R. CHINA - China Flower Association
JAPAN - Japan Landscape Contractors Association
REP. KOREA - Korean Association for the Advancement of the Flora Culture (KAFC)- Korea Florist Association
AUSTRALIA - Greenlife Industry Australia
INDONESIA - Asosiasi Bunga Indonesia/ ASBINDO (The Indonesia Flowers Association) YBN
THAILAND - Horticultural Research Institute, Department of Agriculture
SOUTH AFRICA - SANA - The South African Nursery Association