For men who want a bit of male bonding, look no further than ANZA’s exclusive group, Secret Men’s Business.
t’s perhaps fair to say that you can get a gaggle of women together and within five minutes they’ll be the best of friends. Scientific research has proven that females find same-sex social interactions to be more rewarding than males, and that guys are more prone to adopt “report talk,” while girls gravitate more towards “rapport talk.” But that’s not to say that men don’t need a bit of mantime every now and then. The pandemic has shown us just how essential communication, support and friendships are for all genders to live a healthy life, which is why Secret Men’s Business (SMB) is one of ANZA’s most important social groups.
A survey by Relationships Australia found that more men than women had no close friends outside their long-term relationship
Like-minded blokes aims to to help you in this area,” says group organiser, Patrick Taylor. If sport and talk are not your thing, SMB also has a charitable side pitching in with working bees and passing the hat or fundraising for their designated charity, Melrose Home Children’s Aid Society. Male ANZA members old and new are all welcome. As for the secret part of SMB, it remains shrouded in mystery until you join up. You can be rest assured that what happens at SMB, stays at SMB!
Statistics courtesy of healthline.com * Images provided prior to pandemic restrictions
SMB is for men who are looking to catch up with like-minded, friendly blokes. The group’s main activity is golf, usually on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Orchid Country Club, Sembawang Country Club or Warren Golf and Country Club. Due to Covid restrictions, golf takes place in lower numbers, as does squash, cycling, and tennis. If you just fancy some chat over a few beers, drinks and lunch events also take place. “Settling into a new country can be difficult if you don’t know many people, especially for trailing spouses, so SMB
Men with more social connections have: Less stress Lower blood pressure Lower body mass index (BMI) Less experience of depression A life span of up to 22 percent longer
Log onto anza.org.sg/groups/secret-mens-business/ to find out more. May/June 2022
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