The SPHINX | Spring 1916 | Volume 2 | Number 2 191600202

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H. H. Long, 204 Chandler Street, Worcester, Mass.


- Geo. P . Hinton, 2191 East 46th Street, Cleveland, O.


- Chas. A . Tribbett, 958 Yale Station, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

Alumni Chairman Editor




F . H. Miller, Mound Bayou, Miss.

W. A. Pollard, 2347 Ga. Ave., Washington, D. C,

CHAPTER OFFICERS: Alpha—President, Moses H. Dorsey, 142 Linn St., Ithaca, N . Y. Secty, James R. Westheimer, 1}4 Central Ave.,Ithaca,N. Y. Beta—President, Wm. A. Pollard, 2347 Ga. Ave., Wash., D. C. Secretary D. J . F i r s e , 2347 Ga. Ave., Wash., D. C. Gamma—President, John L. Nixon, Va. Union Univer.,Rich., V a . Secretary Adolphus Bayton, Epsilon—Pres., A. A. Taylor, 608 Fuller St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Secty, John R. Grossland, 608 Fuller St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Zeta—President, Chas. A. Tribbett, 958 YaleSta., NewHaven. Con. Secty, A. C. MacNeal, 207 P a r k St., New Haven, Conn. Kappa—Pres., Daniel L. Ferguson, 227 E . 18 Ave., Columbus, O. Secretary, Emmett B. Saunders, 398 W. 5th Ave., Col. O. Mu—President, Louis C. Valle, 2441 5th A v e . , S . Minneapolis, Ma. Secretary, Dr. Albert C. T a l m a n , T h e Campus Club, University of Minnesota, Ma. Nu—President, F . C. Shirley, Lincoln University, Lincoln, PaSecretary, Harold Brown, Lincoln University, Lincoln, P a . Omicron—Pres., A. D. Stevenson, 2711 Ellis Ave., P i t t s b u r g h , P a . Secretary, Otto V. Green, 522 S. Craig St., P i t t s b u r g h , P a . Xi—President, A. L- Foster, Wilberforce Uni., Wilberforce, O. Secty, C. S. Sprivy, Wilberforce Uni., Wilberforce, O. Pi—President, Daniel D. Fowler, 2213 E- 39th St., Cleveland, O. Secretary, C. E. Cheeks, 2335 E. 8 9 t h S t . , Cleveland, O. Rho—President, Secretary,

R. N. Gardener, 4026 Sansom St., Phila., P a . Ullysses S. Dunn, 1026 S. 18 St., Phila., P a .

Sigma—President, James McLendon, Harvard University Law School, Boston, Mass. Secretary, A. H. Tavernier, Boston University Law School, Boston, Mass.





APRIL, 1916.

NO. 2

SIGMA CHAPTER (Harvard University) Sitting left to right: M. W. Clair, Treas., L. D. Turner, Chaplain, F. A. Myers, J. D. McClenden, President, A. A. Pope, A. H. Tavernier, Secretary, E. H. Crampton, Corresponding Secretary Standing left to right: J. S. Mitchell, A. B. Nutt, I. R. Berry, B. J. Bibb, M. L. Lewis, J. C. Hixson. W. A. Dart, H. W. Brown, J. A. Norris and J. W. Nutt, Jr. Standing top row left to right: L. C. Tyree and E. W. Baxter A BRIEF HISTORY OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY. By Chas. H. Garvin, General President 1912 and 1913Whenever bodies of men have been gathered together more or less permanently, they have tended to separate into groups based upon kindred tastes, aims, interests and ideals. This has been manifested from time immemorial. Nations and clans had their beginning in this way. Especially so has this been the case in the formation of college Greek letter fraternities, thus Alpha Phi Alpha had its beginning. It sprung up to meet a growing need

among Negro college men. This growing need was a closer bond among Negro college men scattered throughout this continent. W e are going to tell you of this organization that had its beginning only a few years ago, but shall have its ending only when there ceases to throb within the hearts of men those basic principles upon which Alpha Phi Alpha was founded. It hardly seems possible that an organization, with a scattered membership, could grow within the few years of its existence from seven members to an organization of more than five hundred members, from one Chapter, local in scope, to nearly a score of Chapters,



united under a general constitution. The history of Alpha Phi Alpha, like a number of its early efforts at extension, is not an extensive one, nor are the records either copious or enlightening. However, what few facts have been gathered from various sources may interest you. The early history of Alpha Chapter is the beginning of Alpha Phi Alpha. The Alpha Chapter is a direct outgrowth of a social and literary organization founded by the Negro students, male and female, at Cornell University. The purpose of this society or club was entirely social and literary. The club met every Friday evening. The original male membership of this organization consisted of C. C. Poindexter, Geo. B. Kelley, Vertner W . Tandy, H. A. Callis, W. A. Murray, Chas. H. Chapman and Robert Ogle. It was not the object of the prime movers of this society to extend beyond the shores of the Cayuga, nor to have its influence extend beyond graduation. Examination of the records show that the newly formed society was slow in developing. Because of the difficulty the literary society had in maintaining friendly and harmonious feelings among the members, the organization was disbanded by the withdrawal of some of the members. The men who thus withdrew formed a social club composed of men only. The first record of the existence of this club was a meeting held on October 16, 1906. On October 23, 1906, the following week, Robert Ogle proposed the colors—old gold and black— as the club colors. It was also moved at this meeting by George B. Kelley that the club be known by the Greek letters, Alpha Phi Alpha. Thus shall we regard October 23,

1906, as the real day of birth of Alpha Phi Alpha, and George B. Kelley as the father. (To be continued.)


In the December number of the Sphinx we called your attention to the Beta Home Fund. We hope that you have not forgotten the proposition. Refer to your December Sphinx, and respond to this plea. Beta must have a home! You are out in the "world" now, meeting with success, and you can easily afford $5 a year, especially when it means that Beta will own a home. This applies not only to Alumni of 1915, who started the fund, but to all Alumni, honorary and non-resident members. It is but a small sacrifice. Make your check payable to Geo. W. Cook, Treasurer Beta Home Fund, and send it in. If you will only send your $5 it will be a success. Just figure how much fifty $5 checks will amount to— why $250. In four years this will be $1,000, and this does not take into consideration the increase because of graduates. In four years Beta could make an initial payment on a home, and the rent the active members pay could help pay the balance. Remember, Alumni 1915, you took an oath to send $5, and it became due in January. Support this proposition. Yours in A <J> A, BOARD O F D I R E C T O R S . James W. Parker, M. D., Secretary; Chas. H. Garvin, M. D., Chairman; Geo. W. Cook, Treasurer; Howard H. Long, Secretary for Class 1915.




Dear Brother Editor: It is the acute concern of the present administraion that delinquent Chapters be revived. What is needed, it would seem, is intensive, as well as extensive, work, and perhaps a dash more of the former than tfhe latter. The proverbial weak link in the chain finds something of an analogy in the reverse of this proposition. But our task is not to make the members see the importance of this procedure as an objective reality. They see it surely enough. Indeed, the real danger lies in the fact that too often repetition of the idea in varying terms and on various occasions may have robbed it of its meaning and effective toning. If so, we have a static thing as nauseating as the unholy pretentions of uprightness, which are but hollow sounds of the callous hypocrite. Let us not fall into the vulgar rut. Rather let us ponder the situation until we realize it and feel moved to write a letter to some brother in a delinquent Chapter and urge him to do what he can to promote a revival of his Chapter. Often a word of encouragement or a suggestion of our expectations of these delinquent brethren will work remarkably. The feeling of isolation tends to take away responsibility and to shear them of hope. They need touch and rapport with the aggregate spirit of the numerous members. Shall we who are in the tide of the spirit let others perish who can so easily be supplied? Let us have your answer at the General Convention in Richmond Christmas. Fraternally yours, H. H. LONG, General President.


AN O P E N L E T T E R TO ALL T H E B R O T H E R S OF T H E ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY. Dear Brothers: First, I wish to thank all the brothers for the confidence they have imposed in me to look after their business. This is, indeed, a heavy office. I am convinced by this time that it requires all the time I can possibly give to it. Thus I seek your aid in attending to its many duties. Kindly answer my letters at once, and then I have some basis to go on. Often the reply to some other Chapter will depend on what word I get from another. Then, you are the cause of the delay of others save yourself. In my second circular letter to you I promised you the minutes on April ist. Now, as a matter of fact, not one Chapter has told me the number of copies they want. The printer has notified me to come for the work, but how many will I need? I had a very hard time getting Chapter directories. Some, in fact, have not sent them in yet. To me that is loose business. Tighten up, Mr. Chapter Secretary, or you will not advance the interest of your Chapter as you have been intrusted to do. By the time this issue of the Sphinx reaches you I am in hopes of having all supplied with Shingles and Pass Cards. In case there is a brother in your Chapter without one, kindly send me the information needed, and I will send one by return mail. I wish each Chapter Secretary would' •.•rite me at least once each month. I am anxious to hear from you, and as to the activities of your Chapter. Also, give me any information they may pos-



sess in regards to inactive Chapters and extension work. The following Chapters at present are inactive: Alpha Alumni, Alpha Lambda, Delta, Iota, Mu, Theta, and Lambda. Anyone with any information as to any brother in the instituions where these Chapters are located will please write direct to this office. We want to put each Chapter back on the active list once more. Please lend us whatever aid you can. I advise all to begin thinking now of the Grand Tax for this year. It is as well to send it in before this season closes. I will write you all from time to time in regard to it. You are aware of the fact, no doubt, we wish to collect $1,000 this year. Can we do it? We can if each brother will do his part. Will you do yours ? I thank you for your patience. I am certain I will have your hearty cooperation in the above-mentioned duties, and look forward to one of the most successful years of our fraternity. Will be glad to hear from any of the brothers at any time. Fraternally yours, GEO. P. 1IINTON, General Secretary. CONSTRUCTION. It is with much regret the Secretary finds so many inactive and dead Chapters. The situation is far more distressing on a close investigation than at first sight. Something must be done to aid this condition. We must all pull together and work to one end. I am particularly anxious that we should restore as many of the inactive Chapters to the active list as possible 'this year. We have added a new Chapter, it is true, but look at the large inactive list once, and all our exultation is short lived.

I trust that each brother in the fraternity will write direct to any member of the following' mentioned Chapters, in school or out, and also advise the Secretary of the brother's name and address, so that he may get some line of action established. At this writing we find from the minutes of the last General Convention the following Chapters as inactive or not represented: Alpha Alumni, Alpha Lambda. Delta, Iota, Mu, Theta. and Lambda. Since the convention we have been able to establish communication with Mu. However, the remainder have not seen lit to answer our letters or else they have not received them. In the case of Helta, and Eota, we have no address of any member of their Chapter or anyone now in schoo.l In conclusion, we wish to say, our fraternity will grow only as fast and as large as each will take the fraternal matters to heart. We must each invest ourselves enough to see that all Chapters, thrive and prosper. Let us assume an air of brothers and see that we are our brother's keeper. When we do this with all our power and energy then we will have no more inactive Chapters and the limit of our expan•on will be infinite. Any information from any brother will be gladly appreciated by this office. The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. GEO. I'. H I N T O N , General Secretary. In our "Chapter News" of the last issue we unmistakably classified Adolphus 1 lodge as an Alumnus member of Beta. Brother \<. A. Meyers, Sophomore of Harvard Medical School, recently won a scholarship of $125 offered by his department.




often because they lack business a p t i t u d e s , such as close a t t e n t i o n t o one's P u b l i s h e d Q u a r t e r l y by t h e A l p h a P h i business, p u n c t u a l i t y in business eng a g e m e n t s and q u i c k n e s s in dispatch Alpha Fraternity of business thai calls for immediate atP r i n t e d a t W a s h i n g t o n , DÂŤ C tentii in. 11 is to be r e g r e t t e d t h a t the m e m EDITORIAL STAFF bers of Alpha I'hi A l p h a m u s t be Editor-in-Chief W. A. Pollard placed u n d e r this category a n d be s t i g BUSINESS STAFF matized a m o n g those who have not as yet acquired the fundamental princiT H E P R I N T I N G COMMITTEE ples which go to m a k e up an exemEditor-in-Chief, Chairman plary m a n h o o d . Before we can r i g h t l y Ralph J. Y o u n g (Beta) r e g a r d ourselves as the beacon-light of ' J . P- S a m p s o n ( B e t a ) o u r less fortunate b r e t h r e n we m u s t Subscription $ 1.00 Year learn to keep our business p r o m i s e s This publication is in/ended for members of the a n d tO fulfill, with p r o m p t n e s s , o u r Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity only) business obligations. Address a!l communications to < me can hardly realize how m u c h h e The Editor-in-Chief can impede the whole m a c h i n e r y of an APRIL, 1916 ' organization if he fails to c o m p l y w i t h the r e q u e s t s for information which it is EDITORIALS. his duty to furnish. N o r do we s t o p (>ur intellectual attainment, great as to consider the breach of d u t y w e it may be, will avail us n o u g h t if the commit when we neglect to fulfill o u r m e d i u m t h r o u g h which it is to m a k e duties a c c o r d i n g to the e x p e c t a t i o n of itself felt is surely deficient. T h e r e is those w h o have i n t r u s t e d us w i t h the p e r h a p s no g r e a t e r asset to the suc- m a n a g e m e n t of their affairs. T h e secretaries a n d o t h e r officers of cessful career of any business m a n than his "'business ability." In this the various C h a p t e r s do not consider for a m o m e n t how m u c h they can great age of s h a r p competition often we find k n o w l e d g e s t r u g g l i n g for ex- t h w a r t the plans and h a m p e r the maistence. while ignorance is b e a m i n g in chinery of the whole fraternity w h e n prosperity. W h e n we review condi- they fail to a n s w e r letters sent to t h e m for information of general i m p o r t a n c e . tions carefully we observe the cause of the failure on the one hand a n d the rea- It is not u n u s u a l for letters a s k i n g for son i><v the success on the other. W e i m m e d i a t e reply to be delayed weeks likewise observe that no one, be his before they are given a t t e n t i o n , a n d n o t conditions what they m a y , cannot hope infrequently Mich letters are n e v e r anto succeed in any enterprise if there be swered. As a result, t h e r e is a general not in him those sterling qualities tardiness r u n n i n g t h r o u g h the b u s i n e s s which will r e c o m m e n d him to his fel- of the fraternity in every d e p a r t m e n t of low-men as well as invite their atten- the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . tion and p a t r o n a g e . It is absolutely impossible for the.


T o o often the b u s i n e s s and pro sional men of our race fail, not because they are intellectually deficient, but

General < )fficers to perform t h e i r d u t i e s satisfactorily if their letters sent to t h e C h a p t e r s are not given due recognition.



We, therefore, urge each Chapter to impress upon its officers the necessity of giving prompt attention to their duties and, above all, insist upon their replying promptly to the business that concerns the body fraternal. The evil effects of such dilatoriness, though detrimental to the business interests of the fraternity, react with a still greater disastrous effect upon the individual, for, in the meantime, he is cultivating habits that may mean his failure through life. If we are to be the leaders of our people—if we expect to become the beacon-light of our less fortunate brethren—we must, while in school, cultivate reliable business habits, so that when we have launched out into a more exact field of activity, we might be able to hold our places and wield the influence that becomes our situation. TO T H E ALUMNI. The lack of interest manifested by the Alumni of Alpha Phi Alpha in the fraternity is not only surprising, but very lamentable, indeed. The most important cause of such a state of affairs is no doubt due to the urgent necessity of getting a start and keeping the wolf from the door in the great struggle with the outside world. And when the thoughts of the welfare of Alpha Phi Alpha should, perchance, recur to the mind, the sense of the duty shirkers would be consoled by the idea that the affairs of the fraternity were in competent hands. In the hearts of many who for such cause have been constrained from lending active support to the fraternity, the love of Alpha Phi Alpha still burns, lying dormant now, however, but, when awakened, will send forth a greater, nobler flame. There is another class of our Alum-

ni, however, whose attitude is solely to be deplored. It seems incredible that any Alpha Phi Alpha man would feel that the fraternity was good enough for them as college youths, but now that they have gone forth in the wide, wide wmld, to meet their destinies, it ill becomes their dignity to retain the interest in the organization. They regard Alpha Phi Alpha as, perhaps, aiding in the fuller enjoyment of their college days—very fine, indeed, for those in college, and for such alone. To them Alpha Phi Alpha is strictly for the undergraduate. Such men, of course, have either missed the spirit and aim of the fraternity, or else were mistaken as to its purpose. I can see why a man who has no desire for the unselfish love and brotherly companionship of his peers has no love for Alpha Phi Alpha. I can also realize why a man devoid of interest in the advancement of his race should consider Alpha Phi Alpha a nice college social organization. But how a man having passed the censorship of all the members of his Chapter, and having been taught the true meaning of Alpha Phi Alpha, should deem it unworthy of the vital interest and support of one gaining or attempting to gain success in the world at large, is beyond my understanding. There may be several ideas of Alpha Phi Alpha prevalent, so those who feel as I feel will pardon me for reviewing a few of the salient features of the fraternity as I see them. The first,aim of Alpha Phi Alpha is to select such men as are not only above the average in intelligence, but who are, above all else, true gentlemen. To the extent that the undergraduate body is successful in the selection of its members will the fraternity attain its second goal— that of disseminating an undying spirit



unbreakable bond of brotherly love, the flower of our race, what a beautiful goal would it have set for itself. No man knows all that was in the minds of the immortal six of Ithaca, yet we do know that the best and most intelligent, in practically every community, have the greatest and most enduring influence. Having then welded into one strong body the brains of the race, Alpha Phi Alpha attempts to fully emancipate the downtrodden millions and lead the twenty millions of tomorrow to an abiding place in the history of this great United States.


port, none capable of greater good for the future of the American Negro. F. H. M I L L E R , Chairman Alumni Committee.


Fellow Alumni, arouse yourself from your lethargy. Aim for the highest pinnacle in your profession. Make as much money as you please, but crush the selfishness and sordid materialism that would destroy the fine flower sown in the heart by the spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha. There is nothing greater than love. God Himself is love, with which our race is not superabundantly supplied. Do not allow your nature to become warped. Cultivate rather than permit to perish the seed sown in your college days. Get into communication with your Chapters. Give them the benefit of your knowledge of human nature. Warn them to select men who are neither mollycoddles nor reprobates. Bar all whom no one would feel free to hail as brother. The crying need of our race is just such a spirit as Alpha Phi Alpha would cultivate. Every day I see the hell-spawn of the Bourbon South spread its peacock feathers of "White Blood," and were their intelligence enough, and the Alpha Phi Alpha spirit, as I see it, there would be no need for obesiance.

ALPHA CHAPTER. Dear Brothers—Greetings: At present Alpha Chapter is experiencing the best days of her existence. There is no discord among the brothers and all are working diligently towards next fall's house proposition. Alpha has started a house fund. A general letter has been sent to all Alpha Alumni- who could be located, seeking their views upon our house proposition. Subscriptions have already been received. We have been surprised by the many favorable responses to our Alumni letter. All the brothers are now working on an entertainment to be given May 4th at one of the local churches, the proceeds going to the house fund. A oneact farce and chorus will be Alpha's contribution. Alpha was tendered a Leap Year reception by the fair sex of Ithaca. Bro. R. H. Ogle, one of our founders, has gone to live in New York City. Bro. George H. Fletcher, honorary, has secured a position in one of the large white insurance companies of Newark, N. J. Alpha is working hard on a code for our ritual. On other pages will be found Alpha's contribution to the A-Phi-A Song Book. Fraternally yours, A. P. C H I P P E Y .

Would that I could make you all feel as I feel, that there is no organization to which we owe greater allegiance, none more worthy of our active sup-

To the Editor: W e have discussed the delivery of the Sphinx in the past, and we now



believe that we can do two things by this suggestion: (a) Diminish the cost of postage; (b) relieve you from some of your responsibility in the delivery of the paper. W e would suggest that, instead of sending a separate Sphinx to each brother in our Chapter, send them all in one package to the Associate Editor, who will deliver them either before or at the time of the weekly meeting. This would diminish the cost of postage, because, if one package was sent to us, the cost would not be more than six cents, while if sent to our fifteen brothers individually, would cost fifteen cents. Of course, there is only nine cents saved, but if this amount could be saved from each Chapter, you would acknowledge a fairly round sum before long. It would also make the Associate Editor semi-responsible for the delivery of the papers, thus localizing the present defect. Fraternally yours, A R T H U R P. C H I P P E Y . SONGS SUBMITTED BY ALPHA. FRATERNITY SONG. Tune of Cornell's Alma Mater or Anna Lisle. All thru life our love shall strengthen For our Alpha P h i ; Our allegiance shall not weaken It can never die. Chorus: A-Phi-A forever, E'en till death or never, All our sons shall be; We have pledged our full devotion To our Fraternity. But our bonds cannot be broken, We are true A-Phis, Naught but death our love shall sever, And our sacred ties. —A. P. Chippey.

ALPHA CHAPTER SONG. Tune of Cornell's Evening Song. Sons of Alpha Phi are we, One in love and charity, When in life we are apart Songs of Alpha cheer our hearts. Chorus: Courage, brother, banded we All through life to eternity; Let our hearts in joyous praise Sing of Alpha through endless days. When the evening shadows fall Sombre hued o'er us all, Let all thoughts of sadness flee For our own, our Alpha Phi. —Written by J. P. Boags and R. H. Ogle (Founders). BETA—HOWARD UNIVERSITY. With the advent of spring, fresh fraternal spirit has come to the brothers of Beta. The boys are not only applying themselves diligently to their school work, but are earnestly looking after their fraternal obligations about the Chapter House. The tennis court is being whipped into shape by our enthusiasts of that sport. The grounds, too, are not being slighted in the spring clean-up. On Saturday evening, March 18th, we had a "smoker" at the Chapter House. Informal speeches were heard, songs were sung, and, in short, Alpha Phi Alpha spirit was rekindled. We were especially glad to have so many of our Alumni members present. On March 25th, the University Dramatic Club presented its annual play at the Howard Theatre. Bro. Merrill Curitis, in the title role of the play, "Herod," acquitted himself most pleasingly before the public and was the recipient of much favorable criticism. Bro. E. B. Stone, manager of the 'Varsity 1916 baseball team, has just



returned with his team from, a very successful trip of fourteen days through the South. Shortly after the mammoth indoor track meet, held in Convention Hall on February 25th, Bro. Sampson was elected captain of the 1916 'Varsity track team, which succeeded in capturing both the collegiate and open trophies offered at this meet. We are, indeed, proud of the increased interest manifested in our Sunday morning prayer meetings, and we are exceptionally proud of the religious spirit they have awakened. Several of our brothers rendered a program at the Eighth Street Social Center a few weeks ago. Beta is thus extending her fraternal spirit beyond her own portals. At our last meeting, April 12th, we decided to have our annual spring dance on Easter Monday night. The boys are eagerly looking forward to this occasion with great expectation, for we feel that this spring's social will be even more successful than our last formal dance. Bro. Garvin and Bro. Hunt presented two caps and gowns to the Chapter, one to be used each year by the member of the Senior Class of the College Department who shall have attained the highest average over 80 per cent during his four years of scholastic study in that department; the other is to be used by the brother of the Senior Class of the Medical School who attains the highest average in that school of any brother in his class. At our last meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing years: President, Bro. William A. Pollard. Vice President, Bro. N. O. Goodloe. Secretary, Bro. D. J. Firse. Corresponding Secretary, Bro. J. P.


Sampson. Treasurer, Bro. R. J. Young. House Manager, Bro. Clayborne George. Steward, Bro. Stratton. Assistant Steward, Bro. Robinson. Chaplain, Bro. J. H. Brooks. Members of the Board: Bro. Middleton, Bro. Bagley and Bro. Piper. On the night of April 19th we are to initiate three candidates into the sacred brotherhood of Alpha Phi Alpha. Bro. Harper has returned to his home in Iowa on account of ill health. W e wish him a speedy recovery and are expecting him to be with us as usual this fall. Bro. Temple, our prize orator and a member of the Howard-Atlanta Debating Team, left for Atlanta at a late hour on the night of April 12th. The team arrived in Atlanta about 7 p. m. the following evening, with barely time to reach the debating platform. However, they succeeded in obtaining a unanimous decision over the Atlanta boys. During the past two months we have had the following visitors: Brothers 'Johnson of Gamma, Bishop of Zeta. Hill and Williams of Nu. The Corresponding Secretary has sent out to all Alumni and non-resident members of Beta lists of their indebtedness to their Chapter. We especially desire these members not to neglect \ •their fraternal obligations, and to pay up as soon as possible. Will the aforementioned members please inform the Corresponding Secretary of any change of address that should occur, so that no one would miss a single issue of the Sphinx. If you should know of any brother who does not get the Sphinx, please inform us of said brother, as we want every Alpha Phi Alpha man to keep'in touch with the


)0 progress of the organization. Fraternally yours,

JOHN P. SAMPSON. GAMMA. Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha—Greetings: By the time you shall have read this Gamma will have completed her spring initiation. About midnight, Saturday, April 8th, six goats will have finished the harrowing circuit of mystery. The prospective victims are J. M. Ellison, '17; M. H. Vann, '17; T. W. M. Crowder, '17; D. W. Davis, '18; C. H. Carroll, '18, and T. L. Puryear, '18. The undergraduate and alumni brothers were entertained on Thursday evening, April 6th, by Bros. A. Manning, L. L. McGee, and I. DeWitt Canada, who have recently adopted the nomenclature, "Kingsley Suite.'" This pseudo name is derived from the fact that they occupy a suite of rooms in Kingsley Flail. A very pleasant evening was spent by the brothers. Bro. Beale Elliott, originally of this Chapter, lint now affiliated with Zeta Chapter as an alumnus member, visited our university home a few days ago. The brothers were, indeed, glad to exchange greetings with Pro. Elliott. In giving the whereabouts of our alumni members in the. last edition the name of Bro. K. C. Manning was unintentionally omitted. Bro. Manning is reflecting credit upon his alma mater and his fraternity by the excellent work he is accomplishing as principal of Northern Neck Academy, Ivondale, Va. Not only is Principal Manning a most valuable asset to the institution, a,s such, but his sterling service in the community is felt and appreciated by the entire county. We are expecting a pleasant meeting

and chat with Bro. Clarence Cameron White, when he appears in a recital here on April 26th. The Chapter is striving hard to reach the point when every brother shall possess a fraternity pin. Yours for the further fostering of .Alpha Phi Alpha spirit. Fraternally yours,

KAPPA CHAPTER—COLUMBUS, OHIO. Brothers ' of the Alpha Phi Alpha— It gives us no small degree of pleasure and pride to be so addressing an 01 ganization of young men of such calibre as we know Alpha Phi Alphaites to be. We read with interest the tine Chapter letters and editorials contained in the last issue of the Sphinx. We derived much inspiration from the news of what our Alumni brothers are doing out in the world, and we resolved to add to the sum total of noble achievements for the coming year by doing the most and the best within our power for the glory of our noble organization. Kappa has started the new year by outlining a constructive and progressive policy. Already we have many worthy achievements to our credit within this community, and have launched several movements which, we hope, will prove of benefit both to ourselves and the community. We have here at Ohio State what is known as the intramural system of athletics. Each student gets a chance at competitive games. Heretofore all fraternities but our own have been officially represented by a team in the spring meets. This spring, under the spirited leadership of President Ferguson, Alpha Phi Alpha will be represented by a relay team.



Just at present we have a proposition submitted by one of our brethren whereby we shall take the initiative in forming the various young people's societies of our city churches into a central organization. In accomplishing this we shall have done a great deal in adding to that already exalted esteem in which Alpha Phi Alpha men are held throughout the country. Our Glee Club is rehearsing for a concert to be given in one of the larg est halls of the city on May 5th. The university musical conductor is our sponsor. Next year we hope to be comfortably and happily housed in our own home, and so gain exceedingly in the unity, brotherhood and progress that come from intimate personal contact with brethren. Our honorary members, of whom there are five located in Columbus, are marking the trail which we shall have to follow when we get out into the world. Their achievements are constant sources of encouragement and inspiration to us. Drs. Woodlin, Method and Johnson are men who would do honor to any organization by having their names connected therewith, and the public benefactions of Attorneys King and Godman are well known in this community as conducive to the progress of our people. All of the above-mentioned men are public spirited and dynamic forces in the uplift and progress of this community, and we are proud to have their names upon our roll. We have two Alumni members in the city—Dr. E. P. Simonds, proprietor of the Long Street Pharmacy is a charter member of Kappa. He conducts a high-class pharmacy and fulfils an economic and social function with his improved methods and scientific

management. He is replete with the Alpha Phi Alpha spirit, and his enthusiasm never lags. We congratulate ourselves upon still having him in our midst as collaborator and adviser. Dr. Roy C. Carter conducts an up-to-date modern dental establishment on Fifth street, near the Y. M. C. A. He is a progressive brother, and his improved dental methods are being remarked upon favorably by his patrons. Bro. Nimrod B. Allen, who came to us from Zeta, is proving his sterling worth by his efficient, progressive administration of the Spring Street Y. M. C. A. Bro. Allen has made his Y. M. C. A. one of the positive social betterment factors in the city. He has brought many highclass artists to the city and has enlarged both the membership and plant of his association. He is of great aid to us in all things that make for brotherliness, virtue, co-operation and progress. Our president, Dan Ferguson, is a man among Alpha Phi Alpha men. He has been on the track team for three years, and this year was chosen class orator over one of the mdst popular fellows in school. We shall be sorry to lose him by graduation this spring, as he undoubtedly will leave us. C. R. Lewis, our ex-president, who graduates in medicine; C. P. Henderson, in law; F. W. Wand, in Veterinary Medicine; and Albert S. Beacan and G. A. Mundy. in arts, are loyal, substantial Alpha Phi Alpha men and we predict for them a mark in the world. On Sunday, March 19th, Bro. Judkins, Epsilon Alumnus, was in the city. He was the guest of Bro. Mundy. Bro. Judkins is a member of the Alumni Committee, and says that that committee will have a favorable report for the General Convention. Prof. Kelly Miller delivered a lecture



in Columbus, April 6th. After the lecture Prof. Miller (honorary Beta) was our guest (Kappa) at a banquet in the Cafeteria, Spring Street Y. M. C. A. On Friday night, March 24th, we initiated into the mystical and sacred secrets of Alpha 1'hi Alpha six new men. These men have already shown their fitness to wear the badge of fraternalism, as exemplified by Alpha Phi Alpha, and we are glad to welcome them to the true path, to the light. .Much credit belongs to our worthy editor of the Sphinx for so soon executing the improvements suggested at the General Convention. May he advance to the highest rung of perfection the work thus far so nobly advanced by Bros. Cannon and McGhee, and may the Sphinx be as a fountain of light whereby each Chapter can obtain the spark of fraternalism. W A Y N E L. H O P K I N S . NU CHAPTER. Dear Brothers: The spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha is blazing forth like a noonday sun and apathy is fading like a mist before it. During the past two months the members of NTu Chapter have participated in every phase of collegiate activity. Furthermore, those who fly the colors of the fraternity have outstripped all other competitors. Bro. Goss continues in his role as a brilliant and consistent basket-ball player. On the diamond Bro. Muir has again resumed his task of managing the team. Bros. "Bob" Lockett, "Dick" Lockett and "Lucy" Wyatt are gradually rounding into form, and the gridiron next fall should again find favor under the leadership of Bro. D. G. 11 ill. manager, and Bro. T. T. Tilden, assistant manager. On the rostrum, Bros. C. W. Wood, H. B. Burton and P. L. Edwoods were

SPHINX three of the four senior orators who were sent to West Chester, Pa., to represent the Senior Class. The judges awarded Bro. Edwoods the first prize. Then, on March 1 ith, when these three Alpha Phi Alpha men, along with Bro. W. E. Smith, were among the twelve competitors in the annual Senior Oratorical Contest at Lincoln University, Bro. C. W. Wood won, while Bro. Edwoods was given third place. Not to be outdone, Bros. Boulware and Chamberlain, the only Nu men entered, were chosen among the first six Junior orators to declaim on commencement morning. Bro. S. G. Smith has charge of the entire campus. He is Lincoln's Superintendent of Public Instruction. Bro. Izzy Brown lias a half interest in the University Supply Store and is known as the "Sunburnt Yiddisher" of this institution. The triumvirate which gives Nu her greatest dignity consists of Bros. Frank C. Shirley, Dubois Muir, and Jessie Beble Barber. They are A. B. men and regular instructors on the Faculty. Although our debating teams' did not bring back the laurel wreath, yet we feel doubly proud of their performances. First, because they were Lincolnites, and conscientious workers, and, secondly, because three of the four men, namely, Bros. Wood, Burton, and Hill, were Alpha Phi Alpha men. One of the alternates, Bro. Edwoods. was from Nu. Two of the four speakers at the Theological Commencement are members of Nu, namely, Bros. J. C. Cooper and

F. C. Shirley. I "our of our pledged members were piloted across the River Styx on April 3, 1916. And, despite the fact that waters were a trifle warm and rough, nevertheless they reached the other



side. The doomed were Bros. J. E. Williams, J. W. Barrett, J. B. Barber, and F. J. Hutchins. Alter the strenuous portion of the program was performed, refreshments were served and a short entertainment ensued. The Senior Class selected Bro. C. A. Lewis. M. !)., to respond to the toast to the Alumni at the annual banquet. The aforementioned individual is the leading member of Rho's Chanter and one of the foremost Negro professional men in the State of Pennsylvania. lie loves Alpha Phi Alpha and shows great consideration to visiting brethren who call at his office. Bro. T. T. Tilden. the manager of the University Glee Club, received innumerable glowing tributes for his excellent services in that capacity. While Bro. J. B. Barber won a host of friends by means of his melodious tenor voice. The Faculty gave three of the four appointments to the Class of 1916 to Alpha Phi Alpha men. Brother P. L. Edwoods was awarded the Latin Salutatory, while Bros. Wood and Burton were chosen as commencement orators. P. L. E D W O O D S , '16. PI CHAPTER. Dear Brothers: Pi Chapter wishes to introduce little Frank II. Weaver, Jr., born recently to Dr. and Mrs. Frank II. Weaver, of this city. At our midyear initiation, Clarence F. Cheeks, Dental, '17, and Perry B. Jackson, Law, '21, became brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha. Both stood the ordeal bravely and give promise of becoming two of our most valued members. Daniel Fairfax, W. R. U., and Ernest Jackson, O. S. U., were made honorary members of Pi. Bro. H. Ardine Leatherman, who was very sick during the winter, is



much improved. Bro. Leatherman is studying Electricity at Purdue University.. Bro. Q: F .Montgomery, of Illinois, reports good health and good fellowship. We have to take the classroom work for granted. ( >n a recent Friday evening the boys helped Bro. Morgan initiate his new and spacious factory. All we need to say is that none of the essentials of a real stag party was missing. On the resignation of Bro. Rufus Carr, Bro. C. E. Cheeks, 2335 East Eighty-seventh street, has been elected Secretary (if Pi. Fraternally yours, A. G. EVANS.

FHO CHAPTER—PA. MEDICOCHIRURGICAL COLLEGE. Rho Chapter is getting ready for its spring initiation, which is to be the largest and most impressive we have yet held. Among the successful candidates are some very promising undergraduates and some successful professional men. Bro. G. Ernest Robinson, M. D., is a staff member at the Douglass Hospital (Philadepliia), and chief of the Outpatient Genito-Urinary Clinic. He is also making good in private practice, having a large clientele. Bro. T. T. Nichols, M. D., president of Rho Chapter, is private medical attendant to Senator Llenry George. Rho Chapter would like to have itN known that it would like to act as host to the General Convention in 1917. The City of Philadelphia offers many advantages: besides being conveniently situated and about equi-distant from all Chapters, it is a great historic and educational center. There are also a number of very prosperous Alumni members in this city. Bro. Leonidas Crogman, D. D. S.,



has opened an office in a large officebuilding in Atlanta, Ga., and reports that he is meeting with success. Bro. Clarence S. Janifer, M. D., of Beta, is chief resident physician at the Mercy Hospital and is under the watchful care of Rho. Bro. Chas. S. Wilkinson comes to us from Gamma. He is studying pharmacy at Temple University (Philadelphia), and is making good. Respectfully submitted, DeHAVEN HINKSON.

Having begun, the ceremonies were conducted in a systematic and expeditious manner, and the brothers, young and old, adjourned newly inspired and more determined than ever to make Rho Chapter, though in its infancy, give a good account of itself and to work for the advancement of Alpha Phi Alpha locally and universally. The following were added to our Chapter by affiliation or initiation: Bro. Chas. S. Wilkinson, from Gamma, who affiliated and is now taking pharmacy at Temple University, Philadelphia. Our spring initiation was an event Bro. T. Spotuas Burwell, A. B., long to be remembered in the annals M. D., graduate Jefferson Medical Colof Rho Chapter. It was noteworthy lege (1907). from the standpoint of the wealth of Bro. Isaac M. Lawrence, D. D. S., material acquired. Men who stand graduate Howard University (1909). high—high in their community and in Bro. G. Alvin Jenkins, D. D. S., gradtheir respective professions •— were uate Philadelphia Dental College deemed worthy of the signal honor of (I9I3)having the rites of the fraternity adBro. Raymond H. Rodgers, P. D., ministered to them. graduate Philadelphia College of PharLikewise, undergraduates, who must macy (1912). guide the destinies of Rho's ship of These were all made honorary memstate when we have passed from active bers. service, were made a part of us. And Bro. Augustus T. Granger, Dental last, but not least, brethren, learned in School, University of Pennsylvania the workings of Alpha Phi Alpha, com- (1916). ing from front line Chapters to colleges Bro. A. Raymond Thomas, College in tlris city to complete their school of Arts and Science, University of careers, brought with them their cre- Pennsylvania (1920). dentials in order that they might affiliThe last two were made active memate with Rho. These brethren, too, are bers. very valuable acquisitions and will Should the proposed merger of the greatly increase our efficiency. University of Pennsylvania Medical The impressiveness of the occasion School with the Medico-Chirurgical was well worthy of note. We have not College be effected, Rho's chances for the slightest hesitancy in stating that a "frat" house will be greatly enthe "impressions" made on that mem- hanced, as heretofore the studentorable night were profound, lasting, brothers of one school have had to live and for good. in one part of the city and those of the For the assistance of Bro. Clarence other school in another, making it difS. Janifer, M. D. (Beta), Bro. Charles ficult for them to maintain a house. S. Wilkinson (Gamma), and Bro. Jas. Respectfully submitted, A. Creditt (Nu) we are very grateful. DeHAVEN HINKSON.



N O T E — N h e History sent in by Rho will appear in our next issue.


vard University. This worthy dream has become a glowing reality, for Sigma, established, as she was, under such favorable circumstances, bespeaks OMICRON. Omicron wishes to announce the much for the work at hand and foresuccess of Bro. James Burwell at the tokens great accomplishments for the track meet of the A. A. U. Middle At- future. We realize that these days of lantic meet, which was held in Motor Sigma are days of beginnings, but in Square Garden on March 21, 191O. the larger sense they are days of the The "great runner," as the newspapers continuance and development of a call him, not only had the satisfaction Strong brotherhood that will inspire of defeating two of the bitterest rivals, and instruct not only our own day and Carroll and Gano, but broke the Mid- generation, but thousands yet unborn. dle Atlantic record for 50 yards indoor In these trying days, may Cod give us when he stepped the distance in the the power, the insight, and the courfast time of 5 3-5 seconds, in the mile age to lead the race on to greater hurelay Burwell, in spite of a mishap at man endeavor. The following are the names of the the start, handed his teammate a good men who were duly initiated into the five yards. W e have just pledged four new men secrets of the fraternity: ' M. L. Lewis, Harvard University whom we consider as being the best for Alpha Phi Alpha from our univer- Law School. B. J. Bibb, Harvard University Law sity stock. These men are Messrs. A. V. Nutt, Harvard University Law Chas. W. Florence, College, '18, a forSchool. mer school instructor and a gold medal H. W. Brown, Harvard University man on the University of Pittsburgh debating team, and one who has shown Craduate School. David M. Scott. Tuft Medical School. remarkable ability in the intercollegiate E. W. Baxter, Harvard Dental contests of the various Eastern colleges. Wm. Curtis, Engineering. ' l 8 ; School. Lewis C. Tyree, Harvard Law Wm. Brown, Junior, College, '19, and I. R. Berry, Boston University R. Brown, College, '19. School of Theology. Since the Alumni movement was William A. Dart, Boston University given such an impetus at the last Convention we have caught the spirit and I,aw School. now have at hand tentative plans F< ir John W. Nutt, Jr., Boston University associating with ourselves the best oi Law School. the numerous Alumni whom we have J. S. Mitchell, Boston University in Pittsburgh from numerous colleges Law School. of the East. Fraternally, Judson C. Hixson, Boston UniverW R A Y M. BANKS. sity Law School. J. A. Norris, Boston University Law SIGMA—HARVARD U N I V E R S I T Y School. At a recent meeting held in Boston It has long been the fond hope of the in protest against segregation, Sigma Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity to witness was well represented by Bros. McClenthe establishment of a Chapter at Har- don, Clair, Bibb and Lewis. Bro. Mc-




Clendon presided with dignity and in a manner worthy of a judge. Rev. Bro. Clair offered prayer and the benediction. Bros. Lewis and Bibb stirred the heart of every person present by their eloquence. So moved was the audience by these speakers that the auditorium fairly rang with applause. General President 11. II. Long and Bro. Benjamin Waits, both of Clark University. Worcester, were present at our initiation. Bro. Long made a few inspiring remarks after the ceremonies of that dark and awful night. Bro Prof, Clarence White was also present and favored us with an address. Rev. Bro. "Preacher" Wright, formerly pastor of the Congregation Church a: Haverhill, Mass., is now located at Hartford, Conn. Bro. Wright is an Alumnus member of Beta Chapter. He is a strong and promising clergyman. Bro. F. A. Meyers, Sophomore in Harvard Medical School, recently won a scholarship of $125. He won the same scholarship last year. At the communion service held at Charles Street A. M. E. Church, Boston, on February 1st, Bros. I. R. Berry and E. H. Crampton preached in the morning and evening, respectively. The new members of Sigma are showing the true Alpha Phi Alpha spirit. The fraternity and all that it stands for have already found a warm place in each heart. There is talk of inviting the General Convention to hold one of its sessions at the seat of our Chapter some time in the near future. Bros. Tavernier, Mitchell, and Ilixson took part in a mock trial held at Fourth M. E. Church, Boston, on March 30, 1916. They conducted the affair in a unique manner. Bro. llixson acted as judge, Bro. Tavernier as attorney for the State, and Bro. Mit-


chell was the defendant's counselor. Attorney Mitchell was especially strong in his plea before the jury, and Attorney Tavernier showed marked skill in cross-examination. E. 11. CRAMPTON, B. U. School of Theology. PERSONAL. Brother T. T. Nichols, M. D„ presi dent of Rho, is private medical attendant to Senator Henry George. Brother P. L. Edwoods, of Nu, Lincoln University, was awarded .he Latin Salutatory, while Brothers Wood and Burton were selected as cornmenceniene orators of their class. Brother E. M. A. Chandler, Alumnus of Beta, has recently won a fellowship of $400 at the University of Illinois, where he is taking a course of Doctor of Philosophy. Rev. E. B. Smith, an affiliate of Zeta. who is now pastoring in Washington, D. C , is doing credit to Alpha Phi Alpha. Within a year of his incumbency he has established himself so firmly in the hearts of the people that he is now greatly sought by nearly every literary and religious institution in and about the City of Washington. On May 2d he is to deliver the graduation address to the nurses of the Freedmen's Hospital, Washington, D. C. On May 14th he will preach the Baccalaureate Sermon at Palmer Memorial Institute, Sedalia, N. C. On an invitation of the International Y. M. C. A. Committee, he will deliver one of the principal addresses at the King's Mountain Student Conference, to be held on May 19-29, at King's Mountain, N. C. Rev. Smith was appointed to his present charge last year while a student of Yale School of Religion. Alpha Phi Alpha watches, with pride, his wonderful progress.

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