The SPHINX | Spring 1918 | Volume 4 | Number 1 191800401

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APRN , 1918

" M . R . C . " — C h a s . H. Garvin


"Ideals in War Time 1*» "Function of the College-bred


N e g r o " — K e l l y Miller

Notes from the Cantonments




GENERAL OFFICERS W. A. POLLARD, President K. L. CURD. Vice President N. P. G. ADAMS, Secretary S. S. BOOKER, Treasurer C. J. MURPHY, Editor Sphinx E. B. SMITH, War Secretary

30 Holyoke St., Boston, Mass. Douglass Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Howard University, Washington, D. C. 1619 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore, Md. 424 Q St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 2447 Georgia Ave., Washington, D. C.

CHAPTER OFFICERS ALPHA—President, A. John Jackson. Secretary, Robt. Cook, 327 Eddy St., Ithaca, N. Y. BETA—President, W. H. Harper. Secretary, J. E. Williams, 2447 Georgia Av.,N.W.,Washington,D.C. GAMMA—Pres., J. W. Johnson. Virginia Union University, Rich., Va. Secretary, C. H. Carroll, 1422 W. Leigh St., Richmond, Va. EPSILON—Pres., A. L. Evans, 608 Fuller st., Ann Harbor, Mich. Secretary, H. D. Shaw, 608 Fuller St., Ann Harbor, Mich. ZETA—Secretary, J. F. Williams, 8 Garden St., New Haven, Conn. THETA—President, H. A. Callis, 3308 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, 111. Secretary, F. T. Lane, 3763 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. KAPPA—President, Emmett B. Saunders, 1999 Tuka Ave.,Columbua,0. Secretary, Albert Hand, 157 E. 11th Ave., Columbus, O. MU—Sec, Dr. Albert C. Talman, Campus Club, Univ. of Minn., Minn. NU—President, J. B. Barber. Secretary, R. L. Lockett, Lincoln University, Lincoln, Pa. OMICRON—Pres., A. V. Stevenson, 2711 Ellis St., N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretary, Arthur Rickmond. XI—President, Secretary, PI—President, Secretary,

Charles Spivey. James Majors, Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, O. F. C. Seelig, 1830 Penrose Ave., Cleveland. O. P. B. Jackson, 7609 Dix Court, Cleveland, O.

RHO—President. Jos. W. F. Jerrick. 2219 Oxford St., Philadelphia, Pa. SIGMA—President, E. H. Cra:;<pton. 72 Mt. Vernon Ct., Boston, Mass. Secretary, J. C. Hixson. 30 Holyoke St., Boston, Mass. TAU—Secretary, C. S. Hardy, 203 S. Wright St., Champaign, 111. UPSILON—Secretary, C. L. Jones. 1101 Miss. St., Lawrence,


R eviews

APRIL 1918

an dOfi mions.

Eastward Ho!

Before our next issue goes to press many of our brothers will be in France. Tt will then be but a short hike to the front-line trenches. Brother Garvin's letter from Camp Upton reads in part: "Last Friday we received orders for "overseas" duty with proopects of leaving in five or six weeks. Today we were told that it was not known just when we wculd embark. We have been urged to °nuip every man fully for foreign service and to see to it that we ourselves were fully equipped. "We are getting ready, and I feel that many more months will not pass before we are over there." Hearty greetings and good wishes of the whole Fraternity follow these brothers who are carrying the Alpha Phi Alpha spirit into the trenches.

From the Mail Box

One of tho series of letters sent the Alumni urging subscription and serving the notice printed in tho last Sphinx to the effect, that hereafter the Sphinx will be sent only to subscribers read as follows: "Not Alpha Phi Alpha for College, but Alpha Phi Alpha for life, was the motto of the last convention. We want to make this come true however much we have failed in the past. No matter how far you are away from your chapter, no matter how few Alpha Phi Alpha men are close to you, we want to make you feel that you are still a part of us. We need your help; you need our inspiration." Replies to these letters have been encouraging. Among the first to respond was Brother H. H. Cain. He writes: "I hope never to lose the spirit of our Brotherhood, and I hope to be used in any way that Is of interest to the order." Brother James A. Wright, pastor of the Zlon Congregational Churcn, Hartford, Connecticut, has this to say:


"I am sending you my check for a year's subscription and I do it willingly, as I feel that every Alpha Phi Alpha man ought to keep himself informed of the progress of the Fraternity." One of our soldier brothers puts it in this characteristic military form: From—Clarence B. Curley, 1st Lieutenant 368th Infantry, Exchange. To—Editor-in-Chief, Sphinx. Subject—Subscription to Sphinx. Not a few of the brothers made use of the opportunity in writing to the Sphinx to express their opinions of the February issue. It was termed "up-to-date," "clean cut," "admirable," possessing an "attractive" cover page, all of which is general and broad in scope, but specific enough in encouragement. R. T. Carpenter writes: "I am anxious that the Sphinx may become bigger, better and more effective. If my subscription will aid in this, you shall have it. 1 enjoyed reading the copy sent me." More frankly critical, V. E. Daniels says: "There are many commendable features in the last Sphinx. I trust the next issue will be still more representative." The Sphinx is more than glad to have these words from the Brothers. It is to be hoped they will continue to write. Even tho these are war times and we have spare moments for little that is not distinctly connected with war preparations, we trust that both alumni and undergraduates will take the time to express themselves on the questions and problems that come before the Fraternity for solution. During the war and after the war the cause to which Alpha Phi Alpha has dedicated itself cannot, must not be allowed to perish.

The Baby

Altho just a wee bit late, The Sphinx takes this method of presenting the baby chapter. Upsilon Chapter at the University of Kansas, situated at Lawrence, is the 19th chapter to enter the Fraternity and is the first step of Alpha

Phi Alpha across the Mississippi river. The University of Kansas has 60 university students, among them 20 young women. Upsilon has 14 active, 2 alumni and 8 freshman members. Quite a healthy youngster.

status of the alumnus member. Especially has the question been debated "how can the alumnus relate himself to the undergraduate." But there is an equally important other side of the matter. "What is the duty of the active fraternity man to his graduate brother, who goes out into the world of business?" To what extent is he his "brother's keeper?" Clearly a good bit may be said from this angle and the Sphinx welcomes opinions from both undergraduates and alumni. This subject naturally suggests the query: Where are the alumni? The publishers of the Directory may know, if members have seen fit to acquaint this officer but do you. Mr. Chapter Secretary, know of the whereabouts of the alumni of your own chapter? If your records do not show a complete roster of former active members, with knowledge of their whereabouts, start a systematic inquiry and enter your data in a card index or book suitable for the purpose. Nothing does an alumnus so much good as to get a letter from his old chapter, especially if some time has elapsed since his departure from the old associates. Further, the chairman of the printing committee wants to know, as lie is just compiling the new directory, about alumni whose names and addresses have not been sent in. It is believed that the chapter source, if any, should be the fountain-head of inquiry.


The printing and distribution of the new charters to the several chapters as ordered by the last convention has been ' carried out promptly. Each chapter now has clear evidence of its relationship with the General Organization and definite statement of the terms and conditions of its corporate existence. It is to be hoped that every chapter reminded by the new charter of its original charter members, will seize the opportunity of collecting their autographed photographs as a valuable memorial and fit companionpiece to the new charters. * * • « 1918 Convention

The last issue of the Sphinx suggested that the 1918 convention make an effort to go to Nashville, Tennessee. The suggestion was made for the reasons therein stated and with the knowledge that the 1911 convention offered precedent in meeting in a city where no chapter of the Fraternity is located. Rho Chapter in Philadelphia was not formed until several months after the meeting of the first convention there. The real purpose of the suggestion was to elicit an expression from the several chaptors, in o.-der that the Advisory Committee might have something tangible to work on. It is with pleasure that attention is called to communications from several brothers on the subject r.nd in addition a hearty invitation from Epsilon Chapter to hold the next annual convention in Ann Harbor, Michigan.

OBITUARY Henry L. Nixon, Beta alumnus. Howard A. B.; eacher High School, Louisville, Kentucky. An excellent athlete and teacher, who, to an unusual degree, built his life into that of his school and community.

• * « • J. Arnold Gilbert, A. B. Rho, senior medical student at U. of P., died at March 5th. Altho in poor health for some time, a splendidly faithful member of Rho Chapter.

The Other For the past years the FraterAi«rle nity as a whole has been at work on the question of the 2

Alpha Phi Alpha Men in the Medical Reserve Corps of the Army

The American medical man was the first of the American Expeditionary Forces to reach the scene of battle "Somewhere in France," after this country had declared war against the Germans. The American medical officer was the first of our forces to shed his blood. How significant it is then that of the Negro officers commissioned in the new National Army that the medical man was the first. To us, however, as Alpha Phi Alpha men, there is greater significance in the fact that first Negro officer commissioned was an Alpha Phi Alpha man. This officer was commissioned a First Lieutenant in the Medical Reserve Corps on June eighth, nineteen seventeen and had the further distinction of being sent to the Army Medical School, the first Negro ever to be sent there for instruction. We might even go further and let you know

that the first Negro dental officer in the army was a brother from Nu Chapter, Harry Bouden, First Lieut. Dental Reserve Corps. Alpha Phi Alpha has given unstintingly of her best blood to make the "World safe for Democracy" and the medical men from our midst have more than done their ' bit." Out of a total of 115 medical officers in training at the Medical Officers' Training Camp at Fort Des Moines, Iowa, there were 15 Alpha Phi Alpha men and of th> 12 dental officers 3 were from our fraternity. That the men at the training Camp from our Fraternity made good can be judged in no better way than by the faot that out of 10 promoted to be Captains, three were Alpha Phi Alpha men; that out of the 6 socalled "Section Chiefs" two were Alpha Phi Alpha men, Brothers Edwin (Jack) Lee, Beta Chapter and Julian Dawson, Theta


Chapter. Even greater confidence was expressed in Brother Lee when he was detailed in charge of a troop train of ten cars and more than 400 men and officers of the Medical Department of the Army. The Alpha Phi Alpha men in training at Medical Officers' Training Camp at Fort DesMoines were Edwin Henry Lee, Captain, M. R. C, Alumnus member Beta Chapter; now stationed at Camp Funston, Kansas in command of Ambulance Company; Thos. E. Jones, First Lieut., M. R. C, former anesthetist at Freedmens' Hospital, Washington, D. C, and honorary member of Beta Chapter; now on duty with the new Negro division at Camp Stuart,Newport News, Va.; Dehaven Hinkson, First Lieut., M. R. C, alumnus member of Rho Chapter; now stationed at the Headquarters of the 92nd. Division at Camp Funston, Kansas in the Division Surgeon's Office; Samuel H. Rosenburgh, First Lieut., D. R. C, alumnus memof Theta Chapter, now on duty as one of the Dental Surgeons with the 367th. Infantry at Camp Upton, New York; Edward H. Bates, First Lieut., M. R. C, member of Alpha Lambda Graduate Chapter; now stationed at Camp Funston, as one of the Surgeons with the 317 Sanitary Train. While at Des Moines, Brother Bates established and trained from raw material a very efficient band that has maintained and increased its efficiency since being at Funston. Brother Chas. Middleton, first Lieut., M. R. C, alumnus member of Epsilon Chapter is now stationed at Camp Dix and hat already received a recommendation for Captaincy. Brothers Chas H. Garvin, Capt. M. R. C. and Hudson J. Oliver, First Lieut., M. R. C, Alumni members of Beta Chapter are now on duty with the 367th. Infantry. Camp Upton, N. Y. Brother Harry Bouden, iirst Lieut. D. R. C. is the Dental Surgeon at Camp Upton, N. Y. Brother Arthur Curtis, honorary member Beta Chapter is now stationed at Camp Meade, Md. Brother Darnall. First Lieut., M. R. C, an honorary member of XI Chapter has been appointed mustering officer of the 92nd. Division and is now at Camp Funston. Brother Bradford, alumnus member of Kappa Chapter is stationed at Camp Funston.

Since the closing of the Medical Training Camp there has been quite a number of Alpha Phi Alpha men commissio^d as first lieutenants in the Medical Reserve Corps..* Among those that we have thus far learned' of are Brothers Martin L. Crawford, Norman Harris, John H. (Jap) Brown, J a m . s Parker, alumni members of Beta Chapter; Brother Clarence Cheeks of Pi Chapter hasbeen commissioned a first lieutenant in the Dental Reserve Corps; Bro. Lecjunt Cook, alumnus member of Theta Chapter has alsoreceived his commission as a first lieutenant in the Medical Reserve Corps. AItn<ugh these last named Alpha Phi Alpha men have been not yet called to active duty we know that they will more than do the.r bit for the cause of Democracy and for Alpha Phi Alpha. There will be even greater honors for Alpha Phi Alpha when we go> "over there." Chas. H. Garvin, Capt. M. R. C. U. S. Army, Camp Upton, N. Y.

Brothers who enter the war service inany capacity arc asked to make that fact known to the editor of the Sphinx. We want, we ought to have a complete record of all brothers in the service.

SPECIAL NOTICE Hereafter the Sphinx will be sent only ta subscribers. Effort will be made to do this by securing from each chapter the number of active members who have paid their subscriptions, and the names and addresses of all other members who are entitled to receive copies. Each chapter is requested to send in immediately its own mailing list ta the editor. The Sphinx desires to reach every subscriber first and secondly reach him without loss of time. Subscription, $1 per year.

T h e Function of the College Bred Negro An address delivered at Beta Chapter, following the initiation of Dr. Geo. E. Haynes as Honorary Member. The highest powers or any group of people should be devoted to trie expression of the sentiment, aims and aspirations of that group and to their translation into efficient action. The highest function, therefore, of the college-bred Negro is to state the cause of his race before the bar of public opinion. No class or group will ever receive its just rights and recognition, unless it insistently and incessantly pleads its own cause. During the earlier days when the Negro's tongue was tied, there sprang up a group of white men who were good enough to plead for him. But such vicarious pleading always lacks the naturalness and potency of the afflicted crying aloud with his own voice. The Negro's tongue has been loosed; his faculties have been unfettered. He need not expect that white men will any longer become his spokesman before the world. The Negro has enjoyed the benefit of higher education for fully a generation, which should be sufficient to qualify him for self expression and self direction. Disappointment is expressed, in certain quarters, over the outcome of the higher education of the Negro. Whatever justification there may be for this disappointment, is attributable, in my judgment, to the radical change in public sentiment which has taken place during the last generation. The individual is quickened and inspired by the current of public thought and sentiment which flows through him just as the members of the body are vitalized by the blood current which pulsates from trie heart. Immediately after the war the public consciousness was quickened by the issue of human rights and human freedom. The Negro leaders of that generation, though not formally educated, caught the inspiration and power of this sentiment and were able to accomplish wonderful results. The Twelve Apostles, though ignorant and unlettered men, by coming into contact with the source of moral and spiritual power, which flowed from the Master, had iheir faculties and powers so quickened and

energized as to become evangels of the new dispensation. The doctrine of material exploitation leaves the human spirit untouched. The letter killeth; the spirit maketh alive. The formulas of knowledge are merely dead symbols unless they are quickened and vitalized by their higher moral and spiritual energies. The world is now being quickened by the appeal to the higher nature of man. The issues of the war inspire the loftier human motives. Democratization of the whole world has become the current phrase. We are on the threshold of a new war based upon the brotherhood of man. The Negro above all others is concerned in the ushering in of the new order of things. May our own young collegians be caught by the current of enthusiasm of humanity, which is now sweeping through the world and exert their highest endeavor to relate f heir race to the coming renaissance of civilization KELLY MILLER.

S. S. BOOKER, General Treasurer.

The Alpha Phi Alpha Ideal in the time of War In attending conventions and chapter meetings of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in recent years I have found myself deeply interested in the ideal or the Fraternity. At one time I felt that our ideal was expressed by an ambition to extend our field of operation. At another time it seemed to me that we were striving to bring within our brotherhood men of congenial temperament. At still another time it seemed to me that the ideal purpose of the Fraternity was to select the most intelligent students who were attending the University which maintained a chapter. These varied forms has the Fraternity ideal assumed to me. I have been convinced that the Fraternity has an ideal, but it has been lacking in clearness and deflniteness. Today I am persuaded, as never before, that the Fraternity has an ideal and that it is more definite than most of us realize. It has not come directly to us from our noble founders. Neither has it descended upon us from above, full-formed. Ideals that really dominate our judgments and shape our ideas do not come about in such a manner. They are brought about by an unconscious growth. The content of our ideal has come about by progressive experience and disillusionment. It is the result of the record of the influences under which we have come. To many the word, fraternity, means a group of men gathered together for a good time. They can see no real function in an organization which seeks on;y the best students in the University. It would appear that those who need the help of a fraternity are those who are not the best students in the academic sense of the term. From this point of view one might justly question the efficacy of an organization w'nich stresses this aspect of its work. Hut in a broader and deeper sense the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity means more than is commonly associated with the word fraternity. It does not mean a group of men gather together for a jolly time; though tnat phase of fraternity life is not to be ridiculed. It does not represent a clique which aims to domi-

nate and lead in the athletic activities of the University; though sucn an aspiration is not unworthy if prompted by merit. Rather does it mean a group of men who realize that, sooner or later, they must enter the theater of life to perform tneir part. We select the most intelligent students and those who give the greatest promise of usefulness, with one definite purpose in mind—that their aims and purposes may be directed in a manner which will inspire and lead the members of our race to a high level of intellectua" moral and social advancement. Years ago, I fancy, the Indian looked upon the Falls of Niagara with wonder and awe. He stood and watched the water roll over that mighty precipice and dash below. Little did he think that the power of the Falls could be used for the benefit of mankind. Years later civilized man saw that this mighty power could be harnessed and made to serve mankind. The intellectual ability of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity represents a mighty force. If it is properly directed and used it will become a benefit to all mankind. The Alpha Phi Alpha ideal, as I see it, is to br:ng together the best minds and hearts among the Colored students in a fraternal bond which shall express itself in intellectual, moral, and social leadership. So our ideal has been gradually enriched in content and has gained in unity and coherence. We have not only created an ideal, but we have actually in some measure effected its realization in life. But the call to arms has raised a question in my mind whether this ideal can be fully realized. Will this unconscious growth which is just beginning to dominate our judgments and shape our policies long continue? Will the noble Alpha Phi Alpha ideal endure during this critical period of the Fraternity? Many of our brothers have entered the National Service. By virtue of this fact they are separated from those influences which we hope will work for a fuller realization of the Alpha Phi Alpha ideal. There are a few who have very strong convictions as to how our ideal can be maintained in time of both war and

peace but space will not permit a statement of these convictions at the present time. Not only are many of our brothers separated from those influences which are beginning to dominate our judgments and shape our policies but the psychology of military life leads me to reel that our brothers will return moved by an ideal which is adverse to our present tendencies and policies. Our officers are placed in charge of a number of men. Speaking generally, they feel a certain pride and superiority by virtue of their position. This spirit of superiority, coupled with the peculiar charm of military life may instill in our brothers a spirit of rulership rather than leadership. We must maintain our

ideal both in camp and out of camp. Both in military life and out of military life. We must assert intellectual, moral, and social leadership and guard against a spirit of rulership. Those of uc who remain in civilian life are extremely anxious to see the bond of brotherhood grow in unity. It is hoped that our brothers in military life may find tome way of keeping in touch with the Alpha Phi Alpha ideal. Our supreme function is not only to inspire our people to racial advancement, but to maintain efficiency, and practice clean living, social action, social justice. E. H. Crampton, Sigma Chapter, Boston University.

From the Greek Press That a prospective member should be accorded a high degree of courtesy and attention and persuasion predicated on reason is proper and to be expected. But to endeavor to attract a man to membership by a lot of clever ostentations is disgusting to the true fraternity man, and an insult to the dignity of any reputable fraternity. A man who has been in any manner overreached in "rushing" after his initiation usually becomes unenthusiastic—rarely more than a "joiner." and a joiner, speaking bluntly, is to a fraternity just about what a wart is to a man. . . . If you cannot land a man by candor, his initiation will not benefit the fraternity or him. PHI ALPHA DELTA.

• *• •

Don't think you are the only fraternity on the campus. Tou may be the best. But if any other fraternity has moved into a new home, or achieved some special distinction, or won as you hope to do next year, four out of five of all Phi Beta Kappa keys, or had a bad fire, or entertained the President of the United States, don't be bashful about sounding their praises. Perhaps sometime they may sound yours. BANTA'S GREEK EXCHANGE.

The abuse of the black-ball function— and in how many chapters has it not been abused—does more to crush out chapter enthusiasm, to subvert chapter policy and depose and disgust legitimate chapter leadership than any other yet discovered agency. —Harry S. Bunting in the RECORD OF SIGMA ALPHA ETA.

• *• • How Not to Write Cliaptcr Letters: "The mid-year examinations found an industrious and happy group of brothers scattered around the coay rooms of our chapter house and studying diligently. . . . etc." "We extend cordial greetings to all our sister chapters." "Examinations have occupied the attention of our brothers for two weeks." "The brothers have returned from the Christmas holidays, which were crowded with enjoyable incidents and scenes," "Winter has come again and the ground is covered with a coat of dazzling whiteness." Don't blame every wedding and engagement on poor old Cupid—perhaps they married for money. And let an occasional bridegroom escape without being dubbed a Benedict." Such stuff is easy to write and hard to read.—BANTA'S GREEK ENCHANGE.


Institute. Thru lectures at summer schools, church conferences and conventions, lectures to his own classes and thru the press, Dr. Haynes has labored wisely and well for the ovement of the healin ana working conditions of Negro people. * • »*

Here and There Kelly Miller's pamphlet "The Disgrace of Democracy" has passed the 60,000 mark in circulation. It is his mosi widely distributed work. Recently he addressed the National Educational Association at its meetins in Atlantic City. J. Wesley Broaddus, Nu, has charge of the religious work at Camp Logan, Houston, Texas.

Dr. George E^muna Haynes, recently made Exalted Honorary member of Aipha Phi Alpha was born at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, 1880. He completed his preparatory and college work at Fisk and obtainei his master's degree from Yale in 1...M, after doing one years work In Economics and Sociology. For three years 1900-8, he was traveling secretary of the Internation I Con'nittee of the Y. M. C. A., but gave up his work for-further studying in the New York School of Philanthropy at Columbia. He received his doctorate in 1012. Dr. Haynes was one of the active promoters and the first director of the National League on Urban Conditions among Negroes. The success of the League is due in large measure to his Dndlng Eugene K. Jones and others to cany on the work. Dr. Haynes in cooperation with his labors as Profess"* of Social Sciences at Fisk, directs the Southern Centre of the Urban League from its Nashville office. Dr. Haynes is the author of several studies of Urban life including "The Negro at Work in N. Y. City"—Columbia University Studies Vol. 49, No. 3, and more recently "Negro Migrants in Detroit, Michigan. During the past two years he was one of the expects engaged by the General Education Board to make a study of Hampton

Back of all the Y. M. C. A. is doing for colored soldiers in the camps is J. E. Moorland, Beta honorary, international secretary. Lieutenant C. B. Curley, Beta, has teen transferred from active Inrantry work to the regimental exchange. L. Willet, Xi, is in the officers' training camp at Camp Sherman. L. Garrison, Xi, is in the engineers' division. Both brothers paid a visit recently to the chapter at Wilberforce. George W. Cook, Beta honorary, with a group of musicians, gave an entertainment for the soldiers at Camp Meade. Garnett L. Hegeman, no-.v at Colgate, is a member of the military corps. The University of Kansas has established a chapter of the A. K. A. \V. B. Stewart, Omicron, Sergeant, Battery E, 351st Field Artillery Camp Meade has been detailed to Pittsburg as recruiting officer. H. B. Taliferro, Gamma, is sergeant Co. D. 372 Infantry, now stationed at Camp Stuart, Newport News Va.

S. S. Booker, Gamma alumnus, now in Charge of the Y. M. C. A. work in Baltimore, Md., recently laid the corner-stone for a $100,000 structure, that is to be erected for the association in that city. In a two week's campaign for members 696 new names were added to the roll. The Baltimore Afro-American speaKs of Brother Booker as "well trained, experienced and untiring. He has the happy faculty of reaching men and boys, has something to impart to them when reached, and knows how to get out of them that which will be of profit to themselves and helpful to others." Chicago papers made the following announcement recently: "The University of Chicago faculty has given permission to colored students to organize a local chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, a national fraternity. The organization will be the first colored fraternity allowed at the university . The national fraternity was founded at Indiana university in 1913, and now has chapters in all but two of the conference colleges. At present the local chapter consists of seven members;" A. L. Foster has been heard from. He is the successful principal of Lincoln 1 Igh School, Springfield, Mo., and presiden: of the newly organized branch of the N. A. A. C. P.

Hudson J. Oliver, First Lieut. M. R C. was csptain of the 367th. Infantry football team and is now captain of tne basketball team. Recently when he was transferred as Surgeon to the 351st. Machine Gun Battalion, Colonel Moss, Commanding Officer of the 367th. Infantry, got busy and had the order revoked. He said that he was too good an officer to leave the regiment. Chas. A. Tribett, alumnus member of the Zeta Chapter and V. D. Johnson, alu.nnus member of the Gamma Chapter and exEditor of the Sphinx, recently passed a satisfactory examination for the Aviation Corps and have been transferred to Fort Sill, Oklahoma for instruction. Oscar Brown, Beta Chapter is adjutant of the 351st. M. G. Battalion, Camp Upton, N. Y. William H. Temple was drafted in Ann Arbor. Mich., while at the University of Michigan Law School and was transferred to this Camp from Camp Custer. He passed a satisfactory examination for the Officers Training Camp and is now a candidate in the Third Officers Training Camp at this cantonment and expects to receive a commission in April. Victor R. Daly, Alpha Chapter was recently transferred to Fort Sill for special training in bayonet drill.

A son, John M. Jr., is the latest addition to the family of John M. Gandy, Sr., Gamma honorary, president of Virginia Normal and Industrial Institute.

E. K. JONES GETS APPOINTMENT Washington papers printed the following recently: — Washington, D. C, March 8.—Secretary Wilson, of the Department of Labor, has officially announced that he will appoint a man on the Labor Commission. This position, however, will be merely an advisory one—sort of "Special Assistant," without salary, it is understood. Eugene Kinckle Jones, of the Urban League. New York City, it is reported,is the man to be appointed. Giles Jackson, Richmond, Va., Is one of three who has been working hard for the past weeks to secure the appointment of a Labor Bureau with him as the head. His scheme encountered opposition.

Clarence A. McCoy. Alpha non-resident, is temporarily at 4054 Indiana avenue, Chicago, III. He expects tt. reenter Cornell in the fall term. Isaac D. Canada, Gamma non-resident, has been heard from. His address is 331 Grand avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.

CAMP UPTON NOTES By C. H. Garvin. D. K. Cherry, Captain, R. C. has recently been transferred from Camp Dix to this Camp. He is a member of the Xi Chapter. B

CORRESPONDENCE THE 1918 CONVENTION Editor Sphinx: It is the concensus of opinion at Alpha that the seat of Zeta, Theta. Kappa, Xi. Epsilon or Sigma would be more in keeping with precedent (.than Nashville, Tenn.) O. M. WALLER, Jr. WAIT UNTIL FALL. Editor Sphinx: I have no strong convictions as to where the next convention should be held. I think, however, it would be wise to defer such consideration until next fall. "We do not know how many students will return in the fall, nor do we know how many of our brothers will return. In the fall we can get a better line on the situation. E. H. CRAMPTON, Sigma. THE 1918 CONVENTION. Brothers attending the 1916 convention in Richmond remember the keen rivalry between Rho and Nu on one hand and Xi and Kappa on the other in their efforts to secure the 1917 convention. In pathetic eontr.isi, we have the scene at the nineteen seventeen convention, when war conditions forced those assembled to burden the Executive Council with the task of securing the most appropriate meeting place for our next convention. We sincerely hope and confidently trust that the committee's choice will be a wise one. To insure such a selection the following points should be considered: 1. The convention should be held at the seat of some chapter so as to utilize the chapter "machinery" for making the necessary arrangements. Besides, many chapters need the stimulating influence of an approaching convention. 2. Due preference should be given to chapters that have offered to entertain the Fraternity, provided these chapters desire the 1918 convention. 3. As the last three conventions have been held in Atlantic States, every effort should be made to secure a more central location for the coming convention. VATTEL E. DANIEL, Gamma. (Provisional Editor for 1917.)

CAMP FUNSTON NOTES Alpha Phi Alpha is fairly well represented at this cantonment, both among officers and men. Here are located the Headquarters of the 92nd Division and the divisional trains in part—Train Headquarters and Military Police, Ammunition Train, Supply Train, and Sanitary Train I the Engineer Train for this Division being stationed at Camp Sherman.) The Officers' Training Camp and the Sanitary Train (317th) have the largest percentage of brothers. Our number in the former organization was greatly augmented by receiving about a score of candidates from Wilberforce University for training. Among the candidates from that institution the Fraternity claims the following: Bros. Coit Ford (Vice President Xi Chapter,) Morris Carter. Julius Matthews, Ottoway Morris (Secretary, Xi Chapter) George Anderson, Harry Sheppard, William York, Russel Smith, and Clifton Clark—all of Xi Chapter. In addition there is Bro. George J. Clark who ia a Wilberforce alumnus but holds membership in Epsilon Chapter. The Training Camp began with an enrollment of about sixty and although processes of elimination have begun we note with pleasure that no brother has been dropped for inaptitude. The Fraternity did lose two members but one, Bro. Clifton Clark, was discharged on physical disability and the other, Bro. Russel Smith, was eliminated because he was a British subject and could not hold a commission in the United S.ates Army. The following medical officers of the Fraternity are on duty with various organizations of the 317th Sanitary Train and the Train Headquarters and Military Police: Capt. Edwin H. Lee, M. R. C, commanding Ambulance Co. No. 365, Lieut. William T. Darnell, surgeon, Train Headquarters and Military M. R. C. Police. Lieut. Edward Bates, Ambulance Co., No. 368. Lieut. Frank P. Raiford, M. R. C, Field Hospital No. 368. Lieut. Joseph C. Bradfleld, M. R. C, Ambulance Co. 365. Lieut. DeHaven Hinkson, M. R. C, Field Hospital No. 365. Lieut. William T. Darnell, M. R. O, has also been appointed Recruiting Officer of

the 92nd Division. Lieut. Edward Bates, M. R. C, has done the 317th Sanitary Train much good by organizing and training a band which is very popular at Camp FunEton. The religious secretary of the colored branch of the Y. M. C. A. here is Bro. Russel Brown of Xi Chapter who is meeting with signal success in his work. The Fraternity will note with deep regrets the loss of Bro. Russel Crossland of Kpsilon Chapter. Our brother went to his home in St. Joseph, Mo. last week on a furlough and died suddenly. The cause of his illness has not been determined and perhaps will not be known until the comrades who attended the funeral return. Bro. Crossland was a student of medicine at the University of Illinois (?) and temporarily discontinued his medical studies to take his degree in Arts. While engaged in these studies he was drafted and sent to Funston. Quickly recognizing his ability he was made a sergeant by our brother Lieut. Darnell and was later assigned to the medical detachment of the 317th Ammunition Train in that capacity. He had already taken steps to be enrolled in the Enlisted Reserve Corps in order that he might continue his medical studies. Unconfirmed rumors state that he died as the result of an acute gastritis. DeHaven Hinkson, 1st Lieut. M. R. C. "ALPHA PHI ALPHA AND THK WAR."

By the* War Secretary. As college fraternity and loyal American youth it is almost impossible to consider either Alpha Phi Alpha or the great war in the disjunctive, so closely are they related. Many of our brothers have already entered the army, several are going every day, while many others are awaiting their call. We rejoice to be able to give our quota, and to know that we have so few who are i.nfit, either physically, mentally, or morally; it is, therefore with confidence in the integrity of our brotherhood that we accept the challenge of our fraternity's survival. The tenth Annual Convention held at the seat of Rho Chapter in the city of Philadelphia, December 26-30 last, in order to perpetuate the close relationship between the 11

fraternity and Army and Navy Alpha Phi Alpha men, established* the office of War Secretary. As the honor and responsibility of this office was conferred upon me, I beg the hearty cooperation on the part of < very brother in the realization of this worthy purpose. Send any war news of fraternity interest to Editor of Sphinx, General Secretary or myself, addressed 2447 Ga. Ave., Washington, D. C. Correspond with some brother in camp or at the front, send him all the news you can, regarding his chapter and the general fraternity, and request him to write often to you. Where you have an opportunity, visit the camps and fraternize with our men. Let them know that our hearts are with them and that we would have them think of us even as they think of home. We are endeavoring to obtain the necessary data for an Alpha Phi Alpha War Directory. With this purpose in view a nuestionaire was sent out from this office on February 22nd to every chapter, and to my great regret only one of the 15 active chapters has responded. May I ask the respective chapters to urge their corresponding secretary to give this matter their immedate attenton. Xi Chapter reports 12 brothers in service: three conscripts, two with the rank of sergeant; one second lieutenants; two first lieutenants, and two captains. Four are in the Officers' Training School at Camp Funston. Alpha Phi Alpha should ever be proud of the quality of manhood demonstrated by Brother Rayford Logan, of Williams College, 1917, Phi Beta Kappa. Brother Lr.gan was not yet 21 years of age when he was denied an opportunity to work for a commission at Fort Des Moines. Immediately he enlisted in the First Separate Battaiion of the District of Columbia. Soon he was made a corporal and distinguished himself in the faithful performance of every task assigned. In the office he displayed superior mentality and on the field when in charge of a squad evinced unusual moral courage as he enforced army discipline, even to the extent of placing his own life in jeopardy. After six months of army life as a "noncom," subjected to the humiliation of an inferior rank to many of his own brothers, friends and acquaintances, who denied him

their association, Logan entered the compettive examination for commisson and out of eighty competitors was successful in leading the class. He is now 1st :_,:e;;renant and has the joy of knowing that he has accomplished that object which few men would have the courage to attempt or the ability to attain. You "non-com" brothers now in camp, are you putting forth your best effort to advance upon your merit, do you lack the courage and the ambition to attempt and win such promotion for yourself and us? Then let this our younger brother inspire you, and may you emulate his example.

The War Secretary has visited Camp Dix and Meade since the Convention. There are prospects of his having an opportunity to visit all the cantonments durinec the • ummer. He had the honor of being invited by the regimental chaplain Lieut. E. A. Love, 368th Inf., to preach the funeral sermon of Captain Malone at Camp Meade. Again let me request the cooperation of all brothers, soldiers, sailors, a'vl civilians in sustaining a close relationship between all Alpha Phi Alpha men in these perilous times, for today as ever "Together we stand, and divided we fall." EMORY B. S 11TH.


CHAPTER NEWS TAKE NOTICE The next Sphinx goes to press October 1st. This is to allow chapter correspondents time to return to school and note the outlook for the coming year. Every chapter should take steps before the closing of school to designate its correspondent, who during vacation can keep up with members and get chapter news in promptly October 1st.

ALPHA CHAPTER This last issue of the Sphinx for the present scholastic year, which is practically our last direct communication with our many brothers until the resumption of school work next fall, must necessarily embody many facts. In compliance with our '"fraternal spirit" Alpha wishes her many brothers success in the completion of their educational endeavors and whatever vacation lays before them. The war has hastened rather than retarded the embarkation of two of our brothers upon the "sea of matrimony." The brothers in question are Thomas H. Amos, Jr., who was happily married to Miss Helen Fillmore, of New York City on December 1, 1917; and Lieutenant Victor R. Daly to Miss 12

Adelaide H. Cook, of Washington, D. C, on February 15, 1918, just one day prior to his departure for Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where he was stationed in the Officers' School of Special Instruction. Alpha was seriously handicapped in the acquisition of new material this year though we succeeded in adding to our fold, at the initiation on February 9, 191*, Ivan C. Daly a brother of Bro. Lieutenant V. P. Daly. He has already taken up the reins which his brother was forced to lay down, and has proven himself made of no less staunch A. P. A. stuff than his brother "Vic" While all of this has taken place the Bros, have not forgotten their University work. Bro. Robert A. Cook succeeded in receiving exemptions in all but one of his final examinations, for the term just ended Jan. 19, 1918; and received, as the result of a successful competitive examination for undergradutes, a scholarship carrying with it $200 per year. Our newly acquired Brother, I. C. Daly adds to Alpha's scholarship by holding a N. Y. State and Cornell scholarship. Alpha is also represented in the Class of 1918, by Bro. W. H. Seabrook, our president Bro. A. J. Jackson Jr., anc Bro. O. M. Waller Jr. of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. Bro. A. J. Jackson Jr.

of addresses to the students and teachers of Palmer Institute. Brother T. B. D. Dyett is on the debating team which represents Howard at Atlanta on April 5. - The annual post-examination smoker was held in the Chapter House on February 2. .Many Alumni and Honorary Brothers were present and joined in the giving and partaking of good cheer. On Buster Monday the Chapter House will be the scene of the annual Easter reception. This reception 'i expected to eclipse the officers' reception kiven last October. We expect many of the officers to be present, for before another similar occasion they may lie "over there." The following brothers were visitors: Lieutenants Thompson, l'iper, Curtis, Waring, Logan, Hunt, Curley, George, Firse, Middleton, Goodloe and Long; McLendon, Manning and Tavernler. Brother Lieutenant Daly with his "commanding officer" called in to see us on Sunday the 16th. As usual. Beta extends an open door to all brothers whenever in the "City of Events."

holds the distinction of being the youngest member the Class of 1918. I failed to include Bro. A. E. Robinson among those who had en.: seed in the Medical Enlisted Reserve. Bro. Irving Cassell has been drafted and is now a sergeant in the Heavy Artillery at p Meade, Md. O. M. WALLER JR.. Corresponding Editor.

BETA AT HOWARD. Since you last heard from us, we have added two Exalted Honorary members, Dr. E. D. Williston, Chief Obstetrician in Freed men Hospital, and Dr. Haynes of Fisk University. We also brought within the fold on February 13, eight active brothers: G. C. Page, Medical '19; L. K. Downing, J. H. Holmes, N. L. McGhee, A. J. Lee, and A. J. Smith Arts and Sciences '20. We feel they are the type of men that Atpha Phi Alpha needs and are confident that they will assist in perpetuating our lofty ideals. Washington has been the scene of the marriage of two brothers during the winter; Brother T. J. Taylor of Zeta to Miss Lottie Griffin; Brother A. H. Tavernier of Sigma to Miss Ethel Thomas. Brother Lieutenant Logan, recently commissioned First Lieutenant In the Regular Army, announces that Miss Letitia Gates is wearing his pin. We also see that Miss Enola McDaniels, Coach of the Howard University Girls' Basket Ball Teams, is adorned with the pin of Brother Lieutenant George. We were all glad to hear from Brother Charles Lunsford, who has been out of school for three years due tc ill health. He informs us that he will be in to see us in May and that he intends returning to Howard University Medical School in the fall. Brother Norcum has passed the Connecticut Medical Board and is now practising in that State. Brother Temple it ( a m p Upton is in the Officers Training School and has our sincere wishes for success. Beta has unfurled a Service Flag with twenty-three stars which represent the number of Beta men in active service. Brother Rev. E. B. Smith has returned from Sedalia, N. C, where he made a series

W. B. GARVIN, Reporter.

EPSILON CHAPTER. Brothers: With the second semester well under way and with favorable returns from the work of the first semester this scholastic year bids fair to come to a successful close. At the beginning of the year we had a fair number of men but as the year progressed, for one reason or another, they dropped off until just no-,-/ we are running along with scarcely more than half our original number. In spite of the unusually hard winter, however, things have moved along well and with more clement weather conditions in sight we are stimulated to work with renewed vigor. Just now we have plans on foot for our annual banquet which is scheduled for the night of April 5th, the beginning of our spring recess. Our last year's banquet was a genuine success and present preparations are indicative of a simitar success. Our number is always augmented by a splendid representation of our Detroit alumni and those of the nearby towns. Nothing is 13

more inspiring or beneficial to the chapter activities of school or professional life and than such reunions where the true Alpha those who recently, having donned the raiPhi Alpha spirit is diffused and ideas are ment of warfare, in the various cantonments exchanged. are preparing themselves for the defense of In reference to our last annual convendemocracy and national safety. We too tion, I wish to say in behalf of the chapter are cognizant of the honor conferred upon that nothing gives us more chagrin than A. I'. A. by these heroes who are willing to our inability to be represented there. How- make the "sacrifice supreme' in defense of ever, we take this opportunity to extend to country and the right, and for them we the various chapters a most cordial invita- wish a most successful outcome of the vartion to hold the next annual convention in ious vicissitudes of fortune and a safe and Ann Arbor. Not only do we invite you but speedy return. urgently insist that the matter be taken up The reports of our delegates, breathing the immediately. We maintain that no better A. P. A. spirit of efficiency in the enacting opportunity to convene in mid-west has ever of the highly important legislation which presented itself to the general organization further strengthens the old ship to weather than the invitation we are now offering the storms of universal upheaval and unrest, you. I might say in passing that after casthave been duly received. Gamma wishes ing around for suitable .-_:pha Phi Alpha to extend thanks to resident brothers and material whom we might with profit initidelegates as a whole for the cordiality and ate into our ranks we chanced upon two hospitality afforded these representatives, freshmen—one a Pharmic and the other a and to congratulate the members of the Medic, who, if plans now in progress maconvention on the selection of such a highly ture, will have the pleasure of reading in this issue of our official organ this statement efficient corps of officers, men of sterling worth, tried and true, to whom we pledge regarding themselves. our most hearty support, which we feci. In We are sorry not to have some excerpts conjunction with that of the other chapters, of letters from our brothers In service, but cannot help but result in a year of unpreno open letters have been received a.tho cedented success and most ample fulfilment private correspondence comes to us from of their most cherished amDltlons for A.P.A. time to time. It may be said in general We are glad to hear of the addition of that they all report themselves as well Tau and Upsilon, two more links in the situated and well satisfied. chain binding the cream of college youth Brother F. P. Raiford.Siedico '17,is doing together for the development of the highest well at Camp Funston. Brother Temple type at manhood and the enhancing of the when last heard of was located at Camp interests of our trained men. Upton. Brother E. H. Butler recently enAmong the activities of Gamma we note: listed and Brother R. L. Carr are at Camp the admission of five new men, the A. P. A. Sherman. type in every respect; an informal "get toThe uncertainty of the war situation gether" at Cafeteria Morris at which timemakes the stay of many of us quite doubt- ly addresses on topics of interest to A. P. A. ful, but we all entertain hopes of comwere indulged in by various alumni and acpleting this semester uninterrupted. tive brothers, after which there took place Hoping that the central thought of this the "logical sequence," a sumptuous banletter has not been lost sight of, we are quet 'mid toast, bubbling wit and sparkling as ever, repartee. Gamma's contributions to the H. D. SHAW. National Army are heard from, from time to time and are doing nicely. Their locations as given in previous letters are unchanged. Eight brothers are now in trainGAMMA CHAPTER. ing in "radio and buzzer work" preparaBrothers— tory to enlisting in the Signal Corps. Gamma sends greetings and best wishes Fraternally, to all brothers, both those engaged in the D. WEBSTER DAVIS, Jr. 14



Kindly communicate to our Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpht thru the columns of the Sphinx our most cordial greetings of brotherhood and our most sincere wishes for their success and happiness in whatever channel of endeavor they may now be found. Although Zeta Chapter is dead constitutionally she is alive in Alpha Phi Alpha spirit Those Brothers of the chapter who are now at the seat of our former Chapter are putting forth every effort to keep the spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha alive here. Personally I have tried to the best of my ability to keep its fires burning at Zeta and I know the other Brothers here have tried as hard as myself to achieve the same end.

Greetings: We, the brothers of Omicron cherish the privilege to announce that during the present World Crisis our number has not as yet been sufficiently depleted to dissolve our chapter. Despite the fact that there is considerable uncertainty as to what will be the results of the second draft, our hearts are made to rejoice over the possible material to swell our ranks before that time; so we now find ourselves busied in the selection of men to perpetuate our beloved corner in the bosom of Alpha Phi Alpha.

The results of these efforts have been this: First, that we have had frequent informal meetings and discussions of a fraternal nature; secondly, that we have launched out upon a move that is in direct accord with the aims and ideals of the A. P. A. I am mailing you under separate cover two circulars of a club founded by the Alpha Phi Alpha men in New Haven, but whose membership is composed of all the desirable students in the University and of some talented, educated and promising people of the city. Not only does this club mobilize the intellectual and useful forces of the students in Yale and the townspeople for the diffusion of ideas, sentiment and other helpful things, but it serves to give the A. P. A. men here— and we have about a dozen in and outside of the college—something to unite upon; it brings them together. Last Sunday we had Brother Rev. DeBerry of Springfield down to speak.

The outlook for good material to further our existence as an active chapter is exceedingly bright and encouraging. We expect in a very few days to acquaint our "goats" with the gruesome path and its various mysteries "less by chance, they fall by the wayside." Omicron's contributions to "help win the war," are: Brothers, Lieutenant W. It. Smalls, Sergeant William Stewart, John Robinson, Donald Jefferson, London Harrison, C. W. Florence, William J. Curtis, Walter F. Cole, and Sergeant William Primas. For these brothers and others who may "follow in their train," we sincerely pray for nothing less than success. However, we have with us as yet brothers, A. D. Stevenson, B. S., who will in June receive the degree of L. L. B., Wilbur C. Douglass who is now in the law school will receive his bachelor's degree from the college; and our worthy vice president, Bro. T. E. Barton likewise will be honored as a graduate from the college. The remaining brothers are A. E. Rickmond Ott'j V. Green, and W. R. Brown, Jr. Since we were last assembled, the Grim Reaper has seen fit to take the father of Brother Otto V. Green. As Brother Green departed for his home in St. Louis, we as fraternal brothers, expressed our heart-felt sympathy for we were all brought with him to mourn the loss, and we anxiously await his speedy return. In view of the fact that this issue will be the last one of the present school year, and since we know not those who are to remain within the fold to promote our cause next

Brother Howell, 1920, is in the Yale R. O. T. C. Brothers Caple, Ross and Williams are drafted. Finally I wish to add that we are now laying plans for our annual Spring reunion. We hope to make it the best ever and .shall endeavor to get as many A. P. A. men here —especially those in the camps—as possible. J. FRANCIS WILLIAMS. IE

fall, we shall instill in each brother that for which our fraternity stands, and shall expect him as a loyal brother not to violate any confidence previously entrusted and to foster the cause of Alpha Phi Alpha. W. K. BROWN, JR.

Lee and Lee Jefferson have recently crossed the stage of blissful matrimony. F. T. LANE, Sphinx Correspondent

NU CHAPTER Lincoln University, Pa., March 14, 3 918. Greetings:

THETA AT CHICAGO Brothers: Theta Chapter regrets very much that our letter of last month did not reach the office in time for publication. For the past few months, the Chapter has been dealing with some vital questions which not only involve her present growth but also life. Aside from the fact that the war has claimed many of our members end prospective members we have had competition in this field. We are now past the danger | olnt and the new Fraternity has seemed to stimulate and put more "pep" in our own activities, thus the outlook seems more hopeful for a thriving and prosperous future. Our Rushing Committee is at work and a good report is expected. At one of our recent meetings, the new officers were elected as follows: President H. A. Callis; vice president, L. B. English; corresponding secretary, \V. E. Alexander; secretary, F. T. Lane; treasurer, A. C. Browne; chaplain, L. L. McGee; sergeant-atarms, C. A. Greer; editor of Sphinx, F. T. Lane. Since our last letter, several other brothers have gone into the army service. They are as follows: J. H. Lewis, First Lieut. Medical Reserve; H. G. Cooper, First Lieut. Medical Reserve; Gordon Jackson, First Lieut, Medical Reserve; A. C. Browne, First Lieut. Dental Reserve; C. H. Payne, First Lieut. 365th Rgt. IT, S. N. A.; Julian Dawson, Captain 36 5th Rgt. U. S. N. A. L. B. Lapsley (from Epsilon affiliated with Theta) First Lieut. Medical Reserve. Brother Lloyd A. Hall, is employed by the government as a Chemist in one of the large factories in Michigan. Brother J. H. Jones, formerly of Epsilon Chapter, has been drafted and is now a Private in the National Army at Camp Grant. Brothers James :>l

The war issue is still causing great concern in all ranks and phases of life, and whether great or small the war question has caused many readjustments to be made, thus creating new problems to be met and solved by the ingenuity of man. Lincoln as well as other universities and colleges has her problems, and among them is the one concerned with doing the greatest amount of work in the shortest time possible. Along with 21 other universities and colleges, Lincoln has resolved to close school a month earlier. And by this resolution our working week is lengthened to six days. This gives the men a chance to get in the regular amount of required work and a chance to "do their bit" out in the world for the cause of democracy. We are plugging hard both for our dear old "Alma Mater" as well as for our own beloved Fraternity. Nu realizes that the men now in the undergraduate chapters are being called at all times and it has occurred to us that the future life and predominant spirit rests now, entirely upon the calibre of men taken into our fold at this time. WÂŤ want earnest, spirited men who will carry the banner of Alpha Phi Alpha where-ever they go and keep things moving. With this in mind Nu has kept her evervigilant eye upon the raw material about us which promises to become the dazzling meteors and shining satellites of the future. We have this time, a flock of the best "woolly lambs" that ever grazed thru a season of suspense and anxiety. They are destined to be offered up in the early fall. On February 19, Bro. C. M. Cain, '12 and '15, the Father of our chapter; along with H. D. Cooper '14, paid us a flying visit, they gave us much inspiration by their opportune remarks.

Bro. M. A. Thomas '20, has enlisted in the Signal Corps at Camp Sherman, Ohio. Bro. D. E. Haskell '19, has been called to Camp Gordon in Atlanta, Georgia. Hu now holds the position of corporal. Bro. F. J. Hutchings '18, has also answered his summons to Camp Gordon. He writes us that he has been appointed company clerk and that there are four Alpha Phi Alpha men in the camp, all of whom have mounted the first rung of the ladder to lofty position; and along with the few brothers who are in Atlanta they expect to do great things. Bro. Pres. J. B. Barber '15 and 'IS, has been called to the pastorale of Grace Presbyterian Church, of Seattle, Washington. Bro. C. L. Arken '14 and '17, holds the position of Dean of the Seminary, Guadalupe College, Senquin, Texas. Fraternally yours, J. ELLWOOD COMEGYS

brother in Signal corps at Camp Sherman, and one brother in R. O. T. C. Bro. Burroughs is now externe at the Mass. Homeopathic Hospital. He will serve three months. Bro. F. A. Myers received his degree from Harvard Medical School. Bro. Mitchell is in Law Office of Vf. H. Foster. Bro. Clair preached at the Ebsnezer Baptist Church, the largest colored church in Boston. Sigma expects to lose eight men thru graduation, three from Law School Boston University, one from Law School Harvard University, one from Harvard Dental School, one from Graduate School Harvard University, and two from Boston University School of Theology. M. W. CLAIR. JR.

XI AT WILBERFORCE The XI Chapter is counting on making this the biggest year of all in taking in new members. With the beginning of the year, At a recent meeting of the chapter Bro. the University reported an increased enrollPope led the discussion on Problems of Re- ment in the College. We were fortunate In construction. It is the policy of Sigma to securing over eighty-five per cent of the devote a part of each meeting to the dis- Freshmen Class. i use of the war, we have experienced cussion of a topic of current interest. It is Notwithhoped that these discussions will act as a a great set-back in our work. clearing house for our ideas. The discus- standing this we have resolved to do more sions have not only been inspirational but this year than we have in previous ones. informational and promise to be one of the This can be done very easily, because of the most potent agencies in bringing about the fact that we have on hand such fine new material. realization of the A. P. A. ideal. After hitting us three times already the Sigma was favored with a visit from Bro. Lt. L. V. Alexis of Camp Upton. He cave war stands ready to take another slap at us. us an interesting talk on Fraternity Men Brothers P. C. Williams and D. Reid have received notification to be ready for the and Camp Life. call. The XI Chapter feels proud (a.tho On February eighth Sigma gave a smoker it regrets the loss) to send out such good in honor of Bro. Tavernier. men. Bro. C. C. Ford of the Officers' Upon his return Bro. Tavernier and wife training School at Camp Funston announces were entertained by Miss Martha J. Tr.iyn- his engagement to Miss Mamie Suggs of ham. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed Detroit, Mich. XI Chapter wish 'S for them a happy married life. by all. Brother Beverleigh had his tonsils reSigma has ten men in the servic; of Uncle Sam. Four lieutenants at Camp Up- moved at the Tawawa Hospital, by Dr. Meston, one lieutenant in Dental Reserve corps, senger. Since our last writing Brotners: two brothers Medical Enlisted corps, one Cardew Perrin, Frank Reid, Chas. S. Long,



Laconia Crosby, Rolito Xaba, Escot Thompson, S. Sheffle, Francis Tyler, B. F. Pri«e and Jonathan Mokone have assumed the sacred duties of our Fraternity. The latest in the initiation ritual was use! in introducing these men to the duties which they were to perform hereafter. The XI Chapter is preparing to celebrate its fifth anniversary, by publishing a journal, containing ruts of all its members since its beginning. We were very unfortunate in not having a delegate to attend the last convention. All the brothers are contemplating on getting new Frat pins, and we have been wondering how long B r o k e r Douglass Reid will keep his. We were glad to receive the circular letter from our General President, especially at this time. The suggestions should be looked after by all Chapters, especially the hand shake. I am sure that if every Brother will practice it, there will be no trouble. The XI Chapter extends greetings to the newly elected officers and pledges her loyal support, in every effort possible. J. E. BEVERLEIGH

John L. McMurray, Beta cnarter member, Howard A. B.; senior law student, employed in Government service. McMurray's fine manhood and quaint sense of humor endeared him to a large number of brothers. • » • • ELECTED SECRETARY Arnold Hill, Gamma alumnus, has been made Executive Secretary of the Chicago Branch of the National League for the Lmprovement of Conditions Among Negroes. * » • • A son, Lee Rayford, was born Apr'] 1st at Cheyney, to Percy Jack and Narka Lee Rayford.



RHO CHAPTER Brothers of Rho deserve a gold medal for attending our meetings during the severe cold weather. They did not seem to care anything about the Coal administration. They seemed to have had this one thing in mind, that, A. P. A. first and last, A. P. A. all the time; A. P. A. rain or shine. Bro. Dr. Redd is now located in Youngstown, Ohio. We are happy to say, that Bro. Redd is building up a great practice. Bro. Dr. and Mrs. George Jenkins, are very happy over the advent of Master Gram Jenkins. Bro. Dr. Harvey, one of Beta's great lights has located in Phila., after spending several years in Oklahoma. Bro. Dr. Harvey will be identified with Rho. Bro. Dr. Jones, won first place in the running broad jump, at Meadow Brook games, March 8, 1918, breaking Middle Atlantic District record. He received a beautiful Trophy. Bro. President Jerricks is on the sick list we hope for him an early recoveryI. M. LAWRENCE







Published for the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., at the seat of Beta Chapter, Washington, D. C. Subscription, $1. Printing Committee—Thos. B. D. Dyett, Sidney Brown, Charles Wesley, Carl J. Murphy, Editor in Chief, 424 Q Street N. W.

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