'4 "Not Alj>ha Phi
Atyha fJ
'for College hut Afyha Phi Alpha 'For Life
i ]• for soi-th
Eutaw :
DANIEL G. FOWLER, President, 12018 Woodlawn Ave., Cleveland, O. LUCIUS LEE McGHEE, Vice President.3763 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. N. P. G. ADAMS, Secretary Howard University, Washington, D. C. S. S. BOOKER, Treasurer 1619 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore, Md. CARL J. MURPHY, Editor S p h i n x — 6 2 8 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md.
ALPHA—Suspended during war period. BETA—H. C. Stratton, President; T. A. Lander, Secretary; House, 2447 Georgia Avenue, Washington, D. C.
GAMMA—S. S. Campbell, President; A. D. Price, Secretary; Virginia University, Richmond, Va. EPSILON—Harvey D. Shaw, Corresponding Secretary; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ZETA—J. F. Williams, Secretary, 8 Garden St., New Haven, Conn. THETA—C. A. Greer, Secretary, R. W. Brooks, 3763 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. KAPPA—Earl D. Alexander, Chapter Editor, 157 E. Eleventh Street, Columbus, Ohio. MU—Dr. Albert C. Talman, Campus Club, University of Minn., Minn. NU—Wm. K. Sanders, President; Joseph N. Hill, Secretary; Lincoln University, Pa. XI—R.
L. Lynon, President; C. W. Logan, Secretary; Box 94, Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio. PI—Perry B. Jackson, President; Robt. S. Martin, 6208 Quincy, Cleveland, Ohio. RIIO—M. Russell Nelson, President; Dewey Rogers, Secretary, 1434 N. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. SIGMA—Acting President, M. A. Allen, 24 Holyoke St., Boston, Mass. TAU—Oscar Randall, President; Richard Harewood, Secretary; 506 E. Sloughton St., Champaign, 111. UPSILON—W. H. Lowers, President; Matthew Carroll, Secretary; University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.
N'l'MBEli 3
THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE DANIEL I). FOWLER And now comes a n o t h e r year of our fraternal life,—a year that holds forth all Indications of success, prosperity and a d vancement. Beginning on the s t r o k e of the hour
impressive ending of the most m o m e n t o u s convention ever held by oar organisation, it s t a n d s beckoning to us to com. and accept of the many bounties that it may bestow as gifts upon those who prove themselves worthy before It passes away into the realms of y e a r s gone by. We must nourish and foster this year t a k i n g a d v a n t a g e of its every m o m e n t , of every opportunity that it affords, and of all the epoch making changes national and International thai are about to transpire. And. when the year a p p r o a c h e s its end in the assemblage of what without doubt will be the greatest convention Alpha I'lii Alpha has ever held, let us feel assured that all the good things held forth to us by the infant 1919 will be received as well merited a w a r d s at the hands of the venerable year that pronounces the benediction disbanding the twelfth annual convention. Let us bear in mind that at this twelfth annual convention will be present many a veteran of the shell torn battlefields of Europe, men whom we a r e proud to say have been present at many a national g a t h e r i n g Of the past. These men will come with the question. " W h a t have you clone since we left? Wha; have you done to advance the interests of our noble fraternity'.' What have you done to uphold the honor of your r a c e ? " We must answer these questions with accounts of achievements that will bring forth a torrent of applause
endeavoring to fill. Brothers in the spirit or Alpha Phi Alpha
take every word of this appeal into the innermost recesses of your heart and let it there give birth to that enthusiasm of action that will deem any sacrifice in the interest of your fraternity a privilege to be sought. It is deeply to be deplored that every member of the fraternity cannot be present at the inspiring sessions of the general convention. It would have been a marvelous awakening to many an Alpha Phi Alpha man had he had the privilege of listening to the awe-inspiring words of our Brother Vice President, Lucius Lee McGhee now of Theta Chapter, Chicago. Brother McGhee outlined ÂŤ great and noble work of expansion, and of uplift. He urged that our National conventions cease to be a series of reports and unconstitutional discussions but that we gather together for exchanges of ideas that will tend to advance our fraternity to spheres of action in the interest of our race and a humanity and that we take a more active part in the affairs of city, state and nation, not necessarily as a organization but as a group of intelligent, enlightened idividuals better able to cope with the wiles of those who are endeavoring to smother the progress of our millions of race brothers less fortunate as to the extent of educational advancement. Indeed a great task lies before us. But we are equal to it. First and preeminent among all things we must arrange this year to collect a Grand Tax assessment from every living man who is a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. I do not say from every one who has been a member because any man who has taken on the oath of fidelity until he has breathed his last. It is his sacred right and privilege to demand all the advantages or Alpha Phi Alpha and in consideration thereof he
represented a t the next convention could r e p o r t the establishment of a fraternity
should pledge himself at least to her financial support if lie does not have time for a s t r e n u o u s active participation in the a d m i n istration of h e r affairs. And so I urge t h a t each c h a p t e r consider itself herewith pledged to pay a g r a n d t a x for every m e m b e r t h a t it has ever enrolled at t h e s a m e time furnishing the General Offices with a correct directory of its entire m e m b e r s h i p . Let each c h a p t e r t a k e care of this at once sending t h e Grand Tax into the Secretary within t h e next few weeks. We shall consider this year a rally year and by m e a n s of t h e rally raise a fund that will make il absolutely unnecessary for any inroads I.I be m a d e upon our reserve fund for the purpose of defraying the expense of m a i n t a i n i n g t h e general organization. R e m e m b e r t h e pride of y Chapter is at
house. Again let me appeal to the 'individuals and c h a p t e r s of tin- fraternity to be a w a k e at all times to the occurences of the day. And when an opportunity presents itself tor Alpha Phi Alpha to step in and strike a blow t h a t will a d v a n c e t h e interests of our race or prevent the occurence of some dastardly o u t r a g e that may tend to depress our a d v a n c e m e n t , m a k e this known to your national officers and brothers and let us move with a unanimity of action and purpose that will rapidly accomplish the desired result. Do not forget t h a t our fraternity is the brains of the Negro r a r e and at t h e same time is a portion of t h e virile fluid coursing t h r o u g h the arteries of this great republic. We a r e a unit to be reckoned with if we only will be reckoned with. Let us forego no opportunity worthy of our status.
stake. Do not fall down if you have to pay the B r a n d Tax of m e m b e r s unaccounted for out of your own pockets. Exert every effort so t h a t t h e present y e a r will see our treasury raised to at least $2,000.00. This will be easily possible if you will do your s h a r e and put just a tittle effort forth to get your b r o t h e r to do his. With t h e G r a n d Tax provided for we must turn our attention as c h a p t e r s t o w a r d s tlie establishment of fraternity h o m e s a t n u l l c h a p t e r seat. T h e r e Is some solution for t h e problem of each c h a p t e r if it is sought. It would be a n o t h e r great achievement far from idealistic if each c h a p t e r
With these few words so Inadequately expressing some of my Ideas relative to our fraternal life 1 take pleasure in formally a s s u m i n g the mantle of ;,resident of the world's greatest body of colored men. I sincerely trust t h a t I shall prove worthy of the great honor bestowed upon me and .all upon overs- brother who peruses this message to give me his heartiest en-operation in a d v a n c i n g t h e ideals, hopes and aspirations of Alpha I'hi Alpha.
FROM THE VICE PRESIDENT cussed Alumni question. l-'rietionless because we realized t h a t we must now m a k e room for growth and reconstruction. Every c h a p t e r can have nothing but the highest praise a n d c o m m e n d a t i o n for the work of our retiring officers. Their work d u r i n g t h e period of war. even u n d e r many difficulties, has been tireless and effective. They have left good ground upon which the new officers may s t a r t ; a n d with t h e full cooperation of each c h a p t e r ' s officers, we have t h e brightest future ever yet so clear to the organization.
9 2 M. D. HALL, T h e University of Chicago Brothers in Alpha I'hi Alpha: — I'ermit me to t h a n k t h e various c h a p t e r s , who thru t h e i r delegates, elected me to the office of Vice Presidency. No doubt already your r e t u r n i n g delegates have made you feel the spirit of one of the greatest, most frictionless and progressive conventions in our history. I say on-.- or t h e greatest because as y o u r delegates have told you, the great constitutional revisions made, we believe have solved the long and much dis2
We a r e h o p i n g t h a t those chapters, which, u n d e r force of conditions, have Income temporarily inactive, now after t h e a b a n d o n m e n t of the S. A. T. C. will rcsiiint their work and become a functioning pari of t h e g r e a t fraternity. This office will always be glad to lend its h a n d s in helping to work out any local p r o b l e m s presented to it. Suggestions in any form a r e always fraternally received. The slogan of the office is activity; t h e r e fore it is desired t h a t all official correspondence will receive p r o m p t attention. Within a few days the work of Extension a u t h o r -
by the Eleventh
will begin.
Annual Convention
And it is further desired t h a t
those chapters, to whom various
living in cities where g r a d u a t e c h a p t e r s a r e to be set up write for their credentials for affiliation
with said c h a p t e r s to be set up.
will respond
Hoping each
chapter and
Phi Alpha man wherever he is located, a year of g r e a t activity. I am
fraternally yours LUCIUS L E E McGBE Vice I'resident A. P. A. Fraternity.
NOTE FROM THE GENERAL SECRETARY one great essential to the successful conduct of our business. Please give us ail t h e help you can. M ' M A P. G. ADAMS. General Secretary.
The General Secretary h a s much to regtfel upon not being able to be with t h e B r o t h e r s B r o t h e r s at t h e Eleventh Annual Convention. He is highly gratified to learn that t h e Convention was a g r e a t success. It is pleasing also to note t h e very judicious legislation t h a t was b r o u g h t into being at t h a t convention. It is to be hoped that the coming year will be one or g r e a t prosperity for us. Note, however, the fact t h a t the General Organization is in i m m e d i a t e need of funds to defray t h e expense of conducting a vigorous campaign for the purpose of working out a complete directory and of organizing more efficiently the work of t h e Organization. T h e g r a n d ;ax has been increased to ($3.25) t h r e e dollars and twentyfive cents. We appeal to every 1! rot her to send in this g r a n d tax at once and nol to wait until the eve of t h e General Convention next year. We have t h e immediate expense of t h e printing of minutes and constitutions. After this h a s been done our finances a r e in an e m b a r r a s i n g position. T h e C h a p t e r s when sending in checks for their g r a n d tax will please state the n a n u s of t h e B r o t h e r s for whom the tax is paid. Within a short t i m e t h e Oeneral Secretary's office will a p p e a l to all c h a p t e r s to coopera t e in the a t t e m p t to m a k e out a complete and a c c u r a t e directory. A directory is t h e
WHO " D A N " POWLKR is. B r o t h e r F o r t e , E d i t o r of Cleveland's Leasing Weekly Lets On: Secrets. Daniel D. Fowler, t h e recently elected national president of the Alpha P h i A l p h a fraternity, was burn at Cleveland, Ohio, October 5th, 1892. H e was educated a t Sowinski school, g r a d u a t i n g from t h e e i g h t - y e a r course in seven years. H e entered E a s t High School, g r a d u a t i n g as valedictorian in .lime. 1910. Matriculated at Chase School of Applied Science and g r a d u a t e d in 1914 with t h e degree of Bachelor of Science in inettalurgical engineering (summa cum laude). Mr. Fowler was m a r r i e d in 1918 to Miss Vivian Serviss of Chicago, 111., and resides at 12018 Woodland. President Fowler is t h e founder of t h e local c h a p t e r of the fraternity. Cleveland Is t h u s signally honored in having a local m a n a s general p r e s i d e n t The incoming president h a s a big task before him to m e a s u r e up to the spledid a d m i n i s t r a t i o n or his predecessor. W m . A. Pollard, of the l-niversity of Boston. M 3
GREETINGS FROM THE GENERAL TREASURER GREETINGS: Just a line to express nay appreciation for t h e confidence placed lr me by t h e m e m b e r s of t h e last convention in Cleveland. It h a s been a p l e a s u r e for m e to serve the fraternity, yea, a duty t h a t h a s grown with t h e years. I h a v e tried to do my bit from t h e beginning a n d t h e r e comes to me m a n y pleasant m e m o r i e s of t h a t first convention at the seat of B e t a C h a p t e r when less t h a n twelve delegates s t a r t e d in search of the mysteries of t h a t ancient shrine, t h e Sphinx. It would be unfair to say a n y t h i n g and not mention t h e n a m e s of B r o t h e r Pollard, llrothejr A d a m s and Brother Murphy. These B r o t h e r s deserve much credit for their untiring efforts during the past year. E a c h one of these B r o t h e r s has served well and they have been t h e ones t h a t have
helped the fraternity through the narrows. In the same breath and with the s a m e devotion. I pledge myself to B r o t h e r Fowler in whom the Convention lias entrusted Its interest for t h e year 1910, How can we forge I our s r o t n e r a in .inns, Many of them have been discharged from t h e service now; all. so far as I know, have made good, and when the history of the war is written, I know Alpha Phi Alpha men will be a m o n g the stats. Welcome. thrice welcome, c o m r a d e s in a r m s . You have honored as, you have made our F r a ternity immortal. With coals off and sleeves rolled up, let us go to work for this year. Pay your taxes, contribute your bit. ami whoop up the spirit that will never die. Fours for a great year in the work. S. S. B O O K E R , General Treasurer.
THE WALTER A. GARVIN CUP T h e cup shall be t h e property of t h e Alpha Phi Alpha F r a t e r n i t y , and a w a r d e d each year to the c h a p t e r meriting it by t h e vote of t h e convention assembled. Rules and Regulations governing the a w a r d i n g of t h e c u p : 1. The C h a p t e r shall have paid t h e highest percentage of g r a n d tax of its enrolled m e m b e r s h i p within t h e prescribed constitutional period.
termined by a joint report of the general officers of the organisation. 5. T h e C h a p t e r shall :iave r e p r e s e n t a tion at the General Con volition as prescribed by t h e constitution. fi. The C h a p t e r shall have submitted a full list of its c h a r t e r members, and their present addresses. 7. The Chapter shall h a v e submitted a report properly a u t h e n t i c a t e d or the highest percentage of its m e m b e r s thai have purchased fraternity pins. 7. Jn addition to the above (he Chapter shall receive due recognition that has either accomplished the greatest achievement during the past year in t h e interest of t h e fraternity or t h e race, or submitted the best idea tor the future adva ncenn-nt of the fraternity as a medium. The r e p o r t s of all competeing C h a p t e r s shall be presented at t h e opening session.
2. T h e C h a p t e r shall have s u b m i t t e d to the General Convention t h e most practical w o r k i n g scheme which would enable t h e General Organization to maintain successfully one or more paid General Officers, 3. T h e C h a p t e r shall h a v e s u b m i t t e d to t h e General Convention t h e most complete list of all t h e m e m b e r s ever initiated by that C h a p t e r along with their addresses ( p r e s e n t ) and all facts concerning t h e m as requested by the General Secretary. 4. T h e C h a p t e r shall h a v e received the highest rating- for p r o m p t a t t e n t i o n to c h a p t e r correspondence, t h e s a m e to he de-
committee of a w a r d s who shall pass upon t h e m e r i t s of t h e r e p o r t s and submit their T h e General I'resident shall appoint a 4
findings to t h e convention. The C h a p t e r receiving the highest n u m b e r of votes at (he convention shall be adjudged the win,ier. NOTE. These conditions shall become
effective from date of publication. These rules and regulations may be changed each year, at the direction of the convefrtlbn. Signed Brother DR. W A L T E R B. GARVIN.
A LETTER FROM FRANCE H e a d q u a r t e r s 1st B'n, 3<i7th infantry LeMans, J a n u a r y 28th, 1919. DIMI- Brother Murphy: It seems as if l have been innoculated with the germ of Alpha Phi Alpha all over again, and I've just got to write and express some "1" my feelings. it all c a m e about t h r o u g h the Sphinx. Yesterday, 1 m i l several b r o t h e r s from the 366th Infantry. and one of them h a p p e n e d to have a Sphinx (Convention N u m b e r . ) I can assure you that B r o t h e r Alexis, Sigma, and I. who were in the tent, fairly devoured it. It was tile tirst Sphinx thai ! had seen since I had been in F r a n c e . So many of t h e B r o t h e r s a r e a p t to feel t h a t those of us who have been taken away from school a n d ha ye been t h r u s t Into the midst of this world d r a m a , lose sight of our Fraternity and its obligations, in the rush and roar ol a busier world. No! Mj actual experience has shewn nie that once a Brother in A. P, A., always a B r o t h er in A. 1'. A. We have never lost our identity in this regiment from t h e very beginning. the spirit of Alpha I'hi Alpha has dominated the S8Tth infantry (Buffalo Regiment.) W h e n we were first organized there were eighteen B r o t h e r s assigned to tile regiment and about six in the r a n k s . We managed to get several of these less fortunate Brothers into the Officers' Training SchOO.'B and many of t h e m received commissions subsequently. \\'e held several meetings at C a m p Upton and were planning to give a reunion in New York at tile time of our d e p a r t u r e overseas. After arriving in France, the r e g i m e n t was seldom billeted as a unit, so it was very difficult to h a \ e meetings; but all t h r o u g h the dangers and trials o." the Yosges, the Argonne and at Marbaebe. the spirit of the
A. P. A. came burning—alio 1 can tell you there is no greater pleasure t h a n to meet a Brother after several w e e k s of m u t u a l suffering and to feel the g r a s p oi m o t h e r h o o d . Since the a r m i s t i c e h a s tieen signed, we have been able to get t o g e t h e r m u c h more often. In Pont-o-Mousson we he'd a very successful meeting, a n d later at Le Mans, we held a joint meeting with the B r o t h e r s in the 368th—it was a g r e a t reunion. T h e r e were a b o u t 33 present, and we were able to discuss old times and old friends to our h e a r t ' s content. I was very m u c h saddened to read in the Sphinx t h a t dear old Alpha was inactive for the period of the war. We have alway •, struggled at Alpha to keep the Mother C h a p t e r active, but t h e war proved h e r u n doing, however. 1 can a s s u r e you that it will not be for long; lots of us a r e going back rejuvenated, so we can look forward to an e x t r a o r d i n a r y active Alpha. B r o t h e r Irving Cassell of t h e 351st Heavj Artillery and B r o t h e r Aiken Pope also of t h a t regiment visited me today. VICTOR R. DALY, ( A l p h a ) 1st Lt.. 367th Infantry.
A T E L E G R A M T H A T A R R I V E D TOO LATE "'aionsville. Md.. Dec. 21, ISIS. Carl Murphy, Cleveland, Ohoo. From Nu C h a p t e r to those B r o t h e r s assembled in our a n n u a l convention, greeting. We regret t h a t we cannot he represeted at Cleveland. In all its endeavor may God grant Alpha I'hi Alpha every success. FraternoIIy yours. NU C H A P T E R . W. K. SAUNDERS, President. J. N. H I L L , Secretary.
NOTED IN THE CONVENTION The Eleventh Annual Convention was called to order in t h e Sterling Branch Library, Cleveland, Ohio, by B r o t h e r Perry P. J a c k s o n , president of -.-.. F o r t h e first time in many years, t h r e e of t h e General Officers were absent. Secretary Adams, T r e a s u r e r Booker and Editor of the Sphinx Murphy. B r o t h e r Murphy arrived on t h e second day of the Convention. Brother A r m e n E v a n s took B r o t h e r Garvin's place in h a v i n g t h e honor of moving t h a t t h e Convention a d j o u r n to meet in twelfth annual session a t t h e seat of T h e t a Chapter. Chicago, 1919. Several b r o t h e r s in aa many C h a p t e r s were undecided as to t h e t:me and place of t h e Conveintion sessions. To get rid of any doubt of such m a t t e r s in the future. t h e last Convention set the dates for the next Annual Convention. Brothers are urged to paste t h e m up in their memories, so as not to forget: Chicago, December 27, 28. 29, 30, 31, 1919. Officers of the last Convention were as follows: H. I. Wilson, Beta, R e c o r d i n g Secr e t a r y ; F. B. West. Assistant Secretary: C. E. Burch. Xi, C h a p l a i n ; .-.rmen G. Evans. Assistant General Secretary; J. A. Stewart. Pi. Chaplain. Few conventions have had such an able staff, and none of them a more efficient recording secretary. T h e r e was general rejoicing at t h e news of the citation of B r o t h e r Lieut. N. O. Goodloe by his Division C o m m a n d e r . Brother Goodloe c o m m a n d e d a m a c h i n e gun det a c h m e n t in the Argonne fighting and in reorganizing his men and ..Undrawing t h e m to a secondary position his "calm courage set an example that inspired courage to bis men."
RESOLUTIONS B r o t h e r Russell Nelson o f . R h o , read t h e following resolutions: "PI C h a p t e r of A. P. A., lias sustained in t h e loss of B r o t h e r Rufus Carr a most premising brother. Brother Carr made the
s u p r e m e sacrifice while fighting heroically on the battlefield of F l a n d e r s on the m o r n ing of t h e day t h e armistice was signed. " K a p p a C h a p t e r has sustained a great loss in the untimely death of B r o t h e r R o m e Ferguson, one of t h e most active of the younger brothers, who d e p a r t e d this life a viclim of the White Plague. ' '.Tpbilon C h a p t e r has sustained a great loss in the d e a t h of B r o t h e r J a m e s Brown. one of the most active of t h e younger brothers, who recently d e p a r t e d this life a victim of the W h i t e Plague. "Be it t h e r e f o r e resolved, " T h a t the Alpha Phi Alpha F r a t e r n i t y . thru the delegates of K a p p a . Upsilon and PI, express by resolution m e i r deep sorrow in the untimely d e a t h of tnese our b r o t h e r s . c o m m e n d i n g also their devoted effort to our F r a t e r n a l cause as w o r m y of praise and emulation. " W h e r e a s l'i C h a p t e r has given the eleventh Annual Convention a most h e a r t y welcome, and " W h e r e a s t h e good b r o t h e r s of Pi d u r i n g our stay h e r e h a v e most extraordinarily met every exigency of t h e visiting Brothers, and have most royally entertained us, "Be it resolved, " T h a t we express to the B r o t h e r s of Pi our most heartfelt appreciation for t h e i r
wonderful fraternal reception." " W h e r e a s , the honorary B r o t h e r s of l'i C h a p t e r have contribu??d so very materially toward the e n t e r t a i n m e n t of the Eleventh Annual Covention, and Whereas. Itev. O'Connell. M a d a m e Turner assisted so worthily at t h e open meeting of the Convention; "Be it resolved: "That t h e Eleventh Annual Convention, thru t h e local C h a p t e r express by letter to the Honorary Members, to those w h o assisted in the open meeting p r o g r a m , and t o t h e directors of t h e Cory M. E. C h u r c h its keen appreciation and t h a n k s , "
Resolutions were also submitted and passed t h a n k i n g the Sterling Library for t h e free use of its a u d i t o r i u m - >r the place of Convention sessions, t h a n k i n g the Phyllis Wlieatiey Association Cor Its hospitality, and c o n g r a t u l a t i n g the Alumni on their p a n In the recent World War. CHAPTER EDITORS CHAPTKR SECRETARIES T A K E NOTICE T h e Convention adopted the following nmendations for the issuance of subscription blanks and the writing of C h a p ter Letters: 1. T h a t each <'ha pier be provided with subscription blanks containing name, address. and application to become a subseriber, and these blanks be signed by Brothers when they pay their ('.rand Tax a n d subscription, and finally that these blanks be forwarded to the Editor of the Sphinx. 2. Each Chapter Letter shall contain the following as a m i n i m u m : Notice of the d e a t h of Brut hers. Notice of the m a r r i a g e of Brothers. Notice of births and e n g a g e m e n t s affecting B r o t h e r s . Election of C h a p t e r o „ rs and new members. Change of employment of Alumni. Notice of r e t u r n of B r o t h e r s from overSeas together with their promotions and exploits. CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES. / Changes in the Constitution at tin- las! Convention include new and Important measures affecting the Alumni. The door of t h e F r a t e r n i t y is t h r o w n wide open to the Alumni for active participation in Fraternity affairs a s well as for voting and holding of office. In facl under the new provisions there uIP.V exist such persons as .•iumni B r o t h e r s of A. P. A. Every Brother is active, active honorary or exalted honorary, and g r a d u a tion from the school where ;iis c h a p t e r is located does not affect his tstatus. It is the dutj of tin. ch.-pters to acquaint what was formerly the Alumni with the new conditions, for it was fe't by the
Eleventh Convention that the steps t a k e n would successfully bridge the chasm formerly existing between g r a d u a t e and undergraduates. i Aside from the many Brothers 6i l'i Chapter, who a t t e n d e d t h e business sessions the Convention was honored by the presence of B r o t h e r H. C. Styles of Epsilon, M. L Crawford of Beta. .1. H. McClellan. of Kappa and I'. C. Starks. of Epsilon. The Annual Smoker ami the Banquet Were held at the h o m e of the Caterer's Association, but t h e r e were several d a m e s and receptions at the h o m e of B r o t h e r b , A. Morgan of pi and others. ( < >MMITTKKS -. .M111). The P r i n t i n g Committee n a m e d was as follows: Carl .1. Murphy, Chain...m Charles Wesley Walter B. Garvin I'.cale Flliot Finance <lommittee: S. .s. Booker, C h a i r m a n Selmu C. Glenn Harold c. gtratton Francis Williams B. W. Brooks Unrepresented and Delinquent C h a p t e r s : L. L. McGhee. C h a i r m a n Clarence Cheeks G. A. Mundy W. F. derrick In a n o t h e r part of the S P H I N X will be found reference to the W a l t e r B. Garvin ' ' u p presented to t h e F r a t e r n i t y and the conditions upon which it will he awarded. ZETA C H A P T E R i s TRYING TO WAKKN ITS M . I ' M M AND OTHER MKMIlllltS. T H I S IS T H E K I N D OT LETTER B E I N G SUNT OCT. A Message to our Active. Active-Honorary Alumni, and Non-Resident B r o t h e r s of Zeta Chapter. Greetings: — Alpha Phi Alpha calls lo duty! In this age of loyalty you cannot afford to fail apy organization that has any claim upon your
loyalty, without violating t h e spirit of t h e day. Alpha Phi Alpha ha.s survived, perh a p s intact, the crista of ITK- g r e a t e s t world upheaval. With the r e t u r n o f ' p e a c e this joyous t r u t h should inspire us to put forth redoubled efforts for a bigger F r a t e r n i t y . Zeta C h a p t e r intends to do h e r full s h a r e t o w a r d s a w a k e n i n g a new spirit a n d enthusiasm in our great F r a t e r n i t y . To a c complish this end we appeal to every Zeta man. w h a t e v e r his status or domicile, to give us his w h o l e - h e a r t e d support and cooperation. One thing vers' essential to the life and perpetuation of Alpha Phi Alpha is a larger conception of it by its m e m b e r s and its Alumni particularly. We must cease to look upon Alpha P h i Alp'.ia as a relic of college days. As m u c h as it h a s m e a n t for us in our college days, it should m e a n even m o r e to us in our after life, and it will if we will but cherish her. Our motto m u s t henceforth be " A L P H A P H I A L P H A FOR LIFE." T h e r e a r e today ten Zeia men and four B r o t h e r s from o t h e r c h a p t e r s a t t h e seat of Zeta. We a r e w o r k i n g t o g e t h e r in splendid h a r m o n y , fostering Alpha P h i Alpha F r a t e r n i t y spirit and e n d e a v o r i n g to a c complish some concrete good for Zeta and t h e General Organization. We went one h u n d r e d per cent in our taxes and Sphinx subscription each year. We believe the time has come w h e n every Alpha P h i Alpha man everywhere, snould send in a Qrand Tax or Sphinx subscription each year. It is one of t h e most concrete ways in which you can show how much love and appreciation you bear for an organization t h a t has m e a n t so m u c h to you; it is one of t h e most concrete ways of s u p p o r t i n g t h e F r a t e r n i t y a n d its work. Ir you a g r e e with us, and unless you a r e not a t r u e Alpha P h i Alpha m a n you c a n n o t dirier from us, we shall expect a p r o m p t and cheerful reply from you. pledging yourself as t h e B r o t h e r s h e r e have, to do a t least t h a t m u c h for t h e F r a t e r n i t y each year fror-.. 1919 on. R e m e m b e r this: "Once an Alpha Phi Alpha man, always an A l p h a Phi Alpha m a n . " If you have left college for s o m e
good reason, g r a d u a t e d or ;ost t e m p o r a r i l y touch with the Fraternity, unless officially suspended, you are still a n Alpha Phi Alpha as iniieh 80 as upon the night in which you were initiated, and entitled to all of its rights and privileges, provided you meet your varied obligations. We do not intend to have any "Lost B r o t h e r s " in Alpha Phi Alpha.
The Grand Tax tor all Brothers (except these belonging to Alumni C h a p t e r s ) is J2.2B, p a y m e n t of which entitles one to a year's subscription to the Sphinx. The Sphinx subscription is %\ a year for four issues. Which ever a m o u n : you intend to pay should be enclosed in the a c c o m p a n y ing envelope and sent to the C h a p t e r Secretary, J. I'". Williams. 8 Garden street, who will send it to t h e proper officials, We shall publish in the May Sphinx t h e n a m e of every B r o t h e r m a k i n g one of these two payments. P e r h a p s your obligations a r e of long standing, even Interminable, and if so. state your a t t i t u d e t o w a r d s them OH the quest ion narie enclosed. T h e least any Brother can do is to s t a r t a n e w this year and pledge himself to keep financial. T h e time has come when every Alpha Phi Alpha man must line up with the F r a ternity whole heartedly or against her, for t h e r e is no neutral ground. For a t r u e , re.ii Alpha Phi Alpha t h e r e can be but one decision and we expeel you to m a k e it. Fraternally yours, J. FRANCIS W I l . U A M S . N.B. ly t h e
Please till out and r e t u r n enclosed
ficer and B r o r t h e r in the F r a t e r n i t y i
(l of this information.
wer this letter.
Above all, ans-
time and expense required
ofis In
Consider to meet
the every
B r o t h e r in this way; do not allow this sacrifice to be made
in vain.
intends henceforth
to keep in touch
Chapter with
her sons every year and we want to hear from you as often as possible.
CHAPTER LETTER Chapter letters for May Issue are clue April 15th.. .Several Chapters have failed to send In letters for the Sphinx. Active and Alumni miMiibcrs are urged to whip these delinquents into line. GAMMA CHAPTER. Activity has been Gamma's watchword for the past few months. She is striving hard to keep in touch with her Alumni Brothers. Until the outi.-eak of the war Gamma was fortunate in Having several Brothers located here, and these were of great help to the Chapter. On the 30th of December last, the Chapter held a grand reunion of active, alumn; and honorary Brothers. Several of the alumni were present and delivered addresses. Brother S. S. Campbell, president, represented Gamma at the General Convention. The failure of the chapter to send more than one representative was due to the uncertainty of meeting place and de!ay of notice from the General Secretary. Our delegate reported to us at our last meeting the results of the General Convention. It appears that Cupid plans to dwell in the sacred confines of our Chapter. In this letter we report the marriage of Bro. J. E. Wright. Brother Wright became a member of this chapter last year and is now in the Y. M. C. A. work, being stationed at Camp Meade. We have begun to look over mtaerial for our next election of nem members. The new material seems to be o* real fraternity type and will be of muca value to the Chapter. Brother C. P. Franklin is now principal of the high school at Emporia, Virginia. He was formerly stationed at Camp Lee, Va. He wrirtes that he is achieving much success in his field. Brother H. S. Brown, formerly Sergeant Brown, Camp Dix, N. J., is now connected with the Y. M. C. A. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Brother Brown expects to return to school next fall and again become an active member.
Brother W. A. Daniels, alumnus of Gamma, has been recently commissioned second lieutenant from Camp Pike, and is at present in the city. Before entering the O. T. C. he was a professor at Storer College. On the last meeting night. Brother A. D. Price entertained the Brothers at supper following the meeting. At this meeting plans were suggested by which we might secure our fraternity house. The Brothers of this Chapter have constantly desired a house, but for various reasons the project has not been carried out. It is expected that by next fall we shall be able to enter a house. Despite the conditions that have existed during the turmoil, Gamma has continued to uphold the standards of A. P. A. and joins with the other chapters in making our fraternity a grander and better organization. Fraternally THOMAS P. TURNER. Jr.
ZETA CHAPTER. Yale University, New Haven. Conn. Brothers in A. P. A. Greetings:â&#x20AC;&#x201D; With the return of peace and therefore the gradual return to pre-war and normal conditions, the prospects and hopes of Zeta for the future are brighter beyond our expectations. We feel virtually certain that next fall will find Zeta Chapter in an active and flourishing condition, ready to play her full part in Alpha Phi Alpha. In spite of the general unstability of things in this unusual period the Brothers at this seat, fourteen in number, of various States, are working together in perfect harmony, such as only genuine A. P A. men could work together in; ana we are perpetuating in an admirable manner the spirit traditions and work of our beloved fraternity.
At our first informal meeting in November, Bro. J. P. William- was chosen as c h a i r m a n to preside a t all meetings of the body of B r o t h e r s for this year. One of our first considerations was that of t h e G r a n d Tax. The B r o t h e r s responded nicely and t h e Secretary was able to send to t h e general office on t h e eve of t h e conven tion a g r a n d tax o r Sphinx subscription from every Alpha P h i Alpha m a n in New Haven. T h e B r o t h e r s have s t a r t e d an emergency fund for t h e general use of t h e C h a p t e r work. This is m a d e up by volu n t a r y subscriptions from t h e B r o t h e r s ; it is a l r e a d y r e a c h i n g fine p r o p o r t i o n s and will t a k e care of t h e larger expenses of t h e C h a p t e r such as, t h e cost of sending o u t circular a n d personal letters to our a l u m n i , t h a t of rentals, and of giving a reception to our r e t u r n i n g B r o t h e r s later on. "We have adopted t h e slogan of " A ' p h a P h i Alpha for Life" and it is growing upon us daily. Not only so, but we w a n t all of our a l u m n i , non-resident and honorary m e m b e r s to g r a s p it a n d to achieve t h a t end we have decided to carry out this p r o g r a m : We a r e getting out circular and personal letters to every Zeta man of w h a t e v e r s t a t u s and domocils, a i m i n g a t a revival of his interest and active co-operation in t h e work of t h e PVaternity; also a question aire which when filled out will give us information a b o u t each B r o t h e r , badly needed 1 >\ our C h a p t e r a n d t h e general organization. T h i s information will include a m o n g o t h e r t h i n g s a personal history, suitable for a year book, telling of t h e B r o t h e r ' s a t t a i n m e n t s a n d prospects; his feeling in reference to his financial obligations; his opinion as to how our F r a t e r n i t y could lie made a bigger, better and s t r o n g e r organization. Those letters a n d questionaires will be in t h e h a n d s of every Zeta m a n whose w h e r e a b o u t s is k n o w n â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a n d t h e r e a r e a mighty few w h o m we h a v e not sought out. before t h e F e b r u a r y Sphinx a p p e a r s . T h e l e t h a r g y existing a m o n g Alpha Phi Alpha's scattered m e m b e r s is today t h e real problem of t h e F r a t e r n i t y , a n d Zeta intends to do her full s h a r e in endeavoring to dispel it.
Nut-emu anil 1!. A. Claymes as a reception committee in p'an the big reception in be given when t h e B r o t h e r s of this Chapter, now in service, shall h a v e r e t u r n e d to this seat. This will be the first re-union of Zeta since May, 1917, and we expect to m a k e it a m e m o r a b l e one. Any Z e t a n u n . (or other B r o t h e r s either, who a r e always welcome h e r e ) may have t h e details of this event by c o m m u n i c a t i n g with t h e Secretary. O t h e r C h a p t e r s might be interested to know t h a t at this seat a r e t h e follow i n s Brothers not be'onging to Zet:>: of G a m m a ; M. G. Mitchell, Epsilon; Steedy and Spircy of Xi, and Dr. Norcom of Beta and Zeta. Addresses will be given if requested. We were surprised t h a t t h e convention did not come East, b u t since it did not Chicago is already becoming t h e mecca to which our t h o u g h t s a r e turning. We a r e keenly interested in Beta-s p r o g r a m for a new F r o t e r n i t y home. One of t h e best ways of a w a k e n i n g the slumbering spirit in our B r o t h e r s is by launching out upon some definite construction work. The quicker we a d o p t a p r o g r a m of definite construction t h e quicker and m o r e accurately we will be able to m e a s u r e our s t r e n g t h a n d t h e loyalty of our individual B r o t h e r s . The whole F r a t e r n i t y should get behind Beta in this effort and see h e r "see it t h r u . " The B r o t h e r s here are already figuring out how many shares they will take. We shall welc ne Beta's literature. Since t h e signing of t h e armistice Zeta men a r e already beginning to r e t u r n to a c a d e m i c duties. Bro. Ciaymes w a s t h e first to r e t u r n and other B r o t h e r s forced out by t h e w a r expect to r e t u r n this y e a r or next fall. lire. F r a n k Adams, formerly an active m e m b e r of Zeta, has j u s t been mustered out of t h e Officers' School a t ('amp Pike is with us now ami expects to
return to Dartmouth in the fall. We have suffered no known casualties
t h r u t h e war and all our B r o t h e r s r e p o r t bright prospects of an early r e t u r n to civilian life. Bro. Howell rias received his honorable discharge from the Yale S. A. T. ('. and is persuing acaderurc studies. Bro. T h e c h a i r m a n at t h e last m e e t i n g a p Dr. Norcom, a c h a r t e r m e m b e r of Zeta. pointed Bros. Dr. R. S. Fleming, Dr. I'. 1(1
within lesa than a year has built up an enviable practice. He is rapidly following in t h e steps of Bro. I. N. Porter, the undisp u t i n g leading physician of tne City with a practice larger than any other two combined. B r o t h e r Tolliver, our prosperous attorney, is with us after spending several w e e k s out West settling a h u g h estate for a local client. B r o t h e r Mitchell, Epsilon, is one of the leading figures behind a move which it is hoped will give our people a Y. M. (". A. Mention should also be m a c e of Bro. Dr. F l e m i n g ' s wonderful success in dentistry. It is safe to say t h a t no single office in t h e city is more crowded from day to day than Dr. Fleming's. With a conveyance from t h e Brothers here Of their best wishes to our general officers and sister C h a p t e r s for a bright, e n c o u r a g i n g and fruitful year, I a m F r a t e r n a l l y yours, J. FRANCIS W I L L I A M S
In! y amazed at the speed a: which t h e new iers are taking hold of the Alpha Phi Alpha spirit We a r e - r m l y convinced thai they will add to t h e glory of t h e fraternlty no! on y locally but nationally a s well. Despite opposition which is peculiar to Wllberforee, Alpha men have been elected to most of t h e principal positions held by students. Bro. Lynon '19 is president of the Senior F e d e r a t i o n ; Bro. Wells '20 holds position as president of t h e J u n i o r F e d e r a tion; Bro. Lynon '19 is also president of t h e College League, and Bro. -/ines '20 is vice president of both t h e College L e a g u e a n d t h e J u n i o r F e d e - tion. A ' p h a P h i Alpha will always he a bright and shining s t a r a t Wilberforce. Brother is our delegate to t h e 11th Annual Convention. H e b r o u g h t b a c k to us very many inspiring r e p o r t s of t h e proceedings. Xi will profit by his report. DAVID V I N E S , C h a p t e r Editor.
Xi C h a p t e r sends fraternal b r o t h e r s of Alpha Phi Alpha,
T h e S. A. T. C. has come to a close but still we must record a pleasant m e m o r y which is more or less outstanding. A IV ,v w e e k s before t h e close of t h e S. A. T. C. we highly entertained at a banquet financed by Bro. Lieut. Merill H. Curtis, Beta, A m o n g t h e s p e a k e r s of t h e occasion were Bros. Prof. W. S. Scarborough, W. A. J o i n er. and L. B. P a l m e r . T h e . G r e a t World W a r depleted our r a n k s . To counteract this effect we have taken into t h e mysteries of Alpha Phi Alpha a few men who bor<\ o u r m u c h cheerished s t a n d a r d "Scholar.snip and C h a r a c ter." Our new b r o t h e r s ai â&#x20AC;˘ .James J o h n s o n . H. H a n n i b a l Hull. Percy I. Laurey, Ila. M. McCown, Curtis Garvin, P a l e m a Sewell, Robert Wright. E r n e s t Clarkson, Charles Colter, Oliver C. Totten. P r a t h e r H a u s e r . William E m m o n s , Halp B a n k s . B u r n s S. Cassel. Lucien D u n l a p . George Banks, George Spillman, R i c h a r d Smith. J a m e s Crosby, J o s e p h I'enn. Fraison Gutherie, and Alphonso Mcl'heeters. We a r e joy11
THKTA C H A P T E R CHICAGO, ILL. To t h e E d i t o r : Your letter dated J a n u a r y 11th c a m e to h a n d , and, as time is pressing, I hasten to a n s w e r with t h e desired information. With the resounding echoes from a brilliant report, as rendered oy our able delegates to t h e 11th Annual Convention, ringing clear in our e a r s ; with t h e t h o u g h t of e n t e r t a i n i n g t h e next convention in Chicago. T h e t a springs forward into a year, which will probably be t h e most historical of her existence. F o r the careful guidance of this " b o d y " we selected, a t our last meeting, t h e following s t a l w a r t m e n : President, Bro. C. A. Greer; vice president, F. T. L a n e ; secretary. Bro. R. W. B r o o k s ; t r e a s u r e r , B r o . Dr. H o m e r P. Cooper; c o r r e s p o n d e n t secretary and editor to Sphinx, Bro. Dr. Owen M. Waller, J r . We h a v e with us this y e a r t h e firey spirit of our " M o t h e r C h a p t e r " in t h e p e r sons of Bro. Dr. A. J o h n J a c k s o n , Bro. Dr. \V 11. Sea brook, Bro. Dr. O. M. Waller. Jr., all of whom a r e in t h e b u r e a u of Animal
Industrial and stationed in i iiicago, and Bro. C. A. McCoy^ Bro. Grant of Rho is now at Chicago University to obtain his masters degree and will affiliate with The^a in the near future. Bro. L. A. Hall has resigned his position as chemist for the Government and h;is returned to Chicago. Since our last article to the Sphinx Bro. Julian H. Lewis, Ph. D.. took upon himself tin- obligation of married life and joined in a partnership with the pleasing Miss Eva Overton, of Chicago. Bro. H. K. Barnett followed suit by wedding the fair Miss E. Davis of this city. Theta is represented at the "front" in the persons of Bros. Lee Jefferson (promoted recently to 2nd Lieut.); A. C. Brown, first lieutenant R. M. C.j T. Jones (promoted from Sergt. to 2nd Lieut, at the front). None of the boys have returned as yet. Bro. Dr. H. P. Cooper has established a magnificent office and is enjoying a phenominal practice. Bro. H. Trammell is an interne at the Kansas City General Hospital. Keep one eye on Theta this year. She is going to make everlasting fraternal history. We see the possibility of a Chapter House and, if we do not fall short of our efforts, we will be able to entertain the Convention in our own spacious dwelling. Theta bids each Chapter go forth with accelerated vigor to destroy the obstacles of post-war reconstruction. Not only make the ensuing year one of reconstruction but make it one of new construction and ideas. It is with these ideas in mind that we bid all a happy and successful new year. DR. O. Meredith Waller. Jr. Corresp. Sec. and Editor to Sphinx President, C. A. Greer, 5060 State St., Chicago, 111. Vice President, F. T. Lane, Y. M. C. A., 3763 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Secretary, P. W. Brooks, M. D. Divinity Hall, Chicago University. Treasurer, Dr. Homer P. Cooper, 5060 State St., Chicago, 111. Corresponding Secretary and Associate Editor to Sphinx, Dr. O. M. Waller, Jr., Y. M. C. A., 3763 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III.
As soon as the War Department nrrferrd the demobilization at Linco n, the eager attention of every Brother was directed undividedly toward the problems of Fraternal and University readjustment. Foremost in our minds wan speedy and effective reorganizat' >n of our own Chapter in order to add strength to the General Organization, and, in an equally forceful manner, to lend support to our University in its vigorous efforts to rehabilitate as quickly and as efficiently a3 possible. Paucity of members ancr certain other regretful things growing out of problems of reconstruction, have not to any great extent disheartened us or mitigated our determination for a strong Chapter this year; for we find consolation in the fact that strength does not always desert small numbers. Nor has this fewness of members, together with tremendous sacrifices to our country, made us excitedly and indiscreetly anxious about "rushing in new material." Nu is unanimously agreed that it were better to sink to the minimum number of six than to have a large enrollment of men, many of whose character, scholarship, and general ability may be manifestly inadequate to be formed and fashioned into the Alpha Phi Alpha ideal. It is our ardent hope that Lincoln as well as the world will soon recognize that the existence of Alpha Phi Alpha in the various universities of the country, is one of the greatest inspirations and aids to the race. Hence we must live Alpha Phi Alpha as well as talk Alpha Phi Alpha. . To this end, Nu pledges a keener and more conscientious discretion in the selection of new members, and by improvement in scholarship, kinetic powers, and general activities in the University, hopes to bring to a fuller realization the ideals of our beloved Fraternity. Inability to be represented at the eleventh annual convention has caused profound regret here. Yet we trust that much has been done toward the solution of the three great problems pointed out by Brother President Pollard in the last issue of the Sphinx.
Brother P. I. Bowser, A. B. '18. is now a Htudcnt in the Dental College Howard University. Brother Letyreace chamberlain B. S. '17, is a teacher in the West Virginia Institute. Brother Harry W. Greene, A. B. '17. who received his master's degree from the University last year, is here as Instructor In Latin and Greek. Brother C. M. Cain, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at Atlantic City, is now a Chaplain with the rank of First Lieutenant. Brother Frank C. Shirley, minister Presbyterian Church, Oklahoma, is also a Chaplain with the rank of First Lieutenant. Brother J. B. Barber ex-president of Nu, is pastonng at Grace Presbyterian Church, Seattle, Washington. Frank T. Wilson and Miller W. Boyd of the class '21 were Initiated into the mysteries and secrets of the Fraternity on January 15. From these Brothers much is expected, for in the conservative opinion of a great many, they are tlÂťe very "cream" of their class, and are destined to be dynamic forces in University leadership. At our annual election the following Brothers were chosen as ofilcers for the Chapter: President, Bro. William K. Sanders; Vice President. BrO. John T. Lee; Corresponding Secretary. Bro. Joseph N. Hill; Assistant Secretary. Bro. H. E. Meekins; Treasurer, Bro. R. L. franklin; Chaplain, Bro. Harry W. Greene; Contributing Editor to the Sphinx, Bro. William B. Butler. Nu is glad to announce the marriage of three of its members: Brot'.ier Lieut. Daniel G. Hill, Jr. to Miss May L. Edwards of Washington, D. C ; Bro. c:. H. Stewart to Miss Anita Hill of Georgia; Bro. J. A. Shelton to Miss Boyd of West Virginia. Nu regrets to announce the death of Bro. Alfred F. White, alumnus of Nu and a member of Sigma. Brother White died at Camp Humphrey with the in.Tuenza. Wishing the greatest of success for all sister Chapters, Fraternally, WILLIAM BERKLEY BUTLER.
XI CHAPTER Greetings: No doubt you have wondered at not having received any correspondence from Xi Chapter. 1 have been ill every since my return from the convention and I am just recovering from my illness !-nd hence the tardiess of this letter. First. I wish to ,-xtend to you congratulations from Xi Chapter. I have been elected editor of the Sphinx and she (XiChapter) wishes you a year of greater successes. Owing to the fact that the list of officers of this Chapter were not sent to you at the proper time caused the absence of Xi's Chapter officers from the Inside cover of the Sphinx. A new list of officers will be sent you immediately after the next election. The officers are: President, Bro. R. L. Lynon. Vice President, Bro. L F. Crosby. Secretary, Br. C. W. Logan. Assistant Secretary, Bro. C. S. Long. Corresponding Secretary, Bro. F. B. West. Treasurer, Bro. D. A. Barrow. Financial Secretary, Bro. F. O. Tyler. Chapter Editor, Bro. D. T. Vines. Historian, Bro. F. M. Reid. Sergeant at Arms. Bro. A. E. Thompson. We will be very glad to hear from you at any time we assure you that your correspondence will be answered immediately. Yours in A. P. A., FAYE B. WEST, Cor. Sec'y Box 94, Wilberforce University. Wilberforce, O. IU1U CHAPTER A. P. A. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Greetings Brothers, from Rho Chapter: We feel that the new year has opened up to us a new era of prosperity and that our sister Chapter shall be proud of old Rho, situated here in the historic town of Philadelphia. We take great pleasure in announcing the. marriage of our Brother Preston C. Johnson, a recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, to Miss Rebecca Ramsey of Philadelphia. Bro. Johnson and his wife are now keeping house in a beautiful little home at 57th and Arch streets. 13
W e regret t h a t we can not a n n o u n c e t h e arrival of any recent Alpha Phi Alpha "live-wires" from R h o . Rho C h a p t e r is rejoicing in having our B r o t h e r Dr. T. S. Burwell, one of Philadelphia's most p r o m i n e n t p-iysicians, back again at our meetings. Brother Burwell has had a prolonged and stubborn illness. and h a s spent many m o n t h s at Atlantic City regaining his health. Those B r o t h e r s who visited t h e 10th Annual Convention in our city, will r e m e m b e r b r o t h e r BurWell as a man enbued with the real good old A. P. A. spirit. We a r e f o r t u n a t e this year in bavin-; real live-wire officers, all or whom have t a k e n great interest in seeing that R h o thrives. They a r e as follows: M, Russell Nelson, President. 20 Prospect Ave.. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Dr. Geo. Alvin J e n k i n s , Vice President, 1721 B a i n b r i d g e St.. Philadelphia. Dr. I. M. Lawrence, T r e a s u r e r . 14 10 North 21st St., Philadelphia. J. Ed. L o w r e y . ' C o r . S e c , 757 South 17th St., Philadelhpia. Dewey Rogers. Secretary, 1434 X. 18th St., Philadelphia. F e r d i n a n d Motley, Sgt. a t Arms, 1535 b o m b a r d St.. Philadelphia. In these men we have officers whose very h e a r t s a r e in the F r a t e r n i t y . They have worked hard to keep Kho Chapter in its coveted position a m o n g the various organizations of Philadelphia. W i t h such live men a s these a t our head, B r o t h e r s . watch Rho. for at next y e a r ' s convention she is going t o present the largest " G r a n d Tax" in the history of our fraternity. Rho, too, is loth to confer the honor of its m e m b e r s h i p on any but those who have been tried and found to be pure in heart. So. at our fall initiation, ,we only took in four new men. But in these we know w e have t h e very best our city can afford. They a r e : B r o t h e r T h e o d o r e Penny. Brother R a y m o n d P. Alexander, B r o t h e r Dayton Wilson and B r o t h e r George Rogers. B r o t h e r Penny is secretary to the Southw e s t e r n B r a n c h of t h e * . M. C. A. in Philadelphia, a n d a m a p whose personality
has drawn many a fellow to Che foFds of the Y. M. C. A. B r o t h e r Alexander is a student in the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce. at Penn. tie is a good man and one who. we a r e sure, shall prove highly worthy of being our brother. B r o t h e r s Wilson and Rogers are two more good men. who are Students at Temple University School of Medicine. Brothers, these men really suffered in " t h e m a k i n g , " but they have already proven to us t h e wisdom of our selection. We have lots more of new m a t e r i a l . Some will come in in our s p r i n g election, but all Freshmen will have to w a n until at least they have r e a d i e d the Eop:iomore Class. T h a t is a plan we have followed here with much gratitiation. So far, only one of our B r o t h e r s has ret u r n e d from the Army. ;:.â&#x20AC;˘ is Brother Ed. Jones, a recent g r a d u a t e of t h e University School of Dentistry. Had the w a r not ended in two more weeks Pre. Junes would nave had his commission. We a r e not t h e only ones overjoyed at Dr. J o n e s return. Miss Vivian Ragland. who proudly wears Bro. J o n e s ' pin shared our happiness. Bro. Jones' expects soon to open up his office again. .. , We a r e looking forward with great expectancy to t h e return of our c h a p t e r men from the front. All a r e commissioned men and several have been cited for bravery. We have planned an e n o r m o u s reception to these heroes on their return. B r o t h e r s Harry s. Blacklston, a Bachelor and Master from Penn. is still in the Navy. But he has certainly a political Job serving as interpreter, because of his fluency in the G e r m a n tongue. Brother Blackiston seems to be particularly interested in people in New York and Newark. N. J., a n d . you b r o t h e r s of Beta Chapter, when, he conies to Washington. Easter, watch your girls, t h a t ' s all. The delegates and visitors at the last convention in Cleveland will r e m e m b e r B r o t h e r M. Russell Nelson. Brother Nelson is probably t h e youngest president Rho has ever had. but be has the good old type of spirit,
seldom seen now day*. "We can confidently say that this youth will reflect credit on our Fraternity. We take pleasure in announcing to the Fraternity nis appointm-ent as an assistant in the Dispensary of Genitourinary Diseases at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital where he will enjoy the opportunity hitherto only enjoyed by members of powerful white Fraternities, of specializing in this important branch of medcine. During the recent Influenza outbreak, Brother Nelson served with credit at Bryn Mawr Hospital, the largest white institution outside of Philadelphia, so you see, if we are worthy, the white folks do call on us, and strange to say. when they call, they generally have to call on an Alpha Phi Alpha man. But one thing about Brother Nelson is this; it seems he cannot stay away from Washington. Those of us who have come across him in the Club, have always found him posting a letter to Washington. We can not locate the fortunate young lady in whom he is so interested. An old Beta man could not clear up the mystery, but he has directed us to get in touch with Brother Leon Tancil, of Beta Chapter, who, he claims, can. Brother Tancil, come across witti the information please. Fresh in the minds of those at the last Convention is the speech of Brother Jerricks, who has the reputation of being the best speaker in Philadelphia. Brother Jerricks is another man. who at the old historic institution founded by Ben Franklin, is bringing glory to old Alpha Phi Alpha. Brother Jerricks graduated this year. the only colored graduate of the Medical School. In recognition of his ability as a speaker, the Zelosophic Society of the University has admitted him to its folds. Our delegates at the Convention presented in our report a suggestion for celebrations suitably to show the accomplishments â&#x20AC;˘of our race during these three centuries since our landing here in 1619. Brother Jerricks explained at the open meeting that we hoped to celebrate or rather to show to the world, so to speak, the accomplishments of our people from the standpoints of education. art, music, war. and last but not 15
least, our women, for said he too well "behind our every attainment there lies the untiring zeal of some goo<3 woman." We feel. Brothers, that the leadership in these celebrations, should be taken by us as college men. We plan to have at Philadelphia's Academy of Music, four great meetings. The first shall be devoted to the subject of Education, at which time we shall have such Negro educators as Dean Kelly Miller. Mr. Emmett Scott, Judge Robert Terrell and others, to tell the white and colored folk of Philadelphia just how much we have accomplshed in industrial and higher education. It has been said that no music is really American that is not of Negro origin, and at a subsequent meeting at the Academy we intend to present the music of H. T. Burleigh, with Mr. Burleigh interpreting; the original Jazz music or Handy's New York orchestra and the p.-antation melodies as presented by the Fisk Singers. Here is a combination with which we can charm the music loving public of our city. At our third meeting we shall have Cols. Denison and Roberts, and some of our own Borthers who have gone '-over the top" to tell the city the part our of boys in the war. And last'y, but not least, will come our day for the recognition of our women, at which time we hope to have representative women of our race, as Mrs. Mary Church Terrell, to address our gathering. Brother Jerrick, in fiery language, presented our program at the Cherry Street Church, the largest churc:i In Philadelphia. He presented it later to Philadelphia's Professional Club in such a way that they at once appointed a committee to assist Rho Chapter in anw way possible. One by one we shall line up every organization in our city, many of which, including the Urban League and the Colored Protective Association, have already offered their aid. Wm appeal to the other Chapters, especially to the last Convention delegates, to explain further the plan as presented by Brother Jerricks. to their individual Chap. ters. with a view of ha,vipg In each city in
Oscar Peniston. our f o r m e r ^president. i= now stationed wilh the Army Reserve De pot, Schenectady. New Sfoot. He is a sergeant in Company C. Although We have as yet no news of the r e t u r n of any B r o t h ers from overseas, we o x p e i : some of them shortly. We have seven men back in school this quarter.
Which t h e r e is .1 C h a p t e r of Alpha P h i Alpha. a like celebration. And further, we ask each C h a p t e r to oenalder the possibility of fostering the setting aside of "inday d u r i n g this year as mir "Negro Day," at which time thruotft the whole country we hope to have every CTiurch and every school celebrate our progress, We shall ask that the press, t h r u o u t the country, white and colored alike, shall devote some space on t h a t .day, to our racial accomplishments and developments.
Yours fraternally Chapter
I I'SU.ON C H A P T E R I'psilon has probably been a little negligent in keeping in touch with the general organization, but due to no lack of in: on the part of the b r o t h e r s out here. It was with the greatest difficulty t h a we sucled in keeping Upsllon active d u r i n g ( those trying m o n t h s when the S. A. T. C. was netting its foothold here. The C h a p t e r never b e c a m e quite inactive. T h e Brothers always found some time to get together to talk Alpha Phi Alpha and h e r ideals.
We, In Philadelphia, a l e ffi'iiiiiis hard. We beg each C h a p t e r to consider seriously these suggestions coming from Ithn. and if nvore information is n e e d e - . a letter to our Sphinx representative, Dr. Charles Lewis, 1535 L o m b a r d street, r-.wiadelphia. will bring to any c h a p t e r our plans in detail. We are anxious ot see t h a t any B r o t h e r coming to Philadelphia is well t a k e n care of, so. until we get a C h a p t e r House, any out-of-town B r o t h e r c o n t e m p l a t i n g a visit to Philadelphia will please get in touch with B r o t h e r Nelson or with B r o t h e r Chas. Lewis, at
tin- a b o v e
I noticed in the last issue of the Sphinx that certain Eastern colleges were refusing to take colored s t u d e n t s into their 8. A. T.C. Incidently, I want to say t h a t we had no trouble out h e r e whatever. T h e r e were 40 colored men in t h e S. A. T. C. at Kansas University. Six of these men were from the C h a p t e r here. However. I'psilon wishes to highly commend those A. I'. A. men wlio put up such a splendid fight against this unjust discrimination.
I send greetings and Pest wishes from Itho to all onr .sister Chapters. C H A R L E S A. LEWIS, s p h i n x Representative,
TAB C H A P T E R University of [iuuiois. DEAR B R O T H E R S : I received y ' Convention N u m b e r of the Sphinx and was very glad to see how the other c h a p t e r s were progressing. Since you last h e a r d from me there have been no deaths, but B r o t h e r William Powell, a first lieutenant in the 866th Regiment, was slightly wounded by Bhrapnsl two days before the armistice was srgned. H e has now recovered, however, T h e r e have 1 n no births, e n g a g e m e n t s nor marriages. We have elected Oscar Randall, president: Vance Million, t r e a s u r e r and Richard ilarewood, secretary. We have initiated five new men, Charles r.iundy. of Chicago; Everett Campbell and Courtland Booker, of Washington, l>. c . and F r e d Bobo and Boo Dickerson or St. Bonis. Bro,
In the capacity of corresponding Secretary, I am obliged to give a general survey of the activities of I'psilon, which [ assure you, is quite a pleasure. In the Spring of 1918. Bpsilon had on its C h a p t e r roll 23 active members, two of whom were given degrees in t h e late Spring of the same year. Brother. BB. B., and B r o t h e r Harrison, BB.B. B r o t h e r Brewer is now located at 121 Bove Building, Muscogee. Okla. B r o t h e r Harrison is still in the service. D u r i n g the s u m m e r six more of our men were called to t h e colore. The opening of the new school year found eight of us back, and as I have previously said, six of these eight were t a k e n into t h e looking after F r a t e r n i t y m a t t t e i s on the S. A. T. C , leaving the entire burden of 16
shoulder*. oi our termer president, Brofcher William H. Towers, From September until December t h e C h a p t e r was almost inactive. We succeeded however in meeting occasionally and looking arter F r a t e r n i t y matters. We found it necessary tt. elect some new officers to fill t h e vacancies of those who had KOIII- overseas or taken into the service here. We elected as president Bro. w . 11. Towers; vice president, Bro. M. A. White; chaplain, Bro. L. .1. Holmes. With this now quota of officers we Bel t" work tu m a k e the best or a most trying situation. T h e coming of peace brough an abrupt end to the S. A. T. C. and the six B r o t h e r s in this b r a n c h of the service were honorably discharged December 21, l i t i s . We succeeded in getting together and cele b r a t i n g our a n n u a l Founder's Day, Dec. i l , 1918, with a banquet .-or t h e B r o t h e r s here and Brothers from o i a e r Chapters. We were fortunate in having with us en t h a t evening our former president. B r o t h e r T .A. Owens, who was just recently discharged from the service, and one of our active a l u m n i m e m b e r s , Lieut. V. I. Bradley, who was commissioned a second lieutenant ai C a m p Pike. Being grateful t h a t this world strife is over, t h a t this conflict of h u m a n i t y against h u m a n i t y has abruptly come to a n end, feeling grateful t h a t Upsilon h a s survived t h a t trying period, we a r e now p l a n n i n g to m a k e the spirit that prevails here, t h e true A. I'. A. spirit. We started tile year of ' 1 :i bj Initiating pledges J a m e s Hayden of K a n s a s City and Chancey Jones, of Muscogee. T h e r e a r e a t present ten active m e m b e r s mi the active roll. We a r e planning to :>o comfortably housed by the Spring of t h e year. I'psilou
considers herself
highly honored in view
of the fact that she has a Phi lletta Kappa in the person of Pro. Scott. Bro, Bcoti is a senior in the University and the Brat colored student to be a d m i t t e d to that organization at t h e University of Kansas, We have a failure tu no
regret vciy much t h a t we did delegate at the last Convention. to have representation t h e r e was lack of interest on the part of
not Our due the 17
We feci I lu- need "!' having a
representative at tin- Convention and in the future our representative there will lie assured. We wisii tu extend mir heartiest c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s to the other Chapters. We wish them a lirirght and prosperous year. Let us all have the Alpha Phi Alpha for our shining light; let Die noble work of this splendid organisation '"carry nn."
Our president. Urn. w. li. Lowers, who receives his A. 1'.. and I.I.. ::.. in the Spring
of the year, takes pleasure in announcing his engagement in Miss orpheus Scott, a teacher in the public schools of Kansas City, Kansas. Brother V. A. Wilkerson an inces his engagement tu Miss Mae Harlan, a Freshm a n at the University. Miss Harlan is a g r a d u a t e of the S u m n e r H i g h School of K a n s a s City, Kansas and an honor g r a d u a t e Kansas City, Kansas, and an honor student o fthe Class of - 17. Viiiirs fraternally MATTHEW E. CARROLL. PI
Heartiest Greetings to all Alpha Phi Alpha: Tip' inspiration gained from contact with so m a n y of Alpha Phi Alpha's live wires a t t h e Reconstruction Convention is being expressed here by more interest and increased a t t e n d a n c e at meetings. How much incentive can In- obtained from r a convention. only those Who have a t t t e n d e d can tell. Pi is s t a r t i g out with h:gh a i m s and expects tu accomplish them, Pi discovered as did all who a t t e n d e d the Convention,
thai there is something wrong when we can't collect the Grand Tax for half t h e total national m e m b e r s h i p . B r o t h e r Daniel n. Fowler, as president, is a p p e a l i n g fur everyone tu pay his Grand Tax. regardless of w h e r e he may he located. Pi Chapter, realizing this need, ha solved lu have her C,raii(1 Tax in liy F e b r u ary la, lulu. Can yini beat us'.' We lead, let those who can. Follow. This m e a n s the Grand Tan of all PI men. w h e r e v e r they may be, and all other Alpha Phi Alpha B r o t h e r s in Cleveland. PI is anxious to see Alpha Phi Alpha B r o t h e r s fulfill t h e i r Obligations and p u t t h e Alpha Piii Alpha
Fraternity upon a sound financial basis. Let us all pull together for the attainment of our ideals. Fraternally -. .. PERRT B. JACKSON. PERSONALS Brother Private Rufus L. Carr, Hospital Corps, died while overseas. Pi and Epsilon unite in mourning the death of this Brother. Brother Ernest P. Jackson, proprietor of Jackson's Pharmacy became a benedict on Thanksgiving day at high noon. Thus a most charming young lady was brought into the folds of Pi. ELECTION OF OFFICERS President, Perry B. Jackson, 7803 Dix Ct.; vice president, Regt'l Sergt. Major Raymond S. Jackson, 7803 Dix Ct., now at Camp Taylor, Ky., with the Rq. 814th Pioneer Infantry; secretary, Robert S. Martin, 8208 Quincy avenue;; treasurer. Armen G. Evans 2180 E. 83rd street.
Brother Lieutenant Crawford is ill at Camp Sherman having T>een transferred from Wilberforce University S.A.T.C. unit. Of especial importance to all Brothers is the action of the Convention in Increasing the Grand Tax by $1.00. The Convention paid two remarkable tributes to two Brothers who have served efficiently and well in their respective offices. The retiring President, Brother W. A. Pollard, and the absent Treasurer, S. S. Booker, came in for due meed of congratulation for their contributions of indefatigable service for Alpha Phi Alpha. Brother Pollard, modest as usual, filed a disclaimer by saying that he had only done his duty. However, the Convention showed its gratitude for tne growth of confidence and the unusual prosperity that has come about under the administration of these two men.
CHANGE OF EMPLOYMENT Bro. D. D. Fowler is now employed by The American Steel Castings Co., as chemist Brother Fowler graduated from the Case School of Applied Science as second highest in his class.
Regimental Sergeant laajor Raymond S. Jackson, Pi., returned from France and landed in New York December 18, 1918. Owing to the character of his work he has not yet been discharged, but hopes to be out in time to resume scholastic work in February.
Private Quinn Montgomery, Pi, has been discharged from a medical detachment at Camp Green, Florida. Brother Beman has laid aside military cares and is now getting ready to practice dentistry.
CI.IK AND COLLEGE PINS AND RINGS THE SPHINX ÂŤfcU.VBTERLY Published for the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., at the seat ot Beta Chapter. Washington, D. C. Subscription $1. Printing Committeeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Walter Garvin, Beale Elliott, Charles Wesley, Carl J. Murphy. Editor in Chief, 628 North Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md.