©be i&pfnttx QUARTERLY CARL J. MURPHY, Editor in Chief
4 8
12th ANNUAL CONVENTION December 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th, Chicago, III., Seat of Theta Chapter Vincennes Hotel, 36th & Vincennes Ave.
OFFICERS 2233 E. 90th Street, Cleveland, Ohio
LUCIUS LEE McGHEE, Vice President, 75 M. D. Hall, Uni. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. NORMAN L. McGHEE, Secretary, Howard University, ^hington, D. C. S. S. BOOKER, Treasur
uid Hill Avenue. Baltimore, Md.
CARL J. MURPHY, Editor of Sphinx, 628 N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Md.
N. Y.
'TER. Howard Urn
ident, da Aven
fAPTER, Virginia Union Un tnond, Va. Union I Secretary, D. 1 ly, Virginia Union University.
EPSILON CHAPTER, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan— Pr I. Vann, 608 Full. THETA CHAPTER. Ui of Chicago, Northwestern, Illinois. 111. Pr irles A. 5060 S. Stato Str< try, R. R. Church, 333.r) Calumet Av igo. ZETA CHAPTER, Yale University Pr St< !48 Yal 'ii. P, IOTA CHAPTER, Sy
Ohio S
I E. 11th Si N. \ . (I
i Hand.
EDITORIAL . Mit me in Chicago
Everybody will_ agree that these words culled from an article in this issue by the General Secretary represent at the least indelicate English, but at the same time there is no doubt that the sentiment they express is undeniably to the point. The Twelfth Annual Convention to be held December 27, 28, 29 and 30, in the Vincennes Hotel, Chicago, where the delegates will lodge and take their meals, promises to be the oiggest and most rousing assembly Alpha Phi Alpha has ever staged. Surely the world has never seen one hundred colored delegates from professional schools and colleges meeting as an inter-collegiate fraternity in the effort to come,closer together for mutual helpfulness and racial uplift. Letters received from all of the chapters show that they will be represented fully in the convocation by men anxious to feel the spirit of the occasion and dedicate themselves anew to the fine principles for which the Fraternity stands. More Pictures
The Sphinx calls attention again to the fact that it welcomes a limited number of photos of individual members and Chapter Houses. In this number will be found a picture of the beautiful Chapter House of Upsilon Chapter at the University of Kansas. It conveys, as words can not, the progress of the brothers there, and stimulates the rest of us to follow their example. The Feb-
ruary number will contain an official photograph of the delegates and visitors to the Chicago ('(invention. We hope to make it worth
Kappa Chapter Very Much Alive
Due to an error made originally in the office of the Vice President, and then carried forward by SPHINX, Kappa Chapter was listed in the last directory as inactive. It appears that for a while last year the fraternity work was disorganized, but conditions have rapidly changed and the outlook is for a banner year. With one hundred and twenty-five students in the Ohio State University, among them graduate members of other chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha, it may be noted with pleasure that Kappa has plans for a Chapter House and will send its quota of delegates to Chicago. Can the Fraternity Help it
According to accounts of the recent LincolnUnion football game printed in Baltimore papers, the actual playing in that game consumed thirty minutes, and the time given over to disputing the referee's decisions amounted to two hours and thirty minutes. Peri this statement is somewhat exaggerated, but eyewitness agree that the game was characterized by frequent delays, coaching from the sidelines, and unnecessary roughness. Baltimore was selected for the
game as a neutral point nearly equidistant from the two schools, and the football fans of the city, in the beginning welcomed the opportunity to see college football at home as well as the fine chance to have their alma maters impress themselves on prospective graduates of the city's secondary schools. If The Sphinx believed that this game was typical of football games between our colleges, it would have no hesitancy in saying that the sport has degenerated to the point where Alpha Phi Alpha men cannot afford to connect themselves with it. We believe to the contrary, and we know that the Chapters in these schools, especially the brothers on the two teams can do a pood deal towards improving conditions, for real sportsmanship demands the acceptance of the referee's decision, as long as he is referee, and it also demands that the players help, not hit a fallen opponent. Every school boy knows the difference between the hard fair player and the "mucker." * * • A Traveling One of the questions Secretary that will come up in the Chicago Convention, and require the best thought of the delegates as well as the best advice of the chapters before hand, is the appointment of a TRAVELING SECRETARY. It is not a new question, and has come up in several forms at recent conventions. The present proponents of a traveling secretary or a "paid" traveling secretary, suggest that a general officer on the spot is often needed to arouse spirit in delinquent chapters, to discover new fields for extensions, and to keep active chapters working at the high water mark. The function of this new officer would aiso be to organize the graduates into a working
force, and show them what part 'hey can play in fraternity affairs, even tho they are not enough to form a graduate chapter. On the other side of this question are those who think that the work of the fraternity can be carried on better by centralizing all of the general offices under the heads of President, Secretary-Treasurer and Vice President-Editor of the Sphinx thereby reducing the number of general officers rather than adding Vo it. Those who advocate "centralization" would have the work of visiting and organizinz chapters "e by the General President, who would act in his spare time. We commend both proposals to the sober consideration of the chapters in order that their delegates represent their views in the coming convention. • » • The Stork The stork made a visit Visits to St. Louis, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland this month and left a bouncing Alpha Phi Alpha baby in each city. The SPHINX invites the congratulations and good wishes of its readers to two swaddling graduate chapters. • • • To the Delegates to the ChicaDelegates go Convention should be provided with funds to furnish board and lodging for four days of the session. A sight seeing trip and the annual banquet will require additional amounts. Quite as important as these items is that the delegates, shall bring with them, clearly typewritten, their annual reports, their Chapter constitutions, and receipts for their Chapter Grand Taxes. No delegate can be seated unless all requirements have been fulfilled, and, no chapter ought to embarass in any way the brothers sent to represent it.
G E N E R A L T H E M E — N e g r o Business 1. America. 2. Invocation. 3. R e m a r k s , Bro. Geo. C. Hall, P r e s i d i n g 4. Vocal Solo, Mrs. Antoinette G a m e s 5. Alpha P h i Alpha, A F o r c e for Negro Uplift, (giving short history of purpose and ideals of t h e F r a t e r n i t y , Bro. Daniel D. Fowler, Gen. P r e s i d e n t 6. Alpha P h i Alpha a n a t h e New Negri! B r o t h e r E m o r y I'.. Smith 7. Piano So'o B r o t h e r Piper 8. T h e Advent of t h e Negro into Big P u s iness. (Suggested steps looking toward g r e a t e r development a ' o n g this line) B r o t h e r E m m e t t J. Scott. 9. Cornet Solo Robert Iv Giles 10. T h e Negro Soldier in t h e American Army a n d His Adjustment to the New Order Bro. Chas. H. Garvin, Capt. U. S. A. 11. Alpha Phi Alpha's Task B r o t h e r L. L. McGee 12. National A n t h e m N . B . — R e m a i n for social after close of t h e program.
Alpha Attention of the brothand Iota ers is called to the chapter letter from Alpha, mother of men. The outlook is that both Alpha, inactive for two years, and Iota, inactive for a longer time, will be redeemed in time to send delegates to the 12th Convention. The appeal goes out to the graduate brothers of these two chapters to rally to the effort to bring them back to the fold. CONVENTION
S a t u r d a y . December 27. 1919. Vliieenncs Hotel. 30th Street and Vlnconncs Avenue. Morning:—Hesistration of delegates and visiting b r o t h e r s . F i r s t session, 2.00 P . M. 1. Call to order, B r o . Charles A. Greer, President of T h e t a . 2. Invocation. .1. R e m a r k s , Bro. F . T. Lane, Vice P r e s ident of Theta, introducing. B r o t h e r Daniel D. Fowler, General P I T S . 4. P r e s i d e n t ' s Annual Address. 5. A p p o i n t m e n t of ( a ) Officials of t h e Convention. (b) C o m m i t t e e of R u l e s and Credentials 6. Short Recess. 7. R e p o r t of Committee on R u l e s a n d Credentials. 8. Call of Roll. 9. Welcome Address On behalf of City of Chicago, B r o t h e r George C. Hall. On behalf of T h e t a Chapter, B r o t h e r Chas. A. Greer. 10. Response. B r o t h e r N o r m a n L. McGhee, General Secretary. 11. C o m m u n i c a t i o n s . 12. A p p o i n t m e n t of Special Committees. 13. Adjournment. 8.00 P . M. Annual Smoker and Symposium. Chas. A. Greer, Pres. of Theta, Presiding. Vincennes Hotel. 1. Constructive a n d Destructive E l e m e n t s in Negro N e w s p a p e r s and Magazines. 2. S u g g e s t i o n s — E a c h s p e a k e r shall be limited to five minutes. Smokes, Delicacies.
MONDAY. D E C E M B E R 29th. 1919. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Second Session, 9:00 A. M. Call to O r d e r Invocation Roll Call R e a d i n g of Minutes. Communications Alumni Address. R e p o r t s of Standing Committees. R e p o r t s of Delegates Recommendations Adjournment.
Monday Noon, T a k i n g Convention 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
SUNDAY. D E C F . M B E R 28th. 1919 P U B L I C SESSION 3:30 p. m. Wendell Phillips H i g h School Auditorium 39th St. and F o r e s t Ave.
T H I R D SESSION—2:00 P . M. Call to Order Invocation Roll Call R e a d i n g of Minutes. Communications R e p o r t s of General Officers. R e m a r k s and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s by Del egates and Visiting B r o t h e r s . Adjournment
MONDAY—8:00 P. M. Alpha P h i Alpha Annual E n t e r t a i n m e n t B r o t h e r George C. Hall, Host 3408 South P a r k Avenue. •i
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30. liltu F o u r t h Session—11:00 A. M. 1. Call to o r d e r 2. Invocation :>.. Roll f a l l 4. Reading of MInutes. 5. Communications ii. Meeting of Standing and Special Committees. 7. Adjournment F I F T H SESSION - 2 : 0 0 1'. M. i. Call t" Order 'l. Invocation ::. Roll Call l. Reading of MInutes. 5. C o m m u n i c a t i o n s i',. Reports •>!' various committees. 7. Adjournment X:00 I-. M. T O 1:00 A. M.
SIXTH SESSION l. L\ 3. 5, 0. 8. 8. 9. in. 11. 12. 13. II.
Avenue. SI,
:i:::o A, M,
Call to Order Invocation Ri adfng of Minutes Communications Report of Auditing Committee. Nomination and election of Officers for the year 1020. Short Recess Appointment of Standing Committees. Consideration of Taxes for year 1920. Selection of meeting place for the 13th Annual Convention. Minutes of Final Session. Ad'otirnnient of Final Session Adjournment of Convention.
Wednesday Afternoon, 3:30 P. M. Ki^lit Se<-tiim Tom- or Chicago N:oo P. M. ANNUAL I'KATKK.MTV BANQUET Vincennes
LIST O P D E L E G A T E S W H O W i l d . ATT E N D T i n : l a t h CONVENTION ALPHA—One. BETA - Tw.. OAMMA—Two—A. A. Thompson, A. D. I 'rice y.KTA —Three—Charles Trlbett, Isaac C. Steady, Harry Green. EPSILON—Two. T H E T A — O n e H u n d r e d Percent.
KAPPA—Seven or more lilt r I U Alexander, Wayne Hopklna. IOTA—One. (1A M M A I .A M I'. 1) A —Two. MU—No word. NU—Two. OMICRON- No word X I — E i g h t — F r a n k M. Reid, Laconia Croaby O t h e r m e m b e r s : J a m e s Myers. T. O. Tyler. Wood ley A. Wells. Charles \V. Logan. Russell Smith. Rave West. P I — T e n — T e r r y Jackson, Robt. S. Martin. KHO—Two. SIGMA—Two TAU—One Hundred P e r c e n t Terry J a c k son. William POWell. T H I — T w o — H a r r y R. Jefferson. J a m e s II Wade. BETA LAMBDA -No word . DELTA L A M B D A — o n e . UP81LON—One. ESSENTIALS OP A STRONG CHAPTER. T h e first element, namely: that of Sehol arship, constitutes the relation of the C h a p . ter to the faculty. The second element of Activity In College Affairs, constitutes the relation of t h e c h a p t e r to the other students, namely": the college community. The third element, that of f r a t e r n i t y , Loyalty and Interest, constitutes the relation of the C h a p t e r to the larger F r a t e r n i t y beyond the college or university where the c h a p t e r is located. The fourth element constituting the Moral and Social Qualities of the members, eon stitutes the relation of the C h a p t e r to the community, more particularly those not connected with t h e college, namely, the great outside world. The fifth element, that of the C h a p t e r "Spirit" and life, constitutes the relation of tin 1 m e m b e r s of the Chapter one t.. the other. —Delta Kappa Bpsllon Quarterly. William A. Daniel, whose h o m e is 734 X. Third street. Richmond, Va., is assigned lo the War C a m p Community Club at H a m p t o n , Va. The S P H I N X is happy to a n n o u n c e the engagement of Brother Dr. Jay G. McRae, Beta, to Miss Blance G e r t r u d e Woodland.
"IT'S CP TO VOL*" Tin- General Presklem Bays Opening tnvocatkm of 121I1 Convention Will be Pronounced o v e r Bowed Heads (>r 100 Alpha I'lii Alpha. Members. Individually to "\n- h u n d r e d s of scattered brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha and collectively to her various chapters, This Message of C h r i s t m a s Cheer: 11 is a pleasure to assure you t h a t t h e Twelfth Annual Convention is going to be the greatest event thai you trill have an opportunity to a t t e n d for the- next year This office feels jusith-d in hoi ling forth such a cheerful forecast 1 ause within the last month it has felt the pulse of the en-tire fraternity and the spirit of 100 pej cent, a t t e n d a n c e is evidenced in the t h r o b s of enthusiastic pledges of support coming from c h a p t e r s and Individuals everywhere Of course this bright outlooH does not mean that any one m e m b e r or any one c h a p t e r can r e ' a s its efforts In the slightest degree. The success predicted above is dependent upon each and every b r o t h e r exerting every ounce of enercj in unison with all brothers everywhere. This spirit of united effort is what we need ont only to obtain 1 It i' desired representation at t h e coming g a t h e r i n g but in order that we may maintain the already firmly established prestige and reputation of our beloved fraternity and do honor to those esteemed seven b r o t h e r s who Initiated our fraternal act Ivity 1 hat we might lead the rest As specific substantiation of t h e above optimistic forecast of a t t e n d a n c e at the con. vontiou a compilation of dAta was m a d e from letters received In resj se to a general communication Issuing f^ovn this office. This shows that t h e r e will be 1 representation Of al t DO men from 18 c h a p t e r s Including visiting b r o t h e r s In goodly n u m ber from Kappa at Columbus, \ i . at w n berforce and PI at Cleveland. Two other chapters, Tan from Ch paign and Theta ai the meeting place of the convention have pledged the presence of their entire m e m -
bi r. .hip W h i n w take into consideration the General Officers and a tew scattered m e m b e r s here and there who uill "drop in", indications for the realization of our slogan "100 or Bust" without the " B u s t " are very good. The General Officers have worked untlrto Interest c h a p t e r s and m e m b e r s everywhere. T i n y have worked with a CO operation of spirit and unanimity <>f ac Ion that is inspiring, our Vice-President, Lucius Lee McGhee, has labored unceasingly In fruitful efforts to a w a k e n dormant c h a p t e r s and establish new ones. Norman I.. McGhee, the appointed General Secretary, has very ably carried on the work of t h e energetic Sluma P. G, Adams and his efforts atone should bring 100 Alpha Phi Alpha men to Chicago. Even the b r o t h e r who handles our money, T r e a s u r e r S. S. Booker has written personal letters to Isolated brothers to arouse their Interest In the coming g a t h e r i n g and to t h e realisation of their responsibilities as members. And our Editor ->f the Sphinx, Carl .1. Murphy has devoted the columns of the official or t:an to tl e big "vent in a m a n n e r that d i e s credit to his excellent ability as a Journalist The entertaining chapter, Theta <â&#x20AC;˘( Chi cago, Is devoting all her energies to fui the a s s ? m b l a s e with every convenience in the way of accom dations, with all necessities for Hi induction of the business Of the convention and with delightful forms or e n t e r t a i n m e n t such as a r e available only i-i the celebrated Windy City. Every mem b' r of Theta has pledged himself to the task and they h i v e m a d e a r r a n g e m e n t s that
win simply a s t o u n d
the visiting
1 is. Al! details have been provided foi in systematic fa h!on. T h e r e will be no confusion at arty stage of r e - convention. coupled with the realization that our fraternity is growing so rapidly aa to put a n o t h e r Chicago Convention possi; blj 15 or 21 years into the future me n that you mum attend this one In order to enjoy the good things always held in store I'm- visitors to the second metropolis of A lllel'iea.
And now brothers, far and near, you have read an optimistic prediction of the success of the coming convention. I have tried to show you substantial reasons for my reassuring forecast. The rest lies with you. Your duty is to come if in any way possible you can. You may be t;ie one brother needed to make the desired 100. Aim to arrive in Chicago no later than the morning of the 27th of December. Report Immediately at headquarters at Vincennes Hotel. Then be on hand promptly at the meeting place of the opening session so thai we may be certain that the invocation opening the Twelfth ^Annual Convolution will be pronounced over the bowed heads of at least 100 brothers staunch in the spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha. Accept my sincere and fraternal wishes the pleasure of saying Happy New Year to you in the Windy City. DANIEL D. FOWLER, General President SPICTC SCGGESTIONS FROM THE OFFICE OF THE GENERAL PRESIDENT. 1. Delegates will please remember that the business of the convention comes first; fraternizing with the visiting brothers is second; enjoyment of the pleasures afforded by the entertaining chapter is third, and indulgence in extraneous amusements comes last. 2. Tho First Session demands your presence as well as all the rest and the last. Come for the opening and stay until the end, 3. A Fiat'.-riial Spirit is endowed upon members of the national conventions that ne"er dies and that may be acquired only by attendance at a convention. This spirit alone is worth the trip. 4. Experienced Delegates, men who have been to previous conventions are being selected by many chapters which means that the chapters have sacrificed a distribution of the honors of representation to the idea of having men on hand who are familiar with tin' operations of the General Organization BO that matters in which they are
interested will be properly presented and properly attended to. This action is not a necessary one but it shows the keen attention that is being accorded the matter. 5. The Grand Tax will not be paid for every member this year judging from letters received, although some chapters are making strenuous efforts in this direction. The reason is so many chapters have lost track of members. Remember each chapter is responsible for its members until they have affiliated with another chapter. Keep in touch with all your members from now on. Gel in touch with those whom you have Inst track ut' as soon as you can Where transfers are necessary, provide for them according to the constitution. 6. The Financial Aim desired this year will probably not be realized owing to inability of chapters to get in touch with all their members. So send your deHsates to the convention with some good suggestions of what you think would be the proper means of putting ourselves on a substantial financial footing, with an operating capital of about three or four thousand dollars. 7. THE SPHINX is printed for the purpose of being read from cover to cover by every Alpha Phi Alpha man. Put all the ideas that you glean therefrom and consider good into operation. Register your protest in the next Sphinx issue against any thoughts advanced that you do not approve of. 8. Chapter Meetings, where the brothers do not live in a chapter house should be held at some regularly appointed place at least once a week at a specified time. Every member always knows the time and place of meeting and has no excuse for absence. 9. The Garvin Cup is goin,j to some chapter for thoroughness in attention to fraternity duties. You have a chance to win until the committee has made its selection. Send your delegates with a special case to take it home in. 10. The Only Words thai now look appropriate after the number 10 are Annual Convention. We're all going to be there.
T h e above suggestions h a v e been p r o m p t ed after a t h o r o u g h digestion of t h e m a n y c o m m u n i c a t i o n s t h a t h a v e been received from c h a p t e r s a n d general officers by t h e office of the General President.
THETA IS READY The Vice-President Tells of the Preparations Made To Receive (lie <2tli COBvciiiioii—Representative Delegates—Traveling Secretary —New Chapters. The p a r a m o u n t question a m o n g the Alpha Phi Alpha men of Chicago now is: I tow many delegates a r e coming? Prepa r a t i o n s h a v e been m a d e for t h e reception of t h e largest n u m b e r possible. E l s e w h e r e in this edition you will find information and directions to t h e delegates and o t h e r s which will bear witness to t h e fact that' t h e entertaining c h a p t e r h a s w o r k e d with t h a t idea in mind. Believing t h a t every Alpha P h i Alpha man, w h o possibly can, is c o m i;vr to t h e Convention, I feel t h a t f u r t h e r appeal is unnecessary.
S. S. B O O K E R — C h a r t e r m e m b e r of G a m m a First General Secretary. 1905-11108 General T r e a s u r e r 1015-1919
However t h e r e a r e certain m a t t e r s to which 1 wish to call t h e a t t e n t i o n of t h e b r o t h e r s a n d especially t h e delegates. T h e Convention can be a success only on condition t h a t those coming will have its success and a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s at heart. This m e a n s that the delegates m u s t come p r e p a r e d to remain t h r o u g h o u t the whole Convention period- In t h e past, occasions have arisen w h e i r some Were compelled to leave before the Convention closed. Chapters should exercise care to see t h a t only such men as can rmain are sent. Of s u p r e m e importance delegates should be of a "live wire" caliber; men who think and men who work. T h e Convention is not a place or a time for m u m m i e s and "social s t a r s . " Remember t h a t t h e r e a r e some of us who a r e giving almost all of o u r heart, head, hand and pocket lor a G R E A T E R A L P H A P H I ALPHA; and further no c h a p t e r can afford to incur this animal expense of sending delegates who a r e not representatives. The delegates must r e m e m b e r t h a t they a r e a b -
solutely free, but t h a t they r e p r e s e n t a certain unit of b r o t h e r s , who have e n t r u s t e d their local interest to their c a r e t a k i n g during t h a t time Therefor*' it is e n c u m b e n t upon t h e m , for t h e best interests of t h e c h a p t e r in p a r t i c u l a r and the fraternity as a whole, t h a t they be delegates in t h e true sense of t h e word. In this connection I wish to call attention to t h e fact t h a t t h e r e will be in Chicago d u r i n g t h a t time quite many social affairs given by outsiders, to which some of t h e delegates p e r c h a n c e may be invited. Some of t h e m will he of a h:gh s t a n d a r d , and some p e r h a p s not. But 1 sincerely wish to remind you t h a t T h e t a C h a p t e r h a s gone to an e n o r m o u s expense in p r e p a r i n g for the social side of t h e Convention. Every night has some unique feature. They will have some of t h e fairest " d a m s e l s " t h e r e too. So you don't have to worry about t h a t Let Theta do it for you. and 1 believe you will be satisfied. T h a t m e a n s that dele-
should attend preferably t h e social ona Riven by the c h a p t e r r a t h e r than outside affairs. The sister chapteri owe thai to the entertaining c h a p t e r and a r e expecting their delegates to pay that appreciation by being present. Elsewhere also, you will find thai some of the events an formal. It is advisable that you p r e p a r e for such before leaving your seats. For the first time in the history of t h e i niiy. arra being made to hold this Convention in hotel Vincennes Hotel, E u r o p e a n Plan -Where all the del< gate i will be lodged and mnj obtain their meals. Traveling Secretary. Deli ninded thai next yeai the fraternity plans to put a man 01 Held. And I wish to i rge I hat 5 >u be think 111:111. but about ih" fl • a that such is time ly and Our and letters will not do the work. More one 1 [me during this j e ir in dealing lation li 1 1 arisen wher 1 on t be spot was 1 HI
on a
but with the year 1920, It a 1 MIS to initiate It We o u g h t to do It. But it n for the i h Annual Conventon to di eide v het h( r we will do it. about 1 ol my steward ::i' r Vice Presidency for u 1919, 1 « isn to thank all the chap ters for I hi Ir co-opei at ion during the past year We have worked together and have whal we thought was besl for the fraternity. And altho at times 1 have I taxed, yet the pleasure was I my bit In the big constructive work tor which 1 believe nitj stands. .May my sun my mistakes, and upon the little activl 1 rice of Vice Presl • dent build a s u p e r s t r u c t u r e that will make 1 G R E A T E R ALPHA PHI ALPHA. Hoping ti a In Chicago, 1 am Voms for the greatest Convention ever, LUCIUS 1.. M c G H E E
"MIT" ME IN CHICAGO B r o t h e r s In .Many P a r i s Of T h e Countrj Write T h e General Secretary They Are Going Ti> Chicago By Norman WcGee Dear Brothers: Again Alpha Phi Alpha offers to the old or brothers In our Fraternity an opportunity to give their younger b r o t h e r s out of their ripe experience the things which will make as all better Alpha Phi Alpha men. ami know how to live ami a d h e r e more olosely to the ideals which' they had a part In, forming 1 know 1 am speaking what Is in the heart of every brother and especially is this true of the younger brothers. Being a younger brother, 1 know from exnce. The opportunity of enjoying this privilege Is presented to you at our Annual Convention, December 27th to 31st, inclusive, I91fl in Chicago—the Convention City of America—a city of trade leadership and unrivaled attractions—facilities for recreation and enjoyment a r e innumerable. Chicago is a city of Interest and o p p o r t u n i t y It is a broad education in itself. Alton upon this Convention will mean much to you. it is a distinct privilege to come in close contact a n a influence in a brotherly way with aspiring young college men of America's greatest institutions for men in the United States ana in the world. it is a privilege which one can ill afford to loan. This personal contact with your brothers will do you good, It will ho the moans of stimulating you to greater things loaders, also some of the loro.nosl colored higher education, men who are to ho future you cannot help but 00 inspired when you witness the efforts of your younger brothers as they grapple with tne problems that have presented themselves In their varied 1 xperienc There are many of us who do not know each other; y, t the fad that we are brothers in the greatest Negro College F r a t e r nity in the world m a k e s us all anxious to mowt each other. This is ir ,r ever*
when discredit and opposition w e r e its daily c o m p a n i o n s Xmv t h a t our F r a t e r n i t y has passed t h r o u g h its uncertain youth and overcome obstacles t h r o u g h proved worth, our older b r o t h e r s must keep in close touch with us so that we may be more thoroughly imbued with t h e spirit which caused them to work to p r o m o t e Alpha Phi Alpha in order t h a t 'we may accomp ish the new tasks t h a t lie before us. It is with g r e a t pleasure t h a t I again .'.tare with my b r o t h e r s the inspiring letters t h a t have come into the General Sec-: i e ; a : \ ' s office Enjoy these with m e b r o t h ers. •'Busy. Yes. Hut Not Too Ilusy To Attend T h e Convention In Chicago*'
M 'UMAX M c G H E E — B e t a Appointed General Secretary to fill unexpired term of Brother Numa P. O. Adams, (Designed.) He is the youngest general officer and one of the hardest workers. Alpha Phi Alpha m a n ; he wants to know every one of his b r o t h e r s personally. It is the thing which ennobles our fraternal kinship. We a r c a big family and we are growing bigger each day, not only In n u m bers but in things accomplished. It would seem ordinarily that the size of our family prevents a family reunion, out t h e r e is our Convention which is set for each year in order thai this l>iw family may g< t-to-gether and have h e a r t - t o - h e a r t talks about our ideals, our ambitions, and our accomplishments and become bigger and wiser a n d more determined to do o u r s h a r e t o w a r d s promoting the continued growth and prestige of Alpha Phi Alpha t h r o u g h an exchange of experiences and the m a k i n g and renewing of acquaintances, It certainly docs Ore a b r o t h e r with a m bition to meet and talk with a n o t h e r Alpha Phi Alpha man and more so when it is an older brother, one who has lived t h r o u g h the trying times of our F r a t e r n i t y — t i m e s
Dear Brother McGhee: I am wholly in accord with w h a t you have outlined in your letters, and you m a y count on my presence tit the Convention in Chicago. Very fraternally yours, F. H. M I L L E R , Epsilon R o u n d L a k e , Miss. " T o Chicago Or U u s t " Dear Brother McGhee: I am planning to be in Chicago for t h e Convention, and unless s o m e t h i n g c o m e s up between now and then to prevent me I will be t h e r e to lend a helping hand and meet the old fellows once more Your letters a r e very full and inspiring and I feel that they tire going to do a great deal to m a k e the older fellows go to Chicago or bust. Vuurs in Alpha Phi Alpha. CHAS. H. GART1N, Beta. 3636 ScovUte Avenue. Cleveland, Ohio. Alpha I'lii Alpha Out In T h e State Of \\ ashington Dear B r o t h e r : Your cordial letter was most welcome. glad to know that I'm not totally forgotten in the mad tush of things. When one is on the edge of the world, far removed
I note with pride and joy t h e g r e a t achievem e n t t h a t Alpha P h i Alpha is m a k i n g for itself. I will try to a t t e n d the Convention and from henceforth I'll t a k e m o r e interest in t h e w o r k i n g s of t h e F r a t e r n i t y . E. E. R A V E N , R h o C h a p t e r Cambridge, Maryland.
from k i n d r e d spirits, one a p p r e c i a t e s these things. I like t h e spirit underlying y o u r letteVâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the a d m i r a b l e clearness of vision and t h e note of optimistic c o u r a g e with which you view t h e mission of A l p h a P h i Alpha, p r e s e n t and future. I may be able to be with you in t h e Convention at Chi' eago. I will redouble my efforts. Very cordially y o u r b r o t h e r J E S S E B E L M O N T B A R B E R , Nil C h a p t e r 2202 E a s t Cherry St., Seattle. Washington.
.Making Good In Yoiingstown Dear Brother McGhee: C o m m e n d i n g you on the effort being m a d e in this line of work for our General Organization, l am, F r a t e r n a l l y yours. W E S L E Y C. REDD, Rho C h a p t e r ii.'tn Federal St.. Youngstown, Ohio.
Fi-el F r e e T o Call On Me At Any Time My Dear B r o t h e r McGhee: Your letter b e s p e a k s an excellent idea and one t h a t would solicit the a t t e n t i o n of t h e b r o t h e r s . Please r e m e m b e r t h a t I am always a t y o u r service; you m u s t feel free to call on m e a t any time. F r a t e r n a l l y yours. W. H. P O L L A R D , Beta. 1724 Christian Street, P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a .
Down III Virginia My Dear B r o t h e r : Enclosed is check to be used as my g r a n d tax to Alpha P h i Alpha. Wishing for t h e F r a t e r n i t y t h e g r e a t e s t a m o u n t of
prosperity, l am, F r a t e r n a l l y yours, J. W. A N D E R S O N , Lawrenccville, Va.
K u d o s e d Find Chock F o r F i v e Dollars Dear B r o t h e r : I a m enclosing check for 5.00. Please t a k e o u t my subscription to T h e Sphinx and allow the balance to go a s my contribution t o w a r d t h e general expense fund of the Annual Meeting. F r a t e r n a l l y yours, WM. J. WOODLIN, K a p p a Chapter. 814 E a s t Long St., ColunTous, Ohio. Would Like To .'Meet T h e Younger B r o t h e r s Dear B r o t h e r : 1 sincerely trust t h e m e e t i n g will be very pleasant a n d profitable. I know I would enjoy meeting t h e b r o t h e r s of t h e F r a t e r nity, especially the younger ones. Sincerely a n d faithfully yours, WM. R. M O R R I S , Mu C h a p t e r U18 Metropolitan Life Building. Minneapolis, Minn.
1 Shall Bring Ideas To Convention Dear B r o t h e r McGhee: Very glad indeed to hear from you and t h e organization and to see t h e real constructive work you a r e doing. As one of the older boys, it m a k e s me feel very proud to see t h e great s t r u c t u r e erected upon t h e foundation which we tried to lay i tew years ago. It [g indeed marvelous. I shall try to attend the Convention as I have some ideas I wish to present. Yours in Alpha P h i Alpha. W. R WILSON, B e t a 437 Sycamore St.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Will 15c More Active Henceforth Dear B r o t h e r : I a m happy to say t h a t I a m a c h a r t e r m e m b e r of t h e R h o Chapter, but since I left P h i l a d e l p h i a for Cambridge, I h a v e been a very inactive m e m b e r . However,'
.lust Beginning To Realize ' T r e m e n d o u s Import Of Alpha Phi Alpha
Deai Brother McGhee: It is with great satisfaction t h a t I note the effort you a r e m a k i n g to bring to t h e realization of the loot hers the full significance of "that good old Alpha I'hi Alpha
Spirit." We all believe we know what the true spirit of old Alpha T-7iI Alpha is, however, we cannot grasp Its u-emendous import nor can we Imagine what that spirit can do when properly exercised. Unless some unforseen thing prevents, 1 expect to attend the Convention at I'hicago. I am sure it will be the greatest gathering in the history of the Fraternity. Fraternally yours, PRESTON 15. JOHNSON', Rho Chapter 5828 Vine St, Philadelphia, Pa.
and Secretary of National Negro Business League, speak at our Public Session OH the subject: "The Advent of the Negro in Big Business." Alpha Phi Alpha must play its part in helping to direct, encourage and foster the new spirit of enterprise among Negroes, and I believe that a discussion of this practical topic will do much towards bringing to light the many fields of opportunity open to Negroes. Alpha Phi Alpha can encourage this spirit of enterprise like no other organization because of its peculiar avenue of personal approach. "MIT" ME IN CHICAGO for a real Convention. NORMAN McGHEE. Gen. Sec'y.
Blank ( l u c k Enclosed, Fill It Out To The Amount of My Grand Tux My Dear Brother MeGhee: Very glad to get your letter. I am enclosing a blank check which I wish you to fill out to the amount of my grand tax including my subscription to The Sphinx. Fraternally yours, H. RAY WOOTEN, Omncron, Principal Lincoln High School. 723 S. Sixth St., Peducah, Ky.
A TRAVELING SECRETARY Suggestions and Questions for the 12th Convention to Consider. BY R. E. GILES. The time has arrived in the history of the Fraternity when we must take an Inventory of our assets and our liabilities. In the thirteen years of our existence, we have made wonderful progress. From the original founders at Ithaca we have spread through the length and breadth of this country. We have perfected our organization and increased our membership. Ws have maintained our high standards and have always held idealism over materialism. A few problems remain ror solution, such as having full time general officers, the maintenance of a paid traveling secretary, the foundation of a permanent central headquarters and an increased number of chapter houses.
Will Arrange Badness So As To Attend Convention My Dear Brother McGhee: I am enclosing blank filled out. I cannot say positively whether I can attend the Chicago Convention, but I am attempting to arrange my business so that I might attend. JUDSON C. HIXON, Sigma. IL'4 East Ninth St., Chattanoga, Tenn. Brothers continue to let the General Secret,. ry hear from you. Those who r-avo written be ->,ie to remember that you are due to attend the Convention for we need you there, and if you cannot possibly make the Convention you can send in a letter or a telegram of greeting and expression of interest and also send in your ideas concerning improvements you think necessary. Vol MUST HELP ALPHA PHI ALPHA ADVANCE. At our Ueneral Convention we are to have our brother, Dr. Emmett J. Scott. Secretary-Treasurer of Howard University
In the meantime a crisis has arisen in the affairs of our race and of our country. From being a subject race, we have conn into an intolerable stateâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;half slave and half free. At times it seems almost as if all of America has intrenched itseJlf behind the bulwark of Southern oligarchy for a last stand against the Negro and the inevitable new order of things. If the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity is to maintain its boastod 11
superiority a m o n g t h e fraternities of our race, t h a t claim m u s t be based upon a c t s * ] service in this crisis, a n d not upon priority of existence. Brothers, the Eight is onl We must clear the decks for action. With t h e n u m b e r a n d caliber of our men, and with the well nigh perfect organization,
we are InvinclMe,
Uke David of old, we
can say. "The Lord Cod is on my Bide;" because we a r e right, and we do right. The time has past when we are to expect anything but grand stand plays from the political leaders of both d o m i n a n t parties. Defending Negroes has long since ceased to be a profitable business. We must develop To t h e end t h a t s o m e t h i n g constructive may be done at our a n n u a l convention. we beg leave to submit the following propositions for the consideration of the Fra ternity: 1.
That the Executive Committee of vhc
respective chapters be empowered to act as a Vigilance Committee, working with existing Social Service Agencies and Other secret orders to safe-guard t h e constitutional rights of the Negro, to offer sound advice to o u r race in crises, to fight N e g r o baiting propaganda in the press, to d e m a n d equal opportunity for t h e Negro, and to. keep t h e o t h e r C h a p t e r s informed of t h e progress along these lines, or of any new developments. 2. T h a t each C h a p t e r in compiling its budget for t h e c u r r e n t yearly expenses, be required to include an a m o u n t sufficient to m a k e a loan to a w o r t h y m e m b e r of t h e C h a p t e r if his r e m a i n i n g in school is t h r e a t e n e d because of lack of funds. 3. T h a t t h e Corresponding Secretary of t h e C h a p t e r s be required to send to t h e editor of T h e Sphinx a list of the scholarships available for Negro students and t h a t t h e editor !>,â&#x20AC;˘ required to publish t h e s a m e in t h e J u n e issue of T h e Sphinx with any information he may h a v e concerning the same. 4. T h a t a c o m m i t t e e be a p p o i n t e d from each C h a p t e r to co-operate w i t h t h e local b r a n c h of t h e National Medical Association for t h e purpose of securing reliable statis-
tics on the health of the Negro. T h e r e a r e no such statisies ;it the present time available. For years the Negro lias been held
up in medical schools of the country and before the world as a sufferer from venereal disease, tuberculosis, or both. This infamous propaganda, emanating from J o h n s H o p k i n s University, has been banded down in text Looks for years, and has for Its object the s t a m p i n g of Negro women as prostitutes and Negro men as libertines. I believe that the Fraternity ''an with a little effort, compile reliable statistics, and t h u s render a signal service to ear- race. Yours for the Fraternity, ROSCOB C. GIL.E& M. 1). :tr>41 s t a t e Street Chicago. NKW
Sine,, tin' last annual Convention the F r a t e r n i t y lias had a slight increase in c h a p t e r s . Two G r a d u a t e C h a p t e r s h a v e been established; in Detroit and K a n s a s City respectively. Both have sufficient mini hers to forestall any a p p a r i t i o n of Inactivity and have already become functioning
pans ,,f the Hernial Organization.
G r a d u a t e C h a p t e r w a s granted in Atlanta, (iii.. but local developments have delayed the setting up of it to date. P h i C h a p t e r a t Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, is t h e last addition to the list of active elm piers. B r o t h e r liobt. L. Lynou. ( X i ) . Who was delegated tb set it up and who performed t h a t service so c o m m e n d a bly. iii a report of the initiation, writes the following; t h e 'babe' is healthy and normal. H e was born with a silver spoon in it's m o u t h . " In addition t h e Advisory Committee h a s in its h a n d s t h r e e more applications for it -s consideration, should the vote prove favorable, within a few days these t h r e e will be added to our list also. At t h e lasl Convention t h e r e were only eight c h a p t e r s represented, the reason for which is very obvious, viz. w a r limes. B u t from all present indications, t h e V i c e - P r e s -
ident t h i n k s t h a t we will have delegates from all of t h e c h a p t e r s with the possible exception of one or two. The above, however, is DO Indication t h a t Lhe liars h a v e been lowered a t all. This is not a dispensation year; t h e r e are other explanations. T h e s t a n d a r d ami qualifications have remained the same, but facts in ill,, situation is that more have qualified. " F r a t e r n i t i e s may rise and fraternities may tall, but ALPHA 1-111 ALPHA goes m a r c h lag on." L. L. M c G H E E $200 IX O N E DAY Urol her F. H. Miller W r i t e s T h a i T h e Opportunities in Medicine Do Xot Begin To C o m p a r e W i t h Those in Business l have just received the October n u m b e r iif the Sphinx and 1 am glad to say it is the best n u m b e r ever published. It is a
credit in Alpha Phi Alpha and admits Df favorable comparison with similar publications anywhere. I don't exactly agree with your editorial,
"Medicine's Turn
As a rule our
young men do not consider business as seriuiisy as they should. Most of our successful business men a r e not even g r a m m a r school g r a d u a t e s . T h i s ;s a commercial age, and ours is the greatest and most successful .commercial nation in t h e world. Before the Negro can taXe the place in this country that is his due, he m u s t m a k e himself felt in c o m m e r c e . T h e illiterate and untrained Negro will never be able to m a k e a g r e a t success because the trained minds of his white competitors a r e too m u c h for him. The young Xegro who trains himself tor a business career will find the field riper t h a n He ever d r e a m d it oould be. I know t h a t in t h e south Negro enterprises a r e very seriously h a n dicapped because of t h e lack of trained young men to aid in their development. In spite of the handicaps, the Negroes have developed in Western Mississippi and Memphis, Tennessee, ( w h e r e I know conditions), torn* very creditable enterprises. In Mem-
phis there la a bank whose resources are over $800,000.00 T h e cashier is a g r a d u a t e of an A r k a n s a s "college." At Indianolo. Miss,. I here is an insurance company which employs around 50 clerks in its main office.
The president of this company is also a g r a d u a t e of a southern college. In .Memphis. a g r a d u a t e of Columbia University. who specialised In insurance recently took charge of the business of a colored Insurance company tor Tennessee at a salary of over two h u n d r e d dollars a month. I have written a longer letter t h a n w a s my original intention but L do wish t h e young Negro now in college would realize the wonderful opportunities now being offered him In t h e commercial field. T h e beauty of h is that it is not now necessary that he come s o u t h because large n u m b e r s Of Negroes a r e already in the north and many no.re a r e going there. T h e prejudice of the white m a n is driving the near white as well as the black Negro to depend on himself and much as we may regret the condition, we a r e going to reap a great economic benefit from it. I a m enclosing you herewith my cheek for one year's subscription to the Sphinx. Before I close, to give you a personal Illustration of w h a t can be done in a business way. I will give you an incident in my week's work. T h r e e days ago I purchased from a white man and a J e w . C bales of cotton for $1,643.00. H e t h o u g h t he had sold me a "lemon.'' T h e next day I sold this same cotton for $1,843.50â&#x20AC;&#x201D;making a profit of nearly $200.00, as you see. I have made more money t h a n this in a day and I have lost equally as much in a Say. State the incident to show you What 1 can and am doing. If I can do it, t h e other fellow can also. T h e field is here. ripe for t h e harvest. T h e trained Negro
alone is absent.
Fraternally yours, F. H. MILLER.
B r o t h e r Rev. Emory B. Smith a n n o u n c es t h r u t h e S P H I N X t h a t he will be wedded to Miss Viola Harris. The festivities a r e set for Christmas, 13
UPSILON CHAPTER HOUSE, University of Kansas
CHAPTER LETTERS NIT CHAPTER Lincoln University. Greetings: As was predicted at t h e beginning of our fraternal activities for the year Nu C h a p t e r h a s steadily gone forward in t h e a c c o m p l i s h m e n t of its work (if Inspiration and fraternization. On the night of October 18th. Xu held its Fall Initiation, at which time the following b r o t h e r s saw t h e mystic sign and took their places a m o n g us T h e o d o r e Milton Selden, A. B., Lincoln University, 19; R o b e r t Peal Matthews, '22; Curtis Grube Carr, '22; J a m e s Boozer, '21 and LeRoy P a l m e r Chappelle '22. All of these b r o t h ers h a v e manifestetd t h e capability a n d desire to join h a n d s with us w h o a r e u p w a r d straining. W e , of Nu, a r e unquestioning of t h e m ; they will keep t h e faith. With the r e t u r n of B r o t h e r s B a r r e t t and H a t c h i n g s and the presence of B r o t h e r J a m e s Orlanda Randolph, who was initiated last spring, but whose n a m e failed to e n t e r T h e Sphinx t h r o u g h an oversight. Nu C h a p t e r now n u m b e r s twenty. In virtue of such s t r e n g t h and variety I feel constrained to predict a y e a r of activity for Xu which will eclipse all f.ormer years. We were u n a n i m o u s in t h e election of B r o t h e r President J o s e p h N. Hill to r e p r e sent Nu at t h e Twelfth Annual Convention in Chicago. B r o t h e r Hill will be in a t t e n d a n c e until t h e Convention is over. B r o t h e r Gatling is also planning to attend t h e Convention. B r o t h e r J a m e s A l p h e r t Shelton h a s a c cepted t h e c h a i r of M a t h e m a t i c s in t h e Albany Bible and Manual Training Institute of Albany Georgia. B r o t h e r H. H. Cain, of Nu, is doing a g r e a t social service as P r e s i d e n t of t h e Y. M. C. A. in Princeton, N. J. B r o t h e r J. B. B a r b e r is Pastor of t h e Central P r e s b y t e r i a n Church. Seattle, W a s h i n g t o n . B r o t h e r s H. W. Greene and W. K. Sanders, of B e t a C h a p t e r a n d t h e Columbia School of J o u r n a l i s m , respectively, paid Nu a visit on their w a y s to their
schools. B r o t h e r Daniel <',. Hill who is associated with the Berean .Manual Training School, of Philadelphia, delivered an inspiring a d d r e s s before t h e Y. M. C. A. of Lincoln University on N o v e m b e r 3rd. B r o t h e r H. E. Mookins is associate ins t r u c t o r of Latin in Lincoln University. While B r o t h e r Theodore Milton Selden instructor in M a t h e m a t i c s and Chemistry in Lincoln University, has been elected a m e m b e r of The1 American Socletj of Experimental Chemists. Xu C h a p t e r wishes a year of prosperitj â&#x20AC;˘to all sister Chapters, Fraternally yours. TIMOTH V C E V E R A M EYERS,
BETA CHAPTER Howard University < ireetings: D u r i n g the past few weeks Beta bouyed up by the A. P. A. spirit, lias been lending ail her e n e m i e s toward the Convention. Moved by this high spirit and complying wtih the request of the General Secretary, Beta selected h e r delegates several weeks ago. in order that they may have sufficient time to acquaint themselves with their duties. The delegates a r e : Brothers J o h n P. Sampson, senior delegate and Sydney P. Brown, junior delegate. B r o t h e r Sampson is a senior in the medical school. He has I,een a m e m b e r of Beta for several years. during which time he h a s proved himself competent and capable in ev< ry office which he has held. At present he is Treas u r e r of Beta ("hapten-, this office ire h a s held for two years, bringing m u c h credit to himself and i lie Fraternity. Brother Sampson is efficient, consistent and thoro. Beta has chosen well in selecting him.
Brothei Sydney P. Brown has been in our midst for t h e past three years. }U- h a s proved by bis conduct d u r i n g these years, to be t h e A. P. A. type in every respect. H e
is an ardent ami conscientious worker, a student of high standing, a brother with the. courage of bis conviction and a b r o t h e r
of action. W e feel ourselves f o r t u n a t e in having ae out representatives two b r o t h e r s of t h i s type. This same spirit which is moving us on to t h e Convention, has bee manifested in a material way toward t h e Beta H o m e Fund d u r i n g the past two months. Brothers responded in t h e t r u e A. P. A. way. looking forward to, ami d r e a m i n g of t h e realization of their aspirations. We wish to t h a n k t h e b r o t h e r s of other C h a p t e r s for their cooperation. I'.eta is not behind In any emergency. When t h e F r e s h m a n class, t h r e e h u n d r e d and seventy-five in number, swamped the University, t h e d e m a n d for teacher.- was Immediate and pressing. We were ready to supply four from the student bods', two of which are Instructors in English and two in Zoology, T h e honorary m e m b e r s of the fraternity seem to have caught the spirit and a r e responding in a creditable way with their counsel and cheer. B r o t h e r Eugene K. Jones, of New York, one of the original seven, visited Beta d u r i n g t h e i n a u g u a r a tion of President J. Stanley Durkee, during his stay he inspired a n d encouraged us. Alumni b r o t h e r s who will attend the Chicago Convention a r e : B r o t h e r s Charles and Walter Garvin, Rev. Emory B. Smith. Beta a n n o u n c e s t h e following officers for tlie present scholastic y e a r : President, B r o t h e r I. B. D. I>yett: VicePresident, Brother A r n e t t G. Lindsay; Secretary. Brother J o h n H. Holmes (in place of Bro. II. T. Wilson who r e s i g n e d ) : Corresponding Secretary, B r o t h e r Albert R. H u g h e s : T r e a s u r e r . Brother J o h n P. Sampson: House Manager, B r o t n e r Culin Parka; Steward, Brother ,1. K. J o n e s (in place of Bro. X. I* McGhee w h o r e s i g n e d ) ; C h a p lain. Brother Paul E. Piper. It is encouraging to note t h a t some of our b r o t h e r s are launching out into t h e ocean of deep business, despite their y o u t h -
first class Hughes a show t h e brothers. Wishing continued
l u n c h e o n e t t e a c d B r o t h e r A. R. private office. These ventures d a r i n g and unusual thrift of t h e the brothers of other Chapter! success in their activities, E R N E S T DYKTT
. . ZETA CHAPTEfcâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Yale University B r o t h e r s in Alpha I'hi Alpha.
Zeta takes pleasure in announcing that she Is once more an active chapter. Ovin.:' to the lateness of t h e opening of Yale, we were unable to greet our b r o t h e r s in the last issue of T h e Sphinx. With t h e r e t u r n of B r o t h e r Marly Caple
in complete his course in Economics, Bro, J o h n P. Williams to enter the haw School and Bro. H a r r y Washington (transferred from Xiil to enter the School of Religion; Zeta has six men in Yale; t h e o t h e r t h r e e being: B r o t h e r s It. A. Claymes, President; Gay lord Howell, .Vice President and Isaac C. Steady. Secretary. We a r e also grateful lo add to our roll t h e following g r a d u a t e b r o t h e r s residing in t h e city, and since last Hay have m a d e their relation to Zeta t h a t of active m e m b e r s : B r o t h e r Chas. Tribbett. B r o t h e r Dr. P o r t e r Norcom. B r o t h e r Dr. I. \ . porter. Bro. Dr. It. S. Flemming, B r o t h er W. E d w a r d Manning. B r o t h e r Attorney H. (',. Tolltver, B r o t h e r Dr. Peyton V. Anderson. Brother J. Mclin Ross, B r o t h e r Rev. H. O. Bowles and Bro. Bev. T. B. Pharr. Brother Rev, William DeBerry is pastor of St. J o h n ' s Congregational Church in Springfield. Mass. Now t h a t the early days of this school year h a s ' passed, Zeta is settling down to r , a l work and expects to re-kindle the old lie a' . T h e Convention being at hand "On to Chicago" is our cry. Realising the g r e a t work to be done a t t h e Convention, Zeta has selectetd t h e following b r o t h e r s to represent her In Chicago: Brothers Chas.
Tribbett, ii. s. (General Treasure,- l!rl6-lÂŤ)
but their ships a r e sailing steadily. Brother i'. B, Curley has a very unique novelty
Harry W. Greene, the sponsor of Nu'S recognition by the Faculty ami Isaac C. Steady. secretary of Zeta. who will attend
Brother Dyett ami McGhee have a
11; g r a d u a t i o n last J u n e we lost Bro. 'in B. Splocy, B. I)., now pastoring t h e A M. B. c h u r c h in Washington C. II.. Ohio. T h e n ' a r c :i few possible new men of A. P . A. caliber In Yale at p r e s e n t They arc under observance. '/.••V.i extends B Merry Christmas and a Happy New Vein to all her sister C h a p t e r s In the g l old Alpha Phi Alpha. I S A A C C STEADT, Sec'y. i l l s STale Station, New Haven. Conn.
creased two fold. W e have an a b u n d a n c e of new material to select from, more good material than we can t a k e . Some of our recent g r a d u a t e s m a d e a wonderful record in t h e i r work. Brother J a m e s A. Scott was elected to the Phi Be la Kappa. He was t h e first colored student to he elected to m e m b e r s h i p in t h e fraternity in the history of t h e University. New officers elected include: Maceo White, president; Matthew Carroll. Vice President; J u d g e I. Jones. Secretary; Ho \ I C H A P T E R — W U b e r f o r w , Ohio race Thompson. Treasurer. '; reel ings: Mr. Scon ai.-o received a scholarship to o u r delegates have been properly InHarvard University. He entered the gras t r v u .! to ii main and be present at every duate school t h e r e this fall, w h e r e he will session. The delegates tram XI Chapter a r c receive his Master's Degree next Brothers P r a n k M. Reid and Laconia CrosBrothers W. I >. Harrison and I,. I >. Brewer by. The following brothers out ot their who were g r a d u a t e d from the I„aw School spirit are going to attend the Twelfth Anin the class of eighteen, a r e m a k i n g good nual Convention to be held at Chicago: at their profession Brother Harrison is Hint hers J a m e s Majors, K. (>. Tyler, .1. E. practising at his h o m e town. Hutchinson, Beverteigh, Curtis Garvin, w . R, Wells, Kansas, and Brother Brewer is practising Kilssell Smith. !•'. B. West and ( h a r e s L o - . in Muskogee, Okla. '.an. Brother Wm. Towers, our former presiC <). Tyler, Corresponding Sec'y. dent. who g r a d u a t e d from the Law School with the class of nineteen, made t h e highUPSILON C H A P T E R est mark at the Kansas State Bar ExamUniversity )f Kansas. ination. Brother Towers is practising in Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: Kansas City, Kansas. 11 is a great pleasure for me to say that Upsilon again extends her hearty greetUpsilon begins the new .school year with ings to all t h e sister C h a p t e r s in ping that i-atest fraternal spirit In the history this will he our most successful year both of our organization. at the General Convention and at our reA n u m b e r of our b r o t h e r s who entered spective homes. the great conflict to m a k e the world safe Fraternally y o u r s , ' for Democracy have returned to resume J A M E S R. HAYDKN. their work in the University. They have bought new ideals. They a r e imbued with RHO C H A P T E R a new spirit and Upsilon will have t h e University of Pennsylvania, Jefferson Medstrongest Chapter this year that we have ical College, T e m p l e University, Philever had. adelphia College of P h a r m a c y . Although Upsilon is one of the youngest By g r a d u a t a i o n last J u n e we lost Bro. C h a p t e r s in the fraternity its progress h a s b r o t h e r s of all her sister C h a p t e r s and beg been wonderful. The outlook for a b a n n e r of them to keep up at high speed their efyear is most encouraging. Brothers B. H. forts for a bigger, better and g r a n d e r AlBrown, B. <;. Brown, .1. L. Irvine and H o piia Phi Alpha. mer Thompson who arrived Prom Prance Klio Chapter, like all the C h a p t e r s of in August were of our Rrst m e m b e r s to enour fold m o u r n s with Beta at the loss of roll in the University this year their brother, J o h n E p h . Williams. The n u m b e r of colored students has in'I'h" first lap of our college year is well 17
u n d e r way. R h o has started what I p r e iiMt tin- banner r e a r , with a dash aite like t h a t which sen! our Brother Cummlrtgqa off to win the cross country race hist Saturday. between Pennslyvania, D a r t m o u t h and Columbia. Seriously t h o u g h brothers, we really are producing results. Brother DeHaven Hinkson reported at Dur hist meeting a substantial Increase in our house fund. We hail boped tu open our house ere this, hut certainly the next few m o n t h s shall sec the ipenlng of our home. l;hi. will i.e moat ably represented this year by B r o t h e r Preston C. J o h n s o n . Brother J o h n s o n is of the older school, g r a d u a t ing fi i tin- University of Pennsylvania in PUT. While at Pennsylvania he instructed in Socialogy anil was Secretary of the class in P a r l i a m e n t a r y Law. We are proud to tell the F r a t e r n i t y that after two years nf successful teaching. B r o t h e r J o h n s o n has r e t u r n e d to his Alma Mater to study Law. Success awaits him. for he h a s it in his m a k e - u p . Kim could nut he more ably represented at Chicago. It h a s been o u r very g 1 fortune to have added to our fold smile of t h e o'd type of men, whose spirit can ever Stand worthy of emulation by their younger hint hers. Prom Beta C h a p t e r conies to us Brother Lile. "T.vas in his room long years ago. that Beta first saw the day. We a r e honored by having with us this veteran of our fold. From Sigma conies to us Brother Norrls a g r a d u a t e of H a r v a r d Law- Scohol. and from Sigma comes to us also B r o t h e r Norris, who saw the need of a real colored paper in Philadelphia and came to us and founded the " P h i l a d e l p h i a A m e r i c a n , " now our best local paper. From Nil ciinies the good old type of Fraternity man. Nu always nutures in the persons of B r o t h e r Bowser and B r o t h e r Bob Lockett, Both of these men a r e enrolled In the Dental School at Temple University, T h e great part they shall play in our w i n k i n g s at Kim is assured by their activities at Nil.
We welcome back to our fold B r o t h e r Fred Motley, of At'unlic City, who has returned to resume his study at Philadelphia College of P h a r m a c y . Brother Motley wl'l be r e m e m b e r e d a s t h e youth who jointly holds the world's inter-acholaatic record of 9 4-5 seconds for the h u n d r e d yard d ish. made while capain of Atlantic City High School Team. Ftho it s e e m s specializes it deve'oping ath'.ctcs of great name. Lirother Willis C u m m i n g s g r a d u a t e d from Penn's Dental School last year. He Is now post g r a d u a t ing at his alma mater. He holds a unluqe position in col'egiate athletics. He is tin only man of color, to our knowledge, wlm ever captained a team from one of the "Big Five" college-. Brother Cummings. last year was captain of the university crosscountry team and won every co'.iegiate run in the Bast, save the inter-collegiate c h a m poinships in which he placed high. Last Saturday Brother C u m m i n g s romped off With first h o n o r s in a t r i a n g l a r meet between Pennslyvania, D a r t m o u t h and Columbia, He covered the six mile course in Van Courtland P a r k , New York City in practically the s a m e time of last year's Intcrcoii^giate c h a m p i o n s h i p s . Besides being an exceptional athlete. Brother C u m inings is a scholar. He has the signal honor of being t h e on') man of color elected to an h o n o r a r y fraternity at Pennsylvania Omricron Kappa Cpsilon, is to the d e n t i l surgeon, as Phi Beta Kapa is to literary genius, and Brother C u m m i n g s ' w e a r s the coveted keq. He is already licensed in .New York and shall practice in Harlem, when his course is finished. It is my pleasure to report to the Fraternity the success of two of our most recent medical g r a d u a t e s : Brother Win. Forsythe has huilt us a lucrative practice at l-ll m wood. Pennsylvania. Brothel' Clinton F r e e m a n is bringing to our Sisterhood a worthy lady. We a n nounce with pleasure liis engagement to Miss Tillie Hughes, one of Philadelphia's most We
popular are
teachers. to
and a blazoned h a n d upon ' h e wall wrote
C h r i s t m a s is a fine big girl, since t h e last issue of The Sphinx. At last B r o t h e r E d g a r Draper, of Cape May. N. J., h a s entered the bliss of a new life. T h r e e weeks ago his wedding took place. Since the last issue of T h e Sphinx, when we announced t h a t B r o t h e r Alexander would enter t h e Law School at Chicago^ next year, he has received a fellowship a t Harvard. He will study law t h e r e next year, and Sigma may expect a good strong man. B r o t h e r Alexander h a s been exceptionally successful in journalism. Willie atHigh School he edited the school paper. Al Pennsylvania he assists mi tin- hoard of " P u n c h Bowl." a student publication. He h a s majored in journalism and economics at W h a r t o n School and is u student of exceptional ability.
"Chicago! The greatest Convention! a'pha Phi Alpha Forever!** Success, bountifully measured out, is Kim's wish fur her sister Chapters.
M. RUSSELL NELSON, Sphinx Represent: '.i. •• RAI'I'A CHAPTER Ohio s i a t e University Brothers of the A. P. A.: Kappa C h a p t e r derives g r e a t pleasure in extending to you greetings. Kappa as has always been her wont, is again mobilising fin- a year of effort ami a c h i e v e m e n t in furthering tin- principles of our noble F r a ternity. We were s o m e w h a t disorganized last year owing to war conditions, hut have speedily recovered ami a r e iwell on t h e road to complete reconstruction. T h e r e a r e splendid prospects here at Ohio State for m a k i n g t h i s year the banner yaer in t h e history of the Fraternity on ths campus. In t h e first place, wo have been s t r e n g t h e n e d by the arrival of several b r o t h e r s from other C h a p t e r s j who are t r u e A. ] ' . A. men in t h e best m e a n i n g of t h e word, and who bring with t h e m t h e best t r a d i t i o n s of their several Chapters. so t h a t we a r e in no danger of becoming provincial t h r o u g h lack of outside ideas. Among these b r e t h r e n there a r e Ridley,
Dr Doolittle is professor of Astronomy in Pennsylvania. I recently read an article in a paper on some interesting discoveries of this learned renowned observer. His own findings puzzled him. After r e a d i n g t h e article I held a h u r r i e d consultation with B r o t h e r Eddie LLowry, my colleague in t h e Medical School, a n d together we were able to explain to Dr. Doolittle by stumbling upon t h e m e a n i n g of t h e p h e nomenon he observed on t h e night of October 26th.
Xi. who is studying in the Graduate School:
J u p i t e r was t h e constellation a d o r n i n g t h e E a s t e r n sky. Dr. Doolittle discovered a band resembling greatly water, nre .cril ing a serpentine course a l o n g t h e edge of J u p i t e r . About a t its center, he described a m o u n t a i n o u s body w h i c h b o r e a physiognomy wl.'lch slo.vly revolved a n d stopped dead westward a t a latitude of 10 djsrretE and a Imtgltude of 65 degrees.
Mariott, Xi. studyng in t h e Graduate (School; Pope. Bpsilon, g r a d u a t e and student in the Medical School; Smith. Nu, studying Dentistry! Carter. Xi. in the Arts
college and xichols. Xi. Dentistry; Lowery, Xi. Dentistry; McCown. Xi. Dentistry: Robinson, Phi, g r a d u a t e from Athens and studying medicine. The following brothers are aspiring tor scholarships in t h e G r a d u a t e School: Mariott, specializing in Chemistry; Ridley Bpecla'jiz.ing in Economics and Sociology; Hopkins* specialising in English Literature ami Thompson, specializing in Mathematics.
Th» v'rofessor is an old t e a c h e r of ours and h< railed us in to observe with h i m his wonderfui n h e n o m e i r i - so inexplicable. " I t s t h e S p h i n x i " cried E d . and I lookeJ. »nly to recognize the Errand a n d silent features of o u r Sphinx t u r n e i l a e e w a r d t o w n I "I;:cago. AVe stood in awe, while t h e semismilitig f e a t u r e s of t u r e m b l e m rounded into u n m i s t a k a b l e w a r m t h a n d pleasure
The registration at Ohio State this year is already in excess of six thousand, ami a m o n g this n u m b e r are about one h u n 1U
dred and twenty-five colored students. Anions; the latter a r e many who have in them the m a k i n g of splendid A. P. A. men. Already our rishing committee has pledged a goodly n u m b e r of these men. Friday evening, November 7th. Kappa entertained with a s m o k e r for her newly pledged m e m b e r s . There were present about 35, including our 15 pledged members. Alpha Phii Alpha spirit ran high, and we enjoyed one of t h e most delightful times in our history. On Saturday evening, November 8th, t h e following w e r e initiated into t h e mysteries of A. P. A.: Tynis. Trigg and B r y a n t The initial ion was one of t h e best it h a s been our pleasure to attend. Plans are on foot for m a k i n g Alpha Phi Alphnism mean more in the c o m m u n i t y than heretofore. Altho we have always I n well represented in everything that tended t o w a r d s upbuilding of the c o m m u nity. we a r e cognizant that vast o p p o r t u nities a r e far from having been exhausted in this direction. But we hope to have s o m e t h i n g more definite to report in the nexl Issue concerning the fruition of our plans in this direction. We also wish to urge upon our b r o t h e r s in o t h e r Chapters, to bend every effort toward obtaining- faculty recognition of their various chapters. We note with satisfaction t h a t Nu reported in the last issue of t h e Sphinx t h a t they had gained faculty recognition at Lincoln University. We wish to c o n g r a t u l a t e our b r o t h e r s at Lincoln u p on this event and commend their efforts in this direction. As a c h a p t e r t h a t has enjoyed faculty recognition for years, we at Kappa believe t h a t t h e best results for a c h a p t e r ran In- obtained when they have the cooperation of the faculty of t h e institution w h e r e a t they a r e located. Existence sub rosa, we a r e convinced, is unnecessary in the vast majority of eases where we are concerned, and is to lie deplored. Prospects tor securing a C h a p t e r House for Kappa were never brighter than they are this year. In addition to having a large and energetic potential m e m b e r s h i p ,
we have a large a l u m n i and h o n o r a r y membership in Columbus We hope t h a t before a n o t h e r year we shall be able to report that K a p p a ' s m e m b e r s h i p is housed, as they should be. within a fold of their own. We wish to commend Beta ami Epsilcn, who have had C h a p t e r Houses for years, and who have recently moved into more commodious q u a r t e r s ; and we shall e m u l a t e their success in the future. We a r e glad to note the editorial note ill this issue regarding the erroneous report of K a p p a ' s inactivity. Kappa has never been inactive and, we trust, never shall be inactive. In conclusion we a r e glad to report t h i t Kappa will be represented in Chicago by two regular delegates as well as by many o t h e r visiting brothers. We a r c impressed with the Vice President's "160 or bust" slogan. and trust that busting will prove quite unnecessary. Our delegates are Brother Earl I). Alexander, president and Brother Wayne I.. Hopkins (the latter w a s one of our delegates at Pittsburgh in 1915.J We hope to meet not one h u n d r e d , but F I V E H U N D R E D of our b r e t h r e n in the Windy City at the coining convention. We close by wishing highest success to all of our brothers, and r e p e a t i n g "On to Chicago," for we shall be there. WAYNE L. H O P K I N S , Ohio s t a t e University. THKTA C H A P T E R Chicago. N o r t h w e s t e r n mid Illinois Universities. Brothers In Alpha Phi Alpha, ' Ireetings: We arc hoping to have many visiting brothers present other t h a n t h e delegates and want to m a k e the 12th Annual Convention one of the greatest in t h e hftjtory of Alpha Phi Alpha. We are very proud to see the m e m b e r ship of Theta increasing as those brothers who have been in various places r e t u r n to us. Brothers Charles J o h n s o n and .1. JI. tones are two of the obi rices we a r e glad to have witii us again, Brother .Johnson 20
has returned to hi* work with th» Urban League while Brother Jones has resumed hla study of medicine ai Chicago University. Among the visiting M o t h e r s in the cltj since my last letter are Brothers Cannon • I' Minneapolis, Rope, i>f Cleveland, Shaw. of Michigan, who took the Illinois Dental Board Examination, and Morris Cain, Sec retary of the Atlantic City V. M. C. A: Urother Cain was returning from the convention id' the American Legion to which he was a delegate from New Jersey, Hoping tn meet many of you at the Convent Ion, we are, V'ra tenia I y yours, R. K. CHURCH, Secretary $336 Calu t Ave.. Chicago, III. M.I'IIA (IIAI'TKli Cornell University ripothers ol Alpha Phi Alpha. Heart} Greetings to you all: Agal i Alpha Chapter, after two years of slumber, (tads herself awakening to i iw Hfe, and a p p r o a c h i n g a future that those, of is .-tin iii the University have been dream ng of, It has beep " ' " ' earnest prayer and li-sirc tn sin> Alpha active again and her •iiioi-s flying as nf old, and we arc about to realize our desire. With the opening of the University tbs year, only Brothers Roblni.n and Daly were here, but before the registration closed, Brother Maceo Thomas, of .Mti Chapter, matriculated in our University tor study of agriculture, t h u s we became three. Since that day we have .fin bending every effort i n w a r d s making the c h a p t e r active, and with the seven or eight prospective men In our freshmen i'!ass. we have great hopes ut' soon being. • .14.iin mi active liasis. After the year is well underway and t h e new men shall have been given a m p l e opportunity to prove their qualification, we intend to initiate and start with Old time spirit that has made the history .of Alpha n glorious. We sineeieK regret thai we cannot welonie back any of pur war veterans. Bro. L.ieut A. J. Cassell visited us last spring and
expressed his Intention of being with us again this foil, but the fall opening has enme and Brother Cassel has not. lakewise B r o t h e r Clarence McCoy promised, even vowed, to return, but now he is most conspicuously absent. Brother I.ieut. Victor R. I ' a y has left US for good we fear. and B r o t h e r Bob Cook's silence is most eloquent iii denouncing himself. A wand about our next i'.invent inn. Alpha like all her sister c h a p t e r s wants in in represented at the convention and will do everything possible to be represented, The present condition of the Chapter m a k e s ii look almost Impossible, yet with this great wall l a s it is), in front "f us. we wim arc l u r e feel we can mount it. pass over it. and go to the ( ' i n n e r ! inn. Alpha appeals to all her brothers, alumni, inactive, honorary, and all to lend their support Inwards helping us go on with the work. We have t h e addresses of many of mr b r o t h e r s and we hope that wherever an Alpha Chapter mail is. if he is interested in his C h a p t e r and the Fraternity in general, he will semi us his nam., and address, and whatever support he may have, even a letter, showing interest will be gladl] received ami appreciated by us three, who have this burden to hear at present. We feel that many of our Alumni read the Sphinx, and this being our Official organ, we a r e t a k i n g this one m e a n s of appealing ta you. We feel that the suciess nf Alpha in the past was due tn the interest shown I he C h a p t e r by both the active ami inactive and alumni brothers. Brothers, don't let that spirit die; revive it again and help m a k e your Chapter what it lias been and what it should be now. We feel no reason to believe that we will be lacking anything if every true Alpha b r o t h e r docs his part. We fe e ] too, that nut only does this apply in Alpha C h a p t e r alone, but tn all the c h a p ters as .veil. Brothers, we must be up and about, if we a t e nut we will .'hid ourselves far lie hind the place where it s h o u l l be; so ! et?s a w a k e n tn the fact thai we must bo active, alert and mi the j u m p , put some " p e p "
into our work show t h a t t r u e a l p h a Plil Alpha spirit of every man doing t.h<? bust that Is in him tor his fraternity. Every minute is valuable, and time waits for no one. And if we do this t h e fame of Alpha Phi Alpha will be heard from shore to shore. We also want to say t h a t t h r o u g h t h e untiring efforts of Bro. A . E. Robinson, "Bob", we a r e about to rejoice with him in proclaiming the newa t h a t Iota c h a p t e r at Syracuse, is active again. B r o t h e r R o b inson has worked with u n t i r i n g zeal a n d interest to keep ami have Alpha C h a p t e r active, a n d now he is doing his u t t e r m o s t to have both Alpha and Iota active at t h e s a m e time. H e expects to go over to Syracuse this week to set aside a date suitable for initiation. Last year he was t h e only Alpha man in the University. No issue oi the Sphinx went out with out some word from Alpha from him. He h a s never been elected by ballot to the presidency of Alpha Chapter, (always refusing n o m i n a t i o n ) , but with no o t h e r officers active and none in ilie University, he has been looked upon a s such by t h e General Officers. W e will h a v e tlie results of t h e next election of officers for your consideration. And now since we a r e blessed to have B r o t h e r T h o m as coming to us from Nu, h e too being .one of N'u's loyal lights, we reel t h a t we will not lack proper leadership. W i t h B r o t h ers Robinson, T h o m a s a n d Daly our T r e a s urer. forming a nucleus, we feel a r o u n d these t h r e e b r o t h e r s Alpha will succeed. Again extending our sincere greetings ami wishes to all our sister Chapters, a n d wishing you all much success in y o u r a c tivities and holies of meeting as m a n y of you a s can come a t t h e convention.
m e m b e r s â&#x20AC;&#x201D; A d e l b e r t Glb3on, 2344 E. 83rd Street s o p h o m o r e at Dental College, West e m Reserve University; Jesse F.ridgeman. 22 E. 108th Street, also s o p h o m o r e at Den tal College, W. R. U.; Hanley Brown, Bco vill Avenue, S o p h o m o r e a t Adelbert College, W. R. U. These new m e m b e r s a r e live wires and a r e expected to give quite an i m p e t u s to Pi activities.
F r a t e r n a l l y submitted, IVAN C. DALY, Acting P i e s . 217 Wist St.. I t h a c a , New York.
KPSILON C H A I T K I l University of Michigan To the B r o t h e r s of Alpha P h i Alpha, Greetings:
PI Western
R e s e r v e and
Case School
Applied Science. T h e C h a p t e r m a d e a good s t a r t for t h e BCholaotid year by initiating .three new
T h e two stellar m e m b e r s , B r o t h e r s P e r r y B. J a c k s o n , financial secretary, and R o b ert S. Martin, secretary, were selected as delegates for thei national convention at Chicago, with B r o t h e r R a y m o n d S. J a c k s o n and Daniel S t e w a r t a s a l t e r n a t e s . However, it is expected that almost t h e entire c h a p t e r will be present a t the convention. P l a n s a r e on foot to c h a r t e r a special car. If t h e c o - o p e r a t i o n of t h e c h a p t e r s a t C o . lumbus, Wilberforce a n d P i t t s b u r g can be obtained. Local P r e s i d e n t B r o t h e r Selmo C. Glenn, Is engineering this entirely original movement. It will be r e m e m b e r e d that it was he w h o held t h e last i n a u g u r a l baniiuet a t one of Cleveland's largest hotels, n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g t h e doubts expressed by the entire c h a p t e r . Pi C h a p t e r also h a s plans on foot to give a huge s m o k e r for t h e benefit of t h e freshmen a t Western R e s e r v e University a n d of Case School of Applied Science. P r o s p e c t s of a holiday h o p a r e also r u m b l i n g b e n e a t h t h e h a r d n e s s of Pi's crust. B r o t h e r Daniel D. F o w l e r and George P. Hinton h a v e been k e p t quite busy lately by striking affairs a t t h e i r respective factories. All hail for the N. C. a t C. RAYMOND S. JACKSON, Y i c e P r e s .
We a r e beginning to build h e r e again a s t r o n g C h a p t e r w o r t h y of Alpha Pi Alpha and Epsilon. W e hope to introduce this year a few " w o r t h i e s " into t h e c h a m b e r of " P e a c e and Q u i e t u d e " a n d i n t o the my8-
terles t h a t they may behold Alpha P i Alpha. Since t h e last issue of the Sphinx B r o t h e r Vann, '21P, lias announced his m a r r i a g e on April 12, lasi. in Miss Wilhelmina Jones. The b r o t h e r s of Epsllon wish him suceeas In this new and perilous venture. We a r e heartily in accord with the slogan "100 OR BUST." B r o t h e r s Vann and Price will represent Epsllon, with Brother [Tnthank as alternate. We have been fortunate in having as visitors Brothers Baker, Fisher and Grimes. Ml b r o t h e r s a r c always welcome. Wishing each C h a p t e r much success. We remain Fraternally yours. The B r o t h e r s of Bpailon, .1. T. L E E , Corresponding S e c
TAP CHAPTER C h a m p a i g n , Illinois. To the Sphinx: 'Pan sends greetings to all t h e other chap lers and wishes them all a happy Christmas, i prosperous New Year and also a s u c c e s s . I'ul school year. Things a r e r a t h e r line for Tail this year and we a r e Inking forward to the greatest year t h a t we have ever experienced. We a r c sending two delegates to the Convention in Chicago. They a r e Brother Oscar Randall, who w a s a delegate lo the lasi Convention in Chicago, and Brother William J. Powell. These men have been instructed to stay t h e full period if the convention, and as Chicago is their home. I am sure t h a t they will be of m u c h assistance to t h e B r o t h e r s of T h e t a a n d also to the o u t - o f - t o w n B r o t h e r s . All of us expect to be present to the man at the convention in Chicago. Many p e o . pie in tite west, have never heard of Alpha i'i Alpha, while a great many other do not know what Alpha P h i Alpha s t a n d s for. We of Tan think t h a i this is t h e o p p o r t u n i . ty; and in the great metropolis of t h e west we hope t h a t Alpha Phi Alpha will m a k e a lasting impression. As 1 said in my last letter, we a r e much interested in the Garvin Cup and although
we see no chance of copping it this year. don't ..v. rloi.k us next year. During the homecoming here last week, we were fortunate in having with ns B r o t h ers Dr. Julian Lewis.. H e r m a n K. Harnett, and C arence McKoy, of Theta, Two of these B r o t h e r s . w e r e f o r m e r (students at Illinois and they were surprised to note the progress made here. We started tin- year With seven old men. but with tile large amount of new material to choose from. we have increased our n u m b e r to seventeen, We a r e laying foundations to mnki Tail a lasting m o n u m e n t in this part of the eoun try. With the ever increasing registration i,l' colored s t u d e n t s in the university, our prospects look b r i g h t We hope to see all of the Brothers in Chicago Christmas. Outcry is also "On to Chicago." Yours fraternally, C H A P T E R EDITOR. 802 Kasl Clark St.. Chicago. Illinois. DELTA l , \ M I > \ C H A P T E R Baltimore. Maryland. B r o t h e i s in Alpha Phi Alpha: Allow us to greet you, first as A. 1'. A. men, and second as a t e m p o r a r y organization of men called together by that unexplainable A. P. A. spirit. It has been said. and truthfully said, t h a t it is impossible for a g r o u p of A. P. A. men to reside in a city and not at some time feel the "call" of closer union, better u n d e r s t a n d i n g and organization. We in t h e city of B a l timore. therefore, a r e but examples of that proven history of A. I'. A. men. In tile city of Baltimore t h e r e a r e residing a t present thie folowing ten A. P . A. men: B r o t h e r s .1. H. Hilburn, J. O. Mc Kae, Beta; W. G. Garvin, Beta: ,T. r . S h e l . ton. Beta; W. X. Bishop, Zeta; S. S. Booker, G a m m a ; C. .1. Murphy, Beta; H. C. Caldwell. R a y m o n d Carpenter. Nu; a n d Louis II. Russell, Beta, who have m a d e a p p l i c a tion to the general organization for a g r a d uate chapter, pending t h e action of t h e same, we have come t o g e t h e r and formed it t e m p o r a r y unit and elected t h e following officers: J. H. Hilburn, President; J. G. Mc. 3
Rae, Vice P r e s i d e n t ; W. B. Garvin, Secretary; .1. R. Shelton, Treasurer, B r o t h e r s , we have not stopped here, but li.ivi- appointed committees, a m o n g them being: one to f o r m u l a t e a definate policy or line of action by which we Can work with somp tangible aval in view as a contribntlon yearly to t h e common cause. We had hoped to receive a favorable r e . port to our application in time to be r e p . reseated In Chicago. but due to ;. delay in the office of the Vice President, (we a r e informed) we can hardly be officially rep resented (his year, hut if not Officially, at least .",11 per cent, unofficially. Fraternally A. P. A. in t h e Monumental eity. " W a t c h us grow." WALTER r.. GARVIN, Sec,
A K I : Y O I <;i ir.TY? in one of the metropolitan cities recently more or less comment was m a d e in the daily n e w s p a p e r s upon t h e fact t h a t a collego fraternity, in the course of its initia tion, had its m e m b e r s do all sorts of s l a n t s in the main business section of the city. The comment of most papers was not to the credit of the fraternity in question, it has always seemed to us that such actions on the part of fraternities a r e entirely u n . nailed for and we are. very glad to note that in (he past few years outdoor public initiation had been done away with by practically all of t h e fraternities. It does not reflect credit upon any fraternity to have its m e m b e r s appeal- ridiculous in the exes of the American people. We never h e a r of any such organizations as the Ma. sons, the K. of P., etc., holding any outdoor public initiations, which would tend to ridicule them in the opinion of the -.1, server. T h a t is exactly what a fraternity does when "pulling off some .stunts" in public. We earnestly trust that none of
WILLIAM LeUoY ]:K1:KY Presideai Kim Chapt Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. THE SPHINX (Quarterly) Published in February, May. October and December, at 628 North Eutaw St., Baltimore, Maryland. Official organ of the Alpha Phi Alpha F r a ternity, Incorporated, S T A F F â&#x20AC;&#x201D; W a l t e r B, Garvin, Beaie Elliott, Carl Murphy, Editor in chief.
our c h a p t e r s will m a k e (his mistake. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Omega I'si " R a t t l e "
B r o t h e r Daniel (i. i n n , Nu. is located at 1132 Mt. E p h r a i m avenue. Camden, N. J.
< l.l is A N D C O L L E G E r i v s A.M. H I X G K .
100 BROADWAY, N. Y. i
MU CHAPTER. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn: President, V. James Henley, 178 E. 10th St., Minneapolis. Minn. Secretary, J. Everett Roberts, 2708 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis. NU CHAPTER, Lincoln Ur n University, Pennsylvania: President, Joseph N. Hill, Lincoln University. Secretary, Frank Wil Lincoln University. OMICRON CHAPTER, Un; .rgh, Pa.—6 XI ( "est, "VY i'yler, YY PI CHAPTER. Appli. Superior I
g and Carnegie School Arthur E. Rickman, 7 Wilberforce, Ohio— 'y.
and, OhioSelmo Glenn, ary, Robert S. Martin, 6208 Quincy si I
Penn and Medico Chi. College, Phila. rry, 4101 C '•, Philadelphia, Pa. Corresponding Secretary, R. A
UPSILON CHAPTER, I Pi. den, 11 !
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