The SPHINX | Spring 1921 | Volume 7 | Number 1 192100701

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Seventh Year

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Number One



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I Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.—Published In February, wcember at 628 X. Rutaw Street, Baltimore, &M.

. GENERAL OFFICERS & S. BOOKER, General President, 1619 Druid Hill Avenue, Baltimore Md. ELMER CHEEKS, General Vice-President, 101)12 Quincy Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. NORMAN McGHEE, General Secretary, Howard University, Washington, D. C. HOMER COOPER, General Treasurer, 5050 State Street, Chicago, 111. CARL J. MURPHY, Editor SPHINX, 628North Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Md. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY


ALPHA CHAPTER—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.—Maceo Thomas, President; Carter Howell, Secretary, 217 West Avenue, Ithaca, N. Y. BETA CHAPTER Howard University, Washington, D. C.—President Harry I. Wilson; Corresponding Secretary, Oscar C. Brown, 2447 Georgia Ave., N. W. GAMMA CHAPTER, Union University, Richmond, Va.—President A. D. Price; Secretary, E. J. Scott. EPSILON CHAPTER, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor—President, Marlon S. McCall; Secretary, J. T. Lee, 718 N. Fourth Avenue, Ann Arbor. ZETA CHAPTER, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.—President, E. E. Caple, 65 Edgewood Ave.; Secretary, H. W. Green, 1120 Yale Station. ETA CHAPTER, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. THETA CHAPTER, University of Chicago, Northwestern, Illinois, Chicago, 111—President, C. H. Payne, 4615 Vincennes Av.; Secretary W. H. Haynes, 3763 Wabash Av. IOTA CHAPTER, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y.—President, Graham Burwell, 518 Adams St., Syracuse; Sec'y, Richard G. Bondurant, 302 Cedar St., Syracuse. KAPPA CHAPTER, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio—President, Earl D. Alexander, 61 E. 11th Stheen; Secretary, Albert S. Hand.l 57 E. 11th Street. MU CHAPTER, University of Minnesota—President, Earl S. Weber, 410 Edmund St., St. Paul, Minn.; Secretary, Louis C.. Vflle, 2441 Fifth Ave., St. Paul, Minn. NU CHAPTER, Lincoln University, Pa,—President, Timothy Meyers; Secretary, Frank L Wilson. XI CHAPTER, Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio—President, Frank M. Reid, President; Secretary, L. F. Crosby. OMICRON CHAPTER—University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie School of Technology— Wilber C. Douglass, President, 538 Oakwood St., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Secretary, Richard Jones, 222 N. Euclid Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. PI CHAPTER, Case School Applied Science, Western Reserve, Cleveland, Ohio— President, Raymond Jackson, 7802 Dix Court; Secretary, Robert S. Martin, 6208 Quincy Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. RHO CHAPTER Medico. Chi. College, Philadelphia, Pa.—President, W. F. Jerrlck; Secretary, I. M. Lawrence. SIGMA CHAPTER, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass.—President, Franklin C. Myers, 806 Tremont St.; Secretary, E. Jordaine, Gray's Hall. TAU CHAPTER, University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.; President, Oscar Randall; Secretary, Courtland S. Booker, 602 E. Clark St., Champaign, 111. UPSILON CHAPTER, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas—Maceo White, President; Judge Jones, Secretary, 1101 Mississippi Street. PHI CHAPTER, Ohio University—Wliliam C. Matney, President, 72 Grovsner St., Athens, Ohio; Secretary, H. Dandridge, 72 Grovsner Street, Athens, Ohio. CHI CHAPTER, Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tenn.—Owen D. McFall, Sec'y. PSI CHAPTER, University of Pennsylvania—President, Raymond P. Alexander, Houston Hall, Univ. of Pa.; Secretary, John E. Lowry, 4101 Chestnut St. Phila., Pa. ALPHA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Louisville, Ky.—Secretary, L. Lee Brown, 1106 West Chestnut Street, Louisville, Kentucky. BETA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Kansas City, Mo.—J. B. Isaacs, President 813 Tenth Street; Corresponding Secretary, I. F. Bradley, 400 Haskell St. GAMMA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Detroit, Mich.—President, Cecil Rowltette, 276 St. Antolne St., Detroit, Mich.; Secretary, F. W. Penn. DELTA.LAMBDA CHAPTER, —J. H. Hilburn, President, 1944 Druid Hill Avienue; Secretary, W. B. Garvin, 317 W. Biddle Stretet, Baltimore, Md. EPSILON-LAMBDA CHAPTER—President, Daniel Bowles; Secretary, G. B. Buckner, 2329 Market Street, St. Louis. ZETA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Norfolk, Va.—President, G. W. C. Brown, Tidewater Bank, 738 Church street Norfolk, Va.; Secretary, H. S. Stanback, 913 Glasgow street, Portsmouth, Virginia.



Greetings From The General President. Go-to-College Literature Out In April Who's Who In A-P-A GREETINGS FROM THE GENERAL PRESIDENT It is with profound pleasure that I take this opportunity to greet the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. It has been my privilege to serve the fraternity for thirteen years, during which time I have contributed my best in every way, and this year I feel more determined than ever, having been selected as the humblest of all. Our program for this year is a big one and deserves the attention of every member. May I, in a few words, remind you of two or three important features, around which will center the greatest interest. First of all, a renewed loyalty to your chapter and to the general organization. I mean a loyalty expressed in some tangible form, a loyalty that means sacrifice. In the second place, the fraternity seeks the best men in every community and the law enacted at the last convention allows the brothers a wide range in the selection of men. Therefore, it seems imperative that we take every precaution in this matter, for our slogan is, "Once an Alpha Phi Alpha, always an Alpha Phi Alpha." In the third place, the "Go-to-High-School-and-College" week is the most important part of our year's program, and every chapter and member can help the commission make this week a real feature, one that will be felt in every large community. Brother Dr. Giles, the chairman of this commission, will welcome any suggestion, help and co-operation in this effort. We hope that there will be offered twenty-five scholarships this year. Brothers, push this movement. I am intensely interested in that brother away from his chapter seat, away from the voice of a brother, in some small country

Frat Fun

General News

hamlet. Can we touch him? Can we revive that fraternal spark? Can we get him t o renew his claims to our great fraternity ? Yes, we can, and we must do it. Brothers, adopt this slogan for 1921: "Every brother is digging, find him."

You have my address. I count your cooperation, your advice and suggestions, your friendly companionship, and with this and the help of God, my Maker, the wheels must go 'round. S. S. BOOKER.




EDITORIALS BY THE EDITOR-INCHIEF The editorial Department of the Sphinx after this issue will be placed in the Lands of Brother Earl Alexander, 61 East 11th street, Columbia, Ohio. Matter for this Department, should be forwarded to him.

13TH CONVENTION. The Thirteenth Annual Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha was held at the seat of Beta Lambda Chapter, Kansas City, Missouri, December 27th to 31st, inclusive. When Brother J. Oliver Morrison called the convention to order, using a gavel presented by Beta Chapter for that purpose, delegates and visitors were already aware of the fact that the wild and woolly West welcomed them, and that Kansas City was theirs. West met East, East met West, and contrary to Kipling's prediction, they were of one accord. DELEGATES. Delegates were present from Beta, Joseph R Jones, Oscar C. Brown; Gamma, A. D. Price, P. L. Henry; Epsilon, De Norval, Unhank; Theta, Homer Cooper, i i . A. McEwen; Kappa, Wayne Hopkins, Earl Alexander; Nu, R. O. Lanier; XI, Samuel Hutchinson; Tau, Richard Harewood, William J. Powell; Chi, J. J. Carter, Owen McFall; Beta Lambda, W. H. Howell, I. F . Bradley, Jr.; Gamma Lambda, Ferdinand Penn; Delta Lambda, Jas. Hilburn, S. B. Hughes; Epsilon Lambda, Daniel W. Bowles, N. M. Sykes; Zeta Lambda, S. F . Coppage, Upsilon, Maceo A. White, Tobie Owens, Elmer Cheeks, Daniel Fairfax; Pi, E. B. Jourdan; Sigma, Wilbur Douglass, Ormicross; Rho, I M. Lawrence, J. R. Hockney. General officers, L. L. Magee, president; Norman McGhee, secretary; Hermon Moore, vice president; S. S. Booker, treasurer, Carl Murphy, editor Sphinx. Some of the visitors were: Garrett Morgan, Pi; A. Wayman Ward, Zeta, and from tJusilon: Homer Thompson, S. G. Hamilton, L. H. Reynolds, J. A. Hodges, A. S. Gatewood, Burt Mayberry, L. L. Isaacs, W. H. Towers, V. A. Wilkerson, M. E. Carroll, D. French, J. L. McKenzie, S. French, Gomez Hamilton, Chauncey Jones, Judge Jones, J. S. Shelton; Nu, J. F. Williams; Zeta delegate, Chester Brewer; Theta, Roscoe Giles; Theta, D. N . Crosswaith.

SPHINX Beta Lambda, L. H. Norwood, F . T. Lane, 0 . D. Phles, P. L. Jacobs, R. H. Rahming, E. H. Lee, J. B. Isaacs, R. H. Gillam, J. O. Morrison, Claude L. Jones, R. A. Marsden, J. R. E. Lee, Brother Homer Cooper, L. L. Mcgee and Daniel Bowles were elected commissioners together with Ormond Forte and R. C. Giles to carry out the commission's work. NEW OFFICERS. After fourteen years of work for Alpha Phi Alpha, S. . Booker, charter member of Gamma, first General Secretary, General Treasurer for the past five years, and a member of every APA Convention save one, was elected General President for 1921. Few brothers can point to the long and faithful service that has been a part of Brother Booker's career, and it is a matter for congratulation that the Fraternity saw fit to recognize long and meritorious service. Other officers elected include Elme Cheeks, vice president; Norman McGhee, secretary; Homer Cooper, treasurer, and Carl Murphy, editor Sphinx.

IMPORTANT LEGISLATION. Graduate members of APA are given permission to affiliate with professional fraternities according to a new ruling made after careful and prayerful consideration by the thirteenth Convention. This is a forward step, and indicates the broad spirit of the brothers of the Convention, who recognize that out in life they must band together with members of other fraternities in putting over community work. Suggestion of E. B. Jourdain for Special Department Editor of the Sphinx was adopted, and Brother Jourdain accepted the Department of "Who's Who in APA"; Elmer Cheeks, "Frat Fun"; W. L. Hansberry, "History," and Earl Alexander, "Editorials." New items relating to these departments should be sent by brothers direct to the department heads on or before the tenth of the month before Sphinx is to be published. The annual banquet, which closed the convention was all that it has been in former years-. L. L. McGee's eloquence, Booker's intensity, Herman Moore's fine distinction between thought and action, problem and progress; Little McGhee's bashfulness, Hilburn's "gumshoing" and Harewood's music made up the program leading to the



final moment when "Blest Be the Tie" and Elmer Cheeks' motion to adjourn formally closed the sessions. As Dunbar declared, it is impossible to describe it, and you should have been there for yourself. Communications of greetings were read from J. R. Hunt, Beta Va Theological Seminary, Emet J. Scott, Beta, Washington, D. ). C ; Kansas City Federation of Women's |! Clubs, Mu Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Harold Kingsley. Detroit Michigan, h Alpha Alpha Chapter, Eta Chapter in New York. R. G. Robinson. Nashville, represent> ing the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Alphaa Kappa Alpha Sorority. Ormond Forte, Po, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Franklin'» Myers, H. B. Brton and T. B. D. Dyett, ofn f Sigma. Exalted Honorary Members. The Fraternity is fortunate in unanimously accepting the proposals of the sev-eral chapters to initiate the following Exalted Honorary Morn hers: Rho Chapter, E.!• C. Brown, of Phi'adolnhia; Delta Lambdai •^banter, Bishnn Jnbn Hurt, of the A. M. E. Ch"r"h: Nu Chautpr: Nu Chanter. Dr. M. F. Whentlan, of Newport. R. I.; Dr. E. P. Robert. New York City; Dr. J. T. Cotton, Patterson, N. J. NEW FINANCIAL LEGISLATION. The grand tax for 1921 is $3.50. Each, Chanter will send $2.50 to the general organizations for each active or active honor-. ary member initiated and $25 for each exulted honorarv member nronosed. GeneralI legislation and chancres in the budget willj be found in the minutes now in press.

GO TO COLLEGE MOVEMENT. As expected the universal success of the Go To Colleg-e and On to High School Movement last year led the Convention to authorize the Commission of Five to formulate nlans again for rHs year. The commission will also compile a Fraternity Directory.

NEXT CONVENTION IN BALTIMORE. Raltimore will be the host to the 14th Annual Convention. Gamma. Eta and Beta were among the contenders for the coveted honor, but it came to Baltimore.


Theta Chapter won the Garvin Cup for chapter excellence for the second successive time. Congratulations are due to Theta for her hard work done, and also to the other chapters, especially Gamma, Tau and Beta, which closely competed with the winner for the trophy. GO-TO-COLLEGE LITERATURE OUT APRIL 1ST. By R. C. Giles. To the Chapters of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Greetings: The Thirteenth Annual Convention set a high standard of activity for the Commission. Such a standard can only be attained by the co-operation of every member of our organization. The Commission was authorized to continue the "Go-to-Hieh-School-and-College Movement" indefinitely, the climax of the camnaie-n beinc the week of Mav 9th to May 15th, 1921. The reports from' all the chapters last vear were uniformly successful. It is to be honed that we shall by far excell that record for the ensuing year. The Commission hones to have the literature for the camnaism in the hands of the chapters about the middle of April. The Commission was further authorized to gpt a detailed historv of the Fratprnitv so that it mierht be published in "Baird's Manual of Fraternities " Tn order to facilitate the s-ettinp- of the history and record of each individual member the onpstinnnairps this year will be nrjntpd and distributed to trig chanters. The chairman of the Commission requests that each chanter secretary send him a list of the cmestionnaires necessary, so that records of members of every classification may be compiled. The Commission elected bv the Thirteenth Annual Convention is as follows: Daniel W. Bowles, 1311 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. Lucius L. MeGee. 700 East Fourth Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. Hoomer P. Cooper, 5059 State Street, Chicago, T!l. Ormond A. Forte, 503 Superior Building, CWeland, Ohio. Roscoe C. Giles. Chairman, 3541 State Street, Chicago, 111.



E. B. Jourdain, Gray's Hall, Cambridge, Editor. (Contributions for this department should be sent to the above address.) Edward 0 . Gourdin, Harvard, '21, was the mainstay of the Crimson Track Team in its 1920 season. Entered in all of the Spring meets in the hundred, two-twenty and broad jump, this Alpha man speedily won for himself the title of Harvard's "iron man," displaying not only a capacity as an all-around performer, but a remarkable ability to excell in more than one event. During the last season he proved himself Harvard's best sprinter, journeved to Philadelphia and in the intercollegiates there set up a new harvard record in the broad jump, and in the Olympic trvouts at the Stadium in July, 1920. won the junior national championship in the dashes. His work-in the Crimson's big outdoor meets won wide and generous commendations from the metropolitan dailies. Under headlines: "GOURDIN AND HARWOOD LAND HARVARD SEVENTH" in the intercollegiate games, the Boston "Herald." for Sundav, May 29th, says of his work at Philadelphia: "New England did not have a college able to capture the team honors, but how her athletes performed in the various events. Of course, Earl Thomson's racing will never be forgotten Then thpre was Oourdin. the dark-skinned Harvard athlete. Working: all the time, this Crimson bearer proved himself a gamester and a fighter. He and Bob Harwood alone brought Harvard more glorv than the whole Yale track team won. Between them this r>air scored 11 points. Gourdin was a fightine second to Brown, of Princeton, in the 100-yard dash: indeed, he was so close that there was a question as to who reallv was the winner, while in the running broad jump he returnd a leap of 23 feet 7% inches." In the dual meet with Yale, Harvard won four first places. "Gourdin. the iron man of the Whalen forces, gettinc out the farthest in the broad jump." This, indeed, the Bosten "Transcript" had aVeadv awarded to "Gourdin, who has supplanted the debarred Kroguess as the most versatile of the Crimson athletes." Of this greatest event in Harvard's track season, the annual Yale meet, the Boston "Herald" said: "The real man of the games was V. 0. flourdin. the duskv Crimson flier. From the stands it looked as if he were in everv event, and he did well wherever he showed, in some instances having to hop from a

SPHINX trial in one event to a finish in another. He won the broad jump with an effort of 22 feet 8% inches; was second in the 220yard dash and third in the century, at the same time working well along in the running: high jump." Nor is Gourdin's remarkable versatility confined to the cinder path, on which he won his " H " in his Sophomore year—in itself a notable achievement. In his Freshman year he made the yearling baseball team, while his powerful physique marked him out for the gridiron and only his devotion to track hides his ability as a tennis player. He inaugurated his Senior vear by winning a place in the 'Varsity basketball squad, from which he retired to resume winter track work. Already a metropolitan daily marks him as the best bet for the short distance relay team." This is his last year of running' for Harvard and. according to our sporting editor, "he should have his very best season." Alpha will do well to watch him. "^ Brothers at Baltimore may be interested in Brother Earl Brown, former Howard halfback and baseball captain, who reported for football practice at Harvard this fall, and by sheer merit won for himself a place on Harvard's s c o n d team. During the week preceding the Brown game he did the punting against the 'Varsity in preparation for the Providence eleven's left-footed kicker and Captain Armstrong. Earl Brown looms up as a likely candiate for the 1921 'Varsity. At Tuft's College, Alpha has gained even higher gridiron honors. Brother Otis E. Galloway, the former English High School star and All-Scholastic tackle, has been for two years the mainstay of the line, and this season his absence, enforced by injury, was severely felt. Brother J. Ernest Martin, the speedy left halfback of the Medford eleven, is well known to the Eastern football world, and was acting as captain of the Tuft's eleven in four of its games this season, namelv, those with Norwich, Detroit, Dartmouth and West Point. Brother Clarence H. Mills, wearing the Phi Betta Kappa key from Dartmouth, maintained his brilliant record through the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and from there received the degree of master of arts in June. 1920. Brother Mills is now teaching at Talladega. Brother Luther R. White was one of the organizers of the Boston University debating team and helped found the Boston University Union.



Brother James A. Scott received the Phi Beta Kappa key from University of Kansas and proved his right to it by an enviable record established in a year of graduate work in English, for which Harvard College bestowed on him the degree of A. M. in June, 1920.



and without asking to whom he was talking said: "Can't I get a box for two tonight?" A startled voice answered at the other end of the line: "We don't have boxes for two." "Isn't this the Howard Theater?" he called, crossly.

FRAT FUN. Elmer Cherko, 10912 Qnincy Heights, Cleveland, Ohio, Editor. (Contributions for this department should be sent to the above address.) We are making no apologies for this column. We expect to conduct it as most other similar columns are conducted, with a lot of stale jokes. The real funny part of this column is the fact that we attempt to write jokes.

• • •

Picked Up at the Convention. Joke editor of FRAT FUN appointed. Annual question among the girls in the Convention City: "Who is Downing going to take to the Prom.?" Hid the wife of one of our national officers really forget to put his dress shirt in his bag, or was it a put-up job to keep him from the Prom.? Will Brother Hilbourne, the official gumshoe man of the Thirteenth Annual Convention. please tell us where the editor-inchief was Prom. ni?ht? One thing that we learned from the singing of the Upsilon undergraduates, that they will never be late to class when they have hot soup for dinner, as-the voices they displayed were fine for cooling soup. What is the use of giving so many cups when there is nothing to put in them? Regardless of what it cost to get to Kansas City, you always get one (s)cent back. For the information of the brothers of Zeta Lambda we will say that the convention was held in Kansas City and not St. Louis, your senior delegate's report to the contrary notwithstanding; yes, she lives there. GENERAL. Knowing the poor telephone service in Washington, we were not surprised to learn that a Beta man got the wrong number,

"Why, no," was the answer, "this is an undertaking shop." He cancelled the "box for two." • • • Pat was wandering around one Sunday morning when he happened to pass a "darkey" church, so he went in to see what it was like. As Pat entered, the "Deacon" was exhorting his people as follows: "Now, mah breffern, some of us is gwine to be sheep and some is gwine to be goats. Who'se gwine to be the sheep an' who'se gwine to be de g o a t s ? " Here he paused and looked around, and Pat, catching his eye, shouted: "Sure, Oi'll be the goat. Go ahead with the joke."

The Lost Found. Edyth—"I lost my head when Jack proposed last night." Grayce—"Indeed!" Edyth—"But I found it on his shoulder a minute later."—Ex. « • • If beauty is only skin deep there's a sight of folks who would look better peeled. The more I see of some men the less I criticise mules. Some men make fools of theirselves. Others don't have to. • • • Affectation. When I see a youth with his pants rolled up, And his beautiful sox in view; A little round hat on the back of his head, And its ribbon of mauve and blue; With his dear little self all decked with rings, And his pins from that dear prep school; It strikes a chord,. And I say, "Oh, Lord, "Was I ever that big a fool?"




When I see a youth with his gloves turned down And a cigarette stuck in his face; A horse cloth coat, and a loud checked vest, And a two-inch wide shoe lace; With a bunch of hair that covers his ears, And hear his line of senseless droll; I paw the sward, And say, "Oh, Lord, "Was I ever that big a fool?"—Ex. Said of Woman. A woman's strength lies in her knowledge of a man's weakness. "It is sad," said the sentimental- landlady, "to think that the poor lamb should be destroyed in its youth just to cater to our appetites." "Yes," said the student, struggling with his portion, "it is tough."

Music By Henry Ford. (From the Winfield, Kan., Free Press.) FOR SALE—One Ford car with piston rings; two rear wheels, one front spring. Has no fenders, seat or plank; burns lots of Bras. Hard to crank. Carburetor busted, half wav through. Engine missing; hits on two. Three years old; four in the spring. Has shock absorbers and everything. Radiator busted, sure does leak. Differentials dry; you can hear it squeak. Ten snokes missing; front all bent. Tires Mowed out; ain't worth a cent. Got lots of speed; will run like the deuce; burns either gas or tobacco .iuice. Tires all off; been run on the rim. A damn good Ford for the shape it's in.—Homer S. Wilson. K. C. Breezes As They Touched Sigma. Stung! The senior delegate from Rho slid into his seat disgustedly. "What's wrong, Buddie?" queried his sympathetic junior. "Nothing, except that I'm through with these K. C. citizens. One of them said that if I'd call at his house he'd take me down in his cellar and show me a new furnace— so ,of course, I went!" "Well?" "It WAS a new furnace."

The Delegate from Alpha Phi (eagerly)—"Don't progressive m e n ? " Alpha Kappa (bored)—"Yes, lots of 'get-up-and-go.' " Beta-Lambda Visitor Arrived • • •

Calls. you like ones with Late at

Thursday Session. Pres. McGhee—"Where have you been?" Visitor—-"Cemetery." Pres.—"Anyone dead?" Visitor—"Yes, all of 'em." Disillusioned. Delegate from East (confidentially)—"I came to the convention because I needed a change and a rest." West—"And you got t h e m ? " East—"No; the railroad got the change and the girls got the rest." In the Checkroom. Alpha—"That's a handsome dress suit you have there, Jack." Phi (beamingly)—"Think s o ? " Alpha—"Yes, why don't you buy i t ? "

"To the Officers." A. P. A. (soulfully)—"Isn't this music heavenly? It simply lifts you off your feet!" Miss K. C. (solefully)—"It's strange, then, it doesn't lift you off mine." Intermission. Single Delegate from Tau—"She's pretty, but she never says a word. I imagine why all the boys are in love her." Married Delegate from Theta—"I

very can't with can."

Suggested by Chi Chapter. "Mike and Ike." Chi Chapter boasts of having had a candidate for initiation who was one of twin brothers. Upon the night for reception of members both came, and what do you think! Both had to be taken in the Chapter in or-



der to be sure that the right one be accepted.—G. N. A. General Officers Only. Miss K. C. (cooly, to humble walking delegate, who has just picked up her handkerchief)—"Thank you, but if I should happen to drop it again please don't bother. It wasn't you I meant."


The following officers were elected to serve during the ensuing year: H. H. Thomas, Atlanta, Ga., Grand Basileus; John W. Love, Howard University Law School, Grand Keeper of .Records; R. Williams, Harvard Law School, Grand Keeper of Seals; Wm. S. Nelson, Union Theological Seminary, New York City, Director of Publicity. The next place of meeting will be Atlanta, Ga.

* *

Consoled. Full many a pal his frat pin gave Some damsel, 'e're leap year did pass, But cheer up, lad, I wouldn't rave, Because the men call me an—"horse." National Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Meets in Ninth Annual Convention, Nashville, Tenn. The National Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity met in its Ninth Annual Convention, December 27-30, in the city of Nashville. It was beyond doubt the most significant convention held in the history of the national chapter of the fraternity. The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity is a national organization among Negro college men, having at present thirteen chapters in colleges and cities throughout the country, the most recently organized chapters being Theta, in the University of California; Iota, in Atlantic City; Kappa, in West Virginia Institute; Lambda, in Norfolk, Va.; Mu, in Philadelphia, and Nu, in Penn State. The opening session of the convention was held on Monday evening, the 27th, in the Auditorium of Meharry Medical College. A learned address was delivered by Dr. Carter G. Woodsen on "Democracy and the Man Far Down." An address of welcome was delivered by Dr. J. A. Lester, Dean of Meharry, and a response made in behalf of the Fraternity by Mr. R. G. Robinson, Grand Basileus. At other sessions splendid addresses were delivered by Dr. C. V. Roman, Han. J. C. Napier and Prof. W. J. Hale, elected active members of the Fraternity. Other than making plans for strengthening established chapters and organizing new chapters where opportunity afforded, the convention included a new and very significant feature in its plan to designate one week during the coming year, during which the race through every possible medium will be urged to read a book of Negro authorship—this to be called "Read a Book by a Negro Week."

PHI BETA SIGMA FRATERNITY HOLD ANNUAL MEET. A rousing welcome was given Sunday afternoon, December 26 at the Twelfth Street Y. M. C. A. to the 75 delegates of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, who held their second national convention with the Alpha Chapter at Howard University. The public meeting was presided over by Dr. I. L. Scruggs, an honored member of the Tuskeegee Alumni Chapter. The audience sang " 0 Come, All Ye Faithful" and Rev. Jas. W. Pace, of Oberlin, Ohio, offered prayer. Mr. E. Milton Johnson sang in a very effective manner "Invictus." Judge Robert H. Terrell, an honorary member of the Alpha Chapter, was the principal speaker and his subject was "The Progress of the Negro." Judge Terrell brought a message that will long be remembered by all who heard him. He was followed bv a violin solo, rendered by Prof. R. D. Carlton Dorsey, of the Washington Alumni Chapter. Announcements of the program for the following days were made by A. L. Taylor, general secretary. A vocal solo bv Mr. B. J. Ragsdale was beautifully rendered. The business sessions were held on Monday and Tuesday. The meetings were presided over by R. A. Bailey, of the Epsilon Chapter, and W. A. Evans, of the Eta Chapter. Minutes of the last meetings were read and greetings from various chapters and fraternities. Monday afternoon renorts of the general secretary and other officers were heard. In the evening the conferences were presided over bv Dr. A. T.. Locke, an honorary member of the Alpha Chanter. Addresses were made bv Messrs. J. P. Bond, of the Standard Life Insurance Comnanv; W. A. Stevenson, local secretary of the Y. M. C. A. and Prof. Montgomorv Gregorv. At thp close of the evening session the Zpta Phi Beta Sister Sororitv, which w?re in session at the same time, entertained in honor of their fraternity bro+hprs and visiting sisters. Phi Beta Sigma has sixteen chapters and 320 members.




HARVARD TRUE TO TRADITION. (Reprinted from the Afro-American.) Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 18.—Harvard College lived up to its traditions this week by cancelling track meets with the Annapolis Naval Academy and the University of Virginia for next April. The Southern schools are arndouB to run against Harvard, but wanted t V s Crimson to "can" its colored runners during the contests. Major Moore, white, graduate manager of track sports, and W. J. Bingham. white, new director, refused to do this, and are going ahead with plans to bring the squad of runners to a warmer climate during- the April recess anyhow. A track meet will probably be arranged with Penn State. The two colored men objected to bv the cracker schools are Ed Gourdin. Sigma Chanter, biggest point winner for Harvard in the May Intercollegiates last May, who won points in the dashes, shot-put and broad jump, and Edwin Jourdain, also Sigma, sprinter and hurdler. Major Moore admitted that two of his best men had Negro blood in their veins, and added "it is not deemed advisable to bring the team South without them." Twenty years ago, when Wm. Matthews, a colored lad and Harvard's greatest shortstop, appeared with the Crimson team on the Navy's field at Annapolis. Southern crackers objected, and the Harvard captain and manaerer declared that Matthews must play or Harvard's team would leave the field. He played. Harvard's policy has alwavs been iust to colored athletes. W. H. Lewis, of Boston, is known as the best football center the college has ever had. A. L. Jackson, of New York, was the chamnion hurdler in 1913, and Ted Cable, of Indianapolis, the king shot-putter and broad iumner the same year. Last VCPT Gourdin slaved football and may make the team this fall.

FROM A GRADUATE TO THE EDITOR. Since T erradurted from Lincoln University in 1918, T have cotten out of touch wifh inside matters of the fraternity T love. After practically a year in the armv I got f-n anpointment as a teacher in this institution. and as vou can see. was rather isolated from Alnha Phi Alnha men and. consequently, Alpha Phi Alpha news. Recently I have come in contact with several brothers and talking with them I decided that I should try and keep in touch with things through the medium of the Sphinx.

I write to find out if I can obtain copies of all numbers issued since 1918, directly through you, or must I apply through my chapter. In any event, kindly let me know through what channels I must apply and the attendant charges. In case you can send them, I would appreciate it very much if you would send them at once, accompanied by the bill, and I will remit accordingly. It may interest you to know that Brother Chapman, one of the original seven, is teaching near me at Jackson College. Associated with him is Brother Jackson, of the alumni chapter recently made at Atlanta. Brother W. L. Hansbury, Sigma alumnus, is teaching at Straight College, and Brother Richards, Alpha Lambda, is teaching in the colored High School in New Orleans. These are the only brothers I have met in the South. No doubt you have forgotten ever having met me, but I recall you when you were a student at Harvard. I was then a high school student, my home being in Boston. Wishing for the Sphinx a prosperous year, and with kind regards to you, I am Fraternally yours, F . LUTHER MERRY, Nu Alumnus, Tougaloo College, Miss. P. S.—Has there been a directory published since 1916? I should like to get one if there is a more recent edition. F . L. M. BLACK AFRICA. A Drama—Unceasing and Everchanging. By Wm. Leo. Hansberry, Straight College, New Orleans. (History Editor.) To time and the world without Africa is a mighty dream, unceasing and everchanging. The ancient world saw her away "On the warm limits of the farthest main," a realm of wonders, wealth and beauty, the sportland of the gods and the dwelling place of the "blameless Ethiopians, the tallest and handsomest of men"; a land where people lived for one hundred and twentyfive years; bathed in violet-scented fountains, bound their prisoners in fetters of gold and buried their dead in coffins of crystal. To the Mediaeval world Africa was a land of burning hills, steaming valleys and boiling, seething seas; a land where men wild and wooley, and with heads below their shoulders vied with mighty beast and



demons who's breath was poison, whose eyes lightning, and who's brayings thunder. The early modern world saw Black Africa a gigantic jungle of bamboo, barbarians and baboons, fie only as a breeding place for the helots of the earth; the senseless slaves of all mankind. Imperialistic Europe of the last century anu this saw her an Eldorado—a land flowing with milk and honey; a cloth of gold; a prize which to win she was willing to give her blood to keep her very soul.


the area of predynastic and dynastic Egypt, to Nubia—tne valley from the first cataract to the tar away highland of eternal summers. The time also leaps three thousand years to a period about one thousand years before the coming of our Lord. The directors account for this jaunt by explaining that the days and doings of mighty Egypt while ot primary importance in the drama of the world are, however, of but secondary interest in the drama of Black Africa. For dynastic Egypt and her doings are only in part the products of a purely African race; other peoples from other lands play a roll of increasing importance as time passes on. The directors, furthermore, explain that whatever the future might bring torth, they know now but little of region.

The present being wiser and more clairvoyant than the past, sees Black Africa as she has been seen, but more, it sees her in a measure as she really was and is. Watch then with care and listen close, for in this They tell us, nevertheless, that we might the unceasing drama's present act, the old- infer that the centuries that preceded this est and wisest of lands, is to give forth was hardly times of lethargy or idleness, from its dark bosom some startling secrets but rather periods of power and activity. it has hid for centuries, while the mighty As evidence of this they bid us observe sphinx whispers confirmation. closely the story told by the rules and recThe stage is wide and the directors are ords of their handiword as rescued from the many, and they are known by a name that fallen ruins of their habitations. Thus it is is new under the sun. For while the gen- that we see Nubia about seven hundred years before Christ thrusting aside the ealogist is content to call them sons of America and England and Germany, the mantle of obscurity and forcing herself academicians tell they are this and more, into the very front rank of the world powers of her day. We see her launch forth and styles them—archaeologist. upon a period of conquest and magnificent In this drama's present act the settings achievement which develops into a veritaare varied, for the opening parts of the dif-. ble golden age. At the very mount when ferent acts. In the first, it is a desolate Deiocles was welding into being the empire place of sand and silence; the second, a from which four centuries later were to go mountainous area, barren and waste, and forth those mighty forces which thundered the third, a tropical jungle, teeming with at the gates oi the Homeric world laying braying beasts and creeping creatures. Nor then the cultural and political foundations are the conventional books or batons the of empires yet to be; we see emerging out aiding agencies of our directors, but rather of Napata an even then ancient citadel of spades and skulls are their pointers. Negroiand, a great black host which sweeps to the north, conquers Egypt—a part of its In the first setting there spreads out be- ancient holdings—and as an ally of the fore us a long narrow valley, stretching "hosts of the Lords" prevailing for a time away to the desert and beyond into the against the mightiest legions of mighty hills. We are told that it is the Nile Valley, Assyria. ( 1 ; We see scattered over the and from the year of our Lord ten to fifteen land, from Gabel Barkel, Nuri and Amadeh, thousand years removed. At the biddings on the north, to Meroe, Nagaa and Masawof the directors or the archaeologist (1) as waret and South cities of acres and acres they are called, there appears before us a of pyramids, temples, reservoirs and what race of men—Africans, dark and wooly not which are inovations in the world of haired, covering the stretching area and as art, and in many instances rivaling and in masters of the regions there and there- some surpassing the finest products of abouts, bringing into being forms of art Egypt at her best. and types of culture which later become (1) The Nubian conquest of Egypt, and the very foundation and generating spirit of the world's first great human achieve- aid to Judea. ment, Egyptian Civilization. Our attention is now directed to anuther The curtain falls and rises and the scene part of the great African stage. The world of action shifts from the lower Nile valley, calls the place Rhodesia, while to the directors or archaeologist (1) is Zembabwe, a (1) Flanders Petrie, George Reisner, land of mysterious hills and puzzling valWallas Budge. leys of ruins.




At the biddings of our directors there arises from this barren waste and above its desolate dust, stone temples, palaces, forts and iortihcations that are puzzling in their strange designs and startling in tneir magnitude. Of the temples and palaces the archaeologist (2) tell us that there are none like them in the world elsewhere and that "they are of a kind that suggest that their owners and builders were men of wealth and position." And of the forts and fortifications they tell us that they often "cover whole mountains" and are the "vastest series of intrenchment lines to be found any where in the world"; that they represent as much directed human energy as that required in building the great pyramids of Egypt. (1) Randall Maciver, R. N. Hall, J. T. Bentest. (2) Maciver, Mediaeval Rochsia, P. 76. Our directors dispute the time and race to which these creations belong—some argue that they were produced by Africans of Asiatic origin who lived there before most of the kingdoms now old were born; while others believe that these people were contemporaries of the Mediaeval Europians and are convinced that they "were of African origin and evidently akin to the race from which the present inhabitants have sprung." They furthermore believe that "they were neither affected by Europian or Oriental influence for no single object of other than genuinely African character has been found where they lived." The curtain falls to rise on a setting in the great tropical African forest and marked on modern maps as Nigeria. The directors of the act of the drama now about to pass are not only archaeologist, but adventurers and soldiers as well. For it is they who first find for us the old walled African cities of Benin, Brohemin and others with their "broad streets" and houses "which stand in good order." It was they who first describe to us the houses with their turrets ending in birds "cast in copper and having outspread wings cleverly made after living models, and who likewise tells us how the walls of these houses, made of clay because there was no stone, were painted with the mashed leaves of the moringa pettrygosperinga and rubbed until they "looked as shiny and smooth as glass" and "were like marble." It was also these adventurers and soldiers who first discovered the famous Benin bronzes which so startled Europe and "opened up to us the knowledge of the existence of a hitherto unknown African craft, the products of which hold their own

among some of the best specimens of antiquity and modern times." It furthermore was in all probability these findings which lead the notable Tuton, Leo Frobemus, to take up his researches in these parts and lead him to make the visit of the now old and decadent city Ilife hiding away in the swampy region of the slow treading Niger. This is important, for it is there in that old city which Frobemus characterizes as giving the impression of "grandure in decay" that he discovered much of the evidence and facts out of which he creates for us his part of the drama In which we see a black people on the west coast of Africa, creating and maintaining a cultural system notable on the one hand for its "majectic homogeniety; splendid uniformity and dignified perfection" and on the other for its "astounding independence and intelligibility of style." In the field of plastic arts we see "at some remote age glass being made and moulded in this very land and that the nation which here of old held rule the brilliant exponents of the apt dexterity in the production of terra-cotta images." These images we see are of "infinite variety," many being beautiful objects of domestic decorations, others showing the dress of the ancient blacks "which must have been very rich and handsome" while still others are "patently portraits" representing almost every African type, thereby suggesting a great cosmopolitan city and the probable existence of a jus commercii as well as a jus connubii, which in turn argues well for the existence of a demogenic form of association of great age. We see these ancient negroes producing bronze objects in relief and in the round as well that are "finely enchased indeed suggesting the finest Roman examples." And what is more astounding is that we see that these objects like many of the famous Benin bronzes are done a cire perdue—in hollow cast, thus surpassing in this respect the ancient Etruscans and Greeks who made their castings solid, and executing in the method followed by the ancient Egyptions and the best artist of the Italian Renaissance (1). The curtain falls, but before we can recover from our amazement the director adds to our bewilderment by stepping to the fore and announcing that while the place of the beginning of this culture and more is not yet certain yet all the evidence now available seems to bespeak for it an indigenous origin and development and that if it is not anterior to very probably con(1) Dalton and Read: Jaurnal Anthrop. Inst. 1898. P. 272.


THE terminous in time with Etruria of Old and Phoenicia the free. Such then and until now is the unceasing and overchangin- drama of Black Africa. What the future will bring let the future tell; but of this let the present be convinced that Black Africa is not "beyond the reach of interest in the history of the world, always in a state of apathy, asleep to progress and dreaming its day away"; and of this may the present be ever sure that Black Africa is not "a continent which has nor mystery nor history,"

ENGAGED. Gamma has recently discovered that the pin of Brother Marshall L. Shepard, local Sphinx correspondent, is conspicuous by its absence. Brother Shepard has confessed that Miss Nellie Lucille Owens, of Oxford,



N. C , has taken possession of it. Will the young ladV come forward to receive the blessings of Gamma and the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity? Brother Ferdinand Motley, recently ot Rho, wishes to announce his engagement to Miss Alice Louise King, a pianist, ot Philadelphia. Bright prospects are wished Brother Motley on his matrimonial voyage.

SPORTS. In a fifty (50) yard dash, run at the University of Michigan Gymnasium, Brother Motley finished second to Scholtz, and equaled the gymnasium record of 5 3-5 seconds, held by Carl Johnson. Smoltz and Johnson, it will be remembered, were representatives of the United States at the 1920 Olympics.

CHAPTER LETTERS HE IS CONVERTED. Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha: I find that I am unable to express myself as to the benefit I arrived from having attended the 13th annual convention. It has been our effort to inspire the members of the Local Chapter as we wire inspired at the convention. The brothers seem to have taken on a new spirit, which is very gratifying. 1 shall attend convention held hereafter, whether I am a delegate or not if 1 am anywhere near by. The newly elected officers seem to have begun work in earnest in an effort to make Chi Chapter preeminent among sister organizations, and a medium of exchange between the South and North. Fraternally yours, J. J. CARTER, Ex-President, Chi Chapter. BETA CHAPTER, Washington, D. C. To the Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha, Greetings: With the close of the year 1920, Beta Chapter turns forward to page 1921 to write its history and every Brother of Beta resolves within himself to exert his utmost effort to make the year 1921 a banner one. Beta opened the New Year with her annual "at home" to her friends and the students of the University. Although quite a number of the

brothers were absent from the city, a representative number were present to receive the many friends who paid us their compliments during the day. Delegates Brothers Joseph R. Jones and Oscar C. Brown have returned from the Thiretentn Annua] Convention .filled with happy thoughts of the hospitality of the Kansas Cityites, and with the utmost praise and appreciation of the efacient manner in which our Brothers of BetaLambda entertained the convention. The continuance of the "Go to High School—Go to College" movement this year receives the very hearty endorsement of Beta. Building upon her experience of last year, B t a will throw every energy into perfecting and extending the inliuence of this movement and making it the most effective instrument for educational uplift. The District of Columbia, with its fifty-two colored public schools and eighteen thousand colored school children, offers an exceptional field of service for this movement. Beta's "hat in the ring" for the Loving Cup Which Broth T Lucius L. McGee has offered. Inasmuch as Theta has wrested from Beta the Garvin Cup, given by a brother of Beta, Beta is determined that she shall wrest from Theta the Loving Cup given by a brother of Theta. Beta rejoices in the fact that the convention has been brought back East. Although Beta would have been proud to have had the convention come to Washington, she will co-operate with the Brothers of Delta-Lambda in every wav possible in making the fourteenth annual convention the biggest convention in the history of Alpha Phi Alpha The Brothers of Beta shall hope to be there "en masse " and we hope that



t h e B r o t h e r s of A l p h a P h i A l p h a will b e g i n now to make a r r a n g e m e n t s to a t t e n d a n d t h a t t h e y shall plan to s p e n d a p a r t of t h e h o l i d a y s in W a s h i n g t o n a n d accept o u r h o s p i t a l i t y . T h e following officers have been elected to lead Beta in a c c o m p l i s h i n g the t a s k s t h a t confront h e r in the new y e a r : P r e s i d <nt—Brother Oscar C. Brown. Vice P r e s i d e n t — B r o t h e r William F . Nelson. Recording Secretary—Brother G. Lynwood Henry. C o r r e s p o n d i n g S e c r e t a r y — B r o t h e r George L. Johnson. T r e a s u r e r — B r o t h e r Sydney P . B r o w n . S t e w a r d — B r o t h e r J o s e p h It. J o n e s . A s s i s t a n t S t e w a r d — B r o t h e r Clarence C. Ilaydel. House M a n a g e r — B r o t h e r Cleveland L. L o n g in ier. T h e h o n o r which Beta h a s u n a n i m o u s l y conferred upon B r o t h e r B r o w s is well deserved. B r o t h e r B r o w n was a young" b r o t h e r of Beta, in his F r e s h m a n year in t h e college in t h e s p r i n g of 1917, a n d took initiative w i t h o t h e r b r o t h e r s of Beta, which resulted in t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t of the Officers' T r a i n i n g School a t F o r t UesMoines, Iowa. B r o t h e r B r o w n w e n t to DesMoines and w a s a m o n g t h e m a n y o t h e r b r o t h e r s from Beta who rec ived commissions. H e s e r v e d w i t h t h e 351st Machine Gun B a t t a l i o n a s first l i e u t e n a n t and enj o y e d t h e d i s t i n c t i o n of being one of t h e best b a t t a l i o n a d j u t a n t s in t h e 92nd Division. B r o t h e r B r o w n now h o l d s a commission as c a p t a i n in t h e R e s e r v e Corps. Since* his r e t u r n to t h e University, he h a s served as c h a i r m a n of t h e Committee for E x - S e r v i c e Men, which committee w a s responsible for t h e action t a k e n by t h e Univers i t y in g r a n t i n g c r e d i t to ex-service s t u d e n t s for t h e i r service. B r o t h e r B r o w n h a s served t h e University a s a v a r s i t y d e b a t e r , a n d h a s served Beta C h a p t e r as c o r r e s p o n d i n g s e c r e t a r y a n d d e l e g a t e to t h e T h i r t e e n t h A u n u a l Convention. l b ' received t h e degree of Bachelor of A r t s from the School of L i b e r a l A r t s in 1920. He will be g r a d u a t e d from t h e School of C o m m e r c e a n d F i n a n c e in 1921, a n d from the School of Law in 1922. B r o t h e r Brown is s u r r o u n d e d by a corps of co-officers w h o a r e well qualified to s u p p o r t him in c a r r y i n g forward t h e work which Beta h a s a h e a d of her. T h r e e of these b r o t h e r s held comm i s s i o n s d u r i n g the r e c e n t war. The stalled going active

newly-elected officers w i r e formally inat an Informal smoker, given Dy the outand i n c o m i n g officers, a t which both t h e and honorary brothers were present

Beta e x t e n d s

warm fraternal


G E O R G E L. J O H N S O N , C o r r e s p o n d i n g Secretary.

GAMMA C H A P T E R R i c h m o n d , Va. Gamma was very pleased to have a m o n g t h ? C h r i s t m a s holiday visitors B r o t h e r J a m e s Chiles, of Tuft's Dental School, Boston, Mass. B r o t h e r s Carroll and J o h n s o n of H o w a r d ; B r o t h e r s J o h n ston and Florence, of E l l r i c k s , Va.; B r o t h e r s Ellison a n d A. A. T h o m p s o n , also paid G a m m a a visit. We hope the b r o t h e r s will come a g a i n . At the first m e e t i n g of t h e n e w year t h e following officers were elected to direct G a m m a ' s affairs: P r e s i d e n t — B r o t h e r L. F . JefferB. Vice P r e s i d e n t — B r o t h e r P . L. H e n r y . R e c o r d i n g Secretary—W. E . H e n r y .

SPHINX C o r r e s p o n d i n g Secretary—W. B . H e n r y . F i n a n c i a l Secretary—W. D. Young. T r e a s u r e r — O . M. T h o m a s . Chaplain—P. W. Phillips. Sergeant-at-Arms—C. E. Jackson. E d i t o r of Sphinx—M. L . S h e p a r d . H i s t o r i a n — J . S. B a c o a t s . O u r delegates, B r o t h e r s A. D. P r i c e a n d P . L. Henry, r e t u r n e d to u s w i t h t h e i r " c u p s filled' with the wholesome s p i r i t of A l p h a P h i Alpha, which seemed to be so much in evidence a t t h e convention. " P a r s o n P e t o ' s " cup seems to have overflowed. He w a s so full a n d g o t so hot t h a t he had come by P i t t s b u r g h , P h i l a d e l p h i a , New York, B a l t i m o r e a n d W a s h i n g t o n in o r d e r to cooi off. B r o t h e r C. E. J a c k s o n h a s been elected c a p t a i n of t h e football s q u a d for 1921. B r o t h e r J a c k s o n e x p e c t s His team t o w i " t h e 1921 c h a m p i o n s h i p . B r o t h e r R. B. Poweil h a s successfully u n d e r g o n e an operation for a p p e n d i c i t i s . U n d e r e t h e r B r o t h e r Powell " t a l k e d u p a s c r a p . " W h y did Bonn ' s u g g e s t t h a t t h e b r o t h e r should henceforth p u t himself u n d e r t h e influence of t h e d r u g whenever lie p r e a c h e s ? Goldberg was r i g h t when he said t h a t " t h e y will all Hop sooner o r later." After a p p e a r i n g a b solutely "vampproof" to all t h e H a r t s h o r n g i r l s for t h e entire length of his career a t Union (which h a s been no s h o r t t i m e ) . B r o t h e r Dale Beverly, the philosophic senior, h a s at l a s t fallen, flat, d o w n r i g h t , headforemost in love w i t h Miss Cobb the t a n t a l i z i n g , teasing, b r o w n eyed, b r o w n a n d G e o r g i a peach. Go on, good b r o t h e r , t h e w o r l d loves yon as it does all lovers. G a m m a is keenly d i s a p p o i n t e d over h e r failure to c a p t u r e the Garvin t r o p h y after it seemed so near h e r g r a s p . W e will n o t p r o t e s t n o r be d i s couraged, b u t we shall only let t h i s s p u r u s on t o g r e a t e r heights. Gamma is very p r o u d of t h e recognition t h a t her delegates r ceived a t t h e g e n e r a l convention. B r o t h e r P r i c e w a s a m e m b e r of t h e C o m m i t t e e on R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s a n d B r o t h e r H e n r y w a s chairman of t h e Committee on Resolutions, a n d also a s s i s t a n t chaplain of t h e convention. We hail with d e l i g h t t h e election of B r o t h e r S. S. Booker a s p r e s i d e n t of The F r a t e r n i t y . Brother P r e s i d e n t Booker is one of G a m m a ' s sons a n d we pledget him every a t o m of s t r e n g t h t h a t his m o t h e r c h a p t e r can m u s t e r for h i s s u p port. With the presidency of B r o t h e r s L. L. McGhee and Book r, it seems to fall to G a m m a ' s lot to furnish p r e s i d e n t s . F o r the p a s t few m o u t h s t h e b r o t h e r s of G a m m a have been furnished the p l e a s u r e of a m o s t spectacnlar a u t o race. Th • p r i n c i p a l s w e r e B r o t h e r s II. It. Young, II. H. G a i n s a n d Miss W a r d , of t h i s city. B r o t h e r Gains, w i t h his Overland t o u r i n g car, began the race, while B r o t h e r Y o u n g w a s still on foot. B r o t h e r Y o u n g realized t h a t h e could not walk and b e a t a car. In c o n s e q u e n c e he went home and r e t u r n e d with a new Maxwell t o u r i n g car. Miss W a r d took her seat in t h e j u d g e ' s s t a n d and the race began in e a r n e s t . T h e Maxwell kept n o s i n g a h e a d of t h e Overland, b u t the Overland kept the inside t r a c k . However a t X m a s , w h e n on the last lap, B r o t h e r Gaines w e n t B r o t h e r Young ten d o l l a r s b e t t e r on the present. Then his old Overland stepped r i g h t on a h e a d of t h e Maxwell. D o n ' t lose h e a r t , B r o t h e r Young, g e t y o u r b a t t e r i e s r e c h a r g e d ; a n o t h e r r a c e beg i n s J a n u a r y 1, 1921. B r o t h e r M. W. Connor, w i t h h i s b r i d e , formerly Miss Martin, of Selrna, Ala., h a s come to live in t h i s city. Gam ma welcomes t h e m a n d wishes t h e m y e a r s of h a p p i n e s s . B r o t h e r Prof. Russell s u m p t u o u s l y e n t e r t a i n e d B r o t h e r s G. S. M a r t i n a n d D. B . Beverly a t a n

THB elaborate dinner at the new Lafayette Cafe, on Second street, on New Year's night. Fine beginning "Fess". Gamma 1R especially pleased to hear of the success that two of her sons are meeting with in Chicago. Brother W. T. Mason, University of Chicago and Brother S. B. Taylor, Northwestern University We are delighted but since w*> know the man we are not very much surprised to hear that Brother Taylor Is active in Sunday school and church work. The editor would not M surprised to hear that the good brother has entered theology. Goldberg is right. The new brothers who have been led Into the mystic folds of Alpha Phi Alpha through Gamma Chapter are. It. P. Fleming. H. R. Young, W. P. Young A. C. Fentrnss. .T. R. Henderson, H. W. Hicks P W. Phillips. C D Ellis, T F. Goode, H. II Gaines. A .1. Pryor and W. F. Henry. The young brothers hav« caught the spirit and are active. Gamma extends greetings to all Alpha Phi Alpha men. MARSHALL, L. SHEPARP. Editor. L. F. Jeffries, President. A. G. Pryor, Secretary.

EPSILON CHAPTER Ann Arbor, Michigan Dear Brothers, Greetings: With a wish for an enthuslatte and progressive year to all sister chapters and officers of Alpha Phi Alpha. Epsilon offers its contribution to this issue of the Sphinx. The workings of the convention epitomised by our delegate. Brother PeNorval Unthank. filled each of us with renewed vigor and accel xated our eagerness to serve. We are of one accord in pledging anew our loyalty and fidelity to Alpha Phi Alpha. We are determined that in the future, the negligenc - and slackr.'ess that may have characterized our past duties, shall be done away with. Each brother means to put his all, his best, and his sincerest efforts in whatever he may be called upon to do. inceasing the efficiency of Epsilon: and as Epsilon is a cog in the big wheel. thereby increasing the efficiency of the general organization. Having these desires in mind, and meaning to live nn to them, we f<vl that next December, at the time of reckoning, Epsilon can look back on a year well spent: and as the Gr^at Prophet of old looked down upon Ms children. so may our general president look down upon us and pronounce, "Well Pone." At our first regular meeting for 1921, the followiong officers were elected : President—Brother M. P. Arrington. Vice President and Treasurer—Broth'T W. B. Butler. Secretary—Brother G. M. Brown. Corresponding Secretary -Brother W. M. Byrd. Houseman—Brother L. V. Anderson. Scrgennt-nt Arms—Brother .T. R. Rucker. Brother MCCRU our retiring president, expressed his gratitude for the co-operation of fho brothers during his regime, and importuned (lie brothers to give Brother Arlington their untiring support. Of our last year's graduates. Brother Max H. Vann is a practicing pharmacist In Cleveland: Brother PeNorval Unthank Is in the medical school of the University of Michigan.



This year we lose Brother M. G. McCall, who completes his course in the medical school, in June, after which he plans to take an internship. The brothers are unanimous in wishing him much success, With best wishes to all the sister chapters, we ar-, Fraternally yours, EPSILON CHAPTER, W.M. HO WARP BYRP, Cor. Secretary. 71S -1th Avenue, Ann Arbor, Mich. ETA CHAPTER New York City The members of Eta Chapter are attempting to kindle the fires of enthusiasm in the hearts and minds to an extent that will enable the Chanter to function in proportion to the material which constitutes Eta. Mid-week luncheons are being held with a view of promoting a keener fellowship. A meeting was held at The Studio , 149 West 139th street, on January 8, 1921. Officers for the year of 1921 were nominated and a Chapter constitution was submitted, approved and accepted. On January 27, 1921, the election and installation of officers will occur. Brother H. A. Rogers, former Executive Secretary of the N. Y. City Mission, Colored Branch, has accepted a position as professor of Sociology and Economics. Selma University, S-'Ima, Ala. Brother E. L. Davidson is selling Harlem Stock Exchange securities in Boston, Mass. Brother C. J. E. Robinson is handling the National Thrift Campaign of the Y. M. C. A. in «ie little old Harlem. All of the members of Eta C k n p t r feel very keenly disappointed because New York City was not chosen as the seat of the 14th Annual Convention. Neverthel ss, concensus of opinion seems to be that Baltimore, Md., will be an ideal place since the brethren failed to select the world's greatest city. Brother John A. Johnson is again the slar forward on the Columbia University basket ball team. Brother E. S. Henderson la one of the old reliables on the Y. M. C. A. team. PRINCE L. UPWARDS. THETA CHAPTER NEWS. Chicago, 111. To the Brothers of the Alpha Phi Alpha: On Saturday night, January 1, 1921, Theta Chapter gave a beautiful dinner dance at the Stephouse lun, 4422 Champlaiu avenue, in honor of the delegates and members passing through Chicago from the national convention which was held in Kansas City, Mo., Dec 27, 28, 29, 1920. The diiim r was served promptly at. 7:30 p. m. The menu consisted of cream of tomato soup, turkey with cranberry sauce, candied yams, peas,entasse, hot rolls, celery, combination salad, plum pudding and deml Brother W. H. Haynes acted as toast-master for the evening. There were short talks by the vice-president, brother A. J. Jackson, brother H. K -ginald Smith, brother N. L. McGhce, the national secretary and visiting brother and brother <; 'ge Hall. In the midst of the dinner hour brother McEwin arrived with the loving cup from the national convention, which was won the sec-





ond time by the Theta Chapter. The cup was received by the toast-master brother I-Iaynes and passed around to the various tables. ' Immediately after dinner the music started and everyone joined in the dancing for the rest of the t'v 'ning. During the dancing the loving cup was filled With punch and all of the members of Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here;" after match each m mber drank from the cup. The partv lasted until 12:00 p. m. It was one of the seasou s greatest affairs. r£,'l.,}VedDesday night, Jan. 5, brother R. K. Church, one of Theta's most earnest and faithful workers, was quietly married to Miss KdwiVi Yerby, eldest daughter of Consul and Mrs W J. Yerby, of Chicago. The ceremony was nerJnrtm»d. iDf lne P ' e i e a c e of a few intimate friends i'lmitTresid^cf b y a b e a U t i f m W C e I > U w ' a t t h e The following officers were elected for Hie J a n ' Sat192ie: r e g U U r m 6 e t l n g s ot ™ e t a Chapter b a £ h e 8 l d e n t ' W i I U a m Harrison Haynes, 3763 WawIsningfon d e n t '

W 1 , U a m



D a w s o n



Secr-tary, Chauncey D. Giles, 3541 S State St street 8 8 1 ""'

D r




R e g l n a l d

i d T X ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S. S |t ^ ft e e ant " at " ArmS •



At the recent election of officers the following were elected for the ensuing year: I'rosidnt, Brother R. G. Bondurant. Vice-President, Brother Thomas O. Center. S i rotary, Brother James A. Carew. Treasurer, Brother John A. Carter. Seigeant-at-Arms, Brother Thomas A. Posey. Our retiring president, Brother Graham A. Burwell, who also graduatse from Law School in .lune, was tendered an informal dinner and smoker by the Chapter iu recognition of his" untiring efforts and the athletic record he is leaving behind, of which lota Chapter feels proud. After three years of attempt brother Douglas succeeded in making a sub on the varsity football team last fall, and he shared with Brother Burwell the best wishes of Iota Chapter for better luck next time. Ail hough Iota Chapter indeed regrets that she was unable to have representation at the General Convention we sincerely intend to not miss another and take this means of extending to our sister chapters our greetings and sincere wishes for a prosperous and fruitful year. J. O. CAREW, Secretary.


- 3801 S. State Jam E

- - ™dger,





. 5059

KAPPA CHAPTEB. Ohio State University. Dear Sir and Brother: I beg to submit the results of the election of • •liners for the year 1921 and the addresses of the same.

fraternal year better. We hope to be represented

with Pride in our. past and hope for o r future I beta chapter wishes for the gTcat and nnhS Han of Alpha Phi Alpha all thafis good Fraternally yours, JAMES B. FLADGER, 423 E. Forty-eighth Place, Chicago, 111.




IOTA CHAPTER, Syracuse, N. Y. Jan. 12, 1921. After a very unfavorable beginning of the new Io t a C ,a t T h a s ^ 7 . , J i " " «bout reeofered h e S and settled down to some real accomplishments We were unable to send representation to th > andnetrhe facTttV 011 b e " a " S e °* ° u r ^ a l T n u m o e r ana the fact that we are arranging for a house Which we expert to occupy at the beginning of 1.. second semester. We have three vlrw promising! pledgees who we hope to have in the fold SSS we"wm'V , n d W l a r e * U r e «'ith this addition that »e will have a banner year. We have been greatly hampered by lack of spirit and we fee" hat with the opening of the Alpha PW Alpha house W( we will be able to overcome this handicap K ,"i" f, v!'ei r,'I>resented l n t h e i„ter-fraternitv basketball league this year and while unable to win the championship our representative* perJnrimAlpha !d, h" Phi D C TAlpha. , ' £ a t d i d c r e d l t t o I o t a Chapter and

President, Tillman Rogers Thompson, 154 Vine St., Columbus, O. Vice-President, Ben;). H. Scott, 236 E. 11th avenne, Columbus, O. Secretary, Geo. A. Gipson, 809 E. Long street, Columbus, p. Treasurer, Arlington G. Anderson, 178 N. 22nd street, Columbus, O. Corresponding and Assistant Secretary, S P Berry, 144 W. 9th aveuu», Columbus, O. Editor to Sphinx, Donald A. Gillim, Spring Street Y. M. C. A. " * Sergeant-at-Arms, si net Y. St C. A,



Spring v *

Chapter Historian, Albert S. Rands, 157 E 11th avenue, Columbus, O. Yours truly, S. P. BERRY, Cor. and Asst. Sec. Kappa Chapter, AIA. NU CHAPTER, Lincoln University, To Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha: We are joyful to greet you at the beginning of the new year as we rejoice over the radiant and constructive work wrought at the great Kansas City convention. We also are elated O M the lection of the new general officers who the fraternity has singly honored to guide and direct its di stiny for the ensuing year. As it has been the policy of Nu in the past to leek a goal we are beginning concrete plans towards the securing of a chapter house. So thus you can easily :sea we . are starting the




struggle for a bigger and brighter year for the chapter and Alpha Phi Alpha. On October 30th the Nu Chapter gave a smoker in Philadelphia to which the brothers of Rho and Pel were invited. The primal motive of this smoker was to be a get together meeting so the brothers of these llir e sister chapters might become better acquainted and nicrease the fraternal spirit betwe <n (hem. and from the number of brothers present it seemed that they caught the spirit and a unity to do great things for Alpha Plii Alpha was born that night. Speeches were made by brothers Hill and Roberson of Nu. brothers Lewis and Penny of Rho. We might say right here Nu lias many plans on foot to increase this eo operation between these thr^e chapters and thus do something tangible towards the success of Alpha Phi Alpha in this section of Pennsylvania. On Thanksgiving! Day even though it was a sad day for all Lincoln men. We must say the good brothers of Beta showed us a real warm welcome and a brotherly spirit by bethe good brothers of Beta showed ns a real stowing upon ns the hospitality of true Alpha men. They opened up their doors and we sfeoi to our hearts content. We also enjoyed the delicious and palatable culinary art of their chef. We rejoice upon the welcoming of threw newly-initiated brothers to our ranks, first. Reginald Jay Ooldwlre. 21: he is an associate instructor'In biology and captain of this year's basket ball t^nm. Second. P. L. Nicholas, 23. the winner of the Freshman scholarship prize, a prize offered to the student making the highest average standing in scholarship during the Freshman year, and George Walton, 23. We wish to thank the members of the Local Chapter of th" Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity for their kind appreciation of us by extending us an invitation to their annual convention and reception. whieh was held In Philadelphia. Also we wish to heartily thank them for thetr friendly feeling which has existed between' us this year. Two out of the three d haters selected to represent the Delta Rho Foseuie Society of Lincoln University in New York City are Brothers Hill and Boyd. Th • names of our three new honorary exalted candidates were .successfully ratified by t h i convention. They are ns fellows: Doctors M. T. Wheatland, Sr.. of Newport R. I.: F. p. Roberts, of New York lily, and N, T. Cotton, Paterson. N. J. The following men are (lie officers for the ensuing year. President R. O'H. Lanier Vice President ..Paul H. Logan Corresponding Secretary Luther Brooks Recording; Secretary Emanuel Ferguson Treasurer Samuel Washlnjgton Sergeant at Arms C. H. Gaither Editor Marcus F. Wheatland, J r . Chaplain Frank T. Wilson Now is the time to start the boom for the Haltimnr- convention. It is up to you. to me. to us, to all men in Alpha Phi Alpha to have » grand and glorious convention in the Monumental City. I Fraternally yours, XAS. O. RANDOLPH, Chapter Bditbr.

XI Chapter. Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio, January 11, 1921. Brother Carl ,T. Murphy, Editor of Sphinx, Baltimore. Md. To the Sister Chapters of A. P. A: XI extends her heartiest greetings'. We have h -en stimulated with good news brought to us by Brother Samuel B. Hutchinson, our delegate to the Thirteenth Annual Convention. XI has returned to her tasks with renewed vigor. We feel that this has been one of our most bountiful years, concerning school activities when w » proudly recall that Brother H. C. A. IVi-iin lias played his fourth year on the Varsity Football Team and that Brother Charles R. MeOee played on the opposite end of thd team this year, with Brother Curtis C. Garvin, the diminutive hut ever ready and dcp-ndablo, holding down right half: And then to think that a team, with the brothers that have already been mentioned being managed by none other than our former president, Frank M. It -Id. no entrancing drean' could he more pleasant to us. •\nd now. Brother H. Hannibal Hull has bee» elected captain of the Varsity Basket Ball Team, on whieh team the following brothers are holding positions: Brothers Cassell. Clarkson. Mod e and Ranks. Brother Banks is also assisting in coaching this aggregation. In our literary connections we are Just as strongly r-prsoented. for Brother Charles 13! Buroh one of our charter members. Is head of the Department of English: Brother H. C. A. Pen-in Is assistant in the Department of Mathematics Broth T Russell A. Smith is assistant Instructor in rin-sics and Chemistry. Brother Matthews is assistant Librarian and Brother Galloway is assistant to the dean of the College Departm nt. Brother T. B. Matthews Is president of the Senior Federation Brother Curtis C. Garvin is president of tlte .Tunlor Federation and Brother Prather .T. TTauser is president of the V. M. C. A., in addition to which he has been appointed proctor of one of th* boy's dormitories. \y,. are almost safe in saving Brother J. B. Matthews who has returned from lieutenancy to citizenship with lust as much eloquence attached to his deer) massive voice ns before, and Brother Frank M. Reld. the hlehlv-honorod orator, will heln comprise the Varsity Debating Team, whieh will soon be choen. During the holidays many incidents occurred to st^m the monotony Into a most joyous Christinns One was the surmising mimh^rof visiting brothers, who came to make merry the holidays with us. Some of these were: Brother* Thompson. Barn"tt. Gibson. Hand and Smith, of TCanna Chanter: Brother Pettus. of Omicron: Brother .Tefferson. of Phi, who was special coach for our football team: Brother Jefferson, of Mnha Alpha, and the following graduate brothers of XT: Broth-r Morris, who Is R«cretnrv of the Bov's Department of the V. M. C. A. of Davton. Ohio: Brother James ,T. Majors, who is assistant nrlncipil In Bowling Green Kv.. •md Brother John B Ma'riot. who is District Manager of th» Fireside Mutual Llf* Insurance ft mnv of Toledo. Oh'o. Brothers Logan, Tvler and Ford, also graduate members of XI. novo




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Brother Richard Iff. Smith has returned to us. XT feels highlv plated to h/iv« had the orvnortunlly to entortain the Delta Sigma Tbeta





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The ejection of o f l W , of XI for th




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Bro. W!]bur Dot]glas onr S?«& " ^

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Very Fraternally Tours. OBOOBOB E. J. BANK,. Baiter of Sphinx., r' l n p f ^ r - nt " roc-ulnr meeting. elected ronowtn* ofneers for the year TH21 : i resident .Brother Samuel p. Hutchinson. Tr. ^President Brother Ralph TT. Scoll Salary Brother AlphoMo A. MacPheeters Assistant Secretary. .Bro. Clarence W. QaTIowav Corresponding Secretary. .Bro. Curtis C Garvin Financial Secretary Pro Prathor T Hanser Editor to Sphinx Pro. George'.T. Panics Rergennt-nt-Arms Tiro. John L. BrlnMev T '"ons"ror Bro. Frederick A. MacCHnnls


the aUainmeM

•I'lompiisninent of many purposes.

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A wider or-

The ideal ahvays precedes, the practical acahva s '.''""''"fiuent ^ follows.' We have set our ; ' f , " ' f ™ » " d so this year we will accom ffi*^ X W U f f l S you may expect to hoar about us often.


E '


HARRY B. WEBBER. ELECTION RESULTS. President, Thomas E. Barton, 625 Duff street vi ™ President, L. B. Harrison 2805 Wvlle f V em,e ' ' . J S ? ? * * * ' H a " J ' B - Webber, 900 Maryland r. , „ I " " l n c , « 1 Secretary, Archie Arvin, 528 Lowell J a m e S H uSSSB^m^ " N l c h ° l a * . »M • P I CHAPTER Cleveland, O.


Omlcron Chapter




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v>o-« Brothers: «-.-v ojjr ,nst commnnHcation much h . , •»«. «,«, r « i . Pleasant K ' ™ I Vv, ' t T > Y • . . - r . mrtojj, S ^ M S ' S L B ™

T e f r . ^ W ^ f e ^ t h a t X ?eaf T » 5 l





• • '•' ," Cleveland the true fraternal r,1,",-1;: ,. fcj t h T d e ^ a n ^ l e ^ n l n a ^ ^ n r g f T :

ble asset to the ehapt-r. i, leoHnn of officers was held January 9 %rt«i 0)o following results; Thome- Barf-on P««i. .lout- London TTarrlsnn V1«> P r e s i d e n t - TTa r r r n Wnhh^r. Socrerorv! pobort Ponree. Ti»<«m>»" 'rohlo * ' " i n . Financial Secretary and L""'= Tensor, Fritter. AIT of these officers are dotormined to lead Omlcron to victory in ever* "°»a. . w TTo exnect to have n chanter house in a verv short while and unless nro,ont plans miscarry that expectation is a certainty. P r o . T. Tt TLamllton of TT 1s a t t m d l n m fl.o T-niverslty np rc n n f 1 w ' 1 1 s"">n be transferred to Omlcron. i!r^ fjorairi Allen, ore of our n—-"r hrotnor<! iioyie soreral track records and is also a basketnail star. Pro. pieVinrd Tones is a noiarv nnbllc this » nd Is Rhnfl well known for his political essays, n Attnrnev Tt L. Vrann ha=. heen eleetod on a committee to nrenar* a eivii rights Mil to nreoent lo Ih" State Legislature at Its u"xt •-•slon. n' " Brother Po.,.,i,i Tcfforson's oin is in Hie possession of Miss Norlne Webster, of this oilv

. W efeel we do not error when we ascribe a similar desire and determination to each and every chapter in our beloved fraternity. Have we not just closed our great convention •* Kansas City. Mo? Have we not just heard from our delegates and the splendid reports of rh;lt rtntheringr; also the wonderful spirit displayed and of the broad constructive program axlonted? The spirit of tlia t convention If the spirit of the fraternity. There is no room for any other spirit ln the hearts of true Alpha Phi Alpha men. Pi Chapter feels honored by the election of Brother Elmer Cheeks as our national vice presldent. Brother Cheeks is an Alpha Phi Alpha man through and through and we are sure that '» ' "'ill perform the duties ot his office ln an able and efficient manner, Our receni election here at Pi Chapter returned Bro(her .less • T. Bridgeman to the office of presldent. Brother Stanley Brown was elected as our new vice president; Brother John D. Wilkerson our Recording Secretary Brother Benjamin K. Smith our Corresponding Secretary, Brother Qeorjfe P. Illnton was returned to his post as Treasurer and Brother Dan Fairfax elected as S rgeant-at-Arms. We feel that Brother Fairfax should fuini his office as Sergeant-at-Arras ln a capable manner, as the recent arrival of a new

THH baby girl n his home makes It possible for him to acquire a thorough and practical knowledge of the art or science of keeping order. The announcement lias recently been made of the marriage of Brother and Attorney Solmo C. Glenn to Miss Fern Streets, a charming' and capable young lady, of Brantford, Canada. Pi Chapter played a most Important part in the entertainment of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Boule held here in Decemb-r just after the holidays. Brother Jarrett Ohavous delivered the address of Welcome at the Boule and on behalf of the brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity Members of the fraternity served as ushers at their opening m'etlng and our chapter also royally entertained the ladies at a very unique party in their honor. Brothers John D. Wilkorson and Albert Turner have both qualified for the Western Reserve Vniversity Debating Team, the latter being chosen by the school to them in a debate scheduled at Oberlin College. Brother Ardem Loathermnn. an electrical engineer, has recently returned from N'-w Orleouj, La., where he has remained since October last. He tells a very interesti-i:: experience of nn attempted trip in a row boat, in the fall, down the Mississippi TUvor from Cairo 111., to New Orleans. He adds it may be all right but don't trv it in the fall of the year. Brother Danl«l .T. Stewart has not only braved the matrimonial sea and was married to Miss Alice Breen. of Georgetown. ICy.. bnt successfully passed the Ohio State Board of Dental Examln rs. Brother Stewart is now very comfortably located with his dental parlors at Cedar and 100,ili streets and since his opening he has besides his own extensive trade, been appointed bv the Government as an official examiner and dentist for ex-service men and women. He is also teaching a course in nrosthetlc dentistry to n class of young men. ITe is ambitions, "norgetic Persistent and might be unmistakagly referred to as a human dynamo. Brother Armen D. Evans, now taking his internship at Providence Hospital nt Washington. D. C spent his Christmas vacation at home in Cleveland. Once ttgain Pi Chapter sends von her best wishes for the New Year. Our esteemed national ex-president. Pro. Lucius McGee, has given 11s a great incentive to work for PI Chapter wants the McGee Cup "Look out" brothers we are on our toes. Fraternally yours. BRO. JESSE T. BRIDGEMAN, President, RHO CHAPTER Philadelphia


Dear Brothers. Greetings: I know to many this salutation will sound rather sepnlchnral for from what T could learn f>*om our delegates. Brothers Lawrcce .•mo' Hackney, who have just returned from the convention. there has been n prevailing opinion that rigor mortis had s-t in. insofar as Rho was concerned. It was thought that the recretaole schism which resulted in the birth of Psi Chapter here had been fh-v "be all and end all'' of Rho Chapter. It is manifest that such an amputation with the circumstances that attended it did cause a reaction, a lowering of the general temperature,



so to speak, but it has in no wise given the necessity of a post-mortem, nor even a frantic eleventh -hour eall for relatives. On the other hand it is quite healthy, Indeed, and the following Items will hear me out in my contention. However, it is trn - that the "spontaneous ebullition of youthful enthusiasm " as a young college miscreant characterized his acts-when hailed before Mean Miller at Howard University, is not so pronounced In a graduate chapter showing the personnel that Rho does. Rho has as its members twenty physicians, throe lawyers, eight dentists, four pharmacists, two pedagogues, one minister, one social worker and eight students. These men are active, busy, prominent workers, men who belong to several organizations in Philadelphia and vicinity. They represent the official constructive and executive power of Philadelphia and one docs not wonder that the modest vrsi'rvc and dignity of the chapter can be easily contrasted with th • bombast and college flare of student chapters. Yes, my brothers, Rho is quite well and insists on leaving the hospital; for like most modern operations it was beneficial and successful. At the January meeting of the chapter Brother William Pollard now practicing law in Philadelphia. twice general president of the Apha Phi Alpha Fraternity was received on credentials and is 110m on'e of lis. Brother Walter V. Jerries: is taking a postgraduate course in medicine and surgery at the University of Edinburg. The engagement of Dr. Raymond H. Roegers to Miss Eva J. Harris, of Camden, N. J., has lie 11 recently announced. Dr. Leon F. Sargeant has been appointed on the Municipal Board of Dental Inspectors. The recent election resulted in the selection of the following officers: President Bro. Theodore Penny Vice President Bro. Dayton Wilson. Secretary Bro. Raymond Hackney Corresponding Secretary.Bro. I. Marion Lawrencj Treasurer Bro. Dehaven Hinkson Sergeant-at-Arms Bro. Percy Bowser Chaplain Bro. J. G. Moore Sphinx Representative..Bro. O. Wilson Winters On to Baltimore, 19211

TAU CHAPTER University of Illinois. Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha: Having returnedd flushed with success of the last convention, Tau Chapter once more sets Its ;lf to accomplish newer and greater tasks. Although l a u congratulates Theta upon winning ana retaining the cup, she wishes to remind her sister chapter that she, too, was in the race and that th- McGee Cup is certain to And its final resting place in the roof of old Tau The program for the ensuing year is boundless and Tau hns the men to accomplish the desired result There is but one slogan here. That is "To do only those things that will honor Tau and On the evening of January 8, 1921, Tau assembled and elected officers for the ensuing year Brother William J. Powell who has s-rved the chapter so faithfully, was chosen for president It is hoped that the work began under the lead-




ership of Brothers O. Randal and A. Harewood will,be continued under the new regime. The officers for the following year are the) following: President William J. Powell Vice President Arthur Jewell Wilson ,ry Courtland S. Booker Treasurer Homer Lewis Corresponding Secretary B. Franklin Gordon Sergeant-at-Arms Everett Wayne Campb'U House Manager Richard A. Harewood Chaplain Elweard T. Williamson Under the direction of Brothers William E. Walker and Richard A. Harewood, Tau Chapter has entered a basket ball team to compete in the inter-fraternity basket ball meet here. YV • have excellent material and are sincerely exporting the championship cup to grace our mantel in the y e a n lo come. Tau 1R pleased in stating that two of its Freshmen are retained on' the Freshman Vnrsitv Basket Ball team, and that Wilson and Walker are still putting up a fight for the varsity tract team. Tau Is attempting to win another battle by shewing this University that negroes can top »lie list in fraternity scholarship averages. A high value has been Ret on scolarshlp. not only for pi -dges but for members as well. Hoping all our sister chapters have a successful vear. we are, Fraternally yours. ARTHUR JEWELL WILSON, Chapter Editor. N. B.— Tan Is exxtremely well pleased in announcing the return of Brother O. Randall, our ex-President, who has left the State T> "partmont to become experimental aslstant in the Department of Thoor Heal and Applied Mechanics here at the University. He is also Editor-in-Chief of our Chapter paper, which will make its first appearance next week.

CHI CHAPTER Mplwirry Medical College Nashville, Tenn. Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha. Chi Chanter "utertalns fond memories of tlie nest and hich hopes for the future as she celebrates her first anniversary. So. with a spirit of nride and retrospection which should obtain with birthdays, we rejoice in the splendid wort,- Phi has ru-eomnlished. Meharry has h'eome a fertile field for the establishment of Fraternities, having four at nresent. but Chi Chanter is ranldlv attaining the first place among them as she should Forty-eight active members now constitute our hody and Ws have no apologies to make for our selections. Now with the return of Brothers Carter and McFal] from the 13th Annual Convention, we are looking forward to a more constructive work. The llrotliers seem enthusiastic over the roeait eler lion of officers and with Brother W. Alexander 7u'ii- na President a successful year is anticipated Credit must be given the retiring Administration. with Brother J. J. Carter ns President. who established the "Bndcret System" In mooting the financial obligations of the Chanter, and dl reeted many nth r helpful procedures, Chi 1s "»'v tusking an effort to procure a Fraternity "once and much Interest Is belntr manifested This matter, as wMI as the Fraternity Ban<ri"t and TV nee, were discussed at our smok r on Jan. 8tb.

One of our Brothers—J. D. Williams—was recently called home to attend the burial of bis In-other. Our recently initiated members are as follows: Brothers—O. I<. Barland. R. L. Linton, W. J. s are, B. Jackson, ,T. W. Allen L. V. Reese, L. W. Williams, W. L. Mavfleld, E. Morrison, Austin simiiis 0. II Daniels, A. Charles, W. Smith, S. H Freeman, Paul Alexander, Silas Alexander, E. II. Green, W, B. Bonis, 0. T. Cherry, T. Vernon B. Askew, II. Bell and L. Hubbard. We were given a very excellent report of Convention li.v our Delegates, and as we begin new year's work great progress Is wished for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and Chi Chapter ], cts to do Its part in realizing the wish.

the our the ex-

Fraternally yours, G. NORMAN ADAMSON, Cor. Sect. List of our newly elected officers for 1921: Chi Chapter, Meharry Medical College, Nashville. Tenn. President W. Alexander Zuzer Vice President D. D. Lewis Secretary W. D. Brown Assistant Secretary O. L. Barland Corresponding Secretary G. Norman Adamson Treasurer G- B. Warren Chaplain T. C. Henderson Sergeant-at-arms R. L. Linton BETA-LAMBDA CHAPTER Kansas City, Mo. To the Brothers In Alpha Phi Alpha: Beta Lambda has been eternally stamped with the Infinite intangible power of inspiration. We assign our outlook to the Fraternal spirit of our Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha to come to Kansas City so full of Information, highly congenial. and allowing us a fertile field for the cure of many intricacies 1n A. r . A.'s program, and for • n st and capture of many initial ideas indispensable In the making of mammoth measures, ami men to make the stride. Tn all candor BetaLarahda Is full appreciative of the liberal reap von have afforded her and fi»is a benefit publi.allv Including every field of its activity and desired Influence; socially, fraternally as a Chapter, and even personally, to the individual Brother. We f el that a great work was done, and a sound platform Instituted upon which to build, widen and strengthen the grasp of A. P. A. in the needed fields whereof her established miles',,ies of influono upon human intelligence has created aggrandizing propaganda. Our brothers are landing dally the wealth fiduciary in our great Fraternity by the mere endowment of A. P. A. ideals with their permission. This, Broth r. Is felt In our community, like an ever-piereinir ray of sun. the good of his creed is felt, by the little and the larger bodies, by the thrifty and the indolent—encouragement to stick fast mid to follow, giving assurance w<> will lead ii,...,, h'gher. This Is the cross we bear, shedding ii"ht of encouragement Into many a dark heart, w]i —"is r,v those who have already climbed the ladd "• of Intelligence we are erected "Carry-on.*1 It Is In this spirit that we feel, with these worthy ruts that we functionate and for such good results that we appreciate what Alpha Phi Alpha means: a,nd bid our good Brothers who undoubtedly drew as much as we from the Thirtcxmth




Annual Convention—Carry on! Carry-on For there are vet greater blessings that in God s gracfousness may be laid upon the sons of Ethiopia and their work. Beta-Lambda announces: El 'etion of officers was held at the office of Dr. 0 D Pvles and Dr. Edwin Henry Lee, corner of l S t h ' a n d Forest Ave., Kansas City, Mo., Irl., Ian 7 1921 Brother 0 D. Pyles elected President 1201 East 18th St. Kansas City, Mo.; Brother Edwin Henry Lee, Wee President; Brother W. Howell Secretary; Brother Bruce, Treasurer; Brother J. Oliver Morrison, Publicity Man; Bro. 1 F Bradley, Jr., Corresponding Secretary 400 Haskell Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

Chaplain Bro. Beale Elliott A committee under the direction of Bro. Beala 1,1 licit, has been working for some time to devise ways and means to provide this Chapter with a house and an initial ass-ssment has been levied on the members of this Chapter to start the funa substantially The Chapter plana to be more active than ever this vrar in its interest in civic affairs in the local community and Intends to work out and follow a deliiiit, • program of service to the humanity at our doors. We expect to make the "Go to College and High School" campaign more effective than last year and to help the movement to erect a Pr-ventoriam for colored people somewhere in the state.

Our Broth'TS who were as good A. P. A. men outside the ranks as inside are again with us— glad to be home and we are glad to have them; they pay tribute to the aggregate body with their sincere fraternal endeavors in contribution to the efforts of A. P. A. Brothers Guy J. Booker and Claude L. Jones, Attorneys-at-Law, formed a new partnership, maintaining' offices at 416 Main St., Kansas City, Mo., and 514 Minn. Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. Appropriate and elegant announcement cards w re sent to their many friends and large cllental.

Brothers Paige, Ralph Young and Stone of Beta are here with us and frequently visit our meetings and wc look forward with pleasure to their affiliation. The Chapter extends its thanks to everyone who in any way contributed to the many tourtesies extended to the del'gates and members of tliis Chapter while on their pleasant sojourn in the West ami extends a cordial invitation to every brother and his friends to com.- to Baltimore next December to the greatest of Conventions.

Very Fraternally yours, I. F BRADLEY, JR. Corresponding Secretary Beta-Lambda Chapter.

With congratulations to the editor on the n cent arrival of twins, we are, Fraternally yours, W. NORMAN BISHOP, Secretary.

DELTA LAMBDA CHAPTER Baltimore Md Greetings: The first meeting of this year was held 'on Tuesday, January 18, at the home of Bro. George Hall. Brother J. H. Hilburn, together with Bro. S Bernard Hughes our chapter delegates to the 13th annual convention, Kansas City, gave an extended verbal report of the convention and incidents connected with It. Their remarks were received with 'i» little enthusiasm, especially when it was formally announced that the next Convention of the Fraternity would be held in Baltimore.

EP8ILON-LAMBDA CHAPTER si. Louis, Bio. Broth r s : Brothers Svkes and Bowles, delegates to Kansas City, reported doings of the Convention at the January meeting of the Chapter and they returned with so much enthusiasm that th - members determined to leave no stones unturned In ;in effort I" make this a banner year for us. "Spread Bpallon-Lambda all over the map of St. Louis" is the slogan of the Brothers.

Occasion was taken to congratulate Bro. S. S. Booker on his election to the office of General President of the Fraternity and to wish him success in his new position. The Chapter express -d through several brothers its desire and intention to co-operate with Bro. Booker to the end that his administration be made t h j best in the history of the General Organization.

This involves plans for a vigorous prosecution of the "Go to High School, Go to College" campaign. the raising f a thousand dollar scholarship fund and the holding of the lirst annual formal fete "t the Chapter. In addition, an initiation very soon will add to the numbers of the Chapter and enable us more easily and effectively to spread the gospel of the high ideals of the Fraternity.

The slogan "On to Baltimore" was taken up and preliminary discussion of plans for the coming convention took up so much time that very little was left in which to carry out the annual election of Chapter officers. The difficulty was met, however, by an unanimous resolution to reelect for the ensuing term the entire administration with the exception of th» office of Secretary, Bro W. N. Bishop was substituted for Bro. W. B. Garvin, with Bro. Garvin as assistant.

At this posi Convention meeting Brothers BuckIII-r and Simula entertained with an elaborate eight i ours dinner. Then the following brothers were elected as officers for the ensuing! year: R. P. Walts. President; N. M. Sykes, Vice-President: Geo. W. Buckner, Secretary; F. S. Thurman, Treasurer.

The roster of officers of this chapter is, therefore, as follows: President Bro. James H. Hilburn 2030 Druid Hill Ave. Vice President Bro. Jay Garland McRay Treasurer Bro. S. Bernard Hughes Secretary Bro. W. Norman Bishop 1107 Druid Hill Ave. Assistant Secretary Bro. Walter B. Garvin Sergeant-at-Arms Bro. George Hall

On the third morning of the New Year the stork dropped in on Brother R. P. Watts and wife and left in their care a brand-new Alpha 1'hi Alpha brother in the. person of Robert P. Watts. Jr. The Chapter celebrated this event by presenting to the youngster a beautiful band ring of solid gold. Recent visitors in St. Louis were Brothers Hilburn. Coppage, Downing, Cheeks and President Booker. Fraternally, 2S54 Indiana Ave., R. P. WATTS, Jan. 12, 1921. President.





ZETA LAMBDA Norfolk, Va. To the Editor: As per your request, we are sending you the names and addresses of our officers, which are as follows: President George W . C . Brown Tidewater Bank & Trust Co., Norfolk, Va. Vice-President A. D. Manning 168 i",tli St., Newport News, Va. Secretary-Treasurer H. S. Standbaek BIS Glasgow St., Portsmouth, Va. Chaplain •A; J - W e I l s Attacks Theatre Building, Norfolk, Va. Editor J. Warrick Johnson Tidewater Bank & Tmst Co., Norfolk, Va. Trusting the same will reach you in ord T, we arc, Very truly yours, J. WARRICK JOHNSON, Editor. ETA-LAMBDA CHAPTER. Atlanta 1'niversity and Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga. Editor of the Sphinx: Eta-Lauibda extends greetings to the other chapters of the fraternity. It is with the greatest pleasure that we contribui • this bit of news to the Alpha Phi Alpha's ofliclal organ. Activity has been our watchword since the beginning of the year. We ar • striving hard to keep in touch with the older brothers who knowmore of the fraternity workings and ideals that we may soon become an active and flourishing chapter, r ady to play our full part in Alpha Phi Alpha. Most of the present brothers were taken into the fraternity last year, near the "nd of the school rear, ami were nnable to learn very ranch about the working of the fraternity b fore they left tor their vacation. When we returned to school last fall we found that1 our president had moved to auotu r city, having turned over all the information he had to the vice-president. W« looked for the vice-pr sident and found that ho had moved to South America. So you can see thai we have been like lost babes In the woods/ We got together aud elected some new oflieers and tried to carry on tli • work to the best of our a b i l ity. We ha've been in communication with the g tieral secretary and we are just about in the position now where we can perpetuate the spirit traditions and work of our beloved fraternity. we feel virtually c rtaln that next fall will find Eta-Lambda Chapter one of the most flourishing of the Apha I'l>i Alpha chapters. We hope to have delegat * at the next convention who shall bring' the 1922 convention to Atlanta. Alter we had our election we bagan to look about, for material for new members. We w re exceedingly fortunate in having such excellent material from which to sdect candidates for the first initiation. Seven were chosen as candidates. They are of the real fraternity type and will b • of ininii value to the chapter and to the fraternity. The new brothers are William S. Fuller, Andrew ir. Dibble, Booker T. McGraw, Clinton R. Blake Fred Hall, Maceo Williams and Maddox. Although we do not. d*al in petty school politics, Alpha men have been elected to the most principal positions held by students. We are not excitedly an dlndiscreetly anxious about "rushing in new material." We unanimously agreed it would be better to sink to the

minimum number than to have a large enrollment of men, many of whose character, scholarship and general ability may be inadequate to be formed and fashioned Into the Alpha Phi Alpha ideal. The most desirable men on the campus seek to have us Invite them to Join our fraternity. Alpha Phi Alpha is fast becoming the shining light in these schools. It Is our ardent hope that Atlanta and Morehouse, as well as the world, will soon recognize that the existence of Alpha Phi Alpha in the various universities of the country is one of the greatest inspirations aud aids to the race. Therefore, we are obliged to live Alpha Phi Alpha as well as talk Alpha Phi Alpha. It is with these ideals in mind that we bid all a happy and successful year. Fraternally yours in Alpha Phi Alpha, JOSEPH A. CLARKE, Historian and Corresponding Secretary, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Go. President Joseph D. McGhea, 252 East Merrills Avenue, Atlanta, Go. Vice-President, Harris, Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga. Secretary, L. G. (.'alien, Atlanta University, Atlauta, Ga. Treasurer, Greene, Morehouse College, Atlanat, Ga. UPSILON CHAPTER, Lawrence Kansas. Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha, Greetings. It is Willi pleasure that Upsilon Chapter extends ID-i hearty congratulationa and her promise of sincere cooperation to those who have been elected or re-elected as officers of the General Organization. Th • impression made upon Upsilon by ber association with the General Organization through the Kith Annual Convention, is one that will no doubt be a lasting one, aud one that is tiring every man to a new determination to make Upsilon the best chapter in the Alpha Phi Alpha t'rat rnit.v. We had looked forward all last year to the 13th annual convention and for that reason varied from our usual custom of giving our Annual Founders Day Banquet, giving Instead, a smokev on Dec. 18, 1820, and also on that date, we initiated the following men : Norval Barkesdale, Kansas City, Mo, Walter Gray. Atchison, Kan. Gorge Hamilton Topeka, Kan. Slielton French, Kansas City, Mo. Alter the initiation we Invited the freshmen back and served a two-course luncheon, after which, through -the blue smoke of cigars and cigarettes, we h ard from every man on many subjects. The main theme of all the talks that were not direct d to the freshmen on what they should, our should not do, but was "Start buying the house by September, or bust!" It might lie well to state here that we are renting the house. Were it not for the fact that we hold regula* freshm n meetings, ever/ other Monday evening, these talks would have been eye-openers to more than one freshman as to what a fraternity really is, but as it was, these talks only emphasized what bad be n told them in these meetings. In order that you may know what the nature of these meetings is, I will give you a short history of them, for they are a new movement In our chapter, On November 8, 1920 the freshmen met under the leadership of the King Freshman, Bro. Coop-





er, and drew up a petition to t h e c h a p t e r to allow them "to hold s h o r t m e e t i n g s on Monday e v e n i n g ! a l t e r n a t i n g with r g u l a r c h a p t e r meet ing n i g h t s for the purpose of. g e t t i n g more fa miliar with fraternity ideals and r a i s i n g their scholarship, In order to become bettor Alpha Phi Alpha men". The c h a p t e r g r a n t e d t h e i r p i l l i o n I 15, 1920. The n a t u r e of those mei is to let thorn frankly and openly discuss problems that present th unserves on th • c a m p u s or in the bouse. Usually gome npperclassman in and gives them a talk on some subject of interest t,. tin m ami they discuss it. The (iii them, as I see it, is to give thorn Initiative, expression and familiarize them with parliament a r y l a w : all very desirable q u a l i t i e s to a t t a i n . Th > m e e t i n g s have also had their effect on the a p p e r c l a s s m e nin giving them t h e freshmen's point of view. T h e y have also served to fairly do a w a j with paddling for now we can control them t h r o u g h the personal element, as they have th idea limily in mind t h a t t h e period of time of the pledegship Is Just a t e s t i n g time to Hud and i they have the q u a l i t i e s to make good Alpha Vhl Alpha men and every one of them certainly V . ike good. W " held o u r election of j « ; t . 3, 1021, and r e p o r t the following ofOcers for 1921:

Brothers E l b e r t P e t r i s s a n d A r t h u r Matney have gone to t h e University of Boston. We wish to a n n o u n c e t h e b i r t h of a child t o Brother .lames Wade, who was m a r r i - d Decem119, to .Miss P a t s y Martin, of B u c k h a n n o n W. \ a. Brother H a r r y It. Jefferson, who h a s played on the Ohio Uneven for t h r e e y e a r s . Got "All Ohio" mention this y e a r .

President T o b y Owens Vice-President Vernon W i l k e r s o n Corresponding Secretary Burt Mayberry Recordin g S e c r e t a r y Albert Maddux Treasurer D Koven F r e n c h Historian Burt Mayberry Chaplain A l e x a n d e r Gatewood Steward J a m e s Hayden King Freshman George Tolson Sergeant-at-arms J a m e s Cooper Cheerleader Leonard P a i r . (All a d d r e s s e s a r e 1101 Miss. St., L a w r e n c e , Kan.)

At an early dale we solicited the co-operation ol t h e principals of t h e schools. Especially a r meetings were held and some of o u r speakers appeared before the public a n d t h e student bodies a t the commencement exercises of several iii the schools. As a result of our efforts many .students have entered i n s t i t u t i o n s of higher learning and many have expressed t h e i r desire to do so.

According t o an o r d e r of t h e 1.1th A n n u a l Convention a committee composed of Bro. B u r t MayI) Try and Bro. J a m e s Hayden, w a s a p p o i n t e d to interview t h e Chancellor of the University reg a r d i n g t h e permission t o initiate actlvi from W a s h b u r n College a t Topeka. K a n s a s . He promised t h a t he would investigate th • m a t t e r and give us all t h e help t h a t he could withoul involving the University of K a n s a s in difii. with W a s h b u r n . The committee h a s not r e p o r t e d to t h e F r a t e r n i t y a t t h i s w r i t i n g , so I cannot say w h a t steps will n e x t be t a k e n . On J a n . 3. 1921, wo were s o m e w h a t s u r p r i s e d to hear of the m a r r i a g e of P l e d g e Kiddie Clar. and .Miss L o u i s e T h o m p s o n , of K a n s a s c i t y the d a u g h t e r of o u r Brother, Dr. S. II. T h o m p B e t a - L a m b d a . Mlsc Thompson was a J u n i o r in the college, an'd an A l p h a K a p p a Alpha. In closing, I m i g h t add t h a t t h e slogan of the c h a p t e r is on "ON TO B A L T I M O R E ! " Ymirs f r a t e r n a l l y ,



(Ohio University.) Greetings: Phi C h a p t e r is in t h e field Hlled w i t h the zeal of A l p h a P h i Alphn. Although w e s t a r t e d t h e y e a r s o m e w h a t handicapped on account of the fewness of o u r n u m b e r s , we a r e s t r i v i n g to perfect a perfect organization. Several of o u r B r o t h e r s have gone from o u r m i d s t in t h e p a s t y e a r . B r o t h e r William Matney, o u r esteemed p r e s i dent, g r a d u a t e d w i t h t h e class of 1920. l i e is studying at Harvard.

Brother A r t h u r W a d e also m a d e good t h i s y e a r on ill • g r i d i r o n eleven. P h i Chapter wishes to r e p o r t Its not successlin u n d e r t a k i n g since its admission into t h e folds of Alpha P h i Alpha. The "Go to H i g h School and ijo to College" m o v e m e n t w h i c h w a s i n a u g u r a t e d at the General Convention which convened at Chicago. We s nt live s p e a k e r s into the s t a t e of W e s t Virginia, who, we are s u r e , " p u t t h e message across to the y o u n g meu a n d women. tty cities, in which t h e r e w e r e negro school,., were visited. Th • P r e s i d e n t of University gave our s p e a k e r s live d a y s ' leave to do tins work and the expenses, which a m o u n t e d to ¥12.., were defrayed by the Chapter.

With the s i n e e r e s t f r a t e r n a l r e g a r d s from P h i . ( H A S . W. W A R F I E L L - . The following is a list of o u r newly, elected rs of Phi C h a p t e r : Bro. L. Elliott Fairfax President. Bro. Charles W. Warfleld Viee-Pr-sident.. Bro. Randolph P o r t e r Treasurer Bro. A r t h u r W a d e Secretary Bro. I l o b a t t W. H a n d r i d g e . . C o r r e s p o n d i n g Sec.

' AI.TIIA A L P H A C H A P T E R I uiversity of Cincinnati. Brothers in A. P . A. Greetings. There was net a man at the U n i v e r s i t y of Clnciiniaii who did not welcome the s e t t i n g u p of Alpha Alpha Chapter at t h i s i n s t i t u t i o n fast DeWe were all glad to welcome the c h a p • we well knew bow h a r d and how long w e fought for I he chapter, ("or over a year t h a t little club of live men, .Messrs. Lesley, H a l l , Rhodes, Smith and Watson', stuck t o g e t h e r a r dently until the final message was received 'by ten men l r o m the General Secretary t h a t A l p h a Alpha was to be a real t h i n g . o u r c h a p t e r w a s installed on D e c e m b e r 20, 1920, by B r o t h e l It. E. Beamou, a p r o m i n e n t young dentist h re In the city and a man of Beta Chapter a t H o w a r d . He was assisted b y Bros. Lane. Gibson and o t h e r s from K a p p a C h a p ter a) oliio Stale 1 uiversity. B r o s . H. H. Hull and .1. B. Miller from Ki c h a p t e r a t Wilberforce, Ohio. Those men receiv -d as c h a r t e r m e m b e r s Messrs. F r a n c i s Lesley, R o b e r t P a t t e n g a l l . Charles E. Dlllard, Clinton K. Moorman, H e r b e r t Miller. Ear] Moss, Dr. R. B. McClain, C h a r l e s H a r ris, Rev. W. I'age a n d W . E v e r e t t W a t s o n . T h e r e a r e several m e n on t h e University T r a c k Team who a r e A. P . A. p r o s p e c t s : Messrs. Oxley, Cocrel a n d H a l . W e also h a v e a n active member,




Bro. W. E. Watson, who won his letter last year in this branch of athletics. Aipliii Alpha Chapter has already taken a step in promoting greatei Interest in llterarj studies ai i lii- university. An ed students and ai r future <•' iap6.T is to take over the Con ad furnish a musical program before the faculty and student body. After me chapter w inbers i as officers: Bro. ; President i'.ro. Robert • Vice-President; , !•;. UiJJaid, Bei 6-, Herbert .Mil ler. Treasurer. Too i,' t be said of our ot, who worked with a spirit that was sure to materialise. We are also glad to congratulate our other officers. Although we are babies in A. P. A., nevertheless, we feel that each member has, to .uiuo extent, a r al and genuine l'raternal spirit. As babies grow so we shall grow and our spirit shall stow with us. Due to the lateness ot our Installation, we were unable to send a delegate to Kansas City, but our hearts and minds Mcr- there right In the midst of the proceedings. We know Gut Time shall uot rob us of this opportunity ever ng.-Fraternally yours, W. EVERETT WATSON, Chapter Editor. KAPPA OHAPTEB Ohio State University. Dear Alpha Phi Alpha Broth It is with a function of gratitude that we are again permit tI our sister chapters on the pages of our Sphinx. We are very thankful to have the iking known the greater thoughts and progress 0* Kappa Chapter through such an Ideal medium. With the return of our del gates and the reading of their reports • that great National Convention, the spirit of Kappa Chapter has regenerated Into a "fiery" determination. A determination which \\ill cause our fraternity to are pi us as a real leader; a determination which will eause us to arise to thai ulnacle of veneralion of which only Alpha Phi Alpha Chapters' qualify as eligible; we are determined to guard and keep sacred the inner momentous of our fraternity, but i thai part which sbonld us in the walk purified thai II will b • -si noble and hi termlned to - great and important thought, "Alpha Phi Alp Life." We are glad Mj Ion of officers was carried out In stitutlon. the Bret mi The nominating and voting was extremely lively and close. All the offli • iw lilled b. lv elected officers. This part is indeed enci Ing in thai E the enthusiasm (plus the ability of the Kap'p Ice for Alpha Phi Alpha. Th • names of our now officers will be found elsewhere in the Sphinx. Sirr.v the beginning of our College year, we have with us several representatives of our neighboring and distant Chapters, We are honored by their presence because of tlteir interest, by their suggestions and mlcavors. We regret to have to give notice that we will soon' lose from our presence one of our most usefulin an athletic ivavmembers. Mr. A, W. Hardy, director-ln-chief of athletics at the Spring St. V. M. c. A. I about considered t-> accept th s position as tor of the Department of Education in the C. A in New York. This Is one of the largest Associations in the country, and for Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity and especially Kappa Chapter,

o be fortunate to hav e such a man of ability to fill that important position raises the standard of out Ideals, of our purpose in life and stimBpirit of ability. Mr. three appointedi the only to write the rules of volley-ball which " Spauldings Official Book of Rules. We wish him much success. Our s cond semester lias begun and the brothei looking forward to the coming of sin. ,,f vacation. The Coliports from the I leans Is encouraging, giv;.he good work and the purpose ot our brothers. Our chapter bos made a change in the sehed"iii business meetings so as to be In accord with our gra embers, who found our old schedule conflicting with Iheir business engagements I cans d them to be irregular In attendance. We arc glad to make it possible for all Kappa Chapter brothers and visiting brothers to atteud our meetings; therefore, we willingly yielded to their r qui In closing. Kappa extends to her sister chaptots greetings for prosperity, ami l-.f the maintenance ol higher 1 Seals which will place our fraternity on the summits of a successful horizon, where the dawn of a new area can only greet a symbol of life's greatest accomplishment. Which can only sec us its a great group of col; n founded in fraternal thoughts and glvIng to rlie wotld the fruits of our efforts Therelore. dear chapters; let old Alpha Phi Alpha arise in the midst of our opportunity like the golden sun al early mor( and cast our influence abroad Where ever we may be. With fraternal love and greetings, DONALD A. GILLIM, 202 E. Spring St. Chapter Editor.

Tin: S P H I N X (Quarterly) Published in I-Vliniaiy, May, October a n d Deci 628 X. E u t a w Street, e, Maryland. *

» *

Alpha P h i A l p h a F r a ily, Incorporated. Carl J, M u r p h y — E d i t o r in Chief \ T EDITORS "Wlai's Who li -E. B. Jourdiain, J r . Grays i i , il, Cambridge, Mass. "Editorials"—EJB.fl Alexander 61 E a s t 1 tth St., Columbus, O. " F r a t F u n " — E l m e r Cheeks, 10912 ur.nicy Heights, Clev., O. r y " - \Y. ]. Hansberry, Straight Coll •;•<•, New Orleans, La. (ion Price $1.00 per year payable in advance.

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