Eighteenth Annual Oonvention, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Detroit, Michigan, December 27-31, 1925.
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EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President, Raymond W. Cannon, 3400 Oakland Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. First Vice-President, James W. McGregor, 1759 W. 35th Street, Los Angeles, Calif.
Fourth Vice-President, Charles W. Greene, 31S Fraser Street, Atlanta, Ga.
Second Vice-President, Peyton F. Anderson, 61 W. 130th Street, New York City.
Treasurer, Homer Cooper, 5059 S. State Street, Chicago, 111.
Third Vice-President, James A. Scott, 4452-A, West Belle Place, St. Louis, Mo.
Editor of T H E SPHINX, Oscar C. Brown, 3763 S o . Wabash Avenue Chioago, 111.
George B. Kelley, 1 113th St., Troy, N. Y. F. M. Reid, 2303 W. Walnut St., Louisville, Ky.
Secretary, Norman L. McGhee, Advance Building, Cleveland, Ohio.
James H. Hilburn, 1944 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore, Md.
Chapters. ALPHA CHAPTER, Cornell University, Ithaca, OMICRON CHAPTER, Carnegie Institute of TechN. Y. nology and University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, President, Joseph R. Houchins, 411 East State Pa. Street. President, R. W. Taylor, 2703 Wilie Ave. Secretary, W. M. Banks, 411 East State Street. Secretary, T. L. Jones, 87 Sylvania Ave. BETA CHAPTER. Howard University, Washington, PI CHAPTER, Case School of Applied Science and D. C. Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. President, Walter W. Goens, 2447 Georgia Avenue, President, Leon S. Evans, 4917 Central Avenue. N. W. Cor. Secretary, N. K. Christopher, 4002 Central Cor. Secretary, Robert S. Jason, 2447 Georgia AveAvenue. nue, N. W. RHO CHAPTER, Temple University and PhilaGAMMA CHAPTER, Virginia Union University, delphia College of Pharmacy, Philadelphia, Pa. Richmond, Va. President, W. F. Jerrick, 1543 Christian Street. President, Joseph A. Brown, Virginia Union UniSecretary, Theodore R. Penny, 1724 Christian versity. Street. Corresponding Secretary, W. G. Darnel, 734 N. SIGMA CHAPTER, Boston University and Massa3rd St. chusetts School of Technology, Boston, Mass. DELTA CHAPTER, Montreal, Canada (Inactive). President, Samuel B. Hutchinson, 373 Northampton EPSILON CHAPTER, University of Michigan, Ann Street, Boston. Arbor, Michigan. Secretary, Ernest G. Balla, 21 Codman Park, Boston. President, Booker McGraw, 1103 East Huron Street. Cor. Secretary, N. S. Minor, 1103 East Huron TAU CHAPTER, University of Illinois, Champaign, Street. ZETA CHAPTER, Yale University, New Haven, President, Eugene W. Woods, 602 E. Clark Street. Conn. Secretary, H. Dadford West, 602 E. Clark Street. President, John F. Williams, 63 Garden Street. Secretary, Harry G. Tolliver, 59 Goffe Street. UPSILON CHAPTER, University of Kansas, ETA CHAPTER, New York City College, Columbia Lawrence, Kans. and New York Universities, New York City. President, Doxey A. Wilkerson, 1101 Mississippi President, Marshall L. Shepard, 9 W. 99th Street. Street. Secretary, Myles A. Paige, 203 W. 138th Street. Secretary, Beltron L. Orme, 1101 Mississippi St. THETA CHAPTER, University of Chicago, University of Illinois and Northwestern University, Chi- PHI CHAPTER, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. cago, 111. President, Lawrence V. Jordan, 47 Franklin Avenue. President, R. A. Harewood, 4104 Vincennes Avenue. Secretary, Herman I. Holland, 47 Franklin Avenue. Corresponding Secretary, Sumner T. Bohee, 4104 CHI CHAPTER, Meharry Medical College (Fisk Vincennes Ave. University), Nashville, Tenn. IOTA CHAPTER, Syracuse University. N. Y. President, James J. McClendon, 8 N. Hill Street. President, Thomas Morris, 302 Cedar St. Secretary, Norman Cordice, Meharry Medical Secretary, A. L. Demond, 302 Cedar St. College. KAPPA CHAPTER, Ohio State University, ColumPSI CHAPTER, University of Pennsylvania, Philabus, Ohio. delphia, Pa. President. Harley S. Manuel, 202 East Spring Street. Secretary, Ralph W. Finley, 202 East Spring Street. President, W. Reid Wells. 329 N. 40th Street. MU CHAPTER, University of Minnesota, MinneapSecretary, Everett W. Johnson, 2131 Master Street. olis, Minn. ALPHA ALPHA CHAPTER, University of CincinPresident, Frank B. Ransom, 606 St. Anthony nati, Cincinnati, Ohio. President, H. T. Miller, 636 West 9th Street. Street, St. Paul. Minn. Secretary, F. T. Layton, 636 West 9th Street. Cor. Secretary, R. A. Johnson, 975 St. Anthony ALPHA BETA CHAPTER. Talladega College, TalStreet, St. Paul, Minn. ladga, Ala. NU CHAPTER. Lincoln University, Lincoln, Pa. President, Edwin L. Phillips, Talladega College. President, W. A. C. Hughes. Jr.. Lincoln University. Corresponding Secretary, Noah E. Willis, Talladega Cor. Secretary, Theodore Valentine, Lincoln UniCollege. versity. XI CHAPTER, Wilberforce University, Wilber- ALPHA GAMMA CHAPTER, Providence, R. I. force. Ohio. President, C. L. Henry, 33 Hope College, Brown President, W. G. Bland, Wilberforce University. University. Secretary, Milton S. Wright, Wilberforce UniSecretary, Roscoe E. Lewis, 2 Hope College. versity. Brown University.
Official Organ of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. Published in February, April, June, October and December at 16 E Street, S. E., Washington, D.C. Subscription Price One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Year Entered as second class matter December 20, 1924, at the post office Washington, D.C. under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 23, 1923.
Editor-in-Chief "Who Is WhoT" "Editorials" "Frut Fun" "History"
STAFF O F EDITORS OSCAR C. BROWN, 3763 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. GEORGE B. KELLY, 1 113th Street, Troy, N. Y. VICTOR R. DALY 715 Florida Ave., N. W., Washington, D . C . ELMER J. CHEEKS, 10912 Quincy Heights, Cleveland, Ohio W. L. HANSBERRY, Howard University, Washington, D. C
Assistant Editor and Advertising Manager, SYDNEY P. BROWN, 4816 Prairie Ave., Chicago VOLUME ELEVEN
MEMORIAM Dr. George E. Cannon
A Successful Educational Campaign Judge George Broadcasts
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2 4 4
Dr. DuBois in Chicago
A One-Man Campaign
"Are We F i t " by J. W. McGregor
"Not Alpha Phi Alpha for College" by Zero W. Webb
General Secretary Now in Cleveland
"Back to An African I d e a l " by N. W. Hudson
EDITORIALS Notice from Chi Chapter
10 •
ACTIVITIES OF CHAPTERS 11 Alpha; Beta: Theta—A. L. Jackson; Gamma: Epsilon; Theta; Iota ; Kappa; Mu; Nu; Xi—Dean Mohr, Benjamin Waites and Milton S. J Wright: Pi; Rho; Sigma; Tau— Walter R. Thorahill: Phi—Charles T. Isom; Chi; Psi-Cornwell Banton and Harry Barnes; Upsilon; Omicron; Alpha-Alpha; Alpha-Beta; Alpha-Delta; Alpha-Epsilon; Alpha-Theta I T. Orthel Roberts; Alpha-Zeta; Alpha-Kappa; AlphaMu Carl R. Robinson and J. H. Howard; Alpha-Nu; Alpha-Omicron; Alpha-Pi; Alpha-Rho: Alpha-Slgma; Gamma-Lambda; EpsilonLambda; Zeta-Lambda; Eta-Lambda M. S. Davage: Xi-Lambda Anthonv Overton and Louis R. Middleton: Delta-Lambda. CUPID'S CORNER 47 Jackson. Robinson; Hargo-Lowery: Julyane-Bloom: Russell-Lawson; S*tton-Dungee; Hughes-Martin: McKissa'ck-Anderson.
"Thou shall guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory"
Brother George Epps Cannon is dead. He was born to Barnett G. and Mary Cannon July 7, 1869, in Carlisle, South Carolina. His early education was received at Brainard Institute, Chester, S. C. After completing his course there, he returned to his home town and taught school for two years. The revenue derived from these two years of teaching enabled him to take up his studies again, which he did in Lincoln University, Pennsylvania. Here he applied himself with great diligence and graduated with honors in 185)3. Again he was forced to give up his studies because the care of his family called for his support; but this was only for a time. He had realized the necessity of an education and training in his chosen profession and his handicaps intensified his determination rather than diminish it. In 1896 the way was again opened for him to continue bis studies and he began the study of medicine in the New York Homeopathic College, from which he was graduated in 1!)()(), with the degree of M.D. Brother Cannon then moved to Jersey City, N. J., where he immediately took up the practice of medicine. Here he remained and built up an unusually large practice, his clientele being from all races and from all standards of living. He achieved much distinction as an obstetrician and as a physician was widely known throughout the country. During his eminent career he served in many important capacities. He served as President of the North Jersey Medical Association, President of the Northeastern Medical Association, and a
M e m o r i a m
member of the Academy of Medicine of Northern New Jersey. In August, 1924, he was re-elected for the thirteenth consecutive term as Chairman of the Executive Board of the National Medical Association. During the past eleven years he was President of the Lincoln University Alumni Association, in which capacity his valuable work won for him the esteem and admiration of Lincoln alumni and sympathizers everywhere. Brother Cannon wrote extensively on medical and civic subjects and was much in demand as a public speaker. His best known article was the "Health Problems of the Negro in New Jersey." The climax of Brother Cannon's brilliant career came in his participation in state and national politics. At the last Republican Convention in Cleveland he seconded the nomination of President Calvin Coolidge. The minutes of that session show that his speech was broken into fragments by continued outbursts of applause. As President of the Committee of One Hundred of Hudson County, New Jersey, and after he relinquished that office, he was ever alert to gain recognition for the Negro in every worthy activity in state and city affairs. One of his important planks was to secure colored policemen in Jersey City. As a result (a few days before his death) three were appointed and, as a representation from the city, these three police officers were sent to Brother Cannon's funeral to act as a bodyguard of honor, having been so assigned by Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey City as their first official duty. President Coolidge and United States Senator Walter Edge were among those who sent floral tributes to the funeral. A large number of men and women, prominent in both state and national affairs, were present to pay final tribute to our beloved brother. Included in these were eight Senators and two ex-Governors. Some of the organizations with which Brother Cannon had important affiliation are the New Jersey State Republican Association, of which he was President; John Brown Building and Loan Association, of which he was President; the Home Benefit Association, of which he was Treasurer, and the Negro Welfare League, of which he was Treasurer. He was Senior Elder of Lafayette Presbyterian Church, which he help found. He was a member of the Advisory Board of the New Jersey Republican State Committee. In 1917 he was commissioned a captain in the New Jersey State Militia. Brother Cannon also held membership in the Masons, Oddfellows, and Elks. On May 5, 1920, Dr. George Epps Cannon, through Nu Chapter, became an Exalted Honorary Member of Alpha Phi Alpha. And within the hearts of Alpha men he was highly esteemed. He was with us at the convention held in New York City last December, spending his last Christmas vacation with the organization that loved him and will ever strive to bear the torch that he held aloft. "Man goeth to his everlasting home * * * Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it."
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A Successful Educational Campaign
BROTHER JUDO.E ALBERT B. GEORGE. Xi-Lambda Chapter, Chicago, Tells the World of the "Go-To-HighSchool, Go-To-College" Movement. H e Is Shown broadcasting from Station W M A Q , Chicago, May 10, 1925. " B A N G ! " And the "Go-to-High-School, Go-toCollege movement went "over the top" in Evanston and Chicago. We don't know what the rest of the chapters didâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;we are sure that most of them put it overâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;yet we do know that Theta, Alpha-Mu and Xi-Lambda Chapters combined and conducted a campaign that put Alpha Phi Alpha in the sun in this part of the world. One-half will never be told. W e shall, however, try to give a few of the details of the work that aroused America's second city. The joint committe, representing these three chapters, was organized and began its work in February. The Brothers constituting this committee determined to make a success of their undertaking at any cost, and Chicago says that they made a success of it. The members of the committee outlined the plans and, themselves, did some hard, effective work; but it didn't end there, for the other members of the three chapters were working on the committee before the
job was done. They spoke in the schools, churches and before numerous other meetings, urging their audiences to realize the importance of sending our girls and boys to school; they distributed literature, questionnaires and helped with everything that had to be done to make a success of the undertaking. Many of the newspapers, both dailies and weeklies, gave news items and editorials on the campaign. Theleading ministers of this section endorsed the movement and pledged and gave their cooperation to it. The Baptist Ministerial Alliance devoted its regular meeting, on the eleventh of May, to a favorable discussion of the campaign. Brother George, pictured above, was the principal speaker to an enthusiastic audience in Evanston on the tenth; and on the sixteenth he broadcasted a message on the movement,. speaking from W M A Q , the Chicago Daily News Station, and it is est,mated that he reached more than a million people at that time.
THE SPHINX, JUNE, 1925 Approximately five hundred questionnaires were distributed among the students who are now seniors in the grammar schools and in the high schools. They filled out the questionnaires in detail, furnishing valuable data with which these chapters can work in perfecting machinery for the future conduct of the campaign. The chapters have already laid plans to follow up the progress of these girls and boys and to offer constructive assistance in cases of moral and financial need. The final triumph came on Sunday, the seventeenth. This was truly Alpha Phi Alpha's day in Chicago. Nothing like it has taken place in Chicago within the memory of those who chronicle the happening of important events in this city. This triumph was the monster meeting that took place as the concluding feature of a most intensive campaign week. Brother W. E. B. DuBois, the principal speaker, crowned the occasion by delivering a masterpiece. Gowned in his robe and hood of a Doctor of Philosopher, Brother DuBois spoke on education and "our journey through life." He was at his best and when he concluded his address he was greeted by deafening applause that echoed and re-echoed the approval and admiration of the multitude that heard him. And a multitude did hear him. The meeting was held in the auditorium of Wendell Phillips High School, Chicago. More than twenty-two hundred per-
The al ove picture was taken on the steps of Wend'li Philips High School a few minutes I ef ore the Monster Meeting held-at three o'clock, Sunday afternoon, the'se'.v.ei'vteenth.'o'f May. In the group, reading from left Ui right, a r e : Brothers Anthony Overton, President" of the Douglass National and President of th'c Victoiy Life Insurance Company; behind Blather Overton s Dr. William H. Benson, chairman of
sons jammed this place for the good things that had been promised and were rendered on this program. The auditorium was taxed to its capacity and several hundred had to be turned away. (Brother) Sammy Stewart's Ensemble Orchestra furnished special music ; Brother Earl Moss sang a solo that was received with much applause; Miss Alpha Bratton sang two selections that were as sweet as we have heard in a season. She demonstrated unusual ability and received the unanimous plaudit of an audience that was appreciative. This is not an expression of an idle boast; only a conciousncss of work well done. Theta, Alpha-Mu and Xi Lambda Chapters have just begun to "put over" Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College campaigns. We realize that the movement is yet in its infancy. The public is just awakening to the fact that it is essentially a "movement." We are confident that what has been done for the six years of the movement is but a poor comparison to what six years hence will find Alpha Phi Alpha doing. The eyes of America are now focused upon us. We have set for ourselves a stupendous task. We are blazing the trail for permanent progress for our people. Happily we shall give our lives to contribute something tangible in a service that will make for them a better day May every Alpha Phi Alpha man be so consecrated to unselfish serviceâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;"This is our task I"
the joint committee that had charge of the campaign; George R. Arthur, Executive Secretary, Wabash Avenue Y. M C. A., Chicago; Dr. W. E. B. DuBois; Attorney Sydney P. Brown, recently admitted to the Illinois Bar, and Dr. Julian H. Lewis, professor in the Medical School of Chicago University.
Brother DuBois was warmly rcce ved by all.
A ONE-MAN CAMPAIGN Brother Rev. Ernest Dyett conducted the Educational Campaign in Joliet all by himself. Certainly the entire fraternity commends him for his splendid work. The news item below appeared in the only daily in his city, Joliet, 111.; Aids Campaign The Rev. Ernest Dyett has concluded two weeks' work in behalf of the "Go-to-High-School, Go-toGpllege" campaign, conducted under the auspices of the Alpha Phi Alpha national fraternity, which has sixty chapters in the leading colleges and universities, extending from Harvard to Southern California. The campaign received the endorsement of President Harding and President Coolidge, and last year touched 3,000,000 children and young people. The proposition will be broadcast from station W M A Q Sunday. The Rev. Ernest Dyett has introduced the campaign before approximately 6,000 people in Joliet. H e spoke in behalf of it before the Elks, and the Knights of Pythias, other organization and churches.
Among the great questions which present themselves to serious-minded men and women from day to day the above, which forms the caption of this article, is, perhaps, the most insistent. It is insistent because it is vital in the scheme of successful lining. If we believe that life is a struggle then preparation, which is incidental to fitness, is a fundamental aid to victory. No great battle in human history has been won without it. It was the pivot of Napoleon's success. Upon it Alexander and Caesar piled fame upon fame. The calamity of the athlete lies in a lack of preparation and training. H e is not fit, if he had not prepared himself, and can expect, therefore, little more than failure, if he does not completely fail. When prepared, however—when trained—he takes his place on the mark with self-assurance. At the crack of the pistol he leaps to the track in the confidence of his fitness and maintains one hundred chances of success against the one chance of his rival who had never trained himself. Arc we fit? Fit for what? Fit for life; fit to be selected. The work of the world is divided; each man has his share which, if he shirks, he denies to himself a responsibility which is the test of his manhood. A just execution of his work, then, is a recognition of his responsibility and power. But can he execute that work successfully and maintain that sense of responsibility without being fit? The practical experiences of human life have never- answered that he can. A man cannot teach music without that preparation which equips him for teaching. He would not be sufficiently responsible in that field. Nor would we concede to any man the power of an astronomer if he were not trained in the science of astronomy. The responsible exponent of botany is one who had trained himself in the science of botany just as the responsible builder is one who had trained himself in a knowledge of architecture. Unquestionably, therefore, success, responsibility, and power in human life are the results of adequate preparation and fitness. The lawyer, business-man or statesman becomes a man of power because of added responsibilities invited by his fitness for his particular task. H e is fit because he had trained himself. This vital principle in human society has stimulated the growth of innumerable avenues through which men and women may fit themselves for various lines of endeavor. These avenues are. broadly speak-
ing, our schools and colleges which afford unlimited opportunities for training those who will avail themselves of the advantages offered. They mean much to the life of a people. They are the corner-stone—• the strength and vigor—of all great governments. They are the essential glories of successful democracies. Shaping thought, they shape lives and fashion great personalities. Yet we have listened with pain, at times, to men who, by accident, have attained economic success, denouncing as useless those who have acquired academic training and citing, in support of their opinion, one or two isolated cases of collegiate failures. The folly of such observations is easily demonstrated by the following facts: Of those who have never had a grammar school training in life but six out of a million ever attain distinction. Among those who have completed the eighth grade 160 in a million rise above the average. In the group of those who have completed their high school course 640 stand out in the same million; while within the circle of a million who have made their way through a college or university 5,780 achieve distinction. These figures argue a tremedous value in training men and women in college along with the fact that year after year vast crowds find their way there, bent upon multiplying their chances of being fit. Again, the value of our schools and colleges is demonstrated in their increased financial outlay from one year to another. W hat also is the significance of their continued poTfenfial and numerical growth? As in our religious life we find those who do not take their religion seriously, so in our educational life there are those who do; not take their education seriously. But these are not the test of the work of education any more than the careless religionist is the test of the value of religion. We do not condemn chickens as a class of birds because we stumble on certain chickens which do not serve our table purposes well. Nor do we frown on roses as a species of flowers because we find some roses which are blighted. We test their worth by the majority of the best among them. In like manner should we prove the value of those of college training. This is our answer to the untrained judge who sits off yonder in the scorner's seat 1 We owe a duty to ourselves and to human life to efficiently execute our tasks. Fitness predicates efficiency. Upon it rests our undoubted realization of responsibility and power. We do not take a chance on living in the process of making ourselves fit, but rather do we increase our chances for living. W e increase our earning power because we increase our efficiency. W e become efficient in moral, physical and economic conservation. We execute the possible maximum of work in the possible minimum of time. We are skillful in adjusting our own lives to those of our relationships to avoid misunderstanding and friction. The wisdom of practical experience is tempered by the wisdom of theoretical training, in which combination we approximate that intelligence in our lives which directs us really how to live. Are we physically fit? Every element of life's endeavor assumes physical fitness. It is folly to advocate intellectual preparation which ignores it. "A sound mind in a sound body" is irrefutable in the practical adventures of human life. Does college, then, make men physically fit? The answer resides in the fact that there is not a college.or university in the country which has not, in its. curriculum," its course in physical education; nor is there orieyWvvhich would deliberately fail to teach its proteges an elementary respect for the laws of health. Intercollegiate athletics, which are tremendous factors in the physical scale of academic life, furnish another answer to the question. But outtide of college an acquired intelligence should pilot our methods in an effort to maintain the best possible bodily care. That education which is only strong enough to grasp at and cultivate alf that is beautiful and great in the intel-
THE SPHINX, JUNE, 1925 lectual and moral conceptions of life and overlooks the fact that physical strength is essential in the exertions of spiritual strength is like the foolish builder who would attempt to erect a superstructure without a solid foundation. Are we morally fit? If Plato's theory that "education makes men good and that good men act nobly," is tenable in the present order of human life then with increased intelligence should come increased responsibilities for examples in moral rectitude. We are strongly inclined to the Platonic view that education is an aid to virtue. It is knowledge which is sufficiently powerful to make us know—to arm us with a wisdom that defies the false judgment of passion. It is reason trained to distinguish the highest from the lowest and capable of discerning light I nun darkness. It is the refined and cultivated mind, too beautiful to disfigure itself! But time and again we have heard men of education denounced as morally unfit, and we are "forced to the question: Is it another attempt of some unthinking one to engulf the many by the improper acts of the few ? The moral failure of a single cuitivated mind should not be the measure of the ethical conduct of universal intelligence. _ It is significant that the greatest group of our criminal population today is among those who have never been trained, though, of course, this is no excuse for any mora] laxity of training and culture. The problem of good citizenship is not one for the intelligent as it is for the ignorant; and if, by examples in proper conduct, trained men and women who, because trained, can live more intelligently and helpfully to others it is an argument sufficiently convincing of the moral strength which one derives from collegiate discipline. But this discipline, however, were a useless gift of academic life if it is not, thereafter, to be directed to our ethical success. Demonstrations of earnestness, of purity and truth—demonstrations of independence in the cause of right, even though we stand alone—the cultivation of an intelligence which at once enables us to distinguish, and, in distinguishing to choose between holy love and unholy hate; justice and injustice; purity and impurity; spiritual life and spiritual death. Such is the glory of moral fitness. And an education—a training—which dares to ignore this as among the great, essential principles of human development is valueless to the individual as to the group. "That man, I think," says Thomas Huxley, "has had a liberal education who has been so trained in youth that his body is the ready servant of his will, . . . whose intellect is clear . . . with all its parts of equal strength, and in smooth working order; . . . whose mind is stored with a knowledge of the great and fundamental truths of nature and nf the laws of her operations; . . . who has learned to love-all beauty, whether of nature or of art, to hate all vileness and to respect others as himself." Are we mentally fit? The outstanding aim of the school is to make men and women mentally fit. In other words, to train them to be responsible thinkers and. therefore, to be responsible doers. Grades of minds exist, of course, in the educational world as outside of it;, but if figures are valuable in establishing the potential worth of academic preparation it is noteworthy that the greatest number aniong the distinguished suns of the earth are to be found among those who prepared themselves in colleges or universities. We accept distinction here to include the man who actually attained it because of a fit mind. 'Ibis is what the world demands of'men as its price for the crown of distinction; and'yet the world itself would keep men from -acquiring it unless, and except there is an assertion of that instinct of self-preservation which opposes the premature demands ot modern complex society.
One of the most serious blunders of our social lifetoday is the persistent demand on all sides for ready action by young men and women who are engaged in preparing themselves for future service. This demand, though in a sense apparently necessary, tends nevertheless, to prematurely impose obligations which can only be executed with partial efficiency because of the division of responsibility which they immediately create. The young man must divide his time, the greater portion of which he should conserve as a necessary investment in his plan of preparation, with various uplift agencies when, in countless instances, he is, at the same time, compelled to maintain himself in training. H e retires from these to his larger purpose of preparation and the compulsion to work in sustaining himself as he pursues his aim at the risk of being at once hounded down, mercilessly abused and even vilified by men and women, some of whom are sufficiently experienced in the elementary requirements of that kind of preparation which makes men really fit. Definiteness of purpose is at once essential to success in preparation. To achieve this result we must concentrate. "This one thing I do," said St. P a u l ; and he did it! Upon this basis he attained remarkable success. We must be prepared to defy the world for a time ; we must be prepared, in that event, to be cursed—to be branded as "selfish," or as acquiring knowledge merely as an "ornament." We must be prepared to be treated with contempt and to be scorned—even to be persecuted at times. But this is the price, among other things, of preparation for fitness. Our moral obligation to ourselves and the estimate which we place on the future efficient conduct of society would, however, have us ignore this temporary opposition and find our reward in making a dissatisfied and sulky world look ridiculous by its recognition of our later triumphs in service well rendered because of our fitness. Skill is another name for efficiency; but skill is retarded by a division of energies and a denial of the practical value of concentration. It comes only as the crown of our energies well harnessed and definitely focused. The mind that would be thoroughly trained, then, must at once arrest and dethrone all foreign interference. It must aim directly and always at the highest mark—must abandon pleasure merely for pleasure's sake and indulge it only as a means of healthy recreation. Recreated and revived each time after its severest discipline, it must again resume its function of disciplining itself. Here is the crucial test of our academic system. Here is its undeniable value. In it we must put much, so that out of it we can gain much. We must put much in time, in energy, in patience and determination. The mind cultivated and refined—fit to be selected—fit fot life—does not come overnight any more than the finest and most purified article of gold, fit to be selected at a great price, springs from the bowels of the earth in a few brief seconds. Both are essentially tried and severely tested, resulting in their finished workmanship and increased value. To be fit, then, is to be trained—trained in moral, physical and mental force. This training is not a matter of accident or a mere incident. It involves no chance. It is a wise, deliberate acceptance of the challenge of the world to discipline ourselves for life, if we would attain the highest and best that there is in it, and, in return, render the greatest service to it. Here we have that kind of education which, as Milton has richly expressed it, "fits a man to perform justly, skillfully and magnanimously all the offices, both private and public, of peace and war."
Today is the day of broadcasting. The great sending stations, "The chapters in Alpha Phi Alpha," are busy now preparing to broadcast the message to the world, that message that says to the Negro youth, "Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College" and rebounds with the echoes, stay in school. Yet there are many who seem to forget that Alpha days do not end in College. It is that finer sense that says regardless of the consequences, I must grasp a deeper meaning and keener insight into the inevitable aims of the beginning Alpha Phi Alpha is all that it is said to be and the spirit makes one feel that it is a decided more. If every brother would say to himself, "What kind of chapter would my chapter be if every other brother was like me?" What kind of men would they make? And then behold the great reaction, the words resounding, Alpha Phi Alpha for Life, not for college alone. We look and suspect the hostile enemies in the well formed forms of jealousy and malice, but with our Alpha sword of a well planned life, true heart, true spirit, clean thoughts, high ideals, the power to endure and backed by an army of Negro educators, we shall be able to meet them on the battle field and sing, "We have met the enemy and they are ours." As we reflect, and pry into the great unknown, with the beauties of our aims before us, and looking back over our college days when the spirit was at its zenith, and now somewhat chilled from years of inaction, after commencement, again take a sip of the remedy, "Alpha Phi Alpha for Life, Not for College Alone," refreshing and strengthening us.
OUR GENERAL SECRETARY BEGINS LAW PRACTICE The entire fraternity will be glad to note the past achievements of our General Secretary, Brother Norman L. McGhee, and the indications of a brilliant future for him in the practice of law. The following article appeared in the Cleveland Call for April 11, 1925: F o r m e r H o w a r d Official E n t e r s L a w Practice I n City Clevclanders welcome the announcement of the entrance of the well-known and popular young attorney, Norman L. McGhee, upon the practice of law in this city with offices in the Advance Building, 1514 Prospect avenue, where he will be associated with Attorneys John E. Ballard and Perry B. Jackson. Some time ago Mr. McGhee became a resident of Ohio and last December successfully passed the Ohio bar, being admitted to practice in January. Since that time he has been making preparations looking to entrance upon the practice of law here. Prominent
in East.
Attorney McGhee enters upon the practice of law with a wealth of experience in many lines of endeavor. H e is a graduate from the preparatory department of Howard University, specializing in commercial subjects, a graduate of the college department and the law department, classes of 1920-1922 respectively. For a number of years, he served as secretary to Dr. Emmet J. Scott, secretary-treasurer of Howard University, and was subsequently advanced to the position of assistant to the secretary-treasurer, which
position he held until he resigned to take up the practice of law. Aside from being associated with Dr. Scott in this important relationship, he was also associated with many business enterprises in the national capital. Eor seven years McGhee has served as national secretary of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity which organization has some 56 chapters in all sections of the country and a total membership of nearly four thousand. At the last annual convention of the fraternitywhich was held in New York City, Attorney McGhee was unanimously elected to succeed himself and to enter upon the seventh year of continuous service as secretary of the organization. Prior to coming to Cleveland, Attorney McGhee spent some weeks in Washington attending to various business interests in which he is concerned. He left Washington for Cleveland by motor last Wednesday morning, April 1, and arrived in the city Friday morning, April 3. While in Washington a dinner was given in his honor at Howard University by Dr. Emmett J. Scott, secretary-treasurer of the institution, with whom he was associated as secretary and assistant for more than five years. Other members of the secretary-treasurer's office who were associates of Attorney McGhee while at Howard and who acted as hosts at the dinner were Assistant Treasurer C. E. Lucas, Cashier Daniel W. Edmonds, Assistant Cashier Alvesta P. Lancaster, Chief Clerk Lawrence L. Whaley. and members of the secretarial staff. Attorney McGhee was also presented with a handsome gift by his former associates. Is Georgian by Birth. Attorney McGhee is a Georgian by birth, being the son of Rev. Daniel J. McGhee, one of the pioneers of the African Methodist Episcopal church in Georgia and one of the first trustees of Morris Brown university in Atlanta. He is favorably known throughout the country and his friends predict outstanding success for him in his chosen profession.
Turning our eyes to the east, uttering an echo that must rebound, my ideas, my thoughts, my desires and attractions center in the resonance as the intervals interpret the sound, Alpha Phi Alpha. Each moment that 1 think, each hour that I reflect in the terms of Alpha Phi Alpha, I grasp a deeper meaning and keener insight as to the inevitable consequences of its beginning, and the inestimable sequence of its continuance. It is all that it is said to be, and is a decided more. A group of inspired, untiring, faithful workers, equipped with zeal, education, will and a personality, are moving forward. We are moving forward to mold sentiment, build character, form ideals, to open the unopened paths and to tread the paths that have been opened. The work is tedious but inspiring. A Negro educational army has gathered, and it is a glorious gathering. Behold! Hail them for yourself. The army is moving out into the sea of life. We have no sordid ends to serve. We suspe-t antagonistic enemies in the form of ignorance, jealousy and prejudice but feel that our spirit to serve our unselfish motive, our high ideals, our thoughts,' our aims and our efforts shall long endure. With them we will defeat all such foes. As I reflect and look into the deeper realms of our interpreted shrine noting the beauties and the standards there, my' soul utters, "Back to an African Ideal." Unity the element of uplift, the chastity of woman and moral virtues are tucking themselves in a combustible house without ample safeguard and protection from sudden and unwarranted destruction. Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha, we are being summoned to the front Shall we stop, come out of the whirlwind of confusion
THE SPHINX, JUNE, 1925 long enough, to consider whether we are going to copy the ideals of the white American, whether they are good or evil, right or wrong, simply because they ate fascinating, appealing and illusive, or are we going to discriminate, selecting only that which is spund and uplifting, and has stood the test equal to the silent Sphinx? The, vicissitudes of life have made it necessary that we do our own mitigating, build our own castles, build our own morals and educate our own children. How shall it be done? It shall be done best by developing: a sound philosophy, religious ideas and Christian principles. It matters not how we may try what we may try or how we may color any act, proposition, scheme or problem, unless the underlying principles of Christianity, love, faith, justice and fair play enter therein, there is room for error and social unrest. Emerson says that a man who can copy a thing at it is, is a trained man and should be complimented. T o copy the best educational systems, advantages, methods, and means of social, moral and mental development, irregardless from whence they come is a virtue, but to copy something which is not as good when the best is at your disposal is an evil. The present crime wave, divorce habit and increased death rate is evident. They are products of social degeneracy. As Alpha men, we cannot promote or encourage them. Some styles even tend to promote social degeneracy. Styles and dress that more or
less cause evil thoughts to arise, followed sometimes by assault and criminal attempt should not be encouraged. The fact that they were patterned in Paris, in New York, or London and indorsed ,by our white gentlemen is no reason why we should indorse or countersign them. The question presents itself. Are the present day styles and dress styles that tend to lead toward social degenracy rather than to elevate the thought of men? If so should Alpha encourage them? Styles that tend to excite the sex impulse are detrimental and should not be encouraged. They are the Causa Causan of many evils and a source of strength to the present day social degeneracy. Alpha men in the true sense are men who accept the consequences of their acts and in each case seek to better the situation rather than to commit an unpardonable sin. Since this is true, why not instruct our fellow men? If we don't, a race of weakness, a lower birth rate and high death rate is inevitable. God forbid! African tribes torture, destroy, punish, taboo and ostracize men of their tribe who are caught or even suspected of the attempt to attack the chastity of woman and the personification of virtues. Our eyes again turn toward the east. There is some good in Africa. In order to secure that good and to propound it, let us consider a sounder philosophy, a better ethics and a better method of supporting virtue, the one African ideal.
The 1925 Go-to-High School, Go-to-College campaign is ended, so far as the actual effort of the F r a ternity is concerned, but the real campaign is only now beginning. Who can tell how many hundreds of boys and girls have just made up their minds to wage the fight for an education ? Who can tell the number of parents who have just determined to continue the sacrifice that the boy or girl might stay in school, or enter college next fall ? What the concrete result of the whole campaign has been, will never be known. The nature of the movement, itself, prohibits the finding of a net return. We can only sow the seed. W e cannot see it sprout. W e cannot watch it grow. But Alpha Phi Alpha knows that if the seed falls on fertile ground, it must grow, and blossom, and bear fruit, and produce other seed for further growth. The Annual Go-to-High School, Go-to-College Campaign of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity is solely and purely an altrustic movement. By the nature of things, it can be nothing else. It is certainly a financial burden of no mean proportion. It is a tax on the time and energy of every member of the organization, and especially upon those who are actively engaged in its promotion. There is nothing that we can derive from it, but that feeling of supreme satisfaction that comes of a duty done. We have made the campaign, the duty of our Fraternity. It has come to be our raison d'ctte. How well we have performed our duty, we are not in position to say. Each year, however, we will try manfully to improve over the previous efforts. To all of those who assisted so nobly in making the 1925 Campaign the success that it was, Alpha Phi Alpha extends its heartfelt gratitude and deepest appreciation. DR. C A N N O N Dr. Cannon passes. Alpha Phi Alpha and the world at large lose a jewel. Of all that might be attributed to him, the best that might be said of him in the briefest space, is that he was a man who had the courage of his convictions. My God, how we need him! T H E FISK
With the resignation of President McKenzie, the situation at Fisk, we hope, has ended happily. It certainly, at any rate, spells a victory for the students and the Alumni led by Brother Du Bois. Since Fisk is an institution of higher learning for Negro youth, of necessity, it commands the attention of Alpha Phi Alpha. In spite of the fact that the 17th Convention failed to adopt the resolution, condemning the present administration of the University, the Fraternity by no means desired to register approval of the President's alleged high-handed, undemocratic and reactionary methods. During the session of the recent Convention, the Fisk fracas was still in its incipiency as far as the public was concerned. The air was filled with charges and countercharges. The press was divided as to where the blame lay. The Alumni was divided. The Trustees were at odds. As individuals, each one of us may have had his own opinion. Some had no opinion, because they had no facts. Under the circumstances, it was impossible for the Convention to act upon the resolution, intelligently. We knew, however, that right would eventually triumph over might, and we do not
hesitate to say that Alpha Phi Alpha extendi congratulations to Brothers Du Bois, (Boutte) et al., for the gallant fight that they have won in the interests of t o l e r a n t and enlightened principles in Negro education. Springtime is here, the saps along the street begin to stir. COMMENCEMENT—OF
Commencement rolls around annually. We put on our caps and gowns and parade up for our sheepskins. W e loiter in front of the camera and try to look intelligent. We wish that we might go goosestepping across the campus. All the world seems so small and insignificant. This is the day of the "BigI-am." COMMENCEMENT! But what of tomorrow? So many of us lose sight of the real significance of Commencement. Just as the name implies, it is only a beginning. It is the start of the next step, higher up—some to continue the education begun, others to plunge right into the thick of life's fight. At any rate, when the campus gates close behind us for the last time, Commencement has only begun. How we commence and what we commence are the factors which will determine our success or failure. The crisp, terse note from Theta Lambda Chapter to the Dayton School Board as published in the last S P H I N X , is only an example of what a wideawake graduate chapter can do.
RIVALRY From all reports that we have been able to gather, it seems that "Old Alpha" has re-established its supremacy on the basket-ball court. Glad news comes from Nashville. Washington, Boston, Pittsburgh, and New York. When nearly one thousand spectators turned out on a Saturday afternoon to see the third and crucial game of the Alpha-Omega series in Washington, one gets a faint idea of the pitch to which the rivalry between these two fraternities has risen. No cause for alarm, however. Friendly rivalry and whole-hearted competition are the world's greatest incentives to achievement. Let's have more interfraternity basket-ball. Without Brother Charlie West, the Penn Relays d : dn't seem the same to the spectators—or the competitors either. Harvard has succeeded at last in getting out an interesting number of the Lampoon. It was barred from the mails.
IMPORTANT NOTICE F R O M CHI CHAPTER If you know of a brother from Chi who has graduated, either mail us his address or have him to do so. W e are making our "All Time Record" and at the same time we need his help in building up a monument to Alphi Phi Alpha. Send all addresses to Norman Cordice, Recording Secretary, Chi Chapter, 203 West 138th Street New York City, N. Y.
Bctivnties of Chapters
ALPHA CHAPTER Welch, Smallwood Ackiss, Curtis Carr, J. W. Gaines, G. L. Henry, John H. Holmes, W. C. Atkinson. On May 2nd Beta was honored with the presence of Bro. Ned Bourdin of Boston and Bro. Jazz Byrd BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A , Greetings: of Nu, who competed in the Howard Track meet. On Tuesday evening, March 17th, there was held Beta was represented on the University baseball team in the New Dining Hall of Howard University a banquet fostered by Beta Chapter in the interest of the by Bros. H . Wharton and J. Codwell and Pledges, C. Smith and L. Braden. New Beta-Mu Lambda Home. It was attended by '1 he tio-to-High-School, Go-to-College Movement approximately 150 Brothers, who manifested gieat was conducted by Bros. Mance of Beta and Davidson enthusiasm in the elaborate affair. Music was furof Mu Lambda. The spirit of the movement was carnished by the Chapter Orchestra headed by Bro. Clarence Pendleton. Mingled with the graduate and un- ried to every school of color in the District by graduates and undergraduate brothers of Beta and Mu dergraduate Brothers was a large number of Honorary Brothers, including Dean George Cook, Dr. Em- Lambda. mett J. Scott, Dean Kelly Miller, Dr. Dumas, and We were glad to have with us to take the examinaDean Dwight Holmes. Much credit for the success tions for Internship in Freedmen's Hospital Bros. of the affair is due to Bro. Charles Wesley of MuMoore of Chi, McCowan of Kappa, Brown of Pi Lambda and Bro. Albert Cassell, the architect and and Chinn of Epsilon. manager of our building plans. Fraternally, W. HARMON, Beta Chap:er Lightning Five basketball team won Chapter Editor. the fraternity championship of Washington, D. C , by defeating Phi Beta Sigma by score of 34-17 and Omega Psi Phi in a series of games, the scores being THETA CHAPTER, 23-22 and 21-12. Kappa Alpha Psi, who had been defeated by both of our opponents, refused to meet Chicago, 111. us on the court. Our squad, of which we are very proud, consisted of the following Brothers: ForBROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A , Greetings: wards, W m . Lawton, F. Trigg, G. Banks. R. MorTheta told you in her last letter of a forthcoming row and Marcus Wheatland. Centers, A. Washington, dance to be given by the three local chapters, XiWm. Carpenter, J. W . Gaines. Guards, Wm. Me- Lambda, Alpha Mu and Theta. Theta is happy to roney, K. Trigg, C. Brooks, D. McClean. These relate that on February 23rd. Alpha Phi Alpha gaye games were well attended by the social elites of Chicago a dance which wasâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;speaking modestly!â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Washington. Nu Chapter showed the old Alpha spirit the social triumph of 1925. by sending practically the whole chapter down to the Brothers, you would have had thrills and inflation second game of the series. of the chest had you been with us on that evening. Against a background of harmonious decorations the Beta Chapter loses quite a few of its brothers by resplendent gowns of the ladies stood out, overpowergraduation. From the College Department, T. J. ing the eye with a symphony of color. Seductive Anderson, Glen Carrington, Horace Scott. Freddie music, now in draggy tempo, and now in pulsating French, James Robinson, Robert Mance. From t h t obligato, lured willing feet into a "Charleston" whirl Law School. C. L. Longmire, Eugene Davidson, Alex. bowl of punch gurgled into dainty glasses and thence Tureaud and Frank Adams. From the Dental School, or the more familiar one-step. Near at hand, a huge Meekins. From the School of Medicine, W m . F . down the panting throats of the dancers. Nc'scs. Hvch Simmons, G. L. Johnson, William BETA CHAPTER, Howard University.
Nor was Alpha satisfied merely to bring together a gaia tnrong, or to woo twimclnig toes with joyous y<xa. 10 mum certain mat every lady present would ioiever remanuer ana revere tne name 01 Aipna, tucu lair maid and matron was presented with a Charming vanity case as tne compliments of Alpna Flu Alpna. smuttier deughtiul feature was Hie presentation ot an Alpha quartet who sang the Alpha hymn, and iendured an original numuer, all to an enthusiastic appiause. ^aier in the evening the scene took on a Mardi Uras appearance wucn gay-colored caps were hanued out anu a torrent 01 couietti and paper nuuons were unloosed. Wnen tile last uiarc ot tne saxopnone naa died away and the reeds and horns were quiet, everyone sighed over trie end ot a "scrumptious" evening. iiven tne visitors lr^in oilier irateriiities, and ot tnese ttiere were no inconsiderable numoeis, were auasned by Alpna s sp.endor. Xi-i^ainbda, i beta, and Alpna ail ieci equauy elated over tne resuit of their nrst co-operative ettort. l urning now to Theta's own activities on the night of Marcn 17th, tne peace and cairn winch usuany (() pervades the Chapter House was suuueiny i.iteu, mid a great disturbance was heard. Doors slamming, footsteps pounding on tile stairs, a tumult ot voices irom below—all these robed themselves into a hurricane ot noise. No need to wonder what caused an tne commotion. What but an initiation f On this portentious evening, SJX stalwart pledges were iead trum the valley of the unknown up to the heights of great understanding. These new Aiphlings a r e : William B. Gordon, Marcus Mahone, Howard Water ford, William Hooker, Cornelius Alexander, Leonard Jewell. Theta welcomes to her midst Brother C. L. Franklin, formerly Gamma, and Brother Benj. Anthony, recently at Alpha Beta. We continue to grow stronger and wiser. Xi-Lambda, Alpha Mu and Theta are co-operating in the "Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College" Movement. The harmonious spirit and close co-operation between these chapters promises well for a successful drive when our educational program is put over. Fraternally, S. T. BOHEE. Corresponding Secretary.
The Chicago Defender, in its issue of May 1, announced that Brother A. L. Jackson had been ap-
pointed its general manager. T o us, such an announcement is particularly significant, coming as it does in the midst of our educational campaign. Here we have a shining example of the reward that comes as a result of Education. Opportunities and success do not just happen—they follow through preparation, intelligent application, and unselfish service. The career of Brother Jackson furnishes evidence of this fact. In 1910 A. L. Jackson graduated from Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. While there he maintained high scholastic rating, prominence in athletics, and respect of his fellow students as is shown by his selection as commencement day speaker. Leaving Andover, he matriculated in Harvard. The work so nobly done in "Prep" school was continued with renewed vigor there. In his freshman year, he placed as a member of the Freshman Track Team. Before his graduation he had become a member of the 'Varsity Track Team, becoming Collegiate and Intercollegiate champion hurdler, holder of the YaleHarvard Dual Meet for High Hurdles. He was an honor student and major in English Literature, Sociology and Education. Graduating with the Class of T.II4, Brother Jackson received the unique honor of being chosen Commencement Day Orator. With such a distinction, his college days terminated; and W.th such a reputation to maintain, his career of service began. ; Immediately upon graduation, Brother Jackson affiliated with the Y. M. C. A. activities among students. After a year of useful service in that field, he was called as Executive Secretary of the Chicago "Y." From a membership of 350. three secretaries and much debt, in the span of four years he had increased the membership to 2,000, found work for fourteen secretaries, installed an equipment valued upward of $200,000.00 and was operating with a yearly budget of $75,000.00. When he resigned from the "Y" work in 191!), he became Educational Secretary of the National Urban League and rendered conspicuous service in that connection. All along the line, Brother Jackson has identified himself w.th the worth-while activities. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Chicago N. A. A. C. P., on the Executive Council of the Chicago Urban League, and is now President of the Trustee Board of the Provident Hospital. During the war, he was chosen chairman of the Food Administration Committee for Illinois, organized and directed the first Four Minute Men in Chicago, acted as special adviser to the W a r Department in its rehabilitation pians in East St. Louis and help members!].p on the Housing and Race Relationship Committees in Chicago. It was to be expected that such a man would rei l \ e rapid advancement. Consequently when he was ca led by Robert S. Abbott, President of the Chicago Defender, as his assistant and editor of the Onlooker Column, it occasioned no surprise. Likewise his elevatii n to the general managership was expected when the vacancy occurred. Xi Chapter at Wilberforce brought Brother Jackson into the fold in 1914, and to it A p h a Phi Alpha thall ever be grateful, for in him we have a Brother of the highest type—true to her ideals, sympathetic with lier aims, ever m'ndful of her demands, and a part ami parcel of her progress. Brother Jackscn is a ycung man and his proper mark in life is yet to be set. With the loving wife that he has and the two beys to furnish and sustain t m b t . o n : with the legion of problems that ever and anon n u u ' r e uch ta em and qualities that he possesscs; w th the reward that naturally flows t> one who puts his shoulders to the wheel as he does, we advance the opinion that the S P H I N X will again reco.d ether achievements that will be just cause for our hearts to pulsate with pride.
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It is with pleasant contemplation and great expectation that we await the coming of the pictorial number of the S P H I N X . A handsome group of Ethiop a n fraters compos.ng the great Iota Chapter will then expose to the great brotherhood twelve fine specimens of the hope of the future Negro race, scions ot the magnificent cause of Alpha Phi Alpha. At this time, all is well at Iota. Complete harmony reigns and the spirit of brotherly love is the dominant tone of the atmosphere. Fraternal progress is the outstanding force and the conscientious efforts of the good brothers in this direction can only be appreciated by comparison of results. W e rightly feel that we have a fine chapter here and that every brother is a brother to be proud of. Our "Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College" campaign is now under fuil 'sway and under the direction of our most able president. Brother T. G. Morris, assisted by the good Brother Center, one could safely prognosticate a grand success. As the chapter is favored by quite an abundance of talent along literary, oratorical and musical lines, an extensive program is being prepared as the main event and closing session of the movement. After a close and careful search for an able speaker for this occasion, it was definitely decided to have honor us as the principle speaker our friend and brother. Brother Pollard of Theta Lambda. Having been favorably impressed and wonderfully inspired by the former visit of Brother Pollard, it was unanimously agreed upon that a better and more fitting speaker could not be obtained by combing the earth with a fine-toothed comb. T h e chapter is sure that it is preparing a wonderful treat for the people of Syracuse and everyone feels that the day will be one of success. T h e program will be seasoned by several musical numbers, including a tenor solo by our versatile and talented president, T. G. Morris; a violin solo and accompaniment by Brothers Bryant and Johnson, two of our most promising yearlings, and possibly a piano selection by wellknown Brother Thomas Andrew Fuller Center of Washington, D. C. It is also expected that our graduate student, Thomas E. Posey, will make a short talk. Our advertising committee has been keeping pace with the program committee and the movement has been thorouphly advertised. Brother Falstaff Harris has been ably directing this work and we feel very much satisfied with the results he has produced. T h e stage is all set for a successful affair and we a r e anxiously awaiting the day. This is truly a great movement, and it seems that the brothers at Iota have caught the spirit of it. Another phase of our campaign was the giving of tests and examinations at the various schools and churches of the city. This work has been under the direction of our very active and competent vice president, L. H. Maloney, who went at the work with the zeal and enthusiasm of a true Maloney in the cause of Alpha Phi Alpha. These tests proved to be quite a drawing card and interest getter for the movement and aroused quite a bit of concern among the colored people here of the high school age. Brother Maloney is carefully grading the returns from these examinations and several prizes will be offered to the examinees with the highest averages. These prizes will be awarded to the persons attaining them at the main sessions conducted by Brother Pollard. Coming just before this great campaign, and as some of the brothers think, equally important:, is the annual formal dance of Iota Chapter. T h e brothers are all awaiting the day, or it would be better t o say the week, for a series of events are planned for the friends of Iota and wonderful things are expected.
The guests of this occasion will be our sister chapters Alpha at Cornell, Eta at New York, and Rho Lambda, the baby sister of Buffalo. W e are looking forward to a pleasant time. A more complete and detailed description of the successful outcome will appear in the coming issue of the SPHINX.. Along athletic lines, our Brother Cecil G. Cooke is carrying high the standard of the fraternity in representing our Alma Mater on t h e track team. Under the tutelage of the much-respected Brother Charles Porter, we have watched Brother Cooke as he has developed into a tape breaking track man. We wish him success and feel that he will attain it. To Brother Porter belongs the pride and honor of having guided and helped a younger brother along the path of success. A flying trip to Alpha Chapter was made by Brothers Royster, DeMond and Johnson last week in Brother Ponzi Royster's automobile. T h e trip was so fast and the pace so rapid set by Brother Royster that the time could not be found t o look up the brothers in addition to being royally entertained by the charming young ladies of the city that made Cornell famous. (Alpha Chapter take notice.) We also take this opportunity to congratulate the excellent work of the S P H I N X that is consistently upholding the idea of a consummate and ideal fraternal publication. Yours in the spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha. A. L. D E M O N D ,
Chapter KAPPA
Columbus, Ohio BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,
Another quarter has rolled 'round, finding Ka^pa in the midst of a season of intensified activity. Much has been accomplished and still more is to be done before the curtain rings down on the school year. The chapter remains practically intact. Brother John G. Slade, of Cleveland, left the chapter via graduation, receiving his M. A. at the close of t h e winter quarter. Brother Carter Tyus is out of school for the quarter and Brother Floyd has written that he will not be back until fall. Brother Leroy Stout has returned to school and does not seem to have lost any of his popularity with the ladies. In keeping with the program for the development of closer relations between graduate and undergraduate men Kappa held a dinner, a post-St. Patrick affair at the Spring Street "Y." T h e decorations were in accord with the holiday and the favors were in shamrock and white. A large quota of the graduate brothers were present and enlivened the occasion with their witticisms and jibes at the undergraduate men It is needless to say that the cream of the fair sex gave the finishing touch of beauty and charm, lending an air of grace and dignity which among other things prevented a number of cases of indigestion (New York papers please copy.) The annual Easter breakfast was a stag affair in keeping with the chapter tradition. Twenty men attended and after breakfasting were instructed in the Easter Sunday School lesson by Brother Frank E Wesley. After Sunday School the group left in a body for Centenary M. E. Church, where Brother Sweeney, the pastor, preached a most forceful and instructive sermon. A pleasant surprise was given the chapter when Brother Guy Johnson and his wife breezed into town from Chicago. Everything possible was done to make their stay here a pleasant one. Beside the party given by the chapter as such, parties were held by Brothers K. Mulford Williams and Brothers Harley S. Manuel and Albert Marshall. W e are still "checking" to find out all the details of the last named affair, but if the "grapevine telegraph" can be relied
upon, we will say that it was one righteous affair. Here's a tip. Brother Jean Lowery has "went and done it." Yep, it's a fact, and Miss Grace Hargo was the lucky lady. Mrs. Lowery is a former student of Otterbein College. When last seen Jean was loaded down with an over-size market basket. Nuf sed! Brother Ralston Mitchell, one fo the latest benedicts, is walking the chalk line now, and like Postum, "there's a reason." Mrs. Mitchell is in town and Mitch, too, is taking a course in economics and marketing. Brother Kenyon T. Burke writes that he will be back for the summer quarter. We are wondering just why it is so hard for Brother Burke to leave Cleveland. No guessing. Brother Marvin B. Eckford is now not only "Brother" Eckford, but "Father" Eckford as well. He is the proud father of twins, both girls, and says that he is sorry that they are not material for Alpha Phi Alpha. H e believes that he will let Mrs. Eckford decide which paths his daughters shall tread. Mrs. Eckford is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. Brother Harley S. Manuel has been elected chairman of the executive committee of the Inter-racial Student Council, an organization of students of all races at the Ohio State University, whose aim is to promote better race relations on the campus and throughout the world. Brother Manuel was a delegate to the National Inter-racial Conference held at Cincinnati, and has given interesting reports of the proceedings of that body before several organizations. Under the direction of Brother Prather J. Hauser, the committee for the "Go-To-High-School, Go-ToCollege" movement has provided a unique program for that week, culminating in a big mass meeting, at which Brother Wilbur K:ng, assistant prosecuting attorney, will be the chief speaker. Definite plans have been perfected to reach the small towns in the vicinity of Columbus and several of the graduate brothers have donated the use of their cars for the occasion. Brother Attorney Lcroy H. Godman directed the Columbus Choral Club when that organization radiocasted several of its numbers over W E A O , university radio station, in a program sponsored by the Urban League and the Inter-racial Council. Brother Nimrod Allen, of the Urban League, was active in bringing about the program. Brother Dr. William J. Woodlin gave an instructive health talk on the same program. Tentative plans have been made for the annual formal dance to be held some time during the first half of May. The social committe, headed by Brother Richard Price, promises an affair of unusual distinction. Kappa is proud of her Sphinx Club. These pledges under the leadership of William Pyant, president, have had a constructive program for the entire year and have adhered to it faithfully. The club is now making preparations for its annual spring frolic to be given again in Westerville. This affair is always anticipated by the brothers and is a fitting culmination for the social activity of the year. The debate between Kappa and the local chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi has been re-scheduled for May 15. Brothers Ralph Findley, George DeMar and Randolph Taylor will represent the chapter. All expectations as to the progress of the chapter have been exceeded. Kappa only hopes that all other chapters have been as fortunate and takes this opportunity to wish every brother and chapter a prosperous and pleasant summer vacation. Fraternally yours, WILLIAM J.
University of Minnesota Greetings: This issue brings Mu to the close of her 1924-25 school year activity. Our Go-to-High-School, Go-toCollege program for both St. Paul and Minneapolis is completed. Many essays have been received and it is going to be quite a task to select the winners who are to receive the annual scholarships offered by Mu Chapter. Friday night, May 22nd, the Sterling Club, composed of representative citizens of St. Paul, entertained the college men with a wonderful smoker and supper. Bro. R. A. Johnson was chairman for the occasioii and Bro. O'Shields represented Alpha Phi Alpha with a very impressive talk. Bro. Gale P. Hilyer, of Minneapolis, practicing attorney, has filed his candidacy for nomination in the race for Circuit Judge. We are all wishing Bro. Hilyer all the success in the world and are looking forward to the day when an Alpha Phi Alpha man receives such an individual honor as this, in the NorthWest. Bro. Roberts of Alpha Theta is expected in a few days to the last dual meet of the season, MinnesotaIowa. Bro. Stevens made the Michigan trip with the Minnesota Varsity for a three-game series over the week-end May 16th. Wishing all the Brothers success for the summer and a pleasant vacation, Mu will make her last official move for this school year 1924-25. Fraternally yours, C H A U N C E Y I. COOPER,
Lincoln University BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,
Although spring is generally a time of spring fever, day dreaming and castle building, the brothers of Nu have dispensed with such, knowing that we will never accomplish the great program of Alpha Phi Alpha under such methods. At present all our efforts are being concentrated on the Go-To-High-School, Go-To-College Movement. Nu plans to do real constructive work along this line, and send its message far and wide. Brothers have been appointed to speak in towns surrounding Lincoln University, while others are to address groups in chapel each day. The campaign will reach.its climaX u 3 t ^ b i g Set-together meeting at which time Brother Tobias will be the principal speaker. Brother Co;den is chairman of the movement, and we know that he will put it over. ; W o r k has not claimed all our attention -for we have had time to participate in the social events of other chapters. The latter part of March almost the entire Chapter along with the pledgees traveled .ciowrf' to Beta to see the championship basketball game between Beta and Omega Psi Phi. We all know the result of the game. Be it sufficient to say that the old Alpha spirit reigned before and after the game. While in town we were entertained most highly by both Beta Chapter and the pledgees of Beta. It was with some regret that we returned to Lincoln. The Friday of the week of the Penn Relays a large number of brothers enjoyed the hospitality' of Psi at their Formal Dance, which turned out to be one of the most delightful affairs of Philadelphia's social season. All had a wonderful time. In track activities on the campus Alpha Phi Alpha men have been taking a prominent part Brothers
MU CHAPTER, Minneapolis, Minnesota Reading from left to right: T o p row—J. H . Reed, C. I. Cooper, Chapter Editor; R a y m o n d W . Cannon, General President. Second row—George Grissom, T r e a s u r e r : J o h n Lawrence, Vice-President; B. F. Ransom. President; Chas. W a s h i n g t o n , Secretary; R, A, J o h n s o n , Corresponding Secre'ary. Third row—C. W . Jones, 1.. Fields. Bottom r o w — F r a n k Bufkin. S e r g e a n t - a t - A r m s : K. H . Cannon, W i n . O'Sliields, Miles ,. O Cannon and H. Foster.
NU CHAPTER, Lincoln University, Pennsylvania Left to r i g h t : T o p row—Wells, Strickland, Wilson, Marshall, W o o d , Gaskins, W m Taylor. Third r o w — B . S. Taylor, Colden, P o w e , Sherling, Jones, Jenkins. Second row—Bryan, Richmond, H o p s o n , J o h n s o n , Hoffman, Elliott, J o h n s , Valentine. F r o n t row—Calloway, H o w a r d , Spencer, Brown, Hughes, Cummings, Carroll.
Byrd, Jenkins, and pledge Brother Fletcher were among the number of Lincoln's representatives at the Penn Relays and at the Howard meet. Among the recent visitors to the campus were Brothers Maloney, Daniels, and Spurlock of Gamma, and Brother McCoy of Eta Lambda. We wish for all brothers a prosperous summer, and may we all carry the standards of Alpha wherever we go. Fraternally yours,
to The
Wilberforce, Ohio BROTHERS I N T H E B O N D :
Appreciating the efforts being put forth by the Editor-in-Chief of the S P H I N X in his endeavors to create a bigger, better and a more influential Journal, we, the brothers of Xi are determined to leave no stones unturned in doing our duty in aiding him to attain his goal in perfecting the journal. Since our last message to the S P H I N X seven new members have been admitted into the mystic shrine of Alpha Phi Alpha. On Saturday evening, April the twenty-fifth they were carried into the sandy desert there to grope and wander in darkness and awe until the wee small hours of the morning. Just as the mantle of darkness was being ushered into oblivion, when the fairy queens, wood nymphs and brownies came riding on the wings of the dawn, then did they emerge from the darkness, behold the light, and grasp the meaning of Alpha Phi Alpha, thereby becoming part and parcel of Alpha Phi Alpha. The Neophytes a r e : Brothers George Venters, Randolph Hunt, John Ballou, William Simpkins, William G. Cummings, Steve A. Peters and Charles Fairfax. It is always with the greatest of pleasure that we refer to those brothers, who are especially prominent in student activities. Brothers Homer "Tech" Williams and John Ballou are members of the Wilberforce University quartette. Since the opening of school, they have toured extensively through Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, West Virginia and Kentucky. They have appeared directly before audiences numbering many thousands and indirectly to many more, by means of the Radio at Station W R A V . Brother Williams possesses a bass voice, commonly said to be as low as a duck's "ankle," while Brother Ballou's baritone voice is unequalled. Recently, three of the four students elected to the Sword and Shield, an honorary fraternity of this university, were members of Alpha Phi Alpha. T h e Sword and Shield is a local honorary fraternity to which the male students are elected on merit of excellency in some phase of school activities. The recently elected brothers a r e : Brothers Eustace A. Cann, John J. Ballou, and Brother Mahatha S. Stewart. Brother William Simpkins is holding his own on the baseball diamond, while Brother Cornelius Thompson continues to gain sprint honors on the track team. In keeping with the desires of the General Organization, we at Xi for the past two months have been sparing no pains in preparing a program for our Go-To-High-School, Go-To-College Campaign. Our Go-To-High-School, Go-To-College has well been trained: Commander Graham and his assistants have cleared the route, maps have been drawn, and sentinels posted. W e at Xi are in readiness waiting for the eleventh, the day on which we are ordered to strike. It is our aim to attract illiteracy on each and every side.
Our well trained army is determined to enter every town and villa;,, t.iat comes within our territory. W e have made pians to render interesting as well as effective programs in at least six towns in our vicinity. After each program a committee composed of our graduate brothers will hold consultation conferences with the students and parents in an endeavor to assist the students in selecting proper courses for study. A few words about our pledges: In the last issue we asserted that we had a Sphinx Club second to none other in Alpha Phi Alpha. They have come up to our expectations and thereby verified our assertions. King Callen, better known as "Big Dad," and Theodore "Ted" Thompson, of national tennis fame, have already won positions on the Varsity baseball team. King Callen beside being a member of the Diamond squad is also a letter man in football. Regland R. Reid is a member of the University Quartette, while H a r r y Evans was second string man on the basketball team. On Monday evening, March the ninth, the Sphinx Club honored Brother Julius A. Graham with a delightful surprise party. The affair was given at the Chapter House and was an enjoyable one. Each pledge was there with his lady friend. Sweet music, light refreshments and snappy speeches marked the occasion. Editor to the S P H I N X .
May 5th, 1925. T o T H E EDITOR OF T H E S P H I N X : DEAN
(Physical Director of Wilberforce University.) The news from Xi Chapter would be incomplete without mentioning the prodigious achievements of Brother Dean Mohr under adverse prejudicial circumstances. Brother Mohr, a graduate of Ohio State University and an experienced dye chemist of no little repute, came to Wilberforce in the fall of 1922. Prior to that time the world will bear witness to the fact that Wilberforce was not, so far as athletics are concerned, on the map. Brother Mohr, through his influence,' his ability as a physical director, his ability to handle men, and that indomitable Alpha P h i Alpha spirit to be an unprejudiced man in the face of destructive political intrigues, has enabled him to put Wilberforce on the map. Wilberforce's fame as an athletical peer is national. For years she has repeatedly won the Inter-Collegiate basketball championship. She is the only Negro University that competes with White colleges in all phases of athletics. We doff our hats to Brother Dean M o h r ; for if Wilberforce has made any advancement in the athletical world, Bro. Dean Mohr deserves the credit. Any man can stick to a task when everything is peaceful and encircled by quiescence, but it takes a thorough-bred to stick under fire. Bro. Mohr is a thorough-bred. MILLER
to the S P H I N X .
W h o I s W h o a t Xi BROTHER B E N J A M I N E
Brother Benjamine L. Waites received his A. B. degree from Howard University in 1914, and bis Masters Degree from Clark University in Massachusetts in 1916. Fellow in Mathematics Ibid at Clark 1916, 1917. In the Fall of 1917 he accepted the position of Professor of Physics and Mathematics at Edwards Waters College in Florida. H e served in
the Army Medical Corps until the close of the war at which time he returned to his position at Edward Waters College. In June, 1!)24, Brother Greeg, then president of the University, was elected Bishop of the A. M. E. Church and the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences was elevated to the Presidency. Brother Waites was chosen to fill the vacancy thus created by the changes. At the time Brother Waites entered upon his dut ; os as Vice President of the University and Dean of the College Department the School was passing through a period of reconstruction. The eyes of the students and friends of the University were centered upon the new man in the new position. Brother Waites has made an exceptionally good showing in spite of the many difficulties he has been forced to encounter. During his stay on the campus there has been initiated an advisory council which has been of great assistance in aiding new students in the proper selecting of subjects.
Brother Milton S. J. Wright comes to us from Savannah, Ga. He finished the Academic department of Wilberforce University with high honors. In the Fall of 1922 he entered the college of liberal arts and sciences. He is one of the most active young men on the campus and is ever ready to take a leading part in any student activity. For the past two years Brother Wright has edited the "Mirror," the student publication. Through the "Mirror" he has exemplified to the students his rare abilities as a journalist in the type of reading material he has been able to place at the disposal of the students and alumnae. The "Mirror," which is a product of Brother Wright s genius, has rendered greater service to the student body, both in point of time and quality of material produced, than any medium of expression nreyiously enjoyed by the students of Wilberforce University. Beside being the efficient editor of the "Mirror," Brother Wright is also actively interested in other
fields of student endeavors. H e is especially interested in the question of Race Relationship, and has been very influential in arousing the interest of those with whom he is associated in the question. He has been a representative to the student conference at Indianapolis, Indiana, as well as several smaller conferences throughout the State of Ohio. During the recent "Popularity" contest held under the direction of the Annual staff, he was successful in winning enough votes to electg his candidate the coveted title "Miss Wilberforce." Brother Wright is also student instructor in European History. .. At present he is sponsor and chairman of a committee making plans for the presentation of a "Fashion" show to be staged in the University Auditorium in the near future. From the indications of materials being used arid elaborate plans being made, the "Style" show bids fair to be one of the most unique affairs seen about the "Force." Brother Wright has the hearty support and sincere sympathy of each and every brother in fostering the work he has gallantly begun.
PI Western
CHAPTER, Reserve
Case Greetings:
At this writing we are in the midst of the most thorough Gp-To-High-School, Go-To-College Campaign ever attempted in these parts. The Committee is composed1 of Bros. Emmer Lancaster, chairman; Welcome T. Blue, Jr., Perry B. Jackson, Robt. S. Martin and Jno. D. Wilkerson. • Every member of the Chapter is doing his bit to cooperate with such an active committee. On the 20th of April a public meeting was held at Akron before an enthusiastic audience of! about 500. The chief address was delivered by Major D. C. Rybolt of that city. On May 3rd many brothers, sojourned to Canton for the 2nd meijting of the seriei -where' Bro. Welcome T. Blue, Jr., was principal speaker. On May 10th, Bro. Albert jL. Turner is to deliver the main address at the Oberlin mass meeting. The last big mass meeting «of the series is scheduled for Cleveland on the 17th, when Rev. Harold Kingsley is chief speaker, Pi Chapter is glad to welcome new brothers into the Chapter and the Community. The most recent arrivals of whom we are especially proud are Brothers Norman L. McGhee of Beta, National Secretary, who has begun the practice of law in our midst; S. Paul Berry of Kappa, who is practicing dentistry; and Bro. Youngblood of Chicago, also engaged in dental practice. One force in Pi which is making this such a successful year for the Chapter comes from the efforts of the Social Committee of which Bro. Cohen is chairman. This committee seems to have planned a method of entertainment which is interesting the greatest number. Since January we have had three very enjoyable entertainments that have served as real gettogether affiairs, thus enabling the busy professional man to know better the students and vice versa. On the 21st of April at the Caterer's Club the 1st dance of the season was held. About 40 couples were present and enjoyed the-affair. We.hope that the committee will continue such entertainments that we have been reluctant to foster during the last few years. Senior brothers who are graduating in June a r e : H. V. Richardson in liberal arts, Kmmcr Lancaster and Welcome T. Blue, Jr., in law, Stanley Brown in medicine, and I'm. Gregory in dentistry. At the Men's Forum of Mt. Zion Congregational Church on May 2.'ird, "Local Race Problem" was the subject for discussion. ISro. Chas. H. .Garvin spoke on "Problems of Negro Doctors." On May loth. Bro. Geo. E. Cohen spoke on "Business Outlook."
Quite a few Brothers of Pi were at Akron on the Dth of May, where a new Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha was installed. Bros. McGhee and Cheeks were chief installation officers. We are glad to ^ e l come the neighbor chapter into the fold, and next year with its aid to do more effective work both by increasing fraternalism and furthering the great educational campaign throughout Northern Ohio. ADDISON DEIGH
Giving Alma Mater, Degrees, Occupation and C o m m u n i t y Activities. C. E u g e n e Allen, H o w a r d , D. D . S., Dentist, Church N . A. A. C. P.; Leon W . Bivens, Penn., D . D . S., Dentist; H a r r y E. Bouden, U. of P., D . D. S., Dentist; Richard P. Bowman, Temple, D. D . S., Student; Percy I. Bowser, Lincoln, A. B., D. D. S., Dentist; W a r r e n N. Bowser, Lincoln, P h a r . D., Druggist; W a l t e r L. Branden, T e m p l e , Phar. D., P. C , Technician; T. Spotuas Burwell, U. of P., M. D., Physician, Vice-President, N . A. A. C. P . ; J. H . J. Baker, Temple, D. D. S., Dentist, A r m s t r o n g Association; Chas. A. Broadus, Temple. I). I). S., Dentist; W m , Beverly Carter, T e m p l e , M. D., Physician, Coatsvillc H e a l t h Center; Kirksey L. Curd, U. of P., Cornell, M. D., Physician and Surgeon; Granville Clark, T e m p l e , M. D., Physician, Insurance Bureau; D. L e s t e r Freelon, Temple. Student; Cornelius H . Gaither, Lincoln, A. B„ Student; Leroy W . Gaites, T e m p l e , Student, N. A. A. C. P . ; W m . G. Herbert, H o w a r d , D . D. S., Dentist, U. S. Reserve Corps; Joseph E. H o w a r d , Temple, Student; Robt. W . H e n r y , Shaw, M. D., Physician; L e R o y H u m b e r t , Ga. Slate Col., Temple, A. B., LLb., Lawyer, Phila. Welfare D e p t . ; - P . Curtis H o w a r d , Temple, I). D. S., Student; D c H a v e n Hinkson, Med. Chi. Col., M. D„ Physician, American Legion Of.; Walter F. Jerrick, U. of P., Lincoln, M. D., Physician; I. M. L a w rence, Shaw, H o w a r d , A. B., D. D. S., Dentist, Banking; J o h n R. Logan, Biddle, A. B„ D. D., Clergyman, N u m e r o u s Social Act.; George Lvle. U. of P., Col., H o w a r d , A. B., Teacher, Prin. Phila. School; Donald L. Maddox, Temple, M. D., Physician; Ferdinand Motley, P . C. P., Phg., D. C , Chiropractor, Musical Recitals; Jas. M. Litilepagc, Temple, Student; J. Barlow Lovell, Temple, LV D. S., Dentist, N o r t h Phil. Community Service; J o s . G. Moore, H o w a r d , Temple. M. D., Physician, Y. M. C. A.; Fred E. Murray. Temple, S t u d e n t : J o s . H . Moran, T e m p l e , D. D. S., Dentist; M. Norvel Pannell, Lincoln, A. B., M. D., Physician, N. A. A. C. P.; W m . A. Pollard, Howa'rd, Boston, A. B„ L L M . , Lawyer, Y. M. G. A. Service; T. R. Penny, Phila. C. Phar., Phar. D . / P r o b . Officer. Probation W o r k ; Raymond H. Rodgers. Phila. C. Phar., Phg. I).. Druggist, Fortnightly Club Charity; Geo. M. Rogers, Temple, M. D., Physician; Eugene A. Rumsey, H a m p t o n . Temple. Phg. D., Druggist; Leon F . Sn.rjeant, H o w a r d . D. D. S., Dentist. Vet. Bureau and Bureau H e a l t h ; Lcnward L. S t o r e s , Temple, D. D. S., Dentist; H o w a r d H. Stratton, T e m p l e , D.l D. S., Student, Y. M. C. A.; G. Alvin Jenkins. Penn.. D. D. S.. D e n ' i s t ; Monroe H . T u n nell, Jefferson. M. 1).. Physician. T r u s t e e Chevnev School; F r a n k D. Taylor. Yale. B So, LL.B., Lawyer, Legal Aid Bureau; Van S. Whitted, Howard. B. M., Musician,. .Recitals: ( ) . Wilson W i n t e r s , H o w a r d , J). I). S., Dentist, Public Health Clinics; F o r r e s t e r B. W a s h i n g t o n , H a r v a r d . A. B., Social, Secretary A r m s t r o n g Association; Dayton C. W i l son, Lincoln, A. B., M. D., Physician, Welfare
In this the 10th anrtiversary of its propagation, Sigma has opened out her arms once more and took into the fold Brothers Cyril F. Butler, Lloyd F. .Marshall, John A. Sanders, Nathaniel Simmons, David E. Lane, George A. Robinson, Jackson A. Robinson, G. Robert Perry and James T. Hewlett. We believe these men to be the cream of the inteliigencia of Boston and as such have offered them affiliation in Alpha Phi Alpha. We are looking to them for great things. The past few months have been crowded with events, each one of which has helped to indelibly stamp the greatness and glory of Alpha. Our relay team composed of Bros. Ned Gourdain, Randy Taylor, Bert Bland and Lloyd Cofer succeeded in decisively defeating a picked team from Omega Psi Phi. in a special half mile relay. This was closely fo.lowed by a second defeat of Omega. this time on the basketball court. The game was fast and furious, and the whistle blew upon a 2.i-10 s:ore which left Sigma the undefeated inter-fraterni y chempions of Greater Boston. The team was banqueted after the g-rnj at the Railway Club which was artistical.y dscorated with the colors of the contesting fraternities. In the field of education, Sigma has been no less backward. Through the industrious endeavors of l'.ro Evans, she launched h r "Go-To-High-S hcol, Go-To-College" c:.mpa>n on the 10th of May at Zicn A. M. E. Church with Bro. DeBerry of Spring-
field as the principal speaker. During the week her brothers have gone into the far corners of Boston and instilled the doctrine of "Go-To-High-School, Go-To-College" into the younger generation. The week was brought to a fitting close by a nation-wide appeal of the same nature broadcasted from W E E I , Edison Light of Boston. Sigma rejoices also in the great success of her ex-president, Bro. Clifton R. Wharton, who has been appointed secretary to the Legation in Liberia. Even at this time Bro. Wharton is Hearing the shores of Liberia where he will take up a great work in tinservice of his country. Bro. Wharton's rise to success has been phenomenal and Sigma is justly proud of such a man and brother. This year Sigma will bid God speed to two of her most energetic brothers, in the persons of Bros. Wm. H. Amos and Jas. C. Evans. Bro. Amos enters into the practice of medicine and Bro. Evans into the field of engineering. Sigma is sure that the honor and integrity of Alpha Phi Alpha will be safe in the hands of these esteemed brothers. During her decennial. Sigma is trying to bring all her straggling brothers lack into the fold because progressiveness accrues not only to quality but also to quantity. Si->ina again extends fraternal greetings to all her brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha. Fraternally yours, SIGMA C H A P T E R LLOYD M.
Editor to the SPIITXX.
TAU CHAPTER ( I n s e r t s Brother Nat. W . H u d s o n and Brother George T. Kyle.) (1) Brother Scott N . H a r p e r , (2) B r o t h e r H a r o l d D . W e s t , (3) B r o t h e r A. W . Booker, (4) B r o t h e r E. F. Hamilton, (.")) B r o t h e r Zero W . W e b b , (li) Brother Addison C. Mosely, (7) Brother T h e o . Tives, (8) Brother A. H . Moss, (9) Brother E. J. Marshall, (10) Brother Walter R. Thornhill, (11) Brother H . Schell, (12) Brother A. E. Woodruff, (13) B r o t h e r T h o m a s H . H a y e s , (14) B r o t h e r Charles F . Lane. TAU
Champaign, 111. BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,
To go to high school is to begin the pursuit after perfection, intelligence, culture, and recognition; to go to college is to "render an intelligent being yet mure intelligent," to fit him for a life of service to mankind, and to throw down, by one's success there, the rigid and seeming invincible idea of superiority still fostered by some of our prejudiced neighbors. Tau shall not be a weak link in the mighty chain of chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha behind the annual educational drive. Mass. meetings have been planned for four cities in central Illinois as follows: Sunday. May 3, 1925, Danville, 111.; Sunday, May 10, 1925, Champaign, 111.: Sunday. May 3, 1925, Spring-
field, 111., and Sunday, May 17, 1925, Decatur, III. For several weeks, twice a week, we have been meeting to practice under the direction of Miss Alyne Mc. Roberts, accomplished musician and member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, our National Fraternity Hymn, the Negro National Anthem, the Recessional, and other selections to be rendered at these meetings by the chapter. People passing our home during these hours of rehearsal must have wondered what spirit must have stimulated such soul-stirring song. And the answer comes that it is the spirit of Alpha Phi Alphaâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the spirit we hope to have pervade our mass meetings during the driveâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the spirit which we hope may be the stimulus to others to join our ranks in college. As Tau Chapter has become larger in the spirit of her Fraternity, so has she been advancing along material lines. Through the efforts of her three seniors, enough money has been raised to redecorate the in-
THE SPHINX, JUNE, 1925 terior of the Chapter House, and through the kindness of her patrons and chaperones the outside of our house is being painted also. Sunday, April 86, 1925, we are having "Open House." All of our friends will be invited to see our home and to become better acquainted with us. This will also give us the opportunity to urge the attendance of these people and their friends at qur "Go-ToHigh-School, Go-To-College" programs. 'ihe chapter was entertained on Saturday, April 18, 1925, by the Sphinx Club, at a smoker in the Chapter House. Musical selections and talks, including a talk on the recent achievements of Negroes aiong educational hues, were rendered. May lti, 1925, is the date set for our annual spring informal danceâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the conclusion of our program of activities for the spring. Then will come final examinations and the realization of dreams come true for cur graduating members, Brother Chas. F. Lane, Brother Walter R. Thornhill, and Brother Harold D. West. After four years of hard work in a commun.ty where many are bigoted by race prejudice, they have final.y reached the coveted goal. All three are to receive the A. B. degree from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences with majors in Economics, k( niance Languages, and Chemistry, respectively. These men have performed invaluable services to the r chapter and. it has been whispered (it's hard to keep a secret), that certain events are to take place soon in their honor.
High School, Champaign, Illinois, in June, 1921, and was elected to membership in the national honorary scholastic society of high schools. He is a member of Pi Delta Kappa ( H o n o r a r y ) , Diogenes, No. 7, Knights of Pythias, and Lone Star Lodge, F . and A. M. He is president of the National Negro Historical Research Society, Superintendent of Bethel A. M. E. Bible School at Champaign, and President of the Baracca-Philathea Lyceum at the same church. Brother Thornhill w^as secretary of the Kith Annual Convention and member of the 15th and 17th Annual Conventions. He performed most valuable work for Tau Chapter during the year and a half he served as chapter secretary. Secretaries who followed him were left a round high in the ladder of sincere and honest work and effort to work for as an ideal. But even more creditable than his full program of fraternal, religious and social activities, is the recent election of Brother Thornhill to the Phi Beta Kappa Society of the University of Illinois. Only once before in the history of this large and well-known institution has a Negro achieved this honor. But Brother Thornhill's election to Phi Beta Kappa means more ihan the mere wearing of an honorary key. It me^ns that the prestige of Negro students, at a university so located as to draw for a large percentage of its attendance on the South, will be raised. It means that the prestige of Alpha Phi Alpha and of Tau Chapter will be raised at the University of Illinois. We are proud of Brother Thornhill because he is a member of our race, because he is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, and last (though not least of all) because he is a member of Tau. May his success be a fecundating st'mulus to scholastic achievement to those who will follow him! We are, fraternally yours. T A U CHAPTER OF A. P. HAROLD D.
. i
Ohio University BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,
Tau Chapter, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois. A letter sent this chapter some time ago by the Editor of the S P H I N X read: "Help acquaint the Fraternity people with your deserving men. Your deserving men deserve it." Tau Chapter presents Brother Walter R. Thornhill as one of the most outstanding men of the Fraternity to graduate from a large university. Brother Thornhill graduated from the Champaign
^ Plans for the "Go-to High-School, Go-to-Collcge" Campaign are now completed, the program for the chai ter seat containing the names of Brother Rupert Jefferson, who will deliver the principal address, and of Brother Tocus, the pianist. Mrs. Daniels, soprano, will render several numbers. Brothers Young and Toney are two of the speakers at the direction of Brothers Rose and Dunn of Dayton, state managers for places where there are no chapter seats. All other brothers have an active part, either within or outside of our assigned territory. Brother May!e has had almost exclusive charge of the annual prom, the social event of southeastern Ohio. June 5th is the date, and this year's plans bid fair to surpass everything previous. Brothers Toney. Young, Davis, and Valentine will walk for the last time as undergrads 'neath the venerable shade of the campus elms at this commencement Br- ther Toney graduates with the degree B. S. in Education, and the three last-named men with A. B. in Commerce. This leaves a large and well-nigh irreparable gap in the ranks of Phi, but our pride at seeing them go outweighs any regret for our loss. Brother Porter and Brother Charles Fairfax drop in on the boys occasionally and we would like to see mere of the old men get the habit. With best wishes to all sister chapters, I am Cordially and fraternally, LAWRENCE JORDAN,
years Grand Lodge Officer in the Masonic Grand Lodge. He is also First Lieutenant Chaplain of the O. R. C. and his activities in fraternal, religious, educational and social work have made him one of the outstanding figures of this and neighboring states. Phi Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, located at the seat of the University of Ohio, takes both pride and pleasure in introducing to Alpha Phi Alpha, Brother Rev. Charles T . Isom.
A word concerning a recent addition to the prestige of Phi Chapter and Alpha Phi Alpha in the person of Brother Rev. Charles T. Isom. Brother Isom graduated from Doan Academy of Dcnnison University in 1890, and there pursued two years of college work. He later taught school, served for ten years as United States Deputy Marshal, and after further theological study entered the ministry, later coming to Ohio University, where he graduated with honors in 1(118. It was at this time that he. with several other students, sit about the founding of a chapter of A L P H A P H I A L P H A at Ohio University, hut before its establishment was completed he was called to the colors which explains the absence of his name from our list of charter members. H e was, however, a member and founder of the DuBois Club, which later became known as Phi chapter, of Alpha Phi Alpha, on May 18, 1819 At Camp Gordon, where he was sent as chaplain, he was not only a spiritual guide, but served as social worker, nurse, physician, and legal counsel for his men. Some faint idea of conditions is disclosed by the fact that at tin- outbreak of an epidemic in camp, the only thing in the way of medical supplies was a few pounds of Epsom Salts. The greater part of the time he was the only colored commissioned officer in camp, and almost single-handed waged a fight against disease, illiteracy, prejudice, and the unscrupulous exploitation of his men. A few days before he was to sail for Russia came news of the Armistice, and Brother Isom was returned to Columbus. He refused the pastorage of one of Cleveland's largest churches in order to enter a broader field— executive secretaryship of the Ohio Baptist General Association, an organization comprising 2">2 churches and some 50,000 numbers. Brother b o m was for five years Grand Secretary of the U. B. F..—later bec< ming Grand Master—as well as Senior Major of the Ohio Patriarch (Odd Fellows), and in addition was for a number of
Chi has reached the end of a year which has meant work, work, work. We have made tasks, met tasks. we have conquered all. Our greatest achievement for the year was the very successful work done in our "Go-To-HighSchool, Go-To-College" drive. Under the leadership of Brother T. R. Davis, President of Walden College and Brother E. R. Harrison, Chi, left no stones unturned to do the greatest work possible, where needed most. Over five thousand school children, exclusive of parents, young men and young women, were reached by our extensive drive. Both Brothers Davis and Ferguson deserve much praise fi r their untiring efforts in serving the people of the community a la Alpha Phi Alpha. Chi Chapter presented a musical comedy. "The King of Uganda;' by Brother Jesse Mack Williams, at the Bijou Theater on March 21st. T h e play was presented to a very large and appreciative audience. I bother Williams must have been at his best when he wrote this play. His cast must have been at its best when the play was presented. The play was a "humdinger," that's all. Brothers Young, Baranco, Steele and McClcndon worked very hard in advertising the play, and are largely responsible for its overwhelming success. A slice of the "praise kill" goes to them, too. Say, Brothers, how did you like this championship basketball team? Right here the team wishes to congratulate Bet:;, Alpha Pi and Sigma for their success in making the championship fever epidemic in nature. The following is an article taken from the Nashville Globe: "On Saturday, April 18th, 1925, Nashville Society was treated with the event of the year by the members of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. The young men entertained with an outing and dance at Hadley I'ark, from two to ten P. M. "The affair was very unique and was the first of its kind to be given by a local fraternity. Everything was ideal for the occasion. Hadley Park has never been more beautiful. The trees with their greenness, the flowers with their varying colors the earth with its green velvety carpet, the babbling brooks and the songs of the birds, all brought messages of Spring and radiated a spirit of happiness which was not to he denied. "Everybody was dressed in real 'picknicky' fashion. Nobody experienced any restraint, and in every way felt free to participate in everything. "The p-ogram for the day was very well planned by those in charge. The pro-ram consisted of gam-s in the form of baseball, tennis, croquet, races and kodaking. The games were followed by an outdoor luncheon. ' T b e crowning event was the moonlight dance tfven in tbe pavilion. The mellowness of the moonlight the melodiousness of the music, the balminess of 'he air and the spirit of the gues's mtde tbe affair an unusual success The grand march and the Charles'•< n will long be remembered.
THE SPHINX, JUNE, 1925 "The affair was such a success that the fraternity has decided to make it an annual affair." Brother Wilson Ballard of Alpha Lambda delivered an inspiring address to the student body of Meharry at the Dental Day exercises on April 10. Can any other chapter beat us doing things? Watch out basketball team. On Easter Sunday the students of Meharry were the benefactors of a most wonderful sermon by Reverend Brother Townsend. Brother A. M. Townsend spoke on "The Resurrection." At our Educational Mass Meeting, which was held at St. Paul A. M. E. Church as the culminating event of the "Go-To-High-School, Go-To-College" Campaign Brother Russell Brown of Eta Lambda was the speaker of the day. Brothers George Leonard Oxley and George A. Moore have accepted internships at Mercy Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Brother Maurice Rabb was the second speaker of the senior class at Fisk University. Brother Rabb was nosed out by Miss Willie P. Russell, who wears an Alpha pin, so we are not jealous. Brothers Bynes, Wimbish, Poole, Fearne, Maxey and Ellington finished in the first ten of the senior dental class. Brothers Thompkins, Hausemann and Alston fin-
ished in the first ten of the senior pharmaceutical class. Chi loses twenty-six brothers by graduation this year. To these and all other brothers who are about to become Freshmen in the school of life, Chi gives its heartfelt wishes for success. Bicther Jesse Mack Williams was all smiles as Miss Eloise Womack of Fisk University sang "Song of Praise" at the Go-To-High-School, Go-To-College meeting. Chi smiled with "Mack" for well did Miss Womack sing. Brother Doctor I-'.. C. Alleyne of the Obstetrical and Gynecological department has just applied for a patent for his invention of a portable device to aid tin general practitioner in the treatment and examination of patients in the home. Further details will
follow. Brother A. A. Alston is the commencement speaker for the Senior Pharmaceutical Class. Brother W. S. Ellington, Jr., holds similar honors in the Dental Class, and, by the way, the father of Brother Ellington is to deliver the Baccalaureate Sermon at Meharry. Congratulations to all graduating brothers and luck to all brothers in the coming examinations. Fraternally yours, H.
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University of Pennsylvania BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,
Since the last Chapter Letter Psi has added to her roster four new Brothers; Malcom Dade of New Bedford, Mass., who is matriculating in the Wharton School of Finance of the University; Arthur Gaudy, of Philadelphia, Pa., a member of the Junior Class of the Dental School; Thomas Williston, of Tuskegee, Ala., who is doing exceptionally fine work in the College Department, and James Atkins of Newark, N. J., who is holding his own in the F>eshman Class of the Dental School. It was one of the best initiations that Psi ever had. Several brothers were present from Chapters in the immediate vicinityâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;namely, Rho and Nu. Following the initiation ceremonies a banquet was held at the Marion Tea Room and was attended by thirty-one brothers, visiting and resident. Psi's committee on arrangements for the "Go-ToHigh-School, Go-To-College" Campaign is making great strides and it is striving to make this movement an assured success. The committee is headed by Bro. D. James Duckery as Chairman and who has as his co-workers Brothers Tanner Duckery, and Allan FreeIon. Our sister Chapter of this city, Rho, is to cooperate and with the efforts of the two Chapters combined there is no fear of the campaign not going over the top. The Pcnn Relays which took place on the 24th and 25th of April brought many of our good brothers to Philadelphia. From Beta came Brothers Berry, Curtiss, Wheatland, Dillion, Wharton, and Pledgee Edwards. Nu was represented by Brothers Byrd, Brown, and Strickland. Brothers Boutte, Cumings, and Thomas came over from Eta. Brother Murphy motored up from Baltimore, Md., and thoroughly enjoyed his sojourn in Philadelphia and at the Relays. According to Cupid's Corner of several issues ago this same brother is to .settle down very soon with a charming Bostonian. More power to you, Brother Murphy. Brother Cook of Iotjt was a member of the Syracuse one-half mile relay team and ran in the 220-yard dash on Friday. H e (showed up wonderfully well, especially with the competition composed of such widely known athletes as Hill of Penn, and Porrit of Oxford, the English sprint champion. De H a r t Hubbard won the 100-yard dash in the record time of 9 4-5 seconds, beating out a brilliant field. He did not participate in the broad jump as was expected as he wished to conserve his strength and energy for the dash. Many records were broken at this meet, the two mile record as held by Boston University was eclipsed by Georgetown University, whose only competition was that given by Fordham University, all others having withdrawn before the start of the race. The University of Pennsylvania won the quarter mile relay championship, beating the Carnival record as set last year. Moore of Penn State won the 120-yard hurdles in a new Carnival record of 14 4-5 seconds and 2-5 of a second behind the world's record. Lord Burghley of England won the 440-yard hurdles, nosing out Snyder of Ohio State. The Englishman was enthusiastically received and on winning the race was greeted with thunderous applause. Never has Franklin Field been graced by the presence of a nobleman so democratic. Lincoln University showed up wonderfully well, coming in second, but close to the heels of St. Joseph's College. It was a fast relay race. Had our good Brother Strickland been in condition, there would have been a different story to tell. The team was composed of the following men. running in the order named: Jenkins, Taylor. Gordon, and Fletcher. lb.ward University, pitted against a fast field, did not place among the first three. Bates College won
the event with Rutgers a close second. Howard's team ran in the order named; Jones, Shelton, Jason and Bright. To Dunbar High goes the honors for the best relay team for High Schoolsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;3 :32 and 1-10 seconds for the mile. These lads led all the way, and set the pace for the entire race. Members of the team were Burton, Liggons, George and Miller. Bordentown Industrial romped away from Media and Swarthmore to win event Number GO in the time of 3 :37. Messrs. Duck, Tillman, Roberts, and Fierre ran in the order named. A Carnival record was established for Public Schools by Stanton School of Philadelphia. Time was 49 4-5 seconds for the mile. Boys ran a wonderful race and their passing of the baton was absolutely perfect. Team was composed of Lansdale, Roberts, Pryer, and Stakes, who ran first, second, third and fourth, respectively. Cheney State Normal ran second in the Normal School event, Indiana breaking the tape first. A new carnival record was hung up in this event. Team was made up of the following men: Mason, Simms, Hobbs, and Graves. In the event which the team representing the Philadelphia Institute for the Deaf won were two members of our race, namely, Gardner and Shepherd. These two displayed wonderful form and completely outran their opponents. To top the Relays the Chapter gave their Annual Relay Promenade on the Friday evening of the Carnival at Traymore Hall. Weeks of preparation on the part of the Social Committee with the co-operation of the Chapter as a whole made possible the decision of the populace, in the role as guests, that this Formal Promenade was by far the outstanding social success of the season. Plans ran smoothly and without a hitch. Music was furnished by Gunny's Society Syncopators and they lived up to their reputation as musicians of the first rank. The Hall was decorated with streamers of Red and Blue on the one side and Gold and Black on the other. The;main floor lights were enclosed with interluding Red and Blue panels. The side lights were enclosed with' corrective paper machez of a colorful design. The stage presented the most fascinating array of decorations in the form of alternating Gold and Black streamers enclosing the bulbs at the top superseded by Red and Blue coverings, these serving as an elaborate background for four foot letters in alternating Gold and Black of Alpha Phi Alpha. A pyramid ,of palms marked the center of the floor, above which was a halo from which drooped streamers of Red ! and Blue. The guests and brothers numbered 650, which number made dancing in this spacious hall quite comfortable. It is the plans of the committee, as headed by Chairman, Brothers William R. Warrick,:Howard McNeill, and Douglass T. Murray, to make the Promenade of 1928, bigger, better, and more brilliant in every way. Psi, with her great efforts, wishes to make Alpha Phi Alpha the light of the world. Sincerely and fraternally,yours, DOUGLASS T.
Psi Chapter presents with pleasure Brother Dr. Conwell Banton. Born in Philadelphia. Pa., in 1875. Was graduated from The Institute for the Colored Youth (now Cheney), in 1892. Entered Lincoln University Fall of lsi)2 and remained for one year, at which time he entered the College Department of the University of Pennsylvania, graduating from same in 189B. Entered Medical School at same institution upon gradu-
ation; remaining four years, graduating in 1900. W a s admitted as an interne to Frederick Douglass Hospital, Philadelphia, serving upon the hospital staff until 1901. While in the College Department Brother Banton participated in rowing. Upon the termination of his internship, he took the Delaware State Board, passing successfully, beginning his practice there in 1901, and remaining there up to the present time. In 1915 started Edgcwood Sanitarium for the treatment of tuberculosis. Was elected to the Board of Education of Wilmington, Del., in 1917, and served in that capacity until 1923, when business pressure forced him to retire. H e was a member of the Republican State Committee, 1922 to 1924. At present time is vaccine physician of Wilmington, Del. Was elected Grand Master, State of Delaware, F . & A. Masons, in 1924. Member of Elks, Odd Fellows (Surgeon General of Odd Fellows for four years), Saint Luke's Order, and Monday Club. Was married to Miss Elizabeth Davis of Baltimore, Md.. Nov. 11, 1903. Has one daughter. Miss Alice L. Ban! :ii. a Innior at Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Initiated into Psi Chapter, Feb. 11, 1922.
W. llMiiiv BARNES, A.I',.. M.1J.
Dr. VV. H a r r y Barnes was born in Philadelphia, Pa., and is a product of the mixed school system, graduating from the Central High School in l'J07. After one year of postgraduate work he won a four year medical scholarship in the University of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1912. He was resident Physician in the Douglass and Mercy Hospitals and has since practiced in his native city. He served as' Acting Assistant Surgeon in the United States Public Health Service, assigned to duty in Boston, Mass., during the Influenza epidemic. In 1921, he completed a postgraduate course in the Ear, Nose and Throat at 'the University of Pennsylvania, and since 1923 has confined his practice exclusively to this work. HeSis Chief Otolaryngologist to the Douglass Hospital! Consultant to the Mercy Hospital and Clinical Assistant Otolaryngologist to the Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia.
He was president of the Academy of Medicine and Allied Sciences for three years, and was the first colored Physician to present a paper before the Philadelphia Laryngological Society. H e is secretary of the Ear, Nose and Throat section of the National .Medical Association. In 1924, Dr. Barnes studied for four months in Paris and Bordeaux, France, and received diplomas from Sebileau and Moure. While there he wrote his "Impressions of France," and since his return has translated several medical monographs and also a text book on the Diseases of the Eaf, Nose and Throat which is in progressy/if publication, He is married an8 the proud father of four ! boys. As president of the Trustee Board of Mother Zoar M. E. Church he conducted a Conitmmity campaign which raised $10,000.00 and as chairWn of the Fraternity House Committee of Psi Chapter he is hoping to have Psi beautifully housed this fall.
ALPHA BETA CHAPTER, T a l l a d e g a College BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,
With the slow but steady march of time goes the slow but steady march of Alpha Beta. As we approach the week of the campaign we become proud in the thoughts that we are about to contribute a liberal share to the encouragement of our youth to pursue courses in higher education. Our plans for our program have been completed and the artists are ready to paint the pictures of the present need of our people. No organization can long survive unless it makes progress and improvements. In having this campaign penetrate Alabama Alpha Phi Alpha expands in territorial range but this is the smaller improvement. In penetrating : Alabama, Alpha Phi Alpha extends the call to higher education to the thousands of Negro youths heretofore unreached by the wings of the campaign. This is the task of Alpha Beta and Omicron Lambda. Alpha Beta is entering upon a feeling of a happy sorrow. With the close of each school year our ranks are broken. This thought brings sadness. Yet, we are] happy to know that some of our number have reached the pinnacle of a college career, that they have carried out so well.the call as it was given them. Although their influence will be taken away from us here it will have an effective bearing wherever they may be. W e are proud to know that five of our number are graduating from the college department this year. They are Brothers Sims, Lewis, Thomas, Jacobs, and Wilhite. Although we shall experience a great loss, we shall soon open the heavy portals of our mystic shrine. Our depleted ranks will he filled by men carefully selected from our college group, men whom we believe will hold aloft the ideals of Alpha. Brother Sims was at the helm of the chapter from January, 11)24, to January. 1925. With his leadership Alpha Beta stepped out from under the hand of suppression to recognition. Since that time Alpha Beta has shown that she is a creditable spoke in the wheels of the organization. Brother Lewis was the keeper of the records during Brother Sims' administration. Brother Lewis sensed the responsibilities of being secretary and kept himself alert to the duties of his office. Brother Lewis also represented Alpha Beta at
the last annual convention Brother Thomas has been president of the Dramatic Club for two years. One might well say that it was through the efforts of Brother Thomas that the club has its present existence. Brother Thomas was also a member of our debating team. Brother Jacobs besides graduating from the College Department is a member of the Theological Seminary. H i s influence is greatly felt in that branch. H e will receive a degree from that department next year. Last but not least, Brother Wilhite claims attention. Brother Wilhite is a member of the Athletic Directory. Brother Wilhite speaks what he thinks. This embedded principle has had a great bearing upon the actions of the Directory. Thus we see upon taking a retrospect that our brothers have not been asleep but have branched into all fields of campus activities. Alpha men cannot sink; they do not drift; they must reach the heights. Fraternally yours, N O A H E. W I L L S ,
ALPHA-DELTA CHAPTER, University of S o u t h e r n California BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,
Alpha-Delta Chapter sends greetings .'and begs to inform a waiting world that the stork recently visited Brother Dr. Leonard Stovall and left us all a "coming son of Alpha Phi Alpha" whose name.is Gerald Leonard. Again Alpha-Delta accepted cupid's visit in its ranks last March when its most excellent treasurer, Brother Dr. Thomas A. Greene, was "swung" to the altar and jorevcr linked with the sweet Miss Minnie Payne! Gieat th.ngs are being enacted in this part of the world For even Oakland recently "scared" us here in Los Angeles by thundering down .the news that Brother John Robinson, embryonic M. D. of California U., secretly snatched M'ss F a y Jackson in his brawny arms last November and instantly changed her nr.me! Incidentally the sweet Miss Jackson is a "roaring" De'ta Sigma Sister and bears the power of leading her chapter to glory as president these last two years! Fraternally yours, . tssociate Editor of the S P H I N X , Alpha-Delta Chapter.
ALPHA DELTA CHAPTER, University of Southern California Left to right: Back r o w â&#x20AC;&#x201D; P e r c y Traylor, Chas. Kason. Samuel M. Beane, Leonard Stovall. John Taylor, Bernard H e r n d o n . Mack T h o r t o n . Front rowâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mack Spears. Clifford Prince, J a m e s McGregor, Malcolm Patton, A r t h u r Prince, J o h n Rout, William Stoard
the big Alpha formal which is to be given on May 8. This event-wilb mark the close of the college soUniversity of California, Berkeley, Calif. cial season and we intend to make it a true climax to a great year. The invites are all out, the plans all BROTHERS,IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A , Greetings: completed and : every co-ed has written home for a new frock to -grace the occasion. Although this is our first appearance in the S P H I N X Alpha Epsilon will have one more man of letters this year we have been active in every other respect. The year started off with the election of officers and .. after Commencement on May 13, as this lowly perin this we were very fortunate in selecting as our '• son, Charles E. Davis, will receive his A. B. degree. president Brother John Wesley Bussey, a man who This however is a mere item, as he has just completed his freshman year in Medicine and it will be excels in sports as well as in the classroom. H e is four years before he will be ready to face the cold, a speaker pi convincing ability and in the near! future dark world as an M. D. he will be abie to demonstrate this to "tweive good Always for the best in Alpha Phi Alpha and the men and true" as he is taking law. He is also one success of its Brothers. of the best middleweight boxers in school, having Fraternally yours, won his "C" in this sport. CHARLES E. DAVIS,, To aid Brother Bussey we have selected the following: Brother Dewey Davidson (formerly of UpEditor to S P H I N X . silon), vice-president; Brother William E. Griffin, recording secretary; Brother Charles E. Davis, correALPHA THETA CHAPTER, sponding secretary *and Editor to the S P H I N X ; Brother R. Coleman, JiVancis, treasurer: Brother Alvin Iowa City, Iowa Nurse, chaplain; Brother lames Allen, Custodian, and BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A , Greetings: Brother William Pittman, sergeant-at-arms. Alpha Theta is quite jubilant lately for two big We have increased our number by two as in March reasons. And one will readily admit that these reaBrother C. Williams and Brother Kenneth Johnson received the eternal "impression." With Ken J o h n - * sons are sufficient to give us a feeling of joy. The first cause of our elation is the rating which son on the inside. Alpha Epsilon comes near to set- ., ting a record as the two other Johnson brothers, Bill f the chapter received in the first semester fraternity and George, are charter members. ,1 averages. Gut of.the list of twenty-seven fraternities in the UniversityJAlpha .ffheta ranked ninth, putting Brother John Robinson gave us all a grand and us, as can be seen, in the upper third of the group. pleasant surprise by taking unto himself a "better half" in the person of Miss Fay Jackson of Upsilon As a result of, this showing, which one will admit Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, National Sorority. could have be^n better, every brother is endeavoring Miss Jackson is a member of the sophomore class of to attain a higher semester average and keep the chapthe University of Southern California in I,os An- ter on a high scholastic footing. Of course, grades geles. W e have been wondering for a long time why do not mean everything, but they do mean enough to all of Brother Robinson's week-ends were spent in make us strive to make them as high as possible, that distant c.'ty. since they are given us and greatly determine Sptak.ng of athletes, Alpha Phi Alpha, can. lay whether we pass or fail. cla m to two of the finest in Brothers ColerrJan FranThe other thing for which we are proud is the cis and [van Johnson. Francis plays with the discus attainment of our own Brother T. Orthel Roberts and is c nsistent with 140 feet. Quite often he gets who. during the present season is really showing a trifle peeved and adds ten or twelve feet onto his speed on the track. He is admittedly the fleetest man throw. Ivan Johnson is a 440-yard man. Fifty sec- -,( that wears the colors of "Old Gold," at the present, onds is about his limit for slowness. Both of these and much is expected of him in the future "Big Ten" men are California's best bets' in their respective conference meets. events and are expected to shine in the I. C. A. A. A.' I will quote just a few of Brother Roberts' acA. Look out for them Psi. •?•> complishments. In the indoor dual meet with WisBrother "Sticks" Jones is back in town! This may consin he was second in the 100 and 440-yard dashes; not mean much to most of you but it means a great in the Kansas Relays, he was a member of the halfdeal to Alpha Epsilon and the West in general., Litmile relay team which took fourth; in the Drake Retle has appeared in the S P H I N X concerning Brother lays, he was a member of the quarter-mile and halfJones as he has been our correspondent'to thislrirgan mile relay team which took third and fourth place, for the past two years and lvjodestv forbids, you respectively; in the All-University meet for chamknow. However, Jones has been'an-important unit in pionship. he took second place, being beaten for the Alpha Epsilon ever since its charter was granted in championship by no other than the great Brookins, 1922, He has been one of the most active of its memwho is no longer competing on the varsity, having albers en the campus and off, having been a reporter ready been three years on the team. Brother Roberts on the Daily Cal. in '22 and '23; a member of the in this meet took first in the 440-yard and in doing famous campus quartet in '22 and '23, a cornet sol so beat the holder of the Conference record, Chan ist in the University Band in '22 and '23; the. Pacific Coulter, by a yard; he was first in the 220-yard and Coast collegiate lightweight boxing champion in ' 2 3 ; second in the 100-yard dash. and above all a real Alpha Phil Alpha man for all Brother William J. McCord is gaining some fametime. I as a reader. He gave a recital of one his readings We have just completed our "Go-to-High-School, over the University radio broadcasting station on Go-to-Co!lege" campaign with a large mass meetiilf! March 28, and on April 30, he rendered Eugene Due to the early closing of our University this cohfiOneill's "Dreamy Kid" before the University Drapaign occurred earlier than the first week in May, matic Club. with the sanction of our General President. One of Our new members, Brothers Clark, Robinson and the main features of this compaign was an essay conWheeler, are enjoying their new privileges as memtest which was limited to high school and grammar bers of Alpha Theta and for them some co-operative scln ol students. The prizes were a silver loving cup work which will lead to further advancement, awaits and two cash prizes. T h e whole campaign went off in the future. These new brothers already have with a hang anr> we feel that we have done much tograsped the typical Alpha spirit. wards interesting our young people in Higher EducaFraternally yours, tion. RALEIGH W I L S O N , At the present time everyone is looking forward to Editor to the S P H I N X .
THE SPHINX, JUNE 1925 -••-.
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3. Brother Father W . J. Weaver, a graduate member, has his Master's Degree from Columbia UniSpringfield, Mass. versity and is in charge of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Evanston. H e is a man to be wondered "Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College" Campaign. at, and in a measure envied, when it comes to Community value and cooperation. BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A , Greetings: 4. Brother D r . J. H . Howard is a successful PhyAlpha Kappa has been silent for quite a while, but sician and Surgeon in Chicago. H e is president of the it has been working and holding high the name and Medical Board of the Wilson Hospital, which is one ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha. of the most prominent health institutions in Chicago. W e have just completed our part of the Go-toAlthough service is the foremost thing in D r . HowHigh-School, Go-to-Col.ege Campaign and have been ard's mind, it happens that he enjoys a luxurious forsuccessful. Alpha Kappa Chapter has held three tune which has been accumulated through the pracpublic meetings. T h e largest, a mass meeting, was tice of medicine. held at St. John's Congregational Church, where Thus, we present to Alpha Phi Alpha four of the Brother A. J. Allison of the Eta Chapter made the most worthy sons to which she has ever laid claim. main address of the afternoon. Brother Allison was formerly with the New York Urban League and is Fortunately, the new brothers who have come now do.ng social work in Hartford, Conn. among us with unusual talent find in Alpha Mu assoHe selected for his topic, "Ours and Our Reason ciates to share with them in their accomplishments, Why," and very clearly outlined the educational for we had mature brothers in Alpha Mu doing equalmovement in Europe since the war, gradually arrivly as much on the inside as these new brothers were ing to conditions of education in America, involving manifesting on the outside of the Fraternity. Brother Negro youth. Brother Allison pointed out that the Edwin B. Jourdain, who has his Bachelor Degree from Negro youth of today must think in terms of achieveHarvard's School of Business Administration and ment, and that the older generation has fallen down on who is now a graduate student in the School of the job. All who attended the meeting were deeply Journalism of Northwestern University, is owner impressed by his message. and editor of the North Shore Guide, a weekly paper Alpha Kappa may well be proud in having as an in Evanston and along the North Shore. Everybody honorary member. Brother Rev. W . N. DaBarry. is wondering how he is running his paper and keeppastor of St. John's Congregational Church. Brother ing up his work in School. The writer has two anueiscrry has been-doing noble work here in the comswers to this question: First, Bro. Jourdain has a munity as well as throughout entire New England system to his work along with his alert mind which for many years and has founded an institutional makes possible this heavy schedule. Second, Bro. work at St John's Church that is second to none in Jourdain never comes to Fraternity meetings except all New England. Alpha Kappa feels proud in by accident, and most likely he is robbing the F r a acknowledging him as a brother. ternity of some of its time in order to put over Alpha Kappa is proud of the success of her athhis personal plans. At any rate, Brother Jourdain letes. At the New England Collegiate track meet deserves much credit for his work, and Alpha Mu is In which Springfie.d captured first honors, our own behind him, not financially, but spiritually. Brother C. C. Jackson showed the Alpha fighting Brother Wendell Bolton is another interesting fellow s.p.rit in the half mile. It was Chan's misfortune to whom all Alpha Phi Alpha men should know, and draw a number that p'aced him well on the outside the only way I can tell you how to recognize him is at the start. However, from tenth place, he passed this: The first young man you see standing or sitting to fifth place in the first quarter and then with a around reciting what Adam Smith, John Steward Mill, burst of speed for the last two hundred and twenty Fisher and Taussig and those fellows said about yards, captuied fourth place and a point for Spring"value," you may gamble with rattle-snake safety field. "Chan" won his "1927" in Cross-country last that it is he. You may not trouble yourself to verify year and his block " S " in the same sport this past Brother Bolton's statements in Economics, for he is season. Brother Ralph Greene is a "Grid" aspirant, usually rightâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the Graduate Faculty of Northwestern ltav ng won his numerals in his freshman year and think so, anyway. Bro. Bolton will get his M. A. It ds fair for a backfield berth on the Varsity next this June and will teach in one of the prominent fall. Southern Schools next year. A pha Kappa is working diligently to uphold and Brother James B. Brawley will take his M. A. spread t . e l.an.e of Alp.-a Phi Alpha. in Religious Education in June. H e had the disYours fraternally, tinction of going on a fifteen-day tour this Spring N A P . P . DOTSON, J R . , for the M. E- Church Board. H e delivered lectures Editor to the S P H I N X . on religious education at ten of the Methodist Episcopal Schools, which are located in various states such as Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, District :of CoALPHA MU CHAPTER, lumbia. While on this tour he gathered data for N o r t h w e s t e r n University, E v a n s t o n , 111. his thesis, which promises to be unusually interesting and educational generally. BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A , Greetings: Brother Ernest Dyctt and F . D. Jordan are still â&#x20AC;˘Since the last issue of the S P H I N X , many things of one and the same mind, it seems. They are both win thy and interesting have come to pass in and doing service at their respective charges in the A. M. about Alpha Mil. Our initiation on the 4th of April E. church, and all evidence points to success to them caused our sc!ection-for-membership mercury to boil The Chapter feels that these two Brothers are not over from the standpoint of quality, for it was at this the same heroes in Alpha Phi Alpha at present, as time that we accepted into our rank four of the best they once were in Beta and at one time were in Almen who have been branded Alpha Phi Alpha product pha Mu. T h e cause for the change in heroism may throughout its history, namely: be accounted for in one of two ways: First, these 1. Brother Norman Merrificld of Indianapolis, Ind., brothers' work may be demanding the most of their is proclaimed to be one of the most promising music energy and time; second, the size of the chapter here students in Northwestern. has grown in numbers, and with this growth has 2. Brother Joseph Gridder of Louisville. K y , has come the usual expression of individual thought attracted not only the attention of the Faculty in the which may have proven disastrous to the policies forMusic School here, but he is socially prominent in merly practiced. T h e Chapter is hoping that whatChicago as well as in Evanston. ever the cause of this seeming indifference may be
the Brothers will see lit to return to the Chapter in the same old Beta and early Alpha Mu spirit, for we all know the counsel of these two demigods in Alpha Phi Alpha is always worthy of consideration. The Go-To-High-School, Go-To-College Campaign is upon us and Alpha Mu is sparing no time and effort in doing its share in the movement. Xi Lambda, Theta, and Alpha Mu are conducting the Campaign jointly in Chicago, Evanston and vicinity, and great and telling results are being seen already. The most pleasing spirit of the Campaign here in this wonderful educational center in the Mid-West is that we have the Editor of the S P I N X , Brother Oscar Brown, working with us, and all Alpha Phi Alpha Brothers know that nothing can stand still where his ever faithful and energizing spirit dwells. Brother Brown, we are glad indeed to have you with us! Of course, Brother Homer Cooper, our general treasurer, has been with us all along and we all have recognized his value, so with these two national officers in our midst there is DO reason why our contribution to the general campaign should not be the most valuable in the country. Brother Vernon S. Gordon is the chairman of The Go-To-High-School, Go-To-College Campaign Committee. He is really doing wonderful work in the movement So much for the mixed poetry and truth in this letter. Real truth hurts the most of us, and if more of us were hurt, we should probably have better fraternal spirit. 1 have never read SO many pleasing letters about any organization as I have about Alpha Phi Alpha, in our Chapter Activity Section. Brothers. we do well to write these lofty letters of commendation if they really represent the status of the chapter spirit, but if they fail to do that they are dangerous. We must subject ourselves to introspection and criticism occasionally, and I am sure we shall find a great deal of imperfection. Let us take our individual chapters—Are we doing everything as perfectly as we picture that we are in our letters to the SPHINX; or. do we sometimes cover up chapter matters which should be exposed to the general organization by sealed correspondence, just for the sake of being in the race for the McGhee Cup? Let us think mi these things and resolve to have a clean chapter in which to welcome these honors which will come as a matter of course. I could tell you that Alpha Mu is at the climax of Fraternal spirit, but I would be covering up. I can tell you why Alpha Mu and maybe your chapter is not at such a climax; it is because the brothers, for the most part, lack the essential qualities—cooperation and sacrifice, which each Ill-other must have before the Chapter is eligible for any general organization honors, or to lay claim to any share of the good name of Alpha Phi Alpha. Such qualifications of an .ideal chapter as outlined above are the things Brother Clarence Wilson, President of Alpha Mu, is advocating. So, watch Alpha Mu after her house cleaning has been completed and you need look no further for a model by which to pattern in fraternal life. Alpha Mu's best wishes go out to all Alpha Phi Alpha Brothers. Very truly and fraternally yours, (ti'.o. A. ROZIER, Editor to the
B R O T H E R C A R L R.
Brother Carl R. Robinson, the twenty-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Robinson, St\, of Louisville, Ky., has made his life during his college career in the School of Music in Northwestern University count for far more than a mere passing through. His
splendid work as a mir'. i n there shall live and serve as an inspiration to otht s who come after him as. long as there is such a thing as tradition.
Alpha Mu Chapter Brother Robinson came to Northwestern in the Fait of 1928 and registered in a course of Music requiring; from four to five years (according to the student's ability) for completion; and just recently he gave his Senior Recital, which music critics described as being unsurpassable. This means that Brother Robinson is finishing the course in three years. Everybody who knows Brother Robinson will testify to the fact that he has given his school work first place in his many serviceable activities, and as a result, he has recently been paid as great a tribute as has ever been given any student in the various Universities in the Country—he was elected to membership and initiated in the Pi Kappa Lambda Honorary Musical Society. This is an honorary society in the various Class A Music Schools throughout the Country, and it serves the same honor to music students as does the Phi Beta Kappa to Liberal Art Students. To our knowledge Brother Robinson is the only man or woman of color who has been initiated into this organization. It is impossible to describe Brother Robinson's personality for he has an interesting one. However, we can say that he is a young pianist with rare ability. His manners are calm and unassuming, which makes him all the more interesting for one to learn and know. The most pleasing remarks were made byBrother Robinson regarding his parents. He said. when approached regarding his accomplishments. "1 haven't earned any honor after all, it's my people, for if it had not been for them, 1 should have finished School an average student, for my people have financed and encouraged me all the way, so give honor to whom honor is due." How wonderful it would be if all parents were like Mr. and Mrs. George F. Robinsi n. Sr., and more wonderful still if the sons an I daughters show their appreciation for the sacrifices which their parents make. Alpha Mu feels proud of Brother Robinson, for he has achieved a victory not only for himself' but f< r the Fraternity and for the Rare. Congratulations Brother Rol in on !
Alpha Mu Chapter is pleased, indeed to introduce to the brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha, brother Dr. J. H. Howard, .who has recently been initiated. Words, space, and time deny the writer the opportunity to express brother Howard's worth as a man. A few interesting facts about him follow: Brother Dr. Howard was born in 1879, at Charleston, S. C. He attended Claflin University at an early age and graduated from Mcharry Medical School in 1!)()4. Since he has finished medicine he has practiced for a short time in Hattiesburg, Miss., fifteen years in Holly Springs, Miss. He has proven himself to be a successful surgeon and is at present on the medical staff of Jane Terrell Baptist Hospital, at Memphis, Tenn. He was formerly president of the Tri-State -Medical Society, which includes Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee, a member of the National Medical Society and the Cook County Medical Association of Chicago. He is also chief surgeon and president of staff of the' Wilson Hospital, Chicago, a member of tfte medical staff at Providence Hospital, Chicago. Dr. Howard is a prominent church man in the Methodist Episcopal Church, a proud father of three children. He is a large property holder both of southern farm acreage and Chicago real estate. Shake hands with Brother Howard.
J o h n s c n C. Smith University, Charlotte, N. C. BROTHERS IN DR. J. H.
Since our last letter to the S P H I N X , the brothers of Alpha Omicron Chapter have been busily engaged in activities of all kinds.
Alpha Mu Chapter
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THE SPHINX, JUNE, 1925 ' We are now beginning our "Go-To-High-School, Go-To-College Campaign," which we are expecting to bring highly satisfactory results this year. Alpha Omicron takes pride in announcing that five of the six speakers for the Junior Prize Contest this year were chosen from her membership. The five brothers who will represent us on the Junior Contest a r e : Brothers David P. Allen, George L. Allen, Eugene A. Armstrong, Judge W. Graham and Samuel C. Johnson. . The two Commencement Speakers of the Senior Class arc also of our membership. They a r e : Salutatorian, Brother Matthew J. Green; Valedictorian, Brother Rufus P. Perry. On Friday evening, May 1, Alpha Omicron held her Second Annua! Banquet. The occasion was a most delightful one. The magnificent decorations, designed by Brother Carlton L. Murphy, were the most striking feature of the evening, representing a Japanese garden, filled with fragrant flowers, and illumined by silver moonlight. The charming young ladies present represented the aristocracy of Charlotte and other cities. The eloquent toasts delivered by the brothers, the brilliant responses, the unique lighting effects, soft music, and the delectable repast which was served, made this occasion long to be remembered. We are still trying to uphold the high principles for which Alpha Phi Alpha stands. Best wishes to all the Chapters. Fraternally yours, GEORGE L.
Wiley University, Marshall, T e x a s BROTHERS IN THE A L P H A P H I
On the night of April 4. 1025, the Alpha Sigma Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity was born. Sphinx-like did Brothers V. E. Daniel, Dean of Wiley College, and O. H. Daniel, M. D., of Long View, Texas, and F. T. Wilson, International Secretary of the iYoung Men's Christian Association, awaited the arrival of sixteen of Wiley's most outstanding young men to bestow upon them an honor, the desire for which had been cherished by them for months. Their anxiety was very well demonstrated by their punctuality, 'for every man was on time. Solemnly did every man realize the sacredness of the meeting when the worp "silence" was uttered. There the young men sat,! charged with interest, while Brothers Daniel. Wilson, and Daniel, like master magicians, revealed the ritualistic secrets of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
Having been banded together as one body of brothers for a common cause, they proceeded to elect the following officers: Brothers John G. Shackelford, president; Freeman P. Hodge, vice-president; W. Clemons Burnett, secretary; James T. Canady, assistant secretary; Plemon A. Wade, treasurer; Melvin K. Dorn, chaplain editor; E. Wendell Kelly, Jr., chaplain, and T. Leon Inghram, seargeant-at-arms. In the Wiley chapel, at 12 o'clock, on April 6, 1925, the Alpha Sigma Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, was presented to the student body of Wiley College. After devotions, Brother Secretary Wilson very eloquently gave a brief review of the history of the fraternity; tnen, in a most interesting way, Brother Dean V. E. Daniel addressed the student body on the "Spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha at Wiley College." Welcome addresses on behalf of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, and the college were extended by Professor Whitmore, Professor Davenport, Miss Olive Durdan, Mrs. J. O. Williams, and Dr. M. W. Dogan, respectively. After a very delightful response by Brother O. H. Daniel, Brother Carter W . Webster took his place at the grand piano and played his favorite number while the student body marched out. Our brothers have been very active this spring. Brother John G. Shackelford, T. Leon Inghram, and Carter W. Webster, have distinguished themselves as stars on the Wiley baseball team. Brother Carter W . Webster, W. Clemons Burnett, H a r r y M. Hodges, and Melvin K. Dorn, are f6ur of the outstanding members of the Wiley band. Brother A. T. Kelly, being the Wiley photographer, has made all of the photographs that are to appear in the Wiley "Wildcat" Annual. In spite of the many other things the Chapter has on hand, it was host to the Phi Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Never before in the history of Wiley has there been a more jolly mingling of the sexes to enjoy the program, refreshments, and all that was so elaborately arranged for that occasion. Realizing that the "Go-to-High-School, Go-to- College" campaign is the biggest feature that the Alpha Phi Alpha fosters, the brothers are putting forth every effort to make our drive successful. W e are striving to arouse the people of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi to see the value of an education and why they, especially, should keep their children in high school and send them to college. The people of these states will receive our message through literature, newspapers, addresses by outstanding citizens and ministers of the various towns and cities, addresses by members of our Chapter, and by a radio message to be broadcast from Station VVFAA. Dallas, Texas. MELVIN K.
Detroit, Mich. BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,
Gamma Lambda is preparing day by day in main ways to see how she can best serve and provide for the 1,500 brothers and their friends who will attend the Eighteenth Annual Convention. Detroit is known as the Convention City, and it is estimated that over 2,000,000 people will attend conventions here this year. Alpha Phi Alpha is expected to have the largest convention among our group. We announce with deepest sorrow the loss by death of Mrs. Lucille Johnson, the wife of Brother Albert H. Johnson, M. D. Mrs. Johnson will be greatly missed and especially from our mixed social junctions. Our "Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College" campaign was headed by Brother J. C. Dancy. A play was presented at the Y. M. C. A. by high school boys and girls, featuring little Miss Helen Finlay. The play showed the outcome of a lad who obtained an education and put it to good use, and of another who refused an education and who turned out to be unable to handle the problems which presented themselves due to lack of an education. The play was excellently carried out and a full house witnessed the performance. Brother Albertus Brown, attorney of Toledo, made a short talk on education. On Sunday. May 17th. the Chapter attended Brother Milton Thompson's church en masse, and after services the Chapter picture was taken. Brother Elbert H. But'.er was successful in convincing the State that he is capable of applying its laws like other members of the legal profession. At
present Brother Butler, is associated with the firm of Roxboro'ugh and Taliaferro. Just a word about our engineers. Brother Lowell W. Baker, M. E., U. of D., 1U24, has opened the Baker' Service Station, gasoline filling station and auto accessories. Brother Alvin P . Lee, C. E., U. of M., 1924, is located with the Dept. of Street Kwys., Elec. Dept., City of Detroit. Brother Glenn Cochran, E. E., U. of M., 1924, is with the Ford Motor Co., Electrical Dept., Rouge Plant. Brother Maurice Guy, Chan. E., U. of D., 1924, is i n , t h e drafting and designing Dept. of the Wilson Body Corp. Brother William E. Ames, E. E., M. I. T., I!):3:i, accepted a position with the Dept. of Street Rwys.. of the City of Detroit, upon graduation, but resigned this winter to accept a position with the Detroit Edison Co., research dept. Brother Clement C. Johnson, M. E., M. A. C , 1919, designer and draftsman of special machinery, Ford Motor Co. Brother Percival R. Piper, E. E., H. U., 1917, switchboard specialist, Westinghouse Elec. & Mfh. Co., and Brother Cornelius L. Henderson, TJ. of M., 1911, estimator and designer, Canadian Bridge Co. We regret to have to transfer Brother Maurice Moss to Delta Lambda. Although Brother Moss was engaged in community work in Toledo, and was unable to attend our meetings, we will, nevertheless, miss his occasional visits. We hope that Brother Moss will be of valued service to Delta Lambda. Well, brothers, don't forget to put aside a little change this summer to bring you to the Convention. We would like to see you all. The more the merrier. Fraternally yours, PERCIVAL R.
—Jill lllllll III MffllBWIBWIlBfflB
THE SPHINX, JUNE, 1925 ETA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Atlanta, Ga. Eta Lambda Chapter was visited by our Brother Dr. H. Reginald Smith and his charming wife, of Chicago, 111., during the middle of April. Brother and Mrs. Smith attended the annual formal reception of Eta Lambda Chapter held on the 17th of April. They were also entertained very royally by Brothers A. F. Herndon and Dr. Charles Johnson in their palatial homes. Brother Roderick B. Harris and Brother Dr. Percy Harris and their better halves, motored to Atlanta from their homes in Athens to attend the annual reception of Eta Lambda Chapter, which was held here on May 17th. Brother George Drummond, of Sigma Chapter, Boston, was in the city the week of the thirteenth of April on business. Hq left the latter part of the week for Washington, D. C. Brother George Reeves, professor at Miles Memorial College of Birmingham, was in the city the 17th, in attendance on the annual reception of the Chapter. The Annual Reception of Eta Lambda Chapter was, as usual, the social event of the South. A number of brothers from various sections of the South attended. The beautiful roof garden was like that of Eden with colors in gold and black intermingling. Sitting on a pedestal in the center of the hall and surrounded by ferns and shrubbery was the McGhee cup glittering under the colorful waves of the spot light. W e danced to the strains of Hamilton, Montgomery, and Jacksons orchestra, accompanied by the melodious voice of one of the South's greatest entertainers. In a word it was a typical Alpha Phi Alpha affair. * Brother Dr. M. S. Davage was formally inaugurated as President of Clark University on Thursday morning, April .iotli. The ceremony was very impressive and fitting fi>r so marked an occasion. A number of the notables of the Methodist Episcopal Church were present for the occasion. Among those speaking besides Brother Dr. Davage. were Bishop Thirkield, Brother BÂťhop R. E. Jones, a member of the board of education, and chairman of the committee on Negro education and a trustee of the university. Brother J. C. Arnold an alumnus and trustee, representing the Alumni of the university. Brother John H . Lewis, president of Morris Brown University, who sp'ike on behalf of the colleges in Atlanta. Brother Davage is prominently identified with our Chapter and its work. Brother Russell S. Brown, pastor of the First Congregational Church of At'anta, delivered the educational address for Chi Chapter. Meharry Medical Cortege, in connection with their "Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College" campaign. Eta Lambda serves the
pharmacy; Wendell Cunningham, a graduate of H a r vard, and a member of Cunningham and Sons, firm of this city. Prof. J. W . Holloway, formerly of Talladega. Dr. W. F. Boddie, cashier of Citizens' Trust Co. M. J. Wartman, of the Georgia Agency of the Standard Life Insurance Co. Brother W a r t man is a graduate of Brown University. Brother Dr. J. W. Burney is the proud father of a beautiful baby daughter. W e regret that Brother Burney can not name her for the fraternity. He States that he plans to name the next one. The last regular meeting of the Chapter was held at the home of Dr. M. S. Davage, on Clark University campus. Mrs. Davage was a very charming hostess to her many hungry brothers, who met with us on last Tuesday evening. Brother Walter H. Smith, of the Atlanta Life Insurance Co., changed his usual week-end itinerary last week, which includes Chattanooga and the Lookout Mountains, to motor through Northern Alabama with his friend, Mr. E. M. Martin. Brother Smith's week-end trips are quite worrisome to his many Atlanta friends of the fairer sex. Brother E. Luther Brocker, who entertained jointly with Brother M. S. Davage last week, was unable to present a wife as joint hostess with Mrs.. Davage. However, it may be said that he did some presenting. Eta Lambda wishes the brothers a very cool and pleasant summer. J.
Dr. M. S. Davage delivered the closing address for the "Go-to-High-School. Oo-to-College" campaign in Atlanta, on May 17th. The Atlanta Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha arc covering in addition to this city. Athens Macon, Augusta, Columbus. Savannah, Griffin. Brunswick, Foriythe. Albany, Amcricus. and Fort Valley: The principal prenaratory schools of the State are in these communities. Brother J. Garland Wood is manager of the state campaign. Eta Lambda Chapter received into its membership during the month of April several distinguished additions. Four of the men hailed from Chattanooga, Tenn. These men caught the spirit from Brother Barbour formerly of Nu Chapter, and now a Presbyterian minister of that city. One brother was from Athens and the others from Atlanta. The brothers from Chattanooga are Brothers Dr. W. B. Davis, Dr. E. F. Mcintosh. Dr. G. H. Moores, and the Reverend Mr. Status. From Atlanta we revived Brother L. D. Milton, a graduate of Brown, professor at Morehouse College and partner in Yates and Milton,
Brother Mathew S. Davage is one of Alpha's outstanding characters. Every inch a man is he, and an Alpha man at that. His life and achievements read like a romance, so brilliant and remarkable. Brother Davage came to earth in Shreveport, La., in 1879, to the home of the Rev. Davage. a Methodist minister, and his faithful wife. When he was quite young, the family moved to New Orleans, where the young child had the privilege of entering New Origans Uni-
versity from which he later graduated. Later he entered Chicago University for graduate work. Brother Uavage taught school for many years in his Alma Mater, leaving there to become the business manager of the Southwestern Christian Advocate. Soon he was called to the presidency of George R. Smith College, then to Meridian Academy in Mississippi. His upward path was hewn out of presidential rocks for Sam Houston College next called him as its president. Rust College became jealous and took him away, but could not keep him in the presidential chair very long. Four years later Clark University, the leading colored school of the M. E. Church, in looking for a man to lead her to greater progress, bade Dr. Uavage to "come higher up." Thus has the brother made history for himself and his church. It is a rare and nwqworthy example of a man rising, after a few years of desperate struggles, climbing from the base of a towering mountain to its lofty summit. His phenomenal success was the result of real hard work. He had to work every inch of his way through school and had many a time, few meals, and less suits, but he never gave up even when he had to help support his family. One would never think that he was not born with a silver spoon, so genial und buoyant is he. But it was this very spirit which led him to overcome all his hardships. In 1004 Brother Uavage surrendered to the charm and grace of the New Orleans belle, Miss Vera Armstead, a New Orleans University graduate, who has been his right hand through life. Who would not succeed with such a wife. And believe it, brothers, she is proud of that Alpha man. and naturally thinks that Alpha "is the "ship, "all else the sea." Brother Uavage is a member of several fraternal organizations and clubs. For five years he has headed his delegations to the General Conferences of the M. E. Church. He is also a member of the most influential committee of the great M. E. Church, the Book Committee, being, until last year, the only Negro member. Although only a newcomer m Atlanta. he has touched the life of the city in a marvelous way. He was the speaker at our "Go-to-HighSchool, Go-to-College" mass meeting. Only a^ few weeks ago he was inaugurated as president of Clark University, where he is proving himself as that rare combination of scholar. Christian and gentleman. , XI-LAMBDA CHAPTER, Chicago, 111. BROTHERS,
movement to him and asking him to preach an educational sermon, Sunday A. M., May 17th, and to conclude the sermon with a direct appeal to the young people of his church to stay in school if in, and if out to reenter. We have already secured the endorsement of all of the ministerial alliances of the city and their promises of support. The letter to the individual preachers is a follow-up intended to emphasize and remind. d. The indexing by the use of a card index system, of every student who graduates this spring from the high schools and grammar schools of the city, and a statement from them as to their intentions about continuing their education. We intend to follow this up in the fall to determine just how many in fact did continue in School. e. Publicity in the daily, weekly and current monthly publications, carrying our message, also slides in motion picture houses, hand bills, etc. f. A Monster Mass Meeting Sunday afternoon, May 17th, at 3 p. m., at Wendell Phillips High School, at which the principal speaker will be Bro. W. E. B. UuBois. The joint committee from the three chapters is composed of Bros. William H. Benson, chairman, Geo. R. Arthur, secretary and treasurer, Oscar Brown, Bentley Cyrus, Martin G. Havnes, Senator Adelbcrt Roberts, A. L. Jackspn,. C. C.Wimbish, H. Reginald Smith, Vernon S. Gordan, A. Brawley, S. Bohee. Brother Ur. H. Reginald Smith was honored very recently by his election to the presidency of the John A. Andrews Clinical Society at its meeting in Tuskecgee. Brother Smith, is a former treasurer of Xi Lambda chapter, and is very active in fraternity affairs. i oe chapter welcomed into our midst Bro. Oscar Brown, Editor of the SrniNX. who is located in Chicago and connected with the Douglass National Bank, and Bro. A. L. Foster, who is exoc rtive secretary of the local branch of the Urban League. Both brothers have signified their intentions of affiliating themselves with us and we anticipate their activity in"our chapter with pleasure. .., Xi Lambda wishes for each brother a pleasant and profitable vacation period, and a return to duty next fall with renewed vigor and determination to "carry on." Fraternally yours, Xi LAMRUA CHAPTER, UH. WILLIAM H. BENSON,
Our Chapter, the graduate Chapter in the city of Chicago, is at this writing busily engaged in preparing for the coming Go-to-High-School, Go-toCollege Campaign. We have invited the two undergraduate Chapters (Theta and Alpha Mu) in this vicinity to cooperate with us in putting over the largest educational campaign ever attempted by a Greek Letter organization. Our program for the educational week includes among other things: a. The systematic covering of the Seniors in the high schools and the grammar schools in the city of Chicago. Carrying to them through well selected speakers the message "Go-to-Hlgh-Schoql, Go-toCollcge." Permission has already been granted by the Hoard of E««ication for the getting of the Students together. b. Broadcasting of our Go-to-High-School, Gpto-College message from Station WMAQ—the radio broadcasting station of the Chicago Uaiiy News, and one of the largest and most powerful stations in this country. This message will be read Friday evening, May 15th at 7 p. m.. by Judge Albert B. George. Bro. Judge George is an active member of Xi Lambda Chapter, and a 100 per cent fraternity man. c. The systematic circularizing of every Pastor of our group in the city of Chicago. Explaining the
Xi Lambda Chapter
THE SPHINX, JUNE, 1925 Brother Dr. Julius Green is Treasurer of Xi Lambda Chapter and is one of Xi Lambda's most active membersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;he is truly one who is always willing to "go the limit" in putting over the work of Alpha Phi Alpha. Brother Green is a graduate of the Northwestern University Dental School and, after five years of hard work, he has established a very lucrative practice in the city of Chicago.
National Bank, President of Victory Life Insurance Company, President of the Overton Hygienic Manufacturing Company and prominently identified with several other successful business enterprises, always finds time to be very active in Alpha Phi Alpha activities. H e attends most of the chapter meetings and manifests a tangible desire to help in the fraternity's great work. At the February meeting of Xi Lambda, Brother Overton was the speaker of the evening, and brought a very interesting, instructive and scientific discourse on modern business methods. W e are all justly proud of Brother Overton's business successes and his interest in things fraternal.
Xi Lambda Chapter
Xi Lambda Chapter Brother Anthony Overton, President of
Brother Dr. Louis R. Middleton was Xi Lambda's firs: president and he was one of the most active brothers in the chapter's establishment. It was under his leadership that the graduate chapter in Chicago "got off with a bang," and much credit is due him for this beginning of one of Alpha Phi Alpha's important units in the Windy City.
XI-LAMBDA CHAPTER, Chicago Left to r i g h t : F r o n t row—J. Mayo Williams, W . C. Tyree, C. _A. McCoy, A n t h o n y Overton, George R. . Arthur, Richard Hill, Jr. Second r o w : ~ O s c a r Brown, A. C. Brown, A. L. Foster. William H . Benson, Gordan H . Jackson, Oscar Randall, Chester Brewer, Julian Lewis, H e n r y A. Callis. Third row—Samuel H . Rosenberg, W a l t e r S. Grant, Leon Tansil, Julius Green, Lloyd Hall, Norwood T h o r n e , L u t h e r Peck, E. K. McDonald.
THE CAPSTONE OF NEGRO EDUCATION HOWARD UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, D. C. Founded by General O. O. Howard J. S T A N L E Y DURKEE,-..A.M:?,Ph.D., D.D., E M M E T T J. S C O T T , A:M., LL.D., President Secretary-Treasurer
¥ U
To provide the Twelve Million Colored people of the United States w i t h college-trained and Professional leaders through its courses in Arts, Sciences, Sociology, Education; its Schools of Commerce and Finance, Public Health and Hygiene, Music, Architecture. Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Religion and Law.
F. D. WILKINSON, Registrar, Howard University, Washington, D. C.
hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Matt. 19:6.
Jackson-Robinson Brother John Robinson of Alpha-Epsilon gave us all a grand and pleasant surprise by taking unto himself a "better half," in the person of Miss Fay Jackson, a Sophomore in the University of Southern California and a member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. We now have the reason—a very good one indeed—for Brother Robinson's frequent visits from Berkeley to Los Angeles. Hargo-Lowery Here's a tip; Brother Jean Lowery of Kappa Chapter is a husband. Yep, it's a fact, and it was Miss Grace Hargo who conferred the honor upon him. She, Mrs. Lowery, is a former student of Otterbein College and a very popular young matron of the middle-west. The last time that Brother Lowery was seen he was loaded down with an over-size market basket—the beginning of his many pleasant tribulations. JuIyane-BIoom Brother Herbert L. Bloom, who is a member of the Meharry Senior Class in Pharmacy recently gave Miss Mattye Pearl Julyane his pin as an emblem of sincerity. Miss Julyane is a junior at Depauw University, being quite an accomplished young lady and is a social leader of the younger set. Russell-Lawson Evidently the first meal eaten, by Brother C. Warner Lawson, at Fisk will be recorded in his dairy as a memorable event. It was at this meal that Brother Lawson met Miss Willie Pinckney Russell. This was the beginning of a happy association which seems t o be reaching an end which will mean even greater happiness. Brother Lawson has given Miss Russell his pin as the first link in the chain of "greatest happiness." Miss Russell is the ranking student of the Senior class. When we wish and predict for "Bill'' and "Buzzer" a happiness equal to that they have known at Fisk, we can do no more.
Sutton-Dungee It has at last come to light why Brother J. Riley Dungee, Jr., of Alpha Omicron Chapter, stayed so long in New York after the close of the General Convention. Since we know, we wonder how he ever returned at all. The cause of his tardy return has been identified as Miss Annie Mae Sutton, a charming young lady of Brooklyn, whose entrance into the family of Alpha Sisters is soon to be announced. Miss Sutton is a native of North Carolina, a graduate of Scotia Women's College, is a gifted and accomplished musical artist, and possesses a most pleasing personality. Brother Dungee is a graduate of the school of Arts and Sciences of Johnson C. Smith University, and is also one of North Carolina's prominent ministers. Hughes-Martin Sigma Chapter announces the marriage of Bro. J. Ernest Martin, D.M.D., to Miss Bernice Elizabeth Hughes, the talented daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. A. C. Hughes of Philadelphia, Pa. Even though Bro. Martin was successful as one of the coaches that helped Lincoln claim the 1924 Collegiate football honors, Dan Cupid was more successful, for wedding bells rang out—joy and happiness to our Bro. Martin and his charming wife on November 29, 1924, at Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Bernice Hughes-Martin is well known socially in New York, Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia. Bro. Martin, graduate of Tufts College, is a successful dentist in Boston and former president of Sigma Chapter. The fraternity wishes Bro. and Mrs. Martin years of health, happiness ami prosperity. McKissack-Anderson It is with great pleasure that Chi Chapter announces the engagement of Brother Nelson J. Anderson to Miss Ruth V. McKissack. Brother Anderson is the Chaplain of the Chapter. Miss McKissack is a graduate of Holy Family Catholic High School and is at present a Sophomore at A. & I. State Normal. The charming young lady is a cousin of Brother Calvin McKissack and is a leader among the social set.
Wear Your Badge B adges A pproved by F r a t e r n i t y Officials L ink t h e Alumni t o t h e F r a t e r n i t y , t a n g i b l y and intangibly. O wn a badge and wear it. U nite yourself with those who work unceasingly for the R ealization of y o u r F r a t e r n i t y ' s I d e a l s .
Price List of Alpha Phi Alpha Badges Set with " " " " " " " " " '' " " " " " "
7 pearls or opals $ 5.50 3 pearls and 4 turquoises or garnets . 5.50 3 pearls and 4 rubies, sapphire, or t o p a z . . . 0.25 3 pearls and 4 emeralds 6.50 3 topaz and 4 amethysts 6.50 7 amethysts 6.50 3 amethysts and 4 emeralds 6.75 6 pearls and 1 brilliant cut diamond 10.00 6 garnets and 1 brilliant cut diamond 10.00 3 emeralds, 3 garnets and 1 diamond 11.00 6 rubies or sapphires and 1 diamond 11.75 6 emeralds and 1 diamond 12.00 2 garnets, 2 turquoises and 3 diamonds . . . 19.00 4 garnets and 3 diamonds 19.00 3 pearls and 4 diamonds 23.00 3 rubies and 4 diamonds 24.00 7 fine brilliant cut diamonds 35.00
To figure cost of various combinations of stones not quoted above use the following prices per stone and add to price of full pearl badge—$5.50—: Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Garnet $ .20 each Emerald, Amethyst 25 '* Diamond 4.50 " Prices for Opals and Sardonyx same as Pearls. Prices for Topaz the same as rubies. Note:—The 5 per cent. Government tax now applies on. ly to articles of jewelry priced aboved $30.00
Sole Official Jewelers to Alpha Phi Alpha San Francisco
Chapters ALPHA DELTA CHAPTER, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. President, John Riddle, 346 Stevenson Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Secretary, William Prince, 384 N. Vernon Ave., Pasadena, Calif. \ L P H A EPSILON CHAPTER, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. President, J. W. Bussey, 3215 Adeline St., Oakland, Calif. Secretary, Chas. E. Davis, 2949 King St. ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER, West Virginia Collegiate Institute, Institute, W. Va. President, Robert Carroll, West Virginia Collegiate Institute. Secretary, Drue Columns, West Virginia Collegiate Institute. ALPHA ETA CHAPTER, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. President, S. R. Redmond, 30 Hastings Hall. Secretary, J. W. Huguley, 415 Broadway, Boston, Mass. ALPHA THETA CHAPTER, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. President, J. A. Blaine Dejoie. Secretary, Henry Harding, Box 261, Iowa City, Iowa. ALPHA IOTA CHAPTER, University of Colorado, and Denver University, Denver, Colorado. President, James D. Hines, 608 S. Weber Street, Colorado Springs, Colo. Secretary, John B. White, 2401 Emerson Street, Denver, Colo. ALPHA KAPPA CHAPTER, Springfield, Mass. President, J. H. Gilliam, 104 Maple Street. Secretary, Ralph P. Green, 248 Eastern Ave. ALPHA MU CHAPTER, Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. President, Clarence Wilson. Secretary, Fred D. Jordan, P. O. Box 80, Evanston, 111. ALPHA NU CHAPTER, State College of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa. President, Lawrence A. Potts, Box 331, Ames, Iowa. Secretary, Chas. P. Howard, 204 Watrus Block, Des Moines, Iowa. ALPHA XI CHAPTER, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis. President, G. D. Daniels, 65 19th Street. Secretary, Lajoyeaux Stanton, 206 13th Street. ALPHA OMICRON CHAPTER. Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, N. C. President, E. A. Armstrong, Johnson C. Smith University. Secretary, J. W. Graham, Johnson C. Smith University. ALPHA PI CHAPTER, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. President, Henry Lang, Atlanta University. Secretary, C. Blythe Andrews, Atlanta University
ALPHA RHO CHAPTER, Morehouse College, At lanta, Ga. President, Melvin E. Sykes, Morehouse College. Cor. Secretary, W. H. King, Jr., Morehouse Col lege. ALPHA SIGMA CHAPTER, Wiley University Marshall, Texas. President, John G. Shackelford. Secretary, James T. Canady. ALPHA LAMBDA CHAPTER. Louisville, Ky. President, Robert D. Russell, 542 W. 6th St. Secretary, DeWitt McCaleb, 1342 Lincoln Ave. BETA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Kansas City, Mo. President, F. T. Lane, Lincoln Building, 18th and Vine Streets. Secretary, I. F. Bradley, 400 Haskell Ave., Kansas City, Kans. GAMMA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Detroit, Mich. President, Julian P. Rogers, 2338 St. Antoine Street. Cor. Secretary, Haley Bell, 8709 Jos Campau Avenue. DELTA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Baltimore, Md. President, Perry D. G. Pennington, 1518 McCulloh Street. Cor. Secretary, Gobert E. Macbeth, 2101 Druid Hill Avenue. EPSILON LAMBDA CHAPTER, St. Louis, Mo. President, George W. Buckner, 2331 Market Street. Secretary, Gordon H. Simpson, 615 N. Jefferson Ave. ZETA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Norfolk, Va. President, T. P. Turner, 631 Landing St. Secretary, Wm. T. Mason, 631 Landing St. THETA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Dayton, Ohio. President, W. O. Stokes, 449 W. 5th St. Secretary, J. M. Pierce, 210 Norwood Ave. ETA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Atlanta, Ga. President, Charles W. Greene, 315 Fraser Street. Secretary, Jesse P. Gomillion, 275 Magnolia Street. IOTA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Indiana, Purdue and DePauw Universities, and Butler College, Indianapolis. Ind. President, Morris R. Taylor, 450 N. Senate Avenue Secretary, Oley A. Johnson, 426 Blackford Street. KAPPA LAMBDA CHAPTER, Greensboro, N. C. President. F. Luther Merry, State Normal School Winston-Salem, N. C. Secretary. C. G. Galloway, State Normal School, \Vin=ton-Salera, N. C. MU LAMBDA CHAPTER, Wasv.^gton, D. C. President, James N. Saunders, 2031 Thirteenth Street, N. W. Secretary, Arnold Donawa, 717 Fla Ave., N.W NU LAMBDA CHAPTER, Petersburg, Va. President, F. D. Patterson, Virginia Normal and Industrial Institute. Cor. Secretary, B. N. Thurston, Virginia Normal and Industrial Institute. XI LAMBDA CHAPTER, Chicago, 111. President, William Tate, 306 East 43rd Street. Secretary, William H. Benson, Suite No. 1, 3507 Grand Boulevard. OMICRON LAMBDA CHAPTER, Birmingham, Ala. President, A. D. Stone, 310 N. 18th St. Secretary, G. W. Reeves, Miles Memorial College,
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