The SPHINX | Winter 1926 | Volume 12 | Number 5 192601205

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Nineteenth Annual Convention, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Richmond, Virginia, December 27-31, 1926.

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EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President, Raymond W . Cannon, 3400 Oakland Ave- Secretary, Jos. H . B. L.vans, rwith Street, nnue, . , n Minneapolis, Vf i n n n a n n l i e M inn A t l a n t a , G(.l. Minn. Treasurer, Pcrcival • eve. W. First Vice-President, James W . McGregor, 1759 W . oit, Mich. 35th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Second Vice-President, Peyton F . Anderson, 61 W . Street, 130th Street, New York City. n W. Field ago, 111. Third Vice-President, Charles W . Greene, 4654 James H . Hilburn, 1944 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore, Fraser Street, Atlanta, Ga. Md. Fourth Vice-President, Harley S. Manuel, I Rose, (02 S. Sank Street, Dayton, I Street, Columbus, Ohio. Chapters. P I C H A P T E R , Case S hool of Applied Science and A L P H A C H A P T E R Cornell University, Ithaca. N. Y. Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. P r e s i d e n t , J o s e p h H o u c h i n s P . O . B o x 441 S e c r e t a r y , W . M. B a n k s , P . O . B o x 441. Cor. Secy., George Ithaca, N . Y . ,. m R H O C H A P T E R , Temple University and Phila B E T A C H A P T E R , Howard University, Washington, delphia College of J harmacy, Philadelphia, Pa President, VV. F. Jerrick, IS 13 Christian Street. D. C. retary, Kirl I. 13th Street. P r e s i d e n t , T h e o d o r e P e r c i v a l , 2447 G e o r g i a A v e SIGMA C H A P T J nue, N . W . clmsetts I n s t i t u t e of Ti Cor. S e c , F . Lee Terry, 2447 Georgia Ave. N . W . President, Jam lewbury Si G A M M A C H A P T E R , Virginia Urnon University, Richmond, Va. TAU CHAPTER, y of Illinois, Champaign President, Wiley A. Flail, 732 North Fifth Street. Illinois. Cor. Secy., Chester L. Washington, Virginia Union President, Nathaniel X. Hudson, 602 E. Clark University. Street, Cham; D E L T A C H A P T E R , Montreal, Canada (Inactive). Secretary, R. 1. E. Clark Street. E P S I L O N C H A P T E R , University of Michigan, Ann UPSILON CHAJ Kansas Arbor, Michigan. Lawrence, Kans. William L. Postels, 1103 E. Huron St. President, Doxey A. Wilkei Cor. S e c , Lloyd E. Alexander, 1103 E. Huron St. Str Z E T A C H A P T E R , Yale University, New Haven, Secretary, John isissippi Si Conn. P H I C H A P T E R , Ohio ' Jniversity, Athens, Ohio. President, J. M. Ross, 445 Orchard Street. . Lawrence V. J Secretary, James Alan Carew, 68 Dixwell Avenue. E T A C H A P T E R , New York City College, Columbia University), N and New York Universities, New York City. ;rry Medic President, Ralph Mizelle, 203 W. 138th Si Secretary, Claude Ferebee, 203 W . 138th Sti . Phila T I 1 E T A C H A P T E R , University of Chicago, Univerdelphia, Pa. sity of Illinois and Northwestern University, Chiident, William H. Warrick, 31 Harvey cago, III. own, Pa. , dent, Bindley C. Cyrus, 3 i Street. Secretary. kins, Jr., 1 N. . T. Bohee, 6412 Vve. Philadelphia, Pa. I O T A C H A P T E R , Syracuse University, N. Y. A L P H A A L P H A CH nati. Cincinnati, ( , A. L. Roystei I ir Street. P r e s i d e n t . I v a n M c L r o n , 1346 Lincoln A V P . T A P T K R , Ohio State University, Columt a r y , DeWitt ALPHA BETA CH. bus, Ohio. _ „ . iadga. Ala. lent, Ralph W. Finley, 202 E. Spring Street. ., Paul Floyd, »2.r> E. Re Cor. Secy., C Sharpe. MU C H A P T E R , University of Minnesota, MinneapA L P H A GAMMA C R. I, olis. Minn. i Hall lent, Chas. W. Washington, 2312 5th Ave. So., own Unive lis, Minn. * tary, Aubrey A. i I Secretary, Chavmcey I. Cooper, 006 St. Anthony Providence, R. I. Street,' St. Paul, Minn. A L P H A D E L T A CJ ty of South NU C H A P T E R , Lincoln University, Lincoln, P a . cm Cali ilif ident, Harry Cunwnii "srty. President. Mai Cor. \ngeles, Calif. XI C H A P T E R , Wilberforce University, WilberSecretary, Arthur E. Prince, SOS Winoi force. Ohio. Pasadena, Calif. P r e s i d e n t C h a r l e s F a i r f a x , V\ ilberforCR ITniv C o r . Sec , R o o t . T h o m a s , W i l b e r f o r c e U n i v . A L P H A E P S I L O N C H A P T E R , University of California, Berkeley, Calif. O M I C R O N C H A P T E R . Carnegie Institute of TechPresident, Lloyd Isaacs, 2S16 Dohr Street, Berkeley nology and University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Calif. Pa Secretary, Win. Griffin, 1536 Josephine Street, OakPresident, Wilton W . Jackson, 823 Cherokee Street. land, Calif. Secretary, Arthur T. Crockett, 623 Herron Avenue.

© R H iN x


Official Organ of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. Published in February, April, June, O c t o b e r -and December a t 16 E S t r e e t , S. E., Washington, D.C. Subscription Price Une Dollar and Fifty Cents per Year E n t e r e d a s second c l a s s m a t t e r December 20, 1924, a t the p o s t office W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. u n d e r the Act of M a r c h 3, 1879. A c c e p t a n c e for m a i l i n g a t special r a t e of p o s t a g e p r o vidod for in section 1103, Act of O c t o b e r 3, 1917, a u t h o r i z e d F e b r u a r y 23, 1923. STAFF OF Editor-in-Chief "Who Is WhoT" "Editorials" "Frat Fun" "History" 'Art" Assistant!


OSCAR C. BROWN, 225 E. 53rd S t r e e t , C h i c a g o , 111. GEORGE B. KELLY, 113th S t r e e t , T r o y , N . Y. V I C T O R R. D A L Y 715 F l o r i d a A v e . , N. W . , W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . E L M E R J. C H E E K S , 10912 Quincy H e i g h t s , C l e v e l a n d , Ohio W . L. HANSBERRY, Howard University, Washington, D. C. J A M E S V. H E R R I N G , H o w a r d U n i v e r s i t y , W a s h i n g t o n , D C. and Advertising





SYDNEY P. BROWN, 4816 P r a i r i e Ave.,







I N MEMORIAM Brother R. C. McCullough Brother J a m e s Asa White


Picture—Gamma Chapter, Host to 19th Annual Convention. I m p o r t a m t Convention Announcements. Estimated Convention E x p e n s e s 3 Station G - a - i n - m - a Broadcasting. 4 EDITORIALS Inter-Fraternal " S u p e r Service."

L e t ' s Call a Halt


A C T I V I T I E S OP C H A P T E R S Alpha; Beta—A Shining Light for Beta, Brother J o h n E. Cod well; Tneta; Kappa: Mu; Nu; Xi; Pi; Tau; Chi; Alpha Alpha; Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Zeta—Brother J o h n P. Matheus; Alpha Xi; Alpha Omicron; Alpha Pi; Alpha Rho; Alpha Sigma; Alpha Upsilon; Gamma Lambda; Delta Lambda; Eta Lambda; Iota Lambda; Nu Lambda Brother Charles W. Florence; Omicron Lambda; Phi Lambda; Sigma Lambda F E A T U R E SECTION B r o t h e r O. O, Morris Leaves Dayton " S t u d y Business College Men"

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M E M O R I A M »»



MOVES ON"— It has written finis to the lives of two beloved Brothers: Bro. R. C. McCullough Bro. James Asa White Bro. McCullough was a charter member of Mu Chapter. He later while pursuing his course in law at Chicago, affiliated with Theta Chapter. Later, while practicing his profession, he became an active

member of Gamma Lambda. Bro. James Asa White was a member of Epsilon Chapter, and later affiliated with Gamma Lambda. Time and again the sacred halls of old Epsilon have resounded with the melody of his voice, now hushed, except when accompanied by the angelic host of Heaven. They have joined the "innumerable caravan which moves to that mysterious realm," and are now nearer the Great White Throne. To us has been left a heritage of self-sacrifice, never-ending energy, and a determined spirit to carry on in the sacred tenets of Alpha Phi Alpha. As we bow our heads in reverent sorrow, may our grief rather stimulate our activities to "so live that when our summons comes," we shall stand ready to take our place in the ranks, and march, even as they, to the mysteries of the GREAT BEY< >ND.


T h e Sphinx. D e c e m b e r . 1926


Garnma Chapter, Host to Nineteenth Annual Convention

IMPORTANT CONVENTION ANNOUNCEMENTS Richmond, Virginia. December 87-31, 1926, Tentative Program "t" Events: Monday morning and afternoon, December 27. Registration of delegates and visiting brothers at Convention Headquarters, 00 Clay Street, Monday afternoon: Fellowship Meeting at Headquarters. Monday evening at 8 o'clock: Public Meeting, Ebenezer Baptist Church. Tuesday morning and noon: Convention session. Tuesday, 6 i\ M.: Symposium and Smoker. Headquarters. Tuesday night: Community Welcome Reception. Coliseum. Wednesday morning and noon: Convention session. Wednesday, 5 P. M.: Reception in honor of the Convention by the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Wednesday night: Reception by the Sphinx Club of the Virginia Union University. Thursday morning and noon: Convention session Wednesday, 5 P. M.: Reception by the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. Thursday night: Annual Formal Prom. Coliseum. Friday morning and afternoon: Convention session. Friday night: Annual Fraternity Banquet Virginia Union University.

E S T I M A T E D E X P E N D I T U R E S FOR V I S I T I N G BROTHERS. I. dging per night (single $1.50, double $1.25).. $7.50 Boa d from $1 to $1.50 per day 7.50 Ci mention picture 1 CJO Banquet fee 150 Taxi and incidentals 3.00 A total, assuming the maximum estimate for board and lodging $.•_>()..",o Send immediately the names and addresses of brothe s Mid friends who desire us to get homes for them. ire to mail the assignments to the hrothers they come here. On their arrival, they may take taxis directly for their stopping- places. Send n mes to Dr. D. A. Ferguson, to; East Leigh Street, Kielmi ind, Ya. ROBERT P. D A N I E L ,


Convention Committee, r34 North Third Street, Richmond, Virginia. NOTICE Brother W. A. Robinson, State Department of Education, Raleigh, N. C , has in his possession an Alpha Phi Alpha pin with initials "R. I.. M." Brother Robinson will he glad to correspond with am member who has lost this pin.


The Sphinx, December 192fe

S T A T I O N G-A-M-M-A B R O A D C A S T I N G :


HAT were your complaints in previous conventions? Inadequate mformameet you at both the Main Street and Broad Stations. Insufficient or exorbition service at the station? When you arrive in Richmond, brothers will tant taxicab service? The Manager of the Yellow Cab Co. has assured us that there will be a sufficient supply on hand to meet all trains. Any temporary shortage will be met by the cars of various brothers. Confusion in registration? In the sumptuous building of the Council of Women's Clubs at 00 Clay St., Bro. Professor Spurlock and a staff of co-workers will have devised a system which would cause the Registrar of Columbia University to be envious. Unsatisfactory housing arrangements? Brother Dr. Ferguson's plan for accommodations will make you think that you are in the Statler Hotel. Boarding school diet? We will not comment on the Richmond cuisine for fear that too many will be drawn—Smithfield, the home of the ham, is just twenty and some odd miles from Richmond. Restriction of liberty in the public meeting place? You can smoke as much as you please in the spacious St. Luke Building where the deliberations will be held. Moreover, you will not need to wear your fur coats during the sessions. On Monday, the brothers and citizens of Richmond will assemble at a monster public meeting, to be held in the Ebenezer Baptist Church, where one of Virginia's leading orators will bid you welcome. On Tuesday afternoon, the brothers will have a genuine get-together. The favorite Havana and the mellow Virginia leaf will permeate the atmosphere with their fragrance. On Tuesday evening, in the magnificent Coliseum, the ballroom of Palms, "soft eyes will look love to eyes that speak again" while entrancing strains of a highly syncopated orchestra will make you wish that four o'clock will never come. For here will be gathered the elite of Richmond, including the charming debs and the attractive co-eds, representations of other fraternities and various organizations of the city. On Wednesday evening, a group of aspirants will entertain the fraternity at the same place. On Thursday afternoon, the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will lend its gracious hospitality to make the Twentieth Annual Convention the most pleasant in the history of the organization. Eclipsing all the social events of Convention Week, the annual frat prom looms as a beacon light on the horizon, beckoning brothers from all parts of the United States to the most brilliant ball on America's social calendar. The banquet will be served in the dining room on the historic campus of Virginia Union University. The food will be hot. In conclusion, every year we have heard the boast that "This will be the greatest convention in the history of Alpha." We make no boasts; our program speaks for itself.

T h e Dph n x , D e c e m b e r , 1926


< EDITORIAL > INTER-FRATERNAL "SUPER SERVICE" Under date of November 11th, the General Secretary of Alpha Phi Alpha forwarded the following communication to the several chapters for consideration: I Fellow National President: "Representing the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., I am writing again to request a reply to the former proposal for a meeting of all national Irate nal gvoaps in 192."—assembled conjointly. While we do not wish to be characterized by undue persistence, still it may be that the suggestion has suffered by reason of erroneous interpretation on the part of some to whom the idea has been presented. "Some have interpreted the suggestion as meaning a 'move' toward a super-fraternity; and they have expressed themselves as believing the idea as being a very splendid one but very impracticable. Impracticable—because they think the plan (as interpreted hy them) will have a tendency to stir up and unleash group rivalry and group animosity (which have long outlived their day as far as genuinely educated attitudes are concerned, the foibles of human nature and elemental weaknesses to the contrary notwithstanding). But, be the arguments whatever they may, the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority disclaims any notion of a superfraternity. Such was never included in the original idea. W e propose nothing ' S U P E R ' save a single joint program of ' S U P E R - S E R V I C E , ' being fully shared in by all groups. And for intelligent service the call is so urgent and the need so great that none of us need worry over rivalry for 'places in the sun.' We feel that such will take care of itself if we put cu- shoulders to ? common task." We crnnot but admire the broad-minded attitude of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority evidenced by their desire to bring together the national fraternal groups for the pu-pose of prosecuting a program of common interest to all. The need of service for our group and the obligation of those best trained to perform this service are recognized. But, while we are thoroughly in accord with the spirit and ideals which the proposal suggests, there is yet some doubt as to the wisdom and practicability of the method by which those responsible for the movement intend to proceed. "Super Service" is a big concept that might include many forms of activity. It must be reduced to something tangible before we can know what is in the minds of those who propose it—a bill of particulars is what is needed. The question which looms in our minds is what kind of 'Super Service" is intended. The information g.'ven out so far seems far too indefinite to warrant the calling together of national organizations for the discussion of the first proposal. Without any desire to cold-water a program born of a sincere and unselfish desire for bigger and better service, we venture to suggest that the Alpha Kappa Alpha work out a definite program and submit it to the rest of us so that we might know or be able to decide for ourselves whether such a meeting is practicable or desirable. With such a course there could be no decision by cur coming convention for the meeting in 1927. Nineteen hundred twenty-eight is not too distant; or it might be 1929 or 19.1(1. Three years hence may be considered a short time in the life of the organizations concerned especially in working out such a pro-

gram as will likely come out of the formation of a Federation &i Sororities and Fraternities. The IntraFraternal "Super Service" program is a present task and requires about all of the time we have to give for, our Annual Convention. We cannot wisely decide on an "Inter-Fraternal" program or on a meeting for the consideration of it without first having before us a definite plan upon which to proceed.

LET'S CALL A HALT At this time of the year our minds are inevitably focused on Alpha Phi Alpha's Annual Convention, and we speculate as to the things the brothers are thinking about in the form of legislative enactments or fraternal commitments. One can never tell what will be proposed in our General Conventions; and we have come to the point where one can never tell what politics may "put over." Proposals are not always unselfishly made for the best interest of the fraternity. And there is a belief among some of us that politics have too often taken our thoughts from things Alpha and aligned us with sectional or other "block" movements in political compromises that have hindered rather than helped the successful operation of Alpha Phi Alpha. There is much evidence to support the claim that politics added a Second Vice-President in Baltimore; a Third Vice-President in St. Louis, and a Fourth Vice-President in New York. It is very evident that at recent conventions politics blinded the eyes, deafened the ears and hushed the mouths of General Officers and important committees in sight and hearing of apparent and grave irregularities in "high places." Yes, we repeat the affirmation. This is an indictment! The serious minded of Alpha Phi Alpha can not do other than face the facts in Richmond. The addition of General Officers in Alpha Phi Alpha has made the operation of the General Organization unwieldy, cumbersome and expensive. There is no line of demarkation in the duties of the VicePresidents and the General President. In theory the Vice-Presidents are supposed to have jurisdiction and charge over specific districts i -egions. But they do not so function in practice and it must be a hard job for them to find something to do to try to justify their existence. They maintain no important contact with the chapters in their districts. Even minor details are handled by the General Presidents directly with the several chapters. As director of the "Go-to-High School, Go-to-College" movement, the President appoints a State Chairman to conduct the Educational Campaign in each state. These state chairmen are direct appointees of the General President and they have no direct responsibility to the District VicePresidents. The General President, as director of the movement, likewise has the onerous task of regulating nearly every detail. Sometimes we think that this is assumed to too great an extent. H e attempts to regulate the kind of speeches that the brothers should make in Minnesota, Massachusetts, Florida and California. This leaves nearly a barren field for the work of the Vice-Presidents. If they are not indispensable in the Educational Campaign, then they are very much dispensable for the other minor tasks before us.


T h e S p h i n x . D e c e m b e r 1926

There is an overlapping in the work of the Editor of T H E S P H I N X and the General Secretary. A record of the financial members must be kept in both offices. And this means that the Secretary has to be continually forwarding reports to the Editor so that the official organ may be placed in the hands of all of the brothers entitled to it. The Secretary's duties require him to carry on frequent correspondence with the several chapters. At the same time, in order to make a fair showing with the publication, the Editor is doing the same thing in so far as his. time and meager provisions will permit. (And these are but a few examples of many acts that could be done with about one-half the effort if these two offices were combined.) During the past ten years we have expanded nearly without limit in our fraternal membership roll. On the other hand there seems to have been retrogression in the perfection of a workable organization to care for this increased growth and responsibility. W e have too much of an organization to expect proper functioning when we are depending almost wholly upon the gratituitous services of spare time officials. W e are admittedly unable to pay a person who is able to efficiently perform the duties of General Secretary. We can make some progress in that direction, however, by abolishing the offices of the unnecessary Vice-

Presidents and by merging the office of the Editor of T H E S P H I N X with that of the General Secretary. The expenses that would be saved by doing this would be between $1,500.00 and $2,000.00. Add a few hundred to this amount and employ an Executive Secretary and require of him efficient and strict performance of duty. Make the duties of the General President largely those of the fostering of the Educational Campaign and he should be chosen for his ability to formulate a program for the scientific operation of the movement. He, of course, must be in contact and in sympathy with the basic policies of the Fraternity and the problems that are peculiarly ours. If we are unable to find a brother capable in both requirements, then it may be necessary to separate the duties and give them to different individuals. These are things Alpha. We must face them now if we expect to build a more perfect union; aid and insist upon personal progress of its members; further the kind of love that we call brotherly; discountenance evil, and build an organization that will be a passion and a religion to every true Alpha Phi Alpha member. If we let some of our practices continue, there is danger of our tearing down the last vestiges of virtue of our glorious Alpha Phi Alpha.

Trie S p h i n x , D e c e m b e r , 1 9 2 6



Ithaca, N . Y. BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,


We have again opened the school year with the usual process of re-acclimatization and careful performance of the proverbial New Year's resolutions. Although not many specific endeavors of note may be cited, I am glad to say, judging from the apparent spirit and morale prevalent among the boys this term, that this will be a very interesting and active year for members of Alpha Chapter. Bro. O. B. Casselle, chapter treasurer, is one of the first rare aspirants for position of coxswain on a Cornell crew. Whether ultimately successful or not, Bro. Casselle has contributed a lot in "breaking the ice" in this field. Bros, loseph R. Houckins, is entering on his last year in the Law College. Besides being well thought of by bo h classmates and faculty. Bro. Houckins is also an exceptionally good student. The chapter as a whole is characterized by its good morale and determination this year. Many things are to be doiM—and I'm sure many will be done. With many good wishes for the current year for our sister chapters. I shall remain, Fraternally yours, GEORGE W . H I L L .

BETA CHAPTER, H o w a r d University, W a s h i n g t o n , D . C. BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,


Well, "Turkey Day" is here and we are expecting great things from our team. Practically everyone expects that the Howard "Bisons" will triumph over the Lincoln "Lions'' on Thursday. W e are expecting brothers from all over the country, and hope that Bete will be able to afford them a "gala" time. In fact Beta will sure do her best, and it is no fault of ours if we slip up. Our dance is to be informal on Wednesday night preceding Thanksgiving. W e had hoped to have it on Friday night but because of the lack of adequate balls in D. C. we had to have it on the aforementioned date. Beta expects to be represented by almost 100 per c<nt of the brothers at Xmas time. Prepare for us Gamma as we expect to take Richmond by storm, we are going to pull a Gen. Grant on the boys. Some of the boys say that if they don't have railroad fare they will hike it so look out Gamma. Basketball will occupy the minds of the athletes soon. W e are expecting to have a fine team this year, although we regret to say that Brother Bill Lawton, who has joined the "Benedicts" will not be with us. We may bring a team to Richmond if possible at Xmas time. This year brought many new brothers to us from other chapters. Among them are Bro. Aubrey Marshall from Nu, Bro. Slade from Kappa, Bro. Leland from Alpha Alpha. Bro. Coles from Nu. Bro. Aubrey Marshall, usually accompanied by Bro. Joe Carter entertain us daily with their melodious voices.


The house is full of men this year, and it looks like a palace, as someone opened up their heart and papered the majority of the rooms. Thank goodness for that. Our fall initiation is a little late this year. It will be in the eo| t | month of December before any new men will see the light. Our pledgees gave a "red hot" party at the home of Pledgee Dwight Holmes. A good time was bad by all. Many thanks to the Beta pledgees. Our delegates to the Richmond convention are Bros. Eugene Rummons and Frank Trigg. We know that they will hold up Beta's pride to all questions. At Xmas time Mu Lambda is entertaining the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, who are convening here, in the form of a dance. It is to take place on New b ears' Eve. Holiday E v e n t s . On Wednesday night preceding Thanksgiving our dance was given at the Lincoln Colonnade. It was an open dance. The crowd was large, the decorations pretty, and everyone had a most enjoyable time until 2 k: M. From the dance many went to other places to be entertained till the wee hours of the morning. Thursday afternoon Howard swamped Lincoln to the tune of 32-0. Much credit must be given to Jack Coles, Pledgee Tick Smith and Bro. Milfred Martin, who were the outsanding players. There were about 20,000 at the game with their racoons, squirrels, etc. The dedication services in the new stadium preceded the game. Friday evening was taken up bv the Bachelor's dance and numerous parties and dances in other parts ol the city. On the campus both the Dining Hall and the Gym. were packed to capacity with students and alumni. The Kappa Alpha Psi gave an inter-fraternitv dance at Dunbar High School. Here the different fraternity men had a chance to exchange greetings. The hmior Matrons also gave a nice function at the Colonnade. Saturday brought more dances. T h e Pollvanna Club Dance m the forenoon at the Colonnade aiid the Omega Psi Phi in the evening at Murray's Casino. After the several dances many enjoyed themselves by going to Washington's De Luxe Night Clubs and t 0 the Country Club. Sunday found the majority of the visitors embarking tor their respective homes. After having a w a n d ole tune m the capital city. Well boys, "On to Richmond is the'cry." Fraternally, ALTON C. BERRY,

Editor-to-Sphmx. A SHINING LIGHT F O R BETA Beta Chapter has had many brothers whose accomplishments have stamped them as honest and true fraters. One oi these is represented in the person of Brother John E. Codwell. Since coming to Howard as a freshman in the year of L923, Brother Codwell has held many offices in the University H e has played on the class football teams of "83 and '24 • Ins been regular second baseman on the varsity nine in 24, 85 and '36; president of his class in '24; member ol the Student Council from '25 to '86; member of the Board of Athletic Control in '20; president »f the


T h e Sphinx. D e c e m b e r 1^2b During the mon'h of October, the Social Workers' Conference for the State of Michigan convened in Ann Arbor for a session of several days. As is no more than befitting and as is not usual when groups which are effecting substantial service and accomplishing noticeable results gather. Alpha Phi Alpha was well represented. Bro. C. S. Johnson, Editor of Opportunity was the principal speaker for one of the meetings. His subject was handled in bis usual well informed manner. Brother John Dancy, Detroit Urban League and Brother C. C. Campbell of Lansing in charge of Negro Social Workers in the State were among the representative persons attending the conference. The Board of Trustees of the Chapter House held ils annual meeting on November 6, at which time a report for the year was rendered by the Chapter President, Bro. Postles. T h e board discussed and took action upon a large number of the problems confronting the brothers in the management of the house, and devised plans for a greatly improved and more effective program for the next year. T h e brothers of the chapter, who are resident now, are exceedingly pleased to note the great interest and enthusiasm manifested by the Alumni brothers, and feel that the closer contact outlined to exist in the future between the alumni and the under-graduatc brothers indicates the beginning of a new era for Brother


11. Codwell

varsity " I I " club; playing manager of Baseball team in ':.•.">; and manager of the varsity football team in '26. Added to these laurels Brother Codwell is alsj a very good student. The least we can say of our beloved brother is that "he is a student, an athlete and a gentleman." H e graduates from college in June (1927) and plans to study medicine. EPSILON


University of Michigan, A n n Arbor, Mich. BROTHERS [H A L P H A



As the curtains are about to be drawn upon another epochal year in the history of Alpha Phi Alpha, Epsilon Chapter expresses its desire to commend her sister chapters for the great strides of progress and prosperity accomplished during the past With our eyes'fixed expectantly upon the Nineteenth A n nual Convention, we note here the more important events which have transpired since our last communication to the S P I I I X X .

Socially, Epsilon and her pledgees have not neglected themselves. Those affairs indicating the wish of the Uocne s to mingle with "the more dangerous of the species" which h a i r already come to pass augur well for a brilliant social season. T h e Sphinx Club which boasts the best of the prospects who have made their advent upon the campus this year, fired the initial gun with a dance on the evening of October S.i. following the Michigan-Illinois game. A number of fair visitors from Chicago and Detroit were present. This dance was acclaimed a most enjoyable occasion. T h e chapter in pursuance of its custom of entertaining its graduate brothers each lull, designated Nov. 6, the occasion of the Michigan-Wisconsin game as HomeComing Day. A large number of the old grads were out, among them I h o . Atty. Oscar W. Baker of Bay City, Mich. On that night a dance was sponsored by the chapter which will linger long in the memory of those present as one of I'.psilon's outstanding social events. It is not often that one can view such a bevy of our fairest as were present upon that evening. Plans for the Fall House Party are well under way. Intense interest is always manifested in this affair by the fair sex from every large city in the middle west, and the brothers are now in a state of seigc This party is scheduled for Dec. 10-11.

Epsilon. Representatives at the Nineteenth Annual Convention to he held in Richmond this year are Bros. I. T. Carter, Jr., and C. E. Baker, J r . Bro. Carter who is senior delegate is an A.B. from Va. Union University. class of 1925, and is at present a junior in the law school. Bro. Baker, is a senior in the college of literature, and was a member of the cross-country team for two years. He is junior delegate. Word has just been received by Epsilon, as this letter is posted, of the death of Bro. J. Asa White, after a lingering illness. Bro. White whose virile and inspiring tenor voice has graced many Epsilon banquets, was one of the chapter's first sons, and has always shown a great and sincere interest in the chapter activities. W e regret the passing of one of our genuine friends and offer our sympathy to his family in their bereavement and so. row. Ere this news is published, a neophyte will have plains of Alpha Phi Alpha and Thead ire W. Williams, of Cleveland, O., a sophomore in the college of literature, will have become Bro. Williams. T h e brothers have had this prospect under careful observation during his year at Michigan, and believe that he is wo. thy, and is the type of man to be inducted into the folds of Alpha Phi Alpha. We feel that we must commend the efforts of Pledgee Graham, who is making a name for himself n the realm 01 athletics. In the All-Campus tennis tournament held this fall, Graham survived until the semi-finals, which have been played off due to unfavor:•! '•• weather. This pledgee has demqnstrated that his ability to wield a racket is far beyond the ordinary, and he seems to be among the class of the campus. It is believed Graham was the logical man for the

campus championship. We look forward to the reunion of Alpha men in Richmond, and extend our wishes that unparalleled success shall favor the gathering, in the hope that Alpha Phi Alpha wil reach even g. eater pinnacles of achievement. Fraternally yours, J A S . T. CARTER, J R . ,





Space per chair foot around the radiators in Tliel;i's bouse gets -more valuable every day. Where jusf a

T h e SffcrriX. D e c e m b e r . 1926 few weeks ago one could see a line of brothers rushing headlong from the telephone out into th great open

places, the chief object of beauty and affection just now seems to be a steaming radiator sputtering a red hot tune. Every night, now, one can hear sweet sheba's sobbing over the wire, pleading, almost begging. Bui the sheba's sobs are less alluring than the 'sizzling s>mg from the furnace" if one may judge

by the congestion around the pipes. T o the committee in charge of the new students smoker this state of affairs proved very favorable. When Brother Fred Robb, one of Theta's aces was sppointed chairman of this committee everyone felt assu-ed thai the smoker would be a success. Brother Robb delivered the merchandise as expected. The new students smoker held on October 30, was a tribute to the ability of Brother Robb and his commiliee. The committee provided plenty of smokes and a good feed; they unhottled plenty of congenial fellowship, and they unwrapped several inspirational speeches just the right length. Brother .Arthur. Executive Secretary of the Wabash Ave. Y, M. C. A. attended the smoker and brought with him Brother Dr. Charming Tobias, recently rermned f om the W o r l d s Conference at Helsinfqfs, Denmark. Brother Tobias was the honored guest and speaker of the evening. Drawing upon his recent experiences in Denmark, Dr. Tobias stressed the importance of international contacts for college men. YoungNegro university .men can carry abroad a picture of Negro life in America which will be authentic and which will establish a basis of sympathetic understanding with foreign groups. Brother Dr. Roscoe Giles, an annual visitor to Theta's smokers, contributed a few words of encouragement which were inspiring to Theta men as well as the visitors. The presence of Dr. Giles at •'• se i Hairs lends an atmosphere of dignity which is not lost upon the Alpha prospects. ' Brother C. L. Franklin and Brother Bindley Cyrus polished off the program. Brother Franklin elaborated on Alpha celebrities, and Brother Cyrus explained the spirit and purpose of the smoker. Further spice :.. b i (•• pning's pleasure was furnished by Brother Martin llavnes who presided at the piano. Brother l.eonidas Berry, formerly of Xi Chapter, sang a tenor s,]o. Brother Dr. \\ m. Giles who came in late entertained for awhile at the piano. Just at litis interval the feed bags were carted in and adjusted. Everj man in the house participated in this part of the program without any coaxing. The luncheon ended the I nrd part of the activities but the brothers lingered around until early in the morning. • he a notes with regret the departure of Br..(her C. I.. Franklin to Brooklyn, N. Y., where he has received an enviable appointment. At the last meeting of the chapter Brother Franklin made a farewell ad(i e s : nd ; Iso presented an excellent report oh Theta's finances, In a dual capacity as treasurer and chaplain, Brother Frankin has served this chapter well. While Theta mourns the loss of his services, not to speak of his spiritual inspiration, it congratulates him upon his new opportunity, Budgets have always been hard to collect at Theta chapter. The president may plead with tears in hiS eyes, the secretary may send out reams oi reminders and the officers may pass resolutions by the volume, all without snaring a single dollar. A strange sight il was then fore to see the members of Theta chapter crowding the house recently, demanding statements from the secretary. Had not Brother Milton experienced similar situations before he would have been astounded at the sight of these brothers jostling one another in an effort to pay budgets. The cause of this miracle is easily explained, f he experience may he unique at Theta but here it is. Xi-l.ambda, our big hearted graduate chapter is giving a formal dance on Wednesday, November U. Theta men. that is those who are financial, are invited


en masse. This then explains the frantic rush to" climb on the financial bandwagon and "get right" for the dance. It is surely curious how the buys can dig up the old sock full of change when one of these events is marked on the calendar. There are fewer boarders around Brother Jordan's. table now, with flic passing of the summer visitors. Nevertheless a lew customers are still getting fat on Peter's hill of fare. On Saturday night, Brother Jo dan serves a fried chicken dinner which would make an Alpha and a Kappa lie down together. Even your correspondent, who has meals provided for him elsewhere, cannot resist the call of the fowl when Saturday comes around. Any Alpha man who boards. and who has not surrounded one of Pete's two fisted. meals I as a big surprise waiting for him. Brother Jordan, always full of energy and argument, has applied his talents in a new direction by repainting the kitchen. Several coats of paint in tones of blue and gray and a layer of new- linoleum has transformed an ordinary room into a culinary palace. The chapter appreciates Brother Jordan's work and the interest he takes in the house. . Rumor has it that Brother Hermann Brown craves to try on the marriage yoke. This Brother is known as a proud spirited colt, traveling at a dizzy pace with that high powered sheik Brother Marcus Mahone. Whether Brother Brown can slow down to this new role may he open to argument but the boys say it won't be long now. Our most recent benedict Brother Judge 1. Joins. plans to meet the wife in Kansas City, during Thanksgiving Week. All prescriptions at the Jones Pharmacy have been tilled recently by Brother Chaunccy loins because Judge I. is too exicted to make accurate weight,;. I In election of Theta's delegate to the convention was a mild affair this year. Your correspondent was chosen as Senior Delegate; Brother C. I.. Franklin elected as Junior Delegate, and Brother S. B. Milton selected as Alternate. Brother Cyrus announced that he too would be among those present at the Richmond ringside Theta Chapter in closing the year's work sends greetings to her sister chapters, wishing them a bounteous Christmas and a joyous New Year. "See you at the Convention." Fraternally, Sb'l'M NEB T . B o l l l i ; .





Ohio State Un'versity, Columbus, Ohio BROTHERS 1\





Kappa has resumed full speed after a lull of three months of slimmer vacation. The first big even! of chool year for the chapter was our annual initiation. The initiation was held November 12, 1986, at the country home of Bro. Dr. Woodlin, located about Is miles from Columbus. The scene of this initiation was laid in ideal surroundings. So idea! were the surroundings that every brother present was inspired to make that occasion a lasting one for those candidates. One neophyte we found had given Conn i e able thought to the process of the initiation. That neophyte we discovered just before board meetin" had ingeniously taped some ham skins to that part of bis anatomy subject to the initiation. After this little concidence the arena was thrown open when all the preliminary detail had been dispensed with mid the angry and hungry fraternal lions of Kappa chapter were turned loose upon these game neophytes. After all was said and done the following new brothers saw the light. They are as follows: Wendell Van Lew, Dr. A. K. Lawrence and Harvey J. Johnson, graduate brothers;


T h e S p h i n x . D e c e m b e r 1926

Nelson Woody, W m . Morton. Geo. W . Cooper, T a l madge Long, Porter Carroll, P. Bernard Young, under-graduate brothers. All present were treated to a sumptuous feed after the ceremonies were over by our host and good Bro. Dr. Woodlin. The curtain fell on the scene in the wee hours of the morning and each brother went to his respective home feeling that a new page had been written in the annals of Kappa Chapter and Alpha Phi Alpha. On Sunday, November 14, 1026, at 5 P . M. a dinner was held at the Crystal Slipper honoring our new brothers. The chapter turned out "en masse'' for this affair. T h e fairest maidens of the realm of all Columbus were present with their under-graduate company. The graduates and their's were out in x large number. They gave the occasion that beautiful and serene tone which is lacking where a 100 per cent under-graduate group is present. A short program was rendered during the progress of the dinner. After the dinner the assemblage went to the Empress Theater in body to enjoy a good show. On to Richmond. Kappa is sending a high powered delegate. West Virginia claims him as a native son. H e is a happy combination, of a sheik as the women see him and a regular scout as the men see him. This delegate is none other than our own inimitiable Charles Warfield formerly of Phi but now from Kappa. Our 4th National Vice President Harley S. Manuel will be present in Richmond and his presence will be felt in more ways than one. On to Richmond where southern hospitality reigns supreme. Fraternally, P A U L M. FLOYD,





University of Minnesota BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A .


We, the brothers of Mu, have finished almost onequarter's work by this time. The most tit have survived the struggles and tribulations, and we may safely say that we have tried to do our best in all ways. W e were overjoyed to learn from the Dean of Student Affairs that our chapter had attained a " C " average in scholarship last year. It might be mentioned that Mu rose from 35th place in the scholastic ratings of fraternitities to 24th place. Our percentage was 0.9924. The fraternities that did not attain a " C " average will probably lose their charters after the university officials confer with their respective national organizations. Here let me pause, and say that every brother knows it is his duty to do his best; through cooperation and perseverance we can and will maintain our standard and. if possible, rise to the highest pinnacle. On October 30 Mu entertained in honor of the new students on the Minnesota Campus. This was in the form of a Hallowe'en party given at Pioneer Hall, St. Paul. As usual the hall was nicely decorated, very natural for Alpha Phi Alpha. The music was furnished by Cecil Tinley's Orchestra. This young man is working his way through school by playing in the orchestra, and his efforts must be praised as the music was beautiful. Horns, caps, confetti, and dancing occupied our time until the wee morning hours when couple by couple the merrymakers slipped away. The social committee, composed of Brothers Jackson, Cooper, and Ransom, functioned well under the guidance of the chairman. Brother Leon Smith. Mu Chapter has again revived its old policy of holding noon luncheons every Thursday at the Minnesota Union. These luncheons have been fairly well attended by the brothers. We are very proud to have

been hosts to two of our distinguished brothers in the pe.-sons 01 brother Noble Sissle and Brother Matney, of West Virginia. These luncheons are a good chance for the fellows to get together every week and just have a pleasant time. At our luncheon November 4, lii'otlier Miles Cannon was present. Brother Cannon brought Brothers Sissle and Matney to the Campus. Brother Matney, of West Virginia, was in Minneapolis attending the Co-operative Congress. Brother Matney gave a short talk at our luncheon. Brother Sissle, who was co-starring at a St. Paul theater with I'.uliie Blake, also talked a few minutes to the brothers. H e asked all of the brothers to aid in a movement which will soon become country-wide, namely, to reorganize the 92nd and 93rd Divisions of the Army which saw service in France. Both of these brothers are typical Alpha men and have Alpha Phi Alpha at heart. These two brothers also expressed their determinations to attend the convention at Richmond this year. Brother John Thomas has been ill with tonsilitis; he had his tonsils removed, and after a short period of sickness he is able to get about very well again. Brother Frank Butkin is still working, but will be in school next quarter. Brother President C. W. Washington is working also. He, too, is planning to return to school to take a post-graduate course. Brother F. (). Washington, of Alpha Xi Chapter. is' now in Minnesota's Dental School and is doin 0 good work. Brother Washington is a credit to Alpha Phi Alpha and has worked with us very well. Our "newest" brothers are doing splendid work in school. Brother John Thomas is making line grades in the College of Science, Literature, and Arts. Brother Leon Smith is succeeding nicely at the St. Paul College of l,;i\v. Brother Bob Kyle is a freshman in the Pharmacy School. Brother S. S. Jackson is a freshman "Dent." So we are all at work trying to do better things. We have started plans for the Convention. Brother L. Fields is our senior delegate, Brother Cooper is junior, and Brother R. Johnson is alternate. W e h ipe in he ably represented at Richmond and hope our delegates will meet delegates from every active chapter in Alpha Phi Alpha On to Richmond is the watchword ! Fraternally yours, JOHN





Lincoln University BROTHERS IN ALPHA P H I ALPHA, Greetings: Things are moving along sublimely at Nu as eve". The brothers are doing all in their power to promote the welfare of this chapter and Alpha Phi Alplia as a whole. Adhering to the policy that quality and not quantity counts, Nu recently pledged two young men as full pledgees. Rockfeller Turner is one of the outstanding figures of the campus, being a good student, and one that is engaged in many outside activities. Booker Washington, the other pledgee is also a very good student. Both show prospects of becoming real Alpha men. Brother Dick Hill and Pledgee Brother Turner are two of the members of the debating team that will meet Oxford University of England, This debate is creating quite a sensation since it is the first time that Oxford University has debated a Negro Institution. W e know that the Alpha participants will acquit themselves with glory. Nu is planning to send a strong delegation to Richmond for the convention. The official delegates

T h e Sphinx, D e c e m b e r , 1926

have not been selected yet, but a number of the Brothers plan to make the trip. Memories of the past Thanksgiving holidays still linger in the minds of the brothers. T h e LincolnHoward game itself perphaps has been forgotten by most of us, because we do not like to remember such a slaughter. However, there were many other thrills beside the game. Among these was the dance given by Beta and Mu Lambda Chapters. As is customary, these chapters put over a real classy dance, and all the brothers from N u are of one accord in pronouncing it one of the best affairs of the holiday season. Cupid has started his dart throwing again as Cupid's Corner will reveal. Hoping to see all the brothers in Richmond I remain, Fraternally yours, J A M E S O. HOPSON,


XI Wilberfcrce


University, Wilberforce,


BROTHERS IN ALPHA P H I ALPHA, Greetings: Alpha Phi Alpha once more sets its face towards the rising sun of its General Convention. Xi is prepared and content with the achievements of the year and is basking in the n e n u m b r a l warmth of spirit and enthusiasm characteristic of this period immediately preceding the convention from which the spirit of the year to come, is largely emanated. It is indeed with a feeling of confidence and joy that Xi greets her sister chapters, and divulges a tiling or two in respect to her achievements. The opening of school found us united once more into one compact spirituous body, functioning in a whole from which no part is absent. Brother Ted Thompson returns to us the dethroned monarch of the tennis courts. H e is down, to he sure, but certainly he is not out of the spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha, which waxes strong within him and he sets his face in a calm grim mold toward redemption of his former crown. Brother William Buchaimon, popularly known as ' Cap'.ain Buck," of the fighting "Bulldogs," is playing the same consistent and brilliant game that has won him popularity in collegiate football circles. "Buck" is a lighter of the most spiritous caliber and is held in high esteem by all who know him. Brother "Joe" Williams, who was until recently a member of Beta Chapter, is once again in the fold from which he wandered. He is filling with credit the center position as Captain Buchannon's "understudy." Several pledgees are aiding in the development of the team (Praise to our pledgees.) Brother H a r r y "Fuzzy" Evans, the captain of the "Force" cagers, who ranks as one of the speediest forwards in collegiate basketball, is whipping the team into shape for another championship year. Brother Richard Jordan is exhibiting his journalistic ability as editor-in-chief of The Mirror, "the official school organ," and the Foreean Year Book. Brother Jordan has long been an outstanding character in extra-curricular activities of the school. He is a man of vision and intelligence. But more of him anon. Brothers Wade Ellis and Raglan Reid are student instructors in Chemistry and English, respectively. Both are members of the Sword and Shield fraternity (honorary). .Brothers George West and Carl Brown are true Alpha Phi Alpha men. The former is an excellent scholar and above all exemplifies the principles for which Alpha Phi Alpha stands. Brother Brown, besides being an outstanding musician, is our "hardboiled" house man, and goes about his work in unassuming manner, leaving no stones unturned in his


efforts to beautify the chapter house. ( A s k the brothers of Beta if we have a swell home.) The organization needs more men like Brothers West and Brown to carry on the noble work. Brother Mason "Bish" Davis, "the politician of the chapter," is guiding the destinies of our newlyorganized Sphinx Club. These young men look like promising material for future Alpha men. The social world owes us nothing. Brother " B o b " 'Flu.mas. our energetic corresponding secretary, has been bitten by the "love bug." Miss Gertrude Kyle is the recipient of Brother Thomas' courtesies. Brother Davis, "the brothers are watching you. And the petite Miss Davis from Oklahoma is charming. Xi is truly hold'ng her own in All fields of endeavor and with the record of the past to spur her on she pushes forward towards the mark of high calling. Once more we think of our annual convention and cry "All out for Richmond " Gamma, we are coming ! And coming strong. Brothers "Ted" Thompson and Wade Ellis will be our delegates. Don't be surprised to see us coming in carloads from dear old Xi. Wishing all a Merry Xtnas and a prosperous New Year. Fraternally, TED T H O M P S O N .

. hsotiate


Editor to T H E S P H I N X .


Cleveland, Ohio BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,


The old year is fast drawing to a close, and we must soon face a new day. No matter what we may have accomnlishcd the spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha leads us on and on to greater heights, so let us turn our face towards the rising sun of a new year and pray with Kipling, "l.ord Cod of hosts, be with us yet, lest we forget, lest we forget." Here as in most places Alpha Phi Alpha is the controlling factor in the Negro element. Brother Selmo Glenn demonstrated this very neatly in the recent political campaign here. In all branches of all professions the spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha seems to dominate. The opening of school found the following brothers striving for the coveted sheepskin. Brother Albert T u n e r , a senior in law at Western Reserve University, has a record indeed for all of us to be proud of. He has been, and still is, among the leaders of his elites in every way. Brothers Jackson, Spencer, and Thurston are in their second year of law, and are making an honest attempt to equal Brother' Turner's record. Brothers William French and William Granger are seniors at Adelbert College of Liberal Arts. At Case School of Applied Sciences we have Brothers Joseph Dorsey and Carl Wynne struggling with the intricacies of engineering. Brother Dr. Charles Garvin, who is now connected wi:h Lakeside Hospital here, was the author of an interesting article in the August issue of Opportunity on diseases common to colored people. It is interesting to note that this brother of ours is one of the few people of our race who have the determination, and the nerve to live where they please. H e certainly has been entertained most royally by his neighbors since he moved into his new home in one of Cleveland's most select districts. Our president, Brother Norman McGee has presented Alpha Phi Alpha with an embryo brother Congratulations, Brother McGee. Brothers Spencer and Brooks are playing varsity football with Western Reserve University Feel awfully sorry for them when they play Case next Saturday. Brother Hansbarry, one of the best backs in the Ohio Conference, is again playing with Oberlin


The Sphinx, December,


Brother H a r r y Richardson certainly sent his pin a long way. H e has announced his engagement to MisS Selma T. White, of Jacksonville, Florida. Brother Stanley Brown, who received about all the honors a man can receive for pre-med. work, has been appointed instructor in anatomy in the School of Medicine. Brother William French is now a student gym instructor at W. R. U. Brother and Mrs. N. K. Christopher expect to spend Thanksgiving in Washington. From there they are to go to New York, where they will attend a house party given by Mrs. Alicia Walker at Irvington-on-theHudson. Brothers Pope and Weaver have opened a very efficient little drug store in the lobby of the Hotel Majestic this brings their chain of stores to three. Our meetings have been so well attended, and business carried on so successfully that we believe that the fraternity in general might be interested in the plan we use." At each meeting the president appoints three brothers to act as hosts at the next meeting. Said brothers are expected to provide a feed for the occasion. This plan has one great advantage to the brothers in school. It assures them of at least two good meals a month. Our annual freshman smoker was held Friday, November 5. Brother Sehno Glenn, acting in the capacity of toastmaster, informed the newcomers of the features of Alpha Phi Alpha. Brothers Garvin and Koran gave us two very good talks on their experiences in Alpha Phi Alpha. Barbecued chicken was served. At our last regular meeting we selected our delegates for the convention—Brothers Brooks and Jackson. W e have entrusted with them an ambition of Pi Chapter which we hope they will be able to fulfill. Brother Annan Evans and Mrs. Annan Evans have had an addition to their family. Brother and Mrs. Jarretl Chaveus are now the proud parents of a lovely baby girl. . Among the brothers of this chapter cooperation and brotherly love is roe keynote. Things have been running very smoothly and the business affairs are being taken care of with cpjickness and precision that is haul to beat. Pi wishes all her sister chapters well and earnestly looks forward to meeting their various representatives at the convention in Richmond. Fraternally yours, CARL J. W V N N K .





Champaign, 111. BROTHERS IN ALPHA P H I ALPHA, Greetings: This is an age of criticism and inquiry, and in whatever assembly a man finds himself he is under the critical eye. What hath he done or what is he doing, is the question which reaches every man. And for fear that question may be asked in vain concerning Tau, this is one of the things she hath done, and is still doing. There is, at the University of Illinois, an organization known as the "Intra-Fraternity Council" winch functions similarly to a legislative body inasmuch as it has to do with the making of the by-laws and regulations governing the 63 fraternities on the Campus. The major qualification for representation in the Council is a three point average for three consecutive semesters. This year, for the first time in the history of the Council, a Negro fraternity, Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, has representation in the Council, Yes, Tau has won a seat in the Council, and is now representing the colored students at the University of

Illinois. The brothers of Tau are extremely happy over this accomplishment and proud of their good showing on the Campus. In addition, they arc proud of the older brothers, who have gone out into other fields, but who while here aided in bringing about this success of Tau. I refer to Brothers Mosely. Thornhill, West. Kyle and Lane, former Tau warriors. The new school year has found our ranks sadly depleted; four brothers were lust in graduation last June and live others were unable to return to school in September. This leaves us with six brothers in the chapter now. However, with Brother Alpheus Hooker, our prcxy, at the helm, we have planned a very extensive and constiuctive program for the ensuing year. At the beginning of the semester we had a smoker at the chapter house and, though the older brothers who have passed on, were sadly missed, it felt like old limes when we got to singing the old songs and telling "tales" characteristic of Tau life. W e had with us two of our patrons, Mr. Thomas and Mr. Jordan, two of Champaign's prominent business men. Each of them gave a talk which was very well taken. M r. Thomas told the importance of keeping on good terms with the townspeople. Mr. Jordan told us to go out for athletics. October 10 was Homecoming, and our entire program was a grand success, even more so than we ourselves had expected beforehand. From Friday, until we were through celebrating the victory over Iowa, Tau was the scene of real good times. There were many brothers down and the key to the chapter was turned over to them. On Friday night there was a party at the chapter house, which could hardly take care of the large crowd. On the following evening, through the aid of some of our alumni and visiting brothers, not to mention our chaperones and patrons, we were able to have a big dance at the Masonic Temple. The Temple was lavishly decorated in orange and blue, thanks to the wonderful efforts of Brothers McKnight, Hughes and Shaw, and the crowd was kept enchanted from 8 to 12 by the wond .ul strains from Paul Stewart's eight-piece orchestra from Fort Wayne. Ind. This dance will long be remembered by everyone present and was entirely in keeping with former affairs given by Tau. Much in we had hoped for, and we shall never forget the wonderful assistance given us by Brothers Hare.wocd, Powell, W'addell, Schell. Lane, forfaer Tau brothers, and Brothers M. Williams and Minton, of Chicago, and Brother Howard of Springfield After the dance Mrs. Thomas, one of our chap crimes, was so kind as to invite some of the old "grads" to her In me, where a delightful time was had by all. Mrs. C. Jones also turned her home over to another group of our guests and here, too, a nice time was had until the wee hours of the night The Milire Homecoming program was one that will long \y remembered, Some of the visiting b r i b e r s : K. Wheeler from Iowa U., R. Harcwood, Theta Chapt e r ; C. Lane, H. Schell, M. Williams. K. Waddel, A. Mosely and I. Randall. Two weeks later came Dad's Day and the Pennsylvania game. We had with us Brothers Harewood and Williams again. While we have been quite active socially. let it not be felt that we are drifting in one channel alone, for with the end of the first six weeks of school, we are assured the maintenance of a good average as all our group were riding the crest and among the select. Tau also is well represented in athletics on the Campus. Pledge Berry has made a splendid record in freshman football, and consequently was awarded his numeral, that coveted prize of all freshmen. With the end of the football season he plans to make that freshman basketball team and later track. We expect great things of this pledge. Heretofore members of our group have gone out for football and track only, but realizing that sta-

The Sph.'nx. D e c e m b e r , 1926 1 -ility begets stagnation, Brother Caldwell has decided thai nothing can keep him from making the varsity tennis team. With Brother Caldwell as a nucleus our athletic manager, Brother' McKnight, is trying to place another team in international basketball. H e says that T a u will be represented if it takes every man in the chapter. We are few in numbers (seven) and every man h:>s derided, if never before, now he will play basketball. Our team made such a splendid record last year lliat it is vital to the chapter that we be represented, because this is a very important activity on the Illinois

Campos. It is extremely interesting to note the diversity of activity among the graduate brothers. At present Brother Charles Lane is studying law at the University of Chicago. Brother Wood is with a bonding house of the same city. An entirely unexpected event occurred when Brother George T. Kyle was assigned a post on Morris Brown's staff of instructors. H e has a most amiable and efficient colleague in the person of Brother II. Dodford West, who is entering on his second year of work there. After being granted a B. S. from the School of Commerce. Brother Mosely matriculated in Chicago Normal School to study at that insti Ution, contemplating perhaps an enviable position on the city's corps oi teachers. Brother Hudson, a graduate of the College of Law, is at present in Huntington, W. Va., selling real estate. He anticipates the taking of the Illinois bar examination in the near future. Brother Alvin H. Moss is located in Chicago and has just taken the Illinois bar examination. Among the very few brothers now at the chapter, Ihother Hooker, an extreme Easterner, stands out as the most prominent figure. Being our senior presid nt, the chapter is recipient of his unusual abilities if Ic.'d Tship. Truly he is a go-getter in more ways than one—the ladies being one of the chief ways. Brother McKnight is performing a most valuable service, willingly and ungrudgingly in keeping the chapter records in efficient and systematic order. Not least in achievement and noteworthy endeavor must be mentioned Brothers Hughes and Caldwell, just exr units of Tau's prowess among the fair maidens and TEH'S renowned comaraderie and good fellowship. From among the chapter's freshmen comes one whose eccentricities mark him as an unusual individual. A I- ead • he has given evidence of scholastic ability. He has been placed in the star rhetoric and French sections of the freshman class. T o hold a position in these classes of very limited enrollment is to unmistekably possess the earmarks of a student. It is Tau's In pe that he will not fall short of her expectations of

him. Tau cannot help but view with g n a t pride the accomplishments and achievements attained after graduation from college by those stalwart old Tau warriors who struggled with Tau in her infancy. There are many successful Tau men out in life, but here, since space is limited, a few of the accomplishments of just three of Tau's pre-eminent characters will be given. Brother Richard Harewood, who is now affiliated with Theta Chapter, received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Illinois in 1922. During the year of 1923 Brother Harewood was in charge of the Department of Romance Languages at Talledega University. The following year Brother H a r e wood deserted the teaching profession to prepare himself for that work in life for which he is so admirably equipped by nature. Three years later we find Brother Harewood a finished product of the Chicago Law School and a progressive member of one of the best law firms in Chicago, the firm of Temple, Brown & Harewood. Brother Harewood's zeal and stick-to-itivene'ss are an inspiration to the brothers of Tau who are now striving to reach their goals.


Brother William Jenifer Powell graduated from the College of Electrical Kngineering here at Illinois in 1922, Although in college when America entered the war, Brother Powell was among the eligiblcs for military service. H e was sent to Des Moines, Iowa, and was the youngest officer who was ever commissioned from the camp at Des Moines. Upon graduation from the university he was immediately employed by an electrical company in northern Illinois, but determined to get into business for himself. Brother Powell severed his connections with the Northern Illinois Electrical Company after two years. Today Brother Powell is president of the firm which he founded in Chicago. This'firm owns and operates an enormous garage, three service stations and an enormous greasing establishment in the city of Chicago. Brother Powell's achievements presents a concrete example of what can be accomplished by noble ambitions backed by the determination to succeed. Brother Oscar Randall graduated from the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois in 1930, Immediately after his graduation Brother Randall was employed in the capacity of an engineer by the University of Illinois to do special engineering work on the Campus, After two years' service with the University of Illinois, Brother Randall's services were sought by the Sanitary District of Chicago. Brother Randall now holds an important position in the engineer corps of the Sanitary District of Chicago. Brother Randall, in spite of his many business duties, has found time to be active in Chicago's social circle. B.other Randall holds the office of the president in the Amateur Minstrel Club of Chicago. Brother Randall is also a commissioned officer in the Fighting Eighth Regiment. Brother Randall's attainments are a -on ce oi inspi alion to all of us here at Tau. Now, as the year closes, Tau boasts progress. We, the tew who are here now are abiding the time until our ranks will he strengthened by the return of a few b.others in February, Then Tau's light will be seen to blaze out in fields of new activity. We hope lor Alpha Phi Alpha a very successful convention this yea,-, one that will surpass in all expectations previous conventions and be in keeping with Alpha ideals. iVith best wishes to all sister chapters for a Merry Alpha Christmas, and a successful New Year. 1 am. fraternally yours, VIKGII. MCKNIGHT, Secretary. CHI


M e h a r r y Medical College a n d Fisk University BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,


Since our last letter to you we have had the pleasure of selecting men from the various applicants to membership in the Sphinx Club, as well as to lead fourteen new brothers into the light of Alpha Phi Alpha. ii.e new b o t h e r s admitted to the chapter are as follows: From the Medical Department. T. K. Gregg, C. C. Benton and Swann; from the Dental Department. T. R. Spillman, B. T. Williams, W . Smith, Del'.lest. Ward, Candy; Pharmaceutical Department, Mills and Martin; Fisk. J. K. Streator, brother of Brother Ceo. Streator of Fisk fame; Thomasson, Carr, George Reynolds. Our field of selection was large and the men have been selected with unerring scrutiny, hoping to replace the high caliber of brothers which left us last year. Our ranks have further been swelled by the addition of the following new brothers from the various chapters: Brothers Tucker. Upsilon; I!. Harrison, Alpha X i ; Allen, Alpha Omicron; Lang. Alpha P i ; M. C. Clark, and Maroney, from Beta: Prof. Samuel Stevens, Mu. who is a new instructor in the Pharma-


T h e Sphinx. D e c e m b e r 1926

ceutical Department. Brother Stevens has also added the charming presence of M r s . Stevens to our list. Brother B. T. Johnson, Alpha Xi, is a student at Fisk and is holding up the standards of Alpha. Our efforts to secure a chapter home have been greatly encouraged by the many visiting brothers during the Meharry Semi-Centennial as well as with each visiting football team. Chi is making a valiant fight and we a r e asking the response of the former members of this chapter when the call is sounded. The high caliber of our basketball team was enhanced with the coming of Brother Maroney, who is proving to be one of the most efficient coaches during the writei 's stay at Meharry. With the support of the other members of the team Brother Maroney promises to "put the basketball championship where it rightfully belongs." Among the most promising aspiring members of the team are numbered the following : Brothers Rabb, "Fighting" E. B. Clark (captain) ; Allen, formerly of Johnson C. Smith; Mason, and Redmond, of last year's combination, together with Weathers, Swann, "Red" Lang, "Jelly" Wilson Matthews, and Tolly Harris. Chi Chapter has accepted the challenge of the local chapter of Omega Psi Phi for an inter-fraternal football game during the coming holidays. Both chapters boast of numerous former "stars" and we are expecting one of the greatest exhibitions of football ever seen in these parts. Watch for the advertisement, brothers, and if possible don't miss it. Alpha was well represented on the Fisk team—Brother Bob Walker, captain; also Brothers Scott, Edmiston, and a pledgee, Watts. Their record has been one of credit both to themselves and to Fisk. Our Thanksgiving meeting was held in the Bethlehem Center under the leadership of Brother P . V. Campbell ; the principal address was delivered by Brother Livingstone. Remarks by Brother Gore, of State Normal, and music by Brother Wilson, of State Normal, formerly president of the chapter at Northwestern University. Brother Fentress of Chi gave the history of the fraternity in a very attractive manner. T h e meeting was inspiring and one for which we are really thankful. The members of Chi Chapter were the guests of the graduate brothers in the city on last Tuesday evening at the establishment of Tau Lambda, the new graduate chapter. The affair was one to be long remembered, and judging from the splendid spirit we are expecting great things here in Nashville from Alpha. We a r e wishing for all of the brothers a most pleasant and successful holiday season and further, to meet everybody at the convention. Fraternally yours, HENRY



Secretary, Chi Chapter.



More than 20 brothers packed the meeting room of old Alpha Alpha at the first meeting of the year, and "bang!" off went the summer lid and all men "Gave their word" that they were ready for business. With only a short time before the convention. Alpha Alpha is working hard to put over her great house drive before the meeting in December. Brothers Herbert T . Miller and W. N. Lovelace were elected as delegates to the next Convention. All Alpha Alpha men are requested to send in their name and address to the chapter secretary at once. Good news for you. Meetings were held during the summer this year as a means of keeping the men together. It was at one of these meetings that a smoker and short pro-

gram put pep into the men that will last for some time to come. Our "Go-to-High School, Go-to-College," under the leadership of our good President. I. McCloud, was a great success. Brother Julian Lewis, of Chicago, gave the address, and all told we reached over 500 of the school class. In short, Alpha Alpha is at work. Watcli Tin-: S P H I N X fur a complete roll of members and their "doings." On to Richmond. Fraternally, Z. W . WEBR.





Alpha Epsilon by the Golden Gate is all agog and has accomplished great things during this passing semester. W e hope to have our delegate at Gamma for our Nineteenth Annual Convention. In accordance with plans of our General Secretary, Alpha Epsilon Chapter has adopted a budget covering the Fall semester, 1026, and the Spring semester, 102". From all appearances we will have a very successful year. Each brother is doing his part. The University of California numbers among the largest institutions of learning in the world. W e are proud to say that in the lair of the far-famed California "Bear," Alpha Epsilon claims quite a number of bruins of the darker hue. There is Big Brother Coleman, "Smoke" Francis, an athlete of proven worth and ability at California. Ninety thousand yelling fans witnessed this fighting Bear when he replaced Bert Cock at tackle in the annual grid classic, the "big game" between California and Stanford. Through three years of tough fighting against almost (insurmountable odds, this brother, true to Alpha spirit. charged and fought against the Cardinal Indians, a team that was surely destined to win. Brother Francis played bis last and best game for dear old California r-nd won fame for himself and Alpha. Brother Francis is our president and a senior student at California. B-other Walt. Gordon, our other big " C " man in foot1 'rll did his duty well as he sat in the press box, phoning the faults of the team in its plays to Coach Price on the field. Brother Gordon, J. D., was scout for California. Brother Ivan Johnson I I I , is also among those proud ones who wear a "C," having won his in track, a sport in which he and Brother Franc's were teammates, our president having also won his letter a number of times in this sport. Brother Johnson was from Alpha Delta and has been with us fo>- quite a time. H e is now back at Los Angeles. Brother H . Leonard Richardson, the prominent attorney, was also an athlete at California, but through bad fortune was not awarded bis letter. Brother Richardson played baseball, being the only man of cur group w'r> I r s ever made a baseball team at Califo iv'a. Brother Richardson now possesses a new Willys-Knight sedan. Brother John Bussey, an ex-president of Alpha Epsilon, may well boast that he obtained his numerals in track. He also received a circle " C " in the art of fistic defense, Brother Bussey was unanimously elected delegate to our Nineteenth Annual Convention. Brother James Allen, our assistant secretary, also SpO-ts a circle "C" for boxing, as docs Brother ErrOl Jones. Alpha Epsilon has made great strides in looking into future Alpha material. W e have organized a Sphinx Club which has as members George Hurd, Manon Robbeson. John Ware, William Wilson and John Coleman. Pledgees Hurd and Robbeson made the Frosh " I I I . " On account of severe injuries, the doctor ordered Pledgee Robbeson to forget football. H e was forced to withdraw, but you will hear of him in track next semester. Pledgee Hurd was more fortunate and after a display of wonderful spirit and u$r]it,

T h e Sphinx, D e c e m b e r , 1926 won his numerals in the annual frosh "big game" when the "Baby Indians" were the victims of the infant Hears' attack We are mighty proud to see these pledgees striving hard to become worthy for service as Alpha men. It is no easy task and they are trying hard in all lines of endeavor. We miss our brother Clarence Ward Williams, who has cast l i s lot with Nu Chapter. Brother Williams is a true Alpha man and has been quite an asset to Alpha Epsilon. He has served us as treasu _ er, assistant secretary and chapter editor to the S P H I N X at different times. We know that Nu has a real redI loaded Alpha man added to its list. We are glad that Bro'her Williams is playing football at Lincoln. Brother William K. Griffin, our past secretary, will jo ii the :anks of Nu Chapter soon when he and B other Bussey will motor across the continent in Bussey's Ford coupe. Harvard Law School will be the destination of B.other Bussey who graduates from California in December this year. Brother I. Arnold Hill, director of the department of industrial relations, National Urban League, New Vork, is in town Broiher Hill hails from Gamma end Theta He seems to know what it is all about. Brother Samuel B. Danley, of Alpha Delta, University of Southern California, stopped off here just long enough to cop pretty Theresa Harper as his bride and then proceeded to Illinois, where he will take charge of the Urban League work. Miss Harper is a graduate of the University of California, class of 1025, and a member of Delta Sigma Theta sorority. I!, other Danley is a graduate of U. S. C. The p ofessionals are well represented, in addition to those mentioned before, by Dr. T. Toussaint Davison, Dr. Richmond. Dr. A. O. Newman, Dr. Herman Lewis, Dr. Roscoe Brewer, Dr. Grantham, Brother Eldridge Ross, Ph. C , and others who lift the name of Alpha to the sky. Brolher Edward Wilson, our hard-working secretary, is really n r k i n g good. He represents our chapter in knnis and is a musician of no mean ability, playing loth trombone and saxophone. Yes, Brother Wilson makes good with the ladies also, but he still wears his pin. B other Jrmes Jackson is our treasurer this year. He certainly holds the cash. Brother Kenneth Johnson is our big sergeant-at-arms. The religious side of our chapter is handled in perfect form by good Brother Alvin D. Nu-se, our chaplain. Brother Nurse is a charter member of Alpha Epsilon. H e sports a new "Chev." now. Yes, it shines. Other brothers who are really true to Alpha: Eugene U. Anderson, William Pittman, David Haskell, Dewey Davidson and Lloyd Isaacs, our past president. Alpha Epsilon has a number of brothers away from the seat of the chapter, namely. Brothers William H. Johnson, now at Howard; Brother William A. Johnsin. a graduate of Howard Medical School, and Brother Ellis Knox, who is now teaching at Phoenix, Arizona. Brother George Johnson, of Alpha Epsilon, a past president and delegate, is now in Bealt Hall of Law ;:t the University of California. Well, we must say adois, and many good wishes for a successful convention and a merry Yuletide for all chapters. Fraternally yours always, ALPHA






W e s t Virginia Collegiate Institute, Institute, W . Va. BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A .


Alpha Zeta has much to do this year and it seems a s if there is only a short time in which to accom-


phsh our self-allotment of work. Again this year we sponsored the two contests, Miss Institute and Miss West Virginia which Misses represented the West Virginia Collegiate Institute and the State of West Virginia at the Mid-West Football Classic on J hanksgiving Day in Columbus, which game was played by the elevens of the West Virginia Collegiate Institute and Wilberforce University. This year we have seven brothers in the senior class who are anxiously looking forward to a day in June, 1927, when they shall go forth on the world" Brothers Daniel Wood, Henry Robinson, Melvin Harris Millard Steptoe, Miles Jefferson, Ralph Johnson and Langley Spurlock are the seven who are looking forward to the day when they shall be pronounced' "seasoned" to face the world. Every one of this seven looks with happiness upon the day that he became a Brother in Alpha Phi Alpha. The graduate brothers in the immediate vicinities are certainly giving Alpha Zeta a great deal of support this year and it is with their help that we hope to accomplish those undertakings befitting the spirit and honor of Alpha Phi Alpha. Fraternally yours, LANGLEY A.




Brother John F. Matheus Always in the struggle for supremacy, we are proud to see Alpha Phi Alpha emerge victorious, head and shoulders above the rest of the crowd. Our Brother John F. Matheus of Alpha Zeta Chapter has come to win himself a place of distinction in the field of literary work for three successive times. When the magazine. "Opportunity" called in her contestants to determine the prize winners for the 1925 national literary contest, open to all persons of Negro descent Brother Matheus was happily summoned to New York to be awarded first prize for his short story, entitled "Fog." Twice since that time has our' talented Brother won honor and national recognition m the literary field. Last May, Brother Matheus in a similar contest offered by the "Opportunity" magazine won first prize for his personal experience sketch as well as second prize for his play, entitled the "Cruiter." Other literary works of Brother Matheus were given honorable mention in this contest. Just recently Brother Matheus has won first prize in tlie Spingarn Contest


T h e S p h i n x , D e c e m b e r 192fc

sponsored by the Crisis. Again liis short story was judged the best. We of Alpha Zeta do heartily commend our Brother Matheus to climb on to the heights of success and I am sure that I express the sentiment of all Alpha Phi Alpha when I say that we are proud of you Brother Matheus. T h e Department of Romance Languages of T h e West Virginia Collegiate Institute likewise swell- with pride to have at its helm, P r o fessor John F. Matheus, M. A. from Columbia.



M a r q u e t l e University, Milwaukee, W i s . BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,


Now that the football season has come to a close anil our enthusiasm has subsided the more serious side of college life now presents itself to every brother for reflection. Alpha Xi is especial; thankful (hat practically all of the expectant brothers have returned, together with several new students, who are reported to be doing commendable work. Though much has not been said through these columns of the splendid spirit which existed during last year, we will suffice it to say that it was the finest up to that time, .and the enthusiasm now being manifested is compelled to make this a banner year in the Chapter's history. It has been long felt by the various members that the community should feel more, tile influence of the Chapter. The program of activities for the next year is attempting to extend such influence not only in our community, but in several cities of the State the fraternity is arranging programs before representative groups of both races. The programs will have their climax in the "Go to High School. Go to College" program. T h e new students to Marquette' were accorded a cordial welcome at a banquet by the Chapter in their honor at the home of Bro. Frank Badger. Bro. A. B. Nutt, Atty., and Bro. J. Harvey Kerns were the principal speakers on tin's occasion. Short talks were made by a number of the brothers and responses by the visiting students. Bros. V. Moore and J. Harvey Kerns have b e n hosts to the fraternity in their homes. These home meetings have proven very popular to the brothers and seem to have created a keener intrest in the wel fare of t h e Chapter. B r a McDonald, our president, is constantly planning for the welfare of the organization. His business as a dentist and head of a Real Estate -Agency have not lessened his interest in the fraternity affairs. Alpha Xi's greatest hopes are that every brother will find it possible to continue their studies lite second semester; that the Convention in Richmond may prove the most far reaching in influence we have witness ••:!. May the spirit of "fellowship, and love for all mankind," which characterizes every Brother in Alpha permeate every attendant at our Convention; and while our delegates and officers are planning and deliberating for super services, may we say, though silently

with the poet: "Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears, Our faith triumphant over our fears, Are all with thee, are all with thee." J. HARVEY K E R N S ,




J o h n s o n C. Smith University, Charlotte, N . C. BROTHERS IN A L P H A




As the Nineteenth Annual Convention draws nearer and nearer, Alpha Omicron feels proud to know that

she will send two delegates to the conclave to represent her this year. They are Brothers G. K. Dockery and ('. H. White. Brother Dockery being the senior delegate and Brother White the junior delegate. These two brothers are true Alpha men and we feel sure that they will bring back a complete report of the convention. Several others of our chapter are planning on attending the convention. Everything points to Alpha Omicfon being well represented. During the Thanksgiving season many visiting" brothers were in our midst. We were very proud to have several of our graduate brothers with us, in the persons of Brothers C. B. Campbell, H . L. Tolbert, S. C. Johnson, J. W. Graham, G. L. Allen, D. P . Allen, J. R. Dungee and O. L. Westbrooks, All of these brothers are doing well in the ministerial and educational field. W e hope them much success an i will be pleased to have them visit us again. W e will be pleased to have any other brohters who may stop in Charlotte to visit us. You are always welcome. On the eve of November the 22nd as we were wandering through the sandy desert surrounded by pyramids and a huge Sphinx, we spied seven husky, bright, inteil gent young men. As we came nearer to the in they became frightened, for they were lost and thought that we had come to capture or kill them. After a short conversation with them, we found tha, they were qualified to become members of our band. We immediately got busy and decided that these young men shall not wander alone any longer through the sandy death valley, but shall be brought into the "Great Fold" where brotherly love and protection shall always exist. Hence upon this grand and glorious day of November the 2:Jnd, seven (7) young Americans were naturalized into Greek customs an 1 became "dazzling'' Alpha brothers. They are the Eol lowing : Brothe s E. L. Avery, W . K. Belton, J. T. Noting. J. T. Wilson. K. I,. Crater, G. F. Newell and G. F. Eyerly. Brother E. L. Avery who hails to us from St. Augustine School of Raleigh, N. C , has won much distinction on the campus as a scholar and a sic n thinker. We feel that he is the tvpe we arc looking for. Brother W . E. Belton, is a brilliant scholar and a utility man. That is what we want, useful men. Brother J. T. Young, is a scholar and a well known musician. He can tear up a clarionet and a piano and put them back together. Go on old bo\ your home is not here. Brother J. T. Wilson, is a stern thinker, a scholar and a member of the old "Smith" football squad. Brother R. L. Carter, is one of the outstanding students on the campus. H e is wide awake ami ready to lulp at all limes, l i e is a member of the Univer sity Athletic Association and president of the Sophomore Class. Go on old boy ! Brother G. F. Newell, is an excellent scholar an I the finest orator on the campus. H e is a member of the V M. C. A. Cabinet and is doing a good work in this field. Much luck to you my boy. Brother G. F . Lycrly who hails to us from Pries High School of Salisbury. N. C , is a stern and qualified student and is a member of the old "Smith" football squad. Thus we have selected tin bis; on the campus and wc feel that Alpha Omicron has moved a peg further and that Alpha Phi .Alpha is

pleased with our actions. Brother E. L. James, who sustained a broken leg in the Smith—V. N. I. 1. football game, is doing fine at tin's writing. We hope Brother James a speedy recovery. Brother James is one of our loyal members. With best wishes, I am, Fraternally yours, CARLTON L. M U R P H Y ,



T h e S p h i n x , D e c e m b e r , 1926 ALPHA-PI


Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,


Alpha Pi is about to end another year of activity. However, under the excellent leadership of Brother Williams, much more is expected to be done before the dawning of another year. First of all, our fall initiation brought us a baby brother. He is a fine one too, Brother Sydney A r lington Jones, Jr., our new brother, is the President of the V. M. C, A., a member of the student council and dramatic club, a debater and an end on the football nam. Brother Jones has exhibited unusual ability as a leader, and Alpha Pi feels that he will be a very worthy addition to Alpha Phi Alpha. We are glad to welcome back with us this year Brother H a r r y O. Schell of Theta. Brother Schell is every inch Alpha and is always an ardent worker for her cause. H e was very instrumental in making the Scholl a success although he is only Social editor. Brother Yates and Brother Oakes are being kept busy as captain and manager of the football team. Brothers Stanley, Collum and Lamar are varsity football men. Brother Stanley at fullback. Brother Collum on end, and Brother Lamar in tackle have won praises from sports writers everywhere for their excellent playing and are expected to make bids for berths on the mythical All-American team. Pledgee Brother " H o g Maw" Robinson has been showing tine form at center. Pledgees Ramsay and Simon have also been of great service to the team. The first edition of the Scroll, the student publication, is just out and Brother Oakes, the editor, is being covered in a blaze of glory for it is truly the best edition of the magazine in its long history. Brother Oakes, Alphalite, promises that the next editions are going to be even better. Alpha Pi entertained Brothers Miller, "Biff" Martin and Cardwell and Pledgee Brother "Tick" Smith of Beta with a dance at the Parish House on the night of Nov. 13. Many beautiful damsels were present and the brothers seemed to enjoy a very delightful evening after such a tough and interesting afternoon on the gridiron. 'I here will be no let-up in our efforts to perfect our organization. T h e brothers of Alpha Pi have come together to make Alpha Pi the greatest of Alpha Phi Alpha Chapters. W e are looking forward to a very successful convention at Richmond. Our delegate is Brother A. L. Williams, our President. With best wishes for the greatest Convention ever, I am, Fraternally yours, F. N. WEATHERS,


going to be opened one of these days and they're going to wake up one of these Sunday mornings in December to find out that they "know something." W e were glad to see, in tliÂŁ city, attending Alpha Pi's dance for the brothers from Howard, Brothers Carey, Sellers and Lockheart. Brother Sellers was charter president of Alpha Rho. Following the A n nual Turkey-day tilt between the Fisk Bulldog and the Morehouse Maroon Tiger, an entertainment in the form of a dansante for the members of the two teams is planned. The hosts will be the Fisk Club and the Greek letter men of our campus. Quite a few of the famous Fisk belles are expected to accompany the team, and the affair, on the whole, promises to be "kinda sorta tight." Can you imagine: Charlie Buggs "hitting his old stride" in Science and Math.? It's a fact, and Miss West, Mitchell Street, can tell you that he's putting in too much time somewhere. "Christmas" Carrol "changing his beat?" That's what they thought on the occasion of Alpha Pi's last dance, but the old fox still has them guessing. The lady friend of one of the brothers calling Herman Anderson "a cute little fellow?" "That's something." Jesse Love Terry living up to his name? "Doc" Terrill singing love ditties exclusively? Burrell Brown still in mourning for Miss Kansas City? Oh, by the way, we are having a special section reserved in Cupid's Corner of the next issue for Brother Nelson Jackson, big margerine and hen fruit man from Kansas City. If things don't change in these parts, look out for "Kayo." Incidentally, we might state that Brother "Gloom" Young is "raising a fog." Better hurry down this way, Joe. Brother King is a very busy man this year. Also, our legislative body is on the eve of meeting to enact a statute prohibiting the brother in question from attending any more dances this season. They charge that B other Herbert enjoys himself too well. Brother "Teapot" Dooley is another busy character. He's being called out of town regularly to officiate in; the various gridiron contests. W e have decided to have him added to the Officials' Association. A delegation of railway mail clerks, running between Atlanta and Oberlin, is expected in a few days to tender a vote of thanks to one of our brothers for "letting them live." Really, Brother Dezon seems to be at his zenith at left end this year. Oh, Love! Oh, Inspiration ! Oh, bah ! !

Hurray ! the mighty Guy Rodgers is in athletics again. With all that he's doing this year, Charlie Hawkins ALPHA RHO CHAPTER, still seems to have time for "the missus." Sh ! here's a little secret. Absolutely confidential. Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga. for service dominate the convention and the next new "Maggie" McGhee was at a meeting once this year. BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A , Greetings: Alpha Rho wishes every brother an enjoyable As the year draws to a close, Alpha Rho reflects, Thanksgiving, a merry Christmas, and a happy New with a bit of pride, over the work of the chapter. Our Year. Every brother has a standing invitation to Go to High School—Go to College Movement met come out and enjoy the hospitality of Alpha Rho with more success than ever. On the whole, the prowhenever in Atlanta. Here you'll find a jolly bunch of ject has had a gradual advancement ever since its regular Morehouse fellows, and every last one of them inception. thoroughly imbued with Alpha Phi Alphaism "from There were only two pledgees missing from the roll his hat down and his overcoat in." call this year. They are Messrs. James Welton. Jr.. Alpha' Rho expresses infinite appreciation to the and William McKelvcy, J r . These lads are at Fisk and Michigan Universitites respectively, and we fee} general staff for its excellent functioning this year. sure that they will make good men for Chi and So long! See you in Richmond. Epsilon as they are good, conscientious students and Fraternally yours, "full of Alpha." There are several men of their A L P H A R H O CHAPTER. number who are showing up mighty well as students OLIVER E. JACKSON, and regular fellows, as well as active Morehouse men. If (hey continue, the doors of the House of Alpha are Correspondent. Coresponding



T h e Sphinx, D e c e m b e r , 1926 A L P H A SIGMA


by the brothers of Alpha Upsilon upon the approaching convention. T h e delegates are jubilant over the W i l e y College, Marshall, T e x . prospects of attending, for the first time, a national convention and especially in old, historical, aristoBROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A , Greetings: cratic Richmond, the "Flower of the Southland." Brother President M. S. Thompson, senior delegate; "Stille nacht," a German would whisper softly to M. E. Fowler, alternate, are the chosen delegates. the rythm of enchanting music on a Christmas morning. While this little thought races against time The frat is heavily engaged in scholastic joust for through space with infinite swiftness from Europe individual and fraternity honors. Alpha Upsilon was to America, hence to Wiley College, seemingly 1 favorably received by the Inter-fraternity Council and could hear above some echoing, dampened sound, a is now on a three-month's probation period prior to meaning which was no doubt more striking to all final recognition of the chapter. Each brother is on under its effect than the same thought was to the Irs tip-toes. It was voted to give a la-ge banquet in Germans. Yes, it was a ''Silent Night," a night of February to the brother who obtains the highest averflourishing thought when four aspiring neophytes age for this semester. And oh, boy, is rivalry keen! were thrown into the hands of an angry Sphinx, The "Arabs," a local white fraternity, gave a large, "I'll Be Loving You Always," chanted Clarence Simmagnificent, beautifully-embossed 22-inches-high lovmons, quickly responding to a command with a voice ing cup to the college, which is to be presented at the of a very beautiful maiden of sixteen sweet summers close of each semester to the recognized fraternity Upon a spring day that could not sing pleasingly. v. ho obtains the highest scholastic ave 'age. T h e cup Well, a mad gush of wind passed. "Sheik" Simis to remain at the college and the name ai the framons will remember the exact time—"Always." Titus ! Titus—Ti—ss, a voice was heard that soon died out, ternity so hono'ed is engraved upon it. Of course Alpha Upsilon cannot aspire for the cup this semester, "What will be next" enquired Hall Langston Dansby, but we are going to capture that cup next semester and in a nasal tone to Corley Steward after the swift departure of Titus. "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." we are going to keep it until "Ivory soap sinks." Lest we forget, our chapter when finally recognized will Although Wiley suffered a 3-0 defeat from Samuel be the fi st national fraternity on the campus. Houston College of Austin, Texas, Alpha Sigma made Four of the brothers a'tentbd the Hobo Pa ty given a true shot and burst the glass ball of social restraint by Gamma Lambda on November 18th. If all reports by giving a lively prom at the palatial home of are true the affair was a riotous scream. It is said Brother Coach Long, honoring our visiting brothers. that when the strains of "Home, Sweet Home" began The visiting brothers were Frank Wilson, of New to echo through the hall there was a general weeping York, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A . ; Coach Taylor, and gnashing of teeth among the ragged hoboes and formerly of Lincoln University of Pennsylvania; their tatte -ed debs. The four A. U. brothers present Coach Mohr, formerly of VVilberforce University and went normally attired and were in perfect array for Coach Pierce of Texas College, formerly of Atlanta the evening. All others were accordingly masked. University. T h e affair was well arranged and went B other P . Piper, the old veteran ace in Alpha Phi off in fine style. Alpha of Gamma Lambda, is often present at our W h e w ! a high-pitched note was emitted through meetings. W e are always glad to see you, B-other the air whose response caused many to shudder. What Piper, as you have struggled shoulder to shoulder wi'h was the unspoken word of 5,000 restless spectators on us through all o t r major difficulties and for your the day of the Paul Quinn-Wiley game, an annual clash between two brothers, "Little Long" vs. "Big service we are deeply grateful. Brother Thos. W . Whibbv, fo-me-lv of Aloha Nu, Long", coaches of Paul Quinn and Wiley respectively. is securing, or has been trying to effect, for the past In came the "Horsemen," Brothers Cavil, the "Galtwo months a successful transfer from his fo-msr loping Ghost" of the South ; Captain Miller, a shrewd chapter to Alpha Upsilon. H e is entering college here general and triple threat m a n ; Pledgee Lorden and next spring. Mr. Donnell, who has replaced Pledgee Scott since Hoping that the activities, attendance, and accomhis illness. The "Galloping Ghost" reeled off 6.5 yards plishments of the Nineteenth Convention shall tranon the first play. Miller, during the game, drop-kicked scend all for a greater fraternity. May the accentuathree successive extra points and one field goal, the game ending :s-0 in Wiley's favor. Wiley again was tion of the old Alpha Phi Alpha spi-it may the g-.-nd est of altruistic motives, and a bulldog determination overflown with spirit and the visitors were given a year. warm reception. Cordially and fraternally, Monday, November 1">. the college was greatly ALPHA UPSILON. honored with the presence of Brother Dr. Tobias, MELVIN E Fowi.iv; Senior Secretary of the V. M. C. A., who before the Chapter Editor. student body in assembly made a heart-to-heart talk in such a striking manner that the souls of five hundred college students seemed to melt into one, and GAMMA LAMBDA C H A P T E R . express one thing—the recognition of God. For the College Annual of 1927, "The Wildcat," D a t r o ' t , Mich. Brother John G. Shackelford was selected as EditorBROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I ALPHA. Greetings: in-chief with Brother Freeman P . Hodge as Business Manager. Gamma Lambda has fully recovered from the long Brother Edward Greene was elected senior delevacation and has entered joyously into the work of gate to the Nineteenth Annual Convention with Clarthe Fall. ence Simmons as a visitor. The spirit is one of great enthusiasm and promise Fraternally yours, arid bids fair to equal the morale of other years. CARTER WEBSTER, Everyone is anxious to attend the convention at Chapter Editor. Rich mond and a large number of brothers plan to be present, inasmuch as several here claim Gamma as* their mother chapter. ALPHA UPSILON CHAPTER, We are glad to tell the fraternal world of the great success of our General Treasurer. By perseverance City College of Detroit, Detroit, Mich. and pluck, he has successfully completed his course in BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A , Greetings: law and has passed the State Bar. A rather unusual Hearty Christmas greetings to all. Time draws feat considering the handicaps under which he acnear, anxiety increases, concerted interest is focused complished it.

T h e S p h i n x , D e c e m b e r , I92fe Brother Chas. Ames holds the distinction of being the first of our group to be appointed interne in the City Hospital. He has recently been appointed house physician. Brother Lowell Baker and Brother "Bill" Ames are spending a large amount of time in Ann Arbor in absence of each other. Maybe Cupid's Corner will have a new member soon. W e can't tell. Much credit must be given to the entertainment committee for putting on the only real Hobo Party seen in these parts. Brother "Mose" Thompson, Brother Burris, Brother Piper and Brother Cochrane resembled most closely the "gentlemen of the road." Brother Haley Bell also deserves honorable mention. Here's hoping that we shall see as many brothers present at the convention as are able to get there. The hospitality of "ole Virginy" has been sung through the ages and we shall be there in large numbers.


C. Waymon Reeves, physician and surgeon and president of our chapter. We are pleased to have with us again Brothers A. B. McCoy and John Hope, both of whom have traveled extensively in Europe during the past summer. On Saturday night, November 13th, our chapter, t o gether with Alpha Pi and Alpha Rho, gave a dance at the St. Paul's Parish House in honor of our brothers on the Howard football team and out-of-town brothers attending the game between Atlanta and Howard Universities. In compliance witli the request of the General President, supplemented by a like one from the third vicepresident, plans have been made for Thanksgiving services Wednesday. November 24th. Fraternally yours, A. MURRAY CARTER,






Baltimore, M d .



Indianapolis, I n d . BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,


In the march of human events Iota Lambda is perpetually struggling toward the apex of Alpha Phi BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A , Greetings: Alpha perfection. Our delegate was unable to reach Willi the fall season Delta Lambda has taken on Detroit last year, but unless the unforseen occurs we greater activity. Regular meetings now with greater hope to have Iota Lambda answer when the roll is interest, good collection of dues, and an interesting called in Richmond. program. Brother Dr. Toles, deputy coroner of our Hoosier The chapter has just elected its delegates to Richcapital, and president of our chapter, has spared no mond, and they are Brothers Dr. George L. Hall and pains in making this our banner year. T h e outstandClarence Jackson, who are already acquainted with ing features accomplished this year was our interthe "old town." fraternal picnic and "Go-to-High School, Go-To-ColEducational Week has just ended here with "open lege" campaign It is reported that the picnic will behouse" in the schools, both elementary and high. Parcome an annual affair. ents visited the schools and saw their children at work. Iota Lambda has gained new precedence with the Many Alpha brothers hold sway in the new millionaddition of such personages added to our roster as dollar Douglass High School here. Brother Dr. Grant Huffman, M. D., prominent and Another matter of great importance here is the or- successful physician of Richmond, Ind.; Brother ganization of a new lodge of Elks in Baltimore known Franklin Beck, of Indiana University Dental College; as "The Pride of Baltimore, No. 713." It is indeed Brothers Thomas L. Horner, Porter E. Horner. Rad"The Pride." Active therein are Brother James Hilford Morris and Buddie Pierce, of Butler College. burn, treasurer; Brother Dr. Jay G. McRae, medical These men have made our chapter link stronger and advisor, and Brother Attorney Gobert E. Macbeth, the year 1927 will see bigger and better results from us. legal Advisor. This lodge is growing rapidly. With greetings and best wishes, I remain, The Chi Delta Mu, composed of many Alpha brothSincerely and fraternally, ers here, recently entertained their members. Delta H . T. RILEY. Lambda held a smoker and social in November at Corresponding Sec re I dry. which the old "Alpha spirit" fairly bubbled. It was the first winter affair, but will be followed by others. NU LAMBDA CHAPTER, The unveiling of a tablet naming public elementary Petersburg, Va. school No. 110 "Phillis Wheatley School" also occurred in November. The superintendent of schools, BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A , Greetings: several commissioners and the colored supervisor were also present. Brother Attorney Gobert E. MacNu Lambda sends its greetings to all chapters and beth was one of the speakers on this occasion. takes this opportunity to extend a hearty welcome to The cry here seems to be "On to Richmond." More those Brothers who shall come to Virginia at the than half the membership of Delta Lambda expects to Christmas season. W e are hoping that while you go be in the "Capital of the Confederacy" this Christmas. to Richmond we may make you very much at home We expect to meet all the brothers there, and we are in the nearby city of Petersburg. coming strong. Nu Lambda chapter has organized and begun its Fraternally yours, program for the year. This year we shall miss the GOBERT E. MACBETH, inspiring leadership of our former president, Brother Corresponding Secretary. Delta Lambda. F. D. Paterson, who has returned to his alma mater to pursue graduate study at the University of Iowa In his absence the affairs of the chapter are now under ETA LAMBDA CHAPTER, the guidance of Brother T. L. Puryear. The new year has brought to us from Kappa chapter Atlanta, Ga. Brother A. Smith. We are expecting much of inspiration from our new Brother. BROTHERS IN A L P H A P H I A L P H A , Greetings: With the hope that we may greet you in Old VirEta Lambda is now winding up its affairs on schedginia and that we may make your stay here memorule time, and is planning to make a good report to the able, we are Nineteenth Annual Convention at Richmond. Fraternally yours, The delegates to the convention are Brother M. S. J. H. J O H N S T O N , Davagc. president of Clark University, and Brother Chapter Editor, Nu Lambda.


T h e Sphmx. D e c e m b e r 1926 Brother Florence has each year grown more ardent in his love for Alpha Phi Alpha. On all possibi; occasions he has been among those must active in the a/fairs of on,- annual conventions. It was largely through bis zeal that Nu Lambda chapter was >s,,i!> jished at Bete sburg and the presence of such men is a promise of the usefulness of our chapter. The future holds g n a t things in store I".' Broth Florence tor no man more throughly persortfies the high ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha.




B i r m i n g h a m , Ala. BROTHERS LV A L P H A P H I A L P H A ,


Charles Wilbur Florence, Xti Lambda Chapter

Brother Charles Wilbur Florence has always, as a student, and as a man of affairs, exemplified the highest ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha. Brother Florence is a Pennsylvania!!. H e was born at Brownsville, near the city of Pittsburgh, and was graduated from the Brownsville High School. Later, be graduated from the normal department of Storer College. 1919 he ived the A. B. degree from the University of Pittsburgh and in l'.i'J:!, the University of Pittsburgh conferred upon him the degree of master of arts. In his university career Brother Florence won hish scholastic distinction and was also very active in the student life of the university and city of Pittsburgh. The high esteem in which he was held in school days is shown by his election to active membership in the Cosmopolitan Club and his election as secretary of the Internationa] Polity Club. These clubs were not exclusively composed of Negro students. In his freshman year Brother Florence was a member of the freshman debating team and lie later served two years as captain of the varsity debating team.


Omicron Lambda is holding her own in the Southland '1 he business, professional and social activities are all being cared for. Brother Ceo. W. Keeves. formerly of Eta Lambda. and charter president of Alpha Pi Chapter, is now our prcsdciit. Brother Reeves has made out a splendid prog am for this chapter. Brother A. J. ToppS, vice-president; Brother Peter R. Shy, secretary; B.other J. C. Johnson, treasurer; Brother P . W . Walls, chaplain; Brother F. D. Bradford, sergeant-atarms; Brother W. J. Dowdell, historian; Brother W , E. Shortridge, corresponding secretary and editor to the S P H I N X .

The thanksgiving celebration was given at the palatial home oi B.bther Vice-President A. J. Topps. It was a closed affair to Alpha lam.lies. Mrs. Topps proved to be a charming hostess; her words of greet mg to the-chapter will be long remembered lo th that we e Included in this courtesy. Brother Adatnson, our retiring p esident, carried, a whole train ,<i Talladega to see the Talladega-1 uskegee game. bio.her Shortridge journeyed to Washington to satire a n n u J Ijoward-Lincoin game. B. oilier Keeves has seen a number of Alpha men in Si una, Montgomery, Huntsville and othei cities oi Ala; ama that a.e among tin- 3,000 that will soon c tne into Hi.' loid lb ether B. J. Anderson has curtailed his Thursday fishing trips and will give that tune tor tfle belle. men. Brother Florence was also the organizer of the ot tMine,on Lambda. Pitt Lyceum. This was an organization composed l i . o a u r p . W. Walls continues his interesting, inof all Negro students of the University of Pittsburgh. stinct, \ e and inspiring articles m the Birmingham KeIt was scholastic in nature. It did much to improve po.ter, the scholastic and social standards of the Unive.sity li.odier Richard j . Ellis has left S e h m v students. This club is still in existence and is a valuto tai.e eha ge of (lie Perry County T.aining bchool able organization in the school and community. at Unioniown, Alabama. Brother Florence's social life was an honor to Omil5.o.nei i i . C. i.eniiolni, president of State Normal cron chapter. School, had the whole South guessing with his footSince graduation Brother Florence has lived a life tall team until ea.iy November, btal : Normal a trfes nf valuable service. On graduation be became prin- by leaps and bounds under the guidance of Brother cipal of the Garrison High School, at Grafton, Wist 'i henr.o.m. Virginia. His sincerity, earnestness, and gentleBrother Gideon Spencer Lewis bequeathed bis < i (1 manly character, endeared him to the citizens of West e hbrarj to the Booker T. Washington Branch of Virginia. He was very active in educational and civic the I.IJIa y. Several hundred volumes we e on educa-: affairs of the state and was elected p csidcnl of the ,t""'' hese books have been greatly used In' toe Teachers' Association of West Virginia. teachers in the Birmingham District. 1919 Brother Florence was elected Assistant, to Brother Keeves, our senior delegate to Richmond, the President of Virginia Stale College. Since that and Brother Shy, our junior delegate, will tell you time he has served as Professor of Education and has more about the rising glory of Omic on Lambda." for three years been dean of the state college. In his Fraternally yours, ''fill we meet in Richmond." record of service, our Brother has in a high degree OMRICON LAMBDA CHAPTER. exemplified scholarly attainment and administrative leadership. In the building of our college Brother Florence has labored tirelessly. As in \\ est Virginia, PHI LAMBDA CHAPTER, in the Old Dominion Brother Florence has been an Newark, N . J. active force in every public cause. He is at present the secretary of the State Teachers Association and in BROTHERS IN A L P H A I ' m AxsnA.Greetings: 1926 served as State Director of the "Co to High There is a time-worn ph -ase, familiar to tne brothers. School. Co to College" campaign. He made this which reads. "We came, we saw, we conquered." and campaign a splendid success. Alpha Phi, feels that she can make use oi the same

l l i e S p h i n x . D e c e m b e r . 1926 just this one time, because, truly its application and use, can be justified in this instance. Bro. Ferdinand O. Wiliams, D.D.S., came to New Jersey, saw the need of a chapter, and with a few loyal brothers, conquered the dormants, formed the Nile Club, and on Wednesday evening, October 13, 1!>°<;, at the residence of Bro. Clarence S. Janifer, M.D., 208 Parker St., Newark, N. J., Phi Lambda Chapter of our mother fraternity came into existence. The general organization was represented by Bro. Dr. P. F. Anderson, and Bro. James Flager, of Eta, having authority from the general organization to assist B r a Anderson in setting up the chapter. A iter the usual, "brushing up" on the fine points of the ritual and constitution, Bro. Anderson gave a splendid talk, on what would be expected of New Jersey, along with that which would not. Bro. Flager, following Mm. Anderson, stressed the points contained in the preamble, and other p.-actices consistent with the constitution of the General Organization. In recognition of his splendid work in making the chapter possible. Bro. Ferdinand D. Williams, was elected president. The other officers elected were, Bro. Dr. John Hayes, of Asbury Park, vice-president; Bro. C. S. Janifer, M.D., treasurer and Bro. John Douglas, secretary. After a few remarks by the newly elected president, surcharged with the effervescnce of Alpha Phi Alpha. Bro. Thompson, of Alpha Chapter, presented the charter ai d the following brothers, inscribed their "John Henry's" thereon as charter members: Bro. Ferdinand I). Wiliams, Bro. Clarence S. Janifer. Bro. Ernest F. Clarkson, Bro. John Hayes, Bro. William Ashby, Bro. Dudley Johnson, Bro. John Douglas, Bro. Arthur C. Thornhill, Bro. E. Gaylord Howell, Bro. J. E. McKclvie, Bro. W. G. Alexander. Bro. Richard Carter, and Bro. Frank Thompson. Bro. Janifer proved to be a very able and entertaining host and the collation he served was just "too bad," not to mention the choice smokes et cetera. To enliven the occasion and to lend that essential spirit live brothers of Eta, accompanied Bro. Anderson an 1 Flager, and to Bros. "Dick Thomas. Thompson. Herbert Curtis and Maver Smith, we say "Call again." As a parting word, brothers, watch New Jersey, you'll bear from us soon and often. On to Richmond. Until then and always,

Fraternally yours, ERNEST FULLER CLARKSON,




N e w Orleans, La. BROTHERS I N A L P H A P H I A L P H A .


.After a year of silence, Sigma-Lambda. which has been thoroughly awake, submits the following facts concerning the chapter "farthest south." We were set up last fall just prior to the convention by lli-other Vice-President Green. Seven brothers formed the charter group, namely, Brothers L. V. Alexis, Sigma; Rudolph Moses. E t a ; J. O. Richards, Eta-Lambda; E. M. Coleman. Alpha Beta; Dr. C C Havdel, Beta; O. Blanchet, Alpha Beta; W. H. Mitchell, Eta, and Bishop R. E. Jones, honorary member. We immediately appointed Brother President J. O. Richa.ds to represent us at Detroit. He came back bursting with enthusiasm, and got off to a good start with his administration.


Meetings have been held regularly throughout the year. Our Go-to-High School, Go-to-College campaign was particularly successful. Speakers were sent to the local schools and colleges, and for our mass meeting we had Dr. J. B. Watson, president of Leland College. Brother Mitchell, who was State campaign manager, had meetings in Bogalttsa, Slidell, Mandeville, Westwego, Morgan City, Baton Rouge. Baker, Scotlandville, and also branched out into Meridian and Jackson, Mississippi. Three neophytes were initiated during the year in the persons of Brothers A. A. Edwards, Dr: A. J. Young, and Dr. P. P. Creuzot. Brother Edwards bails from Atlanta University, and is manager of the local Ordinary Department of the National Benefit Life Insurance Co. Brother Dr. A. J. Young, a promising dentist, got his training at Howard, where he was a star athlete. Brother Dr. P. P. Creuzot finished Fisk and Northwestern. Aside from a flourishing practice, he is secretary of the largest insurance company in Louisiana. We have had two transfers—Brothers E. C. Thornbill and Alexander Tureaud. Brother Thornhill hails from Alpha Beta, and is now a local pharmacist. Brother Tureaud recently came to us from Beta. He has just been admitted to the bar in New Orleans. Just a word or two about the other brothers: Brother L. V. Alexis, who achieved distinction at Harvard, taking his Arts degree (cum laude) in three years, was appointed principal of the Colored High and Normal School in September. Brother Rudolph Moses, who saw the light at Eta, while attending Columbia, is head of the English department of New Orleans University. He recently got his Arts degree from Iowa. Brother J. O. Richards, who teaches math in the local high school, may soon leave the teaching profession. if his success in insurance may be taken as a criterion. In October, working part time, he broke the agency record of the National Benefit Life Insurance Company, putting in force some $54,000 worth of insurance. He won a trip to the home office in Washington, and incidentally knocked down about a thousand for himself. Not so bad! Brother E. M. Coleman is head of the French depaitment. New Orleans University. He is due to get his Master of Arts degree at Iowa next summer. Brother Dr. C. C. Havdel, of Howard fame, is one ot our outstanding physicians and surgeons. During the past year he married Miss Eudora Arnaud, a beautiful and talented teacher in the Orleans school system. He is at present building a fine home. Brother Osceola Blanchet teaches in the local high school. He, too. has married since returning, and is now a proud father. Brother W. H. Mitchell, Alpha-Kappa's first president, l a t e r a transfer to Eta, has had signal success with the Y. M. C. A. since coming here to assume charge two years ago. He has increased his staff to six, got the "Y" into the Community Chest budget, and acquired the only gymnasium in the city for our youth. He is head of the Colored Public School Athletic League, and responsible for equipping all of the sixteen colored schools with playground apparatus Brother Rt. Reverend R. E. Jones, Resident Bishop, Methodist Episcopal Church, is a power in the community, and one of the outstanding men of our race. Trust we haven't taken up all the space in this issue! Look for some of us at Richmond. We'll he there! Fraternally, SIGMA-LAMMA



The Sphinx. D e c e m b e r ,


wj£ < Feature Section >



here, too, at Wilberforce that the call came to serve as boys' work director at Dayton, Ohio. Here the work was not organized. He organized it and put it on an up-to-date working basis with the equipment at hand. The reporter met Brother Morris on his return from over-seas in 1919. A sudden and lasting friendship developed. To know him a day, seems to have known him always. The following are a few of the high lights in the activities of Brother Morris since his sojourn with u s : • (1) Organized the boys' work department of the Fifth St. Branch Y. M. C. A. Dayton, Ohio. (:.') In P.I20, with the support of Brothers Dunn, Hathcock, Stokes, Pollard and Hand organized the Theta Lambda Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha. W a s its first president, holding office two terms and declining a third. Successfully put over as chairman for two years the annual Go to High School—Go to College campaign. President incumbent (hiring the never to be forgotten pilgrimage of the Alpha Phi Alpha to the shrine of our late lamented Paul Lawrence Dunbar. (.'!) In 1921, married Miss Kirkland and to that happy family has come a little fairy, Yvonne. Keep your eyes open little Alphas to be. B R O T H E R O. O. M O R R I S L E A V E S D A Y T O N J A N U A R Y 1, 1S27, T O A C C E P T P O S I T I O N AS EOYS' W O R K D I R E C T O R OF T H E P I N E ST. B R A N C H , Y. M. C. A., A T S T . LOUIS, MO. The subject of our sketch first saw light of day in Danville, Va., in 1894. There be spent his boyhood, later entering the St. Paul Episcopal School at Lawrenccville, Va., and was graduated from the high

school department. Brother Morris, heeding the advice "Go west young man, go west" entered Wilberforce University in 191 I. Two years later he was born again into the secrets and mysteries of Alpha Phi Alpha. His membership in XI chapter naturally set him apart as one of the outstanding students of the university. Being an. Alpha man at heart he could not but make good. The year of 1818, found Brother Morris, along with oilier young men of the nation called upon to help make the world safe for democracy. With his commission as lieutenant off he went to camp. It was not long before his superior officer discovered that here was a young man, by his magnetic make up, who could be used successfully to pep up the soldiers in the making. H e was assigned as morale officer of all Negro soldiers at Camp Sherman, Ohio, It was here that he earned the title of "the little man with the big noise," which simply means that he had something big going over all the time. To prepare himself better for work with boys, he entered the New York Post Graduate School and specialized in boy psychology. After completing the course be reentered Wilberforce University and was graduated i* the class of 1920, receiving the degree of A.B. All was not class work at the "Force." Our good brother was playing a little game of hide and seek with a popular southern belle, Miss Kirkland. Cupid was the referee. Soon thereafter the brother's pin was not in its accustomed place. It is an old old story that does not need to be rehearsed. It was

( I ) In 1928, seeing the need of a school survey, he made one of the high school students of our group. It was done so well that it was taken as an authority by the school board and the social agencies of the city. Upon his recommendation a truant officer was appointed to look after the interest of < ur children. The Concrete effects of this survey have been the tripling of the number of our graduates and a larger number of young men and women going to schools of higher learning. (.'.) In 1923, organized the Students' League, which has a membership of over two hundred. (6) Yearly since 1923, with the exception of 1020, when Brother Morris was again called to active service for two weeks by Uncle Sam, he has been teacher in boys' work at the Chesapeake Y. M. C. A. summer school at Bordentown, N. J. (1 ) In 1924, organized the Parents' League the purpose of which was to light the local school condition. And by undeniable facts brought out by the survey

and upon leconinuudations brought to us by Brother .Vbn-ris, Theta Lambda Chapter entered tlie fray ar.d .in to victory. (8) Last but not least, during the year of 1926, we find brother Morris playing a stellar role as publicity director, in one of the greatest events put over in Dayton by our g.oup. 1 refer to the recent expansion fund of the V. M. C. A. The success of which means a hundred and eighty thousand dollar building and equipment for the Fifth St. Branch. In conclusion. Brother Morris leaves Dayton for a larger field—a field that be justly des.rves. His going leaves a void in our ranks that shall never he filled. Our only consolat on is that he was hewn, modelled and polished in our midst, and as the artist is forever the spiritual possessor of his art, so likewise do we justly lay claim to our product; and on his trek westward to a larger field, the fraters of Theta Lambda Chapter wish for him and his family success and bid them. God speed. J. F.. BUSH, President, Theta Lambda Chapter, A. P. .'

T h e S p h i n x , D e c e m b e r , 192b "STUDY BUSINESS COLLEGE MEN" (By Brother John E. Oakes, Alpha P i ) What is it that makes a race or a nation respected by other races and nations? What is it that causes the Hebrew race to occupy a commanding place in our social order, in spite of prejudice? The answer is, Economic Prosperity. Much may be written about the influence of art and literature, but, as a matter of fact, art cannot very well thrive in an atmosphere of poverty. Great niiiuls cannot produce their greatest works when the wolf is at the door. Professor Terman of Leland Stanford in his study of 1,000 gifted children a few months ago, found that nearly all had modcratey comfortable home surroundings. Rarely was the child of poverty-stricken parents especially hr.lliant His talent could not flower because of the ever-present struggle for existence. Economic prosperity is responsible for the success of a people in nearly all lines of endeavor. There are instances of great leaders who arose in spite of financial handicaps. But, if their records are closely examined, it will be found that they accomplished more when they had leisure than when they were pressed for time. A real scholar must have leisure. It is very evident that a poor man cannot have the time to develop, his scholarly tastes, if he has any. He must work, and work, and work, to enable his loved ones and himself to live. It is very regrettable that the Almighty Dollar is so much a criterion of value in our civilization. It would be line if the nobler things in life could overshadow the all-consuming desire for money. However, we must adjust ourselves to our environment, lest we lag behind in the onward march of all nations and races. Our materialistic environment demands that we have a share of the world's goods. We cannot very well change our environment to suit us. The only plausible course is that of adjusting ourselves

to it. The deplorable economic condition of the Negro is due largely to the type of instruction that has been given in our schools. Of course there are broad factors such as isolation from financial centers, natural result of slavery, etc. But these are rapidly being overcome. We need teachers, thousands of them, Âťo rid us of the terrible octopus of illiteracy. W e need lawyers to plead for us in the courts of the land. We need dentists and doctors to safeguard our health. But our greatest need is the Business Man. The Negro colleges have stressed Arts, Letters, and Science, but have paid little attention to commerce and finance. As a result, we have very few trained business men. As a result! our business men, what few there are, seem to be unable to get together and finance any large projects. As a result, our colleges of higher learning are facing financial crises because their graduates do not have money to support them. It is just recently that courses in Economics were put into the curriculum of our schools. Even now the courses are inadequate, and the teachers inefficient. A student has to drop back a year when he goes to a mixed university in the north or east. In fact, he has to take a majority of his work over again. Many of our schools have firstclass Science and Mathematics departments. They certainly should have first-class Commerce departments. even at the expense of some other department. For what is all our knowledge worth if we forever obtain it from books edited, and printed by the white man? What shall it profit us if we shall forever be merelv imitators and never create anything? Many of the successful business men in this country are not college graduates. There was probably no necessity of their going to college. They could learn by experience. But the world progresses. Ldison did not go to college and has repeatedly asserted that he was not in favor of a college education Yet he sent his son to one of the finest technical colleges in the country. The successful business man of the next decade will be a specialist, trained in the college


and university. It is true that Big Business and the college man do not mix so well now. This is due to the fact that each tries to force his ideas on the other. The old successful business man who has never been to college resents the suggestions of the young aspirant and is amazed at his demand for a large salary at the very start. On the other hand, the student just from college is bubbling over with ideas that will triple profits, and demands a huge salary for his knowledge. However, the two elements will mix. The old leaders cannot live forever. New leaders will take their places. And these leaders shall have learned, not merely by experience, but by experience and specialized training. Suppose the white man in the United States would stop selling us the clothing we wear, the food we eat, the cars in which we ride, the books out of which we learn? Everyone will admit that we would be in quite a dilemma. Study business, fellow students, and let us place ourselves in such a position that we will not be entirely dependent upon another race. Why is it that we cannot have first class haberdasheries ? W h y do our theaters, as a rule, have poor accommodations and rotten performances? Why do our clothing stores carry inferior goods? We spend our money at the stores of the white man when we could be making merchant princes out of members of our race. W e buy cars from millionaire car manufacturers when we could be making millionaires out of some of the gifted young men in our race. We spend millions for amusements, when this amusement could be furnished by us. We comprise one-tenth of the population of the United States, yet we do nothing to increase the status of our group. Our entry into the Insurance and Undertaking fields has been fairly successful and now, everyone wants to concentrate in those two fields. Let us embrace every field in the commercial world so that the world will feel our power and give us justice. Let us buy land so that the government will know that we are stable citizens. Let us build neat homes so that our surroundings will proclaim that our family life is bound by strong ties and that we have pride in ownership. Let us amass fortunes so that we can dot the south with colleges comparable to Harvard and Yale. Y'es, let us plan for a greater race, for the task is ours. The failures of Negro enterprises have been largely due to mismanagement. If the management is efficient, if there is a careful check upon every officer, there is very little likelihood of dishonesty. If there is any dishonesty under efficient management, it is revealed before any permanent harm is done. The fact remains that Negroes have lost confidence in the business sagacity of their race in many sections of the country. It remains for the young men to renew the confidence by dealing fair and square, and showing the world that the Negro can survive in the world of Finance. If the Negro college men could create industries and induce the Negroes of the United States to spend their money in these industries, the race would soon be economically independent. When a Negro puts his money in a Negro enterprise, he gets a double return. H e gets a money dividend and his children will have a decent place to work when they become of age. What we need is concentrated brainpower as much as concentrated man-power. Manual labor is all right in its place. But no race ever achieved anything by brawn alone. Anybody can drive a truck or lug bags. It takes a thinker to plan a big corporation. We need big corporations where our Youth can work and obtain practical experience as well as money. We need businesses of all kinds so that we can employ the products that the colleges send out each year. We cannot reach our fullest development until we are all educated. W e cannot become educated until we have schools. W e cannot have schools until we get the money to equip them. Hence a great duty devolves upon the Negro college man of today—Business! Will he respond?


T h e S p h . n x , D e c e m b e r , 1926

O D D FACTS A "face cord" of wood is eight feet long and tour feet high, but the sticks may be of any length. In St standard cord the sticks are four feet long.

A race horse was recently shipped from one coun trv to another in Europe by airplane. Bananas were sold in Jamacia recently at about one-half cent each.

A Liberty bell made of 20.000 electric lamps, and as tall as a six-story building is a feature of the Philadelphia Sesquicentennial.

French farmers arc buying American tractors in preference to those made in England.

Sebastian Cabot, the explorer, stated the custom of keeping regular ship's logs.

Central China is overrun with thieves who are becoming bolder in stealing from foreigners.

Two waterfalls on the Alberche river. Spain, are to be harnessed to produce power for irrigation, for a railroad and for manufacturing plants of Madrid.

Natures erf Siam train fish as game cocks are trained in other countries

The recent Irish Free State census revealed that proportionately more women emigrate from Ireland to the United States than from any other country. The Emperor Tiberius never cut his hair unless the moon was growing full. England is fighting to keep the open spaces along the picturesque seashore of the island from being turned into developments by enterprising realtors. A botanist for the Smithsonian institution has collected more than 11,00X1 plants in Costa. Rica. The hemlock poison that killed Socrates was not from the hemlock tree, but from a pejative of the parBnip. Brooklyn bridge has ijassed its 43d birthday. About 10,000 vehicles and 110.000 persons cross it every day. ,1


The Rocky mountain bluebird is entirely blue, instead of having an orange breast like the- eastern

species. More than 8,000 years ago historical records in China were written on bamboo tablets strung together like a fan. During the first two hours of summer afternoons, it is the Chinese custom to sleep.

W O R D S OF THE W I S E MEN What is defeat? Nothing but education; nothing ) ut the first step to something better. —Wendell Phillips. There is a long and wearisome step between admiration and initation. —Richter. Partial culture runs to the ornate; extreme culture t u simplicity. —Bovee. It you would convince a man that he dues wrong, do right. Men believe what they see. Let them see. —Thoreau. Rest satisfied in doing well, and leave others to talk of you as they please. —Pythago as.



H e is not poor that has little but be that desires much. —Daniel. Nothing is more disgraceful than insincerity. —Cicero. Someone speaks admirably of the well-ripened fruit of --age dels] .

Egotism is the (origin- of vanity,


—Chamfort. lie is next to the gods whom reason, and not passion, impels. —Clattdian. Discretion in speech is more than eloquence. —Bacon.

T h e S p h i n x . D e c e m b e r . 1926





hath joined together,

Webb-Johnson. They all fall sooner or later is a true saying. This time it is Brother fohnson who has fallen into Cupids snares. Brother Fred Johnson has given his pin away to Miss Anna Webb, a charming miss of Philadelphia. From appearances things are too bad between the two. Callen-Stein. Brother King Callen. captain of the Wilberforce baseball (rani and a prominent member of Xi Chapter, has given his pin to the charming Miss Camilla Mein, of Detroit, Mich. She is a member of the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority and a popular "Miss" on the "Force" Campus. ' M.,re power to you, "Big Dad." W e hope you will be as competent in the "game of love" as you have been in the game of baseball. Kidd-Dansby. The brothers of Alpha Sigma were very much alarmed about Brother Hall Dansby's fraternity pin. Everyone thought that it had been lost, but later was found to be gracing the breast of Miss Cornelia Kidd. They are to be married in June immediately following the future bride's graduation from the College of Liberal Arts. We are hoping them much success and happiness.


not man put asunder." Matt. 19:6.

White-Richardson. Brother H a r r y Richardson, of Pi Chapter, is hoping to be able to ride the Florida Limited before very long. His fraternity pin has preceded him and is now in the possession of the charming Miss Thelma T . White, of Jacksonville. Nance-Seales. Miss Willie Mae Scales, who was crowned "Miss Wilberforce" for 1926, is the proud wearer of Brother John Wesley Nance's pin. Both are members of the Senior College Class. Miss Seales is a member of the A. K. A. Sorority. This is truly a union of the Carolinas. Xi Chapter wishes you the best of luck.

At last Alpha Pi is furnishing some news for Cupid's Corner. Brother Gilbert "Gritt" DeLorme has informed the chapter and now he wishes the whole world to know that Miss Grace McKinley Holmes has his pin. Now "Gritt" is all smiles and we are, too, because we know that he has made another step in the right direction. Miss Holmes is an instructor in Chemistry at Atlanta University, a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and a very popular young lady in Atlanta society. Now Brother DeLorme lives in a trance thinking of the time when wedding bells will ring so merrily for them and he can truly saw "How sweet life is."


T h e Sphinx, D e c e m b e r , 1926

& < FRAT_ FUN > % Conductor: Change for Marietta. Passenger: Well, I don't know who the girl is but I'll throw in a dime. Excited "What's all the excitement over these?" ••They're carrying Jim Mhonk o u t " "What happened to him?" " H e made Phi IVta last week and he |U9t went crazy trying in wear his new key with a doublebreasted Tuxedo." Where's Ruth? Harold What will it cost to send a telegram? Telegraph Clerk—Where to? llar.,id (softly)—Ruth. N o Soap -Are yon through with the linger howl, sir?" ••Through! I haven't even started. I'm waiting mx soap." ' A r e rabbit's feet lucky ? "Yes, my wife 'elt one in my pockel and thought il was a mouse." "What was that noise ?" " \ fellow with balloon trousers sat down on a taek." "Oldlov is the most pessimistic fellow I know." "Right. He proposed to a girl once by asking her bow she'd like to become bis widow." Dotted Sox — 1 moved ill the fralc.niu hous? lasl week. Striped Same—Well, what are you going to do Wlttl v,:ur books, sell 'em or store 'em? Willy- What's on vour mind? Tilly—Thoughts. Willy—Treat them kindly, they are in a strange place. Most men's calling in life is down. It's a wise (rat man who kn IWS bis own clothes. She - W h a t is mistletoe a vine or tree? I b Neither, it's an excuse. Three frogs wuz shin' on a lily pad. Two of 'em no shin to jump off. How many were l< El i Answer—three I Because they only took a uoshin. A highbrow is a person with an infinite capacity for suffering boredom. "Stop suffering, little boy. Can't you do something with your nose?" the austere old lady asked on the crowded street car. "N'es 'm." returned the lad politely, "1 can keep it out of other folks business." Another Internationa! Conflfct lor Breakfast: Cuban pineapple. Scotch oatmeal, Spanish omelet. \ iennna rolls, Ceylon tea. For luncheon : arian goulash. Russian Caviar, Yorkshire pudding, Turkish dates, English walnuts, Rhine wine. For dinne; :

Australian lamb. Mexican frijoles, Macaroni a la Italienne. French fried potatoes, Swiss cheese, Neapolitan cream, Java coffee. This was his on the first clay—and—a severe case of American indigestion. A watch on the wrist is worth two on the Rhine

H e Feit It. Store Manager What makes you think the fruit they threw a.t yon was bottled? Actor—I felt a jar.—Ulcus. London. H i g h Society Profiteer's Lady—I shall certainly send Fido to the dot; show next year. Not. of course, that he would win anything, hut I would like him to meet some really nice dogs.—Pttnch, London. Specialties "Does your man work, Mrs. W'aggs?" "Oh, yes, he peddles balloons whenever there's a parade in town. What does your husband do?" "Me sells smoked glasses during eclipses of the sun."—Life. Poor Fido! "Madam," said the dignified gentleman, "Your dog bit me on the ankle." "He did?" cried the lady. "Oh, I must send for a doctor." "Oh, 1 assure you it isn't as bad as " "You're the third person he's bitten today," broke in the lady. "1 just know he isn't feeling well." Whenever a man becomes a genius nine out of ten think he i.^ bughouse. One Drawback an acrimonious debate, the bride said tearfully: "But for one thing I'd leave you and go hometo mother." "What's t h a t ? " "Mother is coming here. She's leaving father." SOMETHING



A rooster was not satisfied with his hens. One day be found an ostrich egg. Gathering together his wives, he showed it to they, saying: "1 don't mean lo belittle your attempts but 1 just want to show you what other folks are doing." Ross Do you know anything about carpentry? Applicant- Sure. Ross —Do you know how to make a Venetian blind? Applicant—Why—er—sure. Stick my finger in bis eye. Stricken D u m b "Vuii s.n Cohen was so badly injured that he lost his speech?" "Yes, loth his arms were broken."

T h e Sphinx. D e c e m b e r , 1926



EMMETT J. SCOTT, A . M . . L L D ,



To provide the Twelve Million Colored people of the United States w i t h college-trained and Professional leaders through its courses in Arts, Sciences, Sociology, Education; its Schools of Commerce and Finance, Public Health a d Hygiene, Music, Architecture. Engineering, Medicine Dentistry, Pharmacy, Religion and Law. STUDENTS MAY ENTER FOR COLLEGIATE WORK AT THE BEGINNING OF ANY QUARTER REGISTRATION

Winter Quarter

Autumn Quarter September 27, 28, 1926 January X 1927 Spring Quarter For Catalog and Information Write

March 19, 1927

F. D. WILKINSON, Registrar, Howard University, Washington, D. C.



The Sphinx. December 1926

A FRIENDLY SUGGESTION. Your Christmas orders for badges and novelties bearing the coatof-arms of your fraternity should be placed now to insure against delay and disappointment. We are glad to help out in an emergency, when an emergency really exists—but we ask that you give us time for delivery commensurate with good quality, when it is possible, and avoid forwarding your order until "Rush" becomes a stereotyped phrase. If you wish, gifts may be shipped direct, with your greeting or card enclosed. The 1927 issue of the Blue Book, the standard reference book for college people, is ready. A postcard will bring it to you.


L. G. B a l f o u r Company ATTLEBORO

Boston Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Dallas


New York Pittsburg Columbus Indianapolis San Francisco Seattle

Balfour Blue Book sent on request

Chicago Washington Atlanta Des Moines Los Angeles

Chapters A L P H A Z E T A C H A P T E R , West Virginia Collegiate Institute, W . V a . lent, Alonzo Shaw Harden, W. Va. Institute. ;ley A. Spurlock, W . Va., Collegiate Institute. \ E T A C H A P T E R , Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. President, F . R . Allen, F r e e d m e a ' s H o s p i t a l , W a s h i n g t o n , D. (J. tary, l i e r t r a m B l a n d , 515 B r o a d w a y , C a m i bridge J A L P H A T H E T A C H A P T E R , State University of . 1 , Iowa City, Iowa. lit, Henry Harding, Box 201. f, Ernest Greene, Capitol Street A L P H A I O T A C H A P T E R , University of Colorado, and Denver University, Denver, Colorado. President, John V, in Street. . '.',. Leonard White, 2401 Emerson Street. A L P H A K A P P A C H A P T E R , Springfield, Mass. . Jr., 154 Qoincy Stn tary, G. A. Bolivar Parris, Box 144, Amherst, ass. VLPHA MU C H A P T E R , Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. rence Wilson, 1216 Darrow Ave., Evanston, 111. non S, Gordon, 4936 Washington ill.

R, Drake University, Des Moiliv lege, Ames. lent, Carlyle C. Clarke, 1207 Center Street, 11 iwa.



D E L T A L A M B D A C H A P T E R , Baltimore, Md. President, P e r r y D. G. Pennington, 1518 McCul loh Street. Cor. Secretary, Gobert E. Macbeth, 2101 Druid Hill Avenue. E P S I L O N L A M B D A C H A P T E R , St. Louis, Mo. President, George W . Buckner, 2331 Market Street. Secretary, Gordon H . Simpson, 615 N. Jefferson Ave. Z E T A L A M B D A C H A P T E R , Norfolk, Va. President, S. F . Coppage, 664 Church Street, Nor folk, Va. Secretary, A. D. Manning, 555 25th Street, Newport News, Va. T H E T A L A M B D A C H A P T E R , Dayton, Ohio. President, J. E. Bush, 430 W . 5th Street. Secretary, O. O. Morris, 447 W. 5th Street. E T A L A M B D A C H A P T E R , Atlanta, Ga. ^ _ President, Dr. C. Waymond Reeves, 269 W . Fair Secretary, C. E. Arnold, 88 Ridge Avenue. I O T A L A M B D A C H A P T E R , Indiana, Purdue and DePauw Universities, and Butler College, Indianapolis, Ind. ident, C. A. Toles, 2021 Hills Avenue. Secretary, H. T. Riley, 2712 N. Capital Avenue. K A P P A L A M B D A C H A P T E R , Greensboro, N. C. President, I. W. Taylor, 206 Holbrook Street, Danville, Va. ctary, Norman H. Williams, A. V. T. College, Greensboro, N. C.

Ames, In \ P T E R , Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis. ashington, 505 Galena Street. HI l'.'th Street. '-. O M I C R O N CHAPTER, Johnson C. M University, Charlotte, N. C. 'lent. W. Milliard. \ P I C H A P T E R , Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. Iclorme. 1 H A P T E R , Morehouse College, Atlanta, t'.a. H. King, Jr. v.. 0 . K. Jackson. \ L P H A SIGMA C H A P T E R , Wiley University, Marshall, Texas. iin G. Shackelford. :;,



. ylor, 1145 Gitz Street, Akron, \, Dan Thomas, 170 Carrol Street. Akron, MIA U P S I L O N C H A P T E R , City College of tich. President, M. F. Thompson, 620 Melbourne Street. BDA C H A P T E R . Louisville, Ky. PI-I Blanton, 631 South 8th St. L Simpson, 1417 W . Chestnut St. | B R T A L A M B D A C H A P T E R , Kansas City. Mo. P r e s i d e n t . E d w r u d R. B a k e r , 1621 E I2th S t . C o r . Seo'y, F. T. L a n d , 1731 Dydia Avenue. [GAMMA L A M B D A C H A P T E R . Detroit. Mich. President, James I?. Goggins, 911 Gratiot Avenue. C. Johnson, 3T:>0 24th Street.

L A M B D A C H A P T E R , Washington, D. C. President, Charles H. Wesley, Howard University, hington, D. C. Secretary. Harvey Mills, Howard Uniity, Washington, D. C. N U L A M B D A C H A P T E R , Petersburg, Va. President, F . D. Patterson, V. N. & I. I., Peters burg, Va. Q Secretary. Irvin A. Dcrbigny, V. N. & I. I., Petersburg, Va. XI L A M B D A C H A P T E R , Chicago, 111. ident, Frank V. Plummer, 6811 Loomis Blvd. Secretary, William H . Benson, Suite No. 1, 3507 ind Boulevard. R O N L A M B D A C H A P T E R , Birmingham Ala. President, G W. Reeves, Miles Memorial College. Secretary, P e t e r R. Shy, Miles M e m o r i a l College PI L A M B D A C H A P T E R , Little Rock, Arkansas President, M. R. Perry, 904 Broadway Street. Secretary, C. Franklin Brown, 1019 Cross Street. RHO LAMBDA CHAPTER, Buffalo-Rochester, N. Y. President, M. A. Allen. 260 Williams St., Buffalo, N. Y. Secretary, Eather O. H . Brown, 260 Williams Street, Buffalo. S I G M A - L A M B D A C H A P T E R , New Orleans. La President, J. O. Richards, 4125 Clara Street. Secretary, W . H. Mitchell, Jr., 2220 Dryades Street. UPSTLON-LAMBDA





S e c r e t a r y , L. A . McGhee, E d w a r d W a t e r s C o l - | lege, J a c k s o n v i l l e

Life Insurance—What and Where **7((T IFE INSURANCE is an agreement between . men by which they so distribute the misfortunes of life and the calamity of early death that the full force of misfortune and some of the worst consequences of premature death are minimized for the individual because they are shared by all; but in such small proportions that the burden and loss and suffering are scarcely felt by any." THE STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY has for fourteen years sucessfuUy rendered service to the insuring public. It has passed through booms, panics, epidemics and wars unharmed, and today, as a result of more than a decade of sxperience in writing Negro risks, offers financial strength, reputation, magnitude, trained and experienced Negro leadership; and life insurance service unexcelled. THOSE considering taking out life insurance protection or entering upon an insurance career are invited to apply to—

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