Official Alpha Phi Alpha Directory Officers President, DR. B. ANDREW ROSE, 402 S. Bank St., Dayton. Ohio. First Vice-President, CHARLES W. GREENE, 304 Griffin St., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Second Vice-President. WILLIAM S. RANDOLPH, Va. Seminary and College Lynchburg, Va.
Vice-President, WILLIAM WARRICK CARDOZO. Box 3084, Ohio State University Station, Columbus, Ohio. Secretary, JOSEPH 'H. B. EVANS, 935 Beckwith St., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. Treasurer. PERCIVAL R. PIPER. 3807 Kirby Ave., W., Detroit, Mich. SPHINX Editor, P. BERNARD YOUNG, Jr., 719 East Olney Road, Norfolk, Va.
Director of Education, RAYMOND W. c'* NON, 3400 Oakland Ave., Minn* olis, Minn. Members Executive Council, PERRV JACKSON, 404 Superior Buil* Cleveland, Ohio; Robert P. D" n Union University, Richmond, ^ and Myles A. Paige, 2296 Sev«' Ave., New York, N. Y.
CHAPTERS (In cases where the Secretary or Corresponding Secretary's address is the sime as the President's, the former address is not printed.) ALPHA, Cornell University, Ithaca. N. Y.: Sec'y., Headley E. Bailey, 217 West Ave. BETA, Washington, D. C ; Ivan Earle Taylor, 1917 Third St., N. W.; Cor. Sec'y., Charles W. Anderson. GAMMA. Virginia Union University, Richmond, Va.; Pres., Walker H. Quarles; Cor. Sec'y., Richard H. Cook. DELTA, Montreal, Canada, Inactive. EPSILON. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Pres., Howard M. Turner, 1103 E. Huron St.; Cor. Sec'y., Chas. S. Finch. ZETA, Yale University, New Haven. Conn.. Pres., Dr. R. S. Fleming, 216 Dwight St.; Sec'y., 100 Dipwell Ave. ETA. New York City College, Columbia, and New York Universities, New York City; Pres., Roland Johnson, 523 MaCon St., Brooklyn. N. Y.; Sec'y.. Jesse Casminski, 32 W. 131 St. THETA. Chicago, 111:; Pres.; E. A. Green, 4104 Vincennes Ave.; Sec'y., J. M. Reynolds.
UPSILON. Lawrence, Kan.; Pres., Herman T. Jones, 1101 Mississippi St.; Sec'y., Silas C. Vaughn. PHI, Ohio University. Athens, Ohio; Pres., S. Lloyd, Corbin, 72 Grosvenor St., Sec'y, Alvln P. Hall. CHI. Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tenn.; Pres., J. Lucian Carwin, 15 N. Hill St.; Sec'y., J. Elbert Pettress. FSI, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pa.; Pres., J. Gordon Baugh. 6 N. 42nd St. ALPHA ALPHA. Cincinnati. Ohio; Pres., R. P. McClain; Sec'y., W. C. Weatherly. ALPHA BETA, Talladega College. Talladega, Ala.; Pres., W. W. E. Blanchet; Secy. Nathan E. Langford. ALPHA GAMMA, Providence, Joseph G. LeCount. 19 Sec'y., Aubrey Drake. ALPHA DELTA, Los Angeles. James Robinson, 1030 St.; Sec'y., Hugh Beaty. St.
R. I.; Pres., College St.; Cal.; Pres.: E. Jefferson 1523 E. 45th
"A" ALPHA ZETA. West Virginia State College. Institute, W. Va.; Pres.. Gohen Jeffers; Sec'y., Harry E. Dennis.
IOTA, Syracuse University, N. Y.; Pres., Hugh I. F. Nauton, 809 E. Fayette St.; Sec'y, Win. P. Cunningham.
ALPHA ETA. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., Pres., Charles K. Goines, 7 Claremont Park, Boston, Mass.
KAPPA, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; Pres.. John H. Walker, 1252 East Long St.; Cor. Sec'y., Llewllyn Coles, 1358 Mt. Vernon Ave.
ALPHA THETA. University of Iowa. Iowa City, la.; Pres., Bennie E. Taylor, 230 S. Capitol St.; Sec'y., Kenneth R. O'Neal.
MTJ, St. Paul, Minn.; Pres., John R. Lawrence, 556 St. Anthony Ave.; Sec'y, S. S. Jackson. 718 St. Anthony Ave. NU, Lincoln University, Pa.; Pres. Frame A. DeCosta; Cor. Sec'y., A. Frederick Williams. XI,
Wilberforce University, Wilberforce. Ohio; Pres., Raymond Dickerson; Sec'y., Thomas Stowe.
OMICRON, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Pres., Walter R. Talbot. 5635 Mignonette St.: Sec'y. Forrest L. Parr, 1138 N. Wheeler St PI. Western Reserve University!, Case School of Applied Science. John Carroll University, Cleveland College, Oberlln College, Cleveland, Ohio; Pres., Roosevelt Dickey, 9816 Cedar Ave.; Sec'y, Maurice F. Gleason, 6007 Outhwalte Avenue. RHO, Philadelphia. Pa.; Pres., George Lyle. 415 N. 53rd St.; Cor. Sec'y., Kirksey L. Curd. 648 N. 13th St. fclGMA, Boston. Mass.; Pres., Ferdinand L. Rousseve, 33 Waumbeck St., Roxbury, Mass.; Sec'y.. Armound V. Boutee. TAU. University of Illinois. Champaign. 111.; Pres.. Edward B. Toles, 602 E. Clark St.; Setfy., John T. Caldwell.
ALPHA IOTA, Denver, Col.; Pres. Dr. J. P. Oliver, 2734 Williams St.; Sec'y, O. L. Lawson, 2601 Welton St. ALPHA EPSILON. Oakland. Cal.; Pres.; Edward Wilson, 1128 Eighth St.; Sec'y., Clay Wilson, 1136 Eighth St. ALPHA KAPPA, Wesleyan University and Williams College; Pres.. Robert E. Jones. Wesleyan Univ., Middletown. Conn.; Sec'y., Arthur C. Logan, Williams College, Wllllamstown, Mass. ALPHA MU. Northwestern University, Evanston. 111.: Pres., Clarence T. Mason, 1317 Emerson St.; Sec'y., Wm. C. Pyant. 1014 Emerson St. ALPHA NU, Drake University. Des Moines. la., and Iowa State College, Ames, la.. Pres., Carlye C. Clarke. 1207 Center St.. Des Moines, la. ALPHA XI. Marquette University. Milwaukee, Wis.; Sec'y, G. D. Daniel, 61 19th St. ALPHA OMICRON, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, N. C : Pres., J. O. Ellis; Cor. Sec'y., J. R. Henry. ALPHA PI, Atlanta University, Atlanta. Ga.; Pres.; J. G. Lemon; Sec'y., R. E. Thomas
ALPHA RHO. Morehouse College. Atla» Ga.; Pres., George W. Cabiniss. * Morris B. Coppage. ALPHA SIGMA, Wiley University. MarM Texas: Pres., J. L. Sweatt; Sec'.. ? so B. Morris. ALPHA TAU, Akron. Ohio; Pres., *£. Fleming. 53 Central Bldg.: Se< Otis E. Finley, 193 Perkins St. ALPHA UPSILON, City College of Detrv° Detroit, Mich.; Pres., Robert J. E " 5655-24th St.; Sec'y Thomas Whidby. ALPHA PHI, Clark University, Atlanta. & Pres., D. S. Dykes; Sec'y.. BScruggs. ALPHA CHI. Fisk University, Nashv1' Tenn.; Pres., N. M. Martin; S* W. D. Hawkins, Jr. BETA ALPHA. Morgan College. Baiting Pres.. Oily Daley; Sec'y., Waters " pin. BETA BETA, University of Nebraska. * coin. Neb.; Pres., Lewis O. SwiJjl 1226 F St.; Cor. Sec'y., Robert Fairchild. 1925 U St. BETA GAMMA, Va. State College, P e " burg. Va.; Pres., 3 . C. Jackson. S^ T. Colson Woody. BETA DELTA. S C. State College.OraJjj burg, S. C ; Pres., Clifford S. Th0* son; Cor. Sec'y.. Jacob R. He"0 son BETA EPSILON. A. and T. College, Gre* boro. N. C ; Pres., R. W. News* Sec'y., J. S. Hargrove. BETA ZETA. Samuel Houston College. I tin, Texas; Pres., Ollie Andei* Sec'y John Brown. I ALPHA LAMBDA, Louisville, Ky.; Pres-, J. A. C. Lattimore. 1502 W. Wf St.; Sec'y., Lee L. Brown. 101* Chestnut St. BETA LAMBDA. Kansas City. Mo.; *! Matthew E. Carroll, 1213 G»r' Ave.; Sec'y., James A. Jeffress. Tracey Ave. GAMMA LAMBDA. Detroit, Mich.; Pi*5. Henri Williams, 6190 Iroquois ' Sec'y., L. S. Williams. 5655-24tn I DELTA LAMBDA. Baltimore. Md„ Pres. S. Bond, 1517 Druid Hill Ave: 1 Sec'y, William I. Gibson, 260 ' ert St. EPSILON LAMBDA, St. Louis. Mo.; P''p, E. Garner, 11 N. Jefferson Ave.: Sec'y., Dr. Blair W. Carter, 100'* Jefferson Ave. ZETA LAMBDA, Norfolk, Va.; Pres.. Jv Pierce, P. O. Box 724, Suffolk 1 | Sec'y., A. D. Manning, 555-25t' Newport News, Va. THETA LAMBDA, Dayton, Ohio: ' Lloyd Cox; Sec'y., J. E. Bush. St. "Y". ETA LAMBDA. Atlanta, Ga.; Pres.. C Johnson, 215 Boulevard, N. E.: °l A. D. C. Crosby. 72 Ashby St. S(Continued on Inside Back Cov«r
Stye ^taff April, 1930
â&#x201E;˘ East Olney Road, Norfolk,
Washington, CARL J.
D. C.
Pittsburgh, WILLIAM
N. Eutaw St., Baltimore,
Philadelphia, JAMES D.
Number 2
In This Issue Frontispiece Cartoon
Editorial Educational Activities What Price Education?
3 4 5
The Educational Urge Alpha Scholarships Vocational Guidance Interfraternalism at Howard Culture: American Variety Vallee To Broadcast Hymn An Undergraduate On Education
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
About our Sphinx
The Sphinx Cover Unjust Educational Expenditures Headway In Social Work The New Negro's Religion
12 13 14 16
Significant Alpha News
Fraternity Fun Opportunities in Fine Arts Vice-President's Greetings
20 21 21
A Sonnet How We Got That Way The Sphinx Speaks, Chapter News
21 22 24
Comment on Sphinx
Cover Design by Brother Allan R. Freelon HISTORY
Official Organ of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Troy, N. Y.
Published in February, April, June, October, and December at 719 East Olney Road, Norfolk, Va.
Chicago, III.
Subscription Price
One dollar and fifty cents per year
Entered as second class matter, March 3, 1930, at the Post Office in Norfolk. Va.. under the Act of March 3. 1879. and accepted for mailing at the second class rates of postage.
Page 2
Page 3
Editorially Speaking C9EAT, wink, and be merry, for tomorrow the damn louse will be your equal—and an embittered nemy of some of you. Which isn't the worst inictment of the present initiation trends, but a quite nportant one. After all, this organization we belong 3 IS a fraternal society allegedly fostering brothrhood. I always did hate formalism and ritual, nd when they are embellished with brutal assinies known to a fraternity man of any group, they tve me the willies. I hate even more the role of iformer. But certain recent revelations in the matto' of initiation, superimposed upon memories of <y own and of others, which have a distinctly univory flavor, put me between the devil and the *ep blue sea. Not caring for myths, I prefer the u nge, icy as the water may be. In other and briefer words, this editorial is go's to be an attempt to arouse some interest in The r t of Thinking, with special reference to the in•ngruous imbecilities which accompany those "globus journeys across the desert sands to the light Alpha Phi Alpha." I shall not seek to make vo•1 the protest of a cloud of hitherto repressed and lencouraged witnesses who may board the bandagon with outraged and agreeing I-told-you-so's. hope merely to arouse some calm thinking, knowg that any mental structure founded upon the m s y raisons d'etre for savage initiations will beat house of cards all hollow in a falling competition. r °ng? I meekly turn the other cheek. DOMING quickly to the point, has it ever occured to you that it is tragically humorous to find a oup of college men or graduates—or both—boast* of culture and proud of their supposed emancition from ludicrous superstitions, reverting to the udities of a jungle orgy without benefit, even, of at ceremonial finesse credited to the untutored triJ brother! If it wasn't so devilishly painful to the bjects and so silly of the perpetrators it would be Jghable. Instead, it is a depressing confession a lack of intelligent invention or even of casual sorption of hints dropped in any psychology class least twice a week in any course worthy of the me. In certain stages of development it was nectary to put the fear of God into the sinful with r e f u 1 predictions ornamented with miraculous ^nasties and vocal impossibilities. But prog»s is more than one of countless words buried in
dictionaries, as a visit to an increasing number of urban edifices of worship will indicate. Perhaps in Alpha's infancy it was imperative to wham a love for our dear fraternity into the unmentionably low caste of neophyte-dom by way of delicate anatomical locations. If it still is, all that Alpha Phi Alpha stands for, all that a great faith in education signifies, all that millions expended in collegiate institutions represent, are pitiful wraiths of the imagination. f V N E great obstacle in the way of the whole ef^-^ fort to curb the inanities of present initiations and to substitute a more graceful prelude to the unquestioned beauties of our ritual is the human disinclination to break away from the crowd. Each of us "goes through," grins stiffly, shakes hands with those who just some minutes ago had inflicted punishment which very likely would be called grounds for justifiable homicide in any other circumstances, joins the lying chorus which insists, "it WAS tough, but it was great fun," secretly vows to put the next group, at least, through the identical "rites," and then does so, more or less—frequently more so. It is a vicious circle given new birth with each generation of initiates. Those who go through the motions gracefully accepting the insult and mayhem, but who nevertheless vow to seek a change, never utter the faintest protest for fear of being laughed out of court. Perhaps nothing can be done about it . . . .Except to write nasty editorials like this one. But if a nasty editorial can either get any Brothers hot under the collar or cause cerebral activity, then it is worth its weight in radium. T F ANY initiate ever fully appreciated the sym-^- bolism, the imaginative beauty of the Alpha ritual as he first receives it—after the gleeful and resounding preliminaries—he deserves international recognition and a place with the immortals. It is simply impossible to pay any attention whatsoever to anything when one wonders just what part of himself is not invisibly on fire. It is doubtless quite irreverent and improper, but personally I remember distinctly asking myself, after the beating and during the subsequent ceremonial, "When will this confound sing-song get over with?" I enjoyed the hot coffee, beans, and hot dogs much more. Being more acutely aware of a terrific physical experience, and naturally bored Continued on Page 31
Page 4
Educational Activities Explaine HE Go To High School, Go To College Campaign, as you know, is but one of the functions of this department, and yet it is the one by which Alpha Phi Alpha has been able to help thousands of our boys and girls. It is therefore highly important that every effort again be put forth to make this the greatest of movements in the history of this work. We are trying not to make many radical changes or departures from the original plan. However, there will be incorporated in the movement this year the recommendation of the last convention which calls for the emphasis of vocational and industrial training. This is in line with the Nurse recommendations adopted at the 17th Convention in 1924 and, by Authority of the 22nd Convention, will be carried out this year. This office does not believe in arbitrarily setting the official date for our educational campaign. We feel that the chapter should be taken into consultation on this matter. Accordingly, we consulted the chapters and the consensus of opinion indicates that the date most convenient for the greatest number of the chapters is the week of May Fourth to May Tenth, inclusive. Where necessary chapters will be permitted to hold it either before or after the official date to meet local conditions which demand such.
By RAYMOND W. CANNON Director of Education
State Directors Retained Where possible every state director was retained from last year. This office feels that their experience is invaluable to the Fraternity in this work. Chapters were accorded the opportunity to nominate candidates for these positions. In nearly every instance t h e Chapters suggested retaining those already in the service. However, there were a few who were unable to serve because of change in residence or change in occupation. In these instances new state directors were appointed. Literature is now being compiled by a special commission of this department and will be in the hands of the chapters promptly and in time. T is suggested that each chapter have a committee on the Educational Campaign. Most Chapters function this way. A few, however, do not. W-» think a committee functions better than any other means. This committee should meet once each week until the
Pursuant to authority vested in me by the General Constitution, 1 do hereby designate and proclaim the week known and described as MAY FOURTH to MAY TENTH, inclusive, for the Eleventh Annual Go To High School, Go To College ('(inijxiign.
The above date has been selected after careful con sideration. Each chapter was requested to expreie itself on this matter. Post convention inertia, apparently difficult to overcome, caused much delay and loss of valuable time. We might have gone ahead and gircn you this sooner but we feel we ought to advise with the chapters in this. The above date, we find is to the convenience of the greatest number of chapters. But as formerly, chapters will be permitted to hold their campaigns either before or after where due to local conditions it is impossible to hold it on the official date.
movement has been concluded. Full instructions will be sent to each chapter. Releases will appear in your local papers provided you supply this office with their addresses. Shortly after the last Convention a number of the chapters began to make arrangements for speakers. Indications are that more out-oftown speakers will be used this year than ever before. We wish to urge the chapters that they consult the directory of speakers sent out from this office and that all speakers be drawn from the membership of this Fraternity. We feel that members of our fraternity are best informed and best qualified to speak on their own mowiment and it is hoped that all the Chapters will bear this fact in mind in making their selections. Every Aid Given We cannot give you many details through this limited space. Materials are being sent to the Chapters and directors a t this writing. Alpha Phi Alpha expects every Chapter to do its utmost. And this office will aid in every way possible.
HIS department embraces several activities. But the one before us at the present time is the Go To High
School, Go To Cbllege Campaign, n movement is now in its eleventh VJJ It grew out of necessity. The F^ii nity had no program and needed ^ Our boys and girls needed just 'u help as Alpha Phi Alpha could thi'^q this movement give them. is
When we inaugurated this GoTol*8 School, Go To College Campaign weftl intentionally attracted the attentio"0! the nation. Some knew its value, e c ers contented themselves by pr8>*v the motives of the Fraternity and£ members. Some leaders of thought' ; action looked upon it with mingled e\t osity and surprise; others contend';] ed on the audacity of the movefile Some questioned it as to being etW> But there were many of our l e0 o; who encouraged this movement, h the fine part of it all is that not ' , Alpha man considered it as an exP1^ ment; all had utmost confidence h1 . r ability of the campaign to produce ,^ desired results. First of Them AH
The Go To High School, Go To ? ' lege Campaign is the fore-runner o' and similar movements conducted Race organizations. And from avail',, figures together with statements oi . thorities, we can say that nearly per cent of our young men and y° women in high institutions of lea1* are there because of the influent j these movements.
^UR campaign aims to define e ^ 1 tion to our youth, to shotf value of it, and why we urge the"11 j' obtain it. It traces the history oi ucation among Negroes in America shows the progress made both by group and the individual during the P 65 years. In this way we impress' halting youth the need for prepara^ Statistics presented show our exact' dition. Our whole message is a • based on facts for our young to improve themselves and their OP tunities in order that they may in ' help others and fit into the schei"'oi life with greatest usefulness. Campaign's Value \v The Go To High School Go T" (h, lege Campaign aids the state W^'* makes for better citizenship ti1*0 x education. Our campaign co-op*1^' with every Christian Church in the when it raises the moral standards education. It is the most worth Continued on Page 33
Page 5
\ What Price Higher Education f S FOR conditions affecting our students in higher institutions of learnlg, this is too long a story to give at *^is time. I do feel, however, that your ttention should be called to some of kese matters. So I shall mention a few istances showing the worst forms of incrimination with which our students » v e to contend. The Fraternity has eklled attention to such before. We 0*>Pe that Alpha Phi Alpha soon may , *el itself called upon to exert some aclipve influence, directly or indirectly, [d Eainst this growing barrier. •j. I shall not go into the Ohio Univsrfjty situation (Athens, Ohio) because a >Oport was made on that matter by the General President. However, I do wish "J call attention to the rule which the •yard of trustees of this institution passJ si x years ago, as follows: 0, "The University admits without exj fnmation (except those who are intend8 fg to enter the two-year course in the ollcge of Education) graduates of the cur-year high schools in Ohio which ave been classed as FIRST GRADE by 0»e State Department of Public Instruction and all others (either in Ohio or in (Mier states PROVIDED THEIR OWN l/TATE UNIVERSITIES A D M I T [fHEM,) w ho have fifteen units of crefn f r o m a first grade high school in aco^Ptable subjects." Aimed At Negroes p R O M investigation it appears that this rule affects only prospective Wudents who are Negroes. At the time * the passage of this rule there were *po«t sixty (60) Negro students enroll:P» in the University. According to retorts this number has been reduced by fc'o-thirds. Delegations of various organizations, educators of our race, min!»ters, and individuals of both races have t»itcred strong protest against this *> ,m g of the trustees, but as yet to no p a i l . Two governors of Ohio—memf i-s of the trustee board have evaded me issue. Two years ago a Negro student, a ophomore from Kansas University, hail M registration held up for one week while classes were in progress) until toe authorities could determine if Kan» s University admitted Negroes who *>uld not enter Universities in their own *ates and this, in spite of the fact that **e student was a sophomore. However, Je understand since this time Kansas University has exercised a similar rule.
By RAYMOND W. CANNON Educational Director
In this article Brother Cannon turn* the "pitiless light of publicity" upon some of the most flagrant examples of "the grandfather clause becoming collegiate." His suggestion that Alpha Phi Alpha's influence and energies be directed in the abolition of such discriminatory practices is worthy of deep consideration and anticipated action. The value of his office, and the thoroughness with which he is carrt/iiig out his duties are clearly indicated in this exposure of conditions which, if not fought from. the sure basis of their known existence, may have very harmful ultimate effect*.
Dangerous Possibilities F THIS kind of a situation goes on, it is logical to suppose that other northern schools may adopt such measures owing to the tendency to cater to the prejudices of southern white students who are now attending northern institutions in greater numbers than ever before. It is a difficult thing to fight for the reason that such rules are not made to appear as being directed against Negro students only, but in reality they are the only students who are affected thereby. It is not a matter for great publicity at the present time for such will but serve to call attention of other institutions to what can be done against us while we are defenseless. Nor can we carry on a drive for funds, etc., with which to fight. We feel that we must resort to some quiet politics and whereever we can supply some pressure it must be applied. Negroes in Ohio have the situation in their hands. They can and we believe will do something effective when it becomes apparent to them how serious a matter this is. We glory in the spunk of our good Brother Perry B. Jackson, who is the only Negro member of the Ohio Legislature. He ran on a campaign of using his influence to have cut the budget of the Ohio University thru the appropriations committee as much as possible until the trustees should feel the weight of it. There are, however. other and more practical ways Negroes of Ohio can adopt to combat this sit-
uation and they are showing some in the matter. One student (Negro) at Ohio University (Athens) stated that he was informed that he could not play on the football team for fear that too many men (southern whites) would be lost. Other Discriminations S TO other schools, only a few instances will be cited as follows: Pittsburgh and Carnegie Tech.: Negroes barred from football, barred from school of drama, grouped together in rear of room in the Pittsburgh Dental School, prevented in various ways from entering medicine. University of Nebraska: Prevented from participating in scholastic and athletic activities and from use of swimming pool. Ohio State University (Columbus): Attitude of faculty in general seems unbiased. Some instructors have indicated that they would favor segregation in the Lounge Buildings. In the case of one lady, a teacher, an attempt was made by one of the professors to prevent her from doing advanced work in Spanish. The professor was a southerner. Indiana University: But two Negro students are admitted to the freshman class in medicine. Butler College: Has been reported as limiting the number of Negro freshmen. Kansas University: Negroes cannot take beyond the first two years in medicine. Discrimination has occurred in school of fine arts; also in the Department of Physical Education; barred from athletics. Students must qualify in swimining before graduation but, Department of Physical Education forbids Negro students' participation in swimming. Athletic at Kansas University are in hands of the University Athletic Corporation, which body is controlled by members of the faculty who are members of the corporation. Dr. Allen (a Virginian) head of the Physical Education Department has been quoted as stating, "I do not believe that colored and white boys should play together in any games of physical contact or combat." Dr. Allen, however, takes interest and actually teaches the colored students how to play basketball in the gymnasium, but refuses to allow them to become members of the teams. Continued on Page 33
Page 6
Is The Educational Urge Justifi IKE most Greek Letter College Fraternities, Alpha Phi Alpha lived in a world all its own for many years. Pleasure, goodfellowship and the personal progress of its members were its greatest concern. In the year 1910 a spirit of altruism began to assert itself and out of this desire to serve grew the Go-to-High School, Go-to-College Campaign. For one week each year members of more than eighty-five chapters in thirty-six states are appealing to youth, regardless of race, creed or color to continue their education.
The crowded condition of many of our institutions of learning have lead some to question the necessity for an annual urge for education. It is true that everywhere and in all classes of society there is a noticeable increase of interest in acquiring more and better education. Out numbering the college and university enrollment there is, it is estimated more than three million men and women in the United States who are persuing some kind of education after working hours, either by correspondence, University extension courses or night. school. But if we can accept as authentic a statement that appeared in a copy of the New York Times then the need of such an urge is apparent. The statement is to the effect that - the average of American pupil now reach the seventh grade. A decade ago we were a nation of sixth graders. We have made some progress but Alpha Phi Alpha's hope for America's future necessitates that we go to the highways and hedges with our message to youth. Needs For Education HERE are many reasons why youth should avail himself of the opportunity for getting an education. Perhaps the best reason that could be given is that the days of our youth were given us that we might acquire education. Though tinted with selfishness it is nevertheless fundamental that we develope our mental faculties. For as Edgar Guest states, "I have to live with myself and so, I want to be fit for myself to know." The development of the finer qualities of the soul; the conquering of our baser selves; the appreciation of the gifts of nature so abundant about us, these can be attained only through education. The preparing of one's self to earn a livelihood while essential as a means of self preservation, is by no means the sole
By DR. B. ANDREW ROSE General President
In this article our General President Brother Dr. B. Andrew Rose, with great care, analyzes and answers the question—is the annual urge for education necessary?— which frequently grows out of the realization of the [fact that our institutions of higher learning are already crowded. Alpha men who read his treatment of the subject will not again permit this question to 'render them indifferent to the promotion of our annual Education C am pax g n. Brother Rose cteairly' poinUs out the ends to which higher education achieve and logically and convincingly justifies the continuation, with increased emphasis, of the annual Go-to-high^school, Go-to-ColU'/jc movement.
ambition of one who seeks to be truly educated. Even the man who earns his bread by the sweat of his brow is a happier workman and more efficient if he can read widely and think deeply nough to feel the significance of his contribution to the world's work. Dr. Slosson says, "The Min who knows HOW always has a job, but the man who knows WHY is his boss." Contribution of Science One of the contributions of modern science to the world is a larger gift of time and strength. Machinery has not only reduced the tedium and laboriousness of work but has given man more leisure time. There is now available in American enough mechanical power to equal the labor of thirty-five slaves for each and every one of us. Prominent and conservative American indus t r i a l leaders have said that in no distant future our industrial process will be so highly developed that four hours labor per day for five days per week will supnly all of our material necessities. With the approach of this four hour day and five day week, the dream of captains of industry, there looms the problem of the profitable use of our precious gift of leisure. It is a noticeable fact that the untrained mind rests as hard as it works. During his hours off there is little relaxation. In the club, on the street or other place of rendezvous he repeats the hard tasks of yesterday. Leis-
ure time for the mind unprepaired 3 ' ' it is as dangerous as dynamite. ^ ' of itself exerts a certain discipline t h on us; industry exercises a certain * r j trol over individuals. But leisure * n not exercise any such discipline *'a control. It takes initiative a * ' definite effort of will for man to m*11 up his mind to use leisure time red 00 ' tively and purposefully and wisely; >*s er than use it wastefully and hartn"lv c ly. " sc The Proper Use of Leisure ns O THE mind properly prepaired f education, leisure time becomes * soul's greatest opportunity for deveJJe ment. To leave our contemporaries \ the hum-drum world for a time and " with the sages through art and l i ^ P i ture or to commune with nature is ' re-creation and growth. Such study ' ' development may not contribute to * growth of the bank roll directly * it developes in the individual what' r perience has proven to be the most <J able satisfaction of human life. CM says, "A man should hear a little m"J read a little poetry, and see a fine t ture every day of his life in order t* worldly cares may not obliterate ' sense of beauty which God has imp"1 ed in the human soul." Now Time For Leisure Science has not only preserved I strength and given more time for 1 ure, it has by means of the radio * air plane shortened distances and sirfF fied communication, until now the ^ may be looked upon as one comniu11' A community which consists of r*l nations and cultures each of which is * ferent from the other and each p< ing qualities that are necessary to * full development of the mind of a «°j citizen. These groups differ in lanj age, in religion, in habits and in id e ' In the past these differences were <• and settled by war, extermination ofl degradation of the weaker. The * f war is a convincing example of what v happen when one group in this world \ munity undervalues and ridicules ' culture of the others and attempts pose its own culture upon the rest, # education been more widely spr** among the rank and file of the citjHI of this belligerent nation, civiliw1''' may have escaped this terrible slaugh*J So that it is correct to conclude t h a t ' X fection education will serve as a Pr ventive of war and as a promoter m Continued on Page 34
Page 7
Our First Scholarship Venture IfoESPONDING to an urge of the un0> dergraduate members and a syms thetic understanding of the older Bro*rs, the twenty-first annual Convenm\ at Philadelphia took definite steps >ward awarding scholarships to deservK studvnts by setting aside a definite « n of $1,000 to be divided into ten Cinolarships of $100.00 each. The action • 8 in advance of that taken by former inventions which merely authorized committee to investigate the question scholarship, and present recommenda.ns at the next Convention. W f he magnanimous spirit that has actl e d our "Go-to-High School, Go-to. fl'ege Campaign" was evidenced in the | position to award these scholart*Ps to the most deserving applicant ^college rank, irrespective of sex, loca£>. or fraternal affiliation. In accord , £h this spirit three scholarships were pen to young women, and only two to
By EMORY B. SMITH Beta, Zeta and Mu Lambda Chapters Alpha Phi Alpha men, and one to an Alpha pledgee, the latter three meeting every requirement for the award, and receiving no special consideration
Brother Smith, who served as chairman of our first scholarship commission, h&re writes interestingly of the aims and possibilities of the awards. He is an enthusiastic and valuable rnemher of Alpha Phi Alpha, as his efforts for the Fraternity in various capacities in the p<ust have demonstrated. Brother Smith is at present Field Secretary and Director of Publicity for Howard University, and un active member" of the Washington group of Alpha men.
whatsoever. Big Heartedness Shown HE big heartedm?ss of Alpha Phi Alpha was demonstrated in the fact that individual memibers, pledgees, and chapters highly reconlmiended, upon the basis of merit, members of other fraternities. Among those receiving the award was a member of the Omega I'si Phi Fraternity, one member of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, and two nonfraternity men. From the standpoint of geographical representation, one scholarship was given to a student in nine different states, and one to a native of Africa. Both large and small, white and colored, northern and southern institutions were included in the award. While the scholarships were awarded over an extended territory, it is to be much regretted that so little interest was shown by the far Western chap-
I ,lX
f r
P left to right: Catherine Van Buren, W. Howard Sneed, Marine N. Catus; center, left to right: John W. Lewis. Wm. Anthony Gaines in A. Cobbs, o. J. Baker; bottom, left to right: Ernest J. Kallbola, W. W. E. Blanchett and Alma Pauline Carter.
Page 8
'ho ters and friends of education. In order that there may be no appearance of partiality as to institutions or localities your commission recommend to the 22nd Convention that no student in an institution where a scholarship was granted for the present shall be eligible for the 1930 award. Winners of Scholarships HE awards, including names, homes, fraternities or sororities classes, and recommendations were as follows: O. J. Baker, Alabama, member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, senior at Morehouse College, recommiended by Dean Archer. Waldo E. Blanchett, New Orleans, member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, junior at Talladega College, recommended by President Sumner, Dean Larsen, and other members of the faculty. Pauline Carter, Spartanburg, S. C. non-sorority, sophomore at Benedict College, recommended by the president of the school, dean of the college and several members of the faculty. Marine N. Catus, North Carolina, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, sophomore at Va. State College, recommended by Brother President Gandy, and by formal action of the faculty. John Cobbs, Cleveland, Ohio, Alpha Phi Alpha pledge, freshman at Western
Reserve University, recommiended by Pi Chapter, and his former High School Principal. Wm. A. Gaines, Philadelphia, Alpha Phi Alpha, sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania, was recommended by Psi Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha. Only by such a spirit of unselfish devotion to the cause of racial betterment will Alpha Phi Alpha measure up to its high precept, "Servants of All." Ernest Kalibola, native African, nonfraternity, sophomore at New York University, recommended by Brother Nyabongo, president of the African Students' League. John W. Lewis, Detroit, Mich., member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, sophomore City College of Detroit, was recommended by Brother Percival Piper, General Treasurer, and Brother Dunbar, Secretary of the College Y. M. C. A. Catherine Van Buren, Pittsfield, Mass., Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, sophomore at Fisk University, recommended by the Faculty Scholarship Committee. Awards Unanimous rN MAKING the awards the Commission was unanimous in its selection. A deep regret, however, was experienced by members of the Commission in its inability to include numerous other cases of merit. It is hoped that this fund may speedily be increased, and that the
several chapters will concern them» y with matters of local scholarships as* ommended at the twenty-first Coo*"1 nat tion. Although a thousand dollars i 5 , m small sum of money in consideratio* ai the vast need, the spirit which proirf" < the venture may kindle a flame of Kn selfish service among other simihtf 0 ' 0 ganizations that will be far reaching f its effect upon the progress of the *s and the welfare of the nation. Yn Pleased By Approval • ,.iat HE supreme joy of the eonim'8-, was experienced in the hearty &P'_.__ val of its work by the 22nd Convey ( in session at Atlanta, and by Bro. P dent, Dr. B.A. Rose. Such approval f\d best expressed in the resolution W u aside $2,000 to be used as scholars^for the next two years. t Under the able leadership of Br*',,., 1 Raymond K. Cannon, Directorr of oi B&"j tion, there is great prospec t of 1in<s„ / and more enduring service than wo.* r re sible in our first venture. ni. More important than the immedi*'. t ward of scholarships is the research atl| drafting of recommendations embodf a permanent plan and policy of sch<' ships and student loans. This effort begun by your commission of last ' and will be carried forward to su<** ful completion under the directi"11 Brother Cannon.
Vocational Guidance and the Negro Student LTHOUGH our Educational Movement is as broad as it is altruistic and is meant to reach all people of all groups in all climes where Alpha influence extends, there is no one so cont ntious, I presume, as to dispute the statement that the prime motive is to reach the Negro and stimulate him to greater accademic attainment. This is a comprehensive task. For each section, community and locality has its particular educational, and i •.< uliar racial, problem uncommon perhaps to any other. But wherever a youthful student may Bud him.H-lf, two questions are certain to confront him, questions as vital as they are elementary: What to study? and Where? And if an educational movement is to be of any real service, it must, I believe, be concerned with these questions and afford some practical means of inducing a sensilil • an<! forward-looking answer.
"What ought I to study?" every Negro boy and girl should be stimulated to ask himself. The anwser may be Medicine* or it may be Carpentry. And therein
By WILLIAM S.. RANDOLPH Second Vice President
It has not been the Editor's good fortune to pi ruse ii more interestting treatment of the subject "i vocational guidance ox it lias its particular bearing upon tin- Negro student, than this one In/ Brother William, S. Randolph, who is a professor ni Virginia Seminary nnd College nl Lynchburg, Va. The Brother ehowe himself thoroughly informed on the problem of tin Negro student faced with the question of selecting a vocation and the place tn OUrtUe his training fur it. The Editor takes particular pride in recommending this article to the most deliberate reading of Alpha men, fur in it rings clear their resjionsibilitji to OUT student youth.
lies the importance of the question. In an address to the Negro History Con-
ference last October, Brother Dr. « n M. Gandy, President of Virginia 'foi College, expressed the great mee<je\ vocational guidance in the sou' J u schools. He said in part: "Bef<"'l> ja Negro schools of the South make h, other change of any kind, in admin" r a tion or curriculum, effort should 1»' '"f to supply a means of properly dii - ^ ni the Negro student in his course oi "] <\y." The speaker stated that, with r j exceptions, there were no trained >n efficient vocational guidance direct<»el the whole South. Dr. Gandy feel*Vi do numerous others—that in manVuii stances the cultural courses are eXPUi ed by individuals who have not the * he amenta] requisite of a plastic mind- j e The Colored Boys' Problem
UT the vocational guidance p ,•<>'" is not one of concern to the 9K)*ri VI era academic merely. The extensi*cational Guidance systems of the *5] are not devised to give to the c° ; , boy the particular attention whic'V case requires. Almost every Neg r "
Page 9
THE SPHINX 'ho has come up through the grades in die North has been made to feel this. J he remembers the private vocational inferences at all, he will likely recall pat the Vocational Director impressed [Am, boy that he was, with little more ifhan the silver rimmed spectacles perchm on the tip of an aquiline nose and a ! Hiable, if not asinine, conception of the r»lored man's place in American society. tin fairness to those few vocational workffs whose conscientious interest and ympathy are happily acknowledged, 1st B retract whatever of the foregoing 0|iat may smack of unqualified generalizaJon. But even the most generous sys1 m s are built upon the very foolhardy, \l democratic, premises of equal rights <nd privileges to all. 01 Obviously the task of vocational guid^ice for Negroes, if it is to be tackled jt all falls elsewhere. We are very j r t u n a t e in having organized groups 2 college-bred colored men willing to Jsume what of this responsibility they Ire qualified to undertake. Of course Jey cannot go about the undertaking >",J the systematized and efficient way of becially trained workers. But sympa-
thy, generosity of heart and hand, and the dispassionate counsel of men experienced in the various pursuits may serve well in directing the destinies of eager young people, especially when emanating from successful leaders whose organization is dedicated to that very purpose. Where To Study The question of where to study is given too little consideration also. Northern students are penetrating the South for the "social contacts" of the southern institutions, and southern students, feeling themselves unwelcome in the northern schools, decline to journey north. The hostile attitude of the white schools is an annoying consideration, but the colored schools of the South are not equipped to accommodate all the Negroes of the country who want education. And the case is the exception when a northern college arbitrarily bars its doors to the presence of a qualified colored applicant. The number of good Negro schools, furthermore—and there are some very fine ones despite popular opinion in some sections—is plainly too small. There are numerous colleges of lesser merit, but their significance is a questionable en-
Facilities for Negro Education OWEVER it is not difficult to see what led the eminent sociologist to such a conclusion. Certainly the facilities for Negro education are appallingly meager. Generous as philanthropy may Continued on Page 33
Interfratemalism at Howard
MOST of our colleges and univer[Nsities where Greek-letter fraternities re established, the question of interrat :rnal relationship assumes serious proportions. This is true of the fraternities of all groups and is not a probsm peculiar to Negro fraternities. ,j Often rivalry and intense factionalism are engendered which breed conditions that are inimical to the orderly L e v elopment of undergraduate life. Th° j>usting for political preferment and soJal advantage is so keen at times that pere is no telling to what extremes paternities, or unscrupulous members 0 f fraternities, will go to achieve these nds. I True there should always be fair and riendly rivalry between frater n i t i e s. his makes for greater achievement in J* cholarship and .extra-curriculum actc i t i e s ; but that this rivalry should stay 'fyithin reasonable limits, lest zeal out fiiUn r e a s o n - ought to be the concern of houKhtful undergraduate fratern i t y
By IVAN EARLE TAYLOR Member Editorial Board
Among Things Needed 0^ That there be some unity of proceedjo're in pledging men as possible materia l for fraternity membership; that there j^e some organization in Inter-fraternal fll#thletic competition; and that inter-fra^ Emal scholarship be maintained on a high
plane are the main purposess for which an Inter-fraternity Council was established at Howard University. Each of the four undergraduate fraternities send as its delegates to the Council, its president and two of its members. The council operates under a regular constitution which was adopted by each of the member fraternities. Any matter which is extra-constitutional must comie before each fraternity for adoption, so that the powers of the Inter-fraternity Council are such as are delegated to it from the fraternities. Organized In 1929 HE Council was organized in the Spring of 1929, largely as a result of the efforts of Brother B. V. Lawson, Jr. He holds degrees from Michigan and Yale Universities, and while a student at these universities he had seen Interfraternity Councils operate, for the general welfare of undergraduate fraternity men. Brother Lawson interested not only the brothers at Beta in an Inter-fraternity Council, but also the membership of Omega Psi Phi, Phi Beta Sigma, and Kappa Alpha Psi; from them he received a hearty endorsement of the project. The process of establishing the Council proved relatively easy, for there has been in recent years at Howard Continued on Page 32
'• l e n .
tity. In his book, The American Race Problem, Dr. E. B. Reuter, Professor of Sociology in the University of Iowa, says with characteristic bold finality: "It would be a far wiser educational and racial policy to usia the funds that now support inferior Negro colleges to send Negro pupils of ability to the real colleges and universities of other sections of the country.' With full appreciation of the qualification inferior, the statement seems a very debatable point, with plenty of material on the negative side. It doesn't seem feasible that a race could be educated by selecting a few of ability to go to the real colleges, et cetera, while the droves of less fortunate are enslaved in utter and futile ignorance. The masses must be tutored, must be made to appreciate certain fundamental social practices; and in that capacity, if none other, the "inferior Negro colleges" serve a purpose very real.
He had seen Inter-Fnitmiitij Councils operate, for the general welfare of undergraduate fraternity men.
Page 10
nd Jut »aul nd
NY discussion of this subject necess i t a t e s at the outset at least an attempt to define the rare elusive term "culture." In what follows the word is used to mean the civilizing refinements of life. Under this definition the culture of an individual or nation would be measured by the degree attained in possessing or, more accurately, in being possessed by these refinements as judged by current standards. To determine this an inquiry concerning progress in the arts and sciences is required. Further to clarify the concept it should be stated that in using the word " a r t s " the intention here is to include not only the pictorial arts, but music, literature, the theatre- the cinema, architecture, p. rsonal adornment, in short all that adds to the beauty of life; and the use of the word "sciences" includes not only the exact sciences, like mathematics or physics.but also religion, philosophy, history, medicine, education, politics, sociology, etc - all that adds to the harmony of life. Culture Not Static rANIFESTLY "culture" is not a static quality. A cultured person attending a banquet in Caesar's time was free to induce vomiting by tickling the palate so that he might disgorge the delicacies he had but the moment previously swallowed and thus provide gastric space sufficient to enjoy the further fine viands of the evening. In China today the sonorous belch of a cultured guest at the end of a meal signifies to the anxious hostess that she has served a tasty and satisfying repast. The cultural standards of an earlier Europe would shock today's most sophisticated New Yorker. The Sun King's magnificence was not dimmed by his public display of adultery, nor was Napoleon's prestige endangered by his sordid extravagances. The homosexual eccentricities of Frederick the Great were in his time royalty's unquestioned prerogative, while the festivities of Peter the Great, or of Caesar Borgia, repulsive gastronomic and erotic orgies to us. were highly entertaining to the lords and ladies of the day. Nude bathing of adults of both sexes together in rivers and pools is common Oriental practice today, and in many parts of the world the public performance of nature's evacuatory acts is not considered unrefined. All this is to say that the conception of culture changes with time and place, that what does not jar the public sense of beauty and fitness at one time
By GUSTAVUS A. STEWARD Member Editorial Board
If any Brother fails to enjoy and appreciate the remarkably lucid and brilliant critique of America's vaunted "culture" which Brother Steward has here written, the Editor, to be merely charitable, is afraid that that Brother is a yokel or rube of the most despairing sort. With the entire Fraternity's attention directed toward education during these days, it is wise to absorb the keen but kindly satire of our brilliant contributor, to ascertain if we are becoming cultured as well as educated. Such contributions as Brother Steward's are giving to THE SPHINX a valuable and desirable literary and near-professional character, which will augment its worth many times. It should be pleasant news to know that he will have other articles in forthcoming issues.
may be shockingly repulsive and vulgar, if not obsence, in other circumstances. This "culture" is not static. It evolves with an evolving world. Culture Is Inward Grace "OREOVER, in the words of the -Anglican prayer book, it is more of an inward grace than an outward sign; one is more possesed by it than possessing it. Hence the common interchange of the words "culture" and "well bred" in ordinary conversation is natural. There are individuals who possess all the outward signs - fine houses, costly tapestries, bronzes and ivories and marbles, rare editions of famous authors, rich paintings, gorgeous furnishings etc., but whose dealings with their fellows reflect the most sordid selfishness and the grossest desires. There are nations who possess in their history and within their boundaries heritages of a magnificent culture, but who nevertheless do not hesitate to plunge thousands of their inarticulate sons into that ghastly ugliness which for centuries has been falsely glorified as war. To recapitulate here and to simplify, "culture" may be considered as the result of all those influences exerted upon man which beautify his environment and elevate what for want of a better term may be called his inner life. It is a changing concept, evolving with man as he marches onward in his develop-
ment. The culture of any group » u n i fore maybe be designated as the >>' which that group has reached i n n a ' session and being possessed by theses e\v lizing influences. uni What Is American Culture . HAT then is American culfe p What is America's reaction t'mu world's achievement in the arts an"all: ences ? What success has America » \\ in putting beauty and harmony oar life? To ask these questions reveals ; I answer. F o r , considering Amepuc< great expanse and its immense pofogi tion, considering its descent fron'lii( the cultures of the Old World, its sc*ult ly discoverable cultural oases are iin only pitifully disproportionate t° f ; millions in wealth and people, but a" E ludicrous. The greatest nation on f ll and the richest country in the wofjjrt our boosters and patrioteers sofondffllo; scribe their homeland, believes th*ea transporting in their entirety if n u t old castles and boatloads of <lfl h l ' furniture and million-dollar pa"1' " from Europe it can thus purchase he ture, graft it on like a strange <"' growth, absorb it as from a cvthui plaster, or jump into it as into » T1 i suit. Like the woman whose ''1:i daughter was sent home from schf" <u cause, as the teacher hinted in *' companying note, she lacked n* ^ capacity, and who immediately se ^ to buy the daughter one, advert the neighborhood as she went that pf the other children had them, her Dv should have one too; so America, ic ing inherent culture, hopes, by d''.«'< marketing in the Old World, to P^er it. ,- < It should be apparent that a'1 £< quate survey of this topic would r^ai much more space than is here av*1 .n It may therefore serve to point the »a thesis of this sketchy review to C** ( tention to a few concrete evidence* ie pi firming that thesis. Some Concrete Evidences u
N ITALY, the veriest peasant, la^ IT man in the street, the statesman^ Pope, the king, will pause to hear and what is more significant, w>" „. ognize him by humming the niel°% a hears, while a Sunday afternoon ° j c opera, week in and week out, w»' i( its undiminishing crowd. In Ger Jl celebrated as the home of cold an y act scientific formalities, the beer ai dens are filled by family group-y Sunday afternoons to listen to "
THE SPHINX . d other equally erudite music masters. l u t in America it takes the Jazz King, faul Whiteman, to "knock 'em cold," Bid while today the most popular musial offering will be ground out by a Aundred thousand phonographs, droned w a hundred thousand movie organs, fciarled by a hundred thousand radios, Bawled by a hundred thousand of the lewest vitaphones, and whistled by a jundred thousand newsies, tomorrow it 'ill b fin-gotten and a new favorite will j e going the rounds of our music-loving 'imerican homes and theatres and dance
4dls. ' What is more, tomorrow Paul White*an will be forgotten as well as his jkzz. A new vogue will come in music j Rudy Vallee has not already introduced it - and a new exponent of that "fcgue. The same swift and catastrophic oblivion descends on all our dazzling Cultural lights. If this seems incredible, e link of the almost abysmal obscurity ' f a once shining favorite - Valentino. «' Even in Russia, a land antherna to yl the orthodox, the serious drama eni*?rtains not only the city radicals of Moscow and Petrograd, but millions of feasants and workers in outlying sonnets In America serious drama meets UTie public censor, and if it escapes emasntulation and is able to proceed, appeals thereafter largely to morons seeking ejnrnographic thrills. Witness, "Desire wwider the Elms," "What Price Glory," 8 The Captive," "Strange Interlude," "The Shanghai Gesture," "Rain," "Saturday's Children," and others. " Take Our Houses
The Editor is informed by Brother Richard H. Cook, Jr., of Gamma Chapter, Virginia Union University, Richmond, Va,, that "in the near future" Rudy Vallee will broadcast the Alpha Hymn. "Since it loill be impassible la know on just what dale Vallee will broadcast our song," Brother Cookwrote, "I think that it will be necessary for Brothers to listen-in every Thursday night from eight to nine." Vallee has promised to let Brother Cook know the exact date of the broadcast.
Masses? How many engineers can speak intelligently of Titian or Marco Polo or Christopher Oolumbus? No Artistic Genius ND while we are surrounded with -vast educational enterprises, with richly endowed colleges and universities, with a publicly supported educational system which reaches into the remotest hamlet, the whole laboring movement is significantly sterile in the production of artistic genius. Our crop of poets, musicians, painters, writers, is disconcertingly negligible. Millionaires, business magnates, even nonentities who later became presidents, continue to multiply true to form. But the individuals who lil| H l U R n o u s e s ! Absolutely without should bring world acclaim to a coune V-*' individuality. Each one just like try with the unparalleled cultural op" y e r y other one, from the overstuffed portunities America possesses are yet c l>fa between the two big front win- within the womb of the future. Our Religion ' uDWS> w ' t h its end table and lamp to Our religion! Merely what the preach'.,('' t r e a d l e garbage can under the enam•" e«l kitchen sink, each housewife dili- er happens to tell us, supplemented by gently copying every other one, precise- an unthinking acceptance of the Bible, ' as when some mythical princess years out of which Holy Book anybody can n £o adopted the style of dressing the pretend to quote almost anything, so fC( W called the "jug handle," every totally ignorant are we of its contents; *" merican woman turned the rear of her after that, a superstitious dread of a bee sad into that grotesque image. ing, a great big bearded man, dwelling !» Our education! Standardized, regi- somewhere beyond the stars, for whom es tented, machine made, goose-stept va- once a week we go through a sort of Jety, the best medium in the world to sacred drill of solemn incantations and luterize any budding initiative. We sing-song sermons and unwelcome genuit, lar iufacture lawyers, doctors, engineers, flections, to which the age-long fear of al1 ,rchitects, the sum total of whose knowlthe darkness and night's mysteries turn y^ge is represented specifically by the us momentarily on going to bed, to ,.j egrees with which our educational fac- whom sometimes we run scurryingly jyiries stamp them, who henceforth re- like frightened children when disaster gain shut to most cultural influences overtakes us, but whose mandates affect jcause they remain shut to knowledge our lives no more than does the jazz i<l contacts outside their particular we cavort to in our overheated, overtv )here. How many doctors have a hobscented dance halls, contributing absort i ? How many lawyers care for Bralutely nothing to the beauty and har;f ms? How many architects know Shelmony of America, as is amply evidenciP'y, the Sistine Madonna, Gounod's
Page 11 ed by the ugliness of the conduct of the religionists of the Klan, of the political protagonists of every quadrennial voting spree, of the Christian forces backing prohibition, of the sudsy Aimee McPherson, the snorting Billy Sunday, and all and sundry gyrating black religious whirligigs. America Has No Culture ND so on and on this desultory papier could meander through the entire category of what at the outset was designated as culture. Americans give reason to doubt that they hardly know what the term mieans. They think first of money and second of what they call a good time. Money is to be had at all costs, whether by the dignified, high class gambling of the big financial centers euphoniously called speculation, by the polite parlor gambling of the select poker party, or by the crude crap game of the pool room and alley. And after money, a good time, which usually means plenty of twilight ladies who make of love a profitable cult, plenty of liquor, which nowadays means a lengthening list of socially desirable, hightoned bootleggers and a wide acquaintance with the "regular guys" of the medical fraternity, plenty of places to go where the amusements presented offer the minimum of mental stimulation and the maximum of bodily titilation, plenty of soft, rich things to eat and plenty of costly garments to wear. But culture? Hardly. There is the outward and visible sign - a mammoth output of motor cars representing the very last word in luxurious appointments, rich and expanding universities, untold wealth in libraries and art museums, magnificent theatres and highly ornate movie cathedrals, titanic architectural triumphs gracing broad, smooth, clean streets, a flood of books, magazines and newspapers, inimitable opera singers and unexcelled symphony orchestras, the latest in airplane comfort and bathroom refinements, perfect sewage disposal plants and magnificent drainage systems, collossal dams for water and power and light and irrigation, the utmost mechanical perfection in piano players, phonographs, vacuum sweepers, and so on and on bewilderingly; but that inner grace, that something which the average intelligent European or Oriental has which makes him act not like a cocky, self-assertive boor, but as an intelligent human being is expected to act, Americans have in very unsatisfactory degree, if at all. We are the richest and greatest nation on earth. I jet that be conceded. Are we not also the unmatched habitat of the largest and unvarying aggregation of "rubes" the world knows?
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An Undergraduate View By RAGLAN R. REID Kappa Chapter rUST I raise up Olympus?" To satisfactoi-ily define education would be to do so. Who cares about definition anyway! It suffices for our pu.pose that we may gain insight into the essence of its operative forces. For education, like God, or Life, or so many other such entities, is not known nominally, but only phenomenally,—not what it is, but how it operates. To know it, (insofar as it is capable or being known), it must be approached negatively—thar, is, determining what it is, it might be well to discover what it is not. Universities, colleges, class rooms, professors, libraries, and texts—these are not education. Nor are they an integral part thereof. True enough, they may be evidences of it, totalling at moat, an experience. And I see no logic nor excuse for falling into the error of making experience and education identical. A Frequent Error Too many of my young colleagues and undergraduate friends cater to the notion that education is the learning of some rule, the ability to decipher some intricate and nice problem, or thie pursuit of a degree. They harbor, further, the idea that education is the acquisition of knowledge and the scientific systematization of (that knowledge. For them the test lies, it would seem, in objectivity. For them, it is a thing— phenomena. Allowing for the most liberal pragmatism, it is, I think, clear that such notions are erroneous. Is it a miserable day because it rains? Conversely, does beauty abound merely in sunshine? It was no less a personage than Dunbar who, during his last illness, and choking with tuberculosis, looked out of his window during a cold, drizzling, southeasterly, rainy-day and, while all those about him complained of the nastiness of the elements, wrote those most beautiful lines, "The Wind was Playing on the Harpstrings of the Rain."
ARAPHRASED then, what does this mean? Simply, that the true evaluation of things metaphysical in their nature cannot be determined by physical, objective forces, although one would be willing. I believe, to concede that such physical entities have a potential bearing upon arriving at a true evaluation of those sarnie things. Education—Its Quality It ought to be obvious that education, as I have already hinted, is a subjective quality, giving rise to determin-
The author of this interesting article represents the progressive undergraduate. He is a freshman law student at Ohio State University. Although receiving his A. B. degree last year at Wilberforce, his views are pregnant with the philosophy of the undergraduate. Brother Reid while at 'Force was active in campus life, and was president of Xi Chapter for a year. He is a native of Bermuda, but has been in the States nine years. He desctribes his ro».tributiou CM "a note on definition."
able qualities In individuals, at the same time indeterminable in itself. It is something to be felt and must essentially be peculiar to the individual so experiencing it. This much is certain—for some, it is one thing; for others, another. For some, achievement, fame, and history; for others, defeat, disaster, oblivion. This much, too, is certain—Under its mystic spell men have climbed from the lowly depths of the valley's base to the plateau of accomplishment panoramic in influence, giving rise to a greater horizon of civilization, culture, and enlightenment; and making possible the stupendous success of our present times. ERMITTING me, then, to make a guess, based upon observations of how education operates (for it must of necessity be a guess only), I would say that education is that force which fires the souls of men to do something and to be "somebody." It is that discontent that urges us on to higher living and more noble thinking. It furnishes (at least it should) the necessary impetus to launch out into greater spheres of worthwhileness, having as its ultimate goal, abundant success and finality of happiness. And, lastly, it forever induces us to take the past and present experiences, analyze them, and through the process of synthesis, endeavor to build up a new and more significant conception of all that is good and great and lasting.
The Rev. R. W. Brooks, religious instructor at Howard University, is giving material aid to that college's policy of extending help to ministers of the rural South.
ABOUT YOUR SPHINX Some chapters home notified TH\ SPHINX Editor that certain men lie is failed to receive copies of ?&' fraternity journal. In explanatum of that—THE SPHINX Editor ^ authorized to send copies only ''"" those persons whose names and ""' dresses aire certified to him fro* the Secretary's office. Copies '<'"*" sent to each nann-e so received. Less than half a dozen were >'e'A] turned by postal officials for '' l ' a<1 various reasons that jxistal officios I have for returning mail. It is "' 'I1 sumed that the other copies tvefW.sutisictctorily delivered. ''• If you do not receive your copmp and yon so notify THE SPHlS^hl Editor, he trill forward your coif'ni,nmiration to the Secretary, n'h0su irill promptly make the proper «*'iv jwtment. In case you hereatt^ie fail to get a copy, ana' are under t•^^K impri'ssion that you arc fiiutiiOOv] with the National Org<tni.zatio*k\] inquire of your chapter seeretali'i.'. If necessary, have him follow '" le matter up by addressing a lii'if'w letter to the General SecretarHe\ Brother Joseph H. B. Evans, Beckwith St., S. W., Atlanta, O r For your patience and considePw ation, THE SPHINX is grateful- • The Editor, et
-f11 in
THE SPHINX COVER f This issue's rover is designed "nil Brother Allan R. Freelon, not*Ld Philadelphia artist, and an Art h'1'••• itor of THE SPHINX. 1 The photographic inset on '* Ji rover represents a plague in ' >•' Chimin Construction Co. Buildi^\\\ in New York City, entitled "/'''"'c light in.entr It is of a craiivl"1 v figure who faces the sun, synd"' ,. of all light, whether mental ^ physical. In its attitude of seal'' j far light the beginnings of """"'ij] activity are indicated. Toivare%^ the end of the period of enliyht»"'''• the individual has acquired >'<>"' theoretical but little applied ''"''"' vV ing. Ideas arc sparkling and ''"',, merous, actual accomplishments * L few. Carefully thought-out pi'1"' . ha ve developed only s p a r i n !l' •', / This story of the mental grow of an individual is particularly "' . propriate for this, the Education Number of THE SPHINX. The eery interesting froiitisp'f cartoon was drawn by Brotll(. .lames I). Pa<rks,u veteran SP contributor au.d one of tin " Editors.
Page 13
< Unjust Educational Expenditures i Y
By W. A. ROBINSON For Oklahoma in 1912-13 the per capita figures are: whites $14.21, Negroes $9.96, and ton years later whites $41.94, Negroes $24.85, the unfavorable ratio changing in favor of the white child from 1.4 to 1 to 1.7 to 1 in the ten year period. South Carolina in 1911-12 spent per capita for whites $10.00, for Negroes $1.44. Ten years later this state spent for whites $30.28 and for Negroes $3.63 the ratio changing in ten years from seven times as much for each white child to 8.3 times as much for each Negro childTennessee in 1913-14 spent per capita for whites $8.27 and Negroes $4.83 and eigh years later in 1921-22, $20.90 for whites and $9.37 for Negroes. The white child's advantage increasing in eight years from 1.7 times as much to 2.2 times as much as for each Negro child. Texas in 1909-10 white children each received $10.08 or 1.9 as much as the $5.74 which each Negro child received, while thirteen years later the Texas white child was receiving $32.45 or 2.4 times as much as the $14.35 which each Negro child received.
J ^ k E S P I T E the boast of improved con&-" ditions and the like, Negro schools l^id Negro children yvt suffer severely fln account of the discrimination in exBnditures for Negro and white schools. f&n analysis of this condition shows that ttle progress has been made in bettering this condition in the past dek©de. m In 1911-12 Alabama was spending per *^ipita for Negroes $1.78 and for whites • . 4 1 or 5.3 times as much as for each jegro child. Ten years later the per Apita for Negroes was $4.31 and for Whites $22.43 or 5.2 times as much as • • r the Negro child. Ten years had Kade practically no change in the unfavorable ratio. The 1928-29 report ol.' *ye Department of Alabama shows that &'io pe>" capita expenditures for white i^ildren is now $30.87 and for Negro "•ildren the amount has increased from ii.'M in 1922 to $7.47 at present bur. H e white child still receives on the !«*erage of 4.2 times as much as the llegro child showing but a slight gain Sir the Negro child in the past six years. I For Arkansas in 1913 the per capita ^ r Negroes was $4.59, for whites $12.95 f 2.6 times as much as for Negroes. * n years later the unfavorable ratio ^ a s still 1.6 times as much for the white Viild as for the Negro child showing Jme gain in favor of the Negro child. 'For Louisiana 1911-12 each white g i l d ' s education cost that year $13.73 H d each Negro child's schooling cost '"''-il, 10.5 times as much being spent 3 the white child as on the Negro child. **n years later ths ratio was $36.20 to |**l.47 or still 5.6 times as much for the w h i t ; child as for the Negro child. Of JF ^ 0 U r s t a t e s which made gains in ^yvor of the Negro child Louisiana shows " e largest gain. ,(./i In Mississippi "j!ln Mississippi in 1912-13 each w h i t e r « i l d c o s t $ 1 0 - 6 0 a n d e a c h Negro child .rtt" 26 ' a ratio of 4.7 to 1. Ten years lat( y Mississippi spent $24.41 for whites ^. 1( ' $4.42 for Negroes increasing the un*$*T ° r a b l e r a t i o i n t n c t e n y e a r l'01"'0'1 J o m 4.7 to 1 to 6.2 to 1 in favor of the nl! hite child. j j N o r t h Carolina in 1911-12 spent for ^Writes a per capita of $5.27 and for ,4*groes $2.02 a ratio in favor of the „/ilhite child of 2.6 to 1. Ten years later je ratio was slightly more favorable (tf: the white child being 2.7 to 1 with ^.ch white child receiving $26.74 and \fX«h Negro child $10.03.
The most potent necessity is a larger participation on the pari of Negroes in the governments of the states.
Previous to becoming Principal if the Austin High School in Knoxville, Tenn., Brother Robinson, the author of this article, was Supervisor of Negro High Schools in North Carolina. When he came to his position with the N. C. Board of Education, in 1921, there were only 11 accredited Negro high schools in North Carolina. When he relinquished his position in 1928 there were 65 or more accredited Negro High schools in the state. Brother Robinson is a walking mine of information on education, especially as it affects the Negro. He has contributed cahiablc studies to various pubHcationa, the results of jtainstuking and scholarly research. The present article is an abstract of his report before the 1929 FactFinding Conference, and is reprinted from the "Report' of that Conference.
In Virginia In Virginia, in 1911-12 each white child received a per capita of $9.64 or 3.5 times as much as the $2.74 which each Negro child received while ten years later the Negro child was receiving $9.07 or almost as much as the white child received ten years before, but the white child's' per capita had increased to $28.65 or still 3.2 times as much as the Negro child was receiving. T IS evident here that while the average per capita expenditures by the states for Negro children had increased in each case over a period of about ten years, yet, only in the cases of four states had there been any increase in the proportional part received and in no one of these four was the increase appreciable except in Louisiana where the white child's part decreased from 10.5 times as much to 5.6 times as much as the Negro child part. In all t h e other eight states the Negro child's proportional part actually becomes smaller, in some cases considerably smaller, as more and more money was expended in educating white children. The cause for this very disadvantageous situation has been attributed to various reasons, but the principal one is Continued on Page 33
Page 14
Headway In Social Work EW fields of employment for Negroes, especially trained Negroes, are always interesting. It has been said that the more education a Negro has the more difficulty he experiences in finding employment. Consequently, the recent gains in social work employment for the Negro are very significant. In fact the gains have been so great during the past ten years that it might almost be claimed that social work constitutes a new career which has been made available to trained Negroes.
The causes for this new expansion of social work opportunities for Negroes grew mors or less out of the World War. Social work for Negroes got a great impetus because of the social problems growing out of the transfer of large numbers of Negroes from rural to urban environments during the war borne migration. Leaders in social work, both in the North and in the South, came to the conclusion soon after migration began that the most effective work on the consequent social problems could be done by Negro rather than by white social workers. For instance, R. C. Dexter, general secretary of the Atlanta Associated Charities, no w the Family Welfare Society, made a study over ten years ago of his colored case records, first as they were handled by white and secondly, as they were handled by colored visitors—and found that the work done by the latter was infinitely more successful than that done by the former. He states that while there might be a number of reasons for the superior efficiency of Negro workers in handling colored cases, he thought that the chief reason was that Negroes understand their own people better and neither set their standards too low nor too high. At about the same time the Anti-tuberculosis Association of Atlanta, which employed colored workers, made a similar statement. In general it might be said that social scientists became convinced that social work among Negroes required that intimate knowledge of the history, traditions, and ideals,—in other words, the whole social background of the Negro—.which could only be possessed by Negroes themselves, Before The War lEFORE the war Negroes engaged in social work were found chiefly in the following occupations:— Visitors with family welfare societies, then usually known as Associated Char-
This illuminating article, reprinted by hint! permission of The Southern Workman, points out the opportunities in a rapidly developing field of activity fob' framed persons. Its author is Director of the Atlanta School of Social W o r k. Brother Washington is himself a recognized authority in the field of social work and has had an important part in the rapid development of the Atlanta institution which he heads. His organizing amd directing ability were evident in the handling of his duties as General Chair man of the Atlanta Convention. His keen observation and thorough l.nitivledgc of his specialty are evident from this article.
ities Y. M. C. A„ Y. W. C. A. workers. A very few head residents and staff members of settlements. Executives of old folks' homes and orphanages. Since the war the field of social work for Negroes has expanded from less than ten different occupations to almost fifty in which Negro men and women are engaged. This work has expanded to include the following occupations, presented not according to the type of social problems with which they are concerned such as, family disorganization, industry . health, recreation, delinquency, and the like, but rather according to the type of technique or skill which distinguishes them: In the field of case work: travelers' aid work; vocational advisors; medical rocial workers; psychiatric social workers; visiting teachers or school counsellors; probation officers; policewomen; and case workers with family and children's societies. In the field of group work are the following: neighborhood workers; industrial secretaries with Urban Leagues and Christian Associations; welfare workers in industrial plants; superintendents of model housing projects; institutional heads; executives of community centers; superintendents of playgrounds; class
leaders in settlements girls' and W-' workers in Christian Associations; >a scout executives; boys' club execute and workers in schools for delinqU*1 In the field of community organ*21 tion, employment has expanded to * elude: rural social workers; county !1 cial workers; urban league secretafl?^ public welfare workers for States; P lie welfare workers for counties; r*' lie welfare workers for cities (where*' worker is doing more than simple *> work); field secretaries for nati<"' health organizations; and field se^11 taries for national recreational org"' i; zations.
In the field of social research are search workers on national and ' , problems of the Negro. Mention of Few M HILE all the above positions' practically new and all mighv discussed in this article, we can "J-,, tion only a few specifically. In the y of case work with families and before the War, a colored person n j, ing the position of district secretaO^ a city-wide family welfare society o unheard of. Today colored women ^ holing these supervisory position8 \ Cincinnati with the Shoemaker Oe*-, (Family Work Department), and i"\\ Louis in two districts of the ProVJJj Association. The colored women " ing these positions have a numb*' visitors working under them and *"\, salaries, of course, are higher than i'tl] of an ordinary visitor. ? Before the War there were only xi Negro social case workers in hospit**5 the country. Today there are a n a re ber. Probably the outstanding \ sentative in this field is Miss Ann*n Raines of the United States Vete**, Hospital at Tuskegee, Alabama. (• young woman is said by officials °i i, United States Hospital Service i0;\ doing one of the most outstanding P1 of social work in any of the Vetef( Hospitals, white or colored, in the c i try. Other Negro social case worke1'" hospitals are employed as far norf' Boston.
The field of group work has A ed many new occupations for Netf =. That portion of this field dealing ' j the so-called neighborhood problen*; becoming a highly specialized job. distinguished work is being done ifl ., field by Miss Alice White of the * ^ strong Association of Philadelph^^ the organization of groups in the ne
Page 15
THE SPHINX borhoods in which the people needing lervice live. A War Development OCIAL group work in industry is largely a development of the War. r h e industrial secretaries of the various iCJrban League branches constitute the largest body of workers in this field, Although some of the employment secretaries of Christian Association, especially the Y. W. C. A., try to improve • working conditions and to make worke r s more efficient through the group approach. Welfare workers in industrial pplants also fall in this classification. Notjftble among the latter are the Negro welf a r e workers with the United States £teel Company, which employs a numb e r of Negro welfare workers in its eimills in the Pittsburgh District and also j»n its plants about Birmingham, Alajama, which are known as the Tennesr,fee Iron and Coal Company properties. probably one of the notable positions in :his field is held by Mr. Donald Marshall >f the Welfare Department of the Ford Motor Company in Detroit. . A very recent employment of Negroes ^ n social group work is that of the sujerintendency of model housing projects. J h e most important positions in this
i i i i »#_ T* n T3»i,nA field are held by Mr. Roscoe C. Bruce, in charge of the Dunbar Apartments in "^lew York City, established by the Rockefeller Foundation, and the social ^workers connected with the Rosenwald ' Apartments in Chicago. In the field of ten Recreation the positions are too numero u s to mention except to say that most )f them are new. V In community organization, the Urrf AJan Lague is probably the best known .^dependent organization doing work imong Negroes and offers one of the ^idest fields of employment for Negro ' n e n as well as women. Such men ad a lugene Kinckle Jones, executive secret a r y of the National Urban League; T. A r n o l d Hill, head of its department on i n d u s t r i a l relations; Ira D. Reid, direc<^X of its department of research; and lesse O. Thomas, its field secretary, are ?' lolding important positions in the nat0 ;ional field of social work. P'* Employment Opening eXt GROWING avenue of employment co> A eti*~*-tor Negroes in community organizat i o n work and a very interesting one is with the various State departments of ^lOublic welfare. Probably the most imp o r t a n t position in this field is held by , <d.ieut. Lawrence A. Oxley, director of l ^ h e Division of Work Among the NeyiSi-oes, North Carolina State Board of ! (Charities and Public Welfare, who has organized a large number of counties -. n that State for welfare work among In the counties of North Caroe j^egroes.
lina, Negro welfare officers are doing lanta School of Social Work of Negrothe same type of community organiza- es employed as social agencies in one tion that Oxley is doing for the State as hundred eight cities, which by no means a whole. Scattered about the country exhausts the field, it was discovered there are other Negroes directing bu- that there are at present ninety-nine reaus of colored work for State depart- colored persons working as case workments of welfare, notable among whom ers for family welfare societies in these are William Jennifer of Michigan, Maude cities. Sixty-one of these family workB. Coleman of Pennsylvania, J. G. Rob- ers are engaged in the North and thirinson of West Virginia, and J. A. Rob- ty^eight in the South. They are found inson of Tennessee. employed all the way from Omaha, NebAlso under the heading of communi- raska. in the West to Boston, Mass., in ty organization are found the field sec- the East, and from Minneapolis, Minn., retaries of certain national organiza- in the North to Daytona Beach, Florida, tions, such as Ernest T. Attwell, field in the South. Some of these family welfare sociedirector for colored work of the Play Ground and Recreation Association of ties employ a number of colored workAmerica, the various colored national ers as, for instance, the St. Louis Prosecretaries of the Y. M. C. A. and the vident Association, which employs eighY. W. C. A., and Franklin O. Nichols. teen and the Washington, D. C, Assofield secretary of the American Social ciated Charities which employs eight. It is well known that the Y. M. C. A. Hygiene Association. now has 7 colored city associations emOutstanding Specialists ploying 170 secretaries and that there N SOCIAL research probably the out- are 65 colored branches of the Y. W. standing Negroes are Ohas. S. John- C. A. employing 135 secretaries. Person, director of the department of So- haps it is not as well known that the cial Science of Fisk University, and Ira National Urban Lague now has about D. Reid of the National Urban League. 45 branches employing in the neighborHowever, there are other Negroes giv- hood of 125 secretaries and staff meming all of their time to research work bers exclusive of clerical force. In the field of recreation Ernest T. in the fields of housing, family disorAttwell, field director of the Bureau of ganization, delinquency, and the like. One interesting development, in ad- Colored Work of the Playground and dition to the general increase of social Recreation Association of America, work opportunities for Negroes, has states that are about 450 Negroes been the increased openings for Negro engaged as community center, settlemen. Colored men find their largest op- ment, and playground executives and portunities as executive secretaries and workers. It must be borne in mind that the staff members of Urban Leagues in forty odd cities; as probation officers in a majority of these positions and all of number of cities; as Y. M. C. A. exe- the outstanding ones are open only to cutives and staff members in approxi- Negroes who have had formal trainmately eighty cities; as welfare work- ing in social work. ers in a number of industries including Changes In The South the United States Steel Company and VEN the South is getting away from the Ford Motor Plant; as superintenthe idea of using poorly trained peodents of model housing projects; as executives of settlements and community ple in its betterment work among Necenters; as playground supervisors; as groes. The old order of whites who seexecutives of boys' clubs; as health ed- lected the Negro "mammy nurse" type ucational workers; as rural and county to give out food and clothing to maladsocial workers; as executives of Negro justed colored people and called the divisons of State and county departments procedure "social work" is fast disapof welfare; and as national and field pearing. In fact none of the better posisecretaries of recreational, health, and tions in social work in the South are boys' work bodies; and as social re- open to this type of person. The varisearch experts. However, there are col- ous State departments of welfare in the oped men engaged in many of the fields South, which are interested in the placeusually thought of as confined to wom- ment of colored social workers, are asken as, for instance, in case work with ing for professionally trained Negroes only. It is perhaps because of this trainfamilies and children. There is not space in this article to ing requirement that the Atlanta School discuss Negro men and women engaged of Social Work has had such a great in each of the fields herein mentioned, demand for its graduates. The writer but let us consider just one or two oc- can speak most intelligently of the past cupations beginning with the work with two years, as it is during that period family societies. In an investigation that he has been connected with the Continued on Page 32 made during the past year by the At-
Page 1G
Is The "New Negro" Religious? ms( jad
[OT long ago Alain Leroy Locke published a book under the title, "The New Negro." Since that time the term has been in constant use by speakers and writers. It is not the intention of the present writer to enter into a discussion of this gentleman per se, but to devote this article to one phase or aspect of the question. Of course the pre-supposition is that the "New Negro" has arrived or is oncoming with his new ideas and attitudes, his new evaluation of values, technique, tools, and methodology. Otherwise one would be compelled by the sheer force of logic to conclude that the subject of this article is a figment of the imagination, or is perhaps a denizen whose habitat is the fifth dimension. The New Order EN are always products of the age in which they live, and the one cannot be studied with profit without the other. Men make the age and the age in turn influences them. Roughly speaking, the modem period of English literature begins with the second quarter of the Eighteenth century. There one sees new forces becoming operative: the evangelical revival and the rise of Methodism, a growing sense of national consciousness in England, the industrial revolution, and the gathering foice of democratic ideas. There was a decided drift in literature from the coffeehouse, Grubb Street, Twickenham, and elite society with its fashions and foibles to the sunny fields, the open spaces, "God's great out-ofdoors," and the common man. Then one would say that Thompson, Gray, and the sweet-singing Burns were children of their age. In like manner, Martin Luther makes vocal the political hopes of the peasants of Germany, and becomes the outstanding leader in a reactionary movement against ecclesiasticism and authoritarianism, the way of which had been prepared by others who preceded him. It is quite reasonable to say that had not Luther played the role which he did, some other noble spirit would have.
science which has exploded the old tl* of geocentrism. His earth is no Wipl considered as the center of the univIL but is a mere speck in a great immc^e i the limits of which are indetermin^op about him is the new science which *. n< to refute the poet and say that of man coming into the world "tra'll < clouds of glory," he comes trailing ancestry; about him is the new sfllusi which has set aside the old biblica'iat tion of a flat earth, and proves tha'in terrestial ball is a sphere; about "'Jat the new science of creative chei"Tice which outdoes nature in numerous Pn stances; in short, about him is the Se science which says: "Behold, I ma* DOC things new," and proceeds to make "ill its boast. '1L'
The "New Negro" is conversant *'• these drifts of thought. He goes ™n the laboratory, performs experiB»*u and comes forth with a new avat* ideas, not only in the fields of the 01 " ical and applied science, but in then main of Orthodoxy.
The Net Efifect HE modern period is still with us, and as Dean Inge says: "We are still living under the spell of emancipation." The Negro who walks upon our little planet is heir to all the accumulated experience of the ages; especially, is he coming to grips with new currents of thought which never stirred the minds of his ancestors. About him is the new science which has created a new heaven and a new earth; about him is a new
th ap
the radicals of today Ctrt the conservatives of tomorrow.
It is impossible for anyone interested in modern trends to fail to find abundant food for thought in this brilliant exposition of the religious tendencies of the New Negro. The author, Brother Singleton, a newspaper columnist and at present a professor at the Kentucky State College, Paducah, Ky., is a "socio-economic prophet and a New Humanist." He holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Allen, Boston, Harvard, and Chicago Universities, and is working for his Ph. D. in the field of history and church history. He served as a chaplain with the A. E. F. during the Wm-ld War, holding the coin/mission of first lieutenant. "Protestantism and Democracy" was the subject of his master's thesis at Boston University in 1923, and "Religious Instructimi of the Negro under the Slave Regime" was the subject of his master's thesis at Chicago in 1929. Brother Singleton, among other things, is a member of the American Historical Association.
What Has Happened ith ITH the scientific-historical s4ei it is only logical that the "%1\ Negro" sould be skeptical and some ; r v agnostic about many thing. A littl*>oi nosticism is helpful and really P r e . bold attempts to master new truth. "New Negro" reads books on the lt: ip and higher criticism of the sacred '11 and notes the floods of light throw" u> | the old interpretations from archeo e ] anthropology, geology, ethnology *^iei ogy, and the new psychology of rel>*le experience. He asks himself the If tion: "How has religion come to be .Is it is today?" He realizes from the &\ of the science of religion that reliiJ11 x> one the world over but has many I1 f and thrusts. In striving to answer p< question another arises: "Why a''e hi religious, and what does religion Btl4o to do?" He reasons that men are irr ious because they have never beet1 ;j ( aie not now able to comprehend tn re timate meaning of the cosmic order', e: in an attempt to understand it, aI1 ip relate themselves to a power they p; ceive to be outside or back of it, theJ(hi come religious. In the childhood ° la race men attemipted to do with epicS„ ' poems what science does today. ' .tX tive man had not the tools nor ted1" ^ of the modern methodology, neithe ^, he possess the intellectual equipment e : "New Negro" gazes upon the r;i winds its meandering way down the swept centuries, and notes that the
Page 17
THE SPHINX rodoxy of today is the orthodoxy of tomorrow; the radicals of today are the fcnservatives of tomorrow, and is ever iady with the open mind to revise his >ncepts and ideas the moment new light i thrown upon the subject and new truth ' apprehended. (,,
We Are Children of Our Age
••"'HE "New Negro," child of his age, is W- a Modernist in a thoroughgoing sense. J e is just as radical as the eight century •yophets in Israel, Jesus and Paul. He § not a stickler for creedal statements, i^rmalism, legalism, or ceremonialism. ^11 old fossilizsd notions he relegates to a l»ce glorious past and deposits in the ^useums of antiquaries. He is a prag•yatist, a mystical pragmatist, and bring• g his philosophy to bear upon life, says ^ a t the supreme test is that of perform4>ce: "How does the thing work?" Wprove all things," says the Apostle unto >je Gentiles, "hold fast to that which is l*od." One of the followers of the Great rillilean Teacher says, "Come and see." •ie "New Negro" wants to examine and **f. The Roman Catholic institution has l ning tenaciously to an authori t a t i v e nftu ch for over a thousand years, in spite art the protectant Reformation. And in « r n the Protest »nt Church substituted ien authoritative Book. The "New Ne* o " joins that increasing number of dar«g sons of earth who refuse to worship ither an institution or a book. Both are "Jeans to an end, and not ends in them%lves. In other wo.ds, they are of inJ *trumental value and not of intrinsic l«Wth. ,ct ' "The Old Time Religion" r ' H E "New Negro" gets suspicious F- whenever he hears someone trying f foist upon him the so-called "Old Time .>!''jeligion." If the speakers and writers l^ean the religion of our slave parents, ley are ignoring the characteristic mark / this modern age, the fact of progress. •lso the average user of the phrase seems > mean the "old time way" of service and 1 'orship of the deity. The crude concepts / the plantation Negro are passe in this ke of enlightenment. The African Ring 1 .hout, even though taken from the Praise Mouse and ttansformed into the shout r imilar to that which broke out at Cane 1 .idge under the fiery eloquence of hell1 (J"e-and-damnation preachers, will not appeal to men and women of mental disn ipline. If pronounced normal by a pychiatrist, and highly trained, the 'Jpances are this phenomenon will not ''manifest itself. s ,ri« This is not the day of early missionary ni i^orts by the S. P. G., nor what Freder;k Law Olmstead and Fannie Kemble ' jbserved and wrote about in their diaries '^efore the Civil War. This is not the ji»y of the plantation regime, or when
the West was a frontier and Methodist and Baptist preachers debated about predestination. This is the day of the radio, the cheap newspaper, and reasonablypriced books. Certainly the slaves served the deity according to the best light and knowledge which they had as creatures of their environment, but it would be sheer folly to expect the same practices from their grandchildren. But there are many today, in high places, who criticize the college-bred Negro, and the GreekLetter Fraternity men because they refuse to orient themselves toward an age which has been, and never shall be again. The "New Negro" discovers and appreciates the good found in the old, but presses onward toward the mark set by the new. Thus shall it ever be. The old God of the Noahic curse, of slavery, and secession has given way to the new deity of freedom, liberty, and equality. Those who proclaim the old time religion are priests with their eyes toward a fastly receding past, standpatters, and apologists for an outworn system and not prophets of the new day. Vital Religion Is Needed HEN the prophet appears with a vital message which envisages W an ideal social order the "New Negro" will take heed. The lament of the ancient seer will not be applicable to him: "We've piped unto you and you have not danced." Let the prophet of social justice and the moral law, of economic opportunity and fellow-feeling utter his word and all Jerusalem will go out beyond Jordan to hear him. Let the theologian and philosopher stop looking like blind men in a dark room for a black hat which is not there. They cannot comprehend the absolute, neither can they successfully forever beguile with a witchery of words and logic-chopping. The "New Negro" says "Yes" to life, accepts the world as good, recognizes evil both natural and social, and sallies forth to overcome by means of science and modern knowledge. Headway is already being made. The evil of disease is being rapidly controlled and stamped out. Modem practice of medicine, surgery, sanitation and hygiene have wrought wonders. Man has not learned to control nature. Perhaps he never shall, but he has learned to coordinate and exploit its forces. Natural evil is not so much of a problem as social evil. On all sides one faces injustice, race piejudice, and hatred. From these flow inequalities. Modern social science is doing much to bring to bear new points of view and show that the old notions are erroneous. History Does Not, Cannot, Repeat HE "New Negro" will hail with delight the renaissance of the Humanistic spirit in religion. History will
not repeat itself for it cannot, but as the Humanists brought religion down out of the monasteries before the modern era, and men began to see the beauties and glories of nature and above all to see the centrality of men in the cosmic scheme, which in him has come to consciousness, once more will religion exalt and set on high human values. "Man is better than a sheep." Vital religion must be homocentric. It must be vitally interested in food, clothing, shelter, and the elemental needs of life. HESE are of more import than ten thousand creeds and vain theologies, and he who tills the soil has more virtue than he who prays ten thousand prayers. The "Quest of the Ages" has ever been the good life, and the sons of Africa shall not rest until they find it. Vital religion centers around love, peace, happiness, justice, and truth. . For these lofty ends men have willingly died. Socrates, after having drunk the hemlock and while his limbs were getting numb, talked glibly and without bitterness with his executioners. On a little green hill, outside the Damascus gate, Jesus was crucified for His dream of an ideal social rule within the area of humanity. This occur:ed nearly twenty centuries ago; still when men think seriously about it, and gaze upon this finale of the world's great drama, they are constrained like Elisha to leave their yoke of oxen and follow their Prophet.
We Have Tomorrow HE "New Negro", moving within a a social milieu where there are available new tools, methods, and science, new approaches and vast opportunities, will gird himself for the task of creating worthful human values to live joyously, gloriously seeking to erect among all men everywhere the temple of brotherhood and justice. Thus the kingdom of God will come among men. Then the century-old di earns of poets, prophets, and sages will be actualized. It seems that such a civilization is the end toward which the whole creation moves.
Herbert Miller, Y. M. C. A. secretary of Toledo, Ohio, has in two years put over a program which promises to culminate in the erection of a $190,000 building to be begun in April. It will be the first Y. M. C. A. structure in the State to follow the Old English Manor style of architecture.
* * * * George Jones, of Epsilon Chapter, University of Michigan, who is working for his Sc. D., has been elected to the honorary Research Engineering Society.
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Significant Alpha News Norman Selby Minor, of Phi Chapter, Cleveland, Ohio, has been appointed to the office of Assistant Prosecutor of Cuyahoga County, a position fellow Alphas feel that he is well qualified to hold.
* * * * James "Slick" Stocks. sensational Pacific Coast tennis star, finalist in the 1929 National Championships, just to show his ability is not confined to football, baseball, basketball, tennis, swimming, hockey, and ping-pong, scored 35 points in an intercollegiate track meet recently, an Alpha Delta (Los Angeles) correspondent writes.
* * * * Maurice Moss, Dr. James A. White, Howard H. Murphy, Gerald Allen and C. C. Jackson, each has his significant activities chronicled in detail in Delta Lambda's chapter news report.
* * * * Rev. Ward D. Yerby received the entire vote of the membership of Perkins Square Church. Baltimore, Md., to become pastor of that church. Brother Rev. Yerby is a Virginian, a graduate of Virginia Union University and of the Oberlin Theological Seminary, from which he holds the bachelor of divinity degree. Previously he pastored the Mt. Bethel Baptist Church, Ridgewood, N. J. "The Rev. Mr. Yerby," press reports state, "occupies a position peculiarly distinctive in Baltimore ecclesiastical circles, in that he expounds the gospel with all the fervor of a fearless leader of old, and yet happily coordinates his teachings in such a manner as to give to his followers a modern version of religion." He is also a Mason and an Odd Fellow.
* * * * Channing H. Tobias, National Y. M. C.A. Secretary, averaged four speaking engagements per day for four days while in Toledo in February in connection with Interracial Week. "The Time is past," he told hearers, "when the Church can satisfy its brotherhood conscience by sending barrels of old clothes to Negroes in the South or in Africa. The real question is whether or not the Church will open its doors of membership to all the sons and daughters of God without respect to race, color, or languag ." When the question of the refusals on the part of white people to associate with Negroes on the ground of unpleasant body odors arose, Brother Tobias replied: " That is not a race problem, but
a soap and water problem. I have been on crowded subways in New York City with no other Negroes present when it was possible to define the areas thru which I was riding by the variety of odors represented." Brother Tobias has sailed for Africa to survey the work that is being carried on among the Africans.
bit Wilson: t "Following the Penn game »' . Palestra in Philly the other nigW'."1 Morningside Heights players he''1, caucus in the dressing room and *; ed that the former DeWitt Clinton $nf School captain was the ideal leader the 1930-31 race. By now this »' rk has been formalized.
* * * * Dr. Julian H. Lewis, one of the foremost pathologists in the country, and a member of the Chicago University faculty, was sworn in recently as a member of the Cook County (111.) Coroner's staff. Brother Dr. Lewis was appointed consultant pathologist. Two other deputy coroners in Chicago are Brothers Benjamin Grant and Laurence T. Young.
* * * * Dean George W. Gore, of Tennesse A. and I. College, Nashville, Tenn., extended greetings to former students, alumni, and friends of the college in March when the orchestra, chorus, and student body of the institution went on the air from Station WLAC during a fortyfive minute progiam of spirituals and classical music.
* * * * Allan R. Freelon, an Art Editor of THE SPHINX, gave an exhibition of paintings and etchings from Saturday, March 29 to Saturday April 5, inclusive, at the Y. W. C. A. in Philadelphia, with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority members acting as hostesses. Brother Freelon is a student of Hugh Breckenridge and Earl Horter, a member of the American Federation of Arts, the North Shore Arts Association of Gloucester, Mass., the Gloucester Society of Artists, the American Artists' Professional League (New York City), and is listed in "Who's Who in American Art." He has exhibited in most cities in the East. Clement Morro in "La Revue Moderne, says: "His style, at present time, is closely related to impressionism. Certain of his canvases, composed of small short and broken touches, make one think of Signac. But he is constantly growing and his style turns to an art more sober, more synthetic, and more in harmony with the plastic quality of forms, while the richness of his color increases toward a harmony less brilliant perhaps, but truly more musical."
* * * * Captain George Gregory, "of Columbia, an' it please your Honors "We quote that excellent sports writer, W. Rollo
fensive play of Big George whicbiej feated Penn in the deciding game »i hi eastern intercollegiate race and f Columbia the title for the first since 1926. He scored four field t j and two fouls and held Peterson, hJS1 c c sonal foe, to two free markers- rti "jumped" in two goals, one of the»*jsj ing from a distance of at least ^Vo feet from the basket. Shooting su passing with either hand he shovV*an floor game which has seldom been efl* in this city. Only one player has ' seen here this year who approaches in skill and that was Hyatt of Pitt. w , "I saw Bobby Gunnis, the stout l ai genial boxing impressario. a few •* a after the game. Robust Robert is g who brackets the credit where ' t ^ j longs at all times. Said he to t' "That boy Gregory cannot be h**ls to much praise and deserves every**,} that is being said about him. I ^ r been following intercollegiate b*s ball for more than twenty years llP have never seen a center who was equal and in a score of seasons I " looked at many a good one." "Herman Baetzel is a natio1*, known referee who has worked in £ .. in all parts of the country. His , _ „ j . . on is simliar to that expressed b by. He says that right now Gregorf^ the best center in the country and ' ' a make any pro team in the land. "George, however, does not agree * them. Modest and unspoiled, he P the nod to his teammates in genera' Lu-Lu Bender in particular. He *f that Bender scored 93 points in the ' gue race in 9 games while he tallied 90—to finish runner-up—in 10 b* |i He is not puffed up over the praise stowed on him and predicts that 0°*?! bia will have a better team next year cause of the strength of reserve n1*, ial coming to the varsity. He c*! . my attention to a coincidence wh'y 1 believe is without modern parallelretiring Columbia captain was a ";' tain at DeWitt Clinton and George s* ceeded him. Bender followed Gi-e£ '' as boss there and is the natural ord** events will be due to succeed hi"1 a
Page 19
THE SPHINX imbia."
* * * * Dr. John M. Gandy, president of the ner Virginia Normal and Industrial itute at Petersburg, Va., realized an fcition of many years to develop the [Jtitution into an A grade college, when, jfing the month of February, the Viri i a General Assembly officially recjflized the growth of the school by enfng legislation designating it as Viri^ia State College for Negroes. The , irfrk of Dr. Gandy becomes more signii n t when it is realized that for years jrginia, with other Southern states, i refrained from according official lege rank to Negro public institutions ' h i g h e r learning.
* * * * W. C. Matney, of Alpha Zeta Lambs . Bluefield, West Virginia, has recent" contributed very interesting and anrtical articles on "Business" to the asis Magazine. They have drawn very jforable comment from educators and feiness men in various sections of the *antry.
mentioned. Mme. Evanti, Mme. Florence Cole-Talbert, Julius Bledsoe and George Garner."
* * * * May Be Staged in Paris It is possible that the opera will be staged first in Paris. The Theatre Guild of New York is also said to be interested in the play and it may be put on at their theatre first with incidental mussic by Brother White. Brother White, with his family, plans to leave in July.
* * * * Dr. Lorenzo Turner is one of the Fisk University professors who, through his expert coaching in argumentation and delivery, is helping Fisk's debaters score a successful season, against both white and colored colleges.
* * » * W. D. Hawkins, Jr., Richard Albert Ewing, Jr., James Gladstone Eastman, Marcus M. Norris, and J. C. Brown are members of the debating squad at Fisk.
* * * *
* * * *
r | Clarence Cameron White, violinist•mposer, has been awaded a Julius Rosjwald scholarship, and will go to _-ance to spend two years at work there I a Negro opera. /Brother White- who is at present mu'fal director at Institute, W. Va., is one g the leading violinists in America, and i s given the Harmon Award of $400 3d a gold medal for excellence in his
Dean Numa P. G. Adams, of the Howard University School of Medicine, on a recent trip to the Middle West, attended a meeting of the Annual Congress on Medical Education, Medical Lecensure and Hospitals at the Palmer House, Chicago; conducted observations at the University of Pittsburgh; renewed acquaintanceship with famed Professors Wiliam Lloyd Evans, of Ohio State, and Alexander Lowry, of Pittsburgh, during a tour of leading medical schools.
n Opera about Haiti 1 The subject of Brother White's opera V Dessalines, liberator of Haiti, and its •st emperor. It is entitled "CocomacJ e , " and is the work of Brother Prof. j n n F. Matheus, well known short •>ry writer, and professor of French j»d Romance Languages at Institute. ^>th, Prof. White and Prof. Matheus infor;0pnt to Haiti to get first-hand ation. Well Known Abroad ft Brother White has given recitals in »e leading concert circles in Europe i<M America, receiving the highest Iraise, while his compositions have beea |h>grammed by Fritz Kreisler, Roland fayes, Albert Spaulding and other equi Uy noted artists. He was for many |£ars the private pupil of ZacharerBtsch, noted Russian violinist, and stuJed composition with Coleridge-Taylor. & Brother White expressed himself as cteing hopeful to find an all-colored cast *r his opera. "In recent years," he says Several Negro artists by study and experience have equipped themselves so f*at they would be ready for just such if' work as this. Among them may be
* * * * Dr. Robert Jason, graduate of Lincoln University and Howard School of Medicine, is recognized at the University of Chicago as a graduate student of exceptional ability and promise.
* * * * Prof. James V. Herring, of Howard University, has rendered valuable assistance in developing the traveling art exhibits prepared by his institution.
* * * * Dr. A. B. Jackson, Professor of Bacteriology and Public Health, at Howard University, has been invited by the Washington Council of Social Agencies to be a member of an advisory committee to conduct a survey of all hospitals and public health facilities of Washington, for the benefit of the Community Chest, as an aid toward the determination of the proper allotment of funds. Dr. Jackson was selected by the American Medical Association a year ago to make a national survey of Negro hospitals and nurse training schools. A report of that survey appeared in the "American Medical Journal" of last
April. An article by Dr. Jackson on the practice of sociological medicine appeared in the "Medical Journal and Record'" for August in which emphasis was placed upon the fact that physicians need to think more in terms of health, rather than in terms of disease. During the Summer Dr. Jackson did work in vital statistics at Columbia University. Dr. Jackson was formerly superintendent of the Mercy Hospital and a surgeon in Philadelphia.
* * * * Professor Darnley Howard, of the department of engineering. Howard University, was recently associated in the calibration of scales to be used in the new type of distant reading gauge for the Petromeber Corporation of New York City. Fourteen hundred of these scales have already been manufactured.
* * * * Mercer Mance and Albert Smith H presented Beta Chapter in a debate with the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity at Howard University. The two Brothers defended the affirmative of the question, "Resolved: That Athletic Scholarships should be granted by Colleges and Universities," and lost, Congressmen Samuel A. Kendall and Fred G. Johnson, and Dr. Alain LeRoy Locke, the judges, decided.
* * * * Hilyard R, Robinson, head of the department of architecture at Howard University, was the delegate who attended the Eighth Annual Builders' Conference at Hampton Institute.
* * * » Professor Alphonse Henningburg, of Tuskegee Institute, will go to Haiti with the commission to investigate that republic's educational system, which President Hoover authorized and put under the direction of Dr. R. R. Moton.
* * * * Dr. Chas. H. Thompson, created quite a stir in his address to teachers of physical education in the junior and senior high schools of Washington in pointing out serious defects in the physical education program. Prof. Thompson received the degree of doctor of philosophy in education from the University of Chicago in 1925. He has been a member of the Howard University Faculty since the Fall of 1926.
* * * * Dr. Reginald E. Bamon, prominent Cincinnati dentist, has been elevated to a place which will enable him to secure the appointment of a number of Negroes to important positions in the city administration. Continued on Page 23
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Fraternity Fun By 0. WILSON WINTERS, D. D. S., Frat Fun Editor
S I was saying to the Editor-ini-Chief when we went to press, anent the short biographical sketch someone made of me in the "Oscar Brown Issue" of THE SPHINX, "In the words of Robert Enrmett, the great Irish patriot, "Let no man write my epitaph, since no man knows my age dares now estimate i t . ' " They Help—and How! Hello Everybody! Did you ever hear the story of the lady Welfare Worker who went to the State Penitentiary and in a dulcet tone was singing blithely the song entitled "Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage." Suddenly a deep bass voice thundered out from the cells, "But oh lady, they do help—and how!" A Referee Was Needed Gruff impolite customer in butcher shop-: "I want fifty cents worth of dog meat." Butcher: "Will you eat it here or take it home." Diner: "Dou you serve crabs?" Waiter: "Sure. We serve anybody." Somewhat Vague An Irish Chiropodist announces he has "removed corns from all the crowned heads of Europe." Harlem notes - Mrs. Mandy Jones put a permanent wave on her husband's head with a wash board. Fresh little urchin opened an office door and looked in: "What do you want?" asked the broker. "Nothing," answered the boy. "Take it and go," said the broker. "Ain't got nothing to carry it in," quickly replied the boy. What is Love? Love is what makes a girl leave good laundry job at $18.00 a week to stand over some stranger's wash tub for nothing for life. Tramp (to housekeeper: Mndame. I am so hungry I could eat grass. Yes, lady, this very grass here." Housekeeper—"Well, poor man, come around to the back of the house; the grass is much taller there." Sorority Friendships "Honey, lend me five dollars, will ya? "Sorry, sweetheart, I have only four dollars and seventy-five cents.
"S'all right, Sugar, I'll trust you for the other two bits." Garageman—"How much gas do you want?" Tinhorn sport—"Gimme a gallon." Garageman—"Watcha trying to do, wean i t ? " Modern Philosophy A little yearning is a dangerous thing. Absence makes the heart grow yonder. On with the dance. Let joy be unrefined. "Freehand drawing"—the pickpocket's. "Good to take before singing"—breath. Parody on "Hiawatha" (With apologies to Longfellow) He kileld the noble Mudjakewis With the skin he made him mittens Made them with the fur side inside; Made them with the skin side outside. He, to get the warm side inside, Put the inside skin side outside, He, to get the cold side outside, Put the warm side fur side inside. That's why he put the fur side inside; Why he put the skin side outside; Why he turned them inside outside. —Selected. Fairy Tales "Seven chairs; no waiting." "Two can live cheaper than one." "I take a cold bath every morning." "This hurts me more than it does you. my son." "Just open your mouth; it won't hurt a bit." "The line is busy." "I can take it or lave it alone." "Tickets bought from speculators refused at the door." "The land of the free." "Attendants are not allowed to receive tips." "To love, honor, and obey." "The truth, the whole truth, and nothing hut the truth." Stop Us Is"Your teeth are like stars," said the lovs-smitten youth, In an outburst of joyous delight. And after the marriage, he found 'twas the truth; Like the stars, they come out every night. In Room 216 Science Hall at 2 o'clock
f Prof. Randolph will meet his cla»e The above notice appeared on the jg .lege bulletin board.Some wag e$n the "c" in "classes" and the folio* notice is what the irate professor ' when he next passed the bulletin b"^' In Room 216 Science Hall at 2 c'1'1 Prof. Randolph will meet his - la* Prof. Randolph himself erased th^1 in lasses and the tittering pupils <r the following: In Room 216 Science Hall at 2 "''.',' Prof. Randolph will meet his — aSj A cook answered the telephone a other morning and a cheerful voic* quired: "What number is this?" The cook, in no mood for trifling <llg tions, said with some asperity: '%, all ought to know. You done called J —Charleston News and CoU^ Rantings of a Modern Omar l e A book of verses underneath a bough, 1( A jug of chemicals, a still ami 's Beside mis raving in the wilder!^ Then Paradise were near enoffand how! . —San Francisco Afgo«y Fraternity Credo Ninety-nine out of every one huH* j Alpha Phi Alpha men believe: That all sorority girls secretly *. fer Alpha Men. That a biblical transcriber ins6*-, the word Omega to prevent haul I ings when he imported the exclai»ivtt "I am the Rose of Sharon, "I am ^ and Omega." s; That the "impression" is the % impressive part of Alpha Phi Alp ha t eipiency. n That Frederick Douglass would *n> been an Alpha man if we had "r» 9 him. ai That President Hoover would bee Alpha man if he were colored. That there are no sorority g' r ' s m personating Alpha men. That the Alpha pin is the Ope" ai a same to society's favor. l«l That Farina is prospective A le timber. That if they were not Alpha m*J >s would prefer a sorority to other & & nities. That the author of the above o<ii]" would be black-balled if he were t 0 3 t voted on again. rt Continued on Page 34
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In Fine
By ALLAN R. FREELON, 't'OR the past ten years educators have »- been giving more and more attenion to vocation guidance for the youth I the nation, in order that the rising •aeration might be directed into those *lds of human endeavor for which they y e best fitted. t In no profession is guidance more than in the realm of the graphic ' i d plastic arts. To most persons "Art" J synonomous' with "Oil Paintings,' A d the artist is a pathetic figure who jfarves in a garret. Both of these conIPts are far from the truth. While J a n y artists are obliged to work and Tait long years before they are recogniT and properly rewarded, there are con• antly increasing opportunities for those :ehu have the divine spark of genius • which has been added thorough trainq« in the technique of the profession. l(£eded
jDJOOK illustration, lettering, textile ^ d e s i g n i n g , furniture designing, all T e r opportunities for the artist. The is constantly calling upon the amed artists for settings and costumes, Jd while few Negroes have entered this ^Bt-named field, I am sure the way is en t° those who come properly equip(7
^hy Atlanta Sought nr he 22nd Annual ' convention jfOR several years, the Chapters of JL Atlanta sought the opportunity to • as host to the National Convention , Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. The ^ire to have the Convention convene in danta, the Metropolis of the South, was I Prompted by any selfish motives. The ^mulus came from the fact that the per• n e l of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity is j that highest type of manhood that ars close scrutiny and stands up under " e most crucial test. Is We felt that mutual good would be acmplished when these men from the sev,„ Bl sections of these United States unite a legislative session in an atmosphere j ^ d e wholesome by a distinctive hospitfc tradition known only to the South. nl>is Twenty-Second Annual Convention .jlfs received through the invitation of » Lambda, Alpha Rho, Alpha Pi, Aljffli Phi of Atlanta and Alpha Nu Lambjj of Tuskegee. Atlanta and Tuskegoe stitute, famed for their educational oprtunities and economic privileges, ex-
An Art Editor
ed. With Negro publications increasing in number and quality there is definite need for illustrators who can enrich these books, magazines, and newspapers with fine and sensitive decorations. The field of advertising is constantly demanding well-trained draftsmen, designers, illustrators, and letterers, and the monetary rewards are good. The Opportunity Awaits »UT I imagine my readers are saying that they wish to become painters, sculptors and etchers. Good! Certainly they are needed more now perhaps than at any time in the past. America thus far has produced but few great creative artists, and it is the creative arts that I am most interested in. The Negro in America is on the threshold of a period of great artistic achievement. It is my honest belief that, as in the field of music (where the Negro Spirituals are conceded to be the only original contributions by America), so in the field of the Fine Arts, American Negroes are to give the world an original contribution. The Negro's innate sense tended to this group of Negro college men, the key to their recesses where men continue to achieve. Alpha Phi Alpha achieved a greater measure of success December 31st when the results of 1929 activities were recorded. May this history continue to inspire our youth to transcend and to serve. Brothers, we aie grateful to you for
of rhythm, his love of life, of color, of movement, all of these are prime essentials in the creative arts. HAT form this art shall take I cannot say. It may be in painting, possibly in sculpture, or in etching The subject matter may be from phaser of Negro life, though I hardly feel that it will be limited by racial or class lines. Already both America and Europe an' beginning to give serious attention to the Negro as an artist, and while this is most advantageous to the young artist, unless he is careful to sift the praise heaped upon him, and separate the genuine admiration from the mere gushing and chatter of shallow person-; hunting for the unusual, he is apt to be misled. Success is not achieved over night, nor do short-cuts in a r t ever lead to the main highway of distinction. Constant, unremitting study and labor arc the only ways.
N CONCLUSION my advice to those who feel that urge to paint, sculpt, or etch would be to look the field ove:carefully, study faithfully, work ceaselessly, and keep to your ideal.
having come. We hope you enjoyed your stay. We enjoyed having you. Let me assure you of my appreciation of your continued confidence in me to further serve. Yours Sincerely and Fraternally, CHAS. W. GREENE, First Vice President, Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc.
A SONNET 7'EPHYRS at last, loved heralds of the Spring, When earth in mating-time is redolent, And swallows gayly fluting homeward bring Tales of strange lands where winter days were spent; And all the earth is pregnant the young leaves Burst from their dead boughs as though overnight And form again last Springtime's leafy eaves To hide two passioned lovers out of sight. There is a sentiment too deep for words That thrills the spirit in these springtime hours, Enhanced by the trills of mating birds And by the subtle breath of springtime flowers; A spirit that was torn by Winter's grief, Now is as buoyant as a wind-blown leaf. IVAN EARLE TAYLOR, BETA.
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How fVe Got That JVay OW the idea of right and wrong becomes established in human beings is a moot question. There is much speculation regarding it and I shall first attempt to examine this speculation. The entire discussion will be divided into the following topics: (1) The theories of the origin of right and wrong; (2) stages in the development of the idea of right and wrong; (3) some peculiar ideas of right and wrong held by children; (4) suggestions for training children to differentiate between right and wrong.
Product of Environment One theory holds that the child's idea of right and wrong is wholly the product of his environment; that he is born with certain tendencies and that the ways in which these tendencies are modified determine his morality or immorality; that the child at birth is irrational and nonmoral and that he gradually comes into the stage of rationality and morality through contact, first with the parents and la.ter with the community which furnish the standard for his conscience. This theory may rightly be called The Environment Theory.
HERE is another theory which does not wholly discredit the environmental influences, but it seeks to go back of those influences and answer the question, Why does the child comes to accept as right what the parents say is right and as wrong what the parents say is wrong? It does not deny that the child feels the word of the parent is true, Imt it seeks to answer the question, Why does the child unhesitatingly accept this word? This theory says that the child possesses an innate feeling of reverence for the parents and that this feeling causes the child to accept the word of the parent, that the child instinctively feels that the parent is on a higher plane, but does not know why. It feels the afflatus of a higher spirit dwelling in the parent and out of this feeling is generated the sentiment of reverence and respect for authority of parents and subsequently the idea of right and wrong. This theory may be called the Intuitive Sense Theory. The Recapitulation Theory ET another theory which may be called the Recapitulation Theory holds that the children's ideas of right and wrong as revealed in their spontaneous group associations and especially their ideas of ownership and government show the same stages of development which one finds in primitive society. The essence of the theory is that the sense of
By MILES W. CONNOR, Delta Lambda Chapter
Differing Opinions UTHORS differ in their opinio^ garding the time when the \, idea begins to manifest itself and *j rious stages of its development. \, in "The Training of Young Chi*,, says that a sense of right and wr<% ists in the child's mind as soon a s ^ compare one thing with another choose from the knowledge of the'fities. Studies made by Street a"'i ers at Clark University seem to sho'j children show no great evaluate ideas before the age of nine. Pi**rc all actions up to this age are on % stinctive or animal level. Judgm^s right and justice from eight to • are likely to issue from emotional ' than intellectual processes. Ferr&l^ that at this age almost every ch"* thief, for thieving was a form of T survival. The period between f""' and eighteen marks a transition ' selfishness to altruism. It is no"the age of sixteen that boys c«J think that recorded laws sho* obeyed. A study made to deterlDJ" growth of a child's concepts in the ing of words showed the followl four the child couched his dennif terms of action; at seven the te* was more developed; at eleven the** • rich descriptions. As this study ' a growth from the dim conscious*"1 infancy to full and clear conscious'' maturity, so we may say that t™ ' cepts of right and wrong develw
Brother Connor is Principal of the Coppin Normal School, Haitimore, Md. He is a former President of Delta Lambda Chapter there and ha® always shown an active interest in Alpha Phi Alpha affairs. This article is just one more in this issue, by our galaxy of brilliant contributors, which will make it possible, during this period of special interest in education, for Brothers to refresh their ideas and polish up forgotten items in their educative storehouses. You may get a reminiscent laugh nut of the incident described wherein a boy steals apples to see the farmer get "mad." The Editor got a laugh out, of the incident, but in those halycon days he was abysmally indifferent to the farmer's reaction!
right and wrong is instinctive and it recapitulates the race's history. It further holds that the life of the child, like the life of primitive man, is impulsive and that neither of them is influenced by the welfare of others to the detriment of self nor will either deny self in the present for some future good. The most generally accepted thesis goes back to the first theory and may be stated as follows: Children's acts at firs': are neither right nor wrong. When a child performs an act which produces results which are pleasant or satisfying this act becomes desirable and right, so far as he is concerned. When he performs an act which brings forth unpleasant or annoying results, this act becomes undesirable or wrong. Right and wrong with young children resolves itself into what is permitted and forbidden and the results which follow. What habits the child shall form or what actions he shall come to regard as right and wrong is wholly a matter of experience and training. Klein, in an early volume of the Pedagogical Seminary, says that though children are born with a sense of ought ness out of which the ideas of right and wrong grow, this would avail nothing if parents did not furnish the growing boys and girls with a clear conception of the . moral content of life.
same way. They are a gradual1 influenced by environment.
Peculiar Tendencies HAT children exhibit pecul'*' dencies in the ideas of riFj wrong becomes evident in the f°' i] cases. First, regarding robbery!, study made at Clark University ' discovered that 94 out of lib' bOY' had robbed apple and peach orch»j they did not feel that it was v**;the time, but only did it as leg"*. fun. One said, "I did it bec*^ thought it was fun to see the ° *^ mad. He had melons to feed n °jV, would not give us any, so we he'*jTL selves." Another said, "I thought ^ mine if 1 could get it withoU* caught' ' Again, children draw fine d' stl J"! between right and wrong and a t " a , fortify themselves in doing whs' 0 quite right, e. g., they say that • fruit is not as bad as taking ^J. that taking from brothers and s> , not as bad as taking from othe**'
THE SPHINX Passive Training aling money from parents is not as In passive training, the emphasis is laid 1 as taking it from employers; that is right for them to keep what they upon the arrangement of con d i t i o n s 0; that any overchange given them by which, through the child's nature of sugStake is theirs and they have the right gestibility and imitativeness, will give it. him the idea of right. The home and The child's idea of right and wrong school surroundings give the child the an act is further dependent upon the first idea of what is right in cleanliness, I of the act or, as in stealing, the orderliness, and taste. The parents and eunt taken. One boy said he took teachers give him his idea of right and jifly from his employer because the wrong in voice, manner, dress, t h e i r jployer had agreed to feed him, and treatment of others, their truthfulness, July was as cheap as anything else, or living up to what they say before the children. The morals and manners of before, he had not done wrong. pission holds that children are natur- their elder friends influence them and the y truthful, but they sometimes err ethics of their companions become a bind•m the following reasons: 1, They do ing code upon them. Many a boy would | perceive the difference between fact rather have his right hand cut off than i fancy; 2. Displeasure at rebuke they to be found going contrary to his gang. Correct Concepts p receive from their elders if truth in ^tain instances is made known; 3. HE active phase of this training em*ong instinctive urge pushing to some phasizes the bringing to the child's *1 and whose attainment necessitates attention, through various methods, the sifying. correct concepts of right and wrong. u , Influencing Factors Chief among these methods is the use of the laws of the modification of instincts f'HE factors influencing the child's idea of right and wrong are classed —laws of use, disuse, effect, substitution, "personal and impersonal or human and and sublimation. Great care, however, h-human. The human factors may be should be exercised in the use of these laws. Punishment should sometimes be nded into the following four groups: I Parents, who give the child the used, but it must always be administered fundamental ideas including sym- as a vindication and not as a retribution. pathy, reverence, love, sense of The child's nature should be the determining factor, in a large measure for the truth, justice, and mercy. *• Teachers, who stimulate the de- kind of punishment to be used. velopment of character, social and The child's instinctive response to socivil relationship, ambition, a n d cial approval and disapproval also forms tastes. a tine working basis which cannot be t- Companions, who develop s o c i a l overlooked by parents and teachers. The qualities and afford a laboratory child's ideas of property ownership might for the practical application of be capitalized by teachers having child moral teachings. assist in activities around home a n d !• Elders, who exert an advisory in- school, such as, keeping floors and yards fluence and become ideals to the clean, and having him feel that these young. things are his and must be accorded the *he impersonal or non-human factors treatment of his own property. Stories J hooks, theatres, literature, including are invaluable in teaching lessons of right J try, proverbs, stories, and memory conduct—kindness to other persons, to fses. dumb animals; truthfulness and obedience. Some Suggestions The moral must not be forced, but the "•HE foregoing gives us a definite basis : for the following suggestions: The child must be given the opportunity to ral foundation should be laid while the think for himself and reach his own conId is yet in cradle. Regularity of nab- clusions. And finally, there must be a in feeding, bathing, sleeping, etc. give definite attempt to help the child select I child practice in yielding to rules the best books, the best drama, the best lich is the basis of molality. Right ac- movies, the best music, but above all, he 1 must be definitely linked up with should be guided in the selection of that asfaction, wrong action must be defi- group which gains his allegiance and ely annoying. There must be a con- whose ideas of right and wrong become nt effort to raise moral action from in- his own—his companions. active and coercive level to the level of Bon through opportunity for choice in tters of right and wrong. fhe training of the child in correct as of right and wrong may be divided Continued from Page 19 o two definite phases: Attorney Herman E. Moore, Chicago. [• Passive training has been elected president of the Cook !> Active training (bounty Bar Association. He recently
Page 23
enjoyed the distinction of being employed at $100 per day to prosecute condemnation proceedings for the city of Chicago.
* * * * Dean Dwight O. W. Holmes, Acting Dean Lewis K. Downing, resident vice Dean Charles H. Houston and Dean Arnold Donowa are among the many active members of the Howard University faculty.
* * * * Prof. Charles F. Burch read a paper on Defoe at the meeting in Cleveland of the Modern Language Association of America. He has also contributed to "Review of English Studies," London, England, and is a member of the Howard University faculty.
* * * * Valaurez B. Spratlin is now studying at the University of Madrid, Spain, and writes of his teachers and his special interest in the Spanish drama. Among his teachers are the leading critics of the Spanish language, including the director of the University.
* * * * Dr. Charles H. Thompson, professor of education at Howard University, speaking at Douglass High School, Baltimore, on the popular view of school tests and examinations, characterized the mistaken idea of some teachers who express pride in the inability of students to pass courses very much as the physician who regards tombstones as monuments to his medical skill, or the lawyer who looks upon a crowded jail with a sense of pride in his professional ability.
* * * * Professor Charles H. Wesley, head of the Howard University department of history, and author of "The History of Alpha Phi Alpha,'' has been awarded a fellowship by the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. T h e awards are granted to outstanding scholars, writers, artists, etc., for creative research.
* * * * Howard H. Long, assistant BUpertendent of public schools in the District of Columbia, in charge of research in Divisions 10 to 13, recently delivered an address at Yale University on testing colored children in the public schools in Washington. The occasion was the International Conference of Psychologists, with twenty-seven countries represented.
* * * * Professor Charles S. Parker. Fellow of the American Geographical Society, and head of the Howard University department of botany, recently made a botanica] exploration through southContinued on Page 33
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lod on jc xle los
Concise Reports of the Activities of The Chapters, Written By Associate Editors To The Sphi^
Alpha Theta's Radio Broadcast A Success Of first importance In our annual Spring features at Alpha Theta, University of Iowa, Is the Go-to-Hlgh School. Go-to-College Campaign, of which Brother Louis B. White, recently appointed State Director of Education for Iowa, is in charge. Brother Raymond W. Cannon has proc'.aimed the week of May 4 to May 10 for the eleventh annual campaign. In recognition of his proclamation we have begun extensive plans whereby such larger communities as Cedar Rapids. Davenport, Dee Moines, and Sioux City will be covered by Brothers from Alpha Theta who will make talks, hold conferences, mass meetings, and nistribute literature Insisting on the higher education of Negro youth and parents. During the Education Campaign, as It has done in the past, this chapter will present a series of broadcasts from WSUI. The Radio Broadcast made by Negro students of Iowa from Station WSUI on Tuesday. February 25, has been acclaimed the roost successful and entertaining one ever presented by any student group on this campus. In response to the spirituals sung by Brothers Richard Smith, of Kansas City, Bennie Taylor, and Roscoe Barrett, of Boley. Oklahoma, and William Seabron, of Glencoe. 111., many cards and letters of congratulations were sent by listeners-in from points as far as Cuba and Baltimore. Md. Of the presentations of popular music, Cecil Bremton's "Blue Six" in their interpretation of "Ain't Misbehaving," which was arranged by pledge Edward Tompkins, cornetist from Kansas City, Mo., deserves special mention. Of equal note was Brother William Seabron's singing of "St. James Infirmary." The orchestra accompanied him. The station announcer for this program. consisting of classical, spiritual, and popular music, was Brother Louis White, cf St. Louis. Brother William Seabron, social chairman, completed arrangements for Alpha Theta's celebration of Founder's Day, which was March 11. A banquet at which short speeches reviewing the Chapter history featured, was given. A dance at the Chapter House followed the banquet. Before leaving for the Big Ten Indoor Track Championships at Minneapolis, Brother William B. Jordan, of Ch'ca'ro, equaled the American record during time trials for the 60-yard dash, which he ran In 6 2-10 seconds. —LOUIS B. WHITE
Morehouse Alphas Are Men Who Do Things Did you know that the Brothers of Alpha Rho, Morehouse College, are drinkiti" deeply of the activities of their college as well as of all essentials of life? Well, its true, we are striving harder and harder to reach the highest hriiht*. What's all the noise about? Be quiet! mid-semester Exams! Alpha Rho is backing in the sunshine cf confidence. "Manlv deeds, scholarship and love for a'l m m kind" have followed us through another period of vigorous endeavor, and n^w with mid-semester exams near at hand Alpha Phi Alpha Fhall Indeed remain the "the pride of our hearts." Brother Geo. Cabanlss, 1930 chapter president. is plunging deeply into the arts of a future business where assets will he supreme and liabilities will be out of ti.e question. He. with Brothers Alexander, Harrison and Taylor are heard on the deba-
ting platform defeating their opponents with points amazing to orators of great rrnown. Brothers John Hope, II and Hinton Jones are playing the sweet music of their senior dignity, leaving harmonious chords for Brothers Colston and Moses to perfect, as they are still holding with more strength and vigor their usual places in the orchestra. Brother Jones is highly honored U Morehouse's best concert violin-soloist, as well as one of its best students. But Brother Hope II should get no less credit. as he holds the position as president of the Glee Club and orchestra, associate editor of the "Maroon Tiger", the college paper, and is outstanding as a student. Brother Hackney, one of the undergraduate doctors, is news editor of the "Maroon Tiger" a prominent Y. M. C. A. cabinet member, and manager of the basketball team, and is putting forth no little effort as the team has lost only two games this season. Brothers Edmonds, our future football captain, and C. P. Johnson, our past manager, are holding their own in the classroom as well as In Atlanta's society, while Brothers Gibson, Geo. Key. T. Q. Johnson. H. A. Miller, and R. E. Tisdale are making themselves well acquainted with the anatomy of the human body. Brothers A. R. Brooks. Morris Coppage, and Julian Brown are making sweet the prose of Bunyan as well as the poetry of Chaucer, while "Wop" Brooks, the college philosopher, is planning to get married. Brother S. F. Ray Is still upholding the Christian ideals on the college campus as well as In the community church which he is pastoring. Brothers Geo. Shiney and Geo. Marshall, the mathematician and psychologist, respectively. are making a reputation in their field of work as well as in the hearts of Spelman's fair maidens, while Brother Roscoe P. Smith, the college barber, is making his business hum. Brother James Murray, a dramatic star ' and manager of the baseball team. Is waiting for the call of spring so he can take his nine undefeatable men to various parts of the country to make a good and lasting name for Morehouse. Pledees Hugh Gloster. Albert Jordan. Marion Edmonds and Andrew Lewis are looking forward to a brighter world and to the cominsr of several new pledges soon. Brother Chas. W. Green. First Vice-President gave us somle very high fraternity ideals in his installation of officers for 1930. —JAMES A. COLSTON
Alnha Mu Planning Riq Things For Spring Station "B-I-L-L" is broadcasting from Alpha Mu Chapter at Evanston, 111., and Northwestern. Three important meetings have been had since the last copy of THE SPHINX came off the press, and we want to tell Alpha Pht Alpha that Alpha Mu is getting ahead. As we go to press there Is at least one barbarian who is scheduled to see the light some time during the latter part of March. His name is not imiportant so I O « e as he is a barbarian. but. if he Is able to withstand the rigors of the long journev that, he is now on. more will be said about him In the next issue. Alpha Mu Chapter is planning to cooperate with Theta and Xi Lambda Chapters in promoting a big whoonee formal party in the near future. Tf the advance dope means anything, the party will be "correct."
Brother James Otis Smith, who M»se< of the department of psychology* a t V d stone College, writes in that he s^Pnj the good old spirit that was ki him when he was a student at Nortyo: em. Brother Rodney Higgins, who ' s in school this Eemester, writes in t*Ve Louis and asks the chapter to "ke*ly good work going on." ' •' Alpha Mu Chapter has a basketball and how! Persons doubting this shoulj suit Theta Chapter for proof. Theta ' ter's team, conquerors of Omega Fs>tM in the Chicago interfraternity league.l i neyed to Evanston on Saturday. Ms" to play the Alpha Mu quintet. _£»u large crowd was present at the SW&, Street Dept. Y. M. C. A. to sec 11 which was a close one that kept the "js est of the spectators at a high pitcn-t; pha Mu led 10 to 7 at the end of tWjzt half. But the Theta defense stiffen'rie the second half and thereby chec offense of the local team. Anyway,fcb all the smoke had cleared away 9 ) Jes looked at the score board it read some like this: Alpha Mu 15—Theta 14. The Alpha Mu team was consld^ strengthened by the addition cf Br* Archibald Carey, and S. M. ("Sump CI ley, who are students at Barrett B", Institute and pledges Willis Brown i Theodore Harding—two Evanston bojf* \ are showing up to good advantage [ members of the team are Brcthc and Pyant who played last seasoSBl pledge "Turk" Garrett who hails 1 and who Is an excellent basketball 0k The basketball team did not well when the Chicago Phi Be1 team came to Evanston on Saturda'. 15. The Sigma team is good—and n° lei ing. The first half was fairly evenlcls the superior team work of the Sigm* or gan to tell early in the second In pha Mu's defense crumbled and the °'th was nothing to speak cf. To make " pK storyi short: The Sigmas were on th e , n ( end of the 32-16 score. —WM. ("Bill") PT S( to Hi
Phi Sings The Blues, But Is Not Blue
le< ic
•Ziere I sit at the scat of Phi CoA Ohio University. Athens Ohio. tryiJS vain to recall some matter of in that would be of interest to our * Brothers. After reading through orate SPHINX for February. notMSjpa constructive activities, laurels, and fre\ affairs, reported by other chapters. made more conscious of our app*^ lifeless and unprogressive plight. Yet ao few members and such llmittti"^ scholastic affairs, I often wonder course others would take should t^^Un placed in a position slmilai to oi enough, strength Is found in n u 3 n but such is not ours, and we must ' (j]: cooperation among our few. Sounds as if we are singing the doesn't it. Well, we try to eon:: among ourselves, but at the san now. doesn't singing the blue trifle better than actually being blu< reminds me of that "Blues Chaser" ^ M " early In Februarys Just after It went over in a big way (of cour^^Bj small town), and who in Athens w^'B there! Last year proved futile for ' our attempts to obtain a hall l 0 f v "Spring Frolic." This year, howevi planning one that even Ol' Man (Hocking) will talk about. All the fellows are gradually com1"^,, ' ol a strain acquired during the rece»l a c
THE SPHINX lod. Seemingly, as though in answe" our prayers and needs, one Brother joined us in the person of Reginald 3des. We know that XI will regret Mloss. but we accept the gain both will"y and thankfully. Brother Rhodes has piously attended Wittenburg, and will -'sh at Ohio University. As a stranger fthls vicinity. Brother Rhodes was imby the alertness and interest disc e d by the energetic members of our iftlnx Club. The brevity of this missive I be accounted for by the scribe's lack words, and the absence of events that • suitable and worthy of discussion. 0<le there is life there is hope and evenA y the sincere hopes of Phi will bring I and renewed life. II —ALVIN P. HALL. \i
MI Pledges Support at* General Officers j j u Chapter. University of Illinois. Cham•». 111., elected the following officers • t h e coming year: Brothers Edward B. •fc. president; Rcmeo Veal, vlce-presiBj: John T. Caldwell, secretary; Edward J^teon, corresponding secretary; Francis •Jjneu. treasurer. ^ u Chapter Is determined to give every • b l e help in making THE SPHINX a J e s s , and to make the administration of ^present General Officers satisfactory. —EDWARD B. TOLES. de>
>}cial Doldrums Unknown n Famous Chi Chapter f the present writing the basketeers of y, Meharry Medical College, Nashville. "p.. are pointing for the Omega game. ''I boys have lost only to our ancient plP vllle stumbling block, the Sigma five. J » t e a m , however, lost to Omega, so a W T over Omega means a deadlock. S . Clark, "One Whack" Adams, Bill fi.s. and the flashing Thompson form the leus of the squad en which old Alpha 'ids or falls. We hope to report another •Tory and another championship in the • number. a Poetically, the boys are otherwise con,e '? e themselves to plans for a tennis court •he back of ths house, a croquet course pfPe front, and bridge in the living rooms. socially)!— The editor is almost temptto inaugurate another Cupid's Corner Jin these pages. For never do the led lights of Jubilee Hall over Fisk way ie down that they do not rest upon the ge of some man cf Chi. And constant. . y e lads make their reports upon the 9
? ' which may lead you to believe J Chi as individuals, is socially more than /Ing her own. And that she is! Thus w l n t e r an mi. d spring the number p a r t i e s seems to be upon the wane. er c n j*Y ' the first of March Chi enterJmt* a group of her friends at the ChapTHouse with a party which seemed enJ j y ' e to guests and Brothers. T o t h e r Arkley Dalton. vice president, reQM that the Sphinx Club is alive and LjPg- ' 3 . E. Newsom, of New York City. j^fesident of the pledge group, which fffniposed of the foremost element of the omen and sophomore classes. A meetj l s held on each Saturday afternoon W"e which gentlemen of the Sphinx t? usually, contribute in some manner to [•Welfare of the Chapter. The zeal disT » d causes Chi men to look to Chi's fe with little misgiving. * • * approach of the end of the year finds **3men scholastically holding their own. '•• a class moves a step nearer its goal with 8-jSgree of satisfaction.— Which reminds • Among the incoming freshmen class 3'^ undoubtedly be a number of Brothers • tf011* of living in the Chapter House. "Tjriuch as accommodations are somewhat 1 \ t \ t n e h °use manager can consider «L earliest applicants. Letters should t Addressed to W. H. Baker, House Mana-
ger, 15 N. Hill St., Nashville. —JOHN C. COLEMAN.
Eta's "Night In Egypt" Was Premier Social Event On Tuesday, March 4th, Eta Chapter of New York, In conjunction with Alpha Alpha Lambda and Alpha Gamma Lambda. graduate Chapters, staged a formal dance, an annual feature, at the Renaissance Casino. The affair was entitled "A Night in Egypt" and the impression conveyed was that of attending a social function in the days of Snefru and Menkaura. A special feature was the bringing in by all of the brothers of an Egyptian mummy.. Each man grasped the chain and helped to carry the load. When the mummy reached the center of the floor it opened and an "Egyptian" maid glided forth and performed the graceful cadenced dance steps of the time of Rameses II. The response by the brothers was more than gratifying, well over a hundred paying up promptly and without urging. The men of the fraternity paid tribute to their organization by singing the Alpho Phi Alpha anthem. Miss Louise Cook, formerly of "Hot Chocolates" and now of Connie's Inn, at the appointed time stepped forth from the mummy case which had been drawn to the floor by Alpha men. and gave two dance numbers of the type which brought her Broadway fame. The committee in charge of the arrangements for the dance consisted of Brothers A. Maurice Moore, chairman; King Edwards. associate chairman; John L. Wilson, Richard L. Baltimore, Jr., Roland Johnson, Robert Anthony, and Jesse L. Casmmski. The members who participated in the affair were: Brothers Clarence Cobbs, Dr. 1. A. McCowan, Dr. L. R. Mlddleton, Atty, Myles A. Paige, Dr. Shag Hogans, Walter W. Scott, F. Meyers, George Bossell, Dr. Arthur M. Payne, Dr. Lucien M. Brown, Dr. G. R. Perry, Dr. C. N. Ford, Dr. E. P. Roberts, Qulnton R. Hands. Dr. Leo Fits: Nearon, Wayman Caliman, Dr. Paul A. Collins, Walter Handy, Dr. J. J. Greene, Dr. M. V. Boutte, Assemblyiman Lamar Perkins, Edgar S. Henderson, Andrew Nung, C. L. Johnson, Dr. G. L. Henry. Also Brothers Ruel Jordan, T. Arnold Hill, James T. Watson, Atty. W. T. Andrews, Dr J. R. Westhelmer, Dr. C. D. Maxey, A R. Teasdale, Dr. F. R. Allen, Dr. J. D. Leonard, Albert Smith, Florada Howard. J. A. Towns. Dorland Henderson. H. A. Dash, Dr. Channing Tobias, Eugene Kinckle Jones, Dr. R. S. White, Dr. G. W. Strickland, Gerald Norman, Dr. J. E. Lowry, Dr. A. N Curtis, W. K. Saunders, Dr. A. C. Thornhill, Harry Bragg. Dr. W. G. Alexander. Also Brothers Roy H. Lee, F. S. A. Johnson, F. D. Atwater, R. B. DeFranz. Henry C. Collins, Charles Major, W. C. Doddin, R. Webster, Fred A. Jackson, Louis M. Hickman, W. C. Holly, B. D. Kelley, C. W. Richardson, Dr. J. N. N. Jones, G Hoffman. Robert Lundy, John Eckles, F. Robinson, Dr. Richard Harvey. A. C. Williams, Lemuel Foster, Dr. Godfrey. Nurse, A. McGhee. J A Ross, Dr. C. S. Janifer. D. A. Johnson, Dr Charles Harris, J. C. DeCoursey, E. S. Gowens. Lloyd Coffer. H. Hunter, C. D. Baker. W. J. Hardy, W. H. Ashley. Brothers Vester Folkes, L. Bryant. H. A. Brown, Leslie Thompson, Dr. F. D. Williams,, Dr. W. Thompson, J. B. Brown. Atty. J. C. Thomas, Dr. T. H. Amos, N. Cotton, Charles Jones, A. Coleman, C. Finch. Eddie Parish, Phil Edwards. J. W. Johnson. William O'Shields and A. H. Austin. —R. L. BALTIMORE, JR.
Nu Brothers Continue To Achieve Honors The second semester brings back to Nu Chapter, Lincoln University, Pa., its sadlymissed Brothers, Charles Simms and Frank Norrls. They claim that they are glad to get away from the cold, mean world and
Page 25 that there Is no place like dear old Lincoln. The melodious voices of these two brothers will be undoubtedly an aid to the Glee Club on Its Southern Tour which, Brother Manager Thos. Webster has Informed me, carries these Gleemen as far south as Tuskegee, Alabama. Brother James E. Dorsey, director of music at Lincoln, has been relieved somewhat, therefore, of the mighty problem of assembling qualified voices which will be heard by most critical audiences. Through conscientious efforts, Brothers Jesse Anderson, Macon Berryman. Herbert Harris, Laurence Howard. Henri Myrick, and Percy Post are striving to insure their places for the coveted trip. The Sepia Kreisler, Brother Leon de Kalb, will render service on the trip when he sends forth the most soothing and entrancing of strains from his violin for the receptive ears of the fair ladles of the balmy south. An after-clap of the football season at the seat of Nu was heard loudly on February 3, 1930. At a banquet. Brother J. Fairfax Harmon was duly elected captain of the Lincoln Lions for 1930. This, I venture to say, is mighty good news to the dear brothers who are acquainted, even if slightly with Nu. As the athletes are being mentioned, this is the proper place to state that varsity basketball letters are flying low and. in all probability, will alight on the noble chests of Brothers De Costa, John Hawkins, C. N. Jackson. "Jiver" Jackson, and E. M. Smith. This does not mean that the labore of the above have ended, for already most of them have begun preliminary training, the prerequisite of participation in the national game. One will find on the strong Lincoln baseball team, Brothers "Bill" Clark, De Costa. Jerry Harmon, C. N. Jackson, Lamar, and E. Maxfleld Smitn. On Friday, February 14, the Dramatic Society, the Mask and Gown, enacted the Morality Play, "Everyman." Brothers Lamar and "Tom" Moseley creditably assumed the roles of "Lord" and "Beauty" respectively. Brother "Tom" Moseley, the president of the Club, is following in paternal and fraternal footsteps. Without flattery or disdain, It can be said that he interprets feminine roles to a degree approximating perfection. Brother Horace Dwiggins, president of the Y. M. C. A., was the only undergraduate elected to the Advisory Board for colored men of the Y. M. C. A. The important duties of Brother Dwiggins are performed with the aid of his eight cabinet officers. Among these are Brothers Arthur B. Lee, Henri Myrick. Eitel Riley, and Paul Terry. The last two named are week-ending continually at fashionable winter resorts. Y. M. C. A. activities for the week-end of February 14-16. carried them to a conference held at the Buckhill Falls Inn, Buckhill Falls, Pa., where they became deeply engrossed In the hibernal pleasures, which followed the strenuous committee business of the forenoon. I hope that when they return from one of these trips, the good Brothers Riley and Terry will capture Brother "Bud" Leftridge, for greatly do we miss the mid-year graduate. Everything seems dull and solemn. The hills of Chester County no longer echo and re-echo the voice of our "Arch-woofer." Great interest already has been evinced by the endeavors of the brothers to conceive a feasible plan whereby the educational program of Alpha Phi Alpha may do even greater work for our race. An added incentive has evolved. He who presents the best workable plan, will be awarded a copy of the "History of Alpha Phi Alpha." As this is a prize well forth striving for, competition seems to be keen. To omit this signal achievement, I would commit an unpardonable sin. For the ninth consecutive year, the winner of the T. M. Seldon Medal, which Is awarded to the freshman receiving the highest average, has been an Alpha man. This time the proud recipient is Brother A. Frederick Williams. There are a few more scholastic attainments which have been made possible since the last Issue of thl6 periodical. Brother
Page 26 Laurence Howard has become a student Instructor In the Latin Department and will supplement the efforts of the graduate Instructor, Brother Benjamin Wells. Brother Jefferson Davis has been appointed student instructor in the department of Physics for the school year 1930-1931. Proud am I to say t h a t since t h e Installation of officers for the present year, we of Nu have been forced by the strenuous efforts and earnest pleas of Brother President De Costa to come back to earth. At last we have realized t h a t we are existing dally In a cold, practical world where actions count. At last we have realized t h a t things come to those, and those only, who are active, up, and doing. Methinks a Renaissance has begun within Nu. Perhaps again the deeds of Nu will be heralded throughout the country. The brothers of Nu are launching unitedly Into diversified paths of construction. The Cry is CONQUER ALL!!! —THEODORE F. WALKER
Brothers Doing Big Things At Delta Lambda Chapter While the festive board at the Majestic Hotel did the proverbial groan act, members of Delta Lambda Chapter, Baltimore, Md., feasted and celebrated t h e election of Brother Attorney Roy S. Bond, new president of the Monumental City Greeks. Brother Bond, who has become known far and wide as the "Divorce King," consented to divorce himself from his work long enough to devote some of his untiring energy to keep up the constructive program for which Delta Lambda has become famous. The new prexy succeeds Brother Miles Connor, principal of t h e Coppin Normal School. The following officers, by virtue of their splendid records, vtere unanimously reelected: Brother Dr. Roy Berry, vice-president: Brother Howard H. Murphy, recording secretary; and Brother Dr. George Hall, treasurer. Brother Bill Gibson, probably because of his size, was chosen to hold down two posts, namely, sergeant-at-arm6 and associate editor to THE SPHINX. These brothers all have promised to carry t h e banner of Alpha Phi Alpha higher and higher. Delta Lambda feels keenly t h e loss of Brother Maurice Moss, who left a t the first of the year to take a post as secretary of the Pittsburgh Urban League. Brother Moss, a former president, really put t h e Baltimore Urban League on the map and while his going is sorely regretted, Delta Lambda knows t h a t its loss is Alpha Omlcron Lambda's gain. Keeping up the tradition of the chapter as "men who do things," Brother Dr. James A. White, surgeon dentist, comes along with an appointment to the hospital staff of t h e Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Sparrows Point, Md. Brother White's appointment comes as a result of more t h a n five years of satisfactory service of Dental Surgery and prosthetic restoration in co-operation with Dr. Floyd Shaffer, white, and chief surgeon. He is t h e first Negro to receive •such a high honor and Delta Lambda is proud of his achievement. Delta Lambda is also proud to announce the acceptance by Brother P. D. G. Pennington (I guess I got in all of those initials) of t h e post as Director of Alpha Phi Alpha's educational activities in Maryland, succeeding Brother Maurice Moss. Brother "Perry," you know, is the big bug and body man a t the Douglass High School, holding down the chair of Biology, and is also a former president of Delta Lambda. Smiles wreathe the countenance of Brother J. Clarence Chambers these days. Not t h a t they don't on other days, but because these are broader smiles. And t h e reason? J Clarence, Jr., has been named to Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary scholastic fraternity, at *mheist College. That's reason enough, don't you think? And by this time you've probably heard the roar of airplane propellers In your
THE SPHINX neighborhood. If you haven't you soon will. as our good secretary, Brother Howard H. Murphy, has added to his duties at the AFRO-AMERICAN t h e position as sales manager of the newly organized Afro Aeronautical School, which bids fair to take place with the city's leading enterprises. The brothers are looking forward to t h e post-Lenten season when it is likely they will sponsor some spring social activities of which you will hear more later. Brother Hugh Price Hughes couldn't wait until t h a t time, however, and with the missus Journeyed to New York to attend t h e big Alpha hop given there by the chapters in t h a t city. Brother Hughes says he had a righteous time, and we'll take his word for it. Delta Lambda looks forward to the coming of Brother Gerald Allen, who comes from Canton soon to serve here as director of recreation among our group under t h e auspices of the Playground Athletic League. Associated with him will be Brother C. C. (Chan) Jackson, of Springfield, who is already here in the field directing the physical education work. Brother Channlng Tobias has been In the city in connection with a membership drive which is being put on by the local Y. M. C. A. There are many other things to be told, some t h a t should, and possibly some t h a t shouldn't, but knowing ye ed as I do, this scribbler will cease broadcasting, and when you hear the last musical note, you'll know t h a t Delta Lambda has signed off until the next issue.—BILL GIBSON.
Tau Lambda Bringing Delinquents Into Fold The palatial home of Brother President Calvin McKissack was the scene of t h e February meeting of Tau Lambda Chapter, Nashville, Tenn., on February 12. Brother Dr. W. N. DeBerry, of Springfield, Mass., was guest speaker. He discussed "Springfield, Massachusetts—in History and in Race Relations." Among the visiting Alphas were Brothers A. A. Taylor, dean of Fisk University; Prof. E. Franklin Frazier, research professor of social science at Fisk; Dr. Freeman, professor in Meharry Medical College; M. G. Ferguson, of the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Creswell, asst. treasurer of Fisk; and Andrew Allison, alumni secretary of Fisk. Adjournmenet was followed by a most toothsome service. Announcement from the office of the Director of Education t h a t again a member of the chapter, Brother G. W. Gore, Jr., has been selected state director of educational activities, served as the occasion for Tau Lambda to pledge itself anew to the task of Go-to-High School, Go-to-College Campaign with added vigor. The Chapter acknowledged the presence of Brother George R. Arthur, associate of the Julius Rosenwald Fund, who spent two days in Nashville conferring with representatives of the fund and selecting candidates for Rosenwald fellowships. Plans are on foot for co-operating with Chi and Alpha Chi in putting over the Nashville Go-to-High School, Go-to-College Drive. Fisk Memorial chapel has been offered as a place for the Sunday mass meeting. A drive to reclaim Alpha brothers living in Nashville, though unaffiliated with either of the three chapters, is being made by the new administration. With Brother McKissack at the helm all of our "prodigals" will surely be recruited ere the end of 1930. —GEORGE W. GORE. JR.
Beta Zeta Writes Of Its Activities With high hopes and a Jolly roster, Beta Zeta of Samuel Huston College, resumed the routine of another school year under the leadership of Brother Robinson. The scholarship of the 1928-29 session was given to Theodore Swisher. It amounted to fifty
($50.00) dollars. The man who f* this scholarship is now a member ™ Zeta. * Our annual Freshman Smoker was B(™ tober 4, 1929, and as usual was well »? ed by the members of t h a t class. I joyable evening was spent, short t a '*L* given by members of the Sphinx CV& also with responses from the guest*program was sponsored by the • • Club. The members at this tltot't' Thomas Tolbert, president; Melvin el son, vice-president; Alonzo Russell'* 1 tary; Theodore Swisher, assistant sejon Tyree Hardeman, treasurer; John W. *51 chaplain; and Levi Jackson, serge*l v arms. The Brothers composing t W were John Hazley and Jared FraziefOn December 13, 1929, Beta Zet»*: talned her hard working pledges #he initiation. Nine neophytes, men 001 Alpha type, became Brothers. TjJK Jared Frazier, Levi L. Jackson, JoWr" ren, John R. Hazley, Thomas Toll*" Tyree Hardeman, Alonzo Russell. M?r.' Johnson, and Theodore Swisher. VIA happy to have these Brothers witn^ l Six men compose the present Club. They are: Chas. L. Warren. J* dent: Ora N. Conley, vice-president Thomas, secretary; Leroy Bailey, tre* Marcus Blanton, and Lonnie B^. Chapter is expecting great things & \: men who so far have as a whol« r a interest and enthusiasm. At the National Convention in ™ Beta Zeta was well represented by v,u delegates. Brother President OlUe ^ tyf son and Brother Vice-President '*'l d Allen. Following the return and reports delegates and the annual report of fea ficers, our attention was turned f election of officers for the new ye8 '"f reward for his faithful service, Brotn'J* Robinson was re-elected preside"' officers are: president, Brother 01U<\, J son; vice-president. Brother Jar«f zier; secretary. Brother John Brown! urer, Brother A. L. Royster; asslstjjjov retary, Brother Thomas Tolbert; *v l i : secretary. Brother Tull Thornton; ra: ponding secretary, Brother R. L. Wft>?tri] associate editor to THE SPHINZ, *< Theodore Swisher; and sergeant-'' p Brother Levi Jackson. ^J. An entertainment was given by ***Tfuate and senior Brothers for iV c Brothers and officers. * ' Plans are being laid by the cb»l? V( the "Go-to-High-School, Go-to-^ Campaign. We are going to put s °\, of the largest campaigns of this S^i] —THEODORE SV ''
Pledges Get A Bow From Kappa Chapter
Thi3 Chapter of ours! . . . W i n t e r e r ternal famine season, activity ' ,|ho: like igloos in Zanzibar, and but for 'XKH participation of t h e brothers aro»> res campus your scrivener could do "fiat task on the reverse side of a postag'jtin This is the time of the year 'JL'he brothers of Kappa Chapter (Colufn% ( gladly step aside and let the Sph'% Vi do the honors with its annual e (t a t which vies with t h e Ritziest on tn p t ! dar of this metropolis' dizzy s o d ^ e It was the evening of March 7. (al Ogden Hall was resplendent with c ^j f co-eds and a brainstorming e x t r a v w j i ^ brilliant colors. . . Brothers leaning ^ e s the wind. . . tradition around &*'& s Sphinx Phormal. . . And the kin<Jk e n served punch and gingerale. . • *La t spirit, yes—and spirits. . . Since *1 M c went to such pains to make the '^ \ a success, we feel Prexy Ex-OiW^Jlm Kelly's proteges deserve to be m el ^ r "each and every one." (fthe James DeLoache is president, ^ l u r Hickey, vice president; John W^rf retary; William Smiley, assistant &f James Driskell, eergeant-at-arms;
THE SPHINX ibry. treasurer, and the other members j * Emerson Black, Glenn Sampson, Arthur Oggs, James Trotter, Raymond White, Lair James, Theodore Williamson, Elwood B(wson, Henry Seals, R. W. Buckner, Paul inter, Andrew Madison, Dr. and Mrs. H. J)Manuel and Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Woodlin gjre chaperones. Both Brothers Dr. Manuel llU Dr. Woodlin are enthusiatlc officers in [I.S newly former gradute chapter here. iThird Vice President Warrick Cardozo is Letting fan mail . . . his picture in the nekly press started the sweet young Lings on their quest. . . Three guesses B*o Brother Cardozo's publicity agent is. <nner gets a 3% by 2V2 cream puff. . . retother Johnie Walker, who is Kappa's i«»ve prexy, is a benedict and his daughjf. Patricia, one-year old, is t h e cutest ,»!ng. . . She'll probably be AKA. . . Other tfhedicts in the brotherhood are Stockton nomas, whose better half was Ann Tyler. B*ce Jackson, Bill Atkinson, and Al Key. b r o t h e r Porter Carroll has been confined jjlbed for the past few weeks. . . Brother jgYroll took a severe cold at the convention \( Atlanta and never rallied from it. . . e i t h e r Theodore Mahaffey, of Cleveland, ft been appointed a member of the Soph„,ore Y. M. C. A. Council at Ohio State Jjpversity. . . He thus becomes the first re»tleman of color to gain an office in organization. e!is Christian ct After showing themselves the class of [e I 289 basketball teams in the University ramurals, the Kappa Chapter aggregat e folded up before the representatives tfthe Hillel Foundation in a semi-final , ktest. . . Three games on the road, in Ifry. Ind.. Chicago and Evanston. 111., will id up Manager Frank Shearer's successJ s e a s o n . . . The Lion Tamers of Cincln, #1 and Hillels were the only outfits to | jfeat Coach Cy Butler and his boys. gt.ilpha me.i are outstanding on the Scartp* and Gray track squad this season . . . jrfButler by flirting with six feet, has been the high jumpers, Bert Holston l e Hing fjfi broad Jumpers, and running a quarter f0; the relay team. tfjjour of Kappa Chapter's representatives fWlified for the finals of the University ,; Ta mural track festival on March 8, tJtJther Bill Bell in the high jump and shot , ft. Pledge Johnie Coston in the shot put, ;-»1 Pledge Jimmy Driskell in the broad ap. and ye scribe In the 660. tptTexy Walker entertained the chapter at tpfmoker for the last meeting of the quar• . The good Brother's home brew was .oplrvelous. 0 -TOM YOUNG 0*
miha Zeta Has A nrmon-Honoree Member Jpha Zeta. West Virginia State College, on probation the following neophytes: irew Woods, Alexander Davis. Chester incis. Wilbur Miles, James Nicholas, r\</eT R o D i'iso:i, and Austin Curtis, Jr. "Violas was pledged at Virginia State and ii/* 15 a t s t o r e r College. All of these men o^JJrpsent excellent timber and was to be »*»ated within the next few days, at this ^ j / h e institution in general and Alpha lt0<a in particular were signally honored by *# visit of Brother George Arthur, repreof the Rosenwald Fund. The e (tative ; 1 gjT' ter held a ;moker in his honor at the - jTie of Brother Austin Curtis, Sr. 7 B a n s for our educational campaign in JM state are now under way. Alpha ,g fibers throughout the state are being >r« y e s t e d to represent us in their various | d j * schools. We are hoping to be able to ftHent a very interesting and exceptional { V to address the school and community , e ifJMother's Day. ,10 *> looking over our last copy of THE ne pfiINX we found that in the list of Alpha i reputed to have won Harmon Awards (?the p a s t o n e h a d b e e n o m l t t e d Tnat ^ u r own Prof. J. C. Evans, who in 1926
was given the first Award for distinguished achievement in the field of science. —CHARLES W. CRANFORD (The omission, which is deeply regretted, was unavoidable, as the Editor's source of information, newspaper files, failed to designate fraternal connections, and the means of so identifying Brothers otherwise slipped In this instance. To Brother Evans, congratulations and apologies.—The Editor)
Beta Beta Pledges, Entertains Noted Visitors At the beginning of the second semester one new student entered the university, and Beta Beta Chapter, University of Nebraska, was successful in pledging the new member. Thus far we have five neophytes who promise to develop into good Alpha material. Plans for the Go-to-High-School Go-toCollege Campaign are being considered. Brother J. Harvey Kearns, formerly of Milwaukee. Wis., is our state director. He has suggested we have an essay contest, radio program, and a banquet. No definite arrangements have been made concerning these plans. We have also learned t h a t the educational week has been set as May 4May 10. and it is likely t h a t this chapter will comply with the week designated. Frank T. Wilson, national executive Y. M. C. A. secretary of the colored work department, addressed the interracial commission of the University of Nebraska at Ellen Smith Hall, February 21. Brother Wilson was a guest at a smoker given in his honor by his undergraduate brothers at the home of Mrs. Arthur Johnson. Many of the Kappas were present at this smoker. The Brothers of Beta Beta Chapter were very glad to have Brother Wilson with them and only wish he could be with us forever. Incidentally Brother Wilson gave several speeches before members of various sociology classes, and many of the students seemed to be greatly impressed by his presence. Again Beta Beta comes to the front to play its part in social activities on t h e campus of the University of Nebraska. A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Flournouys. The members of Kappa Alpha Psl Fraternity and members of Delta Sigma Theta and Alpha Kappa Alpha sororities were there, and danced the light fantastic to the hot dance music of Miss Orvella Banks. Brother O. A. Gttffin was made chairman of the event with the assistance of Brother Robert Fairchlld and "Squab" Hatter. Among the many guests were Miss Lolsanne Herndon, of Fremont. Nebraska, who Is Just entering the University, Miss Ester Foster, is a graduate of Lincoln High School and is now entering the University. Plans are under way for an elaborate spring party, and we are hoping t h a t some of our neighboring brothers visit us. Incidentally, we have one of the swellest rooms on the University campus. Let us hear from brothers at Lawrence. Iowa, and Kansas City, Mo., and more who desire to be present. —ROBERT L. FAIRCHILD
Psi Chapter Reports Varied Activities Psi Chapter, of the University of Pennsylvania, is entering into its greatest year. Under the administration of Brother Wm. N. Hamilton, our chapter has done much to secure for Alpha Phi Alpha Its rightful place in the forefront of all Greek-letter organizations in Philadelphia. On Friday evening, December 27, 1929, Alpha Phi Alpha gave a dawn dance lasting until 5 A. M. in honor of the Phi Delta Kappa Scicrity. which assembled in Convention here during the Christmas holidays. The ; ffs ir was held at the Strand Ballroom and recdless to say was graced with a great host of beautiful women, as is every real Alpha social function. Soft lights, beauti-
Page 27 ful decorations and the tantalizing strains of "Doc" Hyder's Band all contributed t o ward making the dance a wonderful success. Brother J. Gordon Baugh, 3rd, known as the chapter's most conscientious and hardest working member was unanimously chosen to become our president for the coming year. Brother Baugh has outlined a comprehensive program of chapter activity and with the sincere co-operation of all the brothers these plans will be carried out. In this program the central Idea is that in anything to be done, the dignity and prestige of Alpha Phi Alpha must be upheld. Psl Chapter most emphatically disapproves of any methods employed to commercialize the name and reputation of our noble fraternity, by giving pay affairs dependent on the support of the public, in order to enrich the chapter treasury. Such methods are unworthy o'. use in the entire realm of Alpha Phi Alpha, for they only cheapen and debase the name and prestige of our fraternity. Accordingly Psi Chapter never has and never will appeal in any way to the public for the support of any of its activities in order to aid in their financial plans. On Monday evening, February 24. our a n nual smoker for the new students was held at the residence of Brother Lewis Tanner Moore. Some ten or fifteen candidates were present. However these men will be carefully looked over in order to determine the presence of every quality necessary to become an Alpha man. Out of this n u m ber of candidates will emerge a chosen few who will be privileged to enjoy t h e honor of election Into our fraternity. Brother David Asbury, our very able vicepresident Is very deeply engaged with his ramblings among Blackstone and other commentaries in the Law School. Brother Wilbur Brown has entered the Graduate School of the University of Pennsylvania as a preliminary to beginning his law career. Brother Wm. H. Warrick Is fast becoming known as one of Philadelphia's most able physicians, but he is ever ready to answer the call when his services are needed for Alpha Phi Alpha. At a recent meeting it was decided t h a t the chapter would give a Relay Prom in April at the time of the Perm Relays. This dance has become a traditional affair for which Psl Chapter has become famous. Any Brothers who will be in town for the Penn Relays will be only too welcome. —I. MAX MARTIN
Omicron Celebrates Its Seventeenth Birthday Activities of widespread nature have interested Brothers of Omicron. Pittsburgh, Pa., recently. Omicron joined with the local graduate chapter. Alpha Omicron Lambda, to give one of the outstanding events during the Delta Convention, held during the Christmas holidays. The affair was staged at the Loendi Club. Enthusiastic comments indicated a "grand and glorious time" was had by all present. The election of officers resulted as follows: Brothers Walter Talbot, president: Ernest Johnson, vice-president, Forrest "Buddy" Parr, secretary; Aaron Holland, treasurer; James Jones, sergeant-at-arms, and Harold Morrison, associate editor to THE SPHINX. Omicron celebrated its seventeenth birthday on January 18. At midnight the Brothers assembled around the APA initialed cake and "Jinks" Johnson, vice-president. had the cutting honors. The ladies were then entertained with the singing of "That Old Alpha Spirit." Dancing was resumed after the well-prepared luncheon. The installation of 1930 oflfcers was held at the regular meeting on January 20. Brother H. K. Craft, secretary of the Center Avenue Y. M. C. A., assisted by Brother Wilber Douglas, of Alpha Omicron Lambda, officiated in the induction of the new ofReconstructlon, in its most complete form
Page 28 is Omicron's chief ambition. The effectiveness of the movement is dependent upon the cooperation of the Brothers. The projected program for the year Includes: reinstatement of brothers during March; a greater Education Week in May; and an initial annual affair for late May or early June. This writer feels t h a t Omicron is carrying its aim and ambitious to "the most remote stars" with the sincere and earnest efforts of each and every man. "Bud" Leftridge has returned to us after completing his college work at Lincoln University. We find t h a t t h e good Brother is as loquacious as ever—a "gift" t h a t can be used advantageously in our re-instatement program, we hope. With our program of uplift and attainment before us, we shall make every effort to bring before Alpha-at-large such a chapter whose activities are significant of the highest ideals. —HAROLD MORRISON
Gamma Lambda Did Well In Basketball Gamma Lambda Chapter, Detroit, Mich., joined with Omega Psi Phi, Kappa Alpha Psi, and Nacrema Club in a basketball league. The team composed of Brothers Joe Brown, (Capt.) T. R. Smith, H. Wortham, M. Guy, G. Cochran, E. Turner, and P. R. Piper, was successful in winning two out of three, the last game being lost to t h e Kappas. The games were hard fought and required much work on t h e part of t h e players, as the teams are composed of graduates and some who have been out of college for twelve years. The league next year, will be enlarged and we expect to be the leaders. The other activities of our Chapter are going along at a fairly progressive rate. We are now engaged in a revision of our roll. All of our delinquent Brothers are urged to get in touch with us at once. At our last regular meeting, Brothers Raiford and Grimes, furnished t h e refreshments. They agreeably surprised us all with a half Pry with trimmings for each Brother present. In glancing over the happenings of our Brothers, we are glad to note t h a t Brother Lloyd Loomis received a further promotion on t h e prosecutor's staff; and t h a t Brother Haley Bell is now a member of the board of the Victory Life Insurance Company. —LEONARD S. WILLIAMS
Alpha Delta Chapter Has Good Students, Athletes As some of our recent brother visitors at Alpha Delta Chapter can readily testify, Los Angeles is certainly a mecca for wholesome enjoyment. And the brothers here really play a large part in these Epicurean tendencies. The word "Alpha" is Black Magic. For instance the other evening at the Jefferson High School Pavilllon, when a thousand hysterical voices rang throughout the building whenever a Black and Gold warrior tossed a basket to make more impressive their victory over Kappa. And then again after the game when every party was given by some "Alpha" e n t h u siast. My good friend of Boston, Chet Allen, could certainly revel here. Alpha's brilliant team traveled away up in northern California to the city of Oakland to meet Omega in the big Armory. Brother Newell Eason, Pacific Coast I n tercollegiate Featherweight Champion and a real "threat" man among the women, is again shedding his heavier wear for the togs t h a t made him famous. He sends greetings to his former home of Austin— and to "Emma." Brother William White of New York City is here for a sojourn with Tom McNeil, brother of Brother Doctor McNeil of New York City. Both are raising "Cain" and are showing us poor Western boys how to do things.
THE SPHINX The whole chapter sent "condolations" to Brother Rev. Ralph King, formerly of Wilberforce University, upon the arrival of a husky little Alpha aspirant the other day. A number of these so plentiful fair things have been inquiring as to the health of Brother Freddy Wells of New York City, and Brother "Red" Minton of New Haven, Conn. Brother Jimmy Robinson, straight " B " Pharmacy student at U. S. O, is at the helm of things this year with Brother Ishmael Florry as vice-president. Brother Hugh Beatty, of Dallas. Texas, was elected secretary. We are sailing along now like an airplane in a cloudless heaven. Since his return from t h e East where he was runner-up to Edgar Brown as national tennis champion, we have initiated James "Slick" Stocks. Stocks is an all-round athlete. His teammate in t h e National double matches, Paul Ford, has been pledged. Hello Boston—tell Katherine Averett "hello" for the writer. Brother James Jones, late of Howard University and the Law School at Ann Harbor, Mich., is here again, sporting a new Ford. Brother Doctor Howard Allen, formerly of Howard University and Baltimore is here to practice after spending probably 10 years in the East studying (?). The girls are already casting ambitious glances at t h a t partially bald spot of his. Caesar was ambitious too. but he lost his head—Howard will make them lose theirs. Well so long Brothers. I Just want to let you know t h a t we Westerners aren't throwing you down, but are doing things too. We invite you out. I could write on, but Brother James Davenport is having a little stag over to his house this afternoon, and I just couldn't afford to miss it. So long. —WALTER L. GORDON, JR.
Fifteen Pledges Accepted At Beta Epsilon Chapter Beta Epsilon Chapter, A. and T. College, Greensboro, N. C , is working hard to complete its "Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College program. It is hoped t h a t we shall be able to meet more students this year t h a n in 1929. Due to the short period of time between our initiation and the time set aside for the program, we hardly had time to get settled, thereby finding it very difficult to participate in the program as desired. Nevertheless, we were interested and worked to the best of our understanding, and feel t h a t a great step was made by taking the part which we did. The Sphinx Club was organized immediately after the opening of this school year. Many applications were received, but due to rigid qualifications the number was finally reduced to fifteen. Beta Epsilon feels proud over the future outlook of the members of the Club, and feels confident t h a t the6e fifteen men constitute those men who will be numbered with the leaders of t h e future Of course the Chapter feels proud of them when their records are traced back and such outstanding results are found. Each member seems to be striving for the highest possible record. The names, as follow constitute the Club: E. L. Peterson, president; Frank Woods, vice-president; C. W. Williams, secretary; W. F. Frazier. treasurer; A. Williamson, W. W. Capehart, Eddie Campbell, E. J. McRay F. O. Woodard, J. D. Howard. W. F Robinson. A. A. Taylor. L. A. Kieser, C. C. Smith and T. W. Washington. Beta Epsilon feels t h a t Alpha will be proud to know t h a t her members are striving daily to maintain high standards. It may be of Interest to you to know that Brother J. S. Hargrove is a candidate for graduation from the department of mechanical engineering, J u n e 3. 1930, and Brothers R. W. Newsome, J. L. Dickson, and J. R. Redding are candidates for graduation, June 3, 1930. from the department of vocational agriculture. Last September effort was made by
Brother A. W. Furguson. dean of **e chanlcal department, A. and T. 001*8 secure two additional teachers for tf'e cal engineering. Only one could Jr cured. The next question was: jv; shall I get the second teacher?" Ae a student assistant was sought. VfJ capable? To the honor of Beta I Chapter, Brother J. S. Hargrove *fe only student capable of handling tW Beta Epsilon is proud of him and ' splendid record he has, and of tK comments t h a t come to the Chapt*C time to time of his very splendid ' You have not been hearing frCjP Epsilon or of her progress, but slic t. to assure you t h a t she is wide awak* ing ever to keep the banner of Alftd Alpha flying where others may see 1* id inspired to follow in t h e footsteps "vi men of today. ;
Alpha Beta Has Shared £ g Several Scholarships In
Apha Beta at Talladega College,! 1 ma, is planning to give the Chapter Ojea Under the leadership of our new * we expect success. The officef*'t Brothers Waldo Blanchet, president; *. Calbert, vice-president; Nathan 1$. secretary; Bertram Hudson, treasurtB^ liam Pigrom, sergeant-at-arms, a n '*| : mond Pitts, associate editor t oBt* SPHINX. Alpha Phi Alpha has been very , r t to our student body in general tft'!' l: We have three students holding * scholarships. Brother Jesse D. Le*!'|' ex-president, holds a scholarship Wl11' local chapter. Alpha Beta; Brother Blanchet has a scholarship from tW eral Organization, and Mr. Herbert* holds a scholarship from our & i chapter at Little Rock, Ark. -R. J- '.
Alpha Zeta Lambda Choses Same Officers
»< ll ;
Alpha Zeta Lambda, Bluefield. W-^j grateful of the opportunity THE 3' , offers as a means of communicat^fc, sister chapters. We especially aPK the remarks In Sigma Lambda's l * 5 u the last issue of THE SPHINX co»c' e a Brother of our chapter. ° Brothers Dickson, Brown, and J C * ?etl" resented us at the General Conventi°' of their luggage was stolen half " i " after their arrival in Atlanta. We *?• understand how the boys could enJoJ, , selves or attend to business after tl* ~ fortune; however they brought ^^ \L, reports in detail. The staff of officers of last y e ^ t chosen unanimously to guide the ^ of the chapter for another year. *^E.a Brothers J. C. Kingslow, president-* '' Brown, secretary; W. C. Matney. trJJL s W. W. Goens. Editor to THE SPHtf*Je r W. S. Shelton, director of education*' d , gram. j Brother Harry Jefferson coach of '£> ' Blues" of Bluefield Institute, enJ"Sy erstern trip with his basketball t e f5n a lost one game, but defeated declsi*i' ( Philadelphia Tribune Five, and o<3<ie Brother Johnny Burr's team at r^"^e" a margin of one point. The fi s t -vv g;:mc after this trip served W. vn< *jth; College a defeat. Brothers Giles ars Ve of Zeta Lambda were stellar playe B , losers. „ Brother Smith Jones, coach of • '-.-. High School team, suffered a defeatjer Capital City at the hands of **%*. High School team. Although the 4g^sid , lost. Brother Smith saw to it !5h players gained much in an educatiojjho n by visits to the many places of l * 5 B Washington. Brother Jones' team *J, 1 West Virginia State Championship "£jp< Brother "Ernie" Martin, D. D- Tver moved to 725'/2 Bland Street. *"„, connection with a fine apartment. "
THE SPHINX *ed an elaborate and modernly equipped *al office. He formerly occupied a Joint ** with Brother P. R. Higginbotham, it). Too, Brother Higginbotham has .vated his space, and has his wife, t h e W Miss Gwendolyn Hughes, here with Many Brothers will be glad to know * Brother Higginbotham is able to reft his work. —W. W. GOENS
*a Lambda Chapter iports Progress ta Lambda Chapter, Indianapolis, Ind., J year really has continued to forge '»d under the competent leadersip of its 4dent, Brother Clarence Mills. *veral outstanding events have occurred b the beginning of the new year. An t>rate "smoker" was held Saturday •\t, February 1st, at the residence of •her Hurlbut T. Riley. The "smoker" \given by the chapter in honor of t h e hers residing at Bloomington, Indiana. • pledges. Sphinx Club members, were d. so that Iota Lambda could become inted with them. Another prominent was the presence of Brother Bishop of Covington, Ky„ at our last meetjJ Brother P. Luther Merry and Brother jflarold Brown entertained the chapter • l y at the residence of Brother Brown. »;her Russell Lane, who has recently teferred his membership to Iota Lambda, fctained the chapter in Alpha Phi Alpha 1 his palatial residence at the last fcing on March 8th. . Our roster Is #lnually growing with many of the <|hers becoming active again at each ting. i. —HURLBUT T. RILEY
• .
* Chapter Will Be Hit ' Many Graduations Vice last you heard of Xi. at Wilbere University, this machine, under the •Jag hand of the new officers, has prog1K1 appreciably. The aims and standards jjllpha have been high in the mind and J of each brother. Under heavy loads P i v a n c e even more. The weight has • us more concentrated in our efforts • l a t now, we push forward. lie word "success" brings to the fore our ptemplated "Educational Adjustment dement." which includes the long-called j^to-High-School, Go-to-College" camB>- Under the leadership of noble ythers of Xi, affiliated with those of j» Lambda, the movement here promises [*)e one of real service to those students lementary school, high school, and colff rank, who especially need this moveHjt to keep them concentrated in our •jfcus "walls of learning." The tentative V a i n includes representation in the l i e of the "Go To High School. Go To £ g e " movement of the Alpha Phi Alpha • e r n l t y in every Negro school within ^district. M. during the past month diverged from j j p o l i c y and fostered an amalgamated V with the Sphinx Club. This affair ^ a n y respects came up to the real Alpha gft of doing things, and proved a charmJBdellght for the fairest damsels "Wilberj t e " can produce. As Bryant would have ,."We slumbered not, but gave ourselves l( jtluit most glorious night." s ^e have had reason to miss the prese of some of the most active brothers «j|e. which was occasioned by graduation S y e a r . Xi will lose about fourteen more ^ e r members by graduation in June this JJF: yet we should feel no regret, when we j^slder the great need there is for them • h e capacity of hard, manly tasks. • l o s e on the graduating list for June ^ Brothers Millard Cann, G. Blyden Jack9 Theo. Randall, Frank Calloway, Joseph • p e r , Rudolph Thomas, D. Latimore j e r y . John Williamson, Andrew L. John*> Raymond Dickerson, Gravelly Flnly,
Claude Orton, Otis Hogue, and Leroy Redden. We are proud to have such a number to reach the goal of graduation, In spite of the loss the chapter must experience. It Is our wish to replace these vacancies with other carefully selected young men and continue to put into Xi our most sincere efforts and help keep Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity at its best. Xi believes t h a t the slogan of every chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha is "a bigger and better fraternity," with emphasis on the "better." Xi will do her share. We have learned t h a t co-operation is necessary for progress and t h a t every organization progresses in so for as the true and elevating fraternal spirit exercises itself to its broadest degree. Without this we fail. —CLARENCE H. WILLIAMS
Eastern Vice-Pres. Visits Nu Lambda Many events have held the attention of Mu Lambda, Petersburg, Va., since the last writing. Chief among the events was the "riding of the goat" by Messrs. James B. Clarke, Hampton '29 now employed in the business department of the Dover State College, Dover, Del., and J. Edwin Settle, University of Idaho, '29 at present professor of animal husbandry at the Virginia State College, Ettricks, Va. Beta Gamma, the undergraduate Chapter; assisted Nu Lambda Chapter in the ceremonies inducting t h e new men. March 27 brought our new and youthful Brother "Bill" Randolph, Eastern Vice President. At a Joint meeting of Beta Gamma and Nu Lambda, Brother Vice president Randolph spoke about t h e problems involved in arranging for a r e g i o n a l meeting of the chapters in the district. The cooperation of both chapters was sought by Brother Randolph to further complete plans for carrying out t h e idea of the regional meeting. Suggestions were offered by our vice president about meeting internal chapter problems. The chapters were also urged to try to make their Go-to-High School-Go-to-College Campaign more effective. Brother John M. Gandy, president of Virginia State College, had the signal honor oi addressing an audience at Columbia University. New York City, on the subject of "Public Education for Negroes." It is reported t h a t President Gandy made quite an impression upon his listeners. Brothers W. A. Rogers, R. T. Custis, and Dr. E. G. Trigg, were members of the cast of the "Thirteenth Chair," a three-act play which was given by the A. K. A. local graduate chapter. This chance to cooperate with our sorors was greatly appreciated by the brothers. Brother D. A. Wilkerson, Director of the High School at Virginia State College, was recently elected secretary-treasurer of the newly organized Virginia Society for Research. ROBERT T. CUSTIS.
Epsilon Lambda Elects Officers Upailon Lambda Chapter, St. Louis, Mo., has elected the following officers: Brothers S. E. Garner, president; Henry Harding, vice president; H. P. Saundle, secretary; Dr. Blair W. Carter, corresponding secretary; E. L Harris, treasurer; Frank B. Wilson financial secretary; H. S. Williams, associate editor to THE SPHINX; and Joseph L. McLemore, sergeant-at-arms. The Chapter has outlined a very intensive program and believes the newly elected Brothers will put it over as real Alpha men usually do whatever is assigned them to do. — B. W. CARTER.
Page 29
Alpha Xi Lambda Marches In Constructive Program Brother Herbert Miller, secretary of our chapter, Alpha Xi Lambda, Toledo, Ohio, is really doing something. Toledo has always been a town strongly in favor of its Community Center, and had a right to be. Brother Miller came to Toledo less t h a n two years ago, to head the Y. M. C. A. move. In the face of much strong opposition he has p u t over the Y. M. C. A. program. Best of all by the first of April he expects to start building a new $190,000 Y. M. C. A. building. The building will be unique in t h a t it makes a bold departure from the oblong apartment house type and will be the first in the State of Ohio to follow the Old English Manor style of architecture. Mainly through the persistent efforts of Dr. Leo V. English, a brother Alpha and treasurer of our chapter, the Utopian Club recently purchased its new home on the corner of Woodland Avenue and Collingwood. The club is of a cosmopolitan nature and would be a credit to any city. Old Alpha went to the fore again when a Pan-Hellenic Council was formed here in February. This move has been sponsored by Alpha XI Lambda since early in the Fall of 1929. Our Chapter president, Brother Ivan McLoed. is chairman of the Council and Brother Herbert Miller is secretary. The Council mapped out a rather constructive program paying particular attention to Juvenile delinquency and stressing educational features for a probable solution. WM. W. STEWART
Alpha Iota, Spurred By 1929, Aims High For 1930 Alpha Iota, Denver, Colorado, started the New Year by electing at the regular J a n u ary meeting, the following brothers to guide the destiny of the chapter for the year 1930: Brothers Dr. P. J. Oliver, president; Dr. C. Bell, vice-president; O. L. Lawson, secretary; H. Brown, Sr., treasurer; U. J. Andrews, assistant secretary and SPHINX Editor. Brother U. J. Andrews was designated chapter director of the "Go-to-High School, Go-to-College" campaign. The chapter indulged In a review of one of its most successful of successful years—1929, and immediately began plans so t h a t 1930 might excel the enviable record of its immediate predecessors; and t h a t is sump'n, for our activities were many and varied with its holiday formal frolic being its final gesture. It is still the town talk. Brothers. It was some party! Winter sports found Brother G. L. White in the role of manager of t h e Glenarm "Y" Tigers basketball team, which won 29 out of 35 starts. Brother Andrews held down a regular guard berth on the quintet. It won't be long now before Pledge Dolphus Stroud, famed Colorado College distance runner and an Olympic team aspirant, shall see the light and Join the rank of active Alphas. An official announcement of the pledging of several other men shall be made in the near future. With the year 1929 as a model, a vigorous and inspiring group of officers, the injection of new, young, and enthusiastic material into the fold, and with Alpha Phi Alpha traditions to be upheld, Alpha Iota is anticipating 1930 as a year in which she and Alpha shall soar to greatest heights. —U. J. ANDREWS
"Sparky's" Dream, Of Beta Delta, Becomes A Reality At this time Beta Delta at State College, Orangeburg, S. C , is very proud and happy to report t h a t she has four brothers standing on the threshold of t h a t Inevitable graduation, with outstretched arms everwilling and ready to grasp t h a t which at all times means fortune, fame, and success to Alpha Phi Alpha. She is aware ol
Par?e 30 the fact t h a t the great loss she will suffer will mean progress and honor In the bonds of our dear Alpha Phi Alpha. We are sending out from our band of unity two of our charter members, H. N. Vincent and "Sparky" Williams along with "Cy" Cotton and "Sam" Lowery. We realize t h a t we are not the only ones to suffer losses, and proudly can we say t h a t the Brothers who are treading the deep-unblotted paths of our graduating Brothers will build from t h a t massive and stalwart foundation laid before them a superstructure t h a t will at all times stand above the highest. To all our graduating Brothers we hope t h a t you will have faith and confidence In your life endeavors, because without these essentials, life would be like a bird without wings; she hops with her companions on earth, yet she will never fly with them to t h e sky. Keep ever before you t h a t ever-burning perpetual light of Alpha Phi Alpha and success here and hereafter will be inevitable. It would be interesting to you to know t h a t our Alma Mater is keeping pace with the leading colleges and universities of t o day In t h a t she helped our beloved Brother "Sparky" Williams to make his dream a reality. He represented South Carolina State College at the meeting of our Excongressmen during Negro History Week In Washington, D. C. "Sparky" is called t h e father of Beta Delta; his ambition is high, and we hope t h a t someday he will not only reach his ambition b u t will grasp some of the good things t h a t are beyond his ambition. We are planning to have an effective "Educational Campaign," and we will let our Brothers read about its results In t h e next issue of The SPHINX. That gala night has been looked upon with great anticipation and we can see the black and gold colors streaming along with the natural signs of spring and the sweet music t h a t will fill the air with sweetness which will make the Brothers realize t h a t they are attending the Alpha Phi Alpha spring formal. In keeping with the ideals and standards of Alpha Phi Alpha, all the Brothers brought to the Fraternity high averages for the last semester and this was a sign of preparation. We hope to retain our first place among fraternities in scholarship t h a t we now hold. —LEROY B. FRASIER
Theta Lambda Presents Brother W. E. B. Du Bois This news letter to THE SPHINX from Theta Lambda, Dayton, O., Immediately following the appearance of Brother Dr. W. E. B. DuBois at Wayman A. M. E. Church. The speaker was presented to the public of Dayton by the Educational Committee, as a contribution to the community. More t h a n five hundred sat with attentive eyes and open ears to his, "The Negro's Contribution t o American Civilization." Our Educational Committee has already outlined an unusually strong program for t h e current year. At our last meeting the functioning committee reported a written program In regards to the future activities of Theta. This question arises in my mind, what organization can fall with a live wire committee system? The t r u t h is t h a t no chapter in Alpha Phi Alpha can rise above t h e level of its internal structure - Its officers and committees. The Annual Go-to-Hlgh School, Go-toCollege campaign is the greatest center of attraction presently. Even now we have publicly announced t h a t part of the program which bears upon the essay contest which Is open to the students in the junior and senior high schools In Dayton and vicinity. New blood has come into the veins of Theta Lambda which only means t h a t new life ushers in with It. Brother B. W. Flnley, formerly of Ohio State University, and
THE SPHINX now t h e District Manager of t h e Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Company, along with Brother Beecher Watley formerly of Wilberforce University, and now a member of t h e agency force of t h e same company, verbally expressed their willingness to share in t h e moral and financial support of this wing of the Brotherhood. We are happy for the affiliation of these two strong Brothers. C. WALLACE HAWKINS
t h e Council, is putting forth every t to see t h a t the organization full properly among the various groups. < organization embraces the following W nitles and sororities; Omega, Alpha J Alpha, Zeta Phi Beta, Delta, and AlP1 Beta Gamma has recently lncreas* membership by nine. Among those! were fortunate enough to cross the "'' Ing sands" to see the perpetual 116* Alpha Phi Alpha, were; Albert P-' , Clarence A. Pennigton, Oscar W. EpP* thur R. Ware, Clarence C. Johnson, I£ H. Foster, Jr., Booker T. Smalley, H. V« ble Turner and J o h n H. Christian. The jlans for the "Go-to-High Scho* Time passes quickly in our quaint little to-College Campaign" have been I college town and already we of Epsilon mapped out for this Spring. We inttjChapter, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, put It over with great success this V find ourselves in view of the close of an—REUBEN R- *' other great year for Epsilon. While t h e final record of fraternal scholastic standings have not been announced by the University, Epsilon promises you an excellent account of herself. Things are booming on the social calendar. Our basketball team at present holds an enviable place in the After having successfully carried y Interfraternity League and we are all exheavy winter program. Alpha P h i . t pecting great things when the final gong University, now calmly awaits Nature' 8 , rings. The team has not met a defeat durin the line of seasons, spring. It vt°K ing its many starts away from home. Our long before the co-eds will fall u n d ^ two representatives on the varsity track spell of this enchanting spring weatM' team, Eddie Tolan and Brooks, will be comwill grow prettier as they bedeck K ing to you through the newspapers soon; selves in some of the beautiful c 0 " > you may bet on this. spring. Then, as a young man's tWr One of the "Old Gang" has gone to take lightly turn to love, will Alpha Ph' , his place in the world. Brother A. W. (Bud) the evolution of thought In some % Mitchell, excellent student from Cleveland, nonchalant bachelor-types ere they bvj graduated in January and is back In t h e bewitched by this magic, and j o " home town making things hum already. in-love brothers. r Brother Mitchell was president here in 1929. Two neophytes recently made "th e J< We hate to see him go, but we know t h e ney across the sands." They were k, future holds great things for him and we received and embued with the spl f, t are t h u s consoled. Alpha. They are Brothers AycocK -j Brother Wm. J. Sinkford, now Instructor Pleasant. Brother N. J. Pleasant is » U of Romance languages at Howard Univerber of the senior class and Is, besides sity, is the proud father of a bouncing a jolly good fellow. Inclined to makej, baby girl, who was born during t h e week marks, especially in mathematics. BJn of February the tenth. Congratulations to C. W. Aycock is a leader scholasticstH'j] Brother "Bill" of old Epsilon. name is always on the honor roll s p What do you say boys, let's make t h e talented musically and serves as pian' I annual "Go-to-Hlgh School, Go-to-College' accompanist with the school orchestf( campaign a corker this year? Let's make Brothers Lipscomb and Dykes conWxi preparation early and p u t It over with a hug the honor roll, while yours truly e \ bang! with Brothers Nelson and Scruggs wer ' —WALTER D. HINES enough to make honorable mention- li Love ships, manned by Brothers or \ Pagan, Wadley, and Greene, are ^a serenely over sky blue waters, while tS'a Brothers Carroll and Rowe are being \ ered by the rough waves. o Brother Weems Is all set for a b " « b We are entering Into the third and last son as he prepares to manage the &*?> quarter of the year which Beta Gamma, team of Clark, while Brother ScrUgFe of State College, Petersburg, Va., views as ficiently carries on as the general its record year. As we progress towards J] the end of our collegiate activities at State around-the-dean's-offlce. this year, we can see no reason why our In our excitement at the last wri'BlJjp< views should be other t h a n optimistic. forgot to mention the fact that V Beta Gamma pauses to say t h a t the loss of M. L. Harris, former president of ' Brother Floyd L. Rowe, by graduation, is Phi, now an honor graduate from ,e much felt. He has been a member of the and matriculating at Boston, came **»< varsity baseball team for three years. way from t h a t city to take part »?. Brother Rowe leaves us to continue his educonvention here. We think he sb 011 "a1 cation at Columbia University. commended on his spirit. B —LeROY EARLE CA h Basketball has occupied the foreground of our activities for the past two months. Brother William (Sheik) Robinson, who has become an outstanding player for the past two years, was handicapped at the opening of the season, due to injuries received in football. He recovered In time, however, to Brother Jas. O. Ellis, president of A add much to this year's progress of the team. Omicron Chapter, J. C. Smith Onij": Neophyte Brother Clarence Pennington was has Just returned from a basket*""',f an outstanding player thruout the season. with our school's basketball team Y t b « His style this season was the last word In carried him as far North as New °Jp\ basketball ability. He completed the seaas far West as Nashville, Tenn. * y ' | son as State's high-point man. Ellis was recently cited by Paul J , L s Growth continues at Beta Gamma In the Crisis. Mr. Jones placed Broth«J^ scholarship and achievement. The Chapon his second All-American football , ter's beautifully furnished room Is still the Brother A. J. Clement, Jr., was one talk of the campus. The Inter-Fraternity two debaters who met the Unive1r*1 :' Council, which was under formation last Pittsburgh in a forensic engagem? ' ,;h spring, has awaken this year to function Brother Clement had as his colle"^, properly as an organization which alms to C. Grlgg of the local chapter of om™ Pm eliminate any friction arising among fraterlc nities and sororities, and to establish some The Negro Association of Deans atlJe unity of precedure in pledging men and istrars was in session here and 9 v women. number of Brothers were noted atn^jfi Brother Weldon C. Curry, as president of group. Brothers Kidd and LeNair of
Epsilon's Varsity Men Made Basketball Record
Alpha Phi Suspects That Cupid Will Invade Ranks ^
Beta Gamma Adds To Fold With Promising Men
Alpha Omicron Looks To Debates For Honors
Page 31
THE SPHINX A. & M. College called on us at our tee. Hedging transpired this month under the . ctlon of the Pan-Hellenic Council. Our Wnx Club was reasonably enlarged there' Preparations are now under way for ?> first lnterfraternal banquet and prom. * will be the first time t h a t the four IN fraternities have combined for their •jual banquets and we are expecting it to ,g»g a kindlier spirit among us. '.rother S. H. Travis is on the debating pfe that will meet S. C. State College in Bville, Va. Brother Travis is winning #ors for the school in debating circles. the five men on our varsity debating xAi we have two brothers; the two coaches i lebating are Brothers T. C. Myers (Lintet) and N. C. Bolden (Univ. of Pitt.), }j the chairman of the Faculty Commit»on Debates is Brother G. F. Woodson to State). That is something for Alpha , think. —A. J. CLEMENT, JR.
pha Kappa Lambda fiks For Stardom 0 jpha
Kappa Lambda, Roanoke, and jgjShburg, Va., continues Its march of w e e s . At the last meeting which was 1 " the home of Brother Dr. Dudley, was manifested in the 10ft enthusiasm , < / a l Projections advanced for the chapf consideration. Such enthusiasm shows ^ a l l of that real Alpha spirit is not conp £ to the undergraduate chapters, as is (ten claimed. ill' the last Issue of THE SPHINX, we in]Uced the entire group t h a t constituted j|chapter. Now we present the officers jltecl to guide the destinies of the chap.or 1930. Brother Ellwood Downing, the -rflent president since the founding of .chapter, was again elected to t h a t ofM»» V h l l e 0 t h c r o f f l c e r s Include Brothers (<M Crowder, vice president; George *jjre. recording secretary; J. B. Claytor, J *cial secretary; E. R. Dudley, treasurer; IIS'IMY p s o n ' a s s o c l a t e editor of THE (f( INX; T. R. Parker, sergeant-at-arms. a11 !M.present our energies are concentra' „ ^ n et hr e w Educational Drive. Brother T. ho ,rtl, has been appointed chairor the movement plans to wage an lnW r e carr >Palgn In the cities of Roanoke 5* Lynchburg and surrounding territory. mrf m o f t h e chapter this year is to carry t' a program not only in name, but one £ i which real results will be obtained. trfSrt r, S m l t h J o n e s ' oi A 1 P n a Z e t a wife n S; h a P t e r. and athletic director at gh Scno off ° l . West Virginia, was W ' , 8 ' o u r last meeting. Brother Jones w a y t o l d of , > , ! all work and no the play workmakes being Jack actJJJice J»5aiished several byof his the chapter. Brothers have found M5>ce all work and no pli P ^ several of the Brothers have found C .j° e r , gage in the intricate sport of ll A nu «llf !? m h e r of Brothers from "£»°ke practiced dally, while at Lyncha m has been ii*it organized among the o^ity members of Virginia Theological a r y a n d Colle *»dh g e - This team Includes ' ^ n e r s T nRandolph, Hopson, Tolliver. and e right start was made by winth —J. O. HOPSON tne first game, but the second was
V Reports Renewed sll ^thusiasm And Activity °aU C n a P t e r . of the University of Mini m a . after a rather quiet year, has awakio»l with renewed enthusiasm. There are for / T H us reorganization under 1 J / ve 'b ere nthree very successful meet* id, , held and through the t» iers pledges of co-operation, a very ii«h Program has been undertaken. „guners Weber and Cassius entertained „eB cnapter sumptuously at their beautiJomes. • n',1i,e ' 9 3 ° officers are as follows: Brothers < "• Lawrence, re-elected president; t
Maurice E. Thomasson, vice-president; Samuel S. Jackson, secretary; William Cassius treasurer; Leon M. Smith, associate editor to THE SPHINX. Under these men, Mu will strive for a better year. On November 30, two neophytes crossed the "burning sands" to find t h e glorious light of Alpha Phi Alpha. At t h a t time Brother Steve Adams of St. Louis and Brother M. E. Thomasson were made. Brother Adams was appointed student assistant to Brother Smalls, the local Urban League secretary. He was suddenly called home, however, and forced to resign his position. Brother Thomasson is a graduate student at the University . A graduate of Iowa State and instructor in two schools is a statement of Brother Thomasson's accomplishments. We regret t h a t he plans to leave us in June. Our newest pledge Is Paul Mosely, a sophomore. Pledge Mosely's brother Is an esteemed Alpha man, having served as president of Alpha Theta once. He will be one more link in a chain of Alpha men hailing from St. Louis. Needless to say we're proud of our pledge. Mu regrets the departures of Brothers C W. Washington, J. Q. Washington, Steve Adams, and John M. Patton. The loss of these men was severe and it will be difficult to fill their places. At this writing Minnesota is preparing to entertain at her first Big Ten indoor track meet. We understand t h a t there will be several colored stars, the brightest shining, none other t h a n Brother Eddie Tolan of Michigan. Mu extended its wishes for success to all of the competing colored stars. On Monday evening, April 21, our annual party was held. The brothers worked hard to make this an affair of Alpha standard. The party was informal and semi-closed. Incidentally, we apppreciated the beautiful invitation coming from the New York chapters to their dance on March 4. As usual Mu Intends to have a big Go-to-Hlgh School Go-to-College Campaign. Brother Lawrence was apopinted State Director for the third consecutive time; Brother Thomasson is the chapter chairman. With Brother Raymond Cannon as an aide, Brother Thomasson is planning his activities. With the next writing we shall tell you more of the campaign. The chapter is pleased with the legislation enacted at the past convention. We also extend congratulations and pledge support to every general officer. Especial praise Is expressed to Brother Rose for his excellent survey of the fraternity's activity, past and present. —JOHN R. LAWRENCE
Pi Has Experienced TJn0„40 O;„~o 1Q')7 UpSetS bltlCe IM/ Since the convention of 1927, held in this city. Pi, of Cleveland, Ohio, has been a bit upset due to the separation of the graduates and undergraduates—forming an additional chapter which is the graduate chapter of Cleveland, Alpha PI Lamda. In the beginning of this year Alpha PI Lamda extracted from Pi all Brothers who had received a college degree. This indeed was a backset to PI, for all of the graduate Brothers did not wish to transfer In the beginning of the new Chapter, b u t were compelled to do so by a clause in the constitution. We regret very much in losing the president of last year. Brother Robert Brooks, and our loyal and diligent secretary, Brother Addison Spencer. T h e s e two brothers now hold their same offices In the Graduate Chapter. PI wishes t h e new chapter much success. Brother Roosevelt Dickey, who was made in the fall of last year, was elected president to succeed Brother Brooks. Brother Dickey Is a hard-working Reserve Student who hails from way out in Arizona. The chapter will support all of his attempts. Scholastically. last semester was a very successful one to all the students of Pi. No deficiencies could be found, but Just
clusters of A's and B's and a few of the customary C's. We are proud to have our dear Brother Aggrey back at Oberlln this semester. The program and entertainment committees have some very bright plans for this year; providing for the building fund of our Chapter house, t h a t has so long been discussed; a very complete "Go-to-College Go-to-High School" campaign, and many other events along with some gay social affairs. The Sphinx Club of Pi Is putting forth great things. It is planning a musical comedy to be presented In the early spring. The president of this Club is Ben Oliver Davis. Last but not at all least, Pi wishes to congratulate Brother Norman Selby Minor, a member and dependable supporter of PI, on being appointed to the office of assist a n t prosecutor of Cuyahoga County. —MAURICE F. GLEASON
Editorially Continued from P a g e 3 with t h e symbolic ceremony w h ic h would have appealed t o t h e intellect and imagination, I needed physical s t i m u l a n t s more. I mention this because it is, I am morally persuaded, indicative of a general reaction. F o r t u n a t e l y , I visited l a t e r initiations u n d e r more h a p p y circumstances, and w i t h t r a n q u i l i t y of one removed from t h e love-awakening w h a m m i n g , recognized t h e w h e a t in t h e chaff of p r e s e n t f r a t e r n i t y inductions. This is no excuse either for n o t m a k i n g this t r u e t h e first t i m e . AM still seeking a f r a t e r n i t y man who will say t h a t between t h e pleasu r e s of m e m b e r s h i p in an association of college men and the prospects of nonaffiliation—with t h e indignities of initiation between—he would accept t h e latt e r if he knew w h a t he w a s t o face. And they a r e n o t all physical and m o r a l cowards either. T h e y simply have a sense of values—and proportion.
D u r i n g this season of our own Educational A d j u s t m e n t Movement, wouldn't it be quite fitting to i n a u g u r a t e steps which would m a k e initations more in keeping w i t h t h e consistent u r b a n i t e s of educated m e n ? A t p r e s e n t it is quite t r u t h f u l to s a y : Initiations a r e s t r a n g e i n t e r l u d e s in which w e call upon dead Inquisitors to furnish us with fiendish inspiration and uncivilized methods by which to prove t h a t no one in the f u t u r e can possibly be quite so idiotic as frat e r n i t y men of the p r e s e n t upon t h e occasion of " w e l c o m i n g " new m e m b e r s . By all m e a n s , let's continue t o have gorgeously t e r r i f y i n g initiations. B u t let us c a r r y our t o n g u e s in our cheeks r a t h e r t h a n clubs in our h a n d s . Or else let us cease l a y i n g claim to being educated!
Page 32
Social JVork Continued from Page 14 -,chool. During this time the school has had nineteen graduates. Every one of these persons was referred to a position in social work. Fifteen of them were placed in the positions. Of the four not placed—in two cases the graduates were married women who could not leave home for the positions offered them because of their husbands' employment— one case was that of a very recent graduate, who had accepted a contract as a musician which has a month or two longer to run before he is available for social work placement. The remaining person who was not placed was a woman who at the time employment was offered could not leave Atlanta because of a sick mother. It has been interesting to the officials of the Atlanta School of Social Work to note the number of requests for its workers the school has received from Nothern cities. There seems to be a growing feeling on the part of Northern social agencies that a social worker trained in a school of social work for Negroes in the heart of the South makes a better social worker among Negroes in the North than one trained in that section because the great mass of the Negro population of Northern cities is really Southern colored folk. Perhaps this explains the recent placement of Mrs. Sara W. King, a 1928 graduate of the Atlanta School of Social Work, as Travelers' Aid worker at the Pennsylvania Station, New York City, the largest railroad station in the world. She obtained this position over candidates recommended by a number of Northern schools and agencies. Two or three years ago the Atlanta School of Social Work was requested to make an emergency placement in St. Louis during the tornado relief campaign. It is not probable that the organization which requested this worker would have sent so far South if there had not been an emergency and there was need of a large number of temporary colored workers in a hurry. However, the young woman referred to showed such ability that she was taken on permanently with the organization after a month or two, and the school has since had three requests to place its graduates in St. Louis. More Demand Than Supply
HERE are some fields in which the demand for Negro workers far exceeds the supply. This is especially true of psychiatric social work. There are openings for Negro psychiatric social
THE SPHINX workers with practically no workers available and very few Negroes training for them. Boys' Club executives is a field that is becoming highly specialized, and properly trained Negroes are scarce. The Boys' Club Federation of America noting this fact, has invited several Negroes to the special institutes it conducts at Columbia University. In addition to this training they are expected to have had work in colleges and schools of social work.
ty to receive the Ohio State Lf Key. "Selection of the student* based upon high scholarship and itorious work on campus publica a Columbus newspaper states. B t, Young is the younger brother \j Editor of THE SPHINX and the '• the publishers of the Norfolk J' nis and Guide.
Undoubtedly, as knowledge of the new openings for trained Negro Workers spreads throughout the colored group, the supply will catch up with the demand, because in addition to fairly attractive salaries, social work offers other advantages. Among these are the opportunity for initiative, origin a 1 i t y, pioneer work. Second, the work is interesting and stimulating for those who have a flare for the dramatic as well as a desire for service.
Continued from Page 9 , University considerable inter-fty e good-will. As a result of his \ a and of the respect and confide^ fraternalism that Brother La\vs'.]s joys at Howard University, he wal<j ed the first president of the Intff ternity Council. -th
The associates with whom one comes in contact in social work are exceptional, and the work frequently leads to usefulness in other fields.
Continued from Page 23 ern swamps and sand dunes of Florida, collecting laboratory and classroom materials for the department of botany. * * * * Dean G. W. Gore, Jr., of Tennessee State College, Nashville, delivered the commencement address of Rosenwald Consolidated Academy at Manchester, Tenn., Friday March 21. * * * * Perry B. Jackson, member of the executive Council is a member of the Cleveland Bar Association, Cuyahoga County Bar Association; Assistant Grand Legal Advisor Improved, Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World; Legal Advisor Ohio State Association of Elks; Member City Club; Citizens League; Assistsant Superintendent St. John's Sunday School (largest colored Sunday School in the World); former Editor of The Cleveland Call; Member International Order of Twelve, Knights and Daughters of Tabor; Member of Free & Accepted Masons; Knights of Pythias. * * * * Thomas W. Young, former president of Kappa Chapter, Ohio State University, now Managing Editor of the Ohio State Daily Lantern, was chosen this month as one of a group of outstanding student journalists selected by the Journalism Council of his Universi-
fes >oa
Interfrat :\
Council's Accomplishmen(s lat ica At the close of the first year* work the council has established (1 derly procedure in pledging of or men (no freshmen are to be pled any fraternity until marks are aMifi for his second quarter's work;)<oi established an inter-fraternal baS en league which arranges a sehedh games and pro-rates all the finarwci turns from games among the Jfo pating fraternities. It recently lished a report of the general scVTi average of the four fraternitie^ the official seal of the University t r report showed Omega Psi Phi fit, , pha Phi Alpha second, Kappa Altfe third, and Phi Beta Sigma foure four averages differed within o'!(|u cent. The highest individual recQn( a fraternity member was made ^ j. ther James Richardson whose f\,0( was ninety-five per cent.
S THE months pass our t'1 J •-ties at Howard University £ greater confidence in the Council- p who had at first been critical or ful of its ability to handle the I'1, ' entrusted to it are now grat«,, its establishment; and while i* panacea for all the ills arising inter-fraternal relationship, tbCv men see in it great possibilities f\. " ing a fraternity what it shouK. ir little leaven that leaveneth th« n lump. ('« ih, Sad Truths u Forhans Tooth Paste Ad.—F*1. nl, of five have pyorrhea. My addition—And the fifth ^ • plate. Alpha Phi Alpha Ad—Four "• ,n t itiates have scars. 0 |„ My addition—And the fifth has
Continued from Page 9
to be, the millions which go into ^I'Rro schools are woefully inadejf and sometimes misspent—not to displaced. For there are too many fes, so-called, whose libraries cantoast a copy of The Origin of Spewhile the shelves are sinking be1 the load of twenty-six huge vol°f The Nicene and Post Nicene , J r s " A n c i there are still some, for ^ e observed, whose biology laboraI are devoid of running water. On l<*f such facts, the better of our ' l s . the more advanced,—those, in jP> that are supplied with The OriV Species, running water, and the ' »ese are in many instances overits. d. Furthermore, the superior Cal training of the northern schools ar' I to be denied. Whether it is be1 " r better facilities, better Facullf o r improved methods is beside the ,(1 The fact is that the outstanding a*'he schools of the country are in ;)forth. It i s generally known that liv *j, t u r r ' c u l a a n c l conveniences f o r relC J 8 r e ° f hi Kher standards. This is [iiiii-nnt, since leadership now, as nev' " ' e , insists upon scientific methti> ^^TVaining i„
" R e a l College"
,( .Sl<'ms conservative then to recomm i t t i n g i n a "real college" of the \\Ut ° e v e r y Negro who can possi,ur e n d - H e w i l 1 thus assure himself of. m o s t recent advantages of mod d reC' Ucational theory, as well as afe hon7e m o r e opening in a good Negro for the ambitious boy or girl who or „ •lot ni, . .his . southern cannot, desert Th re are, of course, other rea» - — f «*< l'KI.^1 . Willi I I » 11 I ( v'uch might be said, for instance, y P mutual need of interracial rela,cilJ Ps on the broader social levels, or of I ) r e s tige, and-so-forth, that goes e e tTom Yale or a '"v Wellesley. at *tn P e c o u l d De no purpose in trying ML s t t n i s extensive subject here, nff,* t h a n trying to make wholesale ""u,l ' 0 n o f w h a t Negroes ought y s * f - uch details are left for the , „ # and odd active chapters of the
t"V Uro
aS P a , t of t h e i r w o r k in t h e
r . - T o - H i g h School, Go-To-Colmpaign - It is needless to say tlT * success of the campaign deJA\ L t h e '"dividual efforts of the
Final,y H mUSt be ^W'tt'T ' so funda«)l a movement ltlat
h % ^
ruistic as this, may be sub
fsm° r v d l ° U l e b e c a u s e o f i t s onarv oi dies programs, 6asily °|)m' nUr<! t de
bur,esa ued
like Their
Pends upon the sincerity
and preciseness, as well as ability, of the participants. If our Fraternity has any real purposeful reason for existence, it is, above all, our Educational Movement. Therefore let us go into the campaign whole-heartedly—if not for the altruistic cause of Humanity and Race, at least for the very real motive of duty and devotion to Alpha Phi Alpha.
IVhat Price Continued from Page 5 Can't Play In Band
PagE 33 larly Knoxville, and Fisk, or to Ohio State University, Wilberforce, and Howard. Marquette University (Milwaukee, Wisconsin:) "One man reports that "Negroes are tolerated but not desired."
Expenditures Continued from Page 13 that the available funds for school purposes are too limited to maintain the dual system of schools up to the standard the whites desire for themselves and neither the legal injunctions nor the common justice involved is sufficient to protect the interests of the politically powerless group of Negroes. To this may be added the reason growing out of the feeling on the part of whites in the South, which is entirely too prevalent, that equalization of school funds, equalization of teachers' salaries imply an equality of races which is repugnant to the average southern legislator. The Consequences
HE band is closed to Negroes, they have no voice in the interfraternity council, but their fraternities must abide by its rules. (It is to be noted that Alpha Kappa Alpha at one time ranked third and Alpha Phi Alpha second in scholarship rating at this school). It is also reported in the R. O. T. C. Negroes cannot take the last two years in military training. It is also reported that at times discrimination has been practised in the University Auditorium. Our students > ECAUSE of this inequitable distribu1 are barred from the Glee Club and Chotion of funds the Negro children rus. must suffer short terms poorly paid anil Pittsburgh State Teachers College poorly trained teachers, lack of properly (Kansas:) Discrimination in Department arranged school buildings and inadeof Home Economics, Girls denied use of quate equipment. swimming pool, boys allowed to use it The effect, too, is extended to the inonce only per week, denied teacher prac- stitutions of higher learning. In North Carolina alone, do Negroes have more tise in primary grades (city). State Agricultural College, Emporia, than one state institution for higher Kansas: Discrimination in Department of learning. In the other states all branche.of higher training are taught at one inHome Economics. stitution, which is almost impossible. The college in Hayes, Kansas, is not atThis situation can be alleviated only tended by Negroes for the reason that through a change of attitude on the part Negroes are given to understand when they come to Hayes they must "pass of southern legislators, organization of right on through." In other words, the Negro teachers and principals, and in people of the town of Hayes prevent Ne- influx of highly trained Negroes who are able to collect and interpret the facts a:= groes from getting near the college. University of Michigan: "In a few they are and use them in the effort to cases students have not been given their portray conditions as they are. With proper alphabetical seating order in a this, however, the most potent necessity class room. Cases that do not violate is a larger participation on the part ol Negroes in the government of the states, this are not known supposedly to the through the exercises of the franchise. heads of the particular department, but are practised by individual professors." Wittenburg (Oho): Prevented from participation in athletics. University of Cincinnati (Ohio): Continued from Page 4 Barred, according to the reports, from effort ever put forth by any group oT medicine and engineering. Colored girls Negroes of college grade. It thoroughnot permitted to go in with regular ly proved itself during the first year "gym" classes, they must have a separate hour. One man reports, "While the of its existence. Finally, Alpha Phi Alpha is what it i* discrimination and prejudice is greatly over-rated, the forms that are prac- because of what it does. The greater tised have had the effect of CAUSING our educational campaign becomes, the A LARGE NUMBER of COLORED higher will Alpha Phi Alpha rise. Let STUDENTS, locally situated, TO GO TO every member govern himself accordCOLLEGES OF THE SOUTH, particu- ingly.
Ed. Activities
Page 34
Educational Urge Continued from Page 6 the mutual regard for the rights of others. Open miindedness, tolerance and sympathy are elements quite characteristic of the educated mind. Education seeks to lift men's thoughts out of the monotony and drudgery which are the common lot; to free the mind from servitude and herd opinion. Education gives trained habits of judgement and appreciation of values; it gives courage for carrying on the struggle for human excellence; it tempers passion with wisdom; disspells prejudices by better knowledge and fortifies one against propaganda and contemptuous leadership. Heywood Broun says, "Education is nothing if it gives a man anything less than the opportunity to choose for himself the things he will believe." Let the membership pha think seriously on continue the urge for day and for the peace our posterity.
of Alpha Phi Althese things and the good of our and happiness of
Fratern ity Fun Continued from Page 20 BEDTIME STORY FOR LITTLE ALPHA PHI ALPHA PROSPECTS And the Big Wolf Rushing Team took the little Sphinxie Clubite into a great big room and said "Sphinxie, Apollo on Mt. Etena sent thee this ambrosia." And little Sphinxie said "T'anks," drinking the ambrosia with great gusto. Then the Big Wolf seated Sphinxie on soft cushioned divans, annointed him all over with poultry plumages and sweet ungents from Lake Trinidad. Then they all knelt down before Vulcan and presented Sphinxie to the god of heat (personally generated). And after soft intonations and long chantings they led Sphinxie to a great banquet hall where he was the lion (cub) of the hour. Being called upon for a speech, Sphinxie was overcome with emotion and in the words of Nathan Hale said, "I regret I have but one anatomical offering to give to my fraternity." And little future Alpha kiddies run along to bed and in the next issue Uncle O. W. W. will tell you the story of Little Red Riding Hood being votsd on at a Sorority Meeting. Cheerio! O. WILSON WINTERS.
Comment On The Sphinx ^ The Convention number of THE SPHINX is worth all the effort you put into it. I am hoping that you will be able to keep up the high standard you have set for yourself. G. A. STEWART, Kappa Chapter
your first issue of THE SPHINX. I believe you are going to make iPr what it can and should be. I shal' * forward to this magazine with mu'" terest. M. W. CONNOR, Delta Lambda
Permit me to congratulate you upon t h e m e c h a n i c a l makeup of THE SPHINX. It certainly reflects credit upon the editors and contributors. GEORGE A. SINGLETON, Paducah, Ky.
yo Let me congratulate you on t h ^ issue of THE SPHINX. It is rec^ nl praise from every source here at H<ga! University. We are all pleased w'ihj Keep up the good work. , ft IVAN EARLE TAYL Beta
I have read the Convention Issue of THE SPHINX with great interest. It is beyond all question the finest publication we have ever had. A. MAURICE MOORE, JR., Eta I wish to congratulate you on the first issue. It is good. Having had to do with the creation of THE SPHINX, and having served as its first Editor, you can see that it is only natural that I should be deeply interested in our official organ. RAYMOND W. CANNON, Educational Director I have seen an edition of the February SPHINX and I am voicing the opinion of the Brothers here in Gamma when I say that you and your colleagues are to be comsmended. RICHARD H. COOK, JR., Gamma The first number of volume sixteen of THE SPHINX belongs beside Brother Wesley's "History of Alpha Phi Alpha" in the permanent records of every chapter in Alpha Phi Alpha. Omicron congratulates you and your staff upon the great contribution to a new Alpha Phi Alpha. WALTER F. TALBOT, President I want to congiatulate you upon your first issue of THE SPHINX. It was splendid. THEODORE M. BERRY, Alpha Alpha The Convention Number of our official journal, edited by you, shows very clearly that THE SPHINX is destined to lead all fraternal journals, both white and colored. A. P. TUREAUD, Sigma Lambda Please accept my congratulations upon
I have received the Convention b ber of THE SPHINX and I am tffar this letter to congratulate you on tl oi cellent issue which you have turneJd I. MAX MARTINPsi
Accept my congratulation for you lai very splendid issue. EDWARD W. BROWJ8 i Alpha Zeta Lambda *hl LN Congratulations to you on the r:<(' and progressive change in the ( * SPHINX. O. WILSON WINTERS, I). Rho . ias I wish to congratulate you upo-,r very splendid Convention Edition. PERCIVAL R. PIPEB General Treasurer
I think that the Convention NÂŤst of THE SPHINX is the best thing has ever come out of the Fraternit wish to extend my hearty congratulu to you for this wonderful start, and Va sure you are going to make it better a better. ^, GUSTAVE AUZENNE, Rho
I have read every bit of THE SI'H'l,, Please accept my compliments for tl efforts. It is indeed something tin proud of. I am sure that in the f 4 r the Brothers will look foiward to th'O pearance of THE SPHINX just as look forward to some of the popular f azines. W. WARWICK C A l M c Third Vice President pe
Your initial endeavor w i t h ' ' > SPHINX has been extremely gratifr I have read it from cover to cover af(i pleased to find it biilliantly edited, ÂŤ>'
THE SPHINX printed, and ingeniously conceived -ry respect. ROLAND JOHNSON, Eta if*- February SPHINX was an elabo{[l executed piece of work, capably
JS. LLOYD CORBIN, ALVIN P. HALL, Phi. you continue putting out works of ch as this first issue was, I will ^nly look forward with a great deal ?asure to leceiving what to me is "-hing worth while in our Alpha Phi a progress. A. PATTERSON, Beta u
All we of Iota Lambda can say is, the new SPHINX is great. Keep it up. We are all proud of it. HURLBUT T. RILEY, Indianapolis, Ind. Alpha Omicron wishes to commend the Editor of THE SPHINX for the distinctive issue that was presented to the public last month. We feel that the faith shown in our new editor at his selection has been requited. A. J. CLEMENT, JR., Alpha Omicron That was a mighty good job you made on your first issue of THE SPHINX. That is what the gang here in Baltimore think of it. H. H. MURPHY, Delta Lambda
latest SPHINX is as decidedly «'and shoulders above the rest of the •) of fraternal organs as its time^°- namesake is above the d e s e r t I*. THOMAS W. YOUNG, Kappa lave received many favorable com]P that belong to you because of the showing of the first issue of THE NX this year. In all cases I have •iv<\ these Brothers that the end is not ' *°u have made a good start. B. ANDREW ROSE, M. D., General President " a s e accept my heartiest congratufS on your splendid first issue as P of THE SPHINX. | RAYFORD W. LOGAN, Gamma * recent edition of THE SPHINX is rterpfece. Keep up the good work. J. ELBERT PETTRESS, Chi an
t to congratulate you on the last V* THE SPHINX. It was one of s * I have ever seen. ' ^ C H A R D L. BALTIMORE, JR., tta • you have certainly come across r J" Koods ! And this is just the beE]' ^ ^ e K e n e r a l appearance, arIX'V11' a n d s u b J ' e c t matter of THE 1 NX are a delight to behold. J i E W E L H. A. CALLIS, M. D., Tuskegee, Ala. Per b r u a r y S P H I N X is a real and f lQdical, one that is worthy of this pha p h i Alpha Fraternity. May fcr v j ou my heartiest congratulations? WILLIAM W. STEWART, Alpha Xi Lambda
Chi Chapter extends the heartiest cong r a t u l a t i o n s to the staff of THE SPHINX. That the convention number is an issue of which to be proud has been evinced by the conspicuous manner in which the brothers have been carrying the maroon and blue covered pages along the corridors of old Mehariy. Gentlemen, you have set for yourselves and for us a precedent of which to be proud. JOHN C. COLEMAN, Chi We are loud in our praise of the first issue of THE SPHINX as a result of the labors of our Editor-in-Chief. We feel that with the proper support of the editorial staff and each c h a p t e r THE SPHINX will take its rightful place among college fraternal publications. W. W. GOENS, M. D., Alpha Zeta Lambda The chapter takes this means to extend to the Editor of THE SPHINX its congratulations on the excellent first number of our publication that came under his direction. J. 0. HOPSON, Alpha Kappa Lambda The Brothers were unanimous in their unstinted praise of the initial journalistic achievement of Brother P. Bernard Young, Jr., as Editor of THE SPHINX. They regard the Convention Number of the SPHINX as transcendent. GEORGE W. GORE, JR., Tau Lambda The February issue of THE SPHINX is certainly a noteworthy one. . . Please let me congratulate you as you start your work. DAVID D. JONES, Pres. Bennett College, Greensboro, N. C.
Page 35 Each Brother at West Virginia State College wishes me to express to our new Editor of THE SPHINX sincerest congratulations upon the start he has made. We are unanimously agreed that it takes off all the colors. CHARLES W. CRANFORD, Alpha Zeta Nu Lambda Chapter wishes to tender its congratulations to the new SPHINX Editor and his staff for the excellent first issue of our " F r a t " organ. ROBERT T. CUSTIS The Brothers of Pi wish to congratulate the Editor and members of THE SPHINX staff on the very successful, picturesque, complete, and attractive edition of our periodical. It indeed shows hard work from the members of this so-well organized staff. MAURICE F. GLEASON, Pi Epsilon extends to our new Editor-inChief and his staff the heartiest congratulations. We have nothing but praise for the last issue of THE SPHINX. Great! Keep up the work so well begun. This chapter wishes to congratulate the Editor-in-Chief upon his initial publication of THE SPHINX. We vote it to be a great success. HAROLD MORRISON, Omicron Allow me to congratulate you upon your first issue of THE SPHINX. I t compares favorably with the leading magazines of the country, and I am sure that with cooperation from the Brothers it will rapidly assume a place of leadership in the journalistic field. PERRY B. JACKSON, Member Ex. Council I feet that THE SPHINX is well on the road to be the finest Negro magazine published. JAMES D. PARKS, Art Editor THE SPHINX looked splendid and I am sure that you will justify all of the high expectations that the Fraternity has for an official organ superior to anything that it has produced before. OSCAR C. BROWN, Theta Your first edition is a marvel of beauty, artistic design, a rangement, and information. It reflects great credit upon you and your helpers, the printers, and all who had a hand in its production. CHARLES H. BOYER, Phi Lambda
Page 36
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Medals Fraternity Jewelry Badges Cups Memorial Tablets Rings Emblem Insignia Trophies Favors Athletic Figures Medallions Programs Door Plates Plaques Stationery SOLE OFFICIAL JEWELERS TO ALPHA PHI ALPHA
Being A W E L L - R E A D MAN is an indication of ^ C U L T U R E and E D U C A T I O N really quite unlikely that one is truly WE LL-read unless he is a weekly reader of the IT ISmost-quoted newspaper published by an all-Negro staff of an all-Negro owned company . . that paper, of course, is The Subscription Price: A Year—«2.50 Six Months—. .$1.50 Three Months—$ 1 00
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Official Alpha Phi Alpha Directoryâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Continued (Continued from Inside Cover) A
LAMBDA, Indianapolis, Ind.; P r e s , Dr. Clarence Mills, Crispus Attucks High School; Sec'y., J. Harold Brown.
SIGMA LAMBDA, New Orleans. La.; Edward M. Coleman, 2420 Canal St.; Sec'y. Dr. J. Felton Brown, 1306 S Genois St.
^A LAMBDA, Greensboro, N. C ; Pres., A. W. Ferguson, A. and T. College.
TAU LAMBDA, Nashville, Tenn.; Pres., Calvin McKissack, 1503 Edgehill Ave.; Sec'y, J. R. Anderson, 1027 18th Ave. North.
LAMBDA, Washington, D. C : Pres., James N. Saunders, 1526 First St. N. W.; Sec'y.. Frank W. Adams, 52 Quincy. Pi., N. W.
LFSILON LAMBDA, Jacksonville, Fla.; Pres., Dr. R. W. Butler. 627 Davis St.; Sec'y., L. A. McGee, Edw. Waters College.
LAMBDA, Va. State College. Petersburg, v a.; Pres., L. Derbigny; Sec'y., J. M. Ellison.
PHI LAMBDA, Raleigh, N. C ; Pres., H. L. Trigg. 117 E. South St.; Sec'y., C. H. Boyer, St. Augustine's College.
LAMBDA, Chicago, 111.; Pres., William H - Benson, 3507 South Parkway; Sec'y., Mason W. Fields, 6526 Eberhart Ave.
CHI LAMBDA. Wilberforce, Ohio; Pres., J. Aubrey Lane; Sec'y., T. C. Carter.
ftON LAMBDA, Birmingham, Ala.; " e s . , G. w . Reeves, Miles Memorial College; Sec'y., Peter R. Shy.
LAMBDA, Little Rock, Ark.; Pres., M. R - Perry, 904 Broadway St.; Sec'y., c - Franklin Brown, 1019 Cross St. 5
LAMBDA. Buffalo, N. Y.; Pres., M. S. , Stewart, 137 William St.; Sec'y., O. , H. Brown, 166 Goodall St.
PSI LAMBDA. Chattanooga, Tenn.; Pres., W. B. Davis, 124V4 E. 9th St.; Sec'y., L. L. Patton, 425% E. 9th St. ALPHA ALPHA LAMBDA, Newark, N. J.; Pres., T. D. Williams, 207 Bloomfleld Ave.. Montclair, N. J.; Sec'y., Lawrence Willette, 137 Stephens St., Bellville, N. J. ALPHA BETA LAMBDA, Lexington. Ky.; Pres., Dr. H. A. Merchant, 128 Deweese St.; Sec'y., Dr. W. H. Ballard, Jr., 128 W. 6th St.
ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA, New York City; Pres.. L. R. Middleton, 201 W. 120th St. ALPHA EPSILON LAMBDA, Jackson. Miss.; Sec'y.., T. W. Harvey, Jackson, College. ALPHA ZETA LAMBDA, Bluefield, W. Va.; Pres.. J. C. Kingslow, 421 Scott St., Sec 'j'., Edward W. Brown, Box 546, Kimball. W. Va. ALPHA ETA LAMBDA, Houston, Tex.; Pres. John W. Davis, 419 % Milan St.; Sec'y., R.B. Atwood, Prarie View, Tex. ALPHA THETA. Somerville, N. J.: Pres., George Hoffman. 84 Second St. ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA, Roanoke, Va.; Pres.. Ellwood D. Downing, Brooks Bldg.; Rec. Sec'y George A. Moore. ALPHA IOTA LAMBDA, Charleston, W. Va. ALPHA OMICRON LAMBDA, Pittsburgh Pa.; Pres.. Frederick D. Hawkins; Sec'y., Wilbur C. Douglass, 518 Fourth Ave. ALPHA XI LAMBDA. Toledo, Ohio; Pres., Ivan McLeod. 1150 Nicholas Bldg.; Sec. Herbert T. Miller. ALPHA PI LAMBDA. Cleveland, Ohio; Pres., Robert Brooks. 2168 E. 90th St.; Sec'y, Addison Spencer, 2190 E. 85th St.