The SPHINX | Fall October 1930 | Volume 17 | Number 3 193101703

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Official Alpha Phi Alpha Directory Officers EW ROSE, 402 S. >tiytdn, Ohio. First

ARLES W. GREENE, 304 Griffin St., N. W., Atlanta, Ga.


resident, ROBERT P. DANUnion University, Rich-


Vice-President, WILLIAM WARRICK CARDOZO, Box 3084, Ohio State University Station, Columbus, Ohio.

Secretary, JOS, H. B. EVANS, 101 S St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Treasurer, PERCIVAL R. PIPER, 18032 WexAve., Detroit, Mich. SPHINX Editor, P. BERNARD YOUNG, Jr., Olney Road, Norfolk, Va.


Director of Education, RAYMOND W. CAl NON, 3400 Oakland Ave., Minuet] Executive



ad, Ohio; WILLIAM S. I " DOLPH. 2168 E. 90th St., C Ohio; and MYLES A. PAIGE, e., New York, N. Y.

'sses of el * UPSILON, University of Kansas. Lawrence, ALPHA KAPPA, Springfield, Mass. (AJ w are t h e same, tin in only one; Instance.) !'. Jones, 1101 mouth Cci 1 St.; Cor. Sec'y, Bertram ALPHA, Cornell University, Ithaca. N. Y.; Williams Colic Sec'y., W. L. Thomas, 504 S. Plain Id College; Sei EETA LAMBDA, Kansas City, Mo.; Pres, Robinson, Box 10, Sprl 2206 Brooklyn Ave.; BETA, Howard University, Washington, D. lege. Cor. I E. Carroll, 1213 Garfield .... Edgar D. Saunders, 1917 ALPHA MU CHAPTER, Northwester id St., N. W.; Cor. Sec'y, Warner Ave. L. Collins. verslty, Evan: o* 1317 Emerson St ' y. MPHI. is, Ohio; Pres., GAMMA, Virginia Union University, RichW. C. Pyant, Emerson Street, nd, Va.; Pres., Allen K. Robinson; Charles H. < 47 Franklin Sec'y, Curtis A. Crocker. C. A. ALPHA NU, Drake University, Des M ^ H CHI, Meharry Mei Nashville, DELTA, Montreal, Canada, Inactive. Iowa: Pres., a.; Pres.. George R. Dockery, 15 EPSILON, University of Michigan, Ann ArMulberry St. ill St.; Cor. Sec'y, M. Cann. Mich.; Pres., Homer C. Stevens, tiiHH E. Huron St.; Sec'y., Walter D. ALPHA IOTA, Denver, Colo.; Pres GAMMA LAMBDA, Detroit, Mich.; Pre3., Hlnes. Waller, 2606 Gilpin St.; Secy C. Henri Lewis, 6190 Iroquois Ave.; Sec'y., Grover D. Lange, 1700 St. AnWilliam Fountain, 1217 Ga' ZETA, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; toine St. Pres., Dr. R. S. Fleming, 216 Dwight ALPHA OMICRON, Johnson C. Si St.; Sec'y., 100 Dlpwell Ave. verslty, Charlotte, N. C ; P j f ' j ^ M EPSILON LAMBDA, St. Louis, Mo.; Pres., iierford; Cor. Sec'y, J. D S. E. Garner, 11 N. Jefferson; Cor. ETA City College, Columbia Sec'y., S. R. Redmond. New York University, MU LAMBDA, Washington, D. Sec'y., Jesse Cas- DELTA LAMBDA, Baltimore, Md., Pres., Roy vis K. Downing, 149 W ia w . 131 s t . v, Harry McAlpin. S. Bond, 1517 Druid Hill Ave.; Cor. Sec'y, William I. Gibson, 260 RobRoad, N. W. THETA. Chicago, 111.; Pres., Sidney A. ert St. •>ee, 5338 Michigan Ave.; Sec'y., L. NU LAMBDA, Va. State C J. Connor, 4805 Champlain Ave. Pres., John L. L a PSI, University of Pennsylvania, PhiladelIOTA, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N phia, Pa.; Pres., J. Gordon Baugh, Doxey A. Wllkers. «., Wm. S. Odom, 307 Forman Ave. 6 N. 42nd St. KAPPA LAMBDA, Greensbc KAPPA, Ohio State University, Columbus, Dr. B. \\ ETA LAMBDA, Atlanta, Ga.; Pres., F. B. Ohio; Pres. Herman Harrison, East Washington, 239 Auburn Ave., N. E.; b Ave. nr. Summit St.; Sec'y., Sec'y, C. W. Wash> ) Auburn McKlnley Taylor, 155 N. Monroe St. ALPHA XI, Marquette Unlvi Ave,, N. E. ALPHA LAMBDA kee, Wis. ouisville, Ky.; Pres., J. A. C ALPHA ALPHA, Cincinnati, Ohio; Pres., R. e. 1502 W. Walnut St.; ALPHA PI, Atlanta University, A: Sec'y. Lee P. McCJain, 912 W. 7th St.; Sec'y., Brown, 1012 W. ChestPres.. J. G. Lemon; Secy., " .Street. W. C. Weatherly, 916 W. Court St. 164 Chestnut St„ B ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA, New York City; ZETA LAMBDA, Norfolk, Va.; Pres., Dr. L. ALPHA RHO, Morehouse CollegPres., Dr. Luclen M. Brown, 2460 SevA, Fowlkes, 2510 Jefferson Ave., NewPres., W. Edgar Harrison, &» th Ave.; Sec'y, Dr. Robert S. White, t News, Va.; Sec'y., A. D. ManJr., 142 W. 140th St., Apt. 1-M. ning, 555 T w e n t y - M t h St., Newport James A. Colston. News, Va. MU, St. Paul. Minn.; Pres., John R, LawXI LAMBDA. Chicago, 111.; Pres., Wj j.i6 St. Anthony Ave.; Sec'y., H. Benson. 3507 8 o u t * £ f ^ M ALPHA BETA, Talladega College, Talladega, .1 W. Moseley, 1316 S. E. 4th Ave., Sec'y., Mason W. Fields, 65. Ala.; Pres., Raymond Pitts; Sec'y., :capolis, Minn. hart Ave. Willis N. Pitts, Jr. TgAf NU, Lincoln University, Pa.; Pres., E. Max- ALPHA GAMMA, Providence, R. I.; Pres., SIGMA LAMBDA, New Orleans, he... Id Smith (Summer address, 75 St. Joseph G. LeCount, 19 College St.; ward M.. Coleman, 2420 Canal uolas Place, New York City); Cor. Sec'y., Aubrey Drake. Sec'y, Dr. J. Felton Brown, """j v, C. E. Shelton (Summer address Genois St. ALPHA DELTA, Los Angeles, Cftl.i Pres., Box 1083, Welch, W. Va.). Calvin Edwards, 1303 E. 28th Street; ALPHA TAU, Akron, Ohio; Pres , XI, Wilberforce University. Wilberforce, Sec'y, Hugh Beaty, 1523 E. 45th St. i;s, 721 Euclid; Ave.; Sec J lo; Pres., Langston Butcher; Sec'y., Des A. Irving. THETA LAMBDA, Dayton, Ohio; Pres., C. Black, 429 Windsor Street. jjh W. Flndlay, 45 Leroy St.; Cor OM11 rgh, Pa.; Pres., Walter R. UPSILON LAMBDA, Jacksonville, y., Earl P. Taylor, 504 S. Summit nette St.; Sec'y., Pres., Dr. R. W. Butler, 62'. St, Bridges, 627 chaunccy St. ALPHA ZETA, West Virginia State College, ALPHA SIGMA. Wiley College. PI, Cleveland, Ohio; Western Reserve Unl. B. Cavil; Sec y, vInstitute, W. Va.; Pres., Chester ;ty, Case School of Applied Science, Francis; Cor. Sec'y, Claude Amis. ) Caroll University, Cleveland ColDaniels. lege, Oberlln College; Pres., Roosevelt OMICRON LAMBDA, Birmingham. ALPHA EPSILON, Oakland, Cal.; Pres., J o S. Dickey, 9816 Cedar Ave.; Sec'y., Creed '144 E. 21st St.; Sec'y., R. Shy. F. Ward, 4113 Cedar Ave, Clay M. Wilson, 1128 Eighth St. RHO LAMBDA, Buffalo, N. Y.; Pres., U- Q[ Pres., George Lyle ALPHA THETA, University of Iowa, Iowa Stewart. 137 William St.; S< St.; Cor. Sec'y., Dr. O : Pres., R. L. Barrett, 230 S. H. Brown, 166 Goodall St, 15 Curren Arcade, Capitol St.; Sec'y., Dudley C. Black, ALPHA ALPHA LAMBDA, N e w a r k ? own, Pa. 222 S. E. 2nd St., Des Moines, Iowa. Pit William Knox; IOTA LAMBDA, Indianapolis, Ind.; Pres., St., Madison, N. J.; Si .a Gosnell, 47 Ba' Dr. Mills, Crispus , n s St., B< J Attl .ec'y, W. N. TAU. ilnois, Champaign, ford Davis, 924 N. West 8tr< AMBDA, Little Rock, A) Pres., Booker Blackwell, 602 E. Booker, Mos . i A ETA, (Continued on Inside Back Coven

速lp> g>taff Vol. 17


719 East Olney Road, Norfolk,





New York



Baltimore, Md. G. A. STEWART


Pittsburgh, WILLIAM I.


Wilberforce University WUberforce, Ohio



SIS N. Eutaw St., Baltimore,







Jefferson City, Mo.










Editorially Speaking Yardsticks of Chapter Growth What About Haiti? The Alpha Hall of Fame Alpha Welcomes Cupid's Corner Have We Missed The Point? David D. Jones Fraternity Fun Alpha Psi Chapter Photo The Social Fraternity Beta Alpha Chapter Photo They All Graduate A Virgin Field of Activity Alpha Omicron Lambda Photo Tau Chapter Photo General Officers and Sphinx Staff Photo Theta Lambda Chapter Photo Alpha Upsilon Chapter Photo Beta Delta Chapter Photo Upsilon Chapter Photo Alpha Gamma Lambda Photo Alpha Theta Chapter Photo Tau Lambda Chapter Photo Alpha Beta Chapter Photo Zeta Lambda Chapter Photo Significant Alpha News A Political Achievement A Victory In Epic Tradition An Appreciation To Study In Europe Helping America's Youth Photo of Officers In Pittsburgh Educational Director's Message Alpha Zeta Chapter Photo We Doff Our Hat An Open Letter The Sphinx Speaks, Chapter News

Allen University Columbia, S. C.



Number 3

In This Issue


June, 1931

3 4 5 6 6 26 8 8 9 9 10 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 30 24 24 25 25 26 30 27 28 34

Pictorial Number Cover by W. A. Johnson, Jr.


Troy, N. Y.




Harvard University Cambridge, Mass.

Official Organ of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Published in February, April, June, October, and December at 719 East Olney Road, Norfolk, Va. Subscription Price




Chicago, III.

One dollar and fifty cents per year

Entered as second class matter, March 3, 1930, at the Post Office In Norfolk, Va., under the Act of March 3, 1879, and accepted for mailing at the second class rates of postage.

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LL MEMBERS of the editorial staff, all chapter editors, and all brothers who have contributions to be published in The Sphinx please observe the following deadlines for the various issues of the year: Convention (February) Number Educational (April) Number Pictorial (June) Number Commencement (October) Number Pre-Convention (December) Number

January 12th March 14th May 1st September 19th November 28th

A deadline is absolutely essential. Observe it by getting your copy in before the indicated dates—certainly not later than the time stated above. Clip this list of deadlines and keep it for reference. Do not wait hereafter for a direct communication from The Sphinx before preparing your reports and articles. THE ALPHA HALL OF FAME Who is the most outstanding brother at the seat of your chapter? Which one best represents the ideal Alpha man? Which one contributes most to the progress of our fraternity and to his community? Which one is doing the most constructive work? Which has vision, ambition, courage, perseverance, ability above the ordinary, perhaps distinct genius? Decide these questions at your own chapter by some acceptable manner and nominate for the Alpha Hall of Fame to be conducted in The Sphinx, the brother in your locality who, in the collective opinion of your chapter, most deserves a place in the Alpha Hall of Fame. Then have your chapter editor, or other competent brother, write a pointed, brief, but complete account of the achievements of the b r o t h e r chosen a n d send this article to The Sphinx along with a photograph or cut of the l u c k y brother. When a photograph is sent accompany it with $4.04 to cover the cost of making the cut. Act now! The nominations will be used in the order in which they are received. Don't delay!


MASSACHUSETTS Manufacturers of

Badges Fraternity Jewelry Medals £mgs Memorial Tablets Cups £avors Emblem Insignia Trophies Programs Athletic Figures Medallions stationery Door Plates Plaques SOLE OFFICIAL JEWELERS TO ALPHA PHI ALPHA


Page 3

Editorially Speaking— pORTRAIT of an editor talking to himself: The Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College Camp a i g n lust have reached a near highwater mark this year r -all those glowing reports reaching here of ex'e'i«ive and intensive programs. Which is an eviience of what Alpha Spirit really is . . . as long as •ny program is fostered by the fraternity, back it 0 the limit. It is no secret that some brothers look iskance at our educational activities, regard it as an unnecessary adjunct of the organization. Whether 'hey are right or wrong is another, and debatable, natter. Congratulations to Brother Cannon and p r y o n e who directly or indirectly aided! June brings commencement time . . . as usual Mothers will be among the honor graduates . . . vnich is good, the fraternity believing in the personal progress of its members, among other things. December will bring convention time . . . twentyVe years old. A quarter century is spanned. Alpha 5 »as cause to point with pride . . . but it won't hurt I view with alarm occasionally. The fraternity that f°t perfect in twenty-five years isn't on the books. complacency leads to stagnation. And every brothr who can possibly do so should be there to help ! Observe a notable anniversary . . . Celebrate in -mcinnati! Or is that the slogan? We cleaved •oser in Cleveland, we achieved in Atlanta, and for f e * e °f me I can't remember what we, according P the slogan, did in Philadelphia, but it was plenty. By several notices in The Sphinx and by letter, apters and others having pictures, news, and Pedal articles for the June Sphinx were asked to nake the May 1st deadline. Most of them did, and * r o u n d t h e editor's heart is a warm spot for them. 'Some did not . . . unavoidably, probably. Our files mve ample space for holding over late copy for the pxt issue. Beginning with this issue, no copy Fosses the deadlines, except over our dead body. ^ u m all, editing our official organ has been pleasant hough often really hard work. Brothers have coderated admirably, thereby contributing v e r y £ely to whatever excellence the magazine has maintained. Brother Edward W. Brown, of Alpha Zeta ambda Chapter, writes: "I hope you may never «ase to be editor." And Brother Gustavus A. Steward, of the Sphinx editorial board, footnotes: ; hope the convention will saddle the job on you l°r another two years." Letters like these worry

us. Others to that general effect have been coming in. Only one brother has been critical. We are beginning to fear something is wrong. Don't let your fraternal spirit soften your critical faculties where our magazine is concerned . . . when there are things to be criticized, flay us. Bricks make as interesting copy for an editor as bouquets . . . and give us a line on what articles you have liked most and found most valuable and most relevant to the purposes of the fraternity and the function of The Sphinx. Brother Alphonso Heninburg, who was interpreter for the Moton Commission to Haiti, in a note sent with his article published in this issue, writes: "If you feel that various questions touching life and conditions in Haiti merit further discussion in the columns of The Sphinx, it is proposed that two other Alpha men (Brothers G. Lake Imes and W. T. B. Williams) who accompanied the Commission contribute further articles. The writer of the present article will be glad to discuss further aspects of the situation if you so desire, and will be glad to try to answer any questions on the subject that the readers of The Sphinx might care to ask." The other articles are welcomed and questions are in order. And Brother Dr. Charles S. Johnson, formerly editor of Opportunity, now research professor at Fisk University, will write an article for The Sphinx based on his observations in Liberia while there as a member of the International Commission which investigated conditions of slavery in the African republic . . . if his many duties allow him time to. Right now he is studying Negro housing as a member of Hoover's Housing Commission. Then Brother E. Franklin Frazier, founder of the Atlanta School of Social Work, now a member of Fisk's faculty, will contribute to the next issue . . . probably an article on the fraternity as a social force . . . two articles which ought to make our next issue an advance "sell-out."

We admit that this is not something that the rules will admit as an editorial. But, somehow, writing an editorial got to be the last thing on the list this issue . . . so we just rambled . . . a little information, a little opinion, and lots of balderdash. Besides, there is something so vastly more interesting on our mind than those heavy thoughts that one lugs out for composing editorials . . . Note: See t Cupid's Corner.

Page 4


Yardsticks of Chapter Growth By DR. B. ANDREW ROSE, General President BRING you greetings from the Executive Council and from the parent body, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; and may I offer my personal congratulations one the attainment to this your twentieth birthday. There are sundry ways of amusing one's self on his natal day. Some resort to eating and drinking—some j u s t drinking. Some take the advice of their physician and submit to a physical examination. If they have lived l o n g enough some make their will. To some more serious-minded folk their birthday is just another day. On the 15th of last month Justice Holmes celebrated his 90th birthday sitting at home tuning in on the radio at times hearing what his friends were saying about him. A few days later another great statesman, Mr. Mellon, had a birthday and he spent it on the job at the Treasury. During the same month I had a birthday and the day was well nigh gone when I realized I was born. Organizations vary in their methods of celebrating their anniversaries as much as do individuals. If it be a commercial organization like a department store they may resort to an anniversary sale Financial organizations may declare dividends, etc. Alpha Lambda Chapter being an organization composed of kindred souls, bound by ties of secrecy, has resorted to the more intimate and fraternal method, that of calling its membership to the banquet table. The first twenty years of a man's life are years of growth and preparation. During these years the mind and body are being prepared for greater responsibilities which are sure to follow. Alpha Lambda Chapter differs from the individual in that twenty years ago it started organized life with a certain degree of maturity to do certain definite tasks. Twenty years of purposeful life ought to show growth in more than one dimension. A chapter that has for twenty years lived up to the ideas and ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha ought to show growth in all four directions, viz,—Length, Breadth, Depth and Height.


ONIGHT you are telling the world that Alpha Lambda Chapter has lived, moved, and haid being for 20 years. But what cares the world for length of days? How long your chapter has existed is of some importance to be sure but of little significance in determining how much you have lived. Philip J. Bailey says, "We live in deeds, not years; in

It's an achievement to be proud of to be a good after-dinner speaker, and Brother President Rose is an unusually good one. Striking a happy medium of wit and wisdom, the eminent national president of our organization invariably shakes banqueteers out of after-dinner lethargy. Few members of our fraternity have given better expression of the aims and deeper aspirations of Alpha Phi Alpha than has Brother Rose on innumerable occasions. In the accompanying article, delivered on April 7, 1931, as an address on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of Alpha Lambda Chapter, our first graduate chapter, Brother Rose has stimulatingly set forth the criteria f»r measuring chapter progress.

thoughts, not breaths; in feelings, not in figures on the dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best." What has it meant to certain men for them to have stood twenty years ago and vowed to promote a more perfect union; to aid and insist upon the progress of the group; to further brotherly love and friendship? What has it profited this community for eleven college men to have secretly pledged twenty years ago to discountenance evil and destroy prejudice? As we measure the life of the chapter in this more serious and intelligent manner we may or may not arrive at a happy birthday celebration. This story is told of a man who went hunting. He had not been in the field long before it began to rain. There was no shelter near so he continued to hunt. Finally he came td a hollow log and he crawled in out of the rain. The rain continued long and, thinking that the pleasure of hunting had been spoiled for the day, he decided to go home. On his attempt to crawl out he found himself held fast—the moisture from his clothing aided by the rain on the outside had caused the log to swell, he called for help—no help came. Not knowing what the end might be he began to think back through the years of his life. He thought quickly of the

good deeds he had done and then he «*1 confronted by legions of his evil dee J As he thought of his sins of omission ai^ commission he was actually ashamed his life, he felt so small that he tum» over, crawled out of the log and we» home, determined to begin life a n e j We hope Alpha Lambda Chapter w" have no such feeling. It is not unusual to find a chaptf which has, during a long life, been nancial but dormant in so far as real ac tive fraternal life goes. A most s t r i k e illustration of the measure of W e terms of length and action is afforded^ the life of Christ vs. Methuselah. latter lived a long, narrow, uneven" ^ life, leaving nothing to his credit D" championship of long livers. Christ « lived but 1-30 as long as Methusela"lived much and touched so many P n a S l of life that his life grows greater ^ the ages. Scientists tell us that the life hist°r? of a tree may be read in its stump. EaC ring represents a year and tells its storj^ If the ring is broad and symmetrical' denotes conditions favorable to Sr0^ and production during that year. ^ ring is narrow and compact it den"te drought and hardship. Thus the nnP not only tell how long the tree lived i>° how much it lived. I have a financial list of all chapt erS in my office. From that list I can in t e J pret eras of hardship and eras of P r " perity in the lives of many brother-^ Some for many years have lived i" state of continuous drought—right he in Kentucky. ORE important than the length °^ - days of a chapter is the ?'™'flf"'l?e the life of that chapter. One half * total sum of the chest-measure of membership of Alpha Lambda will n determine its breadth. You number your ranks some of the best-train^ minds of this city, a city of large P°P t lation where leadership is needed. " is the range of their interest as a g1-0,0" in your city and state? Does your ' tellectual life illuminate and clarify * social and political life of your commu ity? Does your sympathy for the W? being of humanity during these t r V l t \ times extend beyond the family d*™ Just how broad is your vision? For more than ten years Alpha phi to Alpha has been definitely committed CO"' the task of encouraging" youth to b(>ys tinue their education. How many Continued on Page 12

• .

Page 5


What About Haiti f EGINNING with the occupation of Haiti by American marines, it is ioubtful if any other country of equal size las received so much attention from the press of the United States as has that island republic. All of us are now perhaps sufficiently recovered from the nightmare )f the World War to admit that there were some naval advantages to be had in >ecupying this small country; that Cape Haitian does possess a wonderful natural harbor, and that it might have been i disconcerting blow to democracy had Germany been allowed to perfect cer:ain treaties with the Haitian government. So, under mild protest from more ;han one La tin-American country, and with the Negro press foretelling certain lisaster for any dark people who allowed themselves to be befriended by American Democracy, the marines narched in. The bulk of the Haitian people, some 2,000,000 peasants living in more or less solated mountain homes, probably did lot know just what was happening to ;hem. Residents of Port-au-Prince, the capital, recovering slowly from the •vents culminating in the butchering of President Sam, saw their loan transferred to the National City Bank of Mew York, watched the coming of those stalwart soldiers from the land which had so vigorously and effectively pro:ested against "Taxation without representation," and settled down to await the coming of peace and prosperity. It is :rue that not all were so sanguine, for many had heard rumors of the Americans dislike for people of color, but the greater part of the populace, encouriged by long and frequent jail sentences mposed on the more belligerent of their brothers, were apparently satisfied to luietly watch the turn of events. Some historians are as yet uncertain >s to the number of revolutions and ninor rebellions staged in Haiti during :he period from the death of Henri ^hristophe down to the advent of the narines. It is generally conceded that ;hese internal disturbances were far too "requent for the good of the republic. But the significant thing in the minds of iiany Haitians was the fact that these 'evolutions represented their own probems as a nation, of which they might eel either proud, ashamed or indifferent. lepending upon the outcome. As has )ften been true in the case of other Mew World republics, the casualties were lever as many as a casual reading of

By ALPHONSE HENINBURG, Alpha Nu Lambda Interpreter for the Moton Commission to Haiti

Brother Alphonse Heninburg, who contributes the (Article on Haiti in this issue of The Sphinx, is a member of Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter, Tuskegee Institute, Ala. Brother Heninburg is the chairman of the department of Romance languages at Tuskegee. He received his early training at Tuskegee, then entered Grinnell College, from which he finished with high honors, having been elected to the Phi Beta Kappa Society as a result of his excellent scholarship. Having chosen languages as his field of study Brother Heningburg declined a Rosenwald Fellowship to study at Harvard University and continued his graduate work at the Sorbonne, in Paris. During the year that he spent in study in Europe, Brother Heninburg traveled extensively in Continental Europe, learning much about those countries and learning to speak French, Spanish and Italian fluently. He received his professors diploma from the Sorbonne with honors. As the interpreter for the Moton Commission to Haiti last summer Brother Heninburg received the commendation of both the foreign and local press. During the past winter he has lectured on Haiti to groups of college students, teachers associations, and faculty clubs. His lectures have carried him to most of the southern states. Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter is happy to have Brother Heninburg its president. Under his g uidin r hand things concerning Alpha Phi Alpha have enjoyed an awakening. —WILLIAM HENRI PAYNE, Secretary, Alpha Nu Lwmbda Chapter

newspiper accounts might seem to indicate. This was a costly method of selfexpression, and hard-working peasants were forced to spend their time fighting when they might well have been tending their crops but Haiti was after all fighting out her own problems, and the people were not anxious to issue "invitations of participation" to other nations. During years of tranquillity the people built up resources, made reg-

ular payments on the national debt, produced diplomats and scholars, generals and architects; in short, their life was not so greatly different from that of many other Latin-American republics. N ALL fairness, it must be mentioned that the American marines in Haiti are neither as blood-thirsty as they have often been painted, nor have they greatly aided the country in its struggle for complete independence. When we remember the background and traditions of those who largely make up this branch of the American Service, we might wonder at their good discipline and patient in a tropical country. A c'ose study of press reports of some American writers would lead one to believe that the marines had possessed themselves of the country in its entirety, dominating all aspects of political, social and economic life. Whatever might have been true some years ago, no such conditions were prevalent in the summer of 1930. The major police units of the country were manned by members of the Haitian Gendarmerie, and red-headed children of American marines and Haitian women were not to be seen running hither and yon.


The American soldiers lived in their own barracks, bought their supplies from their own commissary, and had almost no social contacts with the Haitians. Incidentally, supplies could be purchased more cheaply in their commissary at Port-au-Prince than an any other store in the city; thus, gasoline which cost the Haitian 34 cents per gallon could be purchised in the American Commissary for 28 cents per gallon. Some of the Marines were on friendly enough terms with the people of the city, but for the most part the "Yankees" lived a lif3 entirely apart. We must remember that only their ranking officers would have been eligible for the social life of the city, and that those not so included would perhaps not have cared to mingle with the peasants and small shopkeepers. The coming of the Americans into Haiti meant the establishment of a program of sanitation; a program characteristic of American occupations. What has been done along this line in Cuba and in Panama has been done on a smaller scale in Haiti. It is now possible to eat out-of-doors even during the hottest summer weather, and be almost unmolested by flies. The Medical Service, headed by a very capable physician Continued on Page 29

Page 6



The Alpha Hall of Fame

HENRY LAKE DICKASON By EDWARD W. BROWNE, Sec'y, Alpha Zeta Lambda Chapter T J T E N R Y LAKE DICKASON is a na-II--11 tive of West Virginia, a product of the secondary and normal departments of Bluefield Institute, now Bluefield State Teachers College, Bluefield, West Virginia. He holds the degrees of B. A., and M. A. from Ohio State University,' Columbus, Ohio. He was a member of Kappa Chapter at Ohio State University, serving as its secretary and president.' He has been engaged in educational work ever since he left Ohio State, teaching mathematics and kindred subjects at Bluefield State Teachers College. In educational movements he has been active also. He is a charter member of the McDowell-Mercer Round Table, an organization of nearly 200 teachers in two of West Virginia's most populous counties. He was the first general president of this organization and served three terms, and has been its treasurer and chairman of the program committee for the past five years. He was president of the West Virginia Teachers' Association for two terms, an organization comprising n e a r l y o n e thousand teachers. For five years he has been the association's historian and parliamentarian. At present he is compiling historical data of the West Virginia Teachers' Association. He taught summer school at the West V i r g i n i a State College for three sessions, In ad-

dition to his duties as dean and registrar of Bluefield State Teachers College he is director of the summer session. In 192,8 he was a member of the education committee selected by the West Virginia Department of Education to make up a course of study for all the elementary teachers in West Virginia of both races. This course as recommended to the State Board of Education was adopted with very slight modification. He has functioned in the Go-to-HighSchool, Go-to-College Campaign in his local chapter with an unusual degree of success attending his efforts. He has delivered addresses in the state-wide movements at Roanoke, Virginia—Alpha Kappa Lambda—and at Wilberforce, Ohio— Chi Lambda Chapter. It is conservative to say that he has touched the l i v e s , either as an instructor or in an advisory way, of two-thirds of the teachers in the West Virginia schools as well as many in Virginia, Kentucky and Maryland. He is content with the reward of unselfish services rendered and work w e l l done; never seeking to advance himself, but ever striving to advance the ideals of Continued on Page 7



INITIATED AT ALPHA MU: Laurient Turner, Isaac Jackson, and Leaden W. Ford. * * * INITIATED AT ALPHA PHI: Lawrence Davis, Leonard Glover, Clinton Jackson, George Washington, George Waugh, James Pethal, and James Wood. * * * INITIATED AT ALPPHA KAPPA: R. E. Burch and Sylvester Carter. * * * INITIATED AT ALPHA KAPPAChester A. Taliferro, Luther M. Hardin Paul W. Taylor and Edwin B. Washington. * * * INITIATED AT BETA G A M M A Steve Howe, Jimmie Cephas, E u g e n e Henderson, Elson Higginbotham and Alfred Pleasants. * * * INITIATED AT ALPHA P H I : Albert E. Fews and John Wesley Scott. * * * INITIATED AT P H I : Marcus Hall. *

INITIATED AT P I : Malcom Patterson, Edward Blakemore, Andrew Johnson, and Alexander Martin, Jr.

BENNIE E. TAYLOR Alpha Theta ROTHER Bennie E. Taylor finish'* from Langston University » * School, state institution for Negroes • Oklahoma. During his attendance the*1 he was affiliated, for three years, \\'iit*1 the University Band, Orchestra^ GK" Club, and Quartet. He finished in 19Z^ president of the senior class, presWJ of the Lions club of that institution, e ecutive secretary of the State Older B°> Conference, president of the school H> ' social editor for the school weekly Va lication, fun editor for the Univers' I Year Book, member of the Student CoU1^ cil, member of Dramatic Club, quarU'1" back on the school football team, 8 " honor student. Brother Taylor entered the Univers^ of Iowa jn 1927 and was elected into t ^ ranks of Alpha Phi Alpha the sal* school year. During his period of pled^ ship the brother served one term as & retary of the Sphinx Club and was oU ' standing as a promising Alpha Candida Sjg He was one of three pledges elected th» year and was immediately upon electi" assigned to the office of assistant seCS' tary and placed on the educational »' tivities committee, in which capacities served creditably. The following year Brother Taylor * a elected to the offices of secretary, edit" > and advisor of freshmen at Alpha The' 8 ' He served, besides, as chairman of e" cational activities and social committ ee ' Continued on Page" 7


Page 7

The Alpha Hall of Fame and being interested in the application of electrical engineering to the iron and steel industry. The Duriron Company realized the value of such a man and placed Parsons in charge of its laboratory in 1922. In 1923 he became chief chemist, research metallurgist in 1925, metallurgical engineer-in-charge of research and production in 1928. During Parson's administration at The Duriron Company, the company's chief product, Duriron (high silicon iron) has been marvelously improved. Alcumite, an aluminum bronze, has been developed and placed on the market. Durimet, a nickel-chrome-silicon steel, is now finding a big place in the metal industry. These alloys were developed to resist high temperatures, pressure and corrosive liquids or gases and they have contributed much to the expansion of modern industry. The production of rayon, anti-knock motor fuels, radios, automobiles, aircraft and Continued on Page 23 JAMES ALBERT PARSONS By EARL P. TAYLOR, Theta Lambda pROM the group of luminaries of which Theta Lambda boasts, BrothJames Albert Parsons was voted the ost eligible man to Alpha's Hall of Âťme. In1 the paragraphs to follow will be depicted why he has won that distinction. Brother Parsons was born May 30, 1900, at Dayton, Ohio and was educated there in the public schools. He was graduated from Steel High School in three years and returned the following year for a post graduate course. By competitive examination he was appointed as midshipman to Annapolis Naval Academy in 1918. He gave up this appointment to enter Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N .Y. Brother Parsons, shortly after enrolling at Rensselaer in 1918, enlisted in the U. S. Army. He was then forced to enter the two year engineering course offered, for enlisted men. At the close of the war he re-enrolled in the regular four year course in 1919, graduating with the degree of electrical engineer in 1922. During vacation periods, Brother Parsons worked in the design and research departments of the Duriron Company, Inc. Having specialized in college in electro-chemistry and electro-metallurgy


BOOKER T. SCRUGGS Alpha Phi Chapter, Clark University


HE spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha personified—one unconsciously thinks that when he beholds the smiling countenance of Brother Booker T. Scruggs of Alpha Phi, Clark University. He is a true Alpha man if ever there was one. Brother Scruggs hails from the historic city of Chattanooga, set amid the scenic beauty and panoramic gradueur of Tennessee's sun-kissed hills. Never has she produced Continued on Page 33

Continued from Page 6 our dear fraternity and thus make it a positive thing in the nation. He has functioned positively in the life of his local chapter. He has represented it at the last three general conve n t i o n s, Cleveland, Philadelphia, and Atlanta, and HENRY LAKE DICKASON has served as chairman of the recomContinued from Page 6 mendations committee at each. He was the first president and charter member being chosen as one of the speakers in of Alpha Zeta Lambda Chapter, with the Go-to-High-School, Go-to-C o 11 e g e which he is now affiliated. He is also Campaign. During the next year Brother Taylor chairman of the committee on standards of the national Alpha Phi Alpha Frater- was elected president of Alpha Theta nity. He has served Alpha Phi Alpha Chapter, which position he held until in several capacities. He was general January of the present year. Since that secretary and also general president of time he has served as chapter editor and the fraternity during the period of sub- has the solitary distinction of not having stantial expansion. During the World missed a letter to the journal during that War he was a four-minute man and also period. Brother Taylor is at present in was secretary of the Auxiliary Advisory charge of chapter educational activities Council of Defense for Mercer County, and bids fair to win laurels for the chapter in that capacity. West Virginia. Besides fraternity activ i t i e s, t h i s He has been active in civic problems and has written some articles on social brother has, during attendance at the and economic problems. A letter touch- University of Iowa, served as president of the Negro Forum, an all Negro oring educational adjustment at Ohio State ganization, been active in the University University, his Alma Mater, written by Y. M. C. A.( Cosmopolitan Club, InternaBrother Dickason, was quoted in toto tional Relations Club, Race Relations in thet Ohio State University Monthly as Committee, and has broadcasted many an editorial with favorable comment. times over the University station with His newest relation with the national or- the well known Alpha Theta Quartet. ganization of our fraternity is member- Brother Taylor is at present a candidate ship on the Commission on Vocational for June graduation, after which he will be registered in law. and Industrial Education.


Page 8

Have We Missed The Point? By WM. WARRICK CARDOZO, Third Vice President Y the time this article appears in print we, the members of our fraternity, will be observing—some of us will have observed—our annual Go-ToHigh School, Go-To-College Campaign. After this campaign there will be a variety of reactions among the brothers. Some of them will be glad that the "thing" is over and there need be no more talk—or money spent, if any—for another year; others will carry with them the belief that they have actually inspired someone to go on thru school who would not have gone on anyway; there will, of course, be that group that persistently have opposed this idea or any other idea and yet offer nothing as an alternative— it is their nature; but there will always be that small faithful few that help in everything and are left after the campaign is over—thinking. In May we will have been at this idea of go-to-high-school, go-to-college twelve years. Twelve years is a long time— amply long enough to know whether the experiment is practical or not. Much too long to let the experiment fail—especially where others have succeeded with it. (See"The Social Fraternity" by D. L. Grant, School and Society, Feb 14, 1931, reprinted in this issue of The Sphinx.) To me the term go-to-high-school, go-to college is a misnomer—or our execution, of it makes it that. For, ask any member of our fraternity what it means and ninety-nine per cent will tell you that it means we attempt to encourage Negro youth to educate himself or herself and there we have confined ourselves. The purpose of the movement for which we have given the above name is not as narrow or as confined as most of us state. Alpha Phi Alpha's movement is in reality Education and by that we aim to encompass the whole field that such a term may include for a social fraternity of college men. But do we cover it? We do not. We have not even started at the beginning! Here we are, college men, urging and exhorting upon the members of our race the need for education and scholarship and all the rest of it. But suppose someone of that high school group, or the parent of one of that group, should put the question to our speaker—what is the rating scholastically of your fraternity at the university? I can just about guess at the answer that the speaker must make if he answers truthfully. It can't help but be, in most instances—not so good! No wonder that the public has learned the meaning of that oft quoted "Beware


To DAVID DALLAS JONES President of Bennett College for Worne" WILLIAM WARRICK CARDOZO The editor has known Brother Cardozo since he first entered Hampton Institute nearly ten years ago. Knowing him since then, and having roomed with him during his Ohio State University days, the editor knows that Brother Cardozo is intensely earnest m any such discussion as he here affords the brothers. The constructive attitude back of the presentation of his thesis warrants a similar attitude on the part of those who read and discuss his article. Brother Calrdozo finished Hampton, where he starred in athletics, as salutatorian of his class, studied subsequently at Columbia and Pittsburgh, graduated from Ohio State's college of liberal arts in 1929, and is now a sophomore in the college of medicine at Ohio State, ranking in the upper third of his class. He is studying on a Cleveland Foundation Scholarship, being the first student of color to receive such a scholarship.

of Greeks bearing gifts." I base my assertion upon the reports and answers received from the deans of Continued on Page 33

Because he was honored on Friday evening, April 10, at Wesleyan Unii>er~ sity, Middletown, Conn., of which he w an alumnus (1911), by initiation int0 Phi Beta Kappa Honorary Fraternity, 20 years after graduation, in the office o] President McConauyhy and in the pres' ence of a number of the members of ** Wesleyan faculty, who constitute tit Gamma Chapter of the Phi Beta KapP* Fraternity . . . because the fa c that the membership in this frvtem*** is conferred only on those who are anionff the best scholars, and for scholarship only, coming after the elapse of 20 years, marks the occasion with unusual signifi' cance not only to the members of •** race and the fraternity, but Greensboro and the South . . . for Wesleyan University is the oldest Methodist college in America . . . it will celebrate the hundredth anniversary of *t8 founding in October of this year . • • because this old historic institution, *w honoring her illustrious son, pays merited tribute not only to the service which President Jones has rendered his race, but the inspiration which he has afforded for all as a result of sacrifice and determination in spite of hardships a^ vicissitudes of life . . . b e cause President Jones is the brother of Bishop R. E. Jones, LL. D., who received a de' Continued on Page 33

Page 9


Fraternity Fun By DR. 0. WILSON WINTERS, Fraternity Fun Editor


HIS is the Pictorial Number and I will try again to give you a literary pictorial review. The first picture represents an actual occurrence that happened in a little church near Lincoln University, the seat of Nu Chapter. The story was told to me years ago and I am fsure some of the old Lincolnites can attest the veracity of it. I see a little church in which the funeral of a young student is about to befcin. The church is crowded with friends and classmates of the bereaved one and the minister, a prospective theological candidate, is on the rostrum advancing toward the pulpit. Awed by the solemnity of the occasion, the prominence of the deceased, and the presence of so many College students, he approaches the pulpit, places his arms at their full length and rests his hands on the extreme corners of the wide pulpit, assumes an ecclesiastical dignity, looks down over the pulpit toward the casket, clears his Ihroat very dramatically and with a jolemn mein says in very stentorian Jones: "What have God did! What-haveGod-did! God in His wise Providence Pas saw fit to jerk this here young man from out we midst. And-and-I think he's dead!"

ing all the characteristic compassion of the Pharoahs she has decided to keep the child and rear him herself. She will christen him "Moses" as suggested by her manservant, Joseph. * * * TORN FROM A BRIDGED DICTIONARY A. D. After dark—meaning, chasing a Negro. P. M. Post Mortem—after the initiation. A. M. Ante Meredian—between penny ante and ante up. O. K. Outa skotch—college drought. Etc. E tue colleague—another girl gone. B. C. Before cribs—before there are exams. * * * CHROMATICS Oh, John, please don't let's park here! Oh, John, please don't let's park! Oh, John, please don't let's! Oh, John, please don't! Oh, John please! Oh, John! Oh!

GRAPHIC SKETCHES Place—Norfolk, Va., Norfolk Journal and Guide printing establishment. Action—"Did The Sphinx a r t i c l e s please P. B., J r . ? " Reaction—"Well he glanced thru them this morning." Action—"Oh—just a cursory examination, I suppose?" Reaction—"You're right. I n e v e r heard such language out of him before."

* * * "Reading seeks its own level." Probably this explains why so many tabloids are seen in the subway. * * * SHADES OF WOODROW WILSON ET. AL. Open covenants openly arrived at— (one of the 14 points) "And wilt thou love her, honor her and keep her." Noble Experiments—"And keep thee only unto her." Noble Decisions—"I will, I do not choose to run." Continued on Page 33

* * * The next picture is a very philosophical soliloquy by the Pun Editor. He is leated at his desk at midnight frantically lashing out this verbiage for the pictorial issue. A letter from Brother Ellleood Downing taunting him on his bad ketry and lamenting his enforced bachslorhood brings out this response— "For beauty I am not a star, Others are handsomer by far; But my face I don't mind it, For I am behind it, It's the people in front that I jar." * * * WHO'S WHO IN ANTIQUITY This last picture is of a young Egypian debutante who has fainted after eading the following news items about lerself in the Nile Daily Mirror. Miss Nina Pharoah has just returned rom Pyramid Hospital where she has een confined for the last two weeks. Miss ^aroah contracted a heavy cold when he waded into the Nile River to recover little male Jewish infant she found mating among the bulrushes. Possess-

Members of Alpha Psi Chapter, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo.: front row, left to right; Metha C. Finley, William Hopson, Nathaniel Freoman, John J. Turner, Rodney Higgins; second row: Earl Eulinbourg, William Walker, Ralph Spencer, Cornel Settles, and Bertrand Green. Brother Emmett Walls is not shown in the group.


Page 10

The Social Fraternity k ESPITE

the business depression, preliminary reports coming to the headquarters of one of the large collegiate men's fraternities indicate that the pressure to gain fraternity membership by those entering college for the first time has not lessened. Possibly the pressure for membership has even increased. And while youth continues to clamor for admission to the social fraternity, some college deans and presidents continue to wrinkle their brows and wonder whether the total impact of the social fraternity upon these self-same youths and upon the higher educational system generally is desirable. This questioning is not new. It is age long and has frequently taken the form of pointed opposition, prohibitive legislation and contrary court decisions. Only this year one prominent university president wrote that the social fraternity constituted "the greatest organized source of moral misbehavior on the campus"; the last annual conference of the Association of Deans of Men found a third of its time devoted to the social fraternity, and hither and yon over the country housing programs are under way designed for, as a by-product at least, the eventual elimination of the fraternity. It seems, therefore, that the issue continues to be fairly well joined between the desire of youth for membership and the uncertainty of age as to its wisdom. For ten years, however, the social fraternity has been assuming more and more of the responsibility for a constructive use of the social fraternity as an essential part of the higher educational scene than had been true theretofore. Possibly it was for a lack of that that certain opposition obtained. The Interfraternity Conference, which began in 1909, has contributed notably to this consciousness of obligation on the part of fraternity leadei-ship. It has stimulated an increase in the number of social fraternities, an increase of the number of chapters in the older ones and an increase in the membership of individual chapters. Some fraternity leaders have sought to eliminate the criticism that fraternities are exclusive and snobbish through extending them to the point that all students who desire such membership might have it. If that end should be obtained, it is clear that a great deal of the friction and instinctive antagonism to social fraternities of the past would be eliminated. Then the issue would be more clearly drawn as to the possibility of the social fraternity to contribute to the educative process.

By DANIEL L. GRANT Executive Secretary of the Delta Delta Fraternity In




Stated in another way, if the air might be cleared of dust and unnecessary friction, we might fairly approach the question of why the demand for fraternity membership on the part of youth continues unabated. Why will some men, in all humility, say that their fraternity meant more to them than their college? The Delta Tau Delta Fraternity has worked both through the Interfraternity Conference and through its own organization to supply the social fraternity a sense of direction and a consecutive leadership which recognizes that after all it must be a homogeneous part of the higher educational picture. A year ago its president wrote all its members: "In recent years the whole fraternity system has come to recognize that our future is dependent entirely upon the recognition of the fact that we are an integral unit in the educational system. Our problem is to provide the necessary facilities and adequate leadership that will more closely tie our active chapters up with the educational program." Back of his announcement were several years of preparation and preliminary work; coincident with it was the news that Delta Tau Delta had secured as its new executive one whose background of training and experience was within higher education. The total purposes and method of this fraternity have thus been brought to focus. Purpose: "in addition to preserving all its virtues as a social organization—to supplement that which is being done in the classroom through building1 a real life in the chapter house on an intellectual level. Grades and marks are incidental; self-developed interest in and enjoyment of matters germane to life today should be acquired. Courses provide the point of departure only; not the terminus." Method: improved grades, and then the spirit of real scholarship, higher standards, chapter libraries and the placing of a Preceptor in each chapter house.


HE vulnerable spot of the social fraternity to most observers has been its apparent indifference to the scholastic standing of its members. Whether they have been as indifferent to scholastic success as they have seemed or not, it is a fact that the general level of scholastic rank of the combined groups of fraternity men has been below that of

the total student group. It has been reported that the average grade of fra' ternity men declined 20 per cent, between 1887 and 1923. Recognizing this, the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity created vn its executive body the position of supervisor of scholarship. That was in 1923. This new official was given rank wit* the chief officials of the fraternity. At that time two or three other f r a t e r n i t y were giving the scholarship matter olficial attention, but none of them had given the work such official distinctionWith this action "the attainment of the highest standard of scholarship by undergraduate chapters became a real objective" of Delta Tau Delta. At the head of the work the fraternity placed an experienced schoolman who not only was in sympathy with the objects of his P 0 ' sition but also had the practical background of experience to give him effectiveness in his job. Since that time he has carried this interest in scholarship definitely into the Interfraternity Conference as one of its major activities. Under the impetus of this supervisor of scholahship, and definite statistical reports of the entire fraternity which were prepared annually and reported to all its members, the general level of scholastic performance in Delta Tau Delta improved. By 1928-29 it was almost the exact equal of the average of all the men in the institutions where Delta Tau Delta had chapters. But this was not the objective, atw then came the second step. At the 192Âť convention of the fraternity, made UP alike of alumni and undergraduates, ' was voted that in order for one to he eligible for initiation into Delta Tau Delta he must have obtained the scholastic rank equal to the average required ft* graduation in the institution in which the student registered. In other words. the usual practice permits a student to stick in college at a lower grade le\'e> than that a t which he will be allowed to graduate four years later, the requii' e ' ments growing progressively stricter a s the tenure in college continues. This n eW rule of Delta Tau Delta, therefore, means that a student may continue in most colleges at a lower grade level than at that which he will be admitted to Delta Tau Delta. A number of individual chapters in the fraternity have passed *&' enforced even stiffer scholastic requirements. Meantime there have been put into operation a series of prizes and awards which single out for distinctive attention the chapters which lead s c h o l a s t i c a ^

THE SPHINX ?here are four elaborate silver plaques vhich are competed for in each of the Sour quarters of the country each year, »nd in all reports and conferences chapjers which are weak scholastically are leld to account. In other words, positive iimuli have been applied. New charters .lave been granted to petitioning groups ,mly if they rank in the top quarter of 'itudents on their respective campuses. , jjj. Then, lest certain chapters become indifferent to the purposes of the fratern i t y with respect to scholarship, the governing board of the fraternity decreed nearly a year ago that "continued indifference" to scholastic success on the art of a full chapter might for that :ause alone place the chapter under surveillance for removal of its charter. Such pn attitude would probably not have been countenanced a few years ago. Slowly, .over seven years, therefore, the frater^ n i t y developed all possible means for Reading towards better scholarship. Then :£ it concluded the matter, so far as legislation is concerned, by a decree which will '.penalize those who are not susceptible to .'leadership. | But this is not all. In this work, refeiorted above, the procedure has been ^Jargely mechanical. The fraternity has insisted upon better grades in the registrar's office. That does not necessarily jnean the true spirit of scholarship. •AVhile the fraternity feels safe to insist i-upon grades up to the point that its mem* hers average above the full student ^group, it does not propose to limit itself ,to that method. At a certain point it .loses its effectiveness. It may obscure the real objective, as the houses obscured ,the town from Yankee Doodle. Rather, the question, from this point forward, becomes one of what can the fraternity do *.to supplement the college? What even, k* from its own appeal, can it do better than •'the college can do from its point of view?

In 1929-30 the fraternity placed its first Praeceptor at its chapter at the University of Illinois. This young man was just out of college and was doing graduate work at the university. He had, therefore, only a slight amount of his time for chapter work. When he began his work that particular chapter ranked 54 out of 55 such groups on the campus. In such a situation the matter for immediate concern was the poor grades. By the second semester of the year the relative rank had changed to 17 out of 55, although no rapid transformation was originally expected. There are many other exp e r i e n c e s which similarly illustrate how quickly a group in a fraternity will respond to leadership. The low grades of fraternity men are not a reflection of poor capacity. Rather they arise out of an indifferent spirit, or possibly poor discipline in the chapter home. I have before me the rank, over a period of five years, of the Delta Tau Delta chapter at the University of Pittsburgh, where there are twenty-five competing groups. Its relative position in each of those successive years was, in order, 2, 7, 19, 10, 11 from the top. In other words, in three years this chapter went from second to the top to within five positions of the bottom. In the first case the chapter had the benefit of the sustained attention of two alumni who helped to organize the conditions of life for study and generally promoted an interest in study. Instantly the group responded and, to all intents, took first place, although rated second. Then the assistance of these alumni was discontinued. The momentum held the chapter to seventh position the succeeding year, but by the second year thereafter it dropped to nineteenth position. Sim i 1 a r 1 y, I might recount other illustrations of what a little leadership has achieved.

The Illinois experience developed some interesting sidelights as well as improved ; ! ^ O M E H O W personal dev e 1 o p m e n t grades. Originally it had been deemed ; d come? better under one's own steam wise to restrict the direct work of this jolwith the guidance of an older hand than Praeceptor to the freshman class alone. ^ from the compulsion of grades and There it began. By midyears, however, •(courses and reports. And since the apupperclassmen of their own accord were p e a l of the fraternity is personal, it proinviting him to begin assistance for the eposes to begin there, with the leadership entire chapter—come over into Maceof good men and good books, and develop. f donia and help u s ! Too, on the basis of iKilf it can do that, the fraternity home will ^not remain the Sahara of the B e a u x an erroneous report that the fraternity ((Arts. Accordingly, the fraternity is had withdrawn the salary of the Praecepj;! placing an older man to live with the tor, the chapter voted upon itself this ^boys, call him leader, or guide, or tutor. responsibility in onder to continue him. jt The fraternity has adopted the word More important, perhaps, is the report of (Praeceptor to describe this individual. our visiting officer at the end of the year ,'The important thing which it seeks, how- indicating that the general tenor of conlever, is the constant pressure of the pres- versation in the house and the character e n c e of an older man who, without au- of student interest in discussion had been t h o r i t y in law, except such laws as the noticeably modified by developments durchapter officers and the general frater- ing the year. There was nothing done n i t y itself enforce, teaches, develops and in the way of merely coaching students in better grades, or shifting the load of f leads by the weight of his own advice and the weaker ones onto the stronger ones. (Personality.

Page 11 The procedure was thoroughly sincere and sought first to organize the members for effective study, to learn of the problems of each individual and advise him accordingly, and gradually introduce to chapter life and conversation the background of good reading material which, however abundant it may be in the usual university library, is scarcely e v e r brought in direct contact with the daily lives of individual students. Books brought in from the university library and left about the house were read almost surreptitiously at first, and finally openly and then discussed. The emphasis on grades there, and elsewhere, will only be maintained so long as the group is low in grades. From this experiment at the University of Illinois the idea spread rapidly through the fraternity, and the demand from individual chapters for Praeceptors for the coming year is in excess of the available supply of acceptable men. Already arrangements have been made for similar officials in the fraternity's chapters at Ohio State University, Indiana University, Duke University ( limited to freshmen), the University of Oregon, the University of Iowa, the University of Colorado, the University of Chicago, the University of Washington and the University of Wisconsin. At this writing unfilled a p p l i c a tions or inquiries are on the desk from chapters in five other universities. Meantime, the plan has been adopted by certain chapters of other fraternities, and at least one university is actively promoting interest in the program. This responsive demand of the undergraduate to this procedure has far outdistanced the expectation of the older officials of this fraternity. At Ohio State University, the fraternity has. arranged for part of the services of an associate professor and has gained from the university liberal support in the way of desirable reading material and other necessary accessories to help develop the proper atmosphere in the fraternity house. As a university official there observed, this lead "may open the way to the solution of the fraternity problem" in the face of which some university officials have felt constantly baffled. The next step in carrying out the fraternity's purpose is supplying each chapter house with an adequate chapter library. It is hoped to make this library contain books which appeal to the curiosity and every-day interest of the students, and not so much a library of reference work and research tools. Rather it is "an associational library." For six months now five competent educators—a university president, a public librarian in a large city, the librarian of a large university, a professor of English and a popular writer—have been busy prepar-

Page 12 ing a list of a thousand titles which should be in each chapter house of the fraternity. Active work for the development of these libraries is already under way. HE approach of Delta Tau Delta has been to accept the fact of the existence of the social fraternity and, without compromising or violating any of the educative and desirable virtues as a social unit, to capitalize this condition of life and living for purposes of a high spiritual and cultural achievement. In this the fraternity finds itself apparently directly in the current of the principal readjustments of higher education going on today. There is no longer a doubt but that Dr. Eliot, of Harvard, rendered a distinct service by destroying the old discipline of the curriculum. Following that has come the rapid growth of the professional school, with its discipline, on the one hand, and chaos in the cultural curriculum, on the other. The cultural interest has suffered accordingly, and so far there has appeared no new discipline to meet the need. That this situation is now recognized is evidenced by the rapid development in personnel work the coming of honors courses, tutors the improved technique of keeping desirable reading matter in the course of the daily life of the student and the new housing programs now being developed in some places. All these indicate that the new discipline is going to grow up around the individual as opposed to that around the curriculum. This is perhaps one explanation of the long-standing appeal of the social fraternity to young men. If, there fore, it can develop fresh possibilities in its old relationships, it will have to make no readjustment in its organization or in the appeal which it has to its members.


THE SPHINX scraper can ever know the real depth of its foundation. The deep rooted, vital, and fundamental principles of our fraternity are best known to those who subscribe to the ritual, constitution, and bylaws. The measure of the depth of your chapter is the measure of its devotion and loyalty to those fundamental princples. If every chapter were to see to it that the members initiated are not only thoroughly impressed in Alpha Phi Alpha but are properly instructed in the ritual and laws of the fraternity there would be fewer* chapters shiprecks. For then the will of the individual is lost in the will of the group and the will of the group is subordinate to the parent organization. The success of any organization is dependent upon its loyalty to certain principles. Off the coast of Labrador I am told that one can see giant icebergs towering hundreds of feet in the air. They float gracefully to the south in the face of strong contrary winds. The icebergs have neither sails nor rudders, yet they keep their southward course. The secret of this is explained by the fact that 7-8th of the bulk of the iceberg lies under the surface of the water. The deeper current off the coast of Labrador is to the south and it is this current that grips the bulk of the iceberg and carries it on irrespective of surface winds. Like the iceberg, so the chapter. When the acts of the chapter are motivated by the true spirit and deeper principles of our fraternity the chapter moves with sure and steady keel, transcending petty surface oppositions. ~\\7E come now to the fourth dimen,.n s\on-Height. Again we must discard the common yard stick, for it is

useless in determining the height of an organization. The height of an organization like the height of an individual can best be measured in terms of aspii'8' tion. The status quo need not be the measure of one's height. It is not what Alpha Lambda was yesterday or what I is today but what is your hope for the future? In other words, what is the measure of the upward, outward reach of your aspiration and resolve? To kno* this is to know your height.

Richard B. Harrison, "De Lawd" <>i Broadway, is the same Richard B. Harrison who determined many years ago th» he would give to the world his interpretation of dramatic art. Had he died before he reached Broadway his asph'ations could have been no higher. A vine often finds it necessary to creep along the the earth many feet before finds a worthy object to which it may cling. This need not be true of any group in Alpha Phi Alpha for with our program of self-improvement and service to others we need only to "let down 0 * buckets where we are." On this your Twentieth Anniversary occasion it may not be profitable to stop and determine how much your chaptej has lived but may we not keep in min the possibilities for development in "' four dimensions in the future. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity is pr° u d of Alpha Lambda, its first g r a d u a t e chapter, and bids you not only to guar*1 your laurels but to be jealous of y° u r possibilities. And in the consummation of your better selves in the service oi humanity we shall always hope for y 0 " such breadth of vision; such depths »f thought and such height of aspiration as to warrant you many, many happy days-

Yardsticks Of Chapter Growth Continued from Page 4 and girls can point back to Louisville, and especially to Alpha Lambda Chapter, as the source of their inspiration? If your chapter cannot point with credit and pride to some individual whose life has been made happier and more useful because of the realization of this dream, then you ought to feel like the man who crawled out of the log. The altruistic spirit of the chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha F r a t e r n i t y o u g h t t o b e s o compelling as to make it impossible for any of them to be content merely to live in a house by the side of the road and watch the race of men go by. Trained to be "Servants of All" they ought to head the procession in their respective communities. n p O W E R I N G organizations like tower-"- ing buildings must have depth. Only those definitely interested in the construction of an organization or a sky-

C eg6 s h o w f a ^ v e 8 ° L J d ^ U?f toCffierf»rrM?rgan .f ' BA ^ ™ « . Maryland, are 0 W : hester Luther f Hardin, J. Hiram Buffer B u l e r Rufus R u f u Fs TH Hf w T H/ r ° W : .£? e s t e r A " Taliaferro, L t 0 ie c Daly, l onh nTH Walker ssecond e S e t row, ' P™»«l«it; Waters EE.' wTu Turp'in, .YTsaia" secretary; H.' Wa ^'mTo^inf ' iS T ni;„— T L ' ' John ","'*ker £ , sSoMfaJZ^r^^T to rriirhtT lleft e i g h t : PPaul aul w T. Oliver, Thomas B Hawkins u n 7 / ™ ' £ i° - Taylor, Isai»» Alfonso Cottrnan, and S i n B W^shingten 6 1 ' ° S b ° r n e B " D i x ° n > R o b e l t F " S h °

Page 13


They All Graduate By GUSTAVUS A. STEWARD Member Editorial Board


OMMENCEMENT time approaches. Faculties of Negro schools will meet with the solemnity and ceremony of ancient Sanhedrins arid with a ponderous idignity which counterfeits discrimination ithey will recommend entire senior classes for graduation. Baccalaureate speakers ;will once more deluge both college and (graduates with congratulatory effusions (which will repeat the time-worn hokum about the unique opportunity which the (moment offers and will soar into windy (Periods about the fortuitous c i r c u m stances which have brougiht jupt the fight young people at just the right moiinent to grasp this golden chance. Magazines and newspapers devoted mainly ito a record of happenings in black America will boast of the number and quality pi the year's degree winners. Yet in all this ballyhoo one group of graduates of >Iegro schools will not be mentioned. This group includes those individuals ^graduated not on their scholastic record cut because of certain sentimental reasons. Each succeeding commencem e n t produces a full quota of this kind of graduate. They constitute a product of which every Negro school should be heartily ashamed, a product which should ^t once and for all time be eliminated. Persons graduated for senti m e n t a l reasons receive their diplomas mainly ^ecause of the following considerations: family, position, money. In add i t i o n, however, there is a miscellany of reasons advanced which range over the entire realm of personal, collegiate, and community relationships. If properly sponsored, a student may have a negligible scholastic record and yet finish. For bim there can always be found some "weak sister" on the faculty who with irresistible emotional appeal can show fhat, although perhaps a dullard, the candidate has "the proper spirit," "the fight attitude," "a fine personality," and ftpon such whimsical irrelevancies the Student will be assigned a place in the wmmencement day academic procession. Around nearly every Negro school the immediate family of its founder or their relatives and descendants have settled. These maintain a certain emotional hold >n the institution. They become a part sf its tradition. Often they receive from the college community a degree of respect ipproaching adoration because in the winds of teachers and students these living representatives of the founder's fam^y are associated reverently with his idealized figure. It therefore goes withut saying that any young member of

Our judgement might possibly be revised, but it seems to us that the contribution to The Sphinx which achieved the highest literary standards, which provoked most discussion, and caused most comment, was Brother Steward's "Cidture: American Variety," published in the 1930 Educational (April) Number. That was to have been expected, for those who have followed Brother Steward's writings in The Nation, The Crisis, The Joiimal of Social Forces, Opportunity, and Negro netvspapers, know the lucidity and brilliance which he brings to any subject under discussion. In this article he lays bare a pernicious practice which deserves to be put under the pitiless light of publicity. His conclusions are an inevitable \residt of his disclosure*. Alpha men, as college men, can share in the efforts to do away ivith such situations as he discusses here.

this family, coming up for graduation with poor scholastic foundation, will nevertheless be awarded a diploma. To deny him graduation would be tantamount to sacrilege. Similarly other famlies have woven themselves into the tradition of various Negro colleges. The sons and daughters of a former or the present college president, of the more important deans, of certain eminent professors, of the increasingly opulent trustees, are sure of graduation regardless of academic fitness. For example, a man may hold a diploma from the school his father founded and yet fail repeatedly in any one of the several schools he may afterwards enter. The son of a prominent clergyman, attending classes when he chooses, whose scholarship is deplorable, may yet be given a degree because his deceased father was a former president of the college. If one has behind one a family of sufficient sentimental appeal, one is certain of graduation. Position, too, counts. That is, the public place a non-studious boy's father holds invariably determines whether he graduates. The stupid son of a bishop, of a fraternal leader, of an editor of a powerful newspaper, the empty headed daughter of a wealthy cosmetic manufacturer, of a nationally known club woman,

of a prominent society matron, have all the advantage of the obtuse children of railway porters, laundresses, chauffeurs and cooks. Committees and faculties find compelling reasons for graduating mentally dull members of the first group, but sternly insist on making1 real scholars of the others. Every one who has attended or taught in a Negro college will readily recall instances of this practice. In certain denominational schools, for example, it is a foregone conclusion that no bishop's child can fail. Suffi c i e n 11 y prominent parentage, therefore, assures graduation. Of late money is more and more entering into faculty deliberations regarding senior classes. Indeed money bids fair to supersede family and position as the determining factor in the matter of graduation. It is only within recent years that Negroes have acquired enough money to gain prestige within the colleges. Before that, family position furnished the lazy student his most powerful leverage with college presidents and deans. With the stetady rise of business and professional incomes among American blacks, particularly since the World War, the indolent or stupid black boy and girl can count on a favorable hearing before the committee of graduation. Manifestly a starving institution—and nearly all Negro colleges and schools are that—would be suicidal impolite to alienate possible financial donations by a hard-and-fa-t ruling regarding scholastic requirements for graduation when a scion of a wealthy family is being discussed. At least that is the kind of argument which persuades the college to prostitute its ideals. It therefore happens that the "fast" son of a insurance baron or the "giddy" daughter of a rich surgeon need not trouble about "getting assignments" or "making classes." Father's m o n e y , whether actual or prospective so far as the college is concerned, will bring the diploma. ND after position, family, money, any one of a number of widely varying considerations may enter into the decision to graduate academically unfitted students. Uninformed and inherently unintelligent persona may be graduated simply because destined for the ministry. Their sole qualification may be an ability to lead a stirring prayer meeting coupled with a glorious gift of gab and an assumed humility that resembles servility. A faithfully plodding individual who has spent ten years at a seat of learning in a lingering yet futile effort to complete a four-year course may Continued on Page 32

Page 14


A Virgin Field of Activity By RAYMOND PACE ALEXANDER


HE Negro lawyers of the country have noticed with great interest the elevation to the bench of the Municipal Court of New York City two of their group, the Honorable James S. Watson, (an Alpha brother) and the Honorable Charles Ellis Toney, outstanding members of the bar of New York City. The distinctive honor that has come to them is doubly gratifying because both of these gentlemen well deserved their designation and elevation to the bench because of their excellent qualifications and long experience at the bar and the place in the community which they had made for themselves by virtue of their practice in the New York County and Appellate Courts. One of the greatest attractions to prospective members of the bar, and unquestionably the urge on the part of a large percentage of the white American students-at-law is, the possibility that some day in the not too distant future they may be elevated to judicial vacancies either by appointment or election to courts of record in the various city, county, state, or Federal tribunals, or either quasi-judicial appointments in positions in the various departments of the city county, state, or federal government. There is no authority in the English speaking world mightier than or more powerful than that of a judge in American courts of record. There is no position of greater dignity than that of a judge of the American court. Peculiar as it may seem, even the judge of an inferior court, as distinguished from the justice of the highest court of the state or the Supreme Court of the United States, is a person not only respected and looked up to by all the lawyers of the bar, however insignificant or mighty they may be, but a person who has the highest respect of the officials of the city and state government and of men high in the public life. In fact, a judge is accorded a place in the civic' life second to none, notwithstanding that prior to his elevation to the bench his position in the community might have been not more than that of any other individual. This is as it should be in order for our courts to maintain their power and dignity and for the law to be given the respect^that it is entitled to as an aid to its enforcement.

n p H E Negro, during all of his expe-i- rience, has not been able to cultivate that urge for the law that others have cultivated because the hope and


RAYMOND PACE ALEXANDER Brother Alexander is one of the most prominent attorneys in the country, widely respected and held in the highest esteem by his fellow barristers and the public at large As president of the National Negro Bar Association, he is helping to prosecute a program which will be of great value to members of our group who are students or practicing law ye>rs. His article will be encouragement to those now studying law and an inspiration and guide to those contemplating entering the profession. The Sphinx welcomes articles of this type, for broadly-envisioned and intelligently imparted vocational guidance „ a crying need in American life.

day study law so that they may some CM. a judge in our courts, an entirely experience in youthful selection of ture vocations. Other quasi-judi«a pointments have had a like effect on youth of Chicago. For example Geort,* appointment of Judge Albert B. late of the Municipal Court in Chic g« who, notwithstanding his defeat io r ^ election to the judgeship, was apP01 ^ to the Board of Pardons and Parole the State of Illinois by Governor »J» a position of great importance and p° and a position of equal dignity with ^ of the judgeship of the Muncipal c'° from which he was recently retired. It is interesting to note that the o . incumbent among Negro judges of re today H a learned legal scholar who added great breadth of training, m^{ of learning and quiet dignity and be to the Municipal Court in Washing1 ^ D. C , in the person of Judge J a n n e S t j, e Cobb, generally acknowledged to oe ablest member of the Municipal i'° , bench in the District of Columbia, ^ one of the ablest judges in the courts the District of Columbia. It is the late predecessor of the ^ tinguished jurist, Judge Cobb, tha ^ National Bar Association honored memory of in its annual ceremonies April, memorializing the name and j of a great American Negro of training. g The Bar Association set aside the * ^ of April 19-26 as Memorial ^««K honor of the lite- Judge Robert H rell, one of the greatest lawyers" o f * race anld one of the finest judges m tin Municipal Court of the District of Co^ lumbia. Judge Terrell was the n r s t c o r d ored judge to sit in a court of ret^. since Reconstruction. During t h e ^ ministration of President Harrison ^ was in the federal service as chief . division in the Treasury Depart1* £ and later he served for three y e a r 9 b g r principal of what is now the l l u n j„ High School, before actively engag 1 " 8 the practice of law. i Admitted to the Bar in 1893, he tot**

realization that some day he may have a seat on the bench and share it with his white American brother-at-law has hitherto been denied him. It has been denied him by custom and because of his previous lack of political strength Today in New York City one can hear young Negro boys in the lower grades in school saying that they are going to


Page 15






Tau Chapter. Left to right, front: Walter Williams, T. Romeo Veal, H. Gilbert Radcliffe, Booker T. Blackwell, president; fdw. H. Mouzon, E. Bernard Toles, president-elect; Lucius W. Lomax, Geo. Nesbett; back row, left to right: Garland U. JamijjMi, George Turner, Alexander Walker, Jas. R. Gladden, Edgar D. Russell, J. Gordon Adams, Sylvian Whittingham, Francis Brothers not on picture: Reginald Fisher, Arthur Woodruff, and Rielly. ((- Bennett, Perry W. Kirklin.

Page 16








Page 17







General Officers And Sphinx Staff In the picture of Alpha Phi Alpha general officers and The Sphinx staff a r e : 1. Dr. B. Andrew Rose, general president; Joseph H. B. Evans, general secretary; 3. Attorney Percival R. Piper, general treasurer; 4. Charles W. Green, first pice-president; 5. William Warrick Cardozo, third vice-president; 6. William S. Randolph, member executive council; 7. Raymond W. Cannon, director of education; 8. Robert P. Daniel, second vice-president; 9. Attorney Myles A. Paige, member executive council; 10. Attorney Perry B. Jackson, general counsel; 11. Allan R. Freelon, an art editor; 12. P. Bernard Y 째ung, Jr., editor-in-chief of The Sphinx; 13. Rayford Logan, literary editor; 14. Attorney Oscar C. Brown, editor emeritus; 15, Dr. O. Wilson Winters, fraternity fun editor; 16. James D. Parks, an art editor; 17. William I. Gibson, member editorial board; 18. Chester L. Washington, member editorial board; 19. Carl J. Murphy, member editorial board; 20. Ivan Earle Taylor, member editorial board; 21. George B. Kelley, who's who editor; and 22. Howard H. Murphy advertising manager; George A. Singleton, history editor, and Gustavus A. Steward, member editorial board, are not on the grouD y Picture.

Page 18



S tting left to ri ht: M °Tw ^-A^^^X: WhTbty ^creUrTs ^ / T " ' ' * ' S. Thompson, vice president! Ung right: W B Thompson, W. S. Fuller. T h o m a s * ^Zf' °L*" *° J. P ^ ^ e n t ex-officio, Sphinx Club; standing, l e I t „ Holhs, J. R . L a u r e y > c . T H o ] I . S j M E ; F o h w ° m r a ; a „d L a n T s " ; D a n " ^ * " « C & I l e n ' S t ™ B r o a d d u s . A « ™ W a l l a c e ' *


w 5&

Jt,'C3F ; " rife'

4 £

- ^

Beta Delta Chapter. Top row, left to rip-ht- r Q TU ^ " n roung, J. F. Hicks, A. J. Green, Green! TE. GG.^ McFarland S ^ W * , I" A f tv Cu S^ * c *t<**> «• AAsecond row: R. A. Brooks, * E. Young, » C , ° n t y ' G> " AAnderson; d e r s o n ; second W. Turner, L. B. Frasier, L. Tranick, W H S M L H ) J W l B t o . ; third row: P. R. Webber, W. L. B u c h a n * Henderson, H. J. Montague, jr., L, A, Cotton, J. M. F r e e m a n , J r ' l B E ^ g f i s M r


' °'


' *"



Fra lkS;


M t h





Page 19

Upsilon Chapter, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.

Some of Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter members are to be seen in the above photograph. Reading from left to right, anding: Attorney Myles A. Paige, Clarence W. Richardson Gerald F. Norman, J. H. Eckles, Attorney William T. Andrews, r. Louis R. Middleton, Dr. J. Edward Lowry; sitting, left to right: Dr. Chandos D. Maxey, Dr. Charles N. Ford, Dr. Lucien . Brown, Dr. C. P. McLendon, and Dr. Robert S. White. Some of the members are not shown in the picture (see chapter >ws.)


Page 20

f V ° « b0U°m r°W: B e n n i e E- T a ^ > J ™ E. Keitt, Millard R. D ^ Thomas P. D o ^ ChataB W e BrooksD c k t s Alfred H W V" * ? * ' ^ " " " * * • * M ' C - e y ' * " » M ° n'Ne McCil.ery Wilson, Cerald R. Boyd,' C o ^ S £ ^ ^ ^ S ^ W S ^ B












Page 21

Members of Alpha Beta Chapter are shown above. Reading fiom left u p : Herbert Boggs Herbert [ Denton k W ^ ^ f ^ ^ f Worde, Edward McCarroll, Daniel McLeod. (Alpha P h i ) . Porter James. «»d W i l l . s G a m s o n Reading from right ^up LowM Bu^seU. Gilbert Porter, Nathan Langford, Henry Walden. Lewis Mahone. Chas. Burbridge, Harold l a y l o r E l z y Wright and Harold L o = a n a ™ s urer. Holding banner: Willis Pitts, secretary; Hilton Hanna. Raymond Pitts, president; William Pigrom, and Waldo uiancnet. Brother Herbert Pigrom, vice president of the chapter is not shown here.

Above are members of Zeta Lambda Chapter, Norfolk, Va. Standing (left to right) John H. Christian T. Roger Thompson, R. H. Pree, John J. Ballou, Dr. J. M. Hayes, Dr. W. D. Young; seated (left to right) P. Bernard Young, Jr., A. D. Manning, Dr. L. A. Fowlkes, W. A. Miller and L. F . Palmer.

Page 22


HARRY E. DENNIS, a member of Alpha Zeta Chapter, West Virginia State Clollege, has been awarded a scholarship by the Mary Bethune Civic Club of Wheeling, W. Va., as a reward for excellence in scholarship.

* * * * BROOKS DICKENS is a candidate for a doctor of philosophy degree at the State University of Iowa. A member of Alpha Theta Chapter, he has won the admiration of Iowa audience with audiences with addresses on Negro education in southern states. Brother Dickens, a native of Raleigh, N. C, is regarded as an expert on the subject.

* * * * DR. C. WAYMOND REEVES was one of the Negro doctors to attend the White House Conference on Child Health. He is chaplain of Eta Lambda Chapter, Atlanta, Ga.

* * * * PRESIDENT M. S. DAVAGE of Clark University, Atlanta, Ga., has been elected chairman of the *Negro Group of the Local Family Welfare Society. He is also a member of Eta Lambda Chapter.

* * * * DEAN BRAWLEY, also of Clark University, is at present engaged in a survey of the Methodist Ep i s c o p a 1 schools.

Mass., BROTHER SCHENKS, assistant Attorney General of the Federal Court • CYRIL BUTIER, Master in Equity; and JULIAN RAINEY, Assistant Attorney General. All of these brothers are members of Sigma Chapter, Boston, Mass.

* * * * BROTHER COTTMAN, of Beta Alpha Chapter, has been elected captain of the 1931 Morgan College football team.

* * * * DR. EUGENE DIBBLE, head of the John A. Andrews Hospital, Tuskegee Institute, Ala., and a member of Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter, received profuse congratulations on the success of the annual John A. Andrews Clinic, held this year in April.

* * * * M. E. THOMASON is enrolled as a candidate for the doctor of philosophy degree at (Columbia University. He is a member of Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter, Tuskegee Institute, Ala.

* * * * HERBERT DENTON is one of the two men on the campus at Talladega College, Talladega, Ala., having a magna cum laude scholastic average. He is Alpha Beta's associate editor to The Sphinx, student reporter and a member of Talladega's Little Theater.

* * * *

* * * *

EUGENE B. CAVIL has recently been voted the most talented man of the Wiley College (Marshall, Texas) c a m p u s . Brother Cavil is president of Alpha Sigma Chapter, president of the junior class at Wiley and a star athlete.

DR. LOUIS R. MIDDLETON is chief clinician for the New York Health Department of the dental department of the Harlem Health Center. He is an active Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter member.

* * * * BERNARD A. ADAMS, JR., editor of The Wiley College Wildcat, is busily engaged in putting out the Wiley College annual.

* * * * J



T ' £ £ ' a l s ° »f Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter, New York, is pathological technician in the pathological laboratory 0 f Harlem Hospital.

* * * # L. B. NUTTER, of Alpha Sigma Chapter, Wiley College, was a member of the debating team of that institution which engaged Oklahoma City College in the first interracial debate ever held in the South.

* * * * HENRY JOHNSON, captain-elect of the Wiley College football team, is the the only three-letter man on the campus, where he is ac-tive in Alpha Sigma Chapter affairs. * * * * JOHN LANE has been a p p o i n t e d clerk of the Juvenile Court of Boston,

BeS? i S T ™ H A L 1 - * Pledge of Beta Delta Chapter, South C a r o l i n a Mate College, Orangeburg, S. O., won the college declamation contest, an annual feature at the Palmetto State institution.

* * * * THEODORE M. BERRY, former national third vice-president, and a member of Alpha Alpha Chapter, has completed a study on "The Status of the Negro in Industry and Occupational Opportunities in Cincinnati" as part of a survey conducted under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce of Cincinnati and the City Public Welfare Division.

Subsequent to the release of his reP for publication, Brother Berry guest lecturer in the course of s°~, psychology at the University of Cinhe» cinnati, one of the few instance w a



the university elected in the of Cincinnati senior in law



portion ^

body. Brother Berry fall to the editorial sta^ Law Review. He lS at the University.

DR. H. A. CJALLIS, one of the f°« ders of Alpha Phi Alpha, now a mem * of the Howard University medical t 8 ^ ulty, will speak on "The Significance^ Hypertension" on June 23, when the &* post-graduate clinic in the South f<* gro physicians is held at St. Ph" 1 ^ Hospital, Richmond, Va., with the v C . r , operation of the Medical College of V1 ginia.

* * * *

Hence P A U L R O B E S O N , a r t i s t p a r exec he w a s cheered by 5,000 people when JJ g a v e t h e l a s t concert of his recen • concluded A m e r i c a n t o u r a t the C o " " ' t Center, W h i t e P l a i n s , N . Y. Brotl^ Robeson sailed for London, on AP 17, to p l a y t h e lead in E u g e n e O'Ne' 1 " T h e H a i r y A p e . " Mr. Robeson s

soloist for a chorus of 700 Neg roe whose singing supplemented his P gram. * * * * FREEMAN HODGE, head of W>'eJ College subsistence department celet""^ ted Christmas in a big way, but a" °j the quiet. He uttered the proverbial Do" for a pretty little lady from Shrev port, La. And they are living hapP1 • ever afterward. * % * * CHARLES H. CLARKE, JR., seCt"' tary of Phi Chapter in his freshma year won second place in the B r o ^ Oratorical Contest, one of the bigSeS events of the spring, on the Ohio U** versity campus. His topic was " BaC1 £, Understanding." His reward was <K in gold. He has been elected to Psi c and Sigma Pi Sigma, two honorary fr *' ternities; is a member of the deba1 squad, and is in line for Phi Be" Gamma, national forensic fraterniW' Alvin P. Hall and he contributed to tn university publication. * * * * C R. LAUREY, a junior at Detr°»' Medical College, is receiving the cong?"1' ulations of his Alpha Upsilon Chapt" Continued on Page 33


Page 23

A Political Achievement By WILLIAM C. PYANT, Alpha Mu rHEN the City Council of Evanston, III. was reorganized on April 20 there w0re six new aldermen as a result of the election, one of whom was Brother Edwin B. Jourdain, Jr., who has the distinction of being Evanston's first Negro Alderman. According to political experts of Evinixton his election was not unexpected, however, because of the pre-election strength which was given him by scores of white voters during his campaign. Brother Jourdain was credited with conducting his campaign in a commendable manner, free from ill feeling and vituperation. Brother Jourdain was a cand idate from the fifth ivard and polled a total of 1,890 votes against 1,505 for John P. Russ, white, his nearest opponent. The voting was marked by many impromptu parades. One of the most enthusiastic was that of Brother Jourdain'8 supporters. The colored citizens of Evanston vociferously hailed the precedent whereby for the first time in the city's history they gained representation by one of their own color. Commenting editorially, the Evanston News-Index has this to say of the election: "For the first time in history Evanston is to have a Negro in the City Council. Edwin B. Jourdain young and energetic leader of his 'race in Evanston, won handily over John P. Russ and Oscar Caisson, incumbent, in the race for alder manic honors in the Fifth ward. "The personnel of the new City Council should be highly satis f a c t <> r y to Evanston as a whole, representing, as it does, a capable and sincere group of men who will serve Evanston diligently and well." Brother Jourdain took his seat in the

council chambers on April 27, and was immediately appointed to several of the important committees. He was given the chairmanship of the printing committee, which is one of the ranking committees of the council. Let us briefly study the life of Evanston's first Negro alderman.

was the only Negro on the staff. It was in 1918 at Boston when Brother, Jourdain was initiated into Sigma Chapter where he subsequently served as the efficient chapter secretary. He also helped found and set up Alpha Eta Chapter at Harvard, and was elected first president of Alpha Eta, which position he held until graduation. Brother Alderman Jourdain has been a member of Alpha Mu Chapter since he first came to Chicago.

Born and reared in New Bedford, Massachusetts, Brother Jourdain is the son Brother Jourdain popularized intersecof E. B. Jourdain, Sr., a prominent attorney, and a member of one of the oldest tional basketball when be brought the families, regardless of race, in the New famous Clark University Panthers all England city. Educated in the public the way from Atlanta to meet the scrapschools there, he entered Harvard Uni- py Evanston All-Stars in 1926. He inversity, where he did his major work in troduced basketball to the patrons a t the political science and economics and his Savoy Ballroom in December, 1927, when minor work in history. He received the the Clark Panthers again journeyed to bachelor's degree in June, 1921, and later Chicago to play the Evanston team a retook work in the Graduate School of Bus- turn game. It was "Ghent," as Brother iness Administration at the same insti- Jourdain is popularly called, who was ditution. Brother Jourdain made an ex- rectly responsible for the first Tuskegeecellent record at Harvard and was very Wilberforce football game at Chicago active in extra-curricula activities. He Soldiers Field in October, 1929. He was was the only Negro; member of the Har- the first colored executive with the Balavard Memorial Club, ,he did editorial ban and Katz and Publix Theaters Corp., work on the Harvard Crimson (daily as manager of Regal Theater, Chicago. paper), was a sprinter on the varsity A former city editor of the Chicago track team for two years, and distin- De fender and now managing editor of guished himself as a debater. Brother the Chicago bee, Brother Jourdain is Jourdain broke the color line in freshman much interested in various community dormitories at Harvard in 1921, after affairs and is a member of the board of conferences with president Abbott L. management of the Emerson Street DeLowell, which conferences led to a con- partment Y. M. C. A., member of the the certed attack on discrimination by the Board of Directors of the Evanston N. Harvard alumni. A. A. C. P., member of the American LeBrother Jourdain came from the East gion and the Evanston Interracial Counto Northwestern to study journalism in cil. In addition to these many activities 1924. Prior to this time he had been Brother Jourdain finds time to support sports reporter and later feature writer the general program of Alpa Phi Alpha for the New Bedford Evening Standard and play tennis. He resides at 2034 Dar—the largest daily in southeastern Mas- row Avenue with his lovely wife, the forsachusetts. Here, too, Brother Jourdain mer Emmaline Hardwick.


J. ALBERT PARSONS Continued from Page 7 various other articles of every day use are products resulting from the use of corrosive liquids of high temperatures and pressures that would rapidly attack ordinary iron and steel. These corrosions, temperature, a n d pressure resisting alloys perfected under the metallurgical engineering of Brother "arsons, offer such products as pumps, tanks, valves, pipes and fittings, fans, condensers, heating boilers etcs., to the chemical industry. "Tis interesting to note the growth of the Duriron Company Laboratory staff.

In 1922 Parsons was the only man in the laboratory; now he has under his supervision ten assistants. For his wonderful scientific work, Parsons won the Harmon Award for distinguished achievement in 1928. Brother Parsons has been active in the fraternity since the "Three Little Words" were stamped on him in 1920. He became a member of Theta Lambda in 1922: since that time he has served as president, secretary, and director of education. Other than his fraternity connections, Parsons is a member of a number of organizations:—American Society

for Steel Treating, Institute of Metals, The American Electro Chemical Society, Euclid Ave. A. M. E. Church (served as superintendent of Sunday School for six years), boys' work committee, Y. M. C. A., and board of directors of Linden Community Center. Theta Lambda is proud of Brother Parsons for the work that he is doing, for he is carving a place in the scientific world for his race, fraternity, and self. A great deal of Parsons' success is no doubt due to his charming wife, formerly Miss Blanche Arnold, and his young daughter, Wanda,


Page 24



By E. WYATTE KNOX Alpha Kappa am going out of my way to assume the role of scribe for our chapter. The person • in whom I am interested and who deserves a great deal of credit for the remarkable progress made in college and fraternal activities, is Brother Hughes A. Robinson, at present secretary- treasurer of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Springfield, Mass. A brief resume of Brother Robinson's active life will warrant my choosing him as the most outstanding member of the chapter to graduate in June. All the more remarkable is the achievements of this finest type of Alpha man to be found anywhere, when we observe that he is to be graduated one year in advance of his class, a feat of which very few whites enrolled at the Y. M. C. A. College in Springfield can boast. Brother R o b i n s o n ' s h o m e i s i n Springfield, Mass. He attended Ironsides School in Bordentown, N. J., 192126, where we observe the brother taking an active part in numerous affairs as follows: member, student council two years; chairman junior prom committee; treasurer, junior class; senior club, and officers corps, one year; delegate to "Y" conference at Hightown, Asbury Park, and New Brunswick, N. J.; vice president, Bible Class Y. M. C. A. and student council, one year; president class 1921; Agriculture Club; Senior Club student council; Improvement L e a g u e ; Student Loan and Aid Society and Y. M. C. A. Later he attended Central High School in Springfield, graduating at the end of two years. Let us review briefly his undergraduate life at Springfield. One will readily perceive that Brother Robinson was destined to carry on where he left off in high school. Here are a few of the important campus activities conn e c t e d with our belated brother: member student staff three years; Cosmopolitan Club three years; debating society one year; assistant manager lacrosse team, one year; Student Association, three years; Massasoit Library Society, one year; manager and promoter basketball and swimming clubs for high school pupils, two years; secretary-treasurer, College f'luli and Greek Letter Society, one year; Esenwein Prize for public speaking, 1929; national intercollegiate oratorical contest, Amherst, 1929, Harvard, 1930; delegate at the Model League Assembly of the League of Nations at Wellesley College; secretary-treasurer of the interfraternal council which is preparing at


Brother Carter To Study In Europe After Graduation CLIPPING of an article by Elinor Williams from an unnamed Ne* England newspaper has the following t0 say concerning Brother Sylvester Carter' of Bates College and Alpha Kappa Chapter: "Sylvester Carter, member of the claS6 of '34, plans to complete his musical education in Europe after he is graduate from Bates. In Italy or Germany ^ hopes to gain intellectual backgroiin and final training to enter concert wof in this country and abroad. He plan to complete a four-year course at Bates* continuing vocal training during the summer. He is earning his college education with his voice, and is already v>e known locally and throughout Maine f°f his church and concert singing.

HUGHES A. ROBINSON Alpha Kappa Chapter

present for its big formal on May 8. Indeed the question might be asked, why and how could one person belong to so many organizations and still manage to find time for his academic work. A person who is acquainted with the personality of Brother Robinson will proclaim such a task possible. You have often heard of the little proverb: "Patience is a virtue." Not only is this one of the many good traits of Robinson's character, but there is also the stern determination and perseverance lodged deeply in the personal makeup of this individual. Brother Robinson has proved his capabilities as a host to the many Brothers who frequently visit Springfield. Nothing is too great for "Rob" when it comes to making things hospitable for strangers. He is imbued with the spirit of a genuine Alpha man, never shirking because of hard work nor relaxing when I he going is soft. Alpha Phi Alpha should be proud to look upon this young man as one of the many conscientious brothers trying to elevate himself to leadership. He will not be merely B leader but an inspiration to those who are about to graduate from high school. With the greatest pleasure and sincerity, I doff my hat to one of the finest young men of the Negro race, a perfect gentleman, and energetic scholar.

"Carter has had unusual training an has already won wide recognition as ^ baritone. He has been guest soloist W a Boston Symphony orchestra group, a" has sung in Symphony Hall and in the Springfield Municipal auditorium. ** has given recitals with his brother, Nor man Carter, a talented organist, and t>8" conducted several choruses, among then1' the civic chorus in Maiden, Mass. Boston his singing was called a sens* tion and he is considered a "secoO Roland Hayes." "Carter's training began in Ma1den' Mass., when he was eleven years °' under Miss Grace Campbell. He co"' tinued studying through high school a"' his singing attracted much attention. this time opportunity in several for"1 awaited him. The Maiden school con1' mittee suspended rules so that he niiS11 give recitals in the school to earn monw for his college education. Miss Cla" Shear, an opera singer, made arrant ,„i: ments for him to study at the Bos Conservatory of Music with Arturo Vi* ' the European teacher of Marion Tall" and other famous singers, who had con1 to this country to coach Metropolis opera. Carter took musical courses Boston University, and worked with tn Oliver Ditson Company where he "* came acquainted with new music, cot* posers, and also with other musicians^ "At Bates, Carter is a member of '" Glee Club and choir, and is acquir1"; a background in languages that will 3 ' him later in concert work. He is Ma ing plans for his first recital at Bate which he will present next fall v>* his brother who is now giving recit8'" in Washington."


Page 25

Helping Americas Youth By P. BERNARD YOUNG, JR., Sphinx Editor URING the week of May 3-9, inclusive, the annual G o-t o-H i g hSchool, Go-to-College Campaign, sponsored by the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity was conducted in 35 states and the District of Columbia under the supervision of a director in each jurisdiction and with the cooperation of our nearly 100 chapters and school and church leaders. The slogan adopted by the fraternity for use during the campaign was "Help Us Help Others." During the week of the campaign public meetings were held throughout the country and addresses delivered by prominent leaders. Helpful and instructive literature was distributed among the students of secondary schools. Talks were given in schools, churches, settlement houses, Y. M. C. A.'s and Y. W. C. A.'s and business enterprises. "The fraternity through this campaign

attempts to stimulate the ambition of boys and girls and to encourage them to seek education and to search for truth," Brother Raymond W. Cannon of Minneapolis, Minn., director of educational activities for the fraternity, declared in announcing the dates for this year's campaign. "In this respect," he continued, "the fraternity is engaged in a militant effort for uplift and betterment, for the promotion of the highest ideals of manhood and womanhood, stimulation of interest in higher and finer things of life, and development of the ability to be of service. Purpose Explained "Alpha Phi Alpha is not trying to make college graduates of every boy and

girl," he pointed out, "but merely insisted that every boy and girl be equipped with as much knowledge and training as is possible in order that each may fit into the scheme of life with greatest usefulness." The Alpha Phi Alpha movement is one of the very few which does not ask the public for financial assistance. The entire department of educational activities, which in c 1 u d e s the Go-to-HighSchool, Go-to-College Campaign, is financed entirely by the fraternity. Many of our members are struggling to secure an education. Many of the others are trying to make a start in life. Even so, they are sacrificing to help others. Brother Director Cannon pointed out the great need for effective work among Negro youth. In the census of 1920, of the population 10 years of age and over, Continued on Page 32

Members of the executive council snapped during the meet ing of the council in Pittsburgh last December. Shown in the photograph are, front row, right to left: Brothers R. P. Daniels, second vice-president; Charles W. Green, first vice-president; Joseph H. B. Evans, general secretary; Dr. B. Andrew Rose, general president; Attorney Percival R. Piper, general treasurer; Attorney Perry B. Jackson, general counsel; back row, right to left: William S. Randolph, member e x e c u t i v e council; Raymond W. Cannon, director of education; William Warrick Cardozo, third vice-president; and P. Bernard Young, Jr., editor-in-chief of The Sphinx. Brother Myles A. Paige, a member of the council, was not present.

Page 26



The Director of Education Message I

N REPLY to the many inquiries received at this office, the executive Council of this Fraternity decided in its last meeting held in Pittsburgh, Penn., last December to reduce the number of scholarships to be awarded by Alpha Phi Alpha in 1931 from ten to five. Consequently, only five scholarships will be awarded this year. These are open to Race students generally who are seniors in accredited high schools preparing to graduate in June, 1931, or who are already graduates, and to students regularly enrolled; in colleges or universities of approved standing. In place of the other five scholarships it was decided to substitute a student loan fund, the use of which is to be restricted to members of Alpha Phi Alpha who are in good standing at the time of application. It will take much time to get this loan fund into operation. Although i t is very small nevertheless it is a- start. It is not expected that it will be available before next fall at the earliest. A commission is now busily engaged in devising a practical plan whereby i t may be placed in operation after which detailed information and full instructions will be issued to all of the chapters. We trust this will satisfy all inquiries. Again we remind you to advise us of brothers in your midst who afford

J. PINCKNEY DAVIS of Beta Alpha Chapter recently was united in marriage to Miss Ethel Washington.

* * *


KELSO B. MORRIS, the youngest member of the Wiley College faculty surprised us last summer and took unto himself a wife. He married the beautiful Miss Telitha Long, of Monroe La. Lucky boy, this chapter brothers say.

* * *


"BOBO" MILLER, of Chi Chapter, formerly of Howard, is the proud father of a 12-pound baby boy. "Bo" warns the Lincoln Lion to watch out for another tough guard a few years hence. * ** * P. BERNARD YOUNG, Jr., editor of The Sphinx and a member of Zeta Lambda Chapter, is a happy victim of Cupid's darts. His marriage to Miss Undine Davis, of Hampton, Va., a graduate of Hampton Institute and Oberlin

By RAYMOND W. CANNON, Director of Education

$0.2« -*al0 " «Q4

Mat Mailing envelop

Postage employment to others. We have requests from some of our members for positions. When you assist us in this respect you are assisting some of your brothers. Please indicate to this office t h o s e members of your chapter who are principals of high and grade schools, heads of colleges, universities, hospitals, business enterprises, etc. Also advise as to any openings in your localities for men qualified to practice the various professions. Requests have been received at this office for cuts of the group picture of the winners of the 1930 s c h o l a r s h i p s awarded by Alpha Phi Alpha. Some of the chapters will want to run these in their local papers to further the progress of their Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College, campaigns. Thia is certainly a capital idea and we wish to suggest it to every chapter in the Fraternity. We are indebted to Brother Hughes A. Robinson, secretarytreasurer of Alpha Kappa Chapter, Springfield, Mass., for this suggestion. We have supplied Brother Robinson for the local campaign of his chapter. Mats are much cheaper than cuts and can be used in place of same. The cost of one mat is as follows:

f^1,.^.' J"> \jUpia S

/^l LlOmer

Kindergarten Training School, will take place the later part of June. After the marriage the couple will make their home at 721 Chapel street, Norfolk Va where Brother Young is employed as managing editor of the Journal and Guide. Brother Young, a graduate of Hampton Institute and Ohio State University School of Journalism, was formerly a member of Kappa Chapter, where he was initiated. MILLARD "BUDDY" DEAN, president ot the Negro Forum, all-University organization of Negroes at the State University of Iowa, recently received his tuition expenses from the Alumni Association of the College of Dentistry for exceptional abilty. Brother Dean came to Alpha Theta from Alpha Mu

""* ,

Total cost „ Thus, for the small sum of 3 4 c J o f will be able to have the group P"etl"' the winners of our scholarships ' n ^ local paper. What better item or i n c e n h e l p could be carried in your papers to the Go-to-High-School, Go-to-C o 1 « ^ Campaign? Certainly it will stun" interest. 0f Some of the Brothers are d e s i r 0 l f u r e. having permanent copies of this P1C ^g Upon investigation, we find t h a . . or can supply these done in either a ^ glossy finish, approxim a t e 1 y 4 * inches, suitable for keeping and f r a I ? 0 2fl Picture 4" x 6%" "*al0 Mailing envelop " QQ4 Postage "" Total cost -* ic . Many of the brothers want these P ^ tures to hang in their rooms, s o n i e c 0 l l . sire them for their libraries as a ^ stant record and reminder as we a memento of this phase of the which their fraternity is doingoriginal cut was made from one of ^ copies. For those brothers who de ^ a copy of larger size, the cost may computed on the basis of one c e n t ..; n i , J


square inch, plus postage and »'» ^ envelop. Remit by Money Order if P sible. Stamps are acceptable.


Northwestern University and sin£ e has sserved twice as as advisor advisor to to frft**' ™ed twice men and is at present vice-president ^ treasurer of his chapter. The $eg Forum under brother Dean's leader 5 ,^ has recently inaugurated a program tended to establish better relations tween racial groups on the campus-


NOTICE if Any chapter officers or individua, brothers who know the names «« d addresses of other members of *** fraternity living away from chapter cial WiW seats and not active or financv~ivill render the organization a very effective cooperation if they < send such names and addresses to Brother Joseph H. B. Evans, 0en' eral secretary, 101 S. Street, N. ^"» Washington, D. C.

Page 27


We Doff Our Hat

To CHARLES HENRY BOYER dean of St. Augustine's College, Raleigh, N. C.; secretary of Phi Lambda Chapter By EMORY A. JOHNSON, Phi Lambda | ^ i H A R L E S HENRY BOYER, who for ^-^ the past thirty-five years has been ?n instructor at the St. Augustine's School in Raleigh, N. C , is the very able secretary of Phi Lambda Chapter. Brother Boyer's career is one that is worthy of commendation, for as a citizen, teacher, ÂŁnd brother, he is an individual with a dynamic personality. Brother Boyer was born November 12, 1869, at Elkton, Md. His parents were the late Edward and Clinton Caldwell Boyer, whose farsightedness and Christian characters live until today in our brother. Educational and religious advantage were p r o v i d e d b y t h e s e parents. His early instruction was received in the elementary schools of Elkton. In preparation for college he attended the Institute for Colored Youth in Philadelphia, and later the H o p k i n s Grammar School in New Haven. In the last-mentioned institution Brother Boyer was active as an athlete, being a member Pf the football and basketball teams. Other extra curricular activities engaged 'n were the literary and glee clubs. It will be remembered that the Hopk 'ns Grammar School is perhaps the oldest college preparatory school in America. Upon completing the course at the HopÂŤns Grammar School he entered Yale University in the fall of 1892. Here Brother Boyer was as active as ever. During his freshman year he was a mem-

ber and treasurer of the Freshman Union Debating Club. In 1896 he was graduated from Yale with the degree of A. B. and in 1915 Brother Boyer received from the same college his masters of arts degree. From 1896 to the present day he has labored untiringly to give to Negro boys and girls the very best that is to be obtained. On invitation of Rev. A. B. Hunter, he came to St. Augustine's in 1896. He taught at this time, mathematics and Greek in the college department. In extra-curricular activities he was the director of athletics, superintendent of the school Sunday School, and warden of the chapel. On the 22nd of September, 1897, he married Miss Alethia A. Chase, of New Haven. Of this union there were four daughters and four sons, one of whom died in infancy. Mrs. Boyer passed away in March of 1926. In 1911 Brother Boyer was given an extensive trip to Europe by a group of associates and friends. This trip was a mark of appreciation for his devoted service at St. Augustine's College. Brother Boyer was accompanied on this trip by the late Berry O'Kelly of Method, N. C. While abroad they visited England, France, Italy, Holland, Belgium, and northern Africa. On December 24, 1927, he was married to Mrs. Inez Alston, of Tampa, Fla., prominent in benevolent and social circles and women's clubs, and grand matron of the Eastern Star of that state. Brother Boyer's fraternal affiliations are the following: Alpha Phi Alpha, patron of the Eastern Star, 32nd degree Mason, and Shriner. From the beginning of his career at St. Augustine's it has been his ambition to see St. Augustine's a full-fledged college and he has toiled unceasingly to that end. A long step forward was made when the junior college department was organized, with Brother Boyer as head, in 1925. In December, 1930, St. Augustine's College in its fourth year was rated " A " by the Department of Public Instruction of the State of North Carolina. Those who know the history of the institution realize that our brother's continued efforts to raise the standard of St. Augustine's have received recognition, and he has received many expressions of congratulation from friends and fraternity brothers in all parts of the United States. Phi Lambda w i s h e s much success in the future to Brother Charles Henry Boyer.

To JAMES S. WATSON Justice of the Municipal Court New York City Because his election last fall in the newly formed Tenth Judicial District of New York was the crowning accomplishment of sixteen years of service as a lawyer of renown . . . because New Yorkers of both races honored him when he was inducted into office on January 5, 1931, subsequent to his being sworn in by Superior Court Justice W. Hanan Black on December 31, 1930 . . . Brother Watson was born in Jamaica, B. W. I., May 29, 1882, came to United States in 1905, after previously having graduated from Beck ford and Smith's High School, Jamaica, studied at the night session of City College of New York, New York Law School, and was admitted to the New York bar on April 6, 1914 . . . because while serving with House, Grossman, and Vorhaus, of 115 Broadway, he was head of their corporation, tax, and contract division from 1916 to 1920; was appointed a special assistant corporation counsel of the City of New York on October 1, 1922 . . . married Miss Violet May Lopez in 1917, has four children, belongs to Alpha Phi Alpha, Elks, Masons, St. Luke's Lodge, Neto Antioch Council, New York Lawyers Association, Harlem Lawyers Association, board of trustee of the MartinSmith Music School, St. Mary's P. E. Church, Cayuga Democratic Club, and the United Colored Democracy . . . because he is of outstanding ability, long Continued on Page 28

Page 28


m Doff Our Hat An Open Letter From Cincinnati Brothers About The Convention

To C. RUSHTON LONG Bates College and Alpha Kappa Chapter

To ERNEST A. DAWSON Alpha Kappa Chapter

Citizen of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . . . numerals in freshman track, member of various campus societies, active beyond the campus in the neighboring cities in Maine . . . member of the Y. M. C. A., Outing Club, varsity track team, Varsity Club, chairman of the "Y" Cabinet, chief reporter of the official publication of Bates College, chairman of the Deputation Team, member of the debating team, president of the Young People's Discussion and Social Club of Lewiston, and president of the Hellenic Club . . . recently elected secretary-treasurer of Alpha Kappa Chapter . . . gave a wonderful speech on the American man at Lewiston Baptist Church, winning recog nit ion from citizens of Lewiston as a real man and speaker . . . possesses those wonderful qualities which make for success and for the recognition of the colored man as a citizen . . . represented Bates College as a delegate at several New England intercollegiatee con v e n tions of the "Y".

Because he is corresponding secretary of Alpha Kappa Chapter, having been elected during the spring vacation . . expects to keep the brothers in the various New England colleges informed of the activities of the chapter . . . affiliated with many clubs and organizations in the city of Springfield, active in student affairs, member of the college band and director of a dance Orchestra composed of college men . . . during his Freshman year ivus a member of the jacket committee, the college pin committee, and the College Symphony Orchestra . . . served for one year as superintendent of St. John's Young People's Forum, vice president of the Forum scout master, director of the Dunbar Boys Club, associate director of Norma! Credit activities for the religious department of the college . . . member of the freshman varsity tennis team, assistant manager of lacrosse, freshman wrestling, varsity boxing team, Vanity Club . . . Because BrothOr Dawson was initiated into Alpha Kappa Chapter on June 6, 1930, and since that time he has kept up interest in the community and among the members . . . citizen of Reading, Pennsylvania, is a fine tij,,e of young man with the qualities that will make for leadership . . . quiet, will be among the prominent members of the next conclave in Cincinnati, Ohio interested in young people and is specializing in boys' work at Springfield College

JAMES S. WATSON iGontinued from Page 27 legal experience, and unblemished character . . . is unassuming, courteous, studious, conscientious, has a real love of his profession, race, countfry, and fraternity, and a wide reputation for honesty and square-dealing. He resides at 111 West \20th St., New York City.

To Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha^ "The Campbells are coming! ^ was the cry that struck terror, a w e ^ d e t : wonder to the p-asants and L o W in the days of Scotland's clan * * * ' j ^ . An expression of almost s i m j . ^ti ( port is in the air *""•« here in ;Tflt among people "on the know NO &*£ ALPHAS ARE COMING! pression is this, but rather one P 1 0 ^ ative of wonderment, anticipation, ^ . expectancy. In this town Alp lia ^ Alpha has an almost enviable P r e S ^ and now with news that the Sn v . u niversary Convention is coming, the P r din»": lie interest is far beyond the ore-Brothers, we want you to know Cincy is making preparation i" 1 ' j„ and the best will not be too £ ood ' ig3 i. contemplating the coming event oi the brothers of Alpha Alpha Chap Rich' are mindful of the enrichment in mond, the closer clinging in fulfillment in Philadelphia, and achievements in Atlanta. It is ° u r to fuse the best of all these past ^ ventions, and make this the Conve of Conventions in Alpha history^ presentation from every chapter a n ,}, presence of hosts of brothers can jt make it the success we hope to hav Thus, to all brothers of AlP h a tic"1 invitt Alpha, we extend this, extraordinaire." Fraternally and expectantly v ° ur i'gfl A T T1TT A A T D U A C H A " ^ . ALPHA ALPHA Oh'0' Cincinnati, TAU CHAPTER is the 1931 basljjj. ball champions of the University ° nois. • * in


. . . has served as associate " p. work in the Young Men's Christie" ^0 sociation in New York City for rnor< //(l three years . . . is chairman °- .^ social committees of Alpha KupP" .. ter and also of the Inter-Fraternal ^ 0 cil of Western New England, he -jf the music committee of the college f this capacity will render valuable *" . j to the college next year • • ' . ^1 junior in college the coming year o ^ _ rank as a senior in the fraternity • -^ all of the present officers will oe ^ college this summer and will not t


IVhat About Haiti? (Continued from Page 5.) and directed as a branch of the American occupation, has established clinics even in remote districts, and is slowly fighting down many diseases of long standing. This "Service d'Hygiene" was the only branch of the Occupation to receive whole-hearted commendation from the Haitians with whom I talked. Their problem is a tremendous one, for even conservative estimates indicate that about 70% of the people are suffering from one disease or another, and that over 80% need the attention of a dentist. 7IOR A long time after the Occupa- tion the school system was free from American control, but in 1923 an effort was made to remedy this condition. A treaty was signed between Haiti and the United States which provided for the appointment of an agricultural engineer, who would be empowered to build UT a school system suited to the needs of the Haitian people. This system has come to be known as the "Service Technique"—a service a b o u t which hundreds of pages might easily be written without exhausting the subject. The mere mention of the two words in a drawing-room in Port- auPrince is sufficient to start the telling of highly amusing stories about the doings of the American "experts". Some of these stories have perhaps no real foundation, and some others tell the entire truth, but all seem to be generally believed.


One such story concerns the arrival of an American coffee expert. It is said that shortly after his arrival he set out with two Haitians to inspect some coffee trees. After they had been riding for some 30 minutes alone; a path which wound about among the trees, the expert stopped and impatiently demanded; "But where are the coffee trees?" When we stop to consider that many of the American instructors inducted into the Service Technique had no acquaintance whatever with the the French language, and that the Haitian students with whom they worked knew no English whatever; the surprising thing is that there was not much more friction between the teachers and students. In some cases the language difficulty was partially overcome through the use of Haitian interpreters, but any student of elementary education will realize that subject matter which has to be presented through a third person, is likely to lose much of its content, to say nothing of the personality of the teacher. In the I mind of the student, the teacher who knew nothing of the language of the

ALPHONSE HENINGBURG country might easily prove deficient in other qualities. In those cases in which the interpreter was a good teacher, many wondered why he was not given complete charge of the work, and the American instructor allowed to depart. In the highest Haitian institution of learning in all Haiti, (the term is used to distinguish between the American and Haitian systems) the Lycee at Port au Prince, the oldest teacher receives a salary of $6.00 per month. His training, like that of many of his colleagues, was received largely in Europe. An American teacher with the same qualifications, working in the Service Technique system, might receive a salary six, seven, or even ten times as great as this. We are keeping in mind, of course, that the salaries of both these gentlemen are paid by the Haitian government. While it is perhaps true that same American instructor would receive just as good a salary if he were working the States, it is also true that he could be replaced by a French-speaking European for much less than he receives. It was suggested by more than one Haitian that all teachers be required to have a complete knowledge of the French language, and that Americans be employed only when their superiority over people of other countries was undisputed. DDING to these difficulties is that feeling of superiority which seems to attach itself to many American whites, both at home and abroad. Such Amer-


Page 29 icans are often either unable or unwilling to appreciate the possibilities of a highly developed civilization among darker peoples. It happens that in the Haitian capital there are some 40,000 people whose cultural and intellectual level would favorably compare with that of the elite of any modern nation. Their language and their traditions are French —many have lived in a country in which the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" mean more than a motto to be stamped on the national emblem. Theirs is a culture which pays less attention to material advancement than does the average American, and which does not agree that the whiteness of one's skin determines the amount of one's intelligence. And yet, considering the proximity of these two countries, considering the fact that Haiti is the only New World republic in which French is spoken, considering the fact that the National City Bank must for a long time control the finances of the smaller republic, these two nations need each other. The United States needs to learn that only fair treatment and sincere attempts to understand can win for this country the friendship of the smaller countries of Latin-America. Haiti must learn that the United States can offer much by way of industrial and agricultural achievement. The American marines are being withdrawn, the report of the Forbes Commission has been accepted and the report of the Moton Commission has recently come from the press in Washington, but the work of building a substantial friendship betwen the two nations has scarcely been begun. It is doubtless unwise to send into Haiti men who are persuaded by prejudices of race, or who are unacquainted with the beauties and the difficulties of the language spoken by its people. The present relations between the two countries constitute a challenge to the United States; a challenge to help a smaller republic find and maintain its place in the great community of nations. ROSCOE L. BARRETT, president of Alpha Theta has been recently appointed a member of the Faculty-Student Committee at the State University of Iowa. He is an active member of the Social Relations Committee, Cosmopolitan Club, Y. M. C. A. and International Relation Club. Brother Barrett is also the state director of education for the fraternity and business manager for Alpha Theta, the latter position having been unanimously bestowed upon him for three consecutive years. He will receive his undergraduate degree in mathematics and do graduate work in mathematics and business administration.

Page 30


^4 Victory In Epic Tradition GRIM band of Black and Gold basketeers of Alpha Phi Alpha climaxed a season-long battle against adversity and defeat on March 28 by scoring 9 points in the last four minutes of play to nip Kappa Alpha Psi at the wire, 26-25, for the interfraternal championship of Nashville, Tenn. The story of the game reads like a chapter from the works of Horatio Alger. The huge crowd was dazed by the spectacle of five defeated men suddenly turned berserk to crush through a hitherto iron wall with four successive shots. Here was a team, beaten in the opening game of the year by this same Kappa squad, made the target for the desperate assaults of Omega and Sigma, facing unanimously unsy m p a t h e t i c crowds week after week, that came back to beat Sigma and Kappa twice and the champion Omega thrice. Alpha won because Alpha had a heart that could not understand defeat. That in itself is a story of the game. Led by Captain "Bucket" Bailey, the old Morehouse star, Kappa came on the floor at 8:15 followed shortly after by Alpha, captained by "Whacker" Adams of West Virginia. The officials were "Tubby Johnson, of Fisk, and Turner, of Illinois. Incidentally, these men turned in the most creditable officiating Nashville has seen this year. Adams won the toss and elected to defend the far basket. Both teams opened up cautiously with Alpha having the edge by virtue of some accurate work from the foul-line by Bill Harris, "elongated city lights" stylist. But Bailey soon had a smoothrunning Kappa attack going, with King a t center as the man of the moment. At this point Coach Lloyd Cofer of Alpha sent in Jack Coleman for Captain Adams who, by virtue of a desperate and hardriding game had collected three fouls. Moore of Kappa sank two nice ones to tie the score at 11-all as the half ended. During the intermission, Kappa sympathizers paraded a mean-looking monkey in an iron cage. Alpha retaliated with a cat ridden by another anthrapoid. The largest crowd in Nashville frat history was by this time in hysteria of excitement, and both squads came back with blood in their eyes. Dockery, the former Johnson C. Smith crip-shot artist, sent Alpha out in front with a neat one from the side. King tied the score at 13-all and the Kappa machine was away. From 15-13, to 17-13, to 21-13, the score mounted. King, the Kappa center was unstoppable. Alpha seemed destined for defeat, but managed to stay in the running by the tap-shots of Thompson, who had been a marked man all the evening, and Dwiggins, Alpha's running guard.

Then with four minutes to go and the score 25-17, Alpha called time out and pandemonium reigned in the Kappa rooting section. "Tubby" Johnson called time in and away went Alpha Phi Alpha. A shot by Thompson, string music by a foul shot by Bill Harris, another by Thompson, and the score was 25-24 with 40 seconds to go. The stage was set for one more desperate effort,'the cue had sounded, and Dwiggins, the boy wonder from Lincoln, came through. The chubby little running-guard took the ball off the Kappa back-board and dribbled down the sideline. He poised for a moment, hooked the ball towards the goal, and blissfully trotted back to his position as the ball dropped through. The crowd sat stunned. Some few remembered the Philadelphia Alpha-Omega game of 1928 in which Dwiggins had come through in precisely the same manner. They gazed at the blithe basketeer in awe. The ball went back to center. The tap went from Harris to Thompson, to Dockery, to Coleman. A few wild lunges, a few despairing struggles from

Kappa cagers, and the gun sounded * the crowd swarmed on the floor. Kappa lost, but Kappa deserves » world of credit. Coach Barney Johnson and Captain Bailey, with the addition °^ only one man—Price from Wilberfo1 —brought their team from tail-ende" of 1930 to contenders of 1931. KapP was almost champion. Only the indomitable spirit of the Black and Gold. drilled all season by the Alpha staff ° Lloyd Cofer, of Tufts, and Earl Bland. the cagy manager of Morehouse, turnthe tide. By this spirit, the Alpha sqoa* was able to come from behind week af ** week and finally earn a most comrnen able record. Final Standing

Alpha Kappa . Sigma Omega

of the Team Won Lost






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__5 1 1

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CHARLES HOUSTON, dean of the Howard University Law School, and member of Mu Lambda Chapter, W^ largely instrumental in having the la school approved by the American ^ a Association. Approval of the association places Howard in the recognized fr0 rank of law schools.



i-*U £ml






Members of Alpha Zeta Chapter, West Virginia State College, are shown aboveLeft to right, top row: George Foy, Austin Curtis, Jr., and Harry Dennis; second row: Wilham Gatewood, Byrd Davis, James Nicholas, Chester Francis, Jonathan Davis, Maurice Staples, and Oliver Robinson; third row: Wilbur Miles, Simon Warren Charles Cranford, Andrew Woods, and Clarence C. White; fourth row: Ernest A. Armstead, Jonathan Giles, Henry P. Diggs, Frederick Lacy, Henry Marshall. Robert Redd, and James C. Evans; bottom row: Gohene Jefferies, Joseph Goode and John Franklin.


A Virgin Field of Activity Continued from Page 14 With the coming in power of a, Democratic administration under Pres i d e n t Wilson, one would naturally expect to see Judge Terrell displaced. However, when his name came up for reappointment, it carried with it the unqualified and unanimous recommendation of the District of Columbia Bar Association, composed of Democrats and Republicans, predominately southerners. He was promptly appointed by President Wilson and reappointed and confirmed by a Democratic Senate in Wilson's second term. Judge Terrell was reappointed by President Harding and was confirmed by the Senate on June 22, 1924, about one week after his name had been submitted. He had been confirmed six times. T the time of his death, he was the dean of the Municipal Court Bench and left the remarkable record having been reversed in his decisions by the Court of Appeals only five times in twenty-three years on the bench. In his decision upholding the Ball Rent Act, Judge Terrell's most important legal triumph is well remembered. Not only did he have the honor of being sustained by the United States Supreme Courts— the victory was doubly important, and do doubt doubly gratifying because his decision had twice been reversed by the District Court of Appeals, which declared the Ball Rent Act unconstitutional. The spectacle of a Negro judge's decision on constitutional law being upheld by the Supreme Court after two reversals by the judges of the Court of Appeals should stand as a great inspiration to our young men of legal training. Robert H. Terrell was born at Orange, Virginia, on November 25, 1857. His family moved to Washington during the early Reconstruction days and there he laid the foundation of his education in the public schools. After making a brilliant record in the high school, he matriculated at Lawrence Academy, Groton, Massachusetts. In 1880 he entered Harvard University, received his A. B. degree cum laude in 1884, was one of the five commencement speaker, r e c e i v e d special honors for his scholarship in Greek, and was the third Negro to graduate from Harvard and the first to graduate cum laude. Returning to Washington, he taught in the high school from 1884-1889. From his youth he had been drawn to the law as a profession—"That profession which is as ancient as ancient as magistracy, noble as virtue, and necessary as justice." He carried on his l a w . studies while teaching and in 1898 was graduated from Howard University Law School. Again

he led his class, of which he was valedictorian. The following year he won his master's degree from the same institution. As a student, teacher, lawyer and jurist, his work was always brilliant and unique. He graced his profession and his race with a record of accomplishment and integrity of which any man might well be proud. Judge Terrell died December 20, 1925, at his home in Washington, D. C. after having served as judge of the Municipal Court of the District of Columbia for a continuous period of twenty-three years. The annual ceremonies of the National Bar Association last year were held in honor of that great Negro scholar, first dean of the Law School of Howard University, John Mercer Langston. Meetings were held in every large city in the country, and thousands of persons were present to honor the memory of this great man. Great interest was shown by Negro lawyers all over the country in the National Bar Association, hundreds of new members joining in this effort to acquaint the public with the strides of the Negro Bar and their progress. SURVEY recently conducted by the Howard University Law S c h o o l shows the interesting and most significant fact that the percentage of Negro students entering the field of law today is greater by 500% than those who undertook the study of law a decade ago. There's a greater percentage of Negro students undertaking the legal progession today than any other profession as compared with that that u n d e r t o o k this study ten years a g o . This to my mind, is highly significant with respect to the Negro in his advancement in society and more active participation in politics, civic, and governmental affairs. To me this is a healthy sign. Certainly there should be more beneficial results than if, for example, the trend were in the direction of 500% increase in Negro students entering the clergy or even the medical profession, especially when one considers that 75% of those who enter the medical profession wend their way towards the larger cities where the profession, as far as the Negro doctor is concerned, is overcrowded. The Negro lawyer in Ameri c a h a s barely scratched the surface of opportunity in his profession. I am not a pessimist on the subject of the difficulties that confront the Negro lawyer a t the American bar; I agree with some critics that the difficulties facing the Negro lawyer are much more serious than those facing the Negro doctor. It is true that

Page 31 the Negro who makes a success must make his success generally in a courtroom filled with people of the opposite race, must plead to a judge and jury of white people, is opposed by white counsel, and must argue his apppeal before a white tribunal; but all of this can be overcome by the Negro who chooses to study law, if he carefully applies .himself to every subject that he understakes to study, with a determination to master a thorough knowledge of his profession and to practice his profession zealously and honestly. STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF A U G U S T 24, 1912, Of The Sphinx published B times per year at Norfolk, Va., for April 1, 1931. State of Virginia SS. County of Norfolk Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared P. Bernard Young. Jr., who having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and Bays that he is the Editor of the Sphinx and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Art of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to w i t : 1. That the name and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers a r e : Publisher Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., 719 E. Olney Rd., Norfolk, Va. Editor, P. Bernard Young, Jr., 719 E. Olney Rd., Norfolk, Va. Managing Editor, P. Bernard Young Jr., 719 E. Olney Rd„ Norfolk, Va. Business Manager, P. Bernard Young, Jr., 719 E. Olney Rd., Norfolk, Va. 2. That the owner i s : (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of total amount of stock. If not owed by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a firm, company, or other unincorporated concern, its name and address, as well as those of each individual member, must be given.) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., 719 E Olney Rd., Norfolk, Va. 3 That the known bondholders, mortgages. and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities a r e : (If there are none, so state.) None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholders or security holders appear upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given: also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees. hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona-fide owner and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association or corporation has any interest direct in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. 5 That the average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding the date shown above is (This information is required from daily publications only.) Signed: P. Bernard Young, Jr., Editor. Sworn to and subscribed before me this first day of April, 1931. (Seal.) Eleanor W. Young Form 3526.-Ed. 1924. (My commission expires June 18, 1934.) Sworn to and subscribed before me this first day of April 1931,

Page 32

Alpha Pledgee Is Initiated Into Phi Beta Kappa MONG the nine seniors recently initiated into Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic fraternity, at the Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo., was Dolphus K. Stroud, pledgee of Alpha Iota Chapter, Denver, Colo. Stroud, who is a track star, lives at 809 N. Walnut St., Colorado Springs. According to the college records, he is the first member of the race to win a Phi Beta honor at Colorado College, and so far as is known, the first in the Rocky Mountain region. At the same college Dolphus has a sister, Miss Effie Evelyn Stroud, who ranked seventh among 21 senior women with an average over 85. Miss Stroud's average was 90.47. Both brother and sister graduate in June. Dolphus' rise to high scholastic honors and his development into the most outstanding runner on the varsity track team represents a life story fraught with a struggle against many handicaps. Stroud, 23 years old, is of a family of 11 children supported by a father who has hauled ashes for the last 20 years Dolphus has helped his father ever since he was able to know what ashes were He assisted his father while in high school, where he established a creditable record both as a scholar and an athlete. In 1925 he finished high school ranking fifth in his class. The following year he entered Colorado College on a scholarship. Displeased with his reception when he went out for athletics, Dolphus left Colorado for Chicago, but in the winter of 192S he was again in Colorado Springs. Then he started the series of training grinds that were to win him recognition and eventually break down the barriers that kept him off the varsity teams. Dolphus wanted to make the Olympic team. His training for his specialty, long-distance runs, consisted of hiking tours through heavy snow and ice up Pike's peak. He almost froze to death when trapped by a blizzard a mile from the top. At another time he broke a record of 25 years standing when he descended the peak in 48 minutes, knocking 41 minutes off the old mark. The climax to his training for the Olympic tryouts came when he won the Rocky Mountain championship in the 5,000-meter race in Denver. However, this feat did not earn his transportation expenses to Boston for the final Olympic tryouts—the A. A. U. refused to send him there. Stroud was not discouraged. With |10 in his pocket, he de-

THE SPHINX cided to make the 2,000-mile trek across the continent, hitch-hiking his way. Within 11 days he made the journey, arriving in Boston six hours before the meet. The trip had proved too much of a strain on him. He was unable to finish when he attempted to run. As a member of the Colorado College varsity track team in 1929 he placed third in the six-mile grind in the A. A. U. and later beat Renshaw, a former Olympic champion, in an eight-mile run on the streets of Colorado Springs. He placed second in a two-miler in a meet staged by the Rocky Mountain A. A. U. indoor meet, and came back to outdistance a large field in the Denver News marathon. In his sophomore year at Colorado College Stroud won the Perkins scholarship award given to the student who had the highest'average in the class Stroud was also an honor student in his junior year. In 1930 Stroud was secretly married to Miss Ida Belle Vaughn. In addition to supporting himself and his wife he now c a r e s f o r h i s p a r e n t s a n d g e v e i a l other members of the family.

Continued from Page 13 be given an A. B. because in no other way can a tired faculty terminate his prolonged and now unwelcome stay The boy who has devoted practically all of his time to personal attendance upon the president-driving his car, doing his chores, serving his family in many domest,c w a y s - r a t h e r than to his studies may wm his diploma in spite of a grade l b ! o w t h e " P a s s ! n g " mark. And on more than one occasion it has been hinted that certain erotic episodes into which scheming co-eds have betrayed college d gnitanes have been prevented from exploding ,„to devastating scandals by the *

° f ***""*


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Helping America's Youth Continued from Page 25 the percentage of illiteracy s n 0 efe 5.9. Of these illiterates, 2 per cent native whites, 13.1 per cent were f° r ^ born whites, and 22.9 per cent were groes. ity Many of the chapters of the ^rateT$t}h. held essay contests on educational jects and winners will be awarded P , in tuition. Epsilon Lambda Chapte St. Louis, Mo., has placed 11 young ^ in college with one year's tuition P . Mu Chapter, Minneapolis and St. ^ Minn., has awarded one quarter's t"1 to seven high school seniors. Banquets Scheduled

They All Graduate


leaves any part of the work un nothing which smacks of favoritismcajoling of the whims of trustees or ulty, no emotional overriding of reg tions should be permitted to sway ions. The scholastic standards ere should rigidly control. Only thus Negro schools rise to and maintain educational worth. Only thus can confer upon their graduates real e tional distinction.


This inexcusable procedure should be abandoned. If a college definitely advertises that certain prerequisites in scholastic preparation must be met before g r a d u a t i o n - a n d every catalogue of every Negro school prominently displays such an announcement-then it should insist that no loopholes be made for unambitious, irregularly qualified, or nonqualified students to slip through Noth mg here is intended to reflect upon the honest, worthy, slow-minded boy or girl who may require more than the allotted time and special coaching to complete the work. Such individuals should be given every opportunity to earn their degrees. But the point is that they—as well as all others—should earn them. In fact no student should be graduated who has not completed the required course. No sort of special consideration t h a t

In some of the larger centers, ^J held banquets to which were invited gro seniors in the local high school. ^ ucators were present at these affairs to offer instruction and advice as to future and the necessity for adequ educational preparation. , a. The national organization of the ternity awards annually scholarships deserving high school seniors and col ^ students, regardless of fraternity ° r j rority affiliation. It stresses vocati° ^ and industrial guidance and attempts place its graduates into positions a graduation. J The fraternity has a varied and so program for aiding in the progress its own members and of the race general. The annual Go-to-High-Sch^' Go-to-College Campaign serves to to national attention upon the needs s ° u j S to be relieved by the campaign, bu _ not the whole educational and uplift P1 gram of the organization. e The Go-to-High-School, Go-to-Colle^ Campaign is the forerunner of all »^ similar movements and programs c°^ ducted by the fraternities and sorority having definitely become a program of fraternity after its 1916 convention- IV tu scope has steadily been enlargedI uun today finds the movement dedicated the youth of the nation regardless race, color or creed. It has reached point where it works for and among »J It is an American movement design to benefit American youth. It not o" helps those of all races, but mem be of other races participate each ye» r '


Have We Missed The Point? Continued from Page 8 men I have talked to—or the matter has teen brought to my attention. What a paradox! We urge others to do that which we ourselves have not, in many instances, been able to do. Admittedly, Eome of our chapters have brilliantly represented themselves. But it has been in spite of us rather than because of us. There is not one single record to tell in graphic or any other kind of form how our chapters have rated in scholastic competition with white fraternities at the large universities. It is not the fault pf the officers of the fraternity either. The fraternity-at-large has no interests whatever in scholarship among its members or the chapter—except, paradoxically again, regarding the men we initiate (take 'em in with good grades, after that we will not bother.) This must be so, since there is not one single Btatement in our Constitution or anywhere else about the matter. There is Bo reference to the duties of the officers in this regard. There is nothing to encourage the chapter which rates second^. out of forty-five fraternities at a university, nor any discipline for the one which rates forty-fourth out of forty-five. And yet, we have the necessary frame-work for such a need on our part. The director of education's office is an established thing, but we have given him no duties »long this line. Even if he or some other Jfficer took the job upon himself there is nothing to require that the chapters co>perate. We give our money to members of othir fraternities in the form of scholarships and demand that they have high •atings. We grant scholarships to briliant graduates of high schools in order ;hat they may continue on in college and luplicate their records made at high ichool. But how do we know that they l°? Have we any record of their work? sometime one of these fellows we have nven a scholarship to will begin to think 'bout joining a fraternity. He knows hat we do not require that he join ours ut he nevertheless compares ours with he others. His ideals will make him °ok at them all with regard to scholarhip and high ideals. Suppose he should u I e us out on that basis? Would he be ight?

DAVID D. JONES Continued from Page 8 ""«« from Wesleyan in 1918; and the N « of Robert E. Jones, Jr., a ffradMte of Wesleyan University in the class • • • because President Jones m secretary of the International Committee of the Young Men's Christian Asocmtwn from, 1911-1914; executive secetar V of the Pine Street Men's Chrisw » Association,, St Louis, Missouri,

1914-23; member of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, Atlanta, Georgia, 1923-26 . . . because he received the master's degree from Columbia University in 1930 and has been president of Bennett College for Women since 1926 . . . and under his administration the college has made phenomenal growth from 10 college students in 1926 to 159 in 1931 . . . and was, last May recognized by the State, Department of Education of North Cairolina as a grade A senior college.


Alpha News

Continued from Page 22 brothers on his election to the honorary medical fraternity at that institution.

* * * GUILFORD HOISTON, Ohio State's broad jumper, by leaping 23 feet 8 inches at the Ohio Relays, bested the previous best mark ever made by an Ohio State athlete. His leap gave him third place, two inches behind the winning jump. * * * EDDIE TOLAN, Michigan's w o r l d record holding star, won the 100 yard dash at the Ohio Relays in 9.6 seconds, just one tenth of a second slower than his own recognized world mark. * * * C. COLUMBUS HOUSE, graduate of Kansas University and a members of Upsilon Chapter, has been appointed agency auditor for the National Benefit Life Insurance Company by Brother Joseph H. B. Evans, general secretary of Alpha Phi Alpha and an executive of the company.

* * * BISHOP JOHN A. GREGG addressed the faculty and students of Kansas University recently. He is a graduate of Kansas.

* * * J A M E S W. MCGREGOR is now Deputy County Tax Assessor at Los Angeles, Cal., having won the office through a competition Civil Service examination.

* * * LAURENCE D. JOHNSON, graduate of University of Southern California, is thei first and only colored man to hold the degree of Doctor of Optometry west of the Rocky Mountains.

* * * ELLIS O. KNOX will soon receive his degree of Ph. D. in history a t the University of Southern California.

* * * R. E. BEAMON of Alpha Alpha Chapter and Cincinnati is receiving the recognition of citizens of that city as a powerful political figure. * * * BETA GAMMA CHAPTER, Virginia State College, for the second consecutive quarter leads all fraternities and sororities in scholastic standing.

Page 33 EPSILON CHAPTER, University of Michigan, its track team coached by famed Eddie Tolan, won the intramural track championship of Michigan.

BOOKER T. SCRUGGS Continued from Page 7 a son who bids fair to bring her more honor or raise her standards higher. Brother Scruggs made an enviable record as a student at Howard High School in Chattanooga and the brilliance of his achievements there has grown since his bow to Clark University for years ago. No student has put himself more conscientiously and energetically into his work than has Brother Scruggs. Not only has he acquitted himself with honor scholastically, but as an all-around man in every worthwhile campus activity. Brother Scruggs is vice president of the Y. M. C. A., member Alpha Delta Alpha Scientific Society, vice president of the Debating Club, member Dramatic Club, assistant in the office of the dean, and secretary of Alpha Phi Chapter. Brother Scruggs has served efficiently for the last four years as assistant to the dean. In this position he has distinguished himself as an honest, efficient, conscientious worker, able to occupy with honor any position in the business field. As secretary of Alpha Phi for the past two years, he has given the fraternity invaluable service with his efficient handling of the records. He has established an excellence of service that others who follow in his footsteps will do well to follow. Brother Scruggs is a senior in the college of liberal arts, graduating in June with the A. B. degree. He has done his major work in the department of commerce and has distinguished himself as an outstanding, alert student of modern business. Brother Scruggs has always appeared either on the roll of honor or the roll of honorable mention. The excellency of his last semester's work secured him a place on the roll of honor, which includes only those students making A's and B's. Such men as Brother Scruggs make Alpha Phi Alpha the great fraternity it is. Such men as he inspire others to join the forward marching column of those who dare to contribute something worthwhile, unique and lasting to society.



It is raining very hard and this woebegone little man is being led to execution by this squad of Russion soldiers. He is saying, "what brutes you are to march me thru a rain like this." "How about us?" retorts one of the squad, "we have to march back." "Do the best you can, don't worry about us George. May God help you and keep you from yours truly." Continued on Last Page

Page 34

Alpha Kappa Chapter Holds Elections The members of Alpha Kappa Chapter have brought to a conclusion one of t h e most successful programs ever undertaken by an individual chapter, if we may judge the results by t h e amount of Interest stimulated among high school and college students in New England. Having been elected in June, 1930, the officers pledged themselves to uphold t h e traditions of the chapter and they promised t h a t Alpha Kappa would become one among t h e most active chapters in Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Although t h e members were located In various colleges and universities throughout New England, t h e corresponding machine of the chapter kept the officers and members closely associated and in constant contact through the office of the secretary-treasurer. When the present officers assumed their duties last June, the chapter was in line for extinction, and there seemed to have little hopes for its survival. Following the initiation of 1930 there was an election of officers who made no promises other t h a n to make Alpha Kappa Chapter what it should be and add some life to the activities of its members These pledges have been carried out to the last degree, and It is not an exaggeration to add that we are ahead of our desired schedule. The members were glad to receive Into membership of the chapter R. E. Burch and Sylvester Carter of Bates College, Lewiston Maine, who were initiated into the chapteon t h e night of March 27, 1931. It might be well a t this point t o say a word about the two new brothers from Maine Brother Burch was very prominent in sports last year and won his numerals in freshman football and track. He was one of the mainstays on the track team, and he is carrying on equally as well on t h e varsity during his sophomore year. Brother Burch has already proved his ability as a scholarhe is very conscientious, well liked on the campus of Bates, and shows all t h e qualities t h a t make for an Alpha man. He is a fine looking and healthy lad and we are glad to have him affiliated with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Brother Carter is a student, scholar, and gentleman, a singer of no mean ability, and he has shown his talent throughout Boston and t h e various cities of Maine. He possesses a remarkable baritone voice and he has given numerous recitals since entering Bates College. Brother Carter is quite a modest young m a n who does not allow success to go to his head. He has an acceptable personality which easily wins for him friends wherever he goes. We may rest assured t h a t Alpha Kappa Chapter added to its prestige when it accepted t h e two young men from Bates—Brothers Burch and Carter—into its membership. Brothers Johnson. Long, and Knox were down for t h e initiation on March 27th, at which time a special meeting was held for the election of officers for t h e coming year. The business was held on Saturday afternoon, March 28, and t h e following members were elected: Ernest Wyatte Knox, president; Charles Fisher, vice-president; c! Rushington Long, secretary-treasurer; Ernest A. Dawson, corresponding secretary; Rudolph D. Wheeler, assistant secretarytreasurer; Robert A. Johnson, associate editor t o The Sphinx; and I n m a n A. Breaux, honorary president.


a The meeting was quite interesting and known all through New En Sulan ? riefripn c1 n dshiPKiiuwit tin Lin u u g u i n - . . ' it was decided t h a t t h e present secretaryr one finds it difficult to win his i ' tf. s0 treasurer should hold office until t h e time co»: -HUGHES R. ROBIN& M 8l o1 of his graduation from college in June News has just arrived from .Mai r 2L» ? rived from which will afford him ample time to comrning the activities of Brother 0t cerning the actlv es of Brother plete t h e work of the educational campaign E. Burch. Burch » _ * , . £ t>ot?s and other unfinished items of the program Maine and Brother has been outstanding tealV1 which was designed for t h e year. •on high school and in college trac ^ d re . Definite plans have been made for the and football teams, and in debauub nig" rest of the year and t h e chapter is proud ligious work in his native s t a t c ; . 0i h'5 to state t h a t every member is of the opinschool. Brother Burch was captaiu M ion t h a t the Alpha Kappa Chapter will be track team and for one year ne 120.y&ro among the active chapters to report a t the Kenebec Valley record for tne ma»» annual convention which is scheduled to be high hurdles, and took first place held in Ohio next fall. of t h e athletic events. 11 e ge' Brother Inman A. Breaux, a graduate of During his freshman year in c° trflcK Virginia Union University and an associaBrother Burch won his numerais ^ v ate member of Alpha Kappa Chapter, has and football and was a consistent pu an o won for himself t h e friendship of t h e whole ner in t h e high hurdles, broad J " ' ^ * student body of Springfield College. Alhigh jump. At present he t is a n g^tej though he was unable to participate in several club and athletic e a , m ;L i 3 try a n the athletic activities of the college varsiCollege. He Is majoring in chem ^ c0$ty teams, he did play with class teams and is carrying a pre-medical course, eXpeCt* he stands in line for the varsity football pleting his pre-medical course, ne [s j team next fall. Brother Breaux has many to study medicine. Brother BU fS o friends in Boston and other New England man of high ideals and t h e mei ^ t „ 3 cities and no one needs to worry about his I t l p h a Kappa Chapter may rest as» ^ ^ oi social life, as he finds plenty to do when he will be of great service in tn he is not studying hard. t h e chapter. _ . TOrlN^ Because of his experience with students —ROBERT A. •><->" in other colleges during his football career at Union University. Brother Breaux was chosen as honorary president of Alpha Kappa Chapter for t h e coming school year. With such able leaders—Brother Knox in tin* •„ Tau Lambda held its April » e jonnso" Bates and Brother Breaux in Springfield— Alpha Kappa Chapter will extend its inthe palatial home of Mrs. A. »• TUesd9°, fluence over greater areas t h e coming year on Eighteenth Avenue, North, on aBo than during any previous period. The April Brothers Warner " - - - ^ s 0i A„„n 14, IA mwith i t h nmthorn Law» Ma members of the chapter look to Brother Lloyd Cofer as co-hosts. J ° , „ n B oi '" Breaux for his valuable suggestions and interest included t h e laying of pi» C8 jfl' G to ColI< constructive criticisms and it is safe to Go-to-Hlgh-School, °- ~ !E < s ent8 t i H e predict for the chapter a successful propaign, hearing reports from repr t» gram. on Chi chapter in regard t o ^ " ' ^ J j u e *"" new chapter house in North Nasi' ^ ^ For t h e past year Brother Breaux has from Alpha Chi Chapter in reS81" u . been connected with several movements In annual affair at Fisk in Jubilee « the city of Springfield and assisted in t h e tl,e educational campaign of the chapter. He Brother W. W. Lawson ably d e ^ , n c»"l'f is on the committee of t h e annual formal Go-To-High-School, Go-To-Collegeu g{ & and also on the constitutional and budget paign and declared t h a t the n ^ e r 8 i d15 committees. His influence will mean much movement was a real one. A g to t h e constructive work of t h e chapter t h e cussion followed. pduca"°<, coming school year. The chapter appointed as its e ^ v Brother Ernest Wyatte Knox of Bates Colal committee Brothers G. W. " " emP°I« lege and of New York City, who was elected J. Campbell, and Lloyd Cofer ana A,pn» president of Alpha Kappa Chapter by u n a n ered them to confer with Chi ai ^ tP imous vote at the special meeting held for Chi and work out full details a the purpose on March 28, needs no introlocal campaign. „ t p r cO", duction0 as his name has appeared in everv Plans of t h e local Inter-chapw g , KEf** * The Sphinx since his initiation mittee to date include a mass me ^ r.v into t h e chapter on June 9, 1930 Fisk University on Sunday, May iu> £ ciar* The members of the chapter need not p.m., with President M. S. Davage " tteP worry about the continuation of the presUniversity as t h e principal speaKe • ^^i tige which was established in New Engare being sent t o high schools " . seH land by the chapter during the school Tennessee. Speakers will address i jj« year, and we may rest assured t h a t Brother lor and junior high schools dur genlo> Knox is an ideal type of leader and t h a t 3-10. A banquet will be held i" he possesses the kind of personality that tt>e high school students on May 8. of will win for him t h e necessary support Brother Percy Brown, P»ncip«" s<r eg needed to make Alpha Kappa stand out in high school of Whitehaven, * d t» the next convention. writes the chapter t h a t he concm 0o Brother Knox is a member of the Law- campaign April 13 to 17 as his rence Chemical Society, class championclosed on April 24. .<, jr)t r , ship basketball team. Varsity Club and he His program follows: Monday 1J ^ ue sd»' has won his major letters in three sports auction of week, by P. B. Brown, gv,rf. His various accomplishments in the a t h 14, "What is A College For?" Wean by Mis 1I,e n letic world are enumerated In the April Music by Miss Webster; rrrai« 'n issue of The Sphinx and one only needs "The Value of a High School „i,' c a ti<'' to know Brother Knox to find out that he Prof. C. Holmes; Thursday 16, f1 l d 8 y K is a very able leader. in Industry," Prof. J. W. Falls; f," Be v. » We are all proud of t h e excellent records The Value of a College Training • which are being made by Brother Knox and eK A. Owens. we promise him our loyal support in whatThe chapter viewed with i n t e r e „ r u n i i ' e l ever he might undertake in t h e interest of cellent field work of Brother *» the chapter for the coming year. Because among t h e alumni of Fisk Univ ersity jr of his splendid work, Brother Knox Is —GEORGE. W. GORE,

Tau Lambda Chapter Doing Many Things


_Jheta Lambda Believes In Educational Movement The educational movem e n t, Go-To-Hlshool, Go-To-College Campaign, incorporied in the program, of Alpha Phi Alpha, lr fraternity, is t h e most important work i that organization, when the movement } interpreted intelligently so t h a t it may ;st benefit the community in which it being presented. Our national director, rother Raymond W. Cannon, holds an exrluio i."emely important office, for When he has lis Successfully directed our educational movejflgBent, he has done a remarkable piece of gjjOrk for his people, since the growth, prosit ifr'ty. and power of a people depend largest upon Its wealth of knowledge. So, Theta .^ambda Chapter is doing its best t o aid S i this great work. Much time has been ^iPent in directing the attention of t h e \eople of this community toward this protein. Now. they are looking forward to le much-needed message t h a t Alpha Phi Ipha has to offer to them. UK " is0eS Theta Lambda a t this writing has planned t present educational programs in other ties: Springfield, with Brother B. I. WatJ| in charge; Troy, with Brother James *aprce, directing; Piqua, Brother Burns Cas>P|1; Lima, Brother Cox; Middletown, Broth2 » Dunn; and Ri(Dhmond, Inc3., Brother •Tuffman. The program under the direct i o n of these brothers should prove a marv e l o u s success. se: * Below is a brief outline of our local V^mpalgn.V- 1. Sunday, May 3rd, p a s t o r s of the jjhurehes of the city will choose t h e subWet "Education" for their sermons, by re• •jiest of Theta Lambda Chapter. Too, fraernlty men will give short talks concernl.*%K the movement. 2. Friday, May 8, we present our reguir program consisting of: a. Talks on education from student representatives of high school clubs. J; b. Greetings from sororities a n d fraternities. c. Campaign speaker, Dr. L. C. Ridley, of Wilberforce. % 3. Saturday, May 9, we present a vocational guidance program and a get-to. *™ e r Party for all high schools students. ^ . we believe that this type of program & this community will be extremely i n spirational and beneficial. ^ . Brothera General President Rose was chief (*£?* * t n e celebration of Alpha Lamb8 8 / J ' 20th Anniversary. I It may interest some brothers t o know fyiflt least it interests Theta Lambda) t h a t ^srotner President R. W. Findley was in"™a by Alpha Mu Chapter to be its chief £,^>eaker during the educational campaign. ft' ° n e °r two publications ago, t h e scribe (( fentioned the church activities of Brother Jefferson tin - Since t h a t time. Brother Jefferson has turned things around in St wnns Baptist Church of this city. He nas organized the Young Peoples Ideal jfMb,s e vwhich since its organization has givI'jTa 115 e r a l church dinners and sponsored itfj" .interesting programs. Sunday. May .r Russ directed an educational program yres<» ntea by the young people. What is >*rong with Russ? „, ~~ un til this writer greets you again /n our official publication, please be enterrTTFr. b y t h e HANDSOME PICTURE OF W LAMBDA found amongst t h e s e —EARL P. TAYLOR

'Alpha Beta Has Had «An Interesting Year 'tain o ne Ma Vo fe r yt h e y e a r r l n 6 s down t h e cursor AiP >, B e t a interesting and active year I Thp ™ Chapter (Talladega College). *broth ^ mP n*e" oi sf composed of twenty-two NrranV, ? ' whom will be lost by T e n of t h e *Urt brothers have or Ve 1 ers i n footba11 ^embIrr r ? ? . seven are *Rht varsity basketball team, 'memh r e v a r s i t v baseball players, three are oe rs of the track team, twelve are

members of the Talladega College Little Theatre, five have honor averages, five a r e members of t h e choir, two of t h e debating team and two of the Talladega '(Collegians." We feel t h a t space is too limited to give individual mention here to each of the brothers, however, we feel t h a t our news would not be complete with out giving mention to those whom we think have done most to bring glory and honor to our Alma Mater and our fraternity. Our chapter president, "Baby" Ray Pitts. junior college, has distinguished himself las a member of the varsity basketball squad, and for his work in mathematics a n d physics. Quiet, rese r v e d, dignified, Brother Ray exhibits all of those admirable qualities of an Alpha man. Brother Porter James has especially distinguished himself In athletics. Brother James is a four year m a n in football and baseball, and has a letter in basketball. He received All-American recognition in football in 1928 and 1929 and secured an All-Southern berth in 1930. His graduation will be a great loss to both t h e "Dega" eleven and nine, as well as to the chapter Brother Herbert Pigrom, although only a sophomore, has already made a splendid record both in athletics and scholarship. He is a three-letter man, participating in football, basketball, and baseball. Besides being vice-president of t h e chapter, he Is chairman of t h e student social committee and member of t h e Little Theatre. Brother Waldo Blanchett, ex-president of t h e chapter, will also be lost through graduation. Brother Blanchett Is an honor student. He was one of the ten students receiving an Alpha scholarship in 1929. He is a member of the College Chair, vicepresident of t h e Little Theatre, and a member of The Mule's Ear staff. Brother Hilton Hanna Is another sophomore who has made a record. He is a memlber of t h e Talladega varsity track team. He will receive a letter in football this year. He is a member of the varsity debating team. He is also a member of t h e Little Theatre. Brother Herbert Denton is do i n g his share toward raising the scholastic average of t h e chapter. He is one of the two men on the campus having a magna cum laude average. Brother Denton is student reporter, chapter editor and a member of t h e Little Theatre. He is also a sophomore. Brother Elzy Wright, another sophomore has stood out both in athletics and in scholarship. He is a varsity football and basketball player, and has a letter in track He is an honor student. Our chapter treasurer. Brother Harold Koontz Logan is another sophomore with an honor average. He is manager of the football team and a member of the Little Theatre. The third of t h e trio of "Herberts" in t h e chapter is Brother Herbert Boggs. He is an honor student. He has distinguished himself in t h e department of mathematics by his superior work. He, like the other two "Herberts," is a sophomore. He is manager a n d player on t h e varsity baseball team. Alpha Beta is proud of her record for t h e year, and nothing is more typical of her spirit in attempting to play well her part in s t u d e n t life t h a n her interests in t h e various s t u d e n t activities. Plans are rapidly being concluded for t h e Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College Campaign. Arrangements have been made for the presentation of programs before t h e Drewry Practice High School on Monday, May 4, a n d before the Talladega Public School o n Tuesday. During t h e latter part of t h e week, brothers will go to Anniston and vicinity to present programs. The campaign will close on Sunday. May 10. with a program in Deforest Chapel before the college group. Brother Alphonse Heninburg, p r e s i d e n t of Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter, Tuskegee Institute, will deliver the main address. Each brother is entering into the preparation with a n interest and eagerness t h a t makes t h e success of the chapter's campaign prac-

Page 35 tically a certainty. Alpha Beta sends greetings t o her fellow chapters with hope of much success in your educational campaign. —HERBERT DENTON

Chi's Last Note From The Old Chapter House The coming of Spring fills us all with a new vigor toward t h e old purpose—-the furtherment of t h e alms of Alpha. The Brothers wax eloquent these days on the glories t h a t shall be Chi's come t h e fall. The old laurels pass Into dusty manuscripts as we await the new. Spring pervades the house, the school, t h e men—everything. Our last report dealt with "The Lightning Five." We hoped at t h a t time to able to report in this issue a championship for Alpha. And so. Brothers, we take great pleasure In informing those of you who have perhaps been somewhat out of touch t h a t t h e old flag Is in t h e bag. The boys romped home in a garrison finish—the like of which has not been seen since the days of "Jumping" Charley Dillard. Elsewhere in this issue is a report of t h e championship game and the final standings of the team. Chi congratulates managers Earl Bland and Jerry Black on t h e sterling piloting t h a t brought a fighting five over the rocks. Chi congratulates Coach Lloyd Cofer who instilled a competitive mind Into a ragged team. And Chi congratulates t h e squad itself which individually a n d collectively made sacrifices and fought hard t h a t Alpha might not go down. So downstairs in the trophy case another cup stands as another monument to the sons of Alpha. A socially lethargic chapter steps out with a bang this Friday evening, May 1st, with t h e annual spring party. This gathering closes for all time t h e social regime of t h e present Chapter house and the Brothers plan a fitting end. The flannels and t h e organdie (or whatever it is they wear in May) should get a big break t h a t evening to the dulcet notes of Brother Bobo Miller's Tin Tennesseans (providing Brother Miller readjusts certain figures). The chapter has done its best lately to emulate a chapter in Phi Beta Kappa. We haven't stepped out since t h e boys convened In Atlanta to see t h e squad attempt to cope with a superior team. Had a fine time down there, thanks to Alpha Rho and t h e damsels-at-large. We had hoped to reciprocate the following week at a return game in Nashville, b u t our minds were changed for us. Maybe some day——. At this writing there are only three more weeks to go until t h e completion of this school year. After t h a t It's back t o the usual summer business of pressing t h e pavements. But the brothers may leave with a deserved feeling of accomplishment. In each class we have outstanding men. just as has always been the case, and some of the records compiled are distinctly enviable. J u s t here we should like to say to all Brothers intending t o attend Meharry in the fall, t h a t reservation in t h e Chapter house are first come, first served, as has always been the case. The house is perhaps t h e most desirabe place for an Alpha man to live In Nashville. The coming year in particular t h e chapter intends to promote an atmosphere conducive to the best scholastic efforts as well as productive of a closer and finer brotherhood within the ranks. Living in the house means a good deal. The new house is situated on the corner of 16th and Phillips, and will be open on September 25th. The rent will be in t h e neighborhood of 60 dollars per school year. Half of this sum must be paid in advance. For further particulars, write W. B. Holland, 585 Michigan, Buffalo, N. Y. The closing Chi wishes to warn t h e Brothers t h a t she's shooting for the biggest and best Alpha year ever during '31-'32. Look for us i n t h e sport pages during the hoop season, and in our monthly report in The Sphinx, We march! —J. COLEMAN

Page 36


Alpha Upsilon Discovers Way To Revive Interest Alpha Upsilon, wishing t o make meetings more Interesting, has divided t h e chapter Into groups and a t each meeting a group will serve a unique lunch after t h e business is over. This method has caused many members to again become active and p u t more spirit in t h e faithful few. Brother Thomas R. Solomon, t h e live wire of t h e chapter, h a s been selected t o head t h e educational program. The brothers who are fortunate enough to be In school during this depression are about to close a year of success. Brother J. R. Laurey, a Junior at Detroit College of Medicine was elected t o t h e honorary medical frat of t h a t school Brothers Broaddus, Fowler, Callen, Daniel Puller, M. S. Thompson and Mclver are a t present working hoping to re-enter school soon. Brothers H. B. Hollis and C. T Hol11s are doing nicely a t C. C. D. Brother W. B. Th6mpson Is a junior at Detroit College of law. Brother Solomon, a graduate of c C D 1929, and Brother S. A. Young are at present working for t h e TJ. S. Post Office de partment. , B r ? J ? e L R o b e r t J E v a n s , Attorney at Law




of ^ r i c u l t r e . * * "» ^ S ' « ^ ™ * —THOS. W. WHIBBY.

Phi Lambda Puts Over Good Edu. Program It is not very often a local camnaien is Go-To" H i e T ^ a f P h l L a m b d a ^ a p t e r - s P y T t n l f y°e°ar. ^ I ^ o Z n T t o

o ' r s t . X ^ n e ^ c ^ l e ^ T e v e r H i professors and numerous high school n ^ cipals and instructors. All o? these ecuacal tC IS l0 ated i n a n d a b 0

S7 l

. f

» t Raleigh It

t 0 n t e that Son rn l^TeStine ° ^ 1" addition t o this group there are others who are not connected with schools, b u t enter-

thus!asmamP g nW " h a g r e a t d e a l « ™ r T^f P r e s l d e n t of the chapter. Brother H L Trigg, sent letters t o all brothers in this vicinity asking t h a t they reach t h e young people in the interest of the campaign. I n Raleigh. St. Augustine's High SchoSl students were reached by the dean of t h e college department. Brother Charles Bover In the public graded schools. Brother E ' A. Cox delivered a series of talks. In connection with t h e Vocational Guidance Week Brother M. W. Akin held, at t h e Washington High School, a special Go-ToHigh-School. Go-To-College session. Alpha Phi Alpha men had charge of this session At t h e Berry O'Kelly School, Method there were several assembly programs and a guidance session open only to t h e members of t h e senior class of t h a t institution The brothers in t h e neighboring cities of Smithfield. Durham, a n d Greensboro had programs t h a t were equally as interesting and impressive as t h e above mentioned Probablv nothine has done more to revive t h e spirit of Alpha men in this section t h a n the chapter meeting which was held in Durham on Saturday, April 25. The meeting was called i n t h e auditorium of t h e Royal Nights of King David Hall of Fayetteville Street, after which a very delightful and tasty midnight supper w a s served in t h e Tavern. Pains were not spared by t h e Durham brothers: everything t h a t one might think of, t h a t would add t o occasion in anv fashion, was provided Songs and toasts were featured on t h e program b u t nothing did as much to bring about " t h a t eood old Alpha spirit" as did the singing of the Alphi Phi Alpha song Many brothers declared t h a t not since college days have they heard t h e song sung

as i t was a t this meeting. Songs were led by Brothers A. D. Crosley and H C Perrin. Brother H. L. Trigg, president of the chapter, was master of ceremonies The host were t h e following Durham brothers: James T. Taylor, A. D. Crosley A. D. Gray, H. I. Fontellio Nanton Dr' N H. Cardlce, R. C, Able, J . M. Schooler, Walter T. Dixon, C. D. Dixon, Dr Clvde Donnell. and Dean Elder. Visiting brothers from Raleigh were t h e following: H. L. Trigg, M. W. Akins, C H. ITln A Mann nO?Kelly, ^ , ' H E. - CC. ' P eHorton ' J -and ' E. A.' Johnson Roger —EMORY A. JOHNSON

Alpha Mu Brother Wins Important City Office Station "B-I-L-L" broadcasting from Alpha Mu Chapter, Northwestern university y at Evanston, Illinois. ofAlDha M u Thed members Chapter cona n wJT , " n u s u a l educational campaign here during t h e week of April 24-30 T h e o i r t ' P ? n r . t nChol ns f, ey reeani c' centered around a n S o r ^ T e which this chapter sponsored in cooperation with the BoysWork committee of t h e Emerson St Department,1 8 Y. M. C .A. When t h e comS n S PL T Ji d n to r SCa Inalrz e d under the leadership H , ^? ^ e n c e T. Mason, it waS decided t h a t t h e chapter might help t h e colored youth of Evanston if we p u t on a program t h a t would help boys solve some of the important problems t h a t boys between t h e ages of 1 5 t o 2 ! years have t o Thus i t was decided t h a t the conference * b e m , e w ° u l d *». "Which Way Are You S o t to " s t i r ^ ? a t P U r p 0 S e , ° f t h e c ° ^ e r e n c e was to stimulate a closer relation between men and boys in their respective g r o u p I T encourage t h e m t o insist on h e l l t h eduTne n d S Phigher h V ^ a I geducaton ^ d a n C e ' for v o c at ht ieo ndevelonalVaSing Tand 2 r e £ °the t h fm r n l n ? 1 V l d U a I « * P « » « « a ^ S o stiess t h e importance of building a more complete character by participating in worth while activities w i t h ' ^ o l e J m e a v i a t e s " The conference sessions were held o n Friday Saturday, a n d Sunday April 24-26 inclusive. One can get a n idea, of t h e efof the * ™ * conference by studying t h e following facts: There was 0f lfferen conference delegates ton°tnd rh,cChicago. L *°m Evans! ton and These delegates came n S d lffer t VanSt0n a ere nt C h L , c n ^ r c h?e s ^ ten d T bcr of n i ^ ° " - The total n u m ber of persons who participated on t h e t0taI ooiT poys C r f ofor T I ,all , 3 1 sessions - , T h e was 215 ""enhance Speakers who spoke before one or more



States Mtorney


members of t h e city council took i# places and Brother Jourdain was prints chairmanship of t h e Important pr ^ committee! as well as assignments on committees. ^^ Brother B. Andrew Rose, our %°°r^» eral president, has appointed vou ,!L 1 Aipft» announcer t o represent Alpha P" j^H at t h e Pan Hellenic Council meeting ^ will be held early in May in Chicago^ la ends our broadcast. Alpha Mu b f fail. well t o other chapters until the ear y ^ Station "B-I-L-L" broadcasting lrfjnivei" pha Mu Chapter a t Northwestern u r sity and Evanston, Illinois. The " 0[ has been increased with the a d d " ' s t . I' three brothers since our lastM a rbroaac ^ er was on Thursday evening, > ' t^ Pledges Laurene Turner, Isaac Jack 5 ur0e? Leaden M. Ford finished their J w t across t h e blistering sands and cam ^ place of rest in front of The Spn'" vin there paid homage t o t h e gods for seen them safely across the desert. atc(i Alpha Mu welcomes these newly tail' brothers, who will do much to m ^ the keen interest here. Brother •> e!. is a sophomore in t h e college ofi nenis c0i. ing; Brother Turner is a senior \ s spelege of education; and Brother Fora ^ cializing in sociology in the gradua Tr * a Brother Edwin B. Jourdain rf BerE elected alderman of t h e fifth wa.Ijr Bi»i> 1 er in Evanston. The Jourdain-for-A " 0us Committee brought t h e following jL0met to Evanston t o speak in behalf »• " E $ Jourdain: R. Nathaniel Dett, Dr. «• gDj DuBois, State Senator W. E. I nKla~^iiti0' 0 Congressman Oscar DePriest. " w* to t h e outstanding colored speaker ^ came t o Evanston t o speak f°Tnt ybW inent Jourdain, a number of prom cair persons took a n active part in the -g B palgn. Professor James A. James, tt tB . also dean of t h e graduate schoolD at goi> western, was present when 5 \ h u t e t0 spoke. Dean James paid high trio d . Brother DuBois and spoke of a very t6ILl0ly acquaintanceship with Brother J ° ^ who did graduate work i n history Dean James a few years ago. stude"' The Daily Northwestern — the » ticie publication—carried a two column c „. ln which prominent faculty memoe ^t. dorsed Brother Jourdain. Professor• t ton, of t h e department of political f JoUfv/as quoted to t h e effect that Brother ^ dain is "better qualified t h a n either p r1 opponents," both of whom were *"'L'rsoi ' Hatton also states t h a t he would nVe #erc ally vote for Brother Jouraln if a resident of t h e fifth ward. f r strive members of Alpha Mu Chap'' fl tended t h e special Joint meeting' p^ Lambda. Theta, and Alpha Mu ^n r^ in order to discuss important matter ef tthe hja NT..i,^....i ^ l_a_^i .vice-president, .4 . . . . . . ^ U\nl\ t . V>^ National third W. W. Cardoza, on Sunday afternoon, 'wlVr nas 22. Brother Cardoza's coming rh9pte late.d t h e members of Alpha Mu ^ ^ e to go on and up for Alpha Phi Alphas again, Brother Cardoza! ta itlo Plans a t this writing are rapidly D> nool, shape for t h e annual Go-To-Hlgn- ' gjn Go-To-College Campaign which will ^r. the latter part of April. Brother »• t „ e Ford has been appointed chairman ° tt,er campaign and h e has selected in'' Daniel Owings as his associate. One oi »• iot outstanding features of t h e campaiB seCthis year will be the sponsoring of tn c0. ond annual Older Boys Conference i $# operation with t h e Boys Division ° A Emerson Street Department Y. M- "• ^\ With these few announcements, w f0< bring our broadcast t o a close. L°° ^ other important news Items in our broadcast. Your announcer is, V A IJTWILLIAM C. (BILL) P Y A '

S r l l b ^ C-Dfxotfig7H£

pa Chapter, who is now lInn t til , *P" n e r\e business ir, P I „ „ a l estate business l n Chicago; Rev. Roscoe C n m derson, pastor of Ebenezer A M E Clutch" who delivered t h e conference s e r a o n and brother Ralph W. Findley. president of Thetf Lambda and district manager of the Sn preme Liberty Life Insurance Company who AreVYro^eng^"Slng — ^ " * %

gentTTn t IT^lt the Older t j r t

Who worked

0 n a l Confere


campaign and I w *Z* y * n c e was, Brother L. W. Ford, conference chairman 1 Rmth™

S a n ^of t' h e acommittee "°Clate <^»>^T* chairman on Church Cn

v& s35? vn&F&sz B r K l ^ i n ' ^ n T S l - T E V a n ^ ton City Council and is now represent elted^two'whr^- B r ° t h e r ^ o u X i r S e : reated two white opponents, one of them being a n alderman who was seekin- r™ peace™ Th"? ^ ° t h e r a W » o ' the peace. There was great rejoicing here on April 7, when t h e election returns gave Brother Jourdain some 400 votes S o r e t h a n his closet rival. On April 27, t h e new

Beta Delta Broadcasts Its Latest Doings


Inspired by t h e delightful spirit of »P K Beta Delta Chapter of South Carolina ^ again attempts t o Inform you at "^rf 1 ' worthwhile Incidents since ovir last lngs. is We are kept very tmsy down » e r


Page 37

1 tshts blessed district of "God sent climate," dence here and there around the hall, pyratution. The debate was non-decisional. i»!*at we will only a t t e m p t to point o u t mids in appropriate places. Groner's ColThis was the first time a Negro and white Mlihe high spots in our activities. legians brought us sweet balmy music from school had ever debated in the South. it We are in the act of preparing for our across an oasis. Couples swayed in time Brother Walter B. Ford completed his nnual Go-to-High-School, Go-to-Coll e g e with the syncopation until seven-thirty a. college work last quarter. He distinguishar (movement. Brother J. R. Henderson, state m., when the brothers sang the fraternity es himself in being especially good in injMvlsor, is sparing no worry In attempting song to t h e gigantic Sphinx who had terior decorating. Brother Ford sings bariiftO make this the greatest move ever to guarded over us t h e entire morning. This tone in the quartette. team launched here. Already we have planed figure was the most impressive thing of As neophytes we have some outstandn* program to cover the adjoining communithe entire affair. Standing in the Southing men of whom you will hear more from •: les to acquaint the students In the elemenwest corner of the room some eight feet in the future. They are: Hill, Penn, Dickitatry and high school with t h e necessities in height, facing the East with his large erson, and Combs. Brother Combs Is na• B d benefits derived from going to high glaring eyes, demanded the highest respect tionally known on the gridiron and has IjiBhool and college. and a t t e n t i o n of ail. been selected on most of the mythical AllAlpha Men at Wiley College jj" As the initial speaker of the campaign, American teams for the past two seasons. I m u s t say in beginning t h a t this space <*other W. H. Bell, dean of the school of Brother Jerry Gist, one of the smartest will not give due Justice to the brothers •toeral arts and sciences, will introduce the men attending Wiley College is not In named and 1 shall not be able to relate all nUovement to the students here a t State, school a t the present time. Oh yes, the the achievements of all of the brothers. »*nd Brother George Singleton of Allen Unlwriter of this article Is Brother Henry Brother Eugene B. Cavil, who Is our presiit !ersity. will climax the campaign. " R u n t " Johnson, captain-elect of the '3i I in Turning from the educational campaign dent, is president of the junior class. In Wildcats, and placed by most critics on a recent vote of the s t u d e n t body he was p » are next concerned with those brothers the second mythical All-American team. selected as the most talented man on the ifcwo must pass into the world of affairs. He is president of the Varsity "W" Club campus, being a musician, painter, athlete, (tliey during their period of matriculation and chairman of the Cross-Section Club. and scholar, brother Cavil is a varsity man ilfcre, have gained honor and prestige in Brother Johnson is the only three-letter on the basketball team and bids to win a irteir own "way of doing." This year Beta man on the campus. tffclta loses five brothers, the last of the letter next fall on t h e gridiron. These men are keeping Alpha ahead at (gftarter members. They are B r o t h e r s Ex-President Nolan Anderson is a senior. Wiley College. They all join me in wishfcfompson, Y °ung, Anderson, McFarl a n d , This young m a n has become a fixture on ing you the very best of success. »t»d aFrazier; all of the brothers except the the honor roll. How he finds time to as—H. T. S. JOHNSON, Jr. »*•?' r e the ones who labored with undying sociate himself with so many extra-curriJfort to bring Beta Delta to State—it would cula activities Is a miracle. He is a promieOnsume much time and space to extol n e n t member of the international RelaiMe virtues of these men, b u t I m u s t take tions Club. Plays lead in the Dramatics, 4 jne to express the congrat i l l a t i o n s o f a varsity debater, member of the Crossr . . b r o t Ah en dr es r s oto Brother McFariand and Section Club, and has j u s t closed his can Regretfully we present Alpha Theta's fchi . who have attained credreer in basketball this year, playing a senlast letter for this academic year. We see E5Bi"0e records during their stay here. sational game as guard. the old provincial "dark cloud" because IK!' McFariand came here In his there are those of us who contemplate, Brother Bernard A. Adams, Jr. Brother ^»homore year from Bethune-Cookman Colnot with the usual gusto, but with a deAdams is an honor s t u d e n t and a dynamic ' «f'rt i y t ° n a B e a c b - Florida, where he asgree of sorrow, departure through gradualeader here. He is now engaged in p u t lect S8" in the department of chemistry, and tion. Regret hovers ever in the background ting out an annual at this institution, and fjwuned the highest mark in the college as we sit down to pen this, the present he is editor of The Wildcat. He is a meman average of "A." Brother t apartment, editor's last letter to The Sphinx. Anu ber of the Cross-Section Club and he also '£ »0n c a m e a l s o l n n i s sophomore year yet we write with the satisfaction of u represents Wiley on the tennis court, be- i i t J 0 m s C o l l e g e - Sumter, S. C , and •silver lining" in view which spells a fuing a varsity member of the tennis team. ,ji»a attained an average of "B." These ture brilliant with achievement and conBrother Osby McDaniels a youth who E i K . W o u l d ^ ^ t h e honors of their structive activity. Nearer still ,we see the hails from Memphis Tenn. Brother Mcj ^ s s . o u t due to the fact t h a t they have "silver lining" which the present actlvitiej Daniels came to Wiley in 1929, a junior. He of the chapter reflect. These, we would crossed the burning sands into Alpha Phi " t l i i T S e r e f o r f o u r y e a r s they can not eive honors. We doff our hats to these have our readers consider briefly. Alpha in the fall of 1930 and since has ,ssnts. been a perfect example of an Alpha man. Alpha Theta is grateful to Brother Wilthe • ' J fZf tel1 formal brothers of the fold about He is president of the International Relaliam Cardoza and the general organization K\e f —" was the most enjoytions Club and a member of the Dramatic for the former's recent visit to the seat oi *} iJ,f n i; ° r t h e s e a s o n . and It was heaven and Cross-Section Clubs. The Y. M. C. this chapter. We have been introduced .j* partake of such delights as were enA. will also feel his loss as he is now secreby his visit to a general officer par excel^B J™ oy pthe brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha. tary in t h a t organization. "Mac" is an lence. Through discussing our problems Udp f t eh deg eus -n l tw eu m u s t express our grathonor s t u d e n t whose major is in sociology. with him we know the value of an effi"V e ^ l e program which they Next, brothers, I present two well-known cient regional vice-president; we have the r_ s c o r i n g , and especially to Pledge gentlemen in t h e folds of Alpha, They are: assurance of a mighty organization in back 'latirm M a r f l h a 1 1 . who won the college declaBrothers Charley Pierson and Lewis Russell. of our efforts. Little wonder, then, thiu They hail from Waco, Texas. Both are chapter recognizes a new slogan — VIVE r * P 'e t m g La ma dl lne ds at nh de flow ° f oratory members of the Cross-Section Club, promiCARDOZA! v C \ h oa t ? w e h a v e Gentlemen. We n e n t in social circles and to them the honor ;J t n T C mpus i n the best group of men Join us, if you please, In extending conour roll is a m a t t e r of fact. They appear on ^le exr-» ? P l e dge club, with gratulations to Bro. Brooks Dickens, hailt h e same constantly. In J u n e they will ^lam'pr m°nD u r ionf course of the men of our ing from Phi Lambda, Raleigh, N. C , now receive their B.S. Cnpf~ , S our preparation for our candidate for a Ph.D. degree at Iowa State i L F * o mS earXv i c ethet o pledges gave their last Brother Clarence "Pop' Warren, who University. Brother Dickens has recently the f tL „ brothers i n charge greeted the Sphinx along with the writer, completed a tour of principal cities ln Iow-.i ^ v l L £ r eUppa r ta ht il os n -e f f o rz t a m s " r e t h a t if is quite popular around t h e campus. He where he spoke to large congregations on 'artPri 11 which they have is t h e most ardent lover in t h e chapter— t h e subject, "Negro Education in North * toe ™Z f111 W hh iacvhe t nn oe t rho a" vbel eI a lin makladies like "Pop." Carolina and Arkansas." Brother Dickem, cl ers" y their is recognized as one of the few authoriThe next brother, fraters, is a dicty senties on the subject of Negro education in ior who hails from Beaumont, Texas, b u t —H. JAMES GREEN the South, and was consequently well rehas the sophistication of a New Yorker ceived at all points. Alpha Theta is proud and manners and grace of an Adolphe Mento have such a brother affiliated with her jou. Brother Alfred Baker plans a busiat this time. ness career b u t do not be surprised in seeing h i m headlined on Broadway In the next A word—add a grain of salt, p u t into two years. operation t h a t old trusty Imagination, and to t t e ff a C c tt tt hh aa tt tt hh e l a s t t w & ' tionso'ft ™ s| ° P"bHBrother Edward C. Griffin, (Houston) is the following paragraph (the expression oi p h l n x have carried no data Dm tlth. : _ T h .e SPhinx (om hav a r e t h o s e w h 0 a true Alpha m a n who strives hard to thought in sentences) becomes a briei : r here »ve concluded coneinrt a p ^that ' t Alpha live up to its best. Brother Griffin played word concerning good old Alpha Theta's Sigma is doing 'thing, Allow m e varsity left end for Wiley last season and social activities, recent, current, and to fol•ten »" m „;;—," to publicly correct demanded respect of all opponents; he is low immediately. a n d also a d m l t "rauBhT.e g Ivl g e n c e o n t h e t h a t onlv tricky and is a deadly tackier. "Ed" was After all, March eleventh was only a *ter h a ° P a r t of the the lightest m a n on the line. For correct artlcle a birthday. You know and I know t h a t any ?ne Aloha S°g m a a n PPeared. I have dress, watch this lad. day might be one of those. Still, birthday ( keenly '"Justice and I feel was never so pertinent or so heartily celeNext I will introduce a "Sooner," Brother brated as was March 11. For, don't you see, L. B. Nutter, who Is a favorite of us all. »hBrotopSv<,has p a s t b u t i n t h e hearts of March 11 in the year of our Lord nineteen Brother Nutter is preparing for law. He w he e S Sti11 I i v i n g Just °« about t £ L hundred and twenty-two, Alpha Theta oi hhe A hates women while his roommate, Brother * Ainhsif 'Pha's contribution to Alpha Phi Alpha was born. Hats and vest L. B. Prater, Is the direct contrary. Broapp a A l p h a Boule Wertainert = , which was were necessarily discarded for the very good ther Prater is a junior in this institution *• a n n u e 2 L W £ . C o l l e g e by Phi Chapand sufficient reason they were inadeand was initiated in the fall of 1930. He «y. WP " g r ra tdaui an te ed chapter of t h a t sorquate to sustain the expansion occasioned Is a varsity debater and has just returned ^icated tn « with a Dawn DE Dance by the review of our chapter's growth from from Oklahoma City where the team made •ule but mm eIy , SP^nx in honor of t h e infancy (with all modesty) to one of the a a most creditable showing in a debate with •*rt. Tvn ,, ^alistic scene of a best. Brother Bennie E. Taylor, Iowa '31, ^Pical desert trees were in evi- Oklahoma City University, a white insti-

Alpha Theta Celebrates Its Ninth Birthday

>rominent At Wiley

Page 38 officiated as master of ceremonies a t an elaborate smoker commemorating t h e occasion, where t h e brothers were lavishly informed an dentertained by means of t h e following program: 1. "Alpha Theta, Her Chartering and Early Growth" —Brother Byron McDaniels, charter member, Iowa •25. 2. Song—Alpha Quartette. 3. "Alpha Phi Alpha, t h e Negro and Education,"— Brother D. N. Crosswalthe, chief engineer of city schools, Marshaltown, Iowa, Purdee •20. 4 Smokes, drinks and "eats", generously provided by t h e social committee, Brother William Seabron, chairman. 5 "Alpha Theta of Today, Henceforth and Fore v e r " —Brother R. L. Barrett, president Alpha Theta, Iowa "32. 6. Alpha Phi Alpha national hymn—brothers and pledges. 7. Cards, music, PANDEMONIUM! And so far into t h e night. Canst not leave thee without reference to the great national Alpha Phi Alpha educational Campaign. And so, we beg leave to hurriedly Interpolate. Alpha Theta is sponsoring the greatest campaign ever. Fort u n e screams a t us in unbridled glee with the successful completion of each successive arrangement. We went on the air from station WSUI Wednesday, April 29. Radio listeners know from us t h a t Alpha Phi Alpha pushes Negro education, and heard the fact audibly exemplified through our representatives on the air. A first annual State Older Students Conference for the purpose of educating high school seniors into the mysterious ways of getting into, and remaining in college, on May 1 and 2, promised a gratifying representation. A standing bureau of educational activities has been established which maintains constant intercourse with seniors' advisory boards in the high schools of the state, to assist the Negro high school student. Other features of the program we shall mention in our next letter. The foregoing program was organized under the leadership of Brother Bennie E. Taylor. The chapter is fortunate in having the state director, Brother Roscoe L. Barrett, at the seat of the chapter. Please turn to Significant Alpha News for a "line" on this brother and his activities in this and other capacities. It is now twenty minutes past 12 o'clock, central mid-night time. Our next broadcast will be brought to you by legible scriptum for broadcast purposes only, next October at this same hour.—Please stand by. —BENNIE E. TAYLOR.

Eta Lambda's New Officers Pointing For Progress At a recent meeting of the Eta Lambda Chapter the following officers were elected: the director of the Atlanta School of Social Work, who is also the chairman of the education committee of the fraternity in Georgia, Brother Forrester B. Washington was elected president; B. C. Baskerville, special representative, Southern Bell Telephone and Telgraph Company, Is vice president; C. W. Washington, executive secretary of the Atlanta Urban League, is secretary, C. L. Reynolds Is assistant secretary and ssociate editor to The Sphinx, L. D. Milton, cashier of the Citizens Trust Company is t h e treasurer; and C. Waymond Reeves, of the surgical division of the National Medical Association, is chaplain. Plans for specific programs at each meeting, and an experiment in linking graduates and undergraduates were announced by President Washington. Our education campaign was emphasized, and Brother H. S. Murphy was appointed chairman of t h e committee on educational activities. Our Illustrious Brother, W. E. B. DuBois, of New York, passed several days in our city on his winter vacation. While here he delivered several interesting lectures on Negro literature, and t h e economics of Negro art. Brother Channlng H. Tobias was also seen in these parts during t h e past two weeks. Brother E. Franklin Frazier, formerly of this city, and founder of the Atlanta School of Social

THE SPHINX College Class, Chemistry Club. m |* Brother Durall Booker, cabinet ^ oV and secretary of local Y. M. ^Club, chapter editor. , iooV Brother Roscoe Carter, member ball and basketball teams. jj, « y Brother Lawrence Davis, trac*., A., Historical Society. „t„rient. c, l Brother Harris Dennis, honor em stiw Q{ g* inet member of Y. M. C. A„ ™ f ° u „del sl, entific Society, member and i" hol» „ Alpha Delta Sigma Honorary P d ,»• Society, ex-president of freshman ^ ^ i phomore classes, Dramatic o i u u , a g e 0 i . chemistry instructor, school spu kei Brother Robert P. Diggs, varsity ^ ^ ball, cabinet member of Y. M. t l n c ^ member of Beta Kappa Chi °, bloiogy , ciety and student instructor in gtude ji Brother. Walter Coleman, violin d a * and chaplain, ex-president « « * " £ a c K . ,, Brother Lloyd Brown, varsity tr - ^ Brother Martin L. Arrington, John Dewey Society. stude"j fc„„nr Brother J o n a t h a n Giles, H ^ j K ' varsity football and basketball, ' lffer< Alpha Delta Sigma, Chamber oi and "Prexy" of "W" Association. ^ Brother William McCoy, mem" Again Alpha Zeta asserts herself with ber of Commerce. cW^^' renewed vigor and ambitiously forges Brother David Scott, member >-< ahead toward the successful end of a wellCommerce. "p.4i rounded year a t West Virginia State Colex-president of class during „„„tpr f^etaO*,.* lege. Brother of Chester Francis, c h a p«t e r ^r0in ^ treasurer Cercle Francais, New brothers: on Friday, April 3, Alpha Men's Senate, treasurer Men s oenate, wcoau^. of — -ju» Zeta saw fit to augment its ranks. At class, member Circulo Espano'• mt>er this time seven men were fortunate enough Brother Oliver Robinson, (1 to cross the burning sands to see t h e light 10 Mathematics Club. " h p r 0i of Alpha Phi Alpha. May we at this time Brother James Pethal, memDei welcome into our fold and introduce to Y. M. C. A., Historical Society. pe» cur sister chapters the following brothers: Lawrence Davis, Leonard Glover, Clinton Brother George Washington, •> Jackson, George Washington, George Society. «tudent> v Waugh, James Pethal and James Woods. Brother Fred Hipp, honor stu These neophytes have already assumed ed president of Chapter. hu qical the true Alpha spirit and have put their Brother Erskine Taylor, pnya s shoulders to the wheel in carrying out the tion major, chapter sergeant av b(lS» various endeavors of Alpha Zeta. Brother James Woods, varsivj Educationally speaking: in our efforts ball, Hlstorcal Society.c h a t e scribe M to conduct the annual education campaign Brother Jeffries, P J L . a r n a t i c frit as we feel it should be, we are attemptmember of Chemistry and Dram oi ° ing a rather extensive program. This inBrother Leonard Glover, men cludes not only all the usual local activiClub and varsity football. clutj, ties, essay contest, and speakers in t h e Brother George Waugh, Uiec West Virginia State High School, b u t also erary and Dramatic Clubs. eBil)C' ,0i a carefully planned tour of the state of Brother Clinton Jackson, " rf jU" West Virginia. Our Silver-toned orators, Chemistry Club, vice-president Brothers Amis, Giles, Denis, and Jones, will have at this time a splendid' opportunity class. „mber °* of not only exhibiting their prowess as Brother Andrew Woods, mem speakers, but also the chance of inspiring torlcal Society, Mathematic o l u u ' t ins" school children t o continue their educaBrother William Jones, stuac tion, regardless of race, creed, or color. tor in chemistry, orchestra. o f fln" ,; From all indications it appears certain t h a t T h u s we approach the enu ^ ^ the brothers will scarcely have the chance year in t h e history of Alp.n» inerj f be raised to thy glory, thy to "catch a few naps' during this great We cherish thy precepts, tny u' o aD nown. week. „«d V ^ V Brother Harry E. Dennis, '31, has been For our brothers, both far » t f t e eOfy awarded a scholarship of $50.00 by t h e wish them not only success • terni>> Jlf Mary Bethune Civic Club of Wheeling, W. tional campaign, and other sfl il, Va. This reward was made for excellence tlvitles, b u t a prosperous, VB» in scholarship. Not only is Brother Denmost happy summer. nOO1^ nis a scholar, a gentleman, b u t a real Alpha man. —DURAL r . *• Social activities: outstanding among our social activities for the remainder of t h e year is t h e annual spring prom. We all have been looking forward to it with great The fiftieth anniversary ce e enthusiasm. It seems certain t h a t the afAy Tuskegee Institute brought » t n c n fi fair will maintain or even surpass the gulshed Alpha men to Tuskeg . u e p s grandeur of the past years. of Alpha Nu Lambda. Although ^ t , In passing let us salute Brothers Diggs ber of brothers present nwc f sv Reed, Giles, Dennis, Barnes, Burke, Robina l s , VJ! to forbid the naming of i " ' „ s 0Uf V son, Scott, and McCoy, who will become lost to us by graduation. "There is a time to sure all Alpha Phi Alpha l ashares ^ come and a time to go" one often hears, in t h e part Alpha men P yf? b u t we sure hate like "heck" to have so many good brothers sing their "Swan Song" at once. Chapter attainments: Brother Claude Amis—Glee Club manager and vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce, corresponding secretary of chapter. Brother Emmett Burke, m e m b e r s of Commerce and secretary of School Bank. Brother John Barnes, varsity football and baseball. Chamber of Commerce. Brother Lewis Batso, "Prexy" of Junior

Work, took several days off from his duties at Fisk University to attend the annual meeting of the Commission on Inter-racial Cooperation held in this city. Brothers John Hope and Forrester Washington were active In this meeting also. Eta Lambda acknowledges the transfer of Brother Myron B. Towns from Alpha Pi. Brother C. Waymond Reeves returned home from Washington, D. O, where he attended the Hoover Child Health Conference. Brother President M. S. Davage of Clark University was recently elected chairman of the Negro group of tne Local Family Welfare Society, while Brother Dean Brawley of the same institution is engaged at present in a survey of the M. E. Schools. Brother John Lawlah an old war horse of Eta Lambda, received his doctor's degree at Rush. Brother H. V. Eagleson, who only a few weeks ago was presented to the I n diana Academy of Science, has been granted leave of absence from his duties at Morehouse College to do further study. —CLYDE L. REYNOLDS.

Attainments Of Alpha Zeta Brothers Listed

Mang Alpha Men Attend Tuskegee's Anniversary^

THE SPHINX |L.» the people living in this community the ^prvices of medical specialists and experts BShieh they could not otherwise obtain; and 1 t affords a wealth of Information and nd inpiration to Negro physicians In all secBfons of the country, and especially in the la louth where opportunities of this kind are Ik So rare. Alpha Nu Lambda is pleased with t h e B p r m reception which the Inspiring ser^ H o n s of Brother G. Lake Imes are receiv^ B g . Brother Imes ranks in the minds of P i l who have heard him as one of the most • ^ p a b l e pulpit speakers of today. The B m o n preached by Brother Imes on the KJuiKiay following the anniversary celebra^K>n was a masterpiece both in t h o u g h t • n t e n t and eloquence. He portrayed the ^ • n t l n u i n g and immortal influence of •looker T. Washington's life, his work, and I W s words. Brother Imes has received many f i t t e r s of cordial felicitations on this ser-•; non. • Since our last writing Brother M. E. rtiomasson has gone to Columbia Univers i t y where he is enrolled as a candidate • B r the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. • We are perfecting our plans for the Go^•-Hlgh-School, Go-to-College Campaign. I f f intend to give a local scholarship as mo of the features of our campaign. Bro•ller Scott has charge of the campaign for • B e state of Alabama, and, as usual, he is ^fctlring in his efforts to further the work •fed the Ideals of the fraternity. • Brother Heningburg has been asked to • e a k at Talladega during the Go-to-HighPlchool, Go-to-College Campaign there. ~t The single brothers who always welcome M tasty meal, and the bigger the better, are Htill talking about 'the break' they got Mhen Brothers Cravens and Dudley, as hosts » o the chapter, served a luscious meal of NWge proport-ons in the dining room of rfte Veterans Hospital when we last met. r i n d although our weather is quite warm, rt every time a spring chicken sees Brok e r s Sprague and Syphax approach it Cahners; for it is in the air t h a t chicken is >n the bill of fare when we meet with t h e m : 'Oext Thursday. —ALBERT L. TURNER.

As this epistle goes to press. Beta Alpha is waiting for the start of the Go-to-HlghSchool. Go-to-College Campaign. Everything is in readiness to make this campaign the best In the history of the chapter. The program includes a speaker and short program for the chapel exercies and speakers at the various schools in the city. On April 22, Brothers Taliaferro, Hardin. Taylor, and Washington were carried across the burning sands. Brothers Hardin and Taylor were among those to secure the highest averages in the freshman class Brother Taliaferro has been taking a leading part In dramatics for quite some time. On the 26th the brothers were entertained at the residence of Brother Edgar Revennah, first president of Beta Alpha. He gave a very inspiring talk to both the old and new members, urging them to keep up the standard of Alpha Phi Alpha. Beta Alpha loses by graduation Brothers. Hicks, Prazier. Taliaferro and Dixon, all of whom have maintained a high average In all branches of work. We wish them every success in their chosen fields. Brother Cottman, star end for the past three years, was recently elected captain of the 1931 football team. Cupid again has struck t h e ranks of Beta Alpha. This time it was Brother J. Pinckney Davis who was married to Miss Ethel Washington. The members of Beta Alpha join with their many friends in wishing them happiness. —OLLIE DALY.

»Upsilon's President Heads New Dramatic Club

Beta Epsilon Increases Its Membership

i Since our last communication, Upsilon ^napter a has been very active. We have corne r 5 n o t h e r semester's work and are j r o u d of the scholastic record made by the pothers and pledgees. On Feb. 7, the be| f * n m n 8 of our new semester, t h e brothers P*e the members of the Sphinx Club a { #ouse party. The evening was spent in aancing and merrymaking. The rushing sommittee eot in there and fought, and af' S L ° ° U n t I e s s l n t e r v i e w s and most effective gross examinations, emerged with two can£iaates for membership to the Sphinx Club. / n e s e two young men who are freshmen. •re Uouglas Grant and Brown Ewing. ' h u T ^ i f 0 u r P l e d S e e s who are eligible for uimation havet nan average of "B." Their ate fc^ei°ward f a t e r n i t y is to be recommended. CTren These G four are, Elmer Jackson, u lord ' y D a v i s - and John BIu{ On March 18 Upsilon received t h e greatf^- surprise ever witnessed by mortals. We F°kcd upont o the face of a national officer, vlsit o u r fees™ i chapter in seven E a r L ° r o thhee rw e sWilliam Cardoza. who has t kMtnt , „ w l s h et or nt n jurisdiction, was t h e a Seffril' wa b e r r n k Brothers Cook, Ha fn, " y y . and Carol of Beta Lambp 'or their services in bringing h i m to Cardoz bu/rh™* o was well pleased with bliment P Tn l nr do up a hE s e d s o m e very fine combine,? !' m u t?u a l g his visit the brothers itonai „ understanding of t h e naW a l n i r i ^ P n l z a t wi ohn i-c n Many things were exEhan ZJ° Tt h e m i n nr ai ndt a better effect to t h a t t BI r o t h e r P - We also want Interest) 0 u r m o vCardozo for his personal e tund It«0 S towards a scholarship °e awarded to the brother m a k -

ing the best scholastic record. He was the first to contribute. A Negro dramatic club known as the Robeson Dramatic Club has been organized on our campus of which our president, Brother Herman Jones has been elected president. Their first appearance will be in a musical comedy very soon. We are looking forward to this and wish the club much success. —WILLARD W. SMITH.

Beta Alpha Hears Its First President

Beta Epsilon chapter at A. and T. College. Greensboro, N. C , wishes to Inform all Alphadom of its many activities. Since the last edit'on of The Sphinx Beta Epsilon has Increased its membership. Five barbarians were fortunate In seeing t h e light. They were: J. P. Howard, who represented Alpha Phi Alpha on t h e gridiron, basketball court, and diamond; P. A. "Slick" Williams, politician and scholar; Brother Williams' name has been placed on the honor roll for two successive quarters, he is also a member of the varsity debating team; C. B. Gillard, orator, and a prominent figure on the campus; T. W. Washington, athlete and scholar, who represents Alpha Phi AlDha on the basketball court and gridiron; C. W. "47" Williamson, scholar and extra-curricula activitiy leader. Beta Epsilon wishes to express its apprecatlon to Alpha Omicron Chapter at J. C Smith U„ Charlotte, N. C . for its assistance in carrying the five barbarians on their long to be remembered journey. Seven members from Alpha Omicron were present at t h e initiation. With the addition of these new brothers, and the return of Bro • ther F. T. Wood, who was absent during the winter quarter. Beta Epsilon is fortified for a strenuous campaign this spring. Election of officers for the year, '31-'32 was as follows: president. Brother T. T. Wood: vice-president and secretary. Brother P. A. Williams: treasurer, Brother A. J. Taylor; chapter editor and assistant secretary, Prother C. W. Williamson; chaplain. Brother J. P. Howard. A very construcitve program has been formulated for Beta Epsilon. We are also proud of the excellent material In our Sphinx Club. Four of them

Page 39 have placed their names on the honor roll. Pledgees, Pearson and Capehart are members of the varsity debating team. Pledgee Clark holds up the good work on the track team, coached by Brother C. G. Cooke. Clark has had his name on the honor roll for two successive quarters. Pledge C. S Scott represents the club on the diamond this year. Beta Epsilon Is represented on the diamond by Brother A. J. Taylor, who kicks the first sack and Brother J. D. Howard who is noted for his speed and arm In centerfield. Although few In number and very young, Beta Epsilon wishes to announce the good work of Alpha Phi Alpha is being carried on. —FRANK T. WOOD.

Brothers Of Sigma Hold Responsible Positions Greetings brother in Alpha Phi Alpha As our season draws to a close, we call time to greet our brothers wherever they may be. Sigma chapter has had a very good year One of Its brothers has again been chosen to fill a responsible position. Brother John Lane has been appointed clerk of t h e J u venile Court, a great honor to Brother Lane and Sigma, since Sigma or Alpha men in Boston are holding twice as many positions of responsibility as all the other fraternities together. A few of these are besides Brother Lane: Brother Schenks, Assistant Attorney General of the Federal Courts; Brother Ralney, Assistant Attorney General. Socially too, Sigma has been holding her own. A smoker was held which was a great success, and many prospects were visiting t h a t may be led across the burning sands In the near future. And lastly—the best of all t h a t Ape Dawn Dance for Alpha wives and sweethearts. And what a time! All t h e brothers were In form with lovely ladles on their arm, and to t h e dance dedicated to our wives and sweethearts, the orchestra played "When Your Hair Has Turned to Sliver". Our new officers are, William Knox, president; William Pratt, vice-president; William Gasnell, secretary; Douglas Stubbs, treasurer. And now Sigma chapter in Boston, Station A. P. A. bids you all adieu, and more news anon. —WILLIAM GASNELL.

Phi Chapter Active In Local Church Affairs Again Phi greets her sister chapters. However, this time the greetings come from a different source t h a n has ever before brought tidings to The Sphinx. Phi admits (not proudly) t h a t she received one of t h e numerous reminders sent o u t by His' Excellency, "Peely". However this can be accounted for by the fact t h a t there are only two of our organization now "alive" at Ohio University. Nevertheless, after being reminded, I t h o u g h t it possible t o get news somewhere so I went out to "out-do" Tau, Mu Lambda, Alpha Tau, Beta, Beta Gamma and a host of others in t h e amount of space taken up in t h e February Issue. Phi's future is very promising. We have some excellent Sphinx material t h a t should be converted in the very near future. Those who desire to cross the burning sands and rest by the oasis to see the light are: Marcus Hall, Virgil Barnett, J o h n Gazaway, Robert Nelson, Jack Evans, and Walter Allen. These men have shown their worth many times during the current year. From t h i s group with "Prexy" Hall and yours truly, we developed a basketball team t h a t went through an entire season with b u t one defeat. Brother Coleman of Chi stated t h a t pleasure is derived from reading orig-

Page 40 inal chapter news. Just tell Brothers Corbln a n d Petrls t o read about this basketball record, 'cause this is news. Pledges Gazaway and Allen, and Brother Clarke took part in many lntra-mural games this season. Pledge Allen also participated in the indoor-track meet. The fairer sex of Ohio University seem'! to be getting t h e breaks this year. Alpha Phi Alpha certainly picked some smooth looking pledges. Pledge Allen has to toe the line, however, because he's almost tied the knot. I t won't be long before his name will appear in Cupid's Corner. For those who are interested, her name is Edna Hawk and she lives i n Marietta, Ohio. Another whose name will soon appear in t h e corner is "Mark" Hall. T h e little six-feetsix-inch fellow from Lima. She lives here in Athens. John Gazaway, t h e Iamb from Springfield is t h e adonis of t h e chapter Several co-eds have threatened suicide u n less he makes u p his mind. Evans, Hall and Barnett have a way of their own while "Charlie" sits back a n d wishes. Phi Chapter must be congratulated on its splendid part taken in t h e church and religious activities of Athens. Each Sunday evening finds one of Phi's group leading t h e discussion for t h e young people's meeting. Two of her group have charge of Sunday school classes. They have done a great deal In getting t h e local peoole to attend church. Many brothers who were formerly affili ated with Phi mourned t h e death of Mr Edward C. Berry, former owner of the Berrv Hotel Though not a brother, Mr Berrv was loved and admired by all He h a s befriended many men of Alpha Phi Alpha

THE S PHINX briefly of local problems In race development. Dr. Huffman of Richmond was also presented to the body and made a few remarks. Rho Lambda led two neophytes across t h e siccative of t h e desert on March 28 in Bloomington, I n d . Brother Lowery served a barbecue of "barbarian" meat The brothers attended "en masse". The educational movement locally is In a process of development. We hope for the most effective service in t h e history of t h e chapter. Brother Mills has a splendid corps of influential brothers t o carrv out his program. The chapter is slowly b u t surely progressing. I t has been t h e task of t h e leader to pour oil on t h e troubled waters of fraternalism. Our best wishes are for t h e success of our sister chapters. —LIONEL H. MALONEY.

Reading from left t o right, ^pjige meet brothers (see picture): Myles »• „g one of New York's most aggressiv gr0 . lawyers, and a very clever politici» • ,„ ther Paige lost in a very close #. t h e last election as candidate lor wre . sembly of t h e New York State WB , AlClarence W. Richardson, a very w ^ pha Phi Alpha man. He is readyl r aa ing t o do anything for t h e old n d e r jul Gerald F. Norman, who has a w°" s sectaste for athletics. He has servea .,„„ retary of t h e American Tennis A » ^ for several years, a n d is now finan retary of Alpha Gamma Lambda. ^ J. H. Eckles, a very serviceable ged Phi Alpha m a n . He is actively e »s in t h e Harlem Hospital. New YorK oglcS! pathological technician in the p » u l laboratory of t h a t Institution. ^ William T. Andrews is Just as biw pt,. like as he appears. He ls a P°P" R citJvate practitioner of law in New * " y0r* and special counsel for N a the t> «scoci»' tl na branch of t h e well known ° ' r e d Ve(r tion for t h e Advancement of Colt" pie. t l v e an" Alpha Gamma Lambda is continually Louis R. Mlddleton, a very a ^ b d a . V< turning her little wheel in Alpha Phi Alfiery worker in Alpha Gamma Lani „ p h a s great mechanism of good will good Mlddleton is busily engaged in tne 1 f 8 P deeds, and high aspirations. When we have practice of dentistry at 148 W- t „ t»' nothing greater, or more enloyable t o do New York City, and is associated « a* we go t o our regular monthly meeting for Health Department of New YorKe e,,t LZ0?? L ° f , h o u r s o f helloshand clasps, chief clinician in t h e dental i* P rleoi. and brotherly contacts. O f t e n there Is of t h e Health Center in 136th St.. re»t much news to be interchanged among t h e New York City. There he Is g l v '"° the lrZt^T\?S 7 c o m e f r o m different points service and acquiring much reno 'QM within t h e metropolitan area of New York J. Edward Lowry, one of the Aip»" opUiar (some thirty miles around). ma Lambda Jolly Jesters, but Effort' Some bring a few good Jokes (if thev among t h e boys, is unrelenting ' " treasV atten ded hl U botn s may not be considered false rehearsals of to do good for t h e Chapter. He soand° w i n £ r ° ° ' " ™ ( those enormously Imaginative minds of ine f ^ l l , ses f lonsc -o m H e was an outstandurer (the Judas) for Alpha Gamm d gS some of our "could be" novelists.. For In- da, and very tight on the purse gtrin ^ ™ H l ^ „ " *£S m u n i t y . Brother Isom stance, Just last Sunday, (Anrll 26. 1931) ? , ™ J ? *ther Warfield of Columbus, r e Dr. Lowry is a successful P n y? l c *18s gt" turned to Athens for t h e funeral which a brother told a Joke (so It sounded t o surgeon In his home town, 180 Bar was one of t h e largest ever held in t h e the writer) of a bad member of African Flushing, L. I., N. Y. ^ados \ stock partaking of a repast in a Coffee Sitting from left to right: cnau j9B Well this may not be news b u t it is a Ioca e Pot along side a m a n In blue suit, brass Maxey, a promising dentist, r " g0< tt r Ze ^ d S / ^ ° m P h l - W e h a v e n ° one for buttons, a big star on his coat, a blackin'1 W. 124 St., New York City, and jack, a club, a n d an automatic, (they sav J H ? " of Fame this time, but who doesn't editor of t h e Sphinx for Alpha hapter wish to be there? Of course e v e ^ n e ^ he was a cop), who was minding his own Lambda, He is a product of Chi ^ DOWl Of S O U p . at Meharry Medical College and P1 j t»e —CHAS. H. CLARKE, J r . T e C 1 0 r e d h0 flnlsh of t h e Meharry Alumni Association J e«J his meal, and nf £ 1 °, , 5 East, New York City. n d pro ' k ^ Phlf, ! I , m a n l p u - l a t i n K h l s P & P e r n a p Charles N. Ford, a conspicuous an M kin about his corpulent lips, sauntered over perous dental practitioner, located ]OJ,ai to t h e cashier. "What do I owe you " he Lenox Ave., New York City. He is Cfi requested of t h e cashier. "Thirty-five cents " wase cthe reply. "Well! I don't have it." Alpha Phi Alpha man, formerly « jjeullarl The Old Ship, Rho Lambda, pushed off IL „ P > ' natural Italian bro-ue Chapter. He Is also treasurer of r t on her annual cruise activity, from t h e the cashier asked, "You don't have i f " harry Alumni Association of the J» , AINO. was t h e sturdy reply. "But why vou pier West Street, t h e home of Dr S Lucien M. Brown, a sturdy Alpha J ^ come in without t h e money?" interrogated A. Furniss. The crew pledged every copha man, our loyal president ° ^ 0ji«l! Br W operation for a most successful voyage Gamma Lambda Chapter. Dr. ° a ,, r ge(" d o n % S h h e a r v ; i h a d *. W h e n T ™in7in R a but Roll was called and Brothers Luther Merry of t h e outstanding physicians and %eVe^ vnf, 1 J . e " n o w ' w a s t n e retort. "But Anderson Chandler. Charles Anderson J o of New York City, located at 2460 ° edic9' ,,p cam seph Carpenter. McDonald Bobb, and Has" W h m V r - a n d e t h e con Ave. He contributes weekly to the > ^ tings Banda were found missing. However column in The Amsterdam News, Ne w - n - a - t - sa y t h 0eU matter here vou? What's r b c0\"nd „ 7 . came " 't " don't have r etthey have only gone t o other cities for self City's well known and most vis P°P U '' pHJ' and ?t hh aa tt 'ss all!" h e"»very positive improvement. ored newspaper. Also he is „'"„ftal- , Brother Chandler. M.D., is interning in sician on t h e staff at Harlem H°sp o> „„ T h ,?, COD h a ndle.d t h e colored boy a little Kansas City. Brothers Merry and Carpenter C. P. McLendon, a veteran practiw" ^ are teaching in Sumner High School,, St medicine at 10 Wlnthrop Ave., NreK„o«'1' Louis; Brother Charles Anderson is a travchelle, N. Y. Dr. McLendon is widely vielling salesman: Brother Bobb is a "frosh" e"r ^ T h a H f e ^ f f L S t H i T ^ and highly respected throughout JirJBp«* in Meharry Medical School, and Brother cinlty. Alpha Gamma Lambda cu e ^ S S K h i s ^ - ^ i * a n d ^ nohsee °n"Banda has a teaching fellowship at Chihim as vice president. Dr. Brown dar cago U. ^ d V c ^ T T e g ^ e r S S ^ g ' h T *& be absent from a meeting, or McL Dr. Clarence H. Mills, our skipper, h a s will take his throne. ,.. pi<r. a dreams of a year of zealous work. Robert S. White, Jr., is one ° f °uloC»t«" Our officers for t h e year a r e : Brothers ings, we will attempt to have t h e brother progressive dentists, more recently ' ^pcgive you one of his greater 1 - laugh, Clarence H. Mills, president: Robert S. Lowa t 142 W. 140 St., New York. He & ,t We have Just emerged from a K a n t ery, vice-president; Tilford Davis, secretary; cially interested in t h e dental cl" e „ » 0 dan nd Joseph Carroll, assistant secretary; Dr. S. Harlem Hospital to which he hasr "ytfV bnan a n " arames. m e s oOf T course * ^ tf hr ea tcredit e r n Vfor b X AI "! A. Furniss, treasurer; J. Harold Brown visiting dentist for three years. D - sef' nha Phi Alpha's success here b e i n g s t o EU chaplain; and Lionel H. Maloney, editor serves Alpha Gamma Lambda as nj>» fr,r Chapter, b u t Alpha Gamma Lambda hav to The Sphinx. retary. Nothing of Importance to w li ng given her moral and flnancTal sunnor ternlty passes h i m unnoticed. The chapter h a d t h e pleasure of enterrft pii' ' IZ I f 6 a f f a i r s ' f<*ls t h a t she gave al" of taining Brother William Cardozo, third Among t h e brothers of Alpha ". ct urvice-president, at t h e home of Brother Rad- the b g dances and won all of t h e game" Lambda who do n o t appear in our V j3» W ford Morris. The visit of the vice-president are: Dr. Farrow Allen, located at 337e - ^ L . t h e y 1 m a d e0 ah 6 good record lP t h e r e a t ca was a source of inspiration to t h e brothers. St., New Yofk City, a n d profitably »* i0> Alnha P h ^ ' V 8 w * '"=e of He spoke of problems of t h e general orin t h e practice of medicine. He » g„s' f , ™ A'Ph, ' e . on a very rainy .Sunday, (fate having so ordained) a t t e s t e d ganization and its chapters. The keynote known as a visiting surgeon of Harle» e P h a P h i A I p h a a VJ of his speech was an appeal for continued pital. yo"' faci A^ „ ew of nur peace a n d harmony. Our president turned Dr. Arnold Amos of 9 Wood Place, tiCc for t' h » h °,V g h a n a p 0 l ° ^ l s necessary the meeting into a round table discussion kers, N. Y„ is engaged dally in the pr $ for t h e small number, t h e groun s h o W n by introducing Prof. Russell Lane, acting elsewhere In The Sphinx is quite repTe" of medicine, a n d Joyfully contribute ^ sentative of Alpha Gamma Lambda m a principal of Attucks High School, who spoke useful service to t h e Department of *» sod in Yonkers. He is a very prominent V

Alpha Gamma Lambda Scribe Writes Interestingly

Third Vice-President Addresses Rho Lambda

g «

|^uT!i-nV^£ m^

THE SPHINX •n that center, and otherwise. l [Dr. Thomas Amos, 145 W. 119 St. New 'fork City, needs only his name mentioned to New York City, since he is so widely faown; but for the brothers out of town, ye must say that he is quite conspicuous ts an obstetrician and physcian and surfeon. Dr. Amos has a weakness for t h e t i e branch of the practice of medicine ifcat none of us have been able to evade. fhat is the first visit that the doctor pays 111 of us. Harlem Hospital, New York City, it proud of Dr. Amos' work as one of Its ^siting obstetricians. Robert B. DeFrantz Is easily found at 119 W. 139 St. He is overworked as an associated executive of the New York Y. M &. A. His is a great task of Christian movement, and he is building future Alpha ?hi Alpha material. i Hon. Thomas B. Dyett is a veteran Alalia Phi Alpha member, and lawyer of pow•r. pluck, and success. His career Is covjtable; and, should you need him, he may fe found at 287 Edgecombe Ave., New York 3ity. T. Arnold Hill of 1945 Seventh Ave., New fork City, although a loyal supporter of ilpha Gamma Lambda Chapter, is even tetter known in the National Urban league. He is in executive capacity with pat organization in New York City, and he lould have a trying task to break his pnure of office. I Edgar S. Henderson is with us in everyjblng that we attempt. When not found at Jls post in Federal Civil Service, a duty t h a t §e performs in true Alpha Phi Alpha spirit, fc may be located at 80 Edgecombe Ave., Jew York City. , Eugene Kinckle Jones is also affilllated ft an executive capacity with the National Jrban League. He has contributed several pars of useful service and time to t h a t »dy. He is located at 96 S. 22 St., Flushftg. N. Y. . Dr. J. H. N. Jones of 153 W. 139 St., New fork City, is engaged in a pleasant private Jraatlce of medicine, and is associated lith the New York City Department of lealth. 'Dr. G. W. Strickland of 346 Grand Ave., ffooklyn, N. Y., boasts of a good private jractice of medicine. It behooves some of f e good brothers to attempt to share his ficcess with him. ^Dr. Channing H. Tobias, 203 W. 122 St., few York City is one of our most loyal wporters. He is engaged as senior secre»ry with the National Council of the Y. p- C. A. He travels all over the country, Wvising local organizations as to their ttogram and method. JDr. George Banks of 50 Wlnthrop Ave., lew Rochelle, N. Y., is profitably occup d as a private practitioner of dentistry the above address. Dr. Banks deserves mien credit for loyal support and a t t e n d e e of Alpha Gamma Lambda activities

Zeta Lambda Chapter ftorks For Education .Members of Zeta Lambda Chapter, residP Norfolk, Portsmouth, Hampton, Newport wws, Suffolk, and Hampton Institute, Va., p busily engaged at this writing in prefnng for Go-to-High-School, Go-to-Colfge campaigns in those places. ine chapter hoped to put over an esKcially effective campaign this year and e 0I *j "cers have asked for the wholeheartp cooperation of the brothers In achieves this result. l|AtKa b?rpoe tcni ae lr s meeting on Thursday, April both assembled at the home of gotner T. Roger Thompson, in Newport •ews, and were given educational campaign week assignments. « n m * e i? t l nTgh onma d b e e n h e l d a t t h e h o m e ««,, P s o n on April 24. Prelim?"y plans were Thelaid at t h a t meeting for »»rt« Ca , mpalgn members under the «WH ? a r0ef wB r o t h e r Dr. L. A. Fowlkes, trl ( ? t h e c°rking hard to bring new ha t r hem s o m e P e - Ideas brought to > rL months ago by Brother Robert "amel, national second vice-president,

are being used in this effort successfully. Zeta Lambda has no particular slogan, but it might well be—"All for one and one for all, In bringing back t h e pristine glory t h a t once was Zeta Lambda's.' Officers of Zeta L a m b d a are : L. A. Fowlkes, president, 2510 Jefferson Ave., Newport News; R. H. Pree, vice-president; A. D. Manning, secretary, 615-25th St. Newport News; T. Roger Thompson, assistant; S. B. Noble, treasurer; John J. Ballou, associate editor to Sphinx; and W. A. Miller chaplain. Go-to-Hlgh-School, Go-to-College Comm i t t e e : T. Roger Thompson, chairman; P. B. Young, Jr., S. F. Coppage, Charles H. Williams, and John W. Pierce. Executive Committee R. H. Pree, chairman; L. F. Palmer, S. B. Noble, R. Nathaniel Dett, A. D. Manning, P. B. Young, Jr., and C. H. Williams. Rushing Committee A. D. Manning, L. F. Palmer, and P. B. Young, Jr. Personal Progress W. A. Miller, R. H. Pree, Gideon Smith, and W. S. Hart. Finance or Budget S. B. Noble, W. S. Hart, J o h n W. Pierce. R. H. Pree, L. F. Palmer, and A. D. Manning. Ritual S. F. Coppage, A. D. Manning, J o h n J. Ballou, and T. R. Thompson. Program: T. R. Thompson, J. J. Ballou, C. H. Williams, and P. B. Young, Jr. Auditing: L. F. Palmer, R. H. Pree, and J. J. Ballou. —P. BERNARD YOUNG, Jr.

Kappa Krows Koncerning Kapable Kangaroo During t h e spring vacation good Brother W. Warrick Cordozo, one of Kappa Chapter's stalwarts and national vice-president of t h e western jurisdiction, visited ten chapters In his sector. He returned with an interesting report and a number of helpful suggestions. While at Des Moines, t h e Des Moines Register, one of t h e citys outstanding publications, gave a n Interesting account of his presence In t h a t city along with a cut. The chapters visited were: Iota Lambda, Indianapolis; Epsilon Lambda St. Louis; Alpha Psi, Jefferson City; Beta Lambda, Kansas City; Upsilon, Lawrence- Alpha Nu, Des Moines; Alpha Theta, Iowa City; Theta and XI Lambda, Chicago; and Alpha Mu, Evanston. Phi Chapter, Ohio University, brought Pledge Hall up to Kappa so t h a t he could have t h e pleasure of seeing the light of Alpha Phi Alpha in a big way. Must have been pretty lonesome traveling t h a t Alpha highway all by himself, b u t the youngster had a stout heart and stuck to his post. Since he has gotten up in the world a bit he is pleased to be known as Brother Hall. And speaking of initiation, Kappa Chapter has two promising and enterprising young men who are trying to make their way up They were slated for t h e final test on May eighth and n i n t h . We are now engaged in the little business of giving •em hell in a nice way. The two potential brothers are William Smiley and Foster Alexander. The fact t h a t they are so small in number makes for a great amount of concentration and t h e going is mighty tough b u t we are all good fellows and wish t h e m a barrel of luck, staves and all. The baseball team is scoring and r u n ning along very nicely, t h a n k you. The brothers play heads up ball and out there to win every game. They are entered In one of t h e numerous campus leagues. To date we have two in t h e win column and one in t h e red. Brother Foster and Pled itFoster Alexander serve them up, and Brothers Cordozo and Driskell work on the receiving end. Kapph Chapter invited all the chapters in t h e western district to a celebration of Kappa Chapter's twenty-first anniversary. It was held May first and second in connection with the university's eighth annual Ohio Relays. The visiting athletes were

Page 41 entertained royally at a dance given in their honor following Saturday's events. The brothers are terribly proud of Brother Guilford "Gil" Holston, Ohio State's elongated broad jumper. Brother Holston made a leap of 23 feet and 8 inces to break the record of any previous Ohio State broad jumper. Brother Eddie Tolan came through as usual. He negotiated the century In 9.6 and came home first In every event in which he was entered. Brother Tolan seemed to have had a wonderful time at the dance and although he smiled continuously it was apparent t h a t he may have been a bit puzzled. But now I believe t h a t I have It, and I'll wager any brother five (5) dollars ($) (yes, real money!) t h a t he was trying to figure out just what the back of a track suit looks like. I am so sorry, brothers, but honest I'll never try It again. Note: Kappa Chapter Is In grave deliberation. We are trying to nominate a candidate for Alpha Phi Alpha's Hall of Fame. We have such excellent timber out here in this neck of the woods that really It is a task to make a choice. So please stand by and your patience will be rewarded at the earliest possible moment. —JACK COLES.

Upsilon Will Take Several From Alpha Phi Out In the Middle West in the Jayhawk State at Lawrence, brothers of Upsilon Chapter are trying with all the fervor of youthful hearts to immortalize the ideals and principles of Alpha Phi Alpha. Although we are quite far from the real center of Alpha activities we often have the privilege of meeting brothers from the East who are imbued with the "Alpha Spirit" and we find ourselves n o different from them. We hold the same ideals of manhood; we love the same sports, the same pleasures and follies, the same refinement and culture; we serve humanity; in fact, we are real Alpha men like the other members of Alpha Phi Alpha all over the United States. Of special significance to Upsilon was the visit of the third national vice-president, Brother W. Warrick Cardozo, on the evening of March 16. Brother Cardozo motored to Lawrence from Kansas City in company with Brothers H. O. Cook, J. A. Jeffries, M. E. Carroll, and Bert Mayberry, all of Beta Lambda. After the social committee had served a tasty lunch, our president, Brother Herman T. Jones, called the meeting to order and Introduced Brother Cardozo. In his address t h e national officer extended us national greetings. He commended us for our local progress, but advised us to take more interest in national affairs. After warning up as to the inactivity of our chapter, Brother Cardozo admonished us to make special effort toward raising our scholastic standing. To impress us witfi the seriousness of this scholarship phase of his address, Brother Cardozo gave a check for $2.50 to start a fund to be used to secure a prize for scholastic attainment within the chapter. The brothers of Beta Lambda and Brother Willard Shelton of Upsilon also contributed to the prize fund. There is no doubt t h a t Brother Cardozo's visit t o this chapter meant much to us and we shall prove it by showing more interest in national affairs and making definite improvements in every way. "College days swiftly pass, imbued with mem'ries fond.' Only "yesterday" eleven pesky high school graduates were happily making preparations to go to college, but to day eleven of these same high school graduates have degrees and are making preparations to enter the college of life. In their departure Upsilon is losing some of its stalwarts. In regretting our loss we stop to wish them "bon voyage." Brothers James A. Davis and Elijah Washington are receiving the LL. B. degree in June. They have both been active In fraternal affairs, and both are, incidentally,

Page 42 past presidents of Upsllon. They are t h e first Negroes to finish law here In ten years. I n practice court Brothers Davis and Washington won their case against three white law seniors. Brother Davis has also served as president of t h e Lawrence Sunday Forum and has served the chapter efficiently as corresponding secretary. The brothers of Upsllon refuse to admit t h a t Brother J. Harrison Thomas is being granted a degree in music in J u n e . He came to Kansas University with very little musical knowledge and was enrolled as a special student! It took energy, talent, stick-to-lt-lveness, study, and integrity for one to earn a degree in music with as little knowledge of the subject as Brother Thomas had. But during his five years here all of these qualities have been evident in abundance in him. Brothers Willard Shelton and Herman Jones are earning degrees in zoology in June, but school still holds charm for them and they plan to be back with us next fall. Brother Shelton thinks a pre-medlc should have at least a master's degree but a doctor's degree Is preferable. We only hope Brothers Shelton and Jones stay here until they have the "preferable." We will lose Brother Kenneth Whitmore and his sunshine; Brother Silas Vaughn and his eloquence; Brother Rostell Mansfield and his Ingenuity; Brother Joseph Mosley and his arguments; Brother Jasper Bailey and his logical advice; but we have hope in Neophytes Jackson, Bluford, Smith, Gerren and Davis and Brothers Moblley o ' Elliott, Hurse, Perkins, and Carruthers! President Jones has called the Go-toHigh-School, Go-to-Colege committee together, and they are planning a very active campaign this year. Letters will be sent to all high school and junior high school graduates over the state and also to t h e pastors of all the Negro churches. Programs will be given by members of the chapter In both high schools in greater Kansas City. Arrangements are being made to broadcast a program over radio station WREN. Brother Ora H. Elliot received a letter from National Secretary Joseph H. B. Evans stating t h a t he had appointed Brother C. Columbus House to the position of agency auditor in The National Benefit Life Insurance Company. Brother House is a graduate of the Kansas University Business School and is a member of Upsllon We wish Brother House much success Every year Upsllon has some things about the university to which It can point with pride. We have two Negro graduates from the law school. Brother Clyde Washington is t h e only Negro In t h e School of Medicine. Pledge Nicholas Gerren Is the first Negro to become a member of the K. U. Symphony Orchestra. A regular convocation was called for Brother Bishop John A. Gregg to give an address to the faculty and student body of Kansas University. —WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS.

Gamma Brothers Rank High At Union University Under the direction of Brother Herman Washington, chairman of Gamma's Go-toHigh School, Go-to-College committee, the Virginia Union University "Apes" p u t across one of its biggest campaigns during national Alpha Educational Week. Outstanding numbers on the program included a hook-up over radio station WRVA. Our own brother, Prof. R. P. Daniels, eastern vice-president, was the speaker to the innumerable hosts composing Gamma's radio audience. This program was broadcast at five o'clock on Tuesday, May 5. Brother H. L. Trigg, State Superintendent of Negro Schools, North Carolina, delivered an Interesting and highly informing speech on Thursday, May 7, in Coburn Chapel at the university. Gamma opened Its program week at t h e university vesper services, Sunday evening, May 3, at Morgan Hall, Virginia Union's feminine habitat. Brother Joseph Ransome,

THE SPHINX of t h e Armstrong High School faculty, was yet, b u t I've got a lot of Imagination. So the orator for the occasion. fried chicken would taste swell now, » " way. Various other programs were held dur—RUPERT PICOTT. ing the week, including one before the student body at Armstrong High School, and at the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. The Alpha Choir furnished the masculine voice appeal. Their renditions were a pleasing mixture of tones. The week from May third to May ten '; The following is a partial summary of inclusive, being t h e annual Go-to-B B the activities of Union's Gamma men durSchool, Go-to-College Campaign, Alpha ing the past school year. ta Lambda p u t forth every effort to re f Ulysses S. Allen, Akron, Ohio, varsity every boy and girl in this section oi baseball, chapter treasurer, second honor country in t h e Interest of this great ror group. ment, which is locally directed by c er J. A. Shelton. B. A. (Sonny) Cephas, Richmond, Va. tn e Optic Club. Special efforts were made to f o s t e ' v a ys: Richard (Dick) Cook, New Bedford, Mass., educational campaign in various w . senior, newspaperman. namely, through the churches, P a ' D. James W. Cotton, Oklahoma City, Okla teacher associations, and schools; an" o( varsity football varsity baseball, senior ferences were held with each 'ndlvidui y C. A. (C.A.C.) Crocker, Suffolk, Va , presithe senior or graduating class of e dent, junior class; varsity debater secreschool visited. These conferences eS tary, Gamma. held for the purpose of refuting all exe Llewellyn W. Davis, head professor deany student may make for not c o n tn1l " to partment of business, Va. Union. his education, and to encourage "hicn continue from other points of view, « Ralmund R. Fairfax, Wllliamsport Pa senior, second honor group. will help the student and the race as Thomas W. Henderson, Richmond Va On Monday evening, May 18th the AT faculty, Armstrong High School, Richmond' Zeta Lambda had a get-together at *> , Welton H. Henderson, Newport News Va field, W. Va. This affair included <> University Quartette, Glee Club, Octette " financial brother and his special lady-" Wallace Van Jackson, university libramaking the affair a closed one. a0 d rian. The affair featured bridge, dancing. ^ cn Walter H. (Thug) Jackson, Paterson N a very delicious plate dinner, w h i t]ie J., varsity debater, honor roll, University with the desires of attendants, since Octette, Glee Club, Quartette, vice presitime of serving was slightly late. ^, e dent, Gamma. This, as usual, featured the highest » c , Louis F. Jeffries, professor, chemistrv deof entertainment enjoyed by the lnw partment, Va. Union. tual nil tti ggroup. roup. fi Harold B. Jordan, Richmond, Va Optic Alpha Zeta Lambda hopes this, ac n"a t ter, Club, second honor group. other activities sponsored by this j B ]s Joseph L. (Red) Jones, Durham, N C will be incentive to the brothers oi f senior, student instructor, honor roll section, who are on the outside, to Benjamin F. Kersey, Richmond, Va' Onr into the fold. da fflb tlc Club. The brothers of Alpha Zeta L»i de Paul D. Morton, Richmond, Va UniverChapter wish to extend to Brother J- *» t l l f sity Octette, Glee Club. Klngslow their greatest sympathies tm ^ George (Little Pete) Peterson, Richmond loss of his brother, Dr. Harry Kings"""Va., faculty, Armstrong High School Evanston, 111. „.T>R Walker Quarles, Richmond, Va., senior - M A C E O E. CARKpresident, Student Council. Joseph Ransome, faculty, Armstrong High School, Richmond. Allen K. (Al) Robinson, Providence R I president of Gamma, honor roll oi W. Paul Thomas, Washington, Pa., senior Alpha Psi is entering the last month ^ honor roll, Quartette, Octette. Glee Club the school year of 1930-31 and hope Herman L. (Herm) Washington, Denver, make this its greatest month of the 5 * ^ , , ™ l V h a : f h y ,{°°t°all; captain, basketball We are planning for a big time May .p aV 0i' varsity baseball, varsity track team. Gamma our first anniversary. We shall ende g chairman,, Go«to^lgh-School, Go-to-Col? to make our first big affair one to ve 0( lege Campaign. remembered. We hope to have m any By the brothers present from the n e B Charles B. West, Philadelphia, Pa., presichapters. g5 bater °T ^ ^ h ° n ° r r 0 " ' v a r s i t y d e " Our educational program will not " t physlClan full as we had planned, due to the R i ^ n m o n d V a ^ 6 1 1 ' pv&ctlc^ ' t h a t the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority ' , f R yf 0rd W Logan head fn? ;,f ,?, ' ' . departat Lincoln is also sponsoring educa" m t fo r week. Nevertheless, we chose two d a y | u n f^ n doc 0 tor h ate O r y ; ™ S U ' d y i n g a t H a r v a r d our exercises: Wednesday May 6th and o de art day May the 10th. Doctor Harry S. » ' 0l i m o ^ a n ^ u " 0 0 " ' ^ P ™ n t <* iston, an Alpha, delivered an address John W. Williams, Pittsburgh p a can Sunday, May 10th. te d t u n . football; track, acting clptafn ' base! Brothers Hopson and Turner represe" j our chapter at a formal dance given ' " tfte Prof. R. F. (Dynamic) Daniels, head deLouis on Friday evening, April 24th brooy , partment of education. Epsilon Lambda Chapter. They L a n"hd» Rupert Picott, Newport News, Va. varsiback nothing b u t praise of Epsilon ;ded ty debate team, honor roll, director, Univerbecause of the great hospitality ace oi E sity Press Service. them on the occasion. Thanks to P„ f t P e Lambda for this courtesy shown our en r * l m e °,f t h e w r l t i n S of this article lnm ]? ter brothers! We trust t h a t we of Aip^ initiation time is right at hand. The present Sphinx Club harbors many good prosPsi shall be as polite and hospitable to p s i pects, so t h a t although Gamma will lose visitors and visiting brothers to Alpna d(l many valuable men by graduation this year at Lincoln University as Epsilon La in" nevertheless, the future of Alpha at Union was toward Brothers Hopson and Tu>'" t seems assured. Our only regret is t h a t more of us were Just now amid t h e beautiful days of able to attend the affair. k.r" spring, Union's campus has taken u n t o ItOn April 18th Alpha Psi gave a "snic* self a beautiful color scheme of green for the new members at which time with a towering, gray, granite background' newly made brothers were further ' nbSlt r „ o f l , And, believe me, the lanes and roads here ted in "Alphadom." Brothers R ° i r e r e have become the strolling ground for many Freeman, Hopson, and Finley spoke. Sii a collegiate loving couple. was plenty to eat, drink and smoke. (~°: a s I've got to sign off now, for the boys being the only hard drink served). Andln » are staging their annual dinner at the it hot? Ask Brothers Freeman or Higg ^„d "Prat House." Well, no, I haven't seen it Our new brothers have fallen in line »u

Get-Together At Alpha Zeta Lambda Swell Affair

Alpha Psi Celebrates Its First Anniversary


»re keeping step with the older members 4f the chapter. So far everything looks iright and prosperous for this ensuing 'ichool year. —METHA C. FINLEY.

Alpha Delta Writes From Sunny California I Alpha Delta at Los Angeles took an active part in the observance of the National Negro Vocational Guidance Week on a joint program with the Alpha Kappa Aloha Sorority and the Urban League at Los jAngeles, beginning Sunday, April 19th. Brother Lester B. Granger, executive secretary of the Los Angeles branch of the Urban League, gave a startling appeal t o t h e IJegro youth of Los Angeles, in a congregation of more than 2000, on t h e subject "Make Your Plans for the Future." Several hundred young people listened with intense Interest to Brother Granger's criticism of fheir vocational life. He pointed out t h e present situation when he stated t h a t the pew competition for household work t h a t the Negro is meeting will undoubtedly make ftlm a more intelligent and efficient worker in the future. He declared t h a t t h e I n dustrial Council, composed as it is of the porkers themselves and endorsed by such irganizations as the Forum, Is proof of t h e [act that the Negro worker is beginning to take an intelligent interest in his own problems and is unwilling to subpect himtelf to the indifferent and often selfish •"leadership" of the professional class. But that is not the end of Alpha Delta to the Vocational Guidance Week in Los Angeles, for two vocational opportunity programs were planned for the following Wednesday and Friday nights. The speaker for Wednesday night was Paul R. Williams, Omega Psi Phi, an architect of fame. Our own Brother James W. McGregor was the speaker for Friday night, also an able jpeaker who recently gained distinction by peritmg the position of Deputy County Tax Mses?or through competitive Civil Service examination. Brother Laurence D. Johnson, a recent pmuate of the University of Southern Cal" ° r m a l n the School of Optometry, has spened at Los Angeles a modernly equipped Hilce Brother Johnson holds the distincHon of being the only member of the Nepo race to emerge with the credited honws of Doctor of Optometry on the Pacific L.oast and west of the Rocky Mountains. Alpha Delta will enjoy another tribute i . ° n o rr e cwe hi ve ens Brother Ellis O. Knox, a prohis p ?ni™; h.D. in history at the University e of B Southern California in t h e i Lr£ l n a n t- f o rr co et h ei nr Knox has been quite L , £ . g e S a n d h e i s educational work in rated as on niL- ^ n o 'u n c e d e of the "oast scholars on t h e Pacific •PpB*v!hv.r, G e o r g e C - C o k e r - l s now about to nin «t J J - S ™ a s t e r ' s degree in business adninistration from the University of Southi t h « a l i r o r n i a - H e is the first student tTOm his insti a tuti 0 °n. reCelVe S U C h a &egIee er aIvin Smlth -h^r»^ v. ?d s t h e ' Tfceta Chapter, Iret I * • m o u r distinction of being our new Je m!* fraternity house. ) r o t w . a 1 faa v ol ar sa tbl lne impression on the >leri«e , s.t a s k h l B impression on the m nakiVn; a n "d t h e about the Sunkist wvf T "sessions." nfrt? tl ™,pi Uh laa m H Eo -u s Browne has recently tddrL ,» e his domicile; the Be S f, 3 6r i 5 G tor l f Bm rho t An ve er n uSei .d n e 'Soarkv- ™ mI a m s n o w y Rhine '0 « ! • ! ' residing in ChicaP a y from Bin Bv t h» " Browne brmer t W a yy ;s B Fr oot rhde r C 0James Robinson, our U >arkert £ P has been seen certaln y o u n lad •5th s w t s y's h o m e o n mucn he w,v i recently (which by not mea ;ood). h this scribe any '^"frequenting 6 1r 1e e"n Kt aAp lppa n aQ ua ef feani rs s" J n adv0e »°t profew tn I n o w° t h e ' >* this «,;Ld d e n r e v o l wherefore or why »e curto t . but if there be anycurious enough to wish further de-

tails I am sure t h a t our benevolent brothers Hugh B. Beaty, "the Personality Kid", Riddell Scott and Bill Brown the men who have many ways with the women will be so good as to comply with any and all requests pertaining to the same (Pole-Cats included.) I'm growing very sleepy, The hour's getting late, No longer can I study, My work will have to wait, A quiz in chemistry is A thing I'll always hate. So If you see my tombstone With an early date, You'll know my dying story, Too awful to relate! —RUFUS S. NORMAN.

Xi Chapter Selects Hall Of Fame Nominee As per usual t h e "good ship Xi" is still making progress against any head winds and other obstacles, which may present themselves, In order to better carry on the lofty aims an ideals of our dear fraternity. At one of our recent meetings Brother Richard Ryans one of the graduating brothers was selected by an unanimous vote to represent "Dear Ole Xi" in Alpha Phi Alpha's Hall of Fame. We feel t h a t we have selected a man who Is worthy of such an honor besides being an ideal Alpha type he has been engaged in many activities on the campus, such as the Sword and Shield, Sen Mer Rerh Phi Kappa Delta. honorary societies, and s t u d e n t chairman of the Science Club. We are busy now preparing for our Goto-High-School and Go-to-College Program. We are very fortunate in securing the Honorable Brother Perry B. Jackson of Cleveland, Ohio. Brother Perry is a member of the City Council and a former member of the State Legislature. The musical portion of t h e program is under t h e supervision of Brothers Daniels and Wailes. We feel t h a t this program will be one of the best t h a t have been given on t h e campus this year, and t h a t is saying a great deal. Graduation will t h i n out t h e ranks of Xi quite a bit. Those who will enter their various fields of endeavor are: Brothers Able, Bergette, Cobb, Evans, Fenner, F o u n t liroy, Freeman, Hayes, Harewood, Hall, McGee, Nixon, Poore, Redden, Ryans, Stowe, Wailes, Williamson, and Williams. These brothers will be greatly missed by those of us who will remain here at XI. To replace these brothers, we have elected some men to t h e fraternity who, we believe, possess qualities which will enrich t h e fraternity. I n closing, Xi Chapter sincerely hopes t h a t all of our brothers will have an enjoyable summer. —JAY H. GRIFFIN.

On To The 1931 Cincinnati Anniversary Convention Every preparation is going forward with clock-like precision to welcome the Frats from every section of the country when t h e gavel falls for t h e opening session of what we all hope will be the most remarkable gathering of the fraternity. The following organization has been affected: Chr. Decoration and Badges, Dr. W. M Springer, General chairman, Wm. N. Lovelace. Vice-chairman, W. M. Caliman. Chr. social committee, Dr. R. P. McClain. Chr. Registration, Theodore M. Berry. Chr. Housing, M. S. Walton. Chr. Souvenir Program, Artie Matthews. Chr. Transportation, Silas Rhodes. Chr. Finance, W. N. Lows. Chr. Program, L. D. Finley. Member Convention Committee, Dr. R. E. Beamon. The year 1930 was closed with the celebration of t h e 10th anniversary of the Alpha Alpha Chapter with appropriate ser-

Page 43 vices in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. The sermon was delivered by Rev. Brother E. H. Oxley on "Symbolic Truth"; the history 3f the fraternity by Brother Lovelace, the history of the chapter by Brother R. E. Beamon (Father of the Chapter), remarks by Brother Lane and solo by Brother Hull The New Year opened with a note of sadness on account of the death of Martha Jones White, beloved wife of Brother Dr. Robert S. White (dentist) of New York City. The Alpha Chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority joined with the Alpha Alpha brothers in paying loving tribute to the deceased. These services were held in St. Andrew's Church: the sermon by Rev. Brother Oxley. remarks by Rev. Brother Page, selection by Misses Marguerltte Isby and R u t h Alston, and "L'Amour Toujours," violin and organ accompaniment by s t u dents of the College of Music turned an occasion of deep sorrow into one of spiritual victory. From the political point of view, t h e chapter is an active force, through the initiative of such of its members as Brother R. E. Beamon. To his Influence may be traced t h e appointments of Joseph Hurst and J. F. Seals as County Assessors, of Nick Neblett as Deputy County Auditor of E. E. Birch to the Draftsman Department, of Miss Dorothy Early, Miss Helen Kerr, and Mrs. Josephine Gough ln the mailing room. Brother Theodore Berry has recently completed a survey on Industrial Opportunities for Negroes in Cincinnati. This effort was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Brother Berry is on the staff of the Department of Public Safety of the city. Brother Hall is a Deputy Sheriff to whom is entrusted cases involving a high degree of intelligence. Brother W. N. Lovelace is creating a good impression as Probation Officer. From the educational standpoint, it ls a pleasure to record the admission of Brother Harry S. Williams, Jr., to the Ohio Bar. Brother Springer, D.D.S. '26, visited Tennessee State College and Meharry Medical College, his Alma Mater and reports progress towards the completion of the New Meharry $1,000,000 endowed school. Charter Day by Howard Alumni, most of whom are Alpha men, was fittingly observed with a banquet and telegram of felicitations to Alma Mater. Through the force of character, equal opportunities are being gradually afforded our racial group in this great center of art and music and culture. The time Is not far distant, when the true democratic spirit, permeating the leadership of Cincinnati's present and future, will make It possible for every citizen of whatever race or religion to secure every possible opportunity to make t h e most of himself, without prejudice and without discrimination. When t h a t time comes the record will disclose t h e names of many workers towards this goal and among them will stand high the names of many of Alpha's gifted sons. —REV. E. H. OXLEY.

Epsilon Men Figure In Track Meet From t h e old Ann Arbor town again we broadcast. The greatest thrill which was experienced here about Epsilon during t h e past two months was t h a t enjoyed by three men (and I will vouch for their enjoying It). These three and one other had constituted the 1930-31 Sphinx Club. They came across the burning sands in good shape and are now three of the esteemed constituents of Epsilon. They, even so soon, are beginning to take on t h e air and dignity of their peers. These men are Edward Benjamin, Allen Noble and A. A. Taylor. Behold three powers. Now for the chapter's prominence upon t h e campus read the headlines of the Michigan Daily, "Alpha Phi Alpha Wins Track Title." Well you see it was done like t h i s : Last m o n t h when t h e annual spring inter-fraternity track meet was held, 22 frats

Page 44


of Michigan University competed, entering a total of 135 men. Nine events were r u n off. Our team took first place in three •of t h e nine. We especially appreciate t h e speed of William Thomas Rodgers, for it was he who took the 60-yd. dash for us <in 6.8),Ed. Benjamin took the high j u m p a n d Author Randall (a sparkling Sphinx man) took the 65 yd. low hurdles. In addition Randall took third place in the broad jump; Paul Hickman, "The Mucker' took fourth in the high jump; and Harold "Speegle" Jchnson took fourth in the onemile run. Now we had been counting on "Bill" Singford for the pole vaulting event b u t he was technically disqualified. But even so our team ran up a score of 21 points and our closet competitors had 15 and 11 points. Having t h u s out-classed our competitors, we cheerfully assume the responsibility of being custodians and owners of t h e 1930 Michigan University inter-frat track meet trophy. Our varsity fleet-foot, Eddie Tolan, participated in the Drake Relays helping to win the 880 and to take second in the 440 relays. But in the 100 yd. dash he was nosed out. But we are hoping much success in other meets for him who is so worthy an advocate of Epsilon. This Is REV broadcasting and until next t i m e : So long. —LYMAN T. JOHNSON.

Tau Wins Division Title At Illinois In the midst of the twelve weeks examinations, Tau pauses for a few moments to send greetings to the brotherhood We are carrying on. v » t L i * w l a S t a r t l c l e * s t a t e d t h a t our basshin w T f W ? " t h e d i v i s l o n champion6d 16 to i7ti H ° e l t a C h i l n t h e "n»U io to 10 to be crowned champions. We received a beautiful cup for this feat. l a u Chapter made the greatest gain ln S h ° l a S U p ° f a U t h e Maternities at Hlinois. w e moved up the list forty-three places, from sixty-six to twenty-fifth For two consecutive semesters we have led the Negro fraternities in scholarshfp and ac! tlvitles We have made up our minds to always, lead them in everything. We aw T llen to tnV°the f


SaCkem C u

P w h l c h is gw!

fraternity which makes the 8greatest gain ln scholarship. The brothers are busy painting the house. They are getting ready for the spring dance which is scheduled to be "put over big" May 16. Brothers from the neighboring chapters are expected to come. Several "old brothers" from Chicago have written t h a t they will be down in "Joice" Brother Reginald Fisher, chairman of the Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College committee is working hard to have three programs One's scheduled to be in Danville, on May 10. One in Champaign, 111., May 3 and one over station WILL May 12. Brother Charles Lane, who is now practicing law ln Chicago and a Tau man, will be the principal speaker a t the Champaign meeting. Brother Lane graduated from t h e L. A. S. College of Illinois and the University of Chicago Law School. Tau will lose several good men this year as the result of graduation. Brother Jamison will receive his B.A. degree. Brother Booker Blackwell receives his degree of B. A. in Sociology. Brother Riley will receive his degree of M.A. in history. Brother Williams receives his degree in library science. Brother Williams is A.B. from Williams College, Williams, Mass. Brother T. Romeo Veal will receive his degree of B.S. Rev. Jamison and Brother Veal will enter the Medical College of the University of Illinois located in Chicago next fall. Brother Toles and Nesbitte are transferring to the law school. This is my last article to The Sphinx. I hope t h a t the brothers away from the chapter have been pleased with them. The articles have not been as good as I would have liked them to be, but they realize how little time one has at Illinois. Yet, I c a n say since being elected editor of

chapter news I have contributed an article each issue. Next year while studying medicine I hope to be able to read from these columns the activities of the chapter The class of '31 bids farewell to ' the chapter. We wish the chapter the greatest success, and we will always be willing to give our aid when needed The frat house will be open during t h e summer. Write in for you? reservation —ROMEO VEAL.

Beta Gamma Reviews Its Accomplishments The approach of the vacation season finds brothers of Beta Gamma happy over I t ^ r n i r ^ ' ^ l SCh001 *ear a t Virginia State College. Eventful not alone from the standpoint of social activities, which are characteristic of every fraterna group but momentous also from the point of view of


stauding and extra

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The gridiron season found Brother Welton Curry cplaying his last year with the ham 10 rv «,£" P n s of '29. Brother Curry was a good sport on the team as is characteristic of him in any a c U v i t / in which he engages. This remarkable gift of sportsmanship will make his departure m J u n e with a B.S. degree In agricultural economics a much regretted occasion " *rirH^ n X , m e n w e r e a l s o f^emost in the gridiron clashes. Steve Howe, who is now the r ^ e l v t d t n e ^ f , 1 **?" *ame wrtl and iMlt nla f0r nis a t h l e t i c Prowess Bv ttlT I he wa F ™ „ ?J 6 a U B„r u my ' Steve was awarded bv • }£•„, ™ e l " of the gridiron, sitv ™ £ a J r e p ° r t e r ' J <*eph Barabin, var-! f n / Z??tZ' . m a c i e a reputable showing durflghtlng for t h e f ' y . e ator ' S Inform I1limit almost forgot you, "Dog"Allege. Bara™ n , « n . ow witnessing the unavoidable Hell


who a

PP eas * the will

oi the gods . "Turkey" Lewis proved an adequate substitute for B a r a b i n ^ n many of the varsity contests * m^V™? t h e f a U ° . u a r t e r - t h e compilng of giade averages—nightly frat meeti n g bs - a group of scared p r o b a t i o n e r s - D e t h ? w ^ - A 1 P h a ™ Alpha, the L ght of ' 1 W o r l d - n e o p h y t e s in the r a n k s - S t e v e Howe, Jimmie 'Specks" Cephas Euaene Henderson, Elson HlgglnbothSm. ' and B S ! l n C r e a S C t h e r a n k s ot Gamma ^ *ta • *, B r .? t h e r ^ e o d o r e "Sticker" Corprew finished his college work, earning the d e " e e

dUrlng quarter ^BrttT^ ^ ^ " r e C PreW to e n t dentat schoorne xt fan ^ " t o A t h ^ e g £ m a n , r e c a l l s i n c i °-ents according dUr ng footba11 ketball M seasons. ' o^Ketball, ™ or baseball Your ' corres pondent is no exception to the rule We

™ • ^ ' o t h e i L. H. Foster, Jr., showed rem a r k s e progress on the second squad and from all Indications will be first string ™ n Pnext b l year. Pledgee Hall proved a l e ba ^ e t e e r on the HilUop five B!fs Z1? Baseball season finds Brother Howe in

AiX on P d hi to A%hi shtlns

for h l s schooT


and Brotne „J\nniS r L. H. Foster Jr are great companions these days. Brother Fos ter is ably assisted on the court by "Fa?s" Barab n and Pledgee "Mickey" Creamer •f?A If, a l S ° g ° l n g t h r ° U g h Hell Week The literary activities have not been shuned by the brothers. Brothers C u n v and Henderson have recently returned fr"m the first Negro Inter-Collegiate D r a m X Tournament held at Baltimore where thev played in the "Valiant," a one act second prize-winning play, presented by the Play7 ers Guild of State College Brothers Higginbotham, Pleasants, and Smalley represent us creditably on the debating team. Brother Higginbotham is president of the debating club The team now prepares for the annual tri-State de-

The Glee Club is made more musical bv the singing of Brothers Gene Henderson Curry, and Higginbotham. The Virginia Statesman, the bi-weekly

BToth publication is ably manned by °^ Turner and L. Foster, Jr., editor and ^ ness manager respectively. Other tna iting the school paper, these brothers ^ edited several bulletins and sponsore school publication's anniversary celeb ^ The brothers were instrumental in ^ the editor of The Sphinx speak at the lege assembly. (er'| The third intercollegiate Liberal CM ence held at Johns Hopkins UniwB entlM found three of the brothers r eP r e s e l n t ) 0 . Hlg State College. Brothers Foster, ^ ren c«l tham, and Turner attended the con e 1 and brought back many worthwhile pressions to the student group. .^j At this writing, t h e registrar has ^ posted the averages of fraternities an _ orltles on the campus for the winter ^ ter. Alpha Phi Alpha for the s e c o n (rS-1 secutlve quarter lead all of the othe ^ ternltles in scholarship standing. w energetic applications of the brot w, I their school work is a sufficient pi'e v the third quarter returns should dup previous results. $r\ Social activities have been propel > pensed with by brothers of Beta .. ]

graduate chapter of Omega Psi p n i B jl, tertaln t h e visiting Deltas at their reg h8V » here April 3rd. The Delta women ^ | pleasant memories of State and Beta ^ ma. The annual dance was held Ap ^ Brother Phillip Wyatt of Beta had ^ I say about the affair: "I have a ' d v \ many dances at State, as naturally w (jeoj the case since I was formerly a l here, but this is the dance of da" enjoyed myself Immensely." t 0 e«" The brothers took this occasion v8ros tend their best wishes for a P P ^ „ n a . cation to brothers in Alpha PhijJJP^jgjt. H. VENABLE TURrJC'

Graduation Will Take Alpha Phi Members



As most of the men of Alpha ** t e l« t h e parting of the ways, a sad goj struck in the heart of every ns i a " . ^ this note of sadness is lightened ° ' l t y » by the unwavering belief in the aD ^ the remaining brothers to carry tn 9 on successfully. r oy ' The members of Alpha Phi w f r £ -0T entertianed by the sorors of Alpn» /fi pa Alpha on the afternoon of April -^ u enjoyable time was had by all, wi AlPfit usual at any affair staged by t " e Kappa Alpha sorority. . l t s fo1" Alph Phi is proud to report that i ^i has been enlarged by the addition April • outstanding seniors. On the night n oi 1f/ef18, Pledgees Albert E. Fews and J ° * gaBds ley Scott were led across the burning ^ of the desert and acquainted with s *£* c e » secrets before withheld by the " gUfief' the Sphinx. After much travail and cnej Ing, (Just ask either brother), they re ^ the city of the Greeks. Here they CI be fit' their barbarous names to ones more ^ . ting a noble neophyte. Brother Scoti B ^ uates in J u n e with the B.S. degr Brother Fews with the A.B degree- 1 c„ the Brother Booker T. Scruggs won theia PP „« „j . of \boV In the Alpha Phi Alpha Hall More an almost unanimous vote. crl [iiP*' him will be found elsewhere in The SP ,1As we look back over a year that; ^j j most spent, we see many things tn ^c. could have done better, but we nave^tij cessfully maintained our high sen g „j standing among the other fraternities ^ and sororities on the campus, and «1 u ' lieve we have contributed worthwm ^p spiration and tangible service to the pus life as a whole. „nr&- C H A S . AYCOC*-

Official Alpha Phi Alpha Directory — Continued •d from Inside Oover) >SILON. City College of Detroit, Detroit College d Detroit College of Medi:. Mich; Pres., R. J. Evans, rd St.: Sec'y, Thomas W. >0 Kirby Ave, W. Apt. 105. IDA, Raleigh, N. C ; Pres., H. L. 117 E. South St.; Sec'y, Chas. yer, St. Augustine's College. SDA. Nsshvllle, Tenn.; Pres., A. University; Sec'y, J. ' nderson, 1027 18th Ave. N. BDA, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Pres.. " B. Barber, 405 West 10th St.; Dr. W. B. Davis, 124 1-2 East MMA, Virginia State College, E t Pres., Booker T. W. SmalElson W. Hlgglnbotham.

BETA BETA, University of Nebraska. Lincoln, Nebr.; Pres., P. M. E. Hill. Jr., 309 S. 20th St.; Cor. Sec'y, C. H. Gordon; Box 1401 Station A. ALPHA DELTA LAMBDA, Memphis, Tenn.; Pres., W. P. Atkins, 566 Polk Set C. Jones, 1230 Cannon St. "

ALPHA EPSILON LAMBDA, Jackson, Miss,; Pres., Duke Williams. Tougaloo Cole, Tougaloo, Miss.; Sec'y., Riley riton.

ALPHA NU LAMBDA, Tuskegee, Ala., Prea., A1 p h o n s e Henlnburg; Sec'y, W. Henrie Payne. ALPHA BETA LAMBDA, Lexington, Ky.; s., Dr. James N. Mclnham, 432 N. Dr. H. A. Merchant,. 128 DeWeese St. ALPHA XI LAMBDA, Toledo. Ohio; Prea.. Ivan McLeod, 1150 Nicholas Bldg.; Sec. Herbert T. Miller. ALPHA IOTA LAMBDA, Charleston, W. V».

CHI, Flsk University, Nashville. n.; Pres., N. M. Martin; Sec'y., D. Hawkins. Jr.

BETA DELTA, S. C. State College, Orangerg, S. C ; PTes.. J. Alfred Ellerbe; Sec'y., Jacob R. Henderson.

ALPHA THETA LAMBDA, Somerville, N. J.; Pres. George Hoffman, 64 Second St.

BETA EPSILON, A. and T. College. Grfbore. N. F. T. Wood; Sec'y, D. A. Williams.


ALPHA ETA LAMBDA, Houston, Tex.; Pre*., John W. Davis, Jr., 419 % Milan St.: Sec'y., R. W. Lights, 819 Andrew St.

PHA, Morgan College, Baltimore, ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA, Roanoke, Va.; | Pres., Rufus E. Hackett; Sec'y, Pres., Dr. E. D. Downing, Brooks b T. D Eldg.; Sec'y., George A. Moore, 420 Commonwealth Ave., N. C. BDA, Wilberforce, Ohio; Pres., J. rey Lane; Sec'y., T. C. Carter. ALPHA OMICRON LAMBDA, Pittsburgh. HI. Atlanta University, Atlanta, Pa.; Pres., Theron B. Hamiltop, 525 Pres., Dewitt S. Dykes; Sec'y, Fifth Ave.; Sec'y, Wilbur C. Douglass, Iter T. Scruggs. 518 Fourth Ave. ETA LAMBDA, Bluefield, W. Va.; ALPHA MU LAMBDA, Knoxville, Tenn.; rence V. Jordan, Kimball, pTes., Dr. N. A. Henderson, 123 E. ••• e'y„ E. W Browne, Box Vine St.; Sec'y, W. A. Robinson, 1018 Kimball, W. Va. E Main Street.

BETA ZETA, Sam Houston College, Austin, Texas: Pres., Jerry Bell; Sec'y, J o h n Warren. ALPHA RHO LAMBDA, Columbus. Ohio; Pres., Dr. H. Sherman Manuel. 275 S. Grant St.; Sec'y., Charles P. Blackb u m , 237 N. 22ml ALPHA P8I, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo.; Pres., Nathaniel G. Freeman; Sec'y., John Turner. ALPHA PI LAMBDA. Winston-Salem, N. O, OMEGA, The Great the Dead)


(Chapter of

Fraternity Fun^> niform. I t h i n k you can re. If you don't r e o id w a s induced into t h e months ago a n d I a i n ' t rein him sense he w a s 1 me my elopement a s - m o n t h s old baby a n d he is ort and I kneed it every d a y • nd keep us enclosed. I a m ii and all t h a t I h a v e is a t t. Both sides of m y p a r e n t s a r e 1 1 can't suspect a n y t h i n g s my m o t h e r h a s been sick n years with one doctor a n d Ke another. Do I g e t a n y »n I a m going to g e t ? My h u s in charge of a spittoon. P l e a s e r .ter and tell m e if m y h u s pplication for a wife a n d d please send me a wife form t o I have a l r e a d y w r i t t e n t o Mr. m d got no a n s w e r a n d if I don't on I will w r i t e Uncle S a m im. '-ily, M r s . P a u l Quinn My husbande says he sets in t h e piano p l a y i n g


note, ! *



TABLOID PORTRAITS A tabloid n e w s p a p e r offering $1.00 each f o r " e m b a r r a s s i n g m o m e n t " l e t t e r s received t h e following e p i s t l e : " I work on an e a r l y n i g h t shift in a steel p l a n t . I g o t home a n h o u r e a r l y l a s t n i g h t a n d t h e r e I found a n o t h e r m a n w i t h m y wife. I w a s v e r y m u c h e m b a r r a s s e d . Please send me §2.00 as m y wife w a s also e m b a r r a s s e d . " T h e e d i t o r sent a check for $3.00 a d m i t t i n g t h e possibility t h a t t h e s t r a n g e r , too, m i g h t h a v e been e m b a r r a s s e d . * * * B i l l : " W h y don't you like Chicago girl> P h i l : " A w , t h e y a r e too biased." Bill: "Biased?" P h i l : " Y e h , w h e n e v e r I go out w i t h 'em, its a l w a y s bias t h i s a n d b i a s t h a t u n t i l I'm broke. * * • P o r t e r : " M i s s , y o ' t r a i n is coming." ;<ient: " M y good man,

w h y do you s a y 'your t r a i n ' when know t h a t t h e t r a i n belongs to t h e pany?" Porter: "Dunno, hy do you say ' m a h good m a n ' w h e n y o ' k n o w s ah. belongs to m a h w i f e ? " * * • P r o f F l u n k e m is t e a c h i n g t h i s class i n physiosogy. T h e lesson today is a b o u t t h e scalp. " W h a t is d a n d r u f f ? " he a " C h i p s off t h e old block," replies t h e bright freshman. * * * W e ' v e h e a r d t h e h e i g h t of t h i s a n d t h e h e i g h t of t h a t , b u t t h e h e i g h t of politeness, we insist, is t h e following s i g n : "Kindly keep your h a n d s off this w i r e ; it caT h a n k you. * * * P E N AND INK DRAWINGS "And you know, Clarice, I left m y h u s b a n d r e a d i n g on t h e sofa w h e n I w e n t out And when I got home t o my d i s a p p o i n t m e n t — ( 1 band, e h ? )

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