Official Alpha Phi Alpha Directory Officers PRESIDENT, Dr. Charles H. Wesley, Howard University, Washington, D. C.
SECRETARY, Joseph H. B. Evans, 101 S S t , N. W, Washington, D. C.
FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, 304 Griffin St., N. W., Atlanta, Ga.
TREASURER, Percival R. Piper, 18032 Wexford Ave, Detroit, Mich.
SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, William Warrick Cardozo, Box 3084, Ohio State University Station, Columbus, Ohio.
SPHINX EDITOR, P. Bernard Young, Jr., 719 E. Olney Road, Norfolk, Va.
THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT, Thomas H. Henderson, 1607 Brook Road, Richmond, Va.
DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, Matthew E. Carroll, Lincoln High School, 19th and Tracy, Kansas City, Mo.
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL lay members: Dr. B. Andrew Rose, 402 S. Bank S t , Dayton, Ohio; William N. Lovelace, 9th St, Y. M. C. A , Cincinnati, Ohio; William S. Randolph. 2168 E. 90th S t , Cleveland, Ohio; Dr. H. A. Callls, Howard University, Washington, D.C.; N. A. Murray, Armstrong High School, Washington, D. C; Robert H. Ogle, Municipal Court, Washington, D. C; George B. Kelley, l-113th S t , Troy, N. Y.; Verterner W. Tandy, New York City; Charles H. Chapman, Florida A. and M. College, Tallahassee ,Fla.
CHAPTERS (In cases where the addresses of chapter officers listed below are the same, the addrees Is given in only one Instance.) ALPHA, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. T.; Sec'y., W. L. Thomas, 604 8. Plain St. BETA, Howard University, Washington, D. C ; Pres., Edgar D. Saunders, 1917 Third St., N. W.; Cor. Sec'y, Warner L. Collin*. GAMMA, Virginia Union University, Richmond, Va.; Pres., T. H. Henderson; Sec'y.. W. H. Quarles. DELTA. Montreal, Canada. Inactive. »>SILON, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich.; Pres., Walter D. Hlnea. 1103 E. Huron St.; Sec'y.. Paul Hickman. ZMTA, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; Pres., Dr. R. S. Fleming, 216 Dwlght St.; Sec'y, 100 Dlpwell Ave. KTA, New York City College, Columbia University. New York City; Pres., George Gregory, 218 W. 134th St.; Sec'y., Jesse L. Casminski, 32 West 131st St. THBTA. Chicago, 111.; Pres, Sidney A. Jones, 5336 Michigan Ave.; Sec'y, L. J. Connor, 4805 Champlaln Ave. IOTA, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y.; Pres, Wm. S. Odom, 307 Forman Ave. KAPPA, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; Pres. Herman H. Harrison. 236 E. 11th Ave.; Sec'y, McKlnley Taylor, 155 N. Monroe Ave. ALPHA LAMBDA, Louisville, Ky.; Pres, J. A. C. Lattlmore, 1502 W. Walnut St.; Sec'y, Lee L. Brown, 1012 W. Chestnut Street. ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA, New York City; Pres, Dr. Luclen M. Brown, 2460 Seventh Ave.; Sec'y, Dr. Robert S. White, Jr., 142 W. 140th S t , Apt. 1-M. MU, St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn.; Pres, John R. Lawrence, 556 St. Anthony Ave, St. Paul; Sec'y, Henry Von Avery, 1705 Seventh S t , S. E., Minneapolis. NU, Lincoln University, Lincoln, University, Pa.; Pres, F. Lawrence Temple; Secy, Sterling Maupin. XI, Wilberforce University, Wllberforce, Ohio;; Pres, James A. Irving; Secy, George P. Young. OMICRON, Pittsburgh, Pa.; (University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Tech, Duquesne University); Pres, Walter R. Talbot, 5635 Mignonette St.; Secy, Henry A. Bridges, 627 Chauncey Street. PI, Cleveland, Ohio; Western Reserve University, Case School of Applied Science, John Carroll University, Cleveland College, Oberlln CollegePres, Creed F. Ward, 2392 E. 40th St.; Secy, Maurice F. Gleason. RHO, Philadelphia, Pa.; Pres, George Lyle 415 N. 53rd. St.; Cor. Sec'y, Dr O Wilson Winters, 15 Curren Arcade Norrlstown, Pa.
SIGMA, Boston, Mass.; Pres, William Knox; Sec'y, Wm. I. Gosnell, 47 Batavla St. TAU, University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.; Pres, Booker Blackwell, 602 E. Clark St.; Sec'y, Gilbert Radcllff. UPSILON, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.; Pres, Herman T. Jones, 1101 Misslsippi St.; Cor. Sec'y, Bertram Caruthers. BETA LAMBDA, Kansas City, Mo.; Pres., James A. Jeffress. 2206 Brooklyn Ave, Cor. Sec'y, M. E. Carroll, 1213 Garfield Ave. PHI, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio; Pres, Alvln P. Hall, Alpha Phi Alpha House; Sec'y, Chas. H. Clarke, Jr. CHI, Nashville, Tenn.; Pres, George Evans, 1017 16th Ave.; Secy, Millard W. Cann, 1017 16th Ave. GAMMA LAMBDA, Detroit, Mich.; Pres, C. Henri Lewis, 6190 Iroquois Ave.; Sec'y, Grover D. Lange, 1700 St. Antolne St. EPSILON LAMBDA. St. Louis, Mo.; Pres, 8. E. Garner, 11 N. Jefferson; Cor. Sec'y, S. R. Redmond. DELTA LAMBDA, Baltimore, Md, Pres, Roy S. Bond. 1517 Druid Hill Ave.; Cor. Sec'y, William I. Gibson. 260 Robert St. PSI, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.; Pres, J. Gordon Baugh, 6 N. 42nd St. ETA LAMBDA, Atlanta, Ga.; Pres, F. B. Washington, 239 Auburn Ave, N. E.; Sec'y, C. W. Washington, 239 Auburn Ave, N. E. ALPHA ALPHA, Cincinniati. Ohio; Pres, R. P. McClaln, 912 West Seventh St.; Secy, John W. Fleming, 305 Laurel Street. ZETA LAMBDA, Norfolk, Va.; Pres, Dr. L. A. Fowlkes, 2510 Jefferson Ave, Newport News, Va.; Sec'y, A. D. Manning, 555 Twenty-fifth S t , Newport News, Va. ALPHA BETA, Talladega College, Ala.; Pres, Harold Logan; Secy, Herbert Denton. ALPHA GAMMA, Providence, R. I.; Pres, J. G. LeCount, 19 College St.; Sec'y, W. Clarence Foster, Jr., Brown Univ. ALPHA DELTA, Los Angeles, Cal.; Pres, Calvin Edwards, 1303 E. 28th Street; Sec'y, Hugh Beaty, 1523 E. 45th St. THETA LAMBDA, Dayton, Ohio; Pres, Ralph W. Findlay, 45 Leroy St.; Cor Sec'y, Earl P. Taylor, 504 S. Summit St. ALPHA ZETA, West Virginia State College, Institute, W. Va.; Pres, Clinton Jackson; Sec'y, Durall Booker. ALPHA EPSILON, Oakland, Cal.; Pres, Joseph Gier, 1944 E. 21st St.; Sec'y, Clay M. Wilson, 1128 Eighth St.
ALPHA THETA, University of Iowa, Iowa City, la.; Pres, Roscoe L. Barrett; Sec'y, Forrest Young, 818 So. Dubuque St. IOTA LAMBDA. Indianapolis. Ind.; Pres, Joseph C. Carroll, 2944 Indianapolis Ave.: Secy, Thomas L. Horner, 1647 Bellefontalne St. ALPHA ETA, Harvard University, Cambridge Mass. ALPHA KAPPA. Springfield, Mass.; (Amherst College, Dartmouth College, Springfield College, Wesleyan College and Williams College): Pres, Ernest Wyatte Knox; Secy, Ernest A. Dawson. ALPHA MU, Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.; Pres, Daniel B. Owings. 1014 Emerson St.; Bec'y, William C. Pyant. ALPHA NU, Drake University, Des Moines Iowa; Pres, Chas. P. Howard, 515 Mulberry St. ALPHA IOTA, Denver, Colo.; Pres, John Waller, 2606 Gilpin St.; Sec'y, James G. Adams, Jr., 200 York St. ALPHA OMICRON, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, N. C; Pres, J Leslie Hollowell; Sec, John B. Thompson. MU LAMBDA, Washington, D. C; Pres, Lewis K. Downing, 149 W St,' N W '•' Sec'y, Harry McAlpln, n i l Columbia Road, N. W. NU LAMBDA, Va. State College, Ettilck, Va.; Pres, John L. Lockett; Sec'y, Doxey A. Wilkerson. KAPPA LAMBDA, Greensboro, N. C; Pres. Dr. B. W. Barnes, 811 1-2 E. Market 3t. ALPHA XI, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis. ALPHA PI, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga.; Sec'y, A. W. Brown, 164 Chestnut S t , S. W. ALPHA PHI, Clark University, Atlanta, Ga.; Pres, Booker T. Carraway; Secy, Samuel F. Howell. ALPHA RHO. Atlanta, Ga.; Pres, William N. Jackson, Morehouse College; Secy, Marion O. Cablness. XI LAMBDA, Chicago, 111.; Pres., William H. Benson, 3507 South Parkway: Sec'y, Mason W. Fields. 6526 Eberhart Ave. SIGMA LAMBDA, New Orleans, La.; Pres, Dr. P. P. Creuzot, 2107 Dryades St.; Sec'y, Dr. James F. Brown, 1306 So Genols St. ALPHA TAU, Akron, Ohio; Pres, Henry C. Sparks, 721 Euclid Ave.; Secy, Robert E. Black, 429 Windsor St. UPSILON LAMBDA, Jacksonville, Fla.; Pres, Dr. R. W. Butler, 627 Davis St. (Continued on Inside Back Cover
速t}s> ^taff EDITOR-IN-CHIEF P.
719 East
February, 1932
Volume 18
No. 1
In This Issue The Outgoing President's Message A Brother May Go To Congress
Baltimore, G. A.
Columbus, C H E S T E R L.
Pittsburgh, WILLIAM
628 N. Eutaw
St., Baltimore,
A L L A N R.
Philadelphia, J A M E S D.
A Founder Looks Back and Forward A Scholarly Brother Forges Ahead Two Years of the Sphinx A Call to Arms and Service Picture of Five of our Founders The Fraternity and Scholarship Beta-Mu Lambda Banquet Picture Our New President Is Banqueted Introducing Our New President We Doff Our Hat Brother Frazier Becomes An Author Cupid's Corner Fraternity Fun Convention Highlights Messages From Our Officers The Anniversary Convention Convention Picture Western Brothers Meet Brother Cannon Resigns Omega Chapter News The "Mother" of Alpha Writes Significant Alpha News Picture of First Alpha Convention Alpha Welcomes The Interfraternity Forum An Observation and an Indictment Picture of Secretary Evans' Office Reclaiming Those Who stray Our Southern Jurisdiction The Sphinx Speaks, Chapter News The Alpha "History" Important Notice
Harvard University Cambridge, Mass.
3Hje ^pljfnx Official Organ of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Published in February, May, October, and December at 719 East Olney Road, Norfolk, Va. Subscription Price
7 8 9 n 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 20 22 22 23 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 33 34 35 I_36 37 43 44
2 6
One dollar and fifty cents per year
Entered as second class matter, March 3, 1930, a t the Post Office In Norfolk, Va., under the Act of March 3, 1879, and accepted for mailing at the second class rates of postage.
Page 2
The Outgoing Presidents Messag IONEERING in the field of fraternalism, Alpha Phi Alpha comes to the close of the first quarter-century of its history. A resume of the past, an acknowledgement of the present, and a hope for the future ought to heighten our esteem and challenge our devotion to this "The Pride of our Hearts." So let us think, briefly in the terms ofâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;"Alpha Phi Alpha Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow."
Birth of Fraternal Idea There are certain fundamental impulses or forces which have been in operation among all classes of mankind since the earliest dawn of the world's history. One of these impulses is the herd instinct which prompts men to live in groups, and to share the joys and the vicissitudes of life. Out of this primal urge have developed family groups, clans, and tribes bound together for the mutual preservation of the whole. In every race from the primitive savage to the most highly developed nations of the East and West there has existed the thinker, who throughout the ages endeavored to solve the mystery of birth and the purpose of life. This desire in time would seem to have given rise to selected groups who styled themselves brotherhoods, or fraternities, and who gave their lives to the study of the mysteries of the universe, thus fitting themselves to become teachers and leaders of their lesser enlightened brethren. Among these primitive races, as represented by the numerous tribes of North American Indians, the aborigines of South America, the bushmen of Australia, and the savage inhabitants of Africa, we find secret brotherhoods. Particularly those of the Africans appear to go back into the very dim past and possessing elaborate ritual, secret signs, grips and passwords. It is no great stretch of the imagination then to visualize these African brotherhoods that functioned in the dim past, antedating the coming of Christ by many centuries, surviving the heat of the tropics; lying dormant through the hardships of three hundred years of American slavery only to experience a new birth in the lives of seven Negro students at Cornell University twentyfive years ago. Mystical Numbers The most notable of these ancient fraternities paid strict attention to mystical numbers. There were seven altars burning- constantly before Mithras, the
By B. ANDREW ROSE, M. D., Former President
Had our retiring general president, Brother Rose, left nothing as a heritage of his administration other than his last presidential address to a general convention, printed herewith, the fraternity would be forever indebted to him. But he has left us an even greater heritage than that. During his years of service as our executive head, Brother Rose had caught the spirit of the past of our fraternity, but he has not stopped there. On the superstructure of sound traditions he has endeavored to raise new and worthy ideals, programs, and plans. Tomorrow he never forgot. With one eye to the past, both ears alert to the present, and the other eye on the future, he wrought well and he retired as president with the best wishes and gratitude of the brotherhood.
Persian god of light; there were seven holy temples among the Arabians; seven threads knotted thrice, three was the symbol of initiation in Persia and India; seven Elohim of the Hebrews; the seven seals of Solomon, and last, but not least, seven Founders constituted the "First Ethiopian Clansmen," best known to the world as Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. The object of these weird fraternities of antiquity is an interesting chapter in human history. The Triads of China was a fraternity for the practice of benevolence; the Alchemist of the Middle Ages searched for the elixir of life and the philosopher's stone; the Mithras of Persia sought perfection. Incidentally these fraternities served as colleges for the training of their members. Instruction was given in the arts and sciences, in astronomy, in music, and in chemistry. In fact it was through the efforts of these organizations that the torch of truth and the lamp of wisdom was kept lighted through the Dark Ages. You who are familiar with the history of our fraternity will readily see the similarity of our organization to those of antiquity as to object. Those who toiled for Alpha Phi Alpha in the yester-years did not have in mind a social organization of luxury for college
students but they sought through a closeknit companionship of kindred souls, fostered by a sweet bond of secrecy, to promote a more perfect union among college men; to aid in and insist upon the personal progress of its members; and to further brotherly love and a fraternal spirit within the organization to the end that both the individual and the group might through service 'transcend all.' Birth of Alpha Phi Alpha It is said that Minerva, the Greek goddess of wisdom, sprang full grown and fully armed from the forehead of Jupiter. Not so with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Sailing on an uncharted sea the Founders were met by waves of opposition and contrary winds. There were those who were opposed to any sort of organization predicated on race. Others felt that a literary club would serve the purpose. And so in its period of evolution the group was designated first as a club, later as an organization, and then as a society. But the outlines of a secret fraternity were slowly but surely dimly appearing under the etching of events. The background of high idealism; the growing ties of friendship and comradeship would not down, but continued cementing the group; until on the 4th day of December, 1906, the fraternal idea triumphed over all opposition and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity,â&#x20AC;&#x201D;the first national intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity for Negro college men,â&#x20AC;&#x201D;became a reality. So far as we know time has spared the lives of our seven Founders but circumstances over which we have no control prevent two from being present. However, we who gather here, though but a handful of those who have caught the spirit of the Founders and who in their hearts desire to be present in expression of their sincere devotion, hail these conquering heroes who in their indefatigable persistence created greater than they knew or perhaps, hoped. They have laboured and we have come into the fruits of their labour and we regard the rich heritage with deep appreciation and sincere gratitude. To say that they laboured without realizing the import of their action on subsequent generations of college students is to derogate nothing from their idory for they were motivated by an indomitable spirit, and a spiritual force once set in motion can traverse un-
THE SPHINX known spheres and effect unthought of powers. Let us hope that this transcendent spirit of old plus the personal benediction of those Founders present will so guide and guard us during this convention as to cause the hearts of our Jewels to glow with pride because of what they wrought a quarter of a century ago. Early Expansion Unselfish in their accomplishments and untiring in their efforts to develop their organization the Founders added not only such as were worthy of their own campus but sought to extend beyond its boundaries. Less opposition was met in this for seeming the fraternal idea had been born in due season. A group of students at Howard University were the first to "eat the food of the gods and drink to the health" of Alpha Phi Alpha. Here Beta was established. Another group at Virginia Union cried for light and Gamma was born. Then certain of the brethren crossed into Canada—with good intention, for that was before the 18th amendment was passed—and they left Delta Chapter at Toronto. Time will not permit us to follow the growth of the organization further; suffice it to say that the demand for chapters was constant and quite out of proportion to the rise in standard of many of our institutions of learning. It is no small tribute to an institution to have those, who, in their youth, have absorbed its ideals and principles, go forth into maturity with high honour and undying respect for those ideals. Such has been the spirit of many of those who have learned to love Alpha p h i Alpha during their college days. As early as the third general convention it was evident that Alpha Phi Alpha was not for college days only but for ''fe. The first initiate into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity with ten other brothers, away from the site of their undergraduate chapters, formed a group in Louisville, Ky., twenty years ago and this was the beginning of our large list of graduate chapters. Early Program The essence of the challenge given out to those who allied themselves with Alpha Phi Alpha in the early days was: What do you do that is of real benefit? For many years there was little that could be said to the public in reply to this question save the trite expression of culture and refinement, keener friendship, and more pleasing memories gained through group-living. The cultivation of such principles was quite enough to justify the existence of a fraternity even though it might be interpreted as selfish. But the day came when the master
minds of the fraternity began to think of service to other than the chosen few. Some of the chapters as individual groups had promoted educational programs for the public, thus showing the atavistic strain of those that had parted ways with the Founders in the early days. For at least four consecutive conventions the idea of adopting some sort of a national program presented itself but it was not until the twelfth general convention that the movement took definite shape. A survey had been made in a certain Ohio city where, despite free schooling, there was much ignorance. The Alpha historian tells us that the delegates from this city insisted that our program should take the form of an educational urge and thus our Go-to-HighSchool, Go-To-College Movement came into being. Many states had passed laws making school attendance compulsory to certain ages; laws had been passed forbidding the employment of children under certain ages but no one had conceived of ihe idea of educating both parent and child to the needs of continued education. For the past twelve years the chapters aided by the general organization have successfully carried on this educational urge. Later, there was another altruistic move, that of granting a limited number of $100 scholarships each year to deserving students regardless of sex or fraternal affiliation. The above items are by no means the complete contribution of our fraternity to the public but they have been cited merely in answer to the question that often comes from the outside and occasionally from some on the inside who have eyes and see not, ears but hear not. World War Our fraternity had scarcely ended its first decade when civilization paused to stage the World War. As brief as this review of our history must need be we cannot pass this period without paying respect to these courageous and high principled brothers of our bond who, with the hope of making the world safe for Democracy and with the assurance that justice would be for all mankind, answered the call. In training camps and "over there" we are told that these brave brothers remembered Alpha Phi Alpha and "cherished it's precepts." Many returned decorated with crosses of honour. Some gave their all and rest beneath the phalanx of little white "crosses row on row." Others may have been planted with that nameless lot from which the Unknown Soldier was chosen and since no one knows this soldier and he will forever be who we think he is, let us think of him as pos-
Page S sibly one inspired by the high ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha, who as "Servant of All" gave his life in sacrificial service to the end that justice and brotherhood might obtain. An so long as "In Flanders Fields the poppies grow, row on row," let us remember these martyrs and let us accept their challenge sent to us in these lines:— "Take up our quarrel with the foe! To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high; If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flander's fields." Progress-Yes or No HIS being our 25th anniversary there are those who have come looking to the past with complacent comfort, and theirs is a glorious retrospect. Others come peering into the future for unborn glories and theirs is a noble anticipation. But there is another group. in whom we shall be greatly disappointed if they are not here, they are those who come with muttering discontent much akin to the distorted times through which we are passing. "The administration has failed," they would say, and old Alpha Phi Alpha comes to her twenty-third general convention "as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean"— having made no progress and they may be right.
It would seem to me a bit personal to enter into discussion of the accomplishments of the closing administration with the hope of convincing the contrary minded. But may I say that it is not always fair to attempt to measure progress by the results achieved in a given time, because progress, far from being an accomplished fact, my take the form of a motive force which may in turn bring about great and beneficial results in the future. And yet, if change of established rules and customs as set forth in the constitution is to be termed progress; if the fraternity has enjoyed for a season the spirit of the first general convention where politics were unknown and brothers were elected on their merit; if a more intimate and splendid spirit has been instilled among the officials and the Brotherhood; if there has been a broadening of the social and intellectual influence of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; if a better understanding and a more tolerant attitude toward other fraternities has obtained; if we have come open-eyed to the inevitable conclusion that Alpha Phi Alpha is bigger than any individual or group of individuals and as such must continue,— if these facts denote progress, then we have progressed considerably. This progress may not have been made in the
Page 4 direction expected by some; it may not have come with the noise of "a rushing mighty wind" as hoped by others, but someone has said,â&#x20AC;&#x201D; "Some ships go East, some ships go West, By the self same breeze that blows; T i s the set of the sail and not the gale That determines the course we go." Economic Depression There has been a definite relationship between the economic condition and the welfare of both general organization and chapters as you will see from the reports. But in this our fraternity enjoys no special distinction. A survey made of thirteen of the leading college fraternities reveal these facts. In each of the several years up to 1928-29, the number of initiates, in comparison with those of preceeding years, show satisfactory growth. The increase for 192728 over its predecessor was 5.9 percent; of, 1928-29, 7.1 percent; in 1929-30 (the first of the depression years), the decrease under the preceeding year was 3.1 per cent, and in 1930-31 the decrease under the preceeding year was 14.4 percent. Now if we look to college enrollment we see that colleges have moved against the trend of events with a larger percentage of increase in attendance during the year 1930-31 than has been experienced in several years. The fulltime enrollment at 431 institutions increased by 3.5 percent in the last college year, compared with an increase of 1.5 percent in the previous year. These figures support the conclusion that the American people have continued faith in education but that during this economic depression the cost of fraternal life is prohibitive to a large number of students. Since our organization is interested in both education and fraternalism it is fitting that we meet even in the grip of the world depression to discuss our relationship and to devise plans to meet the exigency. Looking to the Future HE HISTORY of Alpha Phi Alpha, yesterday and today, has even in the birds-eye view been interesting and fascinating. But how much more fascinating and interesting would be the history of our fraternity if we could turn now and look twenty-five years hence. The real life of our fraternity lies ahead of us. Our thoughts, our intentions, our desires, and our actions for this organization are necessarily directed toward the iuture and it thus becomes our duty to begin to write the future history that others may, twenty-five years hence, know that we moved and had our being in the fraternal world.
forget those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto the things which are before, press toward the mark." Turning the pages of an early history of America a few days ago I saw the picture of a man standing on a high peak which seemed to separate two great bodies of water. Under the picture was the name of Balboa and this line borrowed from Keats, "Silent, upon the peak in Darien." The story goes that Balboa, a Spanish explorer, completing his cruise on the Atlantic Ocean anchored his ships along the shore in the region near what is now known as Central America. From this shore he climbed to the highest peak and from its top he saw another great body of water to the West. Its surface was vast, smooth and placid. He knew no name for this ocean so because of its peaceful appearance he called it Pacific. "Silent In Darien" Today, Alpha Phi Alpha, after a quarter century of rugged climbing stands on the peak of its great accomplishments, "Silent, in Darien," looking to the future. We would like to foretell smooth sailing over a placid sea, but we can only read the signs of the times and reason from cause to effect. As we meet in this our twenty-third general convention our country is in the midst of its third winter of depression from unemployment, and students of world affairs tell us that the world is confronted today by an economic crisis of the first magnitude. Business men, economists, and statesmen have admitted their inability to cope with the situation but all feel that somehow the fog will lift. The solution of these problems are not within our reach, but since we are a part of the whole and will continue to feel the burden of these times, it behooves us to plan the immediate future course of our fraternity in the light of the present conditions. Economy OUR attention has been called to the general falling-off of fraternal membership throughout the country because of the cost of sustaining such affiliations. This, together with knowledge of our own fraternity, leads us to suggest that temporarily at least every department of our fraternity should practice the strictest economy. For the undergraduate chapters this is the time to take advantage of group-living. Initiation fees, dues, fines, and assessments for smokers and formal parties should be imposed with moderation. From years of experience I know that I tread on dangerous ground when I suggest curtailment of the spectacular activities of an undergraduate chapter. These by some are thought to be the
So in the words of St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;"Let us
occasion for their existence on the cam-
pus and the power by which they draw their victims. I am ever mindful of such activity for both good and evil, but I feel called upon at this time to make such suggestions to the end that nothing be done to lessen the morale of the membership or to keep out anyone deserving of our fellowship. With less fear and trembling I suggest that the general organization can and will practice greater economy. The executive council began a year ago by reducing the budget and we hope to further reduce it at this meeting. A reduction of grand tax has been suggested and this done with moderation ought to relieve the chapters of some financial strain. Scholarship Awards OR SEVERAL years our fraternity has practiced a type of philanthropy that we cannot at this time recommend. We have given to high school graduates and college students, who have met the requirements, without regard to sex or fraternal relati ons, the sum of one hundred dollars each as a scholarship award from the educational department of our fraternity. In this project alone we have expended more than twenty-five hundred dollars; but in time like these it would seem best that we divert our philanthropy to some system of student loan, and further to limit our loans to active members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. There were but few undergraduate chapters which did not have some vacant chairs this year due to the financial depression. Some of them were seniors and could have made the grade had a moderate loan been available. I have no quarrel with our scholarship commission, they spent only what we allowed them to spend, but I think even they could suggest a wiser method of dispensing our funds in the future. The executive council has had some experience in the past with student loans and have no losses to report. This idea ought to appeal to all of our graduate groups, especially that minority group that thinks, or rather expresses itself as thinking that the general organization has no other use to make of its funds except printing The Sphinx which they get only now and then.
Educational Campaign N THINKING of the future we cannot forget the method by which our fraternity has made its greatest contribution to the public. I refer to the annual educational campaign. We must admit that there is and has been for some time growing opposition to this effort, but I am of the opinion that opposition has come in most instances from those who were narrow in their interpretation of the movement. Many have interpreted the slogan, Go-to-High-
THE SPHINX School, Go-to-College, as the sum-total of our message to the public. They believe that we have too many students and hold that higher education is becoming a too common possession. Also that within a few years a condition which at present is only transient, may become permanent, and unemployment will become as general with educated people as with workers in other walks of life. This, indeed, gives room for thought, but no reason for discontinuing our annual drive. I take this opportunity to quote in part a message sent out from this office in defense of our slogan just preceding our last educational campaign. "This admonitory motto, Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College is peculiarly an invention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, and for the wide reception and even wider use it has served, there ought to be nothing but unmitigated praise. With the wisdom of years, however, one may be pardoned in hesitating to accept it without some caution or modifying statement. "It is well known that every boy or girl is not by that fact susceptible to education in its widest meaning. . • • When one speaks of education, one means, or ought to mean the liberation of the mental and spiritual forces within, enabling one to meet every exigency of life with an understanding and adjustment which assures mastery and secures philosophic calm. This quality of mentality is bought with a great price— by years of training, close observation, contact, and labor. It is attained by only the persistent and well-disciplined few. To these the motto applies unqualifiedly. The Campaign's Purposes "Of the vast army not included in the above group the motto applies in so far as their own ambitions can take them. Our desires for them is just as sincere— to save them from coarseness and inefficiency, and the crudeness of the unenlightened mind; to encourage them to lift their eyes to a noble horizon, where knowledge and understanding makes appreciation possible and gives possession °f a cultural sense. Whatever degree of education one obtains, at whatever cost of effort, the advantage gained justifies the price paid." Thus we tried to show that our motto need not limit us to the urge for higher education only. The brothers in Virginia seem to have caught the spirit and began to study their educational needs in that state and coined their own slogan. We might never have known that "Virginia Negroes (are) a race of fourthgraders" had the brothers down there not been inspired by our slogan, Go-toHigh-School, Go-to-College. The fact that the Government, both state and national, and every fraternity making an
appeal to the youth of our day has adopted some sort of educational program ought not discourage Alpha Phi Alpha who gave the idea to the country. As our Founders were the first pioneers in the fraternal field, and our fraternity the first pioneer in the educational field, let us continue our program at least long enough to help Virginia, the first state in the Union, to raise her Negroes above the fourth-grade level. In our preachment of strict economy we beg to suggest that after 12 years the chapters ought to be able to conduct their educational campaigns at less expense to the general organization. In the past the chapters doing the greatest work in this field have not been those that have depended on the general organization most and I am sure our chapters will enter into the movement with the proper spirit this spring without an expensive national broadcasting system. Graduate Groups N THE background of every truly great Greek-letter college fraternity that I have had the privilege to study, there stands an intelligent, sympathetic, and active graduate membership. Men who not only trust the general organization, but who have faith enough in its program and in those elected to carry it out to give it their financial support. The future of Alpha Phi Alpha as a great national force in the fraternal world is going to depend on our ability to harness and direct this our great, and for the most part, dormant graduate force. During the past four years we have made some progress in reclaiming this classi* fication of our membership. There are but few cities or institutions where there are more than seven Alpha Phi Alpha men that have not received or applied for a charter. Some of these graduate groups have assumed great and noble undertakings while others still follow the fraternity for its "loaves and fishes."
Expansion need not be one of our major problems in the future but we do need to become more homogeneous as a group. If Alpha Phi Alpha is worthy of continued existence; if Alpha Phi Alpha is to be for life then we must give some of our mature life to it. Some of us as graduates have or have had many fraternal relation. To us have been committed the care of the sick and the buryinsr of the dead; much of this we now leave to the visiting nurses and the insurance companies. Some organizations were to make us square and to keep us square, but in these days of self-determination and modernism we let our conscience be our guide. The New Fraternalism And so we note that a certain type of fraternalism is slowly giving way to the advance of modern thinking. But
Page 6 who can read the ritual and history of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity without inspiration and a hope for its continued existence? For the undergraduate it develops a friendship of the most perfect kind, because it is founded on common attractions, common traditions, common experiences, and uncommonly high ideals. Upon such friendship is true brotherhood founded. For the graduate, Alpha Phi Alpha is the cry from Macedonia; and opportunity to go forth and to serve our contemporaries and those who are to take our places. If as graduates you have allowed this liberal interpretation of your duties to this fraternity to slip out of your mind and heart let me insist that you bring it back and torch it with some of the fire of your college days until you see in its glow the path that leads you back to your fraternal duty. This done and Alpha Phi Alpha will come into a new day. Time permits of but the mention of a few of the opportunities that awaits the coming of this day. The human machinery under which our fraternity has thrived during the past 25 years will be found inadequate for its future growth. First, we shall need a full time executive permitted to travel and inspect chapter books, chapter homes and encourage scholarship, thus giving direct supervision to our chapters. Until this is done we cannot expect many of the institutions of learning to respect our authority over our chapters on their campuses nor can we expect our chapters to get proper recognition in the fraternal conferences. Chapter Houses Second, chapter house financing awaits that new day before it can be taken care of on a large scale. Until we can have some definite plan whereby we can muster the strength of our organization behind such a project it ought to be left out of our national program and the chapters assuming such obligations given to understand that they do so under the strength of their own man power. This is the only way we can protect the conservative chapter. Third, the student loan idea which we have mentioned will mean much to the supporting structure of our fraternity. There are other measures that we will need to adopt as we make history but there has always been that leaven in our group and I have implicit faith in those who from time to time will be called to the executive council. My one desire is that in the years to come Alpha Phi Alpha will be worthy and take its place with the front rank fraternities of America. We are not asking too much nor are
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Brother May Go to Congress HE same spirit which in his boyhood and youth would never say "die" characterizes the political activities of Brother Joseph L. McLemore. of Epsilon Lambda Chapter, a prominent attorney of St. Louis, Mo. Defeated for Congress in 192$, he has again thrown his hat in the ring, and from all indications, has a good chance to be the first Democrat of color to sit in the national legislature.
Brother McLemore was born in Louisiana. He was twelve years old before he got the opportunity to pursue formal schooling, as his father died when he was seven years old; but he kept his eyes and cars open, and when he did enter his first schoolroom, he made up in application to his tasks for the loss in years. Starting late on his educational journey did not discourage him. Threatened With Lynching When he was fifteen years old, he could be found campaigning for money for Negro schools in his state. On one of these trips to raise funds a white man slapped him and warned him that he would be lynched if he persisted in trying to get money for the education of Negroes. About this time he left for the state
JOSEPH L. McLEMORE of Texas and worked for a barber in Galveston, and in the barbershop he decided that all his efforts from then on would be towards getting a higher educa-
tion. "The life of the barber I worked for somehow inspired me," he tells. He managed to get into Fisk University. Later he went to St. Louis and worked at the Y. M. C. A. there; and then the war came. He volunteered. But the interruptions of his set plans did not weaken his ardor and when the war was over, he entered Howard University and went from there to complete his law studies at New York University, at the same time taking charge of the education of a younger sister, as his mother had now passed away. His Political Career Today Brother McLemore is prominent, influential, and well-liked in his community and among all those who know him, but he has worked to achieve every ounce of esteem and advancement that he enjoys. In things political he is working also. During his first years of professional life, he left politics alone, for he was "too busy getting a foothold"; but in 1928, he allowed himself to be placed on the Democratic ticket, even though he knew that he was running against a strong party and a very popular Republican candidate. His opponent, L. C. Continued on Page 10
we far from our goal when you remember that our fraternity has its share in Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest and highest fraternity in the country, and that "Who's Who in America" would not be complete without the name and accomplishments of some of our members. This being true, neither "Baird's Manual" nor, "Banta's Greek Exchange" should be or would be complete without the name of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. To these ends let us strive. His Closing Words N THE closing words of this message I want to express my appreciation to those who through patience and serious thought have made the achievements of this administration possible. The executive councilmen have been efficient and they have been my port in every storm. Our thoughts have not run parallel at all times but they have always flown in the same direction. You ought to know that at no time have the ties that bound us as friends and brothers been strained to the breaking point and after all that is the real test of a fraternal bond. The general secretary has been tireless in his efforts to keep our records straight, and our members off the de-
linquent list. The general treasurer has used better judgment in handling the funds of the fraternity than some of us have used in handling our own. For with hundreds of banks failing during the past two years not one of our checks has been refused. The editor of The Sphinx has given us a better Sphinx than the cooperation of most chapters would warrant. He has been able to do this through his initiative and ability. The director of educational activities has rendered the same sterling service, so characteristic of the fraternal history of this individual. The three vice-presidents, though limited in their budgets, have carried on as in a labor of love and no chapter has had cause for complaint to this office. The three lay members of the council have maintained the keenest interest in all matters fraternal. The chapters have accepted our interpretation of the law and have been prompt in correcting their errors of omission or commission when the same was broueht to their notice. The membership at large has been uniformly kind where I have gone, and individually respected the office. This administration closes with the termination of the year 1931, and \
shall have no higher ambition than to step back into the rank leaving our fraternity strong of will, united in purpose, ready for its future tasks. The respect that you have shown, your friendship which I covet, plus the knowledge of my own effort to do my whole duty as general president of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity will be my solace in the years that await me. And now, as we pass our twenty-fifth mile stone, may we catch the prophetic and grateful spirit of our poet who wrote these words:— "God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who has brought us thus far on the way; Thou who hast by Thy might, led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray; Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee, Lest our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forge; Thee; Shadowed beneath Thy hand, may we forever stand, True to our God, true to our Native land."
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A Founder Looks Back and Forward By CHARLES A. CHAPMAN, Jewel fR. President, Brothers of A l p h a Phi Alpha, through my lips must flow, because of custom, the gracious greeting of this auspicious day, which brings us all together once again in a communion of fellowship, under the benignant influence of our mystic symbol, the Sphinx, to recall pleasant memories, match accomplishments, and then peer into the dim future with many misgivings even though fortified with the vicissitudes of our varied and colorful fraternal experience. With these thoughts in mind, I am led to say, that in spite of the fact that we sometimes are not aware of it, the life of each and every individual at some time, sooner or later in life, approaches the sublime. At that time, we evolve some ethical principles which have been or will be, the guiding axioms of our life. As I conscientiously look back over the past and review the events in my life, I arrive at the conclusion, that, if I ever approached the ethical, it was the time when I, along with the six associates whom you have so generously designated as "Jewels," conceived the idea which culminated in the organization of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. And as that organization in its growth and development has persisted, and as those who have been admitted into its membership from time to time have faced the actual problems of the day and age in which they lived, sheltered and guided by the influence of the idealistic conceptions that have been evolved in the developmental life of this fraternity, I have been able to perceive from time to time the attempt on the part of the fraternity throughout its entire membership to approach and attain to some ethical perfection in their living. This living approximates, in its cooperativeness and its helpfulness, the spiritual ideals which we unconsciously must have intended. One Supreme Purpose I mean by this, that regardless of the many, many purposes each of us may devise as the activating principle in our life and the many goals toward which we may be striving, I can see, nevertheless, that we do have one supreme purpose for our existence as a fraternity, and that is the recognition, as well as the development and thereby the making of better men. You can realize, brothers, that this can only be accomplished by raising and elevating the lives of other people. I am led to make this pronouncement because, from time to time, I have listened to the accusation that
This address by Brother Chapman was delivered at the recent national convention held in Cincinnati. As one of the Jewels of Alpha Phi Alpha, Brother Chapman occupies a cherished place in the hearts of all Alpha Phi Alpha men. As the words of this address went out to the large assembly of men gathered at Cincinnati, the old Alpha spirit ivas much in evidence. As a founder of our revered fraternity, Brother Chapman has attained that high place of esteem to which we all may aspire.
this group is self-centered, thinking only of its own interests as individuals and as a group. If that be true, we are losing sight of that thing which will give us the greatest joy of existing as an organization as well as the greatest joy of livingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the transformation of humanity the making, as I have said before, of better men. But this cannot be trueâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; this certainly must not be true because we have evolved and developed some mediums by which we are attempting to reach out and elevate the lives of othersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; our Go-to-High School, G-o-to-College campaign is but one example of such. Must Retain Position We must increase our operations in this field, for we must never lose sight of the fact that we must take part in the development, not only of ourselves but of all humanity. We must learn to look outside of ourselves because there will come after us a nobler structure of humanity, and if we are to retain the position that we have maintained in our 25 years of life, we must prepare to be a part of this forthcoming social structure. It has been said that the life of children is more beautiful than the lives of elders because the children have the beauty of beginning things. I am not a child, nor was I one when I participated in the organization of this fraternity but this thought does explain why I have always thought that there never was a more beautiful episode in my life than the small part I played in the organization of this fraternity in 1906. Just as I have obtained one of the most cherished memories of my life through participation in this brotherly venture, so I will have the greatest disappointment of my life if I should see this organization lose
sight of the principles that it has always maintained, and no longer stand for the beautiful and the ethical in the life of thuse who have been admitted to its tanks, as well as those who see in this organization one of the most remarkable and enriching features of our Negro collegiate life. Kindness Is Appreciated I want, before I say much more, to express my appreciation to this organization for the many kind deeds and the many compliments that have been extended to the founders and the kind invitations that have been afforded them in the last few years, in an attempt on the part of our fraternity brothers to show their appreciation for the part that the founders played in the creation of this organization. Above everything else I want you to understand that there never was or has been or will be, in the minds of the founders, including myself, the thought of any reward or any notice coming to us for this experiment in brotherly cooperation and comradeship, which we initiated and which has developed, not necessarily because of any efforts of ours, into one of the best regarded organizations in the Negro collegiate world. It is rather for us as founders to pay our compliments and to congratulate those men who, during the past twentyfive years, have directed this fraternity through its many vicissitudes. We are pleased to pay our respects to all who have been interested in the welfare, the up-building and the improvement of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. In connection with this last thought, we are also conscious of the fact that our fraternity has enabled many to receive attention and acclaim because of their membership in this organization, and the many worthwhile features for which the organization stands. I refer to this because we are not only paying our respects to those who have figured prominently in this fraternity and its life; but we also pay our respects to those who have merely striven, unnoticed and probably undesirous of the plaudits of the crowd, but who, in their own sphere and in their own humble way, have exemplified in their living the standards of Alpha Phi Alpha. Must Maintain Leadership Throughout the length and breadth of this country, and now even into foreign lands, the influence of this organization has been felt c o n t i n u o u s l y throughout these many years. We must maintain this position of leadership
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A Scholarly Brother Forges Ahead Brother W. N. Rivers has been certified as a tutor in French and Spanish at Cornell University, located at Ithaca, N. Y. Brother Rivers is now completing his final work in his doctor of philosophy degree in Romance languages at Cornell. His appointment by the university as a tutor makes him one of three to be thus selected. During the summer quarter, Professor Rivers passed successfully the preliminary examinations for the doctorate in three Romance languages: French, Spanish, Italian, and a reading examination in German literature of the eighteenth century.
Mrs. Gertrude Burroughs Rivers, graduate of Atlanta University, 1925 Mrs. Rivers is working for the A. M., degree in psychology and education.
His thesis covering two volumes, has received favorable comments from the thesis committee. Volume I treats the source and range of the metaphors of Theophile Gautier; volume II, entirely in French, comprises a dictionary of the metaphors and comparisons of the same author. Volume II will be published in France, the committee feeling that it will meet
stylistic and literary interest of the universities and libraries of continental Europe. Contributes Research Articles Professor Rivers is a member of the Modern Language Association of America and of the American Association of Teachers of French. Since beginning his work at Cornell, he has contributed critical and research articles on the drama and the novel to language periodicals. Writing in the French Review, leading linguistic periodical of the East, he sets forth a new procedure for the compilation of vocabularies in foreign language text books. In this article entitled, "An Experiment in Vocabulary-Compilation for Foreign Language Text Books," he reduces the procedure of the old method from eight to three steps, eliminates entirely the word-omission hazard, and achieves an economy of time and labor which approximates thirty-five percent. Mrs. Rivers Also Studying Studying also at Cornell is his wife,
which we have held so far, without entertaining the least feeling of ever being surpassed. I wonder if we realize that we are entering into a new era in our fraternal life in which we must think of true individualism. Let us realize that there is one self affirmation which is worthy that is strength itself; that there is one insistence that is worthwhileâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;that is ennoblement. Alpha Phi Alpha will always be the true spiritual leader of all true fraternities, when we have developed more true individualism, when more of our brothers make their lives the expression of the noblest sentiments within them, when more living brothers are able to say: "It matters not how straight the gate How charged with punishment the scroll, 1 am the master of my fate i am the captain of my soul." Concerned With Future Speaking, as a founder, I imagine that you expect to listen to some reminiscences but we are not concerned so much with the past as we are with the present and the future; we are not interested so much in criticisms as we are in profiting by the past and constructing for the future. We must build, not for today, but for tomorrow, and our plans must be as wide as the horizon opening before us daily. A new world is being born, and into this new word Alpha Phi Alpha must march triumphantly to the advanced
place that has always been conceded to it in the present and the past. It is for us to be thankful and glad that we are privileged here to lay its foundation and that we are going to have the opportunity in the future to watch and to shape from time to time the increasingly ponderous body structure of this unique organization. I am conscious of the fact that no goal can be reached by taking thought alone. What I have in mind is this; that we must be possessed with some definite ideas because ideas are the most lasting possession of man's civilization. These ideas shape our lives and probably it is the position and place of the founders of this organization to analyze the ideas projected here, to determine their merits and whether they will ennoble Alpha Phi Alpha. That probably resembles Plato's "Republic" but I make this suggestion purely from my interest in this organization and not from any desire to have an active part in the future development of the same. Future Offers Opportunity In conclusion, let us congratulate ourselves on having reached our twentyfifth birthday in good health and spirits, because it gives us a chance to do better. I am sure you will not object to the mild savor of discontent in that statement because content has no future; it is discontent which provides the urge. We celebrate today a past that is for the sake
of the future. This is our day of promise. I am hoping that you note the implication of my sentiment; "we can do better, brothers, we have done well, but there is room for improvement." The registers of the chapters show a slow but steady growth; this statistical growth would mean little were it not the symptom of growth in the grasping of ideas that bind us here. We must live into a more human-hearted fellowship that will give and get what is best in us and thereby predicate the larger fellowships into which Alpha Phi Alpha must necessarily enter. Brothers, I leave this twenty-fifth anniversary of our fraternity with the feeling that because of the wise leadership that the fraternity has always enjoyed, because of the character of ( its members due to our rigid selectiveness, because of the unique and worthwhile features that it has always sponsored and which have carried the fraternity outside of itself; and lastly because it is constantly developing, attaining and transce n d i n g those ethical principles which are a part of its code, it is going into that larger fellowship of Alpha Phi Alpha brotherhood, which is symbolized in that axiom to which we all are striving to attain:
Under the supervision of Dr. W. C. Reudiger, visiting professor at Cornell and dean of Teachers College, George Washington University, she has successfully completed a study of the status of supervised study in Negro seco n d a r y schoolsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a study based on questionnaires to 200 secondary schools. Data from this study will be used by Dr. Reudiger in his forthcoming text book, "The Outcomes of Teaching." During the summer and fall terms, Mrs. Rivers served on several field trips committees which studied special aspects of some secondary schools in the central part of New York state. Professor and Mrs. Rivers are members of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity and Delta Sigma Theta sorority respectively. They are parents of two children, Gertrude and Charlotte.
First of all. Servants of all. We shall transcend all.
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Two Years of The Sphinx Y
OUR SPHINX editor comes to the end of his first term of office and to the preparation of his first report to a general convention with misgivings and high hopes mingled in strange partnership. His misgivings arise from a fear that he has not lived up to expectations and his high hopes arise from the encouragement he has received, verbally and written, from numerous brothers.
He hopes that he has maintained those traditions of excellence associated with The Sphinx under its former talented editors, but hastens to say that in whatever way the fraternity's official organ has been fine and serviceable to the high aims of Alpha Phi Alpha that achievement is shared alike by every member of the staff and the countless unnamed brothers whose suggestions and contributions have aided so considerably. There may have been expressions in the organ of our fraternity that went beyond the legitimate bounds of freedom of speech or of fraternal codes, but it has not been our intention that such appear in The Sphinx columns. There have been numerous efforts bordering °n, or actually being, an intent to advance sslfish purposes— and likewise efforts to get articles into The Sphinx to propagandize a legitimate movement unfairly; and in every instance where he has detected these things your editor has employed his editorial prerogatives and barred the articles from publication, explaining to the author or authors of the article in each instance his reason for so doing. In other cases there have been contributions sent to us that have contained matter which we believed should not be Published in The Sphinx due to its unavoidable non-fraternal reading clientele. In such instances it has been suggested to the authors that such was the case and they have acquiesced in our request that publication in The Sphinx be withheld, and irwtead that the convention or other secret channel be used for disseminating their ideas. Other routine reasons, length of articles, etc., have been the cause of rejecting a few others. But in every case where the above conditions have not maintained, the editor has scrupulously sought to be impartial and give every brother who presented his ideas in a dignified, fair, and Kiammatical fashion the opportunity to express himself in The Sphinx, if he so desired.
By P. BERNARD YOUNG, JR., Sphinx Editor
A Brief Resume The editor asks your indulgence while he seeks to give a resume of what has appeared in the last ten issues of The Sphinx, those published under his editorship. Because we believe that it would be superfluous to list the type of articles and a brief description of their content and purpose, your editor will merely list them numerically under general classifications. Numerically, the Sphinx during 1930 and 1931 presented for information, entertainment, and consideration no less than 172 special or feature articles; 41 chapter photographs; 7 cover designs; two cartoons or sketches; 8 editorials; 70 photographs of individuals; 20 miscellaneous photographs; 306 chapter letters, 150 in 1930 and 156 in 1931, for an average chapter news letter representation in The Sphinx of 30 per each of the ten issues for the two years— which, incidentally, means that less than 50 per cent of the chapters are living up to their obligation and opportunity of presenting their activities and accomplishments in their official organ; and the following departments in which perhaps sixty other articles have appeared —Significant Alpha News, Omega Chapter (death), Book Reviews, Cupid's Corner, Fraternity Fun, After Office Hours (editorial miscellany), The Open Forum (letters from brothers), When An Editor Talks To Himself (informal editorials), We Doff Our Hat (a department for rewarding meritorious brothers with publicity, when they come to the attention of The Sphinx), The Alpha Hall of Fame, and Alpha Welcomes. Of these, Significant Alpha News, Alpha Hall of Fame, We Doff Our Hat, Alpha Welcomes, and The Open Forum are the chief new departments begun during this editor's administration. Sphinx Circulation The editor has had considerable trouble in getting the brothers acquainted with the procedure followed in circulating the Sphinx. It is this, briefly: When your grand tax is received by the general secretary your name and address, as filed with the general secretary, is forwarded to the editor of The Sphinx, who immediately puts that name on his mailing list. After that your Sphinx is in the hands of the Post Office. Of course, there may be a half dozen, more or less,
miscarried through some mistake in our office, but such cases can be easily adjusted as in the past. However, no chapter is authorized to send us its chapter roster with addresses of the individual brothers, expecting us to mail the Sphinx copies according to that list. My mailing list is governed entirely by the certified lists supplied the editor by the general secretary. No Sphinx may be sent to brothers whose names are not so certified. When you think you are entitled to receive The Sphinx and do not get it, first ask your chapter secretary if your grand tax has been sent to the general secretary. If it has, then notify the general secretary that you are not getting the Sphinx, although your chapter secretary informs you your grand tax has been received at the chapter and forwarded to the general secretary. He will immediately adjust the matter. Bound Volumes Bound volumes of The Sphinx are in process of preparation. It has been hoped that they would be ready for distribution here, but due to circumstances beyond our control, the bindery was not able to complete them. Not more than a dozen orders have been received since our last letter to the chapters detailing the price, etc., for these bound Sphinx volumes, but we hope that they will not be left on our hands and that the brothers feel as Brother William S. Randolph did when he wrote; "The bound volumes for 1930-31 will he something really worthwhile. It is certain to be the best volume ever made by an Alpha Sphinx editor, and I will venture that there are few fraternities in the country that will be able to match it." There are 107 of the 1930 bound volumes and 190 of 1931 available. After the officers are supplied, chapters and brothers will be supplied—"first come, first served." Brothers are asked to order and pay for their Sphinx bound volumes. The price for the volumes will be 50c each, or $1.00 for the two, plus 15c postage. Total for the bound volumes, $1.15. Many chapter and other photographs are in my files. Any brothers desiring them, as well as the cuts for which they have paid, may get them by so notifying me by letter. There have been so many requests for extra copies of the Sphinx that the editor feels that there should be some lim-
Page 10 itation to the number any member, other than an officer, contributor, member of The Sphinx staff, and other special cases, may secure over and above the one due him each issue. The necessity of filling these requests for extra copies means extra postage and printing costs. About Ordering Cuts The editor has supplied the chanters and officers with price lists for making cuts to go in The Sphinx. One report contains many "bills receivable" due to the fact that chapters send chapter and individual photographs from which cuts are to be made without sending the necessary funds to cover the costs of making these cuts. Hereafter, the rule will be that cut orders must come accompanied by the necessary money. Many of our pictorial and other issues have been marred by the necessity of using in them bad photographs or poorly made cuts. Where these have been sent in, chapters have been furnished information on the proper kind of cuts and photographs to send. Generally, gloss finished black and white photographs reproduce better and cuts should usually be 120 screen mounted copper cuts, and for the Sphinx not more than 7 inches or 42 ems wide or more than 9 inches deep. Further information will be furnished individual brothers or chapters upon request. Brother General Secretary Evans suggests that those brothers who have joined Omega Chapter between conventions be listed in each issue of The Sphinx. To do this we need the cooperation of chapters and individual brothers in notifying him and us of the deaths among Alpha men. Similarly, Brother Evans has suggested that the Alpha Welcomes Sphinx feature be enlarged to include all new initiates. Heretofore, I have been able to secure these only by scrutinizing the chapter reports. By notifying the general secretary immediately when new members are initiated, the chapters will aid him in supplying the editor their rames for The Sphinx. Rack Copies Needed It may be of interest to the fraternity to know that numerous college and public libraries are particularly anxious to secur° complete files of Sphinx issues, and to be supplied with each issue as it comes out. The director of the New Yor'- Publi- Library, one of the finest in the world, writes: "As it is our intention to preserve the file permanently, we feel that no effort should be spared to complete it (getting vols. 1 to 15). Do you think that an appeal through the columns of The Sphinx to your readers might be successful in bringing us these numbers?
THE SPHINX "Many people who subscribe for magazines and papers save their copies until for lack of space or for other reasons, they are glad to dispose of them, particularly if they can find a depository where they will be useful and appreciated. Many old files come to the library as gifts, both solicited and unsolicited, and it is seldom that publishers make an appeal for us to their readers without satisfactory results. Anything further you may do toward supplying us with the missing issues of your publication will be highly appreciated."
at the plant where we are employed for educational literature, and he will vouch for the assistance we rendered in giving what he described as "unusual and splendid service." Some Reminders The editor wishes to remind the brothers that in sending group photos for publication in the Sphinx they include the names reading left to right, etc., so as to be able to have them identified easily, as well as accompanying such photos with funds to cover costs of making a cut.
May I suggest that any brothers who have, or have access to such copies— volumes 1 to 15—send them to us for passing on where they may be put in permanent record form. Send whatever numbers you may have yourself, as other brothers may supply others so that complete issues for each missing year may be secured. Another history of Alpha Phi Alpha may be considerably enlarged with such data as will be available in such back issues.
Chapters, editors, staff editors, and brothers generally are asked to send in regularly and as soon as they come to their attention, any items of special interest for any departments of the Sphinx, such as Significant News, Cupid's Corner, or Omega Chapter. The editor alone cannot possible secure news on the whole brotherhood.
I have communicated with editors of other fraternity and sorority journals and the answer of one of the editors of The Oracle of Omega Psi Phi shows the reception to my suggestion that each organization exchange with the editorial staff of the other copies of their journals. He said: "I am of the opinion that the official organs of fraternities—as well as sororities—are the proper mediums for initiating interfraternal good will." Aside from publicity on the major accomplishments of the fraternity and of such actions as the awarding of scholarships, the editor, during each week in December up to the Convention week, supplied around 200 papers with advance news of the convention and a dozen of these with pictures (of scholarship winners, convention committee, and general officers). Reclamation Drive Another special thing that the editor did was to cooperate fully with the general organization through Brother Secretary Evans in getting out a "skeleton" Sphinx to be sent to unfinancial members as part of our reinstatement drive. The copy for this was received from the general secretary midweek of the week ending December & Copy was sent to printer on December 4, and the Skeleton Sphinxs (about 1100) had been mailed by December 8. This service was done while final work was being done on the December Sphinx and the delay it caused in getting it out to the brothers was considered quite worthwhile in view of the purpose the special Sphinx was being put to. Similar action was taken when the director of education put through an order
It has been a pleasure to serve the fraternity and the cooperation and encouragement of the brothers has been gratifying. We hope that each brother —in the words of Brother Sidney AJones, Jr., of Chicago—"has been thrilled at the sight of every new issue."
A Brother In St. Louis May Go To U. S. Congress Continued from Page 6 Dyer, of the anti-Lynching Bill fame, was elected to Congress; but as the first Negro ever to be nominated for Congress by the party of Jefferson, Brother McLemore polled over 17,000 votes and lost by only 6,000. Has Chances To Win In 1928 Brother McLemore declared that "the trouble is the Negro has been too strong a Republican " This belief has become more popular among the mass of the race since the last major political contest and it is believed that a Democrat will find himself more acceptable this year than ever before in the Negro's political history. In other words, Brother McLemore has an excellent opportunity to garner enough votes to make him victor in the November elections. In 1928 Missouri still chose representatives according to districts. This year they will be elected by state-wide vote, and this change will, it is felt, be a favorable factor for Brother McLemore. Brother McLemore's platform favors doing away with the "rapacious" tactics of the Republican administration. It is expected that he will ally himself with the "wet" side of the prohibition question.
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A Call to Arms and Noble Service HEN our National President asked me to deliver the Thanksgiving Address on this, the twenty-fifth anniversary of our brotherhood I regarded the request as a compliment as well as a command and so it is a pleasure as well as a duty to speak to you today, to express what is in all our hearts at this hour—thanksgiving to Almighty God for 25 years of virile and progressive life. This period of the "Eucharist of Praise" has come upon us in the midst of a disordered social world. The picture we would rather behold at this crisis of our world is one that would fulfil the prophetic vision of that ancient Hebrew seer who envisaged a world of peace and universal goodwill—"They shall b e a t their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall Hot lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." "It is in spite of this untoward situation, that we rejoice and give thanks, generally speaking. It is because of our conviction in the unconquerable power of truth and justice and righteousness and goodness that we rise by a supernal faith to renew the spirit of thanksgiving. "Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stall; yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation." Faith Built Upon Past However true this attitude may be in a general sense, our faith in Alpha Phi Alpha today does not need such an exalted view to counteract the psychological effect of failure or defeat. Our faith in our fraternity stands on the solid rock of effective and progressive achievement of the past 25 years. We come today in the spirit of thanksgiving for the vision of such founders— we call them "jewels"—as Ogle, Kelley, Martin. Chapman, Murray, Callis and Tandy—seven candles lit upon the altar of education for the guidance and inspiration of the youth of our race. We thank God for the growth of an "eternal idea" conceived in the spirit of love, and loyalty, and devotion to the best interests of our youth, an idea finding fruition in an illustrious band of 4,000 capable, energetic, ambitious, "noble, true and courageous" young men representing the flower of American manhood. We thank God today that the light handed down by the illustrious pioneers of Ithaca has l;een nobly borne to every state in the
By E. H. OXLEY Alpha Alpha Chapter
"A Call to Arms and Noble Service" is the annual Thanksgiving Address which was delivered by Brother Rev. E. H. Oxley, Alpha Alpha Chapter, priest-in-charge of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Cincinnati, when the fraternity gathered December 29, 1931, in the Ohio city for its Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Convention. To Brother Oxley is due the credit for the proposal to establish an Alpha Scholarship Foundation of $25,000 in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the fraternity.
Union, whose men crave the "light" and believe that there should be no deviation from that path of progress leading ever upward and onward to the noblest goals. Raises Pean of Praise We raise our pean of praise at this hour, conscious of our great corporate life, destined to shape and fashion the idealism of o*ir present and future generations. Our underlying motive is service, wh\\e our goal is tniiiscfiidtucii. We,thank God that we see the vision of the transcendent life only in terms of the life of service to our fellows. Brother Murray told me last night that in the early struggles of the fraternity the dues were only,10c each; today, the fraternity house in Washington, alone, is valued at ?30,000.00; there are at present over 2,000 active members, involving an outlay of over $100,000 a year, and this, mark you, is but the achievement of a period of 25 years interrupted by the tragic horrors of the World War. Truly may we say "what hath God wrought!" Our intellectual giants—such men as Kelly Miller, Bishop Gregg, Judge George and Dr. Lewis of Chicago excite the wonder and admiration of the world. Our convention address tonight will be delivered by that world-renowned scholar and gentleman Brother W. E. B. DuBois. In civic and commercial life our brothers bear conspicuous parts. Our national president in his simple modesty and dry humor stands for what is finest and best in our fraternity. Within the past three years a successful effort in administrative reorganization has taken place and on the whole a finer spirit has been developed in our fellowship, making for recognition based upon merit rather than
upon political expediency. It is fitting that at such a time as this, we should sing our "Te Deum" and acknowledge the guidance of the Immortal Light. The Prospect But let us not spend too much time in self adulation. The world wants work— work done. We are called to labor. Lest we forget and be drunk with the "wine of success," let us remind you that there are still heights to climb, difficulties to overcome, battles to be fought and victories still to be won. America has not yet made up her mind that Negro youth are fully entitled to all the privileges and opportunities of our common citizenship. Proscription and unwarranted discrimination s t i l l thrive in the intellectual kingdom of American life. Their banishment a s relics of barbarism depends in a large degree on the leadership we, as fraternity men, furnish America in this regard. 'Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are mere dreams of an American patriotism, unless unqualifiedly applied to all citizens irrespective of race, creed or color. To dedicate ourselves to the unfinished task of making America synony m o u s with equality of opportunity to all citizens of the land, rich and poor, white and black, we must write as it were with a pen of diamond on our hearts these fundamental principles; "honesty, integrity, loyalty, love, nobility, truth, and courage." Pleads for Dignified Bearing I was particularly interested in that fine article of Brother J. M. SamuelsBelboder in the current issue of The Sphinx, in which he called attention in his scholarly way to that intangible quality of dignity in our personal and public life. We ought to be able to recognize in the bearing and outward demeanor, an Alpha man without reference to "grip" or "password." The early Christian community in the sub-apostolic age recognized a disciple by the mere showing of the fish. It was also a Greek letter fraternity. It was the fish—in greek the acrostic meaning "I believe in Jesus Christ—the Son of God our Savior." We too ought to hold so dear the principles of our Greek letter fraternity—that we should become more and more the transforming influence in every community in all those things that make for the betterment of human life. Now to borrow a term from our medical profession, I would say there are "bacteria" still in our system—the bacteria of deception, snobbishness, intoler-
Page 12 erance, false notion of superiority; the spirit of hatred. Now the white corpuscles within us must be awakened to destroy these bacteria that we may have a health body to carry on our work of progress and reform. Leadership is the cry of the hour. It is a fine thing to want to lead. But leadership involves sacrifice and travail. It was characteristic of Napoleon that he never sent his soldiers to hazards he himself would shun. His great call was "allons done!" Let lis go!! He led his men and shared their perils and he was a general beloved. Calls for Spirit of Service I suggested a moment ago that the fight is still on; there are vast unoccupied areas for our service. Our presi-
THE SPHINX dent will give us in his annual report, a detailed statement of opportunities still awaiting us and challenging our best efforts. But our chapters throughout the length and breadth of our land must be characterized by personal honor, and must win community respect, and these things demand sacrifice and discipline. The bacteria of snobbishness must be superceded by the spirit of noble service, the bacteria of selfishness must be destroyed in the spirit of service to all. I am reminded here of another African clansman—the great Hannibal of Carthage who crossed the Pyrenees and the Rhine and with his bedraggled soldiers at the height of the Alps inspirited
the drooping hearts of his soldiery, when he cried out "Soldiers! we are on the acropolis of Italy— yonder is Rome." Who is sufficient for these things? I recall the vision of that ancient leader of the host of Israel—Moses—who, in his Deuteronomic Thanksgiving, as he surveyed the serried ranks of Israel's hosts, led to the very precincts of the Promised Land, uttered those imperishable words —"The eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms." It is this thought of the sustaining Power of God I would leave with you as we join in this our Silver Jubilee and return to our respective chapters to make our Alpha Phi Alpha a great and useful agency in our land.
Five of Alp a"s Seven Beloved Founders Attend the Twenty-fifth Anniversary Convention
For the first time since the early days of the fraternity, five of the seven founders of Alpha Phi Alpha were present at a convention of the fraternity, which celebrated its 25th anniversary during the convention in Cincinnati Dec. 29-31. Shown above are (1. to r : George B. Kelley, chief auditor of the State Tax Department, of Troy, New York; Nathaniel A. Murray, teacher at Armstrong High School, Washington, D. C ; Dr. Henry A Callis, associate professor of Medicine, Howard University, Washington, D. C.; Charles O. Chapman, head of the department of agriculture, Florida A. and M. College, Tallahassee, Fla.; and Robert H. Ogle, formerly clerk of the U. S. Senate Committee on Appropriations, now clerk of Judge James A. Cobb's court, Washington, D. C. The other two founders were Vertener W. Tandy, a New York architect, and James H. Morton, now deceased.
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The Fraternity and Scholarship HE fraternity is an integral part of college life, and, therefore, of our educational system. Whether fraternities were ever purely social, as some claim, or not, it is safe to say that they were born not only of a natural instinct for companionship and social intercourse but of an equally natural desire for an opportunity to formulate and to express the idealism which is so characteristic of young men. And how could the idealism of a college man of serious purpose fail to express itself, at times at least, in intellectual terms? And so the work that the Interfraternity Conference has undertaken, to stimulate greater interest in fraternity men everywhere in the academic side of college life, has been based upon no belief that the fraternity has fallen heir to the task of teaching its members, even where the college has gradually relinquished that task, but rather upon a desire te satisfy more fully one of the fundamental purposes of the association of college men in groups, to bring the fraternity man to a closer realization of his real object in going to college, and thus to make the fraternity a greater force in the lives of its members by inspiring them to truer self-realization. The Value of Fraternities College men are more spontaneous in their own company, respond more simply to their finer aspirations, than when in the presence of those whose business it is to guide them, excepting the rare teacher whose sympathy and understanding succeed in breaking down all barriers; and they submit more willingly to discipline administered by their own fellows. For this reason we believe that the fraternity is, potentially at least, the greatest single moral and—in the non-religious sense of the word—spiritual force in college life. And the Interfraternity Conference, which is more concerned with the fundamentals of the fraternity movement, has merely been actuated by a vision of what fraternities can do for their members. The Need For Scholarship We like to feel, and believe we may. that fraternity men as a group are men of character, and that character is, in the final analysis, the determining factor of a successful life, rich in self-expression and in service to one's fellows. And it seems to us that decent scholarship at college is merely the expression of a decent character. The college man assumes his academic career voluntarily; with it he assumes a definite contract, and definite responsibilities. If he has
By ALVAN E. DUERR Chairman of the Interfraternity Conference (In The American Scholar) (Quarterly Publication of Phi Beta Kappa)
no intellectual interests he should not go to college. If he goes his self-respect demands that he perform his task in a manner commensurate with his Godgiven capabilities. His presence at college is often at a real sacrifice to those at home; again, a decent self-respect demands that he make a decent return. The world needs men of character, who have definite standards for themselves, who have a real capacity for work and for straight-thinking, and who can bend their wills to a central purpose in life. The task of a college man is largely intellectual, but his intellectual activities are never an end in themselves but merely one of the functions of life. And therefore we are interested in the scholarship of fraternity men for its deeper significance. A Serious Charge During the past generation the belief that fraternity men were less addicted to study than other students gradually became a conviction with the many al-
Considerably older than our own fraternities, those restricting their membership to white person* hare recognized their hindering problems perhaps sooner than those Greekletter societies of our own group. Rather, their problems developed chronologically sooner than ours, naturaUy. Aside from that distinction, however, their problems are fundamentally homogeneous with oitrs. A great deal of the administrative and other opposition to fraternities arises from the belief that they are obstacles to decent scholarship. Hotv they may actually be a positive aid to scholarship of depth and breadth, Mr. Duerr, a New York banker, vividly explains in his article. Here aire signposts for our fraternity individually and for them all collectively—and through the Pan-Hellenic Council—to be guided by in seeking the road leading to those ideals which they already espouse but frequently fall short of attaining. This article deserves careful reading.
though no one really had the facts. It had become fashionable without much discrimination to charge fraternity men with possessing in undue measure all the failings of American youth. There is naturally a difference in superficial circumstances as well as in some fundamental characteristics between the kind of men who enjoin fraternities and those who prefer or are compelled to abstain. It is true that fraternity men are apt to come from homes which lack intellectual background and ambitions, but the one simple reason why a majority of college men come from such homes is that an interest in intellectual things is not a predominant American characteristic. I wonder whether our teachers have not failed too often because they based their work on something that did not exist instead of realizing that they must presuppose nothing and must begin at the very beginning. I wonder, too, whether the mania for denaturing courses of intended intellectual value which has swept the country during the past decades has not been due to an attitude of hopelessness on the part of teachers that they will ever be able to arouse real intellectual interest. What Was Done We started out five years ago to get the facts. We found that the scholarship of fraternity men justified the prevailing criticism, for in a survey of one hundred and twenty-five colleges at which five or more national fraternities had chapters, the group average of all fraternity men was better than the average of all men in only thirty per cent of these institutions. With the help of the National Associations of both the College Deans and the Registrars we have gradually applied a system of grading which makes it possible to reduce marks of different institutions to a common denominator in terms of the All Men's Average of each institution, and this has made it possible not only to compare the work of California chapter with that of one in Maine, but to oompute composite averages for all fraternities taken as a group, and thus to estimate accurately their progress from year to year. Decent scholarship as the mark of a fraternity man appealed to the imaginations of fraternity leaders, and the concept spread slowly but surely. We have not been working for grades but for an idea and an ideal. One of the deans put it aptly when he said that if the Interfraternity Conference had accomplished nothing else, it had made a notable con-
Page 14 tribution to education when it made it no longer fashionable in the average fraternity house to speak disdainfully of good scholarship. The scholastic records of the members are now posted on the bulletin boards of many chapter houses, and the fashion now is to point out good scholastic records and to try to explain away poor ones. Here again we may absolve the fraternity man from t o o much censure for his former attitude, for even college faculties wax more eloquent at football dinners at which a victorious team received the varsity letter than they do in the award of the Phi Beta Kappa key. No Rules—But Ideals We have resorted to few rules and regulations, to little discipline; we have simply tried to promulgate an idea and an ideal, and to change an attitude. And the result has been what might be expected. Each year we have made our survey, sending out to our members all reports affecting their chapters; and each year an improvement has been indicated. The second year forty-two percent of the colleges of the country had better averages for their fraternities than for all their men; the next year forty-four percent, then forty-eight percent, and finally this year sixty percent—the number of colleges included in the survey having
THE SPHINX grown in the meantime to one hundred and fifty-four. The composite fraternity average for the entire country started five years ago well under the line representing the composite All Men's Average of the same institutions; each year it has risen, last year it crossed the line, and this year it is even more decisively above. And this is not the work of a few fraternities. The Interfraternity Conference includes in its membership practically every well-established national fraternity in the country, seventy-one in number. Of these, thirty-nine have averages above the men's averages of their institutions, and thirty two are below; but the lowest fraternity is less than half so far below the line as the highest is above. Fraternity Solidarity The fraternity never expects to become an educational appendage to our colleges; but it does expect to become and to remain a homogeneous unit in our educational system, functioning in complete harmony with the best things that our colleges stand for. Harvard and Yale have become convinced that students will reach the highest form of self expression when housed in small groups under the leadership of a vivid, forceful personality. The fraternity chapter is a small unit bound by all the ties that
weld the student body into solidarity, and in addition by an idealism that has enriched life peculiarly for thousands of men and which has persisted long after the incidents of college life were forgotten. And recently, on a score of campuses scattered over the country, a new experiment is being made—that of bringing into chapter houses mature men of culture and of devotion to youth in the effort to create an atmosphere that will be stimulating to the eager and awaken those whom the college has not yet reached. Faculty Apprehension There is a potentiality in the fraternity group that is found nowhere else on the campus and that our college authorities would do well to utilize to its full extent. Perhaps the faculties were a little too slow to recognize this fact, and during the period of neglect fraternity men too began to believe that they were not a part of the institution so far as any responsibility for upholding its finer traditions and its more serious aims was concerned. But happily all this has passed. And now the fraternity is disseminating the doctrine that one cannot be a good fraternity man unless one is loyal to all that his college stands for— and this includes decent scholarship.
Beta and Mu Lambda Banquet for Bro. IVesley
List of names on Beta Mu Lambda banquet picture, left to right from the arrow, at the head table: Jewel Brother Callis, founder; Brothers R. W. Brooks, reader of the invocation; J. Owen Blache, president, Beta Chapter; B. V. Lawson, master of ceremonies; Brother Charles H. Wesley, general president. Alpha Phi Alpha; Frank Jones, president, Mu Lambda Chapter; Albert I. Cassell, university architect, Howard University; Jos. H. B. Evans, general secretary, Alpha Phi Alpha: Emmett J. Scott, secretary-treasurer, Howard University; Charles H. Houston, vice-dean, School of Law, Howard University. (A complete list of the attendance will be found in the Beta Chapter letter).
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Our New President Is Banqueted N SATURDAY evening, January sixteenth, some eighty brothers met in the trustees dining hall, Howard University, about eight-thirty to sup with, offer testimonial, and pay homage to our newely elected general president, Brother Charles H. Wesley, A. M., Ph D., D. D., head of the history department of Howard University, historian of Alpha Phi Alpha, and international scholar. This group represented Beta and Mu Lambda Chapters, Washington, D. C. After a beautifully expressed invocation by Brother Rev. R. W. Brooks we sat to a menu that could hardly be equalled for Epicurean satisfaction: oyster cocktail, one-half broiled chicken, green peas, yams, vegetable aspic, et al, et, al, topped off with black commee, ice cream, cakes, and mints. (The term "aspic" brought forth many a wise expression. We often hear that chicken is Negro Ambrosia, in spite of the fact that the percentage consumption of the fowl is largely Nordic!—Nevertheless, it was excellent.) Before going into full details we might mention that the committee, under the leadership of Brother Felton G. Clark, is to be highly commended for the fine way in which the whole affair was planned, and managed, to the pleasure of all concerned. As expected, Brother B. V. Lawson served ideally as master of ceremonies. His "once told" tales added greatly to the merriment of thei evening. Brother Wesley received a five-minutes ovation on being presented. His address was most inspiring and heartening. He spoke of the ideals of Alpha, its inspiration, and its direct challenge to the members as the professional group. His remarks concerning the closer linking of the chapters and the general organization were very timely. He felt that the reclamation of all brothers who had lost contact in some way or other was a paramount need—even greater than that of accepting new material.
Brother Wesley also struck a deep note when he spoke of the definite need for a larger reserve fund, so to speak, to serve a variety of purposes. In fact, so many points deserving study were brought out that we hope Brother Wesley will communicate them directly to all the chapters. He closed with a definite appeal to Alpha Phi Alpha to further its contribution in every material way, for the advancement of the individual, the fraternity, and the race!
Brother Frank Jones, president of Mu Lambda, and Brother J. Owen Blache, president of Beta, both contributed very fitting addresses. They both emphasized the further cooperation and appreciation of their administration to the chapters and the fraternity. Among the other speakers heard were: Jewel Brother Callis, Brothers J. H. B. Evans, Gustave Auzenne, Albert I. Cassell, Emmett J. Scott, Charles H. Houston; and, not to omit, Brother John Huguley, whose outstanding extemporaneous oratory was one of the treats of the evening. In behalf of the recently initiated brothers of Beta, Brother Geo. McKinney made some very appropriate remarks. We wish we had the space to detail all of these addresses, but of course, that is impossible. They wore some of the finest we've ever heard, however; and no one went to sleep on any speaker, which speaks for itself! A rather mysterious publication was circulated during the course of the evening: "The Beta News." We haven't been able to locate the editor or his staff. Brother Edgar Saunders, last year's Beta president and now efficient house manager, is, with his newly-gotten legal knowledge, filing a suit against this mysterious editor for causing quite a little confusion among his 'lies'—as soon as he finds this very evasive individual. However, as the staff is well under cover it seems that it plans remaining in the distance until Brother Saunder cools off. Say what one will, "Beta News" proved quite interesting, but make us wonder just what is meant by "Gold Star Brothers" knowing some of the individuals on that list! Somehow, we firmly believe Brother Auzenne must have composed "Star Light"—he seems always to find his way into it! We shan't be too hard on him, as he worked quite tirelessly with the Committee for the success of the banquet; at least, he deserves the dozen odd rolls we saw him put away. Beta and Mu Lambda both appreciate his constant service. Before closing, there are a few outstanding observations we might mention, such a s ; : The dignity of Brother Wesley, The verbosity of Brother Lawson, The suavity of Brother Clark, The reserve of Brother Blache, The all-shining quality of Brother Burr,
The humility of Brother Auzenne, The geniality of Brother Williams, The sanctity of Brother Cassell, The portentiality of Brother Huguley, The ageing quality of Brother Harris, The thunder of Brother Evans, The signature of Brothers Emmett J. Scott and Thornhill, And, as long as Alpha is Alpha we shall remember Brother McKinney as the "most proudest, most happiest' brother at the banquet! This feast of feasts closed all to soon with the soft singing of our dear old Alpha Hymn, after which all took their departure with a finer feeling of good fellowship and brotherhood. However, a certain half dozen brothers not willing to accept one o'clock as 'Finis' repaired to a certain bachelor apartment. On passing there somewhat near the dawn hour we heard the click of glasses (water?) and loud guffaws. From the tone of the somewhat hazy conversations we surmised the good brothers were discussing such subjects as Romanticism, chemistry, education, business architecture, and "Not Only War," not to forget the tale of the farmer and his beautiful daughter—to which Brother Huguley has originated a very fitting sequel! Nevertheless, we close with an earnest wish for more such gatherings under the Shadow of the Sphinx. The 1932 Mu Lambda officers are: Brothers Frank Jones, president; Frank Adams, vice president; William Nelson, treasurer; Harry McAlpin, secretary; Gustave Auzenne, financial-secretary; Ferdinand L. Rousseve, editor to the Sphinx; and Jewel Brother Nathaniel Murray, chaplain. May we congratulate and offer our best of wishes to General President Brother Charles H. Wesley and his staff for a most progressive administration. Mu Lambda is exceedingly proud to have on its roster two of our general officers, in the persons of Brother Wesley and General Secretary Brother J. H. B. Evans, besides three of our founders in the persons of Jewel Brother Callis, Murray, and Ogle. Since our last letter the accomplishments of several brothers warrant our note here: Brother Felton G. Clark, son of Brother J. S. Clark, president of Southern University at Baton Rouge, La., was appointed assistant professor of education at Howard University. Brother Victor C. Daly has published his first book "Not Only War." It is
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most interesting and has become the topic of discussion among the country's "literate." Brother Charles H. Thompson, professor of education at Howard, is serving as acting dean of the College of Education in the absence of its regular dean, Brother Dwight 0. W. Holmes, who is at Columbia pursuing advanced studies. Brother Richard Hill was appointed as special assistant to the president of Howard University. His duties are to take charge of the raising of funds for scholarships and student aid. Brother Edward Hope, son of Brother John Hope, president of Atlanta University, has been elected as superintendentin-charge of maintenance at Howard University. As you know, Brother Hope was in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, for several years on major engineering programs. More of Brother Hope later. Alpha Phi Alpha was well represented at the President's Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership. Among those on various committees were Brothers George Arthur, in charge of Negro division, Rosenwald Fund; Joseph S. Clark, president of Southern University; Elmer Cheeks, a city electrical engineer for Cleveland; and David D. Jones, president of Bennett College. Besides these, a great many others from all over the country were present. Mu Lambda has continued her program meetings with great success and a fine enthusiasm on the part of all the brothers. Among the various talents exhibited at our monthly meetings might be noted Brother Cohen's excellent piano renditions, Brother Duncan's beautiful singing, Brother George Arthur's address on the Negro's economic outlook and achievement, and Brother Numa P. G. Adams' address on "Fertilization." We wish space would permit us to detail these and others, but we must be brief. Further, Mu Lambda expresses felicitation to Brothers Addison E. Richmond, G. Auzenne, and R. W. Brooks, all of whom have taken brides unto themselves very recently. Best wishes,â&#x20AC;&#x201D;and may their individualities be thoroughly assimilated, so to speak! May future Alpha men soon peek their heads over the horizon of life! We understand, or, they say, whichever way you prefer it, that another brother from Louisiana way is soon to be in the same boat, but who knows? Things happen strangely these days. Good wishes to all the brothers, near and far, financial or unfinancial, single or married, sober or, well what have you!
His fraternity relations began at Zeta Chapter, Yale University, where he was a charter member. Later he became a member of Beta Chapter at Howard. From 1925 through 1928 he was president of Mu Lambda Chapter, Washington, D. Q From 1927 through 1930 he was president of Beta-Mu lambda Corporation.
We Doff Our Hat
Newly elected general president of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Brother President Wesley received his education at Fisk, Yale, and Harvard Universities, and at La Guilde Internationale, Paris, France, and the University of Pennsylvania. At Yale he was a University Scholar and at Harvard he was an Austin Scholar. He has studied in London, England on a Guggenheim fellowship. From Fisk he received the B.A. degree in 1911, from Yale the M. A. degree in 1913, and from Harvard the Ph. D. degree in 1925. At present Brother Wesley is professor of history and head of the department of history at Howard University, where he has been since 1913. During the period of the World War he was eductional director of the Army Y. M. C. A. and overseas secretary of the International Y. M. C. A. Committee (1919). He holds the further distinction of being a pastor and presiding elder of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and is being prominently mentioned for the A.M.E. bishopric. As an author Brother Wesley has done some outstanding work. His works include "Negro Labor in the United States: A Study in American Economic History," Vanguard Press, New York, 1927; "The Collapse of the Confederacy," one of the Howard University studies in history; "Negro History in the School Curriculum," Washington, 1925; "A Seat of Negro Learning," Washington 1925; and "The History of Alpha Phi Alpha; A Development in Negro College Life," Washington, 1930, the first such history of a Negro Greek-letter college society. He has also had numerous articles published in scholarly magazines.
TO DR. ERNEST F. ALLEYNE Who has just completed a volume entitled, "A Demonstrative Quiz Course in Obstetrics and Allied Subjects." Brother Alleyne is professor of Obstetrics at Meharry Medical College. The volume, which has been adopted as a text book at Meharry, contains 264 pages and proposed "to encourage the student to get acquainted with as many text books and foreign terminologies as possible". It consists of three major divisions: The primary elements of obstetrics, abnormalities and difficult labors, and endocrinology and obstetrics. It combines the method of the laboratory manuel with research projects and diagnostic devices. Dr. Alleyne has the distinction of being one of the few Race medical instructors to produce a book in his special field for use by the professional student. In addition to his contribution to medical and general magazines, he has patented a portable operating table and a human incubator. In connection with his instruction at Meharry he has produced several thousand feet of film showing rare and unusual obstetrical operations. He is a member of the Chi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, holds a B. S. degree from Tennessee A. and I. college, the M. D. degree from Meharry Medical College, in addition to diplomas and a key for proficiency earned in foreign universities.
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Bro. brazier Becomes An Author HEN Brother Dr. E. Franklin Frazier, professor of sociology at Fisk University, whose book has just been published by the University of Chicago press, set out to study "The Negro Family", he could not want for statements to refute, generalizations to ridicule, prejudices to regret or ignore. His first chapter quotes "authorities" of all kinds, who, from slavery to the present time, lumped all Negroes together in the hopelessness of their family life and sex standards. Faced with these solemn pronouncements, Brother Frazier could not have uttered Job's complaint, "O, that mind adversary had w r i t t e n a book." Rather, with hand to wearied brow, "Of making many books there is no end."
But this book is different. It answers false generalizations about Negro family life, not with argument, but with a scientific, scholarly statement of fact. It is much more than a study of "THE NEGRO FAMILY IN CHICAGO." It goes far toward answering what the editor calls the basic problem of the family everywhere: "How far are its organization and life determined by impulses in human nature or by the conditions of the economic and social environment?" It just happens that the Negro family affords the best possible opportunity for interesting scientific study, whirled as it has been through slavery to freedom, from southern plantation to northern metropolis. Negroes And Crime Brother Frazier grants from the beginning that Negroes furnish at the present time a disproportionate amount of desertions, juvenile delinquency and illegitimacy in the city of Chicago. But upon subjecting this cross-section of Negro life in America to close scrutiny, he finds conditions that hundreds of casual observers have failed utterly even to want to see. He divides the city into seven zones. To the city came suddenly, after the war, a horde of rural Negroes, with a history making them utterly incapable of a rapid adjustment to complex city life. Slavery had robbed them of native customs and taboos as powerful as any in Caucasian groups. Disorganization of tribal life, begun in slave markets on the West Coast of Africa, continued until thousands of men and women were raped of sex customs and no new ones were substituted in their place. Then came emancipation, releasing still other traditional forms of control with only the free Negroes of slavery days possessing, and fiercely trying to have
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and hold, traditions of family life. In time, life in the South became stable again but at the cost of resignation to the dominance of the whites. No race consciousness, really, but an evaluation of themselves that white men put upon them. Church and school and lodge, however, made for stability. Individuals Leave the Mass When this peasant group was catapulted into Chicago the result was what one should expect. Like all other newcomers of low economic status their first foothold was in the center of the city where they were- forced into association with the most vicious aspects of city life. Gradually, as adjustment was made, individuals began to move out from the mass, is individuals always d o w h e n their economic life is more sound. Painstakingly, Brother Frazier followed these families from zone to zone, from street to street, almost from house to house, getting their stories, studying home ownership, poring over court and school records, watching race consciousness grow as the older citizens were forced at times of conflict to ally themselves with the newcomers. He wisely sees and graphically respresents it all, not as a pathological phenomenon, but as a gradual, certain civiliz a t i o n a 1 process, increasingly stable and increasingly complex. This study will be followed by another
of the Negro family in all America. He is accumulating thousands of human documents that illustrate his study, making literature of it. Even in this preliminary volume that must perforce contain graphs, maps, statistical tables that might frighten the layman, there is a running story that holds the attention, convinces and challenges. Has Solid Background Brother Frazier received his formal education in Baltimore, at H o w a r d , Clark University in Worchester, the New York School of Social Work, as fellow of the American-Scandinavian Foundation to Denmark and at the University of Chicago. He has had fifteen years of teaching and educational administration at Tuskegee, Fort Valley, Balti m o r e , Morehouse, Atlanta School of S o c i a l Work and Fisk University. His first research at Fisk was conducted under the Social Science Research Council but he is now a full research professor on the Fisk faculty. He was a contributor to Dr. Alain Locke's "The New Negro" and has made numerous contributions to The Nation. The Forum, Current History, The Crisis, Opportunity, Social Forces and the American Journal of Sociology. He is a scholar and a vital force in Negro life, a dispassionate observer of social phenomenon in his profession and a Negro and man twenty-four hours a day.
Cupid's Corner >ROTHER DANIEL " P I N K Y " CLARKE, a charter member of Beta Alpha Chapter, Morgan College, Baltimore, Md., has announced his marriage to Miss A. Susie Hearns, of Huntington, W. Va. Brother Clarke is now employed as physical education teacher in the Baltimore school system. â&#x20AC;˘ ROTHER GEORGE E. MARSHALL of Alpha Rho, who graduated from Morehouse College last June, was married to Miss Bernice Starling of Spelman College on December 26, 1931. Brother Marshall is now working at the Capitol Building in Washington, D. C , while his bride is teaching in Bartow, Florida. ROTHER WM. McCALEB stole a march on the brothers of Alpha Alpha and was married early in the fall to Miss Lovetta Jones. Continued on Page 25
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By DR. O. WILSON WINTERS, Frat Fun Editor EXTRA! Secret Sinning in Cincinnati! Retiring Rose Rules Astute Apes with Canny Control Fidgety Phi Beta Sigma man fetches funny figure of speech! BeacouT bantering at big banquet! Tom Young denies domestic devotion with dormitory dandy! Peregrinating pelvics at Palm Grove Palace! Cavorting with Comely Co-eds in Covington! Delegates Dine Daintily in Dayton! Women Wait Wistfully at Wilberforce for Wesley! Premier convention closes at midnight, Dec. 31, 1931! This, gentlemen, and brothers, is a tabloid account of the silver anniversary convention. Hidden among the alliterations are events that are easily recalled to your memory. But I must qualify my reference to secret sinning because of the presence of so many ministerial brothers. There were the Rev. Brothers Wesley Grannum, Oxley, Paige, Brown, and Shepard representing Washington, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Philadelphia, respectively. I am sure these reverend fraters knew nothing of Cincinnati's sinning—the simple, secret, besetting and besotting sins, nor of the abundance of sen-sen Brother Hamilton of Pittsburgh carried. Your Sphinx funster saw every thing, heard everything, and smelled most everything untoward. I saw Jerrick's characteristic caged tiger trot as he paced to and fro (mostly fro) as he nominated Auzenne for general secretary. I saw the advent of active undergraduate participation in legislative affairs in the arguments and activities of Brother Sydney Jones of Theta, Jas. H. Green, Beta Delta, Thomas H. Henderson of Gamma, and Malvern Goode of Omicron, who, incidently, made the best impression any undergraduate has ever made at a convention. I heard Brother B. T. Harvey trying to get over his seven points in educational significance. I heard Brother W. C. Pyant give a clear-cut, logical unreadiness on an important motion. I heard Brother Jewel N. A. Murray telling me that if I were to write anything about Continuel on Page 32
By ./. D. PARKS
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Convention Highlights (continued) By J. D. Parks SHOT UP/ U,
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Messages From Our Officers A Brotherly Message From President Wesley
Introducing Fourth, work out an interesting program for your chapter's activity. No chapter can succeed without it. If y 째 u will read your history you will find out how the brothers of the past have made the fraternity what it is today. Make an effort to rekindle the spirit of your chapter if it is not what it ought to be. One, two or three brothers who are determined may accomplish much in this direction. ACTIVE CHAPTERS MEAN AN ACTIVE FRATERNITY.
By CHARLES H. WESLEY ITH the dawn of the year 1932, we enter upon a new adventure together as kindred fraternal s p i r i t s . Through your delegates, you have honored me with the leadership of the general organization. While I have not sought the office yet I would take this opportunity of expressing my gratitude for the honor bestowed, and I have accepted it conscious of the responsibility which it entails and I pledge to you my best efforts. I would express the hope that I shall have your individual and collective cooperation. No one man can make the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity what it ought to be and no change of administration alone can bring about the attainment of our hopes. These ends can be reached only by the sharing of responsibility and the placing of all shoulders to the wheel. I ask, therefore, first, that you and your chapter should give the general president your full confidence and cooperation. If you have matters which you believe should receive the attention of your general president feel free to approach him. I seek your suggestions for the advancement of the cause. Ordinarily for routine matters, I would suggest that the vice-president of your section be approached. It should be my aim to delegates authority to the vice-presidents, for as a rule they are nearer and more convenient with your problems. Complete cooperation and understanding between the general president, vice-presidents, general officers, and chapters are the first steps which we seek to make in our year's work. Second, I desire to urge you to reclaim as many brothers as you can this year. For various reasons, there are brothers who stay away from active relationships. Let us cease to have so large a number who are inactive and see no advantage in reinstatement. Your personal progress committee, which could be more active, should aid in decreasing the morality along this line. Let us make a real effort during this year to reclaim our lost brothers. Third, we are planning to build a larger reserve than we have been having in past years. While we have been doing work of unusual value to the fraternity members and the race, it is a regret that we have so small a reserve after twentyfive years of service. Fraternities and
We have a glorious past. This serves as a challenge, while we face the futureLet us therefore go forward and may fraternalism abound among us, may good scholarship increase, and real achievement characterize our efforts under the inspiration of the spirit and ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha!
To The Brothers From The General Secretary
MATTHEW E. CARROLL Director of Education
NATIVE of Kansas City, Kansas, he graduated from Sumner High School in 1917, entered the University of Kansas, graduated from that institution in 1921. He received the master's degree in 1922. After graduation, Brother Carroll was employed as technical assistant in the department of bacteriology, at the University of Kansas. At present, he is instructor in zoology at Lincoln High School, Kansas, City, Missouri. His further studies include courses at the University of Kansas and University of Minnesota toward the degree of doctor of philosophy in zoology.
sororities of lesser years have many times our resources. We have grown, we have reason to be proud and yet this should not lead to self-complacency, or to the feeling that anything is good enough. Chapter houses, worthy students, and group ventures need our support, but with the funds available none of these calls can be met. With the cooperation of the general secretary and the general treasurer, I shall do all that I can to build up our reserve that this can be done only with your cooperation. May we count on you?
By JOSEPH H. B. EVANS, General Secretary N expressing to you my appreciation I for the honor conferred in my reelection to the office of General Secretary, I want you to know that I fully realize the responsibility that is mine to assist in promoting the welfare of the general organization and of our chapters. My message to you is expressed in the following excerpt taken from my report to the last convention. The big problem which confronts Alpha Phi Alpha as an organization is the conservation of its membership. Glance at the files of members who have been active for the past six years, at which time our records were set up so that we could have information on individual brothers, and you will note at once the , appalling fact that our lapsation, or | dropping out, is extremely heavy in the first few years of the individual's chapter life. What is the cause of this? Can we not, as an organization and as chapters who are a part of that organization, give very definite study to a program which will have in mind the holding of men to Alpha Phi Alpha? We have found those who talk against | the rapid growth of the fraternity, who argue that our chapters are too many in number and suggest that we should declare a moratorium on the establishing of new chapters. To my mind it is not the number of chapters so much as it is the internal working of each individual chapter that weakens our organization through the falling off of brothers who
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THE SPHINX are only half made. To many of them admission into Alpha Phi Alpha becomes a matter of social honor and too little time is given to inculcating into the new man the real spirit and ideals back of the fraternity. You say these are generalities, but I give you one definite exampleâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;there are few brothers who have had real contact with the ritual except at the time they were initiated or when at subsequent times they have assisted in initiations. The ritual contains some of the beauties that go into the fraternal fellowship of Alpha Phi Alpha, for it is historical as well as suggestive in its precepts and teachings. If we could only realize that the brother when undergoing the initiation ceremony is not in a frame of mind to catch the real meaning of the ritualistic work, we would see the wisdom of a more careful and detailed study of this instruction outside of the times for initiations. We talk about our slogan, "Not Alpha Phi Alpha for College, but Alpha Phi Alpha for life,', but we want to make this slogan a reality; we want brothers to feel that when they "see the light" they have identified themselves with the organization that they have chosen for a life time and there can be no turning back.
The Southern District's Vice-President Speaks By CHARLES W. GREENE, First Vice-President AM sure you have heard about the wonderful 25th anniversary session held in Cincinnati. If your chapter was not represented by a delegate to this convention, I doubt that you will ever know the greatness of the meeting. There was something very different in the spirit of this meeting. The delegates and visitors were very constructive in their ideas. I trust that all brothers in every chapter have constructive ideas and ideals for the year. We need to get into our chapter program and put it over in the good old Alpha Phi Alpha way. Let us determine that we shall be first of all and transcend all.
There were too many delinquent chapters last year in our jurisdiction. Some did not submit their constitution to the general convention. The constitution should have been mailed to the general secretary if you were not going to be represented by a delegate. Some chapters are on the INACTIVE roll, because their grand tax payment did not cover the requirement. If your chapter is among the delinquents, adjust that condition immediately. The general secretary will gladly cooperate with you. Both cups were won as usual for efficiency etc. This is
Our new general president, is Brother Chas. H. Wesley, Howard University, Washington, D. C. Send him a letter of congratulation. Our new educational director is Brother E. M. Carroll, Kansas City, Mo. Brother Carroll is an instructor in Sumner High School of Kansas City, Mo. Our next convention city is St. Louis, Mo. Please consider our regional conference plans. Arrange to serve as host during some of the outstanding events of your school or city. A conference can be held at a very small expense. I shall be glad to have your chapter roster at the earliest convenience.
Defends And Praises Our Educational Program By MATTHEW E. CARROLL Director of Education HEN I take the time to reflect on the task that Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity has placed on my shoulders, my first thought is to shiver and tremble; but no, I cannot do that. I'm an Alpha and being such I must carry on the program of the fraternity, our educational program, the only really worthwhile thing Alpha has done in its twentyfive years of existence. I cannot go further with this message without calling the attention of the chapters to the very extensive educational program in which the fraternity is already engaged; an educational program that reaches a million or more boys and girls of high school and college age; a program made possible by the tireless efforts of that genius of organization, Raymond W. Cannon.
THOMAS H. HENDERSON Third Vice-President AILING from Richmond, Virginia, there comes another Gamma Chapter brother to serve the fraternity as eastern vice president. Brother Thomas H. Henderson has been instructor in science at Armstrong High School, Richmond, since his graduation with the degree of bachelor of science from Virginia Union University at the unusual age of eighteen. For the past two years he has been chairman of the science division of the State Teachers' Association of Virginia. He has been a zealous worker for Alpha Phi Alpha since his initiation five years ago, having served Gamma Chapter as treasurer, twice as secretary, and as president, the last office having been accorded him by a unanimous vote. Because of his long period of activity in an undergraduate chapter, his daily contact with undergraduate men, and his own youth, Brother Henderson is in position to accurately interpret the attitudes of the undergraduate element of our fraternity. You may rest assured that the office of eastern vice president is again in the hands of one of Alpha's most enthusiastic and assidious workers.
evidence that some chapters are yet living up to the standard. Make an effort during this convention interim to win the cups for your chapter. For your informationâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the B a l f o u r Cup was awarded to Alpha Tau Chapter and the McGhee Cup to XI. It seems that they do things in those Ohio chapters,
Praises His Predecessor Any person who follows Brother Cannon and plans to carry ort an extensive program laid down by the former director of educational activities will find plenty to do. Brother Cannon gave unstintedly of his time, energy, and funds to carry the message of Alpha Phi Alpha to the youths of America. The fraternity owes him a debt of gratitude that it can never pay. The spirit of service that embodies his nature has so completely diffused itself through the rank, and file of the Alpha men, that in more than two thirds of our states we have fine, capable, energetic men serving as state directors of education, putting all of the energy they can command in making a worthwhile job of Alpha's efforts to serve. These state directors serve for the sake of service. Not one cent is allowed for making chapter visits, but many visits are made, and countless hours are spent planning programs that can be effectively and economically carried on, (Continued on page 24)
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The Anniversary Convention rITH THE aid of five of the seven men who founded it at Cornell University in 1906, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity celebrated its 25th anniversary at the 23rd convention of the organization, the first on a biennial basis, held in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 29-31. More than 200 delegates registered and scores of other members of the fraternity came to Cincinnati for some of the special events. Alpha Alpha Chapter, Brother R. P. McClain, president, was host to the convention and Brother William N. Lovelace, Y.M.C.A. executive, headed the convention committee. St. Louis, Mo., was selected as the place for the 1933 meeting, to be held the last three days of December. There will be no 1932 conclave, the fraternity at its Atlanta convention in 1929 having voted to meet biennially. Officers Elected The following brothers were elected as officers to serve during 1932-33: president, Dr. Charles H. Wesley, professor of history at Howard University, Washington, D. C , and author of "The History of Alpha Phi Alpha" and other
By P. BERNARD YOUNG, Jr. Sphinx Editor
volumes; first vice-president, Charles W. Greene, Atlanta, Ga., insurance executive; second vice-president, William Warrick Oardoza, Ohio State University medical student; third vice-president, Thomas Henderson, Richmond, Va., high school teacher; secretary, Joseph H. B. Evans, Washington, D. C , insurance executive; treasurer, Percival R. Piper, Detroit, Mich., attorney; editor of The Sphinx, official journal, P. Bernard Young, Jr., managing editor of the Journal and Guide, Norfolk, Va.; director of educational activities, Matthew E. Carrol, Kansas City, Kansas educator; lay members of the executive council, William S. Randolph, Western Reserve University medical student; Dr. B. Andrew Rose, Dayton, Ohio physician; and William N. Lovelace, Cincinnati, Ohio, Y. M. C. A. secretary. The fraternity also voted to make the founders members of the executive council for life. The founders present were Brothers Dr. Henry A. Callis, as-
sociate professor of medicine at Howard University, Washington, D. C ; Charles H. Chapman, head of the department of agriculture, Florida A. and M. College, Tallahassee, Fla.; George B. Kelley, chief auditor, State Tax Department, Troy, N.Y.; Nathaniel A. Murray, high school teacher, Washington, D. C ; and Robert H. Ogle, clerk of Judtre James A. Cobb's court, Washington, D. C, Brother Verterner W. Tandy, New York City, architecture, was not present. The seventh founder, Brother James H. Morton, is deceased. Brother Dr. Rose, who was elected president at the 1927 Cleveland convention, retired from office, as did Brother Raymond W. Gannon, of Minneapolis, Minn., director of educational activities for several years, and Brother Robert P. Daniel, of Richmond, Va., acting second vice-president. Brothers Greene, Cardozo, Evans, Piper, Young, and Randolph were reelected to their respective offices. Cup Awards The McGee Cup was awarded to Xi Chapter of Wilberforce University and
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THE SPHINX the Balfour Cup was awarded to Alpha Tau Chapter of Akron, Ohio. These trophies go to those chapters whose outstanding activity and accomplishments place them in the front rank of the 80odd chapters of the fraternity. Honorable mention was given Alpha Omicron Lambda Chapter of Pittsburgh, the graduate chapter in that city. Invitations to hold the 1933 convention in their city came from Pittsburgh, Kansas City, and Washington, D. C, in addition to St. Louis, which was awarded the next meeting. Every year for the past several years a specially engraved and designed fraternity pin has been awarded at each convention to one of the seven founders. This year's pin went to Brother Dr. Callis. Each of the founders now wears this special pin. Of the registered members attending the convention, 88 were there as representatives of 52 chapters scattered throughout the United States. They were honor guests at numerous social functions. A beautiful gold watch was appropriately presented to Brother Dr. Wesley as a token of appreciation from the fraternity for his efforts in compiling and writing the fraternity history, now available in book form. The history is the first written of a Negro Greek-letter college fraternity or sorority.
At the suggestion of the Brother Rev. E H. Oxley of Cincinnati, the fraternity voted to investigate the possibilities of establishing an Alpha S c h o l a r s h i p Foundation of $25,000 in honor of the organization's 25th anniversary. A commission will be appointed to study plans for the creation of the foundation and for securing the necessary funds. The fraternity also voted $1,000 for scholarships to the outstanding students during the next two years. The educational department of the fraternity has a staff of 65 members doing educational work in 35 states and the District of Columbia. It uncovered and protested against various forms of racial discrimination in many mixed colleges in the North and West. Many measures of importance to the programs and plans of the fraternity were discussed and many of them were incorporated into the law of the organization. A completer record of the convention, including routine and confidential matters, will be available to the brothers in the minutes which will be distributed soon. Elsewhere in this issue are some of the outstanding reports and addresses made at the convention. Others, depending on their nature, will be published in forthcoming Sphinx issues, unless carried in the minutes.
Page 28 Western Brothers Meet While hundreds of brothers were on their way to Cincinnati for the Silver Anniversary conclave, a majority of the memberships of the chapters in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska were taking part in a "get-acquainted" informal meeting at the home of Brother Bishop J. A. Gregg in Kansas City, Kansas, on December 26. Brother Arnold Walker, of Beta Beta Chapter, acted as chairman of the group, and in developing a spirit of better understanding among the brothers of this region, the meeting was truly successful. Brother Bishop Gregg extended a hearty welcome ta the visitors and made all to feel perfectly at home in his new palatial dwelling. He told the group that they were the first fraternal gathering to enter, as such, and he assured them that his home would always be open to them. As the hours passed, graduate Alpha men found that although "their pictures were upon the wall," in college or out, they were brothers all, and they lived again in the glamor of their reminiscences. Undergraduates, listened attentively to the store of experience that their forerunners unlocked and added a word here and there. Chief among the speakers were Brothers Scruggs, Buster, Spears, and Bishop Gregg all of whose advice was greatly appreciated by the group.
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Continued from Page 21 This is truly a modest manifestation of the seemingly innate makeup of an Alpha man. Whither Our Program? Now just what Alpha will do with its educational program during the next two years is the question uppermost in the minds of all of us. I believe that there is unlimited space for the further development of our educational program. Colvin in his "Learning Process" says this about the individual: "The difference between the person who continues to make progress all through his life, and one whose real life is ended in his early manhood is, that the former always possesses an open mind and the attitude of finding in his environment further possibilities of adjustment." Brothers, this same statement might be made about the fraternity. Alpha Phi Alpha must keep an open mind, and we must foster and maintain the attitude of always finding in our educational program greater possibilities of service. The director's office will always welcome suggestions for bettering and spreading our educational program. Defense of Program On the convention floor it was hinted that our program had ended the period of effectiveness. No data were offered to substantiate such a charge, nor could it have been readily obtained, for I'm sure a careful scientific analysis of the situation would have shown that at the present time we have, as in direct or indirect result of our campaign, filled the universities with boys and girls seeking higher education. Now comes the task of directing these boys and girls into the fields which show the best chances for success. Brothers, this is Alpha's duty; we have no choice in the matter; we must adjust our program so that it will be effective where it is needed. Information, as we know along this line, so far as colored boys and girls are concerned, is "Aggravatinerly fragmentary." Adjustment
Can Alpha stop now and allow our college campuses to be stampeded with youths hungering for education, but with no other purpose in mind? I think not. We have as a result of our program created a condition which in itself is quite satisfactory, but certainly not an end where the fraternity is concerned. We must remember that the possibilities for new adjustments in our educational program are practically limitless.
Constructive Purposes Needed—Cardozo
A Word Of Greeting From Eastern Vice-President
By WILLIAM WARRICK CARDOZO Second Vice-President ELL, OUR Silver Anniversary has come and gone. Were you there? What part had you in the celebration ? Can you feel that you are truly the Alpha man you would like to be if you made no effort to be there; if you were not among those on the roll-call of the financial men? It is hardly so. Though you were not there in person your loyalty and all the other ideals you should have for your fraternity surely must have demanded that you make some sacrifice to be among those present in grand taxes. It is not too late. The convention is over. What we have done there all of you will learn,—should seek to learn, at your chapter meetings. I, personally, do not think, however, if you were not among us that you can quite get the picture your brothers at the convention saw. There they were, five of the seven men we revere so highly. Each of them just as interested now, twenty-five years later, as they must have been on that day they banded together. Each of them swearing to the other that they would be there with us twenty-five years hence. Could they have dreamed a quarter-century ago that they had produced such a brainchild for our group? It is hardly possible and yet—here we are. All of us— men of a common thought; men of a common purpose. You and you do not disagree with me because you do not believe what I say the way I say it. We are still of a common thought, a common purpose, but the way we attain the same differs with some. But how can we tell ? Have you expressed yourself in any other than in some disgruntled way about your own fraternity? Of course, you have ideas but how do your friends know, and why not express them or propose them in a practical, applicable way? It is something worth planning for the next twenty-five years. Your second vice-president wishes to express his appreciation for the confidence shown in him at the recent convention. He, herewith, states that his efforts in the future shall be like those in the past—to carry on the ideals and the program of our Fraternity to the best of his ability. Again, urging each of us to earnestly and sincerely bend our efforts not toward the critical and the disgruntled but toward the constructive, useful purposes in order that your and my beloved fraternity may be all we dream of it.
By THOMAS H. HENDERSON Third Vice-President T IS TO me a very happy privilege to begin working with you in a larger way for twenty-five years more of growth and success. In every respect our fraternity has wrought well in the first quarter century of its existence and yet there are steps still to be taken in developing a more perfect union and in service to mankind. With the inspiration that comes from our recent convention and from reflections on our tremendous progress and service since 1906 let us rededicate ourselves to the tasks before us and be not weary in doing them well.
Best Wishes And A Plea For Grand Taxes By PERCIVAL R. PIPER, Treasurer
NEW YEAR and a New Day.— The General Treasurer extends best wishes to all and thanks for the confidence and trust imposed in him by reelecting him as treasurer for another term. I shall do my best to conserve the funds of the organization and carry out its plans and dictates to the best of my ability. There would be soniethin-r missing if I did not mention something about grand taxes, so I shall not disappoint. Each chapter should seek to have its chapter represented 100 per cent in payment of grand taxes. This is the only way that we can make the budget operate successfully. Believe it or not, but action speaks louder than words and money talks. Send in your grand taxes and I will see to it that we create a good reserve fund which will enable us to do much larger things than we have in the past. You will be given a chance to say just what shall be done. Don't be a knocker, pay your grand tax and boost. If you do not like the other brother's plans confer with him and convince him that you are right. If you don't convince him you will know that he is the better man. The well laid plans of the Cincy convention was easily discernable b y the smooth way in which the work was carried out. Between 126 and 150 brothers enjoyed one of the most impressive and enjoyable banquets ever held. It would take a real poet to properly describe it. Our next one will be in St. Louis in the city of many beautiful and pleasantly entertaining ladies.
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j4n Able Officer Relinquishes His Post trusted again with the responsibilities of a high office in our fraternity. Service must always be pleasure when it combines purposeful ideals and sincere good fellowship.
By RAYMOND W. CANNON, Mu HAVE served this fraternity eleven years as a general officer. Nine of these years have been consecutive, I had the honor of serving twice as vice president when the fraternity had but one such officer. I was honored with the first editorship of The Sphinx, after which I resigned only to be called back by the fraternity some years later to serve as vice president and supervise the midwestern jurisdiction.
After one term in office I was elected to the presidency in which capacity I served Alpha Phi Alpha four consecutive years, two of which were accorded me by unanimous vote. I declined to be a candidate again, and the twentieth general convention created the department of educational activities and accorded me the honor of this office for four years, each time by a unanimous vote of the general convention. For all these honors I am deeply appreciative. I have endeavored at all times to discharge the duties of these offices in good faith and sincerity. During my terms as general president I saw the fraternity grow from 42 chapters to 73. The work has cost me much time and effort and during these years I have spent considerable of my own money in order to accomplish constructive work. Has Fond Memories In the years to come, as I look back, I shall cherish the fond memories of service, the friendships formed and the acquaintances made. It will be a source of great pleasure to reflect upon the fact that five of my terms in office were accorded by unanimous vote. It has been a pleasure to have served, to have worked with Alpha from the very early days of struggling in the face of many adversities. I have helped to b u i l d , helped to defend the fraternity before the public, helped in solution of the problems of the undergraduates; and it affords me extreme pleasure to know that it was my recommendation passed in the nineteenth convention which led to the publishing of our history (Min. XX, p. 33, item 19). It took nearly four years to properly organize the work of the office. I feel that I have served the fraternity to the best of my ability, considering the limited resources available, and that now the work should be passed on to other hands. The foundation has been laid for the greatest work of its kind in the world. It seems now that the fraternity ought to call this office one of our outstandingbrothers in the field of education. Reasons for Resignation Also, since the last general conven-
Cooperation Needed For Continued Strength By PERRY B. JACKSON General Counsel O THE hundreds of Alpha Phi Alpha Brothers who were unable to attend the Silver Anniversary Convention which was recently held in the Queen City on the Ohio River, may I say that you missed one of the finest conventions ever held. Those who attended came away with their minds filled with a greater knowledge of the history, traditions and ideals of our noble order, and hearts imbued with inspiration spurring them on to resolve for greater efforts. Meeting as we did in the midst of the period which has seen the greatest depression the world has ever known, Alpha Phi Alpha seemed to exemplify that spirit of optimism and that sort of determination which is able to surmount and overcome any difficulties. I predict that with the splendid corps of officers chose by the convention from the learned head on down and the cooperation of the Chapters and the rank and file of Alpha Phi Alpha members throughout the length and breadth of this land, Alpha Phi Alpha will be immeasurably strengthened by the renewed allegiance of old members and the induction of new blood into the fraternity.
tion. I have entered the practice of law; my practice is such that it demands all of my time and I am no longer able to serve the fraternity in this capacity. Accordingly, I am herewith tendering my resignation, with deepest thanks and appreciation to the membership for the honors bestowed upon me. I believe it best to resign as the convention opens in order that any of the brothers who feel qualified and inclined toward this work may contemplate being candidates. Our offices should not be filled on the spur of the moment because we want the best ability. And may I add that I am not a candidate for any other office.
Fine Spirit Of Fellowship Noted By WILLIAM S. RANDOLPH Member Executive Council T is to be hoped that the hundred odd delegates to Cincinnati have carried back to the fifty-two chapters represented some measure of that fine fellowship which marked the convention a huge success. Some important measures were passed, and the social functions were beyond our most ardent anticipations, but the great contribution of the '31 conclave seems to me to have been the manifest comradeship in the sessions and on the dance floor alike. And so it ought to be. The five beloved founders and the latest neophyte present must have experienced the same elation, the same re-charge of fraternity pride, as those of us who fall somewhere between the two in Alphadom. Truly we are re-dedicated to our aims of service and mutual devotion. I am very happy to have been en-
Cupid's Corner (Continued from page 17) ROTHER GEORGE E. DORSEY of Omicron Chapter, Pittsburgh, Pa., became the father of a son, William Randolph Dorsey, on December 3, 1931. The mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Randolph Dorsey, is none other than the sister of Brother "Bill" of the executive Council. ROTHER LAWRENCE D. FINLEY, teacher at McCaU Industrial School was married to Miss Mary Gordon, an Alpha Phi Alpha soror and one of the librarians in Cincinnati, on June 15, 1931.
LOYD COFER, assistant dean, Fisk University, is the father of a charming daughter, Dorothy E v o n. Mother and daughter were reported doing well at this writing. (Continued on page 29)
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^RESTON CLAUDELL LAWLESS, formerly of Beta Alpha Chapter, teacher of the McKinley High School, of Baton Rouge, La., outstanding former athlete and graduate of Morgan College was buried recently in Baton Rouge, the day after he was killed in an automobile accident in which the car he was driving was capsized and completely wrecked, bringing death to two and serious injuries to another couple. Brother Lawless did his elementary work in the public school of Baton Rouge and his high school work at Southern University and took his four year course at Morgan College where he graduated with the B.S. degree in the spring of 1930. While in college, he was an outstanding player on the varsity football team and received commendable mention in a number of newspapers, white and colored. During his short career in Baton Rouge as a teacher, he became prominent in the community. He was also baptized as a member of the Mount Zion Baptist Church and was active in religious activities. The high esteem in which he was held was evidenced by the mammoth crowd and the elaborate floral expressions and the telegrams received at the funeral services. Moving in cadence to the soft strains of "Nearer My God To Thee," the funeral procession, with the pastor and ministers in front, six flower girls dressed in white, bearing white flowers preceding the white casket, marched into the church. Following the casket were the active pall bearers and honorary pall bearers consisting of the fellow teachers and faculty members of McKinley High School and Southern University and the family and host of relatives and friends. Among the resolutions read at the services was one from the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, by Dr. J. Felton Brown, secretary of Sigma Lambda Chapter of New Orleans; expressions from Southern University by Dr. J. S. Clark, president of the University; resolutions from McKinley High School and the Negro schools of the City by Prof. J. M. Frazier, principal. The eulogy was given by Rev. J. A. Bacoats, president of Leland College and pastor of the Mount Zion First African Baptist Church of Baton Rouge. The procession was escorted by traffic police to the Magnolia Cemetery where
a student, and athlete and a gentleman This description fits him better probably than any other, but in order that y°° might see him through my eyes, I write another sentence to give my complete idea of him. Preston Claudell Lawless, one hundred and thirty-three pounds oi grit, strength, stamina, and courage, a» ingenious scholar, a superb athlete and ' Southern gentleman.
PRESTON CLAUDELL LAWLESS the remains of the young educator, outstanding athlete, and popular member of society were laid to rest in a cement sarcophagus, under a huge bank of beautiful flowers. Brother Lawless leaves to mourn their loss, a mother, father, brother, and a host of relatives and friends. —FREDERICK C. HOWARD
We'll Miss Him In Tribute to Preston Claudell Lawless ^EATH, THAT ever present, ever threatening, harvester of time has taken his first toll from Beta Alpha. It was inevitable that he should go but the suddeness of the accident makes .it hard for us to believe that Brother Preston Olaudell Lawless has been transferred to the Omega Chapter. "Press" was a grand fellow to know,
Enters Morgan It was in the fall of 1926 that th« State of Louisiana and the city of B»' ton Rouge entrusted to the iron-hors' one of its most stalwart sons bound for the little old State of Maryland, and Mor gan College. Here it was that we were to spent four of the happiest years oi our life. He came here, heralded as one of tto greatest kickers the South had ever produced. At a first glance one might imagine, because of his smallness of statue that his ability had been greatly e* aggerated, but on the field of play this doubt was quickly erased from one's mind. Time after time during the next four years his toe and iron nerve mean* to us the difference between defeat and victory. Never Faltered I can see him now standing in the shadows of our goal, arm outstretched, and as cool, calm, and collected as the Sphinx that guards the fleeting shadows and the drifting sands of the desert, ready to hurl his mighty foot into the ball and send it spiralling thru the air out oi danger. Never once have I known him to falter. At Morgan he was a charter member of Beta Alpha Chapter, a member of the Scientific Research Society, the Baldwin-Spencer Literary Society, the football team, baseball team, and class of '30. His Idealism Lingers As an Alpha man, I can say without fear of contradiction that his spirit and idealism will linger long in our memories; as a student he was a veritable genius in the chemistry lab.; as a member of the Baldwin-Spence Literary Society he was a staunch and true supporter; as a member of the class of '30 he was ever ready to ease the steps and lift the load of those that faltered on the road. To sum it all up in a few short words: Four glorious years of friendshipi
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THE SPHINX graduation . . . handshakes . . . a few tears . . . and then . . . Goodbye. The members of Beta Alpha Chapter and all his friends deeply mourn the loss of Brother Lawless. We'll miss him, but his friendship will always linger tenderly as a jewel to enrich our memory. —DANIEL "PINKY" CLARKE JOSEPH SPURGEON JOHNSON
older members of Gamma when he was an active member. Serving on committees, especially the social committee, he was influential in keeping the chapter's high standard of exceptional functions. The annual proms and unique boatrides were incomplete without him. By the same token, academic affairs at Virginia Union University were immeasurably richer by his participation. As a member of the Upper Classmen's Council and student instructor, he was an asset to the chapter and an inspiration to the students. Brother Taylor stayed at Virginia Union after graduation, from 1920 through 1926 he was professor of physics. This field was enriched by his exceptional ability as a mathematician and thinker. In the fall of 1926 he accepted the position of professor of physics at Shaw. During his stay of two years there he was again active in fraternity affairs, being a charter member of Phi Lambda Chapter and a valued advisor. For a while Prof. Taylor served Shaw as acting dean of men.
ftEV. JOSEPH SPURGEON JOHN1 SON'S death, January 1, 1932, cast a dark shadow over the educational, religious, and fraternal life of Richmond, Va. The mystic gloom which crept in at dawn of a new year has not yet disappeared, but daily one meets on the streets some one deploring the loss of a faithful teacher, a spiritual advisor, or a fraternal counsellor. Brother Johnson had been a teacher in the science department of the Armstrong High School for about 13 years. His congenial temperament, fatherly counsel, and fraternal spirit endeared him to his colleagues, and won for him deep appreciation from his pupils. During his years at Shaw Brother TayAt school he was known as the "ready lor won something more than local attenman." When cooperation was needed tion. In 1927 he conducted a survey he could be counted on, where charity of high schools for Negroes in North was needed he was a liberal donor, where Carolina and published the results in an counsel was wanted he was a cheerful article in School and Society for October helper. His proverbial smile, characterof that year. The next year he apistic handsake, and words of greeting plied his genius for mathematics and were a tonic to his many friends. logic to the common sense solving of a Aside from his career as a teacher, puzzle propounded by the British matheBrother Johnson was quite active as a matician, F. P. Ramsey in the Forum religious leader. At the time of his magazine. The puzzle included Zeno's death he was pastor of the Mount old paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise. Olive Church in Chesterfield County and of the Antioch Baptist Church in EsWon $100 Prize sex County, Virginia. Common sense said Achilles caught Although busily engaged as a teacher the Tortoise but mathematicians proved and a pastor Brother Johnson kept in that he didn't. Brother Taylor won the close touch with his much loved Gamma $100 prize offered for the most intelliChapter. He could be counted on as a brother, helper, and friend in all pro- gent answer to the puzzle by siding jects launched for advancement of Gam- with common sense over against the ma Chapter and for general fraternal mathematic proofs of Bertrand Russell uplift. The Chapter has lost a sincere and others. Bertrand Russell's and Ben friend whose memory will abide with L. Taylor's articles appeared in the Forus for years to come. Alpha Phi Alpha um, the former in the issue of Februhas lost a brother whose life was an epi- ary 1928 and the latter September of tome of the principles for which the fra- the same year. ternity stands. Since 1928 Brother Taylor waged a — (REV.) CHESTER A. LINDSEY losing battle to keep his health. Although advised to go to a sanatorium, BENJAMIN LANGSTON TAYLOR he believed he could fight it out at home. Twice he rallied. But over confidence 1D>ENJAMIN LANGSTON TAYLOR -*-* passed on to Omega Chapter on led him to strain himself and he sufSunday, January 17, 1932. Whereas, fered serious setbacks. Finally fate, Brother Taylor had been failing in health reversing Ben Taylor's method of winfor some time, those of us who were ning races, won with a scientific prefamiliar with him and his' work were cision. As a scholar Brother Taylor was loath to see him pass at such an early aa:e. He was not yet 34; born March promising material; as a fraternity man he was loyal and true; as a friend he 20, 1898. was generous and considerate; as a man Ben Taylor endeared himself to the
he was a gentleman. His family, his friends and his acquaintances are richer for having known Brother Benjamin Langston Taylor. Gamma is poorer for having lost him. —WALTER VAN JACKSON
The "Mother" Of Alpha Phi Alpha Writes The Frat A Letter
HE CONVENTION in Cincinnati very graciously voted to send an appropriate token to Mrs. Annie C. Singleton, affectionately known as the "Mother of Alpha Phi Alpha," when it received word during the sessions that she had met with a serious accident.
Mrs. Singleton is given credit by our Jewels for an important share in the establishment of our fraternity, and she is given a prominent mention in this connection in "The History of Alpha Phi Alpha." She now lives in Toledo, Ohio, at 717 Woodland Ave. The general secretary after the convention received an interesting letter from Mrs. Singleton. The letter is printed below: "I wish to express my deep and sincere appreciation for the thoughtful remembrance bestowed upon me by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, assembled in convention at Cincinnati, Ohio, December, 1931. I only regret that my mere words can compose no message commensurate to the emotions of gratitude and affection invoked within me by the recognition from the floor of the convention of my interest in the inception of the fraternity. "My estimation of your kind remembrance ranks second only to the justifiable pride I feel in the honor and privilege of being regarded as the mother of your great organization. I feel proud because I believe that Alpha Phi Alpha today represents the triumphant fruition of the magnificent dream that moved the Seven Jewels to assemble in my humble house many, many years ago; and I am extremely happy that I was able, in a very small way, to stimulate the realization of this dream through the trials and tribulations of early years. "In closing, may I renew my thanks to you and assure you that I shall always follow with keen interest the progress and achievement of Alpha Phi Alpha, with the abiding conviction that as the years roll by you will enjoy the full substance of the hopes and visions that inspired that handful of young men to bind themselves together at Ithaca, in 1906."
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MURDOCK WILLIAMS has been elected to membership in Fresh Painters, the only musical comedy organization of the University of Cincinnati. Brother Williams, who is a member of Alpha Alpha, rates highly as a pianist and composer, having written several musical numbers for the Painter's production last year. He broadcasts over WLW, Cincinnati. * * * * DR. J. E. BUSH, of Alpha Theta Theta Lambda, Dayton, Ohio, has perfected an invention which slices 15|16 from the usual time of making dental casts, an invention described as having all the ear marks of national importance. * * * * LAURENCE HOWARD of Nu Chapter is editor-in-chief of the Lincoln News, student Latin instructor, president of Phi Lambda Sigma honor society, member and officer of the Glee Club, and a class and chapter officer.
CLARENCE SHELTON of Nu Chapter holds many positions of honor at Lincoln University, chief of which are Y. M. C. A. president, student instructor, debating team, Athletic Association secretary, and assistant editor of Lincoln News. * * * * ERNEST SMITH is senior class president and captained the 1931 football team at Lincoln University (Pa.). An ex-president of Nu Chapter, he is now president of the Lincoln Interfraternity Council. * ÂŤ * * REGINALD FISHER and Edgar Russell of Tau Chapter are members of the University of Illinois Glee Club, Brother Fisher broadcasting every Wednesday from Station WILL. Brother Russell is a cabinet member of the University Y.M. C.A., and chairman of the university Interracial Council.
BROTHER CHARLES CARROLL of Alphn Omicron Lambda made a study of the Pittsburgh school situation, which he read at a recent meeting of his chapter, showing that there is not a single colored teacher in the entire Pittsburgh system. CHESTER SMITH, an Alpha Alp* Chapter pledgee, was varsity center a' the University of Cincinnati and was chosen on the second All-Ohio team and rated the outstanding sophomore player in the state. JOHN FLEMING has won numerals and a letter at the University of Cin-, cinnati in track.
* * * * WILBUR MEADE, a Kappa Chapter pledge, was named on the All-Ohio scholastic basketball team after the state tournament last year.
First Alpha Phi Alpha Convention-December 1908
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THE SPHINX M. CLINTON FELTON holds the Selden Scholarship Medal and is a member of Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Society at Lincoln University. * * * # JESSE ANDERSON is president of the Student Council at Lincoln University, an honor student, and officer in leading campus organizations. *
WILLIAM KIDD is president of the Lincoln University Medical Club, a former Nu Chapter officer, and popular student leader. * * # * F. LAWRENCE TEMPLETON, besides holding offices in numerous Lincoln University organizations, is assistant football manager and an honor student.
ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER won the interelass-fraternal indoor baseball tournament staged at West Virginia State College.
* * * * SHERWOOD "RED" BLUE was captain of the 1931 football team at Johnson C. Smith University, where he is a member of Alpha Omicron Chapter. » * • • E R. DUDLEY is North Carolina's intercollegiate tennis champion and a varsity player a t Johnson C. Smith University. He is a member of Alpha Omicron Chapter.
* * * * J. L. HOLLOWELL of Alpha Omicron is business manager of the Smith University "Bull" and an officer of the PanHellenic Council and Y. M. C. A.
* * * *
* * * *
DON JEFFERSON has produced carbolic acid made from benzine, a product of his which the University of Pittsburgh recently displayed at an exhibit. Brother Jefferson, a pharmacist, is a member of Alpha Omicron Lambda. * * * * CHARLES JACKSON, only four-letter athlete at Lincoln this year, graduated in the mid-year class. * # * * ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA CHAPTER is planning to present the Bennett College Quartette on March 4, for the benefit of its scholarship fund. The same singers were presented successfully by the chapter last year. * * * * WILLIAM "BILL" BELL of Kappa Chapter, now that he has finished his remarkable football career, is boxing m the Ohio State University intramural boxing tournament as a heavyweight.
H. T. RILEY of Iota Lambda has completed the required work for his master's degree at Indiana University. * # * * ALPHA PI LAMBDA CHAPTER finds that the introduction of some educational discussion is stimulating interest in its meetings.
* * * * RANDOLPH TAYLOR, former Tufts College three-sports star and coach at Johnson C. Smith University, is coaching the Kappa Chapter basketball team this year as it prepares to regain its preeminent place in the athletic realm. Brother Taylor is doing graduate work at Ohio State.
* * * * KAPPA CHAPTER'S Sphinx Club has among its membership the only three Aframericans who won freshmen football numerals: Borden Williams, formerly sensational high school player in Columbus; Joseph Dacen of Chicago, and Charles Allen.of Columbus.
* * * * FRANK GORDAN, ex-Kappa Chapter member and West Virginia State College professor, is in Russia where he went at the invitation of the Soviet Government to teach agriculture in southern Russia.
Washington, D. C. Later he came to New Orleans and for several years had the honor of being the only member of his race to serve on the Pediatric staff of the New Orleans Child Welfare Association. After the wedding ceremony t h e brother and his bride left by motor for Baton Rouge, La., where they will reside. (ROTHER H. I. WILSON, one of Cincinnati's dentists, was married to Miss Luberta Moone last October. Mrs. Wilson received her M. A. degree from the University of Cincinnati in June and is a member of Delta Sigma Theta. A CORRECTION N the last issue of The Sphinx, the editor reported Brother W. Roderick Brown of Alpha Omicron Lambda, as the proud father of a future Alpha sweetheart. Brother Brown calls us to say that the report is grossly exaggerated. He was confined to his home at the time, but says that this was the result of a broken ankle. He denies that he had a baby.
* * * * J. A. CARTER, principal of Atkins High School, Winston-Salem, N. C, has succeded in having his school listed among the twenty approved as class "a" by the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges.
* * * * ROSCOE CARTER and Lloyd Brown won the prizes offered for the best acts in the Delta Sigma Theta Jabberwock at West Virginia State College.
Cupid's Corner Continued from Page 25 UPID was very accurate with his shots into the ranks of Sigma Lambda Chapter during the Christmas holidays. On Wednesday, December 30, 1931, Brother Dr. J. Felton Brown was married to the charming and popular Miss Josie Marie Collins. The ceremony was performed by Father Keane at the rectory of Holy Ghost Catholic Church and was private. The only witnesses were Miss Claire Collins, sister of the bride, and Brother Whitney M. Haydel. The present Mrs. Brown is a graduate of Xavier College, New Orleans, La. Since her graduation she has established a fine record as a teacher on the faculty of the St. Mary Parish Training School, Franklin, La. Brother Brown came to Sigma Lambda Chapter from Beta Chapter at Howard University, Washington, D.'C'., where he received his college and medical education. After graduation from the medical school Brother Brown served a year as an interne at Freedmen's Hospital,
Alpha Welcomes INITIATED AT ALPHA MU: William S. Thompson. INITIATED AT ALPHA UPSILON: Leroy Walker Dues and Horace F. Bradfield. INITIATED AT N U : John Maupin, Keith Hall, Norman Gaskins, Herbert Wheelding, Warren Smith, Harold Minus, and H. Alfred Farrell. INITIATED AT ALPHA RHO: Marion B. Edmunds, Wilbur H. Sullivan, Morris E. Tipton, and L. Raymond Bailey. INITIATED AT ALPHA THETA: Thomas Bond and Voris Dickerson. INITIATED AT ALPHA P H I : James Barber, Robert Bonner, George L. Edwards, Sidney F. Johnson, Thomas P. Williams, and Waldo Williams. INITIATED AT ALPHA OMICRON: W. David Coaxum, Devane, J. Edwin Hairston, Herman H. Hill, Miller, Thomas S. Martin, H. Rembert Malloy, Prior, Emery L. Rann, John B. Thompson, J. Leslie Smith, Albert Sumner, and Frank Walker. INITIATED AT ALPHA ALPHA: J. F. Seals, John Fleming, Henry Ferguson, S. Murdock Williams, and Culbreth B. Cook, Jr.
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Tbe Interfratemity Forum High Mark
standing money contributions to civic unemployment committees. We also are proud of our circulating library of important professional publications. At eight years of age, we extend west to Chicago, north to New York, south to Alabama; and are aiding each year more chapters of alert, energetic, and serviceloving womanhood. So we as teachers are proud to extend our hand and heart to you, Alpha Ph' Alpha, and all such organizations of intelligent, broadminded men and women engaged in raising the standard of the Negro and humanity.
By MAUDE E. BROWN, Grand Basileus Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority APPRECIATE this opportunity to extend greetings to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, and to briefly state some of the achievements of our sorority for the year 1931. In behalf of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, I wish for your fraternity the success that has characterized its efforts since its organization. We look with pride upon your fraternity, which has been a potential factor in deciding the moral, social, and educational status of our group.
From the reports made at our fourteenth annual boule in Cincinnati, we found that Alpha Kappa Alpha had reached a high mark in the accomplishment of Greek-letter organizations. Upon investigation of scholastic rating in the universities and colleges, we found that Alpha Kappa Alpha held first place in scholarship among all the fraternities, sororities, and other organized groups on the campus of the University of Kansas, University of Minnesota, West Virginia State College, Morgan College, Colorado State College, and Lincoln University at Lincoln, Missouri. Miss Hazel Brown, a teacher of English in the high school of Kansas City, Missouri, the recipient of our second foreign fellowship, completed a year's study in English philology at the University of Berlin and attended the boule, at which time she made a report of her studies and visits in Germany, France, and other countries. It is interesting to know that Miss Brown's work was done in German and upon completion of her course, she was awarded first honor. Miss Merz Tate, a teacher of history in Crispus Attucks High School at Indianapolis, Indiana, was awarded our third foreign fellowship of $1,000. Miss Tate has her M. A. from Columbia University, and has studied French history at the Sarbonne. She will study a t Oxford. It was recommended to the boule to consider increasing the scholarship to $2,000 for two years. From reports given, we found there was an increase of $500 in the amount of local scholarships given for 1931 over the amount for 1930, in spite of the depression. In addition to this, we found that our chapters had contributed over $1,000 to unemployment funds—and for this year we have pledged ourselves to aid the unemployment situation in every
To You, To Us—Good Luck
MISS MAUDE BROWN Grand Basileus Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
way possible in our communities. Toward this end we established a clearing house for the unemployed in the professional group. I believe our big task is to develop character in the boys and girls, the right attitude toward life and themselves, and to help create sound business institutions in which they may be employed after completing work in their respective fields. —MAUDE E. BROWN
At Eight Years Of Age By JULIA GOENS, Supreme Basileus Phi Delta Kappa Sorority HI DELTA Kappa Sorority extends her sincere wishes for a successful year in all the worthy plans of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. We, a young organization, are joined in true sisterhood to serve in the edi>cation of tomorrow's citizens, through the most modern techniques of teaching. Through our financial efforts last year, we have enabled many high school graduates to attend normal schools and teachers' Colleges. Promising grammar school pupils have received money awards to aid in their high school careers. We have donated to the relief of the present distressing situations by giving free meals to needy children, sending baskets to poor families, and donating out-
By GLADYS BYRON-SHEPPERD President, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority ELTA Sigma Theta Sorority extends greetings to Alpha Phi Alpha and to all Greek-letter fraternities and sororities. At this, the dawn of the new year we find our hearts and minds filled with plans for achievements which will be as a torch held high, beckoning our youth on to higher and finer attainments. The past two years for D. S. T., have been years of purposeful and effective internal organization which portends a greater capacity for service. Our scholarship and loan funds have been increasingly active, the most outstanding of which are a loan of $500 a scholarship of $200 to the University of Pennsylvania, and another of $150 to Radcliff College. We are pleased to announce the establishment of eleven new chapters: Alpha Eta—Virginia State College, Va.; Alpha Theta—Lincoln University, Mo.; Alpha Iota—Wiley College, Texas; Alpha Kappa—Samuel Houston College, Texas; Alpha Lambda—North Carolina College, N. C ; Omicron Sigma—Tulsa, Okla.; Pi Sigma—Nashville, Tenn.; Rho Sigma—Shreveport, La.; Sigma Sigma—Austin, Texas; Tau Sigma—Birmingham, Ala.; Upsilon Sigma—Baton Rouge, La.; And the reestablishment of three: Delta—University of Iowa; Xi—Louisville, Ky.; Gamma—University of Pennsylvania. We have continued our policy of holding regional conferences in the spring of each year, and our national convention
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School, Baltimore, out on maternity leave since 1931; wife of a physician, native of Memphis, and a graduate of Wilberforce and Chicago Universities; lives at 1063 Myrtle Avenue, Baltimore.
biennially. So far this policy has proved very effective. Delta Sigma Theta desires sincerely to cooperate in every way for the opening of more doors for college youth, and for helping them to be ready to enter after the doors are opened. The next two years will find us at work with you, doing our bit for our splendid young men and women; and to you, and to usâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Good Luck!
KAPPA ALPHA PSI Met at Kansas City, Mo. Sel e c t e d Charleston, W. Va. as the 1932 meeting place and, in an unusual departure, chose the 1933 meeting place, Chicago. Elected officers: A. Moore Shearin, Durham, N. C , grand polemarch; W. H. J. Beckett, St. Louis, grand senior vice polemarch; Jas. M. Coggs, Washington, D. C , grand junior vice polemarch; J. Ernest Wilkins, Chicago, grand keeper of records and exchequer; T. S. Ledbetter, Atlanta, grand strategus; and L. A. Atkinson, Los Angeles, grand It. strategus.
By A. MOORE SHEARIN Grand Polemarch Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity APPA ALPHA PSI appreciates the courtesies always extended by its fellow Grecians, Alpha Phi Alpha, and sincerely trusts that our combined efforts in endeavoring to direct the young Negro towards a higher education through our national programs, Go-toHigh-School, Go-to-College and "Guide Right Week," will meet a greater response this year. We believe that with the added assistance of the National Urban League, our efforts will be rewarded to a larger degree. The Kansas City convention was the greatest in history, in attendance, legislation, and social activity. There was nothing new attempted. Our efforts were directed towards the strengthening of our present organization inwardly. Greetings from those fraternities and sororities which responded to the request of The Sphinx for a word of greeting and a summary of their chief activities and ac c o mpli* hments are herewith supplemented with brief resumes of the Christmas holiday conventions and other related information: DELTA SIGMA THETA Met at Pisk University, Nashville, Tenn. Chose Chicago as the next convention city. Changed the date of meeting to the last week in August to give the delegates an opportunity to attend the World's Fair. In Chicago will be the guest of Theta Sigma and Lambda Chapters. Announced that after the 1933 meeting the sorority will return to Christmas holiday meetings. Elected officers: Mrs. Gladys ByronShepperd, Baltimore, president; M i s s Naomi R. Cherot, Kansas City, Mo., first vice-president; Miss Escobedo Sarreals, New York City, a Fisk student, second vice-president; Mrs. Edna Johnson, Gary, Ind., secretary; Miss Marian Palmer,
Re-elected three members of the board of directors: Elder W. Diggs, Indianapolis; Carl R. Johnson, Kansas City; Fred R. Clements, Institute, W. Va. The new member of the board is R. S. Stout, Tulsa.
MISS JULIA GOENS Grand, Basileus Phi Delta Kappa Sorority
Norfolk, Va., treasurer; Miss Edna Kinchion, Belton, Texas, treasurer; and the following regional directorsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;eas t e r n , Mrs. Sheppard; midwestern, Mrs. Bonnie O. Smith, Detroit, Mich.; southwestern, Miss Kinchion; southern, Miss Susan Cowan, Little Rock, Ark; and far western, Miss Heba Mack, Los Angeles. Awarded the Delta Sigma Theta scholarship to Miss Augusta Emanuel of New York City, a Phi Beta Kappa h o n o r graduate of Syracuse University, who has studied at Sorbonne U n i v e r s i t y , Paris, where she will return to further her study on the scholarship. Presented a gold engraved compact to the retiring president, Mrs. Anna J. Thompson of Washington, in appreciation for services she rendered. Reported scholarships ra n g i n g amounts from $100 to $300 awarded chapters of the sorority, donating books by chapters to libraries, and local sponsoring of essay contests.
in by of the
Reported an attendance of 150, including 30 delegates from a majority of the sorority's 52 chapters. Glowed at knowledge of scho 1 a s t i c achievements of chapters at Howard, Fisk, Talladega, and of individual members in numerous localities. T.earned of their new president, Mrs. Sheppard: teacher at Coppin N o r m a l
Granted new charters to chapters at Lincoln University at Jefferson City, Mo.; North Carolina College for Negroes at Durham, N. C ; and the Tennessee A. and I. College at Nashville. Stressed a housing program, announced that a housing fund to aid chapters in various schools now amounts to $7,500. Were addressed, among others, by Bishop John A. Gregg (Alpha Phi Alpha), who as president of Wilberforce University conferred a degree upon Kappa President Shearin. Announced that at the 21st annual grand chapter there were 107 members representing 23 chapters. Described the 1932 convention as the best in the fraternity's history. Appointed a committee composed of the board of directors to investigate means by which the Negro's status may be advanced during the present economic crisis. Named another committee to determine the desirability to establish more chapters in the South, now that more colleges meet Kappa requirements for chapter setting-up. ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA Met at Cincinnati, Ohio. Chose Los Angeles, Cal., as the next meeting place, August 13 to 17, with the eight chapters of the Far West entertaining. Elected officers: Miss M a u d e E. Brown of Louisville, Ky., who was the first anti-basileus, succeeded Mrs. Maud-
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elle Bousfield of Chicago as the national basileus. Mrs. Hattie Jones Edwards of Indianapolis, is now the first anti-basileus, while Miss Octavia Jones of Columbus, is the second anti-basileus. Mrs. Margaret Davis Bowen of this city, who was the general chairman of the 1931 boule committee, was elected national grammateus, succeeding Mrs. Gladys A. Pullum, who was defeated in the race for basileus. Miss Alice Magee of St. Louis, succeeds Mrs. Theresa C. Alexander as the national epistoleus. The persons re-elected to a national office include Mrs. Ethel Hedgeman Lyle of Philadelphia, honorary basileus and founder of the sorority, who remains the tamiouchoeus; Mrs. Jessie H. Roy of Braddock, Pa., editor-in-chief of The Ivy Leaf; Mrs. Thelma Berlack-Boozer of New York City, director of the North Atlantic region; Dr. Zenobia G. Gilpin of Richmond, Va., director of the South Atlantic region; Mrs. Carolyn Blanton of L o u i s v i l l e , Ky., director of t h e Southern region, with Misses M. Viola Butler of Houston, Texas, and Clara Dogan of Marshall, Texas, as deputies in this territory. Also Miss Blanche L Hayes of St. Louis, director of the Central region; Miss Theresa Barker of Kansas City, Mo., director of the Mid-western region; Miss Ida L. Jackson of Berkley, Calif., director of the F a r Western region. Mrs. Mattie D. Jackson of this city was elected to direct the Great Lakes region, succeeding Mrs. Bowen. Among other awards to chapters presented the local scholarship cup to Omega Omega of Philadelphia, a foreign fellowship cup to Alpha Mu Omega of Indianapolis, and an achievement cup to Alpha Kappa Omega of Houston, Tex. Broadcast a special half hour program from Cincinnati's Radio Station, WLW. Announced that 177 delegates registered at the convention from 85 chapters, that more than 200 sorors were in the city during the convention. Made a pilgrimage to the Paul Laurence Dunbar home in Dayton, Ohio, and to WilberforceUniversity. ZETA PHI BETA Met at Indianapolis, Ind. Announced that ten states were represented at the conclave. Announced no special achievements, no scholarship awards, no chapter expansion, no next place of meeting. Newspaper reports stated: "Not only did reports show that splendid work had been done by the national officers, but also proved that a maiority of the chapters had been wide awake and active." Had no press release which indicated the election or re-election of officers, except to say that Mrs. Fannie Givens, Louisville, Ky., is the grand basileus, and Miss Venetia Nichols, Atlanta, Ga., is secretary.
, - \ . \ ^M?i\ ."WM A. MOORE SHEARIN Grand Polemarch Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity PHI DELTA KAPPA Met at Atlantic City, N. J. Chose New York City as the next meeting place, with Theta Chapter as hostess. Elected officers: Julia Goens, Atlantic City, basileus; Gertrude Robinson, New York, first anti-basileus; 2nd anti-basileus, Star Goodman, Birmingham, Ala.; 3rd anti-basileus, Mamie Gordon, Charleston, W. Va.; Helen Hoxter, Atlantic City, epistoleus; Ethel Lewis, Baltimore, Md., grammateus; Agnes F r e e m a n , Washington, D. C , tamiouchoeus; Gladys C. Cannon, Jersey City, tamias. SIGMA GAMMA RHO Met at Atlanta, Ga., invading for the first time a southern city. Adopted a new ruling making it mandatory that nil sorority officers hold degrees from accredited colleges. Remembered that it was the sorority's seventh annual boule, recalled that despite the fact that it was the youngest of national sororities it had made notable strides. Cited this history of itself: founded at Indianapolis by a group of professional women interested in all phases of education, who had at heart the furthering of education, who incorporated in its
constitution a provision for a scholarship fund contributed to now liberally by its chapters. Witnessed the presentation of a $.r>0 scholarship at the convention mass meeting to the principal of Atlanta's colored high school by Gamma Chapter of that city. Made a pilgrimage to Tuskegee Institute, placed a wreath on the grave of Booker T. Washington. Added another ruling, in line with that compelling officers to hold degrees, requires pledgees to have completed a two year college course with the aim of completing the course with a degree before becoming a soror. Voted because of economic conditions not to hold a boule in 1932, will have instead a meeting of the sorority's official board and officers. In 1933 the sorority will go to Chicago. Elected officers: Edythe M. S c o t t , grand basileus, Indianapolis; B e r t h a Black, anti-grand basileus, Terre Haute, Ind.; Nila L. Pettiford, grand grammateus, Terre Haute, Ind.; Evelyn Briscoe, grand tamiochoeus, Indianapolis; Ruth Armstrong, grand organizer, St. Louis, Mo.; Hazel L. Mosby, editor of the Aurora, official organ of the sorority; Beatrice Fox, chairman publicity committee; Dr. E. L. Ashburn, parliamentarian. The board of directors include Clara M. Pitts, Fannie O'Bannon, Florence Barker, Lucy Brooks and Roberta Anderson. OMEGA PSI PHI Omega Psi Phi did not hold its convention during the holidays, as it usually does. Loss of funds in a Philadelphia bank, belonging to the national organization, was given as one reason. A vote of the chapters was against holding a national convention under the circumstances. The last convention had voted to go to Houston, Texas. Omega, however, continued to rank high in prestige and achievement. PHI BETA SIGMA As far as could be learned, Phi Beta Sigma held no convention during the holidays. It was understood that it would meet in Indianapolis, but no reports of the meeting, if it was held, appeared in the newspapers. Phi Beta Sigma is the youngest of the four Negro Greek-letter fraternities. Attorney Arthur Mitchell of Chicago is its president.
Fraternity Fun Continued from Page 18 him to say he was a dirt farmer (my notes were evidently wrong because I had jotted down "dirty farmer"). I asked him what his best crop was and he said, "his childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;two girls." I Continued on Page 33
Pa«e 33
An Observation and An Indictment lOME of the Negro newspapers carried an article, shortly before Christmas of last year, to the effect that President Howe of Hampton Institute, has made it known to the students of that institution that college fraternities and men belonging to fraternities are not to be tolerated at Hampton. Certainly, we do not feel that we are in a position either to justify or condemn the attitude taken by President Howe. Nevertheless, we cannot help but feel that this attitude on the part of the president of such an institution both demands and deserves the serious consideration not only of fraternity men but of all of those who aspire to such a brotherhood. Surely these organizations have not existed and prospered all of these years (some twenty or more) to the detriment of the schools concerned and in turn to the men who constitute their membership. We are rather inclined to believe that because of the type of material of which these "frats" were composed, because of their rapid growth and their obvious accomplishments, that they do embody worthy purposes and n o b l e ideals. Started With High Ideals However, for fear that we should find it necessary to take you on a much too long imaginary journey into the remote past, we shall not attempt to paint for you, as we are tempted to do, perfect pictures of perfect organizations, both in names and deeds. On such a journey you would certainly see the purposes and ideals which are most characteristic of these organizations, "in action." In short, we believe that these fraternities, not one, but all of them, were organized and actually worked for a goodly number of years as they are doing now in rare instances, upon strong principles, high ideals, and with almost flawless dispositions. Among the other elements which characterized the purposes and ideals of these organizations were high standards of moral conduct, high scholarship, executive and leadership ability. Fortunately, for the "brothers" of old, conditions and circumstances were more favorable for their living up to the high ideals as set up by themselves, than for "brothers" of succeeding generat i o n s . There was not the great influx of the "mass production" in the "frats of old" that we have become so well acquainted with in our more recent years. Naturally then, they cherished their ideals, held a very devoted and almost sacred regard for their respective groups, and thus placed a very high premium upon membership into their organizations. Surely they did not go about lassoing and
By B. T. WALDO SMALLEY, Beta Gamma (In the Virginia Statesman)
coercing men into their groups. They stood silently by and bestowed upon those who had both the ability and desire to come, the honor of knocking. Only thru this method were the doors opened unto them. And the chosen few, who "made the grade," could not help but feel that they had made an accomplishment which would glorify their lives. Present Situation Regrettable Today, especially in many of our Negro institutions, where the college department has not been very long in existence, the picture is quite a different one—in some cases a regrettable one. We have exactly the same fraternities, with possibly an addition. The organizations still represent the same ideals and purposes. No, it is not the absence of these elements as such that is responsible for the apparent degradation. But it is largely true, because of our immature thought, combined with our spirit of "mass production"—our attempts to outnumber the other fellow's organization for the purposes of assuring our respective groups the foremost place in the athletic limelight of the school and the advantage of the majority of votes in cases of elections. Paradoxically as it may seem, for the most part, we mean well; but the great detriment lies in the fact that we are too intellectually barren to know what is good to do, and too morally weak to do the thing which we believe is right in the face of the rabble. We give but little or no thought and attention to the development and care of the integrity of that most elusive thing designated as "school spirit." We pay little attention likewise to the development of a strong and wholesome morale among ourselves. Nearly All Greeks Indeed we should be most unusual if all of our seven or eight hundred students should be found to be the so-called "superiors"—above the average in intelligence. According to the law of averages, such a miracle seldom occurs. To our regret, many of us are on the "average line" and still there are others who have not ascended to this height. Yet, according to the memberships of our fraternities and sororities at dear old State, which represent the "superiors," we have no poor nor average among us—all of us with the exception of about six or eight, who on their own volition are desirous of remaining "out-
side" for the great novelty of being different, are either "frat m e n , " o r "sorors" or on the straight and narrow path to the "kingdoms." Indeed, those "outside" are like the needle in the hay stack to us, and present a very curious picture. What a novelty it must be to these "curious" fellows to look on at the mad scramble and be different—and be men! Surely we regret very much, though it is not unusual, that our student group at State is not comprised wholly of "superiors." For, as we have seen, our fraternal structures here include practically all of the students of the entire student body and consequently make up heterogeneous rather than homogeneous groups. Develops Spiritless Spirit Furthermore, we believe that it is this more than anything else at State that is responsible for our inability to organize as a student body for the purpose of governing ourselves and handling some of the situations which are both natural and necessary in the full development of the lives of college students. We have become disintegrated, lacking in initiative, and finally have developed within the group a "spiritless spirit" and a low morale—all of which is a direct result of our inability and our refusal to think and act in terms of and for the welfare of the entire group. It is our clannishness and our desires to bring glory to our personal groups at any cost that have defeated our original purpose. We cannot afford to forget that there are some things, even in our college life, which are bigger than our "frats" and greater than the individual. The sooner we realize and admit ou.' shortsightedness, the sooner we return to the original purposes and ideals of our fraternity life, the better we shall be for it. The sooner we catch that unpopular ghost—"school spirit," the better and greater will be dear old V. S. C. President Howe may be right or wrong in his attitude. Be that as it may. Yet there is one thing we do strongly feel. We believe that after analyzing the situation at Virginia State, fraternities and sororities are not serving the best interests if they continue to make a totality of group action impossible.
FRATERNITY FUN Continued from Page 32 heard Brother Rose ask Brother Shepard to sing the St. Louis Blues when the next meeting place was announced. I heard the crack about the triple elixir of Alpha Spirits. I heard Brother Cannon make an inspired and impassioned plea for the education budget
Page 34 I smelled Brother Hamilton's sen-sens at the Delta dance. I smelled Brother Beamons "triple distilled corn," also Brother Douglass' omnipresent corn-cob pipe, and Brother Stone's eggnog at Covington. I saw Brother Piper fall soundly asleep at Covington while the "gang" danced gaily to the strains of "I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you." I saw Brother Evans joyfully gather Soror Evans in his arms for a dance (at Covington) even though I knew he must be dead tired. Oh, I saw lots of people about whom I should like to write, but my editor boss is frowning. I saw Brother Auzenne and his bride, the former Miss Antonia Thomas of Washington, D. C. Yes, of course, there was ubiquitous Perry Jackson, Silas Garner, Myles Page, Matthew Carrol, the news director of education, the debonair Cardoza, the aspiring Brother Lovelace, the new member of the executive council, and the very tired, perspiring Brother T. M. Berry, and Bob Jackson from Covington. I greatly missed Brothers Oscar Brown, Jas. Pierce, Waymand Ward, Ellwood Downing, and Prexy Florence.
THE SPHINX Overheard at the Manse Hotel (names deleted): Landlady: "I will not allow lady visitors!" Delegate: "Will you allow men visitors?" Landlady; "Certainly!" Delegate: "Then my girl friend will take the room." Fresh in My Memory The big butter-and-egg man called Delegate Randall from out where the West begins. That delightful luncheon a few of us politicians had as guests of the Armistice Club, Wednesday at noon. Typical Cincinnati Justice—Rastus' lawyer was informing him on the legal status of his matrimonial relationship and his chances for a divorce; "Mistuh Johnson, I has discivered I can get you yo' divorce on the grounds that yo' marriage ain't legal on account of her father he had no license to carry a gun." Reincarnated gentleness—The docile, suave and friendly Brother Dubois. The educational bloc—Jewel Chapman, Prof McGuiness of Xi Chapter, Brother B. T. Harvey, Brother Carrol, Brother Pyant, Brother Miller.
The Jewel Bloc—Brother Murray, Callis, Ogle, Chapman, Kelly. Statistics on Delegates Most generous—M. C. Clark and M- SMorning of the Armistice Club. Most popular—Brother Chas. WesleyMost admired—Brother Wm. Bell. Most humorous—Brother Shepard. Most telegrammed—Brother J. IJLewis. Most sedate—Brother Oxley. Most argumentative -Brother Sidney Jones. Best looking—Brother P. C. Piper. Most surprising — Brother Malvin Goode. Most debonair—Brother Joseph Evans. Most relieved—Brothers Cannon and Rose. Most political—Brother Cardoza. Most composed—Jewel Callis. Best dancer—Brother Grigsby Worst dancer—Jewel Murray. Most informative—Brothers Berry, McClain and Lowe. Best dresser—Brothers Piper and Evans. Most vexed—Brother W. F. Jerrick. Most checkmated—Brothers Auzenne, P. B. Young, and Winters—(recent benedicts).
General Secretary J. H. B. Evans In His Office
Pajr« 35
Reclaiming Those Who Stray By N. A. MURRAY, Jewel
S FAR back as 1925, when the writer was guest founder at the Detroit convention, down to the Richmond and Philadelphia conventions, there has been a very noticeable increase in the number of unfinancial brothers and unrepresented chapters. In other words, the number of financial brothers and chapters has not kept pace with the rapid growth of the fraternity. To what is this great amount of delinquency due? Has the era of depression, which seems to grip both this country and the countries of Europe, been the potential factor? In some cases the latter statement has been the cause, but the writer believes that the great amount of delinquency must be attributed to other and more common causes or reasons. Suggestions Are Offered Like an army that advances to a certain destination or objective as the result of well executed and coordinated plans, halts and consolidates its forces, in order to hold the gains it has made, the writer believes that the time is ripe for Alpha Phi Alpha to do likewise, its purpose being to protect what it now has and to go forth and reclaim those who have apparently been out of touch with the real Alpha Phi Alpha spirit. This is the problem that the writer does not feel qualified to solve. However, there 's a number of suggestions he has in mind, that are offered in hope that the observance of them may react to stimulate a greater desire on the part of those strayed brothers. Many of the strayers reside at the seat of our undergraduate and graduate chapters. Why have these brothers not kept pace with the great onward movement of Alpha Phi Alpha? Why is it that these brothers are habitually absent from chapter meetings? Heart-to-Heart Talk Advised partial answer to the foregoing is that these brothers need a real heart-toheart talk, with a view of re-acquainting themselves as to how absolutely necessary it is for them to continue to affiliate with their local chapters, as they did in the beginning of their undergraduate days. The fraternity needs them as necessary, integral parts of its forward-moving program. Brothers, do n ° t make the mistake of stressing the need of their returning merely to help °ut in some financial program, because that is not the idea the writer wishes to convey. Such is not the idea. Let the brother he persuaded by personal visits and talks, to come out and see for himself what a wonderful thing \\ jg to be A
Brother Murray herewith sets forth some suggestions for the reclaiming of brothers strayed from the fold of Alpha Phi Alpha. The problem of reclamation merits some serious consideration and we trust Brother Murray's plan will receive the mature consideration it deserves. The straying brother errs through carelessness alone—he yet retains the Alpha Phi Alpha spirit in his heart. It then remains for us to bring about his reclamation. Read well what one of our Jewels has set down here for us.
a part of Alpha Phi Alpha, the efforts of which will live forever. It will take much work, much wise thought and planning, many sacrifices both of time and money, to accomplish this. But after all, if Alpha Phi Alpha means anything, it means putting service above self. Another suggestion which the writer wishes to mention is for those who are to take charge of this reclamation program to arrange their meetings with a view of making such meetings so interesting and inviting that once the strayed brother comes out he will be so well pleased that he will recognize the folly of further inactivity on his part. He may better serve as an example for others to follow and his influence will be found to react for the better. Be Ye Not Discouraged Do not get discouraged in your personal visits and efforts to rehabilitate brothers who will tell you "yes," in order to get rid of you and then fail to appear. All who are interested in the strayed brother or brothers should grasp this opportunity to put service above self. Go after that brother in your own car or even hire a taxicab, if necessary,, to impress him with the real need the local chapter has for his presence and influence. Expense should be uncounted, when the reward justifies the expense. For, after all, what good is Alpha Phi Alpha to any of us if it does not teach us that, as a servant of all, we must transcend all through service? Each chapter which desires to make these reclamation suggestions worthwhile should head up its local chapter with a corp of officers the enthusiasm of which is radiated outside the chapter
meeting. Provide a budget for just such
work and let it be known through extensive advertising among the brothers that such a campaign is being put on. Do not let the personal element govern you in going after a delinquent brother. Whether you like a given assignment or not, it is your duty as a brother in Alpha Phi Alpha to carry out to the best of your known ability any chapter tasks given you. Only by putting service above self will this suggestive program of reclamation hope for a successful end. Avoid Excess Politics Aim to cut out too much politics in the selection of your chapter officers. Select only those brothers for nomination who possess qualities of lead e r s h i p , scholarship and character, that you may feel pride in having them as leaders. Get rid of the machine politics, whereby so many chapters are handicapped in carrying out any kind of program, which program should always react to the glory and fame of dear old Alpha Phi Alpha. This latter suggestion can only be done by selecting as officers those with known ability to lead and who are not candidates for office. In many cases such brothers have refrained from allowing their names to be considered as candidates for office because of the known antipathy of the machine group towards their candidacy. Alpha Phi Alpha is not a fraternity in which a few brothers can hope to claim all the benefits for meritorious achievement. Alpha Phi Alpha means "all," and only by having all take part can we hope to achieve those things and ideals embodied in our preamble, which your founders fought so hard to perfect, in order that yeu might enjoy the benefits arising from being affiliated with a group of college men which has banded itself together in order to transcend all through service. Conditions Are Deplored As a founder of our great and glorious fraternity, no one feels more keenly the results of the political and machine conditions that have been allowed to creep into many of our chapters and to destroy the interest and enthusiasm prevailing at the time such chapter was ororganized. Many good brothers, and likewise many potential men, have been lost to the fraternity as a whole because of machine politics. The joys and enthusiasm which the delegates to the earlier conventions received and carried home with them to their respective chapters seem to be dead. Your writer can recall how vividly he listened, tq the reports of the various,
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delegates. There was real inspiration and it was the real Alpha Phi Alpha spirit, present in those days, that carried us on, up and over the top. I long for a return of those days. Then the familiar slogan was, "Do all you can for dear old Alpha Phi Alpha." Alpha Phi Alpha Must Awake Today the slogan is, "Have you paid your grand tax?" If you have not you will not be allowed to take part in any of the entertainment features that have arisen (much to the sorrow of the writer)
out of the too rapid growth of the fraternity. Brothers, Alpha P h i A l p h a needs a real awakening from its lethargy. It is asleep and things are transpiring in many of the local chapters that would humiliate and shame your founders if they should happen to be near such chapters. Something must be done if we are to hold our place in the sun as the first fraternity among Negro men. It is not up to your founders to bring about the much needed change, but it is up to you, my brothers. Your founders sowed the seed, fed it, and as the
plant which has come from this seed (sown in fertile soil) is expanding, you who read should see to it that the expansion is upward and onward, rather than downward. Prune here and there, like the good gardener when he finds his plant getting unweildy, for only by so doing can the good old Alpha Phi Alpha spirit return; only by so doing can the returning delegates receive the much needed enthusiasm and inspiration to impress upon their own brothers this needed awakening.
Our Southern Jurisdictiion
By CHARLES W. GREENE, First VicePresident Southern District
was set apart by Brother Dr. H. M. Greene, Knoxville. Alpha Delta Lambâ&#x20AC;˘ HEREBY submit a report of activities da, Memphis, Tenn., June 5, 1930. The of the office of the southern vice- chapter at Memphis was set apart by Brother F. N. Weathers, Memphis. Alpresident as follows: pha Pi Lambda, Winston-Salem, N. C , The general routine of circularizing June 1, 1931. Brother Rev. Marshall chapters in the jurisdiction was adhered Shepard of Rho Chapter, Philadelphia, to. The chapters were immediately in- was delegated to set apart this chapter. formed after the 1921 convention of the The new chapters are functioning well. changes in the general laws. Several attempts were made to arrange The office was required to personally regional conferences in the southern jurcorrespond to a large degree with chap- isdiction. One was arranged at Austin, ter officers and brothers, pertaining to Texas, March 6, and 7, 1931, with Beta chapter and personal affairs with chap- Zeta undergraduate chapter as host. ters. Beta Zeta deserves unlimited recognition The office was able to adjust and gen- for sue ha splendid showing for Alpha erally satisfy such requests as came to Phi Alpha out in the West. (Exhibit reour attention. I am pleased to report gional conference report.) one such case was a request of a gradJoint meetings were held in cities where uate chapter to initiate some undergradmore than one chapter is located. These uates of a university not chartered by meetings serve to acquaint more thorAlpha Phi Alpha. The officers of the cughly the graduate and undergraduate undergraduate chapter were in doubt of brothers and to further the program of the legality of this request, therefore the fraternity. Meetings of this nature sought the law. This office directed the were held in Atlanta in 1930 and 1931, undergraduate chapter to the by-laws and in Nashville, Tenn., April 11, 1931.' covering this case and thereby adjusted An All-State meeting was held at the matter. Cases of the above nature, Jacksonville, Fla. December 30, 1930, for transfer and financial questions, necesthe purpose of reviving the frate'rnal sitate personal correspondence, and often spirit of Upsilon Lambda and returning telegrams, therefore the office uses the to the fold all Alpha men in the state medium necessary to get results. of Florida. The meeting was a success I personally interceded to prevent a although we have not been able to fullv chapter from disrespecting a brother's lessurect Upsilon Chapter. voting privilege. He cast a negative A petition is on file from an observavote against bringing in certain pledgees. tion club, Breton, of the Fla. State School The chapter disregarded the vote. I at Tallahasee. Several Alpha brothers went to the site of the chapter, several one being Jewel Chas. H. Chapman, are hundred miles away and brought satisresident at the college. If the college faction to all concerned. The matter meets the requirements of the Committee was a trivial one, but the law of Alpha on Standards, I recommend that the Phi Alpha was at stake. chapter be so chartered to include the I advised regarding the p r o c e d u r e graduate brothers of Tallahassee, Jackwhich a chapter should follow in a con- sonville and other Florida points. In troversy between the chapter and the case the college does not meet the reuniversity over alleged v i o l a t i o n of quirements of the Committee on Staninitiation. This adjustment saved the dards, I recommend that the site of expulsion of Alpha men at the university. Upsilon Lambda be at Tallahassee, Fla., The following graduate chapters were instead of Jacksonville. This change of organized: Alpha Mu Lambda, Knox- site, I believe, will serve to keep Upsilon ville, Tenn., May 5, 1930. This chapter Lambda active.
I made a special trip to Tallahassee, to investigate conditions and the spirit of the brothers there in respect to the undergraduate chapter and the probable change of site of Upsilon Lambda. In my judgment everything is satisfactory. Several petitions for chapters w e r ( handled through the office of the southern vice president. Alpha Pi chapter at Atlanta University is inactive on account of the merger of this college with Morehouse and Spelman colleges, the resulting school becoming the graduate school of the system. Most of the brothers have transferred to other chapters in the city. The spirit of the brothers of Alpha Pi is good. Some of them feel that the chapter should remain at the Atlantic University graduate school to serve the brothers who attend. I hold the charter and recommend that the chapter be retained for a limited period. If the brothers who attend the graduate school are sufficient in number and desire the chapter, it will be intact. The Go-to-High School, Go-to-College Campaign was v i g o r o u s l y p u s h e d throughout the jurisdiction." Great results were obtained. Scholarships were not as numerous as in former years. There were chapters, however, that gave scholarships. Many of the graduate chapters render a great service to their communitv in a civic manner. Of the 27 chapters'in the Southern jurisdiction, I have been able to visit seventeen of them during the convention interim. In most cases. I found the spirit and chapter condition very good. It was necessary, however, to confer with chapter officials in some cases, about the condition of their chapters. Chapter reports show a fair percent of grand taxes paid to the general organization: a very high spirit, much chapter activity and the addition of new members Of strong character and ability The chapters of the jurisdiction contributed to the Sphinx during the convention interim.
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The Sphinx Speaks Concise Reports of Chapter Activities By Associate Editors To The Sphinx Tau Chapter Thanks Brother For Visit In September, Tau Chapter of the University of Illinois, began school with a smoker to the new men on the campus. Several new students were pledged at this smoker. A few weeks later, another smoker was had so t h a t there might be a closer relationship between brothers, and pledgees. True "Alpha Spirit" radiated throughout the house. In October an informal dance was given at the fraternity house. Many guests came within the "sacred walls" to drink deep into the pleasure t h a t was of Tau. In November a dance was given by the Sphinx Club. The brothers were the guests of honor. The pledgees gave us such a good time t h a t we are going to reduce the paddling by "cne swat." Tau and Gamma Chapters of Alpha Kappa Alpha gave a joint dance for the many guests that came back to the Illinois "home-coming." They saw the two rivals for "big ten" honors, battle as they never battled before. The University of Illinois entertained the University of Michigan on that day with t h a t "delicate" game called football. The final score, the censor will not permit me to publish. The depression has hit us heavily, but several brothers returned to do their part in order t h a t we may contlnue"onward ever onward." The brothers and officers are: George B. Nesbitt, president; Hi Gilbert Radcllffe, vice-president; James Morton, secretary; T. Romeo Veal, assistant secretary and editor of Sphinx; Charles Ashmore, treasurer; Francis A. Bennett, financial secretary; Fred S. McMahan, sergeant-at-arms; Edgar D. Russell, Alexander Caldwell, Edward Toles, Theodore W. Boyd, Edward H. Mouzon, Lucius W. Lomax, Arthur B Woodruff, and Reginald F. Fisher. The pledgees are Charles Morton, Clarence Allen, Theodore Harding, Rosewell Coger, John Sullivan, Cornell Cromer, Howard Bond. J o h n Smith, Rozell Nesbitt and Henry Hunter. Tau has two brothers in the university's Glee Club. They are brothers, Reginald Fisher and Edgar Russell. Brother Fisher broadcasts every Wednesday over station WILL. Brother Russell is a member of the university Y.M.C.A. cabinet and chairman of the interracial club of t h e university. Sunday, January 10, William Harrison, "De Lawd" in Green Pastures, spoke at the all-university service. A banquet in his honor was given before the address. President Harry Woodburn Chase of the University attended the banquet with other Negro and white students and town people. Brother Boyd has opened a tea room just across from the campus. Negro studentF may eat on the campus now. Strange as it may seem, the Alphas and Omegas are like brothers out here. They are always over to our house and we are always over there. Practically on all occasions when they give dances, etc., the whole chapter is invited and when we give dances we reciprocate. Tau gave a formal dinner dance just beJor the holidays. The house was artistically decorated. Beautifully dressed girls added more attractiveness to the occasion. Soft music rendered by Jerry's Cotton Pickers, and those soothing lights reinforced by the charms of the opposite sex gave all rememberances which will remain fresh for
many days.
Brother Howard of Des Moines, Iowa, visited Tau on his way to the Convention. Through the courtesy of Brother Howard, Tau was represented a t t h e Convention by Brother George Nesbitt. Here is power
Nu Chapter Brothers Uphola Scholarship o n Sunday morning, November 15, 1931, just too late to be included in the news ol the past issue of the Sphinx, Nu Chapter of Lincoln University, Chester, Pa., initiated seven neophytes while the rest of tne campus slept. All, with the exception of one, a senior, were sophomores. The newest, additions to Nu Chapter are; John Maupin, Lincoln News staff, honor student, French Club, intramural track. Keith Hall, class football and track, intramural track and basketball. Norman Gaskins, Glee Club, quartette, class football, second assistant football manager, Herbert Wheeldin, honor student, Kappa Alpha Psi Oratorical Medal, Warren Smith, varsity baseball and soccer, first prize .Phi Lambda Sigma Literary Contest, Harold Minus, Glee Club, honor student. intramural basketball and class officer. H. Alfred Farrell, secretary, sophomore class; treasurer, German Club, if.M.C.A. Cabinet, student instructor, class reporter to Lincoln News, runner-up Selden Scholarship Medal. Judging from the new brothers' activities, one can see t h a t they are fast acquiring the characteristics and the spirit of true Alpha men. From the ranks of these new bothers have been chosen the three following officers, vice-president, Brother Warren Smith; assistant treasurer, Brother Norman Gaskins, and editor to the Sphinx, Brother H. Alfred Farrell. The other newly-elected officers, mentioned in the last issue of the Sphinx, are: president, Brother F. Law Templeton; recording secretary, Brother Julius Gray, corresponding secretary. Brother Sterling Maupin; treasurer, Brother M. Clinton Felton; chaplain. Brother Robert Bennett; sergeant-at-arms, Brother Oren Riley; and parliamentarian, Brother Austin J. Martin. The scholastic rush for graduation honors in June revolves around Brothel's Laurence Howard, Edward Mais, Clarence Shelton, Jesse Anderson, and Wilfred Mais. Brothers M. Clinton Felton and George Dickerson are setting the pace in the Junior class, while Brothers H. Alfred Farrel, Harold Minus, and Herbert Wheeldin are commanding a high position in scholarship in the sophomore class. Just to give the brothers of Alpha an idea of what Nu Chapter is doing, I have selected a few of the more representative brothers and listed some of their activities. Nu is fortunate to have such men. Laurence Howard, editor-in-chief of Lincoln News, student instructor in Latin for three years, president of Phi Lambda Sigma, honor student, member and publicity manager of Glee Club, senior class chaplain. and ex-recording secretary of Nu. Ernest Smith, president senior class, president Varsity Club, varsity football, baseball, and basketball, captain football team, president Interfraternal Council, ex-president of Nu. Clarence Shelton, president Y.M.C.A., student instructor in mathematics, member of debating team, member of Interfraternal
Council, assistant editor Lincoln News, secretary of Athletic Association, honor student, and ex-corresponding secretary of Nu. M. Clinton Felton, Mask and Gown Club. Seiaen Scholarship Medal, German Club. neta Kappa Chi Scientific Society, Gltc Club, assistant treasurer of Junior class, and Nu treasurer. Jesse Anderson, member and treasurer ol Glee Club, manager and member of quartette, Phi Lambda Sigma, honor student, president Student Council. William Kidd, president Lincoln University Musical Club, member of quartette anu uiee Club, and ex-chaplain of Nu. F. Lawrence Templeton, Mast and Gown CJub, Literary stall, Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. s t u d e n t Council, assistant football manager, honor student, member of Interfrater nai Council, and Nu president. At the present time, Brother Smith and Riley are hard at work practicing with t h e basketball team. Both are stellar players and much is expected of them. Incidentally Brother Riley will assist in t h e managing of the track team this spring. The success. of the football team was due largely to thd captaincy and excellent playing of Brother "Spark" Smith. And now a farewell to three beloved brothers. Nu Chapter is sorry to lose Brothers Charles Simms, Thomas Mosely, and Charles Jackson through mid-year graduation. These men, during their four years of stay a» Lincoln, have been active in holding u p Alpha standards. Brother Simms is a member of the Glee Club and an honor student of note; Brother Moseley is a member of the Mask and Gown Club and manager of the soccer team; and last b u t not least, Brother Jackson.the campus' only four letter man. Good luck to you, brothersl —H. ALFRED FARRELL
Phi Lambda Chapter Elects 1932 Officers Election of Officers of Phi Lambda Chapter took place recently a t a meeting heU in the law offices of Brother Roger D. O Kelly in Raleigh, N. C , as follows: Brothers Earle C. Horton, instructor oi mathematics, Shaw University, president; James C. Mann, vice-president; Charles N. Boyer, dean of St. Augustine's College, secretary; H. C. Perrin, head of the science department, Shaw University, treasurer; John L. Tllley, acting dean of Shaw Unlversitj. chaplain; Richard A. Carroll, Instructor Berry O'Kelly Training School, associate editor to the Sphinx; Roger D. O'Kelly historian. —RICHARD A. CARROLL
Alpha Alphas Engage In Mang Activities As has been noticed Alpha Alpha Chapter, University of Cincinnati, has seemingly dropped out of the air for t h e past year as far as The Sphinx goes, b u t we t r u s . t h a t the brothers will realize t h a t all ou. energies were exerted toward putting the 1931 Convention across, and now t h a t i t ; fond memories go down into past history. however, not soon-to-be forgotten, we settle down for our activities for t h e ensuing year. So full steam ahead for a forward movement! First, we were overjoyed at having both the privilege and pleasure of entertaining the brothers t h a t were with us during th:' Convention, and equally sorry t h a t more
Page 38 could not have been present. We are justly proud of t h e fact t h a t our own Brother W. N. Lovelace was selected as one of the members of the Executive Council. Congratulations, Brother Lovelace! Brother Murdock Williams was elected t o the Fresh Painters, the only musical comedy organization on the campus. Brother Williams was elected to the organization by virtue of his merit both as a pianist and composer, having written several musical numbers for last year's production. He has become well known through his broadcasts over WLW here in Cincinnati. Brother Alphonso McClure received his A.B. degree in June and promptly entered Law School in September and we want him to know t h a t all the brothers in Alpha Alpha are pulling for him. Brother H. S. Williams, Jr., passed the Ohio bar examination last January and received his L.L.B. degree from the Y. M. C. A. Law School in June. Brother Williams has opened his office and Is now affiliated with tne imperial Finance Corporation. Recent and welcome tranfers to our chapter are Dr. B. F. Cann from Beta and Brother Wm. Lawes from Alpha Theta. Since we last reported brothers J. F. Seals, now teaching chemistry at Knoxville College, John Fleming, Henry Ferguson L Murdock Williams and Culbreth B. Cook, Jr., have been admitted into the fold. As they "crossed those burning sands" last May they were a little more t h a n "neophytes" by the time of the Convention Brother John Fleming has won both his numerals and letter for the track team. At this writing, Brother John Leland has returned to Medical School a t Howard to begin his second year of study. At present, we have no pledge club as we only have two pledgees, but we do have hopes of building one by the time Spring comes. Incidentally, one of the pledgees, Chester Smith made center on the varsity football team. "Smitty" was elected as center on the mythical second all-Ohio team as well as being rated the outstanding sophomore player in Ohio. Since t h a t brings doings and actions of Alpha Alpha brothers up to the present and since I must save something for next time, we cut this short with so long to everybody. —C. B. COOK, JR.
Tau Lambda's Past Achievements Reviewed Tau Lambda Chapter, of Nashville greeted 1932 with all of its officers for 1931 returned to their respective positions. At the first meeting for the year a t the Flsk Faculty Club, Brother Dean A. A. Taylor, host for the January meeting and chapter president, outlined a suggested program for the year. He reviewed the achievements of the past year and stressed the need for greater activity for t h e new year. He suggested t h a t the chapter consider more definite contributions to the social, civic and Intellectual life of t h e community; continue Its campaign to add all Nashville graduate Alpha men to the chapter roster; cooperate with Chi and Alpha Chi in insuring Alpha supremacy In t h e "Athens of the South." The chapter pledged its support to and commended the program of the president. The chapter listened with intense Interest to the reports of Brother R. B. J. Campbelle, senior delegate; Brother G. W. Gore, junior delegate, to the Silver Anniversary Convention of the Fraternity at Cincinnati, December 29-January l. Brother Campbelle outlined the business transacted and actions taken by the convention and filed copies of the reports of the General officers with the chapter secretary for future reference. Brother Gore told of the social and fraternal aspects of t h e session, pointing out the brilliance of the events provided by Alpha Alpha Chapter for the recreation of t h e delegates and visiting brothers. Practically the entire chapter resolved to attend the St. Louis Convention
THE SPHINX in 1933 so t h a t they, too, might experience t h e exhilaration and rejuvenation of such contact. Brother M. J. Ferguson, senior delegate of Chi Chapter, a visitor a t t h e January meeting spoke briefly of the Convention and exhibited copies of the souvenir program, the delegate badge, and the Invitations given to all duly registered brothers. The following committee chairmen were appointed by President Taylor; civic relations, Brother Dr. E. Franklin Frazier: membership, Brother R. B. J. Campbelle program, Brother T. M. Brumfleld; social' Brother Lloyd Cofer; financial, Brother w! W. Lawson; initiation, Brother W. W. Lawson. The Social Committee reported t h a t the Alpha Phi Alpha inter-chapter masque at Fisk University for the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority National Convention was a high point in the yuletide events of the city. A two-course toothsome repast concluded t h e meeting. The chapter is pleased to acknowledge receipt of demits for the following brothers: Dr. E. Franklin Frazier, research professor of social science; Prof. Thomas Talley, professor of chemistry; Warner Lawson, instructor in pianoforte, all of Fisk University Brother Lloyd Cofer, assistant dean, Flsk University, is t h e proud father of a charming daughter, Dorothy Evon. Both the young "heiress" and her mother are doing6 well. The University of Chicago Press has recently published as one of t h e volumes in its series of sociological studies a work by Dr. E. Franklin Frazier, professor of sociology, Flsk University, entitled "The Negro Family in Chicago." The book is a study of the changes taking place in the Negro family as a result of urbanization. The processes of change are described and measured in relation to t h e economic, cultural and social organization of the Negro community —GEORGE W. GORE, JR.
Theta Lambda Has Largest Representation The curtain has fallen on the 1931 Convention. New faces will greet us in an official manner. Men who have held offices in our dear Alpha Phi Alpha for many moons have stepped aside, allowing other men and new ideas to fill those places t h a t they have surrendered. We of Theta Lambda Chapter, Dayton, Ohio, are grateful to all men who faithfully served Alpha Phi Alpha and we wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to them. At the same time we sincerely hope t h a t lady luck reigns during the administration of our new officers. The out set of 1931 found only t e n financial members at Theta Lambda But aS t e ? J l a s t c a U O I t h e convention was sounded, twenty-six members were able to display pass cards for 1932. Sixteen of this waTthP 7 ^ T n a t t h e c o n v ^ t l o n , which was the largest representation of the flftvtwo chapters represented. This is a great G < Z o g M 8 ^ \ S t h a t S h e s t l U P o s s e s s 8 the Good Old Alpha Spirit. We hope t h a t 'ere the close of 1933, every Alpha man in this vicinity will be displaying a 1934 pass card So there are twenty-six points to begin With toward Theta Lambdas 1932 reco d and they are its twenty-six active members Brother President Findley was given riTeta Lambdas entire membership berth on the various standing committees of the chapter Our first meeting of 1932 proved to be an £ £ £ • £ 2 ° £ 6 ' a s t h e v a r l o u s committees made their New Year's reports; the delegates to the convention gave their reports and new officers were installed The Social Committee promised to submit an interesting report at the next meeting. It should, since Brother Rose Is a member of the committee and "Rose" committees always produce results. The resuits of the work of this committee will be
published in the next issue of Our Fraternal Journal. The Social Committee has really been a t work for the purpose of offering the chapter something of real worth. From the foregoing, It really seems t h a t Theta Lambda's flame of progress Is going to burn brighter t h a n before. We must not forget to mention t h a t while a large part of Theta Lambda was enjoying the fruits of the convention, Brother Dr. Bush was busy making preparations to give a clinic talk and demonstration before the Dental Society, involving his new Invention, which slices 15|16 from the usual time of making casts. This invention has all the ear marks of one of national importance. Look for a special article concerning Brother Bush and his Invention in t h e next press report of Editor Young. The holidays brought several brothers of no little reputation to Dayton. Brother George Kelley, one of the founders of our fraternity spent several days with Brother J. A. Parsons prior to the convention. Brother Findley being over-worked during the convention, asked brothers Sparks of Akron and Bell of Ohio s t a t e to chauffeur him homeward. After arriving there. the two brothers were so well pleased with the welcome atmosphere of the Findley home, t h a t they remained for several daysFindley reports t h a t Bell's interesting tales of Footballdom kept him awake at night, but he did admit t h a t as long as Bell had something to say, he, (Findley), never thought of sleep. Here, I might say t h a t a committee of this sports loving community, has banqueted Bell, Thursday evening, February *• At the same time, Bell will have the opportunity to tell everybody some of the things t h a t caused odd Morpheus to visit Findley hours late during each night of his stay at t h e latters home. So Brothers, this ends todays broadcast of News from Theta Lambda, and with the closing words of Lowell Thomas, "So Long Until Tomorrow." —EARL P. TAYLOR
Pittsburgh Omicrons Outline Year's Activities After Cincinnati, it seems t h a t two years to wait for a convention Is a long time. but if the Omicron men, who did not g° to Cincinnati agree with the brothers of the Omicron Chapter of the University ot Pittsburgh, who attended the convention. then there'll be an Omicron reunion in St. Louis in '33. Among the first arrivals in Cincy and among the last to leave were brothers of Omicron, and, in all, six members of the chapter were present. It was Brother Malvin Goode, our vicepresident and Junior delegate, who firs* silenced the floor of the convention and then roused it to great applause at his speech on the Eklucatlonal Campaign; the senior delegate was our president Brother Walter Talbot; the visiting brothers were Brothers Woodford Harris, Lawrence Marshall, Joshua Rose, and Hugo Wynn. It was the first Alpha Convention for each one of us, but we can truly say t h a t the brothers of Alpha Alpha are most gracious hosts and Cincinnati has some very nice— buildings, etc. On January 18, Omicron observed the nineteenth anniversary of the setting-uP of the chapter. It was regrettable t h a t this date came so close to examination and tuition time as to prevent our making the occasion an auspicious one. It happened, however, t h a t our regular meeting occurred on t h a t night We'll say a word or two about what the chapter and Its members have been doingWell present the matters chronologicallyOn Dec. 11, Brother Talbot with Mr. Ernest R. McKlnney upheld the negative of the question, "Resolved, that Amos 'n Andy are detrimental to the Negroes' Interests," l a a debate at the Y.M.C.A. It was a no-
Page 39
THE SPHINX decision affair; so we are not hiding facts in not announcing the winner. Just two days before Christmas, at the home of Brother Ernest Johnson, Omicron Rave her first social affair and through the arrangements of Brother Lawrence Marshall, n ssisted by Brother Goode, It was a success. As usual the light of Alpha Phi Alpha shone over all, and when the traditional Alpha circle was formed and the songs were being sung, we Alphas learned t h a t we were but a small part of those who had caught the spirit of t h e evening. Then came the convention and subsequently the reopening of school. Then came the manager of our basketball team, Brother James Albrlton, with t h e news t h a t his "crack Alpha Five" were scheduled to Play the Red Caps on January 9. In response to his query as to whether or not we had recovered sufficiently from the convention to go through with the game, nine men reported on the night of the eame and under the canable guidance of the captain. Brother Marshall Lewis, whose athletic prowess has previously been extolled in the Sphinx. Omicron brought the name of Alpa Phi Alpha out of the fracas with flying colors. The starting line-up found Brothers Jeffries and Lewis at forward; Brother Harris at center; and Brothers Parr and Talbot at guard: but Brothers Rose and Bolden and Pledgees Clark and Clarke saw just as much service as anyone When Brother Lewis got his passing combinat'on working with Brother R °se. a man of many sports, they began making baskets so fast t h a t our followers dj'it cheering, so then and there two "ham" Players were sent In. Plans are on foot for games with the y-Kay Club staff, the local Omegas, and an Alnha team In a not-too-distant city. That brines lis to the present and we of. Omicron look forward towards a greater Alpha Phi Alpha as was expressed in our last meeting —WALTER R. TALBOT
Fnsilon Loses Two Brother* Throvnh Illness
All chapter meetings of Eps'lon Chapter for the remainder of the semester were susnended on account of the semester examinations in all departments of t h e University. Although the economic depression is being felt throughout the country, yet the brothers of Ensllon by no means are allowing it to affect the progress of the fraternity. We are delighted w'th the excellent showing our orofessional brothers are making ' " attending the chaoter meeting. Brothers McFall, p l n r n a n d M 1 tchell. in spite of the iact t h a t thev are over-burdened with their medical studies, and are some distance from the house, find time to attend each meeting. Brother President Walter A. Hines. a jun1Q r in the Medical College, has an inspiring Program outlined for next semester. We regret, however, t h a t two of our most Prominent brothers have withdrawn from f n + i 1 o n a c c ° " n t of illness. Social activities at this time, a-e a little dull b u t are expected to revive at anv time. WILLIAM T. POOLE. JR.
Alnha Mu To Make Permanent Record Station "B-I-L-L" broadcasting from Alpha Mu Chapter at Evanston. Tllinois. Our attention was called to the fact t h a t the corresDondfnt for this chanter has not sent l n an article for the Sphinx before tne deadline. This is a hurried attempt , n° maintain the past record of Alpha Mu contributing articles regularly. Our chapter has been enlarged bv one new brother, who was successful in making .he Journey through the burning sands of ™M> desert on December 22. and came to a1 0 place of happiness and contentment be' e the Sphinx. It has been said that bro-
ther William S. Thompson is t h e nearest example of a cosmopolitan, since brothers who assisted him on his Journey had come from Theta. XI, Tau, Alpha Theta, and Alpha Mu. Among the brothers who assUted the local committee were M. Deane, W. Seabron, L. Lomax, J- Morton, and B. Ware. Since the beginning of this year the brothers have rededlcated themselves to tne task of making a record for Alpha Mu Chapter The three meetings held to date have been centered around the Idea of understanding t h e workings of the general organiation. We have been helped in this protect through the illuminating report brought back from the Cincinnati Convention by Brother W. C. Pyant. Our basketball team has been working smoothly since the first of the year and has already scored another victory over Theta of Chicago. Early this year the team from Theta Journeyed to Evanston only to leave after the Alpha Mu quintet had defeated them by a score of 20 to 16. The following brothers represented Alpha Mu: Turner Gay. Walker, Ford and Pyant. The brothers have been urged to gird themselves for an Intensive campaign in the interest of the annual Go-To-High School Go-To-College campaign. The president. Brother Daniel Owlngs. Is sparing no effort to see t h a t the necessary committees are functioning. The brothers plan entertaining some time during the month of March. No date has yet been set. It is rumored t h a t there are two brothers here who have found new "interests" in life but nothing can be said definitely until we see how they line up for the spring dance. . The brothers have again pledged wholehearted support of the national officers, and extends a very cordial good wish for the year ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ pYANT
Alnha Chi Wins First Game From Omegas
Alpha Chi. Fisk University, started the new vear by hearing reports of our representative to" the convention, Brother Tyus. Although in high sDirit for the coming year we are all full with sympathy for our brother. Harrison Lawless, whose brother, also one of our brothers, was killed in an accident, in January, 1932. With the oDening of t h e winter quarter a cry went out for men to carry t h e banner of Alpha in the inter-fraternal basketball league Ten men reported for practice, Brothers Scruggs. Martin. Sapp, Brown, Crump Ransome. Spain. Norton. Williams and Howard. Under Brother Morton, varsity basketball man. who acted as our coach, these men got under way. On Jan 18, we had our first battle with t h e Omegas. Our line u p : Brothers Crump and Saop, forwards: Howard, center: Martin (captain! and Scruggs, guards. The first half ended 5-2 ln favor of the Omegas. In the second half we plaved more of an offensive game, keeping the ball most of the time and coming out with a 9-6 lead. Brothers Sapp. Crumn. and Scruggs each tallied once, while Brother Martin secured three free throws. On the side line we had wonderful supnnrt and here I would like to thank Chi Chanter of Meharrv and Tau Lambda, graduate chapter of the city for their supP
Mu Chanter Fnferfains
State's "BW" Bell Mu Chapter wishes all of the brothers r-f Alphadom a happy and prosperous new T"he brothers of Mu Chaoter are Jubilant over the 2Mb Anniversary of our fraternity and its most successful convention. We were verv fotf-unate in having Brother Ramond W Cannon former director of education, review the high lights of the con-
vention at our first meeting of t h e year. Mu Chapter held its first meeting of the year at t h e residence of Brother W. Casslus. The following officers were Installed; President, John R. Lawrence, Jr., 556 St. Anthony Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota; vicepresident, Dr. Earl Weber, 779 Carroll Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota; secretary, Henry Van Avery, 1705 Seventh St., So. E., Minneapolis, Minn.; treasurer, William Casslus, 980 Central Ave.. St. Paul, Minn.; and Sphinx editor and historian, Fred R. Henry, 1316 Fourth St., So. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Mu Chapter has appointed various committees with the following chairmen: Brother John M. Patton, budget committee; Brother Henry Van Avery, program committee; Brother John Thomas, athletic committee, and Brother Fred R. Henry, social committee. Mu Chapter is to be ln charge of the program of the Minneapolis forum February 21. Mu welcomes Brother "Bill" O'Shields, a stellar track man and football back, into its folds. We could only mention before t h a t we hoped to entertain Brother "Bill" Bell, who made such a wonderful record on t h e Ohio State football team. Brother Bell was on his way here t o participate in a charity football game between Ohio State and the University of Minnesota. Well brothers, Mu Chapter gave a real Alpha party ln honor of Brother Bell—Just ask him. —FRED R. HENRY
Alpha Beta Has 3 Members On Faculty
Alpha Beta welcomes into Its folds two new brothers, Elkln Woolfolk and Carlton Lee. They were Initiated last November. Three new brothers are on the faculty, Brothers Harris of the chemistry department; Webb, the college physician; and Mills of t h e romance language department. Quite frequently Brother Mills invites the members to a stag or smoker a t his home, and always we have a delightful time. The first term exams over, Brothers Harold Logan and Herbert Denton came through with the final term grade of "A" In all of their subjects. Brother E. Wright was named on Abbott's Monthly eleven as All-American selection for 1931-32. As a result of the recent election, Brother Harold Logan was chosen as president; Brother Harold Taylor, vice-president: Brother Herbert Denton, secretary; Brother Hilton Hanna, treasurer: Brother Robert Williams, sergeant-at-arms; Brother Herbert Briggs, chaplain; Brother Carlton Lee, historian: and Brother Elzy Wright, chapter editor. All may be reached by addressing Talladega College, Talladega. Alabama. —E. WRIGHT
Alpha Rho Members Make Varsitu Quintet
Before going into any of the news I must say for myself t h a t it certainly feels better to be on t h e inside t h a n on the outside. It was the good fortune of four brothers. namely. Marlon B. Edmonds, Wilbur H. Sullivan. Morris E. Tipton and L. Raymond Bailey to cross the burning sands into Aloha Phi Alpha early in December. As chilly as It was, things prior to our entry were rather warm, so warm, in fact, t h a t I was almost able to light a cigar by apnlying It to a certain portion of the anatomy. Now t h a t it Is all over we are compelled to say t h a t It feels great to be Alpha men. Alpha Rho is well represented on t h e Maroon Quintet this winter. The candidates are Brothers Harrison, Chenault, Mathis. Cabiness. and pledgee Briggs. Indications are t h a t t h e Atlanta Chapters will c u t a great team on the floor when t h e time for the interfraternlty basketball tournament arrives. Brother W, E, Harrison, for three years
Page 40
a member of the varsity debating team frage in the Alpha Conclave Brother DougPittsburgh University. Brother Chapmanand now president of Chi Delta Sigma lass could have been elected to the general one of the Jewels of the fraternity, greeted Debating Society, was on. the team which president's chair. us during the holidays also. Last, but f«" debated Howard University, February 5. Brother R. D. Brown is still in the hos- from least. Brother Austin Curtis, Jr. was At the first regular meeting in Decempital recovering from the after effects of an home for the holidays and was one of the ber the annual election of officers was operation. The gang hopes to have him representatives of the chapter at Cincinnati back with us at the February meeting. during the convention. held. Brother William N. Jackson was t h e Meantime we take pride in the fact t h a t unanimous choice for president; Milton J. the sport world. Alpha Zeta showed the University of Pittsburg is displaying one herIn strength White was elected vice-president; Marlon In the past football season. of the products of our Brother Pharmacist I. Cabiness, secretary; Wilbur H. Sullivan, having such notable figures as Brother* assistant secretary; Hortenlus Chenault "Don" Jefferson—carbolic acid made from John Barnes. Roscoe Carter, Townsend Lowe chaplain; Morris E. Tipton, sergeant-at- benzine. and Alfred Coles. Further, the chapter has arms; and L. Raymond Bailey, chapter edi—R. MAURICE MOSS been active In other sports at State. tor. James A. Colston was representative Brothers Roscoe Carter and Lloyd Brow" to the Cincinnati conclave. (holder of the C. I. A. A. pole vault record) Alpha Rho was glad to welcome t o Moretook the prize, which was »2.50 in gold. at house College, Brother Cotton, '28, who has Luckll At Mnllfl Omirrnn the annual Jabberwock which was sponreturned to take up his duties as college •*"r*»J» ***& Alpha Omicron of Johnson C. Smith Uni- sored by the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority steward. last month. The chapter had "fun" Indeed. versity has been quite busy since heard To the Sphinx Club have been added two in the interclass fraternal Indoor baseball from last. new members In the person of Clarence Alpha Omicron Is still trying to live up tournament, and came out on the top W Buggs, versatile captain of t h e Morehouse winning the trophy which was offered *>>' the standard. We have held and are still College basketball squad, member of the to holding many of the outstanding positions the physical education department. track team, and comic editor of the Maroon on the campus. Brother Sherwood (Red) All the Alpha men who participated in Tiger; and Edward Davis, violinist In the Blue was captain of the football t e a m , the games, and members of the chapter, had Morehouse College orchestra and a stu- Brother Frank Bogle was the "backbone" of the privilege of having their names engraved dent of ability and promise. It will not the line, and Brother Thomas Martin was on the trophy be long before t h e chapter will look fora hard-fighting little 135 pound center. Brother Bryant Fenderson. manager ,.l ward to bringing some good freshmen maThis was Brother Martin's first year out, the fraternity basketball team, is doing terial Into the ranks of the Sphinx Club. and a letter is to be awarded to him. nicely along with Brother Roscoe Carter. Before signing off Alpha Rho wishes t o exBrother E. R. Dudley holds the North Car- who is manager of the varsity basketball tend to the officers-elect and t h e new chapolina state intercollegiate tennis singles team. We are proud of Brother Carter, inters greetings and best wishes for success. title. He also went as far as the quarter deed. for he is also conch of the West Vir—L. RAYMOND BAILEY finals in the C. I. A. A. tournament. ginia State College High School team. Hl» Brothers W. D. Coaxum, J. L. Hollowell, team was victorious over the mighty Garnett High of Charleston. W. Va.. here recentand W. A. Samuels are members of the ly, and we feel t h a t this brother should DP varsity debating team. congratulated for his outstanding work W Brother Hollowell is the secretary and treasurer of the Pan-Hellenic Council, busi- the sport world, for. as you know, he "ran Alpha Zeta Lambda Chapter met at the wild" In the game agatnst Ftsk at Fisk last ness manager of "The Bull" and vice-presiAmerican Legion Building In Kimball, West fall. dent of the Y. M. C. A. Virginia, prior to the general convention. We have welcomed 13 new brothers into Alpha Zeta. being a "lover of all manb u t the chapter has not held a meeting Alpha Phi Alpha. The following w e r e kind." demonstrated the fact during the since that time. initiated: Brothers W. David Coaxum, De- Christmas recess. Our project, which wa» We sincerely hope t h a t we completed all vane, J. Edwin Halrston, Herman H. Hill, t h a t of helping the needy families in the of the old business In. t h e "old year," and Miller. Thomas S. Martin, R. Rembert Malvicinity, "went over" in great style. W« t h a t the new year has brought us new loy, Prior. Emery L. Rann. John B. Thomptouched twenty or more families and the business and new Ideas which will serve us son. J. Leslie Smith, Albert Sumner, and aid given seemed to have been highly »P* profitably In the future. Frank Walker. Brothers Devane, Miller, and predated during this unemployment seaBrothers H. L. Dickason and L. V. JorPrior are residents of Livingstone Colleee son. dan of the Alpha Zeta Lambda were deleSalisbury. N. C. The following brothers deserve chief credit gates t o the general convention, In CinThe election of these brothers reduced in putting the project over: Chester Francis. cinnati. They have not made their rethe pledge club to only two members, George Waugh. and Durall Booker. ports as yet, b u t we are anxiously waiting, Thomas H. Hooper and Thomas L o g a n . A "smoker" was given Saturday night because we know t h a t t h e delegates have Hooper Is a member of "The Bull" staff and January 16. in honor of Brother Martin Arlots of good news to tell. also a member of the Smith Dramatic Club rington and Durall Booker, who sang their The names and addresses of the officers Logan has exhibited some real snap and "swan-song" In the mid-year '32 Class (West speed on the basketball court. His chances Va. State College); the new Sphinx members. are: Brother L. V. Jordan, president, Kimfor making the varsity this season are fav- and the Louisville Alpha Phi Alpha basketball, W. Va.: Brother E. W. Browne, secreorable. tary, Kimball. W. Va.; and Brother M. E. ball team which played West Virginia State Carr. chapter editor. Box 26, Northfork. At the first regular meeting after initia- College on the date mentioned above. W. Va. tion, officers for the ensuing year were The chapter was proud to welcome into The Alpha Zeta Lambda Chapter wishes elected as follows: Brothers J. Leslie Hollo- the Sphinx club the following pledgees: Matthe associate chapters a very happy and well. president: Thomas S. Martin. vicethew Fairfax. John Turnball. Ewell Hopprosperous New Year. president; J. Edwin Halrston. recording seckins, James Randolph. Kenneth Jones, and retary; John B. Thompson, corresponding Brent Pendleton. They are promising and —M E. CARR secretary; W. David Coaxum. financial sec- Judging from their speeches, which were retary; William A. Samuels, treasurer- Her- extraordinary good, will no doubt be "sllman H. Hill, chaplain; Robert L. Jeans. ver-toned" orators for the chapter. historian: Emery L. Rann. house manager Although the Sphinx Club is small, its H. Rembert Malloy. associate editor to The "phexy" David Whitfield along with Charles Alpha in Pittsburgh continues to r u n Sphinx; J. Leslie Smith, sergeant-at-arms Earley, promise debates and other great along smoothly and to draw the same lare? We regret t h e expiration of Brother Ruth- things for its spring activities. attendance at meetings. The January meetBrother Curtis. Jr. and Clinton Jackson ing of Alpha Omicron Lambda, was held at erford s administration: nevertheless w e that Brother Hollowell's administrawere carried away with the spirit t h a t was the home of Brother James Fowler with h ' s trust tion win be as successful as Brother R u t h manifested at the convention in Cincinnati. brother, Harry and Chester Washington as erford s. I think Brother Rutherford should assistants to the host. Brother Charles be commended on his successful administra- Brother Jackson reported t h a t It would be Carroll read a naper on the school situa- tion. It was encountered with many hard- almost Impossible to elect a better group of leaders t h a n was elected at the convention in Pittsburgh where we do not have ships. b u t he proved to be a true leader tion. a single Negro teacher In the public school and led us out of our difficulties Both representatives praised Brother Dr. Bsystem. His paper advocated the separate Brother Rutherford represented Alpha Andrew Rose for the way he presided over school svstem. Alpha Omicron at the last general conventhe convention. They had nothing but And t h a t drew fire! Many of the brothers tion which met In Cincinnati. praise for Brother Dr. Weslev who succeeded were readv to shoot b u t were persuaded to —H REMBERT MALLOY Brother Rose as president. withhold their fire until the next session Brothers Jackson and Curtis felt very when Brother Lanon will present the other much honored to have been able to shake side of the case. If the brothers in Alpha Alpha Zeta Brothers hands with five founders at the conventiondon't hear from us next issue it will be These two brothers have pledged themselves because we are still In session trvine to u n never to miss a convention. tangle these two. Anyhow twentv-four of Things started off for 1932 at Alpha Zeta We lost by mid-year graduation. Brothers t h e brothers turned out for the meeting and Chapter with a bang! But first, let me tell It looks like an even larger gathering next you of the various Alpha brothers who Martin Arrlngton and Durall Booker These month. looked In on us since the last publication brothers deserve a hand-shake from everyone, for they have really been typical Alpha Brother Hamilton gave a report on the of The Sphinx. In all things pertaining to Alpha Zeta convention. He was the onlv one scheduled Brother "Hunk" Anderson of Wllberforce men We wish them Godspeed, happito sneak thereon but when he got through paid us a visit during the Christmas holi- Chapter. ness, and success. Brother Arrlngton. who Brother Douelass asked for the floor to days. Brother Tuley Marshall, a student at defend himself from certain insinuations Duquesne University, said "hello" to us was a former student of Storer College, has cast bv the former local president to the along with Brother Malvln Goode. ex- been an outstanding figure In scholastic affairs as well as in sports. He plans on effect t h a t if there had been woman suf- "Prexy" of Omicron and a graduate of teaching next fall.
Unlucky 13 Proves
West Virginia Chapter Makes Plan For 1932
Omicron Brothers In Heated Discussion
Are Up And Achieving
Page 41
THE SPHINX Brother Booker, who has been an associate editor to The Sphinx for a year or so, has since served as treasurer of the college Sunday school, treasurer of the John Dewey Educational Society, secretary of the local Young Men's Christian Association for the past two years, attended Flsk one quarter in 1927. He finished his work a t West Virginia in 3'/a years. Brother Booker plans on doing social work and will attend the Atlanta bchool of Social Work in September. We too, wish for this brother worlds of success, good luck, and happiness. The members pledge their support to the national organization in every way possible. Alpha Zeta plans to do great things during the year, and with the send-off t h a t we have attained in the sport world, we feel confident of being "first in all things" worthwhile and fraternal. —DURALL P. BOOKER
Alpha Pi Lambda Adds To Interest Of Its Meetings As the year 1932 starts the brothers of Alpha Pi Lambda Chapter have put their shoulders to the wheel for one common aim: to make 1932 a successful year. Having been given a new inspiration and thoroughly inoculated with " t h a t old Alpha spirit" by the splendid report brought to us oy Brother Geo. F. Newell from our 25th anniversary convention the chapter has outlined a program which will be fitting to the educational progress of our city. The brothers are planning a formal dance. As a feature of our regular meetings we !*5 /avored by an educational discussion iea by some brother on some subject in 'hlch he is most interested. These discussions, so far have proved successful and very Interesting to each brother. We have had discussions dealing with writing of oooks, causes of failure and success In various lines of h u m a n endeavor, business discussions. travel, the value of foreign language to the Negro, and discussions per-aining to the field of education . o n the 17th of January the brothers mot«i J * H i g h P o l n t a n d were highly entertained by Brother Dr. J. J. Wilson, one of £** o l d "war-horses" of Alpha Phi Alpha. We welcomed into this meeting Brother C. T. wiuiams. who has recently been appointed * ' °f history in one of our schools. '"Tough the leadership and the untiring enort of Brother J. A. Carter, Atkins High ocnoolt n has recently been approved as class e s nnrt ° u t h e r n Association for Colleges -na Secondary Schools. —GEORGE F. NEWELL
Alpha Upsilon Elects And Initiates
Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Detroit City college ushered in the new year with new enthusiasm. The old Alpha spirit and interest manifested at the meetings this year is unprecedented. Every member promises to make 1932 the best year in the chapter's history. The silver anniversary at Cincinnati, Ohio. {.0UR? Alpha Upsllon well represented. The Brothers w h o answered the roll call were «•• J- Evans. H. B. Hollls, W. B. Thompson and S. Broadus. These brothers were Kindled with Interest which manifested itself in their participation on the various committees. Alpha Upsilon is g r e a t l y Pleased with their reports of the general convention. On Christmas night the Alpha Upsilon oasketball team played Its annual holiday game with the Y-Postal. We were defeated hy one point, the score being 23 to 22. The g^me was the first this season and our men piaved a corking good game. i h e whole affair was a financial success. * 7 o m the proceeds of this game we were "Die tp make a substantial contribution to xn e Y. M. C. A. of Detroit. This money goes to the boys' loyalty fund to enable the underprivileged boys to participate in the man-moulding exercises such as the institution offers. On February 6th the Sphinx Club basketball team, playing under t h e auspices of
Alpha Upsilon, played the Y. M. C. A-team. Our Sphinx Clut is now organized for t h ? new Sear. On January 9th, we welcomed two of its members to our fold They are Brothers Horace F. Brad field and L e r o y W . Dues Both brothers ar- of high moral Character, with notable a t t a i n t * in scholarship and athletic ability. They are juniors at the Detroit City College Brother Bradfield is noted tor his nign scholastic record, having attained one of tne best records during his high scnool and collegiate careers. At present he has an average of 1.85. In addition to this academic" attainments he has shown unusual athletic ability in basketball and track Brother Dues is a good s t u d e n t a n d athlete— a rare combination. He is the holdei • \ Michigan indoor and outdoor shot nut records He holds a berth in the varS » track team at Detroit City College and was a substitute on its football squad Both men were very prominent during their stay m t h T Sphinx Club, both holding high OI
0 C n S January 10. the new chapter officers were Installed by Brother Dr. Grimes. The new officers are Brothers R. F. Solomon, president- H. B. Hollls, vice-president, R. J. Evans, treasurer; W. B. Thompson, associate editor to The Sphinx; King Callon, sergeantat-arms. _ w fl T H O M P S O N
Kappa Chapter Seeks To Regain Basketball Heights
With a new set of officers installed for 1932 Kappa Chapter (Ohio State University Columbus) begins another fiscal year with high hopes. The officers are: presidint, H e r m a n V Harrison; vice-president Theodore Mahatfey; secretary, R a y m o n d White; treasurer, Martin C. Kelley; sergeantat-arms, Russell Embry; president ex-offlcio of SDhinx Club, Leonidas Livisey; correspondmg secretary, William ("Bill") Bell; S o c i a t e editor to The Sphinx, Thomas W. Y
°Flve" Kappa brothers attended the convention. In addition to the delegates, Thomas W. Young and Herman H. Harrison, there were William Warrick Cardozo, who was re-elected vice-president to preside over The western jurisdiction; Jesse Hiatal;-and Paul P Shearer. At the first meeting of the new year, the delegates reported and t h l other brothers reported on the high fraternal and festive spirits prevailing in Cincinnati. . Athletically, Kappa is very much on the map as a result of the gridiron rovlngs of William ("Bill") Bell, star tackle on the Ohio State eleven, who completed three scintillating years last fall. Bell was> named on most of the newspapermen's all-Big Ten elevens as well as that named by College Humor and received honorable mention on the Associated Press All-American team. This winter Bill is helping the Kappa team in intramural basketball, and has signed up as a heavyweight in the Intramural boxing. Shades of Jack Johnson! And speaking of basketball, the local boys look forward at this writing to a brilliant season. Wearing the Gold and Black of Kappa Chapter is Wilbur Meade, a freshman uledge who last year at the state high schoSl'championship tournament in Columbus was named on the all-state five in spite of the fact that his team was eliminated in its first game. William ("Cy") Butler Is back on the campus for graduate work and is flashing his old form. Russ Embry, a speedy guard with an eagle's eye from mid-court, while not in school, will be available for games other than intramural contests. Then for a coach we have none other t h a n Randolph Taylor, former Tufts C o l l e g e three-sport star and coach at Johnson C. Smith University, who is doing graduate work at Ohio State this year. Randy Is Hiving the boys some of his pointers, and before the season is over you will be reading about them in headlines. Last fall, the night before Thanksgiving, Kappa gave a formal dance at the Ogden Ballroom. Right now we are planning a smoker with the pledges. incidentally, Kappa boasts of one of Its
best Sphinx Clubs this year. There are twenty-four members among whom are all three of the Aframericans who won numerals on the freshman football team. They are Borden Williams of Columbus, who was twice picked for all-city scholastic all-star teams from among the grldders of six high schools; Joseph Dacen of Chicago and Chas. Allen of Columbus. Williams is expected to take up the post vacated by BUI Bell. Allen and Dacen alternated a t tackle and end. Incidentally, the latter two boast the highest scholastic averages in the Sphinx Club, both having a 3.00 out of a possible 4.00 for t h e a u t u m n quarter. To Russia in the fall went Frank Gorden, ex-Kappa man and former professor at Wesi, Virginia State College. Frank was enlisted by the Soviets to teach agriculture, his specialty, in southern Russia. Letters from Gorden to local fraters indicate t h a t he is very much pleased with the job. From the Kappa sick list are scratched the names of Brothers Joseph Porter Carroll and Charles Dickerson. Carroll Is up and around now after a long period of incapacitation. Brother Dickerson is out of bed and moving around t h e house. —THOMAS W. YOUNG
Alpha Tau Rejoices In Its Newest Honor
Alpha Tau leads t h e way! This slogan that had its beginning two years ago with our president, Brother Henry Sparks, was forceiully impressed upon every brother of Alpha Tau at a brilliant and well executed surprise party planned and presided over by our worthy delegates, Brothers Black and Thompson. The tense exciting moments of t h e 1931 convention were lived again, when at the conclusion of all other business it was announced t h a t the surprise of the evening was to be disclosed to all t h e brothers. With the lights turned low t h e brothers sat in a semi-circle in Impressive silence with all eyes glued on a veiled object directly in front. When the words "Alpha Tau leads the way" broke the silence the veil was slowly lifted and there against a background of black and gold illuminated by a gold light the Balfour Cup for efficiency shone forth like some huge brilliant having caught the rays of the sun was sending it lorth with all its magnificence increased a hundred-fold. For a few seconds everything was quite; then with one accord a great cheer beat against the rafters of the Community Center again and again. At the conclusion of the cheering, Brother Chestnutt moved t h a t the chapter give a rising vote of thanks, first, to our president, Brother Sparks, who has worked so faithfully and unceasingly for the past two years to p u t Alpha Tau on the map. The second vote of thanks was extended to our delegates, Brothers Black and Thompson, who distinguished themselves so wonderfully in all the deliberations of the 1931 convention. At the conclusion of this the brothers stood in semi-darkness, the only light being t h e shining gold t h a t illuminated the Balfour Cup, and sang the Alpha Phi Alpha anthem. The first meeting of 1932 was over; every brother left t h e doors of t h a t venerable old Community Center with a deeper feeling of brotherhood and a deeper determination to make Alpha Tau not only the most efficient chapter b u t the model chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha In every way. Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Tau leads the way to the fraternal Utopia. St. Louis! Epsilon Lambda! Here we come! This record of the activities of Alpha Tau would be incomplete without some mention of our activities during the pre-conventlon season. Brother Sparks and his charming wife entertained the guests of Brothers L. R. Johnson and R. E. Black at a wonderful bridge supper Christmas eve. Covers were laid for sixteen. The meeting for the election of officers and last instruction to the delegates was a decided success. Our past president, Brother Sparks, was re-elected by acclamation. The following brothers were elected: Raymond R. Brown, who planned and p u t across our
Page 42 Go-to-Hlgh School, Go-to-College program in such an enviable manner last year, vicepresident; B. E. Black, who so ably filled the office of secretary last year, was reelected to t h a t office; Haywood Stevens, a brother made at our last initiation and one who has shown t h a t he is Imbued with the proper "Alpha Spirit," was elected assistant secretary; R. L. Thompson, another wide-awake brother made at the last initiation, was elected treasurer; Daniel C. Thomas, a brother with ministerial tendencies, was elected chaplain, Roger S. Johnson was elected associate editor to The Sphinx. The chapter expects great things of the new year and is bending every effort to make it the best in the history of Alpha Tau. The frat's basketball team Is one of the highlights under the list of new activities. The team, composed of such material as Brothers Henry Sparks, all-Ohio forward; Luther "Plash" Johnson, diminutive speedball pitcher in the Ohio conference, Brother Norman Chestnutt, northeastern Ohio forward, is rounding into shape beautifully. We are all working to bring this team out on top of the pile of participants in the class "A" tournament to be held later in the season under the sponsorship of this chapter. The team has a very tough schedule. However, we are expecting them to bring home the bacon. The holiday season saw much activity among the brothers of this chapter. We were well represented at the convention by six brothers. Brothers L. R. and R. S. Johnson Journeyed to Columbus in the company of Miss Dorothy Sulton of Oberlln where they were the guests of Miss Gladys Harris at the Affada Madda formal. New Year's Day they assembled at the festive board at the home of Miss Harris in Circlevllle and you may believe yours truly, Mr. Gobbler never had a chance from the start. Brothers Stevens' and Sellers' absence was also noted; far be It from me to suggest t h a t it was on account of those excellent examples of feminine pulchritude they have been seen with lately and who are to be found at Kent State College. The year 1931 Is history; we are proud that our knowledge has been increased by mistakes In the past and are equally as proud of the success t h a t attended us and made the road Just a little easier. We move forward to greater undertakings and greater triumphs. —ROGER S. JOHNSON
Alpha Kappa Lambda Presenting College Singers
Old Man Depression was given a knock in Roanoke, during the month of January, when Brother Smith entertained the members of Alpha Kappa Lambda Chapter at the Hotel Dumas for the regular monthly meeting. Pried chicken with all the trimmings delicious tomato salad, hot and cold beverages, old fashioned pound cake, fruits, and your favorite brand of cigarettes and cigars made most of us forget "hard times." For an evening, anyway, we reveled in true Alpha spirit; first in a business session and then exchanging Jokes at the festive table. Although Alpha Kappa Lambda was not represented at the sliver anniversary in Cincinnati, we felt t h a t we had sent a delegate as we listened to t h e report of the sessions as read by Brother Hopson. (Brother Young's account in t h e Journal and Guide.) To our new general president, Brother Wesley, and the other officers we extend best wishes for a prosperous incumbency in office and pledge our support to all worthwhile problems of the organization. The officers elected to guide the local group include: president, Brother Dr. Elwood Downing; vice-president. Brother B. H. Scott; recording secretary, Brother Dr. Geo. A. Moore; treasurer, Brother, Dr. E. R. Dudley; associate editor to Sphinx, Brother Jas. O. Hopson; financial secretary, Brother Dr. J. B. Claytor; sergeant-at-arms, Brother T. R. Parker. Another banner year Is anticipated under the leadership of t h e above named brothers. The harmony t h a t exists within the ranks of our chapter is shown by the fact that
THE SPHINX several of the officers, Including our efficient president, have been re-elected to office four successive years. The chapter is again planning to present the Bennett College Quartet in concert on Friday, March 4, for the benefit of its scholarship fund. So successful, both financially and artistically, was the affair last year, t h a t prospects tend toward still greater achievements in this year's recital. Recent visitors in these sections included Brothers Luther Foster and Elson Higgenbotham of Beta Gamma Chapter of Virginia State College, and Brother Samuel Burford, teacher from Burlington, N. C , who were in Lynchburg during the Christmas holidays; Brother Edward Dudley of Alpha Omicron at Smith University, who spent the Christmas season with his parents In Roanoke; and Brother Channing Tobias, who spoke at the Rosenwald memorial service in Roanoke a few weeks ago. And so with the new year upon us—a year t h a t will continue to test the true worthiness of each real Alpha man—we wish each chapter a constructive year. It might seem foolhardy to wish one good luck during these "out of Joint times," but a pat on t h e back and a friendly wish frequently help to bring one back to normalcy. This is the spirit of Alpha Kappa Lambda for 1932. —JAMES O. HOPSON
Alpha Theta Reviews Activities of 1931
While we pass Into the year '32 we of Alpha Theta Chapter can look back over the activities of the preceding year with some degree of satisfaction for our efforts here at the University of Iowa. The event of the Founder's Day Smoker, the first of the outstanding activities during the year, will be remembered for Its enlightenment concerning the founding of Alpha Theta. First-hand information was made available through speeches by Brothers W. B. Crosswaite of Marshalltown, Iowa, and McDaniels. Both brothers were influential in the establishment of the chapter, Brother McDaniels being a charter member. The Spring party on May 2, being the biggest social event of the year, was well attended and enjoyed by all Iowa and neighboring states. The event was a success due to the fact that our then socialchairman, Brother "BUT Seabron, engaged Earl Van Dyke and his twelve cottonpickers of Detroit. The Spring party of '31 gained the popularity for Alpha Theta throughout the state t h a t we have long hoped for. The educational program put over last Spring, with the guidance of Brother Bennle E. Taylor, was indeed unique. An older students conference was held in Iowa City during the same week. The students attended the party as other guests and on the following Sunday met to thrash out many questions, and to receive any information concerning vocational guidance, entrance requirements to colleges, etc. The conference and the establishment of a bureau at Alpha Theta, giving information to prospective college students, were the two outstanding features of the program. Have we always prided ourselves on having real banquets at Initiation time? Yes, and there was indeed reason to have a reai one last Spring when Alpha Theta annexed to Its chapter roster five new brothers. Now, what a surprise everyone had when we returned last fall to find the chapter house moved to a more desirable location Larger quarters, a library, a spacious parlor and dining hall are Just a few of the added conveniences of Alpha Theta's new home Beginning last fall, Alpha Theta was able to operate a culinary department, which has proved a valuable asset. Thanks to our steward. Brother Roscoe L. Barrett, Alpha Theta has risen to a position of economic stability that was long hoped for. And there was another hustle and bustle in t h e old town at Iowa's Home-corn'ng, which was climaxed with the annual party All roads led to Alpha Theta; guests came from far and near. The talk of the successful Home-coming. had not ceased when we were down to work
again planning a Thanksgiving-Day charity football game. Brother Walter Booker, former assistant coach at Prairie View, deserves credit for preparing the team to battle against the local chapter of Kappa Alpha Psl. He was assisted by Brother Richard Carey, former Talladega quarterback. The game was won by the Kappas, 7 to 6. About $250 were appropriated to unemployment relief and charity. Alpha Theta has recently initiated two brothers. On the night of December twelfth, Brothers Thomas Bond and Voris Dlckerson saw the light. Brother Bond, a senior at Iowa, is a former student at Lane College and Dubuque University. He is expecting to enter t h e law school in September. Brother Dlckerson Is a sophomore and formerly attended Lincoln University (Jefferson City) and West Virginia State. His major Is physical education, but he is some artist too. He Is an exceptional football player, a basketball hound and track star. The activities of '31 cannot well be separated from those who deserve credit for making it as successful as it was. A number of such brothers were taken from us as a result of the J u n e graduation. They were Brothers Thomas P. Dooley, who received his masters in biology and is now assistant dean at Arkansas State; Brother Cohen T. Simpson, who received a masters in chemistry and is now teaching at Straight College. Among those who received bachelors degrees were. Brothers Bennie E. Taylor, Lawrence R. Whitman. Kenneth RO'Neal, and Richard J. Smith. The advent of the new year heralds new hope, new ideas, new ideals and renewed spirit to launch bigger and better program 8 for Alpha Phi Alpha. Alpha Theta extends best wishes to every chapter for a great big successful year. The return of brothers from the convention has already inspired new goals for Alpha Theta. Alpha Theta takes pride in making known its celebrities and, here's one whom we'll remember. Although having been forced to leave the chapter early in November, dues to ill health. Brother Bennie E. Taylor I still held in the very highest esteem. Brother Taylor came to Iowa City in September of '27 with an exceptional scholastic record in the high schools of OklahomaHe pledged, became secretary of the Sphinx Club, and was made in the Spring of '28Since t h a t time he has taken active part in fraternal life, having held the office of president, secretary and freshman advisor. For two years Brother Taylor served as social chairman, and again as chairman of the Educational Committee and head of the State Bureau of Education. Last Spring when we were to choose a candidate to represent Alpha Theta in the Hall of Fame, there was no doubt as to the most deserving; needless to say it was our good Brother "Ben." In campus activities he was none the less active, having been a member of the "Y", the Cosmopolitan Club, the Alpha Quartet, and president of the Student Forum. He was also a member of the Student-Faculty Relations Committee. Brother Taylor's major Interest was that of Sociology. He received a bachelor's degree from the University of Iowa in June '31 and returned in the fall to continue his study, but was overtaken by ill health. He returned to his home state where he 1» now teaching. —KENNETH R. O'NEAL
Alpha Phi To Try For Basketball Championship
Alpha Phi at Clark University is striving under the leadership of our able president, B. T. Carraway. to hold high the banner of Alpha Phi Alpha. Since you l a s t heard from us. six Sphinxmen have been initiated. The entire Sphinx Club occupied a place somewhere on the roll of honor, t h u s making the entire club eligible for membership in the fraternity. The neophyte brothers are James Barber, Robert Bonner, George L. Edwards, Sidney F. Johnson, Thomas P. Williams and Waldo Williams. Alpha Phi was represented at the conven-
THE SPHINX tton by two brothers, Leroy E. Carter, and J. Thomas Fagan. Brothers at Alpha Phi have many things before them to be carried out in the remaining school term. We are looking forward for a bigger and better Go-To-High School, Go-To-College program. We have all set out full of pep, to capture the cup offered by the educational committee. Here's a bit about the Sphinx Club. With a great deal of pride, the big brothers of this Chapter point to this group of Sphinxmen who look like sure "Alphas in the Rough." Pledgee J. James, the president. member of the Alpha Delpha Alpha Scientific Society, a scholar and an efficient leader; Pledgee Donald Reeves, a scholar, and all-southern football player, being as good in basketball and baseball. Pledgee Prank Dodson, has a place on the honor roll at all times; similar things could be said for Pledge-brothers Hubert Norrls, R. Johnson, R. Stout, and J. Julian. Alpha's next extra-curricula activity will be to capture the inter-fraternal basketball championship. —GEORGE L. EDWARDS
Page 43
Xi Brothers Are Active On Wilberforce Campus Only those who are aware of the true significance of such an award can imagine the surprise with which the brothers returning from the holidays gazed upon the McGee Cup conspicuously perched In the lecal chapter house. This is said to be the second time that Xi has had possesion of this prize, and as a word of warning to chapters aspiring to bag this much coveted trophy, it might be of interest to know t h a t the brothers here at XI have resolved to keep it permanently. We feel that our new array of officers cannot be beaten. Installation was held about the middle of January with Brother James A. Irving, elected president. Brother George P. Young, was the only officer to be retained for an additional term as financial secretary. The entire horde of Greeks are looking forward to the approaching Inter-Fraternal Prom. Xi looks with esteem upon the extracurricula activities manifested by the brothers. Brothers Crenshaw, Hemsley, and Gordon are well representing us on the varsity basketball squad. Brother Butcher is president of the Wilberforce Dramatic Players; Brother Jeffries is manager of the basketball team; Brother Griffin is associate editor of the campus paper, and Brothers
Brooks, Young and Tarpley have the distinction of comprising about three-fifths of the membership of the Sword and Shield, local honorary fraternity. —MARVIN F. TARPLEY
Iota Lambda Brothers Do Creditable Graduate Work Iota Lambda's ranks have been depleted since a number of the brothers have left Indianapolis to reside in other parts. Among our most keenly felt losses are. Brothers Dr. Clarence H. Mills and Tilford Davis, who for the past three years have served as president and secretary respectively. But there are a number of brothers i n the city who are sadly in need of fraternal redemption. Hence we have launched a big program of chapter activities, and movement is under way to reclaim as many of our inactive brothers as possible. Among those who are still with u s Brother H. T. Riley, has completed work for the master's degree at Indiana University and Brothers Lane and J. H. Brown are pursuing courses leading toward the doctor's degree at the same institution. Brother Dr. Sumner A. Furnls. is a busy physician, and leader along many lines in the community, b u t never too busy to lend his presence at all meetings. —JOSEPH C. CARROLL
^4 History Book That Is Thrilling To Read
H E H i s t o r y of A l p h a Phi A l p h a , " a development on N e g r o college life, by Charles H. Wesley, professor of h i s t o r y in H o w a r d U n i v e r s i t y , W a s h i n g t o n , D. C , is t h e first comprehensive history of t h e oldest N e g r o college f r a t e r n i t y , p r e s e n t i n g t h e t r e n d s of two decades in both t h e college and t h e f r a t e r n i t y life of N e g r o college s t u d e n t s , and describing t h e efforts of N e g r o youth in t h e development of one of its most unique o r g a n i z a t i o n s . The cloth bound l i b r a r y edition h a s 294 p a g e s and 58 i l l u s t r a t i o n s , and is p r i n t e d in l a r g e t y p e on fine book p a p e r , and published by T h e H o w a r d U n i versity P r e s s , W a s h i n g t o n , D. C. CONTENTS P r e f a c e , I n t r o d u c t i o n , I. T h e Origin of Alpha P h i Alpha, I I . T h e Period of Consolidation, I I I . T h e F i r s t S t e p s in E x p a n s i o n , I V . Local and N a t i o n a l S t r i v i n g s , V. P e r m a n e n t F o u n d a t i o n s , V I . E x p a n s i o n and I n t e r n a l Development, V I I . T h e Leaven of S e l f - E x a m i n a t i o n , V I I I . T h e W a r I n t e r l u d e , I X . A Definite P r o g r a m , X. T h e C r o w n i n g Y e a r s , Conclusion: F a c i n g t h e F u t u r e , Appendix, and Index. SIGNIFICANT COMMENT lif * think you have made a wonderful contribution to our group " " • s o m e t h i n g t h a t is much worthwhile and it will have a "riKing influence upon the youth of today."—S. s. Booker, Y. M. .V weVo,1I,r eSstown, Ohio. lit * P d l c t for it a prominent place on the shelf of the select neraturel s tofo l t lthe Negro of the United States."—The Sphinx, 1929. as onIv t ii scholars who are in love with their subject rnnt fii t n l n g s — w i t h ease, dignity and charm. One of the finest contributions to Negro History."—The Sphinx. 1930. v. *l mcpaons s iscarcely be accused of sentimentality and yet it has ble earl y for me to read these well written pages of those ,i f Wf-vents in the Fraternity which are so much a part of my C - n r I i ? o u t t € a r s r o l l i n g unbidden down my checks."—Dr. H. A. T?, • s u n d e r and Ex-General President, I', s. Veterans' Hospital, I uskegee, Ala. an p ( ^ o n ? r a t u l a t i o n s to you and the organization on pioneering the aa ut rn ionr 6 fraternity record—in making a record of this type, f-,^1 ^ and the general organization are trail-blazing."— a n Murphy, Editor, The Afro-American. s a very of trr V attractive volume—I know that I shall find it l ' i i l v e - a i t l n t e r e S t ' ' — D r ' M o r ( l e < i l 1 W. Johnson, President. Howard theref ° U ^l na v e u Performed a great educational and social service, unuRi if' P t t i n g into permanent form a clear, coherent and larfrpRr * Nreadable account of the development of the first and with ti,>e v e cgro college fraternities. It will grow more valuable Mni>-o.i . a r s '—Dean D. O. \V. Holmes, College of Education, toward University.
"I congratulate you on your preparation of the volume and the University Press on the very good printing service. As an account of the oldest Greek letter fraternity for colored men t h e book should prove of real value."—Dr. Thomas Jesse Jones The Phelps-Stokes Fund. "It will make a valuable addition to the collection of books which we are trying to bring together in this office on various p h i s e s of Negro life."—Dr. W. W. Alexander, Commission on Interracial Cooperation. "A unique contribution to the history of life in Negro colleges in America."—The Washington Post, January 19, 1030. "An interesting sidelight to the development of Negro college s life."—The Crisis, April, 1930. "A beautiful bound volume in readable s t y l e " The AfroAmerican, April 12, 1930. "In it, with a historian's objectivity, are set forth the fraternity's struggles, achievements, ambitions, and possibilities No one who gets the full-view picture of them as presented in the 'history' can thereafter reasonably assert t h a t Alpha holds no place for him, has no need of him, or offers no inducements to him after college days."—P. Bernard Young, Jr., Editor of The Sphinx, "The History Of Alpha Phi Alpha" is available in two editions a cloth edition at $2.00 per volume and a de luxe leather edition at $3.00 per volume. As these volumes were expensive to m a n u facture. we cannot send copies on approval—cash must accompany the orders. The order blank below gives you the opportunity for your order. Place your order now while you are thinking of it. "Buy one for your college or town library. IT IS TOO GOOD TO MISS Mr. J. H. B. Evans, Secretary. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity 101—S Street, N. W. Washington. D. C. Dear Sir: Check (
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IMPORTANT NOTICE-Read It Through ^ T L L MEMBERS of the editorial staff, all chapter editors, and all brothers J J ^ who have contributions to be published in The Sphinx please observe the following deadlines for the various issues of the year: Convention (February) Number Educational-Pictorial (May) Number Commencement (October) Number Pre-Convention (December) Number
January April
m h lst
September 19th November 28th
A deadline is absolutely essential. Observe it by getting vour eonv in h*f«™ the cheated1 dates-certainly not later than the time stated^ a b o v T Cl7thTs Hst of uon trom the Sphinx before preparing your reports and articles.
THE ALPHA HALL OF FAME Who is the most outstanding brother at the seat of your chapter? Which one best represents the ideal Alpha man? Which one contributes most £ \ \ ^ l t r Z WhiGh n e is d 0 i n tZoM^^^T^' ° nerseveran™ ^ t h eakiiu* - o s t „construeuve worn, wnich has vision, ambition, courage, u *u ordinary, perhaps distinct genius? Perseverance, ability above the Decide these questions at your own rhamw h v *««,„ i L. nominate for the Alpha Hall of Fame toEet^cSl ^ X £ T T £* in your locality who, in the collective opinion of y ^ r chanter n f o ^ d " ' ^ in the Alpha Hall of Fame. chapter, most deserves a place Then have your chapter editor, or other competent brother writ,, P mted brief, but complete account of the achievements of the h r n t h u ° ' this article to The Sphinx along with a photograph or cut of h V l ^ ' K* i T * y When a photograph is sent accompany it with $4 04 to cov!r L " . ^ ^ cut. Act now! The nominations will be used in the o r d e r n wniIh th "* ceived. Don't delay! ° r d e r m w h l c h t h e y are re-
Official Alpha Phi Alpha Directory â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Continued (Continued from Inside Cover) ALPHA SIGMA, Wiley College, Marshall, Texas; Pres., E. B. Cavil; Sec'y, O. M. Daniels. OMICRON LAMBDA, Birmingham, Ala.; Sec'y., Peter B. Shy. RHO LAMBDA, Buffalo, N. Y.; Pres., John L. Waters, 247 William St.; Sec'y, Rev. O. H. Brown, 166 Goodall St. ALPHA ALPHA LAMBDA, Newark, N J.; Pres., Aubrey Robinson, 15 Walnut St., Madison, N. J.; Sec'y., Lawrence Willette, 1375 Stephens St., Belleville. N. J. PI LAMBDA, Little Rock, Ark., Pres., J. R Booker, Mosaic Temple Bldg.; Sec'y. C. Franklin Brown, 1019 Cross St. ALPHA UPSILON, Detroit, Mich.; (City College of Detroit, University of Detroit, Detroit College of Law, and Detroit College of Medicine); Pres., T. R. Solomon, 6027 Beechwood St.; Secy., T. C. Hollis, 6620 Scotten Ave. PHI LAMBDA. Raleigh, N. C ; Pres., H. L. Trigg, 117 E. South St.; Sec'y. Chas. H. Boyer, St. Augustine's College. TAU LAMBDA, Nashville, Tenn.; Pre*., A. A. Taylor, Plsk University; Sec'y. J. R. Anderson. 1027 18th Ave. N. PPI LAMBDA. Chattanooga, Tenn.; Pres., E. F. Mcintosh, 216% B. 9th St.; Sec'y. Dr. L. L. Patton, 421% 10th St. BETA GAMMA, Virginia State CoUege, Ettrlcks. Va.; Pres., Stephen E. Howe; Cor. Sec'y., John H. Plttman. BETA ALPHA, Morgan College, Baltimore, Md.; Pres., Rufus E. Hackett; Sec'y. Ollle T. Daly.
ALPHA PHI, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga.; Pres., Dewltt S. Dykes; Sec'y. Booker T. Scruggs. CHI LAMBDA, Wllberforce, Ohio; Pres., J. Aubrey Lane; Sec'y.. T. C. Carter. ALPHA ZETA LAMBDA, Bluefleld, W. Va.; Pres., Lawrence V. Jordan, Kimball. W. Va.; Sec'y., E. W Browne, Box 576. Kimball, W. Va. BETA BETA, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr.; Pres., P. M. E. H1U, Jr., 309 8. 20th St.; Cor. Sec'y, C. H. Gordon; Box 1401 Station A. ALPHA DELTA LAMBDA, Memphis, Term.; Pres., W. P. Atkins, 566 Polk St.; Sec'y., Edwin C. Jones, 1230 Cannon St. ALPHA EPSILON LAMBDA. Jackson, Miss.; Pres., W. H. Williams; Sec'y., R. A. Hamilton. (Write c|o F. W. Bonner, Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Miss.) ALPHA CHI, Flsk Unlveralty, NaahvUls, Tenn.; Pres., Julius C. Brown; Sec'y, William H. Reeves, Flsk Univ. ALPHA THETA LAMBDA, SomeTVlUe, H. J.: Pres., C. M. Cain, Arctic Ave., T. M. C. A., Atlantic City, N. J. ALPHA ETA LAMBDA, Houston, Tex.; Pres., John W. Davis, Jr., 4.19% Milan St.: Sec'y.. R. W. Lights, 819 Andrew St. ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA, Roanoke, Va.; Pres , Dr. Elwood D. Downing, Brooks Building; Secy., Dr. G. A. Moore, 420 Commonwealth Ave., N. E. ALPHA OMICRON LAMBDA, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Pres., Dr. C. Voyle Butler, 6260 Franktown Ave.; Secy., Wilbur C. Douglass, 418 Fourth Avenue.
ALPHA MU LAMBDA, Knoxvllle. Tenn.; Pres., Dr. N. A. Henderson, 128 E. Vine St.; Sec'y, W. A. Robinson, 1018 E Main Street. ALPHA NU LAMBDA, Tuskegee Institute, Ala.; Pres., Neal F. Herrlford; Sec'y, Joseph E. Fuller. ALPHA BETA LAMBDA, Lexington, Ky.; Pres., Dr. James N. Mclnham, 432 N. Upper St.; Sec'y., Dr. H. A. Merchant, 128 DeWeese St. ALPHA XI LAMBDA, Toledo, Ohio; Pres, Ivan McLeod, 1150 Nicholas Bldg.; Sec. Herbert T. Miller. ALPHA IOTA LAMBDA, Charleston, W. Va. BETA DELTA, S. C. State College, Orangeburg, S. C; Pres, J. Alfred Ellerbe; Sec'y., Jacob R. Henderson. BETA EPSILON, A. and T. College. Greensboro, N. C; Pres, F. T. Wood; Sec'y, D. A. Williams. BETA ZETA, Sam Houston College, Austin, Texas; Pres., Jerry Bell; Sec'y, John Warren. ALPHA RHO LAMBDA, Columbus, Ohio; Pres, Dr. H. Sherman Manuel, 27S 8. Grant St.; Sec'y, Charles P. Blackburn, 337 N. 22nd St. ALPHA PSI, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo.; Pres, Nathaniel Q. Free man; Sec'y, John Turner. ALPHA PI LAMBDA, Winston-Salem, N. C; Pres, A. H. Anderson, 1419 Hattle St.; Secy, Geo. F. Newell, 1617 E. 14th Street. OMEGA, The Great Beyond (Chapter ol the Dead)