The SPHINX | Winter December 1935 | Volume 21 | Number 1 193502101

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OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 1934-1935 P R E S I D E N T - D r . Chas. H. Wesley, Howard University, Washington, D. C. FIRST V I C E P R E S I D E N T - C h a s . W. Greene, 304 Griffin St., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. SECOND V I C E - P R E S I D E N T - T h o s . H. Henderson, 723 West Marshall St., Richmond, Va. THIRD V I C E - P R E S I D E N T - S i d n e y A. Jones, Jr., 155 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. SECRETARY—Jos. H. B. Evans, 101 S St., N. W., Washington, D. C. TREASURER—Percival R. Piper, 18032 Wexford Ave., Detroit, Mich. EDITOR OF SPHINX—Arnett G. Lindsay, 11 N. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. DIRECTOR O F EDUCATION-Rayford W. Logan, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. GENERAL COUNSEL—Theodore M. Berry. 413 W. 5th, Cincinnati, Ohio.

MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL LAY M E M B E R S Dr. B. A. Rose, 402 So. Bank St., Dayton, Ohio. Maynard P. Turner, Jr., 3916 Fairfax Ave., St. Louis, Mo. E. Oscar Woolfolk, Jr., Talladega College, Talladega, Ala. JEWELSDr. Henry A. Callis, Howard University, Washington, D. C George B. Kelley, 1 113th St., Troy, N. Y. Nathaniel A. Murray, 150 You St., N. W., Washington, D. C Robert H. Ogle, 1721 T St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Vertner W. Tandy, 221 W. 139th St., New York City

OFFICIAL CHAPTER ROSTER ALPHA—Ithaca, N. Y.; Active through membership of Jewels. BETA—Washington, D. C ; Sec, James A. Fairfax, 1917 Third St., N. W. GAMMA—Richmond, Va.; S e c , W. Russell Chavious, Virginia Union Univ. DELTA—Montreal, Canada (inactive). EPSILON—Ann Arbor, Mich.; Pres., Edwin C. Thomas; Cor. S e c , Armistead S. Pride, 132 Hill St. ZETA—New Haven, Conn.; Pres., inactive; S e c , Dr. R. S. Fleming, 216 Dwight St. ETA—New York City; Pres., Vester C. Fowlkes; S e c , Cecil Forster, 354 Greene St., Brooklyn, N. Y. THETA—Chicago, 111.; Pres., Rev. Archibald J. Carey, 57 E. 46th St.; S e c , Nelson E. Woodley, 4(26 Michigan Blvd. IOTA—Syracuse, N. Y. (inactive). KAPPA—Columbus, Ohio; Pres.. Chas. J. Thomas, 658 Stewart Ave.; S e c , Clifford F. Valentine, 415 Buttles Ave.; Cor. S e c , Thos. A. Cook, 248 W. Lane Ave. MU—Minneapolis, Minn.; Pres., John R. Lawrence, Jr., 556 St. Anthony Ave., St. Paul, Minn.; S e c , John M. Patton, 774 St. Anthony Ave., St. Paul, Minn. NU—Lincoln Univ., Pa.; Pres., Lawrence Bleech; Rec. S e c , Wendel Earling; Cor. S e c , Wilfred B. Lloyd. XI—Wilberforce, Ohio; Pres., William Morris; Cor. S e c , John Phillips; Fin. S e c , Wm. W. Brown; S e c , Samuel Morris. OMRICON—Pittsburgh, Pa.; Pres., Walter Talbot, 5635 Mignonette St.; S e c , J. O. Dougan, Jr., 2400 Webster Ave.; Fin. S e c , Henry McCullough. 31 Wandless St. PI—Cleveland, Ohio; Pres., Emmason D. Fuller, 2223 E- 100th St.; S e c , Robt. Coleman, Jr., 2314 E. 43rd St. KHO-Philadelphm, Pa.; Pres., Dr. W. F. Jerrick, 1943 Christian St.; Fin. Sec, C. II. Garlick, 529 S. 19th St. SIGMA—Boston, Mass.; Pres., Dr. F. Irving Gray, 610 Columbus Ave.; S e c , Harold E. James, 161 W. Springfield St. TAU—Champaign, III.; Pres., C. D. Ashmore; S e c , John E. Sullivan, Jr., 615 So. Wright St. UPSILON—Lawrence, Kan.; Pres., Donald Beatty; Cor. S e c , Edward J. Bruce, University of Kansas. PHI—Athens, Ohio; Pres., John W. Gazaway; S e c , Walter B. Allen, 155 W. Washington St. CHI—Nashville, Tcnn.; Pres., Gregory A. Galvin; Cor. S e c , A. W. Pleasants, Jr., 1017 16th Ave. X. PSI—Philadelphia, Pa.; Pres., Alton C. Berry, 3265 Chancellor St.; S e c , J. Gordon Baugh, III, 1819 Bainbridge St. A L P H A ALPHA—Cincinnati, Ohio; Pres., Dr. B. F. Cann, 5223 Ward St.; S e c , Chester A. Smith, 935 Gest St.; Fin. S e c , W. C. Weatherly, 637 W. 9th St. A L P H A BETA—Talladega, Ala.; Pres., Jos. A. Pittman; S e c , Lawrence Washington; Cor. S e c , Henry Shorter. ALPHA GAMMA—Providence, R. I. (inactive); Address: Jos. G. LeCount, 42 Westminster St. ALPHA DELTA—Los Angeles, Cal.; Pres., Bert McDonald, 319 E. 48th St.; Sec. Rufus S. Norman, 708 E 48th St. • A L P H A EPSILON—Berkeley, Cal.; Pres., John Ware, 1936 Market St., Oakland, Cal.; Cor. S e c , Geo. A. Towns, Jr.. 2900 Harper St.; S e c , James L. Allen, 951 40th St., Oakland, Cal. ALPHA ZETA—Institute, W. Va.; Pres., Win. C. Ross; Cor. S e c , A. M. BonDurant, W. Va. State College. A L P H A ETA—Cambridge, Mass. (inactive). ALPHA THETA—Iowa City, Iowa; Pres., Bernard Goss; S e c , Lamar Smith, 815 So. Dubuque St. ALPHA IOTA—Denver, Colo.; Pres., David N. Howell, 1221 Gaylord St.; S e c , Ernest A. Dawson, 211 W. 146th St., Apt. 100, New York City. A L P H A KAPPA—Springfield, Mass. (inactive); Address: Rev. Wm. N. DeBerry, 643 Union St. ALPHA MU—Evanston, 111.; Pres., James T. Morton, 2102 Darrow Ave.; S e c , Wm. C. Pyant, 2021 Brown Ave. A L r l l A NU—Ames, Iowa (inactive); Address: Chas. P. Howard, 515 Mulberry St., Des Moines, towa. ALPHA XI—Milwaukee, Wis. (inactive). ALPHA OMICRON—Charlotte, N. C ; Pres., James J. Abney; Cor. S e c , Claude E. Sloan; Fin. S e c , Henry C. Dugan, Jr., Johnson C. Smith Univ. ALPHA PI—Louisville, Ky.; Pres., Frederick Waldrip; S e c , George R. Woolfolk, 1512 Hale Ave. A L P H A RHO—Atlanta, Ga.; Pres., J. J. Epps; S e c , Chas. D. Saxon; Cor. S e c , Armstead Pierro, Morehouse College. ALPHA SIGMA—Marshall, Texas; Pres., James Taylor; Cor. S e c , C. A. Taylor; S e c , B. Burroughs, Wiley University. ALPHA TAU—Arkon, Ohio; Pres., Chas. L. Nunn, 152 Chestnut St.; S e c , N. O. Chestnut, 441 Pine St. ALPHA UPSILON—Detroit, Mich.; Pres., John Teague, 5873 Begole St.; S e c , T. C. Hollis, 6620 Scotten Ave. A L P H A PHI—Atlanta, Ga.; Pres., Howard D. Asbury; S e c , William A. Gaston, Clark Univ. ALPHA CHI—Nashville, Tenn.; Pres., Wiley B. Daniels, J r . ; S e c , Horace W. Melvin, Jr., Fisk Univ. ALPHA PSI—Jefferson City, Mo.; Pres., Floyd L. Robinson; Cor. S e c , Jos. T. Johnson, Lincoln Univ. BETA ALPHA—Baltimore, Md.; Pres., Verner V. Henry; S e c , Jas. D. Browne, Morgan College. BETA BETA—Lincoln, Neb. (inactive); Address: J. R. Lillard, 2211 R. St. BETA GAMMA—Ettrick, Pr.; Pres., Joseph Hubbard; S e c , Leon M. Snead, Va. State College. BETA DELTA—Orangeburg, S. C ; Pres., Alphonso L. David; S e c , Allie Rogers, State College. BETA EPSILON—Greensboro, N. C ; Pres., W. C. Davenport; S e c , Robert Haith, Jr., A. and T. College. (Continued on page 3 of cover)

THE SPHINX Official Organ of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. PUBLISHED QUARTERLY






EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ARNETT G. LINDSAY 11 North Jefferson Avenue Saint Louis, Mo.





Editorial—"Issues for Alphas"


President Wesley's Convention Call


Nashville Prepares Eor \lplia Phi Alpha


MILTON S. J. WRIGHT Wilfoerforce University

Silver Convention Headquarters Open


LOWELL H. BENNETT Fisk University

Program of 1935 Alpha Phi Alpha Convention






Tuskegee's Mew President



The Institute of Public AfTairs


Fraternity Fun



Reminders- -General Secretary



American Education and the Negro ((utstanding Alpha -Men Chapter Competing for Cup Awards . Chapter News

12-16 17 .18 19-30

Cupid's Corner


Omega Chapter







Entered as second class matter at the Post Office in St. I,ouis, Mo., and accepted f->r mailing at the Special Kate of Fostage, as provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. Wellington <»»,!=».:.. Printing Co.



S p h i n x

ISSUES FOR ALPHAS these tines knowing full well that there are some Brothers who will object to them on the grounds that they are addressed to issues not within the province of Alpha 1'hi Alpha. Historically. they are correct: yet when one considers the fact that Alpha Phi Alpha is constituted of men definitely identified with a minority group they command our attention in the light of world events and trends. WRITE

Some of the following issues are more- specifically related to the great mass of Negro people, rather than to the professionals or "talented tenth", who form the hulk of our ranks. But professionals and white-collar folk cannot divorce themselves from the rank and file of workers. The relation between them is positive and organic. Moreover, as members of a minority group against whom barriers are erected, our problems at once merge into a common struggle against the enemy who keep us in "our place". We are therefore concerned about the welfare of the masses — black and white — f o r upon careful analysis we find them victims of a common foe. 1 I ere we go : Industrial Unionism — Organized labor at this writing is going through a serious internal crisis. Workers are polarizing around two poles as the issues grow sharper between the industrial or vertical union bloc in the A. F. of L.. headed by John L. Lewis, and the craft unions under the nominal leadership of William Green. The industrial union. by its nature, structure and philosophy, better enables the workers in mass production industries, which is the American pattern, to fight their problems. Furthermore, and for these same reasons, the industrial union is more democratic, according Negro workers much fairer treatment than will be found in the craft unions. Labor's problems are widespread and deep; labor's remedy, then, must be likewise. War and Fascism—President Roosevelt is of the group represented by the American Manufacturers Association, and the National Chamber of Commerce: yet they are preparing to defeat him. Why? The big industrialists of this country want a more reactionary leader of strong fascistic tendencies. They would have more confidence in one of that type. Roosevelt believes too strongly in democracy for the big capitalist. This is indicated by big busi-

ne>s men. Democrats, Republicans, et al., forming the Liberal League to fight the "New Deal". Fascism begets militarism, which in turn begets war! We, as .Alpha men. as members of a minority. cannot profit from either Fascism or war. But we may lose- even that pittance of security we now have under democracy. There is one way we can fight war and fascism— Farmer-Labor Party—The standard of living of the mass of farmers and laborers is on the decline, while big business profits are increasing. The differences between the two old parties are practically nil. We ought to. then, be shopping about for a party devoted to the welfare of the wage-earners and farmers. Most Negroes fall into cither of these two groups. A Farmer-Labor party is what American workers need. National Negro Congress — There is an urgent need for greater co-operation among those organizations and people dealing with the problems of the Negro people. Many times in the past they have worked at cross purposes because their programs were not properly coordinated. We have had Sanhcdrins and Fact-Finding Conferences, but they resolved themselves into mere intellectual confabs. The National Negro Congress is to be an economic conference primarily. Laborers, farmers, professionals and intellectuals will set out upon a searching analysis of tin' state of affairs among our people, and upon the facts revealed, launch a progress program. Alpha Phi Alpha should be there ! The Olympics—The sporting clubs of Germany are dominated by the Nazi who are propagating the "Aryan" theory. Should our Negro athletes compete in a country where to be other than a Nordic is to be sub-human. Won't the Nazi feel vindicated if our boys go over. Remember what Brisbane said about Joe Louis after he smashed Baer: "You can very likely find a savage who could whip Louis. We ought to have a white champion and a Negro champion." Will Hitler say the same about Brothers Metcalf and Owens? Brothers, it appears to me that we ought, in our coming Convention, devote some thinking and time to these problems. SIDNRY R. WILLIAMS.

St. Louis, Mo., December, 1935.




PRESIDENT WESLEY SUMMONS ALPHA PHI ALPHA TO ATTEND CONVENTION ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY To All Chapters and Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Greetings: Y VIRTUE of the authority vested in me as General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity I herewith call upon you to assemble at Nashville, Term., December 28-31, 1935. for the Twenty-fifth General Convention—the Silver Convention of our Fraternity. This Convention should see the assembly of a larger and more representative number of Alpha Brothers and of Negro College nun and women than have been assembled in previous gathering in our history. With Nashville in relatively easy access of North, South, East and West, and with the ardent and active Alpha spirit motivating the Fraternity, it is to be expected that an enthusiastic, pleasant and profitable convention will be held.


As we are now on the way out of the depression and a proportionally larger number of Brothers are financial than ever before in our history, and as our fraternity program with its emphasis upon service to the people is attracting the interest and support of the Alpha membership, let us all look forward to the most profitable convention in our history. Fraternally yours, CHARLES H.


Intercollegian states that "everywhere the fraternities have felt the full weight of the depression to a degree more acute,probably than any other section of the college world". It is a pleasure to report to you that Alpha Phi Alpha is not in this number. This is due without doubt to the fact that we stand for more than the temporary social relationships. We have a program worthy of serious consideration and one which is receiving the serious support which it merits. Today, there are nearly one thousand Brothers who are financial with the General Organization. Our bank balance on December 26, 1933, as per the official audit was $9,150.80, and on December 31, 1934. the close of the fiscal year, the balance was $10,790.28. However, $2,675.26 represents frozen assets in banks closed during the bank holidays. I give these figures in order to set at rest, at least temporarily, the voices of "the prophet id doom"— if there should be any within our ranks. Your administrative officers. President, Secretary, Treasurer and other officers are working to safeguard the material interests of the fraternity, in this time of material stress. And while we are watching this situation, the fraternal and servicable interests of the Fraternity come first with us, and to this we would give first consideration.

General President.

The end of 1935 finds Alpha Phi Alpha in splendid condition.


Nevertheless, when the seven to eight thousand who have become Alpha Phi Alpha Brothers since 1906 are considered, ours is only a moderate showing. But when our condition is placed along side of other organizations, it is most gratifying. We would not stop to congratulate ourselves, however, for we know that there is still work to be done. We do not intend to pause until all who can be reached by the loyal are also led to be loyal. An old adage is that nothing succeeds like success. We believe that since we have been so far successful with smaller numbers that ultimately we shall reach larger disinterested ones. If there are those who read this message who are among the inactive, come in and help us to carry on! The way to build an organization and to make it better is not to stand outside of it and criticize it in a destructive way, but to get on the inside and push the program from within. Alpha Phi Alpha is no different. If you think that our Fraternity is not meeting the challenges

Dear Brothers in Alpha Phil Alpha: The period through which we are passing is an exceedingly trying one for all organized corporate life. Businesses, fraternal organizations and group actions have found themselves in the midst of unusual economic conditions and have either reduced their activities or have been seriously embarrassed or have become bankrupt. Alpha Phi Alpha is happy to report through its General President that as a national organization, we have never been in a better condition both from the point of view of fraternal manifestations and financial condition. Surely there must be something in Alpha Phi Alpha which causes its endurance while other organizations around us seem only to "wax and wane". The reports of college presidents and the metropolitan newspapers are carrying- statements of the sad plight of college fraternities. The



before it today, do not stand on the outside and pick it tn pieces with a "fraternities-are-no-good" generalization, but conic inside and help us to set the house in order. Work in your local chapter, get life into it, come to the General Convention at Nashville this year, and make yourself a part of us by your contribution of self to its cause! Our program, now organized in its infancy under the Educational Foundation, is in operation and is destined to be of larger service to the members of the Fraternity, as well as to the Negro race as a national minority group. These are the two parts of our purpose. We plan first, to advance the scholarly interests, the scholarly preparation and the personal p r o g r o s of our Brothers, through the extension of our scholarship and fellowship program, and the recognition of meritorious activity. We plan. secondly, to serve our racial group in the building of a new social order today, as we have in limited ways in the past. We join hands with and aid the Joint Committee on National Recovery, which is still fighting for a square deal for Negroes under the New Deal. We have aided the Scottsboro boys. the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History and the N. A. A. C. P. We join with the X. A. A. C. P. and seek to have the border states make some provision for the college and professional preparation of its Negro youth through state facilities, just as it does for its white youth. We print the truth about the New Deal and through our special investigators and the columns of the Sphinx, we want Negroes in all parts of the country to know how they are being served by the national administration. We plan to advance the citizenship interests of Negroes in this country, and we believe that we are in position to do this as few other organizations are. We want to make Negroes "citizenship-minded" all over the country, just as we have contributed to the "education-mind" among them. We want to stimulate and aid the local chapters and local communities with their problems. This part of the program and the future program await your suggestion and approval. All of this program marches onward ! We need the co-operation of all Brothers, and we urge you not to withhold it from your local chapter or from the general organization. We need you, and you need us in the construction of ourselves into a more serviceable instrument for the changing social order. There are so many things which we can do together that we cannot do alone. Alpha Phi Alpha's present and future are in our hands. Its past is our heritage and our history tells a glorious story of an upward climb towards the light. May every Alpha man become an Alpha Brother—for be assured there is a

S p h i n x difference between these two—and may the Fraternity of which we are a part "grow and glow" in local and national ways! With cordial greetings to each Brother and Chapter, I am. Sincerely and fraternally yours. CHARLES H. WESLEY,

General President. CHRISTMAS CHEER " "lis Christmas time." " 'Tis Christmas time." Dear hallowed name of every clime! I low each one's heart now happy feels, How each one's face fresh joy reveals As Christmas Day is drawing near The merriest day of all the year. Old spite and hate, the scowl, the sneer Are vanquished, all, by kindly cheer, And friendships nigh forgot and cold Glow warm again as once of old. Man's worries cease, his hope returns, Mis breast with love now brighter burns; So, Christmas cheer. Oh, Christmas cheer! A hearty welcome to you here. A welcome through the world where trod The course of joy, the Son of God, The Lowly One who from above First warmed cold earth with gladsome love: Who still proclaims with golden voice, "Peace on earth! Rejoice! Rejoice!" C. E. LEWIS.

A WORD FROM ABROAD Dear Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha: Permit me to express my gratitude for the honor I enjoyed in becoming a member of our great Fraternity. Like Lincoln, who, though born in Kentucky, was raised in Illinois and glorified the latter by his deeds. I was initiated in Alpha Phi Chapter but rendered a more valuable service to Beta Chapter. Through Beta I can vividly recall the happiness of my college life and the memory thereof will remain with me to the end. Our Fraternity has done much in the past; the first and second generations of members have worked hard and the results of their efforts should inspire future generations. We must remember, however, that we cannot rest on our laurels, that there is no standing still while newcomers are eagerly pressing forward. Unless there is progress, defeat is inevitable. Tt is not enough to say "I am an Alpha man", one should say "Because I am an (Continued on page 31)






II. B. EVANS, General Secretary of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.. of Washington, D. C , and Charles W. Greene, First Vice-President of Atlanta. Geo., went to Nashville and met with the General Convention Committee to make suggestions, complete details of organization, and approve the convention program of Alpha Phi Alpha to he held in Nash vile, December 28-31. 1935. Secretary Evans was highly pleased with the plans of the Nashville .Alpha men. In the course of an enthusiastic speech to the Convention Committee, Secretary Evans let fall a phrase which Dean George W. Gore of Tennessee State College quickly assembled into a convention slogan, "Out of the Depression — On to Nashville, December 28-31, 1935. Secretary Evans Greene reported that all Alpha men in the Southern Region were "pointing" for Nashville next Christmas. Dean A. A. Taylor of Fisk University, who has just returned from six months' residence study in Cambridge, Mass., reported a most favorable response of the Eastern Chapters, and .Andrew J. Allison. Alumni Secretary of Fisk University, reported that on a recent tour of the .Middle West and Southwest not only Alpha men but a large number of students who formerly attended one of the colleges in the "Athens of the South" will be returning to Nashville for the Convention during Christmas holidays, and also to renew old college acquaintances.

1st the General Convention Committee of the 1935 Alpha Phi Alpha Convention scheduled to meet in Nashville. December 28-31, opened headquarters at the Alpha House in Nashville, 1017 loth Avenue. North, the home of Chi Chapter. With full office equipment and full time secretary in charge, the various committee chairmen have now transferred all of their convention correspondence to this office.



Nashville is pre-eminently a convention city and has every facility for the entertainment and com fort of guests. The National Bar Association has just concluded its most successful convention in Nashville and its delegates left in highest praises of the great spirit of Nashville. The Negro and white unversity atmosphere, together with the native liberal attitude on the part of white Nashville, backed up by the insistence on the part of Negro Nashville leaders fighting for every right of Nashville Negroes, gives the outsider a relief from the usual cramped feeling and at the same time inspires and gives him the most outstanding example in America of what Negro leadership can do for Negroes in college, publishing houses, churches, and banks. A conservative estimate indicates that 2,000 out-of-town guests will visit Nashville for the Alpha Phi Alpha Convention Christmas.



General Secretary Joseph 11. B. Evans met with the Executive Committee in the offices of the General Chairman. Dr. C. B. Steele, on Saturday evening. November 2, reviewing in detail the preparations which have already been made and the convention program and accommodations for delegates and convention guests. The Convention Committee has well-laid plans and Mr. Evans expressed himself as pleased over the attendance prospects of the Silver Convention. With reports from Tennessee State College which can feed 1,000 persons at one sitting in its new modern dining hall and smaller dining rooms, that such facilities are available, and that further the dormitories of both State College and Fisk University could be used, stamped Nashville as an "ace" convention city. It was learned that Fish University is turning over Bennett Hall. a four-story building, exclusively for the use of delegates. The new Bryant House, an up-to-date hotel recently opened in Nashville by Ira T. Bryant, which housed the National Bar Association meeting last summer in Nashville, together with scores of registered private homes will be available for delegates and guests during their stay in Nashville. While Brother Evans was in the city he met with Alpha Chi Brothers, undergraduate'Chapter of Fisk University, visited Chi Chapter, and addressed the Ladies' Auxiliary on Sunday afternoon at the Faculty Club. The Ladies' Auxiliary is composed of fifty prominent ladies of the city of Nashville who have been identified with Alpha I'hi Alpha over a long period of years. This organization alone will insure delegates and visiting Brothers, and especially women visitors, a most unusual time during their stay in Nashville.

It is estimated by General Secretary Evans and Corresponding Secretary Allison who have made recent contacts with Alpha Brothers in many sections, that not less than 1.000 Alpha men will be in attendance at the Convention, which means that



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probably another 1,000 visitors will come to the city for the various social events which have been arranged. Nashville boasts of having four Alpha Phi Alpha Chapters, a larger number than any other city, with a total number of 125 resident .Alpha Brothers.

with a smile assured of their place in the "Alpha Sun"; and there will surely be unfinancial Alphas with that worried expression lobbying for any change in the ruling that will make them eligible to vote. Your Convention City

Dr. Charles 11. Wesley, of Washington, D. C , General Manager of Alpha Phi Alpha, has announced that Dr. F. D. Patterson, an Alpha Brother and recentlj elected President of Tuskegee, will be the Convention's principal speaker at its public session to be held Sunday, December 29. The Silver Convention will maintain Alpha's reputation for social events of unusual importance and beauty, with three national fraternities and three national sororities represented on the entertaining list and officially programmed; however, the Convention will be one of serious tone and matter-of-fact business, going a in itch higher in educational achievement and world citizenship. A new high mark is expected to be made n the program outlined for the Silver Convention. One interesting feature which is ready now to be announced is the Medical Clinic and scientific apparatus exhibitions wheh will be held at Mcharry .Medical College and the Chemistry Building of Fisk University.

Nashville is a city in which the cultures meet from every section of the United States. Nashville is within twenty-four hours' ride from the majority of chapter seats of Alpha Phi Alpha. Nashville has the largest number of active chapters (4) of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity of any city. Nashville has 125 Alpha Brothers strong to greet you. Nashville is fraternity conscious—there being a large representation in other fraternities and sororities, viz., Kappa .Alpha 1'si, Omega Psi Phi and Phi Beta Sigma; the Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, and Zeta Phi Beta; and Nashville has four fraternity houses.

A novel feature prepared by the Publicity Committee of the Silver Convention is a pictorial folder setting forth the achievements of Negroes in Nashville in the fields of education, business, religion, fraternal organization and home building, and the opportunities the city offers to its Negro citizens. ( )ne of these folders is being mailed to each of the 3,000 Alpha Brothers throughout the country, which will undoubtedly be a booster for one of the greatest attended conventions ever in the history of the Alpha 1'hi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. A Hearty Welcome We welcome you to the next convention of Alpha Phi Alpha which is scheduled to meet in Nashville, Tcnn.. December 28-31, 1935. The General Convention Committee has been working for a year on the organization and plans for this convention. Last minute details and preparations are being "ironed out" at present. Nashville is placing all of its facilities at our disposal for your convenience and comfort. The Nashville Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha is going to run up a record-breaking attendance of delegates, Alpha men in general, and guests who would ordinarily be participants on such an occasion. There will be Alpha families accompanying Alpha Brothers to the convention; there will be Alpha Sweethearts galore looking for a break; there will be financial Brothers coming in

Where You Will Sleep There will be ample housing facilities for Brothers, their wives and friends. The dormitories of Tennessee Slate College will be available. At Fisk University, one entire building, Bennett Hall, is being turned over for the convenience of delegates. There are also the Y. M. C. A., the new "Bryant I louse", which housed the National Bar Association last summer, and scores oi registered private homes which Brother Creswell has already engaged. The Convention Pictorial Folder which will be mailed to you shortly will show some of the places described above. The convention rate for lodging for all places will be $1.00 per day. Where You Will Eat The Tennessee State College has a new modern dining hall, with cafeteria service and private dining rooms capable of serving 1,000 persons at one sitting. Meals can also be had at the Alpha House. Jubilee Hall Dining Room, the Bryant Mouse, and a dozen or more up-to-date cafes and private homes in walking distance from Convention Headquarters. Meals may be had for as low a price as 50 cents per day. Attendance Prospects General Secretary Joseph H. B. Evans met with the General Convention Committee in Nashville last week and left for Washington enthusiastic over the preparations being made and the program outlined for the Silver Convention. Undoubtedly, Nashville is going to have the honor of being Alpha's largest attended convention city. Brother Evans contacted (Continued on page 8)




Program of the 1935 Alpha Phi Alpha Convention PRE-CONVENTION


F r i d a y , D e c e m b e r 17—• R e s e r v e d for local F r a t e r n i t i e s a n d S o r o r i t i e s . Saturday. December 28— 8:00 A. Al. R e g i s t r a t i o n F o y e r H u b b a r d H o s pital. 9:00 A. M. A s s e m b l y of F x e c u t i v e Council. 10:00 A . M . F i r s t Business Session. 2:00 P . M. Second Business Session. 6:00 P. Al. R e c e p t i o n — F r a t e r n i t y B r i d g e . 9-12 P . M. D a n c e ( o p e n ) . S u n d a y , D e c e m b e r 29—• 11:00 A. M. C o n v e n t i o n Service ( F i s k U n i v e r sity C h a p e l ) . 2:30 P . M . M e m o r i a l Services. 3:30 P . M. P i l g r i m a g e . 7:00 P . M . Public Session ( S t a t e College Auditorium). 10:00 P . M . Smoker. M o n d a y , D e c e m b e r 30— 4:00 A. M. D a w n D a n c e . 10:00 A. M. T h i r d Business Session. 2:00 P . M . C o n v e n t i o n P h o t o g r a p h . 2:30 P . M . F o u r t h B u s i n e s s Session. 4 : 3 0 P . M. Clinic. 10-2 P . M . C o n v e n t i o n F o r m a l ( S t a t e lege).


T u e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 31—• 10:00 A . M . Fifth Business Session. 2:30 P . M. S i x t h B u s i n e s s Session. 9:00 P . M . C o n v e n t i o n B a n q u e t ( c l o s e d ) S t a t e College Alpha Ladies F n t e r t a i n i n g Guest Ladies. Place— B u s i n e s s Sessions—Al e h a r r y A u d i t o r i u m . Livingstone Hall (Fisk Univers i t y ) , S t a t e College A u d i t o r i u m .

FELLOWSHIPS—SCHOLARSHIPS T h e Alpha P h i Alpha F r a t e r n i t y has again a w a r d e d this y e a r the s u m of $1,300 in fellowships a n d s c h o l a r s h i p s , a c c o r d i n g to an a n n o u n c e m e n t from t h e office of t h e D i r e c t o r of E d u c a t i o n , P r o fessor R a y f o r d W . L o g a n , of A t l a n t a U n i v e r s i t y , A t l a n t a , Ga. M r . C h a r l e s Lionel F r a n k l i n , a s t u d e n t a t C o l u m bia U n i v e r s i t y , h a s b e e n a w a r d e d five h u n d r e d doll a r s ($500.00) t o help him c o m p l e t e his w o r k for t h e d e g r e e of d o c t o r of philosophy in sociology. M r . M y r o n B u m s t e a d T o w n e s , a t e a c h e r in the B o o k e r T. W a s h i n g t o n H i g h School of A t l a n t a , Ga.,

will receive four h u n d r e d dollars ($400.00) for a d vanced wurk t o w a r d the d e g r e e of d o c t o r of philosophy in c h e m i s t r y al the U n i v e r s i t y of .Michigan. Air. T o w n e s a l r e a d y holds the d e g r e e of Alaster of A r t s from t h a t i n s t i t u t i o n . T o Air. H e n r y A l e x a n d e r R y a n of Le Aloyne College. M e m p h i s , Tenn., and t o M r . W i l e y B o w m a n Daniel. J r . . of F i s k U n i v e r s i t y , Nashville, T e n n . , have been g r a n t e d one h u n d r e d dollars ($100.00) scholarships. In addition to t h e s e a w a r d s t h e Alpha P h i A l p h a F r a t e r n i t y conducted during the current year the first c o m p l e t e i n v e s t i g a t i o n of t h e new F e d e r a l Agencies. T h e m o s t i l l u m i n a t i n g finding a c c o r d i n g t o P r o f e s s o r L o g a n w a s t h e fact t h a t of m o r e t h a n 55.000 unclassified a p p o i n t m e n t s . N e g r o e s received fewer t h a n 500 of t h e s e , n e a r l y all w e r e in t h e l o w e r g r a d e s such as m e s s e n g e r s . T h e F r a t e r n i t y also c o n t i n u e d its G o - t o - H i g h School, G o - t o - C o l l e g e C a m p a i g n and i n a u g u r a t e d an Education for Citizenship C a m p a i g n . In this Latter it received the w h o l e h e a r t e d s u p p o r t of m a n y sororities, fraternities, and church organizations. Dr. C h a r l e s H . W e s l e y , head of t h e d e p a r t m e n t of H i s t o r y a t H o w a r d U n i v e r s i t y , is P r e s i d e n t of Alpha Phi A l p h a ; M r . J o s e p h H . B. E v a n s , A d v i s o r t o t h e D i r e c t o r of t h e R u r a l R e s e t t l e m e n t A d m i n i s t r a t i o n . is G e n e r a l S e c r e t a r y ; and A t t o r n e y Percival P i p e r , of D e t r o i t , Mich., is G e n e r a l T r e a s u r e r . T h e m e m b e r s of t h e C o m m i t t e e on A w a r d of F e l l o w ships and S c h o l a r s h i p s w e r e , in addition to Dr. AVesley and P r o f e s s o r L o g a n , D r . R o b e r t P . D a n i e l , head of t h e d e p a r t m e n t of e d u c a t i o n , V i r g i n i a U n i o n U n i M i s i t y : Dr. D w i g h t O. W . H o l m e s , D e a n of t h e G r a d u a t e School. H o w a r d U n i v e r s i t y ; D r . H o w a r d H . L o n g , A s s i s t a n t S u p e r i n t e n d e n t in c h a r g e of R e s e a r c h a n d Chief E x a m i n e r in t h e colored public schools of W a s h i n g t o n . D. C.; and D r . C h a r l e s H . T h o m p s o n , head of t h e d e p a r t m e n t of e d u c a t i o n , I toward University. T w o a d d i t i o n a l s c h o l a r s h i p s of one h u n d r e d doll a r s each have been a w a r d e d by the Alpha Phi Alpha F r a t c r n i t v . a c c o r d i n g to an a n n o u n c e m e n t from t h e office of t h e f r a t e r n i t y ' s D i r e c t o r of E d u c a t i o n . P r o f e s s o r R a y f o r d W . L o g a n of A t l a n t a U n i v e r s i t y . T h e recipients of t h e s e a w a r d s a r e David Alfred G r a v e s of V i r g i n i a U n i o n U n i v e r s i t y , Richmond, A "a.. and L e n d o r C o n r a d X e s b i t t of t h e U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois, U r b a n a , 111. T h e s e a w a r d s a r e a p a r t of t o t a l a l l o t m e n t s of $2,400 m a d e m a d e d u r i n g the p a s t t w o y e a r s by the Alpha Phi Alpha F r a t e r n i t y , a c c o r d i n g t o P r o f e s s o r I .> i&ran.




TUSKEGEE'S NEW PRESIDENT our President, Dr. Charles H. Wesley: "As the national representative of the oldest and most extensive organizations of Negro college men in the world—the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity—we are sending to you, one of its distinguished members. this word of commendation and congratulation concerning your election as President of Tuskegee Institute. Our Fraternity including more than one hundred chapters . . . takes a distinct pleasure in honoring one of its sons . . .". W.


President, Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama.

PROGRAM OF 1935 ALPHA PHI ALPHA CONVENTION (Continued from page 6)

DR. F. D. PATTERSON Brother F. 1). 1'atterson, President-elect of Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, is one of the outstanding members of Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, located at Tuskegee Institute. Brother Patterson, or " P a t " as he is affectionately called by his friends, has for more than a decade worked faithfully for those ideals for which our great Fraternity stands. Brother Patterson was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity by Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter, located at Iowa State College, where he received the degree of D.V.M. in 1923 and the degree of M.S. in 1927. Later, while teaching at Virginia State College, Virginia, he was instrumental in shaping the activities of Nu Lambda located at that college. In the midst of a busy life he has found the time to attend two general conventions of the Fraternity, Cleveland and Cincinnati. As a member of the faculty of Tuskegee Institute, Brother Patterson has worked faithfully as a member and officer of Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter. At the time of his election to the Presidency of Tuskegee Institute, he was Chairman of the Education Committee of that Chapter. Therefore, it is with great pride that Alpha Nu Larbda Chapter presents Brother Frederick Douglas Patterson to that ever-increasing group of Alpha Phi Alpha men who serve so splendidly and so well the race in particular and humanity in general. No more fitting and appropriate final word can be said, than to quote from a letter from

chapters in the East, North and South recently, and the Convention's Corresponding Secretary Allison contacted Brothers in the last six months in the principal cities of the Middle West, Southwest and South and their reports tally that Brothers in Alpha are going to trek to Nashville this Christmas "like nobody's business". There will be fifty out of Chicago alone; another 50 out of Washington; Knoxville. Memphis and Chattanooga are coming 100 per cent strong. New Orleans is literally going to pick chapters up on their way to Nashville to be sure of voting strength large enough to bag the next General Convention. Motorcades will be formed in Washington, I). C . for all Brothers motoring from the East; in Atlanta for Brothers motoring from points farther South; in Memphis from points Southwest; in St. Louis for points from the far West, and Louisville for all points North. Convention Travel The convention will not use the certificate plan for those using the railroads, as Christmas rates will go into effect on December 20 on all roads and be in effect until January 1, the ticket being good until January 10. This rate is the same, fare and one-third, that could be obtained under the certificate plan. The coach rate of l ^ c per mile for those coming from points South will even be cheaper. The Alpha Phi Alpha Convention is listed in the District Passenger Agent's offices of all the major railroads. The names of each Chapter President and Secretary has been sent to the particular road or roads of your section handling convention passenger traffic from your city to Nashville. Attractive rates, schedules and accommodations can be arranged on most roads for parties.




The Institute of Public Affairs Sponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. i A PROPOSAI,) BY L. HOWARD BENNETT



a Fisk product, assumes the

. position of Field Secretary with a background that definitely fits him for the work.

The General Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha in St. Louis, 1933, voted Mr. Bennett at the American Negro student who had dune most to promote student activities on any university campus in the United States.

L. HOWARD BENNETT Field Secretary, Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn. One of the most significant phases of the development and progress of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity has been its educational program. It has not been a static one, it has been dynamic. It lias not been permitted to become outmoded, it has been made to keep abreast of that kaliedescopic panorama called twentieth century civilization in urban—industrial America. From the early "Go-toHigh-School- -Go-to-College"movement to its present-day "Education for Citizenship" program the Fraternity has striven to meet the needs of the masses of Negro-Americans. With increasing efficiency and effectiveness has the program been executed, until today under the brilliant direction of Rayford Logan it nears its apogee of social utility. The fact still remains, however, that in a period of rapid and significant changes the Fraternity must continue from time to time to alter, adjust and make appropriate innovations to its educational program. In spite of the comprehensive scope of our past and present policies, the future holds for us vast virgin areas for further exploration into, and projection of our educational program.

For adoption at tin- next General Convention of the Fraternity to be held December, 1935, in Nashville, Tenn., I propose that the Fraternity sponsor some lime in the summer of 1936 an Institute of Public Affairs t o : 1. Acquaint the concerned portion of the Negro population with our National and International problems in government, economics, race relations, politics, etc. 2. Point out specifically our Nationwide and sectional problems with their peculiar and particular Negro incidence. 3. Create a greater and more properly founded Negro-American Consciousness. 4. Attempt to sow the seeds out of which there is the possibility of evolving the basic for laying down a concrete program to be pursued by the race in a solid phalanx in its tight for its rightful place in the American social order. The Institute could be held on the Campus of one of our Negro schools. It could be manned and staffed by the ablest men in the field of social science. We have here in America, in our race and out; in our Fraternity and out men who, in my opinion, would gladly assist in what could be an epochal innovation in Negro life in America. Charles S. Johnson, and James W'eldon Johnson of Fisk, Forrester Washington of the Atlanta School of Social W o r k : Ira De Reid. W. F . Rurghardt DuBois, and Rayford Logan of Atlanta University: Charles Wesley, Abraham Harris, and Charles Thompson of Howard, Robert Weaver of the Department of Interior, Eugene K. Jones of the Department of Commerce, Oxley of the Department of Labor, John Davis of Washington, T. Arnold Hill of the Urban League, Charles Houston and Walter White of the N. A. A. C. P., would be some of the men and type of men we would attempt to have lecture, lead discussions and make addresses at such an institute. Of course there are many details about the institute. that would be of about ten days duration, that are not included in this article, but if given voice are to be discussed on the convention floor. Nineteen thirty-six is a significant year in a most vital era of social development. The political, social and economic future not only of America, but the whole world seems to be suspended in mid-air to (Continued on page 31)



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ce^T.BY DR.



An Apologia Dear Fellows: This department is later in sending; in our diatribe than we have ever been and if you read this it will be a surprise to me. because I should not be shocked if young Lindsay, Jr.. found tin's next week in the waste basket of Lindsay, Sr. First of all I had nothing of humoristic value to write, there being no conventions, no grease spots. shadows, and no one-act playlets. . . . Perhaps I should write about children—Alpha children—future Sphinxites. I could tell the story about the little boy whose mother bought him a new pair of pants. He wore them to school one day but neglected to take his seat, whereupon the teacher asked what was the trouble. The lad said his pants were too tight; in fact, they were tighter than his skin. The teacher was astonished. She said. "Oh no that couldn't be." The lad replied. "Oh yes they are. I can sit down in my skin without bursting it, but 1 dare not try it with these pants." . . . Another paragraph done! . . . Then there was the little dumb bell who jumped out of the gymnasium window when the instructor asked him to throw out his chest. . . . Junior says his papa believes in the New Deal. He runs up new bills in one store and then deals somewhere else. . . . 1 lo hum. . . . I'm sleepy but I must get in two more paragraphs. . . . S'funny when you know nothing eloquently. . . . Oh yes, I nearly forgot that Yolanda's mother was entertaining Major Cloude, the famous aviator, and Yolanda wanted to join in showing him hospitality. "Is it nice to lie thing through the a i r ? " "I have completely forgotten how it seemed," said the child. "Why you never went up in the air. Yolanda," said her mother. "Oh yes I have," said Yolanda, "Nave you forgotten about when the stork brought m e ? " . . . Donald was sick at the hospital and his little friend Leroy called to see how he was getting along. The nurse said. "Why he's getting along fine; he's convalescing now." "Well." said Leroy, "I want to see him. so I'll just sit down here and wait 'till he's through." . . . Mercy me ! Newspaper Headlines. . . . Koosevelt Urges Broad Education? . . . Yeah we've known all along that most of them are pretty dumb. . . . Speaking of children, prenatal influence, birthmarks, etc., the young bride visited the zoo and was fascinated by the antics of the bear cubs playing in the bear pit. The excitement overcame her, she was carried home and put to bed. but the prenatal influence left its



Frat Fun Editor

mark ; subsequently she gave birth to a baby with bare feet. . . . O Habeas Corpus! Oh boy, it's getting harder and harder following this kid motif and keeping it carefully pruned. . . . If I had thought of it sooner I should have suggested an albumn of kiddies pictures in the Sphinx . . . .pictures of Alpha Phi Alpha celebrities when they were kids. . . . A snapshot of the cherubic Dickason would be intriguing—to say nothing of Green, Logan, Rose, Cannon, Milton Wright and Paige . . . and the photos of Evans, Wesley and Piper before their curls were cut—Epluribus Unum . . . think of Garvin in rompers and Kelly in diapers. . . . Say, editor, let's have a kiddies' number. . . aw let's. . . . She: "Oh dear, what shall we do with baby?" l i e : "Didn't you get a book of instructions with i t ? " Dedicated to School Teachers Modern education was the topic of conversation in the suburban drawing room. Mrs. Jones was saying that it was of little use, while her hostess, Mrs. Martin, held that it was a good thing. "Now, here's little George," said the former. "lie's bright and though only ten, he will answer an)- question you like to ask him." "Well, George dear," said Mrs. Martin, "how man}- are four and three?" "Eight," came the prompt reply. "There you a r e ! " exclaimed the proud mother. "Missed it only by two!" DEBUNKING HISTORY Dedicated to all Sphinx Clubs At a recent joint meeting of Nu with Rho Chapter at Nu Chapter, Lincoln University, Pa. Brother Jerrick held his audience first spell bound then carried them on gales of laughter through a graphic and highly descriptive recital of his adolescence and the incidents leading to his departure from British Guiana and his arrival on the campus of Lincoln University. I have heard the story before and all the Brothers who attended the Alpha banquet at Cincinnati remember with risibilistic recurrence the picture of the little dusky Caribbean boy dragged by a fond but determined Aunt to a tailor to have suitable raiment of more or less American design made for a chap who just one hour before had emerged from bare-headed barefoot and bare backed bliss to the confined and restricted conventionality of a hat, a suit and a pair of shoes.

The You remember the description as Jerrick curtsied with his characteristic terpichorean grace on that sac red college soil. He has told us of the Bolo hat, the mongrel head gear created by the fertilization of a Derby by a Fedora hat. He told us of "Seemore" suit with its abortive waistcoat, its single buttoned abbreviated frock coat, the disiccated and jettisoned half length pantaloons, we remember the frank recital about the aboriginal aspect of the aspiring and perspiring Jerrick. Even the ludicrous Guianian brogue and vernacular doesn't escape our memory nor have have we lost sight of the Chrysallistic evolution into the intellectual butterfly that Alpha hails today in Brother Jerrick as we dedicate this article to him in honor of his eighteen years as President of Rho Chapter and his (?) years as an Alpha man—but let history be unfolded; let us debunk much of the story which is most likely a figment of the brain of a imaginative erstwhile Antillian. So-o-o-o the findings are these: 'tis true the dear Aunt was sending young Jerrick to Lincoln University. Pennsylvania, but she had heard of Abraham Lincoln emancipating the slaves and she thought that Lincoln University was a reform school and that Jerrick could be emancipated from his Caribbean crudeness and incorrigibility. Physchiatrists disclose to us the information that to the lad the impression and remembrance of the hybrid Bolo hat, the "See-more" suit and plantation shoes were superinduced by the transformation from the loin to complete non-nudity, from the single log ax hewn canoe to the twin screw steamer, from the Georgetown Kraal to the Lincoln University Campus, from the war whoop to the class yell, from the mm descript sou of the Antilles to the esteemed beloved Lincoln University, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, University of Edinburgh Graduate School, Rho Chapter's Alpha Phi Alpha's best known, most loved character so famed that he ceases to be a name, a personage but becomes indeed a legend in the history of our Fraternity. O Irrisio, Res Miseria! Rut voluble and prolific as are these encomiums, our Legendary Figure has as yet made no karyokinctie manifestations from which future historians can prolong these remarks into another Jerrickian dynasty. <) tempores, O mores. REMINDERS—GENERAL SECRETARY To All Chapters: I HOPE thai every Chapter is making plans looking I toward a banner representation at our Convention at Nashville on December 28-31, 1935. This means that you should make every effort to have the dele-



gate's and as many visiting Brothers as may find it convenient to come. Let me remind you concerning the followingmatters : 1. Flections of officers take place at the first meeting in November. Please get these names and addresses in to me as soon as your election has been held. _'. Every chapter must submit its constitution for review at the General Convention. Be sure to make two copies and keep one for your tiles. Send the original to this office as soon after the receipt of this letter as is possible. 3. As soon as your delegates and alternates are selected, write a separate letter of certification for each one on your chapter stationery. .Make up in duplicate, sending the original to this office and giving the duplicate to the Brother to be presented at the Convention. Those must be signed by the President and Secretary of the chapter and must have affixed the chapter seal. 4. Only Jewels are exempt from payment of grand tax. If you are carrying any Honorary Brothers on your roll, see that their grand tax is paid. 5. Please read By-Law 5. Let me have the names and addresses of all Active .Members and also a list of all other Brothers who have never been transferred from your chapter, with their last known address. 6. Every time you list a Brother's name on a financial report, be sure to give his address in the space provided. Re exact about the spelling and always give first name. Remember that "deadline" for payment of 1936 grand taxes, without the penalty, is November 15. You should get your report in immediately so there will be no delay in mailing pass cards back to the Brothers. A 1936 pass card is essential for registration and participation in the affairs at Nashville. Two forms are enclosed to be filled out and mailed to this office by December 10, one the annual report of your chapter and the other a membership supplement. In filling out the annual report, please note that the membership and financial section refers to Financial Brothers for 1936. The first item under group on loss the total of group two. represents the actual number of Brothers financial for 1936 according to your chapter records and should agree with the official receipts sent from this office. Let me urge all Chapter Secretaries to get Convention material in proper shape and submit as early as possible. Sincerely and fraternally yours, Jos.


General Secretary.




AMERICAN EDUCATION AND THE NEGRO BY JAMES A. SCOTT, Charles 11 enry Turner School, St. Louis to the Biennial Survey of Education— 1926-1928—there were, in sixteen states reporting, 7,432,066 white and 3,104,992 colored children of school age. These figures—partial as they are—lend dehniteiiess to the assertion that in America two large groups of future citizens are being educated in almost completely segregated institutions by groups of teachers between which professional conference is rare. Of added significance is the point that the individuals of both races must, as adults participate in a common national life in such activities as will involve numerous contacts with one another. What can he done in the public schools of today to make these future associations of the most socially desirable nature possible is, therefore, a highly pertinent question for American education to ask itself.



If one investigates the sources from which the majorities of white and colored children at present derive their concepts of each other, the problem becomes recognizably serious. In all too many localities our daily press still headlines the Negro as a criminal or buffoon. Furthermore, traditional animosities, fears and biases of parents constitute a large measure of the formative social heritage of both groups. And most disturbing of all is the subtle and frequently unintentional indoctrination of the very texts used in the public schools. If one were to cull the allusions to the Negro from the social studies books of the average classroom and classify them according to ther socializing, indifferent or anti-socializing effects on white or colored children. he would find the third column lamentably long. Foundational apperceptive backgrounds basic to future racial attitudes are. on the whole, being so built as to perpetuate rather than eliminate the maladjustments of sufficient scope to evoke numerous books, articles and discussions of a so-called "Negro Question." Towards the solution of this American problem educators of both races can make determinative contributions. Assuming that the modern school purposes to develop in its pupils social attitudes based on undistorted truth and to send forth a generation enthusiastic with the resolve to speed to consummation a society based on the principles of justice, one clearly sees the necessity for a definate co-operative race relations program in the two sets of schools. The two bodies of teachers should know each other's objectives and procedures in handling this particular content so that their efforts may be complementary. Wisely planned functional

instruction in social studies by elementary and highschool teachers of today would mean that the white adult of tomorrow would be freer from prejudice born of misconceptions and nurtured by passions and that his colored contemporary would possess to a smaller degree attitudes conditioned by the consciousness of that prejudice in those about him. Details of such a bilateral program must obviously be the result of painstaking research and cumulative experience. Its essential objectives, however, might perhaps be stated under three main headings: (1) Development in the Negro of rationally founded attitudes towards himself ethnically and development in the whites of corresponding attitudes towards him based upon acquaintance with the same scientifically ascertained facts. (2) Development of the Negro of desirable racial characteristics which are the natural outgrowth of his background and nature. and development in whites of appreciations for the social and cultural values of these characteristics. (3) Familiarizing the Negnro child with the social channels through which the contributions of his race have flowed or many now How into the larger American life and demonstrating to the white child the enrichment of national culture which would result from the multiplication of these channels. That there is real necessity for developing in Negro boys and girls healthier attitudes towards themselves and their problems no one familiar with present-day conditions can deny. Pathological results of past neglect of this objective are evident about us. In a highly revelatory study of the racial attitudes of Negro students at the University of Iowa, the author, Mr. H. C. Jenkins, cites a number of examples of the aloofness, bitterness, reticence, uncertainty and hyper-sensitivity consequent upon the previous racial experiences of many colored -.indents there. And even now among some rather well-trained Negroes exists a decided aversion for the spirituals because of the painful circumstances associated with their creation. "That's something we're trying to get away from," is an expression not uncommonly heard. This desire to escape the circumstances of race reaches, perhaps, its climax in certain groups of college graduates who prefer menial work in northern cities,

The where unscgregated enjoyment <>f cultural and recreational facilities is accessible, to possible leadership in centers of large Negro populations, where they must generally suffer the chafing inconveniences of a ghetto. In the face of these facts, educators of Negroes throughout the country are adopting as one of their paramount aims the buttressing of racial self-respect and loyalty. How to accomplish this end is a practical problem of Negro education. It involves, first of all, the displacement of the Negro's present unscientifically acquired conception of his orientation in American civilization with an interpretation based on the findings of conscientious research in the fields of modern psychology, anthropology and history. Perhaps the one agency devoting all its energies to assembling material of this sort is the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, with national headquarters located at Washington, D. C. By its well-trained staff is gathered information which possesses the authenticity of sound scholarship and the functional value of inspiring in Negro boys and girls a more accurate appreciation of their place in the American environment. At every stage of this country's development and in every crisis of its national life the Negro has played a constructive part. Understanding of what his group's contribution has been—in agriculture, road-building, exploration, science, art, education, literature, and music—is the birthright of every Negro boy and girl. And the dissemination of such knowledge— if not its compilation—devolves primarily upon his teachers. Only through their unflagging persistence in the task may be attained a racial morale which will be basic to further racial achievement. Of so fundamental importance is this objective felt to be that colleges and high schools for colored youth are rapidly introducing courses in Negro history. One of their first concerns is that the students shall not disprize themselves. In such a program sonorous hortation and chauvinistic braggadocio have no place. By the cold, clear light of depersonalized research, the Negro must face truth. Thus only may be attained an objectivity requisite to intelligent social perspective. For the fact of racial handicap may have any of a number of effects on the individual in his efforts at life adjustment. Confronted by it many a student has given up in despair, while others have gone through college on a motive power of angry defiance which drove them to achievement. The problem of educators of Negroes is to present the added hindrances to successful accomplishment imposed by race as challenges to the individual's stamina but not insuperable obstacles. Properly interpreted, the handicap can become a means for strengthening

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rather than undermining the personality fiber of the race. Particularly effective for this purpose is the practise of keeping the boys and girls in touch with the present progress of the group in its ascent in American civilization. It is significant that the race has generally glorified the "first Negroes" to achieve distinction in specific fields with almost Lindberghian acclaim. The first college graduate, the first Phi Beta Kappa, the first doctor of philosolphy have all been greeted with loud hosannas by press and pulpit. Some Negroe leaders have deplored these enthusiastic outbursts on the ground that the people SO heralded have accomplished no more than innumerable whites about them. The point, however, is that for the minority to which they belong, these "firsts" do symbolize not only an upward step in an uncertain struggle but also the demonstrated possibility ot worthwhile acheivement in spite of race. The attendant publicity fortifies the racial self-respect and racial self-confidence of many others. It inspires the youth with new social courage. But pari passu with the program for the inspiration of an invigorating race pride in Negro youth must go an equally intensive one for the spread among white boys and girls of truthful information concerning Negro life and achievement, since otherwise still further maladjustment would obviously result. For such an undertaking by educators of white youth, the present is ripe. There is abroad in the land today a healthy irreverence for the opinionated oracles of this expiring social order. Modern teachers are in the ideally strategic position of facing a generation which questions the doctrinaire assumptions of its elders and prefers truth to propaganda. The opportunity is theirs to present available social data from such a view-point as to make more satisfactory the human relationships of tomorrow. The accepted thesis of planned economy is an implicit recognition of the existing need for intelligently directed social evolution, and the responsibiity of charting the course of American civilization lies to no small extent in the hands of teachers. It is peculiarly their province to determine how men shall think and feel. Simply slated, the problem of teachers in white schools is to see that their pupils derive impressions of Negro character from unbiased sources and that they get a picture of the whole. Before the bar of crystallizing public opinion the Negro has had no fair hearing. His crimes have been broadcast in sensational detail; his virtues have not been "news". That there is criminality among Negroes no one denies or doubts. The injustice of the situation is that this aspect of his racial life has been altogether disproportionately emphasized. It is, of



course, proper to discuss the Negro as a criminal when criminals arc being discussed; but it is false to the ideals of this nation to dilate upon such characters to the exclusion, of those which have made him an asset to .American civilization. Equally with other races, the Negro has a right to be appraised at his best—or at least at his average— rather than at his lowest, lie does not deserve the opprobrium which comes from the limitation of the horizon of his fellows to a knowledge of his undesirables. Material for more comprehensive understanding of the Negro is increasingly available. The romantic facts of his career on this continent are being systematicaly unearthed and appreciatively told. There is no more fascinating content than the humanized results of research in this field. It possesses inspirational values for all. Incorporation of such historical and biographical data in our textbooks and unbigoted presentation of it in the classroom will reveal to the children of America the facts that the Negro has achieved distinction in every type of endeavor followed by his fellow citizens and that he has made an original contribution to American culture. It will lead them to image him not as a beast or a clown but as a man. The theory of racial inferiority is in scientific disrepute. Public education must make it popularly so. If, then, the current misconception of the Xegro which vitiates the public mind is supplanted by rational evaluation, the program of racial advancement can more easily be made one of self-realization rather than self-renunciatory imitation. The teleology of the Negro educator should be the harmonious development in terms of the American environment of the natural capacities and traits of his pupils. Such an objective is, of course, axiomatic in any sound philosophy of education. With one eye on the child and the other on the changing social scheme in which he is to function, the teacher should so stimulate each pupil that he becomes a self-adapting unit of an evolving order. This means that those in charge of our schools must po>sc^s an intimate understanding of the children they teach and a broad comprehension of the civilization that environs them. For the Negro teacher, it implies unusually clear social and psychological insight. It might be objected here that the conclusion of modern psychology is that there are no distinctly innate racial characteristics. We will not quarrel. But it is a fact established that among the masses of Xegroes in America is to be found a certain auxins vivendi—a way of thinking, feeling and acting—which constitutes their life pattern. Like other social patterns, it is composite of biological

S p h i n x and environmental elements. Obviously discernible in it are the gifts of song and laughter, kindliness and understanding of human nature, social adaptability and boundless capacity for the enjoyment of leisure. These are trails now virtuous in any group. They are the psychological bases upon which modern civilizations must be rebuilt. In the Negro they have been the products of hard racial experiences under constantly threatening circumstances. Whether they be specifically racial attributes or general human qualities acquired in response to specific situations is not germane. The significant consideration is that the survival values which gave them birth may, by educational process, be transmuted into adaptive ones. What modern social need is more immediate than the patience to endure an undesirable situation combined with alertness to seize an opportunity to change it—not the patience of resignation but that of temporary toleration? When was the gift of humor sorely requisite — not for the purpose of laughing out of consciousness the baffling problems of our economic day but of laughing them into perspective? What race can make a more healing spiritual contribution to modern life than one which, amid the demoralizing experiences of human slavery, could sublimate its miseries in melodies of dauntless faith? When was the capacity for sheer joie de vivre a more vital asset than in this era of increased leisure? Above all. what social habit could be more timely than that of sharing food and shelter with neighbor in distress — a folkway which has caused social workers to observe that among the lowest classes of Negroes in urban centers there seems to exist a loose form of communism? When was the cultivation of human sympathy and understanding more necessary than now? These traits are the essence of the Negro's racial heritage. The) are virtues in contemporary life. We can not, therefore, too variously emphasize the principle that the job of the Negro educator is not to create in his pupils a new set of virtues but to guide them to fulfillment of themselves on the level of their richest potentialities. It is his to see that the boys and girls under his tutelage are exposed to the best American culture has to offer and that they assimilate it in such expressions of their own nature as to give them the fullest possible personal satisfaction and at the same time enable them to contribute most worthily to American life. And never should she allow himself or them to lose sight of the inspiring fact that indivduals of the race have already accomplshed in every Held of human activity and that to do so they had but to be themselves—their truest, wisest selves. That is the highest education of the Negro. It is the highest


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education of any race—and the only kind by which a group is lifted from one plane of living to a better. Ignorance of this psychological truism has been the failure of many a well-intentioned missionary enterprise. And as the Negro educator stimulates to maturation in his pupils abilities and traits which are at once continuous with the line of their racial evolution and functional in modern life, it is the part of the white educator to develop appreciation of these characteristics in the environing majority. Abundant opportunity for so doing surrounds him if he but realizes that nothing more conduces to better understanding than wisely chosen interracial exposures— the establishment of contacts with Negroes in the study of their finer achievements. It is encouraging to note that teachers of social problems at many colleges—both north and south— are including in their course requirements direct contact with institutions and individuals representative of the best in Negro life. The action of the University of North Carolina, for example, in entertaining James Weldon Johnson as guest lecturer for a period of a week was a triumph of courageous liberalism. It has been widely and profitably emulated elsewhere. One danger of this procedure unsupplemented by further experiences, however, is that some students tend to regard such an individual as exceptional and retain their original idea of the race. A line must be determined by more than one point. What is already being attempted at many colleges and universities is also possible in high and elementary schools. The life of most communities affords ample opportunities for enlightening interracial contacts on all grade levels. The coming to the local theater of such plays as "Green Pastures" or " P o r g y " might appropriately be made an occasion for calling attention to the achievement of the Negro on the legitimate stage. A program in town by Roland Hayes, the Hampton Choir, or the Fisk Singers makes timely emphasis upon the Negro's contribution to music. Publication of such epicly American books as "Along This W a y " and their advertisement at the local bookstore might be used to arouse interest in the Negro's present efforts to express himself literarily. The teacher need only be conscious of the happenings about him and quick to relate them to the work of the social studies hour. These efforts to give white children first-hand knowledge and appreciation of Negro achievement at its highest should be accompanied by the attempt to give them a more intimate understanding of the Negro life in their own community. How this may most effectively be done will vary with local con-

ditions. Certainly, however, they should know Sympathetically and vividly the worthwhile aspirations and attainments of the darker minority in their midst. The\ should he made conscious of the fact that across the social impasse of race lies a world very similar to their own in which individuals with motives and abilities like theirs pursue kindred life purposes. Fair interpretation of this almost foreign land to the children of the country is as fundamentally the duty of the public school as the interpretation of English, French or any other life to which the) have little access but understanding of which is essential to modern good citizenship. Possession of authentic information in this regard will create in them a receptivity for the contribution the Negro educator is preparing his pupils to make. It will also increase their cultural capacities. It is important, then, that modern education inculcate in the present school generation more rationally founded attitudes on the part of the Negro towards himself and of others towards him; that it guide to fruition in useful patterns the traits and abilities indigenous to his social and biological heritage; and that it awaken in those about him an appreciation for his actual and potential contributions to American progress by providing opportunity for more intimate acquaintance with them. Its remaining task is to familiarize Negro boys and girls with the ways in which those of his group who have succeeded in spite of racial odds have done so, and to lead white hoys and girls to a realization of the increased richness of American life which would result from the making possible of a greater number and variety of such contributions. In the educational systems of all rapidly changing periods and of all rapidly progressing groups, the philosophy of opportunism must have prominent place. For the Negro slogan of carft diem has already proved the soundest of pragmatic wisdom. Because the children of this race are given fewer opportunities than the off-spring of other elements of the American population they should be led to specific study of those they have with the aim of fully exploring and increasing them. Considerable racial energy is expended — and rightfully so — m protest against the limitations placed upon the Negro's possibilities for advancement in various areas of the nation's life. Not enough is given, however, to analytical scrutiny of the ones he has. In the course of seventy years of struggle towards freedom there has been accumulated by numerous individuals a wealth of racial experience in specific ways of cricumventing prejudice and succeeding in spite of it. Much of this material is in printed form. It should lie made easily accessible to Negro pupils of the public schools. Any education worth the



name will encourage boys and girls to study in detail the careers of people who faced problems similar to their own and solved them. Biographies like that of James Weldon Johnson — in which is depicted practically every type of situation a Negro in America may face, and the reaction to it of a great and generous mind—are at once inspirations and texts. A whole science of living is here involved and awaits organization by the only one who can organize it—the teacher of Negro youth. His failure to do so will mean that one of the most vital needs of the young people he serves will go unmet. Negro boys and girls coining out of school should not be forced to learn — or not learn — entirely by the wasteful process of trial and error the avenues by which the abilities they have acquired may find useful expression in the larger community life. Techniques gleaned from the successes and failure of Negroes who have tried before should be part of the equipment with which they leave. They should also go forth cognizant of the current forces for and against them in their efforts to succeed, and motivated to alertness to take advantage of every fortuitous combination of circumstances which may speed them to a higher goal. This is differential education only in the sense that every intelligent educator studies the life needs of his pupil and seeks to meet them through the instrumentality of an elastic curriculum. \iid as the Negro educator focusses the attention of those he instructs on specific strategies in utilizing the opportunities they have, it is the role of the white educator to demonstrate to his pupils the benefits to modern civilization which would inevitably accrue from the multiplication of such channels. In the age of machine-made plentv. at the threshold of which we have arrived, the old factor of cut-throat competition for the means of bare subsistence is scheduled to pass from our life into our history. One of the most pregnant causes for the denial of opportunities to Negroes in many fields has been the conviction — at least subconscious mind of the dominant group — that the more desirable opportunities were given to Negroes, the fewer there would be for themselves—that the progress of the race must be inversely porportional to theirs. "Holding the Negro down," therefore, was to a large degree an expression of the survival instinct and characteristically the attitude of those most closely in competition with him. But in this period of transition from an individualistic to a social economy, it can be emphasized that in the reorganized industrial regime which is before us there will be material sufficiency for all—that none need lie denied to provide enough for another. The

Sphinx pointing out by educators that the economic motive for circumscribing the opportunities of Negroes has been out-evolved will tremendously weaken opposition to his advancement. They can do more. Upon the shoulders of American education rests the responsibility of giving to every class of our citizenry a comprehension of the truth already accepted by the more thoughtful that the self-realization of one individual or group increases the possibilities for self-realization of all others. Humanity's highest achievements are quickly communized. On the plane of the civilization to which we must advance unless we retrogress into barbarism, the contributions of each will be the property of all. The presence in our culture of such living examples of the developed genius of a race as Johnson, Hays, Braithwaite and others, like them makes accessible to the entire nation a greater variety of finer satisfactions than it otherwise would have. If America can be made to see this fact and to see, further, the social waste which results from the denial of avenues for fullest development to millions of these men's compatriots there will arise thousands of white people working as hard on their side of the barrier to remove the impediments to the race's advancement; until the structure of American society has been so channeled and its spirit so enlightened that all who come bearing gifts may be graciously received at the altar of a common culture. The sum of our hopes, therefore, is that modern education shall see this problem clearly and whole, to the end that teachers in every section of the country and at every level of instruction will work upon these aspects of it immediate to them, conscous of the relation of the parts they play to the synchronized efforts of others. The result will be tin: production, on one side, of a generation of racially self-respecting Negroes seeking the fullest possible self-development and continuously alert for occasions to serve American life, and. on the other side, of a generation of whites unprejudicedly evaluating their darker fellow-citizens, acquainted with their accomplishments, and actively sympathetic with their aspirations for more adequate outlets. Such is the specific educational attack on a problem which has hitherto been tacitly evaded as a dangerously "delicate" matter. Tt concerns itself with the treatment of deep-lying causes rather than superficial effects. And let it lie remembered, too, that we are here considering a question which is more than a matter of securing justice for an overwdielmed minority. It is in micro the problem of the modern world. The (Continued on pa.LCe 17)




OUTSTANDING ALPHA MEN CONFER Ph.D. ON S. D. SCRUGGS, JR. in; Ph.D. Degree in Education was conferred upon Sherman Dana Scruggs, Jr.. at the sixtythird annual commencement of the Kansas University. The subject of his dissertation was "Effect of Improvement in Reading Upon the Intelligence of Negro Children". The attainment of this degree was not the outcome of routine of school work by Dr. Scruggs, who for eleven years has been supervisor of grade schools in Kansas City. Kan. A Western university graduate, teacher in Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Miss., Y. M. C. A. Secretary, World W a r hero, community worker, teacher in a two-room school, and a grade school principal, are the successive stages in the development of this young man whose achievements have brought honor to his race, his school, and to himself. His doctor's thesis lias been published in a special bulletin by the University Bureau of School Service and .Research and sent to the leading universities throughout the country, a consideration rarely received by recipients of this degree. Dr. Scruggs is married to the former Miss Thelma Kennedy who taught in the public schools of Kansas City. Kan. There are two children, Betty Ann and Sherman Dana III. The home is at 1317 North Twelfth Street. He is a member of the First Baptist. superintendent of the Sunday school, and a junior deacon. He is a member of the Research Club of Kansas City, the Masonic Lodge, and Beta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.


AMERICAN EDUCATION AND THE NEGRO (Continued from page 16) survival of civilization ultimately hinges on the ability of peoples widely differing to live side by side, equal vet not identical, integrated yet not amalgamated, each more nurturing to each because oi their varied individualities. Unless, then, America can equitably solve its Negro question, it must confess the failure of the principle upon which its government rests and leave to others demonstration of the ways in which diverse races may live side by side to their common elevation. There lies the challenge to the modern educator. On the very frontier of social change, in a nation which was established as the testing ground of democracy, he has the privilege to stand—uncompromising and unapologetic—upon a platform of equality of opportunity which will be significant for times to come. Only through him can American idealism preserve its soul.

RICHARDSON MAKES HISTORY Elected Member of Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce Attorney Henry J. Richardson. Jr., the dramatic and dynamic Indiana lawyer and legislator has again pioneered the way for Negroes in Indiana by phenomenal achievement and recognition. He was recently notified by the Board of Directors of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce that he had been elected a member of that distinguished, exclusive and august body. He is the first Negro ever elected as a full member of the Chamber of Commerce. This recognition came to him as a result of his ability in dealing with tax matters very vital to citizens of Indiana in the last session of the Legislature. It will be remembered that he proposed a bill to create a seventeen and one-half million dollar Delinquent Tax Sinking Fund, for the purpose of cutting down the public debt in Indiana, which was more than two hundred million dollars.

BROTHER J. R. OTIS BECOMES HEAD OF AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT Brother J. R. Otis, member of Alpha Xu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, has been appointed Director of the Agricultural Department of Tuskegee Institute. Brother Otis, after receiving the B.S. degree from Iowa State College in 1925, taught at Piney Woods Institute, Braxton. Miss. Then he transferred to Virginia State College where for two years he was Instructor of Animal Husbandry. For the next year Brother Otis was in turn traveling salesman for the J. A. Richards Co., of Xew York City, and in business for himself in the city of Knoxville. Tenn. Brother Otis came to Tuskegee Institute in September, 1928, as Head of Dairy Herd and Creamery Division. During this time he pursued studies at Cornell University, from which Institution he received the degree of Master of Science in 1933. Lie returned to Tuskegee after this graduate work, was teacher of Agricultural Economics and was associated with the Extension Service Department as Agricultural Economist. He was appointed Field Planner in the Division of Subsistence Homesteads, April, 1934. He was made supervising planner and senior project analyst in Subsistence Homesteads, November, 1934. Brother Otis resigned this work with Subsistence Homesteads Division. June 30. 1934. to take the directorship of the Agricultural Department at Tuskegee Institute. Brother Otis was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha at Iowa State College. W. HKNKI I'AV.XK.




OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION ATLANTA, GEORGIA 3, In the event that especially meritorious applications deserve immediate aid, do you favor the opening of applications to Brothers engaged in pro fessional research such as medicine, chemistry, and physics, so that an award could be made on or about February 1, 1936?

November 29, 1935. 'I'M All Chapters: It is desired that there be made known at the General Convention in Nashville the attitude of your chapter on the following questions: 1. Do you favor the establishment of loans by the Fraternity? If so. should these loans be made to both graduates and undergraduates? What should be the maximum amount of a loan to any Brother? In connection with the whole question, please bear in mind the aid now being given by the United States Government.

4. Do you favor continuing the grants-in-aid to only Brothers? 1 wish to express my appreciation to the chapters for the hearty support given during the past two years to the work of this office, and to express my sincere thanks for many helpful suggestions.

2. Do you favor the establishment of additional special grants-in-aid (not loans) to Brothers in the professional schools?



Director of Education.



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CHAPTER NEWS KAPPA ELECTS OFFICERS Kappa Chapter resumed its tall activities in a very forceful way. Among its active members who have helped to make it successful a r e : Brothers Walter Scott, Joseph C. Decons, Harris Mitchell, Tucker Wallace, Campbell S. Warren, Stuart Martin, J a n u s Sibbs, Lucius E. Lee, Edmond Oxley, Jesse Owens. Maceo Hill, Thomas Cook and Edward Cox. Kappa Chapter held its election of officers, October 24, 1935, the following being elected: Brothers James Sibbs, President; Walter Scott, Vice-President; Edmond Oxley, Secretary; Campbell Warren. Corresponding Secretary; Edward Cox. Treasurer; Stuart Martin, President, Ex-Ofiicio. Members of the Sphinx Club, recently pledged by the chapter, a r e : Brothers Levi J. Stewart, Columbus, Ohio; James Warren, Columbus, Ohio; Joseph Shaw, Dayton, Ohio; Joseph Taylor, Dayton, Ohio; Raymond Sibbs, Montclair, N. J.; Robert Manuel, Columbus, Ohio; Robert Branch. Chillicothe, Ohio; Henry Parks, Dayton. Ohio; Melvin Corbien. Xeuia. Ohio. An informal meeting, climaxed by a social, was held at the home of Brother Campbell Warren, on Friday, November 1, 1935. Those present were: Brothers Berry, General Counsel for the Fraternity ; Johnson, Sigma, Boston, Mass.; Lee, Cox, Oxley, Owens, Martin. Wallace. Warren and Seott. With such stellar athletes as Brother Jesse Owens, Sphinxmen Albritton and Walker, Ohio State means to go a long way in the spring track meets. Owens in the sprints, hurdles and broad j u m p ; Albritton in the high jump and high hurdles, and Walker in the high jump, make up the track meets. Owens enjoyed a very extensive trip during the summer: taking in such places as Los Angeles, Hollywood, and San Francisco. With such scholars as Don Kellex, Charles Boyd and J a n u s Coperidge, the Sphinx Club ranks in scholarship among the leading organizations on the Campus of O. S. U. We hope that they will keep up their endeavors and influence the other members to make better marks. BROTHKR CAMPBELL S.


Columbus, Ohio. BETA GAMMA LAMBDA In Richmond, Va., another graduate chapter was added to the roster of Alpha Phi Alpha. The name of the newly established chapter is Beta Gamma Lambda. Upon the suggestion of the Second Vice-

President and the General Secretary, we are asking that you favor us by allowing the news of the newly established chapter to be published in the next issue of the Sphinx. The Second Vice-President set aside the chapter. The General Secretary. Brother Joseph H. B. Evans. gave the installation address. Inspirational addresses were made by Jewel Brother Nathaniel Murray, former National President (1916) : I'.rother Howard H. Long; Brother George H. Cohron, and former Vice-President Brother Dr. Robert Daniel. Fraternally yours, E M M E T T M.


Chapter Editor. ALPHA CHI LAMBDA NEWS Alpha Chi Lambda, the latest to join the circle of the mystic shrine, sends greetings to the Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha. Saturday, April 27. members of the Fraternity living in Augusta and vicinity gathered in the library of Haines Institute where they were made into a more composite body by Brother Charles W. Greene of Atlanta, Ga., First Vice-President of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Overlooked by the mighty Sphinx, hound by the love, truth and sacred honor of the spirit of the Fraternity, these nun were organized into a chapter in real ritualistic manner and impressive ceremony. The following men form the organization: Dr. Harold E. Hill, graduate of Meharrv Medical College, is the only registered pharmacist in the city of Augusta. He serves the chapter as president and hails from Chi Chapter in Nashville, Tenn. Brother Solomon M. Jenkins serves as vice-president. He is the manager of the -Augusta Branch of the Pilgrim Health and Life Insurance Company and formerly was a member of Omricon Lambda Chapter in Birmingham. Ala. Brother John M. Tutt serves as secretary. He is professor of Mathematics and head of the Physical Education Department of Haines Institute; secretary of the Trustee Board of Haines Institute, and hails from Alpha Omricon Chapter in Charlotte, N. C. Brother A. Murray Carter, manager of the Ordinary Department of the Pilgrim Health and Life Insurance Company, formerly a member of Eta Lambda Chapter of Atlanta, Ga., is the treasurer. Rev. Augustus C. Griggs, secretary-treasurer, business manager and member of the Board of

The Trustees of Haines Institute, is assistant secretary of the chapter and associate editor to the Sphinx. He was formerly connected with Alpha Omricon Chapter. Rev. W. D Woods, of Washington, is chaplain. He hails from Xu Chapter at Lincoln University, and is the principal of the high school at Washington, Ga., and pastor of the Presbyterian Church of that city. Dr. R. W. White, prominent dentist, former member of Chi Chapter, serves the chapter as sergeantat- arms. Brother Lawrence D. Perry, traveling auditor for the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, hails from Eta Lambda. Brother Eugene Lowe from Alpha Rho Chapter, Atlanta. Dr. Robert L. Lockett. prominent dentist in Augusta, who was formerly affiliated with Nu Chapter. After the organization of the chapter the men retired to the private dining room of Haines Institute. where they tendered a stag in honor of Mr. Greene. The spirit of Alpha was at its highest point and the memory of this very pleasing occasion will long ring in the minds of all present. On May 18 the members of the chapter tendered another stag honoring Dr. Channing H. Tobias, who was the baccalaureate speaker at Haines Institute. The lovely dining room of the institute was very beautifully decorated in the black and gold of Alpha Phi Alpha, and the inspiring message which Dr. Tobias gave the Brothers will ever serve to guide them to high achievements and endeavors. Alpha Chi Lambda leaves port with colors flying with hopes of a safe and happy voyage. BROTHER AUGUSTUS C. GRIGGS,

Editor of the Sphinx. ALPHA EPSILON CHAPTER Greetings, Brothers! After too long an absence from these pages a representative of Alpha Epsilon returns to the fold of correspondents, bringing the upsurging assurance covertly stored during the chapter's period of quasi-dormance but bound finally to assert itself. The following items will indicate the nature of the spirit that has been moving the Brothers individually, and the chapter as a whole. Our President, Brother Ware, has given especial attention to the creation of interest in meetings. Arranged by Brother Nelson. Chairman of the Education Committee, programs for meetings have been expanded to include instructive, interest-arousing features. And a strong contributory influence has

Sphinx been Brother Ware's unfailing hospitality at meetings held in his home. Brother Ware, Brother J. Winston Bolden (Cal., '32, Bear football guard), and Brother James L. Allen comprise a trio indispensable to the Golden State Mutual Company's Northern California agency, which has been invariably victorious in the company's regional contests. C.iving the Brothers the run of his large hilltop home overlooking the Bay Counties, Brother Green —retired 1,1. Colonel of the U. S. Army—was the very cordial host at a Stag-Bridge inaugurating Brother Ware's administration. Brother George M. Johnson, as a member of the Bureau of Tax Research of the State Board of Equalization, is demonstrating his capacities for constructive jurisprudence, helping to draft the State's tax measures. With offices in Boalt Hall, University of California Law School, he is at the same time preparing a doctor's thesis on a phase of Federal Taxation, that most promising of fields of potential pecuniary reward. Brother John Jones, having been graduated from Cal. with honors and having maintained his scholastic eminence while completing the work for a Master's Degree awarded in December, has transferred (for work on the Doctor's Degree) to Stanford University where he seems likely to receive a scholarship in Organic Chemistry. That is not all— John Jones, Jr., has appeared upon the scene since the last notice of Brother Jones appeared in these columns. Brother Paul E. Ford, who will be remembered as the sentational quarterback of Lincoln (Mo.) University in the '32 and '?I?I seasons, has been among us this year as a senior U. C. Physical Education major. In his home town, Pasadena, Brother Ford was a conspicuous track man and tennist. but, so far, he has not satisfactorily convinced the Brothers in these parts of his prowess in the latter sport. Enrollment of Negro students at California went into new "high ground" this year with sixty fulltime registrations of graduate and undergraduate students; and, as Chairman of the Rushing Committee, Brother Ford has facilitated the fruition of the natural choice of the "Cream of the Crop" for Alpha Phi Alpha. For, as far as Negro students are concerned, it is literal truth to say that California is a one fraternity campus. The visit of Brother Willis Ward to Berkeley for the dual Michigan-California track meet was the occasion for a testimonial dance, the chapter's most recent social activity. As everyone knows by now, Brother Ward took first place in the high jump, the broad jump, and the high hurdles, which, with second place in the 100-yard dash, made a total of seventeen points for him. Thus, though Michigan

The lost the meet, Ward was the day's largest winner of additional personal esteem. We look forward to his return for the N. C. A. A. meet to he held this year in Berkeley. For her splendid emissary, our hats are off to Epsilon—More power to you! Brother "Walt" Gordon, All-American on the '19 team of Walter Camp, continues the activities as a member of the Golden Bear coaching staff which have already earned for him the title. "Best football scout on the Pacific Coast". In addition he devotes himself to the presidency of the Northern California Branch of the N. A. A. C. P., the directorate of the University Y. M. C. A.. and a thriving law practice. The Brothers were particularly gratified by the fully paid-up return of Brother William R. Pittman. A few Brothers, less hopeful than most, had suspected Brother Pittman—though a charter member—of having lost the spirit. He protested that the increased currency circulation of the New Deal had so increased his dental patient list that he has recently had trouble finding time to eat. Brother Joseph C.ier, Cal. Engineering, '33. is moving toward advancement in the City Engineer's office in Alameda, one of the Bay Cities. Brother Jack Kimbrough, who was graduated from California Dental School last Spring and passed the State Board in the fall, recently removed to San Diego to practice. We will miss him a great deal. The "Better Citizenship Compaign" is being carried forward energetically by the Educational Committee, under the chairmanship of Brother F. M. Nelson—posters are up and the crowning event will he the program on Sunday, May 19. Of others from the Chapter Roster of thirty-seven we shall have to speak another time (especially of our promising neophytes), hut we should not leave without mentioning Brother Rumford, pharmacist, political dopester, friend of all, father of one. We take our leave with this reminder: Brothers contemplating a visit to California may find an added inducement in the Spring Formal—just in the offing—at Stephens Union. Fraternaly yours, GEORGE A. TOWNS, JR.

BETA LAMBDA The Alpha Phi Alpha Auxiliary members entertained their husbands on the evening of May 2& Each auxiliary wife and sweetheart donned her prettiest house dress and came to the Urban League with a deliciously Idled box. There were a number of stunts for the men : G. B. Buster and 1). W. Lewis tied for first place in the spelling match ; Mack Spears and T. Brister won



first and second prizes, respectively, in the word building contest: in the stunt contest, John A. Hodge and Harry Johnson won first and second prizes, respectively; in the touch and memory contest, Charles M. Toms won first prize: W. 11. Towers and Harry Johnson tied for second, and T. Brister and D. W. Lewis tied for third. Mrs. T. A. Webster won first prize for the most beautifully decorated box. and Mrs. John Howell. second. Mrs. Daniel W. Lewis won first prize for the prettiest house dress, and Miss Margaret Wright, second. The auxiliary was organized in October. 1934. Mrs. Mack Spears. President: Mrs. A. C. Wilson. Vice-President; Mrs. J. H. Collins, Secretary; and Mrs. J. H. Bluford, Treasurer. Beta Lambda on the Air Following' 'An Evening With Negro Composers", a formal program which was dedicated to William Dawson, Beta Lambda, was asked to sponser a weekly program over Station W9XYB. During the period of this broadcast, which began in February and continued until May, The Morrison Players. under the direction of Brother Morrison, played the speaking parts, and such musical organizations as The Centennial Church Choir, Community Chorus, Lincoln High School Chorus, and The Novelettes were heard. Brother Burt A. May berry, who was Chairman of the Broadcast Committee, spent no small amount of time in working up these programs. and to him is due the credit for the success of these broadcasts. The other members of the committee wrere: Brothers James Jeffries. John Howell and J. (). Morrison. Many requests have been received by Station W9XYB for the continuance of these broadcasts next fall. Brother Dr. P. C. Turner was the principal speaker for the Third Annual Forum held recently at the First A. M. E. Church, 8th and Nebraska Avenue, Kansas City, Kan. His subject was Negro Health. Brother Turner was introduced by Brother Dr. E. B. Perry. Brother James Jeffries is due the credit for bringing out a large number of Brothers at each meeting of Pet a Lambda. His notices are so different and unique that several Brothers are filling scrap books with them. Should any chapter wish suggestions, write Brother Jeffries, Lincoln High School, Kansas City. Mo. Brother T. A. Webster, Director of Education, has recently been appointed Executive Secretary of the Urban League. Brother S. H. Thompson, Jr., has recently been appointed Assistant Director of Playgrounds in Kansas City, Kan.



Brother President Mack C. Spears is the proud father of a boucing baby boy. Brother Spears says that he does no want Alpha Phi Alpha to run out and is doing his bit to increase its ranks. DANIEL W. LEWIS.

ALPHA IOTA LAMBDA Alpha lota Lambda speaks! The infantile voice cuiiies from a regenerated bunch of Alpha men from Beta, \ i . Kappa, Sigma, Phi, Alpha Zeta, Beta Theta, Chi, Iota and all about who have gained it seems a vision of what Alpha Phi Alpha for life means. A slow, sure process of smokers and informal meetings and joint meetings with Alpha Zeta. to "tit" mutual advantage, has resulted in what seems to be a firmly established chapter. Brother J. R. Junes, who was elected to serve as chapter president for this year, brings his experience as past president of Beta into full play, and the boys were quietly going places and doing things. Brothers in the vicinity of London and Montgomery gave a smoker for the chapter at the home of Brother Leonard Barnett, London, with the proper accompaniments, in the fall. While in succession groups in Charleston entertained at the home of Brother Bill Moore in Charleston, Brother R. T. Jordan's suite; and of course Brother J. R. Jones' office suite is home. Alpha Zeta and the graduate Brothers at Institute entertained, March 30, at the home of Brother S. H. Guss. Plenty of dogs and smokes and real fellowshop were in these meetings. Alpha Zeta and Alpha Iota Lambda are jointly sponsoring the appearance of Brother Raymond Pace Alexander as guest speaker at the regular X. A. A. C. P. meeting in Charleston, May 12, and before the students, faculty, and friends of the West Virginia State College at 7:00 p. m. On Saturday, May 11. a State-wide Alpha Conference was held on the campus of West Virginia State Col lege, which brought 150 to 200 good Alpha men, many of whom are so remote from any chapter that the spirit is smoldering. It will burst into flames anew when the old round-up is held on May 11. Beta Theta and Alpha Zeta Lambda have indicated their approval of the plan and we will have plenty of Alpha men there on that date. We invite all Brothers to join us. LEONARD BARNETT.

ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA SPEAKS Alpha Camilla Lambda Chapter proudly boasts of a membership now of over fifty good and substantial Brothers. And bids fair to become very much larger.

Sphinx It was a great pleasure to have out at the last regular meeting such a large number as attended, and which makes it necessary for the chapter to seek some permanent place of meeting, large enough to accommodate the Brothers. The staff of officers was re-elected unanimously as a reward for the brilliant work of again bringing Alpha Phi Alpha, as a Fraternity, to the point that it means something in New York City, and every effort is being made to further the ideals of our clan. It seems that the Sphinx, our publication, has been sent to everybody but the members of the graduate chapter here in New York City, and the chief concern now is expressed by the Brothers because of the lack of copies of the Sphinx. We hope the Editor will see that we receive our just number. It is the province of the Chapter Editor to tell of the great things that are done by his Brothers that stand out, and it gives the writer extreme pleasure to state that our number of the outstanding sons of Alpha Gamma Lambda is so large that it would appear as a directory, so we close by saying that all of them are great guys, and that Alpha Gamma Lambda points to them with pride; particularly Brother "Judge" Cummings, who earned everlasting fame and a permanent job as Chairman of the Activities Committee, because he gave us the best dance of the year for $2.00 per. Watch us! We'll be seeing you. Louis K. MIDDI.I;TI].\, D.D.S., Chapter Editor.

ALPHA DELTA LAMBDA Alpha Delta Lambda, graduate chapter of Memphis and winner of the coveted Balfour Cup at the recent special convention in Chicago, joined hands with Beta Xi, undergraduate chapter at LeMoyne College, to stage Memphis's first annual Alpha prom. Although preparations for the dance have consumed much of the time of the Brothers in Alpha Delta Lambda, the Brothers have not forgotten the more serious side of their work. In our first November meeting, at the home of Brother John L. Brinkley, the following officers, because of the able and commendable manner in which they performed their duties, were elected for a second term: Brother L. O. Swingler, President; Brother Spencer Smith, Vice-President; Brother Thomas Hayes, Secretary; and Brother J. Edward Cotton, Corresponding Secretary. Brother A. A. White was chosen Treasurer to replace Brother Jack Adkins, head football coach at LeMoyne College, who will go to Ohio State Uni-


S p h i n x

versity in January on a General Education Board fellowship for study in the field of Political Science. Other new officers who were elected are Brother Oscar Woolfolk, who is a national officer of Alpha Phi Alpha, and who will serve Alpha Delta Lambda as Chaplain; Brother H. C. Latham, who will be our Sergeant-at-Arms; and Brother Hugh Gloster, who will act as Associate Editor to the Sphinx. These new officers will commence their term of office on January 1, 1936, and .Alpha Delta Lambda is looking forward to an even more successful year with such an able and enthusiastic group of men at the helm. At our second November meeting, which was held at the home of Brothers Taylor and Thomas Hayes, Brothers L. 0 . Swingler and Oscar Woolfolk wen chosen to represent our chapter in the Memphis Pan-Hellenic Council, which was recently organized and which has been discussed and anticipated by our group for considerable time. At our first November meeting on November 6, we were very happy to join Brothers Cotton and Brinkley, who were hosts of the evening, in giving Brothers Mcintosh, Bond and Jones, of Holly Springs, a hearty welcome and urging them to convene with us as much as possible. It has already been mentioned that our second November session was held at the home of Brothers Taylor and Thomas Hayes. Our last meeting, at this writing. was called at the home of Brother Edwin Jones with Brothers Jones and P. B. Brown as hosts. At this assembly, we laid final preparations for our "Night in Egypt" ball, which has been previously discussed, and then we walked over to Brother Smith's home and sang the beautiful Alpha Phi Alpha hymn. Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha, rest assured that Alpha Delta Lambda is always making progress. I Iron Ci.osTi'k. Associate Editor to the Sphinx. BETA THETA Since the last edition of the Sphinx there have been many happenings around dear old Beta Theta. The chapter has inaugurated a new set of officials : Brother Roger Gordon, President, also President of the Senior Class, the Alpha Iota Forensic Society, member of the Student Welfare; Charles Martin, Vice-President, President of the Student Welfare. Assistant in Economics; Early McGhee, Secretary and Treasurer, Supervisor of West Hall, Secretary of Senior Class; Eranklyn Banks, Sergeant-atArms, Captain of the Football T e a m ; Ike Woodward, Editor of the Sphinx; Richard (Dick) Johnson was appointed advisor to the Sphinx Club. Brother Johnson, along with Brother Roger Gordon are planning a successful year for the Beta Theta.


Alter the election of new officials Brother Kermit Hall, a graduate of the Bluefield State Teachers' College, holding two B.S. Degrees, and who has been recently appointed Secretary to the Bureau of Negro Welfare and Statistics in West Virginia, spoke to the Brothers in connection to planning a definite program for the entire year. Brother Edward Carter, former football star of the Big Blues, spoke on ideals of the Alpha Phi .Alpha Fraternity. The following Neophytes were welcomed into our fold: Brothers George Barbour. Othniel Bethel. Milton Spear, Harry Joyce, John Flippin, Leo Stevens, and Arthur Mitchell. Beta Theta has mourned the unfortunate death of our good Brother Laurence Drew, who was killed in an accident. He has been transferred to the Omega Chapter. Fraternally yours, I s i: WOODWARD.

ALPHA PI LAMBDA CHAPTER Alpha Pi Lambda has entered upon a whole and hearty program of new scope, with renewed vigor. Having received a new vision from the learned Brothers during the Special Convention we are endeavoring to do our bit to prevent the dire effects which are caused by the absence of the aforesaid vision. The chapter has been active in the reclamation of delinqnent Brothers. Six inactive members have already begun the necessary negotiations for reinstatement. The following officers were elected at the regular appointed time: Brothers Jas. 0 . Ellis, President; \\ . E. Pitts. Vice-President; J. Leonard Cary, Recording Secretary; Enos Shepard Wright, Financial Secretary; Leander Hill. Treasurer; C. R. Robinson, Chaplain and Sergeant-at-Arms. The officers have pledged themselves to become such good servants of the chapter that the chapter will thereby transcend all her previous accomplishments. We deeply regret the illness of Brother G. Leonard Allen and wish him a speedy recovery. Brother Allen is of the Department of Music of Atkins High School. He is an accomplished pianist and a poet of no means repute. Being men not having the words nor figures of speech to go on indefinitely we are suspending our bombardment of the Remington (?) until a later date. So long. J. BROWN JKFFRIRS, JR.,

Associate Editor to the Sphinx.



ALPHA RHO CHAPTER Despite the fact that Alpha Rho began the school year with a small number of Brothers, our progress has in no manner been impeded. Several affairs were given, chief among which was the annual dance in honor of the Freshmen and New Students of Morehouse. As usual the occasion was characterized by dignity and charm. Everyone says that the affair was unsurpassed. The chapter sponsored a program in chapel celebrating the Twenty-eighth Anniversary of the Fraternity. Our speaker. Brother J. M. Ross, of Zeta Chapter, gave a very fitting address in which he pointed out the success with which Alpha Phi Alpha has met during its existence. Our new Brothers art-: K. Garland Martin, Asa ('.. Yancey, Charles Saxon. Armstead Pierro, and P. L. Whatley. All of these Brothers hold places of distinction on the campus. The New Sphinx Club shows great prospects for future Alpha Phi Alpha men. It consists of the following men: James E. Smith. President: M. P. Welch. Vice-President; Reginald McDaniel, Secret a r y : llucrta Neal, Assistant Secretary; Walter R. Peterson, Treasurer; Harold Anderson, Business Manager: Anthony Stevens. Sergeant-at-Arms; Fred Johnson, Chaplain; F. 0 . Dorsey. Charles W. Greenlea. <!. M Fortune, William Marshall and Clarence Owens. On behalf of Alpha Rho may the true spirit of Alpha I'hi Alpha be your constant companion as you journey on. Fraternally yours, E. YKKHV LOWE,

Associate Editor. ALPHA PSI Having ended one of the most colorful years in the history of the chapter, .Alpha 1'si moves on ever

forward striving to do its share in promoting higher scholarship, better citizenship and closer Fraternal bounds. In climaxing last year's activities. Alpha Psi Chapter played host to its pledged club, entertaining with a very elaborate smoker. Four deserving and aspiring young men were led across the "burning sand" into the fold of Alpha Phi Alpha, and to close the year in style, our pre-holiday prom, an affair long to be remembered by those present as one of the gala affairs of the social season, was presented. Under the leadership of Brother Norman S. Calhoun. our president, we are taking another step forward in offering a freshman scholarship to the young man who maintains the highest scholastic average during his Freshman year here at Lincoln

Sphinx University (Mo.). We are also planning to push "Education for Citizenship Week" to 100 per cent effectiveness in our community. We are pround of Brother J. T. Johnson who submitted to a blood transfusion in order to save the life of Mrs. Stokes, respected citizen and hotel owner of this city. Brother Norman S. Calhoun, Chapter President, besides maintaining a high scholarship, is a stellar athlete, being awarded the four-year service sweater in football and receiving letters in track, he is also a member of the senior basketball five. J. W.


Associate Editor.

ALPHA UPSILON LAMBDA Greetings, Brothers: History has been made in the old city which is the cradle of the Confederacy and at present the capital (jf the State of Alabama. Recently the Brothers of seven different chapters of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity came together to have a further organization of the first Alpha Phi Alpha Chapter in the Capital City of Alabama and probably the last Chapter of the Alpha organization to be organized for the year 1934. The charter ceremonies were performed by Firsl Vice-President, lb-other Charles W. Green, and many helpful suggestions were offered by him to members of the newly established chapter; the suggestions were very well taken. Plans were begun to make the Alpha Upsilon Lambda the most outstanding graduate chapter of the Alpha organization. The following Brothers were elected to offices: G. Hubert Lockhart, President; C. Johnson Dunn, Vice-President; Nathan Eangford, Secretary; J. Garrick Hardy, Assistant Secretary: Albert Fews, Treasurer; Rufus Lewis, Sergeant-at-Arms; Will (Bill) Nixon, Chaplain. Members: Brothers Augustus Frazier and H. C. Trenholm. The Alpha Upsilon Lambda held a Charter Ball that night at the beautiful Imperial Club 1 [ome. The home was beautifully decorated in gold and black. the emblem of the organization greeted all guests and Brothers as they entered the building, and the Sphinx was placed on the upper part of the door in a very conspicuous setting. The lights were flashing off and on and this gave the whole scene an enchanting effect. The guests included several members of other fraternal groups of the city as well as many holiday visitors from various colleges throughout the United States.

The Brother H. C. Trenholm, President of the State Teachers' College of Montgomery, Ala., was home from his studies at Chicago University, where he is working on his Ph.D.; he was host to a charter tea which was held at his home for the chartered members. A very delicious repast was served. The new chapter, under new officers, working under the National New Deal went forward with pep, dash, and enthusiasm. Brothers H. C. Trenholm and Nathan Langford attended the special Chicago convention and were much impressed with the program which was outlined by the general organization. J. GARRICK 1 I ARDY,

Assistant Secretary, Alpha Upsilon Lambda, Montgomery, Ala. NEWS OF ALPHA ALPHA Alpha Alpha opened its first meeting with fort) Brothers present. The chapter was royally entertained by Brothers Caliman, Cann, Lovelace, Matthews and Lowe. The meeting was dominated by the spirit of Brotherhood. At this meeting Brother R. E. Beamon installed the following officers for the year: Brothers Dr. B. F. Cann, Presi dent; Dr. C. H. Carroll, Vice-President; Chester A. Smith, Secretary; W. C. Weatherly, Financial Secretary; Dr. J. E. Randolph, Treasurer; H. H. Hull. Chaplain; Dr. C. E. Dillard, Parliamentarian; Saul S. Sanford, Sergeaut-at-Arms, and John W. Fleming. Associate Editor of the Sphinx. Committees were appointed to outline the program for the year. Indications arc that Alpha Alpha will have a very extensive program. Much emphasis will be placed upon the reclaiming of all delinquent Brothers. The whole city is congratulating Brother Dr. R. P. McClain for his great race and victory in the last election. Brother McClain was elected on the Republican ticket as Representative in the Ohio State Legislature, lie began his duties January 1. Brother Dr. Cann is being congratulated on his appointment to the Clinic Staff of the Cincinnati General Hospital. Brother Cann is the first and only Negro ever appointed to this position. Brother Dillard is the proud father of future Alpha material. The Kappas are seeking revenge for the slaughter the Alphas gave them last year. We will repeat this year in the basketball game February 22. J O H N W.


ALPHA SIGMA NEWS Alpha Sigma started out on a rather troubled sea with a new captain and a relatively strange crew. but after a few months of "trial" sailing, the course

Sphinx becomes smoother and the good ship "Alpha Sigma" seems to be headed for the "sunny shores of Brotherly spirit. We had four representatives on the gridiron for Wiley last year: Brothers Patterson and Adams, both of whom won considerable mention as AllAmerican selections: Brother Joe Taylor, who turned in some line games at end, and Sphinx .Mcintosh, who graced the other terminal position for the Wildcats. Socially, the writer i> just overcoming the effects of the Alpha Sphinx football dance, honoring the varsity. Personal awards were given to Brothers Patterson and Adams, and to Christopher Hibbler. of Omega Psi Phi. for their untold value to the Wildcats of "34". Plans are already underway for the A. K. A.—Alpha dance culminating the "Kducation for Citizenship Week. Alpha Sigma welcomes neophytes J. P. Semple, L. E. King and \\ . P. Sweatt. At this writing, twelve young men are preparing themselves for the long, tedious journey across the "burning sands". Our officers a r e : Brothers J. T. Taylor. Presi dent: Win. Brackeen. Vice-President; B. W. Burrough, Secretary; 0 . N. Johnson, Treasurer; H. S. Jarrett, Director of Sphinx; J. B. Cabell, Editor to the Sphinx. JAMES B. CABELL,

Wiley College, Marshall, Texas. BETA GAMMA LAMBDA CHAPTER Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha. Greetings: At last our dreams have been realized and we have finally been placed upon our feet. Beta Gamma Lambda takes great pleasure in the taking of a place among the many other chapters. These Brothers (graduate) seeing the need of a closer union among themselves, which the undergraduate chapter could not give, formed this chapter Mav 4, 1935. Our Brother, the Second Vice-President of Alpha Phi Alpha, set up the chapter which now reports to you in grand style. Jewel Brother, Nathaniel A. Murray, gave an inspiring address on the subject. "The Aims and Ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha". The General Secretary, Brother Joseph H. B. Evans, gave a masterful installation address. Brother I loward H. Long, of the District of Columbia public school system, a former National President and a former Gamma member gave the group a philosophical aspect of the aims and ideals of the Fraternity. After the routine business of setting up the chapter was over, a sumptuous repast was given by the members of the newly established chapter.



The officers of the chapter are as follows: Brothers Wiley A. Hall, President; Joseph R. Ransome, Vice-President; George Peterson, Jr., Financial Secretary; Walker H. Quarles, Jr., Corresponding Secretary; Dr. J. M. G. Ramsey, Treasurer: Christopher Poster. Chaplain; B. A. Cephas, Jr., Sergeant-at-Arms ; Emmett M. Burke, Editor to the Sphinx. Fraternally yours. EMMETT



EPSILON-LAMBDA NEWS Brothers: Greetings from Epsilon-Lambda out in old St. Louis. As usual we have been carrying on in true Alpha spirit. Numerous Brothers have been taking active part in the civic activity of the city. Through Brother H. S. Williams the Interfraternal Council instituted last spring- a "Twenty-Year Plan" for Negro St. Louis. Several Brothers are active at present in the Y. M. C. A. campaign. Among those teaching at the new Douglass University are Brothers Ewing, Von Avery, White and Sinnns. Brothers Clark and Sidney Williams put on a protest parade because of the lack of employment of Negroes in PWA in St. Louis, the first of its kind in this city. They have just returned from the sectional meeting of the Urban League in Springfield, 111., along with Brother Arnold Walker. Brother Herman Washington has taken leave to go to his new position, that of Field Work Supervisor at Xavier University, New Orleans. We knowthat the New Orleans Brothers will find a willing and active worker by the loss of our Vice-President. Brothers Tocus and Wilson put on the Alpha -Musicale last fall which was quite the thing. Brothers Walker, Williams, Von Avery and Simms have been very active in the carrying on of the St. Louis Youth Forum. Over the Labor Hay week-end St. Louis was host to the National Technical Association. Brothers Alexander. Woodson and Sinnns are among the St. Louis members, while prominently among the visiting delegates were Brother Henderson,of Detroit, who was elected Central Vice-President, and Brother L. K. Downing. During the year there have been several marriages, including Brothers Benjamin, Gray, Simms, and lastly, Arnold Walker to Catherine Williams, of Omaha. Brother Herman Washington contributed future Alpha material in a son born this summer out in old Virginia. Brother Taylor is the proud father of a daughter. Epsilon-Lambda signing off. We will see you in Nashville. FREDERICK T. SiMMS, Editor to Sphinx.

Sphinx BETA BETA NEWS Brothers: I know tin's will be a great surprise to hear from old Beta Beta which has been inactive for two years. We are attempting a great rejuvenation of the chapter and through the aid of Brother Squires combined with the return of Brother Lillard, we are well on our way to a new day. However, there is still much to be done. We hope by the end of this month to be an active chapter again. We are also making arrangements for representation of Beta at the National Convention in December. We hope other chapters are not experiencing similar difficulties. If so, we extend our blessings for we know the\' need them. We have effected the following organization: Brother J. R. Lillard, President, Lincoln, Nebr.; B. E. Squires, Vice-President, Omaha, Nebr.; C. Hill. Secretary, Lincoln, Nebr.; G. T. Bradford, Assistant Secretary, Oraha, Nebr.; Howard Hatter, Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer, Lincoln, Nebr. Kindly list the names check in the Sphinx. The new corresponding address is the same as listed above. Extending salutations to all other chapters and all National officers, we remain, Fraternally yours, BETA BETA, J. R. LH.I.ARD,

I 'resident. EPSILON FLASHES With a highly successful fall semester behind them, the out-going officers have passed their official duties on to new hands which are already show ing signs of obtaining just as good, if not better, results than their predecessors. Our new officers are : Brothers R. Edwin Thomas, President; T. Richard Shepard, Vice-President: I'ope Benjamin, Treasurer; A. J. Calloway, Secretary ; W. N. "Red" Washington. Sergeant-at-Arms; Armistead Pride, Corresponding Secretary; H. W. Penn, Editor to the Sphinx. Before Brother Thomas assumed the chair, a rousing vote of thanks was tendered former President Brother Poole and his retiring cohorts for their yeoman size job during the past year. Soon after the fall session began, Epsilon found several of the old familiar faces absent from our chapter circle, as graduation took its usual toll but the chapter strength has been brought up by the return of Brothers of years gone by for graduate work—Brothers Pride. Browning, Penn, Kean, and a ('.annua Brother, Wallace Van Jackson. These Brothers have injected a much needed punch which filled the vacancies.



Rushing activities under the capable charge of Brother T. Richard Shepard will be culminated in the initiation of seven yearlings which should weld seven strong links into our chain. Willis Ward, of athletic fame here at Michigan, is among that number. Socially, Epsilon has done well this year, having an aggregation of very smooth gentlemen wearing both the badge and the button. At the outset of the year a smoker and get-together for all the men on the campus; week-end house parties during the football season; a large share in the Negro History Week Program lead by Brother Browning; an informal tea and discussion program sponsored by our Sphinx Club in conjunction with the Ivy Leaf Club of \K A Sorority and other social affairs. Basketball has been lead by Brother ("dies (). Wright. Spring here at Ann Arbor is always inspirational and Epsilon Chapter finds itself in a line position to flourish right along with it. A long, hard winter has been visited upon .Ann Arbor, but the house has been able to keep its pipes unfrozen, its doorsteps navigable and its good name unimpeached midst the oldfashioned drifts and temperatures. In fact, the Brethren have been more active in various functions than for some time. The Brothers of Epsilon extend their best wishes for the good luck of Brothers everywhere. Sincerely in Alpha Phi Alpha. I IKRHKUT W.


O'HARE SAYS FOR XI Brothers in Alpha, I bring you greetings from dear old Xi. First. I wish to introduce the following neophytes who have been the gleaming light of Alpha Phi Alpha. Allow me to present them : Brothers H. Raines, A. Evans, J. Smith, Q. Reid, D. Raines, B. Whiteside, T. Thompson, and S. Cabman. After having been watched by the eyes of Xi for the given period of time, these men have proved to possess the qualities and high standards of Alpha Phi Alpha, and are already taking an active part in the activities of the chapter. We of Xi are especially proud of the fact that we hold the honor of having the highest average of any Fraternity on the campus. For our efforts we have in our possession a beautiful oak placque presented 1>\ the Dean of Men here at Wilberforce. Also at this time I would like to congratulate the following Brothers who won individual awards at this meeting for scholarship. They are Brothers A. Carrol, J. Phillips. S. Morris. J. Smith, L. T. Robertson, K. l i i ' . C. Jenkins, E. Rodger and H. Raines.

We are happy to say that Xi is remaining in the foreground by taking an active part in the various extra activities. At the last running of the Perm Relays, Brothers R. Raines and K. Johnson brought the bacon home- in grand style, in the form of four beautiful trophies, which gave honor to both the school and fraternity. Before closing here I would like to express my most heart\- congratulations to my Brothers and friends of Alpha Delta Lambda for winning the Balfour cup and to Beta Xi. the baby chapter of the fraternity. 1 say Cod speed. Fraternally. CIIAS. H. TARPI.KV,

Associate Editor.

NU CHAPTER Brothers. Greetings : In spite of rumors to the contrary, and in spite of our lengthy season of silence, Nu has been neither inactive nor stagnant. Although our ranks have been depleted considerably by graduation, our work has continued unhindered. November 6 was the birthday of our chapter— that day, twenty-two years ago. fourteen men (afterwards to be known in the chapter history as "the immortals") founded Nu. The Brothers saw fit to celebrate this event in two ways. Early in the evening a banquet was held. Brothers Doctors Bouden, Jerricks, Burwell and Winters spoke. Dr. Bouden and Dr. Jerricks are two of the "'fourteen immortals" of Nu, and on this occasion they presented to Nu the first record book of the chapter, holding the minutes of its earliest meetings. Later on, however, the celebration continued in quite a different fashion. Six "pure in heart" were led to the slaughter and with many a loud resounding clamor were inducted into the folds of Nu. These Neophyte Brothers a r e : Samuel Brisbane. Robert Carter, Benjamin Kagwa, Wilfred Lloyd, Martin Pree and Thomas Reed. November 6 will always be remembered by these Brothers for more reasons than one. On November 24, just prior to the Thanksgiving recess, Nu gave its second autumn formal dance, with a buffet supper afterwards. Things were mellow then, and how ! All during the year the Brothers of Nu have been carrying on close communications with the Brothers of Rho Chapter. Twice the Brothers went to Philadelphia to special Rho meetings and each time returned with a strengthened resolve to stimulate a closer bond of brotherhood with our neighboring chapters.



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Continuing its activities, Nu held its annual elections. The newly elected officers a r e : Brothers Lawrence Bleach, President; Martin Pree, VicePresident; Ellsworth Marrow, Corresponding Secretary; Wendel Urling, Recording Secretary; Bryant Moore, Treasurer; Wilfred Lloyd, Assistant Treasurer; Lawrence Evans, Chaplain; Thomas Reed, Parlimentarian, and Samuel Brisbane, Sergeant-at-Arms. This new administration, with many of the foremost Brothers in the chapter, graduating in June, have a tedious task ahead. Special News Brothers I. Day, I. Waddy and B. Moore were recently elected to the Phi Kappa Epsilon, honorary Fraternity. Only four men were eligible to receive tins honor. Brothers E. Morrow and B. Kagwa were elected to the Beta Kappa Chi, scientific society. Brothers E. Morrow, F. Day. B. Kagwa and 1). Mason are student instructors in the Biology and Chemistry departments. The Varsity Debating Team has on it Brothers E. Morrow. C. Riley, R. Carter, I. Waddy and ExPresident of Ntt, James Robinson. The Varsity Basketball Team is composed of Brothers M. Pree, L. Bleach, S. Brisbane, T. Garner and pledge Brother I. Henderson. The two new coaches here at Lincoln University are Brothers M. Reviro and C. Jones. Brother James Dorsey, Instructor in Music, received a fellowship to Germany. Brother Ivan Taylor, Instructor in English, has recently married. Congratulations, Ivan. From this summary you can see that we have been exceedingly active. The Brothers are wishing for a bigger and better year for Nu and for Alpha Phi Alpha, at large. Fraternally yours. R. L E E CARTER.

RHO LAMBDA Rho Lambda has lain dormant for quite some time: but along came good Brothers Tobin and Robinson and inoculated us with that revivifying virus of "do something" with which they were infected while they gamboled and basked in the spirit inspiring rays of good old Gamma Chapter. The chapter has been reinstated into the financial good graces of the General Organization with the following Brothers 'laying it <m the line': A. T. Tobin. President; W. B. (Ace) Holland, Secretary; James Robinson, Treasurer; Harold Robinson, Dr. S. Calvin Johnson, Dr. H. A. Allen, Dr. Chas. H. Hayes, John M. Pollard, Monroe Douglas, Claud R. Jones, the

Rev. James Rose, and Dr. Chas. T. Lunsford. Brother William H. Walker donated a section of his spacious Undertaking Establishment, at 535 William St., for Chapter Headquarters. Never in the history of the Chapter has there been so much enthusiasm, co-operation, and good old Alpha spirit shown as is noticeable in the reorganized chapter. A program comprising social, civic and educational activities for the ensuing year is second to no graduate chapter in the whole of Alphadom. Already, at least, half of the Brothers have launched their campaign as candidates for delegate to the 1935 Convention at Nashville, Term. At least half of the members of Rho Lambda attended either professional or undergraduate schools in Nashville, and Nashville is also the birth place of one of the members. Rho Lambda promises one hundred per cent financial membership by its next major social function. which will be a Mid-Winter Prom. February 22. W. B. HoiXAND, Secretary. TAU NEWS The opening of the 1935-36 school year brought forth a spirit of optimism and increased strength. Tau has the support of fourteen Brothers and seventeen pledges, a feat that only musty records can show an equal. When one walks into the chapter quarters, he is delightfully and pleasantly surprised at the renovation窶馬ew furniture, modernistic indirect lighting, new rugs, etc. A step forward in luxuriousness of furnishings in chapter houses. Open House held in September fullfilled our desires of the houses' comfort and necessities by the many guests' comments, including parents from Chicago and East St. Louis. The good ship, Tau, sails under the capable leadership of the following newly elected officers: Brothers Otho M, Robinson, President; Joseph Taylor, Vice-President; David West Pelkey, Treasurer; A. M. Dumas, Corresponding Secretary; J. E. Sullivan, Alumni Secretary ; John S. Loveless, Associate Editor to the Sphinx, and Joseph Perry, Serjeant-at-Arms. Socially speaking, Tau gave an informal House Party that glowed with that dignity and gaiety of Alpha affairs. The event of the first semester, Homecoming, despite the inclement weather, was an affair that will linger on with the future. Ask Brother Benjamin, of Epsilon a member of Michigan's Band. The affair was given jointly by Alpha I "hi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, and Alpha Kappa Alpha to the timid rhythm of Howard Gant's Orchestra.


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The chapter is happy to have among its large Sphinx Club membership two outstanding men, David Blackwell. of Centralia, 111., and George Johnson, of Duquoin. 111. Both of these men passed proficiency examination in Rhetoric and Hygiene and show promises of "A" scholarship—successors to Brother Lendor Nesbitt whose freshman year average made him eligible for Phi Eta Sigma. Freshman Honor Society. Here's a .Merry Christmas and the best of luck to the other chapters during the incoming year. J O H N S. LOVKLESS,

Associate Editor of the Sphinx.

CHI NEWS From Chi we send greetings characteristic of Southern hospitality, filled with the distinction of Alpha fraternal spirit and jubliant with paramount expectation for seeing "ye whole darn crowd" at the coming Convention, here in Nashville, December 27-31, 1935. Back to nature—Pardon, we mean to our short vita of Chi of Meharry Medical College, one of the four chapters of the city of Nashville with a membership of approximately sixty individuals—all not entirely active as yet: a chapter house (which equals any) of twenty-five Brothers living in the edifice ; two bathrooms ; a dining room ; more radios than we need, and within 3 minutes and 59v£ seconds' walk to a class at Maharry, or 2 minutes 12% seconds to the Fisk Library. Chi also has a consensus that with wisdom the following Brothers have been commissioned to officership: G. A. Calvin. President; A. P. Hall. VicePresident; C. A. Method. Secretary ; P. P. Shumake. Assstant Secretary; A. \V. Pleasants, Corresponding Secretary; H. B. Hollis. Treasurer and House Manager: P. V. Linveld, Chaplain; C. P. Horton, Sergeant-at-Anns. The interfraternity basketball league for another year found it worthy bestowing upon Chi's invincible quintette that much fought for but seldom attained level of Interfraternity Champions. Well, Chi won all the games again, but we must say that the sportsmanship of all teams was commendable. The members of the victorious aggregation are as follows: P. Riley (captain), McDowell, Horton, F. W. Clavtor, M. Pambrite, J. Clinton. F. P.. Martin. W. Williams, J. W. Elliott. S. P. Corbin, G. A. Calvin (manager), J. N. Thomas (storekeeper). P>. S. Waugh (timekeeper). I. T. Creswell (coach). Chi has had two initiations this year—a total of four men met the requirements—and, Brothers, they are stiff.


These neophytes a r e : Fall initiation — F. W. Claytor. Spring initiation—H. C. Welcome, "Al" Thomas, A. C. Albright. All are students in the School of Medicine at Meharry Medical College.

XI LAMBDA AND THETA Greetings, Brothers: Yes, greetings from two of the most active chapters in the country. If the law makers in Washington think that they are New Dealers, they should come to Chicago, the world's greatest convention city, and view Brothers Sidney Brown, Bentley Cyrus, Frank Plummer, Sidney Jones, Archibald Carey, George Arthur et al in action! It is becoming more and more difficult to find rooms sufficiently large to accommodate the Brothers at meetings. Consequently, the motto of Chicago Alphas is "Pet's get a house". Brothers James Morton. William C. Pyant, Edward B. Jourdain and Iaasic Jackson, of Alpha Mu, have been frequent visitors at our recent meetings. Welcome, Brothers! Brother Dr. A. L. Jackson, President of Provident Hospital, is very ill with pneumonia. Alpha Phi Alpha is pulling for him to win this greatest of his numerous battles. A future Alpha was recently born to Brother Dr. Everett W. Campbell and his wife. Rosebud. A committee to work out plans for the Memorial Services in honor of our deceased Jewel, Dr. Ji Chapman, is headed by Brother Dr. Frank V. Plummer. Others are Brothers Dr. Roscoe Giles. Rev. A. Wayman Ward, Gaston Meres and Foster Jackson. When Brothers Giles, Plummer,Carey,Sheppherd, Mitchum and Oscar Brown made speeches at the new student smoker, the Brothers thought that the Special Convention had reconvened. Brother Dr. R. L. Stanton, of the Indiana State Legislature, enhanced his recent political triumphs by taking unto himself as wife. Theta's beautiful little "mascot", Mary Christian. Brother Rev. A. J. Carey joined the couple on December 26. Among the civic projects participated in by the chapters recently are: Brother William (Bill) Haynes' campaign for Municipal Judge, the Morgan Park school segregation light, and the Urban League's promotion of "Run Little Children". Brother Avery French, who was forced to pass up the Special Convention because of a scholarship permitting him to study in France and Germany, reports a successful and enjoyable trip. He was accompanied by his cousin, Mildred Gray.



Brother Calvin Smith is now manager of Walgren's largest south side store at 47th Street and South Parkway. The Forty-Ninth Staters have offices in the same building. The General Western Vice-President, Brother Sidney A. Junes, was accorded the greatest ovation ever received by a local Brother, when he handed the gavel to Brother A. J. Carey upon the latter's election as Theta's President. Incidentally, Brother Carey did his best to pass the honor back to ultramodest and able Brother Marcus A. Mahone who. in declining the honor, nominated Brother Carey, the silver-tongued orator. Great sportsmanship, Brothers! Officers of Theta: Archibald J. Carey. President; William Brown, Vice-President; Nelson C. Woodley, Secretary; Herman Brown, Treasurer; Lewis A. 11. Caldwell. Editor of the Sphinx; Leonidas Berry. Chaplain : Marcus A. Mahone, Sergeant-atArms. Brothers ! An Revoir. LEWIS A. H. CAI.DW KU..

ALPHA NU LAMBDA Greetings: Since last you heard from Alpha Nu Lambda, much of the proverbial water has flowed under the proverbial bridge. What might have been construed as a lethargic condition was in reality the lull forecasting an eventful future of the Brethren in this particular sector below the Mason-Dixon

Line. Soon after his election to the presidency of this chapter, Brother H. Henri Payne outlined an attractive program for the group, an outstanding feature of which was a scheme that would enable all tinfinancial Brothers to "get right" with the general organization. Thanks to the contagious enthusiasm of our president, seventy-live percent of the men affiliated with the chapter are proud possessors of 1935 pass cards. Early in April the Annual Medical Clinic convened at Tuskegee. and it was during this gathering of the "medics" that the chapter gave a smoker, honoring the visiting Brothers, among whom was one of the Jewels, Brother Callis. Various Brothers spoke during the e\rning, which climaxed in true Alpha fashion. Later in the month the chapter gave its annual spring dance, which, as usual, was the outstanding event on the social calendar. The Social Commute, composed of Brothers Tisdale, Gordon, Crutcher and Alexander, spared no effort in making this party maintain the Alpha reputation of always achieving the zenith in whatever Alphas undertake.

Sphinx Several honors have come to Alpha men of this chapter. One, which is no longer news to Alphas or to the world, was the election of Brother F. D. Patterson to the Presidency of Tuskegee Institute. ()n June the first Brother J. R. Otis was appointed Director of the School of Agriculture, and Brother N. F. Herriford was selected as Director of the High School Department. At the same time I'rother Alphonso Heningburg began his new duties as Director of Personnel Work. Brother Walter I!. Williams. Head Librarian, received notification during the first week of June that he had been awarded a scholarship by the American Library Association, in order to pursue some research studies in library science. Slimmer school attracted some of our men. Brothers Turner, Daniel and Fuller have enrolled for summer study at the University of Michigan, where they will do work toward the Ph.D. degree. Brothers Sprague and Price felt the urge for Eastern contacts, so they have enrolled at Columbia University, where they, too, will work on the Ph.D. degree. The chapter was especially proud of the recognition accorded I'rother G. W. A. Scott, who was the honored member of his class at Columbia University when it gathered for its twenty-fifth reunion. Brother Scott was the speaker of the evening at the Alumni Dinner. While a student at Columbia, he was the recipient of several oratorical prizes; so there is little doubt in our minds concerning his eloquence on this particular occasion.

Another significant achievement was the forming of the Britton McKenzie Post, named in honor of a young physician who went to Prance during the World W a r and returned to work at the U. S. Veterans' Hospital No. 91, where he contracted tuberculosis and died. The establishing of the post was made possible by our distinguished Brother, Dr. K. 1). Patterson, who appeared before the Executive Board of the Alabama Department of the American Legion and convinced them that there should be a separate post for Negroes in the State. At present there are one hundred and fifty-three members, among whom are Brothers Cravens, Lee, Tildcn and Dudley. Brother Cravens, who holds the position of Adjutant in the newly formed post, was also a member of the committee that appeared before the Executive Board, lie is also President of Lodge No. 110 of the .American Federation of Government Employes. While all these other things were taking place, Cupid wasn't the least inactive. The little matchmaker smiled broadly when he saw Dr. Patterson march to the altar with the charming and talented

The Miss vows Miss So here, again

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Catherine Moton. Next to lake the nuptial was Brother E. H. Cravens, who U'<1 the lovely Madge Revere, of Birmingham, to the altar. you see, while we were rather quid down things were happening. You'll hear from us ere long. Until then, good luck ! Fraternally yours, N. F. HERRIFORD,

Chapter Editor. CUPID'S CORNER Brother Hugh M. Gloster, Professor in the Division of Languages and Literature at LeMoyne College, was married to Miss Louise Torrence on June 1. The wedding was solemnized at Allen Temple in Atlanta. OMEGA CHAPTER Dr. Lincoln H. Norwood Dies I luring the early part of last June, the hearts of all our Brothers were saddened by the death of Dr. Lincoln I L Norwood, for many years a resident of Kansas City, Mo. Brother Norwood was a charter member of Beta Lambda.

A WORD FROM ABROAD (Continued from p:ige 4)

Alpha man it is incumbent upon me to carry the torch as far and as swiftly as possible before I must relinquish it to the eagerly out-stretched hand of I he next generation". Some of us wear our pins and think that that is enough to show our pride in our Fraternity. It is a g great symbol and impresses both those who sec it and those who wear it. but that is only the beginning—"by their deeds shall ye know them". Unless each member does his best for the Fraternity our great organization will decline. Two things must never be forgotten: without individual effort the wdiole must be lost, and co-operation will make the organization a living indestructible organism. When T was at Kimberly I watched the diamond miners. The rock matrix was subjected to many processes before the stone was finally extracted from the matrix, and even then it had to undergo still further preparation before it glittered as a flawless gem on the brow of a ruler of men. The members of Alpha Phi Alpha are subjected to many processes like the diamond and that is one reason why Alpha men are proud of their Brothers. I am on safe ground when I say that humanity is the same wherever it is found. There are mute inglorious Miltons in ever}- small hamlet. Let each have


his opportunity and let each Alpha man realize that it is his duty to give of the riches of his intellect and training and not be content merely to take. As an Alpha man L rejoice that other Fraternities possess brilliant men. for if Alpha possessed all the brilliant men they would no longer strive, and competition is the very breath of life. Let us strive to keep our great organization in the vanguard of progress, at the same time giving recognition to all other Fraternities according to their merit. *AYe needs must love the highest when we see it." Again let me proclaim my happiness in belonging to the (>ldes1 of All. the Greatest of All and the Best of All—Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. School of Onthropologv. Oxford University. Fraternally yours, I Signed ) PsiNCE NYABONGO, 40 Broad Street, Londan, England.

THE INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS (Continued from page 9) delicate moorings. Let Alpha Phi Alpha continue to manifest its cognizance of that fact, and as its part is not only educating the American Negro of it. but make a definite attempt to purposely direct the action of 12,000,000 blacks in a crisis situation. Teachers, preachers, students and a lay public could derive numerous benefits from an institute of Public Affairs. NEWS FROM DIRECTOR LOGAN To All Chapters : Your attention is urgently directed to the following information. In view of its urgency I am sending this information without waiting for additonal details. Get in touch at once with your State Director of the National Youth Administration whose name and address were furnished you last month. Four major Federal projects were submitted to the Works Progress Administration for the employment in public service capacities of young people from relief families, it was announced today by Aubrey W. Williams, Director of the National Youth Administration. Part-time jobs will be afforded approximately 94,000 young men and women between the ages of 16 and 24 years, while at the same time, a quantity of much-needed research, development and extension of civic facilities will be provided for the communities in which they live. The four projects are expected to get under way about November 1, in most of the States, and to continue until June 30, 1936. They embrace Community Development and Recreational Leadership,



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Rural Youth Development, Public Service, and Research. Set up as Federal projects, each State will, upon proper application, be able to draw upon the designated funds as needed for the prosecution of work within its own borders. The community development and recreational leadership projects will provide jobs for approximately 55,000 young people as leaders and assistants in the establishment, organization and conduct of recreational and community activities. Work in parks, playgrounds, community houses, camps and athletic fields will be included.

ALPHA SIGMA SAILS ALONG When she embarked on her voyage in September, things looked rather doubtful for the good ship Alpha Sigma as she plowed through the Greecian Sea, manned by a crew of nine able fraters, with Captain Jarrett at the helm. Since that time, the stained, weather-worn craft has undergone many changes ; so large did she become that five men had to be added in order to substantiate the already efficient mariners. That she might have a reserve group, the crew found it necessary to start fourteen less capable men as deck hands.

The rural youth development program will duplicate the services of the foregoing project with particular emphasis on the needs of rural youth and communities. Some 20,000 young people will be employed in this work. The public service project will employ about 15,000 young people as assistants in various public services to conduct activities outside the scope of regular governmental agencies. Traffic checks. parole and delinquency work, sanitation, health and welfare activities will be included.

The worthy craft now sails along with all the grace an Alpha baot could boast of, and recently it was hers to serve as host to one of the oldest mariners who has ever sailed the Greecian Sen under the flag of Alpha. Dr. E. Kinkle Jones came on board in the year of our Lord, December 5, 1935, to be entertained at a luncheon in the spacious cabin-room known as The Wildcat Inn.

Another phase of the work of the National Youth Administration is that of Vocational Guidance and Job Training. ( bunselling, guidance, adjustment and job placement services are to be developed in cooperation with the United States Reemployment Service and its two thousand offices and with other public and private agencies. Placement of youths on work relief projects will be made through the Reemployment Service Offices. Provisions for job training will be developed by the State Youth Administrators through the utilization of available school shop facilities and private factories for trade training classes. These classes will be taught in late afternoons or evenings by unemployed but qualified persons on a work relief basis. Dr. .Mary H. S. Hayes, Director of Guidance and Placement, advises that an unemployed teacher may conduct a freshman college class for students who can not attend college, provided a sufficient number of students may he obtained. Your State Youth Director will furnish complete information regarding this phase of work. Some confusion has been caused by employing the term "apprentice" interchangeably with that of learner, beginner, or under-study. It is to be understood that neither the National Youth Administration nor the Federal Committee on Apprentice Training can sanction the payment of subsidies or wages to apprentices with government funds. RAYFORD W. LOGAN,

Director of Education.

Because of the severe tempest and the great distance, stalwart Alpha .Sigma finds it vain to attempt reaching Convention Port at Nashville. i •ood luck! See you in the next port. FRATF,R WARREN



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OFFICIAL CHAPTER ROSTER—Continued BETA ZETA—Austin, Texas; Pres., Albert Slaughter; Sec, Robert E. Fields, Samuel Huston College. BETA ETA—Carbondale, 111.; Pres., Arnold C. Banister, Jr., 412 S. Illinois Ave.; S e c , Gaffery Taylor, Colp, 111. BETA THETA—Bluefield, W. Va.; Pres., Lester W. Banks; S e c , Early T. McGhee, Bluefield State Teachers' College. BETA IOTA—Kalamazoo, Mich.; To Be Set Up. BETA KAPPA—Langston, Okla.; Pres., Lawrence T. Davis; Sec, Leo Edward Lewis, Langston Univ. BETA MU—Frankfort, Ky.; Pres., Francis E- Whitney; S e c , Thomas A. West, Ky. State College. BETA NU—Tallahasse, Fla.; Pres., Paul Sheey, Cor. S e c , Robert L. Bragg, Fla. A. and M. College. BETA XI—Memphis, Tenn.; S e c , Henry A. Ryan, 16 East Street. BETA OMICRON—Nashville, Tenn.; Pres., Wm. A. L. Fowlkes, Jr.; S e c , Damon Lee, Jr., Tenn. State College.

GRADUATE CHAPTERS ALPHA LAMBDA—Louisville, Ky.; Pres., Stewart T. Pickett, 421 E. Chestnut St.; Sec, C. Walter Sedwick, 946 Hancock St. BETA LAMBDA—Kansas City, Mo.; Pres., Mack C. Spears, 1514 N. 7th St.; Cor. Sec, James A. Jeffress, 1824 Paseo. GAMMA LAMBDA—Detroit, Mich.; Pres., Percival R. Piper, 18032 Wexford Ave.; S e c , Rollie C. McMahon, 6463 Van Court St. _ _ . . . DELTA LAMBDA—Baltimore, Md.; Pres., W. A. C. Hughes, Jr., 1816 Madison Ave.; S e c , C. C. Jackson. Jr., 2325 Madison Ave. EPSILON LAMBDA—St. Louis, Mo.; Pres., H. S. Williams, 2846 Pine St.; Cor. S e c , John A. Davis, 11 N. Jefferson Ave.; Fin. Sec, Frank B. Wilson, 433k Aldine Ave. ZETA LAMBDA—Newport News, Va.; Pres., J. J. Ballou, 1364 29th St.; Sec, R. H. Pree, 2411 Jefferson Ave. THETA LAMBDA—Dayton, Ohio; Pres., Dr. E. E. Campbell, 12 Sunset Ave.; Cor. Sec, F. L. Alexander, 1013 Gard Ave.; Asst. Sec, Dr. C. R. Price, 476 So. Broadway. ETA LAMBDA—Atlanta, Ga.; Pres., Forrester B. Washington, Atlanta School of Social Work; Sec, Leroy E. Carter, 842 Beckwith St., S. W. _ IOTA LAMBDA—Indianapolis, Ind.; Pres., Henry J. Richardson, Jr., 22954 Indiana Ave.; S e c , Thos. L. Horner, 1647 Bellefontaine St. , KAPPA LAMBDA—Greensboro, N. C ; Pres., W. E. Beavers, Jr.; Sec, B. H. Crutcher, A. and T. College. MU LAMBDA—Washington, D. C.; Pres., Dr. Henry Callis, Howard Univ.; S e c , Walter G. Daniel, Howard Univ. . . _ N U LAMBDA—Ettrick, Va.; Pres., Colson Jackson; S e c , Reuben R. McDaniel, Box 185, State College. XI LAMBDA—Chicago, 111.; Pres., Dr. Howard Shepard, 4927 Michigan Ave.; Sec, Lawrence T. Young, OMICRON'LAMBDA—Birmingham, Ala.; Pres., A. D. Shores, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 755; S e c , H. Lovell Mosely, 1304 First Court W. „ „ „ , , . „ PI LAMBDA—Little Rock, Ark.; Pres., Dr. J. V. Jordan, 61054 W. 9th St.; S e c , C. Franklin Brown, 1019 Cross St. RHO LAMBDA—Buffalo, N. Y.; Address: W. B. Holland, 535 William St. SIGMA LAMBDA—New Orleans, La.; Pres., Geo. D. Talbert, 2524 Jena St.; Sec, Ferdinand L. Rousseve, Xavier Univ. TAU LAMBDA—Nashville, Tenn.; Pres., A. A. Taylor, Fisk Univ.; S e c , J. R. Anderson, 1027 18th Ave. N. UPSILON LAMBDA—Jacksonville, Fla.; Pres., Capers Bradham, 426 E. Ashley St.; S e c , Dr. C. M. Thompson, 823 Davis St. . , PHI LAMBDA—Raleigh, N. C ; Pres., E. C. Horton, Shaw Univ.; Sec, Charles H. Boyer, St. Augustine s College. CHI LAMBDA—Wilberforce, Ohio; Pres., Prof. F. A. McGinnis; Sec, Milton S. J. Wright. Wilberforce Univ. PSI LAMBDA—Chattanooga, Tenn.; Pres., Rev. J. J. Barber, 410 W. 10th St.; Sec, Dr. W. B. Davis, 124J4 E. 9th. St. „ _ ALPHA ALPHA LAMBDA—Newark, N. J.; Pres., Dr. Chas. M. Harris, 501 Berger Ave., Jersey City, N. J.; Sec, Arthur C. Williams, 136 Lincoln St., Montclair, N. J. ALPHA BETA LAMBDA—Lexington, Ky.; Pres., E. M. Chenault, 226 W. 6th St.; Sec, Dr. H. A. Merchant, 128 DeWeese St. . « « _ * « ALPHA DELTA GAMMA—New York City; Pres., Dr. Farrow R. Allen, 337 W. 138th St.; S e c , Ewart G. Guinier, 556 Monroe St., Brooklyn, N. Y. . « . . « « ALPHA DELTA LAMBDA—Memphis, Tenn.; Pres., Lewis O. Swingler, 234 Hernando St,; Sec, Thos. H. Hayes, Jr., 680 Lauderdale St. __ „ ., ALPHA EPSILON LAMBDA—Jackson, Miss.; Pres., Everett R. Lawrence; Sec, Riley A. Hamilton, Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Miss. _ ALPHA ZETA LAMBDA—Bluefield, W. Va.; Pres., Walter W. Goens; Sec, Edward W. Browne, Box 576, ALPHA ETA LAMBDA—Houston, Texas; Pres., E. O. Smith, 1214 O'Neal St.; S e c , Geo. W. Reeves, Prairie View State College, Prairie View, Texas. ALPHA THETA LAMBDA—Atlantic City, N. J. (inactive); Address: C. M. Cam, Artie Ave., Y. M. C. A. ALPHA IOTA LAMBDA—Charleston, W. Va.; Pres., Joseph R. Jones, 909 Washington St., Sec, J. Kermit Hall, 1332 Washington, St., E. . . . _ « . . „ - « . « ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA—Roanoke, Va.; Pres., Dr. Elwood D. Downing, Brooks BIdg.; Sec, Dr. G. A. Moore, 420 Commonwealth, N. E. _ _ _ _ _ , ALPHA MU LAMBDA—Knoxville, Tenn.; Pres., Dr. N. A. Henderson, 123 E. Vine St.; Sec, J. I. Seals, 209 Deaderick Ave. . _ . ALPHA NU LAMBDA—Tuskegee, Ala.; Pres., W. H. Payne; Sec, Holl.s F. Price, Tuskegee Institute. ALPHA XI LAMBDA—Toledo, Ohio (inactive); Actg. S e c , G. E. Bush, 637 Pmewood. ALPHA OMICRON LAMBDA—Pittsburgh, Pa.; Pres., Joseph W. Givens, Esq., 518 Fourth Ave.; Sec, Wilbur C. Douglass, 518 Fourth Ave. . „ . . „ , , „ _ „ T ALPHA PI LAMBDA—Winston-Salem, N. C.; Pres., Jas. O. Ellis. Atkins High School; Cor. S e c , J. B. Teffries, Jr., Atkins High School: Fin. Sec, Dr. E. Shepard Wright. ALPHA RHO LAMBDA—Columbus, Ohio; Pres., Dr. H. Sherman Manuel, 275 S. Grant Ave.; Sec. (-has. P. Blackburn, 53 N. 21st St. — , ~ « « , „ ,.r L ALPHA SIGMA LAMBDA—Dallas, Texas; Pres., H. I. Holland, 3910 Diamond St.; Sec, James W. White, 2700 Flora St. . « . » » « . _ . o • •. ALPHA TAU LAMBDA—Tulsa, Okla.; Pres., T. W. Harris, 101 N. Greenwood St.; Sec. J. Taylor Smith, 124 N. Greenwood St. ALPHA UPSILON LAMBDA—Montgomery. Ala.; Pres., G. H. Lockhart, State Teachers College; Cor. Sec, J. Garrick Hardy, State Teachers' College. ALPHA PHI LA Ml! DA—Norfolk, Va.; Pres., G. W. C. Brown; Sec, P. Bernard Young, Jr.; Asst. S e c , Thos. W. Young, 719 E. Olney Road. ALPHA CHI LAMBDA—Augusta, Ga.; Sec, John M. Tutt, Haines School. ALPHA PSI LAMBDA—Columbia, S. C ; Pres., Abram Simpson, Allen Univ.; S e c , Harry B. Rutherford, 1330 Gregg St. BETA ALPHA L A M B D A - T o be Set Up. BETA BETA L A M B D A - T o be Set Up. , , „ „ , , „ x. BETA GAMMA LAMBDA—Richmond, Va.; Pres., Wiley A. Hall; Sec, Walker H. Quarles, ,43 N. 5th St.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.