The SPHINX | Winter December 1937 | Volume 23 | Number 4 193702304

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II ~ l l X I I X I I X I I X I I X I I X I I X I I X I I X I I X I I X f l X H X I I X I I X I I X I



DECEMBER, 1937 "Merry Christmas"


OFFICIAL DIRECTORY General Officers PRESIDENT Dr. CHARLES H. WESLEY Howard University—Washington, D. C. SOUTHERN VICE-PRES. CHARLES W. GREENE 304 Griffin St. N. W.—Atlanta. Ga. EASTERN VICE-PRES. Dr. FARROW ALLEN 337 W. 138th St.—New York City

TREASURER PERCIVAL R. PIPER 18032 Wexford Avenue—Detroit, Mich. EDITOR OF THE SPHINX LEWIS O. SWINGLER 390 >/2 Beale Street—Memphis, Tenn. DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION RAYFORD W. LOGAN Atlanta University—Atlanta, Ga. GENERAL COUNSEL THEODORE W. BERRY 415 W. Fifth Street—Cincinnati, Ohio EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Dr. B. ANDREW ROSE 402 S. Bank Street—Dayton, Ohio LOWELL H. BENNETT Fisk University, Nashville DR. WILLIAM S. RANDOLPH 575 Bay view Avenue Inwood, Long Island, New York c/o Dr. Fred Randolph

MID-WESTERN VICE-PRES. SIDNEY A. JONES, Jr. 3456 S. State—Chicago, Illinois WESTERN VICE- PRES. BERT A. MCDONALD 319 E. 48th Street—Los Angeles, Calif. SECRETARY JOSEPH H. B. EVANS 101 S. Street N. W._Washington, D. C. JEWELS

RoT.rt H O g " T l " ' C . a r i e e H . Chapman James H . Mortem



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CHAPTER 1. A L P H A — I t h a c a .

N . Y — A c r i v , thru m.mberrfup



2. B E T A — W a s h i n g t o n . D . C . — P r e * G VrrAtri<-\, <:.._. R o b i n s o n . 1 9 1 7 T h i r d Street, N " w „ * * * £ £ £ ' * D C



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V G A M M A - R . r h m o n d . V i r g i n i a — P r e . . . D a , i d A . G r a v e . . 6 2 2 Judah S tr.., Stc, C. Lew,,, Virginia U n i o n U n i v . ' " atr,,t; 4. D E L T A — M o n t r e a l ,


V B P S I L O N — A n n Arbor, M i c h i g a n — P r e s . , C F P o o l e - Sec » - ' - . 1 1 0 } E. H u r o n St. ' * * c - J ° « P h Jentana, Z B T A — N e w Haven, 2 1 6 D w i g h t Street. B 7



S e c , D r . B. s .

N e w

* — Y o r k C i t y — P r e . . . L e o n H . Bryan Edward N . Byea, 2 W . 1 2 0 t h St. ^

*• J H B T A — C W a g o St.; S e c . . 1 W . l h . m fence Aw *. 9. IOTA—SyracuM. If.


<t. St

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I l l . n o i < — P r e . . . Rev. Archibald J . Carey 5 7 H . C h i l d . ; C S e c , Samuel j . fe.~ 6543 N.


V i, u Lrf? S ^ *^*i i_«w-



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M U — M i n n e a p o l i s , M i n n . — P r e s i d e n t , J o h n R. Lawrence A n t h o n y A v e . ; Sr. Paul, Minnesota; S e c r e t a t , J o h n M Roblyn A v e . . St. Paul. M i n n . < * • « « • . J o h n M.

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R « L ~ r 5 ' L " v . , TS" ~ " " • G r e g o r y A . C a l v i n ; R. S e c , Frank W . Claytor, 1 0 1 7 Sixteenth A v e .



K A P P A — C o l u m b u s , O h i o — P r e a . , James A S e c . H e n r y Parks, J r . 2 } 6 E . 11th A v e .


4 6 2 W7


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B. W.

Allen. B1H"«:

P S I — P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a — P r e e i d e n t . D a v i d A . A s b u r y , 1 7 1 0 Christian St.: Smith. 2 0 8 N . 51rd Street. JJ^'i, A!' Vt«'i,No''m*J? M I-Ieming. 6 i 6 W . 9th S t .


H . Da B.MHIIII I' < a n n . 5 2 2 3 « D e C a m p A v e . ; F. S e c . J o h n W .


S gETA—Talladega. Alabama—Pre.. Fdw.rd W. J.cko: S e c . G r a n v d l . R. Lewis, Jr.; C. S e c . J a m . . A . A . H i l l , 'Talladega C o l l e g e . G A C.lPllJA Y,M„ " R M»nd—INACTIVB; <J. Lei^>unt. 4 2 Westminister Street. I

4»*"si $[?"£ i t . ardaon.



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EPSILf,1' ri C i B f a w M ^ J 1 ' " ? ' ' ? S" 1 5 5 7 Seventh Street, QeJtl

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P ^ - w ' T ' V.._President. Robinson, W . V a . . State C o l l e g e . f'A—Cambridge,


McDonald. , ,t.

Joseph M»


,1 A u b e t t , 1 6 0 1 i C . S e c , H e n r y L. RichH.




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OMICRON Pittaburgh. P a — P r e . . , W i l l i a m K. L e f t r i d e . l a n d S t , S S; Sec.. H o w a r d W . Jordan, 2 3 0 Burgeta S t . '

J». P I — C l e v e l a n d O h i o — E m m a s o n D . Fuller. C l a r e n c e L. S h a r p . , 4 6 0 8 Central, S. E



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16. R H O — P h i l a d e l p h i a . Pa. P r e . . . D r . W F Irrreclr P; S ~ . . C . G Garnck, 5 2 9 S. N i n e t e e n t h Street.

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rU-viasr.'R Secr,ury- F"nci Herndon- ^ ^ ^ s z - ^ t

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a rd V J M | r *c— " • *• «r. ) ' • : ard, 515 Mulberry S t r e w , D e e M o i n e e , Iowa. 35.


U*»U« 2^P^/VT?/IinelfUId- M....-Pre... . . D a w s o n . 2 1 1 W . 146th St. A p t . 1 0 0 , N e w Y o r k d r y .

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1 7 . S I G M A — B o s t o n . M . . » . — P r e s . , D r . F. Irving Grav «ln r i L A v e n u e ; S e c . , . Frederick J . Franklin. 34 W e n o n f h Street; R o V ^ . M a i s ' Arth.,, u

S t I r e > , ' t ' A q i r O T n ~ D M ' " r , C o l o r a d o — P r e . . . J , m „ Chrysler. 3 0 0 7 Street, S e c , Dav.a N . H o w e l l , 2 3 0 0 ( i l e n . r m St.




"IUAKO£Z?hYt?''t"V. K D . W o o d . Ave.,

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Johnson M.ller.

H A c L H C ^ ~ A , ' , * n t i - °»-~P" 38. ?oi'h . College; S e c r . u r y , J. R . y m o o d

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1740 D u m . m i l . Q . ^


G. W .



- m W..hington, ^ J ^ Coll....



Official Organ of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc PUBLISHED FEBRUARY, MAY, OCTOBER, and DECEMBER DECEMBER, 1937





EDITOR-IN CHIEF LEWIS O. SWINGLER 390 Vz Beale Avenue Memphis, Tennessee

"EUGENE FIELD COURT"—New Orleans Front Page Cover Page Advertising — Back Page Cover * 2 "New Orleans — The Interesting" 3 Convention Program _5—6 Greetings From Jewels, Officers _.. _ __ 7—10 Fraternity Fun 11 Alpha's Noted Son At Freedman's : 12 Dr. M. L. Harris Inaugurated _ 13 Nu's Silver Anniversary 13 Hits And Misses 15 Alpha In Realm Of Sports 16 Bro. E. A. Carter Appointed To N. Y. Labor Board 18 Director of Education Report ... .18 Alpha Gamma Lambda, Eta Invite 1939 Convention To New York 20 Tribute To The Sphinx Editor 22 Voice Of The Sphinx _ -23 ILLUSTRATIONS New Orleans Historic Courts 3—4 Jewel Verner W. Tandy A Magistrate Myles A. Paige .— 5 Dean Felton Clark 6 Jewel George Kelley and General Officers 8—9 Beta Sigma and President 14 Brothers L. D. Turner—H. D. West __ __14 Brother Stewart Pickett 14 Brother R. L. Winslow _. 19 Beta Delta Chapter ~~ 23 Beta Kappa Chapter and Pledge Club 24 Sigma Chapter ._ —25

ASSISTANT EDITOR HUGH M. GLOSTER LeMoyne College Memphis, Tennessee WHO'S WHO EDITOR GEORGE B. KELLEY Troy, New York HISTORY EDITOR CLYDE L. COLE Carver lunior High School Tulsa, Oklahoma FRAT FUN EDITOR DR. O. WILSON WINTERS Norristown, Pa. ART EDITORS JAMES D. PARKS Lincoln University Jefferson City, Mo. FERDINAND ROUSSEVE Art Department Xavier University New Orleans, La. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS MILTON S. J. WRIGHT Wilberforce, Ohio WILLIAM H. GRAY Southern University Scotlandville, La. JOSEPH E. COTTON Memphis, Tennessee VICTOR L. GRAY Baltimore, Md. GRANT W. HAWKINS Indianapolis, Ind. CIRCULATION SPENCER SMITH Memphis, Tennessee ADVERTISING JOHN L. BRINKLEY, Jr. Memphis, Tennessee

Entered as second class matter at the Post Office in Memphis, Tenn., as issued four times a year in February, May, October, and December, under the Ac: of March 3, 1879, and accepted for mailing at the second class rates of postage.

Subscription Price—One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Year

Page 2







Best Wishes From




Compliments of


I937^~^1937 "GREETINGS TO ALPHA PHI ALPHA CONVENTION" Victory Mutual Life Insurance Co. 5607 South State Street

1044 Neptune St.

Memphis. Tenn.

SAM BACHERIG MEN'S STORE 4 South Main Clothing—Stetson Hats Arrow Shirts Memphis, Tenn.

Chicao. Illinois

L. K. WILLIAMS. President J. E. MITCHEM. Secretary R. A. VALENTINE. Treasurer


P R I D E of P O S S E S S I O N We all have prized possessions — some intangible like moments of happiness or adventure shared with a beloved companion—others tokens of a happy association . . . a gift, a ring, or a BADGE symbols of friendship and common purpose. More Prized Possessions Await You in the 1938 Edition. THE BALFOUR BLUE BOOK Sent postpaid on request

Let your BADGE express all that wealth of fraternity fellowship which enriches life immeasurably. Wear it proudly as a prized and cherished possession. Official Jeweler to Alpha Phi Alpha




December, 1937


Pag© 3

New Orleans - The Interesting By FERDINAND L. ROUSSEVE Art Editor

HISTORICALLY FAMOUS COURTS IN NEW ORLEANS—Shown in this picture are, left to right: Court of the "Petit Theatre," St. Peters St.; Gate Entrance to Spanish Arms Court, Royal Street; and Brulatour Court, Royal St. 2—FAMOUS OLD COURTYARDS r

T H c Layman, in his quest for enjoyment of the beautiful, could learn a valuable lesson from the artist, who develops a feeling, a sixth sense, almost physical, and certainly a psychological reaction to the presence of beauty. If one were to seek the most outstanding evidence of this intangible presence in Old New Orleans—after many, many hours of strolling, under the lace-shadows of wrought iron balconies, fee-ling the looseness of multi-colored flagstones under hesitant feet, passing out of dimlylighted passages, spiraling up and down graceful staircases, seeing the sympathetic smile of residents of the 'quartier', or the distant stare of the budding creator seeking inspiration, somehow not noticing the bustle of nearby traffic and the clamor of living in the midst of an atmosphere that bars full analysis, whether it be in the yellow glare of the mid-day sun or the blue-green softness of the midnight m o o n - h e would probably find the true spirit of the old city in the sequestered courtyards, balcony-covered sidewalks ('banquettes' to the 'quartier' residents) of the Vieux Carre. The courtyard, architecturally the result of planning rooms around an open area or court, fa a development known even to the early Egyptians and was accepted particularly in the Mediterranean area. It was a feature of

the Greek house, the Roman house, the Renaissance palace of Italy, and becomes an outstanding characteristic of the Spanish house even to the present. Although practically all of the old New Orleans courtyards are of the informal type, they show more clearly the Spanish influence than any other, due to the fact that much of the original city of the French was rebuilt under the Spanish regime. Whereas this is externally so, the spirit pulsating through the section is more dominantly French, for the Spanish domination made little inroad into the deep love of the people for their early fatherland. In the days of early habitation the rooms around the courtyard housed the families, their servants and their slaves, the latter two classes to the rear. The houses averaged two and three stories of height; and various balcony arrangements, in wood and metal, along with stairways and arcades, give evidence of their "homey" informality. They are approached unpretentiously from the street by means of a large and heavy wooden door, often with its "peep-hole" and grille, from which a dark and plain passage leads to a secondary entrance, usually a heavy wrought-iron gate, beautifully decorative, through whose silhouette one can see the softly rich color and subtle contrasts of the innercourt. The stairs leading upward are usually beyond the iron gate and often in the courtyard itself.

Page 4





Among these courtyards there are many that are compaiatively small, not allowing the opportunity fo ive gardens and I , but there are a few that arc outstanding marvels of beauty, such as the one eonne te I with the "Petit Theatre" on St. Peter St., and the I i|( ' Two s within the home of the Spanish governor, Gay sea; tha second, of the unusually difficult name of the two charming ,,1.1 ladies who lived there. However, whatever the:' treatment, one never loses the feeling of coming from cold exterior to the cheer and warmth, the welcome of th • interior, this, the soul of the home for such were these famous courtyards, gathering and resting plac the residents,always sheltered from the heat of the southern sun, always cfe tic of the life within their i

December, 1937



-: In then one Ei always "en famile", one murl linger, to enjoy this unusual peaec so unexpected in our modern whirl of living; within them cne feels in, une, one feels the nothingness of n.a., tu for the simpler standards and beaut] t* of the ''crinoline" days. Somehow they Inspire 01 ening quality of the oasis alter one his been in the dl all too lor.g.Their quietude and l flj] one with the inspiration of the shrine; and truly, they •*•*

shrines to the beauties, the loves, th

•-. the gad] ran the tragedies of the and one never fully analyzes one', mood while surrounded by their red brick wall-, their verdent vines, their tinkling fountains, and their perfumed atm< inn one

is ever aware that these ancient mo ids ati 1 fill the air. As I recall it,one of the most beautiful moments of my m< ory was spent in the courtyard of the "Petil Theatre" late one night in the mag c of the moonlight, listening conceit artist in the distance practising ps Tchaikowsky's "Fifth Symphony". It was as if the comI bad been inspired by some such spot in the creation of this sadly-sweet, and beautifully haunting composition.

JKH EL VESTNER w . TAND1 Of New York City, Founder and Designer of the Official Badge. He will give the Founders address at Convention.


December, 1937


Page 5

26th General Convention Program 31ST ANNIVERSARY

JUDGE MYLES A. PAIGE — Judge of City Magistrates' Court, New Yort City, will give the Convention Address T u e B day evening, December 28, L937. This will be a public meeting,

Twenty-Sixth General Convention The Thirty-First Anniversary Tuesday, December 28, 1937 10:00 A.M.—Noon Registration of Delegates and Visiting Brothers, Convention Headquarters, Meeting of Executive Council 2:00 P.M.—5:00 P.M. Business Session. Call to Order—President of Chapter Invocation—Brother • Fraternity Hymn Welcome Addresses On behalf of Sigma Lambda Chapter— Brother . On behalf of Beta Tau Chapter—Brother—

Theme: The Negro and Equality of Educational Opportunity Main Address Short Addresses— In the Elementary Schools In the Secondary Schools In the Colleges In the Professional Schools 8:00 P.M.—Public Meeting Musical Selections—University Eand Brother Ferdinand Rousseve, Master of Ceremonies Invocation—Brother . Song, "Lift Every Voice and' Sing"—Assembly Welcome Addresses—Civic representatives Response—Brother Sidney A. Jones, Mid-Western Vice President, Chi.agj, 111. Music Greetings: 1. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 2. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity 3. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 4. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity 5. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority 0. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 7. etc. Response—Brother Charles H. Wesley, General President Music Presentation of Speaker — Brother Charles H. Wesley, General President Convention Address—Brother Myles A. Paige, Judge of the City Magistrates' Court, New York City Music Presentation of General Officers and Jewels Benediction—Brother 12:30 A.M.—5:00 A.M. Cabaret Party Wednesday, December 29, 1937

On behalf of Beta Sigma Chapter—BrotherResponse—Brother Rayford W. Logan Presentation of General President, Brother Charles H. Wesley Appointment of Committees Committee on Credentials Committee on Rules and Order of Bus:ness Introduction of Founders, General Officers and Visiting Brothers Introduction of Delegates Report of Committee on Credentials, Roll Call and Seating Communications and announcements RECESS 5:00 P.M.—7:00 P.M. Smoker, Brother Master of Ceremonies



9:00 A.M.—12 Noon

S : ghtseeing Tour

12:00 Noon—6:00 P.M. Business Session Convention Call to Order, General President Charles H. Wesley Fraternity Prayer Roll Call Minutes of last session Fraternity Hymn Address—General President Charles H. Wesley Report of Executive Council Report of Southern Vice President Report of Eastern Vice President Report of Mid-Western Vice President Report of Western Vice President Reports of Regional Directors Introductions Communications and announcements Adjournment


Page 6

December, 1937



Dean of Southern

University, and

DR. DAVID D. JONES —President, B e n n e t t College,

of the President, D*< J. S. Clark, who is

Green iboro, N. C,


will address delegate* at the Convention Banquet Friday evening, December 31, 1937.


brother, will

lead in the discusi on an educational topic, at. OH

,„d s M o K KB Tuesday


December 'JSth.


O. <JOHBS 10:00 P.M.—Social Event Thursday, December 30, 19.17 Call to Order-— General CharliWesley Fraternity Prayer Roll Call Minutes of the last session Address of c under—Brother Vertaer W. Tandy, New York City Remarks by Visiting Brothers and other J i Period of Inspiration and Song Report of the Director of Education Report of the Editor of the Sphinx Report of the General Secretary Report of the General Treasurer Report of the General Counsel Report of Representative to National Pan He] ic Council Report of the Committee on Public Policy Report of the Foundation Publish' Communications and announcements Adjournment 8:00 P.M.—10:00 P.M.


11:00 P.M.—3:00 A.M. Alpha Phi Alpha Formal Dance Friday, December 31, 1937 9:00 A.M.—10:00 A.M. Committee Meetings 10:00 A.M. Basis ion Call to Order, General President Wesley Fraternity Prayer Roll Call Minutes of the la? Report of the Committee on Standards Report of the Committee on E Report of the Committee on Delinquent and Unrepresented Chapters Report of Committee on Suspension Report of Committee on Chapter Constitutions

rt of Committee OB Appeals and Grievances Report of the Ritual Committee K K C ESS Report of the. Committee on Constitution of General Organization 2:00 P.M.—6:00 P.M. BUM Call to Order, General President Wesley Fraternity Prayer Poll (all Fraternity Hymn Convention Fraternal Addie.-s Dr. -1. B. Isaacs, Los Angeles, Calif.

Period of Inspiration and Sons Report of Committee on Distinguished Achievement, Award Report of Auditing Comnii Report of Convention Accountant Report of Recommendations' Committee Report of Committee on Place Report of Committee on Resolutions Election of offi. Adjournment 10:00 P.M.—1:00 AM

Convention Banquet Toastmaster,

Brother Pep Songs

Fraternity Prayer 1

niiiioil tee on Cop Awards Installation of Officers by J e w Remarks by i v Banquet Address -Dr. David D. Jones, President

Bennett College, Greensboro, N. C. Fraternity Hymn Remarks by selected brothers God be with you 'til we meet again

December, 1937



Page 7

Greetings From Jewels and Officers JEWEL GEORGE B. KELLEY Greetings! At this season, our thoughts are of the Fraternity and the gathering of the representatives of its chapters at New Orleans December 28-31st. As they gather, let their thoughts be of one purpose—"What can we do to make 'Alpha Phi Alpha' a blessing to those whom we initiate and helpful to all others who are touched by our influence". As the Christ Child whose birth we celebrate this month was the outstanding servant of all humanity, may we emulate his example. May the spirit of brotherhood prevail at this and at all other gatherings. May ill feeling and selfishness be omitted and all our future activities be toward the uplift of all mankind. Within less than three short years, death has removed from us two of the men who helped materially in the formation of our great Fraternity. Let our thoughts include the loss we have sustained through their passing. Let us resolve that through their death, our determinations have been increased to make Alpha Phi Alpha carry on the principles which they so valiantly fought for. With the season's best greetings and hopes for a very successful Convention, I remain, Fraternally, George B. Kelley.

FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Greetings Brothers: We are again entering a happy season—the Yuletide and Alpha Phi Alpha Convention. Pray that we come with glad hearts and raised spirit consonant with the Season, in that we have given bcuntiful'y our spirit and energy to the transcension of our fraternity. Trust that each of you have achieved much success in your personal endeavor since our last General Conclave, and that you are ready now to lend unfettered thoughts in legislation for Alpha Phi Alpha's future program. It is yours and mine to maintain the high ideals and traditions espoused more than thirty years ago. Let the old fraternal spirit rekindle a burning enthusiasm for a broader objective for the Negro Collegiate Greek. We are aware of the revival of fraternal interest among the brothers throughout the realm of Alphadom, which is very encouraging, but as long as there is one brother out of the active bend of Alpha Phi Alpha, there is serious work to be done by us who are stepping forward. We shall not stop—we must transcend all. I am truly appreciative of the fine cooperation shown me by the brothers during my term in office and wish a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year to all. Sincerely and fraternally, Chas. W. Greene, First Vice President. o


COUNCILMAN B. ANDREW ROSE To our farflung Brotherhood in Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Greetings: Again we find ourselves at the season when the song of the angels ring in our ears. While we of the Brotherhood exchange season's greetings we cannot help thinking of the world's Confusion; a world of misunderstanding; a world where men hate and kill. May such a Brotherhood as we understand transcend times like these. Soon our faces will be turned toward the convention city, New Orleans, the cosmopolitan city of the South. As the Mississippi for centuries has brought the good earth from the North,-East, and West and deposited it in the delta, making this region the rival of the Nile in fertility; so may our Brotherhood from the North, East, and West bring spiritual richness of great benefit not only to our gathering but to the community at large; richness of intellectual vigor and moral beauty as are cherished ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha. These contributions, plus the glowing hospitality traditional with our host, leads us to anticipate a convention which will mark an epoch in Alpha's history. Fraternally, B. Andrew Rose, Executive Council.

EASTERN VICE-PRESIDENT Greetings: I consider it a privilege to be able to attend an Alpha Phi Alpha Convention in New Orleans. Upon many occasions, I have been informed that the hospitality of Louisiana is unsurpassed anywhere; therefore I am sure that we shall become so inspired in this historic setting that we shall put forth such constructive work that the cause of Alpha Phi Alpha and the Negro race in general shall be greatly advanced. o

GENERAL COUNSEL Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha, Greetings: We join with the brothers of Sigma Lambda and Beta Tau Chapters and the citizens of New Orleans in welcoming the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha to this our Twenty-sixth General Convention. We convene to evaluate our past and plat the course of our mutual endeavors for a fourth decade of growth and achievement. As we renew the inner fraternal bond, let us also rededicate ourselves to the larger task of being servants of all "in a confused and changing world". Fraternally yours, Theodore M. Berry, General Counsel.


Page 8 jfc>^<^~

December, 1937

SPHINX mmmmmmmmmmmmi





ATTORNEY BERT McDONALD Western Vice-President

PER* l\ \L R. PIPED Treasurer


JOSEPH H. H. r . v w s • cretary


December, 1937



Page 9


BRO. L. HOWARD BENNETT Member, Executive Council \ SIDNEY A. JONES Mid-Western Vice-President

BRO. DR. FARROW ALLEN Eastern Vice-President

RAYFORD W. LOGAN Director of Education

CHAS. W. GREENE Southern Vice-President

LEWIS O. SWINGLER Editor of The Sphinx


Page 10

GENERAL SECRETARY To my Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: I wish to extend to you from the office of the General Secretary a most hearty greeting and welcome to our Convention a t New Orleans. Since we last met in G m l Convention at Nashville, I have traveled from • to east and from north to south, touching chapters and brothers in many places. I have found a keen interest in our coming Convention and ire on the par many brothers to journey to New Orleans and join a e bration that will rival Mardi Gras we A year ago I met with the chapters who are to be our hosts and worked with them on the plans for the Convention. They deserve much credit for rt they have put forth and we owe it to them to see that this is our largest Convention. There were more than 1,500 brothers on the financial roster of the General Organization for 1987. We expect to reach the 2,500 mark dining 1988 and I am sure that a reflection of this growth will be seen in the attendance at our New Orleans Convention. Fraternally yours, Joseph H. B. Evans, General Secretary. o



to Alpha Phi Alpha, Greetings: I cherish this opportunity to thank my fellow-workers

on the staff. Genera] 11

,,,d ehapb ion they g a v e this

ing the past two

Nashville, we have ei. with every depart innii of ihe Fraternity, and a n glad to report that H ,, has been <•• ficia! publication in every quartet It has been sought by [ing libraries and i the C08B.1

F«* 'his fine

, i herewith give due credit to mem-

of the Sphinx staff and my many othei CO-WOrl ^ This Number marks the eighth and final edition of the Sphinx during the present administration. As we lay our P«B and | wri and turn southward lo New Oil-

with the sinters hop., that ihe story of Alpha Phi Alpha has been thoroughly told. Fraternally yours, Lewis o. Swing!* Editor, The Sphinx. 0

COUNCILMAN LOWELL H. BENNETT we approach the bien.. .,,, :,i \',. w Ormay Brothers throughout Alphadom rcdcdiralc th

GENERAL TREASURER "The Treasuier hereby extends Seasons greetings to Officers and Member* of the Organization and also extends congratulations for the splendid co-operation which has been exhibited during the past two yeai


the silver Convention in

ernrty." o


DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Greetings to the Twenty-Sixth General Convention: As your Director of Education, I interpret my functions rather strictly. I am neither the Fraternity censor nor the Fraternity pundit. I know, however, that New Orl' holds special attractions. In order that you may bei appreciate seme of those attractions, permit me to suggest a short reading list to wile away the time en route. Saxon's "Fabulous New Orleans" and his "Father Mississippi" combine history and entertainmein about the right proportion••.. I should recommend Her! Asbury's "The French Quarter" to the wives of gallivanting husbands but I remember that there is no such genus in Alpha Phi Alpha. When Brother Rousseve completes his "The Negro in Louisiana", be sure to add it to your library. You will better understand New Orleans if you know the legend of Annie Christmas and the flatboat men. But be sure to know them in books only. The festivities planned by our host chapters ought to attract every brother within two thousand miles of New Orleans, But -ave a little of the fun I Orn trip to the Mardi Gras, and save a lot of energy for the Convention. Rayford W. Logan, Director of Education.

MESSAGE FROM JEWEL CALLIS "So long as there shall be need, national and local, for leadership in affairs affecting the general social welfare, there is need for Alpha Phi Alpha."

DR. HENRY ARTHUR CALLIS Jewel, Alpha Phi Alpha


scembei\ 1937

Page 11


* * A T C * N I T V rUV DR. O . W I L S O N FRAT


^ Op©n Letter to Expectant Wives and Sweethearts %

dears; Wontcha come along with me, » the Mississippi? We'll take the boat—to the land of dreams Steam down the river to New Orleans." —Basin Street Blues. T

don't mean what you are thinking. I am writing to j e s and sweethearts who arc expecting to make e 'rip to New Orleans to attend our 31st annual con10n - I also mean those wives and sweethearts who are Xpecting to hear a lot of palaver and cajoling arguentsi from our brothers who will attempt to make a solo " P of it, thanks to the descriptive invitations of Brother erdy Rousseve and Eddie Cotton in the last issue of th e Sphinx. To this group of Alphian femininity I say, if you have bundle of impedimental masculinitae and you are in any respects proud of his kinship to the great galaxy of col*Se men who are identified with this first and greatest e gro fraternity, please beg, borrow and budget so that e m a v be present at what promises to be the most proa c t i v e a n d historical session in our fraternal history. "deed, my wife in a sudden uncontrollable flow of inspiration began skimping and budgeting so I could journey to the Crescent City. Last week our menu ran as follows: On Monday we had bread and gravy, On Tuesday we had gravy and bread, On Wednesday we had toast and gravy, Which still is but gravy and bread, On Thursday I spoke to the madamie, On Friday she said a change would be made, But when Saturday came round ,, e

w v

A change I had found, We had gravy—without any bread. I may be ill-nourished, ill-clad, and ill-petted but I am £°ing to New Orleans and I shall be mighty hungry for some of that good old Creole cooking, etc, etc, etc. And while you are expecting a verbal deluge that is imminent you tell your hero he positively must not miss this contention. We are revising our constitution this year and there is going to be legislation that will make the New Deal look like a Nude Deal. We'll have our food control °ut it will be a control of the oratorical flood we always get from the Chicago clan. Court reform will be applied to the promiscuous Dawn dance courting of the ineligible benedicts. Collectivism will be fully exemplified if Bro. Evans can put over his new plan of Grand Tax collections. Social Security is sure; see page 22 and look at seventeen examples ol social security. We wont need old age pensions unless Bros. Evans and Piper continue to be secretary and treasurer and infinitum. Crop control! That's a misnomer. We will hardly need either crop or Crap control; Alpha men don't gamble! Much. Quarantine of aggressor Nations? Yes, Bro. Wesley is planning a quara n t i n e on over wrought imaginations and verbal fulminations. . » . . « . , I had a hard time juggling the last issue of the Sphinx.

WINTERS EDITOR While trying to keep my wife looking and reading some of the nice kind linotype that was spilled about me I had to stick together pages 16 and 17 and also 22 and 231 Under Pan Hellenic News some smarty wrote "Of course we are depending on you to escort our girls at New Orleans." Sacre Bleu! Then on page 22 there was a picture of seventeen beautiful ladies labelled "seventeen reasons —who will play a prominent part in the entertainment of delegates." Well I'll be thankful to the powers that be that my wife did not try to pry open those stuck pages. (Mr Editor, remind me to ask for another copy after the convention.) Secondly, the madame criticised the faintness of several of the group pictures of the brothers. She asked if I knew them and if the pictures did them justice. I told her that in the majority of cases it did them, not justice, but mercy. Now my dears, ye wives, and ye sweethearts all of you who are in more or less varying degrees of apprehension and, shall I say state of expectancy over this convention question I am offering you a special service. Turn to page 24 of the October number of the Sphinx, cut or tear off the chimneys of the Theta Chapter house (don't worry about the mutilation, the Theta Xi Lambda brothers almost tear off the roof at each meeting anyway) and mail it to me along with ten cents to cover postage, and I will wire you on Dec. 28 from New Orleans whether your hubby or boy friend has registered at the convention or has gone on to Cuba for a change of luck. Better still, if his picture is in the October Sphinx cut or tear it out, print your name and address on it plainly, mail to me and if it is inconvenient for you to attend the convention I will have him shadowed constantly. Looking up from my typewriter I see it is now one o'clock in the morning and the radio is signing off with the strains of "The band's there to meet us Old friends to greet us Where all the light and dark folks meet In New Orleans—This is Basin Street". Good bye honey chile, 0. Wilson Winters.

Compliments of

SOUTHERN FUNERAL HOME 913 Mississippi Ave. Memphis, Tenn. Phones 3-2766—3-2767

Compliments of

MIKE HUTKIN MY TAILOR In Business Since 1900 224 So. Main St.


Page 12


December, 1937

Alpha's Noted Son A t Freedman's By WILLIAM H. GRAY, JR. Contributing Editor Wfith the appointment of B r othei Dr. T. Edward

Jonos as Snrgeon-iaChief <if Freedmc h o • p i t a 1 another epoch in the life of a notable son of AlPhi Alpha reached a new zenith of crowning (lory, for Brother Dr. Jones, who born in humble

but wholesome surroundings on one of t h e mountain s 1 o p v • of I.ynchburgh, Virginia, over fifty years ago had btm y,i -i ly acknowledged by his contemporaries in Science, ML T. BDWARO JONES being entrusteil with one of the most responsible positions in the power of foremost educational institution and the Government of the United States to bequeath. Coming up through an almost fictious career and combating countless economic adversities he has received world wide acclaim as a surgeon and typifies In his indonv inatable will and achievements the true spirit of Alpha to ascend the foremost rank of intellectual and social accomplishments. Dr. Jones entered Howard Ui, School of Medicine in September, 1908. lie had graduated from the I.ynchburgh High School with honors eleven ;, • this date and had found employment in the government service to give him the neces somic liberation to pui the career of his dreams. Unusual and almost myth dogica] was his years devoted to the study of medicine. From eleven each night to seven each morning he worked as a night watchman in the War Department of the Government, and attended school from nine each morning t. I five each afternoon. After four years of such sacrificial efl Dr. Jones received his M. D. degree, and subsequent rapid and successive promotions. He was first appointed ai it at Freedmen's IIo pital in 1914. In 1917 he received a First Lieutenant commission in the Medical Corp., U. S. Army. In 1918 he went to France where he served with the 368th Infantry, 92nd Division until the close of the World War. His contributions to the nation in this great catastrophe was not limited to "behind scene" actions. He engaged in several offensive campaigns and was awarded the Distinguished Sen - and Croix de Guerre for action in the Argonne drive and promoted to Captain. It was an inevitable turn of events that in 1919 ho was appointed Resident Assistant Surgeon at the Freedmen's Hospital, from which position he received successive pro motions to the ranking position of Surgeon in Chief.

Highlights in Dr. Jones' life aside from his military

connections, and bii affiliation with Alpha, include his ti memb IT of the M "p;*1 Church, • lc and Odd Fellows Fraternities, and his loyalty and devotion to th whoffl DC

ried in 1901. Ha hai performed more than 2000 major operations and provoked s great deal of favorable i ally opei upon the human heart.

Major Jackson s. Lawrence has paid him the crowning tribute in the words: "Captain Thomai B, Jonet has been an excellent arid very diligent Modi, a] Officer d"'io i that ab.ive all he is a well grounded and skillful physician. A> a man he , led an,I • great inl "Not to know him is to argue thyself unknown".





Headquarters—Xavier University W a s h i n g l o n a n d Pine Street



Includes all social events, banquets, smoker, Picture, Etc.

jj ROOMS, Per Day MEALS, Three Meals TAXI FARE, In City


$1.00 $1.00-$1.50 35c

All Mail Should Be Sent To Convention Headquarters With Heading:—



December, 1937



Page 13







What a grand and g'orious week was observed by the Brothers of Nu Chapter, from Tuesday, Nov. 2, to Saturday, Nov. 6, 1937, at Lincoln University, Penna. For it was the week of joy and celebration, the week of huzza, the week of wocks! Nu paid homage to her founders, and to that memorial day twenty-five years ago, Nov. 6, 1912, when she was formally adopted as a worthy offspring of the immortal and cherished mother Alpha Phi Alpha! The S Ivor Jubilee was opened on Tuesday, Nov. 2, by President Bro. Donald Davis, with chapel servicos under the auspices of Alpha Phi Alpha. On that day Bro. Abraham Lanier very cxcallently and interestingly summarized the history of A-Phi-A. Nu sponsored an Essay contost on the subj;ct, "Education As A Means of Individual Development and Social Adjustment", and on Wednesday, Nov. 3, Bro. Patrick read the best es~ays submitted by members of the freshman class, which were judged by faculty members. The winning essays were formally selected on Thursday, Nov. 4, and their respective authors awarded prizes. The Series of chapel exercises was concluded en Fiiday, by graduate Bro. Frank De Costa, now president of Avery Institute, Charleston, S. C , who presented a vivid allegorical speech entitled, "If I Had Had The Chance to Go to College." Bro. De Costa's speech was especially opportune and inspiring, dealing with the typical thoughts of the collage man. As a great finale to her Silver Anniversary, Nu sought and found the maximum of joy Rnd brotherhood, as only can be climaxed in fraternal conviviality. A banquet, under the capable directorship of Bro. Malbon, was he'd in the refectory of the university, at which Founders, regional directors, and Bros, from nearby chapters were guests Of honor. Among the Founders present were Bro. C. M. Cain of Atlantic City, N. J., Bro. W. F. Jerrick of Philadelphia, Pa., and Bro. Howard Bcurden of Phi'adelphia, Pa. Dr.' Jerii-'k acted as trastmastor, presenting the representatives from Delta Lambda, Mu Lambda, Beta Alpha, Rho, Psi, Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapters and General' Secretary Joseph H. B. Evans and Eastern Regional Vice President Dr. Farrow Allen. Telegram; were received from Bro. Charles W. Greene, Southern Vice President, from Atlanta, Ga., and f om Bro. B. V. Lawson, Jr regional director of Washington, D. C. Officers of Nu chapter are: Donald F. Davis, president; William E Griggs, recording secretary; LeRoy Patrick, corresponding secretary; John B. Randolph, vice president; Arthur L. Johnson, Jr., assistant editor of the Sphinx; William H. Malbon, parliamentarian. Submitted by, Arthur L. Johnson, Assistant Editor of the Sphinx.

By LOUIS M. GRAY, Chapter Editor The impressive inauguration ceremony of Brother M. Lafayette Harris, as rresident of Philander Smith College, on O c t o b e r 26th, 1937, brought to Little Rock a galaxy of nationally known Educators from all over the country. With the appropr l a t e l y chosen theme, "The Function of Liberal Education in Pre-professional T r a i n i n g and Creative Living with Special Reference to the Smaller Church Related College", as a basis for discussion, a Panel Session was the high point of the Morning. This session was led by Dr. Harry W. McPherson, executive Secretary of the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and further developed by Merrill J. Ho'mes, Secretary of Division of Race Education of M. E. Church, James P. B awley, Dean of Clark University, and Jolen Hugh Reynolds, President of Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas. At Three-thirty P. M. the actual inauguration took place. Henry N. Wieman, Ph. D., P r e s s o r of Christian Theology, University of Chicago, gave the opening address. Later in the program, Dr. M. Lafayette Harris, S.T.M., Ph. D., delivered his inaugural address to a very enthusiastic audience. A reception for delegates and visitors concluded a day beautiful in its simplicity, and uttor'y heartening to those who see Philander Smith College again in hands destined to give it its own place in the Educational World. Pi Lambda is justly proud of its most recent addition in the person of Brother M. Lafayette Harris.

COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC POLICY KEEPS FRAT POSTED ON ANTI-LYNCHING MEASURE As Chairman of the Committee on Public Policy, Brother Howard H. Long, Washington, D. C. has kept Alpha Phi Alpha well informed regarding action taken on the Gavagan-Van Nuys—Wagner Anti-Lynching Bill in Congress. The president and secretaiy of each chapter was asked to request, in persnn or by telephone, influential members of the fraternity to wiite personal letters to the Senators of the'r state or to Senator Wagner, urging support of the anti-lynching measure.


Page 14



December, 1937



BETA SIGMA CHAPTER A M ) PRESIDENT Reading from left to right, top row:—Brothers James S. Peters, Henry Dumouil, Harrison lawless, (graduate brother), William Yates, Moses I> Potter, P W. Smith, Arthur Redgera. Bottom Row, left to right:— George Armstrong, James R. Marshall, Edgar Thornton, George David, and Archie Lang. Below:—Brother John D. David, charter president of Beta Sigma Chapter a t Southern University, is active in student activities a t the Pelican State School, but time to serve as news editor and advertising manager of the Baton Rouge, La. Post. Brother Davis has served his school paper as editor for two years and during the past summer edited the weekly Texas Examiner at Houston, Te.v The scene above is suggestive of the climate brothers in the North are anticipating during their visit in New Orleans this month. o

NOTICE TO CHAPTERS Names of chapter presidents and si elected to serve for the year 1938, will be included in the Convention Number of the Sphinx, to be published in February, 1938.

Brother Lorenzo I). Turner, head of tin- Department of liafa at Fisk lined to Mile after a ,: ,,f Oriental Studies of the l'n „ and in Paris. This wee made possible by a giant from the American Council of Learned So Be has been studying eral West African languaj an in the sections of We I Africa from which Negroes were brought to the United Si laves. A greal pari of his work consist•vs with natives of British and French West Africa. The p will he published My under the tiU< of " I in the • to of Negroes on the Baa Islands of South Carolina and Georgia". He has discovered numerous survivals in vocabulary, syntax, Inflect . and intonations. Brother M. it. \ •,• Professor of BiochemVleharry Medical CoUegS for the past nine years, hred the Doctorate In Biochemistry at the University of Illinois la-i June. At the tame university, be received the A. I*,. Degree In 1926 and the M. s. Degree In 1930, both in the field of chemistry. For the I'h. I). Degree, Brothei Wesl developed an axnted a thesis entitled, "The Chemistry and Nutritive Value ,,i ,1 Amino Acids", which included tin of problems involving chemical and phj omerism. Some of the h have been published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry and others will SB" r in future. Brother West had the rare opportunity of doing his work under the guidance of Dr. W. C. Rose, an international authority on amino acids. Beginning with Tau Chapter a t the University of Illibe had the experience of holding successively . and continuing with Tan Lambda, with which he has been affiliated for the Brothei We I has contributed much of value to the activities and progressive spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha.

December, 1937



Page 15

Hits And Misses By J. EDWARD COTTON

W f E L L , Well, Well, the time has rolled around again when the fruits of our labor shall be dragged across Hie altar of an unforgiving, or shall I say, clansman and woe be unto him who doesn't hold the torch high.

Speaking of across the altar, it seems that at the forthcoming convention everybody has some pet recommendation that they wish to air. From the looks of the recommendations of some of the good sponsors it seems that we would border on "just another group". I hope those I have in mind don't materalize. Before I set myself down to good hard "Hits and Misses," I want to call your attention to a majority of our Negro Colleges. What has become of their natural drawing power? Is it because we don't seem to have the necessary powers over them that naturally attract? One while I was given over to believe that the crop of Presidents were such that they drove away rather than attracted to their institutions. True enough State schoo.s all over this great nation of ours have undergone some worthwhile changes in the past few years and their walls arc housing some of the best. Our Grand Old institutions like Howard Fisk, Wilberforce, Atlanta University and a few others' I know of have lost the limelight by which all others were guided. Something, I haven't fully arrived at a solution, must be done to save the name of those good schools. Here's something really amusing—Imagine my good friend Brother H. T. Riley of Indianapolis Ind. getting peeved at our Frat Fun Columnist, Brother O. Wilson Winters, so much so that he wants to denounce everything Alpha. I hope that by this time he has somewhat retracted some of his intentions as stated early this year. Anyway I am inviting him to New Orleans Christmas and to stop by my home town enroute. Am hoping that the special session for Congress will ^top so much filsbustering and by the time this if off the press the Anti-Lynching bill will have been passed. Here's to Doc Jimmie Hudson of Louisville, Kentucky, who just couldn't hold out any longer. He jumped over the broom-stick to a very charming lady of Wilberforce. Much luck to you both, Doc. See you in New Orleans. As a sequel to Brother President's New Book about to come off the press "The Collapse of The Confederacy I would suggest that an edition of "The Collapse of Mod-

era Democracy", especially since Congress doesn't know what to do. Will have to be on hand when Brother Myles A. Paige of New York City addresses the fraternity in order to get my "mental picture" straight of the great jurist. He just won't write! maybs its his "sec". I wonder how many of the Rousseve Brothers are there in New Orleans. I don't know of any other instance where four brothers of the same generation were brothers in the bond. Nice going I must say. The realm of sports; especially in Big Ten schools and Universities of the East and West we- e well supported by raee men on their teams, and a goodly number of them were Alpha Brothers. Am getting somewhat homesick for Dear Ole Cincinnati again; I have nothing to hold me now and with good Brother, J. Harvey Kerns, taking ever Shoemaker Center.

TRAIN SCHEDULE TO AND FROM NEW ORLEANS, LA. Delegates and visiting brothers who are planning to attend the Twenty-Sixth General Convention in New Orleans, La. this month should get in touch with Brother B. V. Lawson, Jr., Director of Transportation, 2001 Eleventh Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. The Director has prepared a train schedule to and from New Orleans. Railroad rates are also given in this schedule. Mighty nice check from the Victory Mutual Life Insurance Company to the Fraternity en the life of Brother O. W. Winters. I think more should do so. Don't forget we are a'l going to stop through Memphis on the way to the Conv.ntion and I understand the Sphinx Office is headquarters. Beseeingya. . Before signing off, this column has earnestly endeavored to be courteous to all Brothers in the Fraternity. Hoping that things that were said were taken in a spirit cf Brotherly love. These past two years it has been a pleasure for me to serve you as a member of the contributing staff, and sincerely hope you have enjoyed our official Magazine over this period. I wish for you a very Merry Christmas and A Happy and Prosperous New Year. And I hope Brothers, I'll see you in New Orleans, and don't let Brother Birch of New York City handle me too rough. MusV go now am looking for Olga, bless her "sweet" bones. Might take her with me.

Page 16




p . ^ y ; ; ; ] r-; . ]'X<'?

LEMOYNE'S GREATEST END [| one of the few gridiron players who made the mythical All-American team in li hman year. That, was four



^__i L^ jr


then he has been placed on every first team of honor in the Southern C o n f e rence, and similarly honored on the majority of All-Ameri c a n teams. "Bo" w a s co-captain of the "Mad Magicians" of LeMoyne during the past season, and the g r e a t e s t end Coach Jack Adkins I ever turned out


(&*••• .',.

in 12 years of coachBRO. "BO" SPEARMAN ing. He played his [mil game Thanksgiving Day.

The brilliant e u w of All-American Quarterback Chris Koiilhac was tragically shortened this year as the result of injuries in the LeMoyne-MovehOUM Kama. Notwithstanding this handicap, he made the 1!>.'!7 All-Southern Conference team, and at this writing was being considered for All-American honors. Brother Spet president of Beta Xi Chapter, LeMoyne, and Brother Koulh.ic * as secretary.

BILL CAMPBELL AND IODIE BAILEY WRITE ATHLETIC HISTORY AT LINCOLN Among the eight men initiated into Kappa Chapter, Ohio State University, were Dave Albritton, Cleveland, and Melvin Walker, Toledo, both known throughout the world of sports as high jumpers. Brother Walker now holds both the indoor and outdoor record jumps. The outdoor record is six feet-10 threeeigth inches. The indor record:—six feet, nine and three fourth in<

Brother Albritton Ei eo-h<

Olympic title.

During the past summer. Walker made a tour of the Scandinavian countries with a team of track stars.

Greetings to Alpha men everywhere; Alpha Psi Chapter of Lincoln University, .Jefferson City, Mo. take this opportunity to present two of its most outstanding athletes. "Bill" Campbell, product of Vnshon High School, St. Louis, Mo. In high school, Campbell was an outstanding football and basketball player—having played on the champion St. Louis Argus Senior Basketball Irani. Upon his entrance at. Lincoln, Campbell immediately gained fame as a broken field runner. In hi nun year Campbell wan gi'ven All-American 'honorable mention. Critics say Bill is far better at basketball. This writer must confess that he too is of the opinion that brother

December, 1937



Page 17

i •


"BILL" C A M P BELL — product of Vashon High School St. Louis, Mo., star forward a n d outstanding scorer for Lincoln University, Mo.

Campbell is superior at basketball than at football. Campbell is outstanding scorer and star forward on Lincoln's c rack cage team. In spite of his great popularity—in spite & f the fact that he is captai'n of Lincoln's 1937 football team—Bill still wears the same size hat—is jovial and a true brother in Apha. Jodie Bailey, di'minutive forward, and captain of the L. U. Cagers. Bailey is also a product of Vashon High School, St. Louis, Mo., and is considered one of the gamest •ittle men to ever play basketball. Bailey, by his outstanding playing last year at Lincoln, was selected as Captain and forward on the All Mid-West Conference team. Little Jodie possesses an abundance of energy. He is fast, a great passer, a consistent shooter and one of the most versatile players ever to perform on a basketball court. Brother Bailey is Dean of the pledges, a senior and an honor student. Fraternally yours, ODE "KID" TAYLOR.

Greetings of the Season

SERVICE DRUG STORE 675 South Lauderdale St. Memphis Phone 8-3781 Brother T. E. Bowman, Owner

JODY BAILEY— Lincoln U. (Mo.) forward (See Alpha Psi Chapter news for details).






Page 18



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December, 1937_

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Hy C H A R L E S L F R A N K L I N Alpha (intnma Lambda



iary. Its chief

I t h e Indus! ial Com-

of the i nittee. The icporl too late for a e mplete ,, be made in the i of The Sphinx, log in U ton, ! rune L2 n following A hundred dollar to Brothei A. K. 0°*

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liooer, A part of Section 518, Subsection 6 of the Law . i ly i n d i c a t e s the responsibility placed Oil any one of the memb " . . . . A n y h e a r i n g , inquiry o r i n v e s t i g a t i o n quired or authorize made by t h e s p p sal board may he i I or m a d a n y individual the on or

ruination of such men deemed the decision, order OT determination of the I

• U".

One hundre Vurnsfl wi od, Morgan Co Rollins Win low and Benjamin \ I oilier, Shaw University, Southern neon, Arrooui bi titute of on; and Leo McGee, Wiley College, Western Jurisdiction. On ded fund ., of I.eloy


T h e a p p o i n t m e n t of E l m e r A n d e r s o n Ca able evidence of hi.- demon


ling qualities, the technical knowledge, social rtsli of justie. ir, Impartial j u d g m e n t which a r e fundamental in meeting the hilities of his nev\ A Member of New York S t a t e U n e m p l o y m e n t I n s u r a n c e Advisory Council B e c a u s e of Mi ight into and and s t a n d i n g of t h e f u n d a m e n t a l economic and social probl a f f e c t i n g w o r k e r s in New York S t a t a p p o i n t e d in 19:15, by G o v e r n o r Ixdiman, a m e m b e r of the N e w York ] S t a t e U n e m p l o y m e n t I n s u r a n c e A<i, a body of nine m e m b e r s . A s a m e m b e r of this Council, which ad-

a) Commi r e l a t i v e to t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of the New York Unemploym e n t I n s u r a n c e Law, he ha> render trice a s C h a i r m a n of t h e C o m m i t t e e on P e r s o n n e l , a s a m e m b e r of t h e C o m m i t t e e on R e l a t i o n of N e g r o Citizens to t h e Di-



B. Allen,




H. Hamilton, Xavier U n h John s. Selden, Talladega College; and Wartei MoClean, Wil berfon e i Iniversity. •lulled

five hundred dollar* and

,, hundred tws

i.00. For the two y e a r s

1988-87 and

1987-1988 the awards amount bo 82,800.00 of which $1,025 bean for scholar h •• fellowships. The Committee on award Brothei Dr. ay, recently named

ho©] of H rward I Daniel. President of Shav. Hoi i


Dean of


. | Dr. Boberl P. Ityj DT Dwighl O. W. ,: ,,|' M o r g a n C o l l e g e ;

Howard H. Long iminer, Division Hi to i::. Public Schools, Washington, I), c . ; Charles 11. Thompson,! E d i t o r of the J o u r n a l of N e g r o E d u c a t i o n and myself.

Rayford W . Logan, etor of Education.



Page 19



Assistant S c o u t Executive and member of Alpha Lambda Chapter. He is a p r o d u c t of Tau Chapter, Illinois University. During the flood, Brother Pickett gave wonderful account of himself, having had charge of Scout activities in the City of Louisville.

Recipient of Undergraduate Scholarship of $ 1 0 0, Southern R e g i o n , 1937-38. B r o t h e r Winslow is a major student in economics, Fisk Unversity, and is scheduled to graduate in June, 1938.





Who was reelected president of the Missouri State Association of Negro Teachers at its fifty second annual session in St. Louis, Mo. recently. He is a teacher at Lincoln High School, Kansas City, Mo., and one of the most outstanding members of Beta Lambda, h a v i n g served as president of t h i s chapter in 1936.

BURT A. MAYBERRY —Courtesy, The Call

NASHVILLE OBSERVES EDUCATION FOR CITIZENSHIP WEEK TN the finest cooperative effort since entertaining the 1935 general convention, the Nashville Chapters-Beta Omicron, Chi, Alpha Chi, and Tau Lambda-observed ' Education for Citizenship Week" in a manner that caused most of Nashville to turn its attention to the pressing civic problems of the day. Under the able guidance of


the Chairman, Brother A. A. Taylor, the City-wide Committee left no stone unturned in making the week a success. Hundreds of Nashville citizens were reached on April 25, when several ministers centered their sermons around problems of citizenship. On Tuesday evening, April 27, Brother John Hope Franklin delivered an address over Station WSIX in which he stressed the obligation of a citizen to his country and to his community. Brother Thomas Taylor played a piano solo and a quartet sang the Alpha Hymn. On Wednesday, April 28, Brother George W. Gore of Tennessee A&I State College spoke to the student body at Fisk University. In this stirring address Dean Gore urged students to become concerned about the problems of our day as they affect us. On Thursday evening, Brother Samuel Washington Allen delivered a remarkable address before a large of young women in the Y.W.C.A. On Friday, April 30, Brother W. D. Hawkins, Jr., laddressed the student body at Pearl High School on "The High School Student Looks at his Government". The climax of the week came with the public mass meeting at Tennessee A & I State College on {Sunday evening, May 2. The guest speaker was our Educational Director, Brother Rayford W. Logan, who addressed several hundred citizens of Nashville and students of the various Educational Institutions on "Problems of the New Generation". After tracing the problems which Negroes have faced since the Period of Reconstruction, Dr. Logan indicated that the great task of realizing fully the significance of the citizenship which Negroes possess is one of the greatest problems of the new generation. He then described for the public the various ways in which Alpha Phi Alpha is facing these problems, and closed with an appeal for cooperation and courageous action. Nashville will long remember the 1937 "Education for Citizenship Week". While the effects which it had cannot be realized immediately, it is believed that they were great and far-reaching. Significant, also, was its value to the Nashville Chapters in bringing them closer together and paving the way for greater cooperation in the future.






December, 1937

Alpha Gamma Lambda, Eta Chapters By C H A B L B S L Assoc'ale


K.Iitor of (he

Alpha Gamma



T J P , B r o t h e r s in Alpha Phi Alpha, from tli m l Convention of 1987 in , the Metropolis of the S o o t h , to a n o t h e r g r e a t G in New Y. rfc City thi y in t h e world ! ! On to New York City for (he 1939 Genera] Convention during t h e s u m m e r of the 1989 World'- F a i r . « pond all doubt, is destined t o he t h e most " g l a m o r o a a and f a s c i n a t i n g and d y n a m i c " of all P a i r s ) ! Alpha 6 a ] L a m b d a C h a p t e r , E t a C h a p t e r , and o t h e r M e t r o p o l i t a n C h a p t e r s t a k e g eat p l e a s u r e in tin- 1989 General Convention 01 Alpha 1'hi Alpha t : New York C i t y ! ! ! T h a t N e w York City is t h e logical place for the 1939 General Convent! m I r i n g , a well LTnize I fact, e s t a b l i s h e d and e by th • • sidered opinions of Alpha men t h r o u g h o u t try. T h e r e a s o n s for this valid c j n c l u s i r n a r e cbvinu thele. s, a s a r e m i n d e r , a few a r e r e i t e r a t d in the p a r a g r a p h s which follows. r before, and p r o b a b l y m in in our gene r a t i o n , will A l p h a men h a v e such a throe-fold gl

pleasnre as will be theirs in 1989 at a New York City Convention. In the first place, t h e r e will be v.-n tion, which in itself is a g r a n d occasion to which A l p h a men t h e whole world over took f o r w a r d . This point, Di in f u r t h e r e l a b o r a t i o n . Secondly, t h e r e will be New York City, t h e mecca of world travel I d, in t u r n — o f C B of A l p h a t r a v e l e r s . T h e Genera] Convention of Alpha A l p h a h a s n o t m e t in N e w York S t a t e since 1924 fif long y e a r s from 1939. Indeed a htimec m i n g would be quite a p p r o p r i a t e a t t h a t t i m e . And, thirdly, t h e r e will b s the 19.39 W o r l d ' s F a i r , which will b r i n g to New 1 C i t y t h r o u g h o u t its d u r a t i o n a t l< third of the N a t i o n ' s p o p u l a t i o n . Ne die s to s a y , B r o t h e r s , Alpha men will be s u b s t a n t i a l l y r e p r e s e n t e d a m o n g these all,no 1,000 people. T h e t i m e , t h e place, and t h e occasion will be fitting for a n A l p h a Convention.

Among the b

town in • rat,-


,i,i. \j >,. Dr. Charles I. Prank in. :

" T h e 111 grow Ity and v i r tWO until tin- M get. it, all

tde . ; n g:

li 'Kin I

itic march of a hi torical di we m of th • thh tieth e tntury. • ible, sni, works a r e not yet du t." Aimul



M o r e c v e r , N e w Y. rk la n a t u r a l l y a conveniion city. Consider, if you ( l e a s e , w h a t an d in T h e N e w York T i m e s of J u l y 14, 1937 h a s to .«ay on t h i s point. " W h a t e v e r m a y be said about our little c o m m u n i t y as a place in which to live, t h e r e ii no d e n y i n g t h a t our friends, and o t h e r s , in o t h e r p a r t i of the c o u n t r y look upon it a s an i n t e r e s t i n g place to visit. If it were nut for its v i s i t o r s , N e w York would be a diffeient s o r t of city, possibly ( t h o u g h t h ' s is .-aid with g r e a t caution i w i l l i n g n e s s to r e t t a c t if t h e c o n t r a r y can be proved) a more decorous on2, c a r t a i n l y a duller one. T h e s e convention d e l e g a t e s , p a u s i n g in their w h s r e a tmbles, n o m i n a t i o n s , c o m m i t t e e m e e t i n g ] and .j fying r e s o l u t i o n s , give e c l e r to our lives. S o m e t i m e s as t h e y r e v e a l t h e i r c r i s p k n o w l e d g e of where to go and w. see, we feel t h a t t h e y a r e t h e Sophisticate] and we, t l i n g back and f o r t h in the g r o o v e s b e t w e e n h o m e a n d office, a r e t h e p r o v i n c i a l s .


dent, man William . Clarence li. I.

I n t e r e lire; Pacta N e w York. A Convention


Hot. il

\ < » York tmas'ng

is in,|

more ,, U r

City m ii

ting pinNew Vm I

i BOO fa riels.

New York ha, mora than 2,600 buildii rlei h i n h . Most ! f New Y o l k ' s p lyn and Qu I New York is t h e l l t h e United S l a t e s .

'"' Wew Yi.ii

mure .,.). ,,, Brook-

| .thing mniitil'arl Bring e r n l .

than 18,000 lawyei

a r e women. 1


The'' ' '"' w Tlu


New York than there are


S in the worl I Is In New Building, I860 feel h

Y,,i A

" ' '


may !„• , -a I od e imfOltably in

turn. New York is Am g a t h e r i n g and d i s t r i b u t i n g

and i center.

D e c e m b e r , 1937



P a g e 21

Invite 1939 Convention To New York

'•• K. Jones, shewn right end; Vester G. Fowlkes, James "[encl, rear; Attorney Thomas B. Dyett, Dr. Peyton F. Ander3on, •shown front, . harles H. Wesley, General Presi'am r , Andrews, Theodore Rutledge, Henry K. Craft, J. Cole0l Ph J. Thomas and Judge James S. Watson, left end. New York has more Negroes than New Orleans, Houston, and Atlanta, the South's threa leadin and a larger N( anywhere in the world, more than 180,000. The smallest ptec: of R.-al Estate in the world is in New Fork al rseet'.on of Seventh Avenue and Christopher Stree 2 I 6 So, Ft. Nearly one.tenth of all good? produced in the United State; are manufactured in New Yoik. The languages of all eivXzed countries in the world are represented in New York. I E eighteen differenl languages were reportad in New York in 1643. New York has a larger Irish papulation than Dublin, m re Italians than Genoa, more Germans than Bremen. More than one-hall' million dollars is spent on taxkub fares daily in New York. About 7,000,000 letters are m lilad in New York daily. About 1,C00,0C0 motor ears p tss through tihs Holland Tunnel every menth. Some Now Yoik Real Estate values have Increased 30,003 fold in a century. I'nring the summer, New York's beaches accommodate as many as 2,000,000 Lathers per day. The Hudson River is called the North Rirer although it lies directly W Wall Streat, "the best known hal'-mile ii the world" obtained its n om a st ckade wall which once formed the northern boundary of the city. There are 2,809 churches in Greater New York. New York's famous Aquarium, which was originally bu'lt , | New V. rk from attack by sea during the war of 1812, l a s about 2,500„000 visitors annually. The imports for New York total about half of those for

the entire country; the exports, about one-third. The cost of maintaining' Public Schools in New York is about $132,000,000 per year. S.:S06,300 passengers travel daily by metropolitan transit lines including the subways, elevated lines, surface cars and bu:es. There's a wedding in New York about every 7 minutes. More than 1,000,000 gallons of water are used by New York consumers daily. A child is born in New York every 6 minutes. About 20 new buildings a day are erected in New York. Every night about $11,000,000 is spent on entertainment in New York. 1.52C miles of surface, subway,, and elevated railway are available in New York. New York embraces the largest body of sheltered waters of any port in the world, with an aggregate shore line of 578 miles for th e greater city alone. A new business starts up every 10 minutes in New York. 350 people establish their home in New York every day. It takes 10,205 sweepers and drivers to collect the city refuse. Street lighting costs the city about $5,000,000 every year. Transient visitors arrive at the rate of 5 per second, or 300 per minute, or 18,000 an hour, or 432,000 a day, or 157,080,000 a year—considerably more than the entire. population of the United States. There are more than a half-million commuters working in New York. There are more men (18,940) employed in the New York Po'.ice Dept. than there are people in Augusta, Me.; more man in the Fire Dept. (7,494) than people in, Concord, Mass. There are 18,184 acres of parks, playgrounds, recreation piers, etc., in New Yoik. There are 1,579,176 telephones in Greater New York; 8,153,591 calls originate daily in the city and are handled by 15,885 operators through 152 different exchanges. New York's World's Fair of 1939 All of these things about New York are astonishing— nevertheless tiue. And, even a long stretch of one's imagination cannot possibly picture what this great city will be like when a World's Fair i-; created in its midst. Just a few facts a":out this Fair will suffice: When the great gates of the New York World's Fair open on April 3D, 1939—in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the inauguration of Georgs Washington as the f i s t President of the United States—New York will officially present to the world more than a mere p a j j more than a collection of beautiful buildings. On twelve hundred acre, of land ia Flushing Meadows Park—there will stand a Fair that is to be a vital part f f ]jf e a Fair which has been molded into an attempt to answer the questions— "What kind of a world are we building?" "What kind of a world can we build?" "What kind of a world have we built?" The Theme: The New York Fair will graph.cally demonstrate the materials and the ideals, the tools and the forces, now at Continued on page 22


Page 22




i him for election is

other is i challei ion mm-

By HUGH M. GLOSTER Assistant

Kditor of T h e



rr—Mml Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter T W O y e a r s BgO in Nashville, at the Silver An: Convention, Lewis o . S w i n g i e r w u >r of THE SPHINX. At the t i m e of his e'ection to his editorial post B r o t h e r S w i n g i e r w a s c o m p a r a t i v e l y u n k n o w n to hi in a n a t i o n a l w a y . H e had rved his f r a t e r n i t y in t h e role of a n avei ized by h s z e d for the w e l f a r e an I a d v a n c e m e n t of Alpha Phi A l p h a . T h e n o m i n a t i o n anil election of B r o t h e r S w i n g i e r to the e d i t o r s h i p oi T H E S P H I N X g r e w chielly out of t h e re* nition by a few of t h e Bi ling trait chai. ! his high s t a n d i n g a s a n e w s p a p e r man. The Silver Annive invention, t h e excellent record of o u r p r e s e n t i n c u m b e n t , finally h< norcd him by r a i s i n g him from thi of the m o s t i m p o r t a n t p in the f r a t e r n i t y . t has lived up to the b o p

RE s r n r On time. I



In add

pportunit] oha ; lighting the Mid-

Dvention, and

programs be I nited sbled t which commendably

< r the Dan r in I!

.1 and the .',' to n a t i o n a l

pri miner*

.,• known and i.ul>iven it. olniin-


of throe

it'nued from jiage 21 hand to be used in building a b e t t e r and fuller World of T o m o r r o w . More especially, it will present a c l e a r and simplified p i c t u r e of t h e int t h a t linl men and all people. It will show how closely kn in m o d e r n civilization a r c all g r o u p s and classes, all a n d natii • A t the h e a r t of t h e 1 and inn

building, the Theme Center is planned to give meaning and direction to t h e whole. By m e a n s of a comprelv

i who m a d e an H under t h e New

SPHINX iin advan

In hi

panorama it will tell • f u n d a m e n t a l factors of t w e n t i e t h - c e n t u r y Radiating from this Thi n< • n u m b e r of , ion of m e n ' s b a s e in ad artivit • Now, Brothei <ry for us to go on with tlie-e ne e s s a r i l y incomplete d e s c r i p t i o n s , Vinviting you to that you may enj y for yourself this t r i p l e t r e a t -a ' New York City, and the World*! P a i r of 18


to C o n s t i t u t i o n





In o r d e r to m a k e t h e f o r e g o i n g pla dization, it will be n e c e s s a r y to m a k e a s l i g h t a m e n d m e n t to o u r .1 C o n s t i t u t i o n . As at p r e s e n t e s t a b l i s h e d , it fically s t a t e s t h a t t h e G e n e r a l Conventions shall bt on the l a s t t h r e e w o r k i n g d a y s of December. Since the W o r l d ' s F a i r will be in full o p e r a t i o n in m i d - s u m m e r , we p r o p o s e t h a t t h e Convention be held on the l a s t t h r e e w o r k i n g d a y s of A u g u s t for t h a t y e a r . W i t h respect to t h e t i m e of Conventions, ed a m e n d m e n t s h a v e been duly s u b m i t t e d to the Gen r e t a r y , who h a s s e n t t h e m o u t t o all c h a p t e r s . W e u r g e yam favorable c o n s i d e r a t i o n of t h e s e a m e n d m e So, B r e t t On to N e w York—1939 General Convention During the World's F a i r ! !


oent, and of T D K ,ting he N e g r o tble a the

HE SPHI1 THE SPHINX a worthy repre ; Alpha B bean and P r o m the editorial

work the organisation ,i nol have been It would

H E SPHINX h improved nol only in the ,:it as

anal Well

hal our E d i t o r h a s done hi .

Swingier, u

s j in nal au<i to bring ild, Ami. hee.iu e Brother n without n t y . it is



timenta and those of Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha through. i offer him an acknowiedg, our .ilf. 0-

ROAD TRAVEL TO NEW ORLEANS FROM MEMPHIS the completed U. S. Highway 51 via lackson, Miss. will lead to Canal Street, "widest. brightest lighted Main Street in America." TRAVEL TOURAIDE which gives complete Information about highways lrom any point may be obtained free ol charge from Mr. Dudley Luck, with headquarters at Continental Travel Bureau. Denver, Colorado.

December, 1937



Page 23


Front row, left to right:—Jimmie R. Johnson, Liles R. Edwards, chapter president; Second row, Left to right: Glover Hickson, Ronald Pride, Prinnice Hough, Ronald, Sylvester, Byrd, "37" graduate; Third Row Left to right:— Albert H. Mannings, Hampton G. Simpson, and Archie E. Holmes. Brothers Fred Pride and R. Bennett are absent from the picture.



THE f&K^&kTfi&rgyfcTfi&ffi



Page 24


December, 193?


Members of Beta Kappa and Pte partment of the institution; especially i,


, •„„, , lhip. im







December, 1937

Page 25



* r- f> 1 1 1 11- v * - ; * ; i MEMBERS OF SIGMA CHAPTER AND THEIR GUESTS AT HARVARD-! ALE CELEBRATION — F r o n f r o w left to r i g h t : - B r o s . E. Kennel, Dr. Johnson, Lawson, T. Center, Attorney Cardoza, N. Gourdm, Attorney Butler President Gray, Attorney Mitchell H. James, Attorney Rainey, Dr. Harrison Hodges. Middle row, left to right ^ B r o t h e r s R. Yancey, Branker, K. Gray, J. Lanier, G. Frankhn, F. Frankhn, R. Birch, B. J hn

° B°ack ' £ $ £

to right:_Brothers L. Prentice, B. Haith, H. Asbury, K. Ferguson, V. Bynoe, T. Fuller, and S. Carter.

BETA KAPPA CHAPTER L a n g s t o n University Greetings Brothers: Having been absent in the last two issues of our official organ "The Sphinx" Beta Kappa reappears. Let us tell you first of the misfortunes of our chapter. In the spring and summer Convocations of the University the dean of the college gave ten brothers of Beta Kappa Bachelor's degrees. Those Bros, lost by graduation were: (In Spring) Bros. Vernon L. Foshee, Frank Meade, William Watkins, John Jackson, Frank Whitlow and Frank Brown. (In Summer) Brothers James Ewery, Amos Chas. Haston, David Ryan and Blythe Boyd. Each of these Brothers is gainfully employed at the presen time. Allow us to mention just a few of them. Bro. Frank. Brown, the smallest Alpha man in the world, was called to New York City where he is at present on the pay roll of Hotel New Yorker. Bro. James Ewery is an instructor of music in the accredited high school in Oklahoma City, Okla. and Bro. Amos Chas. Haston is an instructor of Mathematics in the high school of Hugo, Okla. Each of our graduate;! Brothers has met with success out in the world. To counter balance this misfortune which has befallen our Chapter we are graced with the addition of three new Brothers on the University faculty. They are Bro. H. S. Jarrett (M. A. Syracuse University) Alpha Sigma Chapter, Brother J. H. Jefferson (M. A. Iowa State University)' Beta Kappa Chapter, and Brother E. L. Tatum (M. A. University of Chicago) Theta Chapter. These new graduate Brothers join with seven other graduate Brothers •n the faculty who have been here one year and up. The a id from this group is invaluable to us. A Chapter composed of Brothers who are never content with remaining on the same level, will take advantage of

every opportunity to move forward. This characteristic is true in every sense of Beta Kappa. In October a spacious eight room house modernly equipped was taken over as our new home. This Chapter house provides for twelve Brothers and our house Mother. Here we are greatly indebted to graduate Brother K. L. Jones, executive secretary to the President of the University for his valuable services as "House Manager". We wish that all of Alphadom could visit us and see just what we write of here. During the Homecoming activities of Langston University at which time Brother Capt. Johnson, led the Langston Lions to a 7-0 victory over Wiley. More than twenty visiting Brothers enjoyed a party and an all night smoker. The picture of Alpha men at Langston was recently run in the leading Negro paper of the Southwest "The Black Dispatch" it was also placed in the Homecoming Souvenier program. We want you to see also the group of your smaller Brothers of Beta Kappa "The Sphinx Club".

SIGMA CHAPTER Boston, M a s s . Greetings from Sigma to all Brothers and Chapters: Again Sigma Chapter is proud to report that we have started the year with enthusiasm at a new high. At our first meeting in October, plans were immediately arranged for the pledge club and our Harvard—Yale game celebration. The material in our pledge club this year is also very promising: we have three men from Harvard, three from Boston University, three from Rhode Island State College and six from Bates College at Lewiston, Maine. Our Harvard-Yale game celebration on the night before the game was heralded by the some 500 guest present as the best for a long time. Thanks to the committee, which

Page 26


included B r o . T h o m a s C e n t e r , c h a i r m a n , p r e s i d e n t G r a y , a n d B r o s . F . F r a n k l i n , B i r c h , Bynoe, C a r t e r , H a i t h a n d A s b u r y . G u e s t from o u t of town included B r o . Dr. Fleming from Men H U M m and m a n y o t h e r s . We w e r e also honored w i t h t h e p v tern vies a t in o u r city. He a r r i v e d too laU' For the c e l e b r a t i o n , h u t left a n i n s p i r i n g Baessage w > ' n , i r "''• A c c o m p a n y i n g Bro. All apbell of lire f a m e a n d o t h e r s . In our nvd.-i h e r e in 1'. m a n y b r o t h e r s from Other c h a p t e r s ami t h e y all a i , o p e r a t i n g with us in I our ed upon initiation anil the vention. It is o u r hope and • A ish to tfevt


D u m b e r , 1937

BETA GAMMA CHAPTER Virginia State College V i r g i n i a S t a t e College—> that w a s e l u s t e r e d v

* » , t h e Br..: ,im

Gamma Chapter dep i

" "' i r evi-


king u B Septeii

On May 16, thi •

and mg-

toti were men V i c t o r C. B> Ed. to Sphinx. o


guidance of graduating Bro. L campaign and raked enough fw I family made homeless by a ravaging fii Sh<

r the in. I with t h e DM

Memphis, Tennessee Greetings Brothers: W t I ' d you t h a t this t i m e wc would tell a b o u t o u r h e a d q u a r t e r s for t h e f o r t h c o m i n g entou \ ' e w Orl e a n s by t h e w a y of M e m p h i s \V< 11 the S p h i n x office will be o u r h e a d q u a r t e r s anil from t h e r e a n y B r o t h e r can c o n t a c t e d . So h e r e ' s looking for all B r o t h e r s , wives, sweeth e a r t s t o s t o p by a n d look us u p . S p e a k i n g of s w e e t h e a r t s ; t h e s w e e t h e a r t s o'f S m o k y P i t t s b u r g h gl a few d a y s and a w e g l a d t o see t h e m , h o w e v e r t h e y h a r d l y r e m t h i s ole ' F o c e a n , b u t a t t h a t w i > n>I s p e a k of B r o . A t t . and M r s . T . B e r t r a m H a m i l t o n . is a b r o t h e r to o u r dean H a m i l t o n of L e M o y n e C o l l S o r r y you d i d n ' t m e e t the c h a p t e r . Come a g a i n Well the o t h e r night ailing the ballots from t h e box A l a p h a D e l t a L a m b d a c h a p t e r e m e r g e d with a new s e t of officers for 1938. T h i s c h a p t e r will be steered by B r o s . H u g h M. Gloster, p r e s i d e n t ; M a r v i n T a r p l p r e s i d e n t ; A. B . Owen r e c o r d i n g s e c r e t a r y ; J . E d w a r d C o t t o n , c o r r e s p o n d i n g s e c r e t a r y ; 11. C. L a t h a m , t> A. A. L a t t i n g , h i s t o r i a n ; S. If. S m i t y , s e r g e a n t a t a t \V. \V. Gibson to h e a d t h e E d u c a t i o n a l Commit.!. Off to a fine s t a r t we t h i n k and hope t o do big t h i n g s , y o u r h u m b l e s e r v a n t is s e r v i n g for t h e s i x t h year, some record I think. Look o u t for t h e " B e a l e S t r e e t B o y s " a t the convention. . e m b e r t h e m a t t h e l a s t convention ? Well they Imp] w i t h a g e , you k n o w j u s t like good . O u r d e l e g a t i o n is headed by B r o t h e r H u g h M. G l o s t e r a n d B r o t h e r J . E d w a r d C o t t o n , a s senior and j u n i o r delegates respectfully. W e h a v e a n u m b e r of t h i n g s on our minds and we a r e looking for all our friends. B r o t h e r Bishop " P a " G r e g g should see B r o t h e r C o m m i t t e e S m i t h in his new p a r k a n l . L i k e " P a " like son. O u r B r o t h e r A d k i n s is to be commended for |< his Mad M a g i c i a n s to S o u t h e r n Conference champions h i p co-captained b y B r o t h e r A l l - A m e r i c a n S p e a r m a n . We h a v e t h e h o n o r of i d e n t i f y i n g with us this y e a r a f o r m e r G e n e r a l P r e s i d e n t in t h e p e r s o n of B r o t h e r F r e d Miller, of Md. B a y o u , Miss. W e e x t e n d t o all to come t h i s w a y e n r o u t e t o t h e Convention a n d look u s ovar. Until then and w i s h i n g all a M e r r y C h r i s t m a s a n d a Happy New Year, I am.

Fraternally yours, J. Edward Cotton, Corresponding Secretary.

i, iiiidep

a boo*

ha K \lpha :,, in

S o r o r i t y to gj which the dance w a s given a g a r d e n with a lighted f o u n t a i n in lb. * bailoo,. ligbl n „ v , I lane nig w a s to


Pal ". Thi affa i n is the social bit of tl,. A!'


lime, tin

to the |

d and new furnilin B r o t h e r 'I ho,,,as ]). P a w l c ? is doing g r a d u a t e ivm 0, John I I . G a u d y , Jl ning : Ohio S.. BTO.

g j . Bn Bi B rd 0. Med. School; Bro. Thomaa Day pli nail; while Bro. Elbert Poi il'ord hoapfta] having been pinned u n d e r the


who , iiaii daring He raatained a broken leg. Bo )y in Philadelphia,

gc i hambers, and


•. Walter

Griffin, who h a s enrolled in th« g t a d with us.

Among thosr Brothei


thai returned, Jack Etobli

been elected president doc] I'M ident. of the S t u d e n t I Of the C rid a v a r s i t y football player. V\ Lewis and Horace I;.

Iieslie Winston v, I to Beta Kappa CW Scien Society; Victor L. Washington and Walter C. Bloun Editor and I!1 - ly of the Virginia S l a t e num.


R o b i n OB and II:,, , .

to hold p] piomim • m tin Gamma is preparing for. and hoping thai all A Phi A

shall have a b a n n e r


VICTOR L. WASHINGTON, E d i t o r of The



OMICRON LAMBDA Birmingham. Ala. Alphas: Omieron L a m b d a is a w a y on y e a r s . A f t e r c o m p l e t i n g tl lactive ( f i n a n c i a l l y ) b r o t h e r s , we I number.

banner Aith • total of ~1 0 o u t do t h a t

December, 1937


On November 21, new officers were elected for this year, to take office on Jan. 2. They are A. D. Shores, President; Wilbur Hollins, Vice President; H. Lovell Moseley, Secretary; William Peterson, Ass't. Secretary; Damon Lee, Jr., Treasurer; Harold N. Evans, Editor to the Sphinx; B. Atkins Collins, Sergeant-at-arms and Charles O. Webb, Chaplain. B Shores and Moseley will be serving their fourth term and brother Lee his second. Also at this meeting the following delegates were chosen to represent Omicron Lambda at New Orleans. II. Novell Moseley, senior delegate; A. D. Shores Junior delegate; Damon Lee, Jr., and William E. Shortridge as alternates. On your way to New Orleans drop in to see us. If you don't have time we'll see you in the Crescent City. On October 15, the Ch Hew" a party honoring Bro. Attorney Arthur D. Shores. Brother Shores passed the Alabama bar and later received his credentials to practice in the Federal Courts窶年ow when I say threw a party that carries with it all the glamour of a real Alpha affair. Even now the folks are asking, when? for the next party. Brother William E. Shortridge is to head the local branch of the N. A. A. C. P. We are more than glad to welcome back to our Chapter brother Dr. Marion G. McCall. Brother Major A. Brown of Alpha Upsilon Lambda is now living here with his recent bride. He is working at the Industrial High School. We expect him to add greatly to the strength of our basketball team. Brothers Chas. Shcphard, and Hubert James are now working at Mi'es College. We expect much help from their affiliation. Brother James is the new dean at Miles. We also welcome brother Edward B. "Zeke" McCarroll back to the fold, as well as brother Richard Langford. At this writing ye scribe is in room 204, Atlanta Univ., dormitory waiting for the Morris Brown-Clark Scrap this P. M. This trip will complete a jaunt of about 3000 miles for this season that he has travelled to officiate football games. Just in passing the seven neophytes who came in last Valentine day are still holding their own, namely brothers B. Atkins Collins, William J. Bolden, Frederick A. Curtis, Preston L. Evans, Cleophas Haygood, Wilbur Hollins and Charles O. Webb. Pretty soon you'll hear the thread of leather against wood, than a sudden sevish: It will be the Omicron Lambda cagesters sharpening their eyes for all competition. Brothers Moseley, H. Pigrom, Brown, Collins, Jones, Haygood, Evans, Bolden and all are seeking games. Those wishing to arrange games write me at 1304 First Court W. Birmingham, Ala. Must go to morning feed just now, "bee seeing" you in New Orleans. Fraternally yours, H. Lovell Moseley. _ o

ALPHA MU CHAPTHER Evanston, 111. Activities at Alpha Mu have become increasingly worthwhile and interesting this fall. Arrangements have been made to hold each alternate meeting at the Chicago Alpha House, since about half of the Chapter membership live in Chicago. This arrangement has stimulated increased interest and more consistent attendance.


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Members of the Sphinx Club have welcomed Alvin Brooks, Northwestern University Senior who was pledged last month. Pledge Brooks is a debater of no mean ability, and is a leader of the local youth movement. By the time this article is off the press, it is expected that our chapter will have seen two fine pledges) initiated. Details will appear in the next issue. Pledge Bernard Jefferson has made an enviable record on he Northwestern gridiron this fall. Brothel's of this chapter are striving to send two brothers to New Orleans at Chr'stmas time, and it looks as if wc will hive two or more present when the Convention convenes. Our only social activity this fall was an honest-togoodness house party which was given at the home of our genial president, Brother Pyant, on Oct. 15, when beautiful ladies, soft l'ghts and sweet (vender) music was the order of the day. All of our guests, and the brother^ as well declared that the party was a "Sender". The following chapter officers were elected at our November meeting: President William C. Pyant; Vice President, Isaac H. Jackson; Secretary Colbert S. Davis, Jr.; Assistant Secretary and Associate Editor Fred Gay; Treasurer, William S. Thompson; Chaplain, Daniel B. Owens. . o

ALPHA TAU CHAPTER Akron, Ohio Greetings Brother Fraters: With the dawn of a New Year not far in the distance we of Alpha Tau have been very busily engaged making preparations for the big convention. When our honorable Brother President Charles Wesley opens the meeting we shall be represented by Brothers Rufus L. Thompson, former President of the chapter, and Atty. Artee Fleming, .also a former President. I am very happy indeed at this writing to present to Al:iha Phi Alpha a roll of honor of which we are very proud. It is the entire personnel of our splendid Sphinx Club, namely: President, Amos R. Stiggers; Vice President, Samuel Forshee; Treasurer, Robert Burton; Secretary, Collie McCombs, Jr.; David Warfield, James Peavy, Andrew McClain, Jr., Samuel Rogers, William Killings, H. R. Brackin, Horace Hampton, Dr. Joseph Brewer, and John Bernard Erwin. Thirteen ambitious Neophytes. Among them we have outstanding students scholastically as well as athletically. I shall tell you more about this group in future writings. At our last three meetings we have been the recipients of wonderfully prepared luncheons. To start the ball rolling, Dr. John Wesley Dunbar played host to the chapter. Then Brother Attorney Eraraer Martin Lancaster, present Democratic Chairman, entertained and at our last regular meeting, Dr. George H. Dunbar had a wholesome and filling lot of food including the luscious pumpkin pies as none other than his charming wife can prepare. This added incentive has increased our number at the meetings and pray tell what the end will be. Brother Charles L. Nunn, popular social worker and graduate of Ohio State University, is very busy these days working toward hi.s Masters of Art. He will complete it in June. Brother Dr. John W. Walker of Canton, Ohio, was present with us at our last meeting and expressed his desire to cooperate with the chapter by inviting them to his home




for t h e n e x t r e g u l a r m e e t i n g . B r o t h e r Walki H ami is u s u a ' l y OB i card. A n o t h e r p r o m i n e n t B r o t h e r of o u r grr.up h a s 1. honored a g a i n b e i n g I oil by t h e M< Ciety to r e n d e r a n o t h e r of k .having usly. B r o t h e r Dr. is well p r e p a r e d , h a v i n g p r a c t i c e d h e r e f o r m II • h a p p e n s to be t h e only r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of on •• the T of t h e i We a r e v e r y proud of his


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L F l e m i n g , beautiful and brilliant al We I H i g h School who . an average the • -d m a k i n g the honor roll. T h e overly proud " f a t h e r " of this c h a r m i n g y o u n g lady is n t h a n the ' >n Senioi ring. B r o t h e r s w h o h a v e been v e r y active in and ah loial circles include B r o t h e r Dani 1 I Sneed, B r o t h e r Dr. E m m e t t H o g a n , B r o t h e r R a y m o n d R. MI, B r o t h e r N o r m a n C h e s t n u t , B r o t h e r Rev. <!. II. M o r g a n , B r o t h e r R u f m L T h o m p s o n and B otl KVing launched a C , to enlist all f r a t e r s i n somi while activity l.aner a n d D.-. J n o . D u n b a r have g o t t e n w o o d •bjective, " P u t A l p h a in f r o n t . " In cone I w a n t to ,cd B r o t h e r Robert E. Black, h e a r t y c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s from upon his must recent appointment.. H a v i n g served in t h e c a p a c i t y of Education al Ad*. ,m|, in D a y t o n . Ohio, for quite some time, he is BO? up li as Kxecu of the Urban at Little Bock, A r k a n old m e e t with t h e a p p r o v a l of his recent bride, the wii 0 l< U - and St Louis, f o r m e r l y Miss M a r y \ li informs me t h a t t h e rolling in and should t e a c h a n< t r i b u t e t o Brol t h r o u g h his u n t i r i n g e f f o r t s A l p h a T a u ba t u n a t e e n o u g h to hold its own t h r o u g h o u t tie By t h e n e x t w r i t i n g we will have held o« ami will introduce r o w new b n there t . you. In all gin ity let us lock a r m s , I. ,,,- .,,,. g and t h e F r a t e r n i t y , ion Fraternally, II. C. S P A R K S , A s s o c i a t e Editor to Sphinx.

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ALPHA ALPHA CHAPTER Cincinnati, O h i o

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December, 1937


Brother Rossman Turfeaw is holding a teaching Fellowship in the Teachers' College of the University of Cincinnati. In the same College is Brother Walter Mitchell, who is also studying on a scholarship from that school. A number of Alpha Alpha Brothers will be present at the New Orleans Convention. Until then, we'll be seeing you. As we go to press, we are rounding out the final plans for our initiation scheduled for December 11th. Fraternally yours, NORMAN M. PERKINS, Secretary, Alpha Alpha Chapter

ALPHA THETA CHAPTER Iowa University Out of the grim silence which heretofore, has hovered about Alpha Theta comes its cordial greetings to all Alphadom. With a new regime on hand we promise more activity, more outstanding achievement and therefore, less silence in the Sphinx. The beginning of the semester finds Alpha Theta with a house full of enthusiastic brothers whose prime interest is making Alpha Theta 1st., The desired goal of each Negro student at Iowa University, 2nd., The leading fraternity scholastically of all Greek Letter organizations on the campus, white or black. 3rd., An ideal chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha worthy of being listed in the chapter roster of the Sphinx. The chapter sponsored a Homecoming Party at Music Hall, hired a melodious orchestra and afforded all visitors a most enjoyable evening. Miss Juanita Kidd was chosen Miss Homecoming. She was presented a lovely bouquet. The house remained open at all times for the reception and accommodation of the out-of-town guests. Our present officers are.- Brother James Peeples, President; Brother Inman Perkins, Vice President; Brother Edward Herbert, Secretary; Brother Earl Smith, Assistant Secretary; Brother Thomas Pauley, Treasurer. We welcome to our midst Graduate Brothers Reginald Reid, Beta Epsilon, Thomas Pauley, Beta Gamma, Sherman Wilson, Beta Zeta, W. E. Belton, Sigma Lambda and Edward Herbert, Beta Kappa. We send greetings to, yet miss the activities of Brothers Ozz'e Simmons, Jack Jefferson, Wilbur Wallace and Jerold Boyd. We are striving to make Alpha Phi Alpha through Alpha Theta the example of everything that is worthwhile, outstanding and good. You will hear from us and about us. Our house is located at 815 S. Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Iowa. May Alpha ever be proud of all. DONALD E. RICHARDSON, Editor of Sphinx .


KAPPA CHAPTER Ohio State University We of Kappa Chapter have a bit of glory that we are well pleased with which may be worth while to mention. On November 6, 1037 Kappa Chapter initiated eight men into the fraternity. Unique in that it is the largest group of men to "Go Through" at any one time in Kappa Chapter History. It also represented the "Cream of the


Page 29

Crop" on Ohio' State's Campus or for any campus I might say. Among the eight men the most outstanding being Dave Albritton and Melven Walker of Cleveland and Toledo, Ohio respectively, both world known high jumpers. Melvin Walker now holds both the indoor and outdoor record jumps. The outdoor record is 6' 10" (six feet ten and three eights inches), which he has broken twice. The indoor record as held by Walker is C 9-3-4" (six, feet nine and three fourths inches). Dave Albritton is co-holder of the 1936 Olympic Title. During the past summer Walker made a tour of the Scandinavian Countries with a team of track stars. It was while he was on this tour he made record jumps. Albritton made his tour in the east with Japan as the focal point. Another champion in the group is George Deloacho of Columbus, Ohio, a physics and mathamatie major in the college of Education who has been winning high scholastic averages. In the winter quarter, 1936-37 he received an all "A" rating. The other new brothers are: William Thomas, an outstanding student of Social Administration from Akron, Ohio. Fowler Biggs, Dayton, Ohio, Robert Watson, Columbus, Ohio and Paul Hough, Cincinnati, Ohio, all premedical students, and Jerome Wccdard, Columbus, Ohio, a Fine Arts student majoring in Commercial Art. The following men were elected to office during the first week in November, 1937. Henry Parks, Jr., President, Campbell Warren, Vice President, Edwin Williams, Secretary, Begagy T. Benton, Corresponding Secretary, Lucien Wright, Treasurer, Frank Beane, Parliamentarian, Fowler Biggs, Sergeant-at-arms and George Moore, President ex-officio of the Sphinx Club. o

ALPHA DELTA CHAPTER Los Angeles, Calif. Alpha Delta wanted something a little bit different to the customary Smoker that is given at the beginning of the school year for the new students. The Rushing Committee called a meeting and out of this meeting culminated the idea of an Informal, "Get Acquainted Dance". The plans were carried out and on November 6, Alpha Delta Chapter turned out En B) to welcome a smooth aggregation of pledgees and invited guests to swing to the music of one of the west coast's favorite swing bands. Before the evening was terminated into the morning hour, we had seen every new dance of • the "Big Red Apple" to the "Ros-ma-taz" and the "Body Slam" (no holds barred). No, your Associate Editor did not dance the "Big Red Apple", but he did dance 'til the Big Red Apple turned red. All in all the dance was a big success because it served as a very useful medium in bringing the new students and pledges into close contact with members of Alpha Delta. And now our attention is focused on New Orleans and the Convention. Rest assured that Alpha Delta will be very well represented. If the brothers in New Orleans have all they say (and I believe they have). Then, "they have got something there." More power to you. THINGS WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW 1. When will Klotz Peyton ever get enough money to attend a convention?

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2. If Brother J. B. St. Felix Isaac will bring that pip c to the convention again this year? That is, the one in which he burns Anthracite. 3. If Brother Joe Evans will develop another sore throat. (Remember the nipple in Los Angeles?) 4. If Brother Bus Schanch is still alive. If so why? 5. If Brother George "Waffle J a w s " Butcher's cheeks ever receded to normal size? 6. If Brother Bert McDonald will attend one business session? 7. If Brother Bill Stansbury's fingers dropped off? Until Convention time Alpha Delta bids you a Merry Xmas and a Successful Meeting. By E. C. Strong. o

BETA ALPHA CHAPTER M o r g a n College Greetings: Always aspiring to the noble ideals and aims of dear A Phi A, Beta Alpha Chapter again extends its heartiest felicitations to all Brothers of the fraternal bond. Through the medium of our official organ, an account of the progress and activities going on here is submitted. A program of our activities for 1937-38, outlined by our new president, Brother James Hite, met with unanimous approval. It was with much enthusiasm that wet all pledged ourselves to reach our quota by executing this program and in so doing glorify to a greater extent our renown A Phi A. Although we carry on without the assistance of our former president, Brother, Herbert Hardin, who is now studying law at Howard University, and without the judicious advice of Brother Clinton Knox, Professor of History, who is now working on his Ph. D. at Harvard, we are fortunate as well as happy to receive Brother Dr. Dwight W. Holmes and Professor Earl Moses. In fact, we find ourselves unable to conceal our joy and pride in stating that the first Colored President of Morgan College is an Alpha Man. This fact alone, that he is an Alpha Man, insures Brother Dr. Holmes' success in his new office. The strength of Beta Alpha has also been increased by the addition of the following Neophytes; Brothers Brodus Whims, Samuel Young, Teackle Lansey, Oliver Williams, Randolph Myers and Edward Yearwood, who we regret to say, did not return this year. We held our Annual Smoker Wednesday night, November 10th and after putting forth much effort to make the occasion entertaining for everyone, we were highly satisfied with the outcome. Brothers G. Pennington and C. Jackson of Delta Lambda gave messages that were inspiring to everyone present. Brothers Ollington Smith, head of the English Department, and Earle Moses, Professor of Sociology, also made commendable contributions. Introductory Remarks were offered by our President, Brother James Hite and pertinent observations (with poetic suggestiveness) were added in presenting the various participants by your Vice President, Brother Vurnell Lockwood. Sweet music gently flowed as the nimble fingers of Brother Hyland Re id, Secretary, swept the black and white keyboard of the piano. Brother Randolph Myers gave a violin solo, and Brother Brodus Whims struck a responsive cord in everyone with his dramatic recitation of James W. Johnson "Brothers".


December, 1937 The success of t h c evening largely depended upon the splendid preparation by the following Brothers: English Wright, Samuel Young, Albert Cephas, Oliver Williams, Teackle Laneey, John Ademy and l,eroy Carroll, Treasurer. Th.> Smoker was one of our first by activities, and it unquestionably made us more anxious to be just as successful in our other affairs. Hoping that this type of spirit pervades throughout every chapter in the bond. The following office lected to serve during 193738: Brother James R. Hit*, President, Brother Vurnell W. Lockwood, Vice President, Brother J. Hvland K,i,l, Secretary, Brother I-eroy C. Carroll, Treasurer, and Brother Randolph I. Myers, Editor to The Sphinx. Fraternally yours, Randolph M\ Associate Editor. —•



BETA OMICRON CHAPTER Tennessee State College Nashville, Tennessee Greetings Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha! Beta Omicron Chapter is still growing stronger as the Fall quarter IS. The Brothers started the school year with a spirit which indicated that they mean business. The Neophyte Brothers that were initiated during the Spring Quarter 1937 are a s follows: Edgar S. Barks Charles R. Finley, Paul A. Gore, Joseph M. Graham, Albert M. Miller, Jr., James A. Johnson, William L. Ports* and Warren L. Pemberton. These Neophyte brothers have fallen in line and plan to help put over a big program this year. On Saturday, October 2, 1937, Beta Omicron Chapter gave a candle light buffet smoker fo r all new men a t which time the colors of the Fraternity were carried o u t More than 150 men were present, Greetingi came from Alpha Chi, Chi, and Tau Lambda Chapters. The speaker for the occasion was our Regional Director Brother M. G. Ferguson. This event turned out to be one of the most glamorous affairs of this quarter and we still have be plans for the Winter and Spring Quarters. During the quarter, we have had several former brothers to visit us. They were Brother.. Robert Vann, Robert

D. Lewis, Gerald Howell and Elmer Kelly. We arc glad elcome a new Brother who recently joined the faculty here as Professor of Chemistry and Physics Brother Jesse Hayes. Our present chapter roster is as follows: Brother Lames C. Turner, President; Brother Walter I,. DeBose, Vice President; Brother William M. Hafford. Secretary; Brother Randolph F. Howell, Corresponding Secretary; Brother Samuel L. Johnson, Chaplain; Brother Joseph M. Graham, Associate Editor to Sphinx; Brother Edgar It. Green, Sergeant-at-arms. The Chapter sends greetings to all brothers throughout the country. Hoping to see all brothers in New Orleans and wishing you much success throughout the year, I am.

Fraternally yours, Joseph M. Graham,

December, 1937


PSI CHAPTER Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Psi Chapter is off to an auspicious start. The first meeting this fall was attended by the General Secretary, Brother Joseph H. B. Evans. Brother Evans in addition to giving the chapter an inspiring talk, singularly honored and impressed Psi Chapter's Neophyte members. Namely: Prank Bradley, William B. Harris and Leanard Logan by presenting them with the fraternity's Shingle, a copy of the constitution and history. Neophyte Brother W. "Les" Henry could not be present as he is studying at Harvard University's Medical School. In keeping with the fine start, Psi Chapter has elected new officers. They are as follows: Brother Roger Gordon, President; Brother Robert Thomas, Vice President; Brother Ernest Smith, Secretary; Brother "Milt" Washington,, Assistant Secretary; Brother Doctor Wells, Treasurer; Brother Leanard Logan, Chaplain; Brother John Watkins, Sergeant-at-arms and Brother William B. Harris, Associate Editor of Sphinx. These officers will be installed at the next meeting of the chapter. Psi Chapter has been represented in many of the important events that have recurred in and around Philadelphia. At the recent National Negro Congress, Brother Leanard Logan was a delegate. More recently Douglass Hospital sponsored a drive for funds. Brother Attorney Lewis Tanner Moore was very instrumental in the drive and is secretary of the Board. Brothers Roger Gordon, Pree and Bradley attended the Silver Jubilee Anniversary of Nu Chapter at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania. An Alpha man holds the distinction of being the only Negro enrolled at present in Temple University's Medical School. He is Brother Arthur R. Thomas of Psi Chapter. Brother Thomas has made an enviable record. He is a Sophomore. In Temple Law School, Psi Chapter is represented by Brother, John Thomas, George Drummond and William B. Harris. In many other fields Psi Chapter is represented and will continue to broaden its scope. Like most chapters Psi wishes to be accounted for a t New Orleans. Consequently, Brothers Roger Gordan and William "Bill" Gray have been chosen Senior and Junior delegates respectively. Look for them at New Orleans and receive the personal good wishes of Psi Chapter. The "Ruching Season" is under way. Psi Chapter has planned a smoker for prospective members of our December meeting. One of the features of the Christmas Season will be Psi Chapter's "Closed Party" which will be given Christmas night. Closed to all but Alpha Men and their wives or Bweethearts. Therefore, be with some Alpha group timing the Christmas Holidays. In Philadelphia, your own state, or New Orleans. Congratulations upon the fine "Pictoral Number" of the Sphinx. May there be moi'C such splendid issues. Too, count on Psi Chapter as a steadfast contributor. Fraternally yours, William B. Harris.


Page 31

ALPHA ALPHA LAMBDA CHAPTER Newark, N. J. Greetings to Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: It has been a long time since Alpha Lambda has contributed news to the Sphinx. However, we plan to be regular contributors in the future. The regular election of officers was held on the evening of November 20th at the Grand Hotel. It was unanimously decided to re-elect the same brothers, who had so successfully guided our chapter during the past year. The following officers were re-elected: Brother Dr. Ferdinand Williams, President; Brother Walter G. Alexander, Vice President; Brother Deckle McLain, Treasurer; Brother Arthur C. Williams, Secretary; Brother Dr. Aubrey E. Robinson, Chaplain; Brother Ollie T. Daley, Associate Editor to the Sphinx. This promises to be a banner year in the History of our chapter. Already Brother Williams with his tactful ability and calm judgment, has outlined a constructive program with every bi'other taking party. An important part in his program is the reclamation of brothers. There are over one hundred brothers living in our jurisdiction. Our delinquent members can expect no quarters from us until they have again become financial with the chapter and General Organization. Alpha Alpha Lambda has pledged herself to leave no stones unturned until these brothers have again been brought into the fold. On the evening of Ocober 14th, three Neophytes were led across the burning sands to behold the shining light of Alpha Phi Alpha. Namely: Brother Harold Burnside, St. Augustine, '31, Brother Charles Francis, Howard University, '34, Brother Guy R. Moorehead, Upsola College, '.),".. Brother Moorehead is a member of the New Jersey General Assembly, the ycungest man to ever hold such a position in the history of the state. While in College ha was an outstanding athelete, winning a total of sixteen letters, and also led his class in scholastic achievements. November 20th a smoker was held for Brother Charles Wesley who spoke the following day at the Montclair Y. W. C. A. A grand time was had by all the brothers present. In December we are planning to have a joint meeting with Eta and Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapters in New York City to discuss plans for the coming year and to bring about a closer relationship between the chapters. Dan Cupid has struck the ranks of Alpha Alpha Lambda again. This time it was Brother William Eubanks who was married to Miss Ruth Rollins. The members of the chapter join with their many friends in wishing them happiness. The cry of the chapter is "On to New Orleans." Ollie T. Doley, Associate Editor. o

TAU CHAPTER University of Illinois Brothers: Tau Chapter is happy to greet you at this time through the official organ of Alpha Phi Alpha. However, we are looking forward to ou r Thirty-first Convention at New Orleans, whereby we hope to greet in person many of our

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B r o t h e r s f r o m all p a r t s of t h i s g r e a t c o m m o n w e a l t h . T a u C h a p t e r , of t h e U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois, b e g a n t h e school y e a r of 1937 w i t h s e v e r a l hopeful e v e n t s . W e h a v e ad I'i keep f o r e m o s t in o u r m i n d s o u r schola L a s t y e a r we w e r e p r o u d to a c q u i r e the r a n k fifth place among: s i x t y - e i g h t a c t i v e n a t i o n a l c h a p t e r s on t h e c a m p u s . We intend in t h e f u t u r e to surr.i, and w h y n o t — w i t h such b r i l l i a n t B r o t h U David Blackwell, Russel N e s b i t , and L e n d o r NV each of w h o m a r e m e m b e r s of t h e D e a n ' s s c h o l a r s h i p list for t h e p r e s e n t y e a r . W e a r e c o u n t i n g on B r o t h e r David IVlkey, f o r m e r l y on t h e Deai. 0 Come up to t h e m a r k , for he t h e o r e t i c a l l y lives in t h e L a w Building, i. e., w h e n h e ' s n o t w i t h h i s one a n d only h e a r t t h r o b ( a n d what a heart throb). Our r c o n s i s t s of s e v e r a l g r a d u a l e n t s , each p l u g g i n g a w a y in his chosen field. " B i l l " 11. k i n - , proxy elect, is w o r k i n g on his Ph. I), in c h e m i s t r y . D e l m a r Bobo, also a c a n d i d a t e for his d o c t o r a t e , is in t h e E n g l i s h c u r r i c u l u m . T h e following B r o t h e r s a r e seeking H a s t e n D e g r e e s : Robert L C l a r k ( C u r l y ) , Political rue. an I tr.ui lent from Lincoln; Otho M. Robinson. g e o g r a p h y , w h o h a s long h u n g h i s pin on an Illini A l u m ; Benjamin F . G a r r e t , a n i m a l h u s b a n d r y ; and Morn A. DumaS, in the field of English L i t e r a t u r e . A t o u r a n n u a l H o m e c o m i n g dance, given in conjunction with K a p p a A l p h a P s i , we were delighted with of out-of-town v i s i t o r s , p a r t i c u l a r l y m a n y of t h e Old B r o t h e r s of T a u C h a p t e r . Kspecially w e r e we surpi w i t h the p r e s e n c e of B r o t h e r J o s e p h P e r r y , w h o is now t e a c h i n g in his h o m e t o w n , E a s t S a i n t Louis, Illinois. And

John L. Sullivan, who procured his I


l a s t J u n e . Also w i t h u s w a s B r o t h e r " P e t e " C r o m e r , T a u C h a p t e r ' s o u t s t a n d i n g a t h l e t e of Illinois t r a c k fame. And B r o t h e r Roscoe K i n g , who h a s r e c e n t l y t a k e n u n d e r himself a c h a r m i n g wife. N e x t s e m e s t e r he Intends to One his c o u r s e of s t u d y h e r e , a s well a s his fine w o r k in t h e c h a p t e r . T o m e n t i o n o t h e r T a u m e n who wore n o t h e r e , b u t w h o s e r e p s still l i n g e r with u s : n<r H a r o l d W e s t , who l a s t J u n e g o t h i s P h . I), in Chemistry (with honors, mind y o u ) , has resumed his professorship at Meharrv. B r o t h e r J o s e p h T a y l o r is t e a c h i n g c r i m i n o l o g y a' B r o t h e r J o h n Loveless is t e a c h i n g a t E a s t St. Louis, Illinois. B r o t h e r s G e o r g e B. N e s b i t a n d E d w a r d Toles a r e doing a n o t a b l e p i n e of w o r k a s a t t o r n e y s in a d i s c r i m i n a t o r y of a few T a u men ag-. of C h a m p a i g n ' s local e a t i n g houses. T h e s e B r o t h e r s , both b practice a t C h i c a g o , h a v e set a n i m m e a s u r a b l e p r e c e d e n t for T a u men. A t t h e t i m e of this w r i t i n g we a r e in profound symp a t h y with our w o r t h y S p h i n x m a n L u r o y B . H a y e s ( F to u s ) w h o j u s t lost his f a t h e r a t C h k a j is good m a t e r i a l , and an excellent coach of T a u s b a s k e t b a l l t. He was in t h e midst of p r e p a r i n g his b o y s ' for its b! t h i r s t y g a m e with the K a p p a s , b u t in hi ftjb a n e t old " B i l l " , t h e m a n a g e r , will c a r r y on t h e t e a m work. (B (3 ft. 4—m more?) We will be looking for you C h r i s t m a s at N e w Orb Yours Fraternally, M o r r i s o n A. Dun

Associate Editoi of Sphinx.

December, 193? BETA XI CHAPTER LeMoyne College

Thanksgiving Day marked t, for

,,r the grid M I

LeMoyne College


'"•'i high, ami the grand spirit and fighting l " ' w , ' r " ' ' " " ' ''I' led the .|, e i g h t Victories, and two del. ,. I U l l ,,... ; ! •"* '" Southern I | C h a m p i o n s h i p . Still. the

' lying of oar boys en., and particnlarl) do we throw bouquets I h< 1 l; ' '' ' m, and to mention Sphinxmen Rexall Carnas, all ol whom lie):, \ ,

catastrophe of n, ' " ''" " ' h '"ever




, tice, to Brother Chi Raybon Baker, not and Hilton Barber,

j s j u s t l y proud. I'.

,,,„ Roolhac, All An,.

u ,,, ln1 ,. Iv

|osS :,„k, who,

Ined a broken leg. ,njng i del of the day. lUation, II \U A m e nd S p e a r m a n , Q u a r t e r b a c k and

Mm fro,,, p a r

'!:>- N*ed SM lay thai they vril] bs


nine-week , ,„. .,„,, j , , , , , , ^ Bal flurry of last m i n u t e c r a m m i n g and ex 1 Willi them cam. ,,f m a j o r

portance to Beta \ i . Election ,,f officers fo S u n d a y , N o v e m b e r 7, I'.i:i7, a n d the new :

the cha]

ideal : J s m t

1', . , y .

, r t j n Bolton, P \ „e




'dme; Secretary; Jeth

ponding SecHenri Twigg, Editor to the Spinx; Walter Bonner, Parllame ,nd Sere.. I Bill, C h a p l a i n . T h e ol'ficers-eleel rely hope t h a t the n. will be I roua

and as praiseworthy as the passing one. L a s t b u t not l e a s t in the forward m a r c h of B e t a Xi, thai the A m e r i c a , , M i s s i o n a r y Association h a s a w a r d e d to B r o t h e r M a r t i n Bolton, a full tuition d|> fOt his two remainii: at LeMoyne



from I he coffers of the Beard S c h o l a r s h i p F o u n d a t i o n on the m e r i t s of his | Indent of the college. T h e r e Is the r u m o r anion;: the ' P o w e r s - t h a i Be',

of the chance of an appointment, after graduation for Brother Bolton, in one of the A. M. A. Institutions. Broth* sr Bolton has grinned through two whole weeks. W* ider how much longer bis jaw bone will stand the strain.

So, with convention plans weighing heavy on our hearts, (and w a l l e t ! ) A J p h a d o a foi convention.


Xi e x t e n d s h c i r t y good wish, new season and a " B A N G - U P '

Fraternally yours, M a r t i n Bolton. 0

ALPHA PI LAMBDA CHAPTER Winston-Salem, N. C. Greetings, Bi Now t h a t tie realm of t h i n g s gone hut n

| j M to t h e leu, A!|.ba Pi L a m b d a

ha> again resumed activity. So far we have had three but I meetings and three social meetings. Ai our hist


December, 1937

business meeting, held on Sunday, Nevember 7, the annual election of officers took place as specified in the constitution. The following brothers were elected to lead Alpha Pi Lambda for the ensuing year: Brother W. E. Pitts, President, Re-elected; Brother E. A. Cox, Vice President, Re-elected; Brother J. W. Burns, Recording Secretary; Brother W. R. Crawford, Corresponding Secretary; Brother E. S. Wright, Secretary, Reelected; Brother Leander Hill, Treasurer, Re-elected; Brother L. C. Ellis, Chaplain, Re-elected. The quality of work done by the official staff of our chapter may be judged by the fact that practically all officers were re-elected for another term. Had the chapter had it's way completely, it is likely that the entire staff would have been re-elected. We are exceedingly pleased to welcome several new Brothers into our chapter. Brother William R. Crawford, a native of Winston-Salem, comes to us from Alpha Zeta, at Insttitute, W. Va. We are putting him to work immediately, having elected him to the office of Corresponding Secretary and Editor to the Sphinx. Brother J. W. Burns our newly elected Recording Secretary comes to us from Alpha Omicron Lambda, located in Pittsburgh, his native home. Brother L. B. Frazier who comes to us from Beta Delta chapter has also affiliated with our group. Brother William F. Meroney, of Beta and Tau Lambda Chapters is our other new member. Brother Crawford Burns and Frazier are engaged in business pursuits while Brothel Meroney is busily engaged in the practice of Dentistry. Our first social meeting of the year was held at the home of Brother J. O. Ellis at which time we enjoyed the fine hospitality of the hosts, Brothers Ellis and Pitts Brothers Wright and Hill next entertained the chapter at the former's home, on Friday night, Nov. f*™*"]* Carter and Burns took up the burden of entertainment at the home of Brother Carter. The service at all of these meetings was in keeping with the high standard of entertainment which has prevailed throughout our program of social meetings. ^^nrfinoAlpha Pi Lambda takes great pleasure n " p o i t i n g to the Fraternity at large a signal honor which,ta, be en won by a member of our local chapter. Brother J Welfied Holmes, Instructor at Winston-Salem Teachers College, has recently been awarded the annual prize of Fifty Do lars offered by the Society for the Study of N«gro His tory for the best review of book tnroughou the yea Brother Holmes' masterful review of Dabney s Urn sal Education in the South" was acclaimedthe ontstend ing contribution in this field. Brother Holmes in , 1 tion to this review, has had several poems and sho. a r t icles published in current P u b l i c a t ! ° ^ T X v f l l d n sure that we shall hear from him in the literary field in 3

Bi'otheTcarodine Robinson, a former stalwarioi: Alpha Pi Lambda was a recent visitor to our city. B r o t h e R o b inson, now located in Boston, Mass., was welcomed en thusiatically by the Brothers. As the time for the General Convention approaches, our slogan will be "On To New Orleans. Sincerely and Fraternally yours, Albert H. Anderson, (Retiring) Associate Editor to THE SPHINX.

Page 33


BETA BETA CHAPTER N e b r a s k a University Greetings Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: Beta Beta begins another year with renewed vigor and enlarged membership. We are especially pleased to have with us Brother Edward Bruce of Upsilon chapter at Kansas university and Brother Eldridge Leonard of Beta Theta at West Virginia State. Our fall election resulted in the following officers for the 1937-8 year: Merle Herriford, President; Lovejoy Crawford, Secretary-Treasurer; Saybert Hanger, Vice President; and Eldridge Leonard, King of Freshmen. Our Sphinx club includes: Ralph Alexander, Robert Leonard, Henry Levells, Joseph Owens, Willis Palmer, Franklin Pierce, John Sims, and Lawrence Winn. Plans are being made for our late fall and spring activities at our regular meetings and for representation at the General Convention. We'll see you there! Fraternally, Merle Herriford.

UPSILON LAMBDA CHAPTER Jacksonville, Florida Greetings, Brothers: Upsilon Lambda chapter is once more in the midst of its active season. Under the leadership of Brother C. S. Long, Jr., President of Edward Waters College, the chapter has made great strides during the year. The chapter grew in membership from seventeen to thirty-two. Two public meetings in the interest of 'better citizenship' were held. The chapter presented Brother R. O'Hara Lanier, President of Houston Municipal College, Houston, Texas at one of the meetings. The crowning social event of the year was the 'Orange Blossom Ceremonial'. For accomplishments in the State of Florida, Upsilon Lambda chapter is holding high the name of Brother Frank E. Pinder of Gainesville. Bro. Pinder is County Farm Agent for Alachua County, U. S. Department of Agriculture. He is a graduate of Florida A. and M. College and has brought his work into prominence during the past two years. Alachua County has won many of the awards in competition with farmers throughout the state. Brother Pinder and the 4-H Club of Alachua County were presented recently over the state-owned radio station WRUF at Gainesville. His work is recognized as outstanding in the state. Brother Pinder is now the proud father of a baby daughter born early in September. Alphadom in the state was honored recently with the addition of Brother Simpson, Acting president of Bethune Cookman College at Daytona Beach. Since coming to the state he has endeared himself to the citizens at large. Brother Dr C. M. Thompson recently opened the Good Samaritan Maternity Hospital here. The citizens have responded nobly to this enterprise of the youthful physic ian. Upsilon Lambda has many colleges represented on i t s roster. Beta Chapter gave us Dr. R. W Butler and k 'Bill' Morris, Nu Chapter sent Brothers Capers W Bradham and Harold Farrell, From Xi came Brothers C. S Long, Jr., and Dr. C. M. Thompson; Alpha Ph, was responsible for Theodore Christopher, Brothers R James Greene and T. V. Thomas hail from Beta Delta. Brothers J. Leonard Lewis, J. D. Brooks and Cabaniss came from


Page 34

A l p h a R h o . B e t a N u a t T a l l a h a s s e e furnished the remainde r of t h e r o s t e r . T h e c h a p t e r h a t e d to George I w h o r e s i g n e d from the f a c u l t y oi A. and M. Coll e g e . H e is n o w a m e m b e r of the faculty of the high school in I n d i a n a p o l i s , In 1. T h a t ' s all of t h e n e w s from t h e ' L a n d of S u n s h n Flowers'. T h e l o n g line of bull you j u s t r e e d w a s furnished by Bill M o r r i s , A s s o c i a t e E d i t o r , U p s i l o n L a m b d a C h a p t e r . o '—


December, 1937

S. <'•; -I' City, Kan

than our , .,,„] t o with d in

t h a t g r a n d a s s e m b l a g e at \ e w


Rollins —

Fisk University

P r e s e n t l y , ( N o v e m b e r 23) five S p h i n x m e n a r c on t h e i r t r e k a c r o s s t h e b u r n i n g san likely, by the t i m e t h i s r e p o r t a p p e a r s in t h e S P H I N X , t h e y will be r e a d i n g it a s big i n s t e a d of little b r o t h e r s . T h e s e n e o p h y t e s - t o - b e


Tenth Anniv, a " ' ral Convention, In addition to 11

ALPHA CHI CHAPTER H a i l ! B r o t h e r s in A l p h a d o m : (On D e c e m b e r 3 of thi< y e a r A l p h a Chi C h a p t e r o b - its T e n t h A n n i v e r s a r y . T w o of t h e c h a p t e r ' s charte r m e m b e r s , B r o t h e r s T h o m a - W T-illey and Roto H e m i n g w a y , a r e w i t h us c o n s t a n t l y a s f a c u l t y p e r T h e o t h e r living c h a r t e r m e m b e r s h a v e been Invited to be with u s a g a i n , a s we t a k e stock of A l p h a Chi's t e n year's existence here at Fisk Unive Then. d o r e S. B e r r y , G e n e r a l Counselor of Alpha Phi A l p h a and p r o m i n e n t a t t o r n e y in Cincini heduled as p r i n c i p a l s p e a k e r on t h e a n n i v e r s a r y p r o g r a m ) . A m i d t h e H o m e c o m i n g a c t i v i t i e s conducted h e r e d u r i n g t h e week of N o v e m b e r 14-20, We b r o t h e r ! of A l p h a Chi w e r e h a p p y to h a v e w i t h us B r o t h e r s Virgil C a m p b e l l a n d R. M. H a s k i n s from T a u C h a p , . ' , (Jtuvei B r o t h e r C a m p b e l l is doing hi-; i tudy a t I U., a n d B r o t h e r H a s k i n is t h e r e fulfilling t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s for his d o c t o r a t e in chemi.-try. B r o t h e r W a l t e r S. H o u s t o n , p r e s i d e n t of Alph C h a p t e r , w a s elected p r e s i d e n t of t h e V a r s i t y Club, which t h e v a r s i t y l e t t e r m e n o n t h e c a m p u s o r g a n i z e d of l a t e . B r o t h e r H a r r i s L a Monte Mitchell, Chapter and presently the competent tree Alpha Chi, w a s chosen publicity d i r e c t o r of t h e s a m e i z a t i o n . T h r o u g h o u t t h e school-year t h e Club will s p o n s o r v a r i o u s a c t i v i t i e s to s t i m u l a t e g r e a t e r i n t e r e s t in athetotics a t F i s k . T h i s school-year, B r o t h e r B. F r a n k l i n M u r p h y , F i s k ' s t r i p l e - t h r e a t h e r e , h a s s u r p a s s e d his g l a r i n g excellence of previous y e a r s on t h e g r i d i r o n . In the Kuoxviile F i s k g a m e , October 2:?, B r o t h e r M u r p h y r a n 8 I a p a s s to m a k e a t o u c h d o w n . T h e n , in t h e L a n e - F i s k battle, O c t o b e r 30, he s t r o d e 80 or a touchdown, t h e only s c o r i n g done by F i s h in this g a m e which L a n e e m e r g e d t h e vict her F r a n k lin M u r p h y h a s become an idol for football fans both on and off t h e c a m p u s . W h e n t h e F i s k Bulldogs w e n t to m e e t T a l l a d e g a ' s C r i m s o n T o r n a d o e s on N o v e m b e r 18, A l p h a Chi C h a p t e r s p o n s o r e d a bus t r i p from Nashville to Tallad e g a in o r d e r t h a t i n t e r e s t e d football fans m i g h t go and see t h e t w o t e a m s s t r u g g l e . Vc -some s t u d e n t s , s o m e f a c u l t y m e m b e r s — t o o k a d v a n t a g e of t h i s special conveyance into S o u t h e r n A l a b a m a . T h e w a r m , cordial a t m o s p h e r e which t h e b r o t h e r s of Alpha Bets afforded for u s w a s h i g h l y c o m m e n d a b l e . A s we h a v e b y l e t t e r , so n o w by t h e S P H I N X we b r o t h e r s of A l p h a Chi e x p r e s s o u r t h a n k s for the v which A l p h a B e t a showed us and OUX c o m p a n y of fri<

Gary, Ind.. Cecfl B Arthur Th


Winslow, ha S p h i n x .


ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER West Virginia Slate College ' :,"-r 01* Man Graduation nearly wreck the Alpha Zeta Chapter in years, eleven bn '" school this build anew under the capable


lea,! weTe

>,!' the work in '• and Bro T m '

acquaint. >'""•• in

to help with ,m Sills fro;


I'hi. freshman

Don p.,, | ft was considered the be t smoki .iven


history. Additional |


ram, commemorating the Alpha and Alph;. item on n full y e a r ' s c a l e n d a r .

t h i r t y - f i r s t Mrtl b i r t h d a y , is t h e

•Id nigh! recently ten men become ,,f Alpha

ing W.







1- Lewis, II. M c C a r t h y , .1. M u r r a y , T.

Bro, l.. Atki;

added to

the g r o u p of n e o p h y t e - . . New a d d i t i o n s 111 le: S m a l l e r Hi,,'!, , AM,-,,. V

to (he

Sphinx Yi!chanl,

nd Bach and every or,.' of the new fellov ' " l! ideals. 1" l-;' tp with the a c t i v i t i e s ,,!' oin

tuatet .

we I

dent, Bro. .i n in the il of Vn Bra " r u t " Bmythe ws New Fork, Bros. Kidd and Morgai rolled in Me B


iching in Virginia. , pier Icetl and Mapper. i dl team n i American li. of M i c h i g a n , .

However, we're still doing fairly p Yell racket; Bro. Alston. Vie; meil and President oi I V i r g i n i a I'!.,

.,,,,1 1',,, If of the

Id by broth • Sphinxmen Taylor, Smith.

,,,.,„ ..Indent

nrtdiron • m; and m a n y

held by the Chapter. I ill Alph

[uck and

William A. i;

ently published monograph, "Ceramics: Vocational and A v o e a l i o n a l , " has b r o u g h t widespread i< i S u m l e r K. Davis, who g r a d u a t e d

n to from


December, 1937

the West Virginia State College in June, 1937. National-wide distribution has been given the pamphlet, and with the first edition of twelve hundred copies now practically exhausted, colleges, vocational counselors and camps throughout the United States are calling for additional copies. A forty-page booklet, it is attractively illustrated and bound. As a "plan for the development of industrial art courses in ceramics for elementary, junior and senior high schools in West Virginia, together with possibilities as an occupation and a home industry," it is one of the most unique pieces of undergradute research to be published in recent years. —The Yellow Jacket, October 8, 1937. o

THETA LAMBDA CHAPTER Dayton, Ohio Dear Brothers: Theta Lambda Chapter sends greetings as we approach the Holiday Season and the time for our national convention. We regret that previous communications have not reached the Sphinx, never the less we have been carrying on under the leadership of brother Dick Price, sometimes cheerfully and at other times in the shadows. During the past year, two of our most stalwart brothers departed this life in the persons of Brother Lloyd Hathcock who was one of our leading dentists of this city and Bro. Grant Huffman an outstanding physician who practiced for many years in the city of Richmond, Indiana. Last May our delegates, brothers Price and Carter attended the sessions of the Regional Convention which took place on the campus at Wilberforce. On Sunday, May, 16, the chapter worshipped at St. Margarets Episcopal Church of which Brother J. N. Samuels-Belborer is vicar. Later in the day many of the brothers journeyed to Wilberforce to be present at the convention banquet, Brother Thos. Busch carried greetings from Theta Lambda. Brother Charles Greene of Atlanta, Ga. spent several weeks in the city in behalf of The Atlanta Life & Accident Insurance Co. Later in the summer Brother Max Yergan was tendered a banquet in the home of Dr. Owen McFall. On the evening of Oct. 16, we celebrated the sixteenth anniversary of the founding of the chapter with a banquet at Miami View Golf Club, Brother Clarence Cameron White was guest of honor. This was a rousing affair to which ninety-five percent of the Alpha men of this city responded. Brother B. A. Rose as master of ceremonies did justice to the occasion and several brothers responded with remarks touching various phases of chapter activities. After a final speech by brother White the affair was closed by singing the Fraternity song. We are making preparations for the coming gathering at New Orleans and hope to see a large number of the old acquaintances at that time. With kind regards I am Fraternally your, Jas, M. Pierce.


Page 35

BETA PI CHAPTER Lane College Once again the voice of Beta Pi sounds greetings to all brothers in Alphadom from the campus of Lane College. Since our last communication Beta Pi has had many enthusiastic meetings and has been occupied with important activities. We feel that our chapter, under the leadership of Bro. Artis N. Burrow, has made a very definite amount of progress from the beginning of this school year. Alpha men continue to stay in the spot light on Lane's campus. Bro. Chester A. Kirkendoll is president of the Senior class and, also president of the Kaptor Honor Society. The Junior class is under the leadership of Bro. Fredrick Spann. "Captain" Bro. T. Warford led the "Lane College Dragons" to a victorious football season. Beta Pi boast of having more members affiliated with the Kaptor Honor Society than any other Greek letter organization on the campus. It is the aim of this chapter to instill in the minds of all who come in contact with members of our group what Alpha men represent. Our Sphinx club this year numbers twenty-four, twentyfour young men of whom we are justly proud. Beta Pi will be well represented in New Orleans at the Convention by Brothers Artis N. Burrow, and Will H. Anderson. Wishing Brothers every where a joyous Christmas season, on behalf of Beta Pi, I remain, Fraternally your, Chester A. Kirkendoll, Associate Editor. o

ETA LAMBDA CHAPTER Atlanta, Georgia As this year nears its close we must pause in retrosspection. We have come along this way with full cognizance of the mountaineous terrain, the hidden valleys, and arid plains. Through it all however has been the light in the distance that has seemed to beckon all good Alpha men to a goal of continued service. As a panorama of events unfold themselves we might be able to say that Eta Lambda has served well, yet we are not satisfied. We want fewer "Pin Wearers" whose only claim to fame is that they were charter members of dear old "Boola" chapter. We expect the reaffiliation of every man who has once crossed the "Burning Sands." We expect the interest of those brothers who may not be financially able to go all the way. We may be able to offer the hand of fellowship that is needed or the slap on the back that enables one to carry the load a bit farther. We approach the new year with grim determination. Already thirty-two men have "seen the secretary." More will follow. As they come Eta Lambda will reassert herself and move once again to the top of the mountain. The following notes serve, in a small measure, to chart the activities of our brethern during the year. T. M. Alexander—Business Tycoon—Chairman of the 1937 Community Chest Drive, Negro Division for the city of Atlanta. Re-elected president of Eta Lambda for 1938. Dr. John Allen—Sportsman—Dentist—Host to Alphas, sweethearts and friends at THE BARBECUE. "Tall


Page 36

f Champion." Brainard Birth—School teacher—Business man an aetil I BT, J a m e s P. B r a w l e r — D e a n of C l a r k U n i v e r s i t y h a s been ving t h i s y e a r to r a i s e c u r r i c u l u m s t a n d a r d s in ;der t h e M d Church. A l m a n u s V. D. C r o s b y — T e a c h e r ha mi to a Ben j o b in C o l u m b u s Ohio. E U L a m b d a b a c k s him. Dr. M 8. D a v a g e Pre ident of Clark U n i v e r s i t y is working feverishly in an effort to c u l m i n a t e t h e affiliai w i t h t h e U n i v e r s i t y s e t up a n d move to the WI :

Sid W m . II. will w'n his Ph D

BOW at H a r v a r d . He

ttive-Golfer-Bridge ent h u s i a s t c t al ] ut i ver a good Job for the A t l a n t a


December, 1937



Lorimer D Milt ii. One of H-

Executive m the

I in the re.-o.

ii A t -


Akoso Homos ad as







Mii.pliv ! Murphy- Literary critic— e a t future for the. N e g r o College t h e a t r e .



t — Assl tant Manager of Univi Elected chaplain of Eta Lambda-proje

McPheeiera Acting Dean al Clarke Uni < "bo- eiiMn: io o I m promoting the


Dr. H i r i n g tie

a fur-

Realts. Dr.



P>. D u B o i s — E m i n e n t




ition of F e d e r a l funds ber-Harris< n Blacl Haison V. E a g ' . e s o n — P h y s i c i s t —candid c a m e r a man achieved a m e a s u r e o with hi c h e r — h a s moved to South ll of the h ' g h school Wi ihes all bt > t h e n to know he ia still in t h e

as bert fold. Thomas J. Ferguson—Banker—reclaimed brother active j n the League ( i n v e n t i o n and an a p o s t l e of N e g r o Bu Win. F o w l k e s — N e w s ] in—music ted Editor-to-the S p h i n x — a c t i v e a s a m e m b e r of the Execut i v e c o m m i t t e e of Local N o . 462 of t h e Musii on. A r t i s G r a v e s — A s s i s t a n t Coach a t M o r r i s B r o w n — t u i o u t a c h a m p i o n s h i p team l a s t y e a r . \V. G r e e n — F i r s t Vice P r e s i d e n t " t r a v e H i n " man — a b u l w a r k in t h e c o m m u n i t y H a r r i s and W i l b u r J o n e s s p r e a d t h e activ; Lambda around Athens. Burwell T. H a r v e y - F o o t b a l l and basketball official pining a f ' g h t t ' i z a t o n of t e a c h e r ' s so in G e o r g i a is in t h e offing. Elected Vice pre


Dr. N a t h a n i e l LaMar—-Doctor-—conscientious objector — dyed in ' Alpl.a-carrii s on in a p r o g r a m for community • nt. Andrew




II —Scout comm Regional diI for t h e s o u t h e r n division at the Is building chara<

D r . R a y f o r d L o g a n — D i r e c t o r of E d u c a t i o n a l Activ — C o - o r d i n a t o r of t h e A t l a n t a F e d e r a l F o r u m 1937—

n. her who acl

W. 1). T h o m a s - Fillio


swing musk on the map in Atlan Michael E. Turrentinc B iri University — Man behind the Gun re-elected tn Eta Lambda. director Atlanta School i Wo denl local NAACP Second \ • Pri d Ct llfi r e l i c

; al


i a vital m in all of community activity. J. L. Whiting Prof -Morehouse ardent angler—interested of world aff Through







"•. -l. Jerome Rob nson, Assl tout Beers rmer member of Gamma; Alton M. Chllda II. Beta Ton; Calvin Beckett, T Alpha Lambda; Hobart Jack . Richard Alpha Rhoj Arnold Wright, w. \\. !•;. Blanehet, and l In closing may we e m p h a s i z e that We «. II be in New Orlei .iidi.

Fraternally y Nelson C. J Editi

Lambda. ib R. Henderson—Low Cosi Boosing offidal -putting o v e r a go d job as c h a i r m a n of the P a n Hel .ncil. N e l s o n C. J a c k s o n Social W o r k e r — P r e s i d e n t of A t l a n t a V o c a t i o n a l G u i d a n c e Council—re-elected s e c r e t a r y of Eta Lambda. D r . C h a r l e s H. J o h n s o n — D o c t o r — S i r e A r c h o n of the B o u l e ' — A c t i v e l y i n t e r e s t e d in p r o m o t i n g t h e c a u s e of A l p h a e v e r y w h e r e . Reginald J o h n s o n — S o c i a l W o r k e r — m o v e d to Br. a d w a y w h e r e he is A c t i n g Head of the Work. iu a t the National Urban "Congrat T h e o d o r e J o h n s o n — E d u c a t i o n a l Advi n COC moved to T e n n e s s e e wr ia c o n t i n u i n g his work.


Spoke o Walter H. Smith Insurance i of quietly.



ALPHA LAMBDA CHAPTER Louisville, Kentucky Alpha Lambda Chapter sends greetings to associate chapters throughout the country. Many of our hi our Dg the g r e a t flocd, A l p h a L a m b d a

I a telegram or letter from some of the Alpha Phi Alpha Natii r er our in ol i. not • I I

here in Lou telegrams and

,i hundri National

in man] her C, M

:iy appointed as Super

v i s o r of t h e newly c r e a t i 11 alffa I e n t e r a t a s a l a r y of $200.00 p e r m o n t h .

December, 1937


Brother Wilson Ballard is one of our school dentists also in charge of Dental work at the Health Center. Brother Orville Ballard is the Physician in charge at the Waverly Hill Sanitorium. Brother Chas. Green, Vice President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity was a special guest at our monthly meeting held recently at the Allen Hotel. Brother Stewart Pickatt, a product of Tau Chapter, University of Illinois is one of ihe Assistants of the Boy Scouts of America, he has given good account of himself as a Scout Ofi'icia!, during the recent flood he was in

charge oj the Scouts. Brother H. E. Hall is President of the Mammoth Life Insurance Company. Fiank- L. Stanley, a graduate of Atlanta University, is one of our laad'ng young business men, he is the Editor of the Louisville Defender the leading weekly paper in Kentucky, he is also President of the Mid Western Athletic Association. Chas. W. Anderson a mamber of Kentucky Legislature was re-elected on the Republican ticket. Brother Anderson at the last session of the Ky. Legislature introduced a bill to provide education for members of the race in other schools outside of the state, in cases where the training could not be obtained in this state. S. V. Owens is the General Supervisor of the Re-Employment Bureau under management of the U. S. Government, he is assisted by Brother William Guest. Rev. Prank Madison Reid who is Pastor of St. Paul A. M. E. Church in St. L:uis and who was a candidate for Bishop in the last General Conference is a member of Alpha Lambda Chapter he expects to attend the meeting in New Orleans. Brother P. O. Sweeney is one of our leading Dentist, he has been President of Alpha Lambda Chapter during the past year and President of the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Brother Lyman T. Johnson a teacher in Central High School was elected at the last meeting of the Chapter as President, he is alio President of the local Pan Hellenic Council. Dr. J. B. Hudson, formerly of Memphis, Tenn., surprised the brothers recently when he announced his marriage to a very charm ng young member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority in the person of Miss Lillian Leona Williamson daughter of Prof, and Mrs. C. F. Williamson of New Albany, Ind.


Page 37 XI CHAPTER Wilberforce, Ohio

Greetings brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha! Xi Chapter started off this year with a big program just as it has in the past. The annual smoker at which the Sphinx Club entertained the freshmen by presentation of the fraternity went over in a big way. Bro. Dr. Mills, one of four brothers who were appointed on the facuity this year, gave a very impressive talk. New officers were elected the first of this month. The cutc:me of the election was as follows: President, Brother James Dunn; Vice Pre:ident, Brother Eugene Stanley; and Brother James H. Rcbinson, Jr. was re-e'ected to the office of secretary. Brother William Brown was of course unanimously re-elected as treasurer. The President elect and Vica President-elect will take office in January. We feel rather conf dent that Xi Chapter will continue to attain great heights with such outstanding brothers to lead us. On Saturday night, November 23, Xi Chapter brought into the fold ten barbs who we may now call brothers. The neophyte brothers are: Brothers Lleyd Parker, John Letts, Albert McKee, Hubert Byron, Ernest Hatney, Maurica Barnett, The mas South, Raverend Sylvester Cousins, Reverend Charles Edward Taylcr, and William Gillespie. All of these neophyte brothers are of typical Alpha stock; hence we shall expect them to take their stand in Alpha Phi Alpha. Our President Brother Joe N. Moore gave a very impressive talk at a recent chapel session. Brother James Dunn, President elect, gave an inspiring talk on a program sponsored by the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Xi Chapter suffered the loss of approximately fifteen brothers who graduated last year. Some of them are: Brothers Joseph Allen and Samuel Morris, brth of whom are now doing work in the School of Divinity at Yale University as recipients of scholarship. Others are Brother Elbert Rogers who is now attending the University of Minnesota; Brother Joe Smith who is affiliated with the Board of Education in Cleveland; Brother Kenneth Johnson, teaching in South Bend, Indiana; Brother Charles Tarpley, teaching in Memphis, Tenn.; Brothers Horace and David Raines who are in the graduate school at Ohio State University; and others. These brothers show their continued interest in Xi by their frequent correspondence and visits. Xi Chapter will send a large delegation to the General Convention. "On to New Orleans", has been the by-word tnd the spirit of Xi since our first meeting this school year. In keeping with the spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha I close with—On to New Orleans! Fraternally yours, Brother Forrester A. Lee, Xi Chapter.


Brother Reid Jackson member of Faculty at Dilliard University who recently received an honorary degree is a member <>f Alpha Lambda. o Brother Nathan Hale is in charge of the CCC Camp at P'ort Knox, Ky.

In the Spring of 1936 the cornerstone to an addition to the Carnegie Library at Wilberforce University was laid Recently, soon after the completion of the addition, Xi presented to the library a beautifully finished mahogany book case. This book case now stands in the newly erected addition to the library.


BETA THETA CHAPTER Bluefield State College Greetings Brothers: The local school organ of Bluefield State carried the le that is written below: iid in Scholarship Set by Alphas a t Bluefield State Teachers College." The Beta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity with a general average of better than " B " set a newhigh in scholarship among the Greek Letter men on this campus last semester. The highest average before this time was also held by Alphas. And Brothers, that has been the story since here we've hope it may continue. In compiling the avei•for the past semester it was found that the high individual average was made by Brother John Flippen; > ml highest individual average was obtained w hi]. by our chapter secretary, Brother LeRoy Allen. Other making the Dean's Honor Roll were Bros. Joseph y, Robert Moose and Matthew Johnson. We are attempting to hold Alpha Phi Alpha up in scholarship for •at semester. Alphadom is well represented on the gridiron also. Brother Gunn is first string quarterback and has dOM his part in every game to help the Big Blues regain their former rating. He is almost certain to 1) : on the All C. I. A. A. Team. Brother Perry is first string guard and is one of the best in the conace. Brother Robert Moose is an understudy of Brother Perry but gives him plenty competition. Last but not least is Brother PettigTew, a halfback, who shows promise of making good. To the Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha we send hearty gi and best wishes for the Yuletide season. We will b you a t New Orleans. Fraternally yours, Robert Moose. o

ALPHA PHI CHAPTER Clark University Brothers: Alpha Phi is looking forward to one of the best years in the history of the chapter with Alpha Phi well reented in every extra-curricular activity on the camUnder the tutorage of Brother Ralph C. Robinson, head coach, Brothers Marion Curry, John Mims and Oliver Holder are holding high the name in the reign of S.I.A.A. Conference. Brother Marion Curry is considered as a -ibie choice for All-Southern end. Brother Eugene Brown, the physical director of the football team, is doing fine work. Brother N. Gilbert Denson, now heading the senior class as its President, is really carrying on in the good Alpha way. At his side stands Brother Westry Home as Vice ident. These brothers will beyond a doubt bring to Clark University the most outstanding senior class in its history. Alpha Phi is standing high in Forensic with Broth try Home and N. Gilbert Denson. Sports for the Mentor with picturesque contributions are handled very uniquely by Brother Robert Dawson. There is the busiof circulation which is very important and ha been placed in the hands of Brother Edward Taylor Thus with


December, 1937

these Alpha men carrying on the college publication it Undoubtedly B year of worthy issues. The Student AthlehY .\ Delation ying on the :v,nl ' Ity very ef feet ively under the leadership oj resident, H Brother N. Gilbert Densca V lent and Brother Edward Taylor Publicity A Alpha Phi Chapter to the campus Brother Lawrence Marshall bom Duquesnc University who is an • ta MM lepartment at Clark University and student, a t Gammon The©. Sem. and Brother TJ. Barley of Beta Zeta chaster of Samuel Huston College who is now a student at Gammon Thro. 9©nV Alpha PW Chapter had on a night in September of this academic year an urtroduetorj for the new men of the campus in the "Oasis" located la Lenta Rail of Clark University. The welcome address was given by Brother Westry Home, thi flowed by Pep songs by Brother Oliver Holder. Hot dog id drinks were served and seemly very much enjoyed by all. The main address wa by Brother E. Lather Brookes Head of the Dept of Natural Science, Alpha Phi will in the near future celebrate its tenth anniversary, Karl, brother of this chapter thai ran possibly he reached will receive invitation. Officers Of Alpha Phi: President, Westrj Hoi Ident, Marion Curry; Secretary, John T. Mims; Secretary, Edward Taylor; Ti , Eugene Brown; Reporter, Robert Dawson. Fraternally you Robert Dawson, Reporter. — o

ETA CHAPTER New York. N. Y. in Alpha, ings: Eta Chapter, whose , Includes Broadway and 42nd Street When bJng happens, extends to all Brothers the heart l e t of the seasons greetings. Ti from the bean of every Eta Bn Wft0M <:|,anl ' be Isle of Manhattan built upon a rock, Before going further, allow me to give to Alpha a bit eot found in the press. Eta recently had an election of officers and good Brothers tried and true were elected to follow In the footsteps ,,f those whose work was so outstanding that they are leaving footprints in a bed of that will be hard to fill. Ray Hatcher, n Ident of Nu Chapter, was elected President Ford Dabaey, Jr., a senior at N. Y. U. and one of Eta's own pride and joys, was elected VicePresident. Edward Byas was re-elected Secretary, James . another former pride anil Joy of N'u u .-led .surer. Thomas Coleman was reelected financial Seciy. Carl Mahew a neophyte Brother was elected to zuulv thi Eta, perhaps as a tribute to his prayerful attitude while crossing the sands that reh and in scorching purge the body and soul of all evil thoughts, attitude, snd intentions. Two perennial offi« in Eta were re elected In Brother Fred D. Atwater, Sergeant at Arms and your humble servant, J. Barksdale Brown, i Sphinx. Great has been the activity of the Brothers both in and out of the Chapter, Columbus Hay Eta Chapter gave its initial matinee scholarship dance which not only af-


December, 1937

forded an opportunity for some worthy youngster to further his education, but, also, allowed many to limber up their legs in preparation for what promises to be a very hectic winter social season. Brothers, the Crescent City has beckoned and preparations are under way to send a delegation that is a delegation to that fair city of the south. Eta and all Metropolitan Chapters will be well represented by Brothers who can rise to heights as regards forensic ability during the sessions and return in the evening to give the fair damsels an idea of the fine a r t of highly developed social graces. (Seems like we got something there—in fact, we took it aside and worked on it for a while). It is hoped that all Brothers attending will have a swell time and after having it sorta remember you ain't seen nothing yet, because here yesterday we made what will be news to you day after tomorrow. All we desire is that you come to New York during the World's Fair to see how things are done, how history is made not only at night but twenty-four hours a day. Brother Dick Campbell, a neophyte Brother, is directing a group of players known as the Rose McClendon Players soon to present Goodbye Again at our Y. W. C. A. Among the group are Brothers Vester Buy Fowlkes, James Mason, Jack Onander, C. E. Lucas, and J. Barksdale Brown. A deal of progress has been made and the venture will be worthy of Eta. Back in circulation is Brother Rev. Johnson, Columbia track captain and holder of innumerable records. Ben's French has improved a thousand percent since he started receiving letters from France. Brother J. Coleman Williams, whose name was not listed merely as an officer of Eta Chapter, was re-elected Manager of Eta's basketball team. His success last year in placing frat ball back on its proper pedestal was one of the most commendable acts performed by any brother in recent years. His team of this year seems to be of championship calibre so we doff our hats to Brother Williams. Fraternally yours, J. Barksdale Brown.

ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA New York. N. Y. Brothers of Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter extend congratulations together with pledges of support to their newly elected, or perhaps we should more properly say, re-elected officers for the 1938 term. In recognition of the long, unselfish, untiring, and efficient service performed by the present incumbents in office, the Chapter returned the entire official staff, along with two additions, back in office. These officers are the following: Dr. F. R. Allen, President, Re-elected; Dr. M. DeLeon, Vice President, Re-elected; Bro. E. Guinier, Secretary, Reelected; Dr. L. Middleton, Ass't. Secretary, Newly elected; Dr. G. Norman, Sr., Fin. /Secretary, Re-elected; Dr .C. McClendon, Treasurer, Re-elected; Dr. C. Franklin, AssocEditor to Sphinx, Re-elected; Bro. C. Richardson, Chr. Soc. Committee, Re-elected; Bro. Walker, Chr. Activities Com., Re-elected; Bro. F. Thompson, Chr. Educational Com. Newly Elected; Lay members to the Executive Committee are: Doctors L. Brown, E. Lowry, and W. Randolph, Jr. . In further recognition of the splendid character of their service as members and officers of the Chapter and of their excellent ability as representatives of the Chapter,


Page 39

Alpha Gamma Lambda has elected as regular delegates to the 1937 Convention in New Orleans Dr. Gerald F. Norman, Sr. and Bro. Ewart Guinier. As an alternate delegate, Dr. Charles L. Franklin was elected,

MU CHAPTER St. Paul-Minneapolis Mu Chapter resumed its activities for the school year, on September 28th. Mu is optimistic in regard to the prospects for the coming year. The first meeting was marked by a spirit of fraternalism and good fellowship. The president of Mu, Brother John R. Lawrence, submitted among his recommendations to the Executive Committee the following recommendations for consideration: 1. That on alternating bi-monthly meetings during the month of October, December, February, April, and June, a program be presented featuring a speaker or some other form of program. 2. That during the months of November, January, March, and May a mixer be given either closed or for the collegiate group. 3. That we celebrate Founder's Day in January as prescribed by the fraternity at the last convention. 4. That a formal party be held in March, 1938. 5. That we promote an Education—For—Citizenship Campaign in 1938. 6. That more time be devoted to Ritual Drill. 7. That Athletic competion between the Colored fraternities at Minnesota be encouraged. 8. That Mu support any efforts for the creation of a Pan Hellenic Council at Minnesota. A new system of finance was installed which promises to work to the advantage of the fraternity and the brothers. Mu is making plans for the coming Alpha Convention in New Orleans. The Sphinx club under pledge masters Brothers Normen Lyght and Henry R. Thomas have made plans for the school year. These are the thirteen pledges in the club at present: William C. Smith, Walter Goins, Timothy Mills, Ransom Goins, Walter Robinson, Richard Stokes, Winston Richardson, James Kirk, Charles Moore, Louis Moore, Ernest Potts, Ealyn Bell, and Victor Calloway. Already the Sphinx club has given a weiner roast and are planning a social event in the near future. Mu extends its best wishes- to all the Alpha chapters and Alpha Brothers, wishing them a successful year. Henry Robert Thomas, Associate Editor to Sphinx.

BETA BETA LAMBDA CHAPTER Miami. Florida Greetings to all Alpha Phi Alpha: Beta Beta Lambda Chapter, at the deep south, joins the fold of Alpha Phi Alpha with great joy and happiness Beta Beta Lambda holds the distinction of being Alpha's youngest graduate chapter. After long silence the Sphinx spoke in our great city of Miami on the night of November 18, 1937. The ceremonies were conducted by Brother Charles W. Greene, Southern Regional Vice-President. An Alpha

Page 40


ker followed t h e c e r e m o n i e s . Both w e r e held a t the beautiful h o m e of B r o t h e r Dr. William H. M u r r e l l . T h e Umax S a t u r d a y n i g h t , N o v e m h c a l l i n g all G r e e k s <jf t h e city to an informal g a t h e r i n g a t i i deral Hou • •ct. R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s from all Greek L e t t e r O r g a n i s e Bfc T h e d< unanimously expressto p r o m o t e collegiate f r a t e r n a l life h e r e in Miami. !eta L a m b d a not on!y s t a r t s f r a t e r n a l life in mi but also b r o u g h t back to t h e fold of A l p h a t u n William 11. Murrell and Dr. A \V. Goodwin, who have been out fee more than fi; r e n e w e d t h a t Old Alpha Spirit p u t t i n g their s h o u l d e r to the task of k e e p i n g in ting with A l p h a ' s j r r e i t n a m e . We h a v e a m o n g o u r nu 1! ' BB Hull, i- of C h i c a g o , who I his t w e n t y s e v e n t h annivi 1 ;[>11.i man I We a r e proud to h a v e him. Hn in Miami ore shall c o n t i n u e to do all t h a t is in live up to t h e noble ideas and a i m s of A l p h a Phi A l p h a . O u r C h a p t e r R o s t e r is as follows:

P. Eugene Butler, President; Brother Dr. William EL Murrell, Vice President; Brother Frederick I - -John-

; B r o t h e r Leo A. L u c a s , A s s t SecDr. Ira ]'. Davis T r e a s u r e r ; B r o t h e r . C h a p l a i n ; B r o t h e r Dr. A a r o n W. Good'-at a r m s ; B r o t h * ! Dr. S a m u e l H. John amentarian. ia B e t a L a m b d a hopes to m e e t you a t N e w O r l e a n s

tternaUy, Leo A. Lucas. o Kansas City, Mo.

were elected: John L. Howell President; .1. R. Lillard, Vice President; Charles B. West. Secretary; .1. H. Bluurer; .lames A. Jeffress, Corresponding Secretary; Thomas A. Webster, Editor to Sphinx; Guj D Financial Secretary; John A. Clair. Chaplain; J. A. Curry] At-Arms. tes to t h e P a n - H e l l e n e Council a r e : M a t h e w E. oil, R a l p h M a r s d e n and R Butler. The chap within its r a n k s a newly m a r r i e d b r o t h e r in in p r i n t i n g at. the R. T. < School who m a i i i . Maud Phillips of H a m p t o n ,

ginia, this summer. Brothei Guy Davis, Business Manager at the \\ Provident Hospital, served • -,„ „f Tea


in t h e a n n u a l Ch., impaign. lent of t h e Missouri E I term a t

' m e e t i n g in St. Louis. M



ALPHA ZETA LAMBDA Bluefield, W e s t


A l p h a Zeta m e t a t the World W a r M e m o r i a l Building in

. " ' ' ' ; • N"VI'"11''''' Wi with the ! . Brother Dr. R. H^^inbotham, presiding and with very few brothers •»• '''he true Alpha spirit prevailed during tl m g and a v e r y enjoyable | t ,y all p r e s e n t Most Oi the time w a s s p e n t in the •

'"'• «M ensuing year. Brother John H. Franklin, Principal " t h r ""ybwry School, was eject .resident After the ior the convention W



i ""'

tWO a r e none o t h e r

t h a n the chap-

'.";,' 1 ', 1 ' • Brothers n. L Dicks on and B.W. Browne. In turn they will let the convention !. what Alpha Zeta Lambda ta the mo g i n i a , i , doin». The B r o t h e r s w a n t to let the world know

"»t Alpha Zeta Lambda Alpha'- greatest live wire chapters, This will be shown by the large numb* who will attend the convention this year „ pter" W to affiliate wfth ih. lDJaed Pan -" il in this seel Brother <'arroll. new i„. maaafw of Blnafield State leach,.

" , : " i r • f «* i , r " i ' " * * " ""• •• d.d.Khtful

,,, affiliated

with the c h a p t e r

the brothers. n, the bi


oioyed a rery

r e p a a t T h e c h a p t e r Chef. Iv \\ . , • , , ' , „ , , , |

I"- h.^hly commended (or such a menu. 'lh,">' i"' ei Brothers John ll. FranklJi L B McClanahan, Dr, C A I ; . , , , , , ,„, .,. K V a r t „ ' , y raylor, H. I,. Djckason, T. B. Branch, J. H. Byera, Hand I ! A '• ' ""i"' - •'• - ShaHon, i; A Chappdlls, Dr l» T Mur ray, R. A. Carroll, Dr. j . c. Kingalow, Dr. I'. R HiKKinS. CoUtel


Alpha Zeta Umbos take- thai opportunity to wish all

Th3 election of officers of B e t a L a m b d a C h a p t e r of A l p h a P h i A l p h a w a s held a t t h e d i n n e r m e e t i n g a t t h e U r b a n L e a g u e in N o v e m b e r ami t h e following lie.

Men's Division ither B e r t M a ]

December, 1937

b o t h a m , Dr, I . G. H „ , ; , , , I . S h e r m a n B r o w n e an,I II. S m i t h J o n e s .




m e e t i n g wore B r o t h »i J- R- Lillard, J . 0 . M o r r i s o n , I iley, J r , Guy Davis, J . A. C u r r y , R a l p h M a r s d e n ! A. C. Wilson, M a t h e w E. I Dan 11 H1 ' B. W e s t , J o h n A. Clair, oan J o n e s , J o h n Howell, E m m e t ! Walls, Dr. Horace -reins, R ,,.,. ly y o u r s , T h o m a s A. Webs: Executive Secretary.

B r o t h e r s in A l p h a d o m a v e r y M e r r y C h n s t m a s a n d real Alpha New Y e a r .

Ve. oally you SHERMAN S. COLLINS,

TO THE BROTHERS OF OMEGA CHAPTER, WE PAY TRIBUTE To you. Jewel Robert H. Ogle, and all brothers who have traversed the upward trail to Omega Chapter since the last Convention, we pause to pay tribute—and to draw renewed strength and inspiration from your indomitable spirit. It is the spirit that abides with us today. And forever and a day will it point the way to the blessed consummation of the Christmastide, "On Earth Peace, Good Will Toward Men."



39. ALPHA SIGMA—Marshall. Texas—Pres., Jamee Taylor; Sec, Joseph P. Sample, Jr.; C. Sec., Warren A. Boswell, Wiley College. 40. ALPHA TAU—Akron, Ohio—President. Norman O. Chestnut, 276 Euclid St.; Secretary, Rufus Thompson, 647 Edgewood Avenue. , 41. ALPHA UPSILON—Detroit, Michigan—Pres., Lawrence B. Bleach, Jr., 635 E. Elizabeth; Sec., Lonnie J. Saunders, 9613 Delmar. 42. ALPHA PHI—Atlanta, Georgia—Pres., Edward McGowen; Sec, Westry G. Home, Clark University. 43. ALPHA CHI—Nashville. Tennessee -Pres., Walter Houston; Sec, Wythe F. Cooper, Jr., Fisk University. 44. ALPHA PSI—Jefferson City, Mo.—Pres.. Augustus Low; Sec, MallaIieu Woolflolc; Cor. Sec, James F. Goble, Lincoln University. 45. BETA ALPHA—Baltimore, Md.—Presid ent, Herbert G. Harbin, Morgan College; Secretary, J. Hyland Reed, Morgan College. 46. BETA BETA—Lincoln, Nebraska—Pres., Howard H. Hatter, 1929 You Street; Sec, Merle Herriford, 1035 Rose Street. 47. BETA GAMMA—Bttrick, Virginia—Pres., Jack H. Robinson; C. Sec, Thomas C. Day; R. S e c , Wade S. Phelps, Virginia State College. 48. BETA DELTA—Orangeburg, Fred J. Pride, State College.

S. Carolina—Pres., JUes Edwards;


49. BETA EPSILON—Greensboro, N. Carolina—Pres., McHenry Norman, Jr.; Sec, Wesley H. Motley, A. 8c T. College.


50. BETA ZETA—Austin, Texas—Pres., Eugene A. Owens, Samuel Huston College; Sec, LaVon E. Smith, 1314 Bob Harrison St. 51. BETA ETA—Carbondale, Illinois—Pres., Arnold C Banister. Jr.. 412 S. Illinois Avenue; Sec, Gaffery Taylor, Colp, Illinois. 52. BETA THETA—Bluefield, W. Virginia—Pres., Joseph W. Perry; S e c , LeRoy B. Allen, State Teachers College. 53. BETA IOTA—Kalamazoo, Michigan—Pres., Hackley E. Woodford. 114 North Park Street; Sec, John T. Tapley, 1331 W. Michigan. 54. BETA KAPPA—Langston, Okla.—Prea., Paul C. Strong; Sec, James McCann, Lagnston University. 55. BETA MU—Frankfort, Kentucky—Pres., Grover Stephens; Sec, W. Burghardt Turner, Kentucky State College. 56. BETA NU—Tallahassee, Florida—Pres., John Hicks; Sec, Amos L. P a rish, Fl». A. ec M. College. 57. BETA XI—Memphis, Tenn.—Pres, Henry Ryan; Sec, Christopher Roulhac. 810 East McLemore Street. 58. BETA OMICRON—Nashville, Tennessee—Pres., L. C. Turner; Sec, William M. Hafford, A. « I. State College. 59. BETA PI—Jackson, Tennessee Pres., Charles N. Berry; R. Sec, Aroa N. Burrow; C Sec, Wilson G. Graves, Lane College. 60. BETA RHO—Raleigh, N. Carolina—Prea., Benjamin A. Collier; R. S e c , Clarence J. Tobias; C. Sec, George D. Marshall; Aset. Sec, Walter E. Moore, Shaw University. 61. BETA SIGMA—Scotlandville, Louisiana—Pres., John D . Davis; S e c , Edgar T. Thornton, Southern University. 62. BETA TAU—New Orleans, Louisiana—Pres., Numa J. Rousseve; S e c , Giles O. Wright; Asst. Sec, Harold J. Bouise, Xavier University. 63. BETA UPSILON—Montgomery, Ala.—Pres., Eddie L. Mitcnell; Sea., Charles T. Battle, State Teachers College.


101. ALPHA LAMBDA—Louisville, Ky.—Pres. Dr. P. O. Sweeney, 601 W. Walnut S t ; Sec, Lee L. Brown, 1012 W. Chestnut St. 102. BETA LAMBDA—Kansas City, Missouri—Pres., Dr. A. C. Wilson, 2219 Tracy; C. Sec, James A. Jeffress, 2732 Highland. 103. GAMMA LAMBDA—Detroit, Michigan—Pres., E. R. Carney, 5769 Fisher Street; Sec, Rotlie C. McMahon, 6363 Van Court Street. 104. DELTA LAMBDA—Baltimore, Maryland—Pres., Furman L. Templeton, 1502 McCulloch Street; Sec. C. C. Jackson, Jr., 2325 Madison Avenue. 105. EPSILON LAMBDA—St. Louis, Missouri—Pres., Dr. J. Owen Blache, 2945 Lawton Avenue; C. Sec, Joseph C, Chapman; F. Sec, Louis P. Woodson, 4222 W. North Market St. 106. ZETA LAMBDA—Newport News, Virginia—Pres., T. Roger Thompson, 841 Hampton' Ave.; Sec, Attorney R. H. Pree, 2411 Jefferson Ave.; Asst. Sec, Charles H. Jones, 1125 40th Street. 107. THETA LAMBDA—Dayton, Ohio Pres., Dr. C. R. Price, 476 S. Broadway; Sec, T. C. Carter, 16 Sweetman Street. 108. ETA LAMBDA—Atlanta, Georgia—Pres., Theodore M. Alexander, 982 Ashby Grove, S. Wi; Sec, Nelson C. Jackson, 247 Henry St., S. W. 109. IOTA LAMBDA—Indianapolis, Indiana—Pres., Grant W. Hawkins. 2627 Shriver Avenue; Sec, Thomas L. Horner, 1647 Bellefontaine St. 110. KAPPA LAMBDA—Greensboro. N. Carolina—Pres., W. Jr.; Sec, B. H. Crutcher, A 8c T College.

E. Beavers,

111. MU LAMBDA—Washington, D. C.—Pres., James B. Browning, 151 "V" Street, N. W., Apt. 1, Sec.; Charles F. Gandy, 1933 11th St., N. W. 112. N U LAMBDA—Ettrick, Virginia—V. Pres., George W. Owens; Sec, James B. Cephas, Virginia State College. 113. XI LAMBDA—Chicago. Illinois—Pres., Luther S. Peck, 3560 S. Parkway; Sec, Lawrence T. Young, 6542 St. Lawrence Ave. 114. OMICRON LAMBDA—Birmingham, Aa.—Pres., A. D. Shores, R. F. D. 1, Box 755; Sec, H. Lovell Mosely 1304 First Court W. 115. PI LAMBDA—Litde- Rock, Arkansas—Pres., Dr. J. V. Jordan, 610>/2 W. Ninth Street; Sec, C. Franklin Brown, 1019 Cross Street. 116. RHO LAMBDA—Buffalo, New York—Pres., Alfred D . Davis, 121 Northland Ave.; Sec, James L. Robinson, 126 Pearl Street. 117. SIGMA LAMBDA—New Orleans, La.—Pres., William E. Belton, 2216 St. Phillip Street; Sec, Ferdinand L. Sousseve, Xavier University. 118. T A U LAMBDA—Nashville, Tenn.—Pres., William D . Hawkins, Jr., Fisk University; Sec, J. R. Andersn, 1027 18th Avenue, N. 119. UPSILON LAMBDA—Jacksonville, Fla.—Pres., C. S. Long, Edwards Waters College; Sec, Alfred Farrell, Edwards Waters College. 120. PHI LAMBDA—Raleigh, N. Carolina—Pres., Earle C. Horton, Shaw University; Sec, Charles H. Boyer, St. Augustine's College. 121. CHI LAMBLA—Wilberforce, Ohio—Pres., Milton S. J. Wright; Sec, Raymond O. Dickerson, Wilberforce University. 122. PSI LAMBDA—Chattanooga, Tenn.—Pres., Prof. B. T. Scruggs, 1909 Blackford Street; Sec, G. A. Key, 1211 Poplar Sereet. 123. ALPHA ALPHA LAMBDA—Newark, New Jersey—Pres., Dr. Ferdinand D. Williams, 191 Bloomfield Ave., Montclair, N. Jersey; Sec, Arthur C. Williams, 136 Lincoln St., Montclair, N. Jersey. 124. ALPHA BETA LAMBDA—Lexington, Ky.—Pres., E. M. Chenault, 226 W. Sixth Street; Sec, Dr. H . A. Merchant, 128 DeWeese Sereet.


125. ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA—New York City—Pres., Dr. Farrow R. Allen, 337 W. 138th Street; Sec, Ewart G. Quinier, 254 Decatur Street, Brooklyn, New York. 126. ALPHA DELTA LAMBDA—Memhpis, Tenn.—Pres., Lewis O. Swingler, 390 1-2 Beale Street; Sec, A. B. Owen, Jr., 598 Williams Ave. 127. ALPHA EPSILON LAMBDA—Jackson, Mississippi—Pres., Everett R. Lawrence, Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Miss.; Sec, Alan T. Busby, P. O. Box 176, Alcorn, Miss. 128. ALPHA ZETA LAMBDA—Bluefield, W. Virginia—Pres., P. R. Higginbotham, 622 Bland Street; Sec, Edward W. Browne, Box 576, Kxaball, W. Va. 129. ALPHA ETA LAMBDA—Houston, Texas—Pres., Walter M. Booker; Sec, Fred A. Jackson, Prairie View College, Prairie View, Texas. 130. ALPHA THETA LAMBDA—Atlantic City, N. J.—INACTIVE; Address: C. M. Cain, Arctic Ave. YMCA. 131 ALPHA IOTA LAMDBA—Charleston, W, Virginia—Pres., Earl J. Reason, 1041 Bridge Avenue; J. Kermit Hall, 1332 Washington St. E. 132. ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA—Roanoke, Virginia—Pres., Dr. Elwood D . Downing, 236 Patterson Ave. N. W.; Sec, Dr. George A. Moore, 106 East Vine Street. 133. ALPHA MU LAMBDA—Khoxville, Tennessee—Pres., Dr. N. A. Henderson, 745 Saxton Street; Sec, Darby D. Erwin, 209 Deaderick Avenue. 134. ALPHA N U LAMBDA—Tuskegee, Alabama—Pres., A. Maceo Hill; Sec, Hollis F. Price, Tuskegee Institute. 135. ALPHA XI LAMBDA—Toledo, Ohio—Pres., Wm. T. McKnight, 73» City Park Avenue; Sec, Roy L. Shelton, 510 Avondale Avenue. 136. ALPHA OMICRON . LAMBDA—Pittsburgh, Pa.—Pres., Henry D . Primas, 8360 Bricelyn St.; Sec, Wilbur C. Douglass, 518 Fourth Avenue. 137. ALPHA PI LAMBDA—Winston-Salem, N. C.—Pres., James O. Ellis, Atkins High School; C. Sec, Albert H. Anderson, Columbian Heights School; F. Sec, Dr. E. Shepard Wright, Bruce Building. 138. ALPHA RHO LAMBDA—Columbus, Ohio—Pr««., Dr. H. Sherman Manuel, 275 S. Grant Avenue; Sec, Charles F. Blackburn, 53 North 2 1st Street. 139. ALPHA SIGMA LAMBDA—Dallas, Texas—Pres., H. I. Holland, 3910 Diamond Street; Sec, James W. White, 2700 Flora Street. 140. ALPHA TAU LAMBDA—Tulsa, Oklahoma—Pres., T. W. Harris, 101 N. Greenwood Street: Sec, J. Tyler Smith. 124 Greenwood Street. 141. ALPHA UPSILON LAMBDA—Montgomery, Alabama—Pres., Cohen T. Simpson; Sec, J. Garrick Hardy, State Teachers College. 142. ALPHA PHI LAMBDA—Norfolk, Virginia—Pres., G. W. C. Brown, 1519 Calvert St.; Sec. P. Bernard Young, 721 Chapel Street; Asst. Sec. Thomas W. Young, 2509 Broad Creek Road. 143. ALPHA CHI LAMBDA—Augusta, Georgia—Pres., A. Murray Carter, 1108 12th Street; Sec, Eugene Y. Lowe, 920 Milledge Road. 144. ALPHA PSI LAMBDA—Columbia, S. Carolina—Pres., Abram Simpson, Allen University; Sec, Harry B. Rutherford, 1330 Gregg Street. 145. BETA ALPHA LAMBDA—Jersey City, N. Jersey—Pres., Dr. W. Harold Branch, 190 Duncan Ave.; Sec, John B. Frazier, 37'/ 2 Jewett Avenue. 147. BETA GAMMA LAMBDA—Richmond, Virginia—Pres., Wiley A. Halt, 1106 North First St.; Sec, George Peterson, Jr., 703 North Sixth Street; Asst. Sec, Christopher J. Foster, 503 West Clay Street. 149 BETA BETA LAMBDA—Miami, Florida—President, Dr. F. Eugene Butler, 159 N. W. 10th Street; Secretary, Frederick L. Johnson, 15S N. W. 10th Street.

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