The SPHINX | Fall October 1940 | Volume 26 | Number 3 194002603

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ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, Inc OFFICIAL DIRECTORY General Officers CHARLES H. WESLEY President Howard University, Washington, D. C. BERT A. McDONALD First Vice-President 319 East 48th St., Los Angeles, Calif. H. COUNCIL TRENHOLM Second Vice-President Ala. State College, Montgomery, Ala. ROGER F. GORDON Third Vice-President 1530 French St., Philadelphia, Pa. LUCIEN C. WRIGHT Fourth Vice-President 1304 E. Long St., Columbus, Ohio JOSEPH H. B. EVANS _ Secretary 101 S. Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. FARROW R. ALLEN Treasurer 337 West 138th St., New York City, New York LEWIS O. SWINGLER Editor Of The Sphinx 390 Vi Beale Street, Memphis, Tenn. RAYFORD W. LOGAN Director of Education Howard University, Washington, D. C. BELFORD V. LAWSON, JR. General Counsel 2001 11th, N. W., Washington, D. C. LAY MEMBERS EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Ferdinand L. Rousseve, 4636 Willow Street, New Orleans, La.; Walter S. Scott, Jr., 63 North 21st Street, Columbus, Ohio; Edward W. Brooke, 1730 First St., N. W. Washington, D. C. BELFORD V. LAWSON. JR., — Chairman Chapter Housing Commission. 2001 11th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. HOWARD H. LONG—Chairman. Committee on Public Opinion. 1112 Girard St., N. W., Washington, D. C.

HENRY L. DICKASON—Chairman, Committee On Standards. Bluefield State Teachers College Bluefield, W. Va. JEWELS Dr. Henry A. Callis, 2306 E St., N. E. Washington, D. C ; Nathaniel A. Murray, 150 You Street, N. W. Washington, D. C ; Vertner W. Tandy, 221 West 139th Street, New York City, N. Y.; George B. Kelly, 1-113th Street, Troy, New York. *Charles H. Chapman— *Roy H. Ogle— *James H. Morton— *Deceased. REGIONAL DIRECTORS Southern Jurisdiction, H. C. Trenholm, Vice-President; H. I. F. Nanton, The Carolina Tribune, Raleigh, N. C ; Felton G. Clark, Southern University, Scottlandville, La.; M. G. Ferguson, Citizens Savings and Trust Co., Nashville, Tenn.; Rufus G. Atwood, Ky. State College, Frankfort, Ky.; Eastern Jurisdiction: R. G. Gordon, Vice-President; John M. Moore, 1220 Howard Read, Richmond, Va.; John L. S. Holloman, Virginia Union University, Richmond, Va.; Mid-Western Jurisdiction: L. C. Wright, Vice-President; Grant W. Hawkins, 2627 Shriver Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind.; J. Kermit Hall, 1332 Washington Street, E., Charlesion, West Va.; Charles F. Lane, 4722 Langley, Chicago, 111.; Western Jurisdiction: B. A. McDonald, VicePresident; Kenneth L. Jones, Langston University, Langston, Okla.; C. Paul Johnson, 2700 Flora Street, Dallas, Texas; Bernard E. Squires, 326 Railway Exchange Bldg., Seattle, Wash.


ALPHA—Cornell University, Ithaca, New York; President, Dr. G. A. Galvin. 216 W. State Street; Secretary, Dr. Albert P. Johnson, 216 W. State Street. 2. BETA—Howard University. Washington, D. C.; President, Edward W. Brook. 1760 1st St., N. W.; Secretary, N. Alan Harris, 1917 3rd St, N. W. 3. GAMMA—Virginia Union University; Richmond, Va.; President, E. D. McCreary, Jr., Secretary, Percy Patricks, Virg'nia Union. 4. DELTA—Tillotson College. Austin, Texas; President, Milton E. Granville. Secretary, Joseph B. Bracy. 5. EPSILON—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; President, Peter J. Carter, Secretary, James Seldon, Jr., 311 Glen. 6. ZETA Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut; Pres. Sec. Dr. R. S. Fleming, 216 Dwight St. 7. ETA—Columbia University, St. Lawrence, Brooklyn, C C.. St. John University, Brooklyn, New York City; President, Mac C. Davies, 79 St. Nicholas Place, N. Y. C ; Secretary, Lucius C. Watson, 3 5 West 110th Street, N. Y. C. THETA—University of Chicago, Chicago, III.; President, George A. Denison, 4432 S. Parkway; Secretary, Clarence Robinson, 4934 Washington Pk. Ct. 9. IOTA—Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York; INACTIVE. 10. KAPPA—Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, President, Henry Parks, Jr., 75 E. 11th Ave., Secretary Robert R. Watson, Jr., 154 Monroe Ave. MU—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; President, John R. Lawrence, 947 Igle'iart Ave., St, Paul, Minn., Secretary, John M. Patton, 954 St. Anthony Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. 12. NU—Lincoln University, Pa. President, Roy Nichols; Secretary William Land. Lincoln University. 13. XI—Wilberforce University, Ohio; President, George Walker, Secretary, Warren Walker, Wilberforce University. 14. OMICRON—Pittsburgh, Pa., Pr-sident, Paul L. Jones, 228 West 14th, Homestead, Pa.; Secretary McDonald Williams, 201 Michigan Avenue, Betshoover, Pitts., Pa. 15. PI—Western Reserve, Cleveland, Ohio; President, Samuel Wade, 2285 East 89th Street; Secretary, Joseph D. Smith, 2813 Central Avenue, No. 584 16. RHO—Graduate Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Pres. Dr. W. P. Jerrick, 1843 Christian St.; C. Sec. Dr. O. Wilson Winters, 28 Curren Arcade; F. Sec. Norristown, Pa.; F. Sec. Dr. Percy I. Bowser, 5344 Race St. 17. SIGMA—Harvard University, Boston, Mass., President, Thomas A. Center, 54 Mt. Pleasant St., N. Cambridge, Mass., Secretary, Julian C. Branker, 1 1 Waumbeck St., Roxbury, Mass. 18. TAU—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111., President, Richard M. Haskins, Secretary, Willie B. Martin. 1305 W. Stoughton St., Urbana, III. 19. UPSILON—University of Kansas, Kan., State Teachers College, Em. poria, Kans., Kansas State College of Agriculture &L Applied Sciences, Manhattan, Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas; President, Harry Rawlins, Jr., Secretary, Richard Walker, 1101 Mississippi St.

ROSTER 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2 5. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 3 1. 32. 3 3. 34. 3 5. 36. 37.

PHI—Ohio University. Athens, Ohio; Pres. John W. Gasaway; Sec. Walter B. Allen, 155 W. Washington St. CHI—Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tenn., President, Max Johnson, Secretary, Donald M. Cary, 1017 16th Ave. PSI—University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; President, Alton C. Berry, 5314 Race St., Secretary, Ernest Smith, 208 N. 53rd St. ALPHA ALPHA—University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati College of Pharm. acy, Miami University, Cincinnati, Ohio; President, John W. Fleming, 1532 Linn St., Secretary, Saul S. Sanford, 747 Clark Street. ALPHA BETA—Talladega College. Talladega, Ala.; President, George E. Lee; Secretary, Andrew B. Randall, Corresponding Secretary, Erman W. Edgecombe, Talladega. ALPHA GAMMA—Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; INACTIVE—Address Joseph G. LeCount, 42 Westminister St. ALPHA DELTA—University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif., President, Edward C. Strong, 1145 Sunset Ave., Pasadena, Calif., Secretary, Henry Feltenberg, 1126 S. Serrano Ave. ALPHA EPSILON—University of California, Berkeley, California; Pres. Edward E. Aubert, 1601 Tyler St.; Sec. Theodore Smith, 2928 Grove St.; C. Sec. Henry L. Richardson, 1557 Seventh St., Oakland, Calif. ALPHA ZETA—West Virginia State College, Institute. W. Va., President. John F. Cuyjet, Secretary, Allan A. Holland, Jr., W. V. State College. AL. i I A ETA—Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; INACTIVE. ALPHA THETA—University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa; President, Julian Mason; Secretary, Clifton R. Jones, 815 Dubuque Street. ALPHA IOTA—University of Colorado, Denver, Colo., President, Howard Jenkins, Jr., 3131 Gilpin St., Secretary, John Wallar, 2606 Gilpin Si. ALPHA KAPPA—Springfield College, Amherst College. Amherst, Mass., Springfield, Massachusetts; Sec. Eric Headley, Springfield College. ALPHA MU—Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois; President, William B. Pollard, Secretary William C. Pyant, 1930 Brown Avenue. ALPHA NU—Iowa State College, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, Ames, Iowa; Pres. S. M. Riley, Jr.; Sec. Charles P. Howard, 515 Mulberry St., Des Moines, Iowa. ALPHA XI—University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; President, James P. Johnston, 928 31st St., Seattle, Washington; Secretary, Robert B. Pitts, 1319 E. 56th St., Seattle, Washington. ALPHA OMICRON—Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, N . C , President, Earnest N. Mattison, C. Secretary, Willie C. Parks, Johnson C. Smith University. ALPHA PI—Louisville Municipal College, Louisville, Kentucky; Pres. Perry A. Lively, 3431 W . Hale Ave.; Sec. Vernon E. Miller, 1740 Dumesnile St.


Official Organ of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc PUBLISHED FEBRUARY, MAY. OCTOBER, cmd DECEMBER VOLUME 26


Design Medalion For

OFFICIAL MEDALION ( F r o n t Cover)


M I S S G L A D Y S D. C L A G G E T T (Designer)

Miss C l a g g e t t is shown a t work on t h e design of t h e medalion which h a s been adopted for use on t h e official b a d g e s of A l p h a K a p p a A l p h a Sororitv, K a p p a A l p h a Psi F r a t e r n i t y , and A l p h a Phi A l p h a F r a t e r n i t y a t t h e i r n a t i o n a l conventions which will m e e t in K a n s a s City December 27-31, 1940. She is an i n s t r u c t o r in A r t a t t h e Lincoln H i g h School in K a n s a s City, Missouri, F i n a n c i a l S e c r e t a r y of Mu O m e g a C h a p t e r of Alpha K a p p a A l p h a S o r o r i t y and serves on t h e C o o r d i n a t i n g C o m m i t t e e a s S e c r e t a r y of the E n t e r t a i n m e n t Committee. Miss C l a g g e t t is a g r a d u a t e of t h e F i n e A r t s School a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y of K a n s a s and h a s also studied a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y of California and Colorado College, Colorado S p r i n g s .

TABLE OF CONTENTS Letters of Appreciation Editorial By Brother H. Gloster, Assistant Editor Cooperation in Kansas City A Philadelphia Lawyer Fraternity Buying Power Worker Education Studies Employment Opportunities . Fraternity Fun Hits And Misses Book Reviews Pan-Hellenic News Heads Anderson-Thomas-Walker Firm Alpha And The Negro Youth Congress Democratic Ideals Feature Section Voice of The Sphinx

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THE STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF LEWIS O. SWINGLER Memphis. Tennessee ASSISTANT EDITOR HUGH M. GLOSTER LeMoyne College Memphis, Tennessee WHO'S V/HO EDITOR GEORGE B. KELLEY Troy, New York HISTORY EDITOR IAMES B. BROWNING Miners Teachers College Go. Ave. at Euclid and Fairmont, N. W'Washington, D. C. FRAT FUN EDITOR DR. O. WILSON WINTERS 28 Curren Arcode Norristown, Pa. ART EDITORS JAMES D. PARKS Lincoln University Jefferson City, Mo. FERDINAND ROUSSEVE Art Department Xavier University New Orleans, La. HERSHAL C. LATHAM Memphis, Tennessee CONTRIBUTING EDITORS MILTON S. J. WRIGHT Wilberforce University Wilberforce, Ohio WILLIAM H. GRAY 1844 N. 11th St. Philadelphia, Pa. JOSEPH E. COTTON Memphis, Tennessee KERMIT J. HALL 1332 Washington Charleston, W. Va. FRANK L. STANLEY Louisville, Ky. GRANT W. HAWKINS 2627 Shriver Indianapolis, Ind. 1940 CONVENTION EDITOR J. R. LILLARD yCcm&erc- City,



E n t e r e d a s second class m a t t e r a t t h e P o s t Office in Memphis, Tenn. as issued four t i m e s a y e a r in F e b r u a r y , May, October and December, u n d e r t h e Act of M a r c h 3, 1879 and accepted for m a i l i n g a t t h e second class r a t e s of p o s t a g e .

Subscription Price—One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Year

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L'Ouverture Cup



October, 1940

Letters Of Appreciation For Alpha's Fund Gifts THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 347 Madison Avenue, New York Mr. Joseph H. B. Evans 101 S. Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. My Dear Joe:— I am enclosing the official receipt for the contribution of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity to the Semi-Centennial Expansion Fund of Colored Y.M.C.A.'s in the amou-t of $100. Please convey to the officers of the General Convention the sincere appreciation of the Executive Committee of our fund for this generous expression cf interest on the part of Alpha. Sincerely yours, C. H. TOBIAS. NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE 1133 Broadway, New York City Dear Mr. Evars:— To the official receipt herewith enclosed, I wish to add my personal word of appreciation for the contribution of f:fty dollars from the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. In the light of the fact that another fraternity met in New York City during the holidays, and, I understand, spent four thousand dollars for amusement, it seems to ma thst tb.e c n;" Luti n of your organization toward the support cf an agency that is finding jobs and enhancing the welfare and fortune of Negroes throughout the Nation by contrast is significant. Yours truly, JESSE 0. THOMAS Acting Executive Secretary.


THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON AFRICAN AFFAIRS Mr. Joseph H. B. Evans General Secretary Alpha Phi Aloha Fraternity 101 S. Street," N. W. Washington, D. C. Dear Brother Evans:— On behalf of the International Committee on African Affairs I write to thank you for your communication of December 30th and for the check for $50 which you enclosed being a contribution from the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity to the work of the International Committee. The contribution which the Alpha Phi Alpha has made as well as the fine reference in your letter to our work come with unusual significance and encouragement at this particular time. I shall thank you if you will be good enough to make known, at least to the executive committee, our genuine appreciation of the action of the Fraternity at its last general convention which made this gift possible. I hope that our work will continue to merit the support of the fraternity. Anything I can do by way of reporting to the Fraternity or otherwise informing them of the conditions with which we are dealing I shall be exceedingly glad to do. Yours Fraternally, MAX YERGAN.

Successor to the Balfour Cup, for many years awarded to the chapter that made the best all-around record during the interim between conventions. It will be presented to the Fraternity at its 28ih General Convention in Kansas City, Mo. in December by L'Ouverture Company. Formal and official recognition of this trophy is a matter of consideration by the General Organization.

DeadHEste Notice Pre-Convention Edition November 16th

L'OUVERTURE CO. Official Jeweler To ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY School and College Emblems Commencement and Dance Invitations Fraternity and Sorority Badges Trophies and Awards For Further Information, Write

Kenneth Lloyd Bright, Mgr. 165 West 131st Street New York City, N. Y.

October, 1940


ALPHA PHI ALPHA AND NATIONAL DEFENSE T H E signs of the times indicate that the United States is plunging headlong into another tremendous orgy of carnage and destruction. Germany, Italy, and Japan have concluded a military alliance which seems to be directed specifically at the United States. Before the blitzkrieg tactics of the axis powers France shamefully bows her bloody head, and England stands totteringly but defiantly as the last stronghold of free enterprise in Europe. The United States hurriedly rushes national conscription and a $15,000,000,000 defense program. Every omen, in brief, suggests that the date is not distant when America will enter her second major struggle to save democracy. As Alpha Phi Alpha men watch the war gods whetting their weapons for bloody conflict, they stand ready to continue the fight for true democracy which they began in 1917, when a state of war was declared between the United States and Germany. Beta Chapter then initiated the movement which led to the establishment of a Negro Officers Training Camp at Des Moines, and it is significant that members of the fraternity outnumbered any other organization in this unit and distinguished themselves in the service. In addition, brothers served as volunteers and draftees, undauntedly facing the perils of submarine-infested seas and cannon-wracked battle fields, courageously enduring wounds and death in order that the principles for which America fought might endure. Supporting those who participated in actual combat were brothers who, as Y. M. C. A. workers and patriotic citizens, contended against the forces of prejudice and Jim-Crowism in the United States Army and Navy. During the twenty-two years since the World War Alpha Phi Alpha men have realized that the first fight for the salvation of democracy was a futile gesture, and, as the current defense program develops, again they see that they must oppose the enemies of democracy within our borders as well as those abroad. In many instances white America has already shown that she still intends to be undemocratic in her dealings with



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colored citizens. Black laborers and clerical workers have not received their proportionate share of employment in factories that have obtained government contracts calling for millions of dollars worth of supplies. Colored citizens have systematically been excluded from the personnel of the draft and medical appeal boards set up for the management of conscription. Except in rare instances Negro volunteers have been politely but firmly rejected. None of the two thousand Negro reserve officers has been summoned, nor has provision been made for the training of new Negro officers. Black men have not been admitted to the Tank Corps, the Signal Corps, or the Chemical Warfare Service. There are no colored United States Marines, and Negroes may enlist in the Navy only as messmen, a capacity in which they serve as sea-going bell-hops, houseboys, and dishwashers. While some headway has been made in the naming of Negro field artillery, coast artillery, and anti-aircraft units, the regrettable truth nevertheless remains that in our so-called democratic country the Army and Navy stand guilty of undemocratic practice, On October 16 eight million men between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-five enlisted for military service in accordance with the terms of the Burke-Wadsworth Conscription Bill. Four hundred thousand men will be summoned in the first draft, and of this number thirty-six thousand or 97c will be Negroes. As college men and as members of the oldest and strongest Negro fraternity, we must do our part toward seeing to it that colored citizens receive proportionate representation in all phases of the national defense program. We must support the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in its campaign to gain employment for Negroes in firms holding large federal defense contracts. We must cooperate with THE PITTSBURGH COURIER in its effort to smash the caste system in the Army and Navy. We must participate in every project dedicated in the abolishment of discriminatory practices and to the furtherance of democratic procedures. We must make it clear to the government that Negroes should be in the Army in ether capacities than as laborers and foot solContinued On Page 10

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Cooperation In Kansas City—"Heart Of America" BY BURT A. MAYBERRY Beta Lambda Chapter W f H E N the Alphas in New York, the A.K.A.'s in Boston, and the Kappas in San Antonio made their decision to bring their 1940 Conventions to Kansas Citv. few realized at the moment the real significance of such a step in the history of the relations among National Greek Letter Organizations in America. It meant that these three major national organizations would hold their conventions and be entertained December 27-31, 1940 under one roof, the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City. Aided by a wholesome spirit of cooperation which characterizes the relations among the Greek Letter organizations in the Heart of America, the representatives of the two Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Chapters, and the Kappas and Alphas met and surveyed the situation. At the outset, it was evident that some sort of joint planning would have to be done. To meet this need, a Coordinating Committee was formed. This group is composed of the Committee Chairmen in the four chapters, totaling about forty members. The Coordinating Committee supervises the work of the sub-committees, and acts as a clearing house over all matters. The sub-committees report their recommendations and activities to the Coordinating Committee, and upon adoption by a majority vote, they are submitted to the Participating Organizations for adoption. No real authority is vested in the Coordinating Committee save that delegated to it by the participating organizations. The Coordinating Committee elected its officers who are: John L. Howell, Chairman; Mrs. Louise Clarke, Mrs. Mary Louise Chapman, and Attorney Carl R. Johnson, Co-Chairman; Dr. T. T. Lowrey, Treasurer; an J Burt A. Mayberry, Secretary. Actine at the ris-ht hand of the Sub-Committee organization, is the Executive Committee, composed of the four General Chairmen, Presidents of the Participating Organizations, the Treasurer, and Secretary of the Coordinating Committee. The Executive Committee makes all arrangements with the Chambers of Commerce and the Municipal Auditorium. It also supervises all preparations for the committee and business sessions of the three conventions. It plans the agenda for the meetings of the Coordinating Committee, has

custody of the bonds of the financial officers, and conveys the monthly report to the Participating Organizations. John L. Howell serves as the Chairman of the Executive Committee, Burt A. Mayberry as the Secretary. The other members are: Mrs. Louise Clark, Mrs. Mary Louise Chapman, Miss Tiussie Smothers, Attorney Caryl R. Johnson, and Dr. T. T. Lowrey. The real work is done by the subcommittees which are small in number of members, and meet frequently. They organize the details of the various activities concerned with the work of preparation and entertainment of the two thousand delegates and visitors expected during the Xmas week. The committees are: Banquet, Entertainment, Finance, Hospitality, Housing, Program, Registration, Souvenirs-Favors, and Publicity. The Banquet Committee cooperates in the details of arranging for the Closed banquets which will be given bv the three organizations. The com-

October, 1940 mittee interviews caterers, discuss menus and service, and makes complete reports to the Coordinating Committee of their findings. Mrs. Eula Ferguson is the Chairman, Carl D. Thomas is Secretary, and the other members are: A. T. Edwards and Mrs. Anna Lou Whiting. By far the busiest committee at the present time is the Entertainment Committee, J. Oliver Morrison, Chairman, and Miss Gladys D. Claggett, Secretary. This committee has the responsibility of planning and carrying out all joint entertainment features. They also prevent conflicts in the plans of Closed social features. The other members of the Committee are: Miss Marie Watson, Percy H. Lee, Miss Anna Marie Tompkins, and Miss Eloise Spurlock. To protect the interest of all persons and organizations concerned, the Finance Committee is organized by taking the Finance Chairmen of the four chapters, and the Treasurer, elected by the Coordinating Committee. This committee canvasses the approved cooperative activities, and determines the "joint costs", breaks down this total into equitable costs to each organization. All funds are deposited in the name of the Coordinating Committee. Guy Davis is the Continued On Page 40

Coordinating Executive


Members of the Executive Committee of the Coordinating Committee for the Tri-Conventions, Kansas City, Mo. Left to right: Dr. J. J. Lowrey, Kappa Alpha Psi; Soror Trussie Sim-hers. Alpha Kappa Alpha; Burt A. Mayberry, Alpha Phi Alpha; Soror Mary Louise Chapman, Alpha Kappa Alpha; John L. Howell, Alpha Phi Alpha; Soror Louise Clark, Alpha Kappa Alpha; and Carl R. Johnson, Kappa Alpha Psi.


October, 1940




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A Philadelphia Lawyer BY JAMES FLEMING Editor of The Kappa Journal Organ of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Editcr's Notes: This article, a reprint from the Crisis Magazine, is herewith published through the courtesy of Mr. Roy Wilkins, editor, and Assistant Secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People It presents a most remarkable account of an outstanding attorney of America, and an Alpha man cf the first order.

Recent family group picture of Brother Raymond Pace Alexander, Mrs Alexander, and their two children, Mary Elizabeth, left, and the younger daughter, Rae Pace. A

NEGRO lawyer who knows his business and is a success is no longer news—but when this lawyer has built a powerful legal organization, surrounded himself with the best brains, and erected his own modern office building on "Main Street," then, to borrow slang, "he has something." This is exactly what Raymond Pace Alexander of Philadelphia has done— and the firm that bears his name has become notable both on account of the calibre of practitioners in it and because of "Nineteen Hundred Chestnut Street." which is one of the showplaces of the Quaker City. Of steel and limestone and located on one of the most important business corners, "Nineteen Hundred" is symbolic of the forward-lookingness of the builder, of his ability as a counsellor at law and of the esteem in -which he is held—all making it possible for him to attract and to hold the clientele he serves. It should be symbolic, too, of how Negroes must

overcome the obstacles put before them. Eleven years ago when business made it necessary for him to locate in the principal business district, there was not a single office building that wanted Alexander, or any other Negro. Ultimately, because a bank president who knew Alexander's parents interceded, he was given a year's lease in the Commonwealth Trust Building; but, in less than six months, the manager of the building was driven by white tenants to offer to take any loss if Alexander could find other quarters, "as soon as posible." The flow of Negro clients visiting the Negro lawyer was too much for the white lessees! Forced to settle in old, small quarters several blocks away, Alexander fitted up six private offices and saw his business grow healthily during the ensuing eight years. Then, frightfully cramped for space, he had to go office hunting again.

By 1935 the depression had made itself felt and the business section— "Central City"—was in the midst of cespair. Even the Warner Brothers theatre chain changed its mind about erecting a million-dollar de luxe movie house for Philadelphia's best and returned to its former owners a house and lot, thereby losing altogether close to a quarter million dollars in the abortive enterprise. Where Warner Brothers walked out, Raymond Pace Alexander walked in, and he was able to secure the same holding for a fraction of its original price. The deal was news, for Chestnut Street is the main thoroughfare — a center of leading banks and insurance companies, first-run theatres, stores for the select, and large merchandising establishments, with City Hall and the courts nearby. Truly "Main Street." Skeletons of one hundred and one Negro office buildings, lodge halls, and theatres which died a-borning made nearly everyone feel that Alexander was taking a tremendous chance. Both friends and foe (with different tones of voice) asked, "How can he do i t ? " But a depression was on and credit was begging to be used. The building therefore went up to completion. Up to the time of the 1935 bank closing, it seemed that, whenever Negro organizations erected their own structure, they always succeeded in occupying every square inch of it themselves or, at least, the best of all space. Their buildings were showoff places first; money-makers and business ventures next. Not so with Alexander's. Even before he nad let the contracts, he had signed a ten-

Page 6 year lease for the basement and first floor with one of the oldest and most reputable manufacturing opticians in the country—a little matter that assures him some $10,000 rental annually, it is said. Anytime he wills, he may also rent the entire premises to the opticians, for they have made more than one bid to this effect. Besides, not so long ago, a national air-conditioning corporation offered real money for the property. But too frequent moving and selling of its property is often bad, psychologically, for a business, Alexander believes, and so he remains in his second floor layout, at the top of a long flight of stairs. Here are the "works" of Raymond Pace Alexander—eight personally designed and well-appointed private offices, adequate law library, and spacious reception room, all well-lighted and ventilated under high ceilings and made comfortable as well for secretaries and clients as for principal firm members. More Than Steel and Stone But steel and stone do not make the lawyer, no more than magnificent buildings and a large endowment make a great university. Indeed, in the case of Alexander, much of his work as attorney and racial militant, was done in the first humble office — a converted third-floor, rear bedroom in the old Brown and Stevens Bank building—which he rented in 1923 at $30 per month. Before he had handled a single case, he had decided that his job would be to win respect for all lawyers and to convert Negroes to increased high regard for, and trust in, the lawyer of color; he pledged himself, too, to give as much of his time and means as he could to the cause of racial advancement. When it is known that up to 1920 there were only ten Negro attorneys serving the legal needs of Philadelphia's 175,000 Negroes, then it can be seen that this still young man was certainly on the right track. To achieve his ends, he paid attention to minute details, made a fetish of thorough preparation, and adopted the practice of arriving at his office as early as 7:30 o'clock in the mornings and remaining until as late as 8 o'clock in the evenings, in order to give those who needed him every opportunity of finding him. The first case that brought Alexander into the limelight was that of Louise Thomas, a beautiful, young, brown-skinned girl. Gun in hand, she was found hysterical early one morning leaning over the dead body of a prominent police-detective—a married man with whom she had carried on a clandestine affair for some time and in whose body she had fired five bullets. The crime was a "natural"



as front page news. A prominent and experienced white criminal lawyer tried to save the girl from the electric chair but, after hearing- several days of testimony, the jury brought in the verdict of "guilty of murder in the first degree." Louise Thomas r.sust die. A storm of protest arose among Philadelphia's Negroes and resulted in a citizens' committee which retained Alexander to fight to save the life of the condemned girl. This was an opportunity and a responsibility for a 26-year old lawyer who was only one year removed from his law school class. Alexander, after rearguing the case before the state supreme court, won a new trial, at which, a few months later, he alone represented the young woman, opposing the much more seasoned district attorney. It was a bitterly fought legal battle in a charged atmosphere, but this time the jury brought in a verdict of "not guilty." Louise Thomas was not only allowed to live but left

October, 1940 the prison docket a free woman. A court attendant who heard that case and has heard several others in which Alexander has figured, says: "It is his art of examining witnesses, quickly getting to the point, throwing witnesses off-guard, and developing many of the important angles of his own case out of the breakdown of his opponent's, that makes him such a successful trial lawyer." Led Civil Rights Campaign Following this initial victory, Alexander won new laurels through his prosecution of civil rights cases, largely at his own expense. Philadelphians remember his suit against the Aldine theatre which in 1925 refused to seat some reputable Negro citizens who sought admission to "The Ten Commandments." He won again in the famous Stanley theatre cases and the Earl theatre case, and then led the fight against discriminatory practices in Horn and Hardart, Child's, Stout'-

Pen Sketch Of Attorney Alexander As An Alpha Man Initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in Rho Chapter, 1918. Became active in forming a separate chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha at University of Pennsylvania and succeeded in this work at the annual convention in December," 1919. Became charter president of Psi Chapter in 1920. Was elected second Vice President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity at the Baltimore convention in 1920, with duties at that time of general organizer of fraternity chapters. Returned to Cambridge, then attending Harvard University. Started Alpha Eta Chapter at Harvard and also Alpha Kappa at Amherst and Springfield College. Brother Alexander led the revolt at the Baltimore and subsequent conventions against older men dominating the fraternity. He was largely responsible for breaking up the habit of members going to older head* who hold bey offices to present matters purely conventional in nature Was elected First Vice-President in St Louis, and retained effice for two years, retiring after the Columbus Convention in 1923 when he began practicing law.

From Who's Who


ALEXANDER, Raymond Pace, Lawyer, b. Philadelphia. Pa.; Oct. 13, 1898, s Hilliard B. and Virginia (Pace) A.; m. Sadie Tamer Mossell, Philadelphia, Pa , Nov. 1924; ch. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1934; Rae Pace, b. April 19, 1937. B S., with honors, Univ. of Penna., 1920. Tutor, Dept. Economics, Univ. of Penna. 1919-20. LL.B., Harvard Law Sch. 1923. Ass't. in the Dept. of Economics, Harvard, 1920-22. Studied Graduate Sch., Columbia Univ. Fraternities: Alpha Phi Alpha (Nat. V. Pres.. 1920-22), Sigma Pi Phi. Pres. occ: Lawyer; Pres. Nat. Bar Assn. 1930-32. Director 1932-40 Politics: Independent Republican. Chmn. Young Republican Comm., President Hoover's Campaign, 1928. Church: Baptist. Mem. 33rd degree Mason, Elks. Phila. Law Acad., National Lawyer's Guild, Phila. Bar Assn., Harvard Law Sch. Assn., Harvard Law Club of Phila.; Trust Officer, Citizens & Southern Bank and Trust Co. Hobby: foreign travel. Fav. rec. or sport: swimming, horseback riding, gymnastics. Home: 1708 Jefferson St., Office: 1900 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hon. Degrees: LL.D., Shaw University (Raleigh, N. C.) 1397, LL.D., Virginia State College, 1940. Hon, member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Haiti. Lecturer Univ. Puerto Rico Law School 1938, 1940. Hon. member Sigma Delta Tau, legal fraternity (1940), Counsel for Philadelphia and State branches of N.A.A.C.P. in many important civil and equal rights cases; the Philadelphia and State Baptist Convention, and the African Methodist Episcopal Church; Counsel to the National Medical Association; Chmn. Board of Directors of Mt. Lawn Cemetery. Foreign Travel: England and the continent of Europe including Finland and Russia; extensively in the French and British West Indies and the Islands of the Caribbean, Central America and the northern countries of South America.

October, 1940

RAYMOND P. ALEXANDER Head of the Alexander Law Firm, Philadelphia fer's and other nationally known restaurants. It was because of this interest in race discrimination cases, that the Negro parents of Chester county came twenty miles to get Raymond Pace Alexander to represent them in the far-reaching Berwyn school case—a case that dragged out for two years and cost a candidate the governorship. It will be recalled that, because of the depression, the school boards of Chester county merged and jointly erected a modern, consolidated grade school, at a cost of $500,000. It was the last word in the latest equipment and meant to be ultra and exclusive, and, although built out of taxes, the whites decided that "it won't be exclusive if we let Negro children in." It was agreed that the largest of the abandoned school buildings be turned into an all-Negro school, and the 53-year-old structure in Berwyn was so designated. Unitedly, the Negro parents, the majority of whom owned their own little homes, objected and protested. They refused to send their children to the jim-crow school, even when so ordered by the county court; instead, fathers and mothers served 10-day jail sentences one after the other and came out to put their pennies together to procure a lawyer, with the aid of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The struggle waged in two counties, went up to the state supreme court, and returned to the county courts. But the Negro parents won; had the half-million dollar school opened to all children, regardless of race, and saved Pennsylvania from taking a step which in today's thinking would



be stamped as patently Nazi. Alexander was not satisfied to bask in the sunshine of this historic case. He received some fees, spent more of his own money, made trip after trip to the state capital and spent long hours at night addressing meetings and keeping the parents from getting "cold feet." This is all a matter of record. It is also on the record that he never forgot Commonwealth's Attorney William A. Schnader—and he did not allow Nergoes of the state to forget. Schnader had it in his power to declare the action of the Chester school board illegal, Alexander claims, but, with his mind on the governorship, he first shifted the responsibility for ruling in the matter to the Chester district attorney who, as one of the "exclusives," refused to act. Then Schnader passed the buck again and referred the matter to a commission of five, including two Negroes, but again the jim-crow set-up was upheld.

" ? ^


The Nora Holt Ray Case Another case which cannot be omitted, is the celebrated Nora Holt Ray ca«e, in which Alexander faced the high-powered lawyers of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation and won for his client. Thrice married and known in two continents as an actress and entertainer, Nora Dougles Scroggins Jones Holt next attached Joseph L. Ray, also thrice-wed, and private secretary and confidant to Charles Schwab, the millionaire chairman of the board of Bethlehem Steel. Ray moved in society of the two races, owned a palatial home in Bethlehem, and could shower thousands of dollars of diamonds, furs, and fine clothes on his talented and very attractive wife. He went further and transferred all his real estate to their joint ownership, Then, after three years, something went wong, detectives trailed Mrs. Ray to New York, did their Peeping Tom job, and reported. Soon divorce action was started, with Ray particularly interested in getting his realty holdings back into his own possession. Mrs. Ray engaged Alexander and from 1925 to 1927, it.was a legal jockey from the :ourts of Northampton county ,to the state supreme court, to the Federal courts. Ray was never able to prove his charges of adultery. The court refused to believe the testimony of the detectives, dismissed the suit, and allowed the wife a handsome alimony from the ?5,000-plus salary of her husband. In his attempt to save his real estate, Ray also had a difficult time in Continued On Page 39

MRS. SADIE T. M. ALEXANDER Holder cf four degrees, and the only colored woman practicing law in Pennsylvania She is the wife of Brother Raymond P. Alexander, and mother of his two children. Mrs. Alexander was General President cf Delta Sigma Theta Sorority for many years. When Schnader was actually slated to run for the governorship in 1933, he took steps to settle the Berwyn case right—as a political measure— and it was settled, but nevertheless, Alexander took the stump against him and at the election the former Commonwealth's Attorney lost by 33,000 votes in a million and one-half votes cast.

MACEO HUBBARD Of Lincoln and Harvard Universities. Associated with Mr. Alexander since 1926


Page 8


Fraternity Buying Power " A Social Mechanism" BY KENNETH L BRIGHT Manager, L'Ouverture Co. Official Jeweler To Alpha •"FHE contribution of any group of persons or race is measured mainly in terms of what that group has contributed to the Economic Structure of the society in which it lives. Despite any rich heritage of culture or folklore, the yardstick by which History will judge is scaled for the concnete rather than the abstract. What has the group brought to the material wealth of the nation as a whole ? Up to now the Negroes' contribution to the Great Industrial Giant that is America has been almost negligible. We are speaking of course, in terms of the combination of skills that go to make this industry. Granted that in a great many instances his sweat and labor were used; still, in speaking of great projects (the Egyptian Pyramids for example) do we say that they were built by slave labor that actually did the job or do we credit the Pharoahs with having given them to the world? Many factors have operated against the full industrial inclusion of the Negro. First, industry to function must be made up of two main components—Capital and Labor. Each is essential to the other—both must be skilled; for capital in unskilled hands is not only non-productive but destructive as well. Its net result is to undermine the whole or basic structure on which it rests—the confidence of the consumer. Secondly, the seed of American tradition was not only planted, but nurtured as well, in the belief that the black has special place and is doomed forever to an inferior status. As proof of a definite intention to maintain this as the status quo, we point out the existence of lilywhite laws in labor organizations. The wish to exclude the Negro is in-

tentional and deliberate. The remedy for this rests, oddly enough, with the Negro himself. That he has contented himself with his lot is dogma so long fostered by whites that the Negro himself believes it; a classic example of propaganda. What must be done? Confidence in the Race must be restored. The Negro must build his own enterprise and capitalize on his own numerical proportions as a consumer. Then, in logical sequence he must not only consume, but take his place in the ranks of the producer as well. Prior to the establishment of L'OVERTURE COMPANY in 1935 no sizable effort had been made to coordinate the vast buying power of the Negro in the field of emblematic Jewelry. The findings of a scientific survey showed that Negro schools, colleges, clubs, fraternities, and other organizations would provide an exceptional outlet for merchandising Negro-made emblematic products. Heretofore, the jewelry industry had been closed to persons of color, not only in the actual manufacture, but the selling of the products as well. After a brief period of overcoming sales resistance the net results of our new venture were evident. First there came the realization on the part of the customers that the Negro could deliver the goods. That in the quality of our products and the conduct of business as well, there was no "double standard of Race"; the wares of L'OVERTURE were on par with the best. Secondly, comes the fact that our competitors began to feel the pressure of this racial reawakening and Negro salesmen were employed in an effort to exploit this new consciousness of color on the part of Negro patrons.

Two Sphinx Staff Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity awarded fellowships and scholarships for the academic year, 1940-41, in the sum of $1,975, Brother Dr. Rayford W. Logan. Director of Education, announced to the public press this past summer. Two staff members of the Sphinx were receipients of fellowships. Bro. William H. Gray, Jr., of Southern University, and Contributing Editor of the Sphinx, was awarded $450 to complete a "comprehensive study of the personnel program in Negro colleges and universities and its func-

October, 1940 Concerning this latter, may we hasten to point out that such employment hurts rather than helps the cause of Negro business as such. It defeats, ultimately the whole philosophy of Racial enterprise and can only be interpreted as a cloud on the industrial horizon of the Race. That it continues the Negro in his marginal status as a worker is obvious. In recognition of what the mass purchasing power of an organization could do; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity went on record as favoring, wherever possible, industry and business owned and controlled by persons of color. The boldness of this step was loudly acclaimed by press and public. Both hailed it as a decided step forward, a distinct challenge, not only to other organizations, but to Negro business as well. By virtue of its appointment as Official Jeweler to the Fraternity L'OVERTURE was among those singled out for special mention as deserving of the group's patronage. That this step was taken after lengthy debate, both pro and con, is a tribute to the democratic processes that govern the body and to its awareness of the importance of such a step. Naturally there were some doubters and "die-hards" who had to be convinced that the high standards of work demanded by Alpha could be furnished under the competent Negro direction. That those, who were for us went out on a limb, we realized; and governed ourselves accordingly. Their faith in us has been neither misplaced nor betrayed. Satisfactory service to Alpha has meant a great deal. It is our aim to continue to serve, and to please; to acknowledge our mistakes and correct them; thus to hasten our arrival at perfection. We take our place side by side with other Negro owned businesses—a link in the chain in our ECONOMIC FRONT—fighting a battle to foster our social progress and to preserve from encroachment those gains made. It is war. Our best weapon is a SOCIAL MECHANISM better known as GROUP CO-OPERATION.

Members Awards* Fellowships

tion in relation to student problems of a spiritual, educational and vocational nature." Brother Hugh M. Gloster, of LeMoyne College, and Assistant Editor of the Sphinx received $300 to enable him to complete during the summer of 1940 his doctoral dissertation, "The Negro Mind in American Literature Since 1900." Scholarships of $100 each were awarded to the following brothers: Simon H. Carter, Morgan State College, Baltimore; George P. Thomas, Hartford, Conn., of Howard University; Franklin H. Williams, Brook-

lyn, N. Y., Lincoln University (Pa.); Flourney H. Coles, Algoma, West Va., of Xavier University; George Lee, Baltimore, of Talladega College; Louis Wright Roberts, Jamestown, N. Y., to do graduate study at the University of Michigan; Robert H. Harrison, Jr., Natchez, Miss., of Northwestern University Dental School; Martin R. Sutler, Newport, R. I., of the University of Michigan Medical School; and Abdul K. Disu, Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa, to study journalism at the University of Wisconsin.

October, 1940

Worker Education A Needed Program BY FURMAN L TEMPLETON Delta Lambda Chapter '"THE deep seated and actively displayed interest of Alpha Phi Alpha in education as an essential factor in any program designed to further the social, political and economic progress of our group, is an effective answer per se to those who question the utility value of Greek letter organizations. The recent switch in emphasis from academic to civic education further substantiates our avowed desire to be servants of all and to lend our efforts where they are most needed. Nevertheless, present conditions are such that the time is ripe, from the dual standpoint of opportunity and necessity, to direct our educational activities to another sector, namely worker's education. This type of education, broadly speaking, is a specialized segment of civic education and its initiation would in no wise disrupt our national program. However, its effectiveness would be in direct proportion to the length and quality of the instruction offered by its sponsors. Students of labor problems agree that although labor, through education, organization, and legislation, is enjoying a progressively greater return from the part it plays in American economy, the Negro wage-earner is a vicarious participant in this result. In the main, his unequal distribution in the labor market, by virtue of confinement to the unskilled brackets of agriculture, industry, construction, and service fields, exposes him to the handicaps inherent in low wages, long hours, recurrent unemployment, and lack of organizational and legislative protection. Inasmuch as a continuing topheaviness automatically operates to prolong our occupational handicaps, wisdom dictates that we intelligently set ourselves to the task of formulating a remedial program. It has been my observation, that there exists a deplorable lack of vocational direction both among those colored workers who have been in the labor market for years and those who annually enter it for the first time. It seems paradoxical that in view of the marvelous expansion in the field of academic education, such little emphasis has been placed on the necessity of teaching our school population how to make a living in the most complex and difficult period in the history of our race. It ap-



pears axiomatic that if the fundamental educational philosophies are not to be contravened, we must formulate a new conception of vocational instruction in terms of successful living. Educational administrators must be made to cast off the mental insularity which blinds them to the realization that education is not an end in itself, but rather a means of effecting healthy social adjustments. Worker's education would constitute a major consideration in this new educational structure, particularly from the standpoint of the Negro adult and youth. Among white workers, such instruction has been carried on, albeit haphazardly, since 1919. In that year, the American Federation of Labor adopted a committee report on worker's education, and in 1921 began to make annual contributions to the Workers Education Bureau of America. In truth, the development of worker education programs in America has been closely identified with labor organizations. Its highest development is exemplified by the creation of resident and non-resident labor colleges and summer schools. Outstanding examples are Commonwealth College in Arkansas; Brookwood Labor College and the Rand School of Social Science in New York; centers in New Haven, Denver, Chicago, Boston and Detroit. Summer schools have been conducted at Byrn Mawr, Oberlin, Bucknell, and the Universities of California and Wisconsin. Opportunities for such instruction on the Negro collegiate level are present in the various agricultural, industrial and mechanical schools, together with those colleges which conduct summer schools. No one can deny the intimate relationship between the objectives of these institutions and the aims of worker's education. The most promising means of imparting such instruction to our race members, if one thinks of the future, lies in our public school systems. Utilization of this means necessitates only the construction of a course of study and the inclusion of the subject in the curriculum. However, it must be pointed out that confinement of this subject to vocational departments would constitute a travesty on the ultimate aims of worker's education. Still another promising possibility for the spread of this type of education lies in the formation of voluntary community groups sponsored by union locals, clubs, churches, and social organizations. These groups would meet regularly under a qualified person for instruction in which approved educational standards must prevail. If these community efforts are initi-

Page 9 ated by statewide or national organizations, an integrated program could be established which would demand the sincere cooperation of educators, employers, labor leaders, and sociallyminded individuals and organizations. An effective worker's education program should encompass a wide range of subject materials. These would include unionism; labor history, problems, and legislation; social security legislation; trade tests and job specifications; apprenticeship and occupational training programs; consumer and producer co-operatives and problems; health education; unemployment and underemployment; use of leisure time; vocational guidance and training; and social studies. The variety and relevancy of such subjects should enhance the claims of worker's education to the intelligent, sincere, and' action-provoking consideration of all those who are interested in the future welfare of our group. The present period offers great possibilities for friutful action if the Negro can be led to make and seize opportunities in the general labor market. The initiation of federally financed training courses in essential defense industries presents a means of entering occupational areas hitherto closed to us. Increased job openings are resulting from the rising industrial indices as well as a widening of the base for eligibility for CCC and NYA enrollment. Furthermore, we should be prompt in taking fullest advantage of the Democratic and Republican campaign platform planks respecting "complete legislative safeguards against discrimination in Government service and in national defense forces." It is true that a voteless people is a hopeless people. But it is equally true that a low income group is a low standard group. It is impossible to predict the future in terms of the political, social and economic structures which may result from the disruption of existing ideologies. Nevertheless, it is not too much to say that we, as a racial group, must not permit ourselves to be shut out of the changing scene. We must become a smoothly fitting cog in the American scheme and it is to be hoped that Alpha Phi Alpha will play an important part in the precision machining of that cog. We cannot expect to achieve the ultimate aims through our resources alone. It therefore behooves each Alpha chapter to accept this problem as a constant incentive to stimulate community efforts toward remedial action. Then it will be possible, through national integration of resources and efforts, to influence favorably those socio-economic trends which intimately affect our status as American citizens.


Page 10

Alpha Studies


October, 1940





In furtherance of the action taken by the General Convention of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in New York last summer to study employment opportunities for Negroes there met in Washington, D. C. last spring (April 27, 1940) a committee appoint by Brother Dr. Charles H. Wesley to draw up a definite program. The committee appointed several sub-committees to gather facts that will lead to the adoption of definite policies and techniques. These sub-committees have been making preliminary surveys and experiments and reports are scheduled to be submitted this fall to the full committee. This report will form the basis for the adoption of final policies by the General Convention in Kansas City this December, 1940. Members shown in picture, right to left, are:—Dr. Charles H. Wesley, General President, and Dean of the Graduate School, Howard University; Attorney Belford V. Lawson, Jr., General Counsel; Dr. Channing H. Tobias, Senior Secretary, International Y.M.C.A., New York; Eugene Davidson, Administrator, New Negro Alliance, Washington, D. C ; Thomas E. Posey, Associate Professor of Economics, West Virginia State College; Frederic A. Jackson, Graduate Student in Economics, New York University; F. M. Coleman, Graduate Student, University of Southern California; Dr. B. T. McGraw, Cha'irman, Registrar, Lincoln University; Dr. Joseph R- Houchins, Director of Negro Affairs, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D. C ; T. M. Alexander, of Alexander and Company, Atlanta, Ga.; T. Arnold Hill, National Urban League, New York; Dr. Rayford W. Logan, Howard University, Director of Educational Activities; Attorney Oscar C. Brown, Attorney-at-Law, and Manager of the Ida B. Wells Homes, Chicago; Dr. Milton S. J. Wright, Department of Economics and Business Administration, Wilberforce University.

EDITORIAL Continued From Page 3

diers, in the Air Corps in other positions than as ground workers, and in the Navy in other roles than as messmen. We must unitedly insist upon the removal of all racial barriers that confront colored volunteers, draftees, and enlisted men. In brief, we must take any necessary steps to insure democracy in the gigantic national defense program which is now taking shape in this country. There is no sensible reason that can be advanced against the full and unhampered participation of Negroes in the national defense program. We

are entitled to fair play not only on the basis of past loyalty in national crises but also in consideration of the fact that we pay taxes and thus are entitled to our share of the jobs. Those who argue against full and unrestricted Negro participation in the national defense program simultaneously raise their voices in opposition to the democratc way. It is as necessary to safeguard democracy at home as it is to fight for democracy abroad. It is better to fight for democracy that exists in actuality than it is to contend for a democracy that lives merely in dreams.

October, 1940



Page 11

? * A T E * N I T Y rUAf DR.O. W I L S O N FRAT



W O U L D N ' T you like to see a few negatives from my candid camera ? They represent numerous events, personalities and striking views which were of so much interest during my summer travels that I thought you would enjoy them as much as I did. You will find that several of them had to be taken with an infra red filter but since I am only furnishing the negatives you may print the pictures and interpret them in a manner that befits your own imagination. Assorted Negatives—Personalities Dr. J. Aubrey Lane, stern, busy, very accommodating to the Wilberforce visitors at the National Tennis Tournament—Dr. Ellwood C. Downing, a sartorial symphony in cream flannel and azure blue embellishments —Maceo Hill, spasmodic, agile, affable, a very popular Ohioan—Richard Cohen and Jimmie McDaniel the cynosure of all eyes; friendly, earnest sincere & typically collegiate—B. T. Harvey, jovial, possessive of deep dark secrets, athletic big-wig, arbiter and confidante—B. Andrew Rose, positively Ponce de Leonish, looks younger, happier and fresher (in spirit, not behavior). Coach Ted Wright, Xavier's gift to the athletic world; modest, very affectionate to his very indulging and solicitous wife, inseparable is his briarwood pipe and open throated sport shirt.

your cheek against hers, she had both arms around your neck and you both were so close that you could barely move along. That really wasn't dancing. Humph! Dancing wasn't our idea either.

Negatives from National Dental Association Dental Student (examining his shirt cuff in exam) "Shucks! I've gone and put on my physiology shirt instead of the anatomy one."

The Latin phrase, "Poeta nascitur non fit," he translated, "A Poet is not fit to be born."

"Why do they have three waiters at each table h e r e ? " "One is to give you the check, two are to revive you!" "Seeing that clinician picking his nose so much reminds me of Abraham Lincoln." "How's t h a t ? " "He must be freeing the 'boogies.'" Flash Light Views From The Medical Convention Sweet Young Thing: "Do you know what all the gossips are saying about me?" Visiting Delegate: "Sure I do. That's why I'm here." "Doctor, I think it was disgraceful the way you danced last night. I saw

Father, "I wonder why mosquitoes bite me so much?" Mother, "Because of your high blood pressure they don't have to suck so hard." Movie Shot of the Elks Parade a t St. Louis. Young man: "Madame, I know this stand is crowded and packed, the heat is terriffic, and perhaps you would like to get your handkerchief out of your hand bag, but that is my Zipper you have just opened." Closeups at the National Baptist Convention in Alabama. Among the answers that prevented the candidates from being ordained were the following: "The men who followed Jesus were called the twelve oppossums." "The Lord rode into the city on an ass's colt, and the people went before Him strewing garbage and shouting, "Bessie is she who comes in the name of the Lord; how is Anna?"

The French expression "En avril n'ote pas un fil," he translated, "In April do not deprive yourself of a One gratifying impression we get from modern theological conventions and their discussions is that hell is not as hot as it was forty years ago. The churches have tried about everything to attract the people except swinging half-doors. Miscellaneous Shots Young Man: "Will you let me have your daughter for a wife?" Father: "Sure! Bring your wife around sometime. I'll trade you." Professor (to mother of Freshman): "Your son has a great thirst for knowledge. Where does he get i t ? "

Mother: "He gets his knowledge from me and the thirst from his father." In the town of Hershey, Pa. everything is chocolate. The latest report from there is that a new insane asylum is being built. The cells will have chocolate bars with nuts inside. Question of time. "How old is Ann Domini ?" A professional grid getting rich fast enough ball, so he joined the possible he never heard

star wasn't playing footarmy. Is it the song?

He visited his relatives down in the country this summer and after looking around the place he reported that the old feud still goes on down there between Sears-Roebuck and Montgomery Ward. Side skirmishes continue between Alaskan wood pulp and Finnish cellulose. News Reel Negatives Look closely at this roll of film. These lads are not "Dead End" kids. Positively not! Their pants are baggy, the hair is unkempt and falling all over their eyes; yes, they have broken a suspender button and are holding up their trousers, they won't sit decorously in chairs or on the davenport, they sit on the chair arms and table tops with their legs open and describing an arc of 90 degrees (yes I'm sorry to say that's a truant button you see) the socks are imitating cork screws, the lacing of the shoes look like weeping willow branches, the cuffs of the pants are double rolled, exposing rusty shanks — is the picture clear to you? This, my friend, is the latest fad, the "Wendell Willkie slouch." The latest slang, "To hell with Chicago," is variable. Just substitute anything or anybody for "Chicago" and you'll be in style. Hope you'll like the shots.

Colored Girls On Switchboard In K. The Coordinating Committee for the Tri-Conventions have secured permission for use of colored girls as switchboard operators at Municipal Auditorium, in Kansas City during the four day session of the three Greek letter organizations.

Page 12

W f E L L here we are back from what we would call a very pleasant and prosperous summer. I say prosperous because I found that this great country of ours is abounding in opportunities for our race of people. I find that the greatest hinderance to our group is none other than ourselves. Of course there are some sections where the going is a bit tougher than others, but as a whole, the fault lies within us. So as the old saying goes, "Let Us Be Up and Doing", and by convention time our report will be a worthy one. I had an occasion to visit several centers this summer; among them my old Alma Mater, the seat of XI Chapter, and to my amazement there wasn't an Alpha Fraternity House in existence there. To be sure I can hardly remember when XI Chapter couldn't boast of a F r a t House in its twenty-five years of existence. However our amazement was pleasingly gratified to know that the erstwhile brothers were holders of a bank account that was not to be sneezed at. And when they do build, on land already acquired, a F r a t House that is a Frat House will be erected. Good Old XI always doing it differently. And speaking of Frat Houses I want to speak of the lovely place that the boys in Chicago have. The results of the efforts of Brother Oscar Brown and a few others are to be commended. I didn't get to enjoy any of the festivities that are given there as I was in town only a short time, and Oh yea, some Brothers are still cold as though they have never been "across the burning sands." Oh! well I guess they will learn as times marches on. And another F r a t House that can boast of its wonderful hospitality is



the recently established House in Detroit, Michigan. It is very appropriately set off and one of the very entertaining spots is the ground floor. Much credit is due to the heads of the Detroit Chapters for the manner in which this house is operated. And before I leave Frat Houses I am quite sure that those Brothers who visit the various Fraternity Houses can readily see the good that can be done by a Chapter or Chapters having an exclusive place that they can call their own. Personally I think it would be good business to put some of our surplus money to working by investing in Fraternity Housing. Think it over. Well it looks like that shortly after this comes off the press any number of our boys will be in line for some branch of the Military service. Oct. 16 to be exact. Oh, how do I remember some few years back that everyone was busy trying to adjust their ages accordingly. In the new line of defenses I know Alpha men will be way out in front. In the aviation division, with such Brothers who have already blazed a trail in the Wing World as Brother Lieut. Wm. Powell of Los Angeles and Brother Millard Brown of Institute W. Va. These sons of Ham will really show Uncle Sam and Ole Man Hitler just what these brown boys really can do. They are tops in flying. And while I am speaking of the armed service of this great nation of ours I am wondering just what key positions will that great number of Commissioned Officers who are in the Reserve Division that graduated from such schools as Howard, Wilberforce, Lincoln, Tuskegee, etc. will hold in this great emergency. I was quite a figure in the engineers di-

October, 1940

vision myself, but of course I am way past the age now. Here's hoping for the greatest amount that can be received out of any conflict. You know we always have been the winners in any major difficulty. So what do we have to lose. As I see it nothing. I have just been reading- some from the article labeled — "Graduate Education for Negroes" as prepared by our General President and he has some mighty fine research in this particular article. It was presented in the Harvard Educational Review. But a peculiar thing struck me a few days ago that has been slowly dawning upon me since having been associated and identified with certain of my f e l l o w workers. I wonder if a title like "Education for the Graduate Negro" is needed to a very large extent in helping some of us who put themselves in the class of graduates. To see some of them function and to watch their reaction to problems that should be comparatively easy I still say we need some Education for Graduate Negroes. It is really an interesting study and a pathetic story of the educational maneuvers or shall I say short-cuts that have been carried on in the Mid-South area. It is hardly believable that with the middle part of Tennessee long known as the Educational center of this section and the cultural and advanced background that the eastern part of the state can boast of, that there is found by comparison and figures such a vast difference in the western part of the state. The sad feature is that it doesn't seem to want to improve itself very fast. Some day a different set up is coming in to help matters out. Maybe the war that is going to draft a few of us will help matters some. I hope so at least. Continued On Page 38

October, 1940


P a g e 13


By James B. Browning History Editor

The First Negro Medical Society: A History of the Medico-Chirurgical Society cf the District of Columbia 1884-1939. By W. Montague Cotb (Washington: Associated Publishers, 1939. x & 159pp tables, bibliography, and Appendix, $2.15). "The narrative misses someth : n«' because of this absence of a national background, and also suffers from a lack of continuity. Long Quotations from contemporary documents and publication lists might well have been placed in the Appendices." When your Book Review Editor said essentially the same thing he was criticized by the author. RICHARD H. SHYROCK. University of Pennsylvania Mississippi Valley Historical Review September, 1940. The Negro in Virginia, compiled by Workers of the Writer's Program of the W.P.A. in Virginia, $2.50. Hastings House. "The product of many hands, Negro and white, it is so brilliantly edited that it reads as though it might be the individual work of a singularly competent historian." The American Mercury, September, 1940. The Negro in Congress—1870-190], by Samuel Denny Smith, University of North Carolina Press, 160pp., Price $2.50, Postpaid by Survey Associates. "This objective study buries that partisan myth, for it shows by individual case studies the wide range of types, professions, training, and political points of view of the various Negro members of the Congress and estimates them as about average as a group, and in one or two individuals, outstanding as compared with their political peers and contemporaries.

ALAIN LOCKE, Survey Graphic, September, 1940. The Attitude of the Southern White Press Toward Negro Suffrage, 19321940, Edited by Rayford W. Logan with a Foreword by Charles H. Wesley. (Washington, D. C, The Foundation Publishers, 1940, pp 115. Price This is the second volume published by the group of brothers authorized to publish books under the name of the Foundation Publishers. The history of the fraternity was first. This book contains a story which can not be told too often. The public needs to be reminded that despite "the hue and cry" about the growth of liberalism in the South that: in many sections Negroes do not vote and are discriminated in dozens of ways while the leading papers look on with faint criticism or acquiescent guilt. Concerning this condition the author says: "It would be entirely appropriate, therefore, to call attention to the political Fascism that already exists in the South with the sanction of the United States Supreme Court and of public opinion. As the United States girds herself for the preservation of democracy, it might not be a bad idea to have some Democracy to defend." The Negro in the Americas, Public Lectures of the Division of Social Sciences of the Graduate, School, Edited by Charles H. Wesley, (Howard University, Washington, D. C, Date 1940). The Graduate School for the Division of Social Sciences Howard University, pp.— The history of the Negro in the Americas is here traced chronologically. Each of the great geographical blocks are treated by specialists or persons thoroughly familiar with local conditions. It is a volume which is at once interesting and scholarly and present a valuable account of the

problems and contributions of Negroes in the Americas. Birds of Passage, by Charlotte E. Hunter, (Baltimore, Maryland: L. Gordon and Sons, Inc., 1940 pp.20, Price. This reviewer does not even pretend to be a judge of good poetry. However, he found in this volume many stimulating and, from his viewpoint, beautiful poems. Perhaps the most striking features of the book are: the fact that while the author has suffered sustained personal disappointments the poems are imbued with a spirit of forgiveness and an uncanny immunity to the cynicism which sometimes springs up when one has seen long hoped for ideals vanish into thin air. Books To Be Reviewed History of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. The Hamitec Bible with an illuminating article by Brother John M. Ellison.

Message Of


To all Brothers: Greetings at the beginning of another school year. I am happy to report to you the publication of The Attitude of the Southern White Press Toward Negro Suffrage, 1932-1940, with a foreword by our General President, Brother Wesley. Publication was authorized by the last General Convention. One copy has been mailed to the President of each chapter who had a street address in the Sphinx Directory, and to each chapter that has a university address. Additional copies may be bought at the special price for Brothers of fifty cents each. You may be interested in the fol-

Page 14


Brother McLenden



October, 1940

U. S. Census



Attorney James A. McLenden, seated, left, was the only race man appointed Supervisor of the United States Census. With Michael A. S:arlata serving as Assistant Supervisor and an office force of more than two hundred employees both white and colored, Brother McLenden covered the First Congressional District of Illinois, represented by Congressman Arthur W. Mitchell, on whose recommendation the appointments were made. Reading from left to right, seated, are:—Brother McLenden, and Edward Lawson, Consultant for Bureau of Census, Public Relations Department. Standing, left to right, are:—Assistant Supervisor Michael A. Scarlata, Alpha M Maddux' James A. Mowen. Charles J. Ryan, Edward O. Moore, George W. Jones, Ernest W. Villere, Robert B. Jack, supersisor's clerks; and Martha L. Williams, secretary to Attorney McLenden. Brother McLenden is a graduate of Fisk University and law graduate of Northwestern University. lowing comments that I have already received. "A remarkable piece of work". Brother Dr. Felton Clark, President, Southern University. "This study was greatly needed and will fill many important uses." Dr. William Stuart Nelson, Dean, The School of Religion, Howard University. "An important contribution which will be of real historical value." Dr. Anson P. Stokes. "An excellent piece of work. I read

with intense interest the introduction and foreword." The Reverend M. Ashby Jones, Atlanta, Ga. "A most valuable and timely contribution." Brother Charles H. Houston. I am greatly appreciative of the opportunity that the Fraternity gave me of editing a publication which, I hope, will be of some value in our campaign of Education for Citizenship. Fraternally yours, RAYFORD W. LOGAN.

Stork Vissrs The MiSton S. J. Wrights Bro. and Mrs. Milton S. J. Wright, of Wilberforee University, have recently announced the arrival of their daughter, Edith Wright. The little "bundle of heaven" joined the familylast June. Dr. Wright, Contributing Editor of the Sphinx, heads the Department of Political Science at Wilberforee University.

October, 1940

•THE 15th Annual Convention of the ~~ National Pan-Hellenic Council held in Kansas City, Missouri, Aug. 23-24, 1940, with Brother William C. Pyant of Evanston, Illinois presiding-, registered the following delegates and visitors: Alpha Kapna Alpha Mrs. Erma Bruce Davis, Balitmore, Md., Alberta Everett, St. Louis; Mrs. Margaret Davis, Bowen, New Orleans. F r o m Kansas City: Elbertdeen Armstead, Eunice Bacot, Lucile Bin foid, Erma Can" on, Mary Louisa Chapman, Roberta Coffee, Louise Clarke, Dorothy H. Davis, Madaline Howard, Effie Irvine, Vera Jackson, Jusnita Kidd, Dayse Murphy, Mable Matthews, Rosetta Nolan, Mildred Roberson, Careita Roberts, Evelyn Searcy, Judith Syms, Thelma Rea Thurston, Marie Watson, Mildred Whitiield, Gertrude Whitley, Yvette Wilson and Marie Wright. Alpha Phi Alpha A. L. Allen, Fisk university, Nashville, Tenn.; L. F. Briscoe, Memphis, Ter.n.; Atty. Charles W. Burton, Chic-go, 111., and Dr. Russell A. Dixon, Washington, D. C, William C. Pyant, Evanston, 111. Kansas City: Dr. W. W. Andrews, Isaac Brister, Matthew Carroll, Jr., Dowdal H. Davis, Guy Davis, John L. Howell, Burt A. Mayberry, Dr. Eugere Rumrr.ons, Jr., Earl D. Thomas, S. H. Thompson, Jr.. Arthur 0. Thurman, Dr. A. C. Wilson. Delta Sigma Theta Atty. Sophia Boaz Pitts, Chicago, 111., Mrs. Ethel Ramos Harris, Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs. Pauline Slater, Los Angeles. Kansas City: Naomi R. Cherot, Margaret Lcuise Garrett, Marie Green, Eugia Ann Lewis, Beatrice Penman, Belva Spicer, Marie Lillard Thurman, Ruih J. Watson. Zeta Phi Beta Atty. Mary Lou Ash, Chicago, 111.; Blanche J. Thompson, Chicago, 111., acting grand basileus; Mrs. Joanna Ransom, Wilberforce, Ohio, Kansas City: Lee Ella Blake, Helen Cooper, Lucy Davis, Etta Ferguson, Theola Moore, Madge Yeargan. Kappa Alpha Psi James Scott, grand polemarch, Washington, D. C, W. L. D. Johnson, Houston, Texas. Kansas City: R. L. Anderson, Simon Cole, A. T. Edwards, W. Burdette



Hockaday, Rev. D. A. Holmes, Leon Jordan, Percy H. Lee, Dr. T. T. Lowrey, F M. McGinnis, Dr. L. V. Miller, Ulysses Plummer, Dr. Alfred E. Pyles, Arthur Saunders, Leslie Smith, Henry Stokes, Dr. L. W. Turner, B. Bernard Watson, Dr. F. E. Younge. Sigma Gamma Rho Mrs. Leslie H. Taylor, Memphis, Tenn.; Miss Bertha M. Black, St. Louis; Miss Prince Ann Franklin, Houston, Texas. Kansas City: Grace Abernathy, Adlissie Frazier, Esterline Greer, Alma Henderson, Ophelia Jackson, Hattie McKim, Amma Reddins, Marian Watk'.ns, Edith A. Williams. Phi Beta Sigma Armac'a T. Weathers, Chicago, Atty. George W. Lawrence, Chicago.

Page 15

Kansas City: Rev. J. Ernest Brown, Dr. Evan A. Gilkes, James W. Pryor, F. S. Smith, E. B. Stevenson, John T. Thornton. Omega Psi Phi A. W. Dent grand basileus, Omega Psi Phi, New Orleans, La., and Randolph Edmonds, Dillard university, New Orleans, La.; Frederick S. Weaver, Washington. Kansas City: Edward S. Clarke, J. H. Gregg, Harold Holliday and L. H. Curren.

BROTHER NYABONGO VISITS MANY CHAPTERS Brothers In Alpha Alpha:— I wish to take this liberty of thank-

Metal Arts Awarded Contract For Badges

The above picture was made on occasion of a visit of Brother A. L. Allen, Representative of Metal Arts Company of Rochester, N. Y., to Kansas City " t o show products of his company to members of the Coordinating Committee of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, and Alpha Phi Alpha and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternities who hold their annual conventions in Kansas City, December 27-31, 1940. The contract for the badges was awarded to Metal Arts Company. Seated Left to Right: Miss Trussie Smothers, Mrs. Mary Louise Chapman, Mrs. Louise Clark, Miss Aulette Abernathy, and Miss Gladys D. Claggett, and Paul Mobiley. Standing, Left to Right: A. L. Allen, Percy H. Lee, Kenneth Hill, Bernard B. Watson, Dr. T. T. Lowrey, J. Oliver Morrison, Matthew E. Carroll, Jr., John L. Howell, and Burt A. Mayberry.

Page 16


ing you for all the acts of kindness you have shown to me in the past. Travelling in many states I met several brothers of our Chapters, and the receptions, smokers, and parties which were "thrown" in my honor made me feel: "It is good to be an Alpha man." I was overwhelmed by the spontaneity and the refreshing spirit of brotherhood which marked these happy functions, or should I say felicitous occasions, for they were nothing less. Some of the Brothers flattered me by referring to the Chapter of London as my Chapter. I would like to rise to a point of correction. It is really the Alpha's chapter, not Nyabongo's chapter. It was primarily due to the great honour you bestowed on me that it was possible to organize a chapter "across the pond." Of course we know that accidents have often given birth to invention, but brothers, I would be a truant from the truth if I did not admit how thrilled I felt when I set up the Chapter and the newspapers "covered" its inception. Words are inadequate to express one's feelings when a life-long ambition has been


achieved. I find myself in this position at the moment and would therefore willingly subscribe to Carlyle who said that there is nothing as powerful as the voice of silence. The sacrifice and hard preparatory work is now history, but the memory of it all will always remain with me. I cannot compare myself with our Jewels who founded our fraternity. I bow to them nine times nine time. (Excuse me for this bit of African philosophy). It was a sheer delight talking with them: I always found them cheerful souls. It is my most fervent hope to justify the faith our fraternity showed in me when they entrusted me with the founding of the Chapter across the pond. I shall leave no stone unturned in my efforts to do a complete task. But even as things stand, my undying thanks must go to our general president, our general secretary and our Directory of Education and our Editor of Sphinx without whose co-operation the task might have proved abortive. The general convention asked me to write a history of the development of

Honor Judge Myles Paigz With Banquet

October, 1940 the Chapter as I went on to perform my duty, but I feel that there are some phases which I cannot divulge now. Later when I am not moving from place to place, I shall sit down and right it all. Our fraternity has become international as you may have observed from the newspapers covering my tour and everywhere I went people snowed enormous interest in our Alpha. This was as interesting to me as the fact that our fraternity is shedding its light outside of the U. S. A. as well. The majority of people seemed eager to know what kind of organization it is. Of course the Sphinx speaks for itself. Again I wish to thank all the brothers for the honour they conferred on me in permitting me to play an active part in the epoch-making event which ushered in our London Chapter. It is a pleasure for me to add that Brother Steady and I have met. Therefore you shall hear from both of us. Brothers, let us march on— Fraternally yours, NYABONGO.


Elaborate Banquet Reception at Alabama State College hanoring Brother Judge Myles Paige, of New York City and Mrs. Paige, upon, occasion of their return to Montgomery, Alabama, native home of the distinguished jurist, last summer. Brother President H. Councill Trenholm, Southern Vice-President of Alnha Phi Alpha Fraternity, (extreme right end) and Brother Dr. Milton S. J. Wright, Wilberforce University, and Contributing Editor of the Sphinx, were banquet speakers' More than two hundred guests, including relatives and friends were present at the reception. Judge and Mrs. Dorothy Boyd Paige are seen at the left end of the table.


October, 1940



Page 17




In his singular position as member of the State Legislature of Kentucky, only race man in the South to hold such a public post, Brother Charles W. Anderson, Jr., of Louisville, has achieved national reputation as a law-maker. He Kas succeeded in getting passed a number of bills designed primarily for the benefit of his people in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. His progress is being watched keenly by political science students of both races throughout the country—particularly by Negro civic leaders in other southern states. In private life, Brother Anderson heads the' law firm of Anderson, Thomas and Waiker, located at 602 West Walnut Street, Louisville, Ky. His two associates are Brother Prentice Thomas, and Attorney E. K. Walker, the latter a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Brother Anderson, left, is shown seated in his well-appointed private office. At right the youthful legislator is seen as he returned from the courtroom, standing in front of his Library and Conference Room.


Aid In Building

TN the spirit of "love for all mankind" brothers'of Alpha Phi Alpha have been active in building the Southern Negro Youth Congress. The SNYC was organized in Richmond in February of 1937. It is a federation of 60 local councils located in 13 Southern states and the District of Columbia. Educational, social, labor, religious, civic, and fraternal groups representing more than one million persons share Congress activity. Youth's interest and activity has been aroused in such grim realities as, unequal economic and educational opportunities, the poll tax, lack of franchise, the evils existing in tenant farming, and a multitude of social and health problems confronting three million young people in the Southland. A cultural movement has been



launched. The first Negro Community Theatre in the South was organized in Richmond in 1937, being closely followed by similar movements in Birmingham and New Orleans. The SNYC organized five thousand Negro tobacco stemmers in Richmond and vicinity, securing contracts in seven large factories, thus raising the Race income over $250,000 annually. The present program is a "Right To Vote" campaign, stressing value of voting, and the evils and elimination of the white primary, the poll tax, and numerous registration restrictions. As this campaign is similar to Alpha's "Education For Citizenship" Campaign our fraternity unselfishly permitted use of its slogan "A Voteless People is a Hopeless People" to SNYC. Brother Arthur Shores, prominent



Birmingham attorney, journeyed to Washington last spring representing SNYC before a Congressional committee hearing on proposed anti-poll tax legislation. The SNYC has made good use of sound advice in execution of its militant program. Here Alpha men have again been helpful. At the Third Conference Brothers H. C. Trenholm, president of Alabama State Teachers college, Jos. H. B. Ejvans, Alpha's General Secretary, and Forrester B. Washington, Director of Atlanta School of Social Work led in discussions in the fields of education, rural problems, and social conditions, respectively. Bro. Carlton Lee, Ga. Hi-Y. Secretary, is actively building youth work as vice president of SNYC in the state of Georgia. While president of the

Page 18 student council at Langston University, Bro. Bill Hale was vice president for the state of Oklahoma. Bro. Philip Waring, youth leader of West Virginia, is a member of the National Council; Bro. John Cuyjet, president of Alpha Zeta "will head Congress work at Institute and Charleston, W. Va. At the Fourth Conference in New Orleans last April several brothers took prominent parts. Bro. Fred D. Patterson, president of Tuskegee, and chairman of the SNYC Adult Advisory Board, addressed the group with "The Significance of a Southern Youth Movement". The newly elected dean of Hampton Institute, Bro. Ralph O'Hara Lanier, an ardent SNYC worker, was reelected member of the Adult Advisory Board. Bro. Dr. Max Yergin, Director of the International Committee on African Affairs, left his class at New York City College to explain his version of "Negro Youth in the International Scene". Bro. Dr. Rayford W. Logan, Director of Alpha's Education program and an authority on Southern problems of franchise, stressed minority technique in a masterful speech, "Balloting for Democracy" to a crowded audience at the Berean Church auditorium. Brothers of Sigma Lambda Chapplayed active roles in making the Fourth Conference a great success. Bro. Dr. Herman Branson was chairman of program committee; Bro. Numa Rousseve, professor of Art at Xavier, was chairman of art committee; Bro. Fred Hall, head of music department at Dillard, directed the pageant "Hermitage"; forceful attorney Archie LeCesne served on the program committee; and lastly Bro. Ferdinand L. Rousseve, Prof, of Fine Arts at Xavier and Southern Alpha Regional Director, representing the Advisory Board of the New Orleans SNYC, lent a militant challenge to the delegates as a welcome address to the city. Tribute must be paid other Greeks for their fine work in the Congress. Namely: Phi Beta Sigma's Dr. Alain Locke, Omega Psi Phi's Randolph Edmonds, and Kappa Alpha Psi's Drs. Max Bond and youthful Carlton Goodlett. Prof. Herman Long and Edward Strong, both of Birmingham, are national president and secretary, respectively. It is significant that the 27th General Convention of our fraternity voted the sum of $50 to aid the SNYC in its work.



October, 1940

Brother Dickinson's Address O n "Wings Over Jordan" Program Dr. H. L. DICKASON President State Teachers College, Bluefield, Virginia. A former national president of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. A former president of the West Virginia State Teachers Association. Now chairman of the Standards Committee of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and civic leader in the city of Bluefield and the state of West Virginia, outstanding educator and college builder. A Speech Delivered From Cleveland, I bring you greetings from West Virginia—the Switzerland of America —whose consecrated and liberty loving citizens are proud to live our motto "Mountaineers Are Always Free." Proud also of their devotion to democratic ideals and willing to challenge those ideals. A challenge comes when problems of importance face us. Democracy, the ideal guide for the human family must be preserved. In the life of the human family of any period or dynasty there are periods of devotion to such crystallized sentiments that make for or against civilization—all depends on the mass point of view. World unrest-sectional conflicts, individual misunderstandings and controversies challenge us to reaffirm our faith in democracy and its ideals. Conservative attitudes must direct our emotions for sane progress. The universal discussion today from every quarter is some phase of democracy. Some of the democratic nations are' in a titanic struggle to beat back what they call the impending flood of "isms", that are pressing against their gates of civilization. Being the world's greatest democratic nation, we, in the United States must present a united front and work unfalteringly to preserve our democracy. We hear much and read more about un-American and subversive activities contrary to the principles of our free democratic institutions and directed against our unified democratic society. Unqualifiedly, must we reflect the philosophy of that Mayflower Compact, "to maintain order by upholding the will of the majority". History does not record and newspapers do not report any grave unAmerican or dangerous subversive activities on the part of the Negro. He has maintained the record from Boston Commons to this day. In the face of problems, of disappointments and barriers the Negro has followed the philosophy implied by Patrick

Henry, who, after expressing grave doubts as to what others would possibly do, expressed himself very definitely as to his own course for liberty—yes, democratic liberty and an unhampered freedom. We have rallied to the cause for which our American flag stands. Our firm belief is that governments of, for and by the people derive their reasons for existence through unqualified participation and approval of their citizens. A challenge of human happiness may be answered: 1. By an economic sufficiency guarantee. This should be a national ideal. Sinclair Lewis said, "It Can't Happen Here," but friends, of the radio audience, an ideal will cease to be persuasive when a standard of living drops to a sub-standard horizon. The ideals of democracy will cease to urge many persons to greater achievements for complete living, if too many citizens on the borderline of poverty, sense pauperism and pool their plight into a common grievance and start action. Economic standards should be civilizing rather than domesticating. 2. Through broad principles of intelligence. Groups, as well as individuals, should be able to weigh evidence and come to conservative and sound conclusions. Culture, character and courage reflect intelligent attitudes of races and nations. Intelligence should divide us into two harmonious groups —one group having capabilities that will permit it to be led and the other group that will have the ability to lead. 3. Through national citizenship and security. Individuals making up a democratic society should be able to point to the ideal wherein human beings may not be deprived of life, liberty, suffrage or property without due legal processes. They should have equal protection of laws, regardless of race, color or previous or present station in this civilization. This security is the forerunner of civic devotion is the essence of our American Democracy or of equal rights and justice before God and the Law. Democracy should go hand in hand with civilization. Civilization results from vision and we shall perish without a real vision. Our devotion to democracy should make us liberty loving citizens — democratic in spirit catholic in temper and sane in judgment. It is not so much democracy but the ideals upon which democracy rests.

October, 1940




Pago 19


As Call Editor



Dr. A. R. Maddox, member of Beta Zeta Lambda Chapter, who for 13 years has rendered distinguishel service as a citizen and public servant in Sedalia, Missouri, where he is employed as city physician, established himself even more firmly in the esteem and affections of the people of this community when he led the campaign for a new hospital for the Negroes of Sedalia. It was largely through the unflagging efforts of Brother Maddox that other influential people were interested and a proposition included in the special bond election of October 31, 1939 whose passage makes possible the erection of a $20,000 structure. Construction of the new municipal Hospital is to get under i»av as soin as the indorsement for a $25,000 WPA grant is received. The hospital is to be completely modern and fireproof, with an exterior of architectural concrete. There will be 20 beds including private rooms and wards and an entire wing will be given over to an operating room, an X-Ray department, a laboratory, and a Diet Kitchen. The kitchen, dining room, helps' quarters, and main heating room will be located in the basement. The building is to be modernistic in design. Brother Maddox campaigned vigorously to secure the passage of the proposition for the building of the hospital which was first promised to the Negroes in Sedalia in 1929. The extent of the victory which Brother Maddox was so greatly instrumental in bringing about can only be understood in the light of the fact that a poorly equipped hospital housed in a dilapidated and dangerous frame building has previously had to serve for the 3,000 colored residents of Sedalia as well as patients from surrounding towns who have absolutely no hospital facilities for Negroes. Brother C. C. Hubbard, principal of the Lincoln High School in Sedalia, and a power in state affairs, rendered invaluable assistance in the hospital fight. Outstanding among Brother Hubbard's efforts was a fifteen minute talk delivered over Sedalia's radio station KDRO which also interviewed Bro. Maddox. Brother Maddox is a graduate of Kansas University and the Howard University Medical School, president of the Mo. Pan-Medical Association,

Miss Lucile Bluford and Brother John L. Bluford, Jr. Miss Lucile Bluford, brilliant editor of the Kansas Call, and allied publications, paused in Memphis and at the Sphinx Office long enough to pose with her brother, Brother John L. Bluford, Jr., manager of the Memphis District, Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Company. Having already given liberally of space in the Call for publication of news of activities of Alpha Phi Alpha and its several chapters, Miss Bluford promised increasing cooperation as the 28th General Convention approaches. It will be held in Kansas City, Mo., her home in December. As two other national Greek-letter organizations, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, will hold their annual conventions in Kansas City during thea same week of the Alpha session, a coordinating committee, comP U B tl i 'l C r t y representatives of the three societies, has been formed with Brother John L Howell as chairman. Miss Bluford is a member of Beta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Miss Bluford is an honor graduate of Kansas University, having majored in journalism daughter of Brother John L. Bluford, Sr., well known educa or of Kansas City and active member of Beta Lambda, 1940 host chapter. She is a plaintiff m the second suit filed against the University of Missouri by NAACP ?h s ° r S ^ b / e " & 2 S * a S W a S B r 0 t h e r L 1 °y d G a , n e s > t 0 study course at this state-supported institution. and is charter member of Upsilon Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Bro. Hubbard is a graduate of Lincoln University (Mo.), a member of the Board of Curators of that institution, and a member of Beta Zeta Lambda chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha. We doff our hats to these achieving brothers.

Good Will Tourists A delegation of Kappas and Alphas from Kansas City made a good will tour to Memphis Saturday, October 5th on behalf of Tri-Conventions. Details of trip will be published in Preconvention Edition.

Page 20



Joins Sphinx Staff As Contributing

October, 1940


BROTHER FRANK L. STANLEY Editor of the Louisville Defender, Louisville, Kentucky, has joined the Sphinx Staff as Contributing Editor. Brother Stanley is equally noted as a personality in the field of sports as he is a journalist. He is serving his second term as president of the Midwestern Officials Association. He was an All-American quarterback in 1928 at Atlanta University. With ten years experience in Collegiate officiating and five years of experience as a coach, Brother Stanley is one of the most outstanding personalities in the Midwestern Football Conference circle. The recently organized Negro Publishers' Association, formed in Chicago this past February, named him vice-president of the Southern Region.

Memphis Alphas Observe Anniversary—And


Tnese lovely ladies were wined and dined at the elaborate Buffet Supper of Alpha Delta Lambda, Memphis, in honor of the chapter's Tenth Anniversary recently. Left end, seated, is Mrs. Edwin Jones, wife of the chapter's president, Prof. Edwin Jones. She is a Delta soror.

Two Alpha


JOHN L. HOWELL General Chairman Usually one finds the job of general chairman of one's convention big enough to keep him busy, but imagine the task confronting Brother John L. Howell, who is General Chairman over the three major conventions which will meet in Municipal Auditorium, Kansas City, Mo. this coming Christmas. At this early date, Brother Howell has already had ample opportunity to realize the magnitude of the job before him. He is General Chairman of the Coordinating Committee which has general supervision over all of the arrangements for Alpha Kappa Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, and Alpha Phi Alpha Conventions. He is also General Chairman of the Alpha Convention Committee and president of Beta Lambda Chapter, the host. In his professional life, Brother Howell serves as Principal of Garrison School in Kansas City, First Vice-President of the State Teachers Association, and Chairman of the Resolutions Committee. He is past president of the Council of Negro Teachers and serves as secretary of that body; is a member of the Superintendents Advisory Committee of Elementary School Principals, member of the Educational Committee of Kansas City Branch of the NAACP and member of the National Educational Association. Brother Howell also serves as secretary of the official board of the Centennial Methodist Church. TO KANSAS CITY, 1940 Cooperation In Kansas City—"Heart Of America".

October, 1940

You Should Know



Page 21

Gamma Lambdans And Their New Home

MATTHEW E. CARROLL, JR. The busiest man at the whole convention will be Brother Matthew E. Carroll, Jr., who will be the Chairman of the Registration Committee for the three conventions and in charge of the Registration of the Alphas. Brother Carroll is a past General Officer, having served as Educational Director in 1934 and 1935. In local professional life, Brother Carroll is the Senior Representative to the Cooperative Council, and organizations including all teachers club in Kansas City School System and serves it as a member of the following committees: Recommendations Committee, Constitutional Revision Committee; and Research Committee. He is Dean of the Junior College Department of the Lincoln High School and Junior College and a member of the Missouri State Association of Negro Teachers. In national professional life, Brother Carroll is a member of the American Society of Parasitologists, the American Microscopical Society, and the American Teachers Association. He is president of the Beau Brummel Club of Greater Kansas City, a Fellow in the Research Academy, member of the American Legion, Chairman of the Auditing Committee in the local branch of the NAACP, and is a member of the St. Augustine Episcopal Church. o

Changes of Addresses All brothers who have moved to now locations since publication of Educational Number should notify Sphinx Office of new addresses.

Gamma Lambda Chapter House, shown below, has become a center of activities for brothers of Detroit, Michigan and their friends. It is located at 291 Eliot Street.

Beta Mu Lambda Is One Year Old

One year ago, Beta Mu Lambda was a~ded as a new link in the fraternal chain of Alpha in the Tar Heel state. Members and their guests are shown as they observe the First Anniversary of one of the youngest chapters in the bonds of Alpha Phi Alpha. Photo 1—First row, left to right—Rutherford, J. L. Smith, F. D. White, H. A. Day; Back row, left to right—F. A. Tolliver, James Simpson, I. H. Miller, Jr. Photo 2—members and guests—seated left to right—Mrs. H. A. Day, Mrs. F. D. White, Miss Phelps, Miss E. B. Riggs, Mrs. Tolliver and Miss K. Eloise Miller; Standing left to right—Brothers Tolliver, Rutherford, Day, White, I. H. Miller, Jr., Smith and Simpson. Chapter news page 24.

Page 22


Iota Lambda

To Hear Of



Transportation Director

BROTHER AND MRS. HERMAN M. RILEY Plans were made in London in August of 1939 for Bro. Dr. C. B. Clarke, president of BETA PSI Chapter, London, England to be the honor guest at the first meeting of Iota Lambda in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1940. Bro. Clarke has never been in the United States and had planned to vacation in Indianapolis this year and was to be the house guest of Bro. and Mrs. Herman Murray Riley. The war has made all this impossible. Nevertheless, the first meeting of the season for Iota Lambda will be at the residence of Bro. and Mrs. Riley, a t 4066 Boulevard Place. Bro. and Mrs. Riley were the guests of Bro. Clarke in, London last summer, while attendirg summer school at Oxford University. Later they studied at Sorbonne University in Paris, France. Report of Alpha Phi Alpha in London by Bro. Riley and a travelogus by Mrs. Riley will be a feature of Iota Lambda's first meeting.


Campaign Pre gram Of Alpha

October, 1940

BRO. KERMIT J. HALL Mid-Western Regional Director, was recently appointed Director of Transportation by President Wesley. Brother Hall has already begun negotiations with railroad officials for delegates and brothers attendirg the convention.



Brother Rev. S. M. Beane, pastor of Hamilton Methodist Church, Los Angeles, in action as guest speaker tor Alpha Delta's Education for Citizenship Campaign program. Brother Ivan J. Johnson, left end, seated, served as master of ceremonies. First Vice-President Bert McDonald, right end, is seen in his characteristic pose. "Burt", as he is known throughout the bond, served for many1 years as president of Alpha Delta. Chapter news on page 26.

BROTHER LILLARD G. ASHLEY Charter member of Beta Kappa Chapter, Langston University, and likewise of Beta Epsilon Lambda Chapter, Wewoka, Oklahoma. Brother Ashley is a resident of Boley, famous all-colored town of the Sooner State, and a member of its City Council. He is instructor of Vocational Agriculture in the Boley High School.

October, 1940 lt>




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RHO LAMBDA CHAPTER—BUFFALO, NEW YORK Greetings Brothers in Alphadom:— As the interesting summer draws to a close, we find much has happened within the folds of Rho Lambda. The first meeting of the fall was held at Brother Glenn Sampson's, at which time, the Scholarship Committee received a rising vote of thanks for choosing a worthy student as Bruce Lee winner of the one hundred dollars, made possible by the successful spring dance. Bruce, a local lad was awarded the scholarship to further his study in the field of Science. In June, at Brother Russell Holland's apartment, the chapter gave

a stag in honor of Clarence M. Maloney, Assistant Attorney General of the State of New York, who was here on his vacation. The boys spent an enjoyable evening, and we were happy to have with us Frank Murphy and Ernest Williams, students at Meharry; Bryant Blue, Johnson C. Smith, William Denny, Va. State College; and James Lyons of W. Va. State College, who were all home for their summer vacation. It was June again when Bro. William Holloman joined the ranks of the Benedicts, journeying to Virginia.

On his return to the Falls, he presented his bride at a reception. Bro. Dr. Samuel Calvin Johnson is a proud father of a daughter, Sinette Evelyn, arriving in July. Bro. Chispin Hall has moved his family to Albany, New York, after accepting a promotion in the engineering department of the State: Rho Lambda's loss is Beta Pi Lambda's gain. Bro. Father 0. H. Brown was being honored with a banquet, marking his seventeenth a n n i v e r s ary as rector of St. P h i l l i p ' s Church. The Brothers plan attending in a group to add their

Page 24 bit to the program. Bro. Dr. McDonald Bobb, our efficient secretary, held his open house last month, after remodeling his office in the building of which he is now owner. Bro. Dr. Walter B. Holland had much to talk about on his return from his east coast vacation. He visited Bro. Fred U. Pierce in Hudson, N. Y., and saw Jewel George Kelly in Troy, N. Y., Bro. William Brown in Albany, N. Y., Bro. Drs. John Irving and George Dockery in New York City, and Dr. Lester B. Ward in Brook. lyn. He also visited Dr. Joseph Carvin at his beautiful new home in Stanford, Conn. To the "Nationals" at Wilberforce went Bro. William Jackson and Bro. Dr. Russell H. Holland. After attending the tournament, Dr. Holland motored to Chicago and Idlewild, Michigan for a stay of three weeks, which was very enjoyable. Bro. William L. Evans, executive secretary, of Memorial Center and Urban League, spent his vacation in Green Lake, N. Y., later attending the conference at Green Pasture's Camp in Michigan. Fraternally yours, DR. RUSSELL W. HOLLAND. o •

Beta Mu Lambda SALISBURY, N. C. Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: Greetings: Members of Beta Mu Lambda Chapter feel that it is high time to let it be known that it is really on the map. A year ago a group of Alpha men, some recent college graduates, others away from their home chapters, felt, and acted on the desire to unite in a definite chapter, in order to better continue their affiliation with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. This chapter was to embrace the graduate Alpha men in Salisbury, and Statesville, North Carolina. In the light of this desire, a committee headed by Bro. H. A. Day of Salisbury was selected to make contact with the General Organization towards the furtherance of our aim. A Charter was granted us naming the Chapter, Beta Mu Lambda. On August 21, 1939 the following Brothers gathered at the home of Bro. Day: F. D. White, H. A. Day, James Simpson, I. H. Miller, Jr., Howard W. Miller, of Salisbury, and T. E. Allison, Jr., J. L. Hollowell, Rutherford, J. Leslie Smith and Troy Johnson of Statesville. Brother J. 0. Ellis, Regional Director at that time, conducted the ceremonies. Also present were visiting Brothers, J. K. Aggrey of Xi Chapter and J. W. Younge, Jr., of Beta Gamma Chapter. At this meeting the


October, 1940


Charter members elected Brothers F . D. White and H. W. Miller as delegates to the 1939 General Convention in New York City. The work of the chapter has moved on, with the members having a great success, in the carrying out of the "Education For Citizenship Program." Our objective has been and shall continue to be embodied in the Preamble to our General Constitution. We have tried to take and uplift and advancement of the Negro in our community and the race at large. A year has passed since the founding of our chapter. During this time Bro. S. W. Lancaster has become connected with us. In. observance of our First Anniversary this group entertained with a bridge luncheon, buffet style, on Monday evening, September 22, at the home of Brother Simpson. The affair was enjoyed immensely by all. Present officers and members of Beta Mu Lambda Chapter are: F. D. White, president; Dr. H. A. Day, vicepresident; James Simpson, treasurer; I. H. Miller, Jr., recording and Corresponding secretary; Rev. J. L. Smith, chaplain; Howard W. Miller, associate editor to the Sphinx; S. W. Lancaster, Rutherford; F. A. Toliver, Troy Johnson, T. E. Allison, Jr., and J. L. Hollowell. Fraternally yours, HOWARD W. MILLER o—

Eta Chapter NEW YORK, N. Y. Dear Brothers: Eta takes this oportunity of hoping that you have all been completely refreshed by your vacation experiences, and that you will have gained enough momentum from your respite from arduous toil to pursue with added determination your programs for the year. Eta has not been entirely inactive this summer. The chapter is now in the midst of a very important drive, but the time is not yet ripe to reveal the details of it. Your scribe, therefore feels that the time is fitting to briefly review the highlights of the first six months of 1940 in so far as its affects Eta Chapter. One of the first acts of Eta's 1940 administration was the holding of an informal dinner meeting in the cafeteria annex of the local Y. W. C. A. on Friday evening, January 26th. At this meeting, Brother President Mac C. Davis, described Eta's 1940 program for the enlightment of the brothers assembled. The principal speaker on this occasion was the Hon. Bro. Elemer A. Carter, Executive member of the Appeals Board, Division of Unemployment Insurance of New York

State, who delivered an inspiring address on "The necessity of the Fraternity meeting the needs of a changing world." Bro. Carson De Witt Baker held forth as toastmaster. Eta's basketball team successfully defended its championship by defeating Omega and Sigma during the latter part of March. The latter game was by far the more thrilling of the two. Sigma outnumbered Alpha by a margin of almost three to one, but our boys made up in courage and skill what they lacked in numbers. Several times during the game, Sigma held a ten point lead but Alpha, led by the doughty Brother Bill "Dolly" King, would always surge back to tie it up, and eventually won in overtime with only four men on the court out of the seven who were available for the game. Eta held its spring initiation in April of this year, and four Sphinxmen attained the status of full fledged Alphamen. The neophyte brothers are: Vincent Bryan, William H. Hurst, Emmett Rice, and Jonas B. Rutledge. On Sunday morning, June 2nd, Eta, in conjunction with Alpha Gamma Lambda, held its annual sermon at the Church of the Master, (Presbyterian). Bro. Robinson, pastor of the church, preached a very instructive and inspiring sermon on "Comradeship, or Exalted Companionship." On Wednesday evening, June 5th, Eta held its College Swingcade at the beautiful Savoy Ballroom. The place was decorated with banners, pennants, and everything reminiscent of " 0 1 ' Alma Mammy." What with good music, beautiful women, and beverages of all sorts, a good time was had by all. Before the evening was over, the brothers gathered together and joined lustily in the singing of that hymn that is nearest and dearest to the hearts of all of us—"In our dear A. Phi A." Having reminisced as much as time and space will allow, I take my leave of you, brothers, until the next issue when I hope to have a wealth of news for you. Fraternally yours, ARCHIE FLANAGAN. o

Alpha Sigma


WILEY COLLEGE, MARSHALL, TEXAS Alpha Sigma Chapter, Wiley College, presents its outstanding members who are making distinctive achievements in their respective fields of endeavor:— No. 1, Brother Walter B. Ford—pursued his graduate work at Art Institute, Chicago, following graduation at Minnesota University where he

October, 1940






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s •f




Wiley's Dean


maintained an outstanding scholastic record. He is a pioneer in the field of art education and^ has r*. all times taken an active interest h. Alpha Sigma. No. 2, Robert T. Riley—an outstanding student of the campus and has made the honor roll continuously since his freshman year. He is the recipient of an Alpha Phi Alpha scholarship for this Region is also a three-letter man. No. 3, Fred T. Long—holds a B.S. Degree from James Milliken, did additional work on his Master's at the University of Michigan during the summer. Known as a moulder of men and as a lover of fair play, Coach Long has won the respect of the student body at Wiley and the admiration of all the athletic officials in the Southwest Conference. No. 4, Harold K. Logan—We doff our hats to Brother Harold K. Logan. He is holder of the A.B. Degree from Talladega, M.B.A. from New York

Gets Ph. D.


Page 26 University. Brother Logan serves as Business Manager of Wiley. On August 31st past, he joined in matrimonial ties with Miss Clara Mae Montgomery, beautiful Wiley honor student from Houston, Texas, and an A.K.A. soror. Alpha Sigma wishes for them a successful and happy marriage. No. 5, Nolan H. Anderson—Associate Professor of Biological Science, received his Master's in biological science at Michigan University with several hours to his credit toward his doctorate. Because of Brother Anderson's outstanding record, he was elected to Phi Sigma, National Biological Society. No. 6, James C. Wallace, Jr.,—Senior, majoring in biological science at Wiley College from Beaumont, Texas considers being president of Alpha Sigma one of his greatest achievements. His executive ability has merited him the office of president of the Y.M.C.A., president of the Beaumont-Wiley Club, and editor of the Campus Lens and the Wiley Reporter. He has recently been elected by campus poll as the most active in extra curricular activities on the campus. Brother Vatter E. Daniel, (left), is one of the founders of Alpha Sigma and Dean of Wiley College He has been active in the Christian Association work of the Southwest, and in national educational associations. During 1937 Brother Daniel served as president of the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools for Negroes. He completed his work for tire degree of Doctor of ThilTfonhv in Sociology at the University of Chicago. His work at Chicago included a study of "Ritual in Chicago's Southside Churches for Negroes." Alpha Sigma is happy to announce that Brother Kelso B. Morris was recipient recently of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Chemistry from Cornell University. In the spring of this year, Brother Morris was •elected to membership in Sigma Xi, national and honorary scholastic society. The following excerpts from a letter to President Dogan of Wiley College from Professor A. W. Browne of Cornell University, attests further to the quality and character of the work of Brother Morris while a candidate for the Doctorate:— "The thought has come to me many times as I have watched him at work upon the elaborate glass apparatus that he has designed and constructed in connection with the experimental work for his Doctor's thesis, that Dr. Morris certainly has a brilliant future ahead of him along educational and scientific lines, and as a leader of men. He is a credit not



only to Wiley College, but also to Cornell University; not only to his Race, but to all Mankind." In addition to receiving the Doctorate at the age of 31, Brother Morris is a member of the American Chemical Society and has a publication in his field. Two articles based on a part of his dissertation will be released within the next few months. o

Alpha Delta

October, 1940



LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Alpha Delta Chapter and her group of "New Frontiersmen" have already begun to look toward the Kansas City Convention this year. These Los Angeles young men who have been doing things in a big way out on the West Coast intend to invade Kansas City and make their Alpha Brothers sit up and realize how and why they think that Alpha Delta is the busiest and best chapter in the Fraternity. With 1940 almost three-quarters gone, these young men are boasting of one of the best educational campaigns, and with the unanimous cooperation of one of the largest groups of active brothers, President James Robinson is "jockeying" the west coast brothers with their eyes on the Balfour Cup. Brothers Ed Strong and Perry Parks, the Co-Chairman of the Educational campaign, have had a tough job this year, but came out on top with one of the most interesting and successful Education For Citizen-

BROTHER REDDELL SCOTT Treasurer and financial chairman of Aloha Delta Chapter, who with Brother Henry Feltenberg, secretary, has raised the financial status of the chapter to a new high. ship Campaigns ever offered in Los Angeles. The work of the Educational CoChairman and their committeemen has only been topped by that of the Financial "experts" Brothers Reddell Scott, (Photo above) Treasurer and Henry Feltenburg, Secretary. These two young men instigated a

West Coast Leaders Get


Led by Brother James A. Robinson, left end, president of Alpha Delta Chapter, Los Angeles, Calif., looks forward to sending a large delegation to the 28th General Convention at Kansas City in December. Brothers Eddie Strong, center, and Perry Parks, right end, as Co-chairmen of the Educational Committee, directed the chapter's most successful "Education for Citizenship Campaign" this past spring.

October, 1940


"fool-proof" financial system and have been a "fly in the hair" of mast bros. But the brcs. have responded sincerely to them for 1940 and from all evidences the active brothers for 1941 are going to be higher. The third system of commendation for the Alpha Delta Chapter goes to Vice-President Horace Hampton, who is also Dean of the Pledge Club. Brothers Hampton, with Acting Chairman Bill Faulkner and Brother Hal Sinclair, send a challenge to any Alpha Phi Alpha Chapter to have a better Sphinx Club than they have here. So President Robinson sends a hearty greeting to the Alpha Brothers and tells Kansas City to watch out—"Cause the men from the West Coast are coming." Fraternally Perry Park?. o



High School where he was Professor of Biological Science. His work was very efficient in the educational field as well as the civic activities of Chattanooga. As a result of his untiring work and that gocd ole' spirit, advancement was inevitable. •


Cupid's Corner

To Mousing Post DItO. JOHN H. JULIAN, JR. Brother Julian received the princ.palship of West Main Street School, cne of the largest elementary schools in this city. He is a graduate of Clark University and a graduate student of the University of Iowa. He began his educational career at West Main Street but was- transferred to Howard

Beta Epsilon

Psi Lambda Chapter, in beginning another year of fellowship and good deeds, extends greetings and wishes of success to all brothers and chapters during the year 1940-41. Psi Lambda also presents two brothers who are achieving much in our city. Brother B. T. Scruggs simultaneously received his Master of Art Degree in Business Administration from Atlanta University and managership of the College Hill Housing Project, Chattanooga. Brother Scruggs is a graduate of Clark University. He has served as Executive Secretary of the James A. Henry Branch Y. M. C. A., instructor at Booker T. Washington High School and is affiliated with nearly every progressive organization of his city. He was president of Psi Lambda Chapter two consecutive years during which time the chapter made great strides forward.

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Dan Cupid has made several perfect scores with his "love darts" during the summer months, judging from the number of wedding announcements received by the Sphinx Editor. The little goddess has had two factors of course in his favor . . . military conscription and the Lean Year tradition, to give him a whirlwind finish for 1940. But neither draft nor leap year was needed to augment the charm of Mirs Leo Susanne Butler, of Washington, D. C, in winning the heart of Brother Harry Walter Roberts or of Miss Eleanor Blanchette Sutton, of Weirton, Virginia in capturing Eastern Vice-President Roger F. Gordor, of Philadelphia, Pa. The Butler-Roberts wedding was solemnized June 11th at Metropolitan A. M. E. Church, Washington, D. C. Weirton was scene of wedding for Brother Cordon and Miss Sutton. Felicitations and wishes for success in their matrimonial venture.

Chapter—A. & T. College

Front row, left to right:—Brothers Robbin Washington. E. K. Winstead, Earl Holland; second row, left to right:—Brothers Lester Williamson, Joseph Colson, Havard Jones, Glenn Rankin, Harold Simmons; third row, left to right: Edward Hur.ter, Joseph Himby, Clinton Etheridge, William Foushee*, McKinley Murfree. *deceased.


Page 28

Alpha Tau Lambda TULSA, OKLA. Greetings: It is with pleasure that I bring you news of Alpha Tau Lambda Chapter. I can report that this chapter is still doing everything to hold high the name of Alpha. In March, the chapter met at the home of Brother Archie Morgan, with Brothers Clifford Johnson and Fred Parker as hosts. To describe the menu served would only motivate your appetite for food and that would create discomforture for you. Rest assured however there was food a plenty and every brother present enjoyed himself. Okmulgee, Oklahoma, and Brothers Taylor, Anderson, and Adams played the part of entertaining brothers of Alpha Tau Lambda. Favors, a menu prepared as for the King and Queen, everyone in formal attire, except one, 'jitterbuggirg', Cake-walking, bigapple, and many more not yet mentioned made the evening complete and enjoyable. The brothers in Okmulgee did a complete job of entertaining the brothers of Alpha Tau Lambda. The r.ext meeting was held at the home of Brother Willie Combs with Brothers Rouce and Dr. Coots acting as hosts. The menu hard to beat was enjoyable. Another meeting of success was held. Then came the meeting of meetings held at the spacious Mohawk Park. This time Brothers Bryant, Buin-A. Cole, South, Harris, and Payne p'ayed their part. Steaks and everything else proved to be most enjoyable to everyone. Brothers Horace Hughes, and Clifford Johnson received master's degrees from Pittsburgh Teacher's College of Kansas, and Kansas University respectively. Brother Morgan attended the General Sunday School in Cleveland, Ohio. He had charge of the Boy Scouts of Tulsa at the Annual Camping Week. Brother Weaver is now principal of Ponca City, Oklahoma. Brother Moon is principal at the High School of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Brother James Ellis has been employed to teach Mathematics at Booker T. Washington High School. Brothers Payne and Bryant attended the National Medical Association at Houston, Texas. While there, Brother Payne performed with others in a most delicate operation, which won for him the admiration of many of his profession. The Municipal Hospital under suprevision of Dr. Payne


has now been registered. This is an outstanding accomplishment. During the summer many brothers were visitors in Tulsa. Brothers Roscoe Bryant of Chi Chapter; Joe Ward and Rubin Mims of Wiley College; Bowser, a dentist of Philadelphia, and a member of Rho chapter were some of our visitors. We ask all brothers passing through Tulsa, Oklahoma, to register a t the Crown Drug Store. We can show you an enjoyable visit, if you will do this. I think it is n good thing to get acquainted. Try it when you are visiting or passing through. Good luck brothers for the coming year. May all that you do will be to make Alpha greater. Yours fraternally, ROBERT L. FAIRCHILD Associate Editor of Sphinx. o

Tau Chapter UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Greetings to Alpha Phi Alpha:— Tau Chapter is approaching again the place of glory she once occupied on the Campus of the University of Illinois. After having been homeless for more than a year with a resultant drop in general morale during which time she fell in scholarship from the place of honor, she rather consistently has held throughout the years, Tau entered a new home of beauty as Alpha Phi Alpha everywhere knows. With the unflagging help and encouragement of brothers in Chicago and elsewhere, the Brothers of Tau have cheerfully and creditably assumed the responsibilities that devolve upon maintaining such a house and have with renewed courage and spirit embarked upon their journey to the place equal to the one formerly held. Primarily, of course, their chief business is to concern themselves with scholarship and in one jump they landed in the fourteenth place among fifty-nine fraternities on the Campus. We still must go up further to attain the place we once held, but we are very far ahead of any other Negro group on the campus and twelve places ahead of the all-university average. Tau has through the individual achievements of several brothers secured a distinctive place among campus organizations. Brother David Blackwell, our Phi Beta Kappa, was elected to Sigma Xi, national honorary scientific organization. He and Brother Dunbar McLaurin received $600 fellowships for next year when they will be awarded their doctorate in mathematics and economics respectively. Brother Arthur Webb who secured his A.M. degree in Bacteriology in June

October, 1940 was elected to Phi Sigma, honorary scientific society. Brother Joseph Turner who received his Master's degree in music in August sang a very excellent senior recital in May. Brother Turner, a bass, gave a concert outstanding for his dignified presence as well as for its vocal qualities. Pledgee Julian Dawson was honored by having a theme included in "The Green Cauldron" which contains the best compositions written by freshmen. Neophyte—Brother Nathaniel Green who is making an enviable record in the college of Music, was a member of both the Men's Glee Club and the Concert orchestra. Brother Robert Moody who was graduate in June with flying colors was on two of the important senior class committees. Brother Reginald Fisher who has been elected to several honorary organizations and who is active in many campus groups was tenor soloist this past year of the Men's Glee Club which made a rather extensive fiftieth anniversary tour. Under the very conscientious leadership of Brother James Seaberry who is flanked by a faithful group of officers and brothers, Tau bids fair to reflect much glory upon the entire fraternity. We sincerely hope to see all of you in Kansas City in December. Fraternally yours, REGINALD F. FISHER, Editor to -the Sphinx. — o

Visitors To The Sphinx The Sphinx Editor is delighted to acknowledge the visit of a large number of brothers to the Sphinx office since the publication of the Educational Edition. Among visitors were Brothers Dr. Milton S. J. Wright, Wilberforce University; Dr. Charles L. Franklin, Washington, D. C.J Attorney James A. McLenden, Chicago, Illinois; Burt A. Mayberry, Kansas City, Missouri; William (Bill) H. Gray, Jr., Southern University; William (Bill) Luster, Jr., Cleveland, Ohio; Frank L. Stanley, Louisville, Kentucky; Dr. Tolly Harris, Tulsa, Oklahoma; J. Tyler Smith, Tulsa, Oklahoma, John T. King, Fisk University; Lester A. McFall, Detroit, Michigan; W. 0. Robinson, Tuscoloosa, Alabama; J. W. Delaney, Covington, Kentucky. To Prof. Horace Hughes and other brothers who visited the Sphinx office during my absence from the city, I wish to express my sincere regrets that I wasn't on hand to extend greetings. EDITOR L. O. SWINGLER.

October, 1940





Strong Contenders Advisor

For Balfour

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Dean of Instruction at Tennessee State College and hard working advisor of Beta Omicron Brother Gore for many years fought for the establishment of Alpha on the campus. His efforts were rewarded in 1934 and since that time he has been the inspiration and back-bone—that has made the chapter the leader it is today.

Beta Omicron Chapter TENNESSEE STATE COLLEGE When Beta Omicron was established a t Tennessee State College in 1934, there was some question as to whether it would be able to keep up with the pace set by other chapters of the city; namely, Chi — Meharry, Alpha Chi—Fisk; and Tau Lambda, graduate chapter. To-day that question has been erased and Beta Omicron has taken its place among, not only Nashville's Alphadom but the entire realm of Alpha throughout the world. Has Had Hard Fight Alpha was preceded on Tennessee State College Campus by three other fraternities. Before the establishment of the chapter seven brothers had been made through Chi at Meharry. These brothers were surrounded by strong chapters of the three other (fraternities then on the campus. On May 12, 1934 Bro. A. A. Taylor, Dean of Fisk University, acting under the authorization of first Vice-president, Charles W. Greene for the general organization set apart Beta Omicron with Bro. George W. Gore, Jr., Dean of Instructions at Tennessee State

BETA OMICRON CHAPTER, TENN. STATE COLLEGE Left line—(Reading from botton up) Robert Trice, Elmer Purnell, William Dickerson, George Banks, John F. Taylor, Albert Greenlee, Fambro Kendrick, Lester Lennon, Howard Burley. Standing at the apex:—Alvin Roundtree. Right line—(Reading from top down)—James Jackson, William Harold Hodges, William Porter, Phillip Pyron, Bearnored Hockenhull, Herman J. D. Carter, James Cross, and Julius Higgins. Sitting across, left to right:—Leo Carter, treasurer; Billy Jones, president; and Arthur Caine. The following bothers were not present for picture:—Ulysses Wilhoite, Ira Evans, Jr., secretary; James Pierre, Marvin Tyus, William Rhoden, Harold Jenkins, and Edward Hambrick. as faculty advisor. Since then the chapter has had an uphill climb. There were times when it was feared, the ship would not weather the storm and all Alpha eyed the venture with hopeful anticipation of its voyage toward the calm seas of success. Today Alpha is proud of Beta Omicron. Today, Alpha Phi Alpha—the light of the world—is shining with brilliance through Beta Omicron. Today Beta Omicron is a gleaming reality of the aims and ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha. The chapter at Tennessee State College has a roster of twenty-five financial members (100%) and a strong and promising Sphinx Club.

The brothers play leading parts in various departments of the college. For the past three years the chapter has headed the list of fraternities in scholarship. Bro. William Rhoden, Class '40 was the recipient of the honor Magna Cum Laude, with highest distinction. A fraternity library has been set up this year and semi-weekly night classes in various subjects are held with the leading brothers acting as tutors in their respective fields. Several pep and sweetheart songs have been written, of which one appears at this time. Beta Omicron marches on. Yes, marches on to Kansas City in December; looming a leading contender for the Balfour Cup.

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BILLY JONES Dynamic President of Beta Omicron and Honor student who has been one of the main sparks behind the flaming rise of the chapter. Brother Jones is President of the History Study Club, President of the Newman Club, President of Beta Chapter of Delta Phi Delta, Honorary Journalistic Spciety; National vice-president of the same organization, business manager of the Tennessee State Players' Guild, Editor of the Ayeni, Member of Alpha Kappa Mu Honorary Scholastic ^Fraternity and drummer with the Tennessee State Collegians. He is a prelaw major and a candidate for the B. S. degree this school year. o


We wish to make mention and pay tribute to Brothers Wendell Gray and Richard Jones, who were two of the four students that represented Langston University's Dramatic Club, which won first place at the 5th Annual Theater Festival of the Southern Association of Dramatic Speech, and Arts held at Tennessee State College, April, 1940. Brothers Gray and Jones passed on greetings as sent by Brothers of Beta Omicron Chapter. They also told of the good old Alpha hospitality that they received. On April 24, 1940, four new neophyte brothers, were successful in crossing the burning sands, in a formal initiation, into Alpha Land. They are namely: James Hatchett, Rufus Johnson, Jonathan Wallace and James Brown. Fraternally yours, JERRY W. RUSHING, o

Secretary I-1.-1!:'1-'-';??-!"-'-1-


•. ..



October, 1940




WEST VIRGINIA STATE COLLEGE Greetings Alpha Brothers:— As Alpha Zeta enters its twentieth year of activity and achievement, we can look back over our past years with pride. Our past year was climaxed by our Annual Mother's Day program with Brother Belford V. Lawson as speaker. On this eventful day a trophy was awarded to the Sophomore student who maintained the highest scholastic average during his Freshmen year. Brother Lawrence N. Jones of Wheeling, West Virginia, who maintained a high scholastic average of 2.955 was the recipient of this award. For the past three years, Alpha Zeta has maintained the highest scholastic average of all organizations on our campus. We re proud of the contribution that Brother Joseph A. Bowles, All-American and All-Mid-Western Basketball Guard, has made for Alpha Zeta and Alpha Phi Alpha. A native of Chicago, Illinois, he is gifted with perfect muscle coordination. He fits very high in Athletics, Scholarship, and other extra-curricular activities. Officers for the current year are: Brothers John Cuyjet, President; Brother Lawrence N. Jones, Vice o


Beta Kapua LANGSTON UNIVERSITY Greetings Brothers Everywhere:— Time marches on, so does Beta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. As usual graduation claimed a large number of our brothers. Thus we will resume our work with fewer members as fourteen donned caps and gowns and stepped out to carry the name of Alpha to greater heights. These brothers will long be cherished in the memory of Beta Kappa, having contributed much to the uplift of the chapter. With the close of the past school year the chapter closed a successful year of varied activities. Although we do feel that the successful work of last year was the best in the history of the chapter, we yet feel that this best can be surpassed. So with renewed spirit after a summer vacation and rest, from school work, the chapter expects to make this the most glorious and memorable year in the realm of Beta Kappa.

IRA B. EVANS, JR. Just as the general organization has its efficient secretary Evans, so Beta Omicron has its efficient secretary Evans. Brother Evans, besides being secretary of the Chapter is President of the Tennessee State Players' Guild, member of the Band and History Club and is an important cog in the executive wheel of the chapter. He is a major in the department of Commerce and Business administration and is a candidate for the B. S. degree this school year.

R. B J. CAMPBELL, LL.B., C. P. A. Bursar of Tennessee State College and Co-advisor of Beta Omicron. Brother Campbell met the general convention in St. Louis in 1933 and brought back the convention's decision to set up a chapter at A. & I. Since then he has labored unceasingly to make the chapter an ideal one.

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Alpha Zeta Chapter. . .West Virginia. . .Whose members have helped to maintain the highest scholarship of all organizations on the campus. They are left to right:—(Front Row) Brothers James E. Huger, Theodore Wilson, Franklyn Duffy. Jerome Edwards, Lawrence Jones, John Cuyjet, L. Wallace Cephas, James Murray, Garlan Alston, Alfred Caves, and Thomas Shaw. Leit to right, back row:—Brothers Robert Stewart, Howard Mitchell, Arthur Burns, Mac Ross, Donald Taylor, Albert Kilby, Allen Holland, Albert Jefferson, Wendell Cotton, Leroy Kellam, Harry Lee, Richard Calfee, and Reginald Jackson. President; Brother Allen A. Holland, Jr., Secretary; Brother L. Wallace Cephas, Financial Secretary; Brother Austin W. Curtis, Sr., Treasurer; Brother Joseph A. Bowles, Ex-Officio of Sphinx Club; Brother Robert F. Greene, Chaplain; Brother Alfred L. Caves, Sergeant-at-Arms; and Brother Garlan Alston, Associate Editor to the Sphinx. With the last of seventeen brothers through graduation, we are looking forward to this year as our greatest year of achievement. We would appreciate ideas and suggestions from any chapter. Best wishes to all chapters for continued success. ALLEN A. HOLLAND, JR.

Beta Eta Chapter SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Brothers:— We, the members of Beta Eta Chapter, extend our greetings and best wishes to you, our Alpha brothers. This term we have approximately twenty brothers, all eager to again participate in keeping Alpha's name the foremost on this campus and elsewhere. President Sam Davis has been, reelected to lead the campus's literary society; Bro. Pallace Price has been named on the school's official paper as a feature writer. Bro. James Price, who was partly ushered across the

burning sand by Bro. Washington into the school's letter club. Bro. Washington won this opportunity by winning his letter in Gymnastics. He was the first of our race to gain a letter in Gymnastics and this term he again will be on the varsity's first team. These brothers are but a few of the brothers engaged in extra-curricular activities that have placed Alpha's name on top. Following their big ibrothers, the pledge club will have an equal number—twenty. They too are engaging in extra-curricular activity and are producing like the future Alpha men they expect to become. Plans are being made for a church program that we were asked to ren-

P a g e 32


der. Also tennis tournament for Alpha men and Alpha Pledgees will be given soon. With plans toward making this a bigger and better year for dear old Alpha, the Beta Eta Chapter signs off wishing success to her brothers and their work. Cheerio, Fraternally yours, WALLACE W. PRICE, Associate Editor to the Sphinx.



Psi Chapter's

October, 1940




TEMPLE UNIVERSITY AND UNIVERSITY OF PENN. Greetings Brothers of Alphadom:— Psi Chapter wishes all chapters well in their endeavours this season. We in Psi wish to report that our much wished for dream came true during April, because a rip-snorting, fightin', Alpha team went out on the basketball court and with set teeth and a grim determination to win, blasted the mighty Kappas from their Championship for the Interfraternal basketball year 1939-40. Mere words are a poor medium with which to paint the picture of that mighty, nerve racking struggle. Mindful of the neat trouncing that we had taken the last time we met Kappa, the team went out on the floor silent, but with a grim, determined silence that meant hearts were going to give their all for Alpha. And it was so. The start of the game found both teams nervous, and straining for the first goal which Kappa made. Brother Lindsay Strothers, formerly of Lincoln University, Mo., started the music for Psi with a one point free throw. Then, brothers, came on the scene the giant who was to almost win the victory single handed for Psi—none other than Brother Frank Morris, good vice-president of Psi, who began to rip the cords with double deckers until both crowd and Kappas were dizzy trying to keep up with him. Kappa, however, was not licked and came roaring back in the second half to give Alpha men heart failure by almost knotting the score at 24 all. At this point another Alpha giant arose in his might to subdue the enemy, this time Brother Howard Jones, formerly of Virginia Union. Amid the frantic roars of the crowd Howard flipped not one, mind you, but two field goals in to break the morale of the fighting Kappa team. That day, brothers, the Alpha hymn was sung at this glorious victory, and Brother Frank Morris, with his 20 points was slapped and pounded along with Howard Jones the mighty 4 point man.


1939 40

Front row, left to right:—Pat Re^d, Allan Jaynes, Frank Morris, Palmer Jones, Martin De Walt, Earl Pree, and John Orr. Back row, left to right:—Manager Milton Washington, Lindsay Strothers, Jim Peacock, Coach Ray Boust, Captain Chick Taylor, Howard Jones, assistant manager John Jones.

Due honor must also be given to Captain Chick Taylor, whose elusiveness on the floor and adept one-handing of the ball when seemingly surrounded by Kappas set the crowd in a frenzy. Gallant warriors also were the indomitable Pat Redd, John Orr, Lindsay Strothers, and Allan Joynes. All in all, Brothers, it was a glorious victory, not only for Psi, but for all Alphadom. Rejoice with us. Our relay formal, we are glad to report, was its usual, great success, due in the main to that staunch Alpha man, Brother Dr. Woodley Reid Wells, who, as chairman of the committee engineered a notable success. Felicitations are again due Brother Jerry Certaine whose undisputed superiority in the field of mathematics at Temple University has won him a Rosenwald Scholarship which will enable him to pursue graduate work at the University of his choice. Honors and more honors! It's a wonder he doesn't get tired of accepting them. We know all brothers join Psi in congratulating Brother Certaine on his well deserved achievement. During April Psi gathered into the fold four new brothers: Edwin Campbell of Temple; Warren Gray of University of Penn.; Havard Clark of West Chester State Teachers College;

and James Forbes Williams, of Pennsylvania State College. We think that these men, who have already shown the spirit of Alpha, will be a great help to us in our endeavors. Again with best wishes for a succesful season to all brothers, I remain Yours fraternally, ROBERT L. POINDEXTER, o

Alpha Xi Lambda DAYTON, OHIO Greetings Dear Brothers:— We are carefully being reminded of the fact that as the minute hand of life and time moves speedily toward the hour mark, that we should keep abreast of the time. That we in this world of unrest and uncertainty should not lose any time in going to steps and positions nearer our particular goals. We are doing just that. Every minute we are taking advantage of the opportunities to jump a step nearer our goals. We are pointing our toes toward the better things of life. Some of us have just graduated from college and others are still going; nevertheless, we are doing our bit. This school session will find some of the brothers going away to do graduate work and to make new

October, 1940


Good Ole Kentucky




P a g e 33



It was a social blitzkrieg for President Charles H. Wesley when brothers cf Alpha Lambda Chapter, Louisiville turned out en masse to honor a distinguished son of the Blue Grass State. The Pi'esident, commencement speaker at Louisville Municipal College, is seen sixth from left end, seated. Brothers William Walker and Frank Stanley, envoys of t i e chapter in New York City last summer with invitations for the 1940 convention, are seen in a pleasant mood. They misseJ the conclave in '39 but reflect optimism over their convention plans for the Kansas City session friends, learn something new, and spread the good words on. All of these things are being done to make this world a better place to live in. We want to expose ourselves to those things which enable us to play the dominant roles in our particular sphere of society. We only need something bigger than ourselves to lift our loads and ideals to that pedestal that we have so long gazed upon. Working and striving under our own power alone seems not to be enough. We are the type that really appreciate the council of wise m e n . . .these are some of the bigger things that we men of Alpha Xi Lambda, use as stepping stones to success and detours to unhappiness.

To play the part of a "Guiding Angel", and through encouragement, inspiration, and the common suggestion, well put, to elevate individuals out of the ruts which are a part of our complex society and to put them back on the highway of happiness and contentment, is to make life a glorious and spectacular adventure. As bronze Americans we march on. We are not at the end of the journey; we are on the verge of a new life. One that is happy, secure, and successful. All of these things are true: All are real. Victor English is going away to Howard University to continue his study in the field of medicine. Maybe some day he will be able to save a life or bring some new discovery in

being that will save many a human life. Our Brother Emerson Bush, one of the City's best Pharmacists, has gone into the stage of matrimony to contribute his bit to womanhood and humanity. Brother Harold Strickland has arrived at Ohio State University and the Columbus Y. M. C. A. to expose and avail himself of the very fine opportunity of further study in social work and social experience. Brother Joseph Donehy is still doing a very fine job of handling case boys in this particular district. Keep up the good work Joe. Joe is a regular fellow. By the way, his brother, Charles is going to the fair City of Atlanta, Georgia to do some graduate work at Atlanta Universtiy. So, as time

Page 34 goes on everything isn't written. I t is here being put into practice. Fraternally yours, JAKE CHANDLER, Editor to the Sphinx.

Xi Chapter WILBERFORCE UNIVERSITY Greetings Brothers in Alpha:— T i s said that school days are the best and now in this time of world crisis it is more evident than ever. Xi chapter is going to try her level best to prove a guiding factor in the lives of the Negro Race and to show the people the futility of war and its ravages upon the best blood in the land. Xi wishes that all of the Chapters of Alpha will join her in offering a prayer that the world will be saved from the greatest scourge of humanity—War! During the Spring months of the last school year Xi had the honor of inaugurating several new Brothers into her folds and they are all worthy men whom we are sure will do their level best in the interest of Alpha Phi Alpha. The Annual Prom was given in the romantic month of June and was easily the most beautiful affair of the year with decorations in the Continental Bail-Room style and the lovely women that attended join us in saying that it was the affair of the year here on Wilberforce's campus. Xi wishes to take this opportunity to wish a speedy recovery to one of our latest and hardest working brothers who has been instrumental in most of the doings of Alpha since he took the oath. This brother is Eugene "Count" Robinson. Brother Robinson was, during the last year the pianist in the famed Wilberforce Collegians and a very able one he was too. He assisted recently graduated Brother Henry Garcia in his farewell Organ recital. Xi wishes to stop here and say to Brother Robinson that our hearts are all pulling for his speedy recovery and that he must remember the words of that memorable Poet who said, "It matters not how straight the gate, How charged with punishment the scroll I am the master of my fate I am the Captain of my Soul!" To you Brother Robinson we offer our deepest wishes for a speedy r e covery and we know that before too l o n g a time will pass that we can again welcome you back into the folds of Alpha Phi Alpha's dear old Xi Chapter. Your place will be kept waiting for your return and until you do we know that your



music will long be with us whispering, "He will return, soon." Xi Chapter is again proud to announce that another one of the good brothers, who graduated this past June, is going to enter into a large business venture. Brother P. Casino Corbin who has been the official school plumber and electrician is going to establish a Contracting Store and Office and we know that if hard work carries its own rewards he will be a success in. the great venture of the business world. Our numbers have been somewhat hurt by graduation but we believe that the noteworthy calibre of our Brothers will more than take up the deficit. Xi wishes to express her best wishes and hope for all the success to all of the Chapters in Alpha and that all of their ventures will be rewarded with success. There is just one more thought Xi wishes to leave with all Alphadom and that is that a Fraternity is just like a family which has its joys and its sorrows and that it is a supreme measure of upstanding young manhood to mold these institutions into something that will stand as a monument to the nation. Fraternally yours, MELVIN M. NELSON, E;itor to the Sphinx. o—




PRAIRIE VIEW—HOUSTON, TEX. Dear Brothers in Alpha: The present season has been one of the most active and profitable in the recent years of Alpha Eta Lambda's history, this new life and increased activity dates back to the induction into office this past spring of a new administration headed by Brother W. M. Booker and Brother John Law as president and vice president, respectively. Brother Booker was returned to the presidency after an interval of about three years when his tenure was interrupted by a sabbatical for graduate study. In choosing our present officers, notice was taken of the fine qualities of two of our youngest and most recent members—Brothers W. P. Terrell and Lee S. Perkins, who are functioning with notable efficiency as secretary and asistant secretary, respectively. Everyone has caught the enthusiastic spirit of these official brothers and the tempo of the chapter has become quickened in every department. - A broad and attractive program, eagerly accepted this spring by the chapter, has called for a closer coordination of local effort with the national program of the Fraternity, a more active interest on the part

October, 1940 of the chapter in its relations with the public,and greater cooperation with local activities as the Boy Scouts organization, the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.'s, the N. A. A. C. P., the Urban League, the Delinquency Council, etc., and of course, the usual attention to those activities which go along with the above to keep "Jack from being a dull boy". The activities are long since under way as the entire program has made a strong appeal to the entire membership. Most outstanding among the summer's social features have been the annual Beach Picnic at Galveston, which was attended and, according to all reports, greatly enjoyed by a large number of brothers, their wives, and sweethearts; and the Smoker given at Eldorado Club in Houston in honor of the out-of-town brothers attending the convention of the National Negro Medical Association, held in Houston, August 12-16. Some thirtyfive or more brothers were welcomed to Houston for this great occasion. While the gentlemen were holding forth at the Smoker, their ladies were being entertained at a bridge party on the beautifully-lighted lawn of Brother and Mrs. Roger Lights. Added to our group in recent months is Brother Watts of Atlanta, Georgia, a graduate of Morehouse College, who has come to Houston to assume the leadershoip Of the Boy Scout organization among the Negro youth of this section. Brother Watts is the first Negro to undertake such work in Houston, and he has gone into his work with a zest and vigor which has already lined up behind him the best and most influential citizens of this area of both races. We are glad to welcome Bro. Watts to our chapter, and he has shown that he will be an asset to our endeavors. As usual, certain of the brothers were away for summer study during the summer, now passed. Among these were Brother President Booker and Brother Vice-President Law. In the absence of these two heads of the administration the chapter's activities are being ably administered by Brother Dr. John W. Davis. Brother Terrell also has been studying at Colorado State College at Boulder. It is expected that Brother Booker will remain at the University of Chicago during the regular session to complete his work for the doctorate. Absent also for the long term will be your reporter who will be studying in the Department of English at Columbia University. Fraternally yours, GEORGE W. MORTON, Chapter Editor.

October, 1940

Nu Chapter



P a g e 35

Have Balfour Cup On Their Minds

LINCOLN UNIVERSITY, PA. Nestled in the rolling hills of Chester County, and steeped in tradition of Lincoln-lore, Nu Chapter of Lincoln University, Pa., without equivocation and debate hereby lays claim to the Balfour Cup. The Balfour Cup is indeed a prize well worth having. May I cite our qualifications. As one of the vast number of undergraduate chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha, Nu Chapter has achieved a distinction well worthy of mentioning. In the light of campus activities Nu is well represented. The Presidency of the Student Council is held by Brother Roy Nichols. He was elected to the position. Pour out of six members of the Debating squad are Alpha Men. Editorship of the school publication is held by Bro. Jess Gloster. There are two other Alpha men on the staff. Bro. Franklin Williams is Business Manager, Glen Fowlkes, News Editor. Six of eighteen, members of the "Y" Cabinet are Nu Chapter men, and twelve brothers are members of the Male Chorus, with three holding offices. The Dramatic Club claims six brothers. Notwithstanding their extensive participation in extra-curricular activities, brothers are also engaged in athletics. Three brothers are on Coach Rivero's football team, one basketball, three on the championship soccer team, and one on the track squad. In the field of scholarship, the chapter ranks high. We have consistently led other organizations on the campus. In a recent faculty survey of fraternities on the campus, Alpha Phi Alpha had a group average of 2.25. An honor average is 2.20. Our financial brothers have an above average percentage, and in public endeavor we are not lacking. Over the past year we aided in the social work of the village below the campus, presented public programs in the chapel, and climaxed the school year with our annual Alpha Sunday with Eastern Vice-President Brother Roger F. Gordon speaking. When the convention is held in Kansas City over the Christmas holidays we urge the Cup committee to take these achievements into consideration. Nu Chapter hasn't had the Balfour Cup since 1924, and we think it has been away from the rolling hills of Chester County too long. TO KANSAS CITY, 1940 Cooperation In Kansas City—"Heart Of America"

Charles Okedas, Jesse Gloster, and Roy Nichols, three ranking members of Nu Chapter and students of Lincoln University, Pa., were discussing school matters when this picture was taken but they are expected to have their heads together frequently this fall and winter in working out strategy for obtaining the Balfour Cup. Brother Okedas is an outstanding student in Greek, and is majoring in history; Brother Gloster is a member of the Lions' basketball team, editor-in-chief of the Lincolnian, and of the Y.M.C.A. Cabinet, while Brothers Nichols heads the chapter as president. He also serves as president of the Student Council, and is a member of the Y.M.C.A. Cabinet. All three are honor students.

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Nil Lambda


ETTRICK, VA. To the Brothers in Alpha in America and across the seas, Greetings: Though the world-war once more plagues the peoples of Europe, Asia, and Africa and hangs like the sword of Damocles over the beads of us in the New World, Nu Lambda Chapter in the true Alpha spirit marches on. Toward the end of the school year two stalwart spirits were intiated into the mystic circle of Alphadom and thus became heirs of a great tradition and recruits in a great Cause. They are row Brothers T. Nelson Baker, Head of the Chemistry Department of the College, and Peter Ridley, Dean of St. Paul Normal and Industrial School, Lawrenceville, Va. The year was fittingly closed with a party in honor of the wives and sweethearts of the Brothers, with Brothers Dr. Clifford Nelson and Dr. James P. Raglan entertaining at the former's home. At the College Commencement in June a Brother of renown in the legal profession, Raymond Pace Alexander, of Philadelphia, Pa , was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws by the College. About the same time, Brother Luther H. Foster, the dean of business managers in Negro Colleges was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws at Morris Brown University, Atlanta, Ga. Perhaps this affords some of the inspiration that went into the fine job done by Brother Poster together with Brother James H. Johnston (Dean) in directing the College summer school in the absence of Brother Pres. Gandy. Brother Gandy was voted a welldeserved summer vacation by the governing board of the College. He and his most gracious better half spent July at Capahoosic, Va , and August in Middleton, Del. While fishing was the order of the day, Brother Gandy left his fishing hole long enough to attend, accompanied by Brother Dr. John L. Lockett, Director of Division of Agriculture, the American Teachers' Association at Pine Bluff, Arkansas and the Bicentennial of the University of Pennsylvania as one of the participating delegates. B r o t h e r George W. Owens, Head Department of Agriculture Education returns rejuvenated after a health tour to Cincinnati, Ohio this summer. Brother Johnston, a member of the Executive Committee of the Southern Association of Negro Colleges and Secondary Schools attended the Committee's meeting in Louisville, Ky.,

October, 1940

to plan for the annual meeting of the Association. Brother Harry W. Roberts, Head Department of Sociology, was loaned by the College in July to serve as a lecturing member of the staff at the 72nd School for Agricultural Workers in Nashville, Tenn. Brother Charles J. Wartman, Jr., was awarded a scholarship to attend the Far Eastern Institute at Harvard University this summer, but declined the offer because of prior commitments to the University of Michigan, which he attended this summer. Brother Wartman has been transferred from the Educational Extension Department to an Instructor's post in history in the Division of Arts and Sciences. Brother E. F. S. Davies, Director of Religious Activities, and his winsome wife spent the summer in study at Columbia University. Two Brothers, Roscoe C. Howard, Head of Biology Department and Charles H. Townes, instructor in Chemistry, are pursuing studies toward their doctorates at Cornell and Penn State respectively. Now for the most important of all the events! Brother Townes and Brother Roberts have become benedicts. Brother Townes married the charming little lady, formerly Miss Danny Starr, critic teacher in the D. Webster Davis High School. Brother

Editor Swingler

Roberts married that little bit of loveliness, the former Miss Leo Susanne Butler, a teacher in the City of Washington, D. C. Best wishes Brothers. Fraternally, HARRY W. ROBERTS, Associate Editor. o

Mu Chapter ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Greetings, Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha:— Mu Chapter is looking forward to another great year. It is very encouraging to hear already active brothers promise to be even more active during the coming season. With such a spirit we cannot fail in doing our part for Alpha Phi Alpha. A special message to Brothers of Nu Chapter: Look out for a young chap named Stafford Lott who is enrolling at Lincoln this fall. He is a very fine young man. At its spring educational meeting, Mu awarded a nice scholarship to one of the Twin Cities' finest young ladies who enters college this fall. Our Brother John M. Patton was the principal speaker at the meeting. The meeting was a fine success. We regret the departure of two of our most active brothers this year. Brothers Louis M. Moore and H. Ransom Goins have left to take up po-

At Ala. State


Members of Beta Upsilon and Alpha Upsilon Lambda Chapters, Alabama State College, with Southern Vice-President H. Councill Trenholm and Sphinx Editor L. 0. Swingler, following their "Education for Citizenship Campaign" Week Observance in the college chapel. Brother Swingler was guest speaker on the program.

October, 1940 sitions in the Census Department at Washington, D. C. Still, we can say that our loss is someone else's great gain. We wish them success. Bro. Raymond Cannon was one of Minnesota's representatives to the Negro Exposition at Chicago. It is reported that our airminded brother, Walter Robinson is now in Chicago looking for a job in Aviation. He was also in Canada this summer for the same purpose. Lets wish him success. Brother Raymond 0. Hatcher, head boys' worker at Phillis Wheatley Settlement House in Minneapolis. After a very strenuous summer as director of the Phillis Wheatley boys' and girls' camp, he is on a vacation tour throughout the South and East with his charming wife visiting relatives and friends. We are sorry to report that Brother Henry R. Thomas had to spend his vacation confined but he is now getting along very well as neighborhood Secretary of Phillis Wheatley House. He anticipates doing some work towards a Ph.D. degree this coming school year. Our brother of the rod and gun, Archie James, has not neglected his share of fishing this summer. We know that with small and big game hunting seasons coming this fall he will be very happy. The hopeless fowls and animals which run afoul of his gun and dogs, annually grace his sportsmen's club banquet table. We can guess that Brother John M. Patton and wife will be anxiously watching South this year, having sent their girl to Tuskegee Institute. ' Fall is here. School has begun, bringing new students and new prospective Sphinxmen. Our summer vacations and romances all memories. Mu has work to do. We plan to go places this coming school year. Fraternally yours, NORMAN P. LYGHT, Associate Editor to The Sphinx. o

Epsilon Lambda Chapter ST. LOUIS, MO. East St. Louis Brothers entertain Epsilon Lambda; St. Louis Chapter Progresses Under Al Wilson's Leadership; In Pilgrimage to Lincoln University. Much enthusiasm is being manifested these days by Epsilon Lambda members as Brother Al Wilson, president of the St. Louis graduate chapter, is all pepped up and raring "to go since he recently assumed the presidency. Brother Al is so full of pep that he naturally inspires others to do likewise. Head pf the research



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Beta Mu Chapter—Kentucky



The Blue Grass State's largest under-graduate chapter since its spring addition of six neophyte brothers, including William Ferrell, stellar half back; George Brown, three letter mar; Mack Bently, star full back, and others who lead in nearly every department of extra curricula!- activities. Left to right, the brothers are:—(first row, seated)—G. L. Everett, Dean of Sphinx; N. Shields, secretary; R. Banks, president; W. Young, vice president; J. M. Landers, treasurer. Second row:—L. Smith, R. M. Bradshaw, A. J. Ransaw, D Sread, J. Taylor, T. Green, publicity manager; third row:—M. Bently, J. Laine, T. Barnett, William Ferrell, D. Crawford, corresponding secretary. Brother George D. Brown is a brother of whom Beta Mu is justly proud. He is one of the most versatile athletes to ever attend Kentucky State. For the 1939-40 academic year, he won the light heavyweight boxing championship of the South; was a stellar haliback for the strong Thorobred eleven; a star guard and key man for the college's basketball team, and a valuable track man. For 40-41 he is serving as captain of the Thorobred grid squad from his position at halfback. testing department at the $3,000,000 Homer G. Phillips (city) hospital, and sn active member of the Paramount Golf Club (of which he is president) he believes in starting the day out i ight by getting in some early morning golf before tackling his regular duties. Other interests, including civic sidelines, may keep him occupied until the late hours. Nineteen forty officers, besides President Wilson are Sidney R. Williams, vice-president; Dr. T. Garrot Benjamin, treasurer; A. B. Walker, corresponding secretary; Louis J. Craig, recording secretary; N. A. Sweets, Sphinx editor; A. E. Malone, chaplain; and H. S. Williams, financial secretary. The chapter really got off to its big start on Thursday night, April 18, when the East St. Louis, Illinois brothers, just across the Mississippi river from "Big" St. Louis at the home of Brother G. V. Quinn, principal of Lincoln High School, 1431 Kansas Street. Co-hosts with Brother Quinn were Brothers Craig, Loveless, Blackwell and C a 1 d w e 11,

There was no need for any of the brothers attending the meeting to get lost as the notices for the gathering contained a detailed diagram, to the amount of toll to be paid at the bridge. When the national convention is held in Kansas City this Christmas, indications point to little doubt that Epsilon Lambda will be nearly 100 percent represented. That Epsilon Lambda is getting quite active is also denoted by the fact that Brother Daniel Bowles, the big power at the State Industrial School at Tipton, Mo., braved the rain to motor 157 miles here for the April meeting. Brother Frank Madison Reid, then pastor of St. Paul A. M. E. church, oldest church of that denomination west of the Mississippi, and a leading candidate for the Bishopric at the general A. M. E. convention in Detroit this spring, was highly encouraged when the chapter endorsed him and promised to do all in its power to help boost him. Today we are proud to refer to him as Bishop Reid.

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Visiting brothers in attendance -were Charles Elder, Louisville, Kentucky and John Hurst, Lawrence, Kansas. C. Spencer Tocus, one of the city's noted musicians, whose Celestial Choristers have been heard on many Sundays during the past few years over the Columbia Broadcasting Company's wave from KMOX, was hosts to the meeting on the third Thursday in May. Future Alphas of recent date are the sons of Doctors J. Owen Blache and William H. Sinkler, Jr. Brother Sidney Williams went to Omaha, Nebraska to address the Omaha branch of the National Urban League. He's secretary of the local league's industrial division. Brother H. S. Williams, financial secretary and Vashon High Chemistry teacher, attracted widespread attention recently in the local daily press when a review of his new "Smoke Evil" idea was presented. Briefly, Brother Williams not only believes that St. Louis' devastating smoke situation can be cleared up by piping the smoke off through a system of underground sewers but that by-products from the gases and solids may be used to a commercial advantage, even to the giving off of much additional heat. To Brother S. R. Redmond, of Gaines case fame, went the honor of being elected delegate to the National Republican Convention from the 11th Congressional District. Attorney Redmond is also president of the National Bar Association. Nominating speech was made by Attorney John A. Davis, former G. O. P. member of the Missouri Legislature. N. A. SWEETS, Epsilon Lambda Editor. o

Alpha Zeta


BLUEFIELD, WEST VA. Greetings Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha:— Alpha Zeta Lambda Chapter is making plans now for what it hopes to be a banner year in building the brotherly spirit among men in Alpha Phi Alpha. Plans are already afoot for the chapter's annual sermon. The sermon will be preached by a minister in Alpha Phi Alpha and delivered either in Mercer or McDowell county. The annual chapter's picture will be taken at the first meeting of the chapter early in October. A few notes from the Ledger: Brother John Flippen was promoted to the Principalship of a high school in Glen Rogers, West Virginia. Hooray! for Brother John. He deserves it. Brother Eddie Palmer, who


recently crossed the sands of the desert and saw the light of Alpha Phi Alpha, has become a recent Benedict. He is also gaining fast results as a fine photographer. Brother W. E. Hebert, who taught art during Brother Dodd's leave of absence, is now on the instructional staff of the Winston Salem State Teachers College. Brother Joe Dodd spent the past school year in the art school of Yale University. He made an outstanding record not only for himself but for Yale's Art School. Brother Dodd, by the way, ranks among the best of Negro artists. He really knows his business. Brother H. L. Dickason, whom you all know, has become known as a College Builder. He started out in 1936 as president of Bluefield State Teachers College with one real modern building on his campus. His library, gymnasium, and high school building burned down. One of his girls' dormitories caught fire but didn't burn down and his boys' dormitory was slowly falling apart. Everyone felt sorry for Brother Dickason. But he had a plan for Bluefield State. Now he has a new girls' dormitory, a new boys' dormitory, a new gymnasium and a new library as well as new paved roads. All of these improvements came through hard work on a definite plan and patience through the untiring efforts of Brother Dickason. I understand that this is only the end of his first five year plan. He has other plans up his sleeves. More notes next time brothers. Fraternally yours, THEODORE MAHAFFEY. o

Hits & Misses Continued From Page 12 About Kansas City this Xmas. It promises to be a very exciting one and I am urging all who can attend to do so. The committees are working mighty hard to put over a good program. So lets whoop 'em up in the Western Metropolis. Wishing all a successful year in their work and that you have acquired some of the advice that was given out by Our F r a t Fun Editor in his last article that if reminded he would1 get some of that thing called education,' so I am reminding you to get a little. Well Olga has let me down and Thelma married on me so all I can say is woe is me. —Beseeingya. o

Housing Make your heservations for housing at The Kansas City Convention now.

Beta Omicron Lambda MOBILE, ALABAMA

Omega Chapter PASSES TO OMEGA Greetings Brothers:—


B e t a Omicron L a m b d a hopes that each of you has spent an en9 " joyable and pleas9 ant summer and . that you are now ^S ready t o tackle the task before us with renewed ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B and fresh vigor. DR. EDMONDS We have had a lot to happen to us down here on Mobile Bay. Besides the departure of several brothers on vacation trips, we have had two marriages and one death. It is with sad and heavy hearts and a feeling of great loss that we report the death of our brother and first president, Dr. Milton G. Edmonds on July 1st. Brother Edmonds was an ardent Alpha worker and was greatly responsible for the establishment of this chapter here. The spirit which he leaves behind will permeate all of our activities and give us courage to fight on until victory is won. Brother Dr. P. W. Goode automatically became president and Brother Leslie Taylor was elected vice-president. Brothers Alphonse Russell and James P. Dixon recently joined the grand old order of BENEDICTS. Each is now the proud possessor of a lovely wife. Brother Russell took the nuptial vows with the former Miss Loleta Lott and Brother Dixon with former Miss Lilyan V. Whitney. I am happy to report that both are doing fine, thank you. Each received very useful gifts from the chapter. The chapter held its first fall meeting on last Thursday, Sept. 19th. at the home of Brother Leslie Taylor on the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay. We were happy to welcome three visiting brothers in the persons of Brothers Eugene Tisdale of Chi Chapter; Leroy Carter of Eta Lambda; and G. C. Dixon, Jr., of Alpha Beta. Interesting talks were made by each. It is expected that Brother Dixon will transfer to this chapter as he is now regularly employed in this city. Hoping that all chapters will experience a successful year, Beta Omicron Lambda remains, Fraternally yours, J. P. DIXON, Associate Editor.


October, 1940



Building — In The Heart

The Alexander Building at 1900 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penna., in the heart of the Quaker City's famous business and financial thorofare.



Continued From Page 7 court and finally settled out of court. He got back his real property but gave in exchange cash, diamonds, furs, grand pianos and other household equipment which left the winsome Nora well-fixed. Good Training Tells Good training, like good blood tells, or ought to tell. And the firm of Raymond Pace Alexander reflects the reputations of the law schools of Harvard, Yale and the University of Pennsylvania. Alexander himself started off by being valedictorian of Philadelphia's famous Central high school, where he gave the commencement address on "The Future of the Negro in America." He was awarded a scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania, completed the four-year course in three •years (despite working every night as a waiter) and was graduated from the Wharton School of Finance and •Commerce with honors in 1920. His work in economics was so outstanding that he was nominated for a graduate scholarship and named a senior tutor. In athletics he was a member of the track team. Instead of accepting the scholarship, he headed for the Harvard law school. He was named assistant to two Harvard professors in economies his first two years and was graduated in June 1923. He was admitted to the Pennsylvania bar in September of the

same year at 25 years of age. He paid for his law training by waiting in a cafe, Red-capping, being a Pullman porter, playing in an orchestra and on the stage. He also found time in the summer to study political science at Columbia university. Among other things, he is remembered in Cambridge for organizing the Negro students into the Nile Club, which organization later led the nation-wide campaign that ultimately maneuvered Harvard into admitting Negroes to its million-dollar freshmen dormitory. John Francis Williams, reputed to be one of the ablest brief-drafters anywhere, has been righthand man to Alexander since 1925, the two being friends since law school days. Williams, native of Connecticut, is a graduate of both the college and the law school of Yale university, and was honored with election to the editorial board of the Law Review there. He handles many of the appellate cases for the firm before the state supreme court. Maceo W. Hubbard came fresh from Harvard law school in 1926, after a notable scholastic career, including holding of the John Harvard Scholarship. He is recognized as one of the most capable men in the profession, particularly in preparation and argument of fine, technical points on difficult cases in the appellate courts. It has been stated frequently that his briefs are on a par with the

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The entrance on 19th Street side of Mr. Alexander's office.

most famous of the Pennsylvania lawyers in appellate practice. Hubbard, a Georgian, did his undergraduate work at Lincoln university (Pennsylvania). Long before now, much could have been said of the last member of the firm, Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander, wife of Raymond Pace Alexander, but one who shines in no reflected glory. She, too, completed her undergraduate work in three years at the University of Pennsylvania, graduated with honors and was named to the Henry Pepper Sergeant Fellowship in economics, to which she was re-elected annually until she received her doctor of philosophy degree at the age of twenty-three—the youngest woman in the history of the university and the first Negro woman to receive this coveted academic award. Mrs. Alexander, grand daughter of Bishop Benjamin Tucker Tanner of the A. M. E. church and niece of Henry O. Tanner, the artist, was elected to the Law Review editorial board, and in 1927 was awarded the bachelor of laws degree—her fourth degree from the University of Pennsylvania. In this solidarity there is a lesson for those who still believe that they are only achieving when they can "run the whole show" themselves and who often creep along weakly because they refuse to get the strength which comes from merging talent, facilities and economic power,

Pgge 40




Advises Sweepstakes


Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Mascn, $150,000 Irish sweepstake winner, and their two children, TT was the legal counsel and persona] cooperation of Brother Raymend Pace Alexander that resulted in the Irish sweepstakes prize winning family, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mason, investing their winnings in a slum-clearance project for Negroes of Philadelphia. The story of the Mason family has been told and retold in the leading publications of the country, but excerpts from the New York Tim ;s are repeated here for fuller un ierstanding of the magnitude of this family's contribution to its community and the guiding influence behind it. Philadelphia, Feb. 12—In a ceremony timed for Lincoln's Birthday, ground was broken today for a slumclearance project planned by Benjamin and Pearl Mason, Negroes, after they had won an Irish sweepstakes prize of $150,000 last summer. In place of ramshackle homes in a South Philadelphia tenement block, there are to rise the Frances Plaza Apartments, modern homes for 100 Negro families. They are to be named for the Masons' 10- year old daughter, who picked the winning ticket. Praising the Masons and Raymond P. Alexander, Negro lawyer who advised them, Roland R. Randall, chairman of the Philadelphia Housing Authority, said that the Authority itself "can only touch the fringe" of the slum-clearance problem, adding that it was "up to private enterprise to carry on where the Authority's program leaves off."

It should be added that until the spring of 1939 the Mason family, Mr. and Mrs. Mason and their two children, had been accustomed to a meager income of $13.00 or $14.03 a week. Then suddenly they came into possession of $150,000. Their first step was to pay back the Department of Public Assistance every penny of $2200.00 they had received in relief. Other bills owed by the family were paid up. . .then investment in annuities for themselves and children. The final step came with an investment of $75,000 in the Frances Plaza Apartments. o

Cooperation Continued From Page 4 Chairman, Miss Judith Syms, Secretary, and the other members are: Miss Ina Piimm, Virgil Topp, and Dr. T. T. Lowrey. In many conventions, persons who are shy find it difficult to get acquainted. Many visitors avoid social affairs because they know so few people. To avoid this situationg at the Kansas City Conventions, the Hospitality Committee has been organized with W. Burdette Hockaday as Chairman, and Mrs. Beatrice Turner as Secretary, The other members are: Miss Maxine Ellison, and Cordell Norman. This committee has the responsibility of seeing to it that all persons are introduced, and have a good

October, 1940 time at the social functions. They will meet all trains, and see to it that the visitors who arrive are taken to the headquarters for registration and housing. Kansas City has come to be known as the ideal Convention City. Its spacious Auditorium and beautiful homes will be placed at the disposal of the c'elf-estes f>nd visitors. The huge task of listing these homes, attempting to secure uniform rates has been given to the Housing Committee with J. R. Lillard as Chairman, Miss Anne Jenkins, Secretary. The other members are: Roosevelt Butler, Miss Josephine Buster, and Archie Lane. Plans are being worked out for the most impressive Public Program that these organizations have ever staged. It will be given in the Music Hall, and built around the theme of the conventions: "Cooperation at the Heart of the Nation". While each organization has its own souvenir program, the Program Committee aids in their planning. James A. Jeffress )'<; the Chairman, Miss Rosetta E. Nolan is the Secretary, and the other members are: Mrs. Artisia Jordon, Luke Ponder, W, A. Daugherty, and Dan Matthews. It will be the task of the Publicity Committee to let America know of the plans for this great experiment in Cooperation as they develop. It will be the duty of this committee to see that the eyes of the Nation are turned to Kansas City, and that delegates come by every means of transportation. G. T. Bryant is the Chairman, Mrs. Dorothy Davis, Secretary. Miss Lucille Bluford and Burt A. Mayberry are the other members. The committee which really determines the success of the Convention, which establishes the reputation of the Convention for efficiency is the Registration Committee. When the delegates and visitors complete their registration, their first impressions •of the Conventions have been set. TVIPV dpcide whether they are going to like the convention or not. The members of the Registration Committee are: Miss Roberta Coffey, Kenneth Hill, Matthew E. Carroll Jr., Chairman, and Miss Antronette Hall, Secretary. Many conventions are remembered by those who attend them by the souvenirs and favors which they receive and carry back home. The responsibility of selecting a general souvenir, and to aid the participating organizations in the selection of their individual souvenirs, is the SouvenirsFavors Committee chaired by Paul Mobiley. Miss Aulette Abernathy serves as the Secretary, and Miss Trussie Smothers and Bernard Watson are other members.

CHAPTER • 39 '



45. 46.


48. 49. 50. 51.



A RHO—Morehouse College, Ga.: President, Benjamin Bullock, AT'SSTT' ? l y e n c c Williams. Morehouse College. D j SIGMA—Wiley College, Bishop College, Marshall, Texas; president, James C. Wallace, Jr., Secretary, Kerven W . Carter, Wiley College. I } L J n ^ A T A U—University of Akron, Akron. Ohio; President, Raymond K. Brown; Secretary, Herbert T. Bracken, 385 Wellington. ALPHA UPSILON—City College Detroit, Detroit, Michigan; President, Gorman Tabor, 2001 Chestnut Street, Secretary. Carlyle Johnson, 2922 Montclair. ALPHA PHI—Clark University. Atlanta. Georgia; Pres. Edward McGowen; Sec. John T. Mims, Clark University. ALPHA CHI—Fisk University. Nashville, Tenn.; President, Alex Carl Hansen, Jr., Secretary, Carroll Moten Leevy, Fisk University. I " ^ PSI—Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri; President, James Lee Hunt; Secretary, James Jones, Lincoln University. BETA ALPHA—Morgan College. Baltimore, Md.; President, Bruce fcdemy; Secretary, Broadus K. Whims. , ETA BETA—University of Nebraska, Creighton University, Municipal University, Lincoln. Nebraska, President. Merle Herriford, 103 5 Rose St., Secretary, Robert A. Rucker, 2510 Corby St., Omaha. BETA GAMMA—Virginia State College, Ettrick, Va.; President, Elbert Pogue; Secretary, Sinclair Jetter, Va. State College. BETA DELTA—Sta te College, Orangeburg, S. C.; President, Laler DeCosta; Secretary, Frank Hall, State College. BETA EPSILON Agricultural and Technical College. Greensboro, North Carolina; President, Clinton Etheridge, Secretary, Earl Holland, A. Sc T . College. BETA ZETA—Samuel Huston College, Austin, Texas; Pres. Jackson D. Smith, Jr., Samuel Huston College; Sec. LaVon E. Smith, 1314 Bob Harrison St. BETA ETA—Southern Illinois Teachers College, Carbondale, 111.; President. Samuel W. Davis, 402 E. Oak Street, Secretary, Gaffney Taylor, Colp, Illinois.





BETA THETA—Bluefield State Teachers College. Bluefield W Vil ginia; President, Taft Johnson, Secretary, Hayward A. Simpson, State X eachers College. BETA IOTA—Western State Teachers College, Kalamazoo, Michigan; faT," S ' c k , l f . ' . R Woodford, 114 N . Park St.; Sec. John T. Tapley 1331 W. Michigan. BETA KAPPA—Langston University, Langston, Oklahoma; President, Coy rrankhn; Secretary, Leo Woody, Langston, University. BETA MU—Kentucky State College, Frankford, Ky.; President, Sheley Lynem, Secretary Nathaniel L. Shields, Ky. State College. ^ T A . N U — F l o r i d a A. BC M. College, Tallahassee, Florida; President, Reginald H . Hughes; Secretary, Joseph N . Patterson, Florida T. St. M . BETA XI—LeMoyne College, Memphis, Tenn.; President, Fred Lyle; Secretary, Ben Jones. LeMoyne College. BETA OMICRON—Tennessee State College, Nashville Tenn.; President, CW S . ' T 1 , " V ' a E v a n s > Tennessee State College BETA PI—Lane College, Jackson, Tenn.; President, Samuel W . Beas. ley. Secretary, Herman Stone, Corresponding Secretary, Cecil T. Draper Lane College. * BETA RHO—Shaw University, Raleigh, N . C ; President, Claude R. I rotter; Secretary, W . Col eman Shanks, Shaw University. BETA SIGMA—Southern University, Scotlandville, La., President, E m . men Bashful; Secretary, Charles Harrington, Southern University. BETA TAU—Xavier University, New Orleans, La.; President, Charles de Lay, 1912 Dorgenois St.; Secretary, Walter Morial, 1433 Touro St. BETA UPSILON—State Teachers College, Montgomery, Ala., President Alphonsia Jones; Secretary, Isaac Points, State Teachers College. BETA PHI—Dillard University, New Orleans, La.; President, James L. Hall; Secretary, M. C. Rhaney. BETA CHI—Philander Smith College. Little Rock, Arkansas; President, Walter Watkins; Secretary. J. A. Ruherford, Philander Smith. BETA PSI CHAPTER—Oxford, Cambridge, Lond on Universities, London, England; President, Dr C. B. Clarke, Belfield House, New Barnet, England; Secretary, N . A. Fadipe, 43 Calthorpe Street, London, England.


101. ALPHA LAMBDA—Louisville. Kentucky; President, Dr. J. H . Wall: 932 W. Walnut St., Secretary, Lyman T. Johnson, 2627 W. Madison St. 102. BETA LAMBDA—Kansas City, Mo., President, John Howell, 2519 Michigan; Corresponding Secretary, James Alfred Jeffress, 1824 Paseo St. 103. GAMMA LAMBDA Detroit. Mich., President, Henry S. Dunbar, 551 Chandler; Secretary, Grover D. Lange, 607 Adams Ave., E. 104. DELTA LAMBDA—Baltimore, Md., President, Clarence C. Jackson, Jr., 2325 Madison Ave., Secretary, David J. Whitfield, 704 N . Gay St. 105. EPSILON LAMBDA—St. Louis, Mo.; President. A. H . Wilson, 4200 W. Cote Brilliante Ave., Secretary, Arnold B . Walker, 3017 Delmar Blvd. LAMBDA—Newport News, Va.; President, G. Wesley Raney, Jr., 106. ZETA 641 Hampton Ave.; Secretary, Fernando, Brown, 2411 Jefferson Ave. T H E T A LAMBDA—Dayton. Ohio, President, Lloyd G. Phillips, 617 107. Randolph St., Secretary, Fred J. Grigsby, 221 Horace St. ETA LAMBDA—Atlanta, Ga.; President Charles W . Greene, 304 Griffin 108. St., N. W „ Secretary, Nelson C. Jackson, 247 Henry St., S. W . IOTA LAMBDA—Indianapolis, Ind., President, Alfred D . Grayson, 109. 527 W. 42nd St.; Secretary, Jonathan W. Giles 2629 Shriver, Ave. KAPPA LAMBDA—Greensboro, N. C , Pres., William H. Beaver; S e c , 110. Benjamin H. Crutcher, A 6C T. College.

111. MU LAMBDA—Washington, D. C ; President, C. C. House, 149 W St.. N . W., Secretary, George W . Peterson, 604 D St., N. W. 112. N U LAMBDA—Ettrick, Va., President, Reuben R. McDaniel; Secretary, Charles H . Townes, Va. State College. 113. XI LAMBDA—Chicago. III., President, William R. Thompson, Secretary, Laurence T. Young, 4432 S. Parkway. 114. OMICRON LAMBDA—Birmingham, Alabama; President, Peter A. Hall, 620 10th Ave., N . ; Secretary, Charles O. Webb, 910 1st St. N . 115. PI LAMBDA—Little Rock, Ark., Pres., Dr. J. B. Jordan, 6IOV2 W. 9th S e c , C. Franklin Brown, 1019 Cross St. 116. RHOSt.; LAMBDA—Buffalo, N . Y., President, Dr. W. B. Hollond, 3 57 William St.. Secretary, Dr. J. McDonald Bobb, 215 William St., Buffalo. 117. SIGMA LAMBDA—New Orleans, La., President, Whitney Haydel, 2228 118. St. Bernard Ave.; Secretary, Rene J. Rousseve, 5014 LaSalle St. T A U LAMBDA—Nashville, Tenn., President, Dr. St. Elmo Brady, Fisk 119. University; Secretary, James R. Anderson, 1027 18th Ave., N . UPSILON LAMBDA—Jacksonville, Fla., Pres., Charles S. Long, Jr., 120. Edward Waters College; S e c . H . James Greene, Edward Waters College. P H I LAMBDA—Raleigh, N . C . President, John C. Harlan, Shaw 121. University, Secretary, Louis W . Roberts, St. Augustine College. C H I LAMBDA—Wilberforce, Ohio: President, James T . Henry, Secretary, Granvillle C. Smith, Wilberforce University. 122. PSI LAMBDA—Chattanooga. Tenn., President, Julian C. Brown, 727 Flinn St.; Secretary, W. B. Davis, 124!/2 E. 9th Street. 123. ALPHA ALPHA LAMBDA—Newark, N. Jersey, Pres., Dr. Ferdinand D. Williams, 191 Bloomfield Ave., Montclair, N . J.; S e c , Arthur C. Williams, 136 Lincoln St., Montclair. 124. ALPHA BETA LAMBDA—Lexington, Ky., Pres., Edward M. Chenault, 226 W. 6th St.; S e c , Dr. Henry A. Merchant, 126 DeWeese St. 125. ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA—New York City; President, Dr. Louis R. Middleton, 601 West 136th Street; Secretary, C. Arthur Jackson, 400 Convent Ave. 126. ALPHA DELTA LAMBDA—Memphis, Tenn.. President Edwin C. Jones. Route 1, Box 252 (Mallory Ave.); Secretary, Abner B. Owen, Jr., 598 Williams Ave. 127. ALPHA EPSILON LAMBDA—Jackson, Miss., Pres., Everett R. Lawrence, Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Miss.; S e c , Alan T. Busby, Box 176, Alcorn, Miss 128. ALPHA ZETA LAMBDA—Bluefield. W . Va.; President, D r . D . T . Murray, Keystone, W . Va.; Secretary, Edward W. Browne, Bluefield State 129. Teachers College. ALPHA ETA LAMBDA—Houston, Texas; President, Walter M. Booker, Prairie View College; Secretary, Harvey R. Turner, Prairie View College, 130. Prairie View, Texas. ALPHA T H E T A LAMBDA—Atlantic City, N . J., President, Ferdinand C. Newton, 217 N . Jersey Ave.; Secretary, Austin Martin, 1711 Arctic Ave.



ALPHA IOTA LAMBDA—Charleston, W. Va., Pres., Earl J. Reason, J /,'„, 6 . ! ' Snr e w sfc."ry St.; Sec, J. Kermit Hall, 1332 Washington St. E. 132. ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA—Roanoke, Va., Pres., Dr. Elwood D . Down. mg, 236 Patterson Ave., N W ; S e c , Dr. George A. Moore, 160 E. Vine St. 133. ALPHA N U LAMBDA—Knoxville, Tenn.; President, N . A. Henderson, 123 E. Vine Ave., Secretary, M. D . Senter, 2134 E. Vine Ave. 134. ALPHA N U LAMBDA—Tuskegee, Ala., Pres., W . Henri Payne; S e c , Hollis F. Price, Tuskagee Institute. 135, ALPHA XI LAMBDA—Toledo, Ohio; President, Leo V. English, 614 Tecumseh St.. Secretary, Charles Peoples, 858 Avondale Avenue. 136. ALPHA OMICRON LAMBDA—Pittsburgh, Pa., President. R. Maurice Moss, 1300 5th Ave.; Secretary, Wilbur C. Douglass, 518 4th Ave. 137. ALPHA PI LAMBDA—Winston-Salem, N . C.; President, L. B Frasier; Secretary, G. H . Vaughn, 13 28 N. Highland. 138. ALPHA R H O LAMBDA—Columbus, Ohio, President, Dr. J. J . Carter, 86 Monroe Ave., Secretary. A. DeV Crosby, 265 N. 22nd St. 139. ALPHA SIGMA LAMBDA—Dallas, Texas, President. H . I . Holland, 2913 Thomas Ave., Secretary, D. N. Howell, 2700 Flora St. 140. ALPHA T A U LAMBDA—Tulsa, Okla.; President. E. W. Clarke, 617 h. Archer St., Secretary. J. Tyler Smith, 124 N Greenwood St. 141. ALPHA UPSILON LAMBDA—M ontgomery, Ala.: President, Cohen T. Simpson. Secretary, William H . Fletcher, State Teachers College. 142. ALPHA P H I LAMBDA—Norfolk, Va., President, P. Bernard Young, Jr.; Secretary, Thomas W. Young, 721 Chapel St. 143. ALPHA C H I LAMBDA—Augusta, Ga., President, Lawrence D . Perrr. Box 904 Pilgrim Ins. Co.; Secretary, John M. Tutt, 1108 Phillip St. 144. ALPHA PSI LAMBDA—Columbia, S. C.,; President, Raymond L. Bailey, University Terrace Aprs. 145. BETA ALPHA LAMBDA—Jersey City. N. J., Presid ent. Dr. W . H a r . old Branch, 190 Duncan Ave., Jersey City, N . J . ; Dorland Henderson, 269 N. Clinton St, East Orange, N . J. 146. BETA BETA LAMBDA—Miami, Fla., Pres., Dr. Felix E. Butler, 366 N. W. 14th St.; S e c , Frederick L. Johnson, 159 N . W. 10th St. 147. BETA GAMMA LAMBDA—Richmond. Va., President, Joseph R. Ransom. 815 N. 6th St.; Corresponding Secretary, David A. Graves, 308 W. Leigh Street. 148. BETA DELTA LAMBDA Daytona Beach. Fla., President, Charles J . Greene, P. O. Box 1789; Secretary, Dr. H . Ernest Hartley, 624 2nd Ave. 149. BETA EPSILON LAMBDA—Wewoka, Okla., Pres., Dr. D . A. French, 201 S. Seminole; S e c , William A. Dobson, Box 216. Lima, Okla. 150. BETA Z E T A LAMBDA—Jefferson City, Mo.; President, N . P. Barks. dale. Secretary, A. S. Pride. Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo. 151. BETA ETA LAMBDA—Okla. City. Okla., President, Raleigh A. Wilson, Box 253. Langston, Oklahoma; Secretary, John E. Jackson, 527 North Phillips St.. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 152. BETA T H E T A LAMBDA—Durham, N. C , Pres. James T . Taylor, 2106 Fayetteville St., Sec. John E. Payne, 1609 Lincoln St. 153. BETA IOTA LAMBDA—Baton Rouge, La.; President. D r . B. V. Baronco, Jr., P . O j Box 2005, Secretary, James H . Boswell, 933 Napoleon Street. 154. BETA KAPPA LAMBDA—Charleston, S. C ; President, Arthur D . Greene, 5 5 " G " Johnson St., Secretary, Frank A. DeCosn, Avery Institute. 155. BETA MU LAMBDA—Statesville, N . C ; President, F. D . White, Livingston College, Secretary, I. H . Miller, Jr.. 800 W. Monroe Street. 156. BETA N U LAMBDA—Charlotte, N . C : President, Secretary,! Clinton L. Blake, 423 E. 1st St., Financial Secretary, G. F. Woodson, Jr., 2112 W . Trade Street. 157. BETA XI LAMBDA—Omaha Nebraska; President; Secretary, George A. Stams, 1119 N . 21st St., Omaha Nebr. 158. BETA OMICRON LAMBDA—Mobile, Ala.. President. Milton G. Ed. monds, Secretary. Orlando H . Johnson, 201 N . Lawrence St. 159. BETA PI LAMBDA—Albany, N . Y.; President, George B. Kelley, 1 113th Street, Troy, N . Y. 160. BETA R H O LAMBDA—Youngstown, Ohio, President, S. S. Booker, 963 W . Federal St.. Secretary, Andrew L. Johnson, 404 W. Earl Ave. 161. BETA SIGMA LAMBDA—Hartford, Conn.; To Be Set U p . 162. BETA T A U LAMBDA—Ft. Worth, Texas; To Be Set U p . 163. BETA UPSILON LAMBDA—Jackson, Tenn.; To Be Set U p .

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FRATERNITY PRAYER (O Lord) "May the true spirit of Fraternity rule our hearts, guide our thoughts, and control our lives, so that we may become through Thee, servants of all." (Amen.)

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