FEBRUARY NUMflER Seeing this Abraham Lincoln statue in London, England was like greeting an old friend from home to U. S. colored soldiers on leave in the English capital. Left to right: Master Sgt. James A . Dorsey, Jr., Pittsburgh; Pfc. Andrew J. Randolph, Los Angeles; Pvt. Andrew J . Randolph, Philadelphia; and Pvt. E. D. Gloster, M t . Clair, N . J . Scores of Alpha now
General Officers ROBERT P. DANIEL President
Howard University, Washington, D. C. BERT A. McDONALD First Vice-President 319 East 48th St., Los Angeles, Calif. FERDINAND L. ROUSSEVE Second Vice-President 4636 Willow Street, New Orleans, La. JOHN FLEMING Third Vice-President 1532 Linn Street, Cincinnati, Ohio ANDREW R. TYLER Fourth Vice-President 462 West 146th St., New York City JOSEPH H. B. EVANS General Secretary 101 S. Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. FARROW K. ALLEN Treasurer 337 West 138th St., New York City LEWIS O. SWINGLER Editor of the Sphinx 390 Vi Beale Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee H. COUNCILL TREN'HOLM Director of Education Alabama State College, Montgomery, Ala. BELFORD V. LAWSON, JR. General Counsel 2001 11th, N. W., Washington, D. C. LAY MEMBERS EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Edward W. Brooke, 1262 Hamlin Street, N. E., Washington, D. C . Honorary, Thomas E. Kelley, Wilberforce University, William T. Patrick, Jr., Clark Hall, Howard University, Washington, D. C.i Chas. D. Proctor, Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn. BELFORD V. LAWSON. JR. Chairman, Chapter Housing Commission 2001 11th St., N. W., Washington, D. C HOWARD H. LONG Chairman, Committee on Public Policy 1112 Girard St., N. W., Washington, D. C. M. G. FERGUSON Chairman, Auditing Committee Citizens Savings & Trust Co., Nashville, Tennessee HENRY L. DICKASON Chairman, Committee on Standards Bluefleld State Teachers College, Bluefleld, West Virginia
Chairman, Budget Committee Shaw University, Raleigh, North Carolina
1. ALPHA—Cornell University, I t h a c a , N. Y.; President, Dr. G. A. Galvin, 216 W. S t a t e Street; Secretary, Dr. Albert P. J o h n son, 216 W. S t a t e Street. 2. BETA—Howard University, W a s h i n g t o n , D . C ; President, W i l l i a m T. Patrick; Secretary, J o h n C. Harvard, 1917 3rd Street. 3. GAMMA—Virginia U n i o n University; R i c h m o n d , Va.; Presid e n t , E. D. McCreary, Jr., Secretary, Percy Patricks, Virginia Union. 4. DELTA—Tlllotson College, A u s t i n . Texas; President, S a m u e l Fuller; Secretary, J o s e p h B. Bracy. 5. EPSILON—University of Michigan, A n n Arbor, Mich.; Presid e n t , W a t s o n Y o u n g , 210 G l e n n St.; Secretary, Peter J. Carter, No. 2 Adams House. 6. ZETA—Yale University. N e w H a v e n , Conn.; President, C. A. Trlbbett. 124 Dixwell Ave., Secretary; T. R. P e t t y j o h n , 77 D i c k e r m a n Street. 7. E T A — C o l u m b i a University, S t . Lawrence, Brooklyn C. C , St. J o h n University, Brooklyn, New York City; President, Mac C. Davies, 79 St. N i c h o l a s Avenue, N. Y. C.; Secretary, Lloyd C. Best, 217 W. 120 N. Y. C. 8. THETA—University Chicago, Chicago, 111.; President, Clift o n O. D u m m e t t , 311 E. C h i c a g o Avenue, B o x 158, Chicago, 111.; Secretary, Frank A. B a n k s , 740 E. M a r q u e t t e Road. 9. IOTA—Atlanta, Georgia; T o be set u p . 10. K A P P A — O h i o S t a t e University, Ohio; P r e s i d e n t , Lionel H. N e w s o m , 51 East 11th Ave.; Secretary, J a m e s K. A n t h o n y , 68 E. 11th Ave., C o l u m b u s , Ohio. 11. M U — U n i v e r s i t y of M i n n e s o t a , Minneapolis, Minnesota; President, J o h n R. Lawrence, 947 I g l e h a r t Ave., St. P a u l , Minn.. Secretary, J o h n M. P a t t o n , 954 St. A n t h o n y Ave., S t . Paul, M i n n . 12. N U — L i n c o l n University, Pa. Secretary, J u d g e E. Page, Lincoln University. 13. XI—Wilberforce University, Ohio; President, Everard A. H u g h e s ; Secretary, W i l l i a m B. Shropshire, Wilberforce U n i versity. Wilberforce, O h i o . 14. O M I C R O N — P i t t s b u r g h , Pa., President, P a u l L. J o n e s , 228 West 14th, H o m e s t e a d , Pa.; Secretary M c D o n a l d Williams, 201 M i c h i g a n A v e n u e , Betshoover, P i t t s , Pa. 15. P I — W e s t e r n Reserve, Cleveland, Ohio; President, S a m u e l Wade, 2285 East 8 9 t h Street; Secretary, J o s e p h D . S m i t h , 2813 Central Avenue, N. 584. 16. R H O — G r a d u a t e Group, P h i l a d e l p h i a , P e n n s y l v a n i a ; Pres. Dr. W. P. Jerrick, 1843 C h r i s t i a n St.; C. Sec. Dr. O W i l s o n Winters, 28 Curren Arcade; F. Sec. Norrlstown, Pa.; F. Sec. Dr. Percy I. Bowser, 5344 Race S t . 17. SIGMA—Harvard University, B o s t o n , Mass., President, T h o m a s Center, 12 H u b b a r d Ave., Cambridge, Mass.; Secretary, G. S a m u e l Darrell, 111 T o w n s e n d Street, Roxbury, Mass. 18. T A U — U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois. C h a m p a l g n - U r b a n a , I l l i n o i s ; P r e s i d e n t N a t h a n i e l B. Green; 1301 W e s t Clark, Urbana, 111.; Secretary, Robert Claybrooks. 19. UPSILON—University of K a n s a s , K a n s a s S t a t e Teachers College, Emporia, K a n s a s ; K a n s a s S t a t e College of Agricult u r e & Applied S c i e n c e , M a n h a t t a n , Kansas, Lawrence, K a n s a s ; President, Robert N. Clark; Secretary, J a m e s D Walker, 1101 Mississippi Street, Lawrence, K a n s a s . 30. P H I — O h i o University, A t h e n s , Ohio; INACTIVE 21. CHI—Meharry Medical College. N a s h v i l l e , T e n n . ; President, Axel H a n s o n . Jr.; Secretary, Edward L. Wllkerson, Meharry Medical College. 22. P S I — U n i v e r s i t y of P e n n s y l v a n i a , T e m p l e U n i v e r s i t y P h i l a delphia, Pa.; President, F r a n k l i n Morris, 1519 Page S t r e e t West; Secretary. Robert Poindexter, 2128 Christian Street. 23. ALPHA ALPHA—University of C i n c i n n a t i , C i n c i n n a t i College of P h a r m a c y , Miami University, C i n c i n n a t i , OhioPresident, J o h n W. F l e m i n g , 1532 L i n n Street; Secretary, Webster Posey, 1506 B a y m l l l e r Street. 24. ALPHA BETA—Talladega College, Talladega, Ala.; President, Horace J o h n s o n ; Secretary, William King, Talladega College. 25. ALPHA GAMMA—Brown University, Providence, R h o d e I s l a n d , INACTIVE. 26. ALPHA DELTA—University of S o u t h e r n California, Los A n geles, Calif., President, Henry Feltenberg, 1286 S. Serrano; „„ Secretary. Edward York, 1286 S. Serrano A v e n u e . 27. ALPHA EPSILON—University of California, Berkeley, California; President, Harold R. J o n e s . 2831 Ellsworth Street, Berkeley; Secretary, Henry J o h n s o n , 1340 8 t h St., Oakland, California.
Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio KERMIT J. HALL Director, Transportation State Teachers College, Bluefleld, West Va. JEWELS Dr. Henry A. Callis, 2306 E St., N. E., Washington, D. C.i Nathaniel A. Murray, 150 You Street, N. W., Washington. D. C ; Vertner W. Tandy. 221 West 139th St., New York, N. Y.; George B. Kelly, l-113th Street, Troy, New York. •Charles H. Chapman—*Roy H. Ogle—"James H. Morton—'Deceased. REGIONAL DIRECTORS WESTERN JURISDICTION—Bert A. McDonald, Vice-President; Walter M. Booker, Prairie View College, Prairie View, Texas; James A. Robinson, 850 East 49th Place, Los Angeles, Calif.; Bernard E. Squires, 326 Railway Exchange Bldg., Seattle, Washington. SOUTHERN JURISDICTION—Ferdinand L. Rousseve, Vice-President; Region:—Louisiana, Arkansas, Miss., Southern Vice-President In charge; Harold Lucien, Dillard University, New Orleans, La., Undergraduate Director; C. M. Roulhac, Jr., 810 E. McLemore. Memphis, Tenn.; Bernard G. Wheatley, Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn.; Andrew J. Lewis II, 525 Tatwall St., Atlanta, Ga.; John P. Bond. 13 V4 E. Hargett St., Raleigh, North Carolina. EASTERN JURISDICTION—Andrew R. Tyler, Vice-President; John M. Moore. Va. Union University, Richmond, Va.; G. A. Galvin, 216 West State St., Ithaca, N. Y.; Frank Morris, Jr., 1519 Page Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; William J. Parks, Jr., 1917 3rd St., N. W„ Washington, D. C.i Rufus Hackett, 536 McCulloh St., Baltimore, Md.; and Thomas A. Center, 54 Mt. Pleasant, North Cambridge, Mass MIDWESTERN JURISDICTION—John W. Fleming, Vice-President: John R. Lawrence, Jr., 947 Iglehart Ave., St. Paul, Minn.; J. R. Lillard, 2547 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.; Attorney Charles F. Lane, 417 East 47th Street, Chicago, Illinois
Virginia S t a t e College. I n s t i t u t e West Va.; President, Lawrence N. J o n e s ; Secretary, Garlan R Als t o n . West Va. S t a t e College. 29. ALPHA ETA—St. Louis, Mo.; President, George H Hyram 4432 N o r t h Market St.; Secretary, Earl W H u n t e r 2316 Spruce. 30. ALPHA THETA—University of Iowa, I o w a City, Iowa- Presid e n t , J a m e s Peoples; Secretary, A. Low; C. Secretary 'George R. Ragland, Jr., 818 S o u t h D u b u q u e Street. 31. ALPHA IOTA—University of Colorado, Denver, Colo Presid e n t , Howard J e n k i n s , Jr., 3131 G i l p i n St., Secretary J o h n Wallar, 2606 G i l p i n St. " 32. ALPHA KAPPA—Springfield College, A m h e r s t College A m herst, Mass., Springfield, Mass.; INACTIVE. 33. ALPHA M U — N o r t h w e s t e r n University, E v a n s t o n IllinoisPresident, Charles Warren; Secretary, W i l l i a m C. P y a n t 1930 B r o w n A v e n u e . ' 34. ALPHA N U — I o w a S t a t e College, Drake University Des Moines. Iowa, INACTIVE. *' 35. ALPHA X I — U n i v e r s i t y of W a s h i n g t o n , Seattle, W a s h i n g t o n President, J a m e s P. J o h n s o n , 928 31st St., S e a t t l e W a s h i n g t o n ; Secretary, Robert B. Pitts, 326 23rd A v e n u e ' N o r t h 36. ALPHA O M I C R O N — J o h n s o n C. S m i t h University, Charlotte, N. C ; President, Horace Davenport; Secretary, T. W i l k l n s Davis, J o h n s o n C. S m i t h University. 37. ALPHA PI—Louisville Municipal College, Louisville K y , President, Andrew M o t e n , 2336 W. C h e s t n u t Street; Secretary, J u l i u s L. Greene, 1810 W. C h e s t n u t Street. 38. ALPHA RHO—Morehouse College, Ga.; President, B e n j a m i n Bullock, Secretary, Clarence Williams. Morehouse College 39. ALPHA SIGMA—Wiley College, B i s h o p College, Marshall, Texas; President. Frederick D. S m i t h ; Secretary, T. L a n n e t t Mack, Wiley College. 40. ALPHA TAU—University of Akron. Ohio; President, Attorney Artee F l e m i n g , 2 2 W e s t Market Street, Akron, Ohio; Secretary. Herbert T. Bracken. 385 W e l l i n g t o n . 41. ALPHA UPSILON—City College, Detroit, Mich.; President, G u s Ogletree, 607 Division; Secretary, William Coleman, 1421 S l o m a n . 42. ALPHA PHI—Clark University, A t l a n t a . Ga.; President. Clarence D. C o l e m a n ; Secretary, E p h r a i m A. Grier, Clark University. 43. ALPHA CHI—Fisk University, Nashville, T e n n e s s e e ; Presid e n t , Charles D. Procter; Secretary, Clarence I. Payne, Fisk University. 44. ALPHA P S I — L i n c o l n University, Jefferson City, Mo.; Presid e n t , A l p h o n s e E. Ellis, Allen Hall, L i n c o l n University; S e c retary, William McCoy, Allen Hall, L i n c o l n University. 45. BETA ALPHA—Morgan College, B a l t i m o r e , Md.; President, W i n s t o n Emerson Brown, 529 C u m b e r l a n d Street; Secretary, Harry A u g u s t u s Coles, 1935 D r u i d Hill Ave. 46. BETA BETA—University of Nebraska, C r e i g h t o n University Municipal University, L i n c o l n Nebraska, P r e s i d e n t G a i n e s T. Braford. 1952 T. Street, Lincoln, Nebraska; Secretary, Harold Blddiex, 2225 S. Street, L i n c o l n , Nebraska. 47. BETA GAMMA—Virginia S t a t e College, Ettrlck, Va.; Presid e n t , R e u b e n K. Davis; Secretary, Arthur E. Y o u n g 48. BETA DELTA—State College, Orangeburg, S. C ; P r e s i d e n t R o l a n d J. Geiger. 49. BETA EPSILON—Agricultural a n d T e c h n i c a l College, G r e e n s boro, N o r t h Carolina; President, C l i n t o n Etherldee S e c r e tary, Earl Holland, A. & T. College. 50. BETA ZETA—Samuel H u s t o n College, A u s t i n , Texas- President, Maceo D. Pembroke; Secretary, W e l d o n K. Groves S a m u e l H u s t o n College, A u s t i n , Texas. 61. BETA E T A — S o u t h e r n I l l i n o i s Teachers College Carbondale 111., President, Charles E. Jones, 211 N. Wall; Secretary' Gaffney Taylor, Colp, Illinois. ^" 62. BETA THETA—Bluefleld S t a t e Teachers College, P r e s i d e n t W i l l i a m H. N i c h o l s o n ; Secretary, Silas E. Craft, S t a t e T e a c h ers College. 63. BETA IOTA—Western S t a t e Teachers College, K a l a m a z o o M i c h i g a n ; INACTIVE. ^^' 54. BETA K A P P A — L a n g s t o n University, L a n g s t o n , OklahomaPresident, George Pearson; Secretary, Loyal Rucker. 55. BETA M U — K e n t u c k y S t a t e College, Frankfort, Ky.; Presid e n t , A r t h u r Walter; Secretary, R o b e r t L. Clardy. 66. BETA N U — F l o r i d a A. & M. College, Tallahassee, Florida; President, Oliver H. J o n e s ; Secretary, J a m e s M. Y o u n g .
THE S P H I N X Official Organ of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. PUBLISHED MONTHLY EXCEPT JANUARY, JUNE. JULY, AUGUST 390 Vi Beale Avenue, Memphis, Tenn.
LEWIS O. SWINGLER 390 Vi Beale Avenue Memphis, Tennessee
JAMES D. PARKS Lincoln University Jefferson City, Mo.
DOWDAL H. DAVIS, JR. 2711 E. 21st Street Kansas City, Missouri
Page HUGH M. GLOSTER Morehouse College Atlanta, Georgia BURT A. MAYBERRY 2446 Harrison Kansas City, Mo. MILTON S. I. WRIGHT Wilberforce University Wilberforce, Ohio WILLIAM H. GRAY, JR. Florida Normal St. Augustine, Florida WHO'S WHO EDITOR GEORGE B. KELLEY Troy, New York
What Will You Ration?
The Washington, D. C. Conference
Negro Migration in War Times
XI Lambda's Founders Day Program
Alphas In War Program at Fla. Normal—8-9 India's Fight For Freedom
Contributions of the Negro
Fraternity F u n
The General Secretary's Corner
Voice of The Sphinx
The Poetry Society of Colorado
JAMES B. BROWNING Miners Teachers College Ga. Ave. at Euclid and Fairmont, N. W. Washington, D. C.
PVT. A. J. LEWIS, II 50th Inf. Tr. Bn., Co. "A" Camp Croft, South Carolina REID E. JACKSON Southern University Scotlandville, La.
J. EDWARD COTTON 390 xh Beale Avenue Memphis, Tennessee
Chapter Roster DR. O. WILSON WINTERS 28 Curren Arcade Norristown, Pa.
FRANK L. STANLEY, JR. 619 W. Walnut Street Louisville, Kentucky
SIDNEY A. JONES, JR. 5341 Maryland Chicago, Illinois
KERMIT J. HALL Bluefield State College Bluefield, West Virginia
Please note chapter roster for changes in names and addresses of your chapter officers.
ADVERTISING LEWIS O. SWINGLER 390 Vi Beale Avenue Memphis, Tennessee
Entered as second class matter at the Post Office in Memphis, Tenn., as issued eight times a year in February, March, April, May September. October, November and December, under t h e Act of March 3, 1879, and accepted for mailing at t h e second class rates of postage.
Subscription Price—Three Dollars and Fifty Cents Per Year
Page ,2
February, 1943
Members of Chapter Who Have Answered The Call To The Colors Print full names, (Rank and Company if possible) of all brothers now in the armed service on blank lines below. Tear this page from Sphinx and return to the Sphinx Office. NAME
NOTICE ALL CHAPTERS Remittances to the General Secretary: Send all four copies of the Remittance Report to the General Secretary. By action of the 29th General Convention these remittances must be in the form of MONEY ORDER, CERTIFIED CHECK, or BANK DRAFT. If you send personal checks you must wait for pass cards, shingles, pins, etc., until such checks have been deposited for collection and have cleared. Make all checks payable to "ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INCORPORATED." Make Money Orders payable at New York City. SPECIAL: On each report, insert in the Remarks Column the DATE ON WHICH SUCH PAYMENT WAS MADE TO THE CHAPTER SECRETARY. (This is required by action of the General Convention) . If yours is a chapter having under-graduate and graduate membership, list under-graduates together and group the graduate listing under the heading GRADUATE MEMBERS. The Federal tax on pins is 10 per cent. This should be added to the cost of the pin and the entire amount carried in the "Pin" Column. General Secretary. JOS. H. B. EVANS.
February, 1543
f HE
Page 3
jÂŁb OTAL War has imposed a restrictive influence upon civilian and soldier alike. No longer can those in high places remain impervious to the impact of an altered economy and social life. Particularly challenging is this situation to the "college man." And, why is this? Selective Service, primary among factors, has suddenly become a yardstick which, for the moment, levels off all individuals and assigns them the same status. The vaunted prestige of the "college man" is thus dissipated like the mist before the morning sun. One should not blind himself, however, to the opportunities for individual advancement in the armed forces for, such do exist. A plethora of tasks, in the armed services, are dependent upon individual differences. To the civilians at home, though the rigor of war is bound up in the extension of rationing procedures, on our national scene, to include more and more supposedly indispensable commodities. "It is undemocratic," they say! Never once do they stop to think and counsel with themselves that democracy is predicated upon the element of change and that, because of this, a continued and searching analysis should be made of specific situations and the appropriate method^ which the desired goals involved in them necessarily demand. At present, we are out to win a war over the Axis! Many carping critics, however, do not seem to realize this because, in a selfish vein, they conceive of rationing as a demagogical device to deprive them from certain accustomed conveniences in living. To this column, this appears to be a negative approach to the whole matter, which could well be supplanted by a positive attitude denoting rationing as a procedure which scientifically determines the vital necessities, in their precise quantity, for basic living. Indeed, if one were to entertain this view as well as appraise it for a qualitative significance, the surprising revelation might come that rationing could well be the order of the day, even during normal times. Moreover, as the "despised" bureaucrats have pointed out, rationing could be most effective, when entered into upon a volitional basis, deriving from intelligent personal choice. Presuming that the "college man" would con-
cur with voluntary rationing, what would he eliminate as unessential? Mere, we would like to address attention to a perhaps overlooked area of human resources. Reference here is made to those more abstract human qualities such as intelligence, attitudes, and interests. What are the relationships that these hold to the idea of rationing? It might be proper, before attempting to pose answer to this question, to survey the effect of selective service upon the life program of the typical youth. Little as it may seem, the average youth is not a "college man;" and, for the average Negro youth, in particular, life has been marked by the vicissitudes of temporary employment (or should we say sporadic unemployment), with the consequent status of economic insecurity, physical ill-healih, and circumscribed horizon. For these youth, then, the war has been a real godsend, in that it has given them a chance to rehabilitate a sagging personality. All this has been occasioned by the rigorous exercise and exacting standards of army life. We are conscious, of course, that many of the men will fail to enjoy the benefits of their new-found existence, as their lives are snuffed short in the human toll of war. But, the point is will they die in vain? And, will these casualties represent a supreme sacrifice for a significant purpose? The problem which immediately confronts us, though, is whether the "college man" can count his career interrupted as a result of induction into the army. The cold, hard facts in the case are that many a "college man" is no better fitted for military service than the "man in the street." That ex-college men realize this—perhaps, somewhat tardily—is testified to by many letters which they write back to their friends and former teachers. Almost to a man, they exhort those now remaining in college to make good of every opportunity open to them. It is besides the point that some army officials blame the colleges for a "soft" program. The more basic consideration is that the college student can be largely responsible for the scope of his educational background. Why should Dean Hawkes of Columbia college receive the "shock of his life" when students requested that their Christmas vacation be utilized (Continued to Next Page)
Rational %$ro WetoApapet Week FEBRUARY 28TH TO MARCH 6TH
Page 4 in short courses to better prepare them to enter the armed services? It is a well-known fact that the majority of college students, particularly Negro, evade the "stiff" courses and look for the "sop" courses. Necessarily, then, even in the most conservative college, certain courses must be dropped because of lack in enrollment. Tins is indeed a sad commentary as well as a challenge to the college student. " W h a t knowledge is of the most w o r t h ? ' is a question which can well be asked by others than Spencer. The implication is that a "college m a n " may also "find" himself while in the army, if he r a tions properly his opportunities. If then, we are to apply our expressed concept of rationing;, the issue becomes crystal clear. W h a t courses. in the college,, are best suited to our individual capabilities. A proper selection in this instance, must be underwritten by a definiteness of purpose as to why we are in college. Is it for a year-long vacation or is it to prepare ourselves in order to make a worthwhile contribution to the society in which we live? F o r many, grievous to say, t h e former is the case. Even though we must concede both the responsibility of the college in providing proper guidance and the effect of certain intrenched t r a ditions upon the flexible needs of the student, we must realize that the dilettantes cannot live forever in ivory towers. H u m a n faith and human purpose, well-founded, can make great gains, once they are set in motion ! W h a t should emerge here is that the prospective college graduate should, develop the attitude to ration. at his own behest an educational program, designed for his best interests as a functioning member of American society—even before he is called to the a r m y ! The occupationally-engaged man— professional or otherwise—who is beyond the pale of Selective Service must also re-guage his living habit, without dissent. W h y should he begrudge cessation for many of the luxuries p r o duced by our scientific age. Truthfully the issue is not so much one of the nature of these luxuries as one who should enjoy these luxuries and to what extent? Examples of overindulgence and living beyond one's means are attendant upon us at every hand. The wartime exigency of planned economy is perhaps a boon, as well as a blessing in disguise. But, such program is bound to collapse if the "black market"
proceeds unabated! And who is it that delves in this bootleg traffic? Most often it is the person who beforehand had the price to pay for these superficial items. T h e common man who never could scrape up the fee is still bereft of these luxuries. In fact, since he hardly ever experienced them, it is questionable whether he really misses t h e m ! What, then, is to be gained in keeping up appearance when our very future is at grave stake? By now, it should become apparent that these remarks are addressed to those who proudly preen themselves as the "cream of society." W h a t will you ration? Can you unhesitatingly face the present issue and voluntarily disavow any desire and inconvenience at the continuing deprivations of the symbols of the "upper" class? More than this, can you not only exhibit a willingness of attitude to objectively survey your personal needs and capabilities but also extend this inspection to a never-ending future? Some might consider this heresy; but, if the basic worth of man is to be projected into a present living, there can be no alternat i v e ! Small wonder, then, that much which is base and crass, in human individuality has eddied to the surface. All that has been observed carries more than passing significance for the Negro in America. Labeled as an inferior being and spurned as an unwelcomed appendage to the American scene due to supposedly crude mannerisms, his stake in the present conflict is two-fold. T h e Negro must not only assist in winning the general w a r but also must make his position in American society more secure than it is, at the present! T h e Negro, both in college and out must unerringly r a tion for himself a program of training which will prove false forever those mistaken notions of his inabilities. And, to do this, he must traverse a long road. W h e n it is said that he is ignorant, he must display his intellig e n c e ; when it is said that he is childlike, he must manifest initiative; when it is said that he is dishonest, he must be honest; when it is said that he is boisterously loud, he must remain positively quiet; and so on. In a word, the Negro must deliberately assert a functional personality, through an educational program of his own fashioning rather than lie in the procrustean bed so cunningly prepared for him by his enemies. We, then, must ration "brains," as well as "brawn." This, we must insist, is indeed'poss'ible; and
February, 1943 a war should not have been necessary to make us aware of the fact! •
Excerpts F r o m Bro. President Logan's Annual Report From
As a result of the virtually unanimous vote of the Executive Council I authorized the cancellation of the Thirtieth General Convention which was to have been held in Chicago. The wisdom of our action is seen in the fact t h a t many other organizations, notably the American Historical Association and the American Association of University Professors, have recently taken similar action. Moreover, the induction of eighteen and nineteen vear old soldiers would have greatly diminished attendance. W e nevertheless regret that we shall not at this time be able to enjoy the lavish hospitality and the novel constructive features that the hard-working committees of the Chicago chapters had planned. During the year I had meetings with Brothers of Eta, Kappa, Omicron. Alpha Alpha, Beta Delta, Beta Epsilon. Eta Lambda, Kappa Lambda, Mu Lambda, Rho Lambda, Alpha Gamma Lambda, Alpha Omicron Lambda, Alpha Rho 'Lambda, Alpha Psi Lambda. Beta Beta Lambda. Many of these visits were made without expense to the general organization or the local chapter. In all instances I found the Brothers alert and determined to move ahead with our program. 1 am happy to report a growing interest in the gathering of information for our proposed history of Alpha Phi Alpha in World W a r I I . Much remains, however, to be done in some areas. It would seem that the least that those of us who remain behind can do is to help record the services of those who have taken up arms that we may continue the fight for a fuller democracy. First, during the two months that I spent this Spring in Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic I spoke to a number of very high officials and to groups about the necessity for having ready at the Peace Conference materials on the N e g r o and the P o s t - W a r Society. Second, a number of Brothers were helpful in having the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools adopt a resolution calling for a committee to focus attention upon T h e Negro and the P o s t - W a r Society. Third, I have had the good fortune to ( T u r n to page 28)
February- 1943
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New Executive Committee Shapes Plans For Year Following cancellation of the Thirtieth General Convention, scheduled to be held in Chicago, 111:. last December, President Rayford \V. Logan called a special meeting in Washington, D. C.i of his newly created Executive Committee to consider an effective plan of operation for 1943. The twoday conference was held at the Twelfth St. Y, M. C. A., January 9th and 10th. The group gave its most serious consideration to all phases of the Fraternity, including discussion of our educational campaign, effects of the war upon our finances, public policy during the present crisis, and methods for keeping chapters alive and active. Official minutes, in printed form, will be sent to all chapters within the near future. Shown in the accompanving picture, front row, are Brothers Farrow R. Allen, of New York City, General T r e a s u r e r ; Joseph H . B. Evans, General Secretary; President Logan, and General Counsel Belford V. Lawson. These four officers, all of Washington except Brother Allen, represent the Executive Committee with their action being subject to approval of the Executive Council. Back row, from left: Brothers Dr. Robert P. Daniel of Raleigh, N . C , Chairman of the Budget Committee; Dean Charles Thompson, of the Liberal Arts College, Howard University, now on leave for a vear to prepare material for publication on the life of Booker T. Washington. Dr. H. Council] Trenholm. Montgomery, Ala.. Director of E d ucation; Lewis O. Swingler, Memphis. Tenu., Editor of the Sobinx Magazine; Andrew R. Tyler, New York City, Eastern Vice-President; Dr. H. H. Long, Washington, D. C , Chairman. Committee on Public Policy.
THE WASHINGTON D. C. CONFERENCE Until publication of the official minutes of the Washington, D. C. conference which President Rayford W . Logan called for January 9th and 10th has been complete and copies circularized among brothers of the several chapters, the Sphinx does not consider it advisable to attempt a detailed report of this two-day session. However, the president and other officers who met with him tried to the fullest e x tent to work out a program in keeping with fundamental objectives of the Fraternity but flexible enough to meet changing conditions of the times. First concern of the group was the financial status of the organization. Brother Dr. R. P. Daniel, Chairman of the budget committee, was asked to make budget recommendations for the various offices after conferring with the president, secretary, and the. treas-
urer. Having served in thai capacity at several conventions Brother Daniel was cmalified by experience to give valuable assistance. His committee is one of the standing committees of the F r a ternity. Service men except commissioned officers a r e exempt from payment of grand tax fees. W i t h hundreds of Alpha brothers having already entered the armed forces and others scheduled to leave, it is readily understandable that our income will be sharply curtailed for the current year. It should be stated here, by way of reflection, that the tax exemption for service men was voted into law by the Twenty-ninth General Convention in Louisville Ky. Brother Dr. H. Councill Trenholm, Director of Education, was present with an outline for our Educational Campaign this year. His office no doubt
DR. C H A R L E S II. W E S L E Y , Wilberforce University, Historian of the Fraternity, and Past General President, was present at the Washington Conference. From the wide experience gained during the ten years he served the Fraternity as president, Dr. Wesley was able to give the committee wise and needed counsel. will be sending out communications regarding scholarships, fellowships, and other phases of the campaign within the near future. T h e Committee on Public Opinion, Brother Dr. Howard H. Long, Chairman, will keep chapters informed on issues of national interest particularly T u r n N e x t Page
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Negro Migration In War Times By
S I D N E Y A. J O N E S , Contributing Editor
Every 'Chicago newspaper, as well as the papers in all sections of the country, outside of the South, carries large advertisements for help of all kinds, skilled and unskilled, male and female. Although there is much discrimination against Negroes in employment by many private industries, it is nevertheless true that many jobs are available, and it is further true that before the w a r is over, many more will be available. It is a fact that Negro men and women arc now in jobs they never had before. R e s taurants that formerly did not want to serve Negroes in Chicago, a r e now using colored girls to serve the guests. Formerly Colored girls were not used at all. Many young Colored girls are working as messengers for the W e s t -
ern Union and Postal Telegraph in the loop, along with White girls. And in the skilled and unskilled trades Negroes are more and more finding new opportunities. Western Electric Company, for example, which never hired Negroes, recently began to hire them in all departments, including clerical and other white-collar help. No energetic Negro need now be unemployed. In the South, however, it appears that Negroes a r e not being given a share in the defense work, in proportion to what they are entitled to. In the skilled trades, for example, the schools set up for training persons to do this work, will not make provisions for Colored youth. In Savannah, Georgia, for example, very few Negroes are employed in the shipbuilding trade, because the schools set up for the training of men to do the work would not make any provisions for them. Tt seems to me that
Washington, D. C. From as they relate to new bills proposed in Congress, racial discrimination in employment, and directives handed down by such agencies as the W a r M a n power Commission, Office of Price A d ministration and the W a r Labor Board, but Brother Long will stress the necessity of chapters acting quickly when the welfare of the race is at stake. In his most recent communication, he stated: As you are undoubtedly aware, the hearing ( F . E. P. C.) on discrimination in employment in the railroads has been postponed, presumably by the H e a d of the W a r Man Power. I need not try to explain to you the feelings of the colored people with reference to this matter. I am writing now to suggest that your chapter and your influential members direct communication to Mr. Paul V. McNutt, Head of the W. M. C , Washington. District of Columbia, to the President of the United States and to your Congressman, if you think it will do any good indicating your displeasure with this unexplained postponement of the hearing which seems to be so vital to colored people of the United States." This year the Committee Opinion will continue to clow touch with proponents ti-Poll T a x Bill and work
on Public remain in of the Anwith other
Page 5 groups seeking to abolish poll t a x as a prerequisite for voting. Sphinx Editor Lewis O. Swingler, after giving a brief review of the year's work, recommended to the committee that four editions be published this year in accordance with the schedule used in 1942—February, May, October, December. The conference took cognizance of the fact that our official publication is essential to the maintenance of fraternal interest, morale of the men on the fighting front, and as sourcematerial for the future history of Alpha Phi Alpha in World W a r II. By vote of the Executive Council, this year's program will be executed by an Executive Committee composed of the president. Brothers Joseph H . B. Evans, General Secretary; Dr. F a r r o w R . A l l e n , General T r e a s u r e r ; and Attorney Belford V. Lawson, General Counsel. These officers in view of their close proximity with each other. can and will hold frequent meetings throughout the year. Their actions, however, will be subject to consideration for approval by the Executive Council. Eastern Vice-President Andrew R. Tyler, of N e w York City, and Past President Charles H. Wesley, of W i l herforce University, historian of the Fraternity, were present at the conference.
February, 1943 thing for the Negroes to do is to leave the South and come North just as they did in the last war. It is regretted that Colored people are not migrating in this war as they did in the last. There is no question that the race as a whole was greatly benefited by the migration of World W a r 1. At least a million Negroes should leave the South during the next few years and go North, East and West, and especially West. By so doing they will acquire rights, privileges and freedom that they will never in their lifetime get in the South. There will be some discrimination and segregation found in the North. All will not be rosy. But there will be no mob violence, no official Jim ('row, no disfranchisement, no denial of clue process of law in the courts. The children will be able to attend all state supported schools, from nursery school to the professional schools of law, medicine, engineering, business, journalism, and others. Not one single southern state provides such schools for Negroes, although Negro taxes support such schools for Whites. Outside of the South, Negroes can work for the state in almost any capacity. There is no employment for Negroes by southern states except as janitors, or in white collar jobs dealing exclusively with Negroes, as a few social workers, and very few at that. Away from the South, the public libraries are open to all, and jobs such as Congressman, State Senator, State Representative, Alderman. Judge, and other positions are open to all. In fact, Southernhorn Negroes in Chicago now hold all of t h e above described positions. So, it seems that all Negro organizations should pass the word along, and urge Negroes to come North. Of course, all Negroes cannot and will not leave the South. F o r the millions who remain there is ample opportunity to serve, achieve and prosper. But those who come North can indirectly help those who remain achieve some freedom and rights. Those who remain must do more to improve their rights. There is too much complacency in the South—too much resignation to fate. Too little effort is put forward for jobs, for equal educational facilities, for suffrage and for the rights of a man. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." " H e who would be free mu t liimself cast the first blow."
February, 1943
A EULOGY OF DECEASED BROTHERS, XI LAMBDA CHAPTER, CHICAGO Message Delivered By Brother Charles M. Thompson At The Founders' Day Banquet My Brothers, I come not to oast a note of sorrow upon this occasion of merriment. There is no need for sorrow. I have come tonight at your invitation to honor those of our brothers who have passed the darkness thru. I have come to do for them that which they cannot do for themselves; but that which they would have gladly done for us. How shall I do this thing which you have directed me to do? Shall I ask you to bow your heads in grief; because they are not here tonight? N o ! Perhaps theirs is a fuller and richer existence than any thing that we have yet known. Shall I praise them as Gods, when we knew them as men? They were like chains, you have been told, as weak as their weakest link, but this is only a half truth. They were also as strong as their strongest link. You knew them in their weakness as men and yet you loved them. How might it have been if you could have known them in the depth of their meditation when the God within them was lifted tip. They are dead, you say, and yet, should you ask me what is death my knowledge would become confused. I could not in logic answer you; but my heart without hesitation would say, that life and death are the same, even as the mist and the rain are one. How be it that the heart often remembers what the intellect has forgotten? Strange are we, here suspended between birth and death knowing not where we came nor whither we go.
Notables Attend Founders' Banquet In Chicago Over one hundred brothers turned out to the Alpha House to greet the following brothers, guests of honor, at a Xi Lambda's recent Founder's Day Banquet in Chicago: Congressman William L. Dawson, the first Alpha man to go to Congress and the only Negro in Congress presently ; Illinois State Senator C. C. W i m bish; Illinois State Representative Ernest A. Greene; Alderman Benjamin A. Grant, of Chicago; and Alderman E d w a r d A. Jourdain, of Evanston. In addition, Brothers Paul Robeson, internationally celebrated singer; and Dr. M a x Yergan. Executive Director of Council of African Affairs, were present. Both spoke eloquently on what Alpha Phi Alpha meant to them. Brother Dr. Charles M. Thompson, during the reception, gave a eulogy of deceased brothers of Xi Lambda Chapter. His address appears in this edition of the Sphinx.
So said the Persian Master many centuries ago and tonight we can but substitute the names of our b r o t h e r s : N u m a P . G. Adams, George H. Chapman, A. J. Carey, Sr., Albert B. George, Lowell P Johnston, U. J. Mason, Clarence A. McCoy, Robert A. McEuen, James E. Mitchem, Adelbert H . Roberts, Leon A. Tancil, F . W . W a n d , William H . Haynes, Joseph H . Howard, Sr., and George Cleveland H a l l ; for Jamshyd and Kaikobad and the
It was but yesterday that these men sat with us in our meetings. They shared our deliberations, our disappointments, our sorrows and our joys. They did live and work and hope and dream for brisrhter tomorrows even as you and I. Tonight they rest in some distant place and the wild birds sing over their h e a d s ; but cannot break their sleep. Many and various were their interests. Some distinguished themselves at the bar of justice, others were teachers of men. Theirs were the noble task of directing the course of human destiny. Some were adept in the healing arts of medicine and dentistry and wrought miracles with their skill, and others were social and civic workers who labored to reduce the sum total of human suffering. Some gained distinction in politics and received the plaudits of the c r o w d ; and others were plain, simple people, who in spite of their superior training lost themselves in the countless millions who trod the path unheralded. T h e y are those who do the world's work from day to day
thought remains the same.
without applause; and might not they
"Each morn a thousand Roses brings, you say— Yes, but where leaves the Rose of Yesterday, And this same summer month that brings the rose, Shall take Jamshyd and Kaikobad away."
Page 7 in His sight be the greatest of men? None of these brothers were ordinary men. Each was an Alpha man, with all that that implies. Each was a giant in his field. They were sensitive men attuned to the heart-beat of their people and ever ready to serve their cause in the cause of humanity. They were active men, strong men who possessed a zest for life. Most of their lives were begun in lowly circumstances, as is so often the case with our people. Some began their life's travels on the farm close to nature. I recall with some feeling one, a true brother, who told me of the grandeur of the hills and the valleys of his native farm. H e often spoke of his familiarity with and love for the birds and wild animals of forest and field. They were his playmates. H e told me of the clear cool brook running close by his little home, where he often went of evenings as the last faint rays of the golden sun filtered over the western hills and there he dreamed of the great cities beyond his valley which someday he determined to explore. His hopes were realized beyond his fondest d r e a m s ; but I am sure he never quite lost his love for his native valley. Others began their life's journey in cities; more often in the slums of the black belt. They saw the ignorance, the poverty, and the sufferings of their people as they walked among them by day. And by night, even while they slept, their dreams were pierced by the cries and the wailings of their people, rising up out of the mire of their degradation. In the moments of their meditation they caught the hopes, the longings, and the frustrations of •their people; and in the strength of their courage they dedicated themselves to their cause and thus gave a purpose to living. When we honor these our brothers, whom we have laid into the couch of earth, themselves to make a couch for us, do we not in truth honor ourselves? Are we not one and the same with them, as the spring and the winter are but divisions of time. In their baser moods were they not like ourselves, and in our exalted moods are we not like they? H a v e you not heard it said that we are twain, that the Master Maker fashioned us of clay and into each of us H e left a bit of Himself; to which we refer by various names—God, Spirit, Soul, Personality, and Mind? But let us neither quibble pyer these terms nor the verity of this
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Gaines, Psi
Members of more than 10 chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha have conjoined at Florida Normal and Industrial Institute, located at St. Augustine, Fla., to make their contribution to the.' defense HI" America. Among those we find represented in varying capacities are: Brother Theodore Briggs of Epsilon chapter who is supervisor of Instruction of the W a r Training Program at the college. W a r Training at Florida Normal consists of training of civilians For jobs in industry, such as boatbuilding, electricity, welding. (electric and oxy-acelylene), sheetmetal, forging foundry, and the train-
ing of enlisted reserve men for the United states Signal Corps, which prepares them :is radio technicians and for cither forms of communications. Alpha Lambda contributes Brother Curtis A. Faire whose skill as a musician is perhaps better known to us as a result HI his affiliation with (he "llama Slate Collegians," and later Frskinc Hawkins, rather than his technical ability with radio. Brother Faire is the technical advisor of the United States Signal Corps. Brother Joseph T. Taylor of Alpha Sigma who until recently was professor of Sociology at Florida A. and M. College has joined the United States
Welding Class, St. Augustine.
Vocational Training for defense workers at Florida Normal, St. Augustine. Fla. is far ahead of many larger institutions in the South. Brother Dr. William Id. Gray. Jr., youthful president of Florida Normal, has assumed general supervision of the many defense courses now being offered at the school, and progress being made is attracting national attention. Students of the Air Craft welding class is shown in the
February, 1943 Signal Corps, having relinquished his position at the state college in order to contribute his bit to the war effort. Brother Thomas J. Mayberry, jr., of Alpha Upsilon Lambda, and former registrar at Alabama State has put student marks and credits into the background and now talks about capacitance an 1 circuits. lie soon will he considered an expert in this new liehl. Ill the first class to graduate from the course given at Florida Normal in the Signal Corps was Brother William T. Alexander of Alpha Zeta. Brother \V. Anthony Gaines who is director of public relations at the school is the lias on man for the war training program; Brother Gaines is a member of Psi chapter, having come to Florida Normal from Florida A. and M ColSee next page
above picture. Other courses offered are electricity, sheet metal, acetylene, forging, and foundry work, Boatbuilding has been provided for at a cost of over fifty thousand dollars, and additional subjects are being added as the demand for trained workers requires. The Florida Department of Vocational Education, State Department of Education, established these courses as a unit of defense training for benefit of the large Negro population in that area. ,
February, 1943
Many Alpha
Train for U. S. Signal
The U. S. Signal Corps at Florida Normal and Industrial Institute. St. Augustine, Fla., since its opening last September, has attracted almost two hundred young men as trainees for radio and signal corps operators. These students are paid as they learn $85.00 per month for Mechanic Learner (Radio) and $120.00 per month to Junior Repairman Trainee (Radio). Mrs. Lillian Jenkins, of Jacksonville, Fla., only woman instructor, is pictured in the radio supply room where delicate equipment and supplies are issued students during their training period. She came to the school with considerable practical experience, having operated with her husband a radio service shop in Jacksonville for three years. Brother Dr. William H. Gray, Jr., president of Florida Normal and Industrial which in December observed with elaborate ceremonies its Fiftieth Anniversary, has been granted overall authority as director of the war training program initiated at the historic institution. Other brothers serving on the staff or in training are Brothers Cuxis A. Faire, Montgomery, Ala., Technical Advisor for the U. S. Signal Corps trainees, and member of Alpha Lambda; Joseph T. Taylor, Alpha Sigma; Riveria Mitchell, Beta Epsilon; Paul Lockette, Alpha Alpha; William T. Alexander, Alpha Zeta; David Williams, Beta Delta; Theodore Briggs, Epsilon; W. Anthony Gaines, Psi, publicity director; Thomas J. Mayberry, Jr., Alpha Upsilon Lambda; Dr. Otis Ellis.
Alphas In War Program From Page 8 lege where he was a member of the college faculty The signal corps seems to have attracted the interests of. a number oi (raters throughout the country, and one finds as students many brothers from the several chapters Bros. Riveria Mitchell, Beta Epsilon; Paul Lockett,
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The staff of instructors and clerks include Frederick D. Grundy, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Jenkins, Alva E. Rosemond, Simon H. Saaser, George C. Molloy, John Brown, and Albert Reynolds, all of Jacksonville, Florida; Theodore Briggs, supervisor of instructions, Tallahassee, Fla.; Mmss, Thelma H. Starks, and Edith Bray, clerks, of West Palm Beach, and Gainesville respectively; and Brother Faire, Montgomery, Ala. General objective of the program is to prepare civilians to assist in the installation, maintenance, and operation of all communication systems used by the army, visual and aural, including radio, telephone and telegraph, and motion pictures. Students without previous training are given three months of basic studies in fundamentals. If they pass their examinations they a r e then eligible as Junior Repairman Trainees with corresponding raise in pay. Present enrollment is overwhelmingly young men who have already registered for selective service and are. members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps. Following completion of the course, they are to be called to active duty and assigned to the Signal Corps. This is the only school of its kind for Negroes in the deep South and was created primarily as a Regional Training Base for the Signal Corps for Negroes in the P'ourth Service Command. At present trainees have come from Florida, Tennessee, Louisiana, the Carolinas, Kentucky, Texas. Georgia. Ohio, Mississippi, Alabama, Missouri, and the District of Columbia.
Alpha A l p h a ; William T. Alexander, Alpha Zeta; David Williams, Beta Delta. Joseph T. Taylor, ALpha Sigma and Thomas J. Mayberry, Jr., Alpha Upsilon Lambda. Brother \Ym. (iray. Jr.. Beta lota Lambda who is known to most of us as assistant editor of the Sphinx does double duty at Florida Normal, being both president of the school and director of the W a r Training and Produc-
tion Programs. Alphas are there . . . every step of the way . . . For Victory.
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INDIA'S FIGHT FOR FREEDOM ENDORSED BY RACE LEADERS R. Lai Singh, Editor of INDIA NEWS and member of the Indian National Congress, has just released at Los Angeles a number of statements byoutstanding Negro leaders on the subject of freedom for India. Mr. Singh, interviewed at Los Angeles, stated that India must be free to help win the war. "The Indian people are deeply concerned about the war," he said. "We are not pacifist. We want to help. We want to use our immense resources to the full, we wish to fully mobilize our 400,000,000 people on the side of the United Nations. We ask you Americans : What better way than the freedom way? What better inspiration for the Indian masses than freedom? The war is not won yet. It may take every available man, every ton of steel we can get, to beat Hitler and Hirohito. That means Indian men and Indian material must be used to the full. It is dangerous to Allied victory to postpone Indian freedom. The United Nations needs India to be free for victory over the Axis. Indian freedom is a military necessity." RESOLUTIONS OF THE 33rd ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF T H E NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE, JULY 14-19, 1942: "It is undeniable that men will fight best if they fight for freedom. We, therefore, urge President Roosevelt to call a conference of those of the United Nations most deeply concerned in the Far East, together with representatives of India and of the colonial people in Africa and Asia, to make a clear and specific application to Africa and Asia of the Atlantic Charter and of the principles laid down in President Roosevelt's Four Freedoms, so that the dark-skinned and colonial peoples may be given greater hope of real political democracy and freedom from economic exploitation." PAUL ROBESON People's Artist "I know what this guy Hitler is like. I've seen him work. I've seen it in Austria, in Poland, in France. The danger is tremendous! I know what it will take to whip Hitler. It will take all of Africa, all of Asia, all of the American people. These are ALL anti-Fascist people. They can only win through full use of each group, fighting not only gainst the same thing
but for the same thing, freedom. American Negroes must have all their rights, for this is the way to lick Hitler. India must be freed, for this is the way to lick Hitler. There must be a second front in western Europe now, because this is the way to lick Hitler." WALTER WHITE Secretary, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People "The future of civilization and the winner of the war will be determined in large measure by the answer to this question : Why is it heroic and noble for the British to fight for their freedom ; and criminal for the Indians to fight for theirs? We are either honestly waging this war to assure the four freedoms to all men, everywhere, in which case the electric spark will galvanize men of every creed and color to do his utmost. Or we are not honestly fighting, in which case doubt and cynicism will bring about an Axis triumph. Which course will we in enlightened self-interest take?" DR. MAX YERGAN Executive Director of Council on African Affairs "This is the Negro people's war because it is the war of hundreds of millions of other peoples whose needs are exactly the needs of the Negro people. Who are the millions throughout the world whose conditions are most like ours? Are they not our hundred and fifty million black brothers in Africa? Are they not China's long-suffering, hard-pressed but everfighting millions? In other words, are they not that more than three-fifths of the world's population that constitute the great colonial peoples of the world? This is the Negro people's war because it is a war to end imperialist oppression and it is a war for the liberation of peoples whose conditions, needs, and hopes are like those of the Negro people. The Council on African Affairs. the Negro people of America, along with the great bulk of the freedom-loving people of America, stand for a free India and a democratic Africa. Just as the nation needs all of the parts of the nation, including the Negro people. to win this war, so do the United Nations need all of the enemies of
Fascism, including the Indian people
February, 1943 and the African people. It is for this reason that we call upon the Churchill government to override the dictates of the Tories and the men of Munich, still powerful in British politics, to recognize the right of India to identify herself freely and thereby effectively with the side of the United Nations." CHANNING H. TOBIAS The National Council of the Young Men's Christian Associations "I have strong convictions concerning the importance to the cause of the United Nations of immediate action on the freedom of India. I can see no reason why the British Empire should not put through Parliament at an early date a declaration of Indian freedom, naming a date in the not distant future when such an act would go into effect. And I can see no reason why immediate steps should not be taken by the British to give the preponderance of control over the conduct of the war to the leaders of India. It would, of course, be unwise under the present circumstances for the British to retire immediately from India, and I understand that there is no desire on the part of Gandhi, Nehru and their associates, that this should be done. The important thing is that in any cooperative arrangement for the future, the people of India themselves should be the dominant controlling force." DR. W. E. B. Du BOIS Editor and Author "There is no justification for this horrible war, if it does not mean autonomy for India now." COUNTEE CULLEN Author "England's refusal to give India her freedom now is a mockery of the freedoms which the Allied Nations claim they are fighting to make assured for all peoples. She asks India for her blood, sweat, and tears while withholding the one thing for which such sacrifices would be given without a murmur. To me Karenge ya Marenge are words fully as meaningful and as memorable as Give me liberty or give me death! India must be free!" LANGSTON HUGHES Poet "It just does not make sense for the Allied leaders of the Western World to make beautiful speeches about freedom and liberty and democracy with India still enchained and Negroes still jim-crowed and neither group permitted to participate with
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CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE NEGRO TO AMERICA Editor's Notes: Dr. Marshall W i n g field is pastor of First Congregational Church, white, Memphis, Tenn., and secretary and one on the founders of the Memphis Commission of Interracial Relations. He is more truly liberal than the term implies when one observes with what alarming extent southern white friends of the Negro have been "taking cover" on interracial questions during the present crisis. Dr. Wingfield, here in the heart of the South, is employing his resourcefulness as a writer and speaker to promote the welfare of minority groups. This address was delivered to a mixed audience on occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Community Welfare League, an Urban League affiliate. BY. DR. M A R S H A L L W I N G F I E L D W e Americans are a diverse people. Religiously, we have 40 million P r o testants, 22 million Roman Catholics and 4 1-2 million Jews. Racially we have 60 million of Anglo-Saxon blood, 13 million Negro, 10 million Teutonic, 10 million Irish, 9 million Slavic, S million Italian and 4 million Scandinavian. Politically, we have 26 million Democratic voters and 22 million Republicans. Yet with all this diversity we claim national unity and have had an amazing measure of it. We call our States ''United." A truly American credo would read, "I believe in unity in diversity." America is a roomy country both in its geography and its philosophy. The Founding Fathers envisioned a land in which no person would ever be placed at a disadvantage because of his race, creed or previous condition. Until now America has held to the vision of the fathers, in theory at least, if not always in practice. But the validity of our early vision is being challenged on many fronts. There is a growing tendency to narrow down America. All too often nowaday one hears "this is a Christian country," this is a capitalist's country," this is the white man's country." I do not object to the saying that "this is a Christian country." What I object to is the way it's said. There is usually a tone of voice which makes the saying mean this country belongs to Christians exclusively and all others are here because of Christian generosity. Of course, it's the Christians' country and it's the Jews' country too. But if Jews were to say "this is a Jewish country" with the same tone of voice that some Chris-
DR. M A R S H A L L W I N G F I E L D tians say "this is a Christian country," I should strenuously object. I do not object to the saying that "this is the white man's country." What I object to is the way it's said. It's usually said in a tone of voice that makes it mean that this is a white man's country and it's not the country for anybody else. Of course, its the white man's country and it's the Negro's country, too. If Negroes were to say "this is the Negro's country" and say it with the same tone of voice that some whites say "this is a white man's country" I should object to them just as I am objecting to these bumptious white people. What gives a person or a group of persons the right to say of any land "this is my country?" There is only one answer to that—Service! Service of our fathers in the past and of ourselves in the present. T h e right to say "this is my country" is a right that must be earned. If there is no contribution there can be no claim. W h e n the American Negro stands up and says "this is my country" he can throw behind those proud words 324 years of faithful American service to back up his claim. H e has earned the right to say "I am an American." For 324 years the Negro has felled America's forests, bridged her streams, mined her ores, plowed her soil and made her crops. For 246 of these years, all he received for his labor were his crude cabin, coarse food and coarser clothing. It has been estimated that the wages of these 246 years of unpaid labor would total a quarter of a billion dollars. By the sweat that the Negro has dropped in the furrows he has plowed,
by the wilderness that he had made to blossom as the rose, by the bridges thrown across American streams, by the ores he has dug from the bowels of the earth, by the roads he has built where highways never ran, by the railroad tracks he has laid, by the buildings he has erected, by the food he has cooked and served, by the children of the white race loved and tended, by the lullabies crooned into baby ears, by the wages earned but never received, by the blood given in America's wars, by the prayers he has prayed and the dreams he has dreamed,—by all these, America is the Negro's country. And it is the Negro's country every day in every year and not merely at those periods when the government puts him in uniform and sends him away to military camps and to war. "This This They Their
land is theirs by right of birth, land is theirs by right of t o i l ; helped to turn its virgin earth, sweat is in its fruitful soil."
But the contributions of the Negro to America have not been limited to manual labor. There have been scientific, literary and musical contributions of high order. If the inherent worth of a people is to be measured, not by how far they have come, but how far they have come considering their handicaps, then history does not know any other race that has traveled faster and farther than the American Negro. Less than 80 years ago the Negro started from scratch. H e started terribly handicapped. H e encountered innumerable obstructions. These nearly 80 years have been an obstacle race. There has been no smooth highway on which to speed along. But the N e gro is winning the race in spite of the odds against him. In 1890 there were 12,159 Negro clergymen in the United S t a t e s ; in 1930 there were 25,034. In 1890 there were 15,008 Negro teachers; in 1930 there were 54,439. In 1890 there were 208 Negro physicians and surgeons; in 1930 there were 3,805. In 1890 there were 120 Negro dentists; in 1930 therewere 1,773. In 1890 there were 431 Negro lawyers, justices and j u d g e s ; in 1930 there were 1,247. The great majority of Negroes are working people—skilled, unskilled; organized, unorganized. But during the last decade a good many doors have T u r n to P a g e 20
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GENERAL EISENHOWER PRAISES RACE TROOPS IN NORTH AFRICA North Africa (Via Cable)—Lieutenant General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces in North Africa, has commended the courageous service of the American Negroes in the United States Army during action in North Africa. Among the American units in those operations are several Ordnance ammunitions battalions and one Quartermaster Truck Regiment composed of colored troops. General Eisenhower reported that the Negro soldiers had taken part effectively in the campaign. Americans of the colored race should be proud of the service of their representatives in combat, the General continued. He cited especially the steadfastness and bravery of the Ordnance Company which successfully handled the delivery of high explosive bombs at Arzcw. continuing to put the bombs ashore under heavy fire at this little port near Oran. General Eisenhower said that this demonstration of courage was a sig-
nificant indication of what could be anticipated from American colored troops in the future.
History Made Where Fort Huachuca Stands Today " The Blue Helmet," camp paper of the 93rd Division, Ft, Huachuca, Ari zona, carried a brief but interesting account of the historical background of Huachuca where today is stationed the largest military outfit iii the world. Since the organization of the 93rd, officered by Negro commissioned officers, hundreds of Alpha Phi Alpha men have been stationed there. hollowing is a reprint from the first edition of "The Blue H e l m e t " : You ride along a gravel road and then finally a paved road for miles and all of a sudden you come up over a hill and before you lies Fort H u a chuca where the only Army Negro division is stationed. On all sides of this Army post in the Arizona desert
February, 1943 are high purple mountains. They overshadow everything for miles. Just 25 miles from here lies Tombstone, "The Town Too Tough To Die." Here history was made with the bold outlaws and tough peace officers swinging guns. Here is where the West really lived. This fort was founded in 1877 to protect the white people against the Indians. For years Huachuca was Geronimo's stamping ground. Twice be was captur.ed and imprisoned here. The Apache Kid, an outlaw Indian, spread terror over the territory here for years. Behind Fi it Huachuca are the Dragoons, the Indians' stronghold. From these hills Indians fought many of their winning battles. It wis practically impossible to unseat them once they were located there. That is just some of the adventurous history behind this post that is now turning out trained Negro soldiers prepared to engage in any battle with the enemy. Outlaws and Indians no longer roam the prairies lure, but soldiers learning the way of war can be seen maneuvering on the same ground that was once a battlefield between Indians and white men.
Group Barracks Inspection Before barracks inspection at Tuskegee Army Flying School, Cadet First Sergeant V. E. Punch straightens tie for fellow "dodo," just to be sure it's right. Scene is at the Replacement Center where Cadets get pre'-flight training before going to Elementary Flving School. Nov. 6, 1942
•+*+By Bureau of Public Relations, U. S. War Dept. Wash., D. C.
February, 1943
Page 13
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LT. A R T H U R N I C H O L S O N , Jr. T ARPLEY, I I I comics at LeMoyne College, and financial secretary of the With approximately half of its normally active membership chapter at time of bis induction last December; Jesse Williams, in the armed forces of the nation, Alpha Delta Lambda ChapFt. Dix, New Jersey, and postal employee in civilian life. ter Memphis. Tennessee has pledged itself to patriotic serBrother Twigg commissioned second lieutenant at Ft. W a r vice until victory is won. fhree of Its members are now ren, Wyo., last summer, was recently promoted to the First commissioned officers, ami a fourth is a Master Sergeant. Lieutenancy, and is commanding officer of Company " E " 22nd They are First I.t. Henri Tw.gg, shown left e n d ; Lt Arthur Quartermaster Regiment, Camden. Maine. lie volunteered Nicholson, jr., right end; Firsl Lt R. Earl Bland. Brother for service in the spring of 1941. l i e is directly in line for the C. M. Roulhac. president of the chapter at the time Of his aincy. He is a graduate of LeMoyne college. induction last spring and a former member ot the National Brother Nicholson received his bars at the Officers CanExecutive Council, is Master Sergeant. didate School at Camp Davis, N. C , and has been assigned Mast recent inductee is Brother Charles I arpley. Ill, to military duties at Sault Ste. Marie. Michigan. Brother left his classroom at Lincoln Grammar School for the service Nicholson is a graduate of LeMoyne and Fisk University, during the first of this month. Brother I arpley. elected direcand was engaged in the teaching profession at LeMoyne when tor of education for his chapter during annual election meetthe summons came to him last spring. ing last fall, reported for service at Ft. Benning, Ga. He is a Brother Dr. Bland is First Lieutenant in the Medical Corps, graduate of Wilberforce University, and "first saw the light Fort Dix. New Jersey, and is commanding officer of bis comat Xi Chapter. pany. Active in numerous organizations in civilian life, be had" served as president of the Bluff City Medical Society, The six other Mpha Delta Lambdans now in service are chairman of the insurance division of the National Medical Brothers A. B. Owen, Jr.. Camp Gordon. Ga. for five years Association, and as director of the city-controlled Wellington secretary of Alpha Delta L a m b d a ; Taylor C. D. Hayes, M. Clinic for Negroes of Memphis. H e is a Morehouse and MeRiley Kas., National President of the Funeral Directors Asharry .Medical college graduate. Association; Robert Pitts. Ft. Benning, G a , professor o, eco FIRST
N e g r o Troops N o w Stationed in Liberia Liberia, where V. S. Negro In arc now stationed, is Africa's only independent Republic, set amidst Europe's patchwork of colonies along the coast of West Africa. The Negro Republic oi Liberia is situated at the strategic "Atlantic Narrow, where the outthrust African continent faces the "bulge of Brazil.'' Colonies of France and Great Britain are spaced up and down the coast on both sides of Liberia while farther along lie dependencies of Portugal and Spain. Vast French West \fri ca stretches hack of Liberia along most of its landward borders. Dakar is only about 750 air miles to the northwest.
United States. Liberia was first colonized by American freed slaves nearly a century and a quarter ago. Liberian independence was set up in 1847. Its government and constitution were modeled generally after il ose of the United States. Its capital, Monrovia, was named for James Monroe, fifth president of the United States. The U. S. is the leading buyer and seller in Libcrian markets. English is the official language, spoken in the settled and civilized coastal regions. Once beyond the coast towns, however, with their whitewashed buildings and imported ways of life, the traveler buds a tangled jungle land where each native tribe speaks its own tongue. I.iberian inhabitants are estimated at a number somewhere between one
and two millions. Along its some .5511 miles of coast are found most of the people of the country, and a number of ports of entry. Its climate, while tropically hot and humid, is less unhealthful than in many other parts of West Africa. Liberia gives promise of considerable wealth through its fertile soil, excellent pasture lands, and rich mineral deposits. At present, only the production of rubber has been commercially pushed so that it provides a major money crop. A United States rubber company in 1925 leased a million acre concession not far From Monrovia, on which it is estimated 77,000 acres have been planted. With the loss of the far eastern rubber plantations, Liberia's production looms especially large, having Turn Next
Executive Staff of the Station Hospital, Fort Huachuca, Arizona.
By Bureau of Public Relation*. U. S. War Dept., Wash., D. C.
Left to Right—seated, Major Maurice M. Shaw, Chicago, Illinois; Lieutenant Colonel M. 0 . Bousfield, Commanding Officer, Chicago, Illinois; Major John B. West, Chicago, Illinois; standing—Major Ralph B. Teabeau, Kansas City, Missour i ; and Major Arthur H . Simmons of Washington, D. C.
GLEANINGS FROM THE NATION'S PRESS The ST. P A U L P I O N E E R P R E S S , one of the leading daily publications of the Twin Cities, carried the following account of Corporal Robert Gardner, who until his induction into the Armed Service, was an active member of M U Chapter. "FIRST NEGRO FROM F I E L D BOB GARDNER TO OCS First Negro soldier at Scott Field, 111., to be appointed to officers candidate school is a former St. Paul football and track ace, Corp. Robert N . Gardner, 26 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gardner, Route No. 7, St. Paul, who has been the athletic director of the Forty-sixth Aviation Squadron, all Negro, ground outfit. Corp. Gardner starred for four
Negro Troops F r o m Page 13 ed from an export of between two to three million pounds in 1935 to more than 14 million pounds in 1941. F r o m D a k a r to Liberia the entire coastal area of West Africa is lowlying. The only plateau and mountain region rises some distance inland. Heavy undergrowth makes passage difficult in most of the region, and there are few overland transport routes. W h a t few rail lines there are extend from seaports of the
years as varsity fullback on the M a c alester college eleven and excelled with the sixteen pound shot put on the track and field team. H e g r a d u ated in 1940 with an A. B . degree. While earning a B. S. degree at the University of Minnesota he coached the freshman football squad at Macalester and for one year was head line coach for the varsity. At Washington high school in St. Paul, Gardner was an eight-letter man and for three years was named All-City center. Inducted into the service in August, he became a corporal in November. W i t h completion of the course at Miami Beach Air Force Officers Candidate school, he will be commissoned a lieutenant. various colonies to their own inland points. Sparsely settled for the most part, this section of Africa is tropical in character, with swamp and desert vegetation that varies not only from place to place but from season to season. The main rainy season in these region lasts from May to August or September. In general, however, most of the climatic conditions are unsuited to the white man. Liberia, with its next door neighbor, Sierra Leone, has the heaviest rainfall recorded for the coastal bulge.
February, 1943
Ethiopia Joins United Nations Declaring that "the defense of E t h i opia is vital to the defense of the United States," President Roosevelt has ordered lend-lease aid extended to the Government of Ethiopia, the White House announced. The action was revealed in a White House announcement which stated: "The President has addressed to E. R Stettinius, Jr., Lend-Lease Administrator, a letter the text of which follows: " 'For purpose of implementing the authority conferred upon you as Lend-Lease Administrator by Executive Order 8926, dated October, 28, 1941, and in order to enable you to arrange for lend-lease aid to the Government of Ethiopia, I hereby find that the defense of Ethiopia is vital to the defense of the United S t a t e s . ' " Ethiopia was welcomed to membership in the United Nations by President Roosevelt on October 9, 1942, after Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia had cabled the P r e s i d e n t : "My Government and people are anxious to assume the obligations of the United Nations pact. We, the first nation to regain its freedom and independence, wish to place the military and economic resources of our country at the disposal of those nations who gladly sacrifice all for liberty and justice." In his reply, President" Roosevelt cabled: "It is gratifying to accept the adherence of Ethiopia to the Declaration by the United N a t i o n s ; to welcome as one of the United Nations the first state to regain its territory occupation by an Axis aggressor. You may be sure that there is deep appreciation for your offer to place at the disposal of the United Nations the military and economic resources of Ethiopia for use in the struggle against the common enemy." In assuming the obligations of the United Nations declaration, Ethiopia joined the following 29 nations in the war on the A x i s : Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, El Salvado, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras India, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Phillippines, Poland, Union of South Africa, Unite States, U S S R (Russia) and Yugoslavia.
February, 1943
BROTHER R. O'HARE LANIER NAMED ACTING PRESIDENT OF HAMPTON Brother Dr. R. O ' H a r e Lanier, 'True Son of Howard >> formerly Dean of Instruction at 75year-old
come the first Negro ever to assume leadership of this historic college. H e was appointed to the present post last month
President Malcolm S. MacLean, has been called to active
of who
service in
Page 15 aptitude tests given the 130 men of his company, he has been selected to attend one of the Navy's Service Schools. The honor man was graduated from Douglass H i g h School, Huntington, in 1934 and .continued his education at West Virginia State College, Institute, W . Va. H e wias graduated from there in 1938 with a bachelor of science degree in mechanical arts. H e was a member of Alpha Zeta chapter during his college days.
the United States Navy. Dean Lanier, who came to H a m p ton in 1940, the same year that P r e s i dent MacLean assumed leadership of the institution, has had a distinguished career in the field of Negro education, and this past summer was elected to P h i Delta Kappa, national honorary scholastic society at New York University where he is a candidate for the Doctorate in Secondary Education and Guidance. Formerly assistant director in the Division of Negro Affairs of the N . Y. A., he had also been dean of H o u s ton College, Houston, T e x a s , for five years. P r i o r to that lie taught at Tuskegee Institute, and was dean of the college, director of the summer school, and founder-director of extension work at Florida A. and M. College, Tallahassee, Florida. Brother Lanier is a native of W i n ston-Salem, N . C , and was educated at Lincoln University (Pa.) where he was awarded the bachelor of arts degree in 1922, and at Stanford University where he received the master of arts degree in 1938. H e was a Rosenwald fellow at H a r v a r d University in 1931-32. Married and the father of two small daughters, Dean Lanier was a member of the Lincoln University S. A. T. C. in W o r l d W a r I, and holds membership in the following educational and fraternal organizations: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, N a tional Vocational Guidance Association ; American Association of School A d m i n i s t r a t o r s ; National Vocational Guidance Association of Collegiate Deans and Registrars in Negro Schools; Virginia State Teachers A s sociation; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Urban League; American Academy of Political and Social Science ; American Teachers F e d e r a t i o n ; and P h i Delta Kappa.
BRO. G. F R E D R I C K STANTON Recording Secretary of Mu Lambda Chapter, Washington, D. C , who was recently appointed Administrative A s sistant to the President of H o w a r d University. Brother Stanton is a true "son of Howard," not only having received there the bachelor of science in commerce and the master's degree in economics, but also having been employed there for a period of ten years. Prior to appointment to his present position, lie served successfully as secretary clerk in the office of the buildings and grounds department, and as budget officer in the offices of the treasurer. A vereran worker for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Brother Stanton was elected President of historic Beta Chapter while he was yet a neophyte, and his administration was one of the most successful on record. Brother Stanton, who is married and has a daughter nine years of age, is active in the religious and civic life of the city of Washington
Is Honor Graduate From Great Lakes Brother Clarence Nelson Hill, 26, son of Mrs. Anna Bell Hill, Huntington, W. Va., was graduated from training camp as honor man of the fourth Negro recruit company a t the U. S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, 111. Brother Hill, employed as school teacher at West Charlotte High School, Charlotte, N. C , left his position during late summer to enlist as an apprentice seaman. Through a series of
Brothers stationed a t Camp Gordon Johnston, Carrabelle, Florida are as follows : Alonzo J. Deskins, Jr., 713th Medical Sn. Co., Sergeant, member of Beta Theta Chapter, Bluefield S. T. College. Thomas W. Faucette, Jr., Service Detachment, Corporal, Gamma Beta, North Carolina College. James C. Simpson, Service Detachment, Sergeant, Beta Mu Lambda, Salisbury—Statesville, N . C.
PVT. A. J. LEWIS, II ADDED TO STAFF The Sphinx is proud to announce the addition of Pvt. Andrew J. Lewis, II, 50th Infantry Training Bn., Cotnpany, "A", Camp Croft. South Carolina, to its staff. In his capacity as a service man, and as far as military regulations will permit, Brother Lewis will keep the Sphinx office supplied with information regarding brothers in the armed forces. H e is a member of E t a Lambda Chapter, Atlanta, Georgia, and Regional Director under Southern Vice-president Ferdinand L. Rousseve, New Orleans, La. Brother Lewis, in civilian life, was prominent in fraternal, civic, and religious circles- See Sphinx, Educational N'umber, (May), 1942.
ONLY TWO BROTHERS FROM GAMMA BETA LAMBDA Gamma Beta Lambda Chapter, Frankfort, Kentucky, reports that two brothers have left for the service. Brother Dr. J. A. Gay, First Lieutenant in the Dental Corps, F o r t H u a chuca, Ariz.; and Brother H . M. J a son, an interpreter for the Army.
Page 16
The Negro in Books
M A R V I N B. E C K E O R D T H E NEGRO HANDBOOK—Edited by Florence Murray—New York— Wendell Malliet and Co.—$3.50. Combining talent and resourcefulness with an excellent educational background, Miss Florence Murray, > competent writer, has done an impressive and thoroughly up-to-date job of coverage in the first issue 01" her Negro Handbook, From a mass of material on the Negro, Miss Murray, youthful Negro editor, has compiled a volume of current factual information that gives a com* prchensive picture of Xegro activity and accomplishment in America. Sne has devoted her research primarily to the Negro in America. All information on a particular subject is assembled in one section. It gives facts, figures, and general information on the Negro in government, politics, labor, housing, agriculture, business, education, health, sports, national organizations, art, etc. The impartial, interpretative, and incolored information on the Negro in this Handbook is a quick, ready reference on Negro affairs; it is a source book for writers, authors, and teachers: it is a time-saver for research students and educators. Much useful information in concise form on the Negro is available in this new Handbook. It is impossible to present ill limited space all of the phases covered. A few facts from its pages will show its indispensability. In showing the upswing of retail business of Negroes in the United States, this Handbook s a y s : "Retail sab the 29,827 unincorporated Xegro establishments in 1939 amounted to $71,466,000, an increase of 49 percent over the corresponding total for 1935, but less than 1929 by 27.5 percent. Sales of 22J5i< stores totaled $47,968,000 in 1935 and 24.W) stores accounted for sales of $98, 602,000 in 1929." It is interesting and informative to note that Negroes spent over $25,000,000 in 1939 for beauty services; derived from 3,000,000 patrons. Business expansion for the year 1940 among banking institutions owned and operated by Negroes is reflected in the latest figures published in this volume. Financial statements submitted by these institutions record a general increase in the principal items for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1940, a s against amounts on the date the previous year. Total deposits were
February, 1943
Xdt trained to be a killer Was dusky Doric Miller, But fearlessly he lingered there, And manned a gun into the air. The strange new weapon in his clutch Was true unto his finger's touch— There was a challenge in his eyes As he sent death into the skies. For Dorie was a gallant lad Though as a mess attendant clad. Perhaps his dying Captain said As he lay there among the dead— "Tvvas nobly done my gallant son, A victory your race has won— You are a sailor brave and true, You've shown the world what you can do."
Brother Leroj Suttles, former p dent of Beta Pi chapter, was inducted into the Armed forces September 15, 1042. After being in the Army 36 days, he was promoted Sergeant in the Chemical Welfare Department. Because of the manner in which he performed his duties as Sergeant, he was promoted to First Sergeant three months after his first promotion. Beta Pi joins in with the other chapters in wishing Brothers in the Armed es the best life has to offer. A, 258.804 as compared with $5,367,880 for the previous year, an increase of $891,014. Such examples of information on the Xegro contained in this volume could be extended indefinitely. Any general reader or student will find it a most extensive compendium of information on the Negro. *
SPHINX OFFICE VISITORS Brother W. lb Sheltall, Staff Sergeant, boil Sill, Oklahoma, identified with Headquarters Attachment, 100th Ordinance Bn. at that military post. Me was enronte to his home in Macon, Georgia. Brother Sheftall was made at Nu Chapter. Brother Wendell A. Peters. Second Lieutenant, visited while headed for Camp Tyson, Tenn., for military assignment. He was recently commissioned at Camp Davis. X. C. A native of Denver, Colo., I.t. Peters finished the public schools and Denver University of that city. 1 le holds membership in Alpha Iota Chapter. Attorney Charles ("Dog") W. Anderson, of Louisville. Ky. lie is a memb o of the State I egislature of Ken
And then perhaps he sighed a siiih As dauntless Dorie made reply— ' A c s my Captain, we can do The duties of a sailor true— Ami there are many such as I, Though jim crow factions pass us by— Yon waving flag Red, White, and Blue, Is our lofty standard too, And to perform that Banner's task, Just half a chance is all we ask!" —J. Farley Ragland
A Song of Life For every heart, there's a counterpart— For every dream, there's a scheme— For every thrill, there's a "way and a will, Anil through each bit of gloom there's a gleam. For every Miss, there's a Prince with a kiss— The voice of a lover that sings; Labor and wait, and we find at our gate T h e romance of castles and kings. For every hope as we blindly grope Through this maze of a mystical mien, There's praise and a prize, for the workman who tries. And rank for the record that's clean. For every soul, there's a gate and a goal— To every mind, theres' a meaning; For each task done there's another begun, And in each lean field there's a gleaning. For each vain love, there's a star-gleam above—• An answer for each empty sigh, F o r every tear, there's a song and a cheer, As Time's cavalcade moves by. So taste each kiss in it's fullness of bliss— Enjoy each thrill as you take it, And soon you can say, as you go on your way, That life can be just what you make it. —J Farley Ragland tucky, being the first of his race to be elected to the law-making body of that Commonwealth. Brother Anderson is identified with Alpha Lambda Chapter, host to Alpha's last convention.
February, 1943
Page 17
r had been a day of Christmas joy at Nirvana. The family surfeited with the excitement attending Christmas morning surprises was relaxing in blissful contemplation of a week <>i festivities. The shouts of exclamations over newly discovered presents bad died away. The incessant shrieking of a baby experiencing his first Christmas was diminishing. Dinner was over; dishes were washed and the last vestiges of the feast consonant with the day were removed. The sun setting in splendor on a day which had been glorious but disappointing to a horde of radio warblers who had been "dreaming of a white Christmas" sent shafts of golden rays touching the blades of the Venetian blinds set in a platoon ol obtuse angles. The winter sunshine crept in to warm itself before the fireplace. Mince pie as conglomerate as its hyphenation connotes was producing a deceleration of thought and action that approached a point of decreasing wakefulness. In this twilight zone of consciousness a voice seemed to say: "Y.es sir, this is it! Drawing Room A, Car 151. Come this way, sir." I followed and the porter took me to a compartment in which, safely ensconsed and full of Christmas cheer were Brother W. F . Jerrick, twenty-seven times president of Rho Chapter and Bro. Dr. John Brodhead, prominent citizen and educator and Sphinx editor from Rho Chapter. They told me they were going to Chicago to attend the Alpha convention. I replied "the convention is cancelled." They said, "nonsense," of course there will be a convention; sit down, relax and 'be yourself!' " The train crowded with furloughing servicemen and holiday travellers sped on into the night. N e x t afternoon we arrived at Chicago. Brothers of Theta, Xi Lambda and assisting chapters greeted us. There was General Convention Chairman Brother Luther Peck, wealthy business man owner of a skyscraper garage and auto upholstering plant. I must see him at once. I had saved my money to pay my Income T a x ; now 1 had to borrow some to live on while at the convention. We went to the Wendell Phillips High School, convention headquarters, and registered. The gang was there and it was good to see them, Bro. Major Roscoe C. Giles, fresh from Fori Huachtica. and pregnant with patriotism. He told us the story of a woman inn-chasing war bonds and saying to the clerk : "I've been saving that money to divorce my husband, but I can stand him better than I could stand Hitler." The first session began at nine o'clock
Saturday morning. Ail delegates were present having arrived on time. Credentials were in order, properly vouchered and nobody was challenged. Brother President Rayford Logan was in rare form and at his philosophical best. He said: "I greet you not only as your brother and General President, but also as a former soldier. In the last war I served as a private, corporal, battalion sergeant-major, and first lieutenant
in the
Regiment of
fantry. I knew probably every emotion that you have known or will experience; dreaming of the girl I left behind; . r e s e n t m e n t ; disillusionment and bitterness over the humiliations, insults and injustices; pride in my uniform, the grim determination to keep going and see the thing through. Those of us who remain, let us make two pledges. The first is, that we shall do our utmost to preserve a Fraternity of which you will be proud when the boys return. The second is, that we shall do all that is within us to make this land a better place in which to live. In the name of Alpha men of 1917-1918. I salute you. In the name of Alpha men of 1941 to let us hope 1943, in Africa, in Australia, in Ireland, England, or wherever you may he, may God bless you." The fraternal address was given by Jewel Dr. Henry A. Callis. With smoke ring calmness he outlined our war duties as Alpha men. Being a man of a few thousand words, deliberate of speech, clarity of fraternal thought, his address not only closed -the subject of fraternal loyalty and public duty, it sat on the lid. The convention address was given by former president, Dr. Charles W e s ley, new president of Wilb< rforce University. Brother Wesley spoke on the Four F r e e d o m s : Freedom from Fear, Freedom from Want, Freedom oi Speech and Freedom of worship. But the high water mark of bis address was the advocacy of a fifth freedom, the Freedom from Racial Antipathies. Prexy Wesley was very eloquent and forensic hut filled with righteous indignation. He did not swear during the speech but for fully an hour afterward wherever he did spit, grass will never grow again. A smoker was held Saturday night. Dr. Reid Jackson was Symposium leader. The subject was, "Alpha E n visages the Peace." Bro. Jackson's foreword or preface was a digest of his October Sphinx article "For 'what' are we Figthing?" Observed at the smoker enjoying themselves and happily over their belated reunion with Alpha were Brothers Geo. Cohron, Arnett G. Lindsay, Judge Perry B. Jackson, Peyton Anderson, Dr. W. E. DuBois, Prof. George Lyle, and former secretary,
Joseph H. Fugett, now school principal at West Chester, Pa. Bro. Fugett •told of a lad in his school, who when a s k e d : "Where do we get steel wool," replied: "from hydraulic rams s i r ! " Brother H. Councill Trenholm, Director of Education was introduced. He read a letter he received from the F r a t Fun editor. In the letter Bro. Trenholm was congratulated on the arrival of a name sake and heir. The Frat Fun editor declared that he knew the director was air (heir) minded but didn't know that he was air (heir) conditioned. Bro. Eddie (Memphis) Cotton was there full of jollity. He introduced a new parlor game. ••Duo" he called it. He would call out a famous duo and m ten seconds the person selected in the audience had to respond with another. Cotton called out "Churchill and Roosevelt" and Bro. Lawson responded with "Dickason and J o h n s o n ; " Cotton said "ham and eggs," Bro Schuster responded with "corned beef and c a b b a g e ; " Bro. Cotton said, "bread and butter," Brother Rousseve responded with "love 'em and leave 'em" which broke up the party. Bro. Dr. McLaurin said be thought t h a t duo always went with "kiss and tell." Bro. Thomas E. Kelly said how about "tool ' e m a n u f o r get 'em." Bro. Burt Mayberry suggested "hot and bothered." thereafter " D u o ' was the fun slogan of the convention taking the place of the famous little blue cards at Louisville last year. Sunday—Devotion. Bro. BishopMadison Reid opined that most Alpha men have some sort of religion—at least they know which church they're staying away from. I shunned the orthodox churches and visited a little shouting, sweating group in a store front church. They were having a revival and a large singing and praying band were having a glorious time. It seemed that Tom Paine who worked at night came home to find t h a t his wile had gone to church. She locked the house but forgot to hide the key as usual. So to the church he went' strode up the a ; sle to where the group were singing and clapping. It happened •that they were singing "Get on Board Little Children. There's Room for Many a More." Verses were inserted by the person who first raised his hand indicating that he was ready. One sister raised her hand and s a n g : "De gospel train am coming I see her jest at hand I hear de car wheels rumbling And a moving thru de land O git on board little children Dere's room for many a more." Tom Paine raised his hand and re-
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February, 1943
ceived the cue to put in his verse. He sang, "If my wife is in this church, Send her out to me, But if she is too happy, Let her send that gol darn key, and— Stay on 'Hoard little children, etc, etc." The sessions came and went. There were no quarrels, no bickerings, no arguments. The parliamentarian never opened "Roberts" at all. ( h a n d taxes were reduced one half (1-2). No general officer overdrew his budget. Corporal punishment in initiations was outlawed. Blackball system was eliminated. The entire election was unanimous. Bro. Bindley Cyrus made the motion for unanimity, and Bro. Robert Custis seconded it. The Brown Battalion, Sydney and Oscar, were on the floor only once. Sydney arose to welcome the convention to Chicago, and Oscar arose in a response to a statement that the Radio commentator Boake Carter has spoken for five minutes on the finely managed housing project under Oscar's supervision. Oscar confirmed Carter's statement that tenants in the home made up a deficit in back rent to the amount of several hundred dollars so the housing unit rental paying record. "A credit to any real estate venture," in the words of Boake Carter. Anomalies—Bro. Prince Akiki N y a bonga couldn't be induced to submit a change in the ritual. Bro. Dr. Jerrick refused to recite the story of his Bolo hat and See More suit in which he landed in America. Bro. F a r r o w H. Allen was smooth shaven-minus a mustache. Bro. Dr. H e n r y Boyd refused to talk about real estate and finance, but gave us ,a fine talk on the revision of our secretarial bookkeeping system in his illimitable way. Bro. F r a n k Stanley amused us by addressing Judge Myles A. Paige not as he intended with "Judge, your honor." Bro. Stanley said, "Judge, your honery." Bro. Dowdal H. Davis, Jr., and Bro. E d w a r d Brooke refusing to attend any of the hot spots. Bro. M. G. Ferguson teaching some sorors new jitterbug steps. T h e convention cheered for five minutes when it was announced that a $1000 check for "back taxes" had been received from Bro. Naaman L. McAfee. Time shuffled along. The I n t e r L a ternal Dance, The Alpha closed Formal, The Stock Yard Sightseeing Tour, The Greyhound Racing Track where a deg was chasing a rabbit and they were so bored they were both walking. • Came the banquet. B r a 1'.. AndrewRose told about a supposed prelimina r y Peace Conference between Hitler, Mussolini and Roosevelt. In the negotiations Hitler s a i d : "I want the World." Mussolini said: "Oh that's not f a i r ; God promised it to m e ! "
By Margaret Scherf I don't want to tell anyone else what to do with his money. This is a note to myself: What do you mean, Walking around in Nylons without runs, When MacArthur needs guns? You've killed a lot of people, Scherf, But what have you done T o hustle Adolph under the turf? O h ! you bought some 10-ccnt stamps Well,* well. An occasional dime. Isn't going to reconstruct a griddle F o r Goering's middle. You'd better fork over to your Uncle Sam, Or you'll be sitting in the Nazi stables W r i t i n g publicity for Goebbels. —U. S. Treasury. Whereupon Roosevelt declared: "I certainly did not!" Bro. Joseph Evans pleaded for Alpha men to take more interest in the common people. He made the oft quoted statement of Abraham Lincoln who s a i d : "God must have loved the common people; he made so many of them." Bro. H o w a r d Long said that he thought God must have been disgusted evcrytime he made one of them —er—er—common people and decided to try once more to improve on the previous one. And so on, ad infinitum. Bro. William hi. Gray, J r . praised the fine banquet and the service and told of how in his doctorate seeking days he sauntered into a sordid eating house in Philadelphia for a cheap meal and was horrified to recognize the waiter as a former college classmate. "Great Scott! he gasped." You a waiter in this place?" "Yes, but I don't eat here," replied the fellow with dignity. Bro. Dr. Milton S. J. W r i g h t was unanimously voted the most typical "Mr. Five by Five." Twelve o'clock, Dec. 31. W e all stood up, formed a circle, joined hands in fraternal bonds. "In our dear A. Phi A " shouted the convention cheer leader Bro. Maceo Hill. A strange thing h a p pened ! All the brothers at the north side of the hall s a n g "In our dear A Phi A," but the brothers on the south side sang, "Omega the Gem of the Campus." Those on the east side sang, "Kappa Alpha Psi, I'll be true 'till I die." And the brothers in the west sang, "Phi Beta Sigma, All my love I bring ya." I insisted on singing, "O say can you see by the Dawn's early light," pitching the tune so high my dog ran into the room whining and barking so furiously I woke up.
The continuity was not broken. I had attended another Alpha convention •—and, so have you. May God bless you all. O. W I L S O N W I N T E R S
Educational Number Deadline Notice Dear Associate
Our deadline date for the Educational Number is being set for Wednesday, March 31st. In view of wartime conditions, printing is being done under increasing handicaps. Therefore. it is necessary that chapter letters, feature articles, and all other material be in the Sphinx Office a t the earliest possible date. Type all copy, doubled space, if possible. It helps to speed up production. List names of officers or any notations to the editor on separate sheets of paper. And by all means, check chapter directory to determine if it carries correct listing of names of your chapter president and secretary. This office sincerely thanks each one for past cooperation which was needed and heavily depended upon in the production of the four editions in 1942. Signed: ' L E W I S O. SW'INGLER, Editor, the Sphinx Magazine
February, 1943
Page 19
The General Secretary's Corner By J O S E P H I am sure the chapter secretaries and officers will be willing to cooperate with me in carrying on a column in the Sphinx to be devoted to an exchange of ideas and suggestions which will result in "better record keeping and more effective work whatever secretarial functions are involved. As a better starter I am listing five points because I want chapter secretaries to think about them and then write in any suggestion they may have for further improvement on the basic records of membership. F o r the May issue let's take number 1—compiling the Permanent Roster of Membership. If you have been successful in getting this information into accurate and usable shape, tell us how and where you got your information, how your book is set up and what the facts are. 1. Permanent Roster of Membership: Make up and keep a bound book that will list every member who has ever been on your chapter roll. This should start with the Charter members and show: (a) Initiates—Have column in which you show Date of Initiation. (b) Received by Transfer—Have columns showing the date and the name of the chapter from which they came. (c) Reductions by death—Show date of death if known and star (*) those names which were active at time of death. (d) Reduction date and chapter ferred.
by to
(e) Reductions by Give date and reason.
transfer—Give which transsuspension-
(f) Reductions by expulsion—Give date and convention year with reason. (g) At the bottom of each page show the N E T active membership and the date. 2. File of Official Receipts: Maintain a file of official receipts from this office in chronological order and have it at all times available for inspection of any member or general officer. 3. Individual Card Record: This should show the years for which
grand tax is paid and should indicate
H. P. E V A N S
late payments and reinstatements. Siniw in each c a s e : a. date of payment to chapter secretary; b. date remitted to General Secretary; c. pass card numbr. 4. Additional Information on Remittance Sheets: By action of the General Convention, you must in the future show for each grand t a x payment T H E D A T E G R A N D TAX WAS PAID TO T H E CHAPTER SECRETARY. This date may be placed in the Remarks Column. These are the items to be handled now. Check them off as you complete them and handle them in the order listed: 1. N A M E S AND ADDRESSES O F C H A P T E R O F F I C E R S : Be sure to indicate the secretary to whom correspondence is to be addressed. His name will appear in the chapter roster in The Sphinx. 2. F U L L N A M E S A N D C O R R E C T ADDRESSES FOR ALL FINANCIAL M E M B E R S N O W A T YOUR •CHAPTER SEAT—2 C O P I E S : One list will be checked against our records and forwarded to the Editor of The Sphinx for his mailing list. W e cannot afford to mail issues of The Sphinx unless we are sure of the address of the brother. 3. M E M B E R S O F Y O U R C H A P TER W H O ARE ENTITLED TO T H E 25-YEAR A W A R D : Send a list of all chapter members who were initiated in or prior to 1917, and whose grand tax has been paid for at least thirteen years during that period. In your list give Name, Address, Chapter at which initiated, date of initiation, number of grand taxes paid through your chapter, names of other chapters with which affiliated. 4. R E M I T T A N C E D U E T H E G E N E R A L O R G A N I Z A T I O N : Have you any cases where initiates or older brothers have paid their general organization 'fees to the chapter and such fees have not been remitted to this office? I have a few complaints from initiates who have been expecting pins and pass cards and shingles but whose names have never reached this office. 5. L I S T O F N A M E S A N D DRESSES IN T H E ARMED
V I C E S : You must keep this information up to date to be sent in later as a part of your chapter history. F o r the present it will be necessary in listing your financial membership for 1943. All brothers in the armed service are exempt from grand tax payments during the war. If they were not financial at the time of their induction they are permitted to pay a reinstatement fee of $1.00 and thus become financial for the duration. This dispensation applies to enlisted men but not to officers. W e should like, if possbile, to carry in a later edition of the Sphinx a list of brothers in the armed forces, by chapters, so that all of us may know the contribution that Alpha Phi Alpha is making toward winning the war. 6. The program of Alpha Phi Alpha and the activity of its chapters must go on during the war period. This imposes a responsibility on all of us to see to it that the chapter meetings are well planned and that the attendance is kept up. Our General President and those associated with him are determined that the effective voice of Alpha Phi Alpha shall be heard in any plans for a post-war social order. The strength of our appeal will be measured by the strength of our chapters. 7. D A T E S ON P A S S C A R D S : By order of the last General Convention two dates should appear on each passcard: 1.
The date grand tax payment was received by the General Secretary. This is stamped on the card below my signature. The date grand tax was paid to the chapter secretary. This date should be placed in the U P P E R LEFT HAND C O R N E R of the card in the space provided for signature of member BY T H E C H A P TER SECRETARY before the passcard is issued.
P L E A S E DON'T D E L A Y sending the names of chapter officers and the Sphinx Mailing List. If you know the correct addresses of brothers away from your chapter seat, put them on a separate list. And finally—if you are no longer the chapter secretary, see that this letter gets to him or return it to me. Fraternally yours, J O S E P H H. P. E V A N S , General Secretary,
Page 20
Eulogy To From Page 7 belief. I think that it was Emerson who said, "Thou canst not say that thou art body alone, nor canst thou say that thou art soul alone, nor canst thou saythat thou are body and soul. Nothing worth proving can he proven or disproved." Kahlil Gibran, the Asyri.au, tells this interesting story. As nearly as I can recall, he says something like this. "The eye, the ear, the nose, and the hands .were in the valley one day and the eye said, "I see a mountain." The ear strained itself to listen and the ear said, "I hear no mountain.!' The nose sniffed about in the breezes and said, "I smell no mountain." The hands groped about in the darkness and said, "I feel no mountain." Then the ear, the nose, and the hands gol together and said, "The eye must he crazy, there is no mountain." But the eye merely chuckled and looked off in the Other direction at the grandeur of the mountains beyond." In all of my incoherent blun lenng here to night 1 have been trying to say one thing. Weep not for our absent brothers ; "There is no d e a t h ; the leaves may fall— The flowers may fade and pass away, They only wait through the wintry hours The coming of the May." That of them which was laid away into the COUCh of earth itself to make a couch for us, belongs to the world. There it has always been and there it shall ever remain,—but it shall change. With the first showers of spring, it shall change under the warm rays oi the sun to golden grain, richly tinted flowers, the mighty forests and green grass that carpet the earth. It shall become a part of the rains and the snows, that nourish new life. It shall become a part of the winds that blowdown from the hills and up from the valleys. Things do not die, they merely change their forms that things might live. Life is an eternal circle. "All rivers run into the sea, but the sea is not full for the waters return again into the source whence they arose," and so all life flows through the portals of death, but the portals of death are not full, for the life returns again unto the source from which it arose. The personalities, the s o d s , we knew as our brothers are of God and there they have gone t o lose themselves in a oneness with Him and there to grow in richness and in beauty.
India's Fight From Page 10 fullness and enthusiasm in the war effort of the United Nations. Millions of darker peoples are thus forced to wonder if logic is dead. Free bun for India is not only a military need, but a moral need to lift the fighting spirits of all who want to believe in freedom for all." H O W A B O U T IT? By Langston Hughes The President's Four Freedoms Appeal to me. I would like to see those Freedoms
Come to be. If you believe In the Four Freedoms, too, Then share 'em with me— Don't keep 'em all for you. Show me that you mean Democracy, please— Cause from Bombay to Georgia I'm beat to my knees. You can't lock up Nehru, Club Roland Hayes, Then make fine speeches \bout Freedom's way. 1 ks like by now You ought to know There's no chance to beat Hitlcr By protecting Jim Crow.
Freedom's not just T o be won Over There It means Freedom at home, too— N o w - r i g h t here! -•
Contribution Of From Page 11 been opened and other doors arc ajar. There has been enlightened appreciation of the Negro's problem by the government. There are 680,000 Negro farm operators in the United States. with 95 percent of them living in the Southern states. During the last 5 years the Federal F a r m Security Administration has made <>0,-140 loans to Negro fanners. These loans total some $50,0(10,000. Negro farm operators represent 21 percent of the farm operators in the 17 Southern states and they have received 20.9 percent of the Farm Security loans in that area. In 1937 the United States Government started a slum clearance program, to provide decent homes for poor people. Of the 121,500 homes now contracted for 40,600 are or will he occupied by Negro tenants. Thus, although Negroes are approximately onetenth of the population, the Government is assigning to them about onethird of the new homes. Today Negroes own church property valued at nearly 200 million dollars.
February, 1943 There are more than 60 secret fraternal organizations of national membership among Negroes in this country. Today there a r e approximately 100 universities and colleges devoted exclusively to Negro education in -this country. In 1916 there were 1,643 students in Negro colleges. by 1941 the number had grown to 40,000. The story of Dr. George W. Carver, who died last week, should make white America aware of the great possibilities of the Negro race. During the Civil W a r raiders kidnapped Dr. Carver, who was then an infant, and his mother. Their owner found the infant and ransomed him by giving a horse to his captors in exchange. His mother was never heard oi again. By incredible hardships he managed to secure an education. He was invited by Booker T. Washington to a place on the faculty of Tuskegee. He found no laboratory when he arrived, but lie created one. From it he has taught the entire South and has done more to liberate the South from the onecrop system than any living man. Of his work Dr. Carver s a y s : "I went into my laboratory and said, 'Dear Creator, tell me what the universe was made for?' The Creator answered, 'You want to know too much. Ask for something more your : size.' Then I asked, 'Dear Creator, tell me what man was made for?' The Creator replied, 'You are still asking too much. If in your asking you will cut down on the extent you will improve the intent and content.' So I asked, 'Dear Creator, will you tell me what the peanut was made for?' 'That's better,' said the Creator. 'What do you want to know about the peanut?' 'Well, dear Creator, can I make milk out of the peanut?' 'What kind of milk do vim want, good Jersey milk or just boarding house milk?' And 1 answered, "Good Jersey milk.' And then the Creator taught me how to take the peanut apart and put it together again, and out of the process I have made the peanut yield printer's ink, soaps, butter, shampoo, creosote, vinegar, instant coffee, rubberoid compounds, dyes, salad oils and wood stains." We have built our monuments in America to the men of war. But when these shafts of granite have crumbled back to dust, and the names for which they stood have been forgotten, the monument which Dr. George W . Carver has erected by his scientific discoveries will still stand secure in the grateful hearts of Americans. T u r n to Page 26
February, 1943
Page 21
VOICE OF THF SPHINX Kappa Lambda Chapter, Greensboro,
i Shown in accompanying picture are members ... Kappa Lambda chapter, Greensboro, N. C. The chapter was reorganized last year, and since its reorganization has accomplished many things of which to be proud. Among its achievements a r e : sponsoring a talent night for benefit oi foe scholarship fund; giving a closed picnic last summer for Alpha men, their wives and sweethearts; also a scholarship to a male student in Guilford County, and sponsoring a New dear's Eve dance. The picture presents: Front row—S. E. Burford, N. L. Gregg,
DELTA LAMBDA CHAPTER Baltimore, Maryland Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha extends greetings and best wishes to the lirothers throughout the country. May the New Year, with its uncertainties, find our great fraternity making its contribution to the solution of the world's perplexing problems. Selective Service is digging deep into the membership of our Chapter. Each month finds many nam !S added to the list of those who have donned the uniform. Letters sent by individual members and by the Chapter serve to keep alive the Alpha fire in the hearts of these brothers. At Christmas t : me, the Good Cheer Committee, under the direction of Brother
chaplain; Y. H. Chavis, president; F. A. Jackson, secretary; W . F . Taylor, sergeant at a r m s ; Dr. G. A. Alexander. Second row—J. M Marteena, Dr. B. \Y. Barnes, A. \ , Whiting. Dr. I. I. Wilson, A. R Brooks, l.t. Arthur Ferguson, Dr. G. II. Evans, Dr. F. E. Davis. Hack row—K. N. Palmer, ass't secretary; l.t. John C. Harlan, A. II. Peeler, M. B. Towns, t r e a s u r e r ; Charles G. Coleman, and John Leary. Members not shown on the picture are, 1!. A. Collier, Dr. II. II. Croft, Charles G Dean, C. E. Dean. Benjamin Garrett, President GI). Blufield, Pres. D. D. Jones, president of Bennett college and Dr. James Morton.
Woodley Lawrence, sent packages to all the brothers in service. Brother lames Murphy, our energetic president, is urging each member to extend all possible courtesies to the brothers who may be in the near-by camps. The U. S. O. Center for Colored soldiers is directed by Brother Fred Johnson, an ardent Alpha man. He is to be congratulated upon his work in seeming new and beautiful quarters for the housing of the center. The Delta Lambda Chapter gave the tree for the Christmas party at the center. At the recent dedication of the center, Brother Channing Tobias delivered an impressive address. Our hats are off to Brother A. J Payne, the energetic, young pastor of Enon Baptist Church of this city who
recently purchased from a white congregation one of the largest and most attractive church edifices in the city. Dr. Payne and his congregation moved into the church on January 17 with every dollar of the purchase price of $35,000 paid. The building is reported to be worth $200.0(10.(1(1. Brother Payne is a graduate of Virginia Union University, Morgan College and Columbia University. The Stork recently visited Brother and Airs. Rufus Hackett and left a beautiful little daughter. Brother I l.u'kett is remembered as the dynamic past president of Delta Lambda who made many excellent innovations. His enthusiasm for the Chapter is still at high water mark. M I L E S W.
CONNER, Associate Editor.
Page 22 BETA MU LAMBDA Salisbury-Statesville, N. C. Salisbury, N. C. To our brothers in Alpha on the home front and in the fighting forces of our country, greetings : In these vital times Beta Mu L a m b da has recognized the pressing need for increased and re-emphasized programs aimed at Community betterment. W e feel that our most valuable contribution to the high ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha can be made here at home in our immediate neighborhood. Our program for the new year, drawn up by incoming president Brother W i l son Q. Welch calls for extensive participation in all efforts and drives which are intended to improve local conditions for Negroe;. W e are further committed to the initiation of a program of community improvement which will effectively answer certain needs of Negroes in Salisbury and its environs. Beta Mu Lambda is represented in the armed services of the country by Brothers James Simpson and Isaac H . Miller, Jr. Brother Simpson was formerly a member of the teaching staff of Price High School of this city and Brother Miller was associated with the Department of Justice at the time of his enlistment. In these two men Beta Mu Lambda has lost for the momint two loyal brothers, but we are proud of their part in the crusade to free mankind from fear. Fraternally, W I L S O N Q. W E L C H , Chapter President.
GAMMA ALPHA CHAPTER Texas College Gamma Alpha Chapter's most recent move was the initiation of five neophytes who increased Gamma Alpha's ranks from nine to fourteen, including two sponsors. The following named men crossed over into the folds of Alpba-dom on December 2 3 : Brothers William Jones, William Day. I.. I). Taylor, Robert Raze and Ivory Lee Wesley. Gamma Alpha assured the above named brothers that they were welcomed into the fold. Initiation was successfully carried out, with the participation of some of our former graduate members, among whom was Brother W . S. Odom, at one time our sponsor. Brother Odom is a member of Chi Chapter and is now studying medicine at Meharry.
Brothers of Gamma Alpha motored
T H E S P H I N X over to Wiley to help bring across the sands Neophytes of Alpha Sigma. Gamma Alpha is now looking forward to Founder's Day Program, which will be in March. Fraternally, L U T H E R SIMOND. Associate Editor.
EPSILON LAMBDA St. Louis, Missouri The chapter reelected for the coming year the incumbent officers. The roster is as follows: President, Arnold B. W a l k e r ; Vice President, P a trobus C. Robinson; Corresponding Secretary, Henry Harding; Recording Secretary, Doctor William Smiley; Financial Secretary, H e n r y S. W i l l i a m s ; Treasurer, Doctor T. J. Benjamin; Chaplain, Rev. Kred H u g h es ; Assistant Editor, Sphinx, Robert P. W a t t s . A stirring social event of the month was the marriage of Brother George Stafford and Miss Adelle Rhodes. Both are teachers at the Sumner High School. Visitors at the last meeting were Brother Lieutenant Forrest E. P r i t chett, Gamma, 917th Technical School Squadron, Jefferson Barracks, first Negro Officer to be stationed at this post; Brother George W . N'ottage, Psi, metallurgist at the U. S. Cartridge Co., St- L o u i s ; Joe Chapman, Personnell Director, Curtis Wright Aircraft Corps; Brothers W a l k e r and W a t t were Alpha's representatives at the Pan-Hellenic Panel discussion on the Negro in the W a r Effort which was held late in F e b r u a r y ; Brothers Watts, Lowe and Avery were delegates to the Pan-Hellenic Council with Brother Nottage, and Taylor and Williams as alternates. Brother H e n ry D. Espy is soldiering at Ft. Breckenridge. Kentucky, while Brother H a r d i n g and Jodie Bailey await the call of induction. Brother Doctor J. O. Bleache, pathologist at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., has been made pathologist also at the white Military Hospital 35 miles from Fort Huachuca. Brother Bleache was one of the two recognized pathologists in St. Louis. Brother Charles Smith has the honor of being the first St. Louis Negro appointed to the West Point Military. Academy. An honor student at V a s h on High School and at Stowe College, he will take his examination in March. Fraternally, R O B E R T P. W A T T S ,
Associate Editor,
February, 1943 TAU LAMBDA Nashville, Tennessee Tau 'Lambda Chapter is very proud to send greetings at this season of the year to all of the Brothers of A l pha Phi Alpha, wherever you are, whatever you are doing and whoever you are. This closes one of the most progressive years in national and local fraternal activities T a u Lambda has enjoyed since its organization. W i t h Brothers C. H . Webster as President, A. C. Galloway, Secretary, W. D. Hawkins, Jr., T r e a s u r e r and the number of other brother officers who have so efficiently shouldered their responsibilities to the Chapter, along with individual activities of each member, T a u Lambda reached a high mark in her versatile and unique program for the year of 1942. Social functions, secondarily interlaced with the local monthly business meetings held a t the home of the different Chapter brothers, who in turn served as host, proved the wisdom of this little experimental type of Chaptet gatherings as a reliable source ot stimulus and a solution to the problem of regular attendance. Local and national programs as varied in scope as are their relationship to the Chapt e r ; national and local fraternal interest of today and tomorrow, even to forum discussions dealing with the Negro particularly, and the constantly increasing opportunity of the F r a t e r n i ty in the post-war program of world re-building served in a number of these meetings are potential magnetic forces to hold the attention and attendance of the group in a spirit and a manner little short of perfection. New members were added during the year, among them Brothers H . E. Thomas, Teacher in the local Public School System and M. Talley, Secretary of Religious Education of the N a tional Baptist Convention, incorporated. A few old members have returned to the fold while others of this class have given definite assurance of reactivation in the very near futureOwing to the temporary suspension of the National meeting due to the world crisis, local plans were made for a fitting substitute by the four (4) local Alpha Chapters located here in Nashville. However, before such plans were completed, Brother H e n r y Allen Boyd, Secretary and T r e a s u r e r of the National Baptist Publishing Board and holder of many other n a tional positions of trust and honor, invited all the financial members of the
four (4) Chapters to meet at his houÂŤ.
February, 1943 on Heiman Street on NewYear's Eve night in a fac-similc of the national. Needless to say, they were there to the pleasure and gastroaomical satisfaction of all present. As is true of the National gathering at midnight all the Brothers gathered in the spacious living-room, joined hands and as Mrs. Boyd and her Christmas house-guest stood in the center of the circle, sang the Alpha hymn. Thus they ushered in the New Year. A New Year foreshadowing faith, ambition and an awakened spirit reactivated in every sense of its application to fraternalisin that diffused the slogan of Alphaism throughout the Brotherhood in a manner that will discipline the efforts of all present in whatever they find to do. All the officers of last year were reelected to carry on their program of rebuilding the local organization second to none for the present year of 1943. In this spirit we wish for all chapters and Alpha brothers alike, success. Fraternally, B R O T H E R I. L. M O O R E , Associate Editor.
BETA OMICRON CHAPTER A. & I. State College Greetings from Beta Omicron Chapter: W e hear that Beta Omicron has adopted a triple "V" slogan, victory at home, victory abroad and victory for Alpha Phi Alpha men in the service. As in World W a r 1, Alpha men step forward and take the lead. Our chapter as many others has suffered a great deal because of the present crisis. but we realize that there is work to lu- done, if this war is to be won. Realizing this, Beta Omicron Chapter has readjusted herself and is continuing to hold high the standards of Alpha Phi Alpha. Beta Omicron is well represented in all branches of the service and in many defense industries which will make victory possible. Prom our chapter have gone the following brothers to serve in the armed forces or to support the army in industry : Brother Gerald T. Howell, a charter member of Beta Omicron, has been commissioned Second Lieutenant and is with the army overseas ; Brother Andrew Torrencc, former vice president of this chapter, has been promoted to corporal at Camp Lee, Virginia. Brother Joseph Thomas, former secretary of this chapter, is a private first class with the Tank Batallion
at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana; Brother Albert Greenlee is stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia and Clarence Johnson is a sergeant at Fort Meade, Maryland; Brother James Jackson is at the Tuskegee Flying School. The following brothers are in the armed forces but failed to keep contact with the chapter: William Pine, Finley Jordon. Ellis Woods. Julius Higgins and James Polk. Beta Omicron has also done her part toward the navy by sending the following s o n s : Brothers Willi" Smith, William Roden and Ira Evans, who is a musician first class. stationed at Oakland, California. The following brothers are fighting behind the lines to keep the guns booming, the ships sailing and planes flyi n g : BrotKfcr Earley Kearsey is a welder at the Navy shipyard in Norfolk. Virginia. Brother William E. Dickerson is a riveter in Portland. Maine. Beta Omicron Chapter greets all Alpha men in the service and bids them God's speed in their dark as well as their bright hours. Fraternally, G E O R G E B R E A T H ETT, Associate
ALPHA RHO LAMBDA Columbus, Ohio Greetings to Brothers Throughout the World from Alpha Rho Lambda : Under the inspiring leadership of Brother A. 1). V, Crosby, president of the chapter for the fourth successive year, Alpha Rho Lambda is looking forward to a year tilled with activity. Adopting the philosophy that the spirit, above all, must be maintained during these perilous days the brothers have buckled down to the task of keeping "the Light of the W o r l d " aflame in Columbus, Ohio. The general program for the year was launched when an "All-Ohio Welcome" Banquet was held in honor of Brother Charles H . Wesley, new president of Wilberforce University The graduate chapter of Wilberforce Chi Lambda, collaborated with the local unit in staging this momentous event. The date of the banquet was November fourteenth, and the scene was Pomerene Hall, on the campus of beautiful Ohio State University. More than one hundred brothers were present from chapters all over the state of Ohio, and the assembly pledged its individual loyalty and support to Brother Wesley in his new educational program at that beloved institution.
Page 23 In turn the new prexy promised to do his utmost to present the type of program that not only the State of Ohio but the nation as well could be justly proud. T w a s a line affair ! On Saturday, December 5th, the brothers assembled at a Community Forum Smoker, and enjoyed themselves immensely. The primary purpose of the smoker was to raise money to continue the Columbus Community Forum started by Mrother G. A. Steward of this chapter five years ago, and capably managed by Brother Barbee Durham during the past two years. Outstanding speakers have been presented monthly to the public through this agency. The smoker was quite successful. Brother Charles H. Wesley made the initial appearance on the Forum i"i this year. Sunday, December 27th. Picking education in general as his topic, particularly as concerns the N e gro race and Wilberforce University, Brother Wesley held the audi ence spellbound. Those who attended this forum were as much thrilled by his eloquence, logic, and determined attitude as were the brothers assembled at the "Welcome-To-Ohio" banquet given in his honor. This was BrothelWesley's third successive triumph from the platform in Columbus, Ohio, having spoken on one other date at the St. John's A. M. E. Conference of that religious body. You should have been there! Officers for the ensuing year were elected on Wednesday evening. January 6th. Notable among the results of the election was the fourth term victory, unanimous, by Brother Crosby, president of the chapter, and the reelection of Brother Begagy Benton as secretary of the chapter. The balance of the election results are as follows : Brother Maceo Hill, Vice-president; J. J. Carter, T r e a s u r e r ; Lucien Wright, Corresponding Secretary; Albertus Conn, P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n ; Leo B. Marsh, S e r g c a n t - a t - a r m s ; Barbee Durham, Chairman of the Community F o r u m ; Paul Shearer, Assistant Chairman of the Forum ; and Eugene Stanley. Editor of the Sphinx. The following Wednesday night Brothers J. J. Carter, Maceo Hill, F o r rester Lee. Percy Lowery, H. S. Manuel, Leo B. Marsh, William Morris, Lionel II- Newsom, and R. H. T r i b bit were hosts at a semi-formal installation dance for the members of the graduate chapter and their company.
The event occured at the Y, M, C, A.,
Page 24 and the usual Alpha spirit prevailed. Happiness was much in evidence, With a fervent prayer that all Service Brothers of this chapter will speedily and safely return, and with best wishes to all Alpha chapters, Alpha Rho Lambda bids you God's speed until the next issue. Fraternally, EUGENE STANLEY, Associate Editor.
MU CHAPTER St. Paul-Minneapolis Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha, Greetings from Mu Chapter: At this writing Mu was looking forward with anticipation to the coming of Brother Dr. Sherman Scruggs, President of Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri. Brother Scruggs addressed the annual meeting of the Hallie Q. Brown Community House of St. Paul on Thursday evening, J a n u a r y 21. Mu regards this as one of the outstanding educators of America and we were very proud to have him in our midst. We were glad to form the acquaintance a few weeks ago of Brother Jesse W . Miller of Beta Omicron Chapter, who was working in St. Paul. Brother Miller is a student at Tennessee A. & I. State College. Brother Attorney Sidney A. Jones was in the Twin Cities recently on business. He met and fraternized with several of the brothers, who are old acquaintancesBrother Thomas Monson, our chapter Corresponding Secretary, was inducted into the army in November Brother Monson is stationed at Fort Francis E. Warren, Wyoming. Letters or greetings from Brothers in the armed forces have been received from the following brothers and to all of them we send God Speed and the best wishes of the fraternity: Cpl. Virgil F . Dixon of Alpha N u Chapter, Des Moines, I o w a ; Pfc. Ollie A. Griffin, Medical Detachment, Camp Stewart, Ga., Sergeant N o r m a n P. Lyght, Camp Crowder, Missouri; Cpl. N. W a l t e r Goins, Scott Field, 111. Mr. Martin Brookins of Kansas City has pledged to Alpha. He is a student in Agriculture at the University of Minnesota. Brother Victor Calloway has been elected to the Board of Directors ol the Credjafawn Credit Union. Brother John Lawrence is Chairman of this Board. This Credit Union is one of the two Negro Credit LInions in Minnesota and is chartered by the State
Banking D e p a r t m e n t Brothers Bill Cassius, John Hickman, C. C. Hill, A. J. Lewis, John Patton, Leon Smith. Karl Weber, S. V. Owens, Raymond Cannon, Henry Thomas Rufus Webster, II- Garrick Williams, Louise Valle and Jasper Gibbs are still in the Twin Cities and send greetings to the brothers throughout Alpha Phi Alpha. Fraternally, J O H N R O B E R T L A W R E N C E , JR. President.
CHI CHAPTER Meharry Medical College Chi Chapter begins the X'ew Year with three brothers, a new administration, and a determination to exert renewed effort in order that the national and chapter program 1 shall be executed with a full measure of success. The neophyte brothers are Commander. Spotwood and Downing. The new officers a r e : Axel Hansen, P r e s ident; H o w a r d Kenny, Vice President; Christopher Hunt, Recording Secret a r y : E d w a r d Wilkerson, Corresponding Secretary ; George Taylor, T r e a s urer; Wesley Hicks. Sergeant-atarms and Griffin Allen, Chaplain. The officers were installed during the first meeting of 1943 by Brother Doctor Dummitt of the dental faculty of Meharry Medical College. Brother Dummitt clearly defined the responsibility of each man as that man was installed- After the process of installation was completed, Brother Dummitt appealed to the chapter to cooperate with the administration in any program that should he initiated. lie further reminded the members that individualism was out. He stated in effect, that. "Alpha's first and that any successful endeavors come about only as a result of the unselfish cooperation of each member of the chapter. After these timely remarks by Brother Dummitt, Brother Hansen, the new president briefly outlined to the chapter, the program for the ensuing year. Besides certain features of purely chapter interest, this program is as follows : 1. Adoption of "Roberts' Rules and Order" as the parliamentary authority for all chapter meetings. _\ Formulation and adoption of: whatever items may be needed to adjust the chapter's program to the recently proposed military set-up and the accelerated educational program at Meharry.
February, 1943 (b) A special program of activities for the Summer. 3. Continuation of the chapter's annual social affairs such as the Spring Banquet-Dance, Thanksgiving Party, and Neophyte Banquet, if possible. 4. Continuation of the general program of Alpha Phi Alpha The fight for equal r i g h t s ; the repeal of the poll tax, and the education for citizenship program. 5. Dedication of ourselves to the principles upon which Alpha Phi Alpha was founded. There exists at Chi Chapter an atmosphere of health, optimism and confidence which comes only with the intention that all efforts exerted will be sufficient to bring to a successful end all programs undertaken. Chi Chapter sends greetings to the hundred odd chapters in Alpha's family and to the men of Alpha in the services. In closing Chi Chapter adds her fervent prayer that victory in the war will soon be won for our side, so that all men may resume their normal endeavors in the affairs of the world. W . D. P A T T O N , Associate Editor
BETA GAMMA LAMBDA Richmond, Va. Greetings, Brothers : Beta Gamma Lambda has launched upon a new year with the following officers duly installed by Brother James Gray : President, P.rother John W . Riley, History Professor a t Virginia Union University; Vice President, Brother Milton Hill, U. S. Department of Agriculture; Recording Secretary, Brother Curtis Crocker, U. S. Saving Stamps promotional department; F i nancial Secretary, Brother Roosevelt Harrington, Pharmacist; Treasurer. Brother J. M. G. Ramsey, Dentist and Businessman; Sergeant-at-arms, Brother Alonza Butler; Chaplain, Brother Joseph R. Ransome and Associate E d itor to Sphinx, Brother David A. Graves. The last three officers are members of the Richmond School System. The outlook for this year with such a corp of officers is indeed bright. Many brothers of Beta Gamma Lambda arc now members of "army" chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha. T h e following brothers, who are doing their bit for Uncle Sam are located or were located at the time of this release at the following p l a c e s : Brother F r a n k Randolph, Second Lieuten-
February, 1943 ant, Fort Huachuca, Arizona; Brother Charles C. Childs, Sergeant, Camp Shelby, M i s s . ; Brother Elbert Alston, Sergeant, Camp Perry, Durham, N . C ; Brother Frederick C. Lewis, Second Lieutenant, in North Carolina; Brother Samuel Madden, Corporal, F o r t Belvoir, V a . ; Brother James 0 1 phin, Private, F o r t Huachuca, Arizona ; Brother H . C. Buke, Second Lieutenant, Fort Benning, Georgia; Brother Percell Jones, Private in Mass.; Brother James Cotton, Stewart, Yorktown, Virginia; Alpha extends its bes( wishes to all these brothers, and hope for their return home in the near future. Brother A. G. Richardson is attending Columbia University. H e is working toward the completion of work for the P h D . degree. Brother John H . Moore of Virginia Union, is leaving for H a i t i soon on a mission under the supervision of the United States Government. Congratulations to Brother Charles Pollard who has left the ranks of the bachelors and is now a benedict. Fraternally, D A V I D A. G R A V E S , Associate Editor.
XI CHAPTER Wilberforce Univ. One of the rare occurences in Xi is the re-election of a brother to the chapter presidency. This year, because of his steady, progressive leadership, his great ability, his devotion to Alpha, and his near-indispensability, Brother Everard A. Hughes was elected to succeed himself as president of Xi chapter. Those who will serve with Brother Hughes a r e : Brothers Osbie H e r a l s , vice-president; William B. Shropshire, secretary; James E. Morris, corresponding secr e t a r y ; W. W. Brown, financial secretary ; James R. Tanner, associate editor of the S p h i n x ; Charles S. Spivey, Jr., chaplain; John A. Baker, s e r g e a n t - a t - a r m s ; and Kenneth Miller, historian. W e have inducted into the ranks nine new brothers, among whom are some of the university's most outstanding scholars, actors, athletes, and student leaders. T h e neophytes a r e : Robert 'Carter, John J. Jackson, Lewis Lombard, Claude E. Nichols, Jr., Lyman S. Parks, William P e o ples. James W. Rickman, Lewis D. Rickman and Leon Simmons. On January IS, we presented a "Resolution Emphasis" program, with Brother S. S. Morris, Sr., of the fac-
ulty, as our main speaker. W e pledged to send cigarettes a n d letters every month to Wilberforceans in the armed forces and asked other groups and individuals to join with us in this worthwhile endeavor. W e entertained the men of the freshmen class at a smoker on J a n u ary 16th. The speaker of the evening was Brother Bishop F r a n k M. Reid, of St. Louis, a former Xi man. H e was presented by Brother Dr. Charles H. Wesley, president of the University, who received a tremendous ovation upon his entrance into the hall. Brother Claude Nichols, the interesting toastmaster, kept the program moving with dispatch. The highlight of our social calendar up to now was our fifth annual Sweethearts' Banquet", held in Mitchell Dining Hall, on J a n u a r y 22nd. With Brother John Jackson serving wittily as toastmaster, the brothers and their lovely guests partook of a very palatable menu of fried chicken and cetera. Rounding out the evening in true epicurean style, we "tripped the light fantastic" in the beautifully appointed Mitchell Recreation Room, as the glow from the brilliantly lighted Alpha Phi Alpha insignia, blended harmoniously with the colorful gowns of the "sweethearts of Alpha Phi Alpha."
Page 25 and educational firmaments of our Southland and of the nation. May he continue to wax bright within his constellation of noble works and manly deeds, and may we his brothers thrill with just pride and true fraternal esteem as we view with solid satisfaction the many shining milestones of unselfish services, and worthy things accomplished that glow like beacons in perspective along his mighty cavalcade of uplifting endeavor. A FEW
We thrill—we joy—we elate, With good Brother Foster of State, His actions evince that he's really a prince, And a gentleman genial and great. Gigantic though may be a task, That he dares to see through for the mass, I To works for the Group, not for personal scoop, In the present, the future, and past. Search pages of history through, And you'll find not a leader more true, Though full be the fight, he stands firm for the right, And dares to be dauntless, to do. H e stands at the top of the line, A warrior gallant and fine, Great things he can do, for our grand Orange-and-Blue, F o r his dreams are of loftiest kind.
W e have also increased the ranks of the Sphinx Club, initiating four promising prospective servants of all. They are George Larkin, Allen Rupert, Willie Shelton and James Winbon. As we go to press, our attention is devoted to our annual Founder's Day presentation, with plans being made by the education committee. Fraternally, J A M E S R. T A N N E D , Associate Editor.
No phrases could really define, The plaudits that I have in mind, Or totally tell, of this grand fellow swell, For he's really the best of his kind. Fraternally Yours, J. F A R L E Y R A G L A N D , Associate Editor.
NU LAMBDA Ettrick, Va.
Brothers In Alpha, Greetings: The gleaming lights of Alpha activities beamed brighter still here in the Old Dominion recently when a Richmond daily newspaper, The Times Dispatch, published its Honor Roll for outstanding noteworthy achievements of Virginia citizens and included upon its carefully chosen list the name of Brother Luther H. Foster, now Acting-president of the College. Most deserving of the Dispatch's timely tendered honor and acclamation is Brother Foster for like a blazing comet has lie lighted a glowing path of progress across the social, economic, political,
l'i Lambda Chapter met at the home oi Dr. J. G. Thornton, with Brothers J. G. Thornton and J. D. Scott entertaining. An air of seriousness was in evidence.
The brothers showed that they were interested in the welfare of the nation, and from their discussion it was obvious that the "Alpha spirit of Service" was manifesting itself. H o w Diseases are affecting the Negro was discussed from both the professional and layman viewpoints. Scientific explanations were made by all physicians of the group. The following new officers were
Pa$e 26
elected: President, Attorney J. R. Booker; Vice President, Dr. J. V. Jord a n ; Secretary, J. D. Scott; Treasurer, Dr. Gi W. S. I s h ; Edits*, A. A. Arnold; Chaplain, Dr. J- II. Lewis. Fraternally Yours, A. A. A R N O L D , Associate Editor.
Brother Louis M. Gray Tranferredl to Omega Brother Louis M. Gray, devoted member of l'i Lambda Chapter, Little Rock. Ark., died suddenly last Christmas Day, 1942, in his home town. The end came while he was sitting in an automobile with a friend. Both were waiting to join some guests for a Vuletide reception later in the clay. Brother Gray's death is a distinct l.iss to the civic and fraternal life oi his community. Ti Lambda knew him as one of its most, loyal members and through this chapter. Brother Gray ha.d maintained his connection with the General Organization over a period of manv vears.
February, 1943
lie received his early education at Selma, Ala., and further studies were done at Tuskegee Institute, and Morebouse College. Prior to coming to Little Rock, Brother Gray headed the Prairie View College band as director. It was in Little Rock, however, where he had opportunity to render outstanding community service. Through his church, First Baptist; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, the Elks Lodge, and the Stag Club, the latter a professional and business men's organization. Brother Gray touched many areas of group activities. He was in the employ of the (J, S. postal service as a letter carrier. To his wife, mother, son, and daughter who survive bint, Pi Lambda Chapter and Alpha Phi Alpha at large extend deepest sympathy,
Contribution Of From Page .'0 The cultural contributions of the American Negro since 1865 have been remarkable. Negro writers have p r o duced many volumes of history, fiction, science and philosophy, but, as yet,
the Negro has been preeminently a poet. In this field his gifts of imagination and of melodious phrasing almost amount t o genius. There is a quality in the Negro's folk music that is distinctly his own. It grew out of his bondage and reflects his prayers and hopes and longings. It is the expression of a people who have endured m u c h The lessons learned in suffering have been voiced in song. T o paraphrase the first lines of Paul Lawrence Dunbar's "compensation," "Because he was hurt so deeply, And because he was hurt so long, (rod in his great compassion, Gave him the gift of song." Under the inspiration of such leaders as Dr. DuBois, the Negro is losing his inhibitions and gaining a larger view of life. As the number of Negro novelists increases, there is an increasing use of fiction to suggest the paths over which the race may advance, and this, too, without destroying art by propaganda. Negro Novelists a r e now portraying in artistic form the color, See Next Page
The Poetry Society of Colorado announces its Third Annual Nation-wide Contest for unpublished poems on the American Scene. The contest is open to four g r o u p s : Colleges International W r i t e r s Federated Women's Clubs Writers-at-Large As the United Nations are dedicated to the furtherance of the ideals of democracy, this year's theme will be "World Citizenship." "Am I my brother's keeper?" Holy Bible Poems, any form, must not exceed 50 lines. Only O N E poem may be submitted by a contestant. Place the title and the first line of the poem, and the name of the group in which the poem is to be entered, on the outside of a sealed envelope that contains the author's name and mail with poem to the chairman of that group. The author retains all rights to the poem submitted. The contest closes March 1, 1943. Prizes will be awarded during Poetry Week, the last week -in May. A stamped self-addressed envelope must accompany the entry for the return of the poem. Previous winners are not eligible. Entries not conforming to these rules will be disqualified. The contest is open to poets of all races and creeds. Our way of life has been challenged, and the purpose of this contest is to stimulate creative writing to further the ideals of democracy. Perhaps the world today is only waiting, listening for a great poem. A Scroll of Honor will be presented by the Poetry Society of Colorado to the winner of first place in each group. The prizes are from the Daisie E. Robinson Memorial Fund. Judges of national repute will be selected by The Poetry Society of Colorado. Ida K. Tilton, Chairman Writer-at-Large 650 Downing S t , Denver, Colorado Associate Chairmen: Gladys Vondy Robertson Colleges 1252 Corona Street, Denver, Colorado Nellie Townley Federated Women's Clubs 960 Fifth Avenue, Longmont, Colorado Elisabeth Kuskulis International 1478 Elizabeth Street, Denver, Colorado IDA K. T I L T O N , Chairman The American Scene Contest, 650 Downing Street, Denver, Colorado.
February, 1943
Members of Alpha Delta Lambda chapter united with Delta Sigma Theta Sorors, of Memphis, Tenn., to provide Christmas cheer for underprivileged children. Shown in the accompanying picture taken at the Community Welfare League Christmas morning are: Miss Flora Nesbitt Prof. L. J. Searcy, Executive Secretary of the League; Miss Helen Price, Lewis O. Swingler, Miss Levy Sullivan, Miss Beulah Mackey. Miss Thelma Johnson, Brother D. J. Thomas, Mrs. Addie D. Jones, President of Delta Sigma Theta grad-
Contribution Of From Page 26 pathos, genius, vitality and variety of Negro life. They are not caricaturing the faults and foibles of the race. The protective covering of self-praise is disappearing. There is but little evidence or over-sensitiveness and but little tendency to deny responsibility and plead for special allowances. In short, there is a new psychology. There is just ipride in racial accomplishments, and, at the same time, a fine consciousness of national identity. There is a growing intra-racial loyalty and cooperation and a lessening of intra-racial suspicion and complaining. In all of America's failure to live up to her political philosophy of liberty she has had no threat to democracy from the Negro. ' Through all inequities and discriminations, the
Page 27
uate chapter; Brother Charles Tarpley III, Mrs. Vivian D. White and Mrs. Hilda Smith. , Brothers Tarpley and Thomas served as chairman and cochairman of the committee representing Alpha Phi Alpha, while Misses Nesbitt and Sullivan served as co-chairmen for their sorority. The Christmas project was originated by Delta women of Memphis, but the support given in 1942 by Alpha men enabled the sorority to extend Christmas cheers to many more children than in previous years.
Negro has remained loyal to the democratic tradition. He has not organized equivalents for the Bund, Silver Shirts, and Ku Klux Klan. He does not serve Nazi, Facist or Communist ends. He does not resort to terroism and night riding. On the contrary, he has suffered, bled and died in all of America's wars, even when many onlookers were saying that he had no stake in the ends for which the armies struggled. Let a page from Memphis annals serve as an illustration of the Negro's loyalty and devotion throughout American history. In 1876, Memphis suffered the worst of the many yellow fever scourges that were visited upon this city. There were 10,000 sick at one time and 200 died daily. So many nearby towns established quarantine laws that many Memphis refugees camiped in the woods. Policemen had to curb ihe
mad rush at the stations as people fled from the plague-stricken city. Some left open the doors of their homes in their panicky flight. Men deserted their wives and children. The sick and dying were unattended save by the faithful Negroes. Business was paralyzed. Streets were deserted. Wagons paused in front of houses long enough for the drivers' helpers to knock on the doors and ask, "Any dead here today?" Coffins were soon exhausted and the plague victims were then buried in plain boxes. Soon boxes were used up and then bodies were buried in nothing but winding sheets. Grave-digging claimed the time of most of those who were able to dig. Soon the population of Memphis was reduced from 40,000 to 5,000 whites and 14,000 Negroes. To maintain order two Negro military companies were formed. The
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February, 1943
Zouave Guards were organized on Beale Street by Capt. R. T. Brown. The McClellan Guards were organized by Capt. J. C. Glass. These companies camped on Court Square and guarded the town. A group of vicious white men tried to corrupt these companies, but in vain. When these vicious men led an attack on the commissaries from which daily rations were apportioned. the Negro soldiers went to the scene with fixed bayonets and restored order. They guarded the business houses against looting as well as dwelling" houses which had been abandoned. When the refugees returned they found their possessions intact. These two Negro companies so acquitted themselves that they won the warmest praise of General Luke E. Wright, who became Secretary of W a r under President Theodore Roosevelt. Throughout the centuries the gratitude of man has prompted him to erect memorials to the men and instruments that have saved him. When the Latter Day Saints had fled persecution. settled in the great Salt Lake Basin and planted their first crop, they were appalled to see that crop disappearing by the ravenous mouths of a veritable cloud of grasshoppers. T h e loss of that crop meant starvation. Then came a great cloud of seagulls just as hungry as the grasshoppers and the grasshoppers were swallowed up and the calamity was averted. This is both history and miracle. There stands today in Salt Lake City a lofty monument on whose towering summit is perched the lone figure of a seagull to keep alive the memory of a marvelous deliverance. But there does not stand anywhere in Memphis any sort of monument or marker to memorialize the faithfulness and devotion of the two companies of Negro soldiers who protected and preserved our city in the days of her deep distress. While remembering the rich contributions of the Negro to American life as a whole, I pledge unflagging effort in awakening my fellow-Memphians to such gratitude for Negro contributions here at home, that Memphians will arouse themselves and erect a marker to commemorate the devotion of colored Memphians who should have been memorialized a half century ago.
Excerpts F r o m
(From page 4) be able to submit a memorandum to the State Department on the kind of mandate system that I think ought to be
U. S. Treasury Dept.
The Pittsburgh Courier W. L. Holloway, Cartoonist
VSS 729A established at the end of this war. Fourth, I already have speaking engagements up to May to talk on the subject, "The Negro and P o s t - W a r Problems." Fifth, in a recent discussion in Atlanta with Brother Trenholm, our Director of Educational Activities, we mapped out plans for even further extension of our campaign.
Tlii^ and other plans will be made known to you in due time. All in all, Alpha's leadership in this movement cannot be denied. As always, we gladly cooperate with other organizations interested in following our lead. I urge all the Chapters to form study groups and to plan public meetings on the subject.
DON'T FORGET TO WRITE Brothers in the Armed Forces would appreciate hearing from their Chapters, Jewels, Regional Directors, and General Officers. Keep letters flowing into these training centers and on the "Fighting Front." It is the Patriotic as well as the Fraternal thing to do.
R O S T E R—C o n t i n u e d
57. BETA XI—LeMoyne College, Memphis, Term.; Send all correspondence in care of Dean Hollis F. Price, LeMoyne College. 58. BETA OMICRON—Tennessee State College, Nashville, Tenn.; Fresident, Edward W. Reed; Secretary, Jesse W. Miller, Tennessee State College. 59. BETA PI—Lane College, Jackson, Tennessee; President, LeRoy Suttles; Secretary, William Longdon. 60. BETA RHO—Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C ; President, Claud Whitaker, Jr.; Secretary, Milford Taylor, Shaw University. 61. BETA SIGMA—Southern University, Scotlandville, La.; President, Huel D. Perkins; Secretary, James L. Robinson, Southern University. 62. BETA TAU—Xavier University, New Orleans, La.; President, George W. Johnson, 7849 Dixon Street; Secretary, Ralph L. Raviere, 7249 Dixon Street.
63 BETA UPSILON—State Teachers College, Montgomery, Alabama; President, Lindsay Fields; Secretary, William Kiro ber 64. BETA PHI—Dillard University, New Orleans, La.; President. Harold Lucien; Secretary, Robert S. Scarborough. 65 BETA CHI—Philander Smith College, Little Rock, Arkansas; President, Tullis E. V. Freeman; Secretary, Theadore Walters. 66 BETA PSI CHAPTER—Oxford, Cambridge, London Universities, London, England; President, Dr. C. B. Clarke, Belfleld House, New Barnet, England; Secretary, N. A. Fadipe, 43 Calthorpe Street, London, England 67. GAMMA ALPHA—Texas College, Tyler, Texas; President, Travis L. Carr, II; Secretary, Thomas Quails, Texas College. 68. GAMMA BETA—Durham, North Carolina; President, Leon Creed; Secretary, Theodore L. Bell, Box 626, North Carolina College.
CHAPTER ROSTER—Graduate Chapter? 101. ALPHA LAMBDA—Louisville, Kentucky; President C. Milton Young, 818 S. 6th Street; Secretary, Louis J. Harper, 1753 W. Omsby Street. 102. BETA LAMBDA—Greater Kansas City, Mo.-Kas.; President, Elmer Jackson, 359 Greely, Kansas City, Kas.; Secretary, James A. Jeffress, 1824 Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. GAMMA LAMBDA—Detroit, Michigan; President, Dr. Wal103. ter Harmon, 210 E. Davidson; Secretary, Grover D. Lange, 607 Adams Avenue, E. 104. DELTA LAMBDA—Baltimore, Md.; President, James H. Murphy, 828 N. Carey; Secretary, Elson W. Higginbotham, 304 Robert Street. 105. EPSILON LAMBDA—St. Louis, Missouri; President, Arnold B. Walker, 3017 Delmar Street; Secretary, Dr. William Smiley, 4204 W. Cote Brilliante. ZETA LAMBDA—Newport News, Va.; President, T. Roger 106. Thompson, 641 Hampton Avenue; Secretary, Fernando Brown, 2411 Jefferson Ave. 107. THETA LAMBDA—Dayton, Ohio; President,, Lloyd G. Phillips, 617 Randolph Street; Secretary, Walter C. Blount, Jr., 417 S. Euclid Avenue. 108. ETA LAMBDA—Atlanta, Georgia; President, A. G. Moran, 673 Greensferry Avenue; Secretary, Leroy Carter, University Homes, Fair Street, Southwest. 109. IOTA LAMBDA—Indianapolis, Ind.; President, Arnold C. Banister, Jr. Senate Avenue Branch YMCA; Secretary, John Mansfield. 724 Blake Street. No. 114. 110. KAPPA LAMBDA—Greensboro. N. C ; President, Vance H. Chavis, 1001 Behbow Road; Secretary, Frederic A. Jackson, 427 Bennett Street. 111. MU LAMBDA—Washington, D. C ; President, George W. Peterson, 604 D. Street, N. W.; Secretary, G, Frederick S t a n ton, 611 Irving Street, N. W. NU LAMBDA—Virginia State College, Etterlck, Virginia; 112. President, Harry V'. Roberts; Secretary, Charles J. Wartman, Jr. ' 113. XI LAMBDA—Chicago, 111., President, Dr. E. K. McDonald, 5624 S. State Street; Secretary, Alton M. Childs, II, 3653 Calumet Avenue. 114. OMICRON LAMBDA—Birmingham, Alabama; President, H. Lovelle Mosely, 1204 First Court, W.; Secretary, Charles Shepard, 13-10th Avenue. Phone: 6-8429. 115. PI LAMBDA—Little Rock, Ark.; President, Atty. J. R. Booker, 1522 Cross Street; Secretary, J. D. Scott, 1115 West 15th St. 116. RHO LAMBDA—Buffalo, N. Y.; President, Robert W. Edwards, 310 Purdy; Secretary, H. Daniel Long, 131 Spruce. 117. SIGMA LAMBDA—New Orleans, La., President, Benson M. Boutte, 2536 S. Galvez St.; Secretary, Walter E. Morial, 1433 Touro Btreet. 118. TAU LAMBDA—Nashville, Tennnessee; President, C. H. Webster, 1000 Villa Place; Secretary. Alfred C. Galloway, 2018 Clifton Road. 119. UPSILON CHAPTER—Jacksonville, Fla.; President, George W. Cabaniss, 1823 Louisiana Street; Secretary, M. B. Coppage, 105 E. Union Street. 120. PHI I AMBDA—Raleigh. N. C : President, Walker H. Quarles, Jr.. Shaw University; Secretary, R. Herndon Toole, 1005 S. Person Street. 121. CHI LAMBDA—Raleigh, N. C ; President, Raymond O. Dickerson; Secretary, Clarence Harvey Mills, Sr., WllberforceUniversity, Wilberforce, Ohio. 122. PSI LAMBDA—Chattanooga, Tennessee; President, L. L. Patton, 425>/2 East 9th Street; Secretary, J. M. Bynes, 430i/, E . 9th Street. 123. ALPHA ALPHA LAMBDA—Newark, N. J.; President, Lawrence Willette, 137 Stevens Street, Belleville, N. J.; Secretary, Arthur Williams, 136 Lincoln, Montclair, N. J. 124. ALPHA BETA LAMBDA—Lexington, Ky.; President, F. L. Baker, 629 N. Upper St., Secretary, Dr. H. A. Merchants, 12« DeWeese St. President, 125. ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA—New York, N. Y.; Frank A. Walker, 450 St. Nicholas Avenue; Secretary, Vester G. Fowlkes, 2816 Eighth Avenue. 126. ALPHA DELTA LAMBDA—Memphis, Tenn.; President, Lewis 0 . Swingler, 390'/2 Beale Ave.; Secretary, Walter P. Guy, Jr., 353 Simpson. 127. ALPHA EPSILON LAMBDA—Jackson, Miss., Pres., Everett R. Lawrence, Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Miss.; Sec, Alan T. Busby, Box 176,_Alcorn, Miss. President, W. 128. ALPHA ZETA LAMBDA—Bluefleld, W. Va.; Channing Spencer, Bluefleld; Secretary, Edward W. Browne, Bluefleld. 129. ALPHA ETA LAMBDA—Houston, Texas; President, Dr. J. W. Davis, 419 V4 Milam St., Houston, Texas; Secretary, Lee Perkins, Prairie View, Texas. ALPHA THETA LAMBDA—Atlantic City, N. J.; President, 130. Ferdinand C. Newton, 217 N. Jersey Avenue; Secretary, Arwin A. Hamm, 124 N. New York Avenue. 131 . ALPHA IOTA LAMBDA—Charleston, W. Virginia; President, Thomas E. Posey, Institute, W. Virginia; Secretary, Kermit J. Hall, 308-B Elizabeth Street, Charleston, W. Virginia. 132. ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA—Roanoke, Virginia; President, Dr. George A. Moore, 106 Wells Avenue, N. W.; Secretary, Dr. L. C. Downing, 804 7th Street. 133 . ALPHA MU LAMBDA—Knoxville, Tennessee; President, N. A. Henderson, 123 E. Vine Avenue; Secretary, M. D. Senter, 2134 E. Vine Ave., Knoxville, Tennessee. 134 ALPHA NU LAMBDA—Tuskegee Institute, Ala.; President, 1. A. Derbigny; Secretary, Harry J. Romm. 135 . ALPHA XI LAMBDA—Toledo, Ohio; President, Leo V. English, 614 Tecumseh St., Secretary, Charles Peoples, 868 Avondale Avenue.
-Pittsburgh, Pa.; President, W. 136. ALPHA OMICRON U "venue; Secretary, Wilbur C. Wendel, Stanton, 5i Douglass, 518 4th A'- - e . 137 ALPHA PI LAMBDA—Winston-Salem. N. C ; President, Dr. I. M. Walker, Jr., 311 N. Church St.; Secretary, L. E. Banks, 614 W. 241,2 138. ALPHA RHO LAMBDA—Columbus, Ohio; President, A. DeV. Crosby, 265 N. 22nd Street; Secretary, Begagy T. Benton, 246 Clarendon Ave. 139. ALPHA SIGMA LAMBDA—Dallas, Texas; President, H. I. Holland, 2913 Thomas Avenue, Secretary, S. W. Hudson, J r , 5211 Keating Ave. 140. ALPHA TAU LAMBDA—Tulsa, Oklahoma; President, Dr. R. C. Bryant, 360 N. Frankfort Place; Secretary, J. Tyler Smith, 124 N. Greenwood Street. 141. ALPHA UPSILON LAMBDA—Montgomery, Alabama; President, C. T. Simpson; Secretary, J. M. Reynolds, State Teachers College. 142. ALPHA PHI LAMBDA—Norfolk, Virginia; President, Joseph L. Jones, Currituck County Training School, Snowden, N. C ; Secretary, Thomas W. Young, 721 Chapel Street, Norfolk, Virginia. 143. ALPHA CHI LAMBDA—Augusta, Georgia; President, L. D. Perry, 2033 Milledgeville Road; Secretary, John M. T u t t . 1108 Phillips Street. 144. ALPHA PSI LAMBDA—Columbia, S. O.J President, Dr. Robert W. Mance, 1429 Pine Street; Secretary, Frederick H. Dedmond, Allen University. 145. BETA ALPHAl LAMBDA—Jersey City, N. J.; President John B. Frazler, bl A Jewett Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.; Secretary, Dorland J. Henderson, 269 Clinton Street, N. E., Orange, N. J. 146. BETA BETA LAMBDA—Miami, Florida; President. Robert Halth, Jr., 1025 N. W. 2nd Avenue; Secretary, Leo A. Lucas, 6306 Northwest 14th Avenue. 147. BETA GAMMA LAMBDA—Richmond, Va.; President, J o h n W. Riley, Virginia Union University; Secretary, Curtis Crocker, 214 E. Clay Street. 148. BETA DELTA LAMBDA—Daytona Beach, Fla., President, Charles J. Greene, P. O. Box 1789; Secretary, Dr. H. Ernest Hartley, 624 2nd Ave. 149. BETA EPSILON LAMBDA—Wewoka, Oklahoma; President, I. T. Anderson, Wetumka, Oklahoma; Secretary, L. G. Ashley, Boley, Oklahoma. 150. BETA ZETA LAMBDA—Jefferson City, Missouri; President, H. Hadley Hartshorn, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri; Secretary, Dr. Walter R. Talbot, Lincolr University, Jefferson City, Missouri. 151. BETA ETA LAMBDA—Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; President, Lee Edward Lewis, 918 N. E. 6th Street; Secretary, William W. Johnson, 2506 N. E. 15th Street. 152. BETA THETA LAMBDA—Durham, N. O ; President, Jamef T. Taylor, 2106 Fayettevllle Street; Secretary (Acting), John E. Payne, 1204 Fayettevllle Street. 153. BETA IOTA LAMBDA—Baton Rouge, La.; President, Russell W. Smith, Southern University, Scotlandville, La.; Secretary, Russell M. Ampey, Southern University, Scotlandville, La." 154. BETA KAPPA LAMBDA—Charleston, S. C ; President. Dr. A. G. Purvis; 52 Anson Street; Secretary, E. D. Burroughs, M. D., 180 Coming Street. 155. BETA MU LAMBDA—Salisbury, Statesville, N. C ; President, Dr. H. A. Day, 225 >/2 E. Fisher Street, Salisbury, N. C ; Secretary, Rev. W. Q. Welch, 624 W. Monroe St., Salisbury, 156. BETA NU LAMBDA—Charlotte, N. C ; President Secretary, Clinton L. Blake, 423 E. 1st St., Financial S e c r e tary, G. F. Woodson, Jr., 2112 W. Trade Street 157. BETA XI LAMBDA—Omaha, Nebraska; President R R Brown, 2213 Lake Street; Secretary, George A. Stams i l i a , N. 21st Street, Omaha, Nebraska. 158. BETA OMICRON LAMBDA—Mobile, Ala., President Prof Walker J. Carroll, Baldwin County Training School. Daphne' Alabama; Secretary, Orland H. Johnson, 201 N Laurence 159. BETA PI LAMBDA—Albany, N. Y.; President Georee' B 6 Kelley, 1 113th Street, Troy, N. Y. 160. BETA RHO LAMBDA—Youngstown, Ohio; President S S Booker, 962 West Federal St.; Secretary, Rev. H. B Gibson" Sr., 409 Belmont Avenue. 161. BETA SIGMA LAMBDA—Hartford, Conn.; President DrJoseph M. Bullock, 30 Mahl Avenue, Secretary James W Hall, 65 Russell Street, Apt. 4, Hartford 162. BETA TAU LAMBDA—Ft. Worth, Texas; To Be Set Un 163. BETA UPSILON LAMBDA—Jackson, Tenn.; President Perc» M. Caruthers; Secretary, Chester Kirkendoll, Lane Coileee 164. BETA PHI LAMBDA—Savannah, Georgia; President tin Haynes. Industrial College, Georgia; Secretary W S Scot? 0tt Jr., 212 E. Walburg, Savannah, Georgia ' 165. BETA CHI LAMBDA—Muskogee, Oklahoma, President L C Secretar F^ndullf Str?ektlah°ma; y ' H a r r y M - H°dge. Boa 166. BETA PSI LAMBDA—Los Angeles, California, President Dr BUfUS 8 m O an ar 7 d 08 A1 E e, 48t 3 h 45 ltr^t Klnley ^ ^ " ^ ' ^ 167. GAMMA ALPHA LAMBDA—Charlottesville, Va • President Leander J. Shaw, 215 Massie Street, Lexington VlrslnlaSecretary, A. R. Ware, Jr., 409 N. Augusta Street,' Staunton! Virginia. 168. GAMMA BETA LAMBDA—Kentucky State College Frankfort, Ky.; President, A. W. Wright, Secretary, Al' Collins Kentucky State College. 169. GAMMA GAMMA LAMBDA—Greenville, S. C ; President R W. Anderson, 125 Fall St., Office No. 5; Secretary Jiles' R' Edwards, Jr., 107 Wardlaw St. "
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