The SPHINX | Fall October 1946 | Volume 32 | Number 3 194603203

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PUINX PICTORIAL NUMBER Delegates and visiting brothers to the Thirty-second General Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity at Columbus, Ohio, December 27-31, 1946. will be presented an official badge of distinctive design. The badge, featured on the front cover, is made up of four parts . . . the torch. A. Phi A. insignia, base for inscribing name of chapter, and ribbon adorned with tassels. bearing names of the two host chapters.


Offooicdl Oiacut erf-


ALPHA-PHI-ALPHA General Convention Columbus,Ohio.



Kappa Alpha Rho Lambda




























2001 Kleienlh Street. N\ W.. Washington. D. 0 .

1^03 llurdetle Street, Cincinnati, Ohio LOUIS A.


Virginia State College, Ktlrirk. Virginia



Florida A. and M. College, Tallahassee, Florida



2011 N. Washington Ave. Dallas 1, Texas




2416 Harrison Street. Kansas City 8, Missouri M. G. FERGUSON General Treasurer Citizens Savings and Trust Company, Nashville, Tennessee LEWIS 0. SWINGLER

Editor of the Sphinx

;»» Beale Avenue, Memphis :t. Tennessee M. C O U N C I L L


Director ot Educational


Stale Teachers College, Montgomery, Alabama CHARLES




417 East 47th Street, Chicago IS, Illinois LAY MEMBERS EXECUTIVE COUNCIL James L. Cunimlngs, Lane College, Jackson. Tenn.; Arthur B. *ox, Jr.. Talladega College. Talladega. Ala.; Leroy Collins, 7615 Cedar Avenue. Cleveland 3. Ohio CHAIRMEN







417 Kast 17th Street. Chicago. Illinois




on Public


1112 Glrard St., N. W., Washington, U. C. W. D. HAWKINS. JR Audltlni Committee Fisk I'niversity. Nashville. Tennessee ROBERT CHARLES

P. D A N I E L Shaw University, ltaleigh, North Carolina H. W E S L E Y

Wtlberfarca i'niversity. Wllherforce. Ohio RAYFORD





Committee Historian Relations

Howard rniversily. Washington. D. C.




Fisk I'niversity, Nashville, Tennessee Constitution 32 West ltandolph St.. Chicago, Illinois RUPERT



201 East Clay Street. Richmond. Va. JEWELS Dr. Henry A. Callls. 2306 East St., N. E., Washington, D. C.; Nathaniel A. Murray. 150 You Si.. N. W.. Washington. U. C.; Vertner W. Tandy. 221 West 139lh St., New York. N. Y.; George B. Kelley. l-113th Street. Troy. N Y. 'Charles H, Chapman—*Roy H. Ogle—"James H. Morton—'Deceased. „ „ REGIONAL DIRECTORS Mid-Western Jurisdiction—W. N. Lovelace, Vice-President; Thomas Horner, 317 X. SMI] Street, Indianapolis. Indiana; (Area: Indiana. Michigan, and Kentucky); Ernest L. Savory, 186 Hamilton, Columbus, Ohio; (Area: Ohio, Illinois. and West Virginia); Lloyd H. Williams. 119 North Greenwood Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma; (Area: Missouri. Minnesota. Oklahoma, and Ksnsas). Southern Jurisdiction—W. H. Gray, Vice-President; Clinton L. Blake, Principal, West Charlotte High School, 1413 Beattle Ford Road, Charlotte. North Carolina; (Area: North and South Carolina); Andrew J. Lewis. 525 Tatnall St., S.W., Atlanta. Georgia; (Area: Georgia and Alabama); Aaron L. Allen. 1601 Eighteenth Avenue, N., Nashville, Tennessee; (Area: Arkansas and Tennessee); Walter Mortal, 1433 Touro St.. New Orleans, Louisiana; (Area: Louisiana and Mississippi). Eastern Jurisdiction—Louis H. Schuster, Vice-President; Dr. Q. Alex Calvin, 401 West state Street, Ithaea, New York; (Area: Upper New York state and New England): C. Arthur Jackson. 400 Convent Avenue, New York City; (Area; Metropolitan New York. New Jersey and Pennsylvania) ; William V. Jones (Undergraduate) Howard University, Washington, D. C.; (Area: Undergraduate chapters of Delaware, Maryland, D. C , and Virginia), Western Jurisdiction—A. Maceo Smith, Vice-President; C, P. Johnson. 2300 Rosewon,i Avenue, Austin. Texas; Dewey D. Davidson. 1162 East 46th Street, Los Angeles II, Calif.; Bobert I. Myers, 8418 North 22nd street, Omaha, Nebraska; and Karl Downs, (Special Assistant lo Vice-President > Samuel 1 Liston College, Austin, Texas.

CHAPTER OFFICERS—UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTER 1. ALPHA—Cornel] University, Ithaca, N. Galvin, 216 West State Street: Secretary, West State St. 2. BETA—Howard University. Washington, Combs. J r . ; Secretary, Ivory Wallace,

Y.; President, Dr. G. A. Dr. Albert P. Johnson, 21b _. »_»._ D. C.; President. Walter Howard University. Wash-

3 . G A M M A - V i r g i n i a U n i o n U n i v e r s i t y , R i c h m o n d , Va.: P r e s i d e n t , J. B u r l Yeldell. I l l , V i r g i n i a U n i o n U n i v e r s i t y , R i c h m o n d , Va.; S e c r e t a r y , J . S i l v a n u s W i l s o n , Virginia Union U n i v e r s i t y , R i c h m o n d , Va. _ __. . 4 DELTA—Tillotson College, Austin, Texas; President, Maceo T. Bowie, Secretary, Abe Haywood. Tillotson College, Austin Texas. 5 EPSILON—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; President. Ralph M. D. Gibson ; Secretary, Julian Witherspoon, 129 Tyler House. E. Quad, Ann Arbor. Michigan. 6 Z E T A — Y a l e U n i v e r s i t y , New H a v e n , C o n n . ; P r e s i d e n t , D r . H a r o l d S. F l e m i n g , 60 Dixwell A v e n u e , New H a v e n 11, C o n n . ; S e c r e t a r y , C h a r l e s H. W i l s o n , J r . , 69 D i c k e r m a n St., New 7 ETA—Columbia University. St. Lawrence, Brooklyn CC, New York, ' N Y. ; President, William L. Bryant, 172-13 107th Avenue Jamaica, N . Y. ; Secretary, Edward N. Byas, 302 West 122nd St., New York 8. THETA—University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. ; President, Edward B. Crute, 1824 Hartrey Ave., Evanston, 111.; Secretary, Nelson E. Woodley, 609 East 60th St., Chicago. «,_*.. 9. I O T A — M o r r i s B r o w n College, A t l a n t a , G a . ; P r e s i d e n t , A r t i s P . G r a v e s , F a c u l t y Advisor, 51 V i n e St., N. W., A t l a n t a G a . 10 K A P P A — O h i o S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y , C o l u m b u s , O h i o ; P r e s i d e n t . ' R i c h a r d C a l l o w a y , 323 L e x i n g t o n Ave., C o l u m b u s , O h i o ; S e c r e t a r y , H o w a r d E . Lewis, 230 W. F r a m b e s Ave., C o l u m b u s , 11 M U - U n i v e r s i t y of Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. Paul. Minn.: President. ' Charles F. Nichols : Secretary. Thomas W. Fowler, 1721 University Avenue. S. E., Minneapolis 14, Minn. 12 NU—University of Lincoln ( P a . ) ; President. Boyal Allen: Corresponding Secretary, Henry D. Primas, Lincoln University. Pa. IS XI—Wilberforce University. Wilberforce. Ohio; President. Jacob A. Holmes, Box 268; Financial Secretary, William W. Brown, Box 184; Wilberforce University. Ohio. ,»,««, 14 O M I C R O N — P i t t s b u r g h , Pa.; P r e s i d e n t , H. R. P r i m a s , 1110 N. F r a n k l i n Ave., P i t t s b u r g h 12, P e n n . ; S e c r e t a r y , M a t t h e w L. D a w , 7507 C a l u m e t Ave., P i t t s b u r g h 18, P e n n . 15 pi—Western Reserve University. Cleveland. Ohio: President. Joe Hicks. 4120 Cedar Avenue: Corresponding Secretary. Leroy Collins, 7615 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland. Ohio. 16 RHO—Philadelphia, Pa. (Graduate Group) : President. Dr. W. r . Jerrick, 1843 Christian : Secretary, Dr. O. Wilson Winters. 28 Curren Arcade, Norristown, Pa. 17. SIGMA—Harvard University, Boston. Mass. : President. Thomas A. Center, 12 Hubbard Avenue. Cambridge, Mass.: Secretary, A. C. Faire. I l l Townsend Street, Roxbury. Mass. 18. TAU—University of Illinois. Urbana, 111.: President, Charles E. Gaines; Secretary. Benjamin C. Duster. Jr., 1301 West Clark Street, Urbana. 111. 19. UPSILON—-University of Kansas, Lawrence. K a n s . ; Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kans. ; Kans. State College of Agriculture a n d Applied Science, M a n h a t t a n , Kansas; President, Howard B r o w n , 1101 Miss., L a w r e n c e , K a n s a s . ; S e c r e t a r y , L a w r e n c e L a c k e y , 1101, L a w r e n c e , K a n s a s . 20. PHI—Ohio University. Athens, INACTIVE. 21. CHI—Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tenn. ; Preisdent, John H. Gladney; Secretary, Delo Gray, Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tenn. 22. PSI—University of Pennsylvania, Temple University. Philadelphia, Pa. ; President. William E. Griffin, 5161 Parrish St. ; Secretary, Robert L. Poindexter, 2128 Christian Street, Philadelphia. Pa. 23. ALPHA ALPHA—University of Cine nnati, Cincinnati College of Pharmacy, Miami University, Cincinnati, Ohio; President, Dr. R. H. Brown, 3317 Drexel Place; Secretary, Dr. B. F . Cann, 5223 Ward Street. Cincinnati, Ohio. 24. ALPHA BETA—Talladega College, Talladega, Ala. ; President, Maynard V. Foster; Secretary, Arthur B. Fox, Talladega College, Talladega, Alabama. 25. ALPHA GAMMA—Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, INACTIVE. 26. ALPHA D E L T A — U n i v e r s i t y of S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a , Los A n g e l e s , Calif.; P r e s i d e n t , H e r b e r t W. S i m m o n s , 132 W e s t 51st St.. Los Angeles, 1, Calif.; S e c r e t a r y , A r t h u r T r e n t , J r . , 464 E a s t 43rd P l a c e , Los Angeles 11, Calif. 27. ALPHA EPSILON—University of Calif., Berkeley, Calif.; President, Andrew Howard, III. 4401 West Street, Oakland. Calif.; Corr. Secretary, Joseph O. Williams, 2814 California Street, Berkeley 3, California. .. L L L

28. ALPHA ZETA—West Virginia State College, Institute, West Va. ; President. Virgil Hayes; Secretary, Reginald S. White, West Va. State College, Institute, West Virginia. 29. ALPHA ETA—Stowe Teachers College, St. Louis, Mo.; President, James C. Blanks, Jr., 2514 North Sarah Street; Secretary, Earl Hunter. 2316 Spruce Street. St. Louis, Mo. 30. ALPHA THETA—Iowa University, Iowa City, Iowa: President, H. I. Fontellio-Nanton, Box 788, Iowa City ; Secretary, E. Leonard, 121 N. Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Iowa. 3 1 . ALPHA I O T A — U n i v e r s i t y of C o l o r a d o , D e n v e r , Colo.; S e c r e t a r y , J o h n Waller, 2606 G i l p i n St., D e n v e r , Colo. 32. ALPHA KAPPA—Springfield, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., Springfield, Mass.. INACTIVE. 33. ALPHA MU—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.; President, Isaac H. Jackson, 4751 Forrestville Avenue, Chicago, 111.; Secretary, William C. Pyant, 1930 Brown Avenue, Evanston. Illinois. 34. ALPHA NU—Iowa State College. Drake University, Dea Moines, Iowa. 36. ALPHA XI—University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. 36. ALPHA OMICRON—Johnson C. Smith University. Charlotte, N. C. : President, John Adams; Corr. Secretary, Edgar Ward, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, N. C. 37. ALPHA PI—Louisville Municipal College, Louisville, Kentucky. 38. ALPHA RHO—Morehouse College. Atlanta, Ga. ; President, Charles C. Walker; Secretary, William E. Thomas, Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga. 39 - A , L £ H A SIGMA—Wiley College. Marshall, Texas; President. John L. Williams: Secretary. Clarence L. Thomas, Wiley College. Marshall, 1 exas. 40. ALPHA TAU—Akron University, Akron, Ohio: President. Herbert R. Bracken. 385 Wellington Avenue; Secretary, Sterling Tucker, 199 Perkins Street, Akron, Ohio. 41. ALPHA UPSILON—University of Wayne, Detroit, Michigan ; President, Kenneth Vernon. 569 Melbourne; Secretary, James B. Parker, 5806 Woodrow. Detroit, Mich. 42. ALPHA PHI—Clark College, Atlanta, Ga. ; President, Clarence Lovick ; Secretary. George C. Allen, Clark College, Atlanta. Georgia. 43. ALPHA CHI—Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn.; President, Nathaniel Williams; Secretary, Jackie R. Gardner, Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn. 44. ALPHA PSI—Lincoln University (Mo.), Jefferson City. Mo.; President, Maurice E. King; Corr. Secretary, Harold E. Browder, J r . , Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo. 45. BETA ALPHA—Morgan College, Baltimore, Md. 46. BETA BETA—University of Nebraska. 47. BETA GAMMA—Virginia State College. Ettrick, Virginia ; President, William L. Craig ; Secretary, Russell L. Gaines, Virginia State College, Ettrick, Va. 48. B E T A D E L T A — S t a t e College, O r a n g e b u r g , S. C ; P r e s i d e n t , F r a n k P r i n c e , S t a t e College, O r a n g e b u r g , S. C ; S e c r e t a r y , W i l l i a m D. D a n i e l s , S t a t e College, O r a n g e b u r g , S. C. 49. B E T A E P S I L O N — A g r i c u l t u r a l a n d T e c h n i c a l College, G r e e n b o r o , N. C ; P r e s i d e n t , C h a r l e s W a l l a c e , 1302 1-2 E a s t M a r k e t , G r e e n s b o r o , N. C ; S e c r e t a r y , W i l l i a m A. S k e l t o n , 1214 E. W a s h i n g t o n , G r e e n s b o r o , N. C. 50. BETA ZETA—Samuel Huston College. Austin, T e x a s : President, C. H. Elliott; Secretary, Karl E. Downs, Samuel Huston College, Austin 22, Texas. 51. BETA ETA—Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. III.; President, Joseph C. Penn. 419 E. Jackson, Carbondale. 111. ; Secretary-Treasurer, Gaffney A. Taylor. P. O. Box 725. Colp, Illinois. 52. BETA THETA—Bluefield State College. Bluefield, West Va. ; President, Melvin Smith : Secretary. Charles B. Brook, Bluefield State College. Bluefield. West Va. 63. BETA IOTA—Western State College, Kalamazoo, Michigan, INACTIVE. 54. BETA KAPPA—Langston University. Langston, Oklahoma: President, Amos Stevenson; Secretary, Eddie Fred Jordan, Langston University, Langston, Oklahoma. 65. BETA MU—Kentucky State College, Frankfort, Ky.; President, A. H. Clement; Secretary, Norman M. Rates, Kentucky State College, Frankfort, Ky. 56 BETA NU—Florida A. & M. CoIlev">. Tallahassee, Fla. ; President, R a l p h W i m b i s h ; S e c r e t a r y . A l b e r t M. M a c k e y , F l a . A. & M . College, T a l l a h a s s e e , F l o r i d a . 57. BETA XI—LeMoyne College. Memphis, Tenn. ; President, Richard A. W a r r ; Secretary. Malone B. Broome, LeMoyne College, Memphis, Tenn. 58. BETA OMICRON—Tenn. A. & I. State College, Nashville. T e n n . ; President, Edward L. Mullins; Secretary, Thomas H. Pinson Tenn A. & I. State College. Nashville, Tenn. 69. BETA PI—Lane College. Jackson. Tenn.: President. Lewis L Flowers • S e c r e t a r y , Virgil M a y , L a n e College, J a c k s o n , T e n n e s s e e .











LEWIS O. SWINGLER 388 Beale Avenue Memphis 3, Tenn.




O. WILSON WINTERS 28 Curren Arcade, Norristown, Pa. Page


ROBERT CUSTIS 771 St. Nicholas Ave., New York, N. Y. MILTON S. J. WRIGHT Wilberforce University, Ohio.


JAMES B. BROWNING Miners Teachers College, Ga. Ave., at Euclid and Fairmont, N. W., Washington, D. C. ARMISTEAD S. PRIDE Lincoln University (Mo) Jefferson City, Mo.

The Convention Call


Measure of an Alpha Man


Prom Desk of Secretary


About Executive Secretary


Preview On Conclave


"Leadership, Servants, All"


Retired Alpha Officers Honored


Pan-Hellenic Council


Focus On Liberia


CONTRIBUTING EDITORS SIDNEY A. JONES 180 West Washington St., Chicago, m . CLARENCE H. MILLS, SR. Wilberforce University, Wilberforce. Ohio J. SAUNDERS REDDING Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia MOSS H. KENDRIX 1927 11th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. ANDREW J. LEWIS II Atlanta, Georgia


Alphas Can Do It Too!

J. EDWARD COTTON 348 N. Manassas St., Memphis, Tenn.

Tower Of Strength .



Look At Deep South


DOWDAL H. DAVIS, JR. 2711 East 21st St., Kansas City, Mo.

Fraternity Fun


Hits and Misses


GEORGE W. GORE, JR., A. & I. State College, Nashville, Tenn. MACEO HILL 291 N. 21st St., Columbus, Ohio G. BLYDEN JACKSON Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn. GEORGE B. KELLEY 1—113th St., Troy N e w

_ 20

Sphinx In Library

_ 26

Chapter Echoes

_ 29

ART JAMES D. PARKS Lincoln University (Mo.) Jefferson City Mo.


SPENCE M. SMITH 388 Beale Ave., Memphis 3, Tenn.

Tenn A d d l f n May October, and December by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc., at 388 Beale Ave., Memphis 3. AdH^lfi H communication for publication in the SPHINX MAGAZINE to Post Office Box 2031, Memphis Tenn o^fceTn M e m D e h i S 0 T P e r S ° n a l H C ° ™ n i c a t i o - *° 388 Beale Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Entered as second class matter at the P S office in Memphis, Tenn., under the Act of March 3, 1879 and accepted for mailing at the second class rate of postage

Subscription Price—One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents Per Year

TPsAMSVO^-TATlOtA VAiVUL. R,t HA.O F U O t A -Tr*.wns P i - A N e s Baits -re




October, 194C



Page 3

The Convention Call


By ATTORNEY B. V. LAWSON General President HAVE the honor and duty officially to announce the convening of the thirtysecond annual Convention of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in Columbus. Ohio, December 27-31, 1916. A copy of this call will be forwarded to each chapter and the General Secretary and Chairman of the Convention Committee Will apprise all brothers of Convention details. The leaders of the partnership which smashed the Fascist menace in Europe and Asia stand fearful and uncertain before their handiwork, while, for the first time in human history, man holds in his faltering hands the total destruction of mankind. Men talk peace and prepare for war. We tremble at the pause between war and peace and war. We wonder whether the victory can be translated into the lives of the ordinary people who fought and died for it before another world cataclysm comes down on the heads of our children. The leaders of the partnership of northern reaction and southern barbarism stand bold and certain before their handiwork. Talmadge, Bilbo and company, their hands dripping with blood, preach and practice hate and horror and hell. The "iron curtain" of Jim-Crow stands like a toll-bridge astride the arteries of the nation and no device of segregation is too small, no opportunity to discriminate too unimportant to elude the constant and critical scrutiny of the tollkeeper. The result is continuous denials of civil liberties to Negroes and other minorities in the United States, culminating in henious crimes and massacres in the North and South. Democracy and Christianity, what foul and cruel injustices are committed in thy name! These atrocities stand not only as symbols of past and present tragedies, but as an evil omen of an unfolding and awesome future. State and Federal authorities refuse to announce a national policy regarding these shameful crimes. All branches of the government falsely interpret and enforce states' rights and state and federal police power; they refuse to act with dispatch and sincerity while the United States pretends to moral leadership of the world.


In the context of this talk of peace and preparation for war, of hate and horror, the thirty-second annual convention of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity convenes. In bold relief two burning challenges face us, challenges which we must meet and master. (1) Shall we have another war, and (2) shall we continue meekly to accept the corroding fact of segregation? There is very little concrete action we can take in reference to the international question of war and world fascism. There is a great deal we can do in reference to the domestic question of segregation and American Fascism. Mr. Justice Holmes said "Life is action and passion and it is required of a man that he partake of the action and passion of his time at peril of being adjudged as not having lived." The officers of Alpha Phi Alpha call upon each chapter and each brother to come to

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ATTORNEY B. V. LAWSON, General President the Columbus convention to assist us in the formulation of a program which will enable us to "partake of the action and passion of our time." We challenge you to translate mere debate and protest, vague skepticism, tired cynicism and national self-praise into angry dissatisfaction, courageous determination and a liberal, fighting program of action which are necessary to preserve the battlements of human integrity, equality and dignity. Neither the vulnerable splendor of our lives nor the empty inaction of our organization must keep us remote from the debasing brutalities of such barbaric aberrations as the poll tax, colonial imperialism. anti-Semitism, false applications of police power and states' rights, Jim-Crow and all the other monstrous mockeries of our time. Finally we challenge you to let neither parliamentary technicalities nor individual pedantry interfere with the formulation of our program and the forward march of our Fraternity. We call upon you to join with the brothers who have been working modestly, quietly but effectively on local and national problems and the brave men and organizations storming the breastworks of the citadel of privilege, power and prejudice. Ten thousand men of Alpha are hungry for action now. Let no brother come unto Alpha and go away unfed. We cannot

wait in philosophical serenity or deadly inaction for a generation of unprejudiced men to be born. The evil, bitter fruit of fascism must be torn from the tree of world culture, particularly in the United States, and now! Liberty and equality are not boons granted to dilletantes. They are the hard-earned possessions of fighting men. Our prestige, our power and our privileges must be forged anew on the anvil of effective, cooperative, specific and constant sacrifice in the public service. Let Lincoln's words inspire us. "The dogmas of a quiet past are inadequate to the stormy future." Let us make Alpha Phi Alpha a powerful house of leadership and brotherhood through which blow the winds of destiny and where, if we listen, we can hear the voice of the future. The Executive Council By B. V. LAWSON General President.

CONVENTION SPEAKERS Names of speakers at the Thirty-second General Convention in Columbus, Ohio and other participants will be published in the December Number of the Sphinx. An under-graduate brother will give one of the major addresses.

Page 4


•jtober, 1946


This article proposes to say that the founding of the fraternity was itself a pioneer effort and that in that spirit an Alpha man today must continue to be a pioneer; that his pioneering must be guided by a basic philosophy of action; and, that both of these will lead him inevitably to head the movement for a re-thinking and a re-doing ' of many of our ways of social living.

MEASURE DF AN ALPHA MAN By J. J. RUPERT PICOTT Chairman Publicity Committee The early boyhood days of an Alpha acquaintance of mine were spent in a town bordering on Virginia's great Dismal Swamp. One day while wandering near the outskirts of this virgin marshland, he came face to face with an aged, rotund, weather-worn woman. This person, sensing a bit of the indomitable spirit that drives on to high adventure, talked and in words never to be forgot, exhorted continuance, because, said she, all of us must be pioneers." Declaring that the days for pioneering were not nearly over, this disheveled individual, living in a dilapidated hovel amazingly backed up her statement by quoting from Shakespeare's Othello, Act III, Scene 4 in which the author has the character lago to say that "which leads to the door of truth, will give satisfaction." We in America, majority as well as minority groups, have reached the point in our development where we must be self-critical. A hundred and fifty years ago when our forbearers landed on these shores they faced the job, tremendous as it was, of hacking and sawing their way to the creation of a civilized society and the development of a mode of living. The J. J. RUPERT PICOTT timeworn pattern of individualism was Picott is shown as he delivers then so much required for success that it anBrother address at Virginia Union University, is small wonder that the infrequent ad- Richmond. He is executive secretary of ventures into cooperative society came the Virginia Association for Education. to early and inglorious ends, while individualistic living survived. But, from those decades described by a thoughtful been dominated by that spirit. Yes, genwriter as "these are the times that try uine pioneering was needed in 1906 and men's souls," our progress toward the it is needed more than ever in these building of a complex society has been days. The second contention of this article is swift and unmatched. From a few we have grown to many. From the slow, that pioneering to be constructive and tortuous and laborous weapons for do- productive must be guided by a basic ing society's work we have now advanced concept or philosophy. Such a concept in this land and- in other places in the must include as its premise the need for world until now we can effectively in a development of an insatiable inquiry into matter of seconds destroy not only oth- the context of present day happenings. ers but ourselves in the process as well. Moreover, this philosophy must cause all people to insist upon an adequate presenIf one made an analytical study of many of our present day methods of do- tation of the facts that will give the ining things he would not find them much dividual the balance to bring clarity out different. Indeed, fundamentally, where- of our maze of confusion, to inculcate and as we in the areas of physical progress perpetuate respect for the responsibilities have made tremendous strides, most of and obligations of the good citizen and to our methods of social living are as old assist in the expanded understanding of the need for liberalization and democratias the hills. . Now, there is nothing wrong in the use zation of human conduct in America as of old methods, but it is certainly im- between races, individuals, and people. It is vitally important to our underportant to judge these in proportion as they contribute to concrete action for standing of everything that we must try the solution of community problems. The to do to point out that the concept of our dominant theme should and must be not job as educated men is one which must merely whether we are to follow simply be enlarged and re-geared to meet the in the wake of society's approbation, but challenges of these postwar atomic days. rather whether our intents and purposes Many people say that we need first to deare to create a better people for a better velop the concept. But even that is not enough for a philosophy must be an exworld. , . Certainly, also, it is not too much to ask panded and developed proposition, if we that the college-bred citizen be a pioneer are ever to have equality of opportunity for this is the spirit which should be im- in America for ourselves and cur chilbibed by all regardless of educational dren. We have pointed out that there is dire status. Alpha's beginning was itself a pioneer effort, and the history of the fra- need for continued pioneering by Alpha ternity and of its members ever since has men throughout the nation and the world

and that this pioneering can best be achieved if it is directed by an affirmative philosophy of social action. The third phase of this article holds that both of these will lead the Alpha man inevitably to a re-thinking and a re-doing of many of our ways of social living. Rayford W. Logan in one of the finest resource booklets to come off the press in recent years (The Negro and the Post-War World, A Primer) declares that "No spot on the globe is more than sixty hours away by aeroplane. A hurried traveler can today reach the farthest point in less time than was spent in George Washington's day for a trip from Philadelphia to New York. Today, for example, one can have breakfast in Monrovia, Liberia, and dinner in Brazil." Continuing, Mr. Logan insists that "As a result of this conquest of distance, this mass travel, and this revival of Geography, more people have more information about the rest of the world than at any time in history. This revolution in education that has aroused interest in one's neighbors five thousand as well as five miles way, can be the most valuable basis of a just and lasting peace for mankind." This re-thinking may well take shape first on the emphasis to be placed on our regard for individual personality. With this emphasis on each and every citizen must come a desire to continue the fight for the establishment of democracy in the world. Alpha brothers can well take the lead in a movement by the people of this nation, including the South, for a demonstration of democracy at home, also. Indeed, democracy as a way of life cannot be applied as a halfway measure. We must see to it that it is denied to no man, for when it is withheld from even the most humble soul, regardless of race, it is that much denied to all. We must know and realize that we are forever in a war—sometimes it is not necessary to use the atom bomb in the battle—but always we must be persistent, unconquerable warriors in the fight for genuine brotherhood. Perhaps the broad aspects of our problems of readjustment in which the leadership of Alpha men can be tremendously helpful are known. However, this leadership must be inclusive enough to direct action for the solution of our minor as well as major, and local as well as national problems; must give attention to our obligations as citizens as well as the demand for our rights; must insist that Alpha men themselves as leaders be good citizens in the broadest sense of that term; and must lead the people to vigorously and militantly decry and fight the resumption of some of the "Hitlerian" tactics now being practiced in our southland and elsewhere. If as Churchill once said "the frontiers of the future are the frontiers of the mind," then the task before Alpha is clear—we need to redouble our efforts for planned action that will bring the peace so much desired. No doubt some will say that these attributes ought to be a part of all, and with that no one will take issue. But our founding fathers wisely Turn to Page 5

October, 194"



Page 5

Official Report On Western Regional Session at Austin

FROM THE DESK OF THE GENERAL SECRETARY Greetings: The General Secretary and his staff take this opportunity to express the hope that the s u m m e r season was both pleasa n t and profitable for all the officers and m e m b e r s of the chapter. The staff spent the s u m m e r on the files of Alpha Phi Alpha and the DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS WHO P A I D 1946 G R A N D TAX represents the first concrete result of their labor. If the chapter has not received its copy, drop us a line. If the chapter has received its copy, drop us a line and let us k n o w that it arrived. Program Of Reclamation: We must now get down to "brass tacks" and either put over the program or fail— the middle ground just is not there. The Directory was compiled as a service to the chapters in this P r o g r a m of Reclamation. T h e assumption is that any B r o t h e r whose n a m e is not in the Directory needs to be "reclaimed"—he would owe $1.00 Reinstatement Fee when the G r a n d Tax for 1947 is remitted. 1947 G r a n d Tax: Alpha is NEVER interested in deadlines, as A L P H A means FIRST, not last. We a r e not interested in the LATEST DATE that we can pay grand T a x without penalty, so lets forget about N o v e m b e r 15, when thinking about 1947 Grand Tax. The General Secretary is accepting 1947 Grand Tax NOW, and will certainly appreciate any p a y m e n t sent in d u r i n g the months of September and October. P a y ments NOW will enable the Office Staff to keep abreast of the work and give the chapters efficient service. REMEMBER: 1. Fees should be remitted on regulai remittance blanks in quadruplicate, and, 2. Correct mailing addresses should be given for EACH m e m b e r so that the S P H I N X may be properly mailed, and, 3. If the n a m e of the Brother does not appear in the DIRECTORY remit the Reinstatement Fee of $1.00. OFFICIAL MINUTES: The Minutes of the Chicago Convention

Measure of An Alpha Man From Page 4 added the needed supplement w h e n they admonished that as "servants of all. we shall transcend all." The National Broadcasting Company's program Traveling Man has a slogan "People came before business." In opposition, one is r e m i n d e d of the philosophy emanating from m a n y sources which is on all fours with that of the Bourbons, t h e reactionary E u r o p e a n dynasty which w a s said "never to learn a n y t h i n g and n e v e r to forget anything." T h e do-something attitude about the problems of social living in his own c o m m u n i t y t h a t bespeaks unlimited progress and approach to n e w horizons is a true m e a s u r e of an Alpha man.

../ a r e off the press and should be in t h e hands of Directory. Please take a moment and acknowledge the receipt of t h e Minutes. if you have not done so P I N ORDERS: The President of the Metal A r t s Company and the General Secretary have been in constant correspondence during the entire summer. We a r e seeing eye to eye on the necessity for more p r o m p t service in deliveries of pin orders, and the Company has promised that all orders on hand August 1, will be shipped by the second week in September HISTORIES AND S H I N G L E S ' The Office Staff reports that all histories and shingles due on orders sent to BURT A. MAYBERRY, General Secretary, have been mailed. Please advise by r e t u r n mail, if any histories or shingles due your chapter have not been received. In closing may w e express our sincere thanks to the officers and m e m b e r s of the various chapters, whose patience and cooperation have m a d e this year of service to Alpha a most pleasant one BURT A. MAYBERRY General Secretary.

General Secretary B u r t A. M a y b e r r y m his official r e p o r t on the Western Regional Conference which w a s held at Samuel Huston College, Austin, Texas May 10, 11, 12th. asserted that "an excel " l f p l r i t e x i s t s i n t h e area, and added-— hv Thf ^ y n a t m i c . l e a d e r s h i p being exerted by the F o u r t h Vice-President, B r o t h e r A Maceo Smith, is bearing fruits along the m Developing a p a t t e r n for active participation of the fraternity in the analyses of c o m m u n i t y needs, t h e p l a n n i n g of a program to meet these needs, and t h e implementation of this program for t h e solution of the problems which a r e accepted for attention, and, (2) Developing a program for chapters which will tend to d r a w the whole fra^ ternity together on one or m o r e simple projects that will tend to provide a bond stren and C a " g t h e n e d y e a r b y year, (3) Developing an active program of reclamation and expansion that will m a k e ft possible for the Western Jurisdiction to have adequate resources with which to earn a record that would compare favorably with that of other areas Development of P a t t e r n of Active Participation in Community Activities fa) T h e p r o g r a m of t h e Regional used Turn Next Page

ABOUT THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY By O. E. JACKSON. Pi Lambda Chapter B r o t h e r Picott's article, "Alpha's P r o gram of Action." was a stimulating one in as much as it drove home the realization that we a r e on the verge of a fundamental change in the n a t u r e and constitution of Alpha P h i Alpha. To those brothers in the vanguard of fraternity activities the issues that now flash before me may not be so recondite—they m a y have heard them threshed out again and again from the convention floor, b u t I wonder if brothers generally (this one in particular) really h a v e a well-founded conception of the probability of success or failure in our v e n t u r e . If any partisanship is a p p a r e n t here, I trust that it will be disregarded since I am not sufficiently enlightened to take a stand pro or contra. The purpose h e r e is to throw out a few questions that m a y be in the back of m a n y b r o t h e r s ' heads. To me, Alpha P h i Alpha is nothing if not a great spirit. N u m b e r s , efficiency, finance—these may very well be virtues' so long as they are used to serve their legitimate purposes. They m a y function very well as a means, b u t they can be dynamite if sought as an end. Is a fraternity greater, because of its m e m b e r ship of ten thousand, t h a n one of two thousand, or is it greater because its ten thousand a r e bound together by such strong ties of fellowship, inspiration and mutual interests? If for n o other reason than parochial pride, most active brothers, I believe, would be extremely h a p p y to welcome back into the fold every single "lost sheep," so long as the wanderer returns

in the S P I R I T of Alpha P h i Alpha: they need the fraternity and t h e fraternity needs them. Not only that, b u t T believe it would be the consensus of our brothers that the r e v e n u e accruing from such an increase in m e m b e r s h i p could not be directed toward a better end than that of furnishing a fair salary for the executor of such a program. B u t will the allotment a ready suggested permit extensive travel finance a decent publication and still afford an acceptable salary? What techniques and magnetic powers would so characterize t h e efficiency e x p e r t that lost b r o t h e r s " w h o continue to shed t h e invitation to re-instate w h e n proffered by more intimate brothers, will respond more readily to the executive secretary whom they k n o w less well? Is it not t r u e that w e love most dearly those persons and institutions to which w e h a v e given of ourselves most readily? With virtually all responsibility resting upon one pair of shoulders, will l e t h a r g y seize brothers and chapters generally? Will the fraternity come to be k n o w n as "Mr Execk Seck's F r a t e r n i t y " r a t h e r t h a n Alpha Phi Alpha? Will efficiency become such a fetish that w e cease to be a voluntary group of men exercising democracy to some degree and instead begin to t a k e orders? And w h a t of the Sphinx? It is possible to risk the danger of leaving its policyshaping in the h a n d s of one man. Or w e may tie t h e h a n d s of t h e secretary-editor by detailed orders from the body politic. Or we may lay out in broad o u t line the general policies as a guide to t h e editor. Do w e w a n t the j o u r n a l to be t h e Turn

To Page 21


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Official Report on Western From Page 5 devices labeled clinics and institutes in such a way t h a t the"ir effectiveness w a s quite impressive. T h e P l a n n i n g Committee for the General Convention gave serious consideration to the inclusion of a "Public Citizenship Clinic and Institute" as an afternoon p r o g r a m at t h e Columbus Convention. (b) T h e Western Regional w e n t on record as endorsing the recommendation that funds be allotted to travel budgets of the President and General Secretary in order that both may attend all regional conferences. Development of a P r o g r a m for Chapters (a) That each chapter select, in the


m o n t h of September, 1946, the most outstanding active b r o t h e r of the chapter whose achievements in the chapter and c o m m u n i t y m a k e him deserve t h e title, "Alpha Man of the Year." These b r o t h e r s a r e to be written up in t h u m b n a i l sketches and compiled into a book titled " A L P H A NUGGETS." T h e Western Regional went on record as endorsing t h e idea, with the recommendation t h a t t h e book, " A L P H A NUGGETS," be edited b y Brother Karl Downs. (b) That each graduate chapter inaugu i a t e a p r o g r a m of orientation and observation for prospective m e m b e r s to perform the function usually carried out by t h e Sphinx Club in u n d e r g r a d u a t e chapters. (c) That each chapter go on record as

October, 1946 recommending the discontinuance of the gold filled badges and r e c o m m e n d the purchase of the ten (lc) carat badges by the brothers. Development of an Active P r o g r a m of Reclamation and Expansion (a) Key brothers were assigned to begin work in activating chapters and to m a k e inactive brothers financial. (b) Due to the wide extent of the Weste r n Area, and the pressing need for work in reclamation and expansion, it was recommended that $250.00 be added to the budget of the Western Jurisdiction. For immediate use in the work, each graduate chapter was asked to contri$15.00 and each u n d e r g r a d u a t e chapter $5.00. Turn to Page 14


"Where is the McGee Cup?" This was the question asked many times during the past five years. G a m m a Chapter was the last to receive this historic symbol of all-round Alpha Achievement at a G r a n d Session. This was in 1939 at the New York City Convention. T h e following year in Kansas City, Mo.. Alpha Tau L a m b d a Chapter, Tulsa, Oklahoma, was again declared winn e r of the McGee Cup. This was the third time t h e Tulsa brothers had won it. the two previous occasions being a t the Silver Anniversary Convention in Nashville (1935), and t h e New Orleans, La., Convention. 1937. However, the McGee Cup didn't show up at the Kansas City Session, nor t h e meetings in Louisville. Ky., (1941) Atlantic City, New Jersey, 119441 Chicago, 111., (1945). The trophy became the object of a spirited discussion d u r i n g the b a n q u e t program at the 1945 session in Chicago w h e r e it was awarded to Beta Lambda. Kansas City, Mo. Brother Tollie Harris, president of Alpha Tau Lambda, w a s on hand to vigorously contend for chapter possession of the McGee Cup. B r o t h e r B u r t A. Mayberry, of Beta Lambda Chapter, having just been elected General Secretary, said that he would seek the McGee Cup as one of his first major interests. This he did. The cup, first t u r n e d over to Beta L a m b d a d u r i n g the first of the year, became the rallying point for a great "Get-to-gether" of brothers in t h e G r e a t e r Kansas City

Area. Brother Dr. Rayford W. Logan, Past General P r e s i d e n ' . was present at t h e ceremonies. (See Educational Number). Then to Tulsa. Oklahoma. Brother Mayberry. General Secretary, personally delivered the McGee Cup to the Oil Capital. He was accompanied by his own chapter president. B r o t h e r Dan H. Lewis, of Kansas City. Kansas, and his secretary. Brother V. E. Travis. These t h r e e visiting brothers were special guests at a Smoker which m a r k e d the r e t u r n of the McGee Cup to Tulsa. Oklahoma. Thirty-five b r o t h e r s w e r e present. Absent, however, was Brother Harris, whose illness had m a d e it necessary for him to be away at Mayo's Clinic. He w a s given account of ceremonies by wire sent by the chapter. Brother H a r r y Ward, vice president (left) received t h e cup on behalf Alpha Tau L a m b d a from Secretary Mayberry. Shown center and looking down at cup is Brother Robert L. Fairchild, chapter secretary, who served as master of ceremonies at the Smoker, held at the Hutcherson Branch Y. M. C. A. Building. T h e McGee Cup is t h e gift of a distinguished Oklahoman, the Late Brother Lucius McGee, of Oklahoma City, w h o served Alpha Phi Alpha F r a t e r n i t y as President, Director of Education. and as Sphinx Editor. His death last August, a year ago, removed one of Alpha's most outstanding personalities, b u t his many notable deeds in behalf of this fraternity have been accentuated by t h e trophy which bears his n a m e .

October, 1946



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RECORD CROWD OF ALPHA MEN TO ATTEND GENERAL CONVENTION The 1946 convention attendance in Columbus, Ohio is expected to surpass any two pre-war conventions, brothers serving as officals have announced. A record-breaking number of Alpha men from all sections of the country have already jammed the mails requesting reservations for the biggest and best array of speakers, social events and entertainment in the history of the fraternity. Brother Maceo Hill, General Chairman, with convention officials disclosed that excitement in Columbus among fraternity men and citizens had reached an already unprecedented heat four months in advance of the convention. It is estimated that the 1000 mark set for the convention will be exceeded on the opening day of registration, December 27th. The record for previous conventions will be surpassed in the next two months in reservation alone. The swelling crowd of Alpha men, Brother Hill stated, can be accounted for by the strong effort the committee is putting forth, and the reclamation program which the General President is carrying on; but particularly the attractive schedule of business and entertaining events planned by the fraternity in Columbus. Although off to a slightly confused start, due for the most part on how to handle such a large convention, brothers of the fraternity are satisfied that the Columbus convention will be long remembered. Brother Hill, a veteran convention Alpha attendant now serving as Convention Chairman termed the confusion typical, adding: "A little confusion at the beginning is what makes an Alpha Convention Go." s

Alpha Wives May Have Better Time Than Men Mrs. Ethel Alexander, president of the Alpha Wives and Sweethearts, stated that Alpha convention wives would have a better time than the Alpha men. The program Mrs. Alexander's committee has planned consists of Luncheons bridge parties, cocktail parties, dinners, games, tours, and "hen" parties. Mrs. Alexander stated that it was the intention of the Columbus Alpha wives to entertain the visiting women with a social program filled with real wholesome fun. No stone is to be lefl unturned to keep the women happy. We urge that the visiting brothers bring their wives and sweethearts in order that the plans of the women's committee will be successfully carried out. The Columbus Alpha Wives is composed of approximately eighty women. "National Radio Time Requested by the Convention Chairman Maceo Hill" For the first time in Columbus history network time covering all national networks have been requested for the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity during its public meeting. The chairman in revealing this news said that he was unable to disclose who the speaker would be during this time. General President Belford Lawson stated that the speakers agenda for the convention would be the best ever produced and speakers would be named soon.

Alphas To Tour Ohio State University" A planned minute to minute tour of Ohio State University during the Convention vacant hours has been planned. This tour of the Ohio State University, America's largest institution with nearly 25,000 students expected to attend this fall will be a thrill to see. The University officials will be on hand to greet the Alpha men. President Bevis, of Ohio State Univer-

General Chairman

bring the convention where the brothers would get the greatest benefit of i t The plans of the convention committee were conveniently arranged so that brothers could eat, sleep, and play without spending a fortune. They can walk to the convention hall and to their rooms. These conveniences have been made for the brothers who have small allotted funds for the convention. "Housing" Brother Kenneth Morris, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., expects to house comfortably one-thousand men. Even though the housing condition in Columbus are crowded, brothers will be taken care of. He also urged that all men coming to the convention write him immediately for rooms. He particularly urged brothers who wished downtown hotel accomodations to "WRITE THE DESHLER WALLICK HOTEL, BROAD AND HIGH STREETS; THE NEIL HOUSE, THIRTY SOUTH HIGH; AND THE FORT HAYES HOTEL, FORTY SOUTH SPRING STREET, for reservations. He urges that brothers write now for reservation in writing. Brothers may be housed in homes and the Y. M. C. A. as well. Additional hotel accomodations may be directed to SOUTHERN HOTEL, MAIN AND HIGH STREETS; CHITTERDAN HOTEL, SPRING AND HIGH STREET. s

Brief Convention Program

A1ACLO HILL After attending twelve Alpha Conventions, Brother Maceo Hill, president of Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter, has been selected to serve as General Chairman for the 1946 General Session to be held in Columbus, Ohio during the last five days in December. "We are going to feature everything fine for your enjoyment," is Brother Hill's comment. He is known at Alpha meetings for his sunny disposition, and as the official song leader. sity, will appear on some of the Alpha programs during the convention week. The Ohio State University tour will add all the necessary educational background to the Columbus meeting. "East High School Will House the Convention" For four days East High School auditorium will be the place of conventional meetings. It is the newest and finest equipped in Columbus. Houses and other living quarters are near and convenient to the convention meeting place. East High School is in itself attractive and new. Its location is within the neighborhood where most brothers will be housed. East High School is also within six to twenty cent taxi, motor bus, or trolley car fare. "Convention Headquarters Located in the Heart of Convention Activities" The convention committee, considering the best comfort, expenses and happiness of its Alpha guests, located its headquarters to assist the brothers arriving. The Columbus brothers attempted to

Friday, December 27. 1946 Business registration Friday, December twenty-seventh, nineteen forty-six, nine to eleven p. m., at East High School. Convention address and report by the General President, eleven thirty a. m. Lunch: Twelve thirty to two p. m. Two p. m. Reports of general officers. Five p. m. Adjournment. Seven p. m. Public reception. Ten p. m. Cocktail party. Eleven p. m. Pan-Hellenic dance. Saturday, December 28, 1946 Nine a. m. to five p. m. Business East High School. Seven p. m. Smoker and steak chew. Ten p. m. Cocktails. Eleven p. m. Formal dance. Sunday, December 29, 1946 Sunday morning church services. Two p. m. Public meeting. (National network, probably to carry program and address) Five p. m. Tour to Lockbourne Army Air Base. Eight p. m. Progressive dinner. Eleven p. m. Sunday "Smoker and informal party." Monday, December 30. 1946 Nine a. m. to five p. m. Business East High School. Eight p. m. to ten p. m. Refreshments, parties and cocktails. Ten p. m. Grand Alpha Ball. Two a. m. Breakfast affair. Tuesday. December 31. 1946 Nine a. m. to twelve p. m. Business. One p. m. to three p. m. Election of officers. Three p. m. to six-thirty, Recess. Seven-thirty p. m. Alpha banquet serving a "Red Hot Dinner." Midnight: New Year's Eve, Alpha Phi Alpha Cabaret Party. Turn Next Page

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October, 1946


OF A ° C E N T U R Y H A G O N T E R T A I N E D ™







Eastern Regional Conference Takes Up Important Problems By the time this issue of t h e S p h i n x has come off press and copies a r e in t h e hands of the brothers, the Eastern Regional Conference in Atlantic City, New J e r sey, will h a v e been held. Among m e m bers of the S p h i n x staff requested to b e on h a n d to give account of t h e threeday session a r e B r o t h e r s Dr. O. Wilson Winters, of Norristown, Pa., F r a t F u n Editor; Robert Custis, of New York City; Moss Hyles K e n d r i x , of Washington, D. C. B r o t h e r Louis H. Schuster, Eastern Vice President presided over the session. Since going into office at the Chicago Convention, Brother Schuster has k e p t almost constantly occupied with duties in behalf of Alpha P h i Alpha F r a t e r n i t y , not only in his jurisdiction, but in other areas as well. In the event the outlined p r o g r a m was carried out as announced before the conference convened, t h e following issues were taken up at the Regional: 1. "The Revised Constitution of Alpha Phi Alpha."

BRIEF CONVENTION From Page 7 January 1. 1947 Wilberforce brothers plan entertainm e n t at Wilberforce, University for brothers wishing to stop a t Wilberforce.

2. "What Stand Should Alpha Take in Politics?" 3. "Chapter P r o b l e m s and Chapter P r o grams." 4. "An International P r o g r a m for Alpha P h i Alpha." 5. "Alpha's Reclamation P r o g r a m . " 6. "What Progress Have We Made Tow a r d Getting a Full-time Secretary?" 7. "How Alpha Can Help in the Veterans P r o g r a m . " 8. "A National P r o g r a m for Alpha Phi Alpha." 9. "The F r a t e r n i t y Budget." Scheduled participants on program and discussants were Brothers Belford V. Lawson, General President; Eastern VicePresident Schuster; Southern Vice-President, William H. Gray; Robert T. Custis, Chairman of the Committee on P r o g r a m ; E m m e r Lancaster and R u p e r t Picott, the latter Chairman of the Publicity Committee; Moss Hyles Kendrix, Former Past General President Rayford W. Logan; J. L. Langhorn, Co-Chairman of the Veterans group: and Brother Dismond of New York City. Five-minute talks d u r i n g the Smoker, were planned for Brothers Dr. R. S. Fleming, Verdie Robinson. Walter Dixon, Dr. F e r d i n a n d Williams, K e n n i t h Dungil], Walter Scott, Dr. Walter J e r r i c k , Thomas A. Carter, Frederick Dedmond, Dr. C. M. Cain, and Dr. E. D. Downing.


B r o t h e r Cain, who in 1944 did such a splendid job as General C h a i r m a n of the Convention Committee, was again selected by brothers of the host chapter, Alpha Alpha Lambda, to head u p the Regional Conference Committee.

Alpha Joins Forces In Combating Mob Violence By




General President Belford V. Lawson attended an important conference in N e w York City at the Wendell Willkie Memorial Building on August G. of this year. to help work out a positive program for combating mob violence. Invited by t h e National Association for the Advancem i n t of Colored People which has stepped up its campaign against lynching and oiiier forms of violence, Bro her Lawson was present as the representative and spokesman for Alpha P h i Alpha fraternity. Major points stressed during this conference were as follows: 1. Ask every church leader, minister, rabbi, and priest in the United States of America to preach special sermons and offer p r a y e r s against mob terrorism and oppression of minorities and to u r g e m e m bers of their congregation not only to refuse to join hate groups, b u t to oppose actively spreaders of hate. 2. Ask each C h a m b e r of Commerce, Manufacturers and other business groups

October, 1946


to take steps to activate their members against mob violence. 3. Ask each international and local union to intensify campaigns against any of their members joining hate groups or indulging in mob violence or to initiate such programs, if none exisL 4. Propose joint labor-management committee in eacli industrial area to work actively against violence and to remove tension by publicity, abolition of segreion, and discrimination in employment and enaciment of such municipal, stale or federal legislation as is necessary. 5. Consideration of resolution requesting Congress to reconvene and enact federal anti-mob violence legislation. 6. Urge newspapers and magazines, radio and moving picture executive to give widest possible publicity in radio. films, articles, editorials against mob violence. 7. Have organizations with branches in the various states to confer with their Governors and Atty. Generals in order to stop any attempt of mob violence or racial friction and to insure that their state-


Page 9

police will handle such incidents, if occurring with intelligence. 8. Appoint Executive Committee of 5 to 12 to implement this program, with power to appoint sub-committees. 9. Ask local units of national organizations to call upon Senators and Congressman to discuss issues, to urge Senators to pledge to vote for CLOTURE, to urge members of the lower House to sign the discharge petition for anti-lynching legislation if thjy have not already done so and to support proposals of Senator Wayne Morse to change rules of House and Senate on first day of session to prevent filibustering in Senate and throttling of legislation by House Rules Committee.

Protecting Alpha's Investment Undergraduate brothers and pledges who will stay at the Upsilon Chapter Hous_\ Lawrence, Kansas, will find that the house has undergone intensive clean-

ing, decoration, and repair as a result of the effort of Beta Lambda Chapter, Greater Kansas City. Floors have been refinished; the reception room newly papered; sleeping rooms cleaned and kemtoned; a new roof attached; worn out shades replaced; the bathroom painted gold and black; and the woodwork refinished. Brothers who assisted with the work are: Paul Mobiley, Daniel Lewis, Robert N. Clark, Eugene Chinn, Howard Brown, and Hubert Perkins. The work done on the property was considered necessary to protect the investments made by Upsilon and Beta Lambda Chapter and the General Organization and to attract new students who will enroll at Kansas University this fall. Upsilon was forced to close the house for the duration because of the shortage of male students. To date twenty-one applications have been received by Robert •• v. ho is in charge of the house. All signs point io a rejuvinated chapter with many undergraduate brothers returning from the armed forces.






Page 10


'Welcome In Seven Capitol Letters'

October, 1946 Brother Cox is a 1939 graduate of Ohio State University's College of Law, in which year he also passed the Ohio bar examination. In 1943 he was admitted to practice before federal courts, and is at present assistant city attorney for t h e city of Columbus. During t h e spring Brother Cox was assigned to the prosecuting of traffic violators, which marks the first time in Columbus t h a t a Negro has been so honored. An Alpha m a n since 1935, Brother Cox has been active in many other organizations. He is a member of the Columbus Board of Industrial Relations, and from 1940 to 1946 was president of the Columbus branch of the NAACP, of which organization he is now treasurer. Brother Cox was instrumental in getting the use of East High School for the business meeting of the convention, and is now endeavoring to secure a name band for the Alpha formal. He is married t o the former Marian Reed of Oberlin, a member of the faculty of Champion Junior High School Brother Shearer, also a lawyer. is a graduate of Ohio State University and Franklin University Law School, Columbus. and like Brother Cox, is active in a n u m ber of organizations. He is founder and president of the Vanguard League, a milit a n t organization which has for its purpose the elimination of all racial discrimination; co-chairman of the Committee for Democratic Practices, a Columbus organization which has dedicated itself specifically to the fight on racial restrictive covenants; president of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), a national federation of local Committees of Racial Equality; president of t h e Robert Elliott Law Club, a local professional organization; and president of the Merry Makers, a local social club composed of young men. Without doubt. Brother Shearer is about the "Most presidingest" man in Columbus! He is a candidate on the Democratic ticket for election to the Ohio Legislature. Brothers Cox and Shearer are only two of the many representative members of Alpha Rho Lambda who will be on hand to welcome all Alpha men to the city of Columbus on December 27. You can't afford to miss the time of your life, brothers! ALPHA RHO LAMBDA IS EXPECTING YOU DECEMBER 27-31!

'SOLID COMFORT' A. J. W O R S H A M . . . B r o t h e r A. J. Worsham, Associate S p h i n x Editor said t h a t Columbus, Ohio brothers, including m e m b e r s of K a p p a and Alpha Rho Lambda Chapters, mean "Welcome in seven capitol letters."

What A Host Chapter Does Before Convention Time By A L F R E D F A R R E L L Associate Editor With a summer recess of only one month, 1.1 nbers of Alpha Rho Lambda are hard al work again on their plans to make the convention which meets in Columbus this year the convention of conventions. Brother Maceo Hill, president of the chapter, is beaming with pride as committees after committees make reports t h a t definitely "accentuate the positive." And Brothers A. D. V. Crosby and Lucien Wright, chapter secretary and treasurer respectively, are no less radiant at the way the brothers are getting financial. Every brother, whether or not he is a member of a committee, is cooperating with Brother Hill in an all-out effort to bring credit on Alpha Rho Lambda as host chapter, along with Kappa Chapter, t o the brothers in Alpha. Committees and their chairmen are as follows: Social Program, Brother Lucien Wright; Convention Banquet, Brother Percy Lowery; Housing, Brother K. A. Morris: Souvenir Program, Brother R. M. Trlbbett; Registration, Brother George De-

Loache; Place, Brother Edward Cox; Convention Equipment, Brother A. P. McCoy and W. O. Colwell; Badges, Decoration, and Souvenir, Brother C. C. Handy; Convention Publicity, Brother Barbee Durham; Public Meeting, Brothers J. J. Carter and J. A. Mitchell. On Saturday, August 10, Brother DeLoache, a member of t h e faculty of Champion Junior High School, of which Brother Mitchell is principal, was married to Miss Eleanor Collins, of San Antonio. Texas, who will make a lovely addition to the Alpha Wives, of which auxiliary Mrs. Hazel Alexander is president. We take our hats off to these very charming ladies for the splendid picnic they sponsored at Lucy Depee Park on Sunday, August 11. Pood, fun, and frolic were the order of the day. Mrs. Maybell Hill was chairman of the committee and assisting her were Mrs. Cleora Handy, Mrs. Julia Butler, Mrs. Helen Lowery, and Mrs. Emma Mae Embry. The members of the auxiliary will be very much in evidence during the convention, and already they are planning various activities which will be of interest t o visiting Alpha wives. Alpha Rho Lambda is especially proud of two of its members. Brothers Edward Cox and Frank Shearer, who are rapidly making names for themselves in Columbus.

B r o t h e r K e n n e t h Morris, vice president of Alpha Rho L a m b d a Chapter, and chairm a n of t h e Housing Committee. " T h e r e will be plenty of 'solid' comfort for visiting brothers," h e commented.

October, . 1946



Page 11


PLAN FOR ONE THOUSAND VISITING BROTHERS . . . Kappa and Alpha Rho Lambda as the official host chapters for the 1946 General Convention' are laying plans for a delegation of one thousand brothers to converge on Columbus, Ohio, during the Christmas holidays. Here are eight of the prominent Ohio Alpha men who have what it takes to help reach this goal. Top row, from left: Eugene Stanley, who says, "Welcome brothers far and near to Columbus." A. D. V. Crosby, Convention Secretary: "At long long last," we can look forward to the coming Alpha Convention in the great State of Ohio. Throughout the years it has been a pleasure to attend the Alpha Convention, but this year Alpha comes to Columbus, From all indications the place will be literally flooded with

Alphas. Will you be present? If you miss this convention. it will be one of the regrets of your life. Forward Alpha! On to Columbus!" Attorney Perry Jackson, of Cleveland, former Ohio judge, who will be on hand to welcome brothers on behalf of Ohio; and Alfred Farrell, assistant instructor at Ohio State University. Bottom row, from left: Lucien C. Wright, former Midwestern Vice President, who will see that our social program sparkles in Columbus; Leroy Sabory, Vice Chairman of General Committee, and member of Kappa Chapter; C. C. Handy, Chairman of Badges and Decorations Committee: and Darius Worsham, Associate Sphinx Editor, Kappa Chap ter, who did the art work for the front cover and cartoon appearing in this edition.

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Two brothers in the law profession have been employed to see thll all legal technicalities have been taken care of for the Colunil" Ohio Convention in December. They are Brothers Attorney Ed Cox and William H. Brooks. B r o t h e r Cox is c h a i r m a n of the Place Committee. In Columbus, he is well k n o w n as a City Prosecutor. Brother Brooks is chairman for the Public Relations Committee, and popular among citizens of the Ohio Capital.


October. 1946

A BARGAIN IN WDR Would you like to purchase a bargain package of u n u s u a l value this fall? It is a bargain in service to you and your neighbors. It will help you both and it will m a k e your c o m m u n i t y a n d your nation a better place in which to live. G r e a t interest is being manifested in 'ommunity Chest and USO campaigns for funds this fall. These funds support t h e private health, welfare and recreation services seeking to elleviate social problems in your community. They also help to continue the USO "home a w a y from h o m e " for our men still in far a w a y places, in hospitals and in training. T h e w a r uprooted m a n y people. It picked men of draft age out of their homes and jobs and set t h e m down in t h e regimented life of the armed forces. It took women ou1 of homes and a w a y from their children to pu' them into new and strange roles as industrial workers. In most families, every member, from the father in uniform to the 'teen-age' boy and fjirls who left school to work, w e r e moved by circumstances from the security of their homes to unfamiliar and confusing environments. People with handicaps became needed and valuable w o r k e r s overnight. With the close of war, the whole process was reversed. All these shifts and changes have intensified our social problems. Because of them in the health and welfare agencies of the land a r e facing greater and greater demands for service. Besides the local Red F e a t h e r services supported through Community Chest campaigns, this year most of the Comm u n i t y Chests in t h e United States a r e p l a n n i n g to raise their share of t h e USO r a t i o n a l campaign goal, although in New York City, and in other cities, towns and

More Than Words Everybody Benefits—Everybody Gives is more t h a n a slogan. Your local Comm u n i t y Chest Red F e a t h e r Services heln to provide your citizens with health and hospital care, education and recreation facilities, and family and child welfare guidance and help. Keep it up—Don't Let Them Down. This, too, is more than a slogan. F o r USO still has a big job to do in serving the new inductees, the convalescent wounded, garrison troops, and in providing USO-Camo Shows in hospitals. Give generously to the USO and your Community Chest.

Calling All Americans

Some Columbus folk and brothers turning up for visiting Alpha guests. B r o t h e r A. Maceo Hill, G e n e r a l Chairman, is shown right end, standing.

To aid the citizens away from h o m e in the armed forces and to provide health, welfare and recreation services for the citizen at home, U S O and C o m m u n i t y Chests of America are asking you to contribute. Give generously and now to t h e U S O and y o u r Community Chest.

October, 1946



Page 13

LD-WIDE SERVICE r u r a l areas w h e r e the appeal is not to be federated. USO will conduct its own campaign through state and local committees. In addition, m a n y Chest cities a r e raising funds for some of t h e w a r relief organizations whose tasks must be continued temporarily. This is a bargain package, truly. In one campaign, Community Chests are m a k ing it possible for citizens to m a k e a single contribution to cover a large number, if not most of the community services that the city affords. It is a purchase that every American should make. Give generously and now to the USO and y o u r Community Chest. s

To Your Community Chest Seek Undergraduate Chapter In Buffalo News has reached the S p h i n x Office that students at Buffalo University, Buffalo, New York, are taking necessary steps to form an u n d e r g r a d u a t e chapter Moving spirit behind activities in this direction is Calvin Bretz McNeal, first Negro to be accepted into the Buffalo J u n i o r C h a m b e r of Commerce. In reporting of his efforts to get a chapter set up, Brother McNeal stated: "Our group was organized with the approval of the national president. Brother Belford V. Lawson and the aid of the General Secretary, B u r t A. Mayberry. E v e r y t h i n g has been taken care of except official approval of the General Convention. The m a t t e r is expected to come u p at t h e Columbus, Ohio, session and it is our hope that a charter for the proposed charter will be approved." Brother McNeal added that some of t h t prospective m e m b e r s had been lost to another fraternity in Buffalo as the result of its move to u n i t e u n d e r g r a d u a t e m e m bers with those of the g r a d u a t e chapter. "But t h e r e a r e n e w students enrolling in the University of Buffalo each semester," he continued. B r o t h e r McNeal has been advised to seek counsel from veteran brothers of Rho Lambda Chapter, particularly Broth-



"COAX ME A L I T T L E " ™ ' K°r s o " j e t h i n g , to that effect seems to be suggested by these smiling beauties nf of Columbus, Ohio, who will be t h r e e of a galaxy of feminine lovelies to grace t h e social side of t h e 1946 Alpha Convention. er Lloyd Burrell, former Eastern Vice-President.


Page 14

October, 1946


Alpha's Mother Sends Greetings


. . . Dr. Charles H. Wesley, president of Wilberforce University. is giving his full cooperation a rt prestige as Past G e n e r a l President to help m a k e the Columbus Convention the greatest in Alnha history. Dr. Wesley was serving his first term as Genera) President when t h e Alphas held their last convention in Ohio, at Cincinnati, in 1931, fifteen years ago. "Welcome mats at t h e 'Force' are ready for you, said he. H u n d r e d s of brothers attending the Alpha Session a r e expecting to journey to Wilberforce, seat of Xi and Chi Lambda Chapters, and birthplace of our beloved Alpha Hymn.


THELMA S T A R K S , former Miss Fisk University, to be on hand at Alpha Convention.

OFFICIAL REPORT ON From Page 6 (c) Due to the need of t h e Western

Jurisdiction for

additional area, it


recommended that Oklahoma be added to t h e Western


MRS. A. C. SINGLETON . . . It was over six years ago al the Alpha's World Fair Convention in New York City (1939) that the F r a t e r n i t y had as special guest Mrs. Annie C. Singleton. Majority of the brothers had never seen this grand lady in our fraternal life, and the introduction given h e r by B r o t h e r Charles H. Wesley, then president, disclosed that it was at h e r h o m e in Ithaca. New York that the Seven F o u n d e r s had gathered time and again to formulate plans for the organization of Alpha P h i Alpha F r a t e r n i t y . Mrs. Singleton w a s greeted as "Mother Singleton by the four F o u n d e r s who w e r e present at this session. T h e n a m e "Mothe r " took with the Convention r n d she was designated officially as the "Mother of Alpha P h i Alpha F r a t e r n i t y . " This was over six years ago. Since that fateful year (The Nazis m a r c h e d into P o land during the last day of the 1939 Convention) a war has been fought and won. The two conventions t h a t followed t h e New York session (Kansas City, Mo., 1940 and Louisville. Ky., 1941) w e r e turbulent ones. Many of t h e finer sentiments and traditions t h a t A l p h a m e n had cherished in past years w e r e subdued by internal readjustments, and outside pressure of world confusion. T h e SPHINX Editor deliberately set out to find "Mother" Singleton with the hopes that she would again appear on the Alpha scene as a source of inspiration for younger brothers now taking over the reign of leadership. After many years of residence in Toledo, Ohio, "Mother" Singleton has r e t u r n e d to New York and is now residing in Buffalo, 107 N o r t h l a n d Avenue. She expressed appreciation for the interest shown in h e r by our staff, and p e n n e d this communication as a message to all of h e r "boys." "Writing this article m a k e s m e both h a p p y and sad. Happy because m a n y h a v e r e t u r n e d from t h e great conflict to their loved ones. Sad because some will never return. In all l a r g e families, like Alpha's, t h e r e Turn

To Page 16

October, 1946 >



Page 15


^ if

m H.


ANNUAL Brothers in the Greater Chicago Area shown gathered at ihe famous A L P H A HOUSE for the A n n u a l Theta—Xi Lambda Foundation Dinner P r o g r a m . Brother L u t h e r S. Peck, (extreme left end, 2nd row, standing) as president of the Foundation, highlighted the business end of the reception with a yearly report in which he stated: "Theta-Xi Lambda Foundation has the potential, provided you have the initiative, imagination, courage, and vision to become an institution that will be a beacon for Alpha P h i Alpha and Negro America."


Brother Chairman, brothers of Alpha P h i Alpha F r a t e r n i t y , Theta-Xi Lambda Foundation— I am very h a p p y to be h e r e this afternoon and v e r y grateful for t h e honor which you have bestowed upon m e by inviting m e h e r e as y o u r special guest. I think it was the i m m o r t a l Ralph Waldo Emmerson who once r e m a r k e d — "tell me with whom thou art found a n d I will tell thee w h o m thou art." If it w e r e possible for Mr. Emmerson to address that r e m a r k to m e today, I would proudly stick out m y chest and tell h i m that on this day it is my cherished privilege to be enjoying t h e fel-



194 6

Guest address of the evening was delivered by Brother Dr. S. E. Thompson, p r o m i n e n t surgeon, who spoke on the subject. " L E A D E R S H I P and SERVANT OF ALL." The address is published in this edition. Other Foundation officers include Brothers Vernon S. Gordon. secretary; Claude Anderson, assistant secretary; Nelson J. Glover, treasurer; Leon Minton, bookkeeper; and Joseph W Miller, head resident. The Theta-Xi Lambda Foundation, Inc was formed ten years ago.

'Leadership And Servants Of All' Brother Dr. C. E. Thompson, prominent Chicago surgeon, summed up two of Alpha's primary objectives in an inspiring address delivered as guest speaker at Theta-Xi Lambda Foundation Dinner, Chicago. His message. "LEADERSHIP AND SERVANTS OF ALL," is herewith published.


lowship of some of the finest men in t h e world—brothers in the greatest College F r a t e r n i t y in the world—our beloved Alpha P h i Alpha. I would tell him of our ambitious plans and determination to m a k e of our Alpha Home a beautiful shrine of fraternal spirit worthy of symbolizing the quality of the services r e n d e r e d by Alpha men to this community—this state—this country and to the world, not just as leaders of men b u t as leaders of the leaders of men. I would proudly boast to h i m of two of our most cherished precepts—"leadership and servants of all." Whether our interpretation of these precepts, considered together, is liberal or conservative,—literal or figurative, it can mean b u t one thing—a m a n d a t e to us for leadership of the masses. It does not mean leadership for personal aggrandizement—it does not mean leadership for social distinction nor social exclusiveness—but in t h e light of

the p r e s e n t trend of h u m a n events, it does m e a n leadership of the common m a n in his struggle or complete economic and cultural and social freedom. Many of our Alpha brothers h a v e perceived this light and h a v e accepted this challenge. I need mention b u t a few of our great leaders in this community to establish the t r u t h of this assertion. I would mention Brother Oscar Brown and his magnificent leadership of the N. A. A. C. P., in its work of conserving the social and civic welfare of t h e common man; his splendid leadership of the housing projects for common people and his conscientious services to Pilgrim Baptist Church and Sunday School. I would mention B r o t h e r L u t h e r Peck and his leadership of t h a t wonderful character building organization—The Boy Scouts—and his leadership of the finest fraternal insurance organization in the world for the common man,—The International Workers Order. Turn Next Page


Page 16


October, 1946


Appreciation For Faithful Service Through The Years Brothers Dr. Rayford Logan and Joseph H. B. Evans w e r e recently honored at a Testimonial Dinner by Mu Lambda Chapter for their v a l u a b l e contribution to the fraternity and

Alpha's Mother Sends Greetings From Page 14 a r e a few who do not live up to the high ideals of the group, b u t I feel that the vast majority of Alpha men have, and I p r a y that the few who h a v e not will do so as a dedication to those who gave their lives that we may have liberty and free speech to organize as w e see fit just as the F o u n d e r s of our first F r a t e r n i t y among Negro college men did m a n y years ago. "Sincerely yours, " 'Mother' Singleton."

Leadership and Servant From Page 15 I am proud of the services to the common m a n of B r o t h e r s Frazier L a n e and Albion Foster in their leadership of the Urban League, in its splendid effort to aid t h e common m a n in his adjustment to u r b a n life.

also to t h e community.

In the photo they are shown receiv-

ing the chapters gift, a traveling bag, which was presented by Bro. J u d g e J a m e s A. Cobb.

I can point with pride to the work of Brother F r a n k P l u m m e r and his fine efforts as director of the Municipal Social Hygiene Clinic, in its splendid program of conserving the health of common men and women and children in this community. Brother Archibald Carey has distinguished himself with his fine contribution of leadership in serving t h e m o r a l and spiritual and cultural welfare of this community of common people. Brother Sydney Brown is r e n d e r i n g sterling services as a m e m b e r of the Board of Education, in conserving t h e best interests of t h e children of common men in the schools of this community. B r o t h e r Lewis Caldwell is m a k i n g his fine contribution to the welfare of common men b y his excellent services with the J u v e n i l e Court and his fine efforts as a journalist. I would especially commend to y o u r attention, the brilliant editorials with which h e begins his splendid column "Bee Lines," in t h e Chicago Bee —all in the interest of t h e common m a n and in language a n d literary style w h i c h

the common m a n can understand. Brother Ishmael Flory throughout the years has r e n d e r e d valuable service to this community of common men by his dynamic leadership of the w o r k e r s and in every defense of the rights of the common man. These great Alpha leaders in this community and m a n y others too n u m e r o u s to mention,—by their fine ideals and their constructive and progressive ideas, should shine as a beacon light guiding the way of all of us to the practical application of our most cherished ideals of service to the common man. They indeed h a v e earned the dignity which comes to all great leaders who lift u p common men and lead and guide them with honesty and sincerity. They feel within their pulse the common r h y t h m of victory over the forces of oppression and exploitation. They hear within their h e a r t s the common song of freedom for t h e masses. They h a v e taken their places in the vanNext Page

October, L.. P


Another Chapter In Th^ta's History By John H. Mims Theta Chapter has been noted in the past for p r e p a r i n g men for Xi Lambda. the g r a d u a t e chapter of Chicago, which in turn was noted for setting new precedents for Alpha P h i Alpha. Now Theta Chapter after being inspired by the 1945 Convention and reinforced by m a n y brothers r e t u r n i n g from various theatres of war has decided to do a little precedent-setting and tradition revising itself. One of the steps ahead that Theta m a d e was enabled by our new constitution adopted in the 1945 convention which prevents racial discrimination in Alpha Phi Alpha from being constitutional. Theta has taken advantage of that provision and has given Alpha P h i Alpha its first non-Negro brother in the person of Brother B e r n a r d "Bernie" Levin, a senior in the University of Illinois College of Dentistry. Brother Levin, inspired by such men of Illinois University as Brother Doctor Charles W. Wren, and Brother Doctor Silas P. Jones, and after noticing t h e courageous stand that men of Theta took during the Central Y. M. C. A. College crisis sought membership in Alpha P h i Alpha and was sponsored by Brother J o h n Mims with whom he had been acquainted for quite some time. Brother Levin crossed the torrid terrain that guards the hallowed shrines of Alphadom on Friday, J u n e 21, 1946. Others initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha with Brother Levin w e r e B r o t h e r s Spencer Hardy, J a m e s Gaither. William Rhetta, and Hcrshel Wallace. B r o t h e r H a r d y was formerly a second lieutenant in the T a n k Corps, serving under the late General George Patton. He has the reputation of being one of the men who k e p t General Patton from winning the war single-handed. B r o t h e r Hardy is at present a junior in the College of Commerce, De P a u l University. B r o t h e r Gaither was a former Staff Sergeant in the South Pacific, and is at present in pursuit of a Master of A r t s degree in English at the University of Chicago. B r o t h e r Rhetta, also recently discharged from the armed forces, is at p r e s e n t in his junior year at De P a u l University, School of Commerce. Brother Wallace is a freshman at the University of Illinois, College of Medicine. He was one of the Atomic Bomb research scientists at the University of Chicago.


P a r t II Theta Chapter [is also proud to have a precedentsetter in its membership in the person of Brother Edgar Easley, B. S. C . recent luate of De Paul University. Brother Easley was elected to membership in the Pi Gamma Mu National Commercial Honor Society, and is the only Negro in Illinois to belong


to that organization. Brother Easley entered De P a u l in 1943 and was t h e winner of the P r a e t o r i a n Scholarship offered to the most outstanding freshman at De P a u l University. Brother Easley is noted for his outstanding ability to p r o m u l g a t e p e r p e t u a l conversation about a n y t h i n g u n d e r the sun from the "Nothingness of Nothing," to "Why T h e r e are No Possible Exceptions to the Easleyan Theory of Hypigraphy." T h e Balance Sheet published by DePaul University says, "If it can talk itself out of anything, if it is sure of every statement and can back it up with tacts, and if it can write editorials with the best of them, it is our smiling Edgar Easley." The only time B r o t h e r Easley was known to answer a question in short was when he was asked how does it feel to be the only Negro in Illinois to belong to the Pi G a m m a Mu National Commercial Honor Society. His only answer was simply, "One Needs Some K i n d of Credit for Doing All of that D a m n H a r d Work."

Leadership and Servant From Pqge 16 guard of leadership of that great par a d e of common men and women of all races, all creeds and all colors, which is marching up freedom road. Marching not to the diminuendo of the funeral dirge of

Page 17 defeatism b u t stepping proudly to t h e sprightly r h y t h m of victory—victory over the Bilbos—the R a n k i n s and t h e Eastlands—The Hearsts and McCormicks— The Gerald Smiths—The F a t h e r Coughlins and the Hoffmans; those apostles of greed and exploitation and p u r v e y o r s of hate and prejudice. This great p a r a d e is m a r c h i n g irresistibly o n w a r d and u p w a r d to that n e w day which is surely coming for t h e common man. T h a t day on which the bugle will sound the truce of God to t h e whole world forever. That day on which t h e selfish boast of Spartan women will become the grand chorus of mankind—that "they never h a v e seen the smoke of an enemies' camp." That day on which t h e confusion of tongues, of races, of classes, of creeds and idealogies will all be dissolved in the union of hearts. T h a t day on which h u m a n values will transcend all material values. That great day on which the common man will build a temple— a temple to h u m a n dignity. Build it on the firm foundation of r e a l brotherly love. Build it from stones of the kindly virtues of life and from m o r t a r of t h e practical application of democratic ideals and democratic principles. Build this temple to h u m a n dignity, t h e dome of which will be as lofty as the firmament of heaven—as broad and comprehensive as the earth itself. I t h a n k you.


THETA L E A D S THE WAY—Theta Chapter established the first beach-head on A L P H A P H I A L P H A ' S new social frontier b y initiating t h e first non-Negro m e m b e r into the grand old F r a t e r n i t y . The recently revised constitution m a d e it possible for the organization to expand its m e m b e r s h i p beyond racial lines, and B r o t h e r B e r n a r d Levin, (Third from left end) dental student at Chicago University, has t h e distinction of being t h e first person of the w h i t e race to cross t h e b u r n i n g sands into the secret abode of our ancestors. Others initiated w i t h B r o t h e r Levin w e r e B r o t h e r s William Rhetta, Spencer Hardy, J a m e s Gaither, and Hershel Wallace, shown in t h e order named,

Page 18



ctober, 1946 — • •


ROBERT P . W A T T S St. Louis, Missouri Associate Sphinx Editor, Epsilon L a m b d a ; and Chairman National P r o gram of Pan-Hellenic Council. C h a i r m a n Ellsworth Evans, of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, has w r i t t e n to President T r u m a n condemning t h e slaying of Negroes in Monroe, Ga., and Linden. La. Thus the 1946-47 program of this organization begins to function by supporting and supplementing social action groups. A comprehensive program was approved at the 17th A n n u a l Meeting in Columbus, Ohio. The document, so or-

ganized as to challenge t h e constructive social efforts of each fraternity man and woman, p r e s u m e s the fusing of broad social interests and t h e channeling of energies so as to focus our assimulated p o w e r s at one point. It is eight groups for one, and one for eight, complementing b u t n e v e r competing. The Objectives of this P r o g r a m include: 1. Securing better housing for Negroes e v e r y w h e r e ; 2. S u p p l e m e n t i n g the efforts of social action groups; 3. Enlightening public opinions in racial understanding; 4. Equalizing of teacher's salaries; 5. Eradicating dissimination in employment: 6. Abolition of the Poll Tax; 7. T h e establishment of a p e r m a n e n t F E P C : 8. Thr> creation of basal Fair E m p l o y m e n t Ordinances; 9. Cooperation with the A L P H A K A P P A A L P H A Lobby; 10. T h e annual financing of social action projects. In addition, this Council plans an I n t e r c u l t u r a l Workshop for the Spring of 1947 and is d r a w i n g u o a calendar of Pan-Hellenic events so t h a t t h e r e may be no conflict in dates. This same group plans an Intercultural SPELLING MATCH p u r s u a n t to the following recommendations a n d suggestions: LOCAL COUNCIL S P E L L I N G MATCHES may be so planned with prizes and a w a r d s as to arouse interest and active cooperation of each community; that they be so organized as to reach culmination of interests at one of the sessions of the NATIONAL MEETING at no expense to the National: that w h e r e t h e r e is no direct conflict with the co-nmunity pattern, such proposed matches by interracial; they be on two levels, elementary and secondary; that they be held in November and J a n u a r y . Robert P. Watts, Chairman, St. Louis;

Pre-Convention Number

Deadline Notice

The Sphinx Office has already begun work on the Pre-Convention N u m b e r : therefore Associate Editors and Staff Members are urgently requested to mail in at once their material for this edition. Latest possible date for accepting copy for this edition will be DECEMBER 5. 1946. Copies of the Pre-Convention Number, if they are to serve t h e purpose for which this issue is meant, must be in the hands of all brothers before the General Session convenes in Columbus. Ohio. LEWIS O. SWINGLER. Sphinx Editor Post Office. Box 2031. Memphis. Tennessee

Notice To Chapter Secretaries R e t u r n of postal notices and unclaimed magazines indicate that t h e r e have been many changes of addresses during the s u m m e r months. Please m a k e note of any changes of addresses for your chapter members, and send copy of same to the Sphinx Office (Post Office Box 2031) and a copy to t h e office of the General Secretary. 2446 Harrison Street, Kansas City 8. Missouri.

J. H. Calhou.1, / A t l a n t a ; Vivian Hayes, St. Louis; Edna Morris, Gary; Lenora Lane, Wilberforce; Bertha Rhoda, St. Louis, J a m e s Wade, Columbus.

FOCUS ON LIBERIA By MOSS HYLES KENDRIX Contributing Editor N the Ninety-ninth A n n i v e r s a r y of the Republic of Liberia, last J u l y 26th, the President of the United States, Congress, State Governors, the Alpha P h i Alpha F r a t e r n i t y , heads of local, state and national organizations, and leaders in American thought took cognizance of Liberia's having attained almost a century of existence as a sovereign state. F r o m the White House in Washington went President T r u m a n ' s message, to Liberian President William V. S. Tubman, carrying "the greetings and good wishes of the people of the United States" to the citizens of Liberia upon the event of their nation's e n t r a n c e into its one h u n d r e d t h year of "existence as an independent nation." In full the President's statement read as follows: "I am happy to extend to you and the people of Liberia the greetings and good wishes of the people of the United States upon your e n t r a n c e into t h e one hundredth year of Liberia's existence as an independent nation. "It is a source of encouragement and pleasure to see those same ideals of justice and freedom which led to the founding of the Republic of Liberia evidenced in your forward-looking policy of broadening the basis of Liberian democracy to embrace the peoples of the interior. With leaders who look to the prosperity and well-being of all of its people, Liberia cannot b u t continue in the pursuit of this goal with the support and good will of all nations. "The strong desire of t h e United States to assist your nation in achieving this end is shown clearly by the presence in Liberia of American economic and health missions which a r e working side by side with Liberian officials in an effort to better the condition of the Liberian people. With the passage of time the ties of good will and m u t u a l trust which have characterized the re'ations between our respective nations h a v e been strengthened by an ever e x p a n d i n g community of interest, and the people of the United States look forward to a continuation of this peaceful and friendly relationship and to witness the further development of Liberia as a prosperous and progressive m e m b e r of the community of nations." Congress took note of Liberia's Ninetyr i n t h A n n i v e r s a r y when on the same day, Congressman Homer D. Angell of Oregon rose upon the floor of the House to introduce for the records "Liberia in the Family of Nations," an article by Brother Ray ford W. Logan, which appeared in the 1946 spring issue of Phylon Magazine. In prefacing his r e m a r k s , Mr. Angell advised the House that he had the pleasure of representing G o v e r n o r Earl Snell of Oregon at a Conference on Liberia at Howard University and on behalf of the Governor had extended to Liberia t h e felicitations of the State of Oregon.


Supporting the placing of Brother Logan's Manuscript in the Congressional declared: "In these postwar days, while t h e world is facing t h e uncertainties of t h e future and t h e inability of t h e n a -

October, 194>



Page 19


Several Alpha Men played leading roles in the July 26th Conference on Liberia held at Howard University in Washington, D. C. Here in an informal group are a number of persons who gathered for the one day session. Left to right, front are Rev. H. T. Medford, General Corresponding Secretary, the Department of Foreign Missions of the A. M. E. Z. Church; Rev. J. H. Jernagin, Director, National Fraternal Council of Negro Churches; Dr. Frank Snowden, Director, Howard University Summer School;- Bro. Hilyard R. Robinson, Technical Director, Liberian Centennial Commission; Bro. Rayford W. Logan, Chairman, t Department of History, Howard tions of the world to agree upon a program which will insure stable relations and a peaceful world, it is important to recall that the Nation of Liberia for almost 100 years has maintained its existence as one of the family of nations, and is one of the smaller nations which is entitled to the consideration and respect of all nations to the end that its honorable existence may be continued down through the years in the furtherance of tolerance and good will among all men. It is to be hoped that this conference now taking place will result in an enlightened program for world peace and international cooperation which will aid materially in attaining the objectives which we are all hoping will be achieved in the present peace

University; Bro. Charles S. Johnson, Director, Department of Social Science, Fisk University; Bro. Emmett J. Scott, Secretary of the Southern Education Foundation; and Bro. Moss Hyles Kendrix, Public Relations Officer, Liberian Centennial Commission. In the second row may be seen Emmett Dorsey, Department of Political Science, Howard University; Bro. Max Yergan and Dr. W. A. Hunton, Executive Director and Educational Director, respectively, of the Council of African Affairs; and Bro. William Perry, representative of the Governor of Kentucky to the conference.

negotiations following the end of World War II." The conference to which Congressman Angell made reference was called by the Liberian Centennial Commission and held at Howard University under the joint sponsorship of the Howard University Summer School. The one-day sessions featured speakers who had visited Liberia at intervals since 1909 and was attended by representatives of Governors and leaders of the nation's most outstanding organizations. Purpose of the one-day conference was outlined by Brother Hilyard R. Robinson, Technical Director of the Liberian Centennial Commission, as a forum designed to obtain close-up American public opinion regarding Liberia. Features of the conference were two

symposiums devoted to an analysis of the history of Liberia and projections with regard to the future of the small West African republic. Subjects for the two panels were "Looking at Liberia" and "Looking to the Future with Liberia." Co-chairmen for the conference were Brother Robinson and Dr. Frank Snowden, Director of the Howard University Summer School. Panel coordinators were Brother Logan, who is Chairman of the Department of History at Howard University and Dr. Ira De A. Reid, Chairman, Department of Sociology, Atlanta University. In addition to Brother Robinson and Brother Logan, several other Alpha men participated in the conference. Appearing Turn Next Page


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, October,


ALPHAS r;vv uo IT TOO! By Robert L. Faixchild Associate Editor In 1924 when Brother Dr. Lloyd Hume Williams finished Booker T. Washington high school in Tulsa, Oklahoma as president of his class, this Southwestern comity had just begun to regain its balance from a terrible race riot that had laid the Negro section to waste three years earlier. It took more than an ordinary outlook into the future for a young man who had witnessed such a major racial calamity to decide upon returning to his home town. But Brothel Williams, just as in the case of so many TiiLsans was not to be discouraged. His faith in Tulsa and the Southwest today is justified by the outstanding success he has achieved in the drug store business. After completing a course in Pharmacy at the University of Nebraska with honors in 1930, Brother Williams returned to Tulsa and re-entered the employ of the A. L. Ferguson Drug Store to com-

Alpha Lambda Chapter presented Brother Frank L. Stanley, president of the Negro Newspaper Publishers Association, at Plymouth Congregational Church, Louisville, Ky., during which time he gave a report of his tour of Europe. Brother Stanley, who is also publisher of the Louisville (Ky.) Defender, in his address said that he was recommending to the War Department that Negro soldiers be put into every garrison of troops in occupied European center and that Negroes be integrated members of Military Police Units, policing troops. Alpha Lambda with which Brother Stanley has been identified as an ardent member for many years, presented the young publisher with an appreciation gift. Brother Dr. J. B. Hudson (right end) is shown presenting the gift to Brother Stanley, while Brothers W. S. Coleman, and Stenson Broaddus, chapter president, look on. Brother Stanley also urged the commissioning of more Negro officers and a review of racial attitudes of all officers commanding colored units. No Negroes were found on duty at staff headquarters, at the war-criminal trials at Nuernberg or in military Government, he said. However, he emphasized that civilians in Germany, France, Austria and Italy showed no racial discrimination. Explaining that Europeans expect the United States to relieve food shortages, the published said: "We must pay the price of victory and help re-establish the European economy." Brother Stanley served as chairman of the three NNPA representatives who toured Europe by air by invitation of the War Department. The others were Brother Dowdal H. Davis. Beta Lambda Chapter, and business manager of the Kansas City Call; and W. O. Walker, publisher of the Cleveland (Ohio) Call-Post.


as speakers were Brother G. Frederick Stanton, at the time Acting President of Howard University, who delivered the welcome address of the conference on behalf of President Mordecai W. Johnson; Brother Charles S. Johnson, Director Department of Social science, Fisk Universi-

ty; Brother Max Yergan, Executive Director, Council on African Affairs; Brother Emmett J. Scott, Secretary, Southern Education Foundation; Brother P. Bernard Young, Jr., Editor of the Norfolk Journal and Guide (Brother Young was unable to appear before the conference because of last minute developments which delayed his arrival in Washington); and Brother Marshall L. Shepard, District of

Columbia Recorder of Deeds and Chairman of the Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention, Inc. Other speakers of the occasion were Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, Acting Director, Division of Trusteeship, United Nations; Clare Timberlake, African Section of the State Department, who has spent much time in Liberia; Byron H. Larabee, Vice President, Firestone Plantations Company; T. M. Campbell, Extension Service, Department of Agriculture; Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, President, National Council of Negro Women; and Dr. Ambrose Caliver, Senior Specialist on Negro Education, U. S. Office of Education. The course of the conference discussions were excellently summed up in a broadcast over Radio Station WINX in Washington on the Wednesday following the event which featured Brothers Logan, Johnson and Robinson and Dr. Ira De A. Reid. This program and the proceedings of the conference are to be published and may be secured through the Liberian Centennial Commission, 1927 Eleventh Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. Other articles of recent date on Liberia are also available through the Commission. Among these are: "Liberia in the Family of Nations" by Rayford W. Logan, Phylon Magazine, spring 1946; "An African Republic Approaches its Centennial." by Hilyard R. Robinson, The Crisis July, 1946: "Liberia's Centennial by John Clagett Proctor, The Washington Sunday Star, July 21, 1946; and "Liberia Looks to the Future," The Easterner. September, 1946. At the closing session of the Howard University Conference on Liberia, persons in attendance passed the following resolution: "Me, the representatives appointed by the Governors of several states of the United States of America and the accredited delegates of Local, State and National Organization, now. assembled in Washington, D. C, hereby endorse the proposed Centennial and Victory Exposition of the Republic of Liberia to be held in 1947-1949 and pledge our support and recommend that the several states and organizations participate in said Exposition through representations and exhibits.


,,ber, 1946



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S t o r y B e h i n d W i l l i a m s D r u g Store Enterprises In Tulsa, M u s k o g e e Out in the State of O k l a h o m a plete

a service of fifteen years with oncern. He began at Ferguson during his g r a m m a r school days as a delivery boy. F o u r years later Brother Williams was appointed m a n a g e r of one of Crown Drug Company units which opened a store in North Tulsa during the depression. At first he was severely criticised for operating this unit for a w h i t e drug store chain, b u t Dr. Williams was looking ahead to the day w h e n he could gain this institution for the race. Six years later Crown Drug Company became the propel ty of Brother Williams and his partner. T h e n a m e today is Williams Drug Company with a slogan which it has lived u p to from almost every point of good business operation. "We build for tomorrow by our service today." A new drug store was opened in Muskogee in 1941 at a period when w a r t i m e shortage was at its worse. However, the Williams Drug Store in Muskogee soon became the leading pharmaceutical firm in that city.. It employs six people full time. This business increased its sales from $75,000.00 up to $100,000 the first year and hired about fifteen additional employes with a payroll of $15,000.00. It has an assessed value of $30,000 on its stock and fixtures for the two units. Dr. Williams, charter member and former president of Beta Beta Chapter and a charter m e m b e r a n d secretary of Alpha Tau L a m b d a Chapter, is presently serving in the capacity of Regional Director of Oklahoma, Kansas and Minnesota. He is a m e m b e r of the board of directors of the Greenwood C h a m b e r of Commerce, m e m b e r of the Trustee Board of First Baptist Church, the Board of Directors of the Hutcherson Y. M. C. A. Branch, and president of the Oklahoma State Medical, Dental, and P h a r m a c e u t i cal Association. He likewise holds m e m bership in the Advisory Council and Speakers B u r e a u of t h e P u b l i c Health Service relating to prevention a n d control of venereal disease. Other affiliations include the Masonic O r d e r and the popular Beau B r o m m e l Club. During his attendance at t h e University of Nebraska, Brother Williams served Alpha P h i Alpha Fraternity as Beta Beta's Director of Education. He was associated with two other Tulsans, Brothers Lewis O. Swingler, present Editor of the S p h i n x : and Robert L. Fairchild as a charter m e m b e r of Beta Beta Chapter. Brother Williams was first president of the chapter and in that capacity attended the 1927 Alpha Convention in Cleveland, Ohio w h e r e Pi served as host. In addition to his d r u g stores, B r o t h e r Dr. Williams owns a well-appointed home in Tulsa and other valuable properties. He is m a r r i e d to a childhood sweetheart, the former E. Mildred Peviehouse, w h o holds a Master's degree from Columbia University. She shares his pride in their two children, Lloyd H u m e , Jr., 13; a n d Beryl Anita, age 5. Alpha T a u L a m b d a Chapter has always taken pride in t h e success of Brother Williams. He has participated in m a n y activities of t h e chapter through which, along with B r o t h e r Tollie Harris,




INTERIOR SCENE—MUSKOGEE president, he has helped m a k e the entire State of Oklahoma mindful of the high purpose and objectives of Alpha P h i Alpha F r a t e r n i t y . Brother Williams is splendid proof that Alphas Can always Do it Too!



have it invade the domain of "scholarly publications," stuffing it well with word marathons


a r e loaded





disregard for



any m a n u a l of style. Or interfra-

ternity m e d i u m ? We w a n t to know. we



again, shall w e i n a u g u r a t e an

From Page 5


"op. cit. 's," "cf. "pp. ' s " and "q. v. 's." iSainte-Beuve—"Dogs howling from


organ of t h e fraternity?


Page 22





Staff AAemhet Oi Sphinx Looks At The Deep South By JAMES B. BROWNING Staff Member T was near mid-night when the train departed from Washington, D. C. The crowded condition of the train (people were packed in like sardines) forced me to sit in the vestibule where the temperature was almost freezing. I tried to sleep but people stepped on me and over me and wakened me. In desperation I got up and walked through the "Colored" coaches. I saw, so many times, as I had seen before, the shoe boxes which were filled with chicken sandwiches, pies and cakes. I smelled many greasy feet, and unbathed bodies. I watched the people and heard their loud laughter in the hand of fate—people on their way, not knowing where they were going, but they were on their way. When I arrived in Asheville, North Carolina, a white taxi driver rushed for my bags and placed them in his cab. His polite manner in taking my bags from the taxi to the door caused me to wonder if I were really five hundred and forty miles south of Washington, for there in the capital of our "great democracy" I experience much difficulty in getting a Diamond Cab. The next day I went next door to visii Mr. Kilpatrick. We shook hands and talked for an hour, man to man, with no "Uncle Tomming," and so I wondered again. "Is this the South or the North?" The next day a group of friends who play in a band invited me to go to Knoxville and to Oak Ridge where the Atomic Bomb was developed. The food there was delicious and inexpensive: cornsticks, biscuits, chicken, string beans, rice and sweet potato pie. In Knoxville the colored people vote, salaries of teachers are equal. and they have colored policemen and firemen. I returned to Asheville that evening and to my utter amazement I discovered that they have two colored policemen and though the difference between Asheville and Knoxville was really one hundred and twenty-seven miles., the price of food was nearly three times as high, but wages no higher. Two days later, I left for South Carolina and for a short distance I was imTurn Page 24


DEWEY DANIEL DAVIDSON By WENDELL GREEN The busiest and most active Alpha man on the Coast, since the protracted illness of Brother Bert McDonald, is without a doubt, Dewey D. Davidson. Brother Davidson, who first saw the light of Alpha at the University of Kansas in 1918, is presently Far Western Regional Director and president and charter member of Beta Psi Lambda, fast growing graduate chapter in Los Angeles. Dewey was initiated into Upsilon chapter and soon after left college. He received the first Go To High School; Go To College pamphlet that Alpha published, through mail, and was impelled by it to re-enter and finish college, for which he has always been grateful to Alpha Phi Alpha. Leaving Kansas for the Golden State, Brother Davidson entered the University of California in 1921. He interceded with the proper University authorities regarding the establishing of a chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha on the campus, and saw his ambition realized in 1922 with the establishment of Alpha Epsilon at the University of California at Berkley. He was active in the affairs of the chapter until he moved to Los Angeles in 1930 and affiliated with Alpha Delta. He held various offices and worked right along with Brother Bert McDonald, who was Far Western Vice-President. In 1940 he helped organize, and was a charter member of Beta Psi Lambda. War condition inactivated the chapter, but in August 1945, a committee under his chairmanship reactivated the chapter and he was elected president. He was re-elected president in November 1945, and elected senior delegate to the

General Convention in Chicago. At the convention he presented the idea of a Silver Star club, which would enable every brother who has been a member of the fraternity 25 years to wear some sort of special emblem of recognition. This idea was his special inspiration, and is now under consideration by the national body. Besides being a tower of strength in Alpha, Brother Davidson is very active in business and civic affairs of Los Angeles. He is the proprietor of the largest mercantile store owned by Negroes west of Chicago, and for nine years has been president of the Men's Club of St. Phillips Protestant Episcopal Church. In the postwar atomic world, Brother Dewey Davidson is looking forward to a greater future for Alpha and is striving his utmost to do his part in making it possible.


tober, 194fi

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Sixty-four Dollars—Questions and Answers O v e r h e a r d in the grand stand at t h e National Tennis T o u r n a m e n t a t Wilberforce University was the following dialogue which rates as a good $84.00 dollar question and a satisfactory answer. First lady—"Does your husband snore when he sleeps?" Honeymooning Bride—"! don't k n o w . I've only been married two days!" Situated on a wide avenue on the southern side of the quadrangle which forms the campus of Wilberforce University is a stately white mansion. A composite of the early New England and middle- western style of architecture, n a r r o w weatherboarding, wide windows, large high ceilinged rooms, numerous fireplaces and modernized with m a n y b a t h DR. WINTERS rooms, this lovely house situated prominently near w h a t would be the center of the campus if a line w e r e d r a w n from north to south through t h e quadrangle. A spacious lawn, bisected by lovely cement walks lined with old trees t h a t h a v e weathered m a n y Ohio storms completely s u r r o u n d s t h e house.

went to all tennis clubs and fans informing t h e m of the acute housing conditions and advising them to reserve their rooms early. F o r t h w i t h I sent Mr. Carl J e n kins, superintendent and fiscal officer a letter asking that my wife, my son and myself be billetted in the same fine m a n sion in which we stayed in 1940. I told him my vacations w e r e taken seriously and they m e a n t restoration as well as recreation and that w e craved t h e best and were willing to pay for it. A generous deposit accompanied the letter. An immediate reply was received informing me that reservations had been m a d e for my p a r t y in a building never used for transient guests. We w e r e assigned a suite in the Students Health Center. We arrived at Wilberforce Sunday night, August 18th about 12:30 a. m. I had been driving since 6:25 a. m., Saturday and was tired, sleepy, dishevelled and irritable. S t r a i g h t w a y to t h e registration office I went and there was Mr. J e n k i n s tired, sleepy and quizzical after a day of registering several h u n d r e d tennis visitors. As I popped into the room he looked me over with an implied $64.00 question. "Now, whoinhell is t h a t b u m ? " I drew myself u p to the last inch of my five foot two inch manhood a n d said. "I am Dr. Winters." Mr. J e n k i n s t u r n e d out to be Bro. Carl J e n k i n s of Chi L a m b da membership. We had two rooms and bath all by ourselves in t h e building until F r i d a y when Major Morris Banks and family joined us there.

Let it not be strange to you that I dwell in detail so long on t h e b e a u t y of this place. It was there in 1940 t h a t m y wife and I w e r e billetted d u r i n g the Tennis Championships of that year. T h e place was so adequate, s u m p t u o u s and comforting. Although w e w e r e placed there because of an unusually large attendance which overflowed t h e dormitories which are generally used for tennis t o u r n a m e n t visitors, yet w e w e r e flattered at our assignment. A n d it remained green in the memories of our t r a v e l experiences. T h e "Nationals" w e r e staged a t Wilberforce again this year. Circular letters

On Tuesday I was driving in the avenue on the south of the q u a d r a n g l e w h e n I passed Bro. Charles H. Wesley. He was chatting with a friend outside of " m y " dream house. I stopped at once and w e exchanged fervent greetings. I told him of my experiences securing accommodations and asked him w h a t h e was doing around " m y " d r e a m house. He said, "when you were h e r e in 1940 this was a guest cottage." I said " w h a t is it now (for $64.00)?" He said, "It's the president's cottage! I told him I was in the Students' Health Center Building and he informed m e it was t h e campus hospital

and rest center for the psychopathic cases that came in from the L o c k b u r n e air field at Columbus. And it was not until Wednesday that I met Mrs. Carl J e n k i n s chatting with Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Abbott and was able to verify Mr. J e n k i n s ' answer to her $64.00 question on Sundaymorning when she asked him, "What kept you out so late?" And he had replied. "Rooming a visitor named Winters." Oh there w e r e many questions asked. Brother Richard Wade Dunn, assistant professor at Virginia State College, introduced me to Dickey. Jr.. and his wife. formerly Myrtle McCandless of Cincinnati. I .vas pointing them out to my wife as we w e r e dining in t h e cafeteria and she said, "How old is the child?" I told h e r he was six months old and weighed 21 lbs. We w e r e admiring the sturdy kid with lotsa, lotsa curly black hair on his head, but a $64.00 question is, "Who was the man to whom Bro. D u n n and Myrtle took the child when neither could stop it from crying?" During one of the matches Bro. Richard P. Bowman of Detroit k e o t calling foot fault penalties on one of the players. One of the sweet young things in the stands furnished a $64.00 question when she observed, "That umpire's calling foot faults again. Why do they let that fellow play if he has so much athlete's foot?" Bro. Elwood Downing supplied this one. "Sammy S n y d e r was thirteen years old and was much interested in airplanes. One day while engrossed in m a k i n g a model D C 19 he was i n t e r r u p t e d by hi! father who told Sammy h e would like to talk to him for a while. Sammy replied. that he was too busy. His father explained that the talk was very i m p o r t a n t because with S a m m y approaching a period in his life w h e n h e needed guidance there was much he should learn. Sammy insisted that he was very busy and in a h u r r y to finish his model plane. Mr. S n y d e r became very firm and sternly said, "Sammy! I insist on talking with you now. You a r e thirteen years old now and it is very important that I talk Turn Next Page


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Fratern ity Fun From with you at once." • Sammy said, "Dad. what do you want to talk about?" Dad said, "Sammy, my boy, I waul to tell you about women'." Sammy resignedly turned around, faced his father and said, "All right. Dad, what do you want to know about women?" Walking among the crowd on Friday I came upon a comely young lady with a peaches and cream complexion, lcrge expressive, searching eyes, and a smiling cupid's bow mouth. She was minding a perambulator in which a very active baby was enjoying itself. Although only an infant I seemed to detect that it was trying to obey some instinct that was evidently handed down to it from a higher branch in its genealogical life. What was it doing? It was waving its chubby little arms as if it were trying to make a speech. I had a pencil and pad in my hand and simulating a reporter I asked its mother "boy or girl?" She said "a girl." The next question, the $64.00 question was "and your name Miss?" She said, "I am Mrs. Charlotte Wesley Hollowman." On Wednesday there was much levity in the stands. Seated nearby was Dr. and Mrs. Hubert Eaton of the Tar Heel state, Dr. Leo G. Robinson of Springfield, Ohio, and Dr. and Mrs. S. R. Rosemond of Wilmington, N. C. They were bantering for a long time about vacations when Mrs. Eaton said she needed a vacation—alone. When asked what rest could a married woman get from a separate vacation, she promptly replied "mental rest." The talk swung to the match being played with admiration for the Panama champion, George Stewart who was playing Mr. Richardson. I ventured the information that there was a possibility of Stewart attending Wilberforce. I had heard that he was a high school graduate and it was being arranged to ready him for college. Dr. Rosemond retorted that Tuskegee kept its prep school five years overtime because Ben Stevenson wouldn't leave there and he didn't think Wilberforce should let Stewart take up at its prep school where Wolfgang Ward left off. He said one arson-graduation was enough in one generation. They sold hot dogs at a lunch stand behind the grand stand. Many fans bought there rather than run ever the campus a block away to the cafeteria. One player ate too many "franks" and got indigestion. His gastric distress attracted the attention of a sympathetic bystander as he was purposely inducing belches to obtain relief. The stranger asked, "Are you having gastro intestinal trouble?" "No sir, it's gastro-intentional." It was about ten inches wide in the back and in the front tapering to a scant four inches at the sides; it was a coffee and cream colored, glistening tan and it surrounded a petite little miss from California. She was a photographer and had access all over the courts. In the stands there were "oh's and ah's." "Who is she?" and "What is it?" Nine out of ten said it was a bare midriff and that it was well lubricated. I had my doubts and said so. But the women still insisted it was a bare midriff. When the little lady approached nearer Bro. B. T. Harvey exclaimed "Only Primo Camera would have a navel as large as that button and it wouldn't



be protruding that much either." What was it? A cleverly made waist line belt that expanded at front and rear and reduced its width at the sides. It was, indeed, the prize $64.00 question. The lady, Mrs. Hazel Shumack of California, wore it to good effect on several different ensembles all thru the tournament week. The beautiful courts were in fine shape what with the long grand stands and the seven foot high green canvas surrounding all the courts. It was very picturesque. But at night the canvases were dropped to the ground like a ship's sail lowered in the harbor. The effect was anticlimatic. I asked one of the campus patrolmen why this was done and it must have been a $64 variety because he smiled and said, "The courts and the grand stands are completely shielded by these canvases, but we have many young people here unchaperoned so we let the canvases down to prevent immoral support. Two men who were kind to me and my family and did all they could to make me happy and comfortable were Mr. William E. Brown, college electrician and W. E. Johnson, custodian of buildings. In their solicitations for me it suddenly occured to both of them that I was Brother Winters of Alpha Frat Fun and it was delightful to know that they were Brother Wm. E. Brown and Brother W. E. Johnson of Chi Lambda Chapter, Wilberforce. Now you are asking a $64 question. Did I see Maceo Hill? Did I indeed? Yes, brother, yes. He was dressed in a herring bone siiark skin suil ebullient with plans for the 1946 Alpha Convention in Columbus this Christmas. Everything is complete—now. We will be meeting in air conditioned assemblies, eating in downtown cafes and sleeping—where? In three of the best downtown "name" hotels. The last question. "Will you be there?" Brother "Panama" Johnson of Ithaca is coming out of hibernation and said he will be there. Yours truly, Mee Too. s

Staff Member Of From Page 22 pressed by the fact that the people were raising chickens, hogs, cows and doing elaborate truck gardening. Almost abruptly, as we moved from Columbia, South Carolina, I ran into the one-crop system, a system which for three hundred years has kept the South as Mr. Roosevelt so aptly put it, "ill-fed, illclothed, and ill-housed." In South Carolina the teachers work for a mere pittance of approximately sixty-five dollars a month, and labor under the most shameful disabilities. They are spied on, gossiped about, and fired on the slightest provocation. Viewed as a whole, the South has changed a little: There is much prejudice; it is stupid to even think that the cost of living is less; housing conditions are woefully inadequate; the churches are in control of ministers who are in the main, ignorant; the white southerner is still fighting with all his might and main to preserve, what he calls the "purity"

October, 1940

Alpha's Footprints Here And There Brothel- Doctor Hugh M. Gloster, former USO associate Regional Executive, has joined the faculty of Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia. Brother Gloster is a former English professor at Morehouse and LeMoyne Colleges. He is heading the English department at Hampton Institute. Brother Gloster is a staff member of the Sphinx Magazine.

* * * Brother Robert L. Fairchild, Associate Editor of Sphinx Magazine for Alpha Tau Lambda Chapter, has been selected as public health assistant of the Oklahoma State Department of Health, with headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was the moving spirit behind a milk project sponsored by the brothers of his chapter for benefit of under-privileged children in North Tulsa.

• * * Brother Lester B. Granger, Executive Secretary of the National Urban League, was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Dartmouth College during the 177th commencement. Brother Granger, Dartmouth alumnus, was one of eight honored by the college, including Harold E. Stassen, former governor of Minnesota, Senator Warren R. Austin. newly appointed U. S. delegate to the United Nations Security Council, Leslie L. Biffle, Secretary of the United States Senate, Paul Hoffman, Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development, and Basil O'Connor, President, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.

* * * Brother Randall L. Tyus, until recently Alumni Secretary of Fisk University, has joined the permanent staff of the United Negro College Fund as field director, Brother W. J. Trent. Jr., executive director has announced Brother Tyus secured leaves of absence from Fisk and worked among alumni groups for the Fund in both the 1945 and 1946 campaign. •



Brother Doctor William B. Perry, former captain in United States Army Medical Corps, has accepted the position of medical director of Moton Memorial Hospital at Tulsa, Oklahoma. His selection was the outgrowth of a threeweek health survey for the National Urban League. Prior to accepting the present position. Brother Perry was director of the Wellington Health Clinic in Memphis. Tennessee. His work in Memphis was under the joint sponsorship of the United Slates Public Health Service and the Memphis-Shelby County Health Department. He has identified himself with Alpha Tau Lambda Chapter, Tulsa. of the white race, while quite paradoxically, he is the cohabitate of any beautiful colored girl he can find and while, all to often they are quite willing to yield. In conclusion, the South will go on its lazy, sleepy way, owned and controlled by northern capital and poor white people will go on hating poor colored people, because rich people tell them to do it and vice versa. It is clear also that the South does not control itself economically for the South is controlled by northern capital—capital moved into the South to escape unionism.


October, 1946 *


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-rt» is a "Master" at Negro hating. With newsprint space a premium, he devotes whole pages of his vile remarks about and to the Negro. Amid all this, Brother Jones has become the beacon light to Negroes all over the state, and has gained the respect of all people.

Greetings Brothers: Well, I hope your story after the summer is one of a "United Phalanx" for I old Alpha Phi Alpha. Many things have transpired since the last issue that should cause us to think more than the proverbial "twice." Things are happening thick and plenty fast . . . Happenings that should cause all of us grave concern. So as Alpha Men we should take the lead of Alpha in Postwar planning. Have had a rather hectic summer, been on .he go quite a lot and have seen any number of the brothers in my getting around. However, the one thing that I so wanted to be present at was the Tennis Tournament at my Ole Alma Mater, Wilberforce University. I imagined myself there among the 'old timers,' not as a member of any of the tennis teams as once was the case away back when, but being one of the relaxing guest with plenty of time to do nothing. The Pittsburgh Courier columnist who interviewed quite a number of the visitors and several of the host families on Wilberforce University's campus brought back many pleasant memories of the old days. I read of quite a few who were there whose presence on the Wilberforce campus was of quite sometime ago, but with rationing lifted and a few good cars being turned loose these days, accounts for a large degree of travel to the events. Brother Dr. J. Aubrey Lane's home was the scene of quite a few activities during the tournament. Equally so was Brother George Valentines' home. Both these brothers and their charming wives are excellent hosts. Of course the Jenkins Mansion on the highway was the seething place for any number of celebrities, and of course the Alpha touch was very much in evidence there. So much for the Tennis Tournament— Another outstanding national gathering was the Medical and Dental Convention held recently in Louisville, Kentucky. Quite a high spirited session was held from all reports. And with the large number of Alpha Men in Louisville, and noted for their fine Blue Grass hospitality, the Alpha men in attendance at the confab were royally taken care of. Brother Dr. J. A. C. Lattimore of Louisville, was elected to the presidency for the ensuing term.

J. EDWARD COTTON Had the occasion to visit the Carolinas during the summer months, (Of course the reason for both the visits was Ann.) You'll meet Ann before long as the helpmate of "ye ole scribe." (I hope). Our good friend and Brother, Frank Render of Cincinnati, Ohio, is the secretary of the Charleston Y. M. C. A. We remember Brother Render in his "Y" days in "Cincy" and more recently as a fellow worker under the Y. M. C. A., in U. S. O. I followed him at the U. S. O. in Alexandria, Louisiana. He is doing a grand job in Charleston. He and his charming wife are really captivating the town. Brother Dr. Purvis and the rest of the Brothers in Charleston are really out in front. Brother Purvis' Drug Store is still one of the famous meeting places to talk over the ills of the world. Brother Dr. W. W. Jones, the outstanding dentist in the city of Charleston is the moving spirit behind Negro Politics in Charleston County and the state of South Carolina. My hat is off to the Negro Politicians of that state. Although there are many of our states where we have enjoyed the privilege of voting. Nowhere do I recall the heated furor that the anticipated vote caused in that section. What other group of solid front Negro Politicians have made themselves known at a Democratic National Convention or a Republican Convention as did the Progressive Democratic League at the National Democratic Convention in Chicago, two years ago. If you want to see and read how much concern they are causing, read the daily Courier and News of Charleston; leading daily paper of the state. The editor

It is interesting to see how many GI's are taking advantage of the educational rights under the bill; surprisingly, and then not too much so, very few are availing themselves of the opportunity. Then there are those whose qualifications will not permit them to enter the higher bracket of training which they think and then they let out the loudest squawk about the bill being no good and not giving them a break. Then there are the schools which have really gone in for Gi's in a great big way. So much so until it is now a racket with some of the schools. Education, the American style, really has got to make some changes; it is causing our mind and thoughts to function in some peculiar ways. Our religious education likewise has to be revamped so as to do the greatest good. Still our schools and churches are the only so called organized media we have that really touch all the people. But of late that 'touch' has meant very little other than the mercenary "side touch." A peculiarity that I often wonder about, and I think those of us as teachers, preachers and social work leaders allow this custom to go on in several instances when a little advice or counseling could "nip" it in the bud in time to avert tradegy. The pecularities that I speak of in one instance is that so many of our apparently nicer girls, or at least some of our nice looking and shapely young ladies do find themselves in company with what we call too many of the 'zoot suit' gangster crowd. The way they sometime carry on in the streets and at public affairs is quite shameful. I know that most of these charming young ladies deserve more than that type of association—which has no purpose in life but to emulate some guy who has made a few lucky passes on the ivory cubes, or spread a few unusual spots on the cards by some slight of hand. It really is too much for me. I saw an amusing headline in one of the colored newspapers the other day Turn Next Page

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October, 194C






NOT JUST FOR FUN There was a time, not so long ago, when godly people looked upon novel reading just about as the dyed-in-die wool. Fundamentalist still regards dancing and card playing. All these things, with drinking thrown in of course, were sins against the Holy Ghost and, of the lot, the novel reading was not necessarily the least noxious. The logic by which the righteous in their prophetic wrath condemned tfce novel as an institution is not hard to follow. They were, needless to say, not interested in literary distinctions. For some strange reason the selfanointed are scarcely BRO. JACKSON e v e r beautiful either in their persons or their tastes. They objected to the novel either as social engineers or as censors of the public morals. As social engineers they operated upon the same premise as that held by those who now see a direct and an important connection between the movies and juvenile delinquency, or gangster pictures and crime waves. As moralists they would obviously endorse the same I-ammy-brother's-keeper argument, with its arrogant implication that to them is given a special revelation of what is good for brother, which would be used by a prohibitionist or the seeker of an injunction against the distribution of Ulysses. Whatever the merits of the righteous' case on the above two counts (and they can easily be judged too categorically) the factor which made their conduct ridiculous was their attack on all novels just because they were novels. That put them in the same scummy boat as the racists who segregate all Negroes just because they are Negroes, or the same irrational cul de sac as the superstitious who run from all black cats because they are black cats. Admittedly there are many novels that might better have never been written. I have one in mind now, Oscar Micheaux's

The Wind from Nowhere, a performance so execrable that the memory of it still curdles my blood with horror. Some of them, like Jessie Redmon Fauset's pioneering attempts to reproduce Negro middle-class existence, are conceived with the best of intentions and worked over with loving care, but come forth monsters embarrassingly lacking in good qualities. Occasionally one appears that seems, as the paintings of those followers of Watteau which emphasized the sensuousness of the nudes therein for clearly pornographic purposes, deliberately vicious. Of course it is to this last kind that the righteous would probably refer first in their definition of the novel. However, a good old bluenose in top form would certainly get around almost immediately to castigating novels for their "lightness." His point here would obviously be that novel reading leads to moral decay and the disintegration of character. Anyone who has ever tried his hand at the reading of Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain, or Tolstoi's War and Peace, or any of those works of Joyce which so excite the prude's prissy protectiveness, will be in no more mood to call novel reading "light" than the dogged champion who has just followed The Faerie Queene through the last verse of the Mutability Fragment will be to call Elizabethan poetry lyric. And one does not have to go to novels which are formidable in their bulk, their metaphysics, and their obscurity to prove that novel reading is often an exercise anything but frivolous and destructive. I am not thinking now in terms of the novelist's themes only: of, for instance, Willa Cather's reflections on America's fading f.lory of Turn Next Page

Hits And Misses From. Page 25 where the Baptist Convention in session in Atlanta, Georgia had elected some of its officers by an old term that used to be associated with Baptist business meetings, decades ago when the presiding officer, or "moderator" wished for some legislation to be railroaded through ac-

cording to his own liking, would shout "we suspend the rules, and elect by acclamation." That was done the other day, down Georgia way. Of course there is a procedure in Roberts Rules of Order that covers that kind of legislation. But seldom is it used because other ways are preferred in large gatherings and elections. Much luck to the Baptists. They need it! I hope they will use their mighty strength to remedy some of the ills that beset us, and they are the ones that can reach the people that need careful and proper guidance most. They touch most of the "untouchables." Let's get busy Baptists. Well convention time will soon be rolling around and the hospitable state of Ohio is the place of meeting. It has been said that in the beautiful Ohio, the heart of the Mid-West, that all cities are in easy access of one another. So there should be quite a number of early morning hour activities in close by cities. So on to the great State of Ohio for the 1946 Convention. Haven't had much of a chance to see the new officers so far this year. So I cannot give you a first hand lowdown on how they have been functioning. Am quite sure they are all doing nicely. Much luck to their proposed program. To my good friend, Brother O. Wilson Winters and those brothers who have young sons coming along and who look some day to seeing them fine Alpha men, hang on to portraying yourselves as Alpha men, that by comparison when your sons become eligible there will be no straying from the path. Just saw one of our young men who we thought would certainly be an Alpha man, proudly sporting another pin in the very house he was brought up in under very good "Alpha atmosphere." No reflections on the pin he was wearing or the fraternity he was representing, but just to say brothers, so live that when thy sons come to join that caravan of Alpha Men. he will have no other course to take. Beeseeinya.


October, 1946



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Ph. D. In Biology

From Page 26 soul in The Professor's House, or Richard Wright's excoriation of racism's criminal effects in Native Son, or Hemingway's religious embrace of a militant humanism in For Whom the Bell Tolls. Such evidence is in itself conclusive proof that novel reading is often a deadly serious occupation, the comprehension of an informed and sensitive transcription of reality by a gifted individual, the experience of an illumination much more rewarding and transcendental than any lesson by the average teacher or sermon by the average preacher. But, beyond the concentrated effect of their themes as isolated virtues, m a n y novels have incidental values of the happiest implications. A history of m a n n e r s for a whole halfcentury of the British people is preserved in living form in The Forsyte Saga. Are the Hebrews of the old Testament re-

Power Behind Wildcats

COACH FRED T. LONG F r a t e r Fred T. Long is the power behind the athletic activities at Wiley College. He r a n k s as one of the most outstanding coaches from the standpoint of achievement in the nation. His ability for adopting new ideas and inculcating them into his teams has been the secret of his success. His Wiley Wildcats of 1945 won undisputed national football championship with ten straight victories that w e r e climaxed by a 32-6 win over the Florida A. & M. Rattlers at Tampa, Florida. His 1945 track team won the P r a i r i e View and Xavier Relays as well as the Southwest Conference meet at Southern University. His basketball team finished in the r u n n e r u p position at the 1946 conference t o u r n a m e n t held at A r k a n s a s State. To recall the accomplishments of the Wildcats u n d e r Brother Long's direction would need volumes. The nation k n o w s that anytime that t h e Wildcats appear, the fans a r e certain to be treated to plenty of fight and hustle. H e has won the Alpha Salute.

mote strangers to you? Elmer Davis' Giant Killer brings them out of t h e past into y o u r own day. Is psychology one of your favorite subjects? Then you will read Stephen Crane's Red Badge of Courage as if it were a research paper. For if you h a v e that unpredictably voracious appetite which is every good mind's stock in trade you will overhear, in a good novel, the author's constant asides and overtones, the character of t h e Lost Generation in Hemingway's dialogue, the revelation of womanhood's possible vulgarity in Mildren Rogers' Sordid Caprice, the catharsis for one's own day dreaming in Thomas Wolfe's candid revelations of his sybaritic visions, the m e a n i n g of mic r o m e t r y refinement of distinction in Henry J a m e s ' style, just as you may overhear in Milton's Paradise Lost an essay on military science, another on gardens, another on music in ancient Greece, and even one on love in heaven (which Milton apparently thinks the angels will not enjoy without bodies). It will not do, therefore, to say t h a t novel reading is just another form of fun somewhere between the two e x t r e m e s of opium smoking and jitterbugging. There ought to be an element of pleasure in all reading, indeed in every experience that has even the remotest connection with art. Novel reading, hence, should be, under any conditions, entertaining. On the other hand novel reading, when it is t r u ly representative, is not fun and fun alone. It carries other benefits. And yet, there is the possibility that because, as David Daiches has somewhere emphasized, the novel is now the handmaiden of all work in literature, too many people may confine too much of their reading to novels. Beyond a doubt the volunteer reading of poetry by most people (unless they catch an aphrodisiac like This Is My Beloved) is no longer encouraging in its frequency (if, indeed, it ever was). Nor can this deplorable circumstance be attributed to the fact that no poets a r e now being published worth t h e trouble of reading. Wallace Stevens, W. H. Auden, William Carlos Williams, Cecil Day Lewis, Karl Shapiro, Robert Frost, and m a n y other poets of some competence, are still alive and active. However, t h e reading of some poetry, like t h e d r i n k i n g of champagne or the enjoyment of t h e symphony, is not a n a t i v e gift. T h e palate must be trained, and for a very busy person well in the midstream of life the prize in this respect may not seem attractive enough to justify t h e rigorous apprenticeship. Yet even for the busiest person in a civilization founded like ours upon intricately heaped up knowledge, some reading that is not for fun (at least, not in its original intent) is an imperative avocation. All of us a r e constantly participating, w h e t h e r or not we see clearly the role we play in the process, in the m a k i n g of decisions, the election of public servants, the definition of policy by boards of all description, the selection of officials in school systems, labor unions, churches, businesses and other organizations, the determination of p o sition by pressure groups, t h e choice of conventions by society at large, which Turn Next Page

DR. HARRY J. ROMM The degree of Doctor of Philosophy was conferred upon H a r r y Josef Romn'i. Head rjf the D e p a r t m e n t of Biology at Tuskegee Institute, at the winter commencement exercises of Iowa State College on Friday, March 22, 1946. Brother Romm's major was P l a n t Morphology, and his doctoral dissertation was on "The Development and S t r u c t u r e of the Vegetative and Reproductive Organs of Kudzu. P u e r a r i a T h u n b e r g i a n a (Sieb. and Zucc.) Benth." Brother Romm received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from Iowa State College with majors in Zoology and Entomology respectively. He is a m e m b e r of Beta Kappa Chi National Association for the A d v a n c e m e n t of Science, the Botanical Society of America and the Iowa Academy of Science. Brother Romm is secretary of Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter.

Active 'Forcean'

J. L. S H R O P S H I R E

Brother J. L. Shropshire, who hails from Little Rock, Ark., is an outstanding l e a d e r a m o n g the students on the campus at Wilberforce University. He is taki n g courses leading to law; and subjects in economics. B r o t h e r Shropshire is also president of the class of 1948; president of the Pre-Law

Council; and of t h e Student Council of the University.

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October, 1946 i

accomplish the much greater obligation Sphinx in the Library of reading a whole book is an act of morFrom Page 27 al superiority). Only thus can we deshape conclusively for good or ill the cently make the effort to keep in immeworld we inhabit. How poorly prepared diate intellectual command of our enmost of us are to make decisions of any vironment and ourselves. sort the present scene has all too many The Puritan elder who forbade the inhumbling evidences to offer. Of course trusion of a novel into his house as part reading the best novels, the best poetry. of his campaign against Satan was riseeing the best plays, hearing the best diculously matching his bigotry with obmusic, gives us the substratum, the bed- tuseness. He was an extremist, in itself rock. of character which guarantees our always a sufficient indictment. And yet fitness to handle in a safe and mature there is a point to be learned from his fashion the grave responsibility of living melodramatic chuckleheadedness. All as a modern, and not a paleolithic, man. reading should not be for fun. Especially But even so we often desperately need, at this moment in history when great isin addition, the kind of mental and mor- sues hang in the disposal of a fine balal growth which derives from plugging ance we need the sense of our own dighard all the way from cover to cover nity, and of the gravity and difficulty of through a good solid work of non-fiction the business of living, which the com11 say moral as well as mental because I mitment to serious reading implies. I do am not forgetting the alternative of mag- not think, however, that an alarming perazine articles, newspaper columns, radio centage of people who are, for example, broadcasts, and even movie documenta- literate enough to make fraternities fail ries, an alternative with an easy-way ap- after they leave college to keep up their peal and the more superficial results serious reading because they lack the unagainst which the devotion required to derstanding of its importance. There are other practical considerations which influence substantially their reading habits. One is time, and that is often, esHighest Honor pecially for a family man, no alibi. But another which can be genuinely disturbing, even when the factors of time, convenience and expense have been neutralized, is the matter of choice. The presses of the world have never been busier than they are now, book advertising never more siren. The conscientious convert to a non-fiction reading program, with all his other problems solved, still may find himself bedeviled by the wealth of titles, all of which seem indispensable, to which he is exposed.

CHARLES C. WALKER Alpha men are known for making achievements. Alpha Rho Chapter, Morehouse College, is proud to pay due homage to one of those men, Brother Charles Curtis Walker, for his scholastic achievements. While at Morehouse, he was a member of the college Debating team. Physics club, French club, assistant Physics laboratory instructor for two years, a charter member of Alpha Beta Chapter of Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Society, and President of Alpha Rho Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity for two years. June 4. 1946. Brother Walker was conferred the B. S. degree with honors, by Morehouse College. Brother Walker wishes to continue his study in the field of engineering. Alpha Rho Chapter feels, with certainty, that Brother Walker will continue to attain his place among other renowned Alpha men. To him we extend sincere fraternal wishes for continued success.

This embarrassment of riches is not an artificial problem. Perhaps, then, it is not a bad idea now during commencement time (these paragraphs are being written in early June) to think in terms of a check list, random though its composition may be, through which some reliable titles for serious reading can be suggested. I do not have my mind at this moment on any "great books" although, while I certainly can not see that reading the "great books" should be the sole end of education, I do believe that really knowing them is a glorious experience in which it would be paradise if everybody could share. I am not thinking either of books like Bradley's on Shakespearean tragedy, which are marvelous performances, it is true, but too specialized for general duty in a situation where time is at such a premium that one must think in the broadest terms. I am thinking, however, of books which the average well-educated citizen, in the normal pursuit of his many duties, will take months to finish, a few pages caught on an off evening now, perhaps a whole chapter studied carefully and some of the rest of the book reviewed, over a fortunate week-end. I am thinking also of books which you may have had. probably in part only, as collateral assignments in college when you were being rushed to keep up in four or five exacting courses, and the stringencies of reserve-shelf service effectively prevented any luxuriant relaxation, on your part or anybody else's, in the required reading. Mindful of the fact that the kind of reading suggested by such books as these implies ownership I have given, not only

• ...



His Record Shines

CHARLES BERNARD BELL Beta Tau Chapter presents one of its members who have made an outstanding record at Xavier University. New Orleans, La. He is Brother Charles Bernard Bell, junior in the department of Science. A native of New Orleans, Brother Bell graduated from Xavier Prep High School as Valedictorian. He taught mathematics at this high school during the summer of 1943, year he completed his preparatory work. Brother Bell received the University Scholarship (1943-44), the Gold Medal Award during the same season. and the following school term, and was elected to Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society in 1945. His extra-curricular activities have included football, basketball, and track in the field of sports; participation in the science Club, Physical Education club, and the Pan-Hellenic Council. He has served as president of his class, managing editor of the XAVIER HERALD, student publication; and as a member of the College Edition Association of New Orleans, La. Brother Bell was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha in the spring of 1945, and regards his membership in this Fraternity as one of his greatest accomplishments. At the last convention of Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society, Brother Bell was elected National Vice-President of that organization. He is dramatically inclined, having displayed talent as such in the "Upper Room," "Crown of Thorns," and Fantasy of the Passion. for convenience, but also to underscore the implication that these titles are suggested for permanent acquisition, both the publisher and the price for each work cited. The books have been selected casually, largely on the basis of what I could readily recall, for a list to be kept rigorously short, out of my own reading experience. That explains why a considerable percentage of these titles are fairly recent, and also indicates that one value of a presentation of this kind can be to start you thinking, even as you Turn To Page 41

October, 1946 : i



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CHAPTER ECHOES 32 Alpha Veterans Honored By Gamma Lambda In Detroit


G a m m a Lambda Chapter honored its World War II veterans on J u n e 29th. For their e n t e r t a i n m e n t several short movies were shown—a J o e Louis-Baer, an exciting football short, and a musical short. After the movies the men assembled in the bar room for eats and drinks. Boston baked beans, hot dogs, and finger rolls were served. Men ordered drinks as they so desired. Each veteran received a recognition a w a r d for their patriotic contribution in hastening the Peace. Seventy-three Alpha men were present—thirty-two of w h o m w e r e veterans. The veterans w e r e : David J. Whitfield, Charles C. Shields, Jr., Earl Kennedy, J a m e s L. Hunt. Dr. Robert J. Mayberry, Jr., Dr. J o h n W. Carney, J o e C. J e n k i n s . Kermit G. Bailer, Dr. H. Carlyle Johnson, Charles Wartman, William A. Bell. Jr., Dr. Leo R. English, Jr., F e r m a n C. Sharp, Waldo L. Eeck, Charles L. T u r n e r . William C. Coleman, Lloyd G. Richards, J a m e s B. P a r k e r , J e a n Baily, Roderick Warren, Dr. Theodore L. Hughes, Thomas Coote, Augustus J. Calloway, Attorney Willis F . Ward, Hansen F . Hunter, Jr.. J a m e s H. Robinson, Jr., J o e Tandy, Jr., John W. Hurse, Jr., Norman J. Tabor. Jr.. T h o m a s . G . Strickland. George Strickland, and Dr. G a r n e t T. Ice. This activity was under the direction of the P u b l i c Relations Committee. s

SIGMA LAMBDA CHAPTER New Orleans, Louisiana Brothers in Alpha Phi Aipha: Sigma Lambda, in the heart of the deep South, in the quaint old city of New Orleans sends its greetings to Alpha men everywhere. The brothers of Sigma Lambda have been very busy since it made news in t h e Sphinx several issues back. Brother Dr. Hammond has left Xavler University to become head of the department of Romance Languages at Southern University. The chapter welcomes Brother Asa H. Atkins from his none too brief stay in the Army. He tells of his many exploits at Picadilly Circus. Then, we have Brother Marcus Neustadter who spent some two years in the ETO as a medical officer. He has returned to his desk at the Keystone Insurance Company where he and Brother Willard Dumas hold sway. Brother Atkins has returned to his position in t h e Department of Biology in the School of Science at Xavier. We wish to congratulate Brother Fdward "Tweet" Johnson on his 'recent appointment to the public schools of the city of New Orleans and Brother Jesse O. Richards t o the presidency of the New Orleans Principals Association. We wish to extend to Brother Dr. Benjamin Quarles our best wishes on his recent appointment to the Deanship of Dillard University. Brother Robert E. Fullilove, Specialist in Urology, was recently admitted to the American Urologlcal Association. Our own Brother Percy Creuzot has organized an insurance company. He Is assisted by Brothers Ernest Carter and Attorney Alex Tureaud. Sigma

QUEEN O F BETA CHAPTER—Staging their Coronation Ball since t h e w a r ended, m e m b e r s of Beta Chapter m a d e up for lots of lost time when they selected Miss Lovey J e w e l Hammond, beautiful Howard University senior coed as their queen. If selecting such beauties as chapter queens is one of Beta's postwar plans, the H o w a r d brothers have w h a t it takes to bring their delinquents back into the fold in short order. Lambda. Beta Tau and Beta Phi Chapters entertained social New Orleans with a gala spring formal. Quite an enjoyable time was had by all the brothers and their guests. The guests were enrapped with the special arrangement of the Alpha hymn by Brother Allegretto Alexander. Brother Alexander has left the city to go to the west coast for a brief stay. Brother Alexander was formerly Program Director of t h e Decatur

St. NCCS-USO Club where Brother Rene Rousseve, Charles Rousseve and Walter E. Morial were members of the Archbishop's Advisory Board. Sigma Lambda also wishes to welcome Brother Piero who has come to New Orleans as Director of Athletics and Head Coach for the Dillard Blue Devils. Brother Alfred "Zack" Priestley has left New Orleans to study on t h e West Coast. He has

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been replaced at Xavier Prep by Brother Hiram "Blind Tom" Workman as head mentor in athletics. Brother Dr. Andrew J. McDonald has constructed a most modern dental office for the specialized practice of dentistry. Also engaged in the practice of dentistry are Brothers Pelton and Porte who have been working In t h e office of Brother George Talbert. After many months the new "Y" has become a reality here in New Orleans and Alpha played a large part in its construction. Brother William Mitchell, Jr., Is General Secretary and Brother Ferdinand Rousseve did the design. Brother Rousseve has been commissioned to design t h e St. Jude Catholic Hospital in Montgomery, Alabama.

DELTA LAMBDA CHAPTER Baltimore, Maryland Greetings Brothers: A new post war era finds the leadership of Delta Lambda Chapter in the capable and experienced hands of the following officers: Walter T. Dixon, president; W. Berkley Butler, vice president; Frederick H. Dedmond, secretary; J. Douglass Shepperd. treasurer; Miles W. Conner, chaplain; James R. Hite. sergeant-at-arms; James Murphy, editor to the Sphinx. The above officers inherited a chapter t h a t had been kept alive during the critical war period under the guidance of Brother Maurice L. Adams. As a result of t h e capable leadership of Brother Adams, t h e new president can launch immediately upon his post-war pro-


gram. The problem of reclaiming brothers has received special attention under t h e present administration. Another major problem facing Delta Lambda Chapter is the revival of Beta Alpha Chapter at Morgan State College. The war struck it a death blow. Since there was only one undergraduate brother and no pledgees. Brothers Dedmond and Lafayette were given the task of reviving the Sphinx Club. In carrying out this task they called upon Delta Lambda to sponsor a smoker at which time we had the following speakers: Brothers Olife Windell Holmes, G. Lake Imes, F. E. Walker, and Earl Moses. The Smoker received praises from the brothers as being of high class and commensurate with Alpha's spirit and aim. The Sphinx Club was organized in April with 11 members. Newly organized Inter-Fraternal Council of Baltimore, Md., finds three brothers representing the chapter—Brothers Alexander J. Walker, vice president of the Council; and Chairman of Program Committee, Walter T. Dixon, and Frederick H. Dedmond. ALEXANDER J. WALKER Associate Editor.

ALPHA SIGMA LAMBDA Dallas, Texas Alpha Sigma Lambda Chapter closed its 1945-46 year with much activity. Brother A. Maceo Smith and Brcther Barton Beatty president, were delegates to our National Convention in Chicago where Brother Smith was elected as Fourth Vice-President


October, 1946 of the Western A*ea. Brother SmTth, s mrci-i, who in private life is Regional Director for t h e National Housing Authority called the area to meet in Austin, Texas. Brothers O. J. Fountain and R. L. Prince were delegates to this convention. We were also honored with the presence of our General Secretary, Brother Burt Mayberry, who flew down from Kansas to meet with us. The convention had the ear-marks of an exceptional one because of t h e Interest manifested by the delegates. This summer has been one of study for the brothers. Brother J. Leslie Patton, vice president studied at New York University seeking the Doctorate degree; Brother Fields, who is working toward his Masters also studied at New York University; Brother Thomas A. Talbert studied at Howard University toward his Masters; Brother C. L. Rennard received the Master's degree from the University of Colorado during the summer graduation period; Brother C. Francis Toles studied at the University of Michigan; Brother Lemmon McMillian worked in the office of Prairie View College and Brother H. I. Holland, our treasurer, studied at Columbia. He is working toward his Masters. Alpha Sigma Lambda has thirty brothers on its roster, and thirty financial with t h e National Organization. The chapter feels proud in t h a t our brothers have led in the Community projects for the year, namely: in securing the ballot for the Negro in Texas, arousing his citizen interest in having him pay his poll tax; and getting him to vote at the polls at the proper time. The educational activities for Texas are being planned by many Alpha men. In fact. Alpha Sigma Lambda has seen to it t h a t where anything worth-while in our community is being done. Alpha must have a hand in the doing. Fraternally yours, R. L. PRINCE Chapter Secretary.

PI CHAPTER Cleveland, Ohio




Delta Lambda chapter, Baltimore. Md„ has t u r n e d to two of its most distinguished m e m b e r s for chapter leadership. They a r e Brother Dean Walter T. Dixon, president of Cortez W. Peters Business School, Baltimore; and Dr. Frederick H. Dedmond Head of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Modern Languages at Morgan State College B r o t h e r Dixon is chapter president and Brother Dedmond holds the secretarial office G r a d u a t e of Benedict College, Howard University, T h e American School of Law and Central College of Chiropractic. Brother Dixon also holds the Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts degree from Columbia University. He taught chemistry at H o w a r d University for four years; for five years he taught commercial subjects at North Carolina College for Negroes, later accepting a position in t h e public school of Washington, D. D. Brother Dedmond, holder of the Bachelor of Science, and the Master of Arts degree from Illinois University, continued his education at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa Ontario. Canada, for his Doctorate. He has served as Head of the D e p a r t m e n t of Romance Languages at Allen University, Columbia, S. C , Head of the Division of Languages, D e l a w a r e State College, Dover, Delaware. P r e s e n t l y he is at Morgan State College.

Greetings: PI Chapter wishes to extend greetings to all the brothers throughout the world. Our chapter has again regained the prewar spirit of Alpha and with Brother Joe Hicks presiding we are sure t h a t Pi Chapter will become the leading cultural, educational and social organization In Cleveland. With undergraduate brothers from Western Reserve University, Cleveland College, Baldwin-Wallace, John Carrol University, and Case School of Applied Science and graduate brothers from Cleveland proper, Pi Chapter will lead the way on all campuses and nearby cities. The past formal dance held in exclusive Hotel Cleveland marked the first time Negroes had used the ball room. More than 200 brothers were present and it was self evident t h a t our chapter was recalling many unfinancial brothers. Not only was it successful b u t was acclaimed by all Cleveland to be the most outstanding social function of the year. Brother Crawford, chairman of t h e social committee made it known t h a t Alpha is taking the lead again. During the convening of the Lawyer's Guild here, National President Brother B. V. Lawson was the guest of honor at a smoker. Many brothers were out, paid their dues, and all pledged their whole hearted support to the program of Alpha Phi Alpha as outlined by Brother Lawson. With the passing of summer and arrival of fall. Pi Chapter has planned a program to present Miss Fannie Cook, author, and Mrs. Thursten Jameson, wife of Brother Jameson, in a Book Review and recital A dinner dance at Hotel Statler during t h e latter part of October will end the fall social functions. In addition to social activities, our chapter is well represented in the F. O. L„ the Cleveland N. A. A. C. P., Y. M. C. A., and other educational and cultural organiza-


October, 1946


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Nu Chapter. Lincoln University. Alpha Medallion A w a r d s to Miss famous contralto; and Harold Ickes, of t h e Interior. T h e a w a r d s w e r e

(Penn.) presents its first Marion Anderson, worldrecently retired Secretary given by the forum divi-

tions here in Cleveland. The Sphinx club has 12 active members who are preparing to enter the fold this fall. Brothers Taylor and Madison represent the chapter at the Intra-Fraternal Council meetings for the promotion of better relationships among the fraternities in Cleveland and to advance the cause of recognition of all fraternal organizations at Western Reserve University. We cordially Invite all financial brothers to attend our functions. In closing, we the brothers of Pi Chapter sincerely hope that all brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha will have another great year and t h a t we will see you In Columbus. Fraternally yours, ROBERT P. MADISON, JAY B. WHITE Associate Editors.

NU CHAPTER Lincoln University Greetings Brothers in Alpha: Nu Chapter sends its greetings


sion of the chapter for outstanding contributions each had made. T h e two nationally k n o w n guests of t h e chapter a r e shown receiving the a w a r d s from Brother J a c k Dawley, while Dr. Horace Mann Bond, Lincoln President, (left end) looks on.

happy to relate to you its progress during the past school months. The brothers at Lincoln University have p u t into operation a new idea which they call "The Alpha Forum of Nu Chapter." This forum which Is a non-profit enterprise has as its objective the presentation to the students of Lincoln and the members of the surrounding community the figures foremost in American life today. In addition to the presentation of these noted figures, each year the person chosen as the most outstanding personality in American life is presented the Alpha Medallion, an award newly created by this chapter. On February 13, the forum program was opened with the presentation of Canada Lee, one of the leading Negroes of t h e theatre today, who spoke on the subject "The Negro in the American Theatre." During the course of his address he made the remark t h a t when a Negro reaches the top he should t u r n to help his fellow-man up the ladder of success instead of turning on him with an air of superiority. This program went over with such great success t h a t a t the end of t h e year t h e Alpha

Forum presented the Alpha Medallion to Miss Marion Anderson, famous contralto; and to Mr. Harold L. Ickes. one of the noted figures In the late President Roosevelt's Cabinet. We had guests to travel from far and near t o be at t h e presentation. On May 13. Jack Dowley. president of the Alpha Forum, awarded Miss Marion Anderson and Mr. Ickes the Alpha Medallion in the name of Nu Chapter. Miss Anderson gave a short response in which she expressed her gratitude for being one of the first to receive the medallion. It was also on this program t h a t Miss Anderson heard for the first time Miss Louise Parker, two-time winner of her Marion Anderson Award, sing in person. Mr. Ickes gave a very interesting speech in which he warned t h e students not to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors who did a most tremendous Job of bungling world affairs. He refused to insult prehistoric man by comparing him with present day governmental leaders. He went on to describe these government leaders as men who try to operate t h e

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modern machinery of government by antique methods. "This," he said, "was like trying t o operate a modern, high powered automobile with buggy reins. This can not be done." This final event of the semester officially closed the books on Nu Chapter program for the 1915-46 school year. Sincerely and fraternally, DONALD A. FLOYD Associate Editor

Xi CHAPTER Wilberforce University Xi Chapter closed one of its most unique years of work and service under the careful leadership of it's president, J. Arthur Holmes; and secretary, John W. Brown. At t h e end of the term, there was an active roll of thirty (30) brothers. many of whom had just returned from I he service. A Smoker was given in honor of Senior


brothers who successfully completed their respective courses at "Force!" Short remarks were given by each of the senior brothers, Brothers W. Brown. T. Cobbs. J. Hardy, J. Hunter, J. Jackson, W. McClain, A. Mitchell, and L. Young. President Holmes t h e n spoke on behalf of the remaining brothers," Those of us who are still at Xi pause for a moment and salute those brothers who have served well with us. We wish t h e m the best of luck throughout their life's journey." A special congratulation was handed to Brothers Hunter and Mitchell who graduated Cum Laude. Brother Hunter was also selected by Xi Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority at Wilberforce as the most progressive man in the Senior class for the four years spent at 'Ole Force.' We are expecting to have at least 23 active brothers from last term. Xi Chapter has no trouble in reclaiming old brothers. Plans have also been completed to increase our number in the Sphinx Club (now 58) with the incoming Freshmen.

October, 1946 This year along with plSns for t h e General Convention In December, XI Chapter has also planned to celebrate her 34th year of service on December 12. At this time, we are expecting to have many of those made at Xi return to hear one of Its founders give the main address. Fraternally, CECIL W. HOWARD, Associate Editor

Alpha Gets Spread In Ebony Magazine EBONY, now sweeping the nation ax the fastest growing publication on the market, devoted four pages in its October Edition to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Emphasis was on initiation of Brother Bernard Levin into the organization by Theta Chapter. He was the first white to ever be admitted by a Negro College Greek-letter Society.


As a g r o u p of loyal Alpha men. Alpha Rho Chapter e x e m plified the aims and ideals of Alpha P h i Alpha F r a t e r n i t y d u r i n g t h e past school year. A t t r i b u t i n g to t h a t fact t h e chapter m a d e liberal donations to the N. A. A. C. P.. and t h e United Boy Scouts Drive: presented Faustina Hall, soprano, in concert; assisted t h e Atlanta Urban League in recruiting and registering over 700 voters in Fulton county, and initiated ten b r o t h e r s into the t r u e fraternal bonds of Alpha. T h e chapter also had b r o t h e r s on the college's Honor Roll, participated in i n t e r m u r a l sports and helped to provide wholesome entert a i n m e n t on t h e college campus.

Brothers shown on picture—Front row, left to right: Harold ' B. Ingram, treasurer; Earl A. Ashton, chaplain. 2nd r o w J a m e s T. Montgomery, Spurgeon Y. Poe, William E. Thomas secretary; Charles C. Walker, president; Melvin J. Hudson! Sampson Tiller, Joseph J. Welcome, Jr., vice president. 3rd row—William K. Talley, Associate Editor to Sphinx; E d m u n d Kemp, J o h n Y. Moreland, Donald E. Brown, Walter B u t l e r Wendell H. Hammons, Charles V. Willie, r e a r — J a m e s H ' Handye. Brothers not shown on picture: Weldon E l b e r t J o h n T u r n e r , Moses Few, P a u l Sanford, Otis Henderson, Otis Smith George Phillips, J a m e s Jones, Aldin Williams, and A r t h u r Smith.

October, 1946



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G r e a t e r N e w York Area received its third chapter in Alpha recently wilh t h e establishment of G a m m a Iota Lambda at Brooklyn. Members of the newly organized chapter include some of the most outstanding leaders in the East. Shown in the accompanying picture, Back Row. left to right: Joseph Mahood. J. Harvey Kearns, Rev. Sandy F. Ray, Joseph F. Ferguson, Dr. F r a n k W. McCoy. Atty. William H. Staves. Leroy Jeffries, Quentin R. Hand. Atty. Jesse P. Griggs, Melvin Bolden, Eta. Second Row, left

ALPHA THETA LAMBDA Atlantic City. N. J. Greetings Brothers: Alpha Theta Lambda has had a very active summer. At our meeting in July held at the home of Brother Fred Murray. we made plans to sponsor several boys for the Boy Scout Camp at Camp Edge. New Jersey. Om1 yearly budget was prepared and scholarship awards were included. In May we met at Adsecon, New Jersey, at the summer home of Brothers Leroy Morris and Richard Lockett. At this meeting Brothers Edwin Martin and Aubery Hoxter had the honor of crossing t h e "burning sands." Brothers Winters and Jerrick. who were guests at this meeting, gave t h e new brothers an inspiring talk on the purposes and attainments of Alpha Phi Alpha. At our meeting in July, we were honored by t h e attendance of Brother Dr. Tarn of Detroit, Michigan. Brother Tarn commended us on our program and stated t h a t he was pleased to see men working together in complete accord, carrying out in a tangible manner the ideals and aims of Alpha Phi Alpha. Brother Hester gave a response t o Dr. Tarn's address. At our August meeting we were graced by the presence of Brother Belford Law-

to right: William L. Bryant, Eta. Mark Parks. George W. Grissom. Albert Smith, Dr. Joseph A. Johnson, H e r b e r t T. Miller, Rev. C. L. Franklin, Dr. Lloyd Burrell of Buffalo, who as Eastern Vice President, set up the chapter. Hale Thompson, Jr., Lyndon H. Caldwell, Vertner W. Tandy, J e w e l ; Clarence J. E. Robinson, J a m e s C. Hairston. Seated, left to right: Robert Anthony, J u d g e Myles A. Paige, William G. Holly, and F r a n k l i n Williams.

son, General President: and the Eastern Regional Vice President. Brother Louis H. Schuster. At this meeting it was decided that the Region Convention would be held In the resort on October 4th. 5th and 6th, with our chapter acting as host. Brothers Lawson and Schuc-ter in a very clear and concise manner, mapped out a tentative program for the Eastern Regional Convention, aided by suggestions from the members of Alpha Theta Lambda. Fraternally yours, GEORGE G. DICKERSON Associate Editor.

BETA GAMMA CHAPTER Virginia State Greetings Brothers Everywhere: Here we are back into the news again. Although our group has diminished immensely with the close of the last semester in June, we had a large number of veteran brothers to return from Summer School; consequently we remained very active with t h a t good "ole" Alpha Spirit. We are happy to announce t h a t the following brothers have completed their work and received degrees here in the following fields: James Lowe, M. S., Chemistry;

Avery Beverly. B. S., Biology: Noel Torres. A. B. History: Robert Alexander. B. S. P u b lic School Music; Earl Allen. B. S., Physical Education: Ruben Davis, B. A., History; Russell Gaines, B. S., Agricultural Economics. It is most gratifying to know that Brother Lowe is working on his Doctrate at University of Cincinnati and all the other named brothers are planning to do Graduate work in the fall. It has been nice working with them, but we know they will keep up the good work along with Leadership and Cooperation which they have exhibited here at Beta Gamma. To them we say Success and Best Wishes for a successful future. We welcome Little Brother Alfred Godwin. a returned veteran back into t h e "Sphinx Club." Brother Camillous King had the distinction of being selected from t h e College as a representative along with a number of students from other Colleges and Universities t o go to Poland on a Cattle exhibition and investigation project being sponsored by the Government. Brother Belford V. Lawson was t h e principal speaker at our "Education Week Program." He gave us a very inspiring address, which was of great Interest t o t h e entire student body. During t h e program prizes

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October, 1946


subjects. Such high scholarship la one of the aims of our fraternity. We of Beta Omicron Chapter never neglect scholarship. We regret the loss of Brother Edward L. Mulllns, past president, who graduated with t h e class of 1946. Brother Mulllns' leadership in college affairs and qualities of excellence in scholarship made him an exceptional example for the Ideal college student. Other brothers who graduated last spring were: Benjamin F. Saulters, Jr., Thomas H. Pinson, Cleveland C. Fisher and Samuel Hlllard. EUGENE W. WASHINGTON, Associate Editor.

Members pictured h e r e are: Left row. bottom to top; Brothers Theodore Williamson. Lester Davis. J o h n Clark. Odell Sylvester, Paul Cruse, Elmore Nelson. L a w r e n c e Darden and Alphonsc Ellis. Right row. bottom to top: Brothers Emsar Bradford, Maurice King, J e r e m i a h Gilchrist. H o w a r d Green. Billy Jefferson, S a m u e l J o n e s and Harold Jones. were also awarded to the winning High School student with the best essay. We welcome brother Louis H. Schvister back to the campus following his recent illness. At the close of the year we bade farewell to two of our Chapter officers In the person of Brother Robert Alexander as Dean of Music; and Brother Russell L. Gaines as Corresponding Secretary and Associate Editor of "Sphinx." As retiring Associate Editor of t h e "Sphinx" for Beta Gamma, May I express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all members for the help and cooperation they have given me. It has been a real pleasure to work with all the brothers. Fraternally yours, RUSSELL L. GAINES Associate Editor S

BETA OMICRON Tennessee State College Greetings: Beta Omicron takes great pride in putting into work Its newly made brothers. During the Spring Probation, the following brothers were made: (Note photo) From left to back, Clarence Kimbrough, John Jordan, Gilbert Mason. Right to back, Eugene W. Washington. Elmer Matthews. Marion H. Arnold. Back center. Jack L. Feagins. Not shown on photo, Henry Holbert. In our last meeting officers were elected for the 1946-47 term. They are brothers Clarence Kimbrough, president; John McLean, vice president; Gilbert Mason, secretary; Jack L. Feagins, treasurer; Joseph Thomas, corresponding secretary; Eugene W. Washington, associate editor. We are proud to wind up this school year with brothers who have made outstanding contributions In every field of college participation. In giving a summary of t h e brothers who have been honored for

making outstanding features in their own .•elected fields we pay tribute to Brothers William Bass, for his outstanding ability as an athlete and having received national prestige for outstanding sportsmanship qualities. Brother Bass graduated with the class of 1946. Brother Singer Buchanon has been acclaimed as a star and leading character in the Tennessee State College Players Guild. He was a leading character in the skit presented by Beta Omicron Chapter in the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Jabberwock. Beta Omicron won first place. The high scholarship of Brother Gilbert Mason, neophyte brother and chemistry major. He had a straight "A" average in all

ROBERT A. BURRELL Assistant In t h e District Attorney's Office, Buffalo, New York.

RHO LAMBDA CHAPTER Buffalo. New York Greetings Brothers in Alpha: In Rho Lambda Chapter this year we had the largest number of brothers t h a n we have had in any previous year. Alpha men have migrated from many large communities over the country and joined forces with this chapter. Out of a number of more t h a n thirty (30) members we find them participating in every phase of constructive community life. We are especially pleased to welcome back to our midst Brother Robert A. Burrell. who was in the armed forces, seeing action in the European Theatre of Operation. Since returning to Buffalo he has taken over his former position as an Assistant in the District Attorney's office. The gala affair of t h e season was the annual formal dance given at Kleinhan's Music Hall on the night of May 23rd. Many outstanding brothers from out-of-town who were In Buffalo attending the National Social Worker's Convention attended this affair. Among them were Forrester B. Washington, Atlanta School of Social Work: Lester B. Granger of the National Urban League; Roger Gordon, former Eastern Vi^e President. Rho Lambda concluded most of her activities for the summer by giving full assistance t o the United Negro College Campaign Fund, the members contributing over $400.00. Fraternally yours, WALTER B. HOLLAND, D. D. 8., Associate Editor

October, 1946


BETA ETA CHAPTER Southern Illinois Normal Greetings: Beta Eta has staged a comeback since several of its brothers have returned from the Armed Service. Two initiations have been held this year with several new members bringing the light over the burning sands. Brother St. James, veteran who is doing graduate work here at Southern Illinois, appeared earlier in t h e school during "Brotherhood Week" in a discussion along with the campus' most outstanding professors. Brother St. James will take his work for the Doctorate in law at Northwestern University beginning this school term. I n sports Beta Eta has contributed to Southern Illinois' track IIAC Championship team with its high point man in person of Brother John Algee. Brothers Arthur Newborn and Stanley Thomas will begin their graduate work this fall at the University of Chicago. Brother Barton W. Morris, one of our most active members is scheduled to enter Pisk University this fall. Of course this will be a setback to Beta Eta, but our loss, we believe, will be Alpha Chi's gain. During the summer months, Brother Morris served as secretary to Prof. Mcintosh, head of the music department at Southern. We miss Brother James Price, principal of Douglass High School, Mounds, 111. He is completing work on his Master's at Wisconsin University.


Brother Taylor was on the campus with us this summer, completing the work for his Master's in Education. Brother J. C. Penn, our president, has recently been appointed Assistant State Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Illinois. Brother Fenn is the first school man of the race to hold such a position. He Is scheduled to assume duties imm e d i a t e l y . Brother Penn, according to announcement by his secretary will v i s i t schools throughout the state. The position pays $4,500.BRO. P E N N 00 per year. Beta Eta has maintained t h e highest scholastic average of any fraternity regardless of racial identity on Southern Illinois campus. The chapter activities were numerous during the past year, including an Alpha Smoker, School Acquaintance Party, Brotherhood Week, Spring Prom, Banquet, Fish

Page 35 Fries, and many other social highlights on the campus. Thus in scholarship, sports and social life, chapter members here have played vital parts along with representatives of numerous other organizations. Chapter officers are Brothers Penn, president; Allard Hamilton, vice president; Warren St. James, secretary; Barton Morris, treasurer; Gaffney Taylor, corresponding secretary; Charles Anderson, assistant secretary; John Algee, sergeant-at-arms; Arthur Newborn, chaplain; and yours fraternally, STANLEY THOMAS Associate Sphinx Editor.

BETA PI CHAPTER Lane College Beta Pi has once again come into Its own. The mouth of May saw the chapter buzzing with activity. Brother James Cummings Journeyed up to Cincinnati, Ohio to attend the meeting called by Brother President Belford.V. Lawson. Seven members of Beta Pi, namely Brothers John W. Johnson, Dalton Glenn. O'Neal Goodrich, Riley T. Bandy, Samuel Carpenter, and Virgil May, were guests of Alpha Delta Lambda chapter in Memphis as participants in their Educational and Citizenship program. Attorney J. R. Booker, who hails from Little Rock, Ark., and widely known in the fight for equalization in teachers pay, was guest speaker. Beta Pi presented its 10th annual Mother's Day Program on May 13, in the


Brothers of G a m m a G a m m a entertained their sweethearts at their initial S w e e t h e a r t B a n q u e t in May, in the Cafeteria of Allen University. Columbia, South Carolina. Pictured, left to right: Brothers J a m e s L. K e n n e d y , William Chappelle Boyd, Samuel H. Rubens, assistant secretary; William Murray, Editor to Sphinx; Rufus Ragin, Jr., treasurer; Cornell Reynolds, Frederick Ford, chaplain; Thales E. Mims, secretary; Richard H. Harper, sergeant-at-arms; Verbus M. Counts, presi-

dent; Robert Price, Ronda A. Gilliam, vice president. G a m m a G a m m a Chapter was set up by Brother C. L. Blake from Charlotte, N. C , March 16, 1946. He w a s assisted by brothers from Alpha Psi Lambda. Ten Neophytes came into the fold as charter members. T h e chapter has a large program planned for the coming year, 1946-4Y. Returning veterans, transferred from Alpha Psi Lambda, as u n d e r g r a d u a t e brothers.

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Lane College Chapel. Brother Jacob C. Oglesby, pastor of the Morning Star Baptist Church, Humbolt, Tennessee, was guest speaker. Chapter Mothers Mrs. Mary Williams and Mrs. Ogla'Warlick were presented gifts as a symbol of our appreciation of mothers. Brother Herman Stone, who was chairman of the Mother's Day Committee is to be commended for the fine program rendered. Brother President Louis I. Flowers named a History Committee to draw up a permanent history of Beta Pi since its birth. The following brothers were named thereon: Riley T. Bandy, Chairman; Virgil May, James L. Cummings, and C. Toland Draper. Climaxing the year's events was the "Annual Affair." On Saturday night. May 18, "The Alpha Terpsichorean Banquet" was given in the main dining hall of t h e College. This affair was undoubtedly one of the greatest in the history of Beta Pi. The main speaker of the evening was Attorney A. A. Latting, of Memphis, Tennessee, and Alpha Delta Lambda chapter. The halls of the main dining hall are still ringing with the echoes of his dynamic address. Brother Lewis O. Swingler, Editor of the SPHINX, was present at the Banquet and witnessed the Promenade to the ballroom and the introduction and crowning of the "Sweetheart of Beta Pi," namely Miss Norma Morgan, member of Beta Chi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. The ballroom was beautifully and elaborately decorated with Black and Gold, with the Shield mounted over the fireplace and glowing forth with unequaled fascination. Credit for the success of t h e Banquet is due Brother Joseph Miller, Chairman of the program committee, who, along with several other brothers of Beta Pi, worked untireingly. And now, here's hoping loads of luck and success to fellow chapters throughout the land during the forthcoming season. Fraternally yours, RILEY T. BANDY Associate Editor.


October, 1946


" S w e e t h e a r t of Beta Pi," c h a r m i n g Miss Norma Morgan, poses with of chapter d u r i n g A n n u a l B a n q u e t and P r o m at L a n e College.


Reading from


to right, standing: Brothers Richard O. Bass, O'Neal O. Goodrich, Dalton W. Glenn. Sitting: Brother Samuel Carpenter. "Our S w e e t h e a r t " Miss Norma Morgan, and Virgil May, Theodore Cox, Ex-Rhodes Bacham, J o h n W. Johnson, C. Toland


Leocla Porter, Louis I. Flowers, J a m e s Cummings, and Melvin Hall.


PICNICING: B r o t h e r s of Alpha Iota L a m b d a Chapter k e p t busy last s u m m e r with a variety of activities, including their third annual picnic on West Virginia State College Campus, Institute West Virginia. A p p r o x i m a t e l y 400 persons attended. Seated from left to right: A. W. Curtis, Sr., F. C. Page,

W. J. L. Wallace, Robert Anthony, L. V. J o r d a n , l'elix Warren. S t a n d i n g from left to right: G. E. Ferguson, Dr. Clinton Jackson, D. L. Ferguson, L. A. Toney, Dr. Aubrey Harris, F. C. Lacy, A. B. Crawley, P e y t o n Calloway, F r a n k McDaniels, Maceo Nelson, Russell Spears, Peyton Moses Newsome, E. L. J a m e s , Brother Deloache, Alpha Rho L a m b d a Chapter of Columbus, Ohio; and Harry D. Hazelwood.

October, 1946



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CHI LAMBDA ENTERTAINS CHARTER MEMBtiKS ON ITS 20TH ANNIVERSARY. Seated, left to right: Brothers Omar K. Ward, president; Dr. J. A u b r e y Lane, Woodson P. Welch, F. A. McGinnis, charter members; Dr. Clarence Harvey

CHI LAMBDA CHAPTER Wilberforce, Ohio May 23, 1946 marked the twentieth anniversary since t h e establishment of our chapter. I t seems fitting and appropriate that attention at this time should be called to this fact—for on May 23, 1926 Brother Harley S. Manuel, the then Mid-Western Vice-President set up this chapter. The roll call of officers and charter members is indeed inspiring: Walter Thornhill. president; Frederick A. McGinnis, vice president; J. Aubrey Lane, secretary; Charles S. Smith, treasurer; Russel A. Lane, Editor to the SPHINX; and Brothers Ralph N. Pyrtle, Dean Mohr, and A. L. Dooley. During t h a t same year Brothers Henry Howard Summers and John E. Green were initiated. There are still with us the following brothers: McGinnis, J. Aubrey Lane, Russel A. Lane, Pyrtle, Mohr, Dooley and Greene. Gone to the Great Beyond with their names inscribed in Omega Chapter are: Brothers Thornhill, Smith and Summers. If we were to distribute honors, at our command and according to our indebtedness, recognizing the t r u t h of Cervantes' statement "not with whom you are born, b u t with whom you are bred," there would be no others to be considered until preference had been given to these early pioneers

Mills, secretary. Standing: Brothers George E. Gibbs, McDonald Williams, Raymond O. Dickerson, F r a n k Gordon,' J. R. Anderson, William W. Brown, Richard Bennett, and William E. Johnson.

of Alpha Phi Alpha—pioneers of those spiritual and mental pictures which we call ideals. But primarily it is not to you as members of the national organization b u t to you as individuals t h a t we pay homage. Twenty years ago you consecrated your endeavors and committed your career to the establishment and development of a group-spirit which is the inevitable capitalization of your charm of personality. the persuasive qualities of your moral convictions, and the sincerity of your devotion to "THE PRIDE OF OUR HEARTS." In appreciation of, and as a simple token of our esteem, we present you with these engraved cards. May God go with you. Fraternally yours, CLARENCE HARVEY MILLS. SR. Associate Editor.




Brothers of Alphadom: The May meeting of Beta Lambda was held in the beautiful home of Brother Attorney Cordell D. Meeks with Brother Paul Mobiley as co-host. Plans were perfected for the Alpha Scholarship Bridge Party, which was a climax of "Education for Citizenship Week." From the proceeds of this

affair scholarships were given to t h e highest ranking male student of the Lincoln and Summer high schools. The prodigious residence of Brother Everett I. Bassett was the place for the June meeting. Brother Roosevelt Butler served as co-host for this meeting. Brother Attorney Elmer C. Jackson, Jr.. expressed I hunks and appreciations of the brothers to the hosts and hostesses for such a fine repast of "hard-to-get" food items. Highlights of the meeting were: the opening of Upsilon Chapter House, Lawrence. Kansas. which had been closed since the beginning of the war; making plans to select the "Alpha Man of the Year": the payment of chapter memberships to the NAAC'P in Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City Kansas; and the Payment of 1947 Grand Tax for all members who had paid their 1946 budget. On May 25, in the spacious recreation room of Brother E. C. Jackson, chairman of the ritual committee, two neophytes from Upsilon Chapter, Lawrence, Kansas and one neophyte from Beta Lambda, crossed the burning sands into Alphadom. Twenty-two brothers were present for the initiation which was well carried out by Brother James A. Bradford. After t h e initiation, a smoker was held in honor of t h e Initiates Arrangements for the smoker were made

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by Brother Joseph A. King, vice president and chairman of the activity committee. Brother Victor E. Travis had charge of t h e neophytes before initiation. Euarl E. Chinn and Leroy L. Lewis* both of Upsilon and Wilbur W. Caldwell, Beta Lambda, were the initiates. Members of Beta Lambda in the political, school, and social limelight are: Brother Attorney William H. Towers and Brother Attorney Elmer C. Jackson. Jr., who recently won a decision in the Kansas Supreme Court banning Labor Union bias against 100 Negro Employees of the Santa Fe railroad repair shops in Kansas City, Kansas; Brother Roosevelt Butler, deputy city license inspector, Kansas City, Kansas, who has Just been elected commander of t h e Argonne Post No. 217 American Legion; Brother Doctor W. W. Andrew, Deputy Coroner, Wyandotte county, defeated candidate for county commissioner, second district Wyandotte county; Brother A. Odell Thurman, former USO worker on t h e west coast and visiting teacher in the school district of Kansas City, Missouri, who has Just been elected principal of Dunbar school; Brother William H. Towers, who has been elected state representative from the eighth Kansas legislative district without opposition on either t h e republican or democratic ticket; Brother Paul Mobiley. who was married to Miss Arieta Brahnam on June 8; and Brother Victor E. Travis, who was married to Miss Dorothy Swann on August 11. Brother George Perry, who has been attending school at Columbia University during the past year and Brother James A Jeffress, who has been attending Chicago University, are expected to re-

t u r n t o their former teaching positions with the Kansas City, Missouri school district in September. Brothers of Beta Lambda are very enthusiastic over the reopening this fall of the Upsilon Chapter House, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas as an abode for graduate and undergraduate brothers and pledges of Alpha. They plan, at a very early date, a work pilgrimage to Larwence to thoroughly clean and redecorate t h e house. Watch t h e Sphinx for a picture of the brothers at work. Fraternally yours, D. W. LEWIS Chapter President

PI LAMBDA CHAPTER Little Rock. Arkansas Greetings to all brothers: Officially, chapter activity ceased with the May meeting sponsored by Brothers B. T. Johnson, R. T. Johnson and Russell. Special twist here was t h a t each brother was enjoined to bring along "the little woman." Business was dispatched like a schoolboy's recitation just before t h e big game. Afterward, a pleasant social was enJoyed by all present. A highlight of the social season was Kappa Alpha's Psi's provincial meet in mid-May. Alphas were very happy to renew old friendships and to form new ones among that great group of college men. Commencement season brought to our community: At Baptist College, Dr. Sandy F. Ray, powerful Brooklyn Minister and our old confrere in Alpha Rho. The team of Ray and Borders (Reverend W. H. Borders of

October, 1946 Atlanta and contemporary of Brother Ray at Morehouse) was highly extolled by Dean B. T. Johnson for the parts played by each on Baptist's commencement prdgram. At Shorter College, Dr. George A. Singletion, President of Paul Quinn College, brilliant pulpiteer, writer and potential bishop. The Sunday morning prior to his engagement a t Shorter, he filled t h e pulpit at Pine Bluff's Saint John Church, bringing an excellent message on world brotherhood. Several of us defied the rainstorm to hear this staunch Alpha. President Singleton gave a brief account of the big educational campaign waged by Texas chapters. At A. M. and N. College, the peerless orator, Rayford W. Logan. Brother Logan boldly called for a reduction of national sovereignty as an imperative requisite to universal harmony and felicity. Brothers, this was really Alpha Day! If you've never seen a group of barrel-chested wights, you should have been on hand after the address when all Alpha men were requested to stand. Later in the day, Dr. Logan treated with rich and inspiring off the record chats at luncheon tendered by Gamma Delta and at a buffet supper given by Pi Lambda. Other brothers who came this day during the spring include Dr. James Freeman, Lincoln University (Mo.) in attendance at t h e annual meet of Agricultural Deans; Dr. Charles Stewart, Wllberforce, conducting Religious Emphasis Week at A. M. and N. College; Brother R. W. Puryear, Hi-Y Director and Brother J. W. Lawlah, Howard Medical School. The unexpected passing of Mrs. Helen Booker Ivey in J u n e was a distinct and a


G a m m a Delta Chapter, organized in March, just seven m o n t h s ago, has been moving along with the tempo of a March breeze in putting over w o r t h - w h i l e activities. Latest project was a S u m m e r School Queen Contest w i t h Little Edith A n n Smith being crowned d u r i n g coronation ceremonies. Shown in the beautifully decorated g y m n a s i u m at Arkansas State College. P i n e Bluff, a r e brothers of G a m m a Delta and visiting Alpha men from nearby Little Rock, seat of Pi L a m b d a Chapter. T h e S u m m e r School Queen is seen on her throne as she reigns over the gala ceremonies.

B r o t h e r O. E. Jackson, Dean of the S u m m e r School, had charge of the activities. P r i m a r y aim of the project w a s to b r i n g together t h e regular students of the college and the s u m m e r teacher-students in an informal, and entertaining m a n n e r . T h e contest was conducted over a four-week period w i t h Little Edith Ann emerging as victor. Brother J o e W. Wiley, Associate S p h i n x Editor, covered the event for o u r official organ.


October, 1946

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A L P H A P H I A L P H A L A D I E S AUXILIARY, A L P H A EPSILON, BERKELEY, severe blow to Pi Lambda. Daughter of the founder of Baptist College, she was also the beloved sister of Brother Dr. Walter Booker. Mu Lambda: Brother William Booker, Chicago and Pi Lambda's own Brother Bob Booker. Concomitantly, we shall congratulate and thank Alpha Delta Lambda and the Memphis area on the use of our "Old Roman," Brother J. R. Booker during t h e educational campaign. Congratulations for your wise choice and thanks for t h e

merited recognition of a "Servant of All." With the passing of time, we look forward to closer ties with these fine brothers from the Bluff City. Fraternally, OLIVER E. JACKSON Associate Editor

ALPHA EPSILON CHAPTER California University Greetings From Alpha Epsilon:


We truly hope t h a t all chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha are enjoying the success t h a t has been ours during the past few months in carrying out the program of our fraternity. Our fine president. Brother Andrew Howard, has done well and had excellent cooperation from the brothers in having a series of activities t h a t were a great credit to the true Alpha Spirit and our community. We opened the year with our Annual

Page 40 Formal at the fashionable Stephens Union, University of California. The affair was colorful and gay and we feel sure t h a t it was the outstanding social event of the year. The formal was preceded by a cocktail party at the home of Brother Ellsworth Conway and followed by an afterparty and breakfast at Brother William Pittman's home. In February. 1946, we held installation of officers and also, welcomed three new members who had come across t h e burning sands to see the light. These neophyte brothers included Chester Howard, Ed Covington and Thomas W. Browne. Installation was followed by a dinner. The affair was held at the East Gate Masonic Hall, Berkley. In March the Alpha Phi Alpha Auxiliary became a reality and was officially organized with fifteen members present. Mrs. Annette Bruce was elected president and Mrs. Delores Ford, secretary-treasurer. In the Spring. Alpha Epsilon held its Annual Spring Concert Series which was quite a success. The following named persons were presented: (1) Eugene Gash, pianist in San Francisco on May 12th; (2) Ruth Beckford in a Dance Interlude in Oakland on May 26th: and (3) Henrietta Harris in Berkley on June 9th. All three programs were entertaining. Proceeds were for t h e Scholarship Fund. The Education Committee presented Honorable Walter A. Gordon, a brother in Alpha, and chairman of the California State Parole Board, on J u n e 16th, at South Berkley Community Church. He spoke on "Better Citizenship for a Better World Community." Attendance was good b u t best of all was the interest shown by young people in the discussion which followed. Brother Joseph T. Gier has been appointed instructor in the College of Engineering at the University of California, Berkley. This marks the first time a Negro has been so honored by the Berkley Institution. In June, Alpha Epsilon held the Spring Initiation for four members of the Sphinx Club. The neophyte brothers who saw the light were Richard Anderson. William King. William Gaines and Robert Kennon. I n itiation was held at San Pablo Park and was followed by an Initiation buffet supper at the home of Brother J. W. Rout. On July 4, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority members and the brothers of Alpha Epsilon Joined hands in holding a swell outdoor picnic at Tilden Regional Park. Many faces were present and everybody enjoyed t h e occasion. Brother Robert Lee was elected president of the Bay Area. Pan-hellenic Council, which is doing a swell Job for better fraternity and sorority cooperation. Brother Robert Kennon was awarded a scholarship t h a t will take him to England. Franco, Ethiopia and Italy on a study for his Doctor of Philosophy degree. Alpha Epsilon awarded scholarships totalling $500.00 to four deserving young people. In August, following the Alpha Kappa Alpha Boule in Los Angeles, more than one hundred sorors visited the Bay Area for a post Boule week-end. Alpha Epsilon opened with a delicious appetizing breakfast in the Reception Room of South Berkley Community Church. The Room had been beautifully decorated in pink and green with a profusion of the traditional Ivy Leaf by the Alpha Phi Alpha Auxiliary composed of wives of Alpha men. The auxiliary also acted as hostesses at t h e reception. The breakfast was followed by a Motorcade sponsored by the panhellenic Council which carried the visiting sorors t o sights of interest in Berkley. Oakland and San Francisco. On Saturday night, t h e members of the Sphinx Club held a cocktail party at the spacious home of Brother Leland Hawkins which had been attractively decorated. On the same night the brothers concluded the evening with dancing parties at the respective homes of two or three other brothers. Other Greek Let-



ter organizations also entertained t h e visiting A. K. A.'s. Membership in our chapter increases monthly due to the large number of new brothers who are making their homes in the Bay Area and to those returning from service with the Armed Forces. So completes the news from Alpha Epsilon, b u t before closing we wish to extend good wishes to all brothers and chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha. Fraternally yours, J. O. WILLIAMS Secretary.

ALPHA TAU CHAPTER Akron University Greeting Brothers: Although it has been an extended period since the brotherhood has heard from Alpha Tau Chapter, I am happy to report t h a t our chapter is still alive and keeping up to the traditional Alpha spirit. Alpha Tau hopes to make 1947 n-.ore outstanding t h a n the current year. In our reclamation program we are progressing forward and expect to bring into the fold many of our delinquent brothers. Heretofore Alpha Tau has been struggling with about six or seven brothers. Now, thanks to the effort of our efficient secretary. Brother S. Tucker, and the chapter, we have increased our membership to twenty. Thus our chapter has not only grown in number b u t also in interest and enthusiasm. We have a very promising "Sphinx Club" which we hope will t u r n out to be good Alpha men very soon. They gave a supper at the community center recently and ushered at our Alpha Services. Beginning the year's activities, Alpha Tau gave a back-to-school sports dance at Canadian Legion Hall. We were glad to welcome visiting brothers from Pi Chapter in nearby Cleveland. Two delegates were sent by this chapter to the General Convention at Chicago, during the Christmas holidays. Brother Artee Flemings. past president. and Brother John Dunbar, chairman of the forum committee. On December 29, Alpha Tau in connection with the Akron Youth Forum presented a beautiful cup to Miss Harris as Youth Forum Queen. Brothers Sterling Tucker, James Peavy, John Dunbar, and Warren Foley, Jr., all motored to Cleveland to join with Pi Chapter in its Cabaret Festival. A grand time was had by all. Alpha Tau celebrated Founders Day this year at Second Baptist Church. Brother Ralph Findley was the speaker for the occasion. During the program, Brother Bracken, president, on behalf of the chapter presented Brother Ray Brown, executive secretary of Akron Community Service Center, a donation of $25.00 toward t h e building fund. To top off Founders Day celebration, the Alpha wives bound together and gave a social at the home of Brother Artee Flemings. Brother Martin Chapman, veteran and newly initiated brother, was welcomed into the arms of the chapter. It was on J u n e 1st t h a t Brother Chapman first saw t h e light and tasted the food prepared by t h e gods of Alpha. After the traditional ceremonies the neophyte was the guest of the chapter at an elaborate banquet. Among the guest were members from Pi. Climaxing the year's activity to the satisfactory delight of more t h a n three h u n dred formal guests was t h e Alpha Prom which still has the rubber city bouncing from its gay festival. The hall was decorated with black and gold paper which hung as draperies from the balcony. A mode of alternating black and yellow streamers flowed from t h e celling bedecked by gay colored balloons. All guests relinquished the floor to Brother Bracken, who presented Mr. Nehemlah Richardson, the winner In the Alpha Tau scholarship contest for high school seniors.

October, 1946 a scholarship for the first semester to the university of his choice. Following t h e presentation the brothers gained the floor and sang the Alpha Hymn with true love and devotion to the fellowship. Brothers of Alpha Tau also wish to acknowledge the return of Brothers Rufus Thompson, John Crooks, Bob Decatur and Dan Thomas, who have recently been discharged from the arm services. We wish to welcome Brother E. Bruce Tate, newly appointed executive secretary of Glendale Branch Y. M. C. A., of Akron, into Alpha Tau Chapter. Our officers for the year arc Brother Herbert Bracken, president; Brother Sterling Tucker, secretary: Brother Raymond Brown, treasurer. Our efforts are once more centered upon approximately eight Sphinxmen, who are being prepared to enter our sacred portals of Alpha. Fraternally yours. WARREN C. FOLEY, JR. Associate Editor.

EPSILON LAMBDA St. Louis, Missouri Epsilon Lambda continues to be a live factor in the larger social history of St. Louis. The end of the summer found brothers returning from much needed and extended vacations and resuming their labors in many fields. Brother James Scott, Director of Education in the Instruction Department of the Board of Education, with his charming spouse, has come from a trip to California Brother John D. "Two Ton" Buckner spent a very profitable and pleasant period at Northwestern University. Brother Bill Pollard was student and instructor at the same school. Brother Captain Forrest Pritchett and his winsome bride have returned from a delightful honeymoon to the East. He and Mrs. Pritchett, formerly Miss Thelma Craddock, pledged their troths this summer. Brothers Dan Bowles and Ora Polk braved the smoke of Pittsburgh to compete in the National Bridge Tournament and Brother Polk won the Fourth Place. At long last Epsilon Lambda decided to add to its membership via Initiation. Among those who successfully crossed the hot sands were the following East Saint Louisians: Brother Ross Miller, principal of Johnson, Robinson and Attucks Schools: Brother Harold Thomas, Lincoln High School teacher; Brother Chas "Chuck" Means, Boy Scout Executive. Brother Silas Garner is the first Negro to serve as Commissioner in disbarment proceedings. Brother Clarence Spencer Tocus is the newly appointed Assistant Principal at Vashon High School. Brother Colonel E. O Gourdin, formerly of the 372nd Infantry. for some months has been the secretary of a five-man law review board on courtmartial cases. Brother Robert P. Watts Chairman of the local Pan-Hellenic Council' delegate to the National Pan-Hellenic at Columbus, has been appointed Chairman of the Program Committee of the National Pan-Hellenic. On the Sunday t h a t marked the 15th Anniversary of the pastorate oi Brother Milton Thompson at the Berea Presbyterian Church. the brothers attended his church in a body. Brothers T G. Benjamin and Alfred Wilson are the golf enthusiasts of the chapter. Brother Dr. John F. Benson is interning at Homer G. Phillips Hospital. At this same institution, Brother Dr. Wm. Sinkler is serving as Medical Director, Brother Dr. J. O. Blache as Pathologist, Brother Dr. Wm. L. Smiley as Assistant Pathologist, and Brother Alfred Wilson as Bio-Chemist. Brother Virgil McKnlght is the Superintendent of the Phillips Hospital with its 649 employees. Brother McKnlght who was born in St. Louis, received his early education in the Delaney School and Summer High School whence he Journeyed over to the University of Illinois for a 1928 B. A., and an ultimate Initiation Into Alpha Phi Alpha, at Tau in 1926. This bachelor brother was chief clerk for four years be-

October, 1946 fore he became the superintendent one year ago. Early last spring Epsilon Lambda, In festival mood, held forth in carnival fashion at the Riviera Night Club. The place was crowded with the elite of the town, and the proceeds went to the chapter's share of the Pan-Hellenic House Fund. Brothers Dr. T. G. Benjamin was the moving spirit in the affair and deserves full credit for its success. Brother Horatio McNeil Is a new teacher at the Vashon High School. Brother Rodney Higgins, formerly of Stowe College, now of Southern University was a recent visitor, as was Brother First Lieutenant John Wheeler, of Upsilon who was enroute to Camp Polk, La. Fraternally, ROBERT P. WATTS Associate Editor.

ALPHA IOTA LAMBDA Charleston, West Va. Greetings: As the summer session ends here at West Virginia State College, we have gathered the following facts about activities of the brothers in Alpha Iota Lambda Chapter: Greetings: Brother William H. Fletcher has the distinction of being the first Negro to be elected to membership in the Allied Artists of West Virginia. Brother Fletcher's painting, "The Blues," was on exhibit at the Municipal Auditorium in Charleston, West Virginia. We regret to lose Brother Fletcher, who is at Southern University during the current school term. Last b u t not least, Brother Fletcher and his wife, Yvonne Delay Fletcher, A. K. A., formerly of New Orleans are the happy parents of Rosaline Elaine, their second daughter. Brother Harry W. Greene is being congratulated on the publication of "Holders of Doctorates Among American Negroes." Brother W. J. L. Wallace, is the co-author of two American Council on Education Tests; "American Chemical Society Cooperative Physical Chemistry Test," Form "W" and "American Chemical Society Cooperative General Chemistry Test for College Students," Form 1946." The brothers of Alpha Iota Lambda entertained approximately 400 guests at their third annual picnic, July 4, 1946, on the campus of West Virginia State College. The guests and members of the fraternity engaged in the following activities: badminton, tennis, soft ball, bridge, croquet, horseshoes, swimming and shuffle board. The

Sphinx In Library From Page 28 read this list, of a similar list which would satisfy you better. I h a v e thought a modicum of r u n n i n g comment might not be amiss. It seems to m e t h a t these titles are fairly self-explanatory, b u t an informal gloss does, not only give information, b u t also r e v e a l a certain order in the collection. For an understanding of t h e background of western civilization through interpretations of its past. 1. J o h n H e r m a n Randall, Jr., The Making of the Modern Mind, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, $3.50. A library in itself as a history of ideas from the Middle Ages until now. 2. B e r t r a n d Russell, A History of Western Philosophy, New York: Simon and Schuster, $5.00. T h e professional philosophers can find plenty of things w r o n g with this book, b u t then I h a v e h e a r d the professional sociologists go to town on An American Dilemma. F u r t h e r m o r e , Bertrand Rus-



menu consisted of barbecued pork, baked beans, pop, bread and ice cream. Brother E. L. James. Sr., has been appointed to the National Program Committee and the writer, to the Recommendations Committee, by Brother Lawson, General President. Brothers Leonard Barnett, D. L. Ferguson, L. A. Toney and W. J. L. Wallace, who are respectively First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Sergeant in the West Virginia State Guard, have returned from one weeks training at Camp Dawson. Along with others these Alpha men have been active in securing integration of Negroes in the National Guard. Brother J. F. G. Clark. Principal of Garnet High School, Charleston, West Virginia, retired after more t h a n 40 years of teaching. Brother Clark had the distinction of being the only Negro principal in West Virginia with a Master's Degree from Harvard University. In addition to his school work, Brother Clark has taught Sunday school nearly 40 years and is treasurer of almost all of the organizations to which he belongs. Fraternally yours, ROBERT J. ANTHONY Associate Editor.


Brothers, Greetings, from Alpha Psl Lambda Chapter. We wish to report to you the program advanced by this chapter in the first postwar year. Our activities individually and collectively have been wide and varied. As usual, in November the regular election was held for officers for 1946. Officers elected were: Brothers R. W. Nance, president; W. D. Chappelle, vice president; H. B. Rutherford, secretary; L. Raymond Bailey, assistant secretary; B. A. Everett, treasurer; J. A. Bacoats, chaplain; E. E. Taylor, Editor to the Sphinx; William H. Benton, sergeant-at-arms. With the discharge of many brothers from the Armed Forces, our number has increased greatly and the active membership now numbers somewhere in the neighborhood of forty brothers. Alpha Psi Lambda is trying to do its part in the reclamation of brothers back into the fold. Alpha Psi Lambda sent two delegates to the General Convention for the first time in several years. The delegates were Bishop Frank M. Reid Sr., and Edward E. Taylor. Junior and Senior delegates respectively. The two delegates gave this chapter a satisfactory report of the convention t h a t may prove to be the turning point in sell keeps you awake. No m e a n feat for a philosopher. 3. Henry Adams, Mont St. Michel and Chartres, New York: Houghton Mifflin and Company, $3.00. This is a better way to approach an understanding of the Middle Ages than through routine history books. A n d speaking of getting the feel of a past age F r a n cis Hackett's Henry VIII, particularly when h e sets his stage a t t h e beginning, is another praiseworthy experiment of this general sort. 4. G. M. Trevelyan, English Social History, New York: Longmans, Green and Company, $3.75. Starting with Chaucer's times, Trevelyan p u t s you inside each epoch of British History. And, although it is masterfully written, t h e book is a n y t h i n g b u t s u p e r ficial. For American background: 5. W. E. Woodward, The Way Our People Lived, New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, $3.95. An American Trevelyan in a slighter mold. F r o m 1652 up. 6. Charles Beard, The Republic, N e w

Page 41 Alpha's history. Alpha Psi Lambda will be represented in Ohio this year, so this reporter understands, even if the representation is not official. Alpha Phi Alpha added another chapter to its growing list on March 16, 1946 here in Columbia, S. C , when under the direction of Brother Clinton L. Blake, Regional Director of Charlotte, N. O, the members of Alpha Psi Lambda and some representatives of Alpha Omicron of Johnson C. Smith University initiated ten men into what is now known officially as Gamma Gamma Chapter located at Allen University. After the initiation the new brothers were honored with a very delicious repast especially prepared for the occasion. Among the other contributions made by this chapter this year was ($200.00) to the Good Samaritan Waverly, $1000,000 Hospital Building Fund. This adds substantially to contributions made by this chapter In the last two years on this campaign. Feeling that the young men in the two colleges and the high school here needed some Incentive for constructive achievements, Alpha Psi Lambda, this year, established in Allen University, Benedict College and Booker T. Wasnington High School a prize of $25.00 to be given to the male student in each school who is above the freshman classification and makes the most constructive achievement, and yet, maintains the average grade of the school. This prize is to become an annual donation in each school mentioned above. Awards to be made during the commencement season. This chapter did not let the public go wanting for a good public program tins year. Brother A. Wayman Ward of Chicago spoke for Alpha Psl Lambda Chapter in tile Allen University Auditorium on the afternoon of Sunday, April 28th, to a capacity audience on "Is the Negro World Minded?" Several brothers from out of town were in attendance on this great occasion. Alpha Psl Lambda Initiated one new brother into its fold on June 1, 1946, In the person of Robert T. Frazier, an instructor at Allen University whose home is in Savannah, Georgia. Added to our chapter from other chapters were: Brothers Charles S. Spivy, Jr.. from XI,; E. C. Jones from Beta Delta; L. P. Chappell from New Jersey; and Prennice Hough who has smce moved from Columbia. Brothers Verbus Counts and Cornell Reynolds both just out of the Armed Forces are enrolled at Allen University and have transferred to the undergraduate chapter there. Fraternally yours, EDWARD E. TAYLOR. Associate Editor.





York: The Viking Press, $3.00. Dialogues about t h e American Constitution that will stimulate you to do some careful thinking on g o v e r n m e n t and politics. Carl Sandburg, Storm Over the Land, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, $3.50. Some things S a n d b u r g learned about our Civil War period in his study of Lincoln. Matthew Josephson, The Robber Barons, New York: Harcourt, Brace a n d Company, $3.00. All about the Age of P l u n d e r when Rockefeller and his ilk took America for a ride and the trusts grew up. Never a dull moment. Some Treatment of the Immediate Background for our P r e s e n t Miseries: Thomas P a r k e r Moon. Imperialism and World Politics, New York: The MacMillan Company, $3.50. You ought to commit to memory this scholarly expose of how the record of imperialism from the late 19th century absolutely condemns itself. Walter Millis, Why Europe Fights, Turn

To Page 44

Page 42 OMICRON CHAPTER Pittsburgh, Pa. Greetings to Brothers in Alpha: Alphas of Omicron. Chapter are making 1946 a banner year. Under leadership of Brother Paul (Buzz) Simmons, who was then president, Omicron was made a member of the Inter-Fraternal Council. Brother Simmons has been accepted at the Harvard Law School. Our new president. Brother Raymond Primas, a senior in the University of Pittsburgh Dental School, has capably stepped into Brother Simmons' shoes and is doing a whizz of a job as president in the "Smoky City." EVENTS AT OMICRON In June this chapter raised the necessary funds and established a scholarship to be awarded a deserving student, regardless of race or fraternal affiliation. The student has the right to decide whether he will matriculate at the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Tech, or Duqesne University. The local newspapers of Pittsburgh highly praised the Fraternity for its unprecedented action. Presentation of the scholarship was made by National President Belford Lawson Jr. National President Lawson's speech at the Wesley Center Church, Pittsburgh, was the center of discussion for many weeks due to his eloquence. New members of Omicron are: Brothers Stanley Lewis, Frank Smith, James Wills, Norman Vaughn, James Simmons, Armand Richardson, William Fisher. All are war veterans at the University of Pittsburgh, and are honor or very near honor students. Every Thursday night Brothers at Omicron have the swimming pool of Center Avenue Y. M. C. A., at their disposal. So on Thursday nights an Alpha with his swim trunks in one hand and his girl's hand in his other, may be seen heading for an evening's splashing and swimming. This one evening a week get-to-gether was incorporated for just the hot summer months but has been so successful in getting out all of the brothers t h a t we plan to have a weekly splash party all winter. Brothers of Omicron are soon to have a fraternity house. For years we have been striving for one and hope t h a t in the next edition of the SPHINX we may announce our success. The graduate chapter Is really "carrying the ball" in this movement and itJ cooperation and financial aid are beyond our wildest anticipations. Now t h a t our ranks are filling with very active and competent brothers, new and old, we NEED a fraternity house. WE WANT a fraternity house, we SHALL HAVE a fraternity house. Well that's our story in brief, until the next time. Fraternally yours. JAMES K. LEWIS. Associate Editor

GAMMA THETA LAMBDA Wilmington. Delaware Greetings: Alpha Phi Alpha might feel proud over the accomplishments of Gamma Theta Lambda, which is an infant in our fraternity, but already feels growing pains. In closing the first year of our existence under the capable leadership of Brother John O. Hopkins, Jr., President of Gamma Theta Lambda, we put over a project for which Alpha establishes itself as a civic asset in Wilmington, Del. During the past year, we have been visited by Brothers of Alpha who are leaders in their respective fields of endeavor. In February Brother Walter *H. Walker, of Philadelphia, an accountant, visited and reported on the General Convention, giving us the highlights of the session and kindled the desire for Gamma Theta Lambda to make itself known in our community. Another visitor and welcomed guest was Brother Dr. Milton S. J. Wright, staff member of the Sphinx. Brother Wright was in our city under the auspices



of the American Friends Service Committee. He reminded us of the goal toward which all Alpha Phi Alpha is striving and we felt after his leaving our efforts were not in vain. As the result of our endeavors during the year a sum of $500.00 has been raised toward purchasing uniforms for the band at Howard High School. This sum is to be supplemented by the Wilmington Board of Education. We also made contributions to the European Food Relief Campaign sponsored by the city and the books for Europe project, sponsored by the Federation of Teachers, an A. F. L. affiliate. In our presentations we reminded these groups that we hope their efforts extend to other needy peoples of the world. In addition to these accomplishments we maintained the old Alpha spirit with periodic matters. It is our hope to continue going onward and upward in order t h a t Alpha Phi Alpha might maintain its position. "First of All Service to All." Fraternally yours, CHARLES L. SIMMS At-sociate Editor

BETA NU CHAPTER Florida A. & M. College Each year Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity observes Education and Citizenship Week This year Beta Nu Chapter Gamma Mil Lambda observed this program May 13-19 with three programs: one in the college auditorium, one at the Lincoln city high school, and one at the Bethel A M E Church of the city. The initial program was held with Brother Rayfield McGhee giving "The Significance of Education and Citizenship Week." He brought out how arduously Alpha has striven to get all Negroes to participate fully in all government affairs. In the assembly of the college, brothers of Beta Nu Chapter debated on the question, Resolve: That Better Education for the Negroes Can Only Be Obtained by Educating Him. On the affirmation. Brothers Alphonso Allen and Forest McKennie. On the negation. Brothers Walter Wynn and James Gant. Brother Dr. Jones of Gamma Mu Lambda addressed the students at Lincoln High School on "Education For Citizenship." Friday's noon program climaxed the activities on the campus. The chairman of the scholarship committee. Brother J. D Browne, Jr., announced t h a t Gamma Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha was to ^ f n ^ a ? e W P'"째J ect - " is giving three $50.00 scholarships next year to three of Florida's high school graduates for outstanding qualities of inclination in leadership, scholarship and character. Brother William Major of Tampa presented Beta Nu's award to Miss Carrie Mae Pittman as the best well-rounded student for the year of 1945-46. In dignified manner, Brother Attorney B. V. Lawson, Alpha's General President, was introduced to deliver the main address by Brother Ralph Wimbish. President Lawson addressed the audience on "The Strategy of Victory." He kept the group thinking as he masterfully brought out the need for the group to accept nothing less than first class citizenship in the democracy for which Negroes have fought and died He emphasized: "The patterns of Jim-crow and of prejudice will have to be endured for a while, but we must not accept them, ladies and gentlemen. We must remember that equality is not coming to us as the gentle rains from heaven, we must go out and get them. Unless you leave from here determined to tread out prejudice and segregation our thinking is useless." The General President was honored with a smoker at the Hillside Fountainette where he and the brothers had a heart to heart talk. ALPHA MARCHES ON! Fraternally yours, M. G. MILES Associate Editor

October, 1946 BETA EPSILbN CHAPTER A. & T. College Greetings Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha: Beta Epsilon greets all chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha in this issue of the Sphinx. More t h a n all, we wish to congratulate all Alpha veterans for serving the country. Although it has been quite sometime since you have heard from us through the Sphinx, we are happy to report t h a t our chapter has been and is still going strong. The past school year was a very successful one in which Beta Epsilon was outstanding in many events. Some of the events were: the annual banquet; t h e annual Black and White Formal with the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority; Brother Charles C. Wallace elected president of the student-council for this year; entertained the Howard University choir with a reception, while it was on tour under the direction of Brother Warner Lawson; won first prize for the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Jabo-Wok by presenting a skit written by Brother Sherman U. Williamson of this chapter, entitled "From Hell To Hell." This skit portrayed the life of a veteran who returned from battle and found his hon.e completely destroyed by fire. We welcome the following brothers back to the chapter: Duncan Williams, Richard Johnson, Pllmore Haith, George Haith, Earl Setzer, James Andrews, Harold Hooper, Miltcn Barnes, and Edward Parish. We regret having lost the following brothers who graduated: Nathaniel Harris, James F. Lovell, Ernest M. Olds, Isaac J. Olds. Oscar H. Hinnant, Jr., Sherman U. Williamson. William A. Skelton, and Daniel R. Raye. We also regret having lost the following instructors: Brothers Thomas D. Peters, Charles W. Carter, and Captain Arthur W. Fugerson. We know these brothers will carry the banner high wherever they go. We welcome the following brothers to the faculty: Major Edward C. Johnson commander of the R. O. T. C. Unit, and Joseph B. Jeffries, professor of physics. The Sphinx Club has increased greatly during the past quarter. The following Sphinxmen are treading the paths of Alpha Phi Alpha: Herman M. Burney. Edward Gilmore, Hilliard Gilmore, Warren G. Cabiness, Albert D. Tomlinson, John D. Kelley, Grady A. McDonald. Lonnie T. Foster, Benjamin W. Harris, William T. Brown, John L. Lambeth, Clarence Hargrove, T. Banner Hayes, Bradshaw White.. Jule D. Banks, Edward Clark, Roscoe Cameron, James Johnson, James Paige, and Henry Fannell. We are hoping to break our record in all respects this year and hope Alphadom will hold the torch high all over t h e world. Beta Epsilon chapter will hold t h e torch high all over A. & T. College campus. Remember, brothers, that when greater men are made Alpha Phi Alpha will make them. Fraternally, JOHN C. RAWLS Associate Editor.

ALPHA DELTA LAMBDA Memphis, Tennessee Greetings, Brothers: Since Alpha Delta Lambda chatted with you last in these columns, many interesting things have happened relative to our brothers. First of all, Brother Spence M. (Committee) Smith, circulation manager for the Sphinx, has been promoted to the principalship of one of the local schools, Lester Grammer. Brother Smith had served long patiently, and well on the faculty staff of Booker T. Washington high school, and was most deserving of this advancement. Of course there is a bell at BWHS which he rang for sixteen years, and Brother Smith is hoping to receive it as a souvenir. If he can manage to "hold his mouth right." there is a remote possibility t h a t he may get t h a t bell yet. The time is "mellow."

October, 1916



Page 43


Members of Theta Chapter, left to right seated: Cornelius Parish, chaplain; Melvin Kenny, treasurer: Nelson Woodley, recording secretary; E d w a r d Crute, president; Billy Jones, vice president; E. Herston Batson, parliamentarian: J o h n H. Mims, corresponding secretary. Brother Smith is a regular fellow, and there is hardly any danger of his getting the swell head. In fact it's pretty large already. And does he love Wilberforce? Well, you should have seen how sick he was when Tennessee State won over the 'Forceans' at Nashville last fall. The writer sat next to him, and did a bit of "ribbing." His only consolation was the fact t h a t the writer's own Alma Mater, Fisk University. didn't as much field a team in 1945. The Bull Dogs are expected to go places this year though. Coach Julian Bell is there! A worthy plug for an Omega man (Que). Brother Taylor C. D. Hayes, after spending three years In the armed service, both In the ETO and the Pacific, has been appointed coach at LeMoyne College. Brother Hayes, another Wilberforcean, (And Fiskite) has already begun activities on the Yellow Jackets' field. He succeeded Brother William P. (Jack) Adkins. A member of the Southern Conference of Coaches and Officials, Brother Hayes was recently named president of a similar organization serving Memphis and Shelby County. Teams of two of the Memphis high schools are coached by brothers of our chapter. They are Brothers James Boone, Booker T. Washington; and Joseph T. West-

Second row: Edgar Easley, Robert Burns, Spencer Hardy, B e r n a r d Levin, L a w r e n c e Clark, Henry Thomas, Archie Simmons, Victor Lewis, Carl Cherry, J a m e s Gaither, Herschel Wallace. William Rhetta, Clifford Bailey. Back row: William Johnson, E. Pimbrook.

brcoks, Melrose. Brother Boone is assisted in his coaching by Brother Harris, former star with the Lane College Dragons. Brother Harris, who hails from St. Paul, Minnesota, has been associated with big time football and other major sports since his early youth. He demonstrated some line plays during practice that made everybody buck his eyes. Brother Harris commented that he was soft now and couldn't do so well. The boys said t h a t they'd like to have seen him when he was tough! Brother J. W. Bowden, charter member of Beta Pi. Lane College, and presently member of Alpha Delta Lambda, has been elected manager of the Memphis District of Universal Life Insurance Company. He was scheduled to take over his new position October 15th. Still on the West Coast is Brother Jack Adkins. who made the LeMoyne Yellow Jacket famous with their razzle dazzle plays. The Memphis chapter will always regard Brother Adkins as one of its members. Brother Charles Tarpley, chairman of t h e chapter's social committee, was recently promoted in the local schools. He has moved up from the grammar school system to his alma mater, Booker T. Washington

high school as science instructor. Brother Tarpley. 1937 Wilberforce University graduate with the B. S. degree, is teaching biology. He succeeded Brother Smith. Brother Tarpley served three years in the a r m y . •.

Our chapter has lost its faithful and efficient secretary for the second time. He Is Brother Abner B. Owen, who was given his old secretarial job back following his return from the battlefields of Europe. However, Brother Owen left during the latter part of September for Fisk University where he will study a course in business administration under the GI Bill of Rights. He is a graduate of Fisk. Before departing, the chapter presented Brother Owen with a brush and comb set as a token of sincere appreciation for his service. Brother Robert B. Pitts, former financial secretary, has written us from Seattle, Washington where he is now engaged as a State Statistician. During his brief stay of two years in Memphis as a faculty member at LeMoyne College, Brother Pitts was one of the most ardent and active brothers in Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter. It was he, as financial secretary, t h a t p u t us on the right track relative to handling of funds. Brother Pitts followed Brother

Page 44 Owen into the Army, but before leaving Memphis he won the heart of one of our lovely ladies, the former Miss Mattalyn Coleman. She later became his wife and the coupl? are living on the West Coast. We resumed our fall-winter schedule with a drive for 1947 Grand Tax Fees and a promise to t e well represented at t h e Columbus, Ohio Convention. So long for now. Fraternally, JAMES G. KING, Associate Editor.

ETA LAMBDA CHAPTER Atlanta. Georgia Greetings: Eta Lambda Chapter has been well represented In every sphere of community life here In Atlanta. During the recent political campaign leading up to t h e Primary Election. brothers of the chapter aided financially, morally, and otherwise in an organized drive for registered voters. The Annual Spring Dance, given by the "Apes" on the evening of May 30th at the swanky Top Hat Night Club, was an u n forgettable affair. Brothers and their guests had loads' of fun. We are glad to have back with us a number of brothers from the armed service. As we begin our fail and winter season. these brothers will be on hand to contribute richly to the promotion of several projects outlined before the coming General Convention In Columbus, Ohio. Chapter officers for the year are Brothers Jacob Henderson, president; Artls P. Graves. vice president; George Edwards, secretary; T. M. Alexander, assistant secretary; Walter H. Smith, treasurer; C. V. Holland, chaplain; and William H. Sullivan, associate Sphinx editor. There were many Alpha notables during the 1946 commencement season In Atlanta, Including Brothers Dr. Charles H. Wesley. president of Wllberforce University; Attorney Belford V. Lawson. general president; and Rayford W. Logan, recently retired general president. Eta Lambda is backing with the fullest cooperation the program of the national body. Fraternally yours, WILLIAM H. SULLIVAN Associate Editor.

ALPHA ALPHA CHAPTER Cincinnati. Ohio To all Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha Greetings: With a definite national program t o reclaim 4.000 delinquent brothers this year. Alpha Phi Alpha brothers all over have a challenge t h a t each one can do something about. Suppose t h a t in addition t o what each chapter is doing to reclaim brothers through the chapter program, we could really adopt a slogan—"EVERY BROTHER RECLAIM A BROTHER." and mean it. Our national goal would be a cinch. The First Vice President, W. N. Lovelace has called upon all chapters and brothers under his Jurisdiction t o take our task seriously. It seems to me t h a t we have a goal which is well worth working for. The Task will be an easy one If we all work. WE CANNOT AFFORD TO LET OUR PRESIDENT DOWN. At the meeting of Alpha Alpha Chapter last night. Interest appeared to be at a very high pitch as the school year and fall programs are getting started. The desire to do something about the reclaiming of brothers, is very evident, with a large number of education-hungry veterans enrolling in University Classes, the University of Cincinnati, like many other schools will have the largest number of Negro male students in the schools history. Alpha Alpha Chapter will look them over next week when we hold our annual get-to-gether for all new male students on the U. C. Campus. The return of brothers from the Armed



forces also has added zest and pep to our chapter. The brothers are returning, one by one, slowly b u t surely they are coming back and coming out to meetings. Brother M. T Alexander, Chief Petty Officer, who recently spent some time in the East returned t o Alpha Alpha last night. He reported some high lights of some of our chapters in the eastern part of the country. Another distinct honor came to one of our active Alpha brothers when Brother Leon M. Render successfully passed the Ohio State Bar Examination. Alpha Alpha Chapter has taken new interest in attempting to get a home. The brothers are again lining up solidly with those who for a long time advocated our securing a home. Brother Bill McCaleb promises some very warm programs when he presents discussions on the subject "SHALL ALPHA PHI ALPHA HAVE AN EXECUTIVE SECRETARY? IF SO, SHOULD HIS OFFICE BE LOCATED IN CINCINNATI?" Come out brothers, we need your ideas. Fraternally yours, WILLIS C. WEATHERLY Associate Editor s

Sphinx In Library From Page 41 N e w York: William Morrow a n d Company, $2.50. A simple, brief record of E u r o p e from Versailles to World War II. Also w o r t h committing to m e m o r y . 11. F r e d e r i c k Schuman, Design for Power, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, $3.50. On a m o r e universal scale and w i t h more art and slant a n o t h e r book that traces t h e development of Wcrld War II. More absorbing than most novels, too. 12. E d g a r Snow, The Battle for Asia. Rep r i n t edition, Cleveland and N e w York: T h e World P u b l i s h i n g Company, $1.00. T h e r e h a v e been all sorts of books about China from Between Tears and Laughter to China to Me. Snow's seems p r e t t y well balanced. 13. J a w a h a r l a l N e h r u , Toward Freedom. N e w York: J o h n Day Company, $4.00. N e h r u ' s well-known autobiography is also an essay on India and imperialism. 14. Selwyn J a m e s , South of the Congo, N e w York: R a n d o m House, $3.00. This is about the lower end of Africa as it is today, and not from an imperialist viewpoint either. 15. Negley Farson. Behind God's Back. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, $3.50. This book has a thesis: t h a t the British a r e preferable, even from t h e n a t i v e viewpoint, to t h e G e r m a n s as colonial administrators in Africa. 16. W. E. B. Dubois, Black Folk. Then and now. N e w York: H e n r y Holt and Company, $3.75. Dr. Dubois performs h e r e a rhuch needed service for Africa. F o r T h i n k i n g on our P r o b l e m s of the P r e s e n t and t h e F u t u r e : 17. William Beveridge, Full Employment in a Free Society, N e w York: W. W. Norton and Company, $3.00. This book is something that you must read. And its early chapters which analyze the economics of a g o v e r n m e n t and a social order in terms a layman can understand, as well as the relationship b e t w e e n g o v e r n m e n t and civil liberties, you should learn as children learn the habits of their funny-paper heroes.

October, 1946 18. H. S. Muller. Science and Criticism, New Haven: Yale University Press, 3.75. This gives you some g e n e r a l knowledge of t h e contemporary s t a t e of Ihe physical sciences. It is r e a l l y , of course, a polemic for scientific h u manism. 19. Walter M. Kotchschnig, Slaves Need No Leaders. New York: Oxford University Press, $2.75. A discussion of w h a t education should be if it is to. operate constructively in this p o s t w a r period. Couched in fairly u n i v e r s a l terms. 20. and 21. Granville Hicks, The Great Tradition, N e w York: T h e MacMillaa Company, $2.75. Alfred Kazin, On Native Grounds. New York: Reynal a n d Hitchcock, $3.75. These a r e both histories of literature in America s i n c e t h e Civil War iKazin's starting a b o u t a generation after 1865). B u t you m a y be surprised at the general history of a people you can get out of a h i s t o r y of literature. 23. Drew and Sweeney, Directions in Modern Poetry, New York: W. W. Norton and Company, $2.75. Kazin and Hicks r e m i n d m e t h a t you can also learn something about the modern temper, and h u m a n beings i n general, from this w o r k on poetry. And you will find learning how t o read poetry from it n e i t h e r bad n o r uninteresting either. 24. David Daiches, The Novel and theModern World. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, $2.50. S u b s t i t u t e novel for poetry in the above squib, and repeat. And Finally, on The Problem: 25. G u n n a r Myrdal, An American Dilemma. N e w York: H a r p e r and B r o t h e r s . 2 vols., $7.50. This work can be used for reference. But it can also be read, with telling effect and without pain. 26. Melville Herskovits. The Myth of the Negro Past. N e w York: H a r p e r a n d Brothers, $4.00. This is one book that, if dictatorship was defensible, e v e r y Negro ought to be m a d e to buy. (Where these books can be gotten, like The Battle for Asia in r e p r i n t editions the saving is of course, considerable). This list is too short to be a n y t h i n g b u t tragically limited. But p e r h a p s , it contains one or t w o provocative suggestions.

GRAND TAX For 1947 Is





1947 P a s s

Y o u r A d m i t t a n c e to


Card Convention

60. B E T A R H O — S h a w ' - U n i v e r s i t y , R a l e i g h , N. O.J President, Alfred R. S m i t h , S * a w U n i v e r s i t y , R a l e i g h , N. C ; S e c r e t a r y , W. H. Q u a r l e s , Jr., S h a w U n i v e r s i t y , R a l e i g h , N. C. 61. B E T A S I G M A — S o u t h e r n U n i v e r s i t y , S c o t l a n d , La.; P r e s i d e n t , H u e l P e r k i n s , S o u t h e r n B r a n c h P . O., B a t o n R o u g e , La.; S e c r e t a r y , L e o n a r d o s . W a s h i n g t o n , Box 9385 S o u t h e r n B r a n c h , B a t o n R o u g e , La. 62. BETA TAU—Xavier University, New Orleans, L a . ; President, H a r grove Wooten, Xavier University; Secretary, Clarence Jupiter, 2431 Toledano, New Orleans, La. 63. B E T A U P S I L O N — A l a b a m a S t a t e College, M o n t g o m e r y , Ala.; P r e s i d e n t , A r c h i e L. Lacey, S t a t e T e a c h e r s College, M o n t g o m e r y , Ala.; S e c r e t a r y , J a m e s M. Beverly, 720 S o u t h J a c k s o n , M o n t g o m e r y , Ala. 64. BETA PHI—Dillard University, New Orleans, L a . : President, Lionel

A. Desbordes; Secretary, Louis J . Bernard, Dillard University, New Orleans 19, La. 66. BETA CHI—Philander College, Little Rock, Arkansas. 66. BETA PSI—Oxford, Cambridge, London University, London, England. 67. GAMMA ALPHA—Texas College, Tyler. Texas; President, Johnie H i n e s ; Secretary. J. C. Blackwell. Texas College, Tyler, Texas 68. GAMMA BETA—North Carolina College, Durham, N. C. • President. Mack W. Akins, Jr., P. O. Box 367, North Carolina College, Secretary James D. Saddler, P. O. Box 462, N. C. College. 69. GAMMA G A M M A — C o l u m b i a , S. C ; P r e s i d e n t , V e r b u s C o u n t s Al e n U n i v e r s i t y , C o l u m b i a , S. O ; S e c r e t a r y , T h a l e s E M i m s Allen U n i v e r s i t y , C o l u m b i a . S. C. 70. GAMMA DELTA—Ark. M. & N. College, Pine Bluff. A r k . : President, Anderson P Perryman ; Secretary, Tyree J. Webster, Arkansas M. A N. College, Pine Bluff. Arkansas.

CHAPTER OFFICERS—Graduate Chapters 101. ALPHA LAMBDA—Louisville, Ky.; President, Stenson Broadus, Box 271, Harrods Creek, Ky.; Secretary, L. C. Curry, 1702 Magazine St., Louisville 3, Ky. 102. BETA LAMBDA—Kansas City. Missouri; President, Daniel W. Lewis, 1204 Everett, Kansas City, Kansas; Secretary, Dowdal H. Davis, 2711 E. 23rd St., Kansas City, Mo. 103. GAMMA L A M B D A — D e t r o i t , M i c h i g a n ; P r e s i d e n t , Dr. W a l t e r H a r m o n , 2510 E a s t D i v i s i o n , D e t r o i t 12, M i c h i g a n ; S e c r e t a r y , G r o v e r D. L a n g e , 293 E l i o t Ave., D e t r o i t 1, M i c h . 104. DELTA LAMBDA—Baltimore, Md.; President, Dean Walter T. Dixon, 1933 McCulloh St.. Baltimore 17. Md. ; Secretary, Dr. Frederick H. Dedmond, Morgan State College, Baltimore 12, Md. 106. EPS1LON LAMBDA—St. Louis, Mo.; President. Daniel Bowles, 4218 Cook Ave. ; Corr. Secretary, John D. Buckner, 4246 West North Market St.. St. Louis, Mo. 106. ZETA LAMBDA—Newport News, V a . ; President, H. W. Ridley. 2404 Marshall Ave. ; Secretary, N. J. Pleasant, 1371 44th St., New| 107.THETA L A M B D A — D a y t o n , O h i o ; P r e s i d e n t , D. D. A l b r i t t o n , 85 B r a g g P l a c e . D a y t o n , O.; S e c r e t a r y , W i l l i a m D. W o o d s , 1001 D a n n e r Ave., D a y t o n , O h i o . § 1 0 8 . ETA LAMBDA—Atlanta, Ga.; President, Jacob R. Henderson, 816 Play Lane, N. W.; Secretary, George L. Edwards, 162 Bailey St., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. 109. IOTA LAMBDA—Indianapolis, Ind.; President. Sparling Clark, 413 West 29th St.; Secretary, Wilbur L. Chenault, 2245 N. Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana. 110.KAPPA LAMBDA—Greensboro, N. C. ; President, Dr. George Evans. 908 Salem St. ; Secretary, Nicholas L. Gerren, 400 Stewart St., Greensboro, N. C. 111. MU LAMBDA—Washington, D. C.; President, Berdie L. Robinson, 2803 13th St.. N. E . ; Financial Secretary, C. C House, 2824 14th St., N. E.. Washington 17, D. C. 112. NU LAMBDA—Ettrick, Va. ; President, T. Nelson Baker; Secretary, Reuben R. McDaniel. Va. State College. Ettrick. Va. 113. XI LAMBDA—Chicago, 111.; Secretary, Thomas M. Clarke, 417 E. 47th St.. Suite 309. Chicago 15, Illinois. 114. OMICRON LAMBDA—Birmingham, Ala.; President, Waymon C. Matherson, 412 10th Avenue, N o r t h ; Secretary, Charles L. Shepard, 13 10th Avenue, North, Birmingham, Ala. 116. PI LAMBDA—Little Rock, Arkansas; President, Franklin C. Brown, 1019 Cross; Secretary, A. A. Arnold, 2224 Rock. Little Rock, Ark. 116. R H O L A M B D A — B u f f a l o , N. Y.; P r e s i d e n t , Lewis B i c k e t t , 51 E. W i l l e r t P a r k C o u r t s . B u f f a l o 4, N. Y.; S e c r e t a r y , J o h n W . B l a n t o n , 188 N o r t h l a n d P l a c e , B u f f a l o 8, N. Y. 117. SIGMA LAMBDA—New Orleans, La.; President, Dr. Wesley N. Segre, 2326 Upperline Street, New Orleans; Secretary, Walter E. Morial. 1433 Touro St., New Orleans. 16. 118. TAU LAMBDA—Nashville, Tenn. ; President, Aaron L. Allen, 1601 18th Ave. N . ; Secretary, B. F . Cox. 1812 Morena St.. Nashville, Tenn. 119. UPSILON LAMBDA—Jacksonville, Fla.; President, T. M. Christopher. Harlem Pharmacy, Fourth and Davis; Secretary. Dr. Nelson W. Spaulding, 539 West Union Street. Jacksonville. Florida. 120. PHI LAMBDA—Raleigh. N. C. ; President, R. H. Toole, 1005 S. Perrin St. ; Secretary, W. C. Davenport, 909 East Hargett St., Raleigh, N. C. 121. CHI LAMBDA—Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio; President, O. K. Ward, 902 Xenia, Ohio; Secretary, Clarence Harvey Mills, Sr., Wilberforce, Ohio. 122. PSI LAMBDA—Chattanooga, Tenn. ; President, Richelieu Strange, 1027 E. 10th St. ; Secretary, Samuel W. Seals, 642 Maple St., Chattanooga. Tenn. 123. ALPHA ALPHA LAMBDA—Newark, N. J. : President. Dr. Clarence S. Janifer, 208 Parker St., Newark, New Jersey; Secretary, Arthur C. Williams, 158 Lincoln Street, Montclair, New Jersey. 124. ALPHA BETA LAMBDA—Lexington, Ky. 125. ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA—New York, N. Y.; President, Robert T. Custis, 771 St. Nicholas Avenue: Secretary, Ernest F. Stevenson, 2106 Amsterdam Ave., New York City. 126. ALPHA DELTA LAMBDA—Memphis, Tenn.; President, Lewis O. Swingler, 388 Beale Ave.; Secretary, Abner B. Owen, Jr., 698 Williams Avenue. Memphis, Tenn. 127. ALPHA EPSILON LAMBDA—Jackson, Miss.; Secretary, Dr. J . B. Dillard, Vicksburg, Miss. 128. ALPHA ZETA LAMBDA—Bluefield, W. Va.; P r e s i d e n t , Dr. H e n r y W h i s i k e r , 811 B l a n d St., Bluefield, W. Va.; S e c r e t a r y , E. W. B r o w n e , B l u e f i e l d S t a t e College, B l u e f i e l d , W. Va. 129. ALPHA ETA LAMBDA—Houston, Texas; President, Dr. John W. Davis, 2914 Nagle S t . ; Secretary-Treasurer, R. W. Lights, 2611 Holman St.. Houston, Texas. 130. ALPHA T H E T A LAMBDA—Atlantic City, N. J . ; President, C. Morris Cain, 1711 Arctic Ave., Atlantic City, N. J . ; Secretary, Austin J . Martin, 128 W. Greenfield Ave.. Pleasantville, N. J . 131. ALPHA IOTA LAMBDA—Charleston, West Virginia; President, Felix Warren, Institute, West Va.; Secretary, William J . L. Wallace, Box 102, Institute, West Va. 132. ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA—Roanoke, V a . ; President, Dr. E. D. Downing, 40 Centre Ave., N . W . ; Secretary, R. A. Coleman, 312 „„„ Gilmer Ave, N. W.. Roanoke, Va. 133. ALPHA MU LAMBDA—Knoxville, Tenn. 134 ALPHA NU LAMBDA—Tuskegee, Ala.; President, I. A. Derbigny; i o c Secretary, H. J. Romm. Tuskegee Institute. Ala. ALPHA XI LAMBDA—Toledo, Ohio; President, William T h o m a s , 653 H a m i l t o n St.. T o l e d o , O h i o ; S e c r e t a r y , M a u r i c e , . . . M ' Leavelle, 231 B r a n d W h i t l o c k Apts., T o l e d o 2, O h i o . 136. ALPHAc OMICRON LAMBDA—Pittsburgh, P a . ; President, Dr. Mc. , „ ' % - K" 1 *' fi°3 Gearing Avenue; Secretary, Wilbur C. Douglass, 412 Bakcwell Bids.. Pittsburgh. Pa. A LPHA PI , LAMBDA—Winston-Salem, N. C.; President, Dr. J. M. Walker .-Secretary, A. P. Marshall, 616 West 24% Street, Winston. Salem N. C. 138. ALPHA RHO LAMBDA—Columbus. Ohio; President. Maceo Hill, 291 i 2 £ t h „ , 2 . l s t Street, Columbus 3, Ohio; Secretary, A. D. V. Crosby, , - „ 1 5 9 W i n n e r A v e n u e . C o l u m b u s 3, O h i o . 139. ALPHA SIGMA LAMBDA—Dallas. Texas; President. W. Barton Beatty, 2700 Flora Street; Secretary, R. L. Prince, 1823 Boll Street, JJalJas, I exas.

140. ALPHA TAU LAMBDA—Tulsa, Oklahoma; President, Tollie W. Harris 320 N. Greenwood; Secretary, James R. Ellis. 1100 E. P i n e Street. Tulsa. Oklahoma. 141. ALPHA UPSILON LAMBDA—Montgomery. Ala.; President. Dr. C. I . Simpkins, 311 Pelham Street; Secretary. J. M. Reynolds, State . io I e a c n e r s College, Montgomery, Alabama A A P ? A r . P H I LAMBDA—Norfolk, Va. ; President. Dr. A. C. Fentress, ™? fc. P r m S B 8 s Anne Rd. : Secretary-Treasurer. Thomas W. Young. 721 Chapel Street. Norfolk, Va. 143. ALPHA PSI LAMBDA—Augusta, Ga. ; President, Augustus C. Griggs. gifs'ta^Ga Secretary, John M. Tutts, 1108 Phillips Street, Au144 ' A o f i * P | ' LAMBDA—Columbia, S. C.; President, Robert W. Mance. T«n £ ' " * St™**- Columbia 16, S. C.; Secretary, Harry B. Rutherford. 1330 Gregg Street, Columbia 33, S. C. 145. BETA ALPHA LAMBDA—Jersey City, New Jersey; President, Paul R n n X k r Y w P - , 6 7 0 , 5 r a m , h a l 1 Avenue. Jersey City, N. J . ; Secretary. 146 B F T 1 P B ? T *AW T ? « , i r ? ! 4 ^ r e a t S t r e e t ' J e r s e y City. New Jersey. f n - J ^ S, * LAMBDA—Miami, Florida ; President. Dr. I. P. Davis, wlT. *;!;' Second A v e n u e . Secretary, Charles L. Williams. 1200 North w» W JS.« Avenue, Miami 36. Florida. f$i r A M M , A LAMBDA—Richmond. Va. ; President, Milton F. Hill. e de Rifhmo nd 20 AV vTr U ginif eC, ' etary ' W ' * H ™ ° e r s o n . 9 West Clay Street. U8 ' W r T i A m D H L T K > . L A M ^ D A - < P a l t 0 n a B ^ l h ' F l o r i d a : President. Dean William H Hill, Bethune-Cookman College; Secretary, Dr. H E. , , n SS.'rS'P'-JJ 67 Second Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida. 149. BETA EPSILON LAMBDA-Wewoka. Okla.; President, I. T. A n d . r 615 N 5th S >I e et. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Secretary L G . 4 °1'l D -,5„ Ashley, P. O. Box 247. Boley, Oklahoma. S L L A Z E T A LAMBDA-Jefferson City. Mo.; President. Dr. Albert R. Maddox. 11614 Main Street, West, Sedalia, Mo.; Secretary, James H Seeney, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo. 161. BETA ETA LAMBDA-Oklahoma City. Okla.; President. Dr. J. M. Littlepage 1123 N E. 8th Street; Secretary, Otis A. Freeman. 531 N. Kelham Street. Oklahoma Citv, Oklahoma 162. BETA T H E T A LAMBDA—Durham. N C 153. BETA IOTA LAMBDA-Baton Rouge. La. ; President, Harrison R. Weiss, P O. Box 1691, Baton Rouge 2, L a . ; Secretary, Russell M. Ampey, P. O. Box 1691. Baton Rouge 2, La. W E T T ™ « A ^ A £ A M ! ? A T C I , a r l e 8 t o n ' S - C - : p resident. Dr. Winston St.', Charleston ^ " c '' S e c r e t a r y ' D r - E - B - Burroughs, 36 Morris 155. BETA MU LAMBDA—Salisbury, N. C. 156. B E T A N U L A M B D A — C h a r l o t t e . N. C ; P r e s i d e n t , Dr. T h o m W a t k l n s , 329 S o u t h B r e v a r d St.. C h a r l o t t e , N. C. S e c r e t a r y : , c , J i ! l n t o n B l a k e - 4 2 3 E a s t P l r s t St., C h a r l o t t e 2, N. C S,,r„ LAMBDA—Omaha, Nebraska; President. Saybert Hanger, 1915 No. 28th Street; Secretary, Robert L. Myers, 2416 No. 22nd Street, Omaha. Nebraska. 168. BETA OMICRON LAMBDA—Mobile. Alabama; President, W. J CarJS V " I - , n „C<>?7!ty T r a i n > n e School. Dephine, Ala.; Secretary, J e r r y S hin f t 0 n P l a c e isq W F T A " PTK'r2i'AMM^r\ A '-, u ' M o b i ' e " - Alabama. P RSI^, nns P A - A l b a n y . New York; President, William F . Brown, DDS. 146 South Pearl Street. Albany, N. Y . : Secretary, 160 S r FT P i%Hr, H ? 1 i- M 4 D 1 rJ 3 » t h 5 t r e e t - N o r t h Trey. New York. ^' 160. BETA RHO LAMBDA—Youngstown. Ohio; President. Graham Lynch. 525 Kenmore Avenue; Secretary, James E. Smith, 2953 Karl Street. lountfstown, Uniu, * 161. BETA SIGMA LAMBDA—Hartford, Conn. 162. BETA e TAU L Ar M BS DreA t:- F o r t Worth, Texas; President. C. T. Tinsley, Y ^ L ^ W ? , n , -,\ l C o r r e s p o n d i n g S e c r e t a r y , H. L e o n a r d T h o m p s o n , 1101 V e r b e n a S t r e e t , F o r t W o r t h T e x a s ""*"" 163. BETA UPSILON LAMBDA-Jackson, Tenn. ; President P. M. Corruthers Lane College; Corresponding Secretary, C. A. Kirkendall II. P. O. Box 46 i, Jackson, Tenn. 164. BETA PHI LAMBDA—Savannah, Ga. ; President. J. W. Wilson 720 West Broad. Savannah. Ga.; Secretary, C. V. Clay, Georgia State College, Industrial College, Georgia. 165 - %?7A™A ^ A M ? v . D A r - M 4 u s k e O B e e - Oklahoma; President, Dekoven A. kit s L , IM ' v 7 " 1 Street; Secretary. Emory H. Jennings, 906 Market Street. Muskogee, Oklahoma. 166. BETA PSI LAMBDA—Los Angeles, California; President Dewey D Davidson 1162 E 46th St., Los Angeles 11; Edward Strong, c/o ,*„ A ?S?!'J S F u n e r a l H o m e , 1030 E. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles Calif 167. GAMMA ALPHA LAMBDA-Charlottesville, Va. ; Prlsident? Dr. CI J J t . 1 1 , " N « f A u B « 8 t a - Street, Staunton, Va. ; Secretary, A. w ] Pleasant, Jr., M.D.. Massie Street. Lexington Va 169. GAMMA GAMMA L A M B D A — G r e e n v i l l e S C • President n o x w ° bW£ h£i St t ie n Ab ne dr ge ,r s °Box ' B15, l l e ,C S O ^ S de ci er t a r yy, *•• E' W. G* r«e•e nGwroeoe dn ,v i S. 170. GAMMA DELTA LAMBDA—Beckley. West Va. : President Duoont A vKS'nla 8 0 1 1 1 0 2 4 : Secretary, Martin K. Austin, B o x l l Beckley. WeVi 171. GAMMA EPSILON LAMBDA— Hopkinsville Kv 172. GAMMA ZETA L A M B D A - T a m p a . Florida I President, C. Blythe A n drews, 1511 Central Avenue; Secretary. Rev. Eugene L Avery 1307 ery Lamar Avenue. Tampa, Florida " ' ""' 173. G A M M A E T A LAMBDA-Austin. Texas; President, C. Johnson. Box RuS8e Texas. " ' 1 S 0 5 E o 8 t 1 2 t h Street. Austin. 174. GAMMA THETA LAMBDA—Wilmington. Del • President ?r°eS S Str J ^. 1 w\?mi F n r gTon h D S eV




Avenue. Brooklyn, New York 176. GAMMA KAPPA LAMBDA—Wilmington. N 3F0T^6ln-CS^tCW5linCXneSTdc"!f




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" ^ IeAcrt^MRU H ^ n ^ l l r r r ^ S ^ S T ^ S h J L ^ A " " ' 178. GAMMA NU LAMBDA-Lynchburg, Va ; P r e s t o n t E T ^ r W n t „ „ 1201 8th, St.. Lynchburg. Va. : Corr. Secrete™ C s Scott CamnbelF County Training School. Rustburg, Va. ' ^"Pbell 179. GAMMA XI LAMBDA—St. Paul-Minneapolis. Minn. ; President Tnh„ M. Patton. Jr., 954 St. Anthony Avenue; Secretary Charles F RRn£S™ 402 Metropolitan Bank Building, St. Paul, Minnesota <«ers.



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FRATERNITY PRAYER (O Lord) "May the true spirit of Fraternity, rule our hearts, guide our thoughts, and control our lives, so that w e may become through Thee, servants of all." (Amen.)

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