President: MYLES A . P A I G E , 1294 Carroll St., Brooklyn. N e w York President-Elect: W I L L I A M H . H A L E , Langston University, Langston,
Eastern Vice President: ALFRED C. FENTRESS, 956 Marshall Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia We-.tern
California Southwestern Vice
H. C.
.St. N.
Oklahoma Midwestern Vice President: S T E N S O N E. B R O A D D U S , Box N o . 2 5 1 , H a r r o d Creek, Kentucky Southern Vice President: W A L T E R W A S H I N G T O N , Utica C o l l e g e , Utica Mississippi G e n e r a l Secretary: L A U R E N C E T. Y O U N G , 4432 South Parkway, C h i c a g o , Illinois G e n e r a l Treasurer: M E R E D I T H G . F E R G U S O N , 354 4th Avenue N o r t h Nashville, Tennessee G e n e r a l Counsel: W I L L I A M H . B R O W N , I I I C o m . Trust Building, 15th Floor, 16 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Editor: "The Sphinx": W . B A R T O N BEATTY, Jr., N o . 5 H i g h Terrace, Montclair, N e w Jersey Director of Educational Activities: C L I F T O N R. J O N E S , M o r g a n State C o l l e g e , Baltimore, Maryland Historian: C H A R L E S
H . W E S L E Y , C e n t r a l State C o l l e g e , W i l b e r f o r c e , O h i o A S S I S T A N T V I C E PRESIDENTS: EASTERN R E G I O N — W i l l i a m M . Cloverdale, I I I 85 Lincoln Avenue, Y e a d o n , Pennsylvania W E S T E R N R E G I O N — T h e o d o r e C a r t e r , 6128 Jordan Avenue, El C e r r i t o , California S O U T H E R N R E G I O N — C a l v i n Jeffries, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, A l a b a m a M I D W E S T E R N R E G I O N — P a u l J . King, 7319 Vernon Avenue, C h i c a g o , Illinois S O U T H W E S T E R N R E G I O N — R u f f i n J . LeBrane, Dillard University, N e w Orleans, Louisiana C H A I R M E N , STANDING COMMITTEES SCHOLARSHIP A N D E D U C A T I O N A L ACTIVSTANDARDS A N D EXTENSION C O M M I T T E E : ITIES; Clifton R. Jones, M o r q a n State C o l Aaron Brown, 1468 President Street, Brooklyn, lege, Baltimore, M a r y l a n d . BUDGET C O M M I T T E E : Kermit J . H a l l , 5000 W o o d l a n d Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. _ w, _ . ., , c. , A U D I T C O M M I T T E E : W D . Hawkms, Jr., F,sk University, Nashville 8, Tennessee. RULES A N D
N e w York. C O N S T I T U T I O N C O M M I T T E E : John D. Buck4 2 4 6 W . N . M a r k e t Street, St. Louis, ner, Missouri REORGANIZATION COMMITTEE: Raymond w C a n n o n N o m Pa|ace Bui|ding| M m n e a . po|is
drew J . Lewis I I I , 525 Tatnall Street, A t l a n t a ,
a » ^ r , 4272 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mis-
O M I C R O N LAMBDA ALPHA—Elmer L. Green, Box 333, Howard Univ., Washington, D.C. O M I C R O N LAMBDA BETA—(inactive) Univ. of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois
UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. I?. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
ALPHA—Dr. S . Alex Calvin, 401 W . State Street, Ithaca, N.Y. BETA—James Collins, 1623 Varnum Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. GAMMA—Thomas Crawford, Virginia Union University, Richmond 20, Virginia DELTA—Charles M. Russell, 705A Thompson Sf., Austin 2, Texas EPSILON—Milton G. Tarver, 236 Cooky House, East Quad., Ann Arbor, Mich. ZETA—Inactive ETA—Floyd Posby, 116-18 W . 144th Sf New York, N.Y. Apt. 20 THETA—Thomas J. Burrell, 7159 S. Lawrence Avenue, Chicago, III nois IOTA—Haiel L. Moore, Morris Brown College, Atlanta 14, Georgia KAPPA—Kenneth Bland. IC90 Leona Avenue, Cf'umbus 3, Ohio. MU—Arthur C. Hill, 650 Carroll Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. NU Howard Kent, Box 333, Lincoln University, Pennsylvania XI—Milton D. Williams, Wilberforce University, Wilbe'force, Ohio OMICRON—Roberf P. Smith, 3046 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. PI—James L. Sweeney, 3211 E. I2lst St., Cleveland, Ohio RHO—R. Allan Durrant, 40 W . Upsal Street, Phila., Pa. SIGMA—Herman Hemingway, 72 Hutch:ngs St., Dorchester, Mass. TAU—Clarence J. Crooks, Jr., I? Taft House, MRH. Champaign, Illinois UPSILON—Georne G. Buford, 1014 Mississippi Street. Lawrence, Kansas PHI—John R. Browne, 6 Church St-eet, Athens, Ohio CH 1 —Charles E. Watson. 1222 Jefferson Street, N-ishville. Tennessee PSI—Donald R. Anderson, 5820 Arch Street, Phila., Pa. ALPHA-AI PHA—Henry Johnson, 1016 Chapel Street. Cincinnati 29, Ohio ALPHA-BETA—A. K. Stanley, Talladega College, Talladega, Alabama ALPHA-GAMMA—(Inactive).' Providence, Rhode Island ALPHA-DELTA—Donald Armstrong, 2231 W . 31st Street, Los Angeles, California ALPHA.EPSM ON—Eurael E. Bell, 1528 Ashby Berkeley, California
23. 2?. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.
ALPHA-ZETA — Charles Woodyard, Prillerman Hall, West Virginia State Colleqe, Institute, West Virginia ALPHA ETA—Osborne Shannon, 5359A Terry Avenue. St. Lcuis 21, Missouri ALPHA THETA—Inactive, Iowa City, Iowa. ALPHA-IOTA — Leon O. Lewis. 3065 Monroe Denver 5, Colorado ALPHA KAPPA—(Inactive) Boston, Mass. ALPHA MU — Louis S. Mosley, 2033 Darrow Avenue, Evanston, III. ALPHA NU—Inactive Des Moines, Iowa. ALPHA XI—Cleophas W . Miller, 531 26th Avenue, Seattle, Wash. ALPHA-OMICRON—James L. Allen, Johnson C. Smith " University, Charlotte, North Carolina ALPHA PI—Inactive, Louisville, Kentucky ALPHA-RHO—Melvin D. Smith, Morehouse College, Atlanta 14, Georgia ALPHA-SIGMA—Herman L. Tottem, Wiley College, Coe Hall, Marshall, Texas ALPHA-TAU—David J. Wilson, 785 Bellevue Avenue. Akron 7, Ohio. ALPHA.UP ILON—Cecil R. Crump, 5050 Cass Avenue. Detroit 2, Michiqan ALPHA PHI—Wm. S. Fillmore, Jr., Clark College, Atlanta, Georgia ALPHA-CHI—Quentin T. Smith, Fisk University, Box 162. Nashville, Tennessee ALPHA-PSI — William Gibson, Tull Hall, Lincoln University, Jefferson City. Missouri BETA ALPHA—Frank W . Greene, Box 208, Morgan College, Balto.. Md. BETA BETA—Inactive, Omaho, Nebraska. BETA GAMMA—James A. Fitzpatrick, Jr. Box 2608 — Virginia State College, Petersburg, BETA-DELTA—John I. McLeod, 406 Treadwel Sreet, N. E.. Orangeburg. r outh Caro'ina BETA-UPSILON — Cleveland Black, Box 269, Cooper Hall, A S T College, Greensboro, North Carolina BETA ZETA—Albert A. Greenlee. State Teachers' College, Elizabeth City, North Carolina BETA ETA—John S. Holmes, 209 E. Walnut St., Carbondale, Illinois BETA-TETA—Rastes demons, 1214 Payne Hall Bluefield State College. Bluefield W. Va. BETA-IOTA—Ralph D. Harris, 857 Camel Street, Winston-Salem, North CaroTna BETA-KAPPA — Ernest Parker, Box 154. Langston University, Lanastotn, Oklahoma RETA-MU—Edward D. Snorton, McCullin Hall, Kentucky State Colleqe, Frankfort, Kentucky BETA-NU—Percy Goodman, P. O. Box 2281, FAMU. Tallahassee, Florida BETA-XI .— Sammie Fields, Jr.. 2308 Shasta Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee BETA-OMICRON—Herman L. Reese, Box 617 Student Union Building, Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tennessee
BETA-PI—Freddie Simpson, Lane College, Jackson, lennessee BETA RHO—Johnnie E. Burke, Shaw Univ., Raleigh, N.C. 61. BEiA SIGMA—Wm. W . Mackey, Southern University, Baton Rouge, La. 62. BETA TAU—Inactive, New Orleans, La. 63. BETA-UPJLON—Melvin L. Marshall. Alabama State College, Montgomery, Alabama 64. BETA PHI—Cornelius W. Merrick, D.l.ard Un v., New Orleans, La. 65. BETA.CHI — Frederick M. Harris, Philander Smith College, Little Rock, Arkansas 66. BETA-PSI—(Inactive) London, England 67. G A M M A ALPHA—Frankie McDonald, Texas College, Tyler, Texas 68. G A M M A BETA—Roamless Hudson, N.C. State College, Durham, N.C. 69. G A M M A - G A M M A — A . Pinckney. Allen Univer. sity, Columbia, South Carolina 70. GAMMA-DELTA Willie F. Griffin. Box 4098. AM&N College, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71. G A M M A EPSILON—James E. Hill, 255 Mills Street, Madison, Wisconsin 72. GAMMA-ZETA—Dav,d lhrasher. Fort Valley State College, Fort Valley, Georgia 73. GAMMA-ETA—Roger W . Perry, Forest Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 74. GAMMA.THETA— (Inactive) Dayton, Ohio 75. G A M M A IOTA—Avon McDan.el, Box 63, Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. 76. GAMMA-KAPPA—Bruce Payne, Miles College, Birmingham 8, Alabama 77. GAMMA-MU—James F. Morrison, Livingstone College, Salisbury, North Carolina 73. GAMMA-NU—Ishmael R. Johnson, Jr., 17 E. Sheldon Park, Natronka Heiqhts, Pennsylvania 79. G A M M A XI—John C. Lewis, 846 E. 77th Street, Los Angeles, California 80. G A M M A - O M I C R O N — Preston Ford, Knoxville College. Kncxville. Tennessee 81. G A M M A PI—Eddie E. Robinson. Benedict College, Columbia, : .C. 82. G A M M A RHO—Carl E. Smith, Purdue University, Lafayette. Indiana 83. G A M M A SIGMA—Delbert LeCompte, Del. State College, Dover, Delaware 84. GAMMA-TAU—David Wynn, I754F Sparton Village, East Lansing 2, Michigan C5. GAMMA-UP ILON—William Richardson, TougoIco College, Tcugaloo, Mississippi 86. GAMMA-PHI—Jewel Williams. Box 901, Tuskeaes. Ins'itute AUba-na 87. G A M M A CHI—Andrew V. Stevenson, 218 Tanner Hall, Kansas State Teachers, Pittsburgh, Kansas 88. GAK'MA PSI—Raymond I. Hunley, St. Augustine College, Raleigh, N.C. 8?. DELTA.ALPHA Thomas Gaither. Claflin Colleoe. Orangeburg, South Carolina 90. DELTA BETA—Samuel A. Hay, Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Batch, Fla. 91. DELTA GAMMA—Posey Williams, Jr. Alabama A & M College, Normal, Alabama 02. DELTA DELTA—Walter H. Jackson, Albany State College, Albany, Georgia 93. DELTA-EPSILON—Ronald G. Woodbeck, 272 Purdy Street, Buffalo 8, New York 94. DELTA-ZETA—(Inactive) Savannah, Georgia 95. DELTA-ETA—Richard Fitzgerald P. O. Box 361, 1405 Rockerfeller St., Waycross. Georgia 96. DELTA-THETA—Willard D. McCleary. 3433 Binz Street, Houston 4, Texas 97. DELTA-IOTA— (Inactve) Trenton, New Jersey 98. DELTA KAPPA—Theodore Casey, Alcorn A » M College, Lorman, Mississippi 99. DELTA MU—Wm .T. Ridgeway, 812 Matthewson, Wichita, Kansas 100. DELTA NU—Ernest Brown, Md. State College, Princess Anne, Maryland 300. DELTA-XI—Charles Wilkins, 103 Page Hall, Central State Colleqe, Wilberforce, Ohio 331. DELTA-OMICRON—Rick Nelson, 231 Monterey Street, San Francisco, California 302. DELTA-PI—Robert E. Barksdale, 5553 Westnrnster Avenue, Philadelphia 31, Pennsylvania. 303. DELTA-RHO—Robert E. Williams, 3921 Myrtle, Kansas City .Missouri 304. DELTA SIGMA—Leroy J. Sanford, Grambling College, Grambling, La. 305. DELTA-TAU—Kenneth W r g h t , St. Paul's College, Lawrencevil'e, Virginia 30S. DELTA-UPSILON—Leon Simmons, Ogden Hall, M : ami University. Oxford, Ohio 307. DELTA-PHI — Arthur L. Williams, Box 7169, Jackson r tate Colleqe, Jackson, Mississippi 308. DELTA CHI—Van W . Lewis, 36 Hopkins Ave., Brooklyn, New York 30). DELTA-PSI—Sam W. Lewis, Florida Normal Col. le-e. St. Augustine, Florida 310. EPSILON.ALPHA—Ezekiel Smith, 813 Johnson A v n n e To'eHo, Oh : o 311. EPSILON BETA—Clarence D. Johnson, 2494 S. Lily Avenue, Fresno, Calif. 312. EPSILON-GAMMA—Lee M. Walton, Bishop Colleqe, Marshall, Texas 313. EPSILON-DELTA — Clarence W. Mixon, Rt. 2, Box 59. K-nf. O h i 314. EPSILON-EPSILON—A. A. Davis, P. O. Box No. 421, Stillwater, Oklahoma 315. EPSILON-ZETA—Eunene R. Hunter, Fayetteville State Teachers' College, Fayetteville, North 60.
316. 317. 318.
EPSILON-ETA—Perry Jones, 184 Pierce Hall, F M . U . , Ypsilanti, Michigan EPSILON THETA—John C. Chinn, 541 E. Henry St. Meadville, Pa. EP"ILON-IOTA — Emanuel M. McKinney, Brackenridqe Hall, No. 143, University of Texas, Austin 18, Texas
yke Sphinx Official
F r o m T h e General Secretary's Desk Brother Laurence T. Young CHICAGO, ILL.—The intent of this edition of THE SPHINX is to focus the attention of the individual brothers on problems as they effect the office of the General Secretary. The General Secretary is constantly requesting chapters throughout the county to adhere, which basically is following simple instructions on the various forms sent them from time to time. An individual chapter error in making a remittance, or in ordering a fraternity pin, is simple to correct, but when that error is multiplied by three hundred, the problem becomes a gigantic chore. In NEWS LETTERS,—the columns of THE SPHINX, personal letters, and every method available, we have announced to our membership that Alpha Phi Alpha is now at a point where we can be most effective in our role as an influence in our culture. The spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha was born many years ago in the hearts and souls of the brothers at Cornell University. That spirit has been transmitted to thousands of young men who "saw the light"—Many facts have
ABOUT OUR COVER: Brother Myles A. Paige and family take this opportunity to wish all Brothers, their families and friends, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Brother Paige completes his tenure of office as General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. on January I, 1961. During his presidency, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity moved ahead in many areas, notably, however, is the bringing together of the largest number of financial Brothers in the history of the Fraternity. Judge Paige is joined in this Christmas picture with his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Paige (right), a New York school teacher, Mrs. Paige Randall (left), a senior student in medicine, one of two daughters, and Karen Randell, the grandaughter that directs the activities of the Paige Dynasty.
been advanced as to why so many Alpha men fail to keep up their membership after leaving college. We do not know the answer, but we do know, if we are to maintain our position in the changing economic and social structure, more of our brothers must come forward and help put the program over. We are not a fraternity of a few men, we are an organized group of some twenty five thousand brothers
who have proclaimed: "Alpha Phi Alpha, the Light of the World", of which number approximately seven thousand continue to renew their vows. The gains in our economic, educational and professional status over the past thirty years, in a large measure, can be credited to Alpha Phi Alpha, viz — the "Henderson case", the "Gaines case", the "Teacher's Equalization salary case" and others too numerous to mention are but a part of the program of this great movement for the good of all mankind. We are now on the eve of our greatest day,—this day will not be ours as a gift but for a PRICE,—and that price is prayerful dedication, hard work and continued faith in ourselves, and our future. Chapter Secretaries should be elected on the basis of their peculiar knowledge, or some measure, specialized training with regard to office procedures. They should be in position to advise their members on all the various facets governing remittances, prices, customs, rulings and constitutional interpretations. They should be in position to inform their continued on next page
Publication Office: 4432 South Parkway, Chicago 53, III. RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED Address all news matter to Editor-in-Chief:
W. BARTON BEATTY, JR. 5 High Terrace, Montclair, New Jersey SUBSCRIPTION PRICE — $2.00 PER YEAR Published four times a year, in February, May, October, and December. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in Sec. 1102, Act of October 3, 1917. Individual chapters will be billed for cost of engraving pictures submitted and used.
From General Secy's Desk continued from page 1
members exactly what various fees are, the correct prices of pins and other jewelry, the Government taxes on same, and the State taxes; the reinstatement fees, the eligibility of men in Sphinx Clubs, and procedures regarding initiations. They should see to it that proper computations are made when reporting matters to the office of the General Secretary; they should know and impart the information that the following fees are in order: Undergraduate Graduate
Grand Tax Fee $7.50 Initiation Fee 5.50 Histories 6.00 Pins (See price list) BASIC 8.00 Reinstatement fee for 1 year 1.00 2 years or more 2.00
$10.00 8.50 6.00 8.00 1.00 2.00
They should know that no initiation is valid, until or unless the Regional Vice President has authorized same, by his written signature on the "NOTICE OF INITIATION", which should be on file in the office of the General Secretary BEFORE the initiation is held.
Sounds silly to say "BEFORE THE INITIATION IS HELD", but so often initiations have been consumated and then the Chapter Secretary files the NOTICE OF INITIATION, or such notice is filed without the approval of the Regional Vice President, or without the "GRADES POINT AVERAGE". These and many other errors work a terrific hardship on the General Secretary's office. Minutes — Constitutions Minutes of preceedings during the 54th Anniversary Convention are now in the hands of ALL chapter officers, three copies being assigned to each chapter. Also copies of the 1960 revised Constitution—By Laws of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity are now in the hands of ALL chapters officers, two copies being assigned to each chapter. Additional copies may be purchased through this office at 25c per copy. Copies of these publications have been mailed to the Executive Council, and to the Life Members of Alpha Phi Alpha. In Chicago: Brother Doctor Frank V. Plummer celebrated his 40th Wedding Anniversary at the Alpha House, Chicago, Illinois on September 29th, 1960, PAGE 2
Omega Chapter Since the last General Convention, the following named brothers have been entered OMEGA CHAPTER, and will be appropriately memorialized at the 55th Anniversary Convention to be held in Louisville, Kentucky, December 26 -30, 1961: Brother William Edward Belton Tuskegee, Alabama Brother Theodore C. Carter Dayton, Ohio Brother Andrew P. Hawkins Dayton, Ohio Brother Clifford Vaughn Smith Washington, D. C. Brother William H. Alston Red Bank, New Jersey Brother Benjamin A. Grant Los Angeles, California Brother Beecher Ward Coward Durham, North Carolina Brother Frank E. Wesley Omaha, Nebraska Brother Lewis A. H. CALDWELL presented his daughter Barbara in marriage to Keith Alonzo Caldwell, at St. Edmund's Episcopal Church October 2nd, 1960 The Chicago's Women's Committee of the United Negro College Fund presented: "Ebony's Symphony in Fashions" in a benefit showing at the Conrad Hilton Hotel in the Grand Ballroom on November 7th, 1960 Theta and Xi-Lamibda Chapters (Chicago) had their annual cabaret party in the palatial ballroom of the Union Hall on November 26th, 1960 which was a gala event, for the benefit of the Alpha Scholarships Fund Charter Presentation: Our youngest graduate chapter had Charter Presentation ceremonies on November 12th, 1960 at Palo Alto, California. The ceremonies were conducted by the Western Vice President, Brother Edward H. Ballard who made the presentation to the Charter members of ETA SIGMA LAMBDA chapter, and afterwards installed the officers, ceremonies followed by a Banquet in honor of the charter members and the Chapter president, Brother Maurice Hardeman Scholarship Presentation: The officers and members of Zeta Epsilon Lambda chapter, with seat at
our General President—Brother Myles Red Bank, New Jersey presented to A. Paige a check of $1,000.00 for the Scholarship Fund. This gift is most generous, for which we are thankful. The sum was raised from a benefit given by the chapter—the presentation of the Howard University choir —for the benefit of the Scholarship Fund, also in carrying out the 1960 pledge of this splendid chapter for the year 1960. New Life Members: Life Members, joining the ranks of 107 others are: Brother I. Richard Mahone Chicago, Illinois Brother Richard E. Ball Raleigh, North Carolina Brother Herman L. Taylor Raleigh, North Carolina Brother B. Franklin Murphy Buffalo, New York Brother Harry Overton Schell Gary, Indiana Founders' Day Banquet: Psi, Rho and Zeta Omricon Lambda chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity held a Founders' Day Banquet at the Walnut Park Plaza Hotel, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 3rd, 1960. Brother William H. Hale, General President-Elect was the guest speaker. Among the guests present were the General President— Brother Myles A. Paige; the Editor of "The Sphinx"—Brother W. Barton, Beatty, Jr. and the General Secretary. This Founders' Day Banquet was presented by the Intra-Fraternal Relations Committee of the three Philadelphia chapters, of which Brother Kermit J. Hall is Chairman. Brother William Ross served as chairman of the Committee on Awards. The Award of Honor was presented to Brother Myles A. Paige, General President; the Auxiliaries' Awards were presented to Mrs. Vera Carter, and Mrs. Madeline Broaddus. Brother William H. Hale was presented with a gavel. The Founders' Awards (7) were presented to: Brothers Ulysses Wiggins, Whittier C. Atkinson, William C. Foster, Richard T. S. Brown, Earl C. Jackson, Walter R. Livingston, Jr. and Robert E. Barksdale. News: A few days ago, Brother Robert P. Daniel, President of Virginia State THE SPHINX
College, Petersburg, Virginia opened the small bore rifle range in the newly erected ROTC Building, by firing the first shot. Brother George Cannon has just returned via New York's Idlewild airport, from Nigeria, after attending inaugural ceremonies of his Lincoln University classmate NNAMI AZIKIWE as governor general of Nigeria. Acknowledgements: We acknowledge with pleasure, the M I D W E S T E R N NEWS LETTER from the office of Brother Stenson E. Broaddus, Mid-Western Vice President. We acknowledge the INTERFRATERNAL BULLETIN, published as a service to "THE GREEKS" by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. We continue to acknowledge receipt of the official organs of Omega Psi Phi, Kappa Alpha Psi, and Phi Beta Sigma fraternities, the Pan Hellenic announcements; Alpha Kappa Alpha; Delta Sigma Theta and Zeta Phi Beta sororities. We note with pleasure the itinerary for the week end of November 12th, 1960 of our Midwestern Vice President, Brother Stenson E. Broaddus, which carried him to six chapters in the state of Ohio for visitation. It will be of interest to the brothers in the Mid-western region to note that Upsilon Chapter, Lawrence, Kansas; Gamma Chi chapter, Pittsburg, Kansas; and Beta Xi Lambda chapter, Omaha, Nebraska have been duly transferred from the southwestern region to the Mid-western region, by action of the Executive Council at the 54th Anniversary Convention. Grand Tax: The 10% late fees (penalty) has gone into effect, as to the payment of 1961 Grand Tax. It might be of interest to know that over 4,000 faithful, loyal, diligent brothers,—through their Chapter officers, have met the dead line November 15. We now expect another 4,000 to meet the "penalty date". How fine it will be when we have 10,000 Alpha men registered for a given year by the prescribed time. The General Secretary, however, is grateful to the first 4,000, which is a marked increase over any other year in our history. DECEMBER, 1960
Back to our original premise,— will all chapter secretaries review the directions in making remittances of funds:
Dr. Edward H. Ballard, Western Vice President 1124 S. St. Andrew's Place Los Angeles, California
Send all four sheets with Remittance; give FULL NAME and COMPLETE ADDRESS in alphabetical order as prescribed. Due to faulty remittances, accounts for many issues of the Sphinx being mis-directed, or not being received at all. The only names and addresses we have access to, are those placed on the individual permanent record cards as obtained from the manner in which they are submitted by the chapter secretaries. PLEASE DO NOT REMIT PERSONAL CHECKS we have had difficulty having the banks "clear" this type check, and PLEASE DO NOT USE INITIALS of the brothers, unless necessary. You would be surprised how the work in the office of the General Secretary can be reduced to pleasure if these simple directions are followed.
Laurence T. Young General Secretary 4432 South Parkway Chicago 53, Illinois Meredith G. Ferguson General Treasurer 345 4th Avenue, North Nashville, Tennessee William H. Brown, III General Counsel 15th Fl Com. Trust Bldg. 16 S. Broad Street Philadelphia 2, Pa. W. Barton Beatty, Jr. Editor "The Sphinx" # 5 High Terrace Montclair, New Jersey Dr. Clifton R. Jones Dir. Educa. Activities Morgan State College, Baltimore, Maryland Dr. Charles H. Wesley Historian Central State College Wilberforce, Ohio Kermit J. Hall, Comptroller 5000 Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia 43, Pa. W. D. Hawkins, Jr. Auditor Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee William M. Coverdale, III Asst. Eastern Vice Pres. 85 Lincoln Avenue, Yeadon, Pennsylvania Paul J. King, Jr. Asst. Mid-Western Vice Pres. 7319 S. Vernon Avenue Chicago, Illinois Ruffin J. LeBane, Jr. Asst. South-Western Vice Pres. Dillard University, New Orleans, Louisiana Calvert B. Jeffers Asst. Southern Vice Pres. Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama Theodore Carter Asst. Western Vice Pres. 6128 Jordan Avenue El Cerrito, California
The General Secretary is mindful of the fact that this is the season for rejoicing, and wishes each and every member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity a joyous holiday. LAURENCE T. YOUNG General Secretary EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 1960-61 Judge Myles A. Paige, General President, 1294 Carroll Street Brooklyn 13, New York Dr. William H. Hale, President-Elect Langston University, Langston, Oklahoma Dr. Alfred C. Fentress, Eastern Vice President, 956 Marshall Avenue, Norfolk 4, Virginia Stenson E. Broaddus, Mid-Western Vice President P.O. Box # 2 5 1 Harrod's Creek, Kentucky Wayne C. Chandler, South-Western Vice President 637 N.E. 11th Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Walter Washington, Southern Vice President, Utica College, Utica, Mississippi
Certified Laurence T. Young General Secretary PAGE 3
Urban League Prepares Movie Story of Negro Youth
BROTHER SIDNEY A. JONES JR., INSTALLED AS JUDGE Brother Sidney A. Jones, Jr., familiarly known as "Ouija" was installed as an Associate Judge of the Municipal Court—City of Chicago on Monday, December 5th. Brother Jones was administered the oath of office by the Honorable Edward J. Barrett, County Clerk, Cook County, Illinois. Again, we share honors with Brother Jones not on'y because of the fact he is the peoples' choice and exceptionally well qualified to truly administer justice, but that he is the first and only Alpha Phi Alpha man in the state of Illinois to preside over a court of record. Brother Jones was nominated for General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. during the 54th Anniversary Convention.
Eta Lambda Chapter Honors Retiring Bishop ATLANTA, GA.—Bishop John W. E. Bowen, retiring Bishop of the Atlantic Coast Area was recently honored with a testimonial banquet by the Eta Lambda Chapter and the Alpha-Bettes. The setting was the beautiful banquet room of the newly constructed West Side Branch of the Y.M.C.A. This culminated a twelveyear period of dedicated service as Bishop of the Atlantic Coast Area of the Methodist Church. Brother Harry V. Richardson, President of the new Interdenominational Theological Seminary was toastmaster for the occasion. Brother James Brawley, President of Clark College, a long time friend and neighbor of the honoree, delivered the main address. President H. Eugene Craig of Eta Lambda Chapter paid a glowing tribute to Mrs. Margaret Davis Bowen, wife of the honoree. Mrs. J. B. Harris presented flowers to Mrs. Bowen, wife of the Bishop, on PAGE 4
behalf of the Alpha-Bettes. Brother William Hale, President Elect, of Alpha Phi Alpha, who was president of Eta Lambda Chapter for five years and is presently assuming his duties as President of Langston University, sent flowers to the Bowens on this occasion. Dr. Brawley gave a biographical sketch of the Bishop's activities which included a background of a distinguished educator and father, who for many years taught at Gammon Theological Seminary. After his preparatory work at Phillips Exeter Academy, he pursued his college and professional training at Harvard University. With a brief teaching career he began work in the Christian Ministry, he was soon elevated to the editorship of the Central Christian Advocate. It was from this office that he was elected to succeed Bishop Lorenzo King in the Atlantic Coast Area.
NEW YORK, N. Y.—The National Urban League has prepared a 16mm black and white sound motion picture for use in its youth incentives and vocational guidance program, Brother Lester B. Granger, League executive director announced today (Nov. 7). The movie is twenty-eight minutes long and is available for free loan or purchase from the offices of Association Films, Inc. at the following addresses: Broad Street at Elm Street, Ridgefield, N. J.; 561 Hillgrove Avenue, La Grange, Illinois; 799 Stevenson Street, San Francisco, Calif.; and 1108 Jackson Street, Dallas, Texas. The film is available also in 35 mm. Called "A Morning for Jimmy," the Urban League's movie tells the story of a teen-age Negro youth who "gives up" thinking he can become an architect, when he encounters racial discriminaton seeking a part-time job in a downtown department store. However, Jimmy's teacher takes him around the town and shows him the prominent jobs a number of Negroes hold. The teacher also asks Jimmy, "Are the militant students of the South beaten? Are the people of the new nations in Africa discouraged?" The film concludes on a hopeful note. Jimmy says, "There really isn't anything in the future for me unless I work for it. And then there still might not be anything there. But, I guess I'll have to try, and try real hard." Jimmy is played by James Pemberton, a student in the New York City High School of Performing Arts.
New Year's Resolution
Psi Lambda, Chattanooga, Has Active Program CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — Psi Lambda Chapter participated in the entertainment of Brother James E. Huger following his appearance as guest speaker for the state meeting of the Cosmetologists of Tennessee. Brother Huger was dynamic and impressive in his speech; and warm, friendly and inspiring in our chapter get-together. He gave us a brief summary of convention activities and closed with a good old pep talk which rekindled our spirits with true devotion for Alpha. Since you heard from us last we have carried three Neophytes across the burning sands, and we feel that they are truly Alpha material. Two of them, Brothers Samuel S. Trammel, Jr. and Arlyce J. Garth, are teachers at Howard School in Chattanooga; and the other one is Brother Harper Johnson, Principal of C o o k H i g h School, Athens, Tennessee. All three are actively engaged in the religious, civic and social life of the community. The initiation p e r i o d contained many rewarding experiences for the brothers and the candidates. Two of the social activities of the initiation period were a "Dog-Greek" dinner and a formal dance introducing the Neophytes to "Greek" Society. The grand finale of their initiation was a solemn program featuring (1) Alpha's founding, history and contributions to society, (2) an interpretation of the constitution and the ritual, and (3) a projection into the future. The program was followed by a smoker, and fellowship and brotherhood were running fever high. It has not been all fun or all fellowship with Psi Lambda. Various individuals or committees from our roster have taken a leading role in the solution of some of our community problems. Perhaps the most noteworthy of these activities was the part played by some of our brothers in the recent "sit-ins" which resulted in the desegregation of seven lunch counters in Dime Stores and Department Stores. Another group has been working toward the desegregation of the city auditorium. Others have been working in a cooperative effort to register our fellow citizens and get them to vote. DECEMBER, 1960
As we look forward to our program for the rest of the year, we have plans for intensifying our reclamation efforts, we have a committee formulating plans for a noteworthy observance of Founders Day, the education committee is planning to climax its activities with two $100.00 scholarships, and cooperative participation (through the Pan-Hellenic Council) in a precollege orientation program for area high school seniors. During times like these we feel that eveiy Alpha man should rise to meet the numerous challenges which confront us, and most especially those challenges which specifically affect our race. We have dedicated ourselves to the cause of freedom for everyone and we shall remain active in the struggle till ultimately victory is won. Julian S. Brown, Editor to the Sphinx
Brother Tyus Joins 81 Year Old Firm Brother Randall L. Tyus who was inducted in Alpha Chi Chapter at Fisk University and now active in Alpha Gamma Chapter in New York continues to move ahead and make contributions as a veteran Alpha man. He has joined the staff of Bache and Company of Wall Street, Members of the New York Stock Exchange. Brother Tyus is associated with the Investment Trust Division of the 81 year old firm with offices at 724 Fifth Avenue in New York City. Alpha's Randall Tyus is well known for his fourteen years of service as Field Director of the United Negro College Fund and more recently as Vice President and Director of Sales for the Investment Firm Special Markets Inc. also in the heart of Wall Street. Some of Brother Tyrus's business activities (where he has carved a record number of firsts) were consultant for the J. Walter Thompson advertising Agency; Standard Brands Food Corporation and as National Sales Representative for Rumford Chemical Works. Brother Tyus and his wife Lois a Texan, Fisk graduate and Alpha Kappa Alpha soror reside in the Riverton in New York City.
Ceremonies ROCHESTER, N. Y.—The charter presentatioin ceremonies of the recently installed Eta Rho Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. were held on October 2, 1960 in the Ontraio Room of the Hotel Manger, Rochester, N. Y. Brother Robert Lee, President of Eta Rho Lambda Chapter of Buffalo, N. Y., was appointed to conduct the charter presentation by B r o t h e r Charles A. Broaddus. Brother Walter Holland of Rho Lambda Chapter made a brief speech and presented the gavel t othe President of the new chapter. Members of the Rochester Chapters of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and the Omega Psi Phi fraternity attended the ceremonies and congratulatory messages were delivered by the presidents of these chapters. Charter m e m b e r s of Eta Rho Lambda Chapter are: Reuben Davis, President; Albert Whitaker, Vice President; William Wortham, Secretary; Stanley Thomas, Treasurer; Robert Morrison, Parliamentarian; Kenneth Brown, Chaplain; Waddell Brown, Sergeat at Arms; Merlin Harper (Syracuse), Dr. William Knox, Drr. Chauncey Levy, Dr. Charles Lunsford, Warren Taylor, and Smith Turner. A cocktail party for the brothers and their guests followed the formal program. Robert F. Morrison, Associate Editor of The Sphinx NOTICE The San Jose-San Mateo Brothers plan to initiate the steps necessary t o have a Graduate-Undergraduate Chapter in the lush peninsula area. Brothers Victor English, M.D., A t t y . Maurice Hardiman and Willis Williams, a San Mateo vice principal are organizing the interest and reclamation move. Brother Hardiman will appreciate your immediate cooperation if upon knowing of Brothers in the area, you will inform him, reply t o : 626 North First Street, San Jose 12, California.
Brother George F. Rivers, Jr. Enters Omega Chapter The sudden passing of Brother George F. Rivers, Jr. of Delta Iota Lambda Chapter of Columbus, Georgia on Friday night, May 13, 1960 hit the Chattahoochee Valley like a tornado. Brother Rivers was the life of Delta Iota Lambda's fraternal meetings with his fine spirit of joviality. There was never a dull moment when Shorty (as he was known in fraternal circles) was around. Brother Rivers was beautifully placed into Omega Chapter in a tearful, prayerful but solemn ceremony at the St. John A. M. E. Church of Columbus, Georgia of which he was a Steward, Classleader, and a member of the choir. There were twenty-five brothers in attendance at the funeral. During the ritual, the brothers formed a circle in front of the casket which was immensely surrounded by flowers that bedecked the altar. The casket was draped with the U.S. Flag. Brother Rivers served the Columbus areas as a prominent dentist until his death. He crossed the burning sands at Chi Chapter of Meharry Medical College where he completed his course in dentistry in June of 1952 and at one time served as president of the chapter there. He received his bachelor's degree from Talladega College of Talladega, Alabama in the Class of '38. After graduating from Talladega, Brother Rivers taught chemistry, mathematics, and industrial arts at Manchester High School of Manchester, Georgia. He also served as principal of Moreland High School, Moreland, Georgia before his induction into the Armed Forces in 1943. Brother Rivers attended Officers Candidate School at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in 1945. While in Service Brother Rivers attended Washington-Lee University. Upon his separation from the Service, he attended Atlanta University for his pre-medical course. In addition to Brother Rivers' professional duties, he was a supporter of the Y.M.C.A. and Boy Scouts of America. He was a member of the SO-C 25 Civic Club of Columbus, a member of the Moderns Social Club, the Lewis-Hayden Masonic Lodge No. 6—Prince Hall Affiliation and a member of the American Legion. Brother Rivers was also a member of Columbus Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Society. He is survived by his father, Mr. G. F. Rivers, Sr., his mother, Mrs. Rhelia D. Rivers, a son, Barry Rivers, and a sister, Miss Ernestine Mack. The family's address is 632 2nd Avenue, Columbus, Georgia. The strivings, successes and achievements of Brother Rivers revitalize the second stanza of our renowned hymn which is seldom sung: "We hold Carrying Our true That our
ever aloft, our earth's hearts ever fraternity's
noble ideas and aims, and heaven's grand command, strive, success' goal to gain, praises may be sung."
Long will Brother Rivers be remembered by Delta Iota Lambda
It Is Better to Light a Candle, Than to Cutse the Darkness." LITTLE ROCK, ARK.—As Philander Smith College opens its doors for the 1960-61 school year, a small, but as always, very strong group of Alpha men enrolled. We lost greatly via graduation and the Armed Forces. Brothers Theodore Clement, Thomas Teague and Major Watts graduated and Brother Led Davis was taken by Uncle Sam. This left Brother Frank James, a Senior, who is President of our chapter plus being President of the Men's Association, Business Manager of the Senior Class, a first string end on the football team and as if this wasn't enough, he also compiled a 2.54 average making the Deans Honor list, (Alpha Kappa Mu and Beta Kappa Chi Honor Societies). Brother Norman Handy, a Senior, is also an honor student holding down that other end position for the Panthers. Brother Harold Monteque, a Senior, is our very capable Vice President and also an honor student, (Alpha Kappa Mu and Beta Kappa Chi Honor Societies). Brother John Holloway is the other senior, a very good student majoring in mathematics and plus playing a vicious tackle on the football squad, is our very reliable social chairman. Our Dean of Pledgees is Brother Bennie Williams, a junior, who is also an honor student in addition to being on the football squad as halfback. Brother Ollie Hudson is our representative to the Panhellenic Council. He is also a very good student who plays first string center for our football team. "Yours truly," Brother Charles Nesbitt, is the reporter to the Sphinx, plays a very capable wing back on the football team, captain of the track team, is Vice President of the Junior Class, Vice President of the Student Christian Association and has a grade point average of 2.10. Last but certainly not least comes Brother Berve Power who is a representative to the Pan Hellentic and a very good student. Brother Power is a Junior. Brother William Burton is a Junior and an honor student. continued on page 8
Alpha Offers Group Insurance A Plan Too Good To Pass Up I Dear Brothers: THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT—SO READ CAREFULLYTHEN ACT! ! ! Did you know that ALL FINANCIAL BROTHERS can now secure WITHOUT A PHYSICAL EXAMINATION—A $1,000 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE POLICY—through ALPHA for a mere $10 per year FULL PRICE. To make our contract effective with the Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Co. we must secure a reasonable number of interested Brothers. The National Office can't understand how we can afford not to take advantage of this exceptional offer—THINK OF IT — 1,000 for only TEN DOLLARS a YEAR! ! ! IF YOUR CHAPTER PRESIDENT CAN'T FILL YOU IN O N THE DETAILS, WRITE AT ONCE TO THE NATIONAL ALPHA HEADQUARTERS for an APPLICATION BLANK.
DO IT NOW! ! ! ! Brother LAURENCE T. YOUNG, General Secretary, National Alpha Headquarters, 4432 South Parkway, Chicago 53, Illinois
See More About This Insurance On Page 8 DECEMBER, 1960
Dear Brother Young: I am now back at my desk from a well earned vacation. The most urgent assignment before me is the Alpha group insurance plan. Now that all initiates will be charged for the first annual premium which amount becomes a part of the initiation fee, we must put forth every effort to getting the master policy issued. I talked to Brother Beatty about the importance of giving full coverage of the Fraternity's action in the next issue of the Sphinx. Since the administration of the Group Insurance Plan will be done from your office, all information reaching the brothers should be either channelled through you or at least cleared with you before releasing to them. This will tend to reduce misunderstanding. In order for all eligible members to be in on the know about the effective date of the plan they should be informed through the next issue of the Sphinx. An application should be a part of the announcement. This is important because most brothers have lost the announcements they received through mail. The enclosed revised announcement may be inserted in the Sphinx as is plus a statement about the Constitutional requirements for new initiates. You will notice that we have tried to make the announcement as simple as possible. It gives the change in effective date as well as a statement about the administration of the plan. We are now preparing a booklet for use in describing the plan once it is effective. This booklet will be furnished to each chapter (through your office) for use by new men as well as other brothers. It will include an application and some statement that will be of interest to the parents of the new men. We feel that this is necessary because many of the Neophytes will be minors. This booklet will not be available before the master plan is issued. It will simply describe the plan and be used for enrolling brothers after the plan becomes effective. The final draft may not be completed until after I spend some time with you in Chicago. If we can get a sufficient number enrolled to issue the plan, I will probably spend some time with you early in January. Please let me know if you would like additional copies of the enclosed announcements. Our printer can run as many as you desire. Remember, these are used primarily for the initial enrollment. After the plan becomes effective we will furnish a more durable stock and in booklet form to to describe the plan. I have asked our Chicago Manager, Brother Joseph Thomas to work with you and Brother Anthony Quarles. They will be calling upon you from time to time. I asked them to check with you on the chapter secretary's report forms. It should be revised. I am sending Brothers Morial, Beatty and Stanley a copy of this letter so that they will know the progress that is being made. So that we may know who has enrolled, may we have a copy of the list you send Brother Morial? Fraternally yours, Mercer Z. Ray, Director Group Administration PAGE 7
Brother Attends Seminar Group Insurance Administerd by National Headquarters ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN The Plan will be administered by the National Headquarters of the Fraternity in Chicago. The Fraternity will receive the Master Policy from the Insurance Company, and each member will receive a certificate of coverage. An Insurance Trust Fund has been set up by the National Headquarters for safekeeping of all insurance funds received from the Brothers and the Insurance Co.
* Premiums for the insurance will be released from the trust fund to the Insurance Company whenever a sufficient
brothers enroll.
Policy is issued.
premiums will be released when due. WHY
1. The Alpha Phi Alpha Group Life Insurance Plan offers very low cost insurance. 2. It supplements your present insurance— you will want this coverage regardless of your present program.
3. If you enroll promptly, it is available without medical examination. 4. The experience rating refund will be used to help finance college chapter houses on college campuses. M a i l $10 f o r Your annual Premium N o w ! !
Dover,Delaware—William Elbert Johnston, Jr., Director of Student Personnel and Professor of Education and Psychology, Delaware State College, attended a seminar on "Counseling Needs and Directors in Higher Education," sponsored by the Danforth Foundation of St. Louis, Missouri, at the University of Denver, August 8-19, 1960. The seminar was directed by Carl R. Rogers, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin, and Daniel D. Feder, Dean of Students, University of Denver. Dr. Johnston received his doctorate at the University of Oregon and has completed a year of post doctorate study at Harvard University in Guidance and Counseling Psychology. He is a member of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, the Student Personnel Association for Teacher Education, the Delaware Psychological Association, Zeta Rho Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and numerous other professional and social organizations.
Front row, left to right: Brothers S. E. Burford (Gamma 1926), B. W . Barnes (Kappa Lambda 1926), J . S. Leary (Chi 1926), E. C. Horton (Alpha Phi 1924), G. W . Hunter (Nu 1928), V. H. Chavis (Alpha Omicron 1928). Back Row, left to right: Brothers G. H. Evans (Chi 1930), H. S. Jarrett (Alpha Sigma 1933), N. F. Woods (Beta Epsilon 1933). E. B. T. Carraway (Alpha Phi 1930). G . F. Rankin (Beta Epsilon 1938), A. H. Peeler (Alpha Rho 1925). Others not shown on picture: Brothers F. E. Davis (Gamma 1926), J . Cirt Gill (Beta Epsilon 1935), N. L. Gregg (Alpha Omicron 1925), W . C. Shanks (Beta Rho 1936), J . J . Wilson (Gamma 1920).
"It is better
to light a
continued f r o m page 6
UNDERGRADUATES O N THE MARCH IN CALIFORNIA Delta Omicron is full of spirit, has the highest group grade averages in the region, has at least two Brothers in S. F. State College politics and government, just initiated five men and has a wide awake and active pledge club. Alpha Delta Chapter in Los Angeles is also moving out in front. They are pushing to develop leadership to match comparable to that now in evidence at D. O. The Fresno boys are playing it cool and attending to business. Last year, as you know, they ran off with the scholarship honors. Epsilon Beta Chapter is unique in that it has a close-knit fellowship.
This rounds out the small but powerful list of undergraduate brothers. Our Advisor is Brother V. Hodges who is back field football coach and Junior Varsity Basketball Coach. Other Alpha men at Philander include our acting President, Brother J. D. Scott, who replaced Brother M. L. Harris who is now a Bishop in the Methodist Church. "Manly deeds, scholarship and love for all mankind." THE SPHINX
The Story of a Salesman
Now settled with Crusader as an officer, and stockholder, Brother Lyons teaches other representatives how to sell. He anticipates the time when Crusader will embrace many states and then in his travels he will meet many of his Alpha brothers whose faces he has not seen since his days at Kansas University.
By Brother Percy M. Caruthers Associate Editor of the Sphinx KANSAS, Mo.—Among those in the growing tide of Alpha Pi Alpha Brothers who are becoming outstanding executives in the business world is Brother Robert P. Lyons of Greater Kansas City. He is Agency Director, a Vice President and member of the Board of Directors of the young and lusty Crusader Life Insurance Company.
The top-flight salesman offers professional advice that "Greater emphasis must be placed on family protection and future security through the purchase of Guaranteed Savings types of insurance plans. These plans will either assure a generous retirement income or provide necessary protection for the family in case of the breadwinner's premature passing."
Brother Lyons was among the twelve incorporators of this Kansaschartered institution and, aside from his official duties of leadership and administration, he is one of its leading salesmen. Each year since Crusader Life began, Lyons has won coveted membership in the Quarter Million Dollar Round Table, an organization within the National Insurance Association whose members are honored at the annual NIA convention for selling over $250,000 worth of paid-for life insurance during the preceding year. He supervises the activities of more than forty salesmen in Crusader's twostate area and since the company began business in September of 1957 he has been responsible for the agency department. Total production to date is over six million dollars worth of business, with almost four million paid for.
Brother Robert P. Lyons
and the trend toward greater home ownership and stability is very pronounced. Brother Lyons became affiliated with the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity through the Upsilon Chapter at Kansas University back in the thirties. Later his membership went to the graduate Beta Lambda Chapter of Greater Kansas City. There he has served as financial secretary and now is chairman of its Membership Committee.
Prior to his affiliation with Crusader, Lyons had won numerous citations, certificates of merit and awards for volume selling. "I merely try to render a service," Lyons says in accounting for his success. "The average person is miserably under-insured, and I try to point out this vulnerable spot in his shield of financial security."
At the recent Midwestern Regional Convention he was co-chairman of the Courtesy Committee.
In casting his lot with Crusader Life, Lyons took Booker T. Washington's advice to "Sink your bucket where you are." Statistics compiled by experts point to the Kansas City area as one of the most promising territories of the future, ideally situated for rapid growth and commercial expansion. The population is not highly transient
Brother Lyons was in the cleaning and pressing business for a few years, but his ability to sell soon made it evident that he should make salesmanship his carear. He began selling life insurance in 1939 and became manager of the Kansas City branch of another Negro-owned life insurance company, having gained experience
in both types of coverage, industrial and ordinary.
Keenly interested in athletics, Brother Lyons was a three-letter man at Lincoln High School. He enrolled in the School of Pharmacy at Kansas University and his name appeared on the Dean's Honor Roll.
Brother Lyons treasures his Alpha Phi Alpha membership, he says, because of "cherished and unforgettable recollections of the past, progressive activity and accomplishment in the present, and outstanding potentialities that loom pleasantly in the future." He is proud of his association with Beta Lambda Chapter which, he says, "is one of the outstanding chapters of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity."
TO THE IVIES Dressed in pink, trimmed with green, Our Ivy Sisters stand, And to boast what I've seen They're the fairest in the land. Hearts of gold, tender ways, And faith which never dies Are symbols of the praise We Sphinxmen idolize. Yet our hope that burns bright Is the vision some day When we see the Alpha-light And you are AKA. Till then we strive together To cross the burning sands, And in all kinds of weather We'll lend our helping hands. When we look back on this Around the fireplace, Our tears will then be bliss As embers light our face.
nClna '9 out the vJtd
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As Alpha Phi Alpha closes one of her most outstanding years, it seems appropriate to extend the Greetings of the Season . . . and appropriate to urge upon the Brotherhood of Alpha those considerations for the brotherhood of man which have lead our fraternity in the past t o espouse the worthy efforts of those organizations dedicated t o our noble cause. W e suggest that all Alphas approach the coming year with courage and determination.
BROOKLYN CHAPTER AIDS SOUTHERN STUDENTS The Gamma Iota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity voted at its June meeting to collect from each brother at each chapter meeting one dollar and that this money be given to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and earmarked to assist in the defense of the students arrested as a result of the sit in campaign. In addition to this effort the chapter is continuing its regular support of the NAACP general fund.
Needed . . . News BROTHER JAMES E. HUGER FETED Seated, left to right, are brothers B. T. Scruggs, Secretary; James E. Huger, honored guest; J. L. Pitts, President. Standing, left to right, are brothers G. W . James, W . L. Hainey, J. C. Brown, R. W . Strange, E. L Buffington, H. F. Smith, A. J. Garth, C. L. Hendricks, and W . B. Davis, Jr.
Now For The February Issue Of The SPHINX THE SPHINX
The approach of the New Year and the changing leadership of Alpha Phi Alpha heralds that time when we of Alpha must acknowledge the outstanding contributions of General President Myles A . Paige and members of the Executive Council. Needless to say I hope that the coming year can prove as fruitful for the men of Alpha. In this hope I extend greetings at Christmas, and for 1961.
H A L E .
General President-elect
NOTICE: O N TO LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY for the 55th Anniversary Convention D e c e m b e r 2 6 - 3 1 , 1961 Let's make this one the best ever. Copies of the MINUTES of the 54th
are available upon request to the National
* Copies
* the
* Revised
Constitution and By-Laws available at Twenty-five cents per
copy. Mrs.
$350.00 to
B. Kelsey, President of Alpha Mr.
Perkins of the United
Fashion Show and Dance, featuring the G r a c e St. Albans
N e w York)
Del M a r c o
presents contribution
Fund. The Alpha
Models, on O c t o b e r
2 1 , I 9 6 0 at
Gamma Omicron Lambda Reports ALBANY, GEORGIAâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Gamma Omicron Lambda chapter had a very successful year in 1959-1960 under the dynamic leadership of Brother Ralph L. Pruitt. The chapter engaged in several activities that were rich with worthwhile experiences and in keeping with the purposes and high ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha. Several brothers were added to the chapter. Those affiliated by transfer are Brothers J. A. Harvey and Dozier Thomas. Brought in by the initial route are Brothers Cornelius W. Sherman, Albert D. Smart, and Lawrence S. Young. The new brothers have given impetus to our progress in work and spirit. THE ROACH EXPERT Brother Flemings examines one of the roaches that are constantly sent to him for examination. By a constant study of roach resistance and insecticide effectiveness, Major Flemings stays one jump ahead of the insects.
The Sphinx is always in need of newsworthy reporting from the Chapters. Names and pictures make news,â&#x20AC;&#x201D;as in the case of Brother Flemings. For more on Brother Fleming, see page 29 of the October issue.
The chapter sponsored the Bennett College Choral Group as a project to raise funds as well as to bring to the Albany community this splendid cultural program. This program was highly successful and enabled us to contribute, liberally, to our annual scholarship project and to other good causes as well as to realize great strides in our public relations.
Taylor, who is now employed in the Dade County, Florida School System, is a past president of Gamma Omicron Lambda. Many of the brothers shared with him warm fellowship and congratulated him for the rapid progress that he is making. Brother J. A. Harvey has been appointed to head the athletic program at the Tennessee A. & I, University. This chapter will miss his wonderful contributions very much, but we wish to congratulate him for making this forward step. We are certain that he will do a commendable job and wish the very best for him. Brother Ralph L. Pruitt, our president, is teaching at Texas Southern this summer and will be away at Ohio State University studying toward the doctorate in mathematics during the 1960-1961 school year. We hope for him a very successful and enjoyable year. Erasmus Dent Editor to The Sphinx
Among our many visitors in the city were two charter members of the chapter. Brother Aaron Brown, who is a past president of Gamma Omicron Lambda as well as past Southern Vice President of Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc., enjoyed fellowship with the Brothers and shared many value-rich experiences with us and Brother L. M.
Highly Successful Year
GRADUATE CHAPTERS: 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109.
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126. 127. 128. 12?. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 14?. 150. 151.
152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158.
A L P H A L A M B D A — L y m a n T. Johnson, 2340 W . v - s u t s » - „ - * Loi-NvMIe, 12, Kentucky BETA L A M B D A — B e l t r o n L. O r m e , 815 W a s h i n g t o n B l v d . , Kansas C i t y , M o . G A M M A L A M B D A — A u g u s t u s J . C a l l o w a y , 2?3 Eliot, Detroit I, Michigan D E L T A L A M B D A — J a m e s W . Persons, 3044 T i o g a Parkway, B a l t i m o r e 15, M a r y l a n d EPSILON LAMBDA—Melvin D. Streator, 4525 G r e e r A v e n u e , St. Louis, M o . Z E T A L A M B D A — D a n i e l L. J o r d a n , 2808 Parish Ave., N e w p o r t News, Va. ETA L A M B D A — H . Eugene C r a i g , ? M c D o n o u g h Blvd. S.E., A t l a n t a , G a . T H E T A L A M B D A — S a m u e l B. K i d d , ?42 N . U p land Avenue, Dayton, O h i o IOTA LAMBDA—Cramon J . Myers, 1226 N. W e s t St., I n d i a n a p o l i s , I n d i a n a K A P P A L A M B D A — C h a r l e s A . G r a n t , 504 Beach St., G r e e n s b o r o , N . C . M U L A M B D A — E d w a r d J . A u s t i n , 4711 -16th St. N.W.. Washington, D.C. Va. NU LAMBDA—Walker H . Quarles, Jr., State C o l l e g e , Petersburg, Va. Langrum, XI LAMBDA—Harold D. 5225 S. Greenwood Ave., Chicago, III. OMICRON LAMBDA—Clarence F. Campbell, 1055 Ist St. N o . , B i r m i n g h a m , A l a b a m a PI L A M B D A — L l o y d H . M y e r s , 1514 W . 21st, L i t t l e Rock, Arkansas R H O L A M B D A — D r . R o b t . Lee, J r . , 647 H u m b o l d t Parkway, Buftalo, N . Y . S I G M A L A M B D A — B e l m o n t F. H a y d e l , J r . , 3730 S. C l a i b o r n e A v e . , N e w O r l e a n s , L a . T A U L A M B D A — I s a a c H . M i l l e r , 1717 W i n d o v e r D r i v e , N a s h v i l l e , Tenn. U P S I L O N L A M B D A — D e J e a n C . D o w n i n g , 71? W . 8th St., J a c k s o n v i l l e , F l o r i d a PHI L A M B D A — M . H. C r o c k e t t , 3320 G a r n e r Road, Rale.gh, N . C . 132, W i l CHI L A M B D •A -- T h o s . E. Kelley, I berforce, Ohio PSI L A M B D A — J o h n L. Pitts, 1907 Ivy S t r e e t , C h a t t a n o o g a , Tenn. ALPHA ALPHA LAMBDA—Arthur C. Williams, 158 Lincoln St., M o n t c l a i r , N . J . A L P H A BETA L A M B D A — W i l f r e d T. Seals, 776 C a d e n Lane, L e x i n g t o n , Kentucky ALPHA G A M M A LAMBDA—Walter W . Scott, 2170 M a d i s o n A v e n u e , N e w Y o r k , N . Y . ALPHA DELTA LAMBDA—A. B. O w e n s , Jr., 598 W i l l i a m s A v e n u e , M e m p h i s , T e n n . A L P H A E P S I L O N L A M B D A — D r . R. W . H a r r i son, J r . , Box # 4 9 2 , Y a z o o C i t y , Mississippi A L P H A Z E T A L A M B D A — J o s e p h I. Turner, Bluefield State C o l l e g e , Bluefield, W . V a . A L P H A ETA L A M B D A — A . C . H e r a l d , J r . , 3001 N . C a l u m e t , H o u s t o n , Texas ALPHA THETA LAMBDA—Chester C . Sutton, 1011 N . O h i o St., A t l a n t i c C i t y , N . J . A L P H A I O T A L A M B D A — E . R. A r m s t e a d , Box # 1 5 2 , Institute. W e s t V i r g i n i a ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA—Henry L. Fulford, 1625 G r a y s o n A v e . , S . W . , Roanoke, V i r g i n i a A L P H A M U L A M B D A — E d w a r d H i l l , 24? York S t r e e t , Knoxville, Tennessee A L P H A N U L A M B D A — B e n j . H . C r u t c h e r , Box # 2 1 , Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, A l a . A L P H A XI L A M B D A — R o b t . S t u b b l e f i e l d , 1340 W . W o o d r u f f , T o l e d o 6, O h i o A L P H A O M I C R O N LAMBDA—Eric W . Springer, Box 7182, O a k l a n d S t a . , P i t t s b u r g h , P a . A L P H A PI L A M B D A — J u l i a n L. Lewis, 1344 N . W o o d l a n d Ave., Winston Salem, N . C . A L P H A R H O L A M B D A — P a u l t . V e n a b l e , 272 M i a m i Avenue, Columbus. O h i o ALPHA SIGMA LAMBDA—Theodore Wallace, 12031 S c h r o e d e r R d . , D a l l a s , Texas A L P H A T A U L A M B D A — T o l l y W . H a r r i s , 326 N . G r e e n w o o d A v e . , Tulsa, O k l a h o m a ALPHA UPSILON LAMBDA—W. H. Coston, A l a b a m a State C o l l e g e . Montgomery, A l a b a m a A L P H A P H I L A M B D A — G e o r g e W . C . Brown, Jr., ?45 A l b e r t A v e . , N o r f o l k , V i r g i n i a ALPHA CHI LAMBDA—Lee N. Beard, 1643 Lucky St., A u g u s t a , Georgia ALPHA PSI L A M B D A — J a s . O . J a c k s o n , 2212 M a n s e Street, C o l u m b i a , S . C . BETA A L P H A L A M B D A — F r a n k l i n W i l l i a m s , 25? R a n d o l p h A v e n u e , Jersey C i t y , N . J . BETA BETA L A M B D A — E l l i s A. Adger, 14015 Monroe Street, M i a m i , Florida BETA G A M M A L A M B D A — M . Ralph P a g e , 420 N o r t h Ist r t . , R i c h m o n d , V i r g i n i a BETA D E L T A L A M B D A — E r n e s t C . C o o k , Bethu n e - C o o k m a n C o l l e g e , D a y t o n a Beach, F l a . BETA E P S I L O N L A M B D A — L . G . Ashley, Box # 2 4 7 , Boley, O k l a h o m a
159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 16?. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 17?. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 18?. l?0. 191. l?2. I?3. l?4. I?5. l?6. l?7. l?8. I??. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207.
BETA Z E T A L A M B D A — C y r u s B. Taylor, 805 E. Dunklin St., Jefferson C i t y , M o . BETA ETA L A M B D A — H u g h W . S h a r p , 1508 N . E. 15th S t r e e t , O k l a h o m a C i t y , O k l a . BETA T H E T A L A M B D A — J . R. Butts, 128 N e l s o n Street, Durham, N . C . BETA I O T A L A M B D A — J a m e s Prestage, Southern University, Baton R o a u e , L a . BETA K A P P A L A M B D A — W . M e l v i n Brown, Jr., # 5 W a l l s S t r e e t . C h a r l e s t o n , S. C . BETA M U LAMBDA—Inactive BETA N U L A M B D A — J o h n A . Davis, 2518 L a st., Charlotte, N . C .
BETA X I L A M B D A — R e v . C h a r l e s E. T a y l o r , 200? Locust St., O m a h a , N e b r a s k a BETA O M I C R O N L A M B D A — S a m u e l T. C a l l o w a v , 224 C h i c a g o S t r e e t , P r i c h a r d . A l a b a m a
209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214.
BETA PI LAMBDA—George A. Poyer, 2 Ist S t r e e t , A l b a n y , N e w York BEA R H O L A M B D A — F r a n k W o o t e n , 3125 S h a n . non A v e . , Y o u n g s t o w n , O h i o BETA S I G M A L A M B D A — C l y d e R. Broadus, 2200 Evans A v e . , B l o o m f i e l d . C o n n . BETA T A U L A M B D A — C l y d e R. B r o a d d u s , 2200 Evans A v e n u e , Fort W o r t h , Texas BETA U P S I L O N LAMBDA—Virgil J. Gilmore, 400 L a C o n t e S t r e e t , Jackson, T e n n . BETA P H I L A M B D A — J a s . W . Fisher, 518 W . Henry St., Savannah, G e o r g i a BETA C H I LAMBDA—Harry M . H o d g e s , 808 Fondulac Street, Muskogee, O k l a h o m a BETA PSI L A M B D A — O s c a r V. L i t t l e , 5835 Ernest A v e . , Los A n g e l e s , C a l i f . G A M M A A L P H A L A M B D A — A . R. W a r e , J r . , 401 N . A u g u s t a St., S t a u n t o n , V i r g i n i a GAMMA BETA L A M B D A — A r n o l d W . Wright, Kentucky S t a t e C o l l e g e , F r a n k f o r t , Ky. GAMMA GAMMA LAMBDA—Luke H. Chatm a n , Box # 1 3 1 1 , G r e e n v i l l e , South C a r o l i n a GAMMA DELTA L A M B D A — M a r t i n K. A u s t i n , 1213 S. F a y e t t e St., Beckley, W e s t V a . GAMMA E P S I L O N L A M B D A ^ J a c o b H . Brona u g h ,1216 Broad St., H o p k i n s v i l l e , Kentucky GAMMA ZETA LAMBDA—Richard F. Pride, 2907 26th S t r e e t , T a m p a , F l o r i d a GAMMA ETA L A M B D A — D r . M a l v e r n L. O r e , 1902 E. I l t h St., A u s t i n , Texas G A M M A T H E T A L A M B D A — C h a r l e s L. S i m m s , 522 N . C l a y t o n St., W i l m i n g t o n , D e l a w a r e GAMMA IOTA LAMBDA—Thomas E. Mason, 302 C l i f t o n Place, Brooklyn, N . Y . GAMMA K A P P A L A M B D A — B . T. W a s h i n g t o n , 306 N . 6th S t r e e t , W i l m i n g t o n , N . C . GAMMA MU LAMBDA—Robert C. Graham, Box 242, F l o r i d a A S M U n i v . , Tallahassee, F l a . G A M M A N U L A M B D A — L a w r e n c e A . Ferguson, 1401 Taylor St., L y n c h b u r g , V i r g i n i a G A M M A XI L A M B D A — J . T. W a r d l a w , 4300 3rd A v e . , So. M i n n e a p o l i s , M i n n e s o t a G A M M A O M I C R O N LAMBDA—Ben C. Hampton, Albany State C o l l e g e , Albany, G e o r g i a G A M M A PI L A M B D A — J a s L. S w e a t t , 2723 A v enue P., G a l v e s t o n , Texas GAMMA RHO LAMBDA—Rogers E. R a n d a l l , 2750 W . 12th A v e . , G a r y , I n d i a n a GAMMA SIGMA L A M B D A — W m . D. Beasley, Box 73, S t a t e C o l l e g e , Ft. V a l l e y , G e o r g i a GAMMA T A U L A M B D A — T . L. I n g h r a m , 106 John S t r e e t , O r a n g e , Texas GAMMA E P S I L O N L A M B D A — A l v i n M . Seals. Box 38, W i l e y C o l l e g e , M a r s h a l l , Texas GAMMA P H I L A M B D A — J o h n Price, 6356 Racine S t r e e t , O a k l a n d , C a l i f o r n i a G A M M A C H I L A M B D A — C a r l t o n A . A . Dias, 949 Broderick St., San Francisco, C a l i f . GAMMA PSI L A M B D A — E . L. Fair, 32 G r a i l Street, Asheville, N . C . D E L T A A L P H A L A M B D A — F r e d e r i c k D. Brown, 3541 E. 153rd, C l e v e l a n d , O h i o D E L T A BETA L A M B D A — J u d s o n H . Furlow, 102 W . C o u n t y St., Phoebus, V i r g i n i a D E L T A G A M M A L A M B D A — L e o n Robinson, 1222 Russell St., C o v i n g t o n . Kentucky D E L T A D E L T A L A M B D A — R . L. S m i t h , 431 N . Rosemary A v e n u e , W e s t Pa!m Beach, F l a . DELTA E P S I L O N L A M B D A — H a r o l d W . Thomas, 731 G a t y A v e . , East St. Louis, Illinois DELTA ZETA LAMBDA—R. L. H u r s t , S. C. State C o l l e g e , O r a n g e b u r g , S.C. D E L T A ETA L A M B D A — V a n c e J . W i l l i a m s , 3901 E. 6th St., T o p e k a , Kansas D E L T A T H E T A L A M B D A — A a r o n L. S m i t h , 51? Pearl St., H u n t s v i l l o , A l a b a m a D E L T A I O T A L A M B D A — L o r e n i o R. M a n n s , 646 3rd A v e n u e , C o l u m b u s , G e o r g i a DELTA KAPPA L A M B D A — G e r a r d A . Anderson, 305 Athens St., Florence, 5 . C . D E L T A M U L A M B D A — R o b t . J . Reynolds, 236 S. O r a n g e A v e . , N e w a r d , N . Jersey D E L T A N U L A M B D A — L . W i l s o n Y o r k , 341 Ross Street, Danville, Virqinia G E N E R A L O R G A N I Z A T O N — G e n e r a l Secretary, N a t i o n a l H e a d q u a r t e r s , C h i c a g o , lllino's D E L T A X I L A M B D A — F e l t o n A . Johnson, 4017 W i l t s St.. O r l a n d o , F l o r i d a D E L T A O M I C R O N L A M B D A — D r . J . D. S i n g l e t a r y , M d . S t a t e C o l l e g e , Princess A n n e , M d . D E L T A PI L A M B D A — A n d r e w J . D u r g a n , 1417 Tremont Street, Selma, A l a b a m a DELTA R H O L A M B D A — U . J . Andrews, P.O. D r a w e r 1598. f a n A n t o n i o , Texas D E L T A S I G M A L A M B D A — D r . R. Frank Bryand. 1112 L i n d e n , Pine Bluff, Arkansas DELTA T A U DELTA—Mervyn V. Lackey, 2337 W e s t Jefferson St., Phoenix, A r i z o n a D E L T A U P S I L O N L A M B D A — J a s . C . Leary, 2961 Looney S t r e e t , S h r e v e p o r t , L a . DELTA PHI LAMBDA—Harold A. Buchanan, 3323 17th St., Tuscaloosa, A l a b a m a DELTA C H I L A M B D A — P e t e r C . M u r r e l l , 809 W . North Avenue. M i l w a u k e e , Wisconsin D E L T A PSI L A M B D A — H a r o l d Brown, Sr., 2920 C l e r m o n t St., D e n v e r , C o l o r a d o EP'ILON ALPHA L A M B D A — W m . A. Warren, 1522 N o . M o o r e , Tyler, Texas EPSILON BETA LAMBDA—W. S. Hutchings, 536 N e w S t r e e t , M a c o n , G e o r g i a E P S I L O N G A M M A L A M B D A — D r . R o b t . O . Phillips, 12 Seaver S t r e e t . Dorchester, M a s s . E P S I L O N DELTA L A M B D A — J a m e s O . Hopson. Talladega College. Talladega, Alabama E P S I L O N E P S I L O N L A M B D A — R a l p h H . Barksd a l e , J r . , 203 S. 9th St., W a c o , Texas
E P S I L O N ETA L A M B D A — H a r r y C . W a r d , 203 N . Morris Street, Portland, O r e g o n
E P S I L O N ETA L A M B D A — S i m o n # 3 6 5 , L i l b o u r n , Missouri
EPSILON THETA LAMBDA—Winston T. W i l l i ams, N o r t h Shore, P e m b r o k e E., BERMUDA, B. W . I .
S. T h o m a s ,
EPSILON I O T A L A M B D A — B e n j a m i n L. 311 St. J a m e s A v e . , Suffolk, V i r g i n i a
EPSILON KAPPA LAMBDA—Ulysses # 3 2 4 , G r a m b l i n g , Louisiana
M U L A M B D A — Leroy A n d e r s o n , S t r e e t , Pensacola, F l o r i d a
EPSILON NU LAMBDA—Jno. F. Bailey, 1604 E f f i n g h a m St., Portsmouth, V i r g i n i a
EPSILON XI LAMBDA—B. 1003, C l a r k s d a l e , Mississippi
E P S I L O N O M I C R O N L A M B D A — D a v i d L. ley, Rt. # 2 , Box l - A , B o y d t o n , V i r g i n i a
EPSILON PI L A M B D A — J o h n Dukes J r . , 1303 S.E. 2nd A v e . , G a i n e s v i l l e , F l o r i d a EPSILON RHO LAMBDA—W. Edw. Murphy, Box # 1098, F a y e t t e v i l l e , N o r t h C a r o l i n a
EPSILON TAU LAMBDA—Harold # 2 1 3 7 , Prairie V i e w , Texas
E P S I L O N U P S I L O N L A M B D A — A l b e r t P. en, 826 E. ?th s t r e e t , Flint, M i c h i g a n
EPSILON PHI LAMBDA—Burton G . D u n b a r A v e n u e , Port A r t h u r , Texas
EPSILON CHI LAMBDA—Edward N. S t a t e Teachers C o l l e g e , E l i z a b e t h C i t y ,
EPSILON PSI L A M B D A — H e r m a n D . F r e e m a n , 436 Douglass St., A l e x a n d r i a , Louisiana
Z E T A BETA L A M B D A — B o o k e r T. 38th A v e n u e , S a c r a m e n t o , C a l i f .
ZETA G A M M A ston University,
ZETA DELTA L A M B D A — C l a r e n c e H . H a r m o n , 724 S. Plum S t r e e t , S p r i n g f i e l d , O h i o
Z E T A E P S I L O N L A M B D A — R i c h a r d L. Johnson, 58 W . W e ; t s i d e A v e n u e , Red Bank, N . J . Powell S t r e e t , F r e e p o r t , N e w York
Mazyck, Gold-
Smith, N.C.
A L P H A L A M B D A — C h a s . B. M o r t o n , 21st A v e . , Ft. L a u d e r d a l e , F l o r i d a
LAMBDA—Jack Jordan, Langston, O k l a h o m a
1437 Lang-
ZETA ZETA LAMBDA—Emerson F. Beaufort S t r e e t , N e w Bern, N . C .
Z E T A ETA L A M B D A — W a r r e n Powell S t r e e t , F r e e p o r t , N.Y.
ZETA THETA LAMBDA—Fr. Richard T. Brown, 1717 N . H e r r St., H a r r i s b u r g , Pa.
Ashby, Keyes,
Z E T A I O T A L A M B D A — S i m e o n Moss, nut L a n e , P r i n c e t o n , N e w Jersey
ZETA N U L A M B D A — J a s . H . Lockett, 21st St., G u l f p o r t , M i s s h s i p p i
20 504 S.
LAMBDA—(Inactive) 2915
ZETA N U L A M B D A — G u y W o l f e , S t r e e t , P l a i n f i e l d , N e w Jersey
Z E T A X I L A M B D A — R . L. Barrett, 1820 Foster S t r e e t , Evanston, Illinois Z E T A O M I C R O N L A M B D A — W i l l i a m R. M i t c h e l l , 1228 So. 45th St., P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pa. Z E T A PI L A M B D A — J e r r y C r o w d e r , 1631 30th Avenue, Seattle, Washington Z E T A R H O L A M B D A — H . G o r d o n Pinkett, D e l . State C o l l e g e , Dover, Delaware ZETA SIBMA LAMBDA—Robert L. Matthews, 4931 Dassco C o u r t , San D i e g o , C a l i f o r n i a Z E T A T A U L A M B D A — C l a r e n c e W . M i l l e r . 813 N . A d a m s S t r e e t , A m a r i lo, Texas ZETA UPSILON LAMBDA—(Inactive) Z E T A P H I L A M B D A — W m . D e c k e r C l a r k e , 15 Rockland R o a d , So. N o r w a l k , C o n n e c t i c u t ZETA C H I LAMBDA—Bringier H . Barker, Box # 2 3 3 , F r a n k l i n t o n , Louisiana Z E T A PSI L A M B D A — W a r r e n C o m b r e , 409 Louisiana A v e n u e , Lake C h a r l e s , Louis : ana ETA A L P H A L A M B D A — C h a r l e s H . W i l s o n Jr., 69 C a r m e l S t r e e t , N e w H a v e n , C o n n e c t i c u t ETA BETA LAMBDA—Johnnie McCray, Jr., 1852 N . G r e e n , W i c h i t a , Kansas ETA G A M M A L A M B D A — D a v i d Pipkin, 118 Ist S t r e e t , L a f a y e t t e , Louisiana ETA D E L T A L A M B D A — O r i s V. G a r y , Box # 4 5 7 , M o n r o e , Louisiana ETA EPSILON LAMBDA—David N. Howell. Y . M . C . A . , P . O . Box # 1 4 7 , M o n r o v i a , L i b e r i a , West Africa ETA Z E T A L A M B D A — N e l s o n C . Jackson, 165 C l i n t o n A v e . , N e w Rochelle, N e w York ETA ETA LAMBDA—Samuel P. C a l l a h a n , 20 Dean Street, Annapolis, M a r y l a n d ETA THETA LAMBDA—Russell A. Stevenson, 83 Booker A v e n u e . W y a n d a n c h . N e w Y o r k ETA I O T A L A M B D A — D a v i d N . N u n n a l l y , 185 N Rockspring S t r e e t , A t h e n s , G e o r g i a ETA K A P P A L A M B D A — C h a r l e s E. T o d d , J r . , 1408 Reynolds C o u r t , Fort Pierce, F l o r i d a ETA M U L A M B D A — E . D. W i l s o n , Box 128, Bessemer City, North Carolina ETA N U L A M B D A — T i m o t h y Johnson, Jr., 164.6 O t t a w a Ave. N . W . , G r a n d Rapids, Michigan ETA X I L A M B D A — J a m e s E. G r e g o r y , I I I , 511 1-2 N . Ist S t r e e t , L a w t o n , O k l a h o m a ETA O M I C R O N L A M B D A — J a m e s M a r t i n , 271 W h i t - G r e n A p a r t m e n t s , Rock H i l l , South C a r o -
247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260.
261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269.
ETA PI L A M B D A — E d w a r d C . S t r o n g , Arroyo Blvd., Pasadena, California
SPHINX STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF W . Barton Beatty, Jr. ASSISTANT M A N A G I N G EDITOR Leroy W . Jeffries FUN EDITOR O . Wilson Winters EDITORIAL ASSISTANT—Oscar Richie. ASSISTANTS — Hugh M. Gloster, Thomas W . Young, Charles Wesley, W . Wesley Whetstone, J. Saunders Redding, Myles A. Paige, Robert F. Custis, William H. Hale. STAFF EDITORS—Harold R. Jones T. Winston Cole, Sr., Charles A. Broaddus, James E. Huger, C. Anderson Davis, John Hope Franklin, Alonio G. Moron, Ramon Scruggs, Lionel H. Newsome, Stephen J . Wright, Charles V. Willie, L Howard Bennett. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS — Archibald J. Carey, J . M. Ellison, Felton G. Clark, Miles Graham, Rayford Logan, Belford Lawson, Rufus Atwood, Charles F. Lane, John Simmons, Robert J . Anthony, Oscar C. Brown, Frank L. Stanley, J . Rupert Picott, A. Maco, A. Smith.
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