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GUIDE and By Anslem
A-PHI-A in a most eloquent way Has taught humanity what to say; By precept and example, she has led us on And will teach and direct until victory is won. Our pioneering fraternity has fought for truth Ever facing the line in behalf of the youth; It transcends all in Education's fight By stressing human dignity u)ith all its might. We hold that scholarship should be our guide With Education ever at our side; Education has always been our bright light And will for aye add promise to our sight. Fight on A-PHI-A until we get home Knowing for sure we are not alone; Education is a bulwark of much strength It's a mighty fortress in depth and length. Education lends enlightenment to those that are bleak That's why Alpha serves both the strong and the weak; Upon no chance to lift up, will we ever frown Since our service reaches the man farthest down. Education directs us the way we tread. That's why A-PHI-A is NEVER afraid! We are therefore prepared for humanity's call Knowing we shall always be servants of all. The It's For 'Tis
banner of Education we hold sacred and dear our guide for progress both far and near; Education, we boldly march and cheer!! the greatest protection against chaos and fear.
This is the spirit Their interest in Our wisdom and With a steadfast
all Alpha men Education they knowledge do conviction that
possess, ever manifest; we share with the Education is best.
Thank God for the foundation upon which we stand In the light of Education we join hand in hand; Our feet on solid ground, instead of sinking sand While our eyes gaze high into a nobler land.
MAY 1965
^Ipha $Iji &lplpt 3Kratermtg, $xtt. VOLUME LI/2
ARTICLES 3 4 5 6 8 10
DEPARTMENTS 12 13 16 17 16 20 2J 21 23 23 28 33 34 52
FRONT COVER: Picture, upper left-hand comer, Bro. Lionel H. Newsom, General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and president of Barber-Scotia College, Concord, N. C. See story on page 28. Picture, bottom right-hand corner, Bro. Charles H. Wesley, Fraternity Historian and president of Central State College, Wilberforce, Ohio. See story on page 28. Lower left-hand corner: Two new buildings at Central State College.
Organizing Editor, 1914: Bro. Raymond W. Cannon Organizing General President: Bro. Henry Lake Dickason • * * EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: BRO. REV. C. ANDERSON DAVIS THE SPHINX: P. O. BOX 1420, BLUEFIELD, W. VA. 24701 -
PHONE 325-8777
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: O. Wilson Winters, Laurence T. Young, Charles Wesley, Stenson E. Broaddus, Robert F. Custis, Charles A. Broaddus, Malvin R. Goode, J M Ellison, Belford V. Lawson, Lionel H. Newsom, Frank L. Stanley, Sr., A. Maceo Smith, W. Barton Beatty, Maceo Hill, L. W. Jeffries, Martin L. Harvey, David A. Dowdy, Floyd Shepherd, Gus T. Ridgel, Samuel A. Madden, L. H. Stanton, Henry Crawford, (Staff Photographer). EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: J. Herbert King, J. E. Martin Felix W a r ren John H. Johnson, Samuel A. Madden, Frank Ellis, Malvin Goode, Marshall H a r ris 'Moss H. Kendrix, Lionel H. Newsom, Belford V. Lawson, Laurence T. Young, Floyd Shepherd, Gus T. Ridgel, L. H. Stanton. The Sphinx is the magazine (Official Organ) of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., 4432 South P a r k w a y Chicago, 111 Lionel H. Newsom, President; Laurence T. Young, General Secretary; C. Anderson Davis Ed tor, published four times a year, February, May, October and December. Copyright, 1965 by The Sphinx. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Subscription rate: $2.00 per year. Address all communications to The Sphinx, P. O. Box 1420, or 300 Sussex Street, Bluefield, W. Va. 24701. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Bluefield, W. Va., under act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in Section 1102, act of October 3, 1917, a n d authorized on July 5, 1918
Jle&t We. Qotofet by Bro. C. Anderson Davis
Jesus said . . . I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. John 11:52. It has been more than ten years since the historic Supreme Court decision striking down segregation in public action. And it has been more than nine years since the aching feet of Mrs. Rosa Parks started the Montgomery bus boycott and signalled a social revolution by Southern Negroes. There is much to remember, born out of racial strife, sorrow, suffering and death that took place before and since these poignant events. To remember and do nothing is fatal, but to remember as a motivating force in order to advance the cause, is vital. We are prone to forget the depths from whence we came and act as if the rights which we now enjoy were ushered in without struggle or hurt. Too often our memorials dwell only on the metaphysical, envisioning the good life yet to come, leaving off the physical and the good life here now. I have nothing against this, but I like to think of a monument born of a substance that breeds and motivates the essentials for living "the abundant life." A living memorial to the late President John F. Kennedy was the passage of the Civil Rights Bill. A fitting memorial to the many civil rights workers who have given their lives for this cause is the continued struggle on the part of those yet alive, assuring a more delightful, peaceful and life sustaining future. LET US REMEMBER BY DOING. "God, Give us Men! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands: It is a pity that Medgar Evers was shot down in the midst of his efforts to help American citizens gain and enjoy the rights guaranteed American citizens by our constitution. How shameful it was that four innocent children: Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Denise McNair and Carole Robertson lost their lives in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, Ala And then there was the brutal slaying of three students in Missisippi: Andres Goodman, Michael Schwerner and
James Chaney, because they dared assist American citizens register in order to vote. Jimmy Lee Jackson was fatally shot in Marion, Ala. simply because he took part in a freedom march. The Rev. James Reeb was struck down in Selma, Ala. while proclaiming his Christian witness in word and deed. The disciples of the hooded Ku Klux Klan, who strike by night, shot to death Mrs. Viola Gregg Liuzzo who felt that she had to participate and be counted among those who sought to stir the nation's conscious by marching from Selma to Montgomery. It is tragic that these and many more have died for a righteous cause, a universal cause and a cause which deserves our praise and remembrance. Therefore, it is quite fitting and right that we, out of respect, love and appreciation, pause to commemorate. Their memorial will be the hearts of countless millions who cherish freedom for all m a n kind. There is a great struggle before us and we sometimes in despair feel that all is against us, even God. "And how am I to face the odds Of man's bedevilment and God's? I, a stranger and afraid In a world I never made." But this is never true. God plotteth time and eternity for good purposes and He never turns his back on man. This binocular view of time and eternity should help us rise to the height of the difficult days which doth beset us. In the momentary dark night of our souls there are, fortunately, hopeful signs that justice will ultimately reign and that love and mercy rides in the wings of eternity. Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5:24 RSV
And, so let us not weep for those who have given the full measure of their devotion for a cause in which they believed and which is right. Rather, let us bind our wounds and look for the God of everlasting life and righteousness to usher in our hope for tomorrow. "Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget, lest we forget!"
Just outside Selma, Ala., Stale Troopers attack Negro marchers. As tear gas is fired, the troopers, some in gas masks, used their billy clubs battering Negroes to the ground. White onlookers cheered them on as dazed and wounded Negroes helplessly awaited aid.
MAY 1965
The second period began in 1920 and with the message and one million was concerned with the development youths should be inspired to stay in Alpha Phi Alpha from its inception of the "Go-To-High School - Go-To- school. has been very conscious of the im- College" program. Plans for The third period witnessed the the portance of education to the Negro, as awards of scholarships and fellowships launching of the program of "Educawell as to the development of our na- in connection with this program were tion For Citizenship." A campaign o f l tion. Toward this end it has made an adopted. This was the first definite education which would affect partic- ^ outstanding contribution and has or- and constructive program with a spe- ipation in citizenship was planned to ganized the major portion of its activ- cific objective. be conducted so that larger numbers \ ities around its educational program. While this second period of the F r a - would become acquainted with their I The brothers of Alpha have contribut- ternity's History, the Go-To-High rights and their duties as citizens and I ed their time, talents, and finances to- School - Go-To-College movement acquire the determination to make use I ward this worthy endeavor. was associated with the second de- of them. This program was initiated at I At the Second Annual Banquet on cade of the Twentieth Century and the 26th Convention at St. Louis, Mis- I October 26, 1907, such topics were p r e - subsequent decades, its origins reach- souri, in 1933. This was the period of sented by members of the Fraternity ed back into the first period. In 1911 the Depression and the leaders of the I as "What Does College Life Mean?" Alpha Chapter requested one of its fraternity had decided that there must j and "The Possibilities of the College committees to present plans for "In- be "Advancement in spite of the De- J Man." ducing Students to Come to Higher In- pression." It was proposed to make the i Emphasis and recognition of the stitutions of Learning" and in 1916 people of the country who could be I standards of higher education were General President Howard H. Long reached by the message into "The / continuously noted in the period of recommended that "Education" should Citizen-Minded" just as the attempt^ first expansion when new chapters be the leading aim of the Fraternity. had been made to make them "Educawere established. The founders were However, it was at the 1919 General tion-Minded" by the earlier campaign. In the meantime, all three programs desirous of establishing chapters only Convention in Chicago that this movein accredited institutions with rec- ment was approved and in 1920 the of education were to go forward under ognized curricula. campaign known as Go - To - High the organization of the Alpha Phi During World War I, Alpha men School - Go-To-College Campaign was Alpha Foundation. This reconstruction were instrumental in the launching of inaugurated. Within a year the chap- was to be carried on under the founthe first training camp for Negro of- ters were called upon to reach every dation which had a board of seven ficers at Fort Des Moines in 1917. high school, either by personal contact members, the Chairman being the DiThirty-seven Alpha Phi Alpha carried out similar or with literature, in connection with rector of Education. educational projects to help enlisted this program and in 1923 General brothers subscribed $100.00 each tomen during World War I and World President S. S. Booker urged that one ward the beginning of the service of thousand homes should be reached the Alpha Phi Alpha Foundation. The War II. General President who was actively in the leadership during this period was Charles H. Wesley. The Alpha Educational Program is now under the direction of the Director of Educational Activities, assisted by the Educational Foundation. Each year the Fraternity spends thousands of dollars for scholarships, fellowships, and loans. In addition to this, most of the chapters throughout the nation carry on local educational programs and award a number of scholarships to worthy students. In 1956, in connection with the 50th Anniversary of the Fraternity, a $25,000 scholarship fund was \ set u p at Cornell University. Alpha Phi Alpha can rightly be proud of its contributions to thousands of American youths, however, the organization is by no means satisfied T h e Fiscal Officers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity met at the national headquarters. Chicago, with its past contributions, for it is February 19 for the purpose of effecting a n orderly and systematic transfer of materials as it relates to the n e w l y elected and appointed officers. Reading from left to right: Bros. now in the process of putting plans inL e v e n C. Weiss, treasurer; William M. Alexander, chairman of Housing Foundation; Billy to motion whereby it can make an Jones, Midwestern Vice President; L. H. Stanton. Kermit J. Hall. Lionel H. N e w s o m . general even greater educational contribution president; Laurence T. Young, general secretary; Gus Ridgel, comptroller, and C. Anderson in the future. D a v i s , Editor of The Sphinx.
by Bro. Oscar W. Ritchie "Thank God, I'm educated!" It was with this thought in mind that Alphonso Phillip Alpharino accepted his college diploma. The preceding account is, of course, hypothetical and exaggerated. But hypothetical and exaggerated though it is, the implications in this situation pose certain significant questions. First, is the relationship between r e ceiving a degree and being educated a consistent and significantly positive one? Second, is the essence of education comprised merely of facts, information and knowledge? Third, is the source of education, as a formal process, limited to the college or university curriculum? Finally, is knowledge power; and if so, does this inevitably contribute to the enrichment of the human personality and the welfare of the group? To each of these questions, the writer answers with an unequivocal "No." As viewed here, the functions of education include much more than learning and knowing. Education is a formal and patterned process for the preservation,transmission and enrichment of selected facets of the culture heritage. Like other processes, education has its own delimited domain which, as the controversy regarding the "teaching of sex" clearly demonstrates, is less than clear-cut and precise. Thus, education, which is a part of that larger whole called "culture," must necessarily touch certain components of community life which are not definitely within its realm. As implied above, education, functionally viewed, may be examined from two perspectives: (1) Its principal and incidental objectives or results. (In view of the particular concern of this paper, the manifest and latent functions of education need be dealt with, certainly not in a direct and systematic way.) Persons involved in the educational process are almost certain to feel a twofold impact which, in effect, -parallels the dual character of education as e x pressed in the preceding paragraph. For present purposes, however, the principal and socially-mandated objectives of education are not of prime consideration. Rather, the present concern relates to the peripheral and incidental influences of the educational process upon the person. But first, and in order to delineate the relevant context a brief examination of the principal and socially-mandated objective of the educational enterprise is in order. Once this is done, attention will be directed to the non-
MAY 1965
The Non-Academic Marks Of The Educated Man academic marks of the educated man. First, consider if you will, Emerson's fable of how "the gods' in the beginning, divided man into men so that he might be more helpful to himself . . . and in the distribution of functions," continues Emerson, "the scholar is the delegated intellect; he is man thinking." With this Emersonian idea as a point of departure, it is easily to be seen that the college man, by virtue of his involvement in the educational
Li L-R, Top to bottom: Broi. J. Ernest Martin, F. Clark. W. E. B. DuBois. Wm. Hale. M. L. King. M. R. Goode.
process, should manifest certain resultant and specific traits. Close examination of the educational process might well lead one to ask, "What are the marks of the educated man"? Since this question must necessarily refer to a class of objections - to a large number of people - the answer must necessarily be such as to apply to no particular person but rather to the common and distinguished traits of people who are being educated. "The educated man," even as "the economic man" or "the m a n of the cloth" does not exist in the world of reality. Such men are, at best, constructs or ideal types. This is to say that "the educated man," even as other ideal types, is the "personification or perfection" a state which men are incapable of achieving., And now to some brief comments on the principal objectives of education. Being educated is sometimes regarded as tantamount to being knowledgeable. Perhaps the notion that knowledge is power" is a mere cliche which is functionally quite meaningless. In addition to the knowledge component, education is basically intellectual in its orientation. This is to say, the educated m a n is capable of behav-
ing symbolically and creatively. More than this, the educated man deals in abstractions; he is capable of constructing and manipulating mental objects and situations without any reliance upon the objectively real or the concrete. This conception of education and the educated man implies the ability to facilitate the genesis of new and potentially creative ideas. The "educated man," therefore, is no mere man of knowledge; nor is he merely a repository of facts and information. Whatever knowledge, facts or information he accumulates, he uses as bases for insights into the world around him. and, as a result, the "educated m a n " is a producer, a synthesizer, an innovator and most important a man of creativity. (Obviously, the division of labor involves the utilization - in a concrete way - the findings of the "educated man".) And now to the non-academic marks of the "educated man." But first, as already stated or implied, certain assumptions regarding the process of education might well be reiterated, clarified, or made explicit.,These are: (1) education broadly conceived is an u n ending process; (2) the "educated man" is a construct which is never found in the world of reality; (3) all who seek, education achieve it in different degrees but never to the point of per-* fection; (4- finally, and perhaps most] important for present purposes, t h e ' "educated man" is not merely a man of knowledge - he is more, much more. For the purpose of this paper, this last observation is of crucial importance. The "educated man" is, of course, Emerson's "man thinking." But he is also a man of action. He is competent to lead, but is also capable of following. Despite his exalted position among the people, he is a part of and not apart from his fellowmen. For as Theodore Parker, the Colonial cleric observed, "he walks with the saints and sages but talks with common men." The non-academic marks of the "educated man" are tremendously significant both for the process of self-fulfillment and for the betterment of the larger society. Of prime consideration now - and to illustrate - is the fact that poise, self-confidence, and gentility rank high among American values. Ideally, as men become educated, in the (Continued on page 11)
A Modern Philosophy Of Education
by James E. Huger The cataclysmic changes of our u n i verse demand reinterpretation of our philosophy of education. The projection of h u m a n endeavor beyond all boundaries on earth and into the vast space surrounding earth makes for adventure that requires an examination of the kind of education man needs to help him cope with the problems of living and being. The variety of scientific opinion has become household subject matter for all people. What we believe about life on the moon or on other planets has invited people to think about stabilization of life on the earth. Frustrating as this situation may be, it is not unusual. Quite to the contrary it is one of long standing, for more than twenty-five hundred years no less a sage than Aristotle wrote: "As- things are . . . men are by no means agreed about the things to be taught, whether we look to virtue or the best life. Neither is it clear whether education is more concerned with intellectual or moral virtue. The existing practice is perplexing; no one knowing on what principle we should proceed should the useful in life, or should virtue, or should the higher knowledge be the aim of our training; all three opinions have been entertained. Again about the means there is no agreement for different persons, starting with different ideas about the nature of virtue, naturally disagree about the practice of it." Aristotole and his contemporaries found it different to agree on a fitting sort of education for the young, because contemporary social conditions were in a state of accelerated change. Political institutions were shifting from aristocratic to democratic forms. A commercial economy was rapidly lifting Greece to a position of leadership in the Eastern Mediterranean. National p r e eminence brought in its wake international conflict and ultimately international war. In the field of education, because of these conflicts, the fundamental question arose whether the traditional educational stereotype would any longer fit the new world into which the Greeks were moving or whether new times demanded a r e vision of their educational ideal. The situation in the twentieth century - not to mention intervening cen-
uries - has been much the same. The political structure has been very fluid. Monarchistic institutions have given sway to democratic ones, and democratic ones in turn have been beset by fascistic and communistic ones. International war, not once but twice, has tested men's political and economic ideologies. Reinforced by the remarkable development of science, the intellectual turnover of ideas has never been so great. Consequently people today, as twenty-five hundred years ago, are raising the age old questions about how to educate their children for the dynamic social conditions in which they live. If their answers are confused and faltering, there should be no occasion for surprise; for uncertain times give rise to uncertain answers. Traces of historical evidence draw attention to some rather challenging thoughts concerning alternative answers to the problems of the dynamic society in which we live. Everything educates; and some things educate more than others. Sunrise and Springtime educate, for example. Yet so do sunsets, winters, poems, the ocean, plays, books, good music whether jazz or classical, situations, people, and in the last analysis, raw experience. From every e x perience alternative choices present a course of fulfillment for mankind. To every man there openeth a way And a way and a way Some men choose the highway Some men choose the low, And in between on on either side The rest float to and fro But And And The
every man there openeth a way a way. and a way every man decideth way his life should go
America has stood as the symbol of individual enterprise and development. Education in America has been liberalizing to the pursuit and advancement Of the individual as well as the group. In this pursuit education has increased this emphasis on individual enterprise through symbolizing man's desire to become a contributing member of his society. The direction of learning is from emotion to thought to expression in words, symbols, or symbolic action of some kind - not the reverse, as some educators think. Educators think that by exposure to symbols, words and connected concepts, thoughts will be formed and children will become e d -
ucated; they will be able to read, write and speak what they have learned. Education should, then, be formal, academic and confined to the classroom. That puts the m a t t e r backward, of course, but the educational system keeps going along in its same routine and its critics keep attacking it for the wrong reason. They don't attack it for a lack of innovation, but for not being adequate enough, in giving children more symbols, more words, concepts, and facts in more concentrated offerings. If we begin by assuming that what educates deeply is the immediate e x perience of a child within each situation in which he is placed, then the family is what educates the most and the soonest, since the child is born into it. The personal relations within the family begin working as educational instruments as soon as the child is born. Here are contained values of all kinds, political, moral, social esthetic, spiritual that suffuses his life. Formalized education has not developed a method for making full use of this primal element. These values cannot, however, be properly understood unless we also understand something about their sources. Nor can they be constructively shaped unless we devise some ancedotes for certain of their manifestations. Of course the question or interpretation of values in our modern philosophy of education takes on a different connotation based not only on our experiences but our prejudices as well. In a society in which there is general agreement on what constitutes the good, the true, and the beautiful, the task of teaching values is a simple one. The consensus is clear and, evin if minority views exist, they do not challenge the majority judgment effectively. But in a pluralist society, in which no general agreement has been reached; the problem becomes infinitely more difficult. With this thought in mind it should be clearly understood why the teaching of values in our American classroom is such an awesome assignment. For, as a nation, we are caught between the myths of a rural past that have all but disappeared, and the myth of the new urban present that has not now achieved its final form. While we looked the other way, profound changes took place not only in our values, but in the very sources from which they come. While our sights were focused on older, simpler patterns of thought and
conduct, far more complex problems and issues were beginning to challenge our society. For instance society has been attacked most recently with the urgency to examine the status of education as it has dealt with the concept of equalizing its offering to all people regardless of cultural status., With the awakening of the American Negro to the fact that separate but equal was not adequate or acceptable a new and seriously complex situation was created. The meaning of this complex situation for the American Negro threatened the meaning of equality in education as it had been previously defined in America. If education purports to strengthen cultural values it must direct its efforts to at least three approaches: (1) those values inherent in American ideals; (2) those inherent in the social and intellectual backgrounds of democracy as a Utopian philosophy and (3) the actual practices of the public school systems. Nor can we discuss traditional concepts of American ideals and liberty without considering the recent Supreme Court decisions concerning religion in the school, bible reading and prayer in the classrooms as well as the role played by the new assertiveness of Catholic.s Jews and Negroes in many areas of our national life. William H. Kilpatrick, the noted author, in discussing the philosophy of new education listed several general concepts in driving home his point as follows: 1. Respect for the human personality as such is accepted as the chief foundation stone for new education. This includes all humans and, as far as it is humanly possible to effect it, on terms of equality. 2. Society must conduct itself an ethically equal treatment of all. All are to be treated, in Kants phrase, always as ends and never as means merely. Nor is any stage of life, as childhood, to
be treated as means merely to any later stage. 3. The good life, or the life good to live, in the foundation conception of ethics, democracy, and education it defines the content of each of these and the end at which each must aim. 4. The slowly made race-wrought culture as held by any group is the chief educative factor to determine how the members of that group will think, feel and act. 5. Learning goes on best in the degree that the individual himself sees and feels the significance, to his own felt needs, of what he does. 6. Change is inherent in human affairs. The future is not yet fixed. Efforts count but the event is precarious. 7. The free play of intelligence is our final resource to tell us what to think and do in all individual and social affairs - intelligence playing freely upon experience in any and all its content, including the use of intelligence itself. As present day educators contemplate on the writings of great thinkers in the field of education from Plato to A r i stotle, to John Dewey to James B. Conant, it is evident that educators are willing to examine the present day dilemma in terms of what the past has found to be of value, but to use these present and thus to discover directions for the future. The direction for the future is to be in terms of the learner's hierarchy of need. His hierarchy of need is intimately related to the constantly changing aspects of the social-cultural milieu in which he is living. To the aspects of this social-cultural condition, he must make adequate responses and confront his problems in such a way that he may realize personal and social fulfilment. As James B. Conant has said in his critical analysis of our teacher education in America, but those who teach and those who are taught must have a liberal education . . : "Embedded in the concept of a liberal education, as it has been held in varying ways over the
reflections from the great philosophers of the past in the interpretation of the centuries, there is something we may recognize and value. But it does not inhere in a program or pattern. We are close to the mark if we conceive of it as a process and as an aspiration. A liberal education, one might say, is a process begun in childhood, carried on through a varying number of years of schooling, and best tested by the m o mentum it sustains in adult life. It is characterized by what it aspires to, rather than by what it embraces; it aims to enlarge the understanding, to develop respect for data, and to strengthen the ability to think and to act rationally. Accordingly, the process of educating liberally is not confined to the classroom and is not circumscribed by the subjects of study or the experiences which may contribute to it. It seeks to produce an informed, inquiring, and judicious habit of mind r a t h er than particular abilities." These considerations cut deep, explicitly denying the older type of curriculum made in advance with its assignments of subject matter set out to be learned. The only kind of curriculum able to meet these learning demands is an emerging one for life is Mke that — a curriculum in which we seek the living and pursue it; such living as calls forth from the pupils the varied kinds of responses that are fit to be built into the worthy mind and character thoughts, distinctions, insights and self relationships adequate to build mindsensitivities, values, appreciations and moral responses and the decisions fit to build sound character. From the point of view of a layman in the field of education, it has been my purpose to emphasize the broad perspective which can serve as a guiding principle for any in the professional arena to reflect upon as they develop emerging curricula to meet the crisis the present day demands. EDITOR'S NOTE: Bro. James E. Huger was former General Secretary is now administrative assistant to the president of Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida.
A discussion o n the philosophy of Alpha Phi Alpha a t It relate* to education and undergraduate housing; takes place in St. Louis. S h o w n in picture are: Incoming general president. Bro. Lionel H. N e w s o m ; William M. Alexander, chairman of Housing Foundation: and outgoing president. T. Winston Cole.
MAY 1965
What are you doing to help your fraternity reclaim unfinancial brothers? It would be nice if you would make yourself a committee of one and urge our unfinancial brothers to become active. EVERY FINANCIAL BROTHER CONTACT AN UNFINANCIAL BROTHER
G>U<Ui on the campus of information, but continued the rule more than civil rights pantie raids. The forbidding the advocacy or organization administration seemed to have lost conThe academic earthquake at the Uni- of political or social action. When the tacts with the students so completely versity of California, in Berkeley, has students rejected this revision, the ad- that the chancellor had to call in a sent shock waves through the halls of ministration reinterpreted the rules professor as an intermediary. American higher education. again to allow distribution of campaign 2. Failure to use measures appropriate While it would be misleading to de- literature and designated eight "Hyde to the problem. It is generally recognized by social scribe the 27,000 student Berkeley cam- Park" areas on the campus where disaction theorists that civil disobedience pus as typical of American halls of ivy, cussion and debate of social and polthe problems and concerns on that cam- itical issues could take place, but it al- is appropriate only to extreme situapus can be duplicated on many campus- so announced that those engaged in il- tions which render lawful tactics hopees in America. The significance of the legal politics might be expelled. When less. The student leaders seemed u n Berkeley crisis is that an interpreta- students, in an effort to make a test able to distinguish between the option of the events offers an opportunity case, defied the University regulation pression of a Negro Alabama field hand for students, faculty, administrations by setting up tables to organize for pol- against whom all the forces of the law and friends of higher education to dis- itical and social action, the University and society are massed, and the "opindefinitely suspended eight students pression" of a Berkeley undergraduate. cern the signs of the times. Seeking to register Negro voters in AlWhile there is general agreement on involved in the test case. The next day abama is an act upholding the Constithe chronolgy of events, there is far a graduate student was arrested for tution against a law breaking state or trespassing by the city police when he less agreement on why they occurred locality, while civil disobedience in and what they mean for higher educa- set up a table on the steps of the adBerkeley or San Francisco, even in the ministration building, and when the tion in general. Briefly, these are the police car moved to take him off the cause of civil rights, may be an illegal facts: act in a community where established The University has had for many campus, 3,000 students surrounded the legal procedures are available and opcar and held it captive with the police years a policy "prohibiting the collecearable as weapons in the fight against and the arrested student inside, for tion of funds and the use of University injustice. 30 hours. facilities for the planning and imple3. The name of the movement was From then until the end of the sementation of off-campus political and incorrect. mester, there were demonstrations, r e social action". However, an outlet was Starting out as the United Front provided for the social and political visions of regulations, rejection of Coalition, after a month's time the agreements, arrests of students, and conscience of the campus community through the use of a small paved area finally the resignation of the adminis- movement was reorganized and became immediately outside one of the main trative head of the Berkeley campus. known as the Free Speech Movement. entrance gates. Here, students with The final act in this classical tragedy The new name was psychologically effective, but hardly accurate since the "a cause" had for many years set up remains to be played out. Some comments by experienced ob- question at issue was whether the stutables, easels and placards, passed out dents had the right to solicit funds, handbills, solicited funds and recruited servers deserve attention. seek recruits, and make plans for offsupporters. The University had ignored 1. Lack of communication While the dean of students in her campus political and social action in the use of this strip because it was outside the gate, but when a question was letter to student leaders on the new the surrounding community. The "Hyde raised by a local newspaper, because it regulation invited these leaders "to P a r k " areas on the campus offered was being used to recruit supporters come to the office of the dean of stu- ample opportunity for traditional freefor Governor Scranton of Pennsylvania, dents if you have any question", the dom of speech, but not for freedom of in connection with his quest for the Re- initial concern of the students was that political action on the campus. publican presidential nomination, Uni- they were presented with a "fait ac- 4. The character of efforts to resolve the problem versity officials admitted that boundary compli". Later the dean said, "one of Observers point out that through all markers indicated the strip was Uni- the things that bothered me is that versity property and, therefore, under this was done in a h u r r y " and that she the months of turmoil, the efforts to thought it should have been discussed solve the problem had the tone of a nethe control of the University. gotiating session between labor and In late August, the dean of students, first with the student leaders. Another aspect of this lack of com- management, rather than that of an under orders of her superiors, issued an order forbidding the political use of the munication was that in some of their academic community where men of area. Letters were sent to leaders of conferences with the administrative reason meet with a common bond. This student organizations before their r e - head of the Berkeley campus, student labor-management tone can be seen turn to the fall semester. Thus, the representatives gave the appearance of in the demands of the students, the acbeatnik apostles, and were rude and ceptance by the administration of some safety value was closed. Within a few days after the letter discourteous to the chancellor. It was demands, then more demands by the was mailed, students formed a United too bad that the University officials students, then the breaking off of n e Front to oppose the University's action. failed to see past the unkempt appear- gotiations, then more concessions by The University responded by liberaliz- ance and the rudeness of the students the administration. While these may be ing the rules to permit the distribution and to take seriously their protests as acceptable procedures in industry, by Bro. Martin L. Harvey
where labor and management are assumed to be on opposite sides of the street, in an academic community it is assumed that all persons are bound by a common purpose, a common philosophy, and mutual trust, and that each wants the best for the community. In an academic community, academic freedom must become a sophisticated, jointly held trust rather than a set of house rules for the rival powers within a campus fortress of warring factions. 5.
The role of the teaching assistants
The huge army of teaching assistants - more than 700 - represented the major contact between the undergraduates and the total university community. But they looked, acted, and thought more like students than teachers. F r e quently students expressed the idea that they had been attracted to Berkeley by its famous teachers only to find that too often they met them only in lecture courses with several hundred other undergraduates. Many of the famous names were far too busy with research and writing commitments to have much time for undergraduate classes - to say nothing of individual students. Thus, the bulk of the teaching task was left to the teaching assistants, themselves only a year or two above the undergraduate level, and more intent on their own graduate studies than on their undergraduate students. It is apparent that underneath a great deal of the students' attitudes there were three factors: (1)
Disturbance at the depersonalization of education
Students, having demanded mass education, are now disappointed in its mass features. In December, Mario Savio, the leader of the Free Speech Movement gave an impassioned justification for civil disobedience. He said"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes your heart so sick, that you can't take part . . . you've got to put your bodies upon the gears, and upon the wheels, and levers, tie up all the apparatus and make it stop, and you've got to indicate to the people who run the machine that unless you are free, the machine will be prevented from working at all." The undoubtedly apocryphal story about the student who claimed no one paid any attention to him .unless his IBM card was bent has some significance. This sense of the depersonalization was best expressed in one of the recordings made by the FSM to raise money for its cause.
MAY 1965
"O, come all. ye mindless. conceptless and spineless O, do not fold or spindle or mutilate." (2) Growing mobility of faculty and students It is not uncommon on many large campuses to have a high percentage of transfer students, and of new faculty members. This constant and frequent movement makes it difficult to develop a loyalty to the academic community, which leads to a lack of a sense of involvement in common purpose, a synthesis beneath the surface differences of opinion, a sense of shared destiny with all the persons involved, and a commitment to work together toward more or less clearly understood goals. (3) The "take over" mentality of some students Students who have participated meaningfully and efficiently in various social and political movements, such as the Peace Corps, civil rights, and voter registration, are likely to feel that they should have a greater voice in the affairs of a university. It is understandable that today's better prepared and more knowledgeable students should feel that they should have a larger
Students - University of California
voice in determining the rules that govern them, and in other campus matters. Some demands are being made by more mature student groups for a voice in determining policy on the curriculum, in the selection and retention of faculty (the recent protests at Yale University are an illustration of this) and in other related matters. These matters are of legitimate concern to students and it is quite certain that there will be increased demands to be heard about these matters. It is to be hoped, however, that the academic community will recognize that just as a university's function can be distorted by the demands for research and governmental service, so the long term interests of students may not be served most efficiently if they have to curtail their academic responsibilities in order to participate in the administrative and policy functions of the University. The experience in South American countries, indicates that a policy of allowing students a major voice in some key areas of university policy can lead to academic chaos. It will be necessary
for the academic community to be careful not to confuse the demands of students which can lead to anarchy, with the desire to contribute a responsible voice in the University affairs which concern them directly. It will not be easy to distinguish the difference, partly because such distinctions will at times be blurred in the minds of faculty and students. To meet the future successfully, a large measure of firmness, sensitivity, human understanding, and above all, common sense will be required.EDITOR'S NOTE: Brother Harvey is dean of students at Southern University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He is a frequent visitor to college campuses in all parts of the country, and received his graduate training in the field of administration of higher education.
* â&#x20AC;˘ * * *
REVITALIZING THE NATIONAL PAN-HELLENIC COUNCIL, INC. by Bro. Walter Washington In September, 1964, the National P a n Hellenic Council launched a dynamic program designed to re-establish communication with city and campus councils. In order to stimulate communication three bulletins have been mailed to the national officers of the eight national affiliates, to campus, and to city councils. Bulletin No. 1 carried a suggested program for the National PanHellenic Council; Bulletin No. II carried a suggested program for city and campus councils; and Bulletin No. Ill carried pertinent information as related to program. Copies of these materials may be secured from Mrs. Patricia Sheffield, Executive Secretary, 2805 Hawthorne Avenue, Richmond, Va. Each Greek has the responsibility to make a survey in his community to determine if a Pan-Hellenic Council is organized. If one is not organized, he should take the initiative and get a council organized. City councils may be organized if there are as many as five chapters of the eight national affiliated organizations located in a particular city, likewise, a campus PanHellenic Council may be organized if there are five chapters of the eight national affiliated organizations located on a particular campus. In any case, contact should be made with Mrs. Sheffield to request detailed information incident to organizing a Pan-Hellenic Council.
School From A F o r e s t . . . In Liberia by William B. Pollard On April 8, 1961, dust-covered buses brought the first group of students from their gathering point in the capital city of Monrovia to the new rural elementary teacher-training s c h o o l being constructed in the Zorzor District in the Republic of Liberia. A good many of the 75 students had left their homes in tribal villages for the first time, and they arrived in native costumes, carrying their meager belongings in bags and boxes. The majority of these teachers-to-be were transported from their villages by airplane to Monrovia because there are usually no roads, only trails in the African "bush" country. The school, standing in a cleared section surrounded by forest, consisted of classrooms, dining room and dormitory, a chapel, and recreation grounds. This first rural school for training elementary teachers in Liberia was a project of the Tuskegee Institute under contract with the U. S. Agency for International Development. Bro. William B. Pollard, a school administrator in St. Louis, was loaned to the AID project in Liberia, as Chief of P a r t y and director of elementary education. He went there with his wife and children to live during the period of initial construction. Others launching this project on leave from the St. Louis Public Schools were: Bros. William Pearson, George H. Hyram, Sheely Lynem, and Dr. Florence B. Brown. All of the male participants are Alpha men of Epsilon L a m b da Chapter. Dr. Brown is the sister of Bro. W. Barton Beatty and mother of Bro. Robert Brown of Alpha Alpha chapter. The Zorzor District crowds the northern boundaries of Liberia, touching the surrounding republics of Sierra Leone and Gunea. It is the northernmost district in the Western Province, its villages consisting largely of native markets and of huts with thatched, conical-shaped roofs. In J a n u a r y . 1960, the site of the Tuskegee-Liberia project stretched over 1,000 acres of forest and wild, bush-covered land in the interior of Liberia, 200 miles from Monrovia, the capital city. It was to this undeveloped site that Bro. Pollard and the project team from the United States came in November 1960. Here they would live during the period of the school's initial construction. The AIR group would work from
Zorzor Teacher Training Institute: L - R: Bro. S. F. Lynem, Mrs. Lynem, T. Bai Sheonior. Liberian teacher; O. Cousey, Bro. William B. Pollard, director and chief of party; Bro. William A. Pearson, academic coordinator; Mrs. Pollard, education specialist; David Soli, Liberian teacher; Dr. Florence B. Brown, education specialist, and William Momoler, Liberian teacher.
the ground up to begin the school and its program, for the purpose of "assisting the Department of Public Instruction (of Education) of Liberia in strengthening its educational program by training its r u r a l teachers." More specifically, the project was designed to offer both preservice and inservice training for elementary teachers; develop textual and other instructional materials for use in the school; and to outline a program of teacher education for Liberia, based on needs of students and communities. The first step of the party was to u n dertake a comprehensive survey of the Liberian scene in order to offer the technical advice and assistance needed for the teacher - training program, geared to the life of the people, their problems, and abilities. It was found through the survey condeducted that about 75 % of the r u r al elementary teachers in Liberia had less than an eighth-grade education, no specific training for rural teachers being offered. Effort was made to learn about the people of the villages the fishermen, boatmakers, blacksmiths, and weavers - all phases of tribal life. It was essential to evolve a system of teacher training which would preserve the people's traditions and cultural patterns, and provide worthwhile education for the youth. In the construction program, the AID group first u n dertook the necessary training for m a n power. Buildings were erected by a Swiss contractor using native labor.
"It was an education in itself," said Bro. Pollard, "to see tribal people trained to do carpentry and plumbing under an European foreman. Workers even made concrete blocks, carrying sand and water from the river, and rocks were hauled by truck from an old quarry 35 miles away. A road was cut 10 miles through the forest. "More difficult was the effort to develop understanding and skill in tribal men for maintaining electric generators, appliances, and other western materials, or doing quantity cooking in a modern kitchen." Temporary housing for the staff was provided in American trailers. Facilities were also made available for Liberian men and women and their families, who were part of the professional faculty or staff, and who learned to cook for 90 people on the site. Bro. Pollard had his own vegetable garden and raised chickens, pigs, ducks, and rabbits. Through such efforts the AID party endeavored to introduce the concept of the dignity of labor to literate youths who were enrolled as students. At first, a common attitude was e x pressed by many: "I read book - don't have to work." The hoe was labelled as an "ignorance stick." After the arr rival of the first students, they began to perform numerous campus chores, for which the Liberian government allowed a modest stipend, plus free textbooks and lodging, with the stipulation that each graduate was to serve as an elementary t e a c h e r in government
schools for three years after graduationGradually the attitude concerning labor began to change among the students, who were soon asking for "two ignorance sticks." As they enjoyed the homegrown fresh vegetables and meats, J the idea developed by precept and example became a reality. After completion of the main build-\ ings and facilities in the 13-month building program, an admission-placement examination was given, after which selected students were enrolled in the Institute - eight and ninth-grade graduates from mission and government schools. English is the official language of Liberia, but there are 28 tribal dialects. The students, having begun life in a) dialect-speaking society, have m a n j English deficiencies vocabulary breadth, comprehension and sentence structure. Each student was p r o - | gramed for two class periods daily ir English language skills, literature, or remedial reading. At the present time, the curriculum at the Zorzor Rural Teacher Training Institute is based on a 2-year, 4-semester plan. The curriculum was chosen to enable students to gain mastery of content which they, as teachers, will need in order to help their pupils to learn. Inservice seminars were conducted on basic topics, with speakers from the Institute's faculty, the Cuttington College faculty, the Liberian Department of Education, and including visiting specialists. The faculty and professional staff was composed of six American educators on contract with Tuskegee Institute and five Liberians, employed by the Government of Liberia. Fifty-five of the original 1961 group of students were graduated in J u n e 1963. Each was assigned to a village school in the rural areas of Liberia, 95 percent of the country being rural. The terms of the Tuskegee-Liberia contract extend through 1967. Plans are in progress for continued enlargement and improvement of the institute's facilities and offerings in further fulfillment of its objectives.
fact that most Alpha men are holders THE NON-ACADEMIC MARKS of academic degrees. The basic ques- * (Continued from page 5) formal sense, they come to be intel- tion implicit in this paper, it will be I lectually insightful, emotionally ma- remembered, has to do with the r e - J ture, and socially skillful.,When defer- lationship between holding a collegeC / ence is appropriate, for example, the degree and being educated. Certainly, a college degree may be "educated man" shows it, but self-obsequiousness and other debasements taken to mean that the holder has learned some academically significant are forever foreign to them. The man who is truely educated is facts; that he has amassed a measure thereby enabled to relate to his fellow- of scholastically meaningful informamen in a productive manner befitting tion; and that he is knowledgeable at one who is privileged to develop his least with respect to his chosen area of capacities through formal instruction. interest. And, manifestly, of course, As he relates to others, such a man is men who hold positions of power and expected to maintain his own dignity authority, whose jobs are highly presand to respect the dignity of others. tigeful, and whose incomes are signifNo man who claims to be educated can icantly above average are quite likely afford to deny, demean, or denigrate to be defined as "educated men." the dignity of another. This he will Upon reflection and based on firstdo neither in a face-to-face confron- hand observation, it would seem that tation nor in a collective setting such many of the members of our Fraternity as, for example, our National Conven- actually approach rather closely the tion. ideal-typical "educated man." Before Frequently, men find themselves con- determining that such is the case howtesting against each other. To present ever, we must observe and evaluate one's position is a right not lightly to the extent to which the apparently edbe dealt with,' nor to be abrogated. ucated Alpha man exhibits the nonSuch is the right of any and all, and if academic as well as the academic marks this right is to be honored a high de- of the "educated man." gree of decorum is indispensible. In If it is assumed - as often seems to such a situation, common courtesy r e - be the case - that a man's job accurquires that both sides should be heard. ately reflects the level and quality of Again, in such a situation, emotionally- his educational achievement, then Alcharged appeals should be carefully pha men rank high among the educontrolled, personal attacks should be cated. The thesis implicit in this paper, avoided, inflammatory remarks should however, is that the intellectual dinot be tolerated, and the motives of mension of the educational process (inthe contestant should never be im- cluding consideration of facts, informapugned nor deserve to be so. tion, and knowledge) is but part of the Finally, even the person of goodwill total educational process. It is clear, is inclined, at times, to speak categori- and really essential to the completion cally of a group. In this respect, Alpha of this paper, that further and final men are no exception. The loud, bois- consideration should be given to the terous, troublesome one is all too often non-academic marks of the "educated taken to be the prototype of the group man." As a matter of fact, each of us under discussion or observation. In might well examine himself and others such a situation, few know better than not only to determine if we are eduwe, that the offender is quite likely cated, but rather to encourage each to be regarded as representative of the other, by personal example, to strive group with which he is identified. to approach more closely the model or Alpha men have enjoyed greater op- the ideal-typical "educated man." portunities for learning than have most To facilitate the self-examination and people of the earth. This view is sup- self-improvement here proposed, we ported, or at least suggested, by the might well give our attention to: (1) Expression of a sense of humor that is reflective. (2) A sense of the appropriate in dealing with others. (3) Fulfillment of the obligations of citizenship. (4) Avoidance of profanity, tactlessness and boisteriousness. (5) Responsibleness, integrity and autonomy. (6) Gentility, courtesy and forebearance. (7) Respect for the rights and supZorzor Teacher Training Institute - Zorzor, Western Province, Liberia port for the dignity of others.
MAY 1965
From . . . The General Secretary's Desk BROTHER LAURENCE T. YOUNG
59th ANNIVERSARY CONVENTION CALL: The General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity nas puonsnea the 1965 General Convention call, summoning our Jewel, all past and present General Officers, Regional Officers, Delegates and other brothers to convene in the C i t y ^ T (JKicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, - A u 8 u s t 8 t h _ - 1 2 & , for the purpose of conducting the 59th Anniversary Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS: There will be many constitutional amendments submitted at the 59th Anniversary Convention to be held as aforesaid, and chapters should again be reminded that: "All proposed amendments shall be filed with the General Secretary sixty (60) days before the next succeeding General Convention. The General Secretary shall send copies of all proposed amendments to each chapter thirty (30) days prior to the next succeeding General Convention. Only such proposed amendments shall be considered by the Convention. BRUTALITY - PROBATES: We are taught early in our Fraternity life, that Alpha Phi Alpha will not tolerate any backward step on the part of a brother. We also know of the constitutional provision (1947) prohibiting all paddling, whipping or other forms of external physical brutality. As a result of extreme brutality during periods of probation in the past month, - as it relates to candidates for initiation into Alpha Phi Alpha - TWO of our oldest chapters were r e cently suspended by the General President for this violation. The wrath and indignation of the General President has been aroused to the degree that he states: "The shameful behavior of some of our undergraduate chapters is to be deplored, - Alpha Phi Alpha will no longer tolerate barbaric behavior and inhuman treatment of candidates for initiation, if I am forced to cause the suspension of every undergraduate chapter in the United States." DIRECTORY: The 1965-1966 Directory will be published in time for distribution at the Chicago Convention in August 1965. The names of ONLY ACTIVE brothers (holders of 1965 pass cards) will appear in this publication. Deadline is J u n e 15th, 1965. The next Director to be published will be three years hence - 1968, - so HURRY. OLD A PHI A LIFE MEMBERSHIP CARDS RECALLED: The new beautiful metal-type LIFE MEMBERSHIP IN A PHI A cards will be ready for distribution within the next thirty (30) days. A Phi Life Members, holding the old type card (And that is all 208) will please return same to National Headquarters, following which the new metal type card will be reissued to replace the old ones. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Brother A. Maceo Smith, who is recovering from injuries resulting from a fall at his Dallas, Texas home is well on the road to complete recovery,- wishes to acknowledge with gratitude the many acts of kindness, letters, flowers etc. received from his good A Phi A brothers throughout the Country. He plans to attend the Convention in Chicago in August 1965. SELMA - MONTGOMERY: So many of our brothers took active part in the famous "March on Montgomery" we need not mention them here. However, the following telegram was sent to the President of the United States by our General President: "As the General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, representing more than 30,000 college trained N e g r o Americans.I call upon you to use the power, prestige and authority of your office to intervene in the shameful, ^ g r a c e ful and humiliating behavior of officials in Selma. We urge this because we believe it is the right, the humane ana tne decent thing to do. How can you stand idle when authoritarian officials of State - jail, gas, beat and often kill Americans while we are spending billions on space travel to the moon and millions in Vietnam? All my brothers urge you to stop this massacre." DECALS: A supply of automobile A Phi A decals are available at National Headquarters. Send for yours now they sell for 30c each, or in lots of 5 or more, for 25c each.
SPEAKS . . . Brothers in Alpha: Although we do not have Presidential oath, or an Oath of Allegiance, or even an Inauguration Day, I nevertheless pledge myself and this administration "To bend every effort to promote a more perfect union among Alpha men; to aid in and insist upon the personal progress of Alpha men everywhere; to further brotherly love and a fraternal spirit within the organization; to discountenance evil; to destroy all p r e j udices; and to uphold the Constitution and By-Laws of the Alpha Phi Alpha i Fraternity to the best of my ability, so help me God." While there are some who may think I am giving our fraternity a recognition far in excess of its significance when I seem to imply a resemblance to the Inauguration of the President of the United States of America, this is not my intent, but it is my intention to say that I hold the same high esteem, and as much respect for the "office" of President of Alpha as I do the "office" of President of the United States. It is with this same respect that I gladly accept the responsibilities of its proper conduct. The opportunities for service to mankind and the challenges to overcome all socio-economic-cultural barriers which hold us back will be met with same intelligence (I hope) enthusiasm, and dedication by your General President as our President Lyndon B. Johnson uses to create "The Great Society." There are many problems crying out for solutions but in my limited space I shall alude to those I consider most pressing. One grave problem deals with the paucity of active undergraduate members. In 1954 we had 1949 undergraduates but ten years later in 1964 we had only 1655, approximately 300 fewer. How do we account for this decrease when male student enrollment is increasing in almost all institutions of higher learning at a spectacular rate? Alpha cannot continue to live if we do not keep pace with growing school enrollments. In my efforts to stem the tide of declining membership I am appointing two hard working and dedicated brothers as Directors of Undergraduate Activities. They will provide the delegates at the Chicago General Convention with an empirical study of the
MAY 1965
BROTHER LIONEL H. NEWSOM problem(s) and recommendations for its solution. For too many years, in fact, since my undergraduate days, we have had some sort of Reorganization Committee hard at work. All of them were composed of dedicated, intelligent and sincere brothers bent on doing ther very best for Alpha, but as Jewel Bro. Henry A. Callis has so often said, "The only thing remaining unchanged in Alpha's Constitution is the Preamble." We must not and can not change just for the sake of change but we must weigh carefully every change recommended by the Internal Structure Committee. Therefore I urge you to give your very best thinking to the multifacted problems confronting us as v/e overhaul our internal structure. While you and I know that structural changes alone will not change the quality of men who are entrusted with the great responsibilities of carrying out the many functions of the fraternity, we believe some structural changes might facilitate our operations. As you gather in your Regionals, Chapter meetings and caucuses I cannot urge you too much to fully discuss all phases of every issue in order that you will be well fortified with both facts and considered opinions when next we meet in General Convention August 8-12, 1965. Let these changes be made only after careful thought by you. Let us now turn our attention to another pressing problem. S e v e r a l years ago we raised the Grand Tax with at least one primary aim in mind, that of providing adequate financial r e sources to hire a full-time Field Secretary. It may already be too late but I will respond to the admonitions made by several Past General Presidents, General Officers, and lay members who say this must be done or we are collect. ing a higher tax under disguise. This administration will work out the job specifications and establish this office before its tenure is over. Your ideas, comments, and suggestions are welcomed, but even more important is your recommendation of candidates or a p plicants for this very important position. In the next issue of the Sphinx we shall spell out the requirements and other related data,
In my travels about the country, meeting with brothers in Alpha affairs and other national and international conferences, one thing (though there are many others) which disturbs me greatly is the absence of certain brothers' faces in the former and the presence of certain brothers' faces in the latter. Many of these brothers I have known through the years. Too many of these men are actively participating in other organizations - civic, social, political - but not in Alpha. I urge you to seek these brothers out and urge them to return to the fold, and upon their return put them to work doing something they like to do. Remind them that they cannot just sit on the sideline but they must become involved in the issues that plague Alpha and the Negro American. There is still the problem of too few students remaining in school and there are too many Selma, Alabamas. Go to work on your themes, "Go To High School, Go To College"; "A Voteless People is a Hopeless People" and "Don't Be Average, Be E x cellent".,Every chapter can make use of all or any one or two of these themes. The Civil Rights Laws of 1964 did not bring an end to prejudice and discrimination. While the new administration will make every effort to r e duce the far too many obstacles the ultimate solution still rests with the individuals involved. Our great task is to produce more and more young leaders to aid in and insist upon the progress of all Americans. REMEMBER IT IS NOT WHAT YOU HAVE, BUT WHAT YOU GIVE THAT REALLY COUNTS.
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FROM THE SOUTHWESTERN VICE PRESIDENT Greetings - Brothers in the Southwestern Region: Education and Citizenship Week will be observed May 16 - 22, 1965. Bro. Oscar W. Ritchie, Director of Educational Activities, made the following statement in a recent announcement: "First of all, servants of all" is an implied but eloquent statement of the m a jor and all pervading community concern of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Translated into specific terms, the main components of this concern are a continuing involvement in the educational
FROM THE ASSISTANT SOUTHERN VICE PRESIDENT Brothers of the Southern Region: Since you last heard from me I have had the opportunity to visit many of
FROM THE EASTERN VICE PRESIDENT "Stronger than an army is an idea whose time has come", wrote Victor Hugo. The onrush of the patriots of freedom in the dramatic surge of h u m a n pressure being applied in the strongholds of traditional segregation is educating the world. The Negro has truly awakened the conscience of the world to the plight of the second class status of the American of color. Strangely enough, the revolt has taken a turn and is not made u p of just the revolters for h u m a n dignity and justice who happen to be colored but, also now has the increasing n u m bers of white who are the unoppressed allies to the cause.
process and a determined promotion of responsible citizenship. How can we, as Men of Alpha in the Southwestern Region, help to achieve "a continuing involvement in the educational process, and a determined promotion of responsible citizenship?" Let me suggest the following activities as projects for chapters and state organizations. 1. Classes in Citizenship Education Attention should be given to topics such as these: a) Duties and Responsibilities of Citizens, b) Voter Registration and the Use of the Ballot, c) Respect for Law and Order, d) Effective P a r ticipation in Community Life. ,2. Programs of Assistance to High School and College Students - Many changes are taking place in the Southwest. Barriers are falling and integration is becoming a realitv. Challenging employment opportunities are
emerging. New attitudes and aspirations must be developed, and often financial assistance will be needed to develop potentials. We can sponsor such programs. 3. Develop Libraries of Information on Expanding Employment Opportunities and Make Them Available to High School and College Students - Whenever possible, bring into the community young people who have succeeded in new and challenging fields of e n deavor. 4. Sponsor Programs Designed to d e velop an Appreciation for the Fine Arts: music, art, literature, drama. Often local talent will gladly assist with this undertaking. Let the words of Elbert Hubbard omfort us: "Down in their hearts, wise men know this truth;,The only way to help yourself is to help others."
the chapters of this region. These trips have helped to give me further insight into the many workings carried on by the various chapters. I have found that many of our chapters have brothers in the leading or most influential positions in many colleges and that some chapters have very well planned, well-rounded and properly concentrated programs. However, there is still a great need for the planning of beneficial programs on the part of all chapters. On many campuses
I have found that the brothers are highly concerned with the number of pledgees and brothers, but, let us not forget that it is quality and not quantity that Alpha wants. I had the wonderful experience of participating in the March on Montgomery and I was indeed proud to see the tremendous support given to our illustrous Brother King by the Brothers of Alpha. Continue in the Alpha Manner.
In the East we are proud of our Alpha Outreach Program which is now underway in several cities under our project director, Otha Brown, of Norwalk, Connecticut. Two successful New England Roundups have been held in Hartford and in Boston. Attorney General Edward W. Brooke was a speaker at the Boston RoundUp in April. We believe our program of guidance for young boys 8-12 will be the educational life-line of Alpha. The Eastern Regional Convention May 7, 8th at Annapolis, Maryland has Bro. A r t h u r Logan, Chairman Board of Directors of HARYOU, the largest poverty program effort a p proved for a U. S. city to date, as Banquet Speaker. All chapters in the East are active in full command of community leadership. We are educating our young and we are maintaining our forward looking program for a better Alpha Phi Alpha.
m *:*. H
FROM THE ASSISTANT MID-WESTERN VICE PRESIDENT Today, our colleges and universities are being characterized by the slogan "America's Closing Door". This slogan exemplifies the changing tenor of higher education. There was a time when money or social prestige would guarantee a college degree. Now, only industriousness, fortitude, and character actually guarantee success in the cherished halls of academe. In the pursuit of excellence, our colleges have raised their standards, and in the process, their admission qualifications have a l so been strengthened. It is harder to get into college today and easier to be rushed out. In this atmosphere of broader visions and higher goals, Alpha Phi Alpha must (Continued on page 16)
OPPO RTUNITIES AND sc HOLARSHIPS by Bro. J. Herbert King "Equal preparation is the key to equal opportunity." The domestic programs proposed by President Lyndon B. Johnson will help to improve the lot of the nation's Negro population. Mr. Johnson said, "One hundred years ago, in 1865, following a terrible test of blood and fire, the compact of union was finally sealed," Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha F r a ternity should adequately impress the youth of the nation, via all available communicative medals, with the idea that equality of opportunity is accompanied by equal responsibility. Ask yourselves whether you have properly conveyed to the Negro youth that greatness is blind to race, creed, color, or former conditions. All "unclusiveness" in this great society will depend largely on the Negro to accept his full responsibility as a worthwhile citizen in his community. JOB CONTACTS DESIGNERS AND DRAFTMEN Contact James P. O'Brien 2 yrs. experience. General Dynamics Electric Boat. 195 Eastern Point Road, Graston, Conn. Accountants, Auditors, Advertising Graduates, Public Relation Writers - Contact E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company, Personnel Division, Wilmington, Delaware 19898. EDUCATION SPECIALIST $6050-$10250. Civil Service Examiner Fort Lee, Georgia. Opening Available on many important Aerospace Vehicle and Weapon Systems at Hughes in California. Contact Robert A. Martin Head of Employment, Hughes Aerospace Div. 11940 W. Jefferson Blvd. Culver City, California. INSURANCE Administrative, sales and technical contact Thomas Romaine, Employment Manager, Prudential Insurance Companies of America. Prudential Plaza, Newark, New Jersey 07101. OLIN - WITH CORPORATE OFFICES IN NEW YORK CITY The firm operates 60 plants in 30 states with plants and affiliates in 37 foreign countries - Offer abroad range of opportunities in technical science and engineering and field. Emphasis is placed on the B. S. and M. S. chemical, industrial, mechanical and metallurigal engineering students for assignments in plant operations, process control,
MAY 1965
product development quality control, production and marketing - Contact Mr. M. H. Jacoby, College Relation Officer, Olin, 460 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10022. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS "Where Challenge is greatest the opportunity is greatest" - Fields of AeroPhysics, Automatic Control systems, Celestial and Orbital mechanics, Communication system, Nuclear Safety and Rocket Pro pulsion Analysis Write Martin, Martin-Marietta, Baltimore 3, Md. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Contact Western Electric - Company" paid Tuition Refund Plan and a Graduate Engineering Training Center. Contact the employment College Recuiting Officer. CHEMICAL RESEARCH Advance electronics, programmers and grapic arts - contact National Cash Register Company - Mr. Thomas F. Wade, Technical Placement Main and K Streets. Dayton, Ohio 45409. "There is room for achievement at IBM Manufacturing Service, Marketing, Programming, Finance and Administrations Write - Manager of Employment, Department 74C, IBM Corporate Headquarters, Armonk, New York 10504. Chemist Mathematicians and Physicists - Write Mr. R. J. Stewart Research Employment, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, P. O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, N. Y. GOVERNMENT JOBS Agriculture - Agricultural Commodity Grader $6,050 - 7,250. Agricultural Extension Specialist (Program leadership Educational Research and Training $10,250 - $16,460. Subject Matter Specalization Educational Media $10,250 - $16,460. Jobs in Washington, D. C. Extensive travel. Announcement 4-B. PROGRAM SPECIALIST $6,050 - $10,250 jobs in the State offices of the Agricultural Stabilization and conservation Service, Department of Agriculture. Announcement SL-1421 (64). BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Accountant and Auditors, $5,000$6,050. Announcement (188-Revised) Actuary, $5,990-$ 16,400, Announcement 192. Auditor $7,220-$10,250. U. S. Army Audit Agency, U. S. Navy Audit Organization and Auditor General Field office, U. S. Air Force. Announcement 275.1. Economist $7,220-$16,460 A n nouncement, 303-B Securities Investigation $7,220-$8,650. Jobs with the S e -
curities and Exchange Commission. Announcement 248-B. SCIENTIFIC Architect $5,990 - $14,170 jobs in Washington, D. C. Area. Announcement 299-B. Bacteriologist - $6,050-$12,075 Positions with Veterans AdministrationAnnouncement 163-B Biologist - $6,050-$14,170. U. S. Public Health Service. Announcement CH-65-1 (64) Industrial Hygienist $5,990-$16,460, Navy Department. Announcement 230-B. Pharmacologist, $6,650-$16,460. Jobs in Washington. Announcement 202 B. Pharmacist, $4,050-$7,220 Veterans Administration, Announcement 212-B Speech Pathologist. $8,650-$12,075 Veterans Administration. Announcement 280-B. EDUCATIONAL Counseling Psychologist $10,250-$12,075. Veterans Administration. Annonucement 231-B Education Specialist and Supervisor of Education Specialist $7,220-$16,460. Jobs in Washington, D. C. Announcement 278-B. Historian $7,220-$16.460. Department of Defense. Announcement 349-B. Program Specialist and advisor. $7,220-$16,460. U. S. office of education Announcement 324 B. Public Health Education $7,220-$14,170.
Bro. Paul N. Johnson
FROM THE ASSISTANT WESTERN VICE PRESIDENT Bro. Paul N. Johnson Today and tomorrow will probably be the msot significant days in the history of the United States. Today is here represented as being that day when the Negro was freed from slavery. For is was at this time that he began his struggle for equality. Today is that moment in time when the "Separate but Equal" clause overruled in the Brown vs. The Board of Education case in 1954. Today is that moment in time when the people of the United States marched on the nation's capitol. But most important, today is that moment in time when all of the people of the United States, regardless of race, creed or color, will be able to vote. On the 15th day of March, President Johnson set the wheels of our legislature turning. Their job is to bring forth a piece of legislation that will enable all of our citizens to vote. But what of our job as citizens? Shall we just resign ourselves to waiting or should we further prepare ourselves to (Continued on page 22)
SCHOLASTIC HONOR Brothers who made the Dean' s List the last semester of the School Year, 1964, and the first semester of the School Year, 1964-65. Lincoln University ,Pa. (Grade Point system - A - l , B-2, etc.) Second Semester, 1963-64 1.65 Robert Cain 1.60 James Funna 1.50 Andrew McBride First Semester, 1964-65 1.60 Rubio Esannason 1.60 Levi Nwachuku 1.41 Andrew McBride 1.28 Robert Ragland Saint Paul's College Lawrenceville, Va. (3 point system) First Semester 1964-65 2.82 Leslie Smith 2.58 James DeHart 2.00 Earl Mabry Fort Valley State College Fort Valley, Ga. (4.00 point system) Last Quarter - 1965 4.00 Roscoe Hugle 4.00 Walter Scott 4.00 Melvin Williams 3.68 Robert Sneed 3.26 Robert Poteete 3.14 Glenwood Hill
Billy Poteete Leon Grant Charles Heath Willie Jordan Robert Simmons Southern University Baton Rougi3, La. (4.00 point system') Richard Harris Preston Dinkins Martin Johnson Howard Jones Roy Jackson Willis Jacob Benjamin Jones Perry Julien Ulyssis Days Johnny Jenkins Raymond Moore Lewis Ramsey Kerney Laday Herman Scott Leonard Hayes Henry Dunbar Ferdinand Troullier Joshua Williams Paul Young Stillman Ccillege Tuscaloosa, Ala. (3 point system) First Semester - 1964-65 Albert L. McCoy
3.11 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
3.83 3.72 3.72 3.60 3.58 3.46 3.31 3.29 3.23 3.23 3.20 3.16 3.15 3.11 3.07 3.05 3.00 3.00 3.00
ROLL Joseph Prentice
Texas College Tyler, Tex. (3\00 point system) Norman Lewis Roy C. Smith Dell C. Madkins Kentucky State College Frankfort, Ky. (4.00 point system) Eric Tretheway J e r r y Pope Rayford Harper John Huggins Hugh Wilson Edward Newton Ohio University Athens, Ohio (4.00 point system) Ron Smith Charles Granger Eugene Foreman Benjamin Macveir Alabama A & M Normal, Ala. (4.00 point system) Leroy Daniels Charles Lockhart Alger S. Coleman, Jr. Earl C. Gibson Charlie Stinson
2.5 2.3 2.1
3.64 3.43 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.28
3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0
3.33 3.16 3.00 3.00 3.00
PROMINENT LEADERS ENDORSE WESLEY RESEARCH FUND In tribute to Bro. Charles H. Wesley's twenty-three years of dynamic leadership as president of Central State College, the Board of Trustees, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, Students and Friends are establishing the Charles H. Wesley Research Fund for Historical Research in the neglected field of Negro History. The fund will be administered and controlled by the Association of the Study of Negro Life and History, Washington, D. C , where Bro. Wesley, upon his r e tirement in June, will assume the E x ecutive Directorship of the organization and will be able to devote his entire time to historical research. The formal launching of the drive was during the celebration of Negro History Week, February 7-14, and it v/ill culminate in Atlanta, Ga. in October, on the occasion of the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. Bro. Wesley, the present president of the Association, is deserving of this tribute in that he has been responsible for guiding the organization through the precarious years and rescuing it from possible oblivion to this memorable celebration.
The Charles H. Wesley Research Fund in Negro History got a big boost this week when a group of prominent American leaders endorsed the fund. Among those boosters was the guest speaker for Charter Day, the Honorable Raymond Pace Alexander, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, Pa.,Bro. Alexander addressed a capacity crowd in the Central Cafeteria. Among the well wishers were faculty members, both active and retired, students, alumni, and friends. Among some of the other Americans to support the Research Fund whose acceptance have been acknowledged are: Arthur Beerman, President of Beerman Enterprises, Dayton, Ohio; Dr. Kingman Brewster, Yale University; Ralph Bunche, United Nations; Atty. John H. Bustamante, Cleveland, Ohio; William Dawson, Illinois; Charles Diggs, Michigan; Dr. Dwight Lowell Dumond, Prof, of History, University of Michigan; Dr. Walter C. Langsam, President of the University of Cincinnati; Dr. Benjamin F. Mays, President of Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga; A. Clayton Powell, New York; A. Phillip Randolph, President of the Internation-
al Brotherhood of Sleeping Car P o r t ers, AF of L, C. I. O.; Walter Reuther, United Auto Workers of America, AF of L, C. I. O.; Robert F. Wagner, Mayor of the City of New York; Roy Wilkins, NAACP; John Winters, Xenia National Bank, and Whitney Young, National Urban L e a g u e . , Brothers wishing to contribute to the Fund may send their donations to the Charles H. Wesley Research Fund, Box 455, Central State College, Wilberforce, Ohio 45384. HARRIS (Continued from page 14) stand as a "Beacon" illuminating the path to greater achievement. Alpha Brothers must place themselves in the vanguard of zealous application to the drive for academic excellence. Our programs must not in any way hinder pledgee or brother from producing to the best of his ability. We must inspire programs of help and encouragement in our chapters. We must aspire to the zenith of achievement for the n a dir is reserved for men of mediorcre caste. Because, as Alphamen, we stand prepared to "Transcend All".
His is a clarity of vision, that skirts the vast horizon And yet: He can overlook the faults of others. He is relentless in competition an implacable for on the field, and Withal: He is loyal and true to his brothers. He has pride in accomplishment that kindles ambition's flame Although: He assumes the mantle of the meek. His is a firmness of step that bespeaks a steady course However: He yields the passage readily to the weak. He measures his actions well before starting his campaign But still: Can come through on schedule with even half a plan His bearing is one of composure and of personal adequacy That is: He's a man of Distinction, HE'S AN ALPHA MAN! B. C. Isom, Jr.
HARLEM Francis
Harlem, habitat of the Black man, city within city, enigma of society; sing your song Harlem, scream till you vomit, so that I may understand your mysteries. Harlem, the sociological paradise, where the hate and stench of the jungle is recreated in its Darwinian prolificness. Animalman roams the streets blending societies regurgitation. Harlem, the city of inevitable questions. Your bleak buildings resound with the tumultuous steps of the cockroach and creak with the crawling of anopleura. Harlem, only you persist in sustaining the last remains of the Black plague. Disease is one deca of your existence. The inevitable question - how do you endure? Harlem, homosexual and prostitute stand side by side. The inevitable question - which is the greatest sin; love without passion or passion without love. Harlem, sing our song, let me hear your cries, I want to understand. Tell me of your Muslims, your prostitutes, your homos and your people. Harlem, home of all dark hued people, of all black derived colors. Africans, West Indians, Panamanians, Jamaicans, and the man without a country - the American Negro. Harlem, sing your song, please that I may break your code. Tell this son of your reasons. Tell this son how you survive. Harlem, guilty of every abominable sin you have weaned TOA and spewed him forth. Even with your sins every Black man will forgive thee. Harlem, thou art dear to me.
MAY 1965
Poeti THE BLACK MONSTER (To the White Brothers of America) Green-eyed Monster of exploitation Now damaging the whole nation: O dear brother, you made him steal Instead of giving him a meal. You made him lie and cheat and kill When it was all against his will. You taught him how to hate his friend And not a helping hand to lend: In the kitchen you made him eatIn the parlor he had no seatYou never taught him how to read Or write, or vote, or how to lead But Christ humbly with piercing eye, For a cause, taught him how to die! So this monster you made quite well And now you wish he were in hell! To you the choice is one of three, In your cold heart, which will it be? Will you batter his sanguine head Until at sunset he lies dead? Will cooks put venom in your bread Until you, too, lie cold and dead? Will you lock arm and arm this day And walk, dear brother, in freedom's way? Bro.Henry L. Marshall
THE ALPHA SWEETHEART For simile she is a poem; A tall bit of art, stately, like the towers of Manhattan, Like the verdure in Central Park in May; Her form is the work of delicate art, Her curves are Gothic in style; She is a cathedral with flying buttresses and traverse ribs of fine gold ' Her eyes are stained windows to the Lord, Her breasts are Oriental rugs for prayer, Her lips are crushed fndfj for sacrifice, Her cheeks, a rosary; Herself â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a poem, a tall bit of art, verdure in the park, a cathedral, a prayer, And Love. Bro. Henry L. Marshall o
I AM AN ALPHA Because I was pledged, initiated And have seen the light My Chapter meetings and activities are attended regularly Committee work is my specialty New ideas are brought in by me, And I willingly accept the will of the majority. My dues or chapter budget and my grand tax Are paid on time I give constructive criticism to my chapter's program No more will I become unfriendly to my brother Who fails to agree with me I will keep my vows I am Loyal I am Alpha Bro. Solon B. Bryant (Continued on page 19)
4*not Jlunuvi
with B r o t h e r O. W i l s o n W i n t e r *
With the advent of Spring, Frat Fun or Fraternity Fun, as the column in the last issue of the Sphinx was called, will incline toward Spring and Education with concomitant overtones.
* * * * Liberal Arts A school teacher received this note from the mother of one of her most unruly pupils: "Dear Miss: You writ me about whipping Sammy. I give you permission to beet him eny time it is necessary to learn him lessons. He is just like his father - you have to learn him with a club. Pound noledge into him, if he wont get it any other way. I want him to get it - and dont pay any attention to what his father says. I'll handle him myself.
* * * * The self made millionaire was addressing a graduating class. "All my success ir life," he said "I owe to one thing pluck, pluck, pluck. A bored but realistic graduate in the rear of the room spoiled the effect by saying, "Yes sir, but will you please tell us something about how and whom to pluck?" * * * * His teacher sent a note home with Johnny asking his mother to give him a bath. The next day Johnny brought an answer: "Dear Miss Smith: When I send Johnny to school I send him to be learnt, and not to be smelt; he ain' no rose." * « * * A school janitor ran a little candy shop on the side. An insurance salesman prevailed upon him to take out a fire insurance policy and the same day his store and contents burned to the ground. The insurance company suspected fraud, but couldn't prove anything. It had to content itself with writing he following letter: Dear Sir: You took out an insurance policy with our companv on February 7th at 10 A. M. and your fire did not break out until 3:30 P. M. Will you kindly explain the delay?" * • * * At the final college exams the popular athletic goon was flunked by the history professor who charged that the boy had copied from his neighbor. "How do you know?" asked his coach. I gave both students ten questions and one student answered nine correctly but for the tenth one he wrote a notation, "Sorry, I don't know the answer to that question." And the suspected athlete had nine questions correct but for the tenth one he wrote: "I don't know that one either." * » • • One incident showing the effect of the Supreme Court decision concerning religion in the public schools is the story of the kindergarten school teacher who called tn a little group of children on their knees in the back of the room. "What are you children doing back there?" "We are
shooting craps," they shouted. "O.K. she said, I thought you were praying." * * * * The teacher asked a class of first graders if any one could tell what were the first things the doctor does when he makes a visit to your home. One little bright eyed boy raised his hand and said: "He looks at your tongue, puts tubes to his ears and listens to your heart, then he feels your purse." » * * * The school children were encouarged to form pals by writing to children in other countries. One grade selected Holland. They were to write friendly letters telling them of their wishes for their health and happiness and in general spreading good will. One day a fourteen year old boy received a reply to one of his letters. It was from a little girl in Amsterdam expressing her gratitude for his good wishes. The boy hurried home, excitidely called upstairs to his mother, "Gee, Ma, what do you think? I got a girl in Dutch." * * * * "Mention 12 animals of the polar region" the examination paper read. The despairing student wrote, "Six seals and six polar bears."
* * *
One of the questions on the examination of police candidates read: "What are rabies and what can you do about it?" Pat Flanagan's answer was, "Rabies are Jewish Priests and you can't do anything about it."
* * * * "Horace, what are the two genders?" asked his teacher. "Masculine and feminine," replied Horace. "The m a s culine are divided into the temperate and intemperate and the feminine into the torrid and frigid." * * * * The Kindergarten class had been studying the wind for a week. One day the teacher said, in her most enthusiastic and most syruppy manner, "children as I came to school today on the bus, the door opened and something came softly in and kissed me on the cheek. What do vou think it was?" With one voice the class shouted, "the conductor." * * * * Vignettes of Spring Officials of the Internal Revenue's Income Tax Division received the following acknowledgement of a blan^ received by a citizen. "Dear Treasury: I received your application blank. But I already b e long to several good orders and do not care to join your income tax at this time. * * * * At the death house at Sing Sing Prison the prisoner was awaiting execution in the electric chair. The W a r d -
en came to his cell and informed him the Governor had given him three days of grace. The prisoner grinned and said: "alright, send her in." * * * * Little girls spend their money on suckers, when they grow up, suckers spend their money on big girls. * * * * He kept beating on her door with both fists, - - but she wouldn't let him out. * * * * A well known deodorant claims to provide protection around the clock. That's true, it certainly is good. I haven't yet seen a smelly clock around my house. * * * * Fullerton was the most unpopular man in town. He ran for dog catcher, unopposed, in the recent election and lost. * * * * Overheard on the Selma March. "Are you one of us?" Sure, my mother was white and my father was so black the lightening bugs followed him around in the daytime. * * * * The house was ablaze with light at 3 A. M. in the morning. Inquiring neighbors found out the wife was taking spots out of her husband's trousers. "For goodness sake, at that hour in the morning?" "Were they very big spots?" "Oh no, just two tens and a five." * * * * The reason you can't take it with you is because it generally leaves before you do. * * * * Spring Feaver Life - An everlasting struggle to keep money coming in and teeth and hair from coming out. * * * * "You're rushing Spring aren't you" the sporting goods proprietor said to a trim young lady who entered his store and ordered a baseball, a bat, a catcher's mask and knee pads. "Do you plan to use all of this equipment personally?" joshed the salesman. "Yes I do," answered the unsmiling young lady. "My new boss told me that if I would just play ball with him, we'd get along perfectly." * * * * A man sat in the theatre at a matinee. A woman came in and sat two seats from him in the same row. She e x plained that she had tickets for the seat next to him and it was for her husband - but he died yesterday. Couldn't someone else use his ticket," asked the man? Some friend or relative? "O, no', said the woman they are all at the funeral today." * * # * Give an athlete an inch and he'll take a foot. But let him take it. "Who wants athlete's foot?" * * * * Sara: "Gregory was a 3 letter man in college." Minnie: Oh yeah, he wrote home for money every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. * * * * Tom: "My pa is very religious. He always bows his head and says something before meals." Dick: "Mine always says something when he sits down to eat, but he doesn't bow his head." Tom: "What does he say?" Dick: "Easy on the butter, kids, it's the 70 cent spread!" * * * # Boy and Girl were sitting on the front seat of the car looking at an outdoor movie. Under the spell of the picture and the Spring air they became romantic and mild
MAY 1965
necking ensued. Wouldn't you rather sit in the back of the car," said the boy. "No thanks" said the girl. The necking grew more fervent and the boy several times suggested the comfort of the back seat. She repeatedly said no. Finallv he asked, "Why don't you want to go to the back of the car?" "Oh, said the girl sweetly, I'd rather stay up her with you."
* * * * One evening as Winter was lingering into Spring, Prudence Paxson, a spinster lady was sitting by the open fireplace thinking of bveeone days. On the floor near her feet dozed Jerry, her faithful torn cat. She had just viewed the television picture of "Cinderella" and a wild impulse prompted her to sav: "I wish I had a Fairy Godmother." Instantly a voice said, "you have" and a good fairy a p peared. "I will give you three wishes. "I wish this chair would turn into gold. Swish! a touch of the wand and the chair was pure gold. "T wish I were a young beautiful maiden." Swish, aeain the wan descended and Prudence had her second wish. After a little hesitation she said: "I wish I had a husband." Swish, the wand descended on J e r r y and he became a handsome young lover. Prudence was ecstatically happy. My dear J e r r y she said, "we will have a ions life of love." J e r r y replied, "don't be too sure about that. You're going to be sorry you took me to the Veterna>-ipn when you first got me."
* * * * Her mink was re^ll" Handv For her social life she found But the ponv coat was handv When she simolv horsed around." * * * * And now a word from our alternate sponsor, Chicago in August 1965. Chicago! Here we come! MUSING WITH THE POETS (Continued from page 17) CHRISTMAS EVE A-LA A PHI A (Fit For a King) 'Twas the night before Christmas in my little room, But closed doors were not meant to hold in gloom; I was just about "to tuck in" when the dor-bell rangAnd in came my good-old "Alpha Phi gang." "No hold-up," they said as I threw up my hand, "We're here to bring greetings - the best in the land." "Just calm down, - take it easy! said President Byrd, And Brother Orme chimed in with a "flowery" word. It was as fine a sight as you'd ever conceive, As they gathered 'round me last Christmas Eve. A shower of gifts, - that good Alpha Hymn 7 guess my eyes did get abit dim. Such cherry good wishes in my ears still ringWith my Alpha gang bunched 'round, I felt like a King. And I was! Didn't they bring me my robe of black and gold? With A Phi A embroidered in authority bold? Now here's the story (just keep it under your hat) When the gang left my spirits were indeed far from flat. When I was again completely alone, In my robe and wheel-chair (a comfortable throne) With my scepter a carton of L&M's, I waved them a blessing. Perhaps, though, my action was not too bad, For the best Christmas a guy ever had! That A-gang just won't let me get rusty Even in jail, they made me a "trusty"' And when "Byrd's Alphas" began to sing No wonder I felt that I was a King. James Alfred Jeffreas
Editorially ipeaking The civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala. is unmatched in American history. This spectacular, led and dreamed of by Bro. Martin Luther King, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, surely must have succeeded far beyond his expectation.
lioaki "Hooded Americanism", The First Century of the Ku Klux Klan, by David M. Chalmers, Doubleday and Company, Inc., Garden City, N. Y. 420 pages, $5.95 When David M. Chalmers was a schoolboy in Washington, D. C, he was a Civil War enthusiast. So were his friends. They read all the books, drew maps, tramped around battlefields and refought battles. They each took a heroâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mr. Chalmers' was General Nathan Bedford Forrest, who was later to be come the first Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Mr. Chalmers' "Hooded Americanism" is the complete story of the Ku Klux Klan from 1865 to the present. "Hooded Americanism" is the result of a compelling interest in vigilante groups, for David M. Chalmers has long been a student of violence and social movements. He took part in his first mob at the age of eight and watched his first race riot at fifteen. He has observed student riots in Paris, Sikh communal agitation in Amritsar and Zengankuren demonstrations in Tokyo. For the past eight years, Mr. Chalmers has attended Klan meetings and interviewed Klansmen, their leaders and friends. The course he teaches at the University of Florida on the "American Vigilante Tradition" is the only one of its kind in any American University. The Ku Klux Klan has traditionally combined an authoritarian national organization with anarchic local autonomy. The real story of the Klan is the individual stories of its local klaverns. It is there that the Klan lives - a s a mystery and as a power. "Hooded Americanism" analyzes community - groups. Mr. Chalmers tells why the Klan first took hold in Texas, how fear can silence a town and why Oregon was receptive to the Klan. He follows (Continued on page 23) PAGE 20
Last January, Bro. King sounded an urgent call for a drive to vote throughout Alabama and as a starting point picked Selma, where only 335 out of 15,000 Negroes of voting age were registered to vote. He organized a march of about 400 Negroes to the Selma courthouse to register, but Sheriff James G. Clark broke this up by herding them into an ally and arresting 67 of them for unlawful assembly. The next day, Clark arrested another 150, and later Bro. King was arrested with about 250 Negroes. Within a few weeks 3,400 Negroes had been arrested. Bro. King wanted to dramatize the denial of an American basic right denied the Negro purely on the basis of color. He held a conference with President Johnson, at which time he urged a strong bill to assure the vote for the Negro. Thirty-one Republican governors, senators and representatives urged the president to produce a voting bill and numerous other appeals were made. This urgent effort picked up momentum and drew public indignation and support. A 50 mile march was planned from Selma to the capital at Montgomery to petition Gevernor Wallace to remove the barriers to Negro voting. Then Bro. King went to Washington for another conference with the President. On March 7, approximately 500 Negroes began the march to Montgomery and were stopped with brutal force by the state police with the help of Sheriff Clark's posse. How foolish can our white brothers (in power) be? Possibly if they had let the marchers proceed in peace, exercising their American right to air their grievances, the bad publicity for Alabama might have been minimized and the brutal behavior of American citizens sworn to protect the rights of all other citizens could have been avoided. Innocent Negroes would have been spared the inhuman treatment which they received, and Rev. James Reeb and Mrs. Viola Liuzzo would be alive. 'What is the meaning of this? It is very simple but of the gravest importance and traumatic magnitude. The Negro is no longer satisfied with second class citizenship and is willing to sacrifice, suffer live and even die for his right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." He asks no special right but demands the same privilege to enjoy the same rights of every other American citizen. There are many Americans who wish that somehow these "disturbances" might go away, but this is wishful thinking. This type of so-called "disturbance" will be with us for awhile. Possibly, they will have to be washed away with more blood, sweat and tears - whatever the price, men of "good will" and a spirit of justice are willing to pay. We would hope that American citizens of both races would be willing to sit around the conference table and solve our common problems. But experience has taught us, so far, that very few of our white brethern are willing to do this in good faith. This is a better way, an American way, and a more deTHE SPHINX
sirous way. Until men, both north and south, east and west, come to their senses and use this civilized method there is likely to be many more barbaric Selmas. THE RIGHT TO VOTE On the night of March 15, President Lyndon B. Johnson went before the Congress of the United States and the American people to deliver one of the greatest and most far-reaching addresses of his career. A new day was unfolding before us and the black night of injustice was beginning to fade away under the light of truth and historical justice. Our President was never more serious and deliberate. He spoke as if our God of love and purpose had planted the idea in his thinking: ". . . for this cause came I into the world." Eventhough, the administration's bill is a good one, there is much to be hoped for. It does not cover enough and needs to be broadened. Every state that has any type of voting injustice should be covered in the bill instead of the few that would come under the "50 percent" formula and the poll tax should be abolished in all elections. These -are some of the important changes and additions that need to be made in the bill. It is our hope that every Alpha brother will participate in the passage of this bill by studying it; urging his senators and representative to support it; encouraging other individuals and organizations to support it by making a contribution through such organizations as the NAACP that are actively lobbying for its passage.
ALPHA' FUTURE Where lies the future of Alpha? Some insist that it is with the youth of our clan. In a sense this is true of all organizations and even nations. They seem to think that some sort of special treatment needs to be showered upon these youngsters. But let me remind you that only within the course of a few years our students will be among the ranks of our graduates - good, bad and indifferent. Some feel that our future lies within the realm of some type of super organization geared to spending more money, promoting more loosley knitted projects and repeating high sounding ideals. But as for me, I see the future swallowed UD in purpose, program and promotion. In spite of all of the lofty ideals that might be written on paper, there must be a purpose that can be a living incentive for brothers to move and act. Our program must be functional, geared to activating our purpose and ideals - a program that men can give their loyalty to without apologizing, their time to without feeling a waste of effort, and one that lends itself to imagination and expression. There must be a program that is tangible that Alpha men and others can point to with pride and feel and know that they are contributing to the on-going revolution, for good, so prevalent in the world today. Real, progressive and solid promotion is a must. Promotion in and outside of our ranks. Promotion that will interpret our purpose and program and compel men to participate and share with a sense of satisfaction. MAY 1965
(Iefyie4.lt fy/ouk Mesnxvuf, REFRESH YOUR MEMORY Q. We sent a color picture jor The Sphinx but you did not print it in color. Why? A. Color prints cannot be printed in color. A transparency is necessary for this. Color prints turn out black and white and oftimes not so good. Send only black and white glossy prints for The Sphinx. Q. Your article in the February issue was excellent: "A Century of Negro Freedom". I am sure that you have access to much more information than I have. I am preparing a paper . . . would you furnish me with the following information? A. The editor does not have time to furnish information for research papers. I would suggest that if you cannot find the desired material in your school library that you write to the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. CONGRATULATIONS Bluefield, W. Va., the city from which our Sphinx is published, is to be congratulated for the progress it has made in the last few years. It is located in the heart of the "poverty stricken" Appalachian state which was declared a disasterous area by our national government. This city has made a great economic comeback and has been officially honored and declared an All - America City. This award was presented to eleven cities by the National Municipal League and Look Magazine. Practically all of the racial barriers have been lifted (with lots of pressure and sacrifice) and there seems to be developing a wholesome type of racial friendship and better communications. Possibly the last barriers to fall were racial segregation at the YM-YWCA and the hospitals. Job opportunity is the major problem presently facing us. PAGE 21
BOOKS (Continued from page 20) the Klan into Denver, the Dakotas, New Jersey, Michigan and Wisconsin and traces its history through time and every state in the Union. The book brings the reader u p to date by detailing the Klan's new life brought about by the Supreme Court school decision of 1954 and of the KKK's current search for its rightful place: discussing its competition with Negro actionists for headlines and other segregationist organizations for members, money and the reputation of being the chief instrument of white supremacy. "Hooded Americanism" by David M. Chalmers is more t h a n dramatic and exciting history; with the impending Congressional investigation into the Klan's activities, it is front page news. "Dusk at the Mountain", by Haynes Johnson, Doubleday & Company, Inc. New York, N. Y. 273 pages, $4.50.
"A Drop of Patience", by William Melvin Kelly, Doubleday & Co.,, Inc., N. Y. 237 pages, $4.50. William Melvin Kelley, Jr., one of America's outstanding young writers, has been appointed author in residence for the spring semester by the State University College at Geneseo, N. Y. Mr. Kelley, who has just returned to America after a year abroad, is author of the imaginative, meanigful "A Different Drummer," as well as the volume of 16 short stories, "Dancers on the Shore," both of which were highly praised by critics. Mr. Kelley's second novel, "A Drop of Patience," is just off press. In this work, Mr. Kelley puts the reader under the tough but vulnerable skin of a blind Negro jazz musician as he learns the meaning of color and betrayal, of love and integrity. It is also a haunting testament of our inescapable black-and-white heritage. Geneseo's appointment of Mr. Kelley caused Archibald MacLeish, farmer Librarian of Congress and Boylston Professor of Rhetoric at Harvard, to comment: "Geneseo deserves special credit for recognizing Kelley's genius." Mr. Kelley received the Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation Award of the National Institute of Arts and Letters for "A Different Drummer." He also received a fellowship from the Breadloaf Writer's Conference. He won the Dana Reed Prize for I960.
The Negro in Washington, D. C. is the subject of Haynes Johnson's book, "Dusk at the Mountain". Besides being the nation's capital, Washington is the only city in the United States with a Negro majority. Here the problems of the American Negro are magnified under the eyes of Congress, the nation, and t h e world. Mr. Johnson pinpoints the forces, and the people, that contribute towards America's difficulties in achieving universal Civil Rights. He finds them both inside and outside the Negro ranks. Washington is a mixture of tolerance and segregationism, of wealthy Negro quarters as well as slums, shrewd political leaders and fantical demagogues. The idea and much of the material for "Dusk at the Mountain" developed from a series of articles on the Negro in Washington, written by the author for the Washington Star in 1961. This series was awarded the Washington Newspaper Guild's Grand Award as well as its Public Service Prize for that year. By promising not to reveal names., Johnson obtained h u n dreds of interviews with both Negroes and white men. The result was a h a r d hitting, controversial report; greatly expanded from the newspaper series, it is of special significance one h u n dred years after Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. Haynes Johnson, whose father, Malcolm Johnson, was a Pulitizer-Prizewinning journalist on the old New York Sun, has made his career in journalism and is now Assistant City Editor of the Washington Star.
his desperate attempt to finance the movenment through the marketing of a cosmetic, and the power of his m o n umental blueprint for the strangest solution of America's race problem ever conceived. The characterization of this genuinely tragic figure is moving and dismaying; he is a prototype of Henri Christophe, battling a world too much for him - and his meteoric rise and swift, surprising defeat are inescapably connected to a fatal flaw of human nature. Earl Conrad, the author of "Scottsboro Boy", "The Governor and His Lady," and several other books, is a journalist in the grand tradition, h a v ing worked for the Chicago Defender, the New York Journal-American, and at least ten other newspapers. "African Wonder Tales" by Frances Carpenter, illustrated by Joseph Escourido, Doubleday & Co., Inc., Garden City, N. Y., 215 pages, $3.95 "Polo, the Snake Girl," "The BoomBoom-y Beast," "A Dream of the Sphinx," "The Jinni's Magic Flute," "Bomba, the Brave" - just these few titles of some of the stories suggest the magic of the rich Africian folklore that Frances Carpenter has captured in her twenty-four wonder tales from West Africa, Egypt, Central Africa, Nigeria, Liberia, the Sudan, the Kafir Country, Madascar, Basuto Land, Algeria, the Gold Coast, Senegal, South Africa and Morocco. All the humor, the cunning, and the native wisdom from that vast continent are present in the stories of animal as well as human adventures, and, as always in Frances Carpenter's books, the reader is left with a feeling that although the local may be exotic, human nature is much the same all over the world. Illustrations by Joseph Escourido are a perfect complement for this book brimming over with fun.
"The Premier" by Earl Conrad, Doubleday & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 293, $4.50. It was a grandiose scheme, devised by a grandiose man - to effect the organization of a nation of Afroamericans, in the Dust Bowl of America's Middle West - to bring about the mass relocation of America's colored people in a concentrated region, and then to accelerate its development until a new economy, benefical to both the blacks and the surrounding whites, emerged. And the scheme, like its perpetrator, was doomed to stupendous FROM THE ASSISTANT WESTERN failure. VICE PRESIDENT The Simba of this hypnotizing novel (Continued from page 15) ~ the self-styled leader and concentrator of the efforts of his underprivi- assume the responsibilities of tomorleged people â&#x20AC;&#x201D; is Elmo Baines; col- row? And what are those responsibilities? lege-bred, intellectual, possessing the dual gift of leadership and oratory. The responsibilities of intelligently and He has no interest in integration, does constructively directing our vote to the not believe that it can ever work; h e betterment of all men. dreams of a Black Republic, and deIf we are to do this we must educate votes his life to its establishment. ourselves. Through education we will "The Premier" is the story of Elmo be able to understand the complexities Baines' life-long struggle to achieve of shaping the destiny of a nation. Now his grand purpose - as told by his the hope of tomorrow is on our shoulclosest confidant, paradoxically, a ders and the key to the future is eduwhite man. It contains the pathos of cation.
MESSAGE from the General President BROTHER LIONEL H. NEWSOM
THE GENERAL CONVENTION CALL 1965 My Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha: By the authority vested in me as General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., I hereby summon our Jewel, All past and present General Officers, Regional Officers, Delegates, and other Brothers not already designated, to convene in the city of Chicago, Illinois, August 8-12, 1965, for the purpose of conducting the Fifty-Ninth Anniversary Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Appropriate arrangements have been made for your comforts, business sessions and social affairs at the ChicagoSheraton, one of the world's finest hotels. Each member of the fraternity is urged to come prepared to think critically on the vital problems: posed by the Internal Structure Committee; of undergraduate program and initiation; in maintaining continuous membership; in raising academic standards and improving scholarship at all levels; and clarifying sections of recent legislation toward the implementation of the 1964 Civil Rights Acts and other related to the Great Society. We anxiously await your careful and considered delibrations at this point when our American democracy is about to live her finest hour. We must think together to cement the gains of the Sixties and prepare for both the challenges and opportunities of the Seventies. By the aforementioned authority and obedience to Article VII: Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Revised 1962, I direct the General Secretary and the Chairman of the General Convention Committee to inform each Chapter of the necessary arrangements to be made in convening the 1965 Genera] Convention.
CONVENTION INFORMATION The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity members in Chicago are making plans for the finest convention in the Fraternity's history when the Brothers assemble in Chicago on August 8-12, 1965. The beautiful Sheraton Chicago Hotel, 505 N. Michigan Avenue, is the ) Convention Headquarters. This fine hotel, overlooking Michigan Avenue, as well as Lake Michigan, and being located close to the shopping, theatre and business districts, offers everything desired. In addition to the lovely rooms, suites, banquet and meeting rooms, there are many attractive restaurants, coffee shops, cocktail lounges and exotic dining rooms to meet every taste. The hotel has a beautiful swimming pool and free swimming and free parking is provided for every guest. Brothers desiring to make reservations may write directly to the hotel. Rates are: $11.00 and up, single $15.00 and up, double $4.50 per night for undergraduates (four to a room) $5.50 per night for undergraduates (three to a room)
MAY 1965
The registration fee will be $25.00 for Graduate Brothers and $18.00 for Undergraduate Brothers. The Brothers registering for this Convention will get one of the biggest entertainment and pleasure values they have ever received. The ladies have planned a luncheon, fashion show, bridge party, sight-seeing and swimming parties. Mrs. Harold Langrum is Chairman and Mrs. Laurence T. Young is Co-chairman of the Ladies' Activities. A five rom suite has been provided for 'round the clock use of the undergraduates for hospitality, greetings and fraternizing. The suite will have free refreshments at all times. Many other surprises are planned for and by the undergraduates. The activities for the Undergraduate Brothers will include: Undergraduate Breakfast Undergraduate Sessions Sports Splash P a r t y Undergraduate Luncheon Singing Sessions Get-Acquainted P a r t y Meet-the-Theta-Bunnies
+ + .+ +
7 DAYS 7 EXCITING NIGHTS wTour I n c l u d e s . . . !! Hotel Accommodations Round Trip Jet Fare Interesting Tours LOW COST SPECIAL A L P H A BROTHERS A N D GUESTS $ 2 4 0 . 0 0
All reservations through Bro. J. Herbert King, chairman. Hospitality Committee and Tour Conductor. SEND TO: 4728 Drexel Blvd. Chicago, 111. 60615 Mail reservations by August 1st *+++++++++++*â&#x20AC;˘*>+++*++*+++*+++++
T E N T A T I V E P R O G R A M FOR 1965 G E N E R A L C O N V E N T I O N OF A L P H A PHI A L P H A F R A T E R N I T Y , INC. A U G U S T 8 - 12, 1965
1:00 P. M.
First Business Session - Chicago Sheraton, Brother Bennie D. B r o w n , Convention Chairman, Presiding Opening Session.
Chicago - Sheraton. Hotel 505 N. Michican A v e n u e
Invocation Brother Clinton Hogard
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Fifty-Ninth General Anniversary Convention
W e l c o m e Addresses Host Chapters
THEME: "Continuing the Thrust for Equality of Opportunity"
Official Opening of Convention Brother Billy Jones, M i d w e s t e r n Vice-President
Response Brother Lionel H. N e w s o m , General President
Saturday, A u g u s t 7, 1965
10:00 A. M.
Information . . Sheraton-Chicago Hotel (Special desk in lobby on this day and each day of the convention).
10:00 A. M. 5:00 P. M.
4 *. W*'
CjTm y
Report of Rules and Credentials Comm i t t e e Brother A. J. L e w i s II
Laurence T. Young, Sr. General Secretary
Memorial Service To Departed Brothers Brother Martin L. H a r v e y
Sunday, August 8, 1965
10:00 A. M. 11:00 A. M
P. M.
/ 7 : 0 0 P. M.
E x e c u t i v e Council Meeting Morning Worship Invited to: Monumental Baptist Church, 729 East O a k w o o d B l v d . by: Bro. Morris H. T y n e s , Minister E x e c u t i v e Council Meeting
/ â&#x20AC;˘
Introduction of Report on Internal Structure C o m m i t t e e Brother John D . Buckner Report of National S w e e t h e a r t Com. Brother Wendall W h a l u m Fraternity H y m n
10:00 P. M. 1:00 A. M.
Public Meeting
8:00 P M. 11:00 P. M. Reception and Open H o u s e for General Officers and Delegates, Sheraton- Chicago Hotel, Boulevard R o o m - 5th Floor GENERAL CONVENTION Monday, August 9, 1965
MEET A DATE SOCIAL & COCKTAIL PARTY Boulevard Room - 5lh Floor Tropical Room - 5lh Floor
Note: The F o l l o w i n g rooms are reserved for comm i t t e e m e e t i n g s of Monday, August 9, 1965: Undergraduate Activities, Brother R. Harris Lake Ontario Room, 8th Floor Budget Committee, Brother Gus. T. Ridgel Lake Superior Room, 8th Floor
8:30 A. M.
E x e c u t i v e Council and C o m m i t t e e Chairmen Meeting
Housing Foundation, Bro. W m . W. A l e x a n d e r Lake Erie Room, 8th Floor
9:00 A. M.
R E G I S T R A T I O N (Open until 6:00 P.M.) Sheraton-Chicago Hotel ^ Crystal Foyer - 7th Floor \ .
A c h i e v e m e n t and Awards, Bro. Tolly Harris Lake Huron Room, 8th Floor
10:00 A. M.
1:00 P. M.
Address Brother Charles Garvin, Past General President
\ /
Sheraton R o o m - Lobby - Room 0254 Open D a i l y
Registration - Chicago-Sheraton Hotel
V2.C 2:00
A p p o i n t m e n t of Convention Commit tees and other officials
P A G E 24
GOLF T O U R N A M E N T St. A n d r e w s Golf Country Club, West Chicago, 111. (Tee off 10:00 A. M., details to be announced in official program). OPENING BUSINESS SESSION Grand Ballroom - 7th Floor
Standards and Extension, Bro. L. C. A s h l e y L a k e Michigan Room, 8th Floor Tuesday, August 10, 1965 9:00 A, M. VMM
9:00 A. M. THE S P H I N X
00 P. M Registration ') Exhibit Hall - 11th Floor Carcas Room 11th Floor
Budget Report Bro. Gus T. Ridgel Symposiums Chairman, Bro. T. Winston Cole, Past General President Five or Six Titles and participants to be announced later.
Call to Order and Presiding General President - L. H. Newsom General President's Annual Report Reports of Vice-Presidents Eastern Region - Bro. F. Morris Southern Reqion-Bro. W. D. Branch Midwestern Region-Bro. B. Jones Western Region - Bro. Oscar Little Southwestern Region - Bro. J. T. Stewart
FIFTH BUSINESS SESSION Undergraduate Luncheon Introduction, Bro. Charles Johnson Speaker, To be announced Reports Presiding, Vice-President Bro. Jacob Stewart Committee on Field Secretary Bro. Wm. H. Hale, Past General President Committee on Undergraduate Activities Bro. Martin L. Harvey. Chairman Housing Foundation Bro. W. M. Alexander, Chairman National Sweetheart Song Bro. Wendell Whalum, Chairman Public Relations Bro. Lewis Caldwell, Chairman Pan-Hellenic Bro. Walter Washington
Reports of Assistant Vice-Presidents Eastern Region-Bro. E. V. Merry Southern Region-Bro. Charles M. Johnson Midwestern Region-Bro. Robert L. Harris Southwestern Region-Bro. Rufus L. Caine, Jr. Western Region-Bro. P. N. Johnson Fraternity Hymn Introduction of Founder Bro. B. V. Lawson, Past General President Founders' Address Founder, Bro. Henry A. Callis
10:00 P. M. 1:00 A. M. PRESENTATION BALL AND DANCE Grand Ballroom Thursday, August 12, 1965
Presiding Bro. Charles M. Johnson, Assistant Vice-President
SIXTH BUSINESS SESSION Reports on all Ad. Hoc. Committees Headquarters, Bro. A. N. Smith Executive Sect., Bro. B. V. Lawson Reports of Svmoosiums Bro. T. W. Cole, Past. Gen. Pres. Bro. B. V. Lawson, Head. Com. Past General President Final Budget Report Bro. Gus T. Ridgel Achievement and Awards Bro. Tolly W. Harris Public Policy Bro. L. Howard Bennett General Convention Bro. Kermit J. Hall Regional Meetings - Tropical Room Fifth Floor
Report of General Officers: General Secretary-Bro. Laurence T. Young, Sr. General Treasurer-Bro. L. C. Weiss Editor of the Sphinx-Bro. C. Anderson Davis General Counsel-Bro. J. McGhee Historian-Bro. Charles H. Wesley Audit-Bro. W. D. Hawkins Fraternity Hym 12:00 Noon
Convention Picture
12:30 P. M. _ 1:30 P. M. Lunch 1:30 P. M.
I 10:00 P. M.
THIRD BUSINESS SESSION Presiding Brother, General President, Lionel H. Newsom Discussion of Internal Structure Comm. Report and Accommendations Fraternal Address Bro. Bindley C. Cyrus Pan-Hellenic Dance Grand Ballroom And Crystal Foyer Wednesday, August 11, 1965
9:00 A. M.
MAY 1965
FOURTH BUSINESS SESSION Exhibit Hall Presiding, Bro. Frank Morris Invocation
1:00 P. M.
FINAL BUSINESS Call To Order, Presidinq: *1\ /^^j^t General President, L. H. Newsom Nomination and Election of Officers Fraternity Hym, Prayer, and Adjournment
7:00 P. M. BANQUET AND DANCE Grand Ballroom Friday, August 13, 1965 / 9:00 A. M. Executive Council Meeting 12:00 Noon Executive Council Luncheon Note â&#x20AC;&#x201D; In addition to the above scheduled events there will be sight-seeing parties for ladies and children to the museums, parks, zoo and other places. Splash parties will be held in the beautiful Sheraton-Chicago Royal Hawaiian Swimming Pool, 11 Floor (be sure to bring your swim suit brothers, wives and children). PAGE 25
fir Bro. Bennie D. Brown Convention Chairman
The Honorable Otto Kerner Gov. of Illinois
OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Springfield March 17, 1965 TO THE MEMBERS OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC.: On behalf of all citizens of Illinois, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome delegates to the 59th General Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity to be held in Chicago August 8-12. We feel you were wise in selecting Chicago and the State of Illinois for your convention site. The many cultural activities and tourist sites certainly will add much to a well-rounded convention schedule. Permit me to extend my best wishes for a successful and enjoyable convention. Sincerely, Otto Kerner Governor
CHICAGO ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 30 Weit Monroe Street Chicago 3, Illinois FRanklin 2-7700 April 2, 1965i To the members of Alpha Phi Alpha: Welcome to Chicago, the most exciting city in the United States. You have made an excellent selection for the site of your annual convention. Chicago, the nation's host city, offers unlimited opportunities for entertainment, education and enjoyment. Your hotel, the Sheraton-Chicago, is; in the center of one of Chicago's most stimulating sections. North and south along[ Michigan Avenue you'll experience the pulsating drive of the City's recent renaissance. New high-ripe apartment and office buildingsi soar skyward amidst the "Magnificent Mile's" many elegant shops and restaurants. Just aI stroll up and down the avenue will prove; entertaining. And there's so much more for you to> see and do in Chicago during your non-convention hours. There's "Old Town", the 80's3 revisited. This most enticing spot has shopss of all sorts, offering colorful collector's curios. They nestle next to dixieland dancei spots, art galleries and book stores stocked1 with an alluring array of wares. Other appealing attractions are Chicago's many museums, particularly the Museum of Science and Industry, the world'ss most popular place to visit. More than threee million persons a year roam its many acresS of exhibits that display the prowess andI progress of our nation's technology. You'll also want to see the Art In-
Bro. Bennett M. Stewart President, Xi Lambda
The Honorable Richard L. Daley Mayor of Chicago
OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY OF CHICAGO TO THE MEMBERS OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY: As Mayor of Chicago, and personally, I am happy to extend a most cordial welcome to the members who will be meeting in our city at the Fifty-ninth General Convention during August. Chicago is proud to be the host city for this meeting and we are all proud that many of the Fraternity's most distinguished members are among our city's residents. Theirs is a valuable and continuing contribution to our progress. I am sure the members from other cities are equally influential in their own communities. My very best wishes for a most successful convention. I am sure the full measure of our hospitality will be extended to the delegates. Sincerily. Richard J. Daley Mayor
stitute. one of the world's leading art museums. It's internationally famous for its collection of French impressionistic masterpieces. You have a wide variety of choice for your evening entertainment. There's toprate theater, both in the Loop and the suburbs, evening concerts at the Grant Park Bank Shell, and the Ravinia Music Festival in Highland Park. Sports fans will have a field day in Chicago. You can watch the Cubs or the Sox. There's horse and harness racing, stock car racing, golf and swimming on the fifteen miles of beautiful beaches along the City's lakefront. Other attractions abound in Chicago. You can see the world's largest apartment buildings at fabulous Marina City, twin towers rising 60 stories on the banks of the Chicago River; Lincoln Park and Brookfield Zoos: the Board of Trade, the world's leading grain exchange; shopping on State St. and Michigan Ave.; the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the world's leading produce futures market; exotic Chinatown; the Midwest Stock Exchange, the largest stock market outside New York; the Garfield and Lincoln Park conservatories, and so many more. For futher information on what to do in Chicago, stop in at the Visitors Bureau of the Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, 30 W. Monroe St., or call FR 2-7700. We'll be happy to welcome you personally to Chicago. Sincerely, Robert P. Cunningham Director, Public Relations and Promotion Division
The beautiful Sheraton-Chicago Towers, 59th Anniversary Convention Headquarters, overlooking historic North Michigan Avenue.
Mr. Kelly, Sales Director of Sheraton-Chicago Hotel, greets Bro. J. Herbert King, Chairman of the 59th Anniversary Convention Hospitality Committee.
A L P H A WIVES OF THETA - XI L A M B D A CHAPTERS, Chicago, 111. Left to right: Mesdames Harold D. Langrum, Laurence T. Young, Nelson E. Woodley and Charles E. Johnson.
Bro. J. Herbert King, Chairman of the 591h Anniversary tion Hospitality Committee and an official convention hostess.
â&#x20AC;˘""fl? 59th Anniversary Convention hostesses visit the Alpha House in Chicago during the Salute to Negro History. sharing their interest.
Bros. King and Nash
ALPHA WIVES - Theta - Xi Lambda Chapters, Chicago, 111. - This group of Alpha Wives are making elaborate plans for the entertainment of the many Alpha Wives, visiting ladies and children of Alpha m e n w h o are expected to attend the 59th Anniversary Convention. Card Parties, Fashion Shows, Bus Tours, and a Presentation Ball are in the plans for the adults, and activities for the children will be inviting. For those w h o s w i m - the beautiful pool at the Sheraton Chicago will be available - for those w h o enjoy outdoor games, that too. will be a part of the elaborate plans.
MEET THE BROTHERS OF THETA A N D XI LAMBDA CHAPTERS WHO ARE P L A N N I N G YOUR CONVENTION: First row seated: Lawrence Clark, chairman of the Transportation Committee; Bennett M. Stewart, president, Xi Lambda; Harold D. Langrum, chmn.. Entertainment Committee; Mrs. Fonz Langrum. president of The Ladies Auxiliary; Bennie D. Brown. Convention Chairman; Robert Harris, Assistant Mid-Western Vice President and President of Theta Chapter; E. L. Baldwin, chmn.. Undergraduate Relations, and Lewis A. Caldwell, chmn., Souvenir Program Book. Second row, standing: J. Herbert King, chmn.. Hospitality Committee; Hugh Wilson, chmn.. Audit Committee; Charles F. Lane, chmn.. Finance and Budget; William Roberson, treasurer; L e w i n e M. Weaver, chmn.. Printing; William M. Wallace, Committee Secretary and chmn.. Pan-Hellenic Dance; Irving R. Sims, chmn.. Research; David L. Daniel, president of Theta - Xi Lambda Foundation and chmn.. Registration; Paul V. Campbell, chmn.. Photography and Judge Sidney A. Jones, Jr., chmn.. Publicity. Charles A. Johnson, chmn.. Formal Banquet-Dance Committee, not shown.
MAY 1965
OUTSTANDING BRO. CHARLES H. WESLEY by Bro. C. Anderson Davis Bro. Charles H. Wesley is 'possibly one of the most beloved brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He is one of America's outstanding historians and a scholar of the first magnitude. One would have to write a boook to tell of the many deeds performed by Bro. Wesley for the good of mankind. One of his outstanding achievements was the establishment of Central State College and leading it through many difficulties to become one of America's outstanding institutions of h i g h e r learning. This great scholar, poet, author, historian, writer, spokesman for his people, educator, minister, statesman, college president, and brother will long be remembered for the impact he has made on the American scene. Bro. Wesley was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha at Zeta Chapter, Yale, 1913. He has been a member of Beta, Mu Lambda (Chapter President) and Chi Lambda, 1913-1965. He was general president of Alpha Phi Alpha from 1931-1941, and has been the Fraternity's historian since 1941. Alpha is a great organization because of the leadership and high example set before the brothers, undergraduate and graduate, by Bro. Wesley. Bro. Wesley will retire as president of Central State College in June. Bro. Wesley was born in Louisville, Ky., the son of Charles Summer and Matilda (Harris) Wesley. He was educated at Fisk, B. A.; Yale, M. A.; Harvard, Ph.D, with honorary degrees from several universities, Phi Beta Kappa and Distinguished Alumni Award, Fisk University. Bro. Wesley began his professional career as University Scholar at Yale, Austin Scholar at Harvard, and Guggenheim Fellow, London, England. He became successively Instructor of History, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of History, Director of the Summer School, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Dean of the Graduate School at Howard University; President of Wilberforce University and President of Central State College at Wilberforce, Ohio. He served as Educational Secretary of the Army YMCA and with the International Committee of the YMCA, as Overseas Secretary. He is President of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History; Membership in the American Historical Association; Society for the Advancement of Education; American Association of School Administrators; Fellow of
the American Geographical Society; Member of the Advisory Committee, Ohio Congress of Parents and Teachers; Past President, Inter-University Council of the State of Ohio; Past President, of the Association of the Ohio College Presidents and Deans; Past President, Ohio College Association and currently is serving a record term on the Executive Committee of the Ohio College Association; Member of the State Committee on Community Colleges. Bro. Wesley is the author of the following books: Negro Labor in the United States; The History of Alpha Phi Alpha; A Development in College Life, Ten editions revised and enlarged, Washington, D. C , 1929-1961; Richard Aliens Apostle of Freedom; The Collapse of the Confederacy; The Negro in America; A manual of Research and Thesis Writing for Graduate Students; The History of Sigma Pi Phi: First of the Greek Letter Fraternities for Negro Americans. 1940-1954; A History of the Improved Benevolent Protective Order of the Elks of the World. 1898-1954; History of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Ohio. 18491960; The Changing African Historical Tradition; over one hundred articles in scholarly periodicals; Co-Author with Carter G. Woodson of Negro Makers of History; The Story of the Negro Retold and The Negro in Our History. Bro. Wesley has received numerous awards for educational achievements. Among these are: The Achievement of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity "in recognition of Outstanding Achievements in the field of Educational Leadership"; The Diamond Jubilee Citation of the Kentucky Educational Association for "the devotion of a life to the promotion and preservation of democratic ideals through the means of an education that makes men free to think unfettered"; The Certificate of Award and Placement on the Honor Roll of the John Brown Galley of Fame of the Improved, Benevolent, Protective Order of Elks of the World, "for distinguished and meritorious performance of Public Service in fostering, promoting and developing American Ideals"; and the Anniversary Founders Award of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in recognition of "His Outstanding Contributions to its History and for Significant Achievements in the Field of Education"; The Gold Medal Award of the United Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Masonry, 33rd Degree, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction.
Bro. Charles H. Wesley
Bro. Lionel H. Newsom
BRO. LIONEL H. NEWSOM, PH.D. by Bro. C. Anderson Davis Bro. Newsom is General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and president of Barber-Scotia College, Concord, N. C. He was inaugurated, with proper ceremony, as president, Friday, May 7, 1965 at twelve o'clock noon. Bro. Charles H. Wesley delivered the inaugural address. Bro. Newsom was born in Wichita Falls, Texas and grew up in St. Louis, Mo., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson J. Newsom. His early education was received in the public schools of St. Louis. He earned the A. B. degree at Lincoln University, Mo., the M. A. degree at the University of Michigan, and the Ph. D. degree in SociologyAnthropology at Washington University. He also studied at Ohio State University. He served in the U. S. Army at Fort Hayes and Fort Benning. He later attended Officers' Candidate School at Fort Sam Houston and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Corps of Military Police. He was honorably discharged from the Army as First Lieutenant after serving as Military Police Officer at Indiantown Gap and later with the 49th Ordnance Battalion in the China Burma India Theater. He is the recipient of the Meritorious Award and the Bronz Star. Bro. Newsom has worked with many outstanding projects including professorships at Lincoln University, and Morehouse College. He has served in many capacities with Alpha Phi Alpha, including chairman of several committees. He served as Midwestern Vice President, director of Educational Activities, and now General President. He is married to the former J a n e Maxine Emerson of Springfield, Ohio and has one daughter, Jacquelyn Carol Newsom, now a student at Lincoln University. Barber-Scotia College Barber-Scotia College, headed by Bro. Newsom, is one of America's outstanding, church related, small colleges. It is a member of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and is supported by the Presbyterian Church USA. Of the 202 graduates (Continued on page 50)
ulated with a Boston accent plus pleasing personality greatly aided him in establishing rapport with students. The longer the conversation or conference, Brother James Afred Jeffress, who the more he was able to convince and dedicated his life to serve youth, eduinfluence his students. cation and the School District of KanHe sought to increase his proficiency sas City, Missouri, was born in Haverhill, Massachusetts just before the turn by studying at several midwestern uniof the present century. He attended versities. But it was from the University of Kansas that he received the the public schools of his home town. M. E. and Sp. Ed. degrees. For undergraduate work he chose Tufts Probably no one, not even "Jeff" University, Medford. Massachusetts, from which he was awarded an A. B. himself, can give an estimate of the time, effort and energy, expended in degree in 1915. working with educational, civic and While living in the Boston area, Bro. fraternal organizations. Believe-youJeffress became interested in music and me when I say that he was more than joined up with a dance band. He was a member in each organization in which an accomplished violinst. For a while he held membership. In the list of orhe was a teacher of the mandolin. ganizations given below, one can note Following graduation from Tufts Un- that he became either president or iversity, Bro. Jeffress accepted a pos- chairman of a committee in each orition as teacher of mathematics at Lin- ganization. coln University, Jefferson City, MisBro. James Alfred Jeffress is recogsouri. During the summer vacation periods he strove to increase his pro- nized by the University of Kansas as ficiency in mathematics and music by the "First" to receive the degree of studying at the University of Chicago. Specialist in Education from that inIn Chicago he met and lived in the stitution. The degree was awarded in home of Bro. W. D. Giles, a physician. 1954. Bro. Jeffress' numerous activiOut of love for the Fraternity and be- ties and accomplishments are outlined cause of their intense interest in music, as follows: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Brothers Jeffress and Giles collaborPast President, Beta Lambda Chapated in the writing of several Alpha ter; Corresponding Secretary Emeritus, songs. Alpha Man of the Year (1950); EducaAfter the cessation of hostilities and tional Achievement Award (1954); the signing of the Armistice to end General Convention Program Chairman World War I, Bro. Jeffress returned for 1940 and 1950; Compiler of Alpha to his teaching position at Lincoln UnSongs 1948; Former Regional Director iversity. But teaching college students of Education; Chairman of Regional was not to his liking! He had always and National Committee on Recomhad a hankering for teaching young mendations (1951); Midwestern Repeople of high school ages. He believed gional Director (1956); Editor, Vade he knew the problems confronting high Mecum, Alpha Brochure and Thumbschool students and that he could work Nail Sketches for the 1950 General closely with them in solving the same. Convention. The dream of teaching high school Y. M. C. A. students became a reality in 1923. It Past Chairman of Committee of Manwas in that year that he accepted a position in the Kansas City, Missouri agement, Paseo Department; "Service Public Schools and was assigned to to Youth" Silver Plaque Award (1953); teach mathematics at the Lincoln High Solicitor in "Y" Membership Drives; School. Because of his keen intellect and ability to present his subject, he soon won the admiration of both teachers and pupils. After several years of superior teaching he became Head of the Mathematics Department at Lincoln. BROTHER JAMES A. JEFFRESS by Bro. Dan W. Lewis
The old saying, "a jack of all trades is good at none", does not apply to "Jeff". He was identified with every activity at Lincoln. Each project attempted was carried through to completion in a manner superb. While not a counselor, he was responsible for guiding scores of young people into a c ceptable patterns of behavior. He was a "Big Brother" to many potential drop-outs. His soft, round voice, mod-
MAY 1965
"Y" Athletics. Boy Scouts of America Former Scoutmaster, Troop 95, Yates School; Skipper, Explorer Troop, Ship 5293; Past District Commissioner: Scoutmasters Key, Order of the Silvei Beaver (1954); "Tribe of Mic-o-say" (1955). The American Legion Past Commander, Wayne Minor Post No. 149; Sergeant-at-arms, City Central Executive Committees (1950-1953): ViceJState Commander, Department oi Missouri (1953-1955); Organizer, Sons of the American Legion; Organizer, Drum Corps for Fathers and Sons. Professional Head, Department of Mathematics, Lincoln High School; Past President, Secondary Teachers Study Association; Member, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, N. E. A.; Athletic Commissioner, Lincoln High School; Head, Department of Mathematics, Lincoln Junior College (before integration of schools), etc. Church and Civic Organizations Secretary, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, St. Augustine Episcopal Church; Former Secretary Urban League Board; Vice-President, Carver Neighborhood Center; Chairman, Greater Kansas City Research Academy; Former President, Soldiers Service Club; NAACP; Fellowship House; Red Cross; Polio, etc. All of us in Beta Lambda chapter recognize Bro. Jeffress as an unusually versatile and creative individual. He served as corresponding secretary for more than 20 years. Presently he is corresponding secretary emeritus. The monthly notices of meetings are indicative of his creative ability. Each notice was exquisitely designed and carried an unusually interesting message urging attendance of the meeting. It was he who planned the beautiful decorations and made unique favors for the "Annual Alpha Spring Party." (Continued on page 31)
Bro. James Alfred Jeffress is shown receiving the Midwestern Regional Award presented tc him at the St. Louis Regional Conference, 1956, by the then Regional Vice President, Bro. C. Anderson Davis. Left to right: Bros. Stenson E. Broaddus, Jeffress and Davis.
Bro. John E Lowry
Bro. Lawrence Prescoit
BRO. JOHN EDWARD LOWRY by Bro. E. C. Briggs, Jr. Bro. John Edward Lowry, M. D., of Gamma Iota Lambda, Brooklyn and Long Island, New York, has recently been elected Councillor to the Medical Society of the State of New York for a term of three years. This is the highest honor that has been bestowed upon a member of the Negro race in the history of the medical society. However, this is another important honor that has been added to Bro. Lowry's many medical achievements, all too many to mention here. In addition to his regular practice, Bro. Lowry is a Clinical Instructor in medicine, New York Medical College; past supervisor of the Cardiac Consultation Service of the Health Department of the City of New York for the County of Queens; a Visiting Physician in Cardiology - assigned to Queens General Hospital; Past Secretary and Chairman of the section on Internal Medicine and Pathology of the Medical Society of the County of Queens; Historian of the Queens Clinical Society; Member of the American Medical Association, and Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine. Bro. Lowry is active in community and civic life in his birthplace and boyhood community of Flushing, N. Y. Bro. Lowry was made into Rho Chapter in 1917, while at the University of Pennsylvania and has been active and instrumental in many of Alpha's u p lifting programs throughout these many years. Alpha is proud of Bro. Lowry and so are the brothers of Gamma Iota Lambda. BRO. BILLY JONES Bro. Billy Jones, an East St. Louis, 111. attorney and former commissioner of the Illinois Court of Claims, has been appointed Judge of the Magistrate Court of the 20th Judicial Circuit of Illinois. Bro. Jones is a graduate of Tennessee State A & I University (1941), and Howard University School of Law (1945). He is a member of the Illinois and American Bar Association; Past Secretary of the East St. Louis Bar Association; Member of the National Legal Staff, NAACP; Chairman of the
Bro. Anselm J. Finch
Bro. Leroy Patrick
Legal Redress Committee of the East St. Louis Branch of the NAACP; A former Assistant Attorney for School District No. 189; Member of the Civil Rights Committee of the National Bar Association; Past President .of the Illinois State Conference of Branches of the NAACP; Past Chairman Legal Redress Committee of Illinois, NAACP, Life Member, NAACP; Member of the Board of Directors of the National Bar Association; President of Howard University Law School Alumni Association; Past General Counsel of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; Life Member and Midwestern Vice President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. In September, 1948, Bro. Jones gained national publicity when he took Negro children into the white schools on the opening day of the fall semester at East St. Louis, 111. Later, he filed suit for the NAACP, which was successful, and as a result, the schools of East St. Louis were integrated. In 1950, Bro. Jones filed suit in Alton, 111., and as a result, the schools there were integrated. In 1950, came Sparta, 111., and in 1951 a suit was filed in Cairo, 111. Since being in Southern 111., Bro. Jones has engaged in various suits which have resulted in the barriers of segregation falling. Bro. Jones is married and the father of two daughters and one son. * * * * * ETA CHAPTER by Bro. Lenton Clemons Eta Chapter, City College, New York, N. Y., takes pleasure in announcing the inception of Bro. Lawrence Prescott into the Omicron Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Spanish Honor Society at City College of New York. Bro. Prescott is a " B " plus student at City College, and his major course of study is the Romance Languages. He is studying on the New York City Mission Society Scholarship, however, he is more than just a superior scholar. As a freshman, Bro. Prescott participated in track and basketball. His other e x tra-curricular activities include m e m bership in the Spanish and French Clubs and tutorial service in both Spanish and French. Upon graduation in June, 1965, Bro. Prescott will further his studies in graduate research and the foreign service.
Bro. Anselm Joseph Finch was born in Brandon, Mississippi. He is a graduate of the Utica Institute, Campbell College, and Rust College, all Mississippi schools. He is also a graduate of Northewetsern University in Evanston, Illinois. He was at one time a special student under Dr. George Washington Carver. He assisted the late Principal J. E. Johnson of the Prentiss (Miss.), Institute in starting the Oak Park School in Laurel. He later established the Finch High School, Centreville, Miss., which was the first high school in Wilkinson County for Negroes. For many years he did publicity work for Bishop S. L. Greene, Perry W. Howard and the fraternal leader, John L. Webb. He was one of the four Mississippi leaders selected by the state department of education to appear before the late Governor Paul B. Johnson, Sr., in seeking a training school for Negro delinauents and the acceptance of Jackson College by the state; thus creating a state school. Bro. Finch has served as Vice President of the Mississippi Teachers Association. He is author of the famous poems, "Wake Up - Justice", and "I'm A Negro". While a student at Northwestern, Bro. Finch was one of the three representatives of the Department of Educational Psychology named to interview prospective teachers for the Illinois Civil Service Commission. He is a member of the American Association of School Administrators, Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity, and a life member of the American Teachers Association; also a Mason and a Shriner. Presently he is Principal of the Wilkinson County Training School, the largest of its kind in Mississippi, located in Woodville. This school opened with 2,667 enrollment.
BRO. LEROY PATRICK by Bro. Donald W. Richards Bro. Rev. LeRoy Patrick of Alpha Omicron Lambda Chapter, Pittsburgh, Pa. has added another first to his now lengthly scroll. During a recent conference held in Chicago, "Pat" was elected to a two year term as president of the National Presbyterian Health and Welfare Association after having served as vice president. As you might (Continued on page 31)
expect, the function of the NPHWA is to coordinate the total social service system of the United Presbyterian in the United States of America. Bro. Patrick's specific function will be the appointment of all committees, and to initiate, approve, and authorize studies designed to show the merit of various expenditures of the social service system. It is also his responsibility to select the professional personnel to conduct such studies. Among the more engrossing and pleasurable of "Pat's" newest duties will be his official representation of the NPHWA at various local, state, and national health and welfare functions. "Pat" has been a very important cog on the state level too. In addition to serving on the Judicial Committee of the Synod (United Presbyterian state framework) he is serving as Chairman of the newly created Commission on Religion and Race. This active new organ of the Synod has become a r a l lying point for many young Negroes who previously did not have the finances needed to attend the many Presbyterian colleges in Pennsylvania. A major job of the Commission has been to convince Negro college prosopcts that they are welcome at these colleges. Already some $5,000 has been raised through the Commission for scholarships for Negroes to these fine colleges. "Pat" has also organized a group of young Negro students in the Pittsburgh area to help raise their own money for school expenses. JEFFRESS (Continued from page 29) Among his trademarks are his ability to generate enthusiasm among people and to obtain their maximum involvement through clever use of unique ideas and innovations. He has great faith in people and a deep sense of dedication. Bro. .Teffress is unselfish in sharing his talents and is at his best when rendering service. Every organization with which he has associated experienced his drive, cooperative spirit, and ability to keep things moving.
Bro. Jeffress is very much with us today. He was stricken February 21. 1958. and is confined to Veterans Hospital. Wadsworth. Kansas. His mind is alert and he keeps 'abreast of the times' through the media of television and radio. HIS FACE BRIGHTENS The Moment A BROTHER ENTERS HIS ROOM. He is. as ever, interested in the activities of Alpha. One says "adieu" to "Jeff" by singing the immortal Alpha Phi Alpha Hymn.
MAY 1965
Bro. Eddie L. Madison. Jr.
ETA LAMBDA CHAPTER - Atlanta, Ga. - Some of Eta Lambda's outstanding brothers, L-R: Thomas J. Pugh, chaplain; Joseph D. McGhee, organizer and first president; Calvin A. Brown, president; Charles W. Greene, first secretary of Eta Lambda and first Southern Vice President of A Phi A Fraternity, and Andrew J. Lewis. II.
BRO. EDDIE L. MADISON, JR. Bro. Eddie L. Madison, Jr., 34, has begun work as a public information specialist with the U. S. Department of Commerce in Washington D. C. He is assigned to the Information Division of the Department's Bureau of Domestic a n d International Business (DIB). The Civil Service Job carries a GS-13 rating with a salary range of $12,075 to $15,855. In his new position, Madison writes special articles, prepares news releases, and edits material for newspapers, radio and television, and trade journals. Bro. Madison joined the Chicago Tribune in October, 1963, after resigning his post as deputy editor of The Associated Negro Press. His first job with the Chicago daily was that of copy editor for the Neighborhood Section. He was a division editor of The Chicago Daily Defender before joining ANP. During a two-year period, he held such positions as rewrite man, night editor, photo editor, makeup editor, and editor of the national and weekend editions. A native of Tulsa, Okla., Bro. Madison's first job as a newspaperman was in that city where he served as editorin-chief and general manager of The Oklahoma Eagle, a weekly newspaper, for almost five years. He is a graduate of Tulsa's Booker T. Washington High School. He holds the Bachelor of Journalism degree from Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo., and the Master of Arts degree in speech - concentrating in radio and television writing, broadcasting and production from the University of Tulsa. He is married to the former Davetta J a y n Cooksey of Tulsa. They have two children, Eddie III, 6, and Karyn, 2. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L. Madison, Sr., of Tulsa. * • • * * BRO. C. ANDERSON DAVIS by Bro. J. Ernest Martin Bro. Davis, editor-in-chief of The Sphinx since 1959, was born in Pocahontas, Va. He received his early education in the public school system of Tocahontas and Tazewell County High
School. He attended Morristown J u n ior College and received the A. B. d e gree from Clark College, Atlanta, Ga. He earned the B. D. degree from G a m mon Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Ga., and did further study at Boston University. Bro. Davis pastored Bethel Methodist Church, Marion, Va. for two years, Stanley Methodist Church, at Chattanooga, Tenn., for another two years, and John Stewart Methodist Church, Bluefield, W. Va., for fourteen years. He also served as District Superintendent for one year. In connection with his service to the Methodist Church during his pastorage, he served as executive secretary of Christian Education of the East Tennessee Conference, secretary of the conference, and chairman of many of the important boards and committees. He taught for five years in the Pastors School, Bennett College and in various institutes sponsored by the church. He was twice delegate to the Central Jurisdictional Conference and once to the General Conference of the Methodist Church. While pastoring at Marion, Va., Bro. Davis organized the Davis Recreation Center on which was built a swimming pool and other recreational facilities, and renovated the church parsonage. While pastoring Stanley Methodist Church he built a beautiful rock (Continued on page 32)
Bro. Davit In conversation with the lata President of the Unilad States John Fitigerald Kannady receiving a "Thank You" handshake for hl» halp in W. Va. Primary and Ganaral Elections.
BRO. DAVIS (Continued from page 31) parsonage and purchased a lot adjoining the church on which he made plans to build a new church. Before this plan could be realized he was moved to John Stewart. During his pastorage at this church he renovated the church, adding to its usefulness both outside and inside; installed stained picture windows in the Sanctuary and added space to the parsonage with complete renovation. Through his leadership he purchased a building next to the church and connected it to the church building, completely r e n ovated it as a community center. The church honored him by naming it the "Davis Center". In connection with the center he organized a Day Care Center for pre-school children. Possibly his most outstanding endeavor at this church was the wonderful youth program which he promoted throughout his ministry. In 1952, Bro. Davis through his ingenuity and efforts integrated the Methodist Publishing House, Nashville, Tenn. This is possibly one of the largest publishing concerns in the world, and at this time was completely segregated, even to water fountains and toilet facilities. At the same time h e caused the upgrading of the Negro u orkers employed by the concern. In 1957, he caused the end to segregated meetings of the Methodist Radio, Television and Film Commission. This commission had a conference scheduled at one of the Nashville Hotels of which Negroes were to use the baggage elevator and other segregated facilities and could not live in the hotel in which the conference was being held. Bro. Davis immediately got busy and caused the conference to be changed from Nashville to Cincinnati, eventhough all of the arrangements had to be remade in less than thirty days.
Bro. Davis was initiated into Alpha Phi Chapter, Clark College, in 1942. He was a member of Psi Lambda Chapter, Chattanooga, Tenn. and is now a member of Alpha Zeta Lambda Chapter, Bluefield, W. Va. He is a Life Member of Alpha and has not been 'unfinancial since his initiation. He served as president of Alpha Zeta Lambda for two years, during which time the chapter experienced some of its most outstanding programs, and is now secretary of the Chapter Building foundation which owns and operates the Alpha House in Bluefield. He served as Regional Director for West Virginia and as Midwestern Regional Vice President from 1955 to 1958. He was chairman of the committee to raise funds for the National Headquarters and has served as chairman of several other committees. He received the Midwestern Regional Meritorious Award in 1958. He was chairman of The Sphinx 50th Anniversary Committee which published the beautiful and historical Golden Jubilee Edition of The Sphinx and promoted anniversary activities throughout the year 1963. He wrote the memorable historical drama: "Alpha - Endless P r o cession of Splendor" which was the outstanding activity of the 1964 General Convention. Bro. Davis has been president of the Bluefield-Mercer County Branch of the NAACP for fourteen years. During this time he has made many sacrifices in the movement for civil rights and has been threatened numerous times because of his activities. The late Attorney T. G. Nutter, State NAACP President, once advised him to slow down on his civil rights activities b e cause of the danger involved. He was vice president of the State NAACP when Mr. Nutter passed in 1959, and has been president since that time. He is also chairman of Region III of the NAACP, which comprises the Midwestern states. He was honored with the T. G. Nutter Award in 1963, given for
outstanding achievements and Christian Service to humanity in the field of Civil Rights. He is a subscribing Life Member of the NAACP. Bro. Davis organized the Mercer County Civic and Political League in 1950 and the West Virginia Independent Democratic Club in 1963 in an effort to get Negroes to use their votes more advantageously in order to gain more jobs and opportunity too, for civic service. Candidates were interviewed and supported on the basis of their intentions to help the Negro advance rather than give money to a few Negro politicians. He headed the "Kennedy for President Campaign" among Negroes during the 1960 Primary Election and was credited with the overwhelming vote President Kennedy received in the State of West Virginia. In 1963, Bro. Davis directed the centennial celebration of the Emancipation Proclamation in West Virginia. This was a most successful celebration with activities throughout the year. The Governor of the state gave full recognition, moral and financial support to the affair. Bro. Davis has been a hard worker all of his life and has followed the philosophy of his father, of whom he often speaks, "Do right and work hard and God will bring you through." In spite of his many trials and tribulations he has managed to move forward and do things, too numerous to e n u m erate, for the good of his people. He had planned to spend three years of his life as a missionary in Africa when he finished the seminary, but did not do so because of the pressing need for ministers in his conference. When he took a sabbatical leave from the church in 1962, he decided to give three years of his life for the civil rights movement and the upgrading of the Negro politically in West Virginia. He is in the midst of this sacrificial effort now and we salute him for this courageous endeavor.
Bro. Bill Yearby
Bro. John Rowser
BROTHER WILLIAM YEARBY Bro. William Yearby, a 20 year old University of Michigan junior in physical education, was named to several collegiate "All American" teams last fall. He played amost full-time every game on this year's Big Ten and Rose Bowl Championship team. A graduate of Detroit's Eastern High School, where he won "All State" honors, Bro. Yearby also stars on Michigan's Big Ten Championship Track Team as a "shot putter". Bro. Yearby is a member of SPHINX, the campus men's honorary society for junior men of outstanding achievement in athletics and student activities, and served last year as treasurer of Epsilon Chapter.
BROTHER JOHN ROWSER Bro. John Rowser, a 20 year old junior in physical education at the University of Michigan, was expected to have been in contention for "All American" honors, but he suffered an injury early in the season which limited his season play to two games. During his sophomore year, the halfback was often cited as "an outstanding player" by Coach Bump Elliott. As the Detroiter has two more years of eligibility, sports fans should hear much from him on behalf of the 1965 Rose Bowl champions. Bro. Rowser, who won Michigan All-State honors in basketball, football, and track while at Detroit's Eastern High School, is also a Michigan varsity track star and serves as Dean of Pledges of Eplison Chapter. * * * * * BROTHER OLIVER DARDEN Bro. Oliver Darden, a 20 year old Michigan junior majoring in History, is part of the trio of "Basketball Greats" on the Michigan basketball team, last year's Big Ten Co-Champions and third place NCAA Champions. (Currently the team is in the "number one" collegiate basketball team in the country, according to both AP and UPI ratings.)
MAY 1965
Bro. Oliver Darden
Bro. Moses Newsome, Jr.
The 6'7" forward, on his potential Big Ten and NCAA Championship team, is noted for his skillful rebounding. With a " B " average, he was named to last year's All Big Ten Academic Team. He holds membership in SPHINX campus honorary society for junior men of outstanding achievement in athletics and student activities. He crossed the "sands" into Alphadom though Epsilon last spring. * * * * * BRO MOSES NEWSOME, JR. by Bro. Robert Phillips Epsilon Alpha Chapter, Toledo, Ohio, has had many outstanding brothers in the various intercollegiate sports at the University of Toledo, but not until a year ago did the chapter become r e p resented in track and field. Since entering the University in the fall of '62, Bro. Moses Newsome, Jr. has either set school records in every event in which he has participated or has been on record teams. As a sophomore, has was a member of the record breaking 440 yard relay team which set records at the annual All-Ohio meet, and also a member of the mile relay team which set a new mile relay record at the annual Mid-American Conference Meet at Oxford, Ohio. He is undecided about which event he should specialize in since he has had much success in all of them. However, his eyes are set on a 47 second quartermile before outdoor season rolls around. This mark does not seem unreasonable considering the fact that he ran a 48.1 second quarter-mile at the Western Michigan Relays on March 27. Incidentlv, Bro. Newsome was also a m e m ber of the 880 yard relay team which brought home honors, capturing second place for the school. His outstanding feat at the meet was his time of 30.6 seconds for the 300 yard dash, which makes him the fastest runner in that event this year. A junior in the college of Arts and Sciences and a sociology major, Bro. Newsome has been a credit to Alpha Phi Alpha and also to his class. As a member of the Sociology and Anthro-
Bro. Jim Coleman
pology Club he proved by achieving the highest average in the chapter that brawns and brains can be companions. His ambition is to first obtain his PhD in sociology and then become a social psychologist. His present position in the chapter is that of secretary. His first and previous position was chaplain. The cliche, "like father, like son" applies to Bro. Newsome whose father, Bro. Rev. Moses Newsome, Sr.. is a charter member of Beta Rho Chapter at Shaw University.
* * * * * BRO. JIM COLEMAN, CO-CAPTAIN LOYOLA UNIVERSITY BASKETBALL TEAM by Bro. Robert L. Harris, Jr. Bro. Jim Coleman is a junior at Loyola University, Chicago, majoring in sociology. Initiated into Theta Chapter, on September 26, 1964, Bro. Coleman has proved himself to be a valuable asset to the chapter. A serious student, he currently has a 2.8 grade average to his credit and is endeavoring with tremendous zeal to become a 3.0 (B) student. Bro. Coleman holds the position of Education and Public Relations Committee Chairman. Through his efforts, a range of programs for scholastic and educational events have been arranged for the chapter. Many of the brothers in Theta Chapter have benefited directly from these programs. Within the community, Bro. Coleman works with an organization called CALM. This group is working actively in Chicago to aid high school drop-outs. Bro. Coleman spirited his team to the NCAA semi-finals in 1964. His team direction from the guard position proved to be a key to the success of the team. As a result of the drive that h e displayed last year, he was selected to serve as co-captain of the squad this year. To date, Bro. Coleman is averaging 20 points per game. With another full year to play, Alpha should be able to expect great things from a dedicated brother and a fine ballplayer, Bro. Jim Coleman.
Chapter Activities EPSILON GAMMA LAMBDA CHAPTER by Bro. Andrew L. Capdeville
THETA RHO LAMBDA. Arlington, Va. - Bro. Belford Lawson presents charter to President Ronda A. Gilliam. Seated, Founder, Henry A. Callis.
THETA RHO LAMBDA by Bro. James Gaskins A dream materializes! Bros. Ronda A. Gilliam, Henry G. Gillem, Taylor M. Williams, and others for several years dreamed of having a graduate chapter in Northern Virginia. In October, 1964, they asked some Alpha men to meet at the home of Bro. Williams. Ten Alpha men accepted this invitation. Many of these brothers had not been active for a period of from two to fifteen years. We decided to contact all the known Alpha men in the Northern Virginia area and invite them to another meeting within a month. In November, fourteen brothers, most of whom were being r e claimed, decided to seek information on establishing a chapter. In December, 1964, the charter for Theta Rho L a m b da was granted. The charter presentation and install-
ation banquet of Theta Rho Lambda, Arlington, Va., was held Saturday, J a n uary 30, 1965 at Holiday Inn. Founder Bro. Henry A. Callis was our "Honored Guest", and the speaker for the occasion. This was indeed a "once in a lifetime" treat for all of us. His words of encouragement and inspiration clearly gave all present an insight into his life of dedication to and pride in the Alpha men who are fighting for the betterment of m a n kind all over the world. This dedication to and pride in the ideals and p r i n ciples of Alpha was infectious and much of it "rubbed off" on all present, especially those brothers who had not had the privilege of seeing or hearing Founder Bro. Callis before. The chapter charter and pass cards were presented to chapter president, Bro. Ronda A. Gilliam, by Bro. Belford V. Lawson, Past General President.
Epsilon Gamma Lambda Chapter, Boston Mass., sends greetings to all brother chapters. In October of '64 this Chapter, under the tremendous efforts and action of Charles Nesbitt, Program Chairman, sponsored its annual Gold and Black formal at the Hotel Continental in Cambridge. It was an elegant affair and well attended. The Eastern Regional Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha held a Conclave in Boston, Sunday, March 28th at the Business and Professional Men's Club (owned by Bro. John Bynoe to discuss the Alpha Outreach Program. Over 50 Brothers were in attendance and some of the speakers included Bros. Reginald Lewis, James T. Howard, Frank T. Simpson, Flint, Frank W. Morris, Rev. William B. McClain and Otha L. Brown. Epsilon Gamma Lambda Chapter sponsored Bro. Rev. Wm. McClain to represent us on the battle front in Selma, Alabama recently. A Cocktail Sip at the Business & P r o fessional Men's Club was successfully chaired by Bro. George Daniels for the benefit of the Roxbury Community Council. Under the able leadership of our president Bro. James T. Howard, Epsilon Gamma Lambda Chapter has contributed substantial funds to Bro. Atty. General Edward W. Brooke's Campaign, been active on the Civil Rights front, instigated a tutorial program, and begun the Alpha Outreach p r o gram. Alpha in Boston is also on the march.
Founder Henry A. Callis and Charter Members of Theta Rho Lambda Chapter, Arlington, Va.
EPSILON NU LAMBDA CHAPTER by Bro. Robert L. Kirkland
ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA by Bro. Warren J. Austin The brothers of Alpha Gamma L a m b da, New York City, and the Alphabetts were very pleased to honor our national president, Bro. Lionel Newsom on J a n u a r y 24, 1965. Bro. Thomas Brown was given this assignment by the P r o gram Committee and did a commendable job with details and arrangements. During the program Bro. Marshall Williams, President of Alpha Gamma Lambda, presented scrolls to three 50year brothers: Bros. Harry C. Bragg, James H. Hubert (absent) and John H. Eckles. The fifty-year brothers were given a standing ovation. President Newsom delivered a very stirring address in which he said that Alpha must have disciplined leadership; . . . that Alpha men must be model leaders and must mold Negro leaders. The Alphabetts served a delectable buffet supper. Bro. Lawrence Burr of The AfricanAmerican Institute gave a talk on Africa, Sunday afternoon, February 14, 1965. This was followed on February 28, 1965 with movies and a talk on Africa given by Bro. Marshall E. Williams. Bro. Burr and Bro. Williams have formed a committee consisting of Bro. Dick Campbell of Operation Crossroads Africa and Bro. George W. C. Davis to do a series of receptions on Sunday afternoons honoring African officials and students to foster better American Negro-African relationships and to help get some of the Africans to visit in Negro homes. We now have a number of bridge enthusiasts gathering at the house weekly under the wathchful eye of Bro. George W. C. Davis assisted by Mrs. Davis. Bro. Davis tells us that he is planning a tournament soon. Sunday afternoon of March 7, 1965 was terribly exciting for Alpha Gamma Lambda in that Bros. Adam Clayton Powell, Edward R. Dudley, Jawn A. Sandifer and Earl Brown were being honored for their outstanding service and leadership in the community. This affair in the form of a Buffet Dinner was exceptionally well planned by Bro. Roy Faust. Bro. Adam Clayton Powell sent his regrets and could not attend but the audience gave a tremendous r e sponse to Bros. Dudley, Sandifer and Brown after their short speeches. Bro. Williams presented these brothers with a scroll for their outstanding service and leadership to the community. Eta Chapter had as its guests about 30 young men from nearby campuses who were given the treat of being exposed to such a fine program and seeing first
MAY 1965
Pictured above Lefl to Right: Bro. Adam Clayton Powell, Bro. Edward R. Dudley and Bro. Jaun A. Sandifer.
hand what Alpha leaders were doing in New York City. A new feature of our program during the month of March was the beginning of Remedial Reading classes for Alpha children with children from the Dunlavy-Milbank Children's Center as guests. Birdland, Bop City, the Upstairs at the Downstairs were all wrapped in one on March 21, 1965 at the frat house when Bro. Warren Austin presented Otto Gonzales in a benefit jazz piano concert accompanied by Bobb Shirley on Bass and Jay Shirley on Drums (brothers of the famous pianist Don Shirley). At the last chapter meeting Bro. Marshall E. Williams planned an interesting program for the meeting entitled "Alumni Night". Brothers were grouped by the year they were initiated and each group had to present an impromptu skit within five minutes. The group initiated between 1946-1950 consisting of Bros. Thomas Brown, Fred Woodruff, Roy Faust and Warren Austin did a take-off on members of the Reclamation Committee trying to get a brother back in the fold. Bro. Connie V. Miller has now joined the Board of Education of New York City as Attendance Officer. We were all prepared t o " allow Bros. Alfred Sanders and Philip Shaw to move into the frat house during that long strike with the Department of Welfare. It seems Bro. Miller saw the handwriting on the wall and made the move. However, both brothers survived the strike and are happily back at work again. If ever there was a proud man in New York City this month it was Doctor E. W. Williams and congratulations are in order on the opening of his new Pharmacy on Seventh Avenue. This really spells progress and all of the Brothers salute Bro. Williams in this progressive venture.
In keeping with the ideals and principles of which Alpha was founded, the Brothers of Epsilon Nu Lambda Chapter, Portsmouth, Va. are continuing to work for a greater Alpha. This year, as in the past, we have initiated a program including both civic and social activities. On February 5, the Brothers entertained their wives and guests at their annual winter ball held at the Sahib Club in Chesapeake, Va. Sunday, March 21, Bro. Hugo A. Owens, and Bro. Harvey N. Johnson, Jr., Administrative Assistant and Director of Public Relations at Norfolk State C o l l e g e , led approximately 3,000 marchers in tribute to all martyrs who have died in the civil rights struggle. The march proceeded from Ebenezer Baptist Church to the municipal district of the city where a memorial service was held with Bro. Johnson presiding. Bro. Owens is president of the local chapter of the National association for the Advancement of Colored People which spearheaded this movement. We of Alpha, along with many others, salute Bros. Owens and J o h n son for a job well done. For many years the chapter has sponsored a project known as the Alpha Shoe Bank. During the winter months the Brothers sell fruit cakes to raise money for the shoe bank. With the profits received the chapter purchases shoes to give to needy children upon recommendation of a principal or assistant principal in the local school system. Because of past success resulting from this effort, we have declared it an annual project of which we are very proud. On April 7, the Brothers will be assisting with a workshop on the New Civil Rights Bill being sponsored by the Portsmouth Chapter of the PanHellenic Council, with Bro. Harvey N. Johnson, Jr., presiding. We are now anticipating a smoker for high school graduates which will be held later in the spring. At this time a deserving student will receive the Alpha scholarship of $200. We also anticipate seeing all Brothers of the Eastern Region at the Eastern Regional Convention to be held in Annapolis, Maryland in May.
The deadline for material for the October issue of The Sphinx Is September 1, 1965
w^ ^ ^^ IWr
ZETA OMICHON LAMBA - Philadelphia, Pa. - Bro. Daniel J. Winge receives Jhe "Man of the Year Award" at the chapter's Anniversary Banquet. Left to right: Bros. James W. Hewitt, Norwood Thomas, Daniel J. Winge and Edward Wilkins.
ZETA OMICRON LAMBDA by Bro. William C. Foster Newly elected officers of Zeta Omicron Lambda of Philadelphia, Pa., are as follows: Bros. James W. Hewitt, president; Norwood Thomas, vice p r e s ident; Robert Murphy, recording secretary; Charles Keels, corresponding secretary; Frank Smith, financial secretary; Donald Thompson, parliamentarian; Daniel J. Winge, chaplain; Dr. DELTA PI CHAPTER by Bro. Louis Harris This year the brothers of Delta Pi Chapter, Cheyney State College, Cheyney, Pa. are observing their 13th Anniversary of service to Alpha Phi Alpha and the community. The theme adopted for the anniversary celebration and for the years activities is, "Delta Pi: Thirteen Years of Achievement, Service, and Brotherhood". In keeping with the heritage of our founding Jewels and the theme of our anniversary year, the brothers of Delta Pi have initiated a Guidance and Career Program to aid both high school and college students in the choosing of a worthwhile career. This year Delta Pi became the first campus organization, Greek or non-Greek, to initiate such a program. The Guidance P r o gram of 1964-1.965 was in the form of a Career Conference and Display, held during the week of March 8, 1965. The Career Conference attracted r e p resentatives from both industry and government. The firms and agencies sending representatives included: Philco, General Electric, The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, Atlantic Refining, The Pennsylvania State Employment Service, The Pennsylvania
Bro. William C. Foster of 2ETA OMICRON LAMBDA, Philadelphia, Pa., demonstrates the n e w Radiometer PH Meter from Copenhagen, Denmark to the pathologists and medical technicians in the Clinical Laboratories at Jeanes Hospital where he is the Clinical Biochemist. He is also a staff member in the Department of Physiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Daniel Hall, sergeant-at-arms; Dr. William C. Foster, associate editor to The Sphinx; Ed R. Harris, historian; and Levan Gordon, director of educational activities. Bro. Theo. A. Pride, D. D. S. has r e cently transferred to Zeta Omicron Lambda. A native of Rockhill, S. C , he is a graduate of South Carolina State College and Howard University. At present he is an Associate at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, Chief of Oral Medicine at Mercy-Douglass Hospital, Phil-
adelphia, and Clinical Dentist at Philadelphia General Hospital. The chapter held its Annual Valentine Sweetheart Dance and from the proceeds, $500.00 was alotted to the Scholarship and Awards Committee to assist needy students. The Scholarship Fund was initiated by past president Bro. Edward Wilkins. Zeta Omicron Lambda held its A n nual Relay Formal Dance on April 23rd at the Cherry Hill Inn, Cherry Hill, N. J. Wild Bill Davis and his Trio delighted the brothers and guests.
Commission on Human Relations, and Bro. Duckrey. The evening hours found the brothers of Delta Pi busy rounding off the day's activities with an Anniversary Banquet, Alpha Sing, and an evening social, appropriately called "Reminisce With Delta Pi." Neophyte Bro. Larry the Philadelphia Urban League. Bro. Postelle A. Vaughn, Assistant Executive Director, Philadelphia Manpower Utilization Commission, served as program coordinator. The Career Conference consisted of a panel discussion on "Merit Employment" and two workshops on "Government, Industry, and Business: Avenues to Success." The conference attracted many college and high school students, as well as many teachers and professional people. Also present was Bro. James Hewitt, president of Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapter of Philadelphia. On Friday, April 2, 1965, Delta Pi formally observed its annual Alpha Day and 13th Anniversary. The day's activities included a college assembly program in honor of the founding brothers of Delta Pi and Bro. James Henry Duckrey, Cheyney State College president, upon his retirement. Bro. Duckrey also received the Delta Pi Faculty Achievement Award. Immediately fol-
lowing the assembly was an elaborate reception for the founding brothers and McCullum and Chapter Sweetheart. Miss Arianna Coor, were guests of honor at the evening social. , Being the smallest fraternity on the Cheyney campus has not kept the seven brothers of Delta Pi from executing a busy, active, and above all, a challenging and meaningful calendar. The heritage of Alpha Phi Alpha demands this of us. Could we do any less? NU CHAPTER by Bro. Ronald E. Butler Nu Chapter, Lincoln University, Pa., is proud to announce the wedding of Bro. Winston O. Edwards to Miss Eleanor C. Hooks on April 10, 1965 in Philadelphia The ceremony was conducted by Bro. Thomas V. Eason, who is a student at Livingston College. Bro. Edwards is a mathematics major and plans to pursue graduate studies in September. He is a member of "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities", and also Dean of Pledgees of Nu Chapter. Congratulations and best wishes to the future Mr. and Mrs. Winston O. Edwards.
Brothers of ZETA EPSILON LAMBDA, Long Branch, N. J., present check for $500.00 to Dr. Robert M. Benham of Monmouth College. Reading left to right: Bro. Richard Carter, Sr., Dr. Robert Benham, Bros. James A. Parker and Albert Marshall.
BETA GAMMA ON THE MOVE by Bro. Robert Dillard Beta Gamma Chapter, Virginia State College, Petersburg, Va., is definitely on the move toward progress. The brothers at Beta Gamma are proud to let the world know of our progress involving campus and community affairs. Beta Gamma elected as its outstanding student of the year 1964-1965, Bro. Philip E. Byrd, Jr., senior, Biology m a jor from Bowling Green, Virginia. Bro. Byrd has been active in many campus affairs. He has been a member of the college marching and symphonic band; Alpha Kappa Mu Society; the Biology club; a member of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; a member of the Student Christian Association, and a participant at the Holly-Knoll Student-Faculty r e treat. Bro. Byrd has been working u n der the National Science Foundation Research Program investigating "The Protein and Amino Acid content of
THE ARROGANT EIGHT" - BETA ALPHA CHAPTER - Morgan State College, Baltimore, Md. L-R: Bros. Kenneth L. Bratcher, Len den N. Pridgen, Robert Bunn, Allen L. Sampson. Kenneth E. Clark. David W. Burton and John E. Bullock.
Cholerella pyrenoidosa." Cholerella pyrenoidosa has been considered as a pos. sible source of food for space travelers. Beta Gamma Chapter is and has been deeply involved in campus and community activities. We selected as our goal for this year "Beta Gamma's Duty for a Better Virginia State College." In keeping with this goal, Beta Gamma led the way during Negro History Week with bulletin board displays of famous Negroes. Several plays were sponsored by the chapter to provide for the student's intellectual development. A Christmas pary was given to the patients at Central State Mental Hospital to show them that the world has not forgotten them. Many brothers worked diligently in the voter registration campaign during the recent presidential election. Beta Gamma recently held two important events on the campus. On February 13, the Annual Smoker was held. Bro. Hanley Normant, the featured speaker, gave many interested students insight into Alpha Land.
Bro. Elmer C. Collins Housing Foundation Secretary
THE ALPHA BUILDING FOUNDATION Epsilon Theta Chapter, located at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, is one of Alpha's very active undergraduate chapters that occupies a fraternity house. At present the brothers are living in their fourth house which is located just west of fraternity row. The house is small and there are twelve brothers living in it. The university furnishes the house for Epsilon Theta which is the only p r e dominantly Negro fraternity on the campus. There are sixteen active members of Epsilon Theta and most of them are well known for their campus activities. Bros. Tom Sims is a star end on (Continued on page 40)
BETA ALPHA CHAPTER, Morgan State College
MAY 1965
BETA LAMBDA CHAPTER by Bro. John F. Henson At a recent Founders' Day Program, the new officers of Beta Lambda, Kansas City, Kans., for 1965 were inducted into office by Bro. Bert Mayberry. He charged all of the new officers with the responsibility of their jobs. He concluded that as officers, you should ever be mindful of your duties to your office and to keep in mind that it is not how much Alpha can do for you but what you can do for Alpha. The induction was followed by a short inaugural speech by the new president, Bro. Clarence Robinson, who vowed that he would uphold the high ideals of Alpha as president. He p r o m ised that this year, 1965, would be another very active year for Beta Lambda. He stated the following activities as some of his specific objectives: A vig-
orous reclamation program; closer Community-Fraternity Relationship; to be active leaders in the civil rights movements; to stimulate outstanding high school students as to the high ideals of Alpha, and to have a closer relationship between the undergraduate chapter and Beta Lambda. On February 14, Beta Lambda entertained the Alphabettes with a Sweetheart Party held in the King Pin Room of the K. C. Bowl. It was attended by some 25 brothers and their sweethearts, who enjoyed a wonderful evening of dancing, games, champagne, and prizes. Bro. Herbert Thompson, social chairman, was responsible for this gala affair. In the February meeting, Alpha's Plus Project was introduced by the chairman, Bro. Darby Ervin. The p u r pose of this project is to help young boys in the community who are lack-
BETA ZETA LAMBDA - Jefferson City. Mo. Seated, L. lo R.: Bros. C. B. Taylor, Jesse Gilmer, Kenner Tippin, president; Carl Smith, Theodore Bryant and Thomas Yeldell. Standing: Alan Busby, N a thaniel Colston, Joseph White, William Rice, Clarence Barrens, Thomas Pawley, Arthur Pullam, James S e e n e y , Elmer Jackson and William Handley.
ing the father or male image in the home. This project will be carried out by brothers adopting these boys and fulfilling this image with the youngster. and will spend time with the boys by counseling and guiding them in the proper way. This will be carried out by attending sport activities, weekend activities and other activities together. In the March meeting, Beta Lambda was enlightened as to the progress of Alpha's Plus Project. It was discovered that some eight brothers were actively participating in this program, and others signed up that evening. More will be said about this project as it progresses. We were also privileged to have Bro. Willis Tabor at our meeting that evening, who was past chaplain. He had just returned from Selma, Ala., and he gave us a stirring account of events that happened there. * * * * * EPSILON UPSILON LAMBDA CHAPTER In November 1964, Bro. Don E. Coleman laid down the gavel after two very successful terms as President of Epsilon Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Flint, Michigan. Bro. Coleman received a rising vote of thanks. Everyone was well pleased, however, with the election of Bro. C. Frederick Robinson (Howard University Law School, Class of '19 as president. Epsilon Upsilon Lambda's Annual Wives and Sweethearts P a r t y was held Sunday, February 14, 1965, in one of Flint's most beautiful Clubs (Walli's Supper Club). It was a gala affair which combined the honoring of wives and sweethearts. Each wife a n d / o r sweetheart received an Alpha rose. Following a cocktail hour the brothers and wives a n d / o r sweethearts were served a delicious dinner. Bros. Billye G. Thompson and John A. Feaster were co-chairmen of the affair.
DELTA A L P H A LAMBDA, Cleveland, Ohio - Founders' D a y Celebration: Left to Right: Bro. Henry C. Crawford, J. Harold Brown, S a m Brooks, Jr., W a y m a n Smith, James R. Tanner, General President Lionel H. Newsom, Arthur Flippin, president of Undergraduate Chapter; Joseph M a l o n e and Clay Wisham.
DELTA A L P H A LAMBDA, Cleveland, Ohio - Founders' Day Celebration: Receiving Line: Charles L. Nunn. Mrs. Collins (hidden), James R. Tanner, Sam Brooks, Mrs. Henry C. Crawford, Elmer C. Collins. Wayman Smith. Miss Maria Lopez. Arriving are Mrs. Richard T. Culberson (in doorway), Mr. and Mrs. Quinis Embry, Mr. and Mrs. George L.C^nnally, Jr.
K A P P A CHAPTER IS ON THE MOVE by Bro. Arthur A. Wall, Jr. The fifteen brothers of Kappa Chapter, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, are really carrying on the Alpha tradition of excellence in all phases of college and community life. Our P r e s ident, Bro. Ralph Abbott, started the year off great by making the Dean's List here at Ohio State University. Bro. Harrison Joseph, vice-president, has been a frequent speaker at civil rights rallies throughout Columbus. Secretary, Bro. Marshall Johnson, has been selected by the chairman of the Spanish department to take courses on the graduate level. Bro. Grady Pettigrew, treasurer, was recently inducted into the Mershon Military Honorary Society. Pledge trainer, Edward Jackson, Jr. is presentlv doing outstanding work in the Ohio State Medical School. So you can see the leaders of Kappa Chapter are instilling within the brothers a sense of pride in achievement in all phases of college and community life. The number of brothers here at K a p pa Chapter is growing. Recently, we initiated four pledgees; Bro. Jim P o w ell. Bro. Melvin Kendell, Bro. Jackson Wright, and Bro. Arthur Wall.
MAY 1965
FOUNDERS' DAY CELEBRATION by Bro. Henry C. Crawford Delta Alpha Lambda, Cleveland, Ohio, celebrated Founders' Day January 2930. All the dignity and splendor for which the men of Alphadom are noted, prevailed. The celebration took the form of a Dinner Dance and Installation. General President Lionel Newsom was invited to be the speaker, but because of the weather his plane arrived late. The Master of Ceremonies for the occasion was Bro. Oscar Ritchie. To climax the Founders' Day Celebration, the brothers were hosts at a gala Open House at the Fraternity House in the Redmond Building on Sunday afternoon.
BETA MU CHAPTER by Bro. Jqhn Huggins Beta Mu Chapter, Kentucky State College, Frankfort, Ky., is in its 32nd year of existence. Our chapter now consists of nineteen members. Officers for 1965 are as follows: Bros. Hugh Wilson, president; Robert Campbell, vice president; Caldwell Smith, corresponding secretary; Sanford Mc-
Dowell, recording secretary; B i l l y Leach, dean of pledgees; Frank Austin, chaplain; Herbert Watkins, treasurer; and John Huggins, associate editor to The Sphinx. Beta Mu was at the top of the fraternities' and sororities' Honor Roll last semester with a 2.97 average (4.00 point system.) Brothers of Beta Mu hold many offices in campus organizations. Bro. Wilson is vice president of the senior class; Bro. Blane is president of the Chemistry Club; Bro. Newton is president of the band; Bro. Carson Smith is chairman of the Student Union Board, and Bro. Harper is on officer in the Spanish Club. Bros. Wilson, Blane, Watkins and Huggins were selected to "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges". Bro. Robert Campbell, captain of KSC's basketball team, was the leading scorer with a 18.0 average, and also led the team in rebounds. Bros. Leach and Watkins are members of KSC's mighty football team. Last spring Bro. Watkins received the Citizenship Award from the Mayor of Frankfort. Bro. Newton, a music m a jor, is KSC's drum major.
GAMMA RHO CELEBRATES NEGRO HISTORY WEEK by Bro. Albert H. Price In commemoration of those members of our race who so gallantly trod across the fervent sands of the past and p r e sent, leaving behind them immortal footprints so that others might follow, the brothers of Gamma Rho Chapter, P u r d u e Univ., W. Lafayette, Ind. organized a program which they thought was most fitting for this year's Negro History Week. The colossal week-long celebration began on Sunday, February 7, with a lecture presented by Bro. Dr. Joseph T. Taylor, associate professor of sociology, Indiana University, in the Purdue Memorial Center. His lecture, entitled "The Negro in America", proved to be moving as well as informative. Dr. Taylor delved into such detail that many episodes unheard of before by many were disclosed and brought with them both amusing and startling facts. The following Wednesday, the chapter presented a program in which a series of slides was shown, narrated by a phonograh record of Martin B. Duberman's "In White America". This program also presented in the Purdue Memorial center was the last of the week's events designed especially for the purpose of informing the general public of a truer picture of the existence of the Negro in this country's past. Culminating Gamma Rho's Negro History Week celebration was the Queen of Hearts Ball", given in honor of our chapter sweetheart and her court. The night proved to be a most swinging affair, with live entertainment including the presentation of the Alpha Line and the Sweetheart coronation ceremonies. In addition to the various events taking place during the week, there was also a large window display, organized by the chapter, in the Purdue Memorial Center depicting outstanding events in Negro History. The display covered such topics as The Negro in Literature and Art, The Ten Outstanding Milestones in Negro History, and present day events involving civil rights. An as an unscheduled but fitting climax to the week-long Negro History Week celebration, Gamma Rho gave a reception for the famed vocalist, Miss Marian Anderson, that weekend. Miss Anderson was visiting the campus for a performance at Purdue's Hall of Music and responded to an invitation from the chapter to visit the Alpha House. Miss Anderson was well received by brothers and invited guests, consisting mostly of students from the campus.
PHI CHAPTER by Bro. C. Douglas Thomas The second semester again finds Phi chapter, Athens, Ohio, dominating the Ohio University scene scholastically, culturally, and, of course, socially. Scholastically, Alpha Phi Aloha was ranked third out of nineteen fraternities on campus with a 2.490 average. In cultural affairs, our chapter sponsored Negro History week on the C a m pus which was highly successful. At our culminating program, the Rev. Phale Hale, president of the Columbus Chapter NAACP, spoke to an overflowing audience on "The Exploitation of the Negro". Other cultural programs planned for the remainder of the semester consist of an African-Negro American Dialogue, a Mothers Weekend Tea, and a campus Talent Show. In campus social activities, Nu Chapter was a standout in the Greek Week celebrations. Bro. Eugene Foreman won the Torch Run and the chapter r e ceived the trophy for the "Most Profitable Booth" during the Greek Carnival chairman and Bro. Raymond Blakely was treasurer. We are now planning for our Founders' Weekend, which is May 15-17. The events will consist of a cocktail party, the Sweetheart Ball, and the Founders' Day Banquet. This colossal celebration was considered by the chapter to be as informative as it was fun. And with this last celebration under their belts, the brothers of Gamma Rho are already planning an even more colossal celebration for next winter.
ALPHA BUILDING FOUNDATION (Continued from page 37) the football team; Ken Bryant is cocaptain of the 1965 track team; Horace Coleman is one of the charter m e m bers of Sigma Delta Chi, national p r o fessional Journalistic Society; T e d Gamble, a senior, is head resident; R o b ert White is house manager and also halfback on the football team; James Miller is president and serves on the Intrafraternity Council. , Bro. Leon Bibb, a journalism major, has worked very hard establishing a chapter newspaper which is called "The Loud Mouth". This paper is sent to all brothers who have graduated in recent years. Bro. Bibb also has a tenminute broadcast over the university radio station each week. At present, the brothers are busy working with the United Christian Fellowship in the Human Relations p r o gram. Their main goal is to improve and better the relationship between races on the campus. The main problem with Epsilon T h e ta at present is the matter of moving into another house. The university has held them in the dark as to where they will be relocated. It is possible that the Building Foundation may have to come to their aid in obtaining satisfactory results in this matter. The Alpha Building Foundation is proud of the fine work the brothers of Epsilon Theta are doing. Keep up the good work and the splendid Alpha Spirit.
IOTA LAMBDA, Indianapolis, Ind. - Founder*" D a y Dinner: A plaque lor the Alpha Man of The Year, 1965, w a s awarded to Bro. D e w e y A. Hoover of Terre Haute, Ind., w h o is a m e m b e r of Iota Lambda and c o m m u t e s o n meeting nights to attend meetings. Left to right: Bro*, Cramon J. Myers, president-elect: Midwestern Vice President Billy Jones making the presentation. D e w e y A. Hoover and Joseph T. Taylor, retiring president.
ETA NU LAMBDA by Bro. Edward Jones
ETA NU L A M B D A - Grand Rapids. Mich. L-R: Bros. Charles M. Waugh, Timothy Johnson, Curtis H. Coleman and John T. Letts.
Whenever your address changes, need to know about it. Thanks For Your Cooperation
Eta Nu Lambda Chapter of Grand Rapids, Mich., due to its geographic location, encompasses most of Western Michigan. The chapter, under the guidance of its president, Bro. Curtis H. Coleman, and loyal brothers, has area group directors in four other major western Michigan cities. These chapter brothers co-ordinate the activities of the chapter with members and brothers in surrounding areas. Often chapter meetings or other activities are held in these cities, thus stimulating interest and incentives for Alpha Phi Alpha and its goals. The president maintains constant contact with area group directors and brothers of our chapter in these areas. This system has worked very satisfactorily in maintaining interest in Alpha. The brothers of Eta Nu Lambda entertained their wives and sweethearts at a dinner party in Muskegon, Mich., April 2. Bro. Charles M. Waugh, vice president of the chapter, served as official host.
Contestants for the annual Alpha Q u e e n s e lection of Theta Lambda Chapter, Dayton, Ohio. L. R.: Liiia Martin, Fredonia Wilkerson. Christine Bailey (Queen) and Carrol Poore.
THETA L A M B D A CHAPTER, Dayton, Ohio. Officers and Brothers w h o attended the January, 1965 Banquet at the Imperial House.
Guests attending Theta Lambda's Banquet held at Dayton. Ohio Imperial House, January, 1985.
MAY 1965
ZETA ALPHA L A M B D A Fort Lauderdale, Florida
FOUNDERS' DAY OBSERVED by Bro. Morris Daves Bro. General President Lionel Newsom, was the guest speaker of the a n nual Founders' Day Commemoration Banquet, held at the Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina, by Beta Epsilon and Kappa Lambda chapters. Bro. Newsom urged those assembled to have courage in facing the problems of today. It is becoming increasingly evident that the men of Alpha Phi Alpha are the same men who will lead our great society. As Alpha men, our society expects more and we intend to give more. We must remain proud of our Heritage and thereby seek to perpetuate the ideas of our Founders. Others appearing on the program were: Bros. David Dowdy, President of Beta Epsilon Chapter; Glenn Rankin, Dean of Instruction of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College; Rumsey Helms, President of the Student Government at the college; G. R. Evans of Kappa Lambda graduate chapter. The Founders' Day observance was only one phase of the progressive program which Beta Epsilon has initiated under the leadership of Bro. Dowdy. Other features of the chapter's program include social activities centered around the annual Smoker and Black and White Ball. Beta Epsilon is in the process of sponsoring a social in order to make a contribution to the "March of Dimes". Bros. Jimmie Williams, instructor of music and Captain Amos Harper, a member of the Air Force R. O. T. C. Instructional Group, serve as advisers to the chapter.
Bro. Andrew J. Durgan
ALPHAS LEAD MARCH by Bro. Willie J. Taggart On Friday afternoon, J a n u a r y 22, 1965, members of Delta Phi Lambda, Bro. Andrew J. Durgan, president, and also president of the Selma City Teachers Association, led a March on the Dallas County Court House, Selma, Ala., protesting failure of the board of registrars to consider special hours for them to register to vote because of their r e sponsibilities of duties at the various schools which did not allow time for teachers in the system to register to vote. Accompanying Bro. Durgan at the head of the line was the Rev. F. D. Reese, chairman of the Political Action Committee of the Association. These teachers, many Alpha Brothers included, were shoved and pushed by the Sheriff of Dallas County, James Clark, but they insisted on being heard and they were, even though night sticks, caddie prods and guns were used to stop them. About one hundred teachers in the system were halted at the Dallas County courthouse door steps in a conference with school board officials and the sheriff's force. They gathered in a protest to voter registration practices but were not allowed to enter by Sheriff Clark because he Board of Registrar was not in session at that time. City School Supt. J. A. Pickard and president of the Board, Edgar Stewart, were present at that time. Other members of the chapter who
ZETA ALPHA LAMBDA by Bro. Herbert L. Starke The brothers of the Zeta Alpha Lambda Chapter, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. with the cooperation of true brotherhood, have successfully worked t o gether toward building the first "Frat" house in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We selected a portion of land which we felt a "Frat" house could benefit and substantiate the brotherhood society of the Alphas. We have now paid the final payment on the lot, ready and waiting for the completion of a successful building of this house. We are not hesitating with the p r o gress which needs to be made. We feel that we should continue to succeed; therefore, as a further activity, we are sponsoring a program for American Education Week in April. Prior to this, we have already sponsored an Alpha and Alpha Wives' social; a party for the Alpha's children; a Celebrity ball, and we have also given a scholarship to the senior with the highest scholastical average. Each brother must be an "Advocate", a "Herald", the real spokesman for his fraternity, the one which we consider the best, the Zeta Alpha Lambda Chapter. were in the March on the Courthouse were: Bros. Robert L. Lilly, vice president; George Harris, William J. Yelder, principal of Hudson High School, John D. Taylor, secretary, and assistant principal of Hudson High School; E. L. Jones, Willie J. Taggert, and Percy Gardner, principal, Clark Elementary School, where the March began to move on the courthouse. All of these Alpha Men are employed in the Selma City School system as instructors and principals. All of the Alpha brothers and many teachers are already registered voters. This is Alpha Phi Alpha in action. God bless our brothers in Alphadom.
Alpha Chi Lambda, Augusta, Ga.: L-R: Bro. H. Maurice Thompson, Miss Marjorie Gordon, Librarian, and I. E. Washington, principal.
ALPHA CHI LAMBDA CHAPTER by Bro. J. M. Hinton, Jr. This year Alpha Chi Lambda Chapter is placing greater emphasis on increased participation in community affairs. Brothers of Alpha, collectively and individually, are now serving in many areas, striving to hold aloft the ideals and objectives of Alpha Phi Alpha. Bro. Lionel H. Newsom, General President, was principal speaker at the
annual Founders' Day observance of the Chapter on Sunday, December 13, 1964..His subject was "CommunicationExcellence . . . Key To Equality". The address was thought - provoking and left the brothers with the challenge that they become better prepared to meet the demands of a rapidly changing society. Recently Bro. H. Maurice Thompson, President of the Chapter, donated, on behalf of the Chapter, a collection of books on Negro History to the A. R. Johnson Junior High School library. The collection was a part of the private library of the late Reverend A. C. Griggs, a noted educator and a charter member of Alpha Chi Lambda. Bro. Thompson in making the presentation listed three purposes: one, to continue Reverend Griggs' intense desire to clearly show the role of the Negro in the search for the Arherican Dream; two, to fill a void that presently exists in American textbooks - that of the achievements and accomplishments of the American Negro and three to continue Alpha's pursuit of academic excellence, thereby perpetuating its traits of "manly deeds, scholarship, and
love for all mankind." Brothers of the Chapter recently honored include: Bro. Leonard Dawson, Guidance Counselor at A. R. J o h n son Junior High School, who was chosen "Teacher of the Year" for Richmond County. Bro. Dawson joined the Johnson staff in September 1964 after completing studies for the Georgia SixYear Certificate under the National Defense Education Act-Counseling and Guidance Institute - at Teachers' College, Columbia University. Bros. J. M. Hinton, Jr., and Edward Mclntyre, General Counsel and P u b lic Relations Director, respectively, of The Pilgrim Health and Life Insurance Company, shared the "Citizen Of The Year Award" presented by the Augusta-Richmond County Voters League1 for services rendered as chairman and co-chairman of a campaign committee which was successful in getting a Negro candidate elected to the City Council of Augusta. Bro. J. H. Ruffin, a local practicing attorney, received the "Freedom Award" from the same organization for his leadership in the local civil rights movement.
N e w Officers of Phi Lambda Chapter - Raleigh, N. C , Installation Ceremony - L. R.: Bros. J. Jones, outgoing president; J. A. Man. corresponding secretary) J. E. Burke, recording secretary; G. F. Newell, treasurer; R. E. Ball, president; F. W. Lewis, financial secretary; R. L. Barfield, associate editor to The Sphinx; R. H. Toole and G. L. Laws, members of the Executive Committee.
March 5, 1965. On this date, Gamma GAMMA GAMMA CHAPTER Gamma Chapter, along with Alpha Psi by Bro. James Wingate The brothers of Gamma Gamma â&#x20AC;˘Lambda Graduate Chapter of ColumChapter, Allen University, Columbia, bia, South Carolina, presented an asS. C , have been quite busy since De- sembly program at Booker T. Washcember. Holding in high esteem the ington High School of Columbia. This concept that, "there is always room for program dealt strictly with stimulaimprovement," we have initiated sever- tion of interest in school. Bro. John al projects into the Chapter's program. Stevenson was guest speaker. Bros. These projects were selected with two James Dukes and Frederick Montgomaims in mind. One of these was to ery gave musical renditions while being stimulate more interest in school, on accompanied by Bro. John W. Hunter, the part of the students. The other head of the Music Department at Allen aim was pointed toward procuring University. We firmly believe that all Alphas monies for the scholarship fund. The main project was carried out on should be well versed in the "goings-
MAY 1965
on" of the fraternity as a whole. On Saturday, February 27, 1965, several of the brothers journeyed to Lancaster, S. C , to the State Convention. Plans are being made now for several brothers to attend the Regional Convention in Huntsville, Ala. Knowing that Alpha is the "Pride of Our Hearts," we strive unerringly as well as diligently for its cause. We will present a "Soiree Musicale" on March 29, 1965 in the University's Chappelle Auditorium. Brothers will be participating from all across the state of South Carolina and Georgia. We are expecting a large attendance.
by Bro. Sylvester Butler
by Bro. W. Mack Faison
by Bro. Solon B. Bryant
During the course of this year, Gamma Beta Chapter, North Carolina College at Durham, N. C , has striven to maintain the noble Alpha tradition and heritage which has long been an intrinsic trait of this chapter. The chapter consists of 24 brothers, The year has not been an easy one for all of whom are striving to make for better brotherhood and better making us; nevertheless the obstacles which confronted us only served to bond us of men. closer together. Our dwindling finanOutstanding last semester were Bros. cial resources coupled with additional Walter Bowers, Louis Hawkins, Melvin problems from many origins have not Askew, William Gordon, Curtis Davis, acted as a damper upon us but have Charlemagne Jean-Pois, Willie Hamil- made us more determined that our Alton and Robert Jennings, all of whom pha torch shall burn brighter than ever made the Dean's List. Also, outstand- before. Much of our "never-dying" ating educationally was Bro. Sylvester titude can be attributed to our presiButler who worked as a freshman dent, Bro. Herbert Lee Watkins, III. mathematics tutor in the Mathematics When our spirits were low, he never Department. failed to lead the charge which rallied Bro. Lee Watts is expecting to par- us onward again. ticipate in the Crossroads Africa P r o j The fact that our graduate brothers ect this summer, and Bro. Davis, 2nd have maintained intimate ties with the Lt. in the Air Force, will attend a spe- undergraduate chapter has strengthcial electronics school in Biloxi, Miss. ened us considerably. Bros. Carl J o h n During this semester, Bro. Hawkins at- son, Maurice Reid, Willard Hightower, tended a meeting of National College James Tyson, Marshall M c C a 1 1 u m, Union Boards in Tallahasse, Fla., and Charles Jarmon, and Robert Griffin Bro. Gordon, president, attended Beta have all given that guidance and inKappa Chi's regional meeting, which spiration which can only be attained was held in Atlanta, Ga. through years of experience. Their Gamma Phi will lose eight brothers unselfish devotion to Gamma Beta has through graduation in May, but ex- helped to keep us above the water at pecting to fill the gap left by them are many perilous times. Bros. Frederick General Hicks, Philseven young men who expect to cross lip Battle, and Tommie Ross have been the sands into the fold. mainstays of the undergraduate chapSome of the activities of the chapter ter and Bro. Bobby Gibbs has amazed this semester have been a reception for us all by the feats that he has accomDr. Havice of Northeastern Univ. of plished this year. He should receive Boston, Mass. during Religious Emsome type of award. phasis Week; a Valentine Banquet honOf our accomplishments this year, we oring our sweetheart, Miss Brenda Seigler, and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sor- are most proud of Bros. Raymond Peroritv, and our Semi-Annual Brother- ry, Paul Robertson, and Thomas J o h n hood Banquet with Alpha Nu Lambda son who entered the fraternity with an unprecedented over-all average of 2.3 Chapter. out of a possible 3. This was in keepIn the present strife in Alabama, ing with our tradition of quality, not brothers of Gamma Phi can not sit by quantity. These brothers have not onand watch. The Alphas were well rep- ly shown excellence in scholarship but resented by Gamma Phi at both march- unusual ability in many other college es on Montgomery, Ala. activities as well. Also active were Little Bros. James As the year rapidly draws to a close, Paul, Lee Grimsley and Charles Scott. we hazard a glance backward over our The members of Gamma Phi will con- shoulder. With much nostalgia, we r e tinue to favor the present move of the member the good times gone by. We Negro in Alabama and expect to be- shall cherish these memories and may come even more active. even long to return to times past, but
This year has seen Gamma Phi Chapter, Tuskegee Institute, Ala., continue to strive to cairy out the aims of our dear fraternity. This has been done in the forefront on this campus.
Thus in its leadership role, Gamma Phi has really remembered that "good ole' Alpha spirit" and hope that all chapters will do the same. We extend our sincere wishes for an enjoyable and prosperous summer to all Alpha men.
move onward we must. The brothers of Gamma Beta dedicate their lives to the proof of this axiom that "on college campuses there are three types of men . . . non-fraternity men, fraternity men, and Alpha men."
Under the leadership of Bro. T. Melton Lowe, Delta Iota Lambda, Columbus, Ga., is enjoying its finest hour. The chapter is composed of thirty m e m bers representing more than thirty different colleges and universities. These brothers are employed in many various fields of employment. Quite a few things were accomplished by the chapter for the 1964-65 year: In December, 1964, there was the initiation of Captain Dewitt Hudson who is at the present Commanding Officer, 2nd MP Company, 2nd Infantry Division, Fort Benning, Ga. On December 13, 1964, Dr. Herbert A. Wilson of Tuskegee Institute, Ala., spoke for our Founders' Day Program. After the program the brothers with their wives dined at the Black Angus, one of Columbus' modern establishments. On February 13, 1965, over 42 brothers did find time to entertain their wives and sweethearts at the beautiful and spacious Country Club at Fort Benning, Ga., at a Dinner Dance. Bro. Eddie T. Lindsey, president of the Muscogee Teacher Association, was named 1965 Man of The Year. Delta Iota Lambda won third place in the Delta Jabberwock. The chapter is making its final plans for the Annual Spring Dance which will be held in the Civic Room of the Ralston Hotel in May.
* * * * * ANOTHER FIRST FOR ALPHA AND MEMPHIS by Bro. Willie E. Lindsey Brothers of Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter, Memphis, Tenn., are very h a p py to announce the recent appointments of two of its members to the University of Tennessee College of Medicine as part time professors. Bro. Dr. Leland L. Atkins and Bro. Dr. Edward W. Reed, are the first Negro physicians to be appointed to University of Tennessee's staff which makes them eligible to participate in teaching responsibilities in John Gaston Hospital and the William F. Bowld Hospital when it is completed in April. Both Hospitals are city owned and operated institutions. Bro. Atkins is clinical assistant in the department of medicine while Bro. Reed clinical assistant in the department of Surgery. Dr. M. K. Callison, dean of the college, announced the appointments at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of City of Memphis Hospitals.
by Bro. Luther White by Bro. Wendell Thompson On March 23, 1965, there was a joint smoker given by Gamma Sigma L a m b da Chapter. The main purpose of this smoker was to bring about a closer relationship between the graduate and undergraduate chapters here in Fort Valley, Ga. During the week of May 17-23, 1965 Gamma Zeta will join 320 other chapters from America, Burmuda and England in observing the annual "Education for Citizenship Week". This entire week will encompass a host of activities, such as the presenting to the college family Alphas of world r e nown, and inspirational assemblies. The culminating activity will be a jazz concert featuring some highly rated artists.
* * * * * ZETA MU LAMBDA by Bro. W. Leo E. Cole Zeta Mu Lambda, Gulfport, Miss., entertained their wives with a Christmas Dinner on December 21, 1964, at the Broadwater Beach Hotel. This is one of the few hotels in Mississippi that has been integrated. The affair is an annual one for the chapter. The chapter is still growing each year and is part of every worthwhile movement on the coast in Mississippi. Officers of eta Mu Lambda are as follows: Bros. W. Leo E. Cole, president; James H. Lockett, Jr., vice president; T. C. Lewis, recording secretary, James Crawford, corr. secretary and Boyd James, treasurer.
Alpha Rho Chapter, Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia, has been moving forward during the school year of 19641965 with an unexcelled determination for success and achievement. Presently, the officers serving Alpha Rho are: Bros. DeVere Ranger, president; James Williams, vice-president; Roosevelt Thomas, recording secretary; Arthur Davis, corresponding secretary; Cecil Brown, treasurer; Phillip Dorsey, dean of pledgees; Reuben Brigety, historian; Samuel Roberts, chaplain; William Marsh, business manager; Harold Ingram, Parliamentarian; Myron Bush, music director; Wendell Thompson, associate editor to the Sphinx, and Bro. Wendell P. Whalum our advisor who has served to counsel and inspire us greatly in our many endeavors during the year. Our reigning queen is the charming and lovely Miss Sylvia Suitt of Atlanta, Ga.; and Miss Sphinx, Miss Bernadette Officer, a freshman, from East St. Louis, Illinois. Our Queen and her court were honored with a serenade by the Brothers of Alpha Rho on St. Valentine's Day. This was only one of the many honors that the Brothers of Alpha Rho Chapter have showered upon their queens. With the addition of fourteen neophyte brothers in December, our n u m ber has increased to fifty-two members, making Alpha Rho the largest fraternity on Morehouse's campus. In keeping with the standards of Alpha Phi Alpha, Alphamen show leadership in holding key positions on our campus, they are: Bros. Charles Heath,
ZETA MU LAMBDA - Gulfport. Miss.: Brothers and w i v e s in attendance at Christmas Dinner. Seated at the head of the table is Bro. Rev. W. Leo E. Cole, president. To his right is Mrs. W. Leo E. Cole. Others seated at the table are: Bro. and Mrs. William Adams. Bro. and Mrs. C. J. Duckworth, Bro. and Mrs. Blanton Owens. Bro. and Mrs. James H. Lockett, Jr., Bro. Gilbert and Mrs. Mason and Bro. and Mrs. James Crawford.
MAY 1965
president of the senior class; Arthur Davis, secretary of the senior class; James Brown, treasurer of the senior class; Charles West, vice president of the junior class; James Williams, secretary of the Student Body; Samuel Roberts, chaplain of the Student Body and Ronald English, councilman for the junior class. We may also mention that Bro. Samuel K. Roberts has been selected to study in Europe during the school year 1965-66 as a Merrill Scholar. Our achievement calendar for the 1964-65 school year included such activities as: the initiation of an interfraternal ball which served to greatly improve the relationship between fraternities on the Morehouse College campus; the winning of first prize in the gala homecoming activities (float entry) which were centered around the theme "Shapes and Forms of the World's Fair"; the participation in the annual United Negro College Fund; two chapel programs surrounding our annual "Education for Citizenship Week" activities including a forum on "The Next Phase of the Negro Renaissance"; a spring formal; and an annual banquet to be held near the end of school to stress the eternal existence of a close fraternal bond between those brothers who are graduating, and those of us who will remain to carry on the torch of Alpha here on our campus. In closing, the Brothers of Alpha Rho are looking forward to Tomorrow and continued an unequaled progress in the months to come, and are encouraging Alphamen everywhere to continue to be "First of all, Servants of all, and Transcenders of all."
* * * * * BETA NU LAMBDA CHAPTER By Bro. Henry L. Marshall Beta Nu Lambda Chapter, Charlotte, N. C , held its monthly meeting at the famous Excelsior Club on Beatties Ford Road on March 22. The following brothers were hosts: General Elston, Leslie Bellinger, Charles Sanders, George Ruffin and Griffin Wakefield. Bro. Emory Rann was elected to attend the Southern Regional Convention in Huntsville, Ala. We shall look forward to his report at our next meeting. Plans are being made to encourage a large number to attend the Annual Convention in Chicago this summer. Several of the brothers have attended State Conventions and reported the various chapters doing very well. Bro. L. B. West, who heads the com: mittee on special projects, is working diligently to make this year the best one. Bro. West states that financial (Continued from page 46)
EPSILON DELTA LAMBDA by Bro. Robert E. Lawson We are happy to write about some of the activities of our chapter. The brothers in this chapter live in three cities; namely, Sylacauga, Anniston and Talladega, Ala. Our chapter works closely with Alpha Beta Chapter of Talladega College in several projects each year. Our chapter has taken out a life membership with the N.A.A.C.P. and sends funds to the Legal Defense Fund. Each year we make a liberal donation to the United Negro College Fund and also award a $100.00 cash scholarship to a Talladega College student who is recommended through the Dean's office. The Dean is Bro. Cohen T. Simpson. Last year our chapter co-sponsored with Alpha Beta Chapter a Founders' Day Program and brought to the campus Bro. Lionel Newsom, now our National President, to give the main address for this occasion. Bro. Newsom was great as usual. Each year brothers of our chapter made themselves available as speakers to address high school students in the secondary schools in the entire area. This program has been rather successful as it seeks to stimulate students to further their education. The big social event for the chapter is the Sweetheart Ball. This year it was held on February 12 in Anniston and Alpha Beta Chapter, along with their Alphabettes, were our special guests. Last December the brothers honored their wives and/or sweethearts with a steak dinner at the Holiday Inn in Anniston, Ala. Talks were made by Bro. J. O. Hopson, Bro. Simpson and Bro. Lawson. This was one of our most interesting and enjoyable meetings.
SPORTS (Continued from page 33)
BRO EARL GIBSON Bro. Earl Gibson has been named captain of the champion Alabama A. and M. College Golf Team. The team is relying heavily on Bro. Gibson's golfing ability to lead it to another Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Golf Championship, which it won in 1964. BRO JEROME HAMLER Bro. Jerome Hamler, Bethune-Cookman College, was recently named to the District 2 NCAA all Tournament team. During the NCAA Small College District 2 Tournament, Bro. Hamler got a standing ovation from the audience after scoring 24 points against Evansville. He also added 20 against Norfolk in the tournament held in Louisville, Ky. Bro. Hamler is a sophomore from Orlando, Fla. majoring in Business Administration.
The Lions of Lincoln University in Pennslyvania, who placed second in the NAIA Soccer Tournament last fall were led by Bros. Anthony Inge and Carl Frederick. Bro. Inge who has been captain of the team for three years and an all conference selection in the Delaware Valley Conference for two years, was deprived of additional honors by an injury obtained at the halfway mark of the season. However, his outstanding play left the Lions with four wins in the first five games. Bro. Frederick's stalwart defensive play and clutch goal scoring ability throughout the N A I A tournament as well as throughout the season earned him the honor of being chosen on the first team of the NAIA, and this year's Delaware Valley Conference Team. Bros. Inge and Frederick have been members of Nu Chapter since 1963, and both are quite active besides being good scholars. Bro. Frederick is coeditor of the school's yearbook, and Bro. Inge is the treasurer of the Student Senate.
BETA NU LAMBDA CHAPTER (Continued from page 45) assistance, encouragement, and working with the youth along educational lines are musts today more than ever. Bro. P. Mack Walker, professor of Radio Biology at Johnson C. Smith University, was added to the committee. Bro. Walker gave a brief report of his work and emphasized the great opportunity for young people in this area. We are encouraged by the many activities in which members of the chapter are engaged. Recently Bros.
Thompkins and Hood, representing Johnson C. Smith University, attended meetings in Richmond, Va. and Pittsburgh, Pa. Bro. Rufus Perry, president of J o h n son C. Smith University, and Bro. Calvin Hood of the Theological Seminary, participated in the Montgomery March. 'here were also several brothers of the undergraduate chapter (Alpha Omicron) who took part. Bro. Clinton Blake, principal of West Charlotte Senior High School, is the (Continued on page 51)
M i m b ÂŤ n of Eptilon DÂŤUa Lambda (Talladega. Ala.) s a d Thalr Alphabet!*: At SwMlhaart Ball
EPSILON NU CHAPTER by Bros. Issac Myricks and Battles We, the brothers of Epsilon Nu Chapter, Stillman College, Tuscaloosa, Ala., are proud to relate that we have some brothers who have distinguished themselves from others by appearing on the Dean's List this past semester with a 2.00 point or above average on a 3.00 point system. They are Bros. Albert L. McCoy, senior and a pre-ministerial student; Joseph Prentice, sophomore and a biology major, and Earnest L. Palmer, senior and an English major. Bro. Palmer has also been elected to "Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities." The brothers feel that scholarship is one of the better aspects of a wellrounded individual. We strongly feel that ninety percent of an individual is from the neck up. In our effort to promote scholarship, the brothers of Epsilon Nu Chapter held a Scholarship Program on February 16, 1965. On this program an award was given to Miss Wanda Thomas, a senior at Stillman College, who had the highest average (3.00 point, straight "A") for the previous semester. • • • • • UPSILON LAMBDA CHAPTER by Bro. Clarence Von Bostick Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Jacksonville, Fla., held a joint award presentation-installation event during the month of January, in the beautiful home of Bro. and Mrs. Earnest D. J a c k son, Sr. Bro. Capers Bradham, a member of Upsilon Lambda Chapter, delivered the main address and installed officers. Awards for outstanding performance in Civil and Human Rights were presented to Bro. Hunter Satterwhite, Rev. Chas. B. Dailey, Mrs. Lenora S. Martin, Rev. J. S. Johnson, and Dr. Robert B. Hayling of St. Augustine, Florida. Persons
outstanding in Community Services were: Bro. Leander Shaw, Bro. F r a n k lin D. Wilson, Dr. Charles B. Mcintosh, Bro. Jean Downing, Bruce R. Sheldon, Carlton Bryant, Julius Guinyard, Bros. Robert A. Sewell and Ezekiel Bryant. Human Relations Awards were made to: Lewis Carter, Bro. Royal Puryear, President of Florida Memorial College, St. Augustine, Florida; Bro. I. H. Burney II, and Mrs. SallyC B. Mathis. Bro. Wendell P. Holmes of Upsilon Lambda Chapter was recognized by Alpha Fraters as "Alpha Man of the Year". The new slate of officers for the year are Bros. Jean C. Downing, President; Leander Shaw, Vice President; Dennis Stewart, Secretary; A. St. George Richardson, Financial Secretary; Wendell P. Holmes, Treasurer; Charles E. Simmons, Parliamentarian; Hunter Satterwhite, Chaplain; Clarence Von Bostick, Director of Public Relations and Editor to The Sphinx. * « * * * FOUNDERS' DAY BANQUET by Bro. Richard L. Barfield On Friday, December 18, 1964, Phi Lambda Chapter of Raleigh, N. C. celebrated Founders' Day with an Installation Banquet, followed bv a Christmas Party for brothers and their wives at the Meadowbrook Country Club. The Founders' Day Committee, with Bro. F. W. Lewis, chairman and the Social Committee, with Bro. G. L. Laws, chairman, went all out and the results were one of the nicest affairs the Raleigh Alphas have given in recent years. Following the banquet, Bro. Lionel Newsom challenged the officers and members of Phi Lambda to meet the problems of today and tomorrow with courage and continued concentrated efforts as Alpha men have done in the past. I am sure that the address given by Bro. Newsom will remain in the
Bro. Earl C. Gibson
Bro. Dart Deei
Bro. Leroy Daniels
DELTA GAMMA CHAPTER Delta Gamma Chapter, located at A l abama A & M. College, Normal, Ala., congratulates four of its members who were chosen to appear in the 1964-65 edition of "Who's Who Among S t u dents in American Universities and Colleges": Bros. Earl C. Gibson, Dan Dees, Leroy Daniels and Charlie Stinson. These brothers were officially r e commended by .Ala bama A & M College Dean and Registrar because of their merits and accomplishments. • • • • • Congratulations to Bro. Harold Dickerson and his new bride, the former Miss Sandra O'Neal of Huntsville, Ala., also to Bro. Nathan Essex and his new bride, the former Miss Margaret H a m ilton of Birmingham, Ala. minds of all Phi Lambda brothers p r e s ent for a long time. Bro. Joseph Jones, outgoing chapter president, gave remarks following the address and installed the new officers, who are as follows: Bros. R. E. Ball, president; M. M. Taylor, vice president; J. E. Burke, secretary, G. F. Newell, treasurer; F. W. Lewis, financial secretary; J. A. Mann, corresponding secretary; R. L. Lynch, chaplain, and R. L. Barfield, associate editor to The Sphinx. Gifts were presented to the wives of all Phi Lambda brothers present.
PHI LAMBDA, Raleigh, N. C. - Brother! and wivei in attendance at a Banquet and Christtnal Party at the Meadowbrook Country Club
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GAMMA PI LAMBDA - Galveslon, Tex. Seated. L-R: Bros. J. Sweatl. M. Winn, C. McGowan. C. Fisher. R. L. Dansby, president; Frank Windom. Jr. Standing, L-R: Bros. E. Clack, G. K. Drake. P. Poole, C..Scott. R. D. Dillon. Joseph Willy (Houston), R. H. Stanton, W. Dickerson, W. W. Rhodes, Julian Spence and Robert Williams. (Inset) Neophyte Charles Garcia.
BETA IOTA LAMBDA CHAPTER by Bro. Alvin M. Seals Beta Iota Lambda Chapter, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, completed two successful years of leadership, in December 1964, under the presidency of Bro. J. Prestage. Most significant among many of his successes was the increase in membership in the Chapter. The Brothers of Beta Iota Lambda congratulate Bro. Prestage and his officers who worked untiringly for Alpha. Officers for the ensuing year were installed in the J a n u a r y meeting by Bro. Blyden Jackson, Dean of the Graduate School at Southern University. The newly elected officers are headed by the president, Bro. E. E. Johnson, chairman of the Department of Psychology at Southern University. Other officers include Bro. Martin L. Harvey, VicePresident; J. J. Payne, secretary; Jack Jefferson, treasurer; Joseph E. Wilson, financial secretary; Frank Williams, sergeant-at-arms; Warren Eames, chaplain; Alvin M. Seals, editor-to-theSphinx; Thomas Smith, parliamentarian; and A. E. Carter, historian. The Chapter's 1965 social calendar was launched February 19 with the A n nual Valentine Party-Banquet given by the Brothers for their wives and guests. The occasion was accented by cocktails, steak dinners and the smooth jazzpop tones of a sextet. There was dancing which was enjoyed by all. Bro. William Breda was the Alpha man of the evening for successfully planning and programming the party. * * * * * THE NEW IMAGE OF ALPHA TAU LAMBDA by Bro. Robert L. Fairchild, Sr. Several brothers of Alpha Tau L a m b da, Tulsa, Okla., made a visit to Epsilon, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Okla., Saturday, J a n u a r y 30, 1965. The undergraduate chapter sponsored a smoker, banquet, and dance the afternoon and evening of this memorable day. The activities and program
of the events were well planned and developed. Bro. Wayne Chandler, former Southwestern Regional vicepresident, Lee Arthur Ward, and others from Oklahoma City and Langston University, were present. As a result of this meeting we learned that there is a tremendous need for greater cooperation between the brothers of the u n dergraduate and the graduate chapters in the State of Oklahoma. Saturday, February 6, 1965, the chapter gave a smoker for eleven new prospects who indicated an interest in becoming a part of the greatest fraternity in the United States. The smoker was given at the lovely home of Mrs. L. H. Williams, Sr., the widow of the late Bro. L. H. Williams, Sr. The activities planned for the occasion were aristocratic and staid, and enjoyed by the brothers. Similar activities in the future will, without question, change the image of the chapter for the brothers. It is predicted that the meetings and programs in the future will no longer be dull and lack interest. We pay special respect and congratulations to the neophyte brothers who were responsible for the program and the delightful evening. The chapter met Sunday, March 14, 1965. The significant feature of this meeting was that twenty-one senior boys with the highest scholastic r e cords of the local high school were invited to share the social hour and r e past with the brothers of the chapter. It is our plan to give aspirants of the chapter's scholarship an opportunity to see what type of men Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity has in its organization. It is hoped further that the brothers of the chapter may pass on to the seniors a desire to be worthwhile citizens. Finally, the seniors socializing with the brothers will give them an opportunity to enhance their egos by being identified with men of positive values. It will certainly give them a new image of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
Certificate of Awards were given to twenty brothers of Alpha Tau Lambda for having been a member more than twenty-five years. Bro. Leroy K. Jordan and other B a p tist clergymen and laymen are p r e p a r ing for their upcoming National Sunday School and Baptist Training Union Congress involving some 10,000 delegates who are expected to attend the meeting J u n e 14-20. Baptist brothers throughout the United States plan to visit with Bro. Jordan. THE BROTHERS OF BETA SIGMA by Bro. H. Jones Beta Sigma Chapter, Southern University, Baton Rouge, La., started the school year off by placing emphasis on academic excellence. On a whole, the chapter was successful enough to finish in third place for group honors of Greeks on campus for the fall semester. The group average was 2.98. Beta Sigma led in the fraternal world and was topped only by the AKA's and Deltas. Bro. Richard Harris received the academic excellence plaque for the fall semester. Congratulations brothers! In the fall semester, three brothers entered into Alphadom via Beta Sigma. Among the past year's events of Beta Sigma, the following are some of the most memorable ones: The presentation of the sweetheart in September was a very pompous occasion. Our sweetheart is Miss Constant Essex. She is a sophomore and a native of Baton Rouge. In October, Beta Sigma gave the annual smoker. It was attended by 50 of the most outstanding young men on campus. The speaker for the occasion was Bro. Dr. Leonard O. Spearman. In December, Beta Sigma was co-host to the Louisiana Conference of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. On the lighter side, the Brothers of Beta Sigma and their prima donnas have enjoyed many hours of frolicking at parties and other social affairs.
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9 * Officer* of Beta Iota Lambda, Baton Rouge, La.
At the 1MB Alpha Convention, Columbus. Ohio, Bros. Paul Robeson and Charming H. Tobias addressed the convention sounding the call for the civil rights struggle. Bro. Belford V. Lawson w a s then general president. Alpha m e n then and now play a leading role in promoting the cause for freedom. Pictured, left to right: Bros. Lawson, Tobias and Robeson.
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t. 1 t v \ Gamma Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Marshall, Tex. Seated, L-R: Bros. N. H. Anderson, Alexander Duncan, Bennle Dade, Charles Teamer, John Wilborn, I. E. Willis, Jr., V. E. Daniel. Standing, L-R: I. J. Lamothe, Claude R. Williams, Samuel Brown, Paul Collins, P. T. Young, L. W. Garrett, C. W. Cliff, R. L. O'Neal, A n t h o n y Robinson, Cornelius Askew, Jr.
GAMMA UPSILON LAMBDA by Bro. I. E. Willis, Jr. Greetings to all Alphadom from the brothers of Gamma Upsilon Lambda of East Texas. We refer to our chapter as such; for our composition includes brothers from many of the surrounding areas. Gamma Upsilon Lambda was founded in Marshall, Texas in the year 1947 and was the fore-runner of Greek letter organizations in this area. Our chapter is fortunate in many ways other than the fact, we are proud a l ways to be a contributing part of the great tradition of Alpha Phi Alpha. A c complishments are a tradition in our chapter. For example, in our small group we have one college president former general president of Alpha Phi
MAY 1965
Alpha, Bro. T. W. Cole; four physicians, one dentist, one pediatrist, a scout e x ecutive, several college coaches, one principal, several school teachers, an insurance executive to name a few occupation wise, needless to say we are leaders in our community. We have also sponsored each year two scholarships, - one for a local high school student, and one for an outstanding male college student who aspires toward Alpha Phi Alpha membership. We have always upheld Alpha Phi Alpha civic-wise. For example, this year we initiated the voter registration drive in Marshall, Texas by presenting Bro. Fred Finch, an Attorney-at-law from Dallas, Texas. Bro. Finch was sponsored by the Civic Committee, Bro. I. J. LaMothe, chairman. Bro. Finch's speech was forceful, dynamic, and the meeting was well attended.
Our Annual Valentine dance on February 13th, held at the Riverside Golf and Country Club was a howling success! - as always. Chairman of the entertainment committee was Bro. Alexander Duncan. We are also proud to have in our midst a charter member of Gamma U p silon Lambda, a former Dean at Wiley College, a former professor of Education at Alabama State (retired), and a former president of our chapter Bro. U. E. Danial. We the brothers of Gamma Upsilon Lambda are indebted to our wives for the wonderful services they have r e n dered over the years in making these accomplishments possible. We hope that the foregoing statements will give you a sneak peek into the dynamic activities of Gamma U p silon Lambda, the Chapter of East Tex.
ETA PSI LAMBDA by Bro. Felix L. Goodwin
ZETA PI LAMBDA, Seattle, Washington. Seated, 1-r: Bros. Calvin Wallace, Odell F. Lewis, Northwest Regional Director; C. W. Miller III. president; James E. Moore and Carl C. Thompson. Standing, 1-r: Bros. Wallace Johnson, Gordon A. McHenry. Clifford L. Donley, Jerry Crowds*. Fred A. Haynes, Meredith Matthews, Willie A i k e n s and George Clark.
Eta Psi Lambda, Tucson, Arizona, b e gan the year 1965 with a set of new goals in keeping with the amazing growth of the state of Arizona. The Sphinx Study Club program headed by Bro. Marshal Franks has acquired several Sphinxmen. Much work is being done to prepare them for entry into Alphaland. The Chapter has joined with the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Kappa A l pha Psi and Omega Fraternity m e m bers on an extensive training and orientation program for Negro Junior High School boy dropouts in Tucson. Bro. Clarence Jolivet is our Chapter Liaison representative for this p r o gram. We hope to salvage many of these youngsters. Chapter President, Bro. Johnnie Zander, has presented the Chapter with several far reaching goals in 1965. Each member has pledged to insure that the aims be realized. The Labor Committee has been w o r k ing with local businesses and banks seeking employment for q u a l i f i e d young Negroes in the city. Recently Dial Finance Company employed Bro. Cooper as a loan officer, who was r e cently discharged from the Air Force here at Davis Monthan Air Base ami settled in Tucson. He is a Morris Brown Graduate. Bro. Morgan Maxwell, Jr. has been active in behalf of the Chapter and Negroes in Tucson in pushing for the passage of a meaningful State Public Accommodations Law in the State of Arizona.
OUTSTANDING BROTHERS ALPHABETTES - W i v e s of Brothers of Zeta Pi Lambda Chapter, Seattle, Washington
GAMMA ALPHA CHAPTER by Bro. Bill Torble Garrett "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels . . ." The brothers of Gamma Alpha Chapter, Texas College, Tyler, Tex., have adhered to this Proverb since it was founded March 1, 1941 on Texas College's campus. Gamma Alpha is the largest Greekletter organization on Texas College's campus. With the guidance of its able graduate advisors, Bros. I. C. Dugas, M. B. Southall, James D. George and Giles O. Wright, Gamma Alpha plans to reach unlimited heights through culture, character, and competence. The
achievement of these among us is the strategy used for the better making of men. Gamma Alpha has more members in the National Honorary Societies than any other Greek-letter organization on campus. The president of Phi Delta Psi is vice president of Gamma A l pha. The president of Gamma Alpha is president of the Pan-Hellenic Council. He is also listed in Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities. Because of the High scholastic standards of Gamma Alpha, individual m e m bers have achieved merits of their own upon graduation. Truly we can say that "An Alphaman will hear, and will increase his learning; h e is a man of wise counsel."
(Continued from page 28) within the last five years, sixty-one have pursued graduate study in our leading universities, earning the master's degree and six have earned the doctor's degree. Of the grades earned in these institutions, 87 per cent were A's and B's. Barber-Scotia will celebrate 100 years of service in 1967 and plans for a larger service in the years ahead. We congratulate Bro. Newsom for his many achievements through the years. He is truly one of the outstanding brothers of Alpha. There is no doubt in our minds that he will make a great contribution to Alpha, that Barber-Scotia will make unusual progress under his administration and that he will make an outstanding contribution to the realization of the "American Dream."
BETA ALPHA CHAPTER by Bro. David J. Burton Thriving upon the conceptions of brotherhood, and hoping for a more vivid realization of its perceptions, Beta Alpha Chapter, Morgan State College, Baltimore, Md., has continued to travel upon the road of success to which there is no end. Visualizing the anticipatory standards of quality of any Alpha man, we have earnestly tried to make it a course of continuous action rather than something which represents a distant El Dorado that remains hazy beyond the clouds of despair without fear of vaunting in any manner, we have charged down this rugged road without losing our direction. This year's activity began with an elegant Back-to-School Banquet held jointly with our graduate brothers here in Baltimore. This initiatorial event was followed by the "Coronation" of Miss Beta Alpha (Miss Adele Proctor) whose total radiance reflected the dynamic chapter organization. Following this was the Initiation Banquet which was, of course, held for our new neophyte brothers (The Arrogant Eight), whose addition to the chapter added to the supporting columns of strength. Founders' Week was celebrated in a most prestigious manner. Among the events sponsored during this week were a Oratorical Contest, a Pre-Spring Smoker, a Student College Bowl, and a Ceremonial Banquet with Bro. Sirus T. Craft as speaker. Beta Alpha served as host to the visiting Bro. Frank Morris, the Eastern Regional Vice-President. Bro. Morris was in the Baltimore - Annapolis vicinity during the initial planning phase of the Eastern Regional Convention. During his visit at Beta Alpha (Morgan State), Bro. Morris was entertained with an afternoon of "brotherhood sociality", at which he gave a most inspiring talk encompassing the precepts of Brotherhood. Also present for this event was Bro. Frank Ellis, the Eastern Regional Director. Some of the activities which followed were a Christmas Party for Underprivileged children; a highly successful Jazz workshop, featuring the MLK Jazz Quartet; and the Annual Sweetheart's Banquet, chaired by Bro. Hernon A. Floyd. This event will go on record as the most memorable event of the year. Surrounded by the elegant nightclub setting of the Elegante Room, the brothers of Beta Alpha were riding on clouds of black and gold. This gala event was followed by the All-Greek Rush, at which the brothers of Beta Alpha put on a most dynamic show for the student body. "The Barn Dance," which turns out to be an "area festival"
MAY 1965
every year enjoyed the benefits of past successes. It would be a most difficult task to enumerate all of the individual achievements within the chapter, so I will mention only some of the more outstanding ones. Our chapter President, Bro. Robert C. Penn, a recent congressional Intern for Congressman H a w k ins of California, has initially succeeded in gaining a position in the offce of Senator Robert F. Kennedy (D.-New York). Bro. David J. Burton and Thomas Pinder are departmental honor scholars in psychology and biology r e spectively. Bro. Pinder is also a distinguished Military Student, as Bro. Edward Lamon Davis. Bros. Vernon J a c k son, Robert Penn, David Swan and Thomas Pinder are present members of Who's Who Among America's Colleges and Universities. Bros. David Burton, Kenneth Clark, Robert Bunn, John Bullock, Allen Sampson, and Lenden Pridgen are present members of Promethean Kappa Tau Honor Society. Bro. Pinder is a member of Alpha K a p pa Mu. To us, Alpha Phi Alpha represents the ultimate in achievement and although we as brothers are within the realm of its attainment, our journey can never end, for if this were so, there would be no progress. Alpha is our claim, qualitv is our aim - stride on Alpha Phi Alpha, for the greatness that you behold today should strengthen tomorrow.
* * * * BETA PSI LAMBDA CHAPTER by Bro. Booker T. Hogan, Jr. Beta Psi Lambda Chapter, Los Angeles, Calif., has received financial assistance for its extensive community service Education Program Mrs. Hortense Russell, president of the Alpha Wives Auxiliary, presented Mr. Leon Hawkins, chairman of the Alpha Education Committee, with a check for $250.00 from L. A. Alpha Wives Auxiliary. This event, witnessed bv Bros. Thadeaus Hobbs and Clyde Osborne (President and Vice-President of Beta Psi Lambda Chapter) marks the spirit of cooperation exhibited by the Alpha Wives Auxiliary and the "Men of Alpha" in meeting challenging community problems. These and other funds donated and raised by Alpha through their sponsorship of the "Greatest Story Ever Told," on the 28th of March, will be used to defray the cost of Alpha's highly successful "Student Tutorial Education Project," which is entering its third year, and the UCLA-Jordan High School-Alpha Project. The UCLA - Jordan-Alpha project, currently in operation, is designed to enable qualified high school students
from underprivileged areas to attend UCLA. (Students who have demonstrated potential and proven the capability for doing college work are bussed from Jordan High School to UCLA each Saturday.) Here a group of UCLA Staff Professors, headed by Dr. Grunsky, take charge of the students for a day of academic tutoring, counseling, and exposure to the arts in a cultural enrichment program. Alpha Phi Alpha's p a r t in the program, which is entirely voluntary, consists of supervising the students enroute to and from UCLA and meeting the cost of transportation to and from UCLA for the entire school year. Students excelling in this phase of the project are then given grants of up to $1700.00 for meeting the cost of tuition, residence, board, and books when enrolled in UCLA. They are also provided with summer employment which allows them to earn up to $300.00 for other expenses. The "Student Tutorial Education Project" (STEP) is a summer program designed to help failing high school students pass, and passing high school students obtain better grades. College students, recruited by Alpha, serve as tutors at Manual Arts High School in sessions that run concurrently with summer school. Expenses of the project are shared equally by Alpha Phi Alpha and the Los Angeles Board of Education. The Education Committee hosted the wives and sweethearts of the men of Alpha at the March Chapter meeting. The principal speaker, Mr. Isaac McClelland, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Area D, Los Angeles Unifield School District, spoke on the problems of minority students and efforts to solve them. Alpha was lauded for its contributions toward solving some of these problems. Following the formal meeting, an eveof fellowship was enjoyed by all in attendance as the snacks and refreshments disappeared. BETA NU LAMBDA CHAPTER (Continued from page 46) oldest member of Beta Nu Lambda from a standpoint of years in the fraternity and apparently the youngest chronologically. Bro. Hemphill, who divides his time between preaching and his sundry store, has returned to us with enthusiasm and words of wisdom. In a recent study in our community, it was revealed that only about 30% of Alphas are affiliated with the chapter. Our goal is to reclaim at least 75% of the "drop-outs" and those who have (Continued on page 52)
L-R: Bro. B. A. Everett, Bro. L e o n a r d Smith, Bro. G. W. Stanley Ish. Jr.
BROTHER B. A. EVERETT, M. D. The funeral service for Bro. B. A. Everett, M. D. of 1329 Pine Street, Columbia, S. C. was conducted on Saturday, February 19, 2:00 P.M. at Sidney Park C. M. E. Church, Columbia, S. C. Burial was in the Palmetto Cemetery in the same city. Bro. Everett was born in Dallas, Texas, and received his primary and secondary education in that city. He received his B. S. Degree from Prairie View College, Texas, and his M. D. Degree from Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tennessee. Brother Everett was one of the first Negro physicians to practice in Columbia. Bro. Everett was initiated into Alpha Psi Lambda Chapter May 29, 1937. During this time he was a most faithful and loyal member of the fraternity. He served as treasurer of the chapter for twenty years or more. Illness caused him to cut down his activities; but it did not change his love and devotion to Alpha. It is worthy of note that each of his four sons was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha, and became successful rrien in some form of medicine such as, dentistry, pharmacy and medicine. Bro. Everette was active in civic and professional organizations. He was a member of the Congaree Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Association and the National Medical Association. He had been honored by the above Medical Associations and Meharry Medical College for fifty years' service to mankind" In 1944 he served as President of the Congaree Medical, Dental and P h a r maceutical Association. *
* *
BRO. LEONARD H. SMITH, JR. "Death is the gate to endless joy" "And yet we dare to enter there" "A DEDICATED ALPHA MAN" Bro. Leonard H. Smith Jr., Zeta Eta Lambda Chapter, departed this life December 15, 1964 after a brief illness at his residence, Snow Hill, North Car-
oiina. He was the son of the late Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Smith Sr. He was born in Palmetto, Florida in 1904. He attended elementary school in Talahassee, Florida. His secondary and college education was acquired at Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia and The Agricultural and Technical College, Greensboro, North Carolina. Looking upon education as a continuous process, he earned the Masters of Arts Degree in Administration from Columbia U n iversity, New York, New York. He earned another Masters of Arts Degree from New York, New York in Guidance. Further study was done at The University of Michigan. After graduating from the Agricultural and Technical College he came to Snow Hill. In 1929 he started an illustrious career in the field of education in the Greene Countv School System. In 1939 Bro. Smith married the former Kinnie Brown Dixon. From this union came two daughters: Mary Louise and Gwenoese, a son, deceased in infancv, and another son Yugi. He was a devoted father and husband. Shortly after arriving in Snow Hill he affiliated with the St. James A. M. E. Zion Church where he remained an active member through the years. His community and religious life was a symbol of education to community growth and development. He was affiliated with numerious civic and professional, fraternal organizations. His survivors includes his wife, Mrs. Kinnie D. Smith, two daughters; Mary Louise and Gwenoese, a son Yugi, and several cousins.
* * * * BRO. G. W. STANLEY ISH, JR. M.D. by Bro. Willie E. Lindsey Bro. G. W. Stanley Ish, Jr. of Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter, Memphis, Tennessee, entered into Omega Chapter on Saturday, March 6, 1965 at 12:25 p.m. at the Collins Chapel Hospital. Ritual ceremonies were administered at the T. H. Hayes and Sons Funeral Home on Monday, March 8, 1965, by the members of Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter with the Eulogy offered by Bro. Joseph Westbrook, chapter president. Bro. Dr. Ish, who was 45, was born and reared in Little Rock, Arkansas. He was the son of Bro. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. S. Ish, Sr. He attended the public schools of Little Rock, after which he entered Talledga College where he was a third generation graduate. He received his medical degree from Howard University in Washington. Prior to being enrolled as a medical student at Howard University, he received pre-medical training at the Un-
iversity of Iowa and the University of Michigan. While at the Howard Univ. Medical School, he had the honor of studying under the renowned Dr. Charles Drew. He did his residency in surgery under the noted Dr. Asa Yancey at the Veterans Administration Hospital at Tuskegee, Ala. and the Hines Hospital of Chicago. Bro. Ish served in the Army Medical Corps in the Korean War and won a Bronze Star for bravery under fire. He was the first Negro in Memphis to be elected a fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He was named chief of staff of Collins Chapel Hospital in 1958. Bro. Ish was chief of surgery at the hospital. He was medical director of Universal Life Insurance Company. Bro Ish was a very devoted and faithful member of the P a r k w a y Gardens Presbyterian Church, He was a member of the Memphis and Shelby County Medical Society, the Tenn. Council on Human Relations, The Tri-State Sportsman's Club, the Memphis and Shelby County Mental Health Society, the Bluff City Medical Society, N. A. A. C. P., Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, B & P. Investment Club, Top Hat and Tails Club and Officer of Universal Life Insurance Company. His survivors include his wife, Mrs. Sue Barnett Ish; his daughter, Miss Etta Susan Ish, his father, two sisters, a brother, two aunts and a host of nieces and nephews. Bro. Ish truly lived the life of an Alpha man, "Manly Deeds, Scholarshio and Love for All Mankind." Funeral services were held from the Parkway Gardens Presbyterian Church, with the Bro. Rev. Lawrence F. Haygood, delivering the Eulogy entitled "Dr. G. W. Stanley Ish, Jr.: The Man and His Convictions". Graveside services was held Wednesday, March 10, 1965, at the Burr Oak Cemetery in Chicago, 111., with the Rev. Arthur D. Gray and Rev. L. F. Haygood officiating. BETA NU LAMBDA CHAPTER (Continued from page 51) never affiliated with a graduate chapter. We have a plan to try to interest them and then use them in the most effective way for the Great Society of Alpha Phi Alpha. From Cupid's throne comes the good news that wedding bells will be ringing in May or J u n e for Bro. Talmadge McDow. It is suggested that all other available Alphas prepare themselves for the matrimonial journey. Bro. Hemphill is so enthusiastic over his r e turn that he has promised to perform matrimonial ceremonies at a reduction.
Directory For The Year 1965 JEWEL HENRY A. CALLIS. 231S E Sir***. N. E., Washington. D. C.
ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS Eastern - Bro. E. Vincent Merry 7853 S. Ridgeland Ave., Chicago, 111. Midwestern - Bro. Robert L. Harris, J r Rm 203, Smith Hall. J. C. Smith Univ:. Charlotte, N: C: Southern - Bro. Chas. M. Johnson Arkansas A N & M College, Pine Bluff, Ark. Southwestern - Bro. Rufus Caine. Jr 1472 - 66th Ave., Oakland, Calif. Western - Bro. Paul N. Johnson
Kentucky State College, Frankfort, Ky. Central State College, Wilberforce, Ohio
Comptroller - Bro. Gus T. Ridgel Historian - Bro. Charles Wesley -
REGIONAL DIRECTORS Eastern Region Massachusetts - Bro. James Howard _ 105 Greenwood St Boston. Mass. Rhode Island - Bro. Ralph Allen - SKSS^n*^^^^^ &Ji Connecticut - Bro. W. Decker Clark _ ~ ~ 66 Dry Hill Road Norwalk. Conn. 219 New York - Bro. Marvin A. Riley 9„^dl,s,on A ^ 7 ' IBSIJEXAIJT%£ Pennsylvania - Bro. Allan Durrant *0 W. Upsal SU Philadelphia. Pa. Delaware - Bro. Frederick Franklin _ Delaware State College Dover, Del. Maryland-Washington - Bro. Frank J. Ellis __ ,, 3727 Dolfield Baltimore Md. Virginia - Bro. Alfred C. Fentress 715 E. Princess Ann Rd„ Norfolk. Va. Midwestern Region m E n Montaeue Oliver - 1 9 t h - G a r v ' Indiana Indiana 10926 TPasadena Cleveland, Ohio Northeast tsro. Ohio ivioniague - Bro. Charles u i i v e i Nunn — > . , „ „ Hoover I , > „ „ Ave., A„.O r>io»,oi^r.H ohir. l n n ~ 2724 Ave., Dayton, Ohio Central Ohio - Bro. Oliver Sumlin _ 1340 W. Woodruff. Toledo. Ohio Northwest Ohio - Bro; Robert Stubblefield i731 Gaty Ave.. East St. Louis, Illinois Southern Illinois - Bro. Harold Thomas West"Missouri"and Kansas "BroT Edwin Byrd _ 2B3S W. Paseo Dr Kansas City Mo. Wisconsin - Bro. Hoyt Harper _ - - — 5344 N 64th Milwaukee Wiscons n Southeast Ohio - Bro. Paul Turner -.2335 Gardendale Dr., Columbus 19, Ohio Western Michigan - Bro. William Boards, Jr 680 W. Van Buren St.. Battle Creek .Mich Northern Illinois - Bro. J. Herbert King 4728 Drexel Blvd. Chicago, Illinois East Missouri -.Bro. Clifton Bailey . 3338A Aubert Ave. St. Louis 15. Mo Iowa - Bro Ernest Russell -3927 Amherst St.. Des Moines. Iowa Southwest Ohio - Bro. Holloway Sells _ 699 N. Crescent Ave., Cincinnati Ohio Kentucky - Bro. Herbert Olivera _ _ _ - - - Kentucky State College, Frankfort Kentucky Regional Secretary - Bro. James T. Adams — - 4247 Boston Ave., Detroit, Mich. Southwestern Region Oklahoma - Bro. Vernon L. Fosbee Louisiana - Bro. Anthony M. Rachal, Jr. Arkansas - Bro. James A. Vault
569 N. 9th Street, Muskogee, Okla. _ 6727 Congress Drive, New Orleans, La. 2012 Commerce St., Little Rock, Ark
Southern Region Alabama - Bro. Kirkwood Balton Georgia - Bro. Henry Collier Florida - Bro. James H. Green Mississippi - Bro. T. J. Ranee .._ North Carolina - Bro. G. H. Vaughn South Carolina - Bro. Luke Chatman Tennessee - Bro. George W. James _
Bro. Odell Lewis Bro. William Corbin _ Bro. Carlton Dias
1303 Main St., Birmingham. Ala. 1527 Mills B. Lane Ave., Sacannah, Ga. 1539 W. 23rd St., Jacksonville, Fla. 407 Washington St., Brookhaven, Miss. 1708 Shady Ave., Winston-Salem, N. C. P. o. Box 1311. Greeneville, S. C. 1527 E. 3rd St., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Western Region 330-22nd Avenue, East, Seattle, Washington 2401 W. Cherry Lynn Road, Phoenix, Arizona 949 Broderick St., San Francisco, California
OFFICERS General President - Bro. Lionel H. Newsom Barber-Scotia College, Concord, H. C. General Secretary - Bro. Laurence T. Young . V * 4 4 3 2 S o u t n Parkway, Chicago. 111. Editor - "The Sphinx" - Bro. C. Anderson Davis Box 1420, Bluefield. W. Va. General Treasurer - Bro. Leven C. Weiss _ 2920 Kendall, Detroit. Michigan General Counsel - Bro. James H. MeGee 1526 W. 3rd St., Dayton, Ohio Dir of Educ. Activities - Bro. Oscar W. Ritchie - - 4778 Lakewood Road, Ravenna, Ohio
VICE PRESIDENTS Eastern - Bro. Frank W. Morris, Jr. - - II Wayne St., Dorchester. Mass. 342A Midwestern - Bro. Billy Jones Broadway, East St. Louis, 111. Southern - Bro. W. Dewey Branch 2801 - 14th Ave.. North, Bessemer, Ala. Southwestern - Bro. Jacob T. Stewart P. O. Box 365. Grambling. La. Western - Bro. Oscar V. Little 5835 Ernest Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
Purchase Your Sphinx Golden Jubilee Record Album Today! From: The National Headquarters Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 4432 South Parkway Chicago, Illinois
PRICE $4.00 Send check or money order with your order Chapters Purchasing F i v e (5) O P More Records In One Order May Receive The Records For $3.50 Each Also on the record is a dedication and narrative telling the history of Alpha Phi Alpha and the Golden Jubilee of The Sphinx. SONGS INCLUDED Side 1: Hand in Hand - Emancipation Hymn Oh Sweetheart Dear. Ode To The Sphinx Alphabet Song. Rose of A-Phi-A.
Side 2: Sweeter As The Years Go By, Alpha's On The Go, Good Ol' Alpha Spirit, We're Alpha Men, Sons of A-Phi-A, When The Alphas Go Marching Along, The Alpha Hymn
S e c o n d Class P o s t a g e P A I D A t B l u e f i e l d , W. Va.
THE S P H I N X P . O. B o x 1420 Bluefield. W. Va.
Relurn Requested
i-. Founders'
Day - 98th
Three Students On Steps of the Administration Building
Bro. Horace Ward Founders' Day Speaker General Biology
Dr. Leland S. Cozart Turning The Keys Of Administration Over To Dr. Lionel H. Newsom