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Alphas In F r o n t . . . • First Black Radio Network • Blacks and The Law


Sikorsky and Connecticut ...a superb setting for getting your career off the ground faster.

Start the life you'll want to live for a long time— and the career that makes it possible—with Sikorsky. In the picturesque Southern Connecticut countryside off Long Island Sound, where living still means breathing deeply and being able to stretch out to satisfactions that are meaningful. With forests, streams and rolling countryside as near to your door as the famed Shakespeare Theatre at Stratford ... and New York City's attractions within easy reach. You will find equal stimulation and opportunity in your work—using your creative engineering abilities to help take VTOL aircraft into their dynamic future.The truly unique capabilities of these craft are being increasingly recognized daily.To bring access where none existed. To help build bridges, dams, oil rigs, transmission towers, plants and a host of other structures, by hauling and setting major components in place. For exploration, firefighting, lifesaving and a whole new range of commercial as well as military applications. And you can

look ahead with confidence to continuing growth with Sikorsky—for no other company is so strongly committed and so deeply involved in the effort to develop advanced VTOL technology. Our ongoing long-term programs offer a wide range of positions for Aeronautical, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers. Areas include DESIGN (aircraft structures; propulsion systems; transmissions; rotor, hydraulic & flight control systems; electrical/electronic systems); TEST and ANALYSIS (structural, loads, dynamic, stress, mass properties, reliability/maintainability; electrical/ electronic systems; technical computing) as well as MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING (planning, methods, processes). Salaries are highly competitive, fringe benefits extremely fine. For further information, see your Placement Director tor a copy of our brochure and for the date of our scheduled campus interviews. Or write directly to Mr. Leo J. Shalvoy, Professional Placement.



An Equal Opportunity Employer M&F




Alpha Phi Alpha Frafemity, Inc.. SIXTY-SEVENTH A N N I V E R S A R Y

For the 1973 Seniors 1974 Seniors, Recent graduates-Men & Women


Fairmount-Roosevelt Hotel Convention Headquarters N e w Orleans, Louisiana





MAIL RESUME TO: L H. Stanton Coordinator Room 305 507 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10017

LIST OF FIRMS WITH JOB OPPORTUNITIES Eastern Airlines Miami, Florida Allstate Insurance Co. Northbrook, Illinois Eastman Kodak Co. Rochester, N. Y. Chrysler Corp. Detroit, Michigan IBM White Plains, New York J. C. Penney Company New York, N. Y. Shell Companies Houston, Texas National Lead Co. New York, N. Y. Gulf Oil Co. Pittsburgh, Pa. PPG Industries Pittsburgh, Pa. Mobil Oil Corporation New York, N. Y. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. New York, N. Y. Xerox Corporation Rochester, N. Y. Johnson & Johnson Chicago, Illinois

Dupont Wilmington, Delaware Union Carbide Corporation New York, N. Y. National Cash Register Co. Dayton, Ohio State Farm Insurance Companies Bloomington, Illinois National Institute of Health Bethesda, Maryland Unted States Atomic Energy Com. Washington, D. C. Kraft Foods Chicago, Illinois Jos Schlitz Brewing Co. Milwaukee, Wisconsin Goodyear Aerospace Corp. Akron, Ohio General Electric Co. Erie, Pa. U.S. Steel Corp. Pittsburgh, Pa. Humble Oil ft Refining Co. Houston, Texas General Mills Inc. Minneapolis, Minn. General Electric Co. Schnectady, N. Y.

Procter & Gamble Cincinnati, Ohio Atlantic Richfield Company Dallas, Texas Anheuser-Busch, Inc. St. Louis, Mo. McCormick Chicago, Illinois B. F. Goodrich Company Akron, Ohio Ford Motor Company Detroit, Michigan Frito-Lay, Inc. Dallas, Texas Sears Chicago, Illinois Owens-Illinois Co. Toledo, Ohio Johnson Products Co. Chicago, Illinois The Navy-Washngton D. C. U.S. Civil Service Commission Washington, D. C. Federal Drug Administration Washington, D. C. R. J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. Winston-Salem, N. C. Equitable Life Assurance Society of America, New York, N. Y.











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2nd F L O O R S T U D E N T ' S UNION B U I L D I N G



Do You Want a Job or Change Jobs ?

GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE - This Year, Last Year, Years Ago ? More Than Fifty Major Employers GIVE US YOUR RESUME

Are Recruiting At The 67th General Convention Brother Marcus Neustadter, Jr


William Naughton (left), resident manager for the Fairmont Roosevelt, the '73 Convention Hotel, is shown with Marcus Neustadter, Jr. (center), Marketing Consultant, reviewing plans for Job placement and recruiting interviews, August 3-9, with J. Herbert King of the National Office of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Seated is Mrs. Barbara Jean Warren, Mr. Naughton's secretary. — Porter's Photo

New Orleans, La. — Among the events of the 67th anniversary convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., August 3 - 9, will be the Job Placement and Recruitment Interviews that will be conducted by more than sixty major employers representing business, industry, the professions, labor and government, including the various branches of the armed forces. The job interviews will be open to college students and graduates and will be conducted on the campus of Xavier University. The convention headquarters will be the Fairmont Roosevelt Hotel. J. Herbert King of Chicago, 111., the editor of The Sphinx, the Fraternity's official organ, a member of the national committee, made a visit to New Orleans to make preliminary arrangements for staging and coordinating the program. While at Xavier University, he met with Emile J. LaBranche, Jr., Director of Student Placement; Rudolph Detiege and James Phillips of Sigma Lambda Chapter, co-chairmen in the local area; Walter E. Morial, convention general chairman; Walter

King, assistant convention chairman, and Marcus Neustadter, director of public relations and publicity. According to King a prime objective is "to bring representatives of business, professional, labor-rated and government into the community, making this service available to all. The placement and recruitment interviews are open to all persons. They are not restricted to members of the Fraternity. Both male and female students are urged to participate." L. H. Stanton of New York City is coordinator of the program and for several years has arranged job seminars and interviews at the general conventions. Many young men and women have been placed in meaningful positions through this program, which has been helpful to both employers and employees. Students will also have the benefit of counseling by representatives from the participating companies early in their college careers "This service will also provide students with some knowledge of the courses they should take to qualify for a particular job, as well as some indication of the projected job market. This early contact with recruiters may also increase the students chances for summer employment and for a job upon graduation," said King. Alpha Phi Alpha has established an Employment Job Bank at its national headquarters at 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, 111. Persons seeking job information should apply for applications and what jobs are available. Dr. Walter Washington, president of Alcorn A&M College, Lorman, Miss., is general president and will preside over the New Orleans Convention. A general convention was last held in New Orleans in 1937, with headquarters at Xavier University and Dillard University.

Pre-Convention Confab . . .

Alpha Phi Alpha Equitable Employment Committee members meeting at Xavier University, front row; Brothers Rudolph Debiege, J. Herbert King, and Marcus Neustader, Jr.; standing, Brothers James Phillips and Walter E. Morial, Convention Chairman.


National Black Radio Network Owned - Operated By BLACKS Brother Eugene Jackson


SPEAKS General President W a l t e r Washington

President New York — The National Black Network, the first black owned and operated radio news network, will go on the air by July First. The announcement was made here by Brother Eugene Jackson, President of Unity Broadcasting Network, Inc., the corporation that will operate the black network. Headquarters of the network will be at 1350 Avenue of the Americas and will occupy the entire 24th floor in the MGM Building. Brother Jackson said the National Black Network will provide a full network news service. Eighteen daily reports will provide news, public affairs programs, interviews, panel discussions and news of major sporting events of special interest to the black community. A Washington, D.C. Bureau of the Network will have full-time journalists covering the capitol. The news services of the Associated Press and Reuters will also be available and utilized for the benefit of the National Black Network and its affiliates. About Fifty Black-Oriented Radio stations in major markets will receive the services at the beginning, according to Mr. Jackson. In Areas where there are no black stations, the National Black Networks news service will be made available to the general market stations. The nations top black journalists and news broadcasters have been recruited for the news staff by National News Director and Vice President Roy Wood. Brother Wood is the Former News Director and Award Winning Editorialist for WVON Radio in Chicago. He also was a Professor at Malcolm X College in Chicago and most recently an Associate Professor in the School of Communications at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Other National Black Network Officers are: Sydney L. Small, Executive Vice President, Administration: Del 4

Brothers: As General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. it becomes my constitutional duty to call the brotherhood into annual convention — August 3rd -9th, 1973, with headquarters at the famous FAIRMONT-ROOSEVELT HOTEL, New Orleans, Louisiana. The Constitution and By-Laws, under ARTICLE II — Section 8, page 8 — prescribes that: The General Convention shall meet upon the call of the General President at such time and place as has been previously determined by the preceeding General Convention, or as appropriate, by the Board of Directors. The major emphasis of this, our 67th Anniversary Convention. will be on REDEDICATION. Here we hope for each brother to re-examine his commitment to ALPHA PHI ALPHA, — its purpose, its history and its service. SECONDLY, — we will place emphasis on the development of a National Program for the Fraternity, — a program that will meet the needs of the brothers and at the same time implement our commitment of service to the Community. I am asking for three thousand persons to be present at this General Convention in New Orleans, which will include Alpha families. The brothers in New Orleans are putting forth great effort to make this one of the outstanding General Conventions of our time. Raycee, Executive Vice President, Station Relations: And Sammie T. Aed, Director of Engineering. Funding for the new news network has been provided by Manufacturers, Hanover Trust, Chase Manhattan Bank, The Bank of America and other venture capital funds. Also included in financial backers are the Equitable Life Community Enterprises Corp. and the Op-

portunity Capital Corp. The National Black Network was formally announced a year ago, and since that time has been seeking capital and working out minute personnel and technical details of the undertaking. The President of the New Network said: "It's been a long time coming. It's the first cohesive unit to bring all of Black America together."


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Volume 59

Number 2


May-June 1973



J. HERBERT KING Interim Editor 4728 DREXEL BOULEVARD CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60615 Contributing Editors John D. Buckner, L. H. Stanton, Charles Wesley, O. Wilson Winters, Laurence T. Young. PUBLIC RELATIONS Program Committee J. Herbert King Dick Campbell Louis Martin L. H. Stanton Bill Sims

Carlton Taylor Eddie L. Madison John Procope, Jr. Longworth Quinn Frank L. Stanley, Jr. Chairman

The Sphinx is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Chicago, III., with editorial offices at 4728 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, III. 60615. Published four times a year: February, May, October and December. Address all editorial mail to 4728 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, III. 60615. Change of Address: Send both addresses to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, III. Manuscripts or art submitted to The Sphinx should be accompained by addressed envelopes and return postage. Editor assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. Opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and use of any person's name in fiction, semi-fiction articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility of The Sphinx. It is never done knowingly. Copyright 1970 by The Sphinx, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Reproduction or use, without written permission, of the editorial or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited. The Sphinx has been published continuously since 1914. Organizing Editor: Bro. Raymond W. Cannon. Organizing General President: Bro. Henry Lake Dickason. Second class postage paid at Chicago, III. Postmaster: Send form 3579 and all correspondence, 4728 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, Illinois 60615.

CONTENTS National Black Radio Network. The General President Speaks

4 ,


Travel Tips To New Orleans, La.


Southern Regional Convention


Salute to Chapter Presidents


Message From Assistant Vice Prexy.


Boston Job Seminar


Eastern Regional Convention


Rutgers Honors Brother Paul Robeson.


Brother Jacox's Appointment


Reflectors From North Carolina.


Alphas — Black Elite


Rhetoric of Dr. Martin Luther King


Central State College


Wisconsin Alphas


Building Channelwood — Ohio


FEATURES Job Opportunities


67th General Convention Program


Alpha Workshop


General President Task Force


Cover Story — Brother Roy Wood


Black Counseling Service


Blacks And The Bar


Omega Chapter

56 5

67th ANNIVERSARY GENERAL CONVENTION Tentative Program Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated FAIRMONT-ROOSEVELT HOTEL



Theme: "THE NEW AGENDA - REDEDICATION'' Pre-Convention Activities Friday, August 3, 1973 11:00 A.M. Board of Directors — Executive Meeting 1:00 P.M. Board of Directors & Committee Chairmen Luncheon Meeting Registration and Information (Daily) 3:00 P.M. Building Foundation Meeting 4:00 P.M. Budget and Finance 8:30 P.M. Reception — Officers, Delegates, Host Chapters Saturday, August 4, 1973 8:30 A.M. Rules and Credentials Committee Meeting 9:00 A.M. Registration and Information (Daily) 10:00 A.M. — FIRST BUSINESS SESSION (Reports — Board of Directors, Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice Presidents, Appointments, Etc.)

10:00 A.M. Exhibits Open and Recruitment 12:15 PJV1. — KEYNOTE LUNCHEON (General President's Address) 2:00 P.M. Committee Meetings: Education Foundation Rules and Credentials Constitution and By-Laws Budget and Finance Election Commission Committee on Publications Standards and Extension Awards and Achievements Personnel Equitable Opportunities P.M. "Night-On-The-Town" (Free Evening) Sunday, August 5, 1973 9:00 A.M. Registration and Information (Daily) 9:15 A.M. Board of Directors Meeting (Continued on page 7)


Convention and Executive Committeemen — Porter's Photo3

Shown are members of the New Orleans Convention Committee and Executive Committee of Sigma Lambda Chapterr who are responsible for local activities. Brother Walter E.,. Morial (center seated) is general chairman and convention co-ordinator. The other members present are Left to RightI 6

(seated) Brothers Leonard L. Bums, chairman, Tours and Transportation; Albert J. Bloom, chairman, Golf Tournament; E. W. Bashful, chairman, Workshops; Marcus Neustadter, Jr., Public Relations and Publicity chairman and Headquarters Hotel (Fairmont Roosevelt) Coordinator; Morial; Charles C. Teamer, Chapter Vice-President and Comptroller, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; Walter D. King, associate convention chairman; Rene Rousseve, treasurer, and Edgar Mims, chairman, Public Reception. (Standing): Lawler P. Daniels, Jr., chairman, Ecumenical Service; Oscar Bouise, chairman, Registration; George Geuringer, chairman, Logistics; Henry Johnson, Jr., chairman, Banquet Reception; James A. Phillips, co-chairman, Interviews; Overton C. Thierry, Executive Committee; Maurice Prevost, Executive Committee; Willard L. Dumas, Jr., chairman, Banquet; Alden Reine, Executive Committee; Victor J. Narcisse, Jr., chairman, Formal Dance, and Rudolph Deteige, co-chairman, Interviews. Committee chairmen not shown are Willard L. Dumas, Sr., Convention Kits; Charles Bell, Public Program; Elliott J. Keyes, Inter-Greek Activities; Charles L. de Lay, Chapter president and Life Members Breakfast; Howard Rogers and William Watson, Youth Activities.

67th ANNIVERSARY GENERAL CONVENTION Tentative Program (Continued from page 7) 11:00 AJVL Ecumenical Service 1:00 PJM. Committee Meetings (By Assignments) 4:00 P.M. Public Program 6:00 P.M. Reception (Honorees, Guests, Alphas and their families) (Program content for Public Program and Reception will be in recognition of Alpha college presidents — past and current, and Brothers serving in associate positions) P.M. Free Evening Monday, August 6, 1973 8:00 A.M. Coffee Hour (Sponsored) 9:00 AM. Registration and Information 9:00 A.M.

to 5:00 P.M. Job Interviews and Recruitment (Daily) (Open to Public) 9:30 A.M. — SECOND BUSINESS SESSION Reports of Officers: (Summary and Discussion) Executive Secretary General Treasurer Education Foundation Historian Editor, The Sphinx Other Special Reports Nomination of Elected Officers A.M. Women and Children Activities (Local Committee) 12:00 Noon EQUITABLE OPPORTUNITIES LUNCHEON (Program recommended by Equitable Opportunities Committee) P.M. Job Interviews 2:30 PJVf. Committee Meetings: Housing Foundation (Receipt of Applications) Time and Place Other Committees By Assignment 9:00 PJtf. Mardi Gras (Hosts—Local Chapters) Tuesday, August 7, 1973 7:30 A.M. Life Members Breakfast (Fee) 8:00 A.M. Coffee Hour (Sponsored)

9:00 A.M. Registration and Information 9:00 A.M. — THIRD BUSINESS SESSION Committee Reports: (Summary and Discussion) Housing Standards and Extension Personnel Public Relations Public Policy Other Special Reports 10:30 A.M. Seminar: 12:15 P.M. College Brothers Luncheon (Fee) 12:30 PJM. LADIES LUNCHEON AND FASHION SHOW 12:45 P.M. POLLS OPEN FOR VOTING 1:30 P.M. Plenary Session 2:30 P.M. — FOURTH BUSINESS SESSION Committee Reports: Constitution and By-Laws Other Convention Reports VM. Social Activities — Children (Local Committee) 9:00 PJVL Inter-Greek Dance (Pan-Hellenic Committee) Wednesday, August 8, 1973 7:30 A.M. Founders Day Breakfast 9:00 A.M. — FIFTH BUSINESS SESSION Committee Reports: Conventions and Time and Place Final Budget Report Election Commission Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 10:30 A.ML Seminar: (Note last page) 11:30 A.M. Memorial Service 12:15 PJV1. Fraternal Luncheon (College Brother's Address) 2:00 P.M. Seminar — Alpha Outreach — Education Foundation 3:00 P.M. — FINAL BUSINESS SESSION Committee Reports: Recommendations' Seminars Special Convention Reports Installation of Officers General President's Closing Remarks (Continued on page 8)

67th ANNIVERSARY GENERAL CONVENTION Women and Children Activities (Continued from page 7) 6:00 P.M. Children's Buffet Supper and Social Activities

Schedule for Women Friday, August 3, 1973 11:00 A.M. Mid-Day Wine Sip Telecast 8:30 P.M. Mixer and Get Acquainted Party for Early Arrivals

6:00 P.M. Alpha Formal Reception 7:30 P.M. Alpha Formal Banquet (Note last page)

Saturday, August 4, 1973 9:00 A.M. Historic Tour (Optional)

9:30 P.M. After Dinner Recognition Dance

6:30 P.M. Museum Tour and Reception at Delgado Art Museum in City Park

Thursday, August 9, 1973 9:00 A.M. Board of Directors Meeting

Sunday, August 5, 1973 11:00 A.M. Ecumenical Service 4:00 P.M. Public Program and Reception 6:30 P.M. Longue Vue Gardens (Ballet on the Greens) Reception

11:00 A.M. Building Foundation Meeting 12:00 Noon Education Foundation Meeting

Monday, August 6, 1973 12:00 Noon Luncheon Fashion Show 9:00 P.M. Mardi Gras Ball

Friday, August 10, 1973 Post-Convention Alpha Phi Alpha Tours COMMITTEE ON G E N E R A L CONVENTION

Tuesday, August 7, 1973 12:00 Noon Matinee Theater Party The Beverly Dinner Playhouse 8:00 P.M. Creole Soul Food Supper Party (Featuring a Famous Jazz Brass Band)

Brother Kermit J. Hall, Director Brother Walter E. Morial, Convention Chairman Brother Walter Washington, General President, Ex-Officio



Mail with Payment Before July 10, 1973 Please Print


Address. Convention Fees: Graduate College Extra Banquet NOTE: Add $2.00


Please Check Each Special Fees: — $37.00 • Life Membership Breakfast — $4.75 • —$22.00 D College Brothers Luncheon —$5.25 • — $ 12.50 • if paid after July 10, 1973 or during the convention period. Total Amount Enclosed $

Make checks payable to: Mail to: Sign:_


Roosevelt Hotel. New Orleans

The Fairmont Hotel





Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Bro. Laurence T. Young, Executive Sec. 4432 Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, 111. 60653

willl honor the following credit cards:


67th ANNIVERSARY GENERAL CONVENTION Women and Children Activities 9:00 A.M. 12:00 Noon 2:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 9:30 P.M.

Wednesday, August 8, Garden District Tour and Top of the Mart Party Tour of Canal Street and Formal Reception Alpha Formal Banquet After Dinner Recognition

1973 Environs (Optional) Shopping Spree


SCHEDULE FOR TEENS (Ages 1 3 - 1 8 ) Saturday, August 4, 1973 6:00 P.M. Night at the Beach Sunday, August 5, 1973 4:00 P.M. Public Program 8:00 P.M. Get Acquainted Dance Monday, August 6, 1973 11:00 A.M. Games Day at Dillard University 8:00 P.M. Free Southern Theatre Performance

Mrs. Sondra Reine, Chairman of Children Activities, is shown staging a pre-convention activiity season, which will be some of the typical events planned for the General Convention, August 3-9 , In New Orleans, with youngsters . . . Sondra says — "don't let the children keep you home . . . bring them along and you'll all have a grand time. — Porter's Photo

NURSERY SERVICES (Ages 1-7) Friday, August 3 10:30 A.M. to 2:00 Saturday, August 4 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 Sunday, August 5 3:00 P.M. to 5:30 Monday, August 6 thru Wednesday, August 8 9:00 A.M. to 5:00

Tuesday, August 7, 1973 1:00 P.M. Walking Tour of French Quarter and Wax Museum 8.00 P.M. Boat Dance on the Mark Twain Mississippi River Cruise Wednesday, August 8, 1973 1:00 P.M. Roller Skating New Orleans' most popular rink 6:00 P.M. Teens Dinner and Farewell Dance

P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.




Sunday, August 5, 1973 4:00 P.M. Public Program

Please Print WOMEN AND CHILDREN Advance Registration

Mail with Payment before July 10, 1973







Women: Registration Fee $16.00 Including 1 Tour $20.00* Including 2 Tours $24.00*

Registration Fee $16.00 No

Pre-Teens: Registration Fee $13.00


Nursery Service:




Total Amount Enclosed $ Alpha Widows are encouraged to use this form. Tickets will not be sold during convention period for scheduled activities. Include payment with this form and mail to:

* Optional


ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, ESC. 4432 Martin Luther King Dr. Chicago, Illinois 60653

Monday, August 6, 1973 12:00 Noon Lunch 2:30 P.M. Boat Ride on the Steamer President Tuesday, August 7, 1973 11:30 A.M. Streetcar Ride, Souvenir Shopping, Visit to a Levee, Ice Cream Treat in Uptown New Orleans Wednesday, August 8, 1973 10:00 A.M. Walking Tour of the Vfeux Carre 6:00 P.M.

Pre-teens Dinner

8:00 P.M.

Pre-Teen Party with Magic Act, Cartoons, Dancing and Refreshments


TRAVEL TIPS TO NEW ORLEANS By Brother Walter E. Mortal

Place, turning right at Canal Street. Proceed along Canal Street to Baronne Street, turning right at Baronne Street to the Hotel. Elks Place is a continuation of Loyola Avenue LANDMARKS — Canal Street at Elks Place — Lowes State Theatre on right and Saenger Theatre on the left. BROTHERS TRAVELING BY A m . — Brothers traveling by air will arrive at New Orleans International Airport. The airport while located in Metropolitan New Orleans is located in the City of Keneer in Jefferson Parish. (Civil parishes in Louisiana are the same as counties) The airport is approximately 14 miles from the city of New Orleans. Orleans Tours Minibusses are available for transportation to the hotel at $3.00 per person. Taxis are available at $3.00 per person with a minimum load of four passengers. BROTHERS ARRIVING BY RAIL OR BUS — Brothers traveling by rail or Greyhound Bus will arrive at the New Orleans Union Passenger Terminal. Economical taxis are available for the 10 block trip to the Hotel. Rates are posted in the cabs which carry CNPC numbers. Brothers traveling by Trailways Busses will arrive at the Trailways Terminal approximately three blocks from the hotel. The hotel can be seen from this terminal.

CHAIRMEN DISCUSS CONVENTION Brother Walter E. Mortal Is shown reviewing the Women's Calendar 0/ Events with Mrs. Charles C. (Mary) learner (center) Coordinator o/ Women's Activities and Mrs. Rudolph (Lorraine) Detelge, president of the Alphabettes. — Porter's Photo

Most streets of the Vieux Carre are closed to vehicular traffic during specified times during the day and night. Tourists move about in the French Quarter normally as pedestrians. The Roosevelt-Fairmont Hotel is located on the periophery of the Quarter. BROTHERS TRAVELING BY MOTOR From the South Via the Greater Mississippi River Bridge and US 90 — Cross the bridge and EXIT at O'KEEFE down Ramp. Continue along O'Keefe Avenue to University Place to the Hotel. University Place is the continuation of O'Keefe Avenue. The Hotel is opposite the BNO Building.


From the East Via the Mississippi Gulf Coast and New Orleans East — Using 1-10 West EXIT at the CANALCLEVELAND down ramp. Turn right at Canal Street and proceed along Canal Street in the direction of the Marriott Hotel. Turn right at Baronne Street to the Hotel. LANDMARKS — Canal and Baronne Streets — Walgreen Drug Store on right and Maison Blanche on the left. From the West Via Baton Rouge . . . . ppi Using I-10 East continue to Mississippi River — Gretna on US 90 and EXIT :IT at LOYOLA AVENUE down ramp, proceeding along Loyola Avenue to Elks Iks

Restaurants for the quormet are available throughout the Quarter and to insure fast service a reservation is highly recommended. The hotel has several restaurants for meals 24 hours. Soul Food restaurants are located a short taxi or city bus ride from the hotel. Budget meals are available in several cafeterias within walking distance from the hotel for breakfast, lunch or dinner. There are many budget restaurants in the French Quarter in addition to the French or Italian cuisine. Food connoisseurs may consult the paperback, The New Orleans Underground Gourmet, for a full description of most New Orleans restaurants.

SEtflff^ t£h T S J D


NEW ORLEANS ALPHAS Await You! . . . Welcome! Brother Marcus Neustadtcr Jr., Marketing Consultant — Fairmont Roosevelt Hotel New Orleans is rapidly becoming the site for many of the conventions of organizations whose membership complement is entirely or predominately black. For many of the delegates it is a new experience, while for others it is either a "homecoming" or much desired visit to the hometown of their parents. But, regardless of the motivation, New Orleans is rapidly becoming a "melting pot" for black conventions and with few exceptions they leave with a feeling that "the natives are friendly and we will return." New Orleans is a city famous in many ways. Its history is frosted with events that when explored read more like fiction than a historic spot where once dwelled such colorful persons as Jean Lafitte, whose great exploits assisted General Jackson in his victory in the Battle of New Orleans, with two of his fighting pirate associates — Dominique You and Rene Bluche. Such celebrated actors as Joe Jefferson, Edwin Booth, James Brutus Booth, Julia Marlowe and Richard Mansfield all performed here at the famous old "Opera House" which today is only a memory, as it was destroyed by fire in 1919 and never restored. The City of the Mardi Gas, New Orleans, was also the home of the late Louis Armstrong and Mahalia Jackson, and when the latter was funeralized here at the Rivergate Expositional Hall, it is estimated that more than 125,000 passed to review her body. New Orleans is a city that never forgets her own and glories in their achievements. Dr. Daniel C. Thompson, head of the department of social studies at Dillard University, as a sociologist, is recognized nationally. His book "The Negro Leadership Class" has become one of this country's most read studies on civil rights, along with Richmond Barthe, sculpter; Camille L. Nickerson, a talented concert pianist and teacher of music, founder of the B-Sharp Music Club, a cultural form still; Dr. Ferdinand L. Rousseve, a native of New Orleans, was the first black architect to be registered in Louisiana; Dr. James Derham, a slave, was the first Black physician in the United States, and until the recent election of Ernest N. Morial to the state Legislature, Walter L Cohen, as comptroller of customs, held the highest position of any black since Reconstruction. Blacks have always played important roles in this quaint city's development, but as Alice Dunbar-Nelson once wrote of Louisiana — "There is no state in the Union, hardly any spot of like size on the globe, where the man of color has lived so intensly, made so much progress, been of such historical importance and yet about whom so comparatively little is known." Although General Jackson, pirates Jean Lafitte, Dominique You and Rene Bluche are the heroes we sing about in the Battle of New Orleans, little or nothing is mentioned of the some 430 soldiers of color, free men, and a Captain Savary, a free man of color who had distinquished himself as a soldier in the French forces during the slave insurrection in Santo Domingo, recruited and led a batallion of Black free men to fight under General Jackson. Then, New Orleans is the "home site" of the doctrine of "separate but equal" facilities for blacks, as the outgrowth of the deliberate action of Homer Adolph Plessy, who challenged the "colored only" sign on the Jim Crow coach.

BROTHER HALL MEETS WITH CONVENTION HEADS Brother Kermlt J. Hall, Convention Director (third from right) met with Convention Chairmen and Departmental Heads at The Fairmont Roosevelt Hotel, the Convention Headquarters, which will be the center of all activities. The Fairmont Roosevelt Is located in walking distance from all points of interest. Shown (left to right) are Brothers Tyrone Shortt, Undergraduate Chapter Chairman; Sidney A. McNairy, Jr., Representing, Beta lota Lambda, Baton Rouge, La.; Oliver Wright, Monroe, La., State President, Louisiana Conference; Walter E. Morial, General Chairman; Mrs. Charles (Mary) Teamer, Coordinator, Women's Activities; Marc Morial, Coordinator, Youth (Teenagers) Activities; Brother Hall; Mrs. Ernest N. (Sybil) Morial, Women's Activities, and Past President Ernest N. Morial. — Porter's Photo

Today — there is "no separate but equal," and New Orleans is finding that people can and will live together. Since the U. S. Supreme Court Decision of 1964, New Orleans has made tremendous strides in its race relations, and as it is said at the Fairmont Roosevelt — "It takes THREE to make a great business meeting or convention — It takes a great city. But that's not enough! It takes a great hotel! But that's still not enough! It takes great meeting facilities . . . and then you have all THREE." Richard L. Swig, President of the Fairmont Hotel Company, in a welcome message to each guest puts it this way — "Welcome, dear guest, to the Fairmont Roosevelt. I think you'll find that you really haven't seen New Orleans until you've seen it from our hotel . . . the Fairmont Roosevelt is practically a vacation in itself. You can enjoy an evening "on the town" without ever leaving the hotel." The Fairmont Roosevelt is one short block away from New Orleans' fabulous French Quarter, featuring night life unlike any other place you've been. Then, doors that were once closed to Blacks, unless you were an entertainer or in service, are open and the welcome mats are all color blind, since all of the money that goes into the cash registers is green, profits are now having profits! And, one of the popular spots is "Vaucresson's Creole Room," whose owner is Black — Robert "Sonny" Vaucresson. (Continued on page 12)


Come to New Orleans — 67th (Continued from page 11) Only recently the Fairmont Roosevelt, realizing that Blacks coming to its facility, particularly for a number of days, do want to visit some of the Black-owned or "soul" establishments, and there are many, made an agreement with a local Blackowned travel agency, "Four Corners Travel," operated by Dr. Leonard Burns, to assist convention directors in planning tours that would include such Black properties as Mason's Motels and Lounges, Gunga Din and Chez Helene for their "Food for the Soul" atmosphere. William F. Naughton, former Director of Sales, now Resident Manager, admits that "we are in business certainly to make money, but we do believe that guests of our hotel, many being strangers, should be given assistance in selecting the places to see and visit that strike their fancy." He pointed out that the Fairmont Roosevelt has been the headquarters for a number of predominantly Black conventions. ID addition to the General Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, August 3 - 9 , 1973, future conventions that have chosen the Fairmont as headquarters are the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1974; National Medical Association, 1974; National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees, 1974; Supreme Lodge Knights of Pythias, 1975; Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine (Prince Hall affiliation), 1975; and Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, 1976. Dan Mikulak, Fairmont's general manager at the Roosevelt, is proud of the hotel's Equal Opportunity Employer policy. He noted that of some 700 employees there are more than 500 Blacks and many are in top jobs Take a leisurely stroll about the Fairmont Roosevelt, visit Bill Naughton's office and meet Mrs. Barbara Jean Warren, his personal secretary; go to the famous Blue Room and be greeted by Oliver Dalliet, a Captain, and he will see that you are properly seated; check in and you may be greeted by any one of several efficient young women at the reservations desk, and when checking out Miss Laura Williams, supervisor of Front Office Cashiers, may be the last face you will see before one of the bellmen bids you a fond adieu. A guest at the Fairmont Roosevelt will have a true American experience. . . . He will actually see Democracy at Work. Greater New Orleans is accustomed to playing host to visitors from all sections of the country and the civilized world, and plans are being made that should make the August General Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha the greatest in the Fraternity's history and one of the most interesting in the city that has become famous for its Mardi Gras. The last general convention that was held in the most differently different city you can choose for a meeting — "America's most interesting city" — in 1937, with headquarters at Xavier University and some activities at Dillard University. Those coming to New Orleans for the first time and even frequent visitors will soon discover that there is "a fabulous blend of modern enterprise and old world charm." New Orleans offers everything to match your mood or requirement. New Orleans has a unique and colorful background. It was founded by Bienville in 1718 as a French colony; became a French crown colony in 1731; was given to King Charles III of Spain secretly by his cousin, Louis XV, in 1762; was under


General Convention

ALPHABETTES — ARE READY!! Alpha Wives of New Orleans, "The Alphabettes," will be your hostesses at the Sixty-Seventh Anniversary Convention. Reading left to right: FIRST ROW: Mesdames Walter E. (Carmen) Morial, Charles L (Eve) de Lay, Rudolph (Lorraine) Deteige, Marcus (Griselda) Neustadter, Karl L. (Mary) Douglas, and Vernon (Iris) Winslow. SECOND ROW: Mesdames E. Jack (Gladys) Jordan, Chester (Gloria) Johnson, Alvin J. (Stella Mae) Smith, J. Ernest (Brenda) Nunnally, Russell L. (Helen) Stockard, Lawler P. (Maxine) Daniels, and Albert (Doris) Bloom. THIRD ROW: Mesdames Walter J. (Helen) King, Edgar (Mary) Mims, Maurice E. (Eva) Prevost, Alden (Sondra Sue) Reine, Victor (Rosiland) Narcisse, Jr., Willard L. (Marjorie) Dumas, Sr., Rene (Irma) Rousseve, and William R. (Linda) Adams. FOURTH ROW: Mesdames Alfred C. (Dorothy) Priestley, Walter D. (Viola) King, Charles (Mary) Teamer, Jesse (Nicole) Hardin, and Willard L. (Karen) Dumas, Jr.

Spanish rule from 1766 to 1803 when it was transferred back to France. That same year New Orleans was sold by France to the United States for $15 million in the famous Louisiana Purchase, which included the entire Louisiana Territory — now all or part of 17 states. Located on the Mississippi River, 110 miles upstream from the Gulf of Mexico, New Orleans is the natural and logical gateway from the Mid-Continent area of the United States, and is the major gateway from Mid-Continent U. S. to the Latin American countries of the world. The Vieux Carre, site of the original settlement of New Orleans, also known as the French Quarter, is a main attraction to visitors. The streets exist today essentially as they were laid out by Bienville's engineer. The section consists of thirteen blocks between Canal Street and Esplanade Avenue, with a maximum depth of ten blocks between North Rampart Street and the Mississippi River. Climate and Health: New Orleans is both a summer and a winter resort. Outdoor recreation is possible during any month. Cooled by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico on the south, the normal daily average temperature for April through September is 77.4 degrees, although temperatures rise above 95 degrees in mid-summer; the annual railfall is 53.90 inches. New Orleans is generally considered the birthplace of jazz — traditionally known as New Orleans or Dixieland jazz. (Continued on page 13)

More About New Orleans, La. 67th General Convention -

Alphas In Action

August 3-9, 1973

cluding Dillard and Xavier universities, both affiliates of the National Negro College Fund; Southern University in New Orleans, Tulane and Loyola universities, Louisiana State University in New Orleans, the H. Sophie Newcomb College for women and St. Mary's Dominican College; medical schools of Louisiana State University and Tulane University, and Delgado College. There are more than 400 private, parochial, public and business schools in Metropolitan New Orleans. Within the metropolitan area there are more than twentyfive hospitals, and included in the group is Flint-Goodridge Hospital of Dillard University. New Orleans is proud of its Civic Center. In this complex is found the 11-story City Hall; 8-story State Office Building; State Supreme Court Building, and the Main City Library, covering an area of 11 acres in the central business district. Looking down Loyola Avenue to Basin Street is found the Garden of the Americas where the Simon Bolivar monument, a gift from Venezuela; the Benito Juarez monument, a The Alphabettes, under the dynamic leadership of Mrs. Mary gift from Mexico; and, the Francisco Morazan monument are learner (left), General Chairman and Coordinator, assisted by located, not forgetting the famous Saint Louis Cemetery. Mrs. Viola King (second from left), Assistant General Chairman, Cities and their points of interest do not a convention and Committee Chairmen (left to right) Mrs. Carmen Morial, make . . . . "it takes people." Fashion Show; Mrs. Griselda Neustadter, Hospitality; Mrs. Sybal Morial, Teen Activities; Mrs. Linda Adams, Top-of-the-Mart Alpha's Convention Director, Brother Kermit J. Hall, on Party; Mrs. Eva Prevost, Tours; Mrs. Eve delay, Matinee Theaa recent visit with the Convention Committee, host brothers tre Party; Mrs. Louise Bouise, Mid-Day Wine Sip, and Mrs. and Alpha wives, in an interview released in The Times Sondra Reine, Children Activities, and (not shown) Mrs. Zelder Picayune Newspaper, predicted that "the New Orleans conGueringer, Registration and Mrs. Lorraine Detiege, Alphabette vention will be probably the greatest in the history of Alpha President, have plans that will make "the convention one that Phi Alpha Fraternity not because of New Orleans being a will be easy to remember and hard to forget." Remember these faces and names for they will be answering many of your quesquaint, historic city of many interests, but primarily because tions and causing things to happen for you! of the wonderful, warm attitude that the local citizens have — Porter's Photo where visitors are concerned . . . "they are the welcome wagons." (Continued from page 12) And, that is how the host brothers and their wives expect Many of the great names of jazz started out in New all attending the convention will feel when their stay is over. Orleans—Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet, Freddie Keppard, The success story of the August General Convention will Edmond Hall, Jelly Roll Morton .King Oliver, Barney Bigard, Bunk Johnson, George Lewis, Kind Ory, Oscar (Papa) Cele- be the end product of the work and planning of the local stine and Fats Dominio to name a few. The tradition is be- convention committee that is being coordinated by Brother ing carried on in many of the night spots on Bourbon Street Walter E. Morial, convention chairman. Nothing is left unand frequent performers are Brothers Duke Ellington and explored that will make the visiting members, their families and guests comfortable, exciting and entertaining while New Lionel Hampton. Orleans is their temporary residence. New Orleans is more than a City of Jazz, Bourbon Street "We plan to put on the type of convention show that has and its restaurants known for the excellence of their foods; for the sportsminded, there is fishing and hunting, swimming seldom been seen. Although the brothers come primarily to do and boating; and, for the culturally inclined are educational the work of the Fraternity, we have accepted the responsibility of making your stay pleasant . . . one that will have sweet attractions and museums. A number of museums hold special interest for visitors. memories . . . this is our dedication," said Brother Morial. Mrs. Charles C. (Mary) Teamer is serving as general The State Museum is located in the Cabildo. Memorial Hall, chairman and coordinator of Women's Activities. There will on Howard and Camp Streets, has interesting collections of be planned activities for children of all age groups. "Come Civil War relics. Delgado Art Museum in City Park has many and bring the family and you won't regret it," says Mary. art treasures. The Wildlife and Fisheries Museum is located A community's greatest is found in the complement of its in the Wildlife and Fisheries Building at 400 Royal Street. The Jazz Museum, 1017 Dumaine Street, is maintained by citizens, and Alpha men are in leadership roles in all phases the New Orleans Jazz Club. The Musee Conti Historical Wax . . . government and politics, education on all levels, religious Museum, 917 Conti Street, has authentically costumed figures, and fraternal affiliations, business and professional life, enterdepicting almost three centuries of New Orleans history; and, tainment and sports. New Orleans, dear brothers, is "the House of Alpha Phi a battle museum and visitors' center are located in nearby Alpha in action." Chalmette National Historical Park. (Continued on page 35) New Orleans has many fine educational institutions, in-



ALPHA WORKSHOP Laurence T. Young, Executive



Brother M a i Goode To Retire



The General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Brother Walter Washington, — by virtue of constitutional provision hereby summons the Jewel, the General Officers, Committee Chairmen and Brothers in college and alumni chapters to the 67th Anniversary Convention to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana August 3rd to 9th, 1973 at te Fairmont-Roosevelt Hotel CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Your attention is called to ARTICLE XIV — Sections 1.1 and 3.1: 1.1 All proposed amendments to the General Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Secretary not less than 60 days before the next succeeding General Convention. 3.1 The General Convention shall consider only such proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-laws as shall have been submitted in the manner and within the time limit prescribed in this Constitution . . . In attendance at the five Regional Conventions, it was noted that many proposals with respect to constitutional amendments were presented, as of this printing, very few have reached the office of Executive Secretary. TARGET DATE JUNE 3rd, 1973. REGIONAL CONVENTIONS Would that space would permit an elaboration on the five Regional Conventions recently adjourned. They were all splendidly operated. Special plaudits and commendations go to the Western Region, which was convened in Seattle, Washington, March 30th under the smooth, soft leadership (yet forceful) of Brother Thadeaus H. Hobbs, Western Vice President. Singularly enough all five of the Regional Vice Presidents were re-elected for another term of two years, however changes were made in the election of Assistant Vice Presidents — all to be confirmed at the General Convention. Brother Cecil A. Collins was elected Assistant Vice President Following the banquet at the Western Region, the Executive Secretary was presented a beautiful placque, which made him feel "quite important" for which he expresses gratitude. The Eastern Regional Convention, held April 12-14 under the leadership of Brother Charles P. Howard, Vice President, at the Americana Hotel in New York was well conducted. The General President was guest of honor at each of the Regionals, however the sessions were sparked by messages from two of our good brother Congressmen — Brothers Andrew Young, and Charles B. Rangel, along with remarks by Brother Harold R. Sims, such an array of talent. THE SOUTHERN REGIONAL Convention, and the Southwestern Regional Convention were in conflict with each other — April 20 - 22nd — at Chattanooga, Tennessee and For Worth, Texas respectively. Brother Bennie J. Harris, Southern Vice President, and Brother Robert M. King, Southwestern Vice President executed the Conventions in true Alpha manner. The Midwestern Regional Convention was held in Toledo, Ohio in a truly professional manner by Brother James R. Williams, Vice President, which convention also presented an array of oratorical and rhetorical talent, HOWEVER at a business session, those present had the benefit of a few "PRECIOUS MOMENTS" when un-announced — visiting Brother Mai Goode electrified the Convention, truly inspired, — with words of hope, racial pride and honest fellowship. Those few moments will never be forgotten by any of those so priveleged to hear Brother Goode at that propitious moment (Continued on page 33) 14

Brother Mai Goode Brother Mai Goode who is the first Black to join network news has retired after enough years at The American Broadcast Company. He will continue on at the United Nations for a short period of time in order to conclude his affairs as the President of the United Nations Correspondents.

The Real Brother John H. Johnson

(October Issue of The Sphinx) Meet this Brother who in 1942, started a magazine business in the corner of a law office and moved to a four room structure four years later. One year later, he moved into a small building in the Black ghetto. He moved again, into a renovated funeral parlor. This year, he was on the move again, but into an edifice of eleven stories, right downtown, in one of America's largest cities. Last but not least, Brother John H. Johnson is the "Reclamation Champ" of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He set a reclamation record in one night. Visit Brother John H. Johnson in the next issue of the Sphinx.

General President's Task Force... A t Work General President Walter Washington appointed task forces to make a study of the fraternity. The following chairmen, John D. Buckner, Frank Stanley, Jr., Charles P. Howard, John H. Otey, L H. Stanton and Herman B. Smith, met several times at National Headquarters during the past several months. The committee members met for long hours discussing recommendations to be presented at the 67th General Convention in New Orleans, La. The following photographs are in reference to the diligence of of the task force. They are to be congratulated for their long hours and cool tempers during the sessions.

Part of the general program planning committee getting their heads togethers

Brothers Buckner, Harris, Ferguson and Weiss searching for a new executive secretary

Time out for Dinner . . .




Education Committee

Brother Frank Stanley, Chairman of Public Relations check notes with Committee Secretary Mrs. Agnes Hughes. Chairman Herman B. Smith confers with Brother Young and Past Chairman Thomas D. Pawley

Brothers L H. Stanton, Frank Stanley and J. Herbert King check office and reproduction equipment at National Headquarters. The conference was in session two days.


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*S£ j R f ^ Members of the Education Foundation conclude their two days confab.






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Brother L. H. Stanton, Chairman of Equitable Employment Bank checks resumes with Brother King.

Brother on the Cover...

Enviable Record of Brother Roy Wood WVON RADIO—CHICAGO (April 1963 - May 13, 1972) NEWS DIRECTOR AND EDITORIALIST — Directed a staff of five (5) newsmen, wrote and voiced editorials. CHANNEL 26 TV—CHICAGO (July 1968 - June 1970) — Produced and Anchored "Black's View of the News." This effort was sponsored for two (2) years by Western Electric. — Wrote and Produced "Footsteps to Democracy" for radio. These were historical documentaries (3 minutes including commercial). Sponsored by Sears and Blue Cross and Blue Shield Insurance in Chicago and Detroit. (1968-1971). WYNR RADIO — CHICAGO (Oct. 1961-April 1963) NEWS REPORTER WGES RADIO — CHICAGO (July 1969 - Oct. 1961) STAFF ANNOUNCER AND PERSONALITY DJ WHFC RADIO — CHICAGO (Foreign Language Station) (July 1957-June 1959) STAFF ANNOUNCER KATZ RADIO —ST. LOUIS, MO. (Dec. 1954-June 1957) PROGRAM DIRECTOR AND DJ — Responsible for producing programs and directing the off air activities of DJ personnel. (Community related activities.) As a result of his direction, KATZ was the number one (1) Black radio in the St. Louis area six (6) months after signing on the air Dec. 1954. There were two other Black stations in the market. Until today KATZ is No. 1 or 2. WJLD AM AND WJLN FM — BIRMINGHAM, ALA. (Nov. 1953-Dec. 1954) DISC JOCKEY — First full-time Black personality DJ on Iron Mountain in Birmingham, Ala. Aided in changing format to fulltime R & B programming and the hiring of all black personalities. Station No. 1 in market then and now! WIBC RADIO — INDIANAPOLIS (July 1950 - Oct. 1953) STAFF ANNOUNCER — First Black to hold that position on major network affiliate (MBS). Duties included general staff work assignments. Covered newscasts on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Hosted night time record shows: "Platter Party" and "Swing Shift" Monday thru Friday. Played a leading role in radio serial, "The Oldtimer." WIBC is Indiana's only 50KW station. Black radio was beginning to get bigger and he wanted to get into it, so he left WIBC for the job in Birmingham at less money. He felt that he could progress further in "Black Radio" than in General Market radio. WJVA RADIO — MISHAWAUKA, IND. (April 1949July 1950) STAFF ANNOUNCER — Staff announcer and morning sign on show "Sunrise Serenade." M.O.R. Music, Farm reports Livestock news and regular news. He left for better job and more money at WIBC, Indianapolis.

In 1946 after graduation from Columbia until his first real "job" in radio (WJVA) he had several "Time Broker" deals at various small broadcast facilities in the Chicago area. Outside the Broadcast field he has worked as an Insurance Agent and Broker. For the last two (2) years (1971 and 1972) he taught Journalism and Broadcast Speech at Malcolm X College in Chicago, Illinois, also lectured at Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University and at Columbia University School of Journalism. Currently an Associate Professor in School of Communication and Broadcast Journalism — Howard University — Washington, D. C. MEMBERSHIPS IN PROFESSIONAL AND CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS PAST BOARD MEMBER: RTNDA (Radio Television News Directors Association) INBA (Illinois News Broadcasters Association) SIGMA DELTA CHI Chicago Press Club The Headline Club ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chicago Mental Health Commission B.A.M.A. (Southern Black Broadcasters Org.) Boy Scouts of America (Ft. Dearborn Div.) Sears YMCA Coalition of Westside Community Org. South Shore Property Owners Assoc. Operation P.U.S.H. (People United to Save, etc.) A.F.T.R.A. (American Federation of TV and Radio Artists) MEMBER OF: N.A.A.C.P. Chicago Urban League YMCA The Black Media Reps. (Black Journalists Org.) National Ass'n of TV and Radio Announcers Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Concerned Parents of South Shore HONORS: Gold Mike Award (ACOR) 1968 Best Editorial Humanitarian Award 1967 American Friendship Award 1969 Gold Mike Award (ACOR) "Crime Stop" 1971 Good Citizenship Award (YMCA) 1970 Concerned Citizens Award (KOCO) 1970 Certificate of Merit (Malcolm X College) 1972 Nominated for local TV Emmy Award 1969 Best new TV show ("Black View of News") EDUCATION Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga. BA Degree Columbia University, New York, N. Y. MA Degree School of Journalism Columbia College of Fine Arts, Chicago, Illinois — Radio Announcing and Newscasting


BROTHER DARDEN BROTHER W. L TURNER... Elected President-Elect An Alpha Always on the Move of Eda, AAHPER

Another Phase of Brother W. L Turner The phases of a great work, the phases of the achievements in the life of a great man are like the phases in the unfolding of a beautiful rose. As the rose in its development reaches the phase wherein it resigns to unfold the inner petals, revealing to all who look upon it, its secret and giving freely its nectar and fragrance, so it is in the development and the unfolding of its achievements of Brother W. L. Turner. Phase 1, Brother W. L. Turner, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Turner, is a native of Aniston, Alabama. His childhood and early youth were spent in Gary, Indiana where he completed elementary and secondary education. Phase 2, "Be Prepared," was the echo of Brother W. L. Turner. Brother Turner received his B.S. Degree and his Master of Arts Degree from Howard University. Additional graduate work was done at: Virginia State College, Hampton Institute, New York University and William & Mary College. Phase 3, "Be Prepared to Give of Thyself," Brother W. L. Turner prepared to give of himself. Work Expierences include: Teaching positions in Claflin and South Carolina States Colleges in Orangeburg, South Carolina, Allen University, Columbia. South Carolina, Saint Phillips Junior College, San Antonio, Texas: Summer-Session Elizabeth State University, Elizabeth City, North Carolina and Extension Classes, Virginia State College, Petersburg, Virginia. Brother Turner became principal of East Suffolk High School in the fall of 1939, and remained in the Nansemond County School System in this capacity until 1965. In 1965, Brother Turner became principal of John F. Kennedy High School. After serving as principal for one year, Bro. Turner was appointed General Supervisor of Nansemond County Schools. Bro. Turner also served as Home-School Coordinator and Supervisor of Adult Education in Nansemond County Schools. Phase 4, Brother Turner, the educator, the humanitarian, the man who truly gave of himself and continues to give, retired in 1970. In the John F. Kennedy 18

Dr. Joseph S. Darden Jr. was elected President-Elect of the Eastern District Association, American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (EDA, AAHPER) at the EDA's 51st Annual Convention held at Mt. Airy Lodge, Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania, March 21-25, 1973. (The Eastern District Association, the largest of the six districts comprising the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, consists of the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont, and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.)

Brother Turner of Va.

School Paper-Brother is referred to as "OUR MAN ON THE GO." This in itself gives insight into the phases of his merit of achievement. May we review briefly some of his other activities: Served as recording secretary of Virginia State Secondary Principals Association, Chairman of Easter District Virginia Inter-Scholastic Athletic Association, Chairman of Secondary Principal's Study Group, Chairman of Board of Directors Tidewater Fair Association, President, Nansemond Credit Union Inc., Nansemond County Welfare Advisory Committee and Governors' Study Commission on Vocational Rehabilitation. At present, Brother Turner is a member of the Nansemond City Cancer Foundation. He is an active member of Saint Marks' Protestant Episcopal Church, Suffolk, Virginia and a member of Epsilon Iota Lambda (Chapter Member) of APA Fraternity. For Brother Turner, retirement is, but another phase—the phase of reaping a bountiful harvest and influencing the lives of his constituents. Brother Turner with his wife, Mrs. Gladys Ranee Turner, presently resides at 114 Cross Terrace, Suffolk, Virginia.

Brother Darden, a distinguished health educator, author and lecturer, is Professor of Health Education at Newark State College in Union, New Jersey. He is a Fellow of the American School Health Association and a member of its Governing Council. Brother Darden received the 1971 Distinguished Service Award from the American School Health Association and the Honor Fellow Award from the New Jersey Association of Health, Physical Education & Recreation (NJAHPER) in March 1972. A former President cron Lambda Chapter gia, he is the current Alpha Alpha Lambda ark, New Jersey.

of Gamma Omiin Albany, GeorVice President of Chapter of New-

A man with many "firsts," Brother Darden was the first Vice President for Health Education, NJAHPER, the first Black member of the Governing Council of ASHA, and the first Black President-Elect in the six districts comprising AAHPER. He is married to the former Barbara Sellers of Macon, Georgia who is the Coordinator of the East Orange-Upsala College Consortium Project. Mrs. Darden is the former Basileus of Delta Eta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority in Albany, Georgia. They have one daughter, Michele, a senior at Marylawn of the Oranges.

Gamma Upsilon Tougaloo College Gives Scholarship

N. A. A. C. P. LIFE MEMBERSHIP Eta Psi Chapter... Tucson, Arizona

Gamma Upsilon Tougaloo College gives scholarship.

The brothers of Gamma Upsilon Chapter Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and friends pose after ceremony for the late Bro. Stanford Ray Love who was killed in an auto accident. The ceremony was centered around the awarding of the First Stanford R. Love Memorial Scholarship. Miss Tresia Coleman, (the sixth person to the rght), a sociology-anthropology major from Flora, Miss, was the recipient. She was selected on the basis of scholastic achievement financial need and having worked and contributed most to the black community. Bro. Owens, (the fifth person from the right), President of Tougaloo College was speaker. He stressed the fact that; "There are times when greek organizations should work together toward accomplishing set goals, but you should never knock Alpha when as an individual group, they work hard and succeed. Scholarship in Alpha has always been first of all." Gamma Upsilon prides itself in the diversity and versatility of its membership of twenty-eight brothers. It is our philosophy that leadership and service are commodities which are most essential to the development of the black community. We lead in our community because we serve in it. Gamma Upsilon has fulfilled many of its aspirations for this year. The success of our endeavors naturally depended on the ambitions and hard work of the Chapter. Nevertheless, we realize that there is yet much to be done. So, we shall continue to strive for higher goals and our guiding light will always be the virtues of a house whose monarch is Goodwill. Bro. Willie J. Kelly Chapter Editor-to-the-Sphinx

The New Agenda


Eta Psi Lambda, Tucson, Arizona receives NAACP Lite Membership Plaque at March 1973 monthly NAACP Meeting. From Left to Right: Brothers Johnnie Zander; Marshall Franks, Chapter President; Charles Todd; Norman Bartee; Clarence Jolivet; Richard Davis; George Jackson; Felix Goodwin; and Tucson Chapter NAACP President F. Roger Hall holding plaque.

SIGMA THETA LAMBDA . . . Visits Lookout Mountain, Tenn.

Brothers ot Theta Sigma Lambda Chapter, Alcorn A. 4 M. College, Lorman, MS, tour Rock City Gardens at Look Out Mountain near Chattanooga, Tennessee during relaxing moments ot the Southern Region Convention, April 19-21, 1973 (I. to r.): Bro. Al W. Johnson, Chapter Ed. to Sphinx; Bro. Wilburn Fouche, Vice-President; Bro. Lewis Burke, Secretary; and Bro. John I. Hendricks, State Director.


HONORS FOR ALPHAS... Southern Regional Convention... Chattanooga, Tenn.

General President Washington poses with Bro. A. L. Johnson, winner of the Charlie Green Award of the Southern Region, and his son, Bro. Al W. Johnson, Placement Director, Alcorn A. & M. College, Lorman, Mississippi.


General President Washington congratulates Mississippi award winners Bro. A. L. Johnson (I.), Charlie Green Award, and Bro. R. W. Harrison (r.) Certificate of Merit Award, during the recent Southern Region Convention held at the Read House, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Bro. Johnson is President of Prentiss Institute Junior College, Prentiss, MS and a member of the State Parole & Probation Board. Bro. Harrison is a dentist and member of the State Board of Education. Also pictured is Bro. John I. Hendricks, Mississippi State Director, and Bro. Al W. Johnson, son of Bro. A. L. Johnson.

Baton Rouge, La.




Beta lota Lambda Chapter held its annual "Le Bal des Amoureux" recently in Baton Rouge with more than 300 brothers, wives, sweethearts and guests in attendance. Shown above are officers of the chapter and wives and sweethearts. Left to right are: Bro. and Mrs. Press Robinson; Beta lota Lambda President, Bro. James Prestage and wife; Bro. Vincent Jones and wife; Bro. Mitchell Albert and wife; Bro. Norman St. Amant and Miss Lois Fields; Bro. Henry Beilaire and wife; Bro. A. Z. Anderson and wife; Bro. Paul E. Waller and wife; Bro. Jack Jefferson and wife; Bro. Russell Ampy and Bro. Bennie Thomas and Mrs. Audrey D. LeBlanc.


Delta Omicron Initiates . . . A Black Counseling Program San Francisco Bay Area...




President Thad Brown, of Gamma Chi Lambda, addresses participants in the program seminar, at the Rainbow Sign, in Berkeley. Brother Brown has endorsed the program and has presented the program to the graduate chapter in San Francisco, Calif.

It has been nearly 2 years since thirty young college men and women from seven colleges and universities in the San Francisco Bay-Area began to lay a foundation of counseling services available for high school students. An academically proposed and useful educational program initiated under the auspices of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity has completed a full academic year of counseling service to the Oakland Public High Schools. The program initiated was named A Black-Counseling Program I. (ABCPI) Through counseling techniques and a special six-part lecture series prepared at the University of California at Berkeley, they're able to index the necessity for a guidance and counseling schedule. The ratios of counselee to counselor apathy have lately caused a national in California is 500 to One. Large percentages of absenteeism and genuine apathy have lately caused a national crises in education. The emphasis which this country has placed on education clearly surpasses any other American ideal. Educated men and women decide the attitudes and policies of this nation. Insuring an adequate and serviceable education, we understand, is one which the mind seizes and dwells upon with a peculiar in(Continued on page 22)

After a presentation in Stockton, California, coordinator Lange discusses how to implement a representative counseling program at the University there. Pictured are Jackie Diggs and Clarence Williams of the Black Student Union, University of Pacific.


Alpha brother Elmer Minnifield interviews junior-high they feel and think about their future education.



to see what

San Francisco Bay Area Counseling Service (Continued from page 21) terest. That interest gradually developes into opportunity and a chance to perform in a healthy society. Most importantly, society gains that contribution by the individual. The necessity for more black counseling programs is evident in every corner of the United States where Black people live. Our education system is in question and on trial in our cities' public high schools. Any contribution by us, as Alphas, as educators, and as students of education, becomes indispensable. We own a personalized experience of the expotential value of post-secondary education. Under the aegis of the Education Foundation and committees of that foundation, A Black Counseling Program, as an Alpha Outreach Program will be able to continue to develop relevant lecture series and counseling services. On two occasions, December 18, 1971 and April 29, 1972, the fraternity sponsored its first counseling seminar and fund-raising cocktail and dinner. Superintendent of Oakland Public Schools, Dr. Marcus A. Foster, and the Hon. Congressman Brother Ronald V. Dellums were key note speakers to each event respectively.


During a special LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Coordinator Michael Lange. prepares final instruction for the week long and intense presentations, to the Conference participants. The Leadership Conference was held at Contra Costa College in San Pablo, California, June 19-23, 1972.

Delta Omicron chapter initially introduced the counseling program from an essay-form homework assignment at the University of California. Author of

the essay, brother Michael Lange, has been able to restructure the paper into a proposal and later submitted it to the (Continued on page 23)


Denlse Poche makes an announcement during counseling meeting at the Unversity of California at Berkeley. Approximately 30 counselors assembled to discuss and disseminate information of the program to other counselors.


Alpha Brother Michael Lange, Coordinator and Education Chairman, lectures on Alpha's Black Counseling Program, Its purpose, themes and necessity for high school students.

San Francisco Bay Area Counseling

ft Alpha Brother Fred Mitchem (right) talks with counselee (left) Aaron on educational goals and family responsibilities. Brother Fred attends the University of California, Berkeley, and Aaron is a Junior at Oakland Technical High School.


Brother Daryle Thomas presents Fowler Beckford, president of Gamma Phi Lambda Chapter with an award In appreciation towards counseling the young, gifted and black.

Count Stovall, professional actor and health enthusiast, lectures on the importance of nutrutional dieting. His lecture Is being given before twenty students during their lunch hour at Fremont High School in Oakland, California. Folksinger Stan Wilson sings many of old and new folksongs which depicts the life of Black People in the United States. The performance was done at the Black Counseling Program Seminar, Dec. 18, 1971.

Asst. Co-ordinator Albert Nickleberry discusses Drug Abuse to Neighborhood Youth Corps II students at City Hall, Oakland, Calif. Pictured Is NYCII counselor Josephine Urso.

(Continued from page 22) proper educational channels. The chapter provided the initial manpower to implement the ideals of the proposed program. With the added endorsements of both graduate chapters in the bay-area, Gamma Chi Lambda and Gamma Phi Lambda. National endorsements of the Education Foundation has provided the necessary impetus to run a nine-month academic year program. The 1972-73 academic year will be a year for additional planning and observation of the problems which continue to frustrate and distress students. An ex-

pansion of the existing program will have to adjust to the seriousness of the educational needs. Further, the publicity and implementation of ABCP to San Jose, Calif, and Stockton, Calif, is on the drawing boards. Again, the need for more counseling programs will only begin to meet the urgent need to retrieve thousands of high schools' students on their last academic kick. These students represent our nations' future, and as Diogenes so aptly put it in 323 B.C., "The foundation of every State is the Education of its youth."


Salute to Chapter Presidents President of Kappa Epsilon Lambda


Brother Mathew Williams, Jr. President Delta Gamma Lambda Chapter

Send His Photograph


Brother James M. Trent

Brother Henry Clay who has served as vice-president of Eta Pi Chapter (Oshkosh) for several months was elevated to the office of president as a result of the graduation of Brother Dennis Bedford who was the chapter president.

Brother James M. Trent, Life Member, President of recently organized Kappa Epsilon Lambda Chapter in Prince gency fund for desegregation; member George's County, Maryland. This is the of the Prince George's Charter Com6th Alpha Chapter to join the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Coalition of mittee, which wrote the charter reorganizing the county government; member of Alpha Chapters. the Prince George's County NominaBrother Trent is also active with Theta Rho Lambda Chapter, Arlington, Va., tion Board. Also, past president of the where he was named "Alpha Man of Ardmore Citizens Council on Racial Disthe Year 1971." He received the cer- cord (ACCORD); member of the Prince tificate of Merit from Eastern Region Vice President in recognition for out- George's Chapter of the NAACP; and standing service as financial monitor for past Chairman of the Ardmore Cub Scout Pack Committee. He recently dethe Eastern Region during 1972. Brother Trent wrote "A Handbook veloped a paper on "Planning, Profor Managing Financial Resources" for gramming and Budgeting for Prince Theta Rho Lambda. However, his hand- George's County Secondary Schools." book has been adopted by many other Brother Trent invites all Alpha Brothchapters throughout the Fraternity. ers in Prince George's County to join Brother Trent is married and has four children but he still finds time to contri- Kappa Epsilon Lambda and move forbute service to community activities. He ward in the true Alpha style. has been active in a large number of civic enterprises in his community. These activities include: Don't Forget the Date . Charter member of the Prince George's County Coalition for School Desegregation; chairman of an advisory committee of the National Council Christians and Jews which manages a HEW grant as part of a school emer-

Mathew Williams, Delta Gamma Lambda President, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Brother Williams is married to Margaret Manigan. They have two children, Sallie Sonja and Gail Lynn. He is a member of First Antioch Baptist Church, Member of the Board of Trustees, and Chairman of Men's Day 1972. Brother Williams is a graduate of N.C.A. & T. State University, Greensboro, North Carolina and Treasurer of Cincinnati Chapter A&T Alumni Association. Among his awards is the Patent Award from National Distillers and Chemical Corporation. The Chapter honored past General President B. V. Lawson Annual Scholarship program June 23, 1973. Founders Day, December 8, 1973, General President Walter was the guest speaker. All Ohio Chapters were invited to participate with us.

. .

August 3-9 — New Orleans, La. 6 7 t h GENERAL CONVENTION


Salute Chapter President

Brother Sadler Honored in Georgia


Brother Charles Wesley Harvard Speaker

Brother A. G. Sadler

Brother James J. Prestage

Dr. James J. Prestage, Chairman of the Department of Computer Science at Southern University, has been named Dean of Academic Affairs on the Baton Rouge campus. Brother Prestage is a native of Alexandria, La., and was formerly professor of Biology prior to becoming chairman of the Computer Science Department. He has been a member of the Southern University faculty for 15 years and recently took a year's leave to serve as Associate Director of Louisiana's Coordinating Council of Education. Brother Prestage was named to the post by the Louisiana State Board of Education upon the recommendation of Southern University President G. Leon Netterville. He is presently serving as President of Beta Iota Lambda Chapter in Baton Rouge. A graduate of Southern University with a B.S. degree in Biology, Brother Prestage earned the masters and Ph.D. degree at the State University of Iowa. He is married to Dr. Jewell L. Prestage, Chairman of the Department of Political Science at Southern University.

ML ... •

Brother A. G. Sadler, recently received a 30 years outstanding service award from the Georgia Association of Vocational Agriculture Teachers. Sadler, was born and reared in Wilkinson County, Gordon, Georgia where he had his grammar school training, High School training at Hudson High and Ballard Normal, Macon, Georgia, B.S.A. degree agricultural & Technical College of Greensboro, N.C. Master's degree in four major fields of concentration from Tuskegee Institute, Alabama further additional training at Cornell Univ. Ithaca, N.Y., Abraham Balwin and the University of Georgia. Special training skills 1. Acetylene and arc welding, 2. Electricity, 3. Concrete masonry & Brick masonry, 4. Tractor operation & maintenance. He is certified in four fields and holds two certificates D-P-5 & D-T-5. During his twenty-seven years of service in Worth County, twenty-two of the years as teacher of agriculture and five as supervising teacher of the Veteran Farm Training Program in seventy-five counties of Georgia with headquarter's at Sylvester, Georgia. Some of his accomplishments in Sylvester are as follows — Constructed two Voc. Ag. Bldgs., two canning plants, served as chairman of the Black Fund Raising committee for construction funds in the construction of Worth County Hospital, first Black member of Draft Board, Stock holder at the Bank of Worth, served on the Title program for

Dr. Charles Wesley

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Brother Charles H. Wesley, retired executive director and former president of the Association for the Study of African-American Life and History spoke on "DuBois and Africa" at Harvard University on Tuesday night, March 20. Brother Wesley's talk was sponsored by Harvard's Afro-American Studies Department, headed by Professor Ewart Guinier. The Department is currently trying to get Harvard to establish a W.E.B. DuBois Institute for Afro-American Research for graduate and undergraduate students. public Beautification in the county, notary for twenty-one years, serving as Co-ordinator of Worthmor Enterprises in the development of Highland Park 175 lot subdivision for the Black citizenry of Worth County. He is a member of Brown's chapel C.M.E. church, life member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Georgia Teachers Assn. Ga. Voc. Teachers Assn. American Vocational Association, Worth County Teachers, Assn. Y.M.C.A. and Honory member of Georgia Sheriff Association. Brother Sadler is a charter member of Gamma Omicron Lambda Chapter in Albany, Georgia.


Message From A n Assistant Vice President To the Delegates, Alternates and Visiting Brothers in Attendance at the 66th Anniversary, General Convention Assembled in Denver, Colorado, 1972 Brother General President and Brothers: Within, I will convey the moods of College Brothers of ALPHA PHI ALPHA, in the Western Region. Too many times in the past, College Brothers have left the running of the Fraternity completely in the hands of the Graduate Brothers. However, I finally believe in the old adage that "Two heads are better than one." Understandingly College Brothers initiated moves indicative to Alpha West by working hand in hand with both college and alumni affairs, creating organizations as Tri Chapter Committee in Los Angeles and the Region wide "A Black Counseling Program (A.B.C.P.) originating in Oakland California. In the cities of San Diego, California and Tucson, Arizona, college and alumni brothers function as one chapter providing definite goals and objectives that both age groups share as a unified force in the community. The program outlined for the College Brothers in Alpha West are of three basic directions, they are: 1. Professional efficiency 2. Social and political involvement 3. Scholarship In our College Brothers chapters, Alpha has involved itself in exposing to Blacks that college life can be both enjoyable and an essential component to the eventual goal of development of the Black community. Communication has been the greatest problem of the region. A constant flow of materials and information to all the chapters, however, has resulted with great improvement in this area. Because chapter officers usually change year after year, which means that the address to which chapter correspondence is sent changes, too, it was recommended by this office that chapters secure post office rental boxes in order to have permanent mailing addresses. This is now being done by many chapters of the region. At present, the region consists of nine (9) active college chapters in Alpha West with colonies located at Redlands University. Calif., Chico State College, California; California Polytechnic University,

Brother Charles Grant Lewis Western Assistant Vice President

Pomona California; and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Efforts are underway to re-activate college chapters at Denver University, Portland University, and Tucson, Arizona. I am proud to announce the latest college chapters in Alpha West besides Zeta Theta in a decade; Theta Eta, University of California, Davis and Eta Sigma, San Diego, California. On May 19th and 20th, we carried our program into Oakland, California, for all concerned, the First California College Brothers Seminar and Workshops, and there heard the challenge of Michael Lange to Alphas concerning "A Black Counciling Program" and President of Delta Omicron, Albert Nicholsberry, "The Role of Black Greeks in large Ango Colleges and Universities." — GOALS FROM CONFERENCE — Some of the goals of College Brothers in the Western Region are: More effective methods of reclamation; more adequate coverage in the SPHINX magazine, increase the total number of college brothers nationally financial above 200, permanent mailing addresses, a fraternity house in every city or campus where a chapter is chartered, that college brothers advance directly into Alumnae Chapters immediately after graduation or after having been in college brother chapter four or five years, a chapter manual for both college and alumni brothers, in the form of question and answers to be used as trouble shooter in areas concerning Alpha policies.

— A BLACK COUNSELING PROGRAM — "By program and meaningful action shall Alpha mature and develop; never by dialogue and rhetoric." Such were the words by Brother President Judge Ernest N. Morial on April 10, 1972 in Mobile Alabama. Some time ago, ALPHA PHI ALPHA attempted a courageous bodily movement of counseling Black youth. From an expression to an idea, an intention to a proposal, a program and finally a community project: we speak of over 18 months of diligent and dedicated work. The Black Counseling Program I finds itself striking the balance most favorable to Black students; further its purpose is to instill an emphasis on quality education through counseling as it relates to Black people. An effective counseling program designed and proposed for young Black high school students is an immense undertaking. It requires commitment and dedication to the tenets of education. The proposal is designed to meet the terrific undertaking by exposing the worthiness of an education to young Blacks. Further, it is the aim and purpose of the program to reach these Black youth who do not know what it is, or know what it is not, in regards to continuing in an educational or vocational endeavor. Guidance and direction with a purpose for Blacks and by Blacks is of prime concern here. — IN CONCLUSION — As you have noticed in my report, there is no mention of brutality, because there was none; No mention of College Brother — Alumni Brother problems, for there are none! The mere use of the word suspension was nearly deaf in Alpha West. My sincere appreciation again to all the chapters in the Western Region, for supporting my program and the programs of ALPHA PHI ALPHA especially: Alpha Delta and Gamma Xi for their community efforts and support of Brother Larry Hollyfield and the U.C.L.A. National Basketball Cham(Conrinued on page 27)

SALUTE TO A CHAPTER PRESIDENT Theta Zeta Lambda Chapter, Ann Arbor, Michigan Brother W. E. Alexander, President L-265 Theta Zeta Lambda Chapter 2787 Manchester Blvd. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Married and has two sons, Harold B. Alexander and Alfred E. Alexander. B.S. degree Hampton Institute M.S. degree University of Wisconsin M.A. degree University of Michigan M.A. degree Honorary Certificate — Workshop in Supervision, Applied Sciences and Natural Resources. Post-Graduate Study — School of Natural Resources and Ecology in the Natural Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Certificate — Environmental Institute, Wayne State University, Detroit. Visiting Scholar in Plant Physiology, Department of Botany, University of Mich. Basic Research on Photoperiodic Adaptation in Naturally Cccurring Species in Xanthium strumarium. (United States and Canada). Membership — American Association of University Professors. National Institute of Science National Association of Biology Teachers. National Education Association. Michigan Education Association American Association for the Advancement of Science. American Institute of Biological Sciences. Association of Community College Biologists. Conservation Education Association. American Association of Animal Science Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Life Member Hampton Alumni Association. University of Wisconsin Alumni Association. University of Michigan Alumni Association. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Outstanding Life Member 1972 at Denver Convention. Outstanding Midwestern Region Life Member 1972. Chapter President of Most Outstanding Chapter in Midwestern Region and All Alpha. Recognized in the University of Mich-

Asst. Vice President (Continued from page 26) pions; Alpha Epsilon and Delta Omicron for our "A Black Counseling Program;" Theta Eta, University of California Davis for their work on expanding Alpha in California and Epsilon Mu, San Jose State University for their unyielding and dedicated involvement on the trial of Angela Davis and other political prisoners. To the Western Vice President, Brother Thaddeus H. Hobbs, who has traveled extensively throughout the region. He has done an excellent job in assisting college chapters focus their attention on the issues of the day. — RECOMMENDATIONS — I.

Local alumni chapters establish a fund to sponsor college brothers as delegates to the National Convention. Such funds should be allocated and submitted to the perspective college chapter no later than 90 days prior to the National Convention. In the case of those alumni chapters not having college chapters in these or their local will submit their contributions to the Vice President to be dispersed equally among college chapters within their perspective regions.


All financial college chapters (within the guidelines set by the constitution) be given (free of charge) one delegate having voting powers. (This does not include the social functions)

Brother W. E. Alexander, 2787 Manchester Blvd., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104.

gan Alumnus and the Ann Arbor News July '72. Coordinate Activities with College Brothers at the University of Michigan, Epsilon Chapter and Epsilon Eta Chapter at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti. Chapter active in GET-OUT THE VOTE DRIVE and VOTER REGISTRATION in the local area. Active in securing information from all available sources such as local colleges and Universities and other sources to aid needy minorities in securing funds for educational purposes. Active in securing employment, upgrading skills, and advancements on the jobs for minorities and Alpha men. Also involvement in the Big Brother Program. Coordinate our efforts with other Greek Letter Organizations, Alpha Wives program, An Evening with Alpha Wives for all Brothers, and Annual Social and Picnic with College Brothers and Families of All Alphas.

III. That allocations for the Vice Presidents and Assistant Vice Presidents be increased $200.00. IV. Develop creative ways through which the resources and expertise of college and alumni brothers can provide these items which can be utilized by other brothers and for greater development of the Black community. Fraternally submitted, Brother Charles Grant Lewis Western Assistant Vice President

Theta Zeta Lambda Chapter has a membership of 45 brothers, 25 are Life Members and 20 are partial Life Members. (Continued on page 28)


Chapter President Honors Membership Ann Arbor, Michigan (Continued from page 27) Brother BUly Taylor There were bright spots aplenty in Michigan's 1971-72 winter sports program, but the over-all results were something of a disappointment. In Big Ten competition, the Wolverines collected two second-place finishes, a pair of thirds and a fifth. The Maize and Blue basketball team, hopeful until the last of pulling out a share of second place, came up with a seasonending flat performance, losing to Iowa and winding up in a tie for third with Indiana on a 9-5 conference record. The future, however, is far from grim. Henry Wilmore, an All Big Ten choice ,and Ken Brady will be back next season (as co-captains), along with starters John Lockhard and Ernie Johnson. Michigan's undefeated freshmen, led by Campy Russell and Joe Johnson, will arrive to fight for starting position and add bench strength. Michigan's swimmers made it 12 consecutive second place finishes in the Big Ten meet, bowing to unbeatable Indiana. Breaststroker Stu Isaac, a Sophomore from Amherst, N. Y., won Big Ten titles at both the 100 and 200 yards. Byron MacDonald is one of the top butterfly men in the nation. Michigan lost only two meets this season — to Indiana and Southern Methodist. The Wolverines fell short by just six-tenths of a point in the Big Ten gymnastics meet, losing out to Iowa, despite a valiant comeback effort. After the two-day event was over, Iowa's all-around champion Dean Showalter said, "I thought we'd win by a lot more after the compulsories. Michigan was all guts." The final tally: Iowa 157.36, Michigan 156.7. Michigan's wrestling team emerged from the Big Ten meet with a third-place finish with Sophomore Jerry Hubbard successfully defending his 150-pound crown and Junior Mitch Mendrygal surprising by winning the 158-pound title. Dixon Farmer's Michigan track team finished fifth in the Big Ten indoor meet but should be better outdoors. The hockey team battled valiantly but could not quite achieve the Hockey Association playoffs. As the action turns to spring, Michigan's baseball team returned from its excursion into Arizona and awaited their regular season opener against the University of Detroit. Tennis Coach Brian Eisner was encouraged by the play of his team in a southern swing in March, even though the club went 1-3, defeating Texas A&M and losing to Corpus Christi, Southern Methodist and Trinity. Billy Taylor, Michigan's superb tailback, was honored in late February by his fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, at that organization's Black and Gold Dinner Dance in Ann Arbor. Taylor, who compiled a number of football records during his three-year varsity career, was the man of the hour as both the undergraduate chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha and the alumni chapter of the fraternity paid him tribute.


A special guest at the affair was University President Robben W. Fleming. In part, President Fleming told the audience: "Billy Taylor's feats on the football field are well known and his name will long survive in the Big Ten football record. The same is true of his accomplishments on the campus as a leader and an example-setter. His work in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes deserves high commendation and it is fitting that the United Churchmen's Association has honored him as the outstanding football player active in the field of religion. His contributions to young people through counseling in the elementary and secondary schools of Ann Arbor are still another measure of his interest in and desire to be of service to others. "And so I join in honoring Billy Taylor, not only for his great accomplishments for Michigan on the football field, but also for his highly commendable activity off the playing field." Taylor set all-time marks for Michigan in the number of rushing attempts (587) and total yards gained (3,072). His 32 touchdowns ranks second only to Tom Harmon's 33. He was All-Big Ten for three straight years, the Big Ten's most valuable player in 1971, and was named to several All-American teams. Present also for the occasion was Belford V. Lawson, Jr., class of 1924, a Washington, D. C , attorney. Lawson is a national past president of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity and is that organization's general counsel. The event honoring Taylor was arranged by W. E. Alexander, '58MA, of Ann Arbor, the current president of the Theta Zeta Lambda (alumni) chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha.

Huron Valley National Bank Mr. William E. Alexander 2787 Manchester Road Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Dear Bill: I read with interest the Ann Arbor News article citing you for your outstanding work in the Alpha Phi Alpha. It is just such citizens as you, Bill, that make not only our community of Ann Arbor but our country as well a better place in which to live, work, raise our families and enjoy our American heritage. We extend to you our heartiest CONGRATULATIONS for your past, unselfish, highly successful efforts, and best of wishes in all present and future endeavors. Personal regards. Very truly yours, Jay J. DeLay, President

The General President Meets College Brothers

Alphas Hold Founders Day Fete Delta Lambda Chapter... Baltimore, Md. The exclusive Center Club at One Charles Center was the setting for the Sixty-sixth Founders' Day Celebration of Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc., on Saturday, February 3. The affair, sponsored by the Delta Lambda Chapter of Baltimore was truly a night to remember. It was the first time in the Club that a predominately black of its elegant facilities. Attorney and member of the club, made

FUTURE LEADERS OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY AND THE BLACK CAUSE Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., fully realizes the importance of the constant infusion of young, vigorous life blood into its ranks. For this reason, its top leaders not only find time for the young college brothers, but actively seek them out. Here surrounded by highly motivated young men of Alpha is its General President, Dr. Walter Washington. Young college brothers are, from left to right: Milto Gutierrez, Caesar Raynor, John Billingsley, Dr. Washington, John 'Skip' Williams, Ian Ochoa, Eugene Strothers, and Jackie Wilson.

Honors for An Alpha Wife

history of the elite Center organization has made use Charles Howard, an Alpha the necessary arrangements.

The Program Committee chairman. Wilson Bell introduced the speaker for the evening, Brother Charles P. Howard, Jr. Attorney Howard earned his Doctorate of Jurisprudence from Howard University and a Masters Degree from New York University in International Relations. He is a senior partner in the Howard, Brown and Williams law firm of this city. He is a member of several Bar Associations which include the American, Maryland State, Baltimore and Monumental. He is on the Executive Council of the Boy Scouts of America, from whom he has received the coveted Silver Beaver Award. Brother Howard is also on the board of the Arena Players and the YMCA, and is presently Eastern Vice-President of Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc. Brother Howard cited some of the city's great Alpha men who were giants in their vocations as well as in the Baltimore community. Among those Alpha men mentioned were Dr. P.D.Q. Pennington, Dr. D.O.W. Holmes, Dr. A. Bradshaw Higgins, Dr. Carl Murphy, Dr. Walter Dixon, Dr. Miles Conner, and Mr. Frank Veney. Dr. Frederick Dedmond, former Chairman of the Foreign Language Department at Morgan State College, presented awards to the former Alpha Presidents who were assembled. Brother Dedmond opened his remarks by giving recognition to the women who have stood behind the successes of nil Alpha men. The Past Presidents of Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc., were Brothers Frank Walker; Robert Smith, Professor of English, Morgan State College: Dr. Maurice Doles; Dr. Walter Dixon, former City Councilman and Dean of Cortez Peters Business School; Pierre Davis. Principal, City College; Dr. Maurice Adams; Dr. Clifton R. Jones, Chairman of the Sociology Department, Howard University; Paul Moss, Afro-American Newspapers, Atty. Charles Howard; Herman Sydnor; James Murphy; C. C. Jackson and current President Wesley Shelton. The recipients of the Past Presidents Awards are outstanding in their chosen fields. These Brothers have collectively given over 150 years of service to the Delta Lambda Chapter of APA.

PHILADELPHIA, PA. During the holiday season, the ladies of Alpha, auxiliary of Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., entertained a number of guests in a rather festive atmosphere. On this occasion a presentation was made to the immediate past president Mrs. Earl O. Free tor dedicated services rendered to the organization. Presentation was made by Mrs. W. Norwood Thomas, president, with the assistance of Mrs. Leonard Sloan, vice president.

Other awards were presented by the President Shelton to the late Brother Carl J. Murphy who installed the Del'.a Lambda Chapter in Baltimore on January 22, 1920. He was presented an engraved plaque. It was accepted by his dauhgter Mrs. Betty Moss. Brother Raymond Carpenter, the only surviving charter member of Delta Lambda Chapter was also awarded a plaque. It was accepted by his son Mr. Raymond Carpenter, Jr. (Continued on page 35)


Boston Chapter Hosts Black College Graduates at Job Seminar

Brothers greet Past Eastern Vice Proxy Morris.

Epsilon Gamma Lambda Chapter, in conjunction with Mack Hackett Associates, Inc. (a minority owned employment agency), recently carried out a twoday employment seminar in Boston that may well be the first of an annual series, for it brought together highly qualified students from predominantlyBlack colleges in the southern and border states with the personnel-hungry Blue Chip corporations of the northeastern part of the country. We knew that such national corporations as Polaroid, Star Market (a Jewell Company), Millipore, Honeywell, IBM, Sperry-Rand, etc. were anxious to hire professionally trained people at the entry level. We knew that jobs in that part of the world aren't quite as plentiful as they are in the North. Subsequent talks with fraternity brothers in education (including Brother Walter Washington) convinced us that a natural Market condition existed. All we needed was a catalyst. After discussing it within Epsilon Gamma Lambda Chapter, we decided to provide the spark to bring the two groups together. First, we canvassed the potential hiring firms on a more formal basis and asked if they were willing to take part; reception of the idea convinced us there was considerable enthusiasm for the concept.


Brother Hackett conferring with attendees.

Next we began systematically contacting the colleges. We explained the plan to administrators and placement offices and once again met with ready acceptance. Our original goal was 40 colleges and 2,000 resumes, but we started to run out of time so we arbitrarily cut off after reaching 21 colleges and some 1500 resumes. We also had to back off on our original plan to lease a plane for the trip. We had picked the beginning of the winter vacation week for our seminar and none of the major airlines could spare a jet for a charter. One of the newest luxury hotels in the Boston area, the posh Newton Marriott was selected as the site for the meeting and a flexible plan was set up to house and feed up to 200 students and an indeterminate number of sponsor-recruiters. Travel arrangements were handled by a Black-owned travel agency who arranged for the individual plane tickets for the outlying areas and helped us sign up buses for some ne&rby colleges. The resumes began to roll in through the mail and as they came in we began signing up companies throughout our area. Progress was slow at first, but as we gained experience in "selling" our program, the companies began to sign up more readily. We feel that in this

area, too, if we had allowed ourselves more lead-time we might have doubled our attendance, but once again time began to run out on us. Of invaluable assistance in getting our program off the ground was some excellent publicity given us by the New England Minority JOB SHOPPER, published by Boston attorney Brother Richard A. Young. The program received the endorsement of Brother Senator Edward Brooks and Governor Francis Sargent, and publicity in the JOB SHOPPER helped us get this information across to the employing community in Massachusetts. Despite careful advance planning, the last week before the seminar became a scramble as we set up individual schedules for every student invited to the seminar and cross-fitting schedules for every employer who signed up for the meeting. The final kinks in the paperwork were completed the morning of Friday, February 16, and then the kinks in the transportation began. As sometimes happens in February in Massachusetts, the mercury hovered at zero, the wind blew, it snowed and transportation became snarled. A host of wonderful volunteers and some co-operative bus drivers allowed us to get the last lambs bedded down around 2:30 a.m. (Continued on page 31)

Boston Chapter Alphas Planned Big Eastern Convention Job Seminar New York City

ALPHAS IN SESSION PLANNING EASTERN REGIONAL CONVENTION Lett to Right: Fred D. Atwater, Alfred Sanders, Clarence Thomas, L. H. Stanton Leon DeKalb Marshall E. Williams, Wilbert Roblchaux, Walter Johnson, Luther Mimms, Henry W. Rice, Lacy Ray, Jr., Grafton Gilchrist, Alvin L. Wilks, Dick Campbell, Clarence E. Jacobs, Donald F. Fenton, Lis R. Hall, George L. Van Amson, Harry L. Hollings, Jr., Jack N. Farrington, Clifford R. Clemmons, Henri Robert Lamothe.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, the oldest predominantly Black fraternity in America met here at the Americana Hotel for its Annual Eastern Regional Convention on Thursday, April 12th. The convention ran three days to Sunday, April 15th inclusive. Nine Northeastern States ranging from Massachusetts to Virginia had delegates as well as several foreign Chapters from Bermuda, England, the Virgin Islands, Germany, Liberia, Saigon and the District of Columbia. The theme of the convention was "Re-dedication and Self Determination: Alpha's Goals for the mid-Seventies." A new and meaningful innovation at the Convention was the Career Planning and Job Opportunities Program in which Senior College students, recent graduates, both male and female, were interviewed with a view to job placement. Major corporations maintained booths throughout the convention period for the purpose of interviewing pro-

spective applicants. Although a number of business sessions were held, the lighter side of the convention did not go wanting. Alpha brothers, wives and sweethearts were entertained with an opening Cocktail Reception at the United Nations on Thursday, April 12th from 8 to 10 P.M. A Theatre Party to see "The River Niger" a production of the Negro Ensemble Company was scheduled for Friday at 7 P.M., while later the same evening at 10 P.M. a "Bait-A-Date" Dance took place at the Americana. Saturday at 1 P.M. a Luncheon for the Ladies was held in the Mercury Room of the New York Hilton, while later the same evening a Reception and Banquet was followed by a Formal Dance. Andrew Young, newly elected Congressman from Atlanta, Georgia was the guest speaker at the Banquet. Young is the latest Alpha man to join a group of Washington legal minds which includes Supreme Court Justice Thurgood

(Continued from page 30) Meanwhile, we had organized an informal dinner party and reception for early arrivals where they were introduced to leaders of the Minority community in the Greater Boston area — and to local students. The objective of this gathering was to let the visitors do some probing on an informal basis of what it's like to live in New England. The day's interviewing began at 7:30 sharp and the employer-employee matching went on until the evening hours. Many leaders of the Massachusetts community attended to speak or to observe — among them Ken Guscott, president of the Boston chapter of NAACP and Jack Lichtenstein of Senator Brooke's office. Employers and observers alike were charmed by the young people, who were universally bright, charming and conservatively dressed. Ken Guscott said, "I didn't see a single fringed skirt, a single pair of dungarees or a wild natural all day." Television crews from Boston's ABC and CBS affiliates taped the seminar and other media also covered the event. Throughout the afternoon the youngsters departed by ones and twos for their homes or campuses, but the recruiters with their weekends already split, had time to sit in for a lengthy post mortem. The concensus was that the seminar was a success and a bargain. Several recruiters pointed out that there was no way they would have gotton to 21 campuses to see 15 or 16 applicants; no way — if they had gone — that they could have been sure that the best and the brightest students would come in to see them. A half dozen made commitments then and there to come back next year if Alpha Phi Alpha does it again. It looks as if we don't have any choice. We'll have to do it again. Marshall, Senator Edward Brooke, Congressmen Dellums, Rangel and others. Charles P. Howard, Jr., Baltimore Attorney is President of the Eastern Region of Alpha Phi Alpha, Lacy Ray, Jr. of Jamaica and Grafton Gilchrist of Brooklyn are Chairman and Co-Chairman of the Convention committee.


Doings During The Eastern Regional Today and Yesterday - General Presidents

TOWERING GIANTS OF ALPHADOM Shown above are two of Alpha Phi Alpha's most highly regarded personalities. Its current General President, Dr. Walter Washington, President of Alcorn College in Mississippi and past General President, Belford V. Lawson, Jr., a Washington attorney and widely regarded as Mr. Alpha. The occasion: Alpha Phi Alpha's highly successful Eastern Regional Convention held from April 12-15 at the Americana Hotel here in New York City.

EASTERN REGIONAL TOP LEVEL PLANNING STAFF Key figures in the smashingly successful Alpha Phi Alpha Eastern Regional Convention just concluded at the Americana Hotel here in fun city, are shown above. These Eastern leaders of America's oldest predominantly Black college fraternity, are, left to right: Clarence Jacobs of New York; Clifford Clemmons, New York State Director; Henry Gray Gillem, Virginia State Director; Jerry Martin, Newsletter Editor; McKinley Hackett, Massachusetts State Director; Otha Brown, Connecticut State Director, and La Rue Meyer, College Chapter representative. Seated: Grafton Gilchrist, Co-chairman Eastern Regional Convention Committee; Lacy Ray, Jr., Chairman Eastern Regional Convention; Charles P. Howard, Jr., Baltimore attorney and Eastern Regional Vice President, and Frank Devine, Eastern Pennsylvania Director. The above brothers deserve a great deal of credit for a job well done.


Brother Andrew Young, Congressman from Atlanta, Georgia is shown with Maxine Dargan, former aide to Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. receiving A.C.D. Humanitarian Award at Eastern Regional Convention, April 13, 1973. Brother Young was the main speaker at the Eastern Regional Convention.

ALPHA PHI ALPHA EASTERN REGIONAL LEADERS ASSEMBLE AT CONVENTION Shown above are some of the hardest working and most influential Alpha men on the Eastern seaboard. From left to right, they are: Clarence E. Jacobs, N. Y. State Director; Harry White, New Jersey State Director; Albert Holland, newly appointed General Counsel for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; Otha Brown, Connecticut State Director; William Decker Clarke, Former Vice President, Eastern Region; Jerry Martin, Editor of Alpha's Newsletter, and Wilbert Robichaux, Eastern Regional Planning Committee member. A highlight of the Convention was its very active job recruitment campaign which thus far has produced over 600 jobs for young black males and females. Economic and political empowerment is a very important item on Alpha Phi Alpha's "New Agenda."

Senior Fulbright-Hayes Professorship West Africa . . .

Beta Delta in Action

Harry Corley, president of Beta Delta, has been selected as South Carolina Under-graduate Alpha Man of the Year. He was presented a plaque and numerous other honors were bestowed upon the chapter from 1962-1964. He be- him at the state convention. The convention was held in Columbia, came a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha and Brothers Randy Heyward, Johnny Fraternity in 1966. Brother Jones received the Bachelor Talbert, Thurgood White, Kenneth Mcof Science degree from Morris Brown Donald, Harry Corley, Joe Singleton, and College in Biology in 1950; the Master Dumont Pleasant attended. The reigning Miss Alpha Phi Alpha of Science degree in Biology was awardis Miss Marion J. Rutledge, a senior ed by Northwestern University in 1952, majoring in Business Education. She and he won the Ph.D. degree at the hails from Health Springs, S. C. Her Ohio State University in Zoology in 1960. Dr. Jones served as Professor of hobbies and interest include bowling, Biology and Department Head at Augus- reading black literature, sewing and traveling. Her future plans include teachtine's College until 1966, when he was ing high school business education and appointed as Academic Dean. He served eventually going on to graduate school. as Dean until 1969 and was then apMiss Sandra L. Corley reigns as Miss pointed as the Vice President for AcaAlflamingo. Sandra hails form Columdemic Affairs at Saint Augustine's Colbia, S. C , and is a sophomore majoring lege. in Elementary Education. Her hobbies Brother Jones has been the recipient are swimming, bowling, and sewing. of numerous awards and honors includ- Sandra will relinquish her crown to her ing a Danforth Teaching Fellowship; a successor during first semester of our United Negro College Fund Fellowship upcoming year. and a Danforth Associateship. Brother During the first semester the SYMJones was appointed a Fellow of the BOLIC SIX which consisted of BrothOhio Academy of Science in 1966 and ers Alfonsa Ragin, Durmont Pleasant, holds professional memberships in vari- Joe Singleton, Thomas Leach, Thurgood ous organizations including the American White, and Herbert McKinney had the Society of Parasitologists, The Ohio highest grade point ratio for any A Phi Academy of Science and The American A line in the state of South Carolina. Institute of Biological Sciences. Brothers Randy Heyward, Johnny TalHe was elected to membership in the bert, Harry Corley, Alfonsa Ragin, KenSigma Xi Scientific Honor Society in neth McDonald along with Brother 1959 and serves as adviser to Alpha Kap- Ronald Madden attended the Regional pa Mu Honor Society at Saint Augus- Convention in Chattanooga, Tenn. held April 19th-22nd 1973. Brother Heyward tine's College. His publications include articles writ- was a candidate for the office of Southten in the Journal of Parasitology, Acaro- ern Region Assistant Vice President. Beta Delta welcomes into the bonds of logia (a foreign journal), and most rebrotherhood their two brothers: James cently a treatise in the Ohio Journal of Graham and Cornell Richardson. James Science dealing with parasites of Corvid is a junior mathematics major and vice birds. president of the Student Government Brother Jones is married to the former Association, and Cornell is a sophomore Etta Mitchell, and they have two daughtmajoring in professional history. ers.

Awarded to Brother Joseph Jones

Dr. Joseph Jones

Dr. Joseph Jones, a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha, has been awarded a Senior Fulbright-Hays Professorship to lecture in parasitology and microbiology at the University of Science and Technology in Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa. The lectureship begins in September 1972. At the present time, Brother Jones serves as the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Biology at Saint Augustine's College in Raleigh, North Carolina. The Fulbright-Hays program for the international exchange of persons was created by an Act of Congress and is administered by the United States Department of State. Scholars and lecturers chosen for Fulbright grants must compete with applicants from throughout the country. Dr. Jones was one of four Black Americans selected as Senior Professors for the African program. While in Ghana, in addition to lecturing, Brother Jones is planning some research projects in parasitology. Also, he and his family will travel in various parts of Ghana and in other countries of Africa in order to become better acquainted with African folklore, dances and customs. Brother Jones has been a member of Phi Lambda Chapter in Raleigh since 1952 and served as the President of

Work Shop

(Continued from page 14)

GRATITUDE For the many expressions of confidence, good will, honest fellowship and devotedness, as was evidenced at ALL of the Regional Conventions, the Executive Secretary, who by choice leaves office December 31, 1973, is indeed grateful. It is very true those Regional Conventions were the last to be attended by him in an official capacity, — his love and devotion to the many brothers throughout the Country will last as long as his life lasts. For the many tributes, gifts and presentations he says: "THANK YOU." 33

Rutgers U Confers Honorary Doctorate on Brother Paul Robeson NEW BRUNSWICK — Rutgers University presented Brother Paul Robeson Jr. the diploma, hood and citation symbolic of the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters which it had conferred upon his ailing father. Dr. Edward J. Brother Bloustein, president Paul Robeson Jr. of the State University presided at the simple ceremony which honored the man who graduated with honors from Rutgers College in 1919 and went on to "give the common man of all races and all lands a new vision of himself." The degree had been conferred on the occasion of Robeson's 75th birthday anniversary, April 9. It was the high point of a week-long celebration of the one-time ail-American football player's distinguished career. Surrounded by a group of Alphas, his father's friends and admirers, the younger Robeson accepted the symbols of the degree in behalf of his father, who is confined to his home in Philadelphia by illness. This was the third degree conferred by his alma mater on its internationallyrenowned son—Bachelor of Arts in 1919, an honorary Master of Arts in 1932 and now the honorary doctorate. The citation accompanying the degree read: "Grandson of slaves, Benjamin and Saba, and son of escaped slave, William, you have been called 'the tallest tree in our forest', and your voice 'the finest musical instrument wrought by nature in our time.' We celebrate today your abundant gifts, not the least of which is the humane and heroic quality of your life. "After a period of neglect too long contributed to an countenanced by the University, we return to you with this degree some small portion of that great honor you have brought to us. "Scholar, athlete, man of letters, artist, political leader, you have illumined and ennobled each of these areas of human experience, setting thereby a


measure of worth for all men and all time. "By song, deed and word you have touched men's minds, no less than their hearts. You have given the common man of all races and all lands a new vision of himself. "Now, therefore, because you have sung the song of freedom and human worth for all the world to hear, under the authority vested in me by the Board of Governors of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, I hereby confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, with all the rights, privileges and immunities pertaining thereunto, here and elsewhere."

Brother Paul Robeson, Sr. in one of his famous roles.

Meet Civil Rights Champion . . . Chattanooga, Tenn.

Clarence Bernard Robinson, noted Educator and Civil Rights champion in the city of Chattanooga is one of the recipients of Alpha's recognition award, each year presented at the Southern Regional Convention by vice-president Brother Bennie Harris. Brother Meredith G. Feguson received the same award In absention. Shown here with Mr. Robinson, a long time Polemarke of the Alumni chapter of Kappa Alpha PsI Is (L. to R.) Mrs Lillian Robinson, wife of the recipient, his daughter Mill Marie Robinson the honoree and vice-president Harris. The award read In part: "To Clarence Bernard Robinson, Educator, Civic Leader and champion of Human Rights in the city of Chattanooga — The Southern Region of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity by this presentation illustrates its finest principle, that delights In all forward steps. You earned this recognition and Alpha Is pleased to present It."

Doctorate of Music

Ray Scruggs Honored

for Brother Edward Ellington Brother Ellington

Brother Duke Ellington, a pioneer of sophisticated jazz and internationally celebrated musician-composer, received an honorary doctor of music degree Wednesday from Columbia University. Brother Ellington was one of ten persons to receive honorary degrees at the University's 219th commencement exercises. He was cited as a 'pioneer of concert jazz in extended forms; innovator of ingenious instrumental colors . . . and as a major influence upon generations of composers and musicians." The Duke delivered the principal address at the University's 75th annual alumni luncheon held earlier in Wollman Auditorium of Ferris Booth Hall, and later in cap and gown at the commencement exercises received the honorary doctorate from Columbia's President Dr. William J. McGill.

Founders Day

Brother Ramon Scruggs

NEW YORK, N. Y. — Brother Ramon Scruggs, an A. T. & T. executive, was honored at an awards dinner dance at the Commodore Hotel, Thursday evening, March 29. The fete for Brother Scruggs was staged by the N. Y. Chapter, National Association of Market Developers in recognition of his long years of "active, concerned and committed service to affirmative actions" that have opened many doors in industry to Blacks. In making the announcement, Ophelia DeVore, president, New York NAMD, further revealed that Bruce Gelb, president of Clairol, Inc. was also honored that evening. Keynote speaker at the dinner, was Brother William Brown, III, chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

(Continued from page 29)

Brother Herman Sydnor presented a very special award to the Alpha Wives.. Mrs. Alice Shelton, Vice-President graciously accepted the beautiful plaque in behalf of the Alpha Wives. The Alpha Wives were cited for their outstanding work with the Delta Lambda Chapter, Provident Hospital, the Arena Players and many other civic projects. The officers of Delta Lambda are: President — Wesley N. Shelton; Vice President — Joseph P. Press; Recording Secretary _ Houston L. Stansbury; Financial Secretary — Cornelius Woodson; Treasurer — Vernon Pennington; Associate Editor to the Sphinx — Wilson Bell; Chaplain — Charles Pichback; Historian — John King; Parliamentarian — Robert Smith and Sergeant-at-Arms — Glendi Johns. The Program Committee was headed by Wilson Bell. Assisting Brother Bell were Houston Stansbury, Paul Reese, Herman Sydnor and Charles Howard. The celebration, however, was a total chapter effort. Also present were the Sphinxmen of Delta Lambda, Patrick Opara, Charles Salters, Alonzo Hairston and Allen Burke.

New Orleans

Appointment of Brother Jacox Overruled Brother Robert F. Jacox, Jr. The February issue of The Sphinx stated that Brother Robert F. Jacox, Jr., was appointed President of State Community College, East St. Louis, Illinois. We later received a communication stating that Brother Jacox was not appointed President of Brother the college. Our Robert F. Jacox, Jr staff investigated the matter and our findings are as follows: The article was true and it was a fact that the BOARD OF TRUSTEES had elected Brother Jacox .president, However, his presidency was overruled by legal maneuvering and the previous president was retained. It is assumed that Brother Jacox was caught in a crossfire of a political struggle between the local Board and the State Board and was further victimized by unfavorable publicity one such letter was received by the editor of the Sprinx. We further maintain that the article was correct at the time it was released to our magazine. It is very unfortunate that the time which elapsed between the release of the article in the Sphinx and its subsequent publication allowed for the turn of events not Brother Jacox's making and beyond his control. We regret the error but will not succumb to pressures of brutal and unjustified attacks sent to us in reference to Brother Jacox or anyone else. (Continued from page 13)

New Orleans' citizens and Alphas welcome proudly Dr. Walter Washington, the Twenty-Fourth General President, who will preside over the Sixty-Seven Anniversary Convention, and Mrs. Washington, our first lady, Mrs. Carolyn Washington. They project our image well. The Fairmont Roosevelt Hotel, located at University Place and Canal Street, will be convention headquarters. Among America's finer hotels, the Fairmont Roosevelt is unique. All convention facilities are a step ahead in modern efficiency. Brother Charles L. deLay is president of Sigma Lambda Chapter, and Mrs. Rudolph (Lorraine Deteige is president of the Alphabettes.


Brother Wallace Honored at West Virginia State College

Brother Wallace

Dr. William J. L. Yallace, an Alpha for the past 49 years, a part of the West Virginia State College family for the past 40 years, and President of West Virginia State College for the past 20 years retires June 30, 1973. From March 12th to 16th a Wallace Week was designated. Highlighting the weeks program were a press luncheon, a historical sketch of his life, an awards banquet, an opera and two concerts. During these festivities telegrams were read from President Nixon; the Honorable William Dunn, governor of Tennessee; and Dr. Dale Corson, president of Cornell University. Many plaques were received including a distinguished service medal from Governor Moore of West Virginia. A desk, chair, an electric typewriter, a book of letters and many other memorable tributes were received by him. In the years which have elapsed since he became administrator of the college a number of things have happened which could be justifiable so supride for Dr. Wallace. On June 1, 1973 Brother Wallace was officially appointed president of the all-black college. Less than a year later, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a ruling which brought about the integration of all public institutions of learning. Although the doors of the school opened formally to white students, the college board of trustees didn't want the new president to hire 36

Reflections From Kappa Lambda Chapter In Greensboro, N. C. By Brother Willie T. Ellis, Chapter Editor to the Sphinx Brother Paul Sandifer, President of Kappa Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated in Greensboro, N. C. has recently been tapped as President-Elect of the Greensboro Association of Classroom Teachers for 1973-74 academic year. Brother Sandifer is a principal in the Greensboro School System and he has provided sagacious leadership as a teacher and principal in the educational enterprise for the past 21 years. He was graduated from Johnson C. Smith University with an A.B. Degree and N. C. A & T State University with a M.S. Degree with further study at the University of North Carolina at both Chapel Hill and Greensboro. His influence radiates and is manifested in community service. He has provided leadership for the Greensboro Recreation Department for the past 15 years and presently manages the Windsor Community Center Swimming Pool. He has served as Minister of Music at Grace Lutheran for the past nine years. He is also astitute and holds notoriety in the field of athletics where he has an enviable record as an athletic official in football, basketball and baseball for the past 18 years. Brother Sandifer lives the fraternity motto: "First of all, servants of all, we shall transcend all." He has subscribed to life membership in Alpha Phi Alpha and is presently completing his first year as president of his local chapter, Kappa Lambda. He has held the following leadership positions in the fraternity: Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Vice President, Chairman of the Social Committee (10 years) and President. He has been active in the fraternity in local, state, regional and national circles for the past 27 years. He has carried the Alpha torch high and listed below are accounts of Brothers and disciples of Kappa Lambda who are holding their torches high in Alphadom and community service in support of the immortal Alpha motto which Brother Sandifer enunciates daily as the guiding principle for Kappa Lambda. Brother Samuel E. Burford was exalted with the distinguished honor of "N. C. Alpha Man of the Year" and "Kappa Lambda Chapter Man of the Year." Honor is nothing new to the distinguished and eminent Brother Burford who is presently serving as City Councilman for the City of High Point, N. C. (Continued on page 37) any white instructors. Dr. Wallace fought that attitude, and he won. He confronted many problems and he forced them head on with or without the approval of his peers and superiors. President Wallace became a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Omicron Chapter, in 1924 at the University of Pittsburgh. Brother Wallace is very active and does not anticipate retiring from service to mankind as he anticipates writing the story of West Virginia State College in his years of service here. He and his charming wife, Eleanor will reside in his home near the college campus. We, of Alpha, know that his dedication to Alpha Phi Alpha will be an active one, his service to mankind will be continuous.

Brother S. E. Burford

REFLECTIONS . . . Greensboro, N. C. (Continued from page 36) In 1972, Virginia Union University, Brother Burford's alma mater, conferred the honorary Doctorate upon the distinguished honoree for myriad contributions that he has made in the interest of humanity and community service.

BROTHER RANDALL Receives Science Award Calumet District Layman

Since retiring from the principalship of Wingate Andrews High School in High Point in 1971, the honoree has accepted an Associate Professorship in Education at Bennett College in Greensboro, N. C. He has evolved a colorful career in education for the past 45 years. He made his debut as a teacher in the Burlington School System in 1928-1933 and later as principal of William Penn High School in High Point 1933-1968. He was graduated from Virginia Union University with the A.B. Degree and the M.A. and advanced study from the University of Michigan. The Lynchburg, Virginia native is endowed with an exuberance of charisma which is self-evident by the positions of leadership Brother Burford has held in Alphadom, educational, civic, social and political organizations. The astitute educator turned politician claims the utmost respect and trust of his clientele in High Point, Greensboro, North Carolina as well as in regional and national circles. The Brothers of Kappa Lambda salute Brother Burford for his enviable distinction and honor that he has brought to Kappa Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity which he has supported incessantly for eons of years. Brother Naurice F. Woods of Kappa Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated has recently been elected to the Board of Directors of North Carolina Outward Bound School. The N. C. Outward Bound School was established in 1966 and is one of six such schools in the United States and one of 28 outward bound schools throughout the world. It is incorporated in the State of North Carolina as a private, non-profit educational institution chartered by Outward Bound, Incorporated, of Reston, Virginia, and affiliated with Outward Bound Trust of Great Britain. The program is based on the concept of experiential education conceived by Dr. Kurt Hahn, Headmaster of Gordonstoun School, Scotland; and uses structured confrontation with challenges found in rugged, natural environments as the means to discover self worth, human values and a compassion for others.

, Brother R. E. Randall, Sr.

Rogers E. Randall, Sr., Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.. and an active member of Gamma Rho Lambda Chapter, Gary, Indiana was awarded the Enterprise Award of the Chemical Industries Council-Midwest. Randall, who teaches chemistry and physics at Roosevelt H;gh School, Gary, Indiana, and chemistry at St. Joseph Calumet College, East Chicago, Indiana, was named the winner for his "enterprise in meeting the challenge of teaching high school science." (Continued on page 41)

Clientele are heterogeneous from all social, economic and racial strata in order to provide a cosmopolitan milieu as a proper setting and environment to achieve the objectives and mission set forth in the Outward Bound program. Brother N. F. Woods is serving his initial term on the 25 membership Board of Directors for N. C. Outward Bound School. He is a retired public school principal and educational leader in public service. Brother Frederick D. Cundiff, Assistant Superintendent for Administration in the Greensboro Public Schools in North Carolina was renectly extolled as recipient of the 1973 Greensboro Chamber of Commerce "Calvin Wiley Award," for providing charismatic and sagacious leadership in educational administration for the past year. Brother Cundiff is a devout and conscientious Alpha Man in the traditional sense but innovative in leadership and educational circles of human endeavor. He has been many "first," but uppermost in the minds of his constituents, colleagues and Brothers in Alphadom, he was the first non-white assistant superintendent in Greensboro, N. C. and among the first in North Carolina. Kappa Lambda solicits salutations and felicitations from Brothers the nation around for this unprecedented achievement by an Alpha Man who designs and implements non-traditional programs responsive to the needs and interests of all children in the city of Greensboro's 46 public schools.

Brother Frederick Cundiff, Kappa Lambda Chaper, Greensboro, N. C.


Salute to

REFLECTIONS... North Carolina

Brother Nixon

Beta Theta Lambda Chapter (Durham, N. C.) Brother Clifford Benard Nixon crossed the "burning sands" at Nu Chapter Lincoln University, Pennsylvania in 1922, more than fifty years ago. He earned the M.A. at Teachers College, Columbia University in 1953, and spent thirty-eight years in the school system of Durham County. Brother Nixon was born and reared in Wilmington, North Carolina. After finishing his undergraduate work, he taught Mathematics at Williston High School from 1924-1926, and Mathematics and Science at Pender County Training School, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 1926-1927. Brother Nixon organized the first high school class in Durham County for Blacks at Mell Grove School where he was principal from 1929-1935. He became principal of Little River High School in 1935 where he served until his retirement in 1965. Brother, assistant secretary of Beta Theta Lambda, has served on the Adjustment Board of Durham County, Association of Retired School Personnel, and holds membership in the NAACP. He is a member of the National Retired Teachers Association, and was a co-founder of the Beta Kappa Chi National Scientific Society. This seventy-three year old brother is still devoted to Alpha Phi Alpha. Brother Nixon did additional study at North Carolina Central University and Hampton Institute. It has been said that "his years of service parallel the establishment, growth, and advancement of secondary education for the Durham County boys and girls." Beta Theta Lambda salutes this outstanding Alpha Man, and wishes to point out his years of dedication and service to the entire House of Alpha. Brother James A. Williams, a Black Historian from North Carolina Central University, Durham, North Carolina lectured during the fifth annual Black Culture Week at the Universty of Wisconsin—La Crosse. Brother Williams is a recently initiated member in our chapter and a very promising Alpha Man. He charges that Black History has not been treated fairly, and more status should be given not only to Black History, but also Black Art and Literature in schools' curricula. Williams says that as an historian, he talks about not only the good things Blacks have done, but also the bad. He labels his teachings "true history," even though some Blacks only want to hear about the good things, and some Whites only want to hear about the bad. Brother Williams is a graduate of North Carolina Central University with a major in history, and earned his M.A. at the University of Virginia. General Beta Theta Lambda Chapter is moving ahead under the capable direction of President Brother Roamless Hudson. The chapter is in the process of reclaiming inactive brothers in the Durham area. A booklet will be sent to all inactive brothers in the area. This booklet will contain: Letter from the President List of Officers Hosts Dates Places Roster of Financial Brothers Roster of Alpha Men in Area Planned Program of Activities Annual Budget Suggested Payment Plan for Dues The Chapter has decided that every brother in the chapter is a member of the Reclamation Committee, and that all brothers are expected to become actively engaged in this worthy and necessary project for the life of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Ross E. Townes, Editor to the Sphinx


Brother Clifford Bernard Nixon


Brother James A. Williams

ALPHAS IN THE LEADERSHIP ROLE Black Elite Display Commitment to Black Uplift By John P. Rice, Jr. In a recent issue of the New York Times (see attached copy) Times reporter, Jon Nordheimer wrote a feature article on black fraternities with special emphasis on young Alpha Phi Alpha undergrads at the University of Michigan. The title of the article: BLACK FRATERNITIES: A COMMITTED ELITE. In a well written story buttressed by specific names, facts and figures, Jon Nordheimer detailed the "dramatic membership upswings" of the black fraternities and the powerful voice they had begun to exert in the large cities. Perhaps the most compelling reason for black fraternity gains "at a time when many white fraternities have slipped badly in membership and prestige" is because of the meaningful brand of social activism and commitment to the uplift of less fortunate black masses dis-

played by the fraternity men. It is certainly true that today's young black fraternity men would not be involved in the goldfish swallowing, beer swigging and other antics that characterized the average college fraternity in the past. The issues that face black people in America today and the social problems that cry for leadership are too immediate and too pressing for black leadership to ignore. And foremost in this struggle are the men, usually "successful" men, of Alpha Phi Alpha, the oldest and most respected of the four black fraternities. Gamma Iota Lambda Chapter, a graduate Brooklyn and Long Island Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is a splendid example of responsible, successful black men who have not turned their back on the blacks who are still

THE MEN OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA — -FIRST OF ALL — SERVANTS OF ALL — WE SHALL TRANSCEND ALL" — Assembled tor a group photo during a recent Alpha wives party are some of Brooklyn and Long Island's finest: Gamma lota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Standing from left to right — Brothers all are: Dr. Marshall Jenkins, Dr. (Colonel) Milton B. Flemings partially hidden, Alfred Waters, William Stafford, Colonel William D. Phears, Dr. Joseph N. Thomas, Dr. Harry L. Boston, Jr., Dr. Hiram Bell, Rudolph Sinckler, Martin Arrlngton, Daniel Bailey, Jesse L. Zlegler, Major John P. Rice, Jr., and Dr. Marion West. Front row: Jacob C. Tingman, Dr. Frederick Richards, Dr. Charles R. Greene, Vice President of the Chapter, and Dr. Roger D. Russell. Many of the brothers of this chapter are actively engaged in helping to improve the health, education or socio-economic status of those who perhaps are not as fortunate as most Alpha men. XYZ

struggling "to make it." Over the past seventeen years the fraternity has employed the triad force concept to achieve its goals. In close collaboration with its young undergraduate chapter, Delta Chi, at Brooklyn College, it has sponsored young black college students; given scholarships; and subsidized worthy young ambitious men. Struggling just as hard as their male counterparts are the Alpha wives of Brooklyn and Long Island who have contributed hard cash, time, energy, and emotional investment both in support of the Chapter's projects and their own. The AKA's (Alpha Kappa Alpha's) a sister sorority to the "men of Alpha" have made equally noteworthy contributions especially in the area of education and the professions. Even the traditional social events, dances, sports (Continued on page 40)

A SPARKLING BEVY OF BEAUTIES — Charm, beauty, poise, and yes even intelligence, radiates all over the place as this sparkling group of Alpha wives gathered at a recent party at the home of Brother (Major) John P. Rice, Jr. During the party, the wives, true to their tradition of helping their husbands, gave significant financial support to Gamma lota Lambda's Scholarship Fund. The lovely ladles and good Alpha wives are standing from left to right: Mesdames Mabel Franklin, Ollie Tingman, Thelma Jenkins, Paula Phears, Dr. Iris Richards, Una Flemings, Gwen West, Arlene Greene, Norma Sinckler, Constance Thomas, Muriel Ziegler, Dorothy Arrington, Mae Bell (partially hidden), Adelaide Waters and Florita Russell. Front row: Mrs. Essie Stafford, Dr. Agnes Levy, Bessie Hailstolk, President Margaret Boston, Phyllis Edna Rice, Catherine Alexander and Celestine Bailey. The Alpha wives of Brooklyn and Long Island certainly reflect well on themselves and the impeccable good taste of their husbands.



THE ALPHA PHI ALPHA STALWARTS Big, brawny, and broadshouldered, these brothers have served as the combination quarterbacks and running backs of the Gamma lota Lambda team: Past President Dr. (Colonel) Milton B. Flemings; current Vice President Dr. Charles P.. Greene; Past President Dr. Joseph N. Thomas; and Past President Dr. Harry L. Boston, Jr. You don't have to be a Doctor or a Colonel to captain the BrooklynLong Island APA team, but it sure helps.

(Continued from page 39) other activities often have the ultimate purpose of performing a valued service for the rest of the black community. An outstanding cross section of power, ability, position, talent, and intelligence is to be found in the ranks of Alpha Phi Alpha in general and Gamma Iota Lambda Chapter in particular. Its current president "Judge" Tolley R. Broady is a trial lawyer, representative attorney for the Eastern Area Lutheran Church and is certified to practice law before the United States Supreme Court. The Chapter's Vice President Dr. Charles Greene, is the Associate Dean of the Downstate Medical Center, the world's largest medical school; and one of the outstanding young internists of the country. Not only has Brother Greene helped and encouraged many talented young blacks to complete medical school but he is actively involved in helping those engaged in the restoration of devastated Bedford-Stuyvesant. Dr. Harry L. Boston, Jr., an immediate Past President and a Brooklyn dentist has spent over twenty years in downtown Brooklyn. His involvement of the Chapter in the Sickle Cell test program was one of the most effective in the Chapter. Dr. Boston is 40

MIXING BUSINESS WITH PLEASURE Smiles or relief and pleasure are mingled as hosts and hostesses celebrate after a recent Scholarship fund raising event held at the home of Brother (Major) John P. Rice, Jr. in Roosevelt, Long Island. The Alpha Wives of Brooklyn and Long Island made a surprise contribution to the Chapter's Scholarship Campaign. Left to right Brother and Mrs. John P. Rice, Jr.; Mrs. Margaret Boston, President of the Wives Club; Dr. Charles R. Greene, Chapter Vice President; and Mrs. Celestine Bailey, Chairlady of the Program Committee.

constantly engaged in many community projects and a recognized leader in the Catholic movement. (Dr.) Milton B. Flemings, Professor at Long Island University and a retired Army Colonel, is a recognized scientist and has recently completed two years in Ethiopia where he performed critical research in the field of Parasitology — Entomology as it relates to Tropical Medicine. This former president of the fraternity is married to an active Alpha wife and AKA, Una Flemings, who scored a double first since she is the first female Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Nassau Country. Dr. Joseph N. Thomas, another Past President of the Chapter is one of our very outstanding physicians and a long time leader in the "black uplift" movement. Dr. Eugene T. Reed, another outstanding member, is the activist President of the New York State NAACP and has served with distinction for 6 years in that post. He has worked for the NAACP for 30 years. His contributions have been positive and numerous. Retired Air Force Colonel William D. Phears is a fraternity brother who was recently promoted to Commissioner of the Department of Public and Water Works for Nassau County. He has had

occasion to hire numerous black and white workers to serve in his department. Dr. Roger D. Russell, an Associate Dean at Nassau Community College has been the guiding force in Project Upward Bound — a program that has encouraged and enabled many black and white so called "disadvantaged" high school students to go on to college. Not all Alpha men are doctors, dentists, lawyers, and professors — although Alpha's ranks contain an exceptional number of this group. Brother Herbert T. Miller, one of the Chapter's most loyal and dedicated members and a member of the Executive Staff of the National Council of Churches was recently promoted to Executive Administrator of the Council on Economic Development and Enpowerment of Black People in Metropolitan New York. Brother Jacob C. Tingman, a former Guidance Counsellor and Director of Upward Bound, Project STEP, and other educational programs for the "disadvantaged" was recently promoted to Assistant Principal at Freeport High School. Brother Homer Gillis, an active and energetic member of the Chapter, was recently selected for promotion to (Continued on page 41)


ALPHAS CONSIDER EDUCATION AS KEY TO ECONOMIC UPLIFT: One of the most important single mechanisms by which the men of Alpha Phi Alpha seek to help their less fortunate brothers or their youth is higher education. Brother Jacob C. Tingman, now an Ass't Principal and formerly Hempstead's Directory of Guidance smiles with pleasure as he learns that Hempstead High School graduate Calmese Allen has been accepted at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York and Miss Pamela Dinkins has been accepted at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida. These students were accepted on the basis of outstanding ability, good guidance, and their will to succeed. The men of the Fraternity also helped Miss Dinkins obtain a $1000 scholarship.

(Continued from page 40) the important position of Assistant Director of Instruction, Manpower Development Training Program for New York City's Board of Education. Brother Albert Edwards, without doubt one of our finest and dedicated members, best typifies a true "Alpha." He is an intellectual and a gentleman who never tires of working for the uplift of young black people. His record speaks for him. Retired Air Force Major John P. Rice, Jr., a recent member of Gamma lota Lambda, is Director of Federal and State Programs for the Hempstead Public Schools. In this capacity he has formulated programs which brought over $1,250,000. into the district, thus enabling new and innovative educational programs to be pursued. Brother Paul Robeson, Jr. has recently joined this chapter and displays the same concern for humanity that his famous father did. Thus, we see only a small cross section of the men of Alpha Phi Alpha and only a very few of the many outstanding "Brothers" from this Chapter. Men engaged in the quest for excellence and achievement. Men who fought against the barriers of color and racism to achieve a certain success in their various fields of endeavor. Yet the critical fac-

tor that distinguishes this distinguished group is that they feel a basic responsibility to their brothers — in Africa as well as America — to help the less fortunate in their struggle for a meaningful and relevant life style. If changes in the societal structure are necessary, then so be it. This struggle and its eventual success is what characterizes the black fraternities in general and Alpha Phi Alpha in particular. MEDICAL SCHOOL REACHES OUT INTO COMMUNITY: Calmly and coolly organizing his thoughts before responding to reporters questions is Dr. Charles R. Greene, Associate Dean of the Downstate Medical School in Brooklyn, N.Y. Dr. Greene, who is also the Vice-President of Gamma Iota Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity is actively assisting members of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation. This corporation seeks to rebuild the neglected, impoverished, and devastated ghetto section of Brooklyn. Brother Greene and other men of good will like him are contributing part of their skill and professional expertise in behalf of the so called "disadvantaged." Dr. Greene exemplifies the best ideals of his medical profession and his Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.

"See You In New Orleans"

Brother Randall (Continued from page 37) The award, a medal and citation, plus $500.00 in cash was presented to him by Dr. Leonard W. Steiger, president of the council, at the annual chemical Industries Council luncheon April 23 at Pick-Congress Hotel, Chicago. Randall graduated cum laude from Dillard University, New Orleans, Louisiana. He holds master's degrees from the University of Michigan and Miami University, and he is working on his doctorate, at The Ohio State University. He is president of the Gary Council of science teachers. Randall was awarded the Calumet District "Outstanding United Methodist Layman Award" of the United Methodist Church, at Valparaiso University, Great Hall, May 3, 1971, by the District Lay Leader, Attorney W. F. Satterlee for his outstanding work in the Calumet District of the United Methodist Church. Randall is a Fellow in the American Institute of Chemists, a member of the Speaker's Bureau of the Indiana Academy of Science. He is listed in Who's Who in the Midwest, American Men of Science, Leaders of American Science, Personalities of the South, West and Midwest, and the Dictionary of International Biography, Cambridge, England. He has written articles for The Mathematics Teacher, The Science Teacher, Science Education, School Science and Mathematics, and Educational Research.


On the Rhetoric of Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. by Kirkland C. Jones

7 Have A Dream" The March On Washington.

Webster's NID3 lists a number of current definitions for the term rhetoric, but the one definition that best explains the use of the word rhetoric in this paper's title is as follows: "skills in effective use of speech; artificial elegance of language; style of language."1 Martin Luther King, Jr. has been loudly acclaimed, and justly so, not only for the content of his messages (public addresses and sermons) but for the depth and eloquence with which he spoke and wrote. Upon glancing over a collection of King's speeches and sermons, it becomes apparent that he spoke on a variety of subjects: non-violence, America and the civil rights question, the Negro heritage and the new Negro, love and hate, poverty, the South and segregation, black power, the ghetto, the establishment and the law, the future of America, and the love of God. A closer examination of the language with which he expounds upon these subjects reveals a number of influences upon his mode of verbal expression: his theological training, the tradition of the southern Baptist preacher, the Benjamin Mays type of oratory. And another thing that the examiner notices without much difficulty is the manner in which King almost always uses narration as the basis of his oratory. In this particular essay, however, the writer is concerned primarily with explor-


ing the language of this man's oratory in order to demonstrate his use, probably unconscious, of many figures and images that have a peculiar, almost medieval conformity to certain principles of a homiletic tradition. In the metaphors and icons of Martin Luther King, Jr. there is the same kind of ultimate pointing toward God that one would expect to find in a Gothic cathedral. In other words, to a degree there exists an analogy between the rhetorical art of this fallen leader and that of the Gothic builder. The language of King's narrative approach consists, in the main, of certain "inorganic" building units, but the thing that distinguishes his rhetoric is not that it consists of such units but that he demonstrates a peculiar gift for manipulating these otherwise inert, self-contained parts in a manner that is very effective. Of course, not all of the features of King's style are reminiscent of antiquity. There is, for example, no obvious additive method in his grouping of ideas; on the contrary, one idea seems to flow naturally into the other with no need for collocation. But in his use of language there is often a pairing or coupling of metaphors and images that produces a symmetrical effect, and the repeated use of this technique of style centered around a central theme is highly reminiscent of the principle of reduplication found in the Gothic edifice,

and of that we see in Chaucer and other prominent medieval writers. Owing to this analogy, this writer suspects that we do not celebrate King because of his modernity but because of his medevalism. Because King's conceptions are unusually ordered and hierarchical, the language that sets forth his thoughts is necessarily of a similar quality. The religious solemnity with which his words are chanted reflects "all that he had absorbed from Christ, Gandhi and other non-violent writers"2 coupled with all that he learned at Morehouse, Crozier, and Boston University. In the "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," one of King's earlier writings, the pairing and contrasting tendency, a technique developed more fully in his speeches, becomes apparent. With this technique King suggests basic difference and contrives similarities. He writes: "Freedom is never given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed"; "Justice too long delayed is justice denied"; "There are just laws and there are unjust laws"; ". , . peaceful assembly and peaceful protest"; "Everything that Hitler did in Germany was 'legal' and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was 'illegal'"; "One is a force of complacency . . . The other force is one of bitterness, ..."; "Will we be extremists for hate or wDl we be extremists for love?" And in his acceptance speech of the Nobel Prize, December 10, 1964, King spoke of "the need to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to violence and oppression," and of "unarmed truth and unconditional love," and of "right temporarily defeated," positioned against "evil triumphant." In this same speech are some of King's most beautiful and representative metaphors. The metaphors in this particular speech are more lengthy than usual, and because of their length and Biblical flavor they add an aura of medieval antiquity to the already cited (Continued on page 43)

Rhetoric of Brother King

"hell hounds" gnawing constantly at her womb.

(Continued from page 42)

Returning to the "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," there are at least two notably exemplary passages in which the principles of Gothic reduplication and repetitiveness of materials and design with respect to language are manifested. The first passage presents one of the writer's favorite words, "tension," in a variety of syntactical patterns:

examples of Gothic coupling. King saw the Negroes of the United States as "engaged in a creative battle to end the long night of racial injustice." And he does not resist the urge- to philosophize: "I refuse to accept the idea that man is a mere flotsam and jetsam on the river of life which surrounds him. I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality." And art even better example of this medieval flavor that is present in nearly all of King's speeches, and also present in the seventeenth century sermons of John Donne and Lancelot Andrewes, is the following passage selected from the Birmingham meeting in 1963: "Get the weapon of non-violence, the breastplate of righteousness, the armor of truth, and just keep marching." Some of the most brilliant examples of King's rhetoric are not included in any of the current anthologies of his speeches. A case in point is his University of Wisconsin lecture-series address delivered at the Dane County Stock Pavilion, Madison, Wisconsin, November, 1965. In this address he relies a great deal on the effect of contrast produced by a number of antithetical metaphorical pairings such as these: "the long night . . . dawning of a new day"; "a great beacon light of hope . . . deep rumblings of resistance." In this speech, as in others of his, such metaphors as these are recurrent, becoming almost as common as the word "struggle" became in the latter years of his campaign and as the words "tension" and "law" had been in the campaign's infancy. This particular speech is loaded with the imagery of sin and death, a source of reference that is inextricably bound up with the imagery and mysticism of the Judeo-Christian tradition and which yields a grandiose kind of aesthetic effect, the kind suggested by the Gothic pillar, or the sweeping architecture of Milton's epic poem, Paradise Lost. The phrase, "ugly, extralegal offspring" suggests all the ugliness and the formidibility of the curse of Satan and his "damned crew" of fallen angels lying prostrate on "the lake;" it also suggests the unsightliness of Sin, Satan's daughter, and her incestuous brood of

. . . nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and establish such creative tension that a community that has consistently refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored. I just referred to the creation of tension as a part of the work of the nonviolent register. This may sound rather shocking. But I must confess that I am not afraid of the word tension. I have earnestly worked and preached against violent tension, but there is a type of constructive nonviolent tension that is necessary for growth. Just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from the bandage of myths and half truths to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal, we must see the need of having non-violent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood. And the second passage portrays a similar treatment of the "law," "just" and "unjust": . . The answer is found in the fact that there are two types of laws: There are just laws and unjust laws. I would agree with Saint Augustine that "an unjust law is no law at all." Now what is the difference between the two? How does one determine when a law in just or unjust? A just law is a code that squares with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas, an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal and natural law. Any law that uplifts human personality is just Any law that degrades human personality is unjust. All segregation statutes are unjust because segregation distorts the soul and damages the personality . . . This juxtaposition of like entities and

contrasting of opposites, along with the reduplication of linguistic units, is not only a part of King's written expression but of his spoken language as well: This hour in history needs a dedicated circle of transformed non-conformists. Dangerous passions of pride, hatred and selfishness are enthroned in our lives; truth lies prostrate on the rugged hills of nameless Calvaries. The saving of our world from pending doom will come, not through the complacent adjustment of the conforming majority, but through the creative maladjustment of a non-conforming minority ,3 This kind of definite, conscious structuring of language and choice in lexicon coupled with King's narrative method achieves a kind of emotional distancing from a potentially explosive subject in an emotional setting. And similarly, it achieves the kind of political objectivity needed in the circumstances in which King repeatedly found himself. The Biblical quality of his language creates a much-needed emotional response, and the conscious, structured use of language prohibits this emotion from destroying the effectiveness of the message. Such rhetorical structuring also prevents the personality of this dynamic figure from intruding, to the point of distortion, upon the message and its purpose. 1

Third New International Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged, edited by Philip B. Gove (Springfield, Mass.), 1961. 2

Lerone Bennett, Jr. What Manner of Man: A Biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Chicago, 1964), p. ii. 3 Spoken in 1963, quoted from The Wisdom of Martin Luther King in His Own Words, ed. by the staff of Bill Adler Books, Inc., (New York, 1968), P. 84.



Brother Jones, a member of Beta Nu Lambda Chapter, Charlotte, North Carolina, holds the Ph. D. degree from the University of Wisconsin and is currently Chairman of the Department of English at Johnson C. Smith University.


Letter to

Brother John Louis Wilson, FAIA

Brother John Louis Wilson

John Louis Wilson, Architect, New York City has been recently elected to membership of the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects. Investiture was in Houston, Texas. He was cited for "Notable contribution to the advancement of the profession of Architecture." Fellowship is the highest honor the 24,000 member Institute can award to its members. Mr. Wilson received his Bachelor of Arts degree from New Orleans University (now Dillard University). He was instructor in Mathematics and coach of the football team at Philander Smith College. Little Rock, Arkansas, 1920-21. He graduated from the School of Architecture of Columbia University in 1928. He was Associate Architect on the Harlem River Houses, New York City, America's first "low-rent" housing project, completed in 1939. It is still considered as one of the most successful and human in scale. Within the last decade his practice includes the design of a number of apartment buildings for the Bowery Bank and The New York Bank for Savings, as well as for the New York City Housing Authority. His current projects include: The Early Childhood Center, Brooklyn, New York Public Library, Bronx, and he is also the consulting Architect for the new $17,000,000 Boy's High School, Brooklyn.


Wilson has worked continuously to eliminate racial barriers in the profession. He has visited junior and senior high schools in New York's ghetto areas, describing the architectural profession and encouraging talented youths to enter the field. He made his office an architectural counseling center for students and young draftsmen, and has worked with building trades and civil liberties group towards constructive action to alleviate racial imbalance. In 1957, Wilson was one of the founders of the Council for the Advancement of the Negro in Architectural (CANA), which led to the formation of the New York Chapter AIA'S Equal Opportunity Committee in 1964. Wilson served as chairman from 1967-70. With the help of his guidance this committee has raised about $75,000 in the past six years for educational assistance to black and other minority architecture students in the New York area. Wilson is a member of the New York Urban League and the N.A.A.C.P., and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter, New York City.

the Editor J. Herbert King, Esquire Editor The Sphinx Magazine 4728 Drexel Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60615 Dear Mr. King: Several months ago, it was my pleasure to share with you copies of a booklet, treating the achievements of Black Americans, prepared for distribution by the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Gratified by the favorable public response to and demand for this booklet, the Company is now distributing an updated edition. Believing that you might like to see the new booklet, I respectfully offer the enclosed copies for your examination. To continue filling requests, it was necessary to obtain this new printing before the recent national elections. As you know, State Assemblywoman of California, Yvonne B. Burke, and State Senator of Texas, Barbara Jordan, were recently inaugurated as members of the United States Congress. Very best wishes. Sincerely, C. E. Lewis

Virginia Union University. . .

Prexy Slated for Russian Trip In announcing the appointment of President James to the study team, Dr. Binder said: "We are particularly pleased to have a man of President James' background and experience involved in the study of Russian higher education. His reactions and observations doubtless will have an impact on all the presidents as they form their own judgments." Dr. Binder, who is an historian specializing in East Europe and a former Fulbright Lecturer in Yugoslavia, said that the presidents were selected on the basis of their own professional and personal abilities as well as to provide a representative cross-section of types of colleges and universities in all sections of the nation. The study project is being financed with foundation funds, Dr. Binder said. A Virginia educator has been selected

to be a member of a team of American college and university presidents created to study higher education in Russia. He is Brother Allix B. James, president of Virginia Union University in Richmond. The announcement of President James' appointment was made in Whittier, Calif., by Dr. Frederick Binder, president of Whittier College and chairman of the delegation. Ten presidents will comprise the study team. The Americans will leave from New York March 25 and will concentrate project by which American educational leaders are visiting in various areas of the world to acquaint themselves not only with higher education but also with life styles. Mrs. James, a counselor in the Richmond public schools, has been invited to accompany her husband on the trip.

Another Giant at Central State University

Brother Lionel H. Newsom Honored In Dayton, Ohio considerable number were present renewing old acquaintances related either to Central State, Alpha Phi Alpha or both. When the primary attention was focused on Bro. Newsom, he sought support to regenerate greatness in both spirit and attainment at Central State. a seeming reflection of audience expectation and historical reference.

There was a unique form of spirit at Central State University when Bro. Charles H. Wesley was President; a profound sense of community pride seemed to engulf both the faculty and studentry. Bro. Wesley returned on December 2, 1973 as guest speaker at a banquet and reception welcoming Bro. Lionel H. Newsom, the current President of Central State University to the Dayton area. Held at the Stratford House, Dayton, Ohio, the affair was hosted by the three area chapters, Theta Lambda of Dayton, the host city, Chi Lambda, Central State and Zeta Delta Lambda, Springfield, Ohio. Again, this participant was reminded of the spirit of brotherhood and sense of pride pungent in the atmosphere, much the same as during the Wesley era at Central State. This feeling was greatly enhanced by the fact that a

Though uniquely distinct in personality, the transcendence was clear, both Bro. Newsom and Bro. Wesley are past General Presidents of Alpha Phi Alpha and are now further related as Presidents of Central State University. Notable also was the presence of Bro. James H. McGee, Mayor, City of Dayton and Bro. James T. Henry, recently resigned Mayor, City of Xenia, Ohio. Among the many other outstanding persons in attendance was the Midwest Regional Vice President, Bro. James Williams along with regional directors to add further historical and momentous significance to the occasion. A key feature of the affair worthy of mention was the notable example of cooperation and brotherhood on display. Earlier during the same eventful day, Bro. Williams had conducted a successful regional workshop with good representation. The recognition of Bro. Newsom demonstrates good chapter interaction and general community spirit. Bro. William Floyd Theta Lambda

Central State University Aids In Establishing Medical School WILBERFORCE, Ohio — The problem of too few Black students n the medical schools of Ohio may be alleviated as a result of the recent announcement that Central State University will be one of three Ohio universities cooperating in the establishment of a medical school. Central State University has signed a pact with Wright State University and Miami University establishing guidelines

for an effort to gain legislative approval and funding for a new medical school which could open by September, 1974. The three state supported universities all are located in the Southwest Ohio area. Under the agreement announced by Dr. rederick White, acting president of Wright State; Dr. Lionel H. Newsom; Central State president; and Dr. Phillip Shriver, Miami president, Wright State would have administrative and financial

responsibility for the proposed medical school. Central State and Miami would have representatives on the school's advisory board and admissions committee. The medical school dean would be appointed by the president and trustees of Wright State "in consultation and with the concurrence of the presidents of Central State and Miami." Rather than building a complete medical school complex, the proposal which will be submitted to the Ohio legislat re in January calls for the new school to u^e exist ng educational facilities and hospitals in the Dayton metropolitan area. The chief aim of the school would be to train family-practice physicians with an emphasis on enrolling Blacks, women and other minorities. The school would attempt to place general practitioners in the inner cities, twons and rural areas where medical services are most needed. Dr. Carl S. Jenkins, a Springfield, Ohio, physician and member of the Central State Board of Trustees, said he believes this is the first time since the founding of medical schools at Howard and Meharry that a predominately Black institution has been included in medical education plans. He pointed out that a recent issue of the American Medical Association's "Medical Tribune" reported that only 3.6 per cent of all medical school students are Black and that only 1,222 Blacks are in medical schools other than Howard and Meharry which train more than 90 per cent of all Black medical students. Dr. Dwight Pemberton, a Yellow Springs, Ohio dentist and CSU board member, said Blacks have been getting few of the medical school spaces in Ohio and that all 23 general practitioners serving predominately Black West Dayton area were trained outside Ohio. Jenkins said only eight Blacks are included in the Ohio State University medical school enrollment of approximately 800. Although there will be no quotas for admission of students from the three cooperating schools, Central State administrators and trustees believe the medical school affiliation will strengthen the Central State pre-medical curriculum because the undergraduate program will be. dovetailed with the medical school requirements.



Brother James Frank New Prexy of .incoln University Jefferson, Missouri

Or. James Frank

"I ask for the help of not only the students, but the faculty, the administration and the people of Jefferson City in the trials and triumphs that I must pass through in the coming years. It is a big job, I accept the challenge and I welcome it." These words were spoken by Dr. James Frank, Lincoln University's new president. Dr. Frank was addressing Lincoln students in a meeting last Saturday. Also present at the meeting held in 200 Young Hall was Lincoln's Board of Curators. Upon welcoming Dr. Frank to LU, Student Government president Raymond Mays said to Dr. Frank, "According to the particular criteria that we submitted to the Board, your qualifications meet each and every one of them. So, we are satisfied thoroughly in terms of the qualifications that was considered by the Board and the selection that the Board made. We look forward to working with you, struggling with you, because it will be a struggle on all levels." Dr. Frank, who now holds the position of vice-president for academic af-


fairs and executive to the president at Medgar Evers College in New York City said that he hopes to assume the position of president of Lincoln University about mid-June. An alumnus, former instructor and basketball coach of LU, Dr. Frank is a former Dean of Students at Medgar Evers College and a native of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. Dr. Frank said that the first thing he will try to do as LU's president is set the tone and climate for student, faculty, administration and the entire university community to work together for the common good of Lincoln. In making this general statement, Dr. Frank said, "I recognize that there are many specifics but I will make a complete assessment of the entire situation and do the best I can for Lincoln." Present to meet the students was Dr. Frank's wife, Zelma, also of Lincoln and a native of Kansas City, and the oldest of their two sons Trent, who was born in Jefferson City. Their youngest son, Troy, is two years old. A student asked Dr. Frank, "Besides the monetary advancement, if there is one and the previous ties that you have with LU, what made you submit an application for the position as president of Lincoln?" Dr. Franks replied, " I did not come here for monetary aspects, in fact it is a financial sacrifice. However, I submitted an application for the position because I knew there was a challenge here. I have always believed that LU occupied the unique position in the area of higher education. I have had the opportunity to work with and for people. Because of the teaching experiences and administrative affiliations I have had, I have seen the mistakes that administrators make and the great things that they have done and I would like to try my hand at it. It represents a challenge and I will do the most to meet that challenge while here at LU."

Lincoln University, Pa.

ESTABLISHED PAUL ROBESON SCHOLARSHIP FUND Lincoln University, Pa. — Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. at Lincoln University has established a scholarship and book award for a deserving student at the University. Executive Secretary, James V. Peterson and Chapter President, Emery L. Rann, III, have announced the establishment of the Paul Robeson Scholarship Fund and the Amilcar Cabral Memorial Book Award to be given annually. Named for the renowned athlete and musician, the Paul Robeson Scholarship will be awarded to a non-Pennsylvania resident with at least sophomore standing and a 3.50 cumulative average. He must also be involved in a host of extracurricular activities. The Amilcar Cabral Book Award is named in honor of the late leader of the struggle against colonialism in GuineaBissau and the Cape Verde Islands. The assassinated leader was honored at Lincoln University late last year for his leadership in the Liberation struggle. The Book Award will be presented to a worthy international student for the purchase of text books and supplies. According to Peterson, Nu Chapter Executive Secretary in Charge of Development: "We (fraternities) are in an era when our relevance to Black life is being challenged. "We are investors in ourselves and we must continue to support our own while setting the standards for our own achievement." Funds for both awards will be executed by an elected Board of Chapter Advisors and the Chapter's legal advisor. Contributions may be sent to: THE PAUL ROBESON SCHOLARSHIP FUND or THE AMILCAR CABRAL MEMORIAL BOOK AWARD c/o Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., NU Chapter, Lincoln University, Pennsylvania 19352.

WISCONSIN ALPHAS... Newsletter EPSILON TAIPS TUTORIAL PROGRAM UNDERWAY As part of its Education Outreach Program, Epsilon Tau members have begun to tutor students of inner-city schools. The brothers have been welcomed by the administrators and teachers at the schools, and the students they are helping have all responded favorably. ZETA IOTA TO SERVE WALES SCHOOL FOR BOYS Members of Zeta Iota journey to

Wales each Tuesday Night to work with inmates at the Boys School there. Their contact with the youth is on an informal basis. The purpose of this program is primarily that of helping the youth to develop a more healthy self-concept.

FISK BROTHERS HOST ET BOTHERS Several brother of Epsilon Tau got a taste of real southern hospitality when they journeyed to Nashville during the Thanksgiving week-end to participate in

EPSILON IOTA LAMBDA... Franklin, Va. The 23rd Anniversary of the Epsilon Iota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was held Sunday, April 1, 1973 at the New Hope Baptist Church, Franklin, Virginia.

Leon W. Armstead, Financial Secretary W. Lovell Turner, Chaplain W. P. Richardson, Sr., Financial Advisor Kenneth Pretlow, Sergeant-At-Arms Lloyd Sykes, Reporter

The speaker for the occasion was Rev. Melvin Cutler, pastor of New Hope Baptist Church and also a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. In keeping with the theme for the year "WITH REDEDICATION TO THE IDEALS OF ALPHA," Rev. Cutler's sermon was "It is time to evaluate Yourself." Prior to the sermon, the president of Epsilon Iota Lambda Chapter, A.T. Hopkins, Sr. gave overview of the anniversary sermon followed by William Hicks giving a scholarly review of the founding of Alpha Phi Alpha at Cornell University. W. Lovell Turner gave the history of Epsilon Iota Lambda Chapter and Lewis Clayton presented the members, wives and a gift to the church.

— MEMBERS — Leon N. Harris Simon Cook Benjamin L. Davis, Jr. Robert Sandidge William J. Hopkins William Boone Armand Wyatt Lonnie T. Reid Charles Turner William Hicks Willie Townes

Highlighting the Sunday's activities was a buffet luncheon for nearly 50 members and guests given by Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Richardson, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hopkins, Sr. at the Golden Manor, Hall Street, Franklin, Virginia. A brief review of fraternity activities for Epsilon Iota Lambda Chapter # 220, Suffolk, Virginia. Allen T. Hopkins, Sr., President Willie J. Bell, Vice-President Ernest Claud, Jr., President Elect Lewis W. Clayton, Recording Secretary James M. Deloatch, Corresponding Sec'y Carey L. Boone, Treasurer

1. Annual Scholarship Dance-Gen. Vaughan Armory-Franklin, Virginia December 22, 1972. 2. The 23rd Anniversary Sermon (article included). 3. Financial assistance and participation in Project-Homecoming for Colonel Frederick Vann Cherry, a repatriated prisoner of war from Suffolk, Virginia-Banquet — April 14, 1973 — Suffolk-Nansemond Armory. 4. Annual High School Senior NightSouthampton Junior High SchoolCourtland, Virginia—May 1, 1973. 5. Annual Spring Formal Dance — June 1, 1973 — Suffolk-Nansemond Armory. 6. To conclude the events of the year the Annual Alpha Family CookOut — June 10, 1973.

the Greek Week Festivities sponsored by Alpha Chi Chapter of Fisk University. SOME SUCCESS IN RESPONSIBILITY Some success in fulfilling responsibility has been realized. Approximately onehalf of the chapters in the state has submitted calenders of events for the chapters. Rosters of members of each chapter have also been received. Only a few chapters have sent to the editor news items to meet the 20th of the month deadline. It has been generally agreed that good communication is our greatest problem. It could well be our great asset. The success of this newsletter depends on the full cooperation of all chapters. ZETA IOTA WORKS TO ACQUIRE HOUSE Zeta Iota Chapter has taken initial steps to acquire a frat house for next school term. The building in question is large enough to house all of the chapter members. ETA BETA CONTINUED "PROJECT OVERDUE" The brothers are continuing to work with youth of the community. They have developed a program called "Project Overdue." This program is designed to reach troubled youth and expose them to another aspect of life; A bus load of Chicago youth was brought to Platteville for a week-end of activities. THIS 'N THAT Brother Fred D. Bobo has been named Schlitz's representative to P.U.S.H. Brother Louis DeSilva entered the Air Force Feb. 5. Louis was D.O.P. for Eta Pi. Brother Ron Davis (formerly of ZI), a a UW law student is actively recruiting for law students for the university. Brother Albert Thompson, Jr., is "practicing teaching" at Milwaukee's Wells Hunter High School. He is being carefully watched by Brother Goodrich (Principal), Brother Hobson (VicePrincipal), and Brother Ray (Counselor).


BLACKS AND THE LAW Brother Raymond Pace Alexander * (This Bulletin is proud to present the following autobiographical sketch by Judge Raymond Pace Alexander, distinguised Jurist, recounting some of the problems and experiences which he has received as a black man aspiring to the study and practice of law, and his herculean successful efforts to overcome them. A brilliant student in college and law, an eminent attorney, he is now admired and respected as an outstanding member of the Bench. As student, lawyer, judge, civic leader and humanitarian, his story deserves the attention of all for his magnificent contributions to his people and the nation.) Ed. THE BLACK LAW STUDENT and the Black lawyer have come a long way toward being accepted as able, better than average and, in many instances truly brilliant performers in their respective fields since the cruel and forbidden days of the 1920s, 1930's and early 1940's. I speak from bitter experience. If perchance I become slightly auto-biographical, you will, I trust forgive me. It was suggested that I write from "personal experience . . . how have you been affected by discrimination . . . what have you done to alleviate this . . . (for) other blacks." Additionally, "can one be an activist within the . . . law?" Let me tell you like it was, and is, today. I am a native of Philadelphia, one of 5 children in a poor family whose mother died when I was five. My father was unskilled, uneducated, and, with the help of an aunt, kept the family together. My work days began at age 12. At age 17 I graduated from the famous Central High School at the top of my class. I was the Commencement Orator. My topic, ironically, was "The Future of the American Negro," whose future then (1917) was dark and dismal. I won a scholarship to Harvard, but I was too poor to pay for room and board, and so accepted the alternate, the University of Pennsylvania. I finished the four year course in three years with highest honors, but was denied membership in any honorary society for the stated reason, "No Negro was ever elected to membership." Two of the most esteemed Professors resigned from membership giving my rejection as the cause of their action. While a student at Penn I met my wife, then Miss Sadie Tanner Mossell, a senior who also graduated in 1919 after three years study with the highest honors. Thereafter Miss Mossell (Now Mrs. Alexander) was named to the Frances Sarjeant Pepper Fellow in Economics (M.A. in Educ. 1920), the first black woman in America to receive the coveted Ph.D. degree. I wanted to study law and my heart had long been set on Harvard. My Dean, always my friend, who warmly supported my election to honors on my commencement day at Penn, was surprised. Then three days later, I, as a Red Cap baggage porter in the famed Grand Central Station, New York, again cordially greeted him as he stepped from the Philadelphia Express. I escorted him and carried his golf bags and suit cases to the famous Bar Harbor, Maine Express for his vacation. I told him of my plans for Harvard. No scholarships to that renowned law school were available in those days. He knew my financial problems and arranged with the then Chairman of Harvard's Department of Eco-


nomics, Professor Edmund B. Day, to give me employment as his and Professor Burbank's Assistant. Professor Day later became President of Cornell. Thus, I was able to study law with no financial worries but my work in the college took many hours which I would have much preferred to devote to my law studies. However, all went well and I graduated with my class in 1923. There were eight blacks in my first year at law school. Six were returning World War I veterans and all from Negro Colleges, not too well prepared. I was the only one who graduated, I regret to say. Social life between the white law student body and the blacks was totally non-existant. In fact, there were no social contacts whatever between the black and white law students. I learned when the students registry was published that at least one-half of the first year class of 400 were from the South. They never spoke to the black students and even the pleasant and courteous Northern and Western students merely said a quiet "hello" and no more. Except for a miniscule number who might engage in a few words of conversation, my list of white friends were almost exclusively the liberal Jewish students, who were our sincere good friends. Law clubs denied Negro membership. We started a new Black one (with a few friendly Northern Jews as members) which only partially filled this vacuum. It did not do well because of the paucity of black students. My beginning class had the largest black entrants in history because six were war veterans, all on Veterans Allowances. The second year had three, all Vets and one, the late, lamented and brilliant Charles Hamilton Houston, father of civil rights law and cases in America, Phi Beta Kappa (Amherst 1917) Law Review, Harvard (1921), former Dean of Howard University Law School—was the first Black to make Harvard Law Honors. (Continued on page 49)

Portrait of Judge Raymond Pace Alexander; presented to the Philadelphia Bar Association, as Mrs. Sadie T. Alexander admires the painting in oil.


slowly walked me to the elevator, pushed the button and bade me "good bye.' I was alone in the elevator with the operator and walked to the rear. Suddenly, impulsively, I burst out in a flood of tears . . . something I don't think I had since my mother was laid in her grave at age 5. The operator stopped the car and asked, "Did something happen to you? Can I do anything for you?" That morning, that meeting with Mr. X, that elevator ride down, that operator's remark . . . all will live with me, as it has, all my life.

(Continued from page 48) I spent practically all of my time, when not assisting my economics professors in preparing for their college exams and, more time consuming, reading and grading scores of examination papers weekly, in the Harvard Law Library. A warm friendship developed with several Professors, particularly Dean Roscoe Pound and Professor Samuel Williston. Yes, something did happen to me! I was always one who They inquired of me my future plans. I replied that I wanted to return to my home town of Philadelphia to practice law. believed the best of things could, with dedication and determiAnswering their inquiry that I knew no lawyers in Philadel- nation, result from hardship and disappointment. I decided phia and had no contacts they, to my surprise, offered to then and there to go out on my own without a single conarrange such for me. Quite co-incidentally, they wrote letters tact in law, black or white. I soon found not one office to the identical law firm, the most prestigious in Philadel- building, new or old, in the central city or court house area phia, and sent copies to me for my use when I return home. or otherwise would rent to Negroes. To the Negro section I Of course, to such highly regarded and eminent legal schol- went and rented a Third floor bedroom on Philadelphia's ars, the question of color or race was of no significance in famous Lombard Street. I began by taking the lost cause such matters, hence, to the addresses I was, assumedly, a criminal cases, particularly Negroes charged with serious "white Anglo-Saxon Protestant of scholarship and character," crimes with predictably guilty verdicts. Many resulted in very Copies of their letters to the Philadelphia law firm and the unexpected acquittals and most in just causes. latter's very generous thanks for such reference were given I soon became one of the most active and ardent trial to me with every assurance that "from now on-all is well." lawyers at our bar. I was not satisfied with purely personal I harbored serious doubts. And I was not mistaken. My last success and accolades while witnessing at the same time, the summer's "upper-level" work summer of 1923, I was up- treatment of my fellow blacks being denied access to all graded from running as a Red Cap to running on the train, public places. This was happening in restaurants, including the New Haven, as a Pullman Porter (and working sparetime the great Horn & Hardart and Linton chains, lunch counters, "at the yards" helping A. Philip Randolph organize those hotels and theatres, motion picture and legitimate, where poor $30.00 a month Pullman Porters). In between I took segregated galleries were the rule and this in "the cradle of my Pennsylvania Bar Exam (July 2, 3, 1923) and received liberty!!" word of my successful passing of the same in August. I I resorted to the only way to top these cruel practices. returned to my birthplace of "Freedom in America" to begin We had a pitifully weak civil rights law in Pennsylvania enmy practice. acted in the 1880's. Criminal arrests were made time and *Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, Pa. again from 1924 until we were able, with the help for the I wanted to be certain the addressee of the letters was in first time of a Democratic Legislature during the Roosevelt the city so I telephoned my arrival and desire to see Mr. sweep in 1939, to pass a bill with teeth and brains in it. "X". I was put through to a secretary who assured me that Eight black legislators, all democrats, met in my law office Mr. "X" was expecting me and hoped that 11:00 a.m. would in 1939 for this purpose. A tough no nonsense bill was prebe convenient for me. It certainly was! Armed with my pared and each pledged full support to it. I went to Harrisletters, and in a nice new blue serge suit, conservative cut burg and lobbied every member, even the hard shell ones and all, I nervously went to this great office in the then from Pensylvania's Bible belt. tallest office building in Philadelphia where, as one alights We succeeded. The bill passed by a comfortable margin. from the elevator one is right in the huge waiting room. I But in the very year of its passage a central city theatre dewould be untruthful, if I said I expected a "Welcome. Brothnied entrance to two of our most prominent physicians and er" greeting. The receptionist doubted I had a personal aptheir wives. One doctor, Dr. F. D. Stubbs, was a Phi Beta pointment with "Big Mr. A." "Oh" said I, "I do and here are Kappa from Dartmouth and M.D. from Harvard, the first my letters from Mr. X." So with my letters, she went back Negro certified general surgeon. His wife was a University of to a room to consult. I, my intuition or suspicion, followed Pennsylvania graduate, concert pianist and daughter of Philathe lovely lady out of the corner of my eye. I was never delphia's first Negro Police Surgeon and the first Negro memasked to have a seat when a dozen chairs were vacant. And, ber of our Board of Education. The second physician, Dr. W. moments later a second lady opened the private door for H. Strickland, was the son of one of Philadelphia's oldest only a moment and closed it. Still standing in the middle of Negro physicians, Chief of Staff of the Frederick Douglass the floor, suddenly Mr. X came out of the private office and Hospital and his wife a graduate of Pembroke. We arrested greeted me. the Earle theatre owners, and won a consent decree, the last "So, you are Alexander, are you? How nice to know you." of some 20 such meaningless decrees. Under the old bill such decrees carried no damages. However, these continuous Then a long pause. Then, reading the letters silently and then he remarked and annoying arrests and in some cases convictions did have "How nice of your Professors to speak so well of you. But, the effect of gradually weakening this ugly and offensive I am afraid there has been a mistake. I am afraid there has conduct, so that early in the 1940's all such public places been a mistake. I'm very sorry. We can't use you." (Continued on page 50) Courteously, he returned my letters, took me by the arm,


BLACKS AND THE LAW (Continued from page 49) were officially declared open to all people regardless of race or color. I must not fail to mention an episode in my life that followed soon afer the rejection by Philadelphia's most prestigious law office that had much to do with my future in the field of law. After this experience I phoned my then fiancee, now Mrs. Alexander, who was working in Durham, N.C. as an Actuary for the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. She was under contract at Durham. She decided that she would return to Philadelphia the next year and study law. We decided to marry in the fall of 1923. I was earning enough in my practice, I felt sure, to support her, a home and send her to law school. She entered the University of Pennsylvania Law School in the fall of 1924. Mrs. Alexander maintained honor grades throughout and was elected to the Lake Review. But the then Dean would have none of it. However, a brilliant Jewish student whose father was a Professor of Law rebelled and made it an issue. He won. My wife was elected to the Review and graduated in 1927 as the first black woman graduate from Pennhylvania Law School. Upon passing her bar exams a few months later was the first black woman graduate from Pennsylvania Law School. We have fought side by side the oppressive practices in force against the blacks in Pennsylvania since our admission to our bar. And, unfortunately, we were alone. There was no American Civil Liberties Union in those days. The white establishment were totally deaf to our pleas. Most of the few Negro lawyers that we had were on the payroll of the Republican bosses, held political jobs and were mum. Others had a hard enough time making a living. Pennsylvania was well known as a tough state in which to pass the bar exams; few Negroes took our bar examinations and fewer passed. We had no support from the white press, and while our churches supported all our cases, their leaders could not move the white establishment. Our highly regarded Philadelphia Tribune, edited by the forceful and courageous attorney E. Washington Rhodes, and the liberal Philadelphia Courrier and Independent, edited by an equally able lawyer, Austin Norris, through their columns circulated widely the ugly practices of the establishment. They helped us to get the legislature to pass the bill that ended his disgraceful conduct. Success in these cases against the establishment and, rather unusual success in the trials of both criminal and civil cases over the years (1924-1945) brought angry and repressive treatment against me by some of Philadelphia's leading defense trial firms, many members of the District Attorney's Office and indeed, I say with profound regret, some members of our judiciary, now long since deceased. They just could not stand seeing a well trained, well groomed courteous, well maintained but strong-willed black lawyer appearing before, as was the custom in those days, all white juries and winning his cases. And, more to their chagrin, the black lawyer often represented a large percentage of white clients, men and women, in their courts. This story is much too long and too detailed to discuss fully in this paper. But let it be known that during all that time I was fighting a political issue as well. Philadelphia was and had been Republican for 67 years until a few deter-


mined, able Negro leaders, mostly lawyers—I among them— joined hands in the 1930's with a growing number of liberal white Democrats, including ex-United States Senator Joseph S. Clark and ex-Mayor Richardson Dilworth, who were the leaders in 1948, 1950 and 1952. We finally broke the back of the corrupt Vare Republican Machine and put in a new liberal reform team. I was elected to the first new Home Rule City Council in 1952, re-elected in 1956 and helped elect a Democratic Governor, who in reward appointed me to Philadelphia's historic bench in 1959. We sent the first Negro from Philadephia to Congress, elected State Senators, 8 to 10 members of the State House and changed our City Hall Court House in Philadelphia from ily-white to nearly one half black—and we love it! I have tried cases in many parts of the country against the greatest odds, handicaps and embarrassments. First, my own state must be exposed. The famous Berwyn School Case was a deliberate attempt of Philadelphia's famous Main Line to segregate its public schools including such beautiful areas as Ardmore, Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Berwyn, Paoli, etc., names to conjure with. This was in 1933. The families of all the children in that wide area of Chester & Montgomery County came to me in Philadelphia. There was not a Negro at those two bars. At that time no Philadelphian could practice in any other county unless he was admitted on motion of an attorney in that particular county. The Consolidated School in September 1933 barred Negro children from entering and sent them to an old dilapidated, firetrap that had been abandoned when the new school was opened with money from the sale of County School Bonds for which black families also had to pay taxes. What to do? Those fine people, many mothers and fathers working in the homes of the wealthy families of the Main Line, some of those wealthy sitting on the School Board, wouldn't take that. I prepared suitable Bills in Equity asking for a restraining—preliminary injunction and carried the bills and copies to the Court House. I knew the law and I knew Chester County to be the most racist county adjoining Philadelphia. The Clerk of the Court refused to accept the writs because I was not a member of that Bar. I tried to get several members of the Bar to move my admission. They all refused. I took it to the press. They publicized this inglorious treatment of a Negro lawyer who had a just and proper complaint who was denied, because of rank prejudice, his basic right to have his case even filed in court. Do you think that I was flooded with volunteers? Not at all. But one single solitary gentleman of the bar, a retired former District Attorney of Chester County, came to my support. Thank God for himl Then for two long years, there was battling in Chester County, rebuffs, then on to Harrisburg to the Attorney General of Pennsylvania for state supported mandamus. Then we returned to Chester County; then back to Harrisburg, innumerable trips, all at night, at least 50 in all—to take testimony in various churches, and after dozens of parents had been arrested and fined for keeping their children out of school. Yes, after two years of effort, 1933-35, we won. There was never again any effort to force little black boys and girls, at the tender ages of 6, 8, 10 on through high school into second class, abandoned segregated schools anywhere in Pennsylvania. (Continued on page 54)

Eta Tau Lambda Chapter, Akron, Ohio, Thinks Big Builds Channelwood - 551 Housing Units Robert L. Brown, Alpha Phi Alpha Housing, Inc., Public Relations Committee Chrm. Only a few shovelfuls of dirt were tossed in a barren field in the heart of Akron that Sunday afternoon in November, 1971, but the significance of this act was tremendous. For Eta Tau Lambda Chapter and its offspring, Alpha Phi Alpha Homes, Incorporated, it was the fulfillment of a dream that flourished in the minds and hearts of a few brothers during the early sixties For the numerous dignitaries who gathered that afternoon, it was recognition that housing and jobs would result from this partnership of local initiative and Federal funding which made Channelwood Village possible Channelwood is a limited-dividend Corporation funded under the FHA 236 Program. It is the first private development in the city to have social and economic integration as one of its major goals. Under the rent subsidy program, 40% of the residents can be low income families. In May of 1973, this 551 unit, $11.5 million housing complex will be completed. Channelwood will contain moderate and low income housing on 22 acres of land. Every effort is being made to assure that this area will have all the amenities of urban life. Nearly 1,200 residential units will eventually be developed here. There will be two new 3.5 acre parks. Canal Park to the West of Channelwood Village was completed in 1971. Park East is under construction. A neighborhood shopping center, within walking distance, will be constructed soon.

The Development — Status Three architectural styles are found in Channelwood — townhouses, garden apartments and a highrise building. Monthly Building Type Rental Number Tye of Unit Highrise $125.00 263 One bedroom Highrise 14, 145.00 158 Two Bedroom Garden Apts. 144 155.00 Townhouse 110 Three Bedroom 165.00 Townhouse 24 Four Bedroom Rent up activities began in the fall of 1972. A total of 170 families are now housed at Channelwood. More than 460 applicants are on our waiting list (Continued on page 52)

Achievements Each street in Channelwood Village is named after a Jewel or a founder of Eta Tau Lambda. Callis Oval is the major thoroughfare. It winds past the highrise building and forms a landscaped oval in the northern extremity of the garden apartment complex. The names of the Jewels will live forever at Channelwood. The active efforts of brothers has led to a recent decision by the Akron Board of Education to build an elementary school adjacent to Channelwood This in itself is a major breakthrough since the history of most school systems indicates that new schools just are not built in the inner city. The overall construction work force has been made up of 31% minority. This is a significant achievement for any construction project. This figure is representative of all skill trades. Additionally, minority contractors participated in 13% of the dollar amount of subcontracts worked. National Participation The involvement of our National Building Foundation has played a very important role in Channelwood's development. When documentation was required by FHA regarding Eta Tau Lambda Chapter's certification as an eligible sponsor of a housing project, the National Organization responded. The weight of national support supplied the ingredient that made possible our certification as an eligible sponsor. The support of the National body continues. Three members of Alpha Phi Alpha Homes' Board of Directors are appointed by the National BuUding Foundation. We take great pride in this continuing interest.

Brother Bob Brown, President ot Alpha Phi Alpha Homes, Inc. with the Project Coordinator for the Thomas J. Dillion Construction Co. The 15-story, 277 unit highrise building is in the background. They're walking in one of the 3.5 acres parks near Channelwood.


Alpha Library Committee, Inc. AKRON, OHIO It was of little surprise that the men of Eta Tau Lambda Chapter here in Akron, Ohio saw a growing problem at the Wooster Branch Library, particularly in terms of lack of use, and volunteered its services to assist in reversing a backward trend Our involvement first began in the Spring of 1971 when the Chapter voted to establish a special library committee to work with the Wooster Branch Library. That committee, with Mrs. Mildred Wright, librarian at the Wooster Branch, and with great enthusiasm, launched a program of involvement designed to meet the needs of the library and the community. During the first year we concentrated mainly on working with youth, particularly in a summer reading program. We also began to get a feel of some of the problem areas. At the beginning of 1972, we felt that we had determined the need areas and as a result developed a proposal which we named "Project Read." With the project proposal in hand, we approached the Akron community and sought private financing for a six month program: The sum of almost $7,000.00 was received. From a few seedlings of ideas have germinated a variety of programs at the Wooster Branch Library all being done cooperatively by the fraternity, the branch library and the main library. The committee itself was incorporated in March 1972. Due to continued increased activity and time requirements, the committee in November 1972 employed an Administrative Coordinator to coordinate its program activities with school, library and community. Mrs. Cynthia Washington was selected for this post and to date has done a most wonderful job. Also, Mrs. Elinor Dunbar was employed to work

Building Channelwood (Continued from page 51) The Executive Committee of Alpha Phi Alpha Homes, Incorporated meets weekly with the management of Channelwood to insure accomplishment of the goals established by the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees meets monthly. Annual meetings are held in the spring of the year. I n pact — Community and Chapter The involvement of Eta Tau Lambda Chapter in the successful development of Channelwood has branded the fraternity as a group that gets results. We are known as a community conscious group with financial and professional roots — a factor to be reckoned with. Appointments to important boards and commissions are a by-product of this activity. On an individual basis, brothers are increasing their involvement in areas where influence on vital issues is possible. Attendance at chapter and corporation meetings has soared. Life memberships are increasing. Total participation by brothers in fraternal activities is up. And this is only the beginning. Pending Internal Revenue Service approval, we have planned and set aside funds to implement programs in the following areas: (1) lobbying at the state and local level in support of specific legislation, (2) a scholarship program, (3) a high risk loan program, (4) a housing counselling service and (5) a program to decentralize housing opportunities


with our youth activities committee. She has quickly made herself known to and loved by all of the youth. The programs outlined below were implemented by the committee during the last six months in 1972. I.

Youth Activities — By design, the majority of our activities were directed toward youth of grade school age. Among these were: 1. The Borrowers and Readers Club — This club was opened to all grade school aged youth. Membership was obtained by registering at the library and obtaining a membership card. In order to remain in good standing each member was to read at least two (2) books a month. Those who met the minimum requirements were eligible for fun activities and yearend prizes and awards. A picnic was held in the summer and a number of other fun activities were held periodically, such as skating parties and food treats. During the summer of 1972 reading contest winner, Beverly Baddley, read over 30 books and already a spirited contest is underway this fall/winter with the top reader having read over 90 books. 2. Movies were shown every other week during the summer and once a month during the school months. These movies were full-length feature films, usually Walt Disney movies. They served as an incentive to attend the library and also join the reading club. 3. A storytelling hour was conducted each Saturday for tiny tots. The Alpha wives carried on this project providing storytelling and craft activities for preschool through grade 3 children. 4. Literary activities included writing activities to aid and assist youth to put into written form that which they had learned from their reading. (Continued on page 53)

Brother William Threatt, President of Eta Tau Lambda Chapter, inspects Townhouse construction with a member ot the Thomas J. Dillon Construction Co., builder of Channelwood.

Pre-School Reading Group

Alpha Library Chapter Reading Contest (Continued from page 52)

PRESIDENT OF ALPHA WIVES Mrs. Martin Washington, and Mrs. Nelson Davis meet with Preschool Reading group.

Mrs. Eleanor Dunbar, wife of Brother Dr. John W. Dunbar, receives a book with a participant in the Chapter Reading Contest.



Adult Activities — The primary adult activity to date has been a series of monthly discussions held at the Wooster Branch Library in the evenings under the general theme "In Black America." Some of the topic discussions have been issue-oriented such as "The Black Woman in America," "Black Youth —Hope or no Hope." Others have centered around reviews of outstanding books. These meetings have all proven to be quite interesting and are growing in popularity.

1972 and painted the Community room at the library. IV.

Employment of Reading Specialist — Ms. Thelma Allen, a teacher in the Akron Public Schools system, a wellknown and respected reading specialist, was employed by the committee to conduct reading improvement classes at the Wooster Branch Library. These classes have been received with tremendous enthusiasm and the registration has been in excess of that anticipated. Presently, we are only servicing grade school youth but plan to provide such classes for adults in 1973. The success of this program to date has been inspirational.


Employment and Training of Student Aides — This summer, six highschool aged youth were employed as part of our summer program as library aids. They worked at the library under the direction of the librarian, Mrs. Mildred Wright. They learned to greet the public, carry out the duties of library aides and earn a summer income. Three of the young people employed for the summer were retained as regular staff by the library in the fall. At the close of the summer program, a dinner was held at the Tallmadge Buffet for the students who worked during the summer under this program and their parents. The dinner was attended by fraternity members, library staff, the library aides, and their parents. An enjoyable time was had by all.

Property improvement—A continuing program of property improvement at the Wooster Branch Library designed to improve the physical state of the library has been instituted by the fraternity. A number of conferences were held with Mr. John Rebenak, Director of the Akron Public Library, towards obtaining such improvements. Resultingly, a number of things were done, including refurbishing of some furniture, repair of signs, repair of the parking lot, completion of roof repair, waxing the floor, installation of a copy machine so that patrons may make copies of material, and other general repairs. It is not our intent by this report to take credit for all improvements made at the library. However, as we have stated earlier to the library administration, "the wheel that squeaks the loudest gets greased first." Through combined community efforts and involvement, it only stands to reason that any branch library will receive greater attention where the people in that neighborhood express a desire for improvements. Towards the establishment of a combined community/library joint-effort approach and because of the great need, we offered to meet 50% of the expense of obtaining new drapes for of $800.00 and hopefully will be ready for installment by the end of January, 1973. The members of Eta Tau Lambda Chapter got together on Saturday, December 16,

Student aides are also currently utilized to assist Ms. Allen in our reading program two days a week for two hours each day. VI.

Other activities a. A reception was held for Mr. Jafred Musisi, a visiting librarian from Africa who spent a number of weeks here in Akron as a guest of the Akron Public Library. We also were instrumental in obtaining free living quarters for Mr. Musisi at the Cascade Holiday Inn and in introducing him to many features of "Black Akron." the Wooster Branch Library conference room, providing (Continued on page 54)


Alpha Library (Continued from page 53) the main library matched these funds Having consented to do so, the drapes are presently being made at a cost b. The committee provided for Santa Claus to be at the library for children to meet during Christmas for four (4) consecutive days for approximately six (6) hours each day. Santa also passed out candy canes. c. Over 100 posters entitled "Ready your Kid to Read" showing a young mother reading to her pre-schooler were distributed throughout the community. d. A blackboard was purchased for use at the library. and partciularly for the reading specialist in her classes. The foregoing has been a brief synopsis of the activity of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's library committee. We have found this project to be exciting and worthwhile. We think there have been some positive results, such as the reversal of a downward spiral of the book circulation at the Wooster Branch Library to an upward spiral. This is in fact unique, for most inner-city libraries across the nation are experiencing a decrease in book circulation. Prior to our involvement this was true of the Wooster Branch Library, however, since we began our cooperative efforts with the library during the summer of 1971, the book circulation at the Wooster Branch has been increasing steadily. The months of September, October, November and December of 1972 all showed an increase in book circulation of over 20% of the preceding year. What does the future hold? For one thing, our fraternity is committed to continue its involvement in this project to bring about even more activity and participation. We plan to continue our present programs and add additional ones, such as drama training, reading classes for adults, services to the elderly, building a closer relationship between library, school and community, and such other positive programs as may be decided upon mutually with the library. Fraternally, Martin Washington

DELTA DELTA . . . Albany State College

DELTA DELTA CHAPTER, ALBANY STATE COLLEGE ALBANY, GA. 31705 This summer Brothers at Albany State College, Albany, Georgia, employed several money raising events to sponsor a local Pony League Baseball Teach (The Mt. lion Braves). Brother Tony Golden (Vice-President of Delta Delta Chapter) awarded Brother Starlin Smith (Coach of the team) a check from the Brothers of Delta Delta to purchase uniforms and equipment tor the Braves. The Chapter's next goal in aiding these small Black males is to teach them the fun and enjoyment of bowling and hopefully to start a little league bowling team.

THETA IOTA Va. Polytechnic

Black and The Law (Continued from page 50) Yes, something happened to me way back in that beautiful office in 1923 which caused me to burst out in tears in that elevator and that "happening" still carries me "right on" to this day. I can never tell you the amount of man and woman hours, as my wife "kept the store" at the office all that time, that that case cost me—nor the nerve and physical energy that was expended. I can tell you that the gross dollar receipt during that two year ordeal did not amount to more than $500.00. No, we were never paid in our long list of civil rights cases, not even court costs. We never asked nor would we accept money for such services. We felt a total commitment for the time we suffered the personal sting of denial and rejection when my wife and I entered restaurants and theatres, only to be refused. We want to do all in our power to destroy such practices from our community so that other Blacks would not face such obstacles in their path, and could truly hope for advancement for themselves and their children in the future. (Continued Next Issue)


History was made in Virginia when Alpha Phi Alpha established its newest chapter, THETA IOTA, at VIRGINIA POLY—technic Institute. Blacksburg, Va. Pictured above are the members of this chapter and their Alpha Sweetheart. Kneeling from left to right: James Kirkpatrick III, W. Carlton Rogers, Ronald S. Robinson, Darryl A. Givens. Standing from left to right: Clarence L. James, Geraldine Brickhouse, attendant; Lewis A. Marshall, James E. Toles, Karen Holloway, Alpha sweetheart; Dwight I. Goldman, Jerry N. Johnson, Chapter President; Earl G. Smith, James E. Williams, Avis Winston, attendant; Anthony D. Crisp. Missing from photo James R. Baker.

Brother Haley Bell, D. D. S. - Detroit, Mich. Pioneer in Broadcasting Industry The broadcasting industry has lost one of its real pioneers with the death of Dr. Haley Bell, who helped found Michigan's first black radio station. Dr. Bell, a dentist and businessman, made significant contributions to the entire community. His Bell Broadcasting System, built around the twin WCHB stations, not only offered professional opportunities in the media to many black performers and technicians but signaled the beginning awareness of the needs and. interests of the black stations owned, operated and built by blacks. Brother Bell was to have been honored by the Detroit Cotillion Club for his many charitable and civic contributions. He was especially interested in educational affairs and personally sponsored scholarships for many students. The stations he helped build early adopted as their slogan, "The Voice of Progress," a policy in programing meant to reflect the music, aspirations and accomplishments of Detroit area blacks. His efforts will not be forgotten and it is fitting that his initials remain part of the stations' call letters. He, with his family, founded the Bell Broadcasting Company in 1955. WCHB went on the air at six o'clock in the morning, the day after the election in November, 1956. The first public service act that morning was news reporting the death of the late Dr. Alfred E. Thomas. Haley was a man of deep compassion. He could agonize over the firing of an employee, even though a man had sadly neglected his duty. He loved Detroit and he felt that Detroit loved him. Although he suffered his share of condemnation, he had been honored too, almost beyond enumeration. The walls of his office and the library of his home are lined with awards, an Honorary Doctorate Degree, and photographs of famous friends. A man is the product of everything he sees, experiences and reads, of the places he has visited and the people he has known, and in that sense, Brother

Dr. Haley Bell, President ol WCHB/WCHD, Detroit, Michigan.

Haley Bell was an enormous man. He leaves to mourn his loss a devoted wife, Mary, two daughters, Iris Cox and Dorris Bass. Two sons, Dr. Wendell Cox and Dr. C. Robert Bass. Five grandchildren, Wendell Haley and Iris Marie Cox, Robert Bell, Eric Bell, and Treva Bell Bass and the WCHBWCHD Radio families. All mankind, indeed, was his family. Brother Haley W. Bell was born in Brunswick, Georgia, the son of Jessica and Joseph Bell, on October 17, 1895. In the early morning hours on March 12, 1973, he quietly slept away to join the heavenly host of mother, father, relatives and friends who waited to greet him. His mother, a widow, imbedded in him his initial Christian principles and ideas. Together they regularly attended St. Athanasius Church in Brunswick, Georgia, where his grandparents had been among the founders. One of his most treasured possessions was a worn Common Prayer book that he had received in 1903 for being a good boy in Sunday School. After moving from Brunswick to Sa-

Brother Brown Norfolk State College The Brothers of Alpha Phi Lambda chapter, Norfolk Va. were stunned by the death of one of its most stalwart and dedicated members Brother George William Clement Brown Sr. in January of this year. , Brother Brown spent most of his life serving his community and helping to bring higher education to Norfolk Va. He was a founder of Norfolk Unit of Virginia Union University which later became Norfolk State College, a life member of the NAACP, an organizer and director of the Tidewater Area Council for Community Improvement, a Realtor, Insurance broker, and a civic and social worker. At the time of his death he was a member of the Board of Directors of Norfolk State College, also professor emeritus of this school. He was a fifty year member of Alpha and in recent years was named Alpha Man of The Year by The Eastern Region. In his last efforts to serve his community and his fraternity he directed an attempt by the Norfolk chapter to obtain a two million dollar low-cost housing grant. Brother Brown received an A.B. degree from Virginia Union University, Richmond: an M.A. degree from Columbia University: professional degrees from Columbia University, New York University and Indiana University: and an honorary L.H.D. from Virginia Union University. vannah, Georgia, he received his primary and elementary education there. He attended Haines Institute in Augusta, Georgia, where he soon became the pride and joy of the illustrious Miss Lucy Laney. He entered Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tennessee, in 1918. Graduating with honors from the College of Dentistry in 1922. He came to Detroit in 1923 and began the practice of Dentistry in Hamtramck. In a few years he had built up an enormous practice and made many friends. At a time when most men would have retired, his desire to serve a larger group of people led him into new fields of labor.


William A. Robinson, Well-Known Educator, Died son Jr., and I am happy to print it. Dr. Robinson was a no-nonsense man. If he objected to something, he said so — and his meaning was clear. If he saw discrimination he would set his jaw and fight on. As principal of the all-black Carver High School he was in the forefront of equal education for his charges. And meanwhile his athletic teams set records unequaled since in high school competition. Gus Shaw, whose football teams were virtually unbeatable, gave me the following tribute from the educator's son: "During the services at Universal Center and Greenwood Memorial Park this past Saturday, I was reminded that I have the advantage of knowing Dr. Robinson longer than anyone present. "The tributes paid to him were only lacking in one small detail — the explanation of how one man can accomA son who knows and respects his plish so many things. father should have the last word of "Appreciation for what he did is not tribute. enough. This would not please him as Dr. William A. Robinson, the educamuch as seeing his students continue tor who died recently, received a touchon without him. And what he taught has ing one from this son, William A. Robinnot been put into school books, nor did he ever give it a name. "The important thing we were to get out of the course is that my father never bothered about the consequences to himself of doing what had to be done. "This freedom had become as much NOTICE a hobit as putting one foot in front of the other, long before he came to Phoenix. Name of deceased Brother. "It is hard to break an old habit, and no one can break it for you. And Date of Death. Chapterthe habit of freedom is more liberating than laws, and certainly more liberating Addressthan wealth. "More important, having the habit Zone. City and Statesaves a lot of time. It ends waiting to do things that should have happened a Address. Name of Sendeelong time ago. "It was never a comfortable habit, Enclose Glossy Photograph of the Deceased. but anything more comfortable somehow never seemed worth the effort." Mail to: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Chicago, III. 60653 This habit, I might add, was in essence a dedication to dignity plus freedom.

Dr. William A. Robinson, 82, who was listed in Who's Who in American Education and was principal of Carver High School in Phoenix from 1945 to 1953, died July 12, 1972 in Tanner Manor Nursing Home. Brother Robinson, 1314 E. Jefferson, served as president of the National Association of Teachers in Colored Schools in 1926, was one of its trustees from 1933 to 1938 and was associate editor of the NATCS bulletin. Brother Robinson was state supervisor of Negro High Schools in North Carolina from 1921 to 1928, principal of Austin High School in Knoxville, Tenn., until 1931, principal of Atlanta University Laboratory School until 1941 and director of Secondary School Study, Association Colleges & Secondary Schools for Negroes until 1945, the year he came to Phoenix from Atlanta. Brother Robinson had been vice president of the Arizona Conference on Children & Youth and Treasurer of the board of Phoenix Urban League. He had contributed articles to many magazines including, Rurral America, Junior Red Cross and Journal of Scientific Research.

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Born in Danville, Va., he was graduated from Atlanta University in 1913, received his BS degree in 1921 and MA in 1924 from Columbia University. He taught mathematics at the National Training School at Durham, N.C., and at other schools in Kentucky, Georgia and Washington, D.C. He was a member of Phi Delta Kappa fraternities, Bishop's Commission of St. Paul Episcopal Church, board of trustees of Memorial Hospital, becoming an honorary member of the board in 1955 and was secretary of the Arizona Council of Churches in 1948. Survivors include a son, William A. Robinson Jr. of Maplewood, N.J.

Son Talks About His Father



ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. General Office / 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive / Chicago, Illinois






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THERE GOES AN ALPHA MAN There goes a man of high impulse Of princely mien and grace There goes a man of humble faith A credit to his race There goes a man of conscience vast with will to reach his goal There goes a man of lordly rank Of heroes' stock and soul—


P. Howard





Presidents 1500 American Building. Baltimore.


q m l « n e r n ~Benn!e J H a m Southwestern — Robert M. King Western — Thadeaus H. Hobbs


T Yeadon. Penn. 19050 Maryland


.602 Mooremont Terrace, Chattanooga. Tenn. 37411 602 M o v e m e n t Terrace. »"«•' . . . . 1 8 3 9 Mahalia Drive. Waco. Texas 76705 Norton Avenue. Los Angeles, California 90008 3909 S

Assistant Vice Presidents „ h „ „ c i„hn«™ Box K-130 Boston College, Chestnut Hill. Mass. Eastern — StepherI S. Johnson BOX r. ^ ^ Qhjo w .'.Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte. N. C. Midwestern — George C Johnson Southern C h i d e s G Lew°s . . . . . . . . 4 0 2 0 W. 21st Street. Los Angeles. California Western Brace EI Godfrey' '.'.Box 44012. Southern Univ. Capitol Station. Baton Rouge. La. Southwestern Committee qmith Jr

02167 ^ ^ 28208 90018 70804


Atlant. i, Ga. 63108 63113 ' Andrew J. Lewis, II 2861 Engle Road. N.W.. Atlanta. Georgia 30318 27909 70126 6A Election Emmett W. Bashful °%/n?Sran Blvd.. New Orleans. La 70122 Budget & Finance ChasCTeamer , 7 * 21s? Avenue. N. Nashvillee. Tenn 37208 32304 P U o1?c. n t?or7 Moses General" M T , .WW.".'.''..'.' 1329 Abraham Street. Tallahassee. Florida 70122 Marcus Newstadter 2745 Prentiss Ave., New Orleans La. 10017 Publicity-Public Relations 507 - 5th Ave.. Suite 305. New York, N. Y. Equitable Job Opportunity — L. H. Stanton ..

i A .

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3380 Sewell Rd. S.W..

B - ^ B ^ E r * ?*?.. ;;;;:• ;^:P?i^!vect^=s.c^uiREGIONAL DIRECTORS Eastern Region

There goes a man of noble caste Whom hardship cannot break There goes a man in merit

clad Whom duty won't forsake There goes a man in cultured verse Who holds a sportsman's creed There goes a man too vigilant To bow to lust or greed There goes a man whose life is spent in service not in scorn There goes a man whose majesty Shines like a May time There goes a man who is a friend To love and duty truth There goes a man to help uplift The lives of wholesome youth There goes a man with industry and faith at his command. There goes the best man in and out For he is an Alpha Man.

Bro. Leon Sweeny New Jersey Maryland — Brown, Connecticut — Bro. Otha N. _ . - . . . . , j- r New York Bro Clarence J a c o b . Pennsylvania Bro. James Howard .'. Massachusetts Rhode Island — Bro. Ralph A l l e n .


Norman Drive. Neptune, New Jersey 208 Flax Hill

. . . . •••


Road, Norwalk, Conn. St. Albans. N.Y. Pa Philadelphia.

™ . , » ™

105 .Greenwood St. Boston. Mass 179 Doyle Ave., Providence, R.I.

Midwestern Region Northern Illinois Bro. Andre Bell • •• • • • 1501 Albion, Chicago Illinois Eastern Illinois Bro. William Ridgeway, P h D Dept. of Zoology Eastern . Un.«_ 6899 a e r Southern Illinois Bro. Harold W. Thomas J: J<7 J ? T ' , ^ h q u L . r » r v Indiana Indiana Bro. William J. Bolden 19th Street Gary Indiana o 3157 West Iowa Bro. Everett A. Mays P- , ° Box No. 533. Ipes Moines. Iowa Kansas Bro. Elarry E. Mukes 3828 Laven Street. Wichita. Kansas 40205 6, Kentucky Bro. Melvin Talbott 1863 Overlook Terrace. Louisville Ky Mich. Eastern Michigan Bro. Robert J. Chillison. I l l 13836 John R. St Highland Pk^ Western Michigan - Bro. W. Wilberforce Plummer. MD 654 Wealthy St., SE, Grand Rapids, Mich. Eastern Missouri Bro. Clifton Bailey 3338 Aubert Ave St. Louis M o . 6 3 1 1 5 Central Missouri Bro. Carl Smith State Route 2 Lakeview Subdivision, JefT City Mo. Western Missouri Bro. Titus Exum 108 Allen Hall. Lincoln Univ.. Jeffe son City. Mcv Nabraska Bro. Thomas A. Phillips 5012 Ruggles Street Omaha Nebraska 68104 Northeast Ohio Bro. Curtis Washington 15 Wheeler Street. Akron. O h o 44311 Northwest Ohio Bro. Robert Stubblefield 1340 W. Woodruff St.. Toledo. O h o 43606 Central Ohio Bro. Oliver Sumlin 2724 Hoover Avenue, Dayton. Ohio 45407 Southeast Ohio — Bro. James Wright 1505 Franklin P a r k ; So., Columbus, Ohio 43205 Mary Lane, Cincinnati. Ohio Southwest Ohio — Bro. Holloway Sells '„n Box No. 314. Welch, W. Va. West Virginia — Bro. J. A. Shelton • • • ;. p ., % Street. Milwaukee, Wis. 53218 64th Wisconsin — Bro. Hoyt Harper 5344 Oklahoma — Bro. Vernon L F o s h e e Louisiana — Bro. Chas. H. Finley Arkansas — Bro. T. E. Patterson Texas — Bro. Reby Cary Texas — Bro. Victor Smith Arkansas — Bro. M. L. p'.VJj. Arkansas — Bro Georoe Howard At-Large — Bro. Paul Smith

Southwestern Region 725 Terrace Blvd., Muskogee. Oklahoma 501 E. Main Street, Lafayette, La. 70501 1624 W. 21st St., Little Rock, Arkansas 1804 Bunche Dr., Ft. Worth. Texas . 2004 N. Adams, Amarillo, Texas 1200 Pulaski, Little Rock, Ark. '. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '• 60 Watson Blvd.. Pine Bluff. Ark. Ark. A and M College, Pine Bluff, Ark.

Southern Region 2861 Engle Road NW. Atlanta. Ga. 30318 At-Large — Rroiher Andrew J Lewis II '. 52 Fourteenth Court West. Birmingham. Ala. 35204 Alabama — Brother Roosevelt BeM Bro Robert L Smith « 1 Rosemary Ave.. West Palm Beach. Fla. 33401 Florida — 3 L M. Collier Jr . £ . . . . . . . C o M i e r Professional Building Georgia — ^Brother D r . H e : r Brother John H. Montgomery 1103 Daphne Ayenue Daphne Ala. 36527 Gulf Area Box 677. Alcorn College, Lorman Miss 39096 Mississippi — Brother John I. Hendricks. Jr 2405 Glenridge Court. Greensboro, N C. 27405 North Caro lina — Brother W. Sullivan 4509 Williamsburg Drive. Columbia S.C. 29203 South Caro lina — Brother W. J . Davis Jr Brother Zenoch G. Adams 1024 Kellow Street. Nashville. Tenn. 37208 Tennessee Bay Area Granvel Jackson Colorado Area Laurence Ogletree Los Angeles Area Clinton Minnis Phoenix-New Mexico — Wm. M. Corbin Sacramento-Stockton — C. W. Basfield San Diego Area — Samuel McElroy. Jr Tucson-Nev. — Felix L. Goodwin

Western Region 257 Kensington Way San Francisco. Cal. ..6550 E. 6th St Denver Colo. 2 18 So. Bagley St., Los Angeles. Cal. 2401 W. Cheery Lynn Rd Phoenix. Ariz. Stockton. Cal. • • • • • -520 *V 5th St San Diego, Cal. 6531 Hopedale Ct 941 E. Seneca St., Tucson. Ariz.

94127 80220 90034 85015 95206 92120 85719



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