The SPHINX | Winter 1975 | Volume 61 | Number 1 197506101

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c VOLUME 61, NUMBER 1 FEBRUARY 1975 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.


Follow Me to Miami"

Official Organ Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.


TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 — Brotherhood In Crisis Brother Hodari Kinamo gives serious consideration to a problem which we sometimes would prefer to ignore. This is an insightful article, written with sincere concern for the future of our beloved fraternity. 7 — Regional Conventions Get the latest information on your regional meeting and finalize your plans to be "where the action is." 14 — Focus The spotlight in the academic community is on Brother Frederick Humphries, new president of Tennessee State Univeristy and, naturally, an Alpha Man. 21 — Follow Me To Miami! Everything you want to know about the General Convention and didn't know who to ask! Begin making your plans now - and bring the whole family along. 25 — Re-Organization For your convenience, we repeat the questionnaire by the Task Force on Re-organization. Give us your ideas on the needs of Alpha Phi Alpha. 37 — Bridging The Gap Omicron Lambda Alpha is a "chapter with a mission." Started as Alpha's first intermediate chapter, OLA now functions as an alumni chapter - yet its unique mission in the brotherhood remains intact. Special Features A report on the Georgia State Convention can be found on page 6 . .. Page 4 features the story of a birthday celebration for one of the most outstanding men in the history of Alpha Phi Alpha - Brother Raymond Cannon, first Editor-in-Chief of the Sphinx and Past General President .. The General Convention Call is located on page 1.

DEPARTMENTS 2—The General President Speaks 16—Newsline 3—From the Executive Secretary's Desk 30—Chapter News 18—There Goes an Alpha Man 20—Life Membership 26—Alphas on the Move 38—Omega Chapter 40—Directory of Officers and Chapters

This year, for the first time, we are including General Convention information in the February issue, rather than in May. This will allow all Brothers ample time to make arrangements to attend the Miami convention. Regional convention information is also included for your convenience. . . As we prepare to journey to the 69th Ann i v e r s a r y C o n v e n t i o n , it seems unbelievable that Brother Fred Atwater will not be in attendance there. In his official capacity as Sergeant-at-Arms, Brother Atwater commanded the respect of even the most rambunctious of us as he kept the order. Past Executive Secretary Laurence T. Young, Sr. prepared the tribute to Brother Atwater in the Omega Chapter section... A special note of thanks to all chapter editors who submitted material for this issue. . . You knew it — I knew it — and now, the world will know that Alpha's are on the move ! Alpha men are in positions of responsibility in virtually every corner of our nation. Please continue to let us know what our Brothers are doing. . . A note about addresses. All Brothers should be aware that the Sphinx mailing list is compiled as Grand Tax and Life Memberships are paid. This is our only official address and all changes should indicate current Pass Card or Life Member numbers. A complete roster of your chapter members which does not contain this information is of little help, if any, in up-dating addresses. Thus, the crucial point is to see that your full and correct address is registered with this office at the time Grand Tax is paid. . . We are doing everything possible to make the Sphinx, your magazine, the finest of its kind in existence. The task of researching, compiling and preparing the wealth of information at our disposal is awesome. Certainly, mistakes will be made — but our progress is evident and the Sphinx will continue to move forward with your assistance... Until next issue... Michael J. Price, Editor

The Sphinx is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpho Fraternity, Inc., 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Chicago, III. 60653. Published four times a year: February. May, October and December. Send all editorial mail and change of Address (send both addresses) to Alpha Phi Alpho Fraternity, 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, III. 60653. Manuscripts or art submitted to The Sphinx should be accompanied by addressed envelopes and return postage. Editor assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. Opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and use of any person s name in fiction, semi-fiction articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility of The Sphinx. It is never done knowingly. Copyright 1974 by The Sphinx, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Reproduction or use, without written permission, of the editorial or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited. The Sphinx has been published continuously since 1914. Organizing Editor: Bro. Raymond W. Cannon. Organizing General President: Bro. Henry Lake Dickason. Second class postage paid at Chicago, III. Postmaster: Send form 3579 and all correspondence, 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60653.

As General President of ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC., it becomes my constitutional duty to call the Brotherhood into annual convention—AUGUST 1-7, 1975. This year we shall headquarter at the beautiful Hotel Fontainebleau (and Eden Roc Hotel) in Miami Beach, Florida. It is hoped that 1975 will be recorded as the year in which General Convention attendance reached the 3,000 mark. Having witnessed the tremendous increase in convention attendance over the last two years, there is every indication that we will not only reach that mark but surpass it. Last year we had 10,000 financial brothers by convention time; this year we plan to have 12,000. We look forward to again meeting in fellowship with many Alpha brothers and their families. "Alpha's Outreach to Business" . . . is the theme of the 69th Anniversary Convention. In an effort to turn our collective talents to this important subject, we shall attempt to spend less time in general sessions and focus on workshops and programs. Some of the most outstanding speakers of the nation have been selected to appear and share their expertise in the areas of recession, inflation, and the problems of Black businesses. We shall conduct a "working" convention — the fruits of which will have tremendous social import. Among our in-house projects, we hope to report the organization of 100 new chapters since the San Francisco convention. There will, of course, be the Equitable Employment Opportunity Exhibits and the Annual Job Interviews. This marks my 25th year as an Alpha man — and I invite you to join me in Miami to celebrate. I am also proud to note that I have not missed a General Convention since my initiation, and eagerly look forward to this one. "It will be a great convention!" WALTER WASHINGTON General President

The Sphinx / February 19 75


General Convention. Business plans for the 69th Anniversary Convention in Miami Beach are nearing completion - and the local committee has completed an exciting social program for the entire family. State Directors. More and more, the day-by-day operation of the fraternity is being directed by State Directors. We have seen the resultant increase in attendance at the state conventions — they're becoming mini-regionals. We think the Vice Presidents and Assistant Vice Presidents have done a good job in helping to stimulate this growth. Brotherhood. "Brotherhood" . . . is the foundation of our fraternity. True brotherhood occurs at the chapter level. No brother would knowingly tear down another brother. When one destroys his brother, he destroys himself. If one has a problem with a brother, he would go to that brother and tell him about it, but would never speak ill of him to someone outside the fraternity - that would be against the spirit of true brotherhood. When a brother is going into business or any other profession, he should have the full support of the chapter. And alumni brothers, in particular, should see that the college brother who graduates and is in need of a job has the support of his older brothers. When a brother is ill, other brothers ought to be the first to answer his call. Or, when a brother is retired and needs comradeship, other brothers ought to go to his home and spend some time with him. Younger, active brothers should go and bring older brothers to fraternity meetings. This is not a fraternity exclusively for "older brothers" or "younger brothers" — all members are ALPHA men. And, with regard to issues having to do with Blacks in America . . . I would like to request that each brother be out in the forefront. No Alpha man can stand on the sidelines and


not participate wholly in the upward mobility of our people. Foundations. The Building Foundation, under Brother J.L. Hunt, will be spotlighted at the Miami convention. The brothers serving the Building Foundation have done a tremendous job this year in spite of the lag in the housing industry. Many college brothers are having difficulty securing housing. If any alumni brother can lend a helping hand in this instance - it would be the brotherly thing to do. College brothers are not only the future of the fraternity, but they are an integral part of the on-going operation of the fraternity. Education is a cornerstone of Alpha Phi Alpha — and we have received many pledges from brothers to the Education Foundation's Million Dollar Drive. The Chairman, Brother Herman B. Smith, Jr., will be pleased to accept new pledges as well as payments on those already made. Budget. At its meeting of January 25th in New Orleans, the Board of Directors adopted a budget based on the guidelines of the San Francisco Convention. With constant inflation, it is very difficult to balance any budget. The cost of printing has more than doubled, and the general operation of Alpha Phi Alpha has tripled. Please note that our most dramatic increases have been in basic fraternity services, not special projects. For these reasons, we ask that you come to Miami prepared to support an increase in Grand Tax. The Vice Presidents and Assistant Vice Presidents have studied this matter in detail and are committed to this crucial proposal. MEET ME IN MIAMI

General President


. The Sphinx / February 19 75



Greetings ... and a warm, personal "Hello!" The issue to face and rectify at our national convention in Miami Beach, Florida, is — why we need to increase our GRAND TAXES to $30.00 for ALUMNI BROTHERS and $15.00 for COLLEGE BROTHERS. The simple economics of the matter is — the value of the dollar's purchasing power is at least 35% less than it was in 1970, and we find ourselves confronted with an unprecedented inflation spiral for the cost of material and services.

• • !

The cost to conduct business at Chicago continues to eat away our National Headquarters has increased dollars! by 33 to 35% since 1972. So, if we are to implement fully and The high cost of office supplies, effectively the mandates and postage, printing, publishing, etc., resolutions authorized and approved by our great Fraternity, we must be s e v e r e | y affect our yearly operating budget! willing to pay increased GRAND The high handling and transportation TAXES — to continue the membership charges for distribution of our progress and objectives of ALPHA PHI Histories, Fraternity pins and jewelry, ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. and other paraphernalia have gone out j /• /] of sight! ^~A-J0 /=/ /yOh^WJL) The high cost of utilities and main- / ^ w ^ ^ // tenance of National Headquarters in Executive Secretary

Alpha Calendar MARCH 27 - 29. . . REGIONAL CONVENTIONS: Southern - Charleston, SC Western - San Diego, CA MARCH 28 -29 . . . REGIONAL CONVENTION: Southwestern - Monroe, LA APRIL 1 Deadline for material to be submitted for publication in MAY edition of the SPHINX APRIL 1 Convention packets mailed to all financial brothers APRIL 25 - 26 . . . . REGIONAL CONVENTION: Midwestern - Kansas City, MO MAY 1

General Convention Delegate Credentials must be certified by the Office of the Executive Secretary. Each chapter shall submit the name and pass card number of each of its delegates to the General Convention.

MAY 1-3 30

REGIONAL CONVENTION: Eastern - Philadelphia, PA Deadline for submitting proposed constitutional amendments to the Office of the Executive Secretary. Proposed constitutional amendments will be circulated to all chapters by the Office of the Executive Secretary. Deadline for Pre-Registration without Late Fee for 69th Anniversary Convention.




V The Sphinx / February 1975

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BIRTHDAY SALUTE TO BROTHER RAYMOND W. CANNON On the evening of January 28, 1975, Past General President Raymond W. Cannon was preparing to retire when he heard considerable commotion. As he proceeded to investigate, he saw his wife standing in the open doorway — and Alpha Phi Alpha men streaming into his home. They were from all over Southern California — mostly from Beta Psi Lambda (Los Angeles), Alpha Delta (University of Southern California), and Eta Pi Lambda (Pasadena) and elsewhere. Brother Thadeaus H. Hobbs, Western Regional Vice President, headed the brothers and presented a birthday cake, about 3 feet long; Brother Clifford Prince, representing Eta Pi Lambda Chapter, presented a gift certificate for $25.00. They all sang "Happy Birthday", and the various brothers extended greetings and best wishes. Brother Hobbs made remarks; and likewise, Brothers Clinton Minnis (President of Beta Psi Lambda) and Clifford Prince spoke.

Shown here speaking at the Tribute to Jewel Henry A. Callis, Brother Cannon was the Senior Past General President in attendance at the 1974 San Francisco convention.


Brother Cannon was entirely surprised and almost overwhelmed. In responding, he mentioned that he is now 83 years of age, that he entered Alpha Phi Alpha as a charter member of Mu Chapter(Minneapolis April 6, 1912, and that he has been a member of Alpha Phi Alpha nearly 6 3 years. He further stated that he was the youngest member of his chapter and could have graduated at 20 years of age but that he was obliged to remain until he was 21 years of age to receive a degree from a professional college of the University of Minnesota. He further stated that he was elected junior delegate to the 5th General Convention (December 1912) in Columbus, Ohio, and that some of the brothers of his chapter voted to send him because he had never been away from home and they thought the experience would "do him good." That convention unanimously elected him General Vice President. Brother Cannon stated that he has held five different general offices in the Fraternity and throughout the years his endeavors for Alpha Phi Alpha and the great work it undertook to perform were both challenging and stimulating; and that he has derived great satisfaction for helping to inaugurate and participate in a great program, rather a movement, dedicated to the uplift of mankind and our youth in particular. Mrs. Cannon (who is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority) served coffee and refreshments. Pictures were taken. Brother Cannon played on his stereo the record that celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Sphinx. The brothers sang the Alpha Hymn; and as the hour of midnight approached, the brothers departed — leaving Brother Cannon in a state of ecstacy such as only the Good Ole Alpha Spirit can create. The Sphinx / February 19 75

Illustration—Beta Lambda, Miami, Florida

The "True Spirit" of the Fraternity, once a glowing flame generated by the Light of Xine, is now a flickering light destined to die if not fueled with purposeful Redirection/Rededication. The one time epilogue: "Alpha seeks no man; all men seek Alpha" is no longer applicable in today's competitive society. We, as Alphas, cannot live in the past, nor can we claim the accomplishments of those who have paved our way unless we are leaving a legacy for those who are to follow. Though our lineage is long and our blood lines are pure, surely the fact that WE EXIST is no reason for us to continue to exist. For the young shall inherit it all, provided there is a legacy on which to build. And, provided there is guidance as well as a worth-while tradition. They will carry the Banners of Alphadom to the far reaches of the universe — and men shall sing our praises throughout all times. But first, we must analyse ourselves and our goals and redirect our every effort towards rededication to the precepts that were taught us as a Sphinxman and to the values instilled in us as Alphas during our college years. Recently there were two Founder's Day Banquets held simultaneously at separate locations. There are reasons; true. But there is no rational excuse for such an occurrence. Children feud, but soon forget their differences, while adults carry-on forever. There are always a few who will remember. There are none who can clearly say why communication, understanding and cooperation are so poor, in spite of the fact that there is an exchange between chapters on an individual basis. Soon there will be an Annual Sweethearts Ball sponsored on hollow tradition, because a few alumni brothers have a social obligation to meet and because a far greater number of college brothers are victims of a loss of traditional continuity to the point where they were never taught the reasons behind the whole affairs. The affair, itself, is both a financial burden and a contradiction of our manifested priorities. Furthermore, it can never be a success without the full participation and planning of all the brothers. There is too little effort towards communicating with all brothers in our geographical area. And, too little interest in The Sphinx / February 19 75

the personal goals and individual desires of brothers active in the fraternity and of those looking for a chapter home that radiates the familiar fraternalism they once had. None of us get a fair return on our investment in the fraternity except possibly at a national convention — and then only if they are part of the central core of the national organization. During the brief, carefree days of college and the circumstances connected therewith - if you'll reflect for a moment - you had fraternity brothers who were your friends. As one matures and affiliates with an alumni chapter, more and more the realization is illuminated — all that is left is fraternity, for the closeness is lost. We must rededicate ourselves to capturing the "True Spirit" of the Fraternity — whereby we communicate our goodwill towards all brothers of Alpha and our willingness to offer our time and effort in helping them to reach their maximum potential. Thus, we will build a legacy and strengthen the life blood of our house. We must form a liaison between the chapters in our community so that our programs can be coordinated without being duplicated. And so that we might make a joint effort, thus insuring that all our endeavors are successful. Furthermore, we must remember that the roots of Alpha are deeply embedded in the college brothers. Without them, we shall surely die. Then who shall sing our praises? A concerted effort should be made to make their transition into an alumni chapter an expectation - rather than a decision. The family of man is dissipating; likewise, the House of Alpha. Quoting Brother Sydney P. Brown: "GOODWILL is the monarch of this house. Men, unacquainted, enter, shake hands, exchange greetings and depart friends. Cordiality exists among all who abide within." I am "the eminent expression of friendship." —Brother HOPARI KINAMO





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STATE CONVENTION IS SUCCESSFUL The Georgia State Convention was held at the Macon Hilton in Macon, Georgia, on January 3 1 s t and February 1st - with 11 college chapters and 9 graduate chapters attending. The convention was hosted by lota Eta Chapter of Mercer University and Epsilon Beta Lambda Chapter of Macon. The convention was termed a huge success, especially on the college level because of the participation of the college brothers in every phase. Beginning Friday afternoon, there was a social hour, where charming young ladies from Mercer University and Macon served as hostesses; this was followed later by an evening program and the Georgia State "Miss Black and Gold" Contest, where seven captivating young ladies vied for the title. This was followed by the Black and Gold Ball. On Saturday morning, the first business session opened with interim State Director Ozell Sutton presiding. There was an initial registration report which was followed by chapter reports and c o m m i t t e e a p p o i n t m e n t s . A memorial service for brothers who had entered the Omega Chapter during the past year was conducted by Brother Father H. J.C.Bowden. During the afternoon business session, Brother James ("Tiny") Blanton conducted a very interesting and fruitful workshop. This is an innovative 6

feature of the state convention recommended by the national officeand it proved to be quite worth-while. Awards were made to the following brothers and chapters: College Alpha Man of the Year Brother James E. Thompson Alpha Rho Chapter Morehouse College College Chapter of the Year Alpha Phi Chapter Clark College College Chapter Display of the Year lota Chapter Morris Brown College Alumni Alpha Man of the Year Brother Curttis V. Cooper (Sr.) Beta Phi Lambda Savannah, Georgia Alumni Chapter of the Year Epsilon Beta Lambda Chapter Macon, Georgia Alumni Chapter Display of the Year -Theta Nu Lambda Chapter LaGrange, Georgia Georgia Nominee for the Charles W. Greene Award -Brother A.J. Lewis, II Eta Lambda Chapter Atlanta, Georgia Brothers Ozell Sutton and Issac H. Miller, III of Alpha Rho Chapter were chosen to represent the Georgia Delegation as candidates for Southern Regional Vice President and Assistant Vice President, respectively. It was

decided that future STate Conventions would be held in Columbus, Georgia in 1976; Athens, Georgia in 1977; and Brunswick, Georgia in 1978. That evening the Grand State Banquet featured Brother Reginald Eaves as keynote speaker. Brother Eaves (who serves in the Crime Department for the city of Atlanta) delivered an inspiring and challenging message to the listening audience. Following the address, Brother Sutton announced that Miss Cheryle A. Johnson, representing the lota Eta Chapter of Mercer University, had been chosen as "Miss Black and Gold - Georgia (1975)." The two runners-up represented Morehouse and Savannah State chapters. The brothers then stood to sing the Alpha Hymn; they were lead in the second stanza by Brother Z.C. Clay of Atlanta, who also rendered other selections during the program. Brother Nathaniel Veale, National Miss Black and Gold Chairman, made remarks. Appreciation was also expressed to the presidents of Epsilon Beta Lambda Chapter (Brother William T. Barnes) and lota Eta Chapter (Brother Waldo E. Johnson, Jr.) for the hospitality that the visiting brothers received. Following the banquet, the Georgia State Alpha Phi Alpha Ball was held. Special thanks goes out to the young ladies of Mercer University and Macon, Georgia, for their strong support (which was evident during all the social functions) and to Brothers Lawton C. Thomas and James E. Dawson, Jr., Convention Chairmen, for their Alpha-listic endeavors in making this convention a total success. The Sphinx / February 19 75

29th Southwestern Meet in Monroe

ALPHAS CONVENE IN LOUISIANA The 1975 Convention of the Southwestern Region of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., will be held March 28th and 29th in Monroe, Louisiana. Eta Delta Lambda Chapter, host for the convention, is expecting the largest number of brothers in the history of the region to attend and participate in shaping the direction of Alpha in the Southwest. Convention Chairman and host chapter president Charles H. Johnson invites the presence of all brothers in the Southwest (Arkansas, Lousiana, Oklahoma, and Texas) to join the brothers of Eta Delta Lambda and the Lousiana Conference of Alpha Chapters at Monroe. Convention headquarters will be the beautiful Monroe Ramada Inn, where all business sessions will be held along with countless activities of a social nature. The host chapter is promising "Southern hospitality" of a kind never before experienced. Of course, there will be plenty of work to be done by the members of the Southwestern Region — a region which is experiencing unprecendented growth. During the last year, new chapters have been chartered in every state in the region, and the presidents of the state organizations will be discussing plans for increased activity in the future. Brothers of the Southwest should travel to Monroe to work for Alpha's continued success . . . to have fun . . . and to renew acquaintances in the Alpha spirit. Louisiana and Eta Delta Lambda anxiously await your arrival.

SOUTHWEST! Region on the MOVE! ! ! The Sphinx / February 19 75

These brothers from Eta Delta Lambda Chapter will serve as hosts for the 29th Annual Southwestern Regional Convention in Monroe, Louisiana; they are (left to right): Front Row: Brothers Richard Miles, Abe Pierce, III, Charles Johnson, Walter Allen, Nathan Jones, Milton Jackson and George Muse. Back Row: Brothers Lee Smith, Louis Pargond, Wilburforce Mosley, Michael Jackson, Willie Secrease and Le Von Smith.

SOUTHWESTERN REGIONAL CONVENTION Monroe, Louisiana CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS Activities for the Brothers Friday - Fraternity Luncheon - Fraternal Courtesies (16) Hours - Rap Session - Meet Your Date Party Saturday - Fraternity Luncheon - Fraternal Courtesies Until - Banquet - Dance - Nursery

Activities for Wives and Children Friday - Teen Luncheon - Wives' Tour & Luncheon -Children's Party - Nursery - Adult Party Saturday - Skating at Skateland - Ladies' Luncheon - Visit to Louisiana Purchase Garden and Zoo - Teen Record Hop - Banquet - Dance - Nursery


THE EAST . . . birthplace of Alpha

Convention Headquarters: Sheraton Hotel 17th & Kennedy Boulevard Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Come to the "City of Brotherly Love"

The lovely ladies of Philadelphia! H ,!! ill I

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Ladies of Alpha Zeta Omicron Lambda




Alpha Beties Rho Chapter The Sphinx / February








Beta Kappa Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the brothers in the State of South Carolina, the Alphabettes, and a host of children are enthusiastically preparing to host the Southern Regional Convention in Charleston, South Carolina. The meeting will convene March 27th at the Francis Marion Hotel (convention headquarters). Beta Kappa Lambda promises that the convention will be a productive and memorable one, centering around the theme "Alpha's Continuing C o n c e r n for B r o t h e r h o o d Through Rededication and Life Membership."

Several social affairs and events, including activities for children, will await your arrival in Charleston. Brothers and their families who have paid advance registration fees will (upon arrival at the Francis Marion Hotel) proceed directly to the Advance Registration Desk located in the lobby. They will then receive their prepared convention kits, activity tickets and convention information. Brother James C. Edwards, Convention Chairman, and Brother Omega F. Newman, President of Beta Kappa Lambda, both express confidence that continued-...

EASTERN REGIONAL CONVENTION May 1-4,1975 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania THURSDAY-MAY 1st 10:00 A.M Registration 12:00 Noon Staff Meeting 2:00 P.M Opening Session Rules and Credentials Committee Assignments Greeting - Host Chapters 3:30 P.M Seminar Alpha Develops Service in: Business Engineering Education Government Law 5:30 P.M Committee Meetings 6:30 P.M Dinner (Dutch Treat) 9:00 P.M Reception (Founders) Wine & Cheese Sip FRIDAY - May 2nd 8:00 A.M Breakfast (Life Members) 9:30 A.M Second Session Chapter Procedures and Responsibilities Ritual and Initiation Chapter Officers General Secretary's Presentation 11:00 A.M Constitutional Recommendations 12:00 Noon Lunch (Dutch Treat) 1:30 P.M Third Session College Portion 4:00 P.M Nominations 4:30 P.M Committee Meetings 6:00 P.M Dinner (Dutch Treat) 8:00 P.M Fraternal Evening Inter-Greek Reception Selection - "Miss Black and Gold" Queen Dance

The Sphinx / February 19 75

SATURDAY - MAY 3rd 8:00 A.M 9:30 A.M

Breakfast (College Bros.) Fourth Session Reports Vice President General President Staff Committees 11:30 A.M Elections 12:00 Noon Lunch (Dutch Treat) 2:00 P.M Fifth Session Continue Reports Resolutions and Recommendations 6:00 P.M Cocktails 6:30 P.M Formal Banquet 10:00 P.M Formal Dance

LADIES ACTIVITIES THURSDAY-MAY 1st 10:00 A.M 1 2:00 Noon 9:00 P.M

Registration Lunch & Shopping Wine & Cheese Reception

FRIDAY - MAY 2nd 10:00 A.M Tour & Luncheon (Pre Bi-Centennial Activities Special Attraction: Focus on Black Contributions) SATURDAY - MAY 3rd 12:30 P.M 6:00 P.M 6:30 P.M 10:00 P.M

Luncheon and Fashion Show Cocktails Formal Banquet Formal Dance


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Continued from previous page all in attendance will enjoy the stay in Charleston, a beautiful and unusual old city. Among its many attractions are its famous gardens, superb beaches and many historic homes, all of which retain their age-old charm and beauty. Even the location of the city - which is situated between the Ashley and Cooper Rivers - is worth your interest. It is said that the two rivers join "to form the Atlantic Ocean." All in all, Charleston is certainly brimming with exciting things to see and do. Of course, the primary reason for coming to Charleston is to carry out the work of the Fraternity. This year's theme is a reaffirmation of the Southern Region's commitment to Brotherhood and proposes concrete programs for remaining "First of a l l . . ." Join the Southern Region of Alpha Phi Alpha . . . in convention, March 27-29, 1975, in historic Charleston, South Carolina.

ml—Lim Working with Brother James Edwards (Convention Chairman) in planning the activities for your stay in Charleston will be: (Above) Brother W.J. Davis, State Director for South Carolina, Southern Region, 1975 (Above - Right) Brother Omega P. Newman, President of Host Chapter, Beta Kappa Lambda, Southern Region, 1975, (Right) Mrs. Daniel E. Martin, General Chairman for Ladies and Childrens Activities, Southern Region, 1975

WELCOME TO CHARLESTON CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS Public Program (Thursday, March 27th - 7:30 P.M. Work Sessions Miss Black and Gold Contest Dance

Brother James C. Edwards, Jr. General Convention Chairman Southern Region 1975 10

REGISTRATION FEES: Pre-Registration — Graduate Brothers Pre-Registration — College Brothers Late Registration Extra Banquet Tickets Life Members Breakfast Alpha Wives or Sweethearts Teens — Pre-Teens and Nursery (each) Golf Tournament

Seafood Frolic Boatride Ladies Luncheon and Fashions Display Bait-A-Date Party (Thursday, March 27th)

$30.50 15.00 3.00 8.00 5.00 13.00 7.00 15.00 The Sphinx / February


HOSTS: Beta Lambda & Upsilon

January 28, 1975

Dear Brothers in Alpha: The Brothers in the Greater Kansas City area are busy bringing things upto-date and getting plans straight for the 1975 Midwestern Convention. Beta Lambda and co-host chapters, Delta Rho, Upsilon and Zeta Gamma are working jointly to assure that all phases of the April 25-26 Regional are productive, enjoyable and in keeping with the Alpha tradition.


We invite every chapter in the Midwestern Region to participate in this convention and share in "Channeling Alpha Energy in Today's Society." All of us in Greater Kansas City extend you a hearty welcome. Brother Edwin Ft. Byrd Convention Chairman Midwestern Convention 1975

Fraternally, . Edwin R. Byrd Convention Chairman









.. 1975




Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.


Beta Lambda Chapter

Mail all checks, inquiries and correspondence to: Brother George F. Perry, Sr., Registration Chairman 2934 East 28th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64128

The Sphinx / February 19 75


Brother Charles McGee President Beta Lambda Chapter The Midwestern Regional Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha will be held April 25-26, in Kansas City, Missouri. Convention headquarters will be the Muehlebach Hotel in downtown Kansas City. Business sessions at the meeting will center on the convention theme "Channeling Alpha Energy Into Today's Society" and will address the crucial problems facing our world and proposed solutions to these problems. Col. Charles McGee is President of Beta Lambda, host chapter for the convention, and Brother Edwin L. Byrd is the Convention Chairman. The brothers of the Kansas City area are planning an interesting and fun-filled meeting for all in attendance. College b r o t h e r s participation reaches its peak in the Midwestern Region - and, as usual, a song test will be a scheduled part of the convention format. College brothers from across the Midwest are expected to be in attendance. Planned activities include a hospitality suite, both semi-formal and formal dances, and a special "VIP" room for arriving brothers. Leading members of Alpha Phi Alpha across the country are scheduled to participate in the convention program. Detailed information on the convention will be mailed to brothers in the Midwestern Region during the month of March. Make your plans now to be in " K C in 75." 1 1


The planning committee for the Western Regional Convention has experienced great cooperation from members of both Eta Sigma (college) and Zeta Sigma Lambda (alumni) chapters. (Above - Left to Right) Top Row: Brothers Howard Carey, Dr. Veil R. Wyatt, Larry Sadler, Dr. David Wynn, John Thornton, Robert Covington, William E. Payne and Conley Major. Bottom Row: Brothers Reginald Jackson, Rufus DeWitt, James McCann and Samuel McElroy, Jr. (At left - Left to Right) Top Row: Brothers Howard Carey, Conley Major, Norris Charles and John Thornton. Bottom Row: Brothers Ray McElroy, Norman Hall and Eric Payne.


The Sphinx / February 19 75

Convention News Western Regional Convention The San Diego Area chapters will host the 27th Anniversary Western Regional Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. — March 27-29, 1975, in San Diego, California. Be sure to make plans to attend this convention. Many of the lovely shops, restaurants and fine stores are readily accessible from convention headquarters — the El Cortez Hotel — located in the heart of San Diego, "The City in Motion." San Diego — America's only international playground . . . There is really something rather distinctive about San Diego - a particular pride - in fact, the ideal place to have a convention. We really expect to have a record of Alphas and their families in attendance at the 27th. This is a very logical expectation when you see what is being planned by the host chapters (with Brother Samuel McElroy, Jr. as Convention Chairman). The host chapter presidents are Brother Rufus DeWitt of Zeta Sigma Lambda and Brother Conley Major of Eta Sigma. The host Vice President is Brother Thadeaus Hobbs of the Western Region.

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Hotel Reservations . . . The hotel accommodations for the Western Regional Convention will be handled by the El Cortez Hotel Catering & Sales Department and coordinated by Brother Reginald Jackson, Registration & Housing Committee Chairman. All registrants will be assured of the type of accommodations requested. For your convenience ' a room reservation card will soon be mailed to the brothers of the Western Region. When you receive this form, fill it out immediately and return it to the El Cortez Hotel. Reserve your room early. Advance Convention Registration . . . Pre-registrants will be processed upon arrival. Brothers and their families who have paid advance registration fees will (upon arrival at El Cortez Hotel) proceed to the Registration Desk to receive their prepared convention kits, activities tickets and other convention information. Please note: Registration Fee - Graduate Brother Registration Fee - Undergraduate Brother

$35.00 $15.00

Activities Planned . . . The convention sessions are being planned to give you and your family an opportunity to shop, relax, sight-see and to enjoy the many recreational facilities in San Diego. The host chapter will be sponsoring a gala "Greek Soiree," the Life Members Breakfast and Alpha's Outreach Seminars in Business which will be among the main features during the convention period. The Invitational Golf Tournament, the Sportfishing Excursion, the Ladies Luncheon and Fashion Show and several other events (including a schedule of activities for children) are items on the agenda of this convention. BROTHERS . . . LOOK FORWARD TO THIS GALA AND MOMENTOUS EVENT!

The Sphinx / February 19 75



HUMP/y^ c/> The leadership of Tennessee State University changed hands recently — from Alphaman to Alphaman. In a special session of the Tennessee State Board of Regents on October 2, 1974, Dr. Frederick S. Humphries, 39, was chosen to succeed TSU's outgoing President, Brother A.P. Torrence (who last April announced his resignation, e f f e c t i v e O c t o b e r 1 , 1974).

/ <

One of the outstanding educators of the country, Brother Humphries served with the Institute for Services to Education (ISE), since 1968, in various directorships - his most recent being that of a Vice President (since 1970). (ISE is a non-profit organization which works cooperatively with educational institutions producing innovative educational materials and techniques in cooperation with faculty and administrators, as well as developing procedures for the installation of successful materials and techniques in the colleges.) His services as a consultant are widely sought. With this b a c k g r o u n d , he c o m e s to the presidency of Tennessee State well equipped to meet the challenges of that multi-purpose university, a leader among the 1890 Land-Grant institutions of higher education.

. P&0-6&6*'' <7 0_0 0;0; _

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The Sphinx / February 19 75

The Sphinx / February


A native of Apalachicola, Florida, Brother Humphries earned the Ph.D. in physical chemistry, magna cum laude, at the University of Pittsburgh, and the B.S. in chemistry, magna cum laude, at Florida A & M University — where he was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha's Beta Nu Chapter (Tallahassee). As an undergraduate at Florida A & M, he was chosen the "most outstanding" in his class each of his four years. A Distinguished Military Science Graduate (ROTC), he served two years as an officer in the U. S. Army Security Agency. Brother Humphries was a National Urban League Fellow (Summer -1966), a Graduate Research Fellow (196064), and a Graduate Teaching Assistant (1959 - 60) at the University of Pittsburgh. His major teaching experience has been in chemistry as an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota and Associate and Professor at Florida A & M. His other professional memberships include the American Associations of Higher Education, of University Professors, and for the Advancement of S c i e n c e ; the American Chemical Society; Phi Lambda Upsilon (graduate chemistry honorary), University of Pittsburgh; Sigma Xi (graduate science and engineering honorary); Alpha Kappa Mu and Beta Kappa Chi (undergraduate academic and scientific honoraries). Brother Humphries is married to the former Miss Antoinette McTurner of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They are the parents of three children, Frederick, Jr., 13; Robin Tanya, 1 1 ; and Lawrence Anthony, 4.

A brother of noteworthy achievement and service to all mankind? Send his profile to FOCUS /o The Sphinx 75


TOP OF THE PAGE: State conventions top the list of Alpha happenings since our last issue. Most meetings have already been held and the Brothers are now preparing to begin the Regional Conventions at various sites. FOCUS on a few of these meets . . . The New Jersey State Convention was held February 1st at the Kings Grant Inn, located in Point Pleasant (NJ). Speakers for the affair included Congressman CHARLES B. RANGEL and Mrs. Ernesta Procope, realtor and a winner of Black Enterprise's First Annual Achievement A w a r d . The presiding officer for the convention was Brother ELBERT WISNER, State Director of New Jersey. VACAPAF, the state organization of Virginia, held its annual convention at the Sheraton-Coliseum Hotel in Hampton. Hosted by Virginia's Tidewater North area (Gamma lota, Zeta Lambda and Delta Beta Lambda), the convention was both interesting and enlightening - featuring workshops and seminars covering a broad array of interests. Brother H. GRAY GILLEM, SR., is State Director. The Illinois State Convention was hosted by Alpha Mu chapter at Northwestern University in Evanston. The General Meeting was addressed by Executive Secretary WILLIAM H. WALKER, and Midwestern Vice President JAMES R. WILLIAMS was the banquet speaker. General President WALTER WASHINGTON also briefly spoke to the assembly (following a c o n v e n t i o n planning session in Chicago). Many other meetings were carried on across the country, including the Georgia "mini-regional" held in Macon. Brother REGINALD EAVES, Public Safety Commissioner of Atlanta, was the keynote speaker at that affair. If the state meetings are any indication, the regionals and, of course, the General Convention should be outstanding events. DON'T MISS YOUR REGIONAL CONVENTION! 16

Brother Reginald Eaves Supreme Court Justice THURGOOD MARSHALL presided at the swearing-in ceremony of Walter Washington, first Black elected mayor of Washington, D.C. "Paw Paw" , the employee newsletter of the American Embassy in Lagos, Nigeria, carried a notice to Alpha Phi Alpha brothers in the Lagos area from the members of Eta Epsilon Lambda in Monrovia, Liberia - in preparation for the 1976 General Convention.

Good News . . Brother HENRY C. CRAWFORD, a member of Delta Alpha Lambda and long-time general convention photographer, is reported doing well following his recent hospitalization. A "Great Thinker" . . . is the Chicago Daily Defender's characterization of Brother HUGH W I L S O N , Vice President of Drexel National Bank in that city. The columnist noted that Brother Wilson is part of a talented family, including his three sons who are enrolled in college. lota Upsilon Lambda Chapter in Silver Springs, Maryland, staged a Black History Week Program on February 12, 1975, featuring The Honorable C. Delores Tucker, Secretary of State - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as guest speaker. A highlight of the program was lUL's presentation of a special award to Mrs. Myra Callis, widow of Jewel HENRY A. CALLIS and a prominent scholar and sociologist in her own right.

At White H o u s e . . . . Good vibes exchanged at the White House when Brother Lionel Hampton (left) visited with Stanley Scott, special assistant to President Gerald Ford. Washington Atty. Timothy Jenkins looks on at right. Hampton discussed his plan to launch a school of music involving disadvantaged teen-agers. The Sphinx / February 19 75

NEWSLINE Brother JOSEPH GUNNELL, Alpha stalwart of the first rank, leaves St. Louis to assume a new position with the State of Missouri Welfare Division in Jefferson City. Best wishes! The Delta Alpha Lambda NewsReel, a summary of the activities of brothers who hit the spotlight in Cleveland, noted the following brothers: Brother JOHN BUSHMANTE - for an excellent first year of operation with the Blackowned First Bank and Trust of Cleveland; Brother ROBERT JAMES appointed Personnel Director of the Cleveland Transit System on January 3rd; Brother HILTON O. SMITH - elected to a one-year term as a Director of the City Club; Brothers MELVIN CROUTHER, JEROME M c C L A I N , DAVID WHITEHEAD and GLENN ZELLERS - elected to the Cleveland NAACP Executive Committee; and Brother EDWIN J. WILLIAMS - elected Treasurer of the Cleveland NAACP. Change of command . . . Brother A.M. WITHERSPOON has been appointed State Director of North Carolina by Southern Vice President BENNIE J. HARRIS. The Raleigh resident succeeds Brother WALTER SULLIVAN, the new Dean of Arts and Science of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. ALPHA FIRSTS . . . Brother LIONEL HAMPTON is credited as the first jazz musician to make extensive use of the "vibes." Brother Hampton is now preparing to open a school of music for disadvantaged teen-agers. Also, Bill Russell's refusal to accept induction into the NBA Hall of Fame prompted some researchers to note that, contrary to popular opinion, Russell was not the first Black c o a c h in professional sports. That honor goes to Brother FRITZ POLLARD, who led the Akron (OH) Bulldogs to the first National Professional Football Championship in 1920. A Phi!!! CONDOLENCES . . . to Illinois State Representative LEWIS A. H. CALDWELL, whose mother died recently in Chicago. The Sphinx / February


Brother James R. Williams Midwestern Vice President

Brother Maynard Jackson Mayor of Atlanta

Brother John H. Powell, Jr. EEOC Chairman

A Man For All Seasons . . . Atlanta's super Mayor, Brother MAYNARD JACKSON, displayed his versatility to the entire country. First, he "kayoed" heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali in a fund-raising benefit bout; then he played the gracious host as President Ford (of the USA) delivered the not-sopleasing news about the nation's economic state. The Black Student Union of the University of Utah (Logan) has established the William H. Hale Memorial Fund in honor of the late educator and Past General President of Alpha Phi Alpha. A fitting tribute. Brother JOHN H. POWELL, JR., Chairman of the Equal Employment O p p o r t u n i t y Commission, recently traveled to Europe to study race relations. Powell reports that the Europeans have their share of problems in this area. An Alpha Affair? . . . Brother LOUIS MARTIN, Vice President and Editorial Director of the Chicago Daily Defender, was the guest speaker for the third annual breakfast of the Chicago Branch of the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History, held February 8th. Brother Martin was introduced by Brother JOHN HOPE FRANKLIN, distinguished Historian at the University of Chicago. The Fourth Annual Education Week of GAMMA RHO Chapter at Purdue University was an unqualified success. The brothers of this chapter continue to hold high Alpha's committment to scholarship - and have emerged as the leading Black organization on the campus. Brother SYLVESTER BARNES, III is the chapter President. BOTTOM LINE: Brother HOWARD BENNETT is serving as Chairman of the National Citizen's Committee for a Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday. The committee presented Congress with a petition containing over 1 Vi-million signatures requesting that January 15th (Dr. King's birthday) be declared a National Holiday. Hopes are high that the 94th Congress will give favorable attention to this petition. Why not write your Congressman and let him know how you feel? 17


Attorney JULIUS L. CHAMBERS, a Charlotte, North Carolina lawyer and civil rights activist, has been elected President of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Brother Chambers succeeds Secretary of Transportation-designate William T. Coleman in this post. Chambers has been associated with the Fund since 1963, when he joined as its first legal intern (1963-64), working primarily on civil rights cases in Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. A native of Mt. Gilead, North Carolina, Brother Chambers received the B.A. degree (summa cum laude) in history from North Carolina College in Durham. He then received a Woodrow Wilson Scholarship to study at the University of Michigan (1958-59), where he received the M.A. degree in history. He entered the study of law at the University of North Carolina School of Law on a John Hay Whitney Fellowship ... receiving the Juris Doctor with High Honors in 1962.


Following graduation from UNC's law school, he was appointed a teaching associate and taught first year law classes at Columbia University School of Law, where he also completed his work and was granted a Master of Laws degree in 1963. Presently the senior partner in the law firm of Chambers, Stein and Ferguson, Brother Chambers entered law practice in Charlotte in 1964, again specializing in civil rights litigation. He is a member of Alpha's Beta Nu Lambda Chapter, Pi Gamma Mu Honor society (social science), Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society (history), Order of the Coif (national honorary legal society), Order of the Golden Fleece (university of North Carolina honor society), and Prince Hall Masonic Lodge. Affiliated with the North Carolina, National, and American Bar Associations, he serves on the Board of Directors of the Southern Regional Council and the American Civil Liberties Union as well as the Board of

Governors of the University of North Carolina. He is also a trustee of North Carolina Central University, his alma mater. Chambers' extraordinary leadership potential was recognized as early as his law school days at UNO when he held the position of Editor-in-Chief of the North Carolina Law Review. As President of the Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Chambers became the leader of the continuing fight to secure full civil liberties for all and (as has been the case over the last few years) to prevent the erosion of many of the gains made by civil rights movements of the past. Julius Chambers - an ALPHA man - brings a wealth of expertise and enthusiasm to this crucial position. Brother Chambers is married to the former Vivian Giles of Kannapolis, North Carolina. They are members of the Friendship Baptist Church in Charlotte and the parents of two children, Derrick LeVonne and Judy LaVern. The Sphinx / February


ENTERS INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY Brother ARTHUR BEAL COOPER, JR. was inducted into the Illinois State University Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers on November 14, 1974. He is the first Black student to be accepted into that chapter and is probably one of the first in the entire organization. Brother Cooper, who is an Elementary Education major at ISU, found that joining the Society was not an easy task. His initial application was rejected because he was not an Industrial Technology major. However, after doing further work in his minor field, Occupational Safety, and adding a year of work experience at the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Chicago's South-

west Plant, he again petitioned for membership - and was accepted. Safety Engineering is fast becoming a vital area in industry, affecting the health and lives of thousands of workers (many of them Black) employed in industrial factories. Brother Cooper's acceptance into the American Society of Safety Engineers is, indeed, a step in the right directionand one to be applauded. Brother Cooper, known throughout the Midwest as "Coop", is a charter member of Eta Tau Chapter at Illinois State University. He is a familiar sight at state and regional conventions; if you have seen one of those Alpha "Playboy" buttons, you've probably met "Coop." Cooper is now employed as an assistant to Mr. Lewis L. Legg, Coordinator of the Environmental Health and Safety office in Chicgo. He has been recommended for an externship with State Farm Insurance Company following his December '75 graduation from ISU. "Coop" is an ALPHA man!


<y$ Finding success in the radio and television field is a hard nut to crack. Major white-controlled corporations seem virtually impenetrable, and the Black companies are flooded with talent because of this fact. Nonetheless, some do make it ... and CHARLES WOODHOUSE wants to be among that select number. Unlike many brothers featured in There Goes An Alpha Man, Brother Woodhouse is not at the top of his mountain - but he scaled one "hill" in the long climb toward his goal. That achievement The Sphinx / February 1975

came when he snared a spot as a Disk Jockey for WOJO-FM in Evanston, Illinois, one of the most popular radio stations in the Chicago area. A member of Theta Chapter in Chicago, Woodhouse (known as "Shaft" and a host of other monikers) makes the rounds of private parties and frat and sorority affairs DJing with a "professional flair." Landing the program on WOJO provided "Mr. C" with the professional on-the-job training needed to pursue his goal to fruition. As is often the case in the entertainment field, Woodhouse's position at WOJO is tenuous at the moment - due to the station's projected changeover to a Spanish-language format. But, "that's show biz", and Woodhouse is determined to transcend all. So, if you happen to tune in to a radio station (any radio station) and hear the jive rappings of a DJ called "Mr. C", stop and listen - for it just might be an ALPHA man, Brother Charles Woodhouse. 79

ALPHA PHI ALPHA - FOR LIFE Greetings Brothers in Alpha: WE HAVE THROWN AWAY THE GOALS! Alas, in these days of "Management By Objectives" the Life Membership department announces that it can't cope with chapter enthusiasm. We set a goal of a thousand life members and soon achieved that. Then, we raised the objective to two thousand — and, to twenty-five hundred participants in the life membership program — and we topped 'em, too. We set a goal of 300 new before Miami (just announced that goal in the last Sphinx) but we had 359 new participants, including 216 fully paid from 112 chapters (including 13 college chapters) by January 1st. We just can't set goals that you can't top; therefore, we give up. WE HAVE THROWN AWAY THE GOALS FOR 1975. SO, WHAT'S NEW? Now we read in the Sphinx where General President Washington called for each chapter to set a minimum goal of 50% of its members as Alpha Life Members. At your regional convention the Life Membership Promotion Secretary, "Tiny" Blanton, will call for every active chapter to be active in promoting Life Membership. He has set the goal at three thousand participants in the Life Membership Program by the time we reach Miami. Now, I know you will not let them down because you have never let me fail to achieve any set goal. Back the General President and build up your chapter membership; then, join Charles Keels of Zeta Omicron Lambda in Philadelphia, Bob Willis of Atlanta and Col. McGee of Kansas City in making your chapter 50% life members. Or, back "Tiny" and organize to contact every man in your chapter area who is not in the Alpha Life Membership Program. Give each man a personal invitation to beat the new price deadline and to become an Alpha Life Member before the fee increase on July 1, 1975. LET'S GET THOSE 3,000 BY MIAMI! MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW

Here is where we stood on January 1, 1 9 7 5 : Region


Living Life


549 672 357 249 163

134 223 . . . 1 56 . . . 92 . . . 37 . . . 642

1,990 66 (Omega)


Total Participants

.. . 683 ...895 . . . 513 ...341 ...200


Tuesday, August 5,1975 7:30 A.M. Fontainebleau Hotel Miami Beach, Florida

2,632 66 (Omega) 2,698

Does your regional convention have a special feature for life members? Fraternally,

JOHN D. BUCKNER, National Chairman Life Membership and Reclamation


The Sphinx / February 19 75








MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA ...As Alpha's Diamond Anniversary rapidly approaches (when we'll celebrate 75 years of service to mankind), the brothers of the Greater Miami area are busily preparing to be your hosts at the 69th Anniversary Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., which will be held August 1 - 7, 1975, in Miami Beach. A tourist's dream, Miami Beach offers a luxurious setting for a week of family fun and serious deliberations on Alpha's strategy for meeting its increasing challenges. Over 3,000 registered brothers and their families are expected to be in attendance at this convention - as the Fraternity tackles one of the most important problems of today and launches "Alpha's Outreach to Business." The General Convention Committee, in conjunction with the Host Chapters - led by Brother Earl E. Allen (Convention Chairman), promises that your stay in Miami Beach will be 'FOLLOW ME TO MIAMI BEACH" both pleasant and extremely rewarding. Take heed of our motto: "Follow Me To Miami Beach!!!" The Fontainebleau Hotel Reservations... Headquarters for the 1975 General Convention will be the Hotel Fontainebleau and the Eden Roc Hotel. All reservations will be handled by the Reservation Director of the Hotel Fontainebleau. For your **~x convenience, a room reservation card for the convention will soon be mailed to the entire active membership. Please fill out this form (immediately) and return it to the Fontainebleau - no postage is required. Your accommodations will be among the finest available. The arc-shaped Fontainebleau is a hotel, beach resort, country club, health spa, and convention center - located in a giant Miami Beach complex. The hotel has hosted well over 5,000 conventions and is waiting to serve the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha. The luxurious Eden Roc Hotel will serve as the co-convention hotel. Reserve your room EARLY. Activities Planned... The convention sessions are being




GENERAL CONVENTION ...75 Laws of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., all chapters must submit to the General Office the name and passcard number of each of its delegates to the General Convention — on or before May 1, 1975. Official forms for this purpose will be provided by the General Office. Convention Travel ... Travel arrangements may be made through the Henderson Travel Service, Atlanta, Georgia, or individually. In addition, many chapters feature charter flights which are open to others in the area. Please inquire in your area or region for this information. Henderson Travel Service will also coordinate the postconvention cruise to the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Jamaica.

The Eden Roc, planned to facilitate the business of the Fraternity and to allow you and your family ample time to explore Greater Miami, "The Magic City." Business s e s s i o n s f o c u s i n g on e d u c a t i o n , business and finance will be held during the day. Activity should be at a high pitch as two candidates are chosen to appear on the mail ballot for the (1976) election of a new General President. As usual, the convention will also feature the Job Recruitment Program and the ever-popular Life Members Breakfast. A full schedule of activities for children (teens, pre-teens, and nursery) and a variety of social activities await your arrival in Miami Beach. Ladies will be treated to the luncheon-fashion show, excursions to the race track and Vizcaya (an Italian palace in Miami), get-acquainted receptions and more. All in all, the convention will be loaded with "things to do." Don't feel bad if you can't see it all ... it's a wonderful excuse to return! Advance Convention Registration.. For your convenience, please PreRegister, if possible. A $5 "Late F e e " will be assessed to brothers who register after July 15, 1975. Along with insuring that the Committee is able to adequately prepare for everyone attending, Advance Registration will allow you to spend less time at the registration desk and more time enjoying the city. Convention kits, ac22

tivities tickets and convention information will be prepared in advance for pre-registrants and await your arrival at the hotel. Delegate Credentials ... In accordance with the Constitution and By-

Don't Miss It. The 69th Anniversary Convention looms as one of the largest and most important in recent years — and it guarantees lots of FUN! General President Walter Washington notes that the General Convention is the height of fraternal activity. This is especially true when you consider the magic and wonder of fabulous Miami Beach. BE AMONG THE 3,000 plus! "Follow Me To Miami Beach" in 1975.

CONVENTION INFORMATION HOTEL ROOM RATES: Singles - $22.00; Twins - $29.00; Triple - $35.00. Parlor and 1 bedroom Suites: $70.00 to $90.00; Parlor and 2 Bedroom Suites: $100.00 to $120.00. Children under 12 years sharing rooms with parents -no charge. REGISTRATION FEES: Graduate Brothers: $50.00 - College Brothers: $30.00 IF PAID AND RECEIVED IN THE OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ON OR BEFORE July 15, 1975. Registration thereafter and at the Convention: Add $5.00 to the listed fees. Registration fees do not include those tours, meals, golf tournament or activities where a fee charge is indicated. Extra: Formal Banquet tickets: $15.00 each. Life Members Breakfast: $5.00. College Brothers Luncheon: Cost included in registration fee. WOMEN AND CHILDREN'S REGISTRATION FEES: Women: $35.00 Children: $30.00 - Nursery Service: $30.00. Fees include tickets for tours, luncheon and activities except the Formal Banquet, and where fee charges are indicated. Baby sitters will be available for night-time activities. Nursery services provide for registered nurse, counselors, lunch, snacks, games, arts, crafts, entertainment, TV viewing, filmstrips, and story-telling. Parents are expected to call for their children promptly at the closing hours listed each day. Play clothes and sweaters - necessary. Formal Banquet and Reception: $15.00. INVITATIONAL GOLF TOURNAMENT: Sunday, August 3, 1975. Entry Fee: $15.00; includes Green Fee, Electric Cart or Hand Cart and Transportation. DAY-AT-THE-RACES (Caulder): $7.00. SPECIAL INFORMATION: Brothers or Alpha wives seeking special information about Miami Beach should write to Brother Earl E. Allen, Convention Chairman, 5701 N. W. 6th St., Miami, F L 3 3 1 2 7 . The Sphinx / February


SCHEDULE FOR WOMEN 9:00 A.M. 4 : 0 0 P.M.6:00PM. 6:30 P.M.7:30 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M.1:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 11:00 A.M. 3:30 P.M.5:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M.9:30 P.M. 11:30 A.M.5:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 12:00 Noon 7:30 P.M. 10:30 A.M.2:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M.

Friday - August 1,1975 Hospitality and Registration (Daily) Get Acquainted (Wives and Sweethearts) Cocktails in honor of A(|)A Board of Directors Get Acquainted (Alphas, Wives and Sweethearts) In-Hotel Social -"Do Your Own Thing" Saturday - August 2,1975 City Tour Inter-Greek Dance Sunday - August 3,1975 Ecumenical Service Public Program and Reception Evening Reception (Vizcaya) Monday - August 4,1975 Calder Race Track Education Foundation Affair Tuesday - August 5,1975 "Black and Gold" Luncheon Beach Luau Wednesday - August 6,1975 Tour and Lunch (Hollywood Shopping Mall) Alpha Formal Reception Alpha Formal Banquet * * (optional) - not included in Fee After Dinner Dance

REGISTRA SCHEDULE FOR TEENS (Ages 13-18) Friday - August 1,1975 3:00 P.M.Get-Acquainted (Hospitality Room) 11:00 P.M. Saturday - August 2,1975 8:00 P.M.Get-Acquainted Dance 11:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 3:30 P.M.5:30 P.M.

Sunday - August 3,1975 Hospitality Room Public Program and Reception Monday - August 4,1975 Ice Skating

10:00 A . M . 12:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M.Splash Party 4:30 P.M. 8:00 P.M.Cruise w / D i s c Jockey 11:00 P.M.

"FoÂŁfout We le. Wliam" 24

Tuesday - August 5,1975 10:00 A . M . - Afro Arts 12:00 Noon 2:00 P.M.Fashion - Talent Show 4 : 3 0 P.M. 8:00 P.M.Record Hop w / D i s c Jockey 12:00 P.M. Wednesday - August 6,1975 10:00 A.M.- College Tour and Lunch 2:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Farewell Dinner Dance 12:00 P.M.



SCHEDULE FOR PRE-TEENS (Ages 8-12) 3:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M.

Friday-August 1,1975 Get-Acquainted (Hospitality Room)

Saturday - August 2,1975 8:00 P.M. Get-Acquainted Dance 10:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.9:30 P.M.

Sunday - August 3,1975 Hospitality Room Public Program and Reception Monday - August 4,1975 Boatride and Lunch Sports Activities, Tournaments, Ice-Skating Movie

Tuesday - August 5,1975 10:00 A . M . - Afro Arts 12:00 Noon 2:00 P.M.Fashion - Talent Show 4:30 P.M. 8:00 P.M.Record Hop 12:00 P.M. Wednesday - August 6,1975 10:00 A . M . - Splash Party 12:00Nn 2:00 P.M.Bingo 3:30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. Buffet and Dance 9:30 P.M.



NURSERY SERVICES (Ages 1 - 7) Friday - August 1, 1975

3:30 P.M. - 6 : 1 5 P M

Saturday - August 2, 1975

9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M

Sunday - August 3, 1975

3:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.

Monday - August 4, 1975 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P M thru Wednesday - August 6, 1975



The Sphinx / February 1975

Return to: Ernest N. Mortal, Chairman Reorganization Task Force c/o Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc 4432 Martin L. King Drive Chicago, Illinois 60653

Any initiated Alpha is eligible to complete this preferential list




Indicate your preferences by checking any and all items below that you feel will improve the fraternity. Feel free to write any other suggestions or comments. BASIC ORGANIZATION: • Retain present Organizational Structure PRESIDENTIAL AUTHORITY: •




ELECTIONS — VOTING: • Retain or • Change present Method of Election of General President •


Retain or • Change present Method of Election of Regional Vice Presidents and Assistant Vice Presidents

G Elect All Officers At General Convention


Intermediate Chapters

Retain or • Change Greek designations of Alumni Chapters More Than One (1) Alumni Chapter Per City




Retain • Increase • Decrease Change Title to "Executive Director"



State Conferences — Meet Annually

Regionals — Meet Annually


Retain present Annual Convention

Meet Every 18 Months Alternating Summer and Winter Conventions

: ] Meet Only In Even Numbered Years • Retain • Lengthen or • Shorten General Convention OFFICERS: • Establish "Office of President-Elect" •

Eliminate Tenure Restrictions

Retain current number of Vice Presidents and Assistant Vice Presidents

Reduce or Q Increase number of Regional Vice Presidents

Reduce or FJ Increase number of Regional Assistant Vice Presidents


Retain or • Change Director of General Conventions

Transfer Functions of Director of General Conventions to Office of Executive Secretary

Create "Office of National Vice Presidents" How Many? D 1 • 2 • 3 Alumni? Q College? • Both? • Create "Office of District Representatives"

Change present Regional

Increase or •

Create Districts and Eliminate Regions

Decrease Number of Regions


G Retain or • Change present Number of Delegate Rpresentatives to General Conventions Other:



Retain or • Structure

Retain or • Eliminate "Editor of Sphinx" as Elected Officer

D Assign Publication and Editorial Duties to Office of Executive Secretary


Retain or • Change present Rebate to Regions ; Rebate to Chapters

• •

Increase or • Decrease Grand Tax Increase Life Membership Fee

Place Restrictions On Eligibility for Life Membership

Reduce Convention Costs

Retain • Increase or • Decrease the Number of Issues of the Sphinx Magazine

Pay Grand Tax direct to EXECUTIVE SECRETARY

Substitute Quarterly Newsletter for Summer Issue of Sphinx



Solicit Advertising




The Sphinx







Send profiles of your outstanding brothers (College and Alumni) to Alphas on the Move, c/o The Sphinx for this continuing feature Brother WILLIE L. CLARK, JR. was appointed a division chief in the U. S. Department of Labor's LaborManagement Services Administration (LMSA). A three-year employee with LMSA, Brother Clark was named Chief - Division of Regulations and Administrative Rulings in LMSA's Office of Federal Labor-Management Relations. This section of LMSA has responsibility for determining proper bargaining units for Federal employees, supervising the conduct of representation elections and reviewing charges of unfair labor practices. At the time of his appointment, Brother Clark was engaged as a Federal labor-management specialist in the same office. He also served with the National Labor Relations Board for six years, both as a law clerk and a field attorney. Though a native of Waynesboro, Georgia, Brother Clark is presently a resident of Silver Spring, Maryland, where he is a member of lota Upsilon Chapter. He is the holder of a B.S. degree in Political Science from Morehouse College and an L.L.B. from Howard University. He is also a member of the District of Columbia Bar and the Board of Directors of the Christian Federal Credit Union in Washington, DC.

Brother JAMES L. COLEMAN, Manager of Corporate Recruitment and Training Division of Container Corporation of America, was featured in the Speaking of People section of the January edition of EBONY. Speaking of People, a regular feature of the magazine, spotlights Blacks in positions of responsibility in all phases of the business world.


A member of Chicago's Xi Lambda Chapter, Brother Coleman is the holder of a B.S. degree in Sociology from Loyola University. It was noted that his a u t o b i o g r a p h y — " W h a t e v e r I Can't Have" (published by Regensteiner Company)-is used as a supplementary text in public schools. Coleman and his wife, Joyce, have one son, Chris, age 4. Brother Coleman was a prominent figure in the 1974 General Convention in San Francisco where the Senior Vice President of Container Corporation of America, Mr. Richard Bittenbender, accepted Alpha Phi Alpha's Equitable Opportunities Award on behalf of the firm.

Brother JOHN L. COPELAND, Cum Laude graduate of Benedict College, Columbia, South Carolina, Chairman of the Foreign Language Department of Brien McMahon High School, Norwalk, Connecticut, has led his department to a ten year accreditation by the New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The Department of Foreign Languages at Brien McMahon High School consists of 14 fulltime teachers, 2 student teachers, 2 teacher aides, 2 interns, and a full-time s e c r e t a r y . The s c h o o l has an enrollment of 2,500 students with 5 5 % of them enrolled in foreign languages. Six levels of French and Spanish, four levels of German, Italian and Latin, two levels of Spanish for Spanish-speaking students, and three levels of English as a second language are offered. Brother Copeland received the B.A. Degree (Cum Laude) in French and Spanish from Benedict College, the M.A. Degree in French and Spanish

from New York University, and the Sixth Year in Spanish from Colgate University; and, as a Fulbright Scholar he received the Diplome from the Sorbonne, University of Paris. Recently he received a Certificado from the University of Madrid, Spain. During the summer, Brother Copeland travels extensively - having toured Europe six times. He has also toured Africa, Asia, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Brother Copeland is a former negotiator for the Norwalk Teachers Association, the Connecticut Education Association, and the National Education Association. He was selected by the Norwalk Board of Education to conduct a study of the Atlanta, Georgia Public School System and the School System of Puerto Rico. He holds membership in the Modern Language Association, the American Association of Teachers of French, the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, the Conne c t i c u t Association for Bilingual Bicultural Education, Pi Delta Phi French Honorary Society, Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honorary Society, Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor Society, and the Afro-American Educators of Norwalk. He is a charter member of Gamma Pi Chapter (Benedict) of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and served as its first secretary. Brother Copeland is Alpha's Life Member No. 99.

Brother RUNDELL V. EDISON, was appointed Principal of J e f f e r s o n Elementary School in L a w t o n , Oklahoma. A member of Eta Xi Lambda Chapter, he received his B.A. degree from Langston University in Langston, Oklahoma, in 1966, his Masters from The Sphinx / February 19 75

Brother James Huger elected to County Board in Florida

Brother Rundell Edison new high school principal in Oklahoma The Sphinx / February


Brother John Copeland outstanding foreign language educator

Brother S.T.E. Pickney first Black Mayor in Florida town


Southwestern College in Weatherford, Oklahoma, and his Administrative Certificate from the University of Oklahoma. Brother Edison joined the Lawton School System in 1967 as an elementary teacher and in 1970 became a visiting teacher. He is active in many organizations, including the Oklahoma Education Association and the Langston University Alumni Association; he is Chairman of the Social Committee of the local chapter. Brother Edison's wife, Eunice, is also an administrator in the Lawton School System. The Edisons have two children, Gregory (6) and Rhonda (2).

Brother MICHAEL EDWARDS received the Master of Arts degree from Roosevelt University in Chicago at commencement ceremonies on January 20, 1975. Brother Edwards, who earned his degree in Public Administration, worked his way from staff assistant to his present position as Executive Director of the Compliance Contract Division of Model CitiesChicago Committee on Urban Opportunity. Edwards, 26, received his bachelors degree from George Williams College, w h e r e he majored in physical education. He became interested in public administration while enrolled in classes taught by Brother Erwin France, Director of Model Cities-CCUO. The young member of Xi Lambda Chapter received a joyous graduation "present" when his first son, Germaine, was born on the day before commencement exercises. His wife, Jennifer, is a teacher.

Brother EDWARD O. HILL, mathematics and science instructor at Beardsley Junior High School in Knoxville, Tennessee, was elected Chairman of the East Side Branch of the YMCA in that city. Brother Hill has served on the Board of Trustees of the organization for 10 years. He is a past Vice Chairman of the East Side Branch and is District Director from the Southern Region for the YMCA's Men's Clubs. Initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha at Knoxville College (Gamma Omicron 28

Chapter), Brother Hill currently serves as President of Alpha Mu Lambda Chapter in Knoxville.

Brother (Dr.) JAMES E. HUGER, Business Manager at BethuneCookman College, has been unanimously elected Chairman of the Volusia County Council, a position that has never before been held by a Black elected official. Being the first Black to be elected to a top post in the County is nothing new to Dr. Huger; last year, he served as the County Council's Vice Chairman and was elected to a second term last November. Prior to that, he was the first Black ever to be elected to the Daytona Beach City Commission, where he served three terms. Dr. Huger, in accepting the new position, stated "I pledge to the Council, the staff, the news media and citizens, the kind of leadership that will make Volusia County the best County in Florida and, indeed, the whole USA. With God's guidance, your help, and the cooperation of the citizens of the County, we will work toward the day when men of all races, creeds, color and national origins, will live together in peace and brotherhood. God bless each one of you." he told fellow Councilmen. Brother Huger, Life Member No. 72, has been a dedicated servant of Alpha Phi Alpha for over 35 years, including stints as General Secretary (1952-57) and Southern Vice President (195860). He is a member of Beta Delta Lambda Chapter in Daytona, Florida.

Brother FREDRICK S. HUMPHRIES, assumed duties as President of Tennessee State University in Nashville on January 1, 1975. A graduate of Florida A & M University and the University of Pittsburg, Dr. Humphries was formerly Vice President of the Institute for Service to Education, a primarily Black organization that conducts research on curriculum development in Black colleges. Brother Humphries was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha in 1954 at Florida A & M (Beta Nu Chapter).

Brother THOMAS M. LAW, President of Kansas City (MO)'s Penn Valley Community College, was elected Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the American Association of Community Junior Colleges. Brother Law is the first Black board member in the Association's 74-year history. Life Member No. 1630 - Brother Law is a member of Beta Lambda Chapter in Kansas City.

Brother DAVID MOORE, a student at Bethune-Cookman College in Daytona, Florida, was one of the first two recipients of the Mary McLeod Bethune Medallion. The Bethune Medallion is presented to those students who exhibit outstanding leadership qualities and make valuable contributions to the community and Bethune-Cookman College. A senior pre-medical major, Brother Moore is a member of the Board of Trustees of the college and President of the Student Government Association. David is the son of Dr. Richard V. M o o r e , President of Bethune-Cookman and Chairman of Alpha's National Committee on Grievance and Discipline. Brother Moore is a member of Delta Beta Chapter at BCC.

Brother S. T. E. PICKNEY was sworn in as the first Black Mayor of Eustis, Florida, on January 7, 1975. He was elected to the Eustis Board of Commissioners in 1973 and earlier this year he was voted by the Board to become the first Black Mayor in the history of Eustis - and possibly of Florida's Lake County. Brother Pickney has been a resident of Eustis since 1958. Since that time, he has served as principal of Eustis Vocational High School, I.R.E. High School (Wildwood) and Carver Heights High School (Leesburg). With the advent of integration, Pickney was named co-ordinator of all school principals in the Leesburg area. He presently serves as County Co-ordinator of Migrant Education and Visiting Teachers Program. Brother Pickney and his wife, Mrs. I. B. Pickney, have been married 27 years and have 6 grandchildren. Their son is a school teacher in Orlando and The Sphinx / February 19 75

their daughter lives in Ohio, where she is employed by Proctor and Gamble as a technician. A Tallahassee native, Brother Pickney earned the B.S. degree at Florida A & M University and the M.S. degree at Tennessee State University. He is presently a member of Beta Delta Lambda Chapter in Daytona, Florida.

Brother JOHN H. STROGER, JR. a Commissioner of the Cook County Board, was appointed a member of the Executive Committee of the OliveHarvey College (Chicago) Community Advisory Board. Brother Stroger, a practicing attorney in Chicago, is a graduate of Xavier University and DePaul University School of Law. He is Chairman of the Public Aid Committee of the Cook County Board of Commissioners and is a member of the Home Rule Commission of Cook County. Life Member No. 1 2 3 1 , he is a member of Xi Lambda Chapter in Chicago.

Brother C. SUMNER "Chuck" STONE, has been named the M. Lyle Spencer Visiting Professor in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication at Syracuse University for the Spring 1975 semester. Brother Stone, who is a writer for the Philadelphia Daily News and a nationally syndicated columnist (Universal Press Syndicate), is also host of a television program, ON TARGET, which is aired on WKBS-TV in Philadelphia. Chuck Stone enjoys a reputation as one of the most versatile and talented men in America today. He has authored several books, including: Black Political Power in America, The Poetry of the Black Revolution, and Tell It Like It Is, and has collaborated in several o t h e r s , including Contemporary Black Thought and The Best of the Black Scholar. Brother Stone has accumulated vast experience in both politics and foreign affairs, serving as a Special Assistant to Representative Adam Clayton Powell and as Education Research Specialist for Representative Robert N. C. Nix of Pennsylvania. He was Associate Director of the American Committee on Africa in New York in The Sphinx / February


1960 and Overseas Representative for CARE in Gaza (Egypt) and India during 1956-57. One of the top journalists in the c o u n t r y , he was White House Correspondent and Editor for the Washington Afro-American (1960-63) and Editor-in-Chief of the Chicago Daily Defender (1963-64). He also served as a commentator on NBC's " T o d a y S h o w " during 1 9 6 9 - 7 0 . Educational institutions across the nation have vied for Stone's services. From 1970-72 he served as Director of Minority Affairs for the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, New Jersey. Among the schools at which he

has lectured or taught are The AntiochPutney Graduate School of Education at the Philadelphia Center, Trinity College (Connecticut) and Columbia College in Chicago. Brother Stone is currently a member of the Board of Trustees of Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut; the State Board of Colleges and University Directors (Pennsylvania); the National Conference of Black Political Scientists; Fellow and Founding Member of the Black Academy of Arts and Letters; Contributing Editor of "The Black Scholar" Magazine; and, a host of other civic and educational organizations. 29

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Eta Theta


EAST Virginia



prominent Virginia A t t o r n e y and stalwart Alpha brother, who was pinned by Brother Gillem with his own Life Membership Pin. VACAPAF President Gillem expresses the spirit of this occasion through this quote: "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his neighbors, saying unto them, "Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost." St. Luke, 15

For approximately 15 years, Delta Nu Lambda Chapter has been inactive. Brothers of the Danville, Virginia, area lost about five of their stalwart brothers to Omega Chapter around that early period. The chapter then began fading into inactivity . . . with the remaining brothers taking up the yoke of community service to function busily in the numerous civic and business activities that were necessary to carry on in the spirit of Alpha . . . and eventually died. Danville remained the viable community that it had been, but Alpha as an organization was not present — only new jersey the spirit remained. On December 22, 1974, at the prior insistence of Brother Ernest L. Morse, Kappa Theta Lambda (whose memAssistant Director of the Southern bers reside mostly in Bergen and Area of District VII, Eastern Region, of Passaic counties) was chartered in A P A, a meeting of men of the Danville 1973 by a small group of energetic area was assembled. Brothers of and concerned brothers who neighboring areas, Blue Ridge North recognized the great potential for the Virginia and Epsilon Omicron Lambda development of a strong and viable of the Southern area, assembled along chapter in an area containing many with District VII Director Henry Gray current and potential Alpha men. Gillem, Sr., and VACAPAF Secretary The group chose as its first mission James Pierce to give support to the the reclamation of local brothers who brothers of Delta Nu Lambda Chapter had become inactive. Secondly, the at its reactivation meeting. chapter set up a pledge club for potenDistrict VII - VACAPAF is proud to tial Alpha men who had expressed inreport (with submission of dues for terest in being initiated into Alpha. eight brothers) that Delta Nu Lambda The first initiation ceremonies were Chapter "was dead, and is alive again; conducted by the chapter on Saturday, and was lost, and is found!" There are May 18, 1974. The chapter was a number of other brothers of the area honored by having Brother Wisner on who have committed themselves to hand to help initiate the following new reactivation and will be meeting with members: Dr. Arthur O. Chaney, Jr., the chapter in January. There are who resides in Paramus and practices others of surrounding areas who will medicine in Hackensack; Mr. Lynwood be r e c r u i t e d a n d reclaimed this O. Jackson, who resides in Teaneck following year. We have been and is a detective in the Bergen Counpromised a viable and active chapter ty Sheriff's office; Dr. Albert L. Small, "for Life" in the near future. Their Life who resides in Hillsdale and practices Membership Drive was initia'ted by dentistry in Hackensack; and, Mr. Brother Jerry L. Williams, Sr., James William Turner, a medical 30

student at the New Jersey College of Medicine in Newark. Following the initiation ceremonies, the brothers enjoyed a wonderful dinner party with their wives and sweethearts at the home of the host for the afternoon and evening, Brother Dr. J. Edison Brown of West Orange. Kappa Theta Lambda Chapter is currently comprised of 16 brothers: the 4 who were initiated and 4 who have been reclaimed during the year. The Chapter's major activities for 1974, in addition to the initiation, were as follows: (1) Purchased a Life Membership in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - of which $125.00 was paid. (2) Contributed $100.00 to the Legal Defense and Educational Fund. (3) Contributed $5.00 per chapter member to the S E H A L Drought Fund for Africa. During 1975, the chapter's commitments include the following: (1) Payment of $ 1 2 5 . 0 0 on NAACP Life Membership; (2) Contributions to the Legal Defense Fund and the Negro College Fund; and, (3) Sending one under-privileged boy and one under-privileged girl to summer camp. The chapter is continuing its program of reclaiming inactive Alpha men and anticipates c o n d u c t i n g another ceremony during the year to bring into the fold several other potentially excellent Alpha men who have expressed interest in pledging. The officers of Kappa Theta Lambda are: President Brother Carey Jenkins Vice President and Dean of Pledges Brother O. Jackson Cole Treasurer Brother Carlos Peay, Jr. Secretary Brother Thomas D. Ashley

Virginia On D e c e m b e r 7, 1 9 7 4 , t h e Tidewater South (Virginia) Area chapters sponsored a Civic Awards Banquet and Ball to benefit the Norfolk State College Scholarship Fund. The Sphinx / February


Brother William T. Syphax, newly elected Rector of Virginia State College in Petersburg and Eastern Coordinator for Alpha's "Commission on Business Encouragement," was the principal speaker at the banquet — held in honor of high achievers in civic and humanitarian affairs. Other activities included a gettogether for the Alpha Wives and a staff meeting of the Virginia Association of Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity (VACAPAF), hosted by the Assistant Director for Tidewater South, Brother George W.C. Brown, Jr. Chapters in the Tidewater South Area include: Alpha Phi Lambda (Norfolk), Epsilon Nu Lambda (Portsmouth), Epsilon lota Lambda (Suffolk) and Epsilon Pi (Norfolk State College).



Life Members, Life Membership Subscribers and their wives and guests, was part of the chapter's continuing effort to boost "Alpha Phi Alpha for Life." Earlier, on December 13, 1974, the chapter celebrated the 68th Anniversary of the Fraternity and the 27th Anniversary of the chapter at a Founder's Day Program attended by over 9 0 brothers. During the program, an impressive candlelight service memorialized the transfer of the following brothers to Omega Chapter: Jewel Henry Arthur Callis Bro. James Christy Bro. James H. Hewlett, Jr. Bro. Kenneth W. Clements Bro. Juan Nabors Bro. Louie G. Evans Bro. Clarence L Sharpe Bro. William A. George Bro. Charles 0. Webb T o p billing during the F o u n d e r ' s Day p r o g r a m w a s given to the p r e s e n t a t i o n of c h a p t e r a w a r d s . Special a w a r d s were presented to: Bro. Nolan Ellison . . . . "Achievement in Education" Bro. Quinn Montgomery . . "Alpha Seniority" (1974)

Bro. Omar Leatherman. . . "Alpha Seniority" (1971) Bro. Perry Jackson "Alpha Seniority" (1915) Bro. N.K. Christopher . . . . "Alpha Seniority" (1916 Bro. Hatcher Day & Bro. Jasper Day "Alpha Father (1935) and Son" (1971) Guiding Delta Alpha L a m b d a for this fraternal year are the f o l l o w i n g o f f i c e r s : Bro. Kenneth Norris Bro. Omar Leatherman Bro. Andrew Venable Bro. William Travis Bro. Glenn Zellers Bro. Jerome McClain Bro. Elmer Collins Bro. Hatcher Day

President Vice President Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Editor-to-Sphinx Clfaplain

Brother G e o r g e Connally and D A L ' s Travel C o m m i t t e e ( w h o c o o r d i n a t e d last y e a r ' s j a m - p a c k e d c h a r t e r flight to San Francisco) are c u r r e n t l y making plans for a g r o u p travel p a c k a g e to t h e 6 9 t h Anniversary C o n v e n t i o n in Miami. B r o t h e r s in Ohio and a c r o s s t h e M i d w e s t s h o u l d look for n e w s as t h e plans

are finalized. "Fly Me To Miami!"

indiana In the Le Petit Palais Room of the Atkinson Hotel, before an overflow crowd of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity brothers and their guests, Brother Leon Bradford was named Alpha "Man of the Year" by lota Lambda, Chapter. Brother Bradford received a standing ovation from his fellow brothers as he accepted the award from John H. Warrick, Chapter President. "Alpha Phi Alpha - A Selfish Siren" was the topic of the keynote address delivered by Brother Bennie J. Harris, Chattanooga (TN) Trial Judge and Southern Regional Vice President of Alpha Phi Alpha. An impressive memorial ceremony was performed by the Men of Alpha in honor of their brothers who have passed on into Omega C h a p t e r . . . and dedicated to the memory of Jewel Dr. Henry Arthur Callis (the last of the seven founders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity) who joined Omega Chapter on November 12th of last year.

ohio Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter in Cleveland, Ohio, held its second annual Life Member Party on Saturday, February 1, 1975, in Euclid, Ohio. The affair, which was attended by fully-paid The Sphinx

/ February


INDY . . . lota Lambda President John Warrick presided over the chapter's Founder's Day Program along with Brother Joseph Taylor, Program Chairman. Pictured at the event are (left to right): Bro. Bennie Harris, Southern Regional Vice President of Alpha Phi Alpha and keynote speaker at the banquet: Bro. Leon Bradford, who was cited as the chapter's "Alpha Man of the Year:" and chapter President Warrick, lota Lambda, the oldest chapter in the State of Indiana, has been chosen the host for the 1976 Midwestern Regional Convention.


brothers are invited to visit "Mighty HT" - Eta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.


Illinois Eta Tau Chapter at Illinois State University was chartered on October 9, 1 9 7 1 , in an impressive ceremony held on the campus of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Since that time, the chapter has rapidly established a reputation as one of the most outstanding in all of Alphadom. The brothers of Eta Tau are considered leaders in the ISU community and constantly strive to project Alpha's image as community servants. Through its Community Service Committee, the chapter participates in various youth programs in the city of Peoria. Other programs include a tutoring and counseling program and a food drive for needy families, although the latter has experienced recent difficulties due to the tight money market. In 1974, Eta Tau was host for the Illinois State Convention, which was attended by many brothers in the state and throughout the Midwest. The "pride" of Eta Tau is their recently occupied fraternity house, known as "Eta Tau Manor." Located at 1006 N. School Street, Normal, Illinois, the "Manor" is a center of chapter activities and serves to foster togetherness among the brothers. After a dedicated effort by chapter members—which was encouraged and assisted by Eastern Illinois Regional Director Bill Ridgeway, Alpha's Building Foundation Chairman J.L. Hunt, Midwestern Vice President James R. Williams and former M i d w e s t e r n 32

Assistant Vice President Steven L. Jones (a former chapter member) — Eta Tau was able to secure the facility which meets and surpasses all of the fraternity and university housing requirements. There are now 21 brothers residing in the house, which has a living capacity for 42. The chapter's future in Eta Tau Manor is unsure for the 1975-76 school year since at least 10 brothers will leave via graduation or student-teaching — but the brothers of Eta Tau note that they refuse to try to initiate brothers merely to retain the house. Eta Tau's corresponding secretary states, "We make brothers, not members." With the "spirit of 1 9 0 6 " firmly in their hearts and minds, the brothers of Eta Tau continually plan to make worthwhile contributions to the community. With their next function planned for March 22, 1975 . . . YOU and all

* &


The brothers of Zeta Pi Chapter at the University of Georga in Athens declared November 18th thru 23rd —"Alpha Week." The idea behind highlighting the entire week with chapter activities was to promote a sense of unity between the ranks of the several Black Greek organizations on the predominately white campus while furthering the active image of Zeta Pi (Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity) as well. Also, the brothers wanted to increase the awareness of the entire University community of the Black Greek situation and thereby point out its relevancy. On the night of (Monday) the 18th, the brothers began "Alpha Week" with a talent show. A small, but enthusiastic number of individuals participated, resulting in a fun-filled as well as entertaining experience for all. We were off to a good start! The following Tuesday brought on "Black Greek Solidarity Day." The Presidents of each of the Black Greek organizations on campus were invited to participate in a forum giving the histories of their respective

• #

Miss Black & Gold &


z n The Sphinx / February


organizations and chapters. Also on Tuesday, all members of each Black Greek organization wore their fraternity or sorority jerseys identifying them with their respective organizations. On Wednesday, Attorney Kenneth Dious, a native Athenian and the first and only Black attorney practicing law in the Athens area, was the scheduled speaker in a program held outside the student union building. Attorney Dious is a recent graduate of the University's Law School and is a member of the Eta lota Lambda Chapter in the city of Athens. With Thursday came the staging of a dynamic Greek Show given by the brothers and two aspiring initiates; following was their treasured initiation into the ranks of Alphadom. Friday was the climactic ending of "Alpha Week," with our annual Black and Gold Ball held that night. It was a magnificently grand affair! The Queen — "Miss Black and Gold" (who was meticulously picked from a bevy of 22 delightful young ladies — was crowned in the glorious splendor of the evening. The queen's court and seven young ladies d e s i g n a t e d " A l p h a Sweethearts" were also chosen. Needless to say, Zeta Pi's "Alpha Week" was a grand success for all concerned.

morris brown During the past school term (197374), lota Chapter at Morris Brown College in Atlanta, Georgia, has made various contributions to the community and Morris Brown. One of these contributions was awarding a Five Hundred Dollar ($500.00) Scholarship to the school which was distributed among the top five (5) freshmen based on academic excellence, lota has presented scholarships similar to this one in the past, but this was the most outstanding and one where much publicity was given. Other contributions the chapter made in the community as well as the college campus were successful too. At the Miss Morris Brown College's Coronation, the brothers of lota were called upon to assist in the decorating and escorting the various queens. To improve the social lives of the student body, lota sponsored parties, beer blasts, picnics, and many other social activities. The Sphinx / February 19 75

Again, lota was called upon to assist the Coordinator of the newly formed Cooperative Education Program in promoting the program at Morris Brown. But probably the greatest contribution lota made was during Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Celebration March. The brothers, with great pride, served as Parade Marshalls in celebrating the birthday of their deceased brother. The brothers of lota have shown the true meaning of Alpha. They have proven to be the most respectful men on campus as well as being the Number One fraternity. KEEP IT UP BROTHERS!

florida Judge Edward Rogers of West Palm Beach, Florida, was the guest speaker at the Founders Day celebration of Beta Beta Lambda Chapter in Miami. Judge Rogers chose an Alpha slogan, "A Voteless People is a Hopeless People" as his theme and urged Alpha men to take the initiative in 1975 to improve human conditions by utilizing the ballot. Another highlight of the affair was the naming of Beta Beta Lambda's "Alpha Man of the Year." The words of the c h a p t e r ' s president, Brother George Koonce, illustrate the value of this coveted title. In presenting the award he stated, "Each year we search our hearts, minds, and souls to seek out that brother who, in our fraternal opinion, distinguishes himself in a community of great men. The task was awesome. However, in sifting through archives of our celebrated chapter, we found a common thread that linked one brother to every activity in a continuous manner. In our brotherly judgment, this 'Servant of All' represents the nerve center of our effective communicative process; and is an indispensable factor in the day-to-day operation of Beta Beta Lambda. He has very skillfully organized his professional responsibilities to compliment his fraternal obligations so as to provide for the smooth transaction of chapter affairs. This brother devotes himself totally without fanfare or public recognition to the myriad of mundane

tasks totally and absolutely essential to the successful operations of an Alpha chapter. His phone is constantly busy with inquiries from the brotherhood concerning information about the fraternity and chapter activities, i.e., passcards, meeting places, life membership, and the famous line about a Sphinx magazine or an announcement that was not received. Our honoree, always with a sense of duty and brotherhood responds promptly and positively to demands placed upon him. In full recognition of the thousands of chapters around the continent, I personally and very honestly believe that the distinguished brother is by far the most knowledgeable chapter secretary in all of Alphadom. And, on behalf of the eighth largest chapter in Alpha Phi Alpha, we recognize — with fraternal pride — as Alpha Man of the Year, Brother FRANKLIN CLARK." Brother Clark, Life Member No. 910, is approaching the twenty year mark in active service to the brotherhood. He was initiated at Delta Psi Chapter at Florida Memorial College, and was also secretary for that chapter immediately after his initiation.

tougaloo On January 15th, Gamma Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity presented "A BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE TO MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR." The program consisted of recordings of Dr. King's speeches: "I Have A Dream" and "Non-Violent Approach," with music provided by the Tougaloo Gospel Choir. Brother Thurgood Price lead the devotion, reading scriptures from Ecclesiastes 3:1-12, and Brother Charles Banks (Assistant Vice President of the Southern Region) spoke on the occasion. Ms. Lou Holloway, Associate Professor of History at Tougaloo College and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, addressed the solemn assembly of students and community members. Ms. Holloway's speech was entitled: ". . . And the others said, 'Lord Have Mercy!:' The Response of Black Women Artists to Martin Luther King's Assassination." 33

Using the words of Gwendolyn Brooks, Mari Evans, Nikki Giovanni, Margaret Walker, Nina Simone and Alice Walker, she reawakened the anger, the confusion, horror and utter anguish we felt on April 4, 1968. We relived the incident that many of us have tried to displace over the past seven years. This reawakening was perhaps the greatest tribute anyone could have given to our late leader. Ms. Holloway's speech (soon to be published in Presence Affricaine) returned many of our values to their proper perspectives. The audience and the brothers left feeling that they had, indeed, paid tribute to a great man.

tennessee Mr. Booker T. Scruggs, II, Instructional Coordinator of Special Services' "Upward Bound Program," University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, recently delivered the keynote address for Psi Lambda and Eta Phi Chapters' Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's Founders Day Observance. In relating an overview of his impressions of Alpha's meaning to the Black community, Mr. Scruggs stated that the history of Alpha is consistent and reflective of the past and present needs of the Black community. He cited the need for broader community interest and involvement in the attainment of improved socio-economic standards thru: Academic Education, Leadership, Political A w a r e n e s s ! Humanitarism and Achievement Orientation. Scruggs stated that there is a pressing need to educate and develop more Black professionals and technicians in fields other than the Social Sciences—in combating the problems of juvenile delinquency, housing discrimination and drug abuse, the burden of responsibility especially rests with Black leaders to give their community direction and leadership; and, that the Black community must continue to register and vote in order to alleviate some problems and voice their concern through the electorate process, especially at the local and state level. Special recognition also was given in the program to Dr. J. M. Bynes and Rev. J. B. Barber, two of the original founders and charter members of Alpha's Psi Lambda Chapter. 34

SOUTHWEST texas Alpha's Kappa Sigma Lambda Chapter was founded in the KilleenFort Hood, Texas, area during the period August - November 1974. The brothers listed below are charter members: 'Brother (MAJ) Charles A. Green President "Brother (LTC) Earl Rodney Brooks. . . Vice President Brother (LTC) Acie McGhee, Jr Secretary Brother (LT) James Kirkwood Treasurer Brother (CPT) Stanley Evans Chaplain Brother (LT) Michael Coleman . Editor-to-the-Sphinx Brother (CPT) Marion D. Wimberly. Parliamentarian Brother (LT) Walter Lane Sergeant-at-Arms Brother (LT) Michael Buster Dean of Pledges Brother (MAJ) James Poole Historian Brother (LT) Robert N. Balenton Member Brother (LT) Kerry M. Brown Member Brother (LT) Robert E. Harris Member Brother (LT) Cecil Poole Member Brother (LT) Willard Robinson Member Brother (LT) Daniel Taylor Member Brother Alexander Vernon Member "Life Member As an integral part of our first article, we wish to include a photograph and brief biographical sketch of our first chapter p r e s i d e n t and chapter secretary. Major Charles A. Green is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. He received his B.S. degree from Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio, in 1 9 6 1 , and subsequently a Masters of Art from Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, M i c h i g a n , in 1 9 7 4 . H e i s p a s t President of Theta Delta Lambda, El Paso, Texas, and former member of the Texas Council of Chapters. He is married to the former Carol J. Patton of Cincinnati (OH). They and their three sons are now residing in Copperas Cove, Texas, where Mrs. Green is a homebound school teacher. Brother G r e e n is p r e s e n t l y a s s i g n e d t o headquarters Modern Army Selected Systems Test Evaluation and Review (MASSTER) at Fort Hood, Texas. Lieutenant Colonel Acie McGhee, Jr., is a native of Boomton, Alabama. He received his education in WestVirginia, culminating with a B.S. in Education from West Virginia State College, in 1954. During his undergraduate years, he held positions as President, Secretary, and Treasurer of Alpha Zeta at West Virginia State.

Brother McGhee was the primary individual instrumental in the founding of our new chapter. Brother McGhee presently resides in Killeen with his wife, Louise (President of the local Alumni Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta), and their three children: Cornell, Rena, and Myron.

Oklahoma Eta Xi Lambda, the Lawton/Ft. Sill Alumni Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, recently installed its officers for the year 1975, with Brother LTC (RET) Browder A. Willis administering the oaths. Installed as President for the second year was Brother LTC Remus C. Rhodes, III; Vice President - Brother LTC Robert W. Salley. Secretary for the third year is Brother Major Eldridge W. McMillan, Jr.; Assistant Secretary Brother CPT Archer R. McPhaul; Treasurer - Brother LT Floyd E. Rogers; Dean of Pledgees - Brother LT James Macon; and, Editor to the Sphinx - Brother LT Juan P. Gray. Brother LTC Rhodes made many complimentary remarks at the first meeting of 1975 on how well he was pleased with his staff of 1974 and the support they rendered during his first tenure as president of Eta Xi Lambda Chapter. Additional comments concerned the success and services of the chapter as a whole for the year 1974, because the chapter was involved in many community affairs and was well represented nationally among its members — including Brother Major Eldridge W. McMillan, who was selected as the most outstanding alumni brother in promoting the Life Membership Program, and Brother Dr. Jesse R. Wright, who was selected runner-up for the most outstanding alumni brother. Local chapter awards was given (at a banquet) to certain brothers for their achievements and services rendered to the fraternity both locally and nationally for the year 1974. Receiving awards were Brother CPT Lloyd N. Hill (for the services he contributed locally) and the Chapter President, Brother LTC Rhodes (for his participation and services nationally). Perhaps the highlight of the year is the establishing of an under-graduate chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha at Cameron University, located in Lawton, Oklahoma. On December 6, 1974, thirThe Sphinx / February 19 75

Mr. Booker T. Scruggs, II served as the keynote speaker for the joint Founder's Day observance held by Psi Lambda and Eta Phi chapters in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Major Charles A. Green was elected the first President of Alpha's newly chartered Kappa Sigma Lambda Chapter, located in the Killeen-Fort Hood, Texas, area.

teen young men from Cameron were initiated into the Fraternity through the Oklahoma University Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. These young men are now waiting to receive their charter. Farewell was rendered to several brothers who have recently departed the chapter: Brother CPT Lloyd N. Hill, Brother Lewis Gray, and Brother Alfonso Beatty.

texas Epsilon Tau Lambda Chapter in Prairie View, Texas, lives up to the ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha by participating in community affairs. Accordingly, the chapter financially supported Brothers Clyde Christopher and The Sphinx / February


Gamma Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Mississippi, presented "A BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE TO MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR." on January 15th. Pictured at the event are: (standing • left to right) Bro. Oliver Rice, George Owens, President of Tougaloo College, Bro. Ronnie Carter, keynote speaker Ms. Lou Holloway of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Bro. Thurgood Price, Mr. K.C. Morrison, Bro. Robert Donnell, and Bro. Willie Perkins. (Kneeling - left to right) Bro. Isaac Perkins, Bro. Charles Banks the Southern Regional Assistant Vice President, and Bro. Eddie Whitehead.

Jacob Boyer in their successful campaigns for public office. The budget for the current year was increased to provide an additional One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) scholarship for an outstanding Prairie View student, regardless of financial needs; the chapter provides the same scholarship for an outstanding student who needs financial assistance. The rapport between the graduate and undergraduate chapters had a great beginning at the graduate chapter's regular meeting, where the members of the undergraduate chapter were guests. There was an atmosphere of true Alpha spirit and brotherhood—that we hope will exist throughout the year. The Founder's Day Program was jointly sponsored, and brothers from

both c h a p t e r s appeared on the program. An inspiring and thought provoking address was delivered by Brother Hector Grant of Huston-Tillotson College. He emphasized the necessity of transforming situations for the betterment of mankind rather than conforming. To do so, we must have liberated mind and behavior. Brothers Jacob Boyer, H. T. Jones, Raymond Carreathers (President) and T. P. Dooley represented the chapter at the annual convention. New officers for the current year are: James Johnson President (replacing Carreathers, who is taking a leave of absence to study toward his Doctorate Degree) Carl Moore Vice President 35

Clifton Harvey Secretary Jiles Daniels :Corresponding Secretary Griff Kendrick . . . . Financial Secretary H. R. Turner Treasurer Vernon Black Parliamentarian T. R. Solomon Historian T. P. Dooley Editor of Sphinx I. T. Gordon Chaplain H. T. Jones Sergeant-At-Arms

texas The brothers of Delta Rho Lambda (San Antonio, Texas) celebrated a series of activities starting with a Founder's Day breakfast. Speaker for the occasion was Brother Rev. Prenza L. Woods, Associate Program Director, Southwest Texas Conference, United Methodist Church. Brother William Hays, Jr., gave a tribute to the national founders and the founders of Delta Rho Lambda Chapter - Brothers Bernard Adams, U. J. Andrews, John McDonald, Reginald Pickard, Roland J. Martin and John Warren. Others appearing on program were the chairmen, Brother John Warren, Master of Ceremonies Andrew Richardson, and the president, Brother John D. McDonald. Hell Week was highlighted with the initiation of two Alphamen, Brothers Lanier Byrd and Robert Kelly. The two weeks of activities were climaxed on the day after Thanksgiving, when Alphas gathered from near and far for the Eighth Annual Toy Dance — one of the most brilliant and elite social affairs in central Texas. Several hundred guests braved the coldest night of the year to attend the dance at Villite Assembly Hall, where they felt more than rewarded for their efforts. While it was cold outside, nothing but warmth prevailed inside from the hospitality of the hosts (who plied their guests with delicious food and drinks), the magic glow of festive holiday decorations throughtout the ballroom, and the warm cordiality of the guests, who rallied to the cause by bringing the largest and most beautiful collection of toys since the inception of the project some seven years ago. All of the toys went to make Christmas happier for economically - deprived families who otherwise might have been forgotten. The beautiful table covers - all done up with the A P A insignia - were the handiwork of the charming and enterprising wives of the 36

Alphas. Serving as project chairman was Brother Reginald Pickard. The year of 1974 came to an end with the installation of new officers: President John McDonald Vice President. . . . Richard E. Calhoun Secretary Timothy Nicholson Asst. Secretary Claude Wilson Financial Secretary . . . Andrew Richardson, III Treasurer Randolph Harris Executive Lay Members U.J. Andrews Allen F. Melonson Historian Alvon Armstead Sergeant-at-Arms Frank Evans Director of Education Ernest Stevenson

WEST san diego Eta Sigma Chapter is a Metropolitan Chapter located in San Diego, California. Chartered in December, 1 9 7 1 , it has had its setbacks and momentous frustrations in its efforts to become a viable chapter. Instrumental in the char-


tering and survival of Eta Sigma is alumni brother and Regional Director Samuel McElroy, Jr. Brothers of Eta Sigma are working members of the Regional Convention planning committee. One of the chapter's commitments is an increase in its membership by c o n v e n t i o n time. Through the diligent work of Brothers Conley Major, President; Eric Payne, Dean of Pledges; and the supporting membership, this commitment should easily be met. The chapter's social calendar saw the members attending a Halloween Boat Dance in the Fall, responding to a long-standing Kappa Alpha Psi bowling challenge, designing and tailoring uniform chapter attire for casual occasions, and participating in fundraising activities. Eta Sigma was also co-host for the Annual Christmas Dance, the highlight of the Christmas season in San Diego, which was attended by the Regional Vice President and many out of town brothers and friends. The brothers of Eta Sigma Chapter invite brothers from throughout all Alphadom to attend the upcoming Western Regional Convention in our beautiful city just north of the Mexican border.

The members of Eta Sigma Chapter served as co-hosts with Zeta Sigma Lambda Chapter for Alpha's annual Christmas Dance in San Diego, California. The two chapters will also co-sponsor the up-coming Western Regional Convention March 27th thru 29th. Shown at the Christmas affair are : (standing • left to right) Bro. Samuel McElroy, named "Alpha Man of the Year" at the event, Bros. Norman Hall, Vince Moran, Sam Thomas and Preston Staten of Eta Sigma Chapter, and Bro. Thadeaus Hobbs the Western Regional Vice President; (kneeling - left to right) a visiting brother from Seattle, Washington, and Bros. Ray McElroy and Eric Payne of Eta Sigma. The Sphinx / February 19 75


bridging the gap

Illustration by Orticke

Sixteen years after a child enters primary school, society declares him a working man. Barring unforseen circumstances, and with monumental sacrifices on the part of a dedicated few, this man, provided he attends an acceptable institution of higher learning, is labeled a professional. During the latter half of adolescence, the post high school years, he becomes a part of a new, exciting, elite community, the college campus. Although completely on his own, perhaps for the first time, he confidently ventures forth in preparation to compete with the giants in the economic cosmos, the world about him. At the completion of this first phase of specialization, the attainment of a baccalaureate degree he chooses either to become a full-time member of the working class, or go on to graduate studies. In either instance, he has achieved and is accepted by the majority as having proper credentials. What happens when he must leave? On campus the association with peers provided a warm feeling of security, a sense of belonging and a healthy spirit of competition. For the most part graduation day brings with it an end for many of these associations. Unlike many of the organizations, the fraternity has provided for thousands that bridge to span the space from college days to working days. Of all the training grounds available for self-improvement, of the many organizational affiliations open to us, few if any equal in the personal interest shown for its membership as does the common bond of brotherhood. No closer can the bond be found than in the House of Alpha Phi Alpha. Omicron Lambda Alpha, for nearly a quarter of a century, has held place in this organization. For all of its existence, The Sphinx / February


OLA has been home for Alpha men in the Washington, D.C., area. OLA was chartered for brothers in "tradition" — and as such was, for several years, a transient chapter in which a member remained active for 4 years maximum, or for the duration of his professional school training. During recent years, however, that trend has changed and a stable membership has emerged. For the past two years, Omicron Lambda Alpha has been guided by President Phillip N. Orticke, Jr., a full-time law student at Georgetown University and an employee of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Brother Orticke does not move by blood alone, but with the nectar of Alpha flowing in his veins. Under his leadership, Omicron Lambda Alpha's membership has increased with initiates and reclaimed brothers; the Life Membership program of the chapter has now more than half the active roster involved. Omicron Lambda Alpha takes pride in discounting the tale, "Fraternalism is dying on Black campuses." Not only is OLA's membership composed to a significant degree of professional and graduate students, but we enjoy, in addition, a very close working and competitive relationship with neighboring college chapters, Howard University's Beta chapter, in particular. Within the community, Omicron Lambda Alpha extends the outreach philosophy espoused by the national organization. Not only from chapter organized activities, but on individual bases as well, OLA members are working to build a better community through such efforts as income-tax clinics for indigent residents, low-income housing rehabilitation projects; "Big Brothers;" tutorials. From local politics to community organizations, the members of OLA are involved. This spring, as we have each year since 1952, OLA will conduct a pledge period for interested candidates. We in OLA pride ourselves in our selectivity and are ever confident that our choices represent the highest quality for all of Alpha. This year's pledge committee is spearheaded by Brother Byron Grayson, customer representative, C & P Telephone Company. He is assisted by Brother Robert Lilly, personnel department staff member of Howard University. During this year's annual smoker, brothers and guests were treated to an inspiring piece of Alpha nostalgia by Brother Dr. Walter Booker, past Eastern Region Vice President and responsible individual for OLA's existence. In its 23 year history, OLA has been home for scores of graduates in such professional schools as Law, Medicine, Dentistry, and Business.The 1975 roster contains in addition to students, teachers in the D.C. public school system; administrators and professors in area universities; practicing attorneys; owners of small businesses; senior and mid-level management officials for local and federal government agencies and private industry. OLA is a good company of men, and it's good to return to it if circumstances force you to part, temporarily. Such is the case with Brother Dr. Willie Ruff, who, after two years of post-graduate studies in Washington state, returned this year to Howard University's College of Medicine and OLA. Here in the Nation's capitol with its many diversions, the temptation, and often, a genuine need to disassociate oneself with any cause or group (particularly in the formative years of a career) is heightened. Omicron Lambda Alpha offers a program that allays that temptation. The members of OLA are involved and suggest that true involvement is a vital element for sustaining the life of a chapter. Albert T. Reliford Associate Editor to the Sphinx 37

EGA CHAPTER Brother LEON ALEXANDER SWEENEY, of Neptune, New Jersey, one of the most respected educators in New Jersey and a man who lived in the epitome of the Alpha Phi Alpha tradition, died November 7, 1974, at the age of 41 at Monmouth Medical Center, Long Branch, New Jersey. Brother Sweeney, a past resident of the Zeta Epsilon Lambda Chapter of the New Jersey Shore Area, was Assistant Superintendent of the Matawan Regional School District. Among his duties were those of Director of Federal Projects, Director of Special Services and Director of Reading. In addition to his duties in the Matawan system, he taught a class for adults in special services, was Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Brookdale Community College, Lincroft (NJ), President of the Board of Directors of the Harbor School (for neurologically impaired children), Red Bank (NJ), and a member of the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities. Brother Sweeney was also active in a variety of civic groups. He was Vice President of the Matawan Teachers and Administrators Association, on the Board of Directors of the Monmouth-Ocean Teachers Credit Union, a member of the United Teachers Association and the American Association of School Administrators and served in the Lions and Rotary Clubs. He also found time for sports - and was a licensed owner of standard-bred horses, racing them for the past two years at Freehold Raceway. He belonged to the U.S. Trotting Association. Brother Sweeney was responsible for many innovative educational programs, among which were the Harbor School, a pre-school for the handicapped, special classes for perceptually impaired and expansion of career education programs. His genius did not go unrecognized. The Bayshore Chapter of the National Council of B'nai B'rith presented him with the Hannah E. Solomon Award in 1969; in 1 9 7 1 , he received the Outstanding Educator Award in Matawan and (the same year) the New Jersey Outstanding Educator Award of the Association of Children with Learning Disabilities. Just prior to his death, he received the 1973-74 award from the Academy of American Educators. Brother Sweeney, who received his B.S. degree in Education from Cheyney State College (PA) and his M.S. degree from Kean State College (NJ), was also a member of the Frederick Dempsey Post 266, American Legion, Neptune, New Jersey. He served in the Army during the Korean War and was awarded the Korean Service Medal, UN Service Medal, Civil Defense Service Medal, and Good Conduct Medal. The brothers of Zeta Epsilon Lambda served as his pallbearers - and the chapter conducted a moving memorial service for him. He is survived by his wife, Janice, a son (Michael) and two daughters (Sherri and Jacqueline), and his parents, who along with his many friends and relatives mourn their untimely loss. 38

LEON ALEXANDER SWEENEY • Services were recently held in Middletown, Ohio, for Dr. WILLIAM D. PATTON, 57, a general practitioner of medicine affiliated with the Middletown Hospital. While a student at Fisk University, Brother Patton became an Alpha through Alpha Chi Chapter and had the honor of being listed in "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities," he graduated in 1 9 4 1 . In 1944 he completed his medical training at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. He served for several years as secretary of the staff of Middletown Hospital and as a member (for 1 7 years) of the Board of Health - being its president from 1964 to 1966. Interested in youth, he was physician for Middletown High School's athletic teams and named by them an honorary member of their Varsity Club. Brother Patton was a member of the Human Relations Council of Middletown. His community honored him in 1973 when it staged a civic salute where he was recipient of the Governor's Award for Community Activities and listed in "Who's Who in Ohio." Affiliated with the American Medical Association and the National Medical Association, Brother Patton also served on the Butler County Welfare Advisory Board and the Board of Trustees of the Doty Home for Crippled Children. The Sphinx / February


EDWIN KENNETH McDONALD (Sr.), M.D. Brother EDWIN KENNETH McDONALD (Sr.), M.D., departed this life on Thursday, January 2, 1975, at 9:35 a.m. Born on May 7, 1892, in Birmingham, Alabama, Brother McDonald was the oldest son of the late John Henry and Ella McDonald. His childhood education was obtained in the Birmingham Public School. He attended Mile Memorial College in Birmingham and Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee. After receiving his B.S. degree in Chemistry from Fisk, in 1917, he attended Northwestern University Medical School (Illinois) and was one of the first of his race to receive a Medical Degree from Northwestern, in 1923. After graduation from Medical School and subsequent internship at Provident Hospital (Chicago), Dr. McDonald conducted a very successful practice, specializing (for over 5 0 years) in Pediatrics in the Chicago area. He did post graduate medical training at Cook County Hospital (Chicago) and received a Fellowship for additional study in Pediatrics at the University of Chicago in 1 9 3 1 , with related clinical training in Children's Memorial Hospital (also in Chicago). Certified by the American Board of Pediatrics, Brother McDonald was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics on October 15, 1 9 7 1 . He served as associated attending Pediatrician at Provident Hospital and was also Conductor of the Children's Heart Clinic there. Brother McDonald was a life member of the NAACP and active with the Chicago Urban League, serving on its Civic Committee. Three times Brother McDonald served as President of Alpha's Xi Lambda Chapter in Chicago. He was a former President of the Cook County Physicians Association and a member of both the National Medical Association and the American Medical Association. He was a former Vice President of the Chicago Fisk Club, and was one of the founders of the Jubilee Temple A.M.E. Church in Chicago. Brother McDonald's widow, Joanna, was a schoolmate at Fisk Univeristy and a former faculty member of Virginia Union University. She and their children (a daughter and three sons) and grandchildren - along with a host of friends and relatives - are left to mourn his loss.

• Brother CORNELL W. HAWKINS, a member of Delta Alpha Lambda, Cleveland, Ohio (Omega Chapter - January 4, 1975). • Brother CHARLES ("Chuck") NESBITT of Cambridge, Massachusetts; a member of Epsilon Gamma Lambda Chapter (Omega Chapter - November 22, 1974). The Sphinx / February 19 75

FRED D. ATWATER Yes, Brother FRED D. ATWATER has joined a host of his brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha — in OMEGA Chapter. Born in September of 1904, Brother Atwater passed at 9:45 a.m. on January 28, 1975, in Harlem Hospital (New York City). Alpha memorial services were held February 8th, in Brunswick, Georgia, for this 50-year brother: Life Member No. 194. The name of FRED D. ATWATER is synonymous with the "CONVENTION HALLS OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA." Those thousands of brothers who regularly participated in General Conventions over the years, will ever hold in their minds the picture of Brother Atwater going about his official functions as Sergeant-at-Arms, trying to keep and maintain order in session — and we can all hear-that bigVoice of his bellowing: "ORDER, BROTHERS." To have known Brother Atwater was to have admired and cherished all that a true man could offer making himself worhty of that calling. It is hardly conceivable to speak of the dead and think of Brother Atwater at the same time. His many years of activity in Alpha Phi Alpha - from college days to Life Membership days - make him, in a sense, of legendary proportions; so we speak of him glowingly, not because he is dead but because he lived and made those of us who are left behind beneficiaries of his well-lived life. All Alpha Phi Alpha mourns the passing of Brother Fred D. Atwater, and rejoice in the knowledge that he has truly wrapped the drapery of his couch about him, and now lies down to pleasant dreams. MAY HE REST IN PEACE. — Lawrence T. Young, Sr. 39


Jewels, Omega Chapter: Henry A. Callis, M.D. . Charles H. Chapman . Eugene Kinckle Jones . George B. Kelley . Nathaniel A. Murray . Robert H. Ogle • Vertner W. Tandy Officers General President — Walter Washington Executive Secretary — William H. Walker General Treasurer — Leven C. Weiss General Counsel — Albert Holland, Jr Hfstonan — Charles H. Wesley Comptroller — Chas. C. Teamer Director-General Conventions — Kermit J . Hall

Chicago, Illinois 60653

Alcorn A and M College, Lorman, Miss 4432 Martin Luther King Dr., Chicago, III ..4676 W. Outer Drive, Detroit, Michigan 31 Hickory Hill Rd., Tappan 1824 Taylor Street, N. W., Washington, D.C 2601 Gentilly Blvd., New Orleans La 100 Fairview Ave., Yeadon, Penn.

39096 60653 48235 N Y 20011 70122 19050

Vice Presidents Eastern — Charles P. Howard, Jr Midwestern — James R. Williams Southern — Bennie J . Harris Southwestern — Robert M. King Western — Thadeaus H. Hobbs

1500 American Building, Baltimore, Maryland 1 Cascade Plaza, # 1 9 0 8 , Akron, Ohio 602 Mooremont Terrace, Chattanooga, Tenn, 1839 Mahalia Drive, Waco, Texas 3909 S. Norton Avenue, Los Angeles, California

21202 44308 37411 76705 90008

Assistant Vice Presidents Eastern — Kenneth B. Goodrich Midwestern — Louis D. DeSilva Southern — Charles E. Banks Western — Cecil A. Collins Southwestern — Harry D. Gatewood, II

EAST CONNECTICUT Director Ctha N. Brown, Jr. 208 Flax Hill Road Norwalk, CT 06854 COLLEGE CHAPTERS ' Zeta (Yale U) Edward F. Honesty, Jr. 688 Yale Station New Haven, CT 06520 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Sigma Lambda (Hartford) Elbert A. Powell 230 Mountain Rd. West Hartford, CT 06119 Zeta Phi Lambda (Stamford) David A. Austin (P) 29 Quintard Terrace Stamford. CT 06902 * Eta Alpha Lambda (New Haven) Richard Jacobs 84 Sherman Ave. Hamden, CT 06518 Kappa Delta (U of Connecticut) Elbert Powell (A) U. of Connecticut Health Center Farmington, CT 06032

W A S H I N G T O N . D.C. Director Albert T. Reliford 1503 16th St., N.W. Apt. 604 Washington, D.C. 20036 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta (Howard University) Sylvester Robinson (CS) Box 506 Washington. DC 20059 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Mu Lambda (Washington, DC) Otis C. Davenport (S) 1342 Ritchie PI., N.E. Washington, DC 20017 Omicron Lambda Alpha (Washington, DC) Phillip N. Orticke. Jr. (P) 14436 Astrodome Dr. Silver Spring. MD 20906

DELAWARE Director William Young Del-Valley 600 Rockwood Rd. Wilmington, DE 19802 COLLEGE CHAPTERS * Gamma Sigma (Delaware State College) David Allen Box 180DSC Dover, DE 19901


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Theta Lambda (Wilmington) James A. Gray (P) P.O. Box 1622 Wilmington. DE 19899 Zeta Rho Lambda (Dover) Frederick J. Franklin (ES) 138 Bertrand Drive Dover, DE 19901

MARYLAND Director Herman Sydnor 3001 Granada Ave. Baltimore, MD COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Alpha (Morgan State College) Alan V. Poulson (P) 2318 Koko Lane Baltimore, MD 21216 * Delta Nu (U of Maryland-Eastern Shore) Rodney Bryan Box I404-UMES Princess Anne, MD 21853 * Eta Zeta (Bowie State College) Vernon R. Pinder Box 171-BSC Bowie, MD 20715 lota Zeta (U of Maryland) Joseph Williams (P) Box 259 College Park, MD 20742 ALUMNI CHAPTERS * Delta Lambda (Baltimore) Robert B. Smith 530 Radnor Ave. Baltimore, MD 21212

Kappa Phi Lambda (Maryland) Melvin Blanheim (AS) 9628 Basket Ring Road Columbia, MD 21045

MASSACHUSETTS Director McKinley Hackett 217 School Street Waltham, MA 02154 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Sigma (Metropolitan) Dennis Hinson 200 Bay State Rd., Rm. 401 Boston, MA 02215 Alpha Kappa (Metropolitan) INACTIVE ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Gamma Lambda (Boston) James T. Howard (CS) 104 Greenwood Street Boston, MA 02121 Thata lota Lambda (Springfield) NO REPORT

1209 Linworth Avenue - Apt. 1 A, Baltimore, 3818A North 17th Street, Milwaukee, c / o Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, 18514 57th Avenue, N.E., Seattle, c / o 640 Elm, Norman,

* Eta Chi lambda (Nyack) Eugene M. Deloatch # 4 Elm Street Piedmont, NY 10968

* Zeta Nu Lambda (Plainfield) Maurice Hicks 916 Oak Street Roselle, NJ 07203

Theta Chi Lambda (Shenectady) NO REPORT lota Theta Lambda (Endicott) Eugene W. Shafpe, III (P) P.O. Box 232 Endicott, NY 13760

Theta Psi Lambda (Somerset) Roland Livingston (CS) 116 Livingston Ave., Apt. 4-G New Brunswick, NJ 08902

* lota lota Lambda (Rome) Harry Bilton, Jr. 6384 Milles Drive Rome, NY 13440

Kappa Theta Lambda (Teaneck) NO REPORT

* lota Kappa Lambda (Syracuse) Charles E. Timberlake 947 Westmoreland Ave. Syracuse, NY 13210

Kappa lota Lambda (Burlington County) Richard D. Blackburn 551 North Church Street Moorestown, NJ 08507

Kappa Upsilon Lambda (Mid-Hudson Valley) Adedokin A. Oshoniyi (A) 16 Crossway Road Beacon. NY 12508

NEW YORK Director Clifford Clemmons 221-25 Manor Rd. Queens Village, NY 11427

NEW YORK CITY Director Lacy Ray 137-12 159th Street Jamaica, NY 11434

" COLLEGE CHAPTERS • Alpha (Cornell U) Dr. G. Alex Galvin 401 W. State St. Ithaca, NY 14850


Delta Epsilon (U of Buffalo) NO REPORT

lota lota (Trenton State U) NO REPORT

Delta Zeta (Syracuse U) Sylvester Johnson (S) 104 Dellplain Hall SU Syracuse, NY 13210

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Eta (Metropolitan) NO REPORT Delta Chi (City of Brooklyn) NO REPORT Zeta Eta (Columbia U) Rufus E. Sadler (CS) 534 West 114th Street New York, NY 10025

* Delta Omicron Lambda (Princess Anne) Robert B. Newton P.O. Box 73 Barclay, MD 21607

lota Rho (Newark College of Engineering) Benjamin Tarver (S) P.O. Box 143 Newark, NJ 07101

' lota Alpha Lambda (Havre DeGrace) Francis H. Harris

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha Lambda (Newark) Arthur C. Williams (S) 158 Lincoln St. Montclair, NJ 07042

Beta Pi Lambda (Albany) Edward F. Kennell (S) 5595 Depot Rd. Altamont, NY 12009

Alpha Theta Lambda (Atlantic City) Lawrence L. Stroud (S) 805 S. Broad Street Pleasantville, NJ 08232

Zeta Zeta Lambda (St. Albans) Theodore N. Collins P.O. Box 8 Cambria, NY 11211

Beta Alpha lambda (Jersey City) NO REPORT

' Eta Zeta Lambda (New Rochelle) Arnold C. Baker 16 Nursery Lane Rye, NY 10580

Box 705 Aberdeen, MD 21101 Eta Eta Lambda (Annapolis) Thomas R. Hunt (P; P.O. Box 694 Annapolis, MD 21404 lota Uspilon Lambda (Silver Spring) Lamar Stroud (CS) P.O. Box 2233 Silver Spring, MD 20902 Kappa Epsilon Lambda Handover) NO REPORT Kappa Kappa. Lambda (Baltimore, MD) Richard G. Smith (P) 535 Beaumont Avenue Baltimore, MD 21239

21239 53206 39174 98155 73069

Zeta lota Lambda (Trenton) James Davis, Jr. # 7 0 Tyler Dr. Willingsboro, NJ 08046

NEW JERSEY Director Elbert Wisner 300 Lincoln Dr., Colonial Terr. Ocean, NJ 07216


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho Lambda (Buffalo) Charles J. L. Banks (P) 787 Forest Ave. Buffalo, NY 14209

Delta Mu Lambda (Montclair) James H. Allen (P) 495 E. 29th Street Peterson, NJ 07514

Eta Theta lambda (Wyandance) NO REPORT

Zeta Epsilon Lambda (Red Bank) NO REPORT

Eta Rho Lambda (Rochester) NO REPORT

* Theta Epsilon (Adelphi U) Ceasar Raynar, Jr. Box 190-Earl Hall Garden City, NY 11530


Kappa Zeta (Utica College) Joseph Jones (S) Room 354 - South Hall Utica College Utica, NY 13502


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Gamma Lambda (New York Connie Miller (P) 282 Convent Ave. New York, NY 10031 Gamma lota Lambda (Brooklyn) Homer Gillis (S) 68 Virginia Avenue Hempstead, NY 11550 Kappa Xi Lambda (New York) Lock Box 724 F.D.R. Station New York, NY 10022

The Sphinx

/ February

19 75

PENNSYLVANIA Director Frank E. Devine 6202 Washington Philadelphia, PA COLLEGE CHAPTERS Nu (Lincoln U) Edward L. Vaughn (S) 1213 WisslerSt. Clarkesdale, MS 38614 Omicron IU of Pittsburgh) Glenn Leroy Hodge (P) Box 1594. 3955 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Psi (U of Pennsylvania) Steven Stephenson (S) 1221 South 20th Street Philadelphia, PA 19146 * Gamma Nu (Pennsylvania State U) Larry Fiske 356 E. Fairmount Ave. State College, PA 16801 Delta Pi (Cheyney St. Teachers College NO REPORT Zeta Psi (West Chester State College) Guyzer Young (P) Box 3093 -W.C.S.C. West Chester, PA 19380 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho (Philadelphia, PA) William Ross (P) Park City West -Apt. 171 3900 Ford Road Philadelphia, PA 19151 Alpha Omicron Lambda (Pittsburgh) Wilbur C. Douglas, Jr. (S) 6521 Deary Street Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Zeta Theta Lambda (Harrisburg) NO REPORT * Zeta Omicron Lambda (Philadelphia) Robert L. Chapman 433 Hortter Street Philadelphia, PA 19119 Kappa Beta Lambda (Erie) NO REPORT

RHODE ISLAND Director McKinley Hackett, Jr. 101 Shirley Road Waltham, MA 21514 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Gamma (Brown U) John Reasoner (CS) Box 2352 Providence, Rl 02912

VIRGINIA Director Henry Gray Gillem 1009 South Quinn Arlington, VA 22204 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma (Virginia Union U) John Toney P. 0. Box 893 Richmond, VA 23220 Beta Gamma (Virginia State College) Charles H. Lewis (S) P.O. Box 33 Petersburg. VA 23803 Gamma lota (Hampton Institute) Ralph Hightower (P) Hampton Institute, P.O. Box 6171 Hampton, VA 23668 " Delta Tau (St. Paul's Polytechnic) Delta Tau Chapter St. Paul College Lawrenceville, VA 23888

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/ February

" Epsilon Pi (Virginia State College) Epsilon Pi Chapter Box 2033NSC Norfolk. VA 23504 Theta lota (Virginia Polytechnic) Roger Waller (CS) P.O. Box 346 Blacksburg, VA 24060 Theta Rho (Virginia Commonwealth U) Earl Johnson (T) 804 W. Lancaster Road Richmond, VA 23222 lota Alpha (Washington & Lee U) John W. Evans (S) P. 0. Box 1220 Lexington, VA 24450 lota Beta (U of Virginia) Thomas Jeffrey Fields (CS) P.O. Box 83 X NCMB Station Charlottesville, VA 22903 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Lambda (Newport) Claude N. Carter (CS) 12 Suburban Pkwy. Hampton, VA 23661 Nu Lambda (Petersburg) W. Clinton Pettus (S) Box 33-VSC Petersburg, VA 23803 Alpha Kappa Lambda (Roanoke) Walker N. Atkinson 911 Staunton Ave., N.W. Roanoke. VA 24017 Alpha Phi Lambda (Norfolk) Arnell Burrus (P) 340 Fernwood Farms Rd. Chesapeake, VA 23324 Beta Gamma Lambda (Richmond) C. A. Pennington (S) 3212 Griffin Avenue Richmond, VA 23222 Gamma Alpha Lambda (Lexington) Stephen D. Waters (S) Box 3036 Charlottesville, VA 22903 * Gamma Nu Lambda (Lynchberg) W. T. Lewis 1507 Floyd Street Lynchburg, VA 24501 Delta Beta Lambda (Hampton) Samuel Massenberg (P) 1454 Todds Lane, Apt. A-38 Hampton, VA 23666 Delta Nu Lambda (Danville) Robert G. Neals (S) Rte. 3, Box 425 Danville, VA 24541

INTERNATIONAL Epsilon Theta Lambda (Hamilton, Bermuda) NO REPORT

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Xi Lambda (Chicago) Charles A. Johnson (CS) 8051 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, IL 60619

Eta Epsilon Lambda (Monrovia, Liberia) K. Jefferies Adorkor. Jr. (CS) P.O. Box 55 Monrovia, Liberia

Zeta Xi Lambda (Evanston) Theodore M. Harding IP) 1717 Greenwood St. Evanston. IL 60201

Theta Theta Lambda (Frankfort. Germany) LTC Chester F. Johnson (CS) 63rd Finance Section APO, New York 09052 Trnta Epsilon Lambda (St. Thomas. VI) Ulysses J. Warrick, Jr. (CS) 2A-1 Harbour Ridge Skyline Drive Star Route St. Thomas, VI 00801 lota Epsilon Lambda (Saigon-Long Binh; South Vietnam) NO REPORT lota Sigma Lambda (St. Croix, VI) NO REPORT

Epsilon Nu Lambda (Portsmouth) Charles H. Taylor, Jr. (P) 1409 Carson Cresant, West Portsmouth, VA 23701 Epsilon Omicron Lambda (Lawrenceville) Ernest L. Morse (CS) Box 595 South Hill, VA 23970 Zeta Upsilon Lambda (South Boston) NO REPORT Theta Rho Lambda (Arlington) Clarence B. Halstead (P) 2608 18th St.. South Arlington, VA 22204 iota Tau Lambda (Charlotte Court House) Claude Miller (P) PO Box 208 Charlotte CH, VA 23923


' lota Delta Lambda (Chicago) Lawrence A. Holloway 2951 King Dr. Chicago. IL 60616 Kappa Chi Lambda (Waukegan) George Dillard (A) 804 Oakley Waukegan, IL 60085 Mu Alpha Lambda (Dekalb) Robert P. Edwards (AS) 7634 S. Damen Chicago. IL 60620


MIDWEST ILLINOIS (Eastern) Director William Ridgeway, Ph.D. Department of Zoology Eastern Illinois U Charleston, IL 61920 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Tau (U of Illinois) Michael Henderson Box 2062 • Station A Champaign, IL 61820 * Epsilon Kappa (Bradley U) Samuel Humphrey 1003 North Elmwood Peoria, IL 61606 Zeta Nu (Eastern Illinois U) David Hicks (DP) 1403 A St. Charleston, IL 61920 Eta Tau (Illinois State U) Joe Proctor (CS) 1006 North School St. Normal, IL 61761 Theta Omicron IMillikin U) Ch?rles Jones, Jr. (A) 715 E. Clay St. Decatur, IL 62521 ALUMNI CHAPTERS

Epsilon lota Lambda (Suffolk) Ernest Claud, Jr. (P) P.O. Box 141 Capron. VA 23829

* Theta Mu Lambda (Joliet) Henry Boswell 994 Howliston Ct. Joliet, IL 60433

Omicron Lambda Beta (Champaign, IL) Dr. W.G D. Henderson 305 No. Jackson Danville. IL 61832



Director Ron?id McBride 8828 S. Cornell Chicago, Illinois 60617 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta (Metropolitan) Linn Rodgers (T) 1311 S. Millard Ave. Chicago, IL 60623 Alpha Mu (Northwestern U) George Glaspie (P) 1927 Orrington Ave. No. 4119 Evanston, IL 60201 Epsilon Phi (Northern Illinois U) Michael S. Hill (S) 1120 Varsity, Apt. 233 DeKalb, IL 60115


Director Harold W. Thomas 6899 Lake Dr. East St. Louis, IL 62203 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Eta (Southern Illinois U) Charles Johnson (P) No. 7-East Danny St. Carbondale. IL 62401 Eta Eta (Western Illinois U) Kenneth S. Tucker (CS) 941 Wetzel Hall • W.I.U. Macomb, IL 61455 lota Pi (SIU Edwardsville: Metropolitan Kevin R Harper (S) Branch P.O. Box 1559 Edwardsville, IL 62025 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Epsilon lambda (East St. Louis) Frank T. Lyerson (ES) 1601 Market Street E St Louis, IL 62207

INDIANA Director Robert McGhee 3410 West 58th St. Indianapolis. IN 46208 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Eta (Indiana U) Keith Smith (P) 700 East 8th St. Bloomington, IN 47401 Gamma Rho (Purdue) Sylvester Barnes (P) 613 WaldronSt. West Lafayette. IN 47906 ' Zeta Rho (Indiana State U) Melvin Adams Box 808-1011 Fairbanks Hall-ISU Terre Haute, IN 47809 Theta Xi (Ball State U) John Pearson IS) Box 388-BSU Muncie, IN 47306 lota Theta (Calumet College) Johnny Isbell (S) 4935 Larkspur Dr. East Chicago, IN 46312 ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Lambda (Indianapolis, IN) Leon Bradford (CS) P.O. Box 88181 Indianapolis, IN 46208

Gamma Rho Lambda (Gary) Everett S. Palmer (S) 634 E. 21st Ave. Gary, IN 46407 Theta Xi Lambda (South Bend) INACTIVE Theta Upsilon Lambda (Fort Wayne) Ernest P. Lavender (S) PC. Box 5076 Fort Wayne. IN 46825 Kappa Rho Lambda (Evansville) James Landers (AS) 714 Bayard Park Drive Evansville, IN 47713

IOWA Director Everett A. Mays P.O. Box 533 Des Moines, IA 52802 COLLEGE CHAPTERS * Alpha Theta (Iowa State U) Roy L. Irons 706 Carriage Hill, # 4 Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Alpha Nu (Drake U) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Kappa Lambda (Des Moines) Paul V. Best (CS) 1333 30th St. Des Moines, IA 50311

KANSAS Director Delbert 0. Dewitty 1205 Polk Topeka, KS COLLEGE CHAPTERS Upsilon (U of Kansas) ** See Western Missouri Gamma Chi (Kansas State College) Reginald D. Hansbrough IP, 2023 S. Elm • Apt. " C Pittsburg, PA 66762 • Delta Mu (Wichita State U) Elarry E. Mukes 3838 Lavon Wichita, KS 67258 Epsilon Omicron (Washburn U) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Eta Lambda (Topeka) P. J. Williams (P) 3107 Illinois Topeka, KS 66605 Eta Beta Lambda (Wichita) George F. Williams (P) 2614 N. Fairmont Wichita, KS 67220

KENTUCKY Director Herbert N. Watkins 4715 Nottinghamshire Dr. Louisville, KY 40299 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Pi (U of Louisville) Danny R. Penick (P) Box 1120 Louisville. KY 40208 Beta Mu (Kentucky State U) Ronald Mumphery (P) McCullin Hall Rm. 202-State U Frankfort, KY 40601 Epsilon Chi IU of Kentucky) Desni Brannon (P) Box 379-U of Kentucky Lexington. KY 40506


* Zeta Omicron (Murray State U) LaDon Cross 499 University Station-MSU Murray, KY 42071 Eta Rho (Western Kentucky U) Leo Fain (P) 321 Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, KY 42101 ALUMNI CHAPTERS " Alpha Lambda (Louisville) T. A. Warford 1216 Beech St. Louisville, KY 40211 Alpha Beta Lambda (Lexington) Langston Smith (P) c o Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter P, 0. Box 1248 Lexington. KY 40507 Gamma Beta Lambda (Frankfort) Dr William W. Bearden (S) Box 7 Kentucky State University Frankfort, KY 40601 Gamma Epsilon Lambda (Hopkinsville) NO REPORT

Theta Zeta Lambda (Ann Arbor) Milton P. Brown (P) 2767 Page Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 lota Rho Lambda (Pontiac) NO REPORT • lota Phi Lambda (Muskegon Heights) Joseph Ward 2341 Fifth Ave. Muskegon Hghts., Ml 49444

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Zeta Lambda (Jefferson City) Clyde K. Phillips, Jr. (P) 1409 Chestnut St. Jefferson City, MO 65101



Director Jimmie Bufford 3202Vi Brighton, # 2 0 Kansas City. MO 64128


COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon (U of Michigan) Gerald Appling (S) 340 S, Division St. Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 Alpha Upsilon (Wayne State U) Clarence Osley, Jr. (P) 1403 Deacon Detroit, Ml 48217 Gamma Tau (Michigan State U) Hugh S. Hatten (P) P.O. Box 466-MSU East Lansing. Ml 48823 Epsilon Eta (Eastern Michigan U) NO REPORT " Epsilon Xi (Western Michigan U) Alexander Plair 1612 North Edwards Kalamazoo, Ml 49007 Zeta Beta (Ferris State College) Alfred D. Knight (P) Box 38 Student Center-FSC Big Rapids, Ml 49307 Zeta Delta (Northern Michigan U) NO REPORT Eta Xi (U of Detroit) Don Smith (P) 2417 Highland Detroit. Ml 48206 Theta Harry GMI. Flint,

Tau (General Motors Institute) L. Alston, Jr (S) - 1700 W 3rd Ave. Ml 48502

lota Epsilon (Grand Valley State College) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Lambda (Detroit) Ivan L Cotman (S) 20141 Mclntyre Detroit, Ml 48219


Director Oliver Sumlin 2724 Hoover Ave. Dayton, OH 45407

Kappa Dalta Lambda (East Lansing. Ml) Kirby Kirksey (S) 227 S. Case Hall — MSU East Lansing, Ml 48824

* Delta Rho (U of Missouri Kansas City! Beniamin F. Boyd, Jr. 5100 Rockhill Rd, Box 12 Kansas City, MO 64110

Xi (Wilberforce U) Isiah Smith (P) Box 151 Wilberforce, OH 45384

Kappa Psi Lambda (Kalamazoo) Wilford Miner (AS) 1108 Bridge Kalamazoo, Ml 49001

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Lambda (Kansas City) Jimmie L. Buford (CS) P.O. Box 6820 Kansas City, MO 64130

Director James Beard 4109 Portland Ave., South Minneapolis, MN 55407

NEBRASKA Director Thomas A. Phillips 5012 Ruggles St. Omaha, NE 68104



ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Xi Lambda (Minneapolis, MN) James E. Beard (P) 4109 Portland Ave., S. Minneapolis. MN 55407

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Xi Lambda (Omaha, NE) Alfred B. Grice (S) 3222 North 24 Street Omaha. NE 68110



Director Clifton Bailey 3338 Aubert Ave. St. Louis, MO 63115



Director Joseph Hill 934 Hartford Ave. Akron, OH 44320

Alpha Eta (St. Louis) David Brown (S) Box 54-Lindenwood College, II St. Charles, M0 63301

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Pi (Cleveland State Western Reserve) Kermit Ralph Henderson (P) 1852 Alvason Road East Cleveland, OH 44112

Epsilon Psi (U of Missouri — Rolla) Frank Kenneth Billups (P) Highway 63 & Elm Rolla, MO 65401

Alpha Tau (U of Akron) Michael Hughes 806 Euclid Ave. Akron, OH 44307

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Lambda (St. Louis) John R. Pope (CS) 1269 Hodiamont Ave. St. Louis, MO 63112

Epsilon Delta (Kent State U) NO REPORT


Epsilon Eta Lambda (Charleston) Roy Cooper, Jr. (P) 415 North Chestnut Kayti, M0 63851



Director Carl Smith State Rte. # 2 Lakeview Sub Div Jefferson City, M0 65101 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Psi (Lincoln U) Paul Best 522 E. Afchinson Jefferson City, MO 65101 Zeta Alpha (U. of Missouri) Cliff Hobly (P) 801 S. Sixth • Apt. " D " Columbia, M0 65201 Zeta Gamma (Central Missouri U) NO REPORT

Eta Nu Lambda (Grand Rapids) NO REPORT

lota Xi (Northeast Missouri State) NO REPORT

lota Phi (Mt. Union College) Mark K. Brown (S) 131 Harlsfhorn Alliance. OH 44601 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Rho Lambda (Youngstown) NO REPORT Dalta Alpha Lambda (Cleveland. CH) Andrew A Venable, Jr. (CS) 3615 Lindholm Road Shaker Heights, OH 44120 Eta Tau Lambda (Akron, OH) Edwin L Parms (CS) 1908 # 1 Cascade Plaza Akron, OH 44308



Director Robert Stubblefield 1340 W. Woodruff St. Toledo, Ohio 43606 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Alpha IU of Toledo) Tim Miles (S) 941 Lincoln Ave. Toledo. OH 43607

WEST VIRGINIA Director Douglas Miller, Esq. P.O. Box 261 Institute, WVA 25112 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Zeta (West Virginia State) Jerry 0. Saunders (P) Box 28-WVSC Institute, WVA 25112


COLLEGE CHAPTERS Upsilon (U of Kansas) Dexter White (P) Box 2158 Lawrence, KS 66044

Epsilon Upsilon Lambda (Flint) William A Tipper (P) 912 East Wellington Ave. Flint, Ml 48503

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ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Xi Lambda (Toledo) Cyrus Lawyer (P) 3805 Ben Lomond Court Toledo, OH 43607

lota Chi Lambda (Saginaw) James Gaddis (P) 4028 Wisner Saginaw, Ml 48601

MINNESOTA Director Robert J. Chillison, III 2230 Hyde Park Rd. Detroit, Ml 48207

Epsilon Theta (Bowling Green U) John M. Gore (CS) 218 Offenhauer West Bowling, Green, OH 43402

Beta Theta (Bluefield State) Adolphus Young, Jr. (A) Box 671 Bluefield, WVA 24701


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Zeta Lambda (Bluefield) Adolphus Young, Jr. (S) P.O. Box 671 Bluefield, WVA 24701

Gamma Theta (U of Dayton) NO REPORT

Alpha lota Lambda (Institute) John E. Scott (S) P.O. Box 303 Institute, WVA 25112

Delta Xi (Central State U) NO REPORT

Gamma Delta Lambda (Beckley) INACTIVE

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Theta Lambda (Dayton) Edward L. White (P) 5211 Big Bend Dr. Dayton, OH 45427

WISCONSIN Director Hoyt Harper 5344 64th St. Milwaukee, Wl 53218

Chi Lambda (Wilberforce) Thomas E. Kelley Box 132 Wilberforce, OH 45384


Zeta Delta Lambda (Springfield) Raymond T. Holmes (S) 132 Welcome Way WPAFB, OH 45433

* Gamma Epsilon (U of Wisconsin) Joseph Jackson 2409 Cypress Way, # 7 Madison, Wl 53713

Kappa Mu Lambda (Lorain, CH) Jerry 0. Ledbetter (A) 2810 Packard Drive Lorain, OH 44055

Epsilon Tau (U of Wisconsin-Mil. Branch) NO REPORT



Director Jim Wright 729 Bedford Ave. Columbus, OH 43205

* Eta Beta (Wisconsin State U) Eta Beta Chapter U of Wisconsin Plattesville, Wl 53818

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa (Ohio State U) Paul T. Venable, II (CS) 1555 Franklin Park South Columbus, OH 43205

Eta Pi (Wisconsin State U) NO REPORT Zeta lota (WSU-Oskosh) NO REPORT

• Phi (Ohio U) Estes Perkins 307-35 N. McKinley Ave. Athens. OH 45701

lota Tau (Carthage College) NO REPORT

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Rho Lambda (Columbus) Clayton Hicks (CS) P.O. Box 6870, Station E Columbus, OH 43205



Director Clarence Frazier 1145 Wionna Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45224

ALUMNI CHAPTER Oolta Chi Lambda (Milwaukee) Taft E. Benson (S) 2815 W Ranch Road 116N Mequon. Wl 53092

SOUTH ALABAMA Director W Mingo Clark 2026 Winchester Road Hunfsville, AL 35810

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha (U of Cincinnati) Irving S. Moses, Jr. (P) 632 Calhoun Hall-U of C Cincinnati, OH 45221 Delta Upsilon (Miami U) Owen Latimore (P) c o E.0 0. Bishop Hall Miami U Oxford. OH 45056 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Gamma Lambda (Cincinnati, OH) Otis Cargill (P) 806 Burns Avenue | Cincinnati, CH 45215

" Zeta lota (U of Wisconsin) Zeta lota Chapter 178 Fraternity Ln.U of W Whitewater, Wl 53190

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Beta (Talladega College) James P. Gleason (P) Talladega College Talladega, AL 35160 Beta Upsilon (Alabama Stale College) Howard Mitchell (BM) P 0. Box 28 ASU Montgomery, AL 36101 ' Gamma Kappa (Miles College) Jerry Jones Box 177 Miles College Birmingham, AL 35208

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Gamma Phi (Tuskegee Institute) Roderick L. Green (CS) P.O. Box 36 Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 ' Delta Gamma (Alabama A&M College) Harry Jarvis Box 314 Hopkins Hall AAMU Normal, AL 35762 Epsilon Nu (Stillman College) Henry Billups (S) 4231 Stillman College Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 * Theta Delta (U of South Alabama) Wesley James 318 St. Charles Ave. Mobile, AL 36617 lota Nu (U of Alabama) Eric Ellington (P) 1631 18th Place - S.W. Birmingham, AL 35211 Kappa Alpha (U of Alabama) Ben Winston (A) 4116 19th Place Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Kappa Gamma (U. of North Alabama) Emmitt Jimmar (A) 408 S. Atlanta Avenue Sheffield, AL 35660 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omicron Lambda (Birmingham) James Pharris (P) 35 20th Ave. Birmingham, AL 35205 Alpha Nu Lambda (Tuskegee) Wright L Lassiter P.O. Box 905 Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 Alpha Upsilon Lambda (Montgomery) Samuel L Jackson (S) 1045 Pelham Street Montgomery, AL 36104 * Beta Omicron Lambda (Mobile) Alvin J. Allen 1205 St. Mader St. Mobile, AL 36603 Delta Theta Lambda (Normal) Cleophas Haywood (F&CS) 5007 Lyngail Drive Huntsville, AL 35810 Delta Pi Lambda (Selma) John D. Taylor (CS) 1905 St. Phillips St. Selma, AL 36701 Delta Phi Lambda (Tuscaloosa) Eddie R. Johnson (S) Box 4902 - Stillman College Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Epsilon Delta Lambda (Talladega) Harold Washington (CS) 1515 Cobb Street Annislon. AL 36201 * Theta Alpha Lambda (Gadsden) Johnny V. Rigby 1909 E. Broad Street East Gadsden, AL 35903 * Theta Gamma Lambda (Dothan) Conrad L. Newman

P.O. Box 117 Newville. AL 36353 Kappa Nu Lambda (Lcighton) Emmitt E. Jimmar 408 S. Atlanta Ave. Sheffield. AL 35660

FLORIDA Director Robert L Smith 431 Rosemary Ave. West Palm Beach, FL 33401

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/ February

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Nu (Florida A&M College) James Davis (P) 658 Liberty St., Apt. 2 Tallahassee, FL 32307 •Delta Beta (Bethune-Cookman) Alphonso Mendez Box 127-BCC Daytona Bch, FL 32015 Delta Psi (Florida Memorial College) Roger Cherry (VP) 15800 NW 42nd Avenue Miami. FL 33054 Eta Delta (U of Miami) Lemuel Rosier (VP) Apt. 43 F - U of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33146 * Theta Gamma (U of South Florida) Theta Gamma Chapter U of South Florida Tampa, FL 33620 * Theta Sigma (U of Florida) William E. Jackson 1822 S.W. 4th Street Ocala, FL 32670 lota Delta (Florida State U) Kelvin Davis (VP) FSU Box 1404 Tallahassee, FL 32306 ALUMNI CHAPTERS * Upsilon Lambda (Jacksonville) A St. George Richardson 4526 Mcntcreif Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32209 Beta Beta Lambda (Miami) Franklin Clark (S) 2335 NW. 85th Miami, FL 33147 Beta Delta Lambda (Daytona Bch.) Theo R. Nicholson, Sr. (P) 1077 North Street Daytona Bch., FL 32014 * Gamma Zeta Lambda (Tampa) Richard F Pride 2907 26th Street Tampa, FL 33605 * Gamma Mu Lambda (Tallahassee) Rev Moses General Miles 1329 Abraham Street Tallahassee, FL 31204 * Delta Delta Lambda (W. Palm Beach) Kenneth Powell 1660 30th St., W. Riviera Bch., FL 33404 Delta Xi Lambda (Orlando) Ernest C Goodman (CS) 3400 West Church Street Orlando, FL 32805 " Epsilon Mu Lambda (Pensacola) James V. Gillis 814 Gulf Beach Highway Warrington. FL 32507 Epsilon Pi Lambda (Gainesville) William E Jackson 1822 S.W. 4th Street Ocala, FL 32670

lota Beta Lambda (Cocoa) J. Albert Diggs, Jr. (S) 1725 Country Club Drive Titusville, FL 32780

' Gamma Sigma Lambda (Ft. Valley) Dr. 0. Edward Hicks Box 586 State College Ft. Valley, GA 31030

lota Pi Lambda (Miami, FL) John Pittman (S) P. 0. Box 570723 Miami, FL 33157

Delta lota Lambda (Columbus) Lorenzo R. Mann (S) 4554 Moline Ave. Columbus. GA 31907

GEORGIA Director Matthew H. Dawson 793 Magna Carta Drive Atlanta. GA 30318 COLLEGE CHAPTERS lota (Morris Brown College) Phillip Walker 1935 Alison Court, Apt. H-13 Atlanta, GA 30311 Alpha Rho (Morehouse College) James E. Thompson (CS) P.O. Box 165-MC Atlanta, GA 30314 Alpha Phi (Clark U) lerry Stallworth (P) Brawley Hall Clark College Atlanta, GA 30314 Gamma Zeta (Ft. Valley State U.) Huey Spearman (CS) Box 717 F.V.S.C. Fort Valley. GA 31030 • Delta Delta (Albany State College) Anthony Golden Box 156-Blaylock Hall ASC Albany, GA 31705

Epsilon Beta Lambda (Macon) Joseph 0 Lindsey (S) 2941 Malibu Dr. Macon, GA 31201 Eta lota Lambda (Athens) Hugh Goodrum (CS) P.O. Box 902 Athens, GA 30601 Th2ta Nu Lambda (LaGrange) Oliver N. Greene (S) 712 Pyracantha Drive LaGrange, GA 30240 lota Gamma Lambda (Brunswick) Jonathan L. Williams (P) 2622 Bartow Street Brunswick, GA 31520 Kappa Tau Lambda (Valdosta GA) Dr. Lafayette W. Williams (A) 415 S. Ashley Street Valdosta, GA 31061

MISSISSIPPI Director John I. Hendricks, Jr. Alcorn State College Lorman, MS 39096

* Delta Eta (Savannah State U) J. B. Clemmons Savannah State College Savannah, GA 31404

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Upsilon (Tougaloo College) Lucas Watson (CS) Tougaloo College Tougaloo, MS 39174

Zeta Mu (Georgia State U) Henry Phillips (P) 1649 Terry Mill Rd., S.E. Atlanta. GA 30317

• Delta Kappa (Alcorn State College) Leon Moore Box 267-AAMC Lorman, MS 39096

Zeta Pi (U. of Georgia) Roosevelt Sanders (S) 119-1 Ashley Circle Athens, GA 30601

Delta Phi (Jackson State College) Calvin Cunning (CS) P.O. Box 17177 • J.S.U. Jackson. MS 39217

Eta Alpha (Paine College) Anthony Campbell (S) 1235 15th Street Augusta, GA 30901

Zeta Phi (Ms Valley State College) Esper Smith (S) PO. Box 899 Itta Bena, MS 38941

Theta Beta (Columbus College) Michael D. Ivey (D0P) 736 Wright Drive Columbus, GA 31907

lota Gamma (Rust College) Fred Taylor (S) Rust College Holly Springs, MS 38625

lota Eta (Mercer U) Charles 0. Eaddy (S) P0 Box 393-Mercer U Macon. GA 31207 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Lambda (Atlanta) Nathaniel C. Veale, Jr. (CS) •PO. Box 92576 Atlanta, GA 30314

Kappa Beta (Starksville, MS) Clarence Christian (A) 32 I University Village Starksville, MS 39759 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Epsilon Lambda (Jackson) Dr. R. W. Harrison, Jr. (S) PO. Box 356 Yazoo City, MS 39194

Theta Sigma Lambda (Natchez) Norris A. Edney (P) P.O. Box 870 ASC Lorman, MS 39096

NORTH CAROLINA Director Walter Sullivan 2405 Glenridge Ct. Greensboro, NC 27405 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Omicron (Johnson C. Smith University) Mallory D. Felder (P) PC. Box 785- J.C.S.U. Charlotte. NC 28208 Beta Epsilon (A&T State U) Mack Parker IP) Box A-14 N.C. A&T State U Greensburo, NC 27411 • Beta Zeta (Elizabeth City State U) Dexter Jones 1203 Southern Ave. Elizabeth Cty., NC 27909 Beta lota (Winston-Salem Slate U) Robert G. Hedgepeth IP) P.O. Box 14318-WSSU Winston-Salem, NC 27102 • Beta Rho (Shaw U) Beta Rho Chapter Box 201-Shaw U Raleigh. NC 27602 Gamma Beta (North Carolina Central U Dennis Levi Forbes (CS) P.O. Box 19484-NCU Durham, NC 27707 Gamma Mu (Livingston College) Larry D. Giles Box 62 Livingston College Salisbury. NC 28144 Gamma Psi (St. Augustine's College) Samuel McGinis P.O. Box 1117 Raleigh. NC 27611 Epsilon Zeta (Fayetteville State U) Howard Picett (CS) P.O. Box 1438 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Zeta Epsilon (Barber Scotia College) diaries C. King (S) Box 437 Barber-Scotia College Concord, NC 28025 Eta Nu (East Carolina State U) NC REPORT Eta Omicron (North Carolina State) Calvin McNeill IS) PO Box 5483-NSU Raleigh, NC 27607 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Lambda (Greensboro) George Breathett (CS) PO Box 21052 Greensboro, NC 27420 • Phi Lambda (Raleigh) Richard E. Ball 1509 Summerville Circle Raleigh, NC 27610

Alpha Chi Lambda (Augusta) James Paschal (VP) P 0. Box 5261 Augusta, GA 30906

' Epsilon Xi Lambda (Mound Bayou) George J. Bacon P.O. Box 5531 Greenville, MS 38701

Alpha Pi Lambda (Winston Salem) John P. Bond, III 726 25th Street, NW. Winston Salem, NC 27105

Eta Kappa Lambda (Ft. Pierce) Havert L Fenn (S) P.O. Box 1271 Ft Pierce, FL 33450

Beta Phi Lambda (Savannah) Daniel Washington 1513 Cathy Street Savannah, GA 31401

Zeta Mu Lambda IBiloxi) Mick B Harris (CS) 1908 30th Ave. Gulfport, MS 39501

Beta Theta Lambda (Durham) A J. H Clement. Ill 2505 Weaver Street Durham, NC 27707

Theta Eta Lambda (St. Petersburg) Alfred B. Williams 2534 22nd Street South St. Petersburg, FL 33407

' Gamma Omicron Lambda (Albany) Gordon Davis 613 Henderson Albany, GA 31705

' Eta Phi Lambda (Columbus) Otis E. Barry Rte. 1, Box 233 Steen. MS 39766

Beta Mu Lambda (Salisbury) Frank R Brown IT) 815 W Thomas Street Salisbury, NC 28144

Zeta Alpha Lambda (Ft. Lauderdale) Benjamin F. Lampkin, Jr. (P) 1400 Northwest Sixth Street Ft Lauderdale, FL 33311

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Beta Nu Lambda (Charlotte) McKmley A. Cochane (P) 2015 Patton Ave. Charlotte, NC 28216 * Gamma Kappa Lambda (Wilmington) B. T. Washington 1417 Queen Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Gamma Psi Lambda (Asheville) James E King (CS) 81 Taft Ave Asheville. NC 28803 Epsilon Rho Lambda (Fayetteville) Frederick Hill (P) 2509 Caldonia Circle Fayetteville, NC 28301 Epsilon Sigma Lambda (Tarboro NO REPORT Epsilon Chi Lambda (Elizabeth City) E. N. Smith (P) Box 102-ESU Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Zeta Eta Lambda (Kinston. NC) B. F. Hall, Jr. (S) 1007 E. Caswell St. Kinston. NC 28501 Eta Mu Lambda (Gastonia) Joel C. Marable (S) 407 Belevedere Circle Kings Mountain, NC 28086 Theta Omicron Lambda (Goldsboro) John 0. Stokes (S) 306 W. Chestnut Street Goldsboro. NC 27530

Delta Kappa Lambda (Florence) Joseph E. Heyward (S) P.O. Box 384 Florence, SC 29501 Eta Omicron Lambda (Rock Hills) Gene Goggins (P) Rte. 1, Box 246A Chester, SC 29706 Theta Phi Lambda (Bennettsville) Ralph W. Dupree (CS) Beauty Spot Road Bennettsville, SC 29511 " lota Eta Lambda (Denmark) Arthur J. H. Clement, Jr. Voorhees College Denmark, SC 29042

TENNESSEE Director Zenoch G. Adams 1024 Kellow Street Nashville, TN 37208 Chi (Meharry Medical College) Michael Shaw (P) Box 143-Meharry Medical College Nashville. TN 37208 Alpha Chi (Fisk U) Victor G. Brown (P) Box 329 Fisk U Nashville. TN 37203 Beta Xi (LeMoyne-Owen College) Lee Lester (P) 1607 Florida Street Memphis, TN 38109

SOUTH CAROLINA Director William J. Davis, Jr. 4509 Williamburg Drive Columbia. SC 29203

Beta Omicron (Tennessee A & I U) Dennis Lawson (CS) Box 149-TSU Nashville. TN 37203

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Delta (South Carolina State) Joe Singleton (P) Box 1954-SCSC Orangeburg. SC 29117

Beta Pi (Lane College) Gregory Scott (P) 211 Jackson Street Jackson, TN 38301

' Gamma Gamma (Allen U) Claude J. Wells Box 120-Allen U Columbia, SC 29204

* Gamma Omicron (Knoxville College) Gamma Omicron Chapter Box 382-Knoxville College Knoxville, TN 37921

Gamma Pi (Benedict College! Ernest Alexander (P) Jenkins Hall-Benedict U Columbia, SC 29204

Eta Phi (U of Tennessee) Joshuah L. Barber 3120 Wilcox Blvd. Chattanooga, TN 37411

* Delta Alpha (Claflin U) Lee Oatice McKinnon 509 Buckley Street Orangeburg, SC 29115

Theta Pi (Austin Peay State U) R. Briggs (CS) Hillview Hgts., Apt C-19 Clarksville, TN 37040

Eta lota (Voorhees College) Thurmond White (P) Battle Hall Voorhees College Denmark, SC 29042

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Tau Lambda (Nashville) Hayden E. Ballard, Jr. (CS) P 0. Box 5646 Nashville, TN 37208

Theta Nu (U of South Carolina) Richard Reed (P) Box 84511 Columbia. SC 29208 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Psi lambda (Columbia) Joe E. Brown (CS) 1605 Frye Road Columbia. SC 29203 Beta Kappa Lambda (Charleston) NO REPORT Gamma Gamma lambda (Greenville) Fred W. Bostic (S) 201 Kennedy Drive Greenville. SC 39605 Delta Zeta Lambda (Orangeburg) Peter Felder (P) Claflin College Orangeburg. SC 29115

4 4,

Psi Lambda IChattanooga) Albert M. Miller. Jr. (S) 718 Midland Pike Chattanooga, TN 37411 Alpha Delta Lambda (Memphis) George D. Clark, Jr. (S) 1217 Fountain Court Memphis, TN 38106 Alpha Mu Lambda (Knoxville) Edward 0. Hill (P) 2643 Linden Ave. Knoxville, TN 37914 * Beta Upsilon Lambda (Jackson) Herman Stone 841 Lane Ave. Jackson, TN 38301 Kappa Zeta Lambda (Clarksville) NO REPORT

SOUTHWEST ARKANSAS Director William H. Fowler 2515 Ringo Little Rock, AR 72201

* Theta Theta (McNeese U) Glenneth Coleman Box 233 MSU Lake Charles, LA 70601 Theta Phi (Louisiana State U) Kenneth L. Jones 728 Desire St., Apt. 2 New Orleans, LA 70122

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Chi (Philander Smith College) Arthur E. Hines (P) Box 530-Philander Smith College Little Rock, AR 72203

Theta Chi (Northwestern State U) Hilton Verrett (P) P.O. Box 5232 Natchitoches, LA 71457

' Gamma Delta (AM&N College) Oliver B. McFalls 1103 A North Cedar Pine Bluff. AR 71601

ALUMNI CHAPTERS ' Sigma Lambda (New Orleans) Dr. Walter E. Morial 3328 St. Anthony Avenue New Orleans, LA 70126

Theta Kappa (Henderson State College! Johnny Harris (P) Route 1, Box 176C Gordon. AR 71743

Beta lota Lambda (Baton Rouge) Paul E. Waller (CS) 1654 78th Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70807

Th..ta Upsilon (Arkansas State University) Roger Veasley (P) Box 1183 • State University Ark. Jonesboro, AR 72467

* Delta Upsilon Lambda (Shreveport) James C. Leary 2961 Looney Street Shreveport, LA 71103

Theta Psi (State College of Arkansas) Walter Credit (P) Box 646 • SCA Conway, AR 72032

Epsilon Kappa Lambda (Grambling) Jacob T. Stewart (P) P.O. Drawer 604 Grambling, LA 71245

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Pi Lambda (Little Rock) Acie L. Johnson (P) 2409 Howard Street Little Rock, AR 72206

' Epsilon Psi lambda (Alexandria) George W. Thompson 3616 13th Street Alexandria, LA 71301

Delta Sigma Lambda (Pine Bluff) Calvin Matlock (CS) 1000 W. 2nd Avenue Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Theta Tau Lambda (Helena) George L. Denton (S) 263 California Street Marianna, AR 72360

LOUISIANA Director Ray 0. Wright 823 Atkinson Monroe, LA 71201 COLLEGE CHAPTERS ' Beta Sigma (Southern U) Reuben Turner Box 9929-Southern U Baton Rouge. LA 70813 Beta Tau (Xavier U) Donzell Floyd (DE) St. Michael's Dorm New Orleans, LA 70125 Beta Phi (Dillard U) James V. Langie (S) P.O. Box 214 New Orleans. LA 70122 Delta Sigma (Grambling U! Michael Gaines (P) P.O. Box 821 Grambling, LA 71245 ' Epsilon Upsilon (Southern U) Marshall Jackson 1408 S. Miro, Apt. A New Orleans, LA 70125 Zeta Xi (U of South West Louisiana) Carol Bourgeois Box 1889-U of Southwestern Louisiana Lafayette, LA 70501 * Eta Kappa (Louisiana Tech U) Richard Fisher Box 6522-Louisiana Tech U Ruston, LA 71270 Eta Chi (Northeast Louisiana U) Andre' Doyal McDade (P) P.O. Box 40-NLU Monroe, LA 71201

' Zeta Chi Lambda (Bogalusa) Albert L. Jordan 1502 North Ave. Bogalusa, LA 70427 * Zeta Psi Lambda (Lake Charles) Joseph Y. Ballard 2911 General Mitchell Drive Lake Charles, LA 70601 Eta Gamma Lambda (Lafayette) Alvin Wiltz (S) 832 Begnaud Street Breaux Bridge, LA 70517 Eta Delta Lambda (Monroe) Louis Pargoud (CS) 500 Jason Drive Monroe, LA 71201

Eta Theta (East Central State College) Alvin Thomson (S) P.O. Box 1734 Ada, OK 74820 Kappa Epsilon (Cameron U.) Melvin L. Jones (AS) 1346 Magruder Rd. Ft. Sill. OK 73053 ALUMNI CHAPTERS * Alpha Tau Lambda (Tulsa) Percy J. Perry, Jr. 3125 N. Hartford Place Tulsa, OK 74106 Beta Epsilon Lambda (Boley) L. G. Ashley (S) P.O. Box 247 Boley, OK 74829 Beta Eta Lambda (Oklahoma City) William G. Henderson (P) P.O Box 11568 Oklahoma City, OK 73111 Beta Chi Lambda (Muskogee) Vernon L. Foshee (S) 725 N. Terrace Blvd. Muskogee, OK 74401 Zeta Gamma Lambda (Langston) Robert S. Anderson (CP) Box 778 Langston, OK 73050 Eta Xi Lambda (Lawton) Maj. E. W. McMillan, Jr. (S) P.O. Box 1335 Lawton, OK 73501

TEXAS Director Roosevelt Johnson 2521 South Blvd. Dallas, TX 75215 COLLEGE CHAPTERS * Delta (Huston-Tillotson College) Leroy Hasley (S) Box 103-HTC Austin, TX 78702 * Alpha Sigma (Wiley U) Robert T. Lewis P.O. Box 464-Wiley College Marshall, TX 75670 * Gamma Alpha (Texas College) Tommy Walker Texas College Tyler, TX 75701

lota Xi Lambda (Opelousas) Donald J. Bush (P) P.O. Box 329 Opelousas, LA 70570

Delta Theta (Texas Southern U) Kenneth Ray Long (P) 3201 Wheeler Ave. Houston, TX 77004

OKLAHOMA Director Roy L. Watson 4401 North Thompson Oklahoma City, OK 73105

* Epsilon Gamma (Bishop College) Donald Yares Box 233 Bishop College Dallas, TX 75241

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Kappa (Langston U) Ronald Walker (P) Langston U Langston, OK 73050

' Epsilon lota (U of Texas) Epsilon lota Chapter Box 1712 Austin, TX 78741

* Epsilon Epsilon (Oklahoma State U) Ronnie Foster 408 N. Washington Stillwater, OK 74074 * Zeta Zeta (U of Oklahoma) Harry D. Gatewood, II 640 Elm Norman, CK 73069 * Zeta Sigma (Central State U) Terry Lynn Dungee, III 3232 Prespect Oklahoma City. OK * Zeta Upsilon (Northeastern State College) Marion Terry Box 340 Haskell Hall NSC Tahlequah, OK 74464


* Epsilon Rho (lamar Tech State College) Edward Nelson Box 10124-Lamar U Station Beaumont, TX 77710 Epsilon Sigma (St. Mary's U) Roy Washington CS) P S. Box 2406 San Antonio, TX 78298 ' Zeta Kappa (U of Texas) George Ellis 2111 Sun Bowl Dr., # 1 1 3 A El Paso, TX 79902 Zeta Tau (East Texas U) Edward Johnson (CS) Box S E.T. Station Commerce, TX 75428 i

inx / February 1975 -

Zeta Chi (U of Texas at Arlington) Marvin Mooney (CS) Box 19193-UTA Station Arlington, TX 76019

Gamma Upsilon Lambda (Marshall) T. E. Gray (CS) P. 0. Box 583 Marshall. TX 75670

* Eta Gamma (Prairie View A S M College) Terry Haywood Box 2255-PVC Prairie View, TX 77445

Delta Rho Lambda (San Antonio) Frank Evans, Jr. (S) 318 S. Monumental St. San Antonio, TX 78203

Eta Epsilon (North Texas State U) E. Vinson Brewster (P) Box 5493-N T Station Denton, TX 76203 * Eta Mir (U of Houston) Randolph Byrd 2612 Ruth Houston, TX 77004 Eta Upsilon (Texas Tech. U) Henry Wheeler (CS) 2801 8th Lubbock, TX 79409 Eta Psi (Texas Christian U) NO REPORT Theta Alpha (Jarvis Christian College) Jerry E. Parker - J.C.C. Hawkins. TX 75765 * Theta Mil (Sam Houston State U) Cornell Brown Sam Houston State U Huntsville, TX 77340 lota Kappa (Paul Quinn College) NO REPORT lota Mu (Stephen S. Austin State U) NO REPORT lota Omicron (Southern Methodist U) Robert S Butler (P) Box 3183-SMU Dallas. TX 75275 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Eta Lambda (Houston, TX) W. H. Fouche' (CS) 2500 N. MacGregor Way #157 Houston, TX 77004 Alpha Sgima Lambda (Dallas) Earnest L. Wallace (P) 2334 S Good-Latimer Expressway Dallas. TX 75215 Beta Tau Lambda (Ft. Worth) John Booker, Jr. (CS) 1316 Stafford Drive Fort Worth. TX 76134 Gamma Eta Lambda Archile E. Petit (P) 4412 Elmsgrove Drive Austin, TX 78721 * Gamma Pi Lambda (Galveston) Frank Windom 3215 Avenue M Vi Galveston, TX 77550 Gamma Tau Lambda (Beaumont) Elijah Moye (CS) 4125 South Fourth Street Beaumont. TX 77705

* Epsilon Alpha Lambda (Tyler) Joe Jones 1810 North Fenton Avenue Tyler, TX 75701 Epsilon Epsilon Lambda (Waco) Mason Yarbrough (P) 1809 Mahalia Drive Waco, TX 76705 Epsilon Tau Lambda (Prairie View) James Johnson (P) P.O. Box 2790 Priarie View, TX 77445 Epsilon Phi Lambda (Port Arthur) NO REPORT * Zeta Tau Lambda (Amarillo) Johnny N. Allen P.O. Box 841 Amarillo, TX 79105 Eta Upsilon Lambda (Odessa) NO REPORT Theta Delta Lambda (El Paso) Horace Whitfield (S) 9857 Titan Street El Paso, TX 79924 Theta Kappa Lambda (Lubbock) NO REPORT Kappa Gamma Lambda (Texarkana) NO REPORT


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Psi Lambda (Tucson) Norman Bartee (CS) 8321 E. Karolee PI. Tucson. AZ 85710 Theta Pi Lambda (Las Vegas) NO REPORT

CALIFORNIA (Bakersfield-Fresno A r e a ) Director William H. Day 3654 Santa Ana Ave. Fresno, CA 93726

Eta Pi Lambda (Pasadena) Mr. Frank A. Nicholson (P) P.O. Box 1884 Altadena, CA 91001

Kappa Eta Lambda (Bakersfield) Herbert L. Nealy (P) 4608 El Monte Way Bakersfield. CA 93309

C A L I F O R N I A (Bay A r e a ) Director Grandvel Jackson 257 Kensington Way San Francisco. CA 94127 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Epsilon (UC-Berkeley) NO REPORT * Delta Omicron (Stanford) George Hall 1323 Gilman Ave. San Francisco. CA 94124

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Phi Lambda (Berkeley) Luther R. Harris (P) 4851 Scotia Ave. Oakland, CA 94605



ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Nu Lambda (Fresno) Charles Francis (P) 1052 Klette Fresno, CA 93706

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Tau Lambda (Phoenix) William M. Corbin (CS) 2401 W. Cherry Lynn Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85015

Director Felix Goodwin 7065 N. Stardust Tucson. AZ 85718

Clinton Minnis 2118 S. Bagley St. Los Angeles, CA 90034

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Psi Lambda (Los Angeles) Samuel W. Davis (RS) 6743-3rd Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90043

Epsilon Mu (San Jose U) Nathaniel Newman (P) 6291 Purple Hills Drive San Jose, CA 95119

A R I Z O N A (Tucson) NEVADA

CALIFORNIA (Los Angeles A r e a ) Director

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Beta (Fresno State College) Mr. Harold Mucker (P) 1222 E. Kauiland St. Fresno, CA 93706

Director William M. Corbin 2401 W. Cherry Lynn Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85015

lota Psi Lambda (Albuquerque. NM) Samuel E. Harris. Jr. (P) P.O. Box 5435 (Kirtland AFB, NM) Albuquerque, NM 87115

Kappa Omicron Lambda (Vallejo) Otha M. Green (S) 418 LaDera Dr. Vallejo. CA 94590

Gamma Chi Lambda (San Francisco) H Welton Flynn (T) 565 Grove St. San Francisco. CA 94102 Eta Sigma Lambda (Palo Alto) Charles Kelly 1167 Maraschino Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94087

lota Zeta Lambda (Los Angeles) Mac A. Florence (P) 4237 W. 59th Place Los Angeles, CA 90043

CALIFORNIA (Sacramento-Stockton Area) Director Clifford Basfield 520 West 5th Street Stockton, CA 95206 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Th-ta Eta (Davis, CAD Al Murray (P) 1220 5th St. # 1 3 Davis. CA 95616 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Beta Lambda (Sacramento) Marcus Crowder (P) P.O. Box 22261 Sacramento. CA 95831

CALIFORNIA (San Bernadino A r e a ) Director Kenneth Chapman 846 East Margarita St. Rialto. CA 92376 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Delta (U of Southern California) Bennie J. Harris. Jr. 2727 Ellendale Place 16 Los Angeles, CA 90007

CALIFORNIA (San Diego A r e a ) Director Samuel McElroy 6531 Hopedale Ct. San Diego, CA 92120 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Eta Sigma (San Diego. CA) Norman Hall (S) 2611 Keen Drive San Diego. CA 92120 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Sigma Lambda (San Diego) Reginald Jackson (CS) 3194 Caminito Quixote San Diego. CA 92154

COLORADO Director Harrison Hudson 2655 Locust St. Denver, CO 80207 COLLEGE CHAPTERS * Alpha lota (U of Colorado) Marcellus Martin 3321 Buch St. Denver, CO 80207 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Psi Lambda (Denver. CO) William L. Guidry (CS) 4991 Wheeling Street Denver. CO 80239 * lota Omicron Lambda (Colorado Springs) Leon Jenkins !P) 628 E. Fountain Blvd. Colorado Springs. CO 80903

WASHINGTON OREGON Director Clifford Donley, Jr. 347 29th Ave. Seattle. WA 98122 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Xi (U of Washington) Marcus Nelson (CS) P.O. Box 22219 Seattle, WA 98122 Beta Psi (U of Oregon) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS * Epsilon Zeta Lambda (Portland, OR) Carl Deiz 9144 N. Chautaugua Portland. OR 97217

Theta Beta Lambda (Richmond) NO REPORT

lota Chi (Redlands. CA) Joseph Lawrence Jones, Jr. (P) Johnston West Rm. # 2 0 1 U. of Redlands Redlands, CA 92373

Zeta Pi lambda (Seattle. WA) Wallace L. Johnson 2451 26th Ave., E Seattle. WA 98102

Kappa Alpha Lambda (Monterey) John J. Phillips (P) P.O. Box 252 Monterey. CA 93940

lota Psi (California Polytechnic U) Joseh Paige (S) 147 E. Golden Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90003

lota Mu Lambda (Tacoma. WA) Eugene S. Morris (S) Box 171 Fern Hill Station Tacoma, WA 98412

'Lost Known Address

No current address


The Sphinx

Second Class Postage Paid Chicago, Illinois

4432 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Chicago, Illinois 60653 Return Requested

In MerooRiaro The Honorable Elijah Muhammed, a distinguished Black Man. Born: October 7,1897 Died: February 25,1975 "His legacy is one of Hope, Dignity and Self-Respect"


(Easter Weekend)

March 27-29,1975 Charleston, SC


(Easter Weekend)

March 28 & 29,1975 Monroe, LA


(Easter Weekend)

March 27-29,1975 San Diego, CA


April 25-26,1975


May 1-3,1975 Philadelphia, PA

Kansas City, M O

Details begin on Page 7 in this issue

69th Anniversary Convention Miami Beach, Florida

Hotel Fontainebleau August 1 - 7,1975 Details on Page 21 in this issue


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