The SPHINX | Summer 1975 | Volume 61 | Number 2 197506102

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MAY 1975 Frai



Official Organ Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 — Lawrence T. Young, S r . . . . A Tribute An estimated 20,000 men of Alpha Phi Alpha proudly have certificates of membership bearing the signature of this legendary brother. For sixteen years, this single figure was responsible for the diverse operation of the nation's largest Black fraternity. Brother Laurence T. Young, Sr., we salute you! 8 — Focus In line with the theme for the General Convention, "Alpha's Outreach to Business," Brother Paul King, Jr. discusses "Blacks in the Construction industry." 10 — Another Alpha First A look at the first Black to serve as United States Secretary of Transportation, Brother William T. Coleman, Jr. 25

Aid to Senior Citizens Another outstanding chapter project, this time by Zeta Zeta Lambda in Cambria Heights, Queens-New York. Alphas are indeed "servants of all mankind." DEPARTMENTS 2—The General President Speaks 12—Newsline 3—From the Executive Secretary's Desk 17—Chapter News 6—There goes an Alpha Man 1 —Life Membership 14—Alphas on the Move 26—Omega Chapter 28—Directory of Officers and Chapters

About the cover: Brother Laurence T. Young, Sr., at the podium. It's a sight familiar to many an Alpha man because of Brother Young's long and valued stewardship of the office of Executive Secretary. However on this occasion another facet of his many interests comes to the fore as he addresses himself to the subject of "Stewardship" for an anniversary gathering and installation ceremony of St. Edmund's Episcopal Church. The time: October 1974; the place: The Lindheimer Room of Chicago's McCormick Place convention center.

EDITOR'S REVIEW Chapter news tops the bill in this issue of the Sphinx. A million thanks to the hardworking chapter editors who supplied information about their chapter activities. Anyone who has any doubt about the relevance of Alpha Phi Alpha should browse through these pages and note the many worthy contributions being made daily — in communities from coast to coast. Alpha Phi Apha is on the move! . . . Unfortunately, your editor was unable to attend several regional conventions due to a lengthy bout with hepatitis. However, I took this opportunity to do a little public relations work for the magazine and I am pleased to report that the entire staff of Grant Hospital is "turned on" to the Sphinx . .. On the serious side, we are pleased to present a tribute to past Executive S e c r e t a r y , Laurence T. Y o u n g , Sr., prepared by Brother Sidney A. Jones. Brother Young is a constant source of inspiration to me and to other brothers who are dedicated to the betterment of our beloved Alpha Phi Alpha . . . A note of thanks to Brother Hanley Norment of Silver Spring, Md. who provided the material for our article on Transportation Secretary Coleman....Our next issue of the Sphinx is scheduled for October. The deadline for all news is September 1, 1975. We solicit your articles, including outstanding brothers, chapter activities up to that date, and chapter plans for the upcoming fraternal year... If your address changes, please inform the office of the Executive Secretary no later than September 1, 1975 in order to insure that you will receive your October edition of the Sphinx . . . Finally, I would like to thank all those brothers who have contributed to the making of the past four issues of the magazine and to those brothers who extended their advice and encouragement to the editor.. . Until next issue... Michael J. Price, Editor

The Sphinx is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Chicago, III. 60653. Published four times a year: February, May, October and December. Send all editorial mail and change of Address (send both addresses) to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, II. 60653. Manuscripts or art submitted to The Sphinx should be accompanied by addressed envelopes and return postage. Editor assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. Opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and use of any person's name in fiction, semi-fiction articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility of The Sphinx. It is never done knowingly. Copyright 1975 by The Sphinx, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Reproduction or use, without written permission, of the editorial or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited. The Sphinx has been published continuously since 1914. Organizing Editor: Bro. Raymond W. Cannon. Organizing General President: Bro. Henry Lake Dickason. Second class postage paid at Chicago, III. Postmaster: Send form 3579 and all correspondence, 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60653.

ALPHA PHI ALPHA - FOR LIFE Miami Convention Call

D'YA WAN'TA HEAR A HALF MILLION DOLLAR STORY? Greetings: With this issue, the Alpha Life Membership Program saga reaches a new plateau — payments of life membership fees into the LIFE MEMBERSHIP RESERVE FUND have passed the $500,000.00 mark. Prudent investment of these funds even in this year of the economic crunch will provide dividend and interest income to the operating budget of the fraternity in excess of $26,000.00. Expenditures from the reserve fund from its inception have been only on authorized vote of a General Convention. Even the payments from brothers in Omega chapter continue to earn and to contribute to the fraternity programs beyond the life of the brother. REGIONAL CONVENTIONS Our 1975 regional conventions have a new feature — life membership recognition. The FIRST Life Members Breakfast of Alpha South was oversubscribed at Charleston. The FIRST Life Members Breakfast of the Western Region was held at San Diego - that MOST ALPHA CITY. The Easter Region continues its Life Member emphasis first started by that region three years ago at New York. It is good news to hear of these FELLOWSHIP events at regionals amid all of the political maneuvering. RIGHT ON! MIDWESTERN REGION STILL LEADS THE WAY Midwest Vice President Jim Williams has answered the question, "What Do You Do When You Are Already First?" Cleveland (Alpha Delta Lambda) passes the 100 mark in paid in full life members, in addition to another 40 subscribing members. But, even greater than that, the MIDWEST REGION is the first to reach ONE THOUSAND living participants in the Alpha Life Membership Program. L E T ' S L O O K A T T H E R E C O R D - all figures as of April 15,1975 Participating Chapters 41 30 47 27 13




This Year Since San Francisco

Life 591 736 394 273 171

Subscribers 162 247 172 99 38

PARTICIPANTS 753 983 566 372 209

FULL 91 123 97 62 22

SUBSCRIBING 67 104 87 41 19

Total NEW 158 227 184 103 41







70 Omega 2,235

70 Omega 2,953


The little remembered fact is that when Rip Van Winkle went to sleep George III was King but when he woke up George Washington's picture was on the wall as President. Old Rip had slept through a revolution. The Alpha Life Membership Program is a revolution, too. This countdown calendar tells how many days remaining before the Life Membership Fee increases to $300 on July 1, 1975. Remaining: 60 days May 1 50 days May 11 30 days May 31 LAST CALL FOR 3,000 LIFE MEMBERS

25 days 20 days 15 days 10 days 5 days 1 day

June 5 June June June June June

10 15 20 25 29

SEND PAYMENT DIRECT TO GENERAL OFFICE Don't let the chapter secretary cost you an additional $ 100. Send by Pony Express, UPS, REA, Greyhound, or by Chicago mail — G e t it THERE ON TIME!!

TENTH ANNUAL LIFE MEMBERS' FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST You are invited to join all participants in the program at our breakfast at the Fontainebleau Hotel on Miami Beach — Tuesday, August 5, 1975 — 7:30 A.M. We'll enjoy Everglades fruit, Southern biscuits, Dogpatch Ham, Grits • AND, fun, fellowship and WINTERS AT 85 on 8/5. JOHND.BUCKNER SEE YOU ON THE BEACH! NATIONAL CHAIRMAN

The Sphinx / May 1975


ran ŠraiiMa, jpusarasnr raisn,.. It is my hope that every brother is making plans to attend our 69th Anniversary Convention during August 1 st 7th, 1975 at the Hotel Fontainebleau in Miami Beach, Florida. The theme for this year's convention is "Alpha's Outreach to Business." We shall bring together some of the most outstanding speakers in the nation to share their expertise in the area of Black business. Out of our session we can expect to gain a better understanding of the obstacles facing us in these critical times and we shall learn what we can do, individually and collectively, to promote and support Black brothers. During the past year, we have made great strides toward promoting an "Alpha Awareness" among the entire brotherhood. Through improved communications, we have established a working dialogue with all chapters and between all brothers. In order to make the most of our efforts, this improvement should be reflected through increased attendance at the General Convention. It is here that policy decisions are shaped and the participation of all brothers is necessary to insure that the wishes of the brotherhood are effectively carried out. Your support in this effort is deeply appreciated. There is every indication that we will reach a record attendance for the upcoming convention. MEET ME IN M I A M I !

ral President



The Sphinx / May 1975

m©m f i n


GREETINGS: In checking out the many and diversified operations of the Fraternity, I decided to look into our Group Life Insurance plans with CNA Insurance Company (which was approved and adopted for the membership by the Board of Directors in 1971). Also, I realize that the new brothers and those brothers reclaimed must be made aware of the plans which are offered. Along with the two plans now available—GROUP LIFE INSURANCE and a HOSPITAL MONEY PLAN— I w o n d e r e d why the fraternity wasn't offered an INCOME PROTECTION PLAN. The CNA Insurance representative informed me that the . I countered, plan was not asked for "Was the plan offered to the Fraternity?" Because even today with our inflationary economy, its rising prices and declining spendable income, a

disability income protection plan is a safeguard for a brother's most valuable asset - his ability to earn a living. In the next two months and at the national convention in Miami Beach, Florida, CNA Insurance Company will mail out and supply brochures (at no cost to the fraternity) to the active membership of the Fraternity. Without going into all the technicalities, I submit the following information: Who Is Eligible? All Alpha Phi Alpha active brothers in good standing who are actively at work full time (30 hours per week minimum) and who are under age 70 may apply during the Charter Enrollment Period — which ends SEPTEMBER 1, 1975. After this time, only those under age 60 will be eligible. Brothers may apply for as low as $ 1 0 0 and up to $ 6 0 0 a month, as long as the benefit you choose when combined with all others you receive from those programs that you are eligible for

does not equal more than 6 6 - 2 / 3 % of your gross monthly salary.

YOUR ACCEPTANCE IS GUARANTEED. Remember... the premiums are low due to the mass buying power of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and the economies gained by standardizing and coordinating the administration of the program. We need a minimum of 200 brothers to submit applications for CNA Insurance to place the insurance in force. This is, unquestionably, a very valuable program, and I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity during the period in which it is available to you.

Fraternally yours,


Alpha Calendar MAY 1

General Convention Delegate Credentials must be certified by the Office of the Executive Secretary. Each chapter shall submit the name and pass card number of each of its delegates to the General Convention.

MAY 1 - 3 MAY 30

REGIONAL CONVENTION: Eastern - Philadelphia, PA Deadline for submitting proposed constitutional amendments to the Office of the Executive Secretary. Proposed constitutional amendments will be circulated to all chapters by the Office of the Executive Secretary. Deadline for Pre-Registration without Late Fee for 69th Anniversary Convention.



And.. .after the Convention .. .fun-filled, seven day cruise with stops at Puerto Rico, Virgin islands and Jamaica.. .August 9-17, 1975

The Sphinx / May 1975



In June 1958, this was Brother Laurence T. Young, Sr., newly appointed Executive Secretary of Alpha Phi Alpha.

LAURENCE T. YOUNG, SR. A brother who has worked unceasingly for Alpha Phi Alpha for over fifty-two years retired from the office of Executive Secretary, and is still full of the "Alpha Spirit" and able to enjoy the fellowship and joys of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity life. It is altogether proper that his contributions to the fraternity be recognized in permanent form by the Sphinx. I have been closely associated with Brother Young over the past forty-five years, socially, in civic matters, in the legal profession, and in the Courts, as well as in the fraternity, and General Conventions. I was Chairman of the Committee on Executive Secretary, which selected Brother Young as our fraternity's Executive Secretary in June, 1958. I am very proud of my choice, and I am sure every Alpha brother will agree that Brother Young served us in a most excellent manner. 4

Brother Young was born November 3, 1903, at West Bedford, Massachusetts. He moved to Wilmington, Delaware, at age 3, and graduated from the elementary and high schools of that city. He also studied at Drexel Institute in Philadelphia, Evening Division, from 1918 to 1920, taking typing, shorthand, and other related courses. He attended Wilberforce University from 1920 to 1922, and graduated with a Certificate of Proficiency in the Department of Commerce. In 1925 he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Commerce from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. In 1932 he graduated from John Marshall Law School, in Chicago, receiving the degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence. Brother Young was initiated at Phi Chapter, Ohio University, February 10, 1923. At the Seventh Annual General Convention in New York City in 1924, Brother Young served The Sphinx / May 1975

as Assistant Recording Secretary. He served as Convention Secretary at the General Convention in New York in 1939, and at several subsequent conventions. Brother Young was indoctrinated early in the Alpha Phi Alpha traditions by Jewel Henry A. Callis, who lived in the home of Young's parents in Wilmington, Delaware, for two years, 1909-1910, while he taught at the Howard High School in that city. He became a Life Member of the Fraternity in 1962, and received his Fifty Year Membership Certificate on April 3, 1973. He served as Official Court Reporter for the Coroner of Cook County, Illinois, from October, 1929, to June, 1958, when he resigned to become Executive Secretary of Alpha Phi Alpha. We need not recount the great progress made by the fraternity during the years 1958 to 1973, when Brother Young served as Executive Secretary. Sufficient to say that the fraternity reached its greatest heights during that period in total income, number of financial Brothers, number of Life Members, and total assets. Upon his resignation, Brother Young received the Alpha Award of Merit, and innumerable awards and plaques from Chapters and individual Brothers. He was in sufficient good health upon his retirement as Executive Secretary to return to his position as Official Court Reporter for the Coroner of Cook County. He is still in the best of health, and is enjoying his life and activities with his family, his church, his fraternity, and his host of friends. Brother Young is a fine family man. He was married September, 1927, in Baltimore, Maryland, to Rebecca Murphy Young, daughter of, George B. Murphy and niece of Carl J. Murphy (former Editor of the Sphinx) of the Baltimore AfroAmerican. Mrs. Young is a former Social Worker, and formerly Director of Michigan Avenue Adult Education Center (GED); and Chairwoman of the Harris Y.M.C.A., Chicago. His son, Brother Laurence T. Young, Jr., a graduate of the University of Illinois, is employed as Graphic Artist - Chicago Plan Commission - married to Yvonne English Young,


Rebecca Murphy Young The Sphinx / May 1975

Teacher, Board of Education. There are two children of this marriage, Laurence, III, and Pamela. Laurence, III, is a senior at St. Ignatius High School, and Pamela is a sophomore at Immaculata High School. His daughter, Grace Young Bruce, is employed by the Board of Education, Chicago, and is the wife of Dr. James C. Bruce, Ph.D. (German), Acting Head of the Department of German, University of Chicago. Children by this marriage are two boys: James C. Bruce, Jr., senior at Laboratory School, University of Chicago, and Jason W. Bruce, Laboratory School, University of Chicago. Brother Young has one sister, Pauline A. Young, in Wilmington, Delaware, a Librarian in Howard High School, who collaborated in writing the History of Delaware, and who is listed in Who's Who in Delaware. Brother Young is a very active Christian Layman. He is Senior Warden at St. Edmund's Episcopal Church, and was elected to Christian Hall of Fame of St. Edmund's Church October 13, 1974; former member of Board of Directors of The Chase House (Diocese of Chicago). He is President of the Paramount Club, Chicago. He is a member of the Shorthand Reporters Association of America, The Chicago Urban League, The N.A.A.C.P., and The Old Tymers Club of Chicago. Brother Young is a member of the Park Manor Bowling League. He bowls regularly and has for many years, and is the recipient of several trophies in this area. Brother Young is the nephew of the late poet Paul Laurence Dunbar. Dunbar was married to Young's aunt, the late Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson. The Columbus, Ohio Convention in the early 1930's made a pilgrimage to the home and tomb of Paul Laurence Dunbar, Dayton, Ohio. Young participated then, and also was on the program when the Paul Laurence Dunbar Vocational School in Chicago was dedicated. Brother Young, your Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha salute you and thank you, and wish you many more years of happiness and service.

by Brother Sidney A. Jones, Jr.

Brother Young today

For 21 years, Brother LEROY W. JEFFRIES served Johnson Publishing Company, publishers of EBONY, JET, BLACK WORLD and BLACK STARS magazines, as advertising representative, advertising manager, and senior vice president. Now he is president of his own marketing consultation and public relations firm, Jeffries & Associates, in Los Angeles. He has worked as manager in New York City for one of the largest offices for the New York State Division of Placement and Unemployment Insurance. Later, he became job analyst and consultant to Arma Corp., manufacturers of naval precision instruments, in Brooklyn, N.Y. As director of industrial relations with the Urban League in Greater New York, he was instrumental in opening new job categories for the first time for Black people in such companies as: Macy's, Saks Fifth Avenue, Dupont, Standard Oil, Sperry Gyroscope, etc. Later he was promoted to the National Office of the Urban League as an executive in it's department of industrial relations. Jeffries also taught on the graduate 6

faculty of Columbia University in the field of personnel administration and vocational guidance. Jeffries holds the Bachelor of Science Degree from Wilberforce University in Ohio, with majors in economics and psychology. He was granted the Master of Arts Degree from Columbia University in the fields of Vocational Guidance and Personnel Administration. Recently, the honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities was bestowed upon him by his alma mater, Wilberforce University. In interpreting and counseling clients on affirmative action programs, marketing programs, executive recruitment, and public relations programs, Jeffries is now serving Coca Cola, Safeway Stores, Exxon Co., U.S.A.; Hiram Walker, Inc.; United Airlines; Miller Brewing Co. and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

He has traveled extensively, consulting with major corporations in the fields of human relations, employment problems, marketing, advertising and sales promotion. During his travels in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Hawaii, and the Caribbean, he has observed, firsthand, the sociological and economic factors affecting human relations in these areas. He is a member of the Los Angeles Advertising Club; Public Relations Society of America; Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce; a founder and past president of the National Association of Market Developers; Los Angeles Urban League; the N.A.A.C.P. and Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Recently Brother Jeffries was commissioned by President William Tolbert of the Republic of Liberia as Consul for the state of California. The Sphinx / May 1975

Brother JAMES LUCAS was named the 1975 "Outstanding Employee" of the South Carolina Department of Health - South Carolina State Hospital. An Employee Relations Specialist with the department, Brother Lucas was the first person selected for an employee relations position with this 150 year old institution. During his stay, he has worked diligently to improve employee relations at all levels of the hospital. Regardless of the nature of the problem, he takes all of the time needed to listen to and assist employees on every occasion, frequently assisting with matters in the community on his own time. He has consistently demonstrated a fair minded attitude

toward employees and supervisors alike. Because of this outstanding characteristic he has been able to work with all employees, including supervisors, in a dignified and effective manner regardless of the severity of

the problem. His dedication was lauded with this presentation. Brother Lucas, Life Member No. 1884, is an active member and Elder of the Ladson United Presbyterian Church and a member of Alpha Psi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Columbia, South Carolina. He is married and has two daughters, one who is working toward her M.A. at Yale University and another who is an excellent student at St. Andrews Junior High School. Brother Lucas has served on several committees of the South Carolina State Employees Asociation and is very active in the affairs of his alma mater, Benedict College.

&速J &ILIPE& Bfi&EU o o Working in the field of news reporting has long been an important part of the life of TV 4 (Cleveland, Ohio) reporter-anchorman Brother LEON BIBB. Brother Bibb joined the staff of the DeMoss Report in February of 1972 and presently holds the position of reporter on weekdays and anchors the successful weekend program, "DeMoss Report." Before joining AVCO Broadcasting, Leon was working as a reporterphotographer with WTOL-TV in Toledo. He was also anchorman and news director of WBGU-TV in Bowling Green, Ohio for one and a half years. Prior to becoming a broadcaster, Bibb gained extensive experience as a reporter with the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper. In his present position, he serves as co-anchorman for Specials, such as Returns on Political Elections. Also, Brother Bibb is author of several news articles and short stories that have been published in National or Regional publications. A filmed news report on a unique banking system in Columbus prepared by Leon was sent to all NBC affiliates and aired on several network affiliates in the The Sphinx / May 1975

United States. Brother Bibb, a member of the Mid-Ohio Association of Blacks in Communication, is consultant to Columbus Mayor Tom Moody's office on Media Advertising Campaign for Black Police and Fire Officers. Bibb is a native of Butler, Alabama, but spent his youth in Cleveland where he was graduated from Glenville High School. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Journalism from Bowling Green University and has pursued

graduate studies in Broadcasting at the same university. While at Bowling Green he was initiated into Epsilon Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha and was a member of Rho Sigma Mu Broadcasting Honorary Society and the University Chorus. As a college undergraduate, Brother Bibb spent quite a bit of time freelancing much of his writing. He sold two articles - one to a Toledo newspaper and one to a Washington, D.C. magazine. In his free time, Bibb continues to pursue writing as a creative activity and engages in numerous creative hobbies. Brother Bibb is a veteran of the U.S. Army and a tour of duty in Vietnam where he was awarded the Bronze Star. He is married to the former Marguerite Bryant, of Toledo, and they are the parents of one daughter, Jennifer Robyn. He is now affiliated with Alpha Rho Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha in Columbus, Ohio. Leon Bibb is one of the most soughtafter broadcasters in the industry and projects a positive image as a person and a journalist for young people to look up to and emulate. Leon Bibb is an Alpha man! 7

Paul King, Jr. reports on

Blacks in the Construction Industry The participation of Blacks in the construction industry today remains at a dismally low point, fundamentally because of the following reasons: 1. White dominated unions still control the entry training and job placement of labor in the industry. Presently their traditional nepotism and racism have been joined by high unemployment and fear amongst current members, so that the question of Black entry into the building trades can hardly be found on their agenda. 2. Many Blacks were lured into the business world during the era of "black capitalism", yet there was very little attention paid to providing these prospective entrepreneurs with the necessary information and training to properly manage and finance their new enterprises. Consequently, the Black contractor, the construction businessman, is in worse condition today than he was five years ago. 3. Governmental agencies do not co-operate with each other. This is especially true of the Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE) which is the agency charged with much Black contractor responsibility. OMBE suffers from underfunding, and receives an unauthentic response from other agencies ordered by the President to co-operate. While one hesitates to sound excessively pessimistic, it is necessary to face the facts squarely in order to devise solutions, which we propose to do here. According to data presented by the Black Economic Research Center (headed by Alpha man Robert Browne) on "The Impact of the Current Economic Crisis on Black-Owned Business", the future for Blacks in the construction industry is bleak. This is true in regard to both the contractor and the craftsman. The report states that while the over all "death rate" for corporate firms in the U.S. is 0.5% per year, the corresponding rate for Black 8

firms during 1972-75 was "more than 13% per year, for a total of 40.2% over the three year period. Contract construction firms in particular showed a 5 0 % rate of failure during this same period. Meanwhile, the over all unemployment rate in the construction industry stands at about 18%, although in some areas it's as high as 40%. The token advances made in promoting black apprenticeship training into the building trades have been all but halted in light of the depression existing in the industry. The role of training is not only important in relationship to employment; but admission to the trade unions and the acquisition of the concomitant skills have traditionally been the main avenue for entry into the construction industry as a businessman or contractor. In commenting on the Chicago Plan in which I played a major role . . . the authors of The Negro and Apprenticeship state that "a major obstacle is locating qualified applicants." How often have we heard this argument? It is quite clear that in an industry permeated by racism the "qualifications" have been devised in such a way that Blacks are inherently excluded. Any good faith action on the part of the building trades must show a willingness to adjust the "qualifications" so that Blacks may become involved on the level that we deserve. The current attacks being made on affirmative action gains, compounded by the traditional woes suffered by black businesses being aggravated under present economic strains, forces those of us within the construction industry to call for an Emergency Survival Act. We feel that there needs to be a national office of construction to oversee and coordinate the various governmental agencies that handle affairs within the industry. The Sphinx / May 1975

Paul King, Jr., Executive Director of the United Builders Association of Chicago, is Chairman of the Labor Committee and also on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Minority Contractors. Also a member of the Construction Subcommittee of the Minority Business Opportunity Committee, he owns a painting contracting firm. Mr. King studied at the University of Chicago, has taught African History at Central YMCA College in CHicago; and is currently a student, writer, and lecturer on African Studies and Contemporary Black Affairs after receiving a special grant from Roosevelt University. Mr. King is active in construction affairs involving builders across the nation. As a member of the Coalition for United Community Action he participated in the development of the first Chicago Plan. He was instrumental in securing simultaneous funding for the United Builders Association of Chicago from the OMBE, SBA, and Chicago Model Cities; and Department of Labor funding for the National Association of Minority Contractors Labor Committee. Paul King's work has been featured in Engineering News Record, Chicago Dodge Construction News, and Black Business Digest. His paper, "Delirium or Imperium" - a discussion of Black business and its role in the Black liberation struggle • has been published in two parts in The Black Scholar Magazine. Hee has testified before the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, and moderated panels at Chicago State University and at the National Black Housing Development Conference in Newark, New Jersey. Conventions of the National Bar Association, the National Association of Human Rights Workers, the Industrialized Building Congress, and the National Business League as well as Black contractors and workers organizations in Denver, Seattle, Memphis, Atlanta, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Indianapolis, Houston, and Miami have heard his message about the plight of the minority contractor.

But I believe that there is much that a force like APA can do to help bring about change in this area. Many of the strides that I've made personally can be traced largely to the availability of Alpha expertise. Brothers like Judge Sidney Jones, Dick Mahone, Oscar C. Brown and Lewis Caldwell have all given me their assistance and have made significant contributions in dealing with the problems that we've outlined. Alpha Brother Erwin France played a decisive role in obtaining Technical Assistance funding for the United Builders Association of Chicago, through Chicago's Model Cities program. Outlined below are some of the ways in which professional men with APA can give their support: 1. Lawyers can start suits against racial discrimination by unions. 2. Colleges can begin to establish linkages between students and Black businesses. 3. Judges can support vacational training in correctional institutions. 4. Government officials like former OFCC Director John Wilks (an Alpha man) can create Black contractor sensitivity within their agencies. 5. Media leaders such as John H. Johnson can provide information and help educate the public. The S p h i n x / May 1975

6. Public agency and department heads have a responsibility to become involved. 7. And the many others who 6-10 years ago were the "token Blacks" who survived our period of "benign neglect" have an important role to play. A kind of construction consciousness must be created that helps Blacks get the maintenance contracts at your corporate offices. The hotel that you now manage ought to have Blacks in on its maintenance construction. These are the challenges, and the options are clear. If we move quickly, perhaps we can develop a Black private sector capable of financing "the control of Black life in the hands of Black People". Recalling that APA was first in recognizing the need for Black unity on specific issues, i.e. the value in togetherness for Blacks in the nation's colleges in 1906, it seems that herein lies the opportunity to initiate action of substance once again. Contract construction has made up about 10% of the nation's Gross National Product in recent years. Among Black-owned enterprises, it is the large employer of Black workers. The fraternity has a challenge placed before it that can be simply stated: Does APA have the collective will to address its vast resources (in the form of powerful, well educated Black men) to create a better atmosphere for Black participation in construction? We expect APA to take up this challenge and move forward in this direction. But time is an important factor that we must be careful not to waste. You can share a personal thought of mine - the first time my son Paul King, III will be able to vote for a U.S. President, will be in 1984!



Brother William Brother WILLIAM T. COLEMAN, JR., became the nation's fourth Secretary of Transportation on March 7, 1975, when he was administered the oath of office at a ceremony conducted by President Gerald R. Ford at the White House. President Ford nominated Secretary Coleman to the cabinet position on January 14, 1975. The Senate confirmed his nomination on March 3, 1975. Secretary Coleman entered office following a distinguished career in law, business and public service that included advisory or consultant positions to four former Presidents. At the time of his nomination, he was the senior partner in the law firm of Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish, Levy & Coleman of Philadelphia and special counsel to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority. Additionally, he was a director of Pan Pan American World Airways, Inc., Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, First Pennsylvania Corporation, Philadelphia Electric Company and Western Saving Fund Society. He was also a member of the board of governors of the American Stock Exchange and a trustee of both the Rand Corporation and The Brookings Institution. Born in the Germantown section of Philadelphia, Secretary Coleman attended local public schools and was graduated summa cum laude in 1941 from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a 1946 magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, where he was a member of the board of editors of the Harvard Law Review and recipient of the Joseph E. Beale Prize. Secretary Coleman began his law career in 1947 as law secretary to Judge Herbert F. Goodrich of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. The next year he became a U.S. Supreme Court law clerk, serving on the staff of the late Justice Felix Frankfurter.


T. Coleman,


Secretary Coleman has held several national-level public service positions. In 1969 he was a member of the U.S. delegation to the 24th session of the United Nations General Assembly; in 1971-1972, a member of the National Commission on Productivity; from 1963 to 1975, consultant to the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; in 1964 senior consultant and assistant counsel to the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy; and from 1959 through 1 9 6 1 , a member of President Eisenhower's Committee on Government Employment Policy. An ardent defender of civil rights, Secretary Coleman was one of the authors of the legal brief that persuaded the Supreme Court in 1954 to outlaw segregation in public schools. In 1965, he was retained by former Governor Scranton of Pennsylvania to assist in removing racial restrictions at Girard College in Philadelphia. He has served as a member of the national legal committee, director, member of the executive committee and president of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. He has also served as a board member and president of the Earl Warren Legal Training Program. Among the professional organizations with which Secretary Coleman is or has been associated are the American College of Trial Lawyers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Law Institute, the American Bar Association and the American Arbitration Association. Brother Coleman was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha at Psi Chapter (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) in 1 9 4 1 . In 1945, Secretary Coleman married the former Lovida Hardin, then of New Orleans, Lousiana. Brother and Mrs. Coleman have three children — William T. Coleman, III, Lovida Hardin Coleman, and Hardin L. Coleman. The Sphinx / May 1975



WA 1975

[dedicated forr ounq office of prej on iat, as usual, it'

W H O , WHAT AND WHERE TOP OF THE PAGE: All roads lead to the beach . . . Miami Beach, that is. This beautiful city is the site for the 69th Anniversary Convention, August 1 - 7 , 1 9 7 5 , with headquarters at the luxurious Hotel Fontainebleau. So be sure to pack your beach-wear and "Follow Me To Miami." This year's convention will address the problems of black business in today's economy. Workshops, seminars, and speakers from across the nation will identify the problems facing black entrepreneurs and seek ways in which these obstacles may be overcome through individual and group efforts. Dr. ROBERT BROWNE, the dynamic Alpha brother w h o is Executive Director of the Black Economics Research Center, is working with the Convention Committee in planning the format for "Alpha's Outreach to Business." Also joining this effort will be Alpha's Business Encouragement Commission under the Co-Chairmanship of Brothers JOHN H. JOHNSON and LEROY JEFFRIES. The work of Alpha Phi Alpha in the area of black economics promises to be an effort equal in social importance to the Fraternity's pioneering efforts in the civil rights movement. Alpha "politics" will also be in high gear at the Miami convention. As you know, if more than two (2) candidates are nominated for the office of General President, the convention shall vote to select the two candidates whose names shall appear on the mail ballot. Each financial brother will then be entitled to vote (in the spring of 1976) to select a General President for the term beginning January 1, 1977 and ending December 3 1 , 1978. The results of the balloting will be announced during the 1976 General Convention. Thus, Miami will be the scene of a "Presidential primary," during which some of Alpha's most outstanding brothers will seek the Fraternity's highest office. Don't miss Convention ' 7 5 — "FOLLOW ME TO MIAMI BEACH."


Regional Round-Up . . . Elections also headed the list of activities at this year's regional conventions. New regional vice presidents and assistant vice presidents were chosen for each of the Fraternity's five regions. The new officers (who will take office at the Miami convention) are: EASTERN REGION: Vice President, HENRY GRAY GILLEM; Assistant Vice President, THOMAS GRAY ALLSTON, III. MIDWESTERN REGION: Vice President, THOMAS PAWLEY, III; Assistant Vice President, CHARLES SMITH. SOUTHERN REGION: Vice President, OZELL SUTTON; Assistant Vice President, ISAAC MILLER. SOUTHWESTERN REGION: Vice President, GEORGE THOMPSON; Assistant Vice President, LUCIUS ALEXANDER. WESTERN REGION: Vice President, ROGERNALD JACKSON; Assistant Vice President, BENNIEJ. HARRIS, JR. Profiles of these new members of the Board of Directors will be included in the October issue of the Sphinx. Speaking of Alpha's Board of Directors, three of its current members were recently in the news - (1 )Brother CHARLES P. HOWARD, JR., the

nation's top black lawyer, was cited in Ebony's 100 Most Influential Black Americans for his work as President of the National Bar Association. Brother Howard also represented the Bar Association at an April 15, 1975, " T u e s d a y at the White H o u s e " meeting of the Justice Department's Law E n f o r c e m e n t Assistant Administration. The meeting brought t o g e t h e r r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of civic organizations and prominent black leaders to explore ways of curbing the rising crime rate through direct community involvement. Other Alpha brothers attending included General President WALTER WASHINGTON and Assistant Executive Secretary JAMES B. BLANTON (representing Alpha Phi Alpha), and Atlanta's Public Safety Commissioner REGINALD EAVES.

(2) Brother LEVEN C. WEISS was cited by the members of Gamma Lambda Chapter in Detroit, Michigan in recognition of his dedication and service to the chapter. A plaque was presented to Brother Weiss at Gamma Lambda's Founders' Day Banquet on March 2 1 , 1975. Brother Weiss, who is currently an appellate conferee at the Internal Revenue Service, is a model of the "True Alpha Spirit." He is board member of Gamma Lambda Chapter, Lewis Business College, People's Community Services, Treasurer of the Alpha Phi Alpha (Detroit) Building Foundation, member of the Central Budget Committee of the United Community Services, and recently elected Treasurer of the Detroit Branch of the NAACP. In addition, he is General Treasurer of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha and the NAACP, a member of numerous organizations which include the Michigan Bar Association, Wolverine Bar Association, National Business Education Association, and the The Sphinx / May 1975

National Association of Internal Revenue Employees. As a member of Gamma Lambda, Brother Weiss served as President for four years, and as a National and Regional Convention Delegate of the chapter for three years. He received his B.S. Degree from the University of Detroit in 1948 and his Law Degree from the University of Detroit in 1955. Brother Weiss, through his involvement in the community and Alpha, has served as an inspiration and model to countless younger and older Brothers of Gamma Lambda, thus making true our motto: "First of All, Servants of All. . . We Shall Transcend All."

(3) Brother JAMES R. WILLIAMS, Midwestern Vice President and member of the Akron, Ohio City Council, has been elected Chairman of the Summit County Council of Governments (COG). Brother Williams, a member of the Law Firm of Parms, Purnell and Williams, had served as Vice-Chairman of COG for two terms prior to his election as Chairman. COG is an organization of all of the governments of Summit County and attempts to coordinate governmental services and programs county-wide. Realizing the need for regional cooperation, the COG has provided the format which enables the representatives of the various local governmental units in Summit County to discuss regional problems and cooperate in searching for solutions that are agreeable to all participating members. In addition to his duties as Chairman of COG, Midwestern Vice President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, and membership on the Akron City Council, Brother Williams serves as President of the Legal Aid Society, and Chairman of Alpha Phi Alpha Homes, Inc., the developer of the Fraternity's 11 -V6 The Sphinx / May 1975

Encore ...Brother HUGH WILSON, cited in the last issue for his outstanding work at Chicago's Drexel National Bank, is in the news again. Brother Wilson was recently elected Vice President and Cashier of the South Side Bank, also in Chicago. Wilson brings years of banking expertise to his new position as Chief Operations Officer at the South Side Bank. Prior to serving in every capacity of banking management at the Drexel Bank he headed his own accounting firm specializing in corporation and partnership Federal taxes, as well as trust and estate planning.

Brother James R. Williams million dollar housing program in Akron. He also holds membership on a number of Community Boards and Commissions. Correction . . . In our last issue we stated that the William H. Hale Memorial Fund had been established in honor of our late Past General President by the Black Student Union of the University of Utah; we have been informed that this tribute was, in fact, made by the BSU of Utah State University in Logan, Utah. Sorry about the goof! Executive Secretary WILLIAM H. WALKER has been busy traveling across the country establishing contact with the brothers; trips included: Detroit, Michigan; Lexington, Kentucky; and Brunswick, Georgia, where he conducted Omega rites for convention Sergeant-At-Arms FRED D. ATWATER.


For the Sports Buff ...The brothers of Tau Chapter can be heard for miles cheering on former chapter member NICK WEATHERSPOON who is turning in an outstanding performance in the National Basketball Association Play-offs for the Capital Bullets. The brothers of Cleveland, who scaled new heights when they passed St. Louis in total Life Membership participants at the Midwest Regional, have scored another touchdown with ALVA TABOR, JR. Brother Tabor is a member of Delta Alpha Lambda and an integral part of the Cleveland Browns' coaching staff. In addition to some high school coaching at Port Arthur, Texas, he has c o a c h e d successfully at Texas Southern, Wiley College and Fort Valley State. How about a few more cheers for DAL? BOTTOM LINE: As this issue went to press, we were still receiving articles for publication. All materials not used in this issue will be printed in the October issue. PLEASE NOTE: the deadline for articles to be included in the October issue is September 1, 1975. Let us hear about your accomplishments during the year and/or your plans for the upcoming fraternal year. Remember, the Sphinx is your magazine. 13


ALPHAS on THE MOV Brother OSWALD PERRY BRONSON was elected Fourth President of Bethune-Cookman College in Daytona Beach, Florida. Dr. Bronson succeeds Brother Richard V. Moore in this capacity. Dr. Moore served twentyeight (28) years as President of Bethune-Cookman and will retire on June 30, 1975. The President-Elect is presently serving as the President of the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia, a post he has held for seven years. He will assume his new duties on July 1, 1975. Brother Bronson graduated from BethuneCookman College with the B.S. Degree; Gammon Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Georgia with the M.A. D e g r e e ; and N o r t h w e s t e r n University, Evanston, Illinois with the Doctor of Philosophy Degree. Dr. Moore will continue to serve the college as Chancellor in charge of Fund raising.

Brother LYMAN B. BROOKS, retiring president of Norfolk State College (Virginia) after 37 years, was honored at a testimonial dinner in Norfolk's Scope Cultural and Convention Center on February 1st. Over 1,000 persons joined in the salute to Dr. Brooks for his " c o m m i t m e n t to education." History was made when Mr. J. Hugo Madison, Rector of the Board of Visitors, announced that the n e w l y - c o n s t r u c t e d Norfolk State Library building would be named in honor of the retiring president. Brooks is the first individual in the existence of the school to be so honored. Brother Brooks became associated with Norfolk State in June of 1938, when it was the Norfolk branch of Virginia Union University. He presided over a staff of four persons with an annual budget of $10,000. Norfolk State is now a 4-year degree granting institution, encompassing master's level programs and enrolling approximately 7,500 students.


In addition to having the library bear his name, a $2,000 scholarship was also instituted in his name - and Dr. Brooks was awarded a $5,000 vacation.

Brother L.B. FRASIER, Vice President-Agency Director of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, was given the Distinguished Alumni Award by South Carolina State College on the occasion of their 79th Founders' Day Exercises. Brother Frasier graduated from South Carolina State College with an A.B. Degree in 1 9 3 1 . The 79th Founders' Day Exercises were held March 9, 1975 in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Auditorium. Frasier was initiated in Beta Delta Chapter in 1929 - 45 years ago, and has been an active, dedicated, loyal Alpha man all these years. He is a Life Member. Brother Frasier joined North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company as an agent in December 1932 in Union, South Carolina. He was promoted to Assistant Manager and sent to Memphis, Tennessee in March 1935. Following that, he served as an Assistant Manager in the Spartanburg and the Winston-Salem districts before being promoted to the Home Office Agency Staff in February 1 9 4 1 . He has served as Special Agent, Agency Supervisor, Agency Secretary, Associate Agency Director, Agency Director and finally Vice PresidentAgency Director January 1, 1970. He has served well in each capacity during

his 42 years of continuous service. In addition to his work career and his efforts in behalf of his Alma Mater and Alpha, Brother Frasier has given generously of his time and talent to his community. His civic affiliations include: The Durham Business and Professional Chain, Durham Committee on Negro Affairs, P. T. A. Activity, Durham Chapter North Carolina Symphony, and currently serves as Vice President of the North Carolina Symphony and North Carolina State Business League. Religious and fraternal activities include membership at White Rock Baptist Church where he is currently President of the Senior Choir and member of the Trustee Board and Chairman of the Church's Million Dollar Building Fund Committee. Brother Frasier served as President of Alpha Phi Lambda and Beta Theta Lambda Chapters and as a member of the National Finance Committee 1958 to 1963. A 32째 Mason and Shriner, he is a member of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity. Brother Frasier is married to the former Elizabeth Jones and they are the parents of four sons, all of whom are doing well. Leroy, Jr., is an English Teacher at George Washington High School, New York City; Ralph is Vice President and Assistant General Counsel of the Wachovia Bank in WinstonSalem, North Carolina and is also an Alpha man. William Jones is the Assistant Manager of the Group Division of the Aetna Life Insurance Company, and Anthony Jones is the Development Manager of the Flying

Brother Richard Moore passes presidency of Bethune Cookman College to Brother Oswald Bronson

The Sphinx / May 1975

Tiger Aircraft Company of Los Angeles, California. Leroy and Ralph were pioneers in the fight for school integration back in the late fifties, being the first blacks admitted to the undergraduate school of the University of North Carolina. The Distinguished Alumni Award comes to Brother Frasier near the end of his work career and is a fitting tribute for his dedication and contributions to his school, his community and Alpha. wife, Brenda, Heights, Ohio. Brother OWEN L. HEGGS received the 1975 Distinguished Service Award from the Cleveland (Ohio) Jaycees as one of the city's Outstanding Young Citizens. Brother Heggs, 32, was one of 10 citizens chosen annually (ages 18 - 35) in recognition of their salient contributions and leadership in the community. He brings an impressive list of credentials with his honor, having served as an attorney with three law firms, a Navy attorney in Vietnam, an administrative assistant to Congressman Louis Stokes (D-OH), and an officer in numerous community organizations, including Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Brother Heggs was 29 when he was elected to the Board of Trustees of Case Western Reserve University in 1 9 7 1 . He served in that capacity until his transition to the CWRU faculty. On December 1 5, 1974 he was made an Associate Professor in C W R U ' s School of Law. Heggs received a B.A. degree from Howard University and his Juris Doctor degree from Western Reserve Law School. Active in community affairs, Brother Heggs is serving his third year as President and Chairman of the Board of the Urban League of Greater Cleveland, and is a Vice Chairman of the Cuyahoga Plan. He is a member of the Businessmen's Interracial Committee on Community Affairs, a Trustee of the Ohio State Legal Services Administration. the Greater Cleveland Growth Corporation, and the Karamu House. He is also a member of the Cleveland Heights Planning Commission, the Rehabilitation Review and Allocation Panel of United Torch Services, and the Professional Ethics and Public Affairs Committee of the Bar Association of Greater Cleveland, and host of "Here It Is," a talk show on Cleveland's WKYC-TV on Saturdays. Initiated in 1963 at Beta Chapter (Howard U.), Brother Heggs and his The S p h i n x / May 1975




Brother EARL F. HILLIARD, was appointed Chairman of the Business and Labor Subcommittee of the Alabama State Legislature; presently, he is serving his first term in the Alabama House of Representative. At the time of his appointment, Brother Hilliard was a practicing attorney with the law firm of Hilliard, Jackson & Barnes in Birmingham, Alabama. He is a member of Omicron Lambda Alumni Chapter in Birmingham, Alabama. He is the holder of a B.S. degree in Economics from Morehouse College, M.B.A. degree from Atlanta University, and a J.D. degree from Howard University School of Law. He is also regional representative for the State of Alabama for the National Bar Association and Vice President of the Metropolitan Business Association of Jefferson County, Alabama.

Brother ELMER C. JACKSON was appointed head of the Kansas Board of Regents, the governing body of Kansas' state colleges and universities. Brother Jackson is the first and only Black to serve on this board. A Kansas City resident, Jackson is in

his sixth year on the board, which supervises operations of the state's six institutions of higher learning — University of Kansas (Lawrence) and its Medical Center in Kansas City; Kansas State Univeristy (Manhattan); Wichita State University (Wichita); Emporia Kansas State College (Emporia); Kansas State College (Pittsburg); and Fort Hays Kansas State College. In his new position, Brother Jackson will oversee the higher education of over 60,000 students attending these schools. Brother Jackson earned both his Bachelor's and Law Degrees from the University of Kansas. A 1935 law graduate, he received the KU Law S c h o o l ' s Distinguished Alumnus Citation last year. He has practiced law in Kansas City since his graduation. Active in bar groups, he has been President of the National Bar Association (1959-61) and is a member of the American, Kansas and Wyandotte County bar associations. He is a past Executive Director of the Wyandotte County Legal Aid Society and is a director on its board. A member of Beta Lambda Chapter, Brother Jackson and his wife, Lucille Wright Jackson, live in Kansas City.

Brother JEROME McCLAIN, Asistant Vice President of Society National Bank in Cleveland, Ohio, now serves as Branch Manager of the bank's Erieview Office in Cleveland's d o w n t o w n financial district. An acknowledged leader in the civic, political, religious, educational and economic arenas of Greater Cleveland, Brother McClain also utilizes his banking expertise as Treasurer of Alpha's Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter in that city. A graduate of East Technical High School (Cleveland) and Central State University, Brother McClain is one of the most respected members of the banking community. Brother McClain is a member of Phi Alpha Theta Honorary History Fraternity and received an award for Community Service in 1971 from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Among others, he is a Trustee of United Torch Services, St. Paul AME Church, the Cleveland NAACP, the Urban League of Cleveland, the Cuyahoga Plan, and Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Ohio Civil Rights Commission. Brother McClain and his wife, J e a n e t t e , reside in Warrensville Heights, Ohio. 15

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote "Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. He only is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with worry, fret and anxiety. Finish every day and be done with it. This day is all that is good and fair. It is too dear to waste a moment on the yesterdays" and this seems to have been the philosophy of Brother (Dr.) L. L. MELTON of Beaumont, Texas. Brother Melton is a native of Louisiana and spent his childhood in Abbeville before his late father, Nicholas Melton, moved across the Sabine River into the Lone Star State -Texas. Dr. Melton's life history reads like a book of fiction; He has a long list of achievements, many of them only recently made known, that stand as living testimonials to "his life of dedicated service to his fellowmen." Through service to his fellowmen, Dr. Melton, without "fanfare," has made his world about him a better place for all mankind and he believes that "this is the true meaning of brotherhood." As a practicing dentist, Brother Melton has made his contributions to the health and welfare of all seeking his professional service or advice. But, we are not to "praise him for his achievements as a dentist, because that is his chosen life's work," and even here we could point out his work in his local, state and national dentalaffiliated organizations, which certainly would be testimonials to both his personality and training received at the Howard University Dental School, but looking further into his life we find that through the years "he has been concerned about the progress of his people and better race relations." In a recent interview released by one of Beaumont's Daily papers, which praised him as "a born leader seeking no acclaim, no fanfares. Because of what he is and has done this Beaumont dentist has won a community's great respect," it was reported that where Brother Melton admits that integration has brought about changes which he never dreamed he'd see, as the right for all men to vote, the opening of doors to eating places which had always been closed in the faces of blacks. But Dr. Melton doesn't see the integration matter worked out in his life time. He had this to say about the overall picture - "Man's heart is not integrated. If his heart is integrated everything else will follow. I doubt that I'll live to see it. The consciousness of race and color still lives within us." Brother Melton is an advocate of 16

organizational support and participation. In the truest sense he is "an activist" and not a "loner." He is people oriented and his greatest joy is "fellowshipping with his fellowmen" be they in his masonic order, veterans' organizations, his college fraternity, dental and scientific groups, the YMCA or Prince Hall Shriners. Dr. Melton is a thirty-third degree Prince Hall Mason and is Deputy Imperial Potentate of the Shriners (A.E.A.O.N.M.S.) and next year will see him as the highest officer, that of Imperial Potentate. Alpha Phi Alpha has meant much to Brother Melton through the years. His fraternity has been as dear to him as has been his very charming wife, Bessie Young, whom he married in 1 9 3 1 . Although they have no children, Laddie, as most of his friends call him, is "Uncle Cabbage" to boys and girls across this country. Now, what are some of those monuments that stand as testimonials to him - "A year ago when the Neches Street YMCA dedicated a new facility it was endowed with the name "L. L Melton Family, YMCA;" at his alma mater, the grid record of four undefeated seasons still stands; in New Orleans are found a number of football and baseball stars he coached while at Straight College (now Dillard University); he introduced indoor basketball to New Orleans; he formed the Dorie Miller American Legion Post and served as commander in Beaumont; he was the second black king in Neches River Festival and was one of the originators of the Beaumont Goodwill Council. L. L. Melton has been a living testimonial of what "manly deeds can do and accomplish when they are dedicated to upliftment." L. L. Melton is an ALPHA man!

Brother JAMES R. TANNER is Assistant Superintendent for Corriculum and Instruction for the Cleveland (Ohio) S c h o o l S y s t e m . Brother Tanner became the first Black to be appointed to such a position in the State of Ohio when he assumed the position nine years ago. His exemplary record and dedication have since paved the way for others across the state to hold important administrative positions. Brother Tanner has experienced almost every phase of the educational arena, having served as a classroom teacher, counselor, educational planner, administrator, and a college instructor. He was educated at Wilberforce University, The University of Chicago and Teachers College, Columbia University. Dr. Tanner is engaged in a number of special projects, including serving as a Consultant for the United States Office of Education. Appointed by the Governor of Ohio to the Ohio Educational Television Network Commission, Brother Tanner is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Cleveland Guidance Center and the Board of Overseers of Case Western Reserve University. He is a member of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, American Association of School Administrators, Phi Delta Kappa, and the Wilberforce University Alumni Association. An outstanding civic leader, Brother Tanner serves on the Advisory Councils of the Natural Science Museum of Cleveland and Booth Memorial Hospital and is a member of the Rotary Club, Citizens League, Board of The Hiram House, and St. James AME Church. Brother Tanner is a member of Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter, where he served as Chapter President (1963-65). He and his wife, Alma, are the parents of four children and are residents of Cleveland. Brother JAMES R. WILLIS, JR. has begun a promising career in pharmaceutical sales with the Upjohn Company's St. Louis office. Brother Willis earned his B.A. degree in Pre-medicine and Social Work at the University of Miami-Coral Gables (Florida) and in 1974 completed classroom requirements toward his Masters Degree in Rehabilitation and Counseling. He has also served three years in the United States Air Force in Vietnam as a Medical Corpsman. Brother Willis was initiated into Eta Delta at the university of Miami, Coral Gables. The Sphinx / May 1975

'* Beta Beta



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EAST Pennsylvania Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapter (Philadelphia, PA) kicked off this fraternal year by launching "A Stronger Drive for 1975". This motto served as the standard for an entire range of chapter programs aimed at community improvement - tutorials, scholarships and awards, honoring outstanding citizens, etc. - as well as the duty of serving as co-hosts for the 1975 Eastern Regional Convention. One of the most outstanding features of the chapter's program is its Life Membership Drive, under the direction of Brother Charles L. Keels. Officers of Zeta Omicron Lambda for 1974-75 are: Leonard W. Sloan, President; Charles L. Keels, Vice President; Richard Bryan, Recording Secretary; Frank Smith, Financial Secretary; William McCray, Corresponding Secretary; Hugh F. Morris, Treasurer; Rev. Henry Bryan, Chaplain; Vincent E. Hawkins, Sergeant at Arms; Edward Wilkins, Editor to the Sphinx; Robert Myers, Jr., Historian; Bennie G. McMorris, Director of Education; Earl McCrary, Dean of Pledges; and Levan Gordon, Parliamentarian.

• Virginia state The 30 brothers of Beta Gamma chapter are actively promoting the true spirit of brotherhood and black pride in every facet of college and community life at Virginia State College. The year 1974 was spearheaded with members tutoring parentally deprived children at the nearby Baptist Children's Home. In an effort to combat juvenile delinquency, brothers participated in renovating the A. P. Hill Community Center, located in the neighboring city of Petersburg, lota Phi Chi, a high school fraternity of Petersburg High, chose Alpha from among the many other organizations on campus to request guidance and leadership as their honorary big brothers and advisors. The S p h i n x / M a y 1975



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Epsilon Chi

The spring semester ended and the college administration found itself without an acting President. Dr. Walker H. Quarles, a brother of the Nu Lambda graduate chapter was appointed to and is now serving in the capacity of interim President for V. S. C. However, he was not without support from the undergraduate chapter. During that same semester two of our most influential and articulate brothers, John Perkins and Frederic Santiago were elected to the Student Government as coordinators of finance and welfare respectively. To add further Alpha strength and zeal to the administration, Brother William T. Syphax, the very prominent and well known contractor from Arlington, Virginia, became Rector of the Board of Visitors. Summer rolled around and the men of Beta Gamma were still thinking of new ideas and ways of rekindling school spirit and morale. Plans were made and contracts signed to have a soul rock concert, featuring Mandrill, which was to be given for the returning students in the fall. This event known as the Black and Gold Positive Thing, resulted in the largest turnout the campus had yet seen. The zest for the betterment of campus and community was inspired as 28 lovely young ladies were inducted into the co-working Sweetheart Club, known as the Alphabettes. Academics is a must for the brothers of Beta Gamma, as it is mandatory to

maintain a grade point average of at least 2.5 before and after the pledge period. Not only do they excel in academics, but also belong to and participate in a medley of extra-curricular activities such as Beta Beta Beta and Phi Beta Lambda honor societies, the Social Science Club, the Pre-Med Club, the year book staff, the school newspaper, the V. S. C. Marching Band, Minority Students Biomedical Studies Program, Harabee African Dancers, Baseball Team, Economics Club, Sociology Club, Accounting Club, and both the Gospel and Concert Choral Ensembles.

maryland "Women, though kept behind the scenes, have had a significant influence on the course of events that have shaped the history of this nation," said the Hon. C. Delores Tucker, Secretary of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as she addressed a crowd at a program in Silver Spring, Maryland, during Black History Week. "The Black Woman," she continued, "who had to assume the leadership position in the home because of the inferior role given to the Black man, had to stand firm in the face of great odds in an effort to instill confidence and hope in her man and the family." Ms. Tucker, the nation's highest Black woman in state government, was guest speaker for the "Black History" program entitled, "A Salute to Black Women in American History" - sponsored by the Montgomery County (MD) chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.,lota Upsilon Lambda. She urged Black women not to become complacent because of the progress women have made over the past few years in getting elected to positions in national, state, and local governments. She also noted that women have made

Brothers of Beta Gamma Chapter, Virginia State: (kneeling) Brothers Charles Goodman, James Bright, Ron Shelton, Harold Layne and Dirwin Clark. (Second Row) Brothers Delano Lipscomb, Jerome Sharpe, John Perkins, Ronald Allen, Frederick Santiago and James Hagwood. (Background) Brothers Leon Evans, Robert Hunter, Lloyd Dallas, George Collins, Don Young, Bernard Brown, Marshall Wright, Gilbert Stovall and Cruso Brown.

many inroads into the nation's job market — but advised them to continue the struggle for equality on all fronts. This inspirational program was highlighted by a performance given by the Southwest Youth Awareness Dance Group from the District of Columbia, under the direction of John Terry; plus vocal selections by the Spiritual Gospelettes of Mt. Calvary Baptist Church of Rockville, Maryland. M s . T u c k e r was p r e s e n t e d a National Achievement Award for her accomplishments in state government. Ms. Edith Throckmorton, the 72year-old President of the Montgomery County NAACP, was given a "Black Woman of the Year" award. Mrs. Myra Callis, widow of Alpha founder Dr. Henry A. Callis, was presented a special appreciation and commendation award by Alpha's Past General President Belford V. Lawson, Jr. Officers of the program committee were: James A. Thompson, Chairman; Silas Craft, Adrian Nelson, Samuel Yette, and John Thompson.

new york

Brothers of Kappa Upsilon Lambda On the move ! ! After many unsuccessful attempts a chapter has been formed in the Mid-Hudson Valley of Upstate New York. Kappa Upsiion Lambda was chartered on December 3, 1974. Thanks to Brother Adedokun A. Oshoniyi (Ade) of Gamma Chapter (Virginia Union University) and Eta Chi Lambda (Rockland County) for his diligence and d e d i c a t i o n . Brother Oshoniyi organized the first meeting held on September 18, 1974 at which seven brothers were present. The chapter reclaims brothers from Dutchess, Orange and Ulster counties. The chapter formed itself on the principles and ideas of reclamation of brothers, rededication of brothers to


shey Convention Center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. After a buffet supper, the fraternity members and their guests listened to the music of Louis H e n d e r s o n , instrumentalist and vocalist who has recently returned to the Harrisburg area after entertaining in supper clubs in Dallas, Texas. A group from Philadelphia provided music for the dancing. Brother James Portlock was the general chairman for the event.

The Hon. C. Delores Tucker, lota Upsilon Lambda speaker Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Life Membership Drive, Scholarship, Tutoring and Counseling of youths and love for all mankind. Our Life Membership Drive has already produced two Life members whose dues are to be fully paid by June 1975 and several committments of subscribers. Since the date of the first meeting, the membership has grown to twentyfive brothers. The names of the brothers are as follows: Adedokun Oshoniyi, President; James Royal, Jr., Vice President; Samuel Tucker, Secretary; Gerald Andrews, Treasurer; John Stroud, Editor-to-SphinxHistorian; and the following members: William C r a w f o r d , Wiston Gandy, Samuel Hodge, Dr. Elmer Leigh, James McLaughlin, Richard Peterson, Vernon Perry, Jr., Frank Reid, Dr. James Stith, Robert Threadgill, Jesse Wilkerson, Edward Weeks, Fambro Kendrick, Dr. Hilary Baker, George Bowles, Herbert Horton, Joseph Jones, Dr. Amos Lewis, T h e o r d o r e M a c k s , Victor Morris, Edward Wilkinson.

Pennsylvania Zeta Theta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. recently held its Black and Gold Founder's Day Ball, a Dinner Dance, at the HerZeta Theta Lambda members in conversation at Founder's Day Ball (from left) Dildred Lowman, President, Charles Bass, M.C.; Thaddeus Phillips and Joseph Alsberry, Vice-president.

MIDWEST michigan Kappa Delta Lambda began the new program year with two laudable firsts for the chapter and the Black community of the state. Brother Blanche Martin, D.D.S., a Democrat and the first Black elected to the Board of Trustees of Michigan State Univeristy has been elected Chairman of the Board. He is also an academic AilAmerican from Michigan State University. A second Michigan State University All-American and immediate past chapter president, Brother Don Coleman, Ph.D., has been elected to the National Football Foundation Hall of Fame. The chapter's second annual gala, the "Black and Gold" Sweetheart Ball, held in February at the newly opened Long Convention Center was a major highlight of the social season for the chapter and the community. Four hundred guests were in attendance, including a number of brothers from Gamma Tau, Michigan State University and lota Chi Lambda, Saginaw. This affair has been successfully guided by Brother Richard Letts, Director of Human Relations of the City of Lansing. Other major chapter activities have been participation in Founders Day celebration with lota Chi Lambda, the upcoming J a b b e r w o c k and nonpartisan support of candidates for the local school board elections. In May, under the co-chairmenship of Brother Richard Letts and Brother Wilbur Howard, chapter Vice-President and staff member of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, the third annual golf scholarship tournament will be held at Akers Golf Course, Michigan State University. A second scholarship fund-raising effort on the planning board of a committee chaired by Brother Amos Johnson, Financial Aid Program, Michigan State University, is a musical galaxy. The chapter's officers are: James Theodore Jones, President; Wilbur The Sphinx / May 1975

Howard, Vice-President; Kirby Kirskey, Secretary; Robert Brown, Jr., Treasurer; Theodore Chavis, Editor to the Sphinx; William B. Harrison, Historian; Richard D. Letts, Parliamentarian; and Harry W. Taylor, Sergeant at Arms.

michigan The Brothers of lota Chi Lambda Chapter, their wives and friends, celebrated this chapter's Fourth Founders' Day on February 2 1 , 1975. The chapter consists of brothers from the Tri-City Area of Michigan. The Founders' Day dinner was held in Midland, Michigan at the Ramada Inn's Garden Room. The meeting was of special importance to the Brothers of lota Chi Lambda as they hosted Brother James R. Williams, Midwestern Vice President, and Michigan State Director Robert Chillison. Brother Williams' topic for that evening covered two subjects of prime interest to all Alpha men: 1. the "motto" and what it means to us and the community 2. Life Membership Other brothers in attendance were from Lansing and Flint, Michigan as well as a number of the chapter's charter members. A farewell breakfast was held for Brother Williams that next morning where further discussion was held concerning Life Membership and the Midwestern in April. lota Chi Lambda now has 30 members active in the chapter, including two Life Members. The chapter has established a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship. This scholarship is now in its third year and is awarded to an outstanding young man in the Tri-City Area of Michigan.

northern Illinois u. Epsilon Phi Chapter was founded on May 4, 1964 on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Thus, Alpha Phi Alpha (Epsilon Phi) became the first Black greek-letter organization in this predominately white environment. Since that time the chapter has continued to be in the forefront at NIL) and in the Black community. Leadership at NIU is synonymous with Alpha Phi Alpha. As the Black and Gold shines through, so does E Phi, which boasts 42 illustrious brothers with a variety of talents employed to The Sphinx / May 1975

serve their community. One of the founders of Epsilon Phi, Brother Franklin Walker, serves as a director in assisting the surrounding Black community on the NIU campus. Brother Willard Draper serves as Resident Advisor in one of the college's six dormitories. Alphas lend expertise to Northern lllinois's minority programs, through the work of Brother Glen Edwards and Brother T.I. Daniels, Director of Minority Studies. Although a young chapter, Epsilon Phi carries a tradition of excellence based on the dedication of past members including: Brother Kenny Moore Lennon (Founder of the NIU Black Choir), Brother Tyree Diggo (former Director of Peer Counseling), and notably Brother Hyman T. Johnson, NIU's second Director of Minority Studies and now Senior Lecturer on

was the rekindling of the "spirit of brotherhood." As a result of this rededication, former members of Epsilon Phi organized an alumni chapter in Dekalb, Mu Alpha Lambda, which received its charter in February of 1975. Meanwhile, the college Brothers are engaged in organizing a chapter in nearby Aurora College. At this time, Epsilon Phi is sponsoring a Black Student Loan Program, financed through the chapter. They have also undertaken many community projects in the nearby communities of St. Charles, Rockford and Elgin to serve the Black population. E Phi has a legacy of pride . .. and a cadre of younger Brothers to "hold up the name." Among those who are carrying out the mission of the chapter are Michael Hill, Stan Simmons, Donnie

the Commerce Faculty of the University of Nairobi, Kenya. This brief account is proof that Alpha Phi Alpha, and Epsilon Phi, continue "upholding high scholastic standards, manly deeds and personal progress." Presently, Brothers serve as Peer Counselors (tutors), members of the Student Advisory Board, the Student Law Association and the Medical Opportunity Program. The chapter has also been cited with an award for having the highest grade point average among the Black fraternities. Epsilon Phi celebrated its 10th Anniversary in October of 1974 and the event was a total success. The chapter elected a Miss Black Eboness. This innovation, obtained from the Brothers of Beta Eta Chapter at Southern Illinois University, was described thusly: "Not a sweetheart court - not a beauty pageant - But an expression of Black Womanhood at NIU." One of the most important achievements of the celebration of the chapter's founding

Seals, Michael Sparks, Rick Hall, Nick Ward, Maurice Carpenter, Ricky Jones, Dwight McFarland, George Brown, Lincoln Walker, Dennis Thigpen, Michael Hyde, Chuck Powell and Keith Benson. With the coming of Epsilon Phi's new decade, there comes a better Alpha Phi Alpha. E Phi intends to stand on the forefront in whatever it does.

SOUTHERN u of north alabama Kappa Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was duly chartered on the campus of the University of North Alabama (Florence) on January 18, 1975. Similar to the original founders of Alpha Phi Alpha, the charter members of Kappa Gamma organized out of a sense of belonging, unity, and a need for companionship outside the classroom. The charter members of Kappa Gamma are: Donnie Morgan,


President; Hezzie M o r g a n , Vice President; James Allen, Secretary; Roy Gholston, Dean of Pledgees; Napoleon Mitchell, Assistant Dean of Pledgees; Larry O'Neal, Corresponding Secretary; and Terry Young, Historian. These seven students at UNA have become vital keys in terms of the success that the Black community in this country will experience or fail to experience. There are only two institutions left in our society which are indigenous to the Black community - one is the Black church and the other is the Black greek-letter organization. As a result of their experience as college trained men, and the legacy inherited as Alpha men, the Brothers of Kappa Gamma feel their obligation to use their fraternity for the betterment of mankind. And, they have taken steps in that direction. The members of Kappa Gamma were awarded a "Spirit Trophy" during a series of home basketball games.They have also r e c e i v e d recognition of achievement from the President of UNA and other outstanding community leaders. Kappa Gamma has been successful with its " B i g B r o t h e r " program for underprivileged children, which they plan to make an annual event. They note that these might be considered small achievements, but the members of Kappa Gamma are proud to be called "Alpha men". They've only just begun!

georgia The Brothers of lota Gamma Lambda Chapter have conducted a full range of activities during this fraternal year, under the leadership of Brother Jonathan Williams, Chapter President. The chapter assumed a solemn responsibility when Brother Fred D. Atwater, long-time convention Sergeantat-Arms, was returned to Brunswick for Omega Rites and interment. Executive Secretary William H. Walker traveled to

The "Seven Super Sensations of Soul" of Kappa Gamma Chapter at University of North Alabama, (standing from left) Terry Young, Roy Gholston, James Allen, Hezzie Morgan, Donnie Morgan, Napoleon Mitchell, and Larry O'Neal. (Seated) Sweethearts Rebecca Brooks and Beverly Simpson. Brunswick to conduct the Omega Rites, lota Gamma Lambda brothers participated in the ceremony and sponsored a hospitality hour for Brother Walker during his stay in Georgia. Other chapter activities of the year included a Sweetheart Ball, highlighted by the selection of the 1975 Miss Black and Gold. Ms. Phyllis Willis of Brunswick was chosen Miss Black and Gold and Ms. Carolyn Williams of Camden County was first runner-up. The chapter's 1975 "Man of the Year" award was presented to Brother Robert Griffin. Brother Griffin is a Guidance Counselor and Law student and also serves as advisor to the Executive Board of the NAACP.

fort valley state The Brothers of Gamma Zeta Chapter at Fort Valley State College have done their job in upholding the light of Alpha Phi Alpha during the 1974-75 school term. Gamma Zeta presented the Henry McGlouglin Memorial

Scholarship of $ 4 0 0 to Miss Diane Phelps in January. Other projects included donations to the Christmas Cheer Fund and the preparation of food baskets for needy families. The Brothers aided the families that were stricken by a disastrous tornado on February 18th. Gamma Zeta assisted in removing debris and salvaging valuables that belonged to citizens in this poverty stricken area. April 4th was the date of the Annual Scholarship Banquet, highlighted by the scholarship award presented to a needy freshman who has compiled a 3.7 grade point average or better. Gamma Zeta also strives to present a positive example of scholarship, with the following brothers making the Dean's List: Roger Stephens, Cedric Newberry, Christopher Moore, Clarence Moore, Clarence White, Huey Spearman, Willie West, Rayford Blue, Glenn Ledbetter and Matthew Marshall, Two brothers in the ROTC, Carl Thomas and Glenn Ledbetter, will be commissioned as 2nd Lieutenants on


MM!* Executive Secretary William H. Walker with lota Gamma Lambda Brothers. 20


Black and Gold Ball of lota Gamma Lambda and (insert) awards presentation to Brother Robed Griffin. The Sphinx / May 1975

June 1st. Brother Joseph Kennebrew, President of the NAACP Youth Council, organized a chapter of this group on Fort Valley's campus in January. Officers of Gamma Zeta Chapter are: Cedric Newberry (Sr.), President; Glenn Ledbetter (Sr.),V/ce President; Joseph Kennebrew (Sr.), Secretary; Clarence White (Jr.), Treasurer; Huey Spearman (Jr.), Correspondingsecretary; Rayford Blue (Jr.), Parlimantarian; Preston King (Sr.), Editor-to-theSphinx; Christopher Moore (Sr.), Dean of Pledges; Anthony Hicks (Sr.), Dean of Probates; John Gilchrist (Jr.), Public Relations. Other members are: Carl Thomas, Roger Stephens, Willie West, Matthew Marshall, David Carey and Jacques Hunter. Although small in quantity, the Brothers of Gamma Zeta feel that they have an important role in upholding the "golden sunshine" of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

stillman Greetings brothers in Alpha, from the dynamic men of Epsilon Nu Chapter located at Stillman College Tuscaloosa, Alabama. For the past two years the brothers here have worked hard, excelling in leadership roles, playing important parts in numerous campus organizations, and striving to help make the Tuscaloosa area a better community. All of these things were done in an effort to carry the ever enlightening torch of the great Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. During the first phase of our chapter's continuous program, the roster of brothers included Arthur Barnes, Clifton Bates, Sylvester Mims, Dwain Ingram, Earnest S h e r r o d , Samuel B r o w n , Willie Williams, Charles Hardy, Ira Jolly, and Vernon L. Scott, the latter of which passed up his senior year of college to attend Meharry Medical School. All of these brothers are now pursuing c a r e e r s in business, e d u c a t i o n , coaching and the military. Among the projects that we have undertaken are the Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness project, Voter Registration, and our chapter's annual scholarship award. Also included among our goals was the winning of the Alpha Kappa Mu award for the fraternity that maintains the highest grade point average in a semester. We have copped this award for the past three semesters, and are shooting for a fourth. Presently, the brothers of Epsilon Nu are enjoying one of the most successful years since the birth of the chapter. The Sphinx / May 1975

Epsilon Nu brothers (from left) - Randy Mitchell, Kenneth Darisawa, Eddie Gaines, Wilbur Swanson, Larry Williams, Willie D. Scott, Marvin Floyd, Henry Billups, Anthony Paige, Ira Watkins and Nathaniel Dowdell. Through the tireless efforts of each brother, the chapter achieved the unprecedented! We published an "Alpha Week" booklet of considerable merit signifying the start of our "Alpha Week" activities which culminated in our Founder's Day program. Among the activities presented were the traditional campus serenade, a dance sponsored by the brothers, religious service program, and rededication to the fraternity aims. Included with these traditional activities were such unprecedented activities as Stars of the Future night, where talented high school students got a chance to reveal their diverse talents, and Citizen's Night, where the outstanding civic, business and religious leaders, including Man and Woman of the year, were featured. Topping the week off was our annual Founder's Day program, at which Brother Ozel Sutton of the U.S. Justice Department was speaker. Included among our projects and activities for 1975 are the Alpha Gala Affair, Rehabilitation Assistance project and the Miss Alpha pageant. The Chapter's roster 1974-75 consists of Brothers Kenneth Darisaw, President; Eddie Gaines, Vice-President; J. H. Hodges, Treasurer; Henry Billups, Secretary; Randy Mitchell, Asst. Secretary; Willie D. Scott, Historian; Marvin Floyd, Editor-to-the-Sphinx; Nathaniel Dowdell, Dean of Pledgees; Anthony Paige, Asst. Dean of Pledgees; Larry Williams, Director of Educational Activities; Wilbur Swanson, Chaplain; and Ira Watkins, Parliamentarian. Alphas on the move!

mississippi state u. The night of December 4, 1974, marked the founding of Kappa Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. at Mississippi State Univeristy. It was indeed fitting that the date of Alpha's founding was marked by the establishment of the first chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha on the campus of a predominately white institution in the state of Mississippi. The charter members of the group, designated the "Fine Line Nine," are Brothers Stanley Barton, Alvin Brown, Frederick Buie, Anthony Crawley, Carson Erving, Aaron Harris, George Johnson, Karl Johnson, and Alfred White. The Brothers of Kappa Beta bring a wealth of dedication to the rich traditions of Alpha to the campus of Mississippi State. Two of the members are involved in the Honors Program at State, while others have many diverse interests ranging from mathematics to chess. Kappa Beta members put on a campus-wide program entitled "Salute to the Black Woman," which brought praise from both Blacks and Whites. Officers of Kappa Beta Chapter are: Carson Erving, President; Alfred White, Vice President; Fredrick Buie, Dean of Pledges; Alvin Brown, SecretaryTreasurer; Anthony Crawley, Editor-tothe-Sphinx and Historian.

alabama Epsilon Delta Lambda chapter is really moving under the able and dynamic leadership of President James "Pappy" Dunn, who is serving his second tenure of years as chapter


president. Brother Dunn is the immediate past president of the 40,000 member Alabama Education Association. He is also serving as the President of the National Council of State Teacher Association Presidents. The chapter participated in the Calhoun County Improvement Association Fund Raising Day. The main speaker was Mayor Maynard Jackson of Atlanta, Georgia. The chapter also plays a leading role in the PanHellenic Council that includes six greek-letter organizations. Our chapter awards a $200.00 to $300.00 scholarship each year to an undergraduate brother in the Alpha Beta Chapter at Talladega College. The chapter initiated four men into the fraternity last November. Those "Crossing the burning sands" into Alpha were Leon Garrett, an Anniston principal; Fred McCunn, high school math teacher; Arvie Clements, a television news reporter; and Harold Franklin, a Talladega College history professor. Alabama State Director Mingo Clark assisted in the initiation. He and Brother George "Hoss" Hobson of A & M University, addressed the brothers during the fellowship hour following the initiation. The chapter sponsored a joint Founders Day Celebration with Alpha Beta undergraduate chapter at Talladega College. State Senator U.W. Clemmons was the guest speaker The culminating activity for our chapter was the "Sweetheart Ball," a "Black Tie and Tails" affair. The dance was the social event of the year for society in Talladega, Sylacauga and Anniston, Alabama. Brother W o o d r o w Dorsey, a Talladega College Chemistry professor has returned to the chapter after two years of study, completing his work on his doctorate in chemistry at East Texas State University in Commerce, Texas. The officers of the chapter are James Dunn, President; Haywood Thompson, Vice President; Willie Thomas, Treasurer; Harold Washington, Corresponding Secretary; T. Y. Lawrence, Recording Secretary; Lucian Howard, Chaplain; and R.E. Lawson, Editor to Sphinx. Area Vice Presidents are John Stamps, Tim Hosea and Ervin Romine.

u. of alabama lota Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, No. 409, was founded October 1 1 , 1 9 7 4 , at the University of Alabama in Birmingham through the tireless efforts of thirteen charter mem22

The Sphinx / M a y 1975

Epsilon Delta Lambda Chapter — (Seated, I to r); J.D. Montgomery, T.Y. Lawrence, W.L. Davis, Robert E. Lawson, Robert Duncan, H.E. Thompson, Timothy Hosea; (Standing, I to r); Robert Miller, John Stamps, Willie Thomas, Harold Franklin, Avie Clemmons, James Dunn - President, Robert Kennedy, William Cokely, Leon Garrett, Fredrick McCann, Isiah Evans, Leon Leonard, Manley Banks, Harold Washington, Clarence Dortch, Lucian Howard, Ervin Romine, Willie Yarbrough.

New Brothers in Epsilon Delta Lambda Chapter (L to R) Avie Clemmons, F. McCann, L. Garrett and H. Franklin. bers; Dr. Aaron L. Lamar, Jr., Advisor; and an advisory committee: Brothers Clarence Campbell, Charles Holt, and Lemorie Carter, Jr., of Omicron Lambda Chapter in Birmingham. Interestingly, the origin of lota Nu Chapter was similar to the founding of Alpha Phi Alpha in 1906. In the fall and winter of 1973-74, over twenty students at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, an urban, predominately white University, gathered together seeking bonds of brotherhood, more social activities, opportunities to create a genuine feeling of community and avenues for a higher level of participation in university affairs. During this formative period, these young men discussed the philosophy, ideals, brotherhood, and the relevance of

fraternal life in today's society. Early in its discussions, the group decided to explore the possibility that a fraternity structure may be the appropriate way to achieve their emerging objectives. While surveying various fraternities to determine if their goals paralleled the group's, the golden light of Alpha was seen and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity was chosen as the ideal organization for affiliation. The group of interested young men named themselves the Alpha Phi Alpha Interest Group. Under the leadership of H. "Bronco" Henderson, contact was established with the National Office and with the local graduate chapter, Omicron Lambda. The interest group met with representatives from Omicron Lambda and discussed the philosophy of Alpha Phi Alpha, conducted university and community projects and sponsored social activities. On June 14, 1974, the Alpha Phi Alpha Interest Group was. notified that its petition for a charter was approved and a Sphinx Club was organized. In a novel approach, the Sphinxmen were allowed to plan and conduct their own pledge process and to begin the arduous task of organizing for a future chapter.

Brothers, Alpha Angels, and Sweethearts of Beta Tau Chapter at Xavier University in New Orleans, La. for the School Term 1974-75. Brothers (left to right) are Milton Moore, Hewitt Smith-President, David Miller, Donzell Floyd and Darryl Donahue. Not pictured are Brothers Paul Williams, Deline Williams and Keith Hill.

On October 1 1 , 1974, the "Baker's Dozen" crossed the Burning Sands into Alphadom and the star of lota Nu Chapter was born to a destiny of greatness. In recognition of the outstanding accomplishments while still a pledge club (two community service projects, active in three political campaigns, a successful fund raising drive, a model constitution, etc.), Omicron Lambda hosted a Charter Banquet for lota Nu Chapter. The principal features of the banquet were a written message from Bro. Bennie Harris, Southern Regional Vice-President; and an address by Bro. U.W. d e m o n s , Alabama State Senator, and remarks from Bro. W. Mingo Clark, State Director.

SOUTHWEST xavier u. In keeping with the goal of our dear fraternity to aid downtrodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic, and intellectual status, Beta Tau Chapter sponsored (in conjunction with the Placement Office of Xavier University) a "CAREER DAY" program on April 2, 1975, in the Gold, Rush and Drexel rooms of the student center. Students from all campuses were urged to attend and meet the business representatives of most major companies who would be there to interview seniors for jobs. On April 6th, the Gold Room of Xavier was the site of Beta Tau Chapter's Memorial Program to Brother Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This program, entitled TRIBUTE TO A KING - GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN, included a filmstrip depicting important events in the, life of Dr. King (and in the history of this nation), along with excerpts from some of his more famous speeches. Brother Hewitt Smith, President of Beta Tau, made a general appeal to everyone to . . . continue in the way in which he (King) would have us to go were he still with us today. Music was provided by the Xavier University Jazz Lab Band.

texas The recently chartered chapter, Kappa Sigma Lambda, at Ft. Hood, Texas held its first social function at the West Ft. Hood Officers Club in keeping with the fraternity and chapter goals to sponsor a local youth in his or her college endeavors. The S p h i n x / M a y 1975


Gamma Eta Lambda brothers from (left to right - front) Felix Garrett, George Williams, Scott Harris, William C. Akins, Grant Little, Bennie Green, Charles Hines, Jerry Bell, Dr. Charles Urdy, Otis Lee, Dr. James Means, James Givens, Morris Crawford, Richard Demery, Patrick Murphy, Lucius Alexander. (Back) L.D. Taylor, Kelly Meador, Louis Goodall, Sam Robertson, James Wilson, Audrey Mackey, Dr. Exalton Delco, Dr. J.J. Seabrook, Dr. Beadie Connor, Volma Overton, Rev. Dr. Marvin Griffin, General Marshall, Archile E. Petit, President - Mack D. Nealy, Alexander Salone and Melvin Chambers. The affair, first of its kind at Ft. Hood, was considered an outstanding success and the capacity crowd received the newly formed chapter and the Alpha image as first and foremost in community service. Kappa Sigma Lambda, the newest chapter in the state of Texas and the Southwestern Region, is on the move. As a predominately military chapter (all but one active member is in the service) the brothers of Kappa Sigma Lambda seek to promote trie image of Alpha in the civilian and military community. To this end they challenge the other military chapters in the state, region and the world to exceed their accomplishments in the upcoming year.

texas Gamma Eta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Austin, Texas, recently promoted an Awards and Founders Day Program at the Stephen F. Austin Hotel Ballroom in downtown Austin. Thirty-five Alpha Brothers attended the solemn worship service held at

Ebenezer Baptist Church with Brother Reverend Marvin Griffin, Pastor, preaching the touching sermon "Believing The Promise." Brother Griffin said that "we need people who are committed to pursue the struggle—who believe in the redemptive process of service to mankind and God's work. If you believe . . . let's keep walking together." The Awards Program was a community function held in the evening at the Hotel's Ballroom and the featured guest speaker was Sphinxman Dr. Robert Marion, first Black Assistant Vice President at the University of Texas at Austin. The prospective brother forcefully spoke on the theme "Fraternal Involvement and Service to Mankind." Officers of Gamma Eta Lambda are: Archile E. Petit, President; William C. Akins, Vice President; James Givens, Recording Secretary; Alexander Salone, Treasurer; Sam Robertson, Corresponding Secretary; Dr. Charles Urdy, Parliamentarian; Louis Goodall, Historian; and Dr. J. J. Seabrook, Chaplain.

The brothers of Kappa Sigma Lambda Chapter (I. to r, rear) LT. James Kirkwood Treasurer; LT. Michael Buster; LT. Robert Harris • Chairman Education Committee; LT. Michael Coleman; CPT. Stanley Evans • Chaplain; LT. Willard Robinson; MAJ. Charles A. Green - President; (front) LTC. Earl R. Brooks - Vice President; CPT. Marion Wimberly Parliamentarian; MAJ. James Poole • Historian; LTC. Acie McGhee - Secretary. Not shown are: LT. Robert N. Balenton; LT. Kerry M. Brown; LT. Walter L. Lane; LT. Cecil Poole; LT. Daniel Taylor; Mr. Alexander Vernon, Jr.

Gamma Eta Lambda is presently involved in the following activities: Scholarship aid to undergraduate Brothers, youth activities, a Fraternity House feasibility study, NAACP Life Membership, Alpha Phi Alpha Life Membership Drive, a Reclamation Drive, and numerous other projects. The chapter recently received a Reclamation and "Over the Top" Life Membership Award Certificate at the 1975 Southwestern Regional Convention held in Monroe, Louisiana, and is the recipient of a previous certificate for NAACP Life Membership.

WEST new mexico GREETINGS FROM THE LAND OF ENCHANTMENT! lota Psi Lambda Alumni Chapter at Albuquerque, New Mexico, has just recently finished a successful pledge period, the results of which added two graduate brothers to the Alpha fold. The neophyte brothers are Jim Tatum and Dr. John Morgan. We are currently planning our second annual champagne formal which has been in the past, an extremely enjoyable affair. Among our community help projects is now planned a chapter sponsored and managed tennis and golf clinic for pre-secondary minority school children, which should be implemented before the end of the school year. Chapter members are as follows: Sam Harris, President; Bernie Garcia, Vice President; Roy Palmer, Secretary; Roy Webb, Treasurer; Arthur Hardeman, Editor-to-Sphinx; Boyd Jackson, Recreation Advisor; Jim Jones, Education Liaison; Juan Williams, Education Advisor; Jim Tatum, Entertainment Committee; and John Morgan, Entertainment Committee.

Yvonne Harris. Beta Xi rep, is "Miss Ten nessee Black and Gold." 24

Brtohers of lota Psi Lambda at Albuquerque, New Mexico.

TENNESSEE STATE CONVENTION "Alpha's Continuing Concern for Brotherhood Through Rededication and Life Membership" was the theme of the Tennessee State Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., which was held March 7-8, 1975 in Memphis. Host chapters for the event were Alpha Delta Lambda (alumni) and Beta Xi (college - Lemoyne) chapters. Registration was held March 7th at the Holiday Inn on Lamar Avenue where Brothers from throughout the state gathered. Following the completion of registration Saturday morning, the morning business session was convened with Brother Zenoch Adams, Tenessee State Director, presiding. Brother Charles Patterson served as facilitator for the "problemsolving" session which highlighted this part of the convention. A luncheon was from 12:30 p.m. until 1:30 p.m. with Brother Harold Winfrey, President of Alpha Delta Lambda, serving as master of ceremonies. The Keynote Speaker for the luncheon was Brother Ozell Sutton, State Director of Georgia and a representative of the

U.S. Department of Justice. The afternoon session included introductions of the College and Alumni "Man of the Year" winners and the winners of the College and Alumni "Chapter of the Year" titles. Miss Yvonne Harris, the entry of Beta Xi, was introduced as Miss Black and Gold and was chosen to represent the state at the Southern Regional Convention in Charleston, South Carolina. Brother Bennie J. Harris, Southern Vice President, presided at the evening session. During this session many recommendations to the Regional and National Conventions were offered. The meeting ended with the Alpha Hymn and Prayer. A smoker climaxed the week-end activities as Brothers from throughout the state shared ideas and renewed their commitment and devotion to the ideals of brotherhood and "service to all mankind." Brothers Vernon Johnson and Charles Patterson served as Chairmen of the convention.

Alphas in action at Tennessee State Convention

The Sphinx / May 1975


Sewiiw Ciil$m' Cewiet The Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter of Cambria Heights, Queens, New York, chartered in 1955 at the Chicago Convention, has recently completed contractual arrangements with the Human Resources Administration of New York City, and is now the sponsor of a Senior Citizen Center located in Cambria Heights, New York. The center officially opened on Monday, March 17, 1975. The awarding of a $159,350 grant to Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter by the Human Resources Administration was the first grant awarded to a Greek letter organization in the Metropolitan area. This is a tribute to the status of Zeta Zeta Lambda in the New York City community, the vision, preserverance and faith of Brother Elmer Blackburne, chairman of the Board of Directors, and the support given to the Board by the Chapter and the Alpha Wives. In developing the program Brother Blackburne explains, "Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter has traditionally pursued a commitment to community needs and services. We see establishment of the Alpha Phi Alpha - Zeta Zeta Lambda Senior Citizens, Inc., in Cambria Heights as an effort of the

Serving on the Senior Citizens Center Board of Directors are Stanley King, Elmer Blackburne, David Bluford, Daniel Elmore, Nelle Duncan and Deveria Wing. The Sphinx / May 1975

Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter totally consistent with this traditional sensitivity to community needs." Brother Blackburne projects that the proposed programmatic thrust of the center will have a very positive result and serve as a viable adjunct to the delivery of services to the senior citizens of the area. Although Zeta Zeta Lambda sponsors the center, during the three years of planning and deliberations in connection with making the center a reality, Brother Bluford, Vice Chairman, feels " w e have enjoyed the earnest cooperation of various religious, social, church and civic groups who were very supportive especially in an advisory capacity. We would hope that in the future we are as fortunate. In fact we look forward to the important assist of a continuing cooperative relationship with the Cambria Heights Civic Association. The center is a not-for-profit corporation and is, of course, open on a strictly multi-racial and nonsectarian basis." Officers of Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter are: Luther Mimms, President; Charles Lucas, Vice President; Harry Turner Corresponding Secrerary.Lewis Hurst, Recording Secretary; Theodore Collins, Financial Secretary; Grafton Gilchrist, Treasurer; Clarence Jacobs, Editor-to-the Sphinx; Roger Gregory, Parliamentarian; Calvin Nelson, Chaplain; Arnold White, Sergeant-at-Arms; Charles Riley, Dean of Pledges; Eric Headley, Director of Education, and Noble Jones, Historian. Officers of the Board of Directors of the Alpha Phi Alpha Senior Citizens Center are: Elmer H. Blackburne, Chairman; David F. Bluford, First Vice Chairman; Nellie Duncan, Second Vice Chairman; Ann White, Recording Secretary; Jaunita Kelsey, Corresponding Secretary; and George Hughes, Treasurer. Brother Luther Mimms, President of Zeta Zeta Lambda, explains that the sponsoring of the Senior Citizens Center is just one of the outstanding achievements of Zeta Zeta Lambda during the past year. "We are ever alert to the needs of the community, and seek to utilize the talents of the Brothers, that are varied, in sponsoring worthwhile programs that will benefit the entire Queens, New York Community." Continued Brother Mimms,"the unique aspect of the Senior Program is the cooperation between the Alpha wives and the chapter in developing the program. The Alpha Wives are active members of the Board of Directors." Zeta Zeta Lambda, Chapter of the Year award winner in 1973, in keeping with the tradition of A PHI A, is first of all, servant of all, we shall transcend all.

Brothers of Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter (standing) Hinton Brazelton, Clarence Jacobs, Charles Riley, Noble Jones, Theodore Collins, Eric Headley, Roger Gregory; (seated) Louis Hurst, Grafton Gilchrist, Luther Mimms - President, Charles Lucas and Harry Turner. 25

Brother WILLIAM 0 . SPEIGHT, JR., who labored through a coma for over a week with that determined desire to hold on slipped away into Omega Chapter, Tuesday morning, March 1 1 , 1 9 7 5 , at the Baptist Memorial Hospital at 12:50. Brother Speight was known by his brothers as "Trees" because of his stately height. He was a brother who paid his dues to society with many contributions he made in the medical field. He was Medical Director of the Union Protective Insurance Company, a founder and organizer of Memphis Health Center (a clinic), was a member of the International College of Surgeons and had attended Medical conferences all over the world, including Africa and Asia. He was a member of the Board of Directors for Home G. Phillips Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. Brother Speight was born in Morristown, Tennessee. Moving to Memphis with his family at an early age, he graduated from Booker T. Washington High School, Memphis; after which he entered LeMoyne College, where he received the B.S. Degree and received the M.D. Degree from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tenn. He spent his residency at Home G. Phillips Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. Brother Speight served as a captain in the United States Army Medical Corps, during the Korean War, stationed at the 125th Evacuation Hospital. He was a member of the 26

American Legion, N.A.A.C.P., Sigma Pi Phi Honorary Professional Fraternity and a very active member of Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, where he served once, for several terms, as Vice President and received the Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter's "Man of the Year" award for outstanding service in the Memphis community. Brother Speight was a member of the Top Hats and Tails Social Club, the 19th Holer Golf Club, B. & P. Investment Club. He was also a member of the American Medical Association, Tennessee Medical Association, Memphis and Shelby County Medical Society and the Bluff City Medical Society. His church was Emmanuel Episcopal, where he served very faithfully with humility until his death. Brother Speight has been one of the best eye, ear, nose and throat specialists in Memphis since 1950. He was the son of William O. Speight, Sr., who was one of the pioneer Black physicians in Memphis who entered Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. in 1964. Brother Dr. Speight, Jr. was only 54 years old at his death. There is no question that Brother Speight will be missed by the Brothers of Alpha Delta Lambda because he was very devoted to the fraternity and always present at the meetings and activities sponsored by the Chapter. He was never too busy to get involved with progress of Alpha Delta Lambda. He was a gentleman, a scholar, a friend, a faithful husband, and father to Brother William O. Speight, III, who is known by so many as Billy Speight. Brother Speight was beautifully placed into Omega Chapter in a tearful, prayerful but solemn ceremony during the ritual held at the T.H. Hayes Funeral Home which was attended by many of the brothers of Alpha Delta Lambda and Beta Xi, at which he was initiated several years ago. During the impressive ceremonies the brothers formed a semi-circle in front of the casket that was surounded with flowers. Funeral services were held Saturday, March 15th at 2:00 P.M., at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church on St. Paul Street. Interment was in Elmwood Cemetery. Brother Speight is survived by his devoted and faithful wife Mrs. Jewell Anderson Speight, his son, Brother William O. "Billy" Speight, III, and daughter-in-law, his mother, Mrs. Mignonette Speight, and his sister, Marion Speight, of Daytona Beach, Florida. Brother GLENN D. JONES entered Omega Chapter on November 23, 1974, following a lengthy illness. Brother Jones was born September 18, 1900 at Wythville, Virginia, the son of the late Carrie and Emza Steward. He became a member of Alpha Phi Alpha at Beta Chapter, prior to his graduation from Howard University. At the time of his death, Brother Jones was the oldest active member of Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter in Columbus, Ohio. The Sphinx / May 1975

Brother CHARLES F. LANE, past General Counsel of Alpha Phi Alpha, entered Omega Chapter at South Shore Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. Brother Lane, who practiced law in Chicago for 43 years, was born in Memphis, Tennessee and attended elementary school there. He was a graduate of Hyde Park High School (Chicago), the University of Illinois and the University of Chicago Law School. He was a member of the Cook County Bar Association, Chairman of the Washington Park YMCA Board of Directors, the Snakes Club, and a Deacon at the Church of the Good Shepherd. Brother Lane was a stalwart member, and long-time President, of Xi Lambda Chapter in Chicago. He was elected the Fraternity's General Counsel at the 1945 General Convention in Chicago. Brother GEORGE W. BOOKER, 33, Executive Director of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Hospital in Kansas City entered Omega Chapter in that city. Brother Booker had been Executive Director of the hospital since it opened in 1972. He earlier was assistant to the administrator of the former Wheatley-Provident Hospital and had been an associate computer programmer and cost and budget analyst for the Bendix Corporation. Brother Booker graduated in 1967 with a B.A. degree in Business Administration from the Arkansas A.M. & N. College at Pine Bluff, Arkansas. He also held a Master's Degree in Public Health Administration from the University of MissouriKansas City and a Master's Degree in Health Administration from Washington University, St. Louis. Brother Booker was a past president of the Kansas City chapter of the Arkansas A.M. & N. Alumni Association and was a member of Beta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. He was born in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, and lived in Kansas City for eight years. He was a member of the Financial Management Association, the American College of Hospital Administrators, the Area Hospital Executive Directors Group, and the American Academy of Medical Administrators. Brother ROBERT L. ANDREWS of Baton Rouge, Louisiana; a member of Beta lota Lambda Chapter (Omega Chapter - December 26, 1974). Brother WALTER W. GOENS, a member of Gamma Theta Lambda, Wilmington, Delaware (Omega Chapter - October 7, 1974). Brother WILLIAM A. MARSHALL, a member of Gamma Theta Lambda, Wilmington, Delaware (Omega Chapter - October 8, 1972). Brother LESTER C. NELSON, 54, a member of Delta Psi Lambda Chapter, Denver, Colorado. Life Member No. 1215. (Omega Chapter - April 2, 1975). Brother PRICE T. YOUNG, a member of Gamma Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Marshall, Texas (Omega Chapter - March 3, 1975). The Sphinx / May 1975

Brother JESSE 0 . RICHARDS, JR., a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha, a past president and founder of Eta Lambda Chapter and Sigma Lambda Chapter, entered Omega Chapter on Saturday, February 8, 1975. Funeral services and the Alpha Phi Alpha Rites were conducted at the Rhodes Funeral Home. On Thursday, February 13, interment was in the Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Brother Richards died unexpectedly on Saturday at his residence, 1859 Pleasure Street. Death was attributed to an apparent heart attack. He was 74. On the previous evening, Brother Richards had been cited by The Bunch Club, a New Orleans Carnival Club, for "his many years of service to the club and community." He was present to receive the award and participated in the festivities. He was a native of Clinton, La. and had been a resident of this City for more than 60 years. He received both the B.A. and M.A. Degrees from Straight College, now Dillard University. He did graduate study at Atlanta University, Clark College and Columbia Teachers College of Columbia University. Brother Richards taught at McDonogh 35 Senior High School, but left the teaching profession to serve as manager of the ordinary department of the National Benefit Life Insurance Company. He later returned to the public school system and taught at Booker T. Washington High School before being assigned as principal of the Rosenwald School. He was the first principal of the Joseph S. Clark Senior High School, a post he held until his retirement. He was once an owner of the Geddes-Richards Funeral Home. He was past president of the High School Principals Association and The Bunch Club. Alpha Phi Alpha was his personal "Alpha and Omega." He had served on a number of Alpha's foundations, boards and committees on the local, state, regional and national levels such as the Life Membership, Housing and Educational foundations. He was a veteran of World War I. Brother Richards is survived by a sister, Mrs. Veyne Richards Corporal, and a brother, Kelly Richards, both of Los Angeles, Calif., and other relatives. 27


Jewels, Omega Chapter: Henry A. Callis, M.D. • Charles H. Chapman • Eugene Kinckle Jones • George B, Kelley . Nathaniel A. Murray * Robert H. Ogle • Vertner W. Tandy Officers General President — Walter Washington Alcorn A and M College, Lorman, Miss. Executive Secretary — William H. Walker 4432 Martin Luther King Dr., Chicago, III. General Treasurer — Leven C. Weiss 4676 W. Outer Drive, Detroit, Michigan General Counsel — Albert Holland, Jr 31 Hickory Hill Rd., Tappan, Historian — Charles H. Wesley 1824 Taylor Street, N. W., Washington, D.C. Comptroller — Chas. C. Teamer 2601 Gentilly Blvd., New Orleans, La. Director-General Conventions — Kermit J . Hall 100 Fairview Ave., Yeadon, Penn.

Chicago, Illinois 60653

EAST CONNECTICUT Director Otha N. Brown, Jr. 208 Flax Hill Road Norwalk, CT 06854 COLLEGE CHAPTERS ' Zeta (Yale U) Edward F. Honesty, Jr. 688 Yale Station New Haven, CT 06520 Kappa Delta (U of Connecticut) Elbert A. Powell (A) U of Connecticut Health Center Farmington, CT 06032 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Sigma Lambda (Hartford) Elbert A. Powell 230 Mountain Rd. West Hartford, CT 06119 Zeta Phi Lambda (Stamford) David A. Austin (P) 29 Quintard Terrace Stamford, CT 06902 * Eta Alpha Lambda (New Haven) Richard Jacobs 84 Sherman Ave. Hamden, CT 06518


Vice Eastern — Charles P. Howard, Jr Midwestern — James R. Williams Southern — Bennie J . Harris Southwestern — Robert M. King Western — Thadeaus H. Hobbs

Presidents 1500 American Building, Baltimore, Maryland 1 Cascade Plaza, # 1 9 0 8 , Akron, Ohio 602 Mooremont Terrace, Chattanooga, Tenn. 1839 Mahalia Drive. Waco, Texas 3909 S. Norton Avenue, Los Angeles, California

21202 44308 37411 76705 90008

Assistant Eastern — Kenneth B. Goodrich Midwestern — Louis D. DeSilva Southern — Charles E. Banks Western — Cecil A. Collins Southwestern — Harry D. Gatewood, II

Vice Presidents 1209 Linworth Avenue - Apt. 1A, Baltimore, 381BA North 17th Street, Milwaukee, c / o Tougaloo College. Tougaloo, 18514 57th Avenue, N.E., Seattle, c / o 640 Elm, Norman,

21239 53206 39174 98155 73069

COLLEGE CHAPTERS * Gamma Sigma (Delaware State College) David Allen Box 180-DSC Dover, DE 19901 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Theta Lambda (Wilmington) James A. Gray (P) P.O. Box 1622 Wilmington, DE 19899 Zeta Rho Lambda (Dover) Frederick J. Franklin (ES) 138 Bertrand Drive Dover, DE 19901

MARYLAND Director Herman Sydnor 3001 Granada Ave. Baltimore, MD COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Alpha (Morgan State College) Alan V. Poulson (P) 2318 Koko Lane Baltimore, M0 21216 * Delta Nu (U of Maryland-Eastern Shore) Rodney Bryan Box 1404-UMES Princess Anne, MD 21853 * Eta Zeta (Bowie State College) Vernon R. Pinder Box 171-BSC Bowie, MD 20715

Director Albert T. Reliford 1503 16th St., N.W. Apt. 604 Washington, D.C. 20036

lota Zeta (U of Maryland) Joseph Williams (P) Box 259 College Park, MD 20742

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta (Howard University) Sylvester Robinson (CS) Box 506 Washington, DC 20059

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta lambda (Baltimore) Joseph Yates (P) 3201 Clifton Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Mu Lambda (Washington, DC) Otis C. Davenport (S) 1342 Ritchie PI., N.E. Washington, DC 20017

'Delta Omicron Lambda (Princess Anne) Robert B. Newton P.O. Box 73 Barclay, MD 21607 1

Omicron Lambda Alpha (Washington, DC) Phillip N. Orticke, Jr. (P) 14436 Astrodome Dr. Silver Spring, MD 20906

DELAWARE Director William Young Del-Valley 600 Rockwood Rd. Wilmington, DE 19802

lota Alpha Lambda (Havre DeGrace) Francis H. Harris Box 705 Aberdeen, MD 21101 Eta Eta Lambda (Annapolis) Thomas R. Hunt (P) P.O. Box 694 Annapolis, MD 21404 lota Uspilon Lambda (Silver Spring) Lamar Stroud (CS) P.O. Box 2233 Silver Spring, MD 20902

Kappa Epsllon Lambda (Landover) NO REPORT Kappa Kappa Lambda (Baltimore, MD) Richard G. Smith (P) 535 Beaumont Avenue Baltimore, MD 21239 Kappa Phi Lambda (Maryland) Melvin Blanheim (AS) 9628 Basket Ring Road Columbia, M0 21045

MASSACHUSETTS Director McKmley Hackett 217 School Street Waltham, MA 02154

* Eta Zeta Lambda (New Rochelle) Arnold C. Baker 16 Nursery Lane Rye, NY 10580

Zeta Epsilon Lambda (Red Bank) James W. Brown (S) 1603 Bangs Ave. Asbury Park, NJ 07712

Eta Theta Lambda (Wyandance) NO REPORT

Zeta lota Lambda (Trenton) James Davis, Jr. # 7 0 Tyler Dr. Willingsboro, NJ 08046

* Eta Chi Lambda (Nyack) Eugene M. Deloatch # 4 Elm Street Piedmont, NY 10968

' Zeta Nu Lambda (Plainfield) Maurice Hicks 916 Oak Street Roselle, NJ 07203

Theta Chi Lambda (Shenectady) NO REPORT

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Sigma (Metropolitan) Dennis Hinson 200 Bay State Rd„ Rm. 401 Boston, MA 02215

Theta Psi Lambda (Somerset) Roland Livingston (CS) 116 Livingston Ave., Apt. 4-G New Brunswick, NJ 08902

Alpha Kappa (Metropolitan) INACTIVE

Kappa Theta Lambda (Teaneck) NO REPORT

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Gamma Lambda (Boston) James T. Howard (CS) 104 Greenwood Street Boston, MA 02121 Theta lota Lambda (Springfield) Dr. Gerald B. Cutting IP) 6 Wilkin Dr. Longmeadow, MA 01106

NEW JERSEY Director Elbert Wisner 300 Lincoln Dr., Colonial Terr. Ocean, NJ 07216 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta lota (Rutgers IT) NO REPORT lota lota (Trenton State) Bradford Spencer (P) 137 Spring St. Trenton, NJ 08618 lota Rho (Newark College of Engineering) Benjamin Tarver (S) P.O. Box 143 Newark, NJ 07101 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha Lambda (Newark) Arthur C. Williams (S) 158 Lincoln St. Montclair, NJ 07042 Alpha Theta Lambda (Atlantic City) Lawrence L. Stroud (S) 805 S. Broad Street Pleasantville, NJ 08232 Beta Alpha Lambda (Jersey City) NO REPORT


Delta Mu Lambda (Montclair) James H. Allen (P) 495 E. 29th Street Peterson, NJ 07514

Eta Rho Lambda (Rochester) NO REPORT

lota Theta Lambda (Endicott) Eugene W. Sharpe, III (P) P.O. Box 232 Endicott, NY 13760 * lota lota Lambda (Rome) Harry Bilton, Jr. 6384 Milles Drive Rome, NY 13440 * lota Kappa Lambda (Syracuse) Charles E. Timberlake 947 Westmoreland Ave. Syracuse, NY 13210

Kappa lota Lambda (Burlington County) Richard D. Blackburn 551 North Church Street Moorestown, NJ 08507

NEW YORK Director Clifford Clemmons 221-25 Manor Rd. Queens Village, NY 11427 COLLEGE CHAPTERS * Alpha (Cornell U) Or. G. Alex Galvin 401 W. State St. Ithaca, NY 14850

Kappa Upsilon Lambda (Mid-Hudson Valley) Adedokin A. Oshoniyi (A) 16 Crossway Road Beacon, NY 12508

NEW YORK CITY Director Lacy Ray 137-12 159th Street Jamaica, NY 11434 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Eta (Metropolitan) NO REPORT

Delta Epsilon (U of Buffalo) NO REPORT

Delta Chi (City of Brooklyn) NO REPORT

Delta Zeta (Syracuse U) Sylvester Johnson (S) 104 Dellplain Hall SU Syracuse, NY 13210

Zeta Eta (Columbia U) Rufus E. Sadler (CS) 534 West 114th Street New York, NY 10025

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho Lambda (Buffalo) Charles J. L. Banks (P) 787 Forest Ave. Buffalo, NY 14209

* Theta Epsilon (Adelphi U) Ceasar Raynar, Jr. Box 190 Earl Hall Garden City, NY 11530 Kappa Zeta (Utica College) Joseph Jones (S) Room 354 - South Hall Utica College Utica, NY 13502

Beta Pi Lambda (Albany) Edward F. Kennell (S) 5595 Depot Rd. Altamont, NY 12009 Zeta Zeta Lambda (St. Albans) Theodore N. Collins P.O. Box 8 Cambria, NY 11211 *Last Known


39096 60653 48236 N. Y. 20011 70122 19050


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Gamma Lambda (New York) Connie Miller (P) 282 Convent Ave. New York, NY 10031 — N o current



The Sphinx / May 1975

Gamma lota Lambda (Brooklyn) Homer GiIIis IS) 68 Virginia Avenue Hempstead, NY 11550

Beta Gamma (Virginia State College) Charles H. Lewis (S) P.O. Box 33 Petersburg, VA 23803

Kappa Xi Lambda (New York) Lock Box 724 F.O.R. Station New York, NY 10022

Gamma lota (Hampton Institute) Ralph Hightower (P) Hampton Institute, P.O. Box 6171 Hampton, VA 23668

PENNSYLVANIA Director Frank E. Devine 6202 Washington Philadelphia, PA COLLEGE CHAPTERS Nu (Lincoln U) Edward L. Vaughn (S) 1213 Wissler St. Clarkesdale, MS 38614 Omicron (U of Pittsburgh) Glenn Leroy Hodge (P) Box 1594, 3955 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Psi (U of Pennsylvania) Steven Stephenson (S) 1221 South 20th Street Philadelphia, PA 19146 * Gamma Nu (Pennsylvania State U) Larry Fiske 356 E. Fairmount Ave. State College, PA 16801

* Delta Till (St. Paul's Polytechnic) Delta Tau Chapter St. Paul College Lawrenceville, VA 23888 * Epsilon Pi (Virginia State College) Epsilon Pi Chapter Box 2033-NSC Norfolk, VA 23504 Theta lota (Virginia Polytechnic) Roger Waller (CS) P.O. Box 346 Blacksburg, VA 24060 Theta Rho (Virginia Commonwealth U) Earl Johnson (T) 804 W. Lancaster Road Richmond, VA 23222 lota Alpha (Washington & Lee U) John W. Evans IS) P. 0. Box 1220 Lexington, VA 24450

Oelta Pi (Cheyney St. Teachers College NO REPORT

lota Beta (U of Virginia) Thomas Jeffrey Fields (CS) P 0. Box 83 X NCMB Station Charlottesville, VA 22903

Zeta Psi (West Chester State College) Guyzer Young (P) Box 3093 - W.C.S.C. West Chester, PA 19380

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Lambda (Newport) Claude N. Carter (CS) 12 Suburban Pkwy Hampton, VA 23661

lota Sigma (Millersville State) Lee Hollis, Jr. (P) 115 W. Bernard St. Westchester, PA 19380

Nu Lambda (Petersburg) W. Clinton Pettus (S) Box 33-VSC Petersburg, VA 23803

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho (Philadelphia, PA) William Ross (P) Park City West - Apt. 171 3900 Ford Road Philadelphia, PA 19151

Alpha Kappa Lambda (Roanoke) Walker N. Atkinson 911 Staunton Ave., N.W. Roanoke, VA 24017

Alpha Omicron Lambda (Pittsburgh) Wilbur C. Douglas. Jr (S) 6521 Deary Street Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Alpha Phi Lambda (Norfolk) Arnell Burrus (P) 340 Fernwood Farms Rd. Chesapeake, VA 23324

Zeta Theta Lambda (Harrisburg) NO REPORT

Beta Gamma Lambda (Richmond) C A. Pennington (S) 3212 Griffin Avenue Richmond, VA 23222

Zeta Omicron Lambda (Philadelphia) Richard Bryon (RS) 6958 Sherwood Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19151

Gamma Alpha Lambda (Lexington) Stephen D. Waters (S) Box 3036 Charlottesville, VA 22903

Kappa Beta Lambda (Erie) NO REPORT

* Gamma Nu Lambda (Lynchberg) W. T. Lewis 1507 Floyd Street Lynchburg, VA 24501

RHODE ISLAND Director McKinley Hackett, Jr. 101 Shirley Road Waltham, MA 21514 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Gamma (Brown U) John Reasoner (CS) Box 2352 Providence, Rl 02912


Delta Beta Lambda (Hampton) Samuel Massenberg (P) 1454 Todds Lane, Apt. A-38 Hampton, VA 23666 Delta Nu Lambda (Danville) Robert G. Neals (S) Rte. 3, Box 425 Danville, VA 24541 Epsilon lota Lambda (Suffolk) Leon N. Harris (CS) 5548 Greenwood Rd. Suffolk, VA 23437

Director Henry Gray Gillem 1009 South Quinn Arlington, VA 22204

Epsilon Nu Lambda (Portsmouth) Charles H Taylor, Jr. (P) 1409 Carson Cresant, West Portsmouth, VA 23701

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma (Virginia Union U) John Toney P. 0 Box 893 Richmond, VA 23220

Epsilon Omicron Lambda (Lawrenceville) Ernest L. Morse (CS) Box 595 South Hill, VA 23970

The Sphinx / May 1975

Zeta Upsilon Lambda (South Boston) NO REPORT Theta Rho Lambda (Arlington) Clarence B. Halstead (P) 2608 18th St., South Arlington, VA 22204 lota Tau Lambda (Charlotte Court House) Claude Miller (P) PO. Box 208 Charlotte CH, VA 23923

INTERNATIONAL Epsilon Theta Lambda (Hamilton, Bermuda) NO REPORT Eta Epsilon Lambda (Monrovia, Liberia) K. Jefferies Adorkor, Jr. (CS) P.O. Box 55 Monrovia, Liberia Thsta Theta Lambda (Frankfort, Germany) LTC Chester F. Johnson (CS) 63rd Finance Section APO, New York 09052 Theta Epsilon Lambda (St. Thomas, VI) Ulysses J. Warrick, Jr. (CS) 2A-1 Harbour Ridge Skyline Drive Star Route St. Thomas, VI 00801 lota Epsilon Lambda (Saigon-Long Binh, South Vietnam) NO REPORT lota Sigma Lambda (St. Croix, VI) NO REPORT


ILLINOIS (Northern) Director Ronald McBride 8828 S. Cornell Chicago, Illinois 60617 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta (Metropolitan) Linn Rodgers (D 1311 S. Millard Ave. Chicago, IL 60623 Alpha Mu (Northwestern U) George Glaspie (P) 1927 Orrington Ave. No. 4119 Evanston, IL 60201 Epsilon Phi (Northern Illinois U) Michael S Hill (S) 1120 Varsity, Apt. 233 DeKalb, IL 60115 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Xi Lambda (Chicago) Charles A. Johnson (CS) 8051 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, IL 60619 Zeta Xi Lambda (Evanston) Theodore M. Harding (P) 1717 Greenwood St. Evanston, IL 60201 * Theta Mu Lambda (Jolietl Henry Boswell 994 Howliston Ct. Joliet. IL 60433 * lota Delta Lambda (Chicago) Lawrence A. Holloway 2951 King Or Chicago. IL 60616 Kappa Chi Lambda (Waukegan) George Dillard (A) 804 Oakley Waukegan, IL 60085 Mu Alpha Lambda (Dekalb) Donald J. Wilson (S) 135 N. Mayfield Apt. "C" Chicago, IL 60644

ILLINOIS (Eastern) ILLINOIS (Southern)

Director William Ridgeway, Ph.D. Department of Zoology Eastern Illinois U Charleston, IL 61920

Director Harold W. Thomas 6899 Lake Dr. East St. Louis. IL 62203

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Tau (U of Illinois) Michael Henderson Box 2062 • Station A Champaign, IL 61820

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Eta (Southern Illinois U) Charles Johnson (P) No. 7 East Danny St. Carbondale. IL 62401

Epsilon Kappa (Bradley U) Ralph Buck (P) 1003 North Elmwood Peoria, IL 61606 Zeta Nu (Eastern Illinois U) David Hicks (DP) 1403 A St. Charleston, IL 61920 Eta Tau (Illinois State U) Joe Proctor (CS) 1006 North School St. Normal, IL 61761 Theta Omicron (Millikin U) Charles Jones, Jr. (A) 715 E. Clay St. Decatur, IL 62521 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omicron Lambda Beta (Champaign, IL) Dr. W.G D. Henderson 305 No. Jackson Danville, IL 61832 Kappa Pi Lambda (Peoria) Frederick Lewis (AS) 5012 N. Mansfield Dr. Peoria, IL 61614

Eta Eta (Western Illinois U) Kenneth S Tucker (CS) 941 Wetzel Hall • W.I.U. Macomb, IL 61455 lota Pi (SlU-Edwardsville: Metropolitan Kevin R Harper (S) Branch P.O. Box 1559 Edwardsville, IL 62025 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Epsilon lambda (East St. Louis) Frank T. Lyerson (ES) 1601 Market Street E St. Louis, IL 62207

INDIANA Director Robert McGhee 3410 West 58th St. Indianapolis, IN 46208

Zeta Rho (Indiana State U) MacLawrence Ford (P) 1220 N. 9th St. Terre Haute, IN 47809 Theta Xi (Ball State U) John Pearson IS) Box 388-BSU Muncie, IN 47306 lota Theta (Calumet College) Johnny Isbell (S) 4935 Larkspur Dr. East Chicago, IN 46312 ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Lambda (Indianapolis, IN) Leon Bradford (CS) PO. Box 88181 Indianapolis, IN 46208 Gamma Rho Lambda (Gary) Everett S. Palmer (S) 634 E. 21st Ave. Gary, IN 46407 Theta Xi Lambda (South Bend) INACTIVE Theta Upsilon Lambda (Fort Wayne) Ernest P. Lavender (S) P.O. Box 5076 Fort Wayne, IN 46825 Kappa Rho Lambda (Evansville) James Landers (AS) 714 Bayard Park Drive Evansville, IN 47713

IOWA Director Everett A. Mays P.O. Box 533 Des Moines, IA 52802 COLLEGE CHAPTERS ' Alpha Theta (Iowa State U) Roy L. Irons 706 Carriage Hill, # 4 Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Alpha Nu (Drake U) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Kappa Lambda (Des Moines) Paul V. Best (CS) 1333 30th St. Des Moines. IA 50311

KANSAS Director Delbert DeWitty 4545 Forest Park #209 St. Louis, MO 63108 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Upsilon (U of Kansas) ** See Western Missouri Gamma Chi (Kansas State College) Reginald D. Hansbrough (P) 2023 S. Elm • Apt. "C" Pittsburg, PA 66762 * Delta Mu (Wichita State U) Elarry E. Mukes 3838 Lavon Wichita, KS 67258 Epsilon Omicron (Washburn U) NO REPORT

C0LLE6E CHAPTERS Gamma Eta (Indiana U) Keith Smith (P) 700 East 8th St. Bloomington, IN 47401

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Eta Lambda (Topeka) P. J. Williams (P) 3107 Illinois Topeka, KS 66605

Gamma Rho (Purdue) Sylvester Barnes (P) 613 Waldron St. West Lafayette, IN 47906

Eta Beta Lambda (Wichita) George F. Williams (P) 2614 N. Fairmont Wichita, KS 67220


KENTUCKY Director Langston D. Smith 424 Hollow Creek Rd. Apt. A-2 Lexington, KY 40511 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Pi (U of Louisville) Danny R. Penick (P) Box 1120 Louisville, KY 40208 Beta Mu (Kentucky State U) Ronald Mumphery (P) McCullin Hall Rm. 202-State U Frankfort, KY 40601 Epsilon Chi (J of Kentucky) Desni Brannon (P) Box 379- U of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506 * Zeta Omicron (Murray State U) LaDon Cross 499 University Station-MSU Murray. KY 42071 Eta Rho (Western Kentucky U) Leo Fain (P) 321 Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, KY 42101 ALUMNI CHAPTERS * Alpha lambda (Louisville) T. A. Warford 1216 Beech St. Louisville, KY 40211 Alpha Beta Lambda (Lexington) Langston Smith (P) c/o Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter P. 0 Box 1248 Lexington, KY 40507 Gamma Beta Lambda (Frankfort) Dr. William W. Bearden (S) Box 7 Kentucky State University Frankfort, KY 40601 Gamma Epsilon Lambda (Hopkinsvillel NO REPORT

Th:ta Tau (General Motors Institute) Harry L. Alston. Jr. (S) GM.I. - 1700 W. 3rd Ave. Flint, Ml 48502 lota Epsilon (Grand Valley) Paul R. Harvey (P) 41 Buckley St. Grand Rapids, Ml 49503 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Lambda (Detroit) Ivan L Cotman (S) 20141 Mclntyre Detroit, Ml 48219 Epsilon Upsilon Lambda (Flint) William A. Tipper (P) 912 East Wellington Ave. Flint, Ml 48503 Eta Nu Lambda (Grand Rapids) NO REPORT Theta Zeta Lambda (Ann Arbor) Milton P. Brown (P) 2767 Page Ann Arbor. Ml 48104 lota Rho Lambda (Pontiac) NO REPORT * lota Phi Lambda (Muskegon Heights) Joseph Ward 2341 Fifth Ave. Muskegon Hghts., Ml 49444 lota Chi Lambda (Saginaw) James Gaddis (P) 4028 Wisner Saginaw. Ml 48601 Kappa Oelta Lambda (East Lansing, Ml) Kirby Kirksey (S) 227 S. Case Hall — MSU East Lansing, Ml 48824 Kappa Psi Lambda (Kalamazoo) Wilford Miner (AS) 1108 Bridge Kalamazoo, Ml 49001

MINNESOTA MICHIGAN Director Robert J. Chillison, III 2230 Hyde Park Rd Detroit, Ml 48207 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon (U of Michigan) Gerald Appling (S) 340 S Division St. Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 Alpha Upsilon (Wayne State U) Clarence Osley, Ir. (P) 1403 Deacon Detroit, Ml 48217 Gamma Tau (Michigan State U) Hugh S. Hatten (P) P.O. Box 466-MSU East Lansing, Ml 48823 Epsilon Eta (Eastern Michigan U) NO REPORT * Epsilon Xi (Western Michigan U) Alexander Plair 1612 North Edwards Kalamazoo, Ml 49007 Zeta Beta (Ferris State College) Alfred D. Knight (P) Box 38 Student Center-FSC Big Rapids. Ml 49307

Director James Beard 4109 Portland Ave., South Minneapolis, MN 55407 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Mu (U of Minnesota) INACTIVE ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Xi Lambda (St. Paul) Ellis F. Bullock, Jr. (P) 7710 Tessman Dr. Brooklyn Park, MN 55445



Director Clifton Bailey 3338 Aubert Ave. St Louis. MO 63115



Director Carl Smith State Rte. # 2 Lakeview Sub Div. Jefferson City, MO 65101 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Psi (Lincoln U) Paul Best 522 E. Atchinson Jefferson City, MO 65101 Zeta Alpha (U. of Missouri) Cliff Hobly (P) 801 S. Sixth • Apt. " D " Columbia. MO 65201 Zeta Gamma (Central Missouri) Frank Hinkle. Jr. (CS) 153 Knox Hall Warrensburg, MO 64093 lota Xi (Northeast Missouri) Leon Price (S) Dobson Hall-Rm. #300 N.M.S.U. Kirksville, MO 63501 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Zeta Lambda (Jefferson City) Clyde K. Phillips, Jr. (P) 1409 Chestnut St. Jefferson City, MO 65101



Director Jimmie Bufford 3202'/2 Brighton, # 2 0 Kansas City, MO 64128 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Upsilon (U of Kansas) Dexter White (P) Box 2158 Lawrence, KS 66044 Delta Rho (U of Missouri) Darryl R. Matthews (VP) 5100 Rockhill Rd Box 12 Kansas City MO 64130 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Lambda (Kansas City) Jimmie L. Buford (CS) P 0. Box 6820 Kansas City. MO 64130

NEBRASKA Director Thomas A. Phillips 5012 Ruggles St Omaha, NE 68104 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Beta (U of Nebraska) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Xi Lambda (Omaha, NE) Alfred B. Grice (S) 3222 North 24 Street Omaha, NE 68110



COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Eta (St. Louis) David Brown (S) Box 54 Lindenwood College, II St. Charles, MO 63301

Director Joseph Hill 934 Hartford Ave. Akron, OH 44320

Epsilon Psi (U of Missouri — Rolla) Frank Kenneth Billups (P) Highway 63 & Elm Rolla. MO 65401

Pi (Cleveland State'Western Reserve) Kermit Ralph Henderson (P) 1852 Alvason Road East Cleveland, OH 44112


lota Phi (Mt. Union College) Mark K. Brown (S) ' 131 Hartsthorn Alliance, OH 44601 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Rho Lambda (Youngstown) NO REPORT



Delta Alpha Lambda (Cleveland, OH) Andrew A. Venable, Jr. (CS) 3615 Lindholm Road Shaker Heights. OH 44120

Director Clarence Frazier 1145 Wionna Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45224

Eta Tau Lambda (Akron, OH) Edwin L Parms (CS) 1908 # 1 Cascade Plaza Akron, OH 44308

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha (U of Cincinnati) Irving S. Moses, Jr. (P) 632 Calhoun Hall-U of C Cincinnati, OH 45221



Director Robert Stubblefield 1340 W. Woodruff St. Toledo, Ohio 43606 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Alpha (J of Toledo) Tim Miles (S) 941 Lincoln Ave. Toledo, OH 43607 Epsilon Theta (Bowling Green U) John M. Gore (CS) 218 Offenhauer West Bowling, Green, OH 43402 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Xi Lambda (Toledo) Cyrus Lawyer (P) 3805 Ben Lomond Court Toledo. CH 43607



Director Oliver Sumlin 2724 Hoover Ave. Dayton, OH 45407 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Xi (Wilberforce U) Isiah Smith (P) Box 151 Wilberforce, OH 45384 Gamma Theta (U of Dayton) NO REPORT Delta Xi (Central State U) NO REPORT

Delta Upsilon (Miami U) Owen Latimore (P) c o E.0 0. Bishop Hall-Miami U Oxford, OH 45056 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Gamma Lambda (Cincinnati, OH) Otis Cargill (P) 806 Burns Avenue Cincinnati, CH 45215

WEST VIRGINIA Director Douglas Miller, Esq. P.O. Box 261 Institute. WVA 25112 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Zeta (West Virginia State) Jerry 0. Saunders (P) Box 28-WVSC Institute, WVA 25112 Beta Theta (Bluefield State) Adolphus Young, Jr. (A) Box 671 Bluefield, WVA 24701 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Zeta Lambda (Bluefield) Adolphus Young, Jr. (S) P.O. Box 671 Bluefield, WVA 24701 Alpha lota Lambda (Institute) John E. Scott (S) P.O. Box 303 Institute, WVA 25112

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Theta lambda (Dayton) Edward L. White (P) 5211 Big Bend Dr. Dayton, OH 45427

Gamma Delta Lambda (Beckley) INACTIVE

Chi Lambda (Wilberforce) Thomas E. Kelley Box 132 Wilberforce, OH 45384

Director Hoyt Harper 5344 64th St. Milwaukee, Wl 53218

Zeta Delta Lambda (Springfield) Riymond T. Holmes (S) 132 Welcome Way WPAFB, OH 45433

COLLEGE CHAPTERS * Gamma Epsilon (U of Wisconsin) Joseph Jackson 2409 Cypress Way, # 7 Madison. Wl 53713

Kappa Mu lambda (Lorain, CH) Jerry 0. Ledbetter (A) 2810 Packard Drive Lorain, OH 44055

Epsilon Tau (U of Wisconsin-Mil. Branch) NO REPORT

O H I O (Southeast) Director William Nelson, PhD. 2572 Burnaby Dr. Columbus, OH 43209

Zeta Delta (Northern Michigan U) NO REPORT

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon lambda (St. Louis) John R Pope (CS) 1269 Hodiamont Ave St. Louis. MO 63112

Alpha Tau (U of Akron) Michael Hughes 806 Euclid Ave. Akron. OH 44307

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa'(Ohio State U) Paul T. Venable, II (CS) 1555 Franklin Park South Columbus, OH 43205

Eta Xi (U of Detroit) Don Smith (P) 2417 Highland Detroit. Ml 48206

Epsilon Eta Lambda (Charleston) Roy Cooper. Jr. (P) 415 North Chestnut Hayti. MO 63851

Epsilon Delta (Kent State U) A. Haywood (P) Kent State U-Moulton Hall Kent, OH 44240

• Phi (Ohio U) Estes Perkins 307-35 N. McKinley Ave. Athens. OH 45701


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Rho Lambda (Columbus) Clayton Hicks (CS) P.O. Box 6870, Station E Columbus, OH 43205


' Zeta lota IU of Wisconsin) Zeta lota Chapter 178 Fraternity Ln.-U of W Whitewater, Wl 53190 ' Eta Beta (Wisconsin State U) Eta Beta Chapter U of Wisconsin Plattesville. Wl 53818 Eta Pi (Wisconsin State U) NO REPORT Zeta lota (WSU-Oskosh) NO REPORT lota Tau (Carthage College) NO REPORT

The Sphinx / May 1975

ALUMNI CHAPTER Delta Chi Lambda (Milwaukee) Taft E Benson (S) 2815 W. Ranch Road 116N Mequon, Wl 53092

SOUTH ALABAMA Director W Mingo Clark 2026 Winchester Road Huntsville, AL 35810 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Beta (Talladega College) James P. Gleason (P) Talladega College Talladega, AL 35160 Beta Upsilon (Alabama State College) Howard Mitchell IBM) P.O. Box 28-ASU Montgomery, AL 36101

0:lta Phi Lambda (Tuscaloosa) Eddie R. Johnson (S) Box 4902 - Stillman College Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

Delta Xi Lambda (Orlando) Ernest C. Goodman (CS) 3400 West Church Street Orlando, FL 32805

lota Eta (Mercer U) Charles D. Eaddy (S) P.O. Box 393-Mercer U Macon, GA 31207

Kappa B.'ta (Starksville, MS) Clarence Christian (A) 32-1 University Village Starksville, MS 39759

Epsilon Oelta Lambda (Talladega) Harold Washington (CS) 1515 Cobb Street Anniston, AL 36201

* Epsilon Mu lambda (Pensacola) James V. Gillis 814 Gulf Beach Highway Warrington, FL 32507

* Theta Alpha lambda (Gadsden) Johnny V. Rigby 1909 E. Broad Street East Gadsden, AL 35903

Epsilon Pi Lambda (Gainesville) William E. Jackson 1822 S.W. 4th Street Ocala, FL 32670

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Lambda (Atlanta) Nathaniel C. Veale, Jr. (CS) P 0. Box 92576 Atlanta, GA 30314

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Epsilon Lambda (Jackson) Dr. R W. Harrison, Jr. (S) P 0. Box 356 Yazoo City, MS 39194

* Theta Gamma Lambda (Dothan) Conrad L. Newman P.O. Box 117 Newville. AL 36353

Zeta Alpha Lambda (Ft. Lauderdale) Beniamin F. Lampkin, Jr. (P) 1400 Northwest Sixth Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311

Alpha Chi Lambda (Augusta) James Paschal (VP) P. 0. Box 5261 Augusta, GA 30906

* Epsilon Xi Lambda (Mound Bayou) George J. Bacon P.O. Box 5531 Greenville, MS 38701

Beta Phi Lambda (Savannah) Daniel Washington 1513 Cathy Street Savannah. GA 31401

Zeta Mu Lambda (Biloxi) Mack B. Harris (CS) 1908 30th Ave. Gulfport, MS 39501

' Gamma Omicron Lambda (Albany) Gordon Davis 613 Henderson Albany, GA 31705

' Eta Phi Lambda (Columbus) Otis E. Barry Rte. 1, Box 233 Steen, MS 39766

Kappa Nu Lambda (Leighton) Emmitt E. Jimmar 408 S. Atlanta Ave. Sheffield, AL 35660


' Gamma Kappa (Miles College) Jerry Jones Box 177 Miles College Birmingham, AL 35208

Director Robert L. Smith 431 Rosemary Ave. West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Gamma Phi (Tuskegee Institute) Roderick L. Green (CS) P.O. Box 36 Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Nu (Florida A&M College) Eugene L. Francis 830 Liberty St. Tallahassee, FL 32304

' Delta Gamma (Alabama A&M College) Harry Jarvis Box 314-Hopkins Hall AAMU Normal, AL 35762 Epsilon Nu (Stillman College) Henry Billups (S) 4231 Stillman College Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 ' Theta Delta (U of South Alabama) Wesley James 318 St. Charles Ave. Mobile, AL 36617 lota Nu (U of Alabama) Eric Ellington (P) 1631 18th Place -S.W. Birmingham. AL 35211 Kappa Alpha (J of Alabama) Ben Winston (A) 4116 19th Place Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Kappa Gamma (U. of North Alabama) Emmitt Jimmar (A) 408 S. Atlanta Avenue Sheffield, AL 35660 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omicron lambda (Birmingham) James Pharris (P) 35 20th Ave. Birmingham, AL 35205

* Delta Beta (Bethune-Cookman) Alphonso Mendez Box 127-BCC Daytona Bch., FL 32015 Delta Psi (Florida Memorial College) Roger Cherry (VP) 15800 NW 42nd Avenue Miami, FL 33054

Eta Kappa Lambda (Ft. Pierce) Havert L. Fenn (S) P.O. Box 1271 Ft Pierce, FL 33450 Theta Eta Lambda (St. Petersburg) Alfred B. Williams 2534 22nd Street South St. Petersburg, FL 33407 lota Beta Lambda (Cocoa) J. Albert Oiggs. Jr. (S) 1725 Country Club Drive Titusville, FL 32780 lota Pi Lambda (Miami, FL) John Pittman (S) P 0. Box 570723 Miami, FL 33157

GEORGIA Director Matthew H. Dawson 793 Magna Carta Drive Atlanta, GA 30318

Eta Delta (U of Miami) Lemuel Rosier (VP) Apt. 43 F - U of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33146

COLLEGE CHAPTERS lota (Morris Brown College) Phillip Walker 1935 Alison Court, Apt. H-13 Atlanta, GA 30311

* Theta Gamma (U of South Florida) Theta Gamma Chapter J of South Florida Tampa, FL 33620

Alpha Rho (Morehouse College) James E. Thompson (CS) P.O. Box 165-MC Atlanta, GA 30314

* Theta Sigma (U of Florida) William E. Jackson 1822 S.W. 4th Street Ocala, FL 32670 lota Delta (Florida State U) Kelvin Davis (VP) FSU Box 1404 Tallahassee, FL 32306

Alpha Phi (Clark U) Jerry Stallworth (P) Brawley Hall-Clark College Atlanta. GA 30314 Gamma Zeta (Ft. Valley State U.) Huey Spearman (CS) Box 717 F.V.S.C. Fort Valley, GA 31030

* Gamma Sigma Lambda (Ft. Valley) Dr. 0. Edward Hicks Box 586 Ft. Valley State College Ft. Valley, GA 31030 Delta lota Lambda (Columbus) Lorenzo R Mann (S) 4554 Moline Ave. Columbus, GA 31907 Epsilon Beta Lambda (Macon) Joseph D Lindsey (S) 2941 Malibu Dr. Macon, GA 31201 Eta lota Lambda (Athens) Hugh Goodrum (CS) P.O. Box 902 Athens, GA 30601 Theta Nu Lambda ILaGrange) Oliver N. Greene (S) 7)2 Pyracantha Drive LaGrange. GA 30240 lota Gamma Lambda (Brunswick) Thomas P. Williams (S) 1716 Albany St. Brunswick. GA 31520 Kappa Tau Lambda IValdosta. GA) Dr. Lafayette W. Williams (A) 415 S. Ashley Street Valdosta, GA 31061

MISSISSIPPI Director John I. Hendricks, Jr. Alcorn State College Lorman, MS 39096

ALUMNI CHAPTERS * Upsilon Lambda (Jacksonville) A St George Richardson 4526 Montcreif Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32209

D2lta D:lta (Albany State) E Charles Thomas (P) P.O. Box 257 • ASC Albany, GA 31705

Beta Beta Lambda (Miami) Franklin Clark (S) 2335 NW. 85th Miami, FL 33147

* Delta Eta (Savannah State U) J, B. Clemmons Savannah State College Savannah, GA 31404

Beta Delta Lambda (Daytona Bch.) Theo R Nicholson, Sr. (P) 1077 North Street Daytona Bch., FL 32014

Zeta Mu (Georgia State U) Henry Phillips (P) 1649 Terry Mill Rd., S.E. Atlanta. GA 30317

* Beta Omicron Lambda (Mobile) Alvin J. Allen 1205 St Mader St Mobile, AL 36603

* Gamma Zeta Lambda (Tampa) Richard F. Pride 2907 26th Street Tampa, FL 33605

Zeta Pi (U. of Georgia) Roosevelt Sanders (S) 119-1 Ashley Circle Athens, GA 30601

Delta Theta Lambda (Normal) Cleophas Haywood (F&CS) 5007 Lyngail Drive Huntsville, AL 35810

' Gamma Mu lambda (Tallahassee) Rev. Moses General Miles 1329 Abraham Street Tallahassee, FL 31204

Eta Alpha (Paine College) Anthony Campbell (S) 1235 15th Street Augusta. GA 30901

Zeta Phi (Ms Valley State College) Esper Smith (S) P.O. Box 899 Itta Bena, MS 38941

Delta Pi Lambda (Selma) John D Taylor (CS) 1905 St Phillips St. Selma, AL 36701

' Delta Delta lambda (W. Palm Beach) Kenneth Powell 1660 30th St., W. Riviera Bch., FL 33404

Theta Beta (Columbus College) Michael D. Ivey (DOP) 736 Wright Drive Columbus, GA 31907

lota Gamma (Rust College) Fred Taylor (S) Rust College Holly Springs, MS 38625

Alpha Nu Lambda (Tuskegee Inst.) Dr. Steve Goldsberry (P) 107 Fuller St. Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 Alpha Upsilon Lambda (Montgomery) Samuel L. Jackson (S) 1045 Pelham Street Montgomery, AL 36104

The Sphinx / May 1975

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Upsilon (Tougaloo College) Lucas Watson (CS) Tougaloo College Tougaloo, MS 39174 ' Delta Kappa (Alcorn State College) Leon Moore Box 267-AAMC Lorman, MS 39096 D.lta Phi (Jackson State College) Calvin Cunning (CS) PO. Box 17177 - JS.U. Jackson. MS 39217

Theta Sigma Lambda (Natchez) Norris A. Edney (P) P.O. Box 870 ASC Lorman, MS 39096

NORTH CAROLINA Director Dr A M. Witherspoon 1025 Seabrook Rd. Raleigh, NC 27610 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Omicron (Johnson C Smith University) Millory D. Felder (P) P.O. Box 785 - J.C.S.U. Charlotte, NC 28208 Beta Epsilon (A & T State U) Mack Parker (P) Box A-14 NC. A&T State U Greensburo, NC 27411 ' Beta Zeta (Elizabeth City State U) Dexter Jones 1203 Southern Ave. Elizabeth Cty., NC 27909 Beta lota (Winston-Salem State U) Robert G. Hedgepeth (P) P.O. Box 14318-WSSU Winston-Salem, NC 27102 Beta Rho (Shaw U) Lorenzo M. Hainsworth (P) Box 108 Shaw U Raleigh, NC 27602 Gamma Beta (North Carolina Central U Dennis Levi Forbes (CS) P.O. Box 19484-NCU Durham, NC 27707 Gamma Mu (Livingston College) Larry D Giles Box 62 Livingston College Salisbury, NC 28144 Gamma Ps, (St Augustine's College) S2muel McGinis PO Box 1117 Raleigh, NC 27611 Epsilon Zeta (Fayetteville State U) Howard Picett (CS) PO. Box 1438 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Zeta Epsilon (Barber-Scotia College) Charles C. King (S) Box 437-Barber-Scotia College Concord. NC 28025 Eta Nu (East Carolina State U) NO REPORT Eta Omicron (North Carolina State) Calvin McNeill (S) P 0 Box 5483-NSU Raleigh, NC 27607


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Lambda (Greensboro) George Breathett


P.O. Box 21052

Theta Nu (U of South Carolina) Richard Reed (P) Box 84511 Columbia, SC 29208

Kappa Thata (Vanderbilt U) Zenoch G. Adams 1024 Kellow St. Nashville, TN 37208

COLLEGE CHAPTERS ' Beta Sigma (Southern U) Reuben Turner Box 9929-Southern U

Greensboro, NC 27420 ' Phi Lambda (Raleigh) Richard E. Ball 1509 Summerville Circle Raleigh, NC 27610 Alpha Pi Lambda (Winston-Salem) John P, Bond, III 726 25th Street, N.W. Winston Salem, NC 27105 Beta Theta Lambda (Durham) A. J. H. Clement, III 2505 Weaver Street Durham, NC 27707 Beta Mu Lambda (Salisbury) Frank R. Brown (T) 815 W. Thomas Street Salisbury, NC 28144 Beta Nu Lambda (Charlotte) McKinley A. Cochane (P) 2015 Patton Ave. Charlotte. NC 28216

Baton Rouge, LA 70813 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Psi Lambda (Columbia) Joe E. Brown (CS) 1605 Frye Road Columbia, SC 29203 Beta Kappa Lambda (Charleston) NO REPORT Gamma Gamma Lambda (Greenville) Fred W. Bostic (S) 201 Kennedy Drive Greenville, SC 39605 Delta Zeta Lambda (Orangeburg) Peter Felder (P) Claflin College Orangeburg, SC 29115 Delta Kappa Lambda (Florence) Joseph E. Heyward (S) P.O. Box 384 Florence, SC 29501

* Gamma Kappa Lambda (Wilmington) B. T. Washington 1417 Queen Street Wilmington, NC 28401

Eta Omicron Lambda (Rock Hills) Gene Goggins (P) Rte. 1, Box 246A Chester, SC 29706

Gamma Psi Lambda (Asheville) James E. King (CS) 81 Taft Ave. Asheville, NC 28803

Theta Phi Lambda (Bennettsvilie) Ralph W. Dupree (CS) Beauty Spot Road Bennettsvilie, SC 29511

Epsilon Rho Lambda (Fayetteville) Frederick Hill (P) 2509 Caldonia Circle Fayetteville, NC 28301 Epsilon Sigma Lambda (Tarboro) NO REPORT Epsilon Chi Lambda (Elizabeth City) E. N. Smith (P)

Box 102-ESU Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Zeta Eta Lambda (Kinston, NC) B. F Hall, Jr. (S) 1007 E. Caswell St. Kinston, NC 28501 Eta Mu Lambda (Gastonia) Joel C Marable (S) 407 Belevedere Circle Kings Mountain, NC 28086 Theta Omicron Lambda (Goldsboro) John D. Stokes IS) 306 W. Chestnut Street Goldsboro, NC 27530

SOUTH CAROLINA Director William J. Davis, Jr. 4509 Williamburg Drive Columbia, SC 29203 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Delta (South Carolina State) Joe Singleton (P) Box 1954-SCSC Orangeburg, SC 29117 * Gamma Samma (Allen U) Claude J. Wells Box 120 Allen U Columbia, SC 29204 Gamma Pi (Benedict College) Ernest Alexander (P) Jenkins Hall Benedict U Columbia, SC 29204 * Delta Alpha (Claflin U) Lee Oatice McKinnon 509 Buckley Street Orangeburg, SC 29115 Eta lota (Voorhees College) Thurmond White (P) Battle Hall Voorhees College Denmark, SC 29042


* Zeta Psi Lambda (Lake Charles) Joseph Y. Ballard 2911 General Mitchell Drive Lake Charles, LA 70601

' lota Eta lambda (Denmark) Arthur J. H. Clement, Jr. Voorhees College Denmark. SC 29042

TENNESSEE Director Zenoch G. Adams 1024 Kellow Street Nashville, TN 37208 Chi (Meharry Medical College) Michael Shaw (P) Box 143-Meharry Medical College Nashville, TN 37208 Alpha Chi (Fisk U) Victor G. Brown (P) Box 329 Fisk U Nashville, TN 37203 Beta Xi (LeMoyne-Owen College) Lee Lester (P) 1607 Florida Street Memphis, TN 38109 Beta Omicron (Tennessee A & I U) Dennis Lawson (CS) Box 149-TSU Nashville, TN 37203 Beta Pi (Lane College) Gregory Scott (P) 211 Jackson Street Jackson, TN 38301 * Gamma Omicron (Knoxville College) Gamma Omicron Chapter Box 382 Knoxville College Knoxville, TN 37921 Eta Phi (U of Tennessee) Joshuah L. Barber 3120 Wilcox Blvd. Chattanooga, TN 37411 Theta Pi (Austin Peay State U) R. Briggs (CS) Hillview Hgts, Apt. C-la Clarksville, TN 37040


Nashville, TN 37208

Beta Tau (Xavier U) Donzell Floyd (DE) St. Michael's Dorm New Orleans, LA 70125

Psi Lambda (Chattanooga) Albert M. Miller, Jr. (S) 718 Midland Pike Chattanooga, TN 37411

Beta Phi (Dillard U) James V. Langie (S) P.O. Box 214 New Orleans, LA 70122

Tau Lambda (Nashville) Hayden E. Ballard, Jr.


P.O. Box 5646

Delta Sigma (Grambling U) Michael Gaines (P) P.O. Box 821 Grambling, LA 71245

Alpha Delta Lambda (Memphis) George 0. Clark, Jr. (S) 1217 Fountain Court Memphis, TN 38106

Epsilon Upsilon (Southern U) Edward Burkes (S) APA Fraternity- SUNC 6400 Press Drive New Orleans, LA 70126

Alpha Mu Lambda (Knoxville) Edward 0. Hill (P) 2643 Linden Ave. Knoxville, TN 37914 * Beta Upsilon Lambda (Jackson) Herman Stone 841 Lane Ave. Jsckson, TN 38301

Eta Gamma Lambda (Lafayette) Alvin Wiltz (S) 832 Begnaud Street Breaux Bridge, LA 70517 Eta Delta Lambda (Monroe) Louis Pargoud (CS) 500 Jason Drive Monroe, LA 71201 lota Xi Lambda (Opelousas) Donald J. Bush (P) P.O. Box 329 Opelousas, LA 70570

OKLAHOMA Director Roy L. Watson 4401 North Thompson Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Zeta Xi (U of South West Louisiana) Carol Bourgeois Box 1889-U of Southwestern Louisiana Lafayette, LA 70501

Kappa Zeta Lambda (Clarksville) NO REPORT

* Eta Kappa (Louisiana Tech U) Richard Fisher Box 6522-Louisiana Tech U Ruston, LA 71270


Eta Chi (Northeast Louisiana U) Andre' Doyal McDade (P) P.O. Box 40-NLU Monroe, LA 71201

ARKANSAS Director William H. Fowler 2515 Ringo Little Rock, AR 72201

* Theta Theta (McNeese U) Glenneth Coleman Box 233-MSU Lake Charles, LA 70601

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Chi (Philander Smith College) Arthur E. Hines (P) Box 530-Philander Smith College Little Rock, AR 72203

Theta Phi (Louisiana State U) Kenneth L. Jones 728 Desire St., Apt. 2 New Orleans, LA 70122

Gamma Delta (UAPB) P. 0. Box 4202 • UAPB Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Theta Kappa (Henderson State College) Johnny Harris (P) Route 1, Box 176C Gordon, AR 71743

Theta Chi (Northwestern State U) Hilton Verrett (P) P.O. Box 5232 Natchitoches, LA 71457 Kappa Mu (Nicholls State) Larry Charles (DOP) 6400 Press Drive • SUNO-SGA New Orleans, LA 70126

Th:ta Upsilon (Arkansas State University) Roger Veasley (P) Box 1 1 8 3 - S t a t e University Ark. Jonesboro, AR 72467

Kappa Nu (Southeastern Louisiana) Michael J. Riley SL.U. Sta. P.O. Box 3917 Hammond, LA 70401

Theta Psi (State College of Arkansas) Walter Credit (P) Box 646 - SCA Conway, AR 72032

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Kappa (Langston U) Ronald Walker (P) Langston U Langston, OK 73050 ' Epsilon Epsilon (Oklahoma State U) Ronnie Foster 408 N. Washington Stillwater, OK 74074 ' Zeta Zeta (U of Oklahoma) Harry D. Gatewood, II 640 Elm Norman, CK 73069 * Zeta Sigma (Central State U) Terry Lynn Dungee, III 3232 Prespect Oklahoma City, OK * Zeta Upsilon (Northeastern State College) Marion Terry Box 340 Haskell Hall NSC Tahlequah, OK 74464 Eta Theta (East Central State College) Alvin Thomson (S) P.O. Box 1734 Ada, OK 74820 Kappa Epsilon (Cameron U) Melvin L. Jones (AS) P. 0. Box 6397 - Cameron U Lawton, OK 73501 ALUMNI CHAPTERS

ALUMNI CHAPTERS * Sigma Lambda (New Orleans) Dr. Walter E. Morial 3328 St. Anthony Avenue New Orleans, LA 70126

Kappa lota (Southern State) William H. Fowler Little Rock Public Schools West Markham & Izard Little Rock, AR 72201

Beta lota Lambda (Baton Rouge) Paul E. Waller (CS) 1654 78th Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70807

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Pi Lambda (Little Rock) Acie L. Johnson (P) 2409 Howard Street Little Rock, AR 72206 Delta Sigma Lambda (Pine Bluff) Calvin Matlock (CS) 1000 W. 2nd Avenue Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Theta Tau Lambda (Helena) George L. Denton (S) 263 California Street Marianna, AR 72360

* Alpha Tau Lambda (Tulsa) Percy J. Perry, Jr. 3125 N. Hartford Place Tulsa, OK 74106 Beta Epsilon lambda (Boley) L. G. Ashley (S) P.O. Box 247 Boley, OK 74829

' Delta Upsilon Lambda (Shreveport) James C. Leary 2961 Looney Street Shreveport, LA 71103

Beta Eta Lambda (Oklahoma City) William G. Henderson (P) P.O. Box 11568 Oklahoma City, OK 73111

Epsilon Kappa Lambda (Grambling) Jacob T. Stewart (P) P.O. Drawer 604 Grambling, LA 71245

Beta Chi lambda (Muskogee) Vernon L. Foshee (S) 725 N. Terrace Blvd. Muskogee, OK 74401

* Epsilon Psi Lambda (Alexandria) George W. Thompson 3616 13th Street Alexandria, LA 71301

Zeta Gamma Lambda (Langston) Robert S. Anderson (CP) Box 778 Langston, OK 73050

* Zeta Chi Lambda (Bogalusa) Albert L. Jordan 1502 North Ave. Bogalusa, LA 70427

Eta Xi Lambda (Lawton) Maj. E. W. McMillan, Jr. P 0. Box 1335 Lawton, OK 73501

LOUISIANA Kappa Eta (Memphis State U) Michael R Cox (AS) 129 Rembert Memphis, TN 38104

Director Ray 0. Wright 823 Atkinson Monroe, LA 71201



The Sphinx / May 1975

^E TEXAS Director Roosevelt Johnson 2521 South Blvd. Dallas, TX 75215 COLLEGE CHAPTERS

* Theta Mu (Sam Houston State U) Conrell Brown P.O Box 2840 • Sam Houston State U Huntsville, TX 77340

Kappa Sigma Lambda (Killeen - Ft. Hood) Maj. Charles A. Green (P) HQ Masster CSS-SP Ft. Hood, TX 76544

Box 103-HTC Austin, TX 78702 * Alpha Sigma (Wiley U) Robert T. Lewis P 0. Box 464-Wiley College Marshall, TX 75670 * Gamma Alpha (Texas College) Tommy Walker Texas College Tyler, TX 75701 Delta Theta (Texas Southern U) Kenneth Ray Long (P) 3201 Wheeler Ave. Houston, TX 77004 * Epsilon Gamma (Bishop College) Donald Yares Box 233-Bishop College Dallas, TX 75241 * Epsilon lota (U of Texas) Epsilon lota Chapter Box 1712 Austin, TX 78741 * Epsilon Rho (Lamar Tech State College) Edward Nelson Box 10124-Lamar U Station Beaumont, TX 77710 Epsilon Sigma (St. Mary's U) Roy Washington CS) P S . Box 2406 San Antonio, TX 78298 * Zeta Kappa (U of Texas) George Ellis 2111 Sun Bowl Dr., # 1 1 3 - A El Paso, TX 79902 Zeta Tau (East Texas U) Edward Johnson (CS) Box S E T . Station Commerce, TX 75428 Zeta Chi (U of Texas at Arlington) Marvin Mooney (CS) Box 19193-UTA Station Arlington, TX 76019 * Eta Gamma (Prairie View A & M College) Terry Haywood Box 2255-PVC Prairie View, TX 77445 Eta Epsilon (North Texas State U) E. Vinson Brewster (P) Box 5493-N T Station Denton, TX 76203 * Eta Mu (U of Houston) Randolph Byrd 2612 Ruth Houston, TX 77004 Eta Upsilon (Texas Tech. U) Henry Wheeler (CS) 2801 8th Lubbock, TX 79409 Eta Psi (Texas Christian U) NO REPORT Theta Alpha (Jarvis Christian College) Jerry E. Parker - J.C C. Hawkins, TX 75765

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Delta (U of Southern California) Bennie J. Harris, Jr. 2727 Ellendale Place 16 Los Angeles, CA 90007

ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Kappa (Paul Quinn College) NO REPORT

Gamma Phi Lambda (Berkeley)


* Delta (Huston Tillotson College) Leroy Hasley (S)

Epsilon Mu (San Jose U) Nathaniel Newman (P) 6291 Purple Hills Drive San Jose, CA 95119

lota Mu (Stephen S. Austin State U) NO REPORT lota Omicron (Southern Methodist U) Robert S Butler (P) Box 3183 SMU Dallas, TX 75275 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Eta Lambda (Houston, TX) W. H. Fouche'(CS) 2500 N. MacGregorWay # 1 5 7 Houston, TX 77004 Alpha Sgima Lambda (Dallas) Earnest L. Wallace (P) 2334 S. Good-Latimer Expressway Dallas, TX 75215 Beta Tau Lambda (Ft. Worth) John Booker, Jr. (CS) 1316 Stafford Drive Fort Worth, TX 76134

A R I Z O N A (Phoenix) NEW MEXICO Director William M. Corbin 2401 W. Cherry Lynn Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85015 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Tau Lambda (Phoenix) William M. Corbin (CS) 2401 W. Cherry Lynn Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85015 Iota Psi Lambda (Albuquerque, NM) Samuel E. Harris, Jr. (P) P.O. Box 5435 (Kirtland AFB, NM) Albuquerque, NM 87115

ARIZONA (Tucson) NEVADA Director

Gamma Eta Lambda Archile E. Petit (P) 4412 Elmsgrove Drive Austin, TX 78721 * Gamma Pi Lambda (Galveston) Frank Windom 3215 Avenue M Vi Galveston, TX 77550 Gamma Tau Lambda (Beaumont) Elijah Moye (CS) 4125 South Fourth Street Beaumont, TX 77705 Gamma Upsilon Lambda (Marshall) T E. Gray (CS) P. 0 . Box 583 Marshall. TX 75670 Delta Rho Lambda (San Antonio) Frank Evans, Jr. (S) 318 S. Monumental St. San Antonio, TX 78203 * Epsilon Alpha Lambda (Tyler) Joe Jones 1810 North Fenton Avenue Tyler, TX 75701

Felix Goodwin 7065 N. Stardust Tucson, AZ 85718

Luther R. Harris


4851 Scotia Ave. Oakland, CA 94605 Gamma Chi Lambda (San Francisco) H. Welton Flynn (T) 565 Grove St. San Francisco, CA 94102 Eta Sigma Lambda (Palo Alto) Charles Kelly 1167 Maraschino Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Kappa Omicron Lambda (Vallejo) Otha M. Green (S) 418 LaDera Dr. Vallejo, CA 94590

Director Clinton Minnis 2 1 1 8 S . BagleySt. Los Angeles, CA 90034

B:ta Psi Lambda (Los Angeles)



6 7 4 3 3 r d Ave.


Los Angeles, CA 90043 Eta Pi Lambda (Pasadena) Mr. Frank A. Nicholson (P) P.O. Box 1884 Altadena, CA 91001

Epsilon Beta (Fresno State College) (P)

lota Zeta Lambda (Los Angeles) Mac A. Florence (P) 4237 W. 59th Place Los Angeles, CA 90043

1222 E. Kauiland St. Epsilon Epsilon Lambda (Waco) Mason Yarbrough (P) 1809 Mahalia Drive Waco, TX 76705

Fresno, CA 93706

Epsilon Tau Lambda (Prairie View) James Johnson (P) P.O. Box 2790 Priarie View, TX 77445

Ernie Shelton (S)

Epsilon Phi Lambda (Port Arthur) NO REPORT * Zeta Tau Lambda (Amarillo) Johnny N. Allen P.O. Box 841 Amarillo, TX 79105 Eta Upsilon Lambda (Odessa) NO REPORT Theta Delta Lambda (El Paso) Horace Whitfield (S) 9857 Titan Street El Paso, TX 79924 Theta Kappa Lambda (Lubbock) NO REPORT Kappa Gamma Lambda (Texarkana) NO REPORT

ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Nu Lambda (Fresno) 4775 E. Orleans Fresno, CA 93727 Kappa Eta Lambda (Bakersfield) Herbert L. Nealy (P) 4608 El Monte Way Bakersfield, CA 93309

CALIFORNIA (Bay A r e a ) Director Grandvel Jackson 257 Kensington Way San Francisco, CA 94127

CALIFORNIA (Sacramento-Stockton Area)


San Diego, CA 92120

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Sigma Lambda (San Diego) Reginald Jackson (CS) 3194 Caminito Quixote San Diego, CA 92154

COLORADO Director Harrison Hudson 2655 Locust St. Denver, CO 80207 COLLEGE CHAPTERS " Alpha lota (U of Colorado) Marcellus Martin 3321 Buch St. Denver, CO 80207 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Psi Lambda (Denver, CO) William L. Guidry (CS) 4991 Wheeling Street Denver, CO 80239 * lota Omicron Lambda (Colorado Springs) Leon Jenkins (P) 628 E. Fountain Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80903

WASHINGTON OREGON Director Clifford Donley, Jr. 347 29th Ave. Seattle, WA 98122

Director Clifford Basfield 520 West 5th Street Stockton, CA 95206 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta Eta (Davis, CA)) Al Murray (P) 1220 5th St. # 1 3 Davis, CA 95616 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Beta Lambda (Sacramento) Marcus Crowder (P) P.O. Box 22261 Sacramento, CA 95831

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Epsilon (UCBerkeley)

Samuel McElroy

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Eta Sigma (San Diego, CA) Norman Hall (S) 2611 Keen Drive San Diego, CA 92120

Theta Pi Lambda (Las Vegas)

Director William H. Day 3654 Santa Ana Ave. Fresno, CA 93726


Kappa Alpha Lambda (Monterey) John J. Phillips (P) P.O. Box 252 Monterey, CA 93940


CALIFORNIA (Bakersfield-Fresno A r e a )

CALIFORNIA (San Diego A r e a )

6531 Hopedale Ct.

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Psi Lambda (Tucson) Norman Bartee (CS) 8321 E. Karolee PI. Tucson, AZ 85710


lota Psi (California Polytechnic U) Joseh Paige (S) 147 E. Golden Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90003

Theta Beta Lambda (Richmond) NO REPORT

CALIFORNIA (Los Angeles A r e a )


lota Chi (U of Redlands) Kenneth 0. Chapman (T) 846 E Margarita St. Rialto, CA 92376

CALIFORNIA (San Bernadino A r e a )

* Delta Omicron (Stanford)


George Hall 1323 Gilman Ave. San Francisco, CA 94124

Kenneth Chapman 846 East Margarita St. Rialto, CA 92376

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha XI (U of Washington) Marcus Nelson (CS) P.O. Box 22219 Seattle, WA 98122 Beta Psi (U of Oregon) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS * Epsilon Zeta lambda (Portland, OR) Carl Deiz 9144 N. Chautaugua Portland, OR 97217 Zeta Pi Lambda (Seattle, WA) Wallace L. Johnson 2451 26th Ave , E Seattle, WA 98102 lota Mu Lambda (Tacoma, WA) Eugene S. Morris (S) Box 171-Fern Hill Station Tacoma, WA 98412

The Sphinx

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convention Hotel Fontainebleau Miami Beach, Florida >


August 1 • 7,1975 Deadline for Pre-Registration without Late Fee is July 15

The end of the General Convention signals the beginning of the 1976 Fraternal year. Be an Alpha supporter. . . Help your Fraternity retain a strong financial picture by paying your Grand Tax in September to ensure the continued funding of your Fraternity's programs.


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