The SPHINX | Summer 1977 | Volume 63 | Number 4 197706304

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ft VOLUME 63, NUMBER 4 • DECEMBER 1977 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

This issue is missing some pages The best copy available was scanned

ON THE DRAWING BOARD: Meet the Brothers of the Northland — your hosts for the 1978 Minneapolis General Convention . . . Regional Convention information . . . An update on the '78 General Convention . . . And, would you believe, whatever else I can come up with . . .

GDITOR'S Greetings . . . and best wishes in the New Year to each of you . . . Our mailing list now consists solely of Life Members and 1978 Pass Card holders. If you know of Brothers not receiving their magazine, please have them submit a correct address (including Zip Code) along with their LM or '78 Pass Card number. If this is done, we'll straighten out the problem in a hurry . . . Despite complaints regarding non-receipt, THE SPHINX remains our most effective means of communicating with the Brotherhood. For this reason, we have included several items herein for your use. These include (1) the application form for the Education Foundation's Undergraduate Scholarship (a special thanks to Foundation Chairman William Ross, who relinquished his column to insure inclusion of this item); (2) the nomination petition for our DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIANS competition (we know you College Brothers are doing it to death — just help us tell the world); and (3) a Job Interview blank which, upon return, will register you with the General Convention's Job Interview and Recruitment Program. This last insert is extremely important. With unemployment at its present rate, especially among minorities, we cannot afford to allow top firms to come to us for assistance and return emptyhanded. Please, send us your resumes by July 1 s t . . . It's again time to give recognition to the many Brothers who made this issue possible. Let me begin with a special note of thanks to the many chapter editors and other local Brothers who keep our CHAPTER NEWS and ALPHAS ON THE MOVE pages filled with the many accomplishments of The Men in Black and Gold. In my three-plus years as Editor, I've seen local contributions grow at a tremendous rate and, while I frequently spotlight Brothers who send in special features, let the record show that we could not publish an issue without the help of the Brothers across the country . . . Special features were submitted by — Brother MARCUS NEUSTADTER, highlighting the Morial victory in New Orleans; Brother LEWIS HURST, our FOCUS article on Brother BENJAMIN MALCOLM; Brother OTHA N. BROWN, JR., VIEWPOINT; Brother WARREN PALMER, LEGACY; Brother DAVID BROWN, who scored again with COLLEGE SCENE; and, Brother CARL HAMIEL of Epsilon Eta Chapter at Eastern Michigan University, who contributed the fine article on Brother THOMAS AVERETT, our ALPHA ATHLETE. My sincere thanks are extended to each of these Brothers and, I'll be looking for your contribution in future issues. Remember, THE SPHINX is YOUR magazine ... Until next issue ... M JP



Official Organ MICHAEL J. PRICE Editor-in-Chief

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.


JEWELL V.COOK Art Director

11 - VIEWPOINT: Brother Otha N. Brown, Jr. presents another stirring commentary, this column on Reverses in Affirmative Action... 13 - FOCUS: spotlights Brother Benjamin J. Malcolm, new member of the United States Parole Commission . . . 15 - COLLEGE SCENE: "They don't make 'em like they used to" is one of the most harmful, and false, cliches in Greekdom. Brother David Brown studies our problem in highlighting the achievements of younger brothers, something which might be a cause of this misconception . . . 18 - LEGACY: " 1 9 8 4 " , the universal codeword for "the future," is just a few years away. Brother Warren Palmer discusses Imperatives of Alpha Men for the 80's and Beyond . . . 23 - ALPHA ATHLETES: Brother Thomas Averett pounds the turf for the Eastern Michigan University Huron's . . . Also in this issue you'll find CONVENTIONS AND MEETINGS (Page 12), info on Regional and State meets, and an update on the MILLION DOLLAR FUND DRIVE (Page 24) . . . Three special inserts are included for your use • First the nomination blank for our DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIANS competition (Page 14); next, the application for the Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation's UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP (Page 17); and, finally, a JOB INTERVIEW FORM (Page 20) — which will register you in the Job Interview and Recruitment Program at the upcoming General Convention in Minneapolis. DEPARTMENTS

They don't make Alphas the way they used to <sio

2 3 4 6 16 20 22 26 27 31 42 45


The General President Speaks The Executive Secretary's Desk There Goes An Alpha Man Alpha Workshop Life Membership Opportunity Line Alpha Calendar Price List Alphas On The Move Chapter News Omega Chapter Chapter Directory


MARVIN GOODWIM Alpha Athletes WILLIAM ROSS, JR. Educational News JAMES R. WILLIAMS Ex-Officio LAURENCE T. YOUNG, SR., Omega Chapter

ABOUT THE COVER: Past General President ERNEST N. MORIAL scores another first as he prepares to take over the New Orleans mayoral seat. Cover: Illustration by Anthony Nowakowski.

The Sphinx is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc.. 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Chicago. IL 60653. Published four times a year: February. April. October and December. Send all editorial mail and change of address (send both addresses) to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653. Manuscripts of art submitted to The Sphinx should be accompanied by addressed envelopes and return postage. Editor assumes no responsibility tor return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. Opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and use of any person's name in fiction, semi-fiction articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility of The Sphinx. I is never done knowingly. Copyright 1976 by The Sphinx, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Reproduction or use, without written permission, of the editorial or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited. The Sphinx has been published continuously since 1914. Organizing Editor: Bro. Raymond W. Cannon. Organizing General President: Bro. Henry Lake Dickason. Second class postage paid at Chicago. IL. Postmaster: Send form 3579 and all correspondence: 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Chicago. IL 60653.

The Sphinx / December 1977


f i n ©isnii&iL migs©iE®nr mm& Greetings: As Alphas across this nation and abroad held their recently concluded Founders Days programs, we had an opportunity to reflect upon the precepts of our great Brotherhood. Beginning our 72nd year of continuous service to humanity, we can look back with pride at our accomplishments during this period and, at the same time, intensify our efforts toward the betterment of mankind in the coming years. The 1977 Founders Day celebration came at a time when our Fraternity is vibrant with activity and the Spirit of Brotherhood. Yet, we must never forget what set our Seven Jewels apart from their counterparts - the desire to transcend all. Thus, our programs today must not be our programs of the future; our accomplishments of one period must be bettered in the future; and, most importantly, each of us must constantly re-kindle the individual and group determination to "Transcend All." MODEL PLEDGE PROGRAM Of utmost importance is the need to eliminate all problems associated with our pledge programs. We must adopt a nononsense approach to pledgeship. Such a model pledge program would have as its emphasis scholarship and community service - aims consistent with those of the Fraternity. Further, the time frame of the pledge period will be designed to accomplish the necessary instructions without an abundance of frivolity. This should be a maximum of 30 days or a shorter period mandated by university regulations. Development of the model pledge program is being coordinated by the Commission on College Brothers Affairs. Your input is welcomed on the important project. BUSINESS ENCOURAGEMENT WEEK I would urge each chapter to begin plans for our Annual Business Encouragement Week in May. Each chapter should appoint a chairman for this project and forward the name and address of that brother to our national Co-Chairman of the Business Encouragement Commission, Brother Leroy Jeffries, 3540 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90010. The significance of our business oriented activities cannot be underestimated. As professional men and those training for the professions, it is vital that we take the lead in directing young Black men and women into business. Blacks must gain a greater awareness of the importance of the free enterprise system. Money is power and we, as consumers rather than investors, have very little. We need to understand the wisdom of saving and investing as opposed to the acquisition of material items such as cars, furs, etc. The interest in and activities of our Business Encouragement Commission continue to grow. You can help in providing a vital service to our community by joining this effort. LEADERSHIP CONFERENCES We are now studying the possibility of scheduling leadership conferences for the officers of our local chapters. As presently envisioned, these meetings would cover such areas as the basics of running the chapter, ritual procedures and rushing. Participants would include two chapter officers, at least one of whom is a freshman or sophomore. 2

Each brother is urged to send me his ideas in this regard. This might also be a good topic for your next chapter meeting - giving you an opportunity to evaluate your program and gaining a consensus on those areas which should be given immediate attention. GENERAL CONVENTION '78 Our 72nd Anniversary Convention, dedicated to "The Black Woman," continues to develop on schedule. The Brothers of Gamma Xi Lambda and Mu Chapters have generated much enthusiasm and support for our visit in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. We all recognize the importance of the General Convention in terms of conducting the business of the Fraternity. However, not to be overlooked is the unique opportunity provided at these gatherings to really see Brotherhood in action. With this in mind, if there is anything we can do to make your stay in Minneapolis more pleasant, please feel free to let us know. We want your suggestions because we want you to fellowship with us and return to your homes with a feeling of accomplishment and comraderie. Mark the dates - July 28 - August 3, 1978! We'll look for each of you and your families in Minneapolis. Fraternally,

/ /

JAMES R. WILLIAMS General President

The Sphinx / December 1977



On behalf of the General Office staff, I extend to the entire Brotherhood of ALPHA wishes for A Joyous Holiday Season! As we go about our plans for the coming year, we would ask that Brothers and Chapters alike do the same: RE-DEDICATE yourself to "the principles as set forth in the Alpha Hymn - Manly deeds, Scholarship, and Love for ALL Mankind;" to the reclaiming of Brothers who have strayed from the fold by rekindling in them the spirit of ALPHA; and, to fulfilling your ($) pledges in support of the One Million Dollar Campaign and Alpha's other educational pursuits. MAKE PLANS NOW to attend your Regional Convention and actively participate in it and the General Convention (July 28 August 3) in Minneapolis, MN. In an effort to open lines of communications between the General Office and all levels of the fraternity, all Chapters and Regional Officers are asked to send current addresses (if a Directory is not already on file — check listing in back) to assure receipt of chapter correspondence. Throughout this year the office has also tried to take actions such as increasing field service to chapters, instituting an in-house workshop communique with the Board and Regional Directors, and providing chapters with technical assistance to help "fine tune" existing national programs and services to assure that our main objectives - - - strength, innovation, and service — are accomplished. (This is in line with our concentration on making our service even better.) This will be our same direction for the future. Since this is also the time of the year several Brothers are giving some thought to making resolutions for the betterment of themselves, I would like to suggest that the following also be one of your more serious resolutions:

" * * * I AM AN ALPHA Because I was pledged, initiated, And have seen the light, My chapter meetings and activities are attended regularly. Committee work is my specialty. New ideas are brought in by me. And I willingly accept the desires (will) of the majority. My dues or chapter budget and MY GRAND TAX, Are paid on time. I give constructive criticism to my chapter's program. No more will I become unfriendly with (to) my brother Who fails to agree with me. I will keep my vows. I am loyal. I AM AN ALPHA" D n ... . - Bro. D. W. Lewis Beta Lambda Kansas City, KS Fraternally,

James B. Blanton Acting Executive Secretary

The Sphinx / December 1977


Brother 0 . RUDOLPH AGGREY, of the District of Columbia, has been sworn in as United States Ambassador to the Socialist Republic of Romania, succeeding Harry G. Barnes, Jr. Born in Salisbury, North Carolina, on July 24, 1926, Ambassador Aggrey received a B.S. degree, with highest honors, from Hampton Institute in Virginia in 1946, and an M.S. from Syracuse University in 1948. He was a Fellow of the Center for International Affairs at Harvard University during the academic year 1964-65. From 1947 to 1950, Ambassador Aggrey worked as a news reporter in Cleveland, Ohio (Cleveland Call and Post), and served on the public relations staff of the United Negro College Fund in New York and Bennett College in North Carolina. The Ambassador joined the Department of State in 1951. That same year, he began his Foreign Service career as Vice Consul and Information Officer at the American Consulate General in Lagos, Nigeria. In 1953 he was transferred to the United States Information Agency. He served in Europe, first as Assistant Director of U.S. Informational and Cultural Programs for Northern France, in Lille, and subsequently as Assistant Cultural Officer at the American Embassy in Paris. From 1957 to 1960, he served as the first Director of the Rue du Dragon Cultural Center in Paris. Returning to the Department of State in 1960, he was named Deputy Public Affairs Adviser for the Bureau of African Affairs and, between 1961 and 1964, accompanied senior U.S. officials on seven overseas trips, which included nearly every African country. In 1965, he became Chief of the French Branch of the Voice of America, and in 1966 was assigned to the American Embassy in Kinshasa, Zaire, as First Secretary and Deputy Director of Informational 4

0. Rudolph Aggrey and Cultural Services. His next position was that of Program Manager of the United States Information Agency's International Motion Picture and Television Service, from 1968 to 1970. In 1970, Ambassador Aggrey became Director of the Office of West African Affairs in the Department of State, a position he held until his appointment as Ambassador to the Republic of Senegal and to the Republic of The Gambia in 1973. He served as Ambassador to both countries until July, 1977. On July 8, 1977, at the end of his mission in Dakar, Senegalese President Leopold Sedar Senghor decorated Ambassador Aggrey, awarding him the rank of Grand Officer in Senegal's National Order of the Lion. The Ambassador is a member of Alpha Kappa Mu (Honorary Scholastic Society), Sigma Delta Chi (Professional Journalism Society), and is currently affiliated with Beta Mu Lambda Chapter of

Salisbury, NO He received the Hampton Institute Alumni Award in 1961. In 1964, the then Governor Terry Sanford made him one of the original members of the North Carolina Society of the Prodigal Son. He received USIA's Meritorious Service Award in 1955, and the Superior Service Award in 1960. That same year, he was elected an honorary member of the French Academy of Jazz. On September 23, 1977, Livingstone College in Salisbury, North Carolina, conferred upon Ambassador Aggrey the honorary degree of doctor of laws (L.L.D.). The Ambassador speaks French. Ambassador Aggrey is married to the former Francoise Fratacci, and they have a daughter, Roxane Rose. Among the Alpha brothers present at the swearing in were Dr. Charles H. Wesley, AMEZ Bishop Charles Foggie and S. W. Lancaster. Outstanding among the accomplishments of Alpha men is the work of FRANK H. ALSTON, Jr., Assistant Chief Designer, the Institute of Heraldry, Department of the U.S. Army. Brother Alston has contributed positively to the world of industrial design for many years through his creation of distinctive U.S. medals and insignia in which his work has been supplemented by sculptors and metallurgists. Among Frank's many creations are the valued Distinguished Service Medal of the U.S. Air Force; the coveted Congressional Space Medal of Honor; the official portrait of Gen. Andrew McNamara, former Army Quartermaster General; the seal of the Energy Research and Development Administration; the painted, official presidential seal for President Johnson's plane, Air Force 1; the U.S. Army Bicentennial Medallion; and the Humanitarian Service Award of the U.S. Armed Forces. The Sphinx / December 1977

Frank H. Alston

Included among Brother Alston's awards are those of the Washington Society of Artists; the John Hope Purchase Award of Atlanta U.; the Tiffany Fellowship for Painting. A winner of 14 major art scholarships, who works with the calm assuredness of a Chancellor of the Exchequer, Frank has pursued his creative activity in many parts of the world. He has exhibited at major galleries, including the Congressional Library, Howard, Corcoran, and the Pennsylvania Academy. He is listed in Who's Who in Art and in Dover's American Negro Art. A productive member of Mu Lambda chapter for 10 years, Alston, termed "Rembrandt" by his college fellows, graduated from Providence R.I. College of Design in his native city and studied later at Howard and at Maryland U. His family consists of his wife, Barbara; his daughter, Linda Daniels; and son, Frank, III. Brother Alston, through the sheer force of his accomplishment and personality and by the virtue of his altruistic dealings with his fellows and students, is representative of the highest traditions of Alpha Fraternity. Brother ODELL H. SYLVESTER, Jr., Gamma Phi Lambda Chapter, has recently been appointed as the Chief of Police, Berkeley Police Department. He is the first Black ever to be appointed to this august position. His highly successful career began with an appointment to the Oakland Police Department as a Patrolman in 1949. He progressed through the ranks by competitive examination to Sergeant in 1957, Lieutenant in 1961, Captain in 1963, and Deputy Chief in June 1971. The Sphinx / December 1977

Some of his professional successes have included developing the Oakland Police Department's New Careers Program in 1968. The goal of the program was to develop the skills of unemployed and under-employed persons by a combination of education and on-the-job training. He also served as the Director of the Model Cities Program, which involved 20 minority police officer candidates in a two year program to meet the minimum Police Department standards. The program terminated in March 1974, at which time, 10 candidates had become Oakland Police Officers. Additionally, he served as the Project Director for Bay Area Minority Recruitment Project which began in January 1973 and terminated in January 1974. The project involved San Francisco, Berkeley, Richmond and Oakland Police Departments, and was funded by the California Council on Criminal Justice. Four phases of the advertising media were used to recruit 2,449 police officer candidates. 77 candidates qualified through Oakland's testing procedures and 25 candidates have been appointed to the Police Department. Brother Sylvester has been a member of a wide range of professional associations'. Advisory Board for the Development of Model Rules of Conduct for Internal Disciplinary Action — International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), Washington, D.C. (197475); Ad Hoc Committee to Study Crime and Violence Education and California Attorney General's Office (1974-75); Advisory Committee on California Detention Practices, California Youth Authority (1974-75); Executive Committee, Law in a Free Society, California State Bar Association (1972-); Juvenile Delinquency Task Force, California Council on Criminal Justice (1970-72); Consultant, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare on Youth Services Bureaus (1972); Consultant, United States District Court Northern District Eastern Ohio, Cleveland, Ohio (1976-77); Consultant, State of California, Department of Justice, Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (1976); Bay Area Chapter American Society for Public Administration (ASPA); International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP); California Peace Officers Association (CPOA); Far Western Region VI VicePresident, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE). He has participated in a number of non-professional, social and community

activities: Vice-President, Board of Directors of the Oakland Boys' Club; Board of Governors of the Goodwill Industries; Lake Meraitt Breakfast Club; Lions International Service Club; Men of Tomorrow, Inc; Kiwanis International Service Club. Additional activities and memberships during the past several years include: Boy Scouts of America; The Oakland Central YMCA; Chairman of the Fund-Raising Campaign for the Board of Directors of the Northwest YMCA; Family Service Agency; College Bounders Committee; National Conference of Christians and Jews; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Because of his many years of outstanding service, various community organizations presented him with awards for outstanding service to the Oakland community in 1968, 1969, 1971 and 1976. Brother Sylvester's formal education includes a Bachelors of Science degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Masters of Public Administration from the University of Southern California. He has completed some post-graduate study at Harvard University. He is married, has a son who is now a newscaster; a daughter who is a mother and housewife living in Oakland.

ME 5


James B. "Tiny" Blanton (Acting) Executive Secretary

WORKSHOP Several chapters have changed the officers who are responsible for transmitting forms to the General Office; thus, we are experiencing continuous problems with the proper procedures to be followed regarding the NOTICE OF INITIATION form. Therefore, in an effort to eliminate future problems and delays, a previous workshop is again made available — to be followed as an official guideline in preparing the N.O.I, form. Note: Copies of all Workshop articles should be made and placed in the Chapter File for future reference. Perhaps the most troublesome form for our chapters to file is the NOTICE OF INITIATION form. Most of the problems that have been encountered are due to disregard for: (1) the time period (three weeks) needed to complete the PROCESSING OF NEW MEMBERS; (2) obtaining the APPROPRIATE SIGNATURES on the N.O.I. form; and (3) obtaining and transmitting TRANSCRIPTS and HEALTH CERTIFICATES at the proper time. Any of the above, especially (3), will surely guarantee that the chapter's entire remittance will be rejected and not processed until all problems have been corrected. If members of your chapter have not received their initiation materials (Shingles/Pins/History Books), it would be wise to check with the National Office to find out if proper procedures were followed when materials were ordered. As a means to eliminate the major problem of "proper timing," I have broken down the procedure for filing the N.O.I, form into easy-to-follow steps: TO SEND OR NOT TO SEND . . . IS NOT THE QUESTION Due to the large number of possible misunderstandings involved in submitting this form, I will attempt to present the steps as simply as I can to ensure that each step is clearly understood. Step 1 : At least one week before Sphinx Club induction ceremonies, copies 1 (Green) and 2 (Gold) of the NOTICE OF INITIATION form should be filled out with the Name and Date of Birth of all candidates for the club. Copies 1 and 2 (signed by the Chapter Secretary) should then be sent — along with a copy of each candidate's official transcript* — to the Vice President (or Regional Director, where applicable) for his approval and signature. Step 2: After affixing his signature, the Vice President (or Regional Director) will return copy 2 to the chapter to be retained. All approved candidates can then be inducted into the Sphinx Club. Step 3: The chapter should then carry out, as soon as possible (to allow at least 15 days before the last pledge week for forms to be received in the National Office), the balloting of proposed candidates to be initiated into the fraternity. Afterwards, all candidates meeting constitutional requirements and affirmative approval of the chapter should then be listed on copies 3, 4 and 5 of the

NOTICE OF INITIATION form. The Registrar of the College must also affix his signature on copies 3, 4 and 5 to signify the approved candidates meet all of the requirements of the college. While the forms are being prepared, each candidate is to have a medical examination and present proof of same to the Dean of Pledges. Step 4: After all of the above procedures have been carried out, the chapter is now ready to forward the following to the Executive Secretary at National Headquarters — all of which must be received 15 days prior to the beginning of Pledge Week. A. Completed REMITTANCE OF FUNDS form (see October issue of Sphinx — page 7) along with all required fees for initiates. B. Completely filled out OFFICIAL PIN ORDER BLANK. C. Copies 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the NOTICE OF INITIATION form properly filled out (with full names, dates of Pledge Week, and Date of Initiation on all three copies) — and signed, along with Medical Certificates. (An outline of proposed activities to take place during Pledge Week should show on the back of copies 3, 4 and 5 of the N.O.I.) Step 5: The Executive Secretary shall certify the receipt of proper fees and transmit copies 3 and 4 to the Vice President for his signature, and retain copies 2 and 5 for the chapter record file. The Vice President will forward copy 3 to the chapter, and copy 4 to the Regional Director (with the medical records). After the initiation has taken place, the Regional Director forwards copy 4 to the Vice President indicating successful/non-successful completion of the same. Note: No initiation shall take place in a chapter, whether college or alumni, except under the supervision of the Regional Vice President or his designated representative. If you find your chapter without forms, you should know that Notice of Initiation forms can be obtained from the National Office by just asking for them, which should be done as far in advance of anticipated need as possible. Don't wait until the last minute to mail in your request. *For Alumni - copy of earned degree or certified statement from the Registrar of the College that the candidate was awarded an appropriate degree (Baccalaureate degree/minimum).


The Sphinx / December 1977

Ernest N. (Dutch) Morial grew up in New Orleans' Faubourg Marigny, where a delightful blend of melting-pot cultures embraces the uniqueness of the French Quarter but retains a flavor very much its own. Adjacent to the more grandiose French Quarter, the neighborhood is filled with small shotgun houses, their stoops inset in banquettes with Victorian gingerbread lacing the otherwise simple structures. In such a house, Morial grew up as the youngest of six children, the son of a skilled cigar maker and a mother who worked as a tailor and who was a prudent household manager. All races were — and are — combined in the Faubourg Marigny, which is basically a mixture of lower- and middle-income residents. A white family lived next door to the Morials, and black, white and Spanish children played together every afternoon after school. Most families, like the Morials, were Catholic and very religious. It was this basic background from which Morial sprang to become the first black to break the color barrier in more high public offices than any other Louisianian, including his recent election as New Orleans' mayor.


Dutcb" on

'DUTCH Brother Ernest Morial reaches another milestone in his meteoric career. In this article he discusses his life and future plans as Mayor of New Orleans.

At the Morial house there was always food on the table, but the family was classified as poor. "We were poor, but we were happy," said Morial. Some of his fondest memories are of the smells of bread baking and sights of craftsmen working as he meandered through the neighborhood on long walks. "It was a ritual that my father did the buying, and the boys would go to the store with him," Morial recalls. Until his recent campaign, when time restrained him, Morial was seen regularly in the supermarkets, doing the weekly shopping. "I enjoy doing it, making groceries, as they call it in New Orleans," he said. Morial still likes to walk and continues occasionally to ride buses to the office since his election as mayor. He frowns at what he calls the "five-block-long limousine" and the "four-martini lunch." The afternoons after school when children of all races played together influenced Morial's desire for racial harmony, he said. But playing on the sidewalks and streets was where it stopped in those days. The above article, by Dale Curry, is a reprint from the Baton Rouge (LA) Morning Advocate. 7

THE CRESCENT CITY'S FIRST CITIZEN New Orleans, La. - New Orleans, the Crescent City, with the reputation of being "The City that Care Forgot," with the election of former General President Ernest Nathan Morial as Mayor, has taken on a new veneer and can now be known as "The City that Cares." Brother Morial made history Saturday, November 12, becoming New Orleans' first Black mayor in his undisputed defeat of veteran Councilman-at-Large Joseph V. DiRosa, who during the campaign attempted to establish his own ethnic identification by claiming that he, too, was a "minority" candidate, being of Italian birth, another political gimmick that would not be accepted by New Orleans' electorate, and when the "dust of battle had settled," both Brother Morial and his nativity had made history - "carving something new and something different on the scroll of time." A former judge of the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court and the state Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal, and Representative to the Louisiana State Legislature, Brother Morial's election to be New Orleans' first citizen, added another "first" to his colorful career, which reads more like "fiction" than "fact," and could easily provide background material for a best-seller in either category. Mayor-elect Morial's career and many achievements at age 48 are far from being accidental, nor has "he had greatness thrusted upon him." His accomplishments have come through dedicated and sacrificial concern and efforts on the parts of Brother Morial and his family. Being the true Alpha man and brother that he is, Brother Morial's philosophy is embedded deeply in the last ten words of the Alpha Phi Alpha Prayer, " . . . so that we may become, Through Thee, Servants of all," and his entire campaign was directed in that way, to serve all of the people to the best of his ability. Brother Morial was able to sell his image of dedication and concern to a progressive-minded New Orleans, and brought together a unified Black vote, not 100 percent, but strong enough, coupled with a sizable white vote, to win. The Morial Election results, according to some reports, is being considered for publication in the next edition of Guiness' Book of World Records, since a new record of "Black Togetherness" was recorded in New Orleans. Numerous Black and white political groups, fraternal and

"We played with whites in the evenings, but we couldn't go to school together," he said. "We'd walk to the movie together, and they'd sit downstairs, and we'd sit upstairs." During his campaign for mayor, Morial conducted a television interview in a small park where he'd go as a kid and stand outside while the white kids played inside. As a young law student, Morial recalls, his first night in the LSU dorm was met with students shouting, at the sight of him and a fellow black student, "Niggers in the dorm. Niggers in the dorm." When he takes over as mayor April 1, he will hold a high ex-officio administrative post at Tulane University, where he was refused admittance in the 1950's. Morial, at 48, is no fledgling on the political scene and has reached many milestones that no black before him has achieved. He was the first black to graduate from the LSU Law School, the state's first black legislator in this century, the first black judge to serve on the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court and the state Court of 8

religious organizations and just plain folks endorsed Morial, who was endorsed by both daily papers, The Times-Picayune and States-Item. Brother Morial received the backing of key Black groups like the Southern Organization for Unified Leadership, the Community Organization for Unified Leadership, the Community Organization of Urban Politics, the Black Organization for Leadership Development and the Orleans Parish Progressive Voters League. The New Orleans Frontiers Club International broke its policy and endorsed Morial, whose Alpha brothers were on his "left and right and behind him to assist him in any forward progress." Brother Morial's victory was not one of total Blackness. He also had the backing of some influential whites as well as the Alliance for Good Government, the Independent Women's Organization and the New Orleans Coalition. Brother Andrew J. Young, Jr., United Nations Ambassador, in New Orleans to deliver a Founders' Day address at Dillard University, where he spent his freshman college year, and to receive an honorary degree, although he did not endorse Brother Morial, opened his address with the following statement, that drew fire from the opposition's camp - "It's not 'Dutch' Morial that's on trial, it's this city. I hope you vote for your future -there is nothing more important in your life than who gets elected mayor in this city." . . . Brother Young also pointed out that "If you look at cities that elected mayors that happened to be Black - like Atlanta - they have been able to bring in millions of dollars of investments." In his announcement speech, Brother Morial promised to the City he will preside over as its mayor to deal with the multiple problems, the same as all major metropolitan areas, but gave no priorities - "We are going to make New Orleans a safe city, a city that will not tolerate the muggers, the purse snatchers, the armed robbers, the rapists, the burglars and the murderers." He has further promised to improve both the educational system and the Port of New Orleans, which are responsibilities not considered in the past to be mayoral. The inauguration ceremonies for Mayor-elect Morial and City Councilmen will be held on May 1, 1978, a date that will be long remembered and recorded in the history of New Orleans, "A New Jerusalem," the City that Cares. Marcus N. Neustadter, President Sigma Lambda Chapter New Orleans, Louisiana

Appeal, Fourth Circuit and was the first black assistant U.S. attorney in New Orleans. As the city's next mayor, Morial sees his role as "trying to improve life for other people." At this point, he refuses to discuss publicly his appointments, specific programs and the changes he will make in city government. His answer to when he will decide who the next police superintendent and other high officials will be is "sometime before April 1." Morial doesn't hesitate to refuse an answer to a reporter's question or, indeed, to say he doesn't know the answer. That characteristic is called "honesty" by Morial but "arrogance" by some of the news media. At this premature stage of his new administration, it is the only disparaging label that has been placed on him regularly. Morial conceded he is somewhat "impatient" and, like his predecessor Mayor Moon Landrieu, he complains vehemently of headlines and television news reports that are, in their minds, misguided. The Sphinx / December 1977


Photo above: Brother ERNEST N. MORIAL addresses his supporters at a victory party celebrating his election. Looking on is Brother Marc H. Morial, son of the Mayor-Elect and a member of Psi Chapter at the University of Pennsylvania. As the first black mayor of this major Southern city, how does Morial intend to smooth over feelings with the racially conservative whites. He doesn't. "Those are the ones who will not change their attitudes no matter what you do," he said. "I'm the mayor of all the people, even those who didn't vote for me. Ours is a government of inclusion, not exclusion." On key appointments in city government, Morial will say only, "We're looking for the best and the brightest." Although he feels that discrimination against blacks has not yet been abolished in the American way of life, he believes that blacks "want equitable opportunity. They don't want preferential treatment." Morial was a young lawyer in the late 1950s, having graduated from Xavier University and LSU Law School and having served a stint with the U.S. Army Intelligence Corps. He became involved with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People as a cooperating attorney for its legal defense fund. From 1956 on, Morial's hand was in every local suit of the civil rights movement resulting in the integration of schools, buses, playgrounds, taxis, Municipal Auditorium and hotels. By 1972, he was president of the New Orleans branch of the NAACP at the height ot sit-ins and citizens council formations throughout the South. During his three-year presidency, he increased NAACP membership from 2,000 to 10,000 and left office with a treasury of $40,000 which, according to Morial, is more than the organization had before or since. "I like to move," says Morial. Some critics say he moves too fast and that he no sooner gets into one office than he begins to run for another. It has been observed that Morial doesn't smile much either, although he says he smiles "when I have something to smile about." "I don't like rhetoric," he said, acknowledging that backslapping and toothpaste-ad smiles are not his style. "I'm not like that. I think sincerity is something that people want," he said. Although he is at home in simple surroundings, such as the lowrent campaign headquarters where he still goes to the office each day to contemplate his mayorship, he is equally comfortable in the best of surroundings. "I've traveled. I've lived in the best hotels in America. I drive a 1971 Mercedes automobile. I don't have to be mayor to travel." On the other hand, Morial doesn't need waiting on. The Sphinx / December 1977

"I don't like people hanging on me," he said. "I don't need anybody to get a 7-Up for me." As mayor, Morial says, jobs will be his top priority. "I am not convinced that people just prefer not to be working," he said. Morial says he believes in work, pointing out that he worked his way through college as a drugstore delivery boy and as a post office employee. As a college graduate, he went to work as an auditor for an insurance company for $25 a week. Now, all of his five children who are old enough work while going to school. Recently, Morial disagreed with several mayors in San Francisco on how far the federal government should go in restricting federal funds. While several other mayors said too many strings are attached, Morial said federal earmarks are important to dissipate local politcal pressure. Asked if he fears such pressure, he replied that he "can handle" the local political situation but that he believes federal monies should be spent for the purpose for which they were created. Morial said he cannot speculate on his bringing in of federal funds — a hallmark of the Landrieu administration — until directions from President Carter are known. However, he said, "I'm going to be as aggressive for the needs of my city as anyone else has. We need revenue. The city can't survive without it." "So many of the problems facing cities req'uire federal assistance because the cities are restricted by state legislatures," he said. In working with the state legislature, Morial said he would like to see municipal programs lumped together in such areas as transit and unemployment whereby not just New Orleans but many of the state's municipalities may benefit together. Meanwhile, Morial, who has been job hunting, said he is leaning toward an interim teaching position offered by Harvard University, although terms of such an arrangement are not yet worked out. Morial claims he needs the money and must go to work for the next three months to support his family. There is some question, he said, about the logistics of blending the Harvard position into his schedule of preparing to become mayor. •"We live close," Morial said of his family finances. Although he earned $47,500 as a state appellate court judge, he has one of his five children at Yale University and another at the University of Pennsylvania, and the costs are high. "I get letters when I'm delinquent, too" Morial said, adding that he is paying off two college tuition loans and a house mortgage note. Mrs. Morial, the former Sybil G. Haydel, has gone back to work as director of special services at Xavier University. Morial said she is helping foot the family bills as well as venting her creativity. "My wife has supported herself since she was 19, and she has worked in between children since we have been married," said the mayor-elect. Mrs. Morial is a graduate of Boston University, where she also earned a graduate degree. An elegant woman, Mrs. Morial has been at her husband's side, if not occasionally out front, in endeavors since the mid-50s. In 1954, she attempted to enroll at both Loyola University and Tulane but was refused because of race. Because of her olive complexion and Latin appearance, she was accepted at Tulane for one week until her transcript identifying her as a Negro was forwarded from Boston University. She organized the black counterpart to the then-white League of Women Voters in 1967, the year Morial ran for state representative. Her job was to get out the vote. In return for her services, Mrs. Morial's husband not only "makes the groceries" but buys her clothes. "I buy her dresses and everything else," he said. "I enjoy it." Mrs. Morial, on the other hand, refuses to buy her husband clothes because she says he is too particular. What does Morial see as the key to his success in winning the mayor's seat from a field of several popular white candidates? "Timing and appeal to the voters on the basis of intelligence," he said. His election, Morial believes, proves that tradition-oriented New Orleans is truly a cosmopolitan, international city. 9

VACANCY Office of the Executive Secretary Pursuant to Article X, Section 10.4 of the Constitution of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., notice is given herein of a staff vacancy in the General Office of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. for the position of Executive Secretary of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. General qualifications for this position are outlined in Article VII of the Constitution of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Further information on selection procedures shall be published in The Sphinx. Deadline for receiving applications at the General Office is April 1, 1978. Application is to consist of a letter of transmittal attached to the applicant's current resume. All applications should be submitted to: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 4432 Martin Luther King Drive Chicago, IL 60653 ATTENTION: RANDOLPH BAXTER, Chairman Committee on Personnel

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. JOB DESCRIPTION FOR EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Job Summary - Principal Objectives Under the general supervision and guidance of the General President and the Board of Directors, performs a wide variety of administrative tasks; provides planning, development, and coordination of programs and services; manages, coordinates, and supervises the staff of the General Office. Nature and Scope of Responsibilities Reports to the Board of Directors and General Convention; serves as their official representative; recommends policies, general program directions, and budgets to the Board and appropriate committees. Assumes final responsibility for implementing the policies of the Fraternity and for operating the General Office. Coordinates all services, programs, departments, activities, functions, publications, conventions and special events. Maintains custody and control of all official records of the Fraternity; is custodian of the corporate seal; negotiates contracts. Serves as a member of and secretary of the General Convention, the Board of Directors, the building foundation, and the educational foundation. Position entails continued contacts with staff, committees and General Officers. Delegates any portion of the foregoing to staff associates and supervises their work. Performs such other duties as may be assigned to him by the General President or the Board of Directors. Suggested Employment Standards The candidate selected to fill this position classification shall be an active member of the Fraternity who possesses personal and professional qualifications of the highest caliber. He shall be of good mental and physical health. He shall have professional qualifications requisite to the duties and responsibilities of the office with the college bachelor's degree a minimal requirement. The candidate's experience should reflect responsible administrative duties involving planning, organizing, supervising and directing programs; ability to express ideas effectively orally and in writing; knowledge of the principles of employee and public relations; ability to work effectively with others and to delegate responsibility. Salary ranges have been established commensurate with the functions of the positions with the principal variance existent in degree of authority and responsibility and the specific training and experience brought to the job.


The Sphinx / December 1977

Viewpoint Topic: Reverses in Affirmative Action Author: Brother Otha N. Brown

Brother Otha Brown Brother Otha N. Brown, Jr. presents another stirring commentary in this edition of VIEWPOINT. A former Norwalk, Connecticut City Council Majority Leader and former state representative, Brother Brown now serves as president of the Norwalk Black Democratic Club and Coalition. Active in civic affairs, he is now Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Connecticut.

In the area of affirmative action, the year 1977 became "Open Season" on Black people. In the University of California vs. Allan Bakke case, a white applicant claimed he was denied admission to the state medical school because of an affirmative action plan which reserved 16 of 100 places for minorities. He claimed that such equal opportunity programs under the Civil Rights laws were designed and resulted in reverse discrimination. Should the Supreme Court rule in favor of Bakke, Black Americans and other racial minorities will wake up to a reverse to discrimination. While our eyes have been focused on "Bakke," and affirmative action in education, a frightening move is on, although quietly and politely, to virtually wipe out the gains Blacks have made in politics. As Black people gained the right and power to register and vote, neighborhoods and cities with large Black populations began to elect Black candidates to local and state offices, including Congress, state legislatures, and mayoral seats. Many Black politicians viewed this political power as a good sign and as the kind of affirmative action which would lead to their election to higher offices such as governors of states and even the presidency. The Senate Judiciary Committee's sub-committee on Constitutional Rights has been considering proposals to abolish the electoral college system in favor of a direct popular vote to elect the President of the United States. Should these proposals be successful, the significance of the Black vote will be greatly diminished. The Sphinx / December 1977

The Joint Center of Political Studies, based in Washington, D.C., conducted a study which showed that of the nine most populous states which are favored by the electoral college system, six of those states have a Black voting potential greater than 10 percent. With 148 electoral votes in those states, this represents more than half the number needed to elect a President. In those states and two others in recent years, the Black vote has been the most critical factor in close elections. In 1976, Jimmy Carter got 90% of the Black vote throughout the country. This occurrence is most significant as a single political phenomenon. However, when it is further noted that about 5 1 % of whites in the North and 57% of whites in the South voted for Jerry Ford, the Black vote becomes the most crucial factor in the election since it helped Carter capture the most populous states and their winner-take-all electoral votes. In fact, without the Black vote going to Carter, Ford would still be President today. To ask Black people to give up the power and influence which their votes have commanded under the current electoral system in favor of direct popular election which some view as "more democratic" is asking too much of a people who have been powerless so long. Further, anything at this point that is instituted to destroy or adversely affect the power of the Black vote and other gains secured in adversity and against overpowering odds is a direct threat to the health, safety, and public welfare of our country, and even to our democratic society. Those who claim that the electoral college system is inconsistent with the one person-one vote concept or to our democratic principles and should be abolished, sound very much like those who oppose affirmative action programs. They claim that since such programs deem race as a relevant factor and must be taken into account when evaluating candidates for jobs and professional schools, they are also inconsistent with democratic principles. However, they fail to point out that these jobs and professional schools have been long denied to Blacks because of their race. Before such an affirmative action program was begun, for instance, at the University of California Medical School, only one Black person had been accepted. Yet it is common knowledge that white candidates have been accepted to professional schools all over the country because of alumni influence, their talents in non-academic areas, or the affluence of their fathers. Finally, for those who feel it a great risk or threat to our democratic principles through the election of the President by the electoral system rather than by direct popular election, it should be pointed out that only once in our history has the electoral college denied the winner of the popular vote the presidency. It seems a greater risk to confront the probable inequities and results of such a radical change in our electoral system. But as I said before, "this is open season on Black people . ..SO WATCH OUT!!" 11



Lanham, Maryland April 13-16, 1978 Sheraton Inn-Washington-Northeast 8500 Annapolis Road New Carrolton, MD 20784 Intersection I-495 & MD 450) FEES ALUMNI $35 COLLEGE $25 WIVES/LADIES $25 CHILDREN $15 GUESTS Per Activity

9 0>

For further information, contact: Randolph Williams c/o Alpha Phi Alpha P.O. Box 2188 Capital Plaza Drive Hyattsville, MD 20784 (301) 350-2784 (H) (301) 921 -2137 (W)



Southern Birmingham, Alabama March 23-26, 1978

Chicago, Illinois AKpril 14-16, 1978 Palmer House Hotel FEES Advance Late ALUMNI $40 $50 COLLEGE $30 $40 LADIES $25 $30 COLLEGE LADIES $10 $10 Extra Banquet Tickets $15.00 Breakfast $ 7.50 (Advance registration ends April 1, 1978) For further information, contact: William Taylor, Convention Chairman 20945 Brookwood Drive Olympia Fields, IL 60461 (312)481-2492

Lawton, Oklahoma March 24-25, 1978 Montego Bay Motel 1125 East Gore Boulevard Lawton, OK 73501

Kahler Plaza Hotel



$40 $25 $20 $ 5

(Late Fee is due after March 9,1978) For further information, contact: Lemorie Carter 6705 Exeter Avenue, South Birmingham, AL 35212 (205)591-0752

For further information, contact: Rundell Edison P.O. Box 1335 Lawton, OK 73501



Monterey, California March 23-25, 1978 Holiday Inn Monterey FEES ALUMNI $50 COLLEGE $35 Extra Banquet Tickets $15 Extra Fashion Show/Luncheon Tickets. . $ 8 Late Fee $10 (Late Fee due after February 20,1978 For further information, contact: Clifford McDuffy 1326 Sky View Drive Seaside, CA 93955 (408)394-7522 12

$35 $20 $12 $10


State Conventions ALABAMA, February 23 - 25. . . . Anniston FLORIDA, Fetouary-4-7-^JJL^_i_^-©ftafido ^ GEORGIA, January 27 - 28. . . . Brunswick ILLINOIS, February 24 - 25 . . . Champaign INDIANA, March 3 - 5 Evansville MISSISSIPPI, Fet5ruaryTT>--;H3 . . St. Louis NORTH CAROLINA, (WJ»Y0*VV February 3 - 4 Fayetteville OHIO, February 10-11 Athens SOUTH CAROLINA, January 2 0 - 2 2 Rock Hill TENNESSEE, March 3 - 4 Nashville TEXAS, February 1 7 - 1 8 Waco

The Sphinx / December 1977


BENJAMIN J. MALCOLM rt "No Man Is Beyond Redemption


Brother BENJAMIN J. MALCOLM, who served as New York City's Commissioner of Correction for nearly six years, is now a member of the United States Parole Commission following his nomination by President Jimmy Carter and subsequent confirmation by the United States Senate. As a member of the six-member federal board, the 58-year old Brother Malcolm said, "I don't want to blow my own horn, but I knew all along that there were very few people more qualified for that post than Malcolm." Obviously, the President of the United States and the Senate agreed with that assessment. Brother Malcolm began his career in correction 29 years ago as a New York City parole officer. He rose through the ranks to become an area supervisor for parole before beginning a two-year stint as an assistant director in the city's Office of Labor Relations. In 1970 he was named Deputy Commissioner of Correction and two years later took charge of the department, following a period of severe unrest in the prisons. Although overcrowding and racial tensions persisted during his tenure as well, Brother Malcolm was credited with improving prison conditions and averting mass disturbances. The enormity of that accomplishment is not to be underestimated. The city's prison system, more complex than that of many states, costs $104 million to operate and houses over 7,000 inmates, most of whom are awaiting disposition of their cases. More than 12 institutions are included in the prison network. Brother Malcolm has always maintained that "all men are redeemable" and that "every man can be rehabilitated" and he tried to make prisons a place where inmates could see the possibility of changing their lives for the better. He introduced one of the first prison programs in the country to wean heroin addicts off the drug and installed telephones for the use of inmates. As commissioner of what he calls the warehouse for society's rejects and the stepchild of the city's criminal justice system, Brother Malcolm was the man in the middle, squeezed between the need to maintain an orderly and secure system and the obligation to treat inmates fairly. Further, as federal officials ordered constant reforms, the city administration continually said that there was no money to make such changes. Each time Benjamin Malcolm was left holding the ball. His ability to handle such a no-win situation speaks well for Brother Malcolm's qualifications in his new federal post, which itself is no sheltered paper-pushing position. The future of the Parole Commission is uncertain since proposed legislation before the Senate would sharply curtail its functions. "That's not going to happen," said Brother Malcolm. "There is a need for parole, and the so-called experts who favor the legislation are wrong. I'm not going to Washington to be a pallbearer for the United States Parole Commission." One tends to have faith in this assessment by Brother Malcolm, a graduate of Morehouse College with a masters in public administration from New York University. Most of all, we need to believe in his philosophy - "No man is beyond redemption." The Sphinx / December 1977


Amwumqrr:. Distinguished Collegians The SPHINX announces its 1st Annual Distinguished Collegians competition. Nominations are now being accepted for inclusion and we invite your participation. Nominees must be members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, presently working toward the baccalaureate degree. Selections will be made on the basis of the overall accomplishments of nominees or extraordinary achievement in any one area (scholarship, sports, campus leadership). Those College Brothers selected will be featured in the April 1978 issue of the SPHINX in a special feature entitled DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIANS. There are no restrictions regarding the number of applicants per region or chapter. Nominations may be submitted by ANY member of Alpha Phi Alpha — including the nominee. Selections will be made by the staff of the SPHINX. MAIL YOUR APPLICATION NOW!!! All nominations must be received in the General Office no later than February 1, 1978. MICHAEL J. PRICE Editor-in-Chief The SPHINX

Name First



Chapter Name

Chapter No.

College / University

. Name Location




On Scale of Minor

Date of Initiation. Chapter of Initiation (If different from present chapter) Hometown Details of education (Include high school): Future plans: Memberships in other organizations (with offices held): Other extracurricular activities: Honors, prizes, awards (with dates): Hobbies: What contribution has ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY made to your career/life goals?

Mailing address: . Zip Code Please include glossy PHOTOGRAPH (Preferably black & white) with completed nomination form. Attach up to one additional sheet, if necessary. DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 1,1978


The Sphinx / December 1977

eoueGe David E. Brown, Editor

When College Brothers get together from different schools, somebody will ask, "Who runs the yard at your school?" You can bet your last dollar the answer will be WE DO! Then they go on to explain what Brother is in what office, and how the campus can't make a move without checking with some Brother. This made me feel good because when they look good I looked good. But when Brother Michael J. Price, Editor-in-Chief of The Sphinx asks, "How do the Brothers run the yard?", everybody becomes quiet and modest. I am referring to the lack of support YOU my College Brothers have given him in his request to have an issue of The Sphinx saluting the Brothers playing varsity football during the 1977 season. This apathy has now run into the Distinguished Collegians nominations. Apparently we have no Brothers playing football, and there are no campus leaders who are undergraduate members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. If I'm wrong PLEASE correct me. Now, this being the basketball season, it seems to me a salute to Brothers playing varsity basketball will be upcoming. So you should be submitting or at least working on those biographies as well. (Photos and articles are usually available from the Sports Information office of most schools.) Last issue when I discussed the development of the "Alpha Network," I called on the Alumni Brothers to share with us their knowledge. Now I'm calling out my College Brothers to make the Alumni Brothers aware of our presence by participating in the Distinguished Collegians competition. (APPLICATIONS were in the October issue, and all nominations must be received in the General Office no later than February 1, 1978.) The Sphinx / December 1977

The Distinguished Collegians feature is extremely important to us College Brothers. After all, WE are the first one's to get upset when some older Brother says those dreaded words: "They sure don't make Alphas like they used to . . ." or "This is a new breed of Alpha - not like the distinguished Brothers of the p a s t - g ^ ' Rather than getting angry, n o y ^ j o u r opportunity to

show the world that we ale on the ball. With only a little effort wa can demonstrate, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Alpha is still No. 1. More importantly, we can build on our heritage letting everyone know that the Martin Luther Kings, the W.E.B. DuBois, the Paul Robesons, etc. of the future are alive and well among the college chapters of A PHI A. Finally, remember that it's not just Alphas who look at The Sphinx. In addition to the Brothers who could use this information in preparing talks for Smokers, people who were interested in pledging could see that the Alphas not only run their campus, but many other campuses as well. Hopefully this push will "get you off that thing" and flood the National Office with correspondence. To paraphrase an old saying, "Who Said College Alphas Weren't A Together Group Of Brothers?!!" And I feel YOU can make it more than just a saying. 15

ALPHA PHI ALPHA - FOR LIFE CHAIRMAN ELMER C. COLLINS 26151 Lake Shore Boulevard, #1224 Euclid, OH 44132

Are You a LIFE MEMBER? ATTENTION, BROTHERS: FEBRUARY 1, 1978, the cost of a LIFE MEMBERSHIP will be a total of $500.00 (at present the cost is $300.00). * * * * * The reason I am sending this Special Message to each of the Brothers who are not yet Life Members or subscribers is that I know how the Brothers have reacted in the past when they failed to get their payments in by "DEADLINE TIME." I URGE YOU TO GET YOUR PAYMENTS IN TO BROTHER " T i n y " BLANTON OR TO ME — BY JANUARY 31, 1978! If you are wondering whether you want to be a "Life Member," don't. The backbone of our Fraternity is made up of Life Members. We all feel so proud of our Life Membership program: THERE ARE NOW OVER 4,000 FULLY PAID LIFE MEMBERS — LET'S STRIVE FOR 5,000! Being a Life Member makes a Brother feel different. Most of the Brothers that I have talked with state how good it feels being a "Life Member." It's such a wonderful feeling to see ALPHA ON THE MOVE: The Sphinx has taken on a new great symbol of the ALPHA image. Brother PRICE is doing a great job. All through the Sphinx you see and read of the outstanding work of our Brothers (mostly Life Members). Brother JAMES B. ("Tiny") BLANTON is working day and night to see that Headquarters completes all functions. Brother JAMES R. WILLIAMS, our General President, is constantly staying on top of our National Program. And, our national officers, through their effective work, are moving ALPHA forward. BROTHERS . . . there is still time to reach out and extend the Bond of Fellowship by starting your LIFE MEMBERSHIP — NOW! DON'T PAY AN ADDITIONAL TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS WHEN YOU CAN GET IT FOR $300.00, NOW. Fraternally, Brother ELMER C. ("A1") COLLINS National Life Membership Chairman GET YOUR LIFE MEMBERSHIP — Now!!! The General Convention approved a constitutional amendment raising the LIFE MEMBERSHIP FEE from $300.00 to $500.00 — effective FEBRUARY 1,1978. The countdown begins, NOW! We urge you to enroll in the Life Membership Program immediately — to beat the price hike. SEND YOUR FULL PAYMENT OR INITIAL SUBSCRIPTION ($50.00 or more) TO THE GENERAL OFFICE, Pledge your support to "Alpha Phi Alpha — for Life!" (You will still have two years — from the day you start — to complete your subscription.)

Can't decide on a Father's Day, Birthday, Anniversary, or Graduation GIFT? HOW ABOUT A LIFE MEMBERSHIP THIS YEAR!


The Sphinx / December 1977

^v^TE SCHOLARSHIP ALPHA PHI ALPHA EDUCATION FOUNDATION, INC. (All information hereon must be typewritten/answer questions fully)




Name .(Current passcard)#



City - State - Zip Code Age


Date of birth.



.No. of dependents.

Marital status.

.Amount $

Current source of income. Family income (Approximate amount) $ Number of brothers and/or sisters of college age: Name of college or university you propose to attend .and location LIST CAMPUS ACTIVITIES:

List Honors


Citations received:

Have you applied for or received any other financial assistance for the coming year?. "Yes", give particulars - State amount:

Send completed form with the following attachments: (a) CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL NEED (Statement from Dean of Students ... or other college official of equal rank) (b) OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF RECORD (Certified by Registrar) (c) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION (At least three (3) )






DEADLINE FOR RECEIVING APPLICATIONS WITH (Above) SUPPORTING DATA IS JUNE 30,1978 I, the undersigned, do hereby make formal application for an "Undergraduate Scholarship" from the ALPHA PHI ALPHA EDUCATION FOUNDATION, INC. Signed Name in full Address City & State The Sphinx / December 1977


Zip Code

Imperatives of Alpha men for the Brother WARREN PALMER is Professor of Education at the University of Michigan. This article was adapted from his speech at the chartering ceremony of Mu Gamma Chapter at Georgia College, Milledgeville, Georgia.

I am especially proud to be addressing members of my fraternity; your fraternity; a fraternity which has as its motto "First of All, Servants of All, We transcend all." There is no doubt in my mind that Alpha has lived up to its motto. Let's just for a brief moment review the record for the purpose of corroborating the fact that Alpha has in fact been first, servants, and transcending. We were indeed the first Black fraternity organized in these United States in the year 1906 at Cornell University. In this respect Alpha served as the vanguard for other Black fraternities and sororities which have later come into prominence. Yes, it was in 1906 that the first Black Greek letter fraternity evolved from what was called a social study and literary club. In that year a group of young Black students at Cornell University discussed and felt the need for an organization that would bring them closer together since there were so few of them enrolled at Cornell at the time. There are indeed analogous situations existing at colleges today which, I firmly believe, serve as the determining factors for organizing a chapter of APA fraternity. As you know, in the not too distant past, a number of external forces have interacted to bring pressure upon colleges, which once had their doors closed to Blacks, to open them up so that Black boys and girls may enjoy equal opportunity to an education. You know who and what these forces were. To name a few, they were the civil rights movement led by Brother Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., mandates from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; and the federal and state Courts of the United States. Although such colleges and universities have suddenly gotten enough religion to open their doors to Black boys and girls for the purpose of improving themselves in the cognitive domain, little or no provisions were made for them in the affective domain. That is, nothing is being mandated or done to give these Black boys and girls any kind of positive image about themselves or putting it another way, to make them feel as though they are an integral part of the college, university or community life. To me, a good self image of one's self is of paramount importance in the development of well-rounded individuals. That 18

is to say, one must possess emotional and social stability along with intellectual acumen. There must be a balance. As I said earlier, no provisions have been made for this kind of balance for Black youth. They attend colleges and universities and find themselves literally barred or ostracized from white sororities and fraternities, perhaps not legally, but barred in the sense that they find no commonality in these organizations. What then is the alternative? This was the same kind of situation in which Callis and others who were enrolled at Cornell in 1906 found themselves. What then did they do? They set out to organize their own fraternity. The same kind of thing is happening in our larger society today. It is happening in State legislatures, the U.S. Congress, in professional organizations on the national level. What is happening in these organizations and institutions? Blacks are still finding themselves outnumbered and isolated. Blacks within these groups are finding it necessary to unite themselves in what are known as Black caucuses for the express purpose of finding togetherness on issues that affect their lives and the lives of the people they represent. So as you can see, although the year was 1906 when Callis and others felt the need for an organization such as APA, in the year 1977, almost three quarters of a century later, the need still exists. Some of you brothers saw the need for APA on your campus, and proceeded to lay the groundwork for a chapter of this fraternity to be founded. Now it is not enough just to have a chapter of APA on a campus. That in itself will not improve the quality of life on the campus and in the community. There is a tremendous amount of work to be done. A good analogy is the planting of a seed which eventually becomes a plant. In order for it to grow, it must be nurtured and cared for. It must not be left alone to fend for itself. If this is done, the plant which emanated from the seed will be stifled and eventually die. My challenge to you is simply this. Do not permit any chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha to be stifled on a campus or in a community. Just because Alpha is "First of All," and perhaps the first Black Greek letter organization in a particular setting, you must not rest on your laurels. You must move forward to be "Servants of All." The Sphinx / December 1977

In order to be servants of all, you must institute constructive and forward looking programs that will be beneficial not only to the members of your chapter, but beneficial to all Black students enrolled at your institution. In addition, I would challenge you to reach out into the community and address yourselves to the needs of the community. I wish to propose three imperatives for all chapters of APA. As all of you know APA has always been the front runner in the advocacy and implementation of programs that have benefited Blacks in this country. For example, Alpha was one of the first organizations to put on the national "Go to High School, Go to College" drive for Black youths. It advocated the power of the ballot for Blacks back there in the days when it was quite unpopular. Alpha sponsored a national movement urging Blacks to vote. The slogan used in the movement to encourage more Blacks to vote was, "A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People." It has always advocated the need for the development of Black businesses and has encouraged Black youths to get themselves involved in all aspects of community life - political, economic, educational - to the extent that today you will find an Alpha man "standing tall," so to speak, or excelling in every one of these areas. This is a tradition that we must keep alive. It certainly would be redundant for me to single out those Alpha men who have achieved great stature in this country, for you know them as well as I do. Suffice it to say that we must not rest on our laurels. We must continue to press forward and explore the yet unexplored. The remainder of my remarks, therefore, will be centered around what I choose to call, "Imperatives of Alpha men for the 80's and Beyond." The first imperative that I wish to address myself to is that of (1) Solidifying our progress in human rights. By this I simply mean that we need to become acutely aware of the fact that although we have already come a long way, we still have a long way to go. You know, many of us feel that because, for example, a particular college has opened its doors and some other doors have been opened, that our fight for freedom and equal opportunity is over. This kind of attitude, I think, is dangerous. I think it is more dangerous than even the racist attitudes which are still held by some whites in our society. It, therefore, becomes incumbent upon an organization such as APA to continuously strive to educate our brothers and sisters to the stark realization that there is yet much to be done before we can relax our efforts in working toward a society that respects an individual for his unique contribution rather than for the amount of pigmentation in his skin. I'm stressing this point because I see too many Blacks who tend to forget from whence they came after they have been placed in certain positions. We allow ourselves to become victims of the "house and field nigger" syndrome. That is, when we get in the house so to speak or get placed in a high position, we tend to look askance at those who remain in the "field" or in positions not as high as ours. This we cannot allow ourselves to do. As Alphas, we must get out of the house and into the fields and help our brothers and sisters improve their lots. Let's not lose sight of our ultimate goal by allowing ourselves to become myopic in our efforts to achieve complete freedom. Alpha men have fought too long and too hard for those of us now on the scene to become deluded by a few gains in the social and political arena. Let us solidify these gains and press forward. The Sphinx / December 1977

Another imperative of Alpha for the 80's and beyond is that of (2) Getting more Blacks into the mainstream of our society. For too long, we have operated on the periphery of the economic, political and social life of the larger society. We must become "doers," and "thinkers" in these arenas. As all of us know, money is what matters in this capitalistic society in which we live. Since this is true, whether we subscribe to a materialistic value system, we must recognize the need for materialistic possessions in order to survive. Therefore, it becomes necessary for us to become astute in the knowledge of how the economy works in this country. In order to do this, we must carve out a niche in our society in which we can claim control. In other words, we need to adopt perhaps the Jewish syndrome. What did the Jews do when they were barred or not welcome on Miami Beach? They bought Miami Beach. We may not be able to do it the way the Jews did it, but I would suggest that we become knowledgeable about the stock market and pool our resources so that our financial impact may be felt. The third and last imperative which I wish to advocate is that of (3) Self-Improvement. We cannot expect to solidify our gains or move into the mainstream until we learn to improve ourselves and appreciate ourselves. We hear a great deal about crime in our society today and what steps are being taken by the federal government and local law enforcement organizations to reduce the crime rate. Well, I contend that nothing will be done about it until we get people to respect themselves and respect the rights of others. This cannot be done through external forces. It must be done internally. This is especially true among Black people. We know that much of the crime in this country is committed by Blacks upon Blacks. We are continually killing each other off or ripping each other off. In this respect, we suffer from the old "crab" syndrome. Each time we see one of us attempting to climb, we make a determined effort to pull him back in the dungeon with us. In other words, we steal from each other, we cheat each other, we are happiest when we prevent some of us from rising and becoming productive citizens in our society. You as Alpha men must go into the cities, the country and into the larger society and educate our people as to the need to improve our image in this respect. I am sure that you are aware of the fact that whenever the word crime is used in this country, people tend to think of Black people as being the main perpetrators. This is an image we do not need. I challenge all Alpha men to take it upon themselves to work diligently to help Black people aspire toward self-improvement and away from allowing ourselves to be stereotyped and linked with such crimes as murder, drugs and theft. The three imperatives discussed, that is, (1) Solidifing our gains in human rights. (2) Getting into the mainstream of the economic, political and social life of this country and (3) self improvement must come before we can point with pride to the third part of our motto and, that is, that "we transcend all" transcending all is not easy. It's like being number one in athletics or scholastically. When you're on top, there is only one place to go and that is down. Therefore, my challenge to you, men of Alpha, especially the neophytes, is to always keep your sights set on lofty goals and, as my high school principal always suggested, that you "have a vision." Alpha men have always aspired and achieved great things. I challenge you to uphold this tradition in all of your endeavors. We must always thrive to be first of all, servants of all and then and only then will we be able to transcend. This is our Legacy! 19






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REFERENCES I N o r n . , and A d o V . i i o i - P„t„ablf




Choice of Firm: OTHER I N F O R M A T I O N

(Community Activities. Hobbies, and Interests, etc.)









opportunity |ine Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. SEVENTY-SECOND ANNIVERSARY CONVENTION Job Interview and Recruitment Program July 31 -August 1,1978

RESUMES WANTED!!! With new fields of opportunity now open to all trained and qualified persons, recruiting competent Black personnel and good trainees has proven a problem for some companies. Yet, we know that there are qualified applicants looking for such opportunities. The ALPHA PHI ALPHA JOB INTERVIEW PROGRAM is directed toward overcoming this obstacle. It is designed to assist minority men and women with professional skills obtain employment or move up to a better position. We invite your participation in our Eleventh Annual Job Interview Program, to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, JULY 31 and AUGUST 1, 1978. This program offers Alpha Brothers and other applicants a wonderful opportunity to register their qualifications with the wide range of companies participating in this program. Along with senior and college graduates, this is a unique opportunity for juniors to improve on their personal aims when they complete their college education and maybe even secure a competitive summer position. YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT!!! Each participating firm will receive a copy of the resume book prepared for the convention. All Brothers desiring consideration by the firms utilizing the Job Interview and Recruitment Program of the upcoming 1978 General Convention in Minneapolis should submit resumes to the General Office. The Job Interview form on the preceding page may be used for this purpose. While this program is open to all persons, its major function is to assist our Alpha Brothers in locating suitable employment. We need your cooperation to insure the continued success of this project. REGISTER YOUR RESUME WITH THE GENERAL OFFICE NOW! L. H. STANTON Coordinator

THE BEST WANT THE BEST DOESN'T THAT MEAN YOU? (Below is a partial listing of the firms which participated in the 1977 Job Interview Program.) Crown Zellerback San Francisco, California Aetna Life & Casualty Company Hartford, Connecticut General Electric Company Schenectady, New York Abbott North Chicago, Illinois The A & P Tea Company Montvale, New Jersey Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, Illinois Standard Oil Company (Indiana) Chicago, Illinois GATX Corporation Chicago, Illinois Ford Motor Company Dearborn, Michigan

The Sphinx / December 1977

Miller Brewing Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin IBM Corporation Atlanta, Georgia Frito-Lay, Inc. Dallas, Texas Union Carbide Corporation New York, New York NY. State Electric & Gas Co. Binghamton, New York U.S. Civil Service Commission Washington, D.C. The Equitable Lite Assurance Society of the United States New York, New York Dupont Wilmington, Delaware Eastern Airlines Miami, Florida

Standard Oil Company Cleveland, Ohio NCR Corporation Dayton, Ohio Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Akron, Ohio Eastman Kodak Company Rochester, New York McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, New York Mobil Oil Company Wew York, New York Social Security Administration Washington, D.C. State Farm Insurance Companies Bloomington, Illinois Container Corporation of America Chicago, Illinois

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Winston-Salem, North Carolina The B. F. Goodrich Company Akron, Ohio Sears, Roebuck and Company Chicago, Illinois National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland B.A.S.F. Wyndott Company Parisippany, New Jersey Westinghouse Electric Corp. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Southern Bell Atlanta, Georgia Johnson & Johnson Park Forest South, Illinois Social Security Administration Washington, D.C. 21


1978 Grand Tax should now be paid! Start now to submit articles for April Issue of The Sphinx. JANUARY 20-22 . . . South Carolina State Convention — Rock Hill JANUARY 27-28 . FEBRUARY

Georgia State Convention — Brunswick February Issue of The Sphinx FEBRUARY 3-4 . . North Carolina State Convention — Fayetteville FEBRUARY 10-11 Mississippi State Convention — Hattiesburg Ohio State Convention — Athens FEBRUARY 1 7 - 1 8 . . Florida State Convention — Orlando Texas State Convention — Waco Missouri State Convention — St. Louis FEBRUARY 23-25 . . Alabama State Convention — Anniston FEBRUARY 24-25 . . Illinois State Convention — Champaign MARCH 1 DEADLINE for April Issue of The Sphinx MARCH 3-4 Indiana State Convention — Evansville MARCH 3-5 Tennessee State Convention — Nashville MARCH 23-25 Western Regional Convention — Monterey, California MARCH 23-26 Southern Regional Convention — Birmingham, Alabama MARCH 24-25 Southwestern Regional Convention — Lawton, Oklahoma APRIL 13-16 Eastern Regional Convention — Lanham, Maryland APRIL 14-16 Midwestern Regional Convention — Chicago, Illinois JUNE 1 PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS due in the General Office JUNE 30 PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS will be circulated to Chapters by the General Office JULY28-AUG3 72nd ANNIVERSARY CONVENTION — Minneapolis, Minnesota


The Sphinx / December 1977

Alpha Athlete Thomas Averett Marvin Goodwin, Editor

wanted him to improve his time and, confident that he would do so, wanted to utilize his speed on the defensive line. That decision has not been regretted by anyone involved. Brother Averett's resulting success earned him a feature article in the Huron Football Magazine, citing his improved speed and the fact that, through hard work, he'd found a home as a middle guard. Brother Averett is a four year letterman and has started every season since his sophomore year. He has good mobility, strength and natural movement towards the ball. Ave plugs the middle of the line as well as pursuing ball carriers between the sidelines. Although the smallest middle guard in the league, Brother Averett is acclaimed as one of the quickest and the best at his position in the Mid-American Conference. He plays with desire, while averaging eight solo tackles per game not to mention his two superb performances against Bowling Green and Kent State, with eleven and fifteen Averett pressures Bowling Green quarter- tackles to his credit. Competitive back Mark Miller (15) in one of his best enough to play professionally, Ave contests. In that game he chalked up eleven specializes in catching offensive backs tackles. behind the line of scrimmage for loss of yardage. Brother THOMAS AVERETT is an active member of Epsilon Eta Chapter A confident and versatile senior at Eastern Michigan University. The five majoring in criminal justice, Brother foot eleven, two hundred pound middle Averett is well liked and enjoys helping guard is from Detroit, Michigan. A others. He is a talented and creative argraduate of Northwestern High School, tist, as reflected in his hobbies Thomas gained All League and drawing and painting. Ave is extremely honorable mention All State recognition active in fraternal affairs. He's a memas a linebacker. ber of several committees a n d , Thomas, whose nickname is "Ave", because of his good rapport with was also a member of the Detroit Westothers, heads the chapter's advertising side Cubs. A walkon with the EMU committee. Hurons, Ave really wanted to be a A well rounded young man in all defensive back. That hope was dashed respects, Thomas Averett certainly after his 4.9 second 4 0 yard dash possesses the qualities inherent in an during tryouts. The EMU coaching staff Alpha Man. The Sphinx / December 1977


Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Million Dollar Fund Drive Goals Collections


By 1 March 78 (6 months) 1 June 7 8 (9 months) 1 September 7 8 (12 months) 1 March 79 (18 months) 1 September 7 9 (24 months)

30% $300,000.00 75% $750,000.00 100% $1,000,000.00

15% 30% 50% 75% 100%

$150,000.00 $300,000.00 $500,000.00 $750,000.00 $1,000,000.00

Progress Report (December 1,1977) Goals




The Climb of The Sphinx Join us in making our Million Dollar Fund Drive a success! We are pleased to report that our campaign is now going full speed ahead. Minor changes in the amounts of pledges and collections from our last report reflect the fact that our campaign apparatus is now computerized eliminating duplications and other inconsistencies in record-keeping. We're now ready for your contribution! HELP US OVER THE TOP!

$ 750,000 (75%)

$ 500,000 (50%)

$ 300,000 (30%)

I. J. Lamothe, Chairman Million Dollar Fund Drive $ 150,000 (15%)

Regional Progress GOALS



$63,606.00 $44,013.00

$43,926.00 $21,632.00 $24,415.00


28% 18% 14% 13% 41%


$68,770.00 $40,953.00 $50,602.00 $20,430.00 $37,319.00

% of Reg. GOAL

30% 17% 16% 12% 62%



$4,088.20 $1,174.20 $ 745.00 $ 687.10 $ 838.00

1.8% * * * 1.4%

* Less Than 1%


The Sphinx / December 1977

Page 25 is missing

Page 26 is missing


ALPHAS on THE MOV Promotion of Alphadom's philosophies and precepts has always hallmarked Danny's life as an Alpha. A champion of all just endeavors, Brother Anderson continuously sparks others to join with him in ongoing efforts to promote and preserve the essences of the Fraternity's precepts. Brother Anderson resides with his wife, Barbara, in Rockville, Maryland.

Brother Daniel Anderson Brother DANIEL ANDERSON is among the most respected and hardest working brothers in Omicron Lambda Alpha Chapter, Washington, D.C. Initiated into Epsilon lota chapter, Brother Anderson has maintained a continuous record of service to the brotherhood. This record, embellished with dedication and devotion, has now spanned more than eleven years. A native of Kilgore, Texas, Brother Anderson is an alumnus of Prairie View A & M University (Texas) and Howard University, receiving the B.S. and M.S. degrees respectively, in chemistry. Brother Anderson is currently a Systems Engineer with IBM General Systems Division. Demonstrating high degrees of dependability, innovation and perseverance, Brother Anderson has guided OLA chapter to lofty heights of attainment during his 2 years as President. Previously he has zealously served as chapter Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Dean-of-Pledgees. Brother Anderson was named OLA Brother of the Year 1973-74. The Sphinx / December 1977

In the true Alpha spirit of service to the community, he has returned $799 of his $800 annual salary to the municipality each year. As further evidence of Brother Byron's adherence to the Alpha motto, "First of all, servants of all. ..," he has involved himself in many community activities including Chairman of the Burlington County Council of the Aging Wrightstown Director of Civil Defense Secretary of the local Planning Board member of the local Board of Health Chairman of Park Recreation and Con servation, Past President of Wright stown area Chamber of Commerce, and Charter and Past President of Wrightstown area Rotary. He also worked with the Youth Corps providing jobs for teenagers and is associated with the Boy Scouts of America as a member of the Burlington County Century Club. Brother Byron is a Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary International and a 32nd Degree Prince Hall Mason. He is listed in "Who's Who in American Dentistry" and in "Community Leaders in America."

Brother Hubert Byron Brother HUBERT H. BYRON (Life Member No. 610), a charter member of Kappa lota Lambda Chapter and Mayor of Wrightstown, NJ was awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Small Community Mayors Association of New Jersey. In a surprise presentation made during the regular Wrightstown Borough Council meeting on May 27, 1977, Brother Byron was presented the award in recognition of his "numerous achievements," based on recommendations by over 350 member mayors from throughout the state. During the presentation he was cited as "a man of courage and a fighter for the community" and as one who "practices what he preaches." Brother Byron is a long time resident and dentist in Wrightstown, NJ. He was elected Mayor of Wrightstown in 1975.

Brother Raymond Derouen 27

Brother RAYMOND C. DEROUEN of Eta Gamma Lambda Chapter, Lafayette, Louisiana, is an Alpha man in the true spirit. Brother Derouen received a promotion in March of this year with the U.S. Postal Service which is only the second of its kind to be received by Blacks in Louisiana. He was named Postmaster of Sunset, Louisiana, a culmination of ten years of efficient and progressive service with the Post Office. After leaving a teaching position as an industrial arts teacher in 1966, Brother Derouen hired on with the Postal Service as a city delivery carrier. He worked his way up while earning his Master's Degree from the University of Southwestern Louisiana, from city carrier, to acting PEDC Supervisor, to PEDC Supervisor and Safety Officer until his promotion to Postmaster this year. Brother Derouen is an active member of Eta Gamma Lambda Chapter and has always been at the beck and call of the chapter and the Fraternity. He received the chapter's coveted "Alpha Man of the Year" award at its Annual Spring Formalin April, 1977. Some of the interests which command a lot of Brother Derouen's time include Southern Consumers Cooperative, Inc., Peoples Enterprise, Inc., Black Alliance for Progress, Lafayette Chapter of the NAACP, and Committee Member of Pack 3 7 4 - Cub Scouts of America. He is actively engaged in many other organizations and interests. Brother Derouen exemplifies the "true spirit of the Fraternity."

Brother Thomas Harris 28

Brother THOMAS D. HARRIS, IV was appointed Manager, Community Services, Greater Hartford Chamber of Commerce in January, 1974. In his position, he is responsible for coordinating Chamber Committee activities and policy recommendations relating to education, public safety and justice, minority business development, fire prevention, affirmative action and health services. He also advises the Chamber president and staff on matters relating to current urban affairs issues. Prior to joining the Chamber, he worked four years for The Hartford Insurance Group as a Public Relations Representative in the area of urban affairs and c o r p o r a t e c o n t r i b u t i o n s analysis. Brother Harris was responsible for providing liaison to the company's Personnel Department for recruiting students from American colleges and universities, and he provided liason to the Black media in America for the company. From 1968 to 1970, Brother Harris was a mortgage loan analyst for the Aetna Life and Casualty Company where he made recommendations on mortgage loan submissions and coordinated releases of publicity information on all mortgage loans over one-half million dollars. A graduate from Virginia Union University, he has done graduate study at Fairfield University's School of Human Communication and has completed the first year c o u r s e in Organization Management at the University of Delaware. He has also completed course work in Corporate Social Responsibility and Economic Development at Harvard and Bridgeport Universities, respectively. His civic involvement includes, President of Amistad House, Inc., a group home for girls, a day care center and alternate learning center; Director of Urban Ethics, Inc., a consulting firm in human relations; and Director of Cominvest of Hartford, Inc., a minority enterprise small business investment corporation (MESBIC). In addition, Brother Harris is a member of the Program Advisory Committee of WFSB - TV and is a member of the Beta Sigma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. He is listed in Who's Who Among Black Americans, 1976 edition. Brother Harris lives with his wife, the former Yvonne Black Murrell, and two sons, Alan and Kenji, in Hartford. Brother Harris is truly a fine representative of the Greater Hartford community.

Brother KENNETH V. HILTON, Chapter Treasurer of Gamma Theta Lambda Chapter, Wilmington, Delaware, serves as a member of the State Board of Education. He was appointed to a six-year term in January of this year. As New Castle County faces the court-ordered desegregation of its schools, Brother Hilton has taken on the dual goals of improved education for all children in Delaware and representative of the Black community on the Board of Education. A mathematics major from South Carolina State College (Beta Delta Chapter), Brother Hilton is presently employed as a mathematician at the Exterior Ballistic Division of the Ballistic Research Laboratory, A b e r d e e n , Maryland Proving Ground. He has worked at this facility since 1966. His appointment to the State Board of Education is not Kenneth's first involvement with the educational system. He was a teacher in Charleston, South Carolina, as well as member of the Appoquinimink School District Advisory Council, w h i c h is near Wilmington. Brother Hilton is a Life Member of the Fraternity. He was a Charter Member of lota Alpha Lambda (Aberdeen, MD) and active with Beta Kappa Lambda (Charleston, SC). He is married and has one child, Kermit. His wife, Dorotheia, is an elementary school teacher in Middletown. Active in many civic and professional organizations, Kenneth is President of the Chesapeake & Delaware Club, Frontiers International, and a member of St. Matthews Episcopal Church.

Brother Kenneth Hilton The Sphinx / December 1977

Brother Rudolph Jenkins Brother RUDOLPH JENKINS, a life member and President of Beta Chi Lambda Chapter, Muskogee, Oklahoma was presented the Distinguished Service Award, by Oklahoma Health and Welfare Association during the 35th Annual Conference of OHWA, held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma last month. This Distinguished Service Award, the highest award given by the Oklahoma Health and Welfare Association, is given in recognition of exceptional community leadership and outstanding service in support of the goals and objectives of the Oklahoma Health and Welfare Association. Mr. Jenkins is a social worker with the Muskogee Area Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. He serves as an Equal Employment Opportunity Counselor for the Bureau and also serves as State of Oklahoma Coordinator for EEO Counselors of the United States Department of Justice. He is a dedicated life member of the Oklahoma Health and Welfare Association. He has served the Association as a member of the Board of Directors, former Chairman of the Northeast Area and in the capacity of Co-chairman of the Program Committee for the 1976 Annual Conference of OHWA. Mr. Jenkins is and has been involved in numerous professional and community organizations in the interest of human betterment. He represented the State of Oklahoma at the last White House Conference on Children and Youth which was held in Washington, D.C. He has served as President of the Eastern Oklahoma Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and is currently Chairman of the Muskogee Unit of the Oklahoma Chapter of NASW and a member of the Board of Directors. He is a member of the Oklahoma Registration of Social Workers, a member of the Board of Directors of the Muskogee Welfare Association and member of the Board of Directors of the Muskogee Community Council. The Sphinx / December 1977

Your National Headquarters is home to every Alpha Man. So, when you're in Chicago, come to The House of Alpha. "Cordiality exists among all who abide within."


Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, lna/4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Chicaao. III. 60653


*\ EM I :••• •tt-n Lambda < 2 K ' P " Btta Zc!~

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Kappa Delta Lambda

maryland EAST district of Columbia The Brothers of Omicron Lambda Alpha Chapter, W a s h i n g t o n , DC, celebrated the start of the year with a well planned party by Social Committee Chairman Sylvester Robinson. Our October meeting was highlighted by a debate of the Bakke vs. University of California case by Brothers Harry G a t e w o o d and Richard M c Q u a y , Howard University law students. Brother Tom Reliford, Founder's Day Committee Chairman, had his committee do a splendid job on our chapter's Silver Anniversary/Founder's Day Banquet-Dance in December. For Thanksgiving the chapter presented several baskets to Washington agencies to be given to needy families. Reclamation in Washington DC is alive and well. Brother Daniel Anderson, chapter president, reports that OLA membership in the last two years has increased forty percent. OLA will continue to strive forward. We are also actively starting our drive for the Alpha Phi Alpha Million Dollar Fund.

Kappa Epsilon Lambda Chapter of Prince Georges County, Maryland has just completed a banner year in terms of chapter growth and service to Alpha. Our target growth for fraternal year 1976-1977 was 5 0 percent. By the end of the year, our reclamation and pledge programs had enabled us to reach that goal. In May of the year, we hosted our Fourth Annual Scholarhip Dance, at which time the recipient was announced. June of the year found us involved in our Annual Planning Session, at which time we reviewed our successes and shortcomings, and diligently developed plans for the incoming year. In fraternal year 1 9 7 7 - 1 9 7 8 we anticipate an increase in programs which focus on community involvement and service to Alpha. The chapter is presently heavily involved in the planning of the 1978 Eastern Regional Convention, which is being co-hosted with lota Upsilon Lambda (Montgomery County, MD). The Convention will be held at the Sheraton Inn in Lanham, MD on April 13-16, 1978. The convention committee is requesting the full support of all regional chapters in utilizing early advance registration due to the extreme popularity of the Washington Area at this time of year.

brown u At this point in time it certainly must be said that Alpha Gamma Chapter has "come of age" in this our era of "Back to Basics." Alpha Gamma Chapter, located at Brown University, planted its seeds on February 2 1 , 1921 in the city of Providence due to the university rule at that time which stated that Brown "had too many fraternities already." Since that time the chapter has become recognized by the university and stresses the utmost in campus and community service. Annual projects include our Thanksgiving Basket and Operation Headstart Christmas Party Programs, the monthly sponsoring of the campus Third World Center Coffee House and participation in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. New projects consist of free museum trips for children and the initiation of our I.M.P.A.C.T. Program, which is a computerized college search program to be used by minority high school students. Honors and awards are not new to this small chapter of nine brothers. Alpha Gamma holds the New England District College Chapter of the Year award for the second consecutive year. The College Man of the Year in the district has also come from this chapter in those same two years, as well as this year's Eastern Regional Assistant Vice President. The chapter also holds the distinction of being the first college chapter to ever charter a graduate chapter, Mu Theta Lambda. The brothers include Steve McKenna, President; Roger Key, Dean of Pledgees; Bernard Godley, Assistant Dean of Pledgees; Marion Walker, Treasurer; Curtis White, Secretary; Calvin Michael, Corresponding Secretary; Eliot Battle, Public Relations; Edwin Gaskin, Chaplain; and Erroll S o u t h e r s , Editor-to-the-Sphinx. The chapter's graduate advisor is Tophas Anderson, III, Mu Theta Lambda Chapter, President.

Pennsylvania Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapter, Philadelphia, PA, proudly presents its calendar for 1978: January 15, IntraFraternal Relations Founders Day Banquet; February 1 1 , Sweetheart Omicron Lambda Alpha Brothers are (I to r, seated): Bill DuBose, Cleveland Haynes, Dance, George Washington Motor Roosevelt Adams, Leon Gordon, Winford Horsley, Michael Gillespie, Sylvester Robinson, Alvin Holmes, Willie Ruff, Andrew Coleman; (second row, I to r) Aaron Poley, Darryl Mabra, Lodge, Willow Grove; April 28-30, Hubert Michel, Jesse Dawkins, Orbie Jones, Mike Walker, Bob Warren, Spakman Ferguson, Alpha Weekend, Valley Forge Adolphus Lewis, Wayne Joseph, James Brown, Donald Scoggins, Daniel Anderson; (third Sheraton, Valley Forge; June 1 1 , row, I to r) Jaurvon Johnson, John Garnette, Ryle Bell, Calvin Chambers, Mickey Gallimore, Keith Seaforth, Benjamin Watkins, Russell Berry, William Woods, Tom Reliford, Isaiah Smith, Scholarship Awards Program; July, Chapter Picnic. Tyronne Hart. 30

The Sphinx / December 1977

Newly installed officers of Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapter are (seated, from left): Frank Smith, Financial Secretary; Charles Keels, immediate past President; Vincent Hawkins, President; (standing, from left) Robert Moose, installing officer and a former President; Emery Utterback, Dean of Pledges; Kenneth Henderson, Recording Secretary; Leonard Sloan, Historian and a former President; Bennie McMorris, Director of Educational Activities; Vernon Herron, Chaplain; and Craig Browne, Vice President.

The officers of Zeta look forward to another year of continued success and achievement. Highlights from the 1976lota Upsilon Lambda has begun its 77 year included an appearance by 1977-78 program of activities to serve Brother General President James the community and the fraternity. lUL's Williams at the Intra-Fraternal Relations program includes efforts to achieve Banquet. As a result of the Sweetheart 100 percent participation in Alpha's Dance last year, the Chapter was again Million Dollar Fund Drive, operate a community anti-crime program in Montable to provide scholarship awards to gomery County with funding from the deserving junior and senior high school Law Enforcement Assistance Adstudents. However, the highlight of the ministration of the U.S. Department of year was the Alpha Weekend held at Justice, improve the Black business the Ramada Inn in Essington, PA. The climate in Montgomery County through festivities began on April 29 with the andistribution of a new edition of "The nual banquet and was followed the next Guide to Black Businesses and Sermorning with an Alpha Men's Breakfast vices in Montgomery County," and to which featured as guest speaker the conduct activities aimed at establishing Rev. William Grey, Jr., recent candidate a Black Business League Chapter in the for Congress. Outstanding service to county, initiate plans aimed at securing the fraternity and community by various permanent housing for IUL, develop brothers was noted at the awards plans for an lUL-sponsored public presentation during the breakfast. At breakfast in commemoration of the the past National Convention, the chapbirthday of the late Dr. Martin L. Kind, Jr. ter was ably represented by Charles and co-sponsor the 1978 Eastern Keels whose efforts in increasing the Regional convention at the Sheraton Chapter's life memberships in the Inn, Lanham, Maryland, April 13-16, fraternity was specially recognized for 1978. Brother Ozell Sutton, Southern the second time. Region Vice President, attended the Despite the successful year enjoyed chapter regular meeting on September by Zeta, a great loss was felt by all 24th while he was in Washington to atbrothers at the sudden passing into tend a social affair of the Congressional Omega Chapter by Brother and former Black Caucus. Zeta president, James Hewitt. Zeta expects its tradition of providing On October 27th lota Upsilon Lambcommunity involvement, civic pride, and da conducted a public program to ofsocial affairs to continue in 1977-78. ficially commemorate the publication of We view with particular excitement an a new edition of the "Guide to Black expanded Alpha Weekend at the Valley Businesses and Services in MontForge Sheraton to present the finest gomery County." Brother Warren K. weekend ever in Zeta's history. VanHook, Director of the Howard


The Sphinx / December 1977

University Institute of Minority Business Education was the featured speaker. Brother VanHook stressed the importance of establishing and maintaining effective communication between the Black community and the Black businesses. Brothe VanHook is a Director of the United Bank of Washington which recently opened a new main office in the downtown business district of Washington, DC. Mr. Michael Waters, owner of several highly successful businesses in Montgomery County, also addressed the audience. The highlight of the program was a lively discussion of approaches for expanding Black businesses in Montgomery. On October 1 1 , 1977, the lota Upsilon Lambda Alpha Wives sponsored the M o n t g o m e r y County Ebony Fashion Fair. The affair was coordinated by Mrs. Kay Clark. Over 700 people attended this elegant display of the latest fashions. The Alpha Wives raised over $1,400 dollars for contribution to the N.A.A.C.P.

Howard u Under the leadership of our new chapter president, Brother Leon Holly, Beta Chapter's school year has begun on a strong and positive note. Along with putting Project RIF into motion, we have also raised a substantial amount toward our commitment to the Million Dollar Drive. Howard's Homecoming was also quite exciting for us here at Beta. We began by winning the Homecoming Greek Show with a theme of "Happy 70th Anniversary Beta." The brothers were able to celebrate their victory at our Cabaret with the ladies of Alpha Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. We would like to congratulate two of our brothers among us who are not only active with the chapter, but are also excelling in other endeavors. Brother Keith Napier, who was named to the 1976 Mutual Black Network AllAmerican Football Team and a 3-time All MEAC 1st team guard, is again having another good year with the Bisons. Also, Brother Jon Bailey, a brown belt and 3rd year member of Howard's Tae Kwon Do Club, recently captured first place in his division in the Second National Collegiate Tae Kwon Do Championships held at Michigan State University. 31



Virginia Theta Rho Lambda Chapter, Arlington, Virginia, celebrated its Annual Black & Gold Banquet and Ball on October 29th at the Twin-Bridges Marriott Hotel. Our theme, "To Reach the Highest, Begin at the Lowest," was emphasized by our banquet speaker, Brother George Haley, Esq. Throughout his speech the brother of Roots' author, Alex Haley, used a famous expression that was frequently stated by Dr. Benjamin Mays of Morehouse College — "The man who outthinks you will one you." Brother Haley spoke of his family's humble beginnings and how each child in the family worked to his fullest potential. Worthy of national and international recognition, is his famous brother, Alex. To further demonstrate the true Alpha principles, the Annual Scholarship Fund was presented to the President of Northern Virginia Community College. This Scholarship Benefit financially supports the Rhonda A. Gilliam Memorial Scholarship Fund, which assists needy students in their pursuit of a college education. In addition, we recognized one person in the community; one organization; and one Brother who exemplified true leadership and service in the community. Our Special Achievement Award was given to Brother Thomas L. Penn of our chapter. Brother Penn is a Past President of the Metropolitan Boards of Education and is the 1977-78 Chairman of the Arlington County School Board. The Civic Award was given to Mr. George Richardson, Chairman of the Neighborhood Conservation Committee, Arlington View Association and Assistant Principal of the Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, Maryland. Another Civic Award was given to the Arlington Chapter of Links, Inc. The Arlington Chapter is one of 161 affiliated Links chapters committed to education, cultural and civic programs. During its eleven years of existence, the Arlington Chapter has contributed more than $ 15,000 to worthy causes.

PHI ALP//, ^»



Theta Rho Lambda's Black and Gold Banquetand Ball— 19 77. cooperation with the groups in making The program is a cooperative effort the project work. Books and other between the Norfolk Chapter members current materials used in the schools and members of the Bowling Park Civic are supplied yearly. Members of the League. Bowling Park is one of Norlocal c h a p t e r s have c o n t r i b u t e d f o l k ' s public housing communities volumes from their own personal where the rate of drop-out and failure is libraries also to help develop a library. extremely high when compared with While the Alpha Brothers are the acsections outside the inner city. In July tual tutors, the children's parents are of 1976 members of the Bowling Park responsible for the operations and funCivic League approached the Alpha Phi ding of the projects. Although funds Alpha members after local school ofwere contributed by the local agencies ficials had urged parents to get involved to get the project started, the parents with the schools to help turn around the express certainty that the program will ugly trend of drop-outs and failures. The continue as long as there is a child who Alpha Brothers, many of whom are afneeds tutoring. filiated with the school system and The project meets each Saturday other service agencies, have been inmorning at the Bowling Park Recreation strumental in the tutoring and cultural Center. Fifty-six (56) children are enrichment portion of the program. already enrolled this school year, and When briefed on the idea, both the the Norfolk Alphas are "Back to the schools and the Redevelopment and Basics." Housing Agency demonstrated full

Virginia At a time when the nation's school systems are being challenged to improve their basic math, reading and cultural programs, the Norfolk chapters are involved in an innovative tutorial program called "Project Runners." 32

Showing Brother Wilton Best, a member of Norfolk's Alpha Phi Lambda Chapter, tutoring participants in the chapter's tutoring program, "Project Runners." The Sphinx / December 1977

Alpha Chapter's Rock: (I to r) Leroy Lightboume; Ronald McCray; Glen Christopher; Michael Tucker; President Basil Lee; Donald BeBouse; Ghainous Smiley III; Mike Livingston; Russell Price; Alfredo Donelson; Paget Alves; and Ronald Taylor.

Cornell u

scholastically involves obtaining an The fraternal brotherhood of Alpha engineering degree from a small, Phi Alpha was founded at Cornell predominantly white, top-ranked inUniversity in 1906. The original chapter stitution; namely, the University of of Alpha Phi Alpha was dissolved in Missouri-Rolla. 1969 due to political disturbances at Our chapter house, which has been Cornell. However, on July 20, 1974, here for over twelve years, has confour undergraduates revived the tinually provided an important two-fold Mother Chapter under the supervision purpose. It has been an outlet to of Dr. G. Alex. Galvin, a noble 50-year aspiring young brothers who dared Brother. Since that time, forty-two combine the engineering discipline with brothers have crossed the burning Alphadom. Also, it has served as a sands into Alpha Chapter. home base for our Alumni that they may return as living examples epitomizing The activities of Alpha Chapter are Black professionals. We truly believe a important to note. Alpha sponsored the very positive relationship between most successful bloodmobile in Tompgraduates and undergraduates has kins County in 1975. The men of been generated by this situation. Alpha have done fall and spring maintenance and repair work on Ithaca's October 14-15th was homecoming Southside Community Center. The at UMR. Highlights of the festivities inSphinx Club '76 of Alpha Chapter cluded the presentations to Brother organized a "haunted house" for the Wayne Harvey (Most Outstanding Halloween celebration at the Greater Graduate Brother), the lovely Ms. Ithaca Activities Center (GIAC) and also Deborah King (Homecoming Queen participated in this year's March of Candidate), and to Brothers Randy Dimes Walk-A-Thon, in which one Donaldson and Virgil V. Work Jr. (L.C. brother walked 20 kilometers. George scholarship awards). Also, This November we co-sponsored a there was a graduate-undergraduate Benefit Cabaret, with proceeds rap session held at the lodgings of donated to the United Negro College Brother Lawrence George at which Fund as part of Alpha's Million Dollar there was a guest appearance by the Drive. The proceeds of our Third Andistinguished Brother John Warrick. All nual Ball, held on this past March 26th, in all, the entire weekend was an enwere divided and two checks were joyable and rewarding experience. presented to the GIAC and the We wish all you brothers throughout Southside Community Center. Alphaland success, happiness, and This year's ball will be held at Corpeace of mind. nell's Statler Inn on April 1, 1978. Will you be there?

MIDWEST u of missouri - rolla We, the brothers of Epsilon Psi Chapter, give greetings and salutations to all our Alpha Brothers. Our environment is extremely unique, for it TheSphinx / December 1977

Connection," were initiated into the chapter along with eleven bodacious, electrifying Angels! What a year! The neophyte Brothers are Brian Abbington, Vincent Cook, David Eaton, David Epps, Kenneth Jones, Keith Kiles, Marvin Morris, Michael Myles, Clarence Oliver, and Donald White. These Brothers have added not only more spirit to Epsilon, but also more distinctiveness. With their initiation, our total membership is close to thirty active members. Our officers for 1977-78 are: Burner Hunter, President; Donald White, Wee President; Dennis Story, Secretary; David Epps, Treasurer; Kenneth Jones, Corresponding Secretary; and Micah McCreary, Dean of Pledges. Under the leadership of our President, Epsilon refused to become inactive over the summer. Because of this, fraternity meetings were held regularly over the summer months and activities within the chapter, as well as picnics and affiliations with other fraternities and sororities, were held. Through these activities, bonds of friendship were strengthened, but the bond of Alpha Phi Alpha is still the strongest bond of unity in the world! Epsilon is also proud to report the sending of three delegates to the National Convention in Atlanta plus seven other Brothers. These Brothers returned with rekindled spirits. This school year promises to be an even greater year. Epsilon is striving to move away from the idea of a "partying frat." Our goals will focus on projects to strengthen the Black family. Such projects will include a "Tribute to Black Women," seminars, workshops, blood drives, and numerous other events. Epsilon is also initiating the first Black Greek Council on this predominantly white university campus. Yes, the spirit of Epsilon lives on and on, but is only one flickering flame in the vast fire of Alpha Phi Alpha. May we challenge all other College Brothers to rekindle their Fraternal flames this year and continue to hold in high esteem the light of Alpha by acknowledging Him who is the Author and Finisher of all things.

u of michigan

metro Chicago

After a seemingly short and pleasurable summer, Epsilon Chapter — University of Michigan, Ann Arbor — is now ready for bigger and better challenges. This past school term was quite unique, for Epsilon not only grew in number but also in prosperity. Ten young men dubbed "The Brothership

Greetings Brothers, from Theta Chapter, the undergraduate host of the 1978 Midwestern Regional Convention. Theta Chapter, located in Chicago, IL, is the metropolitan chapter serving all of the universities in the area with the exception of Chicago State University. Since its founding in 1910, 33

Theta Chapter has held Alpha high in the tradition of our dear fraternity. In the past Theta has been involved with voters' registration projects, collections for the United Negro College Fund, and can dances to donate food for needy families. Annually, Theta Chapter has a M o t h e r s ' Day Banquet to honor mothers for their achievements in raising their children. Also, Theta Chapter and their Angels hold a Halloween Party for the children in the neighborhood and run a summer movie series for the patients at LaRabida Children's Hospital. Socially, Theta Chapter sponsors an annual picnic and their Annual Christmas Ball, this year held at the Palmer House in Downtown Chicago. During the past summer Theta took the honors at the Annual Sigma Gamma Rho Greek Sing with their dynamic performance in the style of APA. We the brothers of Theta Chapter are looking forward to the convention in "78." We hope to see you there.

northeast missouri state u The lota Xi Chapter at Northeast Missouri State University is the youngest and one of the largest chapters in Missouri, consisting of twentytwo active members. We have been busy striving and achieving excellence in such fields as academics, athletics, and social functions. Brother Emmett Vaughn has been accepted into the Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges. He is also station manager of the campus radio station. We have four brothers who are on the football team: Ernest Jenkins, starting defensive end and one of the leading tacklers on the team; Stanley Hughes, cornerback, also one of the team leaders in tackles and interceptions; Gerald Roulette, wide receiver; and, Keith Meadows, grad assistant and offensive receiver coach. We also have two brothers on the track team: Darryl Bills and Hurel Manns, who is an Ail-American. In social activities on campus we have Brother Leon Price, who is the Parliamentarian of the Student Senate. We are also the only fraternal organization on campus with a special section of Missouri Hall, the largest men's housing facility, to themselves. We call it the "Alpha Wing." We also placed higher than any Greek organization in the Student Activities Fair, a show and tell gathering of the over 100 campus organizations. Our 34

The lota Xi: (front, I to r) Roosevelt Brown; Mark Williams; Keith Meadows; Vance Jones; Darryl Bills. (Second row) Stand Hughes; Tony Ford; Chris Williams; James Mason; Ernie Jenkins; and Leon Price. (Top row) Michael Simms; Hurel Manns; Leroy Bills; Leon Davis; Gerald Roulette; Mike Ferrer; and Emmett Vaughn.

representatives, Michael Ferrer, Leon Price and Darryl Bills, captured third place for lota Xi. Every brother in lota Xi does his own special part in making Alpha Phi Alpha the most outstanding of the Greekletter organizations on our campus. "We strive upward and onward for the outmost excellence of Alphamen."

Illinois Mu Delta Lambda Chapter, Springfield, IL, chartered July 8, 1975, began its third year with a bang! The Mayor of Springfield proclaimed September 24th as Alpha Phi Alpha Day in recognition of contributions made to the community by Alpha men. The Alpha Phi Alpha Day proclamation was the first such recognition bestowed upon any Greek organization in Springfield. This recognition typifies what Alpha men stand for: "First of All, Servants of All, We shall transcend All." The Alpha Day Proclamation launched the first Annual Mu Delta Lambda Scholarship Dance which was held at the Forum 30 Hotel in Springfield. The dance was an overwhelming success and proved to be one of the most outstanding and worthwhile social events of the year. The Scholarship Fund was established to assist students of middle income working parents, who do not

qualify for other financial assistance because of economic reasons. The first scholarships will be presented to 1978 high school graduates of the Springfield school district. The Mu Delta Lambda Scholarship Fund was established in keeping with the long-standing goal of the fraternity — to encourage students to attend higher institutions of learning. We are continuing the trend established with the "Go-To-High School, Go-ToCollege Movement." The first pledge club of the Mu Delta Lambda Chapter was recently initiated into the fraternity. The newly initiated brothers are: Elbert Betts, Kenneth Braxton, and Louis Webster. The addition of these brothers to the fraternity is truly an asset, and Mu Delta Lambda is proud to have such quality men. The second pledge club was recently formed with ten members. The tenmember pledge club includes men of high caliber and, if successful in crossing the burning sands, they would also be assets to the fraternity. Mu Delta Lambda is moving on, and the membership is proud of the accomplishments to date. However, we pledge to far exceed those accomplishments this year. The members of Mu Delta Lambda Chapter are: Jack P. Joyner, President; Dr. James Brown, Vice President; Jerry G. J o n e s , Secretary and Editor-to-the-Sphinx; The Sphinx / December 1977

Gamma Zeta is primarily geared this year toward actively recruiting other prospective men of distinction. This action was taken by the duly-installed officers. The Chapter president presented an outline of new programs for this school term. This "Plan of Action" concerns "Alpha Week," campus involvement, fund raising projects, better relationship with other Brothers and Sisters in Greekdom, and increasing the level of communication between the college and Alumni Chapter during the course of the year. As always, Gamma Zeta is in good keeping with aims of our dear Fraternity: manly deeds, scholarship and love for all mankind.

alabama Beta Omicron Lambda Chapter, Mobile, AL, made Ralph E. Johnson, a graduating senior of Murphy High The Mayor of Springfield, Illinois, proclaims Alpha Phi Alpha Day in that city in recognition of School, the recipient of its annual three community projects of Mu Delta Lambda Chapter. hundred dollar Scholarship Award for Milton Johnson, Treasurer; John McHood, Jr., Professor of Military Science the scholastic year 1976-77. Ralph Clanahan, Program Director; Lee at Fort Valley State College. The pur- Johnson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carey, Chaplain; Arthur Fergurson, pose of this week is to extend Peter Westry, who reside at 555-B Historian; Alvin Roundtree, Panenlightenment, entertainment and serve Franklin St. in Mobile. Hellenic Council Representative; Elbert as a lasting act of servitude to those For the past several years, the local Betts; James Braxton; Kenneth Braxwho want to make the initial steps chapter has awarded this kind of ton; George Brown; Kenneth Groggs; toward our dear Fraternity. scholarship to some graduating senior James McWilliams; Dana Roundtree; During this week one of our com- boy in the area high schools. The Lowell Turley; and Louis Webster. munity projects was the collection of evaluating criteria for this award is can goods from the student body as based on scholarship, financial need, inwell as from the general community. terview-attitude and personal apThese goods were distributed to the pearance, with the greater emphasis on needy in the community. Other campus financial need. Several senior boys are and community related projects shall be invited to meet and talk with the Seleccarried on during the remainder of the tion Committee before the award is anThe Brothers of Gamma Zeta Chapyear. nounced. Those who are invited and ter at the Fort Valley State College are The year 1976-77 was prosperous are not selected by the Selection Comproud of a long history of promoting for Gamma Zeta and 1977-78 appears mmittee are presented a useful gift for fraternal spirit and brotherhood to be even more promising under the their participation. throughout the consortium of colleges leadership of our new officers. Officers Beta Omicron Lambda, an organ of in the area. Some of the colleges infor 1977-78 are: Gary L Atwater, the national body, is a non-profit clude Florida A & M, Albany State President; Henry Manning, Vice organization that fosters, among other College, Savannah State College, MerPresident; George Ward, Secretary; aims: manly deeds; scholarship; and cer University, and various other Dennis Turnipseed, Treasurer; Trent B. love for all mankind. college campuses. Johnson, Corresponding Secretary, Brother Lawrence Curtis, left, Chairman of Recently, the Brothers celebrated Editor-to-the-Sphinx, Dean of Pledgees the Education Committee of Beta Omicron their annual Chapter and National's and Assistant Dean of Probates; Elmo Lambda Chapter, presents the chapter's Founder's Day Program November 6, Dunn, Parliamentarian; and other Scholarship Award to Ralph Johnson as Murphy High School Principal C. D. An1977. This program was sponsored Brothers are Cobbie Burns and Gerald derson looks on. with the collaboration of Gamma Sigma Darling. Lambda Chapter and our speaker was By the time this article hits the press, Brother Thomas J. Palmer, the Dean of Gamma Zeta will have initiated two new Students at Fort Valley State College. Brothers. They are: Fetus Petway, a Brothers of Gamma Zeta Chapter, political science major from Fort along with the Brothers of Gamma Gaines, Georgia, a graduating senior; Sigma Lambda, sponsored "Alpha Bennie Frank Neal, a history and Week" here on the Fort Valley State political science major from ManCollege campus during the week of chester, Georgia, Captain of the Fort November 14-18, 1977. Our keynote Valley State College Wildcats "Gold speaker for the week was Ltc. Charles Machine" basketball team, a senior.

SOUTH fort valley state u

The Sphinx / December 1977


Brothers Fredrick A. Rivers, Daniel J. Thomas II, and Junious S. Mebane are honored on their 50th Anniversary in Alphadom by the members of Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter, Memphis, Tennessee.

tennessee The officers and members of Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter paid tribute to three of the "Pillows" of the chapter at their "Annual Alpha Ball," held at the beautiful clearpool Beverly Room, in the great city of Memphis. These three outstanding brothers have contributed fifty golden years to our beloved Alpha Phi Alpha Frafernity, Inc. The true basis for the estimation of an organization's wealth and success is to be found in the enjoyment of its members. We salute these three great Alpha men for having kept their vows to hold Alpha high with pride and humility. Brothers Fredrick A. Rivers, Daniel H. Thomas, II, and Junious S. Mebane, hold a special place in the hearts of the membership of Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter. " . . . Our true hearts ever strive success' goal to gain, that our fraternity's praises may be sung." As Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter of our great fraternity enters the 50th year of its existence, we are proud to look back and sing praises, and rejoice over the many achievements and accomplishments of the past that these brothers have endeavored to convey in holding Alpha high in the Memphis community. Brother Fredrick A. Rivers is a graduate of Fisk University, where he was initiated into Alpha Chi Chapter in 1927, as a charter member. He entered Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tenn., after completing his un36

dergraduate work at Fisk University. Brother Rivers joined Chi Chapter at Meharry, where he was seeking the D.D.S. degree. He has been a practicing dentist in the city of Memphis for many years. He is a member of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, and resides at 1979 South Parkway East, with his very beautiful wife, the former Margaret Mayfield of Ft. Worth, Texas. He is very active in his professional organizations, civic and social circles in the Memphis area. Brother Daniel J. Thomas II, was graduated from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. He was initiated into Nu Chapter in 1926. Brother Thomas has been very active and alive with Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter. He is referred to as "Bro. D. J.," by the brothers of the chapter, and is called upon so often to get the record of history of our chapter straight. Brother D. J. is better known for his pleasant personality, concerns of others, and the general welfare of the fraternity. He is a very active member of long standing in Collins Chapel Methodist Church, serving as a trustee and steward. He is enjoying his retirement from the business world of insurance and public relations. The father of two sons, Brother D. J. is very proud of their accomplishments, Dr. Daniel J. Thomas III, who is a practicing surgeon in Tacoma, Washington, and Ray C. Thomas, an educator, who is principal of the largest elementary school in Memphis. Brother Thomas

resides with his very attractive wife of fifty-three years, the former Bernice Scott, at 312 West Waldorf Avenue. Brother Junious S. Mebane was initiated into Tau Lambda Chapter in Nashville, Tennessee in 1927, and afterwards, joined Alpha Delta Lambda in Memphis, Tennessee. He is a retired vocational teacher, and former high school principal of Shelby County High School in Memphis for 39 years. Brother Mebane devoted much of his time in developing his Craven Road Subdivision. He has been very active working with civic and political activities. He discharged all of his duties with great efficiency and dedication. His professional affiliations include local, state and national associations. He loves his fraternity, and is well loved and highly respected by the brothers of Alpha Delta Lambda and the three undergraduate chapters in the community. Brother Mebane is a member of Metropolitan Baptist Church, and serves on the church's Trustee Board. He is at home at 948 Olympic Street. Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter, under the excellent and able leadership of our good brother President Eldridge Williams, would like to congratulate each one of our loyal brothers for fifty years with Alpha Phi Alpha, and a vote of thanks for their wisdom, advice, directions and all that go to help one continue to be active with the world's greatest fraternity on earth, ALPHA PHI ALPHA, INC.! The Sphinx / December 1977

fayetteville state u Greetings from the Brothers of Epsilon Zeta Chapter at Fayetteville State University, North Carolina. The Brothers of Epsilon Zeta are coming off a brilliant year of work during the past year. There was the Annual "End of the Year Black and Gold Farewell Banquet." Brother Leslie Griffin, who is now the president of the graduate chapter, Epsilon Rho Lambda, gave an inspiring speech to the Brothers and their dates along with other special guests. During the year 1976-77, the Brothers instituted a scholarship fund called "The Michael Monk Scholarship." This scholarship is given to a worthy high school student to enable him or her to go to college. There were community projects which included services to the Cumberland County Center for the Blind and the March of Dimes Twenty-Mile-Walk. We the brothers took great pride in knowing what we did was a good contribution to our community and the world of needy children. A big decision which the Brothers had to make this year was to choose a Miss Alpha Phi Alpha and Miss Black and Gold. This was a decision which had to be carefully studied, since there were so many lovely young ladies. Our new Miss Alpha Phi Alpha is Miss Jackie Jackson (a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.) and our new Miss Black and Gold is Miss Wiladene Rhodes, a member of Alpha Angels Sweetheart Club. That's the past, but the Brothers of Epsilon Zeta are looking ahead in the interest of APA to the State Convention which will be held here in Fayetteville, North Carolina, February 3-4, 1978. We will be looking for all the Brothers in Alphadom to be present and have a good time. Two new Brothers were inducted into Alpha-land this past year. They are Francell Herbert Flood, Jr., Business Administration, Hampton, VA and John L. Wesley, Business Administration, Fayetteville, NC. Now get this! Their line numbers were Sphinxman 1 / 4 and Sphinxman 2 / 4 . What will we think of next!! The future is just around the corner and there is a lot of work to be done. The Brothers of Epsilon Zeta are in the process of making plans for the Annual Black and Gold Ball. This promises to be the big event of the year. So just like you, we have our work cut out for us. The Sphinx / December 1977

The Epsilon Zeta

So keep the spirit and uphold the ideas of Alpha. Keep Alpha part of you and above all, stay together Brothers because we are one. Our officers for the 1 9 7 7 - 7 8 academic year are as follows: Andre Murphy, President; Francell Flood, Vice President; Marvic Spencer, Secretary; Henry Porter, Treasurer; Wilbur Gethers, Historian; Jesse Thomas, Dean of Pledgees; John Wesley, Assistant Dean of Pledgees and Editorto-the-Sphinx; and, Louis Vinson, Assistant to all Brothers.

u of south florida The Brothers of Theta Gamma Chapter, at the University of South Florida, are very proud of our "Fraternal R o o t s . " With no Black fraternal organization on campus, Brother Richard F. Pride formulated the initial stages of development. Utilizing Brother Pride's efforts, Brother Sherman T. Thompson, a graduate advisor,

was instrumental in initiating twelve charter members into Alphadom — March 4, 1972. Since that time twentythree other brothers have been initiated through our chapter. Following the aims of the Fraternity's Motto, we have strived to perform projects and activities here at USF and the community. We are especially proud of our annual contributions of clothes and food for underprivileged families. We have set up programs to aid the NAACP and Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation. In conjunction with the Tampa graduate chapter we have prepared screening processes for hypertension. Participating with the Pan-Hellenic Council we were able to purchase uniforms for the Tampa Bay Eagles Little League football team, and helped to institute the Annual PanHellenic Week. Also, Brothers of our Chapter have played vital roles in leadership and academics, such as: Student Government; Florida Black Student Union; A.M.E. Alliance; and Pan-Hellenic and Black Student Union officers. Academic awards include membership in Honorary Societies, Who's Who, and the Fraternity has been awarded the highest G.P.R. Throughout the years, we excelled in sports activities, capturing the Soul Bowl Football Championship for three years. Most recently winning the Fraternity championship in basketball, we have also participated in tennis and coed basketball. Our Chapter has been spearheaded with such presidential leadership as Brothers Roger Storr, David Dwight, Randy Miller, Kenneth Walker, Reginald McGill, and William Patterson. Presently our o f f i c e r s are: Arthur Mallard, President; Gerald Foster, Wee

Theta Gamma — front row (I to r): Brothers Kenneth Walker; Gerald Foster; Reginald McGill; Parren Shannon; Michael Robinson; and Newton Fairweather. Back row (I to r): Rosa Lagion; Vanessa Holloway; Celestine Nance; Margaret Knowles; Ester Broadnax; Shelia Higginbotham; and Yvette McCray. 37

President and Dean of Pledges; Parren Shannon, Financial Secretary; Michael Robinson, Recording Secretary; Reginald McGill, Corresponding Secretary; and William Patterson, Assistant Dean of Pledges. The Alpha Angels were organized Quarter II, 1975 and have served as vital assets to our Chapter. Also we have had several "Alpha Affairs" with the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorors here at USF.

alabama Theta Gamma Lambda Chapter, serving the Wiregrass area of southeastern Alabama, has really gotten "Back to Basics" during the past few months. For Theta Gamma Lambda, the basics are brotherhood, service, and achievement. In each of these distinct areas, our chapter has shown a high degree of success. The development and application of a strong reclamation program has resulted in a significant increase in chapter strength. Further strengthening of the chapter was achieved by the initiation of three new Alpha men in July. These new Alphamen are Brothers Clarence Stanley, William Pettaway, and Willie Anthony. Brother Stanley is the environmental health officer for Fort Rucker and Brothers Pettaway and Anthony are both employed in the local school system. In the area of service, Theta Gamma Lambda has taken the responsibility in the Black community of the Wiregrass to act as an interface with the local Salvation Army. Recently, the chapter collected and presented to the Salvation Army more than forty units of clothing and equipment. Local TV coverage of this event gave great credibility to the overall aims of our fraternity. Alphas in the Wiregrass supply much of the local Black leadership in the area of local government and education. Brother John Glanton was recently reelected to his second term as city councilman for the city of Dothan, Alabama. Brother Dr. James Smith recently won a court decision that resulted in his appointment to the principalship of the Dothan High School. These are but a couple of the achievements of Alpha men in this area. Theta Gamma Lambda Chapter serves as a melting pot for Alpha men from all around the country. With the close proximity of the U.S. Army Aviation School at Fort Rucker, Alabama, the chapter serves as the temporary home 38

of brothers receiving their primary and advanced flight training and advanced officer training at Fort Rucker. The transient status of these brothers tends to provide a constant source of new ideas and programs for the Wiregrass area. Recent transient brothers who have contributed to the development of Theta Gamma Lambda Chapter are Brothers Chester Jordan, Webster Langhorne, Welborn Williams, Kerry Brown of Theta Delta Lambda, El Paso, and Brother William Manning. Back to the basics is the goal and Theta Gamma Lambda is on its way to achieving that goal.

mem phis state u

Kappa Eta President Orlando Marner (I) with Clara Ford, Miss Black America, and Brother Myron Gray.

Greetings from the Brothers of Kappa Eta Chapter at Memphis State University. After a summer filled with things such as a community wide block party, providing the youth of the community with entertainment every weekend, we have resumed the school year with great spirit. Currently we have already started a very active year with a fair number of achievements. Presently two brothers are now members of The President's Council Student Leaders, three brothers serve as senators to the legislative body of the Black Student Association (with one brother holding the position as Speaker), another brother being President of the PanHellenic Council, and Brother Michael Cox served on the university's com-

mittee of Who's Who Among College and University Students. Also, the brothers participated in a Clara Ford (Miss Black America and a student at M.S.U.) appreciation day sponsored by the Black Student Association, presenting her with a silver and gold necklace and a certificate making her an honorary sweetheart of Kappa Eta Chapter. We are still taking an active role in the community through our work with the Memphis Black Media Coalition, Currently we are involved with getting a certain television show off the air in Memphis. Many people feel that the show is old, stupid, and extremely offensive to the Black viewing public. We have also participated in public hearings protesting the common practices of many of the media oriented businesses in this city. Also we have collected several signatures of people protesting the practices of the Memphis News Media and its coverage of Black events. Through our community work, Kappa Eta Chapter was recently the recipient of a certificate of merit from Operation P.U.S.H.- Memphis, in which we all plan to become members shortly. One of our proudest achievements to this date is our new fraternity house. It is located at 1553 Southern Ave., and feel free to stop by any time. Much credit should be given to our advisor, Brother Leon Freeman, for helping us make one of our dreams come true. For without his help financially and morally, we would not have the house. Other things include our line of five bright young men: Merrick Home, Jerry Malone, Donald Lambert, Ricky Clark, and Joe Harris. Also we are planning a community wide clean-up campaign and a recruiting program in connection with the school. In parting we would like to say that excellence is one of the main attributes of an Alpha; in our workings we hope to one day see that light.

georgia The Brothers of Theta Nu Lambda Chapter were engaged in many activities starting in January, 1977, and ending in June, 1977. The brothers sent Brother Groover Reece to the State Convention held in Athens, Georgia. The next activity included the Annual Spring Affair held at Caesar's Palace, LaGrange, Georgia. This event was the outstanding social event in the LaGrange Area. The Sphinx / December 1977


Charter members of Nu Gamma Chapter, located at West Georgia College, Carrollton, are shown with Brother Lorenzo Manns, Georgia State Director. presentation of the Black and Gold On May 15th, the brothers observed Award. The Black and Gold Award is Education and Citizenship Week. The the highest award given by Theta Nu program was held in West Point, Lambda Chapter. This award was Georgia, and was highlighted by two presented to Brother Wallace outstanding features. These included McLaughlin, who worked very closely an appropriate and spirited address by with the brothers at West Georgia Brother Claybom Edwards, a City College, and was the guiding spirit that Councilman from Fort Valley, Georgia, gave the eight brothers the image and and the presentation of "Alpha's Citizen ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. of the Year." The award was presented Several brothers in Theta Nu Lambda to Frank Hall, the first Black to be elecChapter have been elevated to ted to the City Council of West Point, positions of leadership in the comGeorgia. munity. Brother Willie J. Anderson was During the 1977 commencement elected to the principalship of McCray exercises at Greenville High School, Elementary School, Gay, Georgia. Greenville, Georgia, Quinton Blount was Brother Solomon Ferguson was apawarded the Alpha Phi Alpha Scholarpointed assistant principal at Manship for 1977. The award consisted of c h e s t e r Elementary S c h o o l , Man$ 5 0 0 and was forwarded to the Purdue chester, Georgia. Brother John D. Hogg University when Quinton entered in was named the first Black athletic direcSeptember. tor at West Point High School, West The major activity for the year was Point, Georgia. Brother Oliver N. the completion of the proposed chapter Greene was installed as President of at West Georgia College, Carrollton, the Georgia Association of Educational Georgia. The initial work on this Leaders. proposed chapter was begun in 1975. The Chapter sent three delegates to The proposed chapter was completed Atlanta, Georgia to attend the National in May, 1977 with the presentation of Convention. The following brothers the charter to the brothers at West were elected to serve for 1977-78: Georgia College by Brother Lorenzo Frank Lewis, President; Solomon Manns, the Georgia State Director. The Ferguson, Vice President; Oliver N. installation and initiation banquet were Greene, Secretary; Billy Brown, Recorheld at Pace Maker Inn, LaGrange, ding Secretary; Groover Reece, Dean Georgia. The charter members of Nu of Pledges; William Mitchell, Treasurer; Gamma Chapter at West Georgia Cleveland Bedgood, Historian; John D. College are: Lawrence Barber, ClarenHoggs, Associate-Editor-to-the-Sphinx; ce Brown, Robert E. Lowe, Timothy Willie Anderson, Chaplain; and, Tom Penn, Aaron Prather, Victor Riddle, McBride, Parliamentarian. David Scott, and Anthony Truitt. An outstanding feature at the banquet was the The Sphinx / December 1977

On December 7, 1975, seven members of the Duke University student body crossed those burning sands into Alphadom and comprised the charter members of the Kappa Omicron Chapter here on Duke's campus. Since that date, though some of the charter brothers have graduated, the chapter has grown to its present status, boasting fourteen dedicated Alphamen, the largest Black fraternity ever on Duke's campus. Since December of 1975 the chapter has proceeded to further the noble ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha. Service projects have included the providing of Christmas dinners to disadvantaged families in the community and our ongoing "Big Brother" program, in which the brothers tutor and render leadership to community youth. The brothers have also donated their services to a community day care center, providing custodial as well as managerial help. Our most recent project has been to sponsor a memorial service for the late Brother Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which was held in the Duke Chapel. We are also making great strides in gathering funds for our scholarship program which will aid a needy youth begin his collegiate career. Also, looking toward the future, we plan to aid a nearby mental health facility which will better our community rapport as well as benefit the inmates of the facility. Another project on the drawing boards is a proposed "High School Jam" in order to better our relations with the community youth. Aside from throwing the baddest jams on Duke's campus, our on-campus activities include aiding Duke's Black theatrical organization and volunteer work for The Black Students' Alliance on campus. We are now in the process of building our contribution to the Million Dollar Drive. Our effectiveness in service as a group does not diminish our individuality. All our brothers are distinguishing themselves as well as the fraternity by their academic prowess, personality, and positions of leadership in the Duke community.


SOUTHWEST u of central arkansas Greetings from the Brothers of Theta Psi Chapter — University of Central Arkansas. On October 3-5, 1977, a blood drive was held by the Red Cross. The brothers of Theta Psi Chapter all attempted to give blood. Although some were turned down, we more than made up for the loss by getting many more to give that more might live. The Brothers of Theta Psi also donated a Christmas basket through a local church here in Conway. This effort was made by Brother John Graham. The brothers of Theta Psi live by the 5 P's — Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. From the Brothers of Theta Psi Chapter, University of Central Arkansas, Looking onward and upward towards the Light!

WEST new mexico The Brothers of lota Psi Lambda Chapter, Albuquerque, New Mexico, completed the past year in grand fashion. Some of the highlights of 1976 were: the initiation of two new men into the fraternity; the Annual Black and Gold Ball on May 27 — between 150 and 200 guests attended the gala affair; the 4th of July picnic was a success; the Annual Founder's Day program made the past year a complete success. It began with morning worship of all brothers at Grant Chapel A.M.E. Church, with Rev. H. L. Vaughn giving an inspirational message. This was followed by a luncheon at the Four

Shown celebrating their first fall performance are the Brothers of Theta Psi Chapter: {back row, I to r) Marcus Moore; Darrel Scott; Jim Black; (second row, I to r) Ronnie Hill; Henry Reeves; Kimmie Cleveland; Rumel Driver (Angel); Terry Hall; Kenneth Black; (kneeling, I to r) Michael Coleman; Walter Credit; Patricia Coleman (friend); and Charles Thomas. Seasons Motor Inn. Brother Rogernald J a c k s o n , W e s t e r n Regional VicePresident, gave each Brother of lota Psi Lambda a new spirit and uplift as he spoke on brotherhood. Other significant contributions were made by lota Psi Lambda Chapter. These included the presentation of a scholarship to a well deserving young lady who is attending Tufts University. The Chapter also provided fruit and candy bags to the Peanut Butter and Jelly School for the Christmas celebration. Currently, the continuity of effective leadership is being provided by our newly elected President, James E. Tatum, and his staff consisting of David M. Davies, Vice President; Gene Dimmie, Secretary; F. Patrick Dougherty, Treasurer; Samuel Harris, Parliamen-

Alpha wives of lota Psi Lambda shown are (seated, I to r) Carole, Doris, Jeanne, Verlene. (Standing, I to r) Carol, Olivia, Kathy, Ina, Beatrice and Thelma. 40

tarian; Boyd Jackson, Sergeant-atArms; John P. Morgan, Editor-to-theSphinx; and Roy Webb, Dean of Pledges. The reclamation of inactive brothers is an on-going program under the leadership of Boyd Jackson. Our scholarship program is also on the move under the Chairmanship of Juan Williams; the dollar amount will increase this year significantly. The program and planning committee under the leadership of Doc Anderson is planning two major activities in the near future, one a breakfast in honor of our late brother Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and next a smoker for men interested in Alpha. The brothers of lota Psi Lambda are continually inspired by the faithful support afforded them by their wives and sweethearts.

lota Psi Lambda (seated, I to r) Brothers Anhur L. Hardeman; Roy Palmer; Rogernald Jackson, Western Regional Vice-President; Boyd Jackson; Samuel E. Harris; Dr. John P. Morgan. (Standing, I to r) James E. Tatum; Gene M. Dimmie; Ernest C. Briggs; David M. Davies; Roy Webb; William C. Huling; Patrick Dougherty; and Doc A. Anderson. The Sphinx / December 1977

California Eta Sigma Lambda Chapter (San Jose, California) has just recently completed its scholarship awards to local high school seniors. This year two young men were recipients of the Alpha Scholarship. Marvin Andrew Billszar graduated from James Lick High School with honors and has enrolled at San Jose State University majoring in Business Administration. Alonzo Baker graduated from Milpitas High School with honors and has enrolled at the University of Southern California majoring in Electrical Engineering. Alonzo was selected to the 1977 edition of Who's Who Among American High School Students. We are proud that we now have seven brothers who are life members. The chapter is looking forward to another exciting year with the following officers: Delano Thaxton, President; A. Vernon Johnson, Vice President; Charles McClinton, Recording Secretary; Nathaniel Newman, Corresponding Secretary; Edward Hunter III, Treasurer; Richard Terrell, Sergeant-at-Arms; and Nathaniel Newman, Editor-to-the-Sphinx.

Eta Sigma Lambda


In case of non-receipt of The Sphinx, please send correct address to the General Office. NOTE: You must include Life Membership or current Pass Card number to insure correction. HELP US SERVE YOU!

The Sphinx / December 1977


Omoga CYiapten Laurence T. Young Sr., Editor

We regret to announce the demise of our distinguished Past General President

Brother A. MACEO SMITH Full information wilt be included in our next edition

Brother THOMAS NELSON BAKER, age 71 entered Omega Chapter April 27, 1977 at Petersburg General Hospital, Petersburg, Virginia. Brother Baker was a native of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, the son of the Reverend and Mrs. T. Nelson Baker, Sr. He was an active member of Nu Lambda Chapter at Petersburg, Virginia. The College community is saddened by his passing, a professor emeritus, who served Virginia State College from 1932 until 1972 as professor of chemistry. Brother Baker received the A.B. and the MA. degrees from Oberlin College, and a Ph.D. degree from Ohio State University. He was truly an excellent teacher, a scholar, a gentleman and a true friend. Brother Baker for many years provided enviable leadership for the Department of Chemistry. During his association with the College, the calibre of his instructions and his commitment to the College were never questioned by either students or colleagues. Brother Baker was a professor of chemistry in the National Science Foundation supported institutes, which afforded him the opportunity of teaching several hundred in-service teachers who had graduated from more than fifty different institutions, both historically black and historically white. Brother Baker served on many committees and task forces which planned the direction of Virginia State College and dealth with issues and concerns. For many years he played the oboe in the College Symphony Band. As a Black educator, scholar, and scientist, Brother Baker contributed in a most positive manner to the history and development of Virginia State College. Brother Baker is survived by his widow - Geneva - and two sons Thomas, Jr. and Newman. Funeral services were held April 30, 1977 in St. Stephens Episcopal Church, with Father H. Roy Thompson celebrating the Mass for the Departed, assisted by the Reverend Venerable Odell Harris.

Brother Thomas Nelson Baker 42

Brother George R. Bowles, Jr.

Brother WALTER THOMAS BOND entered Omega Chapter November 1, 1977 in Columbus, Ohio. Brother Bond was an active member of Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter, Columbus, Ohio for many years. He received his elementary education in Somerville, Tennessee — and later completed his undergraduate work at LeMoyne College, Memphis, Tennessee. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tennessee in 1962 and served his internship at St. Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse, New York. Brother Bond left Syracuse and went to Buffalo where he served his residency in internal medicine at the Veteran's Administration Hospital, and from there he went to Long Beach, California where he completed a fellowship in gastroenterology at the Veterans' Hospital. Brother Bond moved to Columbus, Ohio to practice internal medicine in 1970 and was on the staffs of St. Anthony's and St. Ann's Hospital, also Grant and Mercy Hospitals. Brother Bond is survived by his wife, Marie, and two sons — Kevin Lemoyne and Brent Christian. A tragic note must be appended to this glorious record of achievement of Brother Bond. On the 1st of November, 1977, Brother Bond was slain by unknown and unidentified assailants, as of this date. It is indeed regrettable that such a useful young life is suddenly and tragically ended. Omega Chapter rites were conducted at the funeral parlors prior to final Funeral Services, under the guidance of the President of Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter. Brother NOWLAND H. BROWN entered Omega Chapter November 30, 1977 in St. Louis, Missouri where he spent the major part of his adult life. Brother Brown was an active member of Epsilon Lambda Chapter. The Alpha Phi Alpha Memorial service was held preceeding the funeral rites at the Westside Baptist Church, St. Louis, Missouri on Sunday, December 4th, 1977 at 3:00 p.m. Brother GEORGE R. BOWLES, JR. passed into Omega Chapter September 17, 1977 in Lafayette, Louisiana following a brief illness. Brother Bowles was an active member of Eta Gamma Lambda Chapter in Lafayette, Louisiana for many years. He was initiated at Gamma Phi Chapter, Tuskegee Institute in 1947. Brother Bowles was a native of Arcadia, Florida where he received his elementary education. He received his Baccalaureate degree from Tuskegee Institute-Alabama and his Master's degree from the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana. Brother Bowles was a retired teacher of science at Paul Breaux and Lafayette Senior High Schools. He was a retired 1st Lieutenant of the United States Army. He held membership in many organizations, — was treasurer of the local chapter of the NAACP, member of the Knights of Peter Claver Council No. 76. He was actively engaged in civic and community affairs; he became politically minded and was a candidate for Mayor of Lafayette, garnering together 80,000 votes. Upon retiring from his teaching role, Brother Bowles was employed at Southern Consumers Development Fund in Lafayette, and was a member of the Lafayette Bi-Racial Committee. The Sphinx / December 1977

Besides his devoted wife, he is survived by two sons, George III and Paul, — one daughter Karen, two brothers, three sisters, and a host of collateral relatives. Omega Chapter services were conducted by Eta Gamma Lambda Chapter, the chapter Brother Bowles was so actively involved in, having served a President, Secretary, Chaplain, and Editor-to-theSphinx. Brother AUGUSTUS J. CALLOWAY, JR., age 69 — entered Omega Chapter August 29th, 1977 in Atlanta, Georgia while attending the American Hospital Association's annual convention. Brother Calloway was an active member of Gamma Lambda Chapter, having served as Chapter President for a number of years. Brother Calloway was a native of Texarkana, Texas and a graduate of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. He was the officer in charge of urban affairs for the Michigan Bell Telephone Company at the time of his retirement in 1973, — he had directed the company's program in minority communities and supervised its relationships with colleges and universities. Brother Calloway was elected to Wayne State University's Board of Governors in 1968 and later served as Chairman for two terms. At the time of his death he was serving as President of the Board of Directors of the Southwest Detroit Hospital. He served in a variety of management positions and was promoted to community relations manager in 1964 and assistant vice president in January 1972. Other boards he was associated with included those of the Detroit Urban League, Detroit Medical Center; Federated Home for Girls, Michigan Delta Dental Plan and the Greater Detroit Hospital Council. He had been a member of the Executive Committee of the Detroit NAACP Freedom Dinner Fund, 1 st Vice President of Detroit Adventure and President of District Council Political Education. Brother Calloway is survived by his wife, Mary Frances, two sons, Augustus III and Brian Joseph, — a sister, and his mother Mrs. A. J. Calloway. Funeral rites were conducted at the McFall Brothers Funeral Home in Detroit, burial was made in Woodlawn Cemetery. Prior to the funeral rites, Omega Chapter ritual was conducted by Gamma Lambda Chapter with the Chapter President in charge. Brother NATHAN K. CHRISTOPHER, age 82 — entered Omega Chapter in September 1977 in Hillcrest Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. Brother Christopher was an active member of Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter, Cleveland, having become a Life Member (2001) at the age of 80. He was born in Jacksonville, Florida and received his elementary education at Bethune-Cookman School, his professional education at Howard University Dental School and Northwestern University School of Dentistry. He was a member of the national board of the NAACP, and on Cleveland's Executive Committee of the NAACP for 30 years; he was a former trustee of Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio. He was a Mason, a member of the Cedar Branch of the Cleveland YMCA, a member of the Phyllis Wheatley Association, the Dental Society, the Boule (Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity) and the Funeral Directors Association of Cleveland, Ohio. Brother Christopher is survived by a son, three grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Funeral rites were conducted at St. Andrews Episcopal Church on September 7th, 1977. Brother CHARLES H. FINLEY, SR. — attorney-at-law, entered Omega Chapter October 9, 1977 in Lafayette, Louisiana. Brother Finley was an active member of Eta Gamma Lambda Chapter. Brother Finley was reared in Fort Worth, Texas where he received his elementary and secondary education; he attended Xavier University, New Orleans, Louisiana and Howard University, Washington, D.C. He received his legal education at Southern University Law School, graduate work at Louisiana State University College of Law. Brother Finley was a member of St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church for thirty years. He was a member of the Lafayette Parish of the NAACP; Lafayette Human Relations Council; Louisiana Voter Education Project; Southern Consumers' Cooperative Education Foundation; the Lafayette Negro Business League; Board of Trustees of the Christian Villa Nursing Home, Inc. Crowley, The Sphinx / December 1977

Louisiana, a 32nd Degree Mason; the 7th District Baptist Association and the National Federation of the Blind. Brother Finley established the Suranal Company, which was a medicine and cosmetic company in Lafayette. This company was later formed into the C. H. Finley and Company, a pharmaceutical manufacturing and cosmetic company. Brother Finley is survived by his wife Betty, two sons, one daughter and his adopted parents Mr. and Mrs. Eli Stevenson. Omega services were conducted prior to funeral rites at the Funeral Parlors — conducted by the Officers of Eta Gamma Lambda Chapter. Brother THADEAUS H. HOBBS, former Western Vice President, departed this life July 17,1977 and entered Omega Chapter. At the time of his demise Brother Hobbs was a member of Beta Psi Lambda Chapter in Los Angeles. The profile containing the record of Brother Hobbs' achievements, accomplishments, awards, honors and various activities is far too lengthy to set forth in this limited space. However, we do wish to mention a few of them with the thought in mind that they may serve as an incentive to our younger members to serve well and accomplish as he did. Brother Hobbs entered Alpha Phi Alpha October 20, 1942 through Beta Kappa Chapter, Langston University, and at once became deeply interested in all of Alpha's programs. As his duties and studies carried him to various parts he would seek out and affiliate with the chapter nearest to him. He served as President of Gamma Xi, University of California in Los Angeles (1947-48). Brother Hobbs answered his country's call in World War II and served in the European Theater of Operations. He earned three Battle Stars, The Combat Infantry Badge and his Battlefield Commission of Second Lieutenant. Brother Hobbs acquired his preparation for life at a number of higher institutions of learning. He majored in Industrial Arts at Langston University in Oklahoma; he pursued Business Administration at the University of Florence in Italy. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of California, Los Angeles, in June 1948 and went on to receive his Master of Arts degree from the University of Southern California in 1961. Later he engaged in further study toward his Ph.D. degree. He earned General Administration Credentials at Pepperdine University. Various positions in the public school system of Los Angeles were held by Brother Hobbs, and at the time of his death he was Principal of Locke High School. He was deeply involved in community and social activities in Los Angeles and these included ten major interests in athletic, health and public affairs programs, and alumni, college and university programs and projects. To name a few, he was a member of the Community Advisory Board of California State University at Long Beach; Guest Lecturer at Loyola University School of Education, former member of the Board of Claremont College, former Board member of Southern California-Arizona Conference, member of the Board of Education of United Methodist Church. He was a member of the First Work Team sent to Germany by this Conference in the summer of 1949. He was a member of Crenshaw United Methodist Church in which he was a Lay Reader and in which he had held various church offices. After entering Alpha Phi Alpha, standing on the bottom rung of the ladder, he earnestly applied himself to learn all he could about Alpha Phi Alpha and serve its purpose. In the course of his progress eventually he became Life Member Number 315. He was a charter member of Los Angeles Housing Foundation (original). As previously mentioned he was President of Gamma Xi Chapter U.C.L.A. (194748), National Chairman Veterans Affairs Committee (1948-50), President Beta Psi Lambda Chapter (1963-65), Director Undergraduate Affairs, Western Region (1964-67), Regional Director Southern Section, California (1968-70), Western Regional Vice President (1970-1975), and Counselor of Alpha Phi Alpha Outreach Program, Western Region (1975—). During the summer months Brother Hobbs secured jobs for low income and disadvantaged youth through participation of the Junior Achievement Program on Locke High School campus. 43.

Thadeaus Hobbs was the recipient of numerous awards, honors and citations from societies, institutions and organizations with humanitarian programs all of which he bore with characteristic modesty, pride and dignity; but we believe those he cherished most were accorded him by Beta Lambda Chapter. At the time of his death he had been scheduled for initiation into Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity (The Boule). During his administration as Western Regional Vice President Brother Hobbs proposed three amendments to the General Constitution of the Fraternity designed to improve its structure and facilitate its functioning. All were ratified and became law. Under his administration the Fraternity expanded 126% by the establishment of 6 alumni and 5 college chapters at the University of California at Santa Barbara and California State University in Long Beach. We cannot conclude this tribute to an illustrious Brother without mentioning Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's Memorial Services held for Brother Hobbs in the spacious chapel of the beautiful Angelus Funeral Home on Crenshaw Boulevard in Los Angeles. The facility was crowded and standing room was at a premium. Alpha Wives and Brothers from the chapters in Southern California, friends, associates, students of Locke High School, and the public in general from far and near came to pay their last respects to a great and dearly loved leader and to comfort his widow, Alpha Wife Evelyn F. Hobbs, and son. This was the first ceremony of this nature according to the Alpha Phi Alpha Ritual held in this place. Beautifully organized and arranged by Brother Clinton L. Minnis who was then the Chapter President, and Brother Samuel W. Davis, Chapter Seecretary, it was very impressive and an eloquent manifestation of the true fraternal spirit. It generated much favorable comment on the Fraternity from the public for quite some time thereafter. The superb performance of Brother Thomas W. Robinson who directed the rendition of the Alpha Phi Alpha Hymn by the large group of Alpha men present coupled with the fine organ accompaniment by Brother John E. Herod, as only these two Alpha Brothers can, was majestic and magnificent to behold and hear. Also participating and who made the ceremony deeply impressive were Past Western Regional Vice Presidents Oscar Litte, and E. H. Ballard, Past National Chairman of the Committee on Awards, Tollie W. Harris, and Past General President Raymond W. Cannon. Alpha men throughout the entire Fraternity mourn the loss of Brother Thadeaus H. Hobbs. He was known and loved everywhere in Alphadom. His very person exuded the brotherly love and fraternal spirit of which we sing. Not personal ambition but what was good for Alpha Phi Alpha guided him in the discharge of his duties and obligations. He abhorred that which he considered petty and dealt only with the issues and principles. His sincerity had no bounds nor his integrity any limits. To him Alpha Phi Alpha was almost a religion. To his widow and to his son we extend our heartfelt sympathy, and hope that the Almighty in His Infinite Wisdom and Goodness will give them fortitude and strength and comfort them in their hour of sorrow. Brother EDDIE HOLLAND, age 59, entered Omega Chapter September 6, 1977 in his home in Troy, Alabama following a short illness. Brother Holland was initiated at Beta Upsilon Chapter, Alabama State College in 1950, and has been a moving force in the Alumni Chapter — Theta Gamma Lambda, Dothan, Alabama since its inception. Brother Holland received his Baccalaureate Degree from Alabama State College in 1951; completed graduate studies at Alabama State University in 1969. He was active in many civic and community organizations, and a deacon at First Baptist Church of Troy; — he held membership in the local Masonic Lodge. Funeral rites were held at First Baptist Church in Dothan, Alabama, September 10, 1977; — he is survived by his wife Mary and six sons. Brother T. RICHARD MAHAFFEY, II, M.D., age 40 years entered Omega Chapter December 1976 in Columbus, Ohio. Brother Mahaffey's elementary education was received in Bluefield, West Virginia; his undergraduate work was had at Ohio State University, 44

Columbus, Ohio; his medical degree was received at Howard University, and post graduate work in obstetrics and gynecology was accomplished at Harvard University and the University of Hawaii. Brother Mahaffey served in the United States Air Force at Minot, North Dakota, then established a private practice in Washington, D.C. He was a Diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He was also a member of the District of Columbia Medical Society and the American and National Medical Associations. Brother Mahaffey is survived by his wife, Maxine, a son — Theodore R. Francis, his parents, Brother and Mrs. T. R. Mahaffey, — a sister Phyllis Carol and many other friends and collateral relatives. Omega services were conducted by Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter, prior to the Funeral rites, which were held in Columbus, Ohio.

T. Richard Mahaffey, II, M.D.

Brother Reginald Vincent White

Brother G. LEONARD OXLEY entered Omega Chapter at the age of 83 September 1977, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where he had practiced medicine for fifty-one years. Brother Oxley was an active member of Zeta Theta Lambda, as well as having been a charter member of the same. Brother Oxley was past president of the Pennsylvania Medical Association, and a member of the staff of the Harrisburg Hospital. Brother REGINALD VINCENT WHITE of Akron, Ohio entered Omega Chapter August 28,1977. We are particularly saddened at the passing of a young brother — as Brother White was only 21 years of age. Though his life was short, he has accomplished many things, made many friends. Brother White received his Baccalaureate Degree at Akron University; — also was the recipient of the West Akron Kiwanis Award for Meritorious Service; the Governor's Award for Leadership, and "Mr. Blue & White" from Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, — which is a prestigious award given to the outstanding male student at Akron University. Brother White was an active member of Eta Tau Lambda Chapter, Akron, Ohio. He served the chapter well in many offices — Recording Secretary and Dean of Pledges. Memorial Services were conducted by the members of Eta Tau Lambda and Alpha Tau, with General President James R. Williams presiding. He leaves to mourn his passing his father, mother and three sisters.

O M E G A CHAPTER N O T I C E S Brother A. MACEO SMITH, Dallas, Texas, December 1977 (See article in next Sphinx). Brother WILLARD SMITH, SR., Kansas City, Kansas, November 2,1977. Brother WILLIAM GRIFFIN, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapter, October 4,1977. The Sphinx / December 1977




Henry A. Callis, M.O.

Charles H. Chapman

Eugene Kinckle Jones

George B. Kelley

Nathaniel A. Murray

Robert H. Ogle

Vertner W. Tandy


1 9 0 8 #1 Cascade Plaza, Akron, OH 4 4 3 0 8

ACTING EXECUTIVE SECRETARY — James B. Blanton 4 4 3 2 King Drive, Chicago, IL GENERAL TREASURER — Leven C. Weiss 4 6 7 6 W Outer Drive, Detroit, Ml GENERAL COUNSEL — Albert Holland, Jr 31 Hickory Hill Rd., Tappan, NY HISTORIAN — Charles H. Wesley 1 8 2 4 Taylor Street, N.W., Washington, DC COMPTROLLER — Charles C. Teamer 2 6 0 1 Gentilly Blvd., New Orleans, LA DIRECTOR-GENERAL CONVENTIONS — Kermit J. Hall 1 0 0 Fairview Ave., Yeadon, PA

60653 48235 10983 20011 70122 19050

VICE PRESIDENTS EASTERN — Henry G. Gillem, Sr MIDWESTERN — Thomas D. Pawley, III SOUTHERN — Ozell Sutton SOUTHWESTERN — George W. Thompson WESTERN — Rogernald Jackson

1 0 0 9 S. Quinn Street, Arlington, VA 1 0 1 4 Lafayette, Jefferson City, MO 1 6 4 0 Loch Lomond Trail, S.W., Atlanta, GA 3 6 1 6 - 13th Street, Alexandria, LA 1 6 3 4 Leimert Blvd., Oakland, CA

22204 65101 30331 71301 94602

4 8 William Ellery Place, Providence, Rl 5 2 9 1 Bermuda Lane, Flint, Ml Box 8 0 7 , Mississippi State, MS Box 3 8 0 , State University, AR 1 7 2 6 Fruitdale, #3, San Jose, CA

02904 48505 39762 72467 95128

ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS EASTERN — Errol Southers MIDWESTERN — Broderick Houston SOUTHERN — Frederick Bule SOUTHWESTERN — Charles King, Jr WESTERN — Jerome K. Cannon

PAST GENERAL PRESIDENTS Moses Melvin Morrison* Roscoe C. Giles* Frederick Miller Drawer " M " Mound Bayou, MS 38762 James B. Blanton, Acting Executive Secretary Charles H. Garvin' Michael J. Price, Assistant Executive Secretary, Editorin Chief, The SPHINX Henry L Dickason* Henry Arthur Callis* Alpha Phi Alpha Howard H. Long* W. A. Pollard* Building Foundation, Inc. Daniel D. Fowler* J. L Hunt, Chairman L L McGee* P.O. Box 7 3 7 4 3 S. S. Booker* Scotland Branch Post Office NATIONAL COMMITTEE/COMMISSION CHAIRMEN Raymond W. Cannon Baton Rogue, LA 7 0 8 0 7 AWARDS PERSONNEL 2008 Virginia Road Dr. Edward W. Ballard, Vice Chairman Bennie D. Brown • 9427 S. Vernon, Randolph Baxter -1594 Stadelman Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90016 Chicago, IL 60619 Akron, OH 44320 James B. Blanton, Acting Secretary B. Andrew Rose* BUDGET AND FINANCE ONE MILLION DOLLAR DRIVE Charles H. Wesley Leven C. Weiss, Treasurer Charles C Teamer - 2601 Gentilly Blvd., Isadore J. Lamothe • 1407 University Ave.. 1824 Taylor Street, N.W. Albert Holland, Counsel New Orleans, LA 70122 Washington, DC 20011 Marshall, TX 75670 Stenson Broaddus, Asst. Secretary BUSINESS ENCOURAGEMENT COMMISSION Rayford W. Logan PUBLIC POLICY William Decker Clarke 3001 Veazey Terrace, N.W., No. 326 John H. Johnson 820 S. Michigan, Henry Ponder • Benedict College, Washington, DC 20008 Ernest N. Morial Chicago, IL 60605 Columbia, SC 29204 Belford V. Lawson, Jr. William Alexander* Leroy W. Jeffries • 3540 Wilshire Blvd., PUBLICATIONS 1140 Connecticut Avenue, N W Los Angeles. CA 90010 Hanley J. Norment 12500 Arbor View Terrace, Morris W. Hatchett Washington, DC 20036 COLLEGE BROTHERS AFFAIRS (Commission) Silver Spring. MD 20902 Larry Earvin A. Maceo Smith* Hoyt Harper -6015 Calumet Rd., PUBLICITY-PUBLIC RELATIONS 4557 Shady Hill James R. Williams, EX OFFICIO Milwaukee, Wl 53223 Erwin A. France • c/o SPA-REDCO, LTD., Dallas, TX 75229 CONSTITUTION A l p h a Phi A l p h a 1 East Wacker Drive, Frank L Stanley, Sr.* A. Wendell Wheadon • 2600 St. Louis Ave., Education Foundation, Inc. Chicago, IL 60601 Myles A. Paige E. St. Louis, IL 62205 William Ross, Jr., Chairman RECOMMENDATIONS 4124 Kenway Avenue ELECTIONS Earnest Wallace - 2018 Van Cleave, Los Angeles, CA 90008 3 9 0 0 Ford Road — No. 17-I Clifton Bailey • 3338 Aubert Ave., William H. Hale* Dallas, TX 25216 Philadelphia, PA 1 9 1 3 1 St. Louis, MO 63115 T. Winston Cole RULES AND CREDENTIALS Ivan L Cotman, Vice Chairman EQUITABLE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 124 S.W. 23rd Wilson J. Davis - 4509 Williamsburg Dr., James B. Blanton, Acting Secretary Charles Lewis 3500 Fieldstone Or Gainesville, FL 32601 Columbia, SC 29203 Winston-Salem. NC 27105 Lionel H. Newsom Leven C. Weiss, Treasurer SENIOR ALPHAS COMMISSION GRIEVANCES AND DISCIPLINE Central State University Laurence T. Young, Sr. - 555 E. 33rd PL, #1208 Albert Holland, Counsel Ottawa W. Harris 2604 Elizabeth St., Wilberforce, OH 45384 Chicago. IL 60616 Jesse Sterling Ernest N. Morial Denver, CO 80205 STANDARDS & EXTENSION Walter Sullivan 1101 Harrison-Avenue HOUSING Lawrence Sutton, Paul Williams New Orleans, LA 70122 John Warrick 4801 Dickson Rd., Box 191. Itta Bena. MS 38941 Walter Washington Reby Cary Indianapolis. IN 46226 TIME AND PLACE Alcorn State University, Marvin Jones LIFE MEMBERSHIP Grandvel Jackson - 275 Kensington Way, Lorman, MS 39096 Elmer C. Collins -26151 Lake Shore Blvd., #1224, James R. Williams EX OFFICIO San Francisco, CA 94217 •OMEGA CHAPTER Euclid, OH 44132 •OMEGA CHAPTER

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. GENERAL OFFICE: 4432 Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653

The Sphinx / December 1 9 7 7



'(Asterisk) indicates that address listed is not current. In this case a directory was submitted tor 1976-77 but not for 1977-78


NO REPORT indicates that the chapter has failed to report an address (file a chapter directory) for two consecutive years prior to publication. In such cases no directory was filed for 1976-77 or 1977-78.


EAST INTERNATIONAL ( D I S T R I C T I) Director McKinley A. DeShield. Ph.D.

Theta lota Lambda (Springfield - # 2 8 6 ) Lewis E. Randall (P) P.O. Box 35, Highland Sta. Springfield, MA 0 1 1 0 9 Connecticut ( A n a I I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Zarti (Yale I) - # 6 )

Dean. Coll. of Agriculture University of Liberia Monrovia, Liberia

John Cleveland (S) 6 4 3 2 Yale Station New Haven, CT 0 6 5 2 0

Ulrica ( U n a I) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappi P h i ( U ol Liberia Cuttmgton Coll. - # 4 3 9 )

Kappa Delta (U of Connecticut - # 4 2 3 ) NO REPORT

NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Eptilon Lambda (Monrovia. Liberia - #260) NO REPORT Europe (Area II) Theta r t i t t i Lambda (Frankfort, Germany - #285) Roy T. Scales (CS) HQ.. 2d BN . 3d Field Artillery APO New York, NY 09077 Caribbean (Area I I I ) Theta Epsilon Lambda (St. Thomas. VI - # 2 8 2 ) NO REPORT Iota Sifma Lambda (St. Croix, VI - # 5 1 8 ) NO REPORT Epsilon Theta Lambda (Hamilton, Bermuda -


NO REPORT lota Eptilon Lambda (Nassau, Bahamas - # 5 0 6 ) A. Cubell Rolle (CS) P.O. Box 2481 Nassau N.P., Bahamas

NEW ENGLAND ( D I S T R I C T II) Director McKinley Hackett Post Office Box 1287 Frammgham, MA 0 1 7 0 1 Massachusetts (Area I) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Sigma (Metropolitan - # 1 7 ) Roderick Blair 8 Setvall Street Roxbury. MA 0 2 1 2 0 Alpha Kappa (Metropolitan - # 3 2 ) INACTIVE ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Gamma Lambda (Boston - # 2 1 4 ) NO REPORT


Mu Phi (U of Bridgeport - # 4 6 1 ) Reginald Wickham (S) Univ. of Bridgeport, Box 753 Bridgeport, CT 06602 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Beta Sigma Lambda (Hartford - #161) R. Lee Scott ( P ) 128 Fulton Street New Britain. CT 06051 •Zeta Phi Lambda (Stamford - # 2 5 3 ) Glenn Williams (S) 18 Amundsen Street Norwalk, CT 06855 Eta Alpha Lambda (New Haven - # 2 5 6 ) Ronald Manning ( P ) 140 Stimson Road New Haven, CT 06511 Rhode Island (Ana I I I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Gamma (Brown U - # 2 5 ) Calvin Michael (CS) Box 1167. Brown University Providence, Rl 0 2 9 1 2 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Mu Theta Lambda (Providence - # 5 5 3 ) Tophas Anderson ( P ) P.O. Box 6062 Providence, Rl 02940 New Hampshire (Aria IV) •ThitaZtta (Dartmouth C o l l e g e - # 3 8 1 ) Michael Metcalf ( P ) Hinman Box 5024 - DC Hanover, NH 03755

NEW YORK STATE ( D I S T R I C T III) Director Clifford R. Clemmons 221 25 Manor Road Queens Village. NY 11427 M l New York State (Area I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Epsikm (U of Buffalo - # 9 3 ) NO REPORT

• M u Sigma (U of Rochester - # 4 5 8 ) William Davis (DP) 164 Apple Creek Lane Rochester. NY 14612 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho Lambda (Buffalo - # 1 1 6 ) NO REPORT Eta Rho Lambda (Rochester - # 2 7 1 ) NO REPORT Eta Theta Lambda (Wyandance - # 2 6 3 ) NO REPORT Central New York State (Area I I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Zeta (Syracuse U - # 9 4 ) Sylvester Johnson (S) 105 Smith Lane Syracuse, NY 13202 Alpha (Cornell U - #1) Glen Christopher Rm. 4 Milliard Straight Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •lota Kappa Lambda (Syracuse-#511) Eugene Hayden (S) P.O. Box 6128 Syracuse. NY 13210 lota Theta Lambda (Endicott - #509) Frederick Johnson ( P ) 501 Winston Drive Vestal. NY 13850 Northeast New York State (Area I I I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa Zeta (Utica College - # 4 2 5 ) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota lota Lambda ( R o m e - # 5 1 0 ) NO REPORT Theta Chi Lambda (Schenectady - # 2 9 8 ) NO REPORT Beta Pi Lambda (Albany NO REPORT


"Hudson Valley" (Area IV) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Upsilon Lambda (Mid Hudson Valley - # 5 4 2 ) Samuel Tucker (S) Box 230 Mountain Rd. Otisville. NY 10963 •Eta Chi Lambda ( N y a c k - # 2 7 6 ) Willie Bryant (S) Box 121 Orangebury, NY 10962 •Eta Zata Lambda (NewRochelle-#261) Arnold C. Baker (S) 16 Nursery Lane Rye. NY 10580

Advisor President Corresponding Secretary Secretary Financial Secretary Recording Secretary

(P) (CS) (FS) (RS)

New York City (Metropolitan) (Area V) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Eta ( M e t r o p o l i t a n - # 7 ) NO REPORT Zata Eta (Columbia U K. E.Clark(T) 534 W. 114th Street


New York, NY 10025 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Alpha Gamma Lambda (New Y o r k - # 1 2 5 ) 0 Vanderbilt Miller ( P ) 1270 5th Ave.. Apt. #5L New York. NY 10029 •Kappa Xi Lambda (New Y o r k - # 5 3 6 ) William D. Clarke ( P ) 20West64thSt.,Apt. # 3 6 D New York. NY 10023 Brooklyn and Long Island ( A n a VI) COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Delta Chi (City of B r o o k l y n - # 3 0 8 ) Darlton E. Haskins (DEA) 35 Lincoln Place Brooklyn, NY 11217 Theta Epsilon (Adelphi U - # 3 8 0 ) Caesar A. Raynor, Jr. (A) Linen Hall, Box 107 Adelphi University Garden City, NY 11530 Kappa Rho (C.W. Post C o l l e g e - # 4 3 5 ) Mark C. 0 Riley (S) B o x l 2 5 , C . W . Post Center Greenvale, NY 11548 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Gamma lota Lambda (Brooklyn Long Island - # 1 7 5 ) John M. Williams (S) 51 Alabama Avenue Hempstead, NY 11550 •Zata Zata Lambda (St. Albans - # 2 3 9 ) Wesley A. Parrott (CS) Box-B Cambria Heights, NY 11411

NEW JERSEY (DISTRICT IV) Director Elbert C. Wisner 300 Lincoln Dr.. Colonial Terr. Ocean, NJ 0 7 1 1 2 Northern New Jersey (Hudson) (Area I) COLLEGE CHAPTERS lota Rho (Newark College of Engineering - # 4 1 3 ) NO REPORT


(T) (ES) (VP) (DOP) (DP) (AS)

Kappa Theta Lambda (Teaneck-#531) Dr. J. Edison Brown ( P ) Llewellyn Park West Orange. NJ 0 7 0 5 2 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Mu Lambda (Paterson - # 1 9 9 ) James H. Allen (P) 495 East 29th Street Paterson, NJ 07514 Alpha Alpha Lambda (Newark-#123) Carlisle Parker, Sr. ( P ) 603 Thomas Street Orange, NJ 0 7 0 5 0 Beta Alpha Lambda (Jersey C i t y - # 1 4 5 ) NO REPORT Central New Jersey (Area II) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta lota (Rutgers U - # 9 7 ) Charles Singletary (S) R.P.O. 0202 Rutgers College New Brunswick. NJ 0 8 9 0 3 • I o t a lota (Trenton State College - # 4 0 6 ) Warren Lackland (CS) Box 504. Rm. 1015 Travers TSC Trenton. NJ 08625 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Nu Lambda (Plainfield - # 2 4 5 ) NO REPORT Theta Psi Lambda (Somerset - # 2 9 9 ) Lyman R. Lewis 1427 Vivian Street Plainfield. NJ 0 7 0 6 0 Zeta lota Lambda (Trenton - # 2 4 2 ) James Davis, Jr. (S) 70 Tyler Drive Willingboro, NJ 08046 Coastal New Jersey (Aria III) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa lota Lambda (Burlington County - # 5 3 2 ) Norton Cooper (CS) 24 Mangold Lane Willingboro, NJ 08046 Zeta Epsilon Lambda (Red Bank - # 2 3 8 ) Wood row C. Holmes (S) 53 Old Bridge Drive Howell, NJ 07731 Alpha Theta Lambda (Atlantic C i t y - # 1 3 0 ) Lawrence L. Stroud (RS) 805 S. Broad Street Pleasantville. NJ 0 8 2 3 2

Editor-to-The -Sphinx Vice President Dean of Pledges Dean of Pledges Assistant Secretary

PENNSYLVANIA (DISTRICT V) Director Frank Devine 6202 Washington Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143 Western Pennsylvania (Area I) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Omicron (U of Pittsburgh - # 1 4 ) NO REPORT lota Sigma (Millersville State C o l l e g e - # 4 1 4 ) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Beta lambda ( E r i e - # 5 2 5 ) NO REPORT Alpha Omicron Lambda (Pittsburgh - # 1 3 6 ) Wilbur Douglas, Jr. (S) 6521 Deary Street Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Central Pennsylvania (Area I I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Nu (Pennsylvania State College - # 7 8 ) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zita Theta lambda (Harnsburg - # 2 4 1 ) Zane G. Phoenix ( P ) 600 North 17th Street Harnsburg, PA 17103 Eastern Pennsylvania (Area I I I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zata Psi (West Chester State College - # 3 5 3 ) Harvey Highland (S) 2455 Edgeley Street Philadelphia, PA 19121 Nu (Lincoln U - #12) Luther Manning 103C Rendall Hall, Box 721 Lincoln University, PA 19352 Psi (U of Pennsylvania - # 2 2 ) Samuel Barham (S) 5131 ParrishSt. Philadelphia, PA 19139 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho ( P h i l a d e l p h i a - # 1 6 ) Thomas H. Watkins, Sr. ( P ) 847 N. Mt. Pleasant Road Philadelphia. PA 19119 Zeta Omicron Lambda (Philadelphia - # 2 4 7 ) Vincent Hawkins (P) 55 Sandstone Lane Willingboro. NJ 08046

The Sphinx / December 1977

Mu Alpha Lambda (DeKalb #546) Tidewater South (Area VII) Eta Xi (U of Detroit - #366) COLLEGE CHAPTERS NO REPORT NO REPORT Director Epsilon Pi ' Mu Delta Lambda Theta Tau Richard Marshall (Springfield - #549) (Norfolk State College-#324) Director (DISTRICT VI) (General Motors Institute - #393) 1801 N. 76th Dr.. #8 Milton P. Johnson (CS) Steven R. Amos (P) George H. Johnson Arnold J. Cary (P) Director Kansas City. KS 66112 1801 Seven Pines Road Box 2033, Norfolk State College 3300 Lamb, Avenue 3531 Ct Circle Drive Thomas R Hunt COLLEGE CHAPTERS Springfield. IL 62704 Norfolk, VA 23504 Richmond, VA 23222 Flint. Ml 48504 9 Rickover Court Upsilon (U of Kansas #19) Mu Mu Lambda Blue Ridge North (Area I) ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Epsilon (Grand Valley - #402) Annapolis. MD 21401 James E. Banks (P) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Phi Lambda (Norfolk - #142) (Glen Ellyn - #556) NO REPORT Delaware (Area I) 1014 Mississippi Ken Watkins (CS) lota Alpha Arnell Burrus ALUMNI CHAPTERS COLLEGE CHAPTERS Lawrence. KS 66044 1700 Buena Vista Drive (Washington & Lee U - #398) 340 Fernwood Farm Rd. Gamma Lambda (Detroit - #103) Gamma Sifma 'Gamma Chi Wheaton. IL 60187 Charles H. Jones. Jr. (A) Chesapeake. VA 23320 George D West (FS) (Delaware State College - #83) . (Kansas State College #87) 256 Dover Epsilon lota Lambda 20112 Renfrew Drive NO REPORT Decatur, IL 62521 (Suffolk - #220) Detroit. Ml 48221 Vm E A C ALUMNI CHAPTERS 209 Tanner Hall lota Beta Leon N. Harris (CS) Director Epsilon Upsilon Lambda Gamma Theta Lambda Pittsburg, KS 66762 5548 Greenwood Rd (U of Virginia - #399) A, Wendell Wheaton. Esq. (Flint - #230) (Wilmington - #174) Delta Mu (Wichita State U - #99) Orlando Roberts (CS) Suffolk, VA 23437 Charles Corum. Jr. (P) 2600 St. Louis Aienue Joshua Martin (P) NO REPORT Epsilon Nu Lambda Box 430. Newcomb Hall Station East St. Louis. IL 62205 P.O .Box 1247 P.O. Bon 1622 (Portsmouth - #223) Epsilon Omicron Charlottesville, VA 22903 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Flint, Ml 48502 Wilmington, DE 19899 E. Alphonzo Harrell (P) (Washburn U - #323) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Bala Eta Eta Nu Lambda Zeta Rho Lambda (Dover - #249) PO Box 1092 NO REPORT Gamma Alpha Lambda (Grand Rapids - #267) (Southern Illinois U - #51) Reuben Salters (P) Portsmouth. VA 23705 * Kappa Tau (Charlottesville - #167) ArzrowW. Staten(P) NO REPORT 109 Bertrand Drive Stephen D Waters (S) (Kansas State U - # 4 3 7 ) P.O. Box 1002 Theta Zeta Lambda Dover. DE 19901 Box 3036 Carbondale. IL 62901 LonnieD. Barnes (P) (Ann Arbor - #283) Maryland North (Area II) Charlottesville. VA 22903 Eta Eta (Western Illinois - #360) 410 S. Juliette Richard H. Ross (P) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kenneth Tucker (P) Blue Ridge South (Area II) Manhattan. KS 66502 P.O. Box 7409 Beta Alpha 915 N.Charles Street COLLEGE CHAPTERS ALUMNI CHAPTERS Ann Arbor. Ml 48107 (Morgan State College - #45) Macomb. IL 61455 Theta lota Delta Eta Lambda (Topeka - #195) lota Rho Lambda (Pontiac - #517) Director Martin Ballard (CS) lotaPi(SIUEdwardsville-#412) Earl Fowler (P) (Virginia Polytechnic U - #384) William Ridgeway, Ph.D. NO REPORT Cold Spring Lane S Hillen Road Branch P.O. Box 1559 James Flemming (CS) 1305 W. 11th Street Department ot Zoology lota Chi Lambda Baltimore. MD 21219 Edwardsville. IL 62025 P.O. Box 346 Topeka. KS 66609 Eastern Illinois U (Saginaw - #522) Mu Rho (Towson State - #457) Blacksburg. VA 24060 •Eta Beta Lambda ALUMNI CHAPTERS George Adams (P) Charleston. IL 61920 John Campbell (CS) ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Wichita - #257) Delta Epsilon Lambda 4086 Amelia Drive COLLEGE CHAPTERS Towson State University Alpha Kappa Lambda Jesse C. Williams (S) (East St. Louis - #193) Saginaw. Ml 48601 Tau(U of Illinois - # 1 8 ) Box 2074 (Roanoke - #132) 2553 Raleigh Jesse P. Gurley. Ill (P) Kappa Delta Lambda Alexander Pope (P) Towson. MD 21204 1758 North 43rd Street Wichita. KS 67219 NO REPORT (East Lansing - #527) 55 E Haley Street, Apt. 101 ALUMNI CHAPTERS East St. Louis, IL 62204 Gamma Nu Lambda Lee Richardson (P) Champaign. IL 61820 M a Lambda (Baltimore - #104) Mu Kappa Lambda (Lynchburg - #78) 1714 W.Kalamazoo Epsilon Kappa (Bradley U - #319) ' Joseph A Yates (P) (Carbondale - #555) NO REPORT COLLEGE CHAPTERS Lansing, Ml 48915 Clifford R. Ratlins (CS) 3201 Clifton Avenue Robert Shipp, Jr. (T) 'Alpha Pi Southern Virginia (Area III) Williams Hall Baltimore. MD 21207 Rt. 2. 21 Fairway Vista Dr. (U of Louisville - #37) 821 N. University, #100 lota Alpha Lambda Murphysboro, IL 62966 Danny R Penick (P) Delta Tau Director (Aberdeen - #502) Peoria. IL 61606 Box 1120 (St. Paul's Polytechnic - #305) Zeta Nu (Eastern Illinois -- #343) Theophihs Duckett James F. Jones (CS) Louisville. KY 40208 Hampton Johnson 917 Clover P.O. Box 705 lota Alpha Lambda Paul Johnson. Ill (P) BetaMu Rt. 2, Box 89 Director Kalamazoo. Ml 49008 Aberdeen. MD 21005 808 Van Buren Street (Kentucky State U - #55) Gladstone, VA 24553 Edward Lander Kappa Kappa Lambda Charleston. IL 61920 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Ronald J. Clark (S) 676 Covert Street ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Baltimore - #533) Eta Tau (Illinois State U - # 3 7 1 ) Epsilon Xi Ramada East Campus. Room 127 Evansville. IN 47713 Delta Nu Lambda Carl E. Bell (P) Timothy G. Walker (ES) (Western Michigan U - #322) Frankfort. KY 40601 (Danville - #200) COLLEGE CHAPTERS 6223 Plymouth Road P.O. Box 604 Lawrence Counts (P) 'Epsilon Chi L. Wilson York (P) GammaEta(lndianaU-#73) Baltimore, MD 21214 Normal, IL 61761 P 0. Box 448 (U of Kentucky - #330) 219 Ross Street Edward D. Wells (P) Theta Omicron Kalamazoo. Ml 49005 Maryland Southwest (Area III) Danville. VA 24541 Jerome White (P) 1127 Atwater Street (Millikm U - #389) Zeta Beta (Ferns State - #333) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Box 379 U of Kentucky Epsilon Omicron Lambda Bloommgton, IN 47401 Charles Jones, Jr. (A) Jerry A. Russaw (P) lotaZeti (Lawrence - #225) Gamma Rho (Purdue - #82) Lexington. KY 40506 256 Dover Drive Rankin Center Box 4 FSC (U ot Maryland - #403) Anthony Thompson (P) Zeta Omicron Decatur. IL 62521 Big Rapids. Ml 49307 NO REPORT Charles Keyes(CS) 613 Waldon Street (Murray State U - # 3 4 5 ) Zeta Delta lota Tau Lambda ALUMNI CHAPTERS 4711 BerwynRoad West Lafayette, IN 47906 Isaac C. Payne (P) (Charlotte Court House • # 5 1 9 ) (Northern Michigan U - #335) Omicron Lambda Beta College Park. MD 20742 Zeta Rho (Indiana S t a t e - # 3 4 7 ) P.O Box 4513 Hart Hall MSU NO REPORT NO REPORT (Champaign- #501) Mu Upsilon (Frostburg St. - #460) Herman l i e (P) Murray. KY 42071 Northern Virginia (Area IV) Coleman Carrodine (P) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Bill Murray, Jr. (S) c/o Charles Brown ALUMNI CHAPTERS ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Phi lambda 1008 West Union Street Box 64, FSC Indiana State University Zeta Upsilon Lambda Alpha Lambda (Louisville - #101) (Muskegon Heights - #521) Champaign. IL 61820 Frostburg. MD 21532 Terre Haute, IN 47809 (Reston - #252) William Braxton (CS) Tommy L. Jones (P) Kappa Pi Lambda (Peoria-#538) Theta Xi (Ball State U - #388) ALUMNI CHAPTERS 1818 W. Jefferson Street NO REPORT 1360 Amity Avenue Kappa Pi Lambda Chapter Andre N. Cole (S) Kappa Phi Lambda Theta Rho Lambda Louisville. KY 40203 Muskegon. Ml 49442 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Box 355 Ball State University (Columbia - #543) (Arlington - #293) Alpha Beta Lambda Kappa Psi Lambda 1108 West Bradley Muncie, IN 47306 Joseph W. Collins James E. Pierce, Jr. (P) (Lexington-#124) (Kalamazoo - #545) Peoria, IL 61606 lota Theta PO. Box 321 1009 South Quinn Street Lee A. Jackson (VP) Robert Jones (P) Columbia. MD 21045 Arlington. VA 22204 P.O. Box 368, Courthouse Station P.O. Box 1248 (Calumet College-#405) M a Upsilon Lambda Kalamazoo. Ml 49006 Lexington. KY 40501 Central Virginia (Area V) Johnny Isbell (S) (Silver Spring - #520) Director COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Beta Lambda 4935 Larkspur Dr. John B. Walker III (CS) Ronald McBnde Gamma (Virginia Union U - #3) (Frankfort - #168) East Chicago, IN 46312 P.O. Box 2233 8828 S. Cornell Keith Walden (P) D. W. Lyons (S) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Silver Spring, MD 20906 Chicago. IL 60617 Virginia Union University Box 121 KSU lota Lambda Kappa Epsilon Lambda COLLEGE CHAPTERS 1500 Lombardy Street Frankfort. KY 40601 (Indianapolis #109) (Landover - #528) Theta (Metropolitan - #8) Richmond. VA 23220 Leon Bradford (CS) Charles Guilford (P) Larry W Rogers (P) Theta Rho P.O. Box 88181 P.O. Box 2188 Capital Plaza Dr. ,.,„. 1815 S. Troy Director Director Indianapolis. IN 46208 Hyattsville. MO 20784 < V l : « ™ h c r ™ " S a ' t h u - * 391 Ch,cago, IL60623 Robert Whitehead (RS) Claude Snorton Gamma Rho Lambda James Beard Alpha Mu Northwestern U - #33) Maryland Eastern (Area IV) 2335 Nunnally #3 Box 654 (Gary - #182) 4109 Portland Ave.. South William Woods (P) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Richmond, VA 23230 Hopkinsville. KY 42240 Michael L. Exum Minneapolis. MN 55407 1927 Omngton Ave., #1120 Delta Nu Beta Gamma 5850 Forest Court. Apt. #101 COLLEGE CHAPTERS COLLEGE CHAPTERS Evanston, IL 60201 (U of Maryland. E.S. - #100) Gary. IN 46403 Eta Rho (Virginia State College - #47) Mu(U of Minnesota - # 1 1 ) Epsilon Phi Keith Grimes Theta Xi Lambda Herbert L. Hunter, Ir. (P) (Western Kentucky U - #369) INACTIVE (Northern Illinois U - #329) P.O. Box 1578 UMES (South Bend - #290) 237 Grove Avenue Curt Owens (P) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Michael T. Baker (VP) Princess Anne. MD 21853 Petersburg, VA 23803 301 Old Morgantown Road Gamma Xi Lambda INACTIVE P.O. Box 66 EtiZeti Bowling Green, KY 42101 (Minneapolis-#179) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Theta Upsilon Lambda DeKalb, IL 60115 (Bowie State College - #359) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Willie T. James (P) Beta Gamma Lambda (Fort Wayne - #296) Mu Mu (Elmhurst Coll - #452) Anthony Buise (VP) Gamma Epsilon Lambda 4352 Arden View Court (Richmond - #147) Jerry T. White (S) Keith F. Jones 604 Towers, Bowie State College (Hopkinsville - #171) Arden Hills. MN 55112 C. A. Pennington (S) P.O. Box 5076 Box 762. 190 N. Prospect Bowie. MD 20715 Claude Snorton (P) 3212 Griffin Avenue Fort Wayne. IN 46805 Elmhurst College ALUMNI CHAPTERS Box 654 Richmond. VA 23222 'Kappa Rho Lambda Elmhurst, IL 60126 Delta Omicron Lamda Hopkinsville. KY 42240 Nu Lambda Director (Evansville - #539) (Princess Anne - #203) Nu Delta (Chicago State U - #467) Ronald E. Smiley (Virginia State College - #112) James Landers (AS) Earl S. Richardson (P) Stephen Powenski (S) Robertnett J. Hayes 714 Bayard ParkOrive 1562Mendall P.O. Box 491 5541 S. Everett. #806 21329 Sparta Drive Evansville. IN 47713 St. Louis, MO 63130 Director Princess Anne, MD 21853 Chicago. IL 60637 Ettrick, VA 23803 COLLEGE CHAPTERS William A. Tipper Eta Eta Lambda (Annapolis - #262) Nu Epsilon (Lewis U - #468) Tidewater North (Area VI) Alpha Eta (St Louis - # 2 9 ) 912 E. Wellington NO REPORT Marlon Williams (S) COLLEGE CHAPTERS A Phi A Fraternity Flint, Ml 48503 Director Washington, D.C. (Area V) Rte. 53. Box 210 Gamma lota 1269 Hodiamont Ave. COLLEGE CHAPTERS Everett A Mays COLLEGE CHAPTERS Lockport. IL 60441 (Hampton Institute - #75) St. Louis, M0 63112 Epsilon (U of Michigan- #5) P.O. Box 533 Beta (Howard U - #2) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Anthony W. Witherspoon (S) Epsilon Psi (U of Missouri - #331) Dennis Eugene Story (S) Des Moines, IA 50302 Michael D. Welcher (CS) Xi Lambda (Chicago - #113) P O. Box 6161 Hampton Inst Randy Donaldson (P) 530 South State Street MU 25 COLLEGE CHAPTERS P.O. Box 506, Howard University Ernest E. Sims (VP) Hampton. VA 23668 Highway 63 S Elm Street Ann Arbor Ml 48109 Alpha Theta (U of Iowa #30) Washington, DC 20059 10609 S. Lowe Kappa Pi Rolla. MO 65401 'Alpha Upsilon Douglas Stewart (P) Nu Beta (American U - #465) Chicago. IL 60624 (Wayne State- #41) (William i Mary - #434) ALUMNI CHAPTERS P.O Box 789 U of Iowa Adrian Brevard (CS) Zeta Xi Lambda Donald Snider (P) Ronald H Smoot (P) Epsilon Lambda (St Louis- #105) Iowa City, IA 52240 503 Valley Avenue, S.E. • #7 (Evanston - #246) 23020 Webstei Box 7100 College Station John Pope (CS) Alpha Nu (Drake U - #34) Washington. 0C 20032 Theodore M. Harding (P) Oak Park, Ml 48237 Williamsburg, VA 23186 1269 Hodiamont Ave. Cornell Fowler (P) 1717 Greenwood St. ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Tau ALUMNI CHAPTERS St Louis, MO 63112 1359 24th Street. Apt. #3 Evanston. IL 60201 Mu Lambda (Washington - #111) Delta Beta Lambda (Michigan State U - #84) Epsilon Eta Lambda Des Moines. IA 50311 Theta Mu Lambda (Joliet - #288) Theodore L. Patterson (CS) (Hampton - #190) Leroy F Jackson (P) (Charleston-#218) ALUMNI CHAPTERS NO REPORT 4110 18th Street, N W 811C Cherry Lane Bookei T. Robinson (S) NO REPORT Zeta Kappa Lambda lota Delta Lambda Washington, DC 20011 East Lansing. Ml 48823 P 0. Box 828 Zeta Lambda (Des Moines - #243) (Chicago #505) Omicron Lambda Alpha Epsilon Eta Cairo. IL 62914 (Newport News - #106) Dr. Lewis James (CS) NO REPORT (Washington - #500) (Eastern Michigan U - #316) Claude N Carter (CS) 678 26th Street Kappa Chi Lambda Willie Rufl (CS) Titus Dawson (DP) 12 Suburban Pkwy Des Moines. IA 50312 (Waukegan - #544) 311 Broadleaf Drive. N.E. 835 Green Road. #301 Hampton, VA 23661 Director Robert Thirston (CS) Vienna, VA 22180 Ypsilanti. Ml 48197 Carl Smith P.O. Box 512 North Chicago. IL 60064 La keview Subdivision Jefferson City, MO 65101





ILLINOIS (Southern)

i ox(P)


ILLINOIS (Central)


MICHIGAN (Northern)


ILLINOIS (Northern)



MISSOURI (Eastern)



MISSOURI (Central)

The Sphinx / December 1977

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Psi (Lincoln U - #44) Don Marshall (S) 4807 East 40th Place Kansas City, MO 64130 Zeta Alpha (U of Missouri - #332) Marvin Goodwin 104 Read Hall, Umv of Missouri Columbia, M0 65201 lotaXi (Northeast Missouri - #410) Michael Wayne Simms (P) 505 Missouri Hall Kirksville, MO 63501 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Zeta Lambda (Jefferson City - #150) George W. Enlow(P) 1503 Chestnut Street Jefferson City. M0 65101

MISSOURI (Western) Director Jimmie Bufford 9807 Smaller Avenue Kansas City. MO 64134 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Rho (U of Missouri - #303) Edward B. Baker. Jr. (P) 3225 Victor Kansas City. MO 64128 Zeta Gamma (Central Missouri - #334) Carl Mason (ST) 128 Diemer Hall Warrensburg, MO 64093 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Lambda (KansasCity-#102) Robert Hughes. Jr. (CS) 1439 North 4th Street Kansas City. KS 66111

NEBRASKA Director David Chase 2503 North 30th Street Omaha, NE 68111 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Beta (U of Nebraska - #46) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Xi Lambda (Omaha- #157) Rod Adams (S) 11912 Amerado Rd. Rte 33 Apt. #323 Omaha. NE 68123

OHIO (Northeast) Director James T. Rushin 1186 Wyley Avenue Akron. OH 44306 COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Pi (Cleveland State/ Western Reserve - #15) Kermit Ralph Henderson (P) 1852 Alvason Road East Cleveland. OH 44112 Alpha Tau (U of Akron - #40) Roy Purnell 30"4 W. Tallmadge Akron. OH 44310 Epsilon Delta (Kent State U - #313) Mr. Glenn Thornton (S) 317 Beall Hall Kent State U Kent. OH 44242 'lob Phi (Mt Union College - # 4 1 7 ) Howard Ward (S) 330 Vincent Blvd. Alliance. OH 44601 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Rho Lambda (Youngstown - #160) NO REPORT Delta Alpha Lambda (Cleveland - #189) Leonard M. Hamilton (CS) P.O. Box 99551 Cleveland, OH 44199 Eta Tau Lambda (Akron - #273) W. R Miller (P) 278 S Miller Rd Akron. OH 44313

OHIO (Northern) Director Robert Stubblefield 915 Loch Lomond Avenue Toledo. OH 43607 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Alpha (U of Toledo - #310) Timothy Miles (CS) 941 Lincoln Avenue Toledo. OH 43607 Epsilon Theta (BowlmgGreenU-#317) Ricardo L Bailey (CS) 130 South Prospect Bowling Green. OH 43402 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Xi Lambda (Toledo-#135) Joseph Sansbury (P) 1437 Addington Toledo, OH 43607 Kappa Mu Lambda (Lorain #534) NO REPORT


OHIO (Central) Director William Nelson, Ph.D. 2572 Burnabv Dr. Columbus, OH 4 3 2 0 9 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa (Ohio State U - #10) Noah Hester (S) Bo»51 Ohio Union, 1739 N High Columbus, OH 4 3 2 1 0 Phi (Ohio U - # 2 0 ) Bruce A. Williams (T) c/o Alpha Phi Alpha Baker Center Student Union Ohio University Athens. OH 45701 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Rho lambda (Columbus - # 1 3 8 ) Clayton N. Hicks, O.D. (ES) P.O. Boi 6821 Columbus, OH 43205

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Epsilon ( U o t Wisconsin - # 7 1 ) Reginald Stone ( P ) Memorial Union • Mail Box 508 800 Langdon Street Madison, Wl 53706 Epsilon Tau (U ol Wise. Mil. Branch - # 3 2 7 ) Vincent G. Carter ( P ) 4554 N. 21st Street Milwaukee, Wl 5 3 2 0 9 Z r i i Iota (U ol Wisconsin - # 3 4 0 ) NO REPORT Eta Beta (Wisconsin State - # 3 5 5 ) NO REPORT Eta Pi (Wisconsin State U - # 3 6 8 ) Michael Sledge (ES) 18C W.Irving Oshkosh. Wl 54901 Mu Epsilon (Carthage College - # 4 4 6 ) NO REPORT

O H I O ( W e s t C e n t r a l ) Nu l i (Marquette U - #476) Dean Brazier (S) 929 N. 17th Street, #302 Edward White Milwaukee, Wl 53233 5211 Big Bend Drive ALUMNI CHAPTERS Dayton. OH 45427 Delta Chi Lambda COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Milwaukee - #210) «i (Wilberforce U - # 1 3 ) Leroy Broussard Gregory Cyprian ( P ) 4652 N. Parkway Box 47, Wilberforce University Milwaukee, Wl 53209 Wilberforce. OH 45384 •Mil Eta Lambda Gamma Theta (U ol Dayton - # 7 4 ) (Madison - #552) Thomas E. Rogers (CS) John ¥. Odom 1923 Trinity Avenue 1818 Lynndale Road Dayton, OH 4 5 4 0 9 Madison. Wl 53711 Delta XI (Central State U - # 3 0 0 ) David E. Brown P.O. Box 441 Wilberforce, OH 45384


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Theta Lambda (Dayton - #108) Fred Conway, )r. (P)

ALABAMA Director W. Mingo Clark

Box 4 6 8 . Paul Lawrence Dunbar Sta. ?, 0 2 6 y V !, n c h 5 , , e I , 0 R , d „ Huntsville.AL 35810 Dayton. OH 45417 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta Delta Lambda Alpha Beta (Springfield - # 2 3 7 ) (Talladega College - #24) Clarence Harmon ( P ) Coleman Henderson (S) 1 8 1 8 W Wittenburg Talladega College, Box 576 Springfield, OH 45506 Talladega, AL 35160 Chi Lambda (Wilberforce #121) Beta Upsilon Samuel 8. Kidd (S) (Alabama State U - # 6 3 ) P.O. Box 351 Ronnie G. Jones (S) Wilberforce. OH 45384 P.O. Box 28 ASU

OHIO (Southwest) Director Clarence Frazier 1145 Wionna Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45224 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha (U of Cincinnati - #23) Archie Woods (RS) University of Cincinnati 211 Sander Hall II Cincinnati. OH 45221 Delta Upsilon (Miami U James M. Butler ( P ) c/o Larry Young 96 Bishop Hall Miami U Oxlord. OH 45056

(Tuskegee Institute Keith H. Green (CS) P.O. Box 36 Tuskegee, AL 36088 Delta Gamma


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Gamma Lambda (Cincinnati - # 1 9 1 ) Charles Neal (S) 2840 Melrose Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45206

WEST VIRGINIA Adolphus Young. Jr. P.O. Box 13 Keystone. WVA 24852 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Zeta (West Virginia State - # 2 8 ) Francisco B. Newman, III ( P ) P.O. Box 511 Institute. WVA 25112 Beta Theta ( B l u e f i e l d - # 5 2 ) Ronald Wright (P) 1001 Hanover Street Bluefield. WVA 24701 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Zeta Lambda (Bluefield - # 1 2 8 ) Adolphus A. Young. Jr. (S) P.O. Box 671 Bluefield, WVA 24701 Alpha lota Lambda (Charleston - # 1 3 1 ) John E. Scott (S) P 0 . Box 303 Institute. WVA 2 5 1 1 2 Gamma Delta Lambda (Beckley - # 1 7 0 ) INACTIVE

WISCONSIN Director Hoyt Harper 6015 Calumet Road Milwaukee, Wl 53223


Montgomery, AL 36101 Gamma Kappa (Miles College - # 7 6 ) Eric Fancher ( P ) Box 1 7 7 - M i l e s College Birmingham, AL 35208 Gamma Phi #86)

(Alabama ASM College - # 9 1 ) Earnest Davis (CS) Box 220 Alabama ASM U Normal, AL 35762 Epsilon Nu

Delta Theta Lambda ( H u n t s v i l l e - #196) Bobby Player (FS) P.O. Box 189 Normal, AL 35762 Delta Pi Lambda (Selma Willie Gilford (CS) Rte 1. Box 98 Browns, AL 36724 Delia Phi Lambda


(Tuscaloosa - # 2 0 9 ) Ben Winston (S)

P.O. Box 1047 Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Epsilon Delta Lambda (Talladega - # 2 1 5 ) Thomas Y Lawrence (S) 114 Baker Street Talladega. AL 35160 Theta Alpha Lambda (Gadsden - # 2 7 8 ) NO REPORT Theta Gamma Lambda (Dothan - # 2 8 0 ) Jerome Coleman (P) P.O. Box 6893 Dothan, AL 36301 Kappa Nu Lambda (Leighton - # 5 3 5 ) NO REPORT Mu iota Lambda (Mobile - # 5 5 4 ) Isaac Bowie, Jr. (CS) 2252 Clinton Street Mobile, AL 36617

FLORIDA Director Robert K. Wright 365 Bartley Road Daytona Beach. FL 32014 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Nu (Florida A S M U - # 5 6 ) Clarence). Davis(P) P.O. Box 598 FAMU Tallahassee, FL 32307 Delta Beta (BethuneCookman - # 9 0 ) Johnny Roundtree (CS)

Epsilon Pi Lambda (Ocala William E. Jackson (S) 1822 S.W. 4th Street Ocala. FL 32670 Zeta Alpha Lambda (Ft. Lauderdale - # 2 3 4 ) Raleigh R. Rawls(P)

# 2 2 6 ) Alpha Chi Lambda

101814 NW 6 Street Fort Lauderdale. FL 33311 Eta Kappa Lambda

(Ft. Pierce - #265) Havert L. Fenn (S)

P.O. Box 1271 Ft. Pierce. FL 33450 Theta Eta Lambda (St Petersburg - #284) Charles B r i t t ( P )

Tallahassee, FL 32313 Kappa Upsilon (Metropolitan - # 4 3 8 ) John Lee (A)

Augusta, GA 30901 Beta Phi Lambda (Savannah - # 1 6 4 ) NO REPORT Gamma Omicron Lambda (Albany - # 1 8 0 ) William Johnson (P) 1127 Joel Drive Albany. GA 31705 Gamma Sigma Lambda (Ft. Valley - # 1 8 3 ) Clinton H. Dixon (S)

NORTH CAROLINA Director Dr. A. M. Witherspoon 2701 Rothgeb Or. Raleigh, NC 2 7 6 1 0

P.O. Box 1742

P.O. Box 15024

Fort Valley State College Fort Valley, GA 3 1 0 3 0 #503) Delta lota Lambda (Columbus-#197) P.O. Box 1275 Lorenzo R. Manns (S) Cocoa, FL 32922 4554 Moline Ave. lota Pi Lambda ( M i a m i - # 5 1 6 ) Columbus, GA 31907 Walter Frierson (CS) Epsilon Beta Lambda 11500 S.W. 139th Terr. (Macon - # 2 1 3 ) St. Petersburg, FL 33733 lota Beta Lambda (Cocoa Hiram Mann (S)

Miami. FL 33175 Mu Zeta Lambda (Lakeland - # 5 5 1 ) Hugh R. Mills (T) 1126 West 14th Street Lakeland, FL 33801

GEORGIA Director Lorenzo Manns 4554 Moline Avenue Columbus, GA 31907

COLLEGE CHAPTERS lota (Morris Brown College #9) NO REPORT Alpha Rho (Morehouse College - # 3 8 ) Vincent J, Toles (CS) P.O. Box 627 MC Atlanta. GA 30314 Alpha Phi (Clark College - # 4 2 ) Rudolph R. Cohen, Jr. ( P ) 635 Fair St., Apt. B-6 Box 235, BethuneCookman College Atlanta, GA 30314 Daytona Beach, FL 32015 Gamma Zeta Delta Psi (Ft. Valley State - # 7 2 ) (Florida Memorial College - # 3 0 9 ) Trent B. Johnson (CS) Jimmy Adetula (S) P.O. Box 4326 (FVSC) 15800 NW 42nd Avenue Fort Valley, GA 3 1 0 3 0 Miami. FL 33054 Delta Delta (Albany State - # 9 2 ) Robert Shanks (S) Eta Delta (U of Miami - # 3 5 7 ) P.O. Box 36 ASC NO REPORT Albany, GA 31705 Theta Gamma Delta Eta (U of South Florida - #378) Reginald B. McGill (Savannah State College - # 9 5 ) P.O. Box 789 USF Lewis L. Banks, Jr. (CS) Tampa. FL 33620 Delta Eta A Phi A Theta Sigma (U of Florida - # 3 9 2 ) P.O. Box 20742 NO REPORT Savannah, GA 31404 'Iota Delta ZetaMu (Florida State U - # 4 0 1 ) Paul A. Halchett, II ( P ) P.O. Box U3640

Theta Sigma Lambda (Natchez - # 2 9 4 ) Wiley F, Jones ( P ) P.O. Box 285 Alcorn State U Lorman. MS 39096 Mu Gamma Lambda (Hartiesburg Laurel - # 5 4 8 ) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Mu Gamma Lambda Chapter P.O. Box 98 Collins. MS 39428

(Augusta - # 1 4 3 ) Willie George Marshall (VP) 829 Strother Drive

(Georgia State U - # 3 4 2 ) J. Derrick Chubbs(P) Box 542 University Plaza GSU Atlanta, GA 30302 Zeta Pi (U of Georgia - # 3 4 6 ) Milton A. Marquis ( P ) P.O. Box 2151 Athens. GA 30602 E U JUpha (Paine College - #354) Berkala K. Lowe ( P ) Paine College P.O. Box 77 Augusta, GA 30901 Theta Beta

Joseph D. Lindsey (S) P.O. Box 5329 Macon. GA 31208 Eta Iota Lambda (Athens Hugh Goodrum (CS) P.O. Box 902 Athens, GA 30603


Theta Nu Lambda (LaGrange - # 2 8 9 ) Oliver N. Greene (S) 712 Pyracantha Drive LaGrange, GA 30240 lota Gamma Lambda (Brunswick - # 5 0 4 ) Thomas P. Williams (S) 1716 Albany St. Brunswick, GA 31520 Kappa Tau Lambda (Valdosta - # 5 4 1 ) NO REPORT

MISSISSIPPI Director William K. Dease 5980 Huntview Drive Jackson. MS 39206 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Upsilon (Tougaloo College - #85) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Gamma Upsilon Chapter c / o Percy Price (CS) Tougaloo College Tougaloo. MS 39174 Delta Kappa (Alcorn State U - # 9 8 ) Leo Smith (S) P.O. Box 267 - Alcorn State Lorman, MS 39096 Delta Phi (Jackson State College - # 3 0 7 ) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Delta Phi Chapter Box 17177 • JSU Jackson, MS 39217 Zeta Phi

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Omicron #36) (Johnson C. Smith University Randy L. Lee ( P ) UPOBox 171 J.C.Smith Univ. Charlotte. NC 28216 Beta Epsilon (A S T State U - # 4 9 ) Stanley V. Cash ( P ) Box A 1 4 . A S T State University Greensboro, NC 27411 Beta Zeta (Elizabeth City State U - # 5 0 ) NO REPORT Beta Iota (Winston-Salem State U Cecil Cates ( P )

Gamma Psi Lambda (Asheville - #188) Robert Harrell (S) 120 Kemlworth Road Asheville, NC 28803 Epsilon Rho Lambda (Fayetteville - # 2 2 7 ) Lawrence Robinson 6124 Conaway Drive Fayetteville, NC 28304 Epsilon Sigma Lambda (Tarboro - # 2 2 8 ) NO REPORT Epsilon Chi Lambda (Elizabeth City - # 2 3 2 ) Roger A. McLean (FS) Box 2 1 , ECSU Elizabeth City, NC 2 7 9 0 9 Zeta Eta Lambda (Kinston - # 2 4 0 ) B. F. Hall, Jr. (S) 1007 E. Caswell St. Kinston, NC 28501 Eta Mu Lambda (Gastoma -


NO REPORT Theta Omicron Lambda (Goldsboro - # 2 9 1 ) John D. Stokes P.O. Box 788 Goldsboro, NC 27530


14318 Winston Salem St. Univ. Winston Salem. NC 27102 Beta Rho (Shaw U - # 6 0 ) Henry Jones (P)

Director Peter Felder * P.O. Box 41 Claflin College Orangeburg, SC 29115 COLLEGE CHAPTERS

Shaw University New M e n s Residence Beta Delta (South Carolina State - - # 4 8 ) Room 206 Edward Franklin (P) Raleigh, NC 27611 South Carolina State College Gamma Beta Box 1954 (North Carolina Central U -#68) Joe N. Lacewell (CS) P.O. Box 11 Chid ley Hall-NCCU Durham, NC 27707 Gamma Mu (Livingston College - # 7 7 ) NO REPORT Gamma Psi (St. Augustine's College - # 8 8 ) Kenneth Pittman ( P ) 1000 Glascock Street Raleigh. NC 27611 Epsilon Zeta (Fayetteville State U - # 3 1 5 ) NO REPORT Zeta Epsilon (Barber Scotia College -



EtaNu (East Carolina State U - # 3 6 5 ) Andy Adiele, Jr. (S) 104 H Cherry Court Drive Greenville, NC 27834 Eta Omicron (North Carolina State U - #367) A Phi A / Eta Omicron P.O. Box 5631 Raleigh, NC 27607 Kappa Omicron (Duke U - # 4 3 3 ) George A. Neale (S) P.O. Box 4783 Duke Station Durham, NC 27706 Mu Zeta ( U N C - # 4 4 7 ) Larry Alston (CS) P.O. Box 551 Chapel Hill. NC 27514 MuTau

Orangeburg, SC 29117 Gamma Gamma (Allen U NO REPORT Gamma Pi


(Benedict College - #81) J. C. Harrison ( P ) P.O.Box 1 7 - Benedict College Columbia. SC 29204 Delta Alpha (Claflin U - #89) NO REPORT Eta lota (Voorhees College - • # 3 6 2 ) Weldon Stewart ( P ) 105 Battle Hall Denmark, SC 29042 Theta Nu (U ol South Carolina - # 3 8 7 ) Masceo Deschamps ( P ) Box 80026 - USC Columbia, SC 29208 Kappa Chi (Francis Marion College - # 4 4 0 ) Robert S. Young (S) P.O. Box 384 Florence, SC 29503 Mu Pi (Baptist College - # 4 5 6 ) Wayne N. Myers ( P ) Box 58. Baptist College Charleston. SC 29411

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Psi Lambda (Columbia - # 1 4 4 ) Cecil L. Adderley (S) P.O. Box 11466 Columbia, SC 29211 P.O. Box 32446 Beta Kappa Lambda Pensacola, FL 32504 (Columbus C o l l e g e - # 3 7 7 ) (Charleston - # 1 5 4 ) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Michael Johnson (H) Raymond Smalls (CS) (U of North Carolina - # 4 5 9 ) (U ol South Alabama - # 3 7 9 ) Upsilon Lambda 2908 Urban Avenue P.O. Box 2714 Anthony Foust ( P ) Seymour A. Irby. Ill (P) (Jacksonville - # 1 1 9 ) Columbus, GA 31907 Charleston. SC 29403 Alpha Phi A l p h a / M u T a u 5920 Wanngwood Drive Clarence Von Bostick(S) lota Eta (Mercer U - # 4 0 4 ) Gamma Gamma Lambda UNCC Mobile. AL 36608 2816 Ribault Scenic Drive James Anthony Carr ( P ) (Greenville - # 1 6 9 ) lota Nu (U ol Alabama - #409) Charlotte, NC 28213 Jacksonville, FL 32208 P.O. Box 61 - Mercer University Wayne Simmons Nu Zeta (Western Carolina U - # 4 6 9 ) Zachariah J. Keith (S) (State College - # 4 2 1 ) Beta Beta Lambda ( M i a m i - # 1 4 6 ) Macon. GA 31207 P.O. Box 1481 918 3rd Street, W. Harvey Walker, Jr. ( P ) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity J. Walter Hale. Ill (S) Mu Alpha (Emory U - # 4 4 2 ) Anderson, SC 29621 Birmingham, AL 35204 P.O. Box 543 Kappa Beta Chapter P.O. Box 510027 Franklyn H. Geary. Jr. (CS) Delta Zeta Lambda Kappa Alpha (U ol Alabama - #420) Cullowhee. NC 28723 P.O. Box 1472 Miami, FL 33151 P.O. Box 21185 Emory U (Orangeburg - # 1 9 4 ) Alphonso Wesley (P) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Mississippi State, MS 3 9 7 6 2 Beta Delta Lambda Atlanta. GA 3 0 3 2 2 Dr. Robert Gordon (VP) P.O. Box 7368 Kappa Lambda (Daytona Beach - # 1 4 8 ) P.O. Box 1978 - SC State College University. AL 35486 (Greensboro - # 1 1 0 ) Mu Gamma (Georgia Coll. - # 4 4 4 ) J " M ^ V x ! * 5 4 1 William W. Pierce, Sr. (CS) Orangeburg, SC 29117 Kappa Gamma Richard Bennett Joseph Nunnally (S) P 0 Box 2017 1306 Milton Drive Delta Kappa Lambda P.O. Box 21052 P.O. Box 749 Georgia College Southern Station (U of North Alabama - # 4 2 2 ) Daytona Beach, FL 32014 (Florence - # 1 9 8 ) Greensboro, NC 2 7 4 2 0 Milledgeville, GA 31061 Kenneth Anderson (S) Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Joseph E. Heyward (S) Gamma Zeta Lambda Phi Lambda (Raleigh - # 1 2 0 ) Mu Delta University of North Alabama P.O. Box 384 ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Tampa - # 1 7 2 ) Les Brinson (P) (Georgia Southwestern - # 4 4 5 ) Florence, AL 35630 Florence, SC 29503 Richard F. Pride (FS) Alpha Epsilon Lambda 4617 Limerick Drive Ed Lymes ( P ) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Omicron Lambda 2907 26th Street (Jackson - # 1 2 7 ) Raleigh, NC 27604 P.O. Box 553 GSC *Omicron Lambda (Rock Hills - # 2 6 9 ) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Tampa, FL 33605 Alpha Pi Lambda Amencus. GA 31803 (Birmingham- #114) Richard Miller ( P ) Gamma Mu Lambda Alpha Epsilon Lambda (Winston Salem - # 1 3 7 ) Mu Omicron James Pharris (P) P.O. Box 3563 P.O. Box 356 (Tallahassee- 177) Dr. James M. Jones ( P ) (Valdosta State Coll. - # 4 5 5 ) 35 20th Ave. RockHill.SC 2 9 7 3 0 Or. Charles R. Russell (S) Yazoo City, MS 39194 3952 Glen Oak Drive Dr. L W. Williams (A) Birmingham, AL 35205 Theta Phi Lambda 433 Mercury Drive Epsilon Xi Lambda Winston Salem, NC 27105 Alpha Nu Lambda 415 S.Ashley Street (Bennettsville - # 2 9 7 ) Tallahassee. FL 32301 (Mound Bayou - # 2 2 4 ) Beta Theta Lambda (Tuskegee Institute - # 1 3 4 ) Valdosta, GA 31601 Ralph W. DuPree (CS) Delia Delta Lambda Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity (Durham - # 1 5 2 ) Charlie E Hardy (P) Nu Gamma Beauty Spot Road (W. Palm Beach - # 1 9 2 ) Epsilon Xi Lambda Chapter Alpha Nu Lambda APA Fraternity (W. Georgia College - # 4 6 6 ) NO REPORT Bennettsville.SC 2 9 5 1 2 Bernard G. Jones ( P ) P.O. Box 5531 Post Office Drawer BBB Lawrence Barber (S) Beta Mu Lambda 'Iota Eta Lambda 613 Clear Lake Avenue Greenville. MS 38701 Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 (Salisbury - # 1 5 5 ) West Georgia College, Box 10016 (Denmark - #508) W. Palm Beach, FL 33401 Zeta Mu Lambda Alpha Upsilon Lambda Marion 6. Jones (S) Carrollton, GA 30117 Delta Xi Lambda (Biloxi - # 2 4 4 ) (Montgomery - # 1 4 1 ) 809 West Thomas Street NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Orlando - # 2 0 2 ) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Samuel L.Jackson (P) Salisbury, NC 28144 Mu Epsilon Lambda Eta Lambda ( A t l a n t a - # 1 0 7 ) Edward C. Wilson (CS) Zeta Mu Lambda Chapter 137 South Haardt Drive Beta Nu Lambda (Conway - # 5 5 0 ) Joseph Patterson (CS) P.O. Box 5548 Delta Xi Lambda P.O. Box 4254 Montgomery, AL 36105 (Charlotte - # 1 5 6 ) P.O. Box 92576 NO REPORT Orlando. FL 32805 Gullport, MS 39501 Beta Omicron Lambda Thomas E, Asbury Atlanta, GA 30314 Epsilon Mu Lambda (Mobile - # 1 5 8 ) Eta Phi Lambda (Columbus - # 2 7 5 ) P.O. Box 16153 Alvin J. Allen (RS) (Pensacola - # 2 2 2 ) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Charlotte, NC 28216 Director 1205 St. Madar Street Frank Kyle ( P ) Eta Phi Lambda Chapter Gamma Kappa Lambda Zenoch G. Adams Mobile, AL 36603 1211 E. Leonard St. Rte. 1 Box 233 (Wilmington - # 1 7 6 ) 1024 Kellow Street Pensacola, FL 32501 Steens, MS 39766 Nashville. TN 37208 NO REPORT (Stillman College - # 3 2 1 ) Bruce Crawford (S) Stillman College P.O. Box 4008 Tuscaloosa. AL 35401 •Theta Delta

1568 Kings Road Box 659 Edward Waters College Jacksonville, FL 3 2 2 0 9 Mu Theta (U of West Fl. - #449) Ulysses Johnson, Jr. ( P )

(Ms Valley State C o l l e g e - # 3 5 1 ) Wilbur Hill (S) Zeta Phi Chapter P 0. Box 899 • MVSU Itta Bena. MS 38941 lota Gamma (Rust College - # 4 0 0 ) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity lota Gamma Chapter Shenda Mosby(P) Rust College. P.O. Box 527 Holly Springs, MS 38635 Kappa Beta


The Sphinx / December 1977

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Chi (Meharry Medical College - # 2 1 ) Gregory L. M a m s (CS) Box 653 Meharry Medical College Nashville. TN 37208 Alpha Chi (Fish U #43) Bradley Sheares (CS) P.O. Box 249 Fisk Univ. Nashville. TN 37203 Beta I i (LeMoyne Owen College - # 5 7 ) NO REPORT Beta Omicron (Tennessee State U - # 5 8 ) Adnen L. Partridge (CS) Box 419 TSU Nashville. TN 37203 Beta Pi (Lane C o l l e g e - #59) Don White (P) 200 Hays Jackson. TN 38301 Gamma Omicron (KnoxvilleCollege- #80) NO REPORT Eta Phi (U of Tennessee - #373) NO REPORT Theta Pi (Austin Peay State It - # 3 9 0 ) NO REPORT Kappa Eta (Memphis State U - # 4 2 6 ) Reginald A. Banks (CS) 231 South Parkway West Memphis, TN 38109 Kappa Theta (Vanderbilt U - # 4 2 7 ) Louis Lanos (S) Box 5 2 7 0 B Vanderbilt U Nashville, TN 37235 Kappa Xi (Middle Tennessee State - #432) Foster E Anthony, Jr. (S) P.O. Box 655 MTSU Murfreesboro, TN 37132 Mo Beta (UT Martin - # 4 4 3 ) Oslo Cole ( P ) Box 121 UT Martin Martin. TN 38238 Mo lota (U of Tennessee - # 4 5 0 ) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Mu lota Chapter Box 8317 University Station Knoxville. TN 37916 Mu Eta (Memphis State U - # 4 7 0 ) Tyler Moore. Jr. (S) 3432 Daggett Road Memphis. TN 38109 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Tan Lambda ( N a s h v i l l e - #118) Wilson Q. Welch. Jr. (CS) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc Tau Lambda Chapter P.O. Box 5646 Nashville. TN 37208 Psi Lambda (Chattanooga - #122) Archie M Taylor (S) 510 Over Street Chattanooga, TN 37411 I p h a Delta Lambda (Memphis-#126) George D Clark, Jr. (S) 1217 Fountain Court Memphis, TN 38106 Alpha Mu Lambda (Knoxville-#133) Edward 0. Hill ( P ) 2643 Linden Avenue Knoxville, TN 37914 Beta Upsilon Lambda (Jackson - #163) L R. Cunningham (CS) 342 Webster Street Jackson, TN 38301 Kappa Zeta Lambda (Clarksville - # 5 2 9 ) Melvin Baldwin. Jr. (S) 7396 A Gardner Hills Ft. Campbell, KV 42223 Mu Nu Lambda(Kingsport - # 5 5 7 ) John Harrison (A) 2512 Sanford Drive Kingsport, TN 37664

Theta Upsilon (Arkansas State U - # 3 9 4 ) Troy Anthony Price ( P ) P.O. Box 380 State University Jonesboro. AR 72467 Theta Pji (U of Central Arkansas - # 3 9 7 ) Jim Black ( P ) Box 646 UCA Conway, AR 72032 Kappa Iota (Southern Arkansas U - # 4 2 8 ) Aubrey L. Morrison (S) P.O. Box 868 SAU Magnolia. AR 71753 Kappa Kappa (U ol Arkansas - #429) Frederick Toilette ( P ) 1840 Leveiette #5D Fayetteville, AR 72701 Kappa Psi (UA Little Rock - # 4 4 1 ) Johnny Brown ( P ) P.O. Box 435 Little Rock. AR 72203 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Pilamboa(UttleRock-#115) J J. Lacey. Jr. ( P ) 6412 Shirley Drive Little Rock, AR 72204 Delta Sigma Lambda (Pine Bluff - # 2 0 6 ) Hazell Reed ( P ) 8 o x 4 1 3 2 UAPB Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Theta Tau Lambda (Helena - #295) George L. Denton (S) 254 Pine Street Mananna, AR 72360 Mu Omicron Lambda (Blytheville - # 5 5 9 ) Joe H. Williams (S) 1221 South 9th Blytheville. AR 72315

LOUISIANA Director Mitchell Albert 2375 79th Avenue Baton Rogue, LA 70807 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Sigma i Southern u #61) Kenneth Murphy ( P ) 1737 La Annie St, #32 Baton Rouge. LA 70815 Beta Tau (Xaviei U - #62) Victor Spencer Xaviei U St. Michaels Hall New Orleans, LA 70125 Beta Phi (OillarrJ U #64) NO REPORT 'Delta Sigma (Grambhng U - # 3 0 4 ) Carl Edward Williams (S) P.O. Box 200 Grambling, LA 71245 Epsilon Upsilon (Southern U - # 3 2 8 ) P. Malcolm Robinson (A) Southern U 6400 Press Drive New Orleans. LA 70126


(U of Southwest Louisiana George Sonnier, Jr. (S) 110 Harmony Street Lafayette. LA 70501 Eta Kappa (Louisiana Tech U Michael Conner ( P ) 5497 Tech Station Ruston. LA 71272 Eta Chi



Gamma Alpha (TexasCollege-#67) Alvin J. Walker (S) Texas Coll. 2404 N Grand Ave. Tyler, TX 75701 Delta Theta (Texas Southern U - # 9 6 ) Wilbert Powell, Jr. ( P ) A Phi A Fraternity Delta Theta Houston, TX 77004 Epsilon Gamma (Bishop College - #312) William H. Mitchell, III (P)

Beta lota Lambda (Baton Rouge - # 1 5 3 ) Alger Wilson (CS) 391 Woodcliff Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70815 Delta Upsilon Lambda (Shreveport - # 2 0 8 ) James C. Leary (S) 2961 Looney Street Shreveport, LA 71103 Epsilon Kappa Lambda (Grambling-#221) William Wiley (CS) P 0. Box 319 Grambling, LA 71245 Epsilon Psi Lambda (Alexandria - #233)

Director Elmon Elmore 2575 Bantry Lane S. San Francisco. CA 94080 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Epsilon (UC Berkley - # 2 7 ) NO REPORT Delta Omicron (Stanford - # 3 0 1 ) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Phi Lambda (Berkley - # 1 8 6 )

3837 Simpson Stuart Rd„ Box 233 Epsjion Epsilon Lambda Dallas, TX 75241 (Waco - # 2 1 6 ) Epsilon lota (U of Texas • #318) Robert King (P) NO REPORT P.O. Box 1405 Epsilon Rho Waco, TX 76703 NO REPORT (Lamar Tech State College #325) Epsilon Tau Lambda Zeta Chi Lambda NO REPORT (Prairie View - # 2 2 9 ) (Bogalusa - #254) Epsilon Sigma Earl Jones (P) NO REPORT (St. Mary's U - #326) Box 2241 Zeta Psi Lambda Lelaurin F. Brown (CS) (Lake Charles - # 2 5 5 ) Prairie View, TX 77445 P.O. Box 2406 J Y. Bellard (T) Epsilon Phi Lambda San Antonio, TX 78285 2 9 1 ! General Mitchell Drive (Port Arthur - # 2 3 1 ) Zeta Kappa (U of Texas - # 3 4 1 ) Lake Charles. LA 70601 NO REPORT lames Golden, I I I (S) Eta Gamma Lambda Zeta Tau Lambda P.O. Box 50 (Lafayette - # 2 5 8 ) (Amanita-#251) El Paso. TX 79968 Richard J Travers(S) Donald G White Sr, ( P ) Zeta Tau (East Texas U - # 3 4 9 ) 443 LaSalle Street 4821 Rusk Street Darrell Hollands (P) St. Martmville. LA 70582 Amarillo.TX 79110 Eta Delta Lambda (Monroe - # 2 5 9 ) P.O. Box S ETSU Eta Upsilon Lambda Commerce. TX 75428 Louis Paigoud (CS) (Odessa - # 2 7 4 ) Zeta Chi 500 Jason Drive Fred Deaver ( P ) Monroe, LA 71202 414 Carver Street (U of Texas at Arlington - # 3 5 2 ) lota Xi Lambda Odessa. TX 79760 Willie Byid (CS) (Opelousas - #514) Theta Delta Lambda Box 19193 UTA Station Donald J. Bush (S) (El P a s o - # 2 8 1 ) Arlington. TX 76019 P.O. Box 329 Webster Langhorne (S) Eta Gamma Opelousas, LA 70570 3028 Yarwood Drive (Prairie View A * M - # 3 5 6 ) El Paso, TX 79935 John Whitlow Osby (P) Theta Kappa Lambda P.O. Box 2255 (Lubbock - #287) Prairie View, TX 77445 Director Charles Henry (S) Eta Epsilon Charles Lewis 2623 E. Auburn St (North Texas State U - #358) 1710 W. Xyler Lubbock. TX 79403 Robert W. Randle ( P ) Tulsa. OK 74127 Kappa Gamma Lambda P O Box 5493, NT Station COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Texarkana - # 5 2 6 ) Denton, TX 76203 Beta Kappa (Langston U - #54) Eta Mu (U ol Houston #364) Terrel Harris (CS) NO REPORT Melvin Roberts (RC) Langston University Kappa Sigma Lambda 6014 Newquay langston. OK 73050 (Killeen - # 5 4 0 ) Houston TX 77085 Epsilon Epsilon Charles I Delane (P) Eta Upsilon (Oklahoma State U - #314) P.O. Box 1338

NO REPORT Gamma Chi Lambda (San Francisco - # 1 8 7 ) S Sylvester Lee ( P ) 1562 Portola Drive San Francisco. CA 9 4 1 2 2 Eta Sigma Lambda (San Jose - # 2 7 2 ) Nathaniel Newman 6291 Purple Hills Drive San Jose, CA 95119 Theta Beta Lambda (Oakland - #279)

Ricky Adams (P) 408 N. Washington Stillwater, OK 74074 Zeta Zeta (U ol Oklahoma -


NO REPORT Zeta Sigma (Central State U - # 3 4 8 ) Jessie McFarland, Jr. ( P ) E. Hall B 49 Central State U Edmond. OK 73034 Zeta Upsilon

(Texas Tech U - # 3 7 2 ) Barry W. Bruce (P) 2324 5th, #79 Lubbock, TX 79401 Eta Psi (Texas Christian U - # 3 7 5 )

NO REPORT Theta Alpha (Jarvis Christian C o l l e g e - #376) Leonard Rogers (P) Jarvis Christian College # 3 5 0 ) Hawkins. TX 75765 Theta Mu

(Northeastern State College Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Zeta Upsilon Chapter Box 340 NSU Tahlequah. OK 74464 Eta Theta (East Central State C o l l e g e - # 3 6 1 ) NO REPORT Kappa Epsilon (Cameron U - # 4 2 4 ) NO REPORT

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Tau Lambda (Tulsa - #140) Emanuel Palmer (S) P O Box 6152 Tulsa, OK 74106 Beta Epsilon Lambda (Boley - # 1 4 9 )

(Sam Houston State U Herbert Mays, Jr. ( P ) P.O. Box 2840 SHSU Huntsville. TX 77341 lota Kappa


(Paul Quinn College - # 4 0 7 ) Ernest B. People 1020 Elm Street Waco, TX 76704 lota Mo (Stephen S. Austin State U - # 4 0 8 ) NO REPORT lota Omicron (Southern Methodist U - #411) Perry Johnson (S) SMU . Box 3522 Dallas, TX 75205 Kappa Sigma (WTSU - #436) David Willis ( P ) West Texas Slate University Canyon, TX 79016 Mu No (SW Texas State - # 4 5 3 )

(Northeast Louisiana - # 3 7 4 ) William C. Gipson (AE) P.O. Box 776, NLU Station Monroe. LA 71209 Theta Theta (McNeese U - #383)



Killeen. TX 76541 Mu Rho Lambda (Longview Clifford Harkless Route 1. Box 208 Tatum, TX 75691

Pomona. CA 9 1 7 6 9 ALUMNI CHAPTERS M o X i Lambda ( R i a l t o - # 5 5 8 ) Kenneth Chapman (A) 846 Margarita Street Rialto. CA 92376

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Eta Sigma (Metropolitan - # 3 7 0 ) Billy Henderson (CS) P.O. Box 33 National City, CA 9 2 0 5 0 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Sigma Lambda (San Diego - # 2 5 0 ) Sam Thomas, Jr. (CS) 7594 Careybrook Lane San Diego. CA 92114

COLORADO Director Melvin J. Norton 2001 E. 21st Ave. Denver. CO 80205

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Mu (San Jose State U - # 3 2 0 ) La Guan E Lea (S) P.O. Box 486 San Jose. CA 95103

CALIFORNIA (Los Angeles)

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha lota (U ol Colorado - # 3 1 ) NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Psi Lambda (Denver - # 2 1 1 ) Jay Taylor 3295 Locust St. Denver, CO 80207 lota Omicron lambda (Colorado S p r i n g s - # 5 1 5 ) Lloyd J. Stark ( P ) lota Omicron Lambda Chapter Box 4083 Colorado Springs. CO 8 0 9 1 0


Director Clinton Mmnis 2118 S. BagleySt Los Angeles. CA 90034

ARIZONA (Phoenix) Director To be appointed COLLEGE CHAPTERS MuEta


COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Xi (U ol California - # 7 9 ) NO REPORT Mu Kappa (UCSanta Barbara - # 4 5 1 ) Geoffrey Blown (P) P.O. Box 14505 UC Santa Barbara. CA 93106 MuChi

(Arizona State U - # 4 4 8 ) Jerome E. Miller (P) 202 W. Hermosa, Apt, K202 Tempe, AZ 85282 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Tau Lambda (Phoenix - #207) William M. Corbin (CS) 2401 W. Cherry Lynn Rd. Phoenix. AZ 85015

(Cal State Long Beach Louis Noble (P) 11002 Crenshaw, #4 Inglewood.CA 90303

ARIZONA (Tucson) NEVADA Director Felix Goodwin 7065 N. Stardust Tucson. AZ 85718 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta Theta ( U o l A r i z o n a - # 3 3 9 )


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Psi Lambda (Los Angeles - # 1 6 6 ) Samuel W Davis (RS) 6743 Third Ave, Los Angeles. CA 90043 Eta Pi Lambda ( P a s a d e n a - #270) flayW. Bsrtlett(P) 1182 E, Sonoma Drive Alladena.CA 91001 lota Zeta Lambda (Compton - #507) Anthony L Lawson ( P ) P O Box 90692 Los Angeles. CA 9 0 0 0 9

Dewey Tuggle 3401 Narrows Dr Tacoma. WA 98407 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Xi (U of Washington - # 3 5 ) Joe Miller ( P ) U o l Washington HUB Box #32 Seattle. WA 98195 Beta Psi (U ol Oregon - # 6 6 ) NO REPORT Iota Tau (E Washington State Coll. - # 4 1 5 ) Michael Vines ( P ) P.O. Box 940 Cheney, WA 99004 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Zeta Lambda (Portland - # 2 1 7 ) NO REPORT Zeta Pi Lambda (Seattle - # 2 4 8 ) Charlie Hampton (S) 1427 33rd Avenue Seattle, WA 9 8 1 2 2 Iota Mu Lambda (Tacoma - # 5 1 2 ) Willie C. Stewart (S) Box 171 • Fern Hill Station Tacoma. WA 98412

NEW MEXICO Director Boyd Jackson

CALIFORNIA (Sacramento-Stockton) Director Clifford Basfield 520 West 5th Street #292) Stockton, CA 95206


CALIFORNIA (Bakersfield-Fresno) Director William H. Day 866 E. Fir Fresno, CA 93710 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Beta (Fresno Slate C o l l e g e - # 3 1 1 ) Robert Stevenson (P) 428 W Eden Fresno. CA 93706 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Iota No Lambda ( F r e s n o - # 5 1 3 ) Paul Fuller ( P ) P.O. Box 12301 Fresno. CA 93701 Kappa Eta Lambda (Bakersfield - # 5 3 0 ) Clifton Johnson (S) 3412 Kapral Way Bakersfield. CA 9 3 3 0 9


Samuel McElroy 6531 Hopedale Ct. San Diego, CA 9 2 1 2 0

Director Vernon Johnson 7356 Maywood Drive Pleasanton, CA 91001


NO REPORT ALUMNI CHAPTERS Ela Psi Lambda (Tucson - # 2 7 7 ) Richard Davis 5620 Wilshire Dr. Tucson. AZ 85713 Theta Pi Lambda (Las Vegas -

(California Polytechnic U Jeff Walton ( P ) P.O. Box 1742




lota Chi (U of Redlands - # 4 1 8 ) Robie Marshall ( P ) c/o Junius Pierson 5310 Canyon Crest Dr.. #41 Riverside, CA 92507 lota Psi


NO REPORT Kappa Alpha Lambda (Monterey - # 5 2 4 ) Clifford McDuIfy (P) 1326 Sky View Drive Seaside, CA 93955 Kappa Omicron Lambda (Valleio - #537) Otha M. Green (S) 418 LaDeia Di Valleio, CA 9 4 5 9 0


NO REPORT Beta E b Lambda (Oklahoma C i t y - # 1 5 1 ) Gerald Henderson (P) P.O. Box 11105 Oklahoma City. OK 73111 NO REPORT Beta Chi Lambda (Muskogee - # 1 6 5 ) NO REPORT •Theta Phi Vernon L Foshee (S) ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Louisiana State U - # 3 9 5 ) 725 N Terrace Blvd. Alpha Eta Lambda Rodney 0 Cook (S) Muskogee, OK 74401 (Houston-#129) Box 1235 Lake Front Campus UNO Zeta Gamma Lambda Donald Bonner (CS) New Orleans. LA 70122 (Langston - #236) 1519 Ruth Street Theta Chi Jimmie L. White (T) Houston, TX (Northwestern State U - # 3 9 6 ) P O. Box 180 Alpha Sigma Lambda Nora J. Listach. I I I ( P ) Langston OK 73050 (Dallas - # 1 3 9 ) P.O. Box 5232 NSU Eta Xi Lambda ( L a w t o n - #268) MalthusL. Northcutt(P) Natchitoches, LA 71457 Leroy Zimmerman (P) 2334 S. Good Latimer Expy. Kappa Mu P.O. Box 1335 Dallas. TX 75215 Lawton, OK 73501 Beta Tau Lambda (Nicholls State U - # 4 3 0 ) (Ft. Worth - # 1 6 2 ) Wilbert Boudreaux (S) Director Wyman Wiggins (CS) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. William H. Fowlei 905 Green River Trail Kappa Mu Chapter Director 2515Ringo Ft. Worth, TX 76103 Box 2009 NSU Charles Green Little Rock, AR 72206 Gamma Eta Lambda Tfnbodeaux, LA 70301 6511 Bndgewater Cove COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Austin - # 1 7 3 ) Kappa Nu Austin, TX 78723 Beta Chi Exalton A. Delco. Jr. ( P ) (Southeastern Louisiana - # 4 3 1 ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Philander Smith College - # 6 5 ) 1805 Astor Place Kenneth Watson (P) Delta NO REPORT Austin, TX 78721 P.O. Box 3 9 1 7 - S L U (Huston Tillotson College - # 4 ) •Gamma Delta Gamma Pi Lambda Hammond. LA 70402 Devon Small ( P ) (U of Ark. at Pine B l u f f - # 7 0 ) (Galveston - # 1 8 1 ) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Huston Tillotson College • Box 324 David Leron Walker (S) Curtis McGowan (S) Sigma Lambda Austin, TX 78702 PO. Box 4202 UAPB 6018 Diamond Court (New O r l e a n s - # 1 1 7 ) Alpha Sigma (Wiley U - #39) Pine Bluff. AR 71601 Texas City. TX 77590 Walter E Morial (S) Willie Marshall Gamma Tau Lambda Theta Kappa 3328 Saint Anthony Avenue 2107 Pinecrest Dr., B-16 (Beaumont - # 1 8 4 ) (Henderson State College - # 3 8 5 ) New Orleans. LA 70122 Marshall, TX 75670 NO REPORT Jackie W. Monroe (S) Box H, 853 Arkadelphia. AR 71923


Gamma Upsilon Lambda (Marshall - # 1 8 5 ) T. E. Gray (CS) P.O. Box 583 Marshall. TX 75670 Delta Rho Lambda (San Antonio - #205) William Hays, Jr. (P) 6214 Forest Bend San Antonio, TX 78240 Epsilon Alpha Lambda (Tyler - # 2 1 2 ) NO REPORT

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta Eta (Davis - # 3 8 2 ) Hermon L, Borders (P) 1417 Anderson Road Davis. CA 95616 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Beta Lambda (Sacramento - # 2 3 5 ) Neman Smith (P) P.O. Box 22261 Sacramento. CA 9 5 8 2 2

CALIFORNIA (San Bernadino)

1305 Evelyn tt.N.E. Albuquerque. NM 85705 ALUMNI CHAPTER lota Psi Lambda (Albuquerque - # 5 2 3 ) James E. Tatum (P) P.O. Box 5435 Kirtland AFB, NM 87115

HAWAII Director C. Edward Singer 410 Magellan S t , Apt. 908 Honolulu. HI 96813 ALUMNI CHAPTER Mu Beta Lambda (Honolulu, HI - # 5 4 7 ) Dan Matthews (S) 2277 Aumakua St Pearl City. HI 9 6 7 8 2


Director Kenneth Chapman 846 East Margarita St. Rialto. CA 92376 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Delta (U of Southern California - # 2 6 ) Michael Walker ( P ) 5922 S. Van Ness Los Angeles, CA 90047

Director To be appointed COLLEGE CHAPTER (Utah State U - # 4 1 6 ) NO REPORT

The Sphinx

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