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VOLUME 65. NUMBER 3 FALL 1979 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Editor's Review Greetings. . . and welcome back to another fraternal year. Now the Washington Convention is over, I will take advantage of my position and become the first person to invite you, in print, to the 1980 Convention in CHICAGO. It's been said that Atlanta was such a success because all of "us folks" had family down there. Well, admit it, the other part of the family came up the road to Chi-Town. Drop them a card and let them know you're on the way. . . The passing of Brother 0. WILSON WINTERS requires that we each pause and reflect upon our commitment to the precepts of Alpha Phi Alpha. Brother Winters did not coincidentally become Life Member #1 by being first in line to pay - rather he singlehandedly carried in his heart a forgotten idea and worked to make it come true. The result was inspiration to us all. Our sincere condolences are extended to his widow, Esther and son, Oliver. . . I would like to extend thanks to the countless Brothers who offered positive comments on our last issue featuring the Distinguished Collegians. It has long been our contention that our present awards system - logical though it is - is inadequate to give due honor to the many young Brothers whose accomplishments reflect a positive image of Alpha Phi Alpha in their campus and home communities. Pavlovian as it may sound, I'm convinced that recognition and encouragement are important to upholding the standards of our Fraternity. Don't forget to submit your nominees for the 1980 edition of this feature. . . Special thanks are extended to Brother WALTER TYSON for his yeoman service as Associate Editor for the past two years. Brother Tyson held down a job in addition to his studies at Chicago State University and often began his work in the General Office after midnight. Any improvements in the magazine are in large measure due to his conscientious work. . . As we begin the new year, we welcome aboard two outstanding Brothers to the staff. Joining us as Associate Editor is Brother JULIUS HALL, Vice President of Alpha Mu Chapter, Northwestern University. Brother Hall will assume primary responsibility for copy preparation and editing of the Chapter News and Alphas On The Move section. Taking over as College Scene Editor is Brother AL LEE of Beta Phi Chapter, Dillard University, New Orleans, LA. Brother Lee is a dynamic young Brother who, at last count, posted a straight-A average in his academic courses. I'm sure it will surprise no one that this is substantially above my average as an undergraduate at the same institution. . . Other contributors for this issue include Brother WALLACE WALKER, President of Eta Pi Lambda Chapter in Pasadena, CA, who penned our Alpha Athletes article; and Brother JAMES JOSEPH, U.S. Undersecretary of the Interior, whose convention address is reprinted herein for our Viewpoint section. Our cover photograph and photo coverage of the General Convention were provided by Brother BERVE POWER, Power Studios, Chicago, Illinois. Finally, coverage of the 1979 General Convention was splendidly handled by Brother HANLEY J. NORMENT, chairman of our Publications Committee, whose Daily Convention Bulletins are "must have" items for convention delegates. Incidentally, congratulations are in order to Brother Hanley for his appointment as Director of District VI, Eastern Region, encompassing Delaware, Maryland and the District of Columbia. .. Yes, I do dread apologizing for previous mistakes - but it seems unavoidable. Two corrections are due for our last issue's story on Alphas In Congress. Note - Brother ANDREW YOUNG was initiated at Beta Chapter, Howard University; and, due to the inactive status of the chapter at Marquette, Brother RALPH METCALFE was initiated by the Brothers of Alpha Sigma Chapter, Wiley College. . . CHAPTER EDITORS: Please review these guidelines to insure a minimum of headaches for you and me - 1) Adhere to the following deadlines. Winter Issue, November 1, 1979; Spring Issue, January 1, 1980; Summer Issue, March 1,1980. 2) All articles should be typewritten and doublespaced. 3) Proofread articles before mailing. 4) If possible, send only black and white photos for publication. And please remember it is our policy to print all articles printed for the Chapter News and Alphas On The Move sections - just get them in on time. NO PHOTOS WILL BE RETURNED! If it's precious, don't submit it for publication. With your cooperation in these ways, we can insure publication of THE BEST magazine around. . Until next issue. . . MJP

on the ilruwiiiii hoard • The Struggle Continues • Go Chicagoing 1980 • Burning Out












MICHAEL J. PRICE, Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors • BRADFORD H. SPENCER



7 — WASHINGTON REVIEW — The Summer of 1979 has passed and with it the 73rd Anniversary Convention. A look back at the Convention on the Potomac. . . 16 —SONS OF "A PHI" — In this case we refer to Alpha Phi Chapter at Atlanta's Clark College. Both of the Brother of the Year awards were conferred upon Alpha Phi initiates . . . 21 — VIEWPOINT — Brother James Joseph shares his incisive views on the need for leadership, and the type of leader to be sought . . . 22 — FOCUS — Brother Lasalle Leffall, who reached the top in the world's largest volunteer health agency . . . 25 — LEGACY — An epoch is marked by the passing of Life Member Number One, Brother O. Wilson Winters. . . 28 — PUBLIC POLICY — The Convention voices its stand on domestic and world affairs. DEPARTMENTS 2 — The General President Speaks 3 — The Executive Secretary's Desk 4 — There Goes An Alpha Man 6 — Alpha Workshop 18 — Million Dollar Fund Drive 24 — College Scene 35 — Alphas On The Move 39 — Chapter News 49 — Life Membership 50 — Omega Chapter 53 — Directory of Officers 54 — Chapter Directory

Contributing Editors JAMES B. BLANTON Alpha Workshop ALLEE College Scene ELMER C. COLLINS Life Membership

HENRY PONDER Educational News LAURENCE T. YOUNG, SR. Omega Chapter JAMES R. WILLIAMS Ex Officio

PHOTO CREDITS: Cover photo by Brother Berve Power. Power Studios. Chicago. Illinois General Convention coverage. Pages 7 through 14, by Brother Berve Power.

ABOUT THE COVER: Brothers Walter W. Sullivan and Michael Hightower are honored as the outstanding Brothers for 1979. Below the winners are joined by General President Williams and Awards Chairman Thomas Phillips. Feature story on Page 16.


The Sphinx (USPS 510-440) The Sphinx is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., 4432 Or Martin Luther King Dr., Chicago, IL 60653. Published tour times a year: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter Send all editorial mail and change of address (send both addresses) to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653. Manuscripts or art submitted to The Sphinx should be accompanied by addressed envelopes and return postage. Editor assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. Opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc.. and use of any person's name in fiction, semi-fiction articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility of The Sphinx. It is never done knowingly Copyright 1976 by The Sphinx. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc. Reproduction or use. without written permission, of the editorial or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited. The Sphinx has been published continuously since 1914. Organizing Editor: Bro. Raymond W. Cannon. Organizing General President: Bro. Henry Lake Dickason Second class postage paid at Chicago. IL. Postmaster: Send form 3579 and all correspondence: 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr, Chicago, IL 60653

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CAN WE DO IT? gram is contained in this issue and is available from the General Office.

I believe we can! Yes, Alpha Phi Alpha can complete its commitment to raise One Million Dollars by August of 1980. Brother Isadore J. Lamothe and his Fund Drive Committee have done a good job in mobilizing this effort and at this point the records show almost $700,000 in pledges and over $250,000 in collections. We plan to come to Chicago having reached our goal. Presidents must LEAD!!! The Chapter President, as leader of this unit of Brothers, must assume the responsibility of insuring that all necessary measures are taken to meet the chapter goal. Each chapter should have a Drive Chairman committed to getting additional pledges and collecting on pledges already made. It is vital that each chapter have a timetable for its efforts - and by the 1980 Regional Conventions the chapter will have gained all of the necessary pledges and have in hand firm commitments for collecting the funds to meet the chapter goal. College Chapter Activity Each college chapter should also establish a definite goal and each should strive to raise a minimum of $500 ($1,000 for larger chapters). Some college chapters have already reached this point through fund-raising activity and these are encouraged. It is advised that these affairs be relatively simple in order to avoid the overhead expenses involved in elaborate affairs. You • the Brother The success of both the national and chapter goals will, of course, de-

Call the Roll All chapters, especially alumni groups, are urged to begin now to audit your members and determine* your status in relation to your chapter goals. It is important to keep the momentum going - and, in many cases, chapters will be able to meet their goals simply through collections from those members who have already pledged! Make sure that your chapter does not fall behind.

pend upon the actions of individual Brothers. Remember, each Alumni Brother is asked to give a minimum of $516 - many have already given more. Brothers who give will be recognized in The Sphinx and at the 1980 Chicago Convention. Matching Gift Program This drive, like many other charitable ventures, can qualify for matching funds from companies which participate in the Matching Gift Program. If you work for such a company, your gift can be increased by 100% or more through a matching corporate donation. Further information on this pro-

Deep Pockets - Short Arms During our General Convention, Washington Mayor Brother Marion Barry warned against a characteristic of those with an aversion to giving to a cause, those he labeled as having "Deep Pockets and Short Arms." We all understand the historic importance of three beneficiary groups for this fund drive - the National Urban League, the United Negro College Fund and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - and I am confident that we in Alpha Phi Alpha are not of the breed displaying "Deep Pockets and Short Arms." Make sure that you are a part of this historic event and, surely, every chapter of Alpha will be well represented. Fraternally, /J*.


JAMES R. WILLIAMS General President


The Sphinx / Fall 1979

OT! i%l©I1WIE i H ^ l l f f i ^ ' l ©!§& Review Your Plans for the Coming Year


As most of you are aware by now, the General Convention adopted several new administrative procedures concerning "active status" for chapters, a "Service Fee" for all members (including Life Members), and "Standing Orders" governing the pledge process. Much of this information is covered in the Alpha Workshop section on Page 6 of this issue. Many chapters have expressed concern about the Standing Orders, which include the Model Pledge Program. For the record, the General Convention adopted the proposed Standing Orders for informational purposes. Final action on this matter is scheduled for the 1980 Convention and all chapters will receive copies of the 1979 document for review and comment. All chapters are advised to begin now to plan their pledge activities in accordance with the 6-week program for college chapters and 90-day program for alumni chapters - so that when the effective date rolls around there will be very little time needed to make the transition from the old lengthy program to the new, modified time period. Under this year's "OPERATION ALPHA — 1980" (which is a continuation of our pilot project of last year), we will attempt to visit at least fifty (50) chapters throughout the five regions. Since last year's project was such a tremendous success, we are going to attempt to make "OPERATION ALPHA" an ongoing project for the coming years. But, of course, nothing can be successful without the cooperation of the regional and state directors, and most of all the Brotherhood. If you wish to have a program in connection with "OPERATION ALPHA," you must write to the National Office indicating what type of program you are about to undertake. This will enable us to assign the proThe Sphinx / Fall 1979



gram to a member of the National staff and set up communications with the sponsors of the program. Needless to say, our allocation for travel is very small — making it very necessary for programs to include at least 5 or more chapters (if possible) participating in an area, which will enable us to have maximum coverage of the information to be disseminated. If you have questions on some particular subjects that you wish to have covered, please do not hesitate to let the General Office know - as early as possible, and we will be more than happy to assist you in planning your program. Also, in an effort to enable us to evaluate chapter awareness, we will institute a "chapter report form" that we will mail out in the Spring of each year for chapters to report to us their ac-

tivities and contributions, and other pertinent information that we can report to the General Convention as Chapter Activities for the Year. With this in mind, please keep adequate records of your (financial and service) contributions, and also clippings of writings covering your chapter's activities — from September 1979 through April 1980. Brother Ronald Flowers, Chairman of the Publicity Committee, has planned an ongoing series of national press releases highlighting your activities. The first such release will focus on the Million Dollar Fund Drive - and chapters are asked to send information on their efforts in this campaign to the General Office by December 1, 1979. And finally (last but not least), all chapters are again encouraged to plan and execute positive programs to increase membership. This endeavor can be accomplished through initiating new members — and, especially, alumni chapters reclaiming inactive college brothers who have recently graduated and alumni brothers who have relocated in their area. And, of course, all chapters should insure that all members have a current passcard and function in the chapter. Since the General Convention passed an amendment to ease the burden of recent college brothers entering alumni chapters, it is our hope that alumni chapters will take advantage of this opportunity to bring new blood into their chapter.


James B. Blanton Executive Secretary 3

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there goes alpha man 77/EKE GOES /*/V ALPHA MAN There goes a man of high impulse Of princely mien and grace There goes a man of humble faith A credit to his race There goes a man of conscience vast with will to reach his goal There goes a man of lordly rank Of heroes' stock and soul— There goes a man of noble caste Whom hardship cannot break There goes a man in merit clad Whom duty won't forsake There goes a man in cultured verse Who holds a sportsman's creed There goes a man too vigilant To bow to lust or greed ' There goes a man whose life is spent in service not in scorn There goes a man whose majesty Shines like a May time

There goes a man who is a friend To love and duty truth There goes a man to help uplift The lives of wholesome youth There goes a man with industry and faith at his command. There goes the best man in and out For he is an Alpha Man. 4

Brother John R. Kelly Brother JOHN R. KELLY, Vice President of Zeta Mu Lambda Chapter, Gulfport, Mississippi has been promoted by USDA/Sea Grant Advisory Service to the position of Marine Resources Specialist. Working in this capacity with USDA/Sea Grant Advisory Service, he will be responsible for conducting research and disseminating research information relating to Marine activities and resources. This Alphaman will also be responsible for writing publications on marine education and working with both state and federal agencies in the disbursement of such brochures. A native Mississippian, Brother Kelly was born in Utica, Mississippi, November 18, 1947, the son of Mr. & Mrs. John H. Kelly. He received his early education from the public school system of Hinds County. He holds a B.S. degree in music from Alcorn State University in Lorman, Mississippi, where Past General President Walter Washington serves as President. Shortly after graduation from Alcorn State in 1970, Brother Kelly was drafted into the U.S. Army; forcing him to forgo a full fellowship to Michigan

State University to do graduate studies. Being an Alpha Man in every sense of the word, Brother Kelly did not give on the situation; so while serving as education officer with the 21st Replacement Battalion at Frankfurt, Germany, he also attended Wayne State University's European campus and was awarded a M.Ed, degree from that institution in Education and Urban Sociology in 1972. Brother Kelly also holds a Ph.D. in Adult Education with minors in Sociology and Administration from the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Prior to the promotion, Dr. Kelly worked in 4-H Youth Development with the same agency for six years. With a real love for academia, Brother Kelly has felt a need to keep in touch and since 1973 he has served as adjunct professor of Sociology with the University of Southern Mississippi where he teaches courses in Urban Sociology, City Planning, Sociology of the Minorities, The Family, Juvenile Delinquency and Criminology. Research is not a novelty to this Alphaman, Dr. Kellly has done extensive research on the aging process of adults in the American society and race relations in the South. His research in race relations has warranted him consultant roles with corporations throughout the states. Brother Kelly is very active in community affairs. He is presently serving as President of the Board of Directors for the Salvation Army and a member of the board of directors for the Gulfport Cultural Society. He is active with the United Way Campaign where he is presently serving as Division Chairman for the Gulf Coast. In 1976, Dr. Kelly was chosen as one of the Outstanding Young Men of America for his professional achievements; this award is presented by the National Jaycees to young men under 35 years of age who have made outstanding contributions to their profession and/or communities. Brother Kelly is also a member of the Urban Society of Sogiologist, Minority Landowners Association, Gulfport Chapter of the NAACP, Phi Delta Kappa and Toastmasters International, an organization which has recognized his communication skills and have used them extensively through their Speakers Bureau Forum. Through Toastmasters, Brother Kelly has been the recipient of numerous public speaking awards. Initiated




The Sphinx / Fall 1979

Brother Norman Towels

Chicago, Illinois, September 6, 1968, Brother Kelly has been active in fraternity affairs since that time. He is married to the former Bernell Topp of Tupelo, Mississippi and they have one daughter, Jon Felice.

Brother NORMAN TOWELS of Eta Pi Lambda, Pasadena-Altadena, CA, has added the Doctor of Philosophy degree to his long list of accomplishments. The United States International University in San Diego, CA, made the award to reflect Brother Towels' competency in the areas of Educational Leadership and Human Behavior. In addition to the Ph.D. degree Brother Towels received in June, 1979, he also holds two Master degrees and a 1970 Bachelors degree in Philosophy from Southern University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He earned the M.A. degree at the University of California at Riverside, 1972, and the University of Redlands (CA), 1979. Brother Towels is the current Director of Educational Services for the Val Verde School District in Perris, CA. He has held his position since 1974. Prior to that, beginning in 1970, Brother Towels taught the 4th and 6th grades in the same district. During the summer of 1976, he served as the District's acting Superintendent of Schools. When this youthful Brother left Southern University, he chose a career The Sphinx / Fall 1979

in education even though he had fellowships to study philosophy or law at; Yale University, Brown University, American University and Vanderbilt Universities. While at Southern University he was initiated into Alpha through Beta Sigma Chapter. He served as Chapter President, 1968-69, and the University's Pan-Hellenic Council President, 1969-70. He was listed in "Who's Who Among American Fraternities, 1970." Since he arrived in California during the summer of 1970 he has been an active Alpha man. In 1976 he served as Secretary of Eta Pi Lambda. From 1977-79, he served as President of Mu Psi Lambda (Rialto, CA). He presently serves as chapter advisor of lota Psi (Redlands University — U.C. at Riverside). At the regional level, he is the Western States' Coordinator of College Brother Activities. From 1977-79 he served the region as its awards chairman and its Director of Educational Activities, 1978-79. Brother Towels lives in Perris, CA with his wife, Wanda Marie, a Southern University graduate, and their two daughters Jamala, 6 years and Tanya, 8 years of age and two foster sons, Maurice Debarry and Gary Parker.

The Board of Trustees of Durham Technical Institute, Durham, North Carolina, recently promoted Brother PHAIL WYNN, JR., Life Member

#2698, into the newly created position of VicePresident, Support Services. Brother Wynn previously served as Assistant to the President at Durham Tech, which is a comprehensive state and county-supported community college serving over 6,000 students. The promotion makes Brother Wynn the only Black Vice President at any of the 57 institutions in the North Carolina Community College System. A native of Lawton, Oklahoma, Brother Wynn received a B.A. degree in psychology from the University of Oklahoma and holds the Masters and Doctoral degrees in higher education administration from North Carolina State University at Raleigh. In his new position, Brother Wynn has overall management responsibility for admissions, registration, student records, financial aid, veterans affairs, counseling services, tutoring, developmental education, institutional planning and research, tv and media production, advertising and publicity, and community service programs. He also serves as acting president whenever the president is absent from campus.

Brother Phail Wynn, Jr. Brother Wynn was a charter member of Zeta Zeta Chapter at the University of Oklahoma. He served six years in the U.S. Army as a counterintelligence officer before settling in North Carolina He currently resides in Raleigh, N.C. and is a member of Phi Lambda Chapter. He is married to the former Peggy Lynch of Whitakers, N.C, who is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. 5

Alpha Workshop

Priority One It is important that each chapter report its OFFICIAL CHAPTER ADDRESS immediately, if this has not already been done. This step, which is a constitutional requirement, is especially needed this year because all five regions are headed by new Regional Vice Presidents. There has been reorganization in practically every region and new Region/State Directors have been appointed in many areas. You will need to contact these officers, and vice versa, for much of your fraternity business - including receiving APPROVAL OF INITIATION FORMS. Chapter reporting should be done on the Chapter Directory forms furnished by the General Office. If you do not currently have this form, please file a temporary report on chapter stationary - giving the name, address and telephone number of the person to receive chapter correspondence. The office will utilize this address until further notice and forward the correct forms for filing the roster of Chapter Officers in accordance with the Constitution.

Convention Feedback Several items of legislation approved at the 1979 General Convention * are important to the day-to-day operation of your chapter. These changes basically fall into two categories: (A) Amendments designed to clarify the intent of previous statues, and (B) adjustments to the fee structure. Chapter Officers should be aware of the following action: Active Status of Chapters The constitution was to specify that each chapter must have at least seven active members in order for the chapter to be considered active. Convention Delegates In line with the change noted above, the Delegate Table of Apportionment was revised to allow delegates to only those chapters with seven or more active members. Attendance at Conventions It was mandated that a member must be active with both the General Organization and his Chapter in order to be admitted to close sessions of any convention. Annual Service Fee Each member, including Life Members, is now re-


quired to pay an Annual Service Fee in order to be active with the General Organization. This fee has been set in the amount of $10 for Alumni Brothers and $5 for College Brothers. For the 1979-80 fraternal year, the following fees are payable: Life Members Alumni $10 College 5

Non-Life Members Alumni $40 College 20

Passcards, indicating full active status, will be issued to those Non-Life Members who submit the required fees. Life Members will be issued an "Active Life Member" card valid for this fraternal year. Fees for Recent Graduates Reduced General Organization fees were established for those recent college graduates who join an alumni chapter. In order to become active on the national level, Brothers in the first year following graduation may pay 50% of the required fees and those in the second year following graduation may pay 75% of the fees. For the 1979-80 fraternal year, the following fees are payable through the local alumni chapter: 1 st Year Graduates - $20 2nd Year Graduates - $30

Public Relations Brother Ronald Flowers, Chairman of the Committee on Publicity and Public Relations, has planned a series of national press releases highlighting the continuing work of Alpha Phi Alpha, both nationally and locally. Each release will focus on a general program activity and will include outstanding work performed by local chapters. The first release will center on the Million Dollar Fund Drive - and chapters which have had outstanding participation in this project should forward this information to the General Office by December 1, 1979. Copy should not exceed one page in length and photographs, if submitted, must be high quality black and white glossies. If your chapter is an example of Alpha's contribution to society, let us know - and we will spread the word!

The Sphinx / Fall 1979

Political Action" was the dominant theme at Alpha Phi Alpha's 73rd Anniversary Convention, held August 3-9, 1979 in Washington, DC. Saluting "ALPHAS IN GOVERNMENT: Planning for the Future of Our

Children" . . . the convention featured addresses by major Black political figures from across the nation. "In this time of political uncertainty," stated General President James R. Williams, continued on next page

In the Summer of '79, sights and sounds of a busy nation's capital mingled with the always bustling Alpha Convention. If you were there, you might have seen (clockwise from top left) undergraduates proclaiming Alpha No. 1; Brother Andrew Young conferring with the General President; Brother Marion Barry, the Washington Mayor who was graciously omnipresent.


"the Fraternity felt it necessary both to honor those Blacks who have rendered exemplary public service and to bring these figures together with us to provide direction for members across the country." Reflecting Alpha's continuing tradition of leadership, major speakers were members of Alpha Phi Alpha, including Washington, DC Mayor Marion Barry, Undersecretary of the Interior James Joseph, New Orleans, LA Mayor Ernest N. Morial, and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young. Other participants were Brothers Maynard Jackson, Mayor of Atlanta, GA; Louis E. Martin, Special Assistant to President Carter; and, Bennett M. Stewart, U.S. Representative from Illinois. One item very evident to those in attendance was the outstanding hospitality extended by the local Brothers and their ladies. This was due in large part to the stellar job done by Brother J. Rupert Picott, Convention Chairman; Brother Hanley J. Norment, Deputy Convention Chairman; and Mrs. Mauree Ay ton, Coordinator of Women's and Children's Activities - all of whom worked to coordinate the efforts of the twelve Washington area chapters which served as hosts for the convention. The host chapters were Mu Lambda, Washington, DC; Omicron Lambda Alpha, Washington, DC; Theta Rho Lambda, Arlington, VA; Eta Eta Lambda, Annapolis, MD; lota Upsilon Lambda, Silver Spring, MD; Kappa Epsilon Lambda, Prince Georges County, MD; Kappa Phi Lambda, Columbia, MD; Zeta Upsilon Lambda, Reston, VA; Beta, Howard University, Washington, DC; Eta Zeta, Bowie State University, Bowie, MD; lota Zeta, University of Maryland, College Park, MD: and, Nu Beta, American University, Washington, DC. On Friday evening the third revival of the Alpha Phi Alpha Smoker and Symposium brought to the present much of the lore and history of Alpha. As twenty-two men identified as having been Alphas for at least 50 years sat in the seats of honor, two of them reminisced about important aspects of the Fraternity's development. An Alpha Man for 62 years, Brother Sydney P. Brown of Chicago was given two ovations in appreciation for his authorship of "The House of Alpha." The Beta initiate and retired attorney urged older and younger Brothers to view their relationship in the context of Alpha's program theme - "The Greatness of 8

The Sphinx / Fall 1979

Our Past is the Key to Our Future." Cautioning against sectionalism and localism, Brother Brown observed that "there's no such thing as a Beta man, a Theta man, or a Xi Lambda man - we're all Alpha Men!" As he looked to the future, he called upon Brothers to "assure that generations to come will have an opportunity to sleep in a bed in The House of Alpha.'" Brother Louis Russell, identified for the third consecutive year as being Alpha-affiliated longer than any other living Brother, gratefully recalled having "socialized with all seven Jewels." The Washingtonian and 1911 Beta initiate also recalled the pressure his Chapter initiated in World War I that resulted in the Army's establishing a camp for the first time to train Black officers. Brothers Jones and Russell, along with Brother Harold Thomas, received Senior Alpha Service Awards, recognizing them for continued achievements and meritorious service. Other features of the program were: "The Black Experience in Song and Pageantry," a dramatic presentation by Brothers of the Southern Region which highlighted the Black struggle from slavery to the present; unveiling the design for a new 50-Year Pin; presentation of proposed Sweetheart Songs; and, an impromptu visit and brief remarks by Brother Marion Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC. The convention was officially convened on Saturday morning in an Opening Session which was open to the public. In his stirring, well-received opening address, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry issued a call to Alpha Brothers "to action rather than to order." He urged the Brothers to become truly first in service to all by seeking to improve the circumstance of Black people through support of such causes as better health care, the survival of the Black college, Black African development, equal rights for women, prison reform, Black business, full DC voting rights, and Black togetherness. "As Mrs. Bethune taught us," he said, "we must love, trust, and have confidence in each other." Stressing Black interdependence, Mayor Barry urged that "as we climb the ladder of success with one hand, we must reach back with the other and pull up another Black person with us." Welcomes were extended to the delegates also by Brother James Cheek, President of Howard Universicontinued on next page The Sphinx / Fall 1979


ty, Brother Louis Martin, Special Assistant to President Carter, and Congressman Walter Fauntroy of the District of Columbia. Congress Fauntroy appealed to Alpha to become an important part of the effort initiated by the Black Caucus to organize a Black network so as to better enhance Black opportunities. "Leadership must always suffer the penalty," observed Past General President Lionel H. Newsom as he centered his Keynote Luncheon address around "The Penalty of Leadership." In calling for greater Black leadership, the president of Ohio's Central State University urged that Blacks accept greater responsibility for the inability of "our young people" to read, write and achieve educational growth; and, that Black youngsters must learn to use the public language well and speak it with decency. Brother Newsom urged that Alphas Million Dollar Fund Drive be supported and presented a check for $500 toward this campaign, pledging another $500 prior to Christmas of this year. Following Brother Newsom's magnificent address, General President James R. Williams took the podium and presented to him the "Alpha Award of Merit," the Fraternity's highest honor for a member.

Clockwise from top, principal speakers Newsom, Mortal and Joseph. 10

Above, education award to Dr. Frederick Patterson. Right, from top, Fraternal Address by Ozell Sutton; EEOC message by Arthur DeMoss; greeting from Pan-Hellenic Council prexy, Beatrice Jett Sunday's Ecumencial Church Sered the presentation of the Alpha Award vice, under the direction of Convention of Merit to Brother Morial, an event Chaplain Sylvester Shannon, was originally scheduled for the 1978 Mincharacterized by many as best such neapolis Convention. Special greetings service ever presented. It was also were extended at this Public Program very well attended, with some 1,000 by Mrs. Beatrice Jett, President of the persons on hand. The audience was National Pan-Hellenic Council and Mrs. captivated by Brother James Joseph's Thelma Daley, National President of analysis of moral leadership. The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Under Secretary of the United States Representatives of other Greek-letter Department of the Interior - who is also organizations included Mrs. Thelma a minister, author and businessman Fisher, Executive Director of Zeta Phi challenged his Sunday audience to Beta Sorority, Inc. and Dr. Lorraine close the reality gap on the remaining Williams, Past Grand Basileus of Sigma problems of economic power and the Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. ethics of distribution to those in need. Brother Frederick D. Patterson, The full text of Brother Joseph's adformer President of Tuskegee Indress is included in the Viewpoint secstitute, was presented a special Alpha tion of this issue. recognition - that of the Distinguished Educator Award. This was conferred in Sunday was also the day for the recognition of Dr. Patterson's Public Program. In his address before numerous contributions to education, the largest group ever to attend a conparticularly as Tuskegee President vention public session, New Orleans from 1935-53, a founder of the United Mayor Ernest N. Morial clearly placed Negro College Fund, as former Presithe blame on Congress for the nation's dent of the education-related Phelpsfailure to act on pressing urban proStokes Fund and now as organizer and blems. He condemned Congress for Board Chairman of the Robert R. having aborted or reversed any urban Moton Memorial Foundation. In receivprograms the White House has proing this award, Brother Patterson posed. Brother Morial, a Past General acknowledged real pride in his FraterPresident, also upbraided Congress nity's "leadership role at this time," for refusing to bring itself under the particularly its Million Dollar Fund Drive EEO provisions it requires of Federal to benefit the UNCF, NAACP and National Urban League."This is a time of agencies. He went on to declare that self-sacrifice . . ." he said, "We must "a balanced budget is worthless if we give as much as we can to see that must mortgage our cities and the young people are provided opporfuture of our children to get it." tunities." Following the Public ProThe Washington Hilton Ballroom, gram, the convention registrants were with its 4200 seating capacity, was guests of the Jamaica Tourist Board at nearly filled with convention a reception held at the National Press registrants, local residents and media Club. personnel. This audience also witnessThe Sphinx / Fall 1979


Many of the delegates were up at 7:30 A.M. on Monday morning to attend the Leadership Breakfast hosted by Anheuser-Busch. Here Chapter Presidents, Regional/State Directors, Committee Chairmen and members of the Board of Directors came together in an informal setting to discuss priorities and program goals for the coming fraternal year. Also on Monday morning, the Annual Job Interviews and Exhibits were opened to the public with over fifty national corporations and agencies on hand for recruiting purposes. Following the Summary Reports of Officers at the morning business session, the Fraternal Address was delivered by Brother Ozell Sutton, Southern Vice President. "The Black Experience and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity" was the subject of Brother Sutton's address. In showing correlations and inter-relations between the two, the Southern Vice President cited three racial crises which require solutions - unemployment, affirmative-action crisis, and the crisis in the adminsitration of justice. He observed that "the Black experience has beqen one of movement from one racial crisis to another." In the context of Founder Callis' philosophy, Brother Sutton urged that Alpha become more greatly concerned with the poor, social-action orientation, and a demonstration that "people matter most in our society." Brother Charles Lewis, chaired the Fraternity's Equitable Employment Opportunities Luncheon. National Liberty Corporation of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania was the recipient of the 1980 Equitable Employment Opportunities Award and Mr. Arthur DeMoss, President and Board Chairman of National Liberty, delivered the luncheon address. Monday afternoon activities included committee meetings, regional caucuses and the Business Encouragement Seminar. Participating in the BEC Seminar, Brother Darwin Davis, Vice President of Equitable Life Assurance Society, stressed the importance of sales in business - noting that one could enter this field without the need for large amounts of capital. The evening was capped by the PanHellenic Dance, hosted by the PanHellenic Council of Washington, DC. In the Life Member tradition, Brother Elmer Collins was up at the crack of dawn on Tuesday to lead the Life Members Breakfast. The Life Membership Chairman presided over a full 12

house, for a program of fellowship and recognition of outstanding service in the Life Membership Program (see Life Membership section for winners). As usual, Tuesday's sessions were long and filled with controversy. To add to the heat, this was also the day for the nomination of officers and voting. Following the impressive array of oratory which was displayed during nomination speeches, four of Alpha's distinguished leaders had been nominated for the office of General

President. They were Brothers Rogernald Jackson, Western Vice President; Thomas D. Pawley, III, Midwestern Vice President; Henry Ponder, Chairman of the Education Foundation; and Ozell Sutton, Southern Vice President. Brothers James Trent and incumbent Leven C. Weiss were nominated for the office of General Treasurer, while incument Comptroller Charles C. Teamer was renominated without opposition. Tuesday afternoon featured the Education Seminar, which focused on the theme "Planning through Education." The principal speaker for this occasion was Brother Elias Blake, President of Atlanta's Clark College. He was joined in this session by several other Alpha educators, including three college heads - Brother Ernest Holloway, President of Langston University; Brother Emmett Bashful, Chancellor of Southern University in New Orleans; and Brother Leonard Barnes, Chancellor of Southern University in Shreveport. This evening was climaxed by African Nite, an educational and

cultural evening dedicated to increased cooperation with African and Caribbean countries. The major address at this session was given by Mr. Francis Dennis, Liberian Ambassador to the United States. Other diplomats were on hand, including Alex QuaisonSackey, Ambassador to the United States from Ghana. A highlight of this evening was the performance of authentic African dances by the African Heritage Dancers of Washington, DC, a world-renowned troupe. Two Brothers, Western Assistant Vice President Herman Borders and Rev. Henry O. Hardy of Chicago, presented stirring messages at the College Brothers Luncheon on Wednesday. Brother Borders urged Alphas to get involved in their communities, especially from the standpoint of the electoral process. He developed the theme, "What Will We Leave Our Children?" Brother Hardy focused his highly alliterative language on urging his Brothers "to get their minds together" and be about the business of succeeding and being good examples to youth. During the luncheon, the Education Foundation presented Achievement Awards to college Brothers who had made outstanding contributions in the various regions - Brian Ackers, Southern; Elliott Kerl, Southwestern; Paul Johnson, Midwestern; Richard King, Western; and Richard Moore, Eastern. General President Williams also presented plaques in recognition of outstanding service to the five outgoing Assitant Vice Presidents - Leslie Ransom, Eastern; Randy Allen, Midwestern; Keith Green, Southern; Dennis Sullivan, Southwestern; and, Herman Borders, Western. The climax of the final business session was the report rendered by the Election Commission. Brother John I. Hendricks, Commission Chairman, reported that the two Brothers nominated to seek the Alpha presidency via the mail ballot were Brothers Thomas D. Pawley, III and Ozell Sutton. Brother James Trent was declared the winner in the contest for the office of General Treasurer. Brothers and guests displayed their finery as the Washington Hilton Ballroom was packed for the Formal Banquet and Dance. Speaker for this event was Brother Andrew Young, then Ambassador to the United Nations. In the international area, Brother Young declared that "for the first time, The Sphinx / Fall 1979


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we have put the United States on the side of reasonable change." He carefully linked the interests of Black Africa with those of American Blacks when he said that "we who have known oppression on the basis of both race and class know what other people are experiencing. They look to us for understanding and s u p p o r t . " Throughout his well-received address, Ambassador Young strongly defended the stewartship of the Carter administration, proudly citing Blacks appointed to high administration posts and stating that Blacks could look forward to more good news from the President. For the first time since 1974, lota Upsilon Lambda Chapter of Silver Spring, Maryland was not the recipient of the "Outstanding Alumni Chapter of the Year" award. This honor for 1979 was presented to Eta Tau Lambda Chapter of Akron, Ohio, which won the award for two consecutive years (1972-73) before IUL began its five14

year sweep. Epsilon Beta Chapter of Fresno State University was named "College Chapter of the Year," highlighting a flurry of active participation by the Western Region, Alpha's smallest. The Atlanta delegation captured both the awards for individual achievement. Brother Walter Sullivan, President of Eta Lambda Chapter, was named "Alumni Brother of the Year" and Brother Michael Hightower of Alpha Phi Chapter, Clark College, Atlanta, captured the Stenson Broaddus Award for the outstanding College Brother of the Year. Others cited during the banquet were Brother Lionel Newsom, Alpha Award of Merit; Brother Louis Russell, Senior Alpha Service Award; and Brother Frank Devine, who received a special Urban Service Award for his work with the national champion chess team of Vaux Junior High School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The convention was closed with the installation of officers by Brother Ben-

nett M. Stewart, U.S. Representative from Illinois. Eleven new officers were installed on the fifteen member Board of Directors. These included all five Regional Vice President - Thomas R. Hunt, Eastern; Jimmie Buford, Midwestern; W. Mingo Clark, Southern; Charles Lewis, Southwestern; Clinton Minnis, Western - and all five Assistant Vice Presidents - Darrell Freeman, Eastern; Richard Graves, Midwestern; James Jackson, Southern; Tyrone Dudley, Southwestern; and Terry Brown, Western. In addition, Brother James Trent was installed as the new General Treasurer and Brother Charles Teamer again took the oath of office as Comptroller. In closing remarks General President Williams thanked the delegates for their hard work and decisive action during the convention and challenged the 1980 Convention Committee in Chicago to match the performance of the Washington area chapters. The Sphinx /

Fall 1979

Brother Walter Sullivan


Brother Michael Hightower



The Sphinx / Fall 1979

The Brothers of Alpha Phi Chapter at Atlanta's Clark College had reason to be proud following the 73rd Anniversary Convention. Not only was the Stenson E. Broaddus Award (presented to the outstanding College Brother) conferred upon a member of Alpha Phi, but the Alumni Brother of

the Year Award went to an Alpha Phi initiate. The outstanding Alpha Men honored in Washington were Brother MICHAEL HIGHTOWER, President of Alpha Phi (1978-79), and Brother WALTER SULLIVAN, President of Eta Lambda Chapter in Atlanta. continued on next page


rother Hightower, a native of College Park, Georgia, typifies by his involvement the service and leadership traits characteristic of the Men of Alpha Phi Alpha. Topping a long list of activities is his service as a member of the Clark College Board of Trustees, elected by the students at Clark College. Brother Hightower has participated in all three of Clark's bands. First, he served as President of the Band for the 1978-79. A section leader for the past three years, he has participated in the Marching, Concert and Jazz bands. Brother Hightower is also one of the few Blacks in the Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra. Active in the relatively new Clark College Orchestra, Michael works in the Clark College Chapter of Music Educators National Conference. By now, you have probably guessed that Brother Hightower was a music major, receiving his B.A. degree in May of 1979. One of the first and most active members of the Clark College Chapter of the NAACP, Michael also devoted much of his time to the Freshman Guide Corporation, a group responsible for Freshman Orientation Week and monitoring the progress of freshmen throughout the year. During his senior year he served the corporation as Business Manager - a position he also held on the Clark College Student Council.. While at Clark, Brother Hightower was frequently named to the Honor Roll and Dean's List and he was selected for membership in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Michael was also the recipient of the Alfred J. Turk Award, the Wayman Carver Award, the WSB Young American Award and the Clark College Band Award. These honors reflect not only his dedication to academic life but his outstanding volunteer work with service institutions in the community, such as orphanages and convalescence homes. After serving as Vice President, Chairman of Queens and Courts, Chairman of the College Seminar Project and regional convention delegate, the members of Alpha Phi Chapter selected Brother Hightower as President for the past year. His further selection as Chapter Brother of the Year, Georgia Brother of the Year, and finally the Broaddus honoree, certainly justify faith placed in him by his peers. 16

rother Walter W. Sullivan currently serves as President of Eta Lambda Chapter in Atlanta, Georgia. His service to Alpha, however, predates this position and is a model of involvement in service to all mankind. Just for starters, he is a former President of Kappa Chapter at Ohio State University and of Kappa Lambda Chapter in Greensboro, North Carolina. Professionally, Brother Sullivan is an academician who now holds the position of Dean of the Faculty at Fort Valley State College, Fort Valley, Georgia. In this position he serves as the chief academic officer of the institution. Previously, he has served as Director of the Science Research Institute at the Atlanta University Center



m (1976-78); Dean of the Division of Arts and Sciences, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (1975-76); and Chairman and Professor of Chemistry at North Carolina A & T State University (1970-74). Prior to becoming department chairman at A & T, Brother Sullivan had combined his previous experience as a senior research chemist with a dedication to helping others and gained three awards for excellence in teaching as a Professor of Chemistry at that institution. Brother Sullivan, a specialist in organic chemistry, received his B.S. degree from Clark College and earned the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Ohio

State University. He is a member of the American Chemical Society, Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Honor Society, Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society, National Institute of Science, National Council of Research Administrators, American Association of Higher Education, Minority Access to Research Careers Committee, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. While Brother Sullivan is involved in a large number of civic and community activities, his selection as Alumni Brother of the Year reflects his long and continued willingness to work long and hard for the cause of Alpha Phi Alpha. Initiated at Alpha Phi Chapter in 1950, Brother Sullivan is familiar to most on the national scene, having missed only one General Convention in the last twelve years. During his tenure as President of Kappa Lambda Chapter in Greensboro, North Carolina, the chapter membership was increased from 52 to 112 and several social action programs were implemented. The chapter also hosted the 1974 Southern Regional Convention, with Brother Sullivan serving as Chairman. Also while in Greensboro, Brother Sullivan served as North Carolina State Director from 1972-74. As President of Eta Lambda, Brother Sullivan has led the chapter in sponsoring a highly successful Leadership Development Conference for over 80 outstanding high school students and initiating a counseling/tutorial venture for high schoolers. Plans for the future include fund-raisers for scholarship and other programmatic activities, career conferences of youth, and a fraternal program series to be held during chapter meeting. Brother Sullivan has served since 1972 as a member of the Board of Directors of the Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. Here he was instrumental in developing the foundation's youth development project and has prepared informational literature about the foundation. Also on the national scene, he chaired the National Convention Evaluation Committee during 1975 and 1976. The most impressive characteristic of both of the Fraternity's honorees for 1979 is their commitment - their willingness to serve and perform the tasks that must be accomplished if the goal is to be met. And that spirit of Fraternity leads Alpha to congratulate two of its finest sons - Brothers Michael Hightower and Walter W. Sullivan. The Sphinx / Fall 1979


a quest for gold When Brother JAMES A. BUTTS was initiated into Alpha on June 9, 1979, his first words as an Alphaman were: "This is the most important thing I have ever done in my life." To properly appreciate the profound

impact that becoming an Alpha had on Brother Butts, one must consider his statement within the context of what he has accomplished in his less than 30-year life. While a student at Fremont High

School in Los Angeles, Brother Butts discovered that he was an above average student and athlete. During his three years at Fremont he competed in track and field, basketball and football.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Million Dollar Fund Drive Countdown to Chicago General President James R. Williams and Brother Isadore J. Lamothe, Chairman of the Million Dollar Fund Drive, have targeted the 1980 General Convention in Chicago for the completion of Alpha's campaign to raise money to benefit the United Negro College Fund, the National Urban League, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. With pledges well over the two-thirds mark, all involved are confident that this goal will be reached. Several key items have been identified as crucial to the success of the campaign, including: • Chapter Presidents assuming the lead in meeting the chapter goal. Alpha's strength is in the local chapters and each chapter must be represented; • Launching a collection drive to allow Brothers

The Sunbelt Shines The "Alpha Spirit" and an understanding of the importance of the Million Dollar Fund Drive are as important to the success of this venture as membership demographics. To prove this point, one only need look at Alpha's smallest region, the West, to see what Alpha Phi Alpha Men are capable of accomplishing. As of October 3rd, the Western Region had collected pledges amounting to 118% of its regional goal and nearly 65% of the regional goal has been paid. What's more, the Brothers in the 18

Progress Report (October 15,1979) Goals


to receive 1979 tax deductions for payments rrtade prior to December^!, 1979;


• *i,uuu,uuu

• Asking each College Chapter to register a payment of at least $500; $ 750,000 (75%)

• Stressing the MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM and making a special effort to identify those Brothers who are eligible and urging them to participate.

694,115 $ 500,000 (50%)

An immediate goal is that each of the nearly 600 chapters of Alpha be counted with payment during 1979. Now is the time to begin collecting!

$ 300,000 (30%)

# $ 150,000 (15%)


Regional Progress REGION




250,000 272,448 351,912 214,176 66,000

128,108 100,706 187,489 199,963 77,849

Double your money

% of (teg. GOAL

51% 37% 53% 93% 118%

West proclaim that their campaign is still in high gear. Perhaps that's due to the fact that the region's If you work for one of the Fund Drive Chairman, Brother Clinton Minnis, is over 700 corporations which the new Western Vice Presi- participate in the Matching Gift Program, ALPHA dent. WANTS YOU!!! Leading the pack in the The procedures for a West are the Brothers of Mu Beta Lambda Chapter Brother using the Matching in Honolulu, Hawaii. This Gift Program are simple: chapter has paid a whop1. Make out your check ping $18,800 thus far in the to the United Negro drive and promises more to College Fund. come. In the final analysis, the 2. Complete the Matchhard work in the Western ing Gift Program form Region has paid off. The supplied by your comBrothers of the West boast pany's personnel or that "you ain't seen nothin' community affairs ofyet." ficer.


% of Rof. GOAL

68,370.69 50,891.89 70,302.17 38,924.60 42,598.01

27% 19% 20% 18% 65%

3. Mail your check and completed form to:

Matching Gift Program Alpha Phi Alpha P. O. Box 9571 Rochester, NY 14604

Don't miss this opportunity to help the Million Dollar Fund Drive. It is significant to our effort that m o s t c o r p o r a t i o n s will match contributions to the UNCF — with some donating up to 150% of the employee gift!!! The Sphinx / Fall 1979

of money available to the Negro colleges: many of the wealthy people who had supported these colleges in the early post-Civil War At least during these years were no longer living; critical times, a unified financial campaign for a substantial tax increase several Negro colleges on personal income had reseems to be an idea duced the amount of money worth toying with. available for philanthropy; Dr. Frederick D. Patterson and there was a marked inin the Pittsburgh Courier. crease in the number of January 30. 1943. charitable causes appealing to the public at large. As Brother Patterson's "idea Dr. Patterson recalled in worth toying with," the 1953, one of three choices United Negro College Fund, had to be made: "to go out was chartered in New York of existence entirely, to acState on April 12, 1944. This cept partial or total subsidy organization came into from public funds, or to being to cope with a situaunite in an annual appeal tion characterized by rising for current funds to the end costs and reduced giving. of broadening the base of By the mid-1940's, a support while reducing costs number of factors had comof appeal promotion." The bined to reduce the amount


Brother Frederick Patterson ! /seated (seatedcenter) center/shown shown atat orgunizaorgunizaturned meeting of the UNCF -joined —joined by other college heads and business leaders. third choice, the United black private higher educaNegro College Fund, was, tion are far from over, and therefore, an act of faith in the member institutions are the soundness of black pri- still "toying with" the UNCF, expanding its covate higher education. operative framework to Reflecting on the UNCF's meet their ever-changing first thirty-five years, two needs. And it all started overriding factors emerge: with an Alpha Man's the "critical times" for "idea."

College Action As you recall, at our 70th Anniversary Convention in New York-1976, Alpha Phi Alpha made a commitment to contribute One Million Dollars to the United Negro College Fund, the Urban League, and the NAACP for various programs. This commitment was made by all Alpha- young College Brothers as well as our alumni. But, as we draw closer to the deadline, our records indicate too little participation or contributions toward this program coming from the hundreds of college chapters and brothers throughout this fraternity. Need you be reminded that if this program fails, it will be because of you, who have not made a contribution. Regardless of how you may feel personally, remember that the pride in wearing your pins and T-shirts is also knowing Alpha has made another great accomplishment with your support. As we pledged this great fraternity, we were taught that respect must be earned and, once the seed is planted, we must build to The Sphinx / Fall 1979

a higher respect. . . because the initial respect can become a faded memory to an older generation who can remember what Alpha did or used to do. You, my College Brothers, must actively enter the race because you will share in the success of this project. But let us share in the glory knowing we have given our all - honestly and unfalteringly as we rally to her call. We are asking that every college chapter make a minimum contribution of $500 to be paid between now and August of 1980. While we appreciate every chapter's contribution thus far, the college chapter contributing the largest contribution over $1,000 directly to the campaign will receive a very special trophy at the General Convention in Chicago-1980, plus special recognition in the next issue of the history book. College chapters hitting the mark of $1,000 will be honored also, and highlighted in the Sphinx. Each issue of the magazine through August 1980

The top five college chapters paid to date are: • Beta Chi, Philander Smith College, $1,800 • Kappa Beta, Mississippi State University, $1,025 • Iota Nu, University of Alabama-Birmingham, $1,000

THANKS! Fund Drive Chairman lsadore Lamothe (top right) accepts $500 donations from Past President Lionel Newsom and (below) Brother Lew Fambles of Epsilon lota. University of Texas.

• Theta, Metropolitan Chicago, $1,000 • Nu Rho, Illinois Institute of Technology, $1,000 will include a report of the college chapters leading in contributions. Don't get left behind. If you are in need of programs to assist in raising funds, write to me as soon as possible. I do have several ideas for programs available. So, Brothers, lets get on your mark, and set a pace that will assist us in one of the most significant and historic victories for our dearA-PHI-A. Randy C. Allen National Coordinator College Brothers Activities 19

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The Sphinx / Fall 1979


/ James Joseph

Much has been written and said about this country's malaise - and the need for leadership. What is it that Americans, especially Black Americans, are seeking in these critical times? There are those moments of time which transcend all other moments and infuse them with special meaning because they invoke a special memory or call us to a special mission. This is such a moment not only in the religious life of Black America but in the moral life of the American people. The present mood is reminiscent of Jerusalem during the time of Jeremiah. It was a season of discontent. The synagogues were crowded. The Rabbis were preoccupied with the requirements of religion; but in the streets and throughout the community there was a sense that the nation was losing its vision, a fear that too many citizens were developing a psychological aversion to leading and being led. So the word went out to "run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, look and take note. Search her squares to see if you can find one who does justice and seeks truth." (Jeremiah 5:1) How far is it from Jerusalem to the site of this seventy-third anniversary convention of Alpha Phi Alpha? It is surely too far for us to care if we measure distance only in geography or time, but if we are looking for an affinity of mood or insights appropriate for an inter-dependent world, then Jerusalem is next door and the cry of Jeremiah the cry of the American people. The August 6 issues of both Newsweek and Time reflect the increasing concern with American leadership and cultural heroes. The editors of Time argue that the talent for leadership has not disappeared from the American genes. Newsweek, on the other hand, warns that our society may be growing too rich, too confused or sophisticated for heroes. For those of us who learned at an early age to appreciate the exploits of Napoleon, but only in recent years heard about the feats of a Zulu warrior named Shaka, the present search for leadership provides an opportunity to redress the imbalance in the heroes The Sphinx / Fall 1979

. . . to restore a diminishing vision we honor and the heritage we celebrate as history. For those of us who single out the contributions of Disraeli and Churchill or cherish the memories of Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy, the search for leadership provides an opportunity to restore a diminishing vision and to contemplate alternative futures again. For those of us who have had the audacity to walk in the footsteps of the founders of Alpha and the great men and great minds which have followed them, the search for leadership provides an opportunity to affirm the uniqueness that is ours while at the same time reaffirming the universality of brotherhood in an interdependent world. To understand why the American people are disturbed and confused, one has only to reflect on the leaders who have dominated our headlines during the last year. In November a year ago, a man named Jim Jones burst into the national scene as the leader of the People's Temple. For the

last six months, we have been treated to the exploits of Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua and the Shah of Iran in the Mideast. Even today we wait the latest word from the Commonwealth leaders as they contemplate the future of Ian Smith and the pigmentocracy he seeks to maintain in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia. What all of this has meant is that the leaders our children have heard us discuss have been the leaders they have heard us denounce. I tremble for my country when I see the increasing tendency to follow the leader who promises certitude in the midst of uncertainty. In religion, scores of Americans are turning to those who offer absolute answers. They refuse to deal with moral ambiguities and demand moral absolutes instead. In politics, voters are being swayed by the passion of the single issue candidate whose only mission is to gain support for what he is against without ever identifying what he is for. I tremble for my country when I see some of the aberrations which pass for moral leadership. In the 1950's some Americans had only to beat their breast and announce that they were not like other men, they were against Communism, and they were suddenly hailed as the personification of morality. In the 1960's, some Americans had only to wave the flag and announce that they were not like others, they were for law and order and they, too, were hailed as the new moral leaders. In the 1970's, one has only to be for tax relief and against hiring quotas and he is assured a place in the pantheon of political deities. For our purposes, then, let us look across the social and theological landscape of our time to see where there are insights appropriate for our needs. Like any good Washingtonian in search of a source of helpful ideas, let us see whether there are any good outside consultants. There are many people with good resumes, but I prefer to begin with a man named Jethro. He continued on page 32


LASALLE D. LEFFALL, JR. An Alpha Man caps a brilliant career as a physician and surgeon with a successful stint as head of the world's largest volunteer health agency. As President of the American Cancer Society, Lasalle Leffall stressed increased emphasis on the health problems of minorities and involved minority organizations in the fight against cancer. Brother LASALLE D. LEFFALL, JR., M.D. became national president of the American Cancer Society on November 1 1 , 1 9 7 8 , but he had set his sights on helping people through a career in medicine long ago, when he was still a Quincy, Florida high school student. His father, the only one of 11 in his family to go to college, was principal of a school in Quincy, during his son's growing-up years. His mother still teaches there. They wanted their son to have a college education, and his father gave him some career advice. "Your mother and I are teachers; we enjoy teaching," he explained. "But if you became a physician you could help people in a way we can't." LaSalle Jr. heeded his father's counsel, and his dream was also supported by the town's only Black doctor. His B.S. degree from Florida A. & M. University, Tallahassee (where he was initiated into Beta Nu chapter), was followed by an M.D. from Howard University in Washington, D.C., in 1952. After interning in St. Louis, he returned to Washington for residencies in surgery at Freedman's Hospital and D.C. General Hospital. Dr. Leffall was senior resident in surgery at Freedman's in 1957, when a fellow Floridian, Dr. Jack White, the first Black to receive a fellowship at Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York returned. "He told us," Brother Leffall said, "what he had learned there and how exciting the cancer field was." "I became the third Black to be admitted and entered Memorial's senior fellowship program for two and onehalf years. Working with the giants in the field of cancer was one of the greatest thrills of my life." Since that time, Brother Leffall has become a medical giant himself. Currently, he is professor and chairman of the department of surgery, Howard 22

Brother LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr., M.D., President of the American Cancer Society, being interviewed by NBC-TV's Andrea Mitchell. University College of Medicine and professorial lecturer in surgery at Georgetown University. He went to Howard in 1962 as assistant professor of surgery, and now Dr. Burke Syphax, Howard's former chief of surgery, claims that Dr. Leffall's reputation for excellence put Howard's medical school "on the national map." In addition to the demanding responsibilities of a surgical oncologist, Dr. Leffall engages in an awesome number and variety of other activities in his field. He has been visiting professor of surgery at 45 institutions in the past seven years; has written over sixty articles for medical journals; served as president of the Washington, D.C. chapter of the American College of Surgeons; is now president of the Society of Surgical Oncology, and has been chairman of many medical committees and task forces over the years. His involvement with the American Cancer Society began in 1963 when he first became a director at large with

the Society's D.C. Division, and served as Division president, 1974-76. Recognized by the Society's National organization in the mid-1960's, Dr. Leffall has served as chairman of its National Colon and Rectal Task Force; Chairman of the Medical and Scientific Committee and the Medical and Scientific Executive Committee; and president-elect. Now, at age 48, married and the father of a teen-age son, he is the medical leader of the largest voluntary health agency in the world. During his term, Dr. Leffall continued existing ACS programs and increased emphasis on reaching minority groups with cancer information and involving those groups more actively in the Society. "When I speak of minorities," he says, "it happens that the largest group in many areas is Black. But, in some communities, the largest group may be Puerto Rican, Mexican, Cuban, Hawaiian, Indian or Asiatic — Chinese, continued on page 33

The Sphinx / Fall 1979


A Time to Remember

As I come into this position, I arrive as a newcomer to the field. I am not out to win any type of prize for my writing. Nor am I here to have my name become a common term. What I am here for, however, is to instill in each person who reads my articles, a sense of pride in and love for our Fraternity. With the beginning of this year's segment of "College Scene," I would like to take time out here to give my thanks to Brother Godwin Osagie for the messages that he delivered while at this position last year. Also, I would like to wish Brother Osagie much success in all his future endeavors. And I remember my" Brother, "KEEP YOUR HEAD TO THE SKY." As this academic year begins, let us be reminded of the great organization that we have pledged our lives to. As we begin classes, renew friendships, meet new faces, and look down the road at a new year of activities, remember that we are a part of the greatest Black fraternal organization in the world. Remember the times not long ago that we started down this path called "ALPHADOM." Remember the days and nights filled with tears. Remember that night when you crossed those burnin' sands. It was all for a purpose - a chance. A chance to say proudly, "I am an ALPHAMAN." We struggled hard to be Alphamen. And like those who struggled before us, we must not let the fight end here. There are too many Alphamen who reach the summit and stop. We must not let ourselves fall into this neutral mode. As Alphamen, we must always be in forward motion, striving for ever higher goals. When we reach the 24

highest point in one area, then let us move to another and excel in that. We must never become complacent. For once this hideous disease is upon us, we are doomed. Remember that Alphamen are leaders and because we are "First of All," we must take the initiative in all that we do. As Alphamen, we must be standardbearers. We must follow in the footsteps of those brothers before us, who coined such phrases as, "A Voteless People is a Hopeless People." We must pick up where our fallen brothers have left off; we must stand strong. For these rapidly changing times have proven to be a formidable opponent. And if we expect to continue to withstand the challenge, we must solidfy our bonds and rekindle our beliefs. My brothers, keep in mind the goals that the General President has highlighted for us to follow through the coming year. Remember that it is through these goals that we will indeed keep Alpha Phi Alpha "First of All." First, go out brother, and reclaim your lost. Urge them to participate in your functions. Reindoctrinate them in the workings of Alpha and show them that the light of Alpha never dies, even though it may grow dim. Second, get together and plan your chapter's activities early. Put special emphasis on community involvement. Campus activities are great, but it is in the community where our light must really shine. Third, examine and reevaluate your pledge programs. Restructure or make changes where necessary. Set membership goals and try to achieve

them. Above all, when you reevaluate your pledge programs make sure that they are in compliance with rules and regulations handed down by the national office. Fourth and most important, plan for making a pledge to the Million Dollar Fund Drive. Remember brothers, that it is through our donations and those of others that America's Black private institutions will survive and prosper. I urge each brother, especially chapter presidents, to note these goals and institute them into the coming year's calendar. With these goals and our ever-present aims; "Manly deeds, scholarship, and love for all mankind," our dearly beloved Fraternity shall surely remain "First of All and Servants of All." Finally, before I close, I would like to thank you for taking the time to let my words and feelings come into your mind and thoughts. With luck, I have convinced you to follow me throughout the coming year. Also, since what I say is directed at you - THE COLLEGE BROTHER - let me know what is on your mind. If there is something you want to say let me know about it. You can address all correspondence to: Brother Al Lee P.O. Box 690 Dillard University New Orleans, Louisiana 70122 Again Brothers, thank you. God Bless you. Fraternally, Al Lee College Scene Editor The Sphinx / Fall 1979


attributed to O.Wilson Winters. A successful dentist in Norristown, Pennsylvania, Dr. Winters spent much of his life training young people for service. One of his loves was forensics, and he was proud of the debating skills of his pupils • and justifiably so. Brother Winters was also an expert parliamentarian, and again he trained the young in this profession. He served as parliamentarian for several national and local organizations - but this tribute focuses on his service to Alpha Phi Alpha. As you'll see, that was only the beginning of his tremendous contribution to our Fraternity. Shown is cover of the Sphinx, February, 1976.

The story of OLIVER WILSON WINTERS is the story of all of the things that make Alpha great, in this case exemplified by one extraordinary man. Dr. Charles H. Wesley notes that "At the 19th Convention (1926) the Fraternity endeavored to create an endowment fund by approving the idea of endowment policies on the lives of the Founders and Brothers. The details were to be worked out by a commission." But an ail-too familiar story unfolded amid the proceedings, leading Brother Wesley to comment "These details were not put into complete operation." Fortunately for Alpha Phi Alpha, O. Wilson Winters was a leader. "In spite of this fact," states Brother Wesley, "Brother Winters took out a policy, continued payment on the annual premiums, and after ten years the policy was paid by check to the Fraternity." Why would one man continue to pursue a course of action which for ten years seemed to arouse little or no enthusiasm among his peers? Our Historian answers, "This action was a distinct indication of the deep affection which Brother Winters maintained for the Fraternty and a tangible expression of his faith and desire to see it placed upon more permanent foundations." And, in 1937 at the New Orleans General Convention, Brother Winters' faith was recognized and he was declared Life Member # 1. Brother Winters always counted that day as one of the most memorable in his fraternal life. Any vita of Brother Winters would also note that he served as Convention Parliamentarian for almost forty years, beginning in 1936. What this simple statement of fact fails to reveal is that this was one of the most important jobs in Alpha. To set the stage, it should be noted that during most of the Fraternity's existence all General Officers were elected at the General Convention. Further, there was not always a limit on the tenure of the General President. So, to get a new one the incumbent had to decline renomination or, as often happened, be defeated. These were the formative years of the Fraternity, as the "black-ball" was eliminated, issues of national import were undertaken, and Alpha expanded tremendously. Convention sessions were where the action was and the action was often hot and heavy. And, through it all, Brother Winters towed the line and insured that the proceedings were carried on as expeditiously as possible and with fairness. Given the number of crucial policy decisions that were made during these years, the position of respect commanded by Brother Winters in every sector of the Fraternity is the ultimate tribute to his ability. Finally, but no less important, Brother Winters served for over thirty-five years as the author of the Fraternity Fun column for The Sphinx. Many brothers (not to mention their wives) would turn to this page immediately upon receipt of The Sphinx / Fall 1979

the magazine. The wit of O. Wilson Winters is fabled in Alpha circles. It is especially noteworthy that the Fraternity "jokester" was the same person who commanded the height of respect during serious deliberations (in his role as Parliamentarian). In my humble opinion, that is a clue to the secret of O. Wilson Winters. He understood Alpha's mission and respected all viewpoints. And, yet, when all was said and done, he was able to slice through the rhetoric and perceive the totality of the situation. In other words - he brought us all the leaders and the followers (if there are any of those); the winners and the losers - back to our rightful positions as equals . . . as BROTHERS. Any organization of our kind must be able to do this in order to remain true to its mission. For almost sixty years, "Billy" Winters insured that Alpha remained true because he was respected as a "brother" in the true sense of that oft-misused word. And because of that he was as important to the success of Alpha as any other man. 25

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The Sphinx / Fall 1979

in convention



The Introduction By now, in this seventy-ninth year of the Twentieth Century, the seventythird year since the founding of the ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC., the sixty-ninth year of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the sixteenth year since the March on Washington, and the eleventh year since the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. — by now, it must be clear to all who are familiar with American history that Black Americans are a superior kind of people. They have to be, have had to be, and must continue to be in the future. Survival and progress make them so. Leaders among Black Americans cannot be merely accountable and good. They must be better. They must excel. To fill the positions they continue to get themselves elevated to requires that they be better than the best elsewhere. Detractors, race-baiters, those who would be "klanish" in denying rights to America's Black citizens know the superior structure of Black people well, though the antagonists may be conscious of what they know. They deny Blacks and make examples of those whom they can get their hands on (or their feet or their guns). What will happen, they reason, if American Negroes are granted full living privileges? They are threats already. Keep them down. Destroy. No more, say the new Negroes, the Blacks. We will be free! We will not stop short of whatever freedom Americans have. In the words of Brother Raymond W. Cannon, Past General President, We shall be satisfied with nothing less than our full rights of citizenship, and the exercise thereof; and we will oppose vigorously by legal means all racial discrimination of every nature and kind whatsoever and wheresoever found. Wo shall achieve through the courts of law, through our great national Black Institutions, through our use of the ballot, through our productivity — and always motivated by love: of self and of fellow human beings. This Is what the following policy statement is all about.

day serve this nation as Ambassador to the United Nations? No one can divine leadership. The capability is among us and the schools and proper training must be available to all citizens. No talent should be wasted through default of opportunity. To limit educational opportunity is to deny the nation services that are needed and that can be rendered. To deny education to any is unpatriotic.

EDUCATION AND FOLLOWSHIP All persons are not capable of becoming leaders. But the United States needs far more functionally literate citizens than the statistics show that we have. Our country really ought to have known this since the crucial revelation of the level of literacy during the G.I. testing of World War II. Even so basic a need as everyday personal safety is to a large measure dependdent upon the earning power, the cultural outlook, and the environmental habits of the so-called man in the street. A nation can ill afford to shrug off the social condition by opining that one ghetto is like all the rest. Human mobility and human desire, along with a blase' permissiveness which stems from the top, make freedom for those who have it an insecure possession unless all men and women in a democratic government are free. Not to educate a citizenry is not only unpatriotic - it is downright dangerous.

EDUCATION AND PRODUCTIVITY In this day of energy shortage, it is refreshing to see and hear the President of the United States declare the need for freedom. It is reassuring to hear him remind us of the work ethic, of the kind of productivity that has distinguished the best of our country from age to age. And as we agree with President Carter that a nation which is as technologically advanced as ours can certainly produce needed fuel for itself, ALPHA PHI ALPHA recognizes that the greatest productive potential that this country has is its human resources, and the greatest of these are mind and skill. With the United Negro College Fund we believe that the mind is an awful thing to waste. It is the greatest source of human productivity. Not to utilize it is to hamper progress of a nation, and to do that is — unpatriotic.

EDUCATION — ITS FUTURE COURSE THE MATTER OF EDUCATION From its very beginning, the ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. has been seriously concerned with education. This organization of college men is irrevocably dedicated and committed to three aspects of life: manly deeds, scholarship, and love for all mankind. Each of these is important. But it is scholarship — education — that serves as the very basis upon which the individual builds. What one learns and knows helps determine what deeds really are manly. What one learns and knows enables one to extend love beyond personal and prejudicial boundaries and limitations. Individual selffulfilment and the strength of a complex, heterogeneous nation depend upon the quality of education that the individual and the citizens collectively have. Failure to strive to achieve one's best is self-defeating and morally wrong. Failure of a society to insure, to guarantee, to provide by law, by public financing, by creating and maintaining a climate of public opinion that is absolutely responsive to education for all its people — such failure is actually unpatriotic; for it robs a nation of its own potential: the productivity of the human brain.

EDUCATION AND LEADERSHIP There was a time during which education in the United States, particularly higher education, was designed for the elite. The establishment, growth, and proliferation of tax-supported institutions — federal, state, and city — succeeded in changing the elitist concept. Today influential leaders in our society represent a complete cross-section of social, racial, religious — even economic stratification. One thing, however, is common among them. Our civilization demands leaders who are articulate, highly qualified, educated persons. Leadership, of course, is constantly in demand on all levels, and new leaders tend to rise to the occasion. It is conceivable that thirty years or so ago one might have believed that an agriculturist from a small segregated southern community could one day become president of the United States. But who would have thought that a young southern Black youth would one The Sphinx / Fall 1979

ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. commends the United States on the many advances it has made toward educating all people. We are especially proud of the achievements made during the civil rights movement of the sixties, highlighted by the historic Brown decision of twenty-five years ago. We are, however, gravely concerned about the signs that appear of possible erosion of the process that has characterized the extension and betterment of education. We therefore strongly support and urge the following: 1. Continuing of busing to achieve quality education and an integrated school society. What the United States needs is the best education possible for all its citizens. No education' development up to this point even suggests a better way to increase the mental acuity and productivity of this nation. Consequently, busing must continue for communities that are not integrated. Though the aim is not to punish, so important to the nation and to the future is the matter of quality education that ALPHA PHI ALPHA urges the newly-appointed Secretary of HEW to withhold government funding from those districts and locales which refuse to abide by both the spirit and the letter of the laws of the United States. At the same time we urge that community leadership intensify efforts to educate the people as to what the real goals of democracy are. The President's symbolic phrase was "hand in hand." 2. Continuing to place emphasis where it is sorely needed. The lost sheep must be found and brought into the fold. Common sense of Bible and history teaches that. Until there is no longer a gap in the educational preparation of minority Americans, special emphasis must be made by the federal government — with local assistance — to close that gap. The sooner it is closed, the better for us all. 3. Continuing to develop the importance of education for the best growth for America. ALPHA PHI ALPHA supports the move to create a Department of Education, with a Cabinet Secretary. ALPHA PHI ALPHA also urges the passage of the Senate-sponsored bill and deplores the ramifications woven into the bill approved by the House of Represen-


tatives This Fraternity proudly has in its membership several of the nation's outstanding educators ALPHA PHI ALPHA will find ways through its Education Committee, or through a special ad hoc committee, to work with education lobbyists in Washington, D.C. to offer advice and suggestion for the establishment of the new department. 4. Continuing to strive for the best. ALPHA PHI ALPHA declares that the programs for excellence which are advocated by Reverend Jesse Jackson' PUSH and the Chicago-based program of Vernon Jarrett, as presented at the recent convention of the NAACP are sound ones. (Jarrett's program, ACT-SO — Afro-Academic Cultural Technological Scientific Olympics — stresses a new slogan: Black is brilliant. "A poet, like a basketball player, has a right to be a hero," says Jarrett (JET, 7/19/79). Not only is ALPHA PHI ALPHA contributing a million dollars to the NAACP, the National Urban League, and the United Negro College Fund — this Fraternity also pledges its support to those drives which insist upon achieving excellence in education and training. We further urge any and all organizations that are interested in human and national progress to join in the support for excellence. Ignorance is not bliss. It is unpatriotic waste and nonsense! A nation that does not cultivate the minds and skills of its constituency — of all of its constituency — attempts to accelerate with the other foot on the brake.

THE BLACK COLLEGE ALPHA PHI ALPHA'S concern for the Black college — both private and state-supported — is as real as can be The opening of white colleges to Black students and the concentrated effort of white institutions to enroll Black students have, of course, skimmed from the top some young people who just yesterday in history would have been educated in the traditional Black schools Even before the drive for minority students, white colleges and universities had begun attracting (and holding) many top-flight Black professors, often enticed from Black schools in which they were working. While ALPHA PHI ALPHA upholds and strives for an integrated society and for full racial equality, this Fraternity continues to recognize and to acclaim the immeasurable contribution Black colleges in America have made to the culture and well-being Qf this nation. We pledge our assistance to our institutions and encourage them to accelerate their continued drive for excellence.

CIVIL, HUMANE, AND HUMAN RIGHTS FOR ALL AMERICANS N o serious-minded, informed person can doubt that the insistence of the civil rights marchers of the past decade caused white America, and the world, to think all over again about what had been historically done to United States citizens who are dark-akinned. White America was forced to look realistically at what had been happening consistently in our country against Black Americans and other minorities, such as Native Americans. The American sense of fair play was ultimately aroused by the insistence of the civil rights demonstrators. A few years later, the best-seller ROOTS and its unprecedented television appeal grippingly informed all of America (and foreign countries too) of the struggle Black people have consistently made in asserting their human dignity in their search for freedom. Freedom is particularly important to Black Americans since a frightening amount of their human energy is locked up in the crowded jails of America; lies unused on the unemployed rolls; and rots within the decaying urban ghettoes. To all who genuinely believe in freedom, the change that took place reassured faith, not only in the democratic ideal, but in the process of achieving it as well. The movement was non-violent. Recently, the climate of opinion reflects a change. There is now a subtle hesitancy. It is as though enough has been done, as though some citizens are not to enjoy all the rights that other citizens enjoy. Political maneuvering is involved. There is the flagrant action of the Klu Klux Klan and other reactionary forces. Some leaders of American Blacks are giving the warning that all those who oppose justice are not wearing hoods and sheets. Some, they say, are wearing Brooks Brothers suits. Unquestionably the United States has achieved much in the areas of humane development for its own people and for the peoples of the world. ALPHA PHI ALPHA wishes that the favorable climate for good, conscientious, humane development were a nationally-accepted and continuous fact. Personal experience and observation, and the realities of the news media show that such is not the case. That there will always be disagreement in a society is a recognizable fact. Disagreement must not, however, remain prejudicial nor based on racial identity. ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC., therefore: (1) Declares its regret and profound dissatisfaction over the subtle political maneuvering and the far-less-than subtle activities of the Klan and other reactionaries; (2) Commends what is being done to keep the situation under control;


(3) Urges that an enlightened citizenry stand firm in its belief in freedom and justice for all; (4) Further urges America to withstand any and all creeping deterioration in the American concept of democracy; and, (5) Pledges to work hand-in-hand with others to solve the problems common to all of our citizens. We shall stand up for equality of rights for every American.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION One of the really important legislative commitments during the '70s was the fair employment practice which led to Affirmative Action. Backed by the federal government, affirmative action was a genuine stimulant to the very life blood of democracy and positive assurance to all minorities that their plight was at last recognized and that their day of opportunity had come. To discover a paucity of minority personnel in a particular employ not only failed to look good, it looked downright bad and it was embarrassing For the first time, people in whom the thought was engrained that they would be the last to be hired enjoyed the dignified experience of knowing that they had a chance also; indeed that they were being sought, that they were needed and that the law was on their side. The controversial reaction by the public, including shapers of public opinion, to the controversial ruling by the Supreme Court in the Bakke case cast a shadow over the gains made. Can a minority person from an impoverished environment, despite intelligence, be afforded the opportunity any more? By law, can a percentage of spaces in the college classroom, in industry and business be guaranteed to minorities? The Weber decision makes clear that reverse discrimination is not the issue when a Black or a female is given preference, and that voluntary affirmative action programs are legal. But when open admissions are cut off and there is a relaxed feeling that no longer pushes to grant minorities a fair share, the situation becomes suspect to many and the issue of equal opportunity begins apparently to recede. The United States cannot afford to let any gains toward fair-play and justice recede. The nation's position must be clear, brilliantly clear, so that all will understand and know how to proceed. President Carter's recent speech on energy took himself to task as a manager of government rather than a leader. As the world knows, he vowed to prove his leadership. We applaud his honesty and await that proof. In light of these matters, Be it resolved that The ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. requests a White House Summit Conference on Affirmative Action.

THE MATTER OF UNEMPLOYMENT Food, shelter, good health, and employment are the basic essentials for any kind of dignified, independent survival. Since the first two are largely determined by the kind of employment an individual and/or a family has, and since health is influenced by many factors, including security and outlook, employment is of utmost importance. It is clear to students and serious observers of urban development that the day of unskilled labor is over. Technology, industrialization, and the nature of progress have seen to that. But there are entirely too many poor and — as a result of recessions and shortages, plus the inundation of illegal aliens — the number is becoming even greater. We can no longer afford the luxury and belief in the old adage that the poor will be with us always. Either the United States will build a permanent and increasingly growing welfare state, will innovatively create jobs for the unskilled, or it will combine the latter with a massive training program to teach people skills that this moment in history demands. The Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act provides for the training which is so sorely needed. However, this important legislation yet lacks implementation. The Honorable Augustus F. Hawkins reminds us that the number of unemployed youths is greater than that of adults and that statistics presently show, even with the summer job opportunities for youths operating at maximum, that "15.3% of all youth were unemployed and Black youth registered a staggering 37.7% official unemployment rate in June." (Letter of Mr. Hawkins to constituents, July 10, 1979) We are further told that full implementation of "the Youth Employment Act of 1979 will provide over one million new employment and training opportunities for youth." ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. recognizes the immediate harm, and the even greater impending harm that results from failure to implement the Humphrey-Hawkins bill. Young people will remain boxed in with no hope for the present — or the future. Such anti-social conditions breed discontent and frustration in the individual, and disrespect and animosity toward society. Therefore, be it resolved that The ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC., through its General Organization and through its individual chapters, shall support the drive for legislative enactment for the implementation of the Full Employment Act, H.R. 4465. This Fraternity at all levels shall press legislators who represent our districts to support the bill. We shall further make known to the communities of which we The Sphinx / Fall 1979

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.'/'/„/< „,<>,/ are a part, how important it is that they too join in pressing legislators to enact appropriate legislation for the implementation of the Full Employment Act.

VOTER REGISTRATION AND VOTING One of the stirring and challenging slogans that ALPHA PHI ALPHA used in the past was that ringing sound: A VOTELESS PEOPLE IS A HOPELESS PEOPLE! Let the cry ring forth anew. The base of political power for a people, for a group, for a minority — for Black Americans — is the vote. Without it, there really is no hope — no hope for putting the right candidate in office or putting the wrong one out; no hope for getting the right issues, the corrective ones before the public in the first place; no hope for self-expression in the small community nor on the national scene; no hope for righting the wrongs A voteless group is indeed a hopeless group! But there is no longer any reason that American Blacks should be voteless. The long fight, the continued struggle — sometimes dangerous indeed, ending in deaths — the marchings and jailings, the canvassings — and, the successes in registering and voting — all attest to the determination of Black people to voice their beliefs, to participate In the government process. After all this, how on earth is it possible that a Black American of legal age is not registered and voting in every election! To vote is an American opportunity. It ought to be a racial imperative! A moral must! We cannot afford to be a non-voters Survival, duty, future are the reasons Black Americans must register and vote. ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. will through every single chapter in its vast organization establish, re-activate, or increase the work and energies of a strong Political Action Committee. The very first priority is to make certain that Black people in our communities are registered in time for the 1980 elections! Every chapter will establish its own goals, constantly keeping in mind that A Voteless People is A Hopeless People!

VOTER REGISTRATION AND VOTING — AND THE NEED FOR INVOLVEMENT IN POLITICS In politics, it is absolutely essential that we participate in the political processes that determine who is on the ballot on election day. At the present time, there seems to be no original effort to get Black Americans to become involved in party politics. ALPHA PHI ALPHA maintains that it is essential for minorities to participate fully in the political process so that they can help determine who the candidates will be. This Fraternity therefore urges that Blacks and other minorities join the major political parties and participate fully in them at all levels.

POLICE BRUTALITY There simply is too much reporting of police brutality to ignore! In Birmingham, Alabama, a Black woman is shot three times in the back. The uniformed keeper of law and order is not fired because the police in that city are taught to respond quickly (no account has been released of such quick response in the back of a white woman — or man) and if he had been let go the rest of the force was going to strike, and where would the 2,000 Black demonstrators be then, without "police" protection! A New York City uniformed man shoots and kills a boy, who, incidentally, was Black, and was thought to have had a pistol. No gun was every found. The "officer," with strong backing of the Police Benevolent Association, is exonerated. In South Carolina, a young man (Black) dates a young woman (white) and is castrated and apparently murdered and no arrests are made. Such examples are the flagrancies of this moment. But what Black man cannot tell of the harassment — and ticketlngs — he has received, because he was Black! We are tired of such treatment. The United States surely must have come of age by now. To condemn foreign governments for their heavy and cruel treatment to people and to practice (and apparently to condone) the awful treatment which is accorded to American Blacks is shameful. It is barbaric. ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. declares publicly that police brutality and harassment is sickening and must not be tolerated. To accept the high responsibility of keeping the peace requires, demands sanity and honesty and emotional control. ALPHA PHI ALPHA recommends (and demands) a stricter method of screening of police officers, and periodic checks on them, to assure that police officers are men and women, and not sickies who under the badge of authority take advantage of minority people We urge that any and every case of police unfairness to citizens because they are Black be reported to a central agency so that city, county, state, and federal officials will be completely aware of what white cops are doing to Black people. A knowledgeable public will then be able to know what to do.

BLACK ON BLACK CRIME All Americans are aware of the rising crime rate throughout the United States in the inner city as well as the suburbs. The Sphinx / Fall 1 9 7 9

It is a well-known fact that a high incidence of crime occurs in areas with a high density of Blacks. One only needs to observe the media that Black youths are committing crimes such as mugging, burglary, and the like in the Black community. Because ALPHA is interested in and has traditionally concerned itself with quality living, we regret and abhor these acts of violence that make living unbearable for those who must reside there. We deplore this rise in crime in America and call on all law enforcement agencies to be more vigorous in protecting life and property in these high crime areas We demand local authorities, administrators, and Black Citizens to rid these communities of conditions that make the commission of crime almost inevitable, easy and profitable. ALPHA PHI ALPHA directs all of its local chapters to work with local authorities and other interested citizens to make the Black community safe and secure for our children, our families, our elderly, and our businesses.

CITIES AND CENSUS Recent events in Iran and Nicaragua point out the military dictum concerning control of the geographical heartland: the major cities of the nation. In a short-sighted political, economic, as well as racist phenomenon, middleclass whites and Blacks in large numbers abandoned the major cities to the disenfranchised Black poor of the ghetto From a strategic viewpoint, this was a very negative development. Apparently, a shift is now beginning to take place. Such a return is healthy and must be encouraged. We therefore recommend that every possible effort be directed toward the renovation and integrated rehabilitation of our cities. Simultaneously, we are aware through the media and through neighborhood word of mouth that many inner city Blacks and Hispanics were, for a variety of reasons, not counted in the 1970 census. Mindful of the political, economic, and federal grants implications of the census, ALPHA PHI ALPHA recommends personal involvement in the 1980 census, instructing households to the best of our ability on the importance of including a full and accurate count and reminding census takers to probe as carefuly as possible. We further recommend that census stakers with an ethnic identity to the target group be used.

HOUSING One of the perpetual problems that confronts Blacks and other minorities — is that of the availability of safe, sound, sanitary housing, within appropriate price range and without any constraints with regard to equal opportunity. ALPHA PHI ALPHA appeals to Congress and the Office of Management and Budget to increase the appropriation for the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, in order to assist in a more vigorous enforcement of civil rights compliance with the Housing and Community Act of 1974, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, Section 3 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. ALPHA PHI ALPHA additionally appeals to the private sector of the housing market — developers, owners, builders, banks and the real estate industry to emphasize in their planning, housing of the size, price, location and type which aids the housing plight of the most disenfranchised persons searching the housing market — Blacks and other minorities. With the knowledge that proper housing is vital to the development and viability of the family, ALPHA PHI ALPHA pledges itself to assist in all programs within its means, that assist Blacks and other minorities in their frustrating pursuit of an important part of the American dream — safer, sound, sanitary housing appropriately priced with no constraints with regard to equal opportunity.

ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. emphasizes and reaffirms its commitment to the full participation of Black Americans in the economic development of the nation. The General Organization requests its local chapters to promote the Fraternity's Business Encouragement Program aggressively in their communities. ALPHA PHI ALPHA encourages and supports all efforts of Black Americans to seek out and participate in those areas of business from which they have been excluded. The Fraternity applauds such efforts as those of the General Electric Company and Cox Broadcasting Company for including Black institutions and individuals in the planned sale of various radio and television stations upon approval of the merger. The Fraternity recognizes the uniqueness of the sale of the television station in Nashville, Tennessee, which provides not only for minority participation in the station ownership but also provides for a trustship which will benefit three predominately Black institutions: Fisk, Howard, and Atlanta University. The ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY supports the proposed merger of Cox Broadcasting Corp. into General Electric and encourages approval by the Federal Communications Commission.




We encourage our young brothers — and other young men and women as well — to consider the field of business management as a course of study at the undergraduate level. Further, we urge secondary school educators to steer young men and women of ability to the fields of accounting, finance, marketing, and other related business courses of study. We also encourage Black Americans to establish businesses of their own and we ask all Americans to support their ventures. Finally, ALPHA PHI ALPHA calls on appropriate arms of the federal government, such as the Small Business Administration, the Office of Minority Business Enterprises, and also on urban banks to provide assistance in the form of loans of adequate working capital, counsel on business management, business insurance at reasonable rates and at a level required to insure a reasonable opportunity for success in an inner city environment.

A BRIEF WORD CONCERNING THE ARTS American society, as are the societies of the world's most productive nations, is many-faceted. True greatness is measured by the development a nation makes in all aspects of its existence. ALPHA PHI ALPHA takes pride in the contributions Black Americans are making to American life. It appears that there really is no major area in which the influence of distinguished Black Americans is not felt — in the major professions, in the church, education, government and politics, athletics, etc. With other national bodies, the ALPHA fraternity recognizes that the source of Black talent and genius has only been tapped. The record of achievement clearly shows the need and justification for much greater utilization of Black people's resources. More Blacks, for example, should be elected to corporate boards as well as to other policy-making bodies. While recognizing the broad sweep of contributions Black Americans make when granted the opportunity, ALPHA PHI ALPHA, the fraternity that established the Paul Robeson Award, calls special attention to the evergrowing and significant achievements Black Americans continue to make in the arts. Of special importance in American culture just now is the excellent development of Black theatre. ALPHA PHI ALPHA encourages young Americans to set their sights high, and to choose whatever vocation they wish to pursue. Some will do well to consider the arts.

ENERGY CONSERVATION Energy may be described as the power that is consumed when mass is moved or work is accomplished. In an industrialized society such as the United States, energy is of incalculable importance because our advanced technological state requires energy powered machinery, most notably electrically or gasoline-powered to do the enormous daily work required. The American standard of living is so high that we as a nation consume a disproportionate amount of the fossil fuels, the minerals, the cereals, and other forms of stored energy that we commonly call "natural resources." The less developed nations recognizing the Western World's almost total dependence on fossil fuels suddenly took strategic advantage of this and gained enormous economic and political leverage by withholding their supplies of energy. Some short-sighted politicians and officials that made subtle but dangerous hints that America might seize the oil it needs from OPEC nations by outright force. There is a strong racist undercurrrent in this bellicose and threatening attitude. President Jimmy Carter in a recent speech appealed directly to the American people, Black and white, to work hand in hand to reduce our consumption of energy at all levels. He admitted that Americans had been wasteful in their use of the earth's resources and appealed to all of us to join in a peaceful war to win the energy crisis while overcoming the "crisis" of confidence. Black Americans are physically here in the United States and while we have not received our fair share of America's wealth, we still have a stake in her well-being and her survival. For all of these reasons ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. supports the President's Six Point Program to save energy. As we help this nation rebuild its economic and political health, we Black Americans rebuild our own. Black Americans should be involved at the top level in the resolution of this problem.

THE BLACK AGED It is a well documented fact that the Black Elderly are the least educated, the least informed, the least represented, and therefore the least served segment of our entire population. Congressional Black Caucus Hearings held by Congressman Brother Harold Ford of Tennessee have irrefutably documented these facts. Further proof has been established and disseminated by Congressman Claude Pepper of Florida in his fight to improve the standard of living for our senior citizens. It has been said that America deserts its senior citizens in a disgraceful manner and the Black Aged receives far less of the benefits to which he or she is entitled than his or her white counterpart. 30

ALPHA PHI ALPHA is deeply concerned about this problem and can be counted on to work diligently to improve living conditions for the Black Aged. The ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. recommends that: 1. More programs in Gerontology be established at Black institutions of higher learning. 2. Programs designed to increase the understanding of problems of the elderly and to teach the skills needed to care for the elderly in the home be made available in all communities. 3. Government at all levels be made to do a better job of guaranteeing that all elderly people receive their entitlements as provided by law, and strengthen the laws where necessary. 4. The Administration on Aging be made more accountable to the public and administer its educational and service programs in an equitable manner.

THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE CHILD Today's cost of living frequently requires two incomes. Thus, the family as we once knew it, is rapidly deteriorating. Our children, the society of tomorrow, are neglected and frequently abused. They spend much of their waking hours with babysitters or in daycare centers. The child runaway figure increases annually at an alarming rate, and teenage crime has become a serious national problem. Early teenage pregnancies and child drug abuse have reached an unacceptable level and "The Battered Child" problem is a world-wide disgrace. We of ALPHA PHI ALPHA feel strongly that this social problem must be dealt with immediately and effectively because of the impact it will have on society in future years if it is not solved correctly now. The home, the schools, our churches, and society as a whole have a role to play. Through its existence, the ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. has sought to improve our society through education and by nurturing our young and building strong families. In this, "THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE CHILD," ALPHA commits itself to work individually and through existing organizations to help provide the love and guidance needed to rear our children properly.

JUVENILE DELINQUENCY AND CRIME Available crime statistics vividly demonstrate that there is a wave of juvenile crime that is infecting our society at an increasing rate. Apparently, no segment of society is immune. Violence and crime in some fashion occur everywhere and each stratum of society is obliged to face the problem. We can no longer point a finger at society in general for the anti-social behavior of juveniles. All of us must aggressively work toward the prevention and control of such behavior. Low income and ethnic identity have often been considered the major determinants of juvenile delinquency and crime. This assumption is incorrect; for the problems prevail in all social levels. It is therefore important that new approaches to juvenile delinquency and crime be explored. In light of this important need, ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. supports the "Community Mobilization Plan." As ALPHA Men, we want to share the mutual responsibility (along with the juvenile court system, social agencies, law enforcement officials, school officials, and others) for the prevention and deterrence of this ever-increasing problem of delinquency and crime.

THE VIETNAMESE BOAT PEOPLE AND UNITED STATES POLICY Love for all mankiind will always be a major principle of ALPHA PHI ALPHA. It is a Christian concept. It is also one of the ideals which democracy professes. The heart and concern of this Fraternity go out then toward the underprivileged, the maligned, the poor, the under-dogs of this world. We therefore deplore the conditions that the so-called Boat People endure and we know that such human beings should be relieved and brought back immediately into some kind of stability. We wish , we implore our government to use what persuasion it has to re-settle these unfortunate ethnic Chinese refugees. The United States proposes to accept approximately 14,000 refugees per month. While the ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. is highly concerned with human welfare, the fact remains that the problem of America's own unfortunate ethnics is also in dire need of solution. It is a political phenomenon that the crisis of the moment attracts attention. Realistically, we suggest that the internal crisis not be forgot and that Japan, China, and France assume the primary responsibility for the Vietnamese effort, with the United States and other nations making their contributions. President Carter has just cqmmented upon the "malaise" that infects America. But while taking on additional problems of Southeast Asia, America has a moral obligation to its own: Black Americans, Native Americans, and other minorities. Charity really must begin at home. Be it therefore resolved that: The ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. request the Congress of the United States and The State Department to negotiate with those countries directly involved and capable of rehabilitating the Vietnam refugees to bring about an immediate humane and judicious settlement. The Sphinx / Fall 1979

ALPHA ATHLETES continued from page 1 7

But it was his track and field exploits that were among the best in the state during his senior year in high school. He represented Fremont in the state track and field meet in his final year there. East Los Angeles Community College was his next step. While there, he continued to compete in football, basketball and track and field. During those two years, Brother Butts established himself as one of America's top triple jumpers. He won the California junior college title in the event and began competing in national and international meets. At the end of his years at ELA, he was one of the most recruited track and field athletes in the country. He finally settled on the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) because of its outstanding academic and athletic programs. Once at UCLA, Brother Butts made his name known in the sports world. For two years, he was a track and field All-American. He was the 1972 NCAA champion in the triple jump. That same year, he led the Bruins to the team championship. In addition to his track and field accomplishments, he was also a serious student at UCLA. He earned a bachelor of arts degree in the UCLA department of Sociology with a concentration in police science. Once out of UCLA, Brother Butts began to work at the May Company and prepare for a dream. His dream was to compete in the 1976 Olympic Games. After almost four years of world wide competition, his dream came true in June, 1976. He won first place in the Olympic Game trials at Corvallis, Oregon in the triple jump. At the Olympic Games in Montreal, Canada later in the year, Brother Butts made history. His second place finish, and silver medal, produced the first medal ever won by an American in the triple jump during the modern Olympic Games. When he returned from Montreal, Brother Butts resumed his double life of World Class athlete and executive in the Promotions and Publicity department of May Company. In 1977 Brother Butts again competed through the world. In the summer of 1977, he reached another milestone in his athletic career. While The Sphinx / Fall 1979

competing in Sweden, he jumped 56 feet 7 inches and set the present American record in his event. In 1978, Brother Butts was the National AAU champion. In 1979, he added the Pan American Games bronze medal to his trophy case. He was also third in the AAU in 1979. Brother Butts is now competing and diligently training for his last athletic dream — the winning of the Gold Medal in the triple jump at the 1980 Olympic Games.

ON TO MOSCOW Realizing his dream of Olympic competition, James Butts (above) displays the form which won him the Silver Medal in Montreal, the first medal ever won by an American in the Olympic triple jump; at left Brother Butts, who holds the present record in the triple jump, looks forward to his competition in the 1980 Moscow Olympics - and capturing the Gold Medal. Once his competitive days are over, Brother Butts hopes to finally embark on his career in law enforcewment. Although he is presently single, he credits his fiance Vicki with much of the support he requires to remain among the best triple jumpers in the world. Brother Butts was known as "The Tyrant" on his line, "The Magnificent Two." His line brother, Richard Biffle, is a professor of Education and Black History at the University of Redlands (California).

Since their initiation into Eta Pi Lambda chapter of Alpha (PasadenaAltadena, CA) both of these neophyte brothers have been active and contributing Alphamen. Brother Butts has said that he will be thinking of Alpha "when" he competes in the 1980 Olympic Games. He says that he will demonstrate on the field of competition, as did Brother Jesse Owens, what it means to be; First of all, Servant of all, We shall transcend all. Wallace L. Walker 31

MHc* Mo mat


continued from page 21

was the father-in-law of Moses. In the 18th chapter of Exodus, we are told that he came to visit Moses when the people of Israel were wandering through the wilderness. He found Moses struggling with the enormous burdens of leadership and gave him the following advice: "Choose able men from all the people, such as fear God, men who are trustworthy and who hate a bribe; and place such men over the people as rulers of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens. And let them judge the people at all times; every great matter they shall bring to you, but any small matter they shall decide themselves; so it will be easier for you, and they will bear the burden with you." The Jethro principle sets the leader at the top of the organizational pyramid. He is the dominating authority. While we recognize some good and necessary attributes, we nevertheless see in this concept of leadership the possiblity of a secular Hitler or a religious Jim Jones. We look for another consultant, and find one who comes from a totally different setting and offers a totally different principle. In the story, Journey to the East, written by Herman Hesse, we encounter a band of men, each having his own goal on a mythical journey to the East. With them is a servant called Leo. He does their menial chores, entertains and uplifts them in the evening with his spirit and song, and by the sheer weight of his personality, makes them better persons than they would otherwise be. The journey goes well until the servant Leo suddenly disappears. Without him, the group falls into disarray and the journey finally is abandoned. They find much to their surprise that they cannot make it without the servant Leo. For they had always thought of him as a servant when in reality he was a leader. In the character Leo, we encounter two roles that often seem antithetical in the complexity of Twentieth Century America: the servant, who by providing a service also leads, and the leader who is a leader because he is first and foremost a servant. So our second consultant offers us the principle of the leader as servant. Let us turn to a third consultant, a noted political scientist who has just 32

. . . to redress a historical imbalance written a book on leadership. James MacGregor Burns distinguishes two forms of leadership: The transactional leader who is primarily concerned with managing institutions and the transforming leader who seeks a higher reason and calls us to moral purpose. Professor Burns goes on to raise the question, "Is the leader simply an agent of his followers or does he have a wider mandate?" This question is particularly pertinent at this time in our history when the American people seem unable to decide whether they want their leaders to be heroes who challenge them or simply managers who provide continuity to the institutions which serve them. So we come finally to the question of whether or not there are normative standards of leadership which allow us to distinguish the moral leader from false prophets. I believe there are, and I think I see them in the experience of Jeremiah. When the people of Jerusalem gathered around the campfires to reminisce and to dream, they told the story of Moses; how he organized a movement, how he confronted the Pharaoh and demanded freedom and

how he led a dramatic escape into the wilderness. Standing, then, in the tradition of Exodus, I want to suggest standards by which we might judge potential leaders. They are based on the same precepts which motivated Moses and the same principles which moved the people of Israel. The Exodus was first and foremost an intellectual act. It involved the changing of a people's mind. The slaves had to be convinced that freedom was not only desirable but possible. Similarly, the effective leader in the 1980's will be the one who is successful in articulating a new public philosophy which speaks both to those who seek to retain power and those who seek to acquire power. It must be based sociologically not on private wants but public needs. It must deal theologically with the reality gap between what we are willing to affirm in our religious vision and what we are willing to work to make possible in our everyday life. It must deal psychologically with the kind of social transference Ralph Ellison had in mind when he wrote: "I am invisible because people refuse to see me." Many people have convinced themselves that very little injustice remains. They see suffering and feel a high degree of outrage, but instead of blaming those who cause suffering they blame those who suffer. So we come to the second standard in our search for moral leadership. The Exodus was not only an intellectual act, it was also a moral act. Moses saw his actions as part of a moral imperative which transcended the commitment to domestic tranquility. For the Egyptians, the lack of any protest from the Israelities meant the absence of tension, but for the Israelities it meant the absence of justice. So the effective leader in the 1980's will be the one who offers us standards appropriate for today's moral climate. The present approaches to economic justice were developed during a period of optimistic projections for an era of abundance. They now need to be revised to reflect a commitment to equity during a period of scarcity. In the 60's we developed an ethic of protest. In the 70's, it became an ethic of participation. Now as we prepare for the decade of the 80's, we need an ethic of distribution, normative standards for determining who gets what and how. We have so long defined the continued on next page

The Sphinx / Fall 1979

continued from opposite page

problems of Black and poor people in the language of civil rights that we have tended to focus on the marginal institutions of social service rather than the fundamental institutions of economic power. We must now look at all institutions and demand that their resources be used in such a way as to benefit all of those who contribute to their legitimacy. For what we are proposing is not simply a new ethic of distribution but an old ethic of entitlement. What we seek is no more and no less than that to which all of our citizens are entitled. The third aspect of the Exodus which is instructive for our search for moral leadership is the fact that it was also an economic act. The economy of Egypt was booming. Everywhere there were signs of prosperity. But the disadvantaged underclass who provided most of the muscle received few of the benefits. Moses went to the Pharaoh but the Emperor was blinded by a false sense of economic security. His advisors were concerned with e c o n o m i c g r o w t h rather than economic distribution. Like so many in our own time, they did not see the problem as one of economic justice, but economic privilege. So the third dimension of leadership must clearly involve new forms of intervention into the economy to insure that it works as well for those on the bottom as it does for those on the top. Analyzing energy policies, sifting through budget documents and participating in deliberations for dealing

with inflation may not be as dramatic as the exodus in Egypt or street marches in Alabama, but that is where public policy is being set. So we come to the fourth and final dimension of moral 'leadership. It is based on the recognition that the Exodus was not only an intellectual act, a moral act and an economic act, but it was a political act. The Pharoah refused to listen to Moses because he had no apparent political constituency. Our problem is no longer the denial of an opportunity for political participation, but the failure to take advantage of that opportunity. The success of the single-issue candidate is predicated on the passions he arouses. But it is in a larger sense the result of the apathy of those who are not aroused. The challenge we face is to involve those who are concerned about the public interest with the same intensity as those are preoccupied with parochial interest. In the first Epistle of John, there is a terrifyingly strong statement: "If anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Let us not love in word or speech but in deed and truth." The point for each of us with a moral concerns is to look into our hearts and ask, "Is someone in agony, across the street or across the world, because I have not cared enough or because I have not d o n e e n o u g h ? " To paraphrase a favorite quotation of Robert Kennedy, some men look to the past and ask why, but it has always been the tradition of the men of Alpha to look to the future and ask why not? — JAMES JOSEPH Brother James Joseph currently serves as Under Secretary of the United States Department of Interior. A native of Opelousas, Louisiana, Brother Joseph received the B.A. degree from Southern University and the Masters of Divinity from Yale University Divinity School. This Alpha Man has made an indelible mark in American society. In his professional career, he has served with distinction in many segments of American society, ranging from the corporate boardrooms to the pulpits of churches across the nation. Prior to entering government, Brother Joseph had served as Vice President for Corporate Action of Cummins Engine Company, Inc. and as President of the Cummins Engine Foundation. Active in civic affairs, Joseph has been President of the Association of Black Foundation Executives and President of the National Black United Fund. A frequent lecturer, Brother Joseph is the author of Has Black Religion Lost Its Soul? and served as Co-Editor of The Ethnic Underclass.

The Sphinx / Fall 1979

l7BECQe continued from page 22

Japanese or even Vietnamese. "We want to work with existing organizations to get to people in all those minorities. Organizations that could be enlisted in this major effort include the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the National Urban League, Elks, Masons, National Bankers Association, National Association of Real Estate Brokers, Congress of Racial Equality, National Medical Society, national black civic and religious organizations, sororities and fraternities. "We held a national conference with the leaders of these and many other organizations in Washington, D. C. in February 1 9 7 9 . We avoided a 'big brother' attitude — a 'Come and let us help you,' approach; instead we said, 'Come, let us work together." Dr. Leffall explains the importance of reaching minority groups. "Certain types of cancer," he said, "have a greater incidence in Blacks, and the mortality is greater because they tend to seek help later. When I talk to my patients about breast self-examination or Pap tests, they tell me their day-today concerns — for survival — for food pr rent." "I would like to see more work done in the area of prevention, but we must remember that when a family confronts you with a patient that has cancer, they want to know, 'What can you do to help me now.' We must strive for a happy balance." "We must continue to show the greatest amount of sensitivity and compassion, not in an idealistic, but in a realistic way, to let the patient know that we care. Many of my ACS predecessors have done that. I hope that I was able to extend their efforts even further." Brother Lefall was indeed able achieve his objective, as noted when he was recently presented the "Outstanding Service Award" of the National Medical Association during its annual convention. At that forum the nation's Black physicians cited Dr. Lefall for his world renown as a brilliant surgeon, and his precedent breaking leadership of the American Cancer Society. Special notice was -given to Dr. Lefall and the ACS for its "initiative in dealing with the problem of cancer among Black Americans." LaSalle Lefall is indeed a man whose life is spent in service not in scorn - an Alpha Man. 33

BCetffJCJBGflfjeCJGG BGEILGBIJflCJe - tJEEE The SPHINX announces its 3rd Annual Distinguished Collegians competition. Nominations are now being accepted for inclusion and we invite your participation. Nominees must be members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, presently working toward the baccalaureate degree. Selections will be made on the basis of the overall accomplishments of nominees or extraordinary achievement in any one area (scholarship, sports, campus leadership, etc.). Those College Brothers selected will be featured in the Summer 1980 issue of the SPHINX in a special feature entitled DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIANS. There are no restrictions regarding the number of applicants per region or chapter. Nominations may be submitted by ANY member of Alpha Phi Alpha — including the nominee. Selections will be made by the staff of SPHINX. MAIL YOUR APPLICATION NOW!!! All nominations must be received in the General Office no later than Feburary 1, 1980. MICHAEL J. PRICE Editor-in-Chief The SPHINX


, First




Chapter Name

Chapter No.

College / University

Name Location




On Scale of Minor

Date of Initiation Chapter of Initiation (If different from present chapter). Hometown Details of education (Include high school): Future plans: Memberships in other organizations (with offices held): Other extracurricular activities: Honors, prizes, awards (with dates): Hobbies: What contribution has ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY made to your career/life goals?

Mailing address: . Zip Code You must include glossy PHOTOGRAPH (Preferably black & white) with completed nomination form. Attach up to one additional sheet, if necessary.



The Sphinx / Fall 1979

Brother RUDOLPH GORDON never meant to be a teacher, nor follow in the footsteps of his mother and grandmother. He wanted to be an engineer. However, today he is a top administrator in the School District of Greenville County, South Carolina. Brother Gordon is the area assistant superintendent in the southwest area of the school system. He is the chief administrator for twenty school and one area vocational center and also is concerned with adult education. He has had a variety of job experiences in education before achieving his current position. He served as Dean of Student Affairs at Williamsburg Tech in Kingstree; assistant principal and principal of J. L. Mann High School and principal of Beck Middle School. According to one colleague, "He has tackled tough assignments and straightened out difficult situations. But, he never lost the knack of dealing with people as individuals and making them feel that he is sensitive to their problems." Throughout his life, both inside and outside of education, Brother Gordon's humanitarian philosophy is evident: "My basic feeling is that everybody has good qualities and we need to build on those good qualities that everyone possesses." Besides his life membership and wholehearted support of Gamma Gamma Lambda Chapter, he is interested in a variety of organizations outside the educational field. At John Wesley United Methodist Church he is Chairman of the Administrative Board and has served as Lay Leader. He is on the Board of Directors for the Pleasantburg Rotary Club and is president of the advisory borad of the Big Brothers of America of Greenville County. He is married to the former Miss Corine Smith and has two children, Rudolph Jr. 18, and Melanie 12

Brother HAROLD E. HILL, a resident of Seneca, South Carolina has been appointed to the South Carolina State Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners. Dr. Hill was born in Lincolnville, SC and attended high school at Avery Institute, Charleston, SC. He attended college at Atlanta University, and graduated from Meharry Medical College School of Pharmacy with honors. He is presently president of the Palmetto Medical, Dental, and Phar-

Brother Harold E. Hill maceutical Association and is a member of the South Carolina Pharmaceutical Association and the 10th District Pharmaceutical Association. He has served as Superintendent of St. James United Methodist Church School for ten years. Presently, he is teacher of the Adult Bible Class. Dr. Hill is a life member of the Gamma Gamma Lambda Chapter and is also a member of the NAACP. He is married to the former Eugenia Ashmore and has two daughters, Dr. Marilyn H. Harper, anethesiologist, San Francisco, California and Mrs. Ercelle Pinckney, teacher, Head Start, Greer, SC. He has four grandchildren. Dr. Hill is owner and operator of the Piedmont Pharmacy in Seneca, SC.

Brother PRINCE A. JACKSON, JR., a member of Beta Phi Lambda Chapter, Savannah, Georgia, was ordained into the Permanent Diaconate of the Catholic Church on June 3, 1979, becoming one of the first Blacks in the country to be so honored. He was ordained by the Most Reverend Raymond W. Lessard, D.D., Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Savannah. Brother Jackson is a native of Savannah and a life-long parishoner of St. Benedict Catholic Community. He attended St. Benedict's School and graduated from Beach High School in 1946. Brother Jackson matriculated at Savannah State College, and completed the requirements for the bachelor's degree in mathematics thirty months later, graduating first in the class of 1949. In 1963 he received a 35

Brother Prince A. Jackson, Jr. National Science Foundation award to study one year at Harvard University. In 1964 he accepted a teaching fellow in the Graduate School of Arts and Science at Boston College and received the Doctor of Philosophy degree with distinction on June 13, 1966. Brother Jackson has an extensive employment background. He was administrator, teacher, and coach in Statesboro, Georgia. He served as a coach at St. Pius X High School from 1955 to 1962. He served as a member of the Chatham-Savannah Board of Public Education and was the second Black to serve as its vice president. At Savannah State College he served as a professor of mathematics and physics, a division chairman, and its president from 1971 to 1978. He is the recipient of twenty-five academic honors. In 1949, CRISIS, the NAACP magazine, named him as one of the outstanding Negro college graduates in the country. In 1975, Boston College named him as one of its first six Distinguished Alumni. In 1971, Governor (now President) Jimmy Carter appointed him as the first Black to represent Georgia on the Southern Regional Education Board. He has served on several national boards and commissions and his opinions on higher education have appeared in Time and the Chronicle of Higher Education. Brother Jackson is affiliated with twenty-seven professional and scholastic organizations including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, Alpha Kappa Mu, and Beta Kappa Chi. He is the author of eleven research and scholarly articles and a monograph, SCIENCE IN 36

THE SCHOOLS, published in the New England Catholic Education Center in 1966. He is associated with twenty-six civic and social organizations. He is a subscribing life member of the NAACP and a former member of the Savannah Branch Executive Committee. In 1974, Mayor Thomas Bradley and the city of Los Angeles cited him for "outstanding work in the field of education." Brother Jackson is a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus, a member of Frogs, Inc. and a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. In 1967, he was named Southern Region Alpha Man of the Year. Brother Jackson's professional activities are extensive. He is a consultant for three major educational accrediting associations, and has been keynote speaker for educational conferences in Alabama, Georgia, Philadelphia, New York, Washington, D.C., Florida, and New Orleans. Brother Jackson has affiliations in sixteen religious organizations. He is a member of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, Carmel Club of Savannah, St. Benedict's Holy Name Society, St. Jude's Guild, Missionary Association of Mary Immaculate, and the Association of Perpetual Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Brother Jackson is married to the former Marilyn Striggles of Sylvania, Georgia. They have five children, one girl, Julie; and four boys, Prince III, Rodney, Anthony, and Philip. Brother Dr. ALLIX B. JAMES has recently been awarded the status of president-emeritus of Virginia Union University in Richmond, Virginia. While serving as president of the university, Brother James was credited for the realization of several university goals set in 1970. New sources of corporate, federal and foundation support were tapped and the local business community became aware of Virginia Union University as a community asset. New academic programs were added and the proportion of the faculty holding doctoral degrees doubled. Despite intense recruitment of Black students by state-supported institutions, Virginia Union University, under the leadership of Brother James, held its enrollment stable during the 1970's. The contributions to the community made by Brother James have been numerous. He has been chairman of

the Richmond City Planning Commission, a member of the Virginia State Board of Education, president of the Clergy Association of the Richmond Area, and a member of the Downtown Development Commission. In addition to his new role as president-emeritus, Brother James will serve as professor of pastoral theology in the university's graduate school of theology. Recently, more than 500 people, including state legislators, judges, businessmen, city officials, college presidents and Virginia Union alumni, gathered to honor Brother James who indeed exemplifies "the true spirit of Alpha." Brother GRANT S. SHOCKLEY has been named the eighth president of Philander Smith College effective January 1, 1980. The announcement was made by Dr. M. A. Jackson, M.D., Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The president-elect leaves the presidency of The Interdenominational Theological Center, a graduateprofessional school in the Atlanta University Center complex, to accept the liberal arts college post. Prior to the ITC position, Dr. Shockley was a professor in Emory University's Candler School of Theology, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and also the College of Liberal Arts. A native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Dr. Shockley received the Bachelor of Arts degree in Classics and Education from Lincoln University (PA), a Master's degree in Systematic Theology from Drew University and Master and Doctoral degrees in Education from Columbia University. Well known in Christian and higher education, his teaching career began as a professor in Clark College (Atlanta, Ga.,) and continued at New York, Drew, Northwestern and Emory Universities. He held a professorship for seven years at Garrett Theological Seminary, Northwestern University campus, Evanston, Illinois. He has also served as a visiting professor and held Lectureships at several major Protestant theological seminaries in the United States and overseas. The clergy-educator has authored The New Generation in Africa and contributed chapters to several books including; the Westminister Dictionary of Christian Education; An Introduction to Christian Education; Christian Education in an Era of Change; A History of American Methodism and Encyclopedia of World Methodism. He The Sphinx / Fall 1979

has also published numerous articles, research reports and scholarly papers in various educational and religious journals and periodicals. As an educational consultant he has worked with secondary schools, colleges and theological seminaries in the United States, Africa, Asia, England, Europe and Latin America. The recipient of several awards for community service including an Illinois Human Relations Council Award and the Berean Institute Achievement Award (Philadelphia, Pa.), the president designate serves the following community groups in Atlanta: The Mayor's Committee of Religious Advisers; Member, Advisory Board, Phylon; Christian Council of Metropolitan Atlanta; Executive Board, Atlanta Branch, NAACP and the Atlanta Urban League. Among his professional memberships are the Research Committee of the Religious Education Association, the Association of Professors and Researchers in Religious Education, and Phi Delta Kappa. Brother Shockley is married to the former Doris V. Taylor of Lawrenceville, Virginia, an assistant Librarian at Clark College. Mrs. Shockley is a graduate of Virginia State College and the School of Library Service, Atlanta University. The Shockley's have a daughter, Muriel, a 1979 graduate of Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, who recently entered the Management Development Program, Chase Manhat-

The Sphinx / Fall 1979

Brother Ozell Sutton receives award from Solicitor General Wade McCree. tan Bank, New York City. Philander Smith College, founded in 1877, is an accredited, four-year, coeducational liberal arts college with a predominantly Black student body. One of twelve Black colleges supported by The United Methodist Church, Philander Smith, a United Negro College Fund member, has an interracial and international student body, faculty and alumni. Brother OZELL SUTTON, former Southern Vice-President, recently received the United States Department of Justice Special Commendation

award for Outstanding Service as Southeast Regional Director of the Community Relations Service of the Justice Department. Brother Sutton was awarded for overall community leadership and management of the agency's conflict resolution response throughout the southeast region. The award was presented by United States Attorney General Griffin Bell. Shown congratulating Brother Sutton is Judge Wade McCree, Solicitor General of the United States. Judge McCree is the highest ranking Black in the Justice Department.


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XEROX An affirmative action employer (male/female) The Sphinx / Fall 1979

EAST new jersey On March 2 and 3, 1979, Theta Psi Lambda Chapter situated in Somerset, New Jersey, participated in a Statewide voter education/registration conference composed of Brothers Larry Flint, President of Theta Psi Lambda, William Phillips, Jr., Glenville Watson and William Phillips, III. The two day affair was convened by the New Jersey Public Policy Research Institute, a non-profit, nonpartisan research institution recently incorporated in New Jersey. The purposes of the Conference were to initiate the creation of a minority voter participation coalition among minority-organizations in New Jersey and to begin a campaign for aggressive minority participation in the electoral systems of the state and the nation. The conference speakers and luminaries included Dr. Ethel Allen, a Black physician from Pennsylvania who is the Secretary of State for Pennsylvania; Mr. Bayard Rustin, the reknown civil rights activist who heads the A. Philip Randolph Institute in New York City; Mr. Joe E. Madison, from Detroit, who is the Coordinator for the National Voter Registration Project of the NAACP; Mr. Church Stone, the Author and Moderator of the television show "Black Perspectives" in Philadelphia; Dr. Edward N. Williams, President of the Joint Center for Political Studies in Washington, D.C.; and Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson of Newark, NJ. All of the major speakers emphasized the necessity for Brown, Black and other oppressed Americans to aggressively participate in the political system without making definite commitments to any one political party. Rather, minorities were encouraged to press for basic inclusion in the decision-making process of all the parties with the purpose of ensuring that the interests of Blacks and minorities (not the party) would be adequately represented. For too long, the speakers stated, Blacks and other disenfranchised groups, have been taken advantage of by both major political parties. Mr. Rustin emphasized the need for minorities to understand how their

political impoverishment in the United States is inextricably interwined with the political and economic struggles of all "oppressed" people throughout the world. One of the more important outcomes of the Conference was the circulation of a resolution prepared by the NJPPRI that was to be taken back to each organization represented at the Conference and then voted upon by the organization's membership. The resolution mandated that each organization send a liaison to the Coalition group meeting at a later time and that each member of the organization register to vote. Brother William Phillips, III, a member of the NJPPRI, moderated a workshop dealing with the establishment of community electoral data collection systems needed for effective minority participation in the electoral and political processes. Theta Psi Lambda Chapter plans to continue its efforts in this important area of community concern. Other fraternal organizations represented at the Conference included the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., and the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

u of Pittsburgh Omicron Chapter at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is proud to be recognized in the mighty Sphinx. We the Brothers of "The Big Omicron" are continuing to strive, both individually and collectively, for excellence in the name of Alpha. The brothers of Omicron have initiated 6 new brothers this past winter, along with one initiate during the summer term. They are James Marshall, Luke Titus, Van Miller, Bill Gaskin, Julius Williams and Gerenald Hopewell -together with Gil Walton from the summer line. These new brothers are upholding all the manly deeds scholarship and love for all mankind of Alpha. At the present time there are 17 active members of Omicron Chapter, including 21-year old Life Member Charles Edward Hawkins, Jr. As in the past, our special calendar consists of great involvement with the Black community. A few of our efforts include community projects such as programs for handicapped and underprivileged children, a Big Brother program, raffles and assistance in Alpha's Million Dollar Fund Drive. Our social calendar includes Halloween and Valentine parties and, of course, the 39





After the event was over many of the youngsters wished that July 21st didn't have to come to an end. In several ways it hasn't come to an end. Brothers Richard Pearce, Logan Hill, Burgess Harrison have been selected to sit on the Greater New Haven Big Brother Council. Brother John Mitchell, President, looks for more events of this nature being undertaken by the chapter in the future. — Burgess Harrison

MIDWEST northwestern u

'The Big Omicron" • U of Pittsburgh

Black and Gold Ball. This event is very special to all the chapter members and our friends on campus. During the affair we have distinguished guest speakers along with remarks from the chapter brothers. Six Brotherhood Awards are presented along with the annual Brother of the Year award, which was presented last year to Brother Walter Green. We would like to finish with a special thanks to Omicron Lambda Chapter for its support and understanding during this past year and we look forward to working together in the coming year.

c w post Kappa Rho Chapter held its first annual Awards and Recognition Night at Hillwood Commons, C. W. Post College on May 5, 1979. The featured speaker for the event was Brother Albert Vann, Assemblyman for Brooklyn's 56th Assembly District. The affair was a smashing success, bringing credit to the chapter. Brother Milton Flemmings of Gama lota Lambda Chapter, who spearheaded the creation of the chapter, presented some of the awards and helped set the event in historical perspective. In addition, Gamma lota Lambda Chapter was given a plaque for its assistance to the programs of Kappa Rho. Alpha Phi Alpha "big-wigs" were there, including Brothers: James B. "Tiny" Blanton, Executive Secretary; Clifford Clemmons, New York State Director; and, Brother Lewis Hurst, Director of the New York Metropolitan Area Chapters and President of Zeta Zeta Lambda. Brother Oliver Davis is an advisor to the chapter and Brother Arthur Matthews is Chapter President. 40

Connecticut The long, hot, humid summer took a break for more than 20 "little brothers" of the Big Brother program when Eta Alpha Lambda Chapter sponsored a summer picnic. In response to the community of New Haven many Brothers of the chapter had expressed an interest in helping some of the children in the Big Brother program. From this interest the idea of a picnic developed. Connecticut Transit Bus Company provided transportation to Sleeping Giant State Park while other organizations helped in donating certain picnic items. The fun-filled day consisted of hiking up the mountain, (led by Brother Bil McLean, Zeta Phi Lambda), baseball, punch ball, frisbee, and was then followed by a picnic lunch cooked by the Brothers.

The Brothers of Alpha Mu Chapter at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois extend greetings to all of our Brothers in Alpha. We hope that this fraternal year is both a productive and successful one for all. As in the past the chapter anticipates a very prosperous and fulfilling year both spiritually and fraternally. The officers for this fraternal year are: J. Washington, President; J. Hall, Vice President; M. Jackson, Recording Secretary, L. Lindsey, Corresponding Secretary; C. McFarland, Treasurer; K. Crowder, Sergeant-At-Arms; L. Wallace, Historian; M. Williams, Parliamentarian; R. Flagg, Chaplain; K. Franklin, Public Relations Director; V. Williams, Social Chairman; J. Fleming, Civic Chairman; and A. Hamb, Editorto-the-Sphinx. All are ready to lead the chapter to great heights. We take great pride in being "First of AH" and providing Service for All in the

Youngsters in the New Haven Big Brother Program prepare to enjoy the picnic lunch prepared by the brothers of Eta Alpha Lambda Chapter. The Sphinx / Fall 1979

Northwestern and Evanston communities, for with our chapter's motto -"Pride, Punctuality, and Prior Preparation" - we dominate the campus socially as well as civically. During this Fall quarter our social activities include a watermelon splash on September 17, our Fall Performance on September 22, a performance in Northwestern's Annual "Cabaret" on September 29, and various other parties throughout the year. This year we are also planning a football and basketball tournament. Civically, we will be sponsoring our 4th Annual Black Career Awareness Day on November 16, and our Hypertension Screening for high blood pressure. We will also be publishing a special issue of our Quarterly Publication "The Alpha Wave." New this year are our Alpha Phi Alpha Scholarships to be given to the most civically active and the most academically inclined Black freshmen males. Lastly, we are still in the planning stages of our Big Brother program with Evanston Township High School. As you can see Alpha Mu is about the workings of Alpha Phi Alpha. We raise our heads with pride and integrity as we rededicate ourselves to the goals and aims of our great Fraternity during our Founder's Day Ceremony, for we know that we are not alone.

Wisconsin As a part of its youth development program, Alpha men conducted one of the most impressive, and rewarding projects in the history of Delta Chi Lambda. The workshop was designed to promote proper work attitudes, provide long and short term career information, and provide role models in several professions and occupations, for students participating in Distributive Education Clubs of America from the Milwaukee Public Schools. The workshop was the culmination of several month's work with Distributive Education Coordinators and students from six inner city high schools; (Lincoln, North, Riverside, West Division, Custer and Washington High Schools.) Prior to the workshop, Brothers Rick Williams and Walter Jenkins prepared case studies of workshop topics for twenty (20) students from each school and acted as judges for local DECCA Competition. $100 was awarded to each DECCA Club participating to offset expenses in State DECCA Competition. The money was raised The Sphinx / Fall 1979

Brother John Givens of Delta Chi Lambda speaks to Milwaukee youth on the value of pany rules in the workplace.

Brother Richard Williams, Coordinator of the Delta Chi Lambda Youth Development Pro gram. through Brothers participating in the workshop from their companies. They were Xerox Corporation (Charles Petros), Jewel Foods (Rick Williams), First Wisconsin Bank (Meridith Campbell), McDonalds (Wayne Embry) and Delta Chi Lambda Chapter. Miller Brewing Company provided the facility, refreshments, a tour, and a full luncheon for workshop participants. The workshop began with a keynote address by Mr. Obrie Smith, Miller's Manager of Community Relations who substituted for Brother Tom Shropshire, Miller (Sr. Vice President of Marketing and Planning) who was out of the country on business. Mr. Smith delivered a very inspiring address to the workshop participants. Following the keynote address, concurrent workshops were held. Brother Richard Williams acted as organizer and coordinator of the entire project. Brother Williams has been commended for an outstanding job. Assistance in Planning was provided

from Brothers Jay Gilmer, Walter Jenkins, Taft Benson, and Junior Bridgeman. All the Brothers participating in the workshops have been commended for doing a fine job. Miller Brewing Company's Tom Shropshire, Obrie Smith and Paula Manning have also been commended. It is felt this and future efforts will put Delta Chi Lambda in a leadership role in Alpha's National Youth Development Program. Delta Chi Lambda wishes to lead the nation in supporting the Youth Development Mandate set forth at our 1978 Convention. Through efforts such as the one experienced here in Milwaukee, men of Alpha Phi Alpha should be proud to know that we again lead the way for furthering the aims of our Fraternity. Alpha can make giant steps towards replenishing our human resources through more youth development projects that will result in building new leaders for today and tomorrow. 41

SOUTH south Carolina For the second straight year Delta Zeta Lambda Chapter of Orangeburg, South Carolina has staged a successful fund raising activity, "Alpha Follies For Funds," April 28, 1979. The "Follies," an unusual variety show of popular, gospel and spiritual selections features guest artists and local talent , and was conceived for the purpose of supporting local worthy organizations and the Million Dollar Drive. This year's "Follies" highlighted the multi-talented choraliers of Charleston, South Carolina, under the direction of Brother James Edwards. The Choraliers gave the premiere performance of the popular "Porgy and Bess" on NBC's Today Show during the Bicentennial Celebration. Also, Delta Zeta Lambda Chapter honored two of its Brothers who reached the fifty year mark in the Fraternity. Brother Dr. George W. Hunter, a retired Dean at South Carolina State College and Brother Ernest Finney, Sr., a retired Dean at Voorhees College, Denmark, South Carolina, were presented individual awards and plaques commemorating their fifty years of devotion to the aims and ideals of Alpha. Brother Hunter entered Alpha in Nu Chapter, Lincoln University, Pennsylvania. Brother Finney entered Alpha in Beta Gamma Chapter at Virginia State College, Virginia.

u of no. alabama The Brothers of Kappa Gamma at the University of North Alabama had a very successful spring semester. Kappa Gamma started the semester off with pledging in full swing. In addition, the Brothers sponsored several very entertaining parties, along with a very successful and enjoyable Easter egg hunt for the headstart program at W. C. Handy School. This is something the Brothers enjoy doing each year. The children really enjoyed themselves. The Brothers took much pride in sponsoring a week of activities in honor of our late Brother Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The week of April 16-20 was designated as "Human Relations Week" in honor of Dr. King. This has become an annual event. The week began with Monday as Black and Gold Day. Tuesday, the Brothers scheduled a display of Alpha items in the student union building. On Wednesday the Brothers sponsored a talent show. Trophies were presented to members of the three best acts for the evening. A brief history of the Fraternity was given on Thursday night by Brother Elijah Smith. Guest speaker for the evening was Mr. James Cobb, president of the local NAACP. After the speeches a film was shown depicting Brother King's contributions during the Sixties. Friday concluded the week of activities with the presentation of the "Alpha Achievement Awards" to utstanding Black students for service, leadership, and scholarship. The awards presentations were followed

by a Greek show featuring various Greek organizations. Trophies were presented to the best stepping fraternity and the best stepping sorority. A disco followed the Greek show to end the week of activities. The Brothers were very pleased with the success of their "Second Annual Human Relations Week." The Brothers of Kappa Gamma are working hard to keep the student body involved in all campus functions. Kappa Gamma ended the semester on a high note by sponsoring a picnic the last weekend of the semester. Everyone was welcome to take part in the picnic. Everyone had a very nice time. Kappa Gamma Chapter is alive and on the move. The new officers are excited and ready to get to work for the '79-80 school year. The officers are: Kenneth Anderson, President; Lawrence Davis, Vice-President; Kenneth Swanigan, Secretary; Larry Hooks, Treasurer; and Gary Beasley, Dean of Pledges. "Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love for All Mankind" are the aims of the Brothers of Kappa Gamma. —Lawrence Davis

southern tech

The Brothers of Nu Mu Chapter, Georgia Tech/Southern Tech would like to extend a hearty greeting to all of our fellow Brothers. —William Nelson Since this is our first article to "Chapter News," we feel that it would be more than appropriate to give you a short synopsis of our Chapter's history. Nu Mu Chapter was founded April 2, 1977, at Southern Technical Institute. The charter line "Genesis" consisted of Vernon Ford, Michael Hill, Delacey Jordan, Wallace Lipscomb, Robert Mack and Nelson Sheats. The Spring of '78 brought forth "Three the Hard Way" comprised of Ulysses Grady, Robert Herndon and Donnie Maddox. Ulysses and Robert were the first pledges from Georgia Institute of Technology. The Fall of'78 manifested the "Magnanimous Five" - Douglas B. Alston, Ronald J. Days, Willie Simmons, Tyrone Williams and Trymain Wix. The Spring of '79 increased the ranks of Nu Mu with the accretion ofthe"Nebulous Nine" - Wayland Davis, Ronald C. Griggs, Eugene Little, Sebastian Lurry, James O'Neil, James Partlow, Adrian L. Raines, Clarence Brother William J. Nelson (center), President of Delta Zeta Lambda Chapter, is shown with Toatley and Dirk Twine. fifty-year Brothers Ernest Finney (left) and George Hunter. 42

The Sphinx / Fall 1979

for the children in the Fredrick Douglas Tutorial Program. The program caters to the educational needs of Black youths living in the underpriviledgec areas of Atlanta. The party was enjoyed by all who attended with such features as a dance contest, bobbing for apples, musical chairs, a haunted house and refreshments. Each year Alpha Rho collects and distributes several baskets of food to needy families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. This year, baskets were well received by families in the John Hope Housing Project. The Brothers also worked with the Toys for Tots Program distributing Christmas toys to children who otherwise would have none. On December 2, the The Nu Mu Chapter, Atlanta, Georgia: President, Douglas B. Alston. (Kneeling - leftBrothers to right) assembled and held a Ulysses Grady, Robert Herndon, Michael Hill, Donnie Maddox. (Middle row - left to right) Day smoker in commemoraFounder's Willie Simmons, Eugene Little, Sebastian Lurry, WaylandDavis, Clarence Toatley, tionGabriel of the Jewels. The event was well Summerlin, Robert Mack, and Douglas B. Alston. (Back row - left to right) Dirk Twine, James and all left with a renewed inattended O'Neil, James Partlow, Adrian L. Raines and Ronald J. Days. (Not shown) Ronald C. Griggs, terest in the fraternity and its ideals. Trymaine Wix and Tyrone Williams. We take this opportunity to welcome Directing this year's quest for the First Annual Black and Gold Ball; and a the "Turbulent Ten" into the great Southern Region Chapter of the Year Fall quarter pledge line. realm of Alphadom. They bring the Award will be Douglas B. Alston, PresiAs we look ahead to what we deem a chapter size up to 47 strong. The dent, followed by Wayland Davis, prosperous school year, we will Brothers are currently working on Vice-President; Willie Simmons, definitely strive to keep the aims of our plans to complete our second payment Treasurer; Adrian L. Raines, Cordear Fraternity - Manly Deeds, to the Million Dollar Fund Drive. Other responding Secretary and Editor-toScholarship and the Love for All plans on the drawing board include atthe Sphinx; Clarence Toatley, RecorMankind. tending the state, regional and national ding Secretary; Donnie Maddox, Dean conventions and the Annual Alpha of Pledges; James O'Neil, Asst. Deanweek celebration culminating with the of-Pledges; James Partlow, Historian; Black and Gold Ball. We welcome all Dirk Twine, Sergeant-at-Arms; and Brothers visiting the Atlanta area to Ronald C. Griggs, Parliamentarian. stop by Morehouse and share the spirit With the closing of the Spring of brotherhood at Alpha Rho. The Brothers of Alpha Rho Chapter Quarter, Nu Mu Chapter was deeply This year's chapter officers are: extend fraternal greetings to all of our saddened by graduation of six eminent Jesse Foy, Jr., President; Michael Brothers in Alphadom. "Mighty A Brothers. These Brothers were: Williams, Vice-President; Stanley Rho," located at Morehouse College Ronald J. Days, Civil Engineering (3.4 Johnson, Treasurer; Michael Cox, since 1924, has enjoyed a long history GPA); Ulysses Grady, Civil EngineerDean of Pledgees; Robin Ashford, of service and achievement and this ing, will be attending graduate school; Dean of Probates; Herbert Hart, past semester has no exception. Michael Hill, Civil Engineering Recording Secretary; Reginald Scott, At the beginning of the year, the Technology; Robert Mack, Textile Corresponding Secretary; Gary Cloyd, Brothers held a luncheon for the many Engineering Technology and Industrial Parlimentarian; Joel Boykins, Editor-toAlphamen on Morehouse's faculty to Technology (3.6 GPA); Nelson the-Sphinx; Millard Collier, Business discuss the chapter's goal of academic Sheats, Industrial Technology; and Manager; Raymond Vaughn, Chaplain; excellence. It was quite successful, Tyrone Williams, Civil Engineering. William Arterbery, Sgt.-at-Arms; Eddie with a good number of constructive To these and other distinctive Green, Historian; Fred Thornton, suggestions coming forth. As Brothers who have graduated, Nu Mu Financial Secretary; and William Morehouse's homecoming rolled would like to extend its congratulations Bohannon, Director of Educational Acaround, Alpha Rho again took a leading in your scholastic achievements. May tivities. role in making it a success. After the our best wishes and the Spirit of our crowning of our Miss Black and Gold, dear Fraternity accompany you in your Sharon Barnwell, during her coronanew endeavors. tion, the Brothers held a gala social afDuring this upcoming quarter our acfair entitled "At The End Of The Raintivities will include: various field trips Theta Beta Chapter located on the bow." As homecoming week drew to a for children in the Neighborhood Youth campus of Columbus College in Coclose, the members of the Sphinx Club Centers; a Halloween Party for the lumbus, Georgia has represented the participated in a Greek show sponChildren's Ward of a local hospital; Fraternity in several constructive and sored by the Inter-Fraternal Council. Thanksgiving baskets for needy fruitful ways. Prior to and after the Alpha Rho, along with our Angels, families; a Back-to-School Party, "Icetwenty-third Georgia State Regional held our annual Halloween Eve Party Breaker"; our First Annual Smoker; our Conference our basic objectives have

morehouse college

columbus college

The Sphinx / Fall 1979


quirements will be eligible for the • award. (Major emphasis was placed on the student's intention and determination to attend Columbus College. The financial need of the inquiring student would also be a point of consideration.) Converting primary community and campus problems into concepts andthen into reality could be extremely complex but could be done. While our enthusiasm about alleviating these problems may be adequate to the task, our strength, our numbers and our resources may not be as unlimited. However, Brothers of Theta Beta have been and are still doing their level best to help contribute towards the fraternity's national and global effort in solving the foremost problems that concern us as human beings and as ALPHA MEN.

north Carolina been to adequately identify and analyze specific problems within our college campus and the community of Columbus as a whole. The theme of the State Regional Conference (Transforming Basic Concepts Into Realities) gave us a blue print by which primary and key variables can be realistically identified and encountered. The following is a chronological account of their impact and final results. In the fall three new Brothers were inducted into Theta Beta Chapter. These Brothers were: David Bass, Mike Coleman, and Henry K. Davies. The Line name for the preceeding Brothers was "The Undisputed Three." The Brothers of Theta Beta Chapter allocated several of their free hours to tutor or assist students experiencing difficulties in some of their classes. It has been and is still a very successful venture. Eighty percent of the students improved greatly in the course in which they were assisted by a Brother. During November 1 9 7 8 the chapter's annual Thanksgiving canned food drives was held. Three large boxes were filled with approximately four hundred can goods. One-third was delivered to the State Regional Hospital in Columbus, one-third to thirteen needy families in Columbus and one-third to the Salvation Army Headquarters in Columbus. Special ceremonies and pictures were planned and taken during all the presentations. The chapter's first annual Christmas 44

dance was sponsored during the second week of December in 1978. Students from surrounding communities attended. Gifts were exchanged among chapter Brothers and dates. Several gifts were donated by Brothers and students which were presented to the Rehabilitating Center and the Children's Hospital in the city. A stone monument that was designed and constructed with marble, stone and tiles was unanimously approved for construction by the Brothers in January of 1979. Construction of the project is currently underway. Such a monument will be the first to be constructed by any greek organization on the Columbus College campus. The chapter sponsored a Valentine Day Disco for all college students from the bi-city area of Columbus and Phoenix City. Students from Chattahoochee Valley Community College and Troy State University were guest at the activity. Special candy boxes were presented to all the ladies in att e n d a n c e . Free snacks and refreshments were also provided. In February also, Theta Beta conducted a series of discussion and analysis of studies about how the chapter can further contribute towards a student's academic hopes and dreams. As a result, Brothers concluded that a book scholarship entitled "Theta Beta Chapter Alpha Phi Alpha Book Scholarship Fund" should be established. The amount of $150.00 per academic year will be set aside for this fund. A high school student meeting certain academic re-

Beta Theta Lambda, following a busy year in which the State Convention was hosted, elected the following officers for the coming year; Brothers James M. Schooler, Jr., President; James C. Black, Vice-President; William E. McDonald, Secretary; Lee Goode, Assistant Secretary; Leroy B. Frasier, Financial Secretary; Mack A. Jarmon, Treasurer; Noah H. Bennett, Jr., Chaplain and Ross E. Townes, Editor to the Sphinx. These officers were duly installed at the September meeting. Gamma Beta Chapter, the undergraduate chapter at North Carolina Central University, was honored at the University's Annual Honors Day for achieving the highest scholastic average in the Pan-Hellenic Council (Fraternities 2.7). Kappa Omicron Chapter at Duke University presented a memorial program for Brother Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Duke Chapel. The featured speaker was Reverend Ben Chavis, one of the"Wilmington 10" who is enrolled at Duke University. Several of the Brothers in Beta Theta Lambda have made outstanding achievements this past year. Brother Dr. Robert E. Dawson was honored by Gamma of Tennessee Chapter of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. He was recently installed as President of the National Medical Association. He is a graduate of Clark College and of Meharry Medical College. Presently Brother Dawson is a member of the attending staff of Opthamology at Durham County General The Sphinx / Fall 1979

Hospital and clinical assistant professor of Opthamology at Duke University Medical Center. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of North Carolina Central University. Brother Reverend Vergel L. Lattimore, III, Deputy/Assistant to the Dean, Office of Minority Affairs at Duke University has been admitted for graduate study toward the Ph.D. at Northwestern University. Brother Lattimore is a 1 9 7 5 Magna Cum Laude graduate of Livingstone College, and a 1 9 7 7 Duke Divinity School graduate earning the Master of Divinity. He has served pastorates in the A.M.E. Zion Church, as well as, other church related duties and hospital work. His graduate study will be specialization in Pastoral Psychology and Counseling. Brother Maceo A. Sloan, Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Virginia. He has served on the Board of Directors since 1 9 7 6 , and as Deputy Chairman since 1 9 7 8 . Brother Sloan, a graduate of Prairie View State University in Texas, holds an Honorary Doctor of Laws from Livingstone College. He is a member of the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina and Chairman of the Personnel and Tenure Committee, and has served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Elizabeth City State University. Brother Nathan Taylor Garrett, CPA was elected to the Board of Trustees at Duke University. Brother Garrett is

former executive director of the Foundation for Community Development and controller of the North Carolina Fund and Deputy Director. —Ross E. Townes

savannah state college Any member of the student body, faculty, administration, etc., of Savannah State College finds it very easy to see that the Brothers of the Delta Eta Chapter are truly "First of All, Servants of All, and are indeed Transcending All."

jects. Some of these have been: playing in a benefit basketball game with members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity for the purpose of raising monies for the Savannah State College Legal Defense Fund, sending a high school senior to the Leadership Conference in Columbia, S.C., donating food items to the Georgia Regional Hospital, presenting academic awards to high school students who participated in the college's Upward-Bound program, and aiding the E.O.A. in distributing material pertaining to immunizing children beginning school for the first time. We would also like to express our

Delta Eta Chapter of Savannah State College. We would like to take this opportunity to extend the warmest of fraternal greetings to each and every Brother of Alpha. We would like to wish every chapter a very successful and productive year. Since the Spring Quarter of 1 9 7 9 , the chapter has endeavored in several community and campus related pro-

pleasure in having co-hosted the Regional Convention here in Savannah. We are sure that each Brother who attended enjoyed what was labeled by most as one of the "greatest regionals of the Southern Region." During the Spring Quarter the chapter also elected new officers to continue to lead the chapter to greater heights. The officers for the year 1 9 7 9 - 8 0 are: Ellis "Bucky" Albright, President; Ranell "Re-Run" Williams, Vice-President; Noel "Nicky" Merritt, Recording Secretary; Karl "Vonn" Gordon, Financial Secretary; Charles "Cheezy Rider" Wilson, Dean of Pledges, and Carl "Baby-face" Ramey, Chaplain. Under the direction of Brothers Albright and Williams, the chapter looks to be very productive in the coming year. Again we wish you a successful year and ask you to help hold the name of Alpha Phi Alpha high!

florida \



Two stalwart members of Beta Theta Lambda are Brother Vergel L. Lattimore, III, Deputy/Assistant to the Dean, Office of Minority Affairs at Duke (left), and Brother Maceo A. Sloan, Executive Vice-President of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company (right). The Sphinx / Fall 1979

Iota Beta Lambda Chapter's annual Martin Luther King Jr. Recognition Banquet for 1 9 7 9 attracted a capacity crowd from throughout Brevard County. The guest speaker, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr. thrilled the audience 45

presented certificates of merit. Following the awards banquet, plans were set in motion for a "Riverfront Banquet" as a fund raising activity for the chapter's educational fund. The Honorable Mayor of the City New Orleans, Brother Ernest Morial, will be the speaker. Local and national political dignitaries will be present at the banquet which is to be held in Columbus' new Trade and Convention Center. Proceeds will also be used for the Million Dollar Fund Drive sponsored by the national organization.

SOUTHWEST u of central arkansas Dais guests participate in singing "We Shall Overcome," led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. L-R: Mrs. Bernice Lee, Brother and Mrs. Harvey L. Riley, Brother Hartford Lee, Dr. King, Mr. A. D. King, Jr., Mrs. Barbara L. Diggs, Brother J. Albert Diggs, Jr., President of lota Beta Lambda Chapter.

with his delivery while carefully emphasizing the need for higher morality and that we all must learn to live together in peace. The annual Martin Luther King Jr. Recognition Banquet was initiated by Brother J. Albert Diggs Jr., chapter president, to be held each year with a nationally known speaker and honor our renowned Brother for the message he gave, the contributions he made, and the life he lived which always should be remembered as an inspiration to all. Benefits from the banquet are used to support lota Beta Lambda's scholarship program.

georgia Delta lota Lambda Chapter (Columbus, Georgia) ended the 1978-79

Delta lota Lambda Awards Banquet 46

year by sponsoring an invitational awards banquet for Brothers and their guests. A scholarship amounting to $400.00 was presented to an outstanding local high school senior. The awards banquet was held at the Fort Benning Golf Country Club and featured naming a local Brother as "Alpha Man of the Year." Brother Troy McCall, an outstanding musician, teacher and local TV personality, was presented a plaque proclaiming him as Delta lota's "Alpha Man of the Year." Another significant feature was the presentation of a "Fifty Years Certificate" to Brother Henry H. Bynum who was initiated in XI Chapter at Wilberforce University. Both brothers have made significant contributions to trie growth and development of Delta lota Lambda. All active members were

Theta Psi Chapter extends a warm fraternal greeting throughout Alpha. The Mighty "TP" is pleased to announce that three Brothers crossed the "Burning Sands" in November of 1978. They are: Paul Kimbrough, Dennis Rice and Dexter James. They are truly leaders and upholding Alpha high. The Brothers held their annual Founders Day Dinner on December 4, 1978. The Brothers were busy this year, donating Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to needy families in the City of Conway, Arkansas. As Springtime came Brothers Paul Kimbrough and Dexter James represented Theta Psi in the State Convention held in Little Rock, Arkansas. In the Spring of 1979 the chapter sponsored its 1 st Annual Miss Black and Gold pageant. Miss Black and Gold was awarded a $150.00 dollar scholarship along with a beautiful first place trophy. The following week Theta Psi held their Annual Black and Gold Ball. Theta Psi on May 2, 1979 co-sponsored "Black Emphasis Week" and Black Achievement Awards. Four Brothers received outstanding awards for their achievements at the University of Central Arkansas. Brothers Terry Hall, Willie Morris, John Graham, and Jim Black Jr. were the recipients. Brother Hall, a two time NAIA All-American, is the 100 and 200 meter Arkansas Intercollegiate State Champion. As the year came to an end the Brothers participated in a Delta Sigma Theta Sorority talent show. The Brothers portrayed parts of Martin Luther King Jr., Paul Robeson, Jesse Owens, and Thurgood Marshall with the theme being "There Goes An Alphaman." The Sphinx / Fall 1979

On July 9, 1979 Brother Larry Lanes, a recent graduate of the university, was appointed to an Administration position, while studying on his Master's Degree. Brother Rice serves as Vice-President of The Students of the Propogation of Black Culture and Brother John Graham is director of the all Black choir, The Ebony Singers. Theta Psi truly knows the meaning of "Manly deeds, scholarship and love for all mankind." Current chapter-officers are: Paul W. Kimbrough, President; John Graham, Vice-President; Dennis Rice, Secretary; Willie Morris, Treasurer.

Chairman of the Steering Committee for the dinner-dance and fund-raising efforts held in conjunction with the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's Million Dollar Drive on behalf of the UNCF, NAACP and National Urban League was Dr. Lundy.

did we strengthen our chapter in numbers and spirit, but we also laid the foundation for a charter of an aspiring chapter at California State University at Hayward. With members at Hayward State as well as San Jose State, Epsilon Mu is proud to announce that our chapter is abundant in spirit and in brotherhood with 38 members. Our last pledge line to be initiated into the Fraternity was "The Brothers of Geuka." Initiated July 2 1 , they are: Greetings from the Brothers of EpLarry Bates, Brian Conley, Vandous silon Mu. We would like to take this Ford, Damone Hale, Frederick time to acknowledge and congratulate Jackson, Sandy LaBeaux, and Stanley the hosting chapters of the 73rd AnMalone. All are from Hayward State niversary Convention in Washington, University. D.C. for their outstanding hospitality. The Brothers who attended the conOn July 6th many Brothers had the vention felt the meetings and activities pleasure of attending a reception for were very well run, with a beautiful forGeneral President James R. Williams in mal Banquet and Ball that was Alemeda, California. The reception highlighted by an exceptional speech was a light one in which plans for the by Brother Andrew Young. general convention were discussed. Brother Duvahn "Du" Sayles was the The following night Brothers attended Last year was a rebuilding and exfeatured speaker at the Third Annual an Installation of Officers Banquet panding year for Epsilon Mu. Not only Mu Beta Lambda Chapter Dinnergiven by Gamma Phi Lambda Chapter ! in Berkeley. With new blood and a new slate of officers, we plan to make this a year which should supercede past years in which we were chosen Western Region College Chapter of the year; 1976, Co-Chapter 1977, and 1978. Our new officers are: Ronald G. Cannon, President; Anthony Lee Leon Van, Vice-President; Bertram Ashe, Secretary; Herbert Barry, Treasurer; and Juan A. Sigler, Editor to the Sphinx. dinner-dance sponsored on behalf of the United Negro College Fund, Brothers Ronnie House, Sonny Mcmembers of Mu Beta Lambda Chapter were presented a Proclamation by Honolulu Mayor Call, Anthony McDaniels, Maurice Frank F. Fasi, (fourth from left) proclaiming April 22-28 as "United Negro College Fund Week" in the City and County of Honolulu. Holding the Proclamation with the Mayor are Sullivan, Norris Neal and William Pet(from left to righti) C. Edward Singer, Executive Secretary; George M. Johnson, former taway have worked hard with the new Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Director, Hawaii; Robert M. Dean, LTJG, USN; Floyd W. Crouch, Jr., President; Aloysius F. Jones, Historian; and John Bouey, Chairman, Publicity officers Commit-and have given plenty of input into events scheduled for the coming tee. Dance held April 28 at the Ala Moana American Hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii. Brother Sayles is a graduate of Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia. Proceeds from the Dinner-Dance, which was attended by approximately 500 guests, will go to the United Negro College Fund. Brother Floyd W. Crouch, Jr., Presi dent of the Honolulu alumni chapter was master of ceremonies. Others ap pearing on the program included U.S Air Force Chaplain, Brother James A Curry; Brother John W. Edwards, a leading Honolulu physician; Mr. R. Eugene Harris II, Area Development Director, UNCF; and Brother Ray O. Lundy, also a Morehouse College Brothers of Epsilon Mu Chapter at the 19 79 National Convention (left to right) are: Bro graduate and U.S. Army Medical OfJerome Cannon, Juan Sigler, Bruce Santos, Ronnie Cannon and Eugene Carter w ficer. Brother Charles Wesley.

son jose state u

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"* ' • • • ' *

The Sphinx / Fall 1979


year. Besides our annual food andclothes drives, we plan to get involved with the promotion of Black-owned businesses, helping the young and the elderly, and combating the drop-out rate of Black students (at our university the annual drop-out rate for Black students is above 50%). One way to combat the drop-out rate is to orientate the incoming Black freshmen. Our chapter, along with the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Alpha and Zeta Phi Beta Sororities, the B.S.U., and the AAPRP (All African Peoples Republic Party) are sponsoring orientations for incoming Black freshmen titled, "WE ARE FAMILY." Five Brothers spoke at the workshops. Brother Barry talked about declaring a major. Brother Bruce Santos spoke on resources and forming a common bond. Brother Sigler discussed ways in which to study. Brother Cannon and Van expounded on how and why we are in college. The chapter also donated refreshments at each workshop. —Juan A. Sigler

California In the Spring of 1979, the Brothers of Beta Psi Lambda Chapter initiated four Brothers into the Fraternity. Under the direction of Brother Oscar V. Little, Dean of Pledges and committeemen, Brother Samuel W. Davis and Brother James Downing, Jr., the following Brothers were initiated: Hay ward M. McNeill, Jesse R. Sanders, Charles M. Smith and Willie Washington, Jr. Brother McNeill, a graduate of Boston University with a B.S. degree and a M.P.H. degree from UCLA, is presently Hospital Administrator of Morningside Hospital of Los Angeles,

0f ^L^XtiBr°Lherl J*eJa Psi Lambda <sittin9 from left, to right): Brothers Jesse Sanders Charles Smith and Hayward McNeill. (Standing from left to right) are Brothers Oscar V. Little, Dean of Pledges; and Committeemen, Brothers Samuel W. Davis and J

CA. Brother Sanders, a graduate of California State University, Los Angeles, with a B.S. degree, is a Probation Officer with the Los Angeles County Probation Department. Brother Smith is a graduate of Huston-Tillotson College with a B.A. degree. He works for Piatt Music Corporation in Sales Management and Promotion. Brother Washington is a graduate from Philander Smith College with a B.S. degree and Master's

degree from UCLA. He is employed by the Los Angeles Unified School District as an Assistant Principal. The neophytes took as their Initiation Project the raising of funds for the 28th Street YMCA. A Celebrity vs Alphas Basketball game played on May 5, 1979 at 3:00 P.M. at Crenshaw High School and a Cocktail Party, May 20, 1979 at the Alpha Kappa Alpha House from 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.

74th Anniversary Convention

August 1-7, 1980 48

The Sphinx / Fall 1979

CHAIRMAN ELMER C. COLLINS 26151 Lake Shore Boulevard, #1224 Euclid, OH 44132

Life Member #1 Joins Omega With great sorrow I received the news of the passing of Brother WILSON WINTERS, Life Member # 1 . Your chairman was privileged to attend Omega rites and funeral services for this distinguished brother - as a representative of the 4500 Alpha men who have followed his example and declared "ALPHA PHI ALPHA NOT JUST FOR COLLEGE - BUT FOR LIFE!" The many contributions and magnificent Alpha spirit displayed by Brother Winters shall never be forgotten. It shall live forever. May he rest in peace. Convention Update Well, the 73rd Anniversary Convention has come and gone. It was a great one! "Hats off" to the Brothers who worked very hard in the chapters in the Washington area. Again we find the Life Members displaying great enthusiasm and spirit during the convention. I talked to a large number of Brothers who declared an interest in becoming Life Members. The Life Membership Breakfast (one of the highlights of the convention) was attended by well over six hundred Brothers. As is customary on this occasion, awards were presented for outstanding work in the Life Membership Crusade. Those cited were: OLIVER WILSON WINTERS AWARD (Ten Years Leadership) Mu Lambda - Washington, DC FREDERICK L. JOHNSON AWARD (Outstanding Chapter) Rho - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Outstanding Service Delta Rho Lambda - San Antonio, Texas Delta Xi Lambda - Orlando, Florida Epsilon Rho Lambda - Fayetteville, North Carolina JOHN D. BUCKNER AWARD (Outstanding Region) Western Region: Clinton Minnis, Chairman Rogernald Jackson, Vice President ELMER C. COLLINS AWARD (Outstanding Individuals) David Staples - Beta Delta Lambda, Daytona Beach, Florida Randolph Williams - Kappa Epsilon Lambda, Landover, Maryland LIFE MEMBERSHIP LEADERS 1. Delta Alpha Lambda, Cleveland, OH 2. Epsilon Lambda, St. Louis, MO 3. Eta Lambda, Atlanta, GA 4. XI Lambda, Chicago, IL 5. Zeta Omicron Lambda, Philadelphia, PA 6. Rho, Philadelphia, PA 7. Beta Gamma Lambda, Richmond, VA 8. Gamma Lambda, Detroit, Ml 9. Beta Lambda, Kansas City, MO 10. lota Upsilon Lambda, Silver Spring, MD

235 175 169 145 134 95 93 84 80 79

While we are talking about the regions, I should note that all of the Regional Vice Presidents who've served over the last four years completed their terms at the Washington convention. I would like to give them my thanks and appreciation for their wonderful cooperation in helping promote the Life Membership Program. Small Chapters While at the convention many Brothers mentioned that some recognition should be given to small chapters that have done a great job in promoting the Life Membership Program. In that light I would like to give the first such salute to Epsilon Eta Lambda, Charleston, Missouri. This chapter has eight members, most of them Life Members. Brother Edward Barrett is the spirit of Life Membership in Charleston and we salute him for his great work.

The Sphinx / Fall 1979




Laurence T. Young Sr., Editor

3n ifltemonam iBrattjer (Š. Jitlann Hintera iSornlecember3,lBa9 3Entere& (imega (ffljajrtcr August 26,1979

Brother DONALD J. CALLOWAY, a Life Member of Life Member of Epsilon Lambda chapter - passed into Omega Chapter May 26, 1979 in St. Louis, Missouri, at age 49 years. Mass of the Resurrection (Christian Burial) was held for this renowned Podiatrist - at St. Engelbert's Roman Catholic Church - with interment at Calvary Cemetery. Brother Calloway was a graduate of the Illinois College of Podiatry, Chicago, Illinois, practicing his profession since 1954 - opening the Northside Foot Cinic in 1977 which he operated until the time of his passing. Brother Calloway was a member of the American Podiatry Association; a Director of the Archway Communities, Inc., member of the Board of Directors of the Ferrier Harris Home for the Aged, member of the NAACP and many other civic and community organizations. Brother Calloway is survived by his wife, and his parents, two sons, a daughter, a brother, a sister, and a grandchild.

Brother CHARLES RICHARD CAMPBELL entered Omega Chapter December 20, 1979 stricken with a heart attack in his office in West Baltimore, Maryland. Brother Campbell was a member of Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, in Baltimore Maryland. He was born in Jamaica and entered the United States in 1922, at the age of 20; he attended Morgan State University, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1925; he taught in the City schools for five years, before enrolling in Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tennessee from which institution he received his medical degree in 1935. Brother Campbell established the health service at Morgan State and until 1975 was the school's chief physician, frequently travelling with the football team. During World War #2, Brother Campbell was medical examiner for the Baltimore draft board. 50

Brother Campbell was a life member of the NAACP, the Medical Society of Baltimore County; the American Medical Association, the National and American Medical Associations. Brother Campbell is survived by his wife, Mildred, many brothers and sisters and collateral relatives and friends. Burial Office and Mass; of the Resurrection was celebrated at St. James Episcopal Church, Baltimore, Maryland on Saturday, December 23, 1979 with the Reverend Donald O. Wilson, celebrant.

Brother ALBERT H. COLEMAN entered Omega Chapter February 22nd, 1979 following an extended illness. Brother Coleman was an active member of Alpha Pi Lambda Chapter, Winston Salem, North Carolina for many years, giving of himself generously to the many brothers in the area, as well as to those in the environs of the City. Brother Coleman was a native of Winston, Salem for thirty seven years, was a former member of the Board of Aldermen; - Parks and Recreation Commission; Mayor's Goodwill Commission; Forsyth Health and planning Council, - and on the Board of Directors of the Forsythe Home, Inc. Brother Coleman was notably known for his key role in the integration of medical facilities in Winston Salem.

Brother ROBERT ROBBINS CHURCH entered Omega chapter September 7, 1979 in Chicago, Illinois, age 85 years. Brother Church was one of the original members of Theta Chapter of the Fraternity, in Chicago, later becoming active in the alumni chapter - Xi Lambda. Brother Church was born in Nashville, Tennessee, October 25, 1893. His elementary education was received in the public schools of Nashville, The Sphinx / Fall 1979

and continued his education at Fisk University where he received his Baccalaureate degree. He taught for a brief period in Homer, Louisiana before matriculating at Northwestern University School of Dentistry. As a student, he displayed remarkable talent by rebuilding a man's jaw; an operation never before performed. In 1920, Brother Church graduated from Northwestern University Dental School, receiving the Omicron Kappa Sigma Honor Key for scholastic excellence. Brother Church began his long and distinguished practice of dentistry in Chicago in 1921 and continued to practice for 57 years. He is a member of the Illinois State Dental Society, Northwestern Alumni Association, the Frogs Social Club and many other civic organizations. Funeral rites were celebrated at Collin's Cathedral Chapel, September 10th, with Brother Archibald J. Carey the officiant. The local chapters assisted in Alpha Omega rites under the direction of Brother Sidney A. Jones, Jr. Brother Church is survived by his wife, Edwina, a brother Errol, two children • Clementine and Robert Jr; four grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Burial was in Oakwoods Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois.

Brother OLLIE T. DALY, - an active member of Alpha Alpha Lambda Chapter, Newark, New Jersey, entered Omega Chapter November 30, 1978. Brother Daly's elementary education was received in the public schools of Newark, - he received his Baccalaureate Degree from Morgan State University in 1932. Brother Daly served in the United States Army during World War #2 •following his stint in the Army, he began his life's work for the Newark Recreation Department from 1950 until his retirement in 1975. Brother Daly was a member of Bethany Lodge #31 F & A.M. a life long member of Bethany Baptist Church, from which institution final rites were held. He is survived by his wife - Kathryn - and a host of friends.

Brother MOZEAL A. DILLON entered Omega Chapter April 26, 1979 in Omaha, Nebraska. Brother Dillon was born in Texas, but spent most of his adult life in Langston, Oklahoma, from which institution he was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha, through Beta Kappa Chapter, in 1941. Brother Dillon received a degree in Architectural Engineering from the University of Nebraska, at Lincoln. He then moved to Omaha, Nebraska where he identified with Beta Xi Lambda Chapter and was for many years chapter Treasurer, he was also a LIFE MEMBER of the Fraternity. Brother Dillon worked with the Omaha Architectural firm of Latenser and Sons and Burnill and McNett. In 1967 he became assistant director of Operation Pride, - the City of Omaha concentrated housing code enforcement origram. At the time of his demise, Brother Dillon was Directorate of Engineering and Construction for the Strategic Air Command Headquarters in Omaha. Brother Dillon is survived by his wife, Eloise, a son, Christopher, daughters, Felisa, Druscilla, Paulette, and a brother, Harold. Beta Xi Lambda conducted impressive Omega services on the evening prior to the funeral rites, which were held April 27, 1979 at St. Phillips Episcopal Church in Omaha, Nebraska.

Brother Granberry was actively involved in the United Negro College Fund's annual fund raising activity; he served as a Lieutenant in World War #2, receiving many decorations for his valor and service beyond the call of duty. Brother Granberry is survived by a sister Azalea Dill, and a brother in law - Richard Dill, nieces, nephews and cousins and many friends mourn his passing. Funeral rites were conducted at St. Paul Baptist Church in East St. Louis, Illinois under the direction of the Officer Funeral Home, burial at Jefferson Barracks on June 22, 1979.

Brother ARTHUR DOUGLASS GRAY entered Omega Chapter June 26, 1979 while in attendance at the 12th General Synod of the United Church of Christ in Indianapolis, Indiana. Brother Gray, age 71 - was a graduate of the Chicago Theological Seminary - held his early pastorage in Washington DC. before returning to Chicago in 1944 as pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd, - from which post he resigned to become president of Talladega College in Alabama. As the first Black president of that institution Brother Gray led numerous integration demonstrations. Brother Gray again returned to Chicago to become pastor of Park Manor Congregational Church, from which institution he retired in 1977. Brother Gray is survived by his wife Edna, - a daughter Clarice, three sisters and a brother. Brother Gray held membership in several Alpha Phi Alpha Chapters as he moved around the Country - and was a "perfect" brother in the bond to all with whom he came in contact."

Brother O. GRADY GREGORY entered Omega Chapter May 8, 1979 at Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago, Illinois - following a brief illness. He was born November 4, 1895 in Meridian, Mississippi. Brother Gregory received his elementary education in Mississippi and his collegiate work at Talladega College, Talladega, Alabama. He was a United States army veteran having served honorably in World War I; he had 44 years of serviced with the Chicago Post Office Department, holding the rank of General Foreman for many years prior to his retirement in 1968. Brother Gregory was an active member of the United Negro College Fund, the National Alliance of Postal Employees; Board of directors of the Parkway Community Center, devout member of the Church of the Good Shepherd. Brother Gregory was a member of Xi Lambda Chapter of the Fraternity, having held many chapter offices. He is survived by his wife, Lillian, two daughters, a stepson, three granddaughters, and a host of collateral relatives and friends. Funeral rites were conducted at the Church of the Good Shepherd, May 12, 1979 with the Reverend Kenneth B. Smith, officiating.

Brother CARL J. GRANBERRY entered Omega Chapter June 16, 1979 following a brief illness. Brother Granberry was an active member of Epsilon Lambda chapter - a chapter of Life Members - , and a member of the Royal Vagabonds, Inc. of which was currently serving as President.

Brother THOMAS PORTER HARRIS, age 80 - entered Omega Chapter August 14, 1979 in Chicago, Illinois - following a brief illness. Brother Harris had been active in Xi Lambda chapter, Chicago, Illinois for many years - he was a Life Member, and engaged in all chapter activities. Brother Harris was an insurance executive, and for many years Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Mutual Assurance Company of Chicago. Brother Harris was a graduate of Northwestern University School of Law and initially worked in the Company's legal department. He is survived by his wife, Mabel, three children, two brothers and two sisters. Funeral rites were conducted at the Unity Funeral Parlors in Chicago.

Brother Robert Robbins Church

Brother Orlando H. Johnson

The Sphinx / Fall 1979

Brother Arthur Douglass Gray

Brother Howard Hughes Murphy


Brother ORLANDO H. JOHNSON, age 83 entered Omega Chapter in his home • Chicago, Illinois - August 10, 1979 following an extended illness. Brother Johnson was initiated into the Fraternity at Alabama State College, Montgomery, Alabama at the turn of the century. He was born in Corona, Alabama - received his Baccalaureate degree at Fisk University, and his Master's Degree at the University of Chicago. Brother Johnson was formerly on the faculty at Alabama State College; formerly Dean of Men - West Kentucky Vocational Schools - formerly instructor in the Chicago Public School System. He was Vice President of St. Edmund's Church Credit Union, and Director of Episcopal Churchmen in the Diocese of Chicago. Requiem Mass was conducted at St. Edmund's Church with Dean Raymond S. Mitchell, celebrant. Brothere Johnson is survived by his wife -Clayta, and a son - Neil.

Brother HOWARD HUGHES MURPHY, age 78 years entered Omega Chapter at Cape Cod, Massachusetts while vactioning, on August 1 1 , 1979. Brother Murphy will be remembered as a member of the Baltimore Murphy clan, - being the oldest of seven children born to George Benjamin Murphy, and Grace Hughes Murphy. At the passing of Brother Murphy, he had to his credit an outstanding record of dedicated service to the City, the State and the Nation. Brother Murphy received his elementary education in Baltimore, - his professional education at Brown University, Providence Rhode Island, and the Burdette Business College, Boston, Massachusetts. Brother Murphy's community interests spanned other areas: Provident Hospital, American Civil Liberties Union, Americans for Democratic Nation; Frontiers Club; Planned Parenthood Association; Delta Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, and the National Newspaper Publishers Association, - which he served as Secretary - Treasurer for many years. Brother Murphy recently retired from his post as Comptroller for the AfroAmerican Newspapers - Baltimore, Maryland - which post he held for over 50 years. Brother Murphy is survived by his wife - Louise; two daughters, Patricia Robinson and Catherine Dade, a step daughter, Sharon; - two sisters -Rebecca Young of Chicago, Sister Constance SSJD - Toronto, Canada, three brothers - George B.; James H. and William H. - (Judge Circuit Court - Baltimore, Maryland) and a host of relatives. Mass of the Resurrection was celebrated at St. James Episcopal Church, August 16, 1979, with Fr. Donald O. Wilson celebrant - this service was preceeded by Omega Chapter rites by members of the local chapter, and brothers in the area. Interment - Arbutus Memorial Park.

Brother FREDERICK WATSON PIERCE, a long time practicing physician in New Rochelle, New York, entered Omega Chapter on April 1, 1979. Brother Pierce was a native of Virginia, but migrated to New York after receiving his medical degree at Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tennessee. While attending Virginia Union University, Brother Pierce was initiated at Gamma Chapter, later becoming a Charter Member of Beta Pi Lambda chapter, Albany, New York and then became an active member of Eta Zeta Lambda Chapter when he moved to New Rochelle, New York. A number of gifts were given to the New Rochelle Campership Fund in memory of Brother Pierce, this fund is used to send thousands of children to day or sleep away camps. Brother Pierce is survived by his wife, Marylynn, and a host of collateral relatives and friends. Funeral rites were conducted at Bethesda Baptist Church in New Rochelle, with the Reverend Perrin P. Smith officiating.

Brother LAWRENCE DeWITT PERRY, age 75 entered Omega Chapter July 2, 1979 in Savannah, Georgia following a brief illness. Brothere Perry was a member of Beta Phi Lambda chapter Savannah. He was raised in Savannah and received his elementary education at Atlanta University, - later received his Baccalaureate degree at Atlanta University, in Business Administration. Brother Perry began his professional career with Pilgrim Health and Life Insurance Company; later joining the staff of Carver State Bank as chief cashier, then vice-president and finally President, which post he held until his retirement in 1971. Brother Perry was a member of the Savannah Chatham Board of Education; served on the Savannah Port Authority; member of the Advisory Committee of the Community Improvement and Urban Renewal, and many other community ventures. Brother Perry was a member of the National Banker's Association; held life membership in the NAACP, as well as Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He was a lay reader in St. Matthews Episcopal Church. Brother Perry is survived by a devoted wife Vera, - two daughters, Aurelia and Lydia; a sister Pauline, a brother Marion, - and a host of collateral relatives and friends.

Brother G. WESLEY RANEY, Jr. principal and teacher in Newport News Public Schools entered Omega Chapter following a brief illness. Brother Raney an active member of Zeta Lambda Chapter, Newport News, Virginia, age 7 1 , was a native of Warwick County and attended Newport News schools, graduating from the Huntington High School. Brother Raney was a graduate of Lincoln University, and received a Master's Degree from Ohio State University. Following his main educational engagements - Brother Raney served as principal of the Walter Reed Elementary School, later became principal of the newly opened Newsome Park Elementary School until 1971 when he was named principal of Epes Elementary School. Brother Raney served on a number of local boards of directors and was a great Lodge person, having been Grand Exalted Ruler and State Director of Education of IBPE of W. Grand Lodge. Brother Raney is survived by his wife, Celestine, a daughter and a son, one sister and a brother together with six grandchildren. Zeta Lambda chapter conducted Omega services in the Funeral Home, final rites conducted the following day at 1:30 p.m. at the Wesley Grove United Church of Christ, by his son, the Reverend Raney, assisted by other local members of the clergy.

Brother DONALD WHITE, age 5 1 , passed into Omega Chapter May 3, 1979 following a brief illness. Brother White was an active member of Alpha Alpha Lambda Chapter, Newark, New Jersey. He was born in Virginia - spending his adult life in Newark. He was Coordinator of Special Education for the Elizabeth, New Jersey Board of Education - for a period of 24 years — 1933 - 1955. Brother White was an army veteran - the Korean conflict, a member of many professional and civic organizations, including the Union County chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children; The Scholarship Committee of the National Conference of Christians and Jews; - the NAACP and many others. Brother White is survived by his wife, Constance, a devoted father and mother and three children. Funeral rites were conducted at St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Newark, New Jersey, interment immediately following these rites.

O M E G A CHAPTER N O T I C E S In profound sorrow, Alpha Phi Alpha announces the entrance into Omega Chapter the following brothers since the Washington General Convention;

Brother Lawrence DeWitt Perry 52

Brother G. Wesley Raney, Jr.

Brother ROBERT T. BOOKER, Epsilon Epsilon Lambda. Brother JOHN L. BRANCH, Zeta Beta Lambda, Brother ARMONO S. COMPTON Zeta Theta Lambda, Brother JAMES H. CROSS Gamma Omicron Lambda, Brother MORRIS CRAFT Delta Nu Lambda. Brother LOUIS L. D U N C A N , 5 / 3 0 / 7 9 Gamma Theta Lambda. Brother KEVIN G. DAVENPORT, Alpha Chi, Fisk University, Brother W I L L I A M R. FREEMAN, 6 / 2 9 / 7 9 Beta Psi Lambda. Brother LUCIAN H O W A R D , Epsilon Delta Lambda. Brother HERMAN LANDERS. Gamma Mu Lambda, Brother PAUL L. MILLER, Nu Lambda, Brother STANLEY O. MURKEY Kappa Chi Lambda. Brother ROSS W NEWSOME Nu Lambda, Brother EDWARD E. PITTS, Psi Lambda, Brother LANCASTER STARKE, Delta Xi Lambda. Brother E. E. W A R E , Gamma Mu Lambda, Brother CHARLES H . W I L L I A M S , Delta Beta Lambda, Brother ERNEST J A C K S O N , Upsilon Lambda, Brother JAMES A. SCOTT, Epsilon Lambda. Brother JOHN A. FOUNTAIN Alpha Pi Lambda, Brother G. WESLEY RANEY J r . Zeta Lambda. Brother O. WILSON WINTERS, Rho, Brother JOHN F A G A N , Eta Lambda,

Waco, Texas Sacramento, California Harnsburg. Pennsylvania Albany, Georgia Danville. Virginia Wilmington, Delaware; Nashville, Tennessee Los Angeles. California Talladega, Alabama Tallahassee, Florida Newport News, Virginia Waukegan, Illinois Newport News, Virginia Chattanooga. Tennessee Denver, Colorado Tallahasse. Florida Hampton, Virginia Jacksonville. Florida St. Louis, Missouri Winston Salem. North Carolina Newport News. Virginia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Atlanta. Georgia

The Sphinx / Fall 1979




1 Henry A. Callis, M.D.

Charles H. Chapman

Eugene Kinckle Jones

George B. Kelley

Nathaniel A. Murray

5 8 4 Avalon, A k r o n , O H 4 4 3 2 0

E X E C U T I V E S E C R E T A R Y — J a m e s B. B l a n t o n 4 4 3 2 King Drive, C h i c a g o , IL GENERAL TREASURER — James Trent 3 6 0 6 Edwards Street, Landover, M D G E N E R A L C O U N S E L — A l b e r t H o l l a n d , Jr 3 1 Hickory Hill R d , T a p p a n , N Y H I S T O R I A N — C h a r l e s H. W e s l e y 1 8 2 4 Taylor S t r e e t , N . W . , W a s h i n g t o n , D C C O M P T R O L L E R — Charles C. T e a m e r 2 6 0 1 Gentilly Blvd., N e w O r l e a n s , LA D I R E C T O R - G E N E R A L C O N V E N T I O N S — Kermit J. Hall 1 0 0 Fairview A v e . , Y e a d o n , P A

ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS E A S T E R N — D a r r y l R. F r e e m a n M I D W E S T E R N — Richard Graves SOUTHERN — James Jackson S O U T H E W E S T E R N — Tyrone Dudley W E S T E R N — Terry Brown

60653 20785 10983 20011 70122 19050

9 Rickover C o u r t , Annapolis, M D 9 8 0 7 Smalley Drive, K a n s a s City, M O 2 0 2 6 W i n c h e s t e r R o a d , Huntsville, AL 1 7 1 0 Xyler, T u l s a , O K 2 1 1 8 South Bagley A v e n u e , Los A n g e l e s , C A

21401 64134 35810 741 27 90034

2 2 2 7 S. 2 7 t h S t r e e t , Philadelphia, PA 4 1 M u r r a y S t r e e t , # 2 6 , Frankfort, K Y 2 1 5 1 University Station, A t h e n s , G A Box 9 0 6 , N o r t h e a s t Louisiana U , M o n r o e , LA 5 1 3 1 Coney Avenue, Covina, C A

19145 40601 30602 70181 91 7 2 2

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. GENERAL O F F I C E : 4432 Martin Luther King Drive, C h i c a g o , IL 60653 James B. Blanton, Executive Secretary Michael J. Price, Assistant Executive Secretary, Editorin Chief, The SPHINX Darryl R. Matthews, Assistant Executive Secretary NATIONAL COMMITTEE/COMMISSION Alpha Phi A l p h a Building F o u n d a t i o n , I n c . Wayne C. Harvey, Chairman 8775 W. Kingsbury University City, MO 63124 Dr. Edward Ballard, Vice Chairman James B. Blanton, Secretary Leven C Weiss, Treasurer Albert Holland, Counsel William Decker Clarke James Hunt James Rushin Larry Earvin James R. Williams, Ex-Officio A l p h a Phi A l p h a Education F o u n d a t i o n , I n c . Henry Ponder, Chairman Office of the President Benedict College Columbia, SC 29204 Ivan L Cotman, Vice Chairman James B. Blanton, Secretary Leven C Weiss, Treasurer Albert Holland, Counsel Jesse Sterling Walter Sullivan Paul Williams Reby Cary James R. Williams, Ex Officio •OMEGA CHAPTER

The Sphinx / Fall 1979

Vertner W. Tandy


G E N E R A L P R E S I D E N T — J a m e s R. W i l l i a m s

VICE PRESIDENTS E A S T E R N — T h o m a s R. H u n t M I D W E S T E R N — J l m m i e L. B u f o r d S O U T H E R N — W . Mingo Clark S O U T H W E S T E R N — Charles Lewis W E S T E R N — C l i n t o n L. M l n n i s

Robert H. Ogle

AWARDS Thomas A. Phillips 9 9 0 8 Taylor Drive Overland Park, KS 6 6 2 1 2 BUDGET AND FINANCE Charles C. Teamer 2 6 0 1 Gentilly Blvd. New Orleans, LA 7 0 1 2 2 BUSINESS ENCOURAGEMENT COMMISSION Robert E. Sanders 1 0 0 Wilshire Blvd. — Suite # 4 5 0 Santa Monica, CA 9 0 4 0 1 COLLEGE BROTHERS AFFAIRS COMMISSION Hoyt Harper 6 0 1 5 Calumet Road Milwaukee, Wl 5 3 2 2 3 CONSTITUTION A. Wendell Wheadon 2 6 0 0 St. Louis Ave. E. St. Louis, IL 6 2 2 0 5 ELECTIONS John I. Hendricks Box 4 2 Alcorn State University Lorman, MS 3 9 0 9 6 EQUITABLE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Charles Lewis 3 5 0 0 Fieldstone Dr. Winston-Salem, NC 2 7 1 0 5 GRIEVANCES AND DISCIPLINE Ottawa W. Harris 2 6 0 4 Elizabeth St. Denver, CO 8 0 2 0 5 UFE MEMBERSHIP Elmer C. Collins 2 6 1 5 1 Lake Shore Blvd. — # 1 2 2 4 Euclid, OH 4 4 1 3 2 PERSONNEL Randolph Baxter 9 1 9 Independence Avenue Akron, OH 4 4 3 1 0


ONE MILLION DOLLAR DRIVE Isadore J.Lamothe 1 4 0 7 University Ave. Marshall, TX 7 5 6 7 0 PUBLIC POLICY Hobart S. Jarrett 3 1 5 West 70th St. — #15-J New York, NY 1 0 0 2 3 PUBLICATIONS Hanley J. Norment 1 2 5 0 0 Arbor View Terrace Silver Spring, MD 2 0 9 0 2 PUBLICITY-PUBLIC RELATIONS Ronald S. Flowers 7 2 1 7 S . Oglesby Chicago, IL 6 0 6 4 9 RECOMMENDATIONS Earnest Wallace 2 0 1 8 Van Cleave Dallas, TX 2 5 2 1 6 RULES AND CREDENTIALS Wilson J. Davis 4 5 0 9 Williamsburg Dr. Columbia, SC 2 9 2 0 3 SENIOR ALPHAS COMMISSION Laurence T. Young, Sr. 5 5 5 East 33rd PI. — # 1 2 0 8 Chicago, IL 6 0 6 1 6 STANDARDS AND EXTENSION Albert T. Reliford 1 5 3 0 16th St., N.W. — # 6 0 4 Washington, DC 2 0 0 3 6 TIME AND PLACE Frank E. Devine 6 2 0 2 Washington Ave. Philadelphia, PA 1 9 1 4 3



Moses Melvin Morrison* Roscoe C. Giles* Frederick Miller Drawer " M " Mound Bayou, MS 38762 Charles H. Garvin* Henry L Dickason* Henry Arthur Callis* Howard H. Long* W. A. Pollard* Daniel D. Fowler* L L. McGee* 5. S. Booker* Raymond W. Cannon 2008 Virginia Road Los Angeles. CA 90016 6. Andrew Rose* Charles H. Wesley 1824 Taylor Street. N.W. Washington. DC 20011 Rayford W. Logan 3001 Veazey Terrace. N.W., No. 326 Washington, DC 20008 Belford V. Lawson, Jr. 1140 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington. DC 20036 A. Maceo Smith* Frank L. Stanley, Sr.* Myles A. Paige 4124 Kenway Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90008 William H. Hale* T. Winston Cole 124 S.W. 23rd Gainesville, FL 32601 Lionel H. Newsom Central State University Wilberforce. OH 45384 Ernest N. Morial 1101 Harrison-Avenue New Orleans, LA 70122 Walter Washington Alcorn State University, Lorman, MS 39096 •OMEGA CHAPTER




• ( A s t e r i s k ) i n d i c a t e s that a d d r e s s listed is n o t c u r r e n t . In this c a s e a d i r e c t o r y w a s s u b m i t t e d for 1 9 7 8 - 7 9 , b u t n o t for





7 reasurer




Editor-to Tne-Sphmx

Corresponding Secretary


Vice President



D e a n of P l e d g e s


Financial S e c r e t a r y


D e a n of P l e d g e s


Recording Secretary


Assistant S e c r e t a r y


N O R E P O R T i n d i c a t e s that t h e c h a p t e r h a s failed to r e p o r t a n a d d r e s s (file a c h a p t e r


d i r e c t o r y ) for t w o c o n s e c u t i v e y e a r s prior to p u b l i c a t i o n . In s u c h c a s e s n o d i r e c t o r y w a s filed for 1 9 7 8 - 7 9 or

EAST INTERNATIONAL ( D I S T R I C T I) Director To Be Appointed Africa (Area I) COUEGE CHAPTERS Kappa Phi - Cuttington Coll. - #439) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Epsilon Lambda (Monrovia, Liberia - #260) No Report Europe (Area II) Theta Theta Lambda (Franklort, Germany - #285) Charles Betterson (CS) 327 SIG CO APO NY 09052 Caribbean (Area III) Theta Epsilon Lambda (St, Thomas, VI - #282) No Report lota Sterna Lambda (St. Croi». VI - #518) No Report Epsilon Theta Lambda (Hamilton, Bermuda - #219 No Report lota Epsilon Lambda (Nassau, Bahamas - #506) No Report Asia (Area IV) •Mu Phi Lambda (Seoul. South Korea - #565) Col. Wm J. Simpkins (P) 121 Evacuation Hospital APO San Francisco, CA 96301


•Eta Alpha Lambda (New Haven - #256) Ronald E Manning (P) 140 Stimson Road New Haven. CT 06511 Rhode Island (Area III) COLLEGE CHAPTERS "Alpha Gamma (Brown U - #25) Michael C. Frazier P.O. Box 1167 - Brown University Providence, Rl 02912 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Mu Theta Lambda (Providence - #553) No Report New Hampshire (Area IV) COUEGE CHAPTERS •Theta Zeta (Dartmouth College - #381) Daniel Smith (P) H B 5024 Dartmouth College Hanover. NH 03755

Theta Chi Lambda (Schenectady - #298) No Report lota lota Lambda (Rome - #510) No Report Hudson Valley (Area IV) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Zeta Lambda (NewRochelle - #261) No Report •Eta Chi lambda (Nyack - #276) Walter C Blount. Jr. P.O. Box 130 Orangeburg, NY 10962 'Kappa Upsilon Lambda (Mid-Hudson Valley - #542) Samuel L Tucker (S) Box 230. Mountain Rd. Otisville, NY 10963 New York City (Metropolitan) (Area V) COLLEGE CHAPTERS

•Eta (Metropolitan - #7) Michael Foster (VP) 115-69 157th Street ( D I S T R I C T III) Queens. NY 11434 Director •Zeta Eta Clifford R. Clemmons (Columbia U - #338) 221 25 Manor Road Kevin S. McNeil (T) Queens Village. NY 11427 534 W. 114th Street Western New York State (Area I) New York, NY 10025 COLLEGE CHAPTERS ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Epsilon •Alpha Gamma Lambda (U of Buffalo - #93) (New Y o r k - # 1 2 5 ) Ronald L. Washington (P) AlvmWilks(P) 3217 Bailey Avenue 382 Central Pk., West Buffalo. NY 14215 New York. NY 10024 •Mu Sigma Kappa Xi Lambda (U of Rochester - #458) (New York - #536) Stephen A Bryant (S) No Report » 0 Box 5051 Brooklyn and Long Island Rochester, NY 14627 (Area VI) ALUMNI CHAPTERS COLLEGE CHAPTERS tho Lambda •Delta Chi Buffalo-#116) ( D I S T R I C T II) (City of Brooklyn-#308) denjamm F. Bullock. Jr. (P) Steven E. Palmer (CS) Director 373 Humboldt Parkway 102 02 Van Wyck Exp. Thomas D. Harris. IV Buffalo, NY 14208 Queens, NY 11419 135 Canterbury Street Eta Theta Lambda Theta Epsilon Hartford. CT 06112 (Wyandoance - #263) (Adelphi U - #380) Massachusetts (Area I) Thell Butler, Jr (S) No Report COLLEGE CHAPTERS 35 Seneca Avenue •Kappa Rho Sifma Dm Hills, NY 11746 (C, W, Post College - # 4 3 5 ) (Metropolitan - #17) Eta Rho Lambda Arthur Matthews (P) No Report (Rochester - #271) Brookville Hall. Rm. 235 Alpha Kappa Carl E. Hilton (P) C. W Post College (Metropolitan - #32) 135 fairhill Drive Greenvale. NY 11548 Inactive Rochester. NY 14618 ALUMNI CHAPTERS ALUMNI CHAPTERS Central New York State (Area II) Gamma lota lambda Epsilon Gamma Lambda COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Brooklyn-Long Island - #175) (Boston - #214) Alpha John M. Williams (S) No Report (Cornell U - #1) 51 Alabama Avenue •Theta lota Lambda Robert P. Griggs (CS) Hempstead, NY 11550 (Springfield - #286) 104 Willard Straight Hall •Zeta Zeta lambda Ernest J Henderson Cornell University (St. Albans - #239) P. 0. Bon 35. Highland Sta Ithaca. NY 14853 Harry L. Turner (CS) Springfield MA 01109 Delta Zeta P. 0. Box - B Connecticut (Area II) (Syracuse U - #94) Cambria Heights, NY 11411 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Ervin Allgood (CS) Zeta P. 0. Bos 6041 (Vale U - #6) Teal Avenue Station No Report Syracuse. NY 13217 (District IV) Kappa Delta ALUMNI CHAPTERS (U ol Connecticut - #423) Director Iota Theta Lambda No Report Elbert C, Wisner (Endicott - #509) MuPhi 300 Lincoln Dr., Colonial Terr, Frank Wilson (P) (U of Bridgeport - # 4 6 1 ) Ocean, NJ 07112 P, 0. Box 232 Joel Roach (S) Northern New Jersey (Hudson) Endicott, NY 13760 244 University Ave - Box 14 (Area I) •lota Kappa Lambda Bridgeport. CT 06602 COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Syracuse-#511) MuPsi Iota Rho Edgar Blackman (SCSC - #463) Bos 1128 Teall Station (Newark College of Engineering - #413) Henry Rhodes (S) Syracuse, NY 13210 Samuel C. Carter (P) 146 Springside Avenue A-l 30 Lenox Avenue - #300B Northeast New York State (Area III) East Orange, NJ 07018 New Haven. CT 06515 COLLEGE CHAPTERS ALUMNI CHAPTERS ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Zeta Beta Sigma Lambda Alpha Alpha Lambda (Utica College - #425) (Hartford - #161) (Newark - #123) No Report Sylvester lohnson (P) Arthur C. Williams ALUMNI CHAPTERS 31 Chestnut Hill Road 158 Lincoln Street •Beta Pi Lambda West Simsbury, CT 06092 Montclair. NJ 07042 (Albany #159) •Zeta Phi Lambda Beta Alpha Lambda Donald W. Johnson (T) (Stamford - #253) (Jersey C i t y - # 1 4 5 ) 60 Fullerton Avenue William 0. McLean (P) No Report Schenectady. NY 12304 19 Oakwood Drive Delta Mu Lambda Seymour, CT 06483 (Paterson - #199) James Gaines (P) 22 Gardner Avenue lersey City. NJ 07304





Kappa Theta Lambda (Teaneck-#531) Carlos Peay (P) 295 Ferris Place Ridgewood. NJ 07450 Central New Jersey (Area II) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta lota (Rutgers U - #97) Kevin C. Johnson (S) Livingston Campus Hse 27 Quad 2 LPO 12325 New Brunswick. NJ 08903 lota lota (Tienton State College - #406) No Report Nulota (Glassboro State - #472) Derek All (S) EOF, LaSpata 1 Glassboro. NJ 08028 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Zeta lota lambda (Trenton - #242) Herman I Kimbrough (FS) 200 King Street Trenton. NJ 08046 Zeta Nu lambda (Plainfield - #245) No Report Theta Psi lambda (Somerset - #299) Henry P. Brooks (CS) 1223 West 4th Plainfield, NJ 07063 Nu Gamma lambda (Glassboro - #570) John J. Williams (P) 26 Pinewood Lane Sicklerville. NJ 08081 Coastal New Jersey (Area III) ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Alpha Theta Lambda (Atlantic City - #130) Richard Eauntleroy (CS) 808 Surray Avenue Ventnor. NJ 08406 Zeta Epsilon Lambda (Red Bank - #238) Reginald Creed (S) 751 Shrewsbury Avenue Long Branch. NJ 07740 Kappa lota Lambda (Burlington County - #532) Theodore G Nixon (P) 4 Ebbtide Lane Willingboro. NJ 08046

PENNSYLVANIA (District V ) Director Frank Devine 6202 Washington Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19143 Western Pennsylvania (Area 1) COUEGE CHAPTERS Omicron (U of Pittsburgh - #14) Kim A. Hunt 3990 5th Avenue Box 2797 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 lota Sigma (Millersville State C o l l . - # 4 1 4 ) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Alpha Omicron lambda (Pittsburgh - #136) Wilbur C. Douglass, Jr. (S) 6521 Deary Street Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Kappa Beta Lambda (Erie - #525) J M.Murlree(P) 1404 Greenfield Drive Erie. PA 16509 Central Pennsylvania (Area II) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Nu (Pennsylvania State U - #78) David L. Thacker (P) 736 E. Foster Avenue - #309 State College. PA 16801 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Zeta Theta lambda (Harnsburg - #241) Zane G. Phoenix (P) 600 North 17th Street Harrisburg, PA 17103

Eastern Pennsylvania (Area III) ALUMNI CHAPTERS COLLEGE CHAPTERS •lota Upsilon Lambda Nu (Silver Spring - #520) (Lincoln U - # 1 2 ) Myron Robertson (CS) No Report 902 Hoyt Street Psi Silver Spring, MD 20902 (U ol Pennsylvania - #22) Kappa Epsilon lambda Raymond K. Wallace (P) (Undovei - #528) 4029 Spruce Street - #12 Randolph Williams (P) Philadelphia. PA 19104 P.O. Box 2188 Zeta Psi Capital Plaza Drive (West Chester State Coll. #353) Hyattsville. MD 20784 Warren M. Trent (P) Kappa Phi lambda West Chester State College (Columbia - #543) Box 3093 E Dalton Young (P) West Chester, PA 19380 10514 Green Mountain Circle Columbia. MD 21044 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho Maryland Eastern (Area IV) (Philadelphia - #16) COUEGE CHAPTERS Craig C. Brown (P) Delta Nu 7822 Thouron Avenue (U ol Maryland. E.S. - #100) Philadelphia, PA 19150 William P. Hytche. Jr. (P) •Zeta Omicron lambda UMES Box 1375 (Philadelphia - #247) Princess Anne, MD 21853 LaRue Myers (CS) •Eta Zeta 6468 Matthews Street (Bowie State College - #359) Philadelphia, PA 19119 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc Eta Zeta Chapter Box 745 Bowie, MD 20715 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Omicron lambda (District VI) (Princess Anne - #203) Norman R, Anderson (S) Director 113 Pecan Drive Hanley J, Norment Princess Anne, MD 21853 12500 Arbor View Terrace Eta Eta lambda Silver Spring. MD 20902 (Annapolis - #262) Delaware (Area I) Harrell S. Spruill (CS) COLLEGE CHAPTERS 2534 Solomon Island Road •Gamma Sigma Edgewater, MD 21037 (Delaware State College - #83) Washington, D.C. (Area V) Gamma Sigma Chapter COUEGE CHAPTERS c/o Anthony Quann Beta Box 347 - Delaware St. Clg. (Howard U - #2) Dover, DE 19901 Reginald Grant (CS) ALUMNI CHAPTERS P. 0. Box 506, Howard University Gamma Theta lambda Washington. DC 20059 (Wilmington - #174) NuBeta Joshua Martin (P) (American U - #465) 36 Coachlight Court Wilton Earl Jennings (P) Newcastle, DE 19720 111 N Wayne Street - #4 Zeta Rho lambda Arlington, VA 22201 (Dover - #249) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Reuben Salters(P) •Mu lambda 109 Bertrand Drive (Washington-#111) Dover, DE 19901 John H. Wallace (CS) Maryland North (Area II) 2939 Van Ness Street. N.W. COUEGE CHAPTERS Washington, DC 20008 Beta Alpha Omicron lambda Alpha (Morgan State U - #45) (Washington - #500) Dan H Spikes (P) Willie Ruff (CS) 1652 E. Coldspnng Lane 311 Broadleaf Dr„ N.E. Baltimore. MD 21218 Vienna. V/t 22180 MuRho (Towson State - #457) Robert Cloud (P) Box474-TSU (District V I I ) Towson. MD 21204



Nu Kappa (UM Baltimore County - #473) Ruchell Reed (CS) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity - UMBC Hillcrest Building 5401 Wilkins Avenue Baltimore. MD 21228 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta lambda (Baltimore - #104) Earl Graves (RS) 3201 Clifton Avenue Baltimore. MD 21217 Iota Alpha Lambda (Aberdeen - #502) Monroe L. Manning (CS) P. 0 Box 705 Aberdeen, MD 21001 Kappa Kappa lambda (Baltimore - #533) Seaton White (CS) P.O. 60x11347 Baltimore, MD 21239 Maryland Southwest (Area III) COUEGE CHAPTERS •Iota Zeta (U of Maryland - #403) Richard Williams (RS) P. 0, Box 259 Calvert Rd. College Park, MD 20740 •Mu Upsilon (Frostburg State Coll. - #460) William J, Murray, Jr. (S) lane College Center, Box #64 - FSC Frostburg, MD 21532

Director C. A. Pennington 3212 Griffin Avenue Richmond, VA 23222 Blue Ridge North (Area I) COUEGE CHAPTERS lota Alpha (Washington & Lee U - #398) No Report •Iota Beta (U of Virginia-#399) Rickey White (P) Box 430, Newcomb Hall Station Charlottesville, VA 22903 Xi Delta (Harrisonburg - #489) James A. Taylor P.0. Box 3 5 7 2 James Madison Univ. Harrisonburg, VA 22807 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Gamma Alpha Lambda (Charlottesville - #167) Stephen 0. Waters (S) Box 3036 Charlottesville, VA 22903 Blue Ridge South (Area II) COUEGE CHAPTERS Theta lota (Virginia Polytechnic U - #384) theta lota Chapter P, 0. Box 346 Blacksburg, VA 24060

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Kappa Lambda (Roanoke- #132) William Calloway (CS) P. O. Box 7850 Roanoke, VA 24019 Gamma Nu lambda (Lynchburg-#178) No Report Southern Virginia (Area III) COUEGE CHAPTERS Delta Tau (St. Paul's Polytechnic - #305) Howard Coleman (CS) Route 3 - Box 224 Blackstone, VA 23824 Xi Zeta (HampdenSydney-#491) Leon A Moton Route 1 - Box 275-H Prospect, VA 23960 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Nu Lambda (Danville - #200) Curtis Flood (P) Route 3 - Box 74 Danville. VA 24541 Epsilon Omicron Lambda (Lawrenceville - #225) Ernest L. Morse (CS) P. 0. Box 595 South Hill. VA 23970 Iota Tau Lambda (Charlotte Court House - #519) Leon A. Moton (P) Route 1 - Box 275-H Prospect, VA 23960 Northern Virginia (Area IV) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Upsilon Lambda (Reston - #252) Frank Fisher (CS) 1070 Dougal Court Great Falls, VA 22066 Theta Rho Lambda (Arlington - #293) Walter A. Payne, Jr. (P) 2012 Houston Street Suilland, MD 20023 Central Virginia (Area V) COUEGE CHAPTERS Gamma (Virginia Union U - #3) 0'vell Harrison (P) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity - V U U 1500 Lombrady Street Richmond. VA 23220 Beta Gamma (Virginia State College - #47) Vincent Gatling(P) Box 444 - Virginia State U Petersburg, VA 23803 Theta Rho (Virginia Commonwealth U - #391) Dennis G. Kemp (FS) 711 W. Main Street Apt. #413-A Richmond. VA 23284 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Nu Lambda (Virginia State College-#112) Robertnett J. Hayes (CS) 21329 Sparta Drive Ettrick. VA 23803 Beta Gamma Lambda (Richmond - #147) Gilbert Carter (P) 811 Maggie Walker Ave. Richmond, VA 23222 Tidewater North (Area VI) COUEGE CHAPTERS •Gamma lota (Hampton Institute - #75) Leonard Chester (CS) Box 6161 - Hampton Institute Hampton, VA 23668 Kappa Pi (William S Mary - #434) Connie Swmer, III (P) Old Dominion 109 College Station Williamsburg. VA 23186 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta lambda (Newpoit News - #106) Claude N. Carter (CS) 12 Suburban Parkway Hampton, VA 23661

The Sphinx / Fall 1979

Delta Beta Lambda (Hampton - #190) Moses Easter. Jr. P 0. Box 266 Hampton. VA 23669 Nu Delta Lambda (Surry County-#571) Wiley Powell (S) Route 1 - Bo* 160 B Surry, VA 23883


Theta (MetroChicago-#8) Anthony Mosely (P) 2901 S. Michigan - #608 Chicago. IL 60616 Alpha Mu (Northwestern U - #33) Julius Washington (P) 2313 Sheridan Road Tidewater South (Area VII) Evanston. IL 60201 COLLEGE CHAPTERS 'Nu Delta (Chicago State U - #467) Epsilon Pi Leandrew Coleman (P) (Norfolk State U - #324) 5948 W. Rice Charles E Johnson (l>) Chicago. IL 60644 Box 2033 - N S U Nu Epsilon Norfolk, VA 23504 (lewis U - #468) Nu Theta Christopher Washington (S) (Old Dominion U - #471) Lewis University - Box 1275 Ron Simpson Romeoville. II 60441 1356 West 38th Street 'Nu Rho Norfolk. VA 23508 ALUMNI CHAPTERS^!- #479) Ronald Andre (P) Alpha Phi Lambda I227W Winnemac (Norfolk - #142) Chicago, IL 60640 Willie Hams, Jr (P) P. 0. Box 816 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Norfolk, Va 23501 •Xi Lambda •Epsilon lota Lambda (Chicago-#113) (Suffolk - #220) Leon Hendricks (P) Leon N. Harris (CS) 4432 S King Drive 5548 Greenwood Rd. Chicago. IL 60653 Suffolk, VA 23437 Zeta Xi Lambda 'Epsilon Nu Lambda (Evanston - #246) (Portsmouth - #223) No Report Franklin D. Taliaferro (P) Theta Mu Lambda P. 0. Box 1092 (Johet - #288) Portsmouth, VA 23705 No Report 'Iota Delta Lambda (Chicago - #505) Randy Twilley(VP) 10136 S King Drive Chicago. IL 60628



(Central) Director Dr Robert Copeland 270 Lincoln Hall University ot Illinois Urbana. IL 61801 COLLEGE CHAPTERS

•Tau (U of Illinois-#18) Milton B. Armstrong (P) P 0. Box 2062 Champaign, IL 61820 'Zeta Nu (Eastern Illinois - #343) Paul Stubblefield (CS) 1521 9th Street Charleston, IL 61920 Eta Tau (Illinois State U - #371) Lance Jones (P) 901 W. Market - Apt. #1 Normal. IL 61761 'Theta Omicron (Millikin U - #389) Charles H. Jones, Jr. (Adv) 256 Dover Drive Decatur, IL 62521

(Southern) Director John Reaves 3519 Converse Avenue East St. Louis. IL 62207 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Eta (Southern Illinois U - #51) Fran: Smith (VP)

P 0. Box 1002 Caibondale, IL 62901 lota Pi (SIU Edwardsville - #412) Darryl Hair (VP) 518 1A Tower Lake Apts. Edwardsville. IL 62025 ALUMNI CHAPTERS 'Delta Epsilon Lambda (East St. Louis - #193) Jesse P. Gurley, III (P) 1758 North 43rd Street East St Louis. IL 62204 •Mu Kappa Lambda (Carbondale - #555) Carl R. Flowers (P) P 0. Box 2393 Carbondale. IL 62901

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omicron Lambda Beta (Champaign - #501) Jim Casey (S) 1 Canterbury Lane Champaign. IL 61820

ILLINOIS (Western)

•Zeta Rho (Indiana State U - #347) Terry Collins

P. 0. Box 418 Terre Haute. IN 47808 Theta Xi (Ball State U - #388) E. Maurice Bransford (P) Box 355 - Ball State U. Muncie. IN 47306 lota Theta (Calumet College - #405) No Report NuPi (U of Evansville - #478) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Lambda (Indianapolis - #109) Keith Smith (CS) P O Box 88131 Indianapolis, IN 46208 Gamma Rho Lambda (Gary - #182) No Report Theta Xi Lambda (South Bend - #290) Inactive Theta Upsilon Lambda (Fort Wayne-#296) Timothy Williams (S) P. 0. Box 5076 Ft. Wayne, IN 46895 Kappa Rho Lambda (Evansville - #539)

IOWA Director Everett A Mays P O Box 533 Des Moines, IA 50302 COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Alpha Theta (U ol Iowa - #30) Preston James (S) P O Box 789 Iowa City, IA 52242 'Alpha Nu (Drake U - #34) David M. Milliner 921 docker Street #143 Des Moines. IA 50309 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Kappa Lambda (Des Moines - #243) Douglas Pierre (S) 4117 Briarcliff Des Moines, IA 50317 Mu Tau Lambda (Cedar Rapids - #563) No Report

KANSAS (Eastern) Director Richard Marshall 626 Oakland Kansas City. KS 66101 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Upsilon (U ol Kansas #19) D. Alonzo Wharton (P) 1014 Mississippi Lawrence. KS 66045 •Gamma Chi (Kansas State - #87) Alphonso Watson 1805-B S. Homer - #30 Pittsburg, KS 66762 Kappa Tau





The Sphinx / Fall 1979

KENTUCKY (Western) Director Claude Snorton

No Report

Director Curley R. Bradford 3109 914 Street Rock Island, IL 61201 (Northern) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Kappa (Kansas State U - # 4 3 7 ) Director (8radley U - #319) No Report Earnest Gibson Louis Wright (P) 23 West 235th Edgewood Ct. 821 N. University - #100 GlenEllyn, IL 60137 Peoria, IL 61606 (Western) COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Eta Eta Epsilon Phi Director (Western Illinois - #360) (Northern Illinois U - #329) P J. Williams Reginald R Lewis (S) Robert C.Gunn(S) 3601 Randolph 216 Olson Hall-WIU P. 0. Box 66 Topeka. KS 66611 Macomb, IL 61455 OeKalb. IL 60115 ALUMNI CHAPTERS COLLEGE CHAPTERS •MuMu Kappa Pi Lambda Delta Mu (Elmhurst College-#452) (Wichita State U - #99) (Peoria - #538) William Kennedy (S) No Report No Report 109 Prospect-Box 1487 Epsilon Omicron •Mu Delta Lambda Elmhurst, IL 60126 (Washburn U - #323) (Springfield - #549) ALUMNI CHAPTERS J.LevernG.Whitt(S) No Report Kappa Chi Lambda 1949 Gregory Court ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Waukegan - #544) Springfield, IL 62703 •Delta Eta Lambda Vernon Shelton (CS) Mu Chi Lambda (Topeka - #195) P.O. Box 512 (Rock Island - #566) Earl Fowler (P) North Chicago. IL 60064 Victor L. Davis (CS) 1305 West 11th Street Mu Alpha Lambda 1744 West 54th Topeka, KS 66604 (De Kalb - #546) Davenport, IA 52806 •Eta Beta Lambda No Report (Wichita - #257) Mu Mu Lambda Henry B Brown (S) (Glen Ellyn - #556) 4830 N. Oliver Director James Ivory (P) Wichita, KS 67220 Theo Hamiter 1241 Oak Hill Road 7158 Avalon Trail Ct Downers Grove, IL 60515 Indianapolis, IN 46250 (Eastern) COLLEGE CHAPTERS 'Gamma Eta Director (North Central) (Indiana U - #73) Lee Jackson James Taylor (P) Director 3640 Bold Bidder Dr. #71 1600 E. Hillside Drive •#3E Lexington, KY 40502 Allen Knox Bloommgton, IN 47401 5020 South Lake Shore Drive COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Rho #2704 Alpha Pi (Purdue - #82) Chicago, IL 60615 (U of Louisville - #37) Donald G. Brown (P) No Report 613 Waldron Street West Lafayette, IN 47906


BetaMu (Kentucky State U - #55) David B. Moore (P) 239 East Campus Frankfort, KY 40601 Epsilon Chi (U ol Kentucky - #330) Anthony G, Grvens (S) 413 Hollow Creek Rd Lexington. KV 40511 Xi Alpha (Morehead State U - #486) Christopher Turley (P) U.PO. #1397-MSU Morehead. KY 40351 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Alpha Lambda (Louisville - #101) Charles R. Brown (CS) P.O. Box 11426 Louisville, KY 40211 •Alpha Beta Lambda (Lexington - #124) lay R Anderson (CS) P.0 Box 1248 Lexington, KY 40590 •Gamma Seta Lambda (Frankfort - #168) D. W. Lyons (S) Box 121 - KSU Frankfort, KY 40601

Box 654 Hopkinsville, KY 42240 COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Zeta Omicron (Murray State U - #345) Lewey Knox (P) P 0 Box 2309 - MSU Murray, KY 42071 Eta Rho (Western Kentucky U - #369) Michael R. Fain (S) 2507 Pearce Ford Tower, W.K.U. Bowling Green, KY 42101 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Gamma Epsilon Lambda (Hopkinsville-#171) Claude Snorton, Jr. (P) P. 0. Box 654 Hopkinsville, KY 42240

MICHIGAN (Central) Director William Tipper 912 E.Wellington Flint. Ml 48503 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon (U of Michigan - #5) Craig B Williams (S) 1912 W Liberty - Apt. #1 Ann Arbor. Ml 48103 'Alpha Upsilon (Wayne State-#41) Ronald A, Dean (P) 18701 Roselawn Detroit, Ml 48221 Epsilon Eta (Eastern Michigan U - #316) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity 203 N Washington Ypsilanti. Ml 48197 EtaXi (U of Detroit - #366) No Report •Theta Tau (General Motors Institute - #393) Leon Simpson (P) 1700 West 3rd Street Flint. Ml 48502 lota Epsilon (Grand Valley - #402) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Gamma Lambda (Detroit - #103) Ivan L. Cotman (P) 20141 Mclntyre Detroit, Ml 48219 'Epsilon Upsilon Lambda (Flint - #230) O'Neil Wiley (CS) P. O. Box 1247 Flint, Ml 48502 'Theta Zeta Lambda (Ann Arbor - 283) Watson A. Young 43691 Expressway Drive Belleville. Ml 48111 lota Rho Lambda (Pontiac-#517) No Report

MICHIGAN (Northern) Director lames H Gaddis 4028 Wisner Saginaw. Ml 48601 COLLEGE CHAPTERS 'Gamma Tau (Michigan State U - #84) Leroy Jackson 811C Cherry Lane East Lansing, Ml 48823

Zeta Beta (Ferris State - #333) Eric Nigel Greene (P) 117 Locust Big Rapids. Ml 49307 Zeta Delta (Northern Michigan - #335) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Nu Lambda (Grand Rapids - #267) No Report lota Chi Lambda (Saginaw - #522) James H. Gaddis (DP) 4028 Wisner Saginaw. Ml 48601 'Kappa Delta Lambda (Lansing - #527) Richard D. Letts (P) 510 S. Jenison Lansing, Ml 48915

MICHIGAN (Southern) Director Theophihs Duckett 917 Clover Kalamazoo, Ml 49008 COLLEGE CHAPTER Epsilon Xi (Western Michigan U - #322) Anthony Samara (P) 2145 Albatross-#2 A Kalamazoo. Ml 49002 ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Phi Lambda (Muskegon Heights - #521) Joseph N. Ward (P) 2341 Fifth Street Muskegon Heights. Ml 49444 Kappa Psi Lambda (Kalamazoo - #545) Robert P Nell (S) Box 368 Courthouse Station Kalamazoo. Ml 49006

MINNESOTA Director James Beard 4109 Portland Ave., South Minneapolis. MN 55407 COLLEGE CHAPTER •Mu (Dot Minnesota - #1L) Kent Warder (P) 235 Coffman Union 300 Washington. SE Minneapolis. MN 55455 ALUMNI CHAPTER Gamma Xi Lambda (Minneapolis- #179) Willis K. Bright (P) 4840 Park Avenue. S Minneapolis. MN 55417

MISSOURI (Eastern) Director Ronald E. Smiley 1562 Mendall St Louis. MO 63130 COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Alpha Eta (St Louis - #29) Lenell Baker, II (P) 8003 Milan Court University City, MO 63130 Epsilon Psi (U of Missouri - #331) Ernest K. Banks (CS) Hwy. 63 i Elm Rolla. MO 65401 •Xi Gamma Chapter Cape Girardeau - #488) James Brightman (P) 320 N. Sprigg Cape Girardeau. Mo 63701 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Lambda (St. Louis-#105) John R. Pope (CS) 6176 Lucille Avenue St. Louis, MO 63136 Epsilon Eta Lambda (Charleston - #218) Booker T. Robinson (S) P O. Box 828 Cairo. IL 62914

MISSOURI (Central) Director Carl Smith Lakeview Subdivision Jefferson City. MO 65101 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Psi (Lincoln U - #44) Lawrence Deadmon (S) 2520 E. McCartySt. - # 1 1 Jefferson City. MO 65101 •Zeta Alpha (U ol Missouri - #332) Clarence B. Wine (A) 100 Read Hall Columbia. MO 65211

•lotaXi (Northeast Missouri-#410) Michael W Simms 401 S Washington Traveler's Hotel Kuksville. MO 63501 ALUMNI CHAPTER 'Beta Zeta Lambda (Jefferson City - # 1 5 0 ) Owen G. Abrahams (P) 1006 Moreau Drive Jefferson City. MO 65101

MISSOURI (Western) Director Leon Scroggins 7504 Olive Kansas City. MO 64132 COLLEGE CHAPTERS 'Delta Rho (U of Missouri - #303) Angelo Stennis 2616Montgall Kansas City, MO 64127 Zeta Gamma (Central Missouri - #334) Nathaniel Friends (P) Box 20 CMSU Union Warrensburg. MO 64093 ALUMNI CHAPTER 'Beta Lambda (KansasCity-#102) Milous S. Lusk (CS) 7400 East 127th Place Grandview. M0 64030

NEBRASKA Director Ned Williams 3425 South 120th Omaha, NE 68144 COLLEGE CHAPTER Beta Beta (U of Nebraska - #46) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTER Beta Xi Lambda (Omaha - #157) Duane Moody (S) 10028 Himebaugh Plaza Omaha. NE 68134

OHIO (Northern) Director Charles Harrell 110 Melody Lane Toledo. OH 43615 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Alpha (Uol Toledo-#310) Greg Collier 905 Woodward Avenue Toledo, OH 43608 'Epsilon Theta (Bowling Green U - # 3 1 7 ) Ronald Winston 130 S. Prospect Bowling Green. OH 43403 ALUMNI CHAPTER 'Alpha Xi Lambda (Toledo - #135) Joseph Sansbury(P) 1437 Addington Toledo, OH 43607

Kappa Mu Lambda (Lorrain - #534) Thomas Jenkins. II (P) 1420 West 20th Street Lorrain. OH 44052

OHIO (Central) Director William Nelson. Ph.D. 2572 Burnaby Drive Columbus. OH 43209 COLLEGE CHAPTERS 'Kappa (Ohio State U - # 1 0 ) William Crawford (S) Box 51. Ohio Union 1739 N High Columbus, OH 43201 •Phi (Ohio U - #20) Richard Lancaster (T) c/o Baker Center Athens, OH 45701 ALUMNI CHAPTER •Alpha Rho Lambda (Columbus- #138) Eddie Francis (FS) Box 6821 Columbus, OH 43205

OHIO (West Central) Director Edward White 5211 Big Bend Drive Dayton, OH 45427 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Xi (WilberforceU-#13) No Report •Gamma Theta (U ol Dayton - #74) Casby Harrison, III 642 Westwood Avenue Dayton, OH 45407 Delta Xi (Central State U - #300) Frank Boldoe (T) Box 441 Wilberlorce, OH 45384 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Theta Lambda (Dayton - #108) Roy Taylor (P) Box 468. Dunbar Station Dayton. OH 45417 •Chi Lambda (Wilberforce - #121) John H Cooper Box 351 Wilberforce. OH 45384 •Zeta Delta Lambda (Springfield - #237) Clarence Harmon (?) 1818 Wittenberg Blvd.. West Springfield, OH 45506

OHIO (Southwest)

Director Clarence Frazier 1145 Wionna Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45224 COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Alpha Alpha (U of Cincinnati - #23) Oaryl Cox 5910 Jordan Lane (Northeast) Cincinnati, OH 45227 Director •Delta Upsilon lames T. Rushm (Miami U - #306) 1186 Wyley Avenue Keith D. Hamilton (P) Akron. OH 44306 c/o Larry Young COLLEGE CHAPTERS 96 Bishop Hall - Miami U Pi Oxford. OH 45056 (Cleveland State/Western Reserve ' * 1 5 > ALUMNI CHAPTER Eric Flowers (P) Delta Gamma Lambda Box 99551 (Cincinnati - #191) Cleveland. OH 44199 Elvm Turner (CS) Alpha Tau 7886 Bobolink Orive (U of Akron - #40) Cincinnati. OH 45224 Albert Bragg (CS) P. 0. Box 492 Akron. OH 44309 Director Epsilon Delta AdolphusA Young. Jr. (Kent State U - #313) P 0 Box 13 Christopher Hughes (S) Keystone. WVA 24852 829 Leebrick Hall - KSU Kent, OH 44243 COLLEGE CHAPTERS lota Phi Alpha Zeta (West Virginia State - #28) (Mount Union College-#417) No Report No Report Beta Theta ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Bluelield State - #52) •Beta Rho Lambda Adrian Dowell (CS) (Youngstown - #160) 305 N. Mercer Street Frank Wooten Bluelield. WVA 24701 1734 Glen wood Avenue NuNu P 0. Box 1500 (Marshall U - #475) Youngstown. OH 44501 Dr. Clyde Perry (Adv) Delta Alpha Lambda Route 4 - B o x 172 (Cleveland - #189) South Point, OH 45680 Leonard Hamilton (P) Box 99551 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Zeta Lambda Cleveland, OH 44199 (Bluelield-#128) •Eta Tau Lambda AdolphusA. Young, Jr. (S) (Akron - #273) P. 0. Box 671 James Rushm Bluefield, WVA 24701 186 Wyley Avenue Akron, OH 44306




•NuTau (U of Montevallo Rickey Turner (P)

•Alpha l o t i lambda (Charleston — # 1 3 1 ) John E. Scott (S) P. 0. Box 303 Institute. VWA 25112 Gamma Delta Lambda (Beckley-#170) Inactive

P. 0

WISCONSIN Coleman 0 (Veils 922 W 2edler Lane Milwaukee. Wl 53092 COLLEGE CHAPTERS 'Gamma Epsilon (UW Madison - # 7 1 ) Rodney Matthews (P) 800 langdon Street Box 508. Memorial Union Madison. Wl 53706 'Epsilon Tau #327)

Box 153 Milwaukee. Wl 53201 •Zeta lota (UW Whitewater - # 3 4 0 ) David Graham (S) 801 West Mam Street Whitewater. Wl 53190 Eta Beta (WSU Plalteville - # 3 5 5 ) No Report Eta Pi (WSU Oshkosh - # 3 6 8 ) No Report Mu Epsilon (Carthage College -


No Report NuXi (Marquette U - # 4 7 6 ) letlrey Lane (P) 920 North 15th St. - #10 Milwaukee. Wl 53233 Nu Omicron (Carroll College - # 4 7 7 ) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Chi Lambda (Milwaukee - # 2 1 0 ) Taft E Benson (P) 2815 W Ranch Road Mequon.WI 5 3 0 9 2 Mu Eta Lambda (Madison - # 5 5 2 ) Allen A. Hancock (P) 1102 Fnsch Road Madison, Wl 53711

SOUTH ALABAMA Director Leotis Peterman 4340 Yorkshire Drive Montgomery, AL 36108 COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Alpha Beta (Talladega College - # 2 4 ) Coleman Henderson ( P ) Talladega College Talladega. AL 35061 Beta Upsilon (Alabama State U - # 6 3 ) Lawrence Bell ( P ) Box 28 - ASU Montgomery, AL 36104 •Gamma Kappa (Miles C o l l e g e - # 7 6 ) Derrick Miller (S) Box 1 7 7 - Miles College Birmingham, AL 35208 Gamma Phi (Tuskegee Institute lohn Hudson (CS) P 0, Box 36


Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 Delta Gamma (Alabama A S M - # 9 1 ) Arnold Veazie (CS) P 0. Box 220 Normal, AL 35762 •Epsilon Nu (Stillman College - # 3 2 1 ) Bruce Crawford (S) Box 4008. Stillman College Tuscaloosa. AL 35401 Theta Delta ( U o f South Alabama - # 3 7 9 ) No Report lotaNu (UAB - # 4 0 9 ) Cleveland Parker (S) Box 329. NBSB Birmingham. AL 35294 •Kappa Alpha (Uof A l a b a m a - # 4 2 0 ) Norman Taylor (P) Box 7368 University. AL 35486 Kappa Gamma (U of North Alabama Kenneth Anderson 313 A Beale Street Florence AL 3 5 6 3 0



Montevallo. AL 35115 XI Beta (Troy State U - # 4 8 7 ) Edwin Little ( P ) Box 154. TSU Troy. AL 36081 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omicron Lambda (Birmingham - # 1 1 4 ) Leroy A. Simmons, Jr (S)


(UW Milwaukee Larry Johnson ( P )



P.O. Box 3910 Birmingham. AL 35208 Alpha Nu Lambda (Tuskegee Institute - # 1 3 4 ) Walter Oldham (P) P. 0. Drawer BBB Tuskegae Institute, AL 36088 Alpha Upsilon Lambda (Montgomery - # 1 4 1 ) Leotis Peterman (CS) P O Box 6058 Montgomery AL 36105 Beta Omicron Lambda (Mobile - # 1 5 8 ) Alvin Allen (RS) 1205 St Madar Street Mobile. AL 36603 Delta Theta Lambda (Huntsville - # 1 9 6 ) A I Garth (CS) P. 0 Box 33 Alabama ASM University Normal, AL 3 5 7 6 2 Delta Pi Lambda (Selma - # 2 0 4 ) Willie Gilford (CS) Route 1 - Box 98 Browns. AL 36724 •Delta Phi Lambda (Tuscaloosa - # 2 0 9 ) Milton M Williams (S) 1 9 1 0 4 0 t h Ave. College Hills Tuscaloosa. AL 35401 Epsilon Delta Lambda (Talladega - # 2 1 5 ) T, V Lawrence (S) 114 Baker Street Talladega. AL 35160 •Theta Alpha Lambda (Gadsden - #278) Daniel Littlelield (ST) 1215 Mountainbrook Drive Gadsden, AL 35901 •Theta Gamma Lambda (Dothan - # 2 8 0 ) Jerome Coleman (P) P 0. Box 6893 Dothan. AL 36302 Kappa Nu Lambda (Leighton - # 5 3 5 ) No Report Mu lota Lambda (Mobile - # 5 5 4 ) Isaac Bowie. Jr. (S) 2252 Clinton Street Mobile, AL 36617 • M u Psi Lambda (Homewood - # 5 6 7 ) Reddith Lewis P 0 Box 2281 Birmingham, AL 35201

FLORIDA Director Vandon E. White 14830 SW 87th Avenue Miami. FL 33157

(BethuneCookman - #90) Gregory Carl Smith ( P ) BethuneCookman College Daytona Beach, FL 32015 •Delta Psi #309)

15800 N. W 42nd Avenue Opa Locka. FL 33054 Eta Delta (Uof M i a m i - #357) No Report Theta Gamma (U of South Florida - # 3 7 8 ) Terry Booker (P) Box 2421 University Center U ol South Florida Tampa. FL 33620 •Theta Sigma (U ol Florida - # 3 9 2 ) Frederick Pennington 3540 S W 34th Street. Lot #68 Gainesville. FL 32612 lota Delta (Florida State U - #401) Ronnie Bembry(S) U Box 4297 FSU Tallahassee, FL 32313 Kappa Upsilon (Metropolitan - # 4 3 8 ) No Report Mu Theta (U of West Florida No Report


No Report Gamma Mu Lambda (Tallahassee- # 1 7 7 ) Charles Russell (S) 433 Mercury Drive Tallahassee, FL 32301 •Delta Delta Lambda (West Palm Beach - # 1 9 2 ) Arthur Matthews, Jr. (P) 1262 Gondola Court Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Delta Xi Lambda (Orlando - # 2 0 2 ) Cecil Boston (P) P 0. Box 5548 Orlando. FL 32855 •Epsilon Mu Lambda (Pensacola - # 2 2 2 ) Frank Kyle ( P ) 1211 E Leonard Street Pensacola. FL 32501 Epsilon Pi Lambda (Ocala - # 2 2 6 ) William E. Jackson (S) 1822 S W 4th Ocala. FL 32670 •Zeta Alpha lambda (Ft. Lauderdale - # 2 3 4 ) Leonard Bass (CS) 2323 N W 19th Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 Eta Kappa Lambda (Ft. Pierce - # 2 6 5 ) Verryl Floyd (S) P 0, Box 1271 Ft. Pierce, FL 3 3 4 5 0 Theta Eta Lambda (St. Petersburg - # 2 8 4 ) Emmanuel Stewart ( P ) Box 15024 St Petersburg, FL 33733 lota Beta lambda (Cocoa - # 5 0 3 ) J Albert Diggs 1725 Country Club Drive Titusville, FL 32780 lota Pi Lambda (Miami-#516) Paul Joseph ( P ) 16140 S W 87th Avenue Miami, Fl 33157 Mu Zeta Lambda (Lakeland - # 5 5 1 ) Lynwood Bell (T) 1902 Pollock Loop Road Lakeland. FL 33801 Nu Eta Lambda (Gainesville - # 5 7 4 ) Dr. I. C. Rawls Route 4 - Box 183P Gainesville. FL 32601


COLLEGE CHAPTERS •BeUNu (Florida A 4 M - # 5 6 ) Michelle Williams ( P ) Box 598. FAMU Tallahassee. FL 32307 •Delta Beta

(Florida Memorial Coll, Kenneth Mitchell ( P )

ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Upsilon Lambda (Jacksonville- # 1 1 9 ) Clarence Von Bostick (CS) 281 Ribault Scenic Drive Jacksonville, FL 32208 Beta Beta Lambda (Miami - # 1 4 6 ) Albert Hall (S) 7521 NW 14th Avenue Miami. FL 33147 Beta Delta Lambda (Daytona B e a c h - # 1 4 8 ) Robert K, Wright (P) 365 Bartlett Road Daytona Beach. FL 32041 Gamma Zeta Lambda (Tampa - # 1 7 2 )

Director Lorenzo Manns 4554 Moline Avenue Columbus, GA 31907 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Iota (Morris Brown College Maurice Davis (P) P 0, Box 92055 Atlanta. GA 30314 Alpha Rho


(MorehouseCollege- # 3 8 ) Reginald Scott (CS) Box 445. Morehouse College Atlanta. GA 30314 Alpha Phi (ClarkCollege-#42) No Report •Gamma Zeta (Ft Valley State - # 7 2 ) Thomas Miller (CS) Box 4326 FVSC Ft Valley, GA 31030 Delta Delta (Albany State - # 9 2 ) Titus Brown (P) Box 36 ASC Albany. GA 31705 Delta Eta (Savannah State Coll. Ellis Albright (P) Box 20742 SSC Savannah, GA 31404 •Zeta Mu

1229 Dogwood Avenue Columbus. GA 31906 •Iota Eta (Mercer U - # 4 0 4 ) Duan Sanders (P) Box 61 - Mercer U Macon. GA 31207 Mu Alpha (Emory U - # 4 4 2 ) Emory Wilkerson(P) Box 2 1 1 8 5 - EmoryU Atlanta. GA 30322 Mu Gamma (Georgia College - # 4 4 4 ) No Report Mu Delta (Georgia Southwestern - #445) Anthony Hubbard (P) Box 689 Georgia Southwestern College Amencus.GA 31709 • M u Omicron (Valdosta State - # 4 5 5 ) Randy Rush (VP) Box 1060 VSC Valdosta, GA 31601 • N u Gamma (West Georgia Coll - # 4 6 6 ) Willie Burner (S) College Arms - Apt. 4 4 Carrollton, GA 30117 NuMu (Southern Tech. Inst. Adrian L. Raines (CS)


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Lambda (Atlanta - # 1 0 7 ) Larry Epps (CS) 32 Thud Avenue. NE Atlanta, GA 30317 •Alpha Chi Lambda ( A u g u s t a - #143) Willie G. Marshall (FS) 829 Strother Drive Augusta. GA 30901 •Beta Phi Lambda (Savannah - # 1 6 4 ) Chester A. Ellis (CS) P.O. Box 1361 Savannah. GA 31402 Gamma Omicron Lambda (Albany - # 1 8 0 ) Edgar Martin ( P ) P. 0. Box 4054 Albany, GA 31706 Gamma Sigma Lambda (Ft Valley - # 1 8 3 ) Clinton Dixon (S) Box 5742 FVSC Ft Valley, GA 31030 •Delta lota Lambda (Columbus- #197) Lorenzo Manns (S) 4554 Moline Avenue Columbus. GA 31907 •Epsilon Beta Lambda (Macon - # 2 1 3 ) Joseph Lindsey (S) P. 0. Box 5329 Macon. GA 31208 Eta lota Lambda (Athens - # 2 6 4 ) Hugh Goodrum (CS) P 0 Box 902 Athens, GA 30603 Theta Nu Lambda (LaGrange - # 2 8 9 ) Frank Lewis (S) 130 Brenda Blvd. LaGrange, GA 30240 •Iota Gamma Lambda (Brunswick - # 5 0 4 ) Alan J, Clark ( P ) 2901 Albany Street Brunswick. GA 3 1 5 2 0 •Kappa Tau Lambda ( V a l d o s t a - #541) Arthur L Hart P 0 . Box 1684 Valdosta, GA 31601

MISSISSIPPI Director William K. Dease 5980 Huntview Drive Jackson, MS 39206


(Georgia State U - # 3 4 2 ) Paul Booze ( P ) Box 542 - Georgia State U Atlanta. GA 30303 •Zeta Pi (U of Georgia - # 3 4 6 ) James lackson ( P ) 2151 University Station Athens. GA 30601

Eta Alpha (Paine College - # 3 5 4 ) Donald Murray (P) Box 77 - Paine College Augusta. GA 30901 •Theta Beta (Columbus College - # 3 7 7 ) Aaron G. Paschal

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Upsilon (Tougaloo College - #85) No Report Delta Kappa (Alcorn State U - # 9 8 ) Billy Ray Smith (P) Box 267 ASU Lorman, MS 39096 •Delta Phi (Jackson State U - # 3 0 7 ) Louis Thomas (ED) Box 18047, JSU Jackson. MS 39217 Zeta Phi (MS Valley State U - # 3 5 1 ) Marshall Davis (CS) Box 899. MVSU I t t a B e n a . M S 38941

lota Gamma (Rust College - # 4 0 0 ) John Crittle ( P ) 216 E. Valley Avenue Holly Springs. MS 38635 •Kappa Beta (MSStateU-#421) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Kappa Beta Chapter P. 0 Box 1472 Mississippi State, MS 39762 •MuXi (Metropolitan - # 4 5 4 ) L D Barron (CS) Southern Station, Box 9223 Hattiesburg, MS 39401 • N u Upsilon (U of Mississippi - # 4 8 2 ) Mr James S. Blake P. 0, Box 3251 University, MS 38677 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Alpha Epsilon Lambda (Jackson - # 1 2 7 ) Robert W, Harrison (S) Box 356 Yazoo City, MS 39194 •Epsilon Xi lambda (Mound Bayou - # 2 2 4 ) George Bacon (RS) P 0 Box 5531 Greenville. MS 38701 •Zeta Mu Lambda (Biloxi - #244) Don Johnson (CS) Route 3. 202 Leslye Avenue Gullport. MS 39501 Eta Phi Lambda (Columbus - # 2 7 5 ) Charles Houston (P) Spivey Road Columbus. MS 39701 Theta Sigma lambda (Natchez - # 2 9 4 ) Al W Johnson ( P ) Box 552. ASU Lorman, MS 39096 Mu Gamma Lambda (Hattiesburg Laurel - # 5 4 8 ) Mance Langham 310 Vernon Dahmer Drive Hattiesburg. MS 39401 • M u Pi Lambda (Brookhaven - # 5 6 0 ) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Mu Pi Lambda Chapter P. 0. Box 268 Brookhaven. MS 39601

NORTH CAROLINA Director Dr. A. M. Witherspoon 2701 Rothgeb Drive Raleigh, NC 27610 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Omicron (Johnson C, Smith U - # 3 6 ) Kim I . Gray (P) UPO1035JCSU Charlotte, NC 28216 Beta Epsilon (AST State U - #49) Ronald M a n g u m ( P ) Box A 14, AST State U Greensboro, NC 27411 Beta Zeta (Elizabeth City State U - #50) No Report Beta lota (Winston Salem State U - #53) Wavey B Williams (P) Box 14318. WSSU Winston Salem, NC 27102 •Beta Rho (Shaw U - #60) Therold Bond (S) Box 1875, Shaw U Raleigh, NC 27602 Gamma Beta (North Carolina Central U - # 6 8 ) No Report Gamma Mu (Livingston College -


No Report Gamma Psi (St Augustine's C o l l e g e - # 8 8 ) James Ford ( P ) P. 0 Box 27611 Raleigh, NC 27611 Epsilon Zeta (Fayetteville State U - #315) No Report •Zeta Epsilon (Barber Scotia College Morris Avery (S) Barber Scotia College Concord. NC 28025 EtaNu


(East Carolina U - # 3 6 5 ) Pratt Simons (S) P 0 Box 3167 Greenville. NC 27834 •Eta Omicron (North Carolina State U - # 3 6 7 ) Orlando Hankins (S) Box 5 6 3 1 , College Station Raleigh, NC 27607 Kappa Omicron (Ouke U - # 4 3 3 ) Michael A. Smith (S) Box 4783 - Duke Station Durham. NC 27706

Mu Zeta (U of North Carolina - # 4 4 7 ) James Mooie (CS) P 0 Box 551 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 • M u Tau (UNC - Charlotte - # 4 5 9 ) Ted A. Stewart (CS) 310 Moore Hall - U.N.C.C Charlotte, NC 28223 • N u Zeta (Western Carolina U - # 4 6 9 ) Vernon McRae (P) Box 543 Cullowhee, NC 28723 Xi E U Wake Forest U - # 4 9 2 ) Dr. A. M. Witherspoon 2701 Rothgeb Drive Raleigh, NC 27106 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Lambda (Greensboro- # 1 1 0 ) Arthur Stevens (CS)

P 0 Box 21052 Greensboro, NC 27420 •Phi Lambda (Raleigh - # 1 2 0 ) Les Bnnson (P) 4617 Limerick Drive Raleigh, NC 27604 Alpha Pi Lambda (Winston Salem - # 1 3 7 ) Thomas H. Hooper. Jr 1415 [ 14th Street Winston Salem, NC 27105 Beta Theta lambda (Durham - # 1 5 2 ) No Report •Beta Mu Lambda (Salisbury - # 1 5 5 ) Marion Jones (S) 809 W Thomas Street Salisbury, NC 28144 •Beta Nu Lambda (Charlotte - # 1 5 6 ) George Dunlap ( P ) P.O. Box 16153 Charlotte. NC 28216 •Gamma Kappa Lambda (Wilmington - # 1 7 6 ) Johnsie A. Lowe (S) 112 South 14th Street Wilmington, NC 28403 Gamma Psi Lambda (Asheville - # 1 8 8 )

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Psi Lambda (Columbia - # 1 4 4 ) Cecil Adderley. Jr. ( P ) 1730 Standish Street Columbia, SC 29203 Beta Kappa Lambda (Charleston - # 1 5 4 ) Raymond Smalls (CS) P 0 Box 2714 Charleston, SC 29403 •Gamma Gamma Lambda (Greenville - # 1 6 9 ) LukeChatman(FS) P.O. Box 1311 Greenville, SC 29602 Delta Zeta Lambda (Orangeburg - # 1 9 4 ) William J Nelson (P) P. 0. Box M Orangeburg.SC 29115 Delta Kappa Lambda (Florence - # 1 9 8 ) Joseph Heyward (S) P 0, Box 384 Florence, SC 29503 •Eta Omicron Lambda (Rock H i l l - # 2 6 9 ) Richard Miller (P) P 0 Box 3563 Rock Hill, SC 29730 •Theta Phi Lambda (Bennettsville - # 2 9 7 ) Ralph DuPree, Sr. (CS) 203 Beauty Spot Road Bennettsville, SC 29512 lota Eta Lambda (Denmark - # 5 0 8 )

No Report

TENNESSEE Director Zenoch G, Adams 1024 Kellow Street Nashville, TN 37208 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Chi (Meharry Medical College - # 2 1 ) Bayne Spotwood (CS) Box 758. Meharry Medical College Nashville, TN 37208 •Alpha Chi (FiskU-#43) Paul E Watkins P 0 Box 444 Fisk University Nashville, TN 37203 Beta Xi (LeMoyne-Owen College - # 5 7 ) No Report Beta Omicron



COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Beta Delta (South Carolina State - # 4 8 ) Herman Gladney ( P ) Box 1954, SCSC Orangeburg.SC 29117 Gamma Gamma (Allen U - #69) No Report •Gamma Pi (Benedict College - # 8 1 ) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Gamma Pi Chapter Box 17 - Benedict College Columbia. SC 29204 Delta Alpha (Clalhn U - # 8 9 )

(Tennessee State U Andrea Williams (S) Box 419, TSU Nashville, TN 37203 Beta Pi


(Lane College - # 5 9 ) Randall Campbell ( P ) 200 Hays Street Jackson, TN 38301 •Gamma Omicron (KnoxvilleCollege-#80) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Gamma Omicron Chapter P. 0. Box 382. Knoxville College Knoxnlle.TN 37921 •Eta Phi (UT Chattanooga - # 3 7 3 ) Eta Phi Chapter 651 Vine Street Chattanooga, TN 37402 •Theta Pi (Austin Peay State U - # 3 9 0 ) Theta Pi Chapter - Box 8337 Austin Peay State University Clarksville, TN 37040 •Kappa Eta

No Report Eta Iota (Voorhees College - # 3 6 2 ) Leon Hanberry (P) P. O Box 564 Denmark, SC 29042 Theta Nu (U of South Carolina Reginald Perry (P) Box 80026, USC Columbia, SC 29225

(MorrisCollege- #490) Lester Corley Morns College Sumter. SC 29150

No Report Mu Epsilon Lambda (Conway - # 5 5 0 )

No Report Epsilon Rho Lambda (Fayetteville - # 2 2 7 ) Will Oates (CS) P 0 Box 1783 Fayetteville. NC 28302 Epsilon Sigma Lambda (Rocky Mount - # 2 2 8 ) Lonnie T Foster ( P ) P. 0. Box 853 Rocky Mount, NC 27801 •Epsilon Chi Lambda (Elizabeth City - # 2 3 2 ) Roger McLean (FS) Box21,ECSU Elizabeth City, NC 27909 •Zeta Eta Lambda (Kmston - #240) 8 F, Hall. Jr (S) 1007 E. Caswell Street Kmston. NC 28501 •Eta Mu Lambda (Gastoma - # 2 6 6 ) J. C. Marable (S) 407 Belvedere Circle Kings Mountain. NC 28086 Theta Omicron Lambda (Goldsboro-#291) No Report

Director Peter Felder P. 0. Box 41 Claflin College Orangeburg.SC

•Kappa Chi (Francis Marion College - #440) Herman White (P) P. 0 Box 384 Florence. SC 29501 MuPi (Baptist C o l l e g e - # 4 5 6 ) Bernett Mazyck (S) 903 West 5th North St Summerville, SC 29483 NuPhi ( U o t South C a r o l i n a - #483) No Report Xi Epsilon


(Memphrs State U - # 4 2 6 ) Jerry Malone (S) 589 Moccasin Memphis, TN 38109 •Kappa Theta (Vandeibilt U - # 4 2 7 ) Rpbert Daniels (P) Box 5270-B, Vanderbilt U Nashville. TN 37235 Kappa Xi (Middle Tennessee State Foster Anthony, Jr. ( P ) Box 655. MTSU Murfreesboro, TN 37132


The Sphinx / Fall 1979

•MuB.li (UT-Martin - #443) Barnie Black (H) P. 0. Box 121 Martin, TN 38238 •Mu lota (U ot Tennessee - #450) Gregory Colield (CS) Box 831J University Station Knoxville. IN 37916 •NuEU (Christian Brothers Coll - #470) Johnny Devould (S) 2390 Twain Avenue Memphis, TN 38114 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Tau Lambda (Nashville- #118) Wilson Q Welch, Ir, (CS) P C. Box 5646 Nashville, TN 37208 Psi Lambda (Chattanooga - #122) Archie Tayloi (P) 841 Oak Street Chattanooga, TN 37403 Alpha Delta Lambda (Memphis-#126) Hastings Stewart (FS) 6065 Barrentine Drive Memphis, TN 38128 Alpha Mu Lambda (Knoxville - #133) Edward 0 Hill (CS) 2643 linden Avenue Knoxville. TN 37914 'Beta Upsilon Lambda (lackson - #163) L R, Cunningham (CS) 342 Webster Street lackson, TN 38301 Kappa Zeta Lambda (Clarksville - #529) Arnold E Myers (S) 2713 Wren Road Birchwood Estates Ft. Campbell, KY 42223 •Mu Nu Lambda (Kingsport - #557) John Harrison (P) 2512 Sanford Drive Kingsport, TN 37664

SOUTHWEST ARKANSAS Director Acie Johnson 1011 S.Hughes Little Rock. AR 72204 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Chi (Philander Smith College - #65) No Report Gamma Delta (U of Ark, at Pine Blull - #70) No Report "Theta Kappa (Henderson State Coll - #385) Greg Adams (P) Box H 104 Arkadelphia, AR 71923 Theta Upsilon (Arkansas State U - #394) Freeman Montague (P) Box 380 State University, AR 72467 •Ttieta Psi (U of Central Arkansas - #397) Harry Reeves (S) UCA, Box 646 Conway, AR 72032 Kappa lota (Southern Arkansas U - #428) Glen Hawkins (S) Box 616, SAU Magnolia, AR 71753 Kappa Kappa (U ol Arkansas - #429) Dennis May (P) 477 Razoiback Road Fayetteville, AR 72701 Kappa Psi (UA Little Rock - #441) No Report Nu Alpha (Arkansas Tech. U - #464) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Pi Lambda (Little Rock - # 1 1 5 ) Sherman Tate (P) 16 Windy Court Little Rock, AR 72207 •Delia Sigma Lambda (Pine Blull - #206) Garland Puckett (P) 1400 Beech Street Pine Bluff. AR 71601 •Theta Tau Lambda (Helena - #295) George Denton (S) 254 Pine Street Mananna, AR 72360

•Mu Omicron Lambda (Blytheville - #559) Robert tones (P) 1413 Lee Circle. South Blytheville, AR 72315

LOUISIANA Director Mitchell Albert 2375 79th Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70807 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Sigma (Southern U - #61) Michael C. Livingston P 0 Box 9929 Southern University Baton Rouge. LA 70813 •Beta Tau (Xavier U - #62) Sherwood Baker (CS) 3935 Pine Street Box 114 New Orleans, LA 70125 Beta Phi (Dillard U - #64) Kedrick Jason (S) P. 0. Box 690 DiHard University New Orleans, LA 70122 •Delta Sigma (Grambling U - #304) Carl Williams (S) Box 200 Grambling. LA 71245 •Epsilon Upsilon (SUN0 - #328) P Malcolm Robinson (A) 1603 Charlton Drive New Orleans, LA 70122 •Zeta Xi (USL - #344) George Sonnier (P) P. 0 Box 4 1889 Lafayette. LA 70504 Eta Kappa (Louisiana Tech U - #363) Don P. Johnson (P) 5497 Tech Station Ruston, LA 71272 •Eta Chi (Northeast Louisiana - #374) Albert Peoples (CS) Box 4421 - N L U Monroe, LA 71209 •Theta Theta (McNeese State U - #383) Charles A Neal MSU. Box 587 Lake Charles. LA 70609 •Theta Phi (U of New Orleans - #395) Keith Lewis (S) UNO Box 1235 New Orleans. LA 70122 •Theta Chi (Northwestern State U - #396) Billy C Culbert P. 0. Box 5232 Natchitoches. LA 71457 'Kappa Mu (Nicholls State U - # 4 3 0 ) No Report •Kappa Nu (Southeastern Louisiana - #431) Kevin Armant (P) Box 3917. SLU Hammond, LA 70402 Nu Psi (Louisiana State U - #485) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Sigma Lambda (New Orleans- #117) Ellis P. Smith (P) 6429 Derbyshire Drive New Orleans, LA 70126 •Beta lota Lambda (Baton Rouge- #153) Not man St. Amant (P) 940 Grebe Street Baton Rouge, LA 70807 Delta Upsilon Lambda (Shreveport - #208) No Report Epsilon Kappa Lambda (Grambling- #221) Roy B, Moss (P) P 0 Drawer 604 Grambling. LA 71245 Epsilon Psi Lambda (Alexandria - #233) George W Thompson (P) 3616 13th Street Alexandria. LA 71301 Zeta Chi Lambda (Bogalusa - #254) No Report Zeta Psi Lambda (Lake Charles - #255) Robert Boxie. Jr. (CS) P.O. Box 1102 Lake Charles, LA 70602 Eta Gamma Lambda (Lafayette - #258) Richard Travers (S) 443 LaSalle Street St Martmville. LA 70582 Eta Delta Lambda (Monroe - #259) lyree Pettis (CS) P. O Box 815 Monroe. LA 71201

•lota Xi Lambda (Opelousas- #514) Donald Bush (S) P 0 Box 329 Opelousas. LA 70570 •Nu Alpha Lambda (Marrero - #568) Sam J. Smith 2504 Taffy Drive Marrero, LA 70072

OKLAHOMA Director Tanzy B Lockridge P 0. Box 246 BoyntonOK 74422 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Kappa (Ungston U - #54) Donald Colbert (CS) P 0. Box 386 Langston, OK 73050 •Epsilon Epsilon (Oklahoma State U - #314) Kevin Basden (S) 408 N Washington Stillwater. OK 74074 •Zeta Zeta (U of Oklahoma-#337) Dennis Sullivan 640 Elm Norman, OK 73019 •Zeta Sigma (Central State U - #348) Charles Bible (P) 1000 N. Kennedy Edmond.OK 73034 •Zeta Upsilon (Northeastern State C o l l . - # 3 5 0 ) Zeta Upsilon Chapter Box 340, NSU Tahlequah. OK 74464 Eta Theta (East Central State - # 3 6 1 ) No Report Kappa Epsilon (Cameron U - #424) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Alpha Tau Lambda (Tulsa - #140) Thee Mack (S) P.O. Box6152 Tulsa, OK 74106 •Beta Epsilon Lambda (Boley - #149) L G. Ashley Box 247 Boley, OK 74829 •Beta Eta Lambda (Oklahoma City - #151) W G Henderson (CS) P 0. Box 11105 Oklahoma City. OK 73136 •Beta Chi Lambda (Muskogee - #165) Vernon Foshee (S) 725 N Terrace Blvd Muskogee, OK 74401 Zeta Gamma Lambda (Langston - #236) Raymond Johnson. II (S) P. 0. Box 836 Langston, OK 73050 •Eta Xi Lambda (Lawton Ft. Sill - #268) jewel L Williams Box A 122, RAH Ft. Sill, OK 73503

TEXAS Director A L Mackey 6801 Williamette Austin. TX 78723 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta (Huston Tillotson College - #4) No Report Alpha Sigma (Wiley U - #39) Willie Clay. Jr. (P) Wiley College Marshall. TX 75670 •Gamma Alpha (Texas College - #67) Thomas Birt (S) 2215 N Palace Tyler. TX 75701 Delta Theta (Texas Southern U - #96) David L Jackson (P) TSU. Box 748 Houston, TX 77004 •Epsilon Gamma (Bishop College-#312) William P Black 3837 Simpson-Stuart Road Box 233 Dallas, TX 75241 •Epsilon lota (U of Texas - # 3 1 8 ) Alpha Phi Alpha Box 242. University Station Austin. TX 78712 •Epsilon Rho (Lamar Tech - #325) Frank M Walker (P) 821 W Gulfway Port Arthur TX 77640

Epsilon Sigma (St. Mary's U - # 3 2 6 ) No Report •Zeta Kappa (UT El P a s o - # 3 4 1 ) Michael A. Charles 418 Barry Hall. U of Tx. at El Paso El Paso. TX 79968 'Zeta Tau (East Texas State- #349) James Jones (P) Box S, ET Station Commerce, TX 75428 •Zeta Chi (UT Arlington - #352) Jerry Haggerty (T) Box 19193, UTA Station Arlington, TX 76010 Eta Gamma (Prairie View - #356) Egbert Powell (CS) Box 2255 Prairie View A & M University Prairie View. TX 77445 Eta Epsilon (North Texas State - #358) Phillip James (P) Box 5493, NT Station Denton. TX 76203 •EtaMu (U ol Houston - #364) Melvm Roberts (RS) 6014 Newquay Houston. TX 77085 Eta Upsilon (Texas Tech U - #372) No Report Eta Psi (Texas Christian U - # 3 7 5 ) No Report •Theta Alpha (lams Christian College- #376) Eugene Roussell (S) 204 Washington Hall - JCC Hawkins. TX 75765 Theta Mu (Sam Houston State U - #386) Chester Crawtord (P) Box 2840, SHSU Huntsville. TX 77341 lota Kappa (Paul Qumn College - #407) No Report •lotaMu (SF Austin State U - #408) Frederick Moore (P) Box 5707. SFA Station Nacogdoches. TX 75962 lota Omicron (Southern Methodist U - # 4 1 1 ) No Report Kappa Sigma (West Texas S t a t e - # 4 3 6 ) No Report MuNu (Southwest Texas State - #453) Randle D Howard (P) L.B.J. Student Center SW Texas State University San Marcos, TX 78666 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Eta Lambda (Houston - #129) Donald Bonner (CS) 4602 Knottynold Lane Houston, TX 77053 •Alpha Sigma Lambda (Dallas- #139) Samuel L. Bates (S) 2334 S. Good Latimer Dallas, TX 75215 •Beta Tau Lambda (Ft. Worth - #162) Wyman Wiggins (CS) 905 Green Rivei Trail Ft. Worth, TX 76103 •Gamma Eta Lambda (Austin- #173) Allen M Johnson. Jr. 9901 Mandeville Circle Austin. TX 78750 Gamma Pi Lambda (Galveston - #181) Curtis McGowan (S) 6018 Diamond Court Texas City. TX 77590 'Gamma Tau Lambda (Beaumont - #184) William Jones (P) 4145 Simpson Dnve Beaumont. TX 77705 'Gamma Upsilon Lambda (Marshall - #185) Telly Miller (P) P. 0. Box 479 Marshall. TX 75670 Delta Rho Lambda (San Antonio - #205) Brodes Hartley. Jr (P) P. 0 Box 10071 San Antonio. TX 78210 Epsilon Alpha Lambda (Tyler - #212) No Report Epsilon Epsilon Lambda (Waco - #216) Mason Yarbrough (VP) P 0. Box 1405 Waco. TX 76703

Epsilon Tau Lambda (Prairie View - #229) Earl Jones (P) P. O Box 2241 Prairie View. TX 77445 Epsilon Phi Lambda (Port A r t h u r - # 2 3 1 ) No Report Zeta Tau Lambda (Amanita-#251) No Report Eta Upsilon Lambda (Odessa - #274) James Bradford (CS) 1315 E.Parker Street Midland, TX 79701 Theta Delta Lambda (El P a s o - # 2 8 1 ) Robert Simms 9137 Turrentine El Paso, TX 79925 'Theta Kappa Lambda (Lubbock - #287 Grover Colvin (CS) 1801 East 28th Street Lubbock, TX 79404 Kappa Gamma Lambda (Texarkana - #526) No Report 'Kappa Sigma Lambda (Killen - #540) Robert Harris (P) P. 0. Box 1338 Killeen. TX 76541 •Mu Rho Lambda (Longview - #561) Cliffoid Harkless (CS) Route 1 - Box 208 Tatum. TX 75691

WEST ARIZONA/UTAH NEVADA Director Felix Goodwin 7065 N Stardust Tucson. AZ 85718 COLLEGE CHAPTERS 'Zeta Theta (U of Arizona - # 3 3 9 ) Leslie Boyd (P) SU P0 20825 Tucson, AZ 85720 lota Upsilon (Utah State U - #416) No Report MuEta (Arizona State U - #448) Herbert Stephens (P) 202 W. Hermosa - #F204 Tempe, AZ 85282 ALUMNI CHAPTERS 'Delta Tau Lambda (Phoenix - #207) William Corbin (CS) 2401 W Cheery Lynn Road Phoenix, AR 85015 'Eta Psi Lambda (Tucson - #277) Richard Davis (CS) 5620 E. South Wilshire Dr Tucson. AZ 85711 Theta Pi lambda (Las Vegas - #292) No Report

CALIFORNIA (Central) Director Earl McCullar 400 E. Gettsburg Clover. CA 93612 COLLEGE CHAPTER Epsilon Beta (Fresno State - #311) Powell Brannon (P) 246 E Hawes Fresno, CA 93706 ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Nu Lambda (Fresno - #513) No Report Kappa Eta Lambda (Bakersfield - #530) Donald Harris (S) 140 Donna Street Bakersfield, CA 93304

CALIFORNIA (Northern) Director ioe C. Thomas 208 Chadwick Way Bemcia. CA 94510 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Epsilon (U C Berkeley - #27) No Report Delta Omicron (Stanford - #301) Inactive Epsilon Mu (San Jose State U - #320) Ronald Cannon (P) 4567 Hamilton Ave - #1 San Jose. CA 95130

"Nu Sigma (Stanford - #480) Theodore Harris (P) P 0 Box 7110 Stanford, CA 94305 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Phi Lambda (Berkeley - #186) J. Oscar Williams (S) 6126 Foot Hill Blvd. Oakland. CA 94605 Gamma Chi Lambda (San Francisco - #187) William Hunter (CS) 255 Urbano Drive San Francisco, CA 94127 'Eta Sigma Lambda (San lose - #272) Richard Terrell (CS) 4959 Massachusetts Drive San lose, CA 95136 Theta Beta Lambda (Oakland - #279) No Report Kappa Alpha Lambda (Monterey - #524) No Report 'Kappa Omicron Lambda (Valleio - #537) lesse Bethel (S) 315 Pepper Drive Valleio, CA 94590

CALIFORNIA (Sacramento) Director Theodore F Hayes 6001 Riverside Blvd - #208 Sacramento, CA 95831 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta Eta (U C Davis - #382) Vincent G, Hayes (P) 5 City Court Sacramento, CA 95833 luChi (U of the Pacific - # 4 8 4 ) Vincent Oiange (P) 3939 Pershing Avenue - #76) Stockton, CA 95207 ALUMNI CHAPTERS 'Zeta Beta Lambda (Sacramento - #235) Heman Smith (P) P. 0 Box 22261 Sacramento. CA 95822 •Nu Beta Lambda (Stockton - #569) Kenneth D Peters 908 Cooper Court Stockton. GA 95210

CALIFORNIA (San Diego) Director Rufus Dewitt 4937 Dafter Drive San Diego, CA 92041 COLLEGE CHAPTER •Eta Sigma (Metro San Diego - #370) Dione Teague 3983 Mirama St. - #C Laiolla. CA 92037 ALUMNI CHAPTER Zeta Sigma Lambda (San Diego - #250) Norns Charles (CS) 7594 Careybrook Lane San Diego, CA 92114


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Psi Lambda (Los Angeles-#166) Samuel W. Davis (RS) 6743 Third Avenue Los Angeles. CA 90043 Eta Pi Lambda (Pasadena - #270) Wallace Walker (P) P 0. Box 1884 Altadena, CA 91001 lota Zeta Lambda (Compton - #507) George B Brown (P) 3946 Burnside Avenue Los Angeles. CA 90008 •Mu Xi Lambda (Rialto - #558) Kenneth Chapman (S) P 0 Box 7057 San Bernadino. CA 9241] Mu Sigma Lambda (Culver City - #562) James Hobby (P) 1253 S. Masselin Los Angeles. CA 90019

COLORADO Director Phillip Cochran 1165 Drexel Street Boulder. CO 80303 COLLEGE CHAPTER Alpha lota (U of Colorado-#31) Jeffry L P. McDonald (S) 223 Cockell Hall - UC Boulder. CO 80310 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Delta Psi Lambda (Denver-#211) Phillip Cochran (CS) 1165 Drexel Street Boulder, CO 80303 •lota Omicron Lambda (Colorado Springs #515) Earnest Martin (P) 118 Ithaca Street WidefieldCO 80911 Mu Upsilon Lambda (Boulder - #564) Ronald E Reese (S) P 0 Box 2158 Boulder. CO 80306

HAWAII Director C. Edward Singer 410 Magellan Street - Apt 908 Honolulu. HI 96813 ALUMNI CHAPTER •Mu Beta Lambda (Honolulu - #547) Dan C Matthews(T) P 0 Box 267 Pearl City, HI 96782

NEW MEXICO Director Boyd Jackson 1305 Evelyn Court, NE Albuquerque. NM 87112 ALUMNI CHAPTER •Iota Psi Lambda (Albuquerque - #523) Samuel Harris (S) P O Box 5435 Albuquerque. NM 87115


(Southern) Director Herbert Starke Director 15013 SE 171st Street William Dailey Renton. WA 98055 1459 West 45th Street COLLEGE CHAPTERS Los Angeles. CA 90062 •Alpha Xi COLLEGE CHAPTERS (U of Washington - #35) Alpha Delta Henry H. Cannon (USC - #26) 3510 South 180th - C7 Elliott Swinton (P) Seattle WA 98188 3131 S McClintock - A302 BetaPsr Los Angeles. CA 90007 (U of Oregon - #66) Gamma Xi Inactive (UCLA - #79) lota Tau Hascal Humes (P) (Eastern Washington U - #415) 308 Westwood Plaza Joseph Reid (S) Box 135 PUB Box 9 4 0 - E W U Westwood, CA 90024 Cheney. WA 99004 •Iota Chi ALUMNI CHAPTERS (U of Red lands - # 4 1 8 ) Epsilon Zeta Lambda Junius Pieison (P) (Portland - #217) 2298 S. Martin Street No Report Perns, CA 92370 Zeta Pi Lambda lota Psi (California Polytechnic U - #419) (Seattle - #248) Kenneth Poston (P) Donald Simmons (P) P O Box 24572 P.O Box 1742 Seattle. WA 98124 Pomona, CA 91768 lota Mu Lambda Mu Kappa (Tacoma#512) (U C Santa Barbara - #451) Joseph Peyton. Jr. (S) No Report Box 171 - Fern Hill Station •MuChi Tacoma, WA 98412 (Cal State Long Beach - #462) Nu Epsilon Lambda(Richland - #572) Louis Noble (P) Clarence J. Ward (S) 11002 S Crenshaw - #4 P. 0. Box 1239 Inglewood, CA 90303 Richland, WA 99352

The Sphinx

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