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editor's review Greetings . THE VOICE OF THE BROTHERS: Brother KENNETH ROBINSON, President of Kappa Chi Lambda Chapter, wrote to voice his concern about the lateness of the journal (in particular, the Summer 1980 issue). Brother Robinson was especially concerned about promotional information on the General Convention — which was included, although the convention was over when most Brothers received their copies. First, let me point out that the only convention information included was the "back cover" — identical to the one which had been run on the three previous issues during the year. Consequently, no information was missed by the Brothers because of late publication. However, the larger question looms — and it is a valid concern. We have discussed the need for maintaining a relatively flexible schedule at the past several General Conventions, both in the Publications Committee and in my report to the Brotherhood. In several instances, we have decided to delay publication in order to include certain materials. This is an option which must remain, because The Sphinx is unparalleled as a source of communication with the Brothers. But, we are committed to remaining within the seasonal publication periods authorized by the General Convention. I think that you can see the progress made in this direction since the close of the convention! Another matter of concern came to my attention "through the grapevine." In this instance, a College Brother, when asked what he'd like to see added to The Sphinx, replied that he thought more attention should be given to the accomplishments of College Brothers — especially in regular features like Alphas On The Move and There Goes An Alpha Man. If only he knew how much I shared his opinion! I have pointed out on a number of occasions that the academic, extra-curricular and athletic attainments of Alpha Men in undergraduate school are comparable to the professional accomplishments of our alumni. The difference in coverage is a direct result of the fact that Alumni Brothers submit news — while, inexplicably, College Brothers have yet to do so to any significant degree. I became so frustrated with this problem that, several years ago, I instituted the Distinguished Collegians feature in order to give greater publicity to the outstanding work being done by our College Brothers. I look forward to the day when this special feature will be unnecessary — because each issue will carry a large number of articles on College Brothers, like the one featuring Brother ARTHUR HOUSTON in this edition of Alphas On The Move. The section is open to all news, if you send it in — we'll print it! DEADLINE: The deadline for the Summer 1981 issue (the last prior to the General Convention) is MARCH 1,1981 . . . Our cover story for this issue, naturally, is a profile of Alpha's 26th General President, Brother OZELL SUTTON. My thanks to Brother Sutton for his cooperation in preparing this feature — and Associate Editor BRADFORD SPENCER for penning a fine article . . . 7987 — Milestone or Challenge is the title of our thought-provoking Legacy feature. Brother MARSHALL WILLIAMS shares with us his insight (always brilliant) into what our 75th Anniversary should mean for individual Brothers and the Fraternity . . . In Focus, we honor Brother RAYFORD W. LOGAN, the Past General President who received the 1980 Spingam Medal from the NAACP. We salute that organization for chosing a truly deserving recipient . . . We would like to thank all those who expressed their appreciation for our new Commentary section. This issue contains articles by Brothers ANDREW YOUNG, HUEL PERKINS and ERWIN A. FRANCE; along with a timely Viewpoint piece by Brother THOMAS S. WATSON, JR. . . . Don't miss the exciting Alpha Athletes feature on Minnesota Vikings stalwart GREG COLEMAN. The article was submited by Brother KEITH A. MILES, son of the inimitable "Moses G." Look forward to more super articles by this talented young journalist. . . College Scene Editor JULIUS HALL will be pleased to know that he's getting rave reviews from all corners. His article in this issue should continue that trend . . . IMPORTANT MATERIALS: This issue also includes a number of inserts for your convenience. These include the Resume Form for use in the 14th Annual Alpha Job Fair and Placement Program; Undergraduate Scholarship applications; and nomination forms for the 1981 edition of Distinguished Collegians. P.S. Feel free to make copies of these forms if you don't want to tear a page out of the journal... Until next issue ... MJP

on the drawing board • The Inauguration — In Atlanta • Brother Quinn Buckner— of the Bucks • The 1981 Leadership Team





Associate Editors: Julius R. Hall, Bradford Spencer, Walter E. Tyson; Contributing Editors: James B. Blanton, Alpha Workshop; Julius R. Hall, College Scene; Laurence T. Young, Sr., Omega Chapter; James R. Williams, Ex Officio. Commentary Columnists: Andrew Young, Lu Palmer, Michael Price, Erwin France, Huel Perkins.


The 26th GENERAL PRESIDENT — Brother Ozell Sutton takes the helm — as Alpha Phi Alpha enters its 75th year of service. The Sphinx looks at the Fraternity's new leader.


LEGACY — Brother Marshall Williams, a 50-year member of Alpha Phi Alpha, contemplates the coming of the Diamond Jubilee. His article is entitled, "1981 — Milestone or Challenge?."


ALPHA ATHLETE — Brother Greg Coleman is the National Football League's only Black punter. His comeback and the improved Minnesota Vikings are examined by Brother Keith Miles.


FOCUS — Alpha's 14th General President, Brother Rayford W. Logan, receives the NAACP's Spingarn Medal — recognizing over fifty years of scholarly achievements.

2 3 4 9 19 23 27 35 37 38

— The General President Speaks — The Executive Secretary's Desk — There Goes An Alpha Man — College Scene — Million Dollar Fund Drive — Alphas On The Move — Chapter News — Omega Chapter — Directory of Officers — Chapter Directory

o ^ C * *A

ABOUT THE COVER: The line begun by Brother Moses Morrison — and including Brothers Callis, Wesley, Lawson and Morial — is continued as Brother James R. Williams is succeeded by the Fraternity's 26th General President, Brother Ozell Sutton.


The Sphinx (USPS 510-440) The Sphinx is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc.. 4432 Dr Martin Luther King Dr., Chicago, IL 60653 Published four times a year: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter Send all editonal mail and change of address (send both addresses) to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, 4432 Dr Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653 Manuscripts or art submitted to The Sphinx should be accompanied by addressed envelopes and return postage. Editor assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. Opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and use of any person's name in fiction, semi-fiction articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility of The Sphinx. It is never done knowingly Copyright 1 976 by The Sphinx. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc Reproduction or use, without written permission, of the editorial or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited. The Sphinx has been published continuously since 1914. Organizing Editor Bro. Raymond W. Cannon. Organizing General President: Bro. Henry Lake Dickason Second class postage paid at Chicago, IL. Postmaster Send form 3579 and all correspondence 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr.. Chicago, IL 60653.

ftuni ©H1HIHM JPHSSOTETiF SEMES. 9U Four years ago I was privileged to receive what is, in reality, the highest honor bestowed upon a member of our great Fraternity by his Brothers — the office of General President of Alpha Phi Alpha. The Fraternity at that time had progressed steadily since its founding in 1906 and, under the leadership of my immediate predecessor, we had experienced the greatest period of chapter expansion in our history. I pledged at that time to continue Alpha's forward movement and we chose as our national program theme a credo echoing our place in the Fraternity's history: "BACK TO BASICS: The Greatness of Our Past Is the Key to Our Future." In my last report, I tried to give each of you an overview of the things we have done to advance the cause of Alpha Phi Alpha and, perhaps more importantly, to set the foundation for continued progress in the future. During these past four years, I am proud to say that we faced the tough issues head-on — new problems brought on by our unparalleled growth, the demand for increased services, a rising public outcry over abuses in fraternity pledge activities and a spiraling worldwide rate of inflation. Each of these factors placed new challenges before us — but the enlightened leadership of the Board of Directors and support of chapters and Brothers across this country determined that Alpha would meet each challenge, and "transcend." The area of fiscal responsibility received priority consideration during this period. We moved to protect the accumulated assets of our organization by setting up a restricted Life Membership Reserve Fund. At the same time, we increased operating funds by making the General Convention self-sufficient; imposing budget restraints; and by bringing our fee and tax schedule more in line with the actual cost of providing essential Fraternity operations. This is a pattern which must continue — for costs will continue to rise, our 2

organization will continue to grow, and the need (and demand) for services to the Brotherhood will continue to increase. Given these factors, the need for a sound fiscal base will remain an essential element of continued progress. The Standing Orders now serve as a uniform guide for the processing of new members into our Brotherhood. The entire Fraternity system was faced with the problem of eliminating hazing and brutality and, unfortunately, our organization was no exception. Here again we met the challenge — with input from every segment of the Fraternity — and we can now move forward to ensure that each new member of Alpha Phi Alpha is taught the true meaning of the Fraternity, without the senseless and degrading experience of illegal hazing. I will not try to recap all of our accomplishments during the past four years — this was summarized in the last issue. However, I would like to point out that much was done to strengthen the General Office staff. No organization of our kind can move forward without a competent and professional headquarters staff. We are fortunate to have such a group. The profes-

sionals on our staff, headed by Executive Secretary James B. Blanton, possess nearly twenty years of experience in working with this organization. They are dedicated and career-oriented — and work hard to improve both the quality and quantity of service. This staff provides support services to practically every function of the Fraternity, performing far more tasks than ever before. They deserve your continued support as Alpha moves forward. Programmatically, we have given priority to the completion of the Million Dollar Fund Drive to benefit the NAACP, UNCF and National Urban League. We have collected over half of our goal — and I am confident that we will succeed during the next year. Similarly, we have worked hard to provide a means for securing an adequate and attractive headquarters facility for our General Office — one fitting an organization such as ours. These two items still face us — and we must deal with them effectively. I render this final message to the Brotherhood with the same pleasure and humility which accompanied my initial report as your General President. I shall always be grateful for the support you gave to me during my administration. There is no question in my mind that our work has served to insure that Alpha can continue to be the type of organization envisioned by our Jewels. We are strong, fiscally sound and capable of providing great service to our communities and this nation. I am confident that my successor, Brother Ozell Sutton, will provide the leadership needed to continue the ever forward movement of Alpha Phi Alpha. With your support, Alpha will continue to grow stronger. Fraternally, Fraternally,


JAMES R. WILLIAMS General President The Sphinx / Winter 1980

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Dear Brothers: By now, you are well into your chapter program for this fraternal year — and we would like to take this opportunity to urge you to step back and make sure that your program is in tune with the overall National Program of the Fraternity. To assist you in this endeavor, we have mailed to the chapters copies of the 1980-81 Capitol, which contains all the forms you will need to conduct business with the National Office. YOU SHOULD USE THIS GUIDE TO KEEP ALL PERTINENT INFORMATION INTACT. In the future, The Annual Guide will be mailed to you as soon as your chapter reports its current (newly-elected) officers for the upcoming year to the National Office — by way of filing an official DIRECTORY OF CHAPTER OFFICERS (listing the "Contact Person"). For your convenience, we attempted to give a "summary" of the major areas of business conducted between the chapters and the General Office. In each instance we tried to present a brief but concise capsule of information — to enable you to help us expedite your requests.

In addition to the procedural summary, we have enclosed the following forms and documents: Report of Remittance of Funds Forms Application for Undergraduate Scholarship Directory of Chapter Officers — 1981 Alpha Workshop (Tearsheet) re: Convention Awards Information Sheet re: Report of Remittance of Funds(DRM)

PLEASE PUT YOUR "STANDING ORDERS" IN THIS GUIDE (along with the other Chapter Mailing items) — to keep them all together. If you have any other suggestions as to how we may improve this " C h a p t e r G u i d e , " please advise me. SEND YOUR SUGGESTIONS TO THIS OFFICE; we shall appreciate them! In closing, I hope that each of you has enjoyed the holiday season. All of us at the General Office wish each of you the best in the New Year.

Fraternally yours,

sU*"«^> &. &ft_v3fc. James B. Blanton Executive Secretary

The General Office Staff Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Wishing ybu all t\e best ir^ tl\e IN(ew^Year! The Sphinx / Winter 1980


There Goes An Alpha Nan Rockefeller Award To Psychiatrist Comer

Brother JAMES P. COMER, Maurice Falk Professor of Child Psychiatry at the Yale Child Study Center and Associate Dean of Yale Medical School, was awarded a $10,000 Rockefeller Public Service Award for broadening opportunities for youth.. Brother Comer is being honored for developing a public elementary school program that encourages low-income minority children to grow intellectually and emotionally. During more than a decade of work with the parents, teachers, and students of predominantly black Martin Luther King School, Dr. Comer built an environment of trust, confidence, and cooperation within the school that led to markedly improved student behavior and achievement. Comer outlines the program in his recently published book — School Power — and is himself currently involved in training other educators to replicate his model. James Comer believes that the schools provide an unparalleled opportunity to intervene positively in the lives of disadvantaged children. Thus he welcomed the opportunity offered to him in 1968 to direct the Baldwin-King School Program of the Yale Child Study Center where earlier he had been a fellow in Child Psychiatry. Since that time, Dr. Comer has applied his training in medicine, human development, and social psychology to the task of upgrading performance in the inner-city schools of New Haven, Connecticut. Dr. Comer's premise is that learning can improve only when the behavior problems plaguing urban schools are significantly reduced. Together with his staff, he focused on breaking down the many barriers inhibiting effective collaboration among all the members of the King School community. His team also worked to develop a consensus on educational objectives within the 4

school and to involve parents as well as school professionals in its operation and governance. Eventually as relationships were strengthened, Dr. Comer turned his attention to the curriculum. A supplemental "social skills curriculum" — tailored to teach minority pupils the skills commonly picked up by middle class children in the home — was integrated into the regular academic course. By 1979, even though the neighborhood around the King School continued to deteriorate, Comer's strategy began to pay off. Test scores improved significantly (up almost to grade level in math and reading), absenteeism diminished and serious disciplinary problems virtually disappeared. Formal training was only one source of Dr. Comer's insight into the complex problems he confronted at the King School. As he himself suggests in his book Beyond Black and White "... the other was my own experience of growing up black in a white-controlled America." Although Comer had been successful in the integrated East Chicago, Indiana, schools, going on to college at Indiana University and medical school at Howard, he was acutely aware that most of his black classmates — many with undereducated, poor parents like his own and some with abilities equal to his — were badly scarred by the schools. In those early years, they e s t a b l i s h e d patterns of lifelong underachievement and failure. Later, volunteer work with the hard-core poor in Washington, D.C., deepened Comer's concern about the cost — in human terms and in national terms — of lives burdened by poverty and broken by unresponsive institutions. He resolved to refocus his own career from the private practice of medicine to public health and child and family psychiatry. Comer returned to graduate school at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health where his Master's thesis centered on the potential of elementary schools to prevent social and psychological problems in young children. In his work at the Martin Luther King School, Dr. Comer has put his theory to the test and has shown that an improvement in the elementary school experience of minority children can result in improved opportunities. The Rockefeller Public ° ..je Awards recognize outstanding acnievements in the public interest. Five awards have been presented annually since 1952 when the program was established by the late John D. Rockefeller, III. Over the years these

awards have become widely regarded as the highest honor for citizens working in service to the public. The program is administered by the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs of Princeton University.

The fudge Retires

Brother SIDNEY A. JONES, Jr., Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, retired on December 1, 1980. Judge Jones was elected Judge in December, 1960, and completed 20 years of judicial service on December 1, 1980. He was retained in 1966, in 1972, and in 1978, for 6-year terms. Judge Jones legal career began in 1931 when he graduated from Northwestern University Law School with honors, including election to the honorary legal fraternity, the Order Of The Coif. He entered the practice of law with Brother Albert B. George, who was the first Black Judge elected in Chicago, or the nation, and Charles J. Jenkins, a member of the Illinois Legislature. Judge George served in the Municipal Court of Chicago from 1924 to 1930. In 1939, Judge Jones joined the legal staff of the United States Department of Labor, where he served as Senior Attorney until 1945. In 1945, he resigned and returned to the practice of law with the late James B. Cashin and Brother Edward B. Toles, now a United States Bankruptcy Judge. After the death of James B. Cashin, Judge Jones' associates, in addition to Mr. Toles, included Cecil A. Partee, Brother James A. McLendon, and Hollis L. Green and Odas Nicholson, until he was elected judge. Judge Jones served as Alderman of the 6th Ward from 1955 to 1959. He worked to end abuses in the schools, fought police misconduct, introduced an ordinance or resolution to ask the General Assembly to pay a salary of, at least, $10,000 a year to members of the Board of Education, and obtained many parking lots and playlots for his Ward. The Sphinx / Winter 1980

Judge Jones is completing 50 years as a lawyer. Between 1939 and 1945, he was Senior Attorney for the United States Department of Labor. Before becoming a judge he had an extensive law practice, and participated in many civic affairs, including a member of the Board of Directors of The Chicago Urban League, The Chicago Chapter of The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, President of the Parkway Community House, Chairman of the Board of the Woodlawn Boy's Club, Member of the Board and a founder of the Joint Negro Appeal, Trustee of Coppin Memorial A.M.E. Church, and President of The Cook County Bar Association, and was one of the first Black lawyers to be admitted to the Chicago Bar Association. As an Alderman, he fought racial discrimination on many fronts including schools, police, recreation, housing and other areas. He tried and won cases involving police brutality and discrimination in places of public accommodation. As Judge for 20 years, Judge Jones was rarely reversed by the Appellate Courts. Many landmark decisions were rendered by the Appellate Courts upholding decisions of Judge Jones. Judge Jones is the senior member of the Judiciary of his race, and has served as Judge longer than any other Black Judge in Illinois. Brother Jones was initiated at Atlanta University in 1926 and has remained an active member through the years. He is Life Member No. 18. He served as President of Theta Chapter in Chicago and was instrumental in purchasing the present Fraternity House in Chicago, where the National Headquarters are located. He has attended most all of the General Conventions during the last 52 years and has served as Mid-Western Vice-President and as Acting General Secretary. He has served on many committees of the General Conventions and has served, at various times, as banquet speaker and convention speaker. He was Chairman of the General Convention "SMOKERS" in 1977, 1978, and 1979, and 1980. He was selected as Alpha Phi Alpha's "Man of the Year" at the Philadelphia Convention in 1958, and given the Alpha Award of Merit. He is Chairman of the Committee on National Headquarters. He is Trustee of Atlanta University, and at the centennial celebration of the School, in 1965, he was named as one of the 10 outstanding living graduates. His son, Attorney Sidney A. Jones, III, was initiated at Tau Chapter at the University of Illinois, and is a former president of Xi Lambda Chapter in Chicago. Brother Jones was one of the attorneys who worked with Brother Belford V. Lawson in the celebrated case of Elmer Henderson vs. Southern Railroad, and Stamps vs. L&N Railroad, and other cases and litigation which resulted in the elimination of segregated dining car facilities on railroad trains. The Sphinx / Winter 1980

Wynn Named College Prexy

THERE GOES AN ALPHA MAN There goes a man of high impulse Of princely mien and grace There goes a man of humble faith A credit to his race There goes a man of conscience vast with will to reach his goal There goes a man of lordly rank Of heroes' stock and soul— There goes a man of noble caste Whom hardship cannot break There goes a man in merit clad Whom duty won't forsake There goes a man in cultured verse Who holds a sportsman's creed There goes a man too vigilant To bow to lust or greed There goes a man whose life is spent in service not in scorn There goes a man whose majesty Shines like a May time

There goes a man who is a friend To love and duty truth There goes a man to help uplift The lives of wholesome youth There goes a man with industry and faith at his command. There goes the best man in and out For he is an Alpha Man.

On Thursday, November 6, 1980, the North Carolina State Board of Education unanimously approved Brother PHAIL WYNN, Jr., Life Member No. 2698, as president of Durham Technical Institute, making him the youngest person and the first Black to hold a community college presidency in the state. A search committee of the Durham Technical Institute Board of Trustees chose Dr. Wynn from 170 applicants and 10 finalists. Brother Wynn had served as interim president of the school since May 1, 1980. Durham Tech, which is a comprehensive state and county-supported two-year institution, is the sixth largest of the 58 institutions in the North Carolina Community College System. A native of Lawton, Oklahoma, Brother Wynn received a B.A. degree in psychology from the University of Oklahoma and holds the Masters and Doctoral degrees in community college administration from North Carolina State University at Raleigh. Brother Wynn was a charter member of Zeta Zeta Chapter at the University of Oklahoma. He served six years in the U.S. Army, primarily as a counterintelligence officer, before settling in North Carolina. He currently resides in Raleigh, N.C., and is a member of Phi Lambda C h a p t e r w h o s e members have honored him by naming him chapter "Man of the Year" for 1978 and 1980. Brother Wynn is married to the former Peggy Lynch of Whitakers, N.C., who is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. The Wynns have one son, Rahsaan Phail Wynn, age 3.



by Bradford Spen

I n 1968, Brother Ozell Sutton was doing his job — working as a Field Representative for the Community Relations Service of the United States Department of Justice. He was assigned to work on equal rights programs in several cities in the Southern part of the country. He also served as a mediator during racial disturbances. That is how he came to be in Memphis in 1968, during the strike by that city's garbage workers. For the stay, he was registered in Room 308 at the Lorraine Hotel. In Room 306 was another member of Alpha Phi Alpha — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Practically everyone knows the significance of this date and time for Dr. King, Black America and this country. Brother Sutton recalls that time often — as he continues his work with the Justice Department, and takes the helm as General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha's 26th General President is no stranger to adversity. He grew up in a sharecropper's home near Gould, Arkansas. The oneroom schoolhouse is for him a real memory — not just a storybook scenario. Walking to school was the order of the day, coupled with the dubious pleasure of watching the bus pass each day loaded with children of another race. He completed eighth grade at the "colored" school in Gould. But that was the extent of the education available locally and the family had no money to assist him in continuing his education. So he struck off on his own. In Little Rock, he got a job as a dishwasher at Walgreens, working over 60 hours a week in that supposedly part-time job. After Walgreens came another restaurant job. This one was downtown and during that stretch he got the opportunity to watch Brother Thurgood Marshall argue that Black teachers should get equal pay for the work they performed. Brother Sutton 6

notes that time also — as a point of inspiration to him. The dishwashing paid off with Ozell's graduation from Dunbar High School in Little Rock. After two years in the Marine Corps, he returned to that city to enter college. He attended Dunbar College for two years and then graduated from Philander Smith College. Brother Sutton is now a member of that school's Board of Trustees. •

On the recommendation of one of his college instructors, Brother Sutton was hired as a reporter by the Arkansas Democrat newspaper in 1950. He started work four months prior to his graduation from college — and became the first Black reporter on a major Southern newspaper. He recalls that he knew nothing about journalism at the time. But the Democrat was the more conser-

vative of Little Rock's two daily newspapers — and Black folks didn't normally read it (or, more importantly, buy it). So the paper decided that it needed a Black reporter and would train one. Brother Sutton became that one — and he entered his new career with zeal. His favorite story from those days (and he has lots of stories) stems from the matter of using courtesy titles for Black women. In those days, no "Miss" or "Mrs." was placed before the names of "those folk." He notes that every time he'd write one in, the editors would cut it out. After getting no relief, he tried a new tactic . . . using initials. Thus Mrs. Mattie Mae Jones became, in Sutton's copy, Mrs. M. M. Jones; forcing the paper to either keep the title or wipe out the gender of the subject altogether. The Democrat, needless to say, began using courtesy titles for Black women.

The Sphinx / Winter 1980

door. That incident led to the desegregation of the cafeteria. In 1966, Brother Sutton was hired by the Community Relations Service of the Justice Department. Following the slaying of Dr. King, Brother Sutton went back to work for Winthrop Rockefeller, then Governor of Arkansas, this time as Director of the Governor's Council on Human Resources and special assistant. In 1969, he rejoined the Community Relations Service as State Supervisor for Arkansas. In 1972, he was appointed to his present position as Director of the Southeast Region, including the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida.

Brother Ozell Sutton

Brother Sutton left the Democrat, and his journalism career, shortly before the desegregation of Little Rock's Central High School. He was one of the persons who assisted Mrs. Daisy Bates, head of the Arkansas NAACP and leader in the fight to allow Black students to attend Central. Ozell and three or four others were given the job of recruiting eligible students to make the bold attempt. Despite the fear, nine of their charges remained when the time came . . . "The Little Rock Nine."

Brother Sutton began his professional career in human relations after leaving the newspaper — working first with the Little Rock Housing Authority and as a personal assistant to Winthrop Rockefeller. In 1961, he became Associate Director of the Arkansas Council on Human Relations, an interracial group working for equal rights. He was The Sphinx / Winter 1980

appointed Executive Director of the council in 1964.

Brother Sutton led sit-ins of college students and others at downtown establishments. Under his leadership, the group negotiated with businessmen and civic leaders; and most of the theatres and restaurants were integrated prior to passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Elected officials of the state, however, were still resistant — as Ozell found out. While gathering data for a voter registration drive, he found himself going to the cafeteria in the State Capitol because he was hungry. He was refused service, and his protests citing the recently enacted Civil Rights Act didn't impress the management. While arguing he was approached by two large white men who, after Brother Sutton still refused to leave, picked him up, swung him back and forth, and tossed him out the

As you can well imagine, this position keeps him plenty busy. The Community Relations Service works as a mediator in racial and ethnic disputes through the region. As Brother Sutton has noted, "We serve as sort of a barometer on the extent of equal opportunity, and the racial climate, in the region. We try to prevent conflict, as well as resolve it." His job puts him in face-to-face debates with leaders of the Ku Klux Klan; involves negotiations with community groups; puts him in the forefront of the crusade to curb excessive use of force by policemen . . . in short, his professional career is aimed at helping others overcome barriers to equal opportunity similar to those he has had to overcome each day of his life. <

Brother Sutton has had a long and distinguished career in service to Alpha Phi Alpha. He served as State Director of Arkansas and, later, was elected to the Board of Directors as Southwestern Vice President. He served in that position until 1972, when he moved to Atlanta. A Life Member, he immediately became active with the Fraternity in that Continued on page 8 7

Continued from page 7

area and, when Brother Matthew Dawson relocated (also for a new job), Brother Sutton was tapped to succeed him as State Director of Georgia. He was then elected Southern Vice President and returned to the Board of Directors for a second stint. Following two terms in that position, he was named Chairman of the Committee on Public Policy by the man he succeeds, General President James R. Williams. "Commitment, Involvement and Service" are the watchwords Brother Ozell Sutton brings to his new position as head of the nation's oldest Black college fraternity. They are evidenced in his work within Alpha Phi Alpha and his community — where he is extremely active. He is President of the Greater Loch Lomond Community Organization; a member of the Executive Board of the Atlanta NAACP; and a member of the Board of Trustees of Friendship Baptist Church. He also serves as President of the Southeast Association of Black Federal Officials and, as previously mentioned, a member of the Board of Trustees of his alma mater. After the marches and demonstrations; the professional work; and volunteer service, inside the Fraternity and elsewhere, Brother Sutton has worked to remember how it was . . . and move forward. As for the minor obstacles he encountered along the way, his hometown newspaper put it best, "He Can Laugh About It Now!" And, he does. All the obstacles he has encountered have pretty much been surmounted. And Brother Sutton is quick to give credit to his mother (his father died when he was three) — and his wife and children. His wife, Joanna, is a former schoolteacher, both in Atlanta and Arkansas. She is now a community relations specialist for the Community Relations Administration. His oldest 8

Alpha's New First Couple: Ozell & Joanna Sutton

daughter is Angela Sutton Martin, who still lives in Little Rock and works for American Airlines. His two other daughters are Alta Sutton Pratt-Ansa and Dietre Jo, the latter a senior Philosophy major at Howard University. Ozell and Joanna have three grandchildren — Samuel Martin, Jr.; Angela Martin; and Afrika Jonee Pratt-Ansa. We close this profile with what just has to be Brother Sutton's favorite story. The plot is something like this: When he was a boy, his mother argued with a plantation owner about the amount of money the family owed at the plantation store. Mrs. Sutton wouldn't retreat, and the family was tossed off the planta-

tion. Later, when he was assistant to Governor Rockefeller, a secretary called him to meet with a gentleman who'd come to see the governor. Of course, it was the plantation owner, who didn't recognize Ozell (naturally). Making himself at home behind the governor's desk, Brother Sutton kept the man waiting a little while and then asked the man if he could be of some help. The powerful planter began to explain who he was, but Sutton interrupted — noting that they had already met by saying, "I'm Lula Belle's youngest boy." "I'll be damned," was the planter's reply — over, and over, and over again! He left without ever saying why he came. Brother Sutton is still laughing. . The Sphinx / Winter 1 9 8 0

Goiieoe Is "Alpha" Possible? "Mere Propaganda" — I thought — listening to the spiel of the Alphas at a Sunday afternoon smoker approximately three years ago. I, with only two months of college under my belt, had grown skeptical of virtually all institutions and traditions. Today, as a senior in college and as an ardent supporter and believer in the ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha, I find myself answering an array of questions from other skeptics that, in sum, pose the questions: Is "Alpha" possible? Is it necessary? As a sophomore I met an older gentleman who saw fraternities as an affront to God. He thought that, in our pride and love for Alpha, we were "worshipping" and showing allegiances to something other than our Savior. On the contrary, there are those constantly envisioning "the revolution" — who criticize fraternities for being steeped in petty-bourgeois customs, and being insensitive to the "real" struggle. Likewise, on my campus, there is a noted historian who lectures on the lack of support that Alpha (as well as other groups) gave Brother Paul Robeson in his time of need. All of these groups are asking and charging that "Alpha" is not possible. The most poignant and piercing affronts, however, come from within. That thoroughly planned and sanctioned measures, such as the model pledge program, are oftimes quickly

Responses to this article or thoughts for future ones are welcomed. Please address them to Julius Hall, 192 7 Orrington Avenue, #8310, EvanstonJL 60201 The Sphinx / Winter 1980

dismissed as "unacceptaDie maKes me, too, wonder whether the full impact of "Alpha" is possible. As long as there are instances of plummeting grade-point averages for pledges, and potential hazing, we have to ask ourselves if the dream of "Alpha" is being realized. Brother W. E. B. DuBois in an address to the Howard University Class

of 1930, addressed this question. He bluntly labeled college fraternities and sororities as a disappointment because of their refusal to be relevant. He, too, was asking (not only of Alpha Phi Alpha but other fraternities, also), if they were . . . necessary. (The Seventh Son, Page 563, Julius Lester, 1971.) Indeed Alpha Phi Alpha was necessary in 1906 and at the time that both W. E. B. DuBois and Paul Robeson joined. Its ideals were deemed possible then, and little has changed since then. Let's not fool ourselves with our minor inroads into the nation's superstructure. As the saying goes, "Just as all movement is not forward, all change is not for the better." Given challenges to affirmative action, the rise of groups such as the KKK, and dwindling Black enrollment in many schools and fields, one would have to c o n c l u d e that " A l p h a " is still necessary. There is still a need for Brotherhood in college. "Alpha," as I see it, is a philosophy embodied in men. One that is a support system that builds and gives. A quick study of the history of Black organizations would show that many have disappeared. Our task is to keep Alpha Phi Alpha functional and useful, or it too may meet the same fate. This is no minor challenge. Strangely enough, though, it is fortunate that we are challenged and our existence questioned. For there is no greater test of transcendence. But the next time someone asks you, or challenges you about Alpha Phi Alpha, first ask yourself: "What am I doing to make 'Alpha' possible?" For that is crucial to your response to them . . . and Alpha Phi Alpha. Julius Hall

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. DIAMOND JUBILEE CONVENTION DALLAS, TEXAS JOB INTERVIEWS — August 1, 2 and 3, 1981 >» ilolet which prohibit ducfotino mtarmot.on


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Before July 1, 1981








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The Sphinx / Winter 1 9 8 0

COMMENTARY Voting Rights Act Must Be Extended by Andrew

Andrew Young Holding on to the progress we've made. Page 11

Huel Perkins Imperatives in education. Page 13

Thomas Watson, Jr. Minority CPA's grow — serve. Page 12

Erwin A. France Problems and directions for the next generation. Page 14 The Sphinx / Winter 1980


The 1980 elections have given all of us a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge is to prevent a serious erosion during the next four years of the social, political and economic progress made in the last 20 years. That progress is threatened by the election of nard-line conservatives and reactionaries to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives and by some of the conservative policies of President Reagan. As an example of the problems we face, consider the Voting Rights Act. That law, which was enacted in 1965 and renewed in 1970 and 1975, is now scheduled to expire in 1982. Clearly it should be extended again, to protect the rights of millions of Black, Hispanic, and other minority voters. Yet Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, the new chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee which has jurisdiction over the Voting Rights Act, says that the law should be repealed. We should never forget how the Voting Rights Act came to be passed, and what it has meant for Black people and the American political system as a whole. Many people gave up their lives in the non-violent struggle of the 1960's for the right to vote. Hundreds were beaten; thousands were jailed. The struggle culminated in the 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery. That march generated a nation-wide coalition of conscience under the leadership of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and it was this coalition which demanded and finally won passage of the Voting Rights Act. Prior to 1965, in the era that went all the way back to Reconstruction in the 19th century, Blacks in the South were systematically and brutally denied the right to register and vote. In the early 1960's there were only a relative handful of Black elected officials in the South. Since the enactment of the Voting Rights Act, thousands of Black candidates have been elected to public office in the South, thanks to millions of newly registered Black voters. Moreover, the rise of Black political power in the South has transformed Southern politics and had a decisive effect on the nation as a whole. White candidates

everywhere actively campaign for Black support, and it is now commonplace to see successful Black-white coalitions in towns, cities, counties and states across the South. The whole process has had a liberalizing effect on national policies, programs and elections. Jimmy Carter could never have been President without massive Black support in the South and the Northern cities. To understand what might happen if the Voting Rights Act were repealed or expired, we can take a look at how it operates. The original Act identified Southern states and areas within states where there had been a pattern of racial discimination in registration and voting. The Act empowered the Justice Department to send federal voter registrars to those places where there was continued resistance to Black political participation, and federal examiners to monitor the conduct of elections. These federal registrars and examiners have never been extensively used, but at least the possibility of sending them to the South constituted a clear warning to election officials. More importantly, the Act requires that all changes in election procedures in the areas covered by the law be reviewed by the Justice Department. Thus the federal government checks on such changes as redisricting and revision of registration procedures to make sure that the rights of Black voters are not being violated. (Since 1975, the Act has given similar protection to Hispanics, Asian Americans, and Native Americans). Where violations occur, the Justice Department can order the state or local authorities to draw up new plans, which also must be submitted to the Justice Department for review and approval or rejection. There is, therefore, an effective dayto-day process for federal monitoring of the thousands of election law changes made at the local, county and state levels. Repeal or expiration of the Voting Rights Act would end that process, forcing Blacks and other minorities to resort to the courts for review of discriminatory voting and election procedures. Obviously, going to court would be very costly, timeconsuming, and burdensome, given the potential for large numbers of viola(Continued on page 12) 11

(Continued from page 11) tions of voting rights. Meanwhile, you can be sure that those who would turn back the clock of history would be thinking up all kinds of schemes to subvert the political process that has emerged since passage of the Voting Rights Act, knowing that their actions were no longer subject to review and rejection by the Justice Department. Thus, the stage is set for a major challenge — the challenge to renew this legislation in 1982. It is not too early to begin to plan and act for extension of the Voting Rights Act. Communities need to organize to apply pressure to

elected officials and other leaders to work for extension. Churches, labor unions, civil rights groups, people in the business world, college campuses, civic organizations, the professions, and social organizations need to be mobilized. And certainly the strong fraternal associations, notably Alpha Phi Alpha with its national network of leaders, must become involved. This challenge, and many others like it, will require much of our energy and effort during the new few years. But we also have opportunities. In economics, for example, we should be building and expanding Black business

VIEWPOINT Where Are Minority CPA Firms? by Thomas S. Watson, ]r., CPA As president of the National Association of Minority Certified Public Accounting Firms, I was often asked "Who is the largest minority CPA firm in the U.S.A.?" The question comes up so often that I have decided to herein attempt to put minority firms in perspective. There are 27,000 CPA firm practice units in the United States. Approximately 150 of those are owned by -minorities. Less than 15 of these minority firms have annual billings of more than 1 to 5 offices in each firm. This represents substantial growth since 1969 when there were about 15 minority firms employing less than 500 people. The 150 firms now employ 3,500 people. However, this growth has not put minority firms in a parity position or anywhere near it. Numbers may help to put it in perspective. The eight largest minority controlled firms combined are not equal in size to the New York City office of any of the eight largest majority owned firms. A look at the relative position of minority firms (see table at bottom) will show that substantial growth must be made before our profession has parity for its minority members. Although we, as minority firms, have a long way to go before we have firms of the size and strength of our majority owned counterparts, we are now delivering similar quality to the clients we serve. Most minority controlled firms are run by CPAs that were trained in the large firms. They have achieved a level of proficiency and professionalism that is expected in those large firms. When they started Total Market

Firms Billings People 12

27,000 firms $12 billion 275,000»people

their own practices they brought those practices, procedures, standards and attitudes with them. Their clients therefore can get the quality of a large firm while enjoying the attention and special treatment that can only come from dealing with a smaller business. This is why our firms have been able to grow so rapidly over the past ten years. Before then, most minority CPAs were self trained, having been shut out of the mainstream of our profession. They did not deliver the same quality as larger firms because they had never seen it. They did not know how. With minorities being employed in major firms, serving on committees of state and national professional societies and working in joint ventures with larger firms, we are learning, growing, developing and serving our clients better. It is now possible to be served by a minority firm and receive the same level of service quality as would be delivered by a larger firm. But the smaller minority firm will often put in a little extra effort, interest and empathy because they have to be more responsive to their good clients. They are growing fragile businesses that must still earn or reaffirm their reputation every day. Minority CPA firms make up a small, but growing part of the public accounting profession. Their owners are young energetic resourceful and determined. They will make substantial contributions to the practice of public accounting in the United States and abroad. In response to the many requests, I have included a list of the eight (8) largest minority controlled CPA firms Minority Control

150 firms $75 million 3,500 people


.5% .6%


and financial institutions in the 1980's, and we should be supportive of Blacks in the labor market, both the organized and the unorganized. In education, we will be developing a new generation of leadership for all sectors of this nation's society. In politics, we should consolidate and enlarge our power by hard community organizing and by forming coalitions which can give people governments that believe in progress, peace, and justice for all citizens. And so this new decade is a time of serious challenges and exciting opportunities, and I trust that you will be active participants and leaders. in the United States. They are not being ranked by size because the relative difference between the smallest (50 people) and the largest (100 people) can be changed by the gain or loss of one or two important clients. In alphabetical order, they are: Ashby, Armstrong, Johnson & Co. — Denver Colorado & Washington, DC; Banks, Findley, White & Co. — Southeast; Garrett, Sullivan & Co., PA — Southeast and Midwest; Lucas Tucker & Co. — Northeast; Mitchell Titus & Co. — New York City & Washington, DC; Morris Davis & Co. — Oakland, California; Vasquez, Quezada, Navarro & Co. — California; Watson, Rice & Co., Inc. — Cleveland, Ohio, New York City & Washington, DC. Although there is a natural cut off after these eight, there are a number of firms that employ between 20 and 35 people. It also follows that with a gain and loss of a few major clients any of these firms could replace any of the above as one of the eight largest minority owned firms. As with larger majority owned firms, size does not necessarily imply quality or competence in any greater degree that could be found in smaller firms. In fact, there are many high quality minority owned and controlled firms that are not listed above. We have a long way to go. We must realize that the eight largest minority CPA firms listed here, when combined, are not as large as the New York office of any of the majority controlled "Big 8." Our firms perform quality work and have learned good management. They will grow! They will help their clients grow. They are becoming a significant part of the accounting profession and the business community. They stand aready to serve minority owned businesses; state, local and federal government; other small and large businesses and individuals in need of accounting, auditing, tax, or consulting services. They stand ready to serve you with well-trained, qualified, seasoned, professional staff. A listing of our membership can be obtained from our national office: National Association of Minority CPA Firms; 916 F Street, NW; Suite 400; Washington, DC 20004; (202) 783-3141. © Copyright 1980 Thomas S. Watson, Jr., CPA

The Sphinx / Winter 1980

Education and The Years Ahead by Huel D. Perkins How and where young Blacks should be educated seems to be a perplexing question in this present decade. For some, there are too many Blacks choosing to matriculate at predominantly white colleges. For others, not quite enough. Blacks are by no means in one accord as to what should be their posture concerning whether or not education can best take place in an integrated or a segregated setting. Are Black colleges and universities needed in this day and age? Is one who believes in segregated schools a racist — be he Black or white? Do predominantly white colleges admit Blacks as freshmen but fail to graduate them? Are white schools interested only in Black athletes? Do white universities know how to teach culturally disadvantaged students? Let us begin by looking at some nondebateable aspects of the dilemma: Education is trie means by which we train this thing called a mind. It is the process whereby we cause man to rise above his status as a mere collection of chemicals and find his union with the universe at the level of the spirit and of ideas. It was this awareness of the absolute necessity of education which prompted Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity to launch its national "Go to High School — Go To College" campaign in the twenties and the thirties. This program has sometimes been referred to as the highest public endeavor of the fraternity. Blacks, as a race are still reaping the benefits of this effort. Historically, education — or the lack of it — has affected the progress of Blacks in these United States as has no other single aspect of their existence. Following the end of the Civil War, there were four million Black people in this country with nowhere to go and nothing to do, due to the lack of education. The fact that over seventy-five percent of the historically Black colleges came into existence following the Emancipation Proclamation spoke to the need for college-trained men and women as never Defore. With these colleges we were able to put teachers in schools, wipe out illiteracy as far as possible and produce leaders for a race of people who had to be led out of the bondages of their minds and their spirits. Of paramount importance in this entire discussion is the number of significant legal changes which have talcen place in American life over the past fifty years. We are 36 years beyond the historic Brown vs. Board of Education decision which struck down The Sphinx / Winter 1980

the separate but equal doctrine; 16 years beyond the 1964 Civil Rights Act which attempted to provide equal opportunities and protection for all of the citizens of this country, and presently we find many states and the Federal government involved in litigation concerning the operation of dual systems of education. The fact that education is important to mankind if he is to progress; that historically education has been a necessary element in the upward mobility of Black people; and that there are now laws in this country aimed at eliminating segregation in all of its pernicious forms seems to shift the emphasis from "where" it takes place to "Row" it will be administered. I share with you three observations concerning present-day education: First, run from anyone who tells you that you do not have to learn to speak and write standard English. Incorrect English, as spoken by thousands of Blacks, is not a separate language but a THE MESSAGE T60M THE AGES

Cover of The Sphinx, April 1930.

"How and where young Blacks should be educated seems to be a perplexing question . . . "

corruption of a standard language which can be mastered. To say that Blacks cannot learn to speak standard English is to admit inferiority and to stigmatize an entire race. Foreigners come to these shores and learn how to speak English flawlessly and many of them come from deepest Africa. It is a cruel hoax to perpetrate upon any Black child — telling him that he must retain his use of "Black English" — in this age when everything Tie will be doing for the remainder of life will depend upon some kind of communication with a larger civilized community. English is the language spoken here in America. If we are to remain here, we would do well to speak it as well as anybody else in this country. It has always amazed me that those who write in support of retaining and teaching "Black English" always do it with the best of standard English. Run! Run! Run! Secondly, eschew any institution which declares that it has a special mission. Any college or university in these United States which calls itself an institution of higher learning, should have but one mission and that is simply to graduate the best prepared, the most articulate, the most competitive product that it can produce. The size, character, emphasis and curricula of institutions may vary, but the one thing all of them must have in common is the production of men and women who think, who can communicate and have the capacity to one day change this world. Today's youth are graduating into a world which is completely different from any that their parents could have envisioned. The options are more numerous. The demands are more intense. The competition is more formidable. Thirdly, every organization — and this certainly includes Alpha Phi Alpha — must relentlessly pursue the cause of the quality of education that Black youth will receive from elementary school through college and professional training. The place where the education takes place is not half as important as the quality of the learning experience. Education is an investment. It is an investment in an individual and in a race. From this investment come the scholars, the leaders, the thinkers of Black people. Finally, I know of no other way under the heavens whereby men might ascend to the true stature of a human being save through education. To be able to think, to be able to communicate, to be conversant with the cultures of the world as well as one's own culture, to have some sense of the past is what a good education is all about. For I am steadfastly convinced that in the years ahead, race will be longer be the mitigating factor against young Blacks claiming their fair share of the American dream. It will be EDUCATION — and the quality of that education must be uncompromised. 13

Black Professionals: Our Future Is In Their Hands By Erwin A. France Last November to the astonishment of some, and to trie obvious delight of many, the nation spoke at the ballot box and chose to change both the national administration and the legislative body which governs our nation. While I am a Democrat of record, at the risk of sounding like a polyanna, I must say that perhaps the events of the November election give us, as Black Americans, an opportunity to reassess our goals and our directions. Since the fall election the airwaves and private conversations have both been full of discussion as to what the implications of these changes may be for Black people. What will it mean to have a Reagan in the White House? What will it mean that the political complexion of the Congress has changed significantly and that we are faced with the possibility of a return of the Nixon era? While these are important questions to be discussed, and Black people must certainly evaluate their position in relation to the larger society, they are perhaps not the most important questions to be discussed. For what these questions do, ironically, is to focus (once again) on what white people will do — and not on what we will do. To be sure, Black America is faced with some serious problems today; the least of them, I would submit, is where the white (moral) majority is going. Again, we are faced with some serious challenges and questions of goal and direction. The first of them is now to develop an agenda for the next quarter century. Where is it that we want to be in the year 2005 and how do we propose to get there? By what steps, with which actors, what resources will be required, what commitments will be necessary and what will the result of all of our efforts be7 The second question is how do we arrest the pervasive serious threat to the basic institutions in the Black community? It is sometimes overt, sometimes not too overt, but there nevertheless. We seem to forget that institutions and organizations are the vehicles through which all groups have attained success. No individual makes it on his own — and while charismatic leaders have a place in the scheme of things, they cannot provide the basis for group progress. Further, we tend to forget that individual progress is not group progress and thus we must evaluate a whole series of actions in terms of the extent to which they strengthen or 14

weaken the fabric of our institutional network in the Black community. For example, a decade or more ago, integration was a major value being promulgated throughout the land. Today, it should be clear that the concept of integration serves white people's interest more than it does the interests of Blacks. Further, a decade and a half ago, there was little talk about metropolitan government. Today, the concept of metropolitan government is being advanced very broadly and the rationale behind it is greater economies, better services, and higher efficiencies. But the truth of the matter is that as Blacks become the majority population in the major cities of the nation, certain power interests are determined that we shall not become the political force that can be developed in the central cities of the nation and control the major industrial, economic, manufacturing, and retailing elements of the country. An even further example may be seen in the fact that increasing numbers of professionally trained Black young people are moving to the suburbs, accepting jobs in the private corporate sector and disassociating themselves from the predominantly Black institutions in the center cities. Without the constant infusion of new leadership that will come only from this population, these institutions will eventually die. Certainly the dominant group understands this phenomenon and, at the risk of sounding excessively paranoid, perhaps that is a part of the plan. The third major question we face is how, having developed an agenda for the next quarter century, we organize Blacks to get maximum gains out of what, on the face of it, appears to be a wave of conservatism which can be expected to prevail for at least the next 8 years. One thing is clear. Leadership will be critical in the next two and a half decades, and at every level of the Black community we see a wider and wider vacuum in leadership. Harold Cruse, in his book The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, points out that every ethnic group that has achieved position and power did so under the leadership of its trained classes — its intelligentsia, and that Black people have no reason to believe that we will achieve by any other route. Many people ignore the fact that it was not the masses who organized, led and sustained the Civil Rights movements in the '60's; rather it was the Black professionals and the

college students, both of whom seem to be on a retreat from responsibility at this juncture in history. Against this backdrop, then let us explore what are some of our most pressing needs now and for the next 25 years. First, we need active, "Enlightened Leadership." By "Enlightened Leadership" I call for people who have a sensibility in addition to sensitivity. In the past so much emphasis has oeen on sensitivity or feelings, without which, of course, leadership cannot be enlightened. But feelings are not enough. Sensibility, by definition, is the ability to understand what is going on around you, that which is overt as well as that which is subtle; the ability to see the big picture, personally detaching one's self, looking in the long range. The ability to display keen intellectual perceptions which perceptions are accompanied by emotions and feelings. It is not possible to plan or to give enlightened leadership cased only on emotions. Neither is it possible to give leadership without it. Thus, "Enlightened Leadership" is our first need. Secondly, we must have a "New Accountability" on the part of Black leaders. It might be assumed that if leaders are enlightened, then accountability will be automatic; but there are so many pushes and pulls, so many deals which have to be "cut," so many tradeoffs which have to be made. Accountability to those being led is very critical and it becomes very difficult for Black leaders to consistently be accountable in the absence of a community which holds them accountable. In a sense, the burden of making leaders accountable must fall on the shoulders of the community which must create a counter-force to others — outsiders who would make demands of our leaders and to whom they are obligated to respond in the absence of adequate, broadly based strong support among their own people. Thirdly, we need a "Plan." A plan that is far reaching. That is why, for example, I call for a plan not for the decade of the '80's but a plan for a generation, the next 25 years, the period between now and the year 2005. Our plan must be far reaching in concept as well as time and it must be sufficiently well structured that its concepts are understood; that it is operationalized and then institutionalized and so that it provides a framework within which all Black individuals, organizations and institutions evaluate the relevance of what they are doing. Fourth, having developed a Plan to be implemented under the guidance of Enlightened and Accountable Leadership, it is then critical for us to take "Responsibility" for ourselves and our destinies. We can no longer charge our losses to fate, or to the bad intentions of oppressors, whoever they are. We (Continued on page 26) The Sphinx / Winter 1980

In 1981 Alpha Phi Alpha will celebrate the 75th Anniversary of its existence as a Fraternity. By any rational standards, the men of Alpha can be justly proud of their membership in an organization that has endured the changing times and the vicissitudes and rigors of the years since the founding year of 1906. The General Convention theme for the year 1979 — two years prior to Alpha's Diamond Jubilee — proclaimed: The Greatness of Our Past is the Key to Our Future." The theme itself was part of the larger pronouncement — "Back to Basics" — first articulated with such wide enthusiasm and receptance at Atlanta, in 1977, and since has been continued. The tenor of the times and the nature of the progress the Fraternity has made join in prompting the question whether the Brotherhood shall view the arrival of its jubilee year as just a milestone; a time for celebration, which is certainly well deserved; an occasion for a backward look at past achievement, of which there are many; or any enumeration of all the able and brilliant men who are now within or who have passed through Alpha's Golden portals. In truth Alpha should, and in a sense must, do all of these things for, properly, they are the very grist out of which milestones are born. But, there is a dichotomy in all this. The temptation is, and will be, to dwell on our glorious past to such an extent that 1981 will become a milestone and not much more. One dares to hope that those who feel and think deeply about Alpha's past, and who have a genuine and abiding concern for its future, will place 1981 in a broader perspective than that of having reached a milestone. Their choice will be, rather, to expend amply the full energies of the Brotherhood on charting the kind of future the Fraternity will need if it is to survive to its sesquicentennial year. In this view lie the seeds of challenge. It is not to be thought that the ideas and ideals set in motion by the JewelFounders, and the solid and exemplary furtherance of these through the long "Golden Chain" forged since by such stalwart "links" as Wesley, Cannon, and countless others, should not be just cause for exultation. But, what all these men stood for, and what those living still stand for, commands us to bear always in mind that neither age nor the passage of time is, or every was, a sure prescription for excellence. A careful reading of Alpha's history will show that what motivated our Founders was a call to the pursuit of excellence — and it is this, more than the passage of a milestone, which echos down the corridor of years to those who still labor in Alpha's vineyard.

LEGACY. Dy Marshall Williams The purview of this article is much too narrow to assay what Alpha's future should be; indeed, such an undertaking is beyond the capacity of any single mind. What is required, and is within the realm of the possible, is an intense examination of the relevance of what we have done in the past. This, coupled with an honest evaluation of whether the future can be served by the status quo, will help to lead us to workable answers and programs for the future. What, then, are some of the issues to be confronted? At the threshold, a statement of Jewel Callis marks a good beginning: In his book, "Henry Arthur Callis — Life and Legacy," our Historian, Brother Charles H. Wesley, reproduces a letter written to Brother Lawson in November 1947. In that letter of a generation past is this sentence: "Institutions survive only insofar as they are capable of adaptation to the constantly progressing changes in the milieu within which they live and work." Today, as then, Alpha's first challenge is whether institutionally we are still a Fraternity for the time in which we work and live. Many Alpha men are beginning to question whether Alpha's internal structure — little changed since Jewel Callis' letter — is serving the Fraternity in a manner best calculated to meet the challenge of excellence. There is no simple answer to this question, but there is time before the end of 1981 to initiate serious and sober debate, out of which answers can come. Much has been said over the last ten years about the gap between the number of Alpha men living and the number of these who support the Fraternity by remaining active. It is agonizing to reflect on what causes approximately nine out of ten initiated Brothers to lose, over the years, the undoubted enthusiasm for the Fraternity they must have felt when "crossing the burning sands." This, too, is a difficult question to answer. However, it is worth the speculation to believe that the Fraternity might well be surprised if it could organize some means of simply putting this question to the inactive Brothers. In any event, the nearness of a 75th Anniversary would seem to justify both the risks and the costs involved in such an endeavor. Frequently heard amongst Alpha men, inactive as well as active, is the question whether the maximum good is derived from the financial resources presently available to the Fraternity. Here, as elsewhere, answers are not easy to come by. But, it can be believed that a solid demonstration that

such resources as Alpha does have are devoted to excellence, and that with additional participation the Fraternity could do even more, would go a long way to stimulate the growth and influence of the Fraternity both within and outside the ranks of its Brotherhood. One hears, ad nauseum, the questions: What is Alpha doing? What is Alpha's programme? Or the observation "Alpha exists for General conventions." The basis for many of such observations stems from the ease with which an inactive Brother chooses to rationalize his lack of participation. As much, however, stems from our collective failure to pursue with zeal the programmes we have, and to insist with vigor that our horizons should be widened and extended. This brief article cannot raise all the questions and issues, nor was it so intended. The main purpose has been to call attention to a forthcoming event which can be the catalyst for self-appraisal and challenge. If, in some small way, such a purpose has been served, Brothers everywhere, and those who stand and wait outside the portals of the House of Alpha, will be justly proud that we came to understand and give meaning to Jewel Callis' profound statement. That Alpha has reached its Jubilee Year is, indeed, a milestone of monumental proportions; more than that, it is a splendid moment in time. Be all this as it may, the real task for Alpha men must be to seize the oportunity afforded by this moment, and begin the kind of dialogue which will best enrich and extend the heritage left to us so long ago. That is the challenge! It is not to be doubted that, with the limitless talents and skills within our ranks, we can meet this challenge. If we do, our satisfaction will be the certainty that those Brothers privileged to plan Alpha's Sesquicentennial will look back on us and our time and surely say: how well they wrought; the Fraternity has endured; 1981 was for them a milestone and a challenge.

1981 MILESTONE OR CHALLENGE ? The Sphinx / Winter 1980



The Man With The Golden Toe By KEITH A. MILES Keith A. Miles is presently a Unit Producer for WFSU-TV in Tallahassee, Florida. He is also a stringer for the National Black Network and a member of the Gamma Mu Lambda chapter in Tallahassee.


ou can call him "Ding-aLing", his collegiate nickname . . . or you can call him "Thunderfoot" a name he has earned since his arrival in Minnesota . . . or you just might call him "The Man with the Golden Toe". Whatever you call him, he's Greg Coleman . . . the only AfricanAmerican punter in the National Football League and an Alpha man. Greg is a graduate of Florida A&M University, where he crossed the burning sands at the Beta Nu chapter. He is a native of Jacksonville, Florida where he and his wife, Eleanor, and daughter, Cara Jennine, reside in the off season. Not large for a football player, Greg was described by his college coach, Rudy Hubbard, as an all around kind of guy. At FAMU Greg never missed a game in four seasons. He attempted 53 field goals and made good on 27 of them for a little better than a 50% average. For PAT's Greg was 76 out of 96 for an average of .791 and scored a total of 157 points. In punting Greg attempted 127 punts for 5,099 yards and an average of 40.1. His longest punt in his college career was for 68 yards. During his college days he was named All SIAC (Southern Inter-Collegiate Athletic Conference) in 1973, 1974, and 1975. Greg was a 14th round draft choice by the Cincinnati Bengals in 1976. After things didn't work out for him there, he went back to Jacksonville and taught World History and helped coach track. But that Alpha luck gave him another chance, this time with the 16

Cleveland Browns. When Tom Skladany refused to sign a contract with the Browns, Greg made the team. He punted 67 times for a 39.2 yard average. A year later he averaged 47.5 yards per game in the pre-season but was cut before the season started. Greg calls that time the lowest point of his career, but he never gave up. "When the Vikings called, I couldn't have been happier. I knew how much pride this club has in its special teams and I wanted to be with a team that knows how to win." All football kickers work alone after practice or on a separate field because they need the space to work out the kinks. Greg is used to working alone, he did it as one of the leading hurdlers in the nation for FAMU, running the high hurdles in 13.5 seconds at his peak. He also competed for a national AAU team in international meets. Greg's former track coach at FAMU, Bobby Lang, said, "To me he was one of the most outstanding men I've coached as a hurdler. He was a leader and he did it by example. He was a team man who did his job to the best of his ability." According to Lang, "Greg was one of the top ten hurdlers in the country at that time." Lang especially remembered Greg for his talented toe that lifted FAMU over Alabama State one Saturday afternoon in Tallahassee, Florida in 1975. Greg set a record that still stands in FAMU's record books. He kicked four field goals, which proved to be the only scoring the Rattlers did that day. The final score was FAMU 12-Alabama State 11. Since he's been with the Vikings, he has stolen the hearts of Vikings fans. "It's a warm feeling here," he says. "You've got a job to do and the other guys know it and are pulling for you." Sometimes in the off-season Greg's wife Eleanor clocks his punt's hang times and also those of his brother Erroll and cousin Vincent, who is presently the kicker at FAMU.

According to Greg, "We're the kicking Colemans." In Minnesota they call him a good-bad weather punter, which means that a lot of guys who kick don't want to play in the north. "They'd rather not play instead of kicking for northern pro teams in cold climates. Well, I didn't have a choice, so I guess it means I roll with the punches and don't worry about the weather." "In the very near future the Vikings will be a contender again," says Coleman. "We lost Alan Page, Carl Eller, Fran Tarkenton, and Mick Tinglehoff. I'd say right now we're in a period of readjustment, but we'll be back. In fact we started coming around at the end of last season." Being the league's only African-American punter doesn't seem to bother Greg much. He remembered playing the Cowboys in Dallas, where both teams benches are on the same side of the field. Greg remembers Thomas "Hollywood" Henderson saying, "Hey Coleman! I thought you were a dark skin white boy, but you're as black as I am." Greg says, "The Vikings don't

1. GREG COLEMAN 2. Brother Coleman and "the golden toe" in action. care what color I am as long as I produce and that's important." Greg says when things settle down a bit he plans to be more active in the Fraternity. In the off-season he does a little teaching and some sportscasting for a television station. For Greg, it's a big thrill to hear youngsters say he's a punter. "It gives them a different perspective. For so long, kids looked up to people like Bob Hayes . . . players in the glamorous positions, now they can see a black punter. I can remember in my high school yearbook I said I wanted to be a punter in the NFL and here I am." "When I went to Minnesota they needed somebody to punt the ball and that's what I did." Greg says, "One of the ultimate goals of a professional football player is to be the best and I always wanted to do my best."

The Sphinx / Winter 1980

The Sphinx / Winter 1980



.££ Q

ALPHA PHI ALPHA EDUCATION FOUNDATION, INC (All information hereon must be typewritten answer questions fully) Date

Name .(Current passcard)#



City - State - Zip Code Age


Date of birth.


Name of local chapter LIST FRATERNITY ACTIVITIES: C_3 Q_ Q_

Marital status.

.No. of dependents ..Amount $

Current source of income. Family income (Approximate amount) $

Applications may be secured from the General Office. Completed applications are to be returned to the General Office. The deadline for receipt of applications is March 3 1 , 1981. Incomplete applications are not acceptable. Awards will be announced May 1, 1981. Applicants must be Alphamen and below the senior year at the time the application is completed. For further information, please contact: Michael J. Price, Assistant Executive Secretary Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 4432 Martin Luther King Drive Chicago, llinois 60653

MARCH 31,1981

DEADLINE FOR RECEIVING APPLICATIONS WITH (Above) SUPPORTING DATA IS I, the undersigned, do hereby make formal application for an "Undergraduate Scholarship" from the ALPHA PHI ALPHA EDUCATION FOUNDATION, INC. Signed Name in full Address City & State Zip Code 18

The Sphinx / Winter 1 9 8 0

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Million Dollar Fund Drive



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The Sphinx /

Winter 1980


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BROTHER RAYFORD W. LOGAN, who served as the 15th General President of Alpha Phi Alpha (1941-45), was the recipient of the 1 9 8 0 Spingarn Medal — the highest honor given by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The award, made at the NAACP's summer convention in Miami, cited Brother Logan for "the tenacity of his determination to acquaint America and the world with the hopes, aspirations and achievements of Black Americans . . . " Brother Logan was born on January 7, 1897 in Washington, D.C. After finishing M Street High School in 1 9 1 3 , he graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Williams College in 1 9 1 7 . Enlisting in the United States Army in 1 9 1 7 , he was promoted to First Lieutenant of the 372nd Regiment of Infantry in January 1 9 1 8 . He served at the front in the Argonne Forest and in Camp Ancona near Bordeaux, until his discharge in August of 1 9 1 9 .

Brother Logan remained an expatriate in Europe from 1 9 1 9 through 1 9 2 4 , during which time he served as Secretary of the Second PanAfrican Congress, in 1 9 2 1 ; the third Pan-African Congress, London, in 1 9 2 3 ; and as Deputy Secretary of the Pan African Association. After his return to the United States, Professor Logan taught history, social sciences and foreign languages at Virginia Union University from 1925 to 1 9 3 0 . In 1 9 2 9 he received an M.A. degree in history from Williams College. After completing his residency in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University, he served as Assistant to the Editor of the Journal of Negro History, Dr. Carter G. Woodson. In 1 9 3 2 he received his M.A. degree, and in 1 9 3 6 the Ph.D. degree in history, from Harvard. He served as Chairman of the Department of History at Atlanta University from 1 9 3 3 to 1 9 3 8 .

specialist in international affairs, Brother Logan was, in 1 9 4 5 , an Accredited Correspondent for the Pittsburg Courier at the San Francisco Conference which organized the United Nations. He also served as a member of the United Nations National Commission for UNESCO. He was an Accredited Non-governmental Observer for the NAACP at the Sixth General Assembly of the United Nations in Paris in 1 9 5 0 and a Fulbright Research Fellow in Paris to study the administration of the French Overseas and Trust Territories. In 1 9 5 0 - 5 1 , following the death of Dr. Woodson, Brother Logan was Director of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, and Editor of the Journal of Negro History and the Negro History Bulletin. A familiar quote reminds us that "Alpha Phi Alpha's greatest interests lies outside itself," and perhaps no one has embodied that sentiment better in his fraternal workings than Brother Rayford W. Logan. As the Fraternity's Director of Education (1933-40), Brother Logan was instrumental in forming the Alpha Phi Alpha Foundation to continue and expand Alpha's educational crusade. He served as the Foundation's first Chairman. In this role, he led in re-evaluating Alpha's educational thrust, as carried out in the "Go-to-High School-Go-to-College" campaign launched in 1 9 2 0 . The result of this effort was the development of the "Education for Citizenship" campaign, designed to acquaint Blacks with their rights as citizens and educate them in making use of these rights. While the programs of the earlier thrust were carried out under the banner of the Foundation, this new thrust went on to become an outstanding success. From it was developed the now famous slogan, "A Voteless People is a Hopeless People." Brother Logan succeeded Brother Charles H. Wesley as General President in 1941 and throughout his term (which spanned the difficult war years) he kept the Fraternity in the forefront of the fight for human rights in America and abroad. In announcing the call for the 1 9 4 5 General Convention (his last as General President), Brother Logan announced that the Honorable Norman Manley, leader of the People's Party of Jamaica, had been invited to address the convention's public program. This announcement was a continuation of Alpha's pioneering in the area of manifesting an interest in and cooperating with peoples of color throughout the world.

In 1 9 3 8 Professor Logan joined the faculty of the Department of History at Howard University, where he became Chairman of the Department in 1 9 4 2 and served until 1 9 6 4 . Appointed Professor Emeritus of History in 1 9 6 5 , he served as Historian of the university until 1 9 6 9 . Dr. Logan's investigation of conditions in Haiti contributed to the withdrawal of the United States Marines from there in 1 9 3 4 . In August of 1941 the government of Haiti conferred upon him the National Order of Honor and Merit with the rank of Commander, "In recognition of the high esteem of the government Republic." A

and Haiti, 1776-1881 and The Attitude of the Southern Press toward Negro Suffrage, 1932-40. Following his presidency, he was appointed Chairman of the Committee on International Relations among Minorities by then General President Belford V. Lawson. In this capacity he published Alpha Phi Alpha and the Post-War World, in which he declared "Alpha Phi Alpha has an inescapable responsibility to shape the future of the world." This primer remains an enlightened treatise on promoting "democracy in the United States and a better life for all peoples, especially the darker peoples of the world."

As Education Director and General President, Brother Logan developed Alpha into a leading source of research and scholarship. His publications, with Fraternity support, included The Diplomatic Relations of the United States

In Chicago (from left): 15th General President Logan; 14th General President Wesley; 25th General President Williams. Following the bestowal of the Spingarn Medal this summer, Brother Logan came to Chicago — where he was the featured speaker at the revived Smoker and Symposim. Interestingly, Brother Logan himself had chaired such a Smoker over fifty years ago — at the 1 9 2 6 General Convention in Richmond, Virginia. At that time he was just beginning the brilliant career which led to his receipt of the Spingarn Medal — a career firmly based on the "inescapable responsibility" he had proclaimed earlier. In closing, a further look at this philosophy will underscore his accomplishments — as an Alpha Man — and his challenge to us all. In Alpha Phi Alpha and The Post-War World, he outlined our "inescapable responsibility" as follows: " . . . We are citizens of the dominant nation in the world today, the nation whose citizens will determine the future more than those of any other nation. We are college men who, presumably, are informed about world affairs and are active in making our views known to the statesmen who formulate the policies of our nation. We are Negroes — members of a minority in the United States, but members also of the colored peoples who make up a majority of the total population of the world. Finally, 'Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All.'"

Brother Rayford W. Logan Receives The NAACP's Highest Honor 20

The Sphinx / Winter 1980

The Sphinx / Winter 1980


STILL "FIRST" AFTER ALL THESE YEARS . . . DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIANS - 1981 The SPHINX announces its 4th Annual Distinguished Collegians competition. Nominations are now being accepted for inclusion and we invite your participation. Nominees must be members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, presently working toward the baccalaureate degree. Selections will be made on the basis of the overall accomplishments of nominees or extraordinary achievement in any one area (scholarship, sports, campus leadership, etc.) Those College Brothers selected will be featured in the Summer 1981 issue of the SPHINX in a special feature entitled DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIANS. There are no restrictions regarding the number of applicants per region or chapter. Nominations may be submitted by ANY member of Alpha Phi Alpha — including the nominee. Selections will be made by the staff of SPHINX. MAIL YOUR APPLICATION NOW!!! All nominations must be received in the General Office no later than March 1, 1981.





Chapter No.

Chapter Name College / University

Name Location


On Scale of

GPA. Minor

Major Date of Initiation Chapter of Initiation (If different from present chapter).



Details of education (Include high school): Future plans: Memberships in other organizations (with offices held): Other extracurricular activities: Honors, prizes, awards (with dates): Hobbies: What contribution has ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY made to your career/life goals?

Mailing address:

. Zip Code

You must include glossy PHOTOGRAPH (Preferably black & white) with completed nomination form. Attach up to one additional sheet, if necessary. DEADLINE: MARCH 1, 1981


The Sphinx / Winter 1980

Brother ANDRE L. BELL was recently appointed as Director of Financial Aid at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. His major responsibilities include management of the University's Financial Aid programs and the development of computer support systems to coordinate the financial aid process between the various offices within the University. He is responsible for over twenty (20) million dollars of Northwestern dollars in financial aid yearly. Brother Bell also serves as a member of Northwestern's Undergraduate Admissions Committee, and is heavily involved in the admission and counseling of minority students at Northwestern.

Brother ANDRE L.BELL Prior to his current position, Bell was Associate Director of Financial Aid, and served for a short time as the Acting Director of African-American Student Affairs at Northwestern. He was also an Assistant Dean of Students at the University. In his position as Financial Aid Director, he is the only Black to head a University-wide department. The only other Black to serve in a similar c a p a c i t y w a s , i n c i d e n t a l l y , another Brother, Marcus Alexis, who served as chairman of the Economics Department. Brother Bell is involved in many professional organizations and currently serves as President of the Illinois Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators and as the Chairman of the Special Committee on Minority Student Affairs for the Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. Andre is a product of Chicago public schools and received both his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Northwestern University.

Brother Bell was initiated on the line that reactivated Alpha Mu Chapter at Northwestern University in 1968. He still serves the chapter as Graduate Advisor. He is married to Debra Avant Bell and they have two children, Tiffany and Christian. Brother WILLIAM C. CAMPBELL was honored as one of Ten Outstanding Younq Citizens by the Chicago Jaycees. Since January, 1 9 7 8 , he has been WLS-TV's Editorial Director with responsibility for developing, writing and producing all station editorials reflecting management views on issues of concern to the Chicago area. A tribute to his creativity is the fact that Channel 7 is the only Chicago station to produce the majority of its editorials on location throughout the metropolitan area. In 1979, Campbell, after just one year with the station, was recognized by the Chicago Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and given an Emmy Award for "Outstanding Editorial Achievement." Prior to joining WLS-TV, Campbell was with the Chicago Urban League. He began as a Communications Specialist, was promoted to Communications Coordinator and went on to become Public Relations Director. From June, 1972 to November, 1 9 7 3 , when Campbell was Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director of Model Cities/Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity, his duties covered research and speech writing. He served as chief liaison to staff and coordinator of special events and projects. Promoted to Program Specialist in November, 1973, he performed as writer and production manager for a wide range of public information materials which included news releases, brochures, feature articles, film and slide presentation scripts, editing of a house publication titled Ourselves, and handling media relations. Campbell and his wife Annette reside in Chicago. He was graduated from Carleton College with a B.A. in Urban Affairs in 1972. He has received numerous awards in addition to his 1979 Emmy, including the Outstanding Communications Excellence Award from Learnatory, Incorporated, 1979; Outstanding Young Man of America, 1979 and 1974; AfroAmerican Youth Society Award for Excellence in the Media, 1978; and the Publicity Club of Chicago's 1977 23

Golden Trumpet Award for the film, "Chicago, It's a Promise." Brother HAROLD DAVIS, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Oakland, is a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha and a man on the move. As Director of Housing, he is in daily contact with Federal, State, County and City representatives that have anything at all to do with solving the housing needs of Oakland's onethird of a million people. In addition to being Administrative Director for 300 employees, he provides solutions for many problems brought to his office by citizen and tenant groups, housing developers and social agencies. He administers the Security and Safety Services of the Housing Authority as well as Budget, Personnel and Community Relations. In other words, Brother Davis is "in complete charge" of the Housing Authority. During the past eight years he has held this position, he has compiled a long list of accomplishments. To mention only a

technology and word processing center; and the implementation of a multimillion dollar facilities modernization program which is now completed. As if all of this is not enough to keep Brother Davis fully occupied, he was recently elected President of the Board of Educational Ministries of the American Baptist Churches, USA. He teaches classes in Labor Relations at Vista College in the evenings and he is also a member of the Executive Committee of the National YMCA. Brother Davis was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. He earned his B.A. in Political Science from Southern University, Beta Sigma. He earned his M.A. in Public Administration from the University of California at Berkeley. He was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws by the American Baptist Seminary of the West at Berkeley. He served as a Commissioned Army Officer in Korea and reached the rank of Captain before his honorable discharge. He is a recipient of the U.S. Treasury Department Award for Patriotic Service. A family man, Brother Davis and his wife Barbara, accomplished in her own right as a high school counselor, have two children. Harold Davis, Jr., attends California State University at Hayward and Deborah is a Junior at Skyline High School in Oakland. The epitome of manly deeds, scholarship, and love for all mankind; Brother Harold Davis, An Alpha Man


few of the more far reaching: the development of an ongoing Affirmative Action Program at all levels of the Authority; the development of one of the most successful redevelopment programs in the country, i.e., the Russell City Redevelopment Project of Alameda County; the modernization of the services of the Housing Authority by the introduction of a computer 24

The retirement of Brother LEWIS C. DOWDY as c h a n c e l l o r of North Carolina A&T State University on June 30, 1981, will end the careers of one of the nation's most distinguished educators. Dowdy, chancellor of A&T since 1964, began a leave from that position on November 1 until his retirement date. He was a longtime member of Kappa Lambda Chapter here. In a letter to the Board of Trustees, Dowdy asked the board for a leave of absence to take care of some personal health problems. He said he would then return to the University for teaching and research. In a statement, Brother Dowdy said: "I feel that over the past 15 years we have built a solid academic program at A&T, and we have achieved national accreditation for all of our academic programs for which this is possible. We have an outstanding faculty and student body and competent administrators, and I am confident that A&T will continue to make a significant


contribution to higher education in the state and the nation." North Carolina Governor, Jim Hunt, and Dr. William Friday, president of the University of North Carolina System, were among dozens of officials who hailed Dowdy as an o u t s t a n d i n g college administrator. Dr. Lacy H. Caple, Chairman of the A&T Board of Trustees, said: "It will be impossible to express the magnitude of Dr. Lewis C. Dowdy's service to A&T State University over the past twenty years. Dr. Dowdy has served longer than any current Chancellor in the U n i v e r s i t y S y s t e m . The h i g h e r education community has to be grateful for his leadership to it. He has built a monument. We are shocked by his intent on retiring, but certainly education has been tremendously enhanced by his many years of dedicated service. For this we are grateful." When Dowdy became president of A&T in 1964, the University had 3,229 students as compared to more than 5,500 students today. He increased the number of faculty members with doctorates from 23 percent to more than 56 per.cent and the amount of funded faculty research from $51,000 per year to more than $2 million per year. Under Dowdy, the university has gained national accreditation for its schools of nursing, engineering, business and economics, its programs in teacher education, industrial technology, chemistry and social work. During Dowdy's tenure, A&T's faculty was increased from 198 to 340 The Sphinx / Winter 1980

and its graduate school enrollment from 216 to more than 700 annually. Under Dowdy's leadership, 13 major buildings have been constructed on the campus at a cost of more than $21 million. Dowdy, 63, came to A&T in 1951 as director of student teaching. He held several administrative positions before being named president in April of 1964. A native of Eastover, S.C., Brother Dowdy was a nationally prominent educator, having been the first Black elected to serve as president of the National Association of State Universities and Land-grant Colleges. Prior to coming to A&T, Dowdy had served as a high school principal in three South Carolina cities. "When I read the minutes of the 73rd Anniversary Convention of our great Fraternity dated August 3-9, 1979,1 see a unique style of recording and the most professional minutes I have read in 30 years." These words of commendation were spoken by Brother Dr. Allan Durrant of Philadelphia to Brother VERNON M. HERRON, the Convention's Recording Secretary. Having served two General Conventions, Brother Herron has impacted the office of Recording Secretary with efficiency, style, professionalism and charisma. Few know of the diverse contributions and varied benefits the Fraternity has received through his office. The following profile is written so that the brotherhood of Alphadom might be aware of the professional leadership ability of our Recording Secretary for the annual conventions and to express gratitude for a great fraternal spirit — an unsung hero. Dr. Herron is a native of Charlotte, N.C., and was initiated into Alphadom in 1950 through Beta Rho Chapter — Shaw University, Raleigh, N.C. He is a charter founder of both the Eta Mu Lambda Chapter (Gastonia, NC) and the Theta Mu Lambda Chapter (Joliet, IL) where he served as Chapter Secretary. Brother Vernon has held membership in Alpha Omicron Lambda (Pittsburgh, PA) and is currently active in Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapter (Philadelphia, PA), where he received the 1979 "Man of the Year Award," having served as its Chaplain. Having attended all General Conventions since 1960 (Washington, D.C.), Brother Herron was instrumental in introducing the National Liberty CorThe Sphinx / Winter 1980

Shaw University in Raleigh, N.C. He holds both a Master of Public Administration degree (MPA) from the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, and a Master of Divinity degree from Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, N.C. He received the Doctor of Ministry degree (D. Min.) from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. Herron has held pastorates in three Baptist Churches: First Baptist Church, Dallas, North Carolina; Friendship Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA; and Second Baptist Church, Joliet, Illinois. Dr. Herron is married to the former Louise Oliphant. The Herrons have three daughters and live in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. All Brothers of Alpha and their families salute Brother Herron, our Convention Secretary. Brother VERNON M. HERRON

poration to the Fraternity in 1977.Since that time, the corporation has contributed over $31,000 to the Fraternity in gifts, cash and benefits, including underwriting the cost of the 1 9 7 9 Equitable Opportunity Luncheon, contributing to the Million Dollar Campaign, hosting dinners, and presenting gifts of family albums and attache cases. Professionally Dr. Herron is a consultant in Church Administration, Social Programs and Human Resources. Since the late '70's, he has served as consultant to National Liberty Corporation, Valley Forge, PA, where he developed a corporate managerial profile in conjunction with a doctoral program at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, while concurrently pursuing a Masters Program in Public Administration. He has wide administrative experience, having worked with both the public and private sectors of organizational life. For seven years he served on the national staff of the American Baptist Churches — Board of National Ministries at Valley Forge, PA. He has worked with the Division of Social Justice and Welfare of the National Council of Churches, and has developed significant relationships with major corporations. Brother Herron has traveled extensively, speaking in Africa, Europe and the West Indies, visiting mission stations and evaluating Christian Centers related to American Baptists, National Baptists and Progressive Baptists. He did his undergraduate study at

Brother ARTHUR HOUSTON is a 2 2 - y e a r o l d s e n i o r m a j o r i n g in Language Arts at Langston University. Arthur was chosen as Mr. Langston University 1980 during October 13 18, Homecoming Week. This honor was based on leadership, scholarship, talent and dedication.


Brother Houston is a very active and dedicated young man. Some of his college activities are: four-year memb e r of t h e L a n g s t o n U n i v e r s i t y Cheering Squad, Member of Education 25

Club, Junior Class President, threeyear member of the University Concert Choir, Dust Bowl Player, 1980-81 Mr. Langston and, most of all, he is a Brother of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., of the Beta Kappa Chapter. He is the second Alpha to receive this distinction in the last three years. After graduation, he plans to attend the University of Oklahoma to further his education in child psychology.

Brother WILBERT SMITH, Community Relations Director of South Shore Hospital, 8 0 0 1 S. Luella Avenue, Chicago, has been elected President of the Illinois Hospital Public Relations Society (IH-PRS). Smith will head the statewide hospital society representing over 100 hospitals, health care institutions, and organizations for the next year. He was selected to head the organization as the IHPRS members met at the Hyatt Regency hotel on Friday, September 26, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Illinois Hospital Association. Brother Smith, the first Black to head the state society, has been with South Shore Hospital since 1977. Previously h e w a s d i r e c t o r of c o o p e r a t i v e education and mid-management coordinator for Malcolm X College of Chicago. He served as a teacher of mathematics, physics, and general science at two Chicago high schools, a financial analyst for a major oil company, a sales representative and an insurance underwriter. He received his Bachelor of Science degree with honors in 1957 from Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Mississippi, and his M.A. graduate degree in business administration in 1976 from Governors State University, Park Forest South, Illinois. He also attended the Illinois Institute of Technology and Loyola University graduate schools. In addition to IHPRS, Brother Smith holds memberships in the Chicago Hospital Public Relations Society, the American Society for Hospital Public Relations, the South Shore Chamber of Commerce, the Board of Directors of the Community Mental Health Council, Inc., and the Chicago Board of Education Dropout Prevention Program Advisory Council. The Illinois Hospital Public Relations Society was founded in 1973 to educate hospital public relations pers o n n e l t h r o u g h e x c h a n g e of i n formation, ideas and knowledge and to 26

plan cooperatively on local, area and statewide projects and programs. During the past year, Brother Smith has served the society as secretarytreasurer. In his acceptance speech of the honor accorded him in being elected as President of IHPRS, Brother Smith said he would soon be naming the members of his administrative team to assist him during the coming year. Brother KENNETH E. WILSON was recently saluted as "Man of the Month" by the South Suburban Law Journal. Justice Wilson was born and raised in the shadow of Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helena. He attended elementary and high school in Tacoma, Washington, where he was active in athletics, especially track. He ran as a member of the mile relay that set a high school record that stood for 20 years. When it came time to enter college, he traveled across the c o u n t r y to Hampton, Virginia. He graduated from Hampton Institute with a bachelor's degree before joining the Corps of Engineers from 1942 to 1945. While in the service, he met and married his wife, Orestes. They have one daughter, Michelle. Motivated with her father's energy, she has now decided to enter the study of law after having achieved success in another field. On separation from the service, Justice Wilson had committed himself to attend law school. He found it difficult to select from the many fine schools around the country, several of which had accepted his application. He was certain that he wanted to be within traveling distance to his home territory of Tacoma as well as his wife's of Little Rock, which made Chicago a logical location. Having made his decision, he applied to and was accepted by the U n i v e r s i t y of C h i c a g o w h e r e h e enrolled and subsequently graduated in 1948. Justice Wilson was especially well equipped for his election to the bench. He had the foresight to involve himself with literally all facets of government. He served as an assistant attorney general, assistant state's attorney in the County of Cook, and was elected a state representative for a 9year period. He also served as a master in chancery for the Superior Court of Cook County. This was all capped by a 4-year term as County Commissioner. These positions gave Justice Wilson e x c e p t i o n a l l y g o o d insight into examining the historical background on various cases that may currently appear before him.

COMMENTARY BLACK PROFESSIONALS (Continued from page 14) must take control of ourselves, we must take control of our children, we must take control of our communities and especially our schools. We must determine who teaches our children. We must determine what our children learn and we must determine what resources outside our community gain access to and acceptance within our community. Fifth, we must focus on "Black Institutional Development." Again, it must be underscored that institutions are the vehicles through which people achieve their hopes and goals and aspirations. When one does a careful analysis of the Black community it becomes increasingly apparent that the only institutions we own anymore are the Black Greek letter organizations, the Black fraternal groups and the Black church. All of the other institutions we participate in are in someone else's ownership. Thus, it should be obvious that the Black Greek letter organizations, the Black church, the Black fraternal organizations and Black professional societies must then be the focal point of our attention in terms of development and that they must take the leadership in assisting us in addressing the major needs mat must be fulfilled. Sixth, we must develop "Unity." The cry for unity is not new, yet it is increasingly apparent that there are forces external to the community that are trying to build walls rather than bridges, and who are trying to destroy our capacity to develop a cohesive community. This must be overcome. No longer can forces external to the Black community drive a wedge between the so-called professionals and the masses. No longer can we be separated by other artificial, arbitrary and capricious labels. There must be one Black community striving to attain one set of goals and working in concert with each doing that which ne can best do. Finally, we must develop what the psychoanalyst Eric Fromm has called a Revolution of Hope." A part of the strategy for destruction has been the generation of a demoralzed feeling; a sense that things cannot be better; a sense that the odds are against us: a sense that it doesn't make any difference; a sense that somebody greater than we are has a master plan which will prevail regardless of what we do. Alpha Phi Alpha is the oldest Black Greek letter organization in America. From the days of its founding at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, to today and the future, it has the capacity to stand tall and give leadership on matters of public policy, community development and institutional development. It shall be, "first of all, servants of all and transcend all," only insofar as it points the way and holds high a torch which illuminates the way for others and the nation. The Sphinx / Winter 1980


introduce young peopie that are considered disadvantaged to a community of college Afro-American men who still

u of delo.wo.re The Brothers of Xi Omicron Chapter, the first chapter to be chartered in 1980, bring you greetings from the University of Delaware. As we embark on our first full semester as Alpha men, we realize the challenge that lies ahead of us. We must strive to establish Alpha Phi Alpha here at U of D as a standard bearer, although we are the last Black founded fraternity to be chartered at the university. Ironic isn't it? But there is an old saying that the last shall be first and the first shall be last, so here at Xi Omicron we have both ends of the continum covered. Furthermore, being at a primarily white school, we find it necessary, as did our most noble Jewels, to band ourselves together, not only intrafraternally, but interfraternally as well, to make the Black population at the University of Delaware a more viable and respected component of the whole. Currently, we have started on our semester calendar and some of our activities include working with the Freeto-be-me Program, a program for the mentally handicapped; sponsoring a canned food drive for the needy; a university-wide pool tournament; and our most distinguished project, "The Seven Wonders of Alpha," our Founders' Weekend celebration. Hopefully, Brothers, these are only the beginning phases of what will prove to be one of the most dynamic chapters in Alpha. With these goals, lofty as some may be, we must be ever cognizant of our ideals: manly deeds, scholarship and love for all mankind — and let them serve as a code of conduct as we start the building of Xi Omicron and of better interracial relations here at the University of Delaware. Keep Alpha strong Brothers, so that we may remain ever in the forefront.

Columbia u Zeta Eta Chapter at Columbia University is proud to report that it has continued to "keep the light burning," beginning with the employment of two high school students as part-time daily maintenance workers of our Alpha House. This was a project we designed with the help of the university and the city of New York. Our purpose was to

Alpha Phi Alpha's General Counsel Broth Albert Holland receiving honorary membe ship award from Zeta Eta chapter's two-te President Kirk Bo wen. believe that one should "Go-to-High School, Go-to-College." We receive funding from the city of New York and Columbia University to pay for salaries and for tutorial equipment. The chapter has also implemented a program whereby African-American students can constructively present their views on problems they are confronted with every day at a major traditionally white institution. It is one that brings the students, the faculty and administrators together to discuss the issues. The program has been so well received that a Columbia University trustee has asked our chapter president, Brother Kirk Bowen, to arrange a meeting between him and the students. This is a first. In our effort to show appreciation for the contribution Brother Albert Holland has bestowed upon Zeta Eta chapter, we have made him an honorary member of Zeta Eta. Brother Holland pledged in the 1940's while attending Columbia University. The chapter that was once at Columbia, Eta chapter, is now a city chapter. This chapter is the chapter Brother Holland pledged, but now Zeta Eta chapter has added him to its numerous list of leaders.

Virginia polytechnic u The Supreme Greek Lords of Theta lota Chapter brings a warm welcome to our Brothers across Alphaland. We are proud to say that Alpha is still No. 1 at Va. Tech after the arrival of our other Greek rivals. Our chapter was founded on January 29, 1973 here in the small but beautiful town of Blacksburg, Va. 27

Our chapter officers of the 1980-81 school year are; Michael Wallace, President; Mandel Dudley, Vice-President, Raymond Vicks, Business Manager; Tony Goodman, Treasurer; Todd Price, Corresponding Secretary; Erroll Hines, Recording Secretary; James Blacken, Director of Education and Editor-to-the-Sphinx; David Dance, Public Relations Executive; Donald Porter, Historian; Clarence Taylor, Dean of Pledges; David Harrington, Parliamentarian and Chaplain; Ricky Miller, Sergeant-At-Arms; and Glenn Valentine, Faculty Advisor. Like every year since our beginning, Theta lota Brothers are always in the upper-echelon of university activity. Some of our "Alpha Superlatives" include: Brother Dudley's studying abroad this summer in Europe which was sponsored by the Electrical Engineering department at Tech; Brother Blacken's position as SGA Supreme Court Justice and Executive Officer of the Cadet Marching Band; Brother Taylor, a Cadet Captain in the SROTC training program; Brother Porter, a member of the Va. Tech Color Guard; Brother Valentine, Assistant Director of Admissions; Brothers Goodman and Vicks, Resident Advisors. Also Brother Michael Chapman, a 1980 graduate, was named State College Brother of the Year in March 1980. Our activities planned for the year include participation in the Black Greek Affair, our Homecoming Block Show, the Upward Bound Tutorials Program, Va. Tech Canned Food Drive, Big Brother Program, our Founder's Day Banquet, the Alpha Raffle, a Backgammon Tournament, Rent-A-Frat jobs, the Heart Fund collection, maintaining a Sickle-Cell clinic in the school's infirmary, our annual Alpha Ball, and, of course, our annual spring

quarter Block Show which was proclaimed last year as one of the most memorable events here at Va. Tech. The name Theta lota, better known as "the mighty Tl," is respected in Alpha convention halls everywhere. We were named State Chapter of the Year in '73, '74, '75 and '77. We have won Eastern Regional Chapter of the Year in '73 and '77. Across the state of Virginia, Theta lota Brothers are known in every college chapter and extends an open welcome for all Brothers to come and see "the pride of Virginia Alphas." As a reminder to our Brothers, we say that past accomplishments are not enough. Alphamen must keep promoting the highest form of brotherhood that man has to offer. We present to you the "Theta lota Challenge:" continue the good works of Alpha Phi Alpha and demonstrate the greatest form of unity at any given moment. This is Theta lota, transcending in the '80's, proclaiming "Alpha PHi Alpha, the Light of the World, forever we will hold it high!"

odelphi u Once again Theta Epsilon, first in Eastern Region in both membership and money paid to Million Dollar Drive, is busy following our Fraternity's motto, "First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All." Thus far this year we've already started off with donating a total of fourteen hundred dollars toward the following: lecturer David Diaz, the Higher Educational Opportunity Program, the Theta Epsilon Charity Fund and the Million Dollar Drive. Our first function was a benefit basketball game and disco in which over $2,000 was raised and will go toward the functioning of our chapter.

The assembled Brotherhood of Theta lota Chapter, Blacksburg, Virginia. 28

Theta Epsion has also been busy attending conferences and conventions. Over the summer Brothers Aki Debayo, Bruce Jones and Bobby Thomas attended the 1 980 National Convention in Chicago. On October 4 Brothers Jeff Lee and Robert Davidson attended the Eastern Regional Shirtsleeve Conference in Philadelphia. Finally on October 1 7-19 Brothers Damyn Kelly, Jeff Lee, Clinton Watkis and Devin Delisser took part in the New York State Convention. While attending these meetings the chapter gained much knowledge in terms of national and local matters. The Brothers of Theta Epsilon are also holding various leadership roles on the Adelphi campus; those Brothers holding positions are: Bert Hunter, Chairman of the Student Activities Board Lectures Committee; Clinton Watkis, Treasurer of the Inter-Fraternity Council; Damyn Kelly, Sports Editor of the Student Paper (The Delphian); Mark Strachan, President of the Union of Black Collegians. Others holding leadership positions are: Jeff Lee, Resident Assistant; Mike McClellan, President of the Higher Educational Opportunity Program and Bobby Thomas, disc jockey and engineer on WBAU, the campus radio station. Through our many accomplishments Theta Epsilon is very busy following the aims and ideals of our great Fraternity.

delaware After having hosted perhaps the best Eastern Regional Convention ever this past April, the Brothers of Gamma Theta Lambda have launched another of its vigorous programs. This year's officers are: Warren A. Scott, President; John O. Simpson, Vice-President; Howard P. Cooper, Secretary; Kenneth V. Hilton, Treasurer; William S. Young, Jr., Parliamentarian; and Kirby Kirksey, Associate Editor-to-the-Sphinx. Our social programs include the annual New Year's Eve Dance (to which all of the Brothers on the East Coast are invited), Founder's Day Services, basketball outings, and at the end of the operating year, the Black and Gold Ball. Each of these events has been the toast of the town when it was presented before. We intend that they will remain so this year. We are equally proud of our public affairs programming. During the recent hearings on the redistricting of the New Castle County School District, we made a presentation before the State Board of Education in opposition to this plan. The ongoing tutorial program at the West End Neighborhood Center has expanded. Additionally, individual The Sphinx / Winter 1980

Brothers are tutoring students outside this formal structure. On the political front, we are trying to resolve the conflicts between two of the local state representatives, without the glare and rancor of the local media. Projects to aid the Layton Home for the Aged and the Voter Registration Drive were funded and enjoyed success with our support. Xi Omicron, the college chapter at the University of Delaware, is moving forward. Through our efforts, the chapter is nearing approval as a colony; full status as a fraternity will come in 1 9 8 1 . We see a bright joint future ahead for Xi Omicron and Gamma Theta Lambda.

Virginia state college Beta Gamma Chapter extends to all Brothers in Alphaland warm greetings in the true fraternal spirit. Situated on the historic campus of Virginia State University, Beta Gamma was founded on December 2 2 , 1 9 2 6 . Presently our chapter has 17 Brothers who are constantly striving to "hold the light high." Beta Gamma initiated two lines during the past year — "The Coming of the New Breed," Fall 7 9 ; and "The Clones," Spring '80. These lines produced four and five Brothers respectively. We now have ten fine little Brothers who will soon see the light of Alpha. They have been amply named "The Everlasting Ten." At Beta Gamma, Brothers are vigorously involved in campus and community activities. These include the Student Government Association, tutorial programs, honor societies, rest home visitations, Toys for Tots, Special Olympics and working with underprivileged children. Several Brothers have earned scholarships and they all view academic excellence as their primary objective. On September 2 8 , 1 9 8 0 , Beta Gamma held its 54th Annual Smoker and its 1 st Annual Banquet and Awards Program. The banquet directly preceded the Smoker and was utilized to recognize graduate Brothers for their service to Alpha and the university. The guest speaker for the Smoker was Brother Bobby Scott of the Virginia House of Delegates. We were especially honored to have two of our founders, Brothers Henry Colson Jackson and Morgan J. Edwards, among the many Brothers in attendance. Chapter officers for this year are: Jeffrey Powell, President; Mark Conley, Vice-President; Joseph Suber, Secretary; Ronald Thomas, Corresponding Secretary; Robert Wright, Treasurer; Samuel Richardson, Historian; John Elliott, Parliamentarian; The Sphinx / Winter 1980

Michael Fisher, Sergeant-At-Arms; John Elliott, Chaplain; William Wade, Financial Secretary; Mark Conley, Associate-Editor-To-Sphinx; Renard Carlos, Education Director; Samuel Richardson, Dean of Pledges; Orestes Gooden and John Elliott, Assistant Deans of Pledges. Beta Gamma has, since its creation, produced many outstanding Alpha men. The present members, entrusted with this rich tradition, are earnestly committed to its preservation.

boston university The Brothers of Sigma Chapter would like to extend a warm fraternal greeting to all of our Alpha Brothers. Located in the greater Boston area, Sigma Chapter has been in existence since 1 9 1 5 . Since the existence of our noble fraternity, community service has always been a tradition of all Alpha men. This tradition lives on with the Brothers of Sigma Chapter. Our first community project this school year dealt with the Big Brothers Association. The chapter helped the Big Brothers Association with their skate-a-thon. We will also be working with the youngsters in such things as tutorial services and just plain companionship. Young people are the future leaders of this world; for this reason the Brothers will be venturing into the high schools. Our objective will be to express upon the minds of our young brothers and sisters the importance of an education. If we don't help our own, who will? This year, as in the past, we will be distributing Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter baskets to needy families in the Boston area. Coming up in February we will be holding our job fair, bringing many of the corporations and businesses from the Boston and New England area to the campus of Boston University. With unemployment and economics going the way they are, many of the Brothers felt a need to bring e m p l o y e r s closer to the students. The Brothers of Sigma Chapter would like to take this time to welcome our new Brothers into that cherished land of Alphadom, Nisusendure II and Mahogany VI. During the Spring Quarter the chapter also elected new officers. The officers for 1980-81 are: John Davis, President; Karey Statin, Vice-President; Leon Harrison, Jr., Treasurer; Jean Celestin, Jr., Financial Secretary; Simeon Euell, Business Manager; Aftern Sanderson, Jr., Recording and Corre-

sponding Secretary; Kenneth Stith, Jr., Historian and Sergeant-At-Arms; and Brian Douglas, Editor-to-the-Sphinx. As the year continues we wish all our Brothers success and happiness in all of their endeavors.

MIDWEST u of Cincinnati Greetings to all distinguished Alphas from the Brothers of Alpha Alpha Chapter, University of Cincinnati. We are proud to announce our newly enthusiastic officers for the 1980-81 school year. They are as follows: Warren Ali, President; Alan Costner, Vice-President; Dennis Baylor, Recording Secretary; Bobby Peck, Corresponding Secretary; Gerald Bryant, Treasurer; Nelson Broadus, Parliamentarian; and Nathan Greene, Historian. Brother Bryan Jones will be Dean of Pledges. Last year "Double A" gave 1 1 0 % , as usual, and the results were quite rewarding. A very touching and inspiring program was held in celebration of the birth date of our greatest civil rights leader and emancipator, the late Brother Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A scholarship fund was organized to aid those students in emergency situations, who were required to meet their financial obligations with the university before continuing their education. On February 17, 1 9 8 0 , nine daring young men began their awesome "march onward and upward toward the light." Early on the morning of April 10, 1 9 8 0 , Omni 9 "saw the light" and "crossed the burning sands" to enter the Alpha Kingdom. The members of Omni 9 are as follows: Alan Costner, Cleveland, Ohio; Timmie Piphus, Cincinnati, Ohio; Hank Larkins, Cleveland, Ohio; Nelson Broadus, Cincinnati, Ohio; Bobby Peck, Cleveland, Ohio; Gerald Bryant, Dayton, Ohio; Nathan Greene, LaGrange, Georgia; Dennis Baylor, Akron, Ohio; and Tony Dunlap, Louisville, Kentucky. Brother Daryl Cox, who served as host of the College Brothers' Luncheon at the past Midwestern Regional Convention in St. Louis, Mo., received a standing ovation which was ignited by the quote "You're never too old to learn and you're never too young to teach." "Double A" and Nu Gamma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. held a joint weekend of activities from May 23-25. The various festivities were highlighted on the evening of May 2 4 , 1 9 8 0 , with a bail. The theme for this occasion was "Reflections of a Great Past, Visions of a Great Future." 29

ton's Black community, knocking on doors, in an attempt to remind our people of the importance of the Presidential election and voting. We then sponsored one of our major civic projects of the year with our Fifth Annual Black Career Awareness Day/Job Expo. Over 35 corporations and firms were present to speak with and recruit Black NU students and other potential candidates. In addition, we held informative hourly seminars in different careers Alpha Mu Chapter, Northwestern and announced the winner of our University, is proud to announce the Robert Willis Memorial Award for beginning of what promises to be academic excellence. another banner year for Alphadom on The Brothers of AM also deemed it our campus. The 1980-81 academic necessary to challenge the stabilizing year began with major social successes and declining enrollment of Black for the chapter. The Brotherhood, students in schools such as Northfollowing our 1979-80 theme of western. We sponsored an "over"pride, punctuality, and prior preparanighter" for inner-city high school tion," dominated Freshman Week by seniors from Chicago that are potential offering the freshman class first-class NU students. entertainment with three successive The winter season plans to be a busy and successful parties. one also for the Brotherhood. Scheduled is the First Annual Metropolitan Chicago Chapters Founders' Day Program, to be hosted by our chapter. The guest speaker for the occasion is Brother Charles H. Wesley, Historian and Past General President of the Fraternity. On tab for the month of January is our second annual King Memorial Forum. After last year's successful venture we were successful in obtaining monies from the university to enable us to expand our program to a level that will be unparalleled in the Chicago area. We are securing three noted speakers, that embody the spirit of Brother King and his movement, in our attempt to serve and transcend all. In addition, plans are being made to make the month of February, Black Liberation Month, the most memorable one for our campus and area For our actions, we are pleased to announce The Brothers of Alpha Mu Chapter, Northwestern University, at Alpha Homecoming Affair 1980 that we have over twenty young men awaiting our Winter pledge line, a record number for Alpha Mu Chapter. The Brothers of Alpha Mu are indeed answering the challenge to be "First of All," serving all, to help our people transcend all!

Alpha Alpha Chapter is "on the move" and eagerly awaiting the challenges that lie ahead. "Double A" is always working hard and striving to prove that Alpha is "First of All, 'A Servant of AH', and 'Shall Transcend All'." We challenge you to do the same.

northwestern u

Successes continued to occur with our Homecoming gala, "Romantic Reflections, A Black and Gold Affair." That this was both the first Black Homecoming Ball and the first free affair of its magnitude in memory at Northwestern coupled to make the night a smashing affair. Thanks go to the chapter sponsors who helped to make the evening one to "reflect" upon. While this undertaking in itself was a success, it was only one portion of the chapter's 58th Reunion Celebration. Alumni Brothers from both the East and West, in addition to the multitude from the Midwest, attended the weekend commemoration, and initiation of our "Alpha Mu Network." The chapter then turned to matters that concern our people's and fraternity's future. On the Saturday preceding the election of the President, the Brothers of Alpha Mu went into Evans-

ohio Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter sponsored its sixth annual Father and Son Banquet Friday, October 24, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. in the Stadium Club Restaurant. Brother Leon Bibb, reporter and weekend co-anchor for WKYC-TV 3 Action 3 News was the featured speaker. Approximately 150 fathers and sons attended. Brother Leon Bibb received a special award from the chapter. Alpha Mu Alumni returning for the 58th Anniversary celebration and Homecoming '80. The Father and Son Banquet seeks 30

The Sphinx / Winter 1980

and since then have truly held Alpha's light high. In 1979, we were the largest undergraduate chapter in the nation, and currently, we are still proud to say that we are among the top ten chapters as far as having the most active members. This year has already proven to be one of the most productive for Theta Nu. Our activities for the semester were initiated by the successful execution of a fund-raising road race. The project, the James R. Clark Sickle Cell Anemia Road Race, was directed by Brother Gerald Stewart and spearheaded on September 27. We are extremely proud of the outcome of the race and hope to make it an annual event. Our other immediate service projects for the fall will include decorating a room in a "haunted house" for the Brother Leonard Hamilton, President of Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and raising Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter, presents a monies for the expansion of a local scholarship check to the Cleveland Scholarship Fund. Receiving for the Fund is the church that serves both college President of the Fund, Brother Clarence students in the area and local military persons. Mixon. Officers for Theta Nu are Brothers: Bennish D. Brown, President; John to foster good human relations, proStaten, Jr., Vice-President; Ralph Dumote scholarship and reward achievepree, Secretary; Aaron Carter, Treasments of minority high school males. urer; Moses Boyd, Parliamentarian; Outstanding Black males and their Purvis Collier, Dean of Pledges. fathers from twelve Cleveland area We are very proud of the direction high schools were honored with each Theta Nu is taking and can only youngster receiving a trophy. Awards foresee good things for the chapter in are based on recommendations from 1980. To all of our Alpha Brothers, we high school principals. The chapter would like to say that we're continumaintains biographies on each ously letting Alpha's light so shine that honoree and highlights their continuing others may see and follow. achievements during each banquet program. A special addition to this year's program was the return of a 1976 Enthusiasm, dedication, cooperation, honoree who has since graduated from commitment, and individual expression the Naval Academy. Brother Hilton characterized the mood of members of Smith, program chairman, reported Theta Eta Lambda Chapter at their that 95% of all the young men honored 1980-81 kick-off meeting on Saturto date by Delta Alpha Lambda have day, September 8. With Brother Israel gone on to higher education. Heard rapping the gavel, the meeting Delta Alpha Lambda received special was held at the Atwater's Cafeteria recognition from Cleveland Mayor with Brother Walter Hall serving as George V. Voinovich and Ohio Conhost. gressman Louis Stokes of the 21st Because the president had called Congressional District. two planning sessions during the summer, much was accomplished at this first meeting including adoption of the program and budget for the fiscal year, adoption of the revised constitution and by-laws, and the appointment of committees. A comprehensive slate of activities for the year was approved including the traditional programs plus several new programs. Budgetary items include a substantial scholarship The Brothers of Theta Nu Chapter at fund as well as a commitment to the the University of South Carolina in ColNational Organization's Million Dollar umbia, SC, extend a hearty greeting to Fund for the National Urban League, its many fellow "servants of all" as we the NAACP, and the United Negro enter this 1980 school year. College Fund. We were founded in March 1973,



u of south Carolina

The Sphinx / Winter 1980

President Heard in his remarks admonished members to live up to the true spirit and philosophy of Alpha and to re-dedicate themselves to the implementation of the year's program. The members applauded their Brothers who have assumed new and greater responsibilities since the last meeting in June. Charley Williams, former assistant principal at Northeast High School, is now the newly appointed principal of Safety Harbor Middle School. Anthony Thurston has been moved from Clearwater Comprehensive Middle School as assistant principal to Gibbs Senior High School as assistant principal. Receiving a big promotion is Charles Britt who has been promoted from a # 3 position as program manager, District 6, HRS, covering the counties of Hillsborough and Manatee, to a #1 position as district administrator for District V, HRS, for Pinellas and Pasco counties. Assuming the chairmanship of the Module 16 Committee (a special advisory committee to the city council) is Samuel Robinson. Emanuel Stewart was recently appointed state chairman of the Minority Involvement Committee, Florida Division, American Cancer Society. Rendering service to many community causes is a major objective of St. Petersburg Alphas.

alabama Greetings to all our Brothers from the members of Delta Theta Lambda Chapter, in the Space City of Huntsville, Alabama. Our chapter has gotten off to an excellent start this year with Brothers taking a greater interest in the activities of the chapter. The Brothers of Delta Theta Lambda were pleased to have been visited this past year by Brother (Lieutenant) Cecil Fields from Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri; Brother Malcolm Costa and his family from Akron, Ohio; Brother Finnos Coleman and his family from St. Louis, Missouri; and Brother Kenneth M. Morgan from Neptune, New Jersey. Delta Theta Lambda is proud of the participation of its members in carrying on the business of Alpha on the local, state, regional, and national levels. Brother Mingo Clark serves as Regional Vice President. He is also chairman of the Board of Directors of the Alpha Complex. Other Brothers serving at the regional level are Brother Dr. A. J. Garth, Professor of Educational Administration at Alabama A&M University, who serves as Regional, State, and Local Secretary. Brother Wiley Henderson, Assistant Professor of Biology at Alabama A&M is Regional Chaplain, and Brother Columbus Sanders, President of Beowulf Com31

pany, who serves on the Executive Board of the Regional. The Brothers of Delta Theta Lambda are holding Alpha high and are looking forward to the 1981 year with great anticipation.

mississippi state u Nowhere does the light of Alpha shine brighter than in the hearts of the Brothers of Kappa Beta Chapter. It is with this fact in mind that we extend a most hearty greeting to all Alpha men — Kappa Beta Style! Kappa Beta is an exciting chapter, full of zest and enthusiasm. We are relatively small in number (only 15), but this is not so obvious to the casual observer. Kappa Betans can be found in 90% of all predominantly Black organizations and the number in general student organizations continues to grow. Brothers who are officers in campus organmizations are: Brother Robert Marks, President of Council of Black Student Organizations and President of Kappa Beta; Brother Michael Lee, President of Greek Association, Chairman of Inter-Fraternity Council of Informal Rush Committee, and VicePresident of Kappa Beta; Brother Aaron Harris, President of Afro-American Plus, Vice-President of the Society of Black Engineers; Brother Barry Brown, Director of the Black Voices, Secretary of the Council for Black Student Organizations, first Black to be appointed to MSU's election commission, and Secretary of Kappa Beta; Brother Ralph Crockett, Greek Association treasurer. Other organizations in which Alpha is represented are: Bio-chemistry club,

Reveille staff, Reflector staff, Communications club, Senate committees, school band, NAACP, MSU basketball team, Hall councils, ROTC, Society of Black Artists, and several honorary and professional fraternities. Acolades from previous service projects which Kappa Beta has performed for community and campus residents are an incentive and spur the Brothers towards greater service. Current projects include: Adopt-afriend Program with the Rolling Hills Nursing Home, Tutorial service with area high schools, the restoration of a historic Black cemetery, Big Brother program, food baskets at holidays, blood donations, voter registration, hosts for State NAACP Convention and sponsoring the Miss Black Starkville pageant. One of the highlights of the school year was the election of the first Black in the 101-year history of Mississippi State to the Homecoming court. The influence and support demonstrated by the Brothers during the election campaign on campus was a catalyst in Miss Maggie Seawood's election as sophomore maid. Our own candidate, Patricia Randolph, lost the election for senior maid by a mere seven votes. While Kappa Beta is only five years old, the Brothers have excelled in nearly every area within the fraternity and the university. Some major accomplishments: Hosted 1976 State Convention, $1,025 donation to Million Dollar Fund Drive, State Chess Championship, Regional Scholarship Award Winner, Intramural sports championship, three commissioned officers in Army ROTC. Our annual Miss Black and Gold pageant is the toast of the campus.

The Brotherhood of Kappa Beta Chapter, Mississippi State University. 32

The pageant has grown enormously since its very first presentation. In addition, a scholarship is presented at each pageant to the Black student with the highest G.P.A. for that semester. The Brothers also enjoy displaying their creative skills in entertainment. The Brothers of Kappa Beta are renown for their dynamic performances in Stepdowns. We have competed in various Greek shows throughout the state and region and we've been very successful. Even though Kappa Beta is a young chapter, we are firmly bound to the path of Alpha. We stand proud of our accomplishments, but not complacent. We will continue to hold high the ideals of Alpha while striving for excellence — Kappa Beta style.

tougaloo college The Brothers of Gamma Upsilon Chapter, along with the other undergraduate Brothers, begin another school year. With the academic season starting, Gamma Upsilon is in the process of formulating a structure that will contribute to building a stronger chapter. We are familiar with the duties placed upon each Alphaman. And we intend to, through constructive determination, reflect these characteristics so that our image of respectability is influenced on the minds of others. A great task indeed, yet we shall accomplish our goal. In essence, we feel to achieve progress one must have good leadership. A new phase is taken into the hearts and souls of each Brother at Gamma Upsilon. We have taken on new ways of modifying the problems that have crippled us in the past which were pertaining to pledging. We sought advice to modify these problems from the National Chapter and also from some graduate Brothers, and special credit for advice is placed on last year's advisor to Gamma Upsilon, Brother Walter Davis. We maintain these modifications by keeping in mind, "Everyone loves a cheerful worker." This is not a cliche but a practical means of ensconcing us, as individuals, in the career position we long for. With the diligent working of each Brother, Gamma Upsilon shall launch new projects while we have the courage of our convictions. The Brothers of Gamma Upsilon continue to dream, aspire, and dare to reach for a star. In closing, we can assure you, if anything, Gamma Upsilon has learned that yesterday's "I can't" can become today's "I can." The Sphinx / Winter 1980

oloboma aÂŁrm The Brothers of Delta Gamma extend greetings. The year was off to an exciting beginning when 24 Brothers reported back on campus to start the year. Thus far, we are having an exciting and productive year. Brother Henry Panion III is our president for this year. Other Brothers holding official positions are Brothers Travis Brooks, Rodney Jamar, Clyde Hall, Winston Rollins, Charles Forrest, Robert May, Rodney Allen and John Hines. Our Sweetheart Court consists of Ms. Felicia Erving, Miss Black and Gold, Ms. Rosemary King, Miss Alpha Phi Alpha and Ms. Mattie Carter, Miss Delta Gamma. These young ladies were presented to the college community at an elaborate Sweetheart Coronation and during homecoming festivities. Many projected activities are on our calendar for this year. These include our Annual Rush Party & Smoker, Founder's Day Ceremonies with Delta Theta Lambda Chapter, contribution to a Needy Family at Thanksgiving, Stepping Contest, serving as Big Brothers to young boys from local schools, and the Blood Donation Program. Delta Gamma anticipates a banner year. The Alpha Spirit is high and our adopted slogan is "Alpha Men: Think and Act Positively." We are also fortunate to have the guidance and expertise from three illustrious Alpha men as our advisors. They are Brother Dr. A. J. Garth, Professor of educational administration; Brother Wiley Henderson, Associate Professor of Biology; and Brother Richard Tucker, Assistant Professor of Music.

SOUTHWEST texas southern u The Brothers of Delta Theta Chapter, Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas, want to extend a very warm and spirit-filled greeting to the President, selected officers, and all Brothers in Alphadom. It is indeed a pleasure to affiliate ourselves with you and share the outlooks of our chapter. The Brothers of Delta Theta have been somewhat invisible in the past, and for this we want to beg your pardons. Even though our chapter has been founded for nearly 30 years, we have undergone a tremendous amount of obstacles, negative feedbacks and derailments, but all praises due to God, our visions of making Delta Theta Chapter Alpha's best has conquered all. The Sphinx / Winter 1980

We find it extremely difficult to stress how the true spirit of the fraternity is guiding our thoughts and ruling our hearts, but from 1980 throughout eternity we will through God remain dedicated to the cause and Motto of the fraternity. Since the outstanding "18 KT. Gold" line has crossed the sands and leaped into Alpha land, a new fraternal and chapter outlook has taken place. Our chapter is now enriched and enhanced with Brothers who will constantly strive to become "First of all, Servants of all, and Transcend all." We currently have over 30 Brothers in our chapter, including a life member who is also Assistant Vice-President of South West Region (Eddie Mason). We have Brothers in practically every aspect of campus life, as well as every aspect of involvement into the fraternity. Our new officers for the year 1980-81 are as follows: Walter Lewis, President; Leonardo Lucier, VicePresident; Jaun Walker, Secretary; Darius D. Elam, Correspondence Secretary; Reginald Lee, Treasurer; Russell Singleton, Historian; Rev. Michael James, Chaplain; Eddie Mason, Parliamentarian; Gary Olgesby, Editor-to-theSphinx; Carl Estelle, Sergeant-At-Arms; John Bowman, Dean of Pledges; and Albert Williams, Assistant Dean of Pledges. The Brothers of Delta Theta Chapter will be continuously striving to rededicate ourselves and uphold the Goals, Dreams and Motto of Alpha Phi Alpha.

WEST California On September 19, in a memorable and moving display of Alpha brotherhood and cooperation, three chapters came together for the installation of officers. Brothers from Gamma Phi Lambda of Berkeley, Gamma Chi Lambda of San Francisco, and Kappa Omicron Lambda of Vallejo met at the Hyatt Hotel in San Francisco with their wives and sweethearts for the affair. Brother Welton Flynn as a capable Master of Ceremony and outgoing President of Gamma Chi Lambda Brother Dr. Waldense Nixon in a warm welcoming address, set the tone of togetherness. Brother Oscar Williams of Gamma Phi Lambda introduced the speaker, Brother Clinton Minnis, Western Regional Vice President. In addition to a very challenging address, Brother Minnis also swore in the newly elected officers. Brother Joe Thomas, Northern California Director, presented charters to two newly formed undergraduate

chapters: Xi Pi of California State University at Hayward and Xi Rho of San Francisco State University. Presentation of awards and certificates were made by Brothers Capers Bradham of Gamma Phi Lambda and Buford Thompson and Authur Murray of Kappa Omicron Lambda. Recognition was paid to Brothers Osby Davis, Supervisor of Solono County, Dr. William Murray, Superintendent of Schools, Emeryville, and Grandvel Jackson of San Francisco Board of Education. It was an inspirational and unprecedented affair, charged with commitment to undergraduate growth, community growth and chapter togetherness which ended with a stirring rendition of the Alpha Hymn.

southern California u A warm Alpha greeting to all Alphas everywhere from the Brothers of the Always Deadly Chapter of Alpha Delta Chapter located at the University of Southern California. The 1979-80 year has been one of the more memorable in our 59-year history and we would like to tell you about it. Under the leadership of our President, Elliott Gregory Swinton, we kicked off the year with a bang by throwing our "Season Opening Affair" on October 6, 1979. It was one of the bestever attended functions on USC's campus. We were definitely pleased with the results. One hundred dollars of the proceeds went to the Million Dollar Fund Drive. The next day, our Fall Smoker was held in the Student Activities Center. The turnout was excellent (included in the audience was three members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.) which shows men and women are interested in hearing about Alpha. Our next event was our Halloween party that we gave for a kindergarten class at the 32nd St. Elementary School. We spent a lovely afternoon with the children playing games, singing songs, eating ice cream and cake, and filling up their trick or treat bags with goodies. The children enjoyed it so much that they presented us with a gift for Thanksgiving. The majority of our time was spent on our pledge line. They were a fine group of nine gentlemen who were trying to reach the realms of Alphadom. Notable deeds which they did to so that they were worthy of becoming Alphamen were giving blood to the Red Cross, throwing a very successful bowling tournament, and also gave a combination dance-canned goods drive. They gave the canned goods to the women of Alpha Kappa Alpha 33

Sorority, Inc. to help them with their Thanksgiving Canned Foods Drive. Finally, after crossing the hot, "burning sands," Esprit De Corps" made it to Alphaland on December 9, 1979. Those chosen gentlemen were Duane E. Bridges, Santiago D. Cortez, George A. "Rusty" Cundieff, Kenneth M. Hayes, Raphael L. Henderson, Arnell S. Henson, Alexander L. Jones, Carl R. Osborne, Jr., and Albert S. Thurmond. That evening, the chapter celebrated Founder's Day activities with Beta Psi Lambda Chapter at the Hyatt House Hotel. Afterwards, the neophytes were treated to a "crossing over" party. It was a great day for all. We opened up the Spring Semester with our Sweethearts Dance given in conjunction with our sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. It was a huge success with everyone "jamming" to the maximum. Next up for us was our Spring Smoker. Again we were pleased with the turnout. One of the top highlights of the year came on March 8, 1980. Our annual Alpha Phi Alpha Sweetheart's Ball took place at the Hyatt House. We gave it in conjunction with Beta Psi Lambda. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of our Sweetheart Court of


1980. They were as follows: Katrice C. Patterson (selected Queen of the Court), Sandra J. Parker, Felecia P. Logan, Karen Zimmerman, Rhonda Brookter, Robin Thompkins and Bella Ross. It was a gala affair! Again, we were fortunate enough to have a line of nine pledge the ranks of Alpha. On May 10, 1980, "Omniscience" crossed over the "burning sands." Those nine were Steven L. Brantley, Abb Benjamin Bristo, Steven O. Butler, Deryl K. Deese, Frank Forman, Efrem Brooks, Eric L. Holoman, Count D. Mingleton, Anthony W. Willoughby. To wrap up the school year, we gave away two $100 scholarships to a deserving male and female who we felt carried out the goals of Alpha Phi Alpha in their daily student life. Individual accomplishments must also be recognized. First off, Brother Elliott G. Swinton was the recipient of three scholarships from the fraternity. He won the First Annual Brother 0. Wilson Winters Memorial Scholarship Award of $1,000. This award was given by the Brothers of Rho Chapter in memory of the First Life Member. Also he won a $500 scholarship from the Brothers of Beta Psi Lambda Chapter and most recently he was awarded a $1,000 scholarship from

the National Education Foundation of the General Organization. Congratulations are also in order to two Brothers who graduated from USC on June 4. They are Brothers Carl R. Osborne, Jr. and Harvey B. Carter. Brothers, indeed we did live up to our slogan of "Ain't No Stopping Us Now, We're On the Move." Next year, we hope to escalate to higher heights and accomplishments than we did this year. With a chapter membership of 22, these goals can be reached under our new slogan, "Alpha on the Move, We are what we Do." Our officers for 1980-81 are: Shannon Thurmond, President; Eric L. Holoman, Vice-President; Arnell S. Henson, Treasurer; Benjamin Bristo, Recording Secretary; Count D. Mingleton, Director of Educational Activities; Elliott G. Swinton, Associate Editor-to-the-Sphinx; Rusty Cundieff, Historian; Lane Williams, Parliamentarian; Ronald Bolts, Sergeant-AtArms; Frank Forman, Chaplain; and Bertram Johnson, Dean of Pledges. Brothers, we hope to be talking to you in the near future and if you are ever in the land of the Always Deadly Chapter, come check us out. We will gladly give you a friendly, fraternal welcome. Until then, keep up the good work so we can let the Light of Alpha shine all over the world.

The Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History, a major national organization in the twin fields of life and history, js composed of members of all racial groups in America. We welcome your membership, and offer full participation in meetings, conferences and conventions and in other activities,

Members of Alpha Phi Alpha: The Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History cordially invites you to become a member of

ASALH the organization dedicated to improvement of ethnic understanding in America, appreciation of the life and history of the Afro-American, and enrichment of promise of the future. FOR MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION, WRITE: The Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History 1401 Fourteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 A Public Service AdvertisementÂť/The Sphinx. 34

The Sphinx / Winter 1980

Laurence T Young Sr , Editor

A TRIBUTE TO BROTHER CHARLES K. ANDERSON DELTA LAMBDA CHAPTER, ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. October 28, 1980 Brother CHARLES K. ANDERSON, Andy, as he was affectionately known to his Brothers and his friends, was a quiet, ever smiling, pleasant man. His love for Alpha ran deep. He was a loyal Brother, faithful, and ever willing to do whatever he could for the welfare of the chapter. I cannot recall his voice ever being raised in anger or irritation, even in the heat of debate. Yet his counsel was wise and his advice sound. His love for Alpha was second only to his love for his family. This he showed in the same quiet way that distinguished him. But at the mention of his beloved Ellen, or his children, his face would light up, and the love he held for them was obvious to all. Andy had a distinguished career with the Housing Authority. To his colleagues and supervisors he was knowledgeable, and most efficient as an administrator. To his tenants he was human in every sense of the word. He was not a "nine-to-five" bureaucrat. He had a personal interest in the well being of his tenants. That was his paramount concern. Evern after his retirement, although his health was not the best, he continued to work on a limited basis to make living more comfortable and meaningful for the aged. Andy was a caring person. Physically, the last few years were not easy ones for Andy. On at least two occasions he suffered serious illnesses. He had only recently recovered from one serious illness when his beloved Ellen was stricken. He suffered greatly. Yet through it all his indomitable spirit sustained him through this ordeal. To those who would question the will of the Father, it would seem almost ironic, even unfair, that less than ten months after the death of his wife he fell victim to the same dread disease. It took its toll on his body, but his spirit remained unconquerable. Andy leaves us a legacy that we will always cherish and revere: Love of one's fellow man; loyalty to that in which he believes; faithfulness to duty; and an unconquerable spirit in the face of adversity. These qualities of Andy Delta Lambda will always remember with love and respect. Brother CHARLES A. JOHNSON, age 66, entered Omega Chapter October 7, 1980 in Chicago, following a brief illness. Brother Johnson was a staunch member of Xi Lambda Chapter, and for many years served as a guiding force. He was an outstanding citizen — a loyal and devoted Brother — member of many civic and social organizations, playing an active part in all. Xi Lambda Chapter conducted Omega chapter services, October 11, 1980 at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Chicago, followed by a requiem mass, interment in Oak Woods Cemetery He is survived by his wife. Viola.

Brother CLINTON EVERETT KNOX — Ex-Ambassador, entered Omega Chapter October 16, 1980 — in his home in Silver Spring, Maryland — at the age of 72; he was a member of Delta Lambda Chapter, in Baltimore, Maryland. Brother Knox had been with the State Department since October of 1945, when he was appointed a research analyst — his assignments taking him to Western Europe as Chief of Research; 1948-1955 attended the NATO Defense College; and to Honduras in 1963 as Deputy Chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy.

The Sphinx / Winter 1980

Brother Knox served as Haiti Ambassador from 1969 until his retirement in 1973. His retirement came shortly after his ordeal with Haitian terrorists Brother Knox and the U.S. Consul to Haiti were held hostage for 18 hours being released unharmed in return for a government promise to fly the gunmen, 12 political prisoners and $70,000 ransom money to Mexico Before Brother Knox's Haitian assignment, he served as ambassador to the Republic of Dahomey in West Africa. Brother Knox was a native of New Bedford, Mass. He received his Baccalaureate degree from Williams College in Williamstown, Mass. in 1930 and his Master's degree from Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island Funeral rites were held for Brother Knox October 20 from the Rock Creek Parish in Washington, DC. He is survived by his wife, Clementine two children, Karen and William; two brothers, John M. Murphy III, AfroAmerican Board of Directors Chairman and Dr. William Knox; and a sister Alberta. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful, rest in peace. On Saturday, November 29, 1 980, the Angel of Silence sealed the lips of Brother BENJAMIN F. LEVER, born to the parentage of Mr. Joseph L and Mrs. Alice Bush Lever on March 2 1 , 1 91 5 at Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Mr. Lever received his early education in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Cadet First Lieutenant of the Cadet Corps at Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama, the Master of Science, Master of Education and Diploma of Advanced Study at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Arkansas. When he expired he was employed as Supervisor of Needs Assessments, Division of Federal Programs, Title LV, State Department of Education at Little Rock, Arkansas. As a faithful member of St. John A.ME. Church, he was a member of the Steward Board Number 2 and Class Number 23. He served as Dean of Shorter College, Little Rock, Arkansas, Farm Manager at A.M. & N. College (now University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff) and as principal of several schools in the state of Arkansas. He was a 33rd Degree Mason and member of the Delta Sigma Lambda Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and member of the Arkansas Teachers and National Education associations and an Administrator's Certificate in School Administration. His survivors include his wife, Mrs. Orah Bullard Lever; a foster daughter, Tawana Lynn Lever; his mother. Mrs. Alice Bush Lever; two nephews; one niece; two uncles and one aunt. Brother HERMAN E. MOORE, age 88, entered Omega Chapter in Miami Beach, Florida, December 2, 1980, following an extended illness. Brother Moore's original chapter was Beta, Howard University, later transferring to Mu Lambda in Washington. Brother Moore received his Bachelor of Law degree at Howard University Law School, and did graduate work at Boston University; later admitted to the Illinois Bar in 1920. Brother Moore was a partner in the law firm of Dawson, Haynes, Moore and Wilkins. In 1937 he was appointed to the Interstate Commerce Commission and in 1940 the late President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, appointed him Federal District Judge of the Virgin Islands. Funeral rites were conducted December 15, 1980 at the Rayner and Sons Funeral Chapel in Chicago. Brother Moore is survived by his wife, Marie. Brother WILLIE McCLERKIN II entered Omega Chapter October 4, 1980 at Richland Memorial Hospital, Columbia, South Carolina, following a brief illness. Brother McClerkin was an active member and officer of Alpha Psi Lambda, Columbia, South Carolina. His elementary education was received ai Booker T. Washington High School where he was an honor student; his secondary education was received at Benedict College, Columbia, S.C and his Baccalaureate degree received at the University of Illinois. At the time of his passing he was enrolled in a doctoral program at the University of South Carolina. Brother McClerkin was truly an educator. He was a member of Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society and the Academy of Science. He was listed in "Outstanding Educators of America." Brother McClerklin was a chemistry instructor with Richland School District No. 1, and was the current director of the Advanced Institutional Development Program at Benedict College. Brother McClerkin is survived by a loyal and devoted family and mourned by his many neighbors and friends in the community, and in particular, the Brothers of Alpha Psi Lambda Chapter Brother SAMUEL MILTON, a prominent physician, entered Omega Chapter on March 1 7, 1980 in Mexico City at the age of 76. Born in 1 904 in Washington, DC, Brother Milton received his medical degree in 1928 rom Northwestern University and began practice in Kalamazoo, Michigan. In 1938 he established the twenty-bed Sidney A. Sumby Memorial Hospital at 234 Visger Road, River Rouge, Michigan. In 1945 he was


elected to the School Board of that city. In 1949, Brother Milton was elected Wayne County Coroner — making him the first Black to win a countywide office in Michigan since the 1892 election of a Black circuit court commissioner. He was a member of the Binford Masonic Lodge of River Rouge; the NAACP; and the National Medical Association. He was Vice President and Medical Director of the Wright Mutual Insurance Company and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Union Second Baptist Church. Named "Physician of the Year" in 1962 by the Detroit Medical Society, Brother Milton also served as Health Officer for Ecorse Township for four years.

Brothers of Delta Epsilon Lambda conducted Alpha's Omega service, November 4, 1980, assisted by Brothers in the immediate area — which service of Resurrection was conducted by The Reverend John Q. Owens, pastor of St. Luke's Church. Services closed by the singing of the Alpha National Hymn. Brother Thomas is survived by his wife, Evelyn; a sister; two sisters-inlaw; two brothers-in-aw; two nieces; six nephews; and many collateral relatives.

Funeral services for Brother H. B. RUTHERFORD were held on Wednesday, November 12, at St. Martin Deporres Catholic Church. Dr. Rutherford died on Monday. November 10, at Baptist Medical Center. Brother Rutherford had served as a college instructor in education and as an academic dean at Benedict College He was principal of Booker T. Washington High School from 1950 to 1964. Dr. Rutherford received his Master's degree from New York University and his Ph.D. from Harvard University He has served as president of Alpha Psi Lambda Chapter and vice-president of the Southern Region of Alpha Phi Alpha. Surviving are two sons, Dr. Harry Benjamin Rutherford, Jr. of Columbia and Dr. William Henery Rutherford of Washington, D C ; a sister, Mrs. Carolyn Watson of New York City; and five grandchildren. Brother Rutherford earned and enjoyed the respect of the community which mourns his loss

Brother ANDREW P. TORRENCE, age 60, entered Omega Chapter July 11,1980 at the John A. Andrew Community Hospital, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama. Brother Torrence received his elementary and secondary education in Little Rock, Arkansas; he received his Baccalaureate degree from Tennessee State University, and his Masters and Doctorate degrees from the University of Wisconsin. Brother Torrence was Provost and Executive Vice President of Tuskegee Institute from 1974 until the time of his passing; previously he served as President of Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tennessee. From 1 954 to 1968 he was Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of Academic Affairs and served as head of the Department of Agricultural Education. Brother Torrence was a member and official of Greenwood Missionary Baptist Church, serving actively on the Board of Deacons. He was an active member of Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter. Funeral rites were conducted at Greenwood Missionary Baptist Church, Tuskegee Institute under the direction of the Reverend Raymond F. Harvey, pastor, June 13, 1980. Brother Torrence is survived by his wife, Marian; two children, Kenneth and Andrea; a sister and four brothers; and a host of relatives and friends.

Brother HAROLD W. THOMAS, age 73, entered Omega Chapter October 30, 1980 while a patient at St. Mary's Hospital, East St. Louis, Illinois. Brother Thomas was considered by all his Brothers throughout the country as one of the sages of the Fraternity — his passing diminishes most of us — as he was indeed an unusual character. Brother Thomas was born in Normal, lllnois November 1. 1 907, the only son of Alberta and Everett Thomas. Brother Thomas graduated from Normal Community High School, later received his Baccalaureate degree from Illinois State University, and his graduate studies at the University of Illinois. Brother Thomas was an educator — served as principal of Lincoln Elementary School, Collinsville, Illinois — after which he became a teacher on the faculty of Lincoln High School, East St. Louis, Illinois where he remained until his retirement in 1973. Brother Thomas was a great churchman, as evidenced by tributes from St. Luke A.M.E. Church in East St. Louis. His contributions and affiliations to civic and social organizations were numerous and varied. Brother Thomas was a Life Member, initiated into the Fraternity in 1 946. His contributions are many to so many organizations, as well as people, as he was indeed a "people's person."

Brother NEAL ROBERT WEAVER, JR. was born July 24, 1920 in Kansas City, Kansas, the only child of Neal and Celia Weaver. His father preceded him in death. He attended the local schools and graduated from Sumner High and attended Kansas University. At an early age he professed a hope in Jesus Christ and united with Mason Memorial United Methodist Church. Later, he united with First A.M.E. where he served faithfully with the Male Chorus, Senior Choir and the Trustee Board. He will be remembered by Kansas Citians for his melodious voice, for he sang throughout the city for many occasions. In 1948, he established the Ebony Jewelers, the first Black owned jewelry store in the midwest. He organized and founded the Endowment Assn. of First A.M.E. He also developed a residential area, Neal Weaver Estates, which stand as a memorial to the Weaver family name. He was united in Holy Matrimony to Margaret Robinson in 1939. To this union two daughters were born. Mr. Weaver served in government service with the Post Office and Small Business Adm. for 30 years, retiring in 1 979. He and his wife moved to Denver, Colo, where he was living at the time of his death. He united with Metropolitan A.M.E. Church in Washington, DC. and Shorter A.M.E. Church in Denver. He was a life-time member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and was honored as "Man of the Year" by the Alphas in 1979. He served with his fraternity's tutorial program and their visitation program to senior citizens. He is survived by his wife, Margaret, of the home, two daughters, Mrs. Beverly Weaver Moore and Mrs. Debera Weaver Campbell; his mother, Mrs. Celia Weaver Johnson; four grandchildren, Carla Campbell, Diane, Maria and Ammie Moore.

O M E G A CHAPTER N O T I C E S In profound sorrow, Alpha Phi Alpha announces the entrance into OMEGA CHAPTER of the following Brothers since the last General Convention held in Chicago: From Beta Eta Lambda Chapter, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma — Brother SERCY J BAILEY From Delta Lambda Chapter, Baltimore, Maryland — Brother CHARLES ANDERSON, Baltimore Housing executive.

OmGga C b a p t e R 36

The Sphinx / Winter 1980




Henry A. CJIIII. M.D.

Charles H. Chapman

txEruTivF^S™'; Jan r R - H

Eugene Kinckle Jones

George B. Kelley

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Nathaniel A. Murray

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r S I TPF^impn 7 James B Blanton r l w F ^ r S 7,KamuS ^ L'6?' SiQxnR^iif rlf \ - Albert Holland, Jr H Wesle ^ 7 . 2 ? ^ 7l2harJ.!.S : V £ £ ^ ™ o i!r,™?.hirles C-T e a m e r

4 4 3 2 King Drive, Chicago, IL 3 6 0 6 E d w a r d Street ' Landover, MD 31 Hickory Hill Rd., Tappan, NY 7 6 3 2 17th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 2 6 0 1 Gentilly Blvd., New Orleans, LA

DIRECTOR-GENERAL C O N V E N T I O N S - K e r m i t J.Hall

44320 60653 20785 10983 20012 70122 19050

lOOFairview Ave, Yeadon, PA

VICE PRESIDENTS M?nJ/PCTc"D T h ° m a S R - H , Un o Y 'J. cni^5™, .77 J ' m m i e L - B u , o r d InnTuO/cc^c^; "£? °,lariL V, ™ . ™ E S T E R N — Charles H. Lewis WESTERN — Clinton L. Minnis

9 Rickover Court, Annapolis, MD 2 1 4 0 1 Smalley Drive, Kansas City, MO 6 4 1 3 4 2 0 2 6 Winchester Road, Huntsville.AL 3 5 8 1 0 1 7 1 0 West Xyler, Tulsa, OK 7 4 1 2 7 2 1 1 8 S. Bagley Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 9 0 0 3 4 9 8 0 7


C. W. Post College, Brookville Hall, Room 5 0 , Box 5 0 ,

umuiccTcnu . , t . „ cJL.^ilr, r R,<rh?rd H - G r a v e s SOUTHERN — Ronald L. Mangum cmrmu/ccTCDw e u .. ™ ™ ! ! 5 T I R N 7" E d d l e M a s ° r i . "I WESTERN — Donald Simmons

Greenvale, NY 1 1 5 4 8 4 0 1 Murray Street, Apt. 26, Frankfort, KY 4 0 6 0 1 Box 1 9 4 7 Senior Dorm, NC A&T State University, Greensboro, NC 2 7 4 1 1 ' 3 0 0 0 Murworth Street, Apt 8 0 3 , Houston TX 7 7 0 2 5 1 3 6 0 E. Pasadena Street, Apt. 3 0 1 , Pomona, CA 91 7 6 7

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, I n c . GENERAL O F F I C E : 4432 Martin Luther King Drive, C h i c a g o , IL 60653 James B. Blanton, Executive Secretary Michael J. Price, Assistant Executive Secretary, Editorin Chief, The SPHINX Darryl R. Matthews, Assistant Executive Secretary

Alpha Phi Alpha Building Foundation, Inc. Wayne C. Harvey, Chairman 8 7 7 5 W.Kingsbury University City, MO 6 3 1 2 4 Dr. Edward Ballard, Vice Chairman James B. Blanton, Secretary James M. Trent, Treasurer Albert Holland, Counsel William Decker Clarke James L. Hunt James T. Rushin Larry L. Earvin Theodis Johnson James R. Williams, Ex-Officio

Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. Henry Ponder, Chairman Office of the President Benedict College Columbia, SC 2 9 2 0 4 Ivan L Cotman, Vice Chairman James B. Blanton, Secretary James M. Trent, Treasurer Albert Holland, Counsel Jesse H. Sterling Walter A. Sullivan Paul C. Williams Ernest L. Holloway Anthony D. Mosely James R. Williams, Ex-Officio

The Sphinx


Winter 1 9 8 0

NATIONAL COMMITTEE/COMMISSION CHAIRMEN AWARDS ONE MILLION DOLLAR DRIVE Thomas A. Phillips Isidore J. Lamothe, Jr. 9 9 0 8 Taylor Drive 1407 University Ave. Overland Park, KS 6 6 2 1 2 Marshall, TX 7 5 6 7 0 BUDGET AND FINANCE Charles C. Teamer 2 6 0 1 Gentilly Blvd. New Orleans, LA 7 0 1 2 2

PUBLIC POLICY Hobart S Jarrett 3 1 5 West 70th St. — No. 15-J New York, NY 1 0 0 2 3

BUSINESS ENCOURAGEMENT COMMISSION Robert E. Sanders 100 Wilshire Blvd. — Suite 4 5 0 Santa Monica, CA 9 0 4 0 1

PUBLICATIONS Hanley J. Norment 1 2 5 0 0 Arbor View Terrace Silver Spring, MD 2 0 9 0 2

COLLEGE BROTHERS AFFAIRS COMMISSION Norman E. W. Towels 2 7 5 Mohawk Perris, CA 9 2 3 7 0 CONSTITUTION A Wendell Wheadon 2 6 0 0 St. Louis Ave E. St. Louis, IL 6 2 2 0 5 ELECTIONS John I. Hendricks Box 4 2 Alcorn State University Lorman, MS 3 9 0 9 6 EQUITABLE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Charles E. Lewis 3 5 0 0 Fieldstone Dr. Winston-Salem, NC 2 7 1 0 5 GRIEVANCES AND DISCIPLINE Ottawa W. Harris 2 6 0 4 Elizabeth St. Denver, CO 8 0 2 0 5 LIFE MEMBERSHIP Elmer C.Collins 2 6 1 5 1 Lake Shore Blvd.— No 1 2 2 4 Euclid. OH 4 4 1 3 2 PERSONNEL Randolph Baxter 9 1 9 Independence Avenue Akron, OH 4 4 3 1 0

PUBLICITY-PUBLIC RELATIONS Ronald S. Flowers 7 2 1 7 S . Oglesby Chicago, IL 6 0 6 4 9 RECOMMENDATIONS Earnest Wallace 2 0 1 8 Van Cleave Dallas, TX 2 5 2 1 6 RULES AND CREDENTIALS Wilson J. Davis 4 5 0 9 Williamsburg Dr. Columbia. SC 2 9 2 0 3 SENIOR ALPHAS COMMISSION Laurence T Young, Sr. 5 5 5 East 33rd PI — No. 1 2 0 8 Chicago, IL 6 0 6 1 6 STANDARDS AND EXTENSION A. Thomas Reliford 1 5 3 0 16th St., N.W. — No. 6 0 4 Washington, DC 2 0 0 3 6 TIME AND PLACE Frank E Devine 6 2 0 2 Washington Ave. Philadelphia, PA 1 9 1 4 3



Moses Melvin Morrison* Roscoe C. Giles* Frederick Miller Drawer " M " Mound Bayou, MS 38762 Charles H. Garvin* Henry L. Dickason* Henry Arthur Callis* Howard H. Long* W. A. Pollard* Daniel D. Fowler* L L. McGee* S. S. Booker* Raymond W. Cannon 2008 Virginia Road Los Angeles, CA 90016 B. Andrew Rose* Charles H. Wesley 7632 17th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20012 Rayford W. Logan 3001 Veazey Terrace. N.W.. No 326 Washington, DC 20008 Belford V. Lawson, Jr. 1140 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 A. Maceo Smith* Frank L Stanley, Sr.* Myles A. Paige 4124 Kenway Avenue Los Angeles. CA 90008 William a Hale* T.Winston Cole 124 S.W. 23rd Gainesville. FL 32601 Lionel H. Newsom Central State University Wilberforce, OH 45384 Ernest N. Morial 1101 Harrison Avenue New Orleans, LA 70122 Walter Washington Alcorn State University, Lorman, MS 39096 •OMEGA CHAPTER


CHAPTER 5 " ^ / f " ? \ i r ^ DIRECTORY

Advisor President

* (Asterisk) indicates that address listed is not current In this case a directory was submitted for 1 9 7 9 - 8 0 , but not for 1 9 8 0 - 8 1 .

Corresponding Secretory Secretary

NO REPORT indicates that the chapter has failed to report an address (file a chapter directory) for two consecutive years prior to publication. In such cases no directory was filed for 19 7 9 - 8 0 or 1 9 8 0 - 8 1 . •MuPsi (SCSC - # 4 6 3 ) Henry Rhodes (S) 146 Sprmgside Avenue, A t New Haven, CT 06515 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Sigma Lambda (Hartford - # 1 6 1 ) Sylvester Johnson ( P ) 31 Chestnut Hill Road West Simsbury, CT 06092 •Zata Phi Lambda (Stamford - # 2 5 3 ) William D McLean ( P )


19 Oakwood Drive Seymour, CT 06483 . . Eta Alpha Lambda •> (New Haven - # 2 5 6 )

Dirartor Elmer Moore 2717 Tennyson St.. NW Washington, DC 20015 AFRICA (Area I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa Phi (U of Liberia Cuttington Coll. - # 4 3 9 )

Eugene Kenny 39 Evergreen Drive North Branford, CT 06473 RHODE ISLAND (Area I I I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Gamma (Brown U - # 2 5 ) Richard L. Jones, III (CS) P. 0 . Box 2392 - Brown University

No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Epsiion Lambda (Monrovia, Liberia - # 2 6 0 )

Providence. Rl 0 2 9 1 2 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Mu Theta Lambda (Providence - # 5 5 3 ) Versee D. Carter ( P )

No Report EUROPE (Area I I ) Theta Theta Lambda (Frankfort. Germany - # 2 8 5 ) I t Col franklin 0. Todd 86 CRS - Box 4822 AP0 New York 09009 CARIBBEAN (Area I I I ) Theta Epsiion Lambda (St Thomas, VI - # 2 8 2 )

P. 0. Box 6062 Providence. Rl 0 2 9 4 0 NEW HAMPSHIRE (Area IV) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta Z e U (Dartmouth College - # 3 8 1 ) Byron L. Boston ( P ) Hmman Box 558 Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755

No Report iota Sigma Lambda (St. Croix, VI - # 5 1 8 )


No Report Epsiion Theta Lambda (Hamilton. Bermuda - # 2 1 9

Clifford R Clemmons 221-25 Manor Road Queens Village, NY 11427

No Report Iota Epsiion Lambda (Nassau. Bahamas


No Report ASIA (Aria IV) Mil Phi Lambda (Seoul, South Korea #565) Ltc. Warren B. Edmonds 0MS, P.O. Box 235 AP0 San Francisco, CA 96301

NEW ENGLAND (DISTRICT Director Thomas D. Harris, IV 135 Canterbury Street Hartford. CT 0 6 1 1 2 MASSACHUSETTS (Area I) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Sigma (Metropolitan - # 1 7 ) Brian Douglas (AED) 1A Buswell Street - #B2 Boston. MA 02215 Alpha Kappa (Metropolitan - # 3 2 ) Maurice Gibson ( P ) 170WilbrahamRd. - Box 14 Springfield. MA 01109 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsiion Gamma Lambda (Boston - # 2 1 4 ) lames Howard (CS) P 0 . Box 1915 Boston. MA 02105 Theta lota Lambda (Springfield - # 2 8 6 ) Jesse Parks ( P ) 184 Middlesex Street Springfield, MA 01109 Nu Xi Lambda (Sudbury - #580J B McKinley Hacked Ir. P 0 . Box 1287 Framingham, MA 01701 CONNECTICUT ( A n a I I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Ztta (Vale U - # 6 ) No Report Kappa Delta (U of Connecticut - # 4 2 3 ) No Report • M u Phi (U of Bridgeport - # 4 6 1 ) loel Roach (S) 244 University Ave. - B o x 14 Bridgeport. CT 06602





WESTERN NEW YORK STATE (Area I) COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Delta Epsiion (U ot Buffalo - # 9 3 ) Robert E. Daniel ( P ) 3217 Bailey Avenue Buffalo, NY 14215 Mu Sigma (U of Rochester - # 4 5 8 ) Stephen A. Bryant ( P ) „ . P. 0 . Box 5051 I I ) Rochester. NY 14627 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho Lambda (Buffalo - # 1 1 6 ) George Nicholas (P) 95 Andover Lane Buffalo, NY 14221 •Eta Theta Lambda (Wyandoance - # 2 6 3 ) Thell Butler, Jr. (S) 35 Seneca Avenue Dix Hills. NY 11746 •Eta Rho Lambda (Rochester-#271) Carl E. Hilton (P) 135 Fairhill Drive Rochester, NY 14618 CENTRAL NEW YORK STATE (Area I I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha (Cornell U - # 1 ) QuentinM. Brathwaite ( P ) 409 Elmwood Avenue Ithaca, NY 14850 •Delta Ztta (Syracuse U - # 9 4 ) Ervin Allgood (CS) P.O. Box 6041 Teal Avenue Station Syracuse. NY 13217 ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Theta Lambda (Endicott - # 5 0 9 ) Maynard Ferguson (S) 2810 Country Club Road Endwell, NY 13760 lota Kappa Lambda (Syracuse - # 5 1 1 ) No Report NORTHEAST NEW YORK STATE (Area I I I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa Zeta (Utica College - # 4 2 5 ) Kerry J Seymore ( P ) South Hall Utica College Utica, NY 13502 ALUMNI CHAPTERS

Beta Pi Lambda (Albany - # 1 5 9 ) Irving Smith, Jr. (S) 35 Bnarwood Road Loudonville, NY 12211 Theta Chi Lambda (Schenectady - # 2 9 8 )

•Delta Mu Lambda (Paterson - # 1 9 9 ) James Gaines ( P ) 22 Gardner Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304 Kappa Theta Lambda (Teaneck-#531) Carlos Peay, Jr. ( P ) 295 Ferris Place Ridgewood. NJ 0 7 4 5 0 (AREA II - CENTRAL) COLLEGE CHAPTER Delta Iota (Rutgers U - # 9 7 ) Wayne Johnson (S) LPO 12062 Livingston College New Brunswick. NJ 08903 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Epsiion Lambda (Red Bank - # 2 3 8 ) Edwin D. Patton (S) 12 Ellen Court Ocean Township, NJ 0 7 7 1 2 •Zeta Nu Lambda (Plainfield - # 2 4 5 ) Alfred Crawford (P) 169 Hellem Street Fanwood, NJ 07023 Theta Psi Lambda (Somerset - # 2 9 9 ) Henry P. Brooks (CS) 1223 West 4th Street Plainfield. NJ 07063 (AREA III - SOUTHERN) COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Iota lota

No Report lota lota Lambda (Rome - # 5 1 0 ) No Report HUDSON VALLEY (Area IV) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Zeta Lambda (New Rochelle - # 2 6 1 ) No Report Eta Chi Lambda (Nyack - # 2 7 6 ) Walter C. Blount, Jr. (S) P.O. Box 130 Orangeburg, NY 10962 Kappa Upsilon Lambda (Mid Hudson Valley - # 5 4 2 ) James McLaughlin. Jr. (P) 7 Cindy Lane Wappingers Falls. NY 12590 METRO NEW YORK C i n (Area V) COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Eta (Metropolitan - # 7 ) Ruben Wiikerson(P) 1470 Amsterdam Ave. #3 New York, NY 10023 Zeta Eta (Columbia U - # 3 3 8 ) Kirk Bowen ( P ) 534 W. 114th Street New York. NY 10025 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Gamma Lambda (New Y o r k - # 1 2 5 )

(Trenton State College - - # 4 0 6 ) Ronald Taylor (P) Centennial Hall - # 2 9 1 Trenton State College Trenton, NJ 08625 • N u lota

Henry W. Rice, II ( P ) 111)160 Broadway, Suite 902 New York, NY 10038 Kappa Xi Lambda (New York - # 5 3 6 ) Kermit H. Boston ( P ) 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020

(Glassboro State - # 4 7 2 ) Keith D. Butler ( P ) Park Crest Village - Apt. #255 Glassboro, NJ 08028 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Theta Lambda

BROOKLYN and LONG I S U N D (Area VI) (Atlantic City - # 1 3 0 ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Austin Martin (P) Delta Chi 1905 Arctic Avenue (City ol B r o o k l y n - # 3 0 8 ) Atlantic City, NJ 08401 Jeffrey K. Boyd (P) Zeta lota Lambda 800 Riverside Drive - #4B (Trenton - # 2 4 2 ) New York. NY 10032 McGray Bussey (CS) Theta Epsiion 109 J Northgate Gardens (Adelphi U - # 3 8 0 ) Cranbury, NJ 08512 Clinton J. Watkis, Jr. (S) Kappa lota Lambda 207 Eddy Hall (Burlington County - # 5 3 2 ) Adelphi University Theodore G Nixon Garden City. NY 11530 4 Ebbtide Lane Kappa Rho Willingboro. NJ 08046 (C. W. Post College - # 4 3 5 ) • N u Gamma Lambda Kenneth A Jackson ( P ) (Glassboro - # 5 7 0 ) C.W. Post C o l l e g e - L I U . Greenvale. NY 11548 XiPsi (Holstra University - #707) Akintola Debayo (P) Student Center Mailbox #42 Hofstra University New York, NY 11550 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Gamma lota Lambda (Brooklyn Long Island - # 1 7 5 ) John M. Williams (S) 51 Alabama Avenue Hempstead, NY 11550

John J. Williams ( P ) 26 Pinewood Lane Sicklerville, NJ 08081

Zeta Zeta Lambda (St. Albans - # 2 3 9 ) Eugene L. Aiken. Jr. (CS) P. 0 Box - 8 Cambria Heights, NY 11411

NEW JERSEY (DISTRICT IV) Director Elbert C. Wisner 300 Lincoln Dr., Colonial Terr. Ocean. NJ 0 7 7 1 2 (AREA I - NORTHERN) COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Iota Rho (Newark College of Engineering Samuel C. Carter ( P ) 30 Lenox Avenue - #300B East Orange, NJ 07018 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha Lambda (Newark - # 1 2 3 ) Warren E. Sherwood (S) 15 Columbus Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 Beta Alpha Lambda (Jersey C i t y - # 1 4 5 ) No Report

Financial Secretary Recording Secretary


Treasurer Editor lo The Spninx Vice President Dean ot Pledges Dean ot Pledges Assistant Secretary


•Kappa Kappa Lambda (Baltimore - # 5 3 3 ) Seaton White (CS)


(Pennsylvania State U - # 7 8 ) Kevin Brockenbrough ( P ) 135 High S t r e e t - A p t . # 1 1 State College. PA 16801

P 0 Box 11347

(Virginia Polytechnic U Todd M. Price (CS) 9000 I foxridge Apts. Blacksburg. VA 24060

Baltimore, MD 21239 MARYLAND SOUTHWEST (Area I I I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Iota Zeta ALUMNI CHAPTERS (U of Maryland - # 4 0 3 ) Zeta Theta Lambda Ian Fields (CS) (Harnsburg-#241) P 0. Box 259 Calvert Road Michael McCall ( P ) College Park, MD 20740 P 0. Box 892 Mu Upsilon Harnsburg. PA 17108 EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA (Area I I I ) (Frostburg State Coll. - #460) Edward L. King (CS) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Lane College Center - Box 64 Nu Frostburg, MD 21532 (Lincoln U - # 1 2 ) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Roosevelt Allen (P) lota Upsilon Lambda Box 161 - Lincoln University (Silver Spring - # 5 2 0 ) Lincoln University, PA 19352 Psi (U ol Pennsylvania - # 2 2 ) Steven Skinner ( P ) 3900 Walnut Street - Box 25 Philadelphia. PA 19104 Delta Pi (Cheney - 3 0 2 ) Ruben Robinson. Jr. (P) 3857 N. Park Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19140 Zeta Psi (West Chester State Coll #353) Mark A. Burems (P) Lawrence Center Box 3093 West Chester State College Westchester, PA 19380 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho (Philadelphia - # 1 6 ) Thomas H. Watkms ( P ) 847 N. Mt. Pleasant Road Philadelphia, PA 19119 Zeta Omicron Lambda (Philadelphia - # 2 4 7 ) Craig C. Browne (P) 7822 Thouron Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19119

DELAWARE, MARYLAND & D.C. (DISTRICT VI) Director Hanley J Norment 12500 Arbor View Terrace Silver Spring. MD 20902 DELAWARE (Area I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Gamma Sigma (Delaware State College - # 8 3 ) William S. Banks, Jr. (T) 115 Reese Street Dover, DE 19901 Xi Omicron (U of Delaware - - # 4 9 9 ) Levi T. Thompson, (S) 301 Student Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19711 ALUMNI CHAPTERS

P E N N S Y L V A N I A ( D I S T R I C T V ) Gamma Theta Lambda (Wilmington - # 1 7 4 ) Director Warren A. Scott ( P ) Frank Devine 23 Spectrum Drive 6202 Washington Avenue Newark. DE 19713 Philadelphia, PA 19143 Zeta Rho Lambda WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA (Area 1) (Dover - # 2 4 9 ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS John H Quarles ( P ) Omicron 347 Beechwood Drive (U of Pittsburgh - # 1 4 ) Dover, DE 19901 William A. Gaskins(P) MARYLAND NORTH (Area I I ) P. 0. Box 7184 - Oakland Station COLLEGE CHAPTERS Pittsburgh. PA 15213 Beta Alpha lota Sigma (Morgan State U - # 4 5 ) (Millersville State Coll #4141 Todd L. Fleming ( P ) Carlos Pere; (P) 1522 East 36th Street SMC Millersville State College Baltimore. MD 21218 Millersville, PA 17551 Mil Rho •XiMu #496) (Towson State - # 4 5 7 ) (Slippery Rock State College Howard W. Roberts ( P ) I Harry L. Budd (A) Towson State University R.E. 4 - Bradman Estates Towson, MD 21204 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Nu Kappa Xi Sigma

(Indiana U of Pennsylvania - # 7 0 2 ) . Arthur Outen, Jr. # 4 1 3 > 1 2 1 3 Robima Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15221 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Omicron Lambda (Pittsburgh - # 1 3 6 ) Albert R. Pannell (S) 4158 Ivanhoe Dr. - Apt. #A 23 Monroeville, PA 15146 •Kappa Beta Lambda (Erie - # 5 2 5 ) J. M. Murfree (P) 1404 Greenfield Drive Erie. PA 16509


(UM Baltimore County Ruchell S. Reed (CS) P. 0. Box 6993 Baltimore, MO 21216 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Lambda (Baltimore - # 1 0 4 ) Alton Cobb (FS) 3201 Clifton Avenue Baltimore, MD 21216 lota Alpha Lambda (Aberdeen - # 5 0 2 ) Elbert Williams (CS) 222 Bright Oak Drive Belair, MD 21014


E. Averal Austin (CS) 6200 Westchester Park Drive College Park, MD 20740 Kappa Epsiion Lambda (Landover - # 5 2 8 Beniamin Watkms (CS) 104 Janice Place Waldorf, MD 20601 Kappa Phi Lambda (Columbia - # 5 4 3 ) James E. Fitipatrick (P) 5135 Celestial Way Columbia, MD 21044 MARYLAND EASTERN (Area IV) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delia Nu (Uof Maryland. E.S. - # 1 0 0 ) James White, Jr. (P) UMES Box 1151 Princess Anne. MD 21853 •Eta Ztta (Bowie State College - # 3 5 9 ) Ronald E. Nichols ( P ) P.O. Box414 Bowie. MO 20715 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Delta Omicron Lambda (Princess Anne - # 2 0 3 ) Claud C. Marion (P) P. 0. Box 399 Princess Anne, MD 21853 Eta Eta Lambda (Annapolis - # 2 6 2 ) Johnnie L. Stubb ( P ) 1412 Catlyn Place Annapolis. MD 21403 WASHINGTON, D.C. (Area V) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta (Howard U - # 2 ) Michael Dawson P. 0 . Box 506. Howard University Washington, DC 20059 NuBeta (American U - # 4 6 5 ) William Goodloe, Jr. (P) Box 124 Eagle Station American U Washington. DC 20016 AtUMNI CHAPTERS Mu Lambda (Washington-#111) Irven E Washington (CS) 5202 13th Street, NW Washington. DC 20011 Omicron Lambda Alpha (Washington - # 5 0 0 ) Keith M Seaforth (P) 2070 Chadwick Terrace Hillcrest Hghts. MD 20031

VIRGINIA (DISTRICT VII) Director C. A. Pennington 3212 Gnftin Avenue Richmond, VA 23222 BLUE RIDGE NORTH (Area I) COLLEGE CHAPTERS lota Alpha (Washington 4 Lee U - #398) No Report lota Beta (U of Virginia - # 3 9 9 ) Evan D. Young (S) Box 430. Newcomb Hall Station Charlottesville. VA 22901 Xi Delta (James Madison U - # 4 8 9 ) Mario D. McBride (P) P.O. Box 4172 JMU Harrisonburg, VA 22807 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Alpha Lambda (Charlottesville - # 1 6 7 ) Stephen D, Waters (S) Box 3036 Charlottesville. VA 22903


ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Alpha Kappa Lambda (Roanoke-#132) William Calloway (CS) P. 0. Box 7850 Roanoke. VA 24019 •Gamma Nu Lambda (Lynchburg - # 1 7 8 ) David L. Moseley (S) Route 4 - Box 144 Madison Heights. VA 24572 SOUTHERN VIRGINIA (Area I I I ) COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Delta Tau (St. Paul's Polytechnic - #305) Howard L Coleman (CS) St. Paul's College Lawrenceville, VA 23868 XiZeta (Hamoden-Sydney - # 4 9 1 ) Warren M. Thompson (P) P. 0 Box 534, H-SC Hampden Sydney. VA 23943 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Nu Lambda (Danville - # 2 0 0 ) Curtis Flood ( P ) Route 3 - Box 74 Danville, VA 24541 Epsiion Omicron Lambda (Lawrenceville - # 2 2 5 ) Ernest L. Morse (CS)

P. 0. Box 595 South Hill. VA 23970 Iota Tau Lambda (Charlotte Court House - # 5 1 9 ) Leon A. Moton ( P ) Route 1 - Box 275 H Prospect. VA 23960 NORTHERN VIRGINIA (Area IV) ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Zeta Upsilon lambda (Reston - #252) Frank Fisher (CS) 1070 Dougal Court Great Falls, VA 22066 Theta Rho Lambda (Arlington - # 2 9 3 ) Walter A. Payne. Jr. (P) 2012 Houston Street Suitland. MD 20023 CENTRAL VIRGINIA (Area V) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma (Virginia Union U - # 3 ) Gregory Robinson ( P ) Alpha Phi Alpha F r a t e r n i t y - V U U 1500 N. Lombardy Street Richmond. VA 2 3 2 2 0 Beta Gamma (Virginia State C o l l e g e - # 4 7 ) Joseph ). Suber, Jr. (S) 1513 Oakdale Avenue Petersburg, VA 23803 Theta Rho (Virginia Commonwealth U - # 3 9 1 ) Anthony Snell ( P ) 711 W Main Street #413-A Richmond. VA 23284 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Nu Lambda (Virginia State C o l l e g e - # 1 1 2 ) R. J. Hayes (CS) 21329 Sparta Drive Ettrick, VA 23803 Beta Gamma Lambda (Richmond-#147) Gilbert Carter ( P ) 2347 Brook Road Richmond. VA 2 3 2 2 0 TIDEWATER NORTH (Area VI) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma lota (Hampton Institute - # 7 5 ) Darrell Harvey ( P ) 104 C Modulars Hampton Institute Hampton, VA 23668 Kappa Pi (William & Mary - # 4 3 4 ) Albert A, Herring (P) College Station - Box 8646 Williamsburg, VA 23186 ALUMNI CHAPTERS

Zeta Lambda (Newport N e w s - # 1 0 6 ) Claude N. Carter (CS) 12 Suburban Parkway Hampton, VA 23661 Delta Beta Lambda (Hampton - # 1 9 0 ) James E. Blacken (S) P. 0. Box 483 Hampton, VA 23669 * N u Delta Lambda (Surry C o u n t y - # 5 7 1 ) Wiley Powell (S) Route 1 - Box 160 B Surry, VA 23883 TIDEWATER SOUTH (Area Vil) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Pi (Norfolk State (J, - # 3 2 4 ) Mark A. Bartlett (S) Box 2033 - N S U Norfolk, VA 23504 Nu Theta (Old Dominion U - # 4 7 1 ) Reginald L Rankins ( P ) Alpha Phi Alpha O.D.U. Room 200, Webb Center Norfolk, VA 23508 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Phi Lambda (Norfolk - # 1 4 2 ) Willie Harris, Ir (P) 2145 Lloyd Drive Chesapeake. VA 23325 Epsilon lota Lambda (Suffolk - # 2 2 8 ) Benjamin L. Davis, Jr. 311 St. fames Avenue Suffolk, VA 23434 Epsilon Nu Lambda (Portsmouth - # 2 2 3 ) No Report

MIDWEST ILLINOIS (CENTRAL) Director Arthur B. Cooper P. 0. Box 2085 - Station "A" Champaign. IL 6 1 8 2 0 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Tan (U of Illinois - #18) Steven Avery (P)

P. 0. Box 2062 Champaign. IL 61820 Zeta Nu (Eastern Illinois - # 3 4 3 ) Paul Stubblefield P. 0. Box 432 Charleston. IL 6 1 9 2 0 EUTau (Illinois State U - # 3 7 1 ) Patrick B. Cage (CS) 601 N. Lindell Normal. IL 61761 Theta Omicron (Millikin U - # 3 8 9 ) Kevin Hines (P) Alpha Phi Alpha Millikin University Decatur, IL 62522 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Omicron Lambda Beta (Champaign - # 5 0 1 ) Jim Casey (S) 1 Canterbury Lane Champaign. IL 6 1 8 2 0

ILLINOIS (NORTHERN) Director Ernest Gibson 23 West 235 Edgewood Ct Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Phi (Northern Illinois U Cedric Abbott (S)


P 0. Box 66 DeKalb, IL 60115 MuMu (ElmhurstCollege-#452) David M. Dines ( P ) Elmhurst College Box #324 190 Prospect Street Elmhurst, IL 60126 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Chi Lambda (Waukegan - # 5 4 4 )

Alpha Mu (Northwestern U - # 3 3 ) Lance Wallace (CS) 1927 Orrington Evanston, IL 60201 Nu Delta (Chicago State U - # 4 6 7 ) David Dixon ( P ) 6443 S. Peoria Chicago, IL 60621 • N u Epsilon (Lewis U - # 4 6 8 ) Christopher Washington (S) Lewis University - Box 1275 Romeoville, IL 60441 Nu Rho (IIT - # 4 7 9 ) Arndell D. Ricks. Jr. (P) 8841 S. Prairie Chicago. IL 6 0 6 1 9 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Xi Lambda (Chicago-#113) Thomas S Jackson (P) 9034 S. Bennett Chicago. IL 60617 Zeta XI Lambda (Evanston - # 2 4 6 ) William Loving 280 Harbor Street Glencoe, IL 6 0 0 2 2 Theta Mu Lambda (Joliet - # 2 8 8 ) No Report lota Delta Lambda (Chicago - # 5 0 5 ) M. J. Price ( P ) 4432 S. King Drive Chicago. IL 60653

ILLINOIS (SOUTHERN) Director John Reeves 3519 Converse Avenue East St. Louis, IL 62207 COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Beta Eta (Southern Illinois U - # 5 1 ) Fran; Smith (CP) P. O Box 1002 Carbondale. IL 62901 Iota Pi (SIUEdwardsville-#412) Patrick Addison (P) 431 E. Schwarz Edwardsville, IL 62025 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Epsilon Lambda (East St. Louis - # 1 9 3 ) No Report ' M u Kappa Lambda (Carbondale - # 5 5 5 ) Carl R. Flowers ( P ) P. 0 . Box 2393 Carbondale. IL 62901

ILLINOIS (WESTERN) Director Curley R. Bradford 3109 9V4 Street Rock Island, IL 61201 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Kappa (Bradley U - # 3 1 9 ) Michael A. Thompson 911 N. University - # 8 0 6 Peoria. IL 61606 Eta Eta (Western Illinois - # 3 6 0 ) Michael W. Smith (S) 1206 Lincoln Hall Western Illinois University Macomb, IL 61455 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Pi Lambda (Peoria - # 5 3 8 ) No Report ' M u Delta Lambda (Springfield - # 5 4 9 ) Milton P. Johnson (T) 2009 Austin Drive Springfield. IL 62704 Mu Chi Lambda (Rock Island - # 5 6 6 ) Leonard Davis (CS) 1511 E. Elm Street Davenport, IA 52803

Everette Sherrod (CS)


P.O. Box 512


North Chicago. IL 60064 Mu Alpha Lambda (De Kalb - # 5 4 6 ) Austin Matlock ( P )

Theo Hamiter

11611 S.Justine Chicago, IL 60643 ' M u Mu Lambda (Glen Ellyn - # 5 5 6 ) James Ivory (P) 1241 Oak Hill Road Downers Grove, IL 60515

ILLINOIS (NORTH CENTRAL) Director Allen Knox 5020 South Lake Shore Drive #2704 Chicago, IL 60615 COLLEGE CHAPTERS TMl (Metro Chicago - # 8 ) Earl N. Williams. Jr. ( P ) 8 7 4 2 S. Harper Chicago. IL 6 0 6 1 9

Gary. IN 46407 NuPi (U of Evansville - # 4 7 8 ) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Lambda (Indianapolis - # 1 0 9 ) Keith L. Smith (CS) P.O. Box 88131 Indianapolis. IN 46208 Gamma Rho Lambda (Gary - #182) Clarence L. Benford (P) 1127 Randolph Street Gary. IN 46403 Theta Xi Lambda (South Bend - # 2 9 0 ) Inactive 'Theta Upsilon Lambda (FortWayne- #296) Timothy Williams (S) P. 0. Box 5076 Ft. Wayne, IN 46895 Kappa Rho Lambda (Evansville - # 5 3 9 ) No Report Nu Nu Lambda (Bloomington - #579) James W. Palmer, Jr Eigenmann Hall - Box 765 Indiana University Bloomington. IN 47406

IOWA Director Everett A Mays P. 0. Box 533 Des Moines, IA 50302 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Theta (U of Iowa - # 3 0 ) Melvin Caldwell (P) 511 Mayflower Apartments Dubuque Street Iowa City, IA 52240 Alpha Nu (Drake U - # 3 4 ) Kenneth Palmer ( P ) 1337 East 16th Street Des Moines, IA 50316 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Kappa Lambda (Des Moines - # 2 4 3 ) Everett Mays (CS) P. O Box 533 Des Moines, IA 5 0 3 0 2 Mu Tau Lambda (Cedar Rapids - # 5 6 3 ) No Report

KANSAS (EASTERN) Director Richard Marshall 626 Oakland Kansas City. KS 66101 COLLEGE CHAPTERS 'Upsilon (U of Kansas # 1 9 ) D. Alonzo Wharton ( P ) 1014 Mississippi Lawrence, KS 66045 Gamma Chi (Kansas State - # 8 7 ) Elvis Alcox 1320 Rowland Kansas City. KS 66104 Kappa Tau (Kansas State U - # 4 3 7 ) Marvin E. Moore (P) 1518 College Ave - A p t . E 8 Manhattan. KS 66502

KANSAS (WESTERN) Director P. J. Williams 3601 Randolph Topeka. KS 66611 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Mu (Wichita State U - # 9 9 ) No Report Epsilon Omicron (Washburn U - # 3 2 3 ) No Report •XiNu

7158 Avalon Trail Ct Indianapolis. IN 4 6 2 5 0 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Eta (Indiana U - # 7 3 ) Alpha M. Dixon (ES) P. 0 . Box 1698 - IU Bloomington, IN 47401 •Gamma Rho (Purdue - #82) Donald G. Brown ( P ) 613 Waldron Street West Lafayette. IN 47906 •ZetaRhn (Indiana State U - # 3 4 7 ) Charles Brown Afro American Culture Center Indiana State University Terre Haute. IN 4 7 8 0 9 T h e t a Xi (Ball State U -

'Iota Theta (Calumet C o l l e g e - # 4 0 5 ) David E, Rogers (P) 2337 Johnson Street


E. Maurice Bransford (P) Box 355 - Ball State U. Muncie. IN 47306

(Emporia State College #497) Charles C.Colbert (Adv.) ESU 1200 Commercial Emporia. KS 66801 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Delta Eta Lambda (Topeka - # 1 9 5 ) Earl Fowler ( P ) 2022 Turnpike Avenue Topeka, KS 66605 Eta Beta Lambda (Wichita - # 2 5 7 ) No Report

KENTUCKY (EASTERN) Director Lee Jackson 3632A Bold Bidder Dr. Lexington. KY 40502 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Pi (U of Louisville - # 3 7 ) Arthur L. Simpson ( P ) c / o S t u f e , ' t Center Room #12 University of Louisville Louisville. KY 40208

BetaMu (Kentucky State U - # 5 5 ) Richard Graves 401 Murray S t r e e t - Apt, #26 Frankfort, KY 40601 Epsilon Chi (U of Kentucky - # 3 3 0 ) Kane Ramsey ( P ) Box 379 - University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40507 ' X i Alpha (Morehead State U - # 4 8 6 ) Christopher Turley ( P ) U.P.0. #1397 - MSU Morehead. KY 40351 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Lambda

(Cincinnati - # 1 9 1 ) Ivan Reynolds (P) 650 Springer Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45215

MICHIGAN (SOUTHERN) Morse Brown 450 Glenn Oaks Drive. Apt. B Muskegon Heights, Ml 4 9 4 4 2 COLLEGE CHAPTER Epsilon Xi

KENTUCKY (WESTERN) Director Claude Snorton Box 654 Hopkinsville, KY 42240 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta Omicron (Murray State U - # 3 4 5 ) No Report •Eta Rho

(Western Michigan U # 3 2 2 ) Stacey W. Solomon 2145Albatross-#2A Kalamazoo, Ml 4 9 0 0 2 ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Phi Lambda (Muskegon Heights - # 5 2 1 ) Nathaniel Allen. Ir. (P) 3321 Maffett Street Muskegon Heights. Ml 49444 Kappa Psi Lambda (Kalamazoo - # 5 4 5 ) Earl McNeal (CS) Box 368 Courthouse Station Kalamazoo. Ml 49005


(Western Kentucky U - #369) Michael R. Fain (S) 2507 Pearce Ford Tower, W.K.U. Bowling Green. KY 42101 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Epsilon Lambda (Hopkinsville-#171) James E. Victor ( P ) 1304 East 7th Street Hopkinsville, KY 4 2 2 4 0

Director James Beard 4109 Portland Ave., South Minneapolis, MN 55407 COLLEGE CHAPTER Mu (U of M i n n e s o t a - # 1 1 ) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTER Gamma Xi Lambda (Minneapolis - # 1 7 9 ) Rodney W. Jordan ( P ) P. 0. Box 906 Minneapolis. MN 55440

MICHIGAN (CENTRAL) Director Anthony Crutchfield 447 Palmerston Detroit, Ml 48218


COLLEGE CHAPTERS 'Epsilon (U of Michigan - # 5 ) Craig B. Williams (S) 1912 W . L i b e r t y - A p t . #1 Ann Arbor, Ml 48103 'Alpha Upsilon OarylR. Young ( P ) 2129 Cadillac Detroit, Ml 48214 Epsilon Eta

(U of Detroit No Report Theta Tau

ALUMNI CHAPTER Delta Gamma Lambda

(Grand Rapids - # 2 6 7 ) No Report Iota Chi Lambda (Saginaw - # 5 2 2 ) Steve Robinson (P) 3321 Glasby Saginaw, Ml 48601 'Kappa Delta Lambda (Lansing - # 5 2 7 ) Richard D. Letts ( P ) 510 S. Jemson Lansing. Ml 48915


(Louisville-#101) No Report Alpha Beta Lambda (Lexington - # 1 2 4 ) Lee A. Jackson (T) P 0. Box 1248 Lexington, KY 40590 'Gamma Beta Lambda (Frankfort - # 1 6 8 ) Donald W Lyons (S) Box 121 - KSU Frankfort, KY 40601

(Eastern Michigan U Bryan Roberts (P) 424 Brown Apts. Ypsilanti, Ml 48197 EtaXi




(General Motors Institute Postona Aguirre (S) 1652 Webster Flint, Ml 48505 lota Epsilon (Grand Valley - # 4 0 2 ) Larry Johnson ( P ) Lavine Apts. #28 Allendale. Ml 49401 ALUMNI CHAPTERS 'Gamma Lambda (Detroit - # 1 0 3 ) Robert J. Chilhson, II ( P ) 16516 Schaefer Detroit, Ml 48235 Epsilon Upsilon Lambda (Flint - # 2 3 0 ) O'Neil Wiley (CS) P. 0. Box 1247 Flint, Ml 4 8 5 0 2 'Theta Zeta Lambda (Ann Arbor - 2 8 3 ) Eddie L Boyd (S) 3211 Hayes Court Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 lota Rho Lambda (Pontiac-#517)


No Report


Director Ronald E, Smiley 1562 Men-Jail St. Louis. MO 6 3 1 3 0 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Eta (St. Louis - #29) No Report 'Epsilon Psi (U of M i s s o u r i - # 3 3 1 ) Thomas King (P) Hwy. 63 i Elm Rolla. MO 65401 Xi Gamma (Southeast Missouri State - #488) Darren L Nix ( P ) P. 0 . Box 1299 Cape Girardeau. MO 63701 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Lambda (St. Louis - #105) John R Pope (CS) 6176 Lucille Avenue St. Louis, MO 63136 'Epsilon Eta Lambda (Charleston - # 2 1 8 ) Edward W. Barrett ( P ) P. 0 Box 171 Charleston. MO 63834 'Delta Xi (Central State U Frank Boldoe (T) Box 441


Wilberforce. OH 45384 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Theta Lambda (Dayton - # 1 0 8 ) George C. Find ley ( P ) 1820 Ruskm Road Dayton, OH 45406 Chi Lambda (Wilberforce - # 1 2 1 ) Walter Gilliard (S) Central State University Wilberforce. OH 45384 Zeta Delta Lambda (Springfield - # 2 3 7 ) William B. Simpson (S) 667 Omar Circle Yellow Springs. OH 45387

Dirtctor James H. Gaddis 4028Wisner Saginaw. Ml 4 8 6 0 1 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Tau (Michigan State U - # 8 4 ) Vincent C. Hushaw ( P ) 1414 I Spartan Village East Lansing, Ml 48823


(Ferris State -


Tyrone Vance ( P ) Box 4. Rankin Ctr. Ferris State College Big Rapids. Ml 49307 * Z i f l Delta (Northern Michigan - # 3 3 5 ) Harry B. Matthews (Adv) 423 Northland Drive Marquette. Ml 49855

OHIO (SOUTHWEST) Dirtctor Clarence Frazier 1145 Wionna Avenue Cincinnati. OH 45224 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha (U of Cincinnati - # 2 3 ) Warren H. Ali ( P ) 345 Sander Hall University of Cincinnati Cincinnati. OH 45221 Delta Upsilon (Miami U - # 3 0 6 ) Ron S. Orr (CS) 618 S. College Avenue Oxford. OH 45056

MISSOURI (WESTERN) Director James Fleming 1304 Kingston Road Blue Springs. M 0 64015 COLLEGE CHAPTERS . D e l t a Rho


(U of Missouri - # 3 0 3 ) Vincent M. Roberson (S) 4641 Agnes Avenue Kansas City, MO 6 4 1 3 0 Zeta Gamma

Director Adolphus A. Young, Jr. P 0 Box 13 Keystone, WV 24852 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Zeta (West Virginia State Ronnie K. Ward (CS) P 0. Box 511 Institute, WV 2 5 1 1 2 ' B e t a Theta


(Bluefield State - #52) Adrian Dowell (CS) 305 N. Mercer Street Bluefield. WV 24701 NuNu (Marshall U Fred Gibson 1712 Nervie Ashland, KY •Xi Theta

- #475) (A) Street 41101

(Concord College - # 4 9 3 ) Clarence Hudson (S) C-42 Concord College Athens. WV 2 4 7 1 2 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Zeta Lambda (Bluefield - # 1 2 8 ) Adolphus A. Young. Jr. (S) P.O. Box 671 Bluefield, WV 24701 Alpha lota Lambda (Charleston - # 1 3 1 ) lohn E. Scott (S) P. 0. Box 303 Institute, WV 2 5 1 1 2 Gamma Delta Lambda (Beckley-#170) Inactive

WISCONSIN Director Coleman 0 , Wells 922 W. Zedler Lane Milwaukee. Wl 53092 COLLEGE CHAPTERS 'Gamma Epsilon (UW M a d i s o n - # 7 1 ) Bobby L. Moore (S) 1806 Broadway Madison. Wl 53713 Epsilon Tau (UW Milwaukee - # 3 2 7 ) No Report Zeta lota (UW Whitewater NO Report Eta Beta (WSU Platteville -


(Central Missouri - # 3 3 4 ) Jimmie D. Black (P) Box 20 CMSU Union Warrensburg. MO 64093 ALUMNI CHAPTER •Beta Lambda (Kansas C i t y - # 1 0 2 ) Milous S. Lusk (CS) 7400 East 127th Place Grandview. MO 6 4 0 3 0

NEBRASKA Director Ned Williams 3425 South 120th Omaha, NE 68144 COLLEGE CHAPTER Beta Beta (U of Nebraska - # 4 6 ) Cleon Brown. Ir. (S) 320 North 20th Street Omaha. NE 68178 ALUMNI CHAPTER Beta Xi Lambda (Omaha - # 1 5 7 ) Charles J Baptiste (S) 3222 North 24th Street Omaha, NE 68111

OHIO (NORTHERN) Director Charles Harrell 110 Melody Lane

Toledo, OH 43615 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Alpha (U of Toledo - # 3 1 0 ) Jeffery Rhodes ( P ) 1310 Grand Avenue Toledo, OH 43606 Epsilon Theta (Bowling Green U - # 3 1 7 ) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTER Alpha Xi Lambda (Toledo - # 1 3 5 ) Joseph Sansbury (P) 1434 Addington Toledo. OH 43607



No Report •EtiPi (WSU Oshkosh - # 3 6 8 ) Robert E. Bedford 207 Nelson Hall - U of W Oshkosh, Wl 54901 Mu Epsilon (Carthage College - # 4 4 6 ) No Report NuXi (Marquette U - # 4 7 6 ) Wendell Phillips (P) 1323 W State Milwaukee, Wl 53233 Nu Omicron (Carroll College - # 4 7 7 ) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Chi Lambda (Milwaukee - # 2 1 0 ) Richard H. Porter ( P ) 3360 N. Summit Milwaukee. Wl 53211 Mu Eta Lambda (Madison - # 5 5 2 ) Allen A. Hancock ( P ) 1102 Frisch Road Madison. Wl 53711

MISSOURI (CENTRAL) Director Carl Smith Lakeview Subdivision Jefferson City. MO 65101 COLLEGE CHAPTERS . A l p h a Psi (Lincoln U - # 4 4 ) Lawrence Deadmon (S) 2320 E. McCartySt, - # 1 1 Jefferson City. MO 65101 Zeta Alpha (U of Missouri - # 3 3 2 ) Elizie Bailey (S) 1614 Amelia Ave - A p t . #5A Columbia. MO 65201 kjtali (Northeast Missouri - # 4 1 0 ) Billy Buckner Student Union Building Northeast Missouri State U. Kirksville, MO 63501 ALUMNI CHAPTER Beta ZaU Lambda (Jefferson City - # 1 5 0 ) William T. Edmonson (CS) Box 308 Lincoln University Jefferson City, M 0 65101

James T Rushm 1186 Wyley Avenue Akron. OH 44306 COLLEGE CHAPTERS


(Cleveland State/ Western Reserve - # 1 5 ) Melvin M Butler (T) 13512 Qaiborn Avenue Cleveland. OH 44112 Alpha Tau (U of Akron - # 4 0 ) Ronald Rucker (CS) 280 Silver Street Akron, OH 44303 •Epsilon Delta (Kent State U - # 3 1 3 ) Christopher Hughes (S) 829 Leebnck Hall - KSU Kent. OH 44243 lota Phi (Mount Union College - # 4 1 7 ) No Report XiOli (Baldwin Wallace College Thomas A Jenkins, II 1420 West 20th Street Lorain, OH 44052 ALUMNI CHAPTERS 'Beta Rho Lambda (Youngstown - # 1 6 0 ) Alfred Bright (S) 2237 Fifth Avenue Youngstown, OH 44504 Delta Alpha Lambda (Cleveland - # 1 8 9 ) Leonard Hamilton ( P ) P. O Box 99551 Cleveland. OH 44199 Eta Tau Lambda (Akron - # 2 7 3 ) Claude W. Carter ( P ) 899 Hartford Akron. OH 4 4 3 2 0 Kappa Mu Lambda (Lorrain - # 5 3 4 ) James W. Oliver ( P ) 3796 L 155th Street Cleveland. OH 44128

OHIO (CENTRAL) Director William Nelson. Ph.D. 2 5 7 2 Burnaby Drive Columbus. OH 4 3 2 0 9



C O U i G E CHAPTERS Kappa (Ohio State U - # 1 0 )

Beta Omicron Lambda

No Report •Phi (Ohio U - # 2 0 ) Darryl E Griffin (P) c / o Baker Center Athens. OH 45701 ALUMNI CHAPTER Alpha Rho Lambda (Columbus - # 1 3 8 ) Edward D. Thompson (ES) Box 3039 Columbus, OH 43203

OHIO (WEST CENTRAL) Director Edward White 5211 Big Bend Drive Dayton. OH 45427 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Xi (Wilberforcel)-#13) Hewley E Hinds, II ( P ) Alpha House Bon 480 Wilberforce University Wilbertorce, OH 45384 Gamma Thrta (U of Dayton - # 7 4 ) Bowver G. Freeman (P) 241 Kennedy Union - U D 300 College Park Drive Dayton. OH 45469

SOUTH ALABAMA Director Leotis Peterman 4340 Yorkshire Drive Montgomery, AL 36108 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Beta (Talladega College - # 2 4 ) No Report Beta Upsilon (Alabama State U - # 6 3 ) Darrell Adams ( P ) P. 0 Boi 28 - A.S.U Montgomery, AL 36195 'Gamma Kappa (MilesCollege-#76) Harlan K. Jones (S) Box 177 - Miles College Birmingham. AL 35208 Gamma Phi (Tuskegee Institute John Hudson (CS) P 0 . 8ox 36


Tuskegee Institute. AL 36088 Delta Gamma ( A l a b a m a A S M - #91) Rodney Jamar (CS) P. 0. Box 220 Normal. AL 35762 Epsilon Nu (Stillman College - # 3 2 1 ) No Report 'Theta Delta (U of South Alabama Wayne M, Simon ( P ) 307 University Blvd. Mobile. AL 36688 lotaNu


(UAB - #409) Cleveland Parker (S) Box 329, NBSB Birmingham. AL 35294 Kappa Alpha (U of Alabama - # 4 2 0 ) Freddie F. Freeman ( P ) P 0 Box 7368 University. AL 35486 Kappa Gamma (U of North Alabama Charles Ingram (P) 1438 Carver Heights Florence, AL 35630 •NuTau


(U of Montevallo - # 4 8 1 ) Jimmy Adams, Jr. ( P ) P.O. Box 2571 - U of M. Montevallo, AL 35115 XiBeta (Troy State U - # 4 8 7 ) Solomon H. Green Box 154. TSU Troy. AL 36081 I I Xi (Jacksonville - # 4 9 8 ) Lawrence N. Sharp, Jr. ( P ) Crow Hall Room 214 - JSU Jacksonville. AL 36266 Omicron Alpha (Auburn U at Montgomery # 7 0 8 ) Leotis Peterman (A) 4340 Yorkshire Drive Montgomery. AL 36108 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omicron Lambda (Birmingham-#114) LeroyA. Simmons, Jr (S) P 0 Box 3910 Birmingham. AL 35208 Alpha Nu Lambda (Tuskegee Institute - # 1 3 4 ) Walter Oldham (P) P 0 Drawer BBB Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 Alpha Upsilon Lambda (Montgomery - # 1 4 1 ) Leotis Peterman (CS) P O. Box 6058 Montgomery. AL 36106

(Mobile-#158) Alvin Allen (RS) 1205 St Madar Street Mobile. AL 36603 Delta Theta Lambda (Huntsville - # 1 9 6 ) A. I. Garth (CS) P. 0. Box 33 Alabama A&M University Normal, AL 35762 Delta Pi Lambda (Selma - # 2 0 4 ) Willie L. Gilford (S) 1212 9th Avenue Selma, AL 36701 Delta Phi Lambda (Tuscaloosa - # 2 0 9 ) Milton M Williams (S) 1910 40th Ave. College Hills Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Epsilon Delta Lambda (Talladega - # 2 1 5 ) T Y Lawrence, Jr. (S) 114 Baker Street Talladega. AL 35160 Theta Alpha Lambda (Gadsden - # 2 7 8 ) No Report Theta Gamma Lambda (Dothan - # 2 8 0 ) No Report 'Kappa Nu Lambda (Leighton - # 5 3 5 ) Fred Johnson (P) P. O Box 622 Sheffield. AL 35660 Mu Iota Lambda (Mobile - # 5 5 4 ) Reginald Crenshaw 1021 Sample Street Prichard, AL 36610 • M u Psi Lambda (Homewood - # 5 6 7 ) Alphonsa Mahone (S) 105 16th Place, SW Birmingham. AL 35211

FLORIDA Director Vandon E White 14830 SW 87th Avenue Miami, FL 33157 COLLEGE CHAPTERS

•Ma Hi

(Florida A 8 M -


No Report Delta Beta (Bethune Cookman - #90) Jimmy L. Washington 640 Second Avenue P. 0 Box 420 Daytona Beach, FL 32015 •DtllaPsi (Florida Memorial Coll Darrell S, White (S) 15800 NW 42nd Avenue Miami, FL 33054 •Eta Delta


(U of M i a m i - # 3 5 7 ) Ted Nichols University of Miami 248 Ashe Bldg. Coral Gables, FL 33124 •Theta Gamma (U of South F l o r i d a - #378) Terry 8ooker (P) Box 2421 University Center U of South Florida Tampa, FL 33620 Theta Sigma (U of Florida - # 3 9 2 ) Roger Williams (P) B o x 9 C - 1105 N Main Gainesville, FL 32601 •lota Delta

•Gamma Mu Lambda (Tallahassee-#177) Charles Russell (S) 433 Mercury Drive Tallahassee. FL 32301 •Delta Delta Lambda (West Palm Beach - # 1 9 2 ) Charles E. White (P) 519 Nineteenth Street W. Palm Beach, FL 33407 Delia Xi Lambda (Orlando - # 2 0 2 ) Cecil Boston ( P ) P. 0 . Box 5548 Orlando, FL 32855 Epsilon Mu Lambda (Pensacola - # 2 2 2 ) Ulysses Hughes (P) 1515 E.Texar Drive Pensacola. FL 32503 Epsilon Pi Lambda (Ocala - # 2 2 6 ) William E Jackson (S) 1822 S. W. 4th St. Ocala. FL 32670 Zeta Alpha Lambda (Ft. Lauderdale - # 2 3 4 ) NorbertC. Williams ( P ) 1761 NW 7th Avenue Pompano Beach. FL 33060 Eta Kappa Lambda (Ft. Pierce - # 2 6 5 ) Bennie Clark ( P ) 1812 Avenue " M " Ft. Pierce. FL 33450 Theta Eta Lambda (St. Petersburg - # 2 8 4 ) Frank E Smith (RS) P. 0 Box 15024 St Petersburg, FL 33733 •lota Beta Lambda (Cocoa - # 5 0 3 ) J Albert Diggs 1725 Country Club Drive Titusville. FL 32780 lota Pi Lambda ( M i a m i - #516) Wendell Carr 12990 SW 19th Street Miami, FL 33177 Mu Zeta Lambda (Lakeland - # 5 5 1 ) Lynwood L Bell (P) 1902 Pollock Loop Road Lakeland. FL 33803 Nu Eta Lambda (Gainesville - # 5 7 4 ) Alfred C Peoples (S) 611 S.E. 13th Terrace Gainesville. FL 32601

GEORGIA Director Lorenzo Manns 4554 Moline Avenue Columbus. GA 31907 COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Iota (Morris Brown College - # 9 ) Maurice Davis (P) P 0. Box 92055 Atlanta. GA 30314 Alpha Rho (Morehouse College - # 3 8 ) Wesley L. Curl (CS) P. 0. Box 627 - Morehouse College Atlanta. GA 30314 •Alpha Phi (Clark College - # 4 2 ) Gregory Daniels ( P ) Box 137 240 Chestnut S t , SW Atlanta. GA 30314 Gamma Zeta (Ft. Valley State No Report Delta Delta


(Florida State U - # 4 0 1 ) Ronme Bembry (S) U Box 4297 FSU Tallahassee. FL 32313 Kappa Upsilon (Metropolitan - #438)

(Albany State - # 9 2 ) Oavison Virgil ( P ) Box 36 ASC Albany, GA 31705 •Delta Eta (Savannah State Coll -

No Report Mu Theta (U of West F l o r i d a - # 4 4 9 ) No Report •Xiloia

Ellis Albright (P) Box 20742 SSC Savannah, GA 31404

(U of Central Florida - # 4 9 4 ) John L Stover ( P ) Umv of Central Florida P. 0 Box 26261 Orlando. FL 32816 •Xi Kappa (Florida Inst, of Tech - #495) J Albert Diggs (A) 1725 Country Club Drive Titusville, FL 32780 ALUMNI CHAPTERS L'_ Upsilon Lambda ' (Jacksonville-#119) No Report Beta Beta Lambda (Miami - #146) Clarence W E w e l l ( C S ) 12935 SW 109th Court Miami. FL 33176 Beta Delta Lambda (Daytona B e a c h - # 1 4 8 ) Robert K Wright ( P ) 365 Bartley Road Daytona Beach. FL 32014 Gamma Zeta Lambda (Tampa-#172) No Report


ZitaMu (Georgia State U - #342) Vincent R Davis (P) Box 542 - Georgia State U Atlanta. GA 30303 •Z.taPi (U of Georgia - # 3 4 6 ) Ernest S. Stillwell (P) 2151 University Station Athens. GA 30602 Eta Alpha (Paine College - # 3 5 4 ) Marty deLara(S) Box 77 - Paine College Augusta, GA 30910 •Theta beta (Columbus College - # 3 7 7 ) 8 Michael Coleman ( P ) 226 30th Avenue - Apt D Columbus, GA 31903 Iota Eta (Mercer U - #404) No Report • M u Alpha (EmoryU-#442) Emory Wilkerson (P) Box 2 1 1 8 5 - E m o r y U Atlanta. GA 30322

Mu Gamma (Georgia College Marvin Respress

•MuXi #444)

• M u Tau (UNC - Charlotte - # 4 5 9 ) Robert Rowell (CS) 509 Scott Hall - U N C C S t n , Charlotte, NC 28223 NuZeta

•Mi Data

(Metropolitan - #454) Carlis Andrews (P) Southern Station. Box 4613 Hattiesburg. MS 39401 Nu Upsilon

(Georgia Southwestern - #445) Anthony Hubbard (P) Box 689 Georgia Southwestern College Amencus. GA 31709 Mu Omicron (Valdosta State - # 4 5 5 ) John K Roberts (P)

(U of Mississippi - # 4 8 2 ) Nu Upsilon Chapter University of Mississippi P. 0 . Box 3251 University. MS 38677 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Epsilon Lambda (Jackson - # 1 2 7 )

P 0 BOX907-VSC Valdosta. GA 31601 Nu Gamma (West Georgia Coll. - # 4 6 6 ) Dennis Taylor, III (P) 3708 Dover Blvd., SW Atlanta. GA 30331

No Report Epsilon Xi Lambda (Mound Bayou - #224) George Bacon (RS) P.O. Box 5531 Greenville. MS 38701 Zeta Mu Lambda (Blloxi - # 2 4 4 ) John R. Kelly (?) 40 Barbara Drive Gullport, MS 39503 •Eta Phi Lambda (Columbus - # 2 7 5 ) Charles Houston (P) Spivey Road Columbus. MS 39701 Theta Sigma Lambda (Natchez - #294) Willie F. Marsalis (P) 108 South Hickory Vidalia. LA 71373 • M u Gamma Lambda (Hattiesburg Laurel - #548) Mance Langham 310 Vernon Oahmer Drive Hattiesburg, MS 39401 • M u Pi Lambda (Brookhaven - #560) Dr Worth E.Haynes(P) Box 1 3 3 - U t i c a J r College Utica, MS 39175

Box 1055 - Georgia College Milledgeville. GA 31061

•NuMu (Southern Tech. Inst. -


Adrian Raines (CS) Box 36700 Georgia Tech Atlanta. GA 30332 XiTau (Georgia Southern College # 7 0 3 ; Percy A. Mack, Jr. (A) 3120 Martha Street Savannah. GA 31404 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Eta Lambda (Atlanta - # 1 0 7 ) Larry Epps (CS) 32 Third Avenue, NE Atlanta, GA 30317 Alpha Chi Lambda (Augusta - # 1 4 3 ) Willie G. Marshall (FS) 829 Strother Drive Augusta, GA 30901 Beta Phi Lambda (Savannah - #164) Chester A Ellis (CS) P 0. Box 1361 Savannah. GA 31401 •Gamma Omicron Lambda (Albany - # 1 8 0 ) Edgar Martin ( P ) P. 0 . Box 4054 Albany, GA 31706 Gamma Sigma Lambda (Ft Valley - # 1 8 3 ) Clinton H. Dixon (S) Box 5742 FVSC Ft Valley, GA 31030 Delta lota Lambda (Columbus-#197) Lorenzo Manns (S) 4554 Moline Avenue Columbus. GA 31907 Epsilon Beta Lambda (Macon - # 2 1 3 ) No Report Eta lota Lambda (Athens - # 2 6 4 ) Hugh Goodrum (CS) P. 0 Box 902 Athens, GA 30603 Theta Nu Lambda (LaGrange - # 2 8 9 ) Alfred McNair (S) 408 Jackson Street - Apt, 50 LaGrange, GA 30240 •lota Gamma Lambda (Brunswick - # 5 0 4 ) Richard Wilson (S) P 0. Box 98 White Oak. GA 31568 Kappa Tau Lambda (Valdosta-#541) Calvin Willis (P) 4021 Lantern Lane Valdosta. GA 31601 Nu Mu Lambda (Decatur - #578) David Wells (CS) P 0. Box 32604 Decatur, GA 30034

MISSISSIPPI Director Wiley Jones AJcorn State University P. 0. Box 285 Lorman. MS 39096 C O U i G E CHAPTERS Gamma Upsilon (Tougaloo College - #85) No Report Delta Kappa (Alcorn State U - # 9 8 ) Ronald D. Davis (P) Box 267 ASU Lorman, MS 39096 Delta Phi (Jackson State U - # 3 0 7 ) Anthony McWhorter (P) P.O. Box 17177 JSU Jackson. MS 39217 Zeta Phi (MS Valley State U - #351) Paul Robinson (S) Box 899. MVSU Itta Bena. MS 38941 •lota Gamma (Rust C o l l e g e - # 4 0 0 ) John W. Crittle. II (P) 237 A East Valley Ave. Holly Springs, MS 38635 Kappa Beta (MS State U - # 4 2 1 ) No Report

(Western Carolina U - #469) Oliver Walker (S) P. 0. Box 543 Cullowhee. NC 28723 •Xi Eta

NORTH CAROLINA Director Dr A, M, Witherspoon 2701 Rothgeb Drive Raleigh, NC 27610 C O U i G E CHAPTERS Alpha Omicron (Johnson C. Smith U Dennis K. Branch ( P )


UP01035JCSU Charlotte, NC 28216 Beta Epsilon (AST State U - # 4 9 ) James E Wood ( P ) Box A 14 A&T State U Greensboro, NC 27411 •Beta Zeta (Elizabeth City State U - # 5 0 ) Lavern Jones Box 163 - ECSU Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Beta Iota (Winston Salem State U - #53) Ronald 0, Davis (P) Box 14318, WSSU Winston Salem. NC 27102 •Beta Rho (Shaw U - # 6 0 ) Alvin Chapman (S) P. 0, Box 1875 Raleigh, NC 27602 Gamma Beta (North Carolina Central U William Mills


P, 0 , Box 19484 Shepard Station - NCCU Durham, NC 27707 •Gamma Mu (Livingston College - # 7 7 ) Clay Hart ( P ) Box 62 Livingston College Salisbury, NC 28144 Gamma Psi (St Augustine's College Dennis A, Haggray (P) P 0 Box 26611 Raleigh, NC 27611 Epsilon Zeta


(Fayetteville State U - # 3 1 5 ) Steve Watkins (P) P 0. Box 862 Fayetteville University Fayetteville, NC 28301 Zeta Epsilon (Barber Scotia College - # 3 3 6 ) No Report •EtaNu (East Carolina U - #365) Pratt Simons (S) P. 0. Box 3167 Greenville. NC 27834 Eta Omicron (North Carolina State U - # 3 6 7 ) Conned Price P. 0 Box 5631 Raleigh. NC 27650 •Kappa Omicron (Duke U - # 4 3 3 ) Michael A Smith (S) 8ox 4783 - Ouke Station Durham, NC 27706 MuZttl (U of North C a r o l i n a - # 4 4 7 ) Bryan R. Johns (S) P 0 Box 551 Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Wake Forest U - # 4 9 2 ) Dr, Herman Eure (A) c/o Ofc of Minority Affairs Wake Forest University Winston Salem, NC 27420 Omicron Beta (Atlantic Christian - #709) A M, Witherspoon (A) 2701 Rothgeb Drive Raleigh. NC 27609 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Lambda (Greensboro-#110) Arthur Stevens (CS) P.O. Box 21052 Greensboro, NC 27420 Phi Lambda (Raleigh - #120) No Report Alpha Pi Lambda (Winston Salem - # 1 3 7 ) David H. Wagner (P) 3440 Cumberland Road Winston Salem, NC 27102 Beta Theta Lambda (Durham - # 1 5 2 ) Jerome Coleman (S) 6113 Summerville Drive Durham. NC 27712 Beta Mu Lambda (Salisbury - # 1 5 5 ) Bryant Norman, Jr. ( P ) 10 Post Oak Place Salisbury. NC 28144 Beta Nu Lambda (Charlotte-#156) David L. Grier ( P ) 516 Nottingham Drive Charlotte, NC 28211 Gamma Kappa Lambda (Wilmington - # 1 7 6 ) No Report Gamma Psi Lambda (Asheville-#188) Osborne M. Hart (P) P. 0. Box 787 Asheville. NC 28802 Epsilon Rho Lambda (Fayetteville - # 2 2 7 ) John V. Parham (P) 1536 Palmer Drive Fayetteville. NC 28303 Epsilon Sigma Lambda (Rocky Mount - # 2 2 8 ) Jessie Parker, Jr. (S) 418 Peachtree Street Rocky Mount. NC 27801 Epsilon Chi Lambda (Elizabeth City - # 2 3 2 ) Roger A. McLean ( P ) Box 21 - E C S U Elizabeth City. NC 2 7 9 0 9 Zeta Eta Lambda (Kinston - # 2 4 0 )

(U of South C a r o l i n a - # 3 8 7 ) Ralph W. Dupree (S) P.O. Box 8 1 1 6 4 - U S C Columbia, SC 29225 Kappa Chi (Francis Marion College - # 4 4 0 ) Walter D, Gaffney, Jr, ( P ) P 0 . Box 384 Florence, SC 29503

MuPi (Baptist C o l l e g e - # 4 5 6 ) BernettMazyck(P) 903 West 5th North St, Summerville, SC 29483 Nu Phi (USC - Conway # 4 8 3 ) No Report •Xi Epsilon (Morris College - # 4 9 0 ) Lester Corley Moms College Sumter.SC 29150 XiPhi (Winthrop College - # 7 0 5 ) Larry J Williams (S) P.O. Box 5273 Winthrop College Stn. Rock Hill. SC 29733 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Psi Lambda (Columbia-#144) Cecil Adderley, Jr. ( P ) 1730 Standish Street Columbia, SC 29203 Beta Kappa Lambda (Charleston- #154) Raymond Smalls (CS) P.O. Box 2714 Charleston. SC 29403 •Gamma Gamma Lambda (Greenville - #169) Robert F Young (P) 105 Kennedy Drive Greenville, SC 29605 Delta Zeta Lambda (Orangeburg-#194) William J Nelson ( P ) P. 0 . Box M Orangeburg.SC 29117 Delta Kappa Lambda (Florence - # 1 9 8 ) Joseph Heyward (S) P. 0. Box 384 Florence, SC 29503 Eta Omicron Lambda (Rock Hill - # 2 6 9 ) Ezell A. Long (DP) P.O. Box 11231 Rock Hill, SC 29730 •Theta Phi Lambda (Bennettsville - # 2 9 7 ) Ralph DuPree, Sr, (CS) 203 Beauty Spot Road Bennettsville.SC 29512 lota Eta Lambda (Denmark - # 5 0 8 ) No Report Mu Epsilon Lambda (Conway - #550) Stewart Strothers Coastal Carolina College Conway. SC 29526


No Report Eta Mu Lambda (Gastonia - # 2 6 6 )

Director Robert E Linder 722 Myrtle Street Kingsport. TN 37660 COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Chi (Meharry Medical College - #21) Bayne Spotwood (CS) Box 758. Meharry Medical College Nashville, TN 37208 •Alpha Chi (FiskU-#43) Nathaniel A, Cooper (CS) P O Box 791 Fisk University Nashville, TN 37203

No Report Theta Omicron Lambda (Goldsboro- #291) terry 0 Johnson 1401 Adams Street Goldsboro. NC 27530 • N u lota Lambda (Kinston #576) Clifton T. Epps. Jr. ( P ) 401 Greenmead Drive Kinston, NC 28501 Nu Kappa Lambda (Lumoerton - # 5 7 7 ) Joshua Bethea, Jr. (S) 309 East 10th Street Lumberton. NC 28358


(LeMoyne Owen College - # 5 7 ) No Report •Beta Omicron (Tennessee State U - #58) Andrea Williams (S) Box 419, TSU Nashville, TN 37203 Beta Pi

SOUTH CAROLINA Director Peter Felder P. 0. Box 41 Clallin College Orangeburg.SC 29115 COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Beta Delta (South Carolina State Ernest Yarborough (S) Box 1954. SCSC Orangeburg.SC 29117 Gamma Gamma (Allen U - # 6 9 )

Theta Nu


No Report •Gamma Pi (BenedictCollege- #81) Arthur L Edmunds (S) Evans Apts, - #F2 Benedict College Columbia, SC 29204 Delta Alpha (Clallin U - # 8 9 ) Larry D. Elliott 252 Sprinkle Avenue Orangeburg.SC 29115 Eta lota (Voorhees College - # 3 6 2 ) Jams Jenkins ( P ) Battle Hall - Voorhees Clg Denmark. SC 29042

(Lane College - # 5 9 ) Rickey McCurry c/o Billy Wesson 255 Middleton Jackson. TN 38301 Gamma Omicron (KnoxvilleCollege- #80) No Report Eta Phi (UT Chattanooga -


No Report Thrta Pi (Austin Peay State U - # 3 9 0 ) Rodney K. Thompson (VP) Theta Pi Chapter - Box 8337 Austin Peay State University Clarksville. TN 37040 Kappa Eta (MemphisState U - # 4 2 6 ) lohn D. Calhoun (VP) 4158 Ramwood - #3 Memphis, TN 38116

"Kappa Theta (Vanderbilt U - # 4 2 7 ) Michael Terry ( P ) P- 0. Box 3269-B Nashville, TN 37235 Kappa Xi (Middle Tennessee S t a t e - # 4 3 2 ) Robert Morris, Jr. Box 655. MTSU Murfreesboro. TN 37132 Mil Beta (UT-Martin-#443) Timothy J Taylor (CS)

P. 0. Box 121 U. of Tennessee at Martin Martin, TN 38238 • M u Iota (U of Tennessee - # 4 5 0 ) Alien L, Whiting (P) 1810 Lake Avenue Knoxville. TN 37916 • N i l Eta (Christian Brothers Coll Albert L Sweet. Ir. (CS) 596 Byron Memphis. TN 38109 ALUMNI CHAPTERS


•Tau Lambda (Nashville-#118) Wilson Q. Welch. Ir (CS) P. 0, Box 5646 Nashville. TN 37208 •Psi Lambda (Chattanooga - # 1 2 2 ) Archie Taylor ( P ) 841 Oak Street Chattanooga. TN 37403 Alpha Delta Lambda (Memphis - # 1 2 6 ) Melvyn M toggle ( P ) Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter P. 0, Box 1905 Memphis, TN 38101 •Alpha Mu Lambda (Knoxville-#133) Edward 0. Hill (CS) 2643 Linden Avenue Knoxville, TN 37914 Beta Upsilon Lambda (Jackson - # 1 6 3 ) No Report Kappa Zeta Lambda (Clarksville - # 5 2 9 ) Arnold E Myers (S) 2713 Wren Road Birchwood Estates Ft. Campbell, Ky 42223 Mu Nu Lambda (Kingsport - # 5 5 7 ) John Harrison 225 Blue Haven Drive Kingsport. TN 37663

SOUTHWEST Director Robert Jones 1413 Lee Circle. South Blytheville. AR 72315 COLLEGE CHAPTERS


(Arkansas State U Herbert Versie (P) P. 0 . Box 380


State University, AR Theta Psi

72467 #397)

(Southern Arkansas U - # 4 2 8 ) Glen E. Hawkins (P) SAU, Box 823 Magnolia. AR 71753 Kappa Kappa (U of Arkansas - # 4 2 9 ) Johnnie L. Booth ( P ) 836 Fairview Street Fayetteville. AR 72701 Kappa Psi (UA Little R o c k - # 4 4 1 ) No Report Nu Alpha (Arkansas Tech. U - # 4 6 4 ) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Pi Lambda (Little R o c k - # 1 1 5 ) Lucious Powell ( P ) 6400 Shirley Drive Little Rock, AR 72204 •Delta Sigma Lambda (Pine Bluff - # 2 0 6 ) Garland D. Puckett(P) 3803 Adventure Pine Bluff. AR 71603

Director Charles H. Johnson 202 Mays Drive Monroe. LA 71201 COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Beta Sigma (Southern U - # 6 1 ) James G Prestage (CS) P. 0 . Box 9929 Southern University Baton Rouge, LA 70813 Beta Tau

•Epsilon M M (Lamar Tech - # 3 2 5 ) Edmund J. Petry ( P ) 3670 Usan Street Beaumont. TX 77705 Epsilon Sigma (St. Mary's U - # 3 2 6 ) No Report •Zeta Kappa (UT El P a s o - # 3 4 1 ) Winston E. Watkms, Jr. ( P ) 426 B, Barry Hall, U of Tx. at El Paso El Paso. TX 79968 Zeta Tau (East Texas State - # 3 4 9 ) No Report •Zeta Chi (UT Arlington - # 3 5 2 ) Thomas Hopson(P) Box 19193, UTA Station Arlington. TX 76019 •Eta Gamma (Prairie View - # 3 5 6 ) Egbert Powell (CS) Box 2255


No Report ZetaXi (USL - # 3 4 4 ) Michael Broussard ( P ) 116 Holly Street Lafayette. LA 70501 •Eta Kappa (Louisiana Tech U - # 3 6 3 ) Don P. Johnson (P) 5497 Tech Station Ruston, LA 71272 Eta Chi (Northeast Louisiana - # 3 7 4 ) No Report Theta Theta (McNeese State U - # 3 8 3 ) Jesse Whitley, Ji. (CS) MSU, Box 587 Lake Charles, LA 70609 Theta Phi


(Nicholls State U - # 4 3 0 ) No Report Kappa Nu (Southeastern Louisiana - #431) No Report Nil Psi (Louisiana State U - # 4 8 5 ) David Henley ( P ) Nu Psi Chaptei P. 0. Box 20470 - LSU Baton Rouge. LA 70893 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Sigma Lambda (New O r l e a n s - # 1 1 7 ) Desmond M Abies (S) 4634 Francis Drive New Orleans, LA 70126 Beta lota Lambda (Baton R o u g e - # 1 5 3 ) Henry J. Bellaire (P) Southern Branch P. O Box 9564 Baton Rouge. LA 70813 •Delta Upsilon Lambda (Shreveport - # 2 0 8 ) James C. Leary (T) 2961 Looney Street Shreveport, LA 71103 Epsilon Kappa Lambda (Grambling - # 2 2 1 ) Roy B Moss ( P ) P. 0. Drawer 604 Grambling, LA 71245 Epsilon Psi Lambda (Alexandria - # 2 3 3 ) Louis H. Roberts ( P ) 3613 10th Street Alexandria. LA 71301 Zeta Chi Lambda (Bogalusa - # 2 5 4 ) No Report Zeta Psi Lambda (Lake Charles - # 2 5 5 ) Robert Boxie. Jr. (CS) 1516 Mitchell Street Lake Charles, LA 70605 Eta Gamma Lambda (Lafayette - # 2 5 8 ) Richard Travers (S) 443 LaSalle Street St. Martinville, LA 70582

*Eta Delta Lambda (Monroe - # 2 5 9 ) Tyree Pettis (CS) P.O. Box815 Monroe. LA 71201 lota Xi Lambda (Opelousas - # 5 1 4 ) Donald J Bush (T) P 0 Box 329 Opelousas, LA 70570 • N u Alpha Lambda (Marrero - # 5 6 8 ) Sam 1 Smith, Ji. ( P ) 2504 Taffy Drive Marrero. LA 70072 • N u Theta Lambda (St. Martinville - # 5 7 5 ) Lawerence M Abraham (T) Route 1. Box 122-A St. Martinville. LA 70582


(Xavier U - # 6 2 ) Charles Walker, Jr. Xavier University Pine & Palmetto Streets P 0. Box 130 New Orleans. LA 70125 •Beta Phi (Dillard U - # 6 4 ) Kednck Jason (S) P 0 . Box 690 Dillard University New Orleans. LA 70122 Delta Sigma (Grambling U - # 3 0 4 ) Michael C. Goudeau (S) Grambling State University P. 0. Box 200 Grambling. LA 71245 EpsiIon Upsilon ISL'NO - # 3 2 8 )

(Northwestern State U Keith Epps (CS) Kappa Mu

Beta Chi (Philander Smith College - #65) No Report Gamma Delta (U of Ark. at Pine Bluff - # 7 0 ) Hubert L. Brown (P) P. 0. Box 155 - UAPB Pine Bluff. AR 71601 •Theta Kappa

(U of Central Arkansas Paul Kimbrough ( P ) UCA, Box 646 Conway, AR 72032 •Kappa lota


(U of New Orleans - # 3 9 5 ) Larry D Butler (P) t O, Box 1410 New Orleans, LA 70122 Theta Chi


(Henderson State Coll. Paul Robinson (P) Box 1402 Arkadelphia, AR 71923 Theta Upsilon

Theta Tau Lambda (Helena - # 2 9 5 ) P. W. White, Sr, ( P ) Theta Tau Lambda Chaptei Route 2 - Box 373 Lexa.AR 72355 Mu Omicron Lambda (Blytheville - # 5 5 9 ) William D. Jackson, jr. ( P ) 150 N. Gosnell Blytheville. AR 72315

Tanzy B. Lockridge P. 0. Box 246 Boynton.OK 74422

Prairie View A & M University Prairie View, TX 77445 Eta Epsilon

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Kappa (Langston U - #54) Carlos King (CS)

(North Texas S t a t e - #358) ShadnckBogany(P) Box 5493, NT Station Denton, TX 76203

P. O. Box 386 Langston, OK 73050 Epsilon Epsilon (Oklahoma State U - # 3 1 4 ) terry Salmon (S) 408 N. Washington Stillwater. OK 74074

•EtaMu (U of Houston - # 3 6 4 ) Eta Mu Chapter Campus Activities - Box 103 University of Houston 4800 Calhoun Houston, TX 77004 Eta Upsilon

•Zeta Zeta (U of Oklahoma - # 3 3 7 ) Bruce A. Nolan (A)

11(1 CBiloxi

(Texas Tech U - # 3 7 2 ) Merron H. Teague (A) 4904 77th Street Lubbock. TX 79424 Eta Psi (Texas Christian U - # 3 7 5 )

Norman. OK 73071 •Zeta Sigma (Central State U - # 3 4 8 ) Floyd W. Ramsey B 26 East Hall Central State University Edmond.OK 73034 •Zeta Upsilon (Northeastern State Coll. Zeta Upsilon Chapter Box 342, NSU Tahlequah.OK 74464


Eta Theta (East Central S t a t e - # 3 6 1 ) No Report Kappa Epsilon (Cameron U - # 4 2 4 ) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Tau Lambda (Tulsa - # 1 4 0 ) Percy Perry, Ir (S) P 0. Box 6152 Tulsa, OK 74106 Beta Epsilon Lambda (Boley - # 1 4 9 ) L. G Ashley Box 247 Boley. OK 74829 Beta Eta Lambda (0klahomaCity-#151) Elton Matthews ( P ) P.O. Box 11105 Oklahoma City. OK 73136 •Beta Chi Lambda (Muskogee-#165) Jimmie L. White. Jr. (S) Box 26 Warner. OK 74469 •Zeta Gamma Lambda (Langston - # 2 3 6 ) Raymond Johnson. II (S) 713 N. 24th West Avenue Tulsa. OK 74127 Eta Xi Lambda (Lawton-Ft Sill - # 2 6 8 ) Theodore J Freeman ( P ) P. O. Box 2233 Lawton. OK 73502

TEXAS Director A. L. Mackey 6801 Wilhamette Austin. TX 78723 COLLEGE CHAPTERS •Delta (Huston Tillotson College - # 4 ) Allen W. Brown. Jr. ( P ) Huston Tillotson College Austin, TX 78702 Alpha Sigma (Wiley U - # 3 9 ) WilbertL Francis (P) 711 Rosebourgh Spring Road Marshall, TX 75670 Gamma Alpha (Texas College - # 6 7 ) Don Stephens (P) Texas College 2404 W. Grand Avenue Tyler. TX 75701 •Delta Theta (Texas Southern U - # 9 6 ) David L. Jackson (P) TSU, Box 748 Houston, TX 77004 Epsilon Gamma (Bishop College - # 3 1 2 ) Marvis P. May 1611 Bonnieview Road Dallas. TX 75203 Epsilon Iota (U of Texas - # 3 1 8 ) No Report

No Report Theta Alpha (Jarvis Christian College -


No Report Theta Mu (Sam Houston State U - # 3 8 6 ) William L. Harrison ( P ) Box 2840. SHSU Huntsville. TX 77341 Iota Kappa (Paul Quinn College - # 4 0 7 ) No Report •Iota Mil (SF Austin State U - # 4 0 8 ) Odis Rhodes P 0 . Box 1 3 0 1 7 - SFA Station Nacogdoches. TX 75962 lota Omicron (Southern Methodist U - # 4 1 1 ) No Report Kappa Sigma (West Texas State -


No Report MuNu (Southwest Texas State - # 4 5 3 ) Randle D. Howard (P) LB.J Student Center SW Texas State University San Marcos. TX 78666 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Eta Lambda (Houston-#129) Donald Bonner (CS) 4602 Knottynold Lane Houston. TX 77053 •Alpha Sigma Lamda (Dallas-#139) Samuel L. Bates (S) P 0 Box 26324 Dallas. TX 75226 •Beta Tau Lambda (Ft. Worth - # 1 6 2 ) Wyman Wiggins (CS) 905 Green River Trail Ft. Worth. TX 76103 •Gamma Eta Lambda (Austin - # 1 7 3 ) Allen M Johnson. Jr. (CS) 9901 Mandeville Circle Austin. TX 78750 Gamma Pi Lambda (Galveston - # 1 8 1 ) P. E.Poole(S) P. 0. Box 668 La Marque. TX 77568 Gamma Tau Lambda (Beaumont - # 1 8 4 ) No Report Gamma Upsilon Lambda (Marshall - # 1 8 5 ) S A. Anderson (P) 114 Fisher Drive Marshall. TX 7 5 6 7 0 • Delta Rtw Lambda (San Antonio - # 2 0 5 ) Brodes H Hartley, Jr. ( P ) P.O. 8 0 x 1 0 0 7 1 San Antonio, TX 78210 •Epsilon Alpha Lambda (Tyler - # 2 1 2 ) TimmyL Hasley(P) 510 N. Parkdale Tyler, TX 75702 Epsilon Epsilon Lambda (Waco-#216) Mason Varbrough (VP) P.O. Box 1405 Waco, TX 76703

Epsilon Tau Lambda (Prairie V i e w - # 2 2 9 ) Jiles P Daniels ( P ) P. 0 . Box 2241 Prairie View, TX 77445 Epsilon Phi Lambda (Port A r t h u r - # 2 3 1 ) Kirkland C. Jones 4005 Procter Beaumont, TX 77705 Zeta Tau Lambda (Amanita' #251) No Report •Eta Upsilon Lambda (Odessa - # 2 7 4 ) James Bradford (CS) 1315 E. Parker Street Midland, TX 79701 Theta Delta Lambda (El Paso - # 2 8 1 ) Carl 0. Langston (S) 1 U 0 4 C Vista Lago Place El Paso, TX 79936 Theta Kappa Lambda (Lubbock - #287 Grover C. Colvin 1801 East 28th Lubbock, TX 79404 Kappa Gamma Lambda (Texarkana - # 5 2 6 ) No Report Kappa Sigma Lambda (Killer - # 5 4 0 ) No Report Mu Rho Lambda (Longview - # 5 6 1 ) No Report

WEST ARIZONA/UTAH NEVADA Director Felix Goodwin 7065 N Stardust Tucson, AZ 85718 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta Theta (U of Arizona - • #339) No Report lota Upsilon (Utah State U -


No Report Mil Eta (Ariiona State U - # 4 4 8 ) Craig L W i l k i n s ( S ) 401 E. Apache - # 0 21 Tempe. AZ 85281 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Tau Lambda (Phoenix - # 2 0 7 ) William Corbin (CS) 2401 W. Cheery Lynn Road Phoenix. AZ 85015 Eta Psi Lambda (Tucson - # 2 7 7 ) No Report Theta Pi Lambda (Las Vegas - # 2 9 2 ) No Report

C A L I F O R N I A (CENTRAL) Director Earvwin ("Earl") McCullar 3762 N.Cedar S t r e e t - # 1 1 3 Fresno, CA 93726 COLLEGE CHAPTER •Epsilon Beta (Fresno S t a t e - # 3 1 1 ) Powell Brannon ( P ) 246 E. Hawes Fresno, CA 93706 ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Nu Lambda (Fresno-#513) D.deBoau Davis (P) 1 1 5 0 E H e r n d o n - #277 Fresno, CA 9 3 7 1 0 •Kappa Eta Lambda (Bakersfield - # 5 3 0 ) Donald Harris (S) 140 Donna Street Bakersfield, CA 93304

(San F r a n c i s c o - # 7 0 1 ) Walter Lovely, Ir. ( P ) Student Activities Office S. F. State University 1600 Hoiloway Avenue San Francisco. CA 94132 l i Upsilon (California Polytechnic - # 7 0 4 ) David Tuckei (CS) 757 Los Osos Val Road - #3 Los Osos. CA 9 3 4 0 2 ALUMNI CHAPTERS •Gamma Phi Lambda (Berkeley - # 1 8 6 ) Capers G. Brad ham (P) P. 0. Box 3238 Berkeley. CA 94703 Gamma Chi Lambda (San Francisco - # 1 8 7 ) William H. Powell ( P ) 438 Cedar Hill Drive San Rafael. CA 94903 Eta Sigma Lambda (San lose - # 2 7 2 ) Richard Terrell ( P ) 4959 Massachusetts Drive San Jose. CA 95136 Theta Beta Lambda (Oakland - # 2 7 9 ) No Report •Kappa Alpha Lambda (Monterey - # 5 2 4 ) Al Glover ( P ) P.O. Box 1128 Seaside, CA 93955 Kappa Omicron Lambda (Valleio - # 5 3 7 ) Noah L. Davis (S) 4765 Georgia Street Valleio, CA 9 4 5 9 0

No Report Delta Omicron (Stanford - # 3 0 1 ) Inactive Epsilon Mu (San Jose State U - # 3 2 0 ) Anthony Van P. 0. Box 486 San Jose. CA 95103 • N u Sigma (Stanford - # 4 8 0 ) Asbury R Lockett ( P ) P 0. Box 7110 Stanford. CA 94305 •XiPi (Hayward - # 7 0 0 ) Joe C. Thomas 208 Chadwick Way Benicia. CA 9 4 5 1 0

No Report • M u Sigma Lambda (Culver City - | B 6 2 ) James Hobby (P) 1253 S. Masselm Los Angeles. CA 9 0 0 1 9

COLORADO Director Phillip Cochran 1165 Drexel Street Boulder. CO 80303 COLLEGE CHAPTER •Alpha lota (Uot Colorado-#31) Jeftry I P. McDonald (S) 223 Cockell Hall - UC Boulder. CO 8 0 3 1 0 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Psi Lambda (Denvei-#211) Ben F. Boyd, Jr (CS) P. 0. Box 2975

CALIFORNIA (SACRAMENTO) M ^ d ^ u L i Director Theodore F. Hayes 6001 Riverside Blvd - #208 Sacramento. CA 95831 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta Eta (U C Davis - # 3 8 2 ) Mark Gordon ( P ) 5940 Annrud Way Sacramento. CA 95822 Nu Chi ( U o t the Pacific - # 4 8 4 ) Kevin Smith ( P ) 3935 Pacific Avenue - #7 Stockton. CA 95210 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Beta Lambda (Sacramento - # 2 3 5 ) Herman A. Sanders ( P ) 1128 Weber Way Sacramento, CA 95822 • N u Beta Lambda (Stockton - # 5 6 9 ) Nu Beta Lambda Chapter P. 0. Box 9301 Stockton, CA 95208



CALIFORNIA (SOUTHERN) Director William Dailey 1459 West 45th Street Los Angeles. CA 9 0 0 6 2 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Delta (USC - # 2 6 )

Director Boyd Jackson 1305 Evelyn Court. NE Albuquerque. NM 8 7 1 1 2 ALUMNI CHAPTER lota Psi lambda (Albuquerque - # 5 2 3 ) Guy D. Walton ( P ) P. 0 Box 5435 Albuqueique. NM 87115

WASHINGTON OREGON Director Herbert Starke 15013 SE 171st Street Renton. WA 98055 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Xi (U ol Washington - # 3 5 ) Bruce A Harrell(P) 6209 48th Avenue, S Seattle, WA 98118 B a b Psi (U ol Oregon - # 6 6 ) Inactive lota Tau (Eastern Washington U Charles B Minor (A) 419 5th Street Cheney. WA 99004 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Zeta Lambda (Portland - # 2 1 7 )

Inglewood. CA 90305 Gamma Xi (UCLA - # 7 9 ) Dave Alexander (CS)

P. 0. Box 491 308 Weslwood Plaza Los Angeles, CA 90024 Iota Chi


(UCSanta B a r b a r a - # 4 5 1 ) Alpha Phi Alpha Fiat Inc. P . 0 . Box 14505 - UC.S.B. Santa Barbara. CA 93107 • M i l Chi (Cal State Long Beach Austin L. Tenette (P) 12217 S Menlo Avenue Los Angeles. CA 90044

HAWAII Director C. Edward Singer

DanC Matthews ( P ) 92557 Uhiuala Street Ewa Beach. HI 96706

Director Rufus Dewitt 4937 Defter Drive San Diego, CA 92041 COLLEGE CHAPTER Eta Sigma (Metro San Diego - # 3 7 0 ) Alain C. Kidd ( P ) 4 4 2 0 49th Stieet - Apt #1 San Diego, CA 92115 ALUMNI CHAPTER Zeta Sigma Lambda (San Diego - # 2 5 0 ) Sam Thomas (VP) 7594 Careybrook Lane San Diego. CA 92114

(UofRedlands-#418) No Report lota Psi (California Polytechnic U Craig A Norman ( P ) P O, Box 1742 Pomona, CA 9 1 7 6 9

(Coloiado Springs # 5 1 5 ) James F. Poole (P) 90 Fordham Circle Pueblo. CO 81005 Mu Upsilon Lambda (Boulder - # 5 6 4 ) Walter A. Roberts. Jr. (S) P. 0. Box 2158 Boulder. CO 80306

410 Magellan Street - Apt. 908 Honolulu. HI 96813 ALUMNI CHAPTER Mu Beta Lambda (Honolulu - # 5 4 7 )

C A L I F O R N I A (NORTHERN)^oTzTh Awn7 d <P> Director Joe C. Thomas 208 Chadwick Way Benicia, CA 9 4 5 1 0 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Epsilon (U C Berkeley - # 2 7 )

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Psi Lambda (Los A n g e l e s - # 1 6 6 ) Samuel W. Davis (RS) 6743 Third Avenue Los Angeles. CA 90043 Eta Pi Lambda (Pasadena - # 2 7 0 ) Wallace Walker ( P ) 1521 E Mountain Street Pasadena. CA 9 1 1 0 4 lota Zeta Lambda (Compton - # 5 0 7 ) Mac Arthur Florence ( P ) P 0. Box 9 0 6 9 2 Los Angeles. CA 90009 M u X i Lambda (Rialto - # 5 5 8 )



No Report Zeta Pi Lambda (Seattle - # 2 4 8 ) Ralph Bayard ( P ) 8243 South 121st Street Seattle. WA 98178 •Iota Mu Lambda (Tacoma - # 5 1 2 ) Joseph Peyton, Jr. (S) Box 171 - Fern Hill Station Tacoma. WA 9 8 4 1 2 Nu Epsilon Lambda (Richland - # 5 7 2 ) Clarence J. Ward (S) P O Box 1239 Richland, WA 9 9 3 5 2

ALASKA Nu Zeta Lambda (Anchorage - # 5 7 3 ) Frederick D Johnson (P) 400 West 76th St - # 2 1 0 Anchorage, AK 99502

Second Class Postage Paid Chicago, Illinois

The Sphinx USPS 510-440 4 4 3 2 S. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Drive Chicago, Illinois 6 0 6 5 3 POSTMASTER: If this magazine is undelivered please send form 3 5 7 9 to The Sphinx, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc., 4 4 3 2 Dr Martin Luther King. Jr Drive. Chicago, IL 6 0 6 5 3


k V




Get a Diamond . . . become an "Active Alpha." This year, in celebration of the 75th Anniversary, we have made available to all Brothers a souvenir "Black and Gold" membership card, with a gold diamond imprint. If you've been away from the fold, now's the time to come home. Don't be left out, get your "Diamond" early!

Diamond Jubilee Convention July 31 - August 6, 1981 Dallas, Texas






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4/p. Pha






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