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editor's review Greetings . . . THE VEST BEST: Let me begin by directing your attention to this issue's features on Beta Epsilon and Zeta Psi Lambda chapters. It will not be difficult for you to see how they walked away with '84's top chapter honors. Certainly, their work holds high the aims and ideals of The Seven Jewels. . . COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT THEM: A special note of thanks to Brother Cecil Boston of Orlando, Florida for submitting the story on Rep. Alzo Reddick . . Thanks, too, are due Brother Marcus Neustader, who penned the article on Dillard University contained in our The Black Colleges' segment. . . THE LIVES OP GREAT MEN: It is always difficult, in Alpha Phi Alpha, to single out a Brother or group of Brothers for their outstanding contributions to the Fraternity and society. The real story of our Brotherhood is that in hundreds of communities, and on hundreds of college campuses, liv^s of great worth are to be found. The loss of any and all of these Brothers profoundly touches the close-knit bond of our Brotherhood. There is much sadness now, as we note the passing of two of Alpha's greatest - Dr. Arnold Wright and Brother Ramon Scruggs. Dr. Wright's story is multi-faceted, as attested in our Omega Chapter section, but it would be incomplete without including his valuable service as "mentor" to generations of Alpha men who passed through the halls of Kentucky State University - and the halls of Alpha conventions. His positive influence in the shaping of dedicated Alpha men will long be felt. Brother Scruggs was also a groundbreaker, proving for an entire race that one could move up the corporate ladder. We in Alpha Phi Alpha remember, as well, that he never lost hands-on contact with his Fraternity - using his success to forge corporate contacts for A-Phi-A. Our advertising and jobs fair programs stand today as a testament to that commitment. Many Alpha men feel a personal sense of loss with their passing from amongst us. The entire organization will suffer an even greater loss unless some Brothers step forward to carry on "beyond the call of duty", as did t h e y . . .AN EDITED VERSION: You'll note that some of our regular features are missing from this issue - due to time and budgetary constraints. We'll be back on track for the Spring 1985 edition - plus a whole lot more. . . ON THE ROAD: In my recent travels, I've had the opportunity to meet a number of Brothers. I'd like to t h a n k them all for their support of the efforts undertaken by The Sphinx; their criticisms regarding same; and, most importantly, their constructive ideas for improvement. I hope the sponsors of the latter will recognize them when they're put in force. There are also those Brothers who go out of their way to serve as hosts, and they too make each business trip a pleasure. In New Orleans, U.S. Magistrate Ivan Lemelle was the perfect host (perhaps because he remembers my ginger guidance as he navigated the "burning sands"). As president of Sigma Lambda Chapter in New Orleans, he stayed on hand to undertake any and every effort to insure a smooth operation. For that, I am profoundly grateful. . . In my home state of Mississippi, State Director Wiley Jones and Treasurer Al W. Johnson again laid out the red carpet - as did Brother Marcus Jackson, Assistant State Director and President of Gamma Upsilon Chapter as Tougaloo College. The limousine provided by Brother Jackson for our forays around town made quite an impression on this ex-cotton picker. While in Jackson, I also met some homeboys from the booming metropolis of Indianola, to wit; Brother Ray Matthews, a President's Scholar at the Universtiy of Mississippi; Brother Jerry Davis, A President's Scholar at Alcorn A & M; and Brother Dexter Merritt, also at 'Ole Miss. . . .DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIANS: As we prepare for our annual sampling of the outstanding college members of Alpha Phi Alpha, I would urge each of you to take the time and nominate worthy Brothers of whom you are aware. We will provide the follow-up and secure the necessary information, if you'll let us know where these Brothers are. . . Until next issue. . MJP.
ON THE DRAWING BOARD • Distinguished Collegians • An Alpha Trio • Whose House Is This?
VOLUME 70 NUMBER 4 WINTER 1984 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. MICHAEL J. PRICE, Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors: Bradford Spencer, Darryl Young. Editorial Assistant (Internl: Demetrius Bryant Contributing Editors: James'B. Blanton Ft Officio; Laurence T. Young. Sr. Omega Chapter; Walter Sullivan, Education Foundation: Waldo lohnson, Ir.. Speaking of Programs: Ozell Sutton, Ex-Officio. Commentary Columnists: Erwin A. France, Mai Goode, Hurl Perkins. Michael |. Trice.
8 —CHAPTERS OF THE YEAR - Zeta Psi Lambda (Alexandria, LA) and Beta Epsilon (North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro) were named 1984's top Alpha chapters. 1 2 —IN NEW ORLEANS - Some 1,500 persons joined in the weekend of activities during the 1985 Inaugural and Leadership Forum. 1 7 —FOCUS - Florida State Representative Alzo Reddick sponsors a successful constitutional amendment to increase minority representation on county commissions. 1 8 —INAUGURAL ADDRESS - The Fraternity's 27th General President asks the Brotherhood to preserve Alpha Phi Alpha's "Legacy of Leadership and Service." 2 2 —THE BLACK COLLEGES - Dillard University in New Orleans is proud of numerous contributions to the field of education 2 3 4 6 25 27 42 45 46
— the General President Speaks — the Executive Secretary's Desk — There Goes An Alpha Man — NewsBriefs — Alphas On The Move — Chapter News — Omega Chapter — Directory of Officers — Chapter Directory
ABOUT THE COVER Brother Charles C. Teamer, Sr., the 27th General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
The Sphm» (USPS 5 1 0 - 4 4 0 1 The Sphinx is the olticial magazine o l Ihe Alpha Phi Alpha Fralernity, Inc , 4 4 3 2 Dr Martin Luther King Dr Chicago, IL 6 0 6 5 3 Published tour times a yea/ Spring Summer, Fall and Winter Send all editorial mail and change of address (send both addressesl to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity 4 4 3 2 Dr Martin Luther King Drive. Chicago. IL 6 0 6 5 3 Manuscripts or art submitted to The Sphinx should be accompanied by addressed envelopes and eturn postage Editor assumes no responsibility tor return o l unsolicited manuscripts or art Opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily r e l i e d the views and policies ol Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc and use o l any person s name m ( i c o n , semi-fiction articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility o l The Sphinx It is never done knowingly Copyright 1 9 7 6 by The Sphinx. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc Reproduction or use. without written permission, o l the editorial or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited The Sphinx has been published'contmuously since 1 9 1 4 Organizing Editor Bro Raymond W Cannon Organizing General President Bro Henry Lake Oickason S e c o n d class postage paid at Chicago IL and additional mailing stations Postmaster Send Form 3 5 7 9 and all c o r r e s p o n d e n c e 4 4 3 2 Dr Martin Luther King Dr Chicago. IL 6 0 6 5 3
Our fraternity is like our family to us in many ways. It began with a shared interest, followed by a marriage of ideas; a birth; expansion, and today has grown into many generations of distinguished members. Also, like our family, Alpha must grow or suffer extinction. If our fraternity is to survive as a viable part of the social landscape, we must adjust to current conditions and evolve in a new form. It may mean adjusting our administrative, social, and political practices or sticking to what we have and doing it more efficiently. Only time and collective thought will provide the blueprint for Alpha's future. When you are a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. anywhere in the world, you and the fraternity share a range and depth of concern well beyond the immediate confines of your chapter, state, or region. You and brothers like you, who work for and live with the precepts of Alpha, are the entire measure of what this fraternity can do. Your abilities and energy and attitudes determine what we achieve. This relationship between you and Alpha shapes a philosophy that defines the high expectations and deeply-felt obligations we set for ourselves and each other. The unique relationship that we share is the bond that holds the "Alpha Family" together.
As with any organization, membership and management may vary, but change is constant if survival is the goal. Alpha expects you to be changeminded—and that is asking no small thing. But the ability to change and adapt is essential to any organization. To a leadership organization—to Alpha—whose future depends on constant successful innovation, change is a resource and a raw material. It can come only from people who are able and willing to work with it, welcome it, and capitalize on it. We may have to take some risks to
ensure our security. The conventional way gets you conventional results, and a place in the middle of the crowd. Sometimes that isn't a bad idea; but as a steady diet, it is a guarantee of mediocrity; and can be a fatal affliction. I hope every brother will join me in a bold new initiative: Strategic Planning for Alpha's Future. I need your tempered willingness to assert your own point of view in making decisions for our fraternity. Alpha aims high in duty and deeds. Understanding this is essential to understanding our philosophy and our legacy. High aims and well derived goals, accompanying policies and rules and procedures can take you only so far. We must realize that it's men—Alphamen—who go the distance. In all the world there is but one Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. And to the outside world, you are Alpha. You're part of a prestige and a tradition, an aura and a struggle that is difficult to match. People tend to expect more of you simply because you belong to the Alpha family. So should you. So does Alpha. - Fraternally, -Z*-» m^XAJK CHARLES C. TEAMER, SR. General President
We may have to take some risks to ensure our security. The conventional way gets you conventional results, and a place in the middle of the crowd.
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY'S DESK Services Expanded To Assist Chapters
The Chapter Guide will be distributed at each of the five Regional Conventions. A member of our staff will be on hand for this purpose and to answer any questions. We urge each chapter to designate an officer to be responsible for securing this material. Additionally, we would remind you to pass the Chapter Guide on to the incoming Chapter President—who will need to utilize the materials contained therein.
Greetings Brothers:
Operations The General Office staff is pleased to announce that the change of vendors for computer services undertaken last year has already shown positive results in the improvement of our "delivery of services" apparatus. Major improvements include the speed of generating Passcards (practically all chapters have received materials due them); and, simplifying the procedure for obtaining a "change of address" or the correction of data, via a special "direct mail" card attached to each Brother's passcard. Additionally, the new system provides the capacity to retain the record of "currently inactive" Brothers— who were active during the past year. Previously this was impossible, as we were obliged to delete the previous year's record in order to begin the list for any given year. This capacity will undoubtedly prove valuable in future efforts—including reclamation and fund-raising.
Founders' Day For the first time, the General Office developed a set of materials to assist all Alpha Chapters in celebrating Founders' Day. Thanks to the generosity of Anheuser-Busch, Inc. and Brother Henry Brown, vice president, we were able to secure additional copies of the Founders Poster and send one to each active Chapter. These posters, as you will recall, were commissioned by Anheuser-Bush for the 1984 General Convention. You should know, however, that we do not intend to stop at this point.
Working For You
Plans are already underway to develop an expanded set of materials for Founders' Day 1985. We want to assure that, no matter where you travel in December of this, the light of Alpha will be shining brightly in " o n e " brilliant stream.
The Chapter Guide The General Office staff is now in the process of preparing The Chapter Guide - 1985-86. As you know, this guide serves as a general administrative handbook for Alpha Chapters and volunteer field staff. It includes step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish a number of functions necessary for the efficient operation of the Fraternity.. . organized in a clear and concise manner. In addition to the Chapter Guide Manual, the accompanying portfolio contains all of the administrative forms needed for Chapter operation. These include Sphinx Club applications, Remittance of Funds forms, Chapter Directory forms and the like.
Each year the staff attempts to attain measurable improvement in the delivery of basic services. Each year we attempt to add new services for the benefit of our members. We are pleased at our progress toward both those goals since the close of the Cleveland General Convention. Further, we are developing long-range plans in both areas—which, with an expanded ADP program, will allow us to serve the Fraternity well in years to come. In closing, I would like to personally thank the members of the Board of Directors for their support of our efforts to make the entire Fraternity more responsive. All of us on the General Office staff look forward to working with the various planning units set forth in the recent Leadership Conference. We know that, together, we can hold aloft the high ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha. Fraternally, JAMES B. BLANTON, III Executive Secretary
Big Jobs Begin With Little Jobs Just 1000 more active Brothers would push Alpha's active membership to an all-time high in 1985. With the retention of last year's members, that's less than 2 new Brothers per chapter. Sound easy? That's because it is, if you do your part! Bring a Brother back "To The Light"! The Sphinx/Winter 1984
he is the owner of Brannum Funeral Home in Lake Providence. Always with an eye towards the future, General Trask emphasizes the need for cohesiveness among all people. Current projects he envisions for his town include the acquisition of grants for refurbishing the local sewer system, and a goal to build a new City Hall. General Trask is married to the former Elizabeth Brannum and they have one daughter, Karen Trask Teamer, the wife of Brother Charles C. Teamer, Jr.
Brother General Trask, Jr.
Brother Trask is Louisiana mayor A look at Brother GENERAL TRASK, JR., Mayor of the town of Lake Providence, Louisiana, renders a view of yet another Alphaman extraordinaire! General Trask was elected to a four-year stint as Mayor in May of 1982. His noteworthy record of accomplishments is something that other Alphamen may look to with pride. General Trask was a 1948 initiate of Southern University's Beta Sigma Chapter, graduating from Southern in 1951. After a term as a postman in San Francisco, he embarked on a military career that saw him included in the first class to graduate as a commissioned officer in ROTC (2nd Lieutenant in the transportation corps). His military life later included a term as supplier-sergeant-qjuartermaster with the service supply while stationed in Guam and Hawaii. Currently, General Trask is a member of the East Carroll Parish Historical Society, a charter member of the East Carroll Community Action Association, and was a member of the East Carroll Jury Commission for ten years. He is also a past president of Eta Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. He serves dually as town mayor and principal of Lake Providence High School, an office which he has held for the past thirty years. In addition,
Brother Robert E. Agee
Brother Agee among nation's top urologists Brother ROBERT EDWARD AGEE, M.D., Colonel, U.S. Army, is currently serving as the Chief of Urology Services at Letterman Army Medical Center at the Presidio of San Francisco, California. As Chief of this department, he is the first Black urologist to be the director of an Army Medical Residency Training Program, which is a four-year accredited program recognized by the American Board of Urology. In addition to this, Brother Agee is the immediate past president of the Society of Government Service Urologists, another Black first. Along with this honor, he hosted the prestigious Kimbrough Urological Seminar in San Francisco. In addition to serving in his highly The Sphinx/Winter 1984
responsible at Letterman Army Medical Center, Brother Agee has been appointed to the position of Urological Consultant to the Surgeon General of the Army. He is listed in Who's Who among Black Americans. Brother Agee was born July 11, 1935 in Jenks, Oklahoma. He graduated from Booker T. Washington High School, Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1953; from Central State College, Wilberforce, Ohio, 1957, receiving his Bachelor of Science Degree; and Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tennessee, 1961, where he received his medical degree. Brother Agee is licensed to practice medicine in several states, including California, Georgia and Texas. He is a Board Certified Urologist and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. During his military career, he has held many responsible positions ranging from Chief of Urology to Chief, Department of Surgery. Brother Agee married Helen D. Gillespie in December, 1958. From this union, three children were born: Shena A., Robert, Jr., and Ronald E. Brother Agee has an extensive list of publishing credits. In fact, he has written on over 35 different medical topics. His awards include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Physician Recognition Award, American Medical Association, 1973-76 and 1976-79, respectively. Brother Agee is a Trustee Member of Third Baptist Church in San Francisco, one of the oldest Baptist churches in the Western U.S. In addition to this, Brother Agee's hobbies are reading, tennis, jogging and oil painting. His civic activities include membership in the San Francisco Museum Society, the Army Relief Fund and he contributes to the Metropolitan Opera.
Harlem "Y" honors Brother Harris The Harlem branch ol New York City YMCA, sponsors an annual a w a r d s ceremony w h e r e Black Achievers in industry throughout the country are recognized. Of 150 honorees (on March 15,1984), Brother DON N. HARRIS was the only Black The Sphinx/Winter 1984
Brother Don N. Harris male to represent his company at the awards ceremony at the New York Sheraton Hotel. Brother Harris is a senior research investigator for the Department of Pharmacology at E. R. S q u i b b ' s I n s t i t u t e for Medical Research. The intent of this award is to recognize successful black men and women in a variety of careers and to demonstrate available career opportunities available to Black youth. Brother Harris earned his A.B. degree in Biology (Pre-Med) in 1951 from Lincoln University, Pennsylvania. From there, he entered Rutgers University, and in 1963 was awarded the Ph.D. in Biochemistry. In addition to his academic attainments, he has pioneered in a distinguished research career. Beginning in 1956, he worked as a Research Assistant at Columbia University and in 1959 became employed by Rutgers University as a Research Assistant. During this same period, he was a full-time biochemistry graduate student. Just four years later, he accepted a 1-year offer by the Colgate Palmolive Research Center as a Senior Research Chemist. Upon his return to Rutgers University in 1964, he became an Assistant Research Specialist. The following year (1965) opportunity led him to the Squibb Institute for Medical Research. Brother Harris is responsible for planning, supervising, and interpretating biochemical experiments. His findings are reported to the scientific community. Brother Harris is the author and/or co-author of 30 scientific papers, 28 abstracts, and has been awarded 5 patents.
There goes a man of high impulse Of princely mien and grace I here goes a man of humble > faith A credit to his race I here goes a man of conscience vast with will to reach his goal There goes a man of lordly rank Of heroes' stock and soul— / here goes a man of noble castt Whom hardship cannot break There goes a man in merit clad Whom duty won't forsake I here goes a man in cultured verse Who holds a sportsman's creed I here goes a man loo vigilant To bow to lust or greed There goes a man whose life is spent in service not in scorn I here goes a man whose
majesty Shinies like a May time
I here goes a man who is a friend lo love and duty truth I here goes a man lo kelp uplift I he lives of wholesome youth There goes industry command. 1here goes and out lor he is
a man with and fault ut his the best i man an
Alpha Ma n
HERE AND THERE: Brother John E. Littlejohn, IL, a 1982 graduate of Winthrop College in Pre-Law, recently assumed duties at the Washington office of U.S. Senator Ernest Holllngs. . . Brother Bryan Gamble has received a full-tuition four year ROTC scholarship - which he will use to complete his education at Clemson University. Cadet Sgt. Gamble is a sophomore computer engineering major. . .Congrats to our newest Bishop of the AME Church, Brother Robert Pruitt m o s t r e c e n t l y t h e p a s t o r of M e t r o p o l i t a n AME c h u r c h in Washington, DC. . . The Brothers of D e l t a Zeta Lambda C h a p t e r , Orangeburg, SC, held a recent fellowship for Brother Oscar Rogers, J r . , P r e s i d e n t of Claflin College. . .Brother Roy Bussell, Jr., of Indianapolis, IN, was recently elected National President of the Kentucky State Alumni Association. He also serves as President of the Indianapolis Black Alumni Assocation, which represents 26 Black colleges and universities across the country. . . Brother Lester T. Corley has been appointed Director of Administrative Affairs at Morris College, Sumter, SC. Brother Corley has been on the Morris staff since 1 9 7 6 . . . D e l t a Kappa Lambda Chapter, Florence, SC, was host to the South Carolina State Conference of Alpha Chapters in October. Brother George Sargent of DKL served as Conference Chairman and Brother Joseph E. Heyward is the Chapter President. . .Brother John Hurst Adams, Presiding Bishop of the 2nd Episcopal District of the AME Church, was the keynote speaker at the Fall Convocation of Alcorn State University in Lorman, MS. Bishop Adams, named one of America's best Black preachers in Ebony magazine (September 1984), spoke on the subject "The Monday Morning Dream" - calling for the revival of dreams for all people. "We should all dream, and dream to become the best in-our lives," exhorted the stirring orator. . .Kappa Upsllon Lambda, the Mid-Hudson Valley (New York) Chapter, honored Mrs. Virgina Hall, Chairman of the
Board of Directors for the Hudson Valley OIC in Poughkeepsie during the ceremonies on November 3rd. Mrs. Hall received the chapter's SEPIA Award for outstanding community service. . . Brother Richard Comer (Gamma Rho Lambda) served as 1984 Chairman of Operation Snowball in Gary, Indiana - spearheading a drive to collect and distribute gifts for the area's mentally ill. KUDOS: B r o t h e r J o h n Hope Franklin was named America's most recent recipient of the Jefferson Medal, t h e n a t i o n ' s most prestigious honor in education. The
award was conferred by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). Brother Franklin is the author of nine books, including "From Slavery to Freedom," a history of Black America. IN HONOR OF THE JEWELS: General Leo Brooks, Philadelphia's City Manager, was the keynoter at the Founders' Day Program of Theta Psl Lambda Chapter (Somerset, NJ) on December 9th in New Bruswick, NJ. . . Members of Delta Upsilon Lambda (Shreveport, LA) marked the occasion with a worship service at Williams Memorial CME Church.
Alphas at Alcorn State U join Bishop John Hurst Adams at the school's 1984 Fall Convocation. Shown are, from left, Director of Career Planning Al Johnson; Business Manager Wiley Jones; ASU President Walter Washington; Bishop Adams; Director of Institutional Advancement Franklin Jackson; and Director of Graduate Studies Norris Edney.
The Sphinx notes with sorrow the transfer to Omega Chapter of: Brother Belford V. Lawson, Jr. 17th General President (Washington, DC)
Brother Charles Lunsford (Rochester, New York)
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
The Brothers of Epsilon Lambda Chapter (St. Louis , MO) and Delta Epsilon Lambda Chapter (East St. Louis, IL) joined with AnheuserBusch, Inc. to present their second annual tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The event was the occasion to present MLK Life and Legacy Awards to an individual (Irving C. Clay) and an organization (New Life Evangelistic Center) whose everyday activities exemplify the life and legacy of the famous civil rights leader. "Martin Luther King Day stands as a monument keeping alive the philosophy that we should not be judged by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character," commented Brother Henry H. Brown, vice president of Anheuser-Busch, Inc. He added, "It is a pleasure for Anheuser-Busch to join with the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity to bring together the community for a tribute to Dr. King. Through this event, we seek to highlight the importance of the life and legacy of Dr. King and commemorate the national holiday which recognizes him and his humanitarian principles. "The messager of Dr. King was very clear and very simple. He called for peace, harmony and equality for all." Some 1,200 people were in attendance at the Dr. King tribute, held at the Breckenridge Concourse Hotel. Serving as emcee for the formal portion of the celebration was KPLR-TV new anchor Don Clark. Speaking on the importance of the awards, Brother Brown said, "The life and legacy of Dr. King was a mark of excellence in humanity. Here in St. Louis we have individuals and organizations, who in their everyday activities are showing the commitment to the very things t h a t Dr. King talked about and worked for. The vitality of our community depends on these people and organizations. With these awards, we simply want to say 'Thank you . . . thank you for a job well done.'" Also involved in the program were Brothers Wayman F. Smith, IL. vice president of corporate affairs at Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.; Larry Goodwin, president of Epsilon Lambda; Garland Hawkins, Delta Epsilon Lambda's president; Rev. J o h n W. Heyward, chaplain of Epsilon Lambda; and Ronald E. Smiley, past president of Epsilon Lambda. The Sphinx/Winter 1984
ZETA PSI LAMBDA Zeta Psi Lambda Chapter of Lake Charles, Louisiana personifies the slogan
services, after which they dined in elegance in the "a few good men." Grand Ballroom of the With a relatively small Lake Charles Hilton. Delivmembership of only twenering the address at the ty-five (25) Brothers, the banquet was President Chapter has audaciously Adrian L. Wallace who strode forward into new spoke on the topic "Serarenas of service and vants of All." Man of the leadership. Maximizing Year A w a r d w e n t to the synergistic efforts and Brother Joseph Y. Bellard talents of "a few good men," and Alpha Service Award Zeta Psi Lambda exto Brother Alvin R. Webb. perienced its most successAlso, the Community Serful and certainly most vice Award (given to a nonmemorable year in its member) went to Mrs. twenty-seven (27) year Theresa Bellow. history. The Annual Christmas All Educational a n d Party saw Brothers, wives Social Action programs/acand guests partying as if it tivities operate through the were "1999." In the midst Zeta Psi Lambda Educaof celebration, thoughts tion Foundation, Inc. The and deeds for those less Foundation is a separate fortunate were not overfinancial entity of the looked. Charitable acChapter and was incortivities for the Christmas porated under the laws of holidays included donathe State of Louisiana as a tion of clothing items to non-profit tax-exempt or- Brothers ]. Y. Bellard, Adrian Wallace and George Coney hold Zeta Psi Lamb-Robinswood Mental Retarganization. da's trophy in Cleveland. dation Center, transportaIn August 1983, a representative to wide media coverage in the communition for elderly citizens and food the 20th Anniversary March on baskets for several area needy tyWashington was sponsored by the families. Recognizing the importance of the Chapter. As the year came to a close, Zeta Psi past and those who have led us to this A mainstay of Zeta Psi Lambda's Lambda was stunned by the sudden point, the President appointed a Educational thrust remains the highly passing of Charter Member Brother Historical Preservation Committee acclaimed Tutorial Program now Leonard C. Breda, Jr. Brother Breda comprized of the Charter Members entering its sixth year. The Tutorial entered Omega Chapter on December and the Chapter Historian. Thus Program is free of charge and open to 29, 1983. Omega services were held began the arduous task of compiling all area students who are in need of for him and the Chapter renamed its into one document the complete academic assistance in Math, English Community Service Award in his history of Zeta Psi Lambda. A first and Science. honor as a living memorial to him. draft was completed with further reviNow entering its third year is Junior 1984 saw Zeta Psi Lambda turn on sions scheduled. Achievement Program which is the afterburners and go into overThe Life Membership Committee located at Lake Charles-Boston High drive. January brought the premiere conducted a very successful drive School. Students are taught basic of the Chapter Newsletter "A-Phi-A which increased the life membership business fundamentals and about the Bits" which has set a new standard percentage from 48% to 75%, and in free enterprise system. Our unit of J A for newsletters. By National ConvenNovember, radio and television spots had the distinction of being the largest tion time, three (3) additional newsletwere purchased encouraging voters to program in Calcasieu Parish. We, ters were published. go out and vote. also, received a special award of A successful Smoker was held with During December, the Brotherhood recognition from the Calcasieu Parish invitations sent to select men in the paused for the observance of the School Board for our continued supcommunity. After careful screening, founding of our fraternity. Founder's >ort. Both Tutorial Program and Day was a two-fold celebration as two were deemed "worthy" and unior Achievement have received Brothers and Wives attended church Continued on page 10
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
Members of Beta Epsilon Chapter are joined by North Carolina State Director Rudolph Hendricks (third from left) in their victory celebration.
The Brothers at Beta Epsilon (North Carolina A&T State University) believe in carrying out programs set the national, regional, and state levels. They took it upon themselves to go back in time and once again bring the visions and efforts of our seven Jewels back into reality. Realizing that minority students have been denied various educational advancements, BE awarded three area high school seniors with very sizeable scholarships to aid them in their enrollment at the college of their choice; and, they implemented a program entitled "Go to High School/Go To College" just as our forefathers did. With this program, the Chapter encouraged high school students to attend college upon graduation. With various members of the Chapter present, BE set up displays, discussed various fields or study, and discussed the importance of continuing one's education. Also, referring to our national fraternity history book, they were able to promote another ideal dealing with our vast minority. That ideal was presenting a program entitled "A Voteless People is a Hopeless People,"
which several flyers suggesting the ideal of Blacks registering to vote were The Sphinx/Winter 1984
placed across our university's campus. Dealing hand in hand with this program, the Brothers rendered service to the local NAACP chapter with a voter registration drive. During the month of January, Beta Epsilon recognized a great individual. This individual was not only made a national figure for his accomplishments in the past, but also for his character and inspiration to others to continue his dream. This individual belongs to our great fraternity and will be remembered by many people for a lifetime. To try to insure his remembrance among many, the Chapter sponsored a candlelight march for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Several students attended a march across campus on the night of his b i r t h d a y holding candles to forever shine his spiritual light. The march ended on the Memorial Student Union Steps. From there, the Chapter presented a film showing series on the life of Brother Dr. King. Beta Epsilon also participated in one of our biggest regional and national projects by sponsoring a youth to the Leadership Development/Citizenship Education Workshop at Benedict College. Through this program this high school student was able to gain
valuable leadership training. Not only did they direct attention to the needs of the A&T campus, but they also focused on the needs of the elderly. With this in mind they sponsored several events for the residents of the St. James Nursing Home. The Chapter presented a Thanksgiving Day concert and donated clothes and a financial contribution to the family of Mary Brown, who lost her home due to fire during the Christmas season. Seeing the need to assist people who go daily without a different set of clothes to put on their backs, Beta Epsilon conducted several clothing drives in which clothes were given to Urban Ministry, Goodwill, and Salvation Army. To the City of Greensboro, BE's brothers served as volunteers for one of the biggest community projects ever brought to the city, entitled "City Stage Celebration '83." This celebration continued with Chapter support throughout the weekend and entertained well over 100,000 citizens. Another big project brought to the City of Greensboro was the Greater Greensboro Open Golf Tournament, where the Chapter assisted the Jaycees in their efforts of hosting this Continued on page 10 9
BETA EPSILON event. Seeing that one of Greensboro's predominantly Black Junior High School football teams was in financial trouble, Beta Epsilon assisted them in getting jerseys for their team. The Brothers of BE also serve as volunteers for the local YMCA, where they act as tutors and Big Brothers to several of the children. They helped host a Halloween Party for the children—dressing as ghosts and goblins. They also assisted with another Halloween Haunted House for deaf youths at a later date. With the crisis of world hunger going on today, Beta Epsilon has adopted a child in India through Children Incorporated. The Chapter also contributed to the Alpha Phi Alpha Million Dollar Fund Drive, Triad Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation, Muscular Dystrophy Association, United Negro College Fund, UNICEF, and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Fund. Continuing on to keep the light of Alpha shining bright, BE Brothers served as hosts for a Christmas Social with the city's graduate chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Lambda. Beta Epsilon rendered most of its time and service at home, on the campus of NC A&T SU. They started the semester by joining with the largest student organization on the campus— the Student Government Association. They served as administrative helpers, aiding in the picture-taking process of making ID cards for students. To promote cleanliness on the campus, BE sponsored a trash-a-thon during Aggie-Feast Celebration. To give more beauty to the campus, they painted the pool with the A&T symbol and mascot. Several Brothers in the chapter paid tribute to our beloved Brother Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. by attending the 20th Anniversary March for Jobs, Peace and Freedom in Washington, D.C. There they joined many of our Alpha Brothers from all across the country, including our General President Ozell Sutton. The Chapter invited North Carolina State Director Dr. Rudolph Hendricks to be a guest speaker at their annual Fall Smoker. Dr. Hendricks enlightened the hearts of many young individuals to continue their strivings to become Alphamen. The Brothers at Beta Epsilon have kept in mind the goals and ideals set 10
The Beta Epsilon Chapter shows off its grand prize on the campus of North Carolina A& University. who were readily welcomed back into by our general office and executive the fold. structure. Looking back on the past, The name of Brother Dr. Martin they offer the following thought: Luther King, Jr. has often been used "Understanding that time is never as an example of the spirit of Alpha. motionless but always evolving rapidZeta Psi Lambda has dedicated itself ly, we find the fault in that stream and to "remember the man, relive the plant our seeds of justice, scholarship Dream and rekindle the fire." For two and leadership which carry our consecutive years, Zeta Psi Lambda supreme and sacred principles, making the difference in a man and an has had the Mayor name January 15 Alphaman!" "Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Day Saluting the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." in the city of Lake Charles. For the past year and a half, Zeta Psi Lambda has sponsored a weekly 30 ALUMNI CHAPTER OF THE YEAR minute radio program which broadcasts speeches of Dr. King. In association with Immaculate Heart of Mary Church a special memorial program honoring Dr. King is held each January. Brothers working with placed into the Sphinx Pledge Club. others in the community were also a Again, after due process these two part of changing the name of a local were initiated into the Fraternity. recreation center and a portion of Neophyte Brothers Charles Eric Hwy 171 in honor of Dr. King. Branch, Engineer with Olin Celebration of Black History Month Chemicals, and Charles A. Honore, was done on five fronts by the Black Deputy Superintendent of Calcasieu Parish Schools (the first black to hold Heritage Committee. A 30 minute that position), have proven themtelevision special on local Black selves to have the stuff of which Educators; an essay contest for area Alphas are made. Reclamation netted students with cash prize awards; four (4) formerly inactive brothers Continued on page 11
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
ALUMNI CHAPTER OF THE YEAR Continued from page 10
donation of 16 mounted Kings of Africa posters to Epps Library; and distribution of Queens of Africa posters to the general public. They also participated in the Annual Pan-Hellenic Council Academic Olympics with the Chapter in charge of the Math portion. Voter registration continued to rank high among Chapter priorities. Fiftyone (51) high school students were transported to the Registrar of Voters Office and became registered voters. Over 5,000 litter bags (with the Chapter's name) were purchased and distributed throughout the city as a part of the Mayor's Clean City Program. Two area nursing homes were taken under the Chapter's wing and bi-monthly Bingo games were operated at each center. As an on-going commitment to the local YMCA's Capital Building Project, a $500 check was given which, together with previous donations, makes Zeta Psi Lambda one of the largest financial contributors to this predominantly Black facility. Zeta Psi Lambda achieved a historic first in Southwest Louisiana by becoming the first Black organization to sponsor a series of television programs. The first program was a 60 minute special entitled "Martin, the Emancipator," a tribute to Dr. King. Personalities appearing on this program included Coretta Scott King, Andrew Young, Charlton Heston, Stevie Wonder and others. This program was aired in April 1984. In May 1984,
Mother's Day Special hosted by Jerry Butler with guests Walter Payton, Magic Johnson and their mothers, and special guest Patti LaBelle, and others. These programs were purchased by the Chapter from Tribune/ Central City Productions for airing on a local television station. General reaction from the public has been enthusiastic in wanting more, and extremely impressed with the professional quality of the programs. Additional programs are set to air through 1985. Although one television station in town has demonstrated compassion and sensitivity toward the Black community, unfortunately the same could not be said for the other. In protest to the blatant bias of a local TV station, a formal letter of complaint was filed with the FCC detailing specific instances and requesting that a formal hearing be held. The Sphinx/Winter 1984
Brother joe Sanford tutors a student in Lake Charles. Zeta Psi lambda's tutorial program is free and open to all area students who need assistance in math, English or science.
Upon learning that Lake Charles would be visited by the soon-to-be winningest football coach in history, in the person of Coach Eddie Robinson, the Chapter presented Coach " R o b " with a monogrammed black blazer and an AOA pen and pencil set at a public program at which he was a guest speaker. The Ulric Pryce Memorial Scholarship (named for a deceased Chapter member) was increased from $1,500 to $2,000 this year. July 23-28, 1984 was proclaimed "Minority Business Encouragement Week" in Lake Charles, as a result of the Chapter's efforts. A Minority Business Directory was printed by the Chapter, listing minority businesses of Lake Charles. In support of the Million Dollar Fund Drive, Zeta Psi Lambda was the first Alumni Chapter in Louisiana to pay in full its chapter assessment over three years ago. To date, an additional $2,000 has been contributed to the
Fund. Awards and special commendations have come from all corners in recognition of the many educational, charitable and community programs of the Chapter. These include: The Mayor's Plaque, an award from the City of Lake Charles, commending the Chapter on its community service; letter of commendation from Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards; letter of commendation from U.S. Senator Russell Long; Mayoral Proclamation naming January 15 "Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Day Saluting the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."; an award from the Calcasieu Parish School Board for the Chapter's continued support of Junior Achievement; Louisiana Alumni Chapter of the Year 1984; and Southwest Region Alumni Chapter of the Year 1984. Zeta Psi Lambda remains steadfast in its dedication to "strive onward and upward toward the light."
G I V E ii
INAUGURAL CEREMONY for the 27 th General President
Brother Teamer (I) takes the oath of office, administered by New Orleans Mayor Ernest N. M Looking on are Past General Presidents Williams, Sutton and Washington (behind Morial).
A New Leader; A New Course; A New Spirit
Hundreds of Alpha Phi Alpha Brothers from across the nation joined with their guests, friends and members of the New Orleans community to participate in the 1985 Leadership Forum and the inauguration of Brother Charles C. Teamer, Sr. as the Fraternity's new General President. The weekend combined the gaiety of celebrations surrounding the inaugural with the hard work of setting priorities and mapping out plans for the continued growth and prosperity of Alpha Phi Alpha.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Members of the Board of Directors were on hand early for the w e e k e n d to review reports on the four areas of immediate concern enumerated by General President Teamer, to wit: Financing the Fraternity; Membership Programs; and Financing the Construction of a National Headquarters Building. In an all-day session on Thursday, reports were presented to the Board in each of these areas for discussion and setting an agenda for action.
Line of Succession: Leaders of the Fraternitynearly for two decades are (I to r) Brothers Willaims ), Sutton (1981-84) and Morial (1969-73). (1977-80), Washington (1973-76), Teamer (1985
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
INAUGURAL CEREMONY for the 27th General President
On Friday, the Board held its regular January meeting. General President Teamer expressed the need for strong leadership from the Board of Directors in charting the Fraternity's future course. To this end, he appointed three Committees of the Board: Audit, Budget and Compensation, chaired by General Treasurer James M. Trent; Membership, chaired by Southern Vice President A. M. Witherspoon; and Programs, chaired by Midwestern Vice President Ivan L. Cotman. These committees are to become intimately conversant with their areas of concern; developing recommendations for action for presentation to the full Board of Directors. CHARTING THE COURSE
Membership; and Eastern Assistant Vice President Glenn P. Thomas, II. Building Foundation Chairman Wayne C. Harvey led the presentations during the "Financing the Construction of a National Headquarters Building" seminar. He was joined by Brother Isidore J. Lamothe, Jr., Chairman of the Headquarters Fund Drive; Brother William Wallace, architect, Environment Seven, Ltd.; and Eastern Vice President William Ross, Jr. Brother Harvey was also a presenter at the "National Programs" workshop. Other presenters included Brother Hanley J. Norment (Iota Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Silver Spring, MD); and Southern Vice President Witherspoon. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS
The Board of Directors reaffirmed The same four foci discussed during support of the convention-adopted Thursday's board seminar served as proposal to construct a General Office the centerpiece for workshops during facility in Chicago. During presentaSaturday's Leadership Forum. Outstanding Alphamen from around the country made presentations on these areas for the information of the delegates in attendance. The "Financing the Fraternity" workshop featured presentations from Executive Secretary James B. Blanton, III; Western Vice President Norman E. W. Towels; General Treasurer James M. Trent; and Brother Marshall E. Williams of Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter (New York, NY). The workshop on "Membershipand Reclamation" was addressed by Brother Leonard R. Ballou (Epsilon Chi Lambda - Elizabeth City, NC); Midwestern Vice President Cotman; Brother Darryl R. Matthews, Director - Marketing/
Top: The Workshops brought high attendance and interest. Bottom: Epsilon Lambda President Larry Goodwin (at podium) presides at the Membership Workshop.
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
INAUGURAL CEREMONY for the 27th General President
tions, the Board reviewed a number of options in this regard. By resolution, the Board agreed to make the successful completion of this drive a top priority in each region; and authorized the Building Foundation Chairman to proceed with development of plans to construct a facility on the two (2) lots now owned by Alpha Phi Alpha at 4432 South Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in Chicago (i.e., the present facility and adjacent parking lot).
Brother Harvey was also authorized to continue negotiations to secure land adjacent to these lots—with the understanding that construction would proceed notwithstanding the outcome of these acquisitions.
Brother Teamer was sworn in as the new General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. during the InTop: The 27th General President delivers his augural Luncheon on Saturday. New
Inaugural Address. Bottom: Grumbling President and Mrs. Joseph Johnson, Brother Teamer, Federal District Judge and Mrs. Robert Collins.
Orleans Mayor Ernest N. Morial, General President during 1970-73, administered the oath of office to the treasurer of his two successful mayoral campaigns. Witnessing the oath were three other past presidents of Alpha Phi Alpha: Municipal Judge James R. Williams, Akron, Ohio; Ozell Sutton, Director of the U.S. Justice Department's Southeast Regional Community Relations Service, Atlanta, Georgia; and Dr. Walter Washington, President of Alcorn State University, Lorman, Mississippi. In his Inaugural Address, General President Teamer called upon Alphamen to rally around three essential tasks: remaining loyal to our AfricanAmerican heritage, maintaining a strong organizational structure, and training young men for leadership. He called upon his members to develop an "organization invulnerable,"
to insure that Alphas' contribution to America will be duplicated for many years to come.
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
INAUGURAL CEREMONY for the 27th General President
A FULL HOUSE Some 1,500 persons participated in the weekend event, as more than 500 Leadership Forum delegates and guests were joined by large numbers of prominent New Orleanians for the Carnival Reception, the Inaugural Luncheon and the black-tie Inaugural Reception and Ball. Among Alphas helping to welcome out-of-towners were U.S. Magistrate Ivan Lemelle, President of Sigma Lambda (New Orleans Alumni) chapter; Southern University in New Orleans Chancellor Emmett Bashful; and Federal District Judge Robert Collins. Others on hand were Dillard President Samue; D. Cook, Grambling President Joseph Johnson, Mr. Earle Bradford, Grand Master of the Prince Hall Masons of Louisiana, Attorney Donald Mintz, Colonial Bank Chairman Peter Percopo, Mr. Hoyd Lewis of Middle South Utilities, and Dock Board member George Schiro.
The Greek-letter community was represented by Dr. Gilbert Francis, President of the National Pan-Hellenic Council; Dr. Faye B. Bryant, Supreme Basileus of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.; Dr. Rejesta Perry, Grand Basileus of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.; and Dr. Edith Francis, Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Corporate sponsors of the gala Alpha weekend included: AnheuserBusch, Colonial Bank, Delta Airlines, Gourmet Services, Inc., D. H. Holmes, Liberty Bank, Miller Brewing Company, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, United Federal Savings and Loan, and WYLD Radio.
Qockwise from top right: They came from Philadelphia; Greeks reps (seated, from left) Faye Bryant, Rejesta Perry, Edith Francis and Gilbert Francis; Sigma Lambda President Ivan Lemelle and a prominent constituent; Dancing the night away.
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
How to decide which company to work for. A helpful checklist for engineers, scientists, programmers, technicians, and marketing candidates:
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An equal opportunity employer
FOCUS Sponsor of successful amendment to Florida constitution Brother ALZO REDDICK has been a member of the Florida House of Representatives since 1982 and, during this period, he has been on the frontline—advocating the concerns of poor and minority residents of this growth-oriented state. On November 6,1984, the voters of Florida approved Amendment #5 to the Constitution of the State of Florida—providing a historic first for Brother Reddick and new avenues of political participation for the state's minority residents. Amendment #5 (and its attendant enabling legislation) allows voters to petition for a countywide election on the issue of single member districts, if county commissioners refuse to call such an election. Proponents of the measure contend that it will benefit citizens by fostering greater voter awareness and participation; increasing minority representation; diminishing the impact of special interests; and developing a responsive corps of elected officials. The state's minority voters were especially interested in the measure, based upon prior experience. In 1982, the state law was changed to allow state legislators to be elected from single-member districts instead of by counties, at-large. As a result of that measure, the number of Black legislators has grown from five to twelve. Brother Reddick served as the originator, sponsor and prime mover of Amendment #5—which he introduced when he was a freshman legislator. For a freshman legislator to have introduced and passed an amendment The Sphinx/Winter 1984
Alzc *ed dj ick
to the state constitution is a remarkable feat. Moreover, as noted Clerk of the House Allen Morris, Reddick is the first Black legislator to have proposed an amendment which won statewide voter acceptance. Brother Reddick, holder of the Ed.D., is Program Director of Minority Achievement at Valencia Community College. He has a distinguished career in education and is President-Elect of the Southern Association of Black Administrators. He is married to the former Elouise Williams and they are the parents of three children. The success of Amendment #5 is a significant first step toward gaining parity in representation on the very powerful county commissions in Florida. It provides an avenue for the people, through their own hard work, to shape their lives and destinies. A member of Delta Xi Lambda
Chapter in Orlando, Brother Reddick will assuredly be a part of that campaign. And he can be counted upon to continue to guard the people's interest through his service on the Education, Tourism and Economic Development, and Regulatory Reform Committees of the Florida House of Representatives.
Single-member districts led to an increase in the number of Black legislators from five to twelve.
ADDRESS A Legacy of Leadership and Service Distinguished Past General Presidents, Brother Morial, Brother Washington, Brother Williams, and Brother Sutton, members of the Board of Directors, my Brothers in Alpha Phi Alpha, ladies and gentlemen... thank you for coming here today. This is a great day in my life. Let me begin by expressing my gratitude to a divine providence which allows me the opportunity to stand before this distinguished group as the 27th General President of one of America's premiere organizations. I must also proclaim, with a heartfelt emotion that might not always be reflected in my demeanor, my love and gratitude to my family. Without their support, I surely could not have accomplished very much. And, of course, there are the men of Alpha Phi Alpha—whose literal affirmation of faith in this one Brother, among thousands of equals, is responsible for our gathering here today. A special word of thanks to my boss, Sam Cook, my colleagues at Dillard and sincere appreciation to my associates in the office of Fiscal Affairs. Continued on page 19
by Charles C. Teamer, Sr. General President The Sphinx/Winter 1984
lpha Phi Alpha is a unique organization—both in its sterling history and its rela tionsnip to its members. Both of those factors make this day an unparalleled experience. I have been a member of this organization for most of my life. I am a member of, and have held leadership positions in, a number of fine organizations. Certainly, I believe in the goals and principles of all of them. I am honored to be associated with them, and to be able to contribute to the furtherance of their goals. But, Alpha Phi Alpha has a special place in my heart and my life for very special reasons. Alpha has taught me many things, but most of all, it has taught me to give until it hurts—it encouraged me to reach to exceed my grasp.
world. In Atlanta, this young man from the great metropolis of Salisbury, North Carolina was told that he could succeed against all odds. For this reason, the Greek letters A-Phi-A and majestic strains of the Alpha Hymn can cause otherwise levelheaded men such as those here today to dream of college days swiftly past and work for the advancement of society. Alpha's method of election is also sobering—and gratifying to the person chosen to lead this great Brotherhood. A victory in the quest for this post means that thousands of Brothers, many of whom you do not know and will never meet, have expressed a confidence in your ability to lead their fraternity. No wave of convention emotion can sweep them to that deci-
gone before us. Our legacy is firm and deeply imbedded in my heart. First, we must keep alive the basic motif which undergirds our history— as a people and as a fraternity. As stated by General President Charles H. Wesley, one of our greatest past General Presidents and currently our Fraternity Historian, we must understand and teach our children that "We belong to a people who are among the oldest inhabitants of the earth, the fathers of civilization and religious culture. Alpha men have thus oeen encouraged to believe that, though living in America and giving our allegiance and loyalty to it, we are also aware that we are the heirs of a great tradition centering on Africa." We must next remember that our founders believed in the special merit
"Clearly enunciated goals are the key to progress in an organization with such a diversity of membership, but these few tasks will require all of the time, the imagination, the money, the sacrifice... that we can give. Let us do just that, and do honor to our Founders.' The roster of successful Alpha men is impressive and there are many common interests and affiliations for those who have attained some measure of success along life's rocky road. But Alpha Phi Alpha membership does not come as a reward for a successful career. This great Brotherhood seeks to kindle the tremendous potential in our young men and to urge them, and help them, to "march onward and upward toward the light." Alpha Phi Alpha is more than a social fraternity—it is a way of life for thousands of us. Our scholarship program, sponsorship of low and moderate income housing, support of civil rights legislation, and business encouragement are examples. Thus, Alpha's greatness lies not simply in the fact that distinguished Black Americans are listed on its roster. Rather, the true magic of this Brotherhood is that in every year since 1906, in schools large and small, in every region of this nation—Alpha has placed its imprimatur on untried young men and literally pushed and shoved them to great heights. At Xavier, we initiated a brash young man—who today is Mayor of this great city and leader of all of the country's municipal executives. In Boston, we initiated an unknown divinity student—whose name, Martin Luther King, Jr., today rings around the The Sphinx/Winter 1984
sion. They sit alone, in secret, and mark their ballots with only the best interests of Alpha Phi Alpha to consider. Thus, I am truly humbled by this sacred trust. In this fraternity, every college initiate dreams of one day becoming president. In 1913, some 47 years before President John F. Kennedy expressed similar sentiments in his inaugural address, an Alpha General President sought to put into perspective the outlook which must be embraced by every member of this great organization. Said Brother Charles H. Garvin, our fourth General President, "An Alpha Phi Alpha man's attitude should not be 'How much can I derive from the fraternity'. . .but, 'How much can I do for the fraternity.'" He added that, "In proportion to what he does for his chapter, and for Alpha Phi Alpha, will a member receive lasting benefit, from the fraternity to himself, in the way of self-development by duty well done and by the Respect of Brothers well served." Here, in this public arena, I pledge to you and the world that I shall do all in my power to perform my duties as General President and to maintain your respect in striving toward that end. The tasks that we must carry out are clear, for they have been passed down to us by countless Brothers who've
of this organization as an institution. They were surrounded by erudite and charismatic leaders of their time— DuBois, Johnson, Locke, Washington, Douglass—but they understood all too well the frailty of human life. Thus, their prime task was to transcend mortality, through an institution which would continue to survive and continue to perform the essential tasks of nationhood. Only a few years ago, we suffered together as one of Black America's premiere insiitutions —the NAACP—was on the brink of destruction because of adverse legal action. That was enough to convince me that we must build a fraternity with an "organization invulnerable" —shoring up its infra-structure to guarantee its survival for at least another 79 years. Our third task is to train young men for leadership. We must encourage them to become better educated, to participate in civic and community affairs at all levels and to be ready when the call for leadership is issued forth. Alpha men have been answering that call for generations, as Eugene Kinckle Jones, the first ex-Secretary of the Urban League, Lester Granger, and Whitney, Young guided the Urban League as Attorney A.P. Turead, a member of Sigma Lambda, fought Continued on page 20
segregation in New Orleans; as Befrord Lawson plotted a shrewd legal strategy and Thurgood Marshall argued before the Supreme Court in brilliant fashion—and as he now doggedly stands fast in his declining years, determined to protect this nation from the tyranny of a reactionary Supreme Court. Alpha men are ready today—five Alpha men serve in the Congress of the United States, including newly-elected Budget Chairman William Gray; as Mayors of the cities of Atlanta, New Orleans, Washington, DC, Oakland, CA, Birmingham, AL; and countless other public servants throughout this nation. We watched the Super Bowl as Brother Eric Wright broke up a crucial Miami pass attempt and lead the 49ers to victory!.. .We must continue to rovide the training ground for the tadership so desperately needed by Our country. Finally, but not least of all, we in Alpha Phi Alpha must take the time, in this complicated world, to undertake what Brother Garvin called the "proper consideration of all things."
General President is committed to developing a modern and efficient fraternal organization.
Brother CHARLES C. TEAMER, SR. is the 27th General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.—the nation's oldest and largest predominantly Black Greek-letter organization. He was elected to his post after an expansive career of fraternity involvement—beginning with his initiation into the Alpha Phi Chapter at Clark College (Atlanta, GA) in 1951. A Life Member, he was subsequently active with Delta Zeta Lambda Chapter (Orangeburg, SC) and Tau Lambda Chapter (Nashville, TN); and served as President of Gamma Upsilon Lambda (Marshall, TX) and Sigma Lambda (New Orleans, LA)—his current fraternal home. From 1973-1983, Brother Teamer served as Comptroller of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., a member of its Board of Directors, and Chairman of its Committee on Budget and Finance. Professionally, Brother Teamer serves as Vice President of Fiscal Af20
Alpha men, in local, state, regional and national settings, must draw back from the shouts of the crowd to give sober thought to the problems facing us, and confounding our people. In civic affairs, we must similarly offer our talents to the pursuit of rational, constructive decision-making for the benefit of all segments of our society. In both areas, we will be repaying to our people the investment placed in us—through the blood, sweat and tears of our ancestors. What, indeed, would that investment be worth if we, too, approach every crisis charged with the emotion inherent in every human being. No, my Brothers and my friends, our people expect more of us, and they should. We have no choice but to return the interest due them. If these tasks seem few, please know that they must be so. Clearly enunciated goals are the key to progress in an organization with such a diversity of membership, scattered across some 47 states, the Caribbean, Europe and Asia. Indeed, when an issue of concern becomes so specialized that it is truly understood by only a few, it is time for the creation of a specialized instrument to deal with
fairs at Dillard University, New Orleans, LA. In this capacity, he has made this small liberal-arts institution a model for financial management in private higher education. A Past President of the Southern Association of College and University Business Officers, ne is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of College and University Business Officers. In his home city of New Orleans, Brother Teamer is a top civic leader. He was cited as one of the city's 10 Outstanding Citizens in 1979 and was named one of New Orleans' 10 Volunteer Activists in 1980. He is a former President of the United Way of New Orleans and is on the board of New Orleans Public Service, Inc. (which provides utility and transit services to the city). He is also Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans—which administers the city's maritime facilities
that problem. Alpha men understood this in the '40's, when they turned over major leadership in Alpha-initiated civil rights litigation to the NAACP. Our job, in such a situation, is then to offer support to those institutions. Alpha has performed admirably on this score, as Benjamin Hooks noted in acknowledging receipt of the largest single gift in NAACP history—from Alpha men. But know, too, that these few tasks will require all of the time, the imagination, the money, the sacrifice... that we can give. Let us do just this, and do honor to our Founders. We are the heirs of those Brothers who have carried the torch of this great tradition. They threw us this torch when we looked backward; it is our task to hold it high as we look forward. The true test of brotherhood is in seeking to serve, to care, to believe. We must soar like a proud eagle which is befitting of an Alpha man. The future of this fraternity and this world depends upon our ability to meet today's challenges. We are a great organization, but we can and must become greater. Now is the time for all of us to rededicate ourselves to liberty, justice, and freedom. Let us begin today. and cultivates billions of dollars in foreign trade. Brother Teamer is married to the former Mary Dixon—Women's Athletic Director at Dillard University. The Teamers have three children: Charles, Jr., a member of Sigma Lambda Chapter; Cheryl, a student at Spelman College; and Roderick, a member of Nu Psi Chapter (Louisiana State University).
The Teamer Family (I to r): Roderick, Cheryl, Mrs. Charles Sr. (Mary), Charles Sr, Mrs. Charles Jr. (Karen), and Charles ]r.
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIANS - 1985 The Sphinx announces its 7th Annual Distinguished Collegians competition. Nominations are now being accepted for inclusion and we invite your participation. Nominees must be members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, presently working toward the baccalaureate degree. Selections will be made on the basis of the overall accomplishments of nominees or extraordinary achievement in any one area (scholarship, sports, campus leadership, etc.). Those College Brothers selected will be featured in the Summer 1985 issue of The Sphinx in a special feature entitled DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIANS. There are no restrictions regarding the number of applicants per region or chapter. Nominations may be submitted by ANY member of Alpha Phi Alpha—including the nominee. Selections will be made by the staff of The Sphinx. MAIL YOUR APPLICATIONS NOW!!! All nominations must be received in the General Office no later than April 1, 1985. MICHAEL J. PRICE, Editor-in-Chief, The Sphinx Name
Chapter Name
Chapter No.
College/University Name Location
On Scale of_
Major Date of Initiation Chapter of Initiation (If different from present chapter) Details of education (Include high school): Future plans: Memberships in other organizations (with offices held): Other extracurricular activities: Honors, prizes, awards (with dates): Hobbies: What contribution has ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY made to your career/life goals?
Mailing address: Zip Code. YOU MUST include glossy PHOTOGRAPH (preferably black & white) with completed nomination form. Attach up to one additional sheet, if necessary. DEADLINE: April 1, 1985 The Sphinx/Winter 1984
THE BLACK COLLEGES This article is one of a series by the Education Foundation — in recognition and support of historically Black colleges.
Dillard University's roots date back to 1869 when the American Missionary Association of the Congregational Church founded Straight University, and the Freedman's Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church established Union Normal School. Straight and Union Normal were subsequently renamed Straight College and New Orleans University, respectively, the antecedent institutions which later merged to form Dillard University - June 6, 1930. In September 1935, Dillard began instruction with a new physical plant located on a 62-acre site, formerly next to a dairy, that is now part of one of the city's,loveliest residential sections. The University was named in honor of Dr. James Hardy Dillard, whose distinguished service in the education of Blacks in the South forms an important chapter in the history of American education. It was Dr. Dillard who suggested the University's motto: "Ex Fide Fortis" (From Confidence, Courage). A liberal arts, co-educational undergraduate college, Dillard's campus now includes 23 buildings; the faculty numbers about 100; the student body averages 1,200. The continuing mission of Dillard is to create and maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning and growth through programs marked by academic excellence. The Bachelor of Arts degree is granted to students whose concentration has been in the Divisions of Education, the Humanities and the Social Sciences. The University grants the Bachelor of Science degree 22
Rosenwald Hall, the University's administrative center.
to students who complete the curriculum requirements in the Division of the Natural Sciences and the Bachelor of Science in Nursing to those students in the Division of Nursing. The quality of Dillard's education is attested to in part by the small studentfaculty ratio (14:1), the high percentage of faculty who hold terminal degrees in their areas of specialization, and the 85 percent of all Dillard alumni who pursue graduate study in universities and professional schools throughout the nation. Another strong indicator of Dillard's quality can be found in the many areas of education in which it has pioneered.
In 1935, Dillard introduced the first undergraduate general education curriculum in the South. Dillard was the first college in Louisiana to offer a nation-
Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook, President of Dillard University.
ally accredited collegiate program in nursing and among the first in the nation to establish an intensive eight-week Pre-Freshman Summer Program aimed at helping incoming freshmen improve in the areas of language, math, and reading skill development. Dillard was also the originator of the concept of the Upward Bound Program, whose goal is to prepare promising but underachieving high school students for postsecondary education. The University subsequently became the seat of one of the nation's 20 pilot projects, in 1965. Today, there are more than 700 Upward Bound programs in the United States, Guam, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, involving over 26,000 students. The Business Division, which graduates more than 33 percent of Dillard's students annually, provides a broad-based program exposing students to a number of areas of specialization including accounting, economics, and marketing. Additionally, student internships with such major corporations as Atlantic Richfield, IBM, Mobil, and Xerox provide s u b s t a n t i a l field experience. The University's participation in the Black Executive Exchange Program provides majors with exposure to Black executives as well as to the business world, enabling them to chart more effective careers. The Science and Nursing Divisions offer equally effective curricula. Biology majors can participate in internships at the Oak Ridge (TN) National Laboratories, the Argonne Laboratory in Chicago, the Continued on page 23
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THE BLACK COLLEGES Continued from page 22
Marine Biological Laboratories at Woods Hole, MA, Livermore Laboratories in California, the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, and many others. A Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry or Physics is awarded by Dillard University to students who successfully complete the Pre-Engineering Program. The five-year program is an educational affiliation with Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the School of Engineering of Auburn University. A Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering is awarded following the final two years of study at the affiliated school. Summer components include programs with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Shell Oil, and Corning Glass Works. Dillard's pioneering Nursing Program has been and continues to be a leader among others with innovative additions to its curriculum. Students can select from summer internship in gerontology, mental health, and pediatrics. Dr. Edwina Frank, Chairman, Loyola (LA) University of Nursing Program, and Dr. Rhetaugh Dumas, Dean of the School of Nursing at the University of Michigan are among the Nursing Division's most distinguished graduates. Among Dillard's newest degree programs are urban studies, public policy and music therapy, which is a cooperative program with Loyola University in New
Prominent Black Americans are frequent visitors to Dillard. Above, Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young (who spent his freshman year at DU) joins an academic procession.
Orleans. Graduates of this program receive a bachelor degree of music therapy from Loyola and a bachelor of arts in music from Dillard. Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook was named president of Dillard U n i v e r s i t y in March of 1974, and assumed office January 1, 1975. He has an outstanding record as a political scientist, educator, teacher, scholar and administrator. Dr. Cook was nominated by President Carter for membership on the National Council for the Humanities, a 26-member advisory board that advises the chairman of the National Endow-
General President Charles C. learner, Sr. is Dillard's Vice President of Fiscal Affairs.
ment for the Humanities on policies, programs and grant-funding recommendations. A native of Griffin, GA, he earned the bachelor of arts degree from Morehouse College, and the master of arts and doctor of philosophy degrees from Ohio State University. He holds the distinction of being the first Black to attain the rank of full professorship on the Duke University faculty and presently serves on its Board of Trustees. He is a chairman of the Louisiana Rhodes Scholarship Committee and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa Honors Socie-
get a little help from your Brothers Apply tor an Undergraduate Scholarship from the Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. Application Deadline — May 15, 1985 The Sphinx/Winter 1984
Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
ULTRA LIGHTS, ULTRA LIGHTS 100'S: 5 mg. "tar", 0.5 mg. nicotine, SLIM LIGHTS 100's: 8 mg. "tar", 0.7 mg. nicotine, LIGHTS, LIGHTS 100's: 10 mg."tar", 0.8 mg. nicotine, KING: 17 mg. "tar", 1.3 mg. nicotine, 100's: 17 mg. "tar", 1.4 mg. nicotine, av. per cigarette by FTC method.
Brother Frank S. Black, Jr. Brother FRANK S. BLACK, JR., has been named Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the University of South Florida at Fort Myers. Dr. Black will be the number two administrator on the Fort Myers Campus with r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for t h e c a m p u s academic program. He has served for the last six years as Assistant Dean of the College of Human Development and Learning and as Associate Professor of Education at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky. Prior to that he served as a faculty member and administrator at Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas, and on the faculty of Ohio State University. Black is a native of Detroit, Michigan. His undergraduate education was at Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio. He holds the M.S. in Sociology from Ohio State University and the Ph.D. in Education also from Ohio State University. Dr. Black is the author of a number of publications in educational journals and has been active in service projects in the university and in his community in Kentucky. He has served as an evaluation consultant for public school systems in Ohio, Kentucky, Alabama, Texas, and North Carolina and has been a consultant for the US Department of Education in Washington, D.C.
Brother WILLIAM E. DANDY, who is currently serving as an Assistant Superintendent of the Public
Schools of Broward County, Horida, was recently being honored窶馬ot only for his outstanding service in this position, but also for his active role in the political, civic, and social and religious fields. On Saturday evening, September 29, 1984, over three hundred guests and brothers gathered at the Hilton Inn and Conference Center at Inverrary located in Lauderhill, Horida to honor Brother Dandy. Brother Dandy received many awards and accolades from various members of the Broward County Community. Among those paying tribute to him was the current Superintendent of the Public Schools of Broward County, Dr. William J. Leary, who challenged Brother Dandy to a singing duel to benefit needy children in the community. The members of Zeta Alpha Lambda Chapter were proud to see one of their members receive such an honor, and it motivated the brothers to seek to improve the Chapter program for the years 1984-85.
Brother Jimmy L. Gaines Brother JIMMY L. GAINES has assumed the duties of the Commissioner of Motor Equipment Division, city of Toledo, Ohio. Brother Gaines is 34 years old, married, with two children. Brother Gaines is a 1971 undergraduate in Business from the University of Toledo and a 1972 graduate from the University of Dayton with a Master of Business Administration 25
(MBA). He became employed with the City of Toledo in February, 1978, as an administrative technician in the Office of Management Services. In May 1980, he held the position of Assistant Commissioner of Motor Equipment and has been working since February 1983 as the Administrator of Motor Equipment. Commissioner Gaines was formerly employed by Teledyne C.A.E. as a research and development buyer. He was also employed by the I.B.M. Corporation. Brother Gaines is the President of Alpha Xi Lambda Chapter and a Regional Director of Alpha. He is a Trustee of the Indiana Avenue Baptist Church and a former member of Downtown Kiwanis. He also taught classes in Marketing in the College of Business at the University of Toledo.
tionally ranked Henry W. Grady School of Journalism and Mass Communications in 1977. He holds memberships in numerous organizations, including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Martin Luther King Jr. National Movement, College Sports Information Directors of America (COSIDA), and the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SIAC) Sports Information Directors Association. The Outstanding Young Men of America program highlights the achievements of thousands of young men who are, by their contributions to community and profession, shaping the future of our nation. Brother JOHN A. JAMES was nominated by Ford Motor Company's Vice President - Purchasing, Lionel M. Chicoine, to participate in the fifth annual Minority Business Executive Seminar at the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. Brother James, founder and President
Brother John A. James
of O.J. Transport Company, Detroit, Michigan, has been a Ford supplier since 1978. He holds a bachelor of science degree in sociology from Mississippi Valley State College.
Big Jobs Begin With Little Jobs
Brother Wallace Jackson
Brother WALLACE JACKSON, Director of Sports Information at Albany (Georgia) State College, has been named to Outstanding Young Men of America. Brother Jackson is a graduate of Daniel C. O'Keefe High School in Atlanta, Georgia. As a high school student, he compiled an impressive list of awards lettering in football, soccer, and track and field. In the academic area, he was a consistent member of the honor roll and Dean's Lists. The Atlanta native entered the University of Georgia in 1973 and received an ABJ Degree from the na26
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
EAST new jersey Koppo Theto Lambda "cools out" When Brother Lynwood O. Jackson, of Kappa Theta Lambda, gives a brunch, he gives a BRUNCH! When he planned a get-together for the Brothers, he wanted a bright, sunny day. So he consulted his favorite almanac as an aid in selecting the right weekend. He hit the jackpot! The fourth Sunday in September, in Teaneck, New Jersey, dawned bright and clear, with warm outdoor weather and blue skies—the perfect setting for a brunch on his grassy, flowerbordered lawn. Assisted by Brothers William Witherspoon, Treasurer, Isaac G. McNatt, Associate Editor-to-theSphinx; and Percy Pollard—Brother Jackson rolled out a table of sumptuous fare: baked Virginia ham, country sausage, scrambled eggs, chicken legs, homefried potatoes, grits and fried apples, champagne punch, nona l c o h o l i c p u n c h , coffee, t e a , cheesecake and pound cake. Brothers by the score were in attendance, with their ladies, led by Brother Archie Lacey, President and Brother William E. Beavers, Vice President. Other Brothers present were Thomas Ashley, Corresponding Secretary; Gerald Boswell; Bernard E. Brooks, Mayor of Teaneck; J. Edison Brown, Area Director; Arthur W. Chaney, Jr., Benjamin, Recording Secretary; Norbert Downey; Robert K. Gillespie; B. E. Goodall, Chaplain; Edward Hadden; John Horner; Carlos Peay, Jr.; Coldan Raines; William Raines, Parliamentarian; James Randolph; Rudolph Thomas; Charles A. Warren, Educational Director; and Arthur Norris. Brothers unable to attend included Edward Carroll, Financial Secretary; Kermit Boston, Historian; Chester Franklin, Sergeant-at-Arms; Winfred V. Cooke; Arnold E. Brown, Immediate Past President; Charles Carson; Larry Harris; Walter Harris; James L. Howard, Albert Small; and Richard Stanton. What was discussed by those present on that golden September day? Summer vacations, visits abroad, how
the children are doing, the New Jersey Black Issues Convention (which had just met in Teaneck and in which several of the Brothers participated); the upcoming NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner for Bergen County. Also, there were questions as to how Brother Jackson managed to get to many healthful-looking vegetables and beautiful flowers in his back yard and still have room for all of his guests. And what did he promise his lovely wife, Althea, his two beautiful daughters, Arline and Althea, and his handsome, husky son Lynwood O. Jackson, Jr. to get them to participate so wholeheartedly in planning and implementing the program? The one who knows isn't talking. When and where will the next such affair be held for the Brothers, if indeed it can be matched? The answer will come on "the inaudible and noiseless foot of time."
maryland Delta Lambda hosts annual Alpha tennis tournament The Eighth Annual Delta Lambda Tennis Tournament was held June 6-10, 1984, at Druid Hill Park in Baltimore, Maryland. The event was co-sponsored by Miller Lite, and attracted more than 160 players in nine singles and doubles events.
Trophy presentation to Men's Singles Finalist. (L) Hampton Institute tennis player and 1984 Runner-Up in Men's Singles Final - John Jackson is presented trophy by Brother Russell V. Kelley.
We have sponsored annual events such as our Halloween Party at John Wesley United Methodist Church, transporting students to church on Sundays, as well as teaching Sunday School each week. Another of our mainstream projects is the Black Awareness Day Block Show and Alpha presentation. This is a program where Black high school seniors are invited to spend a Saturday at JMU to experience college life. Xi Delta celebrated the school's Homecoming this year with "Blockade 84"—an elaborate block show featuring Xi Delta "Blockbusters." Needless to say, the event was spectacular. Following the show, the current Brothers hosted alumni of the chapter in our first Homecoming Alumni Social. The mood was festive DELTA LAMBDA TENNIS COMMITTEE (I to r): Brothers Charles F. Robinson (Vice-chairman), and the weekend was complete, as the reunion proved to be a special Henry Wilson, Dr. Russell V. Kelley (Chairman), Dr. Jim Haynes, Wilbur Walker, Jay Gilmer, time for all. Charles Pinchback, Dr. Clayton Stansbury (Delta Lambda President) and Larry D. Davis. The Brothers and Golden Ladies worked diligently with the Student Each year, Baltimore's Alpha TenBrothers Haynes and Gilmer providGovernment Association in a voter nis Tournament has attracted an ined buffet refreshments of fruits, wine awareness/registration drive on the creasing number of participants. Proand grilled turkey for celebrities and campus; and to increase voter ceeds from the tournament fundbrothers. awareness in the city of Harrisonburg, raiser are used (1) to promote tennis in Chip Dorsey and Jackie Jackson the chapter sponsored a drive over a Baltimre and (2) to aid inner city youth were top Men's and Women's Singles three-week span during September programs. Dr. Russell V. Kelley was Winners in the Delta Lambda comand October. chairman of the tournament and petition. Dorsey defeated the 1983 Another successful project was the Brother Charles F. Robinson was vicedefending champion, John Jackson of A(J)A Car Wash, with fifty percent of chairman. Hampton Institute, 6-2, 6-1. He also the proceeds going to the John Wesley teamed with Tonia Wells to win the Brothers reponsible for planning Church Sunday School program. Mixed Doubles title. Meanwhile, and coordinating the tournament inThe Brothers have also traveled to Jackie retained her 1983 crown downcluded: James T. Robinson (Miller Lite other chapters in the state to expand ing Eva Scott 6-4, 6-2. The "Jim Parker Liaison); Larry D . Davis (Chief Referee); the Brotherhood. Upcoming trips are Outstanding Sports Award" was Jacob D. Howard, III (Photographer); also planned for the school year, as presented to Jackie Jackson. John Turpin (Consolation Tournament); we hope to make contacts everywhere Alan D. Burke (Celebrity Event); Dr. The 1985 competition will be held we can. Ray A. Hill (Communications); Charles June 5-9, 1985. Brothers interested in The Brothers of Xi Delta have conPinkett (Publicity); Dr. Jim Haynes additional information or applications tinued to uphold the high standards (Hospitality); Raymon Wright (Tournamay write: Alpha Tennis Committee, of the fraternity through active work ment Display Artist); Charles Salters 3201 Clifton Avenue, Baltimore, in university and professional (First Aid); Jay Gilmer (Tournament Maryland 21216. organizations. Facilities); Joseph Yates (Tournament Brother Leon Hamlin is currently Facilities); Henry Wilson (Hospitality); President of the Black Student AlliCharles F. Robinson (Scheduling); and ance (BSA). He succeeded two-term Dr. Houston Stansbury (Publicity). president (and Alpha Brother) Ronald Twenty-four Miller Lite trophies, in Burke, who is now chapter president. addition to an outstanding sportsman Brother Kevin Salley serves as plaque, were presented to winners by Xi Delta: Sergeant-at-Arms of the BSA. Brothers Kelley, Davis, and Robinson. doing it all Brother Russell Poindexter sits on Dr. Clayton Stansbury, President of the JMU Honor Council and is in his Xi Delta extends warm fraternal Delta Lambda Chapter, was also on second year as a member of the Public greetings throughout the House of hand for the presentation. All players Administration Society. Our newest Alpha. were invited to a party held one evenBrother, Nathaniel Thomas, performs ing during the competition, at the Our school year has been a busy with the Madisonians, the school's Delta Lambda Fraternity House. Reone, with service and success our popular song and dance troupe, freshments were provided by the tenprime motivators. The light of Alpha which has performed extensively, innis committee and Miller Lite. is indeed bright here at JMU.
james madison u
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
eluding an appearance at the 1983 World's Fair. We have Brothers who are very active in the media as well, holding positions in radio, television, and print journalism. Brothers Burke, Salley, and Kelvin Harris are all DJ's on "Ebony in Perspective," the campus jazz and R&B radio program. Brothers Burke and Harris are coproducers of the program, which is the second-highest rated show on WMRA-FM. Brother Burke is the first Black sports anchor of "JMU Today" and his editorial column, " O n the Block," appears in the school newspaper monthly. He is also a member of Alpha Epsilon Rho, the national broadcasting society. Brother Anthony Flood is active on the University Program Board and works as an art designer for JMU Publications. Brother William Green is chairman of the Black Awareness Commission at JMU, working towards positive programming activities for black students. Our chapter motto is "We Do It All .. .And Then Some." The pride and hard work we put into serving others has put us at the apex of leadership at JMU. The struggle must continue and we are pledged to helping improve our people through action and interaction. Do It All!
Pennsylvania Rho looks bock to 1983-84 year On December 18, 1983, the Fraternal Worship Committee sponsored a Pastoral Retirement Service honoring the Reverend Brother Canon Thomas Logan, Sr. This celebration, held at Calvary Episcopal Church in W e s t P h i l a d e l p h i a , w a s Rho Chapter's expression of appreciation to Brother Logan for his 46 years of Christian service. The program was highlighted by remarks from Brother William Ross, Eastern Vice-President; Brother J. Otis Smith, Brother Philip Hoggard and the presentation of a plaque to Brother Logan by Brother Harold Trawick, President of Rho Chapter. Mrs. Vivian Hansbury represented the Inter-Greek FraterniThe Sphinx/Winter 1984
COLLEGE BROTHERS! You are urged to apply for the 0. Wilson Winters Scholarship given annually by Rho Chapter, Philadelphia, PA. TO QUALIFY YOU MUST: 1) Be a financial member of Alpha Phi Alpha, 2) Be at least a sophomore, with plans to continue; 3) Have a 3.0/4 GPA or equivalent; 4) Be a resident ot the Eastern Region or attend college in that region; and 5) submit a completed application, along with an official transcript and at least three letters of recommendation — not later than March 15, 1985 FOR APPLICATION CONTACT: Brother James F. Smith, 1406 Starling Lane, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003.
ties. Music was furnished by the Alpha Choir. The program was well attended by community people. Brother Alvin Jackson was Chairman. The Ways and Means Committee's largest fund raising effort was the "Dr. O. Wilson Winters Annual Scholarship Award Commemorative Program Book." The fraternal year began with the Committee laying the groundwork for action plans which will cover a five-year period. These plans will commit the Chapter to program assistance and support for college bound high school and college students. This year's O. Wilson Winters Program honoring the memory of Life Member #1, Brother O. Wilson Winters, was the highlight of the Committee's programmatic year. The program was held May 20th at Bright Hope Baptist Church. In addition to presenting awards to two college s t u d e n t s , Rho C h a p t e r honored Dr. Constance Clayton, S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of Philadelphia Schools. Dr. Clayton's award was a Citizenship Ward for Excellence in Achievement. The guest speaker, Brother Charles Howard, Jr., former Eastern Vice-President, was eloquent as he spoke of Alpha's quest for excellence. The Collegian Choir, a high school group under the direction of Brother Richard S. Griffin, held the audience spellbound as they performed a wide range of materials. The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Awards Day Program was held June 3, at the Sayers Memorial United Methodist Church. This program, a joint effort of Philadelphia's alumni chapters, Rho and Zeta Omicron
Lambda, honored twenty-eight junior high school and college bound seniors. Brother Daniel Hall gave a rousing address to the young men exh o r t i n g t h e m to " L e a d t h e Challenge." Under the tutorage of Brother James G. Slaughter, Dean of Pledgees, ten new pledgees were properly instructed and initiated into Rho Chapter. In the area of social and fraternal fellowship. Rho Chapter gave its annual Harvest Moon Ball. This formal affair was held as usual on Thanksgiving Eve. On February 10 Rho and other area Chapters met with Brother Charles Teamer, candidate for General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Virginia A great kick-off in Henrico County
Greetings to our Brothers in Alphadom throughout this nation and abroad. Xi Delta Lambda of Henrico County, Virgina, kicked off its first meeting of the Chapter year on September 21, 1984. New Chapter officers are as follows: President—Leo H. Ross; 1st Vice President—Weldon H. Smith; 2nd Vice President—James E. Wright, Jr.; Recording Secretary—Anthony W. Hall; Corresponding Secretary —Willie H. Lewis, Jr.; Financial Secretary—James M. Johnson; TreasurerAlan]. Foster; Dean of Pledges—John S. Greene, Jr.; Director of Educational Affairs—William H. Owens; Parliamentarian—Marvin N. Bagwell; Associate Editor to the Sphinx—David Goodall, Sr.; Sergeant-a-Arms—Larry D. James; Historian—John C. Puryear; ChaplainKenneth Dennis. The Brothers of our Chapter take pride in announcing that our Brothers —Anthony W. Hill, Marvin N. Bagwell, Willis Barnett, John S. Greene, Jr., Willie H. Lewis, Jr.—were selected as "Outstanding Young Men of the Year" by the Richmond Jaycees. Brother Dennis R. Winston, a middle school art teacher, was selected as the "Teacher of the Year" for the Richmond Public Schools. In addition, Brother Leo H. Ross is in the final stages of working on his 29
Mrs. Phyliss Wingate receives the Xi Delta Lambda Humanitarian Award. Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, while Brother John C. Puryear is in his final stages of completing the requirements for his Masters in History, and Brother Warren M. Cobbs is completing his Masters in Music. Congratulations to our Brother James M. Johnson for being selected chapter "Alpha Man Of The Year." Finally, our chapter, at its 2nd Annual Awards and Recognition Banquet awarded the following: Humanitarian Award—Mrs. Phyllis A. Wingate; Community Award—Radio Station, WPLZ-FM 99; Appreciation Award—Brother Reverend Benjamin W. Robertson, Sr.; Outstanding Leadership—-Brother Weldon H. Smith; Neophyte of the Year—Brother Marvin N. Bagwell; Impact Awards—Marvin N. Badwell, Willie H. Lewis, Jr., Larry D. James, Anthony W. Hill and Gregory R. Stallings; Presidential Awards— Willie H. Lewis, Jr., Alan J. Foster, James M. Johnson and James P. Cuffee; Committee of the Year—Constitution Committee; Tennis Trophys—1st Place, Dennis Winston and John C. Puryear; 2nd Place, Alan Foster and Leo Ross; 3rd Place, Kenneth Scott and James Wright, Jr. Brother Phillip 30
E. Battle served as Master of Ceremonies.
u of buffalo Delta Epsilon shines on campus 2nd in community Pride, dedication, and determination are just some of the qualities that describe the efforts and achievements of the Brothers of Delta Epsilon. The Chapter has worked diligently to excel in leadership roles, play an important part in campus activities, and to upgrade the Buffalo community to the best of our ability. Here are a few good deeds that keep the Brothers of DE striving to be First Of All, Servants Of All, and Transcending All. On campus, Brothers hold key positions in various organizations, with Brothers Rahb Wilson and William Alford serving as Vice-President of the Black Student Union and the Black American Law S t u d e n t s Association respectively. Alphamen have also worked closely with the
Afro-American Student Organization, the Inter-Greek Association, and in Student Government. The Brothers have also donated funds and aided to the success of the university's annual dance marathon which raises money to fight leukemia. The black community in Buffalo has overcome much adversity in the past and still faces serious challenges today. The brothers of DE have helped to meet some of these challenges by raising money and holding membership drives for the Buffalo Urban League. In addition, the hapter has been an avid supporter of the West Seneca Developmental Center. Our participation in the Big Brother program at the center has enabled us to provide some of our less fortunate young brothers in the Buffalo community with companionship, guidance and friendship that they otherwise may not have had. The Brothers have also been very active in the Buffalo political community, assisting in various campaigns, voter registration drives and in getting people out to vote on election day. We send a special congratulations to our very own Brother Byron W. Brown who has been appointed Executive Secretary to the Buffalo Common Council President. Delta Epsilon Chapter has contributed substantially to the United Negro College Fund and is committed to supporting it in the future. At the beginning of the fall semester the Brothers held their annual "Welcome Back Party" which proved to be a success both economically and socially. Part of the proceeds raised at the function went to charitable organizations around the city and also to the chapter's scholarship fund. The 1984-85 officers of Delta Epsilon Chapter are Brothers Nigel Spence, President; Michael K. Hughes, Vice-President; Hakim Sabur, Corresponding Secretary and Editor--to-theSphinx; Henry Littles, Treasurer; John W e s t b r o o k , Recording Secretary; Charles Dillard, Dean of Pledges; Scipio Prime, Parliamentarian; John Hinkson, Sergeant-at-Arms. The Brothers of Delta Epsilon Chapter will continue to uphold the light of Alpha, not only in word, but in deed.
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
puter Lab School graduation, marking the 3rd anniversary of this program. In 1981, Brother Robert Jones (a systems analyst with International Harvester) was asked to use his personal computer to help teach reading and math skills. Armed with his Commodore VIC 20, Brother Jones proceeded to assist area children with basic education skills. After a few sessions on the computer, it became apparent that the children were so fascinated that the basic education process could continue and computer logic and literacy could also be attained. The program, now under the educational committee, includes 16 area schools with the inidivual participants between the ages of 12-17. Chapters in the Western Neiv York area gather at the University of Rochester. Brothers pictured are (left to right): Front—Kevin Huff, Stei>e Skinner, Bill Ross, Rufus McGee, Tracy Jenkins and Carlton Smith. Middle—David Grant, fames McCrary, Robin Taylor, Nigel Spence and Keith Bell. Back— Wuinton Braithivaite, Carlton Burke, Mike Spain, Tony Henderson, Jeff Weaver, John Westerbrook, Michael Hughes and Darryl Walker.
u of rochester Mu Sigma hosts area Brothers The fraternal spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha was exemplified as alumni and college brothers met in a conference sponsored by Mu Sigma - University of Rochester's chapter. At this gathering, brothers had a chance to familiarize themselves with recently established fraternal policies and business. The events which occured on Saturday, September 29, 1984, commenced at 10:00 AM and enthusiastically ended at 8:30 PM. Brothers, including the Eastern Regional Vice President, Bill Ross, came from various chapters. In addition to Mu Sigma, Alpha (Cornell University), Delta Epsilon (Buffalo State/University of Buffalo), Eta Rho Lambda (Rochester, New York), Rho Lambda (Buffalo, New York), to name a few, were represented. The Eastern Regional Reclamation Chairman, Steve Skinner, was also in attendance. On this warm, sunny day, Brothers posed many topics for discussion. Some of the topics were: Guidelines for Pledge programs; Reclamation, the rededication of Brothers who have pledged but are not inactive; the exThe Sphinx/Winter 1984
istence of Alpha Angels; A new National Headquarters and its location; and Area Directors' responsibilities to both college and alumni chapters. The activities of the day terminated with the fraternal hymn and prayer. As each Brother bellowed each word, " t h i s " Brother sensed a new awakening. This was a day when graduate and undergraduate "Frat" came together, intelligently, as one. This was a day when minds were enriched for the betterment of the Fraternity.
MIDWEST Mlinois Xi Lombdo marks third year of computer program On Wednesday, September 26, 1984, a free vaccination program for area pets was sponsored by the community action committee of Xi Lambda Chapter. This program, which was supported by Dr. Allen Frank, provided a very essential service for many families which were not in a position to obtain these services on their own. On Saturday, January 18, 1985, Xi Lambda sponsored its 1984-85 Com-
ohio A busy year in Akron The Brothers of Eta Tau Lambda Chapter send warm greetings to all of their Alpha Brothers and also wish them a very Happy New Year. The past quarter has been a rather busy one for the Brothers in keeping with the goals of our dear Fraternity. The Chapter sponsored its Annual Awards Banquet on September 7, 1984 at the Gardner Student Center, University of Akron. This is held to recognize those students striving for higher education by awarding them the Reginald White Memorial Scholarship sponsored by the Eta Tau Lambda Chapter. Two high school graduates were recognized for their academic achievements and community involvement at the Awards Banquet. Also, during the ceremony, Brother Vernon Sykes presented the Hubert Humphrey Humanitarian Award to Brother James R. Williams, Past General President and Municipal Judge of Akron Municipal Court. Brother Nathan C. Hagins, Past President of Eta Tau Lambda, was honored as Alpha Brother of the Year and Brother Charles Walker, Director of the Police Community Dialogue Program, an Alpha-sponsored project, welcomed the dinner guests. Many other Brothers of the Chapter were present at the Awards Banquet. On November 18, 1984, Brother 31
James R. Williams introduced Alcee Hastings, Judge, Federal District Court, Southeastern Florida, as the main speaker at the local NAACP's Annual Freedom Fund Dinner held at the Gardner Student Center, University of Akron. Judge Hastings gave an inspiring and electrifying talk about the realities of the American political system and its voting pitfalls. There were many Brothers of the local Chapter in the audience who enjoyed Judge Hastings' talk and joined in the ovations saluting him. The Fraternity also participated in the United Negro College Fund Drive by sponsoring a booth at the U.N.C.F. Fun Night held at the Cascate Holiday Inn on November 3, 1984. Brother Othello Skinner served as Chairman of Alpha Phi Alpha's UNCF Committee and reported that the booth raised more than $120.00 for UNCF. He expected that by the end of the UNCF drive the Brothers would have raised several hundred dollars for this very fine and vital project. Several Brothers of the Fraternity were involved in an effort to consider establishing a Black Alumni Board at the University of Akron. This event o c c u r r e d on t h e w e e k e n d of November 23rd and 24th with more than 200 Black Akron U alumni and friends at the University. Brother Ronald P. Brown, Ph.D., Assistant to Dean for Minority and Women Affairs, Kent State University and an Akron U alumnus, likened the talks to a seed blowing in the wind. He also reported that the office of the Director of Alumni Relations at Akron U was pleased with the effort to establish a Black Alumni Chapter. This Chapter's Annual Founders Day Banquet was scheduled for Sunday, December 9th, at the Cascade Club in downtown Akron, according to Brother Larry W. Johnson, Principal of Riedinger Middle School, Akron, Ohio, an Alpha Brother and Judge on the Common Pleas Court of Cuyahoga County, and a recent appointee to the Board of Regents by Governor Richard Celeste. Special guests will be Dr. William Muse, President, University of Akron, Dr. Michael Schwartz, President, Kent State University, and Mr. Vernon Odom, Executive Director of the Akron Community Center and Urban League. The Brothers are eagerly awaiting this great day in observance 32
Some of the Brothers in attendance at the West Virginia State-wide Reclamation Round-up.
of the noble efforts of our Founders. Another eagerly awaited event by the Brothers is the Annual Holiday Ball which is scheduled for Saturday, December 15, 1984 at the Holiday Inn in downtown Akron. Brother Larry W. Johnson, Chairman, Social Services Committee, reports that plans are being finalized to make it the best ever formal event for the Brothers and their guests. In our last report, we acknowledged the appointment of Brother Ronald P. Brown, Ph.D., as Assistant to the Dean for Minority and Women Affairs at Kent State University, but did not have any word about his duties. His primary focus is to recruit and assist in the admission and retention of minorities and women to Kent State University. He spent three years as Administrative Assistant to the Summit County Executive and feels that experience will benefit him in his new position. Brother Brown is also active in the Akron community, serving as Trustee at St. Paul AME Church; Board member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Day Care Center; Board of Directors, Alpha Phi Alpha Homes, Inc.; and Board Member of Cuyahoga Valley Community Mental Health Center.
west Virginia There's Gold in Them Thar Hills
Some 18 Brothers, representing 8 Alpha Chapters in West Virginia, came together to "mine gold"—planning for a great future for Alpha in West Virginia. Under the leadership of Midwestern Vice President Ivan L. Cotman, the Brothers convened at West Virginia State University, Institute, for the state-wide Reclamation Round-Up. Chapters represented were Pi Mu (West Virginia University); Nu Nu (Marshall University); Alpha Zeta (West Virginia State University); Alpha Iota Lambda (Charleston); Gamma Delta Lambda (Beckley); Xi Theta (Concord College); Beta Theta (Bluefield State College); and Alpha Zeta Lambda (Bluefield). Under the theme - "There's Gold In Them Thar Hills" - the Brothers accomplished: the reorganization of the state organization; the appointments of Brother Adolphus Young as State Director, and of Douglas Miller and Miles Cary as Regional Directors; the planning of a 1985 state convention, with Brother Charles Ledbetter as Chairman; and a host of other administrative items. All of Alpha can look for great things from the hills of West Virginia! The Sphinx/Winter 1984
central state u A busy year for Delta Xi Greetings to all the Distinguished Men of Alpha from the Brothers of Delta Xi Chapter, Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio. The Brothers of Delta Xi continued to carry the Light of Alpha during the '84 school year. During the '84 Spring quarter the Brothers sponsored a swim-a-thon for Sickle Cell Anemia. The Brothers continued our Voter Registration campaign for the "Jesse Jackson for President C a m p a i g n . " We also cosponsored a tutorial outreach program with the schools. O u r " A l p h a W e e k " was as awesome as our school. We had various activities and all were well attended. Our first event was a "Greek Sip" where all the Greeks pledged to work together for the advancement towards a "defininte program." The Brothers of Delta Xi held a banquet in honor of Brother Lionel H. Newsom. The event was well attended and it was an honor for the Brothers of Delta Xi to sponsor such an event. The next event was "Date an Alpha", where campus females could obtain a chance to date their favorite Alpha. The next event was the "Lowenbrau Film Festival." This consisted of a "Pizza and Beer Blast" with Lowenbrau beer and Noble Roman's pizza. Friday was our 33rd Annual Scholarship Ball. This was also the time for Brothers to honor and enjoy their accomplishments and each other. Some of the Awards given were: Academic Brother of the Year — Darryl Brooks (3.96); Brother of the Year — Tony Plummer; Neophyte of the Year — Reginald Davidson. The Unsung Brother Award went to Harvey Miree. The Most Outstanding Senior was Marshan Brown. The Ball was a complete success and this event was only topped by our Cabaret. Saturday was the Alpha Picnic. This was a time for the Central State family to sit and relax. The next day was the "Miller High Life" softball tourney. The Brothers smashed the Men of Kappa Alpha Psi. The Brothers were led by the awesome bat of 3rd baseman James Edmond, shortstop Andree Adams, second baseman The Sphinx/Winter 1984
Ricky Perry, outfielders Jeff Elmore, George Curtis, Darryl Brooks, and Robert Prince. The pitching battery of Marshan Brown and Steven T. Washington was superb. The Brothers also held a Ms. Black and Gold pageant. This was hard for the Brothers to decide the winner. All the ladies were gorgeous as well as talented. The winner was Kimberli Renee Radford who is currently Ms. Central State University. The Brothers v e n t u r e d to t h e M i d - W e s t e r n Regional with high hopes and with Michael D. Brown running for MidWestern Vice President and Ms. Radford running in the Ms. Black and Gold Pageant. Neither candidate won but they should both be applauded for their effort. The Brothers of Delta Xi also took second place in the "Stomp-down" competition. Congratulations go out to the awesome Brothers of the "Fantastic Four" Line, 5/26/83 11:14 p.m. Congratulations Sands! We also welcome the seven members of the "Altered States" line into our glorious fraternity. Phillip Black, Chris Bent, Austin Smith, Vernon Genius, Eric Lindsey, Daniel Jordan, and Mark Short (5/27/84 12:18 am). The new elections find Stephan T. Washington as our President, Randolph Napier the Vice President, Richard Perry is the Recording Sec-
retary, James F. Edmond the Corresponding Secretary and Editor-to-theSphinx. Reginald Davidson is the Chaplain and the Historian; Jeffrey T. Elmore is our Stepmaster; Floyd Andree Adams is the Dean of Pledges, and Michael D. Brown, Sergeant-atArms. The Brothers of Delta Xi were awarded the "Organization of the Year." This summer the Brothers of Delta Xi participated in "Project Alpha", with the graduate brothers of the area. This was a very successful and worthwhile project. The Brothers of Delta Xi also gave a step-show for the "Young Alpha" Man and the Central State Upward Bound program. The Brothers of Delta Xi were very proud and honored to participate in the 1984 Alpha Phi Alpha National Stepdown Contest, in which we took second place. A special congratulations goes out to the step-master Jeffrey T. Elmore and the step team members: Floyd Andree Adams, Donald Burton, Ronald House, Reginald Davidson, Robert Prince, Steven T. Washington, and James F. Edmond. The Brothers of Delta Xi would like to wish all Brothers a very happy and successful year. We encourage all Brothers of all chapters to correspond with us on up-coming events. A-PHI.
Big Jobs Just 1000 more active Brothers would push Alpha's active membership to an all-time high in 1985. With the retention of last year's members, that's less than 2 new Brothers per chapter. Sound easy? That's because it is, if you do your part! Bring a Brother back "To The Light"!
Begin With Little Jobs
west Virginia Alpha Zeta Lambda holds Annual Worship Service
The Annual Worship Service of Alpha Zeta Lambda Chapter, Bluefield, West Virginia, Beta Theta Chapter, Bluefield State College, and Xi Theta Chapter, Concord College, was held Sunday, October 28, 1984, at the Whittico Memorial Presbyterian Church, Keystone, West Virginia (Brother Sylvester Bullock, pastor), Reverend Beverly Bullock, wife of Brother Bullock and co-pastor, welcomed the fraternity and guests. Brother Melvin Harris, president of Alpha Zeta Lambda and Mrs. Louise McClanahan, president of the Alpha Wives, gave the response to the welcome. Scripture readings were given by Brothers John Haynes and William Adams of Beta Theta. Choral selections were sung by undergraduate Brothers John Haynes, Donald Ross, William Adams, and Leonard Davis, Jr. The History of the Fraternity was given by Brother Donald Ross, Beta Theta Chapter. Brother Sherman Collins introduced the speaker of the day, Brother Rev. Sylvester Bullock. Brother Sylvester gave an inspiring message based on family responsibilities. Following the sermon, Brother Adolphus Young, Jr. led the Omega Chapter Roll, while Brother Frederick Lewis led the Brothers in the Alpha Hymn. Following the service, a delicious buffet dinner was served. Brother Adolphus Young, Jr. represented our chapter at the meeting with the Regional Vice President, Brother Dr. Ivan L. Cotman, held at West Virginia State College on September 8, 1984. We are happy to report the following Brothers who affiliated with Alpha Zeta Lambda over the past year: Brothers Sylvester Bullock, Harold Cofer, Adrian Dowell, Frederick Lewis, And Marvin Rogers. The chapter salutes octogenarian Brothers Percy Terrell, W. C. Spencer, Leonard McClanahan, P. R. Higginbotham and President Melvin Harris. These Brothers are an inspiration to us all and are truly dedicated to the aims of Alpha. •u
State Director, on the history and Brother Attorney Booker T. rituals of Alpha Phi Alpha, which was Stephens was elected Circuit Judge very instructive and well received. for McDowell County in the November election. He became the The new year begins with plans for second Black judge elected in the the continuation of major activities County, the first being the late pursued during the past year. An adBrother Leon P. Miller. Statewide, dition is planning for a scholarship Brother J. Franklin Long has been dance early in the year of 1985. A elected 1st Vice President of the West significant inspiration for the Virgina State NAACP Organization. Brotherhood as we enter the new year Meet the officers of Alpha Zeta was the appointment of Brother Lambda: Melvin Harris, President; Robert Brown as Director of the State Rev. William Law, Vice President; of Michigan Department of CorrecAdolphus Young, Jr., Secretary; Dr. tions. Aubrey Jackson, Treasurer; Clarence The elected officers whose leaderShelton, Associate Editor-to-the-Sphinx; ship will guide the Chapter in another W. E. Hebert, Jr., Alpha House successful year are Brothers Blanche Manager; Marshall Harris, Dean of Martin, President; Paul Fry, Vice PresiPledges; J.I. Turner, Education Director;dent; Howard Spence, Recording Secand L. H. McClanahan, Historian. retary; Robert Hester, Financial Secretary; Richard Letts, Treasurer; and Lester McKee and Donald Ware, Delegates to Gamma Tau, the undergraduate chapter.
Ten neophytes for Kappa Delta Lambda
northeast missouri state
Grestings throughout Alphadom from Kappc Delta Lambda, Lansing, Michigan. The past year was one of our most illustrious occasions with the largest number of initiates to cross the "burning sands" at one time. They have already assumed a meaningful role in Alphadom by serving on various committees and on the current Executive Board. They represent a wide spectrum of the professional community. The new members are Ralph Bonner, Peter Bunten, Robert Clark, Paul Fry, R. Vincent Green, James Hamilton, Robert Hester, Livingston Manuel, William Wagner and George Watts. Other significant activities were Founders' Day Observance, joint sponsorship with the City of Lansing in commemorating Martin Luther King Day, scholarship and government savings bond awards in connection with the Chapter's educational endeavor, membership on the local Greek Council and a summer picnic for members and their guests. An integral part of each monthly Chapter meeting has been an educational emphasis with the purpose of keeping the membership informed on matters pertaining to Alpha Phi ALpha and selective civic issues. One presentation was by Brother James Gaddis,
Accomplishment for Iota XI The Brothers of Iota Xi Chapter at Northeast Missouri State University would like to extend a very sincere fraternal greetings to our Brothers in Alpha. The goal towards which the Brothers of Iota Xi work every day is one of improved fraternal brotherhood within our own organization as well as Greek participation to enhance the Greek system as a whole. Because we are making strides in the accomplishment of this goal, Iota Xi has received continued respect and admiration from our Greek peers. We have spearheaded projects with such organizations as Phi Beta Sigma, Delta Sigma Theta, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Omega Psi Phi, and Alpha Phi Omega, to name a few. Some of the great strides made by Iota Xi and its members this past year include Brother Dwyane Smith's gaining an administrative position at our University as a Minority Counselor, a position that was vacant for several years. Brother Dwyane Gatson graduated as the number one Academic Minority Student at N.M.S.U. in the spring of 1984, the The SDhinx/Winter 1984
Easter party for the children at the Roxie Anna Collins Children's Home Ministry in Seneca, South Carolina, a visit to the elderly at Clemson Downs Retirement Homes, and our annual Miss Black and Gold Pageant. The Ladies also helped when the Brothers of Pi Alpha were asked by Clemson University's Admissions Office to aid in the university's annual Visitation Day. Visitation Day is when prospective students of Clemson University and their parents come and visit the campus. The Brothers and Ladies answered questions and helped in every way possible. The Brothers of Pi Alpha also provided a stepshow that was commended by many. We were also asked by the Admissions Office to help co-sponsor a picnic for new freshmen at the beginning of the academic year. This, too, was a rousing success. Men Interested in Alpha (MIA) is designed to help acquaint young men with fraternity life and the ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha. We are proud of this organization because it gives young men a chance to work with us The Brothers of Iota Xi (Northeast Missouri State University) are (kneeling front, left to right): on projects so that we may get to Kevin Evans and Phillip Hall; (standing, left to right): Tony Edzvards, William Anthony Barber, know them better. Most recently the Dwyane Smith and Malcolm Victorian. men of MIA served as ushers to our highly successful Miss Black and Gold second year in a row that an Alpha other Alpha Chapters regarding their Pageant. Our pageant was commendMan has accomplished this! activities, and then we will provide ined by many for its sophistication and However, the accomplishment which formation as to our activities and funcp r o f e s s i o n a l i s m . We h a v e to makes us all especially proud is our tions. acknowledge Brother William K. Mcperformance in The Greek Varsity Call for his dedication and leadership Night. The Brothers of Iota Xi walked on our pageant. Pi Alpha's Queen for away with the first place trophy, com1985 is Miss Gidget Hall, a Sister of peting with 15 other fraternities, a Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Lambda "Thriller!" Theta Chapter. It is no small wonder with all of these accomplishments that we were We, the Brothers of Pi Alpha, are chosen Chapter of the Year for the very proud of our accomplishments. State of Missouri for the second conHowever, we realize that we must secutive year. Look out, Brothers, for always continue to strive for exIota Xi is shooting for Regional and cellence. Thus, on September 30, Pi Alpha National honors! 1984, we sponsored a "Save Fisk Unimoves onward We welcomed two new additions to versity" program and raised $500 for and upward our fold. Brothers Malcolm Victorian the financially troubled university. and Tony Edwards crossing the BurnBrothers C. Stephen Hamer, Kerry Greetings to all Men of Alpha Phi ing Sands of Alphadom on the Alpha Graham, and N. Douglas Hall conAlpha from your Brothers at Pi Alpha Ship Opulence II, on April 14, 1984. ducted the program. It too was a sucChapter, Clemson University. cess. Current officers of Iota Xi are: Even though Pi Alpha is a relatively Phillip Hall, Presideiit (incidentally new chapter (we received our charter The Brothers of Pi ALpha are also Phil is also Missouri State Vice Presiin 1983), we have already in our short proud to announce that during the fall dent); Tony Edwards, Vice President period of existence continued the semester of 1984, two more of our and Dean of Pledges; Malcolm VicAlpha tradition of moving onward Brothers were invited to pledge one of torian, Secretary; Kevin Evans, and upward. Clemson University's most Treasurer; Anthony Baker, Editor-toWith the help of the Ladies of Black prestigious honor fraternities, Tiger the-Sphinx; and Dwyane Smith, and Gold, we have been able to sucBrotherhood. We at Pi Alpha are proGraduate Advisor. cessfully complete many of our goals ud of Brothers Jerry L. Middleton and We welcome correspondence from and projects, which have included an Antonio K. Pinckney. They now join
clemson u
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
Brother Kenneth L. Robinson who pledged Tiger Brotherhood in 1983. These Brothers now join the ranks of several of our Brothers who belong to other prestigious organizations such as the Blue Key National Honor Fraternity and Mortar Board. In addition, our own Brother Bryan V. Gamble was recently recognized in a South Carolina newspaper for receiving an Air Force Scholarship. Finally, the officers of the Pi Alpha Chapter for 1984-85 are Brothers Charles P. Hill, President; William K. McCall, Vice President; Oscar Moseley, III, Secretary; N. Douglas Hall, Treasurer; Kenneth L. Robinson, Chaplain; Richard L. Scott, III, Historian; C. Stephen Hamer, Dean of Pledges; and Kerry Graham, Assistant Dean of Pledges/Parliamentarian.
tennessee Alphas lead in Chattanooga
Greetings Brothers in Alpha from Psi Lambda Chapter in the "Choo Choo City," Chattanooga, Tennessee. Psi Lambda begins this year with three neophyte Brothers: Charles Key, Reverend Robert Kesee, and Edward Lawrence. We welcome these Brothers with sincerity and enthusiasm, the true Alpha Spirit. Brother Charles Key has a distinction few of us had. When he crossed the burning sands, he had to witness this occasion a son, then a senior at Morehouse College, who came all the way from Atlanta, and his father, George Key, Sr. The neophyte Brothers were initiated in the Spring of 1984 under the watchful eyes of our state and area directors. To climax our previous year, our Education Committee sponsored a luncheon for selected male high school graduates. Brother Malcolm Walker, local chairman of PUSH MOVEMENT, was the principle speaker. He gave advice, encouragement, and information in his discussion which was valued and accepted by the group. Brother Buffington was chairman of this affair and deserves much praise for the way it was carried out. Our Brothers and Alphabettes hosted a cookout and outing for the 36
Psi Lambda Chapter of Chattanooga, Tennessee. at each meeting. Brothers and their families. The affair At our September Social Meeting, was held in the Hurricane Creek Recthe host group sponsored a "Night in reation Center. More than 75 were in Las Vegas" social affair. The unique attendance. We enjoyed swimming, way it was carried out gave an outlet tennis, horse shoes and just general for the Brothers and a substantial relaxation, cards, games of fun and amount was netted for our scholarchance, and good wholesome food. ship fund. With this support and encouragement from our Alphabettes, the plan of acBrother Jerone Page, local Urban tion outlined by Brother President League Director, has made a definite Buffington was underway. impact not only with Psi Lambda, but the entire city of Chattanooga. Brother George A. Key, Sr., local Brothers are involved and are serving president of NAACP, installed our as chairmen of and active on various 1984-85 officers at our first meeting, committees. Brothers Ernest BuffThe new officers installed are: Brother Ernest L. Buffington, President; Robert ington and Robert Brown attended a state planning meeting in Nashville Brown, Vice President; Reginald Capers, Recording Secretary; Malcolm for Alpha Chapters in Tennessee. Walker, Corresponding Secretary; Sam- Much needed and important information was brought back to the chapter. uel Trammell, Treasurer; Edward A Dynamic Duo is Brother PresiLawrence, Sergeant-at-Arms; Robert dent Ernest L. Buffington and Kesee, Chaplain; Albert M. Miller, Editor-to-Sphinx; Walter F. Williams, Alphabet President Ruth Buffington. Parliamentarian; Harry McKeldin III, This team spells success for 1984. Psi Dean of Pledges; John H. Julian and Lambda is moving forward in reclaimJulian C. Brown, Historians; Wendell ing inactive brothers. Each active Brother is urged to reclaim at least one Morgan, B. T. Scruggs, II and Adrian Partridge, Eta Phi Advisors; and Clif- inactive Brother. This is one phase of our reclamation program. Our conford L. Hendrix, Chapter Advisor. gratulations go to Brother and Mrs. Brother Dr. Mance and his commitJohn L. Pitts who recently celebrated tee plan a Health Service Institute at their 40th wedding anniversary. each meeting. At our September Much more is planned for in Psi meeting he discussed Chest Pain with Lambda to uphold the standards of appropriate illustrations outlined to Alpha and to continue to be First of accompany his discussion. Diabetes All, Servants of All and Transcend was the discussion for the October All. meeting. A similar plan is scheduled The Sphinx/Winter 1984
alabama a&m u News from Delta Gommo Chapter The Brothers of Delta Gamma extend the warmest of fraternal greetings to all within the House of Alpha. Once again we are preparing for another year of great academic and social progress. The opening of school on September 5, 1984 saw the return of 38 Brothers to the Chapter. We extend a very special greeting to our neophytes, "The Elite Eleven," as they are known, who crossed the burning sands into Alpha Land on March 3, 1984. They are Brothers Elisha MarAlpha Brothers at the Fall Career Day at Alcom State University. Seated front, from left: Brothers shall, Aaron Swan, Ronald Comer, Al Johnson, Charles Lewis, Gus Witherspoon, Walter Washington, Wiley Jones and Dave Whitney. Robert Drake, Keith Malone, Leonard Standing, from left: Brothers Harry Stewart, Franklin Jackson, John Hendricks, John Walls, Henry Bennett, Edward Jones, Jubal Gibson, Parker, Lloyd Hill, Arthur Crowell and Robert Simmons. Leonard Wyatt, Sebastian Ingram, and William Lindsey. The Brothers of Charles Lewis, Chairman of the Delta Gamma also extend a hearty Equitable Employment Opportunity w e l c o m e to o u r t w o transfer Committee. Dr. Witherspoon is Brothers— Ralph Vaughn of Kappa Associate Dean of the Graduate Gamma, and John James of Theta School at North Carolina State Alphos ot Alcorn Delta. University and Brother Lewis is for Manager of Special Markets for the R. Our university is under the leaderCoreer Doy J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Also ship of a new president this year of involved were Mississippi State Direcwhom we are very proud. Our On September 12, 1984, several protor Wiley Jones, Acting Business distinguished Brother, Dr. Douglas minent Alpha Men journeyed to LorManager at ASU; and the Alcorn Covington (formerly President of man, Mississippi to participate in the State President Walter Washington, a Winston-Salem University in North Annual Fall Career Day Program at Past General President. Carolina), took office on August 20, Alcorn State University. The out-ofBrother Witherspoon was truly surtown Brothers on hand were gracious1984. Our chapter takes the leadership ly hosted by Theta Sigma Lambda prised when he journeyed to the in wishing him success. Chapter (Lorman). Among those parhome of Brother Wiley Jones and Delta Gamma is again planning a ticipating in the day-long program found a surprise birthday party in his number of activities for the semester. were Brother A. M. Witherspoon, honor, hosted by the Brothers of These are just a few on our agenda: Southern Vice President and Brother Theta Sigma Lambda Chapter. During Homecoming Week, we will be participating in the annual PanHellenic Council Greek Show. Delta Gamma was awarded the First Place Trophy in 1983, and we intend to be victorious this year. We will also stage our annual Miss Black and Gold Pageant, in which some of the most beautiful young ladies on campus will participate. We will also take part in an Educational Tutorial Program, where we will work with the youth in the elementary and middle schools in the Huntsville community, in the areas of reading, mathematics, and English. This year Delta Gamma will also sponsor a Big Brother/Little Brother Program. Each Brother will adopt a Shown at the surprise birthday party for Southern Vice President "Gus" Witherspoon, left, are, youngster for a day of enjoyment. At from left: Brothers Wiley Jones, Walter Washington and Charles Lewis.
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
SOUTHWEST xovier u Beta Tou shows its eminence
The Brothers of Beta Tau Chapter are proud to announce that, for the academic year of 1983-84, the spirit of Alpha continued to shine. Beta Tau was given the honor of receiving a plaque for the highest GPA among the fraternities on campus. And just to add a little icing on the cake, Brother Steven Morris was awarded the top individual honor among the fraternities. The Delta Gamma Chapter - Alabama A & M University. In May of 1984, five Brothers graduthe climax of the semester will be our -Oliver Brooks; Treasurer - Robert Bell; ated from Xavier University. These Annual Alpha Week. During this Chaplain - Aaron Swan; Parliamen- brothers are: Eric Alexander—B.S. in time, we will celebrate our Founders' tarian - Ronald Comer; Dean of Pledges Pharmacy, now a registered pharDay Program in conjunction with - Samual Sanford; Assistant Dean of macist at Hotel Dieu Hospital in New Delta Theta Lambda, and our Annual Pledges - Leonard Wyatt; Sergeant-at- Orleans; Michael Ferguson—B.S. in Smoker will take place. Arms - Ricky Flambo; Historian - Keith Pharmacy, now a registered pharmacist at Walgreens in Hollywood, We are under the esteemed leaderMalone; and Editor-to-the-Sphinx Florida; Alfonzo Robinson—B.S. in ship of our officers for 1984-85: Presi- -Robert Drake. So look to the South, Pharmacy, now in preparation to take dent - Charles Herring; Vice President where the "Light of the World" the licenser exam for the State of -Edward Jones; Corresponding Secretary shines with a great brilliance as we Alabama; Emmanuel Harrison—B.S. - William Lindsey; Recording Secretary strive to become "Servants of All." in Biology/Pre-Medicine (magna cum laude), now in his first year at Tulane Medical School in New Orleans; and Mark White—B.S. in Chemistry, now an instructor of chemistry in New Orleans. Two more Brothers joined this successful crew in December: Rene Allen and Clinton Anderson. During this academic year Beta Tau also showed its devotion to Alpha by participating in an annual UNCF "Can Shake" co-sponsored by Beta Tau. All Greek Organizations on campuses affiliated with UNCF were asked to participate. Trophies were given out to Greek Organizations collecting the largest amount of donations. We are happy to say that this worthy event was a success, and Beta Tau is happy to announce that it captured first place, raising a total of $604, bringing our total chapter contributions to over $2600. The Brothers of Beta Tau always try to uplift the hearts of the community. Every year the Brothers of Beta Tau give an annual Easter Egg Hunt for HELPING HAND AT UT: Dr. Ben Granger, Dean of the University of Tennessee the School kidsofat nearby elementary schools Social Work, accepts the Mu Iota Chapter's contribution to the school's 1984 Campus Chest to celebrate Campaign from Vice President Reginald McGregor. UT's 16 fraternities raised nearly $2500 for the Easter Holiday. As always, some families aren't able to the United Way in this drive. enjoy a decent holiday meal due to a 38
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
low family income; therefore, the Brothers of Beta Tau, at Thanksgiving and Christmas, supplied hearty baskets of canned goods and turkeys donated by Brothers and other good Samaritans to give to the needy families in the nearby community. In the Fall of 1983 seven new Brothers was inducted into the Brotherhood. All seven of these neophytes did an outstanding job during their pledge period. They did what was required to join our great Fraternity with spirit we can be proud of. The name of their line was "The Suave Seven." These seven new Brothers are: Ricky Amos of Gulfport, Mississippi; LaMar Cartwright of Chicago, Illinois; Conrad Charles of The Virgin Islands; Rivers Frederick, Christopher Haydel, Elton Haydel and Steven Morris, all from New Orleans. During the year of 1983-84 several brothers have joined hands in matrimony with the ladies of their hearts. These Brothers are John Robinson, Alfonso Robinson, Clinton Anderson, Reginald Taylor and C. C. Haydel. We wish all of them happiness in the years to come.
texos Houston Brothers toke to the sky
The Brothers of Alpha Eta Lambda heartily greet you! We are proud to report that last year we realized significant developments—both individually and collectively. We initiated six new hard-working and already productive Brothers: Elroy Brown, John E. Codwell, III, Charles Cooper, Curtis Cooper, Bobby English, Jr., and Archer Scott. We applaud the accomplishments of two native Houstonians. Brother Al Edwards, a State Representative, was the state chairman for the Reverend Jesse Jackson's presidential campaign and after the Democratic Convention, was selected to work with voter registration in former Vice President Walter Mondale's campaign. We also welcomed Brother Samuel Green back to the city. Brother Green was appointed Postmaster at our General Post Office. The Sphinx/Winter 1984
Alpha Eta lambda Brothers who are members of the Bronze Eagles Flying Club "took to the sky"— offering free plane rides and aviation education to local youth.
In the area of community service, members of our Chapter sponsored, organized and conducted money management, crime prevention, and child abuse seminars which enlightened and inspired community residents. We held our 11th Annual Alpha Merit Scholarships and Awards Banquet where ambitious young men earned $2,000 in scholarships. The highlight of our community service concerns our participation in the "Take it to the Sky" program. Brothers who are licensed airplane pilots and other members of the Bronze Eagle Flying Club of Texas volunteered to give free plane rides to kids. The children were given a brief history of the airplane, and were also shown parts of the plane and told their functions. The event demonstrated to them that it is possible for blacks to achieve . . . both as pilots and aircraft owners. Many, if not all, of these youngsters had never flown in an airplane and, Brothers, their starlit eyes and glowing faces fully expressed fervent happiness. They had experienced what we know is " . . . the poetic palace where human feeling is rhymed to celestial motives...".
Brothers Dave Alexander and Gerald Joseph deserve all plaudits. They helped organize an event that stimulated positive inspiration and received multi-media coverage. Finally, Brothers, when we closed out the fiscal year 1983-84 we had earned a special distinction. Our ac-
tive membership qualified us as one of the ten largest chapters in Alphadom.
grombling state u Delta Sigma marches toward the light Greetings once again, to the Brothers of Alpha. The Brothers of Delta Sigma Chapter (Grambling State University) continue to uphold the light of success for our great fraterniI will start by giving tribute to the neophyte Brothers of the Fall '83 Nguzo Saba line. Remember!, without new life, our fraternity would not survive. Their line represents the "Seven Realistic Values of the Black Man". Introducing the Fall '83 line: Brothers Rufus Matthews, Melvin Tate, Bruce Currie, Terry Savoy and Hakim Baxter. The neophytes are devoted Brothers. Brother Terry Savoy was elected President of the Student Government Association for the '84-'85 school year. This was the first time a sophomore was elected to this prestigious position in Grambling's history. Brother Hakim Baxter also made history by being elected S.G.A. Vice President, as a sophomore, for the '84-'85 school year. Brother Melvin Tate was elected Junior Class 39
Vice President for the '84-'85 school session. Yes, the new brothers are ready to achieve success for Alpha. The prophytes are also achievers. Brother Darren Boykins was appointed Chief-of-Staff of the S.G.A. for the '84-'84 school year. Brother Boykins is also the first person in Grambling State University's history to win three chess tournaments in a row in the Student Union Board Tourn a m e n t . Brother Robert Killins (S.G.A. President, '83-'84) graduated cum laude. Brothers Dwayne Price and Victor Mitchell graduated as well. The 1983-84 year was a historymaking year for our Chapter. The Mayor of Grambling issued a proclamation making the week of April 5-12 Alpha Phi Alpha and Alpha Kappa Alpha Week. We participated in a host of activities. In addition to maintaining the first place award for having the highest scholastic average among Greeks on campus, we assisted in hosting our first State Convention on our campus. Eta Kappa (Louisiana Tech University) and Epsilon Kappa Lambda were the other hosts. Both the business and social parts of the convention were a great success. As for service projects, we pledged $250.00 to both the G.S.U. Foundation and Rev. Jesse Jackson. We carried people to the polls to vote during the May 5th Louisiana primary. Also, we participated in several beautification projects on campus. Finally, our current officers are as follows: Darren Boykins, President; Bruce Currie, Vice President; Rufus Matthews, Secretary; Cary Crawford, Treasurer; O. Moss, Dean of Pledges; Terry Savoy, Editor-to-the-Sphinx; and Robert Killins, Jr., Historian. We here at Delta Sigma are truly marching onward toward the light for Alpha.
langston u Beta Koppo honors Ozell Sutton Beta Kappa Chapter of Langston University at Langston, Oklahoma, extends warm greetings to General President Ozell Sutton, Charles Teamer, and to all Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha. 40
Members of Beta Kappa Chapter recently hosted General President Ozell Sutton on the Langston University campus. Seated center front is Brother Ira Hall, a charter member of Beta Kappa.
Beta Kappa was proud to have hosted a banquet in honor of Brother Ozell Sutton November 13, 1984 during his two day visit to Langston University. The theme of the occasion was, "We've Struck It Rich With Alpha." After dining, and entertainment by Brother Reggie Holloway, Brother Sutton gave a few remarks. He said, "Fellowship with each other is good, but the greatest fellowship is Alpha Phi Alpha having the opport u n i t y to f e l l o w s h i p w i t h all distinguished m e n . " Sutton added, "We must work with fellowship to make it better for all m e n . " Beta Kappa presented Sutton with a plaque, thanking him for his devoted time and success as General President of Alpha Phi Alpha. On day two of the visit to Langston, Brother Sutton implemented his purpose for coming to Langston University by serving as guest speaker for the observance of American Education Week. The theme was "Education Excellence: Our Nation's Strongest Defense." Sutton spoke to more than 1000 college and high school students, stressing the importance of dedication, motivation, and commitment to education. After Sutton spoke to the assembly, he was awarded a plaque from Zeta Lambda C h a p t e r of Langston, Oklahoma. It was quite an honor for Brother Sutton to visit Langston
University. Beta Kappa wishes him a warm farewell, and continued success. We, the Brothers of Beta Kappa Chapter, are working hard to overcome the struggle.
north texos stote Eto Epsilon Chapter "Making History" The Brothers of the Eta Epsilon Chapter at North Texas State Univeristy in Denton, Texas send their fraternal greetings to all Brothers in Alpha. The Brothers of Eta Epsilon had the best productive year in its history of 14 years. In January the Brothers began the new with a disco to raise funds for the Henry A. Callis Scholarships. Our spring informal and formal smokers were held, while Brother Darryl Thornton was named one of the Most Outstanding Greeks on campus at the Interfraternal Council Formal Bid Acceptance. In February the Brothers gave a preValentine jam with Dallas KKDA-104 FM radio d.j. Scott West. The chapter also had its presence felt at the Texas State Convention in Arlington, Texas. The chapter made a second place sweep in the scrapbook, stomp conThe Sphinx/Winter 1984
test, and Chapter of the Year awards. Brother DeWayne Charleston was first runner-up in the Oratorical contest; Brother Thornton was named College Brother of the Year, and Brother Marvin Richardson was elected Vice President of the Texas State Council of Alpha Chapters for this year. The lovely Miss Jennifer Mooney represented our chapter in the Miss Black & Gold Pageant, placing second runner-up. February also marked the birth of the " N o t o r i o u s " , our chapter's first newsletter. Brother Kelley Webster served as our first editor. The Brothers won the fraternity and overall division of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Greek show (NTSU). In March the Brothers also won first place in the Brothers of Delta Theta Chapter (Texas Southern U.) Greek show. We joined with the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (NTSU) in a show mixer before their show. April brought the Brothers their third consecutive first place finish at the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. (NTSU) Greek show. This month was the closing of our 2nd place finish in the basketball intramural season. We also sported our annual Greek Superstars Competition during Greek Week. We closed the spring with attendance at the Southwestern Regional Convention in Beaumont, Texas and our annual Black & Gold Ball. At the regional convention, Brother Thornton was runner-up in the College Brother of the Year award and elected the Regional Assistant Vice President. Brother Webster was elected to the position of Assistant Secretary of the region. At our Black & Gold Ball this year, Brother Kevin Carreathers served as our Keynote Speaker (a former member and President of our Chapter, now of Epsilon Tau Lambda), spoke on our theme —"Eta Epsilon Making History." Our Chapter took a big step into development of college life as a service to the fraternity as we truly made history. This spring we were joined by the "Three Dimensions of Elegance" into our brotherhood. They are Brothers Zachary Hawkins, Marcus Higgs, and Jeffery King. The officers for our 1984-85 year are Brothers Marvin Richardson, President; Norris Minter, Vice President; Kenneth Waters, Secretary; Willie The Sphinx/Winter 1984
Smith, Jr., Treasurer; Alvin Pollard, Jr., Corresponding Secretary; Kelley Webster, Dean of Pledges; Jeffrey Ransom, Assistant Dean of Pledges; Jan Williams, Parliamentarian; DeWayne Charleston, Historian; and Jeffery King, Chaplain. This Fall the Brothers started the year off with our annual "Back to School Bash" on the campus. The program featured soda, gift packs, dancing, music, and most of all, a voters registration drive as a service to the students, faculty and staff. The chapter's fall informal and formal smokers were held, and participation in the football intramural season made up the month of September. October was the time to enjoy two service projects—visiting the community home for the elderly for an afternoon of bingo and sharing; and hosting several underprivileged children and young adults at their state school in Denton, Texas for a Halloween party.
WEST Colorado state u The 3rd year for Omicron Tau
Greetings to all Brothers from the Brothers of Omicron Tau Chapter in Fort Collins, Colorado, Colorado State University. We are in our third year of experiencing Alpha brotherhood and are happy to report that we are on the move. In the Spring semester of 1984, the Chapter Brothers—Joseph Harris, Kevin Franklin, Milton Norton, Allan S m i t h , Dale W i l b u r n , Derrik Halcromb, and Joseph Rogers—officially recorded the second highest grade point average of all seventeen Greek organizations on campus. During the same semester, we took first place in the fourth annual state-wide "Greek Step and Stomp Show." Activities for the Fall semester included the celebration of our Founders Day on November 10, 1984 and the continuation of our Big Brother, Big Sister program. During the Fall semester, we also organized the Alpha Phi Alpha Study Club,
where the Brothers volunteered time and academically helped fellow students in the areas of science, math, computer languages, and business courses. Finally, the Brothers of Omicron Tau would like to congratulate the following c h a r t e r B r o t h e r s in g r a d u a t i n g a n d p u r s u i n g their careers—Brothers Gerold Brown, Wellington Williams, James Darden, Kevin Franklin, and Allan Smith.
ucla Gamma Xi launches Pi Kappa
The Brothers of Gamma Xi Chapter at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) wish to extend their greetings to all of Alphadom. The past year was a very successful one, and we expect the next one to be even more so. The crowning achievement of last year was the establishment of Pi Kappa Chapter at the California State University, Northridge—which was by Brothers made at Gamma Xi. We wish good luck to Pi Kappa in all their endeavors. Turning an eye toward the future: on the immediate horizon, Gamma Xi has the honor of being the first undergraduate chapter to host the Southern California Area Founders Day Luncheon. Also in December, we will distribute toys to children who otherwise might not receive them in an effort to make their holidays a little more festive. In early 1985, we are sponsoring our Annual King Week celebration in memoriam of our Brother Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. This annual event is always one the entire campus looks forward to and enjoys. We would like to congratulate the two lines who crossed the sands at Gamma Xi in 1984: "Ubuyne"—Cecil Howard, Rene Valdry, Brian Williams and Curtis Lipkins; and "Ngambi"— Darryl Willoughby, David Dix and Bernard Ussery. The officers for 1984-85 are: Terry Allen, President; Brian Williams, Vice President; Daryll W i l l o u g h b y , Secretary; Kevin Golden, Treasurer; David Peters, Dean of Pledges; Rene Valdry, Sergeant-at-Arms; Bernard Ussery, Parliamentarian. 41
OrriGga C b a p t e R Laurence T. Young,
Brother LEON J. CARTER, III (age 39) entered Omega Chapter September 19, 1984 following a brief illness. Brother Carter was the Director of Minority Affairs at the University of Toledo - he was a poet - and more recently a U.S. Navy Reserve Lieutenant Commander. Prior to his connection at the University of Toledo, Brother Carter served at the University as special programs counselor and Director of the " U p w a r d Bound" program.
son, Morris, Jr.; a daughter, Karen - and many other collateral relatives and friends.
Brother Carter, a Beta Omicron initiate, was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force Reserves upon graduation from Tennessee State University in 1966; he received a Master's degree from the University of Toledo, and was a doctoral candidate at the University. Brother Carter served in the Air Force from 1966-69 when he was honorably discharged as Captain for air tactical intelligence. At the time of his passing, he was serving as campus liaison officer for the Navy Reserves. Funeral services were held at Gesu Jesuit Church on the 21st of September, followed by military rites and burial in Toledo's Calvary Cemetery. He is survived by a devoted wife, Louise; a daughter, Andrya; a sister, Leony; a brother, Michael; and father, Leon, Jr.
Brother MORRIS JAMES CRAWFORD entered Omega Chapter. He was born November 30, 1922 in Texarkana, Texas. His elementary and secondary education was received in the public schools of Texarkana, Texas. He received his Bachelor and Master's Degrees from Prairie View A & M University, and his postg r a d u a t e work w a s accomplished at Texas A & M University. Brother Crawford was an outstanding educator, and exerted a positive influence on children, as well as his co-workers and associates. His professional career included Agricultural Extension Agent State of Texas; 39 years of dedicated service to the Austin Independent School District; and Assistant Principal of Burnet Junior High School for 14 years. Brother Crawford was a member of many civic, social, national and international organizations; he was an ardent Churchman, serving Ebenezer Baptist Church in Austin. Funeral rites were conducted by the Reverend Marvin C. Griffin at Ebenezer Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Lucille; a
Brother RUSSELL R. DEBOW entered Omega Chapter November 20, 1984, at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital in Chxago following a brief illness. He was born August 5, 1913, in Lovejoy, Illinois, where he received his elementary and secondary education. Brother DeBow earned his Baccalaureate degree at Illinois' State Normal University -he attended Georgetown University Law School, Washington, D.C. and eaned his JURIS DOCTOR degree from DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois. He served four years as an Associate Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County (from 1967-71); then he was elected a Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, which post he held until his untimely passing. Brother DeBow was Chairman of the Judicial Council of the National Bar Association; a member of the Board of Directors of the Cook County Bar Association; and a member of the Chicago and American Bar Associations. He was a great churchman - he served on the Board of Trustees of Greater Institutional A.M.E. Church. Brother DeBow was a Life Member of the Fraternity, and an officer of the Great Lakes Elk Lodge #43. He is listed in "Who's Who in America" and "Who's Who in American Law." Brother DeBow was accorded Omega Services November 24th, at Institutional Church - prior to the Funeral Obsequies, which were conducted by Reverend Jesse W. Cotton. Brother DeBow was married to Ruth Duncan of Chicago, and to this union two children were born. He is survived by his wife, and a daughter, Dolores.
Brother O. H. ELLIOTT, , age 75 years, entered Omega Chapter February 2, 1984 - in his home in Austin, Texas, following an extended illness. Brother Elliott was born in Hope, Arkansas, December 16, 1909, where he received his elementary and secondary education, receiving a Bachelor's degree from the University of Kansas. Brother Elliott's life was in- "?% extricably woven into the life f of Huston-Tillotson College V •' in Austin, Texas, where he was a Lifetime Honorary Trustee - and where he was awarded the Honorary Degree of Humanities by T h e S p h i n x / W i n t e r 1984
the institution. A deep commitment to the United Methodist Church has been an impelling force in Brother Elliott's life. He served the Church as Chairman of the Trustee Board for many years; he also held many offices in the Texas Conference. Funeral services were held at the Wesley United Methodist Church, with the Reverend Freddie B. Dixon officiating. He is survived by his wife, Thelma; his daughters, Ora and Karen, many other collateral relatives, and a host of friends.
Brother CHARLES L. EVANS, age 76, entered Omega Chapter August 17, 1984, at his home in Richmond, Virginia, following an extended illness. Brother Evans, a Life Member of the Fraternity, was born in Pleasantville, New Jersey, where he received his elementary and secondary education. his collegiate work was accomplished (Baccalaureate and Master's degrees) at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, and his doctorate in Divinity from Virginia Union University in Richmond. Brother Evans, an administrative Christian educator, devoted his life to the improvement of Christian educational opportunities for all mankind. In addition to being a member of the Board of Trustees of Virginia Union University, he was also a founder and first secretary of the Children's Home of Virginia Baptist, Inc. In 1946 he assumed the position of Executive Secretary for the Baptist General Convention of Virginia, which post he held for 31 years. Funeral rites were held August 21, 1984, at the Second Baptist Church, the Reverend O. D. Brown officiating. He is survived by his wife Priscilla, a daughter, Sandra, a sister, Florence, many collateral relatives and a host of friends.
Brother CALVIN JONES, 51, of Delta Phi Lambda Chapter, Selma, Alabama, entered Omega Chapter on October 12, 1984 after a very brief illness. Brother Jones graduated from R. B. Hudson High School and received his B.A. degree from Knoxville College in Knoxville, Tennessee. Further studies were done at Springfield College extension in Black Mountain. North Carolina. Brother Jones served as Executive Director of the Brown YMCA for the past twenty-four years, until his untimely death. His philosophy was that the YMCA was ar. institution where youth could be encouraged to succeed. He was an inspirational figure for the young community and provided educational and spiritual guidance. Brother Jones received many awards and honors and was affiliated with numerous organizations. He served as President of the Deacon Board of the Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Knoxville College Alumni Association of Greater Alabama; and was a member of the Twelve High Club; NAACP; Pride of Alabama Elks Lodge; Chesterfield Club; John L. Garrett Masonic
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
Lodge #641; Sojourner Truth Chapter #65, Order of the Eastern Stars; and Y's Men Club International. Survivors include his devoted wife Juanita; one son, Eugene; one daughter, Cynthia; four brothers, four sisters, and many relatives and friends.
Brother KENNETH RANDALL, age 23, was born in Detroit, Michigan, October 18, 1960, the youngest of seven children. He was brutally shot down while playing basketball in downtown Detroit, Michigan. The motive for the shooting is not clear, and the culprit had not been apprehended at press time. Brother Randall received his elementary and secondary education in Detroit - and was in his senior year at Wayne State University (Michigan). His plans were to attend Howard University, Washington, D.C. and enter the Dental program there. He was co-founder of Omicron Mu Chapter. Funeral rites were held at St. John Congregational Church in Detroit, October 10, 1984. He is survived by his devoted parents, four brothers, two sisters - many uncles and aunts, cousins, nephews and nieces - all of whom mourn his passing. Brother RAMON S. SCRUGGS, age 75, civil rights activist, entered Omega Chapter October 6, 1984, in his home, Los Angeles, California - tragically, through violence, not of his own making. The home in which he lived in south central Los Angeles was burglarized; the perpetrator shot and killed Brother Scruggs, his wife, and his mother-in-law. The bodies were discovered October 9th -several days after this event. The motive for the slaying has not been determined nor has anyone been apprehended in connection therewith. Brother Scruggs was an ex-officer and Minority Affairs Director of A.T.&T. Corporation until his recent retirement. Brother Scruggs closed out a telephone company career that not only spanned more than a third of a century,, but that has helped enlarge immeasurably the human dimensions of this business. At a time when most companies in the country had not ventured into the employment of black people - except in menial positions - Brother Scruggs was the first to represent the breakthrough which carried with it a special set of problems and frustrations. Brother Scruggs experienced both overt and covert expressions of hostility and prejudice - and there was the pressure, too, from the black community and the media that he do right and make good, so that others in time could follow. In 1973, at the annual Whitney M. Young Jr. Corporate Excellence Award dinner, Brother Scruggs, the main speaker, said: "I want to see black professionals get to the job of providing more services that will compete in an open market. I want to see black businessmen follow the same line." Brother Scruggs is survived by a son and a daughter - the daughter had the remains moved to Detroit, Michigan for proper interment.
Brother ARNOLD WOOD WRIGHT, Sr. entered Omega Chapter October 7, 1984 in Frankfort, Kentucky, following a brief illness. Brother Wright was bom in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, April 5, 1910, was reared in Galveston, Texas - and has lived in Frankfort, Kentucky, since 1936. He received his elementary and s e c o n d a r y e d u c a t i o n in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and his professional education at Morehouse College, Alabama State College, Atlanta University, the University of Wisconsin and the University of Colorado.
Brother Wright was an active Alpha Brother for many years both on a local and a national level. For many years he served as National Awards Chairman. He also served as Advisor to several Midwestern Presidents, and held many other Chapter and National offices. Brother Wright, who was on the faculty of Kentucky State University for 39 years, recently retired and was granted the rank of Faculty Emeritus. He was the former Executive Secretary of the Bluegrass Crime Council and a former member of the Frankfort Community Council. He also had membership in many other local and national organizations. Brother Wright's obsequies were held October 10th, at St. John A.M.E. Church, with the Reverend Melvin Hughes officiating. Brother Wright was affectionately known as "Oke Doke"; he is survived by his wife, Lillian; a daughter, Sandra; a son, Arnold, Jr.; a brother, a sister, and many collateral relatives and friends.
OmeQa Chapters All chapters and Brothers are urged to submit the names of Brothers transferred to Omega Chapter during the past year — so that proper tribute may be offered at the General Convention.
Chapterof Initiation
Last Chapter of Affiliation
SS#. Last Chapter of Affiliation
Last Chapter of Affiliation
Chapter of Initiation
Chapterof Initiation
Last Chapter of Affiliation Name
Chapterof Initiation
Last Chapter of Affiliation Name
Chapterof Initiation
Last Chapter of Affiliation Name
Chapter of Initiation
Last Chapter of Affiliation Name
Chapterof Initiation
Last Chapter of Affiliation Name
Chapter of Initiation Return to: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Attn.: Membership Department 4432 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Chicago, IL 60653
T h e S p h i n x / W i n t e r 1984
Henry A. Callis, M D .
Charles H. Chapman
Eugene Kinckle Jones
George B. Kelley
Nathaniel A. Murray
Robert H. Ogle
Vertner W. 1 .inch
GENERAL OFFICERS NOTE: This listing updated *s of February 1, 1985
GENERAL PRESIDENT - Charles C. Teamer, Sr., 2601 GentUly Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70122 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - James B. Blanton, 4432 King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653 GENERAL TREASURER - James M. Trent, 4523 Woodgate Way, Mitchellville, MD 20715 GENERAL COUNSEL - Milton C. Davis, 1202 Montgomery Rd., Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 HISTORIAN - Charles H. Wesley, 7632 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20012 COMPTROLLER — Thomas R. Hunt, 9 Rickover Court, Annapolis, MD 21401 DIRECTOR - GENERAL CONVENTIONS - Kermit J. Hall, 100 Fairview Ave., Yeadon, PA 19050 VICE PRESIDENTS EASTERN - William Ross, Jr., 5205 Overbrook Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131 MIDWESTERN - Ivan L. Cotman, 20141 Mclntyre, Detroit, MI 48219 SOUTHERN - Augustus M. Witherspoon, 2701 Rothgeb Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 SOUTHWESTERN - Raymond E. Carreathers, P.O. Drawer " N " , Prairie View, TX 77446 WESTERN — Norman E. W. Towels, Suite 177, 3243 Arlington Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS EASTERN — Glenn P. Thomas, II, 120 DuBois Hall, Hampton Institute, Hampton, VA 23668 MIDWESTERN - Gregory L. Williams, 905 N. Main - Box 333, Wichita, KS 67202 SOUTHERN - Van B. Sapp, 303 Neal Street, Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 SOUTHWESTERN - Darryl G. Thornton, P.O. Box 7501, North Texas State University, Denton, TX 76203 WESTERN - James D. Key, 4174 - 6th Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90008
Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. GENERAL OFFICE: 4432 Martin Luther King Drive Chicago, IL 60653 Telephone: (312) 373-1819
Walter W . Sullivan, C h a i r m a n 1800 New Hope Road, SW A t l a n t a . G A 30331 James B. Blanton, Secretary James M. Trent, Treasurer Milton C. Davis, Counsel William J. Harber II Ernest L. Holloway Henry Ponder Holloway Sells Langston Smith Jim "Dave" Wilson Charles C. Teamer, Sr., Ex-Officio
Alpha Phi Alpha Building Foundation, Inc. W a y n e C. Harvey, C h a i r m a n 8775 W . Kingsbury University City. M O 63124
James B. Blanton, Executive Secretary Michael J. Price, Assistant Executive Secretary Editor-in-Chief, The Sphinx Waldo E. Johnson, Assistant Executive Secretary - Programs Darryl R. Matthews, Director - Marketing / Memberships
James B. Blanton, Secretary James M. Trent, Treasurer Milton C. Davis, Counsel Mitchell Albert, Jr. W. Mingo Clark Albert Holland Allen Killings Herbert Marshall Tommy L. Miller, III Charles C. Teamer, Sr., Ex-Officio
B. Andrew Rose'
Roscoe C. Giles'
W. A. Pollard*
William H. Hale*
Frederick Miller Drawer "M"
Daniel D. Fowler*
Charles H. Wesley 7632 17th Street. N.W. Washington. DC 20012
L. L. McGee*
Rayford W. Logan*
124 S.W. 23rd Gainesville. FL 32601
James R. Williams* 584 Avalon Akron OH 44320
Lionel H. Newsom Central State University Wilberiorce. OH 45384
Ozell Sutton 1640 Loch Lomond Trail Atlanta, GA 30331
Ernest N. Morial 1101 Harrison Avenue New Orleans. LA 70122
Moses Melvin Morrison*
M o u n d Bayou. MS 38762
Charles H. Garvin* Henry L. Dickason* Henry Arthur Callis'
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
S. S. BookerRaymond W. Cannon 2008 Virginia Road Los Angeles, CA 9001*
Belford V. Lawson, Jr. * A. Maceo Smith* Frank L. Stanley, Sr.*
*Myles A. Paige
T. Winston Cole
Walter Washington Alcorn State University Lorman. MS 39096
m, Directory of Chapters All chapters are required to submit a "Chapter Directory" to the General Office within ten (10) days after the election of chapter officers. This form should list the chapter's "Official Contact person"—to whom all chapter mail is sent. This listing contains only addresses sent to the General Office for 1984-85 as of January 1, 1965.
LEGEND I (A) (P) (CS) (S) (FS) (RS)
•MM* Elmer Moore 271? Tennyson SI NW Washington DC 20015 COLLEGE CHAPTERS KiptwPhi [U of Liberia CullingtonColl •4391 Noflepofl ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eptilon T M i limbdi IHarrnlton Bermuda o219l No Report ( I I Eptilon Limbdi (Monrovia Liberia »260( No Repot t Tfttu Eptilon limbdi (St Ttiomas VI «282( No Report Thttl tint! LimbOi (Fianktort Geimany "285' Lt Col Donald C Thomas J' I PI Weihetslrasseo7 6797Waldmohr W Getmany loll Eptilon Iimbda (Nassau Bahamas »S06) No Report loll Sigma Limbdi (St Ooix VI »5I8) No Report Mu Phi Limbdi (Seoul South Korea *56br Cpl Michael A ByrdlS) Commander 595th Ml Co APO SF 96301 NEWENELAND HUB Jesse Parks 184 Middlesex Spr.nglield MA 01109 COLLEGE CHAPTERS HjM (Melropoiitan H7i Gregory Cook (Pi 43 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge MA 02139 Alpha Garnni (Brown U "25. Kenneth Elmore (Pi Box 1167 Brown University Providence fll 02912 Alpha Kippi (Metropolitan <32i Anthony SilvaiPl Bo<241 American Int I College Spri.igl.eld MA01109 Thoti Jin iDartmoulh College "3811 Derek Sells (Pi Hrnman Boi 5024 Manover NH 03755 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eptilon Comma Limbdi (Boston -12141 NoReporl Thou loti Limbdi (Sprrnglield *286l Jesse Parks (Pi 184 Middlesex Sprrnglield MA 01109 MuTMULimUl (Providence «553l No Report Mi I I L.-modi (Sudbury OSaut No Report
Advisor President Corresponding Secretary Secretary Financial Secretary Recording Secretary WESTERN NEW ENGLAND Director Ronald Manning 140 Slinson Road New Haven CT 06513 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zoti (ValeU »6> Willie J Lovelle Ji (Pi Box 2388 Vale Slalron New Haven CT 06520 Kippi Oolli (Uot Connecticut "423i No Repot I Mu PM lU ol Bridgeport «461i Joel Roach(Si 1284 Park Avenue Bridgeport CT 06604 MuPli (SCSC »463> NoReporl ALUMNI CHAPTERS Boll Sigmi Limbdi (Harttord 01611 John E Robinson IPI 123McKinley NewBi.tain CT 06053 Zlll Phi Limbdi (Slanlord »253l JohnC Dunn Jr iCSi P 0 Box 96 Stantoid CT 06904 Eli Alpbi Limbdi iNew Haven «256i LoganM HilhPi 42 Bungay Terrace Seymour CT 06483 METRO NEW YORK Olroclor Clifford R Clemmons 221 25 Manor Road Oueens Village NY 11427 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Ell (Metropolitan »7i NoRepoit Delia Cbi (Brooklyn College "308i George Smith (Pi Alpha Phi Alpha Fiatemity Delta Chi Chapter Brooklyn NV 11202 7ill Ell (Columbia U »338l Isaac Williams Ji IPI 838 Riverside Drive oio New York NY 10032 Thola Epsllon (AdelphiaU - «380l No Report Kippi Rho iC W Post College - 04351 Marshall L Green ISI 25 Mould re Avenue Yonkers NY 10710
IIPlI (Hotslra University - 07071 David A CnchlowlPl Box 42 Student Center Hotslra Universily Hempstead NY 11550 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Aloha Gimmi Limbdi (New York - 01251 Frank W Johnson iCSl 460 West !53Slreel New York NY 10031 Gimmi M i Limbdi (Brooklyn Long Island - 01751 JohnM Williams (SI 51 Alabama Avenue Hempstead NY 11550
2oli 7iu Limbdi (St Albans - «239i Conrad Moore (CSI 99-14 203rd Street Mollis NY 11423 Eta Zen Limbdi (NewRochelle 02611 StevenB Skinner iPl P 0 Box 675 New Rochelle NY 10802 Ell Thill Limbdi (Wyandance "2631 Di George L Mims(P) 885 Seneca Road W Hempstead NY 11552 En Chi Limbdi (Nyack - 12761 Walter Blounl Jr (Si P 0 Box 165 Orangeburg NY 10962 Kippi Xi Limbdi (New York o536i NoReporl Kappa Upiilon Limbdi (Mid-Hudson Valley - «542l No Report CENTRAL NEW YORK Director Eugene Sharpe III 28(1 Country Club Road Endwell NY 13760 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha (Cornell U - oil Glenn A Gregory IPI 409Elmwood Avenue Ithaca NY 14850 OHU 7oli [Syracuse U - 0941 Guy A Brown (Si P 0 Box 446 Syracuse University Stal Syracuse NY 13210 Kippi Zoti (Ulica College 04251 No Report Omlcron Upiilon Iflensselaer Polytechnic Institute 0726) Gary F Brown (Si 156 Second Street Trov NY 12180 PI loll iSlateUol New York alBinghamton - 07311 Roberl Shellon (EDI 24 Tremont Avenue 01 Binghamlon NY 13903 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Boll Pi Limbdi (Albany - 01591 Irving Smith Jr (SI 35Brarrwood Road Loudonville. NY 12211 Thou CM Limbdi (Scheneciady - 0296) No fleporl nil Thoii Limbdi [Endicoh - 0509) NO Report loll loll Limbdi (Rome 05101 NoHeport (oil Kippa I amorti (Syracuse *511l NoReporl WESTERN NEW YORK Olroclor Rulus McGee 10 Locusl Street Rochester NY 14606
(T) (ES) (VP) (DOP) ifjp) (AS) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Eptilon IU ol Buffalo - 0931 Jonathan Weslbrook (HI 53 Monhcello Place Buffalo NY 14214 Mu Sigma (UolRochesler 04581 Carlton Smrth(T) 94 Colony Manor Drive Rochester NY 14633 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho Lambdl (Buffalo »116l Robert LindeilCS) 141 Chatham Ave Buffalo NY 14216 Ell Rho Lambdl (Rochesler - 02711 Carl Hilton iCSl 135 Fanhill Drive Rocheslei NY 14618 NORTHERN NEW JERSEY Director Jim Wilson 4 Weslminisler Drive Livingslon NJ 07039 COLLEGE CHAPTERS loll Rho (Newark College 01 Engineer mg -04131 Alfredo Newman (CSI 689 South 18IhSlreel Newark NJ 07103 Omicron Zttl (Fairletgh Dickinson U - 07131 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc 1000 River Road c/o Sludenl Activities Teaneck NJ 07666 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha Limbdi (Newark - 01231 Warren E Sherwood (Si 15 Columbus Avenue Montclair NJ 07042 Boll Alphi Limbdi (Jersey City -01451 NoReporl Delta Mu Limbdi (Paterson - 01991 Steven Allen IS) 421 Highland Avenue Passaic NJ 07055 Zola Eptilon Limbdi (Red Bank - 02381 Clarence Jones (Si 216 Murray Street Lakewood NJ 08701 Zoti Hu Limbdi (Plarnlield - 02451 No Report Kippi Thtti Limbdi (Teaneck - I 5 3 H Archie Lacey (Pi P 0 Box 1059 Teaneck NJ 07666 SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY Olroctor Emerson E Smith Jr 40 Twilight Lane Willingboro NJ 08046 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Dllta M l (Rutgers U - »97l Jeffrey Brooks (SAi 2 0enboDnve •.eplune NJ 07753
Treasurer Editor-to-the-Sphinx Vice President Dean of Pledges Dean of Pledges Assistant Secretary
Iota loll (Trenlon Stale College •406) David MagettelPi 165 12th Avenue Paterson NJ 07501 Nu loll (Glassboro Slale - 1472) William H Myers lAI 227L Parkcrest Village Glassboro NJ 08028 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Then Limbdi (AllanlicCity H30i 0 C EdwardslPl 310 North Illinois Avenue AllanlicCity NJ 08401 Zela Iota Limbdi (Trenton »242l McCrayBusseylPl 109J Norlhgate Garden Apis Cranbury NJ 08512 Then Psi Lambda (Somersel »299) No Report Kippi loll Limbdi (Burhnglon County »532l Clarence Martin ISI P0 Box 109 Willingboro NJ 08O46 Nu Gimmi Limbdi (Glassboro - 05701 John I Bunting (Si 125 0akSlreel Bndgepoil CT 08302 EAST PENNSYLVANIA Director Roberl Myers 2 Hercules Court Sewell NJ 08030 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Nu (Lincoln U -»121 Craig Slarks (PI Lincoln University Box 1211 Lincoln Universily PA 19104 Pli lU of Pennsylvania - 0221 Gregory Williams (Pi 3820 Locusl Walk Philadelphia PA 19104 Ollll PI (Cheney U -1302) Ernest Harvey(Si King Hall Room 322 Cheyney PA 19319 Zlll Pli (West Chester State College -03531 Frederick R Odom Jr IPl f 0 Box 2730 W C U West Chester PA 19383 Iota Sigma (Millersville Slate College •4141 James Clark (Pi 10-ABrookwood Apl Millersville PA 17551 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho (Philadelphia «16I Richard Bryan iSl 17 Wesl Brook Drive CheiryHill NJ 08003 Zola Then Limbdi (Hamsburg 0241) Joseph Robinson Jr (Si P 0 Box 10436 Hamsburg VA 17106 Zoti Omlcron Limbdi (Philadelphia - »247) Russell L Brown (P) 5911 Devon Place Philadelphia PA 19138
WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Director Harry Sudd 142 Maple Slreet Slippery Rock PA 16057 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Omicron IU of Pittsburgh ol4l NoReporl Gimma Nu [Pennsylvania Slate U - o78l Kirk Wiggins (FSi 672F East Prospect Ave SI College PA 16801 XiMu (Slippery Rock Stale College •496) OiiinlonM BlctntontPl P 0 Box 242 Slippery Rock PA 16057 XI Sigma (Indiana Uol Pennsylvania - »702l Larry W Hinson (Pi Box l/OOFolger Dining HaM Indiana PA 19104 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Omicron Limbdi (Pittsburgh »I36I Harry L Sudd iPl 142 Maple Slreet Slippery Rock PA 16057 Kappa Ben limbdi (Erie 05251 No Report Nu Upiilon Limbdi (Pittsburgh - »586l Lloyd Moore (S) PO Box 2684 Pittsburgh PA 15230 DELAWARE Director Warren Scott 23 Spectrum Drive Newark DE 19713 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gimmi Sigma (Delaware Sidle College •83) Mark A Henry (Pi Box 449 Delaware Stale Dover DE 19901
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
Xi Omlcron (U 01 Delaware - #499) Byron S Bullock (A) 5024 N Tupelo Turn Wilmington DE 1980S ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gimmi Thili Limbdi (Wilmington - #1741 David L Douglas IPI P 0 Box 1622 Wilminglon DE 19899 Zlll Rho lambda IDovei - #2491 Marshall P Arnell IP) 75 Hitching Post Dr ive Dover DE 19901 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Director RyleBell 8127 Springfield tillage Drive Springfield VA 22152 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta (Howard U - "2l No Report NuBela (American U - »465l No Report Omicron Omlcron [UDC-17211 John Johnson (Pi 609 0 Slreel NW»5 Washington DC 20001 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Mu Lambda (Washington — #111| Osmond H Brown (Pi SLonglellowSlreelNW Washington DC 20011 Omicron Lambda Alpha (Washinglon - #5001 Christopher C Womack I P I 4423 Iowa Ave . NW Washington DC 20011 MARYLAND Director hanley Norment 12500 Arbor View Terrace Silver Spring MD 20902 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Bela Alpha iMorgan Stale U - #45l CorvelliA McDameKPl 2601 Pernng Manoi Road Apailmenl G Baltimore MO 21234 Delia Mu lU of Maryland ES - »100i Gordon E Canly iCSl U M E S P 0 Box 1844 Princess Anne MD 21853 Ela Zltl (Bowie Slate College - #359) No Report Iota Zela lUol Maryland »403i Brell Chapman (Pi 1205 Potomac Avenue SE Washington DC 20003 MuRho (TowsonStale - »457i Sherwood Davis ICSl Box 2074 Towson Slate Univ Towson MD 21204 Mu Upsilon [Froslbuig Slale College - #4601 NoRepoit Nu Kappa fUM Balnmoie County 04731 No Repot! Pi Then (Coppin Stale College #737i NoRepoit ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Lambda iBallimoie --#1041 No Report Delia Omicron Limbdi (Princess Anne - #203l Delta Omicion Lambda P 0 Box 247 University ol Maryland Eastern Shore Princess Anne MD 21853 Ela Eta Lambda lAnnapolis - #2621 No Report loti Alpha Limbdi (Aberdeen - #502) Brady B Johnson (Pi 436Cokesbury Road Port Deposit MO 21904 lota Uptilon Lambda (Silver Spring - #5201 Aduan V Nelson |S| 4005Manoi Park Court Rockville MO 20853 Kappi Epsilon Limbdi (Landovei - #5281 Rotten BivenslCSl P 0 Box 2188 Capital Plaza Drive Hyallsville MD 20784 Kappa Kappa Limbdi (Baltimore - #5331 Austin Groom (CS) 429 E LaFayette Avenue Baltimore MO 21202 Kappi Phi Limbdi IColumbia - #5431 Harold Payne (P| 6140 Gale Sill Columbia MO 21045 Xi Xi lambda
(Frederick - #6021 Johnnie Mac Twine (Pi P 0 Box 1084 Frederick M021701
NORTHERN VIRGINIA Director J A Mann 9525HealhwoodCouil Burke VA 22015 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gimmi (Virginia Union U - #31 Claience Cotton Jt {Pi 1500NoilhLombardy St Richmond VA 23220 Theta Rho (Virginia Commonweallh U - «391i Michael Robertson (Pi 3018 Peabody Lane Richmond VA 23223 loll Alpha IWashmglon & Lee U •3981 No Report loll Bela (Uol Virginia #3991 ToddLoneylCSI NewcomO Hall Box 430 Charlottesville VA 22902 Xi Delta (James Madison U #489) Kevin R Salley ICSl 9016 Tweed Road Richmond VA 23228 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Gamma Lambda (Richmond - #147) Charles E Lewis (Sl PO Box 25244 Richmond VA 23232 Gamma Alpha Lambda (Charlottesville - »167I Stephen D Waters IS) Box 3036 Charlottesville VA 22903 Zeta Upsilon Lambda (Reston #252) Paul L Bellamy Ji (Pi 9637 Courthouse Road Vienna VA 22180 Theta Rho Lambda lAtlinglon #2931 Olha L Meyers IP) 4716 Deer Run Court Alexandria VA 22306 Xi Alpha Lambda (Prince Williams Counlv - #590) Olio Williams (Pi 7318 Oulhaul Lane Butke VA 22015 Xi Delta Limbdi (Henrico County - #593) LeoH RosslPl 5210 Bonington Road Richmond VA 23234 TIDEWATER VIRGINIA Director Edward N Jones 42BainbndgeRoad Hamplon VA 23663 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma loti (Hamplon Institute #75) No Report Epsilon PI iNorlolk Stale L I - #324) Alpha Phi Alpha Epsilon Pi 2401 Coipiew Avenue Box 2033 Noilolk VA 23504 Kappa Pi (William SMaiy - #434) Claude C BeckleslPl 1424ANorlhM1 Vernon Avenue Williamsburg VA 23185 Nu Then (Old Dominion U #471) No Reporl ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeti Limbdi (Newport News n 1061 Claude Carter iCSl 12 Suburban Parkway Hampton VA 23661 Alphi Phi Limbdi INorlolk - #142) Willie Hams Ji (Pi 2145 Lloyd Onve Chesapeake VA 23325 Delia Bela Limbdi (Hampton #190| James E Blacken iRSi P 0 Box 483 Hamplon VA 23669 Epsilon lota Lambda iSullolk «220i NoRepoit Epsilon Nu Lambda IPorlsmoulh #223) Vinston Poitei (Pi 600 New Jersey Avenue Noilolk VA 23508 Nu Delia Lambda (SunyCounly #5711 NoRepoit SOUTHERN VIRGINIA Director To Be Appointed COLLEGE CHAPTERS Bell Gamma (Virginia State University - #471 Roher: Jash IVP) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc Virginia Stale University Petersburg VA23803 belli Tlu (St PaulsPolylechnic -#305) Anthony Ellis (CSl Delta Tau Chaplei St Pauls College Lawrenceville VA 23866
The Sphinx/Winter 1984
Theuwa (Virginia Polytechnic U -«384| Herbert K Berry (PI 12300L Foxndqe Apartments Blacksburg VA 24061 I I Zltl (Hampden Sydney — #491) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Nu Lambdl l Virginia Slate College -11121 RJ Hayes iCSl 21329 Sparla Drive Eltrick, VA 23803 Alpha Kippi Limbdi (Roanoke - #132) No Reporl Gimmi Nu Limbdi (Lynchburg - #178) David MoseleylPl Rt 4 Box 144 Madison Heights. VA 24572 Delia Nu Lambda (Danville - #2001 Jeremiah Hemingway (Pi PO Box601 Gretna VA 24557 Epsilon Omlcron Limbdi (Lawrenceville - #225) Ernest L Motse(CS) P 0 Box 595 South Hill VA 23970 loll Tiu Lambdl (Charlotte Court House -- #5191 Donald C Robinson (Sl Roule2 B0X30-A Saxe VA 23967 Nu Omicron Lambda (Foil Lee - #581) Michael C Walker ICSl 849 West WylheSlteet Petersburg VA 23803
MIDWEST ILLINOIS ICENTRALI Director Arthur B Cooper PO Box2085- Station A Champaign IL 61820 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Tau lU ot Illinois - #18) James E Owens III P 0 Box 5073 Champaign IL 61820 ZMNu [Eastern Illinois - #3431 Kevin Williams (Pi 316 University Union Charleston IL 61920 Ela Tau (Illinois State U - #371) Lonnie Samuel (Pi PO Box 604 Noimal IL 61761 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omlcron Limbdi Bill (Champaign - #5011 No Reporl Nu Psi Lambdl (Bloominglon - #5891 Tim Walker (Sl PO Box 1701 Bloominglon IL 61701 ILLINOIS INORTHERNI Oireclof RobettL Thuslon 1734 Grove Avenue Norlh North Chicago IL 60064 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Phi INorlhern Illinois U - #329l PaulB Cox (Tl 1325 Wesl Lincoln Hwy Apl 504 OeKalb IL 60115 MuMu (Elmhursl College #4521 David Lewis IPi 8960 South Anthony Chicago IL 60617 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Chi Lambdl iWaukegan - #544 Mezelll Williams Jr (CSl PO Box512 Norlh Chicago IL 60064 Mu Alpha Lambdl (DeKalb #546) NoRepoit Mu Mu Limbdi iGlen Ellyn «556i Robeill McMilhaniPi 542 Whitehall Way Bolhngbiook IL 60439 ILLINOIS INORTHCENTRAL l| Oireclot Oavid Shipley 7 Crestview Lane Unit #10 Vernon Hills IL 60061 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta lUol Illinois - Chicago - #8| Kenneth Daniels (Pi 9906 Van Vissigen Chicago IL 60617 Alpha Mu (Notthweslem u - #331 Morey Ganaway (CSl NornsCAO 1999 Sheridan Road Evanston IL 60201
ALUMNI CHAPTERS XI Lambdl (Chicago- #1131 Edgar Hamilton (P) 7430 South Bennett Chicago IL 60549 Zeti Xi Lambdl (Evanston - «246l Abel Smith |P) 1464 Asbury Ave Evanston it 60201 Theta Mu Limbdi Uoliel - #288) No Reporl loll Delia Limbdi (Chicago - #5051 LmwoodWallaceiSi 8439 S Dtexel Chicago IL 60619 ILLINOIS INORTH CENTRAL-ll| Oirtclor Arndel Ricks Jr 7301 S Wabash Chicago IL 60619 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Nu Delia (Chicago Stale U - #467) Danen BoldeniS) 7632 S Sangamon Chicago IL 60620 Nu E pi Hon (Lewis U - #468) Kevin N HineslSl Box #36 Lewis U Route 53 Romeoville IL 60441 Nu Rho HIT - #4791 Andre Howard IP) 3200 S Wabash. Box 15 Chicago. IL 60616 Omicron Iota iDePaul U - #716] Oatryl Robinson (Pi 7643 S Marshheld Chicago. IL 60620 Omicron Xi (RoosevellU-#720l DonnieKirksey(P) 425 S Wabash Roosevelt Univ Room 118 Chicago IL 60605 ILLINOIS ISOUTHERNI Director Richard Gardner 183 4 Evergreen Terrace Apis • 11-3A Carbondale IL 62901 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Bell Eli (Southern Illinois U - #511 No Reporl lota Pi iSIUEdwardsville- #4121 No Reporl ALUMNI CHAPTERS Oolll Epsilon Limbdi (East St Louis - #1931 Garland Hawkins (P) P 0 Box 885 E SI Louis IL 62203 Mu Kappi Limbdi (Carbondale - #555) Bradford Braxton (Sl 210'. East Oak Street Carbondale IL 62901 ILLINOIS IWESTERNI OirKtor Milton P Johnson 2009 Austin Springfield IL 62704 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Kappa (Bradley U - #3191 No Reporl Eta Ell [Western Illinois -• #3601 Milton J Pope(P) 1718W Jackson Macomb IL 61455 Pi Iota [Eureka College - #7381 Eugene Slampley Eureka College Eureka IL 61530 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kippi Pi Lambda (Peoria #5381 NoRepoil Mu Delta Lambda iSpnnglield - #5491 Louis C WebsleilS) PO Box 6191 Springfield IL 62706 Mu Chi Limbdi [Rock Island #566) Obie Houston tCS) 4794 11th Street A203 East Moline IL 61201 INOIANA ISOUTHERNI
MM Alpha Dixon 2055 Virginia #105 Gary IN 46407 COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Indiana U - »73l Guy Miller (Pi P 0 Box 1696 Bloominglon IN 47401
[Indiana State U - #347) Charles Brown (A) Afro American Culture Center Indiana State Univ Terre Haute IN 47809
AlUKNI CHAPTERS WiLimUli (Indianapolis - #1091 Leslie House (CS) 4038 N Audubon Road Indianapolis. IN 46226 Kappi Rho Lambdl (Evansville - #539) NoRepon Nu Nu Lambda (Bloominglon - #579) EiskineClmton(P) Indiana Univetsity EigenmannHall Bloominglon. IN 47405 INOIANA INORTHERNI Olrector Clarence Bentord 1127 Randolph Gary IN 46403 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gimmi Rho (Purdue #82) Darryl Farrow iSl 121 w Wood Street Apl 3 W Lafayette IN 47906 Then XI (Ball Stale u - #3881 Charles L Oockery IP) Alpha Phi Alpha WiliamsHall Box 20 Muncie IN 47306 loll Thtli (Calumet College - #4051 No Reporl ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Rho Limbdi (Gary - #182l E S Palmer 6529 Birch Avenue Gary IN 46403 Then Xi limbdi (South Bend - #2901 Inactive Then Upsilon Limbdi (Fort W a y n e - #296) Miles EdwaidslCSt 432 Dalmsn Avenue Fl Wayne IN 46806 IOWA Olrector PaulW Danlorlh 4705 S W 16th Street Des Moines IA 50315 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Then (Uol Iowa - #301 No Reporl Alpha Nu [Drake U - #341 Todd Easley (Pi 1319 30th Slreel Des Moines IA 50311 Omicron Pi ilowa Slate University - #722l No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zela Kappi Limbdi (Des Moines #243i No Reporl Mu Tiu Limbdi (Cedar Rapids - #563) No Repoit Nu Chi Lambdl Ilowa City - #588) No Reporl KANSAS If ASTERNI Director RichaidMaishall 626 Oakland Kansas City KS 66101 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Upsilon lUol Kansas #I9I James Young (Pi 1014 Mississippi Si Lawience KS 66044 Gamma Chi (Kansas Stale #87) NoRepon Kappi Tiu (Kansas Stale u »437i Richard Horton iVPl L 24 Jatdine Terrace Manhattan KS 66506 KANSAS IWESTERNI OirectDt PJ Williams 3601 Randolph Topeka KS 66611 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delia Mu IWichna Slate U #99) No Reporl Epsrlon Omicron iWashburn U »323l NoRepoit XiNu (EmporiaSlaleCollege - #497) ChailesC Colbert ISl 1200 Commercial Empona KS 66801 ALUMNI CHAPTERS OHM Eli Limbdi (Topeka - #1951 Henry Henderson 3574 Mission Topeka KS 66614 Eta Beta L i n t e l (Wichila - #2571 Henry B Brown (CS) 4830 N Oliver Wichita KS 67220 XI Mu Lambdl [Manhattan - #600) No Reporl
KENTUCKY |EASTERN| Director Shirley Cunningham Jr 2 Russell Cave Road Lexington KY 40505 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha PI [Uol Louisville - #371 No Report BelaMu IKenlucky State U - #551 No Report Epsilon CM ( U o l K e n t u c k y - #3301 James S Craig IVP) University Station PO Box478 Lexington KY 40506 Xi Alpha (Morehead Slate U - #486) No Report ALUMNI CHPATERS Alpha Lambdl [Louisville— #101) Michael F Cornelius IP) PO Box 11426 Louisville KY 40211 Alpha Ben Limbdi (Lexinglon - #1241 No Report Gamtfli Sen Limbdi iFranklort - # 1 6 8 ) No Report KENTUCKY IWESTERNI Director Jimmie Stewart 514 E Cedar S l r e e l - Apl 5 Franklin KY 42134 COLLEGE CHAPTERS ZeliOmicron iMunay State U - #345) No Reporl Elf Rho Western Kentucky U - #3691 No Repoit ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Epsilon Limbdi (Hopkinsvi(le-#171) Mike Hughes (A) Easl Hall Dueclor Western Kenlucky University Bowling Gieen KY 42101 Xi Pi Lambda (Paducah #6041 James H Calloway ISl PO Box 1253 Paducah KY42X1 MICHIGAN IEASTERNI Director Anthony Ctulchlield 5547Graylon Detroit Ml 48224 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon (U ot Michigan - #5) Byron K Roberts IP) 1018 Somerset Lane Flint Ml 48503 Alpha Upsilon (Wayne Slale U - #411 JohnF Allen (Pi 20250 Sloepel Detroit Ml 48221 Epsilon Ela [Eastern Michigan u - #3161 Dwayne Haywood IP) Campus Lite 117 GoorJison Hall EMU Ypsilanti Ml 48197 Ell XI [U of Detroit - #366l No Report Omicron Mu (Oakland University - #7181 Darryl Hunter IPi Oakland Univ CIPOBox 13 Rochester Ml 48063 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Lambda (Delroil - #1031 Timothy R Heard ISl 1439 Virginia Park Detroit Ml 48206 Epsilon Upsilon Limbdi (Flint - #230| BillyeG Thompson ICSl Flint Ml 48502 Then Z m limbdi lAnn Arbor - #2831 James 0 Moore (SI 2115 Steeplechase Ann Arbor Ml 48103 loti Rho Limbdi iPonhac #5171 No Report MICHIGAN INORTHERNI
James H Gaddis 4028 Wisner Saginaw Ml 48601 COLLEGE CHAPTERS GuniM Tiu (Michigan Slale U - #84) DwighlO Flax (CSl 144 Stoddard Avenue Apartment 15 E Lansing. Ml 48823
(Ferris S l a t e - 1 3 3 3 1 No Report Zltl Oslli (Northern Michigan — #335| Jerry B Webb. Jr (T) 600 Summit Apt 9 Marquette Ml 49655 EUNuLaMsa iGiand Rapids - #2671 No Reporl
ktta CM Limbdi [Saginaw - #522) Anderson Potts IMP) 3436 Creek wood Saginaw Ml 48601 Kappa ( M i l Limbdi [Lansing - #527) No Reporl MICHIGAN IWESTERNI Director Nathaniel Allen 2228 Mattel! Street Muskegon Heights Ml 49444 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsllonli (Western Michigan u - #3221 Harry Todd (Pi 3826 W Michigan Kalamazoo Ml 49007 Iota Epsilon (Grand Valley Slale University -•402) Anthony W Gladney IT) Ravine Apts #58 GVSC Allendale Ml 49401 ALUMNI CHAPTERS lets Phi Lamoda [Muskegon Heights - #521) NoRepon Kippi Psl Limbdi iKalamazoo - #5451 No Reporl IBenton Harbor - #583) Daniel Harbison [P) 1584 lienor Road St Jdseph Ml 49085 MINNESOTA Director Willie James 1400 2nd Streets Suite A 510 Box 193 Minneapolis MN 55454 COLLEGE CHAPTER Mu lUot Minnesota - #11) Stephen Young Jr |P) 766 Fuller Avenue SI Paul MN 55104 ALUMNI CHAPTER Gimmi Xi Limbdi (Minneapolis - #179) No Reporl MISSOURI IEASTERNI
James Williams 12114 Wensley Sl Louis MO 6X33 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Ell iSl Louis - #29) NoRepon Epsilon Psl (UM Rolla - #3311 Lawience C GeoigelAi 39 Johnson Slreel Rolla MO65401 Xi Gamma (Southeast Missouri Slate U •4881 No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Limbdi (Sl Louis - #1051 NoRepon Epsilon Els Limbdi (Charleston - #218) EdwaidMullinslP) P 0 Box 496 Chaileslon MO 63834 MISSOURI ICENTRALI Mallhew Tyler 206 Wesl Ash Columbia MO 65201 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alphi Psl ILincoln University - »44i Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc P 0 Box 292 Lincoln University JellersonCily MO 65101 Zen Alpha (U of Missouri - #332) Lonza L Bullord Jt 200 Read Hall Uol Missouri Columbia Columbia MO 65201 Mall iNottheast Missouri State Univ - #4101 Phillip Hall I P I Alpha Phi Alpha Fiatetnity Inc NMSU Sludenl Union Bldg Kirksville MO 63501 ALUMNI CHAPTER Beta Zfli Limbfi (Jefferson City - »150l John A Taylor |P) 311 Elm Tree Drive JeftetsonCity MO 65101 XI Epsilon Lambda IColumbia - '5941 Keener Tippin (S) P 0 Box (923 Columbia MO 65205 MISSOURI IWESTERNI AlvinWynn 4233 Walnut #£ Kansas City MO 641II COLLEGE CHAPTERS OtrURIn (UMKC - #3031 Herndon Richardson (Pi 3117 E MeyeiBlvd Kansas City MO 64132
PI Delia (Livingston U — H733) Oamon Smrlh (VPI Livingston University Box 4253 Livingslon AL 35470 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omicron Limbdi (Birmingham "1141 William Green (Pi 705 Mohican Circle Birmingham AL 35214 Alpha Nu Limbdi (Tuskegee Institute - »134i Jack Bailey Ji 1P1 P 0 Drawer BBB Tuskegee Insl AL 36088 Alpha llpninn Limbdi (Montgomery - "1411 Samuel L Jackson iSl P 0 Box 6058 Montgomery AL 36106 Beta Omicron Limbdi (Mobile il58i AlvinJ Allen (RSi 1205 SI Madar Slreel Mobile AL 36603 Delia Theta Lambda tHuntsville - k196i A J Garth (CSl Box 33 Alabama AAM Umversii Nbtmal AL 36762 Delta PI Limbdi (Selma - "204i Reginald Geaty (Pi 1929 First Avenue Selma AL 36701 Delta Phi Limbdi (Tuscaloosa - "209l Bruce Crawtord (Si 1812 -D48lh Slreel East Tuscaloosa AL 35405 Eplilon Delia Lambda ITalladega - »215i Thomas V Lawrence (Si 114 Baker Talledega AL 35160 Tbela Alpha Limbdi (Gadsden "2781 No Repon Thau Gamma Lambda (Oolban «280i Alfred D Lott (CSl P 0 Box 6893 Dotban AL 36302 KippiNu Limbdi (Leighton - 1535) Fred Johnson 2243Chuholm Road Florence AL 35630 Mil loll Limbdi (Mobile - «554i Samuel Lee BrnwniSi 810 West Main Stteei Ptichard AL 36610 Mil P11 Lambda (Homewood - "567i Willie M Benson (Pi 505 Valley Avenue
Delia Kappa Zlli Mu Beta Bell Limbdi (Alcorn Stale U »98i (Georgia Slate U "3421 (Miami -- #146) Jeny Davis 1P1 Tommy Thomas 1P1 Clarence Ewell (PI PO Box 267 Alcorn Stale Univ 2897 Aune Court P 0 Box 510027 Lotman MS39096 Miami FL 33151 Decatur GA 30034 Dllli Phi Bell Delta Limbdi Zeti Pi (Jackson Slate U - «307i (Daytona Beach »148i tU ol Georgia "3461 Vincent M Jennings (CSl Clarence N ChildslPI Floyd C Alexander (Si PO Box 17177J S U 1652 Lawrence Circle P 0 Box 2153 UGASIalion Dayiona Beach FL32017 Jackson MS 39217 Athens GA 30612 Gamma Zela Lambda Zeli Phi Eti Alpha iTamrja "1721 IMS Valley Slate U - "3511 NEBRASKA (Paine College - «354i No Repod SamGilkeylSI Director No Report Gamma Mu Lambda PO Box 899 Theta Boll Renard Terrell ifallahassee - "177i IttaBena MS 38941 iColumbus College "377i 4024 N l t6th Circle Michael James 1CS1 loll Gamma Louis Davis Ji (Pi Omaha NE 68164 P 0 Box5474 (Rust College - » 4 0 0 i 312 YuchiAvenue COLLEGE CHAPTER Tallahassee FL 32301 EncB Rayford(P) Columbus GA 31907 I M Bill Delta Delta Limbdi Roule 3 Box 102 loll Ell lUof Nebraska - 46' IWesI Palm Beach - "192i Holly Springs MS 38635 (Mercer U - »404i John Sharkey(P Charles E White 1P1 Kippi Beta AltonsoCobhiP' 3522 8londo P 0 Box 982 IMS State U - «421i P 0 Box61 Mercer U W Palm Beach FL 33402 Omaha NE 68111 Wesley Dillon 1VP1 Macon GA 31207 Oaltl XI limbdi ALUM III CHAPTER Roule3 Box 174 Mu Alpha (Orlando - "2021 BM «i lambda Magnolia MS 39652 (Emory U »442l FellDn A Johnson (Pi rOmaha "157i MB Xi Wayne E Woods (Pi Delia Xi Lambda Chaplei AllredB GncelSi lUSM "4541 Box 21185 P 0 Box 5548 5520Noith49lhSlieel Gregory T Turnipseed Emory U Otlando FL 32855 Omaha NE 68104 Southern Station Box 5606 Allanla GA 30322 Eplilon Mu Lambda MuGimml Hatnesbuig MS39406 tPensacola «222i OHIO INORTHERN - II NeRoy Anderson 1P1 (Georgia College "444( Nu Uptilon Director 1301 East Fisher 1U0I Mississippi »482i Isaac Reeves (Si Jimmy Gaines Pensacola F l 32503 Box 3106 Georgia College Melvin R Banks iCSi 3716Victoiy Eptilon Pi Lambda PO Box 3251 Milledgeville Ga 31061 Toledo OH 43607 (Ocala - "226i Universily MS38677 Mu Ollll COiLEGE CHAPTERS William E Jackson (Si "445 Omicron Gimmi (Georgia Southwestern I822SW4II1S! Epiilon Alpha Victor Carl Brown (Si (Millsaps College «7I0 Ocala FL 32674 tU ol Toledo "3101 Georgia Southwestern College No Report Zela Alpha Lambda Eric A Jackson iP Omicron Pli Box 1196 (Ft Lauderdale «234i 3414 Oorr Street Amencus GA 31709 (Delta Stale U »729i OHIO ISOUTHWESTI Aulhui J Evans1P1 Apt 320 Bldg B Mu Omicron Jessie J Washington (Pi Director 3531 NW 26th Slreel Toledo OH 4360" rValdostaSlale - »455i Sox 1253 OSU To Be Appointed Lauderdale FL 33311 Epiilon Thru Steven C Robinson (Si Cleveland MS 38723 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Eli Kappa Lambda I Bowling Green U «317l Valdosta State College ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha 1F1 Pierce - «265i Kenneth Hale (CSi Box 0639 Alphi Eplilon Lambda ALABAMA Haven L FenniSl (U ot Cincinnati "23i 130S Prospect Valdosta GA 31698 (Jackson "I27i Otrielor P 0 Box 1271 Anthony Thompson (Pi Bowling Green OH 43402 Nu Gimma Rnherl Hanison Ji (Si LeolisPetetman Fl Preice Fl 33454 5995Walrtway ALUMNI CHAPTER Mtjj (West Georgia Coll P 0 Box 356 Thin Eli Limbdi 4340 Yorkshire Drive Cincinnati OH 45224 Alphi Xi LimMl Alton C Glover (Pi Yazoo MS 39194 (SI Petersburg - «284l Montgomery AL 36108 (11111 Upulon iTo'edo "I35i P 0 Box 10016 Eptilon Xi Lambda Frank E Smith (SI COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Miami U "3061 Jimmy L Games I P I Carrolllon GA 30118 (Mound Bayou «224i 4173 Beach Drive SE NoRepon Alpha Beta 3716 Victory St Petersburg FL 33705 NuMu George J Bacon 1RS1 .?4 ALUMUI CHAPTER ITalladega College Toledo OH 4360/ "4 74 loll Bill Limbdi (Soulhem Tech Insl 1501 Kennedy Cove Antonio Cole (Si Delia Gimmi Lambda iCocoa - "5031 Rosco Twiggs Ji iP P 0 Box 5531 Talladega College rCincinnati "191 Lonnie Blocker (Pi RonmlOB DeanotSliidenlsBldq Greenville MS38704 OHIO I NORTHERN - III Talladega Al 35160 J William Poolp'Pi 904 S Varr Avenue Georgia Institute o! Technology ZetiMu Limbdi . Bell Upulon PO Bo«6748 1 GA r.a 30332 vit n .. 1 >44 Rockledge FL 32955 AHanla HillonO Smith Cincinnati OH 45206 (Alabama Slate U "63i loll Pi Limbdi 11 Tau 3038MonlicelloBivc Roben E Simmons 1P1 Anthony W Carter (Pi (Miami - »516l iGeoigta Soulhem College 110 Mulberry OIIVP Cleveland OH 44118 P 0 Box 28 WEST VIRGINIA IREGION l| Eldrrdge Williams (RSi • 7031 Bdoxi MS 39532 COLLESECHAPTERS Alabama State university P 0 Box 571098 Oirrjctoc Philip M Pugh Ji 1P1 Ela Phi Lambda Pi Montgomery AL 36195 Miami FL 33157 Adolphus Voung LB 10747 (Columbus «275i Gamma Kippa • Cleveland State' Mu Zela Lambda P 0 Box 13 Georgia Soulhem Cnlieqe JneRoseburgniPi Miles College «76l Western Reserve 15 (Lakeland - » 5 5 n Insl.lule WV2485? PO Box 464 Slatesboio GA 30460 Mrchael Arnngton1T1 launsBarcusiVPi Don/ell Floyd 1CS1 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Columbus. MS 39701 ALUMNI CHAPTERS 1244 Barclay Drive 445 Avenue B NE 6004 0inmby Ave BUI Then Theta Sigma Limbdi Ell Limbdi Bessemer AL 35020 Winiei Haven Fl 33881 Cleveland OH 44103 iNatchez »294i Biurlieid Slate College « lAilanta "i07i Nu f 11 Lambda Cimma Phi Alpha Tin Lioyd N HiiiiPi JObnR Haynes'VPi LanyEaiviniPi (Gainesville - «574i I Tuskegee Institute "861 lUolAkion "40 P 0 Box 785 300 Carroll Street P 0 Box 92576 Allied C Peoples (Si Kevin Armstrong iCSl No Report Iniman MS 39096 Bluetield WV 2470' Allanla GA 30314 611 S E 131h Terrace P 0 Box 36 Eptrkwi 0*111 MuGimmi Limbda Ii Theta Alpha Chi Lambda Birmingham AL 35209 Gainesville FL 32601 Kent Stale U »3I3I Tuskegeelnslilule AL 36088 iConcord College »493i lAugusIa "143 Halliesbiug I i • Xi Omicron Limbdi Chnsiophei T Tall 1 Pi 0ilia Gamma Julian ShaipiS WillieG Marshall 1FS1 Hairy L McKnighl Ji iForl Myers «603i FLORIDA Box A Student LileOtlic -Alabama A S M - «91' Ceneial Denv-., 829 Strothet Drive P 0 Box 2042 No Report Kent Slate University Director William Lindsey Jr (CSl Kislic WV 25628 Augusta GA 30901 Hamesbuig MS 39401 Xi Rho Limbdi Kent OH 44243 johnC Rawis P 0 Bbx 220 ALUMNI CHAPTER Mu Pi Limbdi (Belle Glade - "605) Bill Phi Limbdi Roule 23 Box 435 Alabama A S M University iBrookhaven "560i Loian Barnes (Pi (Savannah "164i Gainesville F l 32608 (Mount Union College "4 'I Alpha Zna limbda Normal AL 35762 Charles N Harper 1P1 P 0 Box 328 (Bluelreld "I28i Cheslei Ellis 1CS1 COLLEGE CHAPTERS No Report EpiikutHu P 0 Box 435 Belle Glade FL 33430 Adolphus young J' (Si 14 Barton Slreel BtllNu I I CM iStillman College - »321i Natchez MS 39120 XlSigmi Limbdi PO 8o>67l Savannah GA 31401 iFlondaA&M "56i Joseph Anderson (Pi iBaldwin Wallace College Xi Zela lambda (Panama Cily "606i Bluelield WV 24701 Gamma Omicron limbdi P 0 Box 4198-SHHman College Mtf.hael Atcheison ICS) •706i AbieC Clements 1S1 (Albany "I8O1 Moss Point »595i Tuscaloosa Al 35403 I449S MLKBlvd No Report Wewa Route Box 75 tOF William Johnson (Pi WEST VIRGINIA IREGION III NoRepon TUMI Delta Tallahassee FL 32301 Omrcron Eptilon Panama Cily FL 32404 P 0 Box 4054 DirKtw Delta Bell (Uol South Alabama "379i (Voumjsion Stale Umversii Xi Pli Limbdi Albany GA 31707 NORTH CAROLINA Douglas Millei Trevor Roberts 1P1 (Betbune Cookman "90i • 7I2I iPalmelto - « 6 m Gimmi Sigmi Limbda 313 ?4lh Street Director P 0 BoxU 701 Prol U J Warrick Jr (Al Michael E Powers 1P1 3i Gwenard F Davis 1F1 Valley "I83i Dunbar WV 25064 Rudolph Hendnr*'. Mobile AL 36688 Betbune Cookman College 1011 31sl Street Easl 1419 B'ysnn Ralph Malone IS) lollHu 107 Walnul Avenue COLLEGE CHAPTERS Daytona Beach FL 32015 Palmetto FL 33561 Voungstown OH 44505 1211 Beverly Slreel Charlotte NC 28208 AlpaiZili ALUMki CHAPTERS (UAB «409i Delia Pi 1 Fori Valley GA 31030 COILEGE CHAPTERS 'West Virginia State "28i Rickey F SmrlbiPi Bill Rho Limbdi (Florida Memonal Coll »3( Oedi M i Limbda Alphi Omicron Raymond L Thomas 1P1 15129th Avenue Soulh Yourigsluwn "I6O1 Danny Milton rPi IColumbus - 1197) (Johnson C Smith u 1 -1, Apl 4D P 0 Bon 511 No Repod 15800 NW 42nd Avenue Lorenzo Manns 1S1 Dennis T Sguirewell (Pi instilule WV25112 Birmingham AL 35205 Delia Alpha Lambda Miami FL 33054 GEORGIA P 0 Box6344 UPO 162 Johnson C SmilhU NuNu Kappa Alpha (Cleveland -189' Eta Delia Columbus GA 31907 Director Charlotte NC 28216 lUotAlbama "420i iMarsnallu "475i Roy I Mauley Si 1 VPi (Unl Miami "3571 Epillon Beta Limbdi Roberl Willis Ben Eplilon Michael Taylor 1CS1 Kevin HaidyiSi PO Bo. 995SI Gordon Murray iPi u&aeon - 12131 P 0 Box 7368 3604ReveieRd S W (A&T Slate U "49i 408 Twin Towers East Cleveland OH 44199 1229 Walsh Avenue Rulus Johnson1CS1 University AL 15486 Maurice WaireniCSl Allanla GA 30331 Hunlinglon WV 25701 Ell Tati Linbda Apl 44L P 0 Box 5329 Kappa Gamma 3952A Hahn s I ane COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Akron »273i Coral Gables FL 33147 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Macon GA 31208 Greensboro NC 27401 rU 6* North Alabama »422i lota OlheltoH Skinner 1S1 Then Gamma Alpha I M lambda Ell hM Limbdi Beta Zela Kappa Gamma Chapter Meres Blown College 543 S Sunset View lUot Soulh Florida "378i (Charleston "1311 „•! (Athens »264l P 0 Box 5554 Huam Andrades 1P1 Eh/abeth City Stale U 1 50 Akron OH 44260 No Report Aubrey L H a m s HughGoodrumiCSi Florence AL 35632 P 0 Box 92055 Sieve BlyiSi Kippi M11 Lambda 1514 Pinewood Park Then Sigma P 0 Box 902 Data Allanta GA 30314 Box265ECSU Dunbar WV 250*4 (Lorrarn "5341 lliol Florida- "392' Alhens GA 30603 Alpha Rho Elizabeth City NC 27909 (UolMonlevallo "481 No Report Oanyl E LaneiP' Theta Nu Lambda Randall Wnrmley (CSl 'Morehouse College "38 Bela Ion WEST VIRGINIA IREGION I P 0 Box 15237 "289i 116 Village Green Apt Henry M Goodgame Jr (Si iLaGrange 'Wmsion Salem Stale U 1ICENTRALI Gainesville FL 32604 Director Allied McNau 'Si MontpvaTlo AL 35115 P 0 Box 627 Morehouse ExieeHippiP loll Delia Miles Caiey P 0 Box 1818 Xi Bill Allanla GA 30314 4210 Bmwnsboio Road iFlonda Stale U "401 John Gore 10BN Arthur Drive LaGiange GA30241 Alpha Pbi Apt 52 Dexter Williams 1CS1 1 Troy Stale U »487i ISlScollsburgCourl Charleston WV 25312 lata Gamma Lambda (Clark College «42i Winstnn Salem NC 27106 Vicitias Lyons 1CS1 Flonda StaleUniveisity Columbus OH 43260 COILEGECHAPTER 1 • "504i Eur K Greenwood iP' Beta Rho P 0 Box 154 Box 7002 Pi Mil COILEGE CHAPTERS R(c:tia(0 Wilson 1S1 7«0i Troy AL 36082 635Fan Street Apl 209 iShawU "60i Tallahassee FL 32313 iWafil Virginia University P 0 Box 98 Xi Xi Allanla GA 30314 Kappa Upulon No Repon lObro Stale U «IOi Anthony Akers While Oak GA 11568 Gamma Zela (Jacksonville «498i (Metropolitan "438i Ricky Btadiey tPi 9A Warrick Avenue Kappa Tau Lambda Gamma Beta (Ft Valley Slate "72i Michael Mooie 1P1 Glenville Johnson 1P1 81 East 8th Avenue Morganlown WV 26505 Valdosta »541i iNorth Carolina Central U P 0 Box 81 Jerry Robinson (Si Jacksonville Untv AplE ALUMNI CHAPTER Calvin Willis William J Ftaih'" II Jacksonville Stale U Gamma Zela Chapter Box 477 Columbus OH 43201 '• I - '••'"Lane Gamma Delia Lambda PO-Box 19484NCCU Jacksonville AL 36265 Fl Valley Stale College Jacksonville FL 32211 Valclosla GA 31601 Durham NC 28092 (Beckley "I70l Omicron Alpha P 0 Box 4326 Mu Tbela (OhioU »20i Gamma Mu Nu Mu Lambda nactive 'AubumU at Montgomeiy Fl Valley GA 31030 (U ot West Florida »449i Ronald Ester 1P1 iLiviiigslon Colli-;i. il 1 "578i • 708 Delta O1II1 No Repon 402 Wr ay House Cleveland Gadsden (Pi No Reporl WISCONSIN (Albany Slate »92i Xi lota Derrick Price iPi Athens OH 45701 2594 LivingsloneLane Director David D HubbardiP Roule 1 Box 85 lUol Central Florida "494 MISSISSIPPI OiH'Cron fltto Wadmalaw Island NC 29481 Coleman 0 Wells Blaylock Hall Room 127 ASC Veibena AL 36091 Darryl B Harris Dinclor •723 (OhioWesleyanU Gamma Psi 922 w Zedter Lane Omicron Kappi Albany GA 31705 3435 Saddle Blvd NoRepoit 1S1 Augustine s College ' Wiley Jones Milwaukee Wl 53092 Dllli Eta lAubuin U al Auburn "7171 Apt 189 ALUMNI CHAPTER Anthony Chambeis (Pi COLLEGE CHAPTERS Philip A Lyman (P) iSavannah Stale Coll "95 Alcorn State Univeisity Orlando FL 32826 Aloha Rho Lambda 1512 OakwOOd Avenue PO Box 509 6in*mi Eptilon P 0 Box 1865 Rodney Brown iCS) XI Kippi (Columbus "138 Raieign NC 27610 Liu 1.1a" MS 190% (UW M a d i s o n 1711 Auburn AL 36830 P 0 Box 20742 (Florida Tech - M95l Eluslei L Fields (Pi Eptilon Zeti COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gregory Malvin iPI Omicron Sigma Savannah Slale No Report 13318 Havens Corners RO fiycilnviiie Slale U "3151 Gamma Upulon 112N Mills Savannah GA (Birmingham Southern — "7241 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Palaskala OH 43062 NoRepon Tnuqalo" College "851 "307 Oamran 0 Lasler (PI Uplllon Lambda Zela Epulon M, . la. ksnniPl Madison Wl 53715 Birmingham - SoulhernCnllege Uacksonville - H 1 1 9 I iBaiber Scotta College "336' P 0 Box 9203 P 0 Box A 47 Nathaniel Davis 1P1 Haywood A Kealon IAI Jackson MS 39206 Birmingham AL 35254 1157 Gollair Boulevard 145 Cabarrus Avenue Jacksonville FL 32209 Hit'iip' Scotia Concoifl NC 28025 '
ZtUG (Central Missouri - H2& No Repon ALUMNI CHAPTER Bill lambda (Kansas C i l y - «t02l Aden Roberts (P) 5937 Paseo Kansas City MO 64110
OHIOIWESTCEKTBALI Dlrielor Fred Conway Jr 3729 Denlmger Daylon OH 45426 COLLEGE CHAPTERS XI WrlberlorceU - »13l David Foid (Pi 1055 N Broken Road Wrlbertorce OH 45384 Gimmi Theta (Uol D a y l o n - « 7 4 l James A Hill Jr (Si 331 Kielabe( Dayton OH 45409 Delia XI (Central Stale U - «3O0i James Edmond (CSl PO Box 441 Wilberlorce OH 45384 ALUMNI CHAPTERS TUMI Lambda (Dayton "IO81 William L Jackson (Pi 3346 Geirnamown Street Daylon OH 45408 Chi L mixta (Wilberlorce - " I 2 H Samuel B KrddlCSl Bo> 351 Slover Drive Wilberlorce OH 45384 Ziti Dllli Lambda iSprmglreld - «237i James Smith 1S1 842 E Possum Road Daylon OH 4550?
Epillon Tau (UW Milwaukee - »327l No Report .'all loll (UWWhitewalei - K340I Cornelius RdDinson (PI 239 E Milwaukee Whitewater Wl 53190 Ell Bill IWSU Plalteville - *355l No Repon Ell Pi (WSUOshkosh «368l Robert E Bedfotd (St PO Box 1055 Oshkosh Wl 54902 Mu Epiilon (Carthage College- »446l No Report Null IMarguette U - «476) Damon R Ross (Pi 2518 N FarwellAve Apl "1 Milwaukee Wl 53211 No Omiernn (Carroll College M77) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delia Chi Lambda [Milwaukee -- <210l VirgilJ GilmoretPi 1&1B Caprlol Drive Milwaukee Wl 53206 Mu Ell Limbdi (Madison - i552i DuaneMcCrary IPi l730Bairdslteel Madison Wl 53713
EtlNu (Easl Carolina U »365i Ralph G MeachumiPl PO Box 3167 Greenville NC 27834 Ell Omicron iNotlh Carolina Slate u MikeMcKinnieiCSi PO Box5631 Universily Station Raleigh NC 27607 Kappa Omicron (Duke U - »433i Sednck W Gaidner (Pi 1708Pace Slreel Apl B Duiham NC 27705 Mu Zela lU ol Noilh Carolina .44 OlisE Tillman Jr 1S1 PO Box 551 Chapel Hill NC 27514 MuTiu IUNC - Charlotte "459i Anthony Bnggs I V P I UNCC Student Govetnmen Charlotte NC 28223 Nu Zela iWesletn Carolina U »469i Lany Naylor IPi P 0 Box 543 Cullowhee NC 28723 I I Eta iWakefoieslU "492' Levon Mallhews 1P1 PO Box9002 Winston Salem NC 27109 Omicron Bela (AllanticChnslia 09 Curtis Livingston (Pi 405 Lee Slreel Wilson NC 27893 Omicron Theta IUIIIV ol Wilmington n; Oewayne L Williams iP 314 Redcross Sheet W i l m i n g t o n NSC 28401
Pi Zela iNorlh Carolina u "735 WilliamS PassiP' Box 5726 Greensboro NC 27435 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappi Limbda iGieensboio "110i Jimmie J Williams I P I PO Box 21052 Greensboio NC 27420 Pbi Lambda iRaieigh "l?0i NoRepon Alpha Pi Lambda Wii'Mtin Salem "I37i vVillarcl M c C l o u d Jr I P I
3150KilleimgLaiie Winslon NC 27105 Beta Then Limbda (Durham "152' W J Bowsei Ji I S I P 0 Box 3522 Durham NC 27702 Bela Mu Limbda iSalisbiny - "I55i HeibeilC Chambeis I S I 615 W Council Salisbuiy NC28144 Bela Nu Limbdi (Charlolte "156i A Leon Miller (Pi PO Box 16153 Charlotte NC. 28216 Gamma Kippa Lambda w.i'iiiiiglon "t76i James R FuHwood iP 133 Red Hawk Roan Wilminolon NC 28405 Gimmi Psi Limbdi lAsheville "188 Lacy Hailh IPI 83 0akwood Road Asheville NC 28801 Eptilon Rho Limbda [FayBleville "227i James E Carson iP 1866Geibergei Drive Fayellevillf NC 28303 Epillon Sigma Lambda •Rocky Mount "228i James Ha'iicii! S 1604 Old Bain Road Rocky Mount NC 27801 Eptilon Chi Lambda (Elizabeth Olv "232i Rogei A McLean iPi Box921iECSUi Elizabeth Cily NC 27909 Zeti Eta Lambda (Greenville - »240i A Ray RogeislPi PO Box 1187 Greenville NC 27834 Ela Mu Lambda iGaslonia "266 William t II iS Eta Mu Lambda Chapter PO Box 141 Gastonia NC 28053 Thela Omicron Lambda (Goldsbbro "2911 Willie NowlmlSi Box 788 Goldsboro NC 27530 Nu Iota Lambda iKinslon "576i JimmieR Masley (RSi PO Box 804 K i n s l o n NC 28501
Nu Kappa Lambda itunibenon "577i No Report SOUTH CAROLINA Director Peler Feldei 1939 lake Drive Orangeburg SC 2911b
iLeMoyne-Owen College •571 (South Carolina State - # 4 8 ] Ray A Howard 4628 Alice Drive Keith Henley (SI Memphis TN 38109 Box 19S4 8lti Omicron SC Slate College (Tennessee Slale U - # 5 8 ! Orangeburg. SC 29117 No Report Gimmi Gimmi Bell Pi (Allen U - #69) (Lane College-#59! No Report No Report Gimmi PI Gimmi Omicron (Benedict College - #81) [Knoxville College - #80! Robert Cngler (A) Joseph Sanchez (P) Benedict College 901 College Harden SBIanding Knoxville. TN 37921 Columbia. SC 29204 Ell Phi Oilti Alpha (UT-Chaltanooga - #3731 (Clallm College - #891 No Report Stanley Weldon(S) Thill Pi The High Rise (Austin Peay Stale U - #390) Box 334. Clallm College No Report Orangeburg. SC 29115 Ell loll Kippi Eli (Voorhees College - #362) (Memphis Stale U - #4261 No Report Stanley Green (CS) Thin Nu 3807 Nornswood (U 01 South Carolina — "3871 Memphis TN 38111 James Cooper (P| KippiThen Box 85128 - USC iVanderbill U - #4271 Columbia. SC 29225 No Report Kappa Chi Kippi Xi (Francs Marion College -1440) (Middle Tennessee Slale - #4321 No Report Karl Reid [P| Mu Seta PO Box384 lUT - Martin - #4431 Florence. SC 29503 Brent Rose(CS) Mu Pi PO Box 121 (Baptist College-#4561 Uot Tennessee at Martin Lyndon Abrams (P) PO Box 427 Baptist College Martin TN 38238 Mu loll Charleston. SC 29411 Nu Phi (University of Tennessee IUSC - Conway - #4831 at Knoxville - # 4 5 0 ) No Report DarrylMcLemorelCSI Xi Epailon 1810 Lake Avenue (Morris College-#4901 Knoxville. TN 37916 No Report Nu Eta XiPhi (Christian BrothersColl —) (Winthrop College - # 7 0 5 1 No Report Ronnie Adams (5) Omicron Phi P 0 Box 6826 (Tennessee Technological Winthrop College Station University - #7271 Rock Hill NC 29733 No Report Omicron Chi ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Wottord College - #7281 Tau Lambda Robert DaltotiMickle (PI (Nashville-#1181 2001 Oakside Lane No Report Columbia SC 29204 Psi Lambda Pi Alpha (Chattanooga - #1221 (Clemson U - #7301 Ernest L Butlinglon (Pi Oscar Mosely. Ill ISI 802 Line Street PO Box 7182 Chattanooga TN 37404 Clemson University Alpha Delta Lambda Clemson SC 29632 iMemphis #1261 ALUMNI CHAPTERS William J Hawkins [Pi Alpha Psi Lambda 2525 Fontaine Road (Columbia - #1441 Memphis TN 38106 James Lucas (Pi Alpha Mu Lambda IsOOStandish [Knoxville - #1331 Columbia. SC 29203 No Reporl Beta Kappi Lambda Beta Upsilon Lambda (Charleston #1541 (Jackson #1631 NoRepott Morns P Fair IP) Gamma Gamma Lambda 56Mooiehead Drive (Greenville-#1691 Jackson TN 38305 Morris F Hall iPI Kappa Zeta Lambda PO Box 5244 iClarksville - #529) Greenville SC 29606 No Report Delta Zeta Lambda Mu Nu Lambda (Orangeburg— 1194) (Kingspoit - #557) Thomas J Wilson (PI No Reporl P 0 Box 152 Orangeburg. SC 29116 Delta Kappa Lambda (Florence - #198) Joseph Heyward (SI P 0 Box 384 ARKANSAS Florence. SC 29501 Olrictor Eta Omicron Lambda Hubert Brown [Rock Hill - # 2 6 9 1 PO Box6296 No Report Pine Bluff. AR 71611 Then Phi Lambda IBennettsville - #2971 COLLEGE CHAPTERS No Report 8ela Chi lot! Ela Lambda (Philander Smith College - #65) (Denmark - #508) No Report No Report Gamma Delta Mu Epulon Lambda (Uof Ark at Pine B l u f f - # 7 0 1 (Conway - #5501 AngeloErvin (P) No Report U A P B - P O Box 155 Xi Gamma Lambda Pine Bluff. AR 71601 (Beaufort - #5921 Theta Kappa Albert L Jackson (PI (Henderson Slate Coll - # 3 8 5 ) 1519 Palmetto Street No Report Beaufort SC 29902 Thill Upiilon XiThtli Lambda (Arkansas State U - #394) (Spartanburg - #597) John Hall (PI Henry L Midgell (S) PO Box 3447 6-ABriarcliffeApts Slale University. AR 72457 Spartanburg SC 29301 ThiuPii Xi Upiilon Lambda (U of Central Arkansas - #397) (Greenwood -1*608) William H Gilkey(S) No Report Box 646 - UCA Xi Phi Lambda Conway. AR 72032 (Summerville - #6091 Kippi loll Bernett w Mazyck (PI (Soulhern Arkansas U - #4281 903 West 5th NorlhStreel Zachery Smedley (P) Summerville SC 29483 P 0 Box 530 - SAU Magnolia. AR 71753 TENNESSEE Kippa Kappa Olriclot (U ol Arkansas - #429) Floyd James Barney Woods (PI 751 Bontemps Drive 836Fairview Nashville. TN 37207 Fayetteville. AR 72701 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa Pal Chi (UA Little R o c k - #441) (MeharryMedicalCollege #211 No Report Nu Alpha AntionneC Able (PI (Arkansas Tech U — * P 0 Box 882 MMC No Report Nashville TN 37208 Alpha Chi ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Fisk U - #43) PI Lambda Andrew L Brown Jr (P) (Little Rock — #115| P 0 Box 144 Vance Simellon (P— Fisk University 1909 South Jackson Nashville. TN 37203 Little Rock. AR 72204
ALUMNI CHAPTERS Thau Kappa Lambda Zala Kappa Zala Skjma Lambda (Lubbock - #2871 IUT El Paso-13411 (San Oiego - #250) No Report Joseph Holmes IP) No Report Kappa Gamma Lambda PO §0X12771 Ela PI Lambda (Texarkana - #526) El Paso. TX 79913 (Pasadena - #270) No Report Zeta Tau No Report Kappa Sigma Lambda (East Texas Slale - #349) Nu Tau Lambda IKilleen - #5401 Randolph Bibbs [PI (Orange County - #5851 James R Hereford (D) Box SET Station Randolph Macon (CS) 1X3 Meadow Drive Commerce. TX 75428 P 0 Box 2773 Killeen TX 76541 Zeta Chi Santa Ana. CA 92703 Mu Rho Lambda (UTArhngton - #3521 (Longview — #5611 Hugh L Stephens (PI St Martinville. LA 70562 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA No Report Nu Sigma Lambda 1801 Granite Orive #3069 Director Nu PI Lambda (Natchitoches - #564) Arlington. TX 76013 Earvin McCullar (Arlington - #582) Hampdyn Williams (P) Eta Gimmi c/oSam Sears John Hanson (P) 449 Johnson Drive (Prairie View - # 3 5 6 ) LOUISIANA 4737 E McKinley. Apt 102 PO Box 120221 Natchitoches LA 71457 No Report Oirtclor Fresno. CA 93703 Arlington TX 76012 XI Nu Lambda Eta Epailon Lawrence Simpson Xi Blta Lambda [Baton Rouge —#601) COLLEGE CHAPTERS (North Texas S l a l e - # 3 5 8 1 1341 Lawrence Street No Report iTemple — N591) Epailon Bala Marvin G Richardson (PI Eunice, LA 70535 XI Chi Lambda Ernest Oavis (PI (Fresno S l a l e - # 3 1 1 1 P 0 Box 5493 - N T Slate COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Leesville-#610) 3902 Shallow Ford Road Greg Sears IP) University Bit! Sigmi Herman Gladney Temple TX 76502 853 North Arthur Demon. TX 76203 (Soulhern U - #611 625 Bayou Drive Xi Ela Lambda Fresno. CA 93728 Ela Mu AlvinR Sharp (CSI Leesville LA 71446 [North Harris County #5961 XI Upiilon (U ol Houston - #364) PO Box9929 Randy DC Allen Si (PI (California Polytechnic - #704 Vincenl R Jolley (P) Southern University PO Box443 OKLAHOMA 4702 Marietta Lane ALUMNI CHAPTERS Baton Rouge, LA 70813 Hunlsville TX 77340 Houston, TX 77021 Director tola Nu Lambda Beta Tiu XI Kappa Lambda Ela Upiilon William G Henderson (Fresno - #5131 (Xavier U - #621 (Missouri C i t y - # 5 9 9 ) (Texas Tech u - #3721 No Report 1214 N E 67th Andre Buck (PI Glenn R Etienne Charles 0 Brown (P) Kappa Eta Lambda Oklahoma City, OK 73111 2030 Cleveland Avenue PO Box 488 Box 1 Studenl Lite Office (Bakerslield - #5301 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Apt 4 Missouri City TX 77459 TTU No Report Beta Kappa New Orleans LA 70112 XI Tau Lambda Lubbock TX 79409 [Langston U - #54) Beta Phi (North Dallas County -#607| NORTH CENTRAL EtaPii Harold Dickerson (SI |DillardU-«64l Rory W Chandler (VPI (Texas Christian U # 3 7 5 1 CALIFORNIA PO Box386 William E Washington (PI P 0 Box 214362 Blake Moorman (CS) Langston, OK 73050 2601 Gentilly Blvd Director Dallas TX 75221 4836 Foard Street Epailon Epailon New Orleans LA 70122 CliflonWest Fort Worth TX 76119 (Oklahoma State U - # 3 1 4 1 Delta Sigma 7350 Southland Park Drive Theta Alpha (GramblingU-#304l No Report Sacramento CA 95826 [Jams Christian College — #3761 No Report Zeta Zala COLLEGE CHAPTERS No Report E piilon Upiilon (Uol Oklahoma-#3371 Then Ela Theta Mu Joseph T Davis ( E D ) (SUNO - #328) [UC D a v i s - # 3 8 2 1 (Sam Houston State U - #3861 SOUTHERN 1735 Jenkins Ave Craig H King(CS) AtmeB Patrick IP) CALIFORNIA/HAWAII Gregory C Townsend(P| Norman, OK 73069 2827 Soma! Street 451 Woodrow Avenue Director Ann Shaver #107 Zeta Sigma New Orleans, LA 70115 Valleio, CA 94590 Hunlsville. TX 77340 (Central Stale U - # 3 4 8 ) G Bernard Brown Zlll Xi NuCM lota Kappa Randy Hunt [FSI 5932 Condon Avenue (USL - #344) (U ol the Pacific - #4841 (Paul Quinn College-#4071 228'i Lincoln Avenue Los Angeles. CA 90056 Clark Joseph (P) No Report No Report Edmond. OK 73034 COLLEGE CHAPTERS 125 Rosewood Avenue Pi Epailon lotaMu Zeta Upiilon Alpha Delta Lafayetle. LA 70506 (CSU-Chico-#734| (Northeastern State Coll - #3501 ISF Austin Stale U - #408) (USC - #26) Ela Kappa No Report No Report Michael W Battle (PI (Louisiana Tech U - #363! No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Iota Omicron 5120 San Bernadino Frederick K Webb (PI Eta Theta Zeta Beta Lambda (Southern Methodist u -#4111 #5 PO Box3129TS (East Central Slate (Sacramento - #235) Reginald Carpenter (P) Ruslon LA 71272 No Report Montclair, CA 91763 BillAldnchlCSl PO Box 251 Ela Chi Kappa Epailon Gamma XI 5163 Patti Jo Drive Southern Methodist University (Northeast Louisiana — #3741 (Cameron U - #424) (UCLA - #79) Ca.rmichael.CA 95608 Dallas. TX 75275 Kevin Jackson (CS) No Report David Peters (CS) Kappa Omicron Lambda Kappa Sigma NLU Box 5 0 7 7 - O l i n Omicron Nu 1512 Federal #5 (Valleio - #537) iWesI Texas State - #4361 Monroe,LA 71212 Los Angeles. CA 90005 (University ol Tulsa - #719) Edward Woodward IS) No Report Then Theta Mu Kappa Murray M Green (P) 201 Tamalpais Drive MuNu (McNeese Stale U - # 3 8 3 ) ,453! (UC Sanla Barbara - #451) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Valleio. CA 94589 (Southwest Texas Stale Benjamin Higginbotham (SI Marquis Locked (P) Alpha Tau Lambda Nu Beta Lambda William Ford [PI P 0 Box 587 6681 Berkshire Terr (Tulsa - #140) [Stockton - #5691 L B J Student Center McNeese State Univ GoletaCA 93117 Lloyd Bingham (SI Kenneth 0 Peters (SI SWTSU Lake Charles. LA 70609 MuCbl PO Box6152 2663 Failenleal Drive San Marcos TX 78666 Theta Phi Tulsa, OK 74148 (Cal Slale Long Beach - #462! Stockton. CA95209 (Uof New Orleans - # 3 9 5 1 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Epulon Lambda John W Taylor |P) Elmore P Washington (S) Alpha Eta Lambda (Boley - #149) I I X East Victoria NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 12950 ChanelleCt (Houslon - #1291 LG Ashley (SI Apt C2 Director New Orleans LA 70128 Tophas Anderson, III (P) PO Box247 Carson. CA 90747 Joe Thomas Theta Chi 15222 Ridgewell Drive Boley. OK 74829 PI Kappa 208Chadwick (Northwestern Slate U - #3961 Ben Eli Limbdl Houslon TX 77062 (Cat Slate Nortbndge - #739) Frederick ProlhrolVPI Benicia CA 94510 Alpha Sigma Lambda (Oklahoma C i t y - # 1 5 1 1 Usher L Barnumjr (P) 339 Perry Street COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Dallas - #1391 Oliver Stripling [PI P 0 Box 3313 Alpha Epiilon Alexandria. LA 71302 David Grillin (Si 345NE60 Norlhridje. CA 91323 Kappa Mu (UCr IC Berkeley ' - #27) 2752 Meadow Isle Oklahoma City OK 73105 ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Nicholls Stale U - # 4 3 0 1 Aaron Crulison (CS) Dallas TX 75237 Beta Chi Lambda Ban Pal Lambda Tyrone Melancon (P) 3322 King #B Ben Tau Lambda (Muskogee-#165) (Los Angeles-#1661 PO Box2209NSU Berkeley. CA 94703 (Ft W o r t h - # 1 6 2 ) James H Johnson (S) Arthur Lewis IP) Thibodaux. LA 70301 Dana Omicron ArtisL Clemmons(P) 704 Anthony 1749 Virginia Road (Stanford — #301) Kippi Nu 5549 Alter Drive Muskogee OK 74403 Los Angeles CA 90019 (Southeastern Louisiana — #431) Zeta Gamma Lambda No Report Fort Worth TX76119 Iota Zeta Lambda Bernard J Blair. II (T) Epailon Mu Gamma Ela Lambda [Langston —#236) (Complon - #507) (San Jose Stale U — #320) PO Box2370 (Austin-#1731 Randy Bray (S) George Weaver (CS) Hammond, LA 70402 Larry D Smith (PI Louis Goodall [PI PO Box 148 P 0 Box 90692 247 N Capital Avenue NuPli 7901 Appomaltox Drive Oklahoma City. OK 73101 Los Angeles. CA 90009 #251 10 (Louisiana Slale U - # 4 8 5 1 Austin TX 78745 Ela XI Lambda Mu Bin Limbda San Jose. CA 95127 Stephen Harris (CS) Gamma PI Lambda (Lawton-Ft Sill — #268) (Honolulu - #547) Nu Sigma PO Box21902 (Galveston-#1811 Abe Williams (S) Larry W Shields (PI (Stanlord — #480) Baton Rouge, LA 70893 Leslie A Burns (S) P 0 Box 6752 930 Kaheka Street Joseph 0 Lynch(Pi 802 Sparrow Way ALUMNI CHAPTERS Lawton OK 73505 #502 P 0 Box 16566 Texas City TX 77591 Sigma Lambda Honolulu HA 96814 Stanlord. CA 94305 Gamma Tau Lambda (New Orleans - # 1 1 7 ) TEXAS Mu XI Lambda XI PI (Beaumont — #1841 Harold M Jackson (CSI (fiialto - #558) Director (Hayward - #700) Howard Mills (P) 5519 Wingate Drive No Report Gerald Joseph Marcus L McGlory (S) 4165 Simpson Drive New Orleans. LA 70122 Mu Sigma Lambda 2421 Delano 44 Harder Road #4 Beta lota Lambda Beaumont TX 77705 [Culver C i t y # 5 6 2 1 Houslon. TX 77003 Hayward. CA 94544 (Baton Rouge - #153) Gamma UpaiIon Lambda Herberrt Marshall (P) COLLEGE CHAPTERS XI Rho Stanley Mitchell (CS) [Marshall - #185) P 0 Box 3261 Delia (San Francisco - #701) P 0 Box 9564 Willie Todd (P) Culver City. CA 90230 SOn C No Reporl Baton Rouge, LA 70813 VX'Zl'"°' ° " e 9 e ~ M ' 303 FisherDrive XI leu Lambda No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Upiilon Lambda Marshall TX 75670 (Camanllo - #5981 Alpha Sigma (Shreveport - #208) Gamma Phi Lambda Delia Rho Lambda JohnG Bough (P) (Wiley College - #391 (Berkeley - #186) James C Leary (S) (San Antonio-#2051 31716 Saddletree Drive Marvin Fields (CS) James C Johnson (P) 2961 Looney Street No Reporl Westlake. CA 91361 Wiley College P 0 Box 23544 Shreveport. LA 71103 Epailon Alpha Lambda Marshall. TX 75670 Oakland. CA 94623 Epiilon Kappa Lambda (Tyler-#212) INLAND EMPIRE Gamma Alpha Gamma Chi Lambda (Grambling-«221) No Report (Texas College — #67) •MtUf (San Francisco-#187) EarIK Blakely(P) Epailon Epailon Lambda No Report G Bernard Brown Reuben W Miller Jr |P| P 0 Orawer 604 [Waco - #2161 Delia Theta 5932 Condon Avenue 211 Avalon Drive Grambling. LA 71245 No Report (Texas Southern U # 9 6 1 Los Angeles, CA 90056 Daly Crly.CA 94015 Epulon Pal Lambda Epailon Tau Lambda No Report COLLEGE CHAPTERS En Sigma Lambda (Alexandria - #233) (Prairie View - # 2 2 9 1 Epallen Gamma [San Jose - #272) En Sigma Oliver B Simpson (P) Frederick V Roberts, Esg (P) (Bishop College-#3121 Tracy Wilson (Pi (Metro San Diego - # 3 7 0 ) P 0 Box 5276 PO Box 2557 Marcus W Wilson (P) P 0 Box 51713 No Reporl Alexandria. LA 71301 Prairie View TX 77446 Box 233 San Jose, CA 95151 toll CM Zala Chi Lambda Epailon Phi Lambda 3837 Simpson Sluart Rd Thtla Bala Lambda IU ol Redlands - #418) [Bogalusa —#254) (PortAuthur-12311 Dallas TX 75241 (Oakland-#2791 Robert Myles IP) No Report Michael D Williams (CS) Epailon Ma Gregory Hunt(T) c/o Campus Activities Zala Pal Limbdl 4375 Galveston IU ol Texas - #318) 622 60th Streel UC Riverside (Lake Charles - #255) Beaumont. TX 77703 Gerald V Bright (P) Oakland, CA 94609 Riverside. CA 92507 Adrian L Wallace IP) 2005 Willow Creek #1008 Kappa Alpha Lambda too Pal Zala Tau Lambda PO Box 1102 Auslin, TX 78741 (California Polytechnic U - •419) (Monterey - #524) (Amarillo - #2511 Lake Charles. LA 70602 Epailon Rho Victor E Noble IP) Keith Randall (P) No Report Ela Gamma Lambda (Lamar U - #325) P 0 Box 1128 9200 Monte Vista Avenue Eta Upiilon Lambda (Lafayette - #258) Darius J Linton (P) Seaside CA 93955 •57 (Odessa - #2741 Edgar Jordan. Jr (S) 5725 PI Author Road Montclair. CA 91763 No Reporl P 0 Box 5224 #25 OafcnaEta ROCKY MOUNTAIN I hall Dana Lambda Lafayette. LA 70502 Beaumonl, TX 77705 (U of California — Irvine — #714) ginctar (El Paso - #281) Ela Dim Lambda Epailon Sigma MoleloA Smith, Jr (P| Samuel Kent Finlayson ISI (Monroe - #259) Phillip Cochran (St Mary s U - #326) 7137 El Cerro Drive PO Box6252 Louis Pargoud (CS) 1165Drexel Buena Park. CA 90620 El Paso TX 78906 P 0 Box 815 Boulder. CO 80303 Monroe. LA 71201 Dilli Sigma Limbdi (Pine Bluff - »206) Hazell Reed (CSI PO Box6041 Pine Blufl. AR 71611 Than Tiu Lambda (Helena - #2951 Willis Williams IFSI 51 Lamben Drive W Helena. AR 72390 Mu Omicron Lambda (Blytheville - #5591 J N Mabins (SI P 0 Box 370 Luxora.AR 72358
lata XI Lambda (Opelousas — #514) Donald J Bush(T) P 0 Box 329 Opelousas. LA 70570 Nu Alpha Lambda (Marrero - #5681 No Report Nu Thau Lambda (St Martinville — #5751 Raymond Oerouen (P) P 0 Box 63
COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Ufa (UolDenver-#31) Phillip Cochran (SO) 1165Drexel Boulder, CO 80303 tola Upellen (Utah State U - # 4 1 6 ) Phillip Cochran (SO) 1165Drexel Boulder. CO 80303 Omicron Tau (Fort Collins - #725) Dale A WilburntS) 278 Edwards Hall Fl Collins, CO 80523 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Dam Pal Lambda lDenver-«211) MelvinLarkinslCS) 4945 WorChester Slreet Denver CO 80239 tola Omicron Lambda [Colorado Springs - #515) Julius Darrmgton (P) P 0 Box 15083 Colorado Springs CO 80910 Mu Upiilon Lambda iBoulder - #564) No Report GREAT PLAINS Director James Hill 8536 N 45th Drive Glendale. AZ 85302 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta Than (UotArizona - # 3 3 9 ] JeriodO PatlersonlPl 4917 E 26th Street Tucson.AZ 85711 MuEta [Arizona State U - #448) Scott Holly (PI P 0 Box 276 Tempe AZ 85281 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Oolta Tau Lambda [Phoenix - #207) William CorbmlCS) 2401 W Cherry Lynn Road Phoenix AZ 85015 Ela Pal Lambda [Tucson - # 2 7 7 ) Richard Davis iCS) 5620 E South Wilshire Tucson AZ 85711 Theta PI Lambda (Las V e g a s - # 2 9 2 1 Sam Head l Pi P 0 Box 4795 Las Vegas NV 89106 PUEBLO STATE Director Boyd Jackson 1305 Evelyn Court NE Albuquerque NM 87112 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Omicron Dam (Uol New Mexico - # 7 1 I I No Report Pi Ela (New Mexico State U - #7361 Greg Dimmie(C) 244W Madrid LaCruces NM 88005 ALUMNI CHAPTERS tola Pal Lambda [Albuquerque - #523) Kenneth E Holley (PI P 0 Box 5435 Albuquerque NM 87115 GREAT NORTHWEST Oirtclor Herbert Starke 15013SE 171st Slreet Renlon WA 98055 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha I I (Uol Washington-»35l No Report Bala Pal IU ol Oregon - #66) No Report tola Tau (Eastern Washington - #415) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epailon Zeta Lambda (Portland - #217) George A Hendrix (P) P 0 Box 4074 Portland OR 97208 Zala PI Lambda (Seattle - »248l No Reporl tola Mu Lambda (Tacoma - #512) Eugenes Morns (Si 7843 S Alaska Tacoma WA 98406 Nu Epailon Lambda (Richrand - #5721 Corsemore Edwards (CS) 720 N 24 •3 Pasco WA 99301 Nu PHI Lambda [Spokane — #587) No Reporl FAR NORTH Director Frederick Johnson •210 400 W 76lh Anchorage AK 99502 ALUMNI CHAPTER Nu Zan Lambda (Anchorage — »573) No Report
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