Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
\$oirfcxruc} TogetHer
Volume 73
Number 1
Spring 1987
To Sei-ve j\XC TXivmmti*Y
Some of the pages in this issue have sections cut out of them The best copy available was scanned
VjS ^ EDITOR'S REVIEW d A . % H R I ^ . * Greetings Brothers . . . The 1987 Regional Conventions have now been completed ^ ^ V ^ B P § ^^* and our attention is focused on the upcoming General Convention in San Francisco ^ M ^ ^ B / As you prepare to head West, remember our commitment, and fraternal obligation, •fe|g^/^ to construct a new General Office facility. The National Headquarters Fund Drive •Bneeds the support of every Brother and the minimum amounts we have been asked to give are clearly reasonable. Before you drop a bundle in the Bay Area (or otherwise spend it for your summertime pleasure), send your check to support this important cause . . . WEIGHTY MATTERS: You should also note that the upcoming General Convention will be the forum for the discussion of serious items which will chart the Fraternity's course in years to come. For the first time in several years, several amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws will be put before the delegate assembly. All these will have been circulated to chapters in advance, in order that you might carefully consider them in light of the Fraternity's best interests. Moreover, the Internal Structure Commission will make its report at this convention and delegates will be charged with receiving said report and acting thereon. Your input into these matters requires that your Chapter send delegates to the convention who are willing to participate in the business sessions and work through the deliberative process to reach a conclusion. Please see the April 1987 issue of the Alpha Newsletter, which advertised the General Convention and spelled out procedures for the registration and certification of Chapter Delegates . . . THERE GOES AN ALPHA MAN: In this issue we highlight Brother J. Arthur Kelly, President of the National Dental Association; Brother William Bryant, another outstanding dental practitioner; and Brother James Stirgus, Superintendent of Schools in Vicksburg, Mississippi . . . UNITY AND SERVICE: Working together is a fundamental tenet of fraternal activity. In our various chapters, we are able to contribute to the community in a manner which far outweighs the individual contributions of chapter members. In this issue we highlight Beta Sigma Chapter, Southern University at Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Beta Beta Lambda Chapter in Miami, Florida. The collective efforts of these Chapters, in addition to the accomplishments of their members, gained them recognition as Chapters of the Year for 1986 . . . FOCUS: We are also pleased to turn the spotlight on Brother Hardy Franklin, Director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Library in Washington, DC. A special note of gratitude is offered to Brother Earl Jones, Editor-to-the-Sphinx of Mu Lambda Chapter, who provided this submission many months ago and has patiently awaited its publication . . . ALPHA ATHLETES: It is fitting that we now review the life of Brother Fritz Pollard, the NFL's only Black head coach, during a time when racism is again a hot topic among those who follow professional sports. This Brother proved the worth of Black athletes more than a half-century ago, as have many others since, and I'm rather tired of hearing commentators w o n d e r in mock anguish w h e t h e r factors other than blatant racism account for the many inequities found in today's g a m e . That Brother Pollard is a virtual u n k n o w n , d e s p i t e his t r e m e n d o u s accomplishments, speaks more eloquently than phony pronouncements ever shall. Racism is alive and ailing in this country and the realm of pro sports offers no exception . . . CONGRATULATIONS! We are pleased to join the chorus of Brothers who welcome Brother Huel D. Perkins to his new posts as the Fraternity's Director of Educational Activities and Chairman of the Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. Through these pages Brother Perkins has already done much to rekindle the spirit of academic excellence among our ranks. We are confident that he will be most successful in guiding the Foundation and that he will continue to write regularly in our Commentary pages. Believe it or not, his article in this issue - "The Education of Black Americans" - was in the hopper well before his appointment. When you read it, you'll see clearly why he was chosen . . . Also penning articles for our Commentary section are Brother Bradley Thomas, a member of Kappa Eta Chapter at Memphis State University and Brother James Floyd, a faculty member of Southern Universiy in Baton Rouge. Both provide food for thought as we plan next year's fraternal calendar . . . DEADLINES: Articles for inclusion in the Fall 1987 issue should be submitted by August 15, 1987 and articles for the Winter 1987 issue are due by October 15, 1987. Please adhere to these deadlines and the publications guidelines set for in The Chapter Guide Manual . . . MOVING? Finally, we urge you to remember that the mailing cycle for 1987 (including Life Members and 1987 Passcard Holders) runs until December 31st and includes copies of The Sphinx through the Winter 1987 issue. If you have moved or plan to move in the interim, please forward your new address to the Membership Department at the General Office. This will insure that you continue to receive your magazines . . . Until Next Issue . . . MJP.
Volume 73 Number 1 Spring 1987
MICHAEL J. PRICE Contributing
James B. Klanton. Ill; Laurence T. lining. ST.; Hnel Perkins; Wallace Jackson; Charles C. Teamer. Sr., Ex Officio. 11—CHAPTERS OF THE Y E A R — 1 9 8 6 - T h e g e n i u s of the fraternal idea is t h e c o n c e p t t h a t the w h o l e can b e m o r e t h a n the s u m of its p a r t s .
Last year, Alpha Phi Alpha singled out two of its chapters for recognition as the best of the best in the arena of service. These were Beta Sigma Chapter, Southern University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Beta Beta Lambda Chapter of Miami, Florida. 21
ALPHA ATHLETES — Brother Fritz Pollard was the nation's first Black gridiron Ail-American and to this date the only Black headcoach in the National Football League. To say that his legacy has been neglected would be a colossal understatement. As the professional sports moguls now contend that they are beginning to grapple with racism in their midst, a review of the Pollard record will demonstrate how far they have to go to be successful.
LEGACY — More than any Black American since Booker T. Washington, the name of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is being etched into the structure of our society. Some gestures, like the renaming of a street in his honor, are largely symbolic—but very important. Others, like the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library in Washington, DC, attempt to preserve the depth and breath of the King legacy for generations to come. Brother Hardy Franklin, a college classmate of Dr. King's presides over this repository of knowledge.
ABOUT THE COVER: At top, the Brothers of Beta Sigma add the 1986 College Chapter of the Year trophy to their collection at Southern University. Below, the Brothers of Beta Beta Lambda Chapter gather to savor their selection as the 1986 Alumni Chapter of the Year.
'i— The General President Speaks 5 — The Executive Secretary's Desk 7 — There Goes An Alpha Man 9 — Newsbriefs 2.1 — Speaking of Programs 27 — Alphas On The Move 31 — Chapter News (7 — Omega Chapter .1.1 — Directory of Officers .11 — Chapter Directory
"The Education of Black Americans' Huel Perkins / Page 15
'Black Youth In Pursuit of Excellence" Bradley Thomas / Page 17
Calling All Greeks' Raymond Floyd / Page 19
The Sphinx (USPS 510-440) The Sphinx is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653. Published four times a year: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Send all editorial mail and change of address (send both addresses) to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago. IL 60653. Manuscripts or art submitted to The Sphinx should be accompanied by addressed envelopes and return postage. Editor assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. Opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and use of any person's name in fiction, semi-fiction, articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility of The Sphinx It is never done knowingly. Copynght 1976 by The Sphinx, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc. Reproduction or use. without written permission, of the editorial or pictonal content in any manner is prohibited. The Sphinx has been published continuously since 1914. Organizing Editor: Bro. Raymond W. Cannon, Organizing General President: Bro Henry Lake Dickason. Second class postage paid at Chicago. IL and additional mailing stations. Postmaster Send Form 3579 and all correspondence, 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653
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THE GENERAL PRESIDENT SPEAKS •Salt Francisco Will Be A Working Convention Greetings Brothers: The upcoming General Convention will consider a number of vital issues and I urge all Chapter Delegates to come prepared to attend the Business Sessions, committee meetings and hearings and to give us the benefit of your wisdom as we work together to reach decisions. National
We continue to make progress in the collection of the $50 and $100 assessments from the Brotherhood which are earmarked to support the construction of a new National Headquarters facility. We have not yet reached our goal, but I am convinced that the Brothers support this project. We have now kicked off Phase II of our fund-raising effort, "The 2nd Mile." Several Brothers have already moved to the top of the list in this regards, with donations from $2500 to more than $5000. Here, too, we are optimistic that while the list is now small, we shall see other Brothers step forward in the Alpha tradition. Risk
I am pleased to report that our initial implementation of the Risk Management Program has been successful beyond the dreams of any of us who advocated this program at our 1986 General Convention. More than 80% of our C h a p t e r s have m e e t the comprehensive requirements for obtaining certification and nearly 1/2 of our total active membership has been involved in this massive, grassroots educational effort. The p r i m a r y aim of the Risk Management Program was to educate (and re-educate) the Brotherhood to the basic tenets of Fraternal operation, organizational administration and the risks involved with managing a national membership organization (along with ways to minimize those risks). The Risk Management Task Force has met and will provide a report to the General Convention. This report will almost certainly call for autoThe Sphinx/Spring 1987
matically extending certification for those Brothers who were trained in the initial phase, as well as other modifications deemed prudent and necessary. In spite of Risk Management and any number of other efforts to promote the highest standards of behavior, some Brothers continue to violate our principles and regulations. We shall seek them out and deal with them appropriately and effectively. Our leadership role requires that we not sacrifice the entire organization because of the improper behavior of the few. Internal
The San Francisco General Convention will be the forum for the presentation of the report of the Commission on Internal Structure. You will recall that the 1983 General Convention authorized this panel to take a longrange view at the Fraternity's organization and operating procedures and report to a subsequent convention with its recommendations, if any. In its deliberations, this Commission has taken hours of testimony from Brothers across the country, reviewed numerous documents and provided several interim reports on its proceedings. I have worked to provide as much support to the Commission as possible and to insure that it could function in an independent manner
in the development of recommendations for your consideration. Whatever your decisions on the Commission's recommendations, we should all thank its members for many long hours of work in the continuing process of insuring that Alpha Phi Alpha remains relevant and fit for the times. A Gentleman
I am pleased to announce the a p p o i n t m e n t of Brother Huel D. Perkins, Ph.D., to serve as Chairman of the Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. A former Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Southern University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, he is currently Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the Louisiana State University, also in Baton Rouge. Brother Perkins is familiar to most Brothers as a result of his insightful columns which appear regularly in the Commentary section of The Sphinx. He is busy at work, both at shoring up the Foundation internally and developing some exciting new educational programs. We look forward to his dynamic leadership in the years to come. /Âť
Charles C. Teamer, Sr. General President
Official Notice All Brothers and Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc. are herein notified that, T. W. ("Tony W") WILLIAMS, formerly a member of the Eta Sigma Chapter, San Diego State University, San Diego, California; and, GERALD THORNTON, formerly a member of Kappa Eta Chapter, Memphis State University, Memphis. Tennessee . . . have been duly SUSPENDED from said Fraternity, by vote of the Board of Directors of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. The above-mentioned are hereby prohibited from involvement, in any fashion. In any activity in the name of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; are prohibited from wearing the name of this organization, in any form whatsoever, or any of its many emblems, including the Official Badge (Fraternity Pin); and are barred from participation in fraternal affairs at any level. All Chapters and Brothers of the Fraternity are mandated to comply with this directive and to report violations of same to the General Office of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. ATTEST: James B. Blanton, III, Executive Secretary
To Be A Global Leader In Health Care, You Must Be A Global Leader In Management Science. "Abbott Laboratories is a worldwide company devoted to the discovery, development, manufacture and sale of a broad and diversified line of human health care products and services." These words lead off our 1985 Annual Report and quickly define the broad mission of 34,000 men and women who make Abbott Laboratories a world leader. Wherever you look within our organization, you're going to find management strengths that are unparalleled in the U.S. business community. You'll also find a healthy measure of devotion, commitment, and innovation. Discovery. Development. Over the past decade Abbott Laboratories has outpaced a changing health care marketplace with the introduction of hundreds of new products and services. Our commitment to research and development was evidenced by an investment of more than $240 million in 1985; a 10% increase from the prior year. Manufacture. Sale. At a time when most medical care industry indicators showed downward trends, we continue to show impressive gains. Productivity increased for the 14th consecutive year, with sales per employee up dramatically, and overall sales climbing to a current $3.5 billion. Continuing success has allowed us to devote huge expenditures to new plant and equipment investments, helping to solidify future expansion. Our secret? No secret, just a firm commitment to solid, wise management. Our outlook? No surprises, just steady progress and achievement fashioned by an effort that is 34,000 strong. Around the world, the Abbott name stands for outstanding strength and ever increasing opportunity. We offer a career environment that deserves your close consideration. For more information, please direct your inquiries to: Manager of Corporate Placement, Dept. APA. Abbott is an Affirmative Action Employer.
Going West To San Francisco Greetings Brothers: As you well know, San Francisco, California will be the site of our 1987 General Convention. In this column, I'd like to review with you some of the points you'll need to consider as yoii make your plans to join us for the 81st.
requests in this regard. Therefore, please be aware that there is no need to purchase an extra Banquet Ticket for "Registered Ladies." Extra tickets need only be ordered for non-registered persons (or Plan II College Brothers who choose to attend this event).
D e l t a — O u r Official Airline
We are pleased to announce that Delta Airlines has been selected the official airline of the 81st Anniversary Convention. Delta is offering discount fares to convention-goers, including a discount off any published discount rates (including Supersavers). For information regarding your travel to S a n F r a n c i s c o , call D e l t a at 1-800-241-6760. When speaking with the agent, please refer them to File #U0101 to take full advantage of the rates offered to Alpha Phi Alpha convention travelers.
Plastic Power In response to a large volume of r e q u e s t s from t h e B r o t h e r h o o d , "plastic power" can be used to pay for your convention costs. You may use your Visa, MasterCard or American Express Cards to register for the 81st Anniversary Convention. Should you chose this option, please indicate this in the "Payment Method" section of the Registration Form and provide the additional information requested there. Moreover, you will soon be able to say "charge it" in practically all financial transactions with the General Office, including the payment of Grand Tax and Life Membership fees. Additional information in this regard will be provided to Chapters and Brothers shortly.
Banquet Tickets Formal Banquet Tickets are included in the Registration Fees for Alumni Brothers, College Brothers Plan I and Ladies. For the Ladies, this change was made in response to repeated The Sphinx/Spring 1987
For your convenience, Pre-Registration forms were distributed at each of the Regional Conventions; and have been mailed to the entire Brotherhood via the Alpha Newsletter . Each Alpha Brother should use a separate form for registration. Family members and guests may be registered on the form with any Brother. Your completed form should be forwarded with all fees to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., 4432 Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653. Discount rates are offered to all persons registering prior to July 1, 1987. In addition, Pre-Registrants are assigned priority seating at the Alpha Formal Banquet a n d the Ladies Luncheon-Fashion Show. Convention kits, activity tickets and convention information will be prepared in advance for pre-registrants - and await your arrival to the site.
please check the box indicating same on the Registration Form. You must also ensure that your chapter submits its Delegate Credentials, listing you as a delegate, to the General Office in Chicago. If these two steps are taken, you can be pre-certified by the General Office as a Delegate - eliminating the need to be certified by the Committee on Rules & Credentials on-site.
Pre-Assigned Seating Because of high demand, seating is pre-assigned for the Formal Banquet and the Ladies Luncheon-Fashion Show - on a "first come-first served" basis. Group seating must be requested and paid for at the time of registration.
Hotel Reservations Hotel room reservation requests must be sent to the Alpha Phi Alpha General Office. Convention registration fees must accompany room requests. The hotel is not authorized to release Alpha Phi Alpha's reserved rooms, at the convention rate, except as processed through the General Office.
Job Fair & Exhibit Program College Brothers College Brothers are offered two registration plans - both of which provide for attendance and participation for the duration of the convention. Plan I is the "full-fare" arrangement, providing tickets for the Banquet and all scheduled luncheons. Plan II is the "no-frills" p l a n , allowing College Brothers to be fully registered - but including only one meal function (Saturday's College Brothers Luncheon). Plan II is available only during the Pre-Registration period.
Delegate Certification If you are to be a Chapter Delegate,
More than 50 national corporations are expected to participate in the 1987 Job Fair and Exhibit Program, offering both job interview opportunities and consumer exhibit booths. If you are unable to attend the Job Fair, you are urged to mail your resume to Job Fair, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, 4432 Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653. The Job Fair is also o p e n to t h e g e n e r a l public.
Baby-Sitting Services Baby-sitting services will be available for purchase during the General Convention. Information will be available on-site regarding these services. 5
Brother J. Arthur Kelly
Bryant honored for exceptional expertise
Brother Kelly heads National Dental Association
Brother William J. Bryant, D.D.S., Sc.D., is an orthodontist with a private practice located in West Palm Beach, Florida. Dr. Bryant is recognized nationally for his expertise and he is the 1986 co-recipient of the Howard/Peterson Award given by the North American Begg Society of Orthodontists. Dr. Bryant is the first member of this prestigious group to win the award twice. His North American Begg Society colleagues also named him as 1980 Howard/Peterson Award co-winner. The honor is bestowed upon the orthodontist who has demonstrated exceptional expertise in utilizing Begg Techniques in the treatment of extremely difficult and severe malocclusions. Dr. Bryant, who is a member of the American Association of Orthodontists, has an innovative approach to dental care and that is the reason for his growing success in South Florida. He operates a practice in West Palm Beach and Port St. Lucie and they are limited to Orthodontics and Functional Jaw Orthopedics. The former associate professor at Boston University will design braces, including "invisible" lingual braces to accommodate the medical, cosmetic and financial needs of his patients.
Brother J. Arthur Kelly, an Atlanta Dentist, received his early education in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a graduate of Morehouse College in Atlanta, a n d M e h a r r y Medical College in Nashville, T e n n e s s e e , w h e r e he pledged to Chi Chapter. He is a member of the Eta Lambda Chapter in Atlanta - life member #685. Brother Kelly is one of the seven members of the Eta Lambda chapter to establish the Eta Iota Lambda Chapter at Athens, Georgia. As of January 1, 1987, Brother Kelly was elected president of the National Dental Association. Prior to this election, he served on the Executive Board, as Vice-President and Chairman of the Board, and PresidentElect of the organization. He is a member of the Georgia Dental Society, and the North Georgia Dental Society, and has served as president of both groups. He also holds membership in the American Dental Association, the Georgia Dental Association, and the Northern District. Dr. Kelly is dedicated to the promotion of the art and science of dentistry; to raising the standard of the dental profession and dental education; to stimulating favorable relations between dentists and other health professions; to working toward The Sphinx/Spring 1987
an increased commitment of our governments on a national, state and local level; to the support of health care in general, a n d d e n t i s t r y in particular; to giving more encouragement and support to our dental students; and to giving more attention to treating the aging and elderly. He is the son of one of the two former Black jewelers on Sweet Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, and used this talent as a jeweler and watchmaker to service watches for the s t u d e n t s a n d faculty d u r i n g his matriculation at Meharry Medical College. While at Meharry, Brother Kelly, along with many other dental and medical students from all over the country, lived at and enjoyed the sanctuary of the Alpha House on Jefferson Avenue, the home base of Chi Chapter.
Superintendant Stirgis of Vicksburg The fact that Brother James E. Stirgus, Sr. was born in one of the poorest (economically) counties in Mississippi — Wilkinson County — did not blight his aspirations and motivation to achieve. Today, Brother Stirgus is dubbed a leader and shaker in the Red Carpet City of Mississippi — Vicksburg. He is currently the Superintendent of Education for Vicksburg Municipal School District. He has held this position since 1986, having served as the assistant superintendent of the district from 1983 to 1986. Brother Stirgus had an early good start. He attended Johnson High School in Woodville, Mississippi and, upon graduation in 1951, he accepted the call to serve his country in the Korean conflict. Upon leaving the military service in 1953, Brother Stirgus enrolled at Alcorn A & M College (now Alcorn State University). He was a tremendous student leader at Alcorn — a quality he has cultivated and enhanced to this day. Brother Stirgus entered the teaching profession on graduating from Alcorn in 1958. Within two years (in 1960), he was elected principal of Rosa A. Temple High School in Vicksburg. The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Brother James E. Stirgus, Sr. Brother Stirgus has always had an instinct for excellence and a quest for knowledge; therefore, he enrolled at Jackson State University while serving as principal and earned the Master of Science in school administration in 1964. Brother Stirgus' search for knowledge motivated him to do further study at Mississippi State University and Mississippi College. In writing about Stirgus' appointment as superintendent of education, the [conservative] Vicksburg Evening Post editorial, in an article entitled "A New Superintendent", said: "We extend congratulations to James E. Stirgus on his promotion to Superintendent of Vicksburg Municipal School District . . . Stirgus is the first black man chosen to fill the highest post in the Vicksburg school system. He has the qualifications and record to support his selection." Brother Stirgus was among the first group of candidates to be initiated into Theta Sigma Lambda Chapter and is a life member of the Fraternity. He established the Junior ROTC program in Vicksburg Public Schools. A major accomplishment is his leadership in having a "voluntary" integration of the faculty and staff at North Vicksburg High School. Brother Stirgus provided leadership in improving the management of the school system, developing a record m a n a g e m e n t system and a uniform classification system for secretarial work. Brother Stirgus has served as the President of Alcorn State University National Alumni Association—an o r g a n i z a t i o n which experienced much growth and development during his administration.
There goes a man of high impulse Of princely mien and grace There goes a man of humble faith A credit to his race There goes a man of conscience vast with will to reach his goal There goes a man of lordly rank Of heroes' stock and soul— There goes a man of noble caste Whom hardship cannot break There goes a man in merit clad Whom duty won't forsake There goes a man in cultured verse Who holds a sportsman's creed There goes a man too vigilant To bow to lust or greed There goes a man whose life is spent in service not in scorn There goes a man whose majesty Shines like a May time There goes a man who is a friend To love and duty truth There goes a man to help uplift The lives of wholesome youth There goes a man with industry and faith at his command. There goes the best man in and out For he is an Alpha Man. 7
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NEWSMAKERS . . . OUTSTANDING YOUNG MEN: The following were among the many Alpha Brothers cited in the 1986 edition of Outstanding Young Men of America - Brother Jack Sullivan, Jr. of Jefferson City, Missouri; Brother Philip D. Taylor of Ft. Washington, Maryland; and, Brother John M. Williams of College Park, Georgia. Brothers are reminded to designate The Sphinx as one of the publications to be notified upon their selection for this prestigous award ... A HUMANITARIAN SAGA: Pinder: From Little Acorns is the story of Brother Frank E. Pinder, II, who career as an agricultural specialist has taken his from the rural American South to the sub-Sahara regions of Africa. He represented the United States continuously from the Franklin Roosevelt administration to that of Jimmy Carter. His book is available from the FAMU Foundation, P. O. Box 6562, Tallahassee, FL 32301. BROTHERS DEPARTED OMEGA CHAPTER BRIEFS: Since the close of this issue's Omega Chapter section, we have been saddened to learn of the deaths of several outstanding Brothers. Brother Paul Zuber, a pioneering attorney and Director of the Center for Urban and Environmental Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York entered Omega Chapter on March 6th. Dr. Zuber was the 1986 recipient of the Institute's Darrin Counseling Award, given to a faculty member who has made an outstanding contribution in the couseling of students. The selection of the recipient is made by Phalanx, the student honorary society at RPI - a testament to his standing among these young leaders. Judge Billy Jones, former Midwestern Vice President and stalwart civic leader in East St. Louis, Illinois, entered Omega Chapter on March 20th. Brother John Flemming, also a former Midwestern Vice President, entered Omega Chapter recently in Cleveland, Ohio. And, Brother David A. Wright, Jr., former The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Eastern Assistant Vice President, entered Omega Chapter on March 3rd in Chicago. ELECTION UPDATES . . . LEADERS IN THE RANKS: The 1987 meeting of the Texas Council of Alpha Chapters was highlighted by the election of Brother William Jones, of Beaumont, as President of the state organization. Brother Rundell Edeison, of Lawton, was elected to head the Oklahoma State Conference at its annual meeting. And, on the East coast, Brother J. A. "Tony" Mann was chosen to head the Virginia Association of Chapters. Congratulations, Brothers . .. POLITICAL NOTEBOOK: Brother Keith A. Caldwell, a member of Xi Lambda Chapter in Chicago, was elected to the Chicago City Council as Alderman of the 8th Ward . . . Brother Bryant Melton was re-elected to the Alabama Legislature representing District #61. Additionally, Brother Melton was chosen to head the Alabama Black Political Caucus. Brother John England, a prominent West Alabama attorney, was one of the first two Blacks to be elected to the City Council in Tuscaloosa home of the fabled Crimson Tide. Brothers Melton and England are both members of Delta Phi Lambda Chapter in Tuscaloosa. HERE AND THERE . . . OF NOTE: San Diego's 1987 Martin Luther King Day Parade featured the award-winning Pilot March Band of Banning High School, now labeled the top show band in the Western U.S. The unit is under the direction of Brother James Woodson . . . Brother Oliver Lancaster was appointed Associate Superintendent for Area Administrative I by the Montgomery County (Maryland) Board of Education . . . Brother William Arterberry has been appointed Business Officer at the Atlanta College of Art. He is a 1980 graduate of Morehouse College . . . Brother Robert L. Davis was named Presi-
dent of the Alabama Exchange Bank in Tuskegee. Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter held a reception honoring Brother Davis' appointment on January 17th at Tuskegee Municipal Auditorium . . . Brother Stephen I. Moorman is Branch Manager of the Sun Bank of Tampa, Florida, a post he has held since February 1986 . . . Brother E. Alexander Purnell was profiled in the Salisbury (Maryland) Daily Times, which marveled at his 42 year practice on the Eastern Shore and a concurrent record of civic involvement and community leadership . . . Brother James Arthur Williams is Director of the widely acclaimed Stillman College Choir of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He is considered an authority on Black choral music and is widely sought after as a guest conductor. Brother Williams was educated at Allen University, the University of Illinois, Columbia University and Ohio State University . . . THE CHAPTER CIRCUIT . . . CHAPTER BRIEFS: Theta Phi Lambda Chapter held its annual Community Achievement Award and Black History Program on February 15 at Shiloh Baptist, Bennettsville, South Carolina. Samuel Foster, member of the South Carolina House of Representatives, was the featured speaker for the occasion . . . Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter (Cleveland, Ohio) held a "Groundbreaking Ceremony and Reception" to launch the chapter-sponsored conversion of E. M. Williams School into a $2 million, 50-unit housing complex for the elderly, Alpha Phi Alpha Housing Estates. Borther Alan Shatteen is President of Alpha housing, Inc., the sponsoring corporation for this venture . . . Theta Nu Lambda Chapter (LaGrange, Georgia) held its Teenage Pregnancy Workshop on January 24th at Boys' Junior High School . . . Betga Psi Lambda Chapter (Los Angeles, California) has strongly reaffirmed its commitment to education. The Chapter has pledged $10,000 to the 100 Black Men's "Young Black Scholars" Program, with an ini9
tial $2,500 installment paid; and has pledged to support the United Negro College Fund with at least $1000 per annum. Here too, the 1987 installment is marked "paid"! . . . Gamma Phi Chapter (Tuskegee University) joined with the Student Government Association to sponsor free chartered buses for university students traveling to the January 24th Brotherhood March to Forsyth County, Georgia to protest the extreme racial discrimination in the county . . . In recognition of Black History Month, the Avondale Regional Library and Iota Nu Chapter (University of AlabamaBirmingham) sponsored an essay contest entitled: "What the United States Constitution Means to Me."...
toasted with a banquet in his honor on April 30th in Suffolk, Virginia. The affair honoring one the last of the "home visiting doctors" was hosted by Epsilon Nu Lambda Chapter, Harvey N. Johnson, Jr., President . . . Brother Elanis Westbrook, a member of Epsilon Iota Chapter at the University of Texas, was seen in February posting the highest batting average on the nationally ranked team and the third best in the powerful Southwest Conference. Brother Westbrooks turned down last year's draft offer from the New York Yankees in order to return to school. Look for this outfielder to soon make his mark in the pro ranks . . . WEDDING BELLS . . .
WELL DONE . . . KUDOS: Brother Kyle C. Searcy was selected for the Alabama State University Golden Ambassadors. Brother Searcy is Group Commander of AFROTC Detachment 019, Vice President of the Student Government Association, a member of the Marching Hornets Band, a member of Pi Mu Epsilon Professional Mathematics Fraternity and the recipient of an aerospace studies scholarship. He was also the winner of the Alpha Phi Alpha Oratorical Contest for the State of Alabama . . . Brother William Dury Cox III was honored during a special presentation of Blues, The Father of Jazz, upon the occasion of his retirement after 36 years in the Tennessee State University Speech and Drama Department . . . Brother Ralph Johnson was honored by the University of South Carolina's Association of Afro-American Students for his contributions to the University of Alabama and holds a master's degree from Florida State University. He serves as Assistant Dean of Minority Students Affairs at the university, is advisor to AFRO and Theta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, and set u p South Carolina's Minority Outreach Program (which helps minority freshmen adjust to college life) . . . Brother Robert Raby and his wife, Mattie, were named "Parents of the Year" during Parents Day ceremonies at Tuskegee University. Three of their four children are enrolled at the institution. Brother Raby is a member of Iota Lambda Chapter in Indianapolis, Indiana . . . Brother E. Harris Adams, veteran physician and Alpha Brother for 66 years was 10
DAVIS-GARDNER: Brother Robert L. Davis, President of Alabama Exchange Bank in Tuskegee, Alabama and the former Cheryl Denise Gardner were wed on April 18th at Bethel MB Church in Montgomery. Brother Davis is a graduate of Troy State University and Auburn University. The bride, a graduate of Alabama State University and Tuskegee University, is a medical technologist and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority . . . PARNELLWRIGHT: Brother Jackie L. Parnell and the former Linda L. Wright were united in marriage on Saturday, March 7 at St. John AME Church, Columbia, South Carolina. Brother Davis, a graduate of the University of South Carolina, is a marketing representative for R. L. Bryan Company. STATEMENT 0 » OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT AND C'ACULATION
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Beta Sigma Under the leadership of President Darien Bradford, Beta Sigma captured an its third national title. Beta Sigma, housed on the campus of Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is certainly no stranger when it comes to winning. In 1983, Beta Sigma won State, Regional and National titles. In 1984, Beta Sigma won State and Regional titles. For the past two years the State and Regional College Brother of the Year was from Beta Sigma and in the last four years, three of the four Alumni Brothers of the Year were products of Beta Sigma. With this reputation for excellence in mind, the Brothers of Beta Sigma undertook the task of completing another successful year. During the 1985-86 academic year, the Brothers of Beta Sigma participated in and sponsored over 50 activities in the Baton Rouge and Southern University communities. Meals on Wheels provides the chapter with an opportunity to deliver meals to the elderly. The chapter volunteered its services to the 1986 National Sports Festival held in Baton Rouge, performing duties ranging from cleaning up to answering telephones. Each year the Jerry Lewis telethon is aired and the Brothers from Beta Sigma volunteer their services for at least an eight-hour shift. 1986 marked the beginning of a nationwide celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday and in Baton Rouge the Brothers from Beta Sigma formed a task force dedicated to executing "Martin Luther King Week". MLK Week committee chairmen David "Rusty" Ponton and Eric Reed stated that the weeks activities had something for everyone. During "MLK Week" the Brothers gave away carnations in honor of Dr. King, showed biographical movies, attended a press conference at the State Capitol where the Governor signed a proclamation making Dr. King's birthday a state holiday. Beta Sigma also held a candle light march after which church services in honor of Dr. King were held. Last, but not least, Beta Sigma unveiled a bust of Dr. King at a formal reception held at The Sphinx/Spring 1987
the Governor's mansion. The bust, which was sculptured by Professor Frank Hayden, will be donated to Southern University in the name of Beta Sigma. From the moment they cross those burning sands, the Brothers of Beta Sigma are enrolled in a rigorous prog r a m of p e r s o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t through increased responsibility and leadership. The success of this program can be seen in shining examples such as Brother Andrew Jackson, State 2nd Vice President, President of the Student Government Association, and student representative on
**? H ir
Producing outstanding student leaders at the world's largest Black university is a B S hallmark. A wide range of community projects reaffirm what the Seven Jewels first proved â&#x20AC;&#x201D; that college men can make a difference in this world. the Southern University Board of Supervisors; Larence Snowden, President, Alpha Kappa Mu, Alpha Chi, Board of Supervisors Scholar, Dean's List, Southwestern College Brother of the Year and Pi Tau Sigma; Greg Burton, Student Government Association Vice-President and Cadet continued
on Page 14 11
You can write to Digital about 100 openings in 16 New England locations. You know how intimidating it can be. Let's assume you want to talk to Digital about what opportunities they have open in your area of speciahzation-but you don't know whether you should write to X in Maynard, or Y in Stowe. But wait, maybe you should inquire about that opening you heard about in New Hampshireclose to the downhill slopes of your dreams. It's confusing-to say the least. A company that has written a good piece of the computer's history has written an amazing success story in the process. And success resuks in size, numerous and varied opportunities-and a certain degree of geographic sprawl. To make it easy for you—to help you find your way to the ideal opportunity in the perfect place—we have gathered representatives from all our New England locations and they're bringing over 100 openings your way. These positions are in our Field Headquarters Organization which is the power behind our customer service, software consulting and education efforts. We have openings for the following professionals in 16 eastern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire locations.
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People and Technology... PERFECT INTERACTION
Beta Beta Lambda "Scholarship, Manly Deeds, and Love For All Mankind" characterized the diligent work and altruistic service of Beta Beta Lambda Chapter, Miami, Fl, Alpha's Outstanding Alumni Chapter of the Year. The 80th A n n i v e r s a r y C o n v e n t i o n in Washington, DC set the tone for this signal honor which recognized the c h a p t e r for its civic l e a d e r s h i p , community development, and strict adherance to and implementation of the fraternity's National programs. According to Brother William E. Clarke, III, president of Beta Beta Lambda, the 1985-86 fraternal year was a fruitful one. The chapter expanded many of its programs which provided service and love to a host of individuals. Project Alpha was one such program. Through this program, four seminars were held, expressly aimed at involving black male teens in addressing the problems of teenage pregnancy. Over seventy-five male teens, ages twelve through eighteen participated in the four to six hour sessions held on the campus of Florida Memorial College. Brother Michael Grubbs, chairman of Project Alpha, stated that the outcome of the seminars for the teens has been greater awareness of the responsibilities of parenthood and the consequences of irresponsible sexual activity. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and several other local organizations solicited guidance and direction from Beta Beta Lambda as well as requested to co-sponsor sessions which would include the black teen female. In addition, the chapter secured a $1,000.00 grant from the March of Dimes and is seeking financial assistance from other agencies to help underwrite the cost. Clarke says, this project has sparked the interest of several civic and social agencies who have commended Beta Beta Lambda for taking the lead in addressing a very serious problem Nationwide. R e c o g n i z i n g t h e p l i g h t of t h e unfortunate during the Month of November of '85, the chapter, through its five Dade Partner Program Schools, provided food certificates for needy The Sphinx/Spring 1987
families in addition to serving as role models for those schools. The chapter continued to maintain a leadership role in the South Florida Council of the Boy Scouts by having its members serve as commissioners in the Calusa District which covers the inner-city neighborhoods in Northwest Miami. In celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King and his dream, Beta Beta Lambda Chapter and the Miami Chapter of the Links, Inc. kicked off a week of activities by presenting books on Dr. King to the chapter's Dade Partner Schools. The first Alpha/Links
This Miami-based alumni chapter tackled issues such as drug abuse and teen pregnancy in an effort to turn youth on to a positive path. Scholarships, oratorical contents and leadership training buttressed that focus on success. Oratorical Contest received participants from those same schools. The contest was held at Miami Northwestern Senior High School, the only predominately black senior high in the county and headed by Alpha B r o t h e r Dr. G e o r g e K o o n c e . It afforded a $100.00 savings bond for continued on Page 14 13
Beta Sigma continued from page 11 Commander-in-Chief of Army ROTC; Eric Reed, President of Phi Beta Lambda; Darien Bradford, President, Beta Sigma; Alvin Sharp, Alpha Chi oha ;ma )ha >r's ter arn
id ha •'s
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blacK owneu uusinesses in baton Rouge, Beta Sigma sponsored a Black Business Exposition. Beta Sigma also requested that each Brother become active with the local NAACP chapter, sponsored an anti-apartheid bumper sticker drive, sponsored Black History Month observance, participated in a SGA civil rights march and held United Negro College Fund Recognition Day. The chapter also sponsored its annual voter registration drive. During the 1985 Bayou Classic weekend, Beta Sigma participated in the third annual "Miller Thriller" stomp competition. When it was all over, Beta Sigma walked away with one-thousand dollars in prize money, a first-place trophy and the championship jacket. Brother Alan Willis and David
"Rusty" Ponton received high SWAC honors in their respective areas of play (basketball and tennis). Recently, Beta Sigma completed its chapter database computer directory. The first edition of the chapter's newsletter, Beta Sigma Today, was completed on a Commodore 128 PC made available by one of the chapter members. Thanks to the efforts of Brothers Derrick Pugh and Leroy Washington, Beta Sigma has truly' entered the realm of "high-tech" in keeping their records. The spring 1986 smoker provided Beta Sigma with a much needed restoration of its fraternal force. During the spring semester ten young men found their way into the auspies of Beta Sigma, guided by Brother Raphael Soetan (Dean of Pledges) and Brother Alvin Sharp (Dean of Probates). • Beta Beta Lambda continued from page 13 the winner and $50.00 for second place. Highlighting the weeks activities were three workshops which focused on "The Myths and Truths About Drugs, Sex, and Alcohol". Beta Beta Lambda conducted it's teen pregnancy workshops through Project Alpha; the Links through Project Lead focused in on drug and alcohol abuse; and the Miami A l p h a b e t s conducted their session with teen females on "Why to Say No". Over eighty-four teens and thirty-four adults were on hand for the workshops. Concluding the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King was a religious service on Sunday under the guidance
of Brother Father J. Kenneth Major. The featured speaker was Brother Wilkie D. Ferguson. The week of activities was a resounding success. Exceptional community programs continue to give credence to the continued success of Beta Beta Lambda. Participation in the Alpha Outreach program, designed to afford high school students the experience of gaining practical application of fundamental principles and procedures of leadership, provided two Outstanding youths the opportunity to represent the chapter at Alpha South's Leadership Development/ Citizenship Institute held at Fisk University in June of 1986. The Annual Alpha Ball, the major fund raiser for scholarship, afforded the chapter to present scholarship awards to four deserving youngsters. Brother James Owens, chairman of the Education committee has expanded the number of scholarship awards given each year. The aforementioned are just a few of the accomplishments achieved under outgoing president, Clarence Ewell, The achievements drew attention and concern from a host of civic and social organizations, as well as social service agencies. Brother William E. Clarke, III newly elected president of Beta Beta Lambda Chapter states that the chapter will continue to move progressively forward and expand it's programs. Paramount, however, is that the chapter's programs serve as inspiration to the "Youth who March Onward Toward the Light". In the true sense of brotherhood, the chapter remains, "First of All, Servants of All, We shall transcend All."
T H E ALPHA SPIRIT AWARDS To Be Given At the 81st Anniversary Convention in San Francisco Chapters Traveling The Longest Distance (2 Awards — College and Alumni) Chapters With Most Registered Brothers (4 Awards - College and Alumni, Within and Outside Host Region) Oldest Registered Brother College Brother with the Highest Grade Point Average College Chapter with the Highest Grade Point Average
Look for further information and registration forms in an upcoming issue of The Chapter Bulletin. 14
The Sphinx/Spring 1987
ITS HISTORY A N D ITS IMPORTANCE Huel D. Perkins ducation has affected the progress of black Americans in this country as has no other aspect of our existence. Perhaps out of a lack of knowledge of history or plain indifference or apathy, large numbers of American blacks have failed to see the significance of an education. Minorities, in particular, have relied upon education as a means of upward mobility, of improving one's lot in life, and for the improvement of successive generations. This is why we must at every opportunity, from every platform, from the lips of every black leader, drive home the fact that education is vital to our very existence as a race if we are not to lose all the gains we have made in these United States since arriving here as slaves in 1619. The importance of the training of the mind must be stressed again and again—especially to those who will not take heed. We must become relentless and single-minded in this re-assertion of the efficacy of education. This is what Thomas Jefferson meant when he said that any nation which expects to be both ignorant and free in a state of civilization expects what never was or never will be. And W. E. B. DuBois put it another way. He said simply: "The history of civilization seems to prove that no group or nation which seeks advancement and true development can despise or neglect the power of the well-trained mind." Let me cite a few important dates in the history of black education: 1758—Frances Williams becomes the first black college graduate in the Western hemisphere. 1826—The first two black males to graduate from college in this country were Edward A. Jones of C h a r l e s t o n , South Carolina from A m h e r s t College in Massachusetts, and John J. Russworm of Jamaica who graduated from Bowdoin College in Maine. 1854—Ashum Institute, near Lincoln University in Pennsylvania was founded and is said to be the oldest institution of higher education for blacks in the United States. 1881—Booker T. Washington founded Tuskegee Institute. 1894—Harvard University awarded its first doctorate to a black man—W. E. B. DuBois.
The Sphinx/Spring 1987
1896—In the famous Plessy vs. Ferguson case, the Supreme Court ruled that "separate but equal" accommodations was a reasonable use of state police power. 1907—Alain L. Locke became the first black American to win a Rhodes scholarship. 1954—The Supreme Court ruled by a 9-0 decision that school segregation was unconstitutional since "separate educational facilities were inherent unequal." (This is, by far, the most important decision in the history of education in this country). I cite these few important milestones to document the fact that there has been some progress among blacks since we arrived on these shores. And while it is impossible to trace every step which blacks in this country have taken to become educated, it is clear that as one looks at history, he finds that there was never a time when slaves and free blacks did not make a gallant effort to become educated. There were many laws on the books which affected the lives of slaves. The Black Codes which were operative up to the Civil War and following forbade blacks to do many things: they could not buy property; they could not enter into contracts; they could not gather without a white present; they could not not carry firearms. But the most inhuman of all of these laws in force was this: Do not teach blacks how to read and to write. We are still paying for that dastardly inhuman imposition. Man has an insatiable desire to know. When he is deprived of this aspect of his existence, the effect is devastating and lasting. As blacks, we should all be reading twenty-four hours a day to compensate for the years which we were forbidden to do so by law. Without access to ideas, without a mastery of the basic skills of reading, writing and thinking, any race, any culture, any civilization is doomed. mancipation of black people from slavery was one of the most frustrating days in the lives of black people. Not that we did not wish to be free, but that we were totally unprepared for freedom. This was by design. Even the most ignorant of slave owners knew this. continued on Page 16
Following the Emancipation of slaves, schools were needed as never before. The majority of our present 114 historically black colleges came into existence during the period of Reconstruction—all with the single purpose of educating black people. As W. E. B. DuBois was to write in his Souls of Black Folks: "If Southern whites would not teach blacks and northern whites in sufficient numbers could not be found, the black man's only alternative was to teach himself and to establish his schools as the basic framework for making this possible." These black colleges in a single generation, put 30,000 black teachers in the southern schools, wiped out the illiteracy of the majority of blacks and made black survival in an age of lynching and genocide and Federal desertion not only possible but plausible. Teachers, leaders, —but most of all, hope for the hopeless was the legacy of this period of our history. Education still has the capacity to do just that: lead us out of our bondages of time and place and circumstance. As it became our saving grace during the years immediately following the Civil War, it must again become our rod and our staff to guide us. So much for history. Let us take a look at some of the problems facing us as black people today as regards education: • Over 40 percent of all blacks in higher education are enrolled in two-year colleges—many in terminal programs. • Blacks received fewer bachelor's and master's degrees in 1984 than in 1978. Other minority groups made gains at both levels. • Blacks account for less than 1 percent of all doctorate holders in America. • More than three times as many graduate degrees are conferred on non-resident aliens than black Americans (Asians continue to be the only minority group that is over-represented in enrollments and degrees earned at all levels of higher education). • Although there is an excess of doctorates in such fields as psychology, chemistry, history, law, meterology, physics, political science at the national level, the supply of black doctorates in these fields is dismal. • A recent study reported that about 17% of all 17 year olds are illiterate—among minorities that may run as high as 40% in some communities. • One out of every five graduating seniors is unable to carry out simple reading tasks upon graduation. • Drop-out rate among high school students is nearly 45 percent nationally. This is a major problem which we must address. Black students are beginning to drop out as early as the primary grades. Many who do not drop-out are academically underprepared for going on beyond high school for they have either taken vocational rather than college preparatory programs or the instruction in the schools which they attended was not demanding enough for them to handle college work. Many do not see the advantage of remaining in school as being necessary to their future lives. Others will blame themselves or still others hate the very idea of school. 16
o what does all of this say to us as we celebrate Black History Month and look closely at the education of black Americans? It says to each of us that our generation will fail those who come after us if we do not stress the importance of education as a means of survival of the black race. We must become vigilant in emphasizing the importance of training one's mind. And we must become involved—each and every one of us. We must show young people the long-range benefits of education and not have them mortgage their future by blaming the system. Like the "Go To High School—Go To College" movement of our fraternity in the thirties—the time may have come for us to launch a national campaign with a slogan of "Stay in High School—Claim Your Future." Of course they will argue that education is boring. We must tell them that many things in life are boring. Research in medicine and science is humdrum, but it improves our lives and stamps out diseases. A thousand and one jobs are dull but they are critical to the functioning of the wellbeing of society. We might also remind them that eating can sometimes be unexciting. But we all keep showing up for food as we wish to remain on this earth. We must tell them about drugs and how they ruin a person's most precious possession—his mind. We must tell them about teen-age pregnancy and how it is impossible for children to rear children. We must tell them that it makes absolutely no sense to rob a convenience store for fifty dollars and spend the remainder of one's young adult years behind bars. We must tell them that they are our hope of the world. They are our youth. They are all that we have. We must tell them that we cannot—will not—give up on them. We must turn this mad rush to oblivion in another direction. It will take the concern and fortitude of all of us to do so.
Black students are beginning to drop out
as early as the primary grades. Others are
academically unprepared to go beyond high school. Many do not see the advantage of remaining in school. Some hate the idea. The best presciption for carrying the word of education comes from an editorial I once read in Ebony magazine some few years ago. It was entitled "Education—It Makes Dollars and Sense." It spoke of the blacks who would not go to the predominantly white colleges nor would they come south to the predominantly black colleges. It spoke of the tragedy of seeing a young black rapping at the neighborhood tavern about wanting to journey to Africa to help his independent black brothers —not realizing that they did not possess a single skill needed by African nations. It spoke of the young blacks who were crying about the lack of doctors, lawyers and dentists in their neighborhoods but never seeming to realize that this shortage of black professionals comes continued on Page 1 7 The Sphinx/Spring 1987
about partly because too many young blacks drop out of school. The problem of our youth is now an adult problem. The problem of the lack of respect for education is now one of national proportions. What is one going to do in this highly technological, computerized society if he or she has no training? What skills do you possess that someone is willing to purchase? What do you intend to do with your life? These are the hard questions, but the ones which must be asked and answers to them demanded. The Jews represent the classic American success story. They, too, had to overcome tremendous opposition. How did they do it? With education. The Jews believe in training the mind. By the middle of the 20th century, more than one-fourth of all Jewish males had four or
more years of college. Less than ten percent of the entire United States population as a whole had that much education. When Frederick Douglass, the slave, was denied the opportunity to learn the simple alphabet by his slaveowner, he vowed at that moment that he would get an education at any cost, whatever obstacles he had to endure, whatever hardships he must suffer. He went on to become the most articulate spokesman for the abolition of slavery that this world has ever known. Education is no less important to us as a race of people today than it was when we were enslaved. Education is the only way that blacks can save themselves and help their black brothers in other countries. We must not cease until this message is understood and heeded by the entire black population of these United States. For, and it may be said without fear of contradiction, blacks will never be equal in this country until they are equally educated. That is just how important education is. All else fails.
"Black Youth In The Pursuit Of Excellence" On February 15, 1986, at approximately 1:15 p . m . , I sat d o w n and began to examine the issues and problems that affect the lives of every young Black American, in one way or another. I had decided that I needed to take a sincere and deep look at t h e c i r c u m s t a n c e s t h a t affected the pursuit of excellence in myself and other young Blacks. As I gathered my thoughts together, I began recalling the numerous civil rights marches, sit-ins, and boycotts that I had heard so much about. Yes, these events were before my time, and though I had no direct connection with the Civil Rights Movement, they played a major role in molding and shaping the course of my life. Individuals like Rosa Parks, Jesse Jackson, and A n d r e w Young w h o had participated in those activities took a stand against racial discrimination, and in so doing placed their lives in jeopardy. But it was not their safety that they were concerned with. They were concerned with the pursuit of excellence among future Black generations. They wanted their sons and daughters to be able to enjoy the luxuries of life, and to be able to pursue careers in such fields as medicine, engineering, law and politics without being bound by the chains of segregation. This would only come about if someone woke up America, and showed her the need for equality. Well, s o m e o n e d i d w a k e The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Because of the sacrifices of those who have gone before, the sky is the limit for today's Black youth.
America, and brought her face to face with the problems of Black A m e r i c a n s . That s o m e o n e w a s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King led the stride t o w a r d freedom, knocked on Washington's front door, and told America that we could not wait. The time had come for an end to the evils of racism, militarism, u n e m p l o y m e n t , and violence. He made America listen to the trumpet of conscience, and soon segregation began to lose its powerâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; in the classroom, on the job, and in every aspect of American life. We had begun to overcome. But in overcoming so that millions of Americans could live their lives in p r i d e , Dr. King lived his life in struggle. On April 4, 1968, Dr. King was assassinated and departed this life. Yet the dream for which he died continues to live on. Exactly one m o n t h ago, America, as a nation, celebrated the birth of Dr. King. This in itself is a realization of the dream, in that Dr. King is the first Black American to be honored by a national holiday. The dream is truly alive, and in being full of life has committed each and every one of us to a course of action that will lead to even greater progress. The sky is the limit for today's Black youth. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Bradley D. Thomas "Black Youth In The Pursuit Of Excellence" was the 1985-86 theme of the Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Contest. 17
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Knowledge. You have dedicated much of your life to acquiring it. You have spent your career applying it to create tomorrow's state-of-the-art. As a result, it has become a unique and valuable resource, one that we'd like you to bring with you to The MITRE Corporation. At MITRE, we recognize the value of knowledge. We share your desire to constantly acquire more, and to put it into action. That's why we have created and environment that lets our scientists and engineers continue to leam with many of the most respected technical professionals in the country, while they contribute to programs of critical national importance. The MITRE Corporation is internationally recognized for its expertise and achievements in systems engineering analysis, design, and development. And for the one-of-a-kind programs we undertake for military and civil government clients such as the U.S. Army and Navy. Federal Aviation Administration, Defense Communications Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, and many other government customers. MITRE's Washington Center, located in suburban Washington, D.C., offers short- and long-term challenges in computer systems, systems software, systems architecture, networks, national and international air traffic control systems, CT systems, advanced information systems, satellite and terrestrial transmission. and other advanced systems that demand the newest technologies to anticipate the future.
MITRE's facilities, compensation, and benefits are unexcelled. Full tuition advancement for approved courses and the unique MITRE Institute promote learning, mobility, and growth. And MITRE's dual career pathing complements your long-term goal to succeed as either a manager or technical specialist. Bring your knowledge to MITRE. We'll give it an unsurpassed opportunity to work and grow. Please send your resume to A.G. Van Dyke, The MITRE Corporation, 1820 Dolley Madison Blvd., McLean, VA 22102. U.S. Citizenship is required. For similar C I opportunities at our Corporate Headquarters, please forward your resume to Mr. David Finnegan, The MITRE Corporation, 2207 Middlesex Turnpike, Bedford, MA 01730. U.S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED
MITRE An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Our Strongest Groups Must Face the Daunting Challenge The story of the founding of the oldest Negro Fraternity in America at Cornell University 1905-1906 has been reviewed with pride many times in many places. And rightly so. This was a bold beginning of a means of satisfying a need woefully experienced by young black men in very limited numbers attending universities that were primarily frequented by the majority race. Charles Wesley, in all three of his editions, develops the point that blacks of that period were proscribed in their association due to the racial cleavage characteristic of this period. The creation of a Social Study Club concept served to ease this antagonizing situation. So it w a s that the initiation of the fraternal idea (fraternities and sororities) served a highly recognizable need and inspite of the struggles and conflicts faced by many groups survived until the present. Due to changes in lifestyles, cultures, occupational involvements and educational opportunities some of the original needs have been reduced in their intensity; others have entered the scene and are creating strain and pressure most difficult to overcome. Reference is made to employment, positions, jobs - call them what you will but each refers to the state of the economy facing college graduates today and the predictions of tomorrow. Fraternities and Sororities have met the challenge by presenting scholarships to deserving candidates in limited n u m b e r s but the finished product must seek employment from sources produced by other groups primarily looking out for their "own" graduates. The major purpose of this article now comes into view. It is the reasoning of this writer that fraternal groups represent the strongest power that black people have except possibly the many divided black religious groups. Changing the current social concepts into job offerings or at least adding this concept onto our charters and The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Lifting Blacks from the bottom rung of the economic ladder will require jobs â&#x20AC;&#x201D; created and sustained within the Black community.
By Brother Raymond B. Floyd Professor, College of Education Southern University Baton Rouge, Louisiana
developing a strong working relationship between the four, five, or six, top fraternities; developing a binding financial organization with the goal of producing a universal product needed by all people of the world, with branches in many major areas may be viewed as dreaming. But brothers and sisters positive dreaming is better than the perpectual screaming "nobody wants to help me." We must now begin to help ourselves. Joel Kotkin, in the September issue of The Reluctant Entrepreneurs raises the question "Are America Blacks still stuck on the bottom rung of the economic ladder because so few start businesses of their own?" In the same article Bondie Gambrall a real estate developer is quoted as saying "Blacks haven't wanted to venture out on their own. They have relied on other people to make opportunities. They don't realize it doesn't kill your soul to be a capitalist." Men and women of our strong fraternal groups, both graduate and undergraduate chapters, must face realities that we have to use our developed power for more purposeful objectives than demanding the pass word, beating each other on the rear end, and going to regional and national conventions for the purpose of having a ball. Fun is great but the fact that Black graduates need a greater hope for jobs is to me, far more important. This bit of script is a challenge to heads of Greek Chapters everywhere to put this thinking on your agenda. Form a committee to look positively into its possibilities five years from now, two years from now, tomorrow. It raises the question "Should Black Greeks not change our modus operandi to better serve the modern needs of our people?" 'Wesley, Charles, The History of Alpha Phi Alpha, A Development in College Life, The Foundation Publishers, 1961. ? Kotkin, Joel, "The Reluctant Entrepreneurs. pp. 81-86, September, 1986.
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Together, we can find the answers.
Honeywell Equal Opportunity Employer
ALPHA ATHLETES The story of Brother Frederick Douglass "Fritz" Pollard, who died last year at age 92, is a story of heroism and greatness. The "non-story" of Fritz Pollard, the fact that his n a m e is not a household word like Red Grange, George Halas and Jim Thorpe, is another sad testament to the racial prejudice which has been so much a part of this country. In sports, as in other facets of life, history has been transformed into "his-story" - the chronicle of the majority race to the exclusion of others. It feels unseemly, however, to complain on behalf of Fritz Pollard. He never whined in the face of insults and epithets cast toward him on the gridiron or off the playing field. Why should Fritz Pollard be remembered? Because he was an excellent practitioner of the fledgling game of football - a star in the Ivy League, the first Black gridiron Ail-American, a professional football standout, the only Black ever to coach in the National Football League, and the first Black elected to the NFL Hall of Fame. Moreover, he was recognized as a better by many of those whose legends are now kept alive - which was why he could not be overlooked for awards that had previously been withheld from standouts who also happened to be of Afro-American descent.
As a Brown University gridiron standout, Brother Pollard was the first Black Ail-American in collegiate football. He went on to play and coach in the fledging National Football League, which has not yet chosen another Black head coach.
Pollard Beats Harvard In recognition of their gallant service in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, Brother Pollard's ancestors were granted their freedom by the Pollard family of Virginia. Brother Pollard attended Lane Technical High School in Chicago, where he excelled in track even more than in football. He went on to be a halfback on the Brown University football team during 1915 and 1916, all but single-handedly defeating Yale and Harvard when those schools were at their peak. During the 1915 season, he led Brown to what was only the second playing of the Rose Bowl. That New Years Day, 1916, contest saw him slowed down by a muddy field and Washington State emerged victorious. The 1916 season made him a sports legend. Yale, the preseason favorite, fell to his running, pass-catching and punt returns. And, on November 18, 1916, he outgained the entire Harvard team - 269 to 226 yards. He scored two touchdowns and was instrumental in gaining the third, as Brown romped 21-0. As newspaper headlines The Sphinx/Spring 1987
screamed "Pollard beat Harvard", the legendary sports writer Walter Camp broke the color line by naming Brother Pollard to his definitive All-America team.
The Early NFL Brother Pollard served America in the First World War and, following a brief stint as a coach at Lincoln University of Pennsylvania, turned to professional football. His first job was with the team in Akron, Ohio. This asignment provided his matchup with the legendary native American s t a n d o u t , Jim T h o r p e . M e e t i n g T h o r p e ' s Canton Bulldogs, Akron blocked a Thorpe punt which Pollard picked u p and carried to the six-yard line. Two plays later he scored a touchdown and kicked an extra point. Later Fritz kicked a field-goal and Akron defeated the formerly unbeaten Bulldogs, 10-6. "That was the beginning of a winning streak for Akron," said Pollard, "and we ended continued next page 21
continued front previous page the season undefeated. The following year, 1920, we went on to win what was then the world football professional championship." Brother Pollard had less success against a Chicago team coached by the already legendary George Halas, and Halas was similarly stymied. That Akron-Chicago encounter ended in a 0-0 tie. He teamed up with Brother Paul Robeson, another football great, on an all-Black team that faced an allwhite, All-America squad in Chicago in the early 1920's. Their team won, 7-0. Pollard also recruited Brother Robeson for the Akron team, where they were teammates for two years. Even though football was in its embryonic stages, Pollard was a great star and financial draw for a team. He sometimes earned as much as $1500 plus expenses for a single game - not a small sum in those days. He played for several NFL franchises, including Akron, Ohio; Hammond, Indiana; and Providence, Rhode Island. In 1924 he was named head coach of the Hammond, Indiana team in the National Football League. These small towns were the backbone of the league at the time, as George Halas was demonstrating as coach of the Decatur, Illinois Staleys (now the Chicago Bears). Although the World and Canadian Football Leagues have had Black head coaches, Brother Pollard remains the only one in the NFL to this day.
to New York and started the Pollard Coal Company doing quite well selling coal, principally in Harlem. Having been a slide trombone player at one time, he next became a theatrical agent. He opened the Sun Tan Studio on 125th Street and procured talent for night clubs and theatres. Some of his clients included Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway and others who went on to fame. He also made several minor movies during this period and moved his offices to the General Motors Building. Finally, Brother Pollard formed Fritz Pollard and Associates Inc. of New York City, a firm which specialized in tax consultation and public relations. His son, Fritz Jr., was an outstanding high school and college athlete and won a bronze medal in the hurdles at the 1936 Olympics where Jesse Owens, Ralph Metcalfe and other outstanding Alpha Athletes gained world renown. Brother Pollard resided in New Rochelle, New York and, later, with his son in Silver Spring, Maryland. He entered Omega Chapter on Sunday, May 11, 1986, at Surburan Hospital in Silver Spring. Services were held on May 15 at Ft. Lincoln C e m e t e r y in B r e n t w o o d , Maryland. He is survived by his son; three daughters, Leslie Keeling, Gwendolyn Burrell and Eleanor Towns; and four grandchildren.
Lest We Forget After the Glory Days Brother Pollard once recalled playing professional football, sometimes on a one-game star attraction basis, until "as late as 1927, 1928." The famous "Black Tuesday" of 1929 left him, and many others, financially devastated and he had to begin again. Discouraged with his home base of Chicago, he went
History may never fully recall the fabulous saga of Brother Fritz Pollard, but it most certainly should. No honest story of football in America can be complete without due recognition of his exploits. Alpha Men, including Brothers Fritz Pollard, Jr. and Fritz Pollard, III - son and grandson of this great athlete - must make sure that we never forget his deeds nor the quiet dignity with which he faced every challenge.
8lst Anniversary Convention â&#x20AC;&#x201D; July 23-29, 1987 22
The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Librarian Keeps Dream Alive The main library of the District of Columbia is named in honor of Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. Under the direction of a schoolmate and fraternity Brother of King's, this imposing edifice is used as an active community resource. Music festivals, art, lectures, literary events, outreach programsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and booksâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;make the library a living testament to the visions of Dr. King.
rother HARDY R. FRANKLIN of Mu Lambda Chapter, Director of the District of Columbia Public Library, was a schoolmate of Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. during their undergraduate years at Morehouse College. It was therefore with special pride that Dr. Franklin welcomed Washingtonians as well as TV viewers across America to the unveiling ceremony held January 20, 1986 of the 56 foot x 7 foot mural that depicts the life of Dr. King. The mural, painted by Don Miller and housed in the Martin Luther King Memorial Library (the main library of the District of Columbia), was unveiled as part of the first national holiday celebration of Dr. King's birthday. Mu Lambda Chapter Brothers Dr. Franklin and Marion S. Barry, Mayor of D.C., were featured among the principal speakers for the ceremony. Representing Mu Lambda Chapter as ushers were Brothers Vernon S. Gill, Louis T. Harding, Fr. Jerry E. Hargrove, Earle Jones, Maryland D. Kemp, LeRoy Lowery III, James T. Robinson III, Vernon X. Smith and Lee A. Tyler. A native of Rome, Georgia, Dr. Franklin became a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha at Alpha Rho Chapter in 1949. He holds a bachelor's degree from Morehouse College, a master's in library science from Atlanta University and a Ph.D. from Rutgers' School of Library Service. The oil-on-canvas work tells the story of Dr. King and the civil rights movement in 83 scenes and faces. Among the faces are those of Alpha Men Marion S. Barry, Dr. Martin Luther King and Andrew J. Young, and many others. Also included are civil rights notables, Congressman Walter E. Fauntroy, Reverend Jesse Jackson and Dr. Benjamin Mays. Dr. Franklin describes the mural, one of the country's most educational memorials, as a "vivid, dynamic portrayal of Dr. King's life". The D. C. Public Library Board of Trustees used the mural as the centerpiece of a $500,000 fund-raising project. Contributions came from national and local associations, corporations, foundations, celebrities, government offiThe Sphinx/Spring 1987
Brother Hardy Franklin, Director of the District of Columbia Public Library, poses in front of the King mural unveiled in January.
from previous
cials and the public. Mu Lambda Chapter was an early sponsor and contributor. Approximately $250,000 was raised for the mural. The remainder will be used to pay for library needs such as the preservation of books and photographs and the establishment of an information center with electronic data bases and computers. With Dr. Franklin's leadership, the D. C. Public Library introduced a wide variety of programs, activities and special events reaching out to the community in order to attract visitors and users to the library. The concerts of the Morehouse College Glee Club and the critically acclaimed Elva Van Winkle Storytelling Festival are examples of cultural events within the library which have become annualized and a part of the D. C. Library tradition. Similar programs - such as the city's official Martin Luther King Birthday celebration (which has been held at the library) and the annual Benjamin E. Mays and Clar-
and specialty items on Dr. King. In addition, Dr. Franklin introduced automation with the installation of computer terminals and an on-line catalog service. Prior to coming to the D. C. Public Library, Dr. Franklin served as assistant professor of the library science department at Queens College of City University of New York. He had also worked as senior community coordinator for Brooklyn Public Library. In honor of Dr. Franklin's extraordinary knowledge about library materials and his ability to share that knowledge, the Public Library Association of the American Library Association presented him with the Allie Beth Martin Award in 1983. He has served on the board of directors of the Wolf Trap Park for the Performing Arts Education Committee and the American Cancer Society (D. C. Chapter). Dr. Franklin was vice chairman of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission that planned the King Federal Holiday Observance for Washington, D. C.
Dr. Franklin uses a scale model to point out features of the massive and colorful mural. ence M. Mitchell memorial lectures honoring leadership in the areas of human and civil rights - have created widespread awareness of the library's identity with community interests. Under Dr. Franklin's direction, the D. C. Public Library established a community information service (an information bank of programs offered by local government and private agencies); Washington welcomed its first bookmobile service designed especially for senior citizens; and the main library opened a store featuring books, gifts 24
He is an active member of the American Library Association's Black Caucus and its President's Committee on Library Services to Minorities. In 1979, Dr. Franklin was a delegate at the White House Conference on Librarians and Information Services. Dr. Franklin was the spouse of the late Jarcelyn Fields Franklin. Their son, Hardy "Petey" R. Franklin, Jr., was initiated into Alpha at Alpha Rho in Morehouse College. Dr. Franklin's brother, John Emory Franklin, also an Alpha Man, is now deceased. The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Speaking of Programs. "Project Alpha"Debuts Greetings to the Brotherhood, from Nu Tau Lambda Chapter of Orange County, California. On January 31, 1987, At Rancho Santiago College in Santa Ana, the first Project Alpha Seminar on the West Coast was held. Forty (40) aspiring young men (ages 12-18) participated in the half day "Man to Man Talk About Teen Pregnancy". Project Alpha is a national program co-sponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and the March of Dimes/Birth Defects Foundation. Brother Cleo Lewis, Program Moderator, introduced the panelists. After a brief welcome by Nu Tau Lambda and the Orange County March of Dimes, the expert panelist c o m m a n d e d the attention of the young men, parents, and brothers for a serious look at the perils and consequences of irresponsible sexual activity. Brother Carl Boatright, M.D. directed the group through the medical phase of the program. With the skill and patience of a surgeon Dr. Boatright described the basics of the reproductive process, dispelling popular myths along the way. At that point he changed mediums and examined the often uncharted terrain of sexually transmitted diseases. Dr. Sayaro Coley, Professor at California State University at Fullerton, shared some of the physiological and social problems associated with teen pregnancy. Dr. Coley provided some sobering but real statistics on teen pregnancy parentage. She said "approximately 85% of teen parents never finish high school; more than half of teen suicides attempts are pregnant mothers; approximately 40% of all girls age 14 will, I repeat will, become pregnant before they reach age 19." She then addressed the issue of peer pressure, stating that no one can abuse, embarrass, or humiliate you without your participation or consent. Prior to i n t r o d u c i n g Attorney Grimes Brother Lewis wittily provided insight into the double options available to a young man who had gotten a young lady pregnant during his teen days, it was called a "double barrel shotgun wedding ceremony". The Sphinx/Spring 1987
on West Coast
Forty young men, aged 12 through 18, were on hand to participate in the Project Alpha conference in Santa Ana, California Attorney Milton Grimes took a different approach to the problem. He simplified the maze of legal responsibility that could befall the careless, unfortunate and irresponsible teen father. Mr. Marvin Cobb, Assistant Athletic Director at University of Southern California a n d former star w i t h several NFL teams, addressed the topic of sex & p o p u l a r i t y with emphasis on education. He emphasized t h e fine t u n i n g of o n e ' s academic skills as well as the athletic skills. He also cautioned the young men (particularly athletes) to be aware of sexual favors now in return for paternity suits later. Brother Lewis, again took the helm for an intense question and answer session that was forced to conclude for lunch break. After lunch, Ron Shirley, now 29, provided a firsthand account of the cold hard facts of being a father at 17. He concluded that he considered himself fortunate to have had the strong support of both families, which allowed him to continue his education through college and marry the mother of his child. The young men were then directed to form four groups. Each group was to organize and choose a discussion leader and presenter to convey to the audience their ideas on the following topics: (1) Share new information
learned by attending workshop. (2) Three ideas on how to carry message back to p e e r s , s c h o o l m a t e s a n d friends. (3) What can your school, church, community do to assist you in developing better decision making techniques, particularly in regard to sex. The presentations were conducted in a competitive atmosphere with each g r o u p rallying b e h i n d its presenter. The presenters, (O. J. Flowers, Davin Birt, Keith Wilson and Gyland Dottin) were excellent and very impressive. We surmise that our future will be well served by young men of such talents. After the evaluation and closing remarks the young men were presented with buttons and t-shirts imprinted with the directive "Ask Me About Project Alpha", thereby making each one a "Project Alpha" Ambassador charged with taking the message back and playing a major role in eradicating teen pregnancy from our communities. Nu Tau Lambda applauds the effort put forth by our program committee. (Brothers J. J. King, Fred Smith, and Randolph Macon), the Orange County March Of Dimes, contributing businesses, churches and community organizations. This was a very positive and rewarding project. We eagerly anticipate our next Project Alpha Seminar. 25
RJR Nabisco invests in America's future by strongly supporting minority programs. We make many substantial contributions to minority education. For example, we are the largest contributor to the United Negro College Fund. RJR Nabisco administers a major minority purchasing program. We
underwrite a large pormuch more to be done, tion of our employee inthe power of teamwork surance witfi black firms, is essential. We salute and we have multi-million- Alpha Phi Alpha in its dollar lines-of-credit at 80th Anniversary minority banks. We're Convention. also a leader in minority employment. RJR Nabisco For this nation to truly prosper, all parts of soNabisco, Inc. is the parent corporation ciety must move fully in- of RJR Nabisco Brands, Inc.; RJ. Reynolds Tobacco Company; R.J. Reynolds Tobacco International, to the mainstream of Inc.; Heublein Inc.; Kentucky Fried Chicken the economy. With so Corporation; and RJR Archer, Inc.
Illlllllllllll DR. LIONEL C. BARROW, JR., former Dean of the Howard University School of C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , h a s formed an information/research consulting firm, The Barrow Information Group, B.I.G., which is located in Silver Spring, Md., will specialize in the design and analysis of advertising, marketing and social research projects. Brother Barrow is a former vice president and associate research director of Foote, Cone and Belding Advertising in New York. He has t a u g h t a d v e r t i s i n g a n d research courses at Howard, New York University, the University of WisconsinMilwaukee and Ohio State University. Brother Barrow's Ph.D. is from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Mass Communications. A graduate of Morehouse College, Brother Barrow is presently a member of Iota Upsilon Lambda chapter in Maryland.
DR. CLYDE E. CHESNEY has been appointed District Director of the new 11 County Northern Piedmont Extension District as of January 1. Chesney will provide administrative and program leadership for 78 agents and additional support personnel. Clyde is a 12-year veteran of the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service having served previously as District Program Leader in the Western District, District Program Leader CRD in the Southwestern and Western Districts, Natural Resources Specialist - Coordinator and 4-H Specialist. In 1982, he was honored in the "We Salute" column of Extension News for work with Small Woodlawn Owner Contractor Project and Landownership Information Project at N. C. A. & T. Dr. C h e s n e y e a r n e d his B.S. Degree in Conservation of Natural Resources & M.S. Degree in Recreation Resources Administration at N.C. State University. His Ph.D. is in Resource Development from Michigan State University. While an undergraduate at NCSU, Chesney was a football "walk-on", eventually earning a scholarship and being selected to the 1971 Atlantic Coast Conference All-Academic Football Team. Recently, Clyde completed a 3year Kellogg National Fellowship Program that provided 25 percent release time for participation in interdisciplinary seminars, travel and other personal development activities.
Dr. Clyde E. Chesney Chesney is a member of several honor societies including Xi Sigma Pi (Forest Honorary Fraternity), Phi Kappa Phi, Epsilon Sigma Phi (Extension) and Gamma Sigma Delta (Agriculture). He is a member of the Society of American Foresters recently completing a 3-year term with C o m m i t t e e on Women and Minorities and currently serving as Chair-elect of H u m a n Resources Working Group. He is also a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity - Phi Lambda Chapter. Clyde is a 1967 graduate of E. E. Smith High School in Fayetteville and is married to the former Anita Miller of Raleigh. They have three children, Clyde Jr. - 13, Charles - 8 and Camille - 5. They are members of Martin Street Baptist Church in Raleigh. The North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service is a cooperative educational agency involving county government, the federal government and the state government through N . C . State University and A & T State University. Agents in each county, backed by specialists at NCSU and A & T, conduct educational programs in agriculture, home economics, 4-H, and community and rural development.
July 23 - July 29, 1987 27
Illlllllllllll Brother WILLIAM J. HOPKINS, the first black to be appointed by the Board of S u p e r v i s o r as C o u n t y Administrator of Sussex, Virginia. Brother Hopkins, a native of Rocky Mount, Virginia, the hometown of Booker T. Washington, received his elementary and high school education in the public schools of Franklin County, Virginia. He received a Baccalaureate Degree in Agricultural Economics at Virginia State University and a Master's Degree in Agricultural Economics at Rutgers University of New Jersey in 1950. He received further studies in Education Administration and Supervision at Virginia State University, Petersburg, Virginia; The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia; The University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia; Old Dominion University, Norfolk Virginia; and Rosary Hill College, Buffalo, New York. Brother Hopkins has served in high level administrative positions at several universities and public school divisions in Virginia. He was initiated in Beta Gamma in 1947, and honored by Brothers of Beta Gamma Chapter in 1950. He is an active member of Epsilon Iota Lambda Chapter and also served as the President, Secretary and Treasurer. In 1983, he was honored by the Brothers of Epsilon Iota Lambda Chapter as Alpha Man of the Year. After his appointment as County A d m i n i s t r a t o r , Brother H o p k i n s reflected back on his heritage, recalling tales of his grandparents who were born into slavery. He stated that neither of his grandparents ever worked as slaves because they were the master's children and house servants. He also stated the reason he was appointed the position as County Administrator was because he was an honest person who has always looked out for the welfare of Sussex County Citizens by being politically involved for 27 years. His father, a Baptist Minister, was instrumental in establishing a park in Franklin County designated as a National M o n u m e n t for Booker T. Washington. His father built a reproduction of the cabin where Booker T. Washington lived and today that cabin still stands in the Booker T. Washington National Monument Park. Brother Hopkins lives in Waverly, Virginia. He is the proud father of 28
S: ' Âť
Brother William J. Hopkins two children, a son, William; and a daughter, Jacquelyn.
Illlllllllllll Brother GRANDVEL A. JACKSON is a dedicated Alpha man. He was pledged at Beta Theta Chapter at Samuel Huston College, Austin, Texas when he was president of the Sphinx Club. However, he did not cross the burning sands until after g r a d u a t i o n d u e to financial circumstances. He was initiated into Gamma Chi Lambda Chapter, San Francisco, California, in 1948, one of its first two initiates, and has been active ever since. He has exhibited outstanding leadership in all areas of the fraternity's program, and is widely respected for his progressive and forthright approaches to problems on local, regional and national levels. Brother Jackson has held virtually every administrative position in the chapter including president, secretary, Education Committee Chair and Sphinx Committee Chair, which he held for many years. He was the primary instigator for Gamma Chi Lambda C h a p t e r e s t a b l i s h i n g a revolving scholarship fund to be assured that the element of chance of the chapter having money to give annual scholarships to worthy students was removed. He also developed an Initiation Manual for the chapter. In addition, he was instrumental in b r i n g i n g b o t h the 1974 and 1987 National Conventions to San Francisco. On the Regional scene, Brother Jackson has served as Regional Director, and was elected Regional Vice
President three times at National conventions before the rules were changed to elect Regional Vice Presidents at the Regional Conventions. Among the National Committees he served on are the Internal Structure, National Constitution and Time and Place. When he served as chair of the Time and Place Committee, the convention adopted the equitable rotation system. Brother Jackson was the first Alpha man to donate as much as $1000.00 to the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Million Dollar Fund Drive for The Urban League, NAACP and UNCF. Brother Jackson has been actively engaged in the political and social life of the community. A Life Member and Golden Heritage Member, he is currently serving as president of the NAACP, San Francisco Branch, for the second time following several years as its Vice President. He has served on the Executive Committee for thirty consecutive years and as President of the California State Conference of Branches. He is a member, and immediate past chair of the historic Third Baptist Church Trustee Board where he gave leadership to the church's million dollar plus office and community building program. Now serving as Chairman Emeritus of the church's Civic and Social Action Commission which he organized following twenty years of serving as advisor to the pastor on these matters, and served as its first chair, he continues to play a significant role in shaping its policies. Brother Jackson is also a member of the noted Cathedral Choir of that church of which Brother Amos C. Brown is pastor. Many citations acclaiming him one of the outstanding citizens of the country have been awarded him. They include the San Francisco Foundation Award for his outstanding work and design of a Human Relations program for the city; merit awards from Third Baptist Church for consistent and dynamic leadership as chair of the Board of Trustees and for Community Service; OMI award for distinguished and highly effective service in Human relations; and a citation by the California State Legislature for his outstanding work on the State C o n s t i t u t i o n Revision Commission. The majority of its recommendations have been accepted by the voters. Other areas of service include: The California State Constitution ReviThe Sphinx/Spring 1987
sion Commission; Chief designer and organizer of the Ocean View, Merced Heights, Ingleside Community Organization and the Task Force to establish the San Francisco Human Rights Commission. Brother Jackson is married to Cora Mary Sutton Jackson and resides at 257 Kensington Way, San Francisco, California. He retired from the San Francisco Unified School District as Assistant Superintendent of Community Relations.
Illlllllllllll Brother HAROLD PAYNE, life member, was made at Mu Chapter in 1961. He is a former member of Gamma Xi Lambda Chapter, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Brother Harold was born in Chicago, Illinois. He attended Wendell Phillips High School, where he was a standout in football, baseball and track. As a result of his sports accomplishments, he received a scholarship to attend the University of Minnesota. Upon graduation from the University with a degree in political science and public administration, Brother Harold held various positions in the public and private sector: U.S. Postal Service, Minneapolis Opportunities Industrialization C e n t e r (OIC), Minneapolis Urban Coalition, Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Minnesota Republican Party, Consultant to the Minnesota Easter Seal Society, Consultant to the Minnesota State Department of Human Rights, Consultant to U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity, Director of Youth Affairs for U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity in Washington, D.C., Director of Manpower and Business Opportunities for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in Washington, D.C. He is currently Director of Section 3 Enforcement and Compliance for the U.S. Department of Housing and Development in Washington, D.C. Additionally, he is past co-chairman of the Potomac Valley AAU/USA Junior Olympic Boys Basketball program and past Chairman of the Maryland AAU/USA Junior Olympic Boys Basketball program. Brother Harold is married to Judith Joy of Minneapolis, Minnesota. They have five children; Caprice Rae, a graduate of Alabama State University, Summa cum laude and member of AKA Sorority; Kimberly Dawn, a senior at North Carolina A & T, also The Sphinx/Spring 1987
an AKA; Steven Harold, a student at Alabama State; Martin Gale, a freshman at University of Maryland, and Justin Dacar, a high school soph. K Phi L awarded Brother Harold the Alpha Man of the Year Award in 1985, for his abiding contributions to the Chapter and our community.
Illlllllllllll Brother RAY RANDOLPH grew up in the ghetto. It was a tough life, but a happy one, and Ray was anxious to get on with itâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;to fulfill his vision of himself as an e d u c a t e d , hard working member of society. And that is exactly what he has become. H e w a s b o r n in N e w H a v e n , Connecticut, and went to school there, in his spare time helping his father who owned a property maintenance company. He could have gone into partnership with his dad, but decided he wanted to teach. He enrolled at Virginia Union University, Richmond, where his main subjects were French and Spanish. When he received his Bachelor of Arts degree, Ray began teaching in Richmond. It lasted ninety days! Most of the students were almost as old as he, and teaching turned out not to be an instruction/learning process, but a course in discipline. Ray was heartsick. He decided to join his father, after all. They didn't always see eye-toeye, and after six months and one particularly intense argument, Ray received a certified letter from his father. It said he was fired! The two men soon patched things u p , but they both knew instinctively from then on that they were not meant to work together! D e t e r m i n e d to move on, Ray accepted a job as Unit Manager for the Fuller Brush C o m p a n y . Again, that lasted six months. Then, always on the lookout for something better, Ray took a job as Sales Manager of the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company's New Haven store. He stuck it out for two years, then decided he must make an all-out effort to determine the direction of his future. And it wasn't going to be in tires or rubber! He joined Olin Mathieson as a nighttime Quality Control Supervisor, which allowed him to spend his days looking for a "real" job. Several months later, Ray answered an ad for a Sales Rep with the BristolMyers Products Grove Division. At the same time, he was offered a higher paying job with Friendly Ice
Brother Ray Randolph Cream. Deciding BMP offered a brighter future and greater long term opportunity, he came with us. "That was one of the best decisions I have ever made," said Ray. The following year, he was named Outstanding Salesperson for G r o v e / N o r t h e a s t , and since has been on four Presid e n t ' s C u p teams: Midwest/1973, and North Central/1975/83/85. Ray has held many managerial positions: Account Manager, Administrative Assistant in the New York office, District Manager, Division Account Manager and Region Account Manager, which is his present assignment in the North Central Region. Through the years, he has enjoyed an excellent relationship with his accounts, and in 1983 was named Sales Rep of the year by the Perry Drug chain (209 stores). In college, Ray became a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, and as such is brother to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Duke Ellington and Jesse Owens, to name a few. He has continued to be active in the fraternity and is a former President and present Vice President of the Ann Arbor chapter. He is also Undergraduate Advisor to chapters at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, where he makes his home, and the University of Michigan. Through the fraternity, Ray has become associated with the Michigan Hemophilia Foundation, where he is presently Chairman of the Nominating Committee. Ray attributes his success to the example set for him by his father of hard work and pursuit of the American Dream, and to his fraternity, which 29
sets ongoing levels of attainment. He is grateful, too, for the opportunity of honing his business acumen against such strong competitors as Tony Maggio, DM/NE, Bob Patrick, RAM/ Atlantic and Galen Decker, RAM/SE.
Brother MAURICE L. "Snooky" REED, of Springfield h a s b e e n elected president of the Ohio Association of Parliamentarians (OAP) at their 18th a n n u a l c o n v e n t i o n in Dayton. Reed, a professional registered parliamentarian, also is a member of the board of directors for the National Association of Parliamentarians. The objective of the two associations is to promote interest and education in parliamentary law, mostly the revised Roberts Rules of Order. The associations offer instruction in the duties for officers of clubs and/or board of directors; by-laws and constitutions; rights and responsibilities of the organization members, according to Reed. He also is program chairman for the Miami Valley Chapter of OAP and holds study sessions for persons interested in learning parliamentary procedures on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the board room of the Warder Public Library on E. High St.
SAN FRANCISCO July 23 - July 29, 1987
Brother Clarence E. Vaughn
Brother CLARENCE E. VAUGHN, Iota Alpha Lambda Chapter's "Man of the Year" in 1986, continues his lifelong commitment to community service. A Havre de Grace, Maryland resident, Brother Vaughn was appointed by the city's mayor to chair the Havre de Grace Beautification Committee. The Committee promotes the aesthetic improvement of the city through the collective efforts of the citizenry. Brother Vaughn is presently Vice Chairman of the Board of Appeals for the city of Havre de Grace. He is the first black person to
serve on the Board and is currently in his second term. The Board ensures that the city develop in accordance with established codes and ordinances. He is also a member of the Board of Directors for the Harford Center, a nonresidential facility which provides training for approximately 50 physically and mentally handicapped individuals. Brother Vaughn, a Morgan State University alumnus, was initiated into the Fraternity, in Iota Alpha Lambda Chapter in 1981 and has continuously involved himself in a wide variety of community programs and organizations that the Chapter actively s u p p o r t s i n c l u d i n g the N A A C P , Harford/Cecil C o u n t i e s Sickle Cell Anemia F o u n d a t i o n , Black Youth In Action, Black Ministerial Association, and Harford County Hospice. In 1984, Brother Vaughn contributed an article to the Historical Digest of Harford County which highlighted the contributions of nine aged black men and women to the growth of Harford County. Presently, Brother Vaughn is an education specialist for the U.S. Army Ordinance Center and School at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland where he exercises staff supervision over the Course Development Program for commissioned officers, warrant officers and noncommissioned officers. Brother Vaughn's commitment to his community is a fine example of manly deeds and service at the grassroots level.
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The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Shown are Zeta Zeta Lambda Brothers: (L to R) Max Glover, Gregory Coleman, Jr., Dr. Lester Young, Michael Nesbitt, Herbert Baldwin.
new york Alpha Men Educating Our Youth The 1985-1986 Academic School year started and ended with total enthusiasm for Brothers Gregory D. Coleman, Jr., Herbert Baldwin, Dr. Lester Young, Jr., Max Glover and Michael L. Nesbitt, all Brothers of Zeta Zeta Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Queens, New York. Results from the recent New York City Board of Education's city wide Reading and Math Tests showed that the Brothers of Zeta Zeta Lambda, four of whom serve as Education Administrators, finished number one in their district (#23, Brooklyn, N.Y.) and respective school levels. Finishing in first place on the Elementary School level was the St. Clair McKelway Elementary School (P.S. 178) Brother Herbert Baldwin, Principal, Brother Max Glover, Assistant Principal. Finishing a close second on the elementary school level was General Daniel " C h a p p i e " James Elementary School (P.S. 183), Brother Dr. Lester Young, Jr., Principal. Leading the way on the Junior High School level was John M. Coleman, Jr. High School (I.S. 271), Brother Gregory D. Coleman, Jr., Principal and Brother Michael L. Nesbitt,
Science/Drama teacher. Quite an accomplishment for these true leaders in New York City Education. Something else of extreme importance s h o u l d be n o t e d also. An over-all improvement at all three schools showed that the level of Reading and Math Comprehension increased at a level of 14-30% over a one year period, clearly indicating the commitment of Alpha men to educating our youth. To the Brothers of Zeta Zeta Lambda, keep up the excellent work and always continue to step forward, never backwards. Brother Herbert Baldwin also serves as President of Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter and is doing, as always, an excellent job.
Virginia lota Alpha In the Beginning The Brothers of Iota Alpha Chapter 2xtend the most fraternal greeting to all who abide within the realms of Alphadom. We, the Brothers of Iota Alpha C h a p t e r of George Mason University, proudly report that the uplifting of Alpha is still our major goal here in Fairfax, Virginia. The Chapter is under the leadership of our diligent officers and founders: President, Norris Tyler; Vice President, Linwood Swann; Treasurer, Donald Smith; Corresponding Secretary and Sergeant-at-Arms, James Thomas; Recording Secretary, Keith 31
Weatherford; Financial Secretary and Court Keeper, John Jones; Chaplain, Edward Broaddus; Dean of Pledges, Darren Lyons; and Historian and Editor-to-The-Sphinx, David Atkins. Renaldi Boykin, the final founder, transferred back to Iota Beta Chapter of the University of Virginia. The two endeavors that the Iota Alpha Chapter partook of during the Fall 1986 Semester and are most proud of were the "Step for Hunger" presentation a n d the Chartering Ceremony. On November 14, our Chapter presented its first annual Step Show to raise money and canned goods for Thanksgiving. With the proceeds, we were able to feed a total of eight families a full course meal through the Heritage Fellowship United Church of Christ. By this we believe we were exercising the true meaning of Thanksgiving. On December 7, Iota Alpha was formally chartered in conjunction with our Founder's Day celebration with the following chapters: Theta Rho Lambda, Omicron Alpha Lambda, Xi Alpha Lambda, and Zeta Upsilon Lambda. The theme for our Founder's Day Program was "Let The Work That We Do Speak For Us", which was exemplified t h r o u g h the speakings of various Brothers. Major General James B. McCall, who made many interesting points, was our guest speaker. The guest speaker for the Chartering Ceremony was George W.C. Brown, III, w h o was a w a r d e d for being such a great asset to the creation of our Chapter. Brother Brown challenged our Chapter with four charges. He also welcomed Brother Kenneth Bolton from Zeta Zeta Chapter of Oklahoma University to our proud Chartered Chapter. On December 7, 1986 Iota Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated was formally chartered with the total of ten Brothers in the Chapter. We, the Brothers of (Cold) IA, challenge the Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha to continue the upholding of the aims of our dear fraternity. With tenacity and perserverance, we can "Hold Alpha High". â&#x20AC;&#x201D;David C. Atkins
SAN FRANCISCO July 23 - July 29, 1987 32
new jersey Glossboro Trustee Urges Church Role For Black Teens
Black religious leaders should use the pulpit for helping teenagers in their communities as well as for preaching. The black church, once used as a foundation for the civil rights movement, should be used to solve such problems plaguing black youths as drug abuse, pregnancy and the high percentage of dropouts among high school students. Delbert Payne, chairman of the board of trustees, told a group of 60 assembled at the St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church that the increase in drug and alcohol abuse and the high rate of dropouts, which is 50 percent nationally among innercity youths, coupled with the "erosion of the black family," means oppression for the black community. "It is time for us who feel we have overcome to do a serious hand up, not a handout," he said. " T h e r e can be no m o r e important resource than our black church. We can't wait for our children to come to church. We have to bring the church to them," Payne said. Payne, an executive of the Rohm and Haas Pharmaceutical and Chemical Corp in Philadelphia, recounted the more famous struggles of black Americans like the Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. to end discrimination. "In those times of great struggle, the black church played a crucial role," he said. "I don't think we can ever forget the significance the church played in the lives of those courageous soldiers." While many strides have been taken to provide better lives for minorities, Payne said recent actions by government officials suggest those efforts are "at best on hold, and at worse, gone in the other direction". "The clock is being turned back on civil rights," he added. "President Reagan and (Attorney General) Ed Meese say there is no longer a need for the affirmative action laws. They say, America is no longer colorblind, but believe it or not, America is colorblind," Payne said. "It's just human nature, but you have to repeal the laws of human nature. We need a strong leadership
to say that unless all of us are free none of us are free," he added. Proceeds from the program were placed in the scholarship fund of the Alpha Theta Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity.
delaware Zeto Rho Lombdo holds Founders Day
On December 7, 1986, we celebrated the founding of this great fraternity, a n d the local chapter, Zeta Rho Lambda. The Brothers and their guests met at the Officers' O p e n Mass at Dover Air Force base to relive those times of some eighty years ago w h e n those courageous young men at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York demystified Greekd o m for t h o u s a n d s , a n d p e r h a p s millions, of black men and women. It was a time to reflect on the tremendous foresight and dedication of those men. Alpha Phi Alpha became the first all black Greek letter organization for college men, and continues to set the standards in all areas of American social, political, economical a n d religious life. Patterned on the example of those gentlemen at Ithaca, thirteen courag e o u s college g r a d u a t e s of the Dover, Delaware area came together in the state capital, the home of Delaware State College, and effectively chartered Zeta Rho Lambda on February 17, 1957. We honor Brothers Ophie Dunning, Anthony W. Gaines, Charles Henry, C o u r t n e y P. H o u s t o n , Loran Hubbard, Frederick J. Franklin, Theophilus R. Parker, H. Gordon Pinkett, James M. Poole, Willis E. Powell, Ulysses Washington, and Jesse Williamson. As we assembled for a good time, we reminisced about the Brothers who have passed from Omega Chapter and prayed that the great Alpha Man in the heavens would protect them and us. Listening music was furnished by Don Del Enterprises and by The DJD Trio, a local group that specializes in popular and religious selections. Our speaker for the day was Brother Reverend Colonel Frankie P. Jones, The Sphinx/Spring 1987
who is working out of Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. Brother Jones passed the gauntlet to every Brother and guest to get into the fight for the uplifting of our people. He challenged us to act in concert with other groups to challenge every injustice and to stand up for every person who is being denied his God given right to be completely free because none of us are free until we are all free. Awards were presented to Brothers for various achievements, which included: the Unsung Hero Award, presented to Brothers William S. Banks and Austin Goldman; Extended Meritorious Service, for over ten years of service to the fraternity — Brother Charles C. Carson; Achievement Award, presented for the Doctor of H u m a n e Letters at Monrovia College, Liberia—Brother Reverend Charles Drummer, Jr.; and the Outstanding Service Award, presented for 27 years of service to the community and Delaware State College—Brother Dr. Luna I. Mishoe, President of Delaware State College. The Outstanding Alpha Man of the Year Award was presented to Brother R e u b e n Salters for t h e s e c o n d consecutive year. This award was presented to Brother Salters, past chapter president and president of the Central Delaware Chapter of the NAACP, for his service as program coordinator for the National Holiday for Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. and the chartering of a Boy Scout Troop at Mt. Zion AME Church in Dover. The club was bathed in the spirit of our founders as our Founders' Day Program for 1986 came to a close with the praying of the Alpha Pray: "May the true spirit of fraternity rule our hearts, guide our thoughts, and control our lives so that we may become, through Thee, SERVANTS OF ALL. AMEN!
Virginia Teamer Speaks at Reclamation Banquet Brother Teamer was the Keynote speaker at Zeta Lambda's annual The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Brothers of Zeta Lambda John L. Scott, President (left) and Jesse Butts, Vice President (right) present Brother Teamer with a check for the National Headquarters Fund Drive. reclamation banquet held on Sunday, October 26, 1986 in the N e w p o r t News area. During President Teamer's address, h e challenged all Alpha m e n to support the Headquarters building fund drive. The Forty Brothers of Zeta Lambda responded by having B r o t h e r s Scott & Butts p r e s e n t Brother Teamer with a check for $2,000. Each of the chapter's active members had given one half of his pledge and vowed to have the chapter at 100% of goal within twelve months.
man/land Kappa Phi Lambda passes leadership reign As we began our fraternal year in September 1985, outgoing President Brother Harold Payne passed the leadership reign to Brother Freeman L. Sands. Brother Freeman and the officers for 1985-86 were sworn in by Brother C. Vernon Gray, Chairman of the Howard County Council. Brother Freeman vowed to vigorously continue the noteworthy programs associated with Kappa Phi Lambda. The following is a summary report of our programmed activities: Racquetball Disco - A variety of activities are included at this annual event: racquet ball, playing cards, volleyball, dancing, buffet, and cash bar. Project Cornucopia - A Thanksgiving Holiday distribution of food
baskets to needy families in Howard County. College Mixer - Kappa Phi Lambda sponsors a disco for college students who are home for the Christmas Holiday. Founders' Day Brother John Slaughter, Chancellor addressed the Brotherhood, families, and friends, on this most important occasion. Capital Centre Outing Each year the Chapter charters a bus (Black-owned) to a Washington Bullets basketball game. We are joined by family and friends. Sphinx Club K Phi L initiated three Sphinxmen: little brothers, Salvadore Waller, A r v e l l e G r e e n w o o d , a n d Cloy D o d s o n . C h r i s t m a s Party - The original Chapter format did not include children as guests. However, a proposal was presented to the Brotherhood to include children in our gathering. The party was a joyous success. We were entertained by a gospel group from Washington, D.C. Martin Luther King Breakfast This year we celebrated our eleventh anniversary of the Martin Luther King (MLK) Breakfast. Brother Mai Goode, the principle speaker, addressed the Sunday morning gathering. In addition, Brother Billy Barber, winner of the Alpha Phi Alpha National Oratorical Contest, gave a soul-stirring tribute to the life and legacy of Brother Martin. This dynamic duo captivated the audience. A capacity crowd of over 400 was in attendance. Alpha MENtor Program - K Phi L's MENtor is designed to provide guidance and to college students pursuing professional careers. Leadership and Development Institute - Four Howard 33
County students were sponsored by the Chapter. Scholarships/Awards Each year we award scholarship and achievement awards to Howard County high school residents. The scholarships/awards are presented at our annual Scholarships/Awards ceremony. The ceremony is followed by a reception. K Phi L awarded $4,000 in scholarships and awards in 1986. Youth Basketball - For six years the Jaguars basketball team has been sponsored by the Chapter. The team has averaged over 20 wins in each season. Of course, the colors are black and gold. Brother Harold Payne coaches the teams. Nu Kappa Liaison - Kappa Phi Lambda has an associate-fraternal relationship with Nu Kappa, undergraduate chapter at University of Maryland/Baltimore County. Spring Dance - The annual spring dance is our main fund raiser for scholarhships and awards to high school students. Other annual activities are the Valentine's Day Dinner and the invitational picnic. Officers: Brothers Freeman Sands, P r e s i d e n t ; David B a r r e t t , VicePresident; Paul Waters, Recording Secretary; Harry Evans, Corresponding Secretary; Cecil Christian, Financial Secretary; John Taylor, Treasurer; Jacob East, Chaplain; Harvey Moran, Historian; Harold Payne, Associate Editor-to-the-Sphinx; L a w e r e n c e Simmons, Director of Education; Alverne Chesterfield, Sergeant-atA r m s ; E d w a r d Young, Dean of Pledges; and Sherman Howell, Parliamentarian. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Harold Payne
we are nine Brothers strong and growing. The first tasks in reactivating the chapter were to identify and recruit enough interested Brothers to form a chapter. Next, we had to determine a convenient time and place to meet. This was very difficult because so many of our Brothers live in the surrounding suburbs. Even after deciding on a convenient location, we still had Brothers who had to travel up to fifty miles one way to attend the Sunday morning meetings. Through it all the Brothers have prevailed and have made Nu Xi Lambda an active chapter. Most of our Brothers are certified and actively participating. NXL was the first graduate chapter in the area to be certified. We have conducted our election of officers and have put together a strong and dynamic administration. Our 1987 officers are: Oscar Harrell, President; Nathaniel A. Whitmal, Vice President; Rene Velez, Secretary; Chauncey L. Christian, Treasurer; James Crawford, Dean of Pledgees; Gregory Browning, Associate Editor-to-the-Sphinx and Chaplain; Talbot D. Buckley, Sgt. at Arms and Historian; and Clerance Williams, Corresponding Secretary and Education Director. We are in the process of putting together a program plan for the 1987 year. We look upon 1987 as a year of growth and strengthening of our chapter. Membership enrollment will be our number one project. We are actively recruiting our nonactive Brothers in the Boston area, and preparing for a spring pledge line. In conclusion, we report Nu Xi Lambda is alive and well. We are looking forward to continued success in the future.
Nu Xi Lambda Reactivates
A New England greeting to all Alpha Brothers from Nu Xi Lambda chapter Sudbury, Massachusetts. This fall, several Brothers in the greater Boston area came together and took on the project of making Nu Xi Lambda an active chapter. Through perseverance and commitment the project has become a reality. Alpha Brothers in the greater Boston area are pleased to announce the reactivation of Nu Xi Lambda. So far
Beta Gamma Lambda holds 1st annual scholarship banquet
Beta Gamma Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., held its first Annual Scholarship Banquet on May 18, 1986 at the Imperial 400 Hotel, Richmond, Virginia. The program was presided over by Brother Morgan J. E d w a r d s , III. There were fourteen candidates com-
peting for two "$500 scholarships." The welcome was given by Brother Edwards and a historical statement of the fraternity was presented by Brother Fred. S. Swann. Following the historical statement, Brother Carl I. Bagby offered the Invocation and Grace. After dinner, Brother Samuel D. Barham, III, introduced the guest speaker, Brother Vernard W. Henley, Chairman of Board, Consolidated Bank & Trust Company. This indeed was a treat. Brother Henley provided to the candidates some outstanding words of wisdom, pinned to the word "SUCCESS". If the candidates follow his definition of each letter in the word "SUCCESS" there is no way that they can fail. The only thing that could possibly follow Brother Henley's fine words was a musical selection (solo) by Brother Jerome G. Binford, accompanied by Mrs. Betty Alexander. Brother and Dr. James E. Price, Vice-president of Beta Gamma Lambda Chapter, provided the criteria for s c h o l a r s h i p . W i t h t h i s criteria embedded in everyone's minds especially the candidates, recognition of the candidates and awards were the next and most important set of events to follow. The candidates were: Calvin Barnes, Armstrong-Kennedy Complex; Larry Lamong Bell, Marshall-Walker Complex; Leon Benjamin, JeffersonHuguenot-Wythe Complex; Rodney Lewis Bland, Henderson Alternative; Zachary Sebastian Branch, ArmstrongKennedy; Robert Brown, O p e n ; Keven S. Burson, Jefferson-HuguenotWythe; Earnest Richard Chambers, III, J e f f e r s o n - H u g u e n o t - W y t h e ; Melvin Alexander C r e n s h a w , Jr., Henderson Alternative; James Edward C u r l e e , Jr., A r m s t r o n g - K e n n e d y ; O'Kelley Edward McWilliams, III, Jefferson-Huguenot-Wythe and Darryl Wright, Franklin Military. Brother Morgan J. Edwards, III, recognized the candidates and their parents and guest. Brother Fredrick Amy, Chairman Scholarship Committee announced the winners of the two $500 scholarships with annual renewals for four years, totaling $2,000.00 per person. The winners were Rodney Lewis Bland and Melvin Alexander Crenshaw, Jr., both of Henderson Alternative. It was a very happy moment for both young men. Closing remarks were by Brother Melvin A. Crenshaw, Sr., The Sphinx/Spring 1987
P r e s i d e n t , Beta G a m m a L a m b d a Chapter, followed by the Alpha hymn.
new york Alpha Gamma Lambda Welcomes Scholarly Leaders Into Alphadom Alpha moves upward here at Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter, New York City. Maintaining the fraternity's reputable status, the brothers welcomed four scholarly leaders into Alphadom, May 21, 1986. The initiates were (shown on photo, left to right): Roland R o b i n s o n , W y n t o n Fryer, Maurice Jenkins, and Glenn Grover. This group of initiates will be rememb e r e d for h a v i n g a colorful a n d constructive probation. Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, in collaboration with the New York City Alphabettes, presented a rousing Gospel Festival at St. Mark's United M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h on S u n d a y , December 7, 1986. Spirits soared, magnificent melodies boosted the human soul, and soloists made a joyful noise unto the Lord. What a brilliant performance by the incomparable City College Choir, which caused many communicants and guests to verbally and vocally sing their praises with unabashed passion. This is the second year that the Alphas have risen to the occasion, and staged an unprecedented afternoon of music, comraderie and Vove. All proceeds from this affair will go toward the total renovation of Alpha House - a genuine cultural institution in the City College community. Indeed, this was a fitting precursor to the joyous Holiday Season which celebrates the birth of a new beginning in human history. Friends, colleagues and guests, therefore, anxiously await the 1987 Gospel Festival with great expectations and boundless enthusiasm. See you next year! Among the other activities of Alpha Gamma Lambda was the election of officers for the new term, September, 1986. They are: William F r e e m a n , President; Warren J. Austin, Vice President; Willie Lee, Corresponding The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Shown are Alpha Gamma Lambda Brothers: (L to R) Roland Wynton Fryer, Maurice Jenkins, Gleen Grover. Secretary; Claude Pierre, Recording Secretary; Fred Gilbert, Chaplain; Henry Rice, Sergeant at Arms; Daniel Frazier, A s s o c i a t e E d i t o r - t o - t h e Sphinx; Ronald Brown, Director of Educational Activities; and Delmar R. Woods, Dean of Pledges. Refurbishing Alpha House is of p a r a m o u n t importance this year. Accordingly, all Alpha men are called upon to put their collective shoulders to the wheel and bring about the successful completion of this task.
MIDWEST kentucky Alpha Lambda Celebrates 75th Anniversary Greetings to all men of Alpha from the m e m b e r s of Alpha Lambda Chapter in Louisville, Kentucky. Our Chapter is on the move and we would like to share our latest milestone with members of our great Fraternity. On December 12, 1986 Alpha Lambda chapter celebrated it's 75th anniversary and the 80th Founders' Day with a dinner dance at the On Broadway Restaurant, in Louisville. We were blessed with the attendance of our General President, Brother Charles Teamer, who as our Keynote speaker, gave a rousing address about Alpha's role molding
the future leaders of our country. Brother Teamer stated that Alpha has always been a legacy for leadership in our community, and our young brothers should be encouraged to take up the enormous challenges that are ahead for Black America. He spoke about our great "jewel" brothers who started our Fraternity from a desire to maintain support for Black students in the hostile collegiate environment of the early 1900's. Other topics of discussion were the Alpha "Teen Pregnancy P r o g r a m " , "Risk M a n a g e ment Program", and our need to support black businesses in and outside of our community. Members of Alpha Lambda pledged their support to these programs. Jazz music provided by the "Louis Taylor Trio" capped off the evening. 50-year b r o t h e r s along with Midwestern Vice-Presidential candidate Holloway Sells, a n d Cincinnati Graduate Chapter President, John Poole, of Ohio were recognized. In addition, three members of the state's newest graduate chapter, Omicron Nu Lambda, located in Fort Knox, Ky., Captains Victor Holman, Robert L. Shields, a n d C a p t a i n Tyrone C. Williams joined in the celebration. A short Memorial service, led by Brother Robert Downs, was followed by an uplifting r e n d i t i o n of our Fraternity's hymn. Alpha Lambda is eager to participate in future Alpha events throughout the country and can be contacted via our "Sphinx" address. The chapter officers are as follows: 35
Elmer Lysle, P r e s i d e n t ; Robert Downs, Treasurer; Robert McClain, Vice President; Dalton C h i l d r e s s , Secretary; Craig Chandler, Corresponding Secretary.
ohio Eto Tau Lambda makes presentation to Fisk University
The Brothers of Eta Tau Lambda send greetings to all members of the House of Alpha. Saturday, December 6, 1986 was a very special day as we observed our Annual Founders Day. Special for two reasons: it was our 26th Anniversary as a graduate chapter and the 20th Anniversary of our Housing Corporation. Our speaker was Dr. Henry Ponder, President of Fisk University and an Alpha Brother, who rendered a very inspiring talk on why there is a need and p u r p o s e for the existence of Black Colleges. During the program, Brother D. Allen F. Killings presented a check for $5,000 on behalf of Alpha Phi Alpha Homes, Inc., to Dr. Ponder as a salute to his efforts in reducing Fisk University's major debts since becoming President. A highlight of the occasion was the presentation of two special awards to Brother Killings as Chairman of Alpha Phi Alpha Homes, Inc. by the Deputy Director of the Midwestern Region, Department of Housing and Urban Development. The awards highlighted our chapter's efforts in providing housing for low and middle income persons. The following morning, on Saturday, December 7th, Eta Tau Lambda hosted a Reclamation and Fellowship Breakfast f e a t u r i n g t h a t g i a n t of A l p h a - D o m , Brother R a y m o n d Cannon, the past 12th General President. Brother C a n n o n regaled the large assembly of brothers with his humorous anecdotes about the early d a y s of A l p h a e x p e r i e n c e s . H e touched us all with his intimate knowledge of some of the Jewels of the Fraternity and how they came to be designated. Brother Cannon truly inspired us and we knew the flame of the torch of Alpha burned brighter in our lives because of his visit. Eta Tau Lambda also held its Annual Formal on Saturday, December 20th at the beautiful Holiday Inn Ballroom 36
in downtown Akron. The affair was well attended by the brothers and their wives and guests, with a special highlight being the singing of the Sweetheart Song by the brothers to their wives, led by Brother Paul Winters and followed by a rousing rendition of the Alpha song. We wish to congratulate Brother Dr. Ronald P. Brown who will be promoted to Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Education at the Ashtabula Branch of Kent State University. He will also serve as Assistant Professor on the same c a m p u s . Brother Brown formerly served as Assistant to the D e a n for M i n o r i t y a n d Women Affairs at the main campus. His new responsibilities become effective on January 5, 1987. An Alpha salute to Brother Brown for serving so well and providing an inspiring role needed for young blacks. We want to recognize the sterling efforts of our Dean of Pledges, Brother Claude Carter for adding three new brothers to our rolls. We give an Alpha salute to Brothers Edward I r v i n e , David Brown a n d J a m e s P a y n e , Esquire. C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s , Brother Carter and keep up the good work.
u Illinois Tou Striving for Unity
The brothers of Too Tuff Tau chapter would like to extend a warm, fraternal greeting to all who hold the light high. The brightness of the light here at Tau chapter is such that each brother feels true pride. Since Tau's last appearance in the "Sphinx," the men of Tau chapter have been about the business of bringing unity to and participating in services at the University of Illinois campus. It is exceedingly difficult for blacks at a predominantly white school to join in a bond of fellowship. Tau chapter, however, is forming and strengthening that bond. On N o v e m b e r 18, the Reverand Hycel B. Taylor, former President of Operation Push, came to speak. On this same note, Tau chapter partially funded and secured a date for Maya Angelo to speak to the c a m p u s .
Another great unity builder is the Tau chapter Annual Sweetheart Court. The court has consistently and consecutively been the largest court of the eight black Greek organizations on campus, as over 45 new, enthusiastic young ladies came our for the 1986 court. The program provides an opportunity for the Black women on campus to interact with the fraternity members and community. Proceeds of over $1,000 went to United Way. The 1987 Annual Sweetheart Court boasts a whopping seventy-four (74) new, lively young ladies. Through these efforts, we h o p e to bring togetherness and power to the black student body at the University of Illinois. Tau chapter feels it is important for our people as a whole to be educated to the utmost, no matter what institution of higher learning one attends. With this at heart we have instituted two Bowl-a-thons, one of which is still in effect now. While providing another medium through which the black student body can come together, the Bowl-a-thon should procure a notable amount of money, $2,000. These funds will be donated to the National H o u s e F u n d a n d to the "Foundation for Saving Minds," the United Negro College Fund. At Opportunity House, a home for the old, handicapped, and/or mentally disabled, the brothers painted fifteen rooms. Along the same lines, they painted the recreational room for an orphanage, the Champaign Children's Home. Members have also voluntarily served Women's Wheels, an oncampus rape prevention program, by driving young women to their respective destinations. Also, the brothers of Tau chapter still have been able to give the annual scholarship of $200 to the most outstanding graduating high school senior in the Upward Bound program here at the University of Illinois. Moreover, Tau chapter made two substantial donations to the Afro-American Cultural Program here on campus. A donation of fifty dollars was submitted to WBML radio station in order for them to continue service to the ChampaignUrbana community. Another donation of a color television and book shelving unit was presented to the director of the Afro-American Cultural Program at the Alpha Phi Alpha Sweetheart Court Presentation. And finally, The Sphinx/Spring 1987
several donations from a series of a n n u a l fundraisers are given to various charities year around. Some charities include UNICEF and the United Way for cancer, cerebral palsy, leukemia, and multiple sclerosis research. While remaining high above the other Greeks on campus, Tau chapter has managed to graduate six (6) brothers since its last appearance in the magazine, more than any of the other Greek organizations on campus. In addition, Tau chapter has managed to win Organization of the Year on campus through its services to the campus and community. In the way of future progress, the brothers are concentrating their efforts on the Tau chapter Reunion, the 1987 Sweetheart Court, and the Alpha Phi Alpha National House Fund. One cannot close without making mention of its proud new members initiated since Tau's last appearance in "The Sphinx." S.S. Nine Knights of Nobility was initiated into "Alphadom" on the 23rd day of November, 1986. S.S. N.K.N, consists of Steve Crozier, Chris Majors, Frank Walker, Lionel Barberousse, Gene Varnado, Mike Drawhorn, Trojan Jackson, Al Davis, and Harris Miller respectively. Good things are foreseeable of these new members. In closing, Tau chapter has continued to perform service for the campus as well as the community as Alpha Phi Alpha was founded on brotherhood, high moral character, personal progress, and scholarship. Hence, Too Tuff Tau chapter shall continue pressing onward and upward toward the light! — N o r m a n L.
•SOUTH I I I south Carolina Omicron Iota Lambda n e w and on the move
Greetings from the brothers of the newly chartered Omicron Iota Lambda Chapter, Columbia, South Caroloina. We were chartered on September 21, 1986. Although one graduate (alumni) chapter had been established in the Greater Columbia area for many years, the founders of The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Omicron Iota Lambda recognized the need for another alumni chapter in the capital city. Our chartering ceremony was conducted in the grand spirit of brotherhood and professionalism known throughout Alphadom. The State Director, Brother Peter L. Felder, was on hand to officiate the ceremony and we were graced with the attendance and participation of local and state dignitaries. Omicron Iota Lambda was founded by fourteen dedicated and determined Alpha Men. The chapter's charter officers include Brothers Quentin M. Young, President; Clarence Coleman, Vice-president; Peter Hemingway, Secretary; Phillip Johnson, Financial Secretary; Rodney Robinson, Historian; Andreas Corley, Treasurer; Bennie Wilson, Dean of Pledges; and Alfred F. Young, Associate Editor-to-the-Sphinx. We are fortunate to have among our ranks several distinguished members of the professional community in the fields of banking, medicine, finance, sales, social services, law enforcement, education, administration, and the military. The chapter, led by its President, Brother Young, has several hardworking committees which are planning and implementing projects that provide service to all including an Awareness Seminar which focuses on teenage pregnancy, etiquette, the importance of higher education, and Black American History. We will also be tutoring juveniles detained within the South Carolina Department of
Youth Services. Several outings with brothers, their wives, and other guests are also being planned. The Brothers of Omicron Iota Lambda recently observed the Fraternity's National Founder's Day by participating in a joint breakfast with the Brothers of Alpha Psi Lambda Chapter, also of Columbia. As one can observe, Omicron Iota Lambda is definitely on the move in service and social endeavors and we are looking forward to many years of growth, positive change, and achievement. It is our hope that Brothers everywhere enjoy a year of prosperity, peace, and Brotherhood until we correspond again. —Alfred F. Young
tennessee Psi Lambda Another successful year
Hello Brothers in Alphadom. I bring you greetings from Psi Lambda Chapter, Chattanooga, Tennessee home of the famous Rock City on Lookout Mountain and Historic Missionary Ridge. We report another successful year of community service and Fraternal achievement. Psi Lambda began this year with a new president, Brother Harry W. McKeldin, III, and a dynamic slate of officers. These officers were duly installed by Brother Dr. Clifford L. Hendrix, Deputy Superintendent Chattanooga Public Schools. President, Brother Harry McKel37
din, III; Vice President, Brother Robert Brown; Recording Secretary, Brother Walter Beard; Corresponding Secretary, Brother Kenneth Buchannan; Treasurer, Brother Virgil V. McGee; Seargent-at-arms, Brother Edward Lawrence; Chaplain, Brother Rev. Andrew Frierson, Jr.; Editor to Sphinx, Brother Albert M. Miller; Dean of Pledges, Brother Booker T. Scruggs, II; Eta Phi Advisors, Brothers B. T. Scruggs, II, Kenneth Buchannan, Walter Williams, Adrian Partridge; Director of Education Activities, Brother Ernest L. Buffington; Parliamentarian, Brother Bennie Harris; Chapter Advisors, Brothers Dr. Clifford L. Hendrix, Booker T. Scruggs, I; Historians, Brothers John H. Julian, Julian C. Brown. In August of each year, we have our annual Alpha Phi Alpha picnic. It is a round up of brothers, bringing them together and making plans for the physical year ahead. It also serves as a reclamation program bringing unfinancial brothers in with us and presenting our program to them. Founder's Day this year was held at Stanley United Methodist Church with Brother Rodney Claybrook as our keynote speaker. Brother Claybrook is Assistant Principal of Kirkman Technical High School, a Life Member, and an active and supportive member of Psi Lambda. Brother Ernest Buffington was named "Brother of the Year". Brother Buggington is with Central Office of Chattanooga Public Schools and has served twice as president of Psi Lambda. Brother Willie Chapman, who heads our Career Conference project received the "Golden Phi" award. An unforgettable Christmas Party given by the Alphabettes ushered in the Christmas Season. Food, Fun, and Gifts highlighted the evening followed by dancing, fellowship and the good old Alpha Spirit. Brothers of Psi Lambda entertained our wives and sweethearts with dinner and dance at the exclusive and fabulous Walden Club atop the Commerce Union Bank Building in downtown Chattanooga. Our ladies were never more lovely as they were that night as we wined, dined, and danced in elegant surroundings far above the city. At the 38
conclusion of this Valentine Celebration each lady was given a rose and other gifts of love and devotion. The Career Conference sponsored by Psi Lambda, headed anb directed by Brother Willie Chapman, was a grand success and a highlight of our Spring Educational Program. Among our distinguished speakers was Brother Dexter King of Atlanta, G e o rgia, son of our late Brother Dr. Martin Luther King. Other speakers were Brother Harold Wright, National oratorical winner, from University of Maryland; and Brother William Joseph Barbar, from Duke University, School of Divinity. During the first part of the conference students were with specialists in their particular field of interest and later assembled for lectures and seminar. Other activities in our Educational Program were our annual luncheon for make high school seniors graduating this year and our annual Christmas Dinner party for senior neighbors. Psi Lambda is working closely with the LINKS in the Teen Age Pregnancy campaign, the United Negro College Fund to which we contributed $500, and with Human Services and the "Adopt A Black Child Movement". We actively participated in programs sponsoring the visit of Father Clement of Chicago to our city. These projects show concern for people as in our motto, "SERVANTS OF ALL." The Brothers of Psi Lambda were saddened this year by the death of our beloved Brother Robert David Lewis who entered Omega Chapter May 18, 1986. Brother Lewis was a life member, active and supportive in all programs of Psi Lamnbda. The new Trades Center was again the secne of our 80th annual GOLD AND BLACK BALL. The committee deserves much praise for the elaborate decorations and arrangements to make this a setting of splendor and gradeur. Brother Bill Odum and his orchestrat from Atlanta, Georgia provided the music. Awards, plaques, and recognition were given to deserving Brothers after the presentation. Several out of town Brothers were in attendance. Brother Richelieu W. Strange and Brother Dr. Charles N. Berry were given plaques for 50 YEARS of service to Alpha Phi
Alpha. Psi Lambda has a strong commitment to Education, Moral Standards, and Community Service. With increased ingenuity and tenacity, we strive to meet these challenges and hold the light of Alpha Phi Alpha high.
emory u Mu Alpha holds 10th Anniversary The Brothers of Mu Alpha Chapter would like to extend warm and heartfelt greetings to our Brothers in the land of Alpha. We are proud to say that My Alpha has held the shining light of Alpha high throughout our ten year existance at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. The present year of 1986 has been filled with special events in Mu Alpha. The highlight of Spring Semester '86 was the celebration of Mu A l p h a ' s TENTH YEAR ANNIVERSARY. Main events of the Celebration included the Miss Black and Gold Pageant and the Annual Beautillion and Awards Dinner. Congratulations are in order for the beautiful Michelle Rackley and her enchanting Court. Brother A. J. "Generalissimo" Lewis, II, was honored for his years of dedication to Alpha and leadership in establishing Mu Alpha on March 27, 1976. Mu Alpha was extensively involved in n u m e r o u s service projects throughout the year. We participated in Project Alpha in conjunction with Eta Lambda Chapter which held several citywide workshops. We also cosponsored an "Evening With Dick Gregory" in conjunction with Black Students' Alliance and the Emory Office of Campus Life and a Symposium: "The Crisis of the Black Family" with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. The Chapter also participated in a Minority Leadership Seminar with Psi Lambda Chapter in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Other activities included a commemorative reception in honor of Brother Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., working with and establishing the Sam Jones Boys Club a tutorial assistance program with Talent Show to benefit the Christian Childrens' Fund, and The Sphinx/Spring 1987
"Black History Cultural Night" cosponsored with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Alpha's service to mankind was acknowledged by Emory University who awarded the Chapter the coveted Fraternity Service Award for most outstanding campus and community service by any Fraternity at Emory. On April 5, 1986, Mu Alpha initiated its Spring Line, "The Pentagon", into beloved Alphadom. These five bright, dedicated, and involved men brought additional diversity and strength to the Chapter. The Neophyte Brothers are as follows: William E. Chapman, George A. Smith, Jovier D. Evans, Richard Brooks, and Mark E. Unthank. "The Pentagon" as a group, hold positions in various organizations, such as The Black Student Alliance, where they hold three executive offices; International Student and Scholars Association; Jazz Band; Glee Club and the Interfraternity Council. The activities of the Neophytes enhances those of the other Brothers in the Chapter who hold positions as Studetn Manager of the new $10 million Student Center, Interfraternity Council Representative, member of the Greek Judicial Council, Black Student Alliance, Georgia Assistant District Director, member of the Emory Student Program and Board of Admissions, and Emory Minority Recruitment Program. Our service has continued into the 1986-87 academic year. The Fall Semester began with our participation in the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon where the Brothers and Sweethearts answered phones and took pledges. Mu Alpha presented its Annual Pre-Professional Symposium. The three guest speakers were: Brother Gregory K. Morris, M. D., Brother Attorney Gregory Adams, and Brother Andre McGuien of Lockheed Aircraft Company. Sponsorship of University Worship was our next service project. Following University Worship was a night of fun at the annual Halloween Party at the Sam Jones Boys' Club. This included the special "Mu Alpha Haunted House", games, and a dance contest. Upcoming events for the rest of the semester include an "Air Band Contest", and our Annual Step-For-Sickle Cell Anemia. The officers of the 1986-87 The Sphinx/Spring 1987
academic year are as follows: Djuan L. Rivers, President; Mark E. Unthank, Vice President, Richard Brooks, Treasurer; Jovier D. Evans, Recording and Corresponding Secretary; Howard L. Bienstock, Financial Secretary and Publicity Chairman; Wayne E. Woods, Dean of Pledges; William Eric Chapman, Chaplain and Assistant Editor to the Sphinx. In this our Tenth Anniversary Year, we pause to reflect on the legacy of Mu Alpha Chapter and our Tradition of Excellence. Though the battle often seems lost, the final victory is still ours to embrace; for we are Men of Distinction, of noble caste whom h a r d s h i p cannot break. Yes, the struggle continues. But, Nu Alpha is proud to know that "we hold ever aloft, noble ideals and aims, carrying out earth's and heaven's grand command".
tuskegee u A busy year for Gamma Phi The Brothers of Gamma Phi chapter send greetings to all within the realms of Alpha. We have started the new year off quickly, and have made plans for 1987 to be an extremely busy year. We began the month with our spring smoker to build, and prepare for possible new membership. We then sponsored a memorial march to celebrate the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In conjunction with the Tuskegee University SGA, we helped set up a library fund for the purchase of new materials for the library. We are continuing our ongoing projects, and on the first and third Saturdays of each month we meet with the local Boy Scout Troup. Every Tuesday is story hour at the local library, and plans are now underway for our Project Alpha workshop. We would like to salute the following brothers on their December graduations: Brother Cornealius Flakes, Michael Lyles, and Charles Middlebrooks. We wish them much continued success. We would also like to congratulate Brother Marshall Brown for winning the Alabama State Leadership award. We also rec-
ognize his tireless efforts as President of the Pan-Hellenic Council, and salute our President Bro. Tony Melton for his work as Senior class President. The light of Alpha continues to shine in Tuskegee! â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Aubrey A. Johnson.
florida Nu Eta Lambda on the Move in 1986 Greetings to our Brothers in Alphadom throughout this nation and abroad. Nu Eta Lambda of Gainesville, Florida kicked off its first meeting September 13, 1986. New Chapter officers are as follows: President, Wilford A. Griffin; Vice President, Ralph Wilson; Secretary, Alfred C. Peoples; Treasurer, Alphonso L. Johnson; Associate Editor to "The Sphinx", Edward A. Woodbury; Chaplain, Andrew Mickle; Historian, Jefferson Jones; Director of Educational Activities, Simon O. Johnson; Dean of Pledges, Enbry McOray; Parliamentarian, Titus Harper. We are proud to have initiated three new Brothers into Alphadom. They are Brothers Oliver R. Maxey Jr., Harold L. Cunningham, and Richard H. Richardson. The Brothers of Nu Ea Lambda have made this year a rededication year and have extended themselves to welcome Brothers back into the fold. This has been successful thus far. Brothers Adrian T. Allen, Edward A. Woodbury, and Oliver Jones have rededicated themselves to Alpha. Brothers Woodbury and Jones have also become life members. Nu Eta Lambda now has 24 active members, one third of whm are life members. Nu Eta Lambda has committed itself to Risk Management. The chapter had outstanding attendance at the Florida Federation of Alpha Chapters Conference in Jacksonville, Florida and attended the Risk Management Seminar given by Southern Vice President, Augustus M. Witherspoon. Two Brothers of Nu Eta Lambda are now certified to give the Risk Management Seminar. They are Brothers John C. Rawls, Sr. (State Director) and Wilford A. Griffin (Chapter President). 39
A number of Brothers and their guests were in attendance at the Founder's Day observance on December 14, 1986 at the Mount Moriah Baptist Church. The theme for the program was "Continuing the Legacy: Building Toward the 21st Century". Awards were given to people in the community who exemplified leadership qualities. The Brothers of Nu Eta Lambda gave several baskets of food to needy families during the Thanksgiving and Chirstmas holidays. The chapter also did its annual Christmas story, presented by Brother John C. Rawls, Sr. Nu Eta Lambda will continue to strive to be "Servants of All" and uphold the name of Alpha Phi Alpha.
georgia New offices for Nu Mu Lambda Nu Mu's new slate of officers and revitalized membership welcomed four new Brothers into the House of Alpha. The neophytes are considered the most enthusiastic and energetic crossing over since the chapter's inception. Officers elected for the 1986-87 year are: President, Baldwin Gammage; Vice-President, Sandford Clark; Financial Secretary, William Wellons; Treasurer, John Jordon; Recording Secretary, Lance Hammonds; Corresponding Secretary, Charles Price; Dean of Pledges, Charles Middleton; Assistant Editor to the Sphinx, Greg Bailey; Chaplain, Clarence Williamson; Historian, Johnnie J. Jones; Director of Community Involvement, James Blount; Sergeant-at-arms, Nathaniel Ritchburg; Membership-at-Large: Coleman Seward, William Jeffries, and Dr. Frank Roberts. Brothers initiated last May were Brothers Jerry Moore, Robert Blount, Wyndel Thomas, and Andrea Cleveland. Brother Ozell Sutton served as Consultant for the first Leadership Workship for elected officers and Committee Chairman. The Brothers rated the workshop "Above average". The chapter has approved a very ambitious program for the ensuing year which includes activities recom4D
mended by the national organization, and several worthwhile and needed local community activities. The brothers feel that these programs meet their needs and interests. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Baldwin Gammage, President
south Carolina Alpha Psi Lambda continues to lead John R. Stevenson was recently selected by the School Board to serve as superintendent of Richland County School District One. Brother Stevenson has served in the District for many years as a teacher, principal and recently as Deputy Superintendent. He assumed this position July 1, 1986. The brothers of the chapter wish borther Stevenson well as he becomes the first black superintendent of a large metropolitan school district in South Carolina. Brother Samuel Heyward serves as chairman of the School Board. Brother Jim Lucas is this year's recipient of the Charles H. Greene Award. This award is given to the brother in the Southeastern conference who has made outstanding contrinbutions in fraternal, professional and community affairs for the past seven years. C. J. Hilliard was selected as the Alpha Man of the Year for the State. This award is given to the brother who has made outstanding contributions to his chapter for the past three years. The chapter is sponsoring its first Adolescent Pregnancy Program. Brother Jerome Hanley heads this project. Derrick Graham, who is a graduate of Eau Claire High School, and Don Johnson, who is a graduate of Dreher High School, are the 1986 recipients of the chapter's scholarship awards. These awards are for five-hundred dollars apiece. Brothers E. E. Franks, Jr. and A. T. Butler, Sr. observed their fiftieth wedding anniversary the same year the chapter celebrated its golden anniversary. We salute these two veteran brothers for their many years of matrimony. On Saturday evening, July 20, brothers and their guests braved the sweltering heat to spend a very plea-
sent evening together at their annual fish fry. The back yard of the Alpha House was the setting and brother Graham and his committee prepared the delicious food. The newly elected officers of the chapter are as follows: President, Willie L. Harriford, Jr.; Vice President, Moses Boyd; Corresponding Secretary, Robert Mickle, Jr.; Financial Secretary, F. C. Brandyburg; Recording Secretary, Herbert Bynoe, Jr.; Treasurer, Hernan A. Floyd; Assistant Treasurer, Percival L. Everett; Chaplain, Willie Wilson, III; Associate Editor to the Sphinx, Matthew E. Cannon; Director of Education Activities, C. J. Hilliard; Parliamentarian, Eric K. Miller; Sergeant-at-Arms, Arnold Williams; Dean of Pledges, Jerome Hanley; Historian, I. C. Brown.
tennessee state u Beta Omicron still transcending all The BO-dacious Brothers of Beta Omicron Chapter, Tennessee State University would like to extend warm fraternal greetings to our beloved Brothers in ALPHA. The 1985-86 school year proved to be a very exciting and uplifting year for us. We noticed an increase of active brothers go from 40% to 80% over the course of the year. Living up to our motto "First of all, Servants of all", we took the forefront in getting involved in campus and community related services. Once again we participated in the Mayors Adopt A-House program. Our A-Phi-Aid program was administered through tutorial services offered at area high schools. The many other projects undertaken not only enhanced the community, but inspired us to continue to march onward and upward toward the Light. Our campus projects and community involvement paid off when we were named Chapter of the Year for the state of Tennessee. However, our efforts did not stop there. At Christmas we donated over $600 to charities across the nation. In addition, we gave over $800 worth of clothes to the Salvation Army. It was at this same time that we started supThe Sphinx/Spring 1987
porting a child in Ethiopia. Thus, our continued efforts enabled us to be named Southern Regional Chapter of the Year. We continued to carry on the tradition of being campus leaders by being members of the SGA, Business Fraternities, Engineering Societies, drama clubs, and athletes. We also maintained ourselves as the fraternity with the highest GPA. This honor has been bestowed upon us for the last four years in a row. This year also marked the second consecutive year that an Alpha Sweetheart was given the title of Miss Tennessee State University. The school year 86-87 will see several brothers in key leadership positions. Brother Gregg Carr will serve as President of the SGA; Brother Fred Brown will serve his second consecutive year as Representativeat-Large; Brother Thomas Caldwell will serve as Junior Class President; and Brother Odell Sanders III will serve as the President of the PanHellenic Council. We would like to introduce the 12 newest brothers to enter into Alphadom here at Beta Omicron. The "Throublesome 12" are: Jarrod Clark, Michael Mayberry, Fred Brown, Edward Ager, Mark Jones, Maurice Jones, Darrell Cummings, Andre' Sherrill, Royce Johnson, Darrick Weaver, Kenneth Johnson, and Thomas Caldwell. The officers for 1986-87 are: Alex Marshall, President; Darrell Cummings, Vice-President; Sherald Wilson, Secretary; Andre' Patton, Dean of Pledges; David Smith, Chaplain; Fred Brown, Sergeant-at-Arms; Royce Johnson, Historian; and Edward Ager, Education Director.
SOUTHWEST louisiano. Beta Tau celebrates 50th Anniversary The 1985-86 school year was a very memorable one for the members of Beta Tau because it marked the Golden Anniversary of our Chapter. The Brothers began the school year by welcoming back the student body The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Shown are Beta Tau Brothers: (L to R) J. Williams, J. Adams, C Cartwright, W. Caffey, Advisor; E. demons, R. Amos, E. Haydel, T. Morris, C. Batiste, R. Frederick, A. Buck, C. Fontenot, C. Haydel, Center: K. Connors. with a swimming party and disco at one of the local clubs. In October, the line "Double Trouble" was initiated. They were Dennis Garrett of Chicago, Illinois a n d Tim Morris of N e w Orleans, Louisiana. For Halloween, the Brothers took some pre-schoolers trick or treating on the University's campus. A good time was had by all. In December, the Chapter held a display of Alpha paraphernalia in the University's Student Center in celebration of the Fraternity's 79th Anniversary. The Spring Semester w a s highlighted by our Golden Anniversary Ball held on April 12th. Our speaker for the evening was Dr. Norman C. Francis, President of Xavier University. Brother Francis spoke on our Ball's theme, "Shaping the Future on the Basis of the Past; Opening Doors Through Education." Our most honored guest was Dr. Nathan Pitts, Beta Tau's last living Jewel. He gave a very emotional speech which left many Brothers with tears in their eyes. The Chapter would like to extend a special congratulations to Ricky Amos, chairman of the 50th Anniversary Ball, whose hard work made this great event possible. Also in April, the Chapter took first place in the University's Annual Greek show. A party was held by the Chapter after the Greek show along with the sorors of Alpha Kappa Alpha. It was a big success. For Easter, the Chapter held its Annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children of Daneel Elementary School. The month cul-
minated with our Annual Smoker. The speaker was Clarence Jupiter, Director of Development at Xavier University. He gave a very enlightening and entertaining speech. As the Spring term came to an end, the Chapter lost happily eight Brothers to graduation. They are Conrad Charles, Andre Smith, and Anthony Tennette who graduated from Xavier's College of Pharmacy and are all licensed pharmacists now; Kyle Simon, who is now a graduate student at Wayne State University; Steven Morris who is in his first year of Medical school at Cornell University; Ricky Amos who is in his first year of Law school at Marquette University; Elton Haydel who is in his first year of Veterinary school at Louisiana State University; and Cornel Baptiste, w h o is now employed by Macy's in Atlanta. The Brothers would like to congratulate Everett Jacobs w h o c o m p l e t e d his Preengineering requirements at Xavier and is now an Engineering student at Georgia Tech University. The officers for the 1985-86 school year were: President, Elton Haydel; Vice-President, Karl Conners; Secretary, Jon Williams; Treasurer, Ricky Amos; Historian and Chaplain, Chris Haydel; Dean of Pledgees, Conrad Charles; Sergeant-at-Arms, Rivers Frederick; Parliamentarian, Cornel Baptiste; Editor to the Sphinx, Andre Buck. We would like to thank our advisors, Willie Caffey, John Ware, and Dr. Kenneth Boutte for their invaluable service to our Chapter. 41
texas christian u Eta Psi leads at TCU Greetings. With honor to "whatever gods may be," the illustrious leaders of our General Organization, and all noble and deserving brothers of Alpha, the brothers of Eta Psi are proud and pleased to share our campus and community ministry for Spring '87. Alpha Spring '87 introduced itself with a Martin Luther King birthdate celebration party on January 16. On January 26 at 7:00 p.m. we held our Spring Smoker; this event gave birth to three aspirants that we are proud to p r e s e n t : Mr. A n t h o n y Woods, Mr. Anthony Renteria, and Mr. Derek Rogers. Our ministry continued on January 19 when one of our brothers led a freedom march to the University United Methodist Church almost a half a mile away. With police escorts, and half the lanes closed off, students, faculty, staff, and community m e m b e r s (black, white, hispanic, international, and others) marched down one of Fort Worth's busiest streets, singing the inevitable "We Shall Overcome." After Brother King's birthdate celebration at University Methodist, we marched back to a reception at the T.C.U. student center, which started with thirty minutes of student entertainment. Brother Barry Glynn Williams started the presentations with his poem "IF NATURE COULD SPEAK." A little while later, brothers Blake Moorman and Tim Williams, along with Correllia Allen (an Alpha Angel) inspired all with the song "HIS EYES ARE ON THE SPARROW." The presentations concluded with Eta Psi singing "unusually loud and energetically" the Alpha hymn. The day ended with a memorial service in Brother King's honor at 5:00 p.m. in T.C.U.'s Robert Carr Chapel. This sevice was conducted by a brother of Eta Psi. February 7 saw our annual Greek Show. The show well attended, the brothers of East Texas State University won first place in the fraternity division. In the sorority division the sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha at T.C.U. took first place. The Wisconsin Sleepers of North Texas State University took 42
Gamma Eta Lambda Chapter pose for the camera at their 2nd bi-annual formal ball. the first prize in the non-greek category. Eta Psi closed out the show with a little entertainment. Proceeds from the show went to the Urban League, the N . A . A . C . P . , and the United Negro College Fund. The ministry continued the next morning as we journeyed west to Mineral Wells, Texas, where we spoke to five churches about sickle cell disease. Our 23rd Annual Texas State Convention in El Paso will be attended by Brother Blake Wayne Moorman. Also, Eta Psi will participate in the upcoming five chapter Dallas-Fort Worth party at the University of Texas at Arlington. Furthermore, we are pleased to announce that two more sweet ladies have started that journey to Alpha Angel Land. As the brothers of Eta Psi continue to hold up the Light of Alpha be it known that all are always welcome here in Horned Frog Land, where we truly live the motto: First of all, servants of all, we shall transcend all!" â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Barry Glynn Williams
Linton, Vice-President; Ken Grays, Secretary; (Neophyte) Thomas McDowell, Corresponding Secretary; Emmanuel O'Para, Treasurer; Darrell Sims, Dean-of-Pledges; Edward Roby, Chaplain; A.L. Mackey, Parliamentarian; (Neophyte) Joseph Bowman III, Assistant Editor-to-the-Sphinx; General Marshall, Sergeant-at-Arms; Milton Fleming, Director of Educational Activities. Under the leadership of the president, Gamma Eta Lambda Chapter became a regular volunteer source for the thrice weekly delivery of hot meals to the shut-in and the elderly, in support of Meal-on-Wheels. On each of the three days, a Brother gives up his lunch hour to pick up the meals from the food preparation site and deliver them to the grateful participants on his assigned route. The program was being coordinated by Brother Larry Barnes, who was forced to make a career change which called for him to relocate to another state. His duties were readily picked up by Brother Edward Roby.
A successful smoker was held under the leadership of Brother Darrell Sims. The program consisted of a brief history and purpose of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., as well as the recitation of some of the poems that illustrate the aims of our fraternity. A number of future prospects made known their desires to become affiliated with the Fraternity. The program closed with Brothers singing the Alpha Hymn.
Banner Year for Gamma Eta Lambda 1986 was another banner year of expansion for Gamma Eta Lambda Chapter. The following Brothers were elected to serve as chapter officers: Louis Goodall, President; John
The Sphinx/Spring 1987
The chapter, through it's nonprofit arm, The Alpha Foundation, donated a $1600 computer system to The Black Arts Alliance. The Alliance is a community-based, non-profit, Arts Umbrella promoting appreciation of, and for, Black art and artists, and partially funded by the city of Austin. The computer enabled the organization to, among other things, automate their mailing lists and thereby aid their fundraising efforts to provide quality artistic programs a n d e v e n t s to the p e o p l e of the community. Brother John Linton organized and ran the Gamma Eta Lambda Select Shot Golf Tournament. This year the tournament attracted some 40 players, some coming from as far away as Dallas to compete. Unfortunately some people wearing strange colors, other than Black and Old Gold, won most of the trophies. But a good time was had by all and the treasury was increased substantially. Plans are already underway for the 1987 tournament to be held in May. The year 1986 was the year for the G a m m a Eta L a m b d a B i - A n n u a l Formal Gala. The Black-and-Gold dance was held at the Waller Creek Plaza Hotel. Some 400 invited guests showed up in their black and gold formal wear, and ended a nite of dancing with a full course complimentary breakfast. The chapter "Alpha Man-of-the-Year" plaque was a w a r d e d to Brother Albert (Al) Fairweather for his service to the community and to the Fraternity. Brother A.L. Mackey coordinated the implementation of the Risk Management seminar, a n d all of the active Brothers became duly certified to be First of All, and thereby Transcend All. The chapter is hard at work preparing to host the 1989 Texas state Alpha Phi Alpha convention. Brother George T h o m p s o n is h e a d i n g the convention committee, which includes, Brothers Carl Huntley, John Linton, Darrell Sims, Ed Roby, Ken Grays, and Al Fairweather. The chapter is well on its way toward it's goal of 100 percent compliance with the national building fund assessment. A third of the active members have paid their $100, and others have started p a y m e n t s on their assessment. A resolution was p a s s e d to s p o n s o r a fundraising affair, the p r o c e e d s from which The Sphinx/Spring 1987
A scene from the Annual Christmas Dinner for Senior Citizen's of Baton Rouge Community given by Beta Iota Lambda Chapter.
would be used to endow a window, or door, or other part of the new National Headquarters in the name of Gamma Eta Lambda Chapter. —Brother Albert (Al) Fairweather
louisiana Beta loto Lambda holds Annual Senior Citizens Dinner
One of the continuing projects of Beta Iota Lambda Chapter and one which highlights its community awareness is the Annual Senior Citizen's Dinner given each year at Christmas time. For more than ten consecutive years this dinner has been sponsored by the chapter. This year it was held at the Greater Mount Carmel Baptist Church all-purpose room and was extremely well attended — and appreciated—by the senior citizens of this community. Brother Vincent Manuel offered the Invocation; Brother Vernon Williams, co-chair of the event, welcomed the guests. Other program participants included Brother Stuart Freeman who offered Grace; music by Brothers Clarence J o n e s a n d B. J. Wailes; gifts by Brother John Moland; remarks by the President of Beta Iota Lambda, Brother Thomas J. Wilcox, Jr.; and expressions of thanks by Brother James L. Hunt, co-chair of the dinner. The affair was attended by fifty-eight senior citizens a n d t w e n t y - e i g h t b r o t h e r s of the
chapter. Alpha wives assisted with the service. Beta Iota Lambda chapter continues to make its presence felt in the Baton Rouge community. Through donations to the United Way; through contributions to the Baton Rouge Chapter of Links, Incorporated to assist with its Mid-Winter Seminars; through its vigorous scholarship program which each year includes financial assistance to a sibling of a brother of the chapter entering college; through its central i n v o l v e m e n t in the Boy Scouts program of the city; through the number of volunteer hours logged by brothers to "The Holy Grill," an organization which feeds the hungry in this city—the chapter fulfills its mission of "servants of all."
California Mu Sigma Lambda sponsors youth awareness project
The Mu Sigma Lambda Black Seed Youth Awareness/Involvement Project is an extension and complement to the Chicago based Iota Delta Lambda Chapter's pilot project. The focus of that project was to develop and implement an educational program to help stem the tide of teen pregnancy. The Black Seed Youth Awareness/Involve43
ment Project will be a complement to those brothers' efforts in that it will include a teen pregnancy component. It will be an extension in that venereal disease (AIDS included) and drug abuse will be of mutual concern. Alpha Phi Alpha, the quintessence of fraternities, has a long and disting u i s h e d history of i n v o l v e m e n t , achievement and leadership in civil and human rights efforts. Over the years, the oldest and most distinguished Black-oriented Fraternity has espoused many charitable and service projects. Mu Sigma Lambda's position in this revolutionary Fraternity of brothers in a proud heritage and tradition know the value of education and what it means to be in the v a n g u a r d . There m u s t be help for teens who bear children. President Thornton says, "There must be help for those teen-age males who help those teen-age females become p r e g n a n t b e c a u s e of c o n v o l u t e d reasons." Our Jewels intervened at Cornell and a Black Fraternity was born out of their desire for maintaining close association and unified s u p p o r t for m e m b e r s of a small minority group. The Black Seed Youth A w a r e n e s s / I n v o l v e m e n t Project follows this tradition and directs its attention to the Black male between the ages of 9 and 12. There are three major program components which will be used to combat teen-age pregnancy, venereal disease (including AIDS), and drug abuse. They are knowledge building, motivation, and community action planning. In honor of our Jewels, there will be seven (7) objectives with the activities to accomplish those objectives, the organization/individual responsible for the activity, and the start and completion dates. Objectives translate program goals into assessable participant performance. While the philosophy and goals of the Blackseed Youth Awareness/Involvement Project give direction to instructional programs, the objectives state specifically who is to learn what, how well, under what conditions, and when learning is to occur. Objectives, then, are a central part of a participant proficiency assessment system. We have given serious consideration to what we can do. In most instances our most projective role 44
will be to serve as the vanguard and catalyst to organize, to raise money, and to implement the initial program. We have an ongoing youth program as a result of Careers Awareness and we are willing to create this extension that gives the chapter continuity of relationships with younger people so that they have an organizational structure through which to work. Out of these efforts might grow an Alpha Merit Group or other Youth Development programs consistent with the national thrust of the Fraternity. The role of Mu Sigma Lambda has b e e n c o n s i d e r e d on the national, regional, and local level. At the national level the March of Dimes has provided educational resources a n d s t i m u l a t e d local C h a p t e r involvement. At the local level, the role of our Chapter will include brothers willing to assist in the following areas: planning, programming, budgeting, and evaluation; providing educational and counseling/training resources; contributing time and/or money; raising funds to support the program; monitoring; and publicity.
MOVING? REPORT YOUR NEW ADDRESS & SS # TO: Membership Department Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc. 4432 Martin Luther King Jr.. Drive Chicago. IL 60653
cal-poly pomona lota Psi leads way in community G r e e t i n g s to o u r b r o t h e r s in Alphadom throughout the world. The brothers of Iota Psi chapter in Pomona California have always had a significant role in leadership of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and the local community. With graduations last year and new pledge procedures this year the I-Psi chapter is several brothers strong graduating five in the year of 1985/86. Here at Iota Psi, the brothers are very proud of our precepts, which we pledged so faithfully. I-Psi, as we call it, was founded at Cal Poly Pomona on August 5, 1974 by fourteen brothers who established the First Greek Letter Organization on this campus. We Alphas have had a long histoy of serving our campus and community. We have had the first black A.S.I. Vice President, five National Society of Black Engineers Presidents, two Black Greek Council Chairmen, this year five brothers helped found the N.A.A.C.P. here at Cal Poly, becoming the only west coast college chapter, and also helped found the greek O.F.S.C. for both Black, White and The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Mexican Fraternities and Sororities. This year, I-Psi has several community projects already in effect. We are currently involved with our Stop Drugs and Gangs Project, Assistance for Children Programs, Community wide food drive for the holidays, and a scholarship for incoming Freshman or Transfer Student. The Iota Psi executive board for the 1986-87 school year consists of: Everett Cowings, President; Timothy Barns, Secretary; William Harris, Treasurer; Robert Adams, Dean of Pledges; Brett Henry, Historian; Dr. Bert Hammond, On campus advisor; and Byron Wade, Eta Pi Lambda chapter advisor.
Other achievements in the fall quarter of 86: I-psi activily participated in the Stanford brotherhood spirit conference, to become one of only five chapters in western region allowed to conduct a pledge program. Because of our past campus leadership the brothers of I-Psi will have a domtrant voice in the planning of this year's Black History Month, which is a multi-thousand dollar program. Someone once said it's not the quantity but the quality of Brothers. Seven brothers can be strong enough to start a fraternity, if all are Alphamen. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Everett Cowings
July 2 3 - J u l y 29,1987
Young men across the nation are learning about the responsibilities and risks associated with teen-age pregnancy in Project Alpha - a unique program cosponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and the March of Dimes.
Man-to-Man Talk About Teen Pregnancy
Project Alpha allows volunteers like you to lead man-toman discussions about the personal, economic and legal implications of becoming a parent. Project Alpha also teaches young men that teen-age pregnancy can affect them socially and economically for the rest of their lives. For example, nearly half of all mothers and fathers under 18 do not finish high school.
Project Alpha Kits have been developed to assist those who are interested in carrying out this important program. They include a Leader's Guide, a "how-to" manual on how to implement the program; an informational brochure; and a videotape entitled "ProjectAlpha: A Man To Man Talk On Teen Pregnancy." Many chapters received free copies of this kit at the 1986 General Convention in Washington, DC where the packet was unveiled. If your Chapter is interested in Implementing Project Alpha and did not receive a kit in Washington, a Project Alpha Kit will be provided free of charge. Please contact the General Office at (312) 373-1819 to receive your kit.
iftS^ * * * ÂŤ &
Project Alpha Can Protect Young Lives! The Sphinx/Spring 1987
HOW 5 5 i m i INTO 38J EQUALS-ONE When you think of United Airlines, you probably think of the nation's largest airline, flying more than 38,000,000 people every year to all 50 U.S. states, Canada and the Far East. That's okay. We are the nation's largest airline and we do fly more people to more places with a larger fleet than most airlines will ever dream about. But we'd like to expand your thinking. United Airlines is also 55,000 dedicated men and women who are accomplishing more this year than we did last year—55,000 people gainfully employed in one of the most challenging and fast-paced industries anywhere. United Airlines is a company that makes 55,000 people feel right at home with challenge and achievement. We pride ourselves on making the most of our talent —on gaining the most from our work.
United is equally appealing to the recent MBA graduate and the seasoned strategic planning professional —to the most technical of MIS specialists. We offer career opportunities to people in all disciplines, at all levels of experience. Think of United as the world's premier airline. But think of us too as an employer with opportunities that demand a closer look. United Airlines. It all adds up to number one. For more information, contact: Professional Employment, EXOPX/NS80P, United Airlines, P.O. Box 66100, Chicago, IL 60666. Equal Opportunity Employer.
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Omefja CbapteR Laurence T Young, 5r..
Brother JOHN J. BALLOU, age 82, entered Omega Chapter April 19, 1985 in a local hospital in Norfolk, Virginia, following an extended illness. Brother Ballou was an educator - his latest assignment being instructor for the Deaf and Blind in Hampton, Virginia; - aside from these activities, Brother Ballou served as Band Director at Hampton Institute, Virginia. Brother Ballou was a 1927 graduate at Wilberforce University, Ohio, returning immediately thereafter to Huntington, Virginia in 1928. During his 21 years there, his bands and choirs won many prizes and signal honors. Brother Ballou was initiated into Xi chapter, Wilberforce University in 1925, and was part of that history when the Alpha Phi Alpha National Hymn was produced, he knew the producers of the same, and recalled how it was "sung then" - and the variation developed since. The local chapters in the Newport News area, and surrounding chapters conducted Omega service prior to Funeral rites the Mass of Resurrection was conducted at Grace Episcopal Church, with the Reverend Canon Joseph N. Green, officiating, burial rites in Woodlawn Memorial Gardens. Brother Ballou is survived by a son Leonard R.; a sister, Katie; four grandchildren, many nieces and nephews, and a host of collateral relatives, and friends.
B r o t h e r M A N U E L T. BUCKNER w a s b o r n in Crumwell, OK to Isadora and David Buckner on November 30, 1910. He attended school in Wewoka Public Schools and Langston University. He was married to Edith Murphy, October 17, 1936. To this union one daughter, Shirley was born. Manuel was a member of Grant Chapel A.M.E. Church, where he served on the Board of Trustees and faithfully attended Sunday School. He was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, April 25, 1935 and received his 50 year membership certificate in April of 1985. He was a member of the Optimist Club of Northeast Wichita, and also of the C.P.O.K. Area. He departed this life on August 11, 1986. His mother, father, three brothers and one sister preceded him in death. Manuel is survived by his wife, Edith and daughter Shirley Franklin of Wichita, KS. Remaining survivors are; brother, James Buckner of Oklahoma City, OK; sisters, Minnie Myers of Wewoka, OK, Verniece Howard of Albuquerque, NM, Verna Mae Taliaferro of Tulsa, OK; five grandchildren, Diane Mitchell, Phoenix, AR, Jacquelyn Bradley, Cynthia Franklin, Harold T h e S p h i n x / S p r i n g 1987
Franklin, Jr. and Emanuel Franklin all of Seattle, WA; two great grandchildren, Marquis Franklin and Adam Collins both of Seattle, WA; and a host of other relatives and friends.
Brother DR. PRINCE ALBERT ERVIN entered Omega Chapter on August 2, 1986 in Fort Pierce, Florida, at the age of 90. Brother Ervin was born in Natchez, Mississippi on February 6, 1986. He received his early education in Mississippi and attended and graduated from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee in 1919 as that class Salutatorian. He was initiated into Chi Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity (not Incorporated at that time) on December 5, 1919. At the time of his death, he was the oldest Alpha in the state of Florida. He was a Shriner, a 32nd degree Mason, a veteran of World War I, a member of the Baptist faith and a dentist by profession for over 50 years. His interest and profession afforded him the opportunity to affiliate with many social and professional organizations. Before moving to Tampa, Florida in 1936, Brother Ervin had a practice of dentistry in Evansville, Indiana and Henderson, Kentucky. In Tampa, he was instrumental in securing the first Greek House for Black Fraternities and Sororities. He championed the cause for Blacks to secure the G. D. Rogers Golf Course for Blacks and the first Black Tennis Courts for that city. For many years he was a faithful member of Beulah Institutional Baptist Church of Tampa. Upon retiring from dental practice, he resided in Fort Pierce with his grand-daughter until his demise. His only son, Prince Albert Ervin, Jr., died at an early age while attending Tennessee State University. The Eta Kappa Lambda Chapter #265 welcomed Brother Ervin upon his arrival in Fort Pierce after his dental retirement. His revelations of the early days of Alpha was always a message of inspiration to the local Brothers. Services for Brother Ervin were held on Saturday, August 9, 1986 at the Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. Howard D. Coleman officiating and Rev. Ronald Wright, presiding. He is survived by a loving grand-daughter, Mrs. Barbara Ervin Wright and husband Ossie Wright, Jr., four great-grandsons, Ossie III, Paul, Antonio and Michael. A host of friends and fraternal members share in the loss of a great Alpha man.
Brother JOHN GARRICK HARDY was born in Mobile, Alabama. After the death of his mother, when he was two years old, he lived with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Sommerville, also of Mobile. He r e m a i n e d with them until almost four years of age. During that early period of his life, his grandparents instilled in him principles of right behavior which served as guiding beacons for his integrity and self-discipline as he matured and began a life with a wide range of fascinating 47
experiences in working with people, not only in the academic sphere, but in many other walks of life. His early education was in private and public schools where he learned to play several musical instruments, including the guitar, saxophone, and the violin. He also sang with choirs, glee clubs, and participated in some sports popular at that time. Once having his arm broken while playing ball, his aunt taught him to do knitting and tatting stitches during the period in which his arm was in a sling. This was done, as she told him, so that he would always remember to use his time wisely and never shirk any kind of work. After the first three years, with the carnival, he decided to enter Tuskegee Institute. However, because of its strict regulations and his wide range of freedom gained by traveling with the carnival, he stayed at Tuskegee Institute for only one and one-half months â&#x20AC;&#x201D; then it was back to the carnival for a fourth year. At the end of the fourth year with the carnival, he again entered Tuskegee Institute and stayed for only one month. Later, his next-door neighbor, Mrs. Nancy Gray (a native of Calhoun, Alabama), encouraged him to attend the Calhoun Colored School for the second semester, 1925. It was at Calhoun School that Hardy met Ms. Ella Coy, his white eighth-grade homeroom teacher, whom he regards today as one of his best teachers. Perhaps it was because she could see in him great potential, she decided to spend extra time with him in the library each day between 6-8 p.m. and patiently worked with him so that he could catch up with the class. Perhaps also it was she who inspired him to really want to learn and also become a "Great Teacher." With her help and the keen interest shown on his part, he was able to complete the eighth grade by the end of the school term that year (1925). In June of the same year, he enrolled at State Normal School as a ninthgrade student for the summer quarter and there began an education which led to the B.S. degree in 1932 (the second fouryear graduating class from State Teachers College). Hardy was the first Negro in the State of Alabama who graduated from an all-Black, public, state-supported institution of higher learning to receive a master's degree from Iowa State University as well as the first Negro from an all-Black, public, state-supported school in Alabama to earn a Ph.D. degree from the University of Wisconsin. After receiving the master's degree in nine months in the area of Vocational Education/Guidance and Administration, he returned to what is now Alabama State University in the fall of 1933 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a teaching career which had a continuous span of 46 years of association with the institution. He did post-doctoral work at the University of Wisconsin and special summer study at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. He received the honorary Doctor of Laws degree from his Alma Mater in the spring of 1977. Dr. Hardy is a devoted member of the Bethel Missionary Baptist Church. At his Church he serves on the Deacon and Trustee Boards, Secretary of the Laymans Club (which he established) and was Chairman of the Building Committee for the $1.5 million edifice, which was completed in August, 1977.
Brother WILLIAM T. HATCHETT, JR., entered Omega Chapter on November 4, 1986, Denver, Colorado. He was born on July 19, 1920, in West Point, Georgia. At an early age he moved with his parents to Chicago, Illinois, where he graduated from DuSable High School in 1937. Following high school, he attended Woodrow Wilson Junior College. In 1939 he joined the Armed Forces and served in both the European 48
and Pacific Theaters during World War II. He briefly returned to civilian life in 1946 but reentered the armed forces in 1949 to make it his career. While in service he continued his education and in August of 1953 received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Southern California. He retired from the U.S. Air Force in 1963 after a distinguished career. He made the U.S. Civil Service a second career and was employed as an accountant at the Air Force Accounting and Finance Center and as a Financial Manager at Region VIII of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. He retired from the U.S. Civil Service in 1972. Brother Hatchett was a member of Shorter AME Church in Denver and an active member of the Delta Psi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He was active in Church, community and fraternity concerns. Brother Hatchett is survived by his wife, Mary Hatchett; two sons, William Hatchett III of Evergreen, Colorado, Gregory Hatchett of Denver, Colorado; three sisters; five grandchildren; and a host of other relatives and friends.
Brother ROBERT STANFORD JOINER, e n t e r e d O m e g a Chapter May 28, 1986, at University Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. Brother Joiner, received his high school e d u c a t i o n in Chambers County, Alabama, and received his bachelor's and master's degrees in education from Alabama State University, Montgomery, Alabama. Brother Joiner was employed by the Alexander City school system for many years, where he was head basketball coach, assistant football coach and history instructor at the junior high school. He had been accepted into the doctoral program at Howard University for the 1986 summer quarter. Brother Joiner, was a member of Alpha Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Montgomery, Alabama; a Mason; American Legion Post, Post 339; Alabama Education Association; an active member of the Ray Community Fire Department and a member of the Alabama National Guard. Omega services were conducted by Alpha Upsilon Lambda Chapter at the Armour Funeral Home. Brother Joiner is survived by his devoted wife, Mrs. Elnora Bell Joiner; two daughters Tasha and Robbie; four brothers, two sisters, a father-in-law and many other relatives and friends.
Brother WILLIAM SIDNEY JONES, SR. entered Omega Chapter on August 18, 1986 at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Hartford, Connecticut, after a long illness. He was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. for over 50 years and a founding member of the Beta Sigma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha in Hartford, Connecticut. Brother Jones was a member of Union Baptist Church for over 50 years, where he served as clerk for several years. Brother Jones attended Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. He was also a retired employee of the Hartford Post Office, having worked there for 32 years. Brother Jones was a member of Excelsior Lodge No. 3 FJAM for 50 years and the Hartford Consistory No. 80. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth, three daughters, two sons, two sisters, and a host of collateral relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Friday, August 22, 1986 at Union Baptist Church, Hartford, Connecticut with burial at Zion Hill Cemetery.
The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Brother REV. McQUAY RANDOLPH KIAH, born May 10, 1917 in Princess Anne, MD, to Dr. Thomas H. and Mary R. Townscend Kiah, p a s s e d a w a y in D u r h a m General Hospital, D u r h a m , NC, on December 28, 1986, after an extended illness. A m a j o r i n f l u e n c e in McQuay's life, as in the life of all the Kiah children, was that of the Moore family, headed by our beloved "Mom" Moore, who, with her six children joined forces with the Kiah family at a point earlier than most of us can remember. That familiar tie is stronger today than ever. The Kiah-Moore tie is as one family. It was with Mom Moore, Sadie, and the other Moores that McQuay—as well as many others of the family—attended and completed most of his elementary school education at Concord, DE. He completed high school at the Dunbar High School of Baltimore, MD. His Bachelor's Degree was earned at Morgan College—then under the sponsorship of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He served his country with honor and distinction during World War II in the U.S. Army. He pursued his ministerial training at Drew Theological Seminary, finishing with a degree of Bachelor of Divinity. He won academic honors while at Drew, notably among which was the Award for Oratory. He later attended New York University where he completed requirements for the Master's Degree and further advanced work toward the Doctorate. On August 20, 1962, he married Maggie Dunston of Brooklyn, NY. McQuay went back to his alma mater, Morgan (by the Morgan State) College and spent a few years as Associate Dean of Men prior to his return to graduate study at New York University. Upon completion of his graduate studies, he was engaged in pastoral work as associate pastor at Massapeque and Brooklyn churches. The vocational activity in which most of his professional experience was concentrated, however, is that of institutional counseling, having spent many years in the institutions of the state of New York. He is survived by his wife, Maggie of Bracey, VA; 3 brothers, A. Brewington, Montclair, NJ, C. Lycurgus, Savannah, GA, and Thomas Henry, Jr., Detroit, MI; 3 sisters, Rhodelia K. Collins, East Orange, NJ, Cynthia K. Coleman, Montclair, NJ, and Gwendolyn K. Redding, Glenmills, PA; 4 uncles, Dewey Townscend, Preston, MD, who is the dean of the clan, Rupert Townscend, Centerville, MD, Gregory Townscend, Philadelphia, PA, and N a t h a n Townscend, Preston, MD; many n e p h e w s , nieces, and a host of friends.
Brother HARVEY THORNTON PROCTER, SR. was born on November 25, 1923, in Vicksburg, Mississippi, the son of the late Harvey Thornton and Alma Thornton Procter. He began his schooling in Vicksburg and continued it in the Chicago Public Schools when the family moved its residence to Chicago. Upon his graduation from high school, he attended the Univ e r s i t y of Illinois, Fisk University, Yale University The S p h i n x / S p r i n g 1987
and the University of Pittsburg, graduating in 1947 with a degree in Sociology. He also attended graduate school at Loyola University. His schooling was interrupted by World War II, during which time he served honorably in the U.S. Army. He started working as an employee of the State of Illinois. In 1951, he began an illustrious career with the Ford Motor Company which continued until his retirement in 1985. His greatest satisfaction came from helping young men and women find employment within the Company. At the time of his retirement, he held one of the highest ranking executive positions ever held by a minority person in the Ford Motor Company. Harvey shared his love for people through his active membership in People's Community Church and in many civic and community organizations. He was a Life Member in the NAACP; Life Member, Former Chapter President and Executive Board member, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. After his retirement, he volunteered to serve as a consultant in the Wayne State University Placement Office. He departed this life on December 30, 1986, at Providence Hospital. He leaves to cherish his memory; his loving wife, Paula; his son, Harvey, Jr.; his daughter, Lisa; his granddaugher, Karyn,; his dauther-in-law, Connie; and a host of other relatives and friends.
Brother, DR. LEE CLARENCE THOMAS, a local dentist and World War II veteran entered Omega Chapter on June 18, 1986 at a local hospital in Montgomery, Alabama. Brother Thomas, was a prominent dentist in the Montgomery area. Brother Thomas, was a member of Alpha Upsilon Lambda Chapter located in Montgomery, Alabama. He was a member of the Western Bypass Church of Christ. He was active in numerous organizations: The Clique Club, Cotton Smothers Bridge Club, Capital City Medical Society and the Alabama Dental Society. Omega Services were conducted by Alpha Upsilon Lambda Chapter at the Ross-Clayton Funeral Home. Brother Thomas is survived by his loving wife, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Thomas; one son, Lee Clarence Thomas, Jr.; and two daughters, Mrs. Carolyn Robinson, Detroit, Michigan and Mrs. Edith Bernice Fuller.
Brother DR. W. EDGAR THOMPSON, beloved son of the late Dr. Louis and Marjorie Gaylord Thompson, was born in Laurens, South Carolina. He entered Omega Chapter on January 2, 1987. Brother T h o m p s o n was affiliated with many organizations. Among them, Past National president of the Allen University Alumni Association, served 29 years as President of the Allen University Alumni Club of New York City. President of the Bayview Bridge Club. He was initiated into Gamma Gamma and later affiliated with the Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter of Queens, NY. Brother Thompson recently celebrated his 50th anniversary in the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He was an active member of Zeta Zeta Lambda for 22 years, serving 15 years as a member of the Social Activities Committee, 3 years as the Recording Secretary. He was a member of the Bethel A.M.E. Church of NYC and many civic organizations. He served in the US Navy during 49
World War II and retired after many years from the US Postal Service. The Omega service for Brother T h o m p s o n was held on Monday, January 5, at the Cobbs Funeral Home. Interment in the Lincoln Memorial Cemetery, Washington, D.C., Wednesday, January 7th.
Brother Thompson is survived by his wife of over 50 years, Dr. Thelma Thompson; a brother, Louis W. Thompson, Jr.; 4 sisters, Mrs. Jessie Davis and Mrs. Janie Nix, of Chicago, IL, Mrs. Evelyn Harvey of Glen Burnie, MD and Mrs. Ethel Brown of Washington, D.C.; many nieces, nephews, cousins and a host of friends.
Omega CbapteR All chapters and Brothers are urged to submit the names of Brothers transferred to Omega Chapter during the past year â&#x20AC;&#x201D; so that proper tribute may be offered at the General Convention.
Name Last Chapter of Affiliation
Chapter of Initiation
Name Last Chapter of Affiliation
Last Chapter of Affiliation
Last Chapter of Affiliation
Last Chapter of Affiliation
Last Chapter of Affiliation
Last Chapter of Affiliation
Last Chapter of Affiliation
Last Chapter of Affiliation
Last Chapter of Affiliation
Last Chapter of Affiliation
Chapter of Initiation SS#.
Chapter of Initiation SS#.
Chapter of Initiation SS#.
Chapter of Initiation SS#.
Chapter of Initiation
Chapter of Initiation SS#.
Chapter of Initiation SS#.
Chapter of Initiation SS#.
Chapter of Initiation SS#.
Chapter of Initiation Return to: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Attn.: Membership Department 4432 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Chicago, IL 60653
The Sphinx/Spring 1987
ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. General Office 4432 S. King Drive Chicago, IL 6 0 6 5 3 (312) 373-1819
NOTICE: Each chapter Is required to complete this form, annually, and to submit same to the General Office, as per article IV, Sections 5.1. 5 2 and 5.4 of the CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS of ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC DATE N A M E O F CHAPTER
CHAPTER SEAT (Cotaaa or U M M f M y - it applicable)
NAME Middle
ADDRESS Street and Number
Zip Code
ADDRESS: Street and Number
Z.p Code
Area Code
C O N T A C T P E R S O N : List below the officer to whom alfofficial chapter communications are to be addressed NAME
Street and Number
Zip Code
) HOME TELEPHONE ( Area Code Area Code 1 9 8 7 SUMMER ADDRESS: If different from CONTACT PERSON: The address shown below is to be used for all chapter _/_
correspondence beginning Month
. / and ending.
Street and Number
The Sphinx/Spring 1987
( Area Code
Zip Code
Area C o d e -
1986 - 87 Chapter Report of Program Activities Tlcase complete the following questionnaire for the period covering AUGUST 1, 1986 through MAY 30, 1987 only.
I. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES A. SCHOLARSHIPS (Describe awards, criteria, amounts, etc.)
B. FOUNDERS DAY (Describe events, awards, etc.)
C. OTHERS (Describe fully)
NAACP National Urban League United Negro College Fund Others:
Amount $_ Amount $_ Amount $_ Amount $_ Amount $_ Amount $_
'Do not include contributions to the Alpha Million Dollar Fund Drive.
REPORT SUBMITTED BY: IMPORTANT: Return this completed report
to: Title
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 4432 Martin Luther King Drive Chicago, IL 60653
Address City, State, Zip Code
J 52
The Sphinx/Spring 1987
4* Henry A. Cjllis, M D .
Charles H. Chapman
Eugene Kinckle Jones
George B. Kelley
Nathaniel A Murray
Robert H Ogle
Vertner W Tandy
GENERAL OFFICERS GENERAL PRESIDENT - Charles C. Teamer, Sr., 2601 Gentilly Boulevard, New Orleans, LA 70122 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - James B. Blanton, III, 4432 King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653 GENERAL TREASURER - James M. Trent, 4523 Woodgate Way, Mitchellville, MD 20715 COMPTROLLER - Thomas R. Hunt, 9 Rickover Court, Annapolis, MD 21401 GENERAL COUNSEL - Milton C. Davis, 308 North Main Street, Tuskegee, AL 36083 DIRECTOR-GENERAL CONVENTIONS - Kermit J. Hall, Adams House - B-822, City Line Ave. & Presidential Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19131 VICE PRESIDENTS EASTERN - William Ross, Jr., 5205 Overbrook Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131 MIDWESTERN - Ivan L. Cotman, 20141 Mclntyre, Detroit, MI 48219 SOUTHERN - Augustus M. Witherspoon, 2701 Rothgeb Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 SOUTHWESTERN - Randall Palmer, III, P.O. Box 6096, Lawton, OK 73506 WESTERN - Norman E. W. Towels, Suite 177, 3243 Arlington Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS EASTERN - Hampton H. Trigg, II, P.O. Box 524, Newark, DE 19715 MIDWESTERN - Reginald Davidson, P.O. Box 495, Wilberforce, OH 45384 SOUTHERN - L. Bertram Harvey, P.O. Box 34788, Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, GA 30332 SOUTHWESTERN - Lester J. Mayfield, 2501 Wickersham - #224, Austin, TX 78741 WESTERN - James D. Key, 3971 Westside Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90008
Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. Huel Perkins, Chairman Office of Academic Affairs Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70803 James B. Blanton, III, Secretary James M. Trent, Treasurer Milton C. Davis, Counsel Henry Ponder Ernest L. Holloway Halloway Sells Langston Smith Jim Dave Wilson Charles C. Teamer, Sr., Ex Officio
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. GENERAL OFFICE 4 4 3 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Chicago, IL 6 0 6 5 3 Telephone: (312) 373-1819 James B. Blanton, III, Executive Secretary Michael J. Price — Assistant Executive Secretary Editor-in-Chief, The Sphinx Darryl R. Matthews, Director-Marketing/Membership
Alpha Phi Alpha Building Foundation, Inc. Wayne C. Harvey, Chairman 8775 West Kingsbury University City, MO 63124 James B. Blanton, III, Secretary James M. Trent, Treasurer Milton C. Davis, Counsel Albert Holland Allen F. Killings W. Mingo Clark Mitchell Albert, Jr. Edward H. Ballard Charles C. Teamer, Sr., Ex Officio
2101 Louisiana Avenue, #301 New Orleans. LA 70115
INTERNAL STRUCTURE Thomas D. Pawley. Ill 1014 Lafayette Jefferson City. MO 65101
PUBLICATIONS Joe C. Thomas 208 Chadwick Way Benicia. CA 94510
SPECIAL PROJECTS Elmer J. Moore 2717 Tennyson Street. NW Washington, DC 20015
BUDGET AND FINANCE Thomas R. Hunt 9 Rickover Court Annapolis. MD 21401
CONSTITUTION Marshall E. Williams 1270 Fifth Avenue. #7-R New York. NY 10029
LIFE MEMBERSHIP Watson A. Young 43691 Expressway Drive Belleville. Ml 48111
RECOMMENDATIONS Warren E. Sherwood 15 Columbus Avenue Montdair. NJ 07042
STANDARDS AND EXTENSION Felix L. Goodwin 7065 North Stardust Circle Tucson, AZ 85718
BUSINESS ENCOURAGEMENT Charles E. Lewis** 3500 Fieldstone Drive Winston-Salem. NC 27105
ELECTIONS Warren A. Scott 23 Spectrum Drive Newark. DE 19713
PERSONNEL Thomas A. Phillips 9908 Taylor Drive Overland Park. KS 66212
RULES AND CREDENTIALS Enunett W. Bashful 5808 Lafaye Street New Orleans. LA 70122
TIME AND PLACE Walter H. Criner 9219 Petersham Houston, TX 77031
Nathaniel Goldston** 552 Moores Mill Road. NW Atlanta. GA 30305
GRIEVANCES AND DISCIPLINE Wiley F. Jones P.CX Box 285 Alcorn State University Lorman. MS 39096 '
PUBLIC POLICY Eddie V. Easley 4121 Winchester Road Winston-Salem. NC 27106
SENIOR ALPHA AFFAIRS Laurence T. Young, Sr. 936 East 47th Street, #207 Chicago. IL 60653
AWARDS Terry L. Arlington 5426 Upton Drive Baton Rouge. LA 70809
W. A. Pollard*
Roscoe Conkling Giles*
Daniel D. Fowler*
Charles H. Wesley 7632 17th Street. NW Washington. DC 20012
Frederick Miller*
L. L. McGee*
Rayford W. Logan*
Charles H. Garvin*
Simeon S. Booker*
Belford V. Lawson, Jr.*
Henry Lake Dickason* Henry Arthur Callis*
Raymond W. Cannon 2008 Virginia Road Los Angeles. CA 90016
Frank L. Stanley, Jr.*
Howard Hale Long*
B. Andrew Rose*
Myles A. Paige*
The Sphinx/Spring 1987
A. Maceo Smith*
William H. Hale* T. Winston Cole, Sr. 124 SW 23rd Gainesville, FL 32607 Lionel H. Newsom Barber-Scotia College Concord, NC 28025 Ernest N. Morial 1101 Harrison New Orleans. LA 70122
Walter Washington Alcorn State University Lorman. MS 39096 James R. Williams 1733 Brookwood Drive Akron, OH 44313 Ozell Sutton 1640 Loch Lomond Trail. SW Atlanta, GA 30331 •OMEGA CHAPTER
Directory of Chapters All Chapters are required to submit a "Chapter Directory" to the General Office within ten (10) days after the election of chapter officers. This form should list the chapter's "Official Contact Person" â&#x20AC;&#x201D; to whom all chapter mail is sent. This listing contains only addresses sent to the General Office for the 1985-86 fraternal year, as of January 1, 1987.
LEGEND (A) (P) (CS) (S) (FS) (RS)
Advisor President Corresponding Secretary Secretary Financial Secretary Recording Secretary
EAST INTERNATIONAL Director Elmer C Moore 2717 Tennyson St. NW Washington, DC 20015 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa Phi (U ot Liberia #439) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Theta Lambda (Hamilton, Bermuda - #219) No Report Eta Epsilon Lambda (Monrovia, Liberia - #260) No Report Thela Epsilon Lambda (St Thomas, VI - #282) No Report Theta Thela Lambda (Frankfurt, Germany - #285) LTC Donald Thomas (P) Box 9425 APO NY 09012 Iota Epsilon Lambda (Nassau. Bahamas - #506) No Report lota Sigma Lambda (St Croix, VI - #518) No Report Mil Phi Lambda (Seoul. South Korea - #565) Hiram Johnson (S) USAISEC - Far East APO SF 96301 NEW ENGLAND Director Jesse Parks 184 Middlesex Springfield, MA 01109 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Sigma (Boston - #17) Kent Beniamin (DP) 230 South SI. # 1 Jamaica Pin MA 02130-3946 Alpha Gamma [Brown - #25) No Report Alpha Kappa (Springfield - #32) Lloyd Nolan, Jr (P) Box 515. 1000 Stale SI Springfield, MA 01109 Theta Zeta (Dartmouth - #381) James Addo (P) Hmman Box 5024 Hanover. NH 03755 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Gamma Lambda (Boston - #214) Clifton Reed (P) 11 Gednck Rd Burlington MA 01803 Theta lota Lambda (Springfield - #286) Robert MacAlpme (P) 25 Brittany Circle Cromwell, CT 06416 Mu Theta Lambda (Providence - #653) Casby Harrison 118 Prmslon Ave Providence. Rl 02940 Nu Xi Lambda (Sudbury - #580) Oscar W Marrell 15 Benl Brook Rd Sudbury MA 01776
Omicron Upsilon (Rensselaer - #726) Kelly Flemings (P) 41 9th SI Troy. NY 12181 Pi Beta (SUNY-Bmghamton - #731) Michael Hunt (CS) 35 Park Avenue Bmghamlon. NY 13903 Pi PI (Union - #744) Neal Ricks (S) Box 225 Union College Schenectady. NY 12308
Zeta Epsilon Lambda (Red Bank - #238) Clarence Jones (S) 216 Murray Street Lakewood. NJ 08701 Zeta Nu Lambda (Plainlield - #245) Kevin Turner (VP) 1129 E 3rd St Plaintield. NJ 07062 Kappa Theta Lambda (Teaneck - #531) Robert Gillespie (P) 155 Voorhees St Teaneck, NJ 07666
ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Pi Lambda (Albany - #159) Solomon Jenkins III (P) P O Box 12663 Albany, NY 12212
Kappa Rho (C W Post - #435) No Report Xi Psl (Holstra - #707) Herbert Wallen 1000 Fulton Ave, Box 42 Hofstra University Hemostead, NY 11550
WESTERN NEW ENGLAND Director Ronald Manning 140 Slimson Road New Haven, CT 06513 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta (Yale - #6) Stanley Horton (VP) 6006 Yale Stalion New Haven CT 06520 Kappa Oelta (Connecticul - #423) No Report MuPhi (Bridgeport - #461) No Report MuPsI (S Connecticul #463) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Sigma Lambda (Harllord - #161) A Lee Martin (P) P O Box 2656 Harllord, CT 06146 Zeta Phi Lambda (Slamlord - #253) Richard Wright (CS) P O Box 96 Slamlord CT 06515 Eta Alpha Lambda (New Haven - #256) Clinton Robinson (P) 25 Fountain Terrace New Haven, CT 06515 METRO NEW YORK Director Clifford R Clemmons 221-25 Manor Road Queens Village, NY 11427 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Eta (New York City - #7) Henry Mobley (CS) P O Box 3244 New York, NY 10027 Delta Chi (Brooklyn - #308) Burl Foster (VP) 119-32 197th St St Albans, NY 11412 Zeta Eta (Columbia - #338) Carlton Gambrell (P) 1503 Metropolitan Ave #6-B Bronx, NY 10462 Theta Epsilon (Adelphi - #380) Andre O'Brien (P) 114-67 223rd St Queens. NY 11411
ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Gamma Lambda (New York - #125) Willie Lee (CS) 9-A Tults Trail Hopatcong. NJ 07843 Gamma lota Lambda (Brooklyn-Long Island - #175) John Williams (SO) 51 Alabama Ave Hempslead. NY 11550 Zeta Zeta Lambda (St Albans - #239) Herbert Baldwin (P) 133-37 Dennis SI Jamaica, NY 11434 Eta Zeta Lambda (New Rochelle - #261) No Report Eta Theta Lambda (Wyandance - #263) George L Mims (P) 885 Seneca Road West Hempslead. NY 11552 Eta Chi Lambda (Nyack - #276) Waller Blounl (P) P O Box 165 Orangeburg, NY 10962 Kappa Xi Lambda (New York - #536) Wm Decker Clarke (S) 22 East 41st SI New York, NY 10017 Kappa Upsilon Lambda (Mid-Hudson Valley - #542) John Mclnlyre (CS) Route 2, Box 617 Stormville NY 12583 CENTRAL NEW YORK Director Eugene Sharpe, III 2811 Country Club Road Endwell. NY 13760 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha ( C o r n e l l - #1) Mack Moreland (P) 409 Elmwood Avenue Ithaca NY 14853 Delta Zeta (Syracuse - #94) Glenn Mamgault 80 Presidential Plaza. #1605 Syracuse. NY 13210 Kappa Zeta (Utica - #425) Addison Cunnigham (P) North Hall Box 45 Ulica. NY 13502
Treasurer Editor-to-the-Sphinx Vice President Dean of Pledges Dean of Pledges Assistant Secretary
(T) (ES) (VP) (DOP) (DP) (AS)
ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho (Philadelphia- #16) William Hanscom (CS) 7902 Toby Leech Drive Elkms Park, PA 19117 Zeta Theta Lambda (Hamsburg #241) Joseph Robinson (S) P O Box 10436 Hamsburg, PA 17105 Theta Chi Lambda (Schenectady - #298) No Report lota Theta Lambda (Endicotl - #509) Alton Roney (P) 11 Lame Court Apalachin, NY 13732 lota lota Lambda (Rome - #510) No Report Iota Kappa Lambda (Syracuse - #511) Charles Timberlake (P) P O Box 6565 Teall Avenue Station Syracuse. NY 13210 WESTERN NEW YORK Director Rutus McGee 10 Locust Street Rochester. NY 14606 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Epsilon (Buffalo - #93) No Report Mu Sigma (Rochester - #458) Tim Talley (P) 300 Kendnck Rd Box 620 Rochester, NY 14620 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho Lambda (Buttalo - #116) Franklin Westbrook (P) 549 Dartmouth Buffalo, NY 14215 Eta Rho Lambda (Rochester- #271) Terry Smith 28 Whiltlers Ridge Pittsford. NY 14534 NORTHERN NEW JERSEY Director Jim Wilson 4 Westminster Drive Livingston. NJ 07039 COLLEGE CHAPTERS lota Rho (NJIT - #413) Hubert Henderson (S) c191 Sherman Avenue Newark, NJ 07108 Omicron Zeta {Fairleigh-Dickinson - #713) Richard E Ford (P) 1000 River Road Teaneck, NJ 07666 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha Lambda (Newark - #123) Warren Sherwood (S) 15 Columbus Avenue Monlclair, NJ 07042 Beta Alpha Lambda (Jersey City - #145) No Report Delta Mu Lambda (Paterson - #199) E Tyrone Powell (P) 483 E 33rd Street Patterson. NJ 07504
COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta (Howard - #2) Robed James (P) 1469 Florida Ave. # 3 Washington. DC 20009 SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY Director Emerson E Smith. Jr 40 Twilight Lane Willingboro, NJ 08046 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Iota (Rulgers - #97) Sinclair Bishop (T) 205 Redmond St New Brunswick. NJ 08901 lota lota (Trenton SI - #406) No Report Nu lota (Glassboro SI - #472) No Report PiXi (Stockton SI - #742) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Theta Lambda (Atlantic City - #130) Wilburn Dooley (P) 1215 N Ohio Ave Atlantic City. NJ 08401 Zeta lota Lambda (Trenlon - #242) No Report Theta Psi Lambda (Somerset - #299) Jerome Walker (P) P O Box 53 Somerset. NJ 08873-0803 Kappa lota Lambda (Burlington County - #532) Emerson Smith (P) 40 Twilight Lane Willingboro. NJ 08046 Nu Gamma Lambda (Glassboro - #570) No Report EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA Director Robert Myers 2 Hercules Court Sewell. NJ 08080 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Nu (Lincoln - #12) Tony Stimpson (P) 207 Rendall Hall Philadelphia. PA 19352 Psi (Pennsylvania - #22) Christopher Floyd (P) 3650 Chestnut St. Bx 58 Philadelphia PA 19104 Oelta PI (Cheney - #302) Ernest Harvey (CS) P O Box 431 Wade Wilson Bldg Cheney, PA 19319 Zeta Psi (West Chester - #353) Kenny Smith (P) P O Box 2730 West Chester. PA 19383 lota Sigma (Millersville - #414) Anson Bryant (P) 1211 Tnbbit Ave Sharon Hill, PA 19079 Pi Rho (Temple U - #745) Charles Griffin (CS) 1925 W BrunnerSt Philadelphia. PA 19140
Zeta Omicron Lambda (Philadelphia - #247) Russell Brown (P) 5911 Devon Place Philadelphia. PA 19138 Omicron Delta Lambda (Philadelphia - #615) Howard Burch (RS) 6138 Oxlord St Philadelphia. PA 19151 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Director Harry Budd 142 Maple Street Slippery Rock, PA 16057 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Omicron
Omicron Omicron (UDC - #721) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Mu Lambda (Washington - #111) N i Report Omicron Lambda Alpha (Washington - #500) Benjamin Gold (P) 625 Buchanan. NE Washington. DC 20017 Omicron Eta Lambda (Washington - #618) Eugene Thomas (P) P O Box 70677 Washington, DC 20024
(Pittsburgh - #14) Thomas Brooks (P) P O Box 71042 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Gamma Nu (Penn SI - #78) Patrick Carter (P) 736 Foster Ave Apl #105 Slate College, PA 16801 XI Mu (Slippery Rock - #496) No Report Xi Sigma (Indiana - #702) Gerald Carpenter (P) 1700 Folger Hall Indiana, PA 15705
MARYLAND Director Hanley Norment 12500 Arbor View Terrace Silver Spring, MD 20902 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Alpha (Morgan State #45) No Report Oelta Nu (Eastern Shore - #100) Hamilton Parran. Ill (P) P 0 Box 1997 Princess Anne. MD 21853 Eta Zeta
ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Omicron Lambda (Pittsburgh - #136) Lawrence Moncnel (P) 1364 Silverton Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Kappa Beta Lambda (Erie - #525) No Report Nu Upsilon Lambda (Pittsburgh - #586) No Report DELAWARE Director Warren Scott 23 Spectrum Drive Newark, DE 19713 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Sigma (Delaware Stale - #83) Michael Evans (P) Box 294, DSU Dover. DE 19901 XI Omicron (Delaware - #499) Alpha Phi Alpha, c/o E Roland Mason (P) P 0 Box 524 Newark. DE 19715 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Theta Lambda (Wilmington - #174) Arthur McMillan (P) 1 Stalwart Dr Newark, DE 19713 Zeta Rho Lambda (Dover - #249) William Bass (P) 64 Beech Drive Dover, DE 19901 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Director Ryle Bell 8127 Springfield Village Dr Springfield. VA 22152 Nu Beta (American - #465) No Report
(Bowie SI - #359) No Report lota Zela (Maryland - #403) Christopher Sabin (P) 13512 Greencastle Ridge Tr Laurel, MD 20707 Mu Rho (Towson SI - #457) No Report Mu Upsilon (Frostburg SI - #460) Christopher Johnson (S) 331 Cambridge Hall. FSU Froslburg, MD 21532 Nu Kappa (UMBC - #473) No Report Pi Theta (Coppin St - #737) Ronald Wright (P) 1824 N Payson Si Baltimore, MD 21216 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Oelta Lambda (Baltimore - #104) Mai Charles Mitchell (P) 7946 Covington Avenue Glen Bumie, MD 21061 Delta Omicron Lambda (Princess Anne - #203) James While, Jr (P) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity P O Box 247 Princess Anne, MD 21853 Eta Eta Lambda (Annapolis - #262) Harrell Spruill (CS) 2534 Solomons Rd Edgewaler. M D 21037 lota Alpha Lambda (Aberdeen - #502) Eugene Vickers (S) 802 Fishermans Lane Edgewood, MD 21040 lota Upsilon Lambda (Silver Spring - #520) No Report Kappa Epsilon Lambda (Landover - #528) Horace Bouchelton (CS) P O Box 2188 Capital Plaza Drive Hyatlsville, MD 20748
The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Kappa Kappa Lambda (Ballimore - #533) Carl Bell (P) 6424 Craigmonl Rd Ballimore, MD 21207 Kappa Phi Lambda (Columbia - #543) Freeman Sands (P) P O Box 321 Columbia, MD 21044 XI XI Lambda (Frederick - #602) No Report NORTHERN VIRGINIA Director J A Mann 9525 Heathwood Court Burke, VA 22015 COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Virginia Union - #3) Eddie Bnley (CS) 2725 Markham SI Portsmoulh, VA 23707 Theta Rho (Virginia Commonwealth - #391) Evan Curbeam (S) 102 Brook Blvd Ouinton, VA 23141 lota Alpha (Washington & Lee - #398) Norris Tyler III (P) Rm 101 -E 4450 Rivanna Ln Fairtax, VA 22030 Iota Beta (Virginia - #399) Ivan Swain (P) P O Box 430 Newcomb Hall, Sta 2 Charlottesville, VA 22904 XI Delta (James Madison - #489) Paul Brown (CSO) P O Box 4172, JMU Harrisonburg. VA 22807 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Gamma Lambda (Richmond - #147) James Price (P) 9810Patromdale Dr Richmond, VA 23227 Gamma Alpha Lambda (Charlottesville - #167) Arthur Myrick (P) 1941 Michael Place Charlottesville. VA 22901 Zeta Upsilon Lambda (Reston - #252) Norman Ross, Jr (P) 25 Carollton Rd Sterling. VA 22170 Theta Rho Lambda (Arlington - #293) Andre Jones (P) 623 West Church Rd Sterling Park, VA 22170 XI Alpha Lambda (Prince William County - #590) Chester Johnson (FS) 5610 Broadmoor St Alexandria, VA 22310 XI Delta Lambda (Henrico County - #593) N: i Rept iri Omicron Alpha Lambda (Fredericksburg - #612) Sidney Hankerson, Jr (RS) 928 Branchwater Street Fredericksburg, VA 22401 TIDEWATER VIRGINIA Director Edward N Jones 42 Bainbridge Road Hampton, VA 23663 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma lota (Hampton - #75) Kenneth Ewell (P) P O Box6161 Hampton. VA 23668 Epsilon Pi (Norfolk SI - #324) Ricardo Daniels (VP) 2401 Corprew Avenue P O Box 2033 Norfolk. VA 23504 Kappa Pi (William & Mary - #434) John Bouldm (P) P O Box 3184, CWM Williamsburg. VA 23186 Nu Theta (Old Dominion - #471) Rodney Perry (P) 3710 Colonial Ave Norfolk. VA 23508 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Lambda (Newport News - #106) Pompey Stith (CS) 432 Elizabeth Lake Dr Hampton, VA 23669 Alpha Phi Lambda (Norfolk - #142) Robert West (P) 1010 Scarlet Oak Ct. S Chesapeake, VA 23320 Delta Beta Lambda (Hampton - #190) James Blacken (RS) P O Box 483 Hampton, VA 23669 Epsilon lota Lambda (Suffolk - #220) Kenneth Austin (CS) 2033 Hickorywood Dr Suffolk, VA 23434 Epsilon Nu Lambda (Portsmouth - #223) Harvey Johnson (P) 2400 Palmer St Portsmouth, VA 23704
Nu Delta Lambda (Surry County. - #571) No Report SOUTHERN VIRGINIA Director Ernest L Morse P O. Box 595 South Hill. VA 23970 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Gamma (Virginia St #47) Kevin Thomas (P) P O Box 273, VSU Petersburg, VA 23803 Delta Tau (St Pauls - #305) Robert Bland (VP) St Paul's College Lawrenceville, VA 23868 Theta lota (Virginia Tech - #384) Basil Gooden (P) P O Box 346 Blacksburg, VA 24060 XI Zeta (Hampden-Sydney - #491) Ernest Neal (A) 703 Griffin Blvd Farmville, VA 23901 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Nu Lambda (Virginia S t - #112) Conrad Gilliam (P) 2703 Oak Hill Road Petersburg, VA 23805 Alpha Kappa Lambda (Roanoke - #132) Malcolm Taylor (S) 4839 Rutgers, NW - # 8 3 Roanoke. VA 24012 Gamma Nu Lambda (Lynchburg - #178) Jesse Hobbs (P) 615 Dogwood St Amherst, VA 24521 Delta Nu Lambda (Danville - #200) Jeremiah Hemingway (P) P.0 Box 601 Grenta, VA 24557 Epsilon Omicron Lambda (Lawrenceville - #225) Ernest Morse (CS) P 0 Box 595 South Hill. VA 23970 lota Tau Lambda (Charlotte Court House - #519) Robert Early (P) Rte 2 Box 65-E Mehernn VA 23954 Nu Omicron Lambda (Fort Lee - #581) Michael Walker (VP) 849 W Wythe St Petersburg, VA 23803
MIDWEST CENTRAL ILLINOIS Director Arthur B Cooper P O Box 2085 Station A Champaign, IL 61820 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Tau (Illinois - #18) No Report Zeta Nu (E Illinois - #343) Roderick Mathis (P) 316 University Union Charleston, IL 61920 Eta Tau (Illinois SI - #371) No Report Theta Omicron (Mifflkifl â&#x20AC;˘ #389) Anthony Scales (P) 1078 West William Decatur. IL 62522 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omicron Lambda Beta (Champaign - #501) No Report Nu Psi Lambda (Bloomington - #589) Tim Walker (S) P O Box 1701 Bloomington. IL 61702 NORTHERN ILLINOIS Director Robert Thirston 2404 Glen Flora Avenue Waukegan, IL 60085 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Phi (N Illinois - #329) Wilham Ivy (VP) 837 Hillcrest # 2 DeKalb. IL 60115 MuMu (Elmhurst - #452) Robert Hatch (S) 190 Prospect Box 2309 Elmhurst. IL 60126 Pi Sigma (Aurora U - #746) Marcus Bragg (S) 347 S Gladstone Aurora. IL 60507 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Chi Lambda (Waukegan - #544) Herschel Ryales (CS) 2518 25th St. Apt B North Chicago. IL 60064 Mu Alpha Lambda (DeKalb - #546) No Report
The Sphinx/Spring 1987
Mu Mu Lambda (Glen Ellyn - #556) David Lewis (S) 8960 S Anthony Chicago. IL 60617 NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS I Director David O Shipley 7 Crestview Lane Unit # 1 0 Vernon Hills. IL 60061 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta (Illinois-Chicago - # 8 ) Darryl Francis (P) 11938 S Yale Chicago, IL 60628 Alpha Mu (Northwestern - #33) Marcus Payne (P) 1999 Sheridan Rd. CAO Evanston, IL 60201 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Xi Lambda (Chicago-#113) Allan Knox (P) 5020 S Lake Shore Dr #2704 Chicago. IL 60615 Zeta Xi Lambda (Evanston - #246) Morns Robinson (P) 1015 Sheridan Rd Evanston, IL 60602 Theta Mu Lambda (Joliet - #288) Eugene C Varnado (P) 1313 E Sibley Boulevard. #107 Dolton. IL 60419 lota Oelta Lambda (Chicago - #505) Rufus Credle (S) 256 Whitewater Drive Bolingbrook, IL 60439 NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS II Director Arndel Ricks. Jr 7301 South Wabash Chicago. IL 60619 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Nu Delta (Chicago SI - #467) Vance Bonner (P) 6022 S Eberhart Chicago, IL 60637 Nu Epsilon (Lewis - #468) James Mitchell (S) Box 36. Lewis University Romeoville. IL 60441 NuRho (IIT - #479) Kevin Hyrarrts (P) 3200 S Wabash. Bx 15 Chicago, IL 60616 Omicron lota (DePaul - #716) No Report Omicron Xi (Roosevelt - #720) Vincent Perkins 220 W 95th Street Chicago, IL 60620
Mu Chi Lambda (Rock Island - #566) No Report SOUTHERN INDIANA Director Theo Hamiter 7158 Alvalawn Trail Court Indianapolis. IN 46250 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Eta (Indiana - #73) Ronald Nelson (P) P O Box 1698 Bloomington. IN 47401 Zeta Rho (Indiana State - #347) No Report NuPi (Evansville - #478) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Lambda (Indianapolis - #109) Donald Pope (CS) P O Box 88131 Indianapolis. IN 46208 Kappa Rho Lambda (Evansville - #539) No Report Nu Nu Lambda (Bloomington - #579) No Report NORTHERN INDIANA Director Clarence Benford 1127 Randolph Gary. IN 46403 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Rho (Purdue - #82) Darryl Farrow (P) 613 Waldron Avenue West Lafayette. IN 47906 Theta Xi (Ball Slate - #388) Jesse O'Amico (P) College Park Apts Apt 48C Muncie, IN 47306 lota Theta (Calumet - #405) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Rho Lambda (Gary - #182) Cornell Collins (P) 9201 E 6th Ave Gary. IN 46403
ALUMNI CHAPTERS Oelta Epsilon Lambda (East St L o u i s - #193) No Report Mu Kappa Lambda (Carbondale - #555) Joe Parker P O Box 991 Carbondale. IL 62903
Theta XI Lambda (South Bend - #290) Inactive Theta Upsilon Lambda (Fori Wayne - #296) Timothy Williams (CS) P O Box 10747 Fl Wayne. IN 46853 IOWA Director Paul W Danforth 4705 SW 16th Street Des Moines. IA 50315 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Theta (Iowa - #30) Tyrone Walls (P) 316 Ridgeland Iowa City. IA 52240 Alpha Nu (Drake - #34) Charles Barber (VP) 1536 Stewart Des Moines, IA 50316 Omicron Pi (Iowa SI - #722) Michael Jones (P) 707 Kellogg. # 9 Ames, IA 50010 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Kappa Lambda (Des Moines - #243) Phillip Hall (VP) 1312 DeWolf St Des Moines, IA 50316 Mu Tau Lambda (Cedar Rapids - #563) No Report Nu Chi Lambda (Iowa City - #588) Bruce King (P) 516 Hawkeye Court Iowa City. IA 52240
WESTERN ILLINOIS Director Milton P Johnson 2009 Austin Springfield, IL 62704 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Kappa (Bradley - #319) Ralph Johnson 1417 W Main Peoria, IL 61606 Eta Eta (W Illinois - #360) Archie Hubbard (CS) 210 Corbm Hall Macomb. IL 61455 Pi lota (Eureka - #738) Calvin Washinglon (P) Box 487 Eureka. IL 61530 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Pi Lambda (Peoria - #538) Mark Shipp (P) 6401 N Sheridan Rd Peoria, IL 61614 Mu Delta Lambda (Spnngfied - #549) No Report
EASTERN KANSAS Director Richard Marshall 626 Oakland Kansas City, KS 66101 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Upsilon (Kansas - #19) Darrell Calhoun (T) 926 Tennessee Lawrence. KS 66044 Gamma Chi (Pittsburgh St - #87) No Report Kappa Tau (Kansas St - #437) Richard Horton (S) 2100 Spain Di Manhattan, KS 66502 WESTERN KANSAS Director P J Williams 3601 Randolph Topeka, KS 66611 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Mu (Wichita St - #99) Ronald Small (S) 2221 N Hillside Wichita, KS 67219
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Director Richard Gardner 183-4 Evergreen Terrace Apts #11-3A Carbondale. IL 62901 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Eta (S Illinois- #51) Charles Levy (P) Off of Sludent Dev 3rd Fl, Studenl Clr Carbondale. IL 62901 lota Pi (SlU-Edwardsville - #412) Derrek Stewart 1008 Village Circle Edwardsville, IL 62025
Epsilon Omicron (Washburn - #323) No Report XI Nu (Emporia St - #497) Douglas Fields (P) Emporia State University Emporia. KS 66801 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Eta Lambda (Topeka - #195) Henry Henderson (P) 4400 NW 52nd Terrace Topeka. KS 66618 Eta Beta Lambda (Wichila - #257) Evies Cranford (P) 2420 N Delrose Wichita, KS 67220 Xi Mu Lambda (Manhattan - #600) No Report EASTERN KENTUCKY Director D W Lyons 517 Collier Court Lexington, KY 40505 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Pi (Louisville - #37) No Report Beta Mu (Kentucky St - #55) Clinton Dubose (T) KSU. Box 63 Frankfort. KY 40601 Epsilon Chi (Kentucky - #330) Gregory Woolfolk (P) 452 Chestnut St Lexington. KY 40508 Xi Alpha (Morehead SI - #486) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Lambda (Louisville - #101) Craig Chandler (CS) 751 McCawley Rd Louisville, KY 40219 Alpha Beta Lambda ILexmgton - #124) Lee Jackson (P) P O Box 1248 Lexington. KY 40590-1248 Gamma Beta Lambda (Frankfort - #168) Sherron Jackson (P) 832 Ridgeview Dr Frankfort KY 40601 WESTERN KENTUCKY Director Jimmie Stewart 511 Jefferson Street Box 28 Franklin, KY 42134 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta Omicron (Murray SI - #345) Jay Townsley (P) 2309 University Station Murray. KY 42071 Ela Rho (W Kentucky - #369) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Epsilon Lambda (Hopkinsville #171) No Report XI Pi Lambda (Paducah - #604) Melvm Taylor (P) 1144 North 14th Street Paducah, KY 42001 EASTERN MICHIGAN Director Anthony Crutchfield 557 Grayton Detroit. Ml 48224 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon (Michigan - #5) Marcus Webster (P) 912 Brown St. #323 Ann Arbor. Ml 48104 Alpha Upsilon (Wayne Slate - # 4 1 ) Mark Denson (P) 4417 2nd Ave. #302 Detroit. Ml 48201 Epsilon Eta (E Michigan - #316) Leon Small (P) 2821 Bynan Apt 302 Ypsilanti. Ml 48197 ElaXi (Detroit - #366) No Report Theta Tau (GMI - #393) No Report Omicron Mu (Oakland - #718) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Lambda (Detroit - #103) Timothy Heard (S) 1439 Virginia Park Detroit. Ml 48206 Epsilon Upsilon Lambda (Flint - #230) Walter Lucas. Ill (P) P O Box 1218 Flint. Ml 48501-1218 Theta Zeta Lambda (Ann Arbor - #283) James Moore (P) 2115 Steeplechase Dr Ann Arbor, Ml 48103
lota Rho Lambda (Pontiac - #517) Andrew Pettress (P) 309 S Telegraph Rd #15 Pontiac, Ml 48053 NORTHERN MICHIGAN Director James H Gaddis 4028 Wisner Saginaw, Ml 48601 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Tau (Michigan St - #84) No Report Zeta Beta (Ferris SI - #333) No Report Zeta Delta (N Michigan - #335) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Nu Lambda (Grand Rapids - #267) No Report lota Chi Lambda (Saginaw - #522) No Report Kappa Delia Lambda (Lansing - #527) N , Ht'i > ii WESTERN MICHIGAN Director Nathaniel Allen P O Box 3972 Muskegon Heights. Ml 49444 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Xi (W Michigan - #322) Ernest Black (P) 911 Grant, # 1 Kalamazoo Ml 49008 lota Epsilon (Grand Valley - #402) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Phi Lambda (Muskegon Heights - #521) No Report Kappa Psi Lambda (Kalamazoo - #545) Richard Locke (S) 922 S Park St Kalamazoo, Ml 49001 Nu Rho Lambda (Benton Harbor - #583) No Report MINNESOTA Director Willie James 1400-2nd Street S Suite A-510. Box 193 Minneapolis, MN 55454 COLLEGE CHAPTER Mu (Minnesota - #11) Robert Scott (P) 2508 Pillsbury Ave S Apartment 205 Minneapolis, MN 55404 ALUMNI CHAPTER Gamma Xi Lambda (Minneapolis - #179) No Report EASTERN MISSOURI Director L Dwight Johnson 11151 Sierra Vista # 1 St Louis, MO 63138 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Eta (St Louis - #29) No Report Epsilon Psi (UM-Rolla - #331) No Report Xi Gamma (SE Missouri - #488) Keith Daily (S) 11 S Ellis Cape Giradeau. MO 63701 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Lambda (St Louis - # 1 0 5 ) Daniel H Flowers (FS) 5681 Teak Court Florissant. MO 63034 Epsilon Eta Lambda (Charleston - #218) Roy Cooper. Jr (P) 415 N Chestnut St Hayti, MO 63851 CENTRAL MISSOURI Director Matthew Tyler 206 West Ash Columbia. MO 65201 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Psi (Lincoln - #44) Troy Walker (P) 312 E Dunklin. # A Jefferson City, MO 65101 Zeta Alpha (Missouri - #332) No Report lota Xi (NE Missouri - #410) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Zeta Lambda (Jefferson City - #150) No Report Xi Epsilon Lambda (Columbia - #594) Matthew Tyler (P) P O Box 1923 Columbia MO 65205
WESTERN MISSOURI Alvm Wynn 4233 Walnut. #E Kansas City, MO 64111 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Rho (Missoun-KC - #303) Robert Smith (P) 6744 Belltonfame Kansas City. MO 64132 Zeta Gamma (Central Missouri - #334) Brian Gray (S) 2201 Angelique St St Joseph, MO 64501 ALUMNI CHAPTER Beta Lambda (Kansas City - #102) Herbert Thompson (P) P O Box 17395 Kansas City. MO 64130 NEBRASKA Director Renard Terrell 4024 N 116th Circle Omaha, NE 68164 COLLEGE CHAPTER Beta Beta (Nebraska - #46) David Washington (P) 350 N 35th St. # 2 Omaha, NE 68131 ALUMNI CHAPTER Beta Xi Lambda (Omaha - #157) Kenneth Butts (S) P O Box 11347 Omaha, NE 68111 NORTHERN OHIO I Director Joseph Sansbury 5311 Brandy Lane Sylvania. OH 43560 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Alpha ( T o l e d o - #310) No Report Epsilon Theta (Bowling Green - #317) Ahmed Bennett (S) 465 S Summit, # 4 9 Bowling Green, OH 43402 ALUMNI CHAPTER Alpha XI Lambda ( T o l e d o - #135) Emerson Ross. Jr (P) 3825 Hillandale Rd, E Toledo, OH 43606 NORTHERN OHIO-II Director Nate Hagins 182 St Clair Akron, OH 44321 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Pi (Cleveland - #15) Curtis Smith (P) 24505 Emery Rd Warrensville Hgts, OH 44121 Alpha Tau (Akron - #40) Glenn Stephens (P) 393 Spicer St Akron, OH 44311 Epsilon Delta (Kent St - #313) No Report lota Phi (Mount Union- #417) No Report XI Chi (Baldwin-Wallace - #706) No Report Omicron Epsilon (Youngstown St - #712) Raymond McDamel (P) 1409 Kensington Youngstown, OH 44505 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Rho Lambda (Youngstown - #160) No Report Delta Alpha Lambda (Cleveland - #189) Roy Manley, Sr (P) 2631 Coventry Rd Shaker Hgts, OH 44120 Eta Tau Lambda (Akron - #273) S Wayne Hawkins (P) 1148 Millhaven Dr Akron. OH 44321 Kappa Mu Lambda (Lorram - #534) No Report CENTRAL OHIO Director John Gore 151 Scottsburg Court Gahanna, OH 43230 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa (Ohio St - # 1 0 ) Eric Dozier (P) P O Box 51 1739 N High St Columbus. OH 43210 Phi (Ohio - #20) No Report Omicron Rho (Ohio Wesleyan - #723) Darrel Gibson (P) OWU. MUB Box 312 Delaware. OH 43015
ALUMNI CHAPTER Alpha flho Lambda (Columbus - #138) Amos White (P) P O Box 091031 Columbus. OH 43209-7040 WEST CENTRAL OHIO Director Fred Conway. Jf 3729 Denlmger Daylon. OH 45426 COLLEGE CHAPTERS XI (Wilberlorce - #13) No Report Gamma Thela (Daylon - #74) Christopher Murray (T) 331 Kielaber Dayton, OH 45409 OeltaXi (Central St - #300) Kerry Davis (CS) P O Box 441 Wilberlorce, OH 45384 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Thela Lambda (Dayton - #108) Walter Giliiard (P) 1642 Diplomat Drive Dayton OH 45432 Chi Lambda (Wilberlorce - #121) Fred Hall, III (P) 3272 Wyoming Drive Xenia, OH 45385 Zela Delia Lambda (Springfield - #237) Ron Cosey (P) 1888 Radmer Columbus. OH 43224 SOUTHWEST OHIO Clarence Frazier 1145 Wionna Avenue Cincinnati. OH 45224 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha (Cincinnati - # 2 3 ) Norns Bolden (S) 49 Parker SI Cincinnati, OH 45219 Delia Uptilon (Miami - #306) Delta Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha 209 Wartield Hall Oxford, OH 45056 ALUMNI CHAPTER Delta Gamma Lambda (Cincinnati - #191) David Johnson (P) 8541 Arbor Cresl Dr Cincinnati. OH 45236 WEST VIRGINIA! Director Adolphus Young. Jr P O Box 13 Keystone. WV 24852 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Theta (Bluelield SI - #52) No Report XI Theta (Concord - #493) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Zeta Lambda (Bluelield #128) Adolphus Young. Jr (S) P 0 Box 671 Bluefield. WV 24701 WEST VIRGINIAN Douglas Miller 313 24th Slreet Dunbar. WV 25064 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Zela (West Virginia St - #28) Julius McLeod. II (S) P O Box 512 Institute. WV 25112 NuNu (Marshall - #475) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Iota Lambda (Charleston - #131) Julius A McLeod (P) P O Box 131 Institute. WV 25112 WEST VIRGINIA III Director Miles Carey 108 N Arthur Drive Charleston, WV 25312 COLLEGE CHAPTER PIMu (Wesl Virginia - #740) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTER Gamma Delia Lambda (Beckley - #170) No Report WISCONSIN Director Coleman O Wells 922 W Zedler Lane Mequon, Wl 53092 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Epsilon (Wisconsin - #71) Keith Scott (P) 1833 Fishers Street Madison, Wl 53713 Epsilon Tau (UW-Milwaukee - 327) Stanley Bnster (VP) 3913 North 13th Street Milwaukee. Wl 53206
Zela lota (UW-Whuewater - #340) No Report Eta Beta (WSU-Platteville - #355) No Report Ela PI (WSU-Oshkosh - #368) Otis Sims (S) 330 E Irving Oshkosh. Wl 54901 Mu Epsilon (Carthage - #446) No Report Nu Xi (Marquette - #476) No Report Nu Omicron (Carroll #477) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Chi Lambda (Milwaukee - #210) Richard Williams (P) 6599 N Bethmaur Ln Glendale. Wl 53209 Mu Eta Lambda (Madison - #552) Raymond Allen (P) 6406 Olympic Drive Madison, Wl 53705
SOUTH ALABAMA Director Iva Williams 237 11th Ave, SW Birmingham, AL 35211 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Beta (Talladega - #24) Dexter Brown (CS) P O Box 714 Talladega College Talladega. AL 35160 Beta Upsilon (Alabama St - #63) Winston Wheeler (P) P O Box 28 Alabama Stale U Montgomery, AL 36195-0301 Gamma Kappa (Miles #76) No Report Gamma Phi (Tuskegee - #86) Aubrey Johnson (CS) P 0 Box 36 Tuskegee. AL 36088 Delta Gamma (Alabama A 8. M - #91) Anthony Peterson (CS) P O Box 220, AAMU Normal, AL 35762 Epsilon Nu (Slillman - #321) No Report Thela Delia (South Alabama - #379) Patrick Turner (P) P 0 Box U-262 Mobile. AL 36688 lotaNu (UAB - #409) Iota Nu.A Phi A P O Box 45 University Center Birmingham, AL 35294 Kappa Alpha (Alabama - #420) Willie Crawford (P) P O Box 7404 Mary Burk Hall University, AL 35486 Kappa Gamma (North Alabama - #422) Orlando Lucas (P) P O Box 5554 Florence, AL 35630 Nu Tau (Montevallo - #481) Rufus Hudson (CS) P 0 Drawer Montevallo, AL 35115 XI Beta (Troy State - #487) No Report Xi XI (Jacksonville - #498) Casey Holloway (P) P O Box 3018, JSU Jacksonville. AL 36265 Omicron Alpha (Auburn-MontgomerY- #708) Donald Reese (P) 260 W South Blvd Montgomery, AL 36105 Omicron Kappa (Auburn - #717) Gerald Williams (S) P O Box 1865 Auburn. AL 36830 Omicron Sigma (B ham Southern - #724) No Report Pi Delta (Livingston - #733) Franklin Ball (P) 1609 Graymont Ave. W Birmingham, AL 35208 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omicron Lambda (Birmingham - #114) Larry Foster (P) 805 58th SI. Ensley Birmingham. AL 35228 Alpha Nu Lambda (Tuskegee - #134) Frank Cyrus (P) P O Drawer BBB Tuskegee Institute AL 36088
Alpha Upsilon Lambda (Montgomery - #141) Tyrone Means (P) 901 South Hull St Montgomery, AL 36102 Beta Omicron Lambda (Mobile - #158) Alvin Allen (RS) 1205 St Madar Street Mobile. AL 36603 Delta Theta Lambda (Huntsville - #196) No Report Delta PI Lambda (Selma - #204) Alvin Cleveland (CS) 305 Water Ave Selma. AL 36701 Delta Phi Lambda (Tuscaloosa - #209) Bruce Crawford (S) 1812-D48th Street, East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Epsilon Delta Lambda ( T a l l a d e g a - #215) Thomas Lawrence (S) 114 Baker Talladega. AL 35160 Theta Alpha Lambda (Gadsden - #278) Daniel Littletield (T) 1215 Mounlainbrook Dr Gadsden, AL 35901 Thela Gamma Lambda (Dolhan =.#280) No Report Kappa Nu Lambda (Leighton - #535) Peler Smith (P) 505 Wright Drive Florence, AL 35630 Mu lota Lambda (Mobile - #554) Darryl Shepherd (S) 2849 Keener St Whistler, AL 36612 Mu Psi Lambda (Homewood - #567) Waller Graham (P) P O Box 2281 Birmingham, AL 35201 FLORIDA Director John C Rawls Route 23, Box 435 Gainesville, Fl 32608 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Nu (Florida A S M - #56) Alan Armstrong (P) 1449 S MLK Blvd Tallahassee. FL 32301 Delta Beta (Bethune-Cookman - #90) No Report Delta Psi (Florida Memorial - #309) Gregory Ashley (P) 15800 NW 42nd Avenue Miami. FL 33054 Eta Delta (Miami - #357) Deryck Dennie (P) 5185 Ponce de Leon 4435 P H Coral Gables. FL 33146 Theta Gamma (S Florida - #378) Albert Green (VP) 6506 N 32nd St Tampa, FL 33610 Theta Sigma (Florida - #392) Phillip Jackson (P) P O Box 15237 Gainesville, FL 32604 lota Delia (Florida St - #401) Kenneth Lawson (CS) FSU P O Box 7002 Tallahassee, FL 32313 Kappa Upsilon (Jacksonville - #438) Eric Johnson (S) 1658 Kings Road, Bx 323 Jacksonville, FL 32209 Mu Theta (W Florida - #449) No Report Xi lota (Central Florida - #494) Tony Brackms (P) P 0 Box 26088 Orlando, FL 32816 Xi Kappa (Florida Tech - #495) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Jacksonville - #119) Nathaniel Davis (P) 1416 Jefferson SI Jacksonville, FL 32209 Beta Beta Lambda (Miami - #146) Michael Harris (S) 1461 NW 54lh Terr Lauderhill, FL 33313 Beta Delta Lambda (Daytona Beach - #148) Roland Brown (P) P O Box 785 Palm Coast. FL 32037 Gamma Zeta Lambda (Tampa - #172) No Report Gamma Mu Lambda (Tallahassee - #177) Larry White (CS) P O Box 5474 Tallahassee. FL 32314
Delia Oelta Lambda (West Palm Beach #192) Charles White (P) P O Box 982 West Palm Beach. FL 33402 Delta XI Lambda (Orlando - #202) Levester Tubbs (P) 620 Morgan St Winter Springs. FL 32708 Epsilon Mu Lambda (Pensacola - #222) Neroy Anderson (P) 1301 East Fisher Pensacola. FL 32503 Epsilon Pi Lambda (Ocala - #226) William Jackson (S) 1822 S W 4 l h Ocala. FL 32674 Zela Alpha Lambda (Ft Lauderdale - #234) Roy Smiley (P) P O Box 6072 Ft Lauderdale. FL 33310 Eta Kappa Lambda (Ft Pierce - #265) Bennie Clark (P) P O Box 3092 Ft Pierce, FL 33454 Theta Eta Lambda (St Petersburg - #284) Anthony Thurston (P) 901 12th Street, S St Petersburg, FL 33705 lota Beta Lambda (Cocoa - #503) Jesse Dillard (P) 3210 N Harbor City Blvd, #120 Melbourne, FL 32935-5760 lota Pi Lambda (Miami - #516) Eldndge Williams (CS) P O Box 571098 Miamai. FL 33157 Mu Zeta Lambda (Lakeland - #551) Alphonse Stewart (P) 1295 N Highland Pky Bartow. FL 33830 Nu Eta Lambda (Gainesville - #574) Alfred Peoples (S) P O Box 1142 Gainesville. FL 32601 Xi Omicron Lambda (Fori Myers - #603) No Report Xi Rho Lambda (Belle Glade - #605) No Report Xi Sigma Lambda (Panama City - #606) Abie Clements (P) WEWA Route Box 75-1 OF Panama Cily, FL 32404 Xi Psi Lambda (Palmetto - #611) John Harvey (VP) 101025th St, E Bradenton, FL 33561 Omicron Beta Lambda (Clearwater - #613) Joseph Carwise (P) 1255 Palmetto Street Clearwater. FL 33515 GEORGIA Director Robert Willis 3604 Revere Road, SW Atlanta, GA 30331 COLLEGE CHAPTERS lota (Morris Brown - #9) Whitney Grant (S)
P O Box 92055 Atlanta. GA 30314 Alpha Rho (Morehouse - #38) Marshall Green. Jr (S) 595 Collier Ridge Dr. NW Atlanta. GA 30318 Alpha Phi (Clark - #42) Harold Holbrook. Jr (P) 2154 Bent Creek Way Atlanta. GA 30311 Gamma Zeta (Ft Valley St - #72) Jerry Robinson (S) P O Box 4326 FVSC Ft Valley. GA 31030 Delta Delta (Albany St - #92) No Report Delta Ela (Savannah St - #95) Clifford Wilborn (P) 1709 Arcadian St Savannah, GA 31405 Zeta Mu (Georgia St - #342) Walter Jones (P) GSU. Box 542 Atlanta, GA 30303 Zeta Pi (Georgia - #346) Christopher Ward (P) P O Box 2153 UGA Slalion Athens, GA 30605 Eta Alpha (Paine - #354) Modou Ndow (S) 1 748 McAnally Si Augusta, GA 30904 Theta Beta (Columbus - #377) No Report lota Eta (Mercer - #404) Rodney Wadley (P) P O Box 904. MU Macon, GA 31207
Mu Alpha (Emory - #442) Jovier Evans (S) P O Box 21185 Atlanta. GA 30322 Mu Gamma (Georgia College - #444) Antonio Lawrence (P) CPO Box 3106, GC Milledgeville, GA 31061 Mu Delia (Georgia SW - #445) No Report Mu Omicron (Valdosta St - #455) Randy McClam (S) VSC, Box 13 Valdosta, GA 31698 Nu Gamma (W Georgia - #466) Dwight Brown (P) P O Box 10016 Carrollton, GA 30118 NuMu (Georgia Tech - #474) Everett Jacobs (P) Alpha Phi Alpha Dean of Students Bldg Room 108, GIT Atlanta, GA 30332 XI Tau (Georgia Southern - #703) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Lambda (Atlanta - #107) Larry Epps (CS) P O Box 92576 Atlanta. GA 30314 Alpha Chi Lambda (Augusta - #143) Willie Marshall (FS) 829 Strother Drive Augusta, GA 30901 Beta Phi Lambda (Savannah - #164) Sylvester Brown (CS) 1447 E 39th SI Savannah. GA 31404 Gamma Omicron Lambda ( A l b a n y - #180) Willie Powers (P) P O Box 4054 Albany, GA 31706 Gamma Sigma Lambda (Ft V a l l e y - #183) Douglas Porter (P) 109 College Court Ft. Valley. GA 31030 Delta lota Lambda (Columbus - #197) Henry Chavers (S) 501 N Oakley Dr Columbus, GA 31906 Epsilon Beta Lambda (Macon - #213) Willie Sands (P) P O Box 5329 Macon, GA 31208 Eta lota Lambda (Athens - #264) Hugh Goodrum (CS) P 0 Box 902 Athens, GA 30603 Theta Nu Lambda (LaGrange - #289) Alfred McNair (S) P O B o x 1818 LaGrange, GA 30241 lota Gamma Lambda (Brunswick - #504) No Report Kappa Tau Lambda (Valdosta - #541) Alvin Payton, Jr (P) 12 Judy Lane Valdosta, GA 31601 Nu Mu Lambda (Decalur - #578) Baldwin H Gammage (P) 3455 Boring Road Decatur. GA 30034
MISSISSIPPI Director Wiley Jones Alcorn State University P 0 Box 509 Lorman. MS 39096 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Upsilon (Tougaloo - #85) Earl Robinson (P) P O Box 401 Tougaloo, MS 39174 Delia Kappa (Alcorn - #98) Charles Holloway (P) P O Box 267 Lorman. MS 39096 Delta Phi (Jackson State - #307) Kevin Lewis (P) P O Box 17177. JSU Jackson. MS 39217 Zela Phi (MVSU - #351) David Johnson (P) P 0 Box 899, MVSU Itta Bena. MS 38941 lota Gamma (Rust #400) Darryl McMorris (S) Rust College Holly Springs. MS 38635 Kappa Beta (Mississippi St - #421) Marvin Nichols (P) P O Box 1472 Mississippi State, MS 39762
MuXI (USM - #454) Jeffery Wallace (P) S S Box 6792 Hattisburg, MS 39401 Nu Upsilon (Mississippi - #482) Carl L. Powell (CS) P O Box 3251 University, MS 38677 Omicron Gamma ( M i l l s a p s - #710) Dwighl Collins (P) 5612 Hearn St Jackson, MS 39206 Omicron Psi (Delta St - #729) Tryphonia Cleveland (P) P O Box 1253. DSU Cleveland, MS 38733 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Epsilon Lambda (Jackson #127) Robert Harrison. Jr (S) P O Box 356 Yazoo City. MS 39194 Epsilon Xi Lambda (Mound Bayou - #224) Lawrence Sutton (P) P O Box 191 Itta Bena, MS 38941 Zeta Mu Lambda (Biloxi - #244) Mack Harris (CS) P O Box 4254 Gulfport. MS 39502 Ela Phi Lambda (Columbus - #275) Maxwell Barnes (P) P O Box 464 Columbus. MS 39701 Thela Sigma Lambda (Natchez - #294) No Report Mu Gamma Lambda (Hattiesburg-Laurel - #548) No Report Mu Pi Lambda (Brookhaven - #560) James Hill (P) P 0 Box 278 Monticello. MS 39654 Xi Zeta Lambda (Moss Point - #595) B B Jennings. Jr (P) 5631 Rose Drive Moss Point. MS 39563 NORTH CAROLINA Director Jerome Coleman 6113 Summerfield Drive Durham. NC 27712 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Omicron (Johnson C Smith - #36) Archelaus McLean (S) 100 Beatlesford Rd Charlotte, NC 28216 Beta Epsilon (NC A & T - #49) No Report Beta Zeta (Elizabeth City - #50) No Report Beta lota (Winston-Salem - #53) Carter Cue (P) WSSU, Box 13836 Winston-Salem. NC 27102 Beta Rho (Shaw - #60) No Report Gamma Beta (NC Central - #68) Brian Kennedy (P) P O Box 19484 Durham, NC 27707 Gamma Mu (Livingston - #77) Mark Phillips (A) P O Box 62 Livingston College Salisbury. NC 28144 Gamma Psi (St. Augustine's - #88) Wilbert Jones (P) Box 1142. SAC Raleigh. NC 27611 Epsilon Zeta (Fayelteville SI - #315) No Report Zeta Epsilon (Barber-Scotia - #336) No Report ElaMu (East Carolina - #365) Ralph Meachum (P) P O Box 3167 Greenville, NC 27858 Eta Omicron (NC St - #367) Dennis Hatchett (P) 1402 Varsity Dr Raleigh, NC 27606 Kappa Omicron (Duke - #433) Steven Walker (P) P O Box 4783. DS Durham. NC 27706 Mu Zeta (North Carolina - #447) Thomas Turner (S) P O Box 551 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Mufau (UNC-Charlotte - #459) No Report Nu Zeta (W Carolina - #469) Dan/I Beasley (S) P O Box 543 Cullowhee. NC 28723
Xi Eta (Wake Forest - #492) Rodney Trapp P O Box 7382. Reynolda Station Wtnston-Salem. NC 27109 Omicron Beta (Atlantic Christian - #709) No Report Omicron Theta (Wilmington - #715) No Report Pi Zeta (UNC-Greensboro - #735) Brad Mitchell (P) Box 429, Guilford Dorm Greensboro, NC 27412 PiNu (Appalachian SI - #741) John Canty (P) P O Box 8934-ASU Boone. NC 28608 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Lambda (Greensboro - #110) William Graves (CS) P O Box 21052 Greensboro. NC 27420 Phi Lambda (Raleigh - #120) No Report Alpha Pi Lambda (Wmslon-Salem - #137) Willard McLoud. Jr (P) 31S0 Ktttering Lane Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Beta Theta Lambda (Durham - #152) William McDonald (P) P O Box 3522 Durham, NC 27702 Beta Mu Lambda (Salisbury - #155) Herbert Chambers (S) 62 Woodbndge Run Salisbury, NC 28144 Beta Nu Lambda (Charlotte- #156) Preston Allison (P) P O Box 16153 Charlotte. NC 28216 Gamma Kappa Lambda (Wilmington - #176) Charlie Henry (VP) Box 1552 Wilmington. NC 28402 Gamma Psi Lambda (Asheville - #188) No Report Epsilon Rho Lambda (Fayelteville - #227) James Purcell (P) 716 Topeka Slreet Fayelteville. NC 28301 Epsilon Sigma Lambda (Rocky Mount - #228) Bobbie Clark (S) 100 Homestead Court Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Epsilon Chi Lambda (Elizabeth City - #232) No Report Zeta Eta Lambda (Greenville - #240) No Report Eta Mu Lambda (Gastonia - #266) Robert Bailey (P) 5315 Elderbank Dr Charlotte, NC 28216 Theta Omicron Lambda â&#x20AC;˘ (Goldsboro - #291) Jimmy Ford (P) 109 Neuse Circle Goldsboro, NC 27530 Nu Iota Lambda (Kinston - #576) Johnnie Mosley (P) P O Box 804 Kinston, NC 28501 Nu Kappa Lambda (Lumberton - #577) No Report Omicron Gamma Lambda (Kernersville - #614) Melvin Mauney (P) 234 Foxcroft Dr Winston-Salem, NC 27103 SOUTH CAROLINA Director Peter Felder 1939 Lake Drive Orangeburg. SC 29115 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Delta (SC State - #48) Keith Henley (S) P O Box 1954 Orangeburg. SC 29117 Gamma Gamma (Allen U - #69) Verbus Counts. (A) 2310 Richland St Columbia, SC 29204 Gamma Pi ( B e n e d i c t - #81) James Simmons (S) 109 Jenkins Hall Benedict College Columbia. SC 29204 Delta Alpha (Claflm - #89) Carl Oliver (P) Claflm College Highnse Bx 263 Orangeburg, SC 29112 Eta lola (Voorhees - #362) Linwood Givens (P) 670 Porter Drive Denmark. SC 29042
The Sphinx/Spring 1987
T h i l i PI (Auslin-Peay - #390) No Report Kappa Eta (Memphis St - #426) Donald Brown (P) 3807 Norriswood Memphis. TN 38111 Kappa Thela (Vanderbilt - #427) Darrick Byas (P) Vanderbilt University Box 5893-B Nashville, TN 37235 Kappa XI
Omlcron Zeta Lambda (Fayetteville- #617) Theta Nu John Colbert (S) (South Carolina - #387) P.O. Box 1341 Darren Thomas (P) Fayetteville. AR 72702 Alpha Phi Alpha LOUISIANA P.O. Box 85128. USC Director Columbia, SC 29225 Kappa Chi Adrian Wallace (Francis Marion - #440) Rt 13. Box 372 Lake Charles. LA 70601 Eugene Thomas (P) COLLEGE CHAPTERS P 0 Box 384 Beta Sigma Florence. SC 29503 ( S o u t h e r n - #61) Mil PI Arthur Dubriel (CS) i 4 1 3 1 (Baptist - #456) (Middle Tennessee ' P.O. Box 9929. SU George Thomas. II (CS) Carlton Winlrey (P) Baton Rouge. LA 70813 MTSU Box 655 Baptist College. Box 496 Bela Tau Murtreesboro, TN 37132 Charleston, SC 29411 (Xavier - #62) Mu Bala Nu Phi No Report (UT-Martin - #443) (USC-Conway - #483) Beta Phi Kenneth Freeman (P) No Report (Dillard - #64) 405 Oxford XI Epsilon George Chatters (CS) Martin, TN 38237 (Morris - #490) Box 861. DU No Report 2601 Gentilly Blvd XI PM (Tennessee - #450) New Orleans. LA 70122 (Winthrop - #705) Spruill Driver, Jr (P) Delia Sigma Richard Davis (P) (Grambling - #304) 1810 Lake Avenue P 0 . Box 5506 WCS Melvin Tate, II (P/CS) Knoxville, TN 37916 Rock Hill. SC 29733 P.O. Box 200 Nil Eta Omlcron Chi (Christian Brothers #470) Grambling, LA 71245 (Wotford - #728) Epsilon Upsllon No Report No Report (SUNO - #328) Omlcron Phi PI Alpha No Report (Tennessee Tech - #727) (Clemson - #730) Zeta XI No Report Bryan Gamble (P) Box 7182. "'" (SW Louisiana - #344) University Station Wf&S},"™™ Clemson, !S L,mM" - ., SC 29632 Warren Combre. Jr. (P) (Nashville-#118) USL. P.O. Box 41889 ALUMNI CHAPTERS No Report Lafayette, LA 70504 Wpha Pal Lambda Psl Lambda Eta Kappa ( C o l u m b i a - #144) ( C h a t t a n o o g a - #122) Willie Harrilord (P) (Louisiana Tech - #363) Harry Mckeldin, III (P) Perrye Turner (P) 149 Kingston Rd 1841 Dogwood Dr P O Box 3129, TS Columbia, SC 29203 Chattanooga, TN 37406 Ruston, LA 71272 Bala Kappa Lambda Alpha Delia Lambda Eta Chi (Charleston - #154) ( M e m p h i s - #126) (NE Louisiana - # 3 / 4 ) Larry Johnson (S) Jesse McGee (P) Mack Crayton (S) 1324 Kikiway 1287 Pebble Creek NLU Charleston, SC 29407 Memphis. TN 38119 Sherrouse Hall. Bx 3115 Gamma Gamma Lambda Alpha Mu Lambda Monroe, LA 71212 (Greenville - #169) (Knoxville, - #133) Theta Theta No Report Fred Bostic (P) Beta Upsllon Lambda (McNeese St - #383) P.O. Box 5244 Toronto Spikes (S) Greenville. SC 29606-5244 (Jackson - #163) P.O. Box 587. MSU Delta Zsta Lambda No Report Lake Charles, LA 70609 (Orangeburg - #194) Kappa Zeta Lambda Thela Phi Robert Gordon (P) (Clarksville - #529) (UNO - #395) P-O. Box 152 Marvin Posey (P) Michael Pratt (CS) 536 Bryan Rd (Sango) Orangeburg. SC 29116 5632 Press Drive Clarksville, TN 37040 Delta Kappa Lambda New Orleans, LA 70126 Mu Nu Lambda (Florence - #198) Theta Chi (Kingsport - #557) George W Sargent (P) (NW State - #396) Wilbur Hendricks (P) 1743 N, Norwood Lane Reginald Davis (P) 338 Carver St Florence. SC 29501 Box 5232. NSU Kingsport. TN 37660 Eta Omlcron Lambda Natchitoches. LA 71497 (Rock Hill - #269) Kappa Mu No Report (Nicholls St - #430) Thela_ .Phi .il Byron Henderson (P) (Bennettsville - #297) ARKANSAS 1108McGinnis St Ralph DuPree. Sr (P) Donaldsonville, LA 70346 203 Beauty Spot Rd John Colbert Kappa Nu Bennettsville. SC 29512 2140 Loren Circle (SE Louisiana - #431) Iota Eta Lambda Fayetteville. AR 72701 No Report (Denmark - #508) COLLEGE CHAPTERS NuPsI No Report Bela Chi (Louisiana St - #485) " u Epsilon Lambda (Philander Smith - #65) Isiah Johnson (CS) (Conway - #550) Kelly Jenkins (S) P.O. Box 21902 No Report 812 W 13th, Box 538 Baton Rouge. LA 70893 XI Gamma Lambda Little Rock, AR 72202 (Beaufort - #592) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Delta Albert Jackson (P) Sigma Lambda (UAPB - #70) 1519 Palmetto St (New Orleans - # 1 1 7 ) No Report Beaufort, SC 29902 Desmond Abies (CS) Theta Kappa XI Theta Lambda 4634 Francis Drive (Henderson St #385) (Spartanburg - #597 New Orleans. LA 70126-3910 Glenn Ford. Jr (P) No Report Beta lota Lambda Box H-6528 XI Upsiion Lambda (Baton Rouge - #153) Arkadelphia. AR 71923 (Greenwood #608) Vernon Williams (FS) Theta Upsllon No Report 2214-74th Avenue (Arkansas St - #394) XI Phi Lambda Baton Rouge, LA 70807 (Summerville - #609) Gregory Tale (P) Delta Upsiion Lambda William Baylor (P) P O Box 2674 Shreveport - #208) P.O. Box 511 State University, AR 72467 James Leary (T) Theta Psi Moncks Corner. SC 29461 (Central Arkansas - #397) 2961 Looney St Shreveport. LA 71103 Moses Kelley, III (P) TENNESSEE Epsilon Kappa Lambda UCA, Box 646 Director (Grambling - #221) Conway, AR 72032 Floyd Jones Jethro Terrell (P) Kappa lota 751 Bontemps Drive P.O. Box 808 (S Arkansas - #428) Nashville, TN 37207 Grambling. LA 71245 Willie Carroll (P) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Psi Lambda SAU. Box 616 Chi (Alexandria - #233) Magnolia, AR 71753 Oliver Simpson (P) (Meharry Medical - #21) Kappa Kappa P O Box 5276 Maurice Gilbert (P) (Arkansas - #429) Alexandria, LA 71301 Box 798, Meharry Terence Tate (P) Zeta Chi Lambda Nashville. TN 37208 608 Storer Ave (Bogalusa - #254) Alpha Chi Fayetteville, AR 72701 No Report (Fisk - #43) Kappa Psi Zola Psl Lambda Rodney Pendleton (S) (UA-Little Rock - # 4 4 1 ) (Lake Charles - #255) P.O. Box 253. Fisk U No Report Robert Boxie. Jr. (P) Nashville, TN 37202 Nu Alpha P O 1102 Beta XI (Arkansas Tech - #464) (Lemoyne-Owen - #57) Lake Charles. LA 70605 No Report Charles Jordan (P) Eta Gamma Lambda ALUMNI CHAPTERS 660 N Mannassas (Lafayette - #258) PI Lambda Memphis, TN 38107 No Report (Little R o c k - #115) Beta Omlcron Eta Delta Lambda Lucious Powell (P) (Tennessee SI - #58) (Monroe - #259) 6400 Shirley Dr Alexander Marshall (P) Louis Pargoud (CS) Little Rock, AR 72204 Box 419. TSU P.O. Box 815 Delta Sigma Lambda Nashville. TN 37203 Monroe. LA 71210 (Pine Bluff - #206) • e l l PI lota XI Lambda Clifford Bradford (CS) (Opelousas - #514) (Lane - #59) P O Box 6041 Alfred Dupree (P) Jeffrey Owens (P) Pine Bluff, AR 71611 P O Box 329 353 Stonewall Theta Tau Lambda Opelousas. LA 70570 Jackson, TN 38301 (Helena - #295) Nu Alpha Lambda Gamma Omlcron Willis Williams (FS) (Marrero - #568) (Knoxville - #80) 51 Lambert Drive No Report No Report West Helena. AR 72390 Nu Theta Lambda EUPW Mu Omlcron Lambda (St Martinville - #575) (UT-Chattanooga - #373) (Blytheville - #559) Anthony Wiltz (P) Luther Whitfield. Jr. (S) Randall Mitchell (S) 109 Big Apple Lane P O Box 967 504 Lookout St. Martinville. LA 70582 Osceola. AR 72370 Chattanooga. TN 37401
Nu Sigma Lambda (Natchitoches - #584) H J. Williams (P) 449 Johnson Drive Natchitoches, LA 71457 XI Nu Lambda (Baton Rouge - #601) Ronald Millender, Sr (CS) P O Box 80052 Baton Rouge. LA 70898 XI Chi Lambda (Leesville-#610) Dan H Martin (P) 5467-B Montee Court Fort Polk. LA 71459 OKLAHOMA Director
Zeta Chi (UT-Arlington - #352) Frank Dyer 705 S Davis Arlington. TX 76013 Eta Gamma (Prairie View - #356) Ocleris Simpson II (CS) P.O. Box 2255 Prairie View. TX 77446 Eta Epsilon (North Texas St - #358) No Report Eta Mu (Houston - #364) Larry V. Green (P) 3911 Knotty Oaks Jimmie White, Jr Houston. TX 77045 P O Box 26 Eta Upsiion Warner, OK 74469 (Texas Tech - #372) COLLEGE CHAPTERS No Report Beta Kappa Eta Psl (Langston - #54) (Texas Christian - #375) Ray James (CS) P O Box 386 Blake Moorman (CS) Langston, OK 73050 4836 Foard Street Epsilon Epsilon Ft. Worth, TX 76119 (Oklahoma S t - # 3 1 4 ) Theta Alpha Edward Ross (P) (Jarvis - #376) 408 N Washington Leonard Daniels (P) Stillwater, OK 74075 P.O. Box 69 Zeta Zeta Hawkins. TX 75765 (Oklahoma - #337) Theta Mu Derrick Minter (P) (Sam Houston St - #386) P O Box 2863 Paul Lawson (P) Norman. OK 73070 P O Box 2840 Zeta Sigma Huntsville, TX 77341 (Central St - #348) lota Kappa Keith Singleton (P) (Paul Quinn - #407) 100 N. University Dr No Report Box 308 lota Mu Edmond, OK 73034 (SF Austin St - #408) Zeta Upsiion lota Omlcron (Northeastern St - #350) ( S M U - # 4 1 1 ) No Report Cesar Augustin (P) Eta Theta P O . Box 251. SMU (East Central S t - # 3 6 1 ) Dallas. TX 75275 William Hamilton (FS) Kappa Sigma 825 E. 10th (West Texas St - #436) Ada, OK 74820 No Report Kappa Epsilon MuNu (Cameron - #424) (SW Texas St - #453) No Report Michael Williams (P) Omicron Nu LBJ Student Ctr (Tulsa-#719) San Marcos, TX 78666 No Report Pi Omicron ALUMNI CHAPTERS (Texas A & M - #743) Alpha Tau Lambda John Houston (CS) (Tulsa-#140) P O Box 4061 Lawrence Henderson (P) College Station, TX 77844 1126 West Tecumseh ALUMNI CHAPTERS Tulsa, OK 74127 Alpha Eta Lambda Beta Epsilon Lambda (Houston - #129) (Boley - #149) Waller Cnner. Sr. (P) No Report 9219 Petersham Dr Beta Eta Lambda Houston, TX 77031 (Oklahoma C i t y - #151) Alpha Sigma Lambda No Report ( D a l l a s - #139) Beta Chi Lambda No Report (Muskogee - #165) James Johnson (S) Beta Tau Lambda 704 Anthony (Ft. Worth - #162) Muskogee, OK 74403 Jerry Holmes (P) Zeta Gamma Lambda 324 Revere Drive (Langston - #236) Ft Worth, TX 76134 Robert Anderson (FS) Gamma Eta Lambda 5100 North Lottie (Austin - #173) Oklahoma City, OK 73111 Thomas McDowell (CS) Eta XI Lambda 501 South Main St (Lawton-Ft. Sill - #268) Elgin, TX 78621 Charles Owens (CS) Gamma PI Lambda P O Box 6752 (Galveston - #181) Lawton, OK 73504 Elworth Wilcox (P) 4117 Avenue R Galveston, TX 77550 TEXAS Gamma Tau Lambda Director (Beaumont - #184) Gerald Joseph Cleon Fowler (P) 2421 Delano 2594 Washington Blvd Houston, TX 77004 Beaumont. TX 77705 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Upsiion Lambda Delta (Marshall - #185) (Huston-Tillotson - #4) Eugene Roussell, III (P) No Report P.O. Box 823 Alpha Sigma Big Sandy, TX 75755 (Wiley - #39) Delta Rho Lambda Alvin Davis (S) (San Antonio - #205) Wiley College Johnny Thomas (S) Marshall. TX 75670 1104 Iowa St Gamma Alpha (Texas College - #67) San Antonio. TX 78203 Leonard Spurting (P) Epsilon Alpha Lambda 2700 N Grand, #D-44 (Tyler-#212) Tyler. TX 75702 Mondy Raibon (P) Delta Thela P O. Box 4339 (Texas Southern Tyler, TX 75712 #96) Frimel Gillum (P) Epsilon Epsilon Lambda 9007 Wheatly ( W a c o - #216) Houston, TX 77088 Horace Vonner (P) Epsilon Gamma P O Box 1405 ( B i s h o p - #312) Waco, TX 76703 Andre Turner (P) Epsilon Tau Lambda 3837 Simpson-Stuart Rd (Prairie View - #229) Dallas, TX 75241 Frederick Roberts (S) Epsilon lota P O . Box 2557 ( T e x a s - #318) Prairie View. TX 77446 Epsilon Rho Epsilon Phi Lambda (Lamar - #325) (Port Arthur - #231) Booker Holbert II (P) Othello Beckham. Jr (P) 1280 Saxe. #236 2937 Thomas Blvd Beaumont. TX 77705 Port Arthur, TX 77642 Epsilon Sigma Zeta Tau Lambda (St Mary's - #326) (Amarillo - #251) No Report No Report Zeta Kappa Eta Upsiion Lambda (UT-EI P a s o - #341) (Odessa - #274) David Myers (P) Doc Voohnes (P) 4708 Round Rock 1900 Moorison El Paso. TX 79924 Big Spring. TX 79720 Zeta Tau Theta Delta Lambda (East Texas St - #349) (El P a s o - #281) Bryan Keyes (P) Johnny Shepherd (S) Box S, ET Station 3330 Wedgewood Drive Commerce. TX 75428 El Paso, TX 79925
Thela Kappa Lambda (Lubbock - #287) No Report Kappa Gamma Lambda (Texarkana - #526) John Jones (T) P O . Box 801 Texarkana, TX 75504-0801 Kappa Sigma Lambda (Killeen - #540) Ecolia Dunn (VP) P O Box 873 Killeen, TX 76540 Mu Rho Lambda (Longview-#561) No Report Nu PI Lambda (Arlington - #582) Calvin Hilton (P) 2110 Ellis Court Grand Prairie, TX 75051 XI Beta Lambda (Temple - #591) Ernest Davis (P) 3902 Shallow Ford Rd
Temple. TX 76502 XI Eta Lambda (N Harris County - #596) David Keaton (VP) 3631 Nutwood Lane Spring. TX 77389 Xi Kappa Lambda (Missouri City - #599) Darryl Sheppard (CS) 15807 Danlord Drive Houston. TX 77053 XI Tau Lambda (N Dallas County - #607) Charles King, Jr (P)P O Box 214362 Dallas. TX 75221 Omicron Epsilon Lambda (Corpus Christi - #616) No Report
WEST SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/HAWAII Director Homer Mason P O. Box 75367 Los Angeles, CA 90075 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Delta (USC - #26) Glenroy Day. Jr (P) 1123 West 37th St Los Angeles. CA 90007 Gamma Xi (UCLA - #79) Gerald Todd (P) 4708 Kester Ave. # 8 Sherman Oaks. CA 91403 MuChl (Cal St-Long Beach - #462) Jeffrey Prothro (P) 1203 San Antonio Dr, #201 Long Beach, CA 90807 Pi Kappa (Cal St-Northndge - #739) Kenneth Wynn (S) 17821 Lassen St, # 3 3 0 Northridge. CA 91325 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Psi Lambda (Los Angeles - #166) Arthur Lewis (P) 1749 Virginia Road Los Angeles, CA 90019 lota Zeta Lambda (Compton - #507) Russell E. Flye (CS) P O Box 90692 Los Angeles. CA 90009 Mu Beta Lambda (Honolulu - #547) E Craig Rucker (P) 118 Yorktown Blvd Fort Island, HI 96701 Mu Sigma Lambda (Culver City - #562) Walter Hall. Jr (S) P O Box 20995 Los Angeles, CA 90006 INLAND EMPIRE Director Dennis Myers 6715 Charlene San Diego, CA 92114 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Eta Sigma (San Diego - #370) Martin Britton (P) 7136 Peter Pan Ave San Diego, CA 92114 lota Chi (Redlands-#418) No Report lota Psl (Cal Poly-Pomona - #419 Everett A. Cowings (P) 1832 West 45th St Los Angeles, CA 90062 Omicron Eta ( U C - l r v i n e - #714) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Sigma Lambda (San Diego - #250) No Report Eta Pi Lambda (Pasadena - #270) No Report Mu XI Lambda (Rialto - #558) No Report Nu Tau Lambda (Orange County - #585) Lloyd Chandler (P) P O Box 6764 Orange, CA 92613
CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Director E. Sam Sears 3420 N Van Ness Blvd, 103 Fresno. CA 93704 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Beta (Fresno S t a t e - # 3 1 1 ) Clint Williams (P) 3300 West Kearney Fresno. CA 93706 Mu Kappa (UC-Santa Barbara - #451 Roberta A McDonald (P) P O Box 14503 UCSB Santa Barbara. CA 93106 XI Upsiion (Cal Poly-SLO - #704) Garry Thomas (P) P O Box 169 San Luis. CA 93406 ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Nu Lambda (Fresno - #513) No Report Kappa Eta Lambda (Bakerslield - #530) Carlos Smith (P) P O Box 2114 Bakerstield, CA 93303 XI lota Lambda (Camanllo - #598) Joseph Island (P) 3209 E. Shepherd Camarillo. CA 93010 NORTH CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Director Allan Gordon Box 22817 Sacramento, CA 95822 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta Eta (UC-Davis - #382) Robert Nelson, Jr. (P) 690 Alvarado Avenue # 1 0 Davis. CA 95616 NuChl (Pacific - #484) Ruben Rosalez (P) 7620 N El Dorado #305 Stockton, CA 95207 PI Gamma (CSU-Sacramento - #732) No Report Pi Epsilon (CSU-Chico - #734) Donald Hills 820 W 4th Avenue #151 Chico. CA 95926 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Beta Lambda (Sacramento - #235) Robert Denmark (CS) 1043 Lake Glen Way Sacramento. CA 95822 Nu Beta Lambda (Stockton - #569) Kenneth Peters (S) 2663 Fallenleaf Drive Stockton. CA 95209 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Director Matthew Dawson 43 Garthe Court Valleio, CA 94591 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Epsilon (UC-Berkeley - #27) Rodney Carr (P) 1632 Prince St, # C Berkeley. CA XI PI (Cal Sl-Hayward - #700) Gareth Green (S) 3855 Buell St. # 2 Oakland. CA 94619 XI Rho (San Francisco - #701) Alan Carroll (P) 802 Front Blvd. #120A San Francisco, CA 94132 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Phi Lambda
(Berkeley - #186) James Johnson (P) 11 Hillcrest Ct Oakland. CA 94619 Gamma Chi Lambda (San Francisco - #187) Joseph Witcher (P) 430 Ralston St San Francisco, CA 94132 Theta Beta Lambda (Oakland - #279) No Report Kappa Omicron Lambda (Valleio - #537) Alvin Pedescleaux (S) 308 Echo Summit Road Valleio, CA 94589 COASTAL Director Jethroe Moore. Ill 3221 Napa Drive San Jose. CA 95148 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Omicron (Stanford - #301) No Report Epsilon Mu (San Jose St - #320) Rodney Davis (P) 1875 Midfield, # 8 San Jose, CA 95122 Nu Sigma (Stanford - #480) William Pate (P) P O Box 6566 Stanford. CA 94305
ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Sigma Lambda (San Jose - #272) Michael Cunningham (P) P O Box 51713 San Jose, CA 95151-5713 Kappa Alpha Lambda (Monterey - #524) W W Malloy (P) P O Box 1128 Seaside, CA 93955 Omlcron Theta Lambda (Hayward - #619) No Report ROCKY MOUNTAIN Director Phil Cochran 1165 Drexel Boulder. CO 80303 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha lota (Denver - #31) No Report (Utah State - #416) No Report Omicron Tau (Colorado St - #725) Dale Wilburn (P) 914 West Lake Apt 223 Ft. Collins. CO 80521 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Psl Lambda ( D e n v e r - #211) Elder Granger (P) P.O. 2975 Denver. CO 80201 lota Omicron Lambda (Colorado Springs #515) try IP) (>) Joseph Gentry 2360 Norwich Dr Colorado Springs. CO 80918 Mu Upsiion Lambda (Boulder - #564) No Report SniZONA NEVADA Director James Hill 8536 N 45th Drive Glendale. AZ 85302 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta Theta (Arizona - #339) No Report MuEta (Arizona St - #448) William Mabry III (S) Best Hall, # 1 8 3 Tempe. AZ 85281 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Tau Lambda (Phoenix - #207) Mervyn V Lackey (CS) 7827 South 13th PI Phoenix, Arizona 85u40 Eta Psi Lambda (Tucson - #277) Richard Davis (CS) 5620 E South Wilshire Dr Tucson, AZ 85711 Theta Pi Lambda (Las Vegas - # 2 9 2 No Report NEW MEXICO Director Boyd Jackson 1305 Evelyn Court,-NE Albuquerque. NM 87112 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Omicron Delta (New Mexico - #711) No Report Pi Eta (New Mexico St - #736) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Iota Psl Lambda (Albuquerque - #523) No Report NORTHWEST Director David Moore 33828 37th Ave. SW Federal Way, WA 98023 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha XI (Washington - #35) Kenneth R. Jackson (DP) 207 Hub Fk-30 Box 231 Seattle. WA 98195 Beta Psi (Oregon - #66) No Report lota Tau (E Washington - #415) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Zeta Lambda ( P o r t l a n d - #217) George Hendrix (P) P O. Box 4074 Portland, OR 97208 Zeta PI Lambda (Seattle - #248) Ralph Bayard (P) 8243 South 121st St Seattle, WA 98178 lota Mu Lambda (Tacoma - #512) No Report Nu Epsilon Lambda (Richland - #572) Herman Jackson (CS) P O Box 756 Richland. WA 99352 Nu Zeta Lambda (Anchorage - #573) No Report Nu Phi Lambda (Spokane - #587) No Report
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