The SPHINX | Fall 1988 | Volume 74 | Number 3 198807403

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Aipha Phi Aipha Fraternity Inc. Voiuxne 74 Number 3 Fait 1388

EDITORS REVIEW Greetings . . . The end of an era has come, supplanted by the beginning of a new epoch in our fraternal history. The operations of the General Office of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. have been moved out of the fabled "Alpha House" on Chicago's Martin Luther King Drive into temporary quarters. The building which has been our only fraternity-owned headquarters is slated for demolition and on its site will rise the new House of Alpha. To hasten that day, we urge you to meet your Fraternal Obligation to support the National Headquarters Fund Drive . . . As we do indeed plan to return home, Executive Secretary James B. Blanton III has worked diligently to minimize confusion (and expense) in the interim. Thus, you can still write us at 4432 Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653 or call us at (312) 373-1819. Phone first for an appointment to visit us at our new location . . . KANSAS CITY NEWS: A number of Brothers volunteered their time and talents to contribute news and notes to our coverage of the 82nd Anniversary Convention, among them: Berve Power, convention photographer; Eddie Madison, public relations director; Herman Mason; Jerry Woods; and Darren V. Bolden. Thanks to them all! . . . BROTHERS OF THE YEAR: Awards Committee Chairman Terry Arrington presented us with background material for our cover story, but the real heroes are the honorees themselves. Like previous winners, Brothers James Coleman and Charles Coffin were astonished to learn that several hours of photography were on tap for the wee hours following the Formal Banquet. It is a testament to the thrill of victory that both winners were gracious throughout the ordeal . . . PREMIERE ADDRESS: Because he is a polished toastmaster and orator, Education Foundation Chairman Huel D. Perkins knew that his audience was woefully "soft" when his turn came to speak near the end of the marathon Fraternal Luncheon. Thus, he masterfully abbreviated his address and was greeted with a standing (and shouting) ovation by the obviously grateful assembly. Accordingly, his prepared remarks are revealed for the first time in our Commentary section . . . FOCUS: Brothers David Moore, Ralph Bayard and the justice himself provided information on our look at Brother Charles Z. Smith, recently appointed Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Washington . . . ALPHA ATHLETES: Midwestern Vice President Halloway C. Sells thoughtfully provided us clippings for our feature on Brother Reggie Williams, the pro linebacker and new Cincinnati City Councilman. Photographs were supplied by The Cincinnati Enquirer and The Cincinnati Post . . . PUBLIC POLICY: As is traditional, this issue contains the Public Policy Statement as adopted by the 1988 General Convention. All Chapters and Brothers are urged to study the policy positions outlined therein and use same as appropriate in their local communities . . . CAMPUS WATCH: Information on Brother Joseph McMillan, newly appointed President of Huston-Tillotson College in Austin, Texas, was provided by Southwestern Vice President Randall Palmer, to whom we are grateful. This new feature will chronicle campus leaders and developments in the field of higher education . . . MILITARY BEAT: Brother Fred Langley, Associate Editor of Zeta Lambda Chapter, penned the article on the promotion of Brigadier General Alvin Bryant. In upcoming issues, we hope to examine the workings of Alpha Chapters in military settings, including those in Seoul, South Korea; Frankfurt, West Germany; Ft. Sill, Oklahoma; and Ft. Campbell, Kentucky . . . LEGACY: As we begin this fraternal year, the memory of Brother Charles H. Wesley is alive and vibrant. It hasn't quite settled in that this giant is gone; and only a handful of initiates have entered the fold in the post-Wesley era. It is important that we take this time to build an institutional program for the preservation of our archives. Past General President Lionel H. Newsom is currently heading our Historical Commission and is leading efforts to develop a comprehensive archival program. He has announced a number of immediate goals, among them the procurement of a complete run of The Sphinx. In this feature, we discuss some of the issues facing our archival program and the ways in which you can help. It would be a tribute to Dr. Wesley if we could unveil the Library/Archives in the new General Office facility with a sterling exhibit of Alpha Phi Alpha memorabilia. You can make it happen! . . . Until next issue . . . MJP.

ON THE DRAWING BOARD • Quadrennial Report • The 28th General President

Volume 74 Number 3 Fall 1988

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MICHAEL J . PRICE Contributing Editors:

James B. Manton, III; Duel Perkins; Wallace Jackson; Charles f. Teamer, Sr„ Ex Officio. 13

BROTHERS OF THE YEAR - Brothers James Coleman and Charles M Coffin were named College and Alumni Brother of the Year, respectively, during the 82nd Anniversary Convention in Kansas City.

16—LEGACY - Preserving the documents and artifacts which reflect the evolution of Alpha Phi Alpha is a job for every Brother. In this feature we discuss the development of a comprehensive Fraternity archive. 19

FOCUS - Brother Charles Z. Smith, a Seattle attorney and civic leader, is elevated to the Supreme Court of the State of Washington.

21—ALPHA ATHLETES - We again visit Cincinnati Bengals linebacker Reggie Williams — the newest member of the Cincinnati City Council and winner of the Alpha Award of Honor. 23—MILITARY BEAT - Hampton, Virginia surgeon Alvin Bryant nets his General's star in the Army Reserve. 24—CAMPUS WATCH - Brother Joseph McMillan is tapped to succeed Brother John Q. T. King as President of Huston-Tillotson College. 28—KANSAS CITY NEWS - A recap of the 82nd Anniversary Convention, held this summer in Kansas City, Missouri. 35—PUBLIC POLICY STATEMENT 88 - The Fraternity's positions on the burning issues of our time are articulated in the Statement of Public Policy. ABOUT THE COVER: Brother James Coleman, left, capped an outstanding student career at James Madison University with a citation as College Brother of the Year. Brother Charles M. Coffin, right, earned the Alumni Brother of the Year title only 12 years after his initiation into the Bond. FEATURES

%—The General President Speaks 5—The Executive Secretary's Desk 6—There Goes An Alpha Man 8—Legal Forum 9—NewsBriefs 45—Alphas On The Move 51—Chapter News 65—Omega Chapter 69—Directory of Officers 70—Chapter Directory

COMMENTARY EDUCATION The Hallmark of Our Fraternity By H u e l D. Perkins Page 25 Co &ee or jBtot Co &ee By Rev. J o h n N . Doggett Convention Chaplain

Page 27

The Sphinx (USPS 510*40) The Sphinx is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., 4432 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653 Published tour times a year Spnng. Summer, Fall and Winter, Send all editonal mail and change ol address (send both addresses) to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. 4432 Dr Martin Luther King Dnve. Chicago, IL 60653 Manuscripts or art submitted to me Sphinx should be accompanied by addressed envelopes and return postage Editor assumes no responsibilriy tor return o( unsolicited manuscripts or art. Opinions enpressed in columns and articles do not necessanty relied the views and policies ot Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc and use ol any person s name in fiction, semi-fiction, articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility of The Sphinx It is never done knowingly. Copyright 1976 by The Sphinx. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc Reproduction or use. without wntten permission, of the editonal or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited^The Sphinx has been published continuously since 1914 Organizing Editor: Bro Raymond W Cannon. Organizing General President Bro Henry Lake Dckason Second class postage paid at Chicago, IL and addrtonal mailing stations Postmaster Send Form 3579 and all correspondence, 4432 Dr Martin Luther King Dnve, Chicago. IL 60653

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THE GENERAL PRESIDENT SPEAKS Despite The Odds, We Have Continued to Succeed! Greetings Brothers: In this message to you I would like to briefly highlight some of the key accomplishments we have jointly attained during the past four years. None of these would have been possible without your support of my administration and I want to take this occasion to express my thanks to you for your advise, counsel and hard work. Beginning with our inaugural activities, this administration has geared its activities toward strengthening the Fraternity's internal capacity to render service to its members and the larger community. This goal provided the framework for our actions during the past four years, with the following key results: • We have successfully revised our fraternal structure through the adoption of a majority of the recommendations of the Internal Structure Commission. This commission was mandated in 1983 and gave its final report at the 1987 General Convention in San Francisco. • We implemented an ambitious Risk Management Program aimed at educating our entire membership on the complex network of internal and external regulations which bind us together as a single entity. This program has now been institutionalized as an important part of our fraternal operations. • We have successfully resolved a number of potentially disastrous lawsuits that faced us when we took office, without marked damage to the name or fiscal status of the Fraternity (albeit not without substantial legal costs). • We have properly registered our most cherished symbols — including our name, the Badge, the Coat-of-Arms and the Fraternity Shield — with the U. S. Trademark and Patent Office. This will facilitate (1) protecting our symbols from unauthorized uses and (2) the development of a marketing program to generate needed nonmember income. The Sphinx/Fall 1988

(2) the development of a marketing program to generate needed nonmember income. • We have increased our operating budget by 45% over the quadrennium, after holding the line on costs for a number of years. • Active membership grew by 12% over the past four years, equal to the growth of the previous ten years, and reached an all-time high in 1987. Moreover, the pre-payment of Grand Tax by College Initiates will increase the number and influence of College Brothers within the Fraternity. • Our programs have continued to serve all humanitiy; our voice has been raised on behalf of the oppressed and downtrodden; and, as the recent March on Washington demonstrated, we are at the forefront of the fight for human rights. Additionally, our Education Foundation has gained renewed stature as an integral part of our operations. • We have adopted a revised campaign plan for our National Headquarters Fund Drive, appointed a Campaign Manager, raised more than one-half million dollars and done much needed background work for this important project. Most

recently, our General Office staff has been relocated to temporary quarters in anticipation of demolition of the old building and groundbreaking for the new facility. Yes, we have accomplished more — as outlined in my Quadrennial Report, 1985-88 and presented to the 1988 General Convention in Kansas City. That report will be printed in the next issue of The Sphinx. And, yes, there is much work to be done in the future . . . by our distinguished 28th General President, Brother Henry Ponder, and those whom you will choose to succeed him. Indeed, the strength of Alpha Phi Alpha is our institutional ability to layer accomplishment upon accomplishment; to begin new tasks without abandoning those already in progress; to blaze new trails without burning the bridges built by our forerunners. With your support, our future leaders will continue to march Alpha Phi Alpha onward and upward towards the light. I shall leave this office more convinced than ever that Alpha Phi Alpha is the greatest Fraternity in the world. I shall meet future challenges with a renewed respect for the vision of t h e Seven J e w e l s ; w i t h fond m e m o r i e s of the fellowship a n d friendship offered to me and my family during my tenure; with admiration for the character and potential of our College Brothers; and with a certain awe at the continued accomplishments of our Alumni Brothers. Even during this period of conservative retrenchment on the American scene, when all progress was to have stopped, Alpha Phi Alpha men have continued to succeed and to share that success with all mankind. For that blessing we should be both humble and proud! Fraternally,

CHARLES C. TEAMER, SR. General President Page 3

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The RJR Nabisco family of companies includes R.J.Reynolds Tobacco Company; Nabisco Brands, Inc.; Del Monte Foods; and Planters LifeSavers Company.

THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY'S DESK General Office Staff is Temporarily Relocated Yes, We've Moved In accordance with a resolution approved by the 82nd Anniversary Convention in Kansas City, the General Office staff has vacated the national headquarters building at 4432 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Chicago, Illinois, in anticipation of the demolition of the building and the construction of a new General Office facility on that Fraternityowned site. As noted in that resolution, we moved quickly to avoid major repair and maintenance expenses which would have been necessary to utilize the former structure throughout the long winter season. For the construction period, our operations have been moved to leased space in the Chicago headquarters of the Lawson National Distributing Company - a well-known minority business which specializes in mass transit equipment. Alpha Phi Alpha joins Chicago Youth and Community Services as a tenant in the Lawson facility. We have worked hard to design a relocation scheme which would afford the least amount of disruption to our ongoing operations. Thus, we have maintained our mailing address and telephone numbers for your convenience. You may still write us via 4432 Martin Luther King fr. Drive, Chicago, IL 60653 and call us at (312) 373-1819. Since more than 95% of our business is conducted by mail or telephone, most Brothers will experience no problems related to the move. I would add, however, that the Lawson facility (located at 833 West 115th Street in Chicago) features 24-hour-a-day security posts and those who need to visit us should telephone first for an appointment. We can then provide the appropriate clearances for entry into the facility. Mr. Danny Lawson, owner, and Brother Palmer Bowser, General Manager of the Chicago facility, have been most cooperative in our relocation operation and I feel confident that this interim arrangement will be most suitable. Like all of you, however, I look forward to the completion The Sphinx/Fall 1988

of the new General Office facility and our return to The House of Alpha!

A t t e n t i o n All C h a p t e r s The failure of Chapters to promptly report their officers (and official mailing address) rips a gaping hole in our effort to effectively deliver information and services to the Brotherhood. Quite simply, if we don't know where you are we cannot send you the materials needed to function efficiently during the coming year. The filing of your listing of elected officers, with addresses, is a constitutional mandate for each Chapter. Moreover, it is an elementary task - easily accomplished by the completion of the Chapter Directory form, which has previously been mailed to all Chapters and is available upon request. You should also know that the Chapter Directory listing contained in the back of The Sphinx is taken directly, and only, from the Chapter Directory forms submitted to the General Office. If your Chapter is listed as a "No Report" - it means that your form was not on file as of the cutoff date shown on the first page of the directory. This can be easily changed, and your proper chapter address listed in The Sphinx, by completing and filing the Chapter Directory form with the General Office. If you have any question as to whether your correct address is on file with the General Office, call us immediately for this information.

You Can Check O u r Records Less than a decade ago, our primary task was to computerize our membership records. Having accomplished that objective, we have then worked to make our system "interactive" to the degree possible and prudent. In short, we have aimed to let you view our records on the major aspects of our Chapter file; have you check our records against those maintained by your Chapter officers; and provided a mechanism for you to report any discrepancies back to us for correction or adjustment. The two-part, computer-generated Passcard is one such device. The

lower part of the card contains the vital statistics on the individual Brother . . . from his date and chapter of initiation to his current address and telephone numbers. Space is provided on the postcard-formatted card to allow the Brother to correct any and all mistakes shown in his individual file, by marking the corrections and mailing the card back to us at the General Office. We now know that many Brothers never see this portion of the card, because chapter officers are keeping them for their records. This defeats the entire concept, because only in rare cases will the Chapter Secretary himself reconcile each card. Moreover, the individual Brother is more likely to spot the very small mistake (like a transposed zip code) which can disrupt his service. Please insure that Grand Tax payers receive the entire Passcard and that they are checked for accuracy as soon as possible after receipt. The mailing of "Chapter Membership Printouts" is another tool we use to involve you in the process of maintaining accurate records for your chapter. These printouts were most recently mailed to all chapters along with the September 1988 Chapter Bulletin. Each such printout gives you an up-to-date look at your Chapter file as shown in the General Office data bank, including (1) Active Members, (2) Inactive Members, (3) Brother Certified Via Risk Management and (4) Chapter Contacts (usually the President and Secretary), with names and addresses. Here, too, many problems can be avoided if the responsible officers would review these printouts and transmit corrections/adjustments back to us at the General Office. Finally, you should remember that we are here to serve you. If you need assistance in reconciling your records, please feel free to call a member of the General Office staff for consultation. Fraternally,

g L ^ ft. &Xztc^f JAMES B. BLANTON, III Executive Secretary Page 5

Brother Tim Allston

Allston named ad agency veep Brother Tim Allston, former Hill and Knowlton account executive, has been named Vice President/Research & Development of Renaissance Communications Corporation, a Chicago based full-service public relations firm. In this capacity Allston, 33, will focus on new business development with Fortune 500 companies, public sector agencies, as well as overall professional staff management. "We are pleased that Allston has joined Renaissance Communications, after having served with Burson-Marsteller, Hampton Institute and most recently with Hill & Knowlton," said Nolan McCants, president. A 1977 Hampton Institute (now University) graduate, Allston began his professional career with BursonMarsteller where he was part of its 1978 Silver Anvil Award team for N.Y.'s Citicorp Center promotion. He later became assistant public relations director at Hampton University. Prior to his Renaissance Communications Corporation appointment, the Boston MA native served as an account executive/media relations specialist for Chicago's Hill & Knowlton Inc. office. Allston was awarded agencv's 1986 John W. Hill Award for Outstanding Communication Achievement for his supervision of United Airlines

Brother Lawrence J. Dark Terminal for Tomorrow minority relations program at O'Hare Airport. He holds membership in Public Relations Society, Chicago Association of Black Journalists, Black Public Relations S o c i e t y a n d A l p h a Phi A l p h a Fraternity. Renaissance Communications Corporation is a Chicago based full-service public relations firm specializing in corporate image building, sales support services and special events coordination. The firm's client list includes computer based companies, financial/real estate firms and nonprofit groups.

Dark directs rights panel in Mrginia Governor Gerald L. Baliles ann o u n c e d that he has a p p o i n t e d Brother Lawrence J. Dark, an executive at the American Red Cross National Headquarters in Washington, D.C., as Director of the Virginia Human Rights Council. Dark's appointment was effective January 15, 1988. He now heads up the new organization created by the 1987 General Assembly in response to needs established by the Human Rights Study Commission in 1986. Prior to joining the Red Cross, Dark was Director of Corporate Foundation Relations and Development at Claflin College in Orangeburg, South Carolina. This assignment was in the Improved Fundraising Capabilities Program of the Woodrow Wilson The Sphinx/Fall 1988

National Fellowship Foundation. He also served as Associate Director, American Bar Association Fund for Public Education, Council on Legal Education Opportunity. In addition, he served as Assistant to the President of Frostburg State College in Frostburg, Maryland. Dark holds a B.A. degree in political science from Denison University and a Juris doctorate from Northwestern University. As Council director, Dark will be responsible for working within the guidelines established by the Council on Human Rights to (1) accept and investigate complaints of alleged unlawful discriminatory practices, (2) review and attempt to conciliate any complaint of unlawful discrimination, and (3) carry out other duties as the Council may prescribe. Before the creation of the Council in 1987, Virginia had been one of only four states which did not have a specific body empowered to safeguard individuals from discrimination.

Mason leads family history association Brother Herman "Skip" Mason, Jr., a 26 year-old graduate student at Atlanta University and a Researcher for the Special Collections Department of the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library, has been elected President of the African-American Family History Association, Inc. for 1988-1990. Founded in 1977, the African American Family History Association, Inc. was organized to promote interest in and appreciation of the AfricanAmerican Family by researching a variety of subjects including genealogy, family history; providing for the preservation of written documents and oral histories and other materials and disseminating the information through educational programs, workshops, exhibits and publications. The association has unveiled three exhibits, "Homecoming: African-American Family History in Georgia," "Finding A Way, African-American Family History in the Atlanta University Center" and "On Record: Documenting African-American Family History in Georgia" at the Georgia Archives. In addition, they have published the Slave Bill of Sales for Georgia. The Sphinx/Fall 1988


Brother Herman "Skip" Mason, Jr. Mason, a native of Atlanta and a graduate of Therrell High School and Morris Brown College has done extensive genealogical research documenting seven generations of his family's history. As a result of his research he has written a book, We've Come This Far By Faith, The Barton Family History 1800-1984, and has produced a 45 minute video documentary of his family's history. In 1984, his exhibit "My Family" opened at the Ruth Hall Hodges Art Gallery in Atlanta, and since then has appeared in the Robert W. Woodruff Library, the Harriet Tubman Museum in Macon, Georgia and the King-Tisdell Cottage in Savannah. Prior to his election as President of the African-American Family History Association, he served as a member of the Board of Directors and Editor of the Association's Newsletter. He has worked in the Alonzo Franklin Herndon Home Museum, the Martin Luther King Birth Home and is a sought out informant on Atlanta's Black history. His research credits have included Spike Lee's movie "School Daze", the AT&T television special "Sweet Auburn: Gift to America" and is currently compiling a manual on "How to Plan Black Family Reunions" for the National Council of Negro Women. In addition, he has completed a biographical bibliography of the works of Dr. Charles Harris Wesley. Brother Mason is Historian of Eta Lambda Chapter and is the author of Alpha In Atlanta: A Legacy Remembered, 1920-1987, the recently published 80 page pictorial history of the chapter.

There goes a man of high impulse Of princely mien and grace There goes a man of humble faith A credit to his race There goes a man of conscience vast with will to reach his goal There goes a man of lordly rank Of heroes' stock and soul— There goes a man of noble caste Whom hardship cannot break There goes a man in merit clad Whom duty won't forsake There goes a man in cultured verse Who holds a sportsman's creed There goes a man too vigilant To bow to lust or greed There goes a man whose life is spent in service not in scorn There goes a man whose majesty Shines like a May time There goes a man who is a friend To love and duty truth There goes a man to help uplift 1 he lives of wholesome youth There goes a man with i industry and faith at his command. There goes the best man in and out For he is an Alpha Man. Page 7



Developing A Legal Checklist For Chapters Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has long recognized that responsible management of our organization includes a basic working knowledge of current laws. The recognition extends to each chapter. The purpose of our Risk Management Program is to emphasize this fact of life and to train our leadership and membership at every level as to this responsibility. For a fraternity leader, law is also a management tool. The law has been most conspicuous to the fraternity world in the field of taxation and in the area of liability for personal injury. TAXES:

The Internal Revenue Service has focused its attention on fraternal organizations in recent years. As a result fraternity management has had to become extremely knowledgeable in the handling of its tax affairs. Chapters which have their own incorporated entities for housing, education and charity functions must not overlook the filing of its 990 or its 990T returns. Fraternities are subject to the scrutiny of tax audits and should give sufficient thought to avoid some pitfalls related to investing fraternity funds at the chapter level particularly. T H E LEGAL CHECKLIST:'

With an awareness of the possible problems associated with governing a fraternal organization, fraternity leaders can plan ahead to reduce or eliminate the risk of legal catastrophe. Experience has shown that a fraternity that anticipates and deals with problems in accordance with legal guidelines can usually avoid a damaging lawsuit. As the new school year opens, it is a useful practice to make a checklist of activities which have the potential for legal trouble. Such a list might include the following: 7. Financial records: Are they being kept in a way that will withstand an audit by the Internal Revenue Service? 2. Financial transactions: Are they Page 8

Don't Fail To Plan With an awareness of the possible problems associated with governing a fraternal organization, chapter leaders can plan ahead to reduce or eliminate the risk of a lawsuit or other legal catastrophe. Chapters should anticipate and deal with problems in accordance with legal guidelines. being handled in such a way so that two people are needed for every disbursement? A two-signature transaction ensures that the temptation for embezzlement is reduced as is the opportunity for the accusation of embezzlement. 3. Pledging: How is the fraternity d e s c r i b i n g the c h a p t e r d u r i n g pledging? It must not convey the impression that the chapter a f f o r d s t h e o p p o r t u n i t y for organized illegal recreational use of d r u g s or a l c o h o l ( t h e r e b y planting seeds of trouble for the next four years). 4. Hazing: What plans has the fraternity made to avoid the temptation to engage in hazing? Have all those members participating in any way in the Pledge process been properly certified by attending a Risk Management Seminar? Have all those persons pledging been fully oriented as required by our risk management program? Hazing in all forms must be eliminated! 5. Alcohol: Is there a standard operating procedure to help members stay out of trouble at events where alcohol is served? This should include guidelines to be followed at fraternity or university s p o n s o r e d events a n d tips on appropriate actions when members are guests at other events.

6. Transportation: What kind of planning has the fraternity made for events where chapter transportation is necessary? Fraternity sponsored transportation should be avoided wherever possible. The liability is just too great. When transportation is sponsored adequate liability insurance to cover accidents should be obtained. 7. Fire safety: When was the last time the fraternity h o u s e was checked for fire safety? Is there an evacuation plan in the event of a fire? Is it posted in a conspicuous place so that everyone knows his best escape route? Does the evacuation plan include a rendezvous point so that someone will not reenter the building looking for another who has already safely left the building but cannot be promptly located? 8. Crisis management: In the event of a personal tragedy in the chapter, is there an emergency preparedness plan that indicates who is in charge, who is to be notified, and how to deal with family, law enforcement officials and the news media? 9. Insurance: Has someone verified the quality and extent of the fraternity's insurance coverage? Have the insurance premiums been paid? 10. Agreements and contracts: Does the fraternity have proper rental agreements with members who live in the chapter house? Who is authorized to sign contracts with vendors and business entities creating financial and civil liability for the chapter? The foregoing is not meant to be totally inclusive of all matters. Each chapter should modify the list adding those areas which concern its problems and circumstances. The more planning that the chapter leadership does to anticipate and avoid problems the less likely it is that any will arise. Risk Mangement is every brothers responsibility! '"Fraternal Law" No. 17. The Sphinx/Fall 1988

A CHOSEN LEADER . . . When the results of the mail balloting were revealed by the Committee on Elections at the 82nd Anniversary Convention, Fisk University President Dr. Henry Ponder was introduced as the next General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. A native of Wewoka, Oklahoma, Brother Ponder is a graduate of Langston University - where he was initiated into Beta Kappa Chapter. While an undergraduate, he was a Lay Member of the Fraternity's Executive Council (the equivalent of the current position of Assistant Vice President). Brother Ponder earned the M. S. degree from Oklahoma State University and the Ph.D. in Economics from Ohio State University. Brother Ponder has had a distinguished career in both the teaching of economics and business and in university a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . After serving as President of Benedict College for more than a decade, he was chosen to lead prestigious Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee back from a fiscal crisis. His success in this endeavor has been widely chronicled in the nation's press. Named Alumni Brother of the Year in 1981, Brother Ponder has served in many fraternal capacities: as both a college and alumni chapter president; as Chairman and member of the Board of Directors of the Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc.; and as Director of the Southern Region's Leadership Development/Citizenship Education Institutes. Brother Ponder will become the Fraternity's 28th General President on January 1, 1989. Information regarding inaugural ceremonies will be forthcoming when available.

KUDOS . . . To B r o t h e r J a m e s F r a n k l i n , a senior political science major from Florence, South Carolina, who is serving as Student Body President at the 23,000-student University of South Carolina . . . To the Alpha Merit Group of A l p h a S i g m a L a m b d a C h a p t e r , D a l l a s , Texas, w h i c h The Sphinx/Fall 1988

General President-Elect Henry Ponder celebrated its 25th Anniversary in June. This unit for young Black males provides them with continuous activities giving guidance, counseling and scholarship support. More than 3,000 young men have been involved with the Alpha Merit Group since its founding . . . To Brother Frank C. Cummings, who completed a successful q u a d r e n n i u m as Presiding Bishop of the 1st Episcopal District of the African M e t h o d i s t Episcopal

Church — encompassing Bermuda, Delaware, Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York a n d New England . . . To Brother Allen E. C h a n d l e r , M. D., w h o has been promoted to Brigadier General in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. Brother C h a n d l e r is Director of P e d i a t r i c s for t h e P h i l a d e l p h i a Department of Health . . . To Brother George T. French, Jr., who preached his trial sermon on June 12th at Oak Grove Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Brother French is a graduate of the University of Louisville and is a student at the University of Richmond College of Law . . . To Brother Albert Blake, named Director of Business Operations for Marion (SC) School District I. Brother Blake is a 1982 graduate of Baptist College . . . To Brother Frank Wilson, nearing his first a n n i v e r s a r y in office as Chancery Clerk for Claiborne County, Mississippi. Brother Wilson served 13 years as an accountant and two years as Purchasing Director at his alma mater, Alcorn State University . . . To Brother Kenneth Carter, who was elected "Mr. Montevallo — 1988" at t h e U n i v e r s i t y of M o n t e v a l l o (Alabama) — the first black to receive such an honor in the history of the university. Black students comprise some 7% of the student population . . . To Iota Zeta Lambda Chapter, Compton, California, which celebrated its 20th Anniversary on May 28th at

announcing T h e Inaugural Of Dr. H e n r y P o n d e r as trie 2 8 t h General President of trie

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, I


January 6-8, 1989 The Nashville Marriott Hotel — Nashville, Tennessee REGISTRATION TORTUS WILL BE HAILED TO THE BROTHERHOOD Page 9

NewsbriefS continued from page 9

Coles Celebrate Golden Anniversary

the Stouffer's Concourse Hotel in Los A n g e l e s . B r o t h e r Julian D i x o n , m e m b e r of t h e U. S. H o u s e of Representatives, was the guest speaker for the occasion . . .

LADIES . . . The Ladies of Alpha, the wives organization of Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapter, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, held its annual Scholarship Affair in J u n e at P i n n M e m o r i a l B a p t i s t Church. The affair was highlighted by the Freedom Theatres' presentation of "Jazzle", described as a little jazz, a little magic and a lot of dazzle. The college-bound scholarship recipients were: Tisha Ulmer, Hampton; Whitney West, Hofstra; and David Bryant Jackson, Lafayette . . . The Alpha Wives of D.C. hosted a luncheon at the Women's Congressional Club in honor of Mrs. Celestine Cheek, wife of Brother James Cheek, President of Howard University. Mrs. Cheek, a m e m b e r of A l p h a K a p p a A l p h a Sorority, has taught in n u m e r o u s cities and has spent many volunteer hours working with "Operation Rescue," a project of the DC Public Schools. Foremost, she is the mother of a son, Brother James E. Cheek, Jr. a n d a d a u g h t e r , Janet Elizabeth Cheek . . . The Alpha Wives of Gamma Omicron Lambda Chapter, Albany, Georgia, held their Seniors' Day Luncheon on May 21st. Mrs. Eloise Paschal, Alphabettes President, n o t e s that other projects include contributions to Liberty House, the Battered Women's S h e l t e r a n d a planned college scholarship . . .

CHAPTER BRIEFS Beta Xi Lambda Chapter, Omaha, Nebraska, held its 3rd Alpha Golf Tournament on August 13-14. Tourney proceeds benefit the Chapter's College Scholarship Fund . . . Xi Delta Lambda Chapter, Richmond, Virginia, honored James Cheatham, T h u r m o n d T h o m a s a n d William Manning as outstanding black role models on Fathers Day . . . Delta Lambda Chapter, Baltimore, Maryland, held its Black and Gold on May 21st at the Forum . . . Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter held its 14th Annual Young People's Choir Festival at August Martin High School in Queens. The c h a p t e r a l s o p r e s e n t e d a $1000 Page 10

Former General President and Mrs. Thomas Winston Cole, Sr. celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on a Caribbean cruise scholarship to Michael Naughton, a Jamaica High School s t u d e n t . . . Zeta Omicron Lambda C h a p t e r , P h i l a d e l p h i a , P e n n s y l v a n i a , cosponsored a career workshop with the Philadelphia Electric Company at the Temple University Student Activities Center. Workshops included electrical, industrial, civil, chemical and electrical engineering; computer science; and a parent's workshop. Brother Frank E. Devine is president of ZOL; Brother Martin Nock was t h e p r o g r a m c h a i r m a n . . . Beta Lambda C h a p t e r , K a n s a s City, Missouri, held its annual Awards Program in July. The Beltron Orme F i n e A r t s S c h o l a r s h i p w e n t to s t u d e n t L a m a r t t H o l m a n ; David Stillwell, Donnell Dantzler, John Brown a n d Ardie Blant received academic scholarships . . . Nine of the Chicago area's most promising Black male graduating seniors were presented at Beautillion VI '88, a gala

beginning August 13, 1988. The cruise was a gift of their children, Ms. Jo Ann Cole Arnold, an English Teacher in Riverside, California; Brother Dr. Thomas Winston Cole, Jr., President of Clark-Atlanta University in Atlanta, Georgia; Ms. Eve Cole Singleton, a biology and science teacher in Gainesville, Florida; and Ms. Margaret Patricia Cole, an English teacher in Atlanta, Georgia. The Coles have six lovely grandchildren. Brother Dr. Thomas W. Cole, Sr. is Dean of Academic Affairs and University Ombudsman at the University of Florida. He formerly served as President of Wiley College in Marshall, Texas and General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. recognition and scholarship awards event sponsored by Mu Mu Lambda Chapter of the western suburbs of Chicago. The honorees, for service a n d l e a d e r s h i p , w e r e : M o i s e T. H e n t o n , Jason N . Isreal, Paul J. James, Keith J. Spencer, Martin D. Taylor, Michael J. Lewis, James P. Wooley, Richard T. J o h n s o n a n d Arther L. Thompson, Jr. . . . Alpha Lambda C h a p t e r , Louisville, Kentucky, put together a step team that took first place in that city's Summerfest '88 competition . . . Beta Beta Lambda C h a p t e r , M i a m i , Florida, named these college bound youth recipients of its scholarships: Terrance Francis, Florida A & M; Paul C h a n g , Emory U n i v e r s i t y ; a n d , Emmett Moss, Howard University. The chapter also nominated Moss for the Dade County Pan-Hellenic Council Schoalrship a n d he was accepted as the 1988 recipient . . . Eta Tau Lambda Chapter, Akron,

Words of the Week Charles C. Tfeamer, president of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, addressing the importance of education, in the August EBONY. "Education is the single most important factor in determining the quality of life for members of minority groups. This simple tenet was clearly understood by our forebearers, who demanded that we undergo courses of study which they often did not themselves understand." • Reprinted from Jet Magazine The Sphinx/Fall 1988

NeWSbriefS continued from page 10

Ohio, held its 11th Annual Scholarship Awards and Recognition Luncheon on June 11th. Twenty-eight students received scholarships, of which six were n e w awards and the others were continuing winners . . . Alpha Xi Lambda Chapter, Toledo, Ohio, held its 16th Annual High School Recognition Banquet on May 6th. More than 100 local high school juniors and seniors were honored for their academic achievements . . . Iota Pi Lambda Chapter, Miami, Florida, presented 1988 scholarships to the college b o u n d y o u t h s : Denis M. Lewin, U of Miami; Khatereh L.

Sawal, C a r n e g i e Mellon U; a n d , Melanie C o o m b s , Cornell U . . . Delta Iota L a m b d a Chapter, Columbus, Georgia, presented its $1000 scholarship to Mr. James Elliott Patrick . . . Gamma Zeta Lambda Chapter, Tampa, Florida, presented its Men of Tomorrow Program at the University of South Florida. Eric Sharpton of Gaither High School was the recipient of chapter's scholarship . . . Delta Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Shreveport, Louisiana, awarded $2,700 in scholarships d u r i n g its Education for Citizenship program. $500 recipients were Dexter Edwards, Willie Henderson Jr., Derrek Lathon, and Patrick Walker. $250 winners were Terrence Code a n d Corwyn

Reprinted From Montgomery-Tuskegee Times

T h o m a s . . . D e l t a Pi L a m b d a (Selma, Alabama) scholars for 1988 were Stacey Moore, Eddie Cunningh a m , Toriano Neely a n d Bradley Goldsby . . .



Brother Chuck Pryor, Regional Sales Manager for Carnival Cruise Lines (Brooklyn, Q u e e n s , Staten Island and Manhattan), was cited for outstanding service at the August meeting of the Inter-American Travel Agents' Society in Miami . . . Mu Eta Lambda Chapter, Madison, Wisconsin, joined with the Wisconsin NAACP to negotiate a Fair Share Agreement with Wisconsin Bell. The agreement calls for expanded minority

MAY 11-17, 1988

Alpha Phi Alpha's President Visits Capitol Dr. Charles Teamer, General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., visited Montgomery recently, where he was hosted by members of the nation's oldest and largest Black greek letter organization which he heads. Dr. Teamer was en route to Tuskegee, Alabama, where he was the keynote speaker for the 40th year anniversary of the chartering of the Gamma Phi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity at Tuskegee University. While in Montgomery Dr. Teamer visited Alabama's State Capitol where he met with Governor Guy Hunt, members of the Black legislative caucus and a host of celebrities from Montgomery, Tuskegee a n d the surrounding areas. Dr. Charles Teamer, who is from New Orleans, Louisiana, presently serves as Vice President for fiscal affairs at Dillard University, New Orleans, he is a member and former Chairman of the Board, New Orleans Port Authority, Vice President, Louisiana

World Exposition, President of the United Way, New Orleans, he's listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in Finance and Industry, and Who's Who in the South. According to Attorney Charles Langford, State Senator, an Alpha, and who personally accompanied Dr. Teamer while visiting the capitol, "Dr. Teamer is one of the finest presidents we've had, and we've had some good ones." The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., since its founding in 1906 has been at the forefront of leadership for education, civil rights, and economic progress for minorities in the United States. Its members include a host of college presidents, ministers, educators, politicians and others, including such known men as Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, former U.S. Senator Edward Brooke, the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mayor Andy Young and a host of other national, state and local leaders.

Pictured with Governor Guy Hunt, are, left to right: Joseph Lacey, Percy Blackman, Frank Cyrus, Milton C. Davis, Willie Anderson, John Lightfoot, E. C. Lowe, Charles Coffin, Jr., Henry Lewis, John Varurda, Charles Longford, Charlie E. Hardy, Henry C.Clain, Richard Jordan, John Hall, Aubrey Johnson, Thomas Ervin, John Hargrove, and Clarence Wilson. The Sphinx/Fall 1988

Page 11


continued from page 11

participation and provides special training programs for minority youth

HERE AND THERE . . . First Baptist Church in Roanoke, Virginia celebrated the 15th Anniversary of its pastor, Brother Kenneth B. Wright, with a musical on August 11th . . . Brother Alexander Robbins, a graduate of Tuskegee University and the Howard University School of Medicine, is President of the Alabama State Medical Association . . . G r e e n s b o r o , Alabama celebrated "Eugene Sawyer jr. Day" w i t h a parade, program and reception honoring the Chicago mayor and hometown celebrity. Brother S a w y e r ' s m o t h e r still r e s i d e s in Greensboro . . . Brother Willard B. Smith of Oakland, California, was i n s t a l l e d a s S e c r e t a r y of t h e California Chiropatric Association during that group's convention in June . . .

PROJEq A L P H A . . . Theta Iota Lambda Chapter, Springfield, Massachusetts, recently received a $2,400 challenge grant from the Springfield Infant Mortality and Teen P r e g n a n c y C o a l i t i o n to r u n its outreach based Project Alpha program. Brother Arthur Cash, a psychiatric social worker with the V e t e r a n s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , is cochairman of the Springfield's Project Alpha . . . Iota Lambda Chapter, Indianapolis, Indiana, held its Project Alpha conference on June 25th in the Krannert Building of Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. The project was supported by the Indianapolis Chapter of the March of Dimes/Birth Defects Foundation . . . Gamma Omicron Lambda Chapter, A l b a n y , G e o r g i a , h e l d its t h i r d Project Alpha conference May 6-8 at C a m p Okitiyakani. Lionel "Little Train'' James, a professional football player with the San Diego Chargers, m a d e a g u e s t a p p e a r a n c e at the conference . . .

WEDDING BELLS . . . FRANKLIN-GRENELL: Brother Gephas Lamont Franklin and the former Sonya Grenell were married on August 20th at St. Paul Church in Page 12

Cleveland, Mississippi. The bride, a member of Delta Sigma Theta, is a s a l e s a s s o c i a t e a t M c R a e ' s in Greenville, MS; the groom is a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Air F o r c e . B o t h a r e g r a d u a t e s of Mississippi Valley State University . . . BROOKS-EASLEY: B r o t h e r Oliver L. Brooks, Jr. and the former Miss Cassandra Lucille Easley were married on July 30th at the New M o r n i n g Star Baptist C h u r c h in Demopolis, Alabama. The bride, a computer analyst with Martin Marietta S y s t e m s in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Brother Brooks is e m p l o y e d by N e w p o r t News Shipbuilding as a designer. Both are g r a d u a t e s of A l a b a m a A & M University . . . SANDERS-

SMITH: Brother John H. Sanders and the former Janice Yvonne Smith were wed in June at the Marina International Hotel in Marina Del Rey, California. The bride, a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, is a District Office manager for the State D e p a r t m e n t of Social S e r v i c e s , A d o p t i o n s Branch, as well as a licensed clinical social worker. She a t t e n d e d C h a p m a n College a n d received a BA and MSW from San D i e g o State U n i v e r s i t y . B r o t h e r Sanders is a senior trial attorney w i t h i n t h e Civil Division of the C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t of Justice, with the rank of D e p u t y Attorney General. He received his JD from the UCLA School of Law and his BS in economics from Chapman 째

continued on page 14

O r d e r Now For S m o k e r s & F o u n d e r s Day 10 Brochures for $1 You can receive copies of the Alpha Phi Alpha program brochure, entitled "A Legacy of Leadership & Service: Program Overview", for the nominal cost of 10 brochures for $1.00. This full-color publication, which details Alpha Phi Alpha's contributions to the larger society through programs and charitable endeavors, is especially designed for use at Smokers and Founders' Day programs. ORDER FORM (Please Print): sets (10 Please send me brochures per set) of "A Legacy of Leadership & Service". Enclosed please find $ for the cost of the brochures $1.00 per set.

Please allow two (2) weeks for delivery. Make checks or money orders payable to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Please do not send rash via mail. The Sphinx/Fall 1988

For Superior Achievement

James Edward Coleman, Jr. College Brother of the Year - 1988 -Tphe 1988 College Brother of the Year is an orator, a student leader, a serious scholar and a tireless community service worker. Our honoree is listed in Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, Outstanding Young Men of America . . . and was twice named the Outstanding Minority Student at his undergraduate insitution of higher learning. At this same predominantly white school, our Brother served as Legislative Vice President of the Student Government Association - chairing weekly Student Senate meetings and directing 8 standing committees. A Governor's Fellow in the State of Virginia during this summer, our collegiate winner received the B. S. degree from James Madison University in May of 1988 and is currently pursuing the Master of Divinity degree at Virginia Union University. Those who viewed his display at the Kansas City General Convention can attest to his many other contributions to the betterment of mankind, although space will not allow a complete litany of his service in this forum. Thus, we are pleased to present to the Brotherhood Alpha Phi Alpha's College Brother of the Year for 1988 . . . Brother James Edward Coleman, Jr. of Xi Delta Chapter, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia. A 1984 graduate of Hermitage High School in Richmond, Virginia, Brother Coleman accomplished the true end of a college course by graduating four years later from the prestigious James Madison University. In the interim, he worked diligently to improve life for citizens on the campus and in the surrounding community. Since his initiation into Xi Delta Chapter on March 7, 1985, he has been a tireless advocate of fraternal issues. He served as President of the Chapter during his junior year (198687), leading them to the College Chapter of the Year title in the East. He was the Eastern Regional winner of the Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Contest during that same year and The Sphinx/Fall 1988

was the first runner-up during the national contest at the San Francisco General Convention, in what is widely regarded as the closest race in the history of the competition. During his senior year, James was Recording Secretary of Xi Delta and 2nd Vice President of the Virginia Association of Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity (VACAPAF). He was, of course, named College Brother of the Year by Virginia and the Eastern Region prior to c a p t u r i n g the national title. fames was a serious and concerned student from the time of his arrival at JMU, where he majored in Public Administration and Political Science. And again by his junior year, he began to receive recognition for his achievements - serving as a Student Senator and being named JMU's Outstanding Minority Junior. As a senior James served as Legislative Vice President of the JMU Student Government Association, Chairman of the SGA Financial Aid Advisory Board, Chairman of the JMU Martin Luther King Celebration Planning Committee and member of the University Council and the Council of Campus Leaders. In recognition of his service during the 1987-88 school year, Brother Coleman was named both the JMU Outstanding Minority Senior and the JMU Outstanding Student Leader of the Year.

Listings in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, Outstanding Young Men of America and Outstanding College Students of America also attest to a superior college career. But even these were not enough for this energetic and aggressive Brother, who went on to the State Capitol in Richmond after graduation as a Governor's Fellow. We should also note that, during the summer of 1987, James was a student intern with the Virginia State Conference of the NAACP. Named to the Virginia Governor's Fellows Program by The Honorable Gerald L. Baliles, Governor of the Commonweath, James spent the summer of 1988 assisting the Governor's staff with office operations and constitutent services. He notes that his program provided valuable firsthand experience on matters of state government and public service . . . experience which is likely to come in handy for a future career in community leadership. ^ t u c h a career would also be enhanced by James' work as a research surveyor and his expansive volunteer record. As a researcher for Bowden Marketing Research Company in Richmond, James has worked extensively with the public on a oneto-one basis and has gathered data used in Gallup Polls on various political issues. He has held this part-time job since 1984. Brother Coleman's volunteer activities range from the Baptist General Convention of Virginia to the Rainbow Coalition, where he assisted in organizing the JMU Chapter. He has also given service to the Democratic Party of Virginia, the JMU Volunteer Center, the Richmond NAACP, the JMU Contemporary Gospel Singers and the Henrico County Civic League. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, James Coleman brings poise, effective organizational skills, and a talent for coalition building to any setting. Wherever placed, he is excited about the possibility of making a difference . . . because he knows that one Alpha Man can. Page 13

NeWSbriefS continued from page 12

Continue Living the Dream A TRIBUTE TO MY SON I knew when Joseph decided to be a brother That he would take the stand Of becoming an Alpha Phi Alpha Becaused he was a distinguished man. One day he told me that he wanted his name Put on the Alpha Phi .Alpha (Eta Gamma) page, It did not stay there but a couple of years Because he was transfered to the Omega Chapter at an early age.

Join The Freedom Trail CELEBRRTE THE KlflG HOLIDAY

But while he was here with us, You could look at him and you would know. He was an Alpha Phi Alpha man, Because the distinction would show. Joe had a love for all people and it was easy to see. In the company of babies, young, middle age and old, If he met them sad, he would always leave them with a smile, Whether it was with a compliment or a story he told. He had a 10 year old cousin named Vincent That he had taken into hand. Teaching him the morals of life So that he would become a distinguished man. His nephew, Fred III, was only 5 when Joe left us. But he still remembers him in his Black and Gold. He told me, "Nana. I want to be an Alpha When I get big and grow old." I walked into his room the other night. I looked around and what did I see? His wall with many memorabilia Pictures, pendants, and his Alpha Phi Alpha key. I stood there for a while And I could hear him from above, Talking with his brothers he had met About their Alpha Phi Alpha love. In a chest are all of his Alpha things And there they will May Because when his nephew grows up He will own them one day. Joe is still wearing that smile Knowing that lib brothers On special occasions Always remember his mother. Oh yea. 1 am sad because I have lust my son, But the consolation I have to ease my pain Is knowing that through him Mam MHIS I have, and many mure I will gain. Written bj the mother, (Bettie Winston), of your brother. (Joseph Gerard "Snoopy" Winston). August 1. 1988

Page 14

Commemorative Freedom Trail Poster & Holiday Guide vAir classrooms, libraries, union J? halls, and public and private 2 sector offices. Poster and Guide 1 may be used every year for the holiday observance. 'UOAV


• Convenient booklet-form opens to 18" by 28" Full-Color Poster and Holiday Guide. • Text and photos highlighting Dr. King's life. • Special space for identifying your group's name and holiday activities. • Message from Coretta Scott King. • Living the Dream Pledge • Suggested observances for REMEMBERING, CELEBRATING, and ACTING for the holiday. A nonprofit charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

1-3 posters 4-10 posters 11-20 posters 21 or more

$4.00 ea. $3.50 ea. $3.00 ea. $2.50 ea.

((/hen ordering please include your name, address, phone number, and specify exact number of posters you wish to order. Please make checks payable to: Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday Corporation. Mail to: The Freedom Trail 8391 Main Street P.O. Box 302 Ellicott City, MD 21043 For more information, contact: National Coordinator, Freedom Trail (301) 500-5253

T h e Sphinx/Fall 1988

For Superior Achievement

Charles M. Coffin, Jr. Alumni Brother of the Year - 1988 짜f local support is necessary to win national awards, our 1988 Alumni Brother of the Year has that support - having captured Brother of the Year honors in two states. If service is the litmus test, then our honoree surely qualifies. He has served in Alpha Chapters wherever he has resided, giving liberally of his time and talents to the programs of the Fraternity. This Brother served on the National Committee for our Alliance With Scouting program and is similarly active within the Boy Scouts of America. He has been a successful leader in the National Headquarters Fund Drive in his home chapters. Recently he took up the banner of Project Alpha, our teen pregnancy prevention program, and pulled off one of the successful projects in the history of the program. And as publicity chairman of his chapter's recent fundraiser, his efforts brought some $20,000 into the coffers - and he was recognized as the top ticket salesman. These are but a few of the projects our honoree has brought to success in the years since his initiation into Beta Epsilon Chapter, North Carolina A & T State University, in 1974. Professionally, this Brother is a career officer with the United States Air Force - having just completed an assignment as Director of Contracting for the Air Force Logistics Management Center, Gunter Air Force Base, Alabama. The father of four sons (who singly raises twin teenagers), a churchman, even a semi-professional fashion model. . . our honoree holds high the principles of Alpha Phi Alpha. Meet this former Brother of the Year from Georgia and the 1988 titleholder from Alabama, the Southern Region and, now, the entire Fraternity . . . Major Charles M. Coffin, Jr. V|7ithin a month of his initiation on WW April 5, 1974, Brother Coffin became a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha - the first in the history of Beta Epsilon Chapter and one of a handful of College Brothers who joined this fellowship during its heyday. He has carried this commitment to Alpha Phi Alpha For Life with him The Sphinx/Fall 1988

as he traveled the country on various assignments with the Air Force - meeting local chapter obligations, consistently attending fraternity meetings and faithfully supporting chapter programs. In the twelve years since his graduation from A & T, he has been a member of Mu Xi Lambda Chapter, Rialto, California (charter member); Eta Iota Lambda Chapter, Athens, Georgia; and Alpha Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Montgomery, Alabama. He also served as Chapter Advisor to Zeta Pi Chapter, University of Georgia (Athens). Although his tenure there ended in 1985, his efforts in developing that Chapter continue to pay dividends in leadership and service citations. Prior to his move to Alabama, Brother Coffin was named Georgia's Alumni Brother of the Year in 1984 and, in 1985, he won the Charles Green Award for the state (given for seven years of outstanding service). A rriving at Alpha Upsilon Lambda Chapter following the 1985 General Convention in Atlanta, Brother Coffin exhorted the Chapter to support the National Headquarters Fund Drive and the newly developed Alliance With Scouting program. He chaired the chapter's Bov Scouts Committee and immersed himself in the local scouting infrastructure eventually serving as Assistant District Commissioner, Scout Coordinator, Troop Committee Treasurer

and Merit Badge Counselor. He also got other chapter members to undergo leadership training and accept positions with various scout units in the area. Although he had already satisfied his "fraternal obligation" towards the headquarters campaign, he was also a chapter leader in this effort - netting positive results from Brothers and the Chapter as an entity. And more service was on the way to Montgomery. As publicity chairman for the Chapter's 1987 fundraiser featuring Atlanta's "Show Biz Kids" (who were featured at the General C o n v e n t i o n in that city), Brother Coffin's public relations savvy was credited with an overwhelming success - and he was re-appointed for 1988. His most recent success was in bringing Project Alpha to Montgomery, which he carried out in his usual exemplary style. Indeed, as a result of his tenacity, the Montogmery Project Alpha was the first in the nation to use the promotional posters featuring the Cosby Show's Malcolm JamalWarner. P r o f e s s i o n a l l y , Brother Coffin has established himself as one of the Air Force's top contracting officers. The directorship he recently completed at Gunter AFB is normally staffed by a Lieutenant Colonel. His work has resulted in major innovations to produce computer programs, conduct studies and generally e n h a n c e the effectiveness of the service's contracting activity. In 1986, he was the runner-up for the Air Force's "Contracting Officer of the Year" citation. Major Coffin is an officer worthy of emulation and a leader worth following. Brother Coffin has been on the job holding high the name of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity since his initiation and the consensus among those who know him is that there is no sign of any letup in him fraternally, professionally or in civic affairs. A true Alpha Life Member, he got talent, dedication, ambition, tenacity, intelligence, faith and an unconquerable desire to excell in everything he does. Page 15





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Page 16

The Sphinx/Fall 1988


Preserving our Heritage Parti

iva 1 he 1 lme lor A c t i

point on (and notwithstanding the talent and dedication of Dr. Wesley's successors), Alpha Phi Alpha must approach the writing of its history and the preservation of historical artifacts as "institutional tasks." We must develop both long-range and short-range plans to carry out these enterprises, with due consideration to the personnel, budgetary, maintenance and other factors which will impact the success of the projects. That is the "archival imperative" and we ignore it at the risk of losing touch with the social conditions, the various motivations and the creative responses to situations which really define the history of our Brotherhood.


It is inherent that archival materials first undergo a period of atrophy, or lack of use. Thus, we needn't feel too guilty that Alpha Phi Alpha has not previously established a permanent repository for its memorabilia. Nonetheless, the time has surely come for us to take concrete action to remedy this situation. In this article and in future publications, I hope to outline how every single member of the Alpha Phi Alpha family has a part to play in this important project. The first point I wish to stress in that effort is that a number of factors converge at this period in the history of Alpha Phi Alpha to argue for the establishment of an archive/museum. First, the age of the organization itself demands such action. We are less than two decades away from our 100th Anniversary and it will be a hollow celebration without access to records, photographs and other artifacts which will bring the past alive. I'm not sure that I will be there, but I'm relatively certain that Brother Raymond Cannon will be on hand still spry and witty at age 115. And yet, the initiates of the year 2006 will need more than the opportunity to gaze upon his wise visage to understand the operations of the fledgling Alpha Phi Alpha of the 1900's, the 1920's and maybe even the 1980s. Time also comes into play when we consider that the General Office staff has been relocated in anticipation of the construction of a new General Office facility. We would be wise to collect as much material as possible during the projected twoyear construction period, as early during that period as possible. In this way we can be sure that the library, archive and museum to be contained in the new facility is designed to accommodate our holdings. In addiThe Sphinx/Fall 1988

um perative

T h e revered D r . Charles H . Wesley served as the Fraternity s Historian lor bo years, trom 1927 until his death in 1987.

tion, the dedication of the new "House of Alpha" would be immeasurably enhanced with a stellar exhibit of Alpha Phi Alpha's contributions through the decades. We should also note that the march of time is robbing us of the presence of those Brothers who were instrumental during the Fraternity's formative years. These Brothers, whether well-known or relatively obscure, are our primary sources for the collection of valuable archival materials. As they transfer to Omega Chapter, the chances that we will gain custody of t h o s e m a t e r i a l s d i m i n i s h at an exponential rate. Moreover, we now find ourselves, for the first time in nearly 60 years, without the services of the late Brother Charles H. Wesley - the revered Historian upon whom we counted to chronicle our progress. From this BY MICI1AKL.I. PRICK

-Leaders T


= He

This imperative is also fueled by the very reasons for the Fraternity's existence. Without exploring every possible benefit to be derived from an archive/museum, such a facility would serve as a perpetual reminder of the efficacy of two broad objectives of fraternal life: community service and personal progress. We must be able to demonstrate that Alpha Phi Alpha has been a positive influence upon the life of our communities and the nation, that we have been through the decades "Servants of All." And we must show that our Bond has been "the school for the better making of men," serving to enhance the inherent potential for good amongst its members. The former obviously means that we should carefully document the programs, charitable endeavors and other fraternal contributions to the betterment of campus and community life throughout the nation. Two recent episodes help illustrate this need. Only eight years after our "ProContinued on Page 18

Page 17

1 he Arcnival Imperative Continued from r a g e \y

ject Alpha" teen pregnancy prevention program was conceived, a host of other groups (some of which participated with us in early projects precisely because they had no comparable effort) are now claiming that they launched the "male responsibility" focus in this arena. Also, the response of our newly published program overview brochure - "A Legacy of Leadership & Service" - has been overwhelmingly positive because most Chapters and Brothers couldn't easily document the scope of our current programs. When this ambiguity pervades contemporary affairs, it should come as no surprise that our past accomplishments are hazy at best. Further, the ineffectual nature of many current so-called national volunteer programs (which are at best massive, self-perpetuating public relations campaigns) makes it difficult for today's onlooker to imagine the scope and substance of historic programs like "Go To High School, Go To College" and "Education for Citizenship." In short, we need to develop a museum/archive which documents our contributions to the larger society in order that we might both cement our niche in history and provide blueprints for future action-oriented programs within our ranks and beyond. The second broad objective seems to me extremely important, for a culture is defined by its heroes. Already, Brothers like Paul Robeson, Channing Tobias, Lester Granger, H. Councill Trenholm, Felton G. Clark, John Hope, George Cleveland Hall, Carl Murphy, Archibald Carey, George Gore, Frank Madison Reid, Charles Houston and countless others seem headed for oblivion except as prefixes for the names of sports teams at schools which bear their names (e.g., the Robeson Raiders at the Chicago high school bearing the name of that Renaissance man). I shudder to think about what percentage of the students, faculty and supporters of these schools know even the first pertinent fact about that entity's namesake. Indeed, I'd be reticent to put their names on a quiz of present day Alpha men. In any event, someone, somewhere, must construct a constellation of AfroPage 18

ilistoncal V^ommission C^hairman l^ioncl H . N e w s o m , left, and General President Teamer accept tlie gilt of a 3rd E-dition

rristory ol A l p h a P h i A l p h a

From Midwestern V ice President Halloway iSells,

center, on beha If of M r s . Willi., ( M a r y ) Weatnerly of C incinnati.

American heroes that is not dominated by athletes and entertainers. Not only is Alpha Phi Alpha ideally suited for this task, but we owe it to the Brothers who preceded us to preserve their real-life legacies for posterity. From our Seven Jewels to contemporary giants like Thurgood Marshall, these men surveyed the landscape of American life, identified barriers to our progress and purposely set out to destroy those obstacles to human dignity and fulfillment. The abovementioned Afro-American men - all of them members of Alpha Phi Alpha - represent the highest plateau of accomplishment within the Black American experience. They trained our teachers to teach and our preachers to preach. They pioneered in social work, law and education. They built our colleges and churches into major institutions. They put YMCA's and YWCA's in our communities for the first time, trying to keep our boys and girls off the mean streets long before the War on Poverty (or even Roosevelt's New Deal). They established our honor societies when we were excluded from others and they organized missionary expeditions to Africa to spread the Gospel of Christ. They molded media empires that articulately communicated the concerns of their people and educated them for collective action. They promoted the development of cohesive families and communities. They fought

the ugly presence of racism through personal excellence, civil disobedience and righteous indignation. They turned the instruments of oppression - the legal system and the Christian church - into instruments of liberation. They paid for these accomplishments with personal traumas and shortened lifespans. The success of these men and their contemporaries set the stage for the comfortable lives enjoyed by so many of us and we simply must keep their memories alive - both to pay homage to them and to provide role models for future generations. C^uo Vadis;

It is my hope that most Brothers will agree that the development of a comprehensive archival program is an imperative for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. In Part II of this series, we'll examine some of the crucial elements of such a program and provide a brief guide for prospective donors. Already, in t h e a c c o m p a n y i n g photographs and illustrations, we will see the results of some rudimentary work toward this end. In some sense, these are the precursors of a full-scale program and we owe them a debt of gratitude for their pioneering contributions. In the very near future, I'm confident that every Brother will pitch in to insure that our glorious past lives on forever. The Sphinx/Fall 1988

F ocjrs Justice Smith of the Washington Supreme Court


rother Charles Z. Smith was born in Lakeland, Florida on February 23, 1927. He is married (to Eleanor Jane Martinez) and is the father of four adult children: three sons (ages 32, 31, and 28) and one daughter (age 27). He holds the Bachelor of Science d e g r e e from Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1952), and the Juris Doctor degree from the University of Washington School of Law, Seattle (1955). He is a graduate of the National Judicial College, University of Nevada, Reno (1968). He is also a graduate of the Naval Justice School, N e w p o r t , R h o d e Island (1973). He retired November 1, 1986 from the United States Marine C o r p s Reserve w i t h the rank of Lietenant Colonel. e presently serves as a Justice of t h e W a s h i n g t o n S t a t e Supreme Court. He was appointed to that position by Governor Booth Gardner on July 13, 1988 to fill an unexpired term. He took his oath of office on July 18, 1988 and is unopposed in the 1988 elections. Since January 1983 he has been Professor of Law Emeritus at the University of Washington School of Law. H e r e t i r e d from f u l l - t i m e t e a c h i n g a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y of Washington in January 1983, having been Professor of Law since 1973. He was Associate Dean of the School of Law from January 1973 to July 1, 1978. He was Director of University District Defender Services, a Law School clinical program, from July 1978 to September 1, 1982, and was also Director of Law School Clinical Programs. He continues as a member of the Graduate Faculty of the University of Washington and a member of the Social Welfare Doctoral Group at the University of Washington School of Social Work. From January 1, 1983 to July 18, 1988 he was a principal in the law firm of Theodore M. Rosenblume, Charles Z. Smith and Associates, P. S. (having been "of counsel" to the predecessor firm of Theodore M. Rosenblume and Associates). He was


The Sphinx/Fall 1988

An initiate of Beta Nu Chapter, Florida A & M University, Brother Charles Z. Smith is eminently qualified for service on the high court. a n e w s c o m m e n t a t o r for KOMO Radio and KOMO Television (ABC Affiliate), Seattle, from January 1973 to July 1, 1978. On January 8, 1973 he completed service as a judge of the Superior C o u r t of W a s h i n g t o n for K i n g County, having been appointed to that position by Governor Daniel J. Evans in November 1966. He was elected unopposed to a full term in November 1968. He was a general trial j u d g e a n d also served as a Juvenile Court Judge on rotation assignment. He served as Chairperson

of the Juvenile Court Committee of the Washington State Superior Court Judges' Association. H e s e r v e d a s J u d g e of t h e Municipal Court of Seattle, Criminal Department, under appointment by M a y o r J. D . B r a m a n to fill an unexpired term, beginning January 14, 1965. He was elected unopposed to a full term on that court, but resigned to accept appointment to the Superior Court. Upon his g r a d u a t i o n from law school in 1955, he served as Law Clerk for Justice Matthew W. Hill of Page 19

Continued from Page 19 the Washington State Supreme Court for one year. He served as a Deputy P r o s e c u t i n g A t t o r n e y for K i n g County u n d e r Charles O. Carroll from June 1956 to April 1960. When he left the Prosecuting Attorney's office, he was Assistant Chief of the Criminal Division. He was in the private practice of law in Seattle for approximately one year 1960-1961. In March of 1961 he joined the United States Department of Justice at the request of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, where he served until his resignation as a Special Assistant to the Attorney General in September 1964. rother Smith is an officer or member of the board of directors or trustees of Puget Counseling Center; the American Cancer Society, National Board; the American Cancer Society, Washington State Division; the Fred M. Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; the Chongquing (China) Sister City Association; the National Conference of Christians and Jews; Kawabe Memorial House a n d the Seattle-King County Bar Foundation. He is chairperson of the Minoru Masuda Memorial Committee of the Japanese American Citizens League, Seattle Chapter. He is a member of the Downtown Seattle Rotary Club. He served as co-chairperson of the Juvenile Justice Standards Commission (American Bar Association/ Institute of Judicial Administration); Chairperson of the Committee on the Courts, Juvenile Justice Standards Project (1973 to 1981); a member of the Task Force on Crime (1981-1982); and currently serves on the Juvenile Justice Committee (formerly chairperson) of the Section of Criminal Justice, American Bar Association.


He serves as chairperson of the Supreme Court Task Force on Minorities and Justice and formerly served as chairperson of the Mayor's Panel on Disparate Employee Discipline; member of the Standing Committee on Federal Judiciary of the American Bar Association; and member of the Prosecutor Training Standards Board, Washington Criminal Justice Training Commission. He is a former president of the Seattle Urban League; and has served on the board of directors or trustees of community agencies, including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; the Seattle Zoological Society; the King County Commission on Alcoholism; the Washington State Literacy C o u n c i l ; Boys C l u b of S e a t t l e ; Washington Citizens for Migrant Affairs; Medina Children's Service; Children's Home Society of Washington; Friends of Youth; SeattleKing County Council on Alcoholism; Big Brothers; the Better Business Bureau; Pacific Northwest Yokefellow; Seattle Foundation; Seattle Symphony; Seattle Opera Association; Community Service Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; Pioneer Human Services; Military Law Institute; the Washington Alcoholism Training Standards Board; the Seattle Sexual Assault Center; the Seattle Psychoanalytic Institute; The Little School; Linfield College (McMinnville, Oregon); Seattle University; and the Japanese American Citizens League. He is a former Chairperson of the C o m m u n i t y C o u n c i l at t h e Washington State Reformatory (a state prison for m e n at M o n r o e , W a s h i n g t o n ) . H e is a f o r m e r C h a i r p e r s o n of t h e N a t i o n a l Advisory Council of C o m m u n i t y Dispute Services of the American Arbitration Association; and served

as a member of the Board of Directors of t h e A m e r i c a n A r b i t r a t i o n Association. He was a member of the King C o u n t y Jail/Correctional Facilities Advisory Committee. He is a former member of the Washington Governor's Committee on Law and Justice. He has been an active participant with the National Interreligious Task Force on Soviet Jewry in monitoring compliance with the Helsinki Accords (Final Act of the Conference on Security a n d C o o p e r a t i o n in Europe) and has participated with delegations from the Task Force at follow-up conferences in Belgrade, Yugoslavia and Madrid, Spain. n December 31, 1985 he completed service on the General Board of the American Baptist Churches, USA (Valley Forge, Pennsylvania), having begun service on that board in 1965. On December 31, 1977 he completed a two-year term as President of the American Baptist Churches, USA, and on December 31, 1979 completed a two-year term as Immediate Past President. He is a member of the Board of D i r e c t o r s of t h e B a p t i s t J o i n t C o m m i t t e e on Public Affairs (Washington, D.C.). and a member of the Seattle First Baptist Church and is a past president of the Church Corporation. n addition to his membership in A l p h a Phi A l p h a Fraternity, Brother Smith is a member of the American Bar Association; the National Bar Association; the Washington State Bar Association; the Seattle-King County Bar Association; the Loren Miller Bar Association; the American Judicature Society; Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity; Order of the Coif (legal scholastic honorary); and is a Fellow of the Institute of Judicial Administration.



On December 31, 1977 the new Supreme Court Justice completed a term as President of the American Baptist Churches, USA. Page 20

The Sphinx/Fall 1988

AlPHA ATHLETES COUNCILMAN W I LLI AMS When we first visited Brother Reggie Williams via this feature, he was an outstanding Ivy League gridiron star at Dartmouth. When we last looked in on his career (in the Spring 1986 issue), the Cincinnati Bengals linebacker had been honored by his NFL peers with the Byron "Whizzer" White Humanitarian Award for outstanding contributions to the community. We revisit Brother Williams now on the heels to two significant developments in his astonishing career as a professional football player, community leader and a role model for America's youth.

Councilman Williams Still a starting linebacker after twelve years w i t h t h e B e n g a l s , Brother Williams has joined a new team - the Cincinnati City Council. On June 22, 1988, he took the oath of office after being appointed to filled the unexpired term of Councilman a n d former Mayor A m Bortz (who r e s i g n e d ) . C o u n c i l m a n Williams' term runs until November 1989. The citizenry and media in Cincinnati were enthusiatic about Reggie's a p p o i n t m e n t . An editorial in the Cincinnati Enquirer was headlined, "City Council: Reggie Williams will be a plus with a new face and fresh ideas." The editorial writers went on to crisply note why this is a very special athlete, to wit: "From the time Mr. Williams began his tour with the Cincinnati Bengals, it was clear that here was no stereotypical football player. His Dartmouth education, his quiet leadership on the civic scene, his many demonstrations of compassion and charitableness — these were the earmarks of an extraordinary young man and an extraordinarily valuable citizen." In keeping with his record as a humanitarian, the new Councilman announced that he would donate his council earnings for the balance of The Sphinx/Fall 1988

Brother Williams is sworn in by Judse Jack Sherman in the company of his wife, Marianna and sons Jaren, left, and Julian. (Cincinnati Enquirer/Fred Straub. 1988 to charity. At the $34,500 annual salary for council members, that amounts to some $17,000 to benefit those in need.

Salute To A Brother Shortly after his council appointment, Brother Williams journeyed to Kansas City with the Bengals for a pre-season contest with the Chiefs. Fortuitously, the matchup coincided with the 82nd Anniversary Convention and the College Brothers' Luncheon was the venue for Brother Williams' entry into another elite group - recipients of the Alpha Award of Honor. This citation is the Fraternity's highest commendation for humanitarian service and is given without regard to fraternal affiliation. This year, however, Alpha Phi Alpha was proud to honor one of its own. A native of Flint, Michigan, Brother Williams had to overcome a childhood speech and hearing deficiency

During 1988 Reggie Williams has been named to the City Council in Cincinnati, Ohio; received Alpha's highest service award and been touted as a future Mayor. Moreover, the Bengals are winning! Page 21

COUNCILMAN WILLIAMS Continued from Page 21

just to succeed in school and forge a normal life. Because of that experience, he has dedicated himself to helping others. He recently noted that his lifetime goals are to be a community servant and a role model for youth. His success in realizing that ambition, as well as his other goals, has been widely recognized. In addition to receiving the White Award in 1985, he was among eight to receive Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year Awards in 1987, given to athletes who help others. He was the Bengals Man of the Year for four years, 198286; the NFL Man of the Year in 1986; and was among the 10 Outstanding Young Americans cited by the U. S. Jaycees in 1987. There should thus be little surprise that, at age 33, he has earned such special recognition from the Brotherhood. To chronicle Reggie's community involvements would require another extensive article, but a brief summary will convince the skeptical that service is not a fleeting fancy in his life. He is a solid citizen in his hometown, s e r v i n g as t r u s t e e of the G r e a t e r Cincinnati Convention and Vistors Bureau; member, Greater Cincinnati Sports Council and trustee, United Way Board. He is also National Chairman for Youth Involvement with United Way of America and was Page 22

appointed to the White House Conference for a Drug-Free America. Brother Williams is founder and coordinator of the Reggie Williams Fund, which has developed leadership programs and scholarship for Cincinnati-are youth since 1982. Additionally, he gives liberally of his talents to the Cincinnati Speech and Hearing Center, United Appeal, Just Say No Foundation, Boy Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, the American Cancer Society, Cerebral Palsy, the American Red Cross, Outward Bound and the Joy O u t d o o r Education Center for Youth.


an Antonio. The Home of the Alamo. You knew that already. But we're also the place where chili was invented. The birthplace of the U. S. Air Force. The location for the first movie ever to win an Oscar for Best Motion Picture. And much more you never even dreamed of. Small wonder Will Rogers dubbed San Antonio "one of America's four unique cities." We're the tenth largest city in the United States, but don't let that mislead you. Because what San Antonio offers extends far beyond the luxuries and conveniences you'd expect from a progressive metropolitan center. We're a city whose past is every bit as alive as its present. A rich tapestry of sights, sounds and tastes, woven from a diversity of cultures and histories, with a texture unlike any other. Along the banks of the picturesque San Antonio River and all throughout our city, you'll find a spirit of fun and excitement here, constantly inviting you to explore. Discover. Enjoy. All at your own pace. You may come and see the Alamo. But when you leave, we guarantee that there will be more, much more, that you will remember.

What The Future Holds! In the wake of Brother Williams' selection to the City Council, a rival candidate for the appointment noted that Williams is likely to be Mayor of Cincinnati someday. Brother Theodore Berry, a former Councilman and the only Black Mayor of Cincinnati to date, praised the linebacker's "intelligence and motivation." And the Bengals have made it clear that they will support Brother Williams in his new career and will cooperate with his council work. But whether or not a mayoralty is in Reggie's future, you will doubtless hear again of his selfless service to others and you'll be proud to note that he's an Alpha Man.

83rd Anniversary Convention Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. July 27 -August 2, 1989 Marriott Rivercenter/ Marriott Riverwalk Hotels San Antonio, Texas

The Sphinx/Fall 1988

a Brother Alvin Bryant Promoted to General THE MILITARY BEAT


Hampton, Virginia Surgeon Nets a Star In The Army Reserve

GENERAL'S STARS—Brigadier General Alvin Bryant receives his stars from Major General Richard E. Collier. 310th TAACOM Commander, left, and Colonel Wilbert Bryant, BG Bryant's brother, right, at a promotion ceremony at Fort Belvoir, VA. (US. Army photo) Brother Alvin Bryant, an active member of Zeta Lambda Chapter, was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General on April 17, 1988. The ceremony was held at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Brother Bryant is currently Brigadier General Alvin Bryant, Deputy Commanding General of the 310th Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM), United States Army Reserve, with headquarters in Fort Belvoir, Virginia. His general's stars were pinned by Major General Richard E. Collier. Dr. Bryant, a Hampton, Virginia surgeon, has served as an infantry and ordnance officer during his active Army and Army Reserve career. He continued to serve as an officer while receiving his professional medical education and establishing his surgical practice. He has been deputy commander of the 310th TAACOM since August 1987. He served as commander of the 300th Area Support Group since September 1984. His civilian career has included substantial community service, most recently as President of the Virginia Division of the American Cancer Society. He is also director The Sphinx/Fall 1988

of the Task Force on Cancer Among Minorities in Virginia's First and Second Congressional Districts. He is Chairman of the Peninsula Institute for Community Health, which serves 15,000 to 20,000 residents of the Newport News, Virginia area. Dr. Bryant is a member of the board of the Area Health Center, which encourages the use of health professionals in training to provide health care in underserved areas. A native of Miami, Florida, Dr. Bryant was commissioned in 1959 through the ROTC programs at Florida A&M University, where he received a Bachelor of Science in Biology. He also received a Master of Science degree in Zoology from Purdue University. His Doctorate of Medicine was achieved at Howard University. Brother Bryant is a golden exemplification of ". . . service to all . . ." and transcending all. His life is ". . . spent in service not in scorn . . . " As a premier general and surgeon, he will " . . . help uplift the lives of wholesome youth . . . " We salute the epitome of an Alpha Man!! —Brother Fred H. Langley Page 23

Campus Watcf)

Brother McMillan Leads Huston-Tillotson UCC Education Administrator Succeeds Brother John King At H-T. Brother Joseph T. McMillan Jr. has been elected as the new President of Huston-Tillotson College. He assumed the presidency on July 1, 1988. Dr. McMillan, 43, was Secretary for Higher Education Relationships of the United Church Board for Homeland Ministries of the United Church of Christ. He succeeds Brother John Q. Taylor King, Huston-Tillotson's president since 1965. In his former position, Dr. McMillan coordinated higher education programs, institutional affiliations and funding for the United Church of Christ. He was honored by Huston-Tillotson College with a Doctor of Laws degree in 1984. Dr. King, 66, announced his intention to retire as Huston-Tillotson College's president at last fall's Board Meeting. In retirement, Dr. King will carry the title of Chancellor, an office to which he was elected in the spring. He will be available to assist with development and fund-raising as requested. Dr. McMillan's election by the Board was unanimous, as was the recommendation of the Presidential Search Committee which conducted a national search of top educators and scholars in the field. Said Dr. King: "I could not be more delighted at this choice. In his current position, Joe McMillan has a deep familiarity with Huston-Tillotson College and has a historic linkage with H u s t o n - T i l l o t s o n ' s r o o t s a n d its traditional church sponsors. His experience as an advisor to the Board uniquely equips him to understand the College, to lead and plan for its future." Dr. McMillan had served on the staff of the United Church Board for Homeland Ministries since September of 1970. He directed the denomination's ministry in churchrelated higher education and staffed the program of the organization of the 47 colleges, academies and seminars related to the United Church of Christ. Additionally, Dr. McMillan served as a consultant to the Huston-TillotPage 24

Dr. Joseph T. McMillan, Jr. President Huston-Tillotson College Austin-Texas son College Board, a member of the Secretariat of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities and as former chairperson of the National Black Staff of the United Church of Christ. Before joining the Board for Homeland Ministries, Dr. McMillan was a

residence hall counselor at Howard University in Washington, DC. He received his bachelor of science degree from Howard University in 1965 with a major in psychology. His master of arts degree in student personnel administration came from Howard University in 1970. His doctor of education degree in higher education administration was awarded him by Teachers College at Columbia University in 1986. Dr. McMillan is the recipient of two honorary degrees, a Doctor of Letters degree, awarded by Yankton College in Yankton, SD, in 1976, and a Doctor of Laws from Huston-Tillotson in 1984. He was born in Valdosta, Georgia, the son of the Reverend and Mrs. J. T McMillan, who currently reside in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Rev. McMillan is a minister of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Dr. McMillan attended public schools through the South, and was graduated from N e w S t a n t o n S e n i o r H i g h School of Jacksonville, Florida, in 1961. His special interests include counseling young people, the history of the 19th Century and bicycling. Dr. McMillan was an active member of the N a z a r e n e Congregational United Church of Christ in Brooklyn, New York where he served as chairperson of the Board of Trustees.

"I am honored by this appointment and by the faith that the Board has shown in me. lam doubly honored in having been chosen to succeed John King, an educator who has dedicated his life to this institution and to the cause of Black higher education. I look forward to working with the Huston-Tillotson College trustees, staff faculty, and students, and with the Austin community, in helping the College and the community to grow and prosper. I believe deeply in the role of historically Black colleges, and especially in the future of Huston-Tillotson College, and I hope to be an effective advocate on its behalf" • Acceptance Remarks by Dr. McMillan The Sphinx/Fall 1988



" ^ ^

Hud D. Perkins

E D U C A T I O N THE HALLMARK OF O U R FRATERNITY Alpha Phi Alpha can be justly proud of its contributions to the educational advancement of thousands of American youth, however the author contends that the organization cannot rest on its laurels - for current attitudes toward education must be reversed if we as a race are not to commit intellectual suicide.


General President Teamer; Past General Officers; Delegates to this our 82nd Anniversary Convention; My Brothers in Alpha: I would first like to add my unbounded admiration and veneration for the three brothers who have been so beautifully remembered here today. Their names are blazened across the pages of our fraternity's history and they have helped to make our fraternity great. I would next like to congratulate the six college heads who have been recognized upon retirement from distinguished careers in education with the Frederick D. Patterson Award. You six brothers represent one of the finest traditions in Alpha Phi Alpha, and indeed, you have written another chapter in what I like to call the Alpha college presidency— which is a phenomenon in our fraternity's history. When I entered Alpha Phi Alpha in the early 1940's, 90 percent of all presidents of black colleges were members of Alpha Phi Alpha. As a pledge I was bade to commit the list to memory: Rufus B. Atwood at Kentucky State; J. A. Bacoats at Benedict; J. P. Brawley at Clark College; F. G. Clark at Southern University; Robert P. Daniel at Shaw College (later at Virginia State); Henry Lake Dickason at Bluefield; J. F. Drake at Alabama A and M; H. C. Trenholm at Alabama State; Sherman Scruggs at Lincoln in

The Sphinx/Fall 1988

The Fraternal Address of the 82nd Anniversary Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., August 8,1988, Kansas City, Missouri. Missouri; William H. Gray at Florida A and M—to name but a few. And among that list were two men whom we remember here today—Frederick D. Patterson at Tuskegee and Charles H. Wesley at Wilberforce (as it was then designated). It was a great list and you cannot imagine the awe and reverence with which we as pledges a p p r o a c h e d it. It motivated u s , inspired us, transported us—and made us vividly aware that we were about to become members of the greatest fraternity among college men on the face of this earth. And even as you six distinguished brothers retire from the head of your respective institutions, the tradition continues for in some instances you are being replaced by Alpha men. In other instances, new names are being added to the list who hold membership in our fraternity. Brother Luna I. Mishoe is being succeeded by Brother William DeLauder at Delaware State College; Brother Leonard Barnes is being succeeded by Brother Robert H. Smith at Southern University in Shreverport; and Brother Joe McMillan succeeds Brother John Q. T. King at HustonTillotson College. New Alpha college presidents include Brother T. Winston

Cole, Jr., who is to become the president of the new Atlanta-Clark University; Brother Albert E. Smith at South Carolina State; Brother Joe L. Boyer at Knoxville College; and Brother Wesley C. McClure at Virginia State University. The black college presidency belongs to Alpha. It belongs to us because we have produced the education leaders of this race. The tradition continues. This brings me to the title of my remarks: Education—The Hallmark of Our Fraternity. In the May 1965 issue of The Sphinx, the sainted Brother Charles H. Wesley, whom we have remembered here today, writes: "Alpha Phi Alpha from its inception has been very conscious of the importance of education to the Negro, as well as to the development of our nation. Even as early as the Second Annual Banquet on October 20, 1907, such topics were presented by members of the fraternity entitled: "What Does College Life Mean?" and "What Are the Possibilities of the College Man." Brother Wesley writes that the second period of development of the education consciousness came in the 1920's with our celebrated "Go To High School—Go To College Program." This was the first definite and constructive program with a specific objective. The third phase of this development was to come in the Continued on Page 26 Page 25

EDUCATION OUR HALLMARK Continued from Page 25 1930's with the "Education for Citizenship Program" which was initiated at the 26th General Convention in St. Louis in 1933. It was the intent to make the citizens of this country civic-minded, just as the earlier campaign was intended to make them conscious of becoming educated. Brother Wesley concluded the article with these words: "Alpha Phi Alpha can rightly be proud of its contributions to thousands of American youth, however the organization is by no means satisfied with its past contributions, for it is now in the process of putting plans in motion whereby it can make an even greater educational contribution in the future." Why should we, as a college fraternity be concerned about education— both for members of the fraternity and for all black America? Let me give you just one or two reasons: From our country's earliest colonial days, education has been the means of upward mobility—not only for blacks, but for all who emigrated to these shores. Minorities, in particular, have always believed in education as a means of bettering one's life. I am not so certain that that attitude prevails today. One little black girl was heard to say on national television that if I do well academically, I am branded as "white". A sociologist tells us that among black males, for a boy to do well in school is to be branded effeminate. These attitudes toward education must be reversed if we as a race are not to turn our faces to the wall and never rise again—if we are not to commit intellectual suicide as a race. But listen to some of these facts—they will make you weep: • Black children are beginning to drop out of school as early as the elementary grades—because an older brother or sister has already called it quits. • Ten and eleven year olds are coming to school in fur coats and $100 tennis shoes and gold chains— with money they received for delivering drugs for a dealer. The status symbol in some schools now is the "beeper" so that the dealer can make ready contact. Page 26

• One out of every four students presently enrolled in high school will not finish. The drop-out rate in some minority communities runs as high as 80 percent. We must begin to tell our youth to Stay hi School—Claim Your Future. • Over 45 percent of blacks are enrolled in two-year colleges— many in terminal programs. Where are the professionals of our race to come from? • Blacks received fewer bachelor's and master's degrees in 1984 than in 1978. Other minorities made gains at both levels. • Asians continue to be the only minority group that is over-represented in enrollments and degrees earned at all levels of higher education. And please pay particular attention to this statistic: • In the entire state of Michigan, there are only 11 black male teachers between the ages of 21 and 26. (This is a tragedy of the first order. If a black child is never taught by a black teacher, then where is the role model?) All of the above citations tell me in clear and stentorian tones that Alpha Phi Alpha cannot abdicate its support for education—both in the fraternity and also in the wider black


Education has always been the means of upward mobility for all who emigrated to these shores. Minorities, in particular, have always believed in education as a means of bettering one's life. Does that attitude prevail today?

community. Wasn't it Thomas Jefferson who said: "If a nation expects to be both ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." And W E. B. Du Bois told us at the beginning of this century that: "The history of civilization seems to prove that no group or nation which seeks advancem e n t a n d t r u e d e v e l o p m e n t can despite or neglect the power of the well-trained mind." And I particularly like this quotation: "If you think educaion is expensive—try ignorance." I once heard Bill Cosby say that a young man asked him: "Of what use is algebra?" Why should I study algebra? Bill said now that was a good question coming from a dumb young man. You must study algebra if you do not plan to become a dopepusher, a street-cleaner, a ditch-digger. I used to tell my classes that I didn't make the world this way. This is the way I found it. I told them that if you cannot read, write, and think at an acceptable level, you will forever be uncomfortable in this world. I used to tell them that the development of the mind can provide more satisfaction on this earth than any other single endeavor. I would tell them that money cannot buy intelligence for a fool. Money cannot buy happiness for someone who does not know what will make him happy. Money cannot buy values for someone who does not know what to value. And I also reminded them that the man who can beat you thinking will always be your boss. Some few years ago, Ebony Magazine carried an editorial entitled "Education—It Makes Dollars and Sense." It spoke of blacks who would not go to the predominantly white colleges in the north and would not come to the predominantly black colleges in the south. It spoke of the tragedy of seeing a young black rapping at the neighborhood tavern about wanting to journey to Africa and help his independent black brothers—not realizing that he did not possess one single skill needed by African nations. It spoke of blacks who were crying about the lack of doctors, lawyers, and dentists in their neighborhood, but never seeming to realize that this shortage of black professionals comes about partly because too many blacks drop out of school. The editorial conContinued on Page 27 The Sphinx/Fall 1988

EDUCATION OUR HALLMARK Continued from Page 26

eluded that EDUCATION was the only way. All the rapping in the world would not solve this problem which we face. This is why we must keep offering scholarships through our individual chapters, why we must keep encouraging youngsters to stay in school, why we must work to save our youth —one on one, one at a time. This is why the Education Foundation is proud to underwrite the induction fee of any of the college brothers in the fraternity invited into an honor society. This is why the Foundation has increased the number of scholarships it awards each year from five to fifteen, with one in each region going to a brother who is beginning his first year in professional or graduate school. This is why the Education Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of its first Alpha Academic Academy which will involve approximately 100 young men in formal instruction in Mathematics, English, Computer Science and the supporting services of study skills, standardized test preparation and special tutoring. This is why the Foundation is about to launch a national tutorial program whereby all chapters of the fraternity can assist in saving our youth. We may not be able to save them all—the opposing forces are formidable—but we cannot desert the battle for our youth. When Frederick Douglass, the slave, was denied the opportunity to learn the simple alphabet by the slave-owner, he vowed that day that he would get an education at any cost, whatever the obstacles he had to endure, whatever the hardships he must suffer. He went on to become the most articulate spokesman for the abolition of slavery this world has ever known. He could stand before a crowd on July 4, 1852 in Rochester, New York and say to them: Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotims of the Old World, travel through South America, search out every abuse and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of The Sphinx/Fall 1988

everyday practices in this nation, and you will say with me that for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival. I used to tell my students that if a man who did not have the advantages of a formal education in his early years could use language like that—that they ought to at least make a verb and a subject agree. My point was usually made. I close now. If I have been overly dramatic in my presentation it is only because the urgency of the problem demands it. The education of our youngsters is in serious jeopardy. We must reverse attitudes young blacks have toward education. We must continue to support young blacks through scholarships, tutorial programs and career guidance. There is simply no other way for our race to escape impending intellectual suicide. Education is indeed the hallmark of this fraternity. It is no less important to us as a race now than it was during the time of Frederick Douglass. We cannot falter in this resolve. How important is the mind in the affairs of men? Ayn Rand said it best in her novel, The Fountainhead. Man comes to earth unarmed except for his mind. His brain is his only weapon. Man has no horns, no fangs, no great strength of muscle. He must either plant food or hunt it. To plant food, a process of thought is required. To hunt food, one must make weapons and thereby a process of thought is required. From the simplest necessity to the highest religious abstraction, from the wheel to the skyscraper—everything we are and everything we have comes from a single attribute of man—the function of his reasoning mind. Let us be inspired to do what we know must be done in the area of education. Let us be inspired by our noble motto: "First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All." I know of no better way to transcend than through the training of the mind. Education has made this fraternity great. We are Alphas, we lead—we do not follow. Let us lead our brothers and sisters to new heights through Education. For indeed, Alpha Phi Alpha Is The Light Of The World. Thank you.

VLo £>tt 0v J2ot Qto &ee! Rev. John N. Doggett The 82nd Anniversary Convention in Kansas City placed me in a spot similar to the football player who intercepted a pass. The crowd cheered as victory seemed to be within view but when the lad ran through the goalpost, they booed. The confused lad had run the wrong way. Was the Life Membership Breakfast innovation to be Prophetic rather than Profane running in the right or wrong direction? Most of the responses were cheers and my own feeling is positive. The more I see, read or hear about the unbridled violence that is turning our schools, streets, etc., into battlegrounds, the more I am challenged. Alpha brothers must become role models that young people can respect. A group of brothers were having a party and the usual sleazy stories were being exchanged. It wasn't long before a riot almost erupted simplv because an attractive young woman entered and a brother whistled and started to make a pass at her. She happened to be one of the brother's wives. For those of us who aren't too old to remember, respect for age, sex, institutions, and self has just about vanished. School discipline today deals with dope, rape, suicide and murder. Thirty years ago discipline centered around truancy, tardiness, absenteeism, etc. Fights were usually one on one and not gang warfare. Youngsters of all ages no longer whisper profanity but they shout out anywhere. How would you like your mother, daughter, wife or other female relative or friend to be respected? Graduate brothers, the undergrads are watching. Hazing is not going to stop regardless of Risk Management guidelines. The future of the fraternity is at stake. Biblically, the blind man seeking relief was asked by Jesus, "Do you really want to see?" When the blind beggar replied honestly, he received his sight. What about us, brothers? Perhaps, without being aware of it, all of us are unseeing. God is waiting patiently for us to realize we are lacking in vision and need to rise above our self-centeredness. We are either stumbling along or thinking we have intercepted the truth and run off in the wrong direction. The same old morals live on and none of us will ever change them. Luke 18:40: "Lord, 1 want to see," the blind man replied. Page 27

Kansas City In Review

1988 Convention Addresses Vital Policy Issues By Eddie Madison, Jr. KANSAS CITY, Mo. — While temperatures outside soared into the 100's, some 3,000 members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the nation's oldest predominantly black Greekletter organization, zeroed-in on political empowerment, business and economic development, and other vital issues at the 82nd Anniversary Convention here last week. These essential points were contained in the Fraternity's 16-page summary of its Public Policy Statement for 1988. Other topics covered are e d u c a t i o n a l achievement; h e a l t h , safety, and welfare; strengthening family life, and four proposed bills for political action. Charles C. Teamer, Sr., general president of the Fraternity, said that many of these issues have appeared in Alpha's Public Policy Statement in prior years, and that "the organization's legacy of leadership and service dictates that it be in the forefront on vital issues affecting Black Americans." Teamer, who was chairing his last convention as general president, told reporters that he was co-chairman of a national NAACP membership campaign. He alluded to the fact that Alpha Phi Alpha had just presented Benjamin Hooks, executive secretary of the NAACP, $5,000 during the Public Program last Sunday. To date, according to Hooks, Alpha has given the NAACP more than any other single organization, some $260,000. "This does not include the life memberships of many of our more than 700 chapters across the nation, and individual contributions of members and their families," Teamer added. Some Alpha Wives organizations also contribute heavily to the NAACP. The four proposed bills for political action are as follows (1) Amendments to Anti-Apartheid Act (HR 1589); (2) Racial Justice Act of 1988 (HR 4442); (3) National Comprehensive Housing Act (HR 4727); and (4) Universal Voter Registration Action of 1988 (HR 3950). Under Business and Economic Development, the Fraternity opposed the transfer of the Minority Business Page 28

Brother Emanuel Cleaver, Jr., President Pro Tempore of the City Council of Kansas City, brought dmvn the house with a stirring address to the Public Program.

NAACP Executive Director Benjamin Hooks, left, was on hand to thank the Brotherhood for naming that group Alpha's "designated charity" for 1988 — and to take home the money.

A beaming Brother Patrick Bartee, center, accepts congratulations from Education Foundation Chairman Huel Perkins, left, and General President Teamer after winning the B. V. Lawson Oratorical Contest.

Development Administration from the U.S. Department of Commerce to the Small Business Administration. This is a move that many, including some who work with minority entrepreneurs, feel would be detrimental to MBDA and the people it serves. Included under Health, Safety, and Welfare are Acquired Immunodefi-

ciency Syndrome (AIDS), Drug and Other Substance Abuse, Teenage Pregnancy, Infant Mortality; Black Elderly; Sexual Abuse of Children, and Juvenile Delinquency and Violent Crime. Since it's founding at Cornell University in 1906, Alpha has been concontinued on page 29

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Kansas City In Review CONVENTION SUMMARY" Continued from Page 28 cerned about all levels of education. This year's Public Policy Statement covers Public School Education, Higher Education, and Adult Education in what the framers call "An Assault on Illiteracy". Teamer said Alphas must take voter registration and voter education as major items on their agenda. "Seeking public office," another feature of the Public Policy Statement, "also is important." He noted that Mayor Eugene Sawyer of Chicago, Mayor Thomas V. Barnes of Gary, Ind., and Emanuel Cleaver, president pro tern, Kansas City Council, all of whom are Alphas, had addressed the convention. Sawyer was joined by a delegation of 67 Alphas who flew down from Chicago to hear him speak at the College Brothers Luncheon. During the convention, the Fraternity honored six retiring college presidents, all A l p h a m e n . They were Leonard C. Barnes, chancellor-emeritus, Southern University, Shreveport, La.; Emmett W. Bashful, chancelloremeritus, Southern University at New Orleans; Hugh M. Gloster, president (retired), Morehouse College, Atlanta; John Q. T King, Sr., chancellor, Huston-Tillotson College, Austin, Tex.; Isaac H. Miller, Jr., president (retired), Bennett College, Greensboro, N.C.; and Luna I. Mishoe, president (retired), Delaware State College, Dover, Del. All received the Frederick D. Patterson Award, named in honor of the former Tuskegee president and founder of the United Negro College Fund. Present at the convention and participating actively was Raymond W. Cannon of California, 12th general president and at 96, Alpha's oldest living member. Cannon addressed the Life Member Breakfast and installed newly-elected officers at the closing banquet. 83rd Anniversary Convention

FOR SUPERIOR ACHIEVEMENT . . . • The Alpha Award of Merit: Alpha Phi Alpha's highest citation reserved exclusively for members was bestowed upon Brother Tony Brown, independent journalist and producer. • The Alpha Award of Honor: The Fraternity's top award for humanitarian work (given without regard to fraternal affiliation) was this year garnered by Brother Reggie Williams, linebacker with the NFL's Cincinnati Bengals and member of the City Council in Cincinnati, Ohio. • College Brother of the Year: 1988's top collegian is Brother James E. Coleman, Xi Delta Chapter, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia. • Alumni Brother of the Year: Top gun among the alumni ranks is Brother Charles M. Coffin (Major, USAF), Alpha Upsilon Chapter, Montgomery, Alabama. • College Chapter of the Year: Outstanding scholastics and service netted this award for Eta Gamma Chapter, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas. • Alumni Chapter of the Year: Proving again that size is no obstacle to community service, this year's winner is Zeta Epsilon Lambda Chapter, Red Bank, New Jersey. • Distinguished Service Awards: The following Brothers were honored for outstanding achievement in their chosen professions: Thomas V. Barnes, Mayor of Gary, Indiana; Harold Davis, President, American Baptist Churches, USA; Ralph Dickerson, President of the United Way of New York City; Fred A. Gordon (Brigadier General, AUS), Commandant of Cadets, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York; Benjamin Hacker (Admiral, USN), Commander, San Diego Naval Training Facility; and Eugene Sawyer, Mayor, Chicago, Illinois. • Frederick D. Patterson Awards: Six Alpha Brothers were cited for their tremendous contributions to higher education with awards named in honor of Brother Patterson, founder of the United Negro College Fund, to wit: Leonard C. Barnes, Chancellor Emeritus, Southern University at Shreveport; Emmett W. Bashful, Chancellor Emeritus of Southern University at New Orleans; Hugh M. Gloster, President (retired), Morehouse College; John Q. T. King, Sr., Chancellor, Huston-Tillotson College; Isaac H. Miller, Jr., President (retired), Bennett College; and Luna I. Mishoe, President (retired), Delaware State College. • Alpha Phi Alpha Scholars: In the first year of an expanded scholarship program (with increases in the number, amount and categories of awards), the Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. awarded undergraduate scholarships to Brothers: Patrick Jefferson, Beta Phi, Dillard University; Reginald Johnson, Beta Sigma, Southern University; Steven Jones, Beta Epsilon, North Carolina A&T State University; Duane Jubert, Eta Gamma, Prairie View A&M University; Robert Mock, Iota Pi, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville; Isaac Porche, III, Beta Sigma, Southern University; and Bradley Thomas, Kappa Eta, Memphis State University. The foundation also presented a post-graduate award to Brother Joseph Goodly (Theta Theta, McNeese State University) to pursue medical studies at Tulane University. • Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Contest: Brother Patrick Bartee, representative from the Southern Region, was the winner in this annual competition. Distinguished Service Awards • The outgoing Assistant Vice Presidents honored at the College Brothers Luncheon were Brothers: Hampton H. Trigg, II, Eastern; John F. German, Midwestern; John M. Williams, Southern; Marc A. Roberson, Southwestern; and Ryan Williams, Western. • The professional members of the General Office staff were honored at the Formal Banquet, to wit: James B. Blanton, II, Executive Secretary; Michael J. Price, Director of Communications and Programs; and Darryl R. Matthews, Director of Marketing/Membership. • Accolades for outstanding volunteer service were also presented at the banquet, among them; Kermit J. Hall, Director of General Conventions; Bradford H. Spencer, Convention Registration Coordinator; and Joseph E. Heyward, Administrative Assistant to the General President.

July 27-August 2, 1989 The Sphinx/Fall 1988

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Kansas City In Review

Plenary Session Looks at the Future of Black Greeks

Above: Brother Tony Brown -journalist and independent producer - was the recipient of the Alpha Award of Merit, the highest accolade reserved for Brothers. Below: Gary Mayor Thomas V. Barnes was among the distinguished civic leaders (all Alpha Men) honored in Kansas City.

The opening Plenary Session of the 82nd Anniversary Convention of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. officially kicked off this year's meeting. General President Charles C. Teamer, Sr. welcomed the Brothers, wives and guests to the convention and the posting of the colors was presented by Boy Scout Troop #10 from Kansas City's Palestine Missionary Baptist Church. Brother John N. Doggett, Convention Chaplain, greeted the assembled guests with a stirring Invocation. Greetings were then extended by Midwestern Vice President Halloway C. Sells. General Convention Chairman Donald Lee, a member of Beta Lambda Chapter, was most eloquent as he described the host chapter as the "backbone of the Fraternity" and as "the home of strong leaders." Established in 1919 as the second alumni chapter of the Fraternity, Beta Lambda last hosted the General Convention in 1950 — in a joint meeting with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Chairman Lee introduced The Honorable Richard Berkley, Mayor of Kansas City, who described the metropolis as a sophisticated capital of culture and a "City for the 21st Century." Mayor Berkley proclaimed August 4-9 as "Alpha Phi Alpha Days" in the city and presented General President Teamer with a key to the city, declaring him an honorary citizen.

Above: The Alpha Award of Honor, the Fraternity's premiere public service citation, was bestowed upon Brother Reggie Williams, a pro football standout, humanitarian and new member of the Cincinnati City Council. Below: Former Bennett College President Issac Miller, Jr. is recognized.

Additional greetings were presented by the Jackson County Executive's office and from Mrs. Angela Curry, Chairperson of Women's and Children's Activities. A highlight of the session was the presentation of Brother Raymond W. Cannon, 12th General President (1924-27), who was received in the true Alpha spirit. The Plenary Session was keynoted by a seminar on "The Status of Black Greek-letter Organizations," featuring presentations from an impressive group of panelists. Presenters were: Brother William Nelson, Chairman of the Department of Afro-American Studies at the Ohio State University; Brother Michael J. Price, Editor-inChief of "The Sphinx" and Director of Page 30

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Kansas City In Review

Brother Ralph Dickerson is President of New York's United Way.

Presidents Teamer and Newsom with Admiral Benjamin Hacker and General Fred A. Gorden.

Convention Chairman Don Lee welcomes Alpha to Kansas City.

Alpha Men in uniform capture a moment with the big brass.

The General President delivers his final address.

Former SUSB Chancellor Leonard Barnes, center, is proud Patterson honoree; as Brother (and brother-in-law) George Thompson looks on.

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Kansas City In Review Programs/Communications for the Fraternity; Brother Marc Roberson, Southwestern Assistant Vice President; Brother Rick Blalock, Midwestern Assistant Vice President Elect; and Brother Ronald Small, a law student at Washburn University. The topics covered included: "The Shifting Student Population," "Black Greeks & University Administrators," "The Image of Black Greeks," "Cooperation or Competition," and "Cont r i b u t i o n s of Black G r e e k s . " The Plenary Session concluded with questions and answers amongst the audience and panelists; with closing remarks from General President Teamer.

Open For Business With three knocks of the oversized gavel, the 82nd Anniversary Convention was called to order at 2:00 PM by General President Teamer. The Alpha Phi Alpha Hymn was rendered by the assembled Brotherhood with spirited reverence, vigor and enthusiasm . . . and the 1st Business Session was well underway. This session was keynoted by the Quadrennial Report of the General President, Brother Teamer's last during his tenure. Therein he described his service as an "humbling experience." The 27th General President also issued strong recomendations on the future development of the Fraternity, among them: insituting biennial General Conventions; continuing to develop our infrastructure; and the elimination of regional diversity. Following the rousing reception which greeted the General President's Quadrennial Report, 12th General President Raymond W. Cannon presented Brother Teamer with two gavels: one to be passed on to successive General Presidents, and the other as a personal momento of his tenure in office. With the wisdom and eloquence only rendered by one of Alpha's pioneering leaders, the 96-year young sage implored the Brotherhood to remain true to the guiding spirit of the Fraternity - lest, as he said, he would "come back to and haunt us all." The 1st Business Session was rounded out with reports from the Board of Directors, the Executive Secretary and the Preliminary Page 32

Mayor Sau'ycr, center, poses with members of the Chicago delegation.

Presidents learner and Williams join in saluting Brother Fred A. Gorden, Commandant of Cadets at West Point.

Budget Report from Thomas R. Hunt.


Where We Stand Throughout the General Convention, delegates and visiting Brothers were given informational reports on various aspects of fraternal operation. The 2nd Business Session was devoted to a "State of the Fraternity" report, with presentations given on the National Headquarters Fund Drive; Membership and Ritual.

Delegates were told that the Fraternity had retained the services of Ketchum, Inc., professional fundraising counsel, to advise the leadership of the National Headquarters Fund Drive; and, that more than onehalf million dollars had been collected toward this end. The delegates reaffirmed the December 1, 1988 for the payment of assessments by all Brothers who wish to remain in good standing with the Fraternity. continued on Page 33

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Kansas City In Review The membership report, given by Membership, Standards & Extension Chairman A. M. Witherspoon and Brother Napoleon Moses, stressed the graying of the Fraternity - which now has an average age of 51. It was noted that collegiate membership was also declining slightly, partly as a reflection of the drop in Black male college enrollment. Inactivity also remains a problem, with a potential annual income of more than $2.5 million lost by large numbers of inactive Brothers. Other key factors reported included steady, but small, increases in alumni membership and a 25% increase in life memberships. The Report of the General Counsel was a highlight of the meeting, as General Counsel Milton C. Davis reported the favorable disposition of all lawsuits defended by the Fraternity. Other legal issues reviewed included trademark infringement, and the

Patterson awardee Emmett W. Bash is a stalwart Alpha Man.


development of a formal licensing and marketing system for items bearing the Fraternity's symbols. Past General President Lionel H. Newsom presented a report on the Ritual, emphasizing the sacredness of the document and urging Brothers not to improvise the litany to satisfy "chapter traditions." In his role as interim Chairman of the Historical Commission, Brother Newsom reported that "The History of Alpha Phi Alpha" would be continued with as separate book dubbed Volume II; and that Volume I would be reserved for the work of the late Brother Charles H. Wesley. Brother Newsom also urged the Brothers to begin the collection and preservation of historical materials - including chapter histories and copies of The Sphinx. The Sphinx/Fall 1988

FOR SUPERIOR ACHIEVEMENT . . . Alpha Spirit Awards

• Highest Grade Point Average: Brother Patrick Jefferson, Beta Phi Chapter, Dillard University, New Orleans, Louisiana. • Most Registered Brothers: College (Outside Host Region) - Beta Nu Chapter, Florida A&M University; Alumni (Outside Host Region) - Mu Lambda Chapter, Washington, DC. • Oldest Registered Brother: Brother Raymond W. Cannon, age 96. • Chapter Traveling Longest Distance: Theta Theta Lambda Chapter, Frankfort, West Germany. Other Citations

• Corporate Awards: Recognitions for outstanding support of the Fraternity's programs were presented to Delta Airlines (Mr. John Cox) and Anheuser-Busch Companies (Brother Henry Brown, Vice President). • Step Contest: Alpha Eta Chapter, Metropolitan, St. Louis, Missouri. • Miss Black & Gold 1988: Miss Semora Tamika Johns continued the Southern Region's complete sweep of this competition since its inception.

Chicago Mayor Eugene Sawyer receives his citation from the General President.

Brother John Q. T. King, III, left, was on hand to present the Frederick D. Patterson Award his father, Huston-Tillotson Chancellor John Q. T. King, II (center). Page 33

Kansas City In Review

Semora Johns is Miss Black & Gold - 1988.

Brother Hugh Gloster, Jr., left, brought the house down in praise of his father, center, the former Morehouse President and Patterson awardee.

Legislative Beat Following the numerous changes adopted during the 1987 San Francisco convention, many via the Report of the Internal Structure Commission, the 1988 delegates displayed little aptitude for additional changes in rules, regulations or governing procedures. The several proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws were swiftly defeated and that was the fate of most new legislation. Debate was longer on the adoption of a Standard Pledge Program, presented by Southern Assistant Vice President John Williams; and on a proposal to finance the construction of the new General Office facility by leveraging $1 million from the Life Membership Reserve Fund. While both these proposals were well-conceived and received much serious consideration by the delegate assembly, both were defeated in the end. The Standard Pledge Program was kept on the drawing board as the General President promised to appoint a committee to review the document and bring recommendations back to the General Convention. The 1990 General Convention was set for Miami Beach, Florida; with Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Baltimore, Maryland still vying for the Eastern Regional host in 1991.

Chosen To Serve Leadership in Alpha Phi Alpha means service to Alpha and the Page 34

Mr. John Cox, left, accepts a citation of appreciation on behalf of Delta Airlines supported the Fraternity generously throughout the Teamer administration.

larger community. This year's convention was the stage for unveiling the 1988-89 leadership team. General Treasurer James M. Trent was unopposed for re-election and returned to office for a two year term. Five new Assistant Vice Presidents, elected at regional conventions, were installed for one year terms, to wit: Brothers Albert Lucas (Zeta Chapter, Yale), Eastern; Rick Blalock (Pi Upsilon Chapter, U of Michigan-Dearborn), Midwestern; Walter Kimbrough, Jr. (Zeta Pi Chapter, U of Georgia), Southern; Eric K. Dargan (Eta Gamma Chapter, Prairie View), Southwest-

which has

ern; and Vernon Jackson (Pi Kappa, Cal State-Northridge), Western. As the results were provided for this spring's mail balloting for the office of General President, featuring Brothers Henry Ponder and Ivan L. Cotman, Brother Ponder emerged victorious. The 28th General President officially takes office on January 1, 1989. The remaining officers were installed at the closing Formal Banquet, with the oath of office administered by Brother Raymond Cannon — who first took such an oath as a General Officer in 1913! • The Sphinx/Fall 1988



adopted) AT ITS



Page 35

INTRODUCTION The esteemed late Brother Charles Harris Wesley's indelible mark is stamped on Alpha Phi Alpha in many ways, and undoubtedly for endless years to come. Although his nine-year term as General President is the longest in the Fraternity's history, he will probably be best remembered as the author of the Fraternity's history, "The History of Alpha Phi Alpha: A Development in College Life". As General President, he opened up new vistas, broke new grounds and set new precedents. For it was during Brother Wesley's tenure that Alpha's thrust toward attaining equal justice under the law was focused, through such actions as initiating efforts to integrate the University of Maryland Law School; raising the Fraternity's national voice and legal defense funds toward attaining justice in the conviction by an all white jury of the Scottsboro Boys; outlining a campaign to fight lynching; and convening Alpha's first Special Convention to explore remedies to the discriminatory treatment of blacks by New Deal agencies. He persisted in his determination to make America live up to its creed and democratic slogans. Also, initiated during Brother Wesley's presidency was the popular campaign, "A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People"; the first of many Alpha Life Membership subscriptions to the NAACP and the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History.

Alpha Phi Alpha's concern for civil rights, economic justice, and equal educational opportunity resulted in the establishment of the "Committee on Public Policy" in 1933, at the 26th Anniversary Convention during Brother Wesley's tenure. This activist group, as it was termed, was "to provide a representative body which could voice the views of the national organization on the issues of the national life in which the interest of the Negro were involved" (Quote from History of Alpha Phi Alpha.) Brother Wesley's presence among us for so many years served as a guiding light to remind us that all we do must be in the noblest tradition of Alpha Phi Alpha. This 1988 Public Policy Statement, the first since his entrance into Omega Chapter, is dedicated to the memory of our eminent scholar, teacher, humanitarian, and fraternal leader, Brother Charles Harris Wesley. The issues included in this Statement on political empowerment; business and economic development; educational achievement; health, safety and welfare; strengthening family life and elevation of self esteem; and, several proposed bills under consideration in the House of Representatives are those we believe would concern Brother Wesley today. Men of Alpha, we encourage action on these statements of public policy and respectfully submit them in memory of him whose administration was the genesis for this Committee.

POLITICAL EMPOWERMENT Voter Registration and Voter Education Over fifty years ago, Alpha Phi Alpha proclaimed that "A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People." Throughout the nation, Alpha chapters are spreading the message. We hammered home the fact that people must register and then they must vote. Ever concerned about full participation in the democratic process and its natural reward, freedom, this Fraternity pressed for the passage of the Voter Rights Act of 1965 and its subsequent extensions in 1970, 1975, and 1981. Proper and full use of the ballot is more urgent now than it has ever been. Full participation in the forthcoming Presidential election in 1988-is not a desire but a necessity. In recent months, we have witnessed the narrow balance in Supreme Court decisions involving key Civil Rights cases. Most of the justices who voted favorably in these decisions have reached the apex of their careers. (Several are either 80 or approaching 80 years of age. Our distinguished Brother Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall turned 80 last month.) It may well be that the next President will be obliged and have the opportunity to appoint as many as four Supreme Court Justices, thereby influencing the judicial philosophy of the Court for a generation or more. Presidential influences can also be exerted in federal district and appellant court appointments. No place is the legacy of a President more permanent than in his federal appointments. It is extremely important that this message be communicated to our citizens, and that they register and vote. Alpha Phi Alpha knows very well that the failure to elect a President in 1988 who is supportive of Civil Rights, could result in dismantling much of the gain achieved during the past two decades. We, therefore, recommend: (1) THAT Alpha Phi Alpha take the initiative in organizing a coalition of Black Greek-letter societies, NAACP, Urban League, and other interested groups to implement a

Page 36




national voter registration/education campaign to get out the vote in '88. THAT political action committees within local chapters become certified deputy registrars in their respective counties and municipalities so that we may greatly increase our efforts and involvement in the voter registration process. THAT our college and alumni chapters undertake voter registration/education drives in their local communities. Through public meetings, public forums, registration booths, placards, tags, and oratorical contests that the message be transmitted to citizens throughout this land to register and use the ballot intelligently and, especially, in the November Presidential Election. THAT on election day our chapters brothers and their families commit resources to provide transportation for those unable otherwise to reach

as well as individual themselves and their to the election polls the voting places.

Seeking Public Office Alpha Phi Alpha encourages its members and other capable brothers and sisters to seek political empowerment by running for public office. We congratulate the Reverend Jesse Louis Jackson for the courageous and spirited race he ran in seeking the Democratic Party's nomination for the Presidency of the United States. The following Jackson campaign themes parallel Alpha Phi Alpha's philosophical stands: (1) On-site, same-day voter registration. (2) Statehood for the District of Columbia. (3) Expanded roles and participation of Blacks in political party process. (4) Measures to end apartheid in South Africa. (5) Economic set-asides for development.

The Sphinx/Fall 1988

Alpha Phi Alpha calls on the government - Administration and Congress - to continue the set-aside programs for black enterprises. Further, we request that sufficient funding be allocated to the program so it can have an impact on business and economic

development, and that technical and managerial assistance be given minority enterprises, so their chances of succeeding can be improved.

EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT AND ACHIEVEMENT Education is the very foundation of Alpha Phi Alpha. It is not surprising that "Go-to-High School, and Go-to-College" was one of the first national programs of our Fraternity. Building on this foundation, the Fraternity has striven to foster educational achievement through its scholarship programs on the national and chapter levels; urged youth to stay in school and graduate; encouraged talented students to seek graduate and professional degrees; aided and abetted qualified individuals to gain admission to previously segregated institutions of higher learning; and continually supported black colleges by providing leadership, funds, and students. Indeed education may be termed the trademark of our brotherhood.

Public School Education Yet, in spite of our efforts, there are some disturbing trends in American education as pointed out in recent reports. These reports document that the American educational system has fallen behind the education of most of the industrialized nations in Europe and Asia. In fact, the problem is so severe that one of these reports states that if a foreign government had been responsible for our decline in education, we could consider it an act of war. These negative trends impact Blacks and Hispanics more severely than whites. What for whites may be a major area of concern, for Blacks it is an urgent matter of survival. The problem areas in American education we wish to highlight include the source of funding, curriculum, teacher shortage, tracking, and standardized testing. Most of the financing of public education is derived from property tax revenues. As businesses and more affluent homeowners move away from urban areas to suburbia, the tax base erodes, leaving less tax revenue to finance the urban schools, while bordering suburban districts enjoy robust tax bases. This leads to inequities in financing and consequently a divergence in the quality of education between inner city and suburban schools. We call for the equalization in public school financing. Accordingly, we oppose such measures as tuition tax credits that would widen the gap between "haves" and "have-nots" school districts. Another problem is highlighted in the curriculum offered by our school system. We urge that at every level students receive a curriculum sound in the fundamentals as well as clear in relevance. Students need to be exposed to career choices, so that they can see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Special attention should be given to the breadth of the curricula as well as the depth. Specifically, courses in Black history and social thought should be made available to all students. Care should be used in the selection of textbooks to convey the message that many different ethnic groups have contributed to the development of our society. Alpha Phi Alpha, therefore, insists that all students be exposed to courses in African and African-American history and social thought. Our students should study classics, such as, The Miseducation of the Negro, by Dr. Carter G. Woodson; The Destruction of Black Civilization, by Chancellor Williams; Stolen Legacy, by George James; From Slavery to Freedom, by John Hope Franklin; Black Aethema, by Martin Bernal; and, many other works by W. E. B. DuBois, E. Franklin Frazier, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr. — just to name a few.

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Some may say that the concepts in these works may be too complex and advanced for our youth. However, Alpha Phi Alpha dismisses that notion. We believe that if there is total commitment from the community, its political structure, teachers, and the family — our youth will respond and achieve. America is confronted with a shortage of effective classroom teachers, especially Black teachers, as more doors are opening in government and business, and higher salaries are luring young people away from the educational profession. This shortage of Black teachers, particularly Black males, undermines the number of positive role models available for our children. Alpha Phi Alpha urges that school boards as well as private industry provide more funds for teacher salaries to upgrade those teachers who are currently in teaching as well as to attract top candidates to the field of education. Special effort should be made to attract young blacks to the teaching profession. Further, we recommend that teachers be involved in the administration and development of school policies so as to give control of the classroom to the teachers. Many of our Black youth are exposed to the pedagogical practice of "tracking." This involves putting students of perceived low ability into classes where the expectation level is low. As Brother Dr. James Jackson, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan, and others have written, there is a strong link between expectation level, performance, and achievement levels. All too often, and for sometimes less than substantial reasons, Black students are locked into lower tracks and are never allowed to get out. Alpha Phi Alpha believes that this practice is racially discriminatory and should be stopped without delay. We are bold enough to believe that all Black youth can perform and achieve at the highest levels when they are genuinely expected to do so. Even though there is often a wide variance between the education received by the persons of varying class and race, there is almost a reverent reliance on standardized tests to determine eligibility and acceptance to college and professional programs, and for scholarships and jobs. Such tests have been found to be racial and class biased, and have very low validity with future success. Yet, as the cry for more "qualified" persons is echoed, most institutions simply raise the necessary test scores for entrance without re-evaluating what it is to be qualified. Since middle- and upper-class whites perform best on these standardized tests that are made up for and by their peers, those "qualified" for acceptance tend to fit into a narrow homogenous profile. Such dependency on an already faulty system only accentuates the inequities in the selection process. Alpha Phi Alpha calls for a broader set of criteria to be used to determine eligibility and admission standards to our programs and institutions. Because of the factors such as the ones just cited, Black children are at risk. Not enough of them are acquiring the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in an increasingly complex and technically demanding society. Since the majority of black students now attend, and in the future will attend, public schools, we must ensure that the quality of our educational system be improved. Toward that end we offer the following: (1) THAT public school funding between inner city and suburban schools be equalized. (2) THAT more sensitive, responsive and competent teachers and administrators be appointed to staff our schools.

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Controlling the sources and distribution of drugs in United States. Jackson's presence already has been felt in Black voter turnout. Between the 1980 and 1984 elections, more than two million Blacks were a d d e d to voter rolls — an increase of 2 4 percent. T h e percentage of Black registered voters between the ages of 18 to 2 4 exceeded whites in the same age group — 4 6 % to 4 1 % . Also, in eleven southern states between 1984 and 1986, 6 9 5 , 0 0 0 Black voters were a d d e d . H e has inspired the registration of more voters than any other Democrat — ever. Very influential in Jackson's 1988 nomination attempt is more visible support from prominent Black elected officials. Alpha Phi Alpha remains in the forefront with Brother Willie Brown, California's dynamic Assembly Speaker, serving as the National Cam-

paign Director. Also instrumental were Congressman William Gray, United States Representative from Pennsylvania, and Mayor Richard Arrington of Birmingham, AL. We applaud these and other Blacks who are serving as elected officials. We must say, however, that there are too few Black faces in elected offices. While Blacks comprise 11 percent of the United States voting age population, only 1.3 percent of the nation's 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 elected officials are Black. To share democracy, we must not only R E G I S T E R and VOTE, but also seek representation in all facets of our national, state and local governments. We recommend that our chapters provide public forums in communities to d e b a t e issues by those seeking to represent u s . Finally, we urge our Brothers to support c a n d i d a t e s who champion the Black c a u s e with our dollars and our vote.

BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Business and economic development within the Black c o m m u nity continues to be a major concern of Alpha Phi Alpha in 1988. There are some encouraging signs on the horizon. During recent years, Black-owned businesses have grown faster than the business sector as a whole, and they have become somewhat less d e p e n d e n t on Black c o n s u m e r s for their b u s i n e s s . Moreover, Black firms are beginning to move into some new fields. This diversification, while still modest, s e e m s likely to continue in the vears ahead. T h e s e encouraging signs should not lull us into complacency that all is well in this area. A closer scrutiny of the" b u s i n e s s and economic picture in the Black community indicates that the state of affairs is not all rosy. There is still much work to be d o n e , In 1987, Black firms accounted for only . 3 3 percent of total b u s i n e s s receipts for the year. Even though this translates into an a n n u a l growth rate of around 8 percent for Black firms during the past five years, compared with 5 percent for all businesses in the nation. Black firms continue to receive a declining share of the black consumer dollar. While Black firms are beginning to reach out into new areas, retail trade continues to dominate the profile of these firms, representing over half of the receipts. Too few Black-owned firms are represented in manufacturing, construction, and real estate, and me rapidly growing industry segment of c o m p u t e r s , computer software, and operation. In the financial sector. Black banks are navigating in rough waters. Buffeted by the sea of economic woes confronting financial institutions in general. Black-owned banks in particular have been hard hit with declining profit margins, failure rates, and takeovers as the majority-owned institutions compete for the Black middle class clients. Last year there were 6 8 Black-owned banks, down from 8 9 in 1980. Even fewer Black-owned banks are expected to survive the economic woes of the financial industry. Black entrepreneurs still find it difficult to obtain their own venture capital, and to locate new sources of financing. New strategies will have to be developed to promote business and economic development in the Black community with less d e p e n d e n c y on government. Alpha Phi Alpha proposes the following nine-point plan to promote business and economic development within the Black community. Chapters are charged with: (1) T h e development of c o n s u m e r education programs to inform Black Americans of the financial resources at their disposal, and how they can best use them for the formation of business capital in the Black community. (2) The support of the efforts by groups which foster corporate partnership arrangements with Blacks through franchises, distributorships, and other business arrangements.

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T h e establishment of an economic development council, composed of and funded by organizations within an area. Fraternities, sororities, grand lodges, and similar groups should serve as the nucleus of this council. (4) T h e promotion of laws and regulations that favor small b u s i n e s s development in inner-city enterprise zones to stimulate economic growth and stability in traditionally deprived areas. (5) T h e training and development of Black young people in post-secondary programs designed to prepare these individuals to start, operate, and manage b u s i n e s s e s . (6) T h e promotion and development of laws and regulations that favor small businesses contracting with foreign countries and especially minority-oriented countries that have a significant need for products from America, such as countries in Africa and the Caribbean. (7) T h e development of Black wealth building clubs as a vehicle for raising the money necessary to develop and expand black b u s i n e s s e s . T h e s e groups should sponsor moneymaking events or borrow as a group in order to collect the requisite funds. (8) T h e support of laws which exempt small businesses from paying Federal and local taxes during the first three years of their operation. T h e lifting of this burden will h e l p these businesses during this critical period. (9) A proposal to transfer the Minority Business Development Administration(MBDA) from the U.S. Department of Commerce to the Small Business Administration (SBA) is strongly opposed. T h e Reagan Administration has previously attempted to reduce the effectiveness of SBA, and p h a s e it out at some point. In addition to our opposition to the proposed transfer, we at the same time encourage Blacks and other minorities to use MBDA services to a greater degree. T h e agency has many data banks on minorities, and it provides information to businesses and interested groups free of charge. To implement these p l a n s , Alpha Phi Alpha commits itself to work vigorously through its Business Encouragement Program to develop, sponsor, and recognize business development in local communities. We call on our chapters to play an aggressive role in this endeavor. We further urge our m e m b e r s to patronize Black enterprises wherever possible. We encourage our young brothers, and other talented young people to prepare themselves academically for business and management careers, secure business specialty " a p p r e n t i c e s h i p s " in majority-controlled b u s i n e s s e s , and then start businesses of their own.

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THAT biased tracking, testing and ability group practices cease. (4) THAT school curricula include courses in Black History and Black social thought, as well as contributions of all ethnic groups. Further, we must become involved in our school system at the policy development and implementation levels. We must monitor present and future school policies, programs and practices, and demand assurances that they will not affect Black youth negatively. This means becoming candidates for school boards, attending school board meetings and becoming actively involved with educational coalitions of concerned citizens. We must commit ourselves to work for a better tomorrow for our children, and persuade others to do so also. Our children's future is at stake.

Higher Education





A trend in higher education that continues to disturb us is the declining enrollments, both absolutely and relatively, of Black students in colleges and universities. Of grave concern is the fact that the percentage graduating from college is declining even more. This trend is occurring at the time that a college degree is more critical than ever before for gaining entry into the scientific, technical, and professional careers of today. We must insist that our young people go to college. Stay in school. Pursue excellence. Graduate. We must encourage the more talented among the college graduates to pursue graduate and professional degrees. The number of Black Ph.D.'s is declining. According to a recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, "Black Americans earned 820 research doctorates in 1986, 26.5 percent fewer than they received 10 years ago." The decline was especially precipitous among Black men, who received less than half as many doctorates as they had in 1977. If talented Black undergraduates are to be encouraged to consider academic careers, it is undergraduate faculties and administrators, many of whom are ALPHAS, who must identify and encourage them. Toward these goals Alpha Phi Alpha recommends the following measures: (1) THAT our Fraternity's scholarship program be expanded, publicized, and made available to qualifying young men and women who are seeking to enter or remain in college. (2) THAT our chapters continue and expand their scholarships for men and women who graduate from local high schools and participate in college readiness programs to assist these young people to gain admission to the colleges of their choice. (3) THAT colleges and universities accelerate their efforts to


recruit Black students and offer them necessary support services to assist them to remain in school and graduate. THAT corporate organizations provide assistance to aspiring young Black college students in the form of scholarships, work-and-study programs, and release time for completion of college degrees. THAT we continue to support Black colleges through the United Negro College Fund, state governmental assistance, individual alumni associations, and encouraging interested students to attend. THAT education, in general, be re-established as a national priority and, accordingly, the Federal government direct more resources to building and rebuilding our educational institutions. THAT we applaud the passage of the Black College Act in 1986. However, we seek continued and greater support for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU's) beyond 1991. THAT all institutions of higher learning make a special effort to hire Black professionals, thus creating an incentive for more Blacks to enter the teaching profession. We also insist that promotion practice be made equitable. especially at the tenure level.

Adult Education . . . Assault on Illiteracy Studies conducted in the early 80's indicated that about 25 million Americans cannot read or write at all and another 30 million are considered functional illiterates - unable to perform well in today's market place or society. (This group cannot read instructions on boxes and bottles.) Even such relatively low-level jobs such as cooking and delivery require that a person be able to read on a seventh grade level. This means that for many, the skills needed to handle minimal demands of daily living are absent. About 44% of Black teenagers suffer from illiteracy according to a recent poll conducted by the New York Times. The country spends 6.6 billion to keep roughly 700,000 illiterates in jail (the majority are black males), and Juvenile Court records indicate that 8 5 % of the children on their case load cannot read past the third grade level; here, too, the majority are minority. Alpha Phi Alpha supports government programs for the eradication of this crisis in America but Black America must set up its own programs within its own communities to wipe out this problem. With strong leadership and dedicated volunteers, the illiteracy gap can be closed.

HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or SIDA (Syndrome Imaginaire pour De courager Les Amoureau) as it is called in Romance Languages is perhaps the most devastating disease that has come on the scene in recent history. It has had a profound effect in both the medical and social arenas. AIDS has revolutionized medical techniques with respect to the study of virallyinduced diseases and has made us take a step back to look at our social and sexual mores. The only positive thing that can be said about AIDS is that it is the vehicle that has provided and is providing us with significant advancement in medical immunology as well as many related medical disciplines. If nothing else, AIDS has forced the re-evaluation and change of our social and sexual behavior. By virtue of our present knowledge of the transmission of this disease, it becomes clear that promiscuous male homosexuality is a very dangerous life style. In

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addition, indiscriminate intravenous drug use coupled with the sharing of unclean needles offer a high probability for the contraction of this fatal disease. We can no longer afford to allow cavalier attitudes to exist with respect to drug use in the Black community. Drug use must be eradicated for our people to have an opportunity for growth and achievement. Sexual promiscuity within the teenage and young adult black community, together with prostitution provide another vector for the rapid dissemination of AIDS and must be a high priority concern. We must educate our people concerning this deadly menace. We must elevate the minds of our youth, change their value systems and put in place a mechanism for improvement in selfesteem and true upward mobility.

Project Alpha/Teenage Pregnancy/Infant Mortality Babies are having babies. Each year for the past decade, more than one million teenage girls have become pregnant. Over half

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a million teenage girls have babies. The rest of the pregnancies end in abortions or miscarriages. About one-third of all abortions performed annually in the United States are performed on teenage girls. These alarming facts have severe consequences for the babies. Despite their greater need for prenatal care, pregnant teens are less likely than older women to begin care early in pregnancy, and are more likely to receive either no care or none until the last trimester of pregnancy, thus presenting higher risks to the health of the mother and the infant than do pregnancies among older women. As a result, the mortality rate for Black babies are drastically higher than those for white babies. It is unconscionable that during a time when the most advanced health care is available for some, infant health care for many Black babies is negligible or non-existent. A shocking fact that continues to haunt us is that Black infants die at twice the rate of white infants. Practices that include smoking, use of alcohol and drugs place infants' health at risk. Alpha Phi Alpha, being a brotherhood of predominately Black males, must continue to educate, advocate and do whatever is necessary to enlighten young Black males to the consequences of teenage parenthood (Project Alpha). Young Black males must be taught and made to understand self-discipline, self-restraint, and a consuming respect for Black womanhood. Alpha Phi Alpha goes on record again advocating the following measures to prevent the proliferation of this plague: (1) More sex education taught in the schools, starting as early as the primary grades and extending through middle and high schools. School is crucial to enlightening young people to the perils of sexual promiscuity. (2) Use of the media, including television, radio, and movies, to warn teenagers of the risks and perils of being sexually active. At the same time, the media must be careful as to what sexual expressions are shown in their programming. (3) Entertainers must be urged to clean up the lyrics of their songs and sexual overtures made in their performances. Finally, we must continue to pursue Project Alpha aggressively and repeatedly in our local communities through our chapters.

Drug and Substance Abuse As ALPHA men, law-abiding citizens, parents, and men of faith, we applaud Rev. Jesse Jackson when he says ". . . the drug problem is currently the greatest threat to our shores . . ." Indeed, the drugs and other substance abuses are becoming a major issue in this year's campaign, as it should be. With the decline and subsequent eradication of the drugs and other substance abuse will come an incline in scholastic, economic, and personal excellence on the part of youth in particular, and will enhance the general well-being of our population as a whole. In some instances, families will be united, and in others, careers will be salvaged. Whatever the benefits, society as a whole will gain by the demise of the drug traffic in this country. Fighting drugs and other substance abuses is a two-fold battle: (1) curbing the desire in society for these products. (2) cutting the supply lines of these substances into our country. As a fraternal as well as civic organization, we endorse intercity and religious activities that bring counseling to the individuals that need help. As the problem is one that affects us nationally, we also endorse an expanded influence of Federal, state, and local governments to provide research and development of new ways to combat the root causes of drugs in the society. Equally, we support the use of U.S. military forces to stop the flow of

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illegal substances from entering our borders. On the local front, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. endorses the strict, and quick punishment of drug traffickers. We call on all the candidates, local, state, and national, in this presidential election year to provide the American people with a plan of action that will seriously reduce and ultimately eliminate the drug problem facing us all. Finally, we ask our own brothers, especially our college brothers, to abstain from the use and/or distribution of drugs; and to serve as role models among their contemporaries.

The Black Elderly New Census Bureau figures reflect that improved medical, nutritional, and general physical fitness programs and practices have helped millions of older Americans extend their lifespans. But Blacks continue to be under represented in programs and services which serve the elderly even though their growth rate is faster than that of white senior citizens. We believe that the problem is a lack of understanding and sensitivity to the needs of Black elderly. Further, these needs have not adequately been identified. Black and other minority elderly are not adequately served by some public programs designed to help elderly citizens. The Black elderly, especially women who are alone or who are heads of households, are hard-hit by poverty. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity believes that this nation has a moral obligation and commitment to provide economic security for our elderly citizens and to help them maintain a lifestyle which will enhance their ability to cope with aging. We must assure access to appropriate aging programs and services and provide quality, affordable health care to the Black aged. Recent statistics confirm the high incidence of poor education, poverty, sub-standard, inadequate medical attention, housing, and malnutrition among the Black elderly. According to Dr. James Jackson, a psychologist at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, whatever method you use — physical health, economic status, disability levels, quality of life - older Blacks are in a disadvantaged position relating to older whites. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity recognizes the dilemma of the Black elderly and strongly demands that this nation not forget their plight. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity calls upon the appropriate arms of the Federal, state, and local government to: (1) Enact legislation supporting service to elderly. (2) Increase effective service delivery systems geared to Black and other minority senior citizens. (3) Provide special preventive health and nutrition education programs to Black and other minority elderly citizens. (4) Provide positive reinforcement of opportunities and services for Black elderly through effective outreach programs.

Sexual Abuse of Children Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity is appalled and angered by the sexual abuse which is being inflicted on children. Child sexual abuse is not a new problem, however, the news media assures us that this aberration has reached epidemic proportions. Americans are becoming increasingly aware that sexual abuse of children is a tragic national phenomenon that cuts across every social and economic class. What most people may not realize; however, is that much of the abuse occurs within the family. This abuse of children must be brought under control now. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity calls upon the entire nation to take immediate and decisive steps to help control this disgraceful sickness in our society; we, therefore, recommend: (1) THAT advocacy and professional groups for the prevention, detection, and treatment of child sexual abuse

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develop programs directed at those adults who actively or passively abuse children. (2) THAT all parents talk to their children about the dangers of sexual abuse. (3) THAT continuing education programs dealing with child abuse and exploitation be developed for educators and other persons charged with the care of children. (4) THAT state legislative bodies enact stronger laws to deal more effectively with child sexual abuse and exploitation. (5) THAT more law enforcement personnel be specially trained to deal with sexual abuse of children. (6) THAT child protective services and law enforcement personnel check allegations of child abuse very carefully before charges are filed. (7) THAT the Criminal Justice System give careful consideration to the susceptibility of children to suggestion, and to consequences of false accusations, especially for educators and others who work with children. (8) THAT legislation be enacted in all states to provide educators with immunity from legal action when they report suspected child abuse.

Juvenile Delinquency and Violent Crime Although aware that there may be no simple solutions. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity recognizes the reality of juvenile violence and views it as a complex and serious problem that not only requires, but demands our attention. This Fraternity further recognizes the need for a society that gives dignity and respect to each individual. It is well-established by various disciplines that youth who endure emotional neglect and economic hardships from an uncaring society retaliate through alienation and/or rebelliousness. The problem of juvenile delinquency has been so compounded by "Children's rights" legislation and the "Juvenile Court System", that actions by educators and law enforcement agencies have proven to be only temporarily effective. We strongly recommend that every effort be made to build upon the actions of those who influence todays youth by alleviating those inconsistencies that defeat the intended purpose of curbing this delinquency.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity believes that in addition to the Juvenile Justice System, efforts to reduce or control juvenile delinquency and crime should focus more on the sociological factors which cause such behavior. We recognize the impact of today's depressed economic conditions as well as the social pressures that face today's youth. We share a mutual concern for this everincreasing juvenile crime and we share much of the mutual responsibility for its prevention and deterrence. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity strongly recommends the following: (1) THAT the Federal government increase its assistance to state and local governments in their efforts to prevent and deter juvenile delinquency and crime. (2) THAT strategies be developed on the local, state, and national levels to strengthen family bonds, and enhance social values in youth. (3) THAT the philosophy of the juvenile courts be carefully studied and re-evaluated with sophisticated awareness that emotionally handicapped youth might better be served by Community Social Service agencies, than by the Juvenile Courts. (4) THAT where crime and circumstances warrant juveniles be treated as adults by the courts. (5) THAT the news media reduce their emphasis on terror and violence and increase their focus on the positive aspects of our society. (6) THAT more jobs be created for young people and through courageous teaching and meaningful job training programs the work ethic be strengthened in youths. (7) THAT unwarranted disparities in sentencing youth guilty of serious crimes be eliminated by the enactment of comprehensive and consistent laws to guide our Juvenile Justice System. (8) THAT mandatory therapeutic treatment be administered to youth who are repeat offenders of violent crimes. (9) THAT Federal, state, and local governments assist victims of violent crimes. (10) THAT for non-violent juvenile delinquents Federal, state, and local governments redirect some of their efforts and provide more resources toward intervention.


"The family is our refuge and springboard; nourished on it, we can advance to new horizons. In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future" —Alex Haley The family is the basic unit of government, from it we acquire the deeper values of life. All too often, however, this unit is in disarray within the Black community. With over two-thirds of urban, poor Black families headed by a single parent, almost always the mother, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, for her to perform effectively all the roles required for family stability. Many societal problems such as school dropouts, teen pregnancy, drug addiction, crime, and related pathologies can be traced, in part, to the instability of the Black family. Unless we strengthen the family unit, we place in jeopardy the future lives and wellbeing of our Black children, the lifeline of our community. Strong family life must first be supported by adequate economic resources. We must strive to see that all individuals, poor and rich, Black and white, earn a slice of the economic pie of this nation. Family strengths must then be sustained by those social and psychological characteristics which create a sense of positive family identity, promote satisfying and fulfilling interaction among family members, encourage the development of each member's

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potential, and contribute to the family's ability to deal effectively with stress and crisis. Strong families are able to survive and even grow in the face of hard times. Alpha Phi Alpha abhors the actions of those Black males who fail to meet their parental and family obligations through abandonment or financial and willful neglect. We pledge ourselves to continue to work with Black males through the school system, our Boy Scout affiliate program, and Project Alpha to teach family responsibility and respect for Black womanhood. To strengthen Black families, much will depend on our efforts to motivate our children and inculcate personal attitudes and values. It is clear that many of our youth are sorely deficient in a necessary core ingredient - self-esteem or self-respect. It is vital that our youth develop a truer sense of self, a pride in who they are. Many of our young people's concepts of self-worth are being influenced by incorrect priority placement, poor selection of role models, and negative images of their own personal value. Therefore, wholly inadequate self-esteem has become the badge of today's slavery. Survival and continuity as a Black family were important to previous generations — but that does not seem to be so for many

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of today's youth. The Alpha brotherhood cannot aid in this situation from afar. In properly representing the middle class, we will, in addition to our national programs already geared to this effort, improve our creative efforts as individual brothers and aid in the collective activities of our chapters to help in this battle to recapture the minds of our youth. An end to the continued debasement of the human spirit is the fundamental step in the process of

creating a sense of pride and esteem. The sense of self-worth of our young people must not continue to erode. We must be not only perceptive to what they are saying—we must also be perceptive to what they are feeling. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity calls on all Black organizations and institutions to aggressively pursue new initiates or strategies to restore the family to its place of prominence.

PROPOSED BILLS FOR POLITICAL ACTION It is very important that our Fraternity remain politically active. Our thrust must not only be the appropriate use of the ballot in terms of who we elect, and the placing of ourselves before the electorate for public offices, but also we must vigorously support those Congressional bills that are most important in establishing or maintaining our rights as Black citizens. Even though our Black Congressmen, many of whom are Alpha brothers, sponsor and work for the passage of bills that impact on all citizens, they are often the most important proponents of bills that focus on the rights of Black persons. Among the many such bills pending enactment before Congress are four bills for which the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity must leverage our resources.

Amendments to Anti-Apartheid Act House Resolution 1580, sponsored by Brother Congressman Ronald Dellums of California, was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs whose Chairman is Congressman Dante B. Fascell of Florida, and also to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union on May 20, 1988. This legislation is referred to the Anti-Apartheid Act Amendments of 1988. The purposes of H. R. 1580, as amended, are: to strengthen existing economic and political sanctions imposed under the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 against South Africa, to enlist Presidential leadership for an international campaign of economic and diplomatic pressure to end apartheid, and to assist economic development projects for disadvantaged South Africans that are consistent with anti-apartheid objectives. H. R. 1580 as amended, which amends the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act, enacts six new sanctions against South Africa: (1) A BAN on all U.S. investment in South Africa; (2) A BAN on all imports (except for strategic minerals essential for the economy or defense, publications, and imports from businesses 100 percent owned by Blacks and other non-white South Africans! from South Africa; (3) A BAN on all exports (except for agricultural commodities and products, publications, and U.S. public and private aid for South Africans) to South Africa; (4) A BAN on new Federal coal, gas, and oil leases for the U.S. subsidiaries or U.S. Affiliates under common control of a foreign company which directly, or through subsidiaries or affiliates invest in or export to South Africa's oil industry; (5) A BAN on U.S. intelligence and military cooperation with South Africa; and, (6) A BAN on U.S. intelligence and military cooperation with South Africa. All of these sanctions, as well as existing sanctions under the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act, may be terminated by the President (unless Congress enacts a joint resolution of disapproval) if he determines that South Africa: - has released all persons prosecuted for their political beliefs or detained unduly without trial and Nelson Mandela from prison;

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- has taken four of the following five actions: repeal the state of emergency and release all detainees; assure freedom of political expression and participation in the political process; agree to enter into political negotiations with representatives of the black majority, repeal the Group Areas Act and the Population Registration Act; and implement a democratic transition to independence for Namibia; and - has made substantial progress toward dismantling apartheid and establishing a non-racial democracy. In addition, H. R. 1580 as amended provides for negotiations between representative trade unions, particularly those representing disadvantaged South Africans, and departing U.S. companies regarding the terms of disinvestment. The new sanctions imposed by H. R. 1580, as amended, are necessitated by the failure of the Executive Branch's policy of "constructive engagement" to effectively associate the United States with forces for peaceful, fundamental change in South Africa, and by South Africa's inadequate response to the limited sanctions imposed since 1985 by the United States and other Western countries. Additionally, there are a host of positive administrative and enforcement provisions woven throughout H. R. 1580.

Racial Justice Act of 1988 House Resolution 4442 was introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman John Conyers of Michigan, and referred to the Judiciary Committee, Peter Rodino of New Jersey, Chairman, on April 21, 1988. This act is cited as the Racial Justice Act of 1988. The purpose of H. R. 4442 is to assure due process and equal protection of the law by permitting the use of statistical and other evidence to challenge the death penalty on the grounds of disproportionate patterns of imposition with respect to racial groups, to prohibit such patterns, and for other purposes. The bill provides that the government shall not impose or carry out the penalty of death in criminal cases in a racially disproportionate pattern. An individual shall not be put to death in execution of a death sentence imposed under the law administered in violation of this subsection. The bill declares that a racially disproportionate pattern occurs when the penalty of death is imposed: (1) more frequently upon persons of one race than upon persons of other races convicted of crimes for which such penalty may be imposed; or (2) more frequently as punishment for crimes against persons of one race, than as punishment for crimes against persons of another race; and, (3) the greater frequency is not explained by relevant nonracial circumstances. Further, the bill establishes that only ordinary methods of statistical proof is necessary to prove a disproportionate pattern and that it shall not be necessary to show discriminatory motive, intent, or purpose on the part of any individual or institution in challenges. To establish a prima facie showing that a racially

The Sphinx/Fall 1988

disproportionate pattern exists for purposes of this act, it suffices to show that death sentences are being imposed or executed (1) upon persons of one race with a frequency that is disproportioned to their representation among the total numbers of persons arrested for, charged with, or convicted of, death eligible crimes; or (2) as punishment for crimes against persons of one race with a frequency that is disproportioned to their representation among the numbers of persons against whom death eligible crimes have been the subject of arrest, charges, or convictions.

National Comprehensive Housing Act House Resolution 4727 was introduced in the House of Representatives on June 1, 1988 by Brother Congressman Ron Dellums and referred to the Committee on Banking and Urban Affairs, whose Chairman is Congressman Gonzalez of Texas. The act is called the National Comprehensive Housing Act. The Bill provides to: (1) expand the amount of housing under social ownership; (2) expand social production and increase social control over the housing production process; (3) expand direct public financing of housing production and ownership, thereby reducing the dependence of housing on privately-controlled dept and equity capital; (4) control speculative private use and disposition of and; (5) increase resident control over housing and neighborhood decisions; (6) eliminate the discriminatory and exclusionary uses of housing, and affirmatively address the housing needs of special groups; and, (7) allocate housing resources on an equitable basis, and provide adequate resources to meet housing needs. Further, the Bill provides for national tenant protection, rental control, management standards, local housing plans, displacement prohibition, elderly congregate housing, and affirmative action in employment and job training opportunity in social housing production. The Bill calls for significant increases in appropriation for Federal Housing Assistance — up to $53 billion annually. Also, it will allow government funded housing to remain permanently affordable to low and moderate income persons.

Universal Voter Registration Act of 1988 House Resolution 3950, was introduced in the House of Representatives on February 17, 1988, by Congressman John Conyers, and referred jointly to the Committee on House Administration. whose Chairman is Frank Annunzio, of Illinois, and the Committee on the Judiciary whose chairman is Peter Rodino, of New Jersey. This bill, to establish national standards for voter registration for elections for Federal office, is cited as the "Universal Voter Registration Act of 1988."

The Sphinx/Fall 1988

The Bill states that Congress finds that: (1) the right to vote is fundamental in a democracy, and it is the duty of the Federal, state, and local governments to maximize the exercise of that right in elections for Federal office; (2) the Congress has authority to regulate the time and manner in which citizens may register for, and vote in. elections for Federal office; (3)

the establishment of national standards for voter registration with respect to elections for Federal office would facilitate the participation of citizens in the electoral process and would remove barriers to, and maximize, such participation; (4) restrictions on the ability of citizens to register have a direct and damaging effect upon voter participation in elections; and, (5) restrictions on the ability of citizens to register have disproportionately harmed voter participation by various groups, including racial minorities. The purposes of this Act are: (1) to establish national standards which will increase registration of eligible citizens in elections for Federal office in order to maximize voting participation; (2) to provide financial and other assistance to enable states to provide expanded opportunities for voter registration before and on the date of elections for Federal office and to modernize the administration of elections and voter registration; and, (3) to create an affirmative duty on the part of the federal. state, and local governments to maximize the voting participation of eligible citizens in elections for Federal office. Also, this act would standardize all state registration plans and allow instantaneous registration on the date of elections as well as year-round. Further, the act would provide for appropriate responses to election day challenges and reporting to Congress by the Federal Election Commissioner, everv two (2) years, on: (1) the effectiveness of efforts to establish and maintain voter registration procedures that broaden the American electorate; (2) the administration of voter registration programs: and. (3) recommendations to Congress on action regarding national voter registration standards. The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., enthusiastically endorses and supports these four resolutions. In order to translate that support into the most positive action, we ask that the Alpha Phi Alpha Brotherhood send telegrams and letters of support to the presenters of these bills, the Chairmen of the respective committees to whom the bills have been referred and then, most particularly to their local Congress persons. Moreover, we urge each of our chapters to take the same action. We further urge that these actions begin as soon as this convention ends.

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SUMMARY In summary, Alpha Phi Alpha at its Eighty-second Anniversary Convention commits itself to strive for Political E m p o w e r m e n t , Business and E c o n o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t , Educational Achievement; foster Health, Safety and Welfare measures; seek to Strengthen Family Life and Elevate Self-Esteem; and work for the passage of several proposed bills in the House of Representatives related to achieving equality for human beings at home and abroad.

CHARLES H. WESLEY LEGACY Alpha Phi Alpha enthusiastically supports the establishment of a CHARLES H. WESLEY Chair of Black History at Howard University. This fitting memorial shall serve as a constant reminder of the scholarly achievements of our beloved Brother. May it also be a towering torch for those who strive for excellence and search for truth in their academic pursuits. Some may speak of Brother Wesley in the past tense. Be not so deceived, his spirit dwells with us now, the values he championed still command our loyalty. The vision that he had for his Fraternity shall live forever. May our friend endure A thousand, eight thousand ages Tdl the smallest pebble grows To a boulder etched with moss Anonymous

PUBLIC POLICY COMMITTEE Eddie V. Easley, Chairman Hobart S. Jarrett Robert H. Myers, Jr. E. E Marehbanks Samuel Seolt George E. Coney George Hendrix Joseph S. Witeher W. D. Combs Simmie Pipkins Lawrence S. Norris Ryle A. Bell Frederick V. Roberts Allan M. Gordon The Committee acknowledges the contributions of the following Brothers: John P. Williams, Michael Easley, Todd Easley, Cleon Brown, Jr., Darren V. Bolden, Charles Patton, Hosea Givan, II, John B. Harris, Odell McGhee, II, John H. Hale, Gene Williams, Herman Eure, and Past General President Raymond W. Cannon.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 4432 Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 60653 Page 44

(312) 373-1819 The Sphinx/Fall 1988

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Alpha Phi Alpha Attends Pepsi Conference — Shown attending this year's Pepsi-Cola Summer Intern Conference, in Somers, N.Y. are members of Alpha Phi Alpha, from left, Ray Woods (Eta Gamma), Prairie View A&M University; Sherman Smith (Alpha Rho), Morehouse College; Terrance Barker (Gamma Phi), Tuskegee University; Aaron Easley (Delta Zeta), Syracuse University; and Kenneth Stewart (Mu Eta), Arizona State University.

Pepsi-Cola Company has announced that the following members of Alpha Phi Alpha, TERRANCE BARKER, A A R O N EASLEY, S H E R M A N SMITH, KENNETH STEWART, and RAY WOODS, participated in this year's Pepsi-Cola Summer Internship Program. Pepsi-Cola's Summer Internship Program is in its sixth year. The I n t e r n s are minority s t u d e n t s s e l e c t e d from c o l l e g e s a n d universities across the country who have an interest in a career in sales, manufacturing, finance, or personnel/ employee relations. Throughout the program, the Interns gain valuable experience and a competitive salary for the summer. "Pepsi-Cola believes that it is our corporate responsibility and good b u s i n e s s to provide a real-world working e n v i r o n m e n t for college s t u d e n t s to e x p o s e t h e m to the opportunities available in today's business world," said Craig Weatherup, president of Pepsi-Cola company. "This experience enhances students' personal and professional values and better prepares them for careers upon graduation." Apart from the salary remuneration,

Interns are also eligible to receive a scholarship d e p e n d i n g upon their work performance over the course of the summer. If a student does receive a scholarship, that student's university receives matching funds to d i s t r i b u t e to a n o t h e r d e s e r v i n g student of their choice. The Interns also participated in a three-day conference held July 29 through August 1st at Pepsi-Cola's company headquarters in Somers, New York.

Illlllllllllll The May 1988 issue of the National Society of Black Engineers journal h i g h l i g h t e d Brother RODNEY EUGENE CARTER. Brother Carter has been a very viable member of the Kappa Theta Chapter since his initiation in the Spring of 1987. Since then, he has served as vice-president and has been elected president for the 1988-89 Alpha year. At Vanderbilt, Rodney shines as a leader amongst the brightest of leaders! "Rodney E. Carter is one NSBE m e m b e r w h o h a s rolled u p his sleeves and put some action behind his commitment to the community. A n e x a m p l e of t h i s V a n d e r b i l t University student's commitment Page 45

was his organization of a food drive for needy Nashville, TN residents by soliciting donations from campus organizations. On the first day of Thanksgiving break last year, when m o s t o t h e r s t u d e n t s h e a d e d for home, Carter stayed behind to make sure all the food was packed and distributed. Carter's other involvements include NSBE's High School Day, which gives younger students a chance to experience campus life, and the Ambassad o r ' s P r o g r a m , in w h i c h NSBE members help to recruit high school students to study engineering. When Carter first started going to NSBE meetings "out of curiosity" in the fall of '87, the Vanderbilt chapter was just getting some life into it. "Last year, it was pretty much defunct," he says. But with the arrival of Dean Carolyn Williams as the chapter's advisor, the organization has become much more active. Williams received the 1988 NSBE National Community Leadership Award for her outstanding work as the group's mentor. With all of his extra-curricular responsibilities and commitments, Carter stavs focused on his main role—engineering student. He says his parents are a remarkable source of support and have helped him to keep his priorities straight. "Mv mom and dad constantly told us thev would sacrifice anything for us to continue our education," the junior electrical engineering major savs. "I remember last year, 1 just wanted to take a semester off. I tried to convince my mom that it would be a good idea for me to take a break, but she was determined that 1 not quit until I get my degree. One of Carter's greatest interests is business investment and entrepren e u r s h i p . The business "bug" bit him at the end of his freshman year, when he and a friend were considering an apartment rental venture in which a company would hire them to rent out apartments and allow them to keep any profits over the company's set fee. t h e opportunity came during exame week, however, and studying h a d to c o m e f i r s t . W h i l e t h a t o p p o r t u n i t y didn't work out, the future looks promising for Carter the businessman. He and his brother are looking forward to getting involved in the d e v e l o p m e n t of some real estate their father is passing along to them. Still undecided on his career path, Page 46

Brother William Dury Cox, Jr. Carter is considering engineering, business, and medicine. He would like to do some work this summer at Vanderbilt Hospital in the area of pharmaceutical research and development. He explains, "Right now I'm trying to e x p a n d my h o r i z o n s so 1 can learn more about what I really want to d o . " "

llllllllllllll Brother WILLIAM DURY COX, Jr. is a dedicated Alpha man. He is a m e m b e r of Tau Lambda Chapter, Nashville, TN and the chapter is proud to share his accomplishments. He attended Pearl High School and received both the bachelor's a n d master's d e g r e e s from Tennessee State University and pursued advance study at Indiana University. Recently at its 52nd Annual Conference in Los Angeles, California, the National Association of Dramatic and Speech Arts recognized Brother Cox as one of its most profound and prolific p r o d u c t s . A t e a c h e r for almost 40 years, "he will always be regarded as the leading theatrician in the area of Theatre Technology and Architectural Design." Prior to 1970, e v e r y t e c h n i c a l d i r e c t o r at p r e dominantly black institutions was either taught, guided, or inspired by Cox. He not only served as the Technical Director for the reknowned educator, Thomas E. Poag, but has directed numerous productions in both educational and community theatre. He boasts a cannon of credits in radio and TV. commercials for

s u c h well k n o w n c o m p a n i e s as C h e v r o l e t , M r s . W i n n e r ' s Fried Chicken, Clean Air, Mr. Gattis Pizza, Hospital Corporation of America, a n d Wendy's. He has directed or a p p e a r e d in t h e films: W i l m a , N a s h v i l l e , a n d The Delta Factor Story. A m o n g his many plays directed are: A Doll's House, The Silver Cord, You Can't Take It With You, Death Takes a Holiday, Purlie, and A Raisin In The Sun. He has received numerous awards and h o n o r s . A m o n g them are: NADSA Outstanding Service Award, Best Director's Award, Alpha Man of the Year Award-1982, Alpha Achievem e n t Award (Tau Lambda) 1987, O u t s t a n d i n g f a c u l t y a w a r d for meritorius and dedicated service and teaching - 36 years. Although Brother Cox is retiring from the educational arena, he is not retiring from the theatre of the view of audiences throughout the country. For every time we hear Sandrell Lindsey talk, that is the voice of Cox speaking. For every play that Robert Louis Stevenson directs, that is Cox directing. For every joke or inuendo that is made by Oprah Winfrey, that is Cox speaking metaphorically. For every role that Moses Gunn portrays, Cox is there in the character study. Brother Cox retired as Associated P r o f e s s o r of D r a m a t i c A r t s at Tennessee State University where he w a s an actor, director, scenic designer technician and the theatre manager of the first magnitude. Most of all, he was a sincere and dedicated teacher a n d the b r o t h e r s of Tau Lambda are proud of Brother Cox.

llllllllllllll For Brother ROBERT FAIRCHILD of Tulsa, Oklahoma, there is no such word as "retirement." Even at 84. Every day, there is plenty to do— reading lessons to be given or hot meals to be delivered. On w e e k e n d s , there is Sunday School to be taught, a choir to sing in or a garden to be weeded. Fairchild makes no secret of the pride he feels from a life filled with hard work. His first job was at age 12, shining shoes on the corner of Fifth and Main Streets. The hours were long, but the tips were "tremendous," sometimes $10 a night, Fairchilds remembers with a smile. That was big money in 1916, when a loaf of bread cost a dime. The Sphinx/Fall 1988

He gave the money to his mother. His father had died only a few months before, leaving her to raise Robert, his five brothers and a sister. Other jobs followed. He worked hard, supporting himself through graduation from the University of Nebraska in 1931. He remembers how those early days taught him the value of hard work. "I felt that if I learned how to work and do it well, I would always have a job", he says. "Good workers are hard to find." That respect for hard work and self-improvement led him to use his experience to help others do the same for themselves. A conversation with Walt Whitman Elementary School principal Brother Q.T. Williams led to Fairchild's work with first-grade reading students at that school. At Williams' r e q u e s t , Fairchild b e g a n s p e n d i n g an h o u r e a c h morning during the school year with the s t u d e n t s , giving them the individual attention they needed. Thirty years of experience teaching h e a l t h e d u c a t i o n for t h e Tulsa County Health Department helped him relate to their needs, he says. "Some I was able to get through to quickly. O t h e r s were slow, very slow," Fairchild says. Fairchild also teaches reading to t h r e e a d u l t s . Two of t h e m h e contacted through the Tulsa City/ County Library system. The third was an accident, he says. "I was a her home, just visiting, a n d I w a s telling her a b o u t my experience with the others and she said, 'Well, I can't read, either, Mr. Fairchild. Would you teach me?' I said I would be happy to." Now he visits her home twice a week, lending encouragement as she r e a d s aloud from a fourth-grade reading workbook. O n e day a week, Fairchild also donates his time and car to Tulsa Meals on Wheels, delivering hot meals to those who cannot cook for themselves. Some Meals on Wheels recipients are bedridden, others are poor and without transportation. Most of the 14 clients on Fairchild's route are younger than he is. "I get a great deal of satisfaction from d o i n g M e a l s on W h e e l s , " Fairchild says. "It makes me feel good to know I'm doing something The Sphinx/Fall 1988

that is needed and appreciated." Volunteer work is short on recognition, but Fairchild says he doesn't care. "A lot of people look for a pat on the back from their neighbor when they should be looking for a pat on the back from God." Brother T.L. GANGES, was born in Trenton, New Jersey but he was raised in near-by Bordentown where he received his early education. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lincoln University in Oxford, Pennsylvania and a Master's of Education degree from the University of Cincinnati in Ohio. As an undergraduate he began to write poetry and his early works appeared frequently in the c a m p u s n e w s p a p e r . After graduating from Lincoln University in 1972 he became a diarist plus he completed a verse play. In 1979 he was an area-winner of the prestigious "Thomas Jefferson Award" and in 1981 he was listed in the volume Outstanding Young Men in America. During the past twelve years he has successfully taught both high school and college students a variety of c o u r s e s in E n g l i s h . H e h a s organized two student gospel choirs plus he was twice elected as "The Teacher Of The Year" by a student organization. At the present time he is employed as a high school English teacher in a d d i t i o n to a c c e p t i n g speaking engagements as a touring poet. During the spring of 1980, Mr. Ganges began to poetically attack illegal drug usage, teenage pregnancy, illiteracy, athletic slavery, crime, racism and despair before enthusiastic audiences and congregations at various schools, churches and colleges. The finale of his poetry presentation consists of Mr. Ganges walking out into the audience distributing "nickel bags of hope" which contains a brief a n t i - d r u g p o e m in a d d i t i o n to a single m u s t a r d seed w h i c h is a symbol of biblical faith. Thus far he has read and performed his "inspirational oneman poemshow" at more than fifty different places. Brother Ganges is an initiate of Omicron Delta Lambda C h a p t e r , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Brother EDWARD HARRINGTON, Jr. was born in Moultrie, Georgia in

Brother Edward Harrington Jr. 1923, where he also received his elementary and secondary education. He is one of seven children born to Edward Sr. and Laura Harrington. Ed's interest in music was encouraged by his mother, who was a music teacher and the dynamic influence of, then operatic singer Paul Robeson. He attended the Belcanta School of Singing in Youngstown, Ohio, and in 1945 auditioned for the Metropolitan Opera. Brother Harrington continued his education by enrolling in Clark College at Atlanta, but was interrupted by a tour of duty with the Army during World War II. This military duty brought Edward to the Denver area where in 1948, after discharge he attended Denver University. He became a member of Alpha Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in 1952 and later in Delta Psi Lambda Chapter. He served the organization in many capacities among which were Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Chaplin and Dean of Pledgees. Ed worked for the Denver Public Schools as a Librarian for many years. He moved up the ladder as a Librarian for Community College of Denver. He later received a Masters of Science Degree in Library Science from Denver University. During the years, Brother Harrington has been active singing in the Denver Post Opera and performed w i t h t h e East D e n v e r O p e r a presentations. He was a member of the Shorter A.M.E. Church choir for 30 years, Page 47

and is presently a member of the Holy Redeemer Episcopalian Church choir. Recently Brother Harrington has been retained as a Guest performer at Black Colleges, referred to as an Artist-in Residence. Delta Psi Lambda's Man-Of-TheYear made a determined attempt to achieve his highest dream - that of an Opera Singer. We applaud him for the high level challenge and thank him for assisting in the unlocking of the doors of ambition. We are proud to have him as a Brother.

Illlllllllllll State Insurance Commissioner Bill Gunter's Senate campaign announced the hiring of Brother MICHAEL G. RAILEY to head efforts to organize black voters. Railey, 23, is a former account executive at Blinder Robinson & Company Investment Bankers and a 1987 Cum Laude graduate of Florida A&M University where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Education and office Administration. Railey will be contacting prominent Black Floridians in an attempt to increase statewide voter turnout and to rally support for Bill Gunter's for the Senate seat vacated by Senator Lawton Chiles. Gunter said that Railey was selected from a score of qualified applicants because "Mike has the enthusiasm and experience that we need to direct our 'Get Out To Vote' movement among Black voters". Railey is a comissioned officer in the U.S. Army Reserve and an Army ROTC Honor Cadet. He is an active graduate member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and the J.R.E. Lee #422 Masonic Lodge. Michael, a native of West Palm Beach, now resides in Tallahassee with his wife, Toylene, and his 10month-old daughter, Tierra.

Brother RONALD M. SHARPE, Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police, was the keynote speaker at Zeta Theta Lambda's Third Annual Andrew M. Bradley Scholarship Awards Banquet held at the Holiday Inn Center City, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Colonel Sharpe, who was appointed by Governor Robert P. Casey, is a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and also serves as a member of the Trustee Board of Page 48

Brother Ronald M. Sharpe

Brother Melvin C. Terrell, Ph.D.

the Bethel A.M.E. Church, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The scholarship recipients for 1988 were John N. Patterson, III and Teleah Vann Scott of Harrisburg High School. Brother Sharpe, although very supportive of our efforts both in time and money, is not presently an active member of the Zeta Theta Lambda Chapter.

At age 84, Shores serves as vice president and general counsel of the Citizens Federal Savings and Loan Association in Birmingham. His contributions have been recognized by many organizations including the National Bar Association and the National Newspaper Publishers Association. Award recipients were honored at a banquet on Thursday, October 13 at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. L e r o n e B e n n e t t , Jr., executive editor of EBONY a n d a foremost a u t h o r on black history, was the keynote speaker. Other honorees were Maya Angelou, 60; Rev. Dr. Elizabeth L. Doles, 77; Dr. Mary S. Harper, 69; Dr. Aaron Henry, 66; and Arnolta I. E. "Mama" Williams, 92. Since 1979, 55 senior citizens have received Living Legacy A w a r d s . Nominations are received from community, civic, religious and other organizations and recipients are named by a national panel. Founded in 1970, NCBA is a 3,000member non-profit organization which provides housing, employment training and advocacy services for black senior citizens.

Illlllllllllll The National Caucus and Center on Black Aged, Inc. recently announced six recipients of its 1988 Living Legacy Awards honoring lifelong contributions to society. Among the honorees is Brother ARTHUR D. SHORES, 84, of Birmingham, Ala., an attorney cited for his more than 50 years of gaining civil and legal rights for blacks and his role in proving that Jim Crow zoning laws were unconstitutional in Alabama and representing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and others in the Montgomery Bus Boycott prosecutions. Brother Shores was the only black practicing attorney in the State of Alabama and the only attorney defending the civil rights of blacks during the 1940s and 1950s. He is best known for his role in proving that Jim Crow zoning laws were unconstitutional in Alabama and representing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others in the Montgomery Bus Boycott prosecutions. The Birmingham native's activism made him a target of violence during the 1960s, and his home was bombed many times.

Brother MELVIN C. TERRELL, Ph.D., assumed his new position as Vice President for Student Affairs at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago on September 1, 1988. He is responsible for the overall administration of and articulation among StuThe Sphinx/Fall 1988

dent Affairs departments, reporting directly to the president. He had served as director of Minority Affairs and adjunct assistant professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Toledo from 1985 to September 1, 1988. In Toledo, Terrell, a life member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, served as director of Educational Affairs for the Alpha XI Lambda Chapter. He also served as advisor to the Epsilon Alpha Chapter at the University of Toledo. He was vice chairperson of the Educational Committee for the Toledo Chapter of the NAACP. Terrell has written and spoken often on educational leadership and cultural diversity. He serves as consulting editor for a number of articles on cultural diversity for the NASPA Journal. He was the first Black editor of a NASPA Journal on Student Leadership Development. He was also the first Black editor of a NASPA Monograph on Minority Student Retention. Terrell received his B.S. Ed., majoring in history, from Chicago State University in'1971. In 1973 he was awarded his M.Ed, in Student Personnel Work in Higher EducationCounseling at Loyola University in Chicago. He earned his Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration in 1978 at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. He has done post-doctoral study in the Management Development Program at Harvard in 1986; and at the University of Virginia, 1988. He was listed among Who's Who in Black America.

Illlllllllllll An article appeared in the January, 1986, issue of the Matrix, official organ of the H o w a r d University School of Architecture, which presents a good picture of the outstanding work that Brother CLARENCE "ZACH" WHEAT h a s d o n e in developing Howard University buildings prior to his retirement in 1975. Probably a few brothers know that Wheat was for a number of years director of the Building Program office at Howard. He represented the University very successfully in dealing with architects and in approving and developing drawings and furnishings at the University where he was graduated as an architectural major in 1932. The Blackburn buildThe Sphinx/Fall 1988

Sol Wachtler, to create a Judicial Commission on Minorities. The commission is headed bv Brother FRANKLIN H. WILLIAMS, president of the Phelps Stokes Fund and former United States Ambassador to Ghana. His appeals to other private foundations for grants, to foster a greater appearance of independence, has generated $200,000 of a projected two-year budget of more than $700,000. Mr. Williams said he has reached few conclusions so far, except that "there's no question if Tawana Brawley's attorneys go to any predominantly black church they will receive a very sympathetic, if not supportive, response. What that says to me Brother Franklin Williams is that in the black community there is, at a minimum, the perception that the criminal justice system does not ing that Mu Lambda Chapter is now treat them fairly or objectively." meeting in, one of the best developed union buildings in the nation, is Might not some whites perceive partly the result of Wheat's creative that the system has been too accomability. Zach was also a guiding hand ' modating to Miss Brawley and her in the highly successful development attorneys? of the Howard University Hospital "These men are lawyers," Mr. Wiland in the planning of several other liams replied. "They must know campus buildings. His older son, folwhat they're doing. If this is the way lowing in his father's footsteps, was I'd do it is a separate issue. The one graduated from the Harvard Univertiling I do know is that when blacks sity School of Architecture and now challenge the system, the label trouenjoys a successful practice in New blemaker is put on them. That, I York City. think, is unjustified." Brother Wheat will no longer be Blacks are challenging a system in able to hide his light under a bushel. which they account for most of the Howard University, his colleagues in defendants and inmates but only 79 the architectural profession, alumni, of the state's 1,124 judges, a system Alpha brothers, and the lay public, in which, according to testimony we believe will want to keep alive before the commission, two locker Wheat's accomplishments amidst a rooms belonging to Supreme Court widely appreciative audience. His officers in the Bronx were occupied work as a Howard University solely by white officers until they architect and as head of the Howad were ordered desegregated earlier retired teachers association has been this summer by the administrative noteworthy in every respect. judge there, Burton B. Roberts. In 1986 Wheat spoke well at the Mr. Williams maintains that all court memorial service honoring his personnel need to be better attuned former distinguished teacher, Mu to the lives of the defendants they Lambda brother, Hilyard Robinson, face, beginning with at least some an outstanding, pioneering, widely knowledge of Spanish and extending respected architect. By achieving to an awareness that, for instance, what he has done as a versatile, suchanging out on a street corner with a cessful architect, Brother Wheat has loud radio is to a slum dweller what put a rose on Robinson's grave. sitting in a living room with a deafenTestimonial prepared In/ Brother j . Leon ing stereo is to a suburbanite. Langkorne, Mu Lambda Chapter, APA, Yet if the system treats groups of historian. October 10, 1987 people differently, is it because they are members of a minority or because they are poor and powerless? Can Last January, genuine concern solutions be legislated? Is the problem about perceptions of unfairness in largley one of perception or reality? the New York state court system "It's hard to separate," Mr. Wilprompted New York's Chief Judge, liams said. "Is Brooklyn housing Page 49

if that's the experience I have all the time." Personal experience has persuaded Mr. Williams that he, too, has been treated differently on account of his color. "I went to a black college and a white law school," he said. "I was an attorney with the N.A.A.C.P, an

court so horrendous because the system doesn't care, because the people are minorities? Or is it because the problem is so overwhelming that the bureaucracy tends to give up?" "At 86th and Park a vacant cab passed me by," he said. "I'm convinced it's because I'm black. The fact is, my perception becomes the reality

assistant attorney general of California, a director of the Peace Corps. I have never been permitted in those 70 years to forget that I'm black. Something always happens, like the taxi incident. I also got some opportunities because I was black. In many ways it was an advantage, but one you wish you didn't have."

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, For Life LIFE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE




































APPOINT A LIFE MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN IN YOUR CHAPTER!! An Active Life Membership Chairman could develop a sound program and present information at Chapter Meetings which would acquaint your Membership with this "Bargain Of A Lifetime." Become a "Diamond" in Alpha — "Active Forever." Founder* I Imn.i t kfr-IM


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The Sphinx/Fall 1988



brown u New Heights for Alpha Gamma Warm fraternal greetings to all brothers throughout Alphadom. As t h e third oldest c h a p t e r in New England, Alpha Gamma has risen to new heights in holding up the light of A Phi A. Alpha Gamma has transcended all other greek organizations at Brown and has held up the tradition of Alpha Phi Alpha as an effective force in the campus community. Reaching a low of three brothers during the academic year of 19871988, A l p h a G a m m a r e m a i n e d steadfast to its dedication of the fraternity's "noble ideals and aims." The fall of 1987 saw the chapter of three brothers consuming activity in i n s u r i n g that Alpha only a d m i t s quality into their ranks by initiating the lone sphinxman of the UMOJA line, Brother Myron Rodney Robinson, into t h e w o r l d of A l p h a d o m on November 11, 1987. We saw a NAACP and Urban League membership drive during the pledge process, to name a few of the projects. With the chapter membership now at four brothers, the task at hand was set for the Spring semester. Upon arrival on campus in January, the b r o t h e r s of A l p h a G a m m a w e r e prepared to kick off an eventful Black History Month with our theme "Perceptions: Media and Health." First, we held a forum on minorities and Aids. Next, we conducted an exhibit featuring common everyday items invented by Afro-Americans that are taken for granted such as the lawn mower, traffic light, and the fire extinguisher. We then held a highly successful panel d i s c u s s i o n on minorities and the media, and how we can better use the media for our benefit. The highlight of the month came w h e n we sponsored actor Danny Glover, s t a r of m o v i e s s u c h as Silverado and Color Purple, who spoke on the role of Blacks in Hollywood. The all day affair included a luncheon in which Mr. Glover was presented

with a key to the state of Rhode Island and a proclamation was read from the Governor and the Mayor of P r o v i d e n c e . After an a c t i n g w o r k s h o p a n d a d i n n e r with the g r a d u a t e c h a p t e r brothers of Mu Theta Lambda, Mr. Glover addressed a jam packed hall as he spoke on the role of Blacks in the movies, and his personal experiences in dealing with the movie industry. To round out our celebration of Black History Month, t h e b r o t h e r s of A l p h a G a m m a sponsored a video presentation on the life of Langston Hughes. The brothers of Alpha Gamma did n o t s t o p t h e r e in t r u l y b e i n g " s e r v a n t s of a l l . " The following m o n t h we held our "Move the C r o w d " p a r t y in w h i c h we conducted a successful clothing drive for the needy in the Rhode Island community. O u r next project was our 15th a n n u a l S p r i n g C a b a r e t , entitled Elation!, in which we raised over $1,500 for the Investment in Diversity S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d at B r o w n University. Featured was the Badsen/ M a r s a l i s Jazz G r o u p , f e a t u r i n g Delfeayo Marsalis, youngest brother of noted jazz trumpeteer Wynton Marsalis. Also featured was Brown's F u s i o n D a n c e Troop. The entire evening was truly a "First of All" event, every step of the way! We w o u l d like to t h a n k all of t h e b r o t h e r s , college a n d a l u m n i in attendance for their support of this masterful event. Moreover, Alpha Gamma welcomed Brother Grayson A. Williams, a student at Johnson and Wales College and an initiate of Kappa Chi chapter, into our ranks. Chapter officers for the 1987-1988 school year included Todd Brown, President; Robbie McEnheimer, VicePresident, Treasurer; Eric McDonald, Dean of Pledges, Recording Secretary; M y r o n R. R o b i n s o n , Historian, Corresponding Secretary, Associate Editor-to-the Sphinx; Arthur D. Wright III, Advisor.

Virginia Virginia Chapters hold 45th Annual Convention The historic city of Petersburg was host for the 45th Annual Convention Page 51

of t h e V i r g i n i a A s s o c i a t i o n of C h a p t e r s of A l p h a P h i A l p h a Fraternity, Inc., March 11-13, 1988. Host Chapters were Nu Lambda. Nu Omicron Lambda, and Beta Gamma. Brother John A. "Tony" M a n n , VACAPAF P r e s i d e n t a n d Eastern Region District VII Director, presided over a w e l l - b a l a n c e d a g e n d a of current issues covering the three day e v e n t . The t h e m e of t h i s y e a r ' s convention, "Building for the Future Through Business and Professionalism", was emphasized by speakers in all of the business sessions, workshops and open forums. Delegates in attendance were given a thorough r e v i e w of c h a p t e r m a n a g e m e n t practices and programming models. Brother Leroy Lowery, III presented ways local chapters can get involved in youth leadership and development p r o g r a m s b o t h at t h e local a n d national levels. Brother Remus C. Rhodes, III moderated a session on the "Pledge Process - Beginning to End". Brothers from Beta Gamma, Virginia State University, conducted a v e r y useful Mock Initiation in accordance with the "Standing Orders". In recognizing the importance of personal growth and development a m o n g brothers, Brother Mann included an investment workshop for delegates. Brother Thai Roberts, Vice-President of Payne Webber, conducted an informative session on " I n v e s t m e n t s of T o d a y " . In h i s presentation, Brother Roberts d e m o n s t r a t e d h o w m a k i n g wise choices in the marketplace today (on everyday needs) can lead to sizeable amounts of money for investment o p t i o n s in a few y e a r s . Brother Roberts also made brothers aware of the most attractive stocks and bonds on t h e m a r k e t t o d a y as well as investment trends in the future. Again this year, individual chapters a n d B r o t h e r s came forth w i t h a tremendous display of accomplishments for the awards competition. Winners were as follows: Xi Delta Lambda, Alumni Chapter of the Year; James Hudson, Alumni Brother of the Year; Xi Delta, College Chapter of the Year; James E. Coleman, Jr., College Brother of the Year; Arthur B. Word, Award of Merit. The Belford V. Lawson Oratorical C o n t e s t w i n n e r s were Leslie P. Gazell, 1st Place; James Page 52

Gully, 2nd Place; John E. Jones, III, 3rd Place. For entertainment, host chapters d e c i d e d to d e v i a t e from t h e traditional Black and Gold Ball and sponsor a Casino Night which was well attended by both college and Alumni brothers and their guests. One highlight of the convention was Brother James Coleman's announcem e n t t h a t d e l e g a t e s from every college chapter in Virginia was in a t t e n d a n c e for t h e first t i m e in memory. —Otha Myers

new york Alpha Gamma Lambda Salutes the Black Church Alpha Gamma Lambda Chapter in cooperation with the New York City Alphabettes, celebrated Black History Month with a series of exciting events that took place between January 31st and February 21st 1988. The lineup of events were as follows: A Salute to the Black College, A Salute to a Great Black Leader, A Salute to a Great Black Poet, and A Salute to the Black Church. The Gospel Concert was held at St. Marks Church and the Salute to the Black Church was held at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church. All the other events were held at the Alpha House, 282 Convent Ave., New York City. B r o t h e r W i l l i a m C. F r e e m a n chaired the planning committee that i n c l u d e d B r o t h e r s Ron B r o w n , Darnell Gatlin, Glen Grover, Dr. Ron Madden Kevin Rogers, Robert Taylor, Warren Austin, Pres. a n d several Members of the Alphabettes. -James Robinson

rensselaer polytechnic institute OU Transends All The Brothers of Omicron Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. extends the most fraternal greetings to all who abide within the realms of ALPHADOM. The academic year 1987-88 h a s b e e n the m o s t

successful year for the chapter where it m a d e great strides on the RPI campus and in its community. Omicron Upsilon has continued to e x c e l in i t s e n d e a v o r s a n d is continuing to shine the light on the RPI campus. OU has grown successfully over the past three years and is at its largest presently. During the Spring of 1987, three men on the "Jewelth" line "Excelsior", became men of princely mein a n d grace. They are Brothers Basil C. Barrett, Dennis J. Funny and Michael Bryant. During the Fall of 1987, the following six t a l e n t e d n e o p h y t e s from "Undaunted", became "Alpha Men of Distinction: Brothers Hazlitt Gill, J o h n n y Sider, J o n a t h a n D a n i e l s , Lancelot Comrie, Roland St. Pierre, and Jean Duchatellier. The chapter now consists of twenty-four brothers. Omicron Upsilon worked hard and c o n t i n u e d to u p h o l d t h e h i g h s t a n d a r d s of our d e a r Fraternity under the reliant leadership of our President, Brother George J. Pastrana who will be working with Proctor and Gamble this fall. The academic year proved to be a very challenging one to our brothers but Omicron Upsilon was able to carry on its designated tasks. One major task that we accomplished this year was supporting our National H e a d q u a r t e r s F u n d D r i v e . Each Brother was asked to contribute $50 in support of our Fraternity. We have continued our Excelsior Scholarship. This Scholarship was developed by the three neophytes of Spring '87 as a service project and since then, the c h a p t e r h a s t a k e n it over. It is designed to assist two graduating Troy High School students with the cost of books in college. Our first awards were in amounts of $300 per student. We have just begun a Big Brother Program for the youths at Troy Middle School. This program w a s o r g a n i z e d by B r o t h e r J o h n Biscette in order to assist them to stay in s c h o o l . T h e y often visit t h e c a m p u s w h e r e a w i d e r a n g e of activities is p l a n n e d i n c l u d i n g a counseling session. This program will be at its peak for the upcoming school year. Along with this program, the Brothers of OU have rendered diligentely their time and effort to tutor math and science at Troy High School in the afternoons. The Sphinx/Fall 1988

Brother Lancelot Comrie and Brother Dennis Funny have made great strides in this endeavor. This past academic year marked the fifth anniversary of Omicron Upsilon. The chapter celebrated this special occasion on February 19th thru the 21st which was known as "Alpha Phi Alpha Weekend". Omicron Upsilon is looking for brighter things in the upcoming year. Our new officers for the '88 - '89 academic year are: John Biscette, President; Ian Ali, Vice President; Michael Bryant, Treasurer; Johnny Sider, Recording Secretary; Roland St. P i e r r e , Corresponding Secretary; Kenneth O. Cole, Historian; Mark Phillips, Seargent at Arms; and John Burnett, Chaplin. Our deepest desire is to continue in the great tradition of our beloved Alpha for eternity. Until our n e x t c o r r e s p o n d e n c e , remember to hold the light of Alpha high. "06" —Basil C. Barrett

old dominion u Nu Theta in transition Highest a n d w a r m e s t fraternal greetings to all those w h o dwell within the hallowed halls of the House of Alpha. We, the Brothers of Nu Theta Chapter, are once again on the move. We welcome the chance to share our adventures with you and hope that you will indeed take notice and interest in what we are trying to accomplish in the name of Alpha Phi Alpha. To begin, congratulations go out to Brothers Alton (Jay) Harris, Augustus Patterson Jr., and Rodney E. Perry. Each currently resides in the realm of alumni after graduating in December 1987. Being a chapter of nine, we found both pleasure and anxiety in their entering the professional world. They have served the chapter well and, in the last year, held between them the offices of President, VicePresident, Dean-of-Pledges, Treasurer, Editor-to-the Sphinx, Historian, and Court Coordinator. Needless to say, we found a gaping hole within the ranks. We immediately compensated for The Sphinx/Fall 1988

the loss of three old and wise with the addition of three y o u n g a n d d e t e r m i n e d . Brothers C. Vincent Griggs, Ryan Jones, and Kevin Minor completed their long journey across those hot, burning sands on Friday t h e 13th, N o v e m b e r 1987. T h e neophyte "Untouchables" relaxed quite briefly before realizing that they had completed only the easiest part of being an Alpha Man. I n d e e d , b e i n g a Brother w o u l d be m o r e difficult than anything that they had f a c e d to d a t e . T h e y b e g a n b y assuming the offices of Treasurer, Vice-President, and Assistant Deanof-Pledges, respectively. The remaining officers were as follows: Brothers Wayne Byrd, President; Anthony Alton, Secretary; Jason Carter, Historian/Editor-to-the Sphinx; Kevin McNeill, Parliamentarian/Court Coordinator; Leander Johnson, Dean-of-Pledges. Finding ourselves still reeling from the vertigo of change, we decided to s p e n d the S p r i n g 1988 s e m e s t e r c o n c e n t r a t i n g on a c a d e m i c s a n d p l a n n i n g for the u p c o m i n g year. While our two major spring projects—our a n n u a l Sweetheart Extravaganza and Chapter A n n i v e r s a r y — w e r e still p l a n n e d , nearly everything else was appropriately streamlined. N o n e t h e l e s s , we r e m a i n e d a p r e d o m i n a n t force o n c a m p u s . Additional affiliations remained in all aspects of Greekdom as well as other campus organizations, such as the gospel choir, Ebony Impact; Minority Affairs S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e , the minority student voice on campus; the Human Rights Task Force; Old D o m i n i o n c h a p t e r of N A A C P ; Fellowship of Minority Engineers and Scientists, organization comprised of students with highly technical majors; in addition to still other individual interests. As we look to the future, we look with a renewed vigor for the ideals of t h e J e w e l s . We h o l d a n e w confidence and delight for that which lay before u s . For the 1988-1989 school year, we have plans for our a n n u a l H a l l o w e e n p a r t y for underprivileged children in the area, an intensified Alpha Week in the first w e e k of D e c e m b e r f e a t u r i n g a National Founder's Day Program, expanded recognition for Brother Dr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. in January, e x t e n s i v e activities d u r i n g Black History Month, our Fourth Annual S w e e t h e a r t Extravaganza in late March, and our Chapter Anniversary in late April. We hope to continue to extend and strengthen the fraternal network that stretches across this nation. Specifically, in the state of Virginia, we hope to share with chapters in each corner of the state on a more regular and consistent basis. Together, we can help to uplift the race onward toward the light. The time is now for us to transcend all.

norfolk stote u Busy Year at Epsilon Pi The brothers of Epsilon Pi, here at Norfolk State University, in Norfolk V i g i n i a offer o u r m o s t e a r n e s t greetings. All the brothers of Epsilon Pi are happy to say we are all certified. Epsilon Pi is in its rejuvenating stage. The chapter is proud to present its n e w Fall l i n e of 1987, " N o m e r D u b i u m " , w h i c h c o n s i s t e d of brothers Charles Brinkley, President; Juandiego R. Wade, Chaplain; Russell J. Stewart, Editor-to-the Sphinx; Grant H. Coleman, Dean-of-pledges; Mark Askew, Business Manager; Kevin M. Holmes, Alpha Angel Advisor; Warren Fouler, Lester Arnold, Vice-President; Ollie Elazier Jr., Seargeant-at-Arms; w h i c h b r o u g h t o u r c h a p t e r to a round fifteen. During the Spring 1988 semester Epsilon Pi endeavored several outstanding events. On February 4th we held our annual Alpha Phi Alpha dating game. The University student center was packed with Alpha supporters. It was very successful a l t h o u g h it w a s a not-for-profit function. Later in the month we held a "Da Butt" party that proved to be lucrative and entertaining. Also Epsilon Pi culminated its monthly adopted grandparent day at Cavorly Towers, with a step-show performance, arts & crafts and a bingo tournament. On March 15th the brothers were trained to perform CPR in conjunction with the Red Cross program. In Page 53

April the tutorial banquet was held, for t h e y o u n g s t e r s t h e b r o t h e r s tutored every Saturday morning. In o u r q u e s t to a c h i e v e t h e pinnacle of success, the brothers of Epsilon Pi will c o n t i n u e to hold Alpha high "06". -Russell ]. Steimirt

ohio Alpha Xi Lambda host 1 st Project

Fraternal greetings are extended from America's North Coast and the Glass City. Spring 1988 found Alpha Xi Lambda's members busy as they held the chapter's first Project Alpha; s p o n s o r e d the 16th Annual High School Recognition Banquet; put on the " u m p t e e n t h " biennial formal, and initiated two into Alpha. On April 30th, seventh and eighthgrade boys from four Toledo junior high schools and parents attended Project Alpha. The affair, held at The University of Toledo's Scott Park campus, was a great success. Both students and parents spoke highly of the event and the chapter is planning on expanding Project Alpha in 1989. Brother Samuel Strong, MD and Mrs. Karen F e r g u s o n , MD c o n d u c t e d morning physiology and sex education workshops. Following those workshops, Brother Willie Green keynoted the Project Alpha luncheon. Brothers M a r v i n Vines a n d M e r l e Dixon ( c o u n s e l o r s in the Toledo Public Schools) held motivational workshops in the a f t e r n o o n a n d Ms. Mary Krueger (YWCA) and Barbara Baker, PhD (Toledo Public Schools) spoke to parents at workshops. Brother Jay Young was Project Alpha's coordinator. The following Friday, May 6, Alpha Xi Lambda again reached out to Toledo's youth at the High School Recognition banquet. Over 100 local high school juniors and seniors were recognized for academic achievement at the Sheraton Westgate Inn. Scholarships of $700 each were presented to three high school seniors who will attend The University of Toledo, The O h i o State University, a n d Holy Page 54

Cross University (Mass.). Brother Arthur Roach coordinated the event. May 27 v i e w e d t h e e l e g a n t l y attired and June 4 welcomed new blood. Alpha Brothers a n d their guests gathered in the ballroom of t h e Radisson Hotel Toledo for a glittering evening of sequins and silk. Brother Richard Jackson chaired the formal ball. The 1987-88 fraternal y e a r w a s c a p p e d off w i t h t h e bringing in of the new. On June 4, Eric Stockard and Robert Tate joined Alpha's ranks. Brother Stockard is assistant director of admissions and coordinator of minority admissions at The University of Toledo and Brother Tate, one of Ebony Magazine's 1988 bachelors of t h e year, is a mortician a n d lab technician at Mercy Hospital. He plans to break ground for his own funeral home in August 1988. After the initiation ceremony, the Brothers gathered at The Willows restaurant for a celebration banquet. Alpha Xi Lambda chapter is steadily striving to find more ways to serve humanity and carry Alpha's Light as highly as possible.

kentucky Teenage pregnancy is one of the most pressing problems facing our young people today. The phenomenom of C h i l d r e n h a v i n g c h i l d r e n is reaching epidemic proportions.

Clearly, there is a need for innovative programming to address the problem. Project Alpha is such a program. Project Alpha is the result of a collaborative effort b e t w e e n t h e national organizations of the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. The program is designed to help Afro-American teenage males understand the role they must play as responsible young men in ending this epidemic. On June 4-5 the members of the chapter sponsored the first of a year long series of events that make up Project Alpha '88. The first event will be a two day workshop for 100 young men at Marydale Retreat Center in Erlanger-Covington, Kentucky. The theme for the workshop is "Pathways to Responsible Manhood". The young men will receive factual information on h u m a n sexuality, legal rights and responsibilities, and the social and financial impact of teenage pregnancy. The workshop will s t r e s s t h a t t h e best way to p r e v e n t t e e n a g e p r e g n a n c y is teenage abstention. Participants will also be encouraged to make positive changes in their behavior to better their chances of attaining their life goals. Lastly, the young men will discuss ways to "take the message back" to their schools, clubs, friends and families. Project Alpha is funded in part by Grants from The Andrew Jergens Foundation, The March of Dimes, The Sphinx/Fall 1988

RST A s s o c i a t e s , The A d o l e s c e n t Pregnancy Resource Network and the Ohio Department of Education. Featured speakers will include Mr. Earnest James, Attorney Tyrone Yates a n d Dr. Walter Bowers. Space is limited to 100 high school males. Contact Erskine "Buddy" Tucker at 861-4958 or Robert Killins at 821-9062 for application information.

ohio Chi Lambda gives Community Service Awards Chi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. held its annual Undergraduate Relations Social in Xenia on Sunday, March 13, 1988. On t h i s o c c a s i o n five O u t s t a n d i n g C o m m u n i t y Service Awards were given. Two awards were given to current members of Delta Xi Chapter, the undergraduate Alpha chapter at Central State University, and three were given to alumni members of Delta Xi. They were recognized for t h e i r s e r v i c e s to t h e U n i v e r s i t y community in their roles directing the computer activities in various Academic C o m p u t e r Centers and Computer Laboratories on campus. The President of Delta Xi was also cited for his outstanding leadership and the continued prominent profile of the Chapter on the University campus. Brother Randolph Napier, a 1985 graduate of Central State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, is the Systems Manager for the Academic Computer Center in the Banneker Hall Science Building and the Laboratory Instructor for several classes in the Computer Science Department. The Academic Computer Center has a VAX 11/785 s y s t e m as the m a i n computer which services five other remote computer facilities on campus and one at Central State West in Dayton, Ohio. The system is also an active n o d e on the state w i d e network with the Ohio State Supercomputer. B r o t h e r Robert P r i n c e , a 1985 graduate of Central State University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration wherein he concenThe Sphinx/Fall 1988

trated in Computer Information Systems, has the position of Computer Technician/Technical Director of the VAX Laboratory, the IBM PC Laboratory, and the Xerox Word Processing Laboratory. Brother Vernon G e n u s , a 1986 graduate of Central State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, is the Programmer Analyst for the Office of Testing in Wesley Hall. He is in charge of the computing activities in that office for scoring and analyzing a variety of tests given by that office. Brother Darryl Miller is a student majoring in Computer Science and has been assigned the position of UNIX S y s t e m s M a n a g e r for t h e UNIX Laboratory. Brother Miller was assigned to this position as a result of t w o very successful s u m m e r i n t e r n s h i p s (1986 a n d 1987) with AT&T in Columbus, Ohio. The only Academic Computer facilities not being managed by members or alumni members of Delta Xi are the ones in the Hallie Q. Brown Library and Jenkins Hall. The President of Delta Xi, Brother Cameron Beam, was also awarded an o u t s t a n d i n g C o m m u n i t y Service Award for his leadership and service. D e l t a Xi e a r n e d t h e C a m p u s Organization of the Year Award at Central State University (an award they have won for the past three years), and the Most Outstanding Chapter for the state of Ohio at the recent Alpha State Convention. He was also recognized for instituting

the Mathematics Contest two years ago which is given in the Department of Mathematics. During the awards ceremony, Brother Beam announced that Delta Xi is making a $100.00 contribution to the Building Fund for Alpha Phi Alpha (only $50.00 is asked of undergraduate chapters), $50.00 to the United Negro College F u n d , a n d $50.00 to the Greene County Chapter of the NAACP. Since that time, they have made several o t h e r d o n a t i o n s to c h a r i t a b l e organizations in the area. These awards from the Brothers of Chi Lambda Chapter, Wilberforce, Ohio indicate the pride we have for the a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s and contributions made by the men of Delta Xi. We salute them and wish them continued success. —Robert L. Marcus

illinois Mu Mu Lambda initiates Nine Mu Mu Lambda Chapter welcomed nine new Brothers, Warren Smith, Alcus Dunn, Garry Hooghkirk, Jeffrey Bates, Kenneth Washington, Charles Southern, George McCrowey, Ronald Boyd a n d M i c h a e l H u r s t at its Annual Christmas/Initiation Party on December 12. In October, eleven Brothers participated in the Adoption Center of Illinois 2nd Annual Adoption Talk-APage 55

Thon. The Talk-A-Thon is specifically designed to recruit adoptive homes for Black c h i l d r e n a w a i t i n g a n adoptive family. The Chapter has a d o p t e d t h i s p r o j e c t a n d will participate again in the fall of 1988. The Chapter's 4th Project Alpha was a huge success. Some 75 male and female s t u d e n t s participated. This year's program was co-sponsored with Lambda Alpha Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Mu L a m b d a c o n c l u d e s its Youth Development and Leadership P r o g r a m "Alpha Lites" with the Chapter's 6th Annual Beautillion on June 25 at the Holiday Inn O'Hare Hotel in Rosemont, Illinois. The Chapter has awarded over $30,000 in college s c h o l a r s h i p t h r o u g h The Beautillion Program.

kentucky Street Fit For A King When the citizens of Lexington, Kentucky drive or stroll downtown, they are reminded by a new street of a dreamer, who for more than two decades led a struggle to not only make America better for his own race but for all Americans. The dreamer was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Lexington h a s just become one of many cities across the nation that has renamed a street in his honor. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard is the result of a 15-month effort by the brothers of the Alpha Beta Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha FraternityIt all began around June of 1986 when two Sphinxmen were aspiring to become members of Alpha Phi Alpha. They were Lesley Moore, an engineer with IBM of Lexington, and William Jiles, a television n e w s reporter who also happens to be the writer of this article. At the recommendation of Brother James Lee, then Dean of Pledges, Brother Tay Seals assigned Moore a n d Jiles to initiate a project to rename a street in honor of Dr. King. Sphinxmen Jiles and Moore eventually crossed "those burning sands" and became Alpha brothers. But that didn't mean the end of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard project. In fact, it became stronger because the Page 56

work was then shared with the full chapter. The project stirred much controversy throughout the Lexington community —not just with whites, but among blacks. Many blacks did not agree on a street that was "fit to bear King's name." As for whites, the brothers found a lot of support, but many of them simply hated the idea. Some even circulated anti-King pamphlets that were believed to be connected with the Ku Klux Klan. T h r e e streets were c o n s i d e r e d before the Lexington-Fayette UrbanCounty Council approved a namechange for an artery that begins at the University of Kentucky, then runs through the heart of downtown— intersecting with Main Street along the way. The brothers found it in keeping with their initial proposal— "a street that is highly visible and well traveled." The success of the Martin Luther King, Jr. project is considered a major "Coup" in this very conservative city. The brothers of Alpha Beta Lambda deserve a "pat on the back." They were TENACIOUS!

Support The National Headquarters Fund Drive A Fraternal Obligation

u of iowa Alpha Theta On The Move G r e e t i n g s to all of A l p h a d o m e from the Alpha Theta chapter at the University of Iowa. It has been a long time since we have s u b m i t t e d a newsletter to the Sphinx. Some of you Brothers out there probably thought that there were not even any Alpha chapters in the state of Iowa. Well, we are one chapter, among the other three that are here in the state, that is continuing to carry the torch of Alpha Phi Alpha. The Alpha Theta chapter has come a long way. In a three year period we have moved from a chapter of only two members, to one of eleven. This was made possible by the dedication of o u r g r a d u a t e c h a p t e r Nu Chi Lambda. The Brothers that we have taken over since 1986 are as follows: Spring 86 Tyrone "Rock" Walls. Fall 86 Rodney "Solidstate" Kyles and Brian "Lighthouse" Boysaw. Spring 87 Michael "Aristotle" Wilson, Patrick "Galaxy" Glenn, Terrence "Sparky" Watts, Gregory " O r p h e u s " Kelley, Rodney "Bedrock" Sturgeon, Willie " S u r v i v o r " Watson, a n d Michael "Phoenix" Thomas. Last, but not least, our neophyte, who crossed the sands April 10, 1988, Paris "Midas" Lewis. The Sphinx/Fall 1988

The 1987-88 year was a very active one for our chapter. In the Fall we aquired a beautiful seven room house which is located a mile away from the main campus. Also, since Iowa was the first state that the presidential primaries started in, the Brothers were very active in campaigning for the Rev. Jesse Jackson. We ended the Fall semester by having a massive canned food drive the week of our founders for the needy in Iowa City. When the Brothers arrived back on c a m p u s in t h e S p r i n g we immediately got underway. On Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday we showed a documentary film on Dr. King and his activities in the Civil Rights m o v e m e n t , following the movie we had a discussion about how we as black students and future leaders can keep the dream alive. The following Friday, along with our Black S t u d e n t Union, we held a special church service in memory of Dr. King. Three weeks after the King activities we volunteered the use of our house in order to educate people on the procedures of a caucus, and the following week we held a big rally at the house and led a march on the way to the caucus place. When April rolled around Alpha Phi Alpha was "first of all" once again as we helped put together a rally for black solidarity on the University of Iowa campus. Our crowning moment of the year was when we won first place in the University of Iowa Greek Finale. Several h o n o r s were bestowed upon Brothers this year also. Brother R o d n e y S t u r g e o n , w h o will be attending the University of Iowa Law School in the Fall, was the recipient of the University of Iowa Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. award for most outstanding minority student. Brother Brian Boysaw will also be attending the U. of I. Law School in the fall. Brother Michael Wilson was elected President of the Black Greek Caucus. Brother Gregory Kelley was elected Vice President of the Black S t u d e n t U n i o n . B r o t h e r Willie Watson was elected to the Student Senate, and Brother Paris Lewis was recognized by the university for academic excellence. We are also proud of our new brother because he was recently accepted into a minority business program. The Sphinx/Fall 1988

The Brothers look back on 1987-88 and we say among ourselves "it was great", but we are determined and dedicated to make the 1988-89 year even "greater"! Our newly elected officers are: Terrence Watts, President; Patrick Glenn, Vice President; Willie W a t s o n , Secretary; Paris L e w i s , Treasurer; Willie Watson, Dean of Pledges; Michael Thomas, Parliamentarian; Michael Wilson, Editor-to-the Sphinx; a n d Gregory Kelley, Director of Education. For the Fall one of the very first things we will be doing is throwing a p a r t y to r a i s e m o n e y for t h e N.A.A.C.P. And along with several c o m m u n i t y p r o j e c t s we will be preparing for a ball and a Miss Black and Gold Pageant on the weekend of Founders. This is n o t t h e last t i m e t h a t A l p h a d o m will h e a r a b o u t t h e Brothers from Alpha Theta chapter, for we will continue to be in the forefront just as our seven founders w e r e back in 1906. May w e all continue to hold it high for Alpha Phi Alpha. —Michael Wilson

•BOUTHBI alabama aG-m Delta Gamma Campus Leadership

Greetings are warmly extended to the brotherhood from the Brothers of Delta Gamma, located at Alabama A&M University and nestled on the beautiful hills of Normal. Known to many as "The Hill". For the past academic year, our chapter has continued, with consistency, to uphold the aims of our great Fraternity. We are definitely campus leaders, when it comes to scholarship, service and achievement. Last spring, "The Untouchable Ten" became the most famous group on campus, as we crossed ten young men into our chapter, bringing a total of 38 members enrolled. Our newlv initiated Brothers are Patrick Arrington, Vincent Autrve, Darrell Campbell, David C u r t i s , Gesson

Davis, Gregory James, Freddie Jones. Ill, Narvaez Stinson, Kevin Tolbert and Gregory White. These Brothers have quickly become supportive of all chapters activities and we welcome each. They are proving that quality is more important than quantity. Our chapters activities have been numerous. We involved ourselves in such service oriented activities as: Tutoring in two elementary schools, in the areas of reading, science and one-on-one counseling; Black History programs and our Easter Egg Hunt and Valentine Party for the students enrolled in the Child Development Center on campus; Basketball Tournament and Campus Voter Registration Drive. In scholarship, Brothers Terrance Jackson, Dennis Emery and N'arvaerez Stinson received special commendations for academic excellence. In athletics, Brothers Freddie Jones III, Lorenzo Baldwin, Darrell Campbell, Tommy Cobbs and Keith Stewart excelled. Brother Tana nee Jackson s e r v e s as t h e M a r c h i n g B a n d s ' flamboyant drum major and is also an honor student and distinguished military student. In t h e S t u d e n t G o v e r n m e n t Association, there were five major officers elected. Three of these came from the ranks of Delta Gamma. Brothers heading the S.G.A. this year are Lucien Blankenship, senior, Birmingham, AL, as First Vice President; Gregory James, junior, Chicago, 111., as Second Vice President and Narvaez Stinson, junior, McKinzie, AL, as Treasurer. We congratulate these Brothers for their outstanding campus leadership roles. Graduation was unique this year. After 14 Brothers received their bachelors degrees and Brother Dr. H e n r y Ponder, president of Fisk University, delivered an inspiring commencement address, all Brothers, including students, faculty and guest assembled on the front [awn oi the campus to offer a moving rendition of t h e A l p h a H y m n . B r o t h e r s receiving their bachelor's degree w e r e : B r o t h e r s V i n c e n t Pierce, C l a u d e B u m p e r s , Darryl Brown, John James, O r l a n d o David, Jeff Shirley, Anthony Peterson, Derrick Boiling, Anthony Greene, Sebastain Ingram, Jesse Nunn, Stephin Pearson, Victor Brown, and Leon Greene. Page 57

Newlv elected officers were the following Brothers: Christopher Evans, President; V i n c e n t A u t r e v , Vice President: Kevin Tolbert, Recording Secretary; Jonathan Ward, Corresponding Secretary; Walter Watson, Jr., Treasurer; Keith Stewart, Demi of Pledgees; Freddie Jones, III, Assistant Dean of Pledgees; David C u r t i s , Sergeant-at-Anns; Narvaez Stinson, Chaplain: Dennis Emery, Chairman of Education: Darrell Campbell, Associate Editor-to-The Sphinx. Elected C o - U n d e rg ra d u a t e Brothers of The Year were Brothers Anthony Reterson and Vincent Pierce and elected Graduate Brother of The Year was Brother Dr. A. J. Garth, Professor of Education, who also serves as Chapter Advisor, along with Brother Larry McDaniel, Assistant Professor of Business. Delta Gamma wishes all Brothers of Alpha good luck for a successful year and r e m e m b e r that we will always hold the light of Alpha High. — Darrel Campbell

florida Mu Zera Lambda Sponsors Men of Tomorrow

Our chapter extends worldwide greetings to all Brothers throughout Alphadom. We went to press after a n o t h e r 'fantastic finish' to our F r a t e r n a l Year 1987-88. B r o t h e r Alphonse Stewart chaired our most s u c c e s s f u l M e n of T o m o r r o w program in our chapter's history. This program was held during the month of May at the Coleman Bush Building in Lakeland, Florida. Outstanding Sophomore, Junior and Senior male students from area high schools were formally presented and cited for their various accomplishments to date. This program was emceed by Brother Derrick Warren of G a m m a Zeta Lambda Chapter, Tampa, Florida, who himself posseses a myriad of talents, both p r o f e s s i o n a l and theatrical. Alpha Phi Alpha scholarships were presented to Mr. Albert Green oi Mulberry High School, Mr. Reche' S m i t h of K a t h l e e n High School, and Mr. James Thurman of Bartow High School. These young Page 38

The Brothers of Mu Zeta Lambda pose for a picture after hosting "Men of Tomorrow" program men are proof positive that there still exists a solution to the problem of the Black male population in the prison system increasing while Black male e n r o l l m e n t at o u r c o l l e g e s a n d universities are decreasing, so we embrace and congratulate these young men and challenge them on to continued success. S o p h o m o r e a n d Junior a w a r d s w e r e d o n a t e d by t h e H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n Division of S o u t h e r n Securities Insurance Company, with w h o m N e o p h y t e Brother Wayne D i c k e n s of L a k e l a n d , Florida is employed. The program attendees from Southern Securities were so impressed that they have offered to co-sponsor this program each year so we look forward to working with them in the future. On Saturday, July 23, 1988 the B r o t h e r s a n d t h e i r families a n d guests held our annual Family Picnic Outing. This event was held at Lithia Springs Park, Lithia Springs, Florida and a joyful time was shared by all in attendance. This annual outing culminates our Fraternal Year as we break for the Summer. On Saturday, July 30, 1988, chapter president Randy Barnes was wed to the former Patricia Walton. This union of love took place in Miami, Florida and was attended by several of the Brothers from our chapter. Best Alpha wishes to Brother and the new Mrs. Barnes for a lifetime of shared happiness and joy. As we close we would like to

mention the fact that we now have 95% of our chapter enrolled in the Life Membership program. This is the result of a yeoman selling job by c h a p t e r T r e a s u r e r Lynwood Bell (himself a fully paid Life Member) combined with good basic economic sense on behalf of the Brothers. Our goal is to be 100% fully paid up as a chapter when the Alpha National Convention returns to the great state of Florida, so we issue this same challenge to all chapters throughout Florida. Until next issue. . . . —Donzell Floyd

alabama Delta Theta Lambda hosts Annual Unity Breakfast

Greetings to our Brothers in Alpha. The members of Delta Theta Lambda Chapter experienced a very successful year. Goals were achieved. During t h e p a s t year we h o s t e d a very successful Annual Unity Breakfast in honor of our beloved Brother Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday. Brother " G u s " Witherspoon, past president of Alpha South, was the dynamic speaker for this occasion. We also have five recent initiates in the chapter. Shown the "Light of World" this past year w e r e t h e following neophyte Brothers: Chris Enyinda, Harold Winn, Cedric Knott, The Sphinx/Fall 1988

Herman Thornton, and Cedric Fuller. Serving as Chairman of Initiation, which p l a n n e d a n d directed the activities, was Brother Jimmie Bivins. He was assisted by Brothers Gregory Evans and David Belton, who are recent graduates of Louisiana State U n i v e r s i t y a n d U n i v e r s i t y of Alabama at Birmingham respectively. The First Annual Sphinx Awards a n d Benefit Ball was directed by Brother Larry McDaniel. Excellent entertainment was presented by The Avery R i c h a r d s o n Band from B i r m i n g h a m . The c h a p t e r h a s a p r o u d h e r i t a g e of s c h o l a r s h i p , community service and dedication to the ideals of love for all mankind. The goals of the benefit ball were to assist and support two major chapter projects; namely, assisting the homeless and prevention of teenage pregnancy. Three Founders of the Chapter, who were celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the chartering of Delta Theta Lambda were present. These honored Brothers were Dr. E d w a r d E. C a m p b e l l r e t i r e d physician from Nashville, TN, Eddie L. Callahan of Tuskegee and George H. H o b s o n retired e d u c a t o r and presently a member of Delta Theta Lambda.

The Brothers of Xi Zeta Lambda donate sign to City of Moss Point.

mississippi Xi Zeta Lambda Donates Poems

Xi Zeta Lambda Chapter of Moss Point, MS supported the JacksonGeorge Regional Library system in its tribute to Black History Month with a gift of the literary works of one of its charter members, Dr. Jerry Ward. Dr. Ward, a Moss Point native, is a Brother Herman Mixon headed the professor of English at Tougaloo ColEducation Committee which was lege, vice-chairman of the Mississippi instrumental in presenting thousand Committee for the Humanities and dollar scholarships to two local high United Negro College Fund scholarschool students. Also, there were in-residence at Talladega College in two students sent to the Leadership Alabama. Conference held at Fisk University Xi Zeta Lambda donated seven of and a seminar was held on Teenage Dr. Ward's poems published by the Age Pregnancy, with emphasis on University Press of Mississippi, plus the responsibilities of the Black Male. other articles, essats and short stones The following Brothers were to the library. recently elected chapter officers: This was the second year that Dr. James Heyward, President; Charles Ward has been featured among the McMillan, Vice President; Wilbert literary contributions of black writBrown, Secretary; Kirby Stevenson, ers. Treasurer; Kenneth Binford, Financial The chapter was also influential in Secretary; Mingo Clark, Parliamentarian; establishing the display of artistic Jimmie Bivins, Dean of Pledgees, A. J. works of a local black retired business Garth, Associate Editor-to-The Sphinx; man, H. C. Travillion. William Minter, Jr., Sergcant-at-Arms and Herman Mixon, Director of Education. T h e B r o t h e r s of D e l t a T h e t a Lambda are active and involved. We are strong in membership (64 active Brothers) and we are influential and we will c o n t i n u e to p u r s u e our dreams as we strive "Onward and Upward." The Sphinx/Fall 1988

TfiOVlNG?] REPORT YOUR NEW ADDRESS & SS # TO: Membership Department Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 4432 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Chicago. IL 60653

The chapter will continue to work w i t h t h e R e g i o n a l L i b r a r y in encouraging the display of local black artist throughout the year.

florida Epsilon Pi Lambda Bestow Annual Awards

The Epsilon Pi Lambda Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. recently held its annual recognition and awards banquet at the Howard A c a d e m y C o m m u n i t y Center. It began with brief memorial service for the late Brother Benjamin F. Brown and it also gave special honor to B r o t h e r Riley P r e s t o n w h o has undergone surgery. Charles Lauria and Thomas George reviewed the many activities Alpha Phi Alpha sponsored or supported during the year. Brother John Livingston sang a solo, after which Brother Hebert S. C o l e m a n p r e s e n t e d the speaker, Brother Lorenzo S. Edwards, Pastor of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church and a City Councilman. He commended Alpha for being a goal oriented organization. He challenged those present to always keep their sights on some far-reaching goal. Culminating activities included the presentation of awards for the year by Brother Warren Hope. Perfect Attendance Awards for all meetings a n d a c t i v i t i e s w e n t to Brothers William E. Jackson, Fred S. Smilev, and Frank Washington, Jr. Brothers Reuben Williams was the recipient of Page 59

the Outstanding Service Award and Brother Warren Hope received the p r e s t i g i o u s B r o t h e r of t h e Year Award. The C o m m u n i t y Birthday Calendar salesman award was won by Brother Frank Washington, Jr. Scholarship recipients were Christopher Smith, honor graduate of V a n g u a r d H i g h , w h o will be attending Florida A&M University, and Reginald Landers, a graduate of Forest High, who will be attending Central Florida Community College. Officers for 1988-89 were installed by Brother John C. Rawls, State Director of the Florida Federation of Alpha Chapter. They are Brothers Frank W a s h i n g t o n , Jr., President; Warren H o p e , First Vice President; Charles Lauria, Second Vice President; William E. Jackson, Secretary; Fred Smiley, Treasurer; John J. Livingston, Editor-to-the Sphinx; Marion Lenon, Parliamentarian; Rev. Eugene Broxton, Chaplain; Thomas George, Historian, a n d Reuben Williams, Director of Educational Activities. Mr. Johnnie Lee Wright, one of the 1987 s c h o l a r s h i p r e c i p i e n t s , was p r e s e n t . H e is a t t e n d i n g t h e University of South Florida in Tampa. All community calendar contestants a n d their p a r e n t s were p r e s e n t . B r o t h e r Fred Smiley, C a l e n d a r Contest Coordinator, presented a s l i d e s h o w of t h e c o n t e s t a n t s , parents, and fraternity members. —William E. Jackson

u of auburn Omicron Kappa holds Youth Outreach Program

From the members of Omicron Kappa Chapter, we extend greetings to all of our brothers in Alpha! The 1987-88 school year proved to be a prosperous one for the brotherhood here in Auburn, as we continued to develop the notable reputation and traditions of our young chapter. The year began in a somewhat diplomatic m a n n e r for the "O.K. Corral", involving all of the Black Greek o r g a n i z a t i o n s on c a m p u s . Each respective chapter helped to cohost a benefit Step Show which managed to generate over $1200 in proceeds. The money was donated to Page 60

the Lee C o u n t y Dept. of H u m a n Resources a n d the United Negro College Fund. The chapter also conducted successful Food Basket Drives for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, receiving generous donations from local supermarkets and the populace in general. Other than that, our initial interests focused upon the pledging of another Sphinx Club. "The Four Journeymen" of Fall '87 began their trek on October 21, and on November 23 four more fanatical neophytes crossed those "Burning Sands" into the realms of Alphadom: Lorenzo "The Exorcist" Gonzalez, Dewayne "Dr. Who" Sanders, Brinson "Tweety" Byrdsong, and Keith "The Untouchable" Harris. Omicron Kappa's Youth Outreach Program has been steadily progressing " o n w a r d a n d u p w a r d " . Monthly visits to t h e local s c h o o l s w e r e conducted all year long, and this time we were able to expand our annual Spring Youth Workshop to include not only the local junior high but the high school as well. The youngsters thoroughly enjoyed t h e m s e l v e s while they a t t e n d e d lecture sessions concerning d r u g a b u s e , sexual responsibility a n d awareness, higher education, and self motivation. Other highlights of the year include our Second Annual MLK M e m o r i u m a n d Discussion Forum, an Easter Egg Hunt for the toddlers of Drake Nursery School, and a Fund Drive for the Lee County Alliance, an organization created to assist the elderly poor in the area. During the year, we also found an opportunity to celebrate the passage of four more brothers into the graduate ranks: Darrien P. Northcutt with a B.A. degree in History, Alan W. Schoniers with a B.A. in Industrial O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t , Ray A. Madison with a B.S. in Electrical E n g i n e e r i n g , a n d F r e d e r i c k L. H a m i l t o n with a B.A. in Public Administration. Needless to say, it was a reluctant yet cheerful farewell. The elected officers of Omicron Kappa Chapter for 1988-89 are as follows: Charles F Marshall, President and Chaplain; W. Keith Harris, Vice President; Ronald T Cutwright, Secretary; Dewayne R. Sanders, Treasurer; Jimmy I. Lewis, Director of Educational Activities and Associate Editor-to-The

Sphinx; Lorenzo Gonzalez III, Dean of Pledges and Sergeant-at-Arms; Brinson L. Byrdsong, Assistant Dean of Pledges and Historian; Roderick D. Davis, Parliamentarian. Once again, those of us here on the "Plains" send our most sincere salutations to our Alpha brothers everywhere, and we challenge you as we challenge ourselves to continue to carry out the noble aims and purposes of this great fraternity. Hold high the Name, and God bless! —jimmy /. Lewis

florida Gamma Zeta Lambda Making its Tracks in Tampa Day

The Gamma Zeta Lambda Chapter presented it's annual Black and Gold Soiree on April 23, 1988 at the Tampa Airport Hilton. The brothers put on a fun-filled elegant evening that was enjoyed by all. This successful event was sponsored to raise money for the s c h o l a r s h i p fund. Brother Gary Lockett was committee chairman and Brother Darryl Myles was program coordinator. Other committee members were Brother Manny O'Bryant, Arthur Mallard, Stephen Morman and Lorenzo Butler Brother Myles coordinated a s y n c o p a t e d fashion review t h a t featured antics by the models, short jazzy dance steps and a high-flying step show by the Brothers of the T h e t a G a m m a C h a p t e r at t h e University of South Florida. The step show was incorporated into a classroom skit appropriately entitled "School Daze." It brought college memories back to the more "mature" guest. It also brought the audience to their feet. Zoy Hall Dell of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority was the c o m m e n t a t o r and Brothers Kevin Edwards and Myles were featured in the review. A l s o in A p r i l t h e B r o t h e r of Gamma Zeta Lambda tied for first place in the Battle of the Greeks sponsored by the Tampa chapter of Delta Sigma Theta. The Brothers Showed they are superior in sports as well as in academics. G a m m a Zeta L a m b d a C h a p t e r sponsored it's "Men of Tomorrow" The Sphinx/Fall 1988

ceremony at the end of the 1987-88 school term. Brother Lockett, the guest speaker, spoke on "The Role of Blacks in Corporate America in the 1990's". His words were both inspiring and moving to the recipients of the scholarship and awards. Eric Sharpe of Tampa received the scholarship and the runners-up received book stipends. The young men exemplified high qualities in scholarship, leadership and the pursuit of excellence. Gamma Zeta Lambda ended it's fraternal year with a meeting held at Davis Island. New officers elected for 1988-89 are: Arthur Mallard, President; Darryl Myles, Vice-President; Jimmy Atmore, Jr., Corresponding Secretary; Anthony Satchel, Recording Secretary; Virgil Stubbs, Jr., Treasurer; Terence M. H o o d , Associate Editor-to-The Sphinx; Tommie Robinson, Chaplain; Manny O'Bryant, Historian; Edward Griffin and Bailey Glover, Co-Deans of Pledges; and Garyt Lockett, Director of Educational Activities.

texas Xi Tau Lambda sponsores Boy Scour Troop

G r e e t i n g s to all b r o t h e r s in Alphadom from the brothers of Xi Tau Lambda chapter. This has been a very busy year for our chapter. We a r e n o w in o u r f o u r t h y e a r of existence. The year began with the establishment of our third pledge line, the Tylenol Five. This line brought five excellent brothers into t h e fraternity. They are: Robert Foster, Jr., John Gilmore, Tyrone Skinner, Arthur Davis, and Roderick Frierson. In December 1987, our chapter hosted the Annual Metroplex Council of Alpha Chapters observance of Founder's Day. We hosted our first convention in February 1988 when the brothers in the state of Texas convened in Dallas for the 24th Texas Council of Alpha Chapters (TCAC) convention. The brothers of Xi Tau Lambda remain committed to the Alpha Idea of c o m m u n i t y s e r v i c e . Led by Brothers Leon Wilson and Roderick Howard, we sponsored a Boy Scout Troop in which the brothers work with the young men as scoutmasters, The Sphinx/Fall 1988

Xi Tau Lambda in its fourth year poses with all of its dedicated members. taking them on various types of outings and serving as positive role models, etc. Also, we sponsored the Annual Wreath Laying Ceremony on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday at the Martin Luther King Center in Dallas. Also, Brother Charles King spearheaded a project in Sherman, T e x a s w h i c h r e s u l t e d in t h e d e d i c a t i o n of a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. At the Martin Luther King Center in that city. Brother King is also Director of Programs for the Southwestern region. Brother Albert Johnson was named Regional Director of the North Texas area. Brother Rory Chandler was named Assistant to the Southwestern Regional Vice-President while serving as Secretary of the Texas council of Alpha C h a p t e r s (TCAC). Also, Brother Leon Wilson was named Brother of the Year by the Texas Council of Alpha Chapters. Brother Wilson Alson s e r v e s as Sergeant-at-Arms for the Dallas Pan Hellenic Council. Xi Tau Lambda would like to congratulate Brother Alonzo Poindexter for having his business named as one of the Top 100 Industrial/Service C o m p a n i e s by Black Enterprize magazine. Brother Dale Long was recently named to the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Garland (TX). Brother John Gilmore was recently elected Chaplain of the Texas Council of Alpha Chapters. Finally, Xi Tau Lambda has been asked to chair the Security a n d Transportation C o m m i t t e e of the Dallas Junior Black Academy of Arts

a n d Letters Gala. Brother James Gillenyen is spearheading this effort. In addition, the brothers of Xi Tau Lambda sponsored a clothing drive. Our officers for the 1987-88 year are as follows: Charles King, Jr., President; Leon Wilson, Vice-President; James Gillenyen, Recording Secretary; Curtis Alexander, Treasurer; Robert Gordon, Corresponding Secretary; Tim Williams, Financial Secretary; Rory Chandler, Dean of Pledges and Associate Editor-toThe Sphinx; Glover McMillan, Director of Educational Activities; Albert Johnson, Historian. Our Officers for the 1988-89 year are as follows: James Gillenyen, President; Tim Williams, Vice-President; John Gilmore, Recording Secretary; Robert Foster, Jr., Corresponding Secretary; Roderick Frierson, Treasurer; Curtis Alexander, Financial Secretary; Robert Gordon, Dean of Pledges; Charles King, Jr., Director of Educational Activities; Albert Johnson, Historian; Tyrone Skinner, Chaplain; Robert J o n e s , Associate Editor-to-The Sphinx.

xavier u Big Things happening at Beta Tau

Greetings from the brothers of Beta Tau Chapter here at Xavier University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Since our last article big things have been happening here at Xavier. Page 61

There have been two pledge lines initiated into the fraternity starting with the spring of 1987 with brothers: Arthur Levy, Andrea Dejoie', John Perez, Kevin Williams, Donald Bishop, Leslie P o l l a r d , C h r i s S i m m o n s , Ronald Murray, Ronald M a g g e e , Ronald Clinton, David Travillion, and David Butler. The second line initiated was the line from the fall of 87 with brothers: Ewaul Persaud, Anthoney Hart, Eric White, Shyllite Sibley, Bonnie Thomas, Reginald Alex, Toney Hampton, Daryl Bush, Darren Flowers, Clarence J. Red III, and Damon Weddington. Congratulations to these brothers. Beta Tau is also proud to say that we have a couple of brothers who have high positions in the Student G o v e r n m e n t Association. Brother Arthur Levy was recently elected to his s e c o n d c o n s e c u t i v e S t u d e n t Government Association presidential office for the academic year 1988-89. Brother Tony H a m p t o n h a s been elected as the Junior Class President. Congratulations to these brothers. Beta Tau would like to congratulate Xavier's Dean of Student Affairs and our brother, Joseph Byrd, for being elected as the State President of Louisiana. Congratulations also goes o u t to Beta Tau b r o t h e r s Karl Connors and Ronald Murray w h o were elected State Chaplain and State Secretary respectively. Beta Tau is a l s o p r o u d to a n n o u n c e t h e chapter officials for the academic year 1988-89. Leslie Pollard, President; Donald Bishop, Vice President; Toney Hampton, Secretary; Reginald Alex, Treasurer; Karl C o n n o r s , Dean of Pledgees; Darren Flowers, Associate Editor-to-The Sphinx; Clarence J. Red III, Historian; Schyllite Sibley, Director of Education; Anthony Hart, Chaplain; Andrea Dejoie', Sergeant at Arms; and David Travillion, Parlhnentarian. The b r o t h e r s of Beta Tau have continued to hold the light of Alpha up high with its many achievements a n d a c t i v i t i e s . S o m e of o u r achievements are: sponsor of clothes drive for Goodwill, co-sponsor of Xavier U n i v e r s i t y Blood D r i v e , sponsor of Youth Awareness- Project A l p h a , p a r t i c i p a n t in t u t o r i a l programs, donor of food baskets to needy families, and participant in city wide voter registration drive. The brothers of Beta Tau would like Page 62

The brothers of Iota Omicron are left to right, front rmo: Reginald Carpenter, Robert Hear Nathaniel Washington, John Williams, Jr., Back Row: Eric Longing, Ibrahim R. Muhamm Falayrium T. Burden. to let you all know that we will continue to uphold the high standards of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. —Darren Flowers

southern methodist u lota Omicron continues Community Service The b r o t h e r s of Iota Omicron chapter extend fraternal greetings to all brothers of the House of Alpha. Here, at Southern Methodist University, we are committed to holding the name of Alpha high. The 1987 fall semester began with our first fall pledge line in four years. Two intelligent young men crossed the burning sands. The Indomitable Duo consists of the following brothers: John A. Williams, Jr. and Robert Heard, Sr. The 1988 Spring semester began with our sixth annual Martin L u t h e r K i n g , Jr. P r o g r a m . This program has become a great success in e d u c a t i n g o u r c a m p u s to t h e legacy of our late Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. We co-hosted the 24th a n n u a l TCAC convention in February 1988. Also, we welcomed four young men into the House of Alpha. The Unquestionable Quartet consists of the following brothers: Nathaniel E. Washington, Falayrium

T. Burden, Eric Longino and Ibrahim Reginald Muhammed. Our last major program for the spring semester is our Alpha Week Program in which we honor several prominent black women from our campus and the Dallas Community for o u t s t a n d i n g s e r v i c e to t h e c o m m u n i t y . This p r o g r a m is the h i g h l i g h t of t h e e n t i r e week. In closing, Brother Falayrium Burden received a summer internship with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre in New York. Brothers Eric Longino and Ibrahim Reginald Muhammed are making major contributions as members of the SMU Varsity Basketball Team, champions of the Southwest Conference. Chapter officers for the year 198788 year are as follows: Adolphus Drain, Jr., President; Robert Heard, Sr., Vice-President; John Williams, Jr., Secretary; Reginald Carpenter, Treasurer and Dean of Pledges. Chapter Officers for the 1988-89 year are as follows: Falayrium T. Burden, President; John Williams, Jr., Vice-President and Secretary; Nathaniel E. Washington, Treasurer; Adolphus Drain, Jr., Dean of Pledges and Director of Educational Activities; Reginald Carpenter, Historian; Ibrahim R. M u h a m m e d , Associate Editor-to-The Sphinx; Eric Longino, Chaplain; Adolphus Drain, Jr., Parliamentarian; N a t h a n i e l E. Washington, Assistant Dean of Pledges.


California Eta Sigma Lambda sponsors Project Alpha

The light of Alpha has been shining brightly from the San Jose, California chapter for the first half of 1988. To start the year Eta Sigma Lambda marked its fifth annual chairmanship of the Martin Luther King freedom train ride commemoration on our brothers holiday celebration. The train ride is a special event in the San Francisco Bay area that answers the call of freedom to the people by o r g a n i z i n g civic g r o u p s in cities w i t h i n a 50 m i l e r a d i u s of San Francisco and bringing them into San Francisco for "King Holiday" rallies and remembrance of the great leader. In February Alpha was again at the lead during Black History Month. Our chapter sponsored student scholarships for students showing exceptional essay writing skills and sponsored students participation in Black history month celebrations. We also sponsored a "careers days" for San Jose schools that highlighted Black Colleges, Blacks in high tech fields, and Blacks in Industry. In March, Eta Sigma Lambda went to S e a t t l e to claim t h e Western Regional Convention Chapter of the Year award. The competition was tough and this would be Eta Sigma Lambda's first attempt in its history for a back to back repeat at the coveted award. Not to be outdone, ESL came out of the competition victorious as 1988 Western Region Chapter of the Year! We are setting our sites now on 1989. As an early reminder, we welcome all brothers to San Jose in 1990 for the Western Region Convention. For those who came out in 1984, you can bet 1990 will be Greater than before. Planning has already begun. ESL is recognized in San Jose as one of the most active civic minded g r o u p s in t h e c o m m u n i t y . O u r membership is invited to Mayoral councils on youth activities, education, and scholarship. We regularly The Sphinx/Fall 1988

support many organizations whose charters are to make San Jose a better place to live. The San Jose Unified School District welcomes our education and scholarship programs into the school system, and we invite all of San Jose to join in participating in the programs we sponsor. One such program is Project Alpha. In San Jose, Project Alpha is viewed as an institution. Working with community leaders, the March of Dimes, and the San Jose Unified School District, Eta Sigma Lambda has molded Project Alpha into one of the most talked about student education programs in the city. In May of 1988 Project A l p h a sponsored 40 male students on a camping retreat to the mountains surrounding San Jose for two days of education, discussion, introspection, and awareness into the issues of teen p r e g n a n c y . The ESL p r o g r a m is perhaps one of the most integrated Project Alpha Programs in the nation generating support and participation from all walks of life and all races in San Jose. The second annual program was a success stirring discussion from key civil h e a d s of t h e city further i n c o r p o r a t i n g it into the education structure. Our program may be expanded into a semi annual program of up to 100 male students and their fathers. Such is growth and expansion in Silicon Valley! Greetings again from Eta Sigma Lambda, San Jose California. See you in 1990! —Darn/1 Parker

programs. We are also proud to have as new members of our chapter as of this spring, Brothers Magnus Christon and Brian Booker. As a r e s u l t of o u r c o m m u n i t y service and campus leadership efforts the chapter was awarded the Stanford Black Community Awards for community outreach and fraternal leadership for the second year in a row. We have continued our Luncheons for t h e S e n i o r C i t i z e n s of t h e community as well as tutoring the y o u t h in n e a r b y East Palo Alto. T h a n k s to g e n e r o u s funding and community support we were also able to sponsor a myriad of programs on campus related to the AfricanAmerican experience in America. In conclusion the Brothers of Nu Sigma are taking the summer months to plan activities that will spread the s p i r i t of A l p h a t h r o u g h o u t t h e c o m m u n i t y and s t e n g t h e n the fraternal bond of brothers in our region. May the Spirit of Black excellence pervade your lives! —Byron K. Strother

Stanford Nu Sigma receives Community Award

The Brothers of Nu Sigma Chapter, Stanford University would like to extend a warm, fraternal greeting to all of our brothers in Alphadom. The 1987-88 school year was another y e a r d i s t i n g u i s h e d by d i l i g e n t scholastic w o r k a n d c o m m u n i t y service. We had the good fortune to s e e four of o u r b r o t h e r s , M a r k Garner, Charles Givens, Nathan Hill and William Pate graduate this spring and make their respective ways into the work force and graduate education


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DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIANS - 1989 The Sphinx announces its 12th Annual Distinguished Collegians competition. Nominations are now being accepted for inclusion and we invite your participation. Nominees must be members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, presently working toward the baccalaureate degree. Selections will be made on the basis of the overall accomplishments of nominees or extraordinary achievement in any one area (scholarship, sports, campus leadership, etc.). Those College Brothers selected will be featured in the Summer 1989 issue of The Sphinx in a special feature entitled DISTINGUISHED COLLEGIANS. There are no restrictions regarding the number of applicants per region or chapter. Nominations may be submitted by ANY member of Alpha Phi Alpha—including the nominee. Selections will be made by the staff of The Sphinx. MAIL YOUR APPLICATIONS NOW!!! All nominations must be received in the General Office no later than May 1, 1989. MICHAEL J. PRICE, Editor-in-Chief, The Sphinx Name First


Chapter Name


Chapter No.

College/University Mame Location



On Scale of

Major. Date of Initiation (If different from present chapter) Details of education (Include high school): Future plans: Memberships in other organizations (with offices held): Other extracurricular activities: Honors, prizes, awards {with dates): Hobbies: What contribution has ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY made to your career/life goals?

Mailing address: Zip Code. YOU MUST include glossy PHOTOGRAPH (preferably black & white) with completed nomination form. Attach up to one additional sheet, if necessary. DEADLINE: May 1, 1989 Page 64

T h e Sphinx/Fall 1988

Brother DANIEL J. BAILEY passed June 7, 1988. Brother Bailey was a member of the Gamma Iota Lambda Chapter, Brooklyn, New York. Brother Bailey was a graduate of Howard University where he received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1933. While at Howard U n i v e r s i t y h e c o m p l e t e d his ROTC Training as a First Lieutenant. Soon after the advent of World War II, he entered Tuskegee Army Air Force serving with the 99th Air Force. He also served with the 33rd Air Force.

and commendations from every important office in the city, county and state. Dr. Ballard is survived by two sons by his first wife, Estellins (Deceased), and one daughter by his present wife, Betty. He has nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Brother Dr. Ballard was funeralized on July 1, 1988, at the first A.M.E. Church, Los Angeles, California. Brother Bishop H. H. Brookins delivered the eulogy. The local Chapters conducted Omega services prior to the funeral services. t+t

Brother DR. BALLARD was committed to Omega Chapter on July 1, 1988. Before his departure, he served admirably as physician, scholar, business administrator and an Alpha Man. Dr. Ballard finished his elementary and high schoolt r a i n i n g in L e x i n g t o n , Kentucky. He then attended Howard University where he received his B.S. and M.D. degrees. Dr. Ballard was very active in all school activities and was initiated into Chi Delta Mu Medical Fraternity, serving as its president during his junior and senior years. After graduation, he served as an intern at City General Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri. Upon completing his internship, he began a practice of general medicine in Birmingham, Alabama. Dr. Ballard d e m o n s t r a t e d a s i n c e r e c o m m i t m e n t to professional and community service through his participation as president of the State Medical Society of Alabama, being active as a member of the Birmingham Mental Hygiene Society, as an active member of the Executive Board of the NAACP, member of the Birmingham Negro Chamber of Commerce, member of staff at Children's Hospital, and Chairman Pro-Tern trustee Board, St. John A.M.E. Church. He was initiated into the g r a d u a t e c h a p t e r of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in Birmingham. In 1950, Dr. Ballard retired from the medical profession in Birmingham and moved to Los Angeles, California where he entered the field of business investments. Although he passed the medical exams in California, his wife's illness prevented the practice of medicine. Again, he heavily involved himself in community affairs, local and state. He affiliated with Beta Psi Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. exemplifying the truest spirit of Alpha, even serving a period as Vice President of the Western Region. After fifteen years in the field of business, Dr. Ballard was asked to help with the e s t a b l i s h m e n t of the first Black Commercial Bank in the State of California, the Bank of Finance. When the Bank opened for business in 1964, he was elected Chairman of the Board, a position he held until 1973 when he was elected President and Chairman of the Board of Directors. For his extensive envolvement, Dr. Ballard received awards

The Sphinx/Fall 1988

Brother KENNETH GENE BOSTIC entered Omega Chapter on January 17, 1988. He was 27 years old. Initiated into Alpha Rho Chapter at Morehouse College in 1980. Brother Bostic received the Johnson & Johnson Leadership Award to attend Columbia University in New York. After receiving his M.B.A., he was employed with Tambrands, Inc. and the Lever Brothers as a product manager. He returned to A t l a n t a in 1986 a n d w a s e m p l o y e d w i t h Cox C a b l e Communications as manager of Marketing Communications. Final rites were held at Ben Hill United Methodist Church. He is survived by his parents Attorney Harris C. & Joyce Bostic, two brothers and a sister.

t++ Brother H. THOMAS C. BOYD, h o u s i n g specialist with Farmer's Home Administration, former extension agent of Edgecombe County, and former board member of OIC died January 13th as the result of a car accident. Born in Aurora, N.C., he was the son of the late Henry Porter a n d Pauline Coffey Boyd. He attended elementary schools in Aurora, N.C. and Washington, D.C. After gradu a t i n g from t h e St. Paul Poly technical Institute, Lawrenceville, Va., he received his B.S. degree in Agriculture from A&T College, Greensboro, N.C. He was an Army veteran of World War II. He taught evening v e t e r a n s ' d e v e l o p m e n t a l classes in Fort Barnwell, N . C , following his active military service. For 15 years he served as agricultural extension agent in Edgecombe County. In 1969, he moved to Raleigh, N.C. to become a housing specialist with the U.S. Farmer's Home Administration. On March 24, 1951, he was married to the former Ruby Elizabeth O'Hara. Through this union there were five children: Mr. H. Thomas C. Boyd Jr. of Raleigh, Mrs. Stellyne B. Curtis of Raleigh, Mrs. Melanie B. Leak of Columbus, Ohio, Mr. Raphael O. Boyd of Raleigh and Miss Tyra M. Boyd of Columbus, Ohio. He is also survived by two sons-in-law, Foston Curtis Jr. and William David Leak; six grandchildren, Foston Curtis III, Lauren Curtis, Wytina Dawn Leak, Meghan Leak, Mia Leak, and Vincent Harrington; one brother, Walter

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Boyd of Aurora; one sister-in-law, Vera Jean Rivers of Statesville, N.C. and many nieces, nephews and friends. He was a member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church Choir, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, president of the Black Minority Employees Association, Epo of Epicureans, Del Gents of the Delicados, and Guys and Dolls. Funeral mass was celebrated at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, corner of Peartree Lane and Poole Road, with Rev. James Labosky officiating. I n t e r m e n t followed in the National Cemetery on Rock Quarry Road.

Brother GEORGE DAVIS, JR. died July 22, 1988, at Helen Keller Memorial Hospital, Sheffield. Brother Davis was a native of Lawrence County and a resident of Tuscumbia. He was a charter member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity at Alabama A&M University. He was a veteran of World War II, a teacher in Lawrence County before beginning his career at the Tennessee Valley Authority, w h e r e he worked as an environmental engineering associate. He formed his own business, Skipworth and Davis Tombstones. For 35 years he served as mortician and funeral director at Thompson and Son Funeral Home. He was a member of High Street Church of Christ, Tuscumbia. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Frankie Davis, Tuscumbia; daughter, Mrs. Jennifer Daniels, Dallas; brothers, James Davis, Alliance, Ohio, Booker T. Davis, Buffalo, Leroy Davis, Tacoma, Robert Davis, Detroit; sisters, Mrs. Q u e e n D. S i m m o n s , Columbus, Mrs. Dorothy L. Davis, Greensboro, N . C , Mrs. Mary Grant, Mrs. Celestine Key, both of Courtland; one grandchild. Bearers were Toney Barnes, Peter Clark, Fred Johnson, Leonard Skipworth, Elijah Smith and Peter Smith. + +


F u n e r a l s e r v i c e s for Brother DR. WILLIAM JAMES DOWDELL, 93, well known dentist and prominent civic leader of Bessemer, Ala., were held February 22 at First Baptist Church, South Bessemer. Dr. Dowdell attended Eufaula Academy and graduated from Selma University. He then attended Roger Williams University in Nashville, Tennessee before obtaining his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Meharry Medical College in 1920. He began his dental practice in Bessemer the same year. In 1922, he married the former Mamie Burwell of Selma. To this union two daughters were born, Gwendolyn and Evelyn. Mrs. Dowdell preceded him in death in 1968. Dr. Dowdell was an active member of First Baptist Church, South Bessemer, for 65 years. In addition to his many years of Christian service, he was extremely active in professional, civic and social affairs, both locally and nationally. He was a charter member of the Omicron Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in Birmingham where he served as treasurer for 45 years. He also helped establish a graduate chapter of the fraternity at Meharry Medical College. In addition to being a founder of the Bessemer Voters League and the Bessemer Civic League, he served as first president for both organizations and originated the Annual Emancipation Day Celebration in Bessemer. Dr. Dowdell was involved in the initial organization of Boy Scouting for Blacks in Bessemer and received the Silver Beaver Award. He was an avid supporter of the Pauline Bray Fletcher Scout Camp. He was a lifetime member of the National Dental Association, the American Dental Association, the NAACP, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He also served as president of the Jefferson City Dental Study Club and the Selma University Alumni Association.

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Brother WILBER HARDY who was not large in stature or size but was considered a giant in o r g a n i z a t i o n and structure of Delta Psi Lambda Chapter. Brother Hardy died on D e c e m b e r 16, 1987 at F i t z s i m o n s A r m y Medical Center in Aurora, Colorado. Wilbur received his primary and secondary education in Montgomery, Alabama where he also attended and graduated with a B.S. Degree in Biology from Alabama State University in 1951. He became an Alpha man in 1949 crossing the sands with Beta Upsilon. Brother Hardy joined the United States Air Force as an enlisted man in 1953. After two years he received a direct commission and was trained as a Navigator at Ellington Air Force Base in Houston, Texas. His first duty station was at Castle Air Force Base at Merced, California. Brother Hardy remained with the Air Force for twenty years and after attending the intelligence school at Lowry Air Force Base in 1965, He retired as a major. Wilbur c o n t i n u e d his education receiving two masters degrees from the University of Colorado. An MBA and a Masters Degree in Public Administration and Planning. During his years in Colorado, Brother Hardy was active in the political process for the election of Governors, Senators, Representatives, Mayors and Councilmen. Though he was under the Hatch Act while serving with the Air Force, he became a master in the political process. Of course we are all aware locally of the valuable contribution that our Brother Hardy made to Delta Psi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. The programs that were initiated during his tenure as President, such as the tonsorial care given at the Stovall Care Center and the Tutorial Program are continuing to serve the community. Brother Hardy was a leader with other community organizations. He served on the Board of Directors of the Aurora YMCA and on the Board of Directors for the Colorado Youth Citizenship Award (CYCA). He was also one of the first men to join the Business and Professional Women's Group when the membership was opened to men. He was a Pioneer. Brother Hardy was married to Melba Warren in October of 1954. She attended and was graduated from Texas-Southern University in Houston, Texas. Their union produced three children. Wilmya, who is a Captain in the U.S. Air Force, s t a t i o n e d at P a n a m a ; Rita, a r e s e a r c h Biologist in t h e Washington D.C. area; and Brandon, who is employed with Federal Corrections in Austin, Texas.

+++ Brother CLEMENT JOSEPH HAZEUR, JR. was a native of Mobile and a resident since 1949. He w a s a n a l u m n u s of Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, La., and earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Howard University, Washington, D.C. Upon graduation he served as a Captain in the U.S. Army Dental Corps. He established his dental practice in Mobile in 1949. He was an active

The Sphinx/Fall 1988

member of the Most Pure Heart of Mary Church, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the National Dental Association, the Gulf Coast Dental Association, Utopia Club, Inc., and the Mobile Area Mardi Gras Association. Over the years he was involved in many civic and philanthropic endeavors. Those who knew him will remember his inimitable ability to turn the most minicule event into a uniquely memorable occasion. He was the widower of Evelyn Cheatham Hazeur, and is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Felicie H. Kempt of Carmel, IN, and Miss Camille M. Hazeur of Alcoa, TN; two granddaughters, Miss Camille M. Kempt and Miss Therese K. Kempt, both of Carmel, IN; father, Mr. Clement J. Hazeur, Sr. of Bay St. Louis, MS; two sisters, the Rev. Mother Rose Hazeur and Sr. Bertille Hazeur, of New Orleans; two brothers, Mr. Emile L. Hazeur of Bay St. Louis, MS, and Mr. August (Katherine) Hazeur of Wilmington, DE; one son-in-law, Dr. Wilhelm Kempf of Carmel, IN; sisters-in-law, Mrs. Mary Ridgley of Philadelphia, PA and Mrs. Laura (William) Cousins of Philadelphia, PA; a devoted friend, Mrs. Yvonne L. King of Mobile; nieces, nephews, Godchildren, cousins and a host of friends.

from the commission in 1982, Brother Lee was named by the Commission for the remainder of that term. In 1983, he ran and won the seat for a full term of four years. He was successful again in 1987 for a second full-term. He was deeply involved in the city's problems, growth and development until his death. On the day of Brother Lee's demise flags flew at half-mast at both city and school district facilities. City business was suspended for the day as the news of Lee's death shocked city and school officials. Fond memories will be cherished by his loving wife, Arlena Yvonne Benton Lee, a school resource teacher, two daughters, Arlena Dawn Lee, high school science teacher, and Julia Yvonne Lee, a 1988 graduate of Vassar College and his mother, Thelma Fennell of Miami. Cherished memories will also be shared by two brothers, Otis Lee of Miami and Enos Lee of Ft. Lauderdale. Sisters-in-law, Attorney Margaret Benton, Glorious Lee, Carolyn Lee and two brothers-in-law, Clem C. Benton, Jr., and Attorney Charles P. Benton. There are three nephews, three nieces, one aunt, seven uncles and a host of cousins to share in that memory.


+ +t

Albert A. Kelly, a retired employee of John L. McClellan Memorial Veterans Hospital, Little Rock Division, died. He was a Korean war veteran and a Catholic. Survivors are his wife, Helen B. Kelly; two sons, Darrell Rodney Kelly of Germany and Anthony John Kelly of Los Angeles; two brothers, Robert Kelly of Chicago and George Kelly of Little Rock, and a sister, Bertha Woods of Little Rock. A rosary was said at Allie E. Freeman and Sons Funeral Home by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Funeral was at St. Bartholomew Catholic Church by Rev. Walter Bracken and Rev. Jerry Hamperzonian. Burial will be in National Cemetery. Memorials may be made to St. Bartholomew Catholic Church.

Brother JULIUS LEE, JR., 55, entered Omega Chapter on January 19, 1988 at Mount Sinai H o s p i t a l in M i a m i , Florida. Brother Lee was a charter member of Eta Kappa Lambda C h a p t e r in F o r t P i e r c e , Florida and a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha. His career was marked by service and l e a d e r s h i p of the h i g h e s t caliber in Education, Religion, Business and Government. Brother Lee was a native of Panama City, Florida and moved to Fort Pierce, in 1956. At the t i m e of h i s d e m i s e , h e w a s s e r v i n g as an A s s o c i a t e Superintendent in the St. Lucie County School District and a Fort Pierce City Commissioner. He was a long time member of Goodwill Presbyterian Church, where he served as an elder; the Fort Pierce Lions Club; the St. Lucie County Democratic Executive Committee; the local Chamber of Commerce and countless other clubs, organizations, authorities and committees. As a distinguished graduate of Bethune-Cookman College, Brother Lee was an active and ardent supporter of his alma mater. He served in the U.S. Army from 1956-60 in the Medical Corp as an Optical Laboratory Specialist. He earned his Master's Degree at Florida A&M University in 1961. Brother Lee's service to the city and citizens of Fort Pierce began when he was named to the Planning and Zoning Board in 1967. In 1979, he w a s a p p o i n t e d a m e m b e r of the distinguished Board of Adjustment, where he served until 1982. When former city commissioner Brother Havert Fenn resigned T h e Sphinx/Fall 1988

Brother JOHN D. LOVEJOY, entered Omega chapter February 19, 1988 after an extended illness in Atlanta, Georgia. Brother Lovejoy was born in Greenville, Georgia, June 10, 1915 a n d received his s e c o n d a r y e d u c a t i o n from Booker T Washington High S c h o o l in A t l a n t a . He graduated from West Virginia State College, where he was i n i t i a t e d into A l p h a Zeta Chapter in 1937. Brother Lovejoy served as Principal of Hill High School in Lafayette, Georgia and started the first Boy Scout Troop in the area, serving as Scout Master. His great influence on the youth resulted in several of his former students attending college. Later he relocated to the Dekalb County Public School System where he was a principal. In 1978, he retired from the Rockdale County School System. He was an active member of Eta Lambda Chapter until his illness. Omega Services were conducted at Seller Brothers Funeral Home with final rites at his church, Warren Memorial United Methodist Church. He is survived by a devote wife of 48 years, Marynette Bonner Lovejoy, four children, John III, Juanita Maddox, Sylvia Maxwell, Jenelsia Wright, seven grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild. +++

Brother WILLIAM D . REESE e n t e r e d O m e g a Chapter on August 1, 1987. He w a s b o r n in Bennettsville, South Carolina and later moved to Florence. He received his B.S. degree from Virginia Union University, w h e r e he was i n i t i a t e d i n t o A l p h a Phi Alpha F r a t e r n i t y in 1938. Brother Reese later affiliated with Beta Gamma Lambda. In 1970, he moved to Atlanta, G e o r g i a a n d j o i n e d Eta

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Lambda where he remained active until his death. For 20 years, he was an Advertising Salesman for AfroAmerican Newspaper and also a Real Estate Broker. Final rites were held at Seller Brothers Funeral Home. He leaves to mourn a devoted wife, Dorothy Thornton Reese, a fifty year member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and a host of other relatives and friends.

++t Memorial services for Brother JESSE E. TAYLOR, JR., were held April 1 at the Church of Christian Fellowship, where he was an active member for 20 years. Los Angeles Councilmen Gilbert Lindsay and Robert Farrell prepared a City Council adjourning motion in memory of Taylor. Taylor, founder of the Van Nuys College of Business and the Long Beach College of Business, died at his home in Las Vegas, Nev., on March 26, 1988. A native of Arkansas, Taylor attended Philander-Smith College and earned a degree in business administration from Western Reserve in Cleveland, Ohio. He was decorated by the military for his service in Europe during World War II. He was a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Locally, Taylor was involved in many civic organizations, including the Long Beach Rotary Club. He is survived by four sisters, Irma T. Hill and Johni T. Higgins, both of Las Vegas; Carrie T. Griffin of Detroit, Mich.; and Wilma T Carter of West Covina.

Alva S. Thornton, a longtime Cincinnati Public Schools teacher, died in St. Elizabeth Medical Center North, Covington, Ky., after complications from surgery. The Walnut Hills resident and Covington native was 86. For almost five decades, Mr. Thornton taught math, science and physical education at Stowe, Sherman, Dyer, South Avondale and Columbian schools. He retired in 1971 after 46 years in the system. Even after he retired, Mr. Thornton was a frequent substitute teacher. He was a 1923 graduate of Wilberforce College in Ohio and a 1925 graduate of the University of Cincinnati. He belonged to Bethel Baptist Church in Walnut Hills, where he was active in the religious education program. Survivors include three grandchildren and numerous greatgrandchildren. •+t

Brother CHARLES RUSSELL WALLACE was born October 16,, 1925, to the late Dr. James Carroll and Maude Thomas Wallace in Marlin, Texas. Charles attended Carroll Street E l e m e n t a r y School, Charlton-Pollard High School, and completed his u n d e r g r a d u a t e s t u d i e s at Wiley College in 1944. Upon g r a d u a t i o n , he joined the United States Navy where he s e r v e d for t w o y e a r s . He

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attended Graduate School at the University of California at Los Angeles where he enhanced his studies in the field of Biology. While a student in Medical School, he attended the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, to further his thirst for knowledge and strong desire to excell in the field of medicine. In 1951, he received his medical degree from Howard University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C., graduating with honors in Obstetrics/Gynecology and Psychiatry. In September, 1950, he was united in holy matrimony to Anita Yvonne Dancy. Together they returned to Beaumont where he began his medical practice with his father. In his continued a t t e m p t s to broaden his medical expertise, he p u r s u e d a s p e c i a l t y in t h e field of Family M e d i c i n e . Accordingly, he was Board certified and became a Fellow in the American Academy of Family Practice in 1978. He was an active member of the Jefferson County Medical S o c i e t y ; N a t i o n a l M e d i c a l A s s o c i a t i o n ; Texas M e d i c a l Association; American Medical Association; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; The Satellite Investment Club; Appomattox Social Club; Howard University Medical Alumni Association; Wiley Club; Golden Heritage Member of the NAACP; and served as school physician in the Beaumont Independent School District. Having practiced medicine in Beaumont, Texas for thirtyseven years, Charles Russell Wallace departed this life Tuesday, July 5, 1988. Though the gift of his life is celebrated, his homegoing is mourned by his wife, Anita Dancy Wallace; five children; Dr. Charles R. Wallace, Jr., Crystal D. Ford, Vicki L. Sprott, Cheryl Y Boyd, and Andrew Lawson Wallace; a brother, Spurgeon N. Wallace; an aunt, Marguerite Patillo; an uncle, Jack Patillo; four grandchildren, and many other relatives and friends.


Brother JOSEPH GERARD WINSTON, the son of Fred and Bettie Winston, was born February 16, 1965. He departed this life on November 8, 1987. Joseph, a 1984 graduate of Jesse H. Jones, was a student at Prairie View A&M University. While attending Prairie View he served as: Senator of Fiscal Affairs-Student Government Association; Chaplain of the Eta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and actively involved in religious activities. He was general manager and public relation director of the May Cooperage Inc., a family owned business. He leaves to cherish his beautiful memories: parents, Fred and Bettie Winston, Sr; brother, Fred Winston, Jr; Sister-in-law, Winifred Winston; newphew, Fred Winston, III; paternal g r a n d p a r e n t s , H i l l i a r d a n d Ola W i n s t o n , L u m b e r t o n , Mississippi; three aunts; five great aunts; two great uncles and a host of relatives and friends.


T h e Sphinx/Fall 1988


Htnry A. Cillis. M D .

Charles H Chjpman

Eugene KincklÂŤ Jones

George B Kelley

Nathaniel A. Murray

Ruber! H Ogle

Vertner W Tandy

GENERAL OFFICERS G E N E R A L P R E S I D E N T - C h a r l e s C. T e a m e r , Sr., 2601 Gentilly Boulevard, N e w Orleans LA 70122 E X E C U T I V E SECRETARY - J a m e s B. B l a n t o n , III, 4432 King Drive, Chicago, 1L 60653 G E N E R A L T R E A S U R E R - J a m e s M. T r e n t , 4523 Woodgate Way, MitcheUville, M D 20715 COMPTROLLER - T h o m a s R. H u n t , 9 Rickover Court, Annapolis, M D 21401 G E N E R A L C O U N S E L - Milton C. D a v i s , 308 North Main Street, T u s k e g e e , AL 36083 D I R E C T O R - G E N E R A L C O N V E N T I O N S - K e r m i t J. Hall, Adams House - B-822, City Line Ave. & Presidential Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19131 VICE P R E S I D E N T S E A S T E R N - W a r r e n A. S c o t t , 23 Spectrum Drive, Newark, D E 19713 M I D W E S T E R N - H a l l o w a y C. S e l l s , 2375 Florence Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45206 S O U T H E R N - J o h n R. K e l l y , 40 Barbara Drive, Gulfport, MS 39503 S O U T H W E S T E R N - Randall P a l m e r , III, P . O . Box 6096, Lawton, OK 73506 W E S T E R N - G. B e r n a r d B r o w n , 5932 Condon Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90056 ASSISTANT VICE P R E S I D E N T S E A S T E R N - H a m p t o n H. Trigg, II, Apartment # A - 1 , 152 Greenbridge Drive, Newark D E 19713 M I D W E S T E R N - J o h n F. G e r m a n , 7709 S. Luella, Chicago, IL 60649 S O U T H E R N - J o h n M. W i l l i a m s , 32 Lakeview Place, College Park, GA 30337 S O U T H W E S T E R N - Marc A. R o b e r s o n , Court 9 - Apartment # 2 1 6 , 8181 Lake Forest Boulevard, New Orleans LA 70126 W E S T E R N - R y a n L. W i l l i a m s , 5665 Reseda Boulevard, Tarazana, CA 91356

Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. H u e l P e r k i n s , Chairman 1923 79th Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70803 J a m e s B . B l a n t o n , III, Secretary J a m e s M. T r e n t , Treasurer M i l t o n C. D a v i s , Counsel E r n e s t L. H o l l o w a y Jim Dave Wilson J o h n W. G e r m a n R o l a n d W. W e s l e y Clarence Christian C h a r l e s C. T e a m e r , Sr., Ex Officio

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. GENERAL OFFICE 4 4 3 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Chicago, IL 6 0 6 5 3 Telephone: (312) 373-1819 James B. Blanton, III, Executive SecretaryMichael J. Price - Assistant Executive Secretary Editor-in-Chief, The Sphinx Darryl R. Matthews, Director-Marketing/Membership

Alpha Phi Alpha Building Foundation, Inc. W a y n e C. H a r v e y , Chairman 8775 West Kingsbury St. Louis. MO 63124 J a m e s B . B l a n t o n , III, Secretary J a m e s M. T r e n t , Treasurer M i l t o n C. D a v i s , Counsel Albert Holland A l l e n F. K i l l i n g s M i t c h e l l Albert, Jr. E d w a r d H. Ballard R o b e r t E. S i m m o n s C h a r l e s C. T e a m e r , Sr., Ex Officio


2101 Louisiana Avenue, #301 New Orleans, LA 70115

LIFE MEMBERSHIP Watson A. Young 43691 Expressway Drive Belleville, MI48111

PUBLICATIONS Joe C. Thomas 208 Chadwick Way Benicia, CA 94510

SPECIAL PROJECTS Elmer J. Moore 2717 Tennyson Street, NW Washington, DC 20015

BUDGET AND FINANCE Thomas R. Hunt 9 Rickover Court Annapolis, MD 21401

CONSTITUTION Marshall E. Williams 1270 Fifth Avenue, #7-R New York, NY 10029

PERSONNEL Thomas A. Phillips 9908 Taylor Drive Overland Park, KS 66212

RECOMMENDATIONS Warren E. Sherwood 15 Columbus Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042

STANDARDS AND EXTENSION Felix L. Goodwin 7065 North Stardust Circle Tucson, AZ 85718

BUSINESS ENCOURAGEMENT Charles E. Lewis** 3500 Fieldstone Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27105

ELECTIONS Warren A. Scott 23 Spectrum Drive Newark, DE 19713

PUBLIC POLICY Eddie V. Easley 4121 Winchester Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106

RULES AND CREDENTIALS Emmett W. Bashful 5808 Lafaye Street New Orleans, LA 70122

TIME AND PLACE Walter H. Criner 9219 Petersham Houston, TX 77031

Nathaniel Goldston** 552 Moores Mill Road, NW

GRIEVANCES AND DISCIPLINE Wiley F. Jones P.O. Box 285 Alcorn State University Lorman, MS 39096

SENIOR ALPHA AFFAIRS Frank A. Dee P.O. Box 11315 Omaha, NE 68111


AWARDS Terry L. Arrington 5426 Upton Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70809


Atlanta, GA 30305

Marion B. Bracy


W. A. Pollard*

Charles H. Wesley*

William H. Hale*

Roscoe Conkling Giles*

Daniel D. Fowler*

Rayford W. Logan*

T. Winston Cole, Sr.

Frederick Miller*

Simeon S. Booker*

Belford V. Lawson, Jr.*

124 SW 23rd Gainesville. FL 32607

Charles H. Garvin*

Raymond W. Cannon 2008 Virginia Road

A. Maceo Smith*

Henry Lake Dickason* Henry Arthur Callis* Howard Hale Long*

The Sphinx/Fall 1988

Los Angeles, CA 90016

B. Andrew Rose*

Frank L. Stanley, Jr.* Myles A. Paige*

Lionel H. Newsom Barber-Scotia College Concord. NC 28025

Ernest N. Morial 1101 Harrison New Orleans. LA 70122

Walter Washington Alcorn State University Lorman. MS 39096 James R. Williams 1733 Brookwood Drive Akron, OH 44313 Ozell Sutton 1640 Loch Lomond Trail. SW Atlanta, GA 30331


Page 69

Directory of Chapters All Chapters are required to submit a "Chapter Directory" to the Ceneral Office within ten (10) days after the election of chapter officers. This form should list the chapter's "Official Contact Person" — to whom all chapter mail is sent. This listing contains only addresses sent to the General Office for the 1988-89 fraternal year, as of October 1, 1988.

LEGEND I (A) . (P) • (CS). (S) . (FS) . (RS) EAST DISTRICT I INTERNATIONAL Director Gene Williams 7506 Candy Tuff Court Springfield. VA 22153

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa Phi (II ol Liberia - #439) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsllon Theta Lambda (Hamilton, Bermuda - #219) No Report Eta Epsllon Lambda (Monrovia, Liberia- #260) No Report Theta Epsllon Lambda (St. Thomas. VI - #282) Elmo A Adams (P) P.O. Box 623 St Thomas. VI 00801 Theta Theta Lambda (Frankfurt. Germany - #285) NorOert A Hopkins (CS) Box 2367 AP0. NY 09123 lota Epsiion Lambda (Nassau. Bahamas - #506) No Report lota Sigma Lambda (St Croix. VI - #518) No Report Mu Phi Lambda (Seoul. South Korea - #565) Aaron R Andrews (P) PSSC Box 442 AP0. SF 96206 DISTRICT II NEW ENGLAND Director Thomas D Harris P 0 Box 1013 Hartford. CT 06143 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Sigma (Boston - # 1 7 ) Derrick Grubb (P) Astor Station. P 0 Box 792 Boston. MA 22123 Alpha Gamma (Brown - #25) Todd Brown (P) Box 1167 Brown University Providence, Rl 02912 Alpha Kappa (Springfield - #32) Lloyd Nolan (P) Box 515, 1000 State St Springfield. MA 01109 Theta Zeta (Dartmouth - #381) Oaron S Fitch (P) H B 5024 Bartmouth College Hanover. NH 03755 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsiion Gamma Lambda (Boston - #214) Jacob M Younginer (P) 7 Heritage Road Bedford. MA 01730 Tbeta lota Lambda (Springfield - #286) Thomas Morrow (P) 11 Preston Springfield. MA 01109 Mu Theta Lambda (Providence - #553) No Report Nu XI Lambda (Sudbury - #580) No Report WESTERN NEW ENGLAND COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta (Yale - #6) Stanley Horton (P) 2338 Yale Station New Haven, CT 06520

Page 70

Advisor President Corresponding Secretary Secretary . . Financial Secretary . . Recording Secretary Kappa Delia (Connecticut - #423) Clifton J Cooper (P) 1276 Slorrs Rd Buckley Hall 537A Slorrs, CT 06268 Mu Phi (Bridgeport - #461) Joel Roach (S) 1284 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604 MuPsI (S Connecticut - #463) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Sigma Lambda (Hartford-#161) Darry L Burke (P) 50-N-404 Willard St. Hartford, CT 06114 Zeta Phi Lambda (Stamford - #253) Dennis Taylor (P) 25 Second St , 2C Stamtord, CT 06905 Eta Alpha Lambda (New Haven - #256) Clinton Robinson (P) 25 Fountain Terrace New Haven, CT 06515 DISTRICT III NEW YORK Director George L Mims 885 Seneca Road West Hempstead, NY 11552 METRO NEW YORK COLLEGE CHAPTERS Eta (New York City - #7) John D. Lance (P) 340 Morris Avenue #1A Bronx. NY 10451 Delta Chi (Brooklyn - #308) Donovan Anthony Deans (P) GPO Box 022520 Brooklyn, NY 11202 Zeta Eta (Columbia - #338) No Report Theta Epsllon (Adelphi - #380) No Report Kappa Rho (C W Post - #435) Kenneth L Watson (ED) P 0 Box 299 Greenvale. NY 11548 Xi Psi (Hofstra - #707) Darren Morton (P) Hofstra University Student Center Box 42 Hempstead, NY 11550 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Gamma Lambda (New Y o r k - #125) Warren J, Austin (P) 410 Central Park West #12A New York, NY 10025 Gamma lota Lambda (Brooklyn-Long Island - #175) John M Williams (S) 51 Alabama Ave Hempstead, NY 11550 Zeta Zeta Lambda (Si Albans - #239) Calvin Gooding (CS) 187-32 Bellensp Street Springfield Gardens, NY 11413 Eta Zeta Lambda (New Rochelle- #261) Robert Lewis (CS) 115-15 204th Street St Albans NY 11412 Eta Theta Lambda (Wyandance - #263) Earnest Williams (P-e) 153 Mount Joy Avenue Freeport, NY 11520 Eta Chi Lambda (Nyack - #276) Cordell Johnson (P) P 0 Box 165 Orangeburg, NY 10962

Kappa Xi Lambda (New York - #536) No Report Kappa Upsilon Lambda (Mid-Hudson Valley - #542) No Report CENTRAL NEW YORK COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha (Cornell- #1) Mark Michael (P) 409 Elmwood Avenue Ithach, NY 14850 Delta Zeta (Syracuse - #94) Steven D, King (S) 600 University Ave #103 Syracuse. NY 13210 Kappa Zeta (Ulica - #425) Orson Nicholson (P) Itica College Utica. NY 13502 Omicron Upsilon (Rensselaer - #726) John Blscette (P) 2236 14th Street Troy. NY 12180 Pi Beta (SUNY-Binghamton - #731) Owen M Brown, Jr. (P) P.O Box 1857 S.V.N Y. Bingtiamton Binghamton, NY 13901 Pi Pi (Union - #744) Dwayne Wilkins (VP) Freedom Quad Apts. Box 3605 Albany. NY 12222-36 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Pi Lambda (Albany-#159) Elmer L Greene I Brookhill Drive Schenectady. NY 12208 Theta Chi Lambda (Schenectady - #298) No Report lota Theta Lambda (Endicott - #509) Alton G. Roney (P) I I Lane Court Apalachm, NY 13732 lota lota Lambda (Rome- #510) No Report lota Kappa Lambda (Syracuse- #511) No Report WESTERN NEW YORK COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Epsllon (Buffalo - #93) No Report Mu Sigma (Rochester - #458) Todd Morris (CP) 94 Colony Manor Drive Rochester, NY 14623 Rho Alpha (Brockport - #752) David Tong (P) Harmon Hall Room 1208 SUNY-Brockport Brockport, N Y 14420 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho Lambda (Buffalo - #116) Orlando Rainey (P) 162 New Road East Amherst, NY 14051 Eta Rho Lambda (Rochester- #271) No Report DISTRICT IV NEW JERSEY Director Carlisle Parker 16 Franklin Place Montclair, NJ 07042

NORTHERN NEW JERSEY COLLEGE CHAPTERS lota Rho (NJIT - #413) No Report Omicron Zeta (Fairleiqh-Dickmson - #713) David G. Tidwell (P) 1000 River Road Teareck. NJ 07666 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha Lambda (Newark-#123) Warren E, Sherwood (S) 15 Columbus Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 Beta Alpha Lambda (Jersey City- #145) No Report Delta Mu Lambda (Paterson-#199) Hugh E. Young. Sr (P) 588 Grove Street Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Zela Epsiion Lambda (Red B a n k - # 2 3 8 ) George Y, Wyatt (S) 32 Spicy Pond Road Howell, NJ 07731 Zeta Nu Lambda (Plainlield - #245) Kevin S Turner (VP) 1129 E, 3rd Street Plainfield, NJ 07062 Kappa Theta Lambda (Teaneck - #531) Benjamin A Collien (S) 286 E 27th Street Paterson, NJ 07514 SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delia lota (Rutgers - #97) Sinclair Bishop, Jr. (P) 205 Redmond Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 lota Iota (Trenton St - #406) Jason Garrett Wilson (S) 311 Cuyler Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 Nu tola (Glassboro St - #472) Darrin L. Stalling (P) 227 Parkcrest Village Glassboro. NJ 08028 PI XI (Stockton St - #742) G. Larry James (A) 708 Moonraker Court Smithville. NJ 08201 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Theta Lambda (Atlantic City - #130) Augustus C. Harmon (P) 300 S. Chester Avenue Pleasantville, NJ 08232 Zeta lota Lambda (Trenton- #242) Ralph L Sims (P) 50 Harding Street Trenton. NJ 08618 Theta Psi Lambda (Somerset - #299) Walter E Andrews (P) 120 Hickory Road Somerset, NJ 08873 Kappa lota Lambda (Burlington County - #532) Robert L. Jones (P) 304 Farmdale Road Moorestown, NJ 08057 Nu Gamma Lambda (Glassboro - #570) William H, Myers (S) 227 Parkcrest Village Glassboro, NJ 08028


Treasurer Editor-to-the-Sphinx . . . Vice President . . Dean of Pledges . . Dean of Pledges Assistant Secretary

(ES). (VP) (DOP) (DP) (AS) DISTRICT V PENNSYLVANIA Director Ronald Mangum 306 N Euclid Avenue Pittsburgh. PA 15206

EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE CHAPTERS Nu (Lincoln-#12) Elbert Hatley (S) Box 569 Lincoln University, PA 19352 Psi (Pennsylvania - #22) Curtis A Myers (P) Box 40, 3820 Locust Walk Philadelphia. PA 19104 Delta PI (Cheney - #302) Kevin A, Spratley (VP) P O Box 431 Cbeyney University Cheney, PA 19319 Zeta Psi (West Chester - #353) Mark Vodery IS) P 0. Box 2730 Westchester, PA 19383 lota Sigma (Millersville - #414) Cordon J. Cooper (P) C10 SMAC (front desk) Millersville. PA 17551 Pi Rho ITemple U - #745) Oaryl Fitzgerald (CS) 1422 W. Diamond Street Philadelphia. PA 19122 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Rho (Philadelphia- #16) William A. Hanscom (CS) 7902 Toby Leech Drive Elkins Park, PA 19119 Zeta Tbeta Lambda (Harrisburg #241) No Report Zeta Omicron Lambda (Philadelphia - #247) Frank E, Devine (P) 111 David Road Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Omicron Delta Lambda (Philadelphia- #615) Selvin Gordon (P) P O Box 20000 Philadelphia, PA 19145

DISTRICT VI MD/OC/DE Director Oswald Boykin 1019 Sero Estates Drive Ft. Washington, MD 20744 DELAWARE COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Sigma (Delaware State - #83) No Report XI Omicron (Delaware - #499) Hampton H. Trigg, II (P) P.O. Box 524 Newark, DE 19715 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Theta Lambda (Wilmington-#174) Arthur J. McMillian (P) 1 Stalwart Drive Newark, DE 19713 Zeta Rho Lambda (Dover - #249) William H. Bass (P) 64 Beech Drive Dover, DE 19901 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta (Howard - #2) Cornelius M, Bates (P) 2905 Sherman Avenue. NW Washington. DC 20001 Nu Beta (American - #465) John Singleton. Jr. (P) P 0 Box 4643 Georgetown U. Washington, DC 20057 Omicron Omicron (UDC-#721) Ronell S. White (P) 4215 First Street SE #201 Washington. DC 20032 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Mu Lambda (Washington- #111) LeRoy Lowery, III (P) 1724 Portal Drive, N W Washington, DC 20012 Omicron Lambda Alpha (Washington - #500) Luther T. Falls (P) 518 9th Street, N.E. #506 Washington, DC 20002 Omicron Eta Lambda (Washington - #618) Ray E. Spears (P) P.O. Box 1844 Washington. DC 20013-1844

Nu Kappa (UMBC-#473) Kevin L. Mitchell (P) P.O. Box 23650 Baltimore, MD 21203 Pi Theta (Coppin St - #737) Robert Clifton Hubbard (CS) 6307 Wallis Avenue Baltimore. MD 21215__ ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Lambda (Baltimore- #104) Dr. Charles R. Salters (P) 9806 Clanlord Road Randallstown. MD 21133 Delta Omicron Lambda (Princess Anne - #203) James M White, Jr. (P) P.O. Box 247 (Delta Omicron Lambda) Princess Anne. MD 21853 Eta Eta Lambda (Annapolis - #262) Rulus Abernathy (P) P.O. Box 3636 Annapolis, MO 21403 lota Alpha Lambda (Aberdeen - #502) Clarence Vaughn (P) 929 Elizabeth Street Havre de Grace, MD 21078 lota Upsilon Lambda (Silver Spring - #520) Adrian V. Nelson (CS-e) 4005 Manor Park Court Rockville, MD Kappa Epsiion Lambda (Landover - #528) Cleveland Haynes (P) 2905 Gosport Ct. Fort Washington, MD 20744 Kappa Kappa Lambda (Baltimore - #533) Major Lee (CS) P.O. Box 22229 Baltimore. MD 21203-4229 Kappa Phi Lambda (Columbia - #543) David H. Barrett (P) 12106 Gold Ribbonway Columbia. MD 21044 XI XI Lambda (Frederick - #602) William E. Campbell. Jr (P) P.O. Box 1084 Frederick. MD 21701

DISTRICT VII VIRGINIA Director John A. (Tony) Mann 9525 Heathwood Court Burke. VA 22015 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA NORTHERN VIRGINIA COLLEGE CHAPTERS COLLEGE CHAPTERS Omicron Gamma (Pittsburgh - #14) MARYLAND (Virginia Union - #3) Thomas W, Brooks (P) COLLEGE CHAPTERS James L. Brown. V (P) P O Box 19388 Beta Alpha P 0 Box 91. 127 Storer Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (Morgan Slate - #45) VUU Campus Gamma Nu Brian K. Garrett (P) Richmond. VA 23220 (Penn St - #78) 499 Beaumont Avenue. Apt < Theta Rho Arthur L. Sheffield, II (P) Baltimore. MD 21212 (Virginia Commonwealth - #391) Calder Square, P.O Box 10662 Delta Nu Myron Clanton Jr. (S) State College, PA 16805-10662 (Eastern Shore- #100) 2307 N 25th Street Xi Mu Warren D Dowdy, (P) Richmond. VA 23223 (Slippery Rock - #496) Box 1422 lota Alpha No Report Princess Anne, MD 21853 (George Mason U - #398) Xi Sigma Eta Zeta Darren C Lyons (P) (Indiana - #702) (Bowie St - #359) 10617 Maple Street Samuel Davis (P) No Report Fairfax, VA 22030 1700 Folger Hall lota Zeta lota Beta Indiana, PA 15705 (Maryland - #403) (Virginia - #399) Timothy McRae (P) Tyrome R Simpson, II (S) ALUMNI CHAPTERS 637 Hickory Circle 567-002 Younger Alpha Omicron Lambda Aberdeen, MD 21001 Charlottesville, VA 22904 (Pittsburgh- #136) Mu Rho Xi Delia Dr Theodore R. Vasser, Jr (T) (Towson St - #457) (James Madison - #489) Paul Louis Mays, Jr. (P) 6956 Thomas Boulevard Brian Griffith (P) Pittsburgh, PA 15208 3509 Woodbrook Avenue P 0 Box 4172, JMU Kappa Beta Lambda Baltimore, MD 21216 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Mu Upsilon (Erie - #525) No Report (Frostburg St - #460) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Nu Upsilon Lambda Ronald A. Mills (CS) Beta Gamma Lambda (Pittsburgh - #586) Lane College Center Box # 3 (Richmond- #147) No Report Frostburg. MD 21532 No Report

Gamma Alpha Lambda (Charlottesville - #167) Arthur W, Myrick (P) 1941 Michael Place Charlottesville, VA 22901 Zeta Upsilon Lambda (Reston - #252) Norman Ross (P) 25 Carollton Place Sterling, VA 22170 Theta Rho Lambda (Arlington - #293) Andre J. Jones (P) 623 West Church Road Sterling Park, VA 22170 Xi Alpha Lambda (Prince William County - #590! Chester F. Johnson (FS) 13911 Valley Country Drive Chantilly, VA 22021 Xi Delta Lambda (Henrico County - #593) Weldon H Smith (P) 4306 Flint Hill Drive Richmond, VA 23227 Omicron Alpha Lambda (Fredericksburg- #612) Sidney H. Hankerson, Jr. (P) 101 Mill Stream Drive Spotsylania, VA 22553 TIOEWATER VIRGINIA COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma lota (Hampton - #75) Timothy E. Copper (P) Room 314, HU Queen St. Dorm Hampton, VA 23668 Epsiion Pi (Norfolk St - #324) Charles Brinkley (CS) 834 W 41st Street Norfolk. VA 23508 Theta lota (Blacksburg - #384) Willie D Sullivan II (P) P.O. Box 346 Blacksburg. VA 24060 Kappa Pi (William & Mary - #434) Stanley Osborne (P) Box 3035, College Station Williamsburg. VA 23185 Nu Theta (Old Dominion- #471) Ryan 0 Jones (P) 0DV Web Center Norfolk, VA 23508 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zela Lambda (Newport News - #106) Pompey L Stith (CS) 432 Elizabeth Lake Drive Hampton, VA 23669 Alpha Phi Lambda (Norfolk - #142) Robert West (P) 1010 Scarlet Oak Court South Chesapeake, VA 23320-2712 Delta Beta Lambda (Hampton- #190) James E Blacken (RS) P 0. Box 483 Hampton. VA 23669 Epsiion lota Lambda (Suffolk - #220) Herman T Benn (CS) 2513 Cedar Lake Drive Suffolk. VA 23434 Epsiion Nu Lambda (Portsmouth - #223) Winston R Pearson (P) 1002 Tazewell Portsmouth. VA 23704 Nu Delta Lambda (Surry County. - #571) Frank D, Williams (S) 1457 E. Tanner Creek Drive Norfolk, VA 23513

SOUTHERN VIRGINIA COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Gamma (Virginia St - #47) Ron Phillips (P) 20838 River Road Terrace Ettrick, VA 23803

The Sphinx/Fall 1988

Delta Tau (St. Paul's - #305) Timothy Cosby (P) P.O. Box 733 Lawrenceville. VA 23868 Theta lota (Virginia Tech - #384) Willie D Sullivan II (Pi P 0 Box 346 Blacksburg. VA 24060 XI Zeta (Longwood-#491) Massie C. Harris, Jr. (P) 217 Race Street Lynchbard, VA 24504 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Nu Lambda (Virginia S t - #112) Conrad M. Gilliam (P) 1824 S. Sycamore Street Petersburg, VA 23803 Alpha Kappa Lambda (Roanoke- #132) George Wilson, Jr. (CS) P 0. Box 13024 Roanoke, VA 24030 Gamma Nu Lambda (Lynchburg- #178) Jesse Hobos (P) 615 Dogwood Street Amherst. VA 24521 Delta Nu Lambda (Danville - #200) Isaac T Jackson (P) P.O. Box 869 Chatham, VA 24531 Epsilon Omicron Lambda (Lawrenceville - #225) E. L. Morse (CS) P.O Box 595 South Hill, VA 23970 lota Tau Lambda (Charlotte Court House - #519) C. B Cargile. Jr. (P) Route 1, Box 27B Brookneal. VA 24528 Nu Omicron Lambda (Fort Lee - #581) Ronald L Sutton (P) 2841 Pine Meadow Circle Chester. VA 23831

MIDWEST ILLINOIS Slate Director William R Taylor 20945 Brookwood Dr. Olymbia Fields. IL 60461 CENTRAL ILLINOIS Director Arthur B. Cooper P.O Box 2085 Station A Champaign, IL 61820 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Tau (Illinois- #18) Christopher Majors (H) 609 W Main # 2 3 Urbana. IL 61801 Zeta Nu (E Illinois - #343) Kenneth A Washington (P) 601V? Monroe, Apt. 7 Charleston, IL 61920 Eta Tau (Illinois S t - # 3 7 1 ) No Report Theta Omicron (Millikin - #389) Kenneth Brownlee (A) 530 S Church, Apt #25 Decatur, IL 62522 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omicron Lambda Beta (Champaign - #501) No Report Nu Psi Lambda (Bloomington - #589) Kenneth Brownlee (P) 530 S. Church. Apt #25 Decatur. IL 62522 NORTHERN ILLINOIS Director Robert Thirston 1734 Grove North Chicago. IL 60064 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Phi (N Illinois - #329) Jesse Terrell Taylor (P) 167 Lincoln Hall Dekalb. IL 60115 MuMu (Elmhurst - #452) Arnold Leroy Glass II (S) 190 Prospect Elmhurst. IL 60126 Pi Sigma (Aurora U - #746) Andre Reddick (CS) 347 s Gladstone Aurora. IL 60506 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Chi Lambda (Waukegan - #544) Herschel A Ryaies (CS) P 0 Box 512 North Chicago. IL 60064 Mu Alpha Lambda (DeKalb - #546) No Report Mu Mu Lambda (Glen Ellyn - #556) Fred L Miller (P) 22 Craflon Road Owsego, IL 60543

NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS! Director John Lane Jr. 7617 S. Emerald Chicago. IL 606 . COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta (Illinois-Chicago - #8) Charles E. Smoot (P) 6806 S. Chappel Chicago. IL 60649 Alpha Mu (Northwestern - #33) Jamison Taylor (P) 1927 Orrington Evanston, IL 60201 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Xi Lambda (Chicago- #113) Allan W Knox (P) 5020 S Lake Shore Drive #2704 Chicago. IL 60615 Zeta XI Lambda (Evanston - #246) No Report Theta Mu Lambda (Joliet - #288) Eugene C Varnado (P) 1313E. Sibley Boulevard. #107 Oolton, IL 60419 lota Delta Lambda (Chicago - #505) Rutus P Credle (S) 256 Whitewater Drive Bolingbrook, IL 60439 NORTH CENTRAL ILLINOIS-II Director Edgar Hamilton 7430 South Bennett Chicago. IL 60649 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Nu Delta (Chicago St - #467) Patrick W Poe (CS) 1705 West 91st Chicago. IL 60620 Nu Epsilon (Lewis - #468) James M. Mitchell (P) 1710 Arbor, LA #303 Cresthill, IL 60435 NuRho (NT - #479) John F. German (P) 7709 S. Luella Chicago. IL 60649 Omicron lota (DePaul - #716) Richard Bazile (f) 10818 S King Drive Chicago, IL 60628 Omicron Xi (Roosevelt - #720) Christopher Johnson (P) 7342 S Euclid Avenue Chicago. Illinois 60649 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Director Richard Gardner 806 N 1st Street Apr. #1 Springfield, IL 62702 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Eta (S Illinois- #51) Craig S Knox (P) Office of Student Development 3rd Floor, Student Center Carbondale, IL 62901 lota PI (SlU-Edwardsville - #412) Eric L Lardge (S) 50 Devon Court, Apt C-6 Edwardsville, IL 62026 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Epsilon Lambda (East St. Louis-#193) John Reeves (P) 9423 Stonefield Ferguson, MO 63136 Mu Kappa Lambda (Carbondale - #555) No Report

INDIANA State Director Theo Hamiter 7158 Avalon Trail Court Indianapolis. IN 46250 NORTHERN INDIANA COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Rho (Purdue - #82) George Anthony Anderson (P) 613 Waldron Avenue West Lalayette, IN 47906 Theta Xi [Ball State - #388) Ball State Univ. Student Center. Box 355 Muncie. IN 47304 lota Theta (Calumet - #405) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Rho Lambda (Gary-#182) Cornell Collins (P) 517 N. Lawrence Street Gary. IN 46403 Theta Xi Lambda (South Bend - #290) No Report Theta Upsilon Lambda (Fort Wayne - #296) Timothy R Williams (PI P 0. Box 10747 Fort Wayne. IN 46853 SOUTHERN INDIANA COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Eta (Indiana - #73) Roderick L. King (P) P 0. Box 1698 Bloomington, IN 47402 Zeta Rho (Indiana State - #347) No Report NuPI (Evansville - #478) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Lambda (Indianapolis - #109) David P. Gulley (CS) P.O. Box 88131 Indianapolis, IN 46208 Kappa Rho Lambda (Evansville - #539) No Report Nu Nu Lambda (Bloomington - #579) No Report IOWA Stale Director Todd Easley 1431 41st Place Des Moines, IA 50311 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Theta (Iowa - #30) Terrence T. Watts (P) 324 N. Van Buren #12 Iowa City. IA 52240 Alpha Nu (Drake - #34) Jerrold Smith (P) 1319 30th Des Moines. IA 50311 Omicron Pi (Iowa St - #722) Jeft Banks (P) p 0 Box 1268. Welch Avenue Ames. IA 50010 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Kappa Lambda (Des Moines - #243) Donald D Butler (P) 2612 East Madison Avenue Desmoines. IA 50317 Mu Tau Lambda (Cedar Rapids - #563) No Report Nu Chi Lambda (Iowa City - #588) No Report

WESTERN ILLINOIS Director Milton P Johnson 2009 Austin Springfield. IL 62704 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Kappa (Bradley - #319) Robert Woods (P) 1207 W Windon Peoria, IL 61606 Eta Eta (W Illinois - #360) Dana King. Jr. (P) 836 Tanner Hall Macomb. IL 61455 Pi lota (Eureka - #738) Tony Betts (S/VP) Box 19 Eureka. IL 61530

KANSAS State Director Evies Crantord 2420 N. Delrose Wichita. KS 67220 EASTERN KANSAS Director Dave Rabon 5609 Riley Overland Park. KS 66202 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Upsilon (Kansas- #19) Johnny Brackins (S) 1014 Mississippi Lawrence, KS 66044 Gamma Chi (Pittsburgh St - #87) No Report Kappa Tau (Kansas St - #437) No Report

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Pi Lambda (Peoria - #538) No Report Mu Delta Lambda (Sprmgfied - #549) Herbert B Harris. Jr. (S) P 0 Box 6191 Springfield, II 62708 Mu Chi Lambda (Rock Island - #566) No Report

WESTERN KANSAS Director p J Williams P 0 Box 1571 Topeka, KS 66601 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Mu (Wichita St - #99) Ronald C. Small (S) 2221 N Hillside Wichita. KS 67219

The Sphinx/Fall 1988

Epsilon Omicron (Washburn - #323) No Report XiNu (Emporia St - #497) Nathaniel Souther (P) 1120 East Street Emporia, KS 66801 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Eta Lambda (Topeka - #195) Milton E. Jackson (P) 324 N.W. Rolyan Road Topeka. KS 66617 Eta Beta Lambda (Wichita - #257) Evies 0 Crantord (P) 2420 N. Dellrose Wichita, KS 67220 Xi Mu Lambda (Manhattan - #600) Thomas Scott Madry (S) P.O. Box 2343 Fort Riley, KS 66442 KENTUCKY State Director Melvin Talbott 843 Halesworth Drive Cincinnati, OH 45240 EASTERN KENTUCKY COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Pi (Louisville - #37) Chris Thigpen (P) Student Ctr. Box 12 Univ. of Louisville Louisville. KY 40292 Beta Mu (Kentucky St - #55) Arthur H. Busby. Jr. (P) 1521 Stedmantown Lane Apt. #2 Frankfurt. KY 40601 Epsilon Chi (Kentucky - #330) Charle Anthony Jones (P) 3600 Muhammad All Boulvevard Louisville, KY 40212 Xi Alpha (Morehead St - #486) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Lambda (Louisville-#101) Craig Chandler (CS) P.O Box #2963 Louisville, KY 40201 Alpha Beta Lambda (Lexington - #124) William T Jiles (CS) P 0 Box 1248 Lexington. KY 40590-1248 Gamma Beta Lambda (Frankfort-#168) Donald W Lyons (S) 517 Collier Ct Lexington. KY 40505 WESTERN KENTUCKY Director Jimmie L Stewart 511 Jefferson Street P.O. Box 28 Franklin. KY 42134 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta Omicron (Murray St - #345) John Henry DeBoe. Jr. (P) Box 2309 University Station Murray. KY 42071 Eta Rho (W Kentucky - #369) Nathaniel Farmer (S) 326 E 14th Street Bowling Green, KY 42101 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Gamma Epsilon Lambda (Hopkinsville - #171) James Edward Victor (P) 1304 East 7th Street Hopkinsville. KY 42240 XI Pi Lambda (Paducah - #604) M W Taylor (P) 1144 North 14th Street Paducah. KY 42001 Omicron Nu Lambda (Ft Knox/Radcliff. KY - #623) Victor Holman (P) 5814-B Bilhymer Street Fort Knox. KY 40121 MICHIGAN State Director James Gaddis 2701 Martin L King Blvd Saginaw. Ml 48601 WESTERN MICHIGAN 1 Director Nathaniel Allen. Jr 2228 Maffett St Muskegon Heights. Ml 49444 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta Beta (Ferns St - #333) No Report lota Epsilon (Grand Valley - #402) Daniel Reeves (P) Student Activities GVSU Allendale. Ml 49507 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Nu Lambda (Grand Rapids - #267) Louis Barnes (P) P 0 Box 230028 Grand Rapids, Ml 49523

lota Phi Lambda (Muskegon Heights - #521) No Report NORTHERN MICHIGAN 2 Director Curtis Newell. Sr 3336 Southfield Ct. Saginaw. Ml 48601 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Tau (Michigan St - #84) Jerry Harrison (S) P.O. Box 6906 E Lansing. Ml 48823 Zeta Delta (N Michigan - #335) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Chi Lambda (Saginaw - #522) Curtis Lee Newell (P) 3336 Southfield Court Saginaw. Ml 48601 Kappa Delta Lambda (Lansing - #527) Howard J Spence (P) 610 W. Ottawa #401 Lansing, Ml 48933 EASTERN MICHIGAN 3 Director Alfred Jefferson 1818 Lawndale Ave Flint. Ml 48504 COLLEGE CHAPTER Theta Tau (GMI - #393) Wendell Ellison (P) 2807 Mason Street Flint, Ml 48505 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Upsilon Lambda (Flint - #230) William A. Tipper (P) P 0 Box 1218 Flint. Ml 48501 lota Rho Lambda (Pontiac- #517) No Report SOUTHWESTERN MICHIGAN 4 Director Kenneth Martin 2929 Branson Kalamazoo, Ml 49008 COLLEGE CHAPTER Epsilon Xi (W Michigan - #322) Ramond Pilgrim (P) G-28 Zimnerman Kazoo, Ml 49007 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Kappa Psi Lambda (Kalamazoo - #545) No Report Nu Rho Lambda (Benton Harbor - #583) Daniel Harbison (P) 1584 Trebor St Joseph, Ml 49085 SOUTH CENTRAL MICHIGAN 5 Director Raymond Randolph 37334 Chesapeake Dr Farmington Hills, Ml 480t8 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon (Michigan - #5) John H. Hale, II (P) P 0 Box 7397 Ann Arbor, Ml 48107 Epsilon Eta (E Michigan - #316) Mark Garner (P) 2871 Bynon Drive, Apt 108 Ypsilanti. Ml 48197 ALUMNI CHAPTER Theta Zeta Lambda (Ann Arbor- #283) Morse L. Brown (P) 1453 Ainsley Street Ypsilanti. Ml 48197 SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN 6 Director John Kenner 2106 Oakman Blvd Detroit, Ml 48238 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Omicron Mu (Oakland - #718) Richard K Ellis (P) 2045 Collmgwood Detroit, Ml 48206 Eta Xi

MINNESOTA State Director James Beard 4109 Portland Avenue. S Minneapolis. MN 55407 Director Willy James 1400 Second Street South Suite A-510, Box 193 Minneapolis. MN 55454 COLLEGE CHAPTER Mu (Minnesota- #11) Harold V. Bins (P) 3804 10th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55407 ALUMNI CHAPTER Gamma XI Lambda (Minneapolis- #179) No Report MISSOURI State Director L. Dwight Johnson 6795 Foxshire St Louis, MO 63033 EASTERN MISSOURI Director James McNairy 5436 Clemens Place St Louis, MO 63112 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Eta (St Louis - #29) Cameron B Nolan (S) 5330 Pershing Apt. 106 SI Louis, MO 63112 Epsilon Psi (UM-Rolla- #331) Lawrence C George (P) 39 Johnson Street Rolla. MO 65401-3737 Xi Gamma (SE Missouri - #488) Darrin White (P) 1027 N. Westend St. Louis. MO 63701 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Epsilon Lambda (St Louis- #105) Vincent Hayes (CS) P 0 Box 4589 St Louis, MO 63108 Epsilon Eta Lambda (Charleston-#218) Edward L Mullins (S) P 0 Box 496 Charleston. MO 63834 CENTRAL MISSOURI Director Dr Keener A Tippin UMC. 219 Jesse Hall Columbia. MO 65203 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Psi (Lincoln - #44) John Hammond (P) 508 E Elm. Apt 1 Jefferson City. MO 65101 Zeta Alpha (Missouri - #332) Mitchell P Washington (P) 346A Wolpers Hall. UM-C Columbia. MO 65201 Iota Xi (NE Missouri - #410) William Smith (P) Student Union Building N M S U Kirksville, MO 63501 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Zeta Lambda (Jefferson City- #150) Richard Presberry (P) 2429 Lakewood Road Jefferson City. MO 65101 Xi Epsilon Lambda (Columbia - #594) Matthew Tyler (P) P 0 Box 1923 Columbia, MO 65205 WESTERN MISSOURI Director Albm C Wynn 6108 E 126th Street Grandview. MO 64030 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Delta Rho (Missouri-KC - #303) Dewayne Bright (P) 3433 Central #306 Kansas City. MO 64111 Zeta Gamma (Central Missouri - #334) Tracy Dunlap (P) 3609 Cypress Kansas City. MO 64128

(Detroit - #366) Freddie Jennings. Jr (P) Albany 18427 Detroit. Ml 48234 Pi Upsilon (Dearborn - #748) Ricky L Blalock (S) 156 Elmhursl Suite 2E Highland Park. Ml 48203

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Lambda (Kansas City - #102) No Report Omicron Xi Lambda (Whiteman - #624) Hiton Smith (S) P.O Box 7001 Whiteman AFB. MO 65305

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Upsilon (Wayne State - #41) Mario McCholos Swann (P) 2686 Brookfield Canton, Ml 48188 Gamma Lambda (Detroit - #103) Timothy R Heard (S) 1439 Virginia Park Detroit. Ml 48206

NEBRASKA Director Michael J Barnes 1010 Evergreen Avenue Bellevue. NE 68005 COLLEGE CHAPTER Beta Beta (Nebraska - #46) John T Pitts (P) 4940 Spaulding Omaha, NE 68104

ALUMNI CHAPTER Beta Xi Lambda (Omaha- #157) Glenn W Dee (P) 6430 Whitmore Avenue Omaha, NE 68152 OHIO State Director Danny Boone 2001 Guild Hall Or, Apt A Columbus, OH 43209 NORTHERN OHIO-I Director Nathaniel J Young 911 Cuthbert Road Toledo. OH 43607 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Epsilon Alpha (Toledo - #310) Stewart Grant Walker (P) 3315 Valleston Pkwy #10 Toledo, OH 43607 Epsilon Theta (Bowling Green - #317) Jameel Radford (P) 603 E Reed Street Bowling Green. OH 43403 ALUMNI CHAPTER Alpha XI Lambda (Toledo- #135) Robert E. Smith (P) 2262 Parkwood Avenue Toledo. OH 43620 NORTHERN OHIO-II Director Othello Skinner 543 S. Sunsetview Drive Akron, OH 44320 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Pi (Cleveland- #15) Wayne Everette Howell, Jr (P) 11900 Carlton Road #310 Clevenland. OH 44106 Alpha Tau (Akron - #40) Keith Brown (P) 933 Jefferson Avenue Akron, OH 44302 Epsilon Delta (Kent St - #313) Maurice L Hereford (T) KSU—Box A, Student Life Kent, OH 44243 lota Phi (Mount Union-#417) No Report Xi Chi (Baldwin-Wallace - #706) Frederick D. Brown, Jr (S) 2901 Euclid Ave , Suite 523 Cleveland, OH 44115 Omicron Epsilon (Youngstown S t - #712) Lanard Stadlord (P) 126 Park Avenue Youngstown. OH 44505 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beta Rho Lambda (Youngstown- #160) No Report Delta Alpha Lambda (Cleveland - #189) Roy Lee Manley. Sr (P) 2631 Coventry Road Cleveland. OH 44120 Eta Tau Lambda (Akron - #273) Wayne Hawkins (P) 1148 Millhaven Drive Arrow. OH 44321 Kappa Mu Lambda (Lorrain - #534) No Report CENTRAL OHIO Director David Pryor 6466 Gunstock Court Reynoldsberg. OH 43068 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Kappa (Ohio St -#10) Anthony T. Look (P) 1739 N High Street Box 51. St. Cols. Columbus. OH 43210 Phi (Ohio - #20) RobertD Jefferson (P) 17'A Palmer Street Athens. OH 45701 Omicron Rho (Ohio Wesleyan - #723) Franklin Morris (P) OWV Box 1451 Delaware. OH 43015 ALUMNI CHAPTER Alpha Rho Lambda (Columbus-#138) Danny L Boone (P) P 0 Box 091031 Columbus, OH 43209 SOUTH CENTRAL OHIO Ofrector Fred J Conway 3792 Denlmger Dayton, OH 45426 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Xi (Wilberforce - #13) Henry French (P) Alpha House. Wilberforce U Wilberforce. OH 45384 Gamma Theta (Dayton - #74) Eric Ramon Mathews (P) 331 Kiefaber Dayton, OH 45409

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Delta Xi [Central St - #300) Christopher Saunders (P) 652 Smallwood Dayton. OH 45427 Pi Phi (Wright St U - #749) Darren Callup (S) 2322 Zink Road Fairbonn. OH 45232 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Theta Lambda (Dayton- #108) Walter Gillian) (P) 1642 Diplomat Drive Dayton. OH 45432 Chi Lambda (Wilbertorce-#121) Samuel B Kidd (CS) P 0 Box 522 Wilbertorce. OH 45384 Zeta Delta Lambda (Springfield - #237) James Washington (P) 3754 Briar Place Dayton, OH 45405 SOUTHWEST OHIO Clarence Frazier 1145 Wionna Cincinnati. OH 45224 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha (Cincinnati -#23) Oarren R Morris (P) PO Box 19219 Cincinnati, OH 45219 Delia Upsilon (Miami - #306) Steven C Smith (P) 912 Arrowhead #1A Oxford. OH 45056 ALUMNI CHAPTER Delta Gamma Lambda (Cincinnati- #191) Laushon Burnett (RS) 400-1C Bent Tree Drive Fairfield. OH 45014 WEST VIRGINIA Slate Director Adolphus A Young. Jr 157 Riverside Drive. Apt #4 Welch, WV 24801 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Theta (Bluefield St - #52) No Report XI Thela (Concord - #493) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Zeta Lambda (Bluefield - #128) Adolphus A Young, Jr (S) P 0 Sox 671 Bluefield. WV 24701 Gamma Delia Lambda (Beckley-#170) No Report WEST VIRGINIA II Director Brother Julius McLeod P 0 Box 131 Institute. WV 25112 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Zeta (West Virginia St - #28) Julius A McLeod, II (P) PO Box 131 Institute. WV 25112 NuNu (Marshall - #475) Rufus 0 Wagner (P) 1301 Twin Tower East Marshall U Huntington, WV 25701 Pi Mu (West Virginia - #740) Richard L Waugh (S) 597 Clark Street Morgantown, WV 26505 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Alpha Iota Lambda (Charleston - #131) Charles C Mills (S) 22 Hickory Mill Road Hurricane. WV 25526 WISCONSIN Director Carl W Birks 8260 N 37th Street Milwaukee. Wl 53209 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Epsllon (Wisconsin- #71) Keenun Autney Walker (P) 121 W Mam Street. Apt 1 Madison, Wl 53703 Epsllon Tau (UW-Milwaukee - 327) Stanley Busier (P) 3913 North 13th Street Milwaukee. Wl 53206 Zeta tola (UW-Whitewater - #340) Puatha Hill (P) 184 W Main. Apt 3 Whitewater. Wl 53190 Eta Beta (WSU-Platteville - #355) No Report Ell PI (WSU-Oshkosh - #368) Otis Sims (S) 330 E Irving Oshkosh. Wl 54901

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Mu Epsllon (Carthage - #446) No Report Nil XI (Marquette - #476) No Report Nu Omicron (Carroll - #477) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Chi Lambda (Milwaukee - #210) Richard E Williams (P) 6599 N Bethmaur Lane Glendale, Wl 53209 Mu Eta Lambda (Madison - #552) Larry L Taylor (P) 4709 Barby Lane Madison. Wl 53704

SOUTH Director Iva Williams 237 11th Ave. SW Birmingham, AL 35211 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Beta (Talladega - #24) Jetfery Merida (P) Talladega College Talladega. ALAL 35160 Beta Upsilon (Alabama St - #63) Derrick Liburd (P) Alabama State Univ. P.O. Box 28 Montgomery, AL 36195 Gamma Kappa (Miles - #76) No Report Gamma Phi (Tuskegee - #86) Phillip Carswell (CS) P 0 Box 36 Tuskegee, AL 36088 Delia Gamma (Alabama A S M - #91) Jonathan LaVert Ward (CS) Box 220 Alabama A&M University Normal, AL 35762 Epsllon Nu (Stillman - #321) Joe L Ross (S) Stillman College P 0. Box 4876 Tuscaloosa. AL 35403 Theta Dalta (South Alabama - #379) No Report lot! NU (UAB - #409) Darcy Prince (S) 2319 24th Avenue N. Birmingham. AL 35234 Kappa Alpha (Alabama - #420) Randall Hardy (P) P.O. Box 1524 Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 Kappa Gamma (North Alabama - #422) Melvin J Baldwin. Jr. (VP) P.O. Box 5554 Florence, AL 35630 NuTau (Montevallo - #481) Samuel Earl Jones (P) P.O. Box Drawer X Montevallo. AL 35115 Xi Beta (Troy State - #487) No Report XiXI (Jacksonville - #498) Quitin Davis (P) PO Box 3018. JSU Jacksonville. AL 36265 Omicron Alpha (Auburn-Montgomery - #708) Micheal Birmingham (S) 500 Eastdale Road. Apt. E-3 Montgomery. AL 36117 Omicron Kappa (Auburn - # 7 1 7 ) Kenneth Kelly (S) P 0 Box 1865 Auburn, AL 36831 Omicron Sigma (B'ham Southern - #724) No Report PI Delia (Livingston - #733) Franklin D Ball (P) P 0 Box 34 Livingston, AL 35470 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Omicron Lambda (Birmingham - #114) Henry M. Goodgame, Jr (S) 1729 Warrior Road Birmingham, AL 35208 Alpha Nu Lambda (Tuskegee - #134) Frank E Cyrus (P) P 0 Drawer BBB Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 Alpha Upsilon Lambda (Montgomery - #141) Samuel L. Jackson (CS) P.O. Box 6058 Montgomery, AL 36106 Beta Omicron Lambda (Mobile - #158) Alvm J Allen (RS) 1205 St Madar Street Mobile. AL 36603

Delta Theta Lambda (Huntsville - #196) Dr A. J. Garth (ES) Box 33, Alabama A&M U Normal, AL 35762 Delta Pi Lambda (Selma - #204) Alvm A. Cleveland (S) P 0 Box 2512 Selma. AL 36701 Delta Phi Lambda (Tuscaloosa - #209) Bruce Crawford (P) 1812-D, 48th Street, East Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Epsilon Delia Lambda (Talladega-#215) Thomas Y, Lawrence (S) 114 Baker Street Talladega, AL 35160 Theta Alpha Lambda (Gadsden - #278) No Report Theta Gamma Lambda (Dothan - #280) James Bland Smith (P) P 0 Box 6893 Dothan. AL 36302 Kappa Nu Lambda (Leighton - #535) Napoleon Mitchell (P) P.O. Box 622 Sheffield, AL 35660 Mu lota Lambda (Mobile - #554) Darryl Demell Shepherd (S) 2849 Keener Street Whistler, AL 36612 Mu Psl Lambda (Homewood - #567) Walter Graham (P) P 0 Box 2281 Birmingham. AL 35201 FLORIDA Director John C. Rawls 5808 S W 49th Street Gainesville. Fl 32608 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Nu (Florida A & M - #56) Kenneth Washington (P) 1449 S MLKing Bivd Tallahassee. FL 32301 Delta Beta (Bethune-Cookman - #90) Warren T Howard (FS) 640 Second Avenue Bethune Cookman College Oaylona Beach. FL 32015 Delta Psl (Florida Memorial - #309) been J. Bolder (VP) 15800 NW. 42nd Avenue Miami, FL 33054 Eta Delta (Miami - #357) Manuel J Cox (P) 9350 N W 23rd Avenue Miami. FL 33147 Theta Gamma (S Florida - #378) Gordon T. Edwards (P) 2911 Ramada Drive #330 Tampa, FL 33613 Theta Sigma (Florida - #392) Christopher Knight (P) P.O. Box 15237 Gainesville. FL 32604 lota Delta (Florida S t - # 4 0 1 ) Bryan Foreman (CS) FSU P.O. Box 7002 Tallahassee. FL 32313 Kappa Upsilon (Jacksonville - #438) Eric D. Johnson IS) 1658 Kings Road, Box 323 Jacksonville, FL 32209 Mu Theta (W Florida - #449) No Report XI lota (Central Florida - #494) Rodney Rackley (P) P.O. Box 26261 Orlando. FL 32816 Xi Kappa (Florida Tech - #495) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS Upsilon Lambda (Jacksonville- #119) Calvin L. Burney (P) 1432 Carbondale Court Jacksonville, FL 32208 Beta Beta Lambda (Miami - #146) William E Clarke III (P) 1614 N W 188 TEW Miami. FL 33169 Beta Delta Lambda (Daytona Beach - #148) Alfred Williams (P) 1444 Sunset Bivd Daytona Beach. FL 32017 Gamma Zela Lambda (Tampa- #1721 Arthur Mallard (P) P 0 Box 82102 Tampa, FL 33604 Gamma Mu Lambda (Tallahassee- #177) Michael James (CS) P 0 Box 5474 Tallahassee. FL 32314 Dalta Delta Lambda (West Palm Beach - #192) Or Charles E White (P) P.O. Box 982 West Palm Beach. FL 33402

Theta Beta (Columbus - #377) Delta Xi Lambda Adam Brown (S) (Orlando - #202) 30 Clearview Circle Wallace B Brown. Jr (P) 2001 Mercy Drive, Suite 201 Columbus. GA 31907 Iota Ela Orlando, FL 32808 (Mercer - #404) Epsilon Mu Lambda Carlos Anton McCloud (P) (Pensacola - #222) Box 61. Mercer University Linzie Stephens (P) Macon, GA 31207 8228 Monticello Drive Mu Alpha Pensacola, FL 32503 (Emory - #442) Epsilon PI Lambda Marc Fairfax Stevens (CS) (Ocala - #226) Emory U, Box # 21185 William E. Jackson (S) Atlanta, GA 30322 1822 SW 4th Street Mu Gamma Ocala, FL 32674 (Georgia College - #444) Zeta Alpha Lambda Antonio B. Lawrence (P) (Ft, Lauderdale - #234) 846 Powelton Avenue Dwight R, Priester (P) 730 Southwest 38th Avenue Sparta, GA 31081 Mu Delta Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 (Georgia SW - #445) Eta Kappa Lambda Bruce Bradley (P) (Ft Pierce - #265) GSW Box 1196 Vernon H. Floyd (P) Americus, GA 31709 P.O. Box 1271 Mu Omicron Fort Pierce, FL 34954 (Valdosta St - #455) Theta Eta Lambda Phillip L. Dunwoody (P) (St. Petersburg - #284) VSCBOX13 Richard A. Hartsfield (P) Valdosta, GA 31698 365 Kingtish Dr. S.E. Nu Gamma SI Petersburg, FL 33705 (W Georgia - #466) lota Beta Lambda Wayneman Brown (P) (Cocoa - #503) WGC P.O. Box 10016 Albert L. Owens (P) Carrollton. GA 30118 P.O. Box 1275 NuMu Cocoa, FL 32923-1275 (Georgia Tech - #474) lota Pi Lambda Theodore Yarboro, Jr. (P) (Miami - #516) Georgia Tech Box 32896 Lee R Perry (P) Atlanta, GA 30332 P.O. Box 571098 XI Tau Miamai. FL 33257-1098 (Georgia Southern - #703) Mu Zeta Lambda Adrian Goolsby (P) (Lakeland-#551) LB, 10682 Randolph H. Barnes (P) Statesboro, GA 30460 2212 S. San Gully Road Lakeland. FL 33803 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Nu Eta Lambda Eta Lambda (Gainesville - #574) (Atlanta- #107) Edward A. Woodbury (P) Larry L. Eanrin (P) P.O. Box 2875 154 Peyton Road, SW Gainesville, FL 32602 Atlanta. GA 30311 Xi Omicron Lambda Alpha Chi Lambda (Fort Myers - #603) (Augusta - #143) No Report Willie G. Marshall (FS) XI Rho Lambda 829 Strother Drive (Belle Glade - #605) Augusta. GA 30901 James Allen, Jr. (P) Beta Phi Lambda P.O. Box 378 (Savannah- #164) Belle Glade, FL 33430 Theodore Collins (CS) Xi Sigma Lambda P 0. Box 1361 (Panama City - #606) Savannah, GA 31402 James Finklea (T) Gamma Omicron Lambda 7225 South Lagoon Drive (Albany - #180) Panama City Beach. FL 32407 Clitt Edward Felton (P) XI Psl Lambda 2114 Princeton Drive (Palmetto- #611) Albany, GA 31707 John Luther Harvey (S) Gamma Sigma Lambda 1010 25th ST. E. (Ft. Valley - #183) Bradenton. FL 34208 Douglas T. Porter (P) Omicron Bala Lambda 109 College Court (Clearwater - #613) Ft Valley. GA 31030 James Waters (P) Delta Iota Lambda 1691 Grovehill Road (Columbus - #197) Palm Harbor. FL 34683 No Report Omicron Upsilon Lambda Epsllon Beta Lambda (Delray Beach - #630) (Macon-#213) Wayne Condry (S) Alveno Ross (S) 3512 Diane Drive 1236 Appleton Avenue Boynton Beach. FL 33445 Macon. GA 31307 Eta lota Lambda GEORGIA (Athens - #264) Director Hugh Goodrum (CS) Robert Willis P.O. Box 902 3604 Revere Road, SW Athens, GA 30603 Atlanta, GA 30331 Theta Nu Lambda COLLEGE CHAPTERS (LaGrange - #289) lota Alfred McNair (S) (Morris Brown - #9) P 0. Box 1818 Horace L. Eberhart Jr. (S) LaGrange, GA 30241 P.O. Box 92055 lota Gamma Lambda Atlanta. GA 30344 (Brunswick - #504) Alpha Rho Carl Brown (P) (Morehouse - #38) P.O. Box 2122 Marshall L. Green, Jr. (S) 595 Collier Ridge Drive. NW Brunswick. GA 31520 Kappa Tau Lambda Atlanta, GA 30318 (Valdosta-#541) Alpha Phi Willie R. Jones (P) (Clark - #42) 2301 N. Forrest Street Robert Hairston (VP) Valdosta. GA 31602 129 Mildred Street Nu Mu Lambda Atlanta. GA 30314 (Decatur - #578) Gamma Zeta Andre Cleveland (CS) (Ft. Valley St - #72) P 0 Box 370607 Watson Fluellen. Jr. (S) Decatur. GA 30034 PO. Box 4326, FVSC Omicron Mu Lambda Ft. Valley, GA 31030 (Marietta - #622) Delta Delta Willie Hill (P) (Albany St - #92) 2290 Addison Road, N.E. Benny Gregory Hand (B) Marrierta. GA 30066 P.O. Box 36 - ASC Omicron PI Lambda Albany, GA 31705 (Hinesville - #626) Delta Eta Pedro A, Bryant IP) (Savannah SI - #95) 230 Maple Drive North tkeban X.T. Jahannes (S) Hinesville, GA 31313 701 E. 36th Street Omicron Phi Lambda Savannal, GA 31404 (East Point - #631) Zola Mu Perry Halstead (CS) (Georgia St - #342) 3676 Calmer Circle Darryn K. Hann (P) East Point, GA 30344 GSU PO Box 542 Atlanta, GA 30303 MISSISSIPPI Zela PI Director (Georgia - #346) Wiley Jones Hamilton E, Holmes, Jr, (P) Alcorn State University 2153 University Station P.O. Box 509 Athens, GA 30612 Lorman. MS 39096 Eta Alpha COLLEGE CHAPTERS (Paine - #354) Gamma Upsilon DrewM, Love (P) (Tougaloo - #85) Pain College Lathan C. Dabbs (P) 1235 15th Street P.O. Box 401 Augusta. GA 30910 Tougaloo. Mississippi 39174

Delta Kappa (Alcorn - #98) Curtis Eugene Simmons (P) P.O. Box 267 Alcorn State University Lorman. MS 39096 Delta Phi (Jackson State - #307) Matthias Pilate (P) P.O. Box 17177\ JSU Jackson. MS 39217 Zeta Phi (MVSU-#351) Stanley L. Price (S) P 0. Box 899, MVSU Itta Bona. MS 38941 lota Gamma (Rust - #400) No Report Kappa Beta (Mississippi S t - #421) Roderick Wade (P) P.O. Box 1472 Mississippi State, MS 39762 MuXI (USM - #454) Maury E Booth (VP) 328V4 Cypress St. Harriesburg, MS 39401 (Mississippi - #482) Craig D. Bluntson (P) P.O. Box 3251 University, MS 38677 Omicron Gamma (Millsaps - #710) O'Casey Ferrell (S) 206 Lovett Drive Clinton, MS 39056 Omicron Psi (Delta St - #729) Marcus Mitchell (S) P.O. Box 1253. DSU Cleveland, MS 38733

Gamma Psi (St. Augustine's - #88) Lamont 0. Hames (P) P.O. Box 27212 Raleigh. NC 27611-7212 Epsilon Zeta (fayetteville S t - # 3 1 5 ) No Report Zeta Epsilon (Barber-Scotia - #336) No Report EtaMu (East Carolina - #365) Leslie T. Person (P) P.O. Box 2958 Greenville. NC 27834 Ela Omicron (NC St - #367) Kevin A. Clark (P) 1402 Varsity Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 Kappa Omicron (Duke - #433) Michael A. Conway (P) Box 4783 D.S. Durham. NC 27705 Mu Zata (North Carolina - #447) Leonard L. Johnson (S) P.O. Box 551 Chapel Hill. NC 27514 Mu Tau (UNC-Charlotle - #459) Anton K. Shaw (P) SGA office UNC-Charlotte, NC Charlotte. NC 28223 Nu Zeta (W Carolina - #469) No Report XI Eta (Wake Forest - #492) Kenneth Edison Jones (P) Reynolda Station. Box 7382 Winston-Salem. NC 27109 Omicron Beta (Atlantic Christian - #709) No Report Omicron Theta (Wilmington-#715) Rodney L. White (P) P.O. Box 23922 UNCW Wilmington, NC. 28407 PI Zeta

Nu Iota Lambda (Kinston - #576) Robert Brown (P) P.O. Box 804 Kinston. NC 28501 Nu Kappa Lambda (Lumberton - #577) George H. Young (P) P.O. Box 1392 Lumberton, NC 28359 Omicron Gamma Lambda (Kernersville - #614) Charles F. Wallington (P) 327 Mar-Don Hills Court Winston-Salem, NC 27104 SOUTH CAROLINA Director James Lucas 1800 Standish Street Columbia, SC 29203 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Delta (SC State - #48) Kevin Hartwell (P) P.O. Box 1954 South Carolina State Orangeburg. SC 29117 Gamma Gamma (Allen U - #69) No Report Gamma Pi (Benedict- #81) Eldridge McPhee (P) Benedict College Harden & Blending Columbia, SC 29204 Delta Alpha (Claflin - #89) Jettrey Salley (S) Route 3 Box 284 Walterboro. SC 29488 Eta lota

(Voorhees - #362) Jerome Young (P) 650 Porter Drive ALUMNI CHAPTERS Denmark, SC 29042 Alpha Epsllon Lambda Theta Nu (Jackson - #127) (South Carolina - #387) Harvey Johnson, Jr. (P) Maurice Myers (CS) 1141 Hallmark Drive P.O. Box 85128 USC Jackson. MS 39206 Columbia, SC 29201 Epsllon Xi Lambda Kappa Chi (Mound Bayou - #224) (Francis Marlon - #440) George C. Bell (S) David I Murdock(P) P.O. Box 4717 P.O. Box 384 Greenville. MS 38701 Florence. SC 29503 (UNC-Greensboro - #735) Zeta Mu Lambda MuPi Timothy Thorpe (P) (Siloxi - #244) (Baptist - #456) Box 1061. EUCUNCG Mack B Harris (P) Kenneth Wilson (S) Greensboro. NC 27403 P 0. Box 4254 Baptist College Box 398 PINu Gulfport. MS 39502 Charleston, SC 29411 (Appalachian S t - #741) Eta Phi Lambda NuPhi Gregory Stewart (P) (Columbus - #275) P.O. Box 5277 (USC-Conway - #483) Wilbur Colom (P) Boone, NC 28608 No Report P 0. Box 464 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Xi Epsilon Columbus, MS 39701 Kappa Lambda (Morris - #490) Theta Sigma Lambda (Greensboro- #110) No Report (Natchez - #294) Melvin W. Griffin (P) XiPhi Elvin M Parker (S) P.O. Box 21052 P.O. Box 183 (Winthrop-#705) Greensboro. NC 27420 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Douglas T. Simons (VP) Phi Lambda Mu Gamma Lambda P 0. Box 6874 (WCS) (Hattiesburg-Laurel - #548) (Raleigh-#120) Rock Hill, SC 29733 Hernando F. Palmer (P) No Report Omicron Chi P.O. Box 445 Mu PI Lambda (Wottord - #728) Smithfield, NC 27577 (Brookhaven - #560) No Report Alpha PI Lambda Alvin Franklin (VP) PI Alpha (Winston-Salem - #137) 5955 Westmove Drive (Clemson - #730) Chalres Roy Pierce (P) Jackson, MS 39206 Willie E. Peftway (P) 2437 New Walkertown Road XI Zeta Lambda P 0 Box 7182 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (Moss Point - #595) University Station, C.U. Beta Theta Lambda B, B, Jennings, Jr. (P) Clemson. SC 29632 (Durham # 1 5 2 ) 5631 Rose Drive ALUMNI CHAPTERS Willis E. Baird (P) Moss Point, MS 39563 Alpha Psi Lambda P.O. Box 3522 Omicron Rho Lambda (Columbia - #144) Durham. NC 27702 (Vlckshurg - #627) Jasper Salmond Bela Mu Lambda John Walls Jr, (P) 4035 Coronado Drive (Salisbury- #155) 126 Leatrice Lane Columbia, SC 29203 Hubert Chambers (S) Vicksburg. MS 39180 Bela Kappa Lambda 62 Chandlewick Drive NORTH CAROLINA (Charleston- #154) Salisbury, NC 28144 Director James L. Bright (P) Beta Nu Lambda Roger McLean 112 Stewart Street (Charlotte- #156) P.O. Box 921 Goose Creek, SC 29445 Bill Hunter (P) Elizabeth City State U Gamma Gamma Lambda 712 East 36th Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 (Greenville - #169) Charlotte, NC 28205 COLLEGE CHAPTERS J C. Harrison (P) Gamma Kappa Lambda Alpha Omicron 15 Henry Street (Wilmington- #176) (Johnson C. Smith - #36) Greenville, SC 29604 Charlie Henry (P) Rogers Williams, Jr. (S) Delia Zela Lambda 214 Devonshire Lane Johnson C. Smith Univ. (Orangeburg - #194) Wilmington, NC 28403 UPO 1035 Robert C Gordon (P) Gamma Psl Lambda 157 Centre, NE (Asheville- #188) Orangeburg, SC 29115 Kenneth T. McClellan (CS) Delia Kappa Lambda Charlotte, NC 28216 211 Saint Johns Street (Florence - #198) Beta Epsllon Arden, NC 28704 George W. Sargent (P) (NC A & T - #49) Epsllon Rho Lambda 1743 N. Norwood Lane Richard Earl Moore (P) (Fayetteville - #227) Florence. SC 29501 Box A-14 NC A&T SU Robert G. Owens (P) Eta Omicron Lambda Greensboro, NC 27411 1902 Eichelberger Drive (Rock Hill - #269) Beta Zeta Fayetteville. NC 28303 Jean W. Goggins (P) Epsllon Sigma Lambda (Elizabeth City - #50) Rt. 1, Box 1210 (Rocky Mount - #228) Kenneth Sumter (VP) Chester. SC 29706 No Report ECSU Box 561 Theta Phi Lambda Elizabeth City, NC 27909 (Bennettsville - #297) Bela lota Ralph W DuPree, Sr. (P) (Winston-Salem - #53) Epsilon Chi Lambda 203 Beauty Spot Road Hiram T Watts (S) (Elizabeth City - #232) Bennettsville, SC 29512 P.O. Box414 Leonard Ross Ballou (P) lota Eta Lambda Winston-Salem, NC 27107 ECSU - Box 942 (Denmark - #508) Beta Rho Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Stephon Edwards (P) (Shaw - #60) Zeta Ela Lambda P 0 Box 2058 Leon Hudson, Jr. (P) (Greenville - #240) Orangeburg. SC 29116 Shaw University Game Moore (S) Mu Epsllon Lambda 118 E. South Street P.O. Box 1187 (Conway - #550) Raleigh, NC 27611 Greenville, NC 27834 No Report Gamma Beta Eta Mu Lambda XI Gamma Lambda (NC Central - #68) (Gastonia - #266) (Beaulort - #592) Bradford Milton (P William H. Lucus, II (S) Albert L. Jackson (P) P.O. Box 19484, NCCU P 0 Box 141 1519 Palmetto St Durham, NC 27707 Gastonia. CC 28053 Beaulort. SC 29902 Gamma Mu Theta Omicron Lambda XI Thela Lambda (Livingston - #77) (Goldboro - #291) (Spartanburg - #597 William C. Chisslom (P) William Paul Pitt (P) No Report 1206 West Horah Street 117 Neuse Circle Salisbury. NC 28144 Goldsboro. NC 27530

The Sphinx/Fall 1988

XI Upsilon Lambda Greenwood #608) No Report Xi Phi Lambda




,™" " *609)

PVlo"aBmoxL5?rl°UI<P» Moncks Corner, SC 29461 Omicron lata Lambda (Columbia - #620) Ralph Johnson (P) 309 Creek Drive Columbia. SC 29210 Omicron Kappa Lambda (Sumter- # f o i ) Willie Bethune (S) 305 Moorer Street Manning. SC 29102 Omicron Tau Lambda W e n - #629) James W. Moton (P) 231 Stone Drive Arken, SC 29801 TENNESSEE Director Floyd Jones 751 Bontemps Drive Nashville, TN 37207 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Chi (Meharry Medical-#21) No Report Alpha Chi (Fisk - #43) Darell Prince (P) P ^ B o * 223. Fisk U 3 7 2 M BMa XI (Lemoyne-Owen - #57) Tyler M. Moore. j ,™> 48 Bomta Ave

BetaticS™556638109 (Tennessee St - #5«i ?»"e" Cummings (P

aJtapl 1 *' T N 3 7 2 0 9 (Lane - #59) J"*y L Jackson (P) 424 Lambuth Avenue Jackson TN 38301 Gamma Omicron Knoxviiie - # 8 0 ) No Report ElaPhi

N^RiS" 0 0 9 3 -* 3 7 3 ) Theta Pi (Austm-Peay - # m m 236 Marion Street C l a r k s * . T N 37040 (Memphis st - # 426l 78 e o S Hf„ G r e e n t e a , rcs) 9'80 Highway 64 Arlington. TN 38002 Kappa Theta

DoaC?-#427' Kappa Xi Lucas'l^rssee-#432>

&str i i , s ) Memphis, TN 3 8 , 1 , (UT-Martin - #4431

Mr* Mart^TN 38237 1810 Lake Avele Knoxviiie. TN 37916 C S an BrO,hers 47 T'yier yle" M Jr (A| -* 0) M. MMoore, J8 Bomta Avenue ' Memphis, TN 38inq Omicron Phi ™ (Tennessee Tech - #7571

Cookeville, TN 38505

(Nashville- #1101

Nashville. TN 37208

JW Lambda

li-nattanooga - #122) S ^ i S ™ * ! Buchanan, Jr, (S) M35 Mm, Crk. Road #303 S f f l f f i P ' T N 37415 ffij Oalta L , m M , ^ J 6 ' 1 - Evans (P f. 1 . 6 'S. Parkway East Alpha M„ L l m b d a Knoxviiie, - # n i i L»nardA.Jacks„ (C S) P 0 Box 2091 ' ' & , " " • . ™ 37901 * * U p a i i o n Lambda (Jackson - # i 6 3 ) ""TO P. Fair (P) Jack,0™6?.000 D ™« *?PPa Zeta Lambda Clarksville - # 5 ?5| #529) No Reporl " " "" Lambda K'Ogsport - #557) Lorenzo Wyatt ( P ) '

Omicron Sigma Lambda (Murtreesboro - #628) Alphonse Carter, Jr. (P) P.O. Box 2685 Murtreesboro, TN 37133-2685

SOUTHWEST ARKANSAS Director John Colbert 2140 Loren Circle Fayerteville, AR 72701 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Chi (Philander Smith - #65) Kelly Jenkins (PI 812 West 13th Street, Box 538 Little Rock, AR 72202 Gamma Delta (UAPB - #70) No Report Theta Kappa (Henderson St - #385) Dedrick Briggs (P) HSJ Box 6528 Arkadelphia. AR 71923 Theta Upsilon (Arkansas St - #394) Bobby Maurice Brown (P) P.O Box 1366 State University, AR 72467 Theta Psi (Central Arkansas - #397) Ernest Sanders, Jr. (P) U.C.A.. Box 5101

Conway, AR 72032 Kappa lota (S Arkansas - #428) John F Fresslay (S) SAU Box 171 Magnolia. AR 71753 Kappa Kappa (Arkansas - #429) Arthur McDads. Ill (P) 608 N Stover Avenue Fayetteville. AR 72701 Kappa Psi (UA-Littte Rock- #441) No Report Nu Alpha (Arkansas Tech - #464) Steven Ware (P) ATU P 0 Box 753 Russelleville. AR 72801 PI Psi (U of Ar. at Monticello- #751) Morris Dwight Tillman (N/A) P.O. Box 2399 Monticello. AR 71655 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Pi Lambda (Little Rock- #115) Herbert M. Scott. Jr. (P) 2201 Romine Road Little Rock, AR 72204 Delta Sigma Lambda (Pine Bluff - #206) No Report Theta Tau Lambda (Helena - #295) Willis C. Williams (F/T) 51 Lambert Drive West Helen. AR 72390 Mu Omicron Lambda (Blytheville - #559) Luther Whitfield, Jr. (P) P.O. Box 967 Osceola, AR 72370 Omicron Zeta Lambda (Fayetteville - #617) John L, Colbert (S) 2140 Loren Circle Fayetteville, AR 72701 LOUISIANA Director Joseph K Byrd Xavier University New Orleans. LA 70125 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Sigma (Southern - # 6 1 ) Reginald J. Johnson (CS) P 0, Box 9929. Southern Univ Baton Rouge. LA 70813 Beta Tau (Xavier - #62) Tony A. Hampton (S) 3935 Pine Street New Orleans, LA 70125 Beta Phi (Dillard - #64) Kirk Williams (CS) 2601 Gentilly Boulevard New Orleans. LA 70122 Delta Sigma (Grambling - #304) Travis E. Smith (S) P 0 Box 200 Grambling. LA 71245 Epsilon Upsilon (SUNO - #328) Lawrence M. Carter (VP/CS) 4545 Rosemont Place New Orleans, LA 70126 Zata XI (SW Louisiana - #344) Eugene J Sonnier. II (P) P.O. Box 41889 Lafayette, LA 70504 Eta Kappa (Louisiana Tech - #363) Warren A LeJeune (P) P.O. Box 3129, TS Ruston. LA 71272 Eta Chi (NE Louisiana - #374) Kelvin Bryant (S) NLU Box 5077 Monroe, LA 71212

Theta Theta (McNeese St - #383) Mark Woods (P) P.O. Box 92849 McNeese University Lake Charles. LA 70609 Theta Phi (UNO - #395) Juan Byrd IP) 108 Carita Drive Avondale. LA 70094 Theta Chi (NW State - #396) Jerome Sampson (P) P.O. Box 5232 Nalchitoches. LA 71457 Kappa Mu (Nicholls St - #430) Byron D. Henderson (P) 1108 McGinnis Street Donaldsonville, Louisiana 70346 Kappa Nu (SE Louisiana - #431) Douglas Wade Cyprian (P) P.O Box 3917 Hammond, LA 70402 NuPsi (Louisiana St - #485) Reginald Chatman (P) P.O. Box 21902 (LSU) Baton Rouge. LA 70893 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Sigma Lambda (New Orleans- #117) Howard Rodgers, III (P) PO. Box 53262 New Orleans, LA 70153-3262 Beta lota Lambda (Baton Rouge - #153) Vernon Williams (FS) 2214-74th Avenue Baton Rouge. LA 70807 Delta Upsilon Lambda Shreveport - #208) James C. Lean/ (T) 2961 Looney Street Shreveport, LA 71103 Epsilon Kappa Lambda (Grambling - #221) Dr. Jethro Terrell (P) P.O. Box 682 Grambling. LA 71245 Epsilon Psi Lambda (Alexandria - #233) Charles R. Joiner. MD (P) P 0. Box 5276 Alexandria. LA 71301 Zeta Chi Lambda (Bogalusa - #254) No Report Zeta Psi Lambda (Lake Charles - #255) Alfred G Mouton (P) 3035 General Pershing Drive Lake Charles. LA 70601 Eta Gamma Lambda (Lafayette - #258) Joseph M Cotton (S) PO Box 5224 Lafayette. LA 70502 Eta Delta Lambda (Monroe - #259) Louis Pargoud (CS) P 0 Box 815 Monroe, LA 71201 lota XI Lambda (Opelousas - #514) Alfred Dupree (P) P 0 Box 329 Opelousas. LA 70570 Nu Alpha Lambda (Marrero - #568) Kerry Southall (S) P 0 Box 1605 Harvey. LA 70059 Nu Theta Lambda (St Martmville - #575) Michael Broussard (S) Rl 4. Box 163 Breuax Bridge. LA 70517 Nu Sigma Lambda (Natchitoches - #584) No Report XI Nu Lambda (Baton Rouge - #601) Ronald S. Millender, Sr. (CS) PO. Box 80052 Baton Rouge, LA 70898 XI Chi Lambda (Leesville - #610) No Report OKLAHOMA Director Rundell Edison 2308 NW 47th Lawton. OK 73505 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Beta Kappa (Langston - #54) No Report Epsilon Epsilon (Oklahoma St - #314) No Report Zeta Zeta (Oklahoma - #337) Ravel L. Richardson (S) 911 Imhotf #532 Norman. OK 73072 Zeta Sigma (Central St - #348) Travis Cephus (T) East Hall. Rm 122 Edmond. OK 73034 Zeta Upsilon (Northeastern St - #350) Douglas A. Ivy (P) N.S.U. Wilson Hall # 9 Tahleguah. OK 74464 Eta Theta (East Central St - #361) No Report

Kappa Epsilon (Cameron - #424) Steven D Tolliver (P) 7913 NW Andrew Avenue Lawtdn. OK 73505 Omicron Nu (Tulsa-#719) No Report

lota Mu XI Tau Lambda (SF Austin St - #408) (N. Dallas County - #607) George Davis, Jr. (P) James Gilleylen (P) P 0 Box 4953 27A P.O. Box 214362 Nacogdoches, TX 75762 Dallas. TX 75221 Omicron Epsilon Lambda lota Omicron (Corpus Christi - #616) (SMU-#411) Falayrium Trone Burden (P) No Report ALUMNI CHAPTERS P.O. Box 4251. SMU Omicron Chi Lambda Alpha Tau Lambda Dallas. TX 75275 (Wichita Falls - #632) (Tulsa - #140) Kappa Sigma Freeman Johns. Jr. (CS) Donald E. Butler (P) (West Texas St - #436) 906 Sally Circle 2304 West Woodrow Wichita Falls. Texas 76303 Lemuel McNeil (P) Tulsa. OK 74127 Pi Alpha Lambda P.O. Box 891 Beta Epsilon Lambda (Texas A&M U - #634) West Tex. State Univ. (Boley - #1491 Kevin Carreathers (ES) Canyon, TX L. G. Ashley (S) 1100 Weatherly MuNu P.O Box 247 Bryan, TX 77803 (SW Texas St - #453) Boley, OK 74829 James D Jefferson (S) Beta Eta Lambda 4831 Seabreeze WEST Oklahoma City-#151) San Antonio. TX 78220 Roy L. Watson (P) Pi Omicron P.O Box 11105 (Texas A & M - #743) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/HAWAII Oklahoma City. OK 73136 Terris Burton (P) Director Beta Chi Lambda P 0. Box 4061 Gregory G French (Muskogee-#165) College Station. TX 77844 3757 West 113th Street James Henry Johnson (S) 704 Anthony Inglewood. CA 90303 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Muskogee. OK 74403 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Eta Lambda Zeta Gamma Lambda Alpha Delia (Houston-#129) (Langston - #236) (USC - #26) David L. Alexander (P) Robert Anderson (FS) Ulysses Plummer (P) 1505 Rosewood 5100 North Lottie 4511 Don Milagro Houston, TX 77004 Oklahoma City, OK 73111 Los Angeles. CA 90008 Alpha Sigma Lambda Eta XI Lambda Gamma Xi (Dallas - #139) (Lawton-Ft, Sill - #268) (UCLA - #79) No Report Henry L. Wilson (P) Mario Sims (p) Beta Tau Lambda 1156 Lee Road 3757 Veteran Ave # 2 (Ft. Worth - #162) Ft. Sill, OK 73503 Los Angeles. CA 90034 No Report PI Beta Lambda MuChl (Midwest City - #635) Gamma Eta Lambda (Cal St-Long Beach - #462) Terry Salmon (CS) (Austin-#173) No Report P.O. Box 30035 Ken Grays (RS) PI Kappa Midwest City, OK 73140 5903 North Hampton Drive (Cal St-Northridge - #739) TEXAS Austin. TX 78723 Vernon Jackson (P) Director Gamma Pi Lambda 3828 S Stocker (Galveston- #181) Los Angeles, CA 90008 Elworth J. Wilcox (P) William F Jones 4117-R 4145 Simpson Drive ALUMNI CHAPTERS Beaumonl. TX 77705 Galveston. TX 77550 Beta Psi Lambda COLLEGE CHAPTERS Gamma Tau Lambda (Los Angeles - #166) Delta (Beaumont - #184) Walter West (P) James Perry. Jr, (P) (Huston-Tillotson - #4) 4600 Presidido Drive P.O. Box 2568 No Report Los Angeles, CA 90008 Beaumont. TX 77704 Alpha Sigma lota Zeta Lambda Gamma Upsilon Lambda (Wiley - #39) (Compton - #507) (Marshall - #185) No Reporl Russell E. Flye (CS) S. A Anderson (CS) Gamma Alpha P.O. Box 90692 114 Fisher Drive (Texas College - #67) Los Angeles, CA 90009 Marshall, TX 75670 W Omar Karrlem (S) Mu Beta Lambda Oelta Rho Lambda 205 Chimney Rock #515 (Honolulu - #547) (San Antonio #205) Tyler, TX 75702 Timothy Fraizer (P) Barry W. Bruce (CS) Delta Theta 980862A Kaonohi Street 1104 Towa Street Aiea. HI 96701 (Texas Southern - #96) San Antonio, TX 78203 Mu Sigma Lambda Steve Hariston (P) Epsilon Alpha Lambda (Culver City - #562) TSU—Sterling Student Lite Center (Tyler-#212) Houston, TX 77004 Roy Hams (P) Andy F. Davis. Ill (P) Epsilon Gamma 6728 Sherbourne D. 524 S Fenton Avenue (Bishop - # 3 1 2 ) Los Angeles. CA 90056 Tyler. TX 75702 Andre Turner (P) Epsilon Epsilon Lambda 3837 Simpson-Stuart RD (Waco - #216) INLAND EMPIRE Dallas. TX 75241 David Scott (P) Director Epsilon lota P 0. Box 1405 Fred W. Smith II (Texas - #318) Waco. TX 76703 675 N. Sacramento Street Mark V. Williams (P) Epsilon Tau Lambda Orange. CA 92667 2507 Burleson #302 (Prairie View - #229) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Austin. TX 78741 No Reporl Eta Sigma Epsilon Rho (San Diego - #370) (Lamar - #325) Epsilon Tau Lambda Eugene Christmas (S) Robert E. Hunter (P) (Port Arthur-#231) 4865 A. Collwood Boulevard P.O. Box 10473 Othello Beckham (P) San Diego. CA 92115 Beaumont. TX 77710 PO. Box 461 lota Chi Epsilon Sigma Port Arthur. TX 77640 (St Mary's - #326) (Redlands - #418) Zeta Tau Lambda No Report Kelvin A. White (P (Amarillo-#251) Zeta Kappa 4075 Mt. Vernon Ernest Davis (P) (UT-EI Paso-#341) Riverside. CA 92507 P.O. Box 7533 No Report lota Psi Amarillo. TX 79114-2122 Zeta Tau (Cal Poly-Pomona- #419 Eta Upsilon Lambda Christopher E. Jackson (P) (Odessa - #274) (East Texas St - #349) 439 E. 81st Street # 3 No Report Michael Herbert (VP) Los Angeles. CA 90003 Box S. E.T. Station Omicron Eta Theta Delta Lambda Commerce. TX 75428 (UC-lrvine - #714) (El Paso- #281) Zeta Chi Joseph G Jacques (S) No Report (UT-Arlington - #352) 1655 Donna Caponi Ln No Report El Paso. TX 79936 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Eta Gamma Theta Kappa Lambda Zeta Sigma Lambda (Prairie View - #356) (Lubbock - #287) (San Diego - #250) Eric Dargan (P) No Report John A. Houston (CS) P.O. Box 2255 P.O. Box 50026 Kappa Gamma Lambda Prairie View, TX 77446 San Diego. CA 92105 (Texarkana - #526) Eta Epsilon Eta PI Lambda No Report (North Texas St - #358) (Pasadena - #270) Kappa Sigma Lambda Anderson Young (DOP) Michael Marsh (S) (Killeen - #540) 627 Bernard P.O. Box 5162 Ecolia Dunn (VP) Denton. TX 76201 605 Bellaire Drive Inglewood. CA 90310 EtaMu Killeen, TX 76541 Mu XI Lambda [Houston - #364) Mu Rho Lambda (Rialto - #558) Detnck Oliver Hughes (P) (Longview- #561) Kenneth 0 Chapman (S) 1778 Glasshouse Calvin L. Brookins (P) P 0. Box 7057 Beaumont, TX 77703 P.O. Box 702 San Bernardino, CA 92411-7057 Eta Upsilon Lonoview, Texas 75606 Nu Tau Lambda (Texas Tech - #372) Nu PI Lambda (Orange County - #585) No Report (Arlington - #582) Lloyd Chandler (P) Eta Psi Perry D. Molett (CS) 2814 Burly Ave. P.O. Box 1844 (Texas Christian - #375) Orange, CA 92669 Arlington, TX 76004-1844 Randy E. Parker (CS) XI Beta Lambda CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P.O. Box 11401 (Temple-#591) Director Ft. Worth. TX 76110 Rickey Tennyson (VP) William H. Day Theta Alpha 404 Fryers Creek #907 866 E Fir (Jarvis - #376) Temple. TX 76501 Fresno. CA 93710 Gregory D Henderson (P) Xi Eta Lambda COLLEGE CHAPTERS P 0. Box 69 (N. Hams County - #596) Epsilon Beta Hawkins, TX 75765 No Report (Fresno State - #311) Theta Mu Xi Kappa Lambda No Report (Sam Houston St - #386) (Missouri City - #599) Mu Kappa No Report Leonard Sparks, III (CS) (UC-Santa Barbara - #451 P.O. Box 414 Robert A McDonald (P) (Paul Quinn - #407) Missouri City. TX 77459 P.O 14503 UCSB No Report Santa Barbara. CA 93106

Xi Upsilon (Cal Pofy-SLO - #704) Paul 0 Sullivan (P) 200 N Sanlo Rosa St #608 D San Louis Obispo, CA 93401 ALUMNI CHAPTERS lota Nu Lambda (Fresno - #513) Henry A Simmons (P) 1050 E Fallbrook Fresno, CA 93710 Kappa Eta Lambda (Bakersheld - #530) No Report XI lota Lambda (Camarillo - #598) Jack Baugh (P) 31716 Saddletree Dr Westlake, CA 91361 NORTH CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Director Allan M Gordon Box 22817 Sacramento, CA 95822 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Theta Eta (UC-Davis - #382) Al Williamson (P) Student Activities, Box 104 U.C. Davis, CA 95616 NuChi (Pacific - #484) No Reporl Pi Gamma (CSU-Sacramento - #732) No Report Pi Epsilon (CSU-Chico - #734) No Report

Omicron Theta Lambda (Hayward- #619) No Reporl ROCKY MOUNTAIN Director Phil Cochran 1165 Drexel Boulder, CO 80303 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha lota (Denver- #31) No Report lota Upsilon (Utah State - #4161 No Report Omicron Tau [Colorado St - #725) Rexlord D. Canady (P) 715 Remington Ft Collins, CO 80524 JLU.MHI C H ' P T E R S Delta Psi Lambda (Denver - # 2 1 1 ) Harry T. Waters (CS) P 0. Box 2975 Denver, CO 80201 lota Omicron Lambda (Colorado Springs - #515) No Report Mu Upsilon Lambda (Boulder - #564) No Report ARIZONA/NEVADA Director James Hill 8536 N. 45th Drive Glendale. AZ 85302 COLLEGE CHAPTERS Zeta Theta (Arizona - #339) Steven C Freeman (A) 1228 N. Bryant Avenue Tucson, AZ 85712 MuEta (Arizona St - #448) Randolph Goode (S) 1508 E Jefferson Phoenix. AZ 85034

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Zeta Beta Lambda (Sacramento - #235) Allan M Gordon (P) 5940 Annrud Way Sacramento, CA 95822 Nu Beta Lambda (Stockton - #569) Benjamin J. Reddish, Jr (P) ALUMNI CHAPTERS Delta Tau Lambda 5989 E. Freemont Street (Phoenix - #207) Stockton. CA CA 95205 Barry D Williams (CS) P.O Box 24269 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Phoenix. Arizona 85074 Director Eta Psi Lambda Reuben W. Miller Jr (Tucson - #277) PO Box 4153 Richard Davis (CS) Foster City, CA 94404 5620 E. South Wilshire COLLEGE CHAPTERS Tucson. AZ 85711 Alpha Epsilon Theta PI Lambda (UC-Berkeley - #27) (Las Vegas - #292 Rouvaun Walker (P) No Report 820 34th Street Oakland. CA 94608 NEW MEXICO XI PI Director (Cal St-Hayward - #700) Boyd Jackson Sidney Malonson, II (P) 1305 Evelyn Court. NE 25858 Barnard Street Albuquerque. NM 87112 Hayward. CA 94545 COLLEGE CHAPTERS XI Rho Omicron Delta (San Francisco - #701) (New Mexico-#711) Alan Carroll (P) No Report P 0 Box 70186 PI Eta Station ' D ' (New Mexico SI - #736) Oakland. CA 94612-0186 No Report Pi Chi ALUMNI CHAPTERS (E New Mexico U -#750) Gamma Phi Lambda James Collins (VP) (Berkeley- #186) P 0 Box 3343 James C Johnson (P) Ponales, NM 88130 7700 Edgewater Drive #327 ALUMNI CHAPTERS Oakland. CA 94621 lota Psi Lambda Gamma Chi Lambda (Albuquerque - #523) (San Francisco- #187) Guy D Walton (P) Stanton W Jones (P) 9102 Fairbanks. NE 601 Van Ness Avenue Albug. NM 87112 East Tower #506 San Francisco, CA 94102 GREAT NORTHWEST Theta Beta Lambda Director (Oakland - #279) David Moore No Report 33828 37th Avenue SW Kappa Omicron Lambda Federal Wav. WA 98023 (Valleio - #537) COLLEGE CHAPTERS Jerry Wilkerson (P) Alpha XI 124 Jennifer Lane (Washington - #35) Vacaville. CA 95688 Andre H Arnold (S) COASTAL 10522 Lake City Way NE #407 Director Seattle, WA 98125 Beta Psi Jethroe Moore. Ill (Oregon - #66) 2820 Rose #54 No Report San Jose. CA 95127 lota Tau COLLEGE CHAPTERS (E Washington - #415) Delta Omicron No Report (Stanford-#301) ALUMNI CHAPTERS No Report Epsilon Zeta Lambda Epsilon Mu (Portland-#217) (San Jose St - #320) No Reporl David R Lewis (P) Zeta PI I 115 Garnet Court (Seattle - #248) Hercules, CA 94547 Don E. Roberts (P) Nu Sigma PO. Box 21125 (Stanford - #480) Seattle. WA 98111-3125 William R. Pate IS) lota Mu Lambda P 0 Box 9403 (Tacoma-#512) Stanford, CA 94309 Eugene S. Morris (T) PO Box 171, Fern Hill Station ALUMNI CHAPTERS Tacoma, WA 98412 Eta Sigma Lambda Nu Epsilon Lambda (San Jose - #272) (Richland - #572) Haymon T Jahi (PJ 2589 Sugar Plum Drive No Report San Jose, CA 95148 Nu Zeta Lambda Kappa Alpha Lambda (Anchorage - #573) (Monterey - #524) No Report Grady F, Searcy (P) Nu Phi Lambda PO Box 1128 (Spokane - #587) Seaside. CA 93955 No Report

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