The SPHINX | Spring 1996 | Volume 81 | Number 1 199608101

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Volume 81 • Number 1 • Spring 1996

Brother Edward YV. Brooke

>ther Dr. Hu D. Perkins

Brother Dr. Horace G. Dawson Jr.

Brother Chuck Stone

Brother Dr. Henry Ponder

Brother Dr. Cornelius Henderson

World m Council

Brother Clinton C Jones III

s a dream. A Big Sister has helped her set goals and look forward to her future. Now she has a dream. . .

. . . a dream of college, of a career, of having a good life. And one day, she'll dream of someone she can share that future with, someone with a dream of his own.

There are many young men out there who need a positive African American role model and mentor — a Big Brother.

Alpha Phi Alpha encourages you to call your local Big Brothers/Big Sisters agency to volunteer. Help us help our children — pass it on.

Big Brothers Big Sisters OF


Volume 81 Number 1 Spring 1996



OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. DENT'S LETTER Saturday Night Live Response LPHA FORUM Fraternity's Role in the 21st Century Whitney Young and the Million Man March OLLEGE DAYS Million Man March College Chapter of the Year LPHA RENAISSANCE Kellogg Mentoring Centers Funded World Policy Council Officially Charged Board Convenes in Atlanta Davis Charter Day Speaker Archival Transfer Completed EATURES • ^ • H Alumni Chapter of the Year King Memorial John M. Gandy—Practitioner, Researcher, Educator Alpha Appointed to South Africa Post LPHA ON THE MOVE Willie L. Brown Jr. HISTORICAL MOMENT Alpha Award of Merit and Alpha Award of Honor

EISUREMHHHI Ebony Fashion Fair Black Lies, White Lies...A Review HAPTER NEWS MEGA CHAPTER ORPORATE DIRECTORY The Sphinx (USPS 510-440) is puhlished quarterly for $10 a year by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-5234. Second-class postage paid at Baltimore, MD and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Sphinx, 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21213. The Sphinx is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Send all editorial mail and change of address to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. The Fraternity assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. Opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Use of any person's name in fiction, semifiction, articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility of The Sphinx, and is never done knowingly. Copyright 1976 by The Sphinx, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Reproduction, or use without written permission, of the editorial or pictorial content of the magazine in any manner is prohibited. The Sphinx has been published continuously since 1914. Organizing Editor: Brother Raymond W. Cannon. Organizing General President: Brother Henry Lake Dickason.

Spring 1996 • The Sphinx •


Editor's Note: In the last issue of The Sphinx, President Davis challenged the producers of Saturday Night Live following their most inappropriate use of Alpha paraphernalia in connection with the Million Man March. This is a response to President Davis challenge.

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Alpha Forum Brother Samuel F. Yette©

The Fraternity's Role in the 21st Century


arvin "Magic" Johnson returned to play basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers at the end of January, and, for his match-up against Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls a few nights later, scalpers reportedly got up to $1,000 per ticket to see them perform in the Great Western Forum. Johnson had ended his four-year absence before a packed house of exuberant fans apparently willing to give time off their natural lives to see and cheer him at play again, following his disclosure of being fflV positive on November 7, 1991. At that time, it was only a question of whether Johnson, who attended Michigan State, or Jordan, who attended the University of North Carolina, better fit "the Best Player on the Planet" title—now worn by Jordan upon his return a season earlier from a try at professional baseball. Beyond question, however, is the fact that African-Americans are demonstrably the world's greatest athletes. In the company of President Leopold Senghor of Senegal in 1978, I heard him explain why he thought that was so. The slave-traders, he said, were picky. They chose the strongest and most alert for captivity, and that only the fittest among our ancestors survived the Middle Passage. Be that as it may, four centuries later, we, as a people, are facing three predicaments that threaten our survival in the 21st century, and we have a shorter time than many realize to understand and resolve these predicaments. First, we are now in a now Middle Passage— from the modern industrial society and its democratic values, to the Cosmic and information ages and their contradictory oligarchies. In substance, there are still strong forces in our nation and the world who—except for entertainment, sports, and exploitation—regard African people as obsolete and occupying coveted space the oligarchies see between themselves and total paradise. Secondly, without solving such things as the crime problems of our youth and the disproportionate, abject poverty of many of our adults, we sit as vulnerable—even cooperating—targets of technology, ill-will and a growing, greedy police state.

William Shakespeare describes a high school and college-aged male as "full of range oaths...sudden and quick in quarrel, seeking the bubble reputation even in the cannon's mouth." In other words, young men are adventuresome. They seek challenges, acceptance, and approval. This is why they join gangs—which are negative. We should provide them clubs—high school pre-pledge clubs—positive ways to reach the same adolescent goals. We simply must begin to reach these kids ahead of the gangs. Thirdly, instead of the positive leadership that once came from our colleges and universities, they are now too often preoccupied with the misadventures of coed dorms, enslavement to drugs, petty divisions, and such total nonsense as "Freaknicks" that advertise foolishness and vulnerability to an opportunistic world.

What, you say, has this to do with sports, entertainment and the new mission of Alpha Phi Alpha? What, you say, has this to do with sports, entertainment and the new mission of Alpha Phi Alpha? Almost everything. ihis is not about O. J. Simpson. Nor, for that matter, is it about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, entertainer Michael Jackson, nor even about retired General Colin Powell. It's about all of us and how we must harness the individual talents of our gifted to benefit them, the race, and the society as a whole. Like individuals, no racial group does all things equally well. But survival for individuals and groups is based on developing natural endowments to a level equal to or superior to the abilities of their adversaries. That is especially true now and into the 21st century. The requirement is to use what is naturally given and developed to obtain whatever else is needed. In the absence of a sound cultural strategy, the enormous compensation of our athletes and entertainers threatens to separate them from—rather


Spring 1996 T The Sphinx

Alpha Forum Charles Drew's formulation of blood plasma, withthan adhere them to—their own people in mutually out which medicine would be impossible. But, in beneficial ways. truth, the absolutely vital inventions and social Even before Magic Johnson's return and Ken innovations of African-Americans have not been Griffey, Jr.'s $34 million four-year baseball contract secured and packaged in ways that fill critical areas with the Seattle Mariners, Forbes magazine had of need for the entire race, contindocumented the barely-believable __ ually and increasingly facing surearnings of athletes. According to vival challenges. Forbes' December 18, 1995 ediThese best-paid tion, the cumulative earnings of the athletes—among the world's high40 top-paid athletes totaled $490 est-income individuals—spend sevmillion. eral of their most culturally-accesA review of those figures shows sible years in our reach—though that all of the top six are not in our grasp. This must not African-Americans, with a total of continue. We cannot afford it. $168.5 million. The six are led by We must at headquarters, and Michael Jordan's $43.9 million and within every graduate and underboxer Mike Tyson's $40 million. graduate chapter of Alphadom, Even the last half of the top 40 organize to recruit these talented totaled $160.4 million, with the young athletes—as we do scholAfrican-American portion reaching ars—and develop in them a cultural $88.9 million. consciousness, a sense of mutual Unconscionable disparities support and responsibility to our between our richest and poorest people. I am convinced that most are centrifugal forces that threaten of these young men want, need, to tear us apart. The disparities are Brother Samuel F. Yette and would welcome our sincere, glaring when we see our people personally unselfish partnerships disproportionately in jail and on and guidance. death row, out of work and sleeping on grates, and As we consider such an undertaking, we should needlessly dying of disease and addiction in the recall that we began as a "study club," a small group absence of substance and hope. Juxtaposed are of sincere young men who understood that their many of our superstars who use our cultural gifts to fates were intertwined, and that they could help reach the pinnacles of entertainment and sports, each other and the race by combining their considthen virtually drown in unchanneled wealth and erable talents. misspent youth. rom our renewed consciousness, a mechaOur situation requires the development of a keen nism must be devised to facilitate fractions cultural consciousness—a cultural maturity—which of those huge funds for access to the athgives individuals and groups the proper perspective lete's selected "charities." Instead of these sums on relationships between themselves, their talents and going to the tax coffers, they would provide for limitations, and to all things in their environment. scholarships, civil rights work, business and job creDo you dare imagine what such past leaders as ation, and homes for our homeless, especially our Martin Luther King, Jr., the Urban League's homeless women and children. Whitney M. Young, Jr., the NAACP's Roy Wilkins, Our Fraternity's commitment to "manly deeds, Morehouse President Benjamin E. Mays, or scholarship, and love for all mankind" certainly Howard University President Mordecai Johnson includes our own people. These disparities are would have done with a fraction of the money challenges and opportunities to whom our God and earned by these athletes and entertainers? Imagine insight have commissioned us. © the kind of future that money—properly managed, invested and apportioned—could now ensure for Brother Yette is author of "The Choice: The our colleges, health and recreation needs, struggling Issue of Black Survival in America." He currentbusinesses, and governmental influence. ly writes a column for the Richmond Free History is replete with the contributions of Press, Philadelphia Tribune, and the World African-Americans to the modern world. These African Network. Brother Yette is a charter include Elijah McCoy's inventions that keyed the member of Iota Upsilon Lambda. assembly line and the Industrial Revolution and Dr.


4 A The Sphinx T Spring 1996

Alpha Forum Brother Harold R. Sims




hitney Moore Young, Jr., was, and still is, the undersung, under-read, under-interpreted and under-projected hero of our time. His contribution, which operated within the most effective understanding and use of

power and control for human development yet known, was a largely invisible, highly sophisticated and singular example of achieving unprecedented results through changing decision makers and making decision leaders. Though a contemporary of Malcolm X and Martin Luther

King, Jr., he has seldom been mentioned, quoted or discussed during the 25 years since his death in the heart of Africa. Yet Henry Ford, David Rockefeller, Carl Stokes, McGeorge Bundy, Ken Gibson, Leon Sullivan, Tom Wood, Nelson Rockefeller, Nancy Wilson, The Congressional Black Caucus, The Links, The Boy Scouts of America, Jim Roche, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Immamu Baraka, Roy Innis, and countless others, rich and poor, black and white, large and small, were able to move into an enlarged and integrated mainstream of new influences, new effectiveness and expanded sensitivity because of his unprecedented skills at persuasion, coalition building, resource acquisition, and unquestioned integrity. In a mere nine years, he took the National Urban League from a $250,000 budget to over $20 million, from 65 League cities to 98, from a few hundred

staff of volunteers to thousands while simultaneously getting several hundred thousand jobs for black and brown people. He was also a key architect of the Great Society, the Urban Coalition, the revitalized Social Welfare Movement, the new, more responsive United Way, the White Domestic Affairs Council, the mobilization of black political success in the North and the expansion of the same elsewhere, The American Negro Leadership Conference on Africa, The American Leadership Council on Civil Rights and many others. Whitney was the first to call

Spring 1996 T The Sphinx

Alpha Forum for a Domestic Marshall Plan to reconstruct die cities and towns of the USA and to argue for an Open Society based on pluralistic respect and the just acceptance of difference-two programs in whose ultimate implementation now lies the salvation of America. His scholarship and sense of humor were equaled only by his courage and strength of character. ut most of all, Whitney Moore Young, Jr. was singularly responsible for bringing the mainstream of corporate might and foundation power into the core of the struggle for human justice and respect in America. His books, To Be Equal and Beyond Racism, are road maps for mutual survival in America now and beyond the 21st century. They must be read, must be projected and must be used. Because of Whitney Young, the talents of Leon Sullivan were discovered by General Motors and positioned to impact upon the African's economic needs in a way never before envisioned. Because of Whitney Young, the skill and diplomacy of Ron Brown were shaped, placed and empowered to manage the affairs of a great political party and the election of a President. Because of Whitney Young, Ken Gibson and Carl Stokes were able to overcome critical barriers in their path to become pioneering black mayors of two of America's greatest cities. Because of Whitney Young, Chappie James became the first black four star general, veterans got outreach centers, social work became respected as a profession, black businesses a tripartite champion and women accelerated to Civil Rights leadership in large and historic numbers. A. Phillip Randolph called him the Intellectual Leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Roy



Wilkins recalled how "he could talk with crowds and keep his virtue" and "walk with kings" without losing the common touch. Bayard Rustin remembered how the Africans and Americans present at the African-American Institute conference in Nigeria, where Young died, saw Whitney as the most dynamic person in attendance. Carl Rowan and Dreda Ford reminded the Readers Digest audience that "Young's greatest contribution was that he almost sin1995 gle-handedly brought corporate America into the civil rights movement. The Washington Post editorialized that "He was a pragmatist preferring accomplishment to rhetoric and effective influence to the assertion of power." President Nixon called him ..."a gifted and commanding champion...eloquent, tough, and convincing." "He was an interpreter, a mediator, a conciliator and a doer," the Amsterdam News noted. "He accomplished where others ranted." is ability to see the future, predict consequences and produce effective responses to the numerous economics, social, political and racial challenges facing our nation are qualities in evidence and relevant today. His last major speech, given at the 14th Annual Equal Opportunity Day dinner on November 19, 1970, is as relevant in 1996 was it was then. The tragic consequences of America's failure to respond to his call for action on The Kerner Commission Report and his Domestic Marshall Plan led to the escalation of the conditions


which motivated the "Million Man March" and which guide "The Pledges" which flow from its energy and its promise. This eloquent and moving extract from his speech, given at the "Great March on Washington" in 1963 just before Martin Luther King, Jr.'s legendary "I Have A Dream" address, is a fitting way to end this formal kickoff of our 25 th Anniversary Celebration of Whitney's life and immortality. It

is Whitney's message to "The Million Man March" which serves as a guidepost for action then and now: "One should not seek here to stone for this past failures as a member of the Majority Group and the guilt about it cannot be erased by a one day pilgrimage no matter how magnificent, nor can this pilgrimage substitute for an obligation to tomorrow. And so, this March must go beyond this historic moment. For the true test of the rededication and the commitment which must flow from this meeting will be in recognition that however impressed or however incensed our (Congressional) representatives are by this demonstration, they will not act because of it alone. We

Alpha Forum must support the strong! We must give courage to the timid! We must remind the indifferent! We must warn the opposed - (that) civil rights which as God given and constitutionally guaranteed, are not negotiable in 1963! (nor 1996)." Furthermore, we must work together even more closely back home where the job must be done to see that more Negro Americans are accepted as first class citizens and that they are engaged to do some more marching! • They must march from the relief roles to die established retraining centers, from underemployment as unskilled workers to higher occupations commensurate with our skills. • They must march from the cemeteries where our young, our newborns die three times sooner and our parents die seven years earlier. They must march from there to established health and welfare centers. A They must march from the congested, ill-equipped schools which breed dropouts and smother motivation to the wellequipped, integrated facilities throughout the city. • They must march from the play areas in crowded and unsafe streets to the newly opened areas in the parks and recreational centers. A And finally, they must march from the present feeling of despair and frustration, but to (with) a renewed faith and confidence due to intangible changes made possible only by walking together from the PTA meeting, to the library, to the decision making bodies, to the schools and the colleges, to the adult education centers for all age groups, to the voter registration booths.

The hour is late! The gap is less and a hope for the hopeless widening! The rumbling of the by giving power to the powerless drums of discontent resounding and purpose to the powerful. throughout this land are heard in "In so doing we'll make our all parts of the world. The misFraternity's motto, "First of All, sions which we send there to keep Servants of All, We Shall the world safe for democracy are Transcend All" the cornerstone of shallow symbols unless with them the 21 st century just as it was the goes the living testament that this foundation of the Civil Rights country practices at home the doctrine which it This is the real significance of our march today, seeks to promote abroad. How August 28,1963 (October 16,1995). Our march is a serious our national leaders march for America! It is a march just begun! are will be measured not by words but by the speed and sinMovement throughout the 20th cerity with which they pass (or century. retain) necessary legislation, with Let us resurrect Whitney's which they admit to the tragic spirit by appealing through our injustice which has done our actions, as he did, "to the best in country and its Negro citizens by our national character-the capacihistoric discrimination and rejecty for reform and the yearning for tion and by which they take justice." (expand and retain) intensive and remedial steps, to correct damage in order to give true meaning to the words, "Equal Opportunity." This is the real significance of our march today, August 28, 1963 (October 16, 1995). Our march is a march for America! It is a march just begun!" n<nd so during 1996, as we commemorate the / \ w!5th Anniversary of Brother Whitney's immortality while at the same time celebrating the 75th year of his birth, let us study, understand, translate and Brother Sims is Life Member apply his legacy to the unchanged #725 and President of Sims & and unmet needs and issues of our Associates, North Brunswick, time. Let us take the pledges New Jersey. Brother Sims is from "The Million Man March" also a former Vice President and save our men through examfor Johnson & Johnson, Acting ple and our women through Executive Director of the respect. Let us meet the chalNational Urban League (follenges of this racially divisive, sexlowing the death of Brother ually exploited, youthfully violent Young), and Deputy to Brother and politically callous age, emuWhitney Young. lating Whitney Young and becoming a "voice for the voice-


Spring 1996 T The Sphinx

Brother Jerome Hairston

MILLION MAN MARCH Crammed into Malaney Hill's car at four o'clock in the morning, I had no idea what the day would bring forth. As we pulled into the parking lot of a local mall near Temple's campus, my heart began to come alive as I began to feel the verge of this historical event. Just then, I saw a lot of proud looking men clothed in black and gold. These men of all ages were happy to be with one another and welcomed us undergraduates with a most warm sincerity. Brothers from all of the Philadelphia chapters were present in support and encouragement of one another. After tons of embraces, the buses trailed into the lot and the boarding began. So here was I surrounded by all these men heading down to our nation's Capital. Along the way to our nation's Capital, doubts and fears began to revolve in my mind while sitting on the bus. Would this event just further solidify the pessimistic outlook that the media so dogmatically portrays of our men? Did I just volunteer myself into a life-threatening situation? Would two gang members open fire and cause a riot? How would the government respond to such a conglomeration of black men atoning at the nation's Capital? At the hiss of the bus braking, I heard every beat of my heart as I stepped off the bus. Cautiously I looked around at the mobs of black men trooping to the Capitol grounds. In only an instant, anticipation overwhelmed all my doubts and fears as each man greeted one another as though there were no strangers. Looking around, I could see the pride of every black man shining bright in the early morning light. Brothers, old men, young men, high school youths, mothers with children waving from their porches; it did not matter for all were in accordance with Louis Farrakhan's plea for atonement. Adrenaline now pumped through my blood vessels as I felt the energy of everyone around me. When we walked over the hill behind the Capitol to see a lawn packed with men from the Capitol to beyond the fountain and beyond the adjacent courtyard, it felt even better to be an

8 A The Sphinx T Spring 1996

African-American man. Minutes before Dick Gregory spoke, we managed to find that sea of Black and Old Gold. We began to sing songs and dance as the loudspeaker announced the presence of "one million men." From there on, my mind was filled with the nourishment of wisdom from our various political leaders and celebrities. When I went to lunch, it seemed only appropriate that vendors were selling healthy, homemade food items. Here I saw a few women strutting their stuff; but it was of no avail as most men just went on about their business. Throughout this glorious event, we as black men prayed and sang together with each other indiscriminately. This was die first time I saw the Nation of Islam and the black church support each other as they should. Nothing could come between us that day. We are an invincible people. We showed the world that more than a million black men care and are willing to make sacrifices for our race. In fact, the tone was set long before Louis Farrakhan's speech. As Brothers of this Fraternity, we embark upon principles of atonement every day as we better ourselves, support the black community and its businesses while upholding our integrity and advancing those less fortunate than ourselves. In hindsight, I only wish that our President had spoken that day on behalf of our organization. That way, everyone would understand how our Fraternity implemented atonement decades ago and still abides by its ideals. "Alpha Phi Alpha, the light of the world. We shall forever hold thee above." Brothers, never forget who we are and what that means. Brother Hairston is a member of Psi Chapter.

College Days



here are 36 active members. They are campus leaders and future leaders of America. Their approach to fraternal responsibility—to life in general—is tenacious. They don't give up easily. They don't give up at all. "Tenacity above all tenacity" is the "driving force" behind Beta Nu Chapter at Florida A&M University, a characteristic that helped them win college Chapter of the Year honors. Robert Hardy, a graduating senior and engineering major from Philadelphia, PA, is the chapter president. He characterizes the Brothers of Beta Nu as a group of men "who want to change the face of the world." The Chapter envisions change, Brother Hardy says, at three levels—the university campus, the Tallahassee community, and at the technological level. "This Chapter has been the catalyst for a lot of things in this community," Brother Hardy maintains. The tenacious and entrepreneurial spirit of Beta Nu can be credited with the development of several independent businesses in the Tallahassee community. Rainforest Productions, Inc., of which Brother Hardy is president, was the videographer for

the 89th Anniversary Convention Chapter participated in the in Orlando, FL. Hardy was also Million Man March, which writer, director and producer of Brother Hardy called "one of the "Chocolate City," an hour and most moving experiences we forty minute video produced by have had." Rainforest Productions. "We really felt the need for Produced on the Florida that event to take place," says A&M University campus, Brother Quinton G. Washington "Chocolate City" tells its viewers of Beta Nu. "Regardless of the that "the decisions you make controversy that might have surtoday will affect you for a life"Tenacity above all tenacity" is the "driving force time." Blockbusters behind Beta Nu Chapter at Florida A&M University, a Video Stores will soon carry the characteristic that helped them win college Chapter of Rainforest prothe Year honors. duced tape. PHLY Productions, Inc. is a graphic rounded that event, what if only design company composed of 1,000 men had attended?" he Beta Nu Brothers. Specializing wondered. in urban and contemporary "It would have shown a dividesign and graphic layout, the sion in die black community. company is responsible for Beta Our sense of African-American Nu's Home Page on the Internet. pride is very strong regardless of Mentoring youth and comour ecumenical, social, ideologimunity service are conspicuous cal, and economic differences. in Beta Nu Chapter's impressive We can, and do, transcend all program. those (differences) for a common nternally, Hardy believes good." the Chapter's participation Washington and Hardy agree in the Million Man March that the Chapter's Rites of is probably a program highlight, Passage program is a winner—a and among its external programs, Beta Nu program highlight. the Chapter's Rites of Passage Once each week for an hour Beta program wins highest praise. Nu Brothers interact with a Almost the entire Beta Nu group of 10 to 14 year olds about


College Days "the rigors of growing up in America." Interacting with these "targeted youth," and "understanding what they are going through" and then helping them know what it takes to be a man "creates more of a sense of community," Brother Washington says. ge does not make them men, Hardy says the Brothers tell the young participants in the Rites of Passage program. Instead they are told, "you have to accept responsibility for yourself and responsibility for your community." An education will help them be responsible for themselves, Hardy tells the young people who are also encouraged to be active in "strengthening their communities." The ups and downs of "standing up for what you believe in" will help them evolve into manhood, Beta Nu Brothers tell Rites of Passage participants. Beta Nu Brothers helped collect supplies for Haitian refugees, they took part in Jog-A-Thon for the FAMU Sickle Cell Anemia Chapter, organized a Toastmasters activity, played a leading role in a benefit softball game, and joined Delta Sigma Theta in an annual luncheon-outing for kids. They tutor high school students, deliver meals to the elderly and those confined to their homes. TOPS Volunteers helps new students get adjusted to college life. Beta Nu co-sponsors the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. campus convocation, and participates in the MLK Commemorative March. And then there are the



monthly seminars which attract students from across the campus. Topics: "Rap Music and Its Effect on the Community," "The Harmful Effect of the Word Nigger," "Black Male Forum on Responsibility to the Community," "Affirmative Action and Its Effect on Your Life," "Rape Prevention and Self-Defense," and "Black Love is a Thing of the Past." Do they step? Certainly, and

The Wilma T Gilmore Scholarship goes to the female whose interest is in the field of education. The Theodore Gilmore Scholarship goes to the individual who has "strong entrepreneurial ideas and business plans." There is no business as usual with Beta Nu. One of its more interesting special projects is investment in the Berger Fund. In addition to the revenue Beta

Beta Nu Florida AirM University Chapter of the Year very well. First place in Nassau, Bahamas, first place in Jacksonville, FL, first place at Savannah State, first place at Daytona Beach, first place in the FAMU Homecoming Extravaganza, and featured on YSB/Rap City black college campus tour step show shown on BET. Beta Nu Brothers also coached the ladies of Paddyfote Dormitory to a third place finish in dorm step competition. Scholarships? 250 awarded.

Nu Brothers set aside for this investment account, alumni Brothers also invest in the account. t has not yet made thousands for Beta Nu but, Hardy observes, "it has done well for us". It is not the size of the investment account, but the principle behind the activity, he agrees. "We want our Chapter to train Brothers for the future" in how to manage and make money.


Alpha Renaissance



comprehensive approach to the physical, "Every child needs at least one adult who cares intellectual, spiritual, emotional and about him and who is an effective confidant, guide, social development of African-American broker, advocate and at times, disciplinarian," the males from ages 3 to 19 years old is being launched Fraternity's program planners maintain. "Children by Alpha Phi Alpha with the support of a $400,000 need adults who care and deliver." grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. A fulltime director will coordinate the program An initiative of the Alpha Renaissance, the mentoring program the Kellogg grant is supporting promises to "empower young people with critical thinking skills, a sense of purpose, economic opportunities, high expectations, and significant social support." "We are excited about this program and especially pleased with the confidence the Kellogg Foundation has placed in our Fraternity," General President The President and Chief Executive Officer of the W. K Kellogg Foundation Milton C. Davis said. (fourth from left), Dr. William Richardson, is shown here with members of the Mentoring centers are Foundation's National Task Force ofAfrican-American Men and Youth. From planned in 15 cities and in each left: Brother Ron Jenkins, Brother Darryl Matthews, General President Milton of the five regions in which the C. Davis, Brother Andrew Young, Brother Huel Perkins, Brother Dr. Robert Fraternity is organized. Each of Green, Brother Bobby Austin, and Brother A. Knighton Stanley. the mentoring centers will provide individual and group support to at least 100 from Baltimore. Stipend program coordinators will African-American males for the three years of the use a volunteer staff of mentors who will not be Kellogg-funded project. limited to but come largely from members of the Kellogg mentoring centers will be operational in Fraternity. Mentors will be screened to insure their Atlanta, GA, Washington, DC, New Orleans, LA, suitability for the assigned tasks. Baltimore, MD, Philadelphia, Cleveland, OH, " entoring will take place in four specific Chicago, Little Rock, AR, Louisville, KY, Tuskegee, phases starting with a AL, Jackson, MS, Fort Pierce, FL, Oklahoma City, ' ."match"—between the student men tee OK, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. and the mentor—and continuing with: establishing The student participants will come from recomrelationships, living the relationships, and the termendations made by churches, schools, and commination or transition phase. munity agencies where the mentoring centers are The Alpha Mentoring Centers will be open five located. days a week during after-school hours. The daily


Alpha Renaissance program starts with a meal, followed by school homework, and ends with individual and group dialogue in several different one-hour sessions. All of the student mentees will be required to participate in community service.

Every child needs at least one adult who cares about him and who is an effective confidant, guide, broker, advocate and at times, disciplinarian," the Fraternity's program planners maintain. "Children need adults who care and deliver." The program calls for field trips to historically black colleges and universities and cultural centers, and a yearly conference on issues facing AfricanAmerican males. Each of the young men in the program will maintain daily logs which chronicle the "critical decisions in their lives" and how they handle problem solving. "The Kellogg grant gives us an opportunity to expand and more sharply refine activities in which we have been engaged for some years," General President Davis noted. "We expect to see a significant difference in the lives of the 1,500 young men who are being targeted for this work." An Alpha Phi Alpha Training Center, a first for the Fraternity and an initiative of the Alpha Renaissance, is being organized in Adanta. At least two Brothers from each of the cities being funded with Kellogg grants will receive training in not only the conduct of the Kellogg project but in administering Alpha National Programs. rothers who receive training in Atlanta will conduct their chapter programs and also "train trainers in their regions." According to National Programs Chairman Ron Jenkins, program manuals have been prepared for Scouting, leadership development, Project Alpha, and Go To High


School Go To College programs. The coordinated approach to programming, along with the required training, is something the Fraternity has not experienced before now, Jenkins says. Jenkins sees the new emphasis on programming replacing the longstanding emphasis on "Intake." He maintains that the Fraternity has lost many members due to the absence of "sustaining programs to keep them." Jenkins and President Davis acknowledged that Alpha Phi Alpha cannot alone solve the range of social problems which plague many communities. Rather, they see Alpha playing "a leadership role" in addressing problems peculiar to African- American youth. "We hope to be the agency/organization for others to rally around," Jenkins noted. "We will not be teaching rituals (in the training sessions). We want to acquire the skills to be able to do collaborations with others in the communities. It will take more than one to make this happen." The W K. Kellogg Foundation was established in 1930 to "help people help themselves." As a private grantmaking organization, it provides seed money to organizations and institutions that have identified problems and designed constructive action programs aimed at solutions.

Alpha World Policy Council

Brother Edward W. Brooke, chairperson of the Council, is a former president of Beta Chapter and also former Eastern Regional Vice President. He is the first African-American to serve as Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the first AfricanAmerican since Reconstruction to represent Massachusetts in the U. S. Senate where he served two terms.

Brother Dr. Henry Ponder was president of Benedict College in South Carolina before being named president of Fisk University where he now serves. Brother Ponder's distinguished career in education also includes appointments as professor, department chairman and college dean at several universities. He is also a former General President of Alpha Phi Alpha.

Brother Dr. Horace G. Dawson Jr., a former college professor, is a retired U. S. Ambassador to Botswana. As a U. S. Foreign Service Career Officer, the Ambassador has served as Director of all American Information and Cultural Programs in Africa and Counselor of the Embassy for Public Affairs and Cultural Programs, the Philippines. He is currently director of the Patricia Roberts Harris Public Affairs Program at Howard University.

Brother Dr. Cornelius Henderson is a world-traveled consultant and evangelist. Currently President-Dean of Gammon Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Brother Henderson is the former pastor of Ben Hill United Methodist Church, Atlanta, where the membership exceeded 6,000. He was the advisor to former President Jimmy Carter on the Panama

Brother Dr. Huel D. Perkins has been appointed by President Clinton to his Board of Advisors for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The Immediate Past Grand Sire Archon of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity (Boule), Brother Perkins is a former Deputy Director of Education Programs with the National Endowment for the Humanities and a former member of the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Brother Clinton C.J ones III is the Majority Legal Counsel, U. S. House of Representatives Committee on Banking and Financial Services. An Adjunct Professor at Howard University, Atty. Jones is a former Senior Attorney with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Brother Chuck Stone is the author of three books and currently serves on the faculty of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina. A founding president of the National Association of Black Journalists, Brother Stone is a former White House correspondent and editor of three newspapers.


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Alpha Renaissance

WORLD POLICY COUNCIL WILL ADDRESS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL ISSUES was named co-chairman of the Council. Former Senator Brooke recommended formation of the Council during his Public Program address three years ago in New Orleans. At that time, Senator Brooke envisioned the World Policy Council as a body that would search out "long term solutions to the complex, national and international problems we face now and in the 21st century." Senator Brooke has since called for the identification of "particular new capabilities or sets of capabilities" which will be expected of the Council and the members of the Fraternity. Brother Brooke recommended: — A broadening of the Fraternity's historic interest in black Africa to include other continents of the world. — Fostering relationships with established foreign policy organizations. His proposed three-pronged plan for the chosen areas of concentration views the World Policy Council as a "forum where U. S. policymakers from the executive and legislative arenas, and the business world, can Eastern Regional Vice President Brother Sam Wilson (left) is joined here by report to our members on the develBrother Dr. Huel D. Perkins (center) and Brother Dr. Cornelius opments in the foreign policy areas" Henderson, members of the Alpha World Policy Council. of the Council's focus. As the Council gets underway, it will address issues based both on geographic selecat Howard University in January. tion as well as issues with a "topical- functional" "Now is the time to allocate sustained and profocus, Senator Brooke promised. The Council found intellectual deliberations on fashioning solucould, he explained, address the U. S. policy toward tions to problems, engaging public debate and Nigeria or Burundi and it could also take an analytiexpanding knowledge in critical areas affecting the cal look at U. S. response to "genocidal situations" present and future life of our people, our nation and such as Bosnia or, for instance, the Information the world," President Davis said in his charge to the Revolution. World Policy Council. When he recommended formation of the Council Brother Senator Edward Brooke was named in New Orleans, Senator Brooke noted that it could chairman of the World Policy Council along with six consider such subjects as: world population control, odier Alpha men who Brother Davis called "the best the homeless, water, world hunger, health, the global of our Fraternity, the best of the African-American economy, disarmament, gun control, crime, drug and male, and the best intellectual prowess at our comalcohol abuse, teenage pregnancy, AIDS, elections in mand." Brother Ambassador Horace G. Dawson Jr.,


ashington, DC-The men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity have been challenged to "allocate prime time to addressing the affairs of our brotherhood, the concerns of our community, and the policies of the nation and the world." The Fraternity's 29th General President, Milton C. Davis, issued the challenge during the formal commissioning of the Alpha World Policy Council

14 •

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Alpha Renaissance South Africa and Haiti, the seemingly intractable dilemma in tlie Middle East, tlie Environment, Ethnics in Africa and Asia, the location of hazardous waste landfills in predominantly black and Hispanic communities, among many others. A s Brother Dawson, the co-chairman of the Council saw it, the World Policy Council should be about "stimulating concern and reflection within the Brotherhood, and making the Fraternity's influence felt through public pronouncements and representations."


Al h

P <a World Policy Council and Fraternity staff. race and category, both in America and beyond, may Brother Dawson is a retired U. S. Ambassador be uplifted." and currently director of the Patricia Roberts Harris Brother Davis named Brother Senator Brooke to Public Affairs Program at Howard University. deliver the first Charles H. Wesley Memorial "We live in very difficult and trying times," Lecture in New Orleans, LA, this summer, the first Brother Dawson concluded. "This makes it all the of one of the Council's annual activities. more imperative that we devote our intellect, time, and energies to purposeful consideration of public n addition to Brothers Brooke and Dawson, policy issues." other World Policy Council members Brother Ambassador Dawson said the Council include: Brother Henry Ponder, president of should "make our voices heard in the corridors of Fisk University and a former General President of power especially on issues affecting our own comAlpha Phi Alpha; Brother Cornelius Henderson, munity but also on broader issues affecting the president of Gammon Theological Seminary, nation as a whole." Atlanta; Brother Dr. Huel D. Perkins, a former President Davis agreed that the Council would Deputy Director of Education Programs with the engage both domestic and international "issues of National Endowment for the Humanities and our times." Through the work of the Council, appointed by President Clinton to his Board of Brother Davis said he expected that "people of every Advisors for Historically Black Colleges and Universities; Brother Chuck Stone, a University of North Carolina journalism professor and former White House correspondent; and Brother Clinton C. Jones III, Majority Legal Counsel, U. S. House of Representatives Committee on Banking and Financial Services. The Council will have the staff services of Brother Patrick Oates, a doctoral student at Howard University.


Brother Walter Carrington (right) presented remarks on developments in Nigeria during the inaugural meeting of the Alpha World Policy Council at Howard University. Brother Carrington is U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria.

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Alpha Renaissance

BOARD CONVENES AT CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY A tradition started three years ago continued in January when the Board of Directors convened at Clark Atlanta University. General President Milton Davis started the practice when the Board first convened at Dillard University in New Orleans and the next year at Tuskegee University. The World Policy Council held its inaugural meeting at Howard University. During the weekend meeting, the Board finalized plans for the new Intake Program, continued plans for the Educational Forum in New Orleans, reviewed plans for implementation of the Kellogg Initiative, installed a new assistant vice president, and approved the construction of a facility on property owned by the Fraternity in Chicago. Ian M. Coleman is the new assistant vice president for the western region.

General President Milton C Davis (center) and former General Presidents (from left) T. Winston Cole, James Williams, Ozell Sutton and Charles Teamer, Sr. at the campus gravesite of Brother Dr. John Hope, founder of the Atlanta University Center.

The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Board of Directors and administrative staff during January meeting at Clark Atlanta University hosted by Brother Dr. T. Winston Cole, Jr.,president of the University. The Sphinx •

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Between and after die business sessions, the Board visited historic sites at Clark Atlanta University and Morehouse College. Brother Dr. T. Winston Cole Jr., president of Clark Atlanta, hosted the Board at a reception, and the Board visited the gravesite of Brother Dr. John Hope, founder of the Atlanta University Center. Hope is reported to have been a contemporary of Dr. Booker T. Washington. The Board also visited the Morehouse campus statute honoring Brother Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Alpha Renaissance

CHARTER DAY SPEAKER CITES ROLE OF INTEGRITY IN FOUNDING OF TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY Tuskegee, AL-The power of politics combined with integrity to make possible the state Charter which resulted in the founding of Tuskegee University, Tuskegee Attorney Milton C. Davis said in an address at die University. Davis, a 1971 graduate of Tuskegee and now General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc, was die University's Charter Day speaker. Davis called politics die "process that determines who gets what, when and how." He recalled how Lewis Adams, a former slave in Tuskegee, AL, was approached by two candidates for the Alabama Legislature asking "his price for swaying the black vote of die town in dieir support." According to the historical record Atty. Davis reviewed, Adams told die political candidates he wanted nodiing for himself but promised to deliver the black vote in exchange for "some substantial gain for the black community." Davis credited Adams and others in Tuskegee with having "formed a community seeking to uplift the whole and realizing that the destiny of one depended on the destiny of all. "The individuals who worked to establish diis Charter for Tuskegee were people of integrity, a trait too often missing in die public affairs of our institutions and governments at every level," Davis maintained. "We might never have been here if Lewis Adams had not had the integrity to put the welfare of his people and his community ahead of some personal payoff or personal gain."

The legislators who introduced House Bill No. 165 resulting in the state appropriation for Tuskegee Normal School should also be credited witii keeping their promises, Atty. Davis added. "The elements of need, community, politics, and integrity all merged and manifested diemselves collectively in a charter for Tuskegee and a master teacher and leader in Booker T Washington," the speaker noted. As Davis explained General President Milton C. Davis (left) it, if Tuskegee received the Presidents Distinguished Service University did not Award during Founder's Day at his Alma exist, "this city would Mater. Tuskegee University President Benjamin not exist, this county would be simply a F. Payton is a Life Member of Alpha. space on a list, this State severely diminished and this nation much much "Our political strength and less grand." unity must be exhibited on behalf But despite the national conof securing for alma mater a just tributions of the University, and fair share of die resources of Davis warned his audience of diis State and nation for its use mostly alumni, faculty and stuand development." dents that Tuskegee should not Davis said diat "teamwork, be taken for granted. "If we fail integrity, service, giving and to provide die teamwork which advocacy" must combine to secured its Charter, supported its secure die University's future. first president and each successor The Charter Day since Booker T Washington, Convocation was die culmination then the future of Tuskegee of Homecoming week activities. University could be in jeopardy," Special honorees included die Atty. Davis insisted. classes of 1960, '65, 70, 7 5 , '80 '85, and '90. Their combined He called on the "beneficiaries reunion gift was almost $30,000. of the University"—alumni, faculty, staff, students and citizens of In addition to being the the community , the state and the Charter Day Convocation nation—to "coalesce as a commuspeaker, Atty. Davis also received nity across this nation to advocate die President's Distinguished the cause of Tuskegee University. Service Award. (November '95)

Spring 1996 • The Sphinx A 17

Alpha Renaissance



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Brothers of Beta Chapter, Howard University, members of the Fraternity s World Policy Council and the President of Howard Universi were on handfor transfer of Fraternity archival materials to the Moorland-Spingarn. Research Center at Howard University.

The long awaited—and overdue—transfer of historical records to a place of professional safekeeping is now a reality. More than 117 cubic feet of archival material has been transferred from the Baltimore headquarters to the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center at Howard University. General President Milton C. Davis and Dr. Michael Battle, the Spingarn Research Center director, signed the transfer documents in January. The official signing took place on the historic desk used when General O.O. Howard witnessed the signing of deeds of trust for the purchase of property where Howard University stands. President Bill Clinton used the same desk in January 1994 while at Howard University to cele-

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brate Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday and to sign an executive order strengthening the Fair Housing Code; and South Africa President Nelson Mandela used the desk to inscribe his biography, "Higher Than Hope," written by Fatina Meer. According to Fraternity Archivist Herman "Skip" Mason, the archival collection includes back issues of the Sphinx, Membership Applications, Risk Management Forms, correspondence, Remittance Forms, photographs, General Convention Reports, cassette and videotapes. Brother Mason believes the archival transfer will be processed in time for a formal unveiling during the 1997 General Convention in Washington, DC. The Moorland-Spingarn Research Center is also the repository of archival collections for Marian

Alpha Renaissance Anderson, Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. DuBois, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, among others. The Center is named in honor of Jesse Moorland, an Alpha, and Arthur Spingarn. Dr. Moorland, a black theologian and an alumnus and trustee of Howard, donated his private library in 1914, at that time considered to be one of the most significant collections of black related materials available. The Spingarn library was acquired in 1946. Atty. Spingarn was a social activist and prominent book collector. Meanwhile, there are many Joining General President Milton C. Davis (left) and Dr. Michael Battle, director ofthe voids in the Fraternity's Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, are (from left): Former U.S. Senator Brother archival collection. Brotber Edward Brooke, chairperson ofthe Fraternity s World Policy Council; Dr. H. Patrick Mason has appealed for correSwygert, President ofHoward University; Mrs. Joellen El-Bashir, Senior Manuscript spondence and photographs Librarian, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center; Brother Herman "Skip" Mason, from past general presidents, Fraternity Archivist; and Brother Darryl Matthews, Sr., Executive Director. vice presidents, and other national officers. 16mm film of Alpha Phi Alpha's 50th Anniversary celMason would also like to locate a copy of the ebration in Buffalo and Ithaca, NY. Brother Mason is prepared to make copies of the film for archival preservation. Convention minutes, shingles, and Sphinx magazines are also sorely needed. The Fraternity would especially like to hear from Brotfrers and chapters who might have correspondence written by any of the Jewels. Alpha Phi Alpha has made a $5,000 donation to the Moorland-Spingarn Center to support preservation of the Fraternity's archival materials. A token from General President Davis to Howard University President H. Patrick Swygert.

Spring 1996 • The Sphinx A 19




he evolutionary process which led to Kappa Phi Lambda being named Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's National Alumni Chapter of the Year did not come by chance. Kappa Phi Lambda's members are diverse and committed to die goals of the Fraternity. The Chapter looks to blaze new paths in the continuing history of Alpha Phi Alpha. Under the leadership of Chapter President Harry Evans, the members set high standards during tJhe past fraternal year. "Our membership comes from a geographical region which includes Howard County, Baltimore City to the north, Northern Virginia to the south and the Eastern Shore of Maryland to the east," says Brother Evans. In addition to the wide geographical area the Chapter draws from, its members are also diverse in age and interest. "This mix has enabled new ideas to come to the table so that the fraternal experience is fulfilled to its fullest extent," says Brother Evans. With 75 active Brothers, chapter interests run the gamut. One of those interests led former Chapter President Brother Kenneth Jennings to suggest that members consider a white water rafting trip. The annual outing in Beckley, West Virginia, on the Gauley River (described as the 7th best river in the world for white water rafting) stimulates fraternal bonding through team work.


"Not in my wildest imagination did I ever suspect that Brothers would take me up on my suggestion," Brother Jennings said. "When the guide says paddle, you have every Brother inside the rubber raft pulling his own weight. It's almost a metaphor for real life. We must pull together in order to make a better society," he says. Brother Jennings also is considered the Kappa Phi Lambda's resident African history scholar. He never misses an opportunity to increase members interest in the Diaspora. He and several other Brothers host monthly Black Film Festivals where classic and out of print black films are shown. This adds to fraternal bonding in the Chapter. Programs The measure of a chapter is really its programs. In addition to fulfilling many of the nationallymandated programs such as Project Alpha, Boy Scouts of America and the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters partnerships, the Chapter looked to fill a void in the community. One such void was filled with its annual outing entided: "The Coopers Senior Citizen Project". The project initially started as an annual visit to the iocal nursing home where items were provided during the holiday season. One of the coordinators asked if the chapter would be interested in helping renovate a trailer for one of the seniors. It did not take long for the

Brothers to come armed with hammers and saws to assist those who needed their help. In a day-long project, a roof was repaired and dry wall was hung to make an unbearable living situation again livable. One of Kappa Phi Lambda's proudest innovations was initiated by Chapter President Harry Evans whose idea it was to produce a cable access show. "I was sitting in my home watching cable and surfing through channels when I noticed that every time I saw a black man on the screen, he was either being arrested, was a pimp or was dealing drugs," Brother Evans said. "I knew this was not what I encountered on a daily basis, so I decided that I wanted to change this." Brother Evans applied for a cable access grant from Howard County Cable. Thus was born, That Show With Those Black Guys. The show is hosted by Brother Evans and shot and produced by Kappa Phi Lambda Chapter Brothers. It looks at black men and their careers, exploring how they got to where they are in life. The show breaks the stereotypical image of what AfricanAmerican males are about. That Show With Those Black Guys was initially aired only on Howard County cable. It is now shown in over 25 cities, including Baltimore, Washington, Adanta, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Saint Louis and Seattle. It is estimated that the show now reaches some 4.5 million cable homes, and that

number continues to grow. The show's guests have included Congressman J.C. Watts, Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke and Alpha Phi Alpha's General President Milton C. Davis. Scholarship "We exist to serve." For Kappa Phi Lambda, the highlight of every fraternal year is the Chapter's annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Breakfast. The January celebration of Brother King's life and legacy kicks off all of Howard County's activities commemorating the slain civil rights leader. Each year a guest is asked to speak on a selected theme. The Breakfast speakers have included noted journalist Brother Mai Goode, Essence magazine Publisher Ed Lewis, and African-American author Dr. Na'im Akbar. The Breakfast brings more than $5,000 annually to the chapter's scholarship fund, an amount which is combined with other chapter scholarship fundraisers. Kappa Phi Lambda has awarded nearly $40,000 in student scholarships

over the past five years. Community Influence It is usually the case that little happens politically in Howard County without the involvement of at least one member of Alpha Phi Alpha. Currently, Brother C. Vernon Gray is president of the Howard County Council. In addition, Brother Boyer Freeman serves as the Maryland and Delaware District Director of NAACP. Members of the Fraternity also were instrumental in forming the Howard County AfricanAmerican Coalition which endorses political candidates.

The chapter celebrated 20 years of service to the Howard County community in 1995. The milestone was recognized by the Howard County government. In conjunction with the County recognition, the chapter's Past Presidents' Council under the leadership of Brother David Barrett put together a program to highlight the 20th Anniversary. Remembering our earlier slogan, "The Biggest Little Chapter in the East", Kappa Phi Lambda looks back and realizes it has truly come of age. The Chapter's membership has swelled to previously unimagined numbers. Their efforts to reach those who need their help continues to advance. And what about the future? Brother Charles F. Robinson, III, current president of Kappa Phi Lambda, has this to say about the chapter's future: "When you set standards you should not look for what will be adequate, but rather exceed the norm and challenge others to think of the impossible as the possible."

Visions for Tomorrow The past year was a momentous one for Kappa Phi Lambda. Kappa Phi Lambda窶年ational Alumni Chapter of the Year.

Spring 1996 窶「 The Sphinx A 21

nppHCiicc CHARTING A COURSE TO KEEP ALPHA GREAT As General President, the vision we share will bridge the gap between Alumni and College brothers, will increase communications to the brothers and resolve the issues related to intake allowing Alpha to focus on its community contributions. My professional and fraternal accomplishments have qualified me to serve as our 30th General President. Professional achievements include founder and President of the Harvard Group, a successful financial consulting firm since 1987, corporate financial executive with BP America for Administration, Accounting and Management Information Systems and Audit Manager and CPA with the public accounting firm of Ernst & Young. Selected fraternal accomplishments include increasing the Midwestern Region's treasury to its highest balance in history with the four regional conventions generating over $70,000 and paying out more than $20,000 in scholarships, providing timely communications to the brothers on all important issues and, as Chapter President, helping to build a 50-unit apartment complex for the elderly Together we will keep Alpha great. Vote Brother Roy L. Manley, Sr. for General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.


Midwestern Vice President 1991-95 Ohio District Director 1989-91 Area Director 1987-89 Chapter President 1986-89 Various Offices & Chairmanships 1971-95 Initiated Phi Chapter, 1971 Master of Science in Accountancy Master of Arts in History Entrepreneur and Business Owner since 1987 Director of Accounting & Control with BP America Professor of Accounting Florida A&M and Ohio University • Life Member #5180



L. Manley, Sr. General President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.







30th General President

Service • Leadership • Vision 'Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 The Sphinx T Spring 1996

VISION 2000 Fraternal Growth • Adopt a comprehensive Strategic Plan which articulates the fraternal vision with identifiable goals and measurable milestones to chart our progress. • Increase active membership by improving the retention rate and reclamation of our members. • Seek opportunities to reengineer or redefine our services to the membership and the communities we serve.

Membership Enrichment • Installation of a Management Information System with on-line access for regional, district and chapter officers to facilitate field operations, membership transactions, membership networking by profession, etc. • Institute uniform training on: conducting fraternal programs; administrating the duties and responsibilities of chapter, area, district officers. • Render value-added service to the membership via programs, seminars, workshops geared to our professional and intellectual development.

Programs • Position Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. as a pre-eminent organization in the advancement of the African-American community in general and the African-American male in particular. • Formulate a marketing plan which sufficiently differentiates Alpha and enables us to continue to attract "the best and the brightest."

Economic Empowerment/Entrepreneurship • Devise fraternal programs on Business Development and Capital Formation which encourage and support the membership in its quest for economic independence.

Social Advocacy • Enhance coalition building with agencies and organizations to provide a forum for addressing the issues of the day.

Education • Texas Southern University - Houston, Texas Bachelor of Science-Chemistry • McNeese State University - Lake Charles, Louisiana Master of Business Administration

• Family and Youth Counseling - Former Board Member • Ebony Heritage Arts Educational Center, Inc. - Board of Directors, President • Louisiana Minorities Arts and Humanities - Board Member • National Black MBA Association • Louisiana Engineering Advancement Program - Former President

Professional Accomplishments • Chief Chemist, Laboratory Operations VISTA LCLAB • United States Patent #4,358,572 • European Patent #82110099.7 • Internal Auditor of ISO-9002 Quality Systems • Owner/Operator of Hallmark Card Sc Gift Store

Awards & Recognitions • Boy Scouts of America, Inc,. - Silver Beaver (Highest Council Award) - Whitney M. Young Award (Service to Urban Youth) • National Alumni Brother of the Year - 1986 • Outstanding Young Man in America, 1986

Memberships • New Sunlight Baptist Church Lake Charles, Louisiana - Deacon and Trustee Board - Layman League Teacher • Boy Scouts of America - Cub Master Pack #145 - District Commissioner - District Chairman

Fraternal Service • Life Member • President - Zeta Psi Lambda Chapter - 1982 to 1985 National Alumni Chapter for the year 1984-85 • Louisiana District Director • Southwestern Regional Vice-President • Initiated Beta Sigma Chapter Southern University

Personal Married to Alice Whitlock, father of 4 children, Adrian M., Andre, Alicia and Angela

"As we approach the next millennium, Alpha's motto of manly deeds, scholarship and love for all mankind must resound louder than ever before. Alpha must focus its resource on the fulfillment of its fraternal mission as delineated in Article I of our Constitution."

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Features Brother Samuel F. Yette



he life and death of Martin Luther King, Jr., marked a unique place in human history. The moral giant of our time, he was also among history's bravest warriors. In 1960, on a flight from Atlanta to Montgomery, AL, my questions were not merely journalistic. My need to understand was also personal.

"We must and will be free... (But) we must pray for the power that comes from loving our neighbor as we love ourselves."

Having been born in Tennessee, where the Ku Klux Klan began, I was perplexed by this highly intelligent black man who preached love and nonviolence in response to unspeakable evil and brutality. How, for example, could he love the beastly cop who painfully wrenched his arm and forced him face down over a police sergeant's desk? Dr. King patiently explained that he loved the man-but hated the act and the evil from which the act sprang. In 1958, he has written: "We must and will be free ... (But) we must pray for the power that comes from loving our neighbor as we love ourselves." Near the end of our flight, he explained why love and nonviolent resistance were not merely what was right morally, but also the right tactics in the struggle. They were right tactically, he told me, because of tactical realities. "The white man," he said of the movement's adversary, "has mastered the art of violence." Meaning: African-Americans would simply be massacred in a violent campaign.

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But, even if that were not true, love and non-violence were still the right response morallyand in reality. That is true, he said, because "The ends of life are pre-existent in the means of life." What we get in the end is determined by how we go about getting it. The process of hate yields hate. The process of love yields love. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a true apostle of love, but also a warrior for justice. Born in Atlanta on January 15, 1929, he was assassinated in Memphis, T N , on April 4, 1968. As then action pauses(ed) to reflect on the 67th anniversary of his birth, Dr. King's college fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc. has embarked on an international effort to erect a fitting memorial to him near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, where he delivered his famous "I Have A Dream" address in 1963. The effort for the memorial was begun a decade ago by his fraternity chapter in Montgomery County, MD, a move adopted by the national fraternity. George Sealey, Jr. a retired federal worker, has spearheaded the effort, which is winning and needing support in both houses of Congress. The House bill, H.J. RES. 70, was introduced by Republican Connie Morella of Maryland and Democrat Julian Dixon of California. The Senate bill, S-426, was introduced by Maryland Democrat Paul Sarbanes and Virginia Republican John Warner.


oth of these bills now before Congress authorize the use of federal land, but require the fraternity and other supporters to raise the funds-about $750,000-to erect the memorial. The fraternity plans a worldwide campaign for the money, but calls on citizens to urge congressional support for passage of

the bills now. "No American in our history has embodied more genuinely the spirit of brotherhood and cooperation so desperately needed in facing die social and economic problems that plague the nation today," Rep. Morella said. "Dr. King challenged us to envision a world in which social justice and peace will prevail among all people. This memorial will provide a symbol of that message and will help pass tiiat message from generation to generation," she said.


imilarly, the Fraternity's general president, Milton C. Davis, a lawyer in Tuskegee, AL, says that a lasting memorial in Washington honoring Dr. King "is a fitting way of memorializ-

ing the most significant growth in our nation in tJie last 100 years and of advancing the basic principles of America." In 1962, Dr. King told the National Press Club in Washington: "We must never succumb to the temptation of using violence in the struggle, for if this happens, unborn generations will be recipients of a long and desolate night of bitterness, and our chief legacy to the future will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos." A monument on the Mall would highlight such truths from our "Drum Major for Justice," and it should, therefore, be supported and erected as soon as possible.

Spring 1996 T The Sphinx A 27


Brother Dr. John M. Gandy, J Note: Brother Dr. John M. Gandy, Jr., son ofBrothei' Dr. John M. Gandy, Sr. president of Virginia State College (1914-1942), was initiated into Beta Gamma chapter in 1934. The following is the citation presented when he received the honorary Doctor of Laws degree from St. Thomas University, Canada, in 1994. Our thanks to Brother Dr. Thomas D. Pawley for calling this honor to our attention. John M. Gandy knows all about triumph in the face of adversity and humility in the face of success. John Gandy also knows all about oppression, discrimination, and prejudice—not just as an academician who studies such subjects, but as an African-American who grew up in the racially divided southern United States in the 1920s and 30s. The fact that his grandparents were freed slaves and tenant farmers make the achievements of Dr. Gandy, and those of his father before him, even more admirable.


r. Gandy was inspired by his mother who was a trained school teacher and by his father, who rose out of the poverty and feudal conditions of the deep South to become president of an allblack college in Virginia. With this background it is obvious why John Gandy has devoted all of his working life to the pursuit of social justice-both as a practitioner and researcher in social

agencies and as a social work educator. Dr. Gandy holds degrees from Virginia State College, Ohio State University, the University of Chicago and the University of Toronto where he was awarded a doctorate in social work. He has been a faculty member at the University of Toronto since 1966 and also holds an appointment with the Centre of Criminology. Although officially retired Dr. Gandy maintains an office at the University of Toronto, teaches a course, advises graduate students, continues to publish, and was named Professor Emeritus in 1983. Brother Gandy began his career as social worker in 1940 in one of the most underprivileged areas of Chicago. He served with the United States Army during World War II and was one of only two non-white officers in a regiment of 1,200 enlisted black men. He joined the Social Planning Council of Chicago in 1946 as a researcher and in 1958 became the Director of Research and Planning with the Social Planning Council of Metropolitan Toronto. His career as a social work professor at the University of Toronto spans nearly three decades—from 1966 to the present. During that time he has served as a visiting professor at the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica, and at die University of Ghana, and Visiting Research Fellow at

The Sphinx T Spring 1996

Edinburgh University in Scotland. e has published extensively in die areas of corrections, the juvenile justice system, police-community relations, and social planning. Of the many, many contributions Dr. Gandy has made during his professional career, two are particularly noteworthy: Dr. Gandy had played a major role in carrying out a number of innovative and significant social planning experiments. He was Director of Research in the midfifties for the Hyde Park Youth Project in Chicago which demonstrated the utility of using a coordinated approach to dealing with youth problems on a neighborhood basis. In the mid seventies, Dr. Gandy was instrumental in establishing and evaluating 'race relations committees' in Toronto to deal with the serious racial problems which existed at the same time between the police and visible minorities. Dr. Gandy was chairperson of a project committee which carried out a monumental study in the late seventies on the social needs in Toronto suburbs. This study dispelled the myth that social problems belonged to the city core only, and continues to be a master document for social planning in suburban Toronto. In 1982 Dr. Gandy co-authored a report on young



Practitioner, Researcher, Educator offenders which the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services described as one of the most insightful reports on young offenders it had ever received. By introducing social planning courses in the curriculum at the University of Toronto, by writing scholarly articles on the subject, and by serving on the editorial boards of Canadian journals, Dr. Gandy has done much to have 'social planning' recognized as an essential component of national, provincial, urban and rural planning activities. rother Gandy has also made an extraordinary contribution to advanced social work education in Canada. Until a few years ago, the University of Toronto had the only Ph.D. social work programme in Canada. Dr. Gandy was its Graduate Secretary from 1973 to 1982. All doctoral students who studied social work in Canada would have had direct contact with him. Dr. Gandy maintained an extensive national and international network of social work educators and he seemed to know the teaching and research interest of everyone. He is credited with being more than a mere administrator or advisor for graduate students, but an advocate, a resource and above all—a friend.


Spring 1996 • The Sphinx


AMBASSADOR SEES OPPORTUNITIES IN SOUTH AFRICA ment, Brother Ambassador Joseph said. "If a funche recently appointed U. S. Ambassador tioning nonracial democracy can finally prevail in to South Africa has given a warning that South Africa, we give new hope to countless people the struggle in that nation is not over. in this country and elsewhere who are still searching Brother James A. Joseph, appointed to the South for models of civil society that Africa post by President will bring us closer to the more Clinton, says, "despite all the perfect union the founders of obvious reasons to celebrate the our nation sought." "despite all the obvivictories that have occurred in South Africa, which has comSouth Africa, it would be a misous reasons to celebrate mercial relationships with more take to assume that the struggle than 500 U. S. firms, can be the is over." the victories that have gateway to the increasingly sig"There are still jobs to be nificant market of Africa's more created, housing to be provided, occurred in South Africa, than one-half billion people, education to be transformed and another compelling reason to many traditional barriers still to it would be a mistake to be hopeful about the that countranscend," Brother Joseph said. try's future, Ambassador Joseph assume that the struggle "It is right and good that we noted. face the future with optimism, is over." t is not only in our politibut unless we can develop a cal and economic interest new—and re-energize the old— that the new government constituency for South Africa, in South Africa succeed, Brother Joseph said. It we may miss the opportunity to help create a truly also is in the "self-interest of a badly divided world nonracial democracy." desperately in need of models of healing and wholePresident and Chief Executive Officer of the ness," he added. Council on Foundations-—a membership associa"The real challenge for both South Africa and tion of nearly 1,400 foundations and grantmakers the U.S. is to demonstrate that diversity need not whose assets total more than $130 billion, divide, that the fear of difference is a fear of the Ambassador Joseph was sworn in by Supreme Court future, and that inclusiveness rightly understood Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. and pluralism rightly practiced can be a benefit and There are compelling reasons to be hopeful not a burden," the Ambassador said. about the future of the new South African govern-






rother Joseph joined the Council of Foundations in 1982, after a distinguished career in government, business, and education. He was the Undersecretary of the Interior from 1977-1981, and a vice president of Cummins Engine Company and President of the Cummins Engine Foundation from 1972-1977. A native of Opelousas, LA, his degrees are from Southern University and Yale. He taught at Stillman College in Alabama, Yale and Claremont, and served as a Visiting Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford University. Ambassador Joseph has served four U. S. Presidents—Clinton, Carter, Bush and Reagan. President Carter named him Undersecretary of the Interior and a member of the Commission on the Northern Mariana Islands. He was a member of the Advisory Committee to the Agency for International Development under President Reagan, and an Incorporating Director of the Points of Light Foundation and the Presidential Commission on Historically Black Colleges under President Bush. In addition to tapping him as Ambassador to South Africa, President Clinton named Brother Joseph Chairman of the Board of the Corporation for National Service. Brother Ambassador Joseph has served as the Chairman of official U. S. government delegations to Mexico, Micronesia, Canada, and a United Nations conference in Kenya, and as a member of specially-invited citizen delegations to Japan,

Brother Ambassador James A. Joseph Ethiopia, Israel, Costa Rica, Southern Africa, and the former Soviet Union.


he new U. S. Ambassador to South Africa is author of The Charitable Impulse, about wealth and social conscience in communities and cultures outside the United States. His latest book, Remaking America, is a study of the benevolent traditions of many cultures that are transforming national life. Southern University, Ambassador Joseph's undergraduate alma mater, has named an endowed chair in his honor.

Spring 1996 • The Sphinx

Alpha On The Move

WILLIE L BROWN, JR. An Alpha On the Move The San Francisco Examiner newspaper, which did not endorse Brother Willie L. Brown as a mayoral candidate, wrote following Brown's election as mayor of San Francisco: "Whether Brown is just another frustrating chapter or the point man on a march to the promised land will be tested soon, and often, over die next four years." Those words from the Hearst-owned newspaper serve as a sharp reminder to die long-time civil rights leader that his election victory does not mean he automatically wins the support of everyone in the city. Brother Mayor Brown's honeymoon with the city of San Francisco "promises to be brief," the newspaper goes on to say. Those words, however, do not shake Willie L. Brown, Jr., who was sworn in January 8, 1996, as San Francisco's first black Mayor. Remembering when he first moved to the city, Brown says, "as tolerant and welcoming as San Francisco was in those years, it was far from a perfect place—especially for minorities. I became involved in die civil rights movement to bring hope and opportunity to all people." Brother Brown later organized protests against one of the city's largest automobile dealerships when the firm refused to hire black employees. He also led some of San Francisco's first demonstrations for open housing. Born March 20, 1934, in Mineola, Texas, in an era of strict Southern segregation, Brother Brown says his family was "by no means well-to-do." His father did not stick around very long. He was not, however, without advantages, he says. "I was fortunate to be surrounded by incredibly strong women—my mother, who worked as a maid to support us, and my grandmother, with whom my brothers, sisters and I all lived." Brother Brown said he also benefited from a caring and protective community, grown close and nearly self-sufficient in the face of ostracism from the rest of society. "Family and community made all die difference in those years," he said. The future San Francisco Mayor did well in his studies and in 1951 graduated second in his class from Mineola Colored High School. "But die place of my birth was a hostile environment for black folks who were not content to remain in the narrowly confined places assigned to diem," he said. "And so, right after graduation, I convinced my family to let me move to San Francisco and live with my aunt and uncle." Brother Brown first attempted to gain admittance to Stanford University but found that his "segregated and

The Sphinx T Spring 1996

separate-but-equal education" left a lot to be desired. He then attempted to enter San Francisco State and again found that he could not meet the requirements. San Francisco State, however, agreed to admit Brother Brown him on a trial basis, provided he brought his skills up to par. "It was an early, but very informal, example of affirmative action— someone was willing to take a chance on me," he says. Four years later, Brother Brown graduated from the institution. He then enrolled in Hastings Law School. By the time he became an attorney, he and his wife, Blanche, had begun their own family with the birth of their daughter, Susan. Another daughter, Robin, and their son, Michael, soon followed. "Of course, even in San Francisco, few big firms were interested in hiring young black lawyers," Brother Brown noted. "I hung out my shingle and represented clients from the neighborhood," he added. It was then that he became active in the civil rights movement in San Francisco. "It was a logical step from the law and the civil rights movement to run for elected office," says the Mayor. He lost his first race for the California State Assembly in 1962 but ran again in 1964 and that time was successful. During the years that followed, Brother Brown served as chairman of the two most important committees in the California State House—the Ways and Means Committee and the Revenue and Taxation Committee. He also fought successfully for his own legislation, including California's first child health screening program, urban park funding, aid for inner-city schools and the Consenting Adults Act—a civil rights measure which ended criminal prosecutions based on sexual orientation. In 1974, Willie Brown made his first attempt at becoming House Speaker. The first attempt failed, however the chance came again in 1980. That time he was successful. He served as Speaker for 14 years and six months—a record that may never be broken because of new term limits. Brother Brown, Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha who was initiated in June 1953 at Delta Omicron Chapter, San Francisco State, was elected as Mayor of San Francisco on December 12, 1995. Still on the move, his task now is to move the city of San Francisco into the 21st century.

Historical Moment Brother Thomas P. Pawley

Our Highest

Over the years Alpha Phi Alpha has sought to honor the achievements of individuals, both members and non-members. This practice began as early as 1920. (Sphinx-86) Both the General Convention and General Presidents have created awards for this purpose. Our history, minutes and the Sphinx magazine are replete with numerous examples, such as the Distinguished Service Award, the Public Service Award, The Founder's Award, the Religious Freedom Award, and many others. For many years the Balfour Cup and the McGee Cup were presented to chapters and brothers for their contributions to die Fraternity. These are no longer presented having been replaced by the competition for the outstanding undergraduate and alumni brothers and chapters of the year. In 1952 the General Convention established the Alpha Award of Honor and the Alpha Award of Merit. (History-334) These have become by tradition and practice our highest awards. This essay will trace the evolution of this tradition and list the recipients we have been able to document.' Initially the awardees were chosen by a committee headed by the venerable Brother Taliaferro (Tolly) Harris. At some point in our history the selection became a function of the office of the General President. In recent years the Award of Honor has been presented to non-members and the Award of Merit to members. This was not the

original intent as the following quotation from the Sphinx will indicate: "AWARDS GIVEN BY ALPHA PHI ALPHA ANNUALLY" * * * * QUALIFICATIONS On account of the difficulty of appraising the full value of leadership and attainment in a democracy, and in order to determine some standards of selection, the following conditions, in general, for these awards must be met. The recipients and successful candidates shall have: (a) The courage, vision, wisdom and independence of thought and action which characterizes the best leadership in American life; (b) He shall be representative of the intellectual and spiritual attainments and loyalties to the high ideals of liberal culture for which loyalty (sic) Alpha Phi Alpha has stood through the years; (c) He shall have attained a distinctive place in productive scholarship and professional activity in his chosen field; (d) He shall have carried in his heart and life the welfare of the descendants of Africa; and have made life for them fuller of opportunity and richer with dignity and inspiration through his ideas, his ideals, and his work. (1) THE ALPHA AWARD OF MERIT; (requisites) (a) ANY person, regardless of race, creed or sex.

(b) ANY person, without regard to membership in a fraternity or sorority. (c) ANY person who has rendered extraordinary service for the general welfare of all. (d) ANY person, for his or her contribution to human rights, civil rights, education, science, politics, philanthropy, and other areas of human relations. (2) THE ALPHA AWARD OF HONOR (requisites) (a) A member of ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY. He must have been financial with the General Organization at least one year prior to the General Convention at which he is to be given the ALPHA AWARD OF HONOR. (b) Any Alpha Phi Alpha man who has rendered extraordinary service for the general welfare of all; for his contributions to human rights, civil rights, education, religion, science, politics, philanthropy and others areas of human relations." The Golden Anniversary Edition of the Sphinx lists also The Undergraduate Chapter Merit Award and The Graduate Chapter Merit Award. (Sphinx-86^ For at least 20 years Alpha men on occasion received both awards. In the

Spring 1996 T The Sphinx

Historical Moment first year, for example, BrotJier Jewel Eugene Kinckle Jones received the Award of Honor and Brother Thurgood Marshall received the Award of Merit according to one source, and BrotJier Garrett Morgan received this award according to anodier source.2 (see listing) On the other hand the Award of Merit was given to non-members on two, possibly three occasions, one of whom may have been Muhammad Ali, die World Heavyweight Boxing Champion. The Minutes of the 65th Anniversary General Convention state, "The President (Morial) added,... that die Muhammad Ah Award was for Merit not Honor, as had been erroneously printed." (42) In an issue of the Sphinx this award to Ali was called the Religious Freedom Award. Statements in our history indicate tliat die distinguished educator Dr. Mary McCleod Bethune received the Award of Merit in 1954 (History-348), Dr. T.R.M. Howard in 1955 (History-358), and the Pepsi Cola Company in 1965 (History-^-56). The Golden Anniversary Edition of die Sphinx also lists Dr. Howard, Roy Wilkins, 1957, and Marian Anderson, 1958 (Sphinx-86) as recipients. Conflicts occur frequendy between sources making die determination of die actual awardees during the first ten years difficult. It is clear, however, that fraternity members and non-members shared bodi awards on occasion. Anodier interesting facet of die history of our highest awards is that two brodiers have received both the Award of Honor and the Award of Merit, viz. Thurgood Marshall and Edward Brooke, (see listing) BrotJier Franklyn Williams received the award of Honor twice. At least one brodier, Coach Eddie Robinson of Grambling State University, received the Award of Merit twice.' Oddly enough our Constitution and By-Laws contain no reference to our highest awards. Even the standards (which we only recendy discovered) do not prescribe the number of recipients, the method of selection or the nature of die awards. All of these things have simply evolved over the last 44 years. One such tradition is that the honoree must be physically present and cannot receive the award in absentia. This I have learned is why one or more awards have not been given in some years because the honorees could not be present. Exceptions have occurred,

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however, as in 1964 when President John F. Kennedy was honored posdiumously and in 1959 when Ambassador John Howard Morrow was honored in absentia. General President Page also went to Liberia to present the Alpha Award of Honor to President Tubman during his inauguration. Several General Presidents have received our highest awards, viz. Rayford W Logan, Charles H. Wesley, Lionel H. Newsome, Ernest Morial, Walter Washington, Ozell Sutton, and Charles Teamer. The honorees have included executive directors of die NAACP and die National Urban League, cabinet members, mayors, members of congress, diplomats, presidents of nations, physicians, lawyers, jurists, business executives, educators, college presidents, an inventor, a professional athletes, performing artists, scholars, civil rights activists, ministers and journalists. Six of the awardees have been women. Because there are so many conflicts and discrepancies in die two sources for the first 11 years those awards are being reported separately. The following abbreviations are used to indicate the source and die award: H - History of Alpha Phi Alpha S - The Sphinx, Golden Anniversary Edition, 1964 M.H. - Medal of Honor 4 A.H. - Award of Honor M.M. - Medal of Merit 4 A.M. - Award of Merit Recipients 1952 - 1963 1952 Brother Eugene Kinckle Jones, Founder Jewel, Executive Director, National Urban League, M.H. (H-3 34) A.H. (H-3 31) A.M. (S) Brother Thurgood Marshall, Special Counsel, NAACP, A.M. (H-334) A.H. (H-331) Brother Garrett Morgan, Inventor of the Traffic Light, A.M. (S) 1953 Dr. Rufus Clement, President, Atlanta University, M.H. (H) Brother (sic) Rufus Clement, A.H. (S) Brother Archibald Cary, Minister, Delegate to U.N., A.H. (H) 1954 Brother Rayford Logan, former General President, A.H. (H-243) M.M. (H-348) AM. (S) Dr. Mary McCleod Bethune, President, Bethune-Cookman College, A.M. (H) A.H. (S)

The Sphinx T Spring 1996

1955 Brother John H.Johnson, Publisher Jet and Ebony, A.H. (H&S)5 Dr. Theodore R. M. Howard, Physician, Civil Rights Activist, A.M. (H&S) 1956 Brother Martin Luther King, Jr., Minister, Civil Rights Activist, A.H. (H&S) Brother Arthur Shores, Lawyer, Civil Rights Activist, M.H. (H), A.M. (S) 1957 Roy Wilkins, Executive Director, NAACP, A.H. (H), A.M. (S) Brother Austin T Walden, Judge, AM. (H)A.H.(S) 1958 Brother Sidney Jones, Jr., former Executive Secretary, Judge of Municipal Court, Chicago, A.H. (H&S) Marian Anderson, Concert Singer, M.H. (H) A.M. (S) 1959 Honorable William V. S. Tubman, President of die Republic of Liberia, A.H. (H&S) Brodier James Parker, Red Bank, NJ, A.M. (H&S) Brother John Howard Morrow, Ambassador to the Republic of Guinea, A.H. (H) 1960 Brodier Adam Clayton Powell, United States Congressman, A.H. (H), A.M. (S) Brother Aaron Brown, President, Albany State College, A.H. (S), A.M. (H) 1961 Honorable W.M.G. Halm, Ambassador of Ghana, A.H. (H&S) Brother Lester Granger, former Executive Director, the National Urban League, A.M. (H&S) 1962 Brother Whitney Young, Executive Director, National Urban League, A.H. (H&S) Brother Harry W Richardson, A.M. (H) Brother Harry V (sic) Richardson, A.M. (S) 1963 Brother Edward Brooke, Attorney General of Massachusetts, A.H. (H) A.M. (S) Brother Franklyn Williams, Director African Regional Office of the Peace Corps, Diplomat, A.H. (H&S) 1964-1995 Alpha Award of Honor Honorable John Fitzgerald Kennedy,

Historical Moment President of the United States of America 1964 (posthumously) Brother Charles H. Wesley, President of Central State College and former General President 1965 Brother Thurgood Marshall, 33rd Solicitor General, Justice of the United States Supreme Court 1966 No record of an award 1967 Brother Henry G. Parks, Jr., businessman, President of Parks Motor Rentals, Inc., Baltimore 1968 Honorable Barbara Jordan, Attorney, Texas State Senator 1969 Honorable A. Leon Higginbotham, Judge of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals 1970 Brother Roscoe Cartwright, General, USA 1971 Brother Samuel Gravely, Rear Admiral, U.S.N. 1971 Brother Damon Keith, Judge U. S. District Court, Detroit 1972 Brother Robert Brown, Special Assistant to President Nixon 1972 Brother Eugene D. Jackson, President Unity Broadcasting Network 1973 No record of an award in 1974. A Public Service Award was given to Bill Monroe of NBC's Today Show. Brother Maynard Jackson, Mayor of Atlanta 1975 Honorable William Tolbert, President of the Republic of Liberia 1976 Brother Franklyn Williams, Executive Director Phelps Stokes Fund 1976 Henry "Hank" Aaron, professional baseball player 1977 Honorable Constance Baker Motley, Judge of the United States District Court, Southern New York 1978 No record of an award 1979 Honorable Parren Mitchell, U. S. Congressman 1980 No record of an award 1981 Brother Charles Harris Wesley, Historian of Alpha Phi Alpha was presented the Diamond Jubilee Award in 1981 Honorable Tom Bradley, Mayor of Los Angeles 1982 Brother Roland Burris, Comptroller, State of Illinois 1983 Randall Robinson, President TransAfrica Corporation 1986 No record of an award 1987 No record of an award 1988 No record of an award 1989 No record of an award 1990 No record of an award 1991 No record of an award 1992 Lionel B. Richie, Jr., Professional Singer 1993 Alexis Herman, Assistant to the

President of the United States 1994 Mrs. Myrlie Evers-Williams President oftheNAACP 1995 1964 - 1995 Alpha Award of Merit Brother Floyd McKissick, President of C.O.R.E. 1964 The Pepsi Cola Company 1965 No record of an award 1966 No record of an award 1967 Brother Wyatt Tee Walker, Minister, Civil Rights Activist 1968 Brother Theodore Berry, Attorney, former General Counsel 1969 No record of an award 1970 Muhammad Ali, Heavyweight Boxing Champion 1971 Brother Eddie Robinson, Football Coach, Grambling College 1972 Brother Robert W Harrison, Dental Surgeon, Yazoo City, MS 1973 No record of an award 1974 Brother Lowell Perry, Chairman E.E.O.C. 1975 No record of an award 1976 Brother William T Coleman, U. S. Secretary of Transportation 1977 No record of an award 1978 Brother Lionel H. Newsome, President of Central State University (Ohio) and former General President 1979 Brother Richard Arrington, Mayor of Birmingham 1980 Brother Albert T. Holland Jr., General Counsel 1981 Brother Malvin R. Goode, ABC TV Correspondent 1982 Brother T. J. Jemison, President, National Baptist Convention 1983 Brother Julian Dixon, U. S. Congressman 1984 Brother William H. Gray HI, U. S. Congressman 1985 Brother Ernest N. Morial, Mayor of New Orleans and former General President 1986 Brother Walter Washington, President of Alcorn A&M University and former General President 1987 No record of an award 1988 Brother Louis Sullivan, Secretary U. S. Department of Health and Human Services 1989 No record of an award 1990 No record of an award 1991 Brother Cecil L. Murray, Senior Minister First A.M.E. Church, Los Angeles 1992 Brother Augustus M. Witherspoon, Educator 1992 Brother Edward Brooke, former U. S.

Senator 1993 Brother Eddie Robinson, Football Coach, Grambling State University 1993 Brother Ozell Sutton, former General President 1994 Brother Dennis Archer, Mayor of Detroit 1994 Brother Charles Teamer, Vice President, Dillard University and former General President 1995 Brother John Hope Franklin, Author, Scholar, Historian 1995 Works Cited: History of Alpha Phi Alpha: A Development in College Life (15th Printing) by Charles H. Wesley (History) Minutes of the 65th Anniversary Convention The Sphinx. Golden Anniversary Edition. 1964 (Sphinx) End Notes 1. The actual award has been an engraved plaque. A more fitting tribute and one consonant with other high awards would be a medallion attached to a black and gold ribbon placed around the neck of the awardee together with a framed embossed certificate or scroll signed by the General President and Executive Director over the seal of the Fraternity. Awardees might also be granted the privilege of placing the letters A.A.H or A.A.M. after their signatures. 2. Brother Garrett Morgan is listed in the Sphinx but not in the History. 3. Brother Robinson was presented the Award of Merit by General President Morial in Denver in 1972. The minutes do not record the presentation. However, it was noted in the Sphinx. The writer was present and witnessed the presentation on both occasions. 4. The term Medal is used in several instances in the History but not in the Sphinx. 5. The citation for Brother Johnson reads, "... and on this occasion received the Award of Honor as the outstanding fo-offor (italics mine) of 1955." At the same time nine Distinguished Service Awards were also presented to brothers. Author's note: Chapter historians and brothers who have documented information concerning omissions should forward them to the Executive Director and the Historian.

Spring 1996 T The Sphinx

Leisure Brother Jeffery Womble

"....less singing but more clothes. 1996 EBONY FASHION FAIR The world's largest traveling fashion show is coming to a city near you. The Ebony Fashion Fair has begun its spring itinerary and this year's show promises to be one of the best ever, according to producers. The show features designs from some of the world's leading houses including Christian Dior, Oscar de la Renta, Givenchy, Gianni Versace and Hanae Mori.

Derek Queen

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The Ebony Fashion Fair is presenting 180 shows during 1995- 96, the 38th annual tour. The theme of this year's show is "The Power of Color." Prices range from $18 to $50 for tickets which include a year's subscription to Ebony or EM magazines or a half-year's subscription to Jet. Ticket buyers will have the chance to win a car, two round-trip tickets to anywhere in the United States on American Airlines and Fashion Fair cosmetics. The response to the show has been so great in some cities, two shows are required. Playing a role in the success of this year's show is model Nia Phillips. Phillips, a graduate of Spelman College in Atlanta, almost missed out on her chance to become a member of the elite troupe. When producers of the Ebony Fashion Fair tried to contact her about auditioning as a model for the show, she couldn't be reached. "I was in Atlanta when Mrs. Johnson called, and she had my D.C. number," Phillips said. "When I returned her call, it was the day after auditions had taken place. I begged and pleaded with her to give me another audition." Eunice W Johnson, producer and director of the show and wife of Brother John Johnson, conceded. The day after her audition, Phillips was hired for one of the coveted spots as an Ebony Fashion Fair model. Phillips' modeling career began while she was a student at Spelman. She was participating in a homecoming fashion show at the all-women's school when she caught the eye of Denise Barrows, a

Leisure former Ebony Fashion Fair model. Barrows was impressed with the way Phillips worked the stage and audience. "She suggested I send my pictures to her and told me I should try out for the show," Phillips said. "I knew tiiat I wanted some time off before I got another degree, so she sent my pictures in, and after I auditioned, I got hired." This is the second year as a Ebony Fashion Fair model for Phillips, 21. "They don't bring back models for a second year. I was flattered diat they thought enough of my performance and contributions to bring me back," said Phillips during a phone interview from Montgomer, AL. Phillips' flair on the catwalk earned her a promotion. She is now co-coordinator of the show and serves as assistant commentator witJi Roshonda Payne, the show's new commentator. Payne replaces long-time commentator Pamela Fernandez who left the show to pursue otiier career opportunities. "I had very limited knowledge of the modeling profession before I entered it," Phillips said. "I just expected the typical stereotype that goes with it. But Ebony is a special experience. It's not just modeling; it's modeling with a conscience. Every show we do, we know that someone is going to benefit from it. All of the money goes to charities. It's not as shallow as I expected it to be, and it really isn't the kind of competition I expected between so many beautiful women. It's a sense of cooperation and almost a family. That was surprising to me." Ebony Fashion Fair has donated more than $42 million to charitable organizations since it began in 1958. Several chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., sponsor the show each year to raise funds for scholarships and mentoring programs. Phillips' reputation as a model has earned her the title of "veteran." Other members of the troupe look to her for guidance. "The last of '95, the first half of the tour was

Nia Phillips informal," she said. "I would help them get acclimated to the travel, recommend places to eat and tell them about the hotels I remember staying in. This year, I am able to use that knowledge in a more formal way so I can influence their interaction with the public and encourage certain behaviors representative of the company we work for. There is another girl who is an excellent showperson, and she and I try to help die girls with their performances. It's hard for some people to get used to being away from home for a while, so it is good to have someone to share their experiences and help them adjust." Phillips said this year's show is different than past productions, but just as good. "We have a totally different troupe of models,

Spring 1996 • The Sphinx

Leisure and that always changes things," she said. "We have different strengths and different weaknesses. There will be less singing this year, but we have more clothes. "Last year we had a more practical edge ... clothes that people could incorporate in their everyday lives. We have more show pieces this year. The theme is 'The Power of Color' and this show is dazzling." Phillips' favorite designer? "I love everything by Paco Rabanne. He uses a lot of metals," she said. "He makes chain-armor vests, chain-link dresses, and it's exciting that he uses the type of textiles he does rather than just fabrics." But this year's award for the dress with the highest price tag goes to Italian designer Sarli . The dress has a beige overskirt and opens to a hand-beaded skirt underneath. The cost: $30,000. Ebony Fashion Fair models enjoy success even after leaving the show. One of the most notable is Richard Roundtree of Shaft fame. Roundtree can now be seen in Tim Reid's production of Once Upon a Time ... When We Were Colored. The movie focuses on life in the Deep South between 1946 and 1962, and includes such big-name stars as Phylicia Rashad, Al Freeman, Bernie Casey, and Isaac Hayes. Other models have continued their careers on the fashion runways in Europe. Through the years the Ebony Fashion Fair sent many former models to designer Givenchy in Paris who hired them immediately to work on his runways. Phillips, however, plans to limit her modeling career and return to school. She has scored in the top one percentile in the country on the Law School Admissions Test. She has some advice for other women who want to pursue the modeling profession. "Don't pay to go to modeling school...don't pay anyone to become a model," she said. "If it's something you want to do, pursue it with your heart. It

Nia Phillips is a very subjective profession. It's not like accounting or medicine, where your skills determine whether you will advance. Subjectively, if you are not what the client is looking for, your career will be stymied by their opinions. But with your education, you can do anything. Get an education." Browse the issues of Ebony, Jet, or EM magazines to see when the Ebony Fashion Fair visits your city. Brother Womble is a native of Fayetteville, N C , and a graduate of Fayetteville State University. He is a member of Epsilon Rho Lambda Chapter and serves as editor and feature writer for the Fayetteville ObserverTimes, an 80,000 circulation newspaper.

Leisure Brother Tony Brown //

Black Lies, White Lies, The Truth According To Tony Brown"

All too often, when blacks find something to take pride in, or to focus on as a source of pride, others attempt to tear away at it. I am thinking in particular of black fraternities and sororities, which have become an increasingly important social and career network. I know of lifelong friendships and also of entire businesses built through relationships tiiat began in these organizations. I remember my own intense pride and the honor I felt when I was inducted into Alpha Phi Alpha at Wayne State University, Alpha Upsilon chapter, in Detroit. The Fraternity, which also claimed the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a member, is a social organization, but its overriding emphasis is on moral virtues. "Manly deeds, scholarship and love for all mankind are the aims of our fraternity," the official hymn extols. Needless to say, this Alpha Phi Alpha philosophical ideal became the road map for my adult life. The obvious virtues notwithstanding, one at-large and persistent criticism is leveled at all "black Greeks." The term itself is still considered by many to be an oxymoron. "How can a black person be a Greek?" In a world of flawed human beings, there are those blacks and whites who attempt to discredit these highly beneficial civic organizations by attacking the concept of "black Greeks" and criticizing members for trying to be like "white Greeks." Well, I have news for those critics. No, I have a little history for them.

In my book, Black Lies, White Lies, The Truth According to Tony Brown, I name the Pelasgian or Pelasgoi people as the "unassimilated native greeks." They were a dark-skinned, brown complexioned combination of groups: PhoenicianCanaanites from Asia Minor and Palestine and Egyptians and East Africans. It was only after the Aryans invaded Greece around 600 B.C. and before 1850 that the Greek origins was transformed to Aryan myth. And because of history, I am, therefore, proud to be a Pelasgian-Black-American-Greek member of Alpha Phi Alpha. A million college-educated black Americans of Pelasgian descent have also chosen to celebrate their legacy as members of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Alpha Pi Chi, Chi Delta Mu, Chi Eta Phi, Delta Sigma Theta, Eta Phi Beta, Iota Phi Lambda, Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Delta Kappa, Omega Psi Phi, Phi Beta Sigma, Sigma Gamma Rho, Sigma Pi Phi, Tau Gamma Delta, and Zeta Phi Beta. We all take pride in proclaiming our heritage as "black Greeks." Only an ignorance of history could cause one to suspect that there is a contradiction between being black and Greek. It is our high honor to be descended from great Pelasgian people like Homer, Socrates, Euclid, Ulysses, Achilles and Hercules. Brother Brown is host of the PBS television series Tony Brown's Journal. His book, Black Lies, White Lies..., was published by William Morrow and Company.

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Cleveland-Marshall College of Law 1801 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Telephone: (216) 687-2304

Spring 1996 • The Sphinx

Chapter News Brother Randall C. Hardy...Another Step Closer to Navy Admiral When Brodier Randall C. Hardy completed his degree requirements at the University of Alabama in 1988, he thought a four-year stint in the U. S. Navy might be an interesting experience. Armed with his finance degree, he would enroll in law school when the four years were up. The four years are up now. Indeed, seven years have gone by and law school is on the back burner. His goal now is to become a Navy flag officer—an Admiral. And after seven years of what he thought would be only a brief experience, Brother Hardy is on the way to his new goal. From Ensign to Lieutenant Junior Grade to Lieutenant, Hardy was recendy named Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier General Roger E. Carleton, USAF, and Commandant of the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk, VA "My philosophy is to take it one day at a time, and one step at a time," Brother Hardy says about his progression in the military—and in life. "You have to make sure you are doing the best for each day" while at the same time have long range goals. The route to nomination and appointment as a Navy flag officer calls for "sustained performance at sea" and many "challenging jobs," Lt. Hardy observes. "It's a long way off, but that is the main focus." If he achieves his career goal of Navy Admiral, Brother Hardy will help fill a void in ranks where there are few African-American role models. At the same time, he would join an elite group of Alpha men who have also helped fill that void. (When Brother David L. Brewer HI was promoted to Rear Admiral in 1993, he was one of only 15 African-Americans selected for promotion to flag rank in the history of the U. S. Navy. Brother Brewer was one of the ten Navy midshipmen commissioned in the first class of graduates from Prairie View A&M. Six of the eight who remained on active duty were promoted to captain. All six are Alpha Brothers.) As he hones his military skills, Brother Hardy has not forgotten his study at the University of Alabama and the two internships while a college student—at Southern Company Services in Birmingham, and Blount Corporation in Montgomery. As aide-de-camp, Brother Hardy is responsible for the General's schedule, financial operation of the General's mess, his correspondence and transportation requirements. His two years of shore duty come after an unusual five of seven years at sea and three major deployments—Fire Control Officer onboard the USS ANZIO (CG-68) and Damage Control Assistant, Communications/Electronic Materials Officer onboard the USS SPARTANBURG. While deployed onboard the USS ANZIO ( C G - 68), Brother Hardy was the senior Anti-Air Warfare coordinator for the Eisenhower Battlegroup. Superior performance at sea has earned him a Navy Commendation Medal and two Navy Achievement Medals. Brother Hardy's roots in Alpha stem from his home. His father, Brodier Charlie E. Hardy has held local and state offices and is currendy administrative assistant to the General President. A 32"'1 degree Mason, Shriner, church trustee, and Life Member of Alpha, Brother Lt. Hardy was president of Kappa Alpha Chapter while at the University of Alabama. It was under his leadership that the groundwork was laid for the acquisition of a Chapter Fraternity House—the first African-American Fraternity chapter to accomplish this project at Alabama. Now that he has two years of shore duty, Brother Hardy will affiliate with Alpha Phi Lambda in Norfolk, VA


SOUTHERN GAMMA SIGMA LAMBDA Fort Valley, GA Gamma Sigma Lambda has a w a r d e d its 1995 Q u i n t o n Williams' Book S c h o l a r s h i p to O l e t h i a M a r i n e W h i t e of W a r n e r Robins, GA. Ms. White is an h o n o r s g r a d u a t e of Ms. Olethia Marine White is Warner Robins High recipient of Gamma Sigma School and a freshman at Clark Atlanta University. Lambdas Quintan Williams Book T h e G a m m a Sigma Scholarship. Ms. White is a freshLambda scholarship honors man at Clark Atlanta University. the academic and fraternal commitment of Brother Q u i n t o n Renard Williams who entered Omega Chapter in May 1994. Brother Williams was a graduate of Christian Brothers College in Memphis where he earned a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. H e was employed as a project manager and systems engineer with at W a r n e r Robins Air Logistics Center, Special Operations Forces Directorate (LU). M s . W h i t e , r e c i p i e n t of G a m m a Sigma L a m b d a ' s Quinton Williams' Book Scholarship, is also recipient of: the Outstanding Black Georgia Scholar Award, the National High School Heisman Award for Academics and Athletes, U. S. Army Scholar/Athlete Award, Principal's Leadership Award, President's Award of Educational Excellence and, among many others, the Principal's Four Year Academic Excellence Award.

MU ALPHA Emory University Like so many college chapters across the country, Mu Alpha constantly earns a first or second place finish in Dean's Cup Competition with an overall chapter grade point average of 3.2. And not only are the Brothers of Mu Alpha manifesting scholarship themselves, they are reaching out to help others climb the academic ladder. Mu Alpha Brothers are tutors in numerous schools and neighborhoods throughout Atlanta and generally mentors, peer assistants, and role models for Emory and the metropolitan Atlanta area. T h e chapter-sponsored informational seminars provide the Emory community opportunities for dialogue with professionals in law, medicine, business, a range of other career fields and graduate schools. T h e Atlanta community can count on the participation of Mu Alpha in the "Step for Sickle Cell" project, the Jerry Lewis Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy Association, and the A I D S and H u n g e r Walks in G e o r g i a . M u Alpha Brothers also campaign enthusiastically for the Decatur Cluster of the Atlanta Project, Habitat for Humanity, and the Red Cross Association. M u Alpha Brothers are also leaders in the S t u d e n t Government Association at Emory, the Alcohol and Judicial Council, the Honor Council, the Conduct Council, and in the organization of the Brotherhood of Afrocentric Men, Race and Cultural Ethnic Source, the NAACP, and the Black Student Alliance.

ALPHA BETA Talladega College The Brodiers of Alpha Beta Chapter are preparing for their 75th anniversary of service. Congratulations! Service, scholarship, and love for all mankind are evident in the many activities in which Alpha Beta Brothers are involved. An Alpha Beta Brother has been elected president of the Talladega College Student G o v e r n m e n t Association for five consecutive years, Alpha Beta Brothers hold other SGA and class

officer positions, and they are represented on the Talladega College Board of Trustees. The only four males recently inducted into Alpha Chi N a t i o n a l H o n o r Society were members of Alpha Beta Chapter and an Alpha Beta Brother was selected to participate on the Talladega College H o n d a C a m p u s A i l - S t a r Challenge Team. It was not surprising that Alpha Beta was represented at the Million Man March. Chapter service projects include Blood and Clothing Drives, A d o p t A-Mile Highway Cleanup, Talladega

College Project Reachout Tutorial Program, Project Alpha, G o to High School Go to College, the Fraternity's national program, "A Voteless People is a Hopeless People." Alpha Beta is one of several chapters in Alpha South funded under the Head Start Male Initiative Project. T h e Chapter launched die Head Start program this school year with a breakfast for Head Start fathers and significant male figures. Brother Curtis Kimbro is credited with playing a leading role in the Head Start Initiative funding.



University of Alabama Birmingham, AL

Zeta Alpha Lambda has in the tradition of Alpha taken the leade r s h i p role in the Fort Lauderdale, FL, Adopt-A-Street Program. Zeta Alpha Lambda is reported to be the first g r e e k The Brother of Zeta Alpha Lambda letter organization in Broward County to participate in this program sponsored by the Broward County Public Works Department and the Office of Integrated Waste Management. T h e Chapter's visibility in this project has reportedly heightened considerable community awareness "in the heart of Fort Lauderdale, FL." Zeta Alpha Lambda has also reported the retirement of two longtime educators. Brother Norbert C. Williams has retired after more than 30 years of service in the Broward County School System, and Brother Nathaniel D. Dixon was in public education for more than 40 years.

DFTTA DELTA LAMBDA West Palm Beach, FL Delta Delta Lambda was one of six community organizations to receive an appropriation from the Kennel Club of West Palm Beach. The $10,000 appropriation is being used to support activities of the Chapter's "Men of Tomorrow" project. "Men of Tomorrow" encourages students to continue their education, provides college tours, and offers scholarships for area students. Participants must have above average academic grade point averages, be of good moral character and be active in community service projects. Meanwhile, "Reclamation" is a priority in the Delta Delta Lambda program this year. T h e Chapter is also placing emphasis on educational seminars for students in grades 6-12 and will continue to make generous and frequent donations to the Grace Food Shelter.

Leadership, scholarship and community service were acknowledged when Kappa Alpha Chapter received the State of Alabama Chapter of the Year Award in 1995. UAB has recognized Kappa Alpha as having the highest GPA among the 26 fraternities on the campus, a distinction the Fraternity has held for three years. B r o t h e r C h r i s t o p h e r K. J o h n s o n was a w a r d e d the P a n - G r e e k C o u n c i l ' s Valedictorian Award for having the highest GPA a m o n g the four traditionally African-American fraternities. Kappa Alpha Chapter members hold leadership positions on the N a t i o n a l Pan-Hellenic Council, NAACP, Mortar Board H o n o r Society, Jasons Honorary O r d e r of Omega, the Student Judical Board, among others. T h e C h a p t e r ' s c o m m u n i t y service projects i n c l u d e an Uplift the Black Woman Seminar, a Black Family Forum series, P r o g r a m F u t u r e for a t - r i s k teenagers, and a Shoot-for-Sickle Cell Basketball Tournament. T h e C h a p t e r ' s F r a n k J. R o s c o e Award, named in honor of the founder of K a p p a Alpha, goes to all A f r i c a n American males who achieve a 3.0 or higher GPA.

SOUTHWESTERN ETA UPSILON LAMBDA Midland-Odessa, Texas "The Role of Predominantly Black G r e e k L e t t e r O r g a n i z a t i o n s as we Approach the 21st Century" was the topic for panelists convened by Eta Upsilon Lambda during their Founder's Day observance. P a n e l i s t s focused a t t e n t i o n on

political n e t w o r k i n g , economic empowerment, educational opportunities, the black family, racism and decision-making. Special h o n o r e e was Mr. L e r o y Reed, cited for outstanding service to the Midland-Odessa communities. A key community service project this p r o g r a m y e a r is Eta U p s i l o n Lambda's involvement in helping pre-

pare high school students for the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills examination. Texas students must pass the examination to receive a high school diploma. Plans are also proceeding for the 5th A n n u a l R e c o g n i t i o n B a n q u e t / Dinner which will honor black women for significant achievement.

Spring 1996 T The Sphinx A 41

Chapter News BETA ETA LAMBDA Oklahoma City, OK It had b e e n m o r e t h a n seven months since the April 1995 bombing in O k l a h o m a City, O K , but people across the United States and at home continued to donate funds to help victims and survivors. Major relief funds were criticized by victims who said they had difficulty receiving donated funds. Beta Eta Lambda Chapter stepped forward with a $5,000 donation pre-

sented through a relief fund established after the b o m b i n g of the Alfred P. Murrah Building. Brother Precel Kirk chaired the program committee which arranged the occasion for the presentation. T h e $5,000 donation includes contributions from the Fraternity's five regions and the national headquarters. Beta Eta Lambda President Anthony Stewart made the presentation following a Fraternity meeting at the Clarion Hotel's Conference Center in Oklahoma City. T h e recipients were Timothy C. H e r n for the family of C a s t i n e

Deveroux, deceased; Willie Watson for Philip James Allen; Daina Bradley, a survivor of the b o m b i n g ; and S h a r o n Litdejohn, also a bombing survivor. T h e Fraternity's contribution also included a donation to the Heartland Scholarship Fund established to help support the dependents of diose killed in the bombing. Beta E t a L a m b d a C h a p t e r was established in 1938 and has a long history of helping people in the community with a mentoring program, holiday baskets, and annual scholarship


Anniversary program:

Baltimore, MD

ters Ida

T? t-j-. e »u F o r m e r E d i t o r or t h e i • T, u /" i n/i u c Sphinx, Brother Carl Murphy , r jwas among the rounding members of Delta Lambda Chapter • J i • ,L 7 r , u remembered during the 75th . . /- i u • Anniversary Celebration. <-\ < \. u u Other charter members, all , J • l j _k XXT deceased, include: DBrother W. XT r>- u u 11 n T> N . Bishop, H. rC. rCaldwell, R. ~ c c D I u Carpenter, S. S. Booker, H . Garvin, J. H . H i l b u r n , J. G. McRae, L. H. Russell, and J. r> CL I n. A R. Shelton. T h e Anniversary r I u *• U~\A »* f k„ C e l e b r a t i o n was held at the r> L I A A/i r- r-\ u • Bethel A . M . E . C h u r c h in „ , „ Randallstown. ~, ^, i T h e Chapter presented an , « r award to three generations or T, i i , ,- -i u Ai Brother Murphy s family who ' . £ were present tor the



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Moss, and her daughter, Kev. Marie Braxton and her son, Derrick Braxton. , _ , Brother Bruce EdemyJ was . . recognized as the Brother with t h e l o n g e s t m e m b e r s h i p in _ , , , , • , , ,, , Delta Lambda and 16 Brothers . were inducted into the Chapters Hall or t a m e . Ihey . . . „ , „, , 4, include: Brothers Charles 1. ., , , r „ M i t c h e l l , Russell V. Kelly, ' . / Douglas B.J Dans Benjamin timbers, ° s e P j D " h f ° ' Roland G. H e t c h e r , Calvin „!.,.. C o r l e y , JJ o h n M. W i l l i a m s , *' . , T, James L. Benton, JJohn Koger, •> ' p ' Charles R. Salters, E. Gaines . _ ' . T Lansey, Jr., Stan Chase, Cleny ». i », Hargrove, M a t t h e w Marcus, ° ' , and Vernon K. Dorkins.

General President Milton C. Davis, state and c o u n t y officials and r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of o t h e r greek-letter organizations were among the special guests during the 25th Anniversary celebration of Iota Upsilon Lambda. Iota U p s i l o n L a m b d a was c h a r t e r e d on December 13, 1970. Charter members received certificates of a p p r e c i a t i o n d u r i n g t h e 2 5th Anniversary celebration. T h e Anniversary theme: "Shaping O u r Future While Honoring Our Past." Dedicated Charter Member Service Awards were presented to Brothers Robert E. Hatchell and Hanley J. Normet. T h e Anniversary celebration culminated with a dance.

Delta Lambda was founded . ,„.„ in 1920.

Brothers Randy Hicks and James Moses have received recognition for the special roles they played in support of Zeta Iota Lambda activities. Brother Hicks received the President's Special Recognition Award for his "unwavering support of chapter projects," and Brother Moses was cited for his "behind the scenes role in various reclamation and chapter functions." D u r i n g t h e a n n u a l Black and G o l d Ball, awards were presented to: Ms. Alma Byron-Hill for D e d i c a t i o n to C o m m u n i t y Service; Dr. Bernice P. Venable for Excellence in Education; and the Rev. Dr. John Harris for his support of community activities in the Trenton, NJ area. Zeta Iota Lambda also stepped forward to support the Million Man March and made contributions to three holiday giveaways in December.

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Delta Lambda Chapter, Baltimore, MD. 75 Years of Service

42 •

The Sphinx •

Silver S p r i n g , M D

Spring 1996




ALPHA GAMMA LAMBDA Manhattan/Bronx, NY •WW.'

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An otherwise ordinary day was made special for youtli in the Henry Street Settlement when Alpha Gamma Lambda treated them to a day at die American Museum of Natural History. T h e Brothers also sponsored the youth on a tour of the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum. T h e Intrepid is the world's largest Naval museum. T h e museum tour included a presentation which focused on World War II P O W s and dieir survival tactics, a presentation covered by Cable News Network. During their tour of the Museum of Natural History, the youth explored the dinosaur, Native American and nature exhibits. One of the more popular exhibits at the museum features a ninety- four foot, fiberglass blue whale. Congratulations have been extended to Brother Marc Garcia who was recently honored by his supervisors at die State Department for "brave service in the line of duty."

T h e Lunsford Memorial Building in Rochester's historic Corn Hill neighborhood is now the property of Eta Rho L a m b d a . T h e building is a memorial to Brother Dr. Charles T. Lunsford (Beta '10) who was Rochester's first black physician. Brother Lunsford practiced medicine in the building for many years. Eta Rho Lambda is the first predominately black greek letter organization to acquire a fraternity home in the greater Rochester area. In addition to serving as die meeting place for Eta Rho Lambda, the Lunsford Memorial Building will also house a public display in honor of Brother Lunsford. H i g h l i g h t s of Eta Rho Lambda's p r o g r a m year include: a voter registration campaign, tutorial services for junior and senior high school students, step team c o m p e t i t i o n , and t h e C h a p t e r ' s 2 3 r d A n n u a l Scholarship Dinner-Dance. Eta Rho Lambda has over the years contributed more than $100,000 in scholarships to area high school students. Although the Chapter Annual Fish Fry was planned as a fundraiser for scholarships, the Brothers donated d i n n e r s to the elderly r e s i d e n t s of T h e K e n n e d y Towers and neighborhood children. T h e Voter Registration Drive in December was die first of three scheduled for the program year. BrotJiers celebrated Founder's Day in Ithaca, NY, and they are p r o v i d i n g service at t h e O p e n D o o r M i s s i o n in Rochester.


EPSILON University of Michigan

Happy Birthday Brother Booker T. Blackwell, Sr. (seated, second left). What a blessing! 91 years old for Brother Booker T. Blackwell, Sr. Delta Epsilon Lambda helped Brother Blackwell celebrate his 91 years with cake, ice cream, champagne and glad tidings. Brother Blackwell is a charter member of Delta Epsilon Lambda, a retired educator and 70-year member of Delta Epsilon Lambda. Born in 1904 in Metropolis, IL, and inducted in 1926 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Brother Blackwell is Life Member N o . 296. Brother Reginald B. Riddle organized the surprise party for Brother Blackwell.

T h e Brothers of Epsilon are becoming increasing visible at the U n i v e r s i t y of M i c h i g a n . T h e y have been c o n d u c t i n g weekly tutoring sessions at Scarlett Middle School and Bethel A . M . E . , and recently held their Ms. Black and Gold Scholarship Pageant in the campus union. Ms. Black and G o l d H o n o r s went to Ms. Harriet Russell. T h e honors included a $250 first place prize. T h e Brothers of Epsilon were also r e p r e s e n t e d in the M i l l i o n Man March, an opportunity that was supported by the Brothers of Iota Upsilon Lambda.

Spring 1996 • The Sphinx A 43

Chapter News Brother Robert E. Johnson - His career started throwing daily newspapers, selling black weekly newspapers and founding his high school newspaper, the Westfield Trail Blazer. When his career ended, he was executive editor of Jet Magazine. Brother Robert E. Johnson was born in Montgomery, AL, and an active journalist most of his 73 years. Characterized by his colleague as a "Communicator, patriarch, friend, and humanitarian, Brother Johnson held degrees from Morehouse College and Syracuse University. He was initiated into Delta Seta Chapter at Syracuse. During World War II, he was tapped for duty with the U. S. Navy newspaper, The Masthead, and subsequently became its first black managing editor. He was city editor of the Atlanta Daily World and joined the staff of Jet two years after its founding in 1952. Brother Johnson covered stories in Europe, Asia, Africa, and across the United States. Called a role model and mentor for many journalists, Brother Johnson was affiliated with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, the DuSable Museum of African American History, the Chicago Association of Black Journalists, the National Association of Black Journalists, the Chicago Headline Club, Operation PUSH, the NAACP and National Urban League. Texas College, Morehouse College, Dillard University, and Miles College gave him honorary doctorate degrees. His numerous other honors came from Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, the AME Church Ministerial Alliance of Chicago, The Coalition for United Community Action O.R.T.C., Inc., Elizabeth City State University, the Morehouse College Alumni Association of Greater Los

The Sphinx •

Angeles, Langston University, and the World Conference of Mayors.

an active member of Beta Tau Lambda Chapter.

Brother Derwin Wade Miller was a victim of the tragic Oklahoma City bombing. He was 28 years old. A native of Lonoke, Arkansas, Brother Miller was initiated into Gamma Delta Chapter at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff where he graduated Cum Laude. He was a claims examiner for the Social Security Administration when he entered Omega Chapter.

Brother Lee V. Richardson, Jr. is credited with establishing the first nursery school and adult education program in the Lansing (Michigan) School District where he taught. A Life Member of Alpha and active with Kappa Delta Lambda Chapter, Brother Richardson was a product of Prairie View A&M University, Tuskegee University and Michigan State University.

Brother Dr. William V. Lockwood was a native of Alexandria, LA, and a graduate of Morgan State University and Northwestern University. He was a teacher, counselor and principal with the Baltimore City Public Schools, assistant director of the evening division and director of planning for Baltimore Junior College, dean of the faculty and vice president for the Harbor Campus of the Community College of Baltimore and, at one point, Deputy Regional Director (Region II) of Neighborhood Youth Corps. His professional and civic affiliations included Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society, the YMCA, NAACP, Baltimore Urban League and the National Conference of Christians and Jews. An active member of Delta Lambda Chapter, Brother Lockwood was named Vice President Emeritus at Baltimore Community College. Brother Alfonso L. Standifer had retired from the General Services Administration after 42 years as a systems analyst. He directed computer training for personnel in over 11 districts in the U. S. A native of Itasca, TX, Brother Standifer was a graduate of Wiley College and the University of Pennsylvania. He was a veteran of World War II, a Life Member of the Fraternity and

Spring 1996

Brother Richard F. Torrence, Sr. was a graduate of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and an active member of Pi Lambda Chapter. Part-owner of the Torrence Flower Shoppe, Brother Torrence was a member of the Arkansas Florist Association, an officer of the Arkansas Teleflora Unit, on the State Board of F T D , and an Executive Board Member of the George Washington Carver YMCA and YMCA Century Club. Bill Clinton, as Governor of Arkansas, named him to the State Multi-Jurisdictional Private Industry Council. Brother Floyd W. Crouch was a charter member of Mu Beta Lambda Chapter in Honolulu, Hawaii and a Life Member of Alpha. A retired Army colonel, Brother Crouch served in Europe during World War II, and in Korea, Greenland, and Vietnam. H e formerly owned No-Ka-Oi Travel, Inc, and was a Community Relations Specialist for the Wahiawa, Hawaii Satellite City Hall when he entered Omega Chapter. Brother Ed Cornelius Dobbins was a Life Member of Alpha and served the Fraternity at the local, state, regional and national levels. A graduate of Lincoln University, M O , Brother Dobbins was honored with the Epsilon Lambda

Chapter News

MUCHI California State University, L o n g Beach

A Mu Chi Scout Outing With the addition of Loyola Marymount University, Mu Chi Chapter has expanded. The Chapter now includes Long Beach State University, California State University Dominquez Hills, and now Loyola Marymount. Their record of service is impressive. Proceeds from the Annual Spring Jazz Concert support scholarships and community service programs; a voter registration campaign preceded participation in the Million Man March, 140 Los Angeles inner-city youth were hosted in an educational informational, Brothers hosted a domino tournament for local Boy Scouts, and the Brothers participated in the 16th Annual Black Adoption Festival. Mu Chi Brothers' national, regional, and district officers include Western Regional Assistant Vice President, Southern California Assistant District Director, and Southern California District Associate Editor to the Sphinx. It was a gala weekend when the Southern California District teamed to celebrate the Fraternity's 89th Founders' Day. Mu Chi hosted a mixer, the alumni brothers hosted a hospitality night, Mu Chi hosted a "Spirit Conference," Iota Zeta Lambda provided the leadership for a boat party, and the alumni and college brothers worshiped at First A.M.E. Church with Brother Cecil Murray. The 89th Anniversary celebration culminated with a banquet where entertainment was provided by Brother Gerald Albright. It was a first place win in the annual Christmas Toy Drive, and the Brothers will coach in the Special Olympics and participate in Alpha/AKA Week and the Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Contest this spring.

ZETA SIGMA LAMBDA San Diego, CA. Sixty-six African American males in grades 9-12 are participating in Zeta Sigma Lambda's Continued Academic Excellence Program (CAMP). This is the eighth year of the program which supports so-called at-risk students. The CAMP students are paired with mentors who provide leadership and guidance in helping the students prepare to make college choices. All of the students have demonstrated academic potential. Students receive book fees when they enroll in postsecondarv schools, and the student with the highest academic average in each grade receives a $100 US Savings Bond each semester. The CAMP Scholarship Fund is supported with funds from Zeta Sigma Lambda's Holiday Ball and Martin Luther King Day Parade. Proceeds from the 1995 King Parade approached $8,000. Ms. Brenda McGhee and Quinton McCurine were selected Queen and King respectively. The Parade royal court also included Christie Love, Marcus Brady, and Anida Walker. Parade contestants are judged on their appearance, poise, stage presence, speaking ability, and talent. Ms. McGhee is a 16-year-old honors student at San Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts. She plans a career in mathematics. McCurine, who attends Serra High School, plans a career in the arts. Ms. Love attends Kearny High School, Ms. Walker attends Serra High School, and Brady attends Morse High School. Zeta Sigma Lambda sponsors the contest and Parade along with the city and county of San Diego and the Black Police Officers Association. During the 1995 Black and Gold Holiday Dance, attended by more than 250, Brother Charles Buder was honored as Chapter Brother of the Year and Brother Edward Crate was presented the 50 year pin. Brother Crate is a retired psychologist and Brother Buder is a past president of Zeta Sigma Lambda.

Brother Edward Crute (center) received a Pin for SO years of service to Alpha from Zeta Sigma Lambda Chapter Vice President Brother Charles Butler (left) and Brother Gene Moore.


Omega Chapter Brother Robert E. Johnson - His career started throwing daily newspapers, selling black weekly newspapers and founding his high school newspaper, the Westfield Trail Blazer. When his career ended, he was executive editor of Jet Magazine. Brother Robert E. Johnson was born in Montgomery, AL, and an active journalist most of his 73 years. He entered Omega Chapter Characterized by his colleague as a "Communicator, patriarch, friend, and humanitarian, Brother Johnson held degrees from Morehouse College and Syracuse University. He was initiated into Delta Seta Chapter at Syracuse. During World War II, he was tapped for duty with the U. S. Navy newspaper, T h e Masthead and subsequently became its first black managing editor. He was city editor of the Adanta Daily World and joined the staff of Jet two years after its founding in 1952. Brother Johnson covered stories in Europe, Asia, Africa, and across the United States. Called a role model and mentor for many journalists, Brother Johnson was affiliated with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, the DuSable Museum of African American History, the Chicago Association of Black Journalists, the National Association of Black Journalists, the Chicago Headline Club, Operation PUSH, the NAACP and National Urban League. Texas College, Morehouse College, Dillard University, and Miles College gave him honorary doctorate degrees. His numerous other honors came from Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, the AME Church Ministerial Alliance of Chicago, The Coalition for United Community Action O.R.T.C., Inc., Elizabeth City State University, the Morehouse College Alumni Association of Greater Los

46 •

Angeles, Langston University, and the World Conference of Mayors.

an active member of Beta Tau Lambda Chapter.

Brother Derwin Wade Miller was a victim of the tragic Oklahoma City bombing. He was 28 years old. A native of Lonoke, Arkansas, Brother Miller was initiated into Gamma Delta Chapter at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff where he graduated Cum Laude. He was a claims examiner for the Social Security Administration when he entered Omega Chapter.

Brother Lee V. Richardson, Jr. is credited with establishing the first nursery school and adult education program in the Lansing (Michigan) School District where he taught. A Life Member of Alpha and active with Kappa Delta Lambda Chapter, Brother Richardson was a product of Prairie View A&M University, Tuskegee University and Michigan State University.

Brother Dr. William V. Lockwood was a native of Alexandria, LA, and a graduate of Morgan State University and Northwestern University. He was a teacher, counselor and principal with the Baltimore City Public Schools, assistant director of the evening division and director of planning for Baltimore Junior College, dean of the faculty and vice president for the Harbor Campus of the Community College of Baltimore and, at one point, Deputy Regional Director (Region II) of Neighborhood Youth Corps. His professional and civic affiliations included Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society, the YMCA, NAACP, Baltimore Urban League and the National Conference of Christians and Jews. An active member of Delta Lambda Chapter, Brother Lockwood was named Vice President Emeritus at Baltimore Community College. Brother Alfonso L. Standifer had retired from the General Services Administration after 42 years as a systems analyst. He directed computer training for personnel in over 11 districts in the U. S. A native of Itasca, TX, Brother Standifer was a graduate of Wiley College and the University of Pennsylvania. He was a veteran of World War II, a Life Member of the Fraternity and

The Sphinx T Spring 1996

Brother Richard F. Torrence, Sr. was a graduate of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and an active member of Pi Lambda Chapter. Part-owner of the Torrence Flower Shoppe, Brother Torrence was a member of the Arkansas Florist Association, an officer of the Arkansas Teleflora Unit, on the State Board of F T D , and an Executive Board Member of the George Washington Carver YMCA and YMCA Century Club. Bill Clinton, as Governor of Arkansas, named him to the State Multi-Jurisdictional Private Industry Council. Brother Floyd W. Crouch was a charter member of Mu Beta Lambda Chapter in Honolulu, Hawaii and a Life Member of Alpha. A retired Army colonel, Brother Crouch served in Europe during World War II, and in Korea, Greenland, and Vietnam. He formerly owned No-Ka-Oi Travel, Inc, and was a Community Relations Specialist for the Wahiawa, Hawaii Satellite City Hall when he entered Omega Chapter. Brother Ed Cornelius Dobbins was a Life Member of Alpha and served the Fraternity at the local, state, regional and national levels. A graduate of Lincoln University, M O , Brother Dobbins was honored with the Epsilon Lambda

Omega Chapter Man of the Year Award, the Daniel W. Bowels Service Award, and the William M. Alexander Leadership Award. He had retired from the Ritenour School District as an administrator. Brother Dr. Hamilton "Hamp" Holmes was the first AfricanAmerican male to enroll at the University of Georgia from which he graduated Cum Laude, despite many obstacles. Initiated in Alpha Rho Chapter, he subsequently graduated from the Emory University Medical School, another first for an African-American. An active member of Eta Lambda Chapter and a Life Member of the Fraternity, Brotber Holmes served Alpha and the Adanta community with distinction. He was head of orthopedic surgery at Grady Memorial Hospital and a professor at the Emory University School of Medicine. A Trustee of the University of Georgia, the Holmes-Hunter Lecture Series honors his name. Brother Rev. Sammie E. Jackson was a former president of Theta Phi Lambda Chapter. He was a product of Paine College, Chandler School of Theology (Emory University), and Erskine Theology Seminary, South Carolina. His professional experience included appointments as a counselor for an Office of Economic Opportunity program, social worker witb the Comprehensive Child Development Program, Anderson, SC, and Youth Coordinator for the 1890 Rural Development Program, Clemson University and South Carolina State College Extension Services. Brother Dr. Leonidas H. Berry earned his medical degree from Rush Medical College, the

University of Chicago, after first earning degrees from Wilberforce University and the University of Chicago. His pioneering work in medicine included invention of the Eder-Berry Biopsy Gastroscope, an instrument used to obtain tissue samples from the stomach. He was also tbe first American physician to use tbe fiber-optic gastro-camera to view inside the digestive tract. A Life Member of Alpha, Brother Berry is credited with training hundreds of physicians, authored several books and was recipient of many awards, including the Rudolph Schindler Award from the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endroscopy. Brother Rev. Russell J. Shipman was first ordained as a minister in 1953. He held degrees from Howard University, including the Bachelor of Divinity. He pastored the First Congregational Christian Church, now First Congregational United Church of Christ, for almost 30 years until his retirement in 1982. In addition to teaching religious education at Lincoln Academy, Brother Shipman also served as moderator and treasurer of the North Carolina State Conference and was a member of the Board of Trustees of the South Convention and Franklinton Center. He was Eta Mu Lambda Chapter historian and chaplain for 35 years. Brother William "Bill" Hager was a native of Belmont, N C , and a graduate of Elizabeth City State University and Western Carolina University. He served 39 years in the Kings Mountain (NC) District School as a teacher, coach and community schools coordinator. Called an "elder statesman" of Eta Mu Lambda Chapter, Brother Hager was past deputy district director and past Southwestern area director of the North Carolina Association of Alpha. He was a

member of the NAACP, UNCF, coordinator of tbe Foster Grandparent Program, Cub Master and recruiter for Elizabeth City State University. Brother William O. Warner practiced law for 30 years in Rocky Mount, N C . H e was a graduate of Morehouse College and earned his juris doctorate from Norfri Carolina Central University. A former member of the Rocky Mount Board of Education, Brother Warner was also a member of die Civil Rights Commission and the Habitat for Humanity Project. A member of the famed 99th Pursuit Squadron which saw service during World War II in North Africa, Brotber Warner was vice president of Stokes Mortuary, Inc., a family business. Brother Robert L. Jones served Alpha as president of Kappa Iota Lambda Chapter and Area III Director of District rV, New Jersey Association of Alpha. He held botfi bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering, the latter from Drexel University. When he retired in 1993, Brother Jones was manager of Software Technologies Application Division, Naval Air Development Center in Warmister, PA. Brother Melvin E. Woodberry was a graduate of Ohio State University and a member of Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter. He was honored by SIMBA, a community organization for African-American men, for superior dedication and commitment to the Yoruba Nation. He was a native of Mansfield, Ohio. Brother Dr. Felix James held degrees from Alabama State University, Fisk University, and Selma University. He served Alpha for 57 years. A member of tbe Alabama State University faculty

Spring 1996 T The Sphinx A 47

Omega Chapter for 24 years, Brother James was University chaplain, director of religious affairs, dean of men, and vice president for student affairs. He served on the Montgomery County School System's Bi-Racial Committee, the Civic Center Advisory Board, and was a senior minister of the Montgomery Antioch District. Brother Dr. Arnold R. Henderson, Jr. was on the faculty at Virginia State University for 22 years during which time he served as a department chairman, graduate professor, and dean of die School of Education. He held degrees from Hampton University, the University of Michigan, and George Peabody College, Vanderbilt University. He was an active member of Beta Gamma Lambda Chapter. Brother Roy Wood - Brother Dr. Roy Wood was Life Member 1351. He was initiated into Alpha Rho Chapter at Morehouse College where he earned his bachelor's degree. Brother Wood also held degrees from Columbia College of Fine Arts in Chicago, where he grew up, and Northwestern University. His long and distinguished broadcasting career started in Chicago before he finally settled in Birmingham, AL. He would reside in Birmingham four different times before making it his home. Brother Wood first served as a substitute announcer for the Mutual Broadcasting System's WJLD in Birmingham; he returned to the Iron City after serving as News Director for Chicago's W V O N radio where is reported to have been the first African- American to work as a full-time major network staff announcer. Chicago listeners would remember Brother Wood for his editorials,

"Now Run and Tell That." He also produced "Footsteps to Democracy" for radio and was managing editor and anchor of "A Black View of the News." Birmingham radio listeners remember Brother Wood with the National Black Network, an affiliate of the Unity Broadcasting Corporation in New York and later as news director for W E N N and WAGG radio stations. His "Cold Hard Facts" and "Blue In the Night" were popular radio talk shows. In addition to his extensive radio work, Brother Dr. Wood served as a visiting scholar on the faculties of Malcolm X College (Chicago), Howard University, Florida A&M University and Miles College. Three Alabama Governors acknowledged his professional achievements with proclamations. His peers in the National Association of Black Journalists honored him with their Lifetime Achievement Award. Brother Dr. Wood was News Director Emeritus of W E N N / W A G G Radio when he retired in 1995. DEADLINE SPHINX Please forward story ideas and chapter news for consideration at this time. We would like to have materials on hand for consideration by May 1,1996. However, don't wait for the deadline. Mail material for consideration NOW. If you miss the May deadline, or any deadline for that matter, mail the material anyway. The next issue of The Sphinx will be published in June/July 1996. We have a special interest in receiving photos that depid "chapter program activities." However, avoid snapshots. Photos showing involvement in national programs of the Fraternity are of particular interest. Send material to: The SPHINX, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 2313 St. Paul St., Baltimore, MD 21218-5234.

The Sphinx T Spring 1996

OMEGA LISTINGS Rho Stephen Gibson Eta Lambda James E. Dearing Zeta Gamma Lambda Charles E. Brookins Calvin J. Hall Marcus Jones Glen D. Smith Alpha Lambda Robert T Downs John A. Banks Nathan M. Hale William H . Orr Marvin Sanders Kappa Upsilon Lambda Norman R. Catlett Wendell K. Hammond Alpha Xi Lambda Wayne Graham Alpha Rho Lambda Dr. E L. Vaughn Walter R. Hill Dr. Clyde W Franklin II Rev. Percy A. Carter Alpha Phi Lambda Clarence Smothers Delta Alpha Lambda Monroe Salvant Epsilon Lambda Shelby Freeman Eta Psi Lambda Dennis F Miller Zeta Psi Lambda Warren Combre Alpha Eta Lambda Bruin Glover Delta Beta Lambda John W Handy Eta Ward Fueller


Hear) A. Caffis, M.D.

Charles II. Chapman

George B. Kellcy

Nathaniel A. Murrav

Robert II. Ogfc

\'ertner \V I and]

GENERAL OFFICERS GENERAL PRESIDENT—Milton C. Davis. P.O. Box 509. Tuskegee, AL 36083 IMMEDIATE PAST GENERAL PRESIDENT—Henry Ponder, President's Office, Fisk University, Nashville. TN 37208 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR—Darryl R. Matthews. Sr., 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-5234 GENERAL TREASURER—George N. Reaves, 2933 Balmoral Crescent, Flossmoor, IL 60422 COMPTROLLER—Frank A. Jenkins III. 529 South Perry Street. Suite U, P.O. Box 4246 Montgomery, AL 36104 GENERAL COUNSEL—Tyrone C. Means, P.O. Drawer 5058, Montgomery, AL 36103-5058 NATIONAL HISTORIAN—Thomas D. Pawley, III, 1014 Lafayette Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101 DIRECTOR-GENERAL CONVENTIONS—Al F. Rutherford, 8585 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 730N, Dallas, TX 75247

VICE PRESIDENTS EASTERN—Samuel G. Wilson, 3639 Highwood Drive SE, Washington D.C. 20020 MIDWESTERN—James B. Blanton III, 10625 South Hamilton, Chicago, IL 60643 SOUTHERN—Chester A. Wheeler III. P.O. Box 6682, Macon. GA 31208 SOUTHWESTERN—Harry E. Johnson, 8606 Running Bird Lane, Missouri City, TX 77489 WESTERN—Kenneth Venable, 722 West 19th Street. Unit # 4, San Pedro, CA 90731

ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS EASTERN—Rasheed Meadows, New Haven, Connecticut MIDWESTERN—Solomon Davis, Chicago. Illinois SOUTHERN—Justin Gray, Tallahassee, Florida SOUTHWESTERN—Kevin Speed, New Orleans, Louisiana WESTERN—TBA

Administrative Assistants to the General President Charlie E. Hardy, Tuskegee. AL Joseph E. Heyward, Florence, SC Warren W. Sherwood. Montclair. NJ Alpha Phi Alpha Building Foundation, Inc. Hebrew L. Dixon. Chairman 100 Fluor Daniel Drive Greenville. SC 29607 George N. Reaves. Treasurer Casby Harrison III. Assoc Gen. Counsel Calvin R. Austin Samuel D. DeShazior Everett B. Ward Bruce A. Austin Harold W. Patrick Milton C. Davis, Ex Officio

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Corporate Office 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218-5234 Telephone: (410) 554-0040 Fax:(410)554-0054 Darryl R. Matthews, Sr., Executive Director

Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc. Christopher C. Womack, Chairman 2109 Christina Cove Birmingham. AL 35244 George N. Reaves. Treasurer Cecil E. Howard. Assoc. Gen. Counsel James B. Gillespie Keener A. Tippin John H. Carter James W. Ward Kermit H. Boston Millon C. Davis. Ex Officio

NATIONAL COMMITTEE/COMMISSION CHAIRMEN Alpha Scholarship Bowl Roland Wesley 1159 Quail Run Avenue Bolingbrook. IL 60440

College Brothers Affairs Mvles Newborn HI 42103 Desert Hill Drive Lancaster. CA 93536

Archivist Herman "Skip" Mason. Jr. 564 Blake Avenue. S.E. Aihinia. Georgia 30316


Historical Commission

Jefferson City. MO 6510!

Personnel Iva B. Williams 237 Eleventh Avenue. S.W. Birmingham. AL 35211

Rules & Credentials Ronald T. James 1717 Northeast 66th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73111

Publications J.J.Johnson. HI P.O. Box 512 Tuskegee. AL 36087

Senior Alpha Affairs Rutus B. Dewitt 4937 Dafter Drive San Diego. CA 92102

Public Relations

Thoam D. Pawley. Ill 1014 Lafayette Street

Reynoldsburg. OH 43068

Job Fair Wilbur E. Jackson. Jr. 6716 Indian Sprint; Court. San Jose. CA 95120

Awards & Achievements Joseph Byrd Xavier University P.O.Box I0I-C New Orleans. LA 70125

Elections Johnson E. Pennywell 15613 Singapore Houston, TX 77040

Life Membership John C. Rawls 5808 S.W. 49th Street Gainesville. FL 32608

3816 Lake Bonaparte Drive Harvey. LA 70058

Special Projects John M.Williams 25 Hudson Conn Franklin. NJ 08823

Budget & Finance Frank A. Jenkins III 529 South Perry Street. Suite 16

Endowment & Capital Formation Robert L. Davis P.O. Box 728 Tuskegee. AL 36083

Membership/Standards & Extension Ronald L. Mangum 54 Bremmcr Street Richland. WA 99352

Racial Justice & Public Policy Joe C. Thomas 787 Carsten Circle Benicia. CA945I0

Time & Place Michael C. Rogers 441 4lh Street NW Suite I 120 Washington. DC 20001

Grievances & Discipline Howell L. Davis 333 North Sam Houston Pkwy East Houston. TX 77060

National Programs Ronnie S. Jenkins 3507 Dale Lane. S.W. Atlanta. GA 30331

Recommendations Albert H. Fairwcather 6210 John Chisum Lane Austin. TX 78749

David E. Pryor 6466 Gunstock Court

Montgomery. A L 3611)9

Business & Kcon. Development James D. Moore 21 15 Steeplechase Drive Ann Arbor. MI 48103

Edward L. Marshall

THE LIVING PAST GENERAL PRESIDENTS 21' T. Winston Cole. Sr. 124 SW Twenty-Third Gainesville. FL 32607



Walter Washington Alcom State University Lorman. MS 39096

25"' James R. Williams 1733 Brookwood Drive Akron, OH 44313


Ozell Sutton 1640 Loch Lomond Trail S.W. Atlanta, GA 30331

27* Charles C. Teamer Sr. 4619 Owens Boulevard New Orleans. LA 70122

28'" Henry Ponder

Fisk University Nashville. TN 37208



ALPHA PHI ALPHI FRATERNITY, INC 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218 Second Class Postage Paid POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to The Sphinx, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218


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