V o l u m e 83 • Number 1
Educational and Economic Development Forum ^7>
July 3 0 - A u g u s t 2,1998 Nassau Marriott Resort and Crystal Palace Casino Nassau, Bahamas
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ON THE COVER Alpha Phi Alpha Brothers whose business ventures have placed them on the frontier of the African-American economic-empowerment movement talk about the road to financial success in this feature Cover Story. The ten enterprising Brothers have captured the attention of the business world because of their corporate and entrepreneurial ventures. The article features Brothers Dr. Dennis P. Kimbro, Robert L. Coleman, Charles D. Watkins, Harlow Fullwood, Jr., Warren M. Thompson, Dan Spikes, Thomas Flewellyn, Hilton O. Smith, Guillermo L. Hysaw and David L. Wilson. The story besins on pase 9.
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The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
Alumni Brothers On The College Campus By Brother Everette B. Penn
Brother Designs Buffalo Soldiers Memorial
COVER STORY M Brothers On The Business Frontier By Marc Battle
PERSPECTIVE The Political Odyssey Of Alpha Phi Alpha By Brother Harold R. Sims
FEATURE STORY Former NYC Black Panther Becomes Leading Mississippi Businessman
BOOK REVIEW Dana Hawes' The Pages Of My Mind
NEWS FEATURE Brother Lee P. Brown Elected First African-American Mayor of Houston, Texas By Brother Robert L Frelow, Jr.
- A t W A FORUM Corporate Partnership With March of Dimes Provides $250,000 For Project Alpha By Brother Zollie Stevenson, Jr.
HISTORICAL MOMENT The Great Sphinx of El Giza By Brother Thomas D. Pawley, III
VISION 2000 H.G. Dawson To Head World Policy Council King Memorial Vision Shared With World Leaders Adrian Wallace Receives Exemplary Vision Award Trends in Training and Development
ALPHAS ON THE MOVE University Historian Wins Regional Emmy Boston TV Reporter Wins Coveted Award
FEATURE ARTICLES The Internship Experience By Brother Mark Giddarie
" 4 7 C H APTER44EWS 54
The SPHINX™ (USPS 510-440) is published quarterly for $10 a year by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.®, 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-5234. Periodical postage paid at Baltimore, MD and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes to The SPHINX™, 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218. The SPHINX™ is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® Send all editorial mail and changes of address to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® The Fraternity assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or an. Opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.®. Use of any person's name in fiction, semi-fiction, articles or humorous features is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility of The SPHINX™, and is never done knowingly. Copyright Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 1998. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reproduction, or use without permission, of the editorial or pictorial content of the magazine in any manner is prohibited. The SPHINX™ has been published continuously since 1914. Organizing Editor: Brother Raymond W. Cannon. Organizing General President: Brother Henry Lake Dickason. The SPHINX"' ~ Spring 1998
Vision 2000: The Light Of A New Day
ith fraternal and benevolent greetings, I welcome our Brothers and friends to this premier Sphinx™ issue of the year—which has as its theme: Business and Economic Development and Empowerment. This edition of the magazine could well mark the first time The Sphinx™ has centered on the resonant theme of economic development and empowerment. I suspect that our timing is right for such an issue, seeing more and more of our members positioning themselves for economic development opportunities through their jobs, business ventures, and the like. Several Brothers who are corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and trailblazers in their respective fields are featured in the issue. Each of them, a highly respected and successful businessman, gives us insight into his success. We also learn something about their economic philosophies and forecast for the AfricanAmerican community. Brother Tom Flewellyn, Director of Minority Business Relations for Walt Disney World, shares information about minority business development. Brothers Dan Spikes of BET Soundstage, Warren Thompson of Thompson Hospitality Corporation and fast-food franchise owner Harlow Fullwood help us understand entrepreneurship. Brother Dennis Kimbro, author of Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice, sheds more light on the economics of the African-American community. Some others featured in the issue, include: Wittnauer watch company owners Brothers Robert Coleman and Charles Watkins, Toyota Motors executive Brother Guillermo Hysaw, Turner Construction Company executive Brother Hilton 0. Smith, andfinancialexpert Brother David Wilson.
These Brothers represent just a small sampling of Fraternity members who are playing prominent roles in the area of economic development. Their stories, however, help us understand that Alpha Phi Alpha—with its vast network of members at various levels and resources in varied fields—is well positioned to serve as a professional networking source where members can interact with others to form business ventures. Alpha Phi Alpha historically has played a prominent role in the area of education, with its Go-to-High School, Go-to-College program, and in the area of political empowerment, with our A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People campaign. Now the Fraternity is moving aggressively to play a prominent role in the area of economic development—which some have called the next civilrightsfrontier for minorities. As we move into the next The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
millennium, Alpha Phi Alpha is positioning itself to play a key and intricate part in our community's economic development. Not only will the next century be firmly controlled by technology and information, economic empowerment also will govern the new era. We are poised to be one of the era's leaders. The thrust of the Educational and Economic Development Forum—July 30 through August 2, 1998 in the Bahamas—is to form a launching pad for the Fraternity to begin aggressively moving into areas of economic development. Training and Development Committee Chairman Brother Phillip Jackson and his Committee are prepared to help us in our lift-off at the Forum by offering some non-traditional and not-necessarily-Fraternity-related training. Likewise, Brother Harold Patrick and the Business and Development Committee are aggressively pursuing possible ventures whereby the Fraternity can participate in income producing opportunities, ensuring that we will not be exclusively dependent on membership revenues. Economic empowerment holds the key to social, political and educational empowerment. We do not seek wealth for wealth's sake. However, creation of wealth enables us to prosper as an organization and a people. The Jewels understood that Alpha's greatest interest lies outside of itself. One of our fraternal missions is "to aid in and insist upon the personal progress of our members." The reasoning behind this concept is that by developing ourselves to our fullest, we then can be of greater service to the outside community.
ADRIAN L. WALLACE General President
Spring 1998 ~ Volume 83 Number 1 GENERAL OFFICERS Adrian L. Wallace General President Milton C. Davis Immediate Past General President Hebrew L. Dixon, III Executive Director George N. Reaves General Treasurer Frank A. Jenkins, III Comptroller Harry E. Johnson, Sr. General Counsel Al F. Rutherford Director-General Conventions Kenneth Jordan Parliamentarian FOUNDERS Henry Arthur Callis Charles Henry Chapman Eugene Kinckle Jones George Biddle Kelley Nathaniel Allison Murray Robert Harold Ogle Vertner Woodson Tandy CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218-5234 Phone: (410) 554-0040 Fax: (410) 554-0054 To change a mailing address, send both the new and old address to: Membership Department Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218-5234 Alpha Phi Alpha's Web Site: http://www.apa1906.ors
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: STEP UP TO THE CHALLENGE Greetings My Brothers and Friends, • ebster's Dictionary, in defining the term "economic development,"firstdescribes the word "economic" as having to do with "satisfaction of the material needs of a people." In the second part of the description, the word "development" is defined as being "an event or happening." As Alpha Phi Alpha continues its self-evaluation—for the purpose of maximizing the impact of the Fraternity's programs, concepts and ultimately the fulfillment of our mission—we also must address issues that concern the economic development and empowerment of our members and the communities we serve. General President Adrian L. Wallace has made economic development and empowerment an intricate part of his agenda. As members of this august body, it is incumbent upon us to begin the thought processes required to make a paradigm shift from our traditional concerns. We cannot put our energies solely into issues involving social development. We must take a multi-dimensional approach that lends as much attention to economic development and empowerment as it gives to social development. The condition of today's society mandates that those who are committed to providing community service step up to the challenge of economic development. Economic solutions are needed to solve problems created by cuts in the welfare program, teenage pregnancy, discrimination in employment, racism and other such social ills. To be effective in the new millennium, we must aggressively approach the many economic development and empowerment opportunities which exist. Internally, we must energize our members—utilizing all our resources in the corporate, government, military and private sectors. We must reach inside the Fraternity and tap the abundant talent and energy necessary to push our agenda forward. The Fraternity must continue to cultivate and prepare our College Brothers as they embark on their journeys. We must arm them with knowledge about how to be successful in society. Business minded students should be encouraged to become entrepreneurs—not just organization and corporate executives. We must begin to leverage resources to assist with this endeavor. Economic development also can be an over-used phrase. It The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
implies hope. It implies prosperity. However, those things are not gained without a price. Organizations across this country are grappling to find ways to facilitate their dreams of being economically solvent and in a position to aggressively provide some of the country's much needed community service. The men of Alpha Phi Alpha have never failed to step up to the opportunities and challenges set before them. As it has been stated: "If you think you are beaten, you are. If you dare not, you don't." Alpha Phi Alpha Brothers have always dared to make a difference. We have dared to be positive by cultivating our members on principles of "Manly deeds, scholarship, and love for all mankind." The current economic development movement across the country is not something new. It has always been a convoluted part of our society. The time is now for the men of Alpha Phi Alpha to regain our focus in this arena. Standing before us are opportunities to conquer challenges relating to our dreams of economic empowerment. We need ultimately to increase our impact on the various communities we touch across the country. Alpha Phi Alpha welcomes the support, guidance and wisdom of the Fraternity's collective membership. We continue to request that those who are members of this august body lend their fiscal, mental and spiritual support and presence as we articulate and evolve the mission of this organization. My Brothers, "Our greatest interest lies outside ourselves." The time is now. You are called to action. We are called as a collective Brotherhood to rise to the occasion and to meet the challenges of the next millennium.
HEBREW L. DIXON, III Executive Director
Raymond W. Cannon Organizing Editor Henry Lake Dickason Organizing General President
Push To Continue For A Paul Robeson Stamp The
Official Organ of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. SeatonJ. White, III Editor-in-Chief Thomas D. Pawley, III Contributing Columnist Latifa Howard Marc Battle Editorial Assistants Berve Power Convention Photographer Ronald G. Baker Contributing Photographer Eric S. Harrison Design & Layout Editorial Office: The SPHINX'" Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218 Phone: (410) 554-0040 Fax: (410) 554-0054 Deadlines for editorial submissions to The SPHINX"' are as follows: Spring Issue - January 1 Summer Issue - April 1 Fall Issue - July 1 Winter Issue - October 1 For advertisement display rates and other ad information contact: Editor of The SPHINX™ Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218-5234 Phone: (410) 554-0040 Fax: (410) 554-0054 Alpha Phi Alpha's Web Site: h tt p : / / w w w . a pa 1 9 0 6 . o r g
On December 9, 1997, the U.S. Postal Service's Citizen Stamp Advisory Committee (CSAC) failed to approve a national commemorative stamp for Brother Paul Robeson that would have been issued in the year of his 100th Birthday Celebration—on April 9,1998. Issuance of the stamp was not approved despite the submission of over 90,000 signatures in support of the seal. In a letter to me dated December 4,1997, the Committee stated, "There is no requisite number of petitions required for a stamp subject nomination to be successful... CSAC relies on its collective experience and judgment drawn from a wide range of educational, geographic, professional-philatelic backgrounds in making recommendations to the Postmaster General." We are more determined than ever to work to have a Paul Robeson stamp approved in the future. More than 100 celebrations are scheduled nationally and internationally in 1998 to honor Brother Robeson. Meanwhile, we congratulate the selections of Madame C.J. Walker, Mahalia Jackson and others chosen as the 1998 subjects of national commemorative stamps. Brother Steven J. Allen Area II Director for NJAAPAC
Chapter News Section Of Particular Interest I would like to take the time to commend you for the excellent job you are doing in publishing The SPHINX™. It is a professional publication, reflective of the high esteem with which the Brothers hold our Fraternity. While I enjoy reading the journal from cover to cover—of particular interest to me is the Chapter News section. I often am delighted to find new ideas in the section, introducing new programs to which I can bring before my Chapter for implementation. The latest such find is the Senior Salute initiated by Sigma Lambda Chapter of New Orleans, Louisiana that appeared in the Summer 1997 issue of the magazine. Keep up the good work! Brother Jaru Ruley Associate Editor of The SPHINX™ Nu Mu Lambda Chapter Decatur, Georgia
very so often we experience those moments of national crisis when Americans put aside their usual duties and stop to become familiar with news of the event. The media tells us that we now are in such a crisis. Regularly-scheduled television programs routinely are being interrupted by network news teams with reports on what they term: "The White House in Crisis." Newspapers and magazines also have devoted space to the topic, although not with the same frenzy as television. The public has come to rely on the media tofillits need to know and understand such events. During moments of national crisis in the past, we saw the nation glued to household TVs and reading newspapers from cover to cover in an attempt to fill their hunger for information. Somehow after watching and reading reports about the current crisis, we come away feeling we have just been fed a diet of gossip rather than solid news. What the media is reporting as a crisis could probably be better characterized as "he-said, shesaid politics." Television news programs that are generally recognized as reputable are reporting on the topic, using the same guest commentators as TV and radio talk shows that do not pretend to be anything more than entertainment. Is it news or is it gossip? There still remains a lot to be done to right some of the social and economic wrongs in this country. Brother Harold Sims, former Acting Executive Director with the National Urban League, attempts to help bring Washington, D.C. politics back into focus with his perspective on the Fraternity and its members' involvement in national politics. In his commentary written exclusively for The Sphinx™, Brother Sims takes us on a political odyssey that looks at the beginnings of fraternal involvement in U.S. politics. In Brother Sims' account, we learn about some of the lesser-known stories of high-level, behind-the-scenes Fraternity influence on Washington politics. He also recounts the stories of Brothers such as William L. Dawson and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. who were elected to serve in Congress and gives us his view of political occurrences surrounding their terms. The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
The commentary ^^^^^ should prove insightful to ] M ^ those seeking additional I —ymm views on African-Ameri- ^ H can political history. As ^ H ^m% with all columns that I appear in The Sphinx™, I^B ^ r l the opinions expressed I Mm by the writer may not I 1. j.^ necessarily reflect the I utm\ views of the Fraternity. In this special edition I of the magazine—which I has as its central theme: I economic development I and empowerment—you I Mmn will find a feature which I ' encourage Brothers to "' archive. In the article, former Historian Brother Thomas Pawley brings us his research on the Fraternity's emblem, The Great Sphinx of El Giza. Brother Pawley attempts to counter some of the widelyspread misconceptions concerning the Sphinx and shed light on the true origin and purpose of the structure. The Fraternity's purpose for choosing the Sphinx as our emblem is explained. As announced in the last edition of The Sphinx™, the upcoming magazine will feature College Brothers who are performing outstanding feats on college campuses. College Brothers who are considering submitting information for the Distinguished Collegians section are encouraged to send in their materials before the April 1, 1998 deadline. For details about information and material submissions, see page 17.
SEATONJ. WHITE, III Editor-in-Chief 7
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lpha Phi Alpha Fraternity is credited with serving as an integral part in the development of some of the world's most successful African-American men. The Fraternity's rich legacy boasts of achievements in every imaginable walk of life. As we approach the new millennium, we see new challenges for the African-American community. It must be recognized that economic empowerment is one of the most critical issues facing people of African descent in the United States and abroad. Ever willing to meet life's challenges, Alpha Phi Alpha members are moving to set the benchmark in business—empowering themselves, their communities and beyond. B r o t h e r Dr. D e n n i s P. K i m b r o A world-renowned author and lecturer, Brother Dr. Dennis P. Kimbro researched and documented the keys to economic development and empowerment which he now shares with the
Brother Dr. Dennis P. Kimbro The SPHINX '" ~ Spring 1998
world. Brother Kimbro is probably best known for his best-selling book Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice. His most recent book, What Makes the Great Great: Strategies for Extraordinary Achievement, is another best-seller. The corporate entity lending structure to Brother Kimbro's motivational messages is the P. Kimbro Group—a management and consulting firm featuring presentations and seminars on leadership, entrepreneurship, sales and personal development. Each year, he addresses nearly 100,000 people during corporate and public functions. According to Brother Kimbro, selfinvested capital is the key. "Success is achieved and maintained by those who try—and keep trying. There's no future in saying it can't be done. Real success—doing your best—is not in the stars or luck of the draw. It lies within persistent, daily effort." Brother Kimbro, 46, was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha in 1970 at Zeta Zeta Chapter, University of Oklahoma. He later would go on to earn his Ph.D. at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois where he studied wealth and poverty among underdeveloped countries. After completion of his formal education, the New Jersey native traveled the nation interviewing many of the country's most notable African-American achievers. Brother Kimbro gathered this wealth of empirical data and channeled it to answer the question: how can impoverished AfricanAmericans pull themselves out of their poverty and reach their fullest potential? The resulting answers—the main subject of his books and lectures—have helped countless individuals set themselves on the course to meaningful economic development and empowerment. In writing Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice, Brother Kimbro expanded upon and completed the work of author Napoleon Hill. In the 1930s, Hill had penned the popular Think and Grow Rich; and in 1970, Hill began but never completed a manuscript which explored the subject with African-Americans as the primary focus. After meeting with Napoleon Hill's foundation, Brother Kimbro was commissioned to update and complete Hill's book. Among the countless luminaries interviewed for the book was former Congressman Brother William Gray III,
OVER STORY now Executive Director of the United Negro College Fund. Brother Gray's secret for success was simple: "Wealth is nothing, fame is nothing, character is everything;' Brother Kimbro also has served as director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at Clark Atlanta University and judged the prestigious Ernst & Young USA Today Entrepreneurs competition. Of his numerous achievements and accolades, he holds dearest his opportunity to keynote Grambling State University's farewell tribute to Brother Eddie Robinson. Brothers Robert L. Coleman & Charles D. Watkins Sharing this special affection for Brother Eddie Robinson are Brothers Robert Coleman and Charles Watkins, owners of the Wittnauer watch and jewelry firm. When other companies opted not to sponsor Brother Robinson's float in the 1997 Rose Bowl parade, Wittnauer's top two executives stepped in with the Wittnauer/Optimus International float for the retiring football coach. They subsequently won the award for the best float nationally.
Brother Robert L. Coleman Few people even knew that Wittnauer, an 118-year-old Swiss watch company, was owned by African-Americans—and men of Alpha Phi Alpha. In 1996, Brothers Coleman and Watkins completed an 18-month acquisition process which transferred Wittnauer from a division of Westinghouse Corporation to their complete control. In the aggressive bidding war, the two men beat out the likes of Movado, Bulova and other well-backed forces in the $2.5 billion watch industry. Brother Charles Watkins was initiated into the Fraternity in 1966 at Alpha Eta Chapter, Lincoln University, St. Louis, Missouri, where he earned a B.S. in Business Administration and 10
Brother Charles D. Watkins Economics. He earned his Masters degree in Public Affairs from Washington University, also in St. Louis. An accomplished former executive with Southwestern Bell, Maritz Motivational Corporation and The Boy Scouts of America, Brother Watkins now serves as Vice Chairman of the Wittnauer firm. Brother Robert L. Coleman joined Alpha Phi Alpha at Epsilon Psi Chapter, University of Missouri in Rolla, where he earned a B.S. in physics, with minors in mathematics and electrical engineering. He went on to earn his M.B.A. at Stanford University. Currently the Chief Executive Officer of Wittnauer, Brother Coleman has an impressive career history as well. He served as president of Prepac, Inc. and acquired a $21 million Seven-Up Bottling franchise in 1987. Among his many other notable achievements, Brother Coleman was successful in raising more than $125 million for the restructuring and acquisition of businesses over the last ten years. The two Alpha men have taken the traditional Wittnauer brand image and merged it with the hottest trends in sports and fashion. Wittnauer presently sponsors African-Americans in golf, skiing and automotive racing. They have considered branching out into the fashion eye-wear market, and possibly engaging in a collaborative venture with clothing designer Karl Kani. Their innovative efforts have certainly paid off. Wittnauer, with just under 300 employees, is nearing the $50 million mark in sales, while presently enjoying its best quarter in five years. Brother Watkins says their main goal is to double their business in the nextfiveyears. Brothers Coleman and Watkins—through their extensive education and business savvy—epitomize the principles of economic empowerment. They of course credit another source. The SPHINX ~ Spring 1998
COVER STORY "Prayer, lots of prayer" says Brother Watkins. "We were out-bid by International Paper for what would have been a $95 million business deal. But being good Christians, we just prayed on it and Westinghouse approached us with the offer of their Wittnauer division." He adds, "Of course, Alpha Phi Alpha has played a role in our success. All good men are not Alphas, but all Alphas are good men!" Brother Watkins envisions a positive future for AfricanAmericans in business—but only with plenty of hard work and the refusal to take "no" for an answer. "We were turned down at 30 banks before we finally broke through. But in order to succeed, you have to understand that 'no' doesn't mean 'no'. It may mean that you didn't say it the right way, but it doesn't mean you can't achieve what your goals are." B r o t h e r H a r l o w F u l l w o o d , Jr. Accepting "no" for an answer is something unfamiliar to Brother Harlow Fullwood as well. Now the owner of several Kentucky Fried Chicken franchises nationwide, Brother Fullwood plunged into business in 1984 with little more than his good name and a heart to match. Despite having no business experience, Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation (KFC) decided to take the gamble with Brother Fullwood and grant him a franchise. Working as a highly decorated Baltimore police officer at the time, he had made a positive impression on almost everyone he encountered. The payoff for his noble deeds came in the form of voluminous letters and phone calls to the KFC corporate office reviewing his application for a franchise. Realizing that Brother Fullwood had support from Maryland's governor, the mayor of Baltimore, Baltimore's chief of police, the
B r o t h e r H a r l o w F u l l w o o d , Jr. The SPHINX ~ Spring 1998
Baltimore City Council, community groups and college presidents, officials at KFC concluded that there was something special about this man with little money and even less practical experience. In hisfirstyear alone, his Parkville, Maryland store generated sales of nearly $1 million. According to Brother Fullwood, KFC considers any franchise earning $500,000 to be successful. After quickly opening another store in Baltimore, Brother Fullwood's two franchises grossed almost $2 million in sales in 1985. From that point forward, his stores have consistently been recognized for excellence in sales, quality and service. In 1988, Brother Fullwood became the first African-American in the history of KFC-USA to lead a whole state in gross sales. Two of his franchises are regularly ranked among the leading dollar generators in the entire nation. The Baltimore Sun has honored Brother Fullwood for several years as one of the 50-leading African-American businessmen in the state of Maryland. An initiate at Gamma Chapter, Virginia Union University, Brother Fullwood is as much a philanthropist as he is a savvy businessman. His Fullwood Foundation, Inc. donates thousands of dollars to local churches and non-profit organizations. The Annual Fullwood Charity Breakfast is recognized as the largest charity event of its kind in Maryland, thus demonstrating Brother Fullwood's dedication to economic empowerment on more than a personal level. Because of his support of AfricanAmerican colleges, Brother Fullwood was inducted into the 1990 National Black Alumni Hall of Fame in Atlanta, Georgia. In summing up his personal philosophy, Brother Fullwood says, "I established the Fullwood Charity Breakfast because I truly believe in the words of James Russell Lowell who once said, "The gift without a giver is bare; he who gives himself with his alms feeds three—himself, his hungering neighbor and me." Brother Warren M. Thompson Franchise ownership has proved extremely profitable for another Brother—Warren M. Thompson. Brother Thompson is President and Chairman of Thompson Hospitality Corporation in Reston, Virginia. Currently, Thompson Hospitality owns and operates several different restaurant brands; 13 Shoney's restaurants, America's Best Diners, and two TJ's Roadhouse Grills & Saloons. Thompson Hospitality is one of the largest minority-owned franchised food corporations in the United States—with restaurants in Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. earning $37 million in annual sales. In addition to the restaurants, Thompson Hospitality Services, L.L.C. operates a contract food service with several
Brother Warren M. Thompson
Brother Dan Spikes
public, private and government entities. Brother Thompson's company also features a catering division, as well as a lodging division which manages campus housing at George Mason University. Brother Thompson is a graduate of Hampden-Sydney College where he earned a B.A. in managerial economics. He then earned an M.B.A. from the University of Virginia's Colgate Darden Graduate School of Business Administration.
Building on the phenomenal success of the Sound Stage, BET plans to have 20 more sites up and running in the next five years. According to Brother Spikes, targeted cities include Chicago, Atlanta and Philadelphia in the short-run. "We'll also be opening a BET on JAZZ restaurant in Washington, D.C. by midto-late summer," added Brother Spikes. "The original BET Sound Stage offers excellent food and entertainment in a casual upscale environment. We target mainly young African-American professionals between the ages of 25 and 40. The BET on JAZZ restaurant will draw a slightly older crowd, between 29 and 50 for a strictly upscale dining and entertainment experience. The jazz element offers a certain 'cross-over' appeal as well." Rounding out BET's immediate expansion plans will be the construction of the Sound Stage Club on Pleasure Island in Orlando, Florida. "This will be a dance club, with food and beverages being secondary to a compelling music and entertainment experience," said Brother Spikes.
Brother Dan Spikes Another star in the lucrative food and beverage industry is Brother Dan H. Spikes, Vice President for Restaurant Development for Black Entertainment Television (BET). Brother Spikes graduated from Morgan State University with degrees in business administration and accounting. He joined Alpha Phi Alpha in 1978 through Morgan's Beta Alpha Chapter. As Vice President for Restaurant Development, Brother Spikes coordinates the expansion of BET into the restaurant and live entertainment arenas. BET's first restaurant, the Sound Stage, opened in January 1997 in suburban Maryland. Since its doors opened, the public response has been overwhelming. More than 250,000 patrons have visited the Sound Stage, generating over $6 million in itsfirstyear. Brother Spikes explains that BET's mission statement has always compelled such an entry into this industry. "BET is committed to providing our primary target customers with the best in entertainment options. It's only a natural progression of the brand image for BET to offer quality dining along with the exciting entertainment customers have already come to expect." 12
BET's broadening scope affords the black-owned company the opportunity to recapture some of the billions of dollars African-Americans spend on entertainment each year. It has been well documented that African-Americans spend a large percentage of their income on luxury items and entertainment. BET's expansion into this area is an example of the economic empowerment opportunities available to those with sound marketing skills and business acumen. Brother Spikes, one such individual, sees the BET restaurants doing well in competition with other 'theme' establishments such as Planet Hollywood or the Hard Rock Cafes. "We're driven by the quality of our food and service, but we'll leverage off the brand identity to add to the pleasurable dining atmosphere." The SPHINX ~ Spring 1998
COVER STORY Brother Thomas Flewellyn As Brother Spikes develops BET's Sound Stage club on Walt Disney's Pleasure Island, you can bet he will interface with Brother Thomas Flewellyn, Director of Minority Business Relations (MBR) for Walt Disney World Resort Complex. Brother Flewellyn, a member of Zeta Phi Lambda Chapter, is responsible for setting policy and implementing processes to help create opportunities for historically underutilized businesses, including those owned by minorities or women. Clearly, when it comes to economic empowerment and development, Brother Flewellyn can share responsibility for the success of several minority-owned firms. His MBR office takes a detail-oriented hands-on approach to helping qualified candidates secure contracts with Walt Disney. The fruits of his labor have resulted in relationships between Disney and Mims Construction, Canlyn Construction, CD. Moody, Construct II and other African-American-owned construction firms. In fact,
Brother Hilton O. Smith studied urban theology. Now, as Corporate Vice President and Director of Community Affairs for the Turner Construction, Brother Smith manages more than 40 offices with business contracts in excess of |20 million. He also oversees the Minority and Women Business Enterprise program which has awarded more than $5.9 billion in contracts over the past ten years, with 20,000 different businesses obtaining contracts on Turner projects. Brother Smith also coordinates the company's YouthForce 2000 Program. This initiative strives to reach one million young people and encourage them to remain in school. Whether it's awarding contracts to deserving minority firms or preparing the next generation for the challenges of tomorrow, Brother Smith is certainly doing his part to promote economic development and empowerment for our people.
Brother Thomas Flewellyn CD. Moody was awarded Disney's largest office rehabilitation project, representing the largest single Disney contract ever awarded to an African-American-owned firm. Brother Hilton O . Smith An Alpha man on the giving and receiving ends of construction contracts is Brother Reverend Hilton 0. Smith, initiated at Gamma Psi Chapter at St. Augustine's College, Raleigh, North Carolina. After earning his B.A. in sociology and political science, Brother Smith went on to Yale University where he The SPHINX"' ~ Spring 1998
Brother G u i l l e r m o L. H y s a w With African-Americans spending more than $36 billion annually on new vehicles, our presence in management and decision-making roles is of paramount importance. One Alpha man in such a position is Guillermo Hysaw of Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. As Corporate Manager of the Used Vehicle Department, Brother Hysaw is responsible for all Toyota Certified Used Vehicle Sales, Marketing, Merchandising, as well as policies and procedures. Brother Guillermo came to Toyota after spending more than 16 years with General Motors Corporation and their Pontiac Division. There, he served in various key management and marketing roles.
COVER STORY B r o t h e r David L. Wilson Once on the road to economic security, the sage advice of afinancialexpert will help ensure that economic empowerment actually comes to fruition. Who better than another Alpha man to handle the task? Brother David L. Wilson—a member of Alpha Phi Alpha since 1978 when he was initiated at Eta Delta Chapter at the University of Miami—is a multi-talented financial planner. After obtaining his B.B.A. infinance,Brother Wilson earned certifications as: Chartered Life Underwriter; Chartered Financial Consultant; Certified Financial Planner; Stock, Bond, Mutual Fund and Government Securities trader and Licensed Real Estate Broker. Poised and ready to take on anyfinancialchallenge, Brother Wilson is President and CEO of Financial Services Organization Inc.
Brother Guillermo L. Hysaw A member and custodian of Beta Phi Lambda Chapter, Brother Hysaw plainly sees education as critical to economic empowerment. He has completed three years of his Ph.D. in the Peter F. Drucker Executive Management Program at Claremont Graduate School. Before working on his Ph.D., he earned a B.A. in psychology, an M.A., M.B.A. and his Advanced M.B.A. Throughout his distinguished career, Brother Hysaw has found ways to give back to his community. He is the Western Regional Project Director for the Fraternity's Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project. He has personally contributed $2,500 to the fund. Brother Hysaw also is working closely with the National Economic Development Committee on an entrepreneurial program aimed at securing Toyota dealership franchises for members of the Fraternity. "Our [Toyota] corporation should, in its management and dealership ranks, look like the communities we serve," Brother Hysaw commented. "When we achieve a proper diversity balance, the community conscience is elevated and our philanthropic goals become more consistent with the population at large." Brother Hysaw is a life member and vice president of the Los Angeles Chapter of 100 Black Men, Inc. He also is a NAACP life member and has been appointed to the organization's National Board of Directors. His list of achievements and affiliations reveals that Brother Hysaw has the drive and mindset needed to prosper in his, or any field, of business. His willingness to "give back" helps get others on the road to self empowerment, economic development andfinallyeconomic security.
Brother David L. Wilson "Financial planning is like going to a doctor," he explains. "I examine a person from afinancialperspective. My strength in thefinancialservices arena is in having the knowledge and ability to guide affluent people." With more than ten years experience in the insurance, investment and real estate fields, Brother Wilson successfully manages thefinancialportfolios ofbusiness owners, professional athletes and entertainers. Brother David Wilson, and Financial Services Organization, Inc. can be reached at (305) 358-1040. Marc Battle, a journalism major at the University of the District of Columbia, serves as Specialist in the Communications Department. The SPHINX ~ Spring 1998
Brother Wilbur Colom
rom the looks of his offices—which fill three floors of an antebellum mansion in the heart of an old Southern town—and the political photos and commendations on the wall, there is no mistaking the fact that Brother Wilbur Colom is a staunch Republican. The walls speak volumes with photos of Wil Colom and President George Bush at the White House and Wil Colom and Mississippi's first Republican governor since Reconstruction, Kirk Fordice, and many other familiar faces and places. Further investigation turns up the real surprise. On a halfhidden table in a far corner of Brother Colom's massive office, there is an overflowing box of newspaper clippings and magaThe SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
zine articles that show and tell little known facts about the Wil Colom of today. The box contains articles and amazing photographs of a young African-American man, resplendent in a big head of hair, beard, and the counter-culture dress of the day. It shows the handsome young man in the midst of angry demonstrations—in an office surrounded by recognizable leaders of the Civil Rights movement, planning the execution of demonstrations to be held at the national political conventions. It shows the confidence of youth on the face of a man who apparently has a mission and the full intention of carrying it out. And it shows that he was jailed for the courage of his convictions. The clippings further reflect Brother Wil Colom's Civil Rights activities and his involvement with the New York City Black Panthers, and too many more demonstrations to be covered in detail. Later articles show a man, obviously at peace with the world, on a sail boat off the Florida Keys; with his twin sons on a trip across America; with his daughter in Paris; with his wife in her judicial robe. How surprising that such a man has chosen to live and work in a small Southern town where traditions run deep. And choose, he did. Brother Wilbur Colom—Wil to his friends—has always been a man with a mission. He had an important mission when he left his native Mississippi at age 14, and he had a re-defined mission when he returned to the Magnolia State as a young trial lawyer. And in the years between, a boy from the tiny town of Ripley, Mississippi, became a man who was an active participant in the changing of America. It was the South of the 1960s, a time when Civil Rights workers came into the state hoping to find hospitable families. They found both hospitality and allies in the Colom family of Tippah County, and they later invited Wil to return to Ohio with them to attend school. After all, the American South of the 1960s was not the best of places for a bright young AfricanAmerican man to pursue his dreams and seek his fortune. While still in his mid-teens, Brother Colom left Ohio for Atlanta, where he experienced the excitement of "black power" and all it implied. In Atlanta, he worked as an assistant for the
FEATURE STORY Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee. He later went with civil rights leaders to New York City where he enrolled in school and engaged in more political involvement with the Congress of Racial Equality and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He was, by then,
intact. I wanted to use my law degree to of professionalism—complete with Brooks further promote justice and equality. My Brothers suits—worked briefly in Alabama, idols were Thurgood Marshall and then he headed back home to Mississippi Constance Baker Motley. Like them, I where he opened a law firm in Columbus. wanted to act boldly and without fear in It was here that the Supreme Court case championing the rights of black people," came about through a 26-year-old, malehospital employee who wanted to attend recalled Brother Colom. nursing school at the all-female Mississippi University for Women, the nation's oldest state-supported college for women, called simply "The W." Brother Colom and his two female law partners, his wife Dorothy Winston Colom and Beverley Borroum Mitchell—both now elected to judgeships—worked diligently to get Joe Hogan enrolled at "The W," and as a matter of fact, they did. The university is now co-ed, and Joe Hogan is now a nurse. Absolutely, the Colom Law Firm is well-established in this deep South town of 30,000 and Wil Colom is a busy lawyer. But there is more. He is also a leader in ethnic publishing with the family-owned Genesis Press, based in Columbus. It is not surprising that Brother Colom is a publisher, for he knows the business well. He has represented clients in the literary field for two decades. And he is a writer whose thought-provoking articles have been published many times in many major publications.
In his youth, Brother Colom was a member of the New York City Black Panthers labeled an activist, a moniker that followed him to Howard University in Washington, D.C. At Howard, political activism led Brother Colom in many directions, though most notably to soul-searching his future, and then to law school at Antioch. Perhaps it was at this time that the transformation from radical to Republican occurred— quite a surprise to those who knew him. "I stopped marching and started studying law, but my goals remained
Indeed he did. While in law school, Wil interned at the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Ironically, a few short years after earning his law degree at Antioch, Brother Colom was trying a ground-breaking case before the U.S. Supreme Court—no easy feat for a young lawyer. Immediately after finishing law school in 1972, Brother Colom and his new image
'Actually, Genesis Press was my wife's idea. She's an avid reader, and had difficulty finding books about and for black women. So we decided to form a company to publish ethnic romances," said Brother Colom. Currently, Genesis and its imprint, Indigo, have more than 25 romance books, and once again, Wil Colom is branching out. "We've done well with the romance books and will continue to publish and market books to the ethnic market. A new imprint, Tango Two, is targeted to the Hispanic market. By 1999, Genesis The SPHINX" ~ Spring 1998
F EATURE STORY Press will release 48 titles per year," explained the publisher. Genesis has also formed a unique collaboration with One World/Ballentine Books, which is expected to be a bonus for both entities. Always on the move because of the man with the mission, Genesis has branched out and is now publishing much more than romances. "The book that I'm most proud of right now is Lasting Valor. It's the true story of the only living black World War II veteran, Vernon Baker, to earn America's highest distinction for valor, the Medal of Honor. "Vernon Baker grew up an orphan. When he went to Germany during WWII, he actively fought racism as well as Germans. During the hard winter of 194445, Baker single-handedly destroyed an important German-fortified observation post, three machine gun nests, and two bunkers. "President Clinton awarded the highly decorated 'Buffalo Soldier' Vernon Baker the Medal of Honor at a White House ceremony in January 1997," he said. Brother Colom decided that indeed, a book about Baker would be published at Genesis Press, so he set the wheels in motion and got retired U.S. Army General Colin Powell to write the forward for this most important book. Education is high on Brother Colom's priority list, too, so while on the road to America during summer vacations with his teenage sons, he deftly combined learning and fun, and the result is a travel book for kids—and the adults who travel with them—called Making Travel Count. It is one of many kid books now on the Genesis line-up. Another Genesis book that has garnered good reviews and big sales is The Smoking Life, a rather irreverent look at tobacco and those who make and use it. Before Genesis Press, Brother Colom The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
bought and sold a car dealership, a radio station, a restaurant, and he is currently the largest stockholder in Global Aircraft Corporation, a company that does testing and design work under contract with NASA. In the process of managing his missions and surprising people, he is actively involved in the Republican Party and was a guest at both the Reagan and Bush White House. He is also the friend and confidant of community leaders, African-American and white, who respect his business acumen and honor his opinion. Brother Colom seldom speaks about his own hard work and drive. He is quick to credit other people and contributing factors, especially his membership in the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. "My association with Alpha Phi Alpha has given me the encouragement to accomplish most anything. I (was initiated into) Alpha Phi Alpha through a graduate Chapter, Eta Phi Lambda, Columbus, MS. I'm still an active member of the Chapter and a past president, former General Counsel for the Southern Region of Alpha Phi Alpha, and delegate to many National Conventions. Alpha Phi Alpha members from all over the nation supported me in my unsuccessful campaign for Mississippi State Treasurer in 1987. The bonds of Fraternity proved to have been the most consistently strong for me throughout the state," Brother Colom states. "When the chips are down, the river too high, the road too steep, the way seems dark, I have always found that the men of Alpha Phi Alpha are always the first to help me look for the lost chips, bridge the high water, push the forbidding hill and lend their flashlight in the dark. What more could one ask of fraternal Brothers? We are men of poetry, of words rhymed with ancient drums and tuned to spirits long gone but never forgotten," says Brother Colom.
Distinguished Collegians THE SUMMER 1998 edition of The SPHINX™ again will feature undergraduate members of the Fraternity who serve as campus leaders. College Brothers elected to serve as head of student organizations during the 1997-98 school year are invited to send a portrait photograph, a biographical sketch and information about their campus activities to: The SPHINX™ Distinguished Collegians 1997-98; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; 2313 St. Paul Street; Baltimore, MD 21218-5234. To be featured as a Distinguished Collegian, those submitting materials must be active members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. who are presently enrolled in school and working toward a baccalaureate degree. Materials and information should be received in the Fraternity's Corporate Headquarters no later than April 1,1998 to be considered for The .SPHINX™ Summer 1998edition. Brothers are encouraged to send their information now to avoid missing the April 1, 1998 deadline.
HOUSTON, TX — On Friday, January 2, 1998 another Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity member made history when Brother Dr. Lee Patrick Brown became the first ethnic minority inausurated as Mayor of the nation's fourth-largest city.
Brother Lee P. Brown
Brother Brown became Houston's first African-American mayor after defeating white business owner Rob Mosbacher with 53 percent of the votes cast in the city's non-partisan December 6,1997 run-off election. "I appreciate those who point out my distinction as being the first-black elected mayor of this great city, but I commit myself to being the mayor for all Houston," Brother Brown said the morning of his inauguration. "Strong neighborhoods in which people are safe and secure, where families feel good about raising and educating their children, where neighbors help neighbors, and city government works everyday in partnership with people to solve problems and enhance their quality of life, have no color," he added. Brother Brown's victory was the result of a larger-than-usual African-American voter turnout and a coalition forged with liberal Hispanics, Asians and whites. About 26 percent of the city's 1.8 million residents are African-American, while whites make up 38 percent, and Hispanics 32 percent. The city also had faced an earlier general election proposition which called for the elimination of its affirmative action contracting and hiring policies. A native of Wewoka, Oklahoma, Brother Brown is a member of Alpha Eta Lambda Chapter. He was inducted into the Fraternity in 1955 at Epsilon Beta Chapter, Fresno State University. Brother Brown previously served as the first AfricanAmerican police chief of Houston when then Mayor Kathy Whitmire recruited him from the Atlanta (GA) Police Department in 1982. He came to Houston at a time when the police department was well known nationally for its rogue and discriminatory practices and was credited with turning the department around in his eight years as police chief. He launched the now-popular neighborhood-oriented policing program, which has since been successfully duplicated by cities across the nation. Fellow Alpha member and New York City's first AfricanAmerican mayor, Brother David Dinkins, recruited Brown from The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
NEWS FEATURE Houston in 1990 to become police com- the U.S. Cabinet-level position as federal missioner (chief) of the nation's largest drug czar. After leaving that post, he city police department. One year after returned to Houston again and became a Brother Brown took over as New York professor of sociology at Rice University, City's top cop, crime dropped in every and a scholar in the school's Baker major category—the first such across-the- Institute. board decline in more than 35 years, In addition to outlining his leadership according to the New York Times. plans for Houston over the next two years Brother Dinkins and a number of of his first term and the subsequent four other prominent national figures were he hopes to win through two re-elections, among those in attendance at Brown's Brother Brown used his inaugural address to cite his triumphs in life since his early inaugural. days as the son of farm workers, and Brother Brown returned to Houston in 1992 when his wife, Yvonne, became ill. pledged to bring trust and ethics back to
Houston," Brother Brown said. "Today, all children - black, white, Hispanic (and) Asian - can point to City Hall and say 'I too, can be mayor'," he added, while his current wife, Frances, sat by his side smiling. Another Alpha Brother, Houston-area state Representative Brother Sylvester Turner, is credited with helping pave the way for Brother Brown's election as the city's 50th mayor. Brother Turner lost a bitterly fought and extremely close run-off election with former Mayor Bob Lanier in 1991. Lanier, who had served as mayor since then, could not run for re-election because of term limits. He joined his predecessor, Whitmire, as well as President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, in issuing resounding endorsements of Brother Brown's candidacy.
The election was the most expensive in Houston's history, with the candidates spending more than $5.6 million on their campaigns. Houston is the last of the nation's four largest cities - which includes New York, Los Angeles and Chicago - to elect an African-American mayor. Alpha members - Brother (From left to right) U.S. District Judge Vanessa Gilmore swears Dinkins in New York, and in Houston's new and first African-American mayor, Brother Dr. Lee Brother Eugene Sawyer P. Brown, as his wife, Frances, holds the Bible. the second African-American He became head of Texas Southern City Hall. (Two sitting and two former to serve as mayor of Chicago when he was University's Black Male Initiative, a pro- Houston City Councilmembers, as well as appointed to fill the unexpired term of gram to provide role models and mentor- two City Hall lobbyists, are currently under long-time "Windy City" Mayor Harold Washington who died while in office ing for young African-American males. His indictment on federal bribery charges.) wife died later that year. "The title of mayor is one I accept have served in three of those cities. In 1993, President Bill Clinton rewarded Brother Brown's years of success in police administration by selecting him for The SPHINX" ~ Spring 1998
with enormous gratitude and pride, particularly because I know that today another important barrier has fallen in the city of
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preventing teenage pregnancies. The partnership agreement represents the culmination of a The March of Dimes Foundation (MOD) and Alpha Phi series of events which occurred over the past year. Gwen Alpha Fraternity, Inc. have signed a momentous agreement that Carmon, Manager of Community Development, and Fides will provide the Fraternity with $250,000 for resources and Souza, Manager for Community Programs for MOD Corporate materials to update the curriculum, implementation guides and Headquarters, participated in the Eastern, Southern, and videotapes for the Project Alpha program. Western Regional Conventions and the New York/New England The new partnership agreement was reached after General District Conference. At the Fraternity's 91st Anniversary President Adrian L. Wallace Convention, they were and Executive Director joined by their colleague, Hebrew L. Dixon, III met Dionne Polite, National with March of Dimes Walk America Manager. Foundation President Dr. Materials identifying Jennifer Howse and ExeMOD chapters across the cutive Director Marian country were provided to Greenup at the organizaparticipants as well as tion's headquarters in brochures on MOD proWhite Plains, New York to jects and vitamins supplefine-tune the pact. mented with folic acid. National Programs ChairIn addition to the supman Brother Ronald port for new materials Peters; Project Alpha Coordevelopment, the Memordinator Brother John L andum of Understanding that formalizes the partner- Alpha Phi Alpha and March of Dimes heads pause for Colbert; Special Projects Chairman Brother Dr. ship agreement provides photos during partnership meeting at MOD for MOD participation in Headquarters in White Plains, New York. Pictured (left Richard D. Smith, Jr.; and National Programs DirecRegional and General to right) are: Rick Greswell, vice president of MOD tor Brother Dr. Zollie Conventions, participation Volunteer and Chapter Support; Jane Massey, MOD of Alpha Brothers on the chief operating officer,- MOD President Dr. Jennifer L. Stevenson, Jr. have worked closely with MOD's DirecMOD National faculty as Howse,- General President Adrian L. Wallace,- and tor of Education Services trainers, and promotes Executive Director Hebrew L. Dixon, III Cathy Church-Balin and increasing the number of Fides Souza in revising Project Alpha materials. Alpha Brothers serving on MOD local and national boards. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Chapters are expected to annually During September 1997, Brothers Ron Peters, Zollie implement Project Alpha in each Chapter, and participate in Stevenson and Oatice Thomas were special guests of MOD at Walk America in their locales. The mutual obligations reinforce the National Volunteer Conference in Washington, D.C. Much MOD's focus on promoting healthy babies and Alpha's focus on time was spent conversing with MOD's Board chairman, Richard The SPHINX ~ Spring 1998
ALPHA FORUM Freeman, and board members such as Ann Roosevelt, granddaughter of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. They participated in MOD workshops, luncheons, receptions and dinners. A highlight of the conference was the presentation made by Brother Craig L. Umstead, a member of MOD's National Office of Volunteers and a past MOD chapter chairman for Wilmington, North Carolina, and two former student participants in Project Alpha. MOD volunteers were moved by the testimonials made by two students -Jamal Burton, a student at Anacostia High School in Washington, D.C. and Dennis Lacewell, a graduate student at North Carolina State University in (Left to right) are: Brother Francis Kuhlor, MOD director of Internal Audit; Brother Dixon; Dr. Howse,- and General Raleigh, N.C. Both young men have benePresident Wallace. fited from their participation in Project Alpha. Brothers Hebrew L. Dixon, III., Executive Director; Frank A. Jenkins, III, General Comptroller; George N. Reaves, General Treasurer; and Al F. Rutherford, General Convention Director, joined Brothers Peters, Stevenson, Thomas and Umstead for the National Volunteers Conference Awards Dinner. The General Officers conversed with the MOD President, Dr. Jennifer Howse, their Board chairman, Richard Freeman, and the MOD CEO Marian Greenup. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity was identified as a member of the MOD's National Walk America Team. Alpha was warmly received at every event hosted during the conference. Meanwhile, MOD staff is gearing up to participate in each of the Regional Conventions scheduled for 1998.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity National Programs Committee Chairman Dr. Ronald J. Peters, Jr. (second from right) and Director of National Programs Dr. Zollie Stevenson, Jr. Brother Zollie Stevenson, Jr., Ph.D., is the (third from right) are photographed during meeting with National Programs Director for Alpha MOD officers. Pictured (left to right) are: Dick Freeman, Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He is the MOD National Chairman of the Board of Trustees & EVP & Immediate Past President ofOmicron COO of the Pittsburgh Pirates,- Brother Oatice Thomas, Eta Lambda Chapter (Washington, D.C.) Fraternity Walk America Coordinator,- Dionne Polite, MOD and is the Director of Educational National Walk America Manager,- Brother Stevenson,Activities for the Eastern Region. Brother Peters,- and Dr. Howse. The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998 22
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THE GREAT SPHINX AT EL GIZA: THE FRATERNITY'S EMBLEM By Brother Thomas D. Pawley, III I n establishing a fraternity, our Founders made it clear that in selecting an Egyptian Sphinx as the Fraternity's emblem—that although they were a Greek-letter organization, their inspiration came from Africa rather than the Aegean. A sphinx was an imaginary creature of ancient myths. In Greek myth, it was a wicked being who lived just outside the city of Thebes guarding the road to the city. It had the head of a woman, the body of a lion, the tail of a serpent and the wings of a bird. The riddle of the sphinx which young Oedipus solved is a part of Greek myth. On the other hand, the Egyptian Sphinx had the head of a man, the body, legs and paws of a lion with no wings. Originally, the Egyptian Sphinx represented the God Horus who guarded temples and tombs. However, when a statue was made, the face usually looked like that of the ruling Pharaoh who was believed to be a God. The word sphinx means "strangle^" (W.B., 7645). There were many sphinxes. At Karnak they lined both sides of an avenue leading to a temple. The Great Sphinx at El Giza (our emblem) stands near the Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), one of the world's most renowned monuments and his tomb. Although the Ritual of the Fraternity explains why the great Sphinx is our symbol as well as its meaning for us, it does not provide answers to many questions about it.1 For example, who built the Sphinx? Why? How was it constructed? Whose face is represented? What function did it serve in the ancient world? Why has it continued to stand when other famous monuments of antiquity have long since crumbled into dust? This essay will
attempt to provide answers to some of these questions gleaned from a study of contemporary archaeological research. A recent television documentary narrated by Charlton Heston suggested that the Sphinx was much older than generally accepted, having been built by an unknown ancient civilization several millennia earlier.2 However, most Egyptologists believe that it was erected circa 2500 B.C. because it sits within the Giza Necropolis, which is dominated by the pyramids of Khufu (Cheops), Khafre (Chephren), and Menkaure (Mycernus), pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty, circa 2575-2467 B.C. Zahi Hawass and Mark Lehner, Field Director of Planning and Research for work on the Sphinx and Field Director for the American Research Center in Egypt, respectively assert, "The Sphinx is intimately connected to the Khafre causeway and Valley Temple which suggests that Khafre had it built as a part of his pyramid area. He was after all, perhaps the greatest maker of statues of the pyramid age," (Archaeology, 32). Khafre, son of Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid, built his pyramid near that of his father. A third pyramid was built by Khafre's son Menkaure. Archaeologists have discovered emplacements in Khafre's pyramid temples for 58 statues, including four colossal sphinxes—each more than 26-feet long, two flanking each door of his Valley Temple. Additional statues of Khafre were in the Valley Temple, Mortuary Temple, the Courtyard of the Mortuary Temple, and in the Sphinx Temple. The pyramid complex was a sacred port from which the God-Kings embarked for the next world. "The complex served as a temple for the resurrected God-King after his funeral. Each Pharaoh ruled as an incarnation of the falcon god Horus, king of the living. After death, he transformed into Osiris, king of the dead. By the 4th dynasty, kingship was also imbued with the lifegiving power of the sun, an association symbolized by the pyramids, whose sides of newly polished white limestone, must have shone brilliantly in the sunlight," (Archaeology, 32). Assuming this to be true, the head and face of the Great Sphinx is that of Khafre (Chephren)3. When completed, the monumental statue was 240-feet long and 66-feet high, the face 13-feet, 8-inches The SPHINX '" ~ Spring 1998
HISTORICAL M O M E N T wide. In later years, Arabs shot at the head and desert sands wore away the stone so that the face is badly scarred, (W.B., 7645). We have no description of the original monument built by Khafre, but scholars have tried to suggest how it might have looked after Thutmose IV tried to repair it in the 15th century B.C.—1100 years after Khafre's reign during the 18th Dynasty in what archaeologists have termed Phase I reconstruction: ".. .The head of [a] cobra graced the forehead ..., the beard, eyebrows and recessed stripes of the head scarf were probably painted blue, the rest of the scarf was yellow, and the face and body red. A royal statue may have stood against the chest .... Other early New Kingdom statues show kings striding forth from the chest of an animal-form deity, symbolizing the god's protection and identification with the king," (Archaeology, 40). The Sphinx sits at the lowest part of the Giza Plateau4 about 65-feet above sea level and close to the Nile flood plain that is today 55- to- 59 feet above sea level. (Archaeology, 46). Between the Sphinx and the Tomb of Debehen (probably another 4th Dynasty Pharaoh) some 458 yards west-southwest out in the desert are numerous rock-cut tombs and an open air quarry 250-yards wide "from which Khufu probably took much of the stone for his pyramid (Archaeology, 46). The Sphinx itself is carved directly from the natural limestone of Giza Plateau which is a part of the Mokattam Formation formed 50 million years ago when the sea retreated northward, creating an embankment along which the builders aligned the three pyramids. This is how they did it: "The ancient quarrymen fashioned the Sphinx from the lowest layers [of the Plateau], those lying directly on the harder The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
reef. They cut deeply into these layers, isolating a huge rectangular block of limestone within a horse-shaped ditch. After sculpting the lion body, they leveled the natural-rockfloorbetween the Sphinx and the sides of the ditch. The ditch opened to the east where they had already cut out a broad terrace from the hard brittle reef limestone. On the south end of this terrace, the builders created the Khafre Valley Temple from huge blocks of limestone, some weighing more than 400 tons that were quarried from the upper layers of rock corresponding to the Sphinx head and possibly higher. Stone quarried from the Sphinx was taken east to build the Sphinx temple," (Archaeology, 33). The three layers of rock from which the Sphinx was constructed are referred to by archaeologists as Member I, Member II, and Member III. There are several schools of thought regarding what the Sphinx meant to ancient Egyptians. One theory holds that it was a depiction of the Sun God Ra and that the Sphinx Temple was an early sun temple, its 24-colonnade pillars symbolizing the 24 hours of day and night. Another group of scholars believed the Sphinx represented the Pharaoh, the incarnation of Horus in a posture of giving offerings to the Sun God Ra. This association with the sun might explain a general Egyptian term of sphinx, shesep ankh Atum, "living image of Atum," Atum being the word for the setting sun as opposed to Khepri, meaning "rising sun." Atum is the creator of the world in the pyramid texts inscribed on the walls of burial pyramids of the Old Kingdom. Everything evolved from him, including kingship which he passed down through Shu (atmosphere), Geb (earth), and Osiris to Horus and to each living being.5 Alan Gardiner, the English Egyptolo-
gist, in responding to the question of whether the generic Egyptian Sphinx represents the king as a powerful lion, a god as a powerful lion, a king in the leonine form of a god, or a powerful god revealed in the person of the king, stated that the Egyptians might have answered "all of the above," (Archaeology, 35). Archaeologists simply do not know what the Sphinx meant to its builders because they have not uncovered any Old Kingdom texts which refer to it. Hawass and Lehner conclude, however, "The creation of the Sphinx must have had something to do with an increased emphasis on the sun in royal ideology. After all, it was in the reign of Djedefre, who ruled briefly between Khufu and Khafre, that pharaohs adopted the title "Son of Ra," (Archaeology, 35). Khafre's builders never completed the Sphinx, raising the question of why they would leave gaps in the left hindpaw and a fissure (the Major Fissure) cutting through the body without attempting to correct theseflaws.They probably did. "It appears that where the bedrock was sound enough—the head, the north hindpaw and the bottoms of the other paws— the builders didfinishthe sculpture in natural rock. They probably intended tofillin flaws like the Major Fissure ... there is just not enough evidence to determine whether the 4th Dynasty builders began or how far along they progressed .... It is clear that they simply stopped work shortly after Khafre's death to turn their attention to the monuments planned for his successor, Menkaure," (Archaeology, 38). Again, since these imperfections could not be seen from the front, they may never had intended to correct them. "One should remember that the Sphinx was meant to be seen from the front— commoners saw it from outside the Sphinx Temple and priests from the Temple
HISTORICAL M O M E N T Court. It was never meant to be viewed from the side as modern tourists see it— from the shoulder of the Khafre causeway—since the causeway was walled and roofed," (Archaeology, 37). The Sphinx is still standing 4,500 years after it was built. Why did it not deteriorate? The fact is that it did, and that in recent years the rate of deterioration has accelerated. Masonry veneer from the left hindpaw fell off in 1981, a large portion of bedrock from the right shoulder in 1983, and the flaking which began 3,000 years ago has increased. Efforts to preserve the Sphinx began in antiquity. The first attempt already alluded to elsewhere and called Phase I restoration occurred during the 18th Dynasty, about 1,100 years after Khafre during the reign of Thutmose I who became Pharaoh in 1401 B.C. Archaeologists have found evidence of attempts to fill in the body after the surface formed from Member II bedrock had eroded. Painting as well as other major repairs also were effected. At least two more major restorations were made in antiquity. Phase II during the 26th Dynasty circa 664-525 B.C. was essentially a patching of Phase I exterior, using the same fine grained, homogenous stone of the first restoration. Phase III repairs of the Graeco-Roman period (332 B.C.-A.D. 395) patched and replaced small parts of the Phase I and II veneer, using small blocks of white relatively soft
and friable limestone. Modern efforts to excavate the Sphinx began in 1816-17 under the Genoese merchant Captain Giovanni Battista Caviglia.6 They continued periodically through the 19th century until finally, between 1926 and 1936, French engineer Emile Baraize excavated it for the Antiquities Service, replacing many of the ancient restoration blocks and making other repairs. Restoration has continued to the present day. Unfortunately, the flaking of masonry added in Phase III and again in modern times has increased. As of 1994, the problem had not been solved. An International Symposium was convened in 1995 to examine possible alternatives. Hopefully, a solution will be found which will preserve the statue. In this connection archaeologist Zahi Hawass writes, "While the Sphinx is deteriorating quickly by the scale that measures time in hundreds of thousands of years, the deterioration is not so rapid that we do not have time for more and better preliminary studies before we act," (Archaeology, 43).7 All of this is to say that our emblem will continue to endure.
WORKS CITED AND REFERENCES Archaeology Magazine, September/October 1994. "The Sphinx: Who Built It and Why?" pp. 30-41. "Remnant of a Lost Civilization?" pp. 4447. By Zahi Hawass and Mark Lehner (Referred to as Archaeology). Archaeology Magazine, September/October 1994. "Can the Sphinx Be Saved?" pp. 42-43. By Zahi
Hawass (Referred to as Archaeology). "The Mysteries of the Sphinx," Television documentary, TLC, The History Channel, August 15,1997. World Book Encyclopedia, Volume 15, Field Enterprises, Inc. Chicago, 1957, pp. 7644-7645 (Referred to asW.B.). !
The writer remembers clearly that as a member of the Sphinx Club which preceded the pledge line that he was required to do research on the origin of the Sphinx. ^"The Mysteries of the Sphinx." TV documentary. John Anthony West and Robert Schloch contend that weathering of Member II layers is proof that the Sphinx was built between 7000 and 5000 B.C. Archaeology, 46. ^There is a detailed discussion of other reasons for this observation in Archaeology, 34. ^Archaeologists have discovered evidence of the ruins of an ancient city spread out along the valley for the entire length of the Giza Plateau. ^Each Pharaoh had his own Horus-name; Khafre's being User-ib, "Strong-hearted." "When Napoleon arrived in Egypt in 1798, the Sphinx was buried up to its neck in sand, and its nose had been missing for at least 400 years. 7
Some earlier efforts in the 1980s were not successful.
Brother Thomas D. Pawley, III, Ph.D., is former National Historian for the Fraternity.
The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
FORMER AMBASSADOR H. G. DAWSON TO HEAD WORLD POLICY COUNCIL; GROUP TO EXAMINE RACE ISSUES AND UNITED NATIONS REFORM Former U.S. Ambassador Horace G. Dawson, Jr. (standins) was appointed to head the Alpha Phi Alpha World Policy Council. (Seated, left to risht) are: General President Adrian L. Wallace and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke. Brother Brook is Chairman Emeritus of the Council.
eneral President Adrian L. Wallace announced the appointment of Brother Horace G. Dawson, Jr.,
I former United States Ambassador to the Republic of Botswana, as Chairman of the Alpha Phi
Alpha World Policy Council—which already has launched a series of study/discussion sessions.
The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
SION 2 0 0 0 The General President also announced that former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke, founding chair, has accepted the title of Chairman Emeritus of the World Policy Council. Brother Brooke, out of whose recommendation the Council was formed, now is devoting almost all of his time to his memoirs. A renowned public figure, Brother Brooke was thefirstAmerican of African descent to be elected Attorney General and then U.S. Senator from the state of Massachusetts. Brother Wallace also named three new members to the World Policy Council. They include: Brother The Right Reverend Vinton R. Anderson, Presiding Bishop of the Second Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church; Brother Bobby H. Austin, President of the Village Foundation; and Brother the Honorable Charles Rangel, United States Congressman from New York. Other members of the Council include: Brother Huel Perkins, Vice Chancellor of Louisiana State University; former General President Henry Ponder, President and CEO of the National Association for Equal Educational Opportunity, the Council's Vice Chair; Brother Chuck Stone, Professor of Journalism at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; and Brother Dawson, who is Director of the Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center and the Patricia Roberts Harris Public Affairs Program, Howard University. Brother Dawson praised Senator Brooke for his leadership as founder, calling attention to the widespread interest generated by thefirstWorld Policy Council Report last year. Circulated widely, including going to policy makers on Capitol Hill, the White House, think tanks, educational institutions and opinion leaders throughout the United States, the report was highly praised for its "thorough analysis of issues" and for "its splendid presentation," Brother Dawson said. He noted that the first report "discussed in depth salient issues regarding the conflicts in Bosnia and Nigeria, tackled environmental questions, the black family, and decent and affordable housing as an American imperative." "This was a major statement of problem issues," he said, "and it was worthy of the thoughtful attention it drew as a seminal document." The body is focusing this year on two issues: 1) in international affairs, the subject is United Nations reform; 2) nationally, the subject is race relations in the United States. Specialists in these two areas serve as speakers at monthly meetings of the Council, which examine both current and historic literature on the subjects. On U.N. reform, the group has heard John McGinnis, one of the Department of State's leading 28
experts on the issue, and Dr. Mae King, professor of political science at Howard University. Michael Wenger, a member of the President's White House Initiative on Race; and Professor Frank Wu of the Howard University Law School have counseled with the group on race issues. Other speakers will follow, Ambassador Dawson said, including "as in these cases" some of the leading authorities on subjects under discussion. Afinalreport will be issued by the end of the year, he said, with an interim version prepared for the Educational and Economic Development Forum in the Bahamas this summer. The Council was invited to hold one of its sessions on Capitol Hill under the auspices of Brother Rangel. Thus far, all sessions have been held at the Ralphe J. Bunche International Affairs Center on the Howard University campus.
WORLD POLICY COUNCIL MISSION The mission of the Alpha Phi Alpha World Policy Council is to address issues of concern to the Fraternity, the African-American community, the nation and the world. The Council has been charsed with applyins sustained and profound intellectual energy to understanding and find alternative means of bringing about the resolution of problems at the community, national and international levels,- expanding fraternal and public knowledge of such problems,- and engaging public discussion about them. The Council, in fulfilling its mission, is non-partisan, gives consideration to domestic and international issues, seeks the counsel of experts in relevant fields, provides perspectives on specific problems and, where practicable, recommends possible solutions which may impact favorably African-Americans, the community, the nation, and the world.
The SPHINX ™ ~ Spring 199
VISION FORKING NATIONAL MEMORIAL SHARED WITH WORLD LEADERS Brother Wallace also discussed the Fraternity's internal and external fund raising campaigns and plans for a memorial design competition. The international gathering was invited to become involved in the effort to erect the memorial. Some of the dignitaries represented at the breakfast included: National Council of Negro Women Board Chairman Dr. Dorothy I. Height; Washington, D.C. Mayor Brother Marion Barry; and Howard University President Dr. H. Patrick Swygert. H.E. Kingsley C.A. Layne, Dean of the Caribbean Diplomatic Corp was in attendance along with representatives from the Croatian, Hungarian, Singapore and South African embassies.
lpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's vision for a Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington, D.C. was presented to a gathering of world leaders and international dignitary during the International Salute Committee's annual breakfast in the nation's capital, honoring the life and legacy of Brother King. General President Adrian L. Wallace shared the history of the Fraternity's effort to erect a national memorial to Brother King in Washington, D.C, beginning with the organization's efforts to have a bill passed by Congress authorizing the project.
LEFT: I General President I Adrian L Wallace shares King National Memorial Project I vision with World Leaders in Washington, D.C.
RIGHT: Dr. Dorothy I. Heisht (right), pictured with Brother Wallace, was recipient of the International Salute Committee's Leadership Award.
RIGHT National Park Service Director Robert G. | Stanton (left) and Brother Wallace confer at International Salute Committee's IMLK, Jr. Breakfast.
LEFT: Pictured (left to right) are: Brother Wallace; H.E. Kingsley C.A. Layne, Dean of the Caribbean Diplomatic Corp; Henry H. Brown, International Salute Committee Chair Emeritus,- and Executive Director Hebrew L. Dixon, III
VISION 2 0 0 0
k eneral President Adrian L. i Wallace was in Baltimore, i Maryland to receive the 1998 Exemplary Vision Award from the Fullwood Foundation, Inc. The Recognition Award is presented "to those honorable citizens who have achieved greatness in the pursuit of excellence for the benefit of mankind." Brother Wallace was recognized for his vision and strategies for guiding Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and the AfricanAmerican community into the next century. The award was presented at the 10th Anniversary Fullwood Foundation Benefit & Recognition Breakfast. Some of the award recipients at the event included: Brother Ronald E. Smiley, of Anheuser-Busch Companies; Sherry F. Bellamy, president and CEO of Bell Atlantic; and Shirley Howard, president of the Children's Cancer Foundation, Inc. Other dignitaries on hand, included U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland; U.S. Congressman Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland; and Dr. Benjamin Carson. Senator Mikulski, recognizing the Fraternity's leadership role in the AfricanAmerican community, expressed interest in having Alpha Phi Alpha lead a Senatesponsored prostate-cancer awareness campaign.
VISION 2000 Some of the recipients of the Foundation's 1998 scholarship awards are pictured.
The awards breakfast, attended annually by more than 2,000 people, is the largest charity/awards event of its kind in Maryland. During the past ten years, the Fullwood Foundation has awarded several thousand dollars to more than 100 nonprofit community organizations such as: The United Negro College Fund, United Way, The Children's Cancer Foundation, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Associated Black Charities and Rotary International. In addition, the Foundation has given away hundreds of thousands of dollars in college scholarship monies and established scholarship endowment funds in excess of $500,000.
onsider this: United States organizations (profit and non-profit) spent nearly $51 billion on formal training and development in their organizations this past year— a significant jump from the roughly $42 billion spent on training just three years ago. As we approach the year 2000, you are going to see an increase in the amount of money, time, energy and commitment that organizations will put into training and development. At our recent General Convention in Washington, D.C., General President Adrian L. Wallace inaugurated the National
Pictured during training session at Board of Directors Leadership Retreat are: (left to right) Midwestern AVP Juan Harris, General President Adrian L. Wallace, Western VP Kenneth Venable and Comptroller Frank A. Jenkins. Committee for Training and Development for the nation's oldest Fraternity of African-American, college-trained men. In doing so, Brother Wallace drew from the Preamble to the Fraternity's Constitution, stating, "Our Constitution in part reads: 'to aid in and insist upon the personal progress of its members.' And how
can we aid or insist if we do not provide training and development opportunities? "The purpose of the training and development committee is to produce a well-trained membership in fraternal, personal and professional areas; to codify our training, where appropriate, in manuals, booklets and written or electronic media; and assist in staff development (Board of Directors, Region/District officers and General Headquarters staff)—for learning is a lifelong process." As organizations begin the process of developing learning and training initiatives, it is very important that they be able to distinguish between "education" and "training." The two words are used interchangeably, as if they mean the same thing. They do not! Education makes people more aware or knowledgeable about certain subjects or tasks. Education tells people what to do; sometimes it even tells them how to do it; and it includes in its repertoire steps, procedures, techniques, rationale and theory. Education is what you are getting right now. By reading and thinking about this article, you are finding out more about the subject of training. On the other hand, training makes people more proficient. True training and development produces skillfulness and fluency. It builds talent so strong that the person becomes excellent at execution and performing tasks very, well. This past November, members of the Training and Development Committee met at Indiana University/Purdue University in Indianapolis, Indiana to discuss training issues relevant to the Fraternity and to the development of each Brother. In addition, the Committee is in the process offinalizinga survey to be sent to a cross-section of the Fraternity, soliciting their training needs and ideas. The survey also seeks feedback on the "draft" of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Training and Development Statement. It has been said that if training and development is to be successful in an organization—the training must start at the top with the leaders. In January 1998, General President Wallace asked Training and Development Committee Chairman Brother Phillip Jackson to facilitate a training and development retreat for members of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Board of The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
VISION 2000 Skill requirements will continue to increase in response to rapid technological change. The American workforce will be significantly more educated and diverse. The importance of training will be valued much more today than at any time in the past—organizations are placing a high priority on enhancing the training funcTraining and Development Committee tion. Again, with increased members are pictured during meeting at global competition, organiIndiana University/Purdue University. zational downsizing (meaning doing more with less), Directors. The retreat was to address members of the organization need to have issues impacting the theme: "VISION continual learning to be suc2000: THE LIGHT OF A NEW DAY." Part of cessful. There is a new the retreat focus also centered around appreciation for training as a way to move an organization diversity, quality and change! One of the strongest messages during to new levels of productivity the retreat came from a video presenta- and effectiveness. tion by Tom Peters entitled "Innovate or Die." "As organizations approach the new millennium, they have to take a hard look at their organizations and make the necessary changes that will provide continued growth and expansion," said Peters. Further, members of the board discussed how they would create a "fraternal environment" that could capitalize on the talents and strengths of each board member—and in the event that opposition/conflict arose—how they would handle it. Two major forces—global competition and rapid technological advances—have profoundly changed, and will continue to change the nature and content of work. Corporate leaders now are saying and understanding that: "People are our most important advantage," and as a result have subscribed to the performance im-provement process. Below are some additional trends you will see: The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
one who must be capable of instilling a strong sense of urgency in the training organization and its members. This "systems-thinker," (reports directly to the chief executive officer) and is accountable for making certain that the corporate university remains linked in vision, mission and outputs to the organization's core values. The Training and Development Committee is excited about the commitment to continued training and development that Brother Wallace has for members of the Fraternity. We welcome the impact the training will bring as we move forward with the theme: "VISION 2000: THE LIGHT OF A NEW DAY." The Committee is busy at work finalizing plans
Corporate restructuring I will continue to reshape the business environment. Advances in technology will revolutionize the way training is delivered. Organizations will transform into "learning organizaMembers of Training and Development tions" and design/develop Committee work through lunch during meetthe university concept to ing at Indiana University/Purdue University. meet the learning needs of their respective organizations. This con- for the 1998 Educational and Economic cept will centralize/consolidate all the Development Forum, scheduled for July training into one, separate and singularly 30 through August 2, 1998 in Nassau, focused business unit to be structured Bahamas. Dr. Myles Munroe, one of the around major core competency areas ver- nation's leading presenters on leadership sus business unit hierarchy. ("Maximizing Your Potential") will be one Organizational emphasis and value on of the many presenters at the Forum. human performance management will accelerate. Many organizations have Brother Phillip L Jackson, Jr., is assigned this task to a "chief learning offi- Chairman of the Fraternity's Training cer" who has a passion for training and and Development Committee,
LAUREATE™ For Him ...For Her. With diamonds Without diamonds. In dramatic two-tone, or... generously layered with 23K gold. His Laureate boasts 24 sparkling diamonds. Her Laureate is encrusted with 16 of these precious stones. All water resistant to 100 feet. Each... with the exclusive Wittnauer Buckle-to-Buckle™ warranty.
Fine Jewelry....of Course!
rother Currie Ballard recently was selected as a winner of the Heartland Regional Emmy Awards
in the documentary/historical category for "The Ebony Chronicles," a recurring feature on OETA's Oklahoma Report. Brother Ballard's episode explored the work of Flip Schulke, a reclusive, white still photographer who spent tenyears documenting the family life of Brother Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., looking at how the photographer convinced Dr. King that the movement should be photographed and recorded as an important moment in history. The program also took an in-depth probe of Schulke's intense coverage of the Civil Rights Movement. Brother Ballard also examined the work Schulke did over the years for wellknown publications such as Life, Sports Illustrated and Ebony magazines. A Langston University (Oklahoma) graduate, Brother Ballard serves as the University's historian-in-residence and is the campus advisor to the College Chapter there. While at Langston University, Brother Ballard has presented numerous lectures dealing with slavery and the AfricanAmerican towns of Oklahoma. Also, Brother Ballard is in the process of compiling research on the life of Dr. Inman E. Page, the first president of Langston University and the first AfricanAmerican graduate of Brown University. He produced, wrote and hosted the "Ebony Chronicles Television Feature" and is currently co-host of the "Open Mike" radio program on KVSP-1140 AM. Brother Ballard has been featured in distinguished publications, such as: The Wall Street Journal (November 10,1997), Los Angeles Times (July 1997), Black Enterprise (February 1994), as well as having a front-page photograph and feature story in USA Today (February 1994). The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
Brother Currie Ballard In addition to being featured in those publications, he also has been a guest on CBS's This Morning and Up to the Minute (February 1997), PBS's American Experience—Going Back to TTown (1993) and has reviewed movie producer Spike Lee's Malcolm Xfilmon BET's Our Voices (Fall 1993). Brother Ballard was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha at Beta Kappa Chapter (Langston University) in 1978 and currently is a member of Zeta Gamma Lambda Chapter in Langston, Oklahoma. He has been a life member of the Fraternity since 1986.
eceiving awards has become something of a frequent occurrence for Brother Terrel Harris, a highly acclaimed general assignment reporter for WB56's (WLVI-TV) "Ten O'clock News" in Boston, Massachusetts. Recently, Mosaic, hosted by Brother Harris, won the Massachusetts Associated Press Broadcasting Association "Star Award" for public affairs programming. The winning episode from Mosaic, entitled "Dreams for Sale," shared invaluable information on how to purchase yourfirsthome. The award-winning show—that also was nominated for an Emmy Award in 1995— features community issues of special interest to residents of the greater-Boston area.
"I'm naturally very curious and inquisitive," states Brother Harris. "As a journalist, I can investigate issues and events, meet a wide range of people and learn about so many walks of life, and report news that's important to people." It is this curiosity and inquisitiveness that has enabled Brother Harris to achieve numerous awards throughout his professional career. In 1992, Brother Harris received a National Academy of Television Ans and Science-Boston/New England Chapter, Emmy Award for a breaking news story called "Timmy Rescued." In 1993, he received the YMCA Black Achiever Award and also received an award from the Massachusetts Associated Press for Best Feature. In addition, he received the Virginia Associated Press Award for Best Coverage of a Continuing News Story (1984) and Virginia Associated Press Public Service Award (1983). Initiated into the Fraternity at Beta Kappa Chapter in 1976, the 1978 graduate of Langston University in Langston, Oklahoma, was intrigued with mass media at the local college radio station. For nearly a year as an assistant manager, Brother Harris had an opportunity to coordinate and supervise the daily operation of the University's radio station. Brother Harris then spent three years at KTUL-TV in Tulsa, Oklahoma and spent nearly the next six years as a reporter at WVEC-TV in Norfolk, Virginia. In 1988, he relocated to WTOG-TV in St. Petersburg, Florida where he spent two years as a reporter until 1990 when he went to WLVI-TV56 in Boston, Massachusetts where he is currently employed.
Brother Terrel Harris 36
The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
(From left): Financial Services Organization & Real Estate Resource Group employees Brother Maurice Spence, Mr. Ulysses Gipson, Brother Mark Giddarie, CEO and President Brother David Wilson and Brother Benjamin Roberson. By Brother Mark Giddarie
ne of the issues we sometimes face as a Fraternity is distance between Alumni and College Brothers. Whose responsibility is it to bridge the gap? The ownership is on every Brother. This past summer I had my single-most positive work experience to date. I was given a position as an intern by Brother David Wilson, CEO and President of the Financial Services Organization, Inc. & Real Estate Resource Group, Inc. in Miami, Florida. Brother Wilson is a graduate of the University of Miami where Eta Delta Chapter is located. He has been working in the area of finance since 1982. Over the years, he has gained notoriety. He is a licensed real estate Broker and Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Financial Consultant, and Chartered Life The SPHINX" ~ Spring 1998
Underwriter. Brother Wilson also has a very large clientele, including national franchise operators, athletes and entertainers. Although successful, he has not become exclusive with his services. He welcomes the small investor and the first-time home buyer. After attending a seminar on estate planning presented by Brother Wilson, I talked with him and expressed my interest in business and finance. I let him know that I was a professional pilot major at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and that business was my minorfieldof study. At the conclusion of our discussion, I asked Brother Wilson about the possibility of his establishing a summer internship. Brother Wilson was receptive. He stipulated that the position would be unpaid. An optimist, I looked past the fact of not being compensated monetarily. Rather, I saw the greater value in hands-on knowledge and experience that I would gain窶馬ot to mention the chance of developing a greater personal and business relationship with Brother Wilson. My instincts did not fail me. During the several weeks I worked with Brother Wilson, I was exposed to a professional environment unlike those where I had previously worked. His office was like a fine-tuned engine with employees not simply focused on their personal objectives, but the overall success of both companies. Our work regiment was not the typical 9-to-5. Instead, we worked '"til the job got done." In my opinion, a contributing factor to the positive dynamics of the office was that the majority of the employees were Alphas. Brother Wilson and his colleagues provided me with a wealth of knowledge from both their professional experiences and areas of personal development. I would like to encourage my College Brothers to not look past Alumni Brothers, but to be proactive in utilizing them as resources. Research to find those in your field or area of interest. There are numerous Alumni Brothers that are eager and willing to provide College Brothers with opportunities and advice. Brother Mark Giddarie is a member of Xi Iota Chapter, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.
cholarship is one of the most cherished precepts of Alpha Phi Alpha. Thus, every year thousands of Alpha Alumni Brothers return to college campuses to pursue various graduate and professional degrees. Many of the Brothers are returning to the classroom after years in the work force and strenuous family commitments. The Brothers should be applauded for their pursuit of academic excellence. As these Alumni Brothers— now older and wiser than they were in their college days—return to campus, they are faced with a fraternal decision: What will my role be with the College Chapter on the campus? The Alumni Brother must decide quickly what his role will be because word spreads rapidly on the college campus that a new Brother has arrived. The new Brother on campus may have been identified as an Alpha after a conversation concerning his fraternal affiliation, a viewing of his Alpha license plate or his wearing of a Fraternity T-shirt. However the recognition occurs, it ultimately leads to the meeting of all the College Brothers. The meeting may take place at a football game, social event, lecture or simply by accident. During the get together, the usual Alpha exchanges take place. Then what follows? Perhaps an occasional sighting, an Alpha sign, or cameo appearance at an Alpha-sponsored event. Often the Alumni Brother disappears into a realm of occasional greetings and passing Alpha signs. This is a tragic occurrence. Alumni Brothers are a wealth of knowledge and experience. They are able to aid, mentor and assist the College Brothers in their personal growth and in the Chapter business conducted on campus and in the community. Recently, there has been much in the media about mentoring and public service. As Alpha men, we understand our commitment in helping to develop the lives of youth. Indubitably, Alpha men are leading the mentoring call that has been sounded in the country. Often as ambitious Alpha men, we look at the forest instead of the tree. The tree in front of the Alumni Brother is the College Brother. The College Brother is a man, age 18- to 22-years-old, full of enthusiasm, life and energy. Think back, Alumni Brothers, to when you were age 19 or 20—life was ahead of you and a care-
free life style was the norm rather than the extreme. The college years provide an excellent opportunity for mentoring of young Brothers by Alumni members who are returning to campus. Mentoring is the process in which an older, more experienced person provides information, assistance and support to a younger person. Usually the two persons are in the same field, of the same gender and share common goals and beliefs. The key element of the definition is that an older, more experienced person provides guidance to the younger protege. Mentoring by the Alumni Brother should be internal as well as external. Internal mentoring takes place through one-on-one interaction. Here the Alumni Brother advises, informs and assists the College Brother on issues such as study skills, career goals, personal affairs, finance, dress, and even the opposite gender. Internal mentoring often touches subjects the College Brother may not feel comfortable talking about with his peers, but realizes guidance is necessary so he will not make wrong decisions. The Alumni Brother must be very astute in his listening. His sixth sense of wisdom—usually obtained through personal experiences—must come into play as he provides possible solutions for the College Brother. Suggestions only should be given. It is up to the College Brother to follow through with the information supplied. The internal mentoring may take place by telephone, during lunch in the cafeteria, in the hallway, during a study break at the library or wherever comfortable for the younger student. There are two important aspects of internal mentoring. The first is that the Alumni Brother remain open and accessible to College Brothers. Secondly, the Alumni Brother must be seen as a confidant who can be trusted to keep personal thoughts and situations private. Alumni Brothers on campus should exchange phone numbers with College Brothers and attend educational, sporting and social events on the campus. External mentoring is a more formal process in which the Alumni Brother uses his experiences and expertise to better Alpha Phi Alpha on campus. Our College Chapters can be compared to a small business. A president and his staff is put in place. Profits are made through fund raising. Funds are appropriated accordingly to meet the goals of community service, educational projects and social activities. In order to assure that the Chapter thrives and continues to grow, men are invited and transformed into Alpha men. Remarkably, all this takes place in an eight-month period between September and May. Our College Brothers need the external mentoring that comes from the Alumni Brother who may be a former or current The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
FEATURE ARTICLE Chapter, local, regional or national officer. The past experiences of an Alumni Brother are used to guide College Brothers and help them avoid the pitfalls that accompany any group. College Brothers who learn the subtleties of group dynamics in controlled environments such as their College Chapters find themselves leaps and bounds ahead of many other young graduates entering the work force. Employers often have stated that having an employee who works well with others is a very desired employee trait. Lessons taught through external mentoring provide the jump start necessary for young Alpha men to be productive in the public and private sector. In addition, our College Brothers receive tools to succeed with confidence which will encourage them to not simply be good employees but also be employers of the future. Finally, the Alumni Brother must be active with his local Graduate Chapter. Alumni Brothers should serve as a liaison between the Alumni and College Chapter. Age differences should not allow Alumni and College Brothers to become disenchanted and alienated from each other. One of the chief characteristics of alienation is simply a lack of knowledge. Our College Brothers may have misguided
thoughts and notions about Alumni Chapters and Brothers—just as we may have misguided perceptions about College Chapters and Brothers. Bridging of the two Chapters will allow Brothersold and young—to rely on each other and to grow together in community involvement. The mentoring process focuses on assisting, supporting and aiding the younger with the experiences of the older. Internal mentoring aids the individual while external mentoring aids the group. The process of mentoring is never one way. It is a two-way process which can benefit the mentor vastly. Thus, I urge Alumni Brothers on college campuses and Brothers in surrounding college cities to become active mentors for our College Brothers. If it takes a village to raise a child, then also let us make our College Brothers the true men of manly deeds, scholarship and love for all mankind. Brother Penn is a doctoral student of criminology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He was initiated at Nu Omicron Lambda Chapter and has held membership in several Chapters around the country.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Campus The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
THE SPHINX™ DEADLINE The next issue of The SPHINX™ scheduled for publication will be the Summer 1998 magazine. Information and materials sent for the Summer 1998 edition of the magazine should be received in the Fraternity's Corporate Headquarters no later than April 1,1998. You are encouraged to send information now to avoid missing the deadline. Send materials to: The SPHINX'"; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; 2313 St. Paul Street; Baltimore, MD 21218-5234. The SPHINX™ is the official organ of the Fraternity. Published quarterly, The SPHINX™ is open to articles about the accomplishments of Brothers and Chapters. Notices of deceased Brothers should be sent for inclusion in the "Omega Chapter" section of the magazine. Materials submitted by the April 1, 1998 deadline will be included in the Summer 1998 edition. Articles not received by the deadline will appear in the following edition. All articles submitted for publication must be keyed or typed in narrative form. It is requested that articles be submitted on hard copy, along with computer disk when possible. Microsoft Word and WordPerfect formats are preferred. Disks should be IBM compatible. Color or black & white photo prints are accepted (color is preferred). Photographs sent to The SPHINX™ cannot be returned. Those sending photos should make duplicate copies of the pictures before sending them. Xerox copies of photographs, computer printouts, pictures clipped from newspapers or magazines, and poor quality photographs will not be printed.
design for the Fort Myer Army Base Buffalo Soldiers Memorial that was created by Brother Thomas H. Carroll, IV - has been selected as the model for the memorial to be erected at the Fort, located on the PotomacRiver across from Washington, D.C. Brother Carroll, a member and past president of Omicron Eta Lambda Chapter in the nation's capital, is a registered architect by training. He spent the period from July 1995 to August 1996 transforming the idea for a memorial to the Buffalo Soldiers into a design proposal that would meet the approval of the Fort Myer Military Community Commander, says Brother Carroll. He visited various memorials to the Buffalo Soldiers around the country in preparation for developing the Fort Myer Memorial design. Using the natural terrain of the space designated by the Fort Myer military commander, Bro. Carroll designed a memorial that highlights the story of the 9th and 10th Buffalo Soldiers cavalries. He has already successfully coordinated the memorial design with the powerful federal Fine Arts and the National Capital Planning Commissions. The memorial design is composed of a bronze statue of a soldier astride his horse and ten marble plates (4-ft by 6-ft) which describe notable events associated with the 9th and 10th cavalry units. Buffalo Soldier Medal of Honor recipients will be recognized at the memorial. The statue design is based on an actual photograph of a Buffalo Soldier in full attire who stands with his horse, looking out toward Freedman's Village. Freed-
man's Village was the site of the Buffalo Soldiers barracks at Fort Myer. The actual memorial will feature, a touch-pad audio system which will provide a auditory explanation of the Buffalo Soldier history represented by each marble plate. The memorial will be the first monument in a line of monuments leading to the U.S. Capitol building. Fundraising is underway to secure $3 million in private funds for the memorial. The memorial is scheduled to be completed in the year 2000.
The Buffalo Soldiers were the members of the 9th and 10th regiments of the U.S. Army cavalries who provided three decades of service on the Western frontier and during the Spanish-American War of 1898. The 9th and 10th cavalries were African-American regiments. Congress authorized six regiments of (AfricanAmerican) troops in 1866, after the Civil War had ended, to serve as a part of the nation's peacetime Army.
The Buffalo soldiers aretoday,one of the best-kept secrets of U.S. military history... The story of the Ninth and Tenth Resiments of Calvary, United States Army, [began] on July 28, 1866. On that date, Congress authorized six regiments of Negro troops (four of which were to be infantry) for the nation's peacetime army... The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
here is no better measurement of the impact Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity has had on the progress of American society than is shown by the influence of its members on the nation's Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches since the beginning of the century. Founded in 1906, at a time when virtually all the gains acquired by African-Americans during and after the Civil War had been lost—and in some cases worsened—the Fraternity began its future without the achievements of its ancestors. The greatest of the community's losses was its political power which had been eliminated through a catalogue of actions which took away the right and opportunity to vote. As a result, Africans in America found themselves at the dawn of the 20th century reduced from slavery to the individual master, to slavery to the larger community. Out of the legacy of Frederick Douglass, under the shadow of Booker T Washington and in the spirit of W.E.B. DuBois, Africans in America began their perilous and treacherous journey to regain the precious political power—obtained by the spilling of their blood in battle, and taken away through betrayal during a cowardly peace. Little did anyone suspect, that a small social study club at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York—the origin of Alpha Phi Alpha—would yield generals, who would successfully lead the second Civil War and inspire legions of like-minded fraternities and sororities to join in a common struggle for shared goals. In this sense, Alpha Phi Alpha is to the Pan-Hellenic movement, what West Point is to the Armed Forces. From the ruins of the battles lost during Post Reconstruction, only the black church and the black college remained. Together, they would provide the cadre and logistical support for the 20th century liberation struggle—from community slavery to political freedom—to regain in peace what had been lost in war. In the Confederate states, many tactics were used to take away and prevent the exercise of political power by the freed men and women. Out of this guerrilla warfare against the freedThe SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
man came an avalanche of lynchings, beatings, cross-burnings, economic suppression, murders, political exploitation, religious compromise and social segregation. To meet and defeat this 20th century enemy and the illegal manipulation of basic rights, Brother W.E.B. DuBois helped organize the NAACP out of the Niagara Movement. To service the refugees displaced by the ravages, destruction, oppression and economic exploitation of the reactionary South and the callous North, Brother (Jewel) Eugene Kinckle Jones helped found the National Urban League out of the National League for the Protection of Colored Women and the Committees on Urban Conditions Among Negroes and For Improving the Industrial Condition of Negroes in New York. To accelerate its efforts to undue the harm done to AfricanAmericans by the abandonment of theirrightsand freedom during the terms of Presidents from Rutherford B. Hayes through Woodrow Wilson, the NAACP mounted a singular and historic series of Constitutional law cases under the leadership of Brothers Charles H. Houston and Thurgood Marshall, Houston's disciple. Together, they argued 14 cases before the Supreme Court (winning 12) between 1935-1954, including the historic decision of May-17,1954 in Brown vs. Topeka, Kansas Board of Education. Yet, as in the 18th and 19th centuries, it was the AfricanAmerican's sacrifice in war that rejuvenated his march toward political empowerment. Brothers W.E.B. DuBois, editor of the Crisis magazine; Emmett J. Scott, special assistant to the Secretary of War; and Charles H. Wesley, Educational Secretary of the Army YMCA, were significant political factors in mobilizing African-American public opinion in support of the war and in leveraging the political system to achieve gains for the community during and after the war. Beta C h a p t e r L a u n c h e s M o v e m e n t In this regard, the Brothers of Beta Chapter in Washington, D.C. launched a movement at Howard University in 1917 which successfully lobbied for the establishment of the first training camp for African-American officers at Ft. Des Moines, Iowa. Of the 66 cadets who on June 15, 1917 entered
PERSPECTIVE^. the first class, 58 were Alpha men, 32 of whom were commissioned as officers. In November 1917, Alpha General President William A. Pollard honored this pioneering political achievement of Beta Chapter and noted that as a result of their efforts, in less than six months, "600 (AfricanAmerican) men received commissions from the hands of the government." Similarly, Pi Chapter at Wilberforce desegregated officer training in Ohio. It must be emphasized that the massive disenfranchisement of the AfricanAmerican after "Reconstruction"—beginning with President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1877—ultimately resulted in the loss of all the community's Congressional representation which had been acquired after the Civil War. Added to that was: the dismantling of the Freedman's Bureau, the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, the community's abandonment by the Republican Party, the reconciliation between the North and South, the massive immigration of Europeans, and the undermining of the 13th, 14th and 15th Constitutional Amendments and the Civil Rights Acts by the Supreme Court. African-Americans began the 20th century politically naked. European obsession with the total and competitive colonization of the entire African continent eliminated their previous role as an ally of justice and inclusiveness in America. In this climate, Alpha Phi Alpha and the two major civil rights organizations (which were co-founded and led by Alpha men) inherited from their inception a non-governmental role in political leverage, economic justice and social change. When the 369th and 370th Infantry Regiment's marched triumphantly down the streets of New York and Chicago as heroes of World War I, African-Americans thought their political, economic and social freedom could at last be secured. Instead, they found a new "Klan" that had gone national, expanding its membership
to four million and its budget from poverty to wealth. Victory over tyranny in Europe had yielded the expansion of tyranny at home—an oppression that had earned approval enough for its proponents to march down Pennsylvania Avenue, past the White House, in 1925 with U.S. government permission. Consumed by race, riots, unemployment, lynchings, southern migration, crime and post war depression, the political agenda of African-Americans was focused on issues of survival and personal development, led by Brother DuBois of the NAACP. Art flourished! Wall Street Boomed! But— The stock market crashed in 1929, making the "best of times" the "worst of times" for European-Americans. For African-Americans, it was the worsening of the worse. The National Urban League, under the leadership of Brother (Jewel) Eugene Kinckle Jones, joined with the NAACP and used their combined political leverage to lobby for and protect the interest of African-Americans in sharing in the various recovery programs of F.D.R.'s "New Deal." The defeat of Republican Representative Oscar S. Depriest in 1929 and the insensitive acts of President Herbert Hoover towards the African-American community increased the importance of the quasi-political role of these two institutions. During this period, Alpha Phi Alpha used its political leverage to increase the African-American community's participation in the country's educational system. The Fraternity's Go-to-High School, Goto-College program, begun in the aftermath of World War I, had grown nationally into the Educational Adjustment Movement. As with the officers training program, the Fraternity program served the larger interest of the country. Brother John Hope Franklin, later
appointed by President Bill Clinton to chair the National Race Relations Advisory Committee, became the pre-eminent authority on African-American history. These events motivated Alpha Phi Alpha, beginning in the 1930s, to make a new era for the African-American in America by expanding its political leverage to address the larger issues of the 20th century. Some of the actions taken by the Fraternity, included: 1. Protests against various forms of discrimination were directed at colleges in the North and West by Alpha's Director of Education. 2. Financial and public support were provided to the Defense Fund for the Scottsboro Brothers of Alabama in support of their appeal of a murder conviction. 3. More emphasis was placed on the Fraternity's Education for Citizenship campaign that stressed voter registration, responsibility and participation and less emphasis was placed on the Go-to-High School, Go-to-College campaign. 4. Investigations of "New Deal" agencies were conducted to determine their hiring practices toward AfricanAmericans and service to the AfricanAmerican community. 5. Initiation of the General Convention Public Policy Forum and passage of resolutions designed to impact the practices of national agencies toward African-Americans. 6. Use of the General Convention forum to lobby for passage of vital legislation such as the Anti-Lynching bill. 7. Use of The Sphinx™ magazine to research, inform and advocate. 8. Initiation of lawsuits and coalitions through the efforts of Brothers like Belford V. Lawson which enabled the Fraternity to pioneer critical Supreme Court cases, Executive Orders, studies and legislation that impacted AfricanAmericans and the African continent. The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
PERSPECTIVE These aggressive but discreet uses of Alpha Phi Alpha's political leverage, in exercise of its mandate to serve all mankind, continued until the 29th General Convention held in Louisville, Kentucky in December 1941 (following the bombing of Pearl Harbor). Prior to the three-year suspension of the annual Convention during World War II, three major political acts of prudence were taken by the Fraternity: 1. Internationalization of Alpha's program. 2. Integration of Alpha's Convention and public advocacy with other African- American fraternal organizations 3. Elimination of racial restrictions in its membership requirements. Until World War II's end in 1945, Alpha focused on supporting the war effort and on lobbying the federal government in support of defense-industry fair employment, just treatment for AfricanAmerican soldiers, assisting returning African-American veterans, honoring departed Brothers who served, and supporting passage of the GI Bill of Rights. During the post World War II years, Alpha's political pioneering attracted a legion of singularly effective and outstanding men. Inspired and supported by the Fraternity, they began to revolutionize the role and place of the African in America and the world. Individuals such as: Brother Congressman William Dawson of Chicago, Brother Paul Robeson, Sr. of New Jersey, Brother Congressman Adam Clayton Powell of New York, Brother W.E.B. DuBois, Brother Norman W. Manley former Prime Minister of Jamaica, Brother Channing Tobias of the Phelps-Stokes Fund, Brother Max Yergan of the Council on African Affairs, and Brother Belford V. Lawson of Washington D.C. became the vanguard of an international array of intrepid Alpha men who would change the The SPHINX '" ~ Spring 1998
political landscape for African descendants in the 20th century. Out of their seed would grow the plants that would yield the political fruits of the 1950s.
Give Us the Ballot When Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his historic "Give Us the Ballot" speech on May 17, 1957 at the Prayer Pilgrimage For Freedom, at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C, he launched a revitalized voter-education movement which served as the core of SCLC's citizenship campaign. Prior to Brother King's ascendancy, Brothers William L. Dawson in 1943 and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. in 1945 had become the first African-American members of Congress since the end of the Black Republican Era. Continually reelected, both men emerged as senior members of two of the House's most powerful committees—the Government Operations and the Labor, Education and Welfare committees. Later, as chairman of the latter during the 1960s, Brother Powell became one of the most powerful Congressmen in history, influencing the passage of affirmative action, welfare reform and war againstpoverty bills. The judicial road to African-American political empowerment in the 20th century was laid with the tactical guidance of Alpha Phi Alpha's then General Counsel and later General President Belford V. Lawson and his wife, Marjorie McKenzie Lawson, Esq., (under the guidance of Brothers Charles Houston and Thurgood Marshall of the NAACP). Four Alpha Brothers served as the infantry, or point men, in major legal battles won by the NAACP. The cases were: 1) Brother Lloyd Gaines vs. the University of Missouri, 2) Brother Lyman T. Johnson vs. the University of Kentucky, 3) Brother Arthur D. Shore vs. Huntsville and Birmingham, Alabama, and 4) Brother
Herman M. Sweatt vs. the University of Texas Law School.
Kennedy and Johnson When Brother Lawson and Mrs. Lawson agreed to serve as the minority campaign managers for a seemingly, hopeless, long-shot candidate for President of the United States, named John Fitzgerald Kennedy, no one imagined it would launch the most productive era in the Fraternity's political journey. J.F.K. was Catholic, big-city Irish, from racist Boston, aristocratic and largely unknown by African-Americans. The candidate's great asset was his brother-in-law, R. Sargent Shriver, whose legacy as a principle in the International Council for Interracial Justice was above reproach. Under Shriver's Urban Affairs Section, Mrs. Lawson was put in charge of the J.F.K. campaign's Civil Rights Division. Assisting her were Brothers Congressmen Bill Dawson and Adam Clayton Powell, Brother Mayor Theodore Berry of Cincinnati, Ohio and pioneering AfricanAmerican publisher Brother Louis E. Martin. Despite this collection of northernpolitical talent and influence (all New Deal Democrats), it was not until Martin Luther "Daddy" King, Sr. (in gratitude for the role Presidential-candidate Senator John F. Kennedy played in freeing Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. from jail) asked the Civil War Republican black South to vote for J.F.K, that it happened. Additionally, it was through the Freedom Crusade Committee, headed by Brother William Gray of Philadelphia, that two million copies of a pamphlet telling the M.L.K.-J.F.K. story was distributed in the African-American community. The publication is credited with swaying Protestant African-American voters to cast ballots for the first Roman Catholic President in American history.
PERSPECTIVE _ Not only were Alpha men and their wives greatly responsible for J.F.K.'s election, but equally important, Brother Louis E. Martin remained as a key adviser to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson in the White House and as a deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee. In the capacities, Brother Martin was directly responsible for the appointment of high numbers of African-Americans to key positions—more than any prior administration. Among those appointed were: Brother Thurgood Marshall, as Solicitor General and Supreme Court Justice; Andrew F. Brimmer as the first African-American member of the Federal Reserve Board; Patricia Roberts Harris and Robert C. Weaver as secretaries of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Clifford L. Alexander as head of the EEOC and later as Secretary of the Army. It also was Brother Louis Martin who mediated between Brother Ml. King, Jr. and President Johnson when Dr. King announced his opposition to the Vietnam War. After Johnson's decision not to run for re-election in 1968, Brother Martin founded the Joint Center for Political and Social Studies. During the tenures of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, one of the most influential civilrightsadvisors to the White House was Brother Whitney Moore Young, Jr., Executive Director of the National Urban League. Brother Young became a close advisor and friend to each of the three Presidents—Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon—spanning his tenure as CEO of the National Urban League. Political L e g a c i e s Brothers Martin Luther King, Jr. and Whitney Young—as the dominant and most visible partners in the multi-racial, ecumenical coalition—took the lead in calling for the American Leadership 44
Conference on Civil Rights, becoming the two major forces in inspiring one of the most successful social revolutions in American history. (Other leaders involved in the American Leadership Conference on Civil Rights included: Roy Wilkins of the NAACP, Dorothy Height of the National Council of Negro Women, A. Philip Randolph of the Coalition of Black Labor Organizations and Alpha Phi Alpha General President Brother Belford V. Lawson.) Every Democratic and Republican President elected in the past 37 years, from Kennedy to Clinton, owes their victory in part to the influence of Brothers King and Young. In the case of the Republicans, Brother Senator Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts and Brother Bob Brown of North Carolina helped shape the party's agenda. Brother Brooke was the first African-American Senator elected since re-construction and Brother Brown was the Councilor to Presidents Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford. Even Ronald Reagan's years were crowned by the passage of the M.L.K., Jr. Holiday bill.
al chair of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, successfully ran and won election as Mayor of Washington, D.C. after the U.S. Congress allowed the District of Columbia to elect its own mayor through popular vote. Also, when six of America's other top cities—Atlanta, Cincinnati, Houston, New Orleans, New York and San Franciscoelected their first African-American mayors, all were members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, including Brothers Maynard Jackson of Atlanta, Theodore Berry of Cincinnati, Lee Brown of Houston, Ernest Morial of New Orleans, David Dinkins of New York and Willie Brown of San Francisco. In 1957, as Brother Dr. King established SCLC as a global movement for peace and justice, he called, in his first major address as its CEO, for universal suffrage. "Give us the ballot," Brother King concluded at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial, 'And we will put more men in office who are bent on preserving the American ideal." In 1965, as Brother Martin Luther King, Jr. celebrated the end of the historic march from Montgomery to Selma, Alabama, he stated, "Our whole campaign in Alabama has been centered around the right to vote. In focusing the attention of the nation and the world today on the flagrant denial of the right to vote, we are exposing the very origin—the root cause of racial segregation in the Southland ... Let us march on ballot boxes until we send to our city councils, state legislatures, and the United States Congressmen who will not fear to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God ... For all of us today the battle is in our hands."
Similarly, Brother Andrew J. Young, the first African-American Congressman elected from the deep South since Reconstruction, engineered President Jimmy Carter's Democratic nomination and victory over incumbent Republican President Gerald Ford. When the Congressional Black Caucus was organized in 1970-71 to pick up the political mantle carried since 1906 by the Pan Hellenic and civil rights movements, at least four of the original members—Ron Dellums, Ralph Metcalf, Charles Rangel and Andrew Young—were Alpha Brothers. Two of the Congressional Black Caucus' annual awards are named after "Black power," wrote Whitney Young African-American Congressional pio- in 1968, "is sometimes indistinguishable neers-Brothers William Dawson and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. continued on page 57 Brother Marion Barry, the first nationThe SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
Autkor Ckarles H. Wesley captures tke early years of Alpka Pki Alpka Fraternity, Inc. and tke kistory of tke Seven Jewels in tkis kiograpky akout Fraternity founder Henry Artkur Callis. Tke Liograpky was first puklisked in 1977 ky Tke Foundation Publiskers, a subsidiary of Alpka Pki Alpka Fraternity, Inc. Tkis second printing of tke kiograpky celebrates 20 years since tke kook was first released and is offered as a limited edition. AL __^ j ^ ^ s^i ^
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the poet's "The Man I Am": My hands stretched to the extent of their reach as though the ver f America was truly looking for the definition of a model relation of bone tofleshwould breach. My fingers grope blindly fo Black man, it would be easy to use Alpha Brother Dana something I cannot sense, once more my actions are guided towar Hawes as its visual image. unknown consequence. My body yearns to restfrom the work that At age 25, Brother Hawes finds himself in a life that most of has done yet the mind that controls dwells on thoughts of a father us could not fathom for such a relatively young man. He is a and his son. My soul ponders the torment of memories never mad graduate of Virginia State University, a veteran of the Gulf War, a as certain as thought to rise, the faster that it will fade. struggling young writer, an author, radio personality, budding I asked Brother Hawes: why poetry? His response was visual artist and an accomplished poet. quick and to the point: "I am dedicated to the resurrection of If you ask Brother Hawes what is the driving force in his life, written, free-minded expression. Simply put, I want people who he would quickly tell you that he is the legal guardian and careare not moved to reading poetry to find something that they taker of his 12-year-old brother and 8-year-old sister. In them, he feel at home with." says, his sun rises and sets - after all, to them he is mother, Pages ofMy Mind, Volume I is a collection of 38 poems that father and brother. range from love and romance to social commentary and satire. All this for a man whose counterparts are struggling to find So far, Brother Hawes has sold hundreds of copies of his careers and simply make ends meet. All this for a young man book through direct mail, via the Internet and at public events that any casual observer might label as a member of "Generation like the Million Woman March. In less than a week, he sold 600 X" - a generation without any clear definition or direction. All copies on the campus of his college alma mater. He has received this for a man who is surrounded by an era of hip-hop, fast food, rave reviews from newspapers in Virginia and in Sister to Sister Internet surfing, 20- somethings enveloped in a "me" culture. magazine. A local private school also has decided to make it While not divorced from his surroundings, Dana Hawes required reading for students in its upper classes. captures the images of his life and the lives around him in prose Brother Hawes has just completed the writing of Volume II and pentameter. which is due to go to press soon. The Pages of My Mind is a collection of Hawes' feelings with At his young age, Brother Hawes joins the ranks of other words that remind us of the culture in which we famous Alpha men who used their pen and their live. They are not the typical words or views of minds to convey a message about life. And just today's so called "X" generation. Instead, they like the great poet, Brother Countee Cullen, are the perspectives of a sensitive and caring Brother Hawes pricks our consciousness and man who has a clear vision of who we are and makes us think. the trials and tribulations that we all face. You can reach Brother Hawes at www.freeIn his writings, he shuns the macho, "gottadomnet.com/-aonppub or call (800) 984-5762. be-hard" image of today's street-corner At bookstores ask for the book by this code: "hangin"' man and instead embraces a counter ISBN 0-9660447-0-3. culture of sharing, "do whatcha gotta do" mentality. Brother Vic Carter is an anchorfor CBS News in For example, sample these thoughts from Baltimore, Maryland.
The SPHINX '" ~ Spring 1998
highlight of Lincoln University's homecoming was the marriage involving a couple that met more than k 50 years ago when both were students at the Missouri school. Frank Bruce, an Alpha Brother, and Gladys Williams Graham exchanged rings during a ceremony at a Jefferson City hotel. They re-established their relationship in 1996 during a Lincoln University Alumni Convention in St. Louis. They decided the wedding should take place during 1997 homecoming activities last October in Jefferson City. Thomas Brackeen, also an Alpha Brother, served as best man. Maedella Cox was maid of honor. Both were classmates of the couple. Performing the ceremony was U.S. Circuit Judge Theodore McMillian, a 1941 Lincoln University graduate.
Gladys Williams (with flowers) the bride, and Brother Frank Bruce (second from right), bridegroom, are joined by the maid of honor, Madedella Cox, and best man, Brother Thomas Brackeen, following their wedding.
EASTE RN Gamma lota Hampton University Hampton, VA Gamma Iota Brothers began the school year registering voters and encouraging them to vote in Virginia's November election through the Fraternity's national program, 'A Voteless The SPHINX ™ ~ Spring 1998
People Is A Hopeless People." The Chapter also successfully put on its Black and Gold Extravaganza where the 1997-98 Miss Black & Gold and her court were crowned. This year's theme for the Extravaganza was "Harlem World." As part of the theme, the Harlem Renaissance was recognized in song, dance, poetry and stepping. The Brothers also conducted seminars, service'projects and held its Chivalry Days on the campus and in the community. They closed the year out with their annual "Alpha Week," celebrating the Fraternity's 91st Anniversary and vision of the Seven Jewels.
Epsilon Omicron Lambda Lawrenceville, VA The Virginia Association of Chapters' Leadership and Training Conference was held at Virginia State University in Petersburg, Virginia. One-hour workshops were presented on Parliamentary Procedures, Chapter Management and the new Intake Process. The workshops were presented respectively by Virginia Area 7 Director Remus Rhodes, III, former Eastern Regional Vice President John A. Mann and Intake Manager Keith Johnson. Brother Leo Ross delivered the State of the District Address and Brother Roy Tatum delivered an address entitled "The College Perspective." The highlight of the luncheon was the presentation of the VACAPAF Community Leadership Award to Brother Hugo A. Owens of Tidewater South. The City of Chesapeake School Board honored Brother Owens by naming the middle school for him.
Pi Omicron Lambda Ft. Leavenworth, KS Eighteen of the U.S. military's best and brightest officersall Alpha Brothers and all Army majors—are in Fort Leavenworth during the 1997-98 academic year, attending the Command and General Staff Officer Course. The officers are ranked among the top in their profession. The Brothers immediately made their presence known after arriving in the area by beginning one of the most ambitious community service programs with which Pi Omicron Lambda Chapter has ever been involved. The threedimensional community service program is designed to keep the officers engaged during the school year while enhancing education, team building and involvement in the local commu-
CHAPTER NEWS nity. The program's educational component includes the following: a tutoring program; Buffalo Soldier Monument and Post Museum tour; crime prevention; Project Alpha, Career Day; and a tour of the Negro Baseball League Museum in Kansas City, Missouri. Team building activities include the following: weekend baseball; field/ski trips. Community service events include the following: a Founders' Day Celebration; Adopt-a-Family for Christmas Project; nursing home visits; and food and clothing drives. The officers also assisted the Chapter in establishing a partnership with the local chapter of Big Brothers/Big Sisters and conducted several other events, including the following: turnip digs; snow cleanups for the elderly; trips to Kansas City Royals games; and dinners for disadvantaged youth. The Brothers will graduate in June 1998.
Charities Mentoring Program, along with several other campus and Fraternity programs. The Chapter also credited the local Alumni Brothers and Mu Mu Lambda Chapter for helping them win the awards.
Alpha Zeta and Alpha lota Lambda Institute, WVA Brothers of Alpha Zeta Chapter at College and Alpha Iota Lambda Chapter dedicated a campus landmark to Omega William J.L. Wallace, sixth president of College. The dedication was made Homecoming Celebration.
West Virginia State in Institute recently Chapter Brother Dr. West Virginia State during the 1997
Alpha Zeta and Alpha lota Lambda Brothers at dedication of campus landmark
Delta Chi Lambda Alpha Brothers attending the Army Command & General Staff Officer Course are photographed in front of the Buffalo Soldiers Monument. Three of the officers are not pictured.
Pi Sigma Aurora University Aurora, 11 Brothers of Pi Sigma Chapter—competing for the Illinois College Chapter of the Year for the second time in their 12-year history—won the 1997 state award and continued on to Missouri where they won the 1997 Midwestern Regional College Chapter of the Year Award. The events that helped the Chapter win the awards were the: Thanksgiving Day Feeding, Misconceptions of Greek Life Forum, Sankofa Project, Alpha Lite Program, Catholic 48
Milwaukee, WI Delta Chi Lambda Brothers are planning to initiate an active church visitation program. The Chapter's church visitation program is intended to demonstrate that Alpha Phi Alpha Brothers stand for religious principles and ideals, while at the same time separating the Fraternity from recent bad publicity surrounding the use of alcohol and hazing by other fraternal groups. As pan of the church visitation program, Brothers plan to serve as role models to youth by providing them with inspiration and hope. The Brothers will be accompanied by their families during the visitations. Following the visits, the Brothers and their family members will have brunch at local restaurants. In other occurrences, Delta Chi Lambda has obtained its Fraternity House and opened its Business Center at 6915 W. Capitol Drive in Milwaukee. The Chapter plans to provide computer training and mentoring to the community's young men The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
CHAPTER NEWS through the center. Meanwhile, several units in the Business Center are being offered for rent to small businesses. Plans are to make the Chapter's Business Center an incubator for the establishment and expansion of area business. The Chapter will provide business participants of the center with limited advice on development, expansion and networking for profit.
Mu Mu Lambda Glen Ellyn, 11 Brothers of Mu Mu Lambda recently held their annual Reclamation and Life Membership breakfast at Harvey's Restaurant in Westmont, Illinois. The Chapter selected as its Reclamation and Life Membership theme: "Changes: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow." Executive Director Hebrew L. Dixon, III was the keynote speaker for the program. Sixteen inactive Brothers attended the event, aspiring to reactivate with the Fraternity. The breakfast is designed to attract Chicago's western suburban inactive Brothers.
Beta Nu Lambda Charlotte, NC Beta Nu Lambda Brothers performed a number of successful activities over the past year while also strengthening its relationship with the area's College Brothers. The Chapter completed its 11th year of sponsoring Project Alpha. The lives of thousands of teen males have been touched by the program. The Chapter's Alpha Ensemble sponsored a benefit concert for
the United Negro College Fund that raised nearly $5,000. Also during the year, the Chapter formed the Beta Nu Lambda Foundation, a non-profit corporation to revitalize and foster the spirit of Alpha Phi Alpha in the community. They sponsored several young men for the Fraternity's Leadership Conference and are involved in tutoring programs at the local Group Home and Alternative School. Each year the Chapter presents an Alpha Scholarship to two deserving students. Their summer social event, the Alpha Luau, attracted hundreds and they adopted families for Thanksgiving and Christmas under the Chapter's Project Santa.
A l p h a Upsilon Lambda Montgomery, AL Alpha Upsilon Lambda Brothers have united with the Christmas in April Foundation—an organization of volunteers, professionals and non-professionals-to upgrade the homes of less fortunate individuals in the Metro Montgomery area. AUL Brothers have assisted with the painting, landscaping, roofing and other jobs to make old dwellings look new. In addition to work on the homes, the Chapter provides lunch for the volunteers. Also, AUL sponsored three outstanding area high school students as representatives to the Fraternity's Annual Leadership Citizenship Development Institute. The Chapter awarded four Outstanding Achievement Scholarships to area students attending Spelman College, Xavier University, Dartmouth College and Alabama State University. In partnership with the Southern Triangle Chapter (Montgomery, AL) March of Dimes, AUL also kicked off the year's Project Alpha seminars. This year's theme was "Choices—Not Chances." Seminars were conducted on the legal responsibilities of parenthood, personal financial responsibilities, community building, and crime prevention. T-shirts were given to students and faculty.
Gamma Sigma Lambda and Gamma Zeta Fort Valley!, GA
Beta Nu Lambda's A l p h a Ensemble performs d u r i n g c o n c e r t to h e l p UNCF. The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
The 1997 Georgia Leadership Summit was held in the C.W. Pettigrew Farm and Life Community Center located on the campus of Fort Valley State University in Fort Valley, Georgia. The hosts for the Summit were Gamma Sigma Lambda and Gamma Zeta chapters. Eighty-five Brothers registered for the event. The Summit included various workshops and training sessions pertaining to Fraternity officers and 49
CHAPTER NEWS on campus and throughout the community during the year. In other Chapter news, the Brothers sponsored a Thanksgiving can food drive, collecting 400 cans for distribution to the needy.
Omicron Lambda Birmingham, AL
Brothers are photographed at the 1997 Georgia Leadership Summit. operation of the organization. The Summit also included a session on the Intake Process.
Iota Delta Florida State University Tallahassee, FL Iota Delta Chapter won first place in the Step Contest, second place in the Brain Bowl and second place in the Oratorical Contest at their District Conference in Lakeland, Florida. The Chapter's step team also won first place at the Fall 1997 Extravaganza Step Show at Florida State University. Plans are for the team to compete at the Regional Convention in Jackson, Mississippi. The Chapter continues to hold seminars on topics such as: the new World Order, sexually transmitted diseases, relationships, and hazing. Iota Delta's Project Alpha also was a success, with many high school and college students attending the event.
The Brothers of Omicron Lambda recently celebrated their 17th Annual Omicron Lambda Education Foundation Scholarship Ball. It was a particularly special event for Brother Iva B. Williams, Jr. who was honored with seven toasts for his hard work and dedication to Alpha Phi Alpha. Brother Williams was recognized by such notable Brothers as 29th General President Milton C. Davis, U.S. Congressman Brother Earl Hilliard, Jefferson County Commissioner Brother Jeff Germany, Alabama State Director Brother Bruce Crawford, former Alabama District Director Brother Charlie Hardy, Vice President of Alabama Power Company Brother Christopher Womack and Brothers of the Omicron Lambda Chapter. Since its inception, the Omicron Lambda Education Foundation Scholarship Ball has made it possible for Omicron Lambda Chapter to award more than $50,000 in scholarships to deserving college students.
Beta Delta South Carolina State College Orangeburg, SC Beta Delta was named South Carolina State College Chapter of the Year during the District meeting in Myrtle Beach. The Chapter placed first in the Scholars Bowl and Step Competition and will represent South Carolina at the Southern Regional Convention in Jackson, Mississippi. Beta Delta recently held its Education Week, giving Brothers an opportunity to visit area schools and host seminars on drug abuse, staying in school, and making preparations for college. The Chapter's Education Week is the culmination of educational activities performed by them 50
Brother Derrick Henderson, president of Omicron Lambda Chapter (left), presents award to Brother Iva Williams, Jr.
Kappa Beta Mississippi State University Starkville, MS Kappa Beta Brothers held their second annual Kaplan Test Drive during Alphafest 1997. Alphafest is a week of social and community service activities hosted by the Chapter every fall semester. Chapter Brothers joined with Kaplan, the nation's The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
CHAPTER NEWS leader in standardized test-taking strategies, to provide students at Mississippi State University with the opportunity to take a practice graduate or professional school test free of charge. Kaplan provided the Chapter with the practice GMAT, GRE, LSAT and MCAT tests. Kappa Beta Brothers registered students for the exams and administered and proctored the tests. The tests then were returned to Kaplan for scoring. A representative from the testing group returned to campus a month later to discuss the scores with students. Kappa Beta Brothers plan to make educational assistance a regular part of their program.
Delta Zeta Lambda Orangeburg, SC Delta Zeta Lambda Brothers recently paid off the mortgage to their Fraternity House, located on US 301, just north of
In addition, two scholarships were awarded to young college men planning to attend South Carolina State University and Clafin College in Orangeburg.
Pi Gamma Lambda Fort McPherson, GA
Former Southern Regional Vice President Chester Wheeler was the featured speaker for Pi Gamma Lambda's Annual Reclamation, Rededication and Installation Program. Brothers who have been inactive with the Fraternity were extended an invitation to join with one of the Chapters in the Atlanta Metro area. Pi Gamma Lambda's officers were installed at the program. In other news, the Chapter assisted the drill team at Blalock Elementary School by chaperoning them to the Clark Atlanta University Homecoming Parade. The young students marched with pride and honor. The afternoon ended with Pi Gamma Lambda Brothers taking the youth to McDonald's Restaurant. Pi Gamma Lambda is the sponsor of the Blalock Elementary School Drill Team.
Pi Gamma Lambda Brothers. Delta Zeta Lambda Brothers are p h o tographed in front of their Fraternity House where the mortgage was recently paid off. Orangeburg, South Carolina. The Alpha House has served as the hub of the Chapters many programs. Some of the activities sponsored by Delta Zeta Lambda include the following: Martin Luther King, Jr. Unity Breakfast; Founders' Day activities; tutorial services at a local middle school; financial contribution to Camp I Can which is sponsored for at-risk children in the county; the Annual Black & Gold Ball; and bus trips to away football games in support of South Carolina State University's bulldogs. The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
Nu M u
Decatur, GA
Nu Mu Lambda Brothers joined with the DeKalb County Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority to feed the homeless and hungry by preparing and distributing Thanksgiving baskets. The Chapter also hosted a community Labor Day picnic and awarded seven scholarships to graduating seniors. As part of Project Alpha, Nu Mu Lambda took a number of youth from a local housing project to visit the Civil Rights Museum and Miles College, both in Birmingham, Alabama. The Chapter has instituted a Paraphernalia Day the Saturday before each month's
CHAPTER NEWS Chapter meeting. On that day, Chapter Brothers wear something all day with the colors, words or images of Alpha Phi Alpha. Brothers are encouraged to wear something, even as simple as a ring or watch. Nu Mu Lambda Brothers also are working with Brothers at Emory University and attempting to reactivate the Chapter at Georgia State University. The Chapter also was involved in various metro-wide programs celebrating the 91st Anniversary of the Fraternity. They rounded out the year with a winter holiday party for friends and family.
Brother Chris Gabriel (left) presents Brother Van Mathews with Alpha Man of the Year plaque
Gamma Eta Lambda Austin, TX
Nu Mu Lambda Brothers are pictured at the Civil Rishts Museum in Birminsham, Alabama alons with four youth and a member of the Decatur County Chapter of AKA who made the trip.
Gamma Eta Lambda Brother John Q. Taylor King, Sr. was appointed by Texas Governor George W. Bush to a six-year term on the Texas Funeral Service Commission. Immediately after his appointment, Brother King was assigned to chair the Budget and Finance Committee. Brother King, a life member of the Fraternity, is a licensed funeral director. He also is president of the family business, King-Tears Mortuary, Inc., in Austin, Texas. Brother King, a retired Lieutenant General of the United States Army, also is Chancellor and President Emeritus of HustonTillotson College in Austin.
Delta Upsilon Lambda Shreveport, LA Delta Upsilon Lambda Brothers held their annual Founders Day celebration at Evergreen Baptist Church. A special service honoring the Seven Jewels was held. Brother Van Mathews was named 1997 Alpha Man of the Year during the program. Brother Mathews is a dedicated father who serves on various boards and community projects. He is an attorney with the Social Security Administration.
Brother John Q. Taylor Kins 52
The SPHINX ~ Spring 1998
C1HAPTER NEWS WESTERN O m i c r o n Theta L a m b d a Oakland, CA
For the second-consecutive year, Brothers of Omicron Theta Lambda have organized a clothing drive for needy recipients in the Oakland area. In their latest clothing drive, the Chapter donated clothing to the Jobs Consortium. The Jobs Consortium is a not-for-profit organization that provides comprehensive support, training and placement services to homeless job-seekers at its one-stop employment centers in Oakland and Berkeley. Brothers were so spirited and motivated to 'Transcend All" that they also contributed $100 in cash to pay for basic amenities such as grooming and toiletries in preparation for job interviews. Because of their community effort, The Post, an Oakland community-based newspaper did a feature story on Omicron Theta Lambda.
Francisco Bay. San Francisco Mayor Brother Willie Brown was keynote speaker for the Chapter's Sunday public event. Three living legend of Gamma Chi—Brothers T.W. Washington, Zuretti Goosby, D.D.S. and Daniel A. Collins—gave reflections at the program. Brother Joe C. Thomas recognized the 50-year Brothers and greetings were given by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors member Amos C. Brown, California Congressman Brother Ronald V. Dellums, Gamma Phi Lambda Chapter President Robert Williams and Western Regional Vice President Kenneth Venable. The program concluded with the singing of the Alpha Hymn, conducted by Brother W. Decker Clarke.
Beta Psi L a m b d a Los Angeles, CA Beta Psi Lambda President Roye Love and past President James Hicks appeared with singer Lou Rawls on the nationallytelevised Lou Rawls Parade of Stars telethon to benefit the United Negro College Fund. In addition to a $3,000 donation to UNCF, the Chapter awarded six $1,000 scholarships to college students and partnered with the local NAACP Branch to give three scholarships to high school students. The Chapter has adopted the Curtis Middle School and are enthusiastically providing various tutorial and mentoring services. Beta Psi Lambda Brothers also participated in an Annual Black College Fair where hundreds of African-American students network with representatives from historically black colleges.
Omicron Theta Lambda Brothers are presented a Certification of Appreciation from Jobs Consortium officials after they organizated a clothing drive for homeless j o b seekers.
Gamma Chi Lambda San Francisco, CA The theme for Gamma Chi Lambda's 50th Anniversary Weekend Celebration was "Honoring the Legends of Gamma Chi Lambda." The weekend began on Friday with a black-tie dinner at the San Francisco Cathedral Hill Hotel. On Saturday, the Chapter sponsored a boat ride and luncheon on the San The SPHINX"' - Spring 1998
(From left): Brother Roye Love, Lou Rawls and Brother James Hicks. 53
H>l B 9 H 3 B*]
Alpha Phi Alpha. He was initiated at Eta Chapter, Metropolitan New York. Brother Herbert was born in Manhattan, New York and attended New York University where
he received a Bachelor of Science degree in education in 1942 and a Master's degree in public administration in 1962. While at New York University, Brother Herbert cemented his reputation in track and field by excelling in the sport's foremost indoor arena - Madison Square Garden. He set an unofficial world indoor record of 1 minute, 11.1 seconds for 600 yards in the 1939 New York Knights of Columbus Games and equaled the record two weeks later in the University of Chicago Relays. He broke the record again with 1 minute, 10.8 seconds in the 1940 New York Knights of Columbus Games. In the 1938 Amateur Athletic Union National indoor championships, Brother Herbert set a world record of 1 minute, 20.3 seconds for 600 meters. He was team captain and a three-time Ail-American. Brother Herbert ran for the New York Curb Exchange team and the Grand Street Boys Athletic Association. He won A.A.U. national indoor championships in 1933 and 1941, the Mel Sheppard 600 run five times, and achieved a rare double in the Penn Relays anchoring the Champion mile relay teams of high schools and colleges in 1933 and 1940, respectively. Brother Herbert was a recreation director for the New York City Department of Parks, a senior court officer captain in the New York Supreme Court criminal division, a district leader for the Democratic Party in Harlem and Washington Heights, a delegate to the Democratic National Conventions in 1968 and 1988, and an insurance and real-estate broker. He also was a "Yachtsman," a chartered member of the City Island Power Squadron, a distinguished "Eagle Scout," a member of the Eagle Scout Association, and for 50 years was a track and field official at the Penn Relays and the Millrose Games at Madison Square Garden. He was a Deacon at Trinity-St. Paul Church in New Rochelle, New York.
H. BOYD, SR. was a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha. He was born in the Campostella section of Norfolk, Virginia. He was initiated at Beta Chapter, Howard University in Washington, D.C., where he graduated from the school's College of Liberal Arts. He later graduated from Meharry Medical College of Nashville, Tennessee. Brother Boyd practiced medicine for 45 years. He was a long-standing member of Grace Episcopal Church, the President's Club of Howard University, President's Club of Meharry, Nomads Golf Club and Masons Lodge #67. Brother Boyd was affiliated with a number of professional organizations, including the National Medical Association, American Medical Association, Old Dominion BROTHER DR. JAMES
Brother Jimmy Herbert anchors winning mile relay in 1938 for New York University.
The SPHINX * - Spring 1998
O 4EGA CHAPTER Science degree from Morris Brown College in 1950. He was a retired public school teacher and athletic coach from the Mays Junior High and Mays Junior-Senior High School in Miami, Florida. Brother BROTHER FREDERICK D. BROWN, JR. was a Dinkins was an active member of Iota Pi life member of Alpha Phi Alpha who was Lambda Chapter in Miami, Florida. initiated at Epsilon Delta Chapter. He served as District Director of Ontario, Canada. Brother Brown attended City BROTHER GRANDVEL ANDREW JACKSON University New York-Regents College was a member of Gamma Chi Lambda where he obtained his bachelor of liberal Chapter in San Francisco. He was born in arts degree in 1996. He was a member of Hillsboro, Texas. Brother Jackson was the Prince Hall Masonic Order. active on every level of the Fraternity, having served as president of this chapter and Western Regional Vice President. He BROTHER THEODORE R. BRYANT, SR. was a attended Huston-Tillotson College and member of Beta Zeta Lambda Chapter, received a Bachelor of M s degree in 1936. Jefferson City, Missouri. He was born in Brother Jackson received his Master of Memphis, Tennessee. Brother Bryant Arts from San Francisco State University in attended Pepperdine University and 1954. He was an educator and retired from received both his bachelor and master of the San Francisco Unified School District. arts in clinical psychology in 1957 and Brother Jackson was a Golden Heritage 1959 respectively. He was an associate pro- Life member of the NAACP, serving as fessor of psychology at Lincoln University president for two separate terms. He also for 35 years before his retirement in 1995. was chairman of the San Francisco Human Brother Bryant served in the U.S. Army Rights Commission. Brother Jackson was a during the Korean War and in the U.S. faithful member of Third Baptist Church. Army Reserves from 1955 to 1963. He was a member of Highway 54 Church of Christ, the Community Concert Association, and BROTHER HENRY COLSON JACKSON was the Learning in Retirement Board of born in Petersburg, Virginia. He was a Directors. Brother Bryant was vice presi- charter member of Beta Gamma Chapter dent of the Jefferson City Chapter of the in Petersburg, Virginia. Brother Jackson Association of Retired Missouri State served in the U.S. Army during World War Employees. He was an ombudsman for the II and later was loaned to the Veterans Jefferson City Manor Care Center and Administration to work with veterans Hospice of Jefferson City and Mid- seeking to further their education under Missouri. the GI Bill. He was a teacher and counselor for 70 years. Brother Jackson taught at Brick Junior College, Enfield, North Peabody High School, BROTHER EARL L. DINKINS, SR. was initiat- Carolina, Petersburg and Virginia State College ed December 17, 1948 at Alpha Phi Chapter, Morris Brown College in Atlanta, where he was Dean of Men. He was a lifeGeorgia. He was born in Douglas, Georgia. long member of Zion Baptist Church. Brother Dinkins received his Bachelor of Medical Association, the Academy of Family Physicians and Virginia and Norfolk Medical Societies.
The SPHINX" ~ Spring 1998
was born in Admore, Oklahoma where he attended public schools. He later attended Langston A&M College in Langston, Oklahoma where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in history. He began his career as a teacher in Frederick, Oklahoma, however his career was interrupted when he was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1943. After leaving the military, he became a Civil Service employee at McClellan Field where he retired as a training officer in May 1983. Brother Johnson was initiated into the Fraternity while at Langston. He later became a founding member, in May 1954, of the Sacramento, California Zeta Beta Lambda Chapter of the Fraternity. He served as treasurer of the Alumni Chapter for more than 18 years.
born in Columbia, Tennessee. He was a veteran of World War II, having served in the Navy. Brother Johnson attended Knoxville College and later Virginia Union University where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Greek in 1930. He also attended the University of Michigan where he received his Master of Arts degree in history in 1931. Brother Johnson began his teaching career in 1933- He taught history, economics and mathematics for 33 years at Louisville Central High school. He spent 25 of those years as the school's athletic business manager. He was an assistant principal at several schools for six additional years and served two two-year terms on the Louisville, Jefferson City Board of Education. Brother Johnson led a crusade against the continued denial of admittance of African-Americans to the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky. He was initiated at Gamma Chapter in 1928. Brother Johnson was affiliated with the Louisville Association of Teachers in
OMEGA CHAPT ER Colored Schools, Kentucky Negro Education Association, Kentucky Education Association, Plymouth Congregational Church, the NAACP, J.O. Blanton House and the University of Kentucky Alumni Association. He was the recipient of four honorary doctorates, two Kentucky Colonel's Awards, the AilAmerican Award from UK Alumni, the Governor's Medallion and the Common Cause Citation. Brother Johnson was posthumously inducted into the AfroAmerican Hall of Fame. He was an active member of Alpha Lambda Chapter, Louisville, Kentucky.
was a
native of Quincy, Florida. He received his bachelor's degree from Florida A&M University and his master's degree from Hampton University. He became a school administrator in Mariana, Florida and later in Pensacola, Florida. Brother Johnson became principal of Union Academy after moving to Gainesville, Florida in 1921. He was principal for 36 years. He assisted in the planning of two schools in Gainesville, Florida. Brother Johnson taught classes in Latin, science, mathematics and English. He served as superintendent of the Sunday School and was a trustee at Greater Bethel African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church.
initiated in 1968 at Zeta Alpha Chapter, University of Missouri. He attended Southern Illinois University and received his Bachelor of Science in 1976. Brother Jones worked as a processing specialist for Southwestern Bell telephone. He was a member of Epsilon Lambda Chapter, St. Louis, Missouri.
D. LETTS was initiated in 1943 at Xi Chapter. He later attended West Virginia State College and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1949. Brother Letts was a Commissioner for the Michigan Civil Rights Commission. BROTHER RICHARD
was a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha. He was born in Greenville, South Carolina. Brother Mclver was initiated in 1962 at Alpha Delta Chapter, California State University. He attended California State University at Los Angeles and received his Bachelor of Arts degree in history and social science in 1968. Brother Mclver was drafted and inducted into the U.S. Army and served overseas in Germany at the rank of E5. He worked as a department manager for Ralphs Supermarkets, an adult school instructor for GED candidates, a real estate agent with Laster Realty and a notary. Brother Lewis was a LAUSD Parent Volunteer, a member of the Title I/Compensatory Education Parent Unit, a member of LAUSD LEARN Task Force, fund-raiser for the Weingart YMCA, president of the Board of the Neighborhood Housing Services, member of the Black Education Commission and community advisor for the YMCA. He attended every Alpha Phi Alpha General Convention held between the years 1967 and 1997, except for two years when he was in poor health. Brother Mclver served in every office of the Beta Psi Lambda and Mu Beta Lambda Chapters. In 1988, he received the City of Los Angeles' Apple Award from Mayor Tom Bradley for exceptional services to the children of the Los Angeles Unified School District. He was named Alumni Brother of the Year in 1990.
D. NEWSOME was initiated in 1988 at Xi Kappa Lambda Chapter, Missouri City, Texas. He attended the University of Houston and received his Bachelor of Arts degree in accounting in 1979 and his masters degree in business administration in 1984. Brother Newsome worked as a certified public accountant for Texaco, Inc. in Houston, Texas. BROTHER KEVIN
life member of Alpha Phi Alpha. He was initiated in 1979 at Xi Lambda Chapter, Chicago, Illinois. Brother Osborn received both his Master of Arts and his Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve. He was active in Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter, Cleveland, Ohio.
initiated in 1979 at Eta Alpha Lambda Chapter in New Haven, Connecticut. He attended Illinois State University and received his Bachelor of Science in 1973. Brother Packnett received his Master of Divinity degree from Yale University in 1979. He served as Official Editor of the National Baptist Voice, Publisher of the National Baptist Convention, and Pastor of Central Baptist Church. Brother Packnett was a member of Epsilon Lambda Chapter in St. Louis, Missouri.
life member of Alpha Phi Alpha. He was initiated in 1954 at Alpha Zeta Chapter, West Virginia State College. Brother Swann was an active member of Delta Alpha Lambda. He attended West Virginia State College and obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in 1957. Brother Swann obtained his Master of Science degree
The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
MEGA CHAPTER from Central Michigan University in 1984. He was Director of Minority Business at Amtrak. Brother Swann was affiliated with the NAACP.
- continued from page 44 Brother Richard C. Bean Delta Alpha Lambda Brother Sinser A. Buchanan Gamma Beta
B. WHITE was a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha. He was initiated in 1943 at Alpha Zeta Chapter, West Brother Artis Nathaniel Burrow Virginia State College. Brother White was Epsilon Lambda an active member of Delta Alpha Lambda, Cleveland, Ohio. He received his bache- Brother Herman Duncan lor's degree in 1944 from West Virginia Beta Chi Lambda State. He received his Juris Doctorate in 1946 from Case Western Reserve Brother Floyd A. Harrison University and practiced law in Cleveland, Beta Chi Lambda Ohio. Brother Harry Hodhes Beta Chi Lambda BROTHER CHARLES WILDER, II was born in Wilmot, Arkansas. He was a member of Brother Booker T. Holmes Gamma Rho Lambda Chapter in Gary, Gamma Beta Indiana. Brother Wilder attended Indiana University and received both his bache- Brother W a l d o Kennedy lor's and master's degree in education. He Beta Chi Lambda was a teacher at Locke Elementary School for 27 years and a faithful member of the Brother Toby Owens Retired Teacher's Association. Brother Beta Chi Lambda Wilder was an active member of First A.M.E. Church for over 60 years, a member Brother Lem A. Roberson of Usher Board #2, the Trustee Board, Delta Alpha Lambda and was president, parliamentarian and past treasurer of the Lay Organization. He Brother Roy W. Roseboro was a former member of the Chancel Delta Alpha Lambda Choir, Board member of the Day Care Center and member of the Building Brother Charles A. Stith, Sr. Committee. He was a life member of the Delta Alpha Lambda NAACP, Indiana Conference, Fourth District and member of the Lay Male Brother George M. Thomas Chorus. Rho BROTHER DR. JAY
Political Odyssey from ballot power, and registering and voting (African-American) people is one of the most important tasks facing us ... At the same time, there has to be extensive lobbying in Washington (D.C.) and in state capitols— lobbying so well organized that immediate pressure can be brought to bear on key Congressman whenever necessary." In our 20th century journey from the out house of Post Reconstruction to the White House of Post Civil Rights, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity has Transcended All, by remaining first in service through war and peace. And so, into the millennium, "We Must Remain"! Brother Harold R. Sims is president of Sims & Associates consulting firm of North Brunswick, New Jersey. He is former Acting Executive Director of the National Urban League (following the death of Brother Whitney M. Young, Jr.). He served as deputy to Brother Young.
Brother Sidney S. Thompson, J Delta Alpha Lambda
Henry A. Callis
Charles H. Chapman
Eugene K. Jones
Robert H. Ogle
Vertner W. Tandy
GENERAL OFFICERS General President Immediate Past General President Executive Director General Treasurer Comptroller General Counsel Director-General Conventions Parliamentarian VICE PRESIDENTS Eastern Midwestern Southern Southwestern Western ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS Eastern Midwestern Southern Southwestern western LIVING PAST GENERAL PRESIDENTS (Board Members) 21st General President 24th General President 25th General President 26th General President 27th General President 28th General President 29th General President ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS TO THE GENERAL PRESIDENT International Affairs Special Assistant Assistants
Adrian L. Wallace, 281 Debra Lane, Lake Charles, LA 70611-9216 Milton C. Davis, P.O. Box 509, Tuskegee, AL, 36083 Hebrew L. Dixon III, 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 George N. Reaves, 2933 Balmoral Crescent, Flossmoor, IL 60422 Frank A. Jenkins III, 529 South Perry Street, Suite 16, P.O. Box 4246, Montgomery, AL 36104 Harry E.Johnson, Sr, 8606 Running Bird Lane, Missouri City, TX 77489 Al F. Rutherford, 8585 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 730N, Dallas, TX 75247 Kenneth Jordan, 15366 Kentfield, Detroit, MI 28223
Samuel G. Wilson, 3639 Highwood Drive, SE, Washington, DC 20020 James B. Blanton III, 10625 South Hamilton, Chicago, IL 60643 Lynwood Bell, 1902 East Pollock Road, Lakeland, FL 33813 Terry German, 827 Sansome Drive, Arlington, TX 76018 Kenneth Venable, 722 West 19th Street, Unit #4, San Pedro, CA 90731
Rawn James, P.O. Box 205266, New Haven, CT 06520 Juan Harris, 610 Northest St. #207, Indianapolis, IN 46202 Laterrance L. Chatman, 303 Lipona Road, Apt. 8D, Tallahassee, FL 32304 Walter T Tillman, Jr., 401 Cleveland Street, Indianola, MS 38751 Ryan Ballard, 3620 Fairway Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90043
T Winston Cole, Sr., 124 SW Twenty-third, Gainesville, FL 32607 Walter Washington, Alcorn State University, Lorman, MS 39096 James R. Williams, 1733 Brookwood Drive, Akron, OH 44313 Ozell Sutton, 1640 Loch Lomond Trail, SW, Atlanta, GA 30331 Charles C. Teamer, Sr, 4619 Owens Boulevard, New Orleans, LA 70122 Henry Ponder, Black Higher Education Center, Lovejoy Bdg., 400,12th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Milton C. Davis, P.O. Box 509, Tuskegee, AL 36083
Horace G. Dawson, Jr., 1601 Kalmia Road, NW, Washington, DC 20012 Darryl R. Matthews, Sr, 5075 Red Robin Ridge, Alpharetta, GA 30202 Joseph E. Heyward, P.O. Box 384, Florence, SC 29503 Ronald L. Anderson, 6300 Taliaferro Way, Kingstowne, VA 22315 Joshua Williams, Jr., 9696 Hayne Blvd. #15, New Orleans, LA 70127 The SPHINX' ~ Spring 1998
NATIONAL COMMITTEE/COMMISSION CHAIRMEN Alpha Collegiate Scholars Archivist Awards & Achievements Budget & Finance Business & Economic Development College Brothers Affairs Constitution Elections Endowment & Capital Formation Grievances & Discipline Headquarters Maintenance Internal Auditing Jobs Fair Life Membership Management Information Systems Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Project Membership/Standards & Extension National Programs Personnel Publications Racial Justice & Public Policy Reclamation Subcommittee Recommendations & Resolutions Rules & Credentials Rituals & Ceremonies Senior Alpha Affairs Strategic Planning Time & Place Training & Development PROGRAM/PROJECT COORDINATORS Big Brother/Big Sisters of America Leadership Development & Citizen Education Miss Black & Gold Pageant Oratorical Contest Project Alpha Special Project The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
Everett Ward, 5002 Avenida Del Sol Drive, Raleigh, NC 27604 George N. Reaves, 2933 Balmoral Crescent, Flossmoor, IL 60422 Calvin R. Austin, 139 Drexel Drive, Millersville, MD 21108 Samuel D. DeShazior, 911 Mercer Avenue, Akron, OH 44320 Bruce A. Austin, 6202 Crane Street, Houston, TX 77026 Adrian L. Wallace, Ex Officio
James Ward, 9306 Twin Hills Drive, Houston, TX 77031 George N. Reaves, 2933 Balmoral Crescent, Flossmoor, IL 60422 James B. Gillespie, 2300 Emerald Heights Court, Reston, VA 22091-1714 Keener A. Tippin, 3621 Evergreen Lane, Columbia, MO 65201 Joseph K. Byrd, Xavier University, Box 101-C, New Orleans, LA 70125 Kermit H. Boston, 2315 Divisadero Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 Adrian L. Wallace, Ex Officio
Willie Ruff, 314 Applegrove Court, Herndon, VA 22071 Herman "Skip" Mason, Jr., 564 Blake Avenue, SE, Atlanta, GA 30316 Steven M. Sims, 2508 Dysart Road, Cleveland, OH 44118 Frank A. Jenkins III, 529 South Perry Street, Suite 16, Montgomery, AL 36104 Harold Patrick, 5959 West Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045 Barton J. Taylor, 2117 Flat Shoals Road #4, Atlanta, GA 30316 Lloyd Givens, 6050 Canaan Woods Drive, SW, Atlanta, GA 30331 Russell C. Campbell, 1502 November Circle #201, Silver Spring, MD 20904 Christopher C. Womack, 2109 Christina Cove, Birmingham, AL 35244 Isiah Ward, 303 Waterford, Willowbrook, IL 60521 R. Leandras Jones II, 1045 Audubon Circle, SW, Atlanta, GA, 30311 David M. Cheri, 5106 Porter Ridge, Houston, TX 77053 Ralph Caro, 6826 Garfield Avenue, Kansas City, MO 66102 George Wayne Watkins, 40983 Oaks Drive #4A, Troy, MI 48098 Andre Watkins, 803 Falls Lake Drive, Mitchellville, MD 20716 John H. Carter, 3465 Somerset Trail, Atlanta, GA 30330 Ronald T.James, 1717 NE 16th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73111 Ronald Peters, 1130 M.D. Anderson Blvd., Houston, TX 77030 Sean Woodroffe, 705 Summer Avenue, Uniondale, NY 11553 Harry Dunbar, 281 Rose Road, West Nyack, NY 10994 Norman Towels, 3243 Arlington Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 Harold Foster, 5642 Georgia, Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66104 Tophas Anderson III, 14811 Tumbling Falls Court, Houston, TX 77062 John E. Walls, Co-chairman, 107 Colonial Drive, Vicksburg, MS 39180 Johnny Thomas, Co-chairman, 1414 Mill Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601 Darren Morton, Chairman, 549 S 7th Avenue, Mt. Vernon, NY 10550 James Ivory, 1241 Oak Hill Road, Downers Grove, IL 60515 Chester A. Wheeler III, P.O. Box 6682, Macon, GA 31208 Elliot Ferguson, Jr., 3920 Dogwood Farm Road, Savannah, GA 30034 Philip Jackson, 1200 Little Gloucester Road #1904, Clementon, NJ 08021
Dale Long, 1614 Dorado Street, Garland, TX 75040 Willis E. Baird, P.O. Box 74, Durham, NC 27702 Alvin Cavalier, 413-C Longwood Court, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 John German, 1124 32nd Avenue, Seattle, WA 98144 John L. Colbert, 2140 Loren Circle, Fayetteville, AR 72701 Richard D. Smith, Jr., 3510 Medical Park Drive #7, Monroe, LA 71203
2313 St. Paul Street • Baltimore, MD 21218-5234 Phone: (410) 554-0040 • Fax: (410) 554-0054 Hebrew L. Dixon III, Executive Director - Ext. 115 Seaton J. White III, Director of Communications - Ext. 101 Zollie Stevenson, Director of Programs - Ext. 137 Keith Johnson, Intake Manager- Ext. 123 Gregory Jackson, Membership Manager-104 Londa N. Sanders, Operations Specialist - Ext. 113 Jame'l Hodges, Intake Specialist - Ext. 121 Marc Battle, Communications Specialist - Ext. 137 Gabriella Neal, MLK, Jr. Project Assistant - Ext. 110 Robin Donaldson, Executive Assistant - Ext. 116 Latifa Howard, Communications Assistant - Ext. 138 Tori Bracey, Membership Assistant - Ext. 118 Leslie Porter, Membership Assistant - Ext. 117 Ernestine Smith, Membership Assistant - Ext. 122 Sharon Prater, Intake Assistant - Ext. 105 Yolonda Bailey, Intake Assistant - Ext. 120 Gracie Deville, Receptionist - Ext. 100 M.A. Morrison, First General President, 1908-1909 * Roscoe C. Giles, Second General President, 1909-1911 * Frederick H. Miller, Third General President, 1911-1912 * Charles H. Garvin, Fourth General President, 1912-1914 * Henry L. Dickason, Fifth General President, 1914-1915 * Henry A. Callis, Sixth General President, 1915-1916 * Howard H. Long, Seventh General President, 1916-1917 * William A. Pollard, Eighth General President, 1918-1919 * Daniel D. Fowler, Ninth General President, 1919-1920 * Lucius L. McGee, Tenth General President, 1920-1921 * S.S. Booker, Eleventh General President, 1921-1923 * Raymond W. Cannon, Twelfth General President, 1924-1928 * B. Andrew Rose, Thirteenth General President, 1928-1931 * Charles H. Wesley, Fourteenth General President, 1931-1940 * Rayford W. Logan, Fifteenth General President, 1941-1945 * Belford V. Lawson, Jr., Sixteenth General President, 1946-1951 * A. Maceo Smith, Seventeenth General President, 1951-1954 * Frank L. Stanley, Jr., Eighteenth General President, 1955-1957 * Myles A. Paige, Nineteenth General President, 1957-1960 * William H. Hale, Twentieth General President, 1960-1962 * T. Winston Cole, Sr., Twenty first General President, 1963-1964 Lionel H. Newsom, Twenty-second General President, 1965-1968 * Ernest N. Mortal, Twenty-third General President, 1969-1972 * Walter Washington, Twenty-fourth General President, 1973-1976 James R. Williams, Twenty-fifth General President, 1977-1980 Ozell Sutton, Twenty-sixth General President, 1981-1984 Charles C. Teamer, Sr., Twenty-seventh General President, 1985-1988 Henry Ponder, Twenty-eighth General President, 1989-1992 Milton C. Davis, Twenty-ninth General President, 1993-1996 Adrian L. Wallace, Thirtieth General President, 1997The SPHINX " ~ Spring 1998
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.ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY INC® 91 st Anniversary Convention _ 2000: THE U G H T f l * A NEW DA& K//3 CuzMUg Ulbu-'J'aps fuskugi)
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Ecumenical Worship
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