The SPHINX | Fall 2002 | Volume 87 | Number 2 200208702

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It's not out there,

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2 0 0 1 CHAPTER OF THE YEAR 6*. Nu Mu Lambda shines its light in the rf-jj Atlanta Metropolitan Area.

LEADERSHIP THROUGHOUT T H E RANKS Alpha Brothers team together to build a hallmark national technology company. Dimensions I :i. Inc.

BROTHER KWAME KILPATRICK The youngest Mayor in tlx> history of the City of Detroit who is bringing a positive change.


C ov Alpha Phi Alpha Brothers in leadership positions (L to R) Brother H. Carl McCall (Democratic Nominee for Governor of New York). Brother Kivame Kilpatrick (Detroit's new Mayor) and Brother David Scott (candidate for Georgia Congressional Seat).




27th General President. Brother Dr. Charles C Teamer, Sr. (Second from Right) with members and friends of Zeta Alpha Lambda pictured (L to R) Mrs. Bemice Smith. Mrs. Ida Stanley. Jr. and husband Brother Walter Stanley Jr. along with BrotherJames Duhart.

Mistakes are the portals of discovery. " - lames lovce

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Letters to the Editor Address Changes Questions regarding The Sphinx速 Website inquiries Educational Activities w l\ weh("

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THE SPHINX* SUMMER 2002 Statement of Ownership. Management, and Circulation • * • > ! ! • II •


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Aiph» Phi Alpha FTBtwntly. Inc 2313 Si PaulShMt; BaiUmore MD 21218-523. Ed*. IHmm H a>W*> ™*no -J=r™| William Douglaw lyta 231J 31. Paul Streel. Ballimwo. MD 2121B-5234 IMWnn. torn. Mama wo raw* m a * * aOn-aa.1 2313 31. Paul Street. BilllmofB. MD 21218-5234

GENERAL OFFICERS Harry E. Johnson, Sr. General President

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iipha Phi Alpha fraternity. Inc.

Adrian L. Wallace Immediate Past President Gregory Phillips Executive Director •• Cinmn") IKing Pracaamg 1!

George N. Reaves General Treasurer




Frank A. Jenkins, III Comptroller Cecil Howard General Counsel

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FOUNDERS Henry Arthur Callis Charles Henry Chaplin Nathaniel Allison Murray Eugene Kinckle Jones Vertner Woodson Tandy George Biddle Kelley Robert Harold Ogle



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CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218-5234 Phone: 410.554.0040 Fax: 410.554.0054 To Change Mailing Address: Membership Department Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218-5234 Alpha Phi Alpha Web Site Address: Http://

The SPHINX® (USPS 510-440) is published quarterly for $40 a year by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-5234. Periodical postage paid at Baltimore, MD. Postmaster: send address changes to The SPHINX®, 2313 St. Paul Street, BaiUmore, MD 21218-5234, The SPHINX® is the official magazine of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® Send all editorial mail and changes of address to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.®. Manuscripts of art, opinions expressed in columns and articles do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® Use of any person's name in fiction, semi-fiction, articles or humorous feamres is to be regarded as a coincidence and not as the responsibility of The SPHINX®, and is never done knowingly. Copyright 2000 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.® ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reproduction or use without permission, of the editorial or pictorial content of the magazine in any manner is prohibited. The SPHINX® has been published continuously since 1914. Organizing Editor, Brother Raymond W. Cannon. Organizing General President, Brother Henrv Lake Dickerson.

"Its a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything hut the best, you my often get it. " - W. Somerset Maugham

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can... and the wisdom to know the difference." My Brothers in Alpha: ur 12th General President, Brother Raymond W. Cannon, once boldly proclaimed: "We (Alpha Phi Alpha) ever strive to perfect our union; to insist upon the personal progress of our Brothers and help them when in need... and do so voluntarily when that need is apparent." As America and, indeed the world, reflects upon a year that forever changed the course of history and commemorates the lives lost on September 11, 2001,1 come before you in the name of "He who keeps and sustains us," to express my undying gratitude - on behalf of a grateful nation - for going above and beyond the call of duty to assist this great country in its time of need. When Alpha Phi Alpha called upon you to donate blood, dollars and most importantly time, to the victims of the tragedies in Washington, DC, New York and Pennsylvania, you were there. When the time came for us to bury those Brothers who lost their lives and comfort their families in their hour of need, you were there. And most importantly, when the time came for the Brothers of the "greatest fraternity in the world" to answer the call of service to all mankind, without hesitation or concern for yourselves, you were there... and for that I would like to say "thank you."


Today, as Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. prepares to face the challenges of a bold and bright new future, I call upon you, once again, to answer the call of leadership and service, by letting your lives do the singing. The Bible teaches us "to whom much is given, much is also required." As our nation looks back upon the tragedy of September 11th and pray that it never happens again, I humbly implore you to do your part to ensure that the concepts of freedom, democracy and dignity of the individual are preserved for us, our children and our future. I am encouraging all Alpha Brothers, their families and friends to do their part in participating in the upcoming election cycle in the communities in which you live and serve. I implore each and every one of you to participate in "A Voteless People is a Hopeless People" programs throughout the country, to make certain that every eligible person in your household exercise their right to vote for the candidates of their choice. What better memorial can we give to honor those who lost their lives on that fateful day, than fulfilling the dreams of those who have gone before us by doing our part to ensure that every vote counts in the upcoming Fall Elections? "If not you, then who? If not now, then when?" Finally, my Brothers, I would like to encourage you to take advantage of the historic opportunity that has been placed before you by the Fraternity's Economic Development Foundation, by investing in and becoming a franchise owner of one of the fifty (50) Church's Chicken restaurants that the Fraternity has negotiated with AFC Enterprises of Atlanta, Georgia. These franchises will be placed in some seventeen communities across the country, in an effort to provide you with every opportunity to participate in this worthwhile financial endeavor. Now is the time to build upon the legacy of our Founding Fathers, the Seven Jewels, through economic development and entrepreneurship in preparation for the new millennium. Now is the time for you to do your part to help build Alpha Phi Alpha's future! With all best wishes, I remain, Fraternally,

Harry E. Johnson, Sr., Esq. General President

'A friend is a present you give yourself."- Robert Louis Stevenson

THE SPHINX" SUMMER 2002 Official Organ of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

William Douglass Lyle Interim Editor In-Chief Director of Communications


Jonathan Augustine Robert Deigh Contributing Writers Reggie Colbert Yvonne Stevenson Graphic Arts/Print Consultants Deadlines for editorial submissions are as follow: Spring Issue - November 1 Summer - February 1 Fall - May 1 Winter - August 1 For advertisement display rates and other ad information contact: Editor of The Sphinx速 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218-5234 Phone: 410.554.0040 Fax: 410.554.0054

Alpha's Brothers in Politics

Nu Mu Lambda - 2001-02 Alumni Chapter of the Year

Alpha Phi Alpha Web Site address:


"A man cannot he too careful in the choice of his enemies " - Oscar Wilde


My Brothers of Alpha: extend to you heartfelt greetings and salutations from 2313 St. Paul Street. As Executive Director, it is a unique challenge and responsibility to accept the call of leadership and service to Alpha. As such, it is my honor and privilege to report to you our progress at the Corporate Headquarters. The following information provided below is an overview of the various departmental activities at our corporate office:



The Educational Activities Department recently worked with the Coordinator of the Fraternity's Head Start Initiative, Brother Ronnie Jenkins, Southern Region Vice President, to develop and execute a successful Alpha Phi Alpha/Head Start Fatherhood Conference, held July 29 - August 1, 2002, in Las Vegas, NV. Additionally, during this conference, the initiative accepted twenty-six (26) grant proposals from chapters around the country desirous of implementing this program within their local communities. With regard to our scholarship and academic efforts within the Fraternity, we have received sixtysix scholarship applications, of which fifteen scholarships, in the amount of $3,000 will be awarded to the selected recipients. This represents a 100% increase in the amount of monies given to individual scholarship recipients. MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT

The Membership Department has continued to improve the turnaround time for the dissemination of membership pass cards and other important information, which will allow all active members of the Fraternity, in good standing, the ability to participate in most sanctioned Fraternity events. Additionally, we are pleased to report that during the Spring Membership Intake period, Alpha Phi .Alpha initiated a total of 919 new members into the Fraternity. Finally, during last spring's Regional Convention tour, the Membership Services Department conducted a series of comprehensive and informative workshops within each region of the Fraternity, in an effort to apprise the general organization of some of the changes with regard to the way we conduct business COMMUNICATIONS

Our Communications Department continues to work to improve our processes and practices for producing Hie Sphinx速 Magazine and other Fraternity publications. The Communications Department has updated all fraternal membership & marketing publications including; the "Voteless People" door hangers (both in English and Spanish), the Sphinx Magazine (Collegiate Edition), Revised Ritual (reprint), 2002 Historical Calendar and several other publications. Furthermore, the Fraternity's web site has set the stage for all other Greek Letter organizations to follow, welcoming approximately 700 people a day to our home on the world wide web. Finally, the Communications Department continues to update the Fraternity's web site,, on a weekly basis. adding valuable scholarship information and data, press releases on Fraternity activities and other pertinent information. LOGISTICS

The goal of the Fraternity's Logistics Department is to advance and improve the operational procedures of the Fraternity's Corporate Headquarters and provide logistical support to the organization's leadership, through efficiency, effectiveness and leadership by example. As such, our Logistics Department continues to provide valuable assistance and logistical support that results in the successful planning and implementation of Corporate Headquarters participation and office related operations for various Fraternity related events. Most recently, the Logistics Department worked in tandem with the Director of Conventions to coordinate and execute a successful National Family Economic Development Conference, held August 1-4, 2002 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Additionally, the Logistics Department has worked to develop a comprehensive Youth Entrepreneurship Training Module that was successfully employed during the Las Vegas conference and will be duplicated at the General Convention in Detroit, to prepare our Alpha Youth for entrepreneurial excellence in the twenty-first century. CONCLUSION

Once again, my Brothers, I would like to thank General President Johnson, the Board of Directors and the members of Alpha Phi Alpha for their support to me in my role as Executive Director. As we continue to work to improve our operational procedures, please know that we will work to serve our brotherhood to the best of our abilities. Respectfully Submitted.

Gregory Phillips Executive Director

"Expedients are for the hour: principles for the ages." - Henry Ward Beecher

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"The objectives of this Fraternity shall be: to stimulate the ambition of its members; to prepare them for the greatest usefulness in the causes of humanity, freedom and dignity of the individual; to encourage the highest and noblestform of manhood; and to aid down-trodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic and intellectual status. "Article 1, Section 2-Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. ® Constitution and By-Laws eadership theories are closely related to the Expectancy Theory of Motivation, according to which the effort a person is willing to put forth is influenced by two factors: expectancy and valence. Expectancy is the degree to which a person expects that his or her behavior will lead to certain outcomes. Valence is how attractive these outcomes are to that person. The leaders found among the ranks of Alpha Phi Alpha often share and value the organization's objectives, within which their valence is a result of the things found within the Fraternity's aims; "Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love for all Mankind." Our Fraternal leaders in politics harness the African-American experience as a prism for examining the principals and problems of American democracy. They have embraced the concept of "Ask Not What your Country Can Do for You..." These Brothers encounter issues which historically approach the boundaries relating to race, class, gender, and ethnicity. Furthermore, they strive to make a significant difference while in their respective positions, which grants ample opportunity to serve their country in a political role.


Incorporated in this Edition of The Sphinx® you will find several articles on Brothers in politics, and those who are preparing to advance in their political careers. Also included with our traditional sections of The Sphinx® is a health related article, newly added words of wisdom and quotations at the bottom of every page, and fraternal poems—a suggested addition from several Brothers throughout the Fraternity. Now on to tackling the most dreaded of editorial chores.. .corrections! In our last issue, we did not highlight a chapter, in which apologies have been extended, by omitting a photograph submitted by Brother Walter Stanley of Zeta Alpha Lambda Chapter (pg 44, Spring 2001 edition). The submitted photo can be found in this edition's table of contents. Also I would like to extend my sincere apologies to Brothers Elliott Ferguson, Tophas Anderson, Willie Cooper, Charles Clark for discrepancies found pertaining to them in our corporate directory. Finally, being members of a premier organization or as our General President would say, "the creme de la creme," we are held to a higher bar; looked upon as the innovative force which drives the multitude to greater opportunity. In closing, it is said that every Brother with a degree should be able to help or hire another person within 5 years after receiving his degree. My undergraduate mentor, Brother Eric Ford once told me "It doesn't matter what you've done, it only matters as to what you have done lately." Brothers I ask you.. .what have YOU done lately?

William Douglass Lyle Interim Editor - In - Chief

Edited by: Frank Sessoms and Richard Smith, Jr Co-Chairs of the Alpha Medical Advisory Board

I ach year, more than 30,000 new cases of cancer of the oral cavity land pharynx are diagnosed and over 8,000 deaths due to oral cancer occur. The 5-year survival rate for these cancers is only about 50 percent. Mortality from oral cancer is nearly twice as high in some minorities (especially black males) as it is in whites. Methods used to treat oral cancers (surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy) are disfiguring and costly. Preventing high-risk behaviors, that include cigarette, cigar or pipe smoking, use of smokeless tobacco, and excessive use of alcohol are critical in preventing oral cancers. Early detection is key to increasing the survival rate for these cancers. As of February 2002, approximately 75 percent of oral cavity and pharyngeal cancers are attributed to the use of smoked and smokeless tobacco. (These cancers include the mouth, tongue, lips, throat, parts for the nose, and larynx.) Those who chew tobacco are at high risk for gum and cheek lesions that can lead to cancer. Alcohol consumption is another risk factor. Combinations of tobacco and alcohol are believed to represent substantially greater risk factors than either substance consumed alone. Other factors that can place a person at risk for these cancers are viral infections, immunodeficiencies, poor nutrition, exposure to ultraviolet light (a major cause of cancer to the lips), and certain occupational exposures.


Oral cancer accounts for two to four percent of all cancers diagnosed annually in the United States, but relative survival rates are among the lowest of major cancers. Only onehalf the number of persons diagnosed with oral cancer are alive five years after the diagnosis. In contrast to other cancers (e.g. breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers) the overall U.S. survival rate from oral and pharyngeal cancer has not improved during the past 16 years. Survival rates for oral can-


cer in minorities have decreased. Incidence of oral cancer varies greatly throughout the world. In western countries, such as the United States, England or Wales, oral cancer accounts for two to five percent of all cancers. These numbers are low compared with a 40 percent prevalence in Sri Lanka and 50 percent in India. Southeast Asian persons also have a high frequency of oral cancer. Oral cancer today occurs twice as often in males as in females. This is considerably different from the 5:1 male to female ratio of forty years ago. Increased tobacco use among women is the main reason for the change in cancer rates compared with rates in the 1950s. Age is also a factor-95 percent of oral cancers occur among persons over the age of 40 and 60 being the average age at diagnosis. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF ORAL CANCER

- a mouth sore that fails to heal or that bleeds easily - a white or red patch in the mouth that will not go away - a lump, thickening or soreness in the mouth, throat, or tongue - difficulty chewing or swallowing food. Most early signs of oral cancer are painless and are difficult to detect without a thorough head and neck examination by a dental or medical professional. Oral cavity and pharyngeal cancers occur on anatomic sites that lend themselves to early diagnosis and treatment. Detection of oral cancer through periodic medical and dental examinations can significantly reduce the risk of these lifethreatening cancers. Quitting tobacco and alcohol use significantly lowers your risk of developing these cancers, even after years of use.

• Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein


ALPHA HEALTH WATCH ORAL CANCER SELF EXAMINATION It is important to learn how to examine yourself for signs of oral cancer and to have regular check-ups in order to increase the chances of discovering the condition in the early stages before it progresses. To perform the oral cancer selfexamination, just follow these 7 easy steps. LOOK AT AND FEEL VOIR:

1. Head and Neck: look at your face and neck in a mirror. Normally, the left and right sides of the face have the same shape. Look for any lumps, bumps, or swellings that are only on one side of your face. 2. Face: examine the skin on your face. Do you notice any color or size changes, sores, moles, or growths? 3. Neck: press along the sides and front of the neck. Do you feel any tenderness or lumps? 4. Lips: pull your lower Up down and look inside for any sores or color changes. Next, use your thumb and forefinger to feel the lip for lumps, bumps, or changes in texture. Repeat this on your upper Up. 5. Cheek: use your fingers to puU out your cheek so you can see inside. Look for red, white, or dark patches. Put your index finger on the inside of your cheek and your thumb on the outside. Gently squeeze and roU your cheek between your fingers to check for

any lumps or areas of tenderness. Repeat this on the other cheek. 6. Roof of the Mouth: tilt your head back and open your mouth wide to see if there are any lumps or if the color is different than usual. Run your finger on the roof to feel for lumps. 7. Floor of the Mouth and Tongue: Stick out your tongue and look at the top surface for color and texture. Gendy puU your tongue forward to look at one side first and then the other. Look for any swelUngs or color changes. Examine the underside of your tongue by placing the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth. Look at the floor of your mouth and the underside of your tongue for color changes that are very different from what is normal. Gently press your finger along the underside of your tongue to feel for any lumps or swelUngs. If you find anything out of the ordinary, particularly anything that does not heal or go away in two weeks, or that has recently changed, discuss it with your oral health professional or physician. Information provided by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion & Monique Vinscon with the Baltimore City Health Department.

T'fie Strugg(e By 'Brother ^Frederick T>ougfass

The sleeping fox catches no poultry." - Benjamin Franklin

Nu Mu Lambda MANLY DEEDS. SCHOLARSHIP AND LOVE FOR ALL MANKIND Nu Mu LAMBDA SHINES ITS LIGHT IN ATLANTA'S METROPOLITAN AREA u Mu Lambda, the second oldest alumni chapter in the Atlanta Metropolitan area, was established on June 15,1980 by thirty-seven Brothers who wanted to spread Alpha to the suburbs of Atlanta. Twenty-one years later, the chapter is still holding up the light of Alpha through local and national initiatives. The chapter proudly reported 106 financial Brothers of which thirtynine are Life Members. The chapter credits its success to the relentless efforts of every Brother to contribute creative ideas and proven leadership. The growth of the chapter is attributable to the Chapter's commitment to provide opportunities for all Brothers, new and old, to be active, outspoken and hardworking. In the past, Nu Mu Lambda had no operating budget; however, the Chapter is now operating under a $71,000 budget. The funds serve to promote over 12 chapter-sponsored programs, three national auxiliaries, and two national initiatives. The Chapter Brothers, over the past years, through community outreach, has raised $154,000 through scholarship fund-raising campaigns. In addition, the Chapter reestablished a collegealumni relationship with Emory University's Mu Alpha Chapter. Nu Mu Lambda has secured 501(c) (3) status, developed a housing initiative and more than doubled



"Truth, like a torch, the more it's shook it shines." - William Hamilton

the chapter level of activism at the district, regional, and national fraternal levels. The Chapter has co-hosted the 1999 Georgia District Conference with Mu Alpha and the 2000 National Millennium Convention in Atlanta. Nu Mu Lambda was recognized as the District Alumni Chapter and the Regional Alumni Chapter of the Year in 1998, 2000, and 2001. The Decatur Chapter is a life member of the NAACP, participates in the March of Dimes Walk America, Atlanta AIDS Walk and has been a committed contributor to the MLK National Memorial Project. The Brothers of the Chapter have made individual contributions to the MLK Project that has totaled over $8,000. Nu Mu Lambda has collected and raised over $13,272 since August 2000. Today, the chapter has given approximately $27,028 to the building of the MLK Project. In addition, the Chapter collected and raised over $1,500 to help Brother Jason Mathis with his medical and family expenses in July 2001. Brother Jason Mathis was one of the 14 Brothers involved in the terrible automobile accident on May 12, 2001. Jason suffered a broken neck and a severed spinal cord injury that left him paralyzed. The Decatur Chapter's latest initiative illustrates its continuous commitment and relentless efforts in making a positive impact in DeKalb


NU MU LAMBDA County. Nu Mu Lambda wants to reduce illegal-unregistered guns and eliminate violent acts in our school systems, households, communities and workplaces through the promotion of gun returns and firearm education.

Nu Mu




Nu Mu Lambda Chapter, along with Mu Alpha has developed a strong 3-year relationship with Wesley Woods Center, one of the top geriatric facilities in the country. The relationship has fostered into an opportunity for Nu Mu Lambda and Mu Alpha to give back to the seniors of Decatur through visitation and service. Additionally, the chapters sponsor a BINGO game for nearly forty residents of the Bud Terrace Nursing Home and reading with patients in the geriatric hospital. Nu Mu Lambda has logged more than 500 volunteer hours at Weslev Woods.

"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." - Kenny Rogers




The 100 Hugs from Alpha is an annual program in which Nu Mu Lambda and Mu Alpha give love and hope to terminally ill children and other kids with health challenges. The title "100 Hugs from Alpha," emphasizes the essential spirit of the project. Derived from Brothers of both chapters, it was initiated during Christmas to spread the holiday spirit to the hospital's children. The primary goal is to supply 100 Teddy Bears to children between the ages of 3-12. The project annually serves Egleston Children's Hospital at Emory University. BROTHER-TO-BROTHER MENTORING PROGRAM WITH MU ALPHA

Chapter Brothers mentor Mu Alpha Chapter (Emory University) during their matriculation at Emory University. They provide the younger Brothers with personal advice, job opportunities and Brotherhood. Each year, the mentors provide special gifts to graduating mentees at the May General Body Meeting.


2001 National Charles H. Wesley Award 2001 Southern Regional Alumni Chapter of the Year Award 2001 Southern Regional Charles H. Wesley Award 2001 Southern Regional Charles W. Green Award (Brother G. Bailey) 2000 Georgia District Alumni Chapter of the Year 2000 Georgia District Alumni Brother of the Year 2000 Georgia District Charles H. Wesley Award 2000 National Charles H. Wesley Award 2000 Southern Regional Alumni Chapter of the Year Award Gold $10,000 Chapter Contributor Martin Luther King Memorial Drive Brick DeKalb County Community Service Proclamation National Pilot Chapter for Big Brother Big Sister Program (BBBS) Emory Healthcare Wesley Woods Special Services Award Emory Healthcare Wesley Woods 500 Hours Services Award Brother Dr. Michael Smith, Georgia Statewide Cancer Intervention Initiative Proclamation Brother Obie McDaniel, National Convention Chairperson -Alumni Brother Activities Brother Obie McDaniel, Georgia District Registration Chair Brother Dr. Said Sewell, National Leadership Committee Brother Dr. Said Sewell, Georgia District Historian Brother John Jordan, Appointed Chair of the National Auditing Committee Brother John Jordan, Southern Regional Chairperson - MLK Memorial Drive Project Brother John Jordan, Georgia District Treasurer Brother James Bonton - Georgia District Corresponding Secretary/ Newsletter Editor Brother Ernest White - Georgia District MIS Committee Brother Marlon Miller, Georgia District Awards Committee Chair Brother Derek Smith - Georgia District Director of Public Relations Brother William Watkins, Metro Atlanta Coordinator - Founder's Day Community Service Project.

•Think of these things, whence you came, where you are going, and to whom you must account." - Benjamin Franklin

A ON THE MOVE: A Golden Anniversary For A Gem of A Man:

Sigma Lambda Chapter Salutes

By Jonathan C. "Jay" Augustine, Esq. position at Clark-Atlanta University. He has also been a consultant to several Historically Black College & Universities across the country. He remains active in the business community, serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors at Dryades Savings Bank. He serves on several other boards and commissions in New Orleans and the State of Louisiana. Among his many appointments, Brother Teamer is the first AfricanAmerican chairman of the Board of Directors of the Port of New Orleans; he is a member of the Board of Administrators of Tulane University; the Board of Governors of the City Energy Club of New Orleans; the Board of Directors of Oschner Medical Foundation; and the Board of Supervisors of Brother Joshua Williams. Louisiana District Director and program organizer, giws remarks as Brothers the University of Louisiana System. Joseph K. Byrd (right). Charles learner, Jr.. (center) and Charles learner. Sr. (left) look on. Brother Teamer candidly credits Alpha Phi Alpha with preparing him for much of his community leadership. Initiated into the Fraternity in December 1951, n Friday, February 15, 2002, members of Alpha Phi through Clark College's Alpha Phi Chapter, he served as Alpha Fraternity, Inc. paid tribute to Past General President of the New Orlean's Sigma Lambda Chapter, and as President, Brother Dr. Charles C. Teamer, Sr., honoring the Fraternity's General Comptroller before serving as Alpha his fifty-years as a member of Alpha Phi Alpha. The celebration Phi Alpha's 27th General President. Brother Teamer was the was held at the City Club of New Orleans. Fraternity protegee of Alpha's 23rd General President, the late Brother Teamer, a well-known and prominent figure Brother Ernest N. "Dutch" Mortal, New Orleans' first Africanin the New Orleans business and civic community, is equally American Mayor. lauded around the United States. He successfully served over A native of Salisbury, North Carolina, Brother Teamer 30-years as vice president for Finance & Administration at is a graduate of Clark College in Atlanta, GA. He has received Dillard University and recently retired from a complement


"One who looks for a friend without faults will have none. " - Hasidic Saving



Brother Tamer (center) shares a moment with his sons Roderic (standing) and Charles. Jr., both members of the Fraternity, as Alpha's Louisiana District Director. Brother Joshua Williams, looks on.

Brother Gregory Phillips. Executive Director of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc. (right) presents a fifty-year membership award, on behalf of General President Many Johnson, Sr„ to Brotljer Teamer.

honorary doctorate degrees from a host of institutions and awards and recognitions across the United States and abroad. Regardless of his personal success, Brother Teamer's proudest moments are spent with his family. He is the devoted husband of Mary Dixon Teamer, a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and proud father of Alpha Brothers Charles, Jr., an accountant; and Roderic, Managing Director of Inroads Louisiana. He is also the father of Cheryl, a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Executive Assistant to former New Orleans Mayor Brother Marc H. Morial. Brother Teamer is the father-in-law of Toya Barnes-Teamer and Karen Trass Teamer; and grandfather of Cherie, Ashley, Charles, III, Tai, Tia & Roderic Jr. Brother Charles C. Teamer. Sr. thanks Fraternity members for their tribute honoring his fifty-year service to Alpha Phi Alpha.


r o t h e r Jonathan C. J a y ' A u g u s t i n e was nationally featured in Ebony Magazine's list of the top 30 black Americans under the age of 30. The magazine's "30 Leaders of the Future" article appeared in December of 2001. Brother


Augustine received the honor in recognition of his broad-based community involvement and leadership. He serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Initiative for Teenage Pregnancy Prevention and the Tulane University Athletic Fund. Brother Augustine is an elected member of the Orleans Parish Democratic Executive Committee, an appointed member of the Mayor's Military Advisory Committee for the City of New Orleans and an executive member of the Louisiana Alliance for Good Government. Brother Augustine also volunteers with United Way, Inc., Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), and the New Orleans Legal Assistance Corporation. An active member of the Democratic Party, Brother Augustine previously worked on the Louisiana Gore/Liberman 2000 presidential campaign staff and currently represents Louisiana on the national committee of Young Democrats of America. A

"Frerylbing that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." - Carl Jung


ALPHAS ON THE MOVE graduate of Howard University, Brother Augustine was initiated into the Fraternity through Beta Chapter and served as a decorated Infantry Officer in the United States Army before earning his law degree from Tulane University Law School. He is a member of the Louisiana, American, and National Bar Associations. He is also a member of the St. Thomas Moore Catholic Lawyers Association. Currently, Brother Augustine works as a law clerk to the Honorable Bernette Joshua Johnson, Associate Justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court and as an adjunct professor at Delgado Community College.


former House |S p e a k e r Brother Daniel T. Blue, Jr. touted his experience and commitment to education as he began his Democratic U.S. Senate primary campaign. In a speech declaring his candidacy, Brother Blue touched on party themes of raising the minimum wage, opposing school vouchers and shunning privatization of social security. He believes North Carolina and the nation must continue to strengthen the American people even as their defenses are bolstered following the September 11 terror attacks. "We are a great State, but we're a great State entering a challenging time," Brother Blue told about 70 people outside North Carolina Democratic Party headquarters in Raleigh. "That's why it's more important than ever that we have experienced leadership in the United States Senate." Brother Blue is the only candidate in either party who brings a record of consistently addressing the issues important to North Carolinians and people throughout the country. This election presents an extraordinary opportunity for North Carolina. Brother Blue, a graduate of Duke Law School has served as a Representative to the North Carolina General Assembly, Speaker of the N.C. House of Representatives, Chairman of the Judiciary and Appropriations committees and President of the National


Conference of State Legislatures. For more information on Brother Daniel Blue's candidacy for the U.S. Senate, please visit the campaign website at


rother Karl J. .Connor has 'been installed as President-Elect of the Loyola University of New Orleans National Alumni Association. A member of the association's Board of Directors since 1997, B r o t h e r Connor becomes the first AfricanAmerican ever elected to serve as National President. Brother Connor is extremely active in many professional and community organizations. He is National Community Service Chair for the Young Lawyers Division of the National Bar Association (NBA); Deputy Regional Director for Region V of the NBA; Immediate Past President of the Greater New Orleans Louis A. Martinet Legal Society; a member of the Board of Directors of the Louisiana State Bar Association and the New Orleans Bar Association; and a Director of the Board of the Louisiana Center for Law and Civic Education. A practicing attorney by profession, Brother Connor serves as Civil Health Care Fraud Coordinator and Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Brother Connor began his professional career as a law clerk to the Honorable Brother Ivan L.R. Lemelle, United States District Court Judge. Brother Connor was initiated into the fraternity at Xavier University of Louisiana's Beta Tau Chapter. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree from Xavier and a Juris Doctor Degree from Loyola University Law School before earning a Masters of Law, with honors, from Columbia Law School. Brother Connor is an active member of Sigma Lambda Chapter and is married to the former Chimene Grant.


"The unfortunate thing about this world is that the good habits are much easier to give up than the bad ones." - W. Somerset Maugham




DIRECTOR OF CONVENTIONS Three members ofAlpha Phi Alpha were reunited last month at Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania, where Bro. Dr. Antoine M. Garibaldi (center) was inaugurated as the I nirersity's sixth /'resident. Attending President Garibaldi's inaugural were Alphas Dr. Norman C. frauds (left), President of Xavier University of Louisiana and Dr. Prank Pogue, President ofEdinbpro I nirersity of Pennsylvania


FOR WCTC fhe Washington, DC Convention JL 2and Tourism Corporation (WCTC) recently hired Brother Elliott Ferguson, a group salesman from Atlanta to head its convention sales and services team. As Vice President of Convention Sales and Services, Brother Ferguson will direct and manage the activities of WCTC's convention sales managers as they promote Washington, DC as a premier meeting and convention destination. Brother Ferguson will develop the corporation's convention sales strategy as it secures bookings into the new and existing Washington Convention Center. Additionally, Brother Ferguson will work directly with local hotel properties to further build business for individual hotels in the metro area. "Elliott is one of the final members of a world-class team we are assembling to market the Nation's capital. His industry knowledge and CVB experience will be invaluable to us as we promote our city and its new convention center as one of the world's best convention destinations. We are delighted that he'll be joining us, and his valuable experience will be most beneficial to the Capital Region," said William Hanbury, President and CEO of WCTC. A twelve-year veteran of the CVB industry, Brother Ferguson has led the Atlanta Convention Sales and Services department since 1999. Brother Ferguson has also served as Director of Sales for both the Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia CVBs. Brother Ferguson is an active member of the American Society of Association Executives, National Coalition of Black Meeting Planners, Religious Conference Management Association, Professional Conference Management Association, and the New York Society of Association Executives. A graduate of Savannah State University, Brother Ferguson holds a B.A. in Marketing and Business Administration.

annon University's Board of Trustees named Brother Antoine M. Garibaldi, Ph.D., as the university's sixth President. The board selected Garibaldi by unanimous vote on the first ballot during its regularly scheduled meeting. Prior to being appointed President, Brother Garibaldi was a senior fellow at the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, N.J., an international non-profit educational corporation that develops assessment instruments for schools, universities and businesses; conducts research and analysis; and publishes major educational reports on issues of critical importance to society. His primary responsibilities at ETS focused on higher education issues, notably in the fields of improving teacher education and graduate education. Brother Garibaldi's' reputation as an efficacious leader was established during 1982 1996 as he served successively as Chairman of the Education Department, Dean of Arts and Sciences and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Xavier University of Louisiana. Additionally, he is Chair of the Board of Directors of the American Association for Higher Education, an individual membership organization of nearly 10,000 faculty and administrators in higher education. A prolific scholar and writer, Brother Garibaldi is the author or editor of ten books, monographs and government reports. A native of New Orleans, LA., Brother Garibaldi is from a family of nine children active within the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Brother Garibaldi is married, and his wife, Carol, holds a degree in computer engineering from Tulane University. Brother Garibaldi is life member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and was initiated through Sigma Lambda Chapter in New Orleans, Louisiana.


"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts about reality." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt



rother Elliott S. Hall, Ford Motor Company's first African American Vice President and former Vice President, Washington Affairs and Dealer Development, has rejoined Dykema Gossett PLLC Detroit and Washington, D.C. offices as a member. Brother Hall left Dykema Gossett in 1987 to join Ford. The announcement was made by Dykema Gossett Chairman, Lloyd Semple. At Ford, Brother Hall played a major role in growing the company's minority dealer network - of Asians, Hispanics, African-Americans and Native Americans - into the largest such network in North America. He was also a major voice for the company in federal regulatory and legislative issues as Vice President, Washington affairs. At Dykema Gossett, Brother Hall will join the firm's Government Policy and Practice Group, one of the Midwest's largest lobbying and legislative affairs practices covering federal, state and local governments. His practice will concentrate on legislative and regulatory issues faced by manufacturing companies, in particular tier one and two auto suppliers, as well as international corporations and local municipalities. "We are delighted that Elliott has chosen to rejoin our firm," Semple said. "His extensive experience in government policy and labor issues will make him an outstanding resource, particularly to our many clients in the automotive industry." The first time he was with Dykema Gossett, Brother Hall was a member in the Litigation Practice Group where he worked primarily in product liability and employment law. Brother Hall was also the first African American Chief Assistant Prosecutor for Wayne County Michigan and the first African-American Corporation Counsel for the City of Detroit. He also worked in private legal practice specializing in education and labor law. Brother Hall holds a Juris doctor and Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Wayne State University in Detroit. He is a member of the State Bar of Michigan and past President of the Detroit Bar Association and Wolverine Bar Association. Brother Hall is active in the Detroit and Washington, D.C, communities as board chairman of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies in Washington, D.C, and the Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts in Detroit, and as a Board Member of Georgetown University, Clark Atlanta University and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. Dykema Gossett PLLC, founded in 1926, is one of the country's oldest, largest and most respected law firms.



fter nearly fift e e n years of s e r v i c e , Wilberforce University President, Brother John L. Henderson announced his retirement at the school's 2002 commencement ceremony. B r o t h e r Henderson, 70, told the audience he felt it was time. He said he would stay on until the end of the term. Appointed in 1988, he is one of the longestserving college Presidents in the Xenia/Dayton Ohio area. He has been nationally recognized during his tenure as head of the nation's oldest, historically black private university. Earlier this year, Brother Henderson was asked to serve on the President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU's). In 2000, he was appointed to the Association of Governing Boards of Colleges and Universities, which helps set the direction of higher education. Wilberforce traces its roots to 1856, when the area was a destination for slaves traveling the Ohio Underground Railroad. The private university, affiliated with the African Methodist Episcopal Church, spawned two other higher-education institutions in the community, Central State University and Payne Theological Seminary. The 17th President of Wilberforce University, Brother Henderson has wide-ranging experience in the growth and development of learning opportunities for college students. He has applied his experiences at Wilberforce since coming to the University from Cincinnati Technical College, where he served as Vice President for Institutional Development. Henderson noted that some of the country's most prominent black figures - including William Julius Wilson, the leading scholar on black poverty, and Leontyne Price, Metropolitan Opera diva - were Wilberforce University graduates.


'The only time you don 'I fail is the last time you try anything, and it works." - William Strong







n January 27, |2002, a new men's dormitory at Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, was named in honor of Brother Dr. Wendell Holmes, a Hampton University graduate. The two-day event at Hampton University brought together alumni and friends from throughout the country as well as a tour group from Jacksonville, FL. The interior design in the dormitory has the most advanced technological advantages including internet installations and cable television, as well as bath facilities for every four students and laundry facilities on each floor. President William R. Harvey and Mrs. Norma Harvey of Hampton University were present for the activities; President and Mrs. Oswald Bronson of Bethune-Cookman College were among the many honored guests. In April, 1998, the New Business Center and Hospitality Division Building at BethuneCookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida, was named and dedicated in his honor. Brother Holmes served simultaneously as Chair of the Boards of Trustees at Hampton University and Bethune-Cookman College. He is presently continuing to serve on both Boards of Trustees and has been elected Chair Emeritus of the Bethune-Cookman College Board of Trustees. He was the first African-American in the State of Florida to serve as a member of a School Board, and served twenty-three years as a member of the Duval County School Board, four years as chairman, also a first. Brother Holmes was the Founding Sire Archon of the Gamma Beta Boule' of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, one of the most distinguished and the oldest African-American Fraternities in the country. He is also a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha and is President of Wendell Holmes Funeral Directors in Jacksonville. Brother Holmes has been the recipient of more than one-hundred awards, including the Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Bethune-Cookman College.

rother Garvin S. Maffett, Ed.D. has joined Meharry Medical College as Vice President for Institutional Advancement. As the senior fundraising professional, Brother Maffett will be responsible for all strategic advancement, philanthropic, and marketing activities of Meharry Medical College. He will provide executive leadership over the Division of Institutional Advancement and the Board of Trustee's approved special fundraising campaigns and will be responsible for planning and achieving the goals for the $125 million capitol campaign for Meharry. Brother Maffett came to Meharry from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, where he served as Associate Dean for Development and was responsible for a $65 million comprehensive campaign, private sector research collaborations, and commercial partnerships. The campaign goal was surpassed two years ahead of schedule, raising $78 million or 120% of goal. During his seven years at the University of Maryland, Brother Maffett established 20 endowed chairs including a Dean's Chair, four chairs in the Department of Pediatrics, four chairs in the Department of Surgery, and elevating both neurosurgery and orthopedic surgery to department level status. He increased cash revenue from $2 million to $16 million annually and accelerated unrestricted gifts and endowed scholarships to record levels including the school's endowment exceeding $100 million. Brother Maffett earned a bachelor's degree from The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA; a Master of Business Administration from the University of New Haven, West Haven, CT; and a Doctor of Education from Columbia University, New York, NY. Meharry Medical College is a private, historically black academic health center located in Nashville, TN.


'Experience is one thing you can'I get for nothing." - Oscar Wilde




.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta recently announced the appointment of Brother Sean Michael Moss as Director of the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) at the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). OSDBU assists small, minority-owned, women-owned and disadvantaged businesses in competing for DOT and DOT assisted contracts and grants. "Sean's extensive background in business development in both the private and public sectors will be extremely valuable as we work to include all segments of the business community in our programs," Secretary Mineta said. "It's wonderful to have him on our team here at DOT." Prior to joining DOT, Brother Moss served as Director of Business Development at Empire State Development (ESD) in New York. He worked as an advocate for New York's economic revitalization agenda, helping to create or retain thousands of jobs in the city and in distressed communities. Brother Moss received a bachelor's degree in corporate finance from Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA and a master's degree in business administration from Indiana University.



n the mid-1970s, when Brother Zollie Stevenson was what some of his UNC Asheville professors called a radical, he called them on the carpet for firing some long-haired, blue-jean wearing, motorcycle-riding-type professors. When the university wouldn't say why the professors were being fired, Stevenson got their personnel evaluations from them and ran them in a "special edition." "There were some people that weren't pleased, particularly in the administration," he said. "But it became


clearer the rationale for the decisions that were made." Irritant then - pride of the University now. Stevenson went on to an important post in the U.S. Department of Education, where he keeps track of whether schools in nine states are doing all they can to educate academically challenged students. With a Ph.D. from UNC Chapel Hill and a dozen other accomplishments in civic and education circles, Brother Stevenson has been chosen as this year's UNCA Alumnus of the Year. The award was bestowed during the start of University's Founders Dav festivities.



fter more than two decades at the helm of Morehouse School of Medicine,(MSM) Brother Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., s t e p p e d down as President on J u n e 1, 2 0 0 2 . Brother Sullivan, ret u r n e d to t h e Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) on January 21, 1993, after serving as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the Bush Administration, one of the longest tenures (47 months) of any HHS Secretary in U.S. history. Dr. Sullivan became the founding Dean and Director of the Medical Education Program at Morehouse College in 1975, the first minority medical school founded in the United States in this century. In 1978, MSM began operation as a two-year program in the basic medical sciences, admitting its first class of twenty-four students. On July 1, 1981, the Morehouse School of Medicine became independent from Morehouse College with Dr. Sullivan as its Dean andfirstPresident, and on July 1,1983, MSM became a member of me Atlanta University Center. Recendy the 2001 Africare Bishop Walker Dinner paid tribute to Brother Sullivan - for outstanding contributions to health care, medical education and workplace diversity in the United States, throughout Africa and worldwide. Dr. Sullivan received Africare's 2001 Bishop Walker Humanitarian Award. Leading

Human rights real on human dignity. The dignity of man is an ideal worth fighting for and worth dying for." - Robert Maynard



ALPHAS O N T H E MOVE the tribute was the Honorable Brother Andrew Young, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., former Mayor of Atlanta and now Chairman of GoodWorks International, LLC. Via videotape, former President Bush also provided a tribute to Dr. Sullivan. The dinner was dedicated to the victims of HIV/AIDS in Africa and to the hope that this tragic disease can be overcome both Africa-wide and throughout the world.

port groups in MLEMEA, Asia Pacific, Japan, Latin America and Canada. He will work closely with three other managers to coordinate efforts globally. The team will leverage best practices and their technology and build an efficient sharedservices platform for critical enterprise-wide activities. At the business-unit level Brother Woodroffe will work with their clients to deliver advice and service by leveraging the companies new infrastructure.


ALPHAS O N THE MOVE HONORABLE MENTIONS • Governor Tames Gilmore appointed BROTHER VERNON A. CLEMENT to the Commonwealth of Virginia Pharmacy Board. • BROTHER IQHN S. FINN, TR. was elected Chairman of the Metropolitan Business League. • BROTHER RALPH D. HARRIS was elected Pastor of Mount Zion Interdenominational Community Church in Norfolk, VA. • BROTHER JOSEPH H. IENKINS, III was elected President of the Funeral Directors' Association. • BROTHER LARRY OLANREWAKI' was elected Chairman of Richmond, Virginia City School Board. • BROTHER PERCY E. POLLARD, SR. was elected President of the Richmond, Virginia (Downtown) Rotary Club.


eading efforts to maximize organizational effectiveness at the business unit level of Merrill Lynch London, Brother Sean Woodroffe assumes a new role as head of International Human Resources. Based in London, Brother Woodroffe and his team will create a single HR organization that works across all the business and sup-





Editors & Columnist: Do you have an idea for an article? Here is your chance to submit an original article. Article submissions are not to exceed 4 pages, single-spaced, typed in 12pt font. Artist: Want to see your fraternal artwork on the cover of The Sphinx®? Submit your artwork to The Sphinx® and see if your design makes the cut. Please keep in mind that there will be an embossed Sphinx Logo in the upper right hand corner of the cover. All artwork submitted must be an original composition by the artist. All artwork becomes the property of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and must be accompanied by an artist Bio & photo. Any electronic media must be saved as a high quality tif or eps file (600 -1200 dpi) and must be accompanied by a digital and/or color proof. Proof must be 8 1/2 x 11 in size. Submission Information: Deadline October 25, 2002. Send to: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., The Sphinx College Edition 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 Questions may be emailed to or Brothers may call 410.554.0040 x!38.

•Ik'lwre that life is worth liring. and your belief'will help create the fact." - William loncs

cfersftip rfhrouahouX T^fie (Ranks

n September 11, 2001, when the FAA issued the order to locate and ground all airplanes, the surveillance system the agency used in the effort to track all 3,900 planes safely to the ground was developed and maintained by an Alphaowned and operated technology company. Dimensions Interna-tional, Inc. (DI) is a company of more than 400 IT and engineering professional headquartered in Alexandria, VA, with field offices located around the world. And it may or may not surprise you to learn that seven of the dozen or so executives of the company are Alpha men. DI provides an array of IT and engineering services to our nation's military forces, federal, state and local government agencies, and commercial clients worldwide. As a major contractor for the FAA, the company's Flight Explorer速 software allows many of the major airlines, and other aviation users, to identify and maintain positive control of all planes in US air space This is the software that helped to clear the skies on that fateful day. Dr. Robert L. Wright, who founded the company in 1985, is CEO and a dedicated Alpha Brother. Brother Wright was initiated in 1958 at Kappa Chapter while a student at Ohio State University. He is one of the Washington area's most admired businessmen. Brother Wright was recently named the region's technology Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young, and Man of the Year by the National Federation of Black Women Business Owners. He is chairman of the presidential commission charged with creating a plan of action for the National Museum of African American History and Culture to be located in Washington, D.C. Most important-


ly for Alpha, he has taken on a leadership role working with General P r e s i d e n t Harry E. Johnson, Sr. in raising funds for the Washington area's contribution for funding the Martin Luther King National Memorial that will be located on the National Mall in Washington. Brother Wright, who hails from Columbus, GA, is the son of a bricklayer who had two major life goals: own a house and education his children. He succeeded in both. Brother Wright started his professional career as an optometrist and he likes to joke that "being in that line of work gave me vision to see opportunity." He spent 15 years as an optometrist and served three terms on the Columbus City Council. He then volunteered to serve on President Reagan's 1980 transition team; service that led to an appointment as the Small Business Administration associate administrator for minority small business. Two years later, he founded Bob Wright and Associates to help firms cut through the red tape of government contracting. His big break came with a major contract from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The rest is history - growth and more growth came about as a result of his success with USDA and other clients. He was on his way to building a team and a company Dimensions International, Inc. Talk with these Alpha Brothers who work together to help run DI and you hear the same themes over and over - community service, caring, friendship, loyalty, integrity and support. You also hear the names of great Americans who inspired them: people like Thurgood Marshall, Dr. Martin Luther King, Andrew Young, and Duke Ellington. Brother Wright echoes a similar theme. "The way in which Alpha Brothers serve the community inspired me to join. They are good people who care in a big way about others. Mix in a healthy dose of hard work and a total focus on

"Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination; do not become fix slave of your model." - Vincent van Gogh




DIMENSIONS INTERNATIONAL, INC. client service and you have the not-so-secret formula for the growth of this company." Brother Wright says that it really is coincidence that Alphas are running the show at DI. Alpha membership has never been a requirement for the job. But there must be some reason why there are so many Alphas on staff. "What this demonstrates is that people of similar values gravitate together," says Brother Wright. He may be on to something. Among the Alphas on the DI executive team are two retired generals. General (Retired) Johnnie Wilson is the President and Chief Operating Officer at DI and is one of only four African-Americans to achieve the rank of four-star general in the US Army. Major General (Retired) Jim R. Klugh is the Vice-President for IT and, in addition to achieving the two-star rank in the Army; he also served as the deputy undersecretary of defense for logistics in the Clinton administration. General Wilson was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha in 1984 as a member of Xi Alpha Lambda Chapter. "What drew me to Alpha was its record of service to the community," he says, "giving back, working with kids, mentoring programs; those are things that count for the continuing development of our communities." General Wilson joined the Army as an enlisted man at the age of 17 and made his way up through the ranks in a career that spanned 38 years. Brother Wilson's last assignment was as the commanding General of the Army Material Command where he led more than 80,000 army personnel and managed an annual operating budget in excess of $13 billion. "When I was a young officer, I noticed that a large number of the people that I worked and socialized with were Alphas," he said. "It made a strong impression on me and I decided then to join. They conducted themselves in a special way." General James Klugh, DI's Vice President and Technical Director of Information Technology and Logistics, was initiated in 1954 at Beta Delta Chapter while he was a student majoring in Chemistry, Biology and Math at South Carolina State University. "There was a lot of mentoring," he

"Perfection is the child of time." - Joseph Hall

says. "The older Frat Brothers supported me, helped me land a job as a junior lab assistant and it was a great learning process. They cared about each other and cared whether we were successful. That was critical to our success. When I joined the Army, two of the five AfricanAmerican officers out of a total of 270 in our large training regiment were Alphas." General Klugh went on a 33year military career in which among his many appointments, he served as the Commanding General of the Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Command and is considered as one of the nation's experts in chemical weapons. He was appointed by the President of the United States to serve as the Vice-Chairman of the Board of the National Veterans Business Development Corporation. Brother Klugh is the national chairman of the ROCKS, a 1200 member organization formed to mentor young military officers. An integral member of the DI executive team is Dr. Wright's son, Russell Wright, an Alpha and the Executive Vice President of the company. He was initiated at Kappa Epsilon Lambda Chapter in 1990. A 1989 graduate of Morehouse College, he cites as inspiration his father, Thurgood Marshall and Dr. Martin Luther King. "I joined because I wanted to be part of a Brotherhood doing good things in the neighborhood," he says. "Alpha has opened a lot of doors in the community - tutoring children in math and reading and being mentors." The younger Wright is responsible for expanding DI's presence in state and local govern- ments by identifying strategic partnerships and potential targets to market. He is the primary liaison between DI's many off-site locations and corporate headquarters. Brother Edwin D. Patton is Vice President and Technical Director for System Engineering and the newest member of the DI executive team. He was initiated in 1965 at Pi Chapter in Cleveland where he was an engineering student at Case Institute of Technology. "Out of 11 black students attending Case, nine of us were Alphas, says Brother Patton. "We had a natural bond that we still enjoy




DIMENSIONS INTERNATIONAL, INC. today." He says two of the many things that attracted him to the fraternity were a history of community service and social activism. "We would do things such as delivering Thanksgiving food baskets and toys at Christmas to families in the projects and we participated in the NAACP activities taking place in the turbulent times in the city during the late 60s. All of this makes a lasting impression on you." Brother Patton has an extensive engineering and management background in telecommunications, IT and software development, and was one of the first engineers (the first African American engineer) hired by MCI. Brother Patton is a life member and has stayed very active with the fraternity having served as President of his undergraduate chapter (Pi), Assistant Mid-western Vice President, President of Zeta Epsilon Lambda (Red Bank, NJ) which was chapter of the year in 1988, and currently is a member of the Reston, VA chapter, Zeta Upsilon Lambda. To a man, the DI Alphas cite the benefits of brotherhood that Alpha Phi Alpha has afforded them during their careers and in their role in helping to build Dimensions International into a remarkable company. It has opened the door to an international network of people with similar backgrounds, values and aspirations. Brother Patton says that Alpha membership has been a lifelong benefit. "As my career has progressed, I have been introduced to several job opportunities and prominent business contacts by my Alpha Brothers that others may not have known about. Through my business travels, I have had the opportunity and career-enhancing benefits of meeting and doing business with Alpha men worldwide. It has and continues to give me a decided edge in business when you walk into a senior government, military or corporate executive's office and see his Alpha plaque proudly displayed." Darrell Crapps, Corporate Counsel, was initiated at Alpha Rho Chapter in 1987 while a student at Morehouse College majoring in finance. "It has meant a great deal to my personal and professional growth to be involved with an organization that embodies loyalty, commitment and services" he says. "Whether as a mentor or protege, every experience has been significantly influenced by the values obtained as a member of Alpha Phi Alpha. These experiences have led and allowed me to lead in a very positive way." Financial Manager, Donnell Neal is the youngest Alpha on the team. He was initiated in April 2000 at Omicron Lambda Alpha, but his first exposure to the Fraternity was

"As not absence death to those who love?" - Alexander Pope

in 1992 as an undergraduate student at Towson State University. Since joining DI three years ago, and nearing completion of receiving his certified public accountant license in Virginia, he will attend law school in the fall of 2003. Brother Neal noted that "Alpha has enabled me to build a strong network of contacts that will help me further my professional career. I am honored to learn and grow with this elite class of Alpha Men at DI. It is an opportunity not afforded to many, but an opportunity that will enrich me for the rest of my life." Neal says that it was community service that really attracted him to the fraternity. "Tutoring children and mentoring has given me a much better perspective on all of my blessings." "The networking aspect of Alpha Phi Alpha is phenomenal," says Brother Russell Wright. "There are Alpha brothers in every aspect of life. They always want to know 'How can I help you?'" Even at DI, the brotherhood continues. "Although everyone at DI is an important member of the team, being an Alpha member is a special bond." Dr. Wright emphasizes that although membership in Alpha Phi Alpha has been an important component to his personal and professional success, young people have to keep their eyes open to opportunities to meet good people wherever they may present themselves. "In business and politics, you interact with lots of people. I have many friends in other organizations as well. You can't define relationships purely along fraternal lines." General Wilson adds that it is critical to understand that what works in life are "honesty, integrity and respect" - the underlining principles of Alpha. "Alpha Phi Alpha can help you to meet others who are liked minded and subscribe to these principles. At Dimensions International we can truly say that we are a "House of Alpha."

If you want to read more about Dimensions International and the Alphas in leadership, you can contact them through their website at Contact: Robert Deigh at 703-503-9321 or by email at


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Find out if there's a March of Dimes Star Chefs or Chef's Auction happening near you (or, if not, how you can sponsor one). You'll be in for gourmet foods, fine wines, good company — and the great feeling that comes from helping to give babies a healthy start. • Call Irene Tzeng, March of Dimes Coordinator, National Partners Programs at (914) 997-4571 or your local March of Dimes chapter or visit

March ofDimes' Saving babies, together-

ICwame *M. 'Kuyatriciz The New Mayor of Detroit, Michigan

n November 6, 2001, in a hotly contested run-off race against Detroit City Council President Gil Hill, Brother Kwame M. Kilpatrick defeated the longtime, well-known politician by a margin of 54% to 46% to become one of the youngest Mayors in the city's 300 plus year history. Brother Kilpatrick, a 1991 Florida A&M University initiate of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and Democratic Leader in the Michigan State House of Representatives, was recently endorsed by Alpha Phi Alpha's National Political Action Commission, established in January 2001 to support candidates and causes that best represent the interests of everyday individuals. As a part of Alpha Phi Alpha's renewed focus on political activism in the new millennium, President, Harry E. Johnson, Sr., traveled to Detroit on Monday, November 5, 2001, to participate in the Kilpatrick Campaign's GOTV ("Get Out The Vote") efforts and encouraged hundreds of Alpha Phi Alpha members in and around the Detroit area to work the polls on Kilpatrick's behalf on Election Day, November 6th. "Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. stood solidly behind the candidacy of Kwame Kilpatrick and we are convinced that his leadership is what the citizens of Detroit need - now more than ever - as they prepare to face the challenges of a bold and bright new future," proclaimed Brother Johnson, in his endorsement of Kilpatrick. Before Ms election as Mayor, Brother Kilpatrick was the first African American in the history of Michigan to lead any party in the Legislature. Serving as the leader of the Democratic Caucus, he has earned praise from across the state for his ability to form coalitions to get things done. As a state representative, Brother Kilpatrick has worked collaboratively to get results. He played a key role in 1998 in designing the $675 million Clean Michigan Initiative, successfully earmarking 60 percent of the funds for Detroit for Brown Field redevelopment, waterfront redevelopment and


"No culture can lire, if it attempts to be exclusive." - Mahatma Gandhi

local park development. Brother Kilpatrick also secured $7 million to address the problem of lead poisoning, which affects more children in Detroit than in all the rest of Michigan combined. Brother Kilpatrick has also secured passage of new laws to make schools safer, expand health care benefits for retirees, protect the environment and strengthen the effect of personal protection orders. Likewise, Kilpatrick forged a bi-partisan coalition to preserve $45 million for hospitals that serve low-income patients. Brother Kwame M. Kilpatrick recently unveiled plans to create an improved revitalized Detroit through his Kids, Cops, Clean (KCC) initiative. Starting with the "Clean" component -dubbed Motor City Makeover - which began April 27th, Brother Kilpatrick plans to initially focus on these three areas to establish a global presence for the City of Detroit. "Since my inauguration you all have heard me mention this phrase continuously as my three initial priorities to create the city that God intended for us to have," said Brother Kilpatrick. "That city that we should create will have a global presence and respect internationally. To have a global presence you must first create a city that is focused on the learning and development of its children, the overall safety of its citizens and a city that is clean. This is essential to every world-class city and Kids, Cops, Clean can help us achieve that status." The City has engaged corporate sponsors, strategic partners and volunteers to make this initiative a success. Brother Kilpatrick's "Kids" initiative will occur through the "Mayor's Time" program. The program slated to begin this fall, aims to position Detroit as one of the nation's top cities to raise a child through after school programs and activities. "Mayor's Time" will take place from 3-8 p.m. by providing children with adult-supervised learning and recreational


BROTHER KWAME M. KILPATRICK opportunities. This will occur by utilizing programming that focuses on the core components important to the development of children: enrichment, culture, social, technology, recreation and environment. Brother Kilpatrick's "Cops"" initiative focuses on the overall public safety of Detroit, beginning with the restructuring of the Detroit Police Department (DPD). Under the command of Chief Jerry Oliver, this restructuring will aim to improve the DPD in the following areas: • Increase the number of sworn officers who respond to service calls. • Partner with other law enforcement agencies and surrounding communities to help reduce the number of violent crimes committed in the city. • Provide in-service training for police officers to improve performance. • Aggressively recruit and train the best talent for the job of community policing. • Secure national accreditation for the Detroit Police Department. Aside from his goals for the city, Brother Kilpatrick has also been appointing city department directors. He has appointed eight new city department directors, officially appointing seven veteran city employees who have been heading their respective departments on an interim basis, and one transitioning employee to a new role. "During our campaign, I said that there are many dedicated employees working in city departments who are

Energy and Experience to Lead

Smarter Schools tfudenl deserves the education they need I Kwarae kilp.uruk. .1 • i teachec working w ith the 1 tetroit Public Schools wffl "Mayor's Elme" <i program designed to keep children ofl the street from &00 pm until 8:00 pm.

Safer Streets u KflpatrU k believes n is rime to Sghl crime against seniors In dedicating • to handle these crimes. 1 le will also put mote police officers in j ouj rw ighborhood through community policing.

Strong Economy u Kilpatrick will implec pd development program reversing ihe loss "i (obs, improving public transportation and community mental

Getting Our Fair Share Out of Lansing and Washington In these urn ertain times, now more e\er, 1terrorlneeds .1 leader who will make sure we are rtol forgotten by I ansms and Washington D.( , Kwame Kilpatrick has brought over $800 million from I^nsing to the ( itj oi Detroit He will streamline spending and hold Gt) departments ai money is spenl to benefit .ill Detroiters.



TUESDAY NOVEMBER 6 extremely capable, eager to accept a new challenge and are ready to serve," Brother Kilpatrick said. They were told they would have a 90-day period to show what they can do. "The people have responded to that challenge with skill and enthusiasm. I am proud to have them as members of the Kilpatrick Administration." Brother Kilpatrick's Administration has instituted a strong budget reduction plan that continues a 5 percent cut across the board for all departments, with more cuts for some depart-


"We should give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation; for there is no grace in a benefit that sticks to


BROTHER KWAME M. KILPATRICK istrative functions of many of the ments. It has also put in place a city's major departments. Prior to process designed to reduce the his appointment at City Hall, number of contracts the city issues Brother Miller served as Mayor for outside services and the dollar American Postal Workers Kilpatrick's Chief of Staff, where amounts of some contracts already Amalgamated Transit Union Local 26 he served the citizens of Detroit in place. Black Slate as the elected State RepresenCommunity Coalition The Kilpatrick AdministraCommunication Workers ol America tative in the Michigan State House tion includes a newly reappointed Locals 4000 -4004 -4100 -4050 of representatives. Council of Baptist Pastors Budget Director. Brother Roger Oetroil Chamber ot Commerce Short who has served as Budget A lifetime resident of Detroit Fire Fighters Association Director since 1999- Prior to that Detroit, Brother Kilpatrick Detroit Free Press he served as Deputy Finance Detroit News attended Pelham Middle School Eastside Slate Director and Chief Accounting and Cass Technical High School. He Fannie Lou Hammer Political Officer for the city from 1996-1999 graduated with honors from Action Committee Michigan Education Association and as auditor general from 1985Florida A&M University, where he PACE-PAPER. Allied/Industrial. 1995. Brother Short, initiated in received a Bachelor of Science Chemical and Engineering Workers SEIU Local 79 Service Employees 1969 at Epsilon Chapter, is a cerDegree in Political Science as well International Union ^ n , . | n \ o«moeranc tified public accountant and as his teacher certification. SEIU Local 80 • Gas Workers of America " " "" " ' " " " " " " " ™ " " ' » « ' « « " » " « " holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and Brother Kilpatrick also holds a Juris SEIU Local 502 - Wayne County Sheriffs Department and Airport Police a Master of Public Policy Study Doctorate Degree from the Spanish Speaking Democrats degree from the University of Detroit College of Law and is a Teamsters Joint Council 43 UFCW Local 876 • United Food & Commercial Workers Michigan. member of the Michigan State Bar UNITE • Union ol Needle Trades Industrial Textile Employees Association. Prior to being elected Another Alpha Man who is USWA District 2 J..:t?d Steel Workers of America to the Michigan State House of a newly appointed member of Kilpatrick is also endorsed by 35 Detroit Ministers and over 20 elected officials Representatives, he served as a Brother Kilpatrick's administration KWAME KILPATRICK FOR MAYOR teacher, mentor and basketball is Brother Derrick Miller, a 1991 i , , coach at the Marcus Garvey initiate of the Delta Phi Chapter of . u n i i > : - . j : : i i l : : . ^ i r ii Academy in Detroit, Michigan. A Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. at Our Future, Right Here, Right Now devoted father, husband and citizen Jackson State University. In his It wmintwr ot lot mere nm cm 313 961332t • tan tm 1 > Hit a nwn.inmilulmnn.HM of Detroit, Kilpatrick and his wife unique capacity at the Mayor's ® Carlita are the proud parents of Office, Brother Miller serves as the (age 5). Mayor's Chief Administrative Officer, overseeing the admintwin boys, Jelani and Jalil

The people you Kwame Kilpatrick for Mayor

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ALPHA BROTHERS IN GOVERNMENT POLITICS (PARTIAL LISTING) - DENNIS ARCHER: Former, Mayor of Detroit - RICHARD ARRINGTON; Former, Mayor of Birmingham - EDWARD BROOKE: 1st African American Senator elected after reconstruction

- HARVEY IOHNSON: Mayor, Jackson, MS

- THL'RGOQU MARSHALL: Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice - GREGORY MEEKS. Congressman, New York (6th District)

- WILLIE BROWN: Mayor of San Francisco

- EARNEST 'DITCH" MORIAL: 1st Black Mayor of New Orleans

- DAVID DINKEYS: Former Mayor of New York - REV. EMMANLEI. CLEAVER: Mayor of Kansas City

- M-VRC MORIAL: Former, Mayor of New Orleans - CHARLES RANGEL: Congressman, New York (15th District)

- CHAKA FATTAH: Congressman, Pennsylvania

- JOE ROGERS: (CO) Lieutenant Governor, 1st African American to be elected


Lieutenant Governor of Colorado - ROBERT C. SCOTT: Congressman, Virginia (3rd District) - ANDREW YQL NG: Former Mayor of Atlanta and Former United Nations Ambassador

ERNEST FIXXEY: South Carolina Supreme Court Justice EARI. (MILLIARD: Congressman, Alabama (7th District) HIBERT HL MPIIREY: Former(38th) Vice President of the United States MAYNARD JACKSON: Former Mayor of Atlanta

"Truth never hurts the teller." - Robert Browning



H. Carl (McCall


On A Quest To Become Governor of New York

rother H. Carl McCall, the first African-American elected to statewide office in New York State, was re-elected to his second term as Comptroller of the State of New York on November 2, 1998. He received 2.9 million votes, more than any other statewide candidate. Now he is ready for a lateral move. Brother McCall is the Democratic Nominee for the Governor's seat in the State of New York. He has a very impressive track record and has an extensive listing of supporters which range from statewide officials to Democratic Party Leaders. In an article published by TIME magazine it was said that "His resume is an American Dream..." Brother McCall was one of six children raised by his mother, a single parent on welfare. He graduated from Dartmouth College, and attended Newton Theological School and the University of Edinburgh. Brother McCall has had a long and distinguished career in both the public and private sectors. He was a vice president of Citicorp for eight years, and served as the President of the New York City Board of Education. He also served as an ambassador to the United Nations, Commissioner of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Commissioner of the New York State Division of Human Rights, and was elected to three terms as New York State Senator. Brother H. Carl McCall has invested to strengthen New York's economy by investing in New York State as the sole trustee of the State's $112 billion Common Retirement Fund, Brother McCall as Comptroller, has invested billions of dollars in programs that help businesses and families grow in New York. "All of New York needs to be an economic leader, with abundant high wage jobs, an inviting business climate and available capital to spur new industry growth," says Brother McCall. His track record as Comptroller shows a fund that has invested hundreds of millions of dollars to help small businesses grow in New York; A pension fund that has financed


$1.1 billion in commercial and residential real estate projects, and financed mortgage loans for more than 51,000 homeowners. Brother McCall created a $250 million program to help New York's entrepreneurs find the capital they need to grow in New York and has acted as watchdog over economic development programs though audits and studies which have shown that the State lacks a strategic and targeted plan, and that the millions of dollars of annual State spending doesn't deliver on the promises of job creation. As many other Alpha Men in politics, Brother McCall also has a habit of hiring Brothers. Brother Paul Allen, initially started working for Brother McCall as his Special Assistant & Confidential Aid. Since then Brother Allen has been promoted to Financial Analyst. A graduate from McCall's' Alma-matter, Brother Allen, was initiated through Theta Zeta Chapter and currently sits on the Board of Directors for the International Youth Leadership Institute. Brother McCall is a also a leader in improving New York's schools. He believes "every New York child deserves the very best education we can provide. Our State's economic future demands that we prepare all of our young people to compete in the global marketplace." Brother McCall's education plan includes an $8 billion increase in education aid during his first four-year term, reforms to the school aid formula, and a six-point student-centered program to improve schools and increase accountability. Brother McCall's experience with education came during his tenure as the President of the Board of the nation's largest school system, where the Board developed smaller, community-based 'New Vision' schools that successfully improved attendance and graduation rates. A life-long advocate for education, Comptroller McCall led the fight for restoration of budget cuts to New York's public university system. Brother McCall is working to help make it easier for families to save for college. Currently, more than

"// is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Arthur Conan Doyle


BROTHER CARL McCALL 100,000 New Yorkers are taking advantage of tax breaks and professional money management through New York's College Savings Program. New York's College Savings Program, first proposed by Brother McCall in 1996, offers important tax advantages for New Yorkers saving for higher education. Brother McCall helps oversee the program and monitors the funds deposited into the program. He says, "The College Savings Program helps families save for the most important investment they can make in their children's future." As a result of his efforts, New York's College Savings Program is one of the most flexible and accessible in the nation, allowing people to open accounts for as little as $25 and for families to deduct up to $10,000 annually from their New York State taxable income. He has received numerous awards and honors for his work to reform government and to improve educational opportunities for young New Yorkers. Recognizing the fact that families lacking health insurance could be a single illness or accident away from financial devastation, Brother McCall is encouraging enrollment in public health programs. "Our public health programs can lower costs for all New Yorkers and businesses if we make it easier for families to enroll and we lower the price of prescription drugs," says Brother McCall. He has issued concrete recommendations to help cut the number of families without insurance in half by simplifying the enrollment process for programs like Family Health Plus and Child Health Plus both of which serve only a fraction of those eligible. Also on Brother McCall's health radar is making prescription drugs more affordable. Study after study shows drug costs are putting seniors' economic stability at risk, and nearly three million New Yorkers

"To many total abstinence is easier than perfect moderation." - St. Augustine

without health insurance have difficulty affording prescription medications. As Comptroller, Brother McCall has advocated for a long-term vision to help create fiscal stability for New York. Rather than continuing to rely on short-term, stop-gap solutions, he has repeatedly called on the Governor and Legislature to enact meaningful debt reform and serious budget reform, and offered concrete solutions. Brother McCall believes that New York is the capital of world commerce, but that if the State were a business, it would soon be out of business. The failure to pass a budget on-time, enact real debt reform, or invest in quality higher education means New York cannot lead the nation. New Yorkers deserve better. He has urged the State to take action during strong economic times to avoidfiscalgimmicks and accounting maneuvers that will push problems out to the future. He says, "Our prudent and strategic investments have provided more security for beneficiaries of the State pension fund, and our audits have shown government can be smarter and more efficient to better meet the needs of all taxpayers." Brother McCall has noted for years that the State's reliance on Wall Street has masked potential weaknesses for the future. He has urged State officials to take action to diversify and strengthen New York's economy and create contingency funds to avoid pitfalls if the national economy slows down. Brother H. Carl McCall has successfully sued the Governor twice to stop illegal raids on the State Pension Fund. He has also led the fight to provide a permanent cost of living increase for retirees from public service in New York. As the sole fiduciary of the State and local retirement systems, he has overseen the growth of the State pension fund from $56 billion


B R O T H E R CARL McCALL when he first took office to more than $112 billion today. Brother McCall has more pension investment responsibility than any other single individual in the United States. As head of the nation's second largest Retirement System, Brother McCall has helped improve benefits for almost one million New York public employees and beneficiaries while saving taxpayers money. Under his leadership, the State Pension Fund more than doubled, saving taxpayers more than $2 billion. Brother McCall spearheaded COLA 2000, a successful campaign for a permanent cost of living adjustment for all of New York's public employees and he helped win the first benefit increase many retirees had received in over a decade, and fought successfully for pension supplements and other important reforms. Brother Carl McCall is married to Dr. Joyce Brown, President of the State University of New York's Fashion Institute of Technology, and has a daughter, Marci McCall.



"Is not absence death to those who love?" - Alexander Pone

ue to reapportionment, Georgia gained two additional Congressional seats in 2002. One of the candidates to vie for the new seat in U. S. Congress representing District 13 is Democrat Brother David Scott. Brother Scott, a Florida A&M University graduate, has dedicated much of his life to improving the quality of life for Georgians. As a member of the State Senate, Brother Scott is best known as a fighter for public education, our environment, women's health, and economic development. As a man of faith and conviction, he authored of the Georgia state law that requires a moment of silence for reflection and prayer at the start of each school day. Brother Scott was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 1974. With his ability to reach out to leaders of diverse backgrounds, his hard-working style earned him the respect of both his peers and his constituents. After serving in the Georgia House, he was then elected to the Georgia State Senate in 1982, where he continues to serve. He has served in the Georgia Legislature for the past 27 years. Brother Scott is Chairman of the powerful Rules Committee. The Rules Committee determines which bills get to the Senate floor for debate. Brother Scott also serves on the Appropriations, Education, Reapportionment, and Banking and Finance Committees in the Senate. While addressing his alumni chapter, Brother Scott stated, ""I fought hard to put in place a state law that requires the observance of a moment of silence for reflection and prayer at the start of each school day in all of Georgia's public schools. I fought hard for the law requiring background checks before gun purchases, and making it a felony for anyone who knowingly sells or provides a firearm to a minor." Brother Scott gives credit to his legislation for the decline in teen pregnancies in the state. He authored legislation


"the greatest of till'faults. I should say. is to be conscious of none." - Thomas Carlvle

mandating the teaching of Sex Education and AIDS prevention in Georgia's public schools. Brother Scott has also authored a law that established early intervention programs that help students prepare for the test to pass from one grade to the next; authored the state law that requires the observance of a moment of silence for reflection and prayer at the start of each school day in all Georgia public schools; wrote legislation that requires a background check before gun purchases and makes it a felony for anyone to knowingly sell or provide a firearm to a minor; required Georgia schools to teach Sex Education and Aids Prevention to curb teen pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and spearheaded an effort to increase state spending for the prevention of breast cancer, prostate cancer, hypertension, strokes, and diabetes. Brother Scott is not just a politician, he has been a successful business leader as well. "I have been fortunate enough to win awards for my work as Chief Executive Officer of Dayn-Mark Advertising Company. I have been on the front line in both politics and business." Scott has won four Emmy awards for the PBS production entitled, "Langston!" - A Tribute to the Poetry of Langston Hughes and he has won an award from the NAACP as well. Once the new seat was created, there was overwhelming push in the community for Brother Scott to run. "I have no choice. I have to serve the communities that comprise this new district." Brother Scott earned an MBA degree with honors from the prestigious Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania in 1969. He has been married to the former Alfredia Aaron since 1969. They have two daughters Dayna and Marcye, and just last year became grandparents to a new baby boy, Kimani. David and Alfredia Scott have a commitment to improving their community. This commitment comes from the hope that they will make a better world for not only their children but every child who deserves a better world to live in. His extended family


BROTHER DAVID SCOTT includes his close friend and brother-in-law, "Hammerin' Hank Aaron."

'Asfor disappointing them I should not so much mind; hut 1 can't abide to disappoint myself - Oliver (ioldsmilh

Our Political Action Chairman Continues To Make A Difference For The Fraternity And The World! low mayoral colleagues all across the country, with its success n any given day in the Crescent City, New Orleans' popuin improving public safety, revitalizing neighborhoods, stimular former mayor, the Honorable Brother Marc H. lating economic growth, and bolstering opportunities for the Morial, can be found sitting behind his impressive oak desk at the high-powered law firm of Adams & Reese, LLP, dis- youth of the City of New Orleans. In his capacity as Mayor, Morial also championed urban issues that affected his conpensing sage legal advice to an impressive roster of clients. stituents, without losing the "common touch," while crediting Morial, who left the office of Mayor in the spring of 2002, was his stewardship to quickly recruited to the l e s s o n s he serve "of counsel" learned in the ranks in the firm's Special of Alpha Phi Alpha, Business Services which, he believes division in both prepared him to take its Washington, DC the mande of leaderand New Orlean's ship in the city that he Offices. Brother calls home. Morial, who is Born the second of simply known as five children to the "Marc" to both his late Brother Ernest N. supporters and "Dutch" Morial and friends, recently Sybil Haydel Morial, completed a sucBrother Marc H. cessful second term Morial "literally grew as mayor of one of up on the floor of the the nation's largest General Convention," and most culturally as he fondly recalls, diverse cities and Brother Marc H. Mortal presents the "Key to the City" of New Orleans to General President Harry E. Johnson at theAlhpa Phi Alpha Fraternity's 97th Anniversary Convention. where his father Chair-man of the served as the Frater-nity's 23rd General President, from 1969U.S. Conference of Mavors. During his tenure as Mayor, 1972. In fact, it was through the example of his father, who posBrother Morial helped to lead a dramatic turnaround of New sessed a strong background in politics and civil rights, rising Orleans since his first election as Mayor in 1994. In fact, his through the ranks as an attorney, legislator, judge and the first administration is credited with helping to renew pubhc confiAfrican-American Mavor of New Orleans, that Brother Morial dence in local government and served as an example to his fel-




Brother Ernest N. "Dutch" Morial with future Alphas Marc (Left) and Jacques (Right) at Louisiana State Legislature.

decided to blaze his own trail in the history of the city he loves, as its Chief Executive Officer. Upon graduating from Jesuit High School in 1976, Brother Morial spread his wings in the Eastern Region, where he studied economics at the University of Pennsylvania and was initiated into the Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. in 1977. He went on to receive a law degree from Georgetown University in Washington, DC, where he was affiliated with the Omicron Lambda Alpha Chapter, until his return to New Orleans in the early 1980's. Reflecting on his college days at the University of Pennsylvania, Morial quickly denotes, "I was and will always be a Son of the Eastern Region," he proclaims. "My Fraternal home may be in the Southwest Region, but I left my heart in Alpha East," Morial declares, recalling the day when he was initiated into the Fraternity under the leadership of then Eastern Region Vice President, Brother Henry Gray Gillem, Sr. Since that time, however, Brother Morial, a Life Member of the Fraternity and a recepient of the Alpha Award of Merit, has worked to earn a stellar reputation not only within Alpha Phi Alpha, where he has devoted coundess hours and endless resources to both the Sigma Lambda Chapter of which he is a member and the General Organization, as Chairman of the National Political Action Commission, General Chairman of numerous national Fraternity events, including the 1993 & 2001 General Conventions, the 1996 National Educational Forum and the 1997 Inauguration of General President Adrian L. Wallace, but he has also developed an unassailable track record as one of the most progressive political figures in modern U.S. history.

In 1991, Brother Marc H. Morial was elected to the Louisiana State Senate where he ably represented the citizens of the Fourth Senate District from 1992-1994. His short term in the Senate was a testament to his energy and drive as a consummate public servant. Before leaving the Senate to take the helm as Mayor of New Orleans, Brother Morial authored over 50 bills and was co-author of over 90 bills that became law in the State of Louisiana. His work earned him the title of "Rookie of the Year" from the Baton Rouge press corps, as well as "Conservationist Senator of the Year" and the "Education Senator of the Year." Prior to receiving these accolades, Morial distinguished himself within the legal community, winning a landmark case before the Louisiana Supreme Court in 1984, with the now famous Shropshire decision, making, for the first time in Louisiana history, police reports a matter of public record, having only graduated from law school the previous year. Morial was also the lead plaintiff in the case of Chisom v. Edwards, which ultimately led to the election of the first African-American Supreme Court Justice in Louisiana state history. Today, as Morial reflects on a stellar legal and political career, he never ceases to give credit to some of the leading Alpha "giants" in the aforementioned fields that inspired him to reach for excellence, through initiative and pride. Citing great Alpha Brothers such as Belford V. Lawson and Thurgood Marshall, men whom he visited and interacted with as a child growing up in the Fraternity, Morial continues to pay homage to those who came before him. "I was fortunate enough to meet these Brothers and sit at their feet in awe and admiration as they debated the great issues of the day with my father and my godfather (Charles Teamer, 27th General President)," reminisced Morial. "I truly believe that, as Alumni Brothers, we need to continue to serve as mentors and role models for our

Brother Morial (center) receiving the Alpha Award of Merit, the highest award bestowed on an Alpha Brotherfrom past General President Charles Teamer, Sr, (Left) and Adrian L Wallace (Right).

As for disappointing them I should not so much mind: hut I can't abide to disappoint myself. - Oliver Goldsmith


BROTHER MARC H. MORTAL legions of College Brothers who look up to us for leadership and direction," he continued. In his role as Mayor of New Orleans, Bromer Mortal worked to completely revitalize the city's stagnant economy, while rebuilding its image, through leadership by example. Here are a few of his major accomplishments: RESTORING PUBLIC SAFETY

When Brother Mortal was first elected at the age of 35, his top priority was to reform the New Orleans Police Brother Marc H. Mortal (3rdfrom the right) with the daughter and grandmother (center) of Brother Dr. Department and decrease crime in the Charles H. Wesley and other Fraternity leaders at 1996 National Economic Forum. city. Today, the reorganization of the NOPD is a model of reform for municipalities around the REVITALIZING NEIGHBORHOODS world. Under the department's reorganization, cops were moved from desks to community policing beats, detectives Under Mortal's leadership, me historic corridors and were transferred into district stations and an independent pubneighborhoods of New Orleans have come back to life again, lic integrity unit was established to investigate citizen comthrough public/private partnerships that leverage federal dolplaints. Reforms also included tougher requirements for new lars to create first-time and low-income homeowners. For his efforts, the city received national awards for their hard work recruits, higher pay and improved technology. The results are and dedication to revitalizing New Orleans - one neighborhood indisputable. New Orleans has led all major U.S. cities in the at a time. As mayor, Brother Mortal also created an innovative rate of violent crime reduction. Since 1994, violent crime in Strategic Inspection Force (SIF), which brought every city New Orleans has fallen over 60 percent. Additionally, Mortal department together to target neighborhood code enforcement also worked hard to bring the issue of gun safety and violence violations, in an unprecedented effort to clean up the city. prevention to the national forefront. In October 1998, he became the first Mayor to file suit against the gun industry arguing that gun manufacturers failed to incorporate available FOCUSING ON YOLTH safety devices in handgun designs. Since then, dozens of other cities and organizations, including the NAACP, have filed suits As a father of two small children, the youngest born and pushed for state and federal legislation on handgun safety. just five months ago, the young people of New Orleans were a Rebuilding the Economy key priority in the Mortal Administration. One of Mortal's first acts as Mayor was to enact a dusk to dawn curfew, one of the As Mayor, Brother Mortal focused on building a city strictest in the nation. This tough approach was combined with for the future with new infrastructure and major developincreased recreation and enrichment opportunities for youth. ment projects throughout New Orleans. In fact, New Orleans is The Mayor's Team Summer Jobs initiative put over 1,000 kids one of only a few cities in the nation to pass a comprehensive to work each summer. In fact, since the early days of his first bond referendum for capital improvements. The largest term in office, Brother Mortal's Administration worked to triple capital program in the city's history, Rebuild New Orleans the budget for the New Orleans Recreation Department and Now!, a five-year $172 million initiative to rebuild the city's renovated over 30 parks and playgrounds through the city's landscape with repairs to streets, public buildings and recreRebuild New Orleans Now! Capital Improvements Program. As ational facilities is nearly complete. As a second phase to this a positive role model, Brother Mortal continues to remain a initiative, in 2000, New Orleans voters approved $177 million frequent visitor to the city's schools and youth programs. to continue rebuilding New Orleans. "You can do what yon hare to do. and sometimes you can do it even heller than yon think yon can". - limmy Carter



BROTHER MARC H. MORIAL Additionally, as an ardent supporter of the Fraternity's "Go-to-HighSchool, Go-to-College" and Project Alpha programs, Brother. Mortal worked to provided tens of thousands of dollars in city funding each year to help bolster the Sigma Lambda Chapter's efforts to serve the youth of the community as only Alpha men can! PARTNERING FOR THE FUTURE

Highlighting the principle that richness lies in diversity, Brother Mortal worked to build a broad-based "Gumbo Coalition" which continues to grow to this day - even within the Fraternity. In fact, a spirit of partnership and cooperBrother Marc H. Mortal with Former First Lady of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Sybil Haydel Mortal, Congresswoman ation among city officials and citi- Sheila Jackson-Lee (2ndfrom right) and her daughter Erica and 27th General President Charles Teamer. zens during his two terms in office led to New Orleans' designation as an All-American City by the Climate Protection Award from the Environmental Protection National Civic League for the first time in over 50 years. In Agency, commending his efforts to reduce the risks of global recognition of Brother Mortal's widespread reform of the New warming. In addition to passing two successful bond referenOrleans Police Department, New Orleans received the 2000 dums, Mortal also led voter-approved changes to the city's City Livability Award from the U.S. Conference of Mayors. Home Rule Charter to modernize city government. As President During that time, Brother Mortal also received the 2000 of the US Conference of Mayors, Brother Mortal worked to form an International Conference of Mayors and helped to lead the national response to the attacks of September 11th. In 1999, Brother Mortal was appointed by President Clinton in the 21st Century Workforce Commission, due in large part to his exemplary leadership of the "Big Easy." In September of that same year, Brother Marc H. Mortal and New Orleans newswoman, Michelle Miller, were married at the St. Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter and celebrated their nuptials at the breathtaking New Orleans Convention Center bearing his late father's name. Today, as he reflects upon his successes as a State Legislator and Mayor, the forty-four year old Mortal is quick to note that, while one chapter of his life has concluded, another has just begun. "There is a lot of work for me to do for the Fraternity, for my city and for this great nauon Fraternity s of ours," he exclaims. "To be quite honest with Brother Marc H. Mortal greets past General President Davis at the Aljn 10thAnnual CBCReception in Washington D.C. you... I'm just getting started!" .*>(.>

"It's so simple to he wise. Just think of something stupid to say and say the opposite". - Sam Levenson



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Rockland County, New York


he year 2002 marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of Eta Chi Lambda Chapter. Since 1961 the chapter has made excellent progress in restructuring itself, in reclaiming quality young men and in recognizing academic excellence among the black male graduates of the local high schools. Last year the chapter awarded scholarships totaling more than $12,000 to several deserving young men. Eta Chi Lambda was touched by the terrorist strike on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, when one of our newly-reclaimed members, Brother Christopher J. Scudder, a field engineer at En Pointe Technologies was at work there in his office on the 82nd floor. The Brothers held the Omega Service which Eta Chi Lambda conducted for Brother Scudder on September 20, 2001.


uring this past semester, the Brothers of Sigma Chapter have been involved in a variety of initiatives, including community service, mentoring and traditional programming. The chapter began a series of programs under the banner "The Village Voice Series" - a series of discussions focusing on everyday issues. In March the chapter also hosted its annual "Women's Appreciation" program in recognition of Women's appreciation Month. Brothers of Sigma chapter hosted a Pre-frosh welcome for students of black and/or Latino descent in the Student Union. As an element of the chapters desire to remain in leadership roles among the campuses, Brother Onaje Crawford assumed the role of Vice President of Multicultural Affairs of the Boston University Student Union. Brother Daouda Leonard who is VP of the Northeastern University (NU) Pan-Hellenic Council also has been coordinating the New England Step Fest which the Brothers of Alpha (Sigma and Rho Nu Chapters) are the reigning champions, having won the eight of the last nine competitions.


"You can do what you bare to do, and sometimes you can do it even better than you think you can." - Jimmy Carter





n February, Epsilon Gamma Lambda Chapter began Black History month with "An Afternoon of African-American Literature and Poetry." This event was held at the Burlington Public Library to make local residents more cognizant of AfricanAmerican contributions to literature and Art. The Brothers and several members of the community presented literary works of W.E.B. Du Bios, Maya Angelo, Langston Hughes and James Weldon Johnson. As a part of the chapters modest and realistic goals, an agreement was made to participate in a Big Brother two year match program. The chapter is reaching out to all Alpha Chapters within the area as well as other Greek Letter organizations. As a part of this outreach, members from Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority were included on the literary program in Burlington. As a part of its outreach, the Brothers of Epsilon Gamma Lambda have revitalized its activities with the Pan-Hellenic Council and other community based organizations.


Brothers from Epsilon Gamma Lambda and other presenters from the community.


Annapolis, Maryland



he Brothers of ETA ETA LAMBDA chapter held their first annual scholarship boat ride and family picnic. Over 300 Brothers and guests attended this festive event, which supports the Chapter's scholarship program. Two, $1,000 scholarships are awarded each year to deserving students. The Doctor Aris T. Allen Scholarships are named for Brother Allen, a well-known Annapolis native who has a statue and park in his name.


o 1


Columbia, Maryland appa Phi Lambda Chapter, along with the local Chapter of the March of Dimes, hosted Project Alpha at the Oakland Mills High School in Columbia, MD. This event, attended by 50 Oakland Mills High School students (ages 13-18) and entertained questions on "sexual responsibility," as well professional advice on "succeeding in a chosen vocation." The Chapter, as part of its Project Cornucopia, presented three (3) disadvantaged famihes with gift certificates in the amount of seventy-five dollars for shopping at a local grocer (Safeway). Kappa Phi Lambda chapter hosted a reclamation Fight Party where the goal was to provide an informal setting and reclaim those "Missing In Alpha." The chapter was able to get commitments from Brothers to attend upcoming Chapter meetings and events.


"Its so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and say the opposite." - Sam Levenson



Burlington, Vermont i Tau Lambda is the first and only chapter in the State of Vermont and the only predominantly African-American fraternity in a state that is 98 percent white (600,000 residents). Chartered on December 1, 2000, the Chapter currently has a Brotherhood of about ten college-trained men. Pi Tau Lambda is also working closely with the Brothers of Dartmouth College (Theta Zeta, Hanover, New Hampshire) to create Vermont's first college chapter consisting of the University of Vermont, Middlebury College and Saint Michael's College. The Chapter recendy presented a Project Alpha workshop to 200 participants at the Vermont Job Corps organization. Brothers gave lectures and motivational speeches to the participants who had never witnessed so many articulate, well-dressed and well-versed African-American men in Vermont. PTL is continuing to encourage AKA, Delta, Omega and Sigma to officially form their alumni chapters in Vermont, due to a large contingency of the other Pan-Hellenic council members in the State. This premise demonstrates PTL's spirit of collaboration and sincere desire to have other groups working with them (PTL) in achieving much needed community services.



Earmville, Virginia he members of Xi Zeta chapter have proven themselves to be very prolific during the 2001 year. Xi Zeta had a diligent Membership Intake Cluster, where the College Brothers hosted the Risk Management Certification for the local Alumni chapter Iota Tau Lambda. The Chapter also participated in the March of Dimes Walk America in the Farmville community and celebrated their 15-year Anniversary on the "Re-Chartering" Celebration at Longwood College. For historical purposes, it is important to note that Xi Zeta was originally chartered at Hampden-Sydney College in Hampden-Sydney/Keysvilie, Virginia on September 29, 1979. It became de-chartered around 1983- Through the efforts of Brother Ernest Neal (Assistant Basketball coach for Longwood College during the early to mid 1980's) and Iota Tau Lambda, Xi Zeta was approved, moved and re-chartered at Longwood College on April 5, 1986 by eight young men known as "Genesis 8".



Richmond, Virginia he Brothers of Beta Gamma Lambda have continued to uphold the high standards of Alpha Phi Alpha. Among the various community programs and activities accomplished, the chapter participated in and donated a substantial financial contribution to the Richmond, Virginia March of Dimes Walk America. Beta Gamma Lambda also held their Annual Scholarship Banquet on the campus of Virginia Union University, in which the chapter provided 3 scholarships totaling over $2000 and recognized the Richmond Area's Top Male Scholar Athletes. The chapter participated in the first annual Special Olympics of Virginia Walk-A-Thon and collaborated with the Richmond City Public Health Department for another highly successful-Project Alpha Week.



Hampton, Virginia he Brothers of Delta Beta Lambda Chapter participated in several events this fraternal year. The chapter held a public Candidate's Forum for the candidates for the Virginia House of Delegates, 92nd District that allowed the candidates to present their platforms and answer questions from the audience. One of the Chapter's community service activities consisted of a "Project Alpha" program held at the Hart-McAllister Center, a community center in the city. The Chapter's presentation was enhanced by partnership with other community agencies. The Brothers of Delta Beta Lambda and Gamma Iota (Hampton University) Chapters got together on a Sunday evening for an informal College/Alumni Brother Mixer. The objective was to allow the Brothers to get to know each other better and provide a forum for open communication between the chapters.

T -+u

"Know thyself, presume not God to scan: The proper study of mankind is man." - Alexander Pope







n September 22, 2001, The Brothers of Epsilon Nu Lambda Chapter celebrated their Fifteenth Anniversary by honoring the living four of the Chapter's ten founders. This phenomenal occasion was highly supported by the community. The surviving founders: Harvey Johnson, Jr., Hugo Owens, Sr., Garrett Martin and Winston Pearson have shared an enormous amount of wisdom with the members as well as providing a source of inspiration. The support of the Alpha Wives aided the program in it's success. The members of the chapter anticipate even more years of success.





he Brothers of Omicron Alpha Lambda have had an eventful year. The Brothers sponsored two children for Christmas with our annual Christmas funds. Our Brothers continue to up lift the Alpha Banner by participating in our adopt-a-school program. They have assisted Harrison Road Elementary School with various programs, Math /Science and The Santa Winter Work Shop. The Chapter hosted a MLK celebration at Walker Grant Middle School. Brother Dr. Ed Jackson, Executive Director of the MLK foundation was the guest speaker. Brother Jackson highlighted information about MLK memorial foundation. The program participants were various groups from the community. Donations were given to support the memorial fund. One of the Chapter's main projects for this spring will be our annual Scholarship Dance and Black and Gold Scholarship Ball.




Wilberforce, Ohio he Brothers of Xi Chapter recently held their annual Dawn dance reclamation weekend with some of the Chapter's older members. The Chapter has hosted a kaleidoscope of activities once a year, as an attempt to get some of the older chapter members who have graduated to come become active. As a part of this weekend the Chapter has a discussion on where the chapter is now, an intellectual exchange between members and a basketball tournament. Xi chapter will say farewell to several distinguished members of the chapter who will be graduating (all with honors) in May of 2002. On the horizon the chapter is preparing to host its 90th chapter anniversary (entitled: The home. The hymn. The prayer) and also the 2002 Ohio District Convention.


"Seek not the things that are too hardfor thee, neither search the things that are beyond thy strength." - Apocrypha




City Chapter of Columbus, Ohio micron Rho chapter was chartered on March 7, 1982 at Ohio Wesleyan University and recently celebrated its 20th Anniversary in Columbus, Ohio. Omicron Rho is now a City Chapter, which serves Ohio Wesleyan University, Otterbein College, Capital University, DeVry Institute of Technology and Ohio Dominican College. Currently, O'Rho has 14 active members. The Brothers are leaders on every campus and currently maintain and hold the position of President of the Black Student Unions on the Ohio Wesleyan, Otterbein and Capital and University campuses. As a part of the chapters campus and community outreach Omicron Rho recently donated 50 boxes of clothing to the organization "Friends of the Homeless." The Brothers also co-sponsored a Big Brothers program in conjunction with Big Brothers Big Sisters, Inc. of Columbus and Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter with participation from approximately 30 young men and their Big Brothers. The chapter held a "Tribute to Black Women" at Capital University, which received praise from everyone on campus. The issue of racial Profiling was addressed during the Alpha Racial Profiling discussion held during Homecoming weekend. Socially, the men of Omicron Rho Chapter won the block party weekend step show held at The Ohio State University. Athletically, Omicron Rho was proud to have a Brother on the Capital University and Otterbein College football teams. It was most interesting when the two schools played each other and the two chapter members played against each other. One plays running back and the other plays defensive back. Alpha Phi Alpha was well represented.



Cincinnati, Ohio The Brothers of Delta Gamma Lambda Chapter, in conjunction with The Urban League of Greater Cincinnati escorted 28 teens from Cincinnati to Atlanta, Georgia during the King Holiday weekend to celebrate the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The purpose of the 3 day trip was to expose the young men, ages 10-17, to the historical significance of King's struggle for civil rights and how it relates to the current issues we face today. In addition to visiting the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, the group visited the Herndon House (home of Alonzo Herndon Atlanta's first black millionaire, entrepreneur and founder of the Atlanta Life Insurance Company). A highlight of the afternoon was a trip to Pascals, a historic soul food restaurant that catered to African-American entertainers and celebrities Brother Wendell Walker explains the significance of the during the south's notorious Jim Crow era. The restaurant is also a neighborhood MIK Center to \ outh. favorite for Atlanta University Center students and others in surrounding communities. In addition, the group visited the Carter Center, a 35-acre museum and complex located outside of Downtown Atlanta. On Sunday, the group visited Atlanta's historic Ebenezer Baptist Church. The young men who went on the trip were granted a unique opportunity to seefirsthandthe epicenter of a significant portion of the civil rights struggle of the 60's. The trip to Atlanta is part of a series of activities and programs sponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and The Urban League aimed at empowering youth to make responsible and intelligent life decisions as well as providing insight into our history. Past events included two Pregnancy Prevention Forums and a Youth & Police Forum held in 2001. "Just remember, once you're orer the hill you begin to pick up speed." - Charles Scluillz







he Brothers of Eta Tau Lambda launched their first Greek Academic Challenge in honor of Brother Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The chapter made a donation of $500 to the UNCF and the Kym Sellers Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis from the proceeds. As a part of their participation with Big Brothers and the Boys & Girls Club, the chapter took 25 young men (13 yrs -17 yrs) to Atlanta, Georgia for a college tour of Moorehouse, Clark, and Morris Brown Universities. As a part of Eta Tau Lambda's community service efforts, the chapter has assisted Calvery Baptist Church with their fourth grade-tutoring program. Several Brothers of Eta Tau Lambda also participated in the annual March of Dimes Walk America, which enabled them to raise $900 for the March of Dimes. As apart of their scholarship efforts, the Chapter presented 15 high school students the Alpha Scholarship & Martin 0. Chapman Award. Eta Tau Lambda, in conjunction with Alpha Tau Chapter (University of Akron), hosted the Ohio District Convention that proved to be a perfect opportunity for the two chapters to fellowship and take care of the business of Alpha.



Jefferson City, Missouri he Brothers of Alpha Psi Chapter recently celebrated its 71st Anniversary. The Chapter began its semester with Alpha Week "Heru of the Horizon" which started with their annual Black Men's Think Tank. This event presented a lecture entitled, "Learn, Unlearn and Return" which had an attendance of more than 50 African-American men. The Brothers also hosted an Alpha Mentoring program at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, which was featured in the city's news tribune. The chapter hosted a movie night and a Greek stroll-off and ended the week with their annual Ms. Black & Gold Pageant. The crown was awarded to Ms. Samantha Thomas from Chicago, Illinois. To conclude the chapters semester, The Alpha Psi step team took first place in the homecoming step show and Brothers Bryan Fulcher The Brothers of Alpha Psi and Beta Zeta Lambda and Brandon Powell obtained the President & Vice President leadership roles for with Brother Thomas D. Pawiey (center) the State.



Jefferson City, Missouri hree area students are the most recent beneficiaries of the fund-raising efforts of the Jefferson City chapter, Beta Zeta Lambda. "Our fraternity is not just a social club," said Brother Kenneth Sweeny, Chapter President, as the chapter awarded a $500 scholarship to Ebony Marshall, a 2001 Jefferson City High School graduate who is now a freshman at Xavier University in New Orleans, LA. She intends to major in biology, with a minor in chemistry and hopes to be a pediatrician. Her scholarship came from the chapters "A-Try-A" Program (Aspire, Try, Achieve), which encourages African-American high school students to excel academically. Additional $500 scholarships have been awarded to two Lincoln University students (Ivan Nugent & Jarib S. Jones). The Chapter's fund raising efforts support the educational assistance programs. One of these efforts include support of the Ebony Fashion Fair which was held in Columbia on December 12. Ticket sales and proceeds from the event will be placed in the educational fund for scholarship programs and other civic activities. Some of the chapters other project participations included supporting the NAACP Chapter's annual Freedom Dinner, supporting the American Heart Association's Cole County Chapter and continuing to work on its voter registration and Adopt-A-Highway projects.




St. Louis, Missouri he men of the Epsilon Lambda Chapter presented a $1,500 contribution to the St. Louis Gateway Classic Sports Foundation Scholarship Fund during the Classic's Post Event Sponsors' Reception on October 23rd at Millennium Hotel Downtown. This marks the third year Epsilon Lambda has supported the Classic's Scholarship foundation with part of the proceeds from a fundraiser hosted on the Friday before the BIG game. This year's "Old School Party" was held at the St. Louis Marriott Pavilion Downtown Hotel with over 500 attendees.




James W. Simpson, President, Epsilon Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., (at the podium) Earl Wilson, Jr., President/Executive Director, St. Louis Gateway Classic Sports Foundation (center) and Daniel H Gustafson, General Manager, Marriott Pavilion Hotel (right).



Louisville, Kentucky


he Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Lambda Chapter recendy participated in the 9th annual AIDS Walk in Louisville, KY. The walkers utilized a 3.5 mile route that crossed from Louisville into southern Indiana and back. The Brothers of Alpha Lambda were successful in raising approximately $500 for this worthy cause. In all, 4,800 people joined in the walk raising over $310,000 for AIDS (l-r)Brothers Shelton Poole, EdGoinsJr., Cal Curry, Cecil Brookins, Virgil White 111, andRon Jackso research and prevention efforts. Alpha Lambda chapter pausing on the bridge to Indiana.


Fort Wayne, Indiana, he Brothers of Theta Upsilon Lambda Chapter have shown great promise in re-establishing themselves as leaders in their community. The chapter has been working very diligently to provide service to the city, as well as raise the consciousness of Fort Wayne as to the contributions of its' black community. Over the past nine months the chapter has participated in several events, which include partnering with the African & African-American First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All Museum on several projects intended to assist them in establishing a presence in their city and have been involved in several community based . . . u - l i b i Alpha 9rajerf,. service projects. The Chapter recently posted a billboard that was displayed during Black History Month. The Brothers of Theta Upsilon Lambda are serving notice to all, that positive black men do exist, who, FORT M ) | f MlUMi~~ unequivocally, hold true to the ideals and principles on which Alpha Phi Celebrating Black History Alpha was founded.


\o man in Ibe world has more courage than the man who can stop after eating one peanut." - Ch



Milwaukee, Wisconsin he Alpha Phi Alpha Delta Chi Lambda Foundation, Inc. awarded more than $ 10,000 in scholarships at it's 14th Annual Young Gendemari's Scholarship Beautillion Ball. Brandle Morrow, who will be attending Michigan State University this fall, was awarded the Grand Scholarship of $5,000 and crowned Mr. Beautillion 2001. The first runner-up, Joseph Penigar, was awarded a $2,000 scholarship. Penigar will attend the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the fall. Over the past five months, these young men have been participating in a number of activities, which ranged from Rites of Passage to Project Alpha participation to a Talent and Career Showcase. Each Beau received a minimum $500 Book Scholarship (once the minimum criterion has been met) just for participating. To help ensure their success, each Beau was assigned a personal advisor, with whom they have worked with over the past four months.




Sheffield, Alabama he Brothers of Kappa Mu Lambda Chapter sponsored its 11th Annual MLK, Jr. Memorial Breakfast. This event, held at the Florence Conference Center serves as means to support assist the Chapter's scholarship fund for High School students. Local business, church, school and civic leaders participate in this event, which has grown in attendance over the years with this year nearly approaching the 300 mark. Those in attendance had the opportunity to view a video on the Life and Legacy of Dr. King. The keynote speaker was Brother Cedric Burden who emphasized the importance of having a collective family structure with proper spiritual guidance. Brother Burden, a member of Mu Psi Lambda also issued a challenge to the attendees to do their part in making Dr. Kings Dream a Reality. To culminate the event, Chapter President Larry Sofdey presented the Human Relations award to local civic leaders for their outstanding work in the community.



Atlanta, Georgia n an impressive Head Start incentive, the Brothers of Eta Lambda Chapter presented $100.00 savings bonds to several recipients. As a part of their continuous participation in the "Go to High School, Go To College" National Program, the Chapter President, Brother Dr. Alphonso Jones presented an award to Little Miss Lyric Wilson, age 4. Under the dynamic leadership of the Head Start Scholarship Committee, Brother Willie Saulsbury, Director of the Chapter's Educational Scholarships presented gifts of $1,000.00 to each recipient upon graduation from high school.




Fort Valley, Georgia


he middle Georgia Chapters held a joint founder's day celebration recently at Macedonia Baptist Church in Macon, Georgia. The host for this year's event was Epsilon Beta Lambda Chapter (Macon). Other chapters who participated in the program were Gamma Sigma Lambda (Fort Valley), Iota Eta (Mercer University), Pi Eta Lambda (Dublin) and Gamma Zeta (Fort Valley State University). The speaker for the program was Reverend Brother Benjamin Lett, Pastor of First Baptist Church in Macon, Georgia. A reception followed the program in the annex of the chapel.

Brothers of Georgia Middle Chapters that attended the Founder's Day Program.


Marietta, Georgia


micron Mu Lambda Chapter (OML) sponsored the first of two Project Alpha sessions for this Fraternal year. Through partnerships with youth based organizations, OML has increased attendance from 8 young men 2 years ago to 55 per session this year. Through OML's 501 (C)3, Henry Arthur Callis Education Foundation, the Chapter was awarded a $2,000 grant from the Cobb Community Foundation to support future Project Alpha workshops. Omicron Mu Lambda also served as the host chapter for 6 initiates of the newly chartered Tau Zeta Chapter at Southern Polytechnic State University. In December, the Chapter held its annual holiday basket program with the local Alumni Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta who helped distribute food, clothes and cheer to less fortunate families in the Cobb County/City of Marietta community..


Durham, North Carolina


he hardest working organization on the campus of North Carolina Central University is Alpha Phi Alpha. Since the spring 2001 "New World Order" line has crossed all you see taking care of business on campus are Alpha's. The chapter serves in over 25 leadership capacities on the campus and in the community. Beginning in the fall, the Brothers of Gamma Beta welcomed home the students of NCCU with door decks and balloons throughout the campus. An Effective Study Habit's Seminar was held to give NCCU students an edge on SCHOLARSHIPS. The chapter began a Give-A-Boy A Book Day Drive at their Miss Black & Gold Pageant. As a part of their SERVICE efforts to the University, they cleaned up the Stadium after every home football game this semester. Helping to raise funds for the Cornwallis Community Center was the foundation to the Chapter's upcoming tutoring plans. In an attempt to broaden cultural awareness and to display MANLY DEEDS, the Brothers hosted the NCCU Foundation Art Gala and Miss NCCU's Coronation. In order to increase the numbers of voters in the Durham City/County Primaries and November 6th election large posters & notes were posted around campus in high traffic areas. Gamma Beta celebrated their 60th chapter Anniversary at their Homecoming & Founder's Day Reception. "It is m use trying to sum people up. One must follow hints, no/ exactly what is said, nor yet entirely what is done." - Virginia Woolf



Fayetteville, North Carolina psilon Zeta Chapter has continued to have a positive influence on the campus of Fayettevirie Sate University and the surrounding community as well. This trend has carried over into the 2002 year as the Brothers reached out to local middle school students. The Spring Lake Middle School Caught word of the "EZ Initiative" (chapter mandated programs) and extended an invitation. Brothers Jeffrey Womble, Raymond Sharp, WiUiam Munn, Jason Barber and Bradford Gaddy spoke to young men on college life, scholastic performance and time management. The students were encouraged to work hard and set their goals high. This program was a part of the chapters participation in the "Go to High School, Go to College" national Program. The school's principal, Ms. Nita Brown, assisted the Brothers of "EZ."



Greenville, North Carolina


he Spring 2001 initiates of Eta Nu, Brothers Cody Singleton, Jashun Gaddy, Darryl Thomas, Jr. and Karl Baynes spoke to a captive audience of youths at C.B. Martin Middle School in Tarboro, NC during Alpha Week. This program promoted the "Go to High school, Go to College National program." Students from area schools performed step routines. The Brothers encouraged the students to work hard and never let go of their dreams. The neos entertained the crowd by performing their own step in traditional Alpha style. They were honored for their participation with a trophy.


Charlotte, North Carolina eta Nu Lambda chapter has proven to be extremely busy this fraternal year. In January, Brothers Douglas Jones, Jr. and Darryl Kennedy were both awarded for their outstanding contributions to Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America. Beta Nu Lambda, along with other organizations, was charged with getting fifty participants in the pilot program by the end of September 2001, a goal that the chapter matched and exceeded. Brother Jeffrey Alston and Brother Jonathan Lindsay, of the Beta Nu Lambda Chapter. established Alpha Academy, which was designed to assist young men in achieving academic excellence, social development and cultural. It is targeted towards high school freshmen, sophomores and juniors in the Charlotte, NC area. A graduation ceremony for the participants is planned for May of 2002. Some of the programs the students participate in are computer training, preparation for the SAT, table etiquette, how to deal with peer pressure, and attend cultural events at the African American Cultural Center. The Brothers of Beta Nu Lambda, as well as Brothers in the various undergrad chapters in the area, are the leaders and teachers for these seminars. This program was funded by a grant received from the March of Dimes Foundation and various other donations from companies throughout the community. This program will hopefully serve as the forefront of many more of its kind to come.





"Who ceases to be a friend, never was one." - Anonymous



Fayetteville-Fort Bragg, North Carolina


he Brothers of Epsilon Rho Lambda served as host of the 39th district conference of North Carolina. The chapter also recendy held it's 6th annual golf tournament, and 7th annual Martin Luther King 10k run/5k walk, both which were primary fundraisers for the chapters George L. Butler Endowment. The endowment has funded 15 scholarships for local high school students since it's inception in 1988. The Brothers of Epsilon Lambda continue to strengthen it's relationship with the local March of Dimes Chapter by providing assistance with logistics and participating in the March Of Dimes Walk-A-Thon for the eighth consecutive year. This year the chapter conducted Project Alpha at local high schools and used professionals from the legal communities. Seventy young men and thirty chapter Brothers participated. Epsilon Rho Lambda also held it's annual Black and Gold Scholarship Dinner Dance where Joseph Summers was recognized as Man of the Year, and the chapter presented three high school seniors with $1000.00 scholarships. ZETA ETA LAMBDA

Greenville, North Carolina


eta Eta Lambda continues the momentum of fierce commitment to the community. The fraternal year has been a busy one. The year began with a social to kick off the year. During Project Alpha Week the chapter presented a sexual awareness program to the kids at Safe Haven, which is apart of the Nation's Weed and Seed program. This program was facilitated by Brother Adrian Cox, a health educator at East Carolina University. Brothers also participated in the annual "Take Back the Night" march to raise awareness to domestic violence. Brothers also teamed up with Family Violence of Pitt County to provide information on community services. The Chapter started the New Year with its annual MLK Remembrance Program on the campus of ECU. The college Brothers of Eta Nu started this program several years ago. Alpha Brothers from Eta Nu and Zeta Eta Lambda made a special presentation recognizing the legacy of Dr. King. The chapter was represented at the Pitt Alliance For Youth program at the local Boys and Girls Club. Brothers presented a display showcasing our work with "Project Alpha" and "Go to High School, Go to College." The Chapter also held their first annual Go to High School-Go to College Youth StompFest. Seven teams competed. Brother Marvin Harrison was the guest Master of Ceremonies for the event. A college fair was also apart of this event. THETA NU UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA

Columbia, South Carolina


he Brothers of the Theta Nu Chapter have begun yet another promising semester at the University of South Carolina. The chapter has been actively involved in the promotion of community service and uplifting students on the campus. On September 30, 2001 under the leadership of the Chapter President J. Derrick Cattenhead, the Theta Nu Chapter conducted the "Miss Black and Gold" pageant. During the Universities multicultural week the chapter hosted an event to expand awareness of African-American culture. Brother Mansa Gory, Community Service Chairman, organized an event in which the chapter collaborated with Big Brother Big Sisters of the Midlands in effort to promote the enhancement of local youth from E.E Taylor Elementary School. Each Brother from the chapter visited E.E. Taylor Elementary School and attended classes with their mentees. The chapter is also actively involved with the March Dimes, winning the South Carolina District of Alpha Chapter's first Project Alpha Award. Additionally, the chapter hosts voters registration forums, Greek unity cookouts, Black and Old Gold Sundays and weekly Bible Study. "He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat." - Napoleon Bonaparte



Memphis, Tennessee he Brothers of Kappa Eta Chapter proved that they truly transcend all by successfully completing a week with over twenty scheduled events, an accomplished that seemed to be impossible. The events of the week included a gospel explosion, a bone marrow drive, a voters registration drive, a night at the movies, and a trip to an Egyptian exhibit. However, the highlight of the week was Brother Dick Gregory. Brother Gregory's speech covered a number of topics including the Rodney King beating, the O.J. Simpson trial, the Oklahoma City bombing and the recent terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Brother Gregory encouraged students to not only become educated but also to become informed. "Information is power," he said. Several members of the chapter as well as participants agreed and said; "He made us laugh; he made us cry; but most of all he made us think."



El Paso, Texas


heta Delta Lambda Chapter was presented "Outstanding Alumni Chapter of the Year" from the Texas Council of Alpha Chapters (TCAC) for the chapters noteworthy achievements in civic leadership, community development, chapter development and overall participation in the fraternity's national programs and special projects. The Chapter has been enthusiastically involved with approximately 20 community service related organizations, some of which include: the local March of Dimes - WalkAmerica, Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Paso's Bowl for Kids Sake and mentoring program and United Way's Allocation Panels. Proud of its achievements and service to the community, the Chapter vows to continue its manly deeds in the years to Group Picture of Theta Delta Lambda Chapter Members. come. It endorses the TCAC's theme for the year 2002 of "Honoring the Past, Celebrating the Present, and Building for the Future" "When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves." - Confucius



Phoenix, Arizona


he past several months have been very busy and productive for the Brothers of Delta Tau Lambda. Each month the chapter assists one of the local churches with their monthly "Feed the Homeless" program. The Brothers of Delta Tau Lambda recently assisted the Brothers of Mu Eta (Arizona State University) chapter with their annual Pharaohs Step Classic, which has proven to be a very successful event. The winners were Alpha Phi Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta. The chapter also co-hosted an "Intake Info Session" with the Brothers of Mu Eta. Brothers of Delta Tau Lambda participated in the Phoenix MLK celebration and set up a booth and display area to distribute information encouraging people to support the MLK monument project. Delta Tau Lambda is a great chapter doing great things because of great leadership.




he Brothers of Nu Tau Lambda recently celebrated the chapters 20th Anniversary. A reception was held at the Hyatt Regency Orange County highlighting 20 years of community service. The event drew over 100 attendees to Garden Grove, Ca where the chapter was presented with a proclamation from Orange County commending the chapter for its community service efforts including over 50,837 community service hours to the community.

Brothers ofNu Tau Lambda shown holding proclamation from Orange County.


"Only the educated are free." - Epictelus

OMEGA CH BROTHER JERRY DONAL JEWELL FIRST B U C K ACTING GOVERNOR OF ARKANSAS n August 17, 20D2 Arkansas' Blacks and the nation lost a good friend and a Stalwart fighter for social justice with the passing of Brother [erry Donal levvcll, a Little Rock dentist who made political history when he was elected in 1002 as the first Black President Pro Tempore of the Arkansas State Senate. On September 0. 2002, Alpha Brother, Congressman Danny k. Davis (Dem. Illinois) and Congressman Vic Snyder (Dem. Ark.) recognized Dr. Jewell and his achievements in Washington, DC on the House Floor. "Dr. )ewell was the first African American since Reconstruction elected to the Stale Senate for the State of Arkansas. Until Dr. Jewell was elected in 1973, African-American Arkansans had not been elected to the Senate in <S0 years," according to Brother Curtis Sykes. Chair, Arkansas Black History Advisory Committee. "Dr. Jewell is recorded in the annals of Arkansas history for the distinguished service he rendered the state of Arkansas and the nation," says Sykes. In 1003, Brother Jewell had the distinction of being the first African American to ever serve as Acting Governor of Arkansas. When William Clinton became President and Governor Jim Guy Tucker left the state to attend President Clinton's inauguration. Dr. Jewell, as President Pro Tenipore of the State Senate, became Governor of Arkansas for five days. As Governor, Dr. Jewell created a political controversy that received national news coverage when he "granted executive clemencies" to two Arkansas men. Many citizens, both black and white, came to Brother Jewell's defense when he granted these executive clemencies. "During the short time thai he was Governor, he took it upon himself to make wrongs right." NAACP State President Dale Charles said. In the 70s, Dr. Jewell and some of his colleagues put together funds to build the first black hotel in Little Rock. "The Red Carpet Inn." did not survive, but it was symbolic of Dr. Jewell's belief that education and economics are the most important tools to move African Americans out of poverty. "He certainly worked to try to improve the economic level


ROTHER EUGENE AVERAL AUSTIN was a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He was initiated December 11, 1954 at Alpha Zeta, at West Virginia State College in Institute, West Virginia. He received his Bachelor Degree from West Virginia State College and completed the requirements for a Master's Degree from George Washington University. Brother Austin was a veteran of the U.S. Army and an active member of Park Methodist Church in Baltimore. His employment history was with the Maryland Public School System where he retired Assistant Director of the Maryland Office of Equal Opportunities. Brother Austin was an Active member of Delta Lambda Chapter.



" ™ ^ B


of those who he came in contact with," said former stale Rep. Irma Hunter Brown of Little Rock. Brother Jewell often spoke about the damaging effects of segregation. He was born in Chatfield. Arkansas and attended public school in West Memphis, Arkansas. He talked about receiving "left over" or "handme-down" books that were no longer used In White students. Brother Jewell earned his B.S. degree from AM&N College (UAPB) Pine Bluff. Arkansas where he was initialed lanuarv IS, 1052 through Alpha \i Chapter He later received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery degree from Meharry Medical School in Nashville. Tennessee. He was inspired to become a dentist by four uncles, three of whom were physicians and one who was a dentist. Between 1963-67, he was President of the Little Rock Branch of me National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He became a lifetime member and President of the Arkansas Conference of the NAACP from 1965-1972. During this time and before, he worked throughout the slate of Arkansas fighting segregation and racial injustice with the noted civil rights activists Daisy Bates and her husband L.C. Bales. Dr. Jewell played a role in national politics when he served on the National Democratic Parly Credentials Commission in 1072, and the National Democratic Part) Charter Commission from I0~2 tol974. Former mayor of Little Rock and Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Lottie Shackelford saw Dr. Jewell as one who spent a lot of time connecting with the Black community. "In his passing, we have lost a valuable leader, a noted spokesperson, a caring person that knew how to articulate the concerns of African Americans. Dr. Jewell did not shy away from tough issues. He did things because they were morally right." In February 1005. a special ceremony was held in the Rotunda of the Arkansas State Capitol to honor Dr. Jewell, with a bust in his image sculpted by University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff professor and Arkansas renowned artist Earnest J. Davidson. Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee ordered state flags flown at half-staff for two days in Dr. Jewell's honor, saying Jewell worked tirelessly to improve public education and health care for Arkansas.

They're a hit worn from the rugged pace they've been through, but then they've made a (ot of good tracks in their day. The man who wore tliem hecame a aianx - a giant in the eyes of many families whose gratitude lie earned. 'Agiant too, in his own community, wliere he was respected for his professional competence, and at home, where r/it- fruits oj his success are so higfdy appreciated. •True, these are big shoes. They have to he. 'But the size of the feet isn't nearly as important as the stature of the man and the scope of his vision. To wear them, a man must be able to fill the empty space with character, initiative and willingness to grow into a giant. CAM'YOU TILL TU'LM-

"Adversity makes men. and prosperity makes monsters." - Victor Hugo

. ^ ^ " " ^ B

ROTHER CRAIG D. BLUNTSON was a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He was initiated into Nu Upsilon Chapter at the University of Mississippi on March 21, 1987. He earned Bachelor Degrees in Accounting and Finance and afterwards went on to receive the James 0. Eastland Scholarship, which facilitated his earning ajuris Doctorate Degree from the University of Mississippi School of Law in 1992. Brother Bluntson served as prosecutor for Hinds County along with serving in the capacity as an associate for partnership consideration with the firm of McCoy Wilkins, Stephens, and Tipton. Brother Bluntson was extremely active in the Fraternity, being



OMEGA CHAPTER elected Chapter President as well as Chapter Dean of Pledges. Brother Bluntson also spent numerous hours in his community, serving the public with free legal advice, and being active in his Church, Cade Chapel M.B. Church where he served as a trustee and a member of the Award Winning "Voices of Love Choir."

ROTHER HAYWARD "SCOTTT EUGENE BOVIAN was initiated on December 1, 1963 through Beta Delta Chapter at South Carolina State College in Orangeburg, South Carolina. He received his Bachelors of Arts degree in 1965 and his Masters in 1972 from South Carolina State College. Brother Bovian also did further works at Teachers College, Columbia University, The University of South Carolina, Cornell University and was seeking the Educational Doctorate Degree from South Carolina State University. He was employed with the Orangeburg School District #5 (Director of Personnel); Brookdale Middle School (Principal); High School Equivalency Program G.E.D. Program for migrant and seasonal farm-workers (Director); Thackston Junior High School (Assistant Principal/Teacher); Wilkinson High School (Teacher and coached Boys' Junior Varsity Basket-ball); W.A. Perry Junior High School (Teacher); Orangeburg-Calhoun Tech (Teacher); and Upward Bound-Claflin College (Counselor). Brother Bovian was a member of many educational associations and organizations and served a chairperson of the Visiting Committee to evaluate schools for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. He was also was a faithful and dedicated member of Williams Chapel A.M.E. Church where he was a member of Steward Board #2.


ROTHER FLEMING ALRIED CHEEK was a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He was initiated on December 14, 1971 through Iota Omicron Lambda Chapter in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He earned a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Biology with a minor in Air Science from North Carolina A&T College (now University). Brother Cheek excelled in drill team activities while he was an undergraduate student and was commissioned in the second AFROTC graduating class in 1954. He was a professional soldier in the United States Air Force for 23 years, retiring in 1977. Brother Cheek was an active member of the American Legion involved in the M.W Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F&AM, Excelsior Lodge #4, I.B.PO.E. of W. Hampton; and the Les Hommes Social and Civic


Club, Inc. He also worked very diligently as the student recruiter for the WiUiamsburg/Peninsula Alumni Chapter of N.C.A.&T State University.

ROTHER REV. AUSTIN COOPER was a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He was initiated April 1, 1 9 5 6 t h r o u g h Gamma Psi chapter on the campus of Saint Augustine's College in Raleigh, North Carolina. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Saint Augustine's College in 1957. After completing his undergraduate studies at Saint Augus-tine's College, Brother Cooper attended the Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston, 111. and studied at the Cleveland Marshall School of Law in Cleveland, Ohio. He then began his ministry in the former Diocese of South Florida, serving as Vicar at Transfiguration (Opa-Locka), St. Matthew's (Delray Beach), St. Mary's (Deerfield Beach), St. Anne's (Hallandale) and St. Andrew's (Hollywood). In the early 1970s, he served as the President of the Cleveland Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). During President Carter's administration, he was invited to the White House to discuss the social and economic conditions of African-Americans. In June 1988, he delivered the opening invocation on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. In 1996, he went to Cuba with an Anglican missionary delegation to explore ways of improving human rights conditions in Cuba. A co-founder of the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE), Father Cooper was a dynamic force in the Episcopal Church throughout his life. In July 1988, he was elected by the Executive Committee of the Provincial Synod to represent Province V on the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church; six years later, he was one of four candidates for Suffragan Bishop in that diocese. Father Cooper retired in September 1998, after 28 years as Rector of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Cleveland and 38 years in the active ministry. After his retirement, he returned to Miami-Dade County, where he was an honorary Co-Pastor at the Historic St. Agnes Episcopal Church. Brother Cooper was an active member of Delta Alpha Lambda chapter.


ROTHER JAMES FORD was initiated on February 15, 1969 through Beta Omicron Chapter at Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee. He received his Bachelors degree from Tennessee State University. In addition



OMEGA CHAPTER to being a physician and surgeon, he had a law degree and he was Pastor and Founder of a South Memphis church. James Ford grew up working in the family business, N.J. Ford and Sons Funeral Home. As the Brother of former Congressman Brother Harold Ford, Sr. and the uncle of Congressman Harold Ford, Jr., he was a member of the city's most influential political family. He was a successful politician - a two-time chairman of the City Council, first appointed to the body in 1979 and a County Commissioner on November 27, 2001. Brother Ford was active in the community.

ROTHER REVEREND. DR. CECIL DUBOIS GALLUP was initiated February 24, 1958 at Zeta Phi Lambda Chapter in Stamford, Connecticut. He received the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Divinity, Master of Divinity, and honorary Doctor of Divinity. All of his degrees were earned at Virginia Union University. Brother Gallup answered "His Master's call" on Thursday, October 5, 2000. Brother Gallup's ministries spanned more thanfifty-fiveyears. In 1962, Holy Trinity Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania called Brother Rev. Gallup to be its Pastor. He accepted the call and began his full leadership working diligently to improve and preserve the Church's leadership in the community. During his tenure, Holy Trinity Church sponsored numerous community outreach programs. Holy Trinity Opportunities Industrialization Centers (OIC) of America Food Cooperative serves church members as well as the community. Under Brother Gallup's Pastorate, new Church activities were started such as the Education Club, the Youth Choir, the Youth Fellowship, the Pioneers Club, the Federal Credit Union and the Altar Guild. Brother Gallup held membership in a number of organizations, among which are the Baptist Ministers Conference of Philadelphia and Vicinity, the Kiwanis Club, Frontiers International, the Virginia Union University Alumni Association, OlC-Philadelphia, and OlC-International. Other community, civic and personal commitments included Board of Managers,


'A friend you have to buy won't he worth what you pay for him." - G.D. Prentice

Christian Street YMCA, Philadelphia; Trustee, Lincoln University; and Board of Directors, American Red Cross, Southeastern, Pennsylvania. Rev. Gallup personified the essence of a Christian leader. Brother Gallup was and active member of Zeta Omicron Lambda Chapter.

ROTHER FELIX LEE GOODWIN was a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He was initiated July 1, 1964 at Epsilon Psi Lambda Chapter, Alexandria, Louisiana. He received his bachelor's degree from the University of Maryland. He received a Master's degree in 1965 and his Doctorate in 1979 both from University of Arizona. Brother Goodwin served in the military for 30 years. His service included several tours overseas in Europe and the Mediterranean. From 1967 to 1986, he served in Vietnam as a Public Information Officer. He ended his military career in 1969 as a Lieutenant Colonel. He was awarded several medals, including the Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal and the Army Commendation Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster. Brother Goodwin taught ROTC classes at the UA from 1968 to 1969 and was an assistant to three University of Alexandria Presidents from 1969 to 1983 when he retired. In 1985, the Mayor's office named Goodwin an Outstanding Citizen. Brother Goodwin was also a member of the Pima Countv Law Enforcement Merit Council.


ROTHER DR. JAMES A. HARRIS was a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He was initiated December 1, 1950 at Beta Zeta Chapter located on the Campus of Elizabeth City State College, Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Brother Harris earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry from Samuel Huston College (now Huston-Tillotson College), Houston, Texas. He was employed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL), in Berkeley, California from I960 until his retirement in 1988. At LBL he worked as a nuclear chemist in the Beta Spectroscopy Group and the Heavy Isotope Production Group; as Group Leader/Research Chemist in Heavy Isotope Production; Post Doctorate Recruiter, Chemistry and Physics Division; and Assistant to the Division Head for Engineering and Technical Services. Brother Harris was the first Black scientist to participate in major programs to identify new elements, and was part of the lab team that identified Elements 104 and 105. In recognition of this noteworthy achievement, Brother Harris was presented an Honorary Doctorate of Science Degree by Huston-Tillotson College in




OMEGA CHAPTER 1973. Among Brother Harris' honors and awards include; the Academic Achievement Award, Huston-Tillotson College; Scientific Merit Award, City of Richmond, California; Certificate of Merit from the National Urban League; Black Dignity Institute; and National Organization of Equal Opportunity in Education. Brother Harris was a member of many professional and community organizations, including the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers; Huston-Tillotson College Alumni Association; Big Brothers of America; and Golden Gaters Golf Club and Western State Golf Association. He was presented with his 50-year certificate in December of 2000. Brother Harris was a longtime member and former President of Gamma Chi Lambda Chapter.

ROTHER THOMAS P. HARALSON was initiated March 12, 1937 at Alpha Pi Chapter located on the campus of University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky. In 1939 he received his Baccalaureate from Louisville Municipal College and later in 1970 earned his Master's degree from the University of Louisville. In 1942, Brother Haralson went to work for the U.S. Postal Service where he retired as a manager in 1977. In addition to his 35 years with the postal service, he also taught school in the Jefferson County Public School system for 25 years. Brother Haralson was an active member of Alpha Lambda chapter


ROTHER REVEREND W. J. HODGE was initiated in 1944 at Beta Sigma Chapter located on the campus of Southern University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Brother Hodge achieved a Theology degree from Oberlin College. After serving as a Pastor in Lynchburg, Virginia for eight years, he moved to Louisville, Kentucky. In 1957, he was elected to the board of the local NAACP. The next year he was elected the local Chapter President and in 1962 he was voted to the Presidency of the Kentucky Conference of the NAACP. Brother Hodge was among the leaders in demonstrations for public accommodations for blacks in 1961 and for open housing in 1967. In 1975 he was elected 10th Ward Alderman where he continued to push for equal rights for blacks and women. In 1977 he was elected President of the Board of Alderman, the first black to hold that post, and served in that capacity until 1978. In 1982 he resigned from the Board of Aldermen to become head of Simmons Bible College.


ROTHER DR. WALKER BECK LEFLORE, SR. was initiated on November 24, 1947 through Beta Rho Chapter at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina where he received his Bachelors degree. Brother LeFlore was said to be proficient, compassionate and tirelessly seeing to the needs of patients. He was a part of local coalition of doctors who covered for each other. It was believed that he didn't go into medicine to make a lot of money, because he gave free service to many people throughout his career. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in biology from St. Augustine's College in Raleigh, NC and his Masters degree in biology from Atlanta University. His medical degree came during the early 1960's from Meharry Medical School in Nashville. He served his residency in internal medicine at Albert Einstein Hospital in Philadelphia before returning to Mobile, where he practiced general medicine for nearly 40 years. Brother LeFlore was a member of Church of the Good Shepherd, and his various affiliations included the American Medical Association, the Mobile County Medical Society, the Gulf Coast Intra-Medical Society of Alabama, the Mobile Bay Area Medical Association and the Meharry Medical School Alumni Association.


ROTHER LORENZA T. MCCARTHY was initiated May 12, 1961 at Omicron Lambda Chapter in Birmingham, Alabama. He received his Bachelors of Science from Mile College in Birmingham, Alabama and was awarded a Master of Arts Degree in Science from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Brother Lorenza did further studies in Education Administration at Peabody College, Vanderbilt University and the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He served as a teacher in the Jefferson County Public Schools and principal of Alden Elementary School, Edgewater, Roosevelt, and A.G. Gaston Junior High Schools. Brother Lorenza was member of Sixth Avenue Baptist Church and was ordained as a deacon and served notably as chairman of the Deacon Board, providing able leadership in numerous projects of the church. He was also a member of Phi Delta Kappa National Education Fraternity, the National Education Association, and the National Association of Secondary Principals. He also extended his services to various professional, civic, and service organizations.


ROTHER JOE NATHAN NORMAN was a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He was initiated on November 21, 1947 through Beta Chi Chapter at


In be in bell is In ilriji: It) he in beaten is to slccr " - George Bernard Shaw


OMEGA C H A P T E R Philander Smith College in Little Rock, AR. He obtained his Bachelor's degree from Philander Smith in 1950 and his Master in Business Administration degree from Oklahoma University in 1952. Brother Norman taught at Langston University, Grambling University, North Carolina Central University, and Wake Forest University and was also a former business manger at Texas College and Huston-Tillotson College. His entrepreneurial endeavors included the President of Joe Norman CPA, Inc., Auditing and Consulting Services, and Norman and Associates Computerized and Electronic Filing Tax Return Firm. Brother Norman was a veteran of the US Navy and US Air Force. Spiritually, he held membership in St. Paul United Methodist Church, where he formerly served on the administrative board. His community involvement included past member of the Board of Directors of the East Winston Neighborhood Center, where he served as a mediator and the sponsorship of a little league girls Softball team. Brother Norman's 54 years as an Alpha included past National Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, past Regional Comptroller and Past District Financial Secretary. As a longtime member of Alpha Pi Lambda Chapter he was frequently his Chapter's representative at regional and national conventions.

ROTHER THOMAS P. PERKINS was initiated on March 30, 1973 through Sigma Lambda Chapter in New Orleans, Louisiana. Brother Perkins was a legendary servant of his beloved community where he served for more than thirty-years as Executive Director of the Archdiocese of New Orleans' Christopher Homes, an assisted living program for senior citizens that became a national model for its success. In addition to his nationally recognized work in assisted living, Brother Perkins was a noted educator. Prior to his appointment by Archbishop Hannan, Brother Perkins spent 18-years as an instructor in the Orleans Parish Public School System, at Tulane and Xavier Universities, with the New Orleans Recreation Department, and at the nationally acclaimed St. Augustine High Board of Directors of Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Louisiana, he had the board establish a $100,000 endowment to the school. The interest on the fund will pay for annual scholarships in Brother Perkins' name along with another $1,000 annual college scholarship for the St. Augustine graduate who best exemplifies Brother Perkins' Christian principles. Brother Perkins served on the boards of the New Orleans Neighborhood Housing Services Housing Congress, the National Conference of Catholic Charities Commission on Aging, the Sierra Club of New


Orleans, the Louisiana Housing Finance Agency, and the Louisiana Association of HUD Management Agents. Among his many awards, he was named a 1992-Role Model by the Greater New Orleans Young Leadership Council, and a distinguished Business Graduate by Xavier University of Louisiana.

ROTHER FRANK ROBINSON, JR was initiated April 15, 1952 at Gamma Kappa Chapter, Miles College, Birmingham, Alabama. He was a faithful and devoted member of the 22nd Avenue Missionary Baptist Church where he served on the Board of Trustees. Brother Robinson served in the United States Marine Corps as a gunner in World War II. He also was NLxie Clerk of the U.S. Postal Service. After retiring, he became a substitute teacher in the Birmingham Public School System. Brother Robinson was an active member of Omicron Lambda Chapter and the Grid Forecasters where he received countless awards for his services.


ROTHER THURMAN STANBACK was initiated on April 29, 1955 through Beta Delta Lambda Chapter in Daytona Beach, Florida. He was educated at Virginia Union University, Columbia University and Cornell University, where he received his Ph.D in 1953. Brother Stanback was a Playwright and Professor, who taught at Bethune-Cookman College and in Florida Atlantic University's Theater Department before retiring. His lifelong interest centered around writing plays and inspiring students to appreciate literature and drama, according to those who studied or taught with him. He served as Director of Speech and Drama at B-CC from 1949 until 1950 while writing and producing plays and working on his advanced degrees. Brother Stanback chaired the Division of Humanities at B-CC on two occasions and was honored as Teacher of the Year three times during his tenure. He taught theater at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton from 1970 through 1990, when he retired. He returned to Dayton Beach after retiring from Florida Atlantic University and served as a of the National Association for Dramatic and Speech Arts, the American Theater Association and the Westside Business and Professional Association of Daytona Beach. Brother Stanbeck was an active member of Beta Delta Lambda Chapter and served as an usher for the Stewart Memorial United Church.


"Lose an hour in the morning, and yon trill spend all day looking for it." - Richard Wlialely


OMEGA CHAPTER ROTHER FRANK WILLIAMS was a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He was initiated May 1, 1962 through Beta Iota Lambda chapter in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree and Master of Education degree from Southern University. Brother Williams furthered his education at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Westchester State Teachers College in Westchester, Pennsylvania, and the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Brother Williams was a proud member of the United States Air Force and served his country in the Korean War. His professional career consisted of service as a Teaching Principle at Upper Maringouin Elementary School in Maringouin, LA, an Adult Education Teacher in Iberville, Parish, and a Counselor at Southern University


Laboratory School where he retired in 1987. His excellence in education landed him the honors of Teacher of the Year Iberville Parish in 1956 and First Place Award for Counseling and Training Teams for Continuing Education in 1967 and 1972. Brother Williams was a member of the National Education Association, Louisiana Education Association and the Southern University Alumni Federation. He was also very active at his church, Mt. Zion, where he served as an usher. Brother Williams served Beta Iota Lambda Chapter in various capacities and assisted with organizing a housing drive that culminated with the purchase of a fraternity house for the Beta Iota Lambda Chapter. Brother Williams believed that service to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and his community was nothing less than a life long commitment.




Beta Delta Lambda

Iota Xi Lambda

Beta Nu Lambda




Delta Tau Lambda

Gamma Lambda

Beta Nu Lambda




Eta Psi Lambda

Mu Eta Lambda

Beta Nu Lambda




Kappa Beta

Kappa Iota Lambda

Iota Eta Lambda




lota Zeta Lambda

Kappa Iota Lambda

Iota Eta Lambda




Theta Eta Lambda

Zeta Omicron Lambda

Iota Eta Lambda




Gamma Sigma

Zeta Omicron Lambda

Zeta Iota



Iota Xi Lambda

Beta Delta Lambda

"A irise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon


COP >OI Henry A. Callis

Charles H. Chapman

Eugene K. Jones

GENERAL OFFICERS General President Immediate Past General President Executive Director General Treasurer Comptroller General Counsel Director - General Conventions Parliamentarian Historian VICE PRESIDENTS Eastern Midwestern Southern Southwestern Western ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS Eastern Midwestern Southern Southwestern Western LIVING PAST GENERAL PRESIDENTS 25th General President 26th General President 27th General President 28th General President 29th General President 30th General President


George B. Kelley

Nathaniel A. Murray

Robert H. Ogle

Vertner W. Tandy

Harrv E. Johnson, Sr., Esq., 7457 Harwin, Suite 390, Houston TX 77036 Adrian L. Wallace, 281 Debra Lane, Lake Charles, LA 70611-9216 Gregory Phillips, 2313 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 George'N. Reaves, 2933 Balmoral Cresent, Flossmoor, IL 60422 Frank A. Jenkins HI, 529 South Perrv St., Suite 16, Montgomery, AL 36104 Cecil Howard, 3145 Shamrock Drive East, Tallahassee, FL 32308 Elliott Ferguson, II, 222 Kentucky Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20003 John M. Williams, 1919 Apple Valley Road, Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Robert Harris, Jr., 102 Burleigh Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850 Darren Morton, P.O. Box 3505, Mount Vernon, NY 10553 Samuel DeShazior, 911 Mercer Avenue, Akron, OH 44320 Ronnie Jenkins, 1343 Victoria Falls Court, Atlanta, GA 30311 Tophas Anderson, III, 14811 Tumbling Falls Court, Houston, TX 77062 Ronald Celestine, 18857 E. Dorado Place, Aurora, CO 80015 Leyde St. Leger, 1182 Putnam Avenue. Brooklyn, NY 11221 Ab'dul-Kaba Abdullah, 1121 North College Drive Apt. #1, Marwille, MO 64468 Joseph G. Paul, 524-A Pope Street, Tallahassee, FL 32304 Willie Cooper, 8036 Sands Point, #B, Houston, TX 77036 Nathan Deal, 1415 Carson Street, #13, Carson, CA 90745 James R. Williams, 1733 Brookwood Drive, Akron, OH 44313 Ozell Sutton, 1640 Loch Lomond Trail, SW, Atlanta, GA 30331 Charles C. Teamer, Sr., 4619 Owens Boulevard, New Orleans, LA 70122 Henry Ponder, Talladega College, Talladega, AL 35160 Milton C. Davis, P.O. Box 830509, Tuskegee, AL 36083 Adrian L. Wallace, 281 Debra Lane, Lake Charles, LA 70611-9216

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS TO THE GENERAL PRESIDENT Special Assistants Rev. Thomas Watson, III, 2300 Dublin Street, New Orleans, LA 70118 Robert A. Willis, 130 Old Fairburn Close, Atlanta, GA 30331 Harlan Ware, 1151 Woodbine Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15201 Kevin Jenkins, 5888 1/2 Towne Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90003 Administrative Assistant Joseph E. Hevward, Sr., P.O. Box 384, Florence, SC 29503 WORLD POLICY COUNCIL Chairman Horace G. Dawson, Jr., 1601 Kalmia Road, NW, Washington, DC 20037 Chairman Emeritus Edward W. Brooke, Suite 301-S, 2500 Virginia Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20037 Members Charles Rangle, 2354 Ravburn House Office Building, Wash., DC 20515 Huel D. Perkins, 1923-79th Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70807 Henry Ponder, Talladega College, Talladega, AL 35160 Vinton R. Anderson, AME Church Finance Office, 1134-11th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 Chuck S. Stone, UNC-Chapel Hill, 107 Oxford Hills Place, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Bobby Austin, The Village Foundation, 211 N. Union Street #100, Alexandria, VA 22314 Cornell West, 220 Boylston Street, 1010, Boston, MA 02116 Ron Dellums, 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20004


CORPORATE DIRECTORY ALPHA PHI ALPHA BUILDING FOUNDATION, INC. Chairman Bruce Austin, 6202 Crane Street, Houston, TX77026 ALPHA PHI ALPHA EDUCATION FOUNDATION, INC. Chairman Ralph Johnson, 9241 Sealed Message Road, Columbia, MD21045 ALPHA PHI ALPHA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, INC. Chairman William Pickard, 335 Pine Ridge Drive, Bloomfield Hill, MI 48304 NATIONAL COMMITTEE/COMMISSION CHAIRMEN Alpha Collegiate Scholars Alvin Cavalier, 413-C Longwood Court, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Alpha Shop Development Gene Parker, 8116 W. 130TH Street, Overland Park, KS 66213 Awards & Achievements John German, 1124 32nd Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98144 Budget & Finance Frank A. Jenkins, III, 529 South Perry St., Suite 16, Montgomery, AL 36104 Economic Development William Pickard, 335 Pine Ridge Drive, Bloomfield Hill, MI 48304 College Brothers Affairs Roderick L. Smothers, P.O. Box 17701, Baton Rouge, LA 70893 Constitution Louis Murdock, 17417 Prondall Court, Carson, CA 90746 Corporate Affairs Elliott Hall, 2770 Unicorn Lane, S.W, Washington, DC 20015 Elections Charles King, 1123 E. 17th Street, Little Rock, AR 72207 Endowment Iva Williams, 237-11th Avenue Sw, Birmingham, AL 35211 Grievances & Discipline Prince Cartwright, 8519 Sandy Glen Ln, Houston, TX 77071 General Headquarters Maintenance Sam Bates, 1802 Whitehall Lane., Garland, TX 75043 Ulysses Gradv, 2106 Valley Maror, Missouri City, TX 77489 Higher Education Ernest Holloway, P.O. BOX 907, Langston OK 73050 Historical Committee Herman "Skip" Mason, 4233 Ivy Run, Ellenwood, GA 30294 Human Resources Sean Woodroffe, 705 Summer Avenue , Uniondale, NY 11553 Internal Auditing Hyacinth Ahuruonye , 582 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94104 Job Fair John Jordan, P.O. Box 143, Sugarland, TX 77487 International Brothers Affairs Marc Garcia, American Embassy Nassau, Washington, DC 20521 Life Membership Bert Thomas, 33 Eagle Pointe Dr., Augusta, GA 30909 Management Information Systems Joshua Williams, 1656 Steeplechase lane, New Orleans, LA 70131 Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Project Leroy Lowery, 1724 Portals Drive, NW, Washington, DC 20012-1116 Media Relations Charles F. Robinson, III, 5313 Cecil Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21207 Medical Advisory Board Frank Sessoms, 2777 Shamrock Drive, Allison Park, PA 15101 Richard D. Smith, Jr., 3510 Medical Park Drive #7, Monroe, LA 71230 Membership/Standards & Extension Joseph K. Byrd, Xavier University, 1 Drexel Drive, New Orleans, LA 70125 National Programs & Special Projects Zollie Stevenson, 806 Falls Lake Drive, Mitchellville, MD 20721 Political Action Marc Morial, 4210 Bienville Street, New Orleans, LA 70119 Publications William Nelson, 638 Randall Street, Jackson, MO 39203 Racial Justice & Public Policy Willard Hall, 6280 W. North Avenue #3R, Chicago, IL 60639 Reclamation & Retention James Crumel, 890 Hill Roost Road, Tallahassee, FL 32312 Recommendations & Resolutions Charles Clark, Jr., 121 Bainbridge Avenue, Oklahoma Citv, OK 73114 Rules and Credentials Ronald James, 1717 NE 16th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73111 Johnson Pennywell, 15926 Congo Lane, Jersey Village, TX 77040 Rituals & Ceremonies Darrvl Peal, 660 Culpepper Drive, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Senior Alpha Affairs William Tipper, 912 East Wellington Avenue, Flint, Ml 48503 Special Investigations Keith Bishop, 4225 Bluffs Lane, Durham, NC 27712 Strategic Planning Lynwood Bell, 1902 East Pollock Road, Lakeland, FL 33813 Time & Place Darryl Jones, 3833 Castleman, St. Louis, MO 63110 PROGRAM/PROJECT COORDINATORS Big Brothers Big Sisters Shawn D. Wilson, 202 W Gilman Road, Lafayette, LA 70501 Leadership Development Said Sewell, 1401 Regency Wood Drive, Atlanta, GA 30319 Maurice K. Foushee, 1011 Summerglen Court Mitchellville , MD 20721 Belford V. Law son Oratorical Contest Gary W. Johnson, 2503 Waldemar Lane, Tallahassee, FL 32304 Project Alpha Wilbur Jackson, 6716 Indian Spring Court, San Jose, CA 95120 Boy Scouts Gerard McShepard, 4593 Clarksville Pike, Nashville, TN 37218 Training & Development Phillip Jackson, 1200 Dttle Gloucester Rd. #1904, Clementon, NY 08021 Head Start Initiative Ronnie Jenkins, 1343 Victoria Falls Court S.W, Atlanta, GA 30311 ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. 2313 St. Paul Street. Baltimore, MD 21218-5234 CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Phone: (410) 554-0040. Fax: (410) 554-0054 "l.iluailkm is a /irogressiiv discorery of ignorance." - Will Duraiil



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Full payment by Money Order or Credit Card is requested on all orders. Shipping $7.50 per shipment. Our customer service will gladly assist you in placing your order. Orders should be mailed or faxed to ALPHA PHI ALPHA Fraternity, Inc? at the following address and number: ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, Inc? 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218-5234 Fax: (410) 554-0054; Phone (410) 554-0040, Ext. 113


SUB T O T A L ° Sales Ux applicable lar shipments


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"Know thyself, presume not (loci to sain: the proper study of mankind is man". - Alexander Pope


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You can Mail or Fax your order. t CM






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Full payment bv Money O r d e r or Credit Card is requested on all orders. 1

Shipping $7.50 per shipment.

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SUBTOTAL lor shipment o •SJ»umP. TKHM MA. Rl CTonk SHIPPING

Please call Monday thru Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST.



Orders should be mailed or I'axed to ALPHA PHI ALPHA Fraternity, Inc.* at the following address and number:

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Card Good Thru

Sit Mgnature

2313 St. Paul Street

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Baltimore, M D 21218-5234

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Fax: (410) 554-0054; Phone (410) 554-0040, Ext. 113

"Seek not the things that are too hardfor thee, neither search the things that are beyond thy strength ". - Apocrypha

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^«V SEPTEMBER 17, 2002

OCTOBER 2 2 , 2 0 0 2








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Proclamation/Resolution Certificate





Shipping Tahle Within Cimlinenkil I £ Order Value Cost To $99 $12.00 $1()0-$150 $15.0(1 $151 plus $18.00 Shipping c- Handling is Son-refiimhihU'

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! I man is the sum of his actions, of what he has done, of what he can do, Nothing else." - Andre Malraux

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. | MD28-A |

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Alpha P h i Alpha Fraternity, Inc.* 97th Anniversary Convention

We Are Going to •Detroit in 2003

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