August, Building2021 a Sustainable Urban Future for Puerto Cayo A long-term growth strategy for a better tomorrow for our community and our environment
• Our goal at large is to improve the lives and economy of the local community through increasing the economic profile and viability of the greater canton while simultaneously prioritizing the preservation and conservation of the surrounding environment.
• Increase the value proposition of Puerto Cayo as a highly desirable place to live and invest in.
• Our focus is to inject into the Puerto cayo area, a large amount of capital investment that focuses on sustainable urban growth with an emphasis on tourism as a central, sustainable economic theme.
General Summary
• In order to achieve this effort, we believe the plan must be based using sustainable urbanism growth principles and concepts.
Sustainable Urbanism

“Sustainable urbanism is both the study of cities and the practices to build them (urbanism), that focuses on promoting their long term viability by reducing consumption, waste and harmful impacts on people and place while enhancing the overall well-being of both people and place.”
10 Principles of Smart Growth • Create a range of housing opportunities and choices. • Create walkable neighborhoods. • Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration. • Foster distinctive, attractive places with a strong sense of place. • Make development decisions predictable, fair, and cost-effective. • Mix land uses. • Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas. • Provide a variety of transportation choices. • Strengthen and direct development toward existing communities. • Take advantage of compact building design.
• The 20-minute neighborhood is another considerable metric that can be applied to the planning efforts of Puerto Cayo. This goal of planning can be used as a metric to assist in initial planning phases to identify what is lacking and where improvement can occur, as well as determine present positive attributes which can be emphasized.
The 20-minute neighborhood

Identifying & Understanding The Barriers to Overcome
12.Failure to take advantage of the economic sustainability that tourism offers
1.Lack of sustainable urban-rural growth plan: Means a unpredictable and disorganized growth path is not planned inline with supporting choices of local quality education options of Medical Services of and failure to maintain residential and commercial areas
7.Clandestine industrial activities: Failure in zoning and control of industrial impacts
3.infrastructureLackofjobopportunity /
8.Misplaced focus on unsustainable industry that is extractive vs. constructive in nature
10.Lack of public transport to create rural-urban to maintain or provide public spaces
9.Failure to ensure coastal protections for people, animals and the environment: A direct detriment to sustaining tourism.
1: Lack of sustainable urban growth plan: Means an unpredictable and disorganized growth path Pto. Lopez 2006 Pto. Lopez 2020 Pto. Cayo 2004 Pto. Cayo 2020

Pto. Cayo 2004 Pto. Cayo 2020

Misaligned Growth Planning
Large scale development is underway that represents thousands of new homes with no equivalent increase in infrastructure or planning for said increase.
The ratio of construction to preservation or contribution of green space is extremely poor risking issues related to poor planning and design, as well as collateral impacts to the surrounding society.

This represents a future issue for the municipality in infrastructure and cost burden.
Growth is not planned inline with supporting infrastructure
Pto. Cayo 2004

Pto. Cayo 2020

North Sector of Pto. Cayo 2008

North Sector of Pto. Cayo 2020

Lack of job opportunity is one of the leading factors in the loss of human capital or Thismigration.rural-urbandownwardtrend in an areas population leads to a declining economy and quality of life.

Lack of job opportunity A key factor in Rural-Urban Migration & Loss of Human Capital


Challenges the growth potential of our community & the ability to increase our human capital value.
Quality education is one of the most important assets to attracting investment into a provides a security for families and demonstrates a general sense of health in the overall society.
Lack of quality education options


Lack of Medical Services primary concern for long-term investors
Related impacts can eventually involve a direct correlation to increase in crime and a reduction on civility.
A failure to maintain the aesthetic and physical integrity of spaces leads to a further degradation of societal quality of life.
Failure to maintain residential areas

The broken window theory in reverse
Note: This is not to be confused with properly licensed activities who are legally in operation.
lack of enforcement even in the face of direct legal prohibition erodes public trusts and gives the impression of corruption being more powerful than human rights.
Clandestine industrial activities
Even when the ministry of environment or the Alcaldia request closure of these clandestine locations, no result is achieved and they continue to operate in with no respect for the Thelaw.

Unlicensed, clandestine industrial businesses are allows to illegally place themselves amidst residential zoning areas with no enforcement or recourse for the impact they have on the quality of life and the environment.
Failure in zoning and control of industrial impacts
Timelapse 2017 - : Laboratory Locations Within La Boca de Puerto Cayo

Pto. Cayo 2016
2021 : Shrimp Laboratory
Timelapse - Locations Within La Boca de Cayo

Pto. Cayo 2021

The above images demonstrate two contrasting environments on the same street. The image on the left demonstrates what a person sees if they turn to the east and the image on the right demonstrates the home being built on the beachfront which a person will see if they turn west. The extent of the extremity in this contrast is not simply aesthetic as it bridges into impacts involving impact to quality of life, improvement in property value and local economy and environmental impact.

8: Industrial Activities
Misplaced focus on unsustainable industry that is extractive vs. constructive in nature

While it is recognized that some existing industry such as mining is present and serves local development purposes, further approval or extension of extractive industry at the detriment of the local environment should be minimized or all-together restricted.
2003 2020
People, animals and the environment: A direct detriment to sustainability and tourism.
Failure to ensure coastal protections

The inability of the city to ensure a safe, protected beach will inhibit any emphasis on the growth of tourism and the economy.

Of all of the natural assets that Puerto Cayo has, the beach is arguably its most valuable when it comes to the market attractiveness of the locale.

10: Lack of public transport Create rural-urban linkage
Puerto Cayo is backed by abundant agricultural areas. These areas and their cultural identity should be connected to the overall experience of Puerto Cayo.
Beyond simply providing a greater sense of connectivity or transit, these areas can be embraced via tourism corridors, demonstrating a local sense of pride for local agriculture, gastronomy, and the farmers who make it possible.

Quality of life requires safe, open public spaces
Failure to maintain or provide public spaces

Failure to take advantage of the economic sustainability that tourism offers

12: Economic Sustainability

The Potential
The Potential
Pto. Lopez 2020 Pto. Cayo 2020

• We believe this lack of urban evolution up to the present can be leveraged as an advantage for moving forward, as it gives a “clean slate” approach to the

A “clean slate” opportunity
to Puerto Cayo, has the opportunity to reorient the path and direction it is in to focus on sustainability both economically for the sake of its population and environmentally for the preservation of its natural spaces and beauty - priceless natural elements that define much of the tourism attraction for Puerto Cayo and Jipijapa Furthermore,overall.thispresents a direct opportunity to develop a concise and organized master plan for the future of Puerto Cayo that will serve as a financial validator for the private investment sector and its support of growing Puerto Cayo as a sustainable tourism destination.
Value Proposition as a Sustainable, High-quality destination
- High Quality of Life
Value Proposition : Part-A
- Community-Centric Based Evolution
To note, we believe these specific defining characteristics are important:
• We believe that first and foremost, Puerto Cayo has the opportunity to achieve the recognition as a prime, sustainable, high-quality tourism
- Low Impact Based (tranquil)
- Sustainable
Elevate the profile of Puerto Cayo

Ifdestination.executedcorrectly, we believe that Puerto cayo could be the first beach vacation destination to be internationally sought for and recognized outside of the Galapagos, a coastal flagship for the coast of Manabi and promotional beacon for the international community to explore and invest in the coast of Ecuador.

• By embracing a strategy and focus towards sustainability and quality as guiding principles, Puerto cayo has the potential to offer a geographically beneficial location for travelers looking for a beach destination that is away from the city and void of a “party-centric” lifestyle. Additionally, this creates a unique formula for long-term viability by becoming a tourism destination where people also wish to make longterm investment in. This allows the community economic sustainability outside of the limits of seasonality or short-term economic fluctuations.
• Puerto cayo has the potential to distinguish itself from other coastal areas that are either overdeveloped, disorganized, lacking a consistent theme and quality of life, or all of the above, and instead, uniquely define itself as being focused on quality and livability within a sustainable format.

Value as a Geographically Beneficial Location

• On a logistical basis, it should be recognized that Puerto cayo is the only primary inland entry point from Salinas to Manta on the coast. This places Puerto cayo as a strategic entry point for traffic looking to travel to and from the coast. This gives dual-purpose benefit as not only a transit through point via Jipijapa but also as the potential for being a coastal hub location for transportation and shipping related industries.
• This “livability" value becomes a unique reciprocating force for Puerto cayo in relation to its neighbors. The potential of exponential growth in Puerto cayo dramatically increases the validation and necessity to have an international airport in Manta as part of the provincial and national good. Growth in Puerto cayo increases international demand for both short-term coastal tourism and long-term investment.

• The investment curve further increases as amenity value is added through direct short-range access via international arrival into Manta, further repeating the circle of growth. This reciprocal growth is true for the Canton overall as an increase in both long-term and short-term investment in Puerto cayo increases transit through the greater Jipijapa area. This represents the collateral impact of increased job opportunity and population growth and retention.
• With Puerto cayo proximity to Manta, it posits a unique lifestyle offering where connectivity and quality of life are present, while still retaining the amenity value of a larger metropolitan area.
In short, raising the profile of Puerto cayo to become a focal point of coastal tourism represents increased economic impact and opportunity for the Canton, the provincial neighbors and the Nation overall. Puerto cayo’s increased profile as a target destination for both local and international investment creates a strong necessity to achieve
Community Improvement Projects
Develop a tourism corridor
(first locally, then expanding to a corridor alliance with neighboring cities)

Corridor planning can begin at a local stage, emphasizing attention to the experience of the central Puerto Cayo district.

Corridor planning can then be expanded to include/connect the greater natural and agricultural spaces as the ability to accommodate matures.

The corridor can eventually be expanded giving visitors the opportunity to connect with the greater county and the overall wonders of Jipijapa.

Further into the future, via tourism, cultural and economic alliances, the county can expand and connect with other tourism wide.impactspreadingcorridors,thebeneficialtobeprovince-

Efficiency & accessibility & quality of life
Develop a zoning plan

This graphic is intended to demonstrate a simplified, high-level of zoning that might include, dedicated residential, mixed-use and protected green spaces. With initial zoning in regulationsplace,can be implemented to ensure proper control and evolution occurs to the overall master plan of Puerto Cayo.

Zoning is applied at further micro-levels of the community in order to assist in delineation of mixeduse economic or retail sectors for example (yellow) and dedicated residential sectors where sounds, parking, or other commercial impacts would not be considered ideal for quality of life.

“Human capital accumulation is not only a productive investment but also critical for green, resilient and inclusive development. Investing in people helps transitioning to a greener economy by reskilling workers to move out of pollution-heavy industries and build the skills needed for green industries.”
Develop Human Capital Improvement Strategy

Public Walkability
Transit &
Improvement Bus Stops/Stations, Bike Routes & Public Transit

Beach Protection, Control & Conservation

2004 2021

Image of walkability
Improved Social Space Create spaces for public enjoyment and the arts

Hiking and Bike Trail Project trail corridor for embracing and appreciating nature


Agricultural Tours: the agricultural sectors through sustainable tourism that gives appreciation for these areas and people as part of our cultural assets.


The Proposal
3. Our “50 over 5 Plan” Generate 50M+ investment into Puerto Cayo over the next 5 years
2. Prioritize and Identify the target goals and the options for achieving them in each of the aforementioned categories
4. Present Puerto Cayo to the international stage of urban planners as a usecase for input and guidance on sustainable urban growth in a South American rural coastal environment.
1. Create a 2, 5 and 20 year master plan outline for Puerto Cayo in conjunction with the consulting from an international team of leading urban planners.
Secretario-Tesorero Nacional de la Asociación de Capítulos Estudiantiles de AIP
Universidad de Texas A&M, Facultad de Arquitectura Maestría en Arquitectura (Diseño Urbano)
Kansas City, MO, Departamento de Desarrollo de Vecindarios DIRECTOR DE DESARROLLO DE Reno,VECINDARIOSNV,Departamento de Planificación DIRECTOR de SanPLANIFICACIÓNAntonio,TX, Departamento de Planificación DIRECTOR DE PLANIFICACIÓN
APA(Instituto2000-04Americano de Planificadores Certificados) ingresado como FELLOW, 2001
Comisión de Planificación Ciudad-Condado del Condado de Hillsborough, Tampa, Fl. 1987-mayo de 2012
Presidente del Consejo Interdisciplinario Internacional
Medalla de oro Alpha Rho Chi por servicio de liderazgo sobresaliente
American Planning Association, 2007-2009 Board of Directors

Bob Hunter

Premio del concurso de diseño Featherlite
Premio Estudiante Distinguido Licenciatura en Arquitectura
Public-Private Partnership
Public-Private Partnership A mutual agreement dedicated towards improvement 1. Pier / Marina 2. Retail & Commercial Sector 3. Water Management 4. Beach Management
Private Investment
Private Investment Examples of private investment to incentivize 1. Resort Hotels 2. Tourism Oriented Business • Food & Beverage • Retail • Experiential (Tours, Activities) • Transportation 3.Educational
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