2 - Labor Day
Monday, office closed
10 - Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, 6 pM, online
11 - CRHP (Fall) #1
Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online, see page 13
11 - General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, 7 pM, sanTa ana elks lodge, see page 5
12 - Estate & Legacy Planning Series: Class #1
Thursday, 6–9 pM, online, see page 35
16 - Supplier Roundup: 2025 Sponsorship Signups
Monday, 8 aM, online
18 - CRHP (Fall) #2
Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online, see page 13
19 - Estate & Legacy Planning Series: Class #2
Thursday, 6–9 pM, online, see page 35
25 - CRHP (Fall) #3
Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online, see page 13
26 - Estate & Legacy Planning Series: Class #3
Thursday, 6–9 pM, online, see page 35
28 - AAOC Baseball Night: Angels vs. Texas Rangers
saTurday, 6–10 pM, angel sTadiuM of anaheiM, see page 33
1 - Domestic Violence in the Rental Community
Tuesday, 10–11 aM, online, see page 34
2 - CRHP (Fall) #4
Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online, see page 13
3 - Estate & Legacy Planning Series: Class #4
Thursday, 6–9 pM, online, see page 35
9 - CRHP (Fall) #5
Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online, see page 13
Published by the Orange County Multi-Housing Service Corporation, a subsidiary of the Apartment Association of Orange County.
1601 E. Orangewood Avenue, Suite 125, Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 245-9500 • www.aaoc.com
n Executive Director – David J. Cordero
n Editor in Chief – David J. Cordero
n Advertising & Sales Director – Debbie M. DiBernardo
n Design & Production – Dave Moeller/Graphic Angles
n Printing – Sundance Press
The contents of the Orange County Apartment News may not be reproduced without written permission. The opinions expressed in any article in the Orange County Apartment News are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Apartment Association of Orange County or Apartment News
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject manner covered. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher
9 - General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, 7 pM, sanTa ana elks lodge
10 - Fair Housing Certification Training
Thursday, 9 aM–12 pM, online, see page 36
10 - Estate & Legacy Planning Series: Class #5
Thursday, 6–9 pM, online, see page 35
15 - Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, 6 pM, online
16 - CRHP (Fall) #6
Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online, see page 13
17 - Detect Fraud, Decrease Evictions
Thursday, 10–11 aM, online, see page 21
17 - Estate & Legacy Planning Series: Class #6
Thursday, 6–9 pM, online, see page 35
22 - Workplace Harassment Prevention Training
Tuesday, 9–11 aM, online, see page 38
23 - CRHP (Fall) #7
Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online, see page 13
24 - Lunchtime Learning
Thursday, 12–1 pM, online
24 - Estate & Legacy Planning Series: Class #7
Thursday, 6–9 pM, online, see page 35
28 - Intellirent Screening & Marketing
Monday, 10–11 aM, online
28 - SB 721 Balcony & Deck Inspection
Monday, 1–2 pM, online
30 - CRHP (Fall) #8
Wednesday, 8:30 aM–12:30 pM, online, see page 13
31 - Estate & Legacy Planning Series: Class #8
Thursday, 6–9 pM, online, see page 35
is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal service or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent person should be sought. Publisher disclaims any liability for published articles, typographical errors, production errors or the accuracy of information provided herein. While Orange County Apartment News makes efforts to ensure the accuracy of information provided herein, publication of advertisements does not constitute any endorsement or recommendation, expressed or implied, of the advertiser or any products or services offered. We reserve the right to reject any advertising or editorial copy. NOTE: Unless stated otherwise permission to reprint magazine articles is granted on the condition that full credits are given to the author or to other sources and to Apartment News
To promote, protect and enhance the rental housing industry by providing programs and services that enable our members to operate successfully, and by supporting our members’ interests legislatively in order to preserve private property rights.
n President John Tomlinson
n First Vice President
n Second Vice President Denise Arredondo
n Vice President
Legislative Council Amy Fylling
n Treasurer Laurel Dial
n Secretary Julia Araiza
n Sergeant at Arms Stefanie Koslosky
n Immediate Past President Frank Alvarez
n Christine Baran n Rick Roshan
n Alan Dauger
n Craig Kirkpatrick
Directors Emeriti
n Ronald Berg n Stephen C. Duringer
n Vicki Binford n Jerry L’Ecuyer
n David A. Cossaboom n Nick Lieberman
n Nicholas Dunlap n Edward Masterson
On the Sunday following the attempted assassination of Former President Donald Trump, I had a memorable and powerful conversation with my congressman, U.S. Representative Mike Levin. I approached him and said that I felt for him in the coming months, in light of the consequences of this shooting, when he shared this profound statement.
“John, we must remember that we are all neighbors, and regardless of our
political views, we must respect one another,” the congressman said while offering a firm handshake.
“I couldn’t agree more!” I told him.
In these tense times, I urge all of us to take a deep breath and reflect on the congressman’s statement. When we show our respect for one another, we can still have honest discussions while retaining the possibility of further constructive and insightful conversations down the road. Actively listening and
empathically understanding others is a cornerstone of problem-solving. From this moment in history, we must move towards a thoughtful and consensusbuilding frame of mind.
So, last night, I shared this exchange with my current classmates in my Master of Laws course on ‘Selected Issues in Dispute Resolution: Resolving Conflicts and Systems Design for Organizations.’
“What is this an example of?” Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law Professor Kenneth Cloke asked the class.
After seeing no volunteers, he answered his own question— “Leadership.”
Expand on and use this precept to enrich each other’s lives as citizens of our great nation! Thank you for your time and more importantly for your participation and contributions to this association.
Yours, sincerely and respectfully,
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 • 7–9 p.m.
Just as the state legislative session wraps up for the year, election season is upon us and things are already heating up.
Sponsored by:
AAOC State Legislative Advocate Ron Kingston will provide a recap of the state legislative session and a first look at the new rental-housing laws that will take effect in January 2025, including:
• Security Deposits: One of the most misunderstood laws
• Credit Checks: How the law is changing and why
• Assistance Animals vs. Pets: How the law is changing
• Government Fees, Fines & Charges: How to handle them—legally
• Material Breaches: Are they enforceable?
AAOC Vice President of External Affairs Chip Ahlswede will also provide an important election preview of key city council races and local ballot initiatives that will impact the rental-housing industry, as well as provide an update on our efforts to defeat Proposition 33.
Matt Haney was elected to serve San Francisco’s assembly district in February 2022. Haney swung into his first year as a California legislator in 2023 on his wrecking ball with full intent to smash the balance in bargaining power between property owners and renters into pieces. Haney’s first order of business would be to obliterate renters’ security deposit. Haney’s unabashed intolerance for property owners was made clear when his “security deposit bill” was passed by the legislature and signed into law by the governor.
Haney’s security deposit bill cut a renter’s obligation in half when securing a unit for rent, and his exemptions only included “mom and pop” property owners with four units or less—meaning that renters, as of July 1, 2024, securing a unit for rent, pay a security deposit not exceeding one month’s rent, unless the renter is renting a unit at a property that has four units or less. In that instance, a property owner would
still be permitted to request a security deposit not to exceed two month’s rent.
Unfortunately for Haney, however, his strengths do not include foresight of the true impact of the 2023 enabling legislation relating to setting new limits on residential rental security deposits. This was made clear during this year’s legislative session when negotiations were made regarding his “pet bill.”
Although, the sponsor of Mr. Haney’s pet bill, AB 2216, was the U.S. Humane Society, which alleged pets are critical to human ownership, Haney used the bill to, once again, target property owners because the pet bill did not consider a common household pet’s welfare, if its owner works outside the home or for that matter leaves their domicile for extended periods of time such as working a regular 40-hour work week, which would have confined a pet in the home for 8–10 hours without the ability to relieve itself or be with the pet owner for companionship.
The pet bill’s original language cre-
ated a distinct notion that renters who are pet owners have superior rights over renters who are not pet owners because it would have prohibited property owners from limiting a common household pet (domesticated animal, including but not limited to, a dog or cat, that is commonly kept in the home for pleasure).
Additionally, the pet bill would have prohibited property owners from inquiring about whether renters intended to keep common household pets in the unit Moreover, there would have been no requirement of a renter to inform property owners of keeping common household pets after that renter had already entered into a contract for tenancy.
Opposition to Haney’s pet bill was fierce and steadfast, which forced him to make some significant amendments, which were not publicly announced, but included the following:
Sacramento — continued on page 8
Do you know…
AAOC Membership Counselors are on hand to give members general guidance to help with day to day operations of your property?
• Bi-lingual staff
• Tenant screening
• Rent collection
• Maintenance
• Financial reporting
• Eviction protection
Property Management is 24/7 and so are we
Family owned and operated with over 30 years of trusted services & experience
• Online landlord and tenant portals
• Tenant screening
• Landlord/tenant interaction
• Maintenance supervision
• Inspections as necessary or by request
• Legal updates – local and state laws
• Bi-lingual staff
Our Services Include:
• Evictions and collections
• Prepare and file year end 1099’s
• 24/7 emergency response
• Advertising – extensive local and web presence
• Showings – 7 days a week by appointment
• Rental agreement execution and enforcement
• Rent and security deposit collection
• Lease renewal negotiations
• Maintenance and “rent ready” repairs
• Financial record-keeping and bill paying
• Serving legal notices and legal proceedings
• Move-in and move-out reports
• Monthly financial accounting owner statements
• Properties with 15 or fewer units would have been exempt.
• Properties with 16 or more units were required to permit one pet with property owners being permitted to charge $50.00 per pet per month.
• Property owners would have been permitted to collect an additional security deposit with a $1,000.00 cap and a pet deposit for carpet cleaning.
Property owners would have been permitted to demand proof of liability insurance (not defined) with the landlord being added as an additional insured. Renters were prohibited from owning “restricted pets.”
Haney quickly realized, however, that the amendments he drafted basically unraveled his security deposit bill from the year before and created controversy relating to why only four units
or less would be exempt from a security deposit not to exceed two month’s rent and 15 units or less would be exempt from his pet bill. This resulted in Haney “dropping from further legislation action” his pet bill before making the aforementioned amendments public!
While Haney’s pet bill is now dead and will remain so for the next several months, like a zombie, it is likely to come back to life next legislative session as a newly introduced bill. Assemblymember Haney, however, does deserve some credit. In his zeal to crack down on rental housing providers and his failure to thoroughly think his bills through, he has given property owners viable arguments to oppose “landlord/tenant” bills in the future, if those arguments are used strategically and tactfully!
There is also a likelihood that arguments could be made for property owners to introduce a bill that would modify Haney’s security deposit bill by increasing the exemption from four or fewer units to 15 or fewer units, statu-
torily requiring renters insurance, navigating through how the new bill would address our federal and state discrimination clauses, and how rental property owners would be able to seek sufficient remedies against a tenant that was disturbing the quiet enjoyment of all other renters on the property, as well as how to address damage to the property… and we mean all of the rental property caused by pets.
If you have had substantial damage to your properties due to the actions of a pet or pets, or you were unable to help other tenants that were forced to listen to a howling or barking dog, we would love to hear from you.
Ron Kingston is President of California Strategic Advisors and Legislative Advocate for the Apartment Association of Orange County. For questions regarding this article, please call AAOC at (714) 245-9500.
By the time you read this, we will know the candidates who are running for local office this fall, as well as the ballot initiatives that our industry will be facing.
This means one thing... Silly season is almost here!!!!
For those of you who are unfamiliar with what “Silly Season” is, it’s the period of time between Labor Day and Election Day when:
• Your mailbox gets flooded with even more mail that you don’t read.
• Your phone battery runs out of juice from all the campaign text messages and polling calls you receive.
• You stop watching YouTube because of all the pre-roll campaign ads.
• You can’t tell if it is safe to make a right turn because the corners are filled with campaign signs.
My personal favorite part about it is when the crazy campaign ads start running...
Remember the U.S. Senate candidate from Delaware who started her ad with, “I am not a witch”? (YouTube – https://
youtu.be/ek3OUay2uWw?si=hbXqqkF cM1fKEE8S)
Remember the Congressional candidate from Virginia who accused his opponent of being into Bigfoot Erotica?
What about the Minneapolis mayoral candidate whose ad featured him inexplicably emerging from a lake drinking a cup of coffee?
(YouTube - https://youtu.be/BODbf SBvnTo?si=RH9LA7baRPxEWTfv)
Yes, these are all real campaign ads. Yes, these are absolutely unhinged. No, you might be surprised to find out that none of these candidates won! But they’re exactly why I Love Silly Season. And I Can—Not—Wait for this year’s crazy ads!
Vermin Supreme, Pat Paulsen, Mike
Gravel, Kanye West... What will this election bring?
This is where You come in. I want you to send me anything that comes your way this election season.
First, the boring parts...
1. If you know someone who is running for office that you want AAOC to look at, send them our way—
a. Give them my contact info— chip@aaoc.com— (714) 245-9950 x1416
b. Give them the link to our candidate questionnaire— https://bit.ly/aaocelections2024
2. If you want to know who AAOC is supporting in your city, give me a call.
3. If you want to support candidates who support and defend our industry—visit our website and under the “Advocacy” tab, click on the PACs link and contribute to our PACs.
Now, the fun parts...
I’m going to be looking for any campaign ads that come your way. Mailers, emails, and videos especially. Send them my way. Feed me all you’ve got. I will compile everything that I receive —both what we find locally as well as any crazy ads you come across from around the country. Send them my way! I will compile them all and post them for us all to enjoy. Then, in
November, you can vote on which is the craziest campaign ad this year! Let’s have fun with this!
• Will Fullerton’s own Mayor Nick Dunlap get Mike Ness from Social Distortion to do a campaign ad?
• Will Huntington Beach’s Tony Strickland revive his “Tony’s a Tiger” campaign for State Senate once Senator Janet Nguyen is elected to
the Orange County Board of Supervisors and vacates her senate seat?
• Will Congressional candidate Scott Baugh bring back the fun antics of
the college republicans?
Yeah, probably not, but there will be someone that does something bizarre, and that is what Silly Season is all about! Additionally, we’ve got ballot initiatives to look at coming up—and there are some bizarre ones out there. More pertinent to your business, however, and more seriously, we are looking at:
• OPPOSING Prop. 5 – Lowering the vote threshold to 55% for issuing bonds.
• OPPOSING Prop. 33 – Repealing the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act and enabling expansion of rent control throughout the state.
• SUPPORTING Prop. 34 –Preventing organizations like AIDS Healthcare Foundation from using foundation funding for political activity.
$87.50 $97.50 $950.00
• OPPOSING Huntington Beach’s ballot measure to require general plans to be approved by the voters.
• OPPOSING Santa Ana’s charter amendment to codify its rent control ordinance.
• SUPPORTING Yorba Linda’s General Plan approval.
There are many more school bonds, local initiatives, and other measures to consider this fall, and we will be sure to make you aware of all AAOC adopted positions once we review them all and prepare our General Election Voters Guide.
And don’t worry, the initiative campaign ads are sometimes crazier than the candidate ads. You will not believe the crazy policies being considered around the region. And as the old adage goes, “Where there’s campaigns, there’s crazy.” Ok—you’re right—I just made that up... but it is very fitting for Silly Season! So, join us in celebrating Silly Season and help us get the best candidates possible elected to office—while laughing at the inevitable crazy that is to come!
September 11– November 20, 2024
8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
This 11-week comprehensive training course is perfect for both new and experienced rental-housing providers. If you are an Apartment Owner, Resident Manager, Regional Property Supervisor, or Operations Team Member, this class is for you! Our instructors are industry leaders and seasoned professionals who will equip you with the knowledge and tools that will help you grow and thrive.
Course Topics Include:
• Residential Property Management
• Property Marketing Analysis & Strategies
• Property Maintenance
• Leasing Techniques & Renting to Qualified Residents
• Legal Issues Affecting Landlords & Tenants
• Human Resources
• Fair Housing & Government Standards
• Employee Development
• Financial Management & Budgeting
• Liability, Emergency & Crime Management
• Insuring & Protecting Your Community
Iwas recently speaking with a friend of mine who also owns rental units. She told me that a new law passed and that now, whenever someone who receives government subsidies for their rent applies for an apartment, I am unable to use a credit report to review their ability to pay, and also that I need to hold off on accepting other applications while waiting for the subsidized applicant to provide me with proof of their ability to pay the rent. Is that accurate?
Your friend appears to be referring to Government Code §12955 which, applies to applicants receiving government subsidies, (such as Section 8, the VACH voucher program, etc.). It was recently amended and now, housing providers are prohibited from using an applicant’s credit history as part of the
portion of the monthly rent for which they would be responsible. The law lists a few forms of alternative evidence, such as government benefit payments, (e.g., disability, unemployment, etc.) pay records, and bank statements, but it does not limit you to those documents.
In the event the applicant does, in fact, choose to provide the alternative evidence of their ability to pay, the housing provider is required to both: 1) provide the applicant a reasonable time to provide the alternative evidence; and 2) reasonably consider that alternative evidence in lieu of the applicant’s credit history when determining whether to offer the rental to the applicant.
Importantly, the law does not prohibit you from requiring documentation to verify employment, requiring verifiable
dized applicant a “reasonable time” to provide the “alternative evidence.”
My wife and I own a ten-unit building in Huntington Beach. We never really have vacancies, and so we haven’t had to go through the screening process in more than a decade. I’ve heard a lot has changed with regard to what we can (or cannot) ask an applicant. Another owner we know told us that we are no longer allowed to ask the applicant whether they have been evicted. It’s hard to imagine, even in California, that legislators would prohibit landlords from asking an applicant whether they have ever been evicted. Aren’t I allowed to know that in order to assess the applicant’s probability of success as a tenant? Have things really changed that much in the last decade?
the event a judgment entered in favor of the landlord in the eviction action.
In most situations, that alone will prevent you from finding out whether applicants have been named as a defendant in an eviction. Still, there is currently no law which prevents you from asking an applicant whether they have ever been named in an eviction. Just don’t expect the applicant to admit it, even if they have.
If you are shrewd or savvy with your screening and interviewing techniques, you can often pick up on the fact that they are currently in an eviction by clues found in the documentation they provide as part of the verification process. Dig deep in the due process phase, pay attention to “red flags,” look for inconsistencies. One approach you might add to your screening process is to consider doing a search for the applicant’s name on the website of the court that handles eviction cases for the city in which your building is located. In the event the applicant has never been
named in an eviction in that county, the court website will often indicate, “No Records.”
On the other hand, if the applicant was named as a defendant in an eviction and had a judgment entered against them, their name will pop up with the specific case information.
More often than not, applicants who were named as a defendant in an eviction settle the case prior to going to trial. This happens approximately 98% of the time. In that situation, the court’s website may indicate, “no public records available for viewing.” While you can’t rely on that with 100% certainty for various reasons, it’s an indication that maybe this particular applicant has, in fact, been a defendant in an eviction. Keep in mind that it could also indicate the records are not available for other reasons and whatever results come up should be given the proper attention and weight when making your decision about whether the applicant is a good bet.
I’m starting to hear rumblings about statewide rent control on the upcoming November ballot, just like we heard back in 2019. I thought statewide rent control passed in 2019 and went into effect in 2020. Is there something that changed, or something new landlords should know about?
Sounds like you are referring to Prop 33, also known as the “Justice for Renters Act.” Proposition 33 is an attempt to repeal Costa-Hawkins in its entirety. What is Costa-Hawkins, exactly? It is a law that was passed in 1995 that implemented various “protections” for landlords against local municipalities that wanted to implement strict rent control. “Strict rent control” includes a practice known as “vacancy control” which prevents a landlord from increasing the rental rate to market rate when a unit becomes vacant. It literally means the city gets to control the amount you can raise your
Legal Q & A — continued on page 16
rent under all circumstances, including when you have a vacancy.
In other words, if Prop 33 passes, local municipalities will have the power to regulate rents on virtually every type of residential rental property (privately owned single-family homes, condominiums, and newly constructed residential rental units) in virtually every situation.
Under the Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (the current “statewide rent control”), most of those properties are still protected by Costa-Hawkins. Under Proposition 33, they are all fair game. Of course, it goes without saying that any type of control over the amount a landlord can charge for rent diminishes both the value of the asset and the incentive builders once had to invest in building more residential rental units. While Prop 33 will impact everyone, it will hit mom-and-pop landlords the
hardest; the very people who rely on the income from their rental properties as their primary source of income and retirement. Sadly, it will also impact low-income families; the very people its proponents claim they want to help. Specifically, it will allow local governments across the state to create their own rent control boards and ordinances, increasing the costs of housing and creating inconsistent and unpredictable local rent control ordinances, all of which will lead to increased rents and housing costs.
What can be done? Contact AAOC right away and ask how you can contribute to the fight against Proposition 33. Together, we can beat this for a third time!
My husband and I own a 16-unit two-story building in Anaheim. We had a long-term tenant give us sixty days’ notice that he was moving for a better career opportunity. Sure enough, when the 60-day period
was over last week, he returned the unit to us and went on his way. While he was a great tenant over the years, his rent was quite a bit below market rate, so we are looking forward to cleaning up the unit and getting it rented out at a higher rental rate.
Unfortunately, it appears he may have given notice of his intent to move to the neighboring tenants as well, because yesterday, after he returned the keys to us, I received an email from another tenant who lives on the second floor. She told me she knows about the vacancy and she wants to switch from her current unit to the downstairs unit. To top it off, she says I “have to” give it to her, and I have to do so at the same rent she is currently paying! Is that true? Are we really required to give her that unit? It’s quite a bit larger than hers and I could easily get more rent for it than I can if I put her current unit on the market.
dunlap & gorman
A second generation of Orange County Real Estate powerhouses has emerged.
Nicholas Dunlap and Tim Gorman have joined forces to offer Orange County multifamily property owners a unique combination of investment real estate services and generational wealth building consultancy.
■ INVESTMENT STRA TEGIES to meet your goals.
■ MARKE T EVALUATION to identify opportunities and stay ahead of the market.
■ PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS for st rategic decision making.
■ UPGR ADE OP TIONS to optimize cash-flow and returns.
■ NON-CONVENTIONAL SOLUTIONS and funding opportunities.
■ PROPERTY MANAGE MENT alternatives and options.
■ LEGACY PLANNING to solidify generational wealth building.
■ EXECUTOR & SUCCESSOR TRUSTE E CO ACHING for a smooth transition of wealth.
Dear Maintenance Men,
I have a 30-year-old flat roof on my apartment building and have been chasing leaks for the last few years. I’ve patched here and there, and my roof is not that bad. I’m dreading the tear off process, cost of a new roof and inconvenience to my residents. Should I just keep patching and hope for the best? Watson
Dear Watson:
You are not alone. Many apartment building owners share your dread for exactly the same reasons including the liability associated with the tear off and installation process. We agree, chasing a mystery leak on a flat roof system is not fun—especially in the rain!
We have literally saved hundreds of existing roofs and thousands of dollars using “cool roof” elastomeric acrylic or siliconized roof coating systems. These systems are very easy to apply over existing roofing systems. Primarily, we use them over typical commercial rolled roofing systems, but it can be applied over countless materials due to its adhesive properties. We recommend a visit with a qualified roofing specialist who can assess the existing roofing and determine if your roof condition qualifies for a roof coating vs. replacement. Most roofs will need to be patched in several areas of concern prior to application of the coating to ensure a waterproof, structurally sound substrate. The process is very simple:
1. Power wash, degrease, and allow
the roof to dry.
2. Patch and repair any problem areas. Apply elastomeric or manufacturer recommended caulk to all seams, corners, and other lap areas.
3. Using a blower, blow off any residual dust and debris.
4. Following the selected product specifications, apply the required primer to your newly prepped surface.
Now you can brush, roll, squeegee, broom, or spray on the elastomeric roof coating.
Tip: Be sure to brush the material into every nook and cranny. Be generous with the material, however, do not apply thick coats or allow the material to pool. Use a minimum of two, thin coats.
This system can be used for patching small areas or entire roof covering. The acrylic based systems are less expensive than the siliconized systems, but we recommend the siliconized systems for long-term waterproofing. Ultra Siliconizer, 100% Acrylic Elastomeric White Reflective Roof Sealer products can be purchased in 1 gallon, 5 gallon, or larger commercial quantities and found at roofing supply houses, Home Depot or Lowes, and other hardware and home improvement stores.
Dear Maintenance Men:
I have heard the term Cool Roof. I have an idea what it means, but can you
expand on what exactly a “Cool Roof” is or means to my property? Fred
Dear Fred:
As the cost of energy continues to go up, property owners are encouraged to find ways to save money on the cost of cooling their house, apartment or commercial building. Applying “Cool Roof” technology is a cost-effective, passive way to reduce cooling costs.
A cool roof is designed to reflect more sunlight than a conventional roof, in turn absorbing less solar energy. This lowers the temperature of the building just as wearing light-colored clothing keeps you cooler on a sunny day. Conventional roofs can reach temperatures of 150°F or more on a sunny summer afternoon. Under the same conditions a reflective roof could stay more than 50°F cooler, reducing the thermal transfer of heat into the living space. A “Cool Roof” has the ability to shed heat or thermal emittance by giving off thermal infrared radiation. Of course, a “Cool Roof” does have some drawbacks. A “Cool Roof” is also cool in winter, meaning the roof will transmit less heat into the living space, which may increase heating costs because of less thermal transfer.
Dear Maintenance Men:
I have installed a water softener on my property. After a few months I checked the salt level and was astonished to find the salt lever did not go down as expected. As a matter of fact, the salt
level has not gone down at all. I’m confused. Is my machine super-efficient or is something wrong? To make things worse, the water is not coming out soft as expected. What did I do wrong and how do I solve this dilemma? Todd
Dear Todd:
Water Softeners are very particular about what kind of salt is used in them. We suspect that you may have used Salt Crystals as opposed to Salt Pellets. Salt Crystals will look a little like shaved ice and Salt Pellets will look like big white horse pills. A salt system recharges itself by pumping water into the bottom of the salt tank and creating a salt brine. This process causes the salt to melt and replenish the softening properties of the water softer machine. In a normal system using Salt Pellets, the salt melts at the bottom and causes the salt in upper section of the tank to drop down and replace the melted salt until it is time to add more salt. When Salt Crystals are used, the melted salt creates a salt bridge to form, holding back the salt in the upper part of the tank. After a while, a salt void is created, and the softener is no longer recharging the system.
Now, the bad news. The Salt Crystals need to be removed and replaced with Salt Pellets. And then the really bad news. You will find the Salt Crystals have hardened to the consistency of concrete. Removing it may require a hammer and cold chisel or a small electric demolition hammer. Be careful not to punch a hole into the side of the water softener. Adding water to the tank will greatly help in breaking down the salt and aid in shoveling out the now loose salt. Once done, purchase Salt Pellets, typically found in yellow bags.
We need Maintenance Questions!!! If you would like to see your maintenance question in the “Dear Maintenance Men” column, please email your questions to DearMaintenanceMen@gmail.com.
If you need maintenance work or a consultation for your building or project, please contact Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. to schedule an appointment. We are available throughout Southern California and can be reached at 714-956-8371. For more information, visit www.BuffaloMaintenance.com
Frank Alvarez is a licensed contractor and the Operations Director and Co-Owner of Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. He has been involved with apartment maintenance and construction for more than 30 years and frequently serves as a guest lecturer and educational instructor. Frank is the Immediate Past President of the Apartment Association of Orange County (AAOC) and chairs AAOC’s Education Committee. Frank can be reached at (714) 956-8371 or Frankie@BuffaloMaintenance.com.
Jerry L’Ecuyer is a real estate broker and a Director Emeritus of the Apartment Association of Orange County. He is a past president and longtime board member of the association, in addition to having served as chair of its Education Committee. Jerry has been involved with apartments as a professional since 1988.
Like many apartment owners, I find myself immersed in the conundrum that is SB-721. I thought I had it figured out and then I talked to somebody else, met another vendor, made another call. And it seems like the more people I talk to, the more people I find are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to how to meet the requirements. Rather than tell you what to do, I will present you with the four most common owner personas that I encounter and you can tell me if you fit one.
Listen, the State says we have to fix the exterior elevated surfaces so it’s time to completely rebuild the decks, landings and balconies across the property. Budget be damned, we’ve owned this property for 40 years and can afford to do all the work now, even if it’s not required.
We got our inspection done, received
the report and work needed to be done. We bid out the work and it’s now underway. We got lucky because we were early and vendors hadn’t imposed their surge pricing on the market yet.
The law says that reports can be completed by any licensed contractor, engineer or inspector. Engineers were too expensive and a contractor may get overly aggressive with their recommendations because they want the work, so we went with a licensed inspector. Quick turnaround, fair cost and we can always present the findings to a contractor in order to obtain cost estimates for work if need be.
It’s called the balcony bill, right? So just look at the balconies. Exterior elevated elements? No, just the balconies. But the law says…the law was called the balcony bill so just inspect the balconies.
Of the four approaches referenced above, 3 are compliant. Yes, the extreme,
the voice of reason and the bare necessities will all get you across the finish line. Though in my view, only 2 of those 3 are advisable. That said, I would encourage owners to investigate their options and get pricing. You will soon find that the cost of reports varies widely from engineer to inspector. You want to save as much of your money for the potential physical repairs that may be required and this means spending less money on reports.
Nicholas Dunlap is the founder and president of Spadra Property Company, Inc., He is also a second-generation rental-housing provider, and a member of the Apartment Association of Orange County where he served as a member of the board of directors, in addition to terms as AAOC president in 2015–2016 and 2018. For more information about Spadra Property Company, Inc. see their ad on page 16.
Rental fraud continues to pose serious problems for housing providers nationwide. The fraudsters are growing increasingly sophisticated and resourceful, so staying one step ahead of them has never been more important.
Thankfully, the number of fraud detection resources and services for rental housing providers is growing. This webinar will provide you with an opportunity to learn how you can combat fake identifications, false or forged employment and income verification documents, fabricated rental histories, and more.
Daniel Cooper Snappt
Snappt is an emerging leader in fraud detection, and they will have a lot of valuable information to share:
• Types of document fraud
• The changing landscape of rental fraud
• The impact of fraud on the rental industry
• Fraud Statistics… with a California focus
• Ways to detect, catch & stop fraud
• Q&A
Date: Thursday, October 17, 2024
Time: 10–11 a.m.
Location: Zoom Webinar
Cost: $20 Members
$35 Non-Members
Last month, I wrapped up my article series on stepping into the role of successor trustee after my father’s passing. This journey was deeply personal and provided a valuable outlet for addressing both the financial and nonfinancial aspects of being a trustee or executor. Through extensive research and consultations with various professionals, I’ve become something of a lay expert on the subject.
What began as a humorous comment about “putting frustrations into a book” has turned into reality. I’m excited to announce the release of my book, Tangled Legacy: Turning Estate Planning Mistakes into Successes. This book offers a straightforward and honest guide through the complexities of estate planning, sharing both real-life successes and failures. It provides practical insights and an unfiltered view of the emotional and relational dynamics
Since its launch, Tangled Legacy has achieved Amazon’s #1 New Release in several categories, including Practical Guides to Wills, Estate Planning Laws for Wills, Wealth Management, and Extended Families. It offers invaluable guidance for anyone at any stage of the estate planning process, blending personal stories with expert advice.
To further support this journey, I’ve developed a ten-week workshop series that I will be presenting in collaboration with the Apartment Association of Orange County (AAOC) every Thursday night from September 12 through November 14. This online series builds on the insights from my book and will feature subject matter experts each week who will offer valuable instruction and guidance. The workshops are designed to be interactive, engaging, and accessible, helping
you navigate legacy and estate planning.
The series covers traditional planning aspects such as fundamentals, team assembly, tax, legal, and charitable strategies. It also addresses oftenoverlooked areas like emotional counseling, caregiving, family dynamics, organizational skills, and effective communication. By participating, you’ll gain tools and resources that not only educate and organize but could also save you thousands of dollars in planning fees by reducing the time spent with attorneys and helping you choose the right strategies and tools.
This new, recurring series will address your questions on estate and legacy planning, featuring one of the instructors from the class each time. Feel free to contact me directly or submit your questions to AAOC.
I’m excited to share a partial list of the talented professionals who are joining us as subject matter instructors for the inaugural Fall 2024 Session. These experts will also be featured in this column to answer your questions. Each week, we’ll introduce additional instructors and guest speakers, offering a diverse range of expertise and insights throughout our workshops.
Nicholas Dunlap: Broker, Manager, and Mayor of Fullerton. A contributor to Apartment News magazine and other publications, Nicholas is
respected industry leader within the AAOC and a member of the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) and the California Rental Housing Association.
Daniel Sullivan: Senior Associate Attorney at Lagerlof LLP. With an LL.M. in Estate Planning from the University of Miami School of Law, where he graduated at the top of his class, Daniel specializes in corporate transactions and both basic and advanced estate, gift, and income tax planning.
Yuval Domb: Certified Public Accountant and President of Clarity Financial. Yuval’s firm is designed to meet the needs of today’s entrepreneur and entrepreneurial-inspired businesses.
Nick Lieberman: Mortgage Loan Officer, President, and Founder of Bona Fide Mortgage. A well-known expert on interest rates and lending in Southern California, Nick is a featured columnist for the OC Register business section and past president of AAOC.
Kelly Clyde: Co-founding partner with South Coast Investment Advisors and a registered principal and Elite Advisor with Independent Financial Group. Kelly is a Certified Financial Planner that works primarily with rental real estate owners who want a clear look into their overall financial picture, guidance on how to best manage their liquid assets to complement their real estate holdings, and advice on how to ensure their portfolio is generating efficiencies to reduce annual tax burdens.
Anthony Vultaggio: Philanthropy Officer at The Orange Catholic Foundation. Anthony specializes in estate planning solutions, helping business owners, individuals, and families with asset management, investments, and life insurance needs.
Life is all about change. Losing a loved one brings about significant and often unwanted changes. While we can’t control what happens to us, we can choose how we respond. Through the loss of my father and the challenges
of succession and estate issues, I’ve created materials and tools that may help you secure your own legacy.
For more information about the Legacy Planning Series or to register for the 10-week course, call the AAOC office at (714) 245-9500 or visit www. aaoc.com/events/estate-and-legacyplanning-workshop-series-2024.
About the Author:
Tim Gorman is a licensed Real Estate Broker, a former Certified Public Accountant (inactive), and an accomplished small business owner with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. In August 2024, Tim’s book Tangled Legacy launch on Amazon and quickly hit top #1 new release in multiple categories. In 2010, he joined his father at the Brea (CA)-based brokerage firm, WR Gorman & Associates.
In tribute to his father’s legacy of wealth-building through real estate, Tim launched DG Realty Group, Inc., with Nicholas Dunlap to provide full brokerage services with tailored solutions. As he continues to share the essential lessons of this article series, he welcomes reader questions and topic suggestions for future articles.
On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, President Biden announced a proposal to require housing providers with 50 units or more to cap annual rent increases at 5 percent or risk losing an important federal tax deduction for depreciation. The President’s call to Congress to pass this legislation builds upon Administration actions that are intended to lower housing costs and protect renters, addressing issues that are top of mind for voters this election cycle.
In response, the National Apartment Association (NAA) released a swift media statement stressing that the announcement is yet “another attempt at failed rent control policy that will harm communities and renters across
the U.S.” In addition, NAA President and CEO Bob Pinnegar sat down late last week with CNBC’s Brian Sullivan and former Vermont Governor Howard Dean to discuss the dangers of a federal rent control policy.
According to the White House’s Fact Sheet, this proposal would apply to more than 20 million units across the country. The law would become effective this year, sunsetting after two years, and include an exception for new construction and substantial renovation or rehabilitation. Any form of rent control harms communities and renters, forcing housing providers and much-needed supply out of the housing market. New NAA research found that rent regulation cripples housing
providers’ ability to properly maintain their properties, leading to a decline in housing and neighborhood quality.
NAA continues its advocacy with Congress and the Biden Administration to positively influence policy conversations and ensure the rental housing industry’s perspective is heard and represented. We continue to maintain that the only way to sustainably lower housing costs and create more housing security for renters is to increase housing supply through actions like the Biden Administration Housing Supply Action Plan.
To learn more about NAA’s federal advocacy, contact Greg Brown, NAA’s Senior Vice President of Government Affairs at gbrown@naahq.org.
Q: Is there a way to know how safe your apartment building is in case of an earthquake?
One person answered that if the apartment is still standing, it has survived everything until now—wrongly implying the building must be able to withstand a major earthquake because it has done so in the past. Also, it also assumed the building was not already damaged in ways that were not yet evident.
A better response came from someone much more practical and informed:
A: There are many complex factors to consider—soil type, foundation type, building design, building materials, retrofitting, etc. And, of course, the severity of the quake and distance from the epicenter makes the most difference.
Every building and every earthquake is different. Science and engineering are the only true predictors of how a structure will hold up in a major earthquake.
To understand what modern science says about your building, get a well-prepared engineering study. That is your first line of defense. It is very important that the study done on your building be thorough and complete in its analysis.
Nearly all California cities, when outlining the steps required for a seismic retrofit of soft-story buildings, require engineering plans to assess and map out the existing conditions of the building and to explain the logic behind the work proposed to retrofit it.
• Engineering requires hard data and analysis. A thorough and precise engineering study identifies the most effective way to fortify a building and preserve valuable parking spaces. It can also help to lessen other impacts to tenants.
• Engineering studies can help you meet or exceed the requirements of your building.
• They provide a detailed scope of work to be done so apartment owners can get multiple bids on an exact project that is mathematically and technically design to work.
• Well-prepared engineering studies avoid permitting delays and/or the need for costly corrections and revisions.
• Professional engineering greatly reduces liabilities for owners should something go wrong.
The first step is to create what is called “as-built” drawings of the structure. These illustrations indicate all details of the building. Everything from the spacing between the windows to the locations of the walls and columns are factored into the design of the project. The benefits of a detailed and complete engineering plan are clear:
• Proper engineering optimizes the cost of a retrofit.
• It minimizes the disturbance to the building occupants.
• It ensures better performance for a retrofit that is built according to proper plan.
• It also enables better coordination with other desired improvements and more cost-effective remodeling and renovations.
Earthquake retrofits are only as solid as the engineering behind them. Make sure yours is done right. Optimum Seismic can answer your questions. Call 833-978-7664 or visit www.optimumseismic.com to arrange a complimentary evaluation of your apartment building.
The Optimum Seismic team has been making California cities safer since 1984 by providing fullservice earthquake engineering, steel fabrication and construction services for multifamily residential, commercial and industrial buildings. With more than 4,000 earthquake retrofit and renovation projects completed, Optimum Seismic’s work includes soft-story multifamily apartments, tilt-up, non-ductile concrete, steel moment frame and unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings. To arrange a complimentary assessment of your building’s earthquake resilience, contact Optimum Seismic at (833) 978-7664 or visit optimumseismic.com.
We are a development engineering firm specializing in designing ADU plans and getting permits approved, while managing construction if requested.
Our goal is to help homeowners enjoy the process of designing and building an ADU while creating generational wealth for their families.
Receive a free consultation or learn more about ADU opportunities. We are here to help!
Sounds like your tenant misunderstands a law that went into effect in January 2024 known as AB 1620, which is an amendment to the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act. Specifically, it was passed in connection with disabled tenants who want to transfer to comparable or smaller units to accommodate their disabilities.
AB 1620 authorizes a jurisdiction to require owners of units that are subject to a rent control ordinance to permit a tenant who has a permanent physical mobility disability to move to an available comparable or smaller unit (defined as a dwelling or unit that has the same number or fewer bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage, and parking spaces as the unit being vacated) located on an accessible floor, while retaining both their lease and the rental amount provided several conditions are met. Those conditions include,
among other things, the following list of requirements:
• The move must be necessary to accommodate the tenant’s disability and in the same building or on the same parcel with at least four other units;
• There must be no operational elevator that serves the floor of the tenant’s current unit;
• The tenant must provide the owner a written request to move into an available unit before that unit became available; and
• The new unit doesn’t require renovation to comply with applicable Health and Safety Codes.
Importantly, the law does not apply in specific situations, including where less than all of the tenants on the disabled individual’s lease agree to move to the recently vacated unit or, where the owner or specified family members
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intend to occupy the available unit.
In your situation, you aren’t required to allow her to move to the vacant unit because, among other things, the vacant unit is neither comparable nor smaller, and she failed to make her request “prior to” the unit becoming vacant.
The information is presented and intended to address the topic(s) covered above in a general nature. There may be significant differences between jurisdictions with “rent control” and/or “just cause” ordinances, and the facts surrounding your specific situation should be presented to your attorney for review. The Brennan Law Firm is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable Landlord/Tenant law firms in Southern California, representing landlords exclusively in evictions. The firm may be reached at (626)285-0500, or toll free at (855)285-2230. Visit our website at www.MBrennanLaw.com for more information.
Dear Rental Housing Provider,
Your rights as a rental property owner/operator are under assault again this election year, and the future of your business is at risk if California voters pass state and local rent control initiatives, and other anti-housing ballot measures this November.
Our industry has twice helped to defeat state ballot initiatives that sought to expand Rent Control in California In 2018, Proposition 10 was defeated 60% to 40% In 2020, Proposition 21 was defeated 59% to 41%.
In 2024, our industry must again come together and work to defeat Proposition 33, which would:
Eliminate “Costa-Hawkins” protections from rent control on new construction, apartments, condominiums, single-family homes, and accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
Eliminate “vacancy decontrol” – landlords would be prohibited from resetting their rents to market rates upon vacancy.
Allow cities and counties to enact their own radical rent control laws, rent boards, etc.
Meanwhile, Santa Ana voters will be asked to approve a measure to make the city’s existing rent control law even stronger and harder for future city councils to fix and make changes if desired.
The Apartment Association of Orange County (AAOC) is asking you to help us fight for your property rights and your future as a rental housing provider We must defeat these ballot measures that would make it easier to expand rent control, erode your property rights, and cripple your business, in addition to other measures that would make housing even less affordable and attainable.
Can AAOC count on you to join the fight by contributing at least $500 + $50 per unit (1-49 units), or a flat amount of $7,500 (50-99 units) or $10,000 or more (100+ units) Please mail your check(s) payable to “Multi-County Property Rights PAC” to 1601 E. Orangewood Ave., Suite 125, Anaheim, CA 92805 - or donate online at https://www.aaoc.com/store/aaoc-issues-pac.
Thank you, in advance, for your generous support
John Tomlinson
Tomlinson Management Group
Amy Fylling
AAOC Vice President, Legislative Council
Advanced Management Company
1601 E. Orangewood Ave., Suite 125, Anaheim, CA 92805
Phone: 714-245-9500 · www.AAOC.com
Orange County United Way is pleased to recognize the Apartment Association of Orange County (AAOC) and its many members who are part of our WelcomeHomeOC℠ Property Provider Network.
Collectively, AAOC members have ended homelessness for over one third of the 1,000+ individuals housed, to date, through the WelcomeHomeOC Landlord Incentive program. These individuals and families now have a safe place to call home thanks to your efforts.
You are making a lasting impact and helping to change lives in our community.
Thank you for continuing to open your doors to Orange County residents in need so that, together, we can end homelessness one lease at a time!
To learn more about the WelcomeHomeOC program and how you can get involved, visit WelcomeHomeOC.org.
“ WelcomeHomeOC is the best conceived and most landlordfriendly social assistance program I have seen in three decades of property management. I wish it were everywhere.”
Wohrman President, FDC Management Inc. WelcomeHomeOC property provider
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and AAOC is committed to raising rental housing provider awareness about this issue which affects more than 10 million women and men in the United States each year.
This webinar will help you learn how to recognize the signs of domestic abuse and provide you with practical strategies for intervening effectively and safely if it’s occurring in your rental community.
Presentation topics will include:
• Different types of abuse
• Why abusers abuse and why victims stay
• The cycle of violence, red flags, and how to get or provide help
• Resources for domestic violence victims
• Safety planning
Don’t miss this opportunity to become a proactive advocate for the safety and support of your renters.
• On average, more than 10 million women and men are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States each year.
• 1-in-4 women and 1-in-9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, sexual violence, or stalking.
• In 2018, intimate partner violence accounted for 16% of all homicides. Nearly half of female homicide victims in the U.S. are killed by a current or former male intimate partner.
• More than 15 million children in the U.S. live in homes in which domestic violence has occurred at least once.
Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: Zoom Webinar
Cost: FREE
This 10-week evening series will provide the essentials of estate and legacy planning. Participants will build their own comprehensive, documented plan and the confidence to take actionable steps forward for themselves, their family, and others.
Expert Instruction
Tools & Guides
Private 1:1 review
Family session
AAOC certification
Area Experts:
Estate Planning Attorneys
Tax & Accounting CPAs
Financial Advisors
Philanthropic Advisors
Estate Brokers
Care & Support Specialists
Insurance Specialists
Are you and your employees due for a refresher in local, state, and federal Fair Housing laws? Are you certain your operational policies and practices would stand up in court if challenged in a discrimination lawsuit?
This comprehensive certification webinar will provide you with the information you need to stay up-to-date and in compliance with evolving fair housing laws, as well as the opportunity to have your Fair Housing questions answered by the experts.
Training topics will include:
n Tenant selection criteria
n Protected classes
n Reasonable accommodations & modifications
n Occupancy limits
n Children, pets, and service & support animals
n Management policies & best practices to avoid discrimination
n The Fair Housing Council as a resource for rental-housing providers
Instructor: Fair Housing Council of Orange County
Date: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom Webinar
Cost: $80 AAOC Members
$100 Non-Members
* Includes Fair Housing Certificate
Senate Bill 1343 requires that all California employers with five or more employees provide sexual and workplace harassment prevention training to both supervisory and nonsupervisory employees. Training must take place within six months of hire or promotion and every two years thereafter.
This Workplace Harassment Training will cover: Sexual Harassment Sex Discrimination Prevention of Claims
Title VII Civil Rights Act Investigating Complaints
A Certificate of Completion will be provided to each attendee who completes the training.
Colin Calvert Fisher & Phillips, LLP
Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Time: 9:00–11:00 a.m.
Location: Online via Zoom
Cost: Members — $55 Non-Members — $75
(We customize to your opening onsite)
(Aluminum or vinyl 1”, 1.5” or 2”)
Faux wood miniblinds 2” (Call for pricing)
We can fix your old rail and purchase vane per piece or set
24GA Steel, 1pc top channel & bottom track, 26GA frame molding, cameo white prefinished panel, steel braces are glued to each panel for added strength & rigidity & prevent warpage
Thru-the-Wall A/C: 12k BTU (115V/220V) Frigidaire, Friedrich, Garrison
VERTICAL MAILBOXES: 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 doors
1) APPLIANCES: stoves, air conditioners, wall furnaces; dishwashers; OTR microwave; wall ovens, cooktops; water heaters, range hoods & appliance parts
2) FLOORING MATERIALS: carpet, vinyl sheet, vinyl planks, 6-12mil wear layer, 12x12 & 18x18 tile
3) PLUMBING: toilets; kitchen and bathroom faucets; shower valves, repair parts for Mixet, Pfister, MOEN & Delta
4) ELECTRICAL: ceiling fans, indoor & outdoor light fixtures, repair parts
5) LOCKSETS: entry, double or single cyl deadbolts, privacy and passage locks; dummy knobs
6) REPAIR PARTS: for windows, kitchen drawers & cabinets, shower doors, screening materials, exhaust fan motors
7) VARIOUS OTHER NEEDS: garbage disposers, exhaust fan motors, vertical mailboxes, closet doors, medicine cabinets, cutting boards, deck paints, maintenance coating paints, vertical blinds sets & parts; hose bibs and lock, cleaning chemicals
Dishwasher: 18” or 24” Hotpoint or Frigidaire
General Wire
Replacement Cables: 3/8”; ½”, 25’, 50’, 75’ or 100’, Regular head, DH or DDH
California’s Senate Bill 567 (SB 567), effective April 1, 2024, has introduced stringent measures aimed at limiting the ability of housing providers to terminate tenancies, particularly under the guise of “no-fault” justifications like substantial remodels or owner move-ins. These changes are poised to reshape the landscape for housing providers, who are already navigating a complex web of regulations.
Housing providers can still end tenancies for substantial remodeling, but now, they must provide detailed termination notices. These notices must include the intended scope of work, required permits, and information about tenants’ rights to reoccupy if the work is not initiated or completed. Additionally, housing providers must now offer tenants the first right to return to the property once the renovations are complete.
The introduction of SB 567 is another instance of government overreach, undermining property rights and profitability. The stringent requirements and penalties effectively make it harder to manage properties as owners see fit, and they come with significant penalties attached to any missteps in compliance. Additionally, renters can now bring civil lawsuits for damages against the owner.
This new law came about because lawmakers believed there was a pervasive exploitation of a loophole in AB 1482 in which rental housing providers terminate tenancies under the pretext of conducting substantial renovations, but then not carrying out the work, only to then increase rents. However, even AB 1482 is excessive, stripping owners of their right to terminate a lease unless they intend to move in or undertake substantial remodels. Owners should be able to end a lease at its conclusion with proper notice, without needing to justify it with a move-in or remodel.
It raises the question: who is the government to impose such restrictions on property owners, dictating unequal terms of their lease agreements? Is this not a form of discrimination, where one party is unfairly favored over another, receiving preferential treatment at the expense of the other’s rights? In this case, the tenant is receiving preferential treatment at the expense of the property owner’s rights. In today’s society, discrimination based on race, gender, or religious beliefs is rightly condemned. Yet, an overlooked form of discrimination persists against housing providers, evident in restrictive rent caps and laws that contradict fundamental economic and contractual principles.
The notion that a housing provider cannot terminate a tenancy unless they plan to move in or undertake a substantial remodel is unreasonable. Words matter, and this should not even be categorized as a non-just cause eviction; it is simply a termination of tenancy and should be permitted without requiring any reason or justification from the housing provider. By definition, a lease is a temporary agreement granting the lessee the right to use the property for a specified period under certain conditions, without conferring ownership rights.
With the extensive tenant-friendly legislation in place, it increasingly appears that tenants are gaining ownership-like rights and enjoying all benefits of ownership without having to bear any of the responsibilities that accompany it.
In other contexts, such as car leases, the agreement is clear and fair to both parties. A car lease, for instance, allows the lessee to use the vehicle for a set term, after which the lease can be terminated by either party or renewed by mutual consent. Both parties have defined rights and obligations, ensuring a balanced and fair contractual relationship. Similarly, housing leases should reflect this balance, with both parties having equal rights to end the tenancy. Restricting termination rights solely to tenants creates an unfair burden on housing providers and undermines the fundamental principles of contractual agreements.
As a housing provider, it’s critical to safeguard property rights against excessive regulations like SB 567 and AB 1482. These laws not only compromise the ability to manage properties effectively but also erode the foundational rights of property ownership. I believe that housing providers, like tenants, should be able to terminate tenancies with proper notice at the conclusion of the lease term, and without needing to justify their actions through substantial remodels or personal or family moveins. Government interference disrupts the fair balance of lease agreements and tips the scales heavily in favor of tenant rights. As housing providers and apartment owners, we must communicate our concerns to local and state lawmakers and work together to restore equal rights for all, upholding the principles of fairness and justice upon which this country was founded. How do you think we can create meaningful change in this area? I would love to hear your thoughts.
About the Author:
If you have questions about buying, selling or doing a 1031 exchange, contact me. I can be reached at 714.330.9999, InvestingInTheOC@ gmail.com, or you can visit my website at InvestingInTheOC.com. I’m Mercedes Shaffer, a multifamily real estate agent with REAL Broker, helping you build wealth one door at a time. DRE 02114448.
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Founded in 1961 as a nonprofit trade organization, the Apartment Association of Orange County represents the interests of those involved in owning, managing and maintaining rental property.
Membership is open to all owners of residential income-producing property. Whether you own one or one hundred units, the AAOC is here to serve your needs.
As a one-stop resource for information and specialized rental property services, the AAOC offers a host of benefits, including:
– Free consultation from our trained membership – Special seminars on topics such as taxes, property
Coastline Equity
Richards Properties
Sofi Laguna Hills — FPI Management
Vista Del Plaza
Hanover Company
For details about membership, please call Membership Services at (714) 245-9500, or visit us on the web: www.aaoc.com
Albrecht & Barney Law Corporation
Anson Cain—atc@albrechtbarney.com 1 Park Plaza, Suite 900 Irvine, CA 92614-5910 (949) 263-1040 mar@albrechtbarney.com
Brixton Protective Services Inc
Raymond Garcia 2323 West Lincoln Avenue, 137 Anaheim, CA 92801 (949) 619-6044 ray@brixtonprotective.com
Crest Insurance
Cameron Stewart 3636 Nobel Drive, Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92120 (858) 547-1128
cstewart@crestins.com www.crestins.com
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Marisa Thompson 31915 Rancho California Rd, Ste. 200–401 Temecula, CA 92596 (951) 225-5019 marisa@galeforcepm.com
Pipe Restoration Solutions, Inc
Chris Diaz—chris@prspipe.com 15510 Rockfield Blvd, Suite C100 Irvine, CA 92618 (800) 652-7604 info@prspipe.com www.piperestorationsolutions.com/
Voit Real Estate Services
Joe Leon 2020 Main Street, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 939-9898 jleon@voitco.com
At South Coast Deck Inspections, we assist our clients in achieving compliance with the January 1, 2025 balcony and desk inspection deadline. Our inspections encompass SB 326 and SB 721 certifications for multifamily load-bearing wooden decks, staircases, balconies, walkways, and exteriors in the South Coast region of California including Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Ventura counties.
Senate Bill SB 326 and SB 721, these two Bills were initiated in response to the tragic balcony collapse in Berkely, CA on June 15, 2015. On this day an apartment building balcony collapsed during a birthday party attended by students, killing six of the 13 people who fell from the fourth-floor structure. The collapse has been found to be caused by “dry rot damage which had occurred along the top of the cantilever balcony deck joists” according to report.
Load-Bearing Wood in Exterior Elevated Elements, elevated elements such as decks, walkways, balconies, stairs, and other outdoor structures constructed with wood demand meticulous examination to ensure the safety of occupants and guests. This scrutiny is particularly critical for apartment buildings with three or more units and homeowners’ associations (HOAs) with two or more units.
Load- Bearing Components, inspect for signs of wear, deterioration, warping, rotting, dry rot, termite infestation, or cracking of the construction materials.
Deck, Walkways, Balcony, and Stairs and Landings, confirm secure attachments with no loose structural components. Inspect stringers, treads, and railings for signs of rot, rust, or damage, ensuring secure attachment to the deck.
Decking and Flooring, assess the condition of wood panels, synthetic material coatings, and other visible elements used for decking and flooring.
Condition of the Wood, pay attention to the condition of all wood components, ensuring moisture retention is minimized to prevent damage.
Waterproofing Elements, evaluate the integrity of flashing and waterproofing materials to prevent water intrusion, which can lead to damage and structural failure.
If you still need to have your exterior elevated elements inspected before the January 1, 2025 deadline, contact South Coast Deck Inspections at (657) 707-9127 or visit https://southcoastdeckinspections.com for more information.
(Please see Supplier Contact Index for contact information)
Supplier Members have signed a Code of Ethics stating that they shall provide the rental-housing industry with the highest standard of integrity, honesty and professionalism.
Acoustic Ceiling Removal
Pacific Environmental & Abatement Solutions Inc
S-Team Turn Overs
Access Control Solutions
A.S. Wise, Inc.
ADT Multifamily
Accounting Services
AllView Real Estate
Clarion Management, Inc.
Accounting Software
MRI Software
Yardi Systems Inc.
Answering Service
Anyone Home
Apartment Building Inspection
Automatic Fire Sprinklers
Deck Inspectors Inc.
DTS Pacific LLC
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro
Zebra Construction Inc.
Apartment Market Research Data
ALN Data
Apartment SEO
CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team
Effortless Ads
The Mogharebi Group
Yardi Systems Inc.
Apartment Rental Publications & Services
The Mogharebi Group
Zillow Rentals
Apartment/Student Housing
Colliers International
Kairos Investment Management Company
The Mogharebi Group
Restoration Services Company
Voit Real Estate Services
ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc.
Discount Appliance Guys
Expressions Home Gallery
National Service Company
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Western State Design, Inc.
Alliance Environmental Group
Charles Taylor Enironmental
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Pacific Environmental & Abatement Solutions Inc
Asphalt Sales & Service
Oliver Mahon Asphalt
Everline Coatings and Services—S Orange Co
Albrecht & Barney Law Corporation
AWB Law, P.C.
Baker Law Group
Brennan Law Firm
Duringer Law Group, PLC
Fisher & Phillips
Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP
Newmeyer & Dillion, LLP
Wesierski & Zurek LLP, Lawyers
Bath Restoration or Renovations
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
California Bath Restoration
OC Professional Maintenance Team
S-Team Turn Overs
Restoration Services Company
Boiler Systems
H2O Heating Pros, Inc.
Ironwood Plumbing, Inc.
Spicer Mechanical
Water Heater Man, Inc.
Western State Design, Inc.
Building Products
Schluter Systems
Buying Group
OMNIA Partners, Multifamily Housing
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Gogo Cabinets
KJ Carpet Wholesale
S M Painting Corp.
S-Team Turn Overs
The Door & Window Company
AMS Construction
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Kustum Kunstrukshun
Carpet Sales & Service
KJ Carpet Wholesale
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Cleaning Service
Bio-One of Orange
Crown Building Services Inc.
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Molly Maid of Irvine, Saddleback and Temecula Valley
Junk King Orange County/Anaheim
Titanium Restoration Services Company
Duringer Law Group, PLC
David S. Schonfeld, Attorney at Law
Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP
National Credit Systems
Cox Communications
MRI Software
Concrete Maintenance & Repair
AMS Construction
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Everline Coatings and Services—S Orange Co
Precision Concrete Cutting
Oliver Mahon Asphalt
Alpha Structural Inc.
AMS Construction
Angelo Termite and Construction
Aquinas HVAC
BELFOR Property Restoration
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
CAMP Construction Services
KJ Carpet Wholesale
Orion DCP Inc.
Real Floors
Urban Surfaces
Specialty AC Heat
Furniture/Furniture Rental
AFR Furniture Rental
CORT Furniture Rental
Garage Doors
Mesa Artificial Turf/Garage Doors
General Contractor
Alpha Structural Inc.
Angelo Termite and Construction
BELFOR Property Restoration
BluSky Restoration Contractors, LLC
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Deck Diagnostics
EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Kustum Kunstrukshun
OC Professional Maintenance Team
PRC Restoration
S M Painting Corp.
Western State Design, Inc.
Zebra Construction Inc.
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
OC Professional Maintenance Team
S M Painting Corp.
Heating & Air Conditioning
Aquinas HVAC
Expressions Home Gallery
Ingersoll Rand
OC Professional Maintenance Team
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Spicer Mechanical Insurance
Crest Insurance
Deans & Homer, Renter’s Insurance
Dick Wardlow Insurance Brokers
Farmer’s Insurance — Theresa Simes Agency
ISU — The Olson Duncan Agency
Insurance Solutions of America
Navion Insurance Associates, Inc
New York Life
NFP Property & Casualty
Prendiville Insurance Agency
Rey Insurance Services, Inc.
Tax & Financial Group
Internet Services
Apartment SEO apartments.com
CitySide Networks, LLC
Cox Communications
Google Fiber Rent.
Bob Peters Fire Protection
Charles Taylor Enironmental
Deck Diagnostics
One Call Restoration
Pipe Restoration Solutions, Inc
Southern Cross Property Consultants
Zebra Construction Inc.
Investments American 1031
CFG Investments, Inc.
Kay Properties & Investments Company
LordCap Green
Morgan Skendarian Investment Real Estate Group
New York Life
Tax & Financial Group
Strategic Sanitation Services
Junk Removal & Hauling
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Junk King Orange County/Anaheim
The Junkluggers of Orange County
Kitchen Renovations
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
California Bath Restoration
Kustum Kunstrukshun
Schluter Systems
GQ Landscape Care, Inc.
Laundry Equipment & Services
ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc.
All Valley Washer Service Inc.
Landcare Logic
National Service Company
PWS Laundry / Alliance
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
WASH Multi Family Laundry Systems
Western State Design, Inc.
Leak Detection
Roto Rooter Service Company
Lending Institutions
CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team
Chase Multifamily Lending
Citizens Business Bank
Genesis Bank
Sunwest Bank
Torrey Pines Bank
KD Electric Company
Magnesite Repairs
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Mailboxes R Us
Maintenance, Repairs, Products
ADT Multifamily
Aquinas HVAC
BG Multifamily
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Clarion Management, Inc.
Evolution Building Efficiency
GQ Landscape Care, Inc.
Ingersoll Rand
KD Electric Company
OC Professional Maintenance Team
Pacific Environmental & Abatement Solutions Inc
Service 1st
Specialty AC Heat
WICR Waterproofing & Decking
Clarion Management, Inc.
Effortless Ads
Mold Remediation
Alliance Environmental Group
American Environmental Specialists, Inc.
BELFOR Property Restoration
Bio-One of Orange
Charles Taylor Enironmental
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro
One Call Restoration
Pacific Environmental & Abatement Solutions Inc
Roto Rooter Service Company
Multi-Family Advisory Services
DG Realty Advisors, Inc.
DTS Pacific LLC
The Mogharebi Group
Voit Real Estate Services
Odor Removal
Alliance Environmental Group
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Strategic Sanitation Services
Outdoor Furniture & Refinishing
Bassett Outdoor Contract
Patio Guys
Paint Sales & Service
Behr Paint
Dunn-Edwards Corporation
EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting
Kustum Kunstrukshun
Supplier Directory
continued from page 47
Paint Sales & Service (Cont’d)
OC Professional Maintenance Team
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
S M Painting Corp.
S-Team Turn Overs
West Coast Drywall & Paint
Reliant Parking Solutions, LLC
Zebra Construction Inc.
Pest Control
Alliance Environmental Group
Angelo Termite and Construction
Lloyd Pest Control
Western Exterminator Company
Pipe Restorationl
Pipe Restoration Solutions, Inc
Roto Rooter Service Company
Plumbing, Contractors & Supplies
California Rooter & Plumbing
EZ Drain & Plumbing
Ironwood Plumbing, Inc.
Pipe Restoration Solutions, Inc
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Repipe Specialists, Inc
Roto Rooter Service Company
Schluter Systems
Service 1st
Total Rooter & Plumbing
Pool & Spa Service & Repair
Aquatic Facility Services Inc
Pacific Coast Commercial Pool Service
Service 1st
Power/Pressure Washing
Crown Building Services Inc.
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Everline Coatings and Services—S Orange Co
Private Security
Citiguard, Inc.
Defense International Corporation
FPK Security
Signal of OC/SD
Private Investigations
FPK Security
Property Management
AIM Properties
Allen Properties
AllView Real Estate
API Property Management
Clarion Management, Inc.
Consensys Property Management Company
DM Smithco
Dunlap Property Group
Fairgrove Property Management
Intersolutions — Property Management Staffing Specialists
JLE Property Management
L’Abri Management, Inc.
LoCali Management Group
The Management Works
Optim Real Estate Services Company
Orange County Property Management
ProActive Realty Investments
Reynolds Realty Advisors
Roberts Management & Investments
Satellite Management Company
South Coast Real Estate & Property Management
SVN / Vanguard — Cameron Irons
Property Management Software
Anyone Home
Appfolio, Inc.
MRI Software
Reliant Parking Solutions, LLC
Resident IQ
Snappt Inc.
Yardi Systems Inc.
Property Management Staffing & Training
Approved Real Estate
BG Multifamily
NPM Staffing an InterSolutions Company
The Liberty Group
Rain Gutters
Argos Homes Systems
Monument Roofing
Real Estate/Investments
AllView Real Estate
CFG Investments, Inc.
CBRE Multifamily SoCal — Dan Blackwell & Team
Colliers International
DG Realty Advisors, Inc.
DM Smithco
Gorman & Associates
Investing in The OC
Kairos Investment Management Company
Kay Properties & Investments Company
MJC Realty
Morgan Skenderian Investment Real Estate Group
ProActive Realty Investments
Realtors Commercial Alliance of Orange County (RCAOC)
Shanon Ohmann Real Estate Group
SVN / Vanguard — Cameron Irons
Voit Real Estate Services
Real Estate Broker
AllView Real Estate
CBRE Multifamily SoCal — Dan Blackwell & Team
DG Realty Advisors, Inc.
MJC Realty
Morgan Skenderian Investment
Real Estate Group Company
Optim Real Estate Services Company
The Mogharebi Group
Voit Real Estate Services
AMS Construction
BELFOR Property Restoration
DTS Pacific LLC
EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting
JKJ Plus One, Inc
One Call Restoration
Orion DCP Inc.
RCS Construction Management
S-Team Turn Overs
Southern Cross Property Consultants
WICR Waterproofing & Decking
Strategic Sanitation Services
Rent Payment System
MRI Software
Resident IQ
Section 8 Management
Resident Screening
AllView Real Estate
MRI Software
Resident IQ
Snappt Inc.
Yardi Systems Inc.
Resident Services
AMS Construction
CAMP Construction Services
Crank Waterproofing
Guardian Roofs by Sudduth Construction Inc.
Monument Roofing
Security Services/Patrol Services
ADT Multifamily
Brixton Protective Services Inc
California Safety Agency
Citiguard, Inc.
Defense International Corporation
FPK Security
Securitas Security Services USA
Signal of OC/SD
Snappt Inc.
USGI — Upland Group
Seismic Retrofitting & Engineering
Alpha Structural Inc.
Optimum Seismic, Inc.
and MO’ Towing
Clarion Management, Inc.
Trash Services
Junk King Orange County/Anaheim
Strategic Sanitation Services
Valet Living
Tree Service
GQ Landscape Care, Inc.
Utilities & Sub Metering
Google Fiber
Multifamily Utility Company
Resident IQ
Southern California Edison-Multi Family Program
Video Commercials
Intersolutions — Property Management Staffing Specialists
NPM Staffing an InterSolutions Company
Video Surveillance
Assure by Remote Ally
Water Heaters
California Rooter & Plumbing
H2O Heating Pros, Inc.
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Roto Rooter Service Company
Specialty AC Heat
Total Rooter & Plumbing
Water Heater Man, Inc.
Water Heaters Only Inc.
AMS Construction
Crank Waterproofing
S M Painting Corp.
Schluter Systems
WICR Waterproofing & Decking
Water Removal
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
One Call Restoration
Website Development/Online Advertising
Apartment SEO
Windows & Doors
Crown Building Services Inc.
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Mesa Artificial Turf/Garage Doors
Moore Replacements
The Door & Window Company
(Please see AAOC’s Supplier Directory for Listings of Services)
All Supplier Members have signed a Code of Ethics stating that they shall provide the rental-housing industry with the highest standard of integrity, honesty and professionalism.
A.S. Wise, Inc.
Jean Sabga 15150 Transistor Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 891-1501
jsabga@aswise.net — www.aswise.net
Access Electrical & Lighting 25108 Marguerite Pkwy Suite A Mission Viejo, CA 92692 (949) 364-6063 accesselectricallighting@gmail.com
ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc.
Multi-Housing Division 14404 Hoover Street Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 897-4342 acelaundry@gmail.com — www.acelaundry.com
Provide Sales, Service, Leasing & Parts for Coin-Op Laundry Equipment. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
ADT Multifamily
Joseph Knaack
100 West Indian School Road, Apt. 1012 Phoenix, AZ 85013 (714) 277-2586 josephknaack@adt.com
AFR Furniture Rental
John Spivey 3330 Garfield Avenue Commerce, CA 90040 (323) 400-7508 jspivey@rentfurniture.com — http://www.rentfurniture.com
AIM Properties
Don St. John 531 E. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92866 (714) 633-2344 don@aimproperties.net — www.aimproperties.net
Albrecht & Barney Law Corporation
Anson Cain–atc@albrechtbarney.com 1 Park Plaza, Suite 900 Irvine, CA 92614-5910 (949) 263-1040 mar@albrechtbarney.com
All Valley Washer Service Inc.
John Cottrell 15008 Delano St. Van Nuys, CA 91411 (800) 247-1100
john@allvalleywasher.com — www.allvalleywasher.com
Allen Properties
Frank Allen/Paul Allen/Jessica Siderius 1 Orchard Road, Suite #230 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 768-6850
frank@allenproperties.net — www.allenproperties.net
Property Management Services/Investments.
Alliance Environmental Group Krystyn Roman—krystynroman@alliance-enviro.com 777 N Georgia Ave Azusa, CA 91702 (877) 858-6220 marketingteam@alliance-enviro.com
AllView Real Estate
Daniel Gutierrez 1501 Westcliff Drive, Suite 270 Newport Beach, California 92660 (949) 400-4275
ALN Data
Samantha Wallace 2611 Westgrove Drive, Suite 104 Carrollton, TX 75006 (972) 931-2553 x 218
Samantha@alndata.com — www.alndata.com
Apartment data and market research.
Alpha Structural Inc.
Franchesca Hernandez 8334 Foothill Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 91040 (323) 943-5675 franchesca@alphastructural.com
American 1031
Adam Bryan 10111 Petit Avenue North Hills, CA 91343 (310) 903-6757 adam@american1031.net
American Environmental Specialists, Inc. Mr. James F. McClung, Jr. 15183 Springdale Street Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 379-3333 admin@aeshb.com
Consultant: Mold Investigations/Recommendations, Asbestos/Lead Testing, Training. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
AMS Construction 1159 Iowa Ave., Ste. K Riverside, CA 92507 (833) 267-7663 info@amsroofingconstruction.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad. Angelo Termite and Construction
Gregg Traum 16161 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 (800) 589-8809 info@angelotermite.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Anyone Home
Jaime Conde 25521 Commercentre Dr #100 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 916-3919 lightson@anyonehome.com
Engagement and automation tools through Contact Center and CRM software.
API Property Management
Margie Tabrizi
1400 Bristol St. N, Ste. 245-A Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 505-5200
Apartment SEO
Ronn Ruiz
100 W. Broadway Ave, Suite 425 Long Beach, CA 90802 (877) 309-7363
ronn@apartmentseo.com — apartmentseo.com
Advertising firm specializing in Websites, Search & Social Media Marketing. apartments.com
Adriana Mamola 3161 Michelson Dr, #1675 Irvine, CA 92612 (951) 522-3001 amamola@costar.com
#1 nationwide provider of information and advertising services.
Apex Window Décor
Deepa Gorajia 1132 E. Katella Ave, Suite A16 Orange, CA 92867 (714) 532-2588
deepag@apexwindowdecor.com — www.apexwindowdecor.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Appfolio, Inc.
55 Castilian Dr Goleta, Ca 93117 (866) 648-1536 mindy.sorenson@appfolio.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Approved Real Estate
Jim Forde 4010 Barranca Pkwy, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92604 (714) 875-0979 jim@approvedrealestateacademy.com
Aquatic Facility Services Inc
Ramiro Uribe 1290 North Red Gum Street Anaheim, CA 92806 (949)478-9931 ruribe@afsinconline.com
Aquinas HVAC
Eric Barnett 7438 Trade Street San Diego, CA 92121 (610) 410-3154 eric.barnett@aquinashvac.com
Argos Homes Systems
Mr. James Van Dyke 11542 Knott St., Suite B-5 Garden Grove, CA 92641 (714) 894-9534 argosjvandyke@hughes.net
Seamless aluminum rain gutters, fabric awnings, mirrored wardrobe closets. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Armada Power
Robert Cooke 230 West Street Columbus, OH 43215-2655 (909) 730-6509 robert.cooke@armadapower.com
Supplier Contact Index — continued on page 52
Supplier Contact Index —
continued from page 50
Assure by Remote Ally
Eddie Conlon
4431 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 121 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (866) 439-0318
Kate Shoemaker
2913 S Pullman Street Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) 417-4047
3360 La Palma Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 412-0828
Automatic Fire Sprinklers
Chris Delany 7272 Mars Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714)841-2066 afs@afsfire.com
AWB Law, P.C.
Anthony Burton — anthony@awblawpc.com 2040 Main Street, Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 244-4207 admin@awblawpc.com
Baker Law Group
John Baker
7700 Irvine Center Dr., Suite 800 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 450-0444
Bassett Outdoor Contract
Jonathan Bennett PO Box 1280 Haleyville, AL 35565 (205) 486-5102
Behr Paint
Lori Flores 1601 E. Saint Andrew Pl. Santa Ana, CA 92705-5044 (909) 248-5132 lorflores@behrpaint.com — www.behr.com
BELFOR Property Restoration
Susan Nellor 2920 East White Star Avenue Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 514-7158
BG Multifamily
Shannon Valentino 5850 Granite Parkway Plano, TX 75024 (714) 654-9498
Bio-One of Orange
Cory Flores 1439 West Chapman Avenue #159 Orange, CA 92868 (949) 306-1733
Cory@Biooneorange.com — www.biooneorange.com
Black Bird Fire Protection, Inc. 10282 Trask Ave Ste D Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 462-6095 info@blackbirdfire.com
BluSky Restoration Contractors, LLC
Stefanie Koslosky
1183 Warner Ave Tustin, CA 92780 (657) 575-0933
Bob Peters Fire Protection
Laurie Vandebrake
3397 East 19th Street
Signal Hill, CA 90755 (562) 424-8486
Brennan Law Firm
Michael Brennan
67 Live Oak Avenue, Suite 105 Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) 294-0500
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Brixton Protective Services Inc
Raymond Garcia 2323 West Lincoln Avenue, 137 Anaheim, CA 92801 (949) 619-6044 ray@brixtonprotective.com
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Frank Alvarez
6861 Stanton Ave., Suite G Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 956-8371 www.buffalomaintenance.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
California Bath Restoration
Carly Camacho
1920 E. Warner Ave., Suite 3P Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) 263-0779
Complete kitchen and bath restoration and refinishing company.
California Rooter & Plumbing
Mr. Mark Fowler
1905 E. Deere Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) 222-2202
Plumbing and drain cleaning services. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
California Safety Agency
Darrell Cowan 8932 Katella, Suite 108 Anaheim, CA 92804 (866) 996-6990
dcowan@csapatrol.com — www.csapatrol.com
CAMP Construction Services
Ronni Anthony 15139 South Post Oak Rd. Houston, TX 77053 (713) 413-2267
Minh Ta 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20004 (202) 729-5180
CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team
Daniel Blackwell 3501 Jamboree Road, Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 307-8319
dan.blackwell@cbre.com — www.cbre.com/invocmultifamily
Orange County multifamily investment property sales and 1031 exchanges. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
CFG Investments, Inc.
Stephen Meyer 17220 Newhope Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 557-1430
steve@cfginvestments.com — www.cfginvestments.com
Charles Taylor Enironmental
Kellie Vazquez 1011 Birchcrest Ave Brea, CA 92821 (657)286-9575
Chase Multifamily Lending
3 Park Plaza, Suite 1000 Irvine, CA 92614 (866) 937-7199 www.chase.com/mfl Citiguard, Inc.
Michael Steel 22736 Vanowen Street, #300 West Hills, CA 91307 (747) 251-1182 Michael@Citiguardinc.com
Citizens Business Bank
Michael Duran 2650 E Imperial Hwy Brea, CA 92821 (714) 996-8150 mduran@cbbank.com — http://www.cbbank.com
CitySide Networks, LLC
Mike Gourzis
100 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92618 (833) 318-4646
Clarion Management, Inc. 101 Pacifica, #260 Irvine, CA 92618 (949)383-4762
Jessica Tabor 150 Southeast 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33131 (619) 357-1362
jess@cloudastructure.com — https://www.cloudastructure.com/
Colliers International
Pat Swanson 3 Park Plaza, Ste 1200 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 724-5564
Consensys Property Management Company
Laurel Dial 1380 S. Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 772-4400
laureld@consensyspm.com — www.consensyspm.com
CORT Furniture Rental
Karie Talke 2540 Main Street Suite A Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 852-0711
Cox Communications
Alicia Gray 27121 Towne Centre Dr, Suite 125 Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 (949) 563-8163
Crank Waterproofing
Rocky Glover 134 Commercial Way Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 374-2628 info@crankdeckandroof.com
Supplier Contact Index — continued on page
Supplier Contact Index —
from page 52
Crest Insurance
Cameron Stewart
3636 Nobel Drive, Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92120 (858) 547-1128
cstewart@crestins.com http://www.crestins.com
Crown Building Services Inc.
Jason Maslach
548 Malloy Ct. Corona, CA 92878 (714) 694-1007 jason@crownservicesinc.com – www.crownservicesinc.com
Deans & Homer, Renter’s Insurance
Debbie Halverson
110 E. Wilson Ave., Suite 102 Fullerton, CA 92832 (800) 345-2054
debbieh@deanshomer.com — www.InsureYourStuff.com
Deck Diagnostics
Ronald White 17341 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 200 Tustin, CA 92780 (714)502-9029 hdc.canfixit@gmail.com
Deck Inspectors Inc.
David Mazor
2029 Verdugo Rd. #156 Montrose, CA 91020-1626 (888) 224-0489
Dedicated Transportation Services
Richard Rodrigues
13700 Harbor Blvd., Suite B Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 371-3034 richthetowguy@yahoo.com www.dedicatedtransportationservices.com
Defense International Corporation
Chaz McKinney
130 South Prospect Avenue Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 646-1945 defenseintco@gmail.com
DG Realty Advisors, Inc.
Tim Gorman — tim@dgrealtyadvisors.com
272 South Poplar Avenue, Unit 101 Brea, CA 92821-5587 (714) 932-9673 info@dgrealtyadvisors.com
Dick Wardlow Insurance Brokers
Matt Wardlow
233 High Street Moorpark, CA 93021 (805) 553-0505 x 320 mattw@wardlowinsurance.com — www.wardlowinsurance.com
Insurance brokers specializing in apartments and commercial property.
Discount Appliance Guys
Frank Morales
2041 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 363 El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 955-7408
DM Smithco
Duane Van Handel
1940 W. Orangewood Ave., Suite 201 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 456-9147 v456-9983
Dryer Vent Wizard of Chino Hills, Ontario & Corona
Chalae Walker
14525 Verona Place Eastvale, CA 92880 (213) 800-6365 cwalker@dryerventwizard.com
Dryer Vent Wizard of Mission Viejo and Trabuco Canyon
Ronald West 29005 Consuelo Pl Mission Viejo, CA 92692 (949) 966-0303 rwest@dryerventwizard.com
DTS Pacific LLC
Jim Diaz
539 South Indiana Street Anaheim, CA 92805 (877) 387-7229 jimdiaz@dtspacific.com
Dunlap Property Group
Paul Dunlap
801 E. Chapman Avenue Fullerton, CA 92831 (714) 879-0111 pdunlap@dpgre.com — www.dpgre.com
Dunn-Edwards Corporation
Jessica Seitz 1575 North Placentia Avenue Placentia, CA 92870-2333 (562) 760-9969
Duringer Law Group, PLC
Mr. Stephen C. Duringer, Esq.
181 S. Old Springs Road, 2nd Floor Anaheim Hills, CA 92809 (714) 279-1100, (800) 829-6994 toll free
Specializes in landlord/tenant law, debt collection, eviction.
Omidreza Ghanadiof
6500 Yucca Street 416 Los Angeles, CA 90028-4972 (805) 334-0037 info@eeeadvisor.com
Effortless Ads
Madeline Nash
209 Cornwall Street Northwest Leesburg, VA 20176 (214) 952-9862 madeline@effortlessads.com
Electric Medics
Mike Parks
28052 Camino Capistrano, 105 Mission Viejo, CA 92677 (949) 462-9200 electricmedics@gmail.com
EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting
Chet Oshiro
1682 Langley Ave. Irvine, CA 92614 (888) 278-8200
coshiro@empireworks.com — www.empireworks.com
Kristin Teale
4205 Chapel Ridge Road Lehi, UT 84043 (801) 735-6988
Everline Coatings and Services—S Orange Co
Srinivas Hanumansetty
23111 Antonio Parkway Suite 200 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 216-8368
srinivas@everlinecoatings.com https://everlinecoatings.com/us/southern-orange-county/ Expressions Home Gallery
Sherri Galusha
17138 Von Karman Ave Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 271-2085
Major appliances for apartments.
EZ Drain & Plumbing
Stacie Fluhrer
6709 Washington Ave, #944 Whittier, CA 90601 (714) 640-0699
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad. Fairgrove Property Management
Marco Vartanian — mvartanian@fairgrovepm.com 2355 Main Street, Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92614 (714) 541-0288
info@fairgrovepm.com — https://fairgrovepm.com/ Farmer’s Insurance — Theresa Simes Agency
Terri Simes
17155 Newhope Street #F Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 966-3000 tsimes@farmersagent.com — www.farmersagent.com/tsimes Insurance for apartments, business, auto, home, life, etc. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Amit Gandhi 1275 North Grove Street Anaheim, CA 92806 (619) 537-9499 amit.gandhi@firstonsite.com — https://firstonsite.com/
Fisher & Phillips
2050 Main Street, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 851-2424 cbaran@laborlawyers.com
FPK Security
Steve Flamm P.O. Box 55597 Valencia, CA 91355 (800) 459-4068 stevef@fpksecurity.com — www.fpksecurity.com
Gale Force Property Maintenance Inc.
Marisa Thompson 31915 Rancho California Rd, Ste. 200-401 Temecula, CA 92596 (951) 225-5019 marisa@galeforcepm.com
Joseph Knaack 2900 Weslayan Street Houston, AZ 85013 (714) 277-2586 joseph@gatewise.com
Genesis Bank
Lauren DiBiase 4675 MacArthur Ct Suite 1600 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 273-1226 ldibiase@mygenesisbank.com
Gogo Cabinets
Warren Chong 1726 Tyler Avenue South El Monte, CA 91733-3430 (626)328-6071 w.chong@gogocabinet.com
Google Fiber
Carol Luong 19510 Jamboree Road Google Building FAIR Irvine, CA 92612 (949) 800-1346 luongcarol@google.com
Rachel Corn 9211 Harlow Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90034 (781) 264-3696 rachel.corn@gmail.com
With the new Livable Pro, Housing Providers of any size can bill back Residents for master-billed utilities and amenities.
The FIRST DIY solution to recover masterbilled utilities, Livable’s new Pro platform lets Housing Providers and Property Managers divide utility bills using occupancy, square footage or by unit. Don’t worry - we still offer Billing Automation for larger management companies!
Billing transparency
Manager & Resident portals
Free setup
No unit minimums HIGHLIGHTS:
continued from page 54
Gorman & Associates
Sonya Loera PO Box 325 Brea, CA 92822 (714) 255-9998
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
GQ Landscape Care, Inc.
Mario Quiroz
4195 Chino Hills Parkway, Suite 202 Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 906-6009
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro
James Armendariz 20984 Bake Pkwy, Ste 100 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (909) 238-4169
Andrew Gulick
3419 Via Lido, Suite 388 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3908 (866) 442-7012 andrew.gulick@greenmarbles.com https://greenmarbles.com
Guardian Roofs by Sudduth Construction Inc.
Helen Tredo 1010 N. Batavia St., Suite F Orange, CA 92867 (714) 633-3619
guardianroofsbookkeeping@gmail.com — www.guardianroofs.com
Roofing systems for residential and commercial property for over 30 years. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
H2O Heating Pros, Inc.
Tim Caufield — timcaufield@h2oheatingpros.com P.O. Box 91 Menifee, CA 92586 (951) 405-0015 email@h2oheatingpros.com — www.h2oheatingpros.com
HMWC, CPAs & Business Advisors
David Eisenman
17501 17th St., Suite 100 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 505-9000 david@hmwccpa.com
HMWC, CPAs & Business Advisors
David Eisenman
17501 17th St., Suite 100 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 505-9000 david@hmwccpa.com
Ingersoll Rand
Jesse Estrada 11927 Ottawa Pl. #90 Chino, CA 91710 (909) 306-9390 jesse.estrada@irco.com
Insurance Solutions of America
Coleen Badawi 7365 Carnelian Street STE 201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 942-9946 coleen@isaagent.us
Cassandra Joachim 632 Commercial Street, 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 849-4400 info@myintellirent.com
Intersolutions — Property Management Staffing
Laura Aliberti 17762 Manchester Avenue Irvine, CA 92614-6649 (858) 367-5998
laliberti@intersolutions.com - www.intersolutions.com
Investing in The OC
Mercedes Shaffer 1200 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 330-9999
InvestingInTheOC@gmail.com — http://investingintheoc.com
Ironwood Plumbing, Inc.
Carl Ludwig 101 S. Kraemer Blvd., Suite 100 Placentia, CA 92870 (877) 484-7575 carl@ironwoodplumbing.com — www.ironwoodplumbing.com
ISU — The Olson Duncan Agency
Jim Kinmartin 25550 Hawthorne Blvd #203 Torrance, CA 90505 (310) 373-6441 jim@olsonduncan.com — www.olsonduncan.com
Independent insurance brokerage representing commercial building owners and operators.
JKJ Plus One, Inc
Cassandra Torres 444 Old Newport Boulevard, Ste C Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949)259-3092 cassandra@casstorres.com
JLE Property Management
Denise Arredondo
700 West 1st Street, Suite 12
Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 778-0480
www.jle1.com — denise@jle1.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Junk King Orange County/Anaheim
Lee Turrini
9272 Jeronimo Rd, Suite 108 Irvine, CA 92618 (949)677-1132
Kairos Investment Management Company
Jon Needell 30242 Esperanza Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 709-8888
jneedell@kimc.com — www.kimc.com
Kay Properties & Investments Company
Patricia Aballe 21515 Hawthorne Blvd, 360 Torrance, CA 90503 (855) 899-4597
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
KD Electric Company
Derrick Laughlin 17071 E. Imperial Hwy., Suite A6 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 223-2700
derrick@kdelectric.com — www.kdelectric.com
Electrical wiring & installation for remodels, tenant improvements, new constructions & additions.
Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP
Michael Chen 2040 Main St., Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 476-5585
KJ Carpet Wholesale
Chris Yi PO Box 369 Walnut, CA 91788 (909) 455-0180
Kustum Kunstrukshun
Jonathan Muller 7611 Volga Drive, 1 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (562)370-6080
josh@kustumk.com—https://kustumk.com/ L’Abri Management, Inc. 8141 E. Second Street, Suite 300 Downey, CA 90241 (714) 826-9972 www.labri-inc.com
Full service property management provider for 16+ units. LA Hydro-Jet & Rooter Service, Inc.
Dan Baldwin 10639 Wixom St Sun Valley, CA 91352 (800) 750-4426
Landcare Logic
Jalin Gerber 1448 N. Glassell Orange, CA 92867 (951) 316-8002
jalin@landcarelogic.com — www.landcarelogic.com
Howard Lee
1070 N. State College Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 533-7835
hmlee_vp@yahoo.com — www.laundryup.com
Daniel Sharabi PO Box 475852 San Francisco, CA 94147 (877) 789-6027
comesave@livable.com — www.livable.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Lloyd Pest Control
David Hinrichs 1331 Morena Blvd, #300 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 843-6369
LoCali Management Group
Nathan Poth 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Ste 625 Irvine, CA 92603 (714) 747-9074
Nathan@livinglocali.com — www.livinglocali.com
Boutique style property management.
LordCap Green
Jessica Collins 14 Wall Street, Ste 1720 New York, NY 10005 (212) 400-7142 team@lordcapgreen.com — https://www.lordcapgreen.com
Supplier Contact Index — continued on page 58
Joel Duchesne 2911 1/2 Hewitt Ave., Suite 8 Everett, WA 98201 (866) 387-7275
Mailboxes R Us
Tony McDaniel
1980 N Glassell Street Orange, CA 92865 (714) 779-7779
Monument Roofing
Aaron Martin
625 W. Katella Ave. #29 Orange, CA 92867 (714) 538-3330
See the Advertisers Index on Page 76 for the location of our ad. Mesa Garage Doors
Meridith Denos 4915 E Hunter Ave Anaheim, CA 92807 (808) 807-7566 mdenos@mesagaragedoors.com — www.mesagaragedoors.com
MJC Realty
Joel Carlson
3 Upper Newport Plaza Drive, First Floor Newport Beach, CA 92658 (714) 271-7322
Molly Maid of Irvine, Saddleback and Temecula Valley
Scott Sims
20984 Bake Parkway #102 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 367-8000 x 2 scott.sims@mollymaid.com www.mollymaid.com/irvine-saddleback-valley/ Moore Replacements
Mike Moore
1525 W MacArthur Blvd, Unit 16 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 963-0505 mike@moorereplacements.com
Morgan Skendarian Investment Real Estate Group 4590 Mac Arthur Blvd., Suite 260 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 251.8800 md@morganskenderian.com
MRI Software
Mary Greene 28925 Fountain Parkway Solon, OH 44139-4356 (714) 403-3622
mary.greene@mrisoftware.com — http://www.checkpointid.com
Multifamily Utility Company
Denise Deverelle—ddeverelle@multifamilyutility.com PO Box 86531
San Diego, CA 92138 (800) 266-0968 sales@multifamilyutility.com
Team Services
Teresa Manzano Mendoza 17321 Irvine Blvd, #205 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 213-8841 teresa@multiteam.net — www.multiteamservices.com
National Credit Systems
Gordon Marshall 1775 The Exchange SE Suite 300 Marietta, GA 30339 (800) 515-6858 gmarshall@nationalcreditsystems.com
National Service Company
Anel Burgin 845 N Commerce St Orange, CA 92867 (714) 633-1811
ab_national@yahoo.com — www.apartmentlaundry.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Navion Insurance Associates, Inc
Shawntae Stewart 23001 La Palma Avenue, Ste 120 Yorba Linda, CA 92887 (714) 202-4711 sstewart@navionins.com — www.navionins.com
Newmeyer & Dillion, LLP
Rondi Walsh
895 Dove Street, 5th Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 854-7000 rondi.walsh@ndlf.com
New York Life
Kimberly Lucas 3711 Calle Casino San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 244-5459 kalucas@ft.newyorklife.com
NFP Property & Casualty
Eric R. Marrs, CIC, CRM, Vice President 1551 Tustin Avenue, Suite 500 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 617-2446
eric.r.marrs@nfp.com — www.nfp.com Commercial, Personal & Health Insurance.
NPM Staffing an InterSolutions Company
Laura Aliberti 2400 East Katella Ave., Suite 800 Anaheim, CA 92806 (949) 307-1595
laliberti@npmstaffing.com — www.npmstaffing.com
OC Professional Maintenance Team
Jennifer Barragan 1180 W. Ball Rd. #9134 Anaheim, CA 92812 (714) 583-8633 info@ocproteam.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Oliver Mahon Asphalt
Michelle Hogge 182 Wells Place Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 548-6398 admin@olivermahon.com
OMNIA Partners, Multifamily Housing
Peter Braun 1941 South Grant Street Denver, Colorado 80210 (303)910-7636 peter.braun@omniapartners.com omniapartners.com/multifamilyhousing
One Call Restoration
Anthony Nocera 1240 S Wright Street Santa Ana, CA 92705 (562) 824-1234 tony@onecallsm.com
Optimum Seismic, Inc.
Ali Sahabi 5508 S. Santa Fe Ave. Vernon, CA 90058 (323) 605-0000 asahabi@optimumseismic.com — www.optimumseismic.com See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Orange County Property Management
Eric Reichert 16742 Gothard Street, Suite 117 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 840-1700 eric@ocmgmt.com — orangecountypropertymanagement.com
Orion DCP Inc.
Yathrib Heredia 117 North Bewley Street Santa Ana, CA 92703 (949) 306-3995 Yheredia@Oriondcp.com
Pacific Coast Commercial Pool Service
Roger Klump 5282 Acacia Ave Garden Grove, CA 92845 (714) 351-1881 rdklump@gmail.com
Pacific Environmental & Abatement Solutions Inc
Kristine Ramos kristine@peasolutions.com P.O. Box 459 Surfside, CA 90743 (714)379-5029 info@peasolutions.com
Patio Guys
Joanna Solis 2907 Oak St Santa Ana, CA 92707 (800) 310-4897 commercial@patioguys.com
Phillip Forrester 1612 Cambridge Circle Charlottesville, VA 22903 (323) 863-8403 pf@pearlxinfra.com
Jonna Slaybaugh 1935 Poncha Court Larkspur, CO 80118 (720)381-9307 Jonna.slaybaugh@spectrumbrands.com
Pipe Restoration Solutions, Inc
Chris Diaz chris@prspipe.com 15510 Rockfield Blvd, Suite C100 Irvine, CA 92618 (800) 652-7604 info@prspipe.com https://www.piperestorationsolutions.com/
PK Security, Inc.
Steve Flamm P.O. Box 55597 Valencia, CA 91355 (800) 459-4068 stevef@fpksecurity.com
PRC Restoration
Freddy Rodriguez 23839 Banning Blvd Carson, CA 90745 (562) 490-6900 info@prcrestoration.com — www.prcrestoration.com
Supplier Contact Index — continued from page 58
Precision Concrete Cutting
Aaron Anderson
650 S Grand Ave #108
Santa Ana, CA 92705 (760) 448-0979
aaron@pcctriphazardremoval.com — www.safesidewalks.com
Prendiville Insurance Agency
Angela Weiss 24661 Del Prado, Suite 3
Dana Point, CA 92629-2805 (949) 487-9696
ProActive Realty Investments
Rita Aguila
1913 E. 17th Street, Suite 217 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 541-3138
rita@proactiveri.com — www.proactiveri.com
Property Management Multifamily & Single Homes, Real Estate Sales.
Professional Towing LLC
Alberto Castellanos 593 North Batavia Street Orange, CA 92868-1218 (714) 616-0290
Promaxima Strength & Conditioning
Lesley Ward 5310 Ashbrook Drive Houston, TX 77081 (979) 946-6889
lward@promaxima.com — www.promaxima.com
PWS Laundry / Alliance
John Endahl 12020 Garfield Ave South Gate, CA 90280 (323) 721-8832
jendahl@pswlaundry.com — www.pwslaundrywest.com
PyroComm Systems, Inc.
Jake Tirabassi 15215 Alton Parkway, #200 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 386-0798
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
David Rhodes 2350 S. Milliken Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 230-5400 drhodes@rbdist.com — www.rbdist.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
RCS Construction Management
Bill Rupert 9114 Adams Ave 340 Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (310) 667-2829 info@rcs-cm.com
Real Floors
Delia Chamberlain—delia.chamberlain@realfloors.com 560 Webb Industrial Dr Marietta, GA 30062 (810)444-1550 jessica.mcconnell@realfloors.com
Reliant Parking Solutions, LLC
Kevin Wexler PO Box 13004 Carlsbad, CA 92013 (760) 494-0938 info@reliantparking.com
Barton Strawn
200 Civic Center Drive, Suite 150 Sandy, UT 84070 (888) 222-1009 www.rentler.com/partner/aaoc — membership@rentler.com
Laura Lemansky
950 East Paces Ferry Road NE, Suite 2600 Atlanta, GA 30326 (949) 943-5177 llemansky@rent.com - www.rent.com
Repipe Specialists, Inc
Daniel Johnston
245 East Olive Ave, 5th Floor Burbank, CA 91502 (703) 801-8269 daniel.johnston@repipespecialists.com
Resident IQ
Angela Mackey — angela.mackey@residentiq.com
2035 Lakeside Centre Way Suite 250 Knoxville, TN 379220 (949) 698-3662 sales@residentiq.com
REVS (Refuel Electric Vehicle Solutions)
David Aaronson
3753 Nottingham St Houston, TX 77005 (713) 927-1693 daaronson@refuelevs.com — www.refuelevs.com
Rey Insurance Services, Inc.
Mike Rey 27130 Paseo Espada B523
San Juan Capistrano, CA (949) 487-9661 mike@reyinsuranceservices.com — www.reyinsuranceservices.com
Reynolds Realty Advisors
Elizabeth Reynolds 3900 E Miraloma Ave, Suite H Anaheim CA, 92806 (866) 613-7772 Elizabeth@ReynoldsRealtyAdvisors.com www.ReynoldsRealtyAdvisors.com
Roberts Management & Investments
Ray Roberts 3532 Katella Ave, Suite 111 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 430-3588
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Roto Rooter Service Company
Jacob Coe 1501 Railroad Street Corona, CA 92878 (714) 666-1665 jacob.coe@rrsc.com
S-Team Turn Overs
Carlos Mercado 2030 East 4th Street Santa Ana, CA 92705 (310) 986-1522 cmercado@steamoc.com
S.E. Electrical Service Inc.
Sam Edalati 6282 Abraham Avenue Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 448-6252 seelectricoc@verizon.net
Satellite Management Company
Paul Conzelman 1010 E Chestnut Ave Santa Ana, CA 92701 714) 558-2411 ext 124 pconzelman@satellitemanagement.com
Schluter Systems
Mary Yocum 15 Nantucket Lane Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (714) 329-0355 myocum@schluter.com
Securitas Security Services USA
Jacob King 27275 Miraflores Mission Viejo, CA 92692 (619) 559-3020 jacob.king@securitasinc.com
Service 1st
Sergio Sanchos 2510 N. Grand Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714)573-2251 ssancho@service-1st.com — http://www.service-1st.com
Shanon Ohmann Real Estate Group
Shanon Ohmann 28361 Lakewood Drive
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (949) 309-1244 Shanonohmann@gmail.com
Signal of OC/SD
Gilbert Holguin 2140 West Chapman Avenue Suite #250 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 715-2157 gholguin@teamsignal.com — https://www.teamsignal.com/
S M Painting Corp.
Salvador Munguia 417 S. Associated Rd. #212 Brea, CA 92821 smpaintscheduling@gmail.com
Snappt Inc.
Daniel Cooper 6100 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048 (714) 812-2340 dcooper@snappt.com — www.snappt.com
South Coast Real Estate & Property Management 1927 Harbor Blvd., #370 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (800) 541-1962 paul@southcoastrealestatebroker.com
Southern California Edison-Multi Family Program
Mary Finn Parker 1515 Walnut Grove Ave Rosemead, CA 91770 (714) 307-5274 mary.finn@sce.com — www.sce.com
Southern Cross Property Consultants
Becky Millat 4055 Hancock St., Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 385-3757 becky@southerncrosspc.com
Specialty AC Heat
Wendell Grant 4650 Arrow Highway Ste C6 Montclair, CA 91763 (909) 982-7999 alexd.specialty@gmail.com
Spicer Mechanical
Chad Hegreberg 1210 N. Jefferson #K, Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) 279-9100 chadh@spicermechanical.com — www.spicermechanical.com
Strategic Sanitation Services
Eric Lenning 25801 Obrero Drive #11 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (877) 271-7909
Sunwest Bank
Lesley Wright 2050 Main Street Irvine, CA 92614 (714)730-4437 lwright@sunwestbank.com
SVN / Vanguard — Cameron Irons
Cameron Irons
120 W. 5th Street #210
Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 446-0600 cirons@svn.com — www.svnvanguard.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Synergy Companies
Douglas Price 90 Business Park Drive Perris, CA 92571 (951)443-6151
TAG / AMS, Inc.
Rick Denver 10572 Chestnut Street Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 280-0177
Annie Bing 14107 Brighton Ave Gardena, CA 90249 (714) 925-0598
ab@tasoroproducts.com — https://tasoroproducts.com/ Tax & Financial Group
Justin Hess
4001 MacArthur Blvd. 3rd Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 223-8434
The Door & Window Company
Elsa Pizana 1529 W. Alton Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 754-4085
Alexandra Nazaire 1 World Trade Center New York, NY 10007 (212) 266-0020 associations@theguarantors.com — success@theguarantors.com
The Junkluggers of Orange County
Kyle Mussche 1135 West Katella Avenue Orange, CA 92867 (714) 493-7625
The Liberty Group
Carrie Floyd 11801 Pierce Street, Suite 200 Riverside, CA 92505 (951) 744-0057
carrief@thelibertygroup.com — www.thelibertygroup.com
The Management Works
Chip Robinson 1303 Avocado Ave #260 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-2063
We provide apartment property management in Southern California.
The Mogharebi Group
Brett Bayless 28 Crestview Drive
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 887-2465
Titanium Restoration Services Company
Victor Martinez P.O. Box 4584 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 290-5875
TO’ and MO’ Towing
Robert Heer
518 N. Poinsettia Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 543-0879 rchjr@pacbell.net
Towing company with 4 locations in Orange County.
Torrey Pines Bank
Patrick Davern
600 Anton Boulevard Costa Mesa, California 92626 (213) 362-5288
Total Rooter & Plumbing
Steve Whittiker 2408 West Avenue Fullerton, CA 92833-3138 (714) 715-3315
See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Urban Surfaces
Brandon Cutler 2380 Railroad Street, Building 101 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 223-4645
brandon.c@urbansurfaces.com — www.urbansurfaces.com
USGI — Upland Group
William Estela 2390 E. Orangewood Avenue #520 Anaheim, CA 92806 (855) 787-5263
westela@usg.org — www.usg.org
Valet Living
Briana Sellers
100 South Ashley Drive, Suite 700 Tampa, FL 33602 (813) 248-1327
briana.sellers@valetliving.com — www.valetliving.com
Chao Wang
1065 N. Pacificenter Dr, Suite 410 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 479-2050
Voit Real Estate Services
Joe Leon
2020 Main Street, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 939-9898
WASH Multi Family Laundry Systems
Tracy McMahon
100 N. Sepulveda Blvd., 12th Floor El Segundo, CA 90245 (800) 421-6897 Ext: 1625
Coin-operated laundry equipment. See the Advertisers Index on Page 64 for the location of our ad.
Water Heater Man, Inc.
Jim Green
570 W. Freedom Ave. Orange, CA 92865 (714) 282-7098
Water Heater/boiler service and installation.
Water Heaters Only Inc.
Yana Carpenter 970 E. Main Street #200 Grass Valley, CA 95945 (800)833-4570
laoffice@waterheatersonly.com — www.waterheatersonly.com
Wesierski & Zurek LLP, Lawyers
Thomas B Cummings Esq.
1 Corporate Park Dr, Fl 2 Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 975-1000 tcummings@wzllp.com — www.wzllp.com Defense of Landlord/Tenant, Premises Liability and Employment Matters.
West Coast Drywall & Paint
Aaron Fernandez 1610 W. Linden Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 (951) 778-3592 aaron.fernandez@wcdp.com
Western State Design, Inc.
Sheri Tam 2331 Tripaldi Way Hayward, CA 94545-5022 (510) 931-7099 stam@westernstatedesign.com
WICR Waterproofing & Decking
901 E. Taquitz Canyon Way, Suite A105 Palm Springs, CA 92262 (888) 388-9427 sean@wicr.net
Yardi Systems Inc.
Brigitta Eggelston 430 S Fairview Ave Santa Barbara, CA 93117 (805) 699-2040 x1424 brigitta.eggleston@yardi.com
Ygrene Energy Fund
Emily Ramey 2100 South McDowell Blvd. Petaluma, CA 94954 (415) 261-7578 emily.ramey@ygrene.com
Zebra Construction Inc.
Michelle Durey - michelle@zebraconstruct.com 2523 S Robertson Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90034 (310) 890-3989 info@zebraconstruct.com
Zillow Rentals
Paige Gamboa 1301 2nd Ave, Floor 31 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 757-4830 rentalsevents@zillowgroup.com — http://www.zillow.com
49 Geary St. San Francisco, CA 94108 714) 262-4213 darcy@zumper.com
Do you know… AAOC Membership Counselors are on hand to give members general guidance to help with day to day operations of your property?
Lin-Ed’s Appliance Service & Repair 58
ORCO Apartment Supply 39
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover
C & C Paving Company, Inc. 20
Block & Associates Inside Back Cover
Brennan Law Firm 2
Pennfield Paralegal Servies 26
South Coast Deck Inspections 26
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 19, 61
OC Professional Maintenance Team 57
Apex Window Decor 30
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 19, 61
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 19, 61
Residential Repairs 49 CARPETS
Carpet Crafts 25
ORCO Apartment Supply 39
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover
ACE Commerical Laundry Equipment, Inc. 59 National Service 64 Wash.com Machine Sales 41 COLLECTIONS
Block & Associates Inside Back Cover CONCRETE MAINTENANCE & REPAIR Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 19, 61 C & C Paving Company, Inc. 20
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 19, 61
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.