APIBA Newsletter N° 46 - June 2013

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Newsletter No. 46 - June 2013 From the President 9 June, 2013 Dear APIBA Members and e-group subscribers, APIBA is vibrant with news. First, the countdown to the FAAPI 2013 Conference in Buenos Aires has already started: 109 days to meet the most-renowned local and international specialists in bi/multi/plurilingualism, interculturality and language identity along with dozens of colleagues from Argentina and Latin America that will share their research and work in these fields.

News on more APIBA events include summaries and photo albums of APIBA SIGs Opening Event last April, the second edition of the SEEDS Project and, just yesterday, APIBA Un-Bloomsday and Annual Fellowship Lunch. Below you will also find updates on the APIBA Junior, Senior & Mentoring Programmes, suggested professional fees, APIBA Best-Average Awards, news from FAAPI, discounts and benefits for APIBA Members and Volunteers, social news and a warm welcome to new APIBA Members. Read on and keep up with news on APIBA and the FAAPI 2013 Conference at www.apiba.org.ar and following #apiba #faapi13 on our social networks. Warm regards, AnalĂ­a Kandel APIBA President presidente@apiba.org.ar

FAAPI 2013 Conference in Buenos Aires

Register NOW!

FAAPI ’13 Poster

Keynote Speakers

FAAPI ’13 Accommodation


Keep up with the #FAAPI13 Conference updates

apiba.org.ar/faapi13 APIBA SIGs Opening Event On April 6 APIBA SIGs held their Opening Event at INSPT-UTN. New Coordinators were elected and the meeting dates for 2013 were agreed upon.  E-Teaching and Learning SIG: Claudia Antinori, Marcia Balda, Cintia García & Silvana Lopardo  Language & Phonology SIG: Adriana Mizrahi & Celia Nieto  Reading Group / Literature SIG: Cecilia Weber & Sofía Mazutti  Methodology SIG: Andrea Paradiuk & Anabella Herfert  Professional Issues SIG: Graciela Moyano & Débora Bagüez  Young Learners SIG: Belén Tur, Lucía Pérez Peña, Sabrina Funes We are very grateful to the authorities of INSPT for their hospitality and for treating us to delicious coffee and croissants! We invite APIBA Members, trainee teachers and anyone willing to further their interest in the above-mentioned fields to join one or more SIGs by writing to sigs@apiba.org.ar More information (dates, agendas, FAQs) at www.apiba.org.ar

See the Photo Album HERE

Un-Bloomsday and Annual Fellowship Lunch

Honorary Member Susana Gullco Groisman leading Un-Bloomsday

Susana Gullco Groisman and Reading Group / Literature SIG Coordinators SofĂ­a Masutti & Cecilia Weber, SIGs Liaison Officer Romina Arena

APIBA Fellowship Lunch 2013

See the Photo Album / Read more

SEEDS: Sowing Experience from Evoking Diversity in Schools

El 24 de abril comenzó la segunda edición del curso SEEDS en la Escuela Nº1 “República de Bolivia”, D.E. 5. con el taller sobre “Lingüística” a cargo de la especialista y Socia Silvia Iummato. El 15 de mayo se llevó a cabo el segundo encuentro sobre Voluntariado, a cargo de Laura Copteleza, AFS; el 29 de mayo el tercer encuentro sobre Educación Intercultural Bilingüe, a cargo de Dora Bordegaray; y el cuarto y último encuentro sobre diseño de actividades para el aula será el 12 de junio, coordinado por las Socias Laureana Moreno y Mariángeles Portilla de la Subcomisión SEEDS de APIBA. El proyecto cuenta con 56 participantes activos en la plataforma entre presenciales y virtuales. APIBA agradece a la Socia Honoraria Cristina Banfi por la iniciativa de este proyecto, a la Dirección Operativa de Lenguas Extranjeras GCBA y Supervisores de los Distritos Escolares 19-20 Daniel Núñez y 4-5 Adriana Vignone, a la Embajada de Estados Unidos por el subsidio otorgado para este proyecto, a AFS por su valiosa participación.

Ver fotos AQUÍ Más información: www.apiba.org.ar/nuestra-asociacion/programas/seeds

Honorarios Profesionales: Actualización APIBA SIG Temas Profesionales realizó un relevamiento sobre el promedio de los honorarios que nuestros asociados/as han aportado para cada rubro en base al Relevamiento de honorarios profesionales, que comprende una consulta sobre el valor de la hora de clase de 60 minutos. Es recomendable emplear estos honorarios como referencia para fijar los propios. Trabajar en esta línea significa conocer el mercado y saber qué hacen los colegas. Ver el Informe AQUÍ

APIBA Programmes: News APIBA Junior Programme is aimed at teacher trainees who are at the last stage of their course of studies and would like to network with graduate teachers to start off their career. Read more The APIBA Senior Members’ Club will soon schedule a meeting to decide the scope and frequency of their activities. Those willing to join please contact Claudia Naom senior@apiba.org.ar The Mentoring Programme offered by APIBA welcomes members who would like to become mentees as well as members who would like to become mentors themselves by sharing their experience and helping others. The good news is that both ends of the programme are extremely rewarding. The satisfaction one gains from helping someone else succeed is a great personal reward. It goes without saying that mentees benefit from mentoring programmes, which perhaps are not so popular among us but have proved extremely successful in different parts of the world where they are regularly used as a tool for induction. Do contact us if you are facing a change in your career and feel a mentor can help you meet the new challenges. Read more For further information or to request an interview, please write to Inés Cambiasso mentorazgo@apiba.org.ar “I’d like to share with you my experience with the mentorship programme offered by APIBA. I had a meeting with Inés Cambiasso in March and we discussed the changes I wanted to implement in my teaching career after devoting almost 20 years to in-company teaching. We analysed each of the projects I had in mind, its feasibility, and pros and cons. I’m grateful to Inés for her professionalism, honesty and generosity and to APIBA for this service.” Analía Esquerré

From APIBA Treasury

Have you paid your 2013 dues yet?

Thank you, Alfredo Grondona White!

APIBA Best-Average Awards On 23 May 2013 APIBA was present at ISP Joaquín V. González Graduation Ceremony. APIBA President Analía Kandel handed over the APIBA Best-Average Awards to newly-graduates Valeria Sterren and Karina Lijó. We look forward to having them as new APIBA Members! Many thanks to SBS Bookshop for their donation of books for the awards.

News from FAAPI: A.J.A.L. FAAPI has launched A.J.A.L., Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics. APIBA Members are encouraged to visit www.faapi.org.ar/ajal/home.html to register for more information and see the instructions for authors. Read the first issue of AJAL HERE. We hope it will become the first step of an engaging journey for our local English-teaching community. Congratulations!

APIBA Members’ Contributions APIBA Members are welcome to send their contributions to info@apiba.org.ar Letters to the Editor - Classroom Tips & Ideas Articles - Anecdotes - Reflections

Why Am I an APIBA Member? Leave your testimonial HERE APIBA Members

Become an APIBA Local Delegate HERE

Discounts and benefits for APIBA Members and Volunteers 1. Discounts

See all discounts for APIBA Members

If you are an APIBA Member and would like to suggest a discount for your fellow Members, please write to info@apiba.org.ar

2. Your name and contact details on APIBA website Are you an APIBA Member or an APIBA Volunteer? Would you like to add more information / contact details (e.g. web site, blog, twitter, etc) to the APIBA Members’ names currently available on our website? If so, simply complete this e-form and also write to info@apiba.org.ar

3. Free monthly publication service: Events and Job Offers APIBA Members with their dues up to date have a free publication service through the online Calendar at www.apiba.org.ar as well as on APIBA’s social networks Those who wish to publish, please complete this e-form: http://tinyurl.com/APIBACalendarEvents The APIBA Executive Committee wishes to thank APIBA Volunteer, teacher trainee Héctor Cuccarese, APIBA Calendar Editor

Social News from APIBA Members La Subcomisión Sociales APIBA comenzó su tarea de 2013 convocando a sus socios a visitar a la Prof. Clemencia Baraldi en su lugar de rehabilitación. Varias profesoras respondieron a la convocatoria con visitas que tanto reconfortaron a la profesora. Sumamos a la presencia de las colegas, la colaboración de Mónica Gandolfo y Claudia Ferradas que prestaron su notebook y módem móvil respectivamente y a los participantes de la colecta que reúne fondos para la Subcomisión de Sociales.

Merece destacarse la labor de Daniel Onyscenko, alumno de inglés de Clem y su profesor de computación que habitualmente se encuentra con ella los lunes, miércoles y sábados de 18 a 20 para acompañarla tan afectuosamente. Hoy nos alegra comunicar que Clem ha regresado a su hogar y continúa su recuperación. La inundación del 2/4/2013 afectó severamente a nuestras Socias Silvia Iummato en el barrio de Saavedra y a Nelba Quintana en la ciudad de La Plata. Por tal motivo, buena parte de los recursos obtenidos en la colecta permitieron hacer llegar ayuda a nuestras queridas colegas. Felicitaciones a  nuestros Socios recientemente jubilados: Beatriz Pena Lima, Claudia Naom, Jorge Ghenadenik y Ricardo Cavallini.  la Socia Virginia López Grisolía, quien recibió un reconocimiento por 25 años de trayectoria docente en el I.S.P. Dr. Joaquín V. González.  la Socia Jennifer Verschoor, galardonada con un Premio ELTons 2013 a la innovación en enseñanza del inglés APIBA Members, share your news through our Newsletter HERE APIBA wishes to thank Graciela Moyano sociales@apiba.org.ar for contacting APIBA Members to offer condolences, thank-you’s and congratulations.

Welcome New APIBA Members (in chronological order, date of membership)

Cintia García, Marcela Russo, Leandro Carreño, Adriana García Pelayo, Karin Demarco, Yael Hasbani, Patricia Gómez, Sofía Masutti, Marcia Balda, Lucía Perez Peña, Cecilia Dagnino, Ivana Gambarrutta

Hace a la profesión www.apiba.org.ar info@apiba.org.ar

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