FAAPI 2001 Thursday 20TH September, 2001 9.30-10.00
Opening Ceremony
Plenary Session by
Dr. Robert Phillipson (Video Presentation)
San Agustín Auditorium
San Agustín Auditorium
Lunch Locational thinking and the psycho-cultural approach to education
San Agustín Auditorium
San Agustín Auditorium
The English of Globalisation
Coffee break
Dr. Cristina Banfi, President of APIBA
Prof. Ana María Armendariz
Sponsored by Librería Rodríguez
Dr. Cristina Elgue de Martini
and and
Plenary Session
Opening Speeches by
Dr. Mario López Barrios, President of FAAPI
Video: The Human Language: Part 1:Discovering the Human Language “Colourless Green Ideas”
FAAPI 2001 Thursday 20TH September, 2001 Room
17.30 18.00
Claudia Ferradás Moi, M.A. (Literature)
María Silvia Stagnaro, M.A. (Applied Linguistics)
Daniel Reznik, M.A. (Business) Ron White, M.A. (Management)
“The Tempest” The Performers
Santa Cecilia Auditorium
Cocktail Party at Il Gatto
Lidia Soler, M.A. (Phonology)
Alicia Moreau de Justo 1190 Capital Federal
Dr Cristina Elgue de Martini (Cultural Studies)
Educación Superior
Dr Pascual Masullo, (Linguistics)
Coffee break
Panel 2 and Question and Answer session
Coffee break
San Agustín Auditorium
Panel 1 and Question and Answer session
FAAPI 2001
Dr. Peter Hargreaves
Room 5 (54)
Room 7 (60)
Room 9 (50) Room 10 (30)
Room 11 (35)
P3 Innovation and change: action research in the EFL classroom. (M. I. Artigas de Cambiasso, L.Camio & Blanco)
P8 From classroom to experience to workbook (M. A. Busso)
P11 The conditions for language use in the classroom and their impact on learners (A. Dobboletta)
P5 Activities for developing successful strategies for autonomous EFL learning (M. Barbeito & G. Placci) P17 To teach is to touch a life for ever... The notion of teacher development through case study (C. Mayol)
P27 Something more about old and new language learning strategies (S. Riccio de Bottino) P6 Looking back into training, thinking forward into quality: an examination of an English teacher-training programme. (M. L. Berrone & M. A. Portela)
9.00-10.30 W6 Helping students become independent learners (G. Castelli) 9.00-9.40 P10 The Textbook in the EFL classroom: a case study in Tucumán, Argentina. (L. D’Andrea de Miranda, R. Perea de Otrera & S. López)
9.40-10.20 P33 Cultural Categories for EFL textbook analysis (M. C. Sarasa)
10.20-11.00 P14 The teaching of foreign languages in Argentina as reflected in locally produced textbooks (M. López Barrios & E. Villanueva de Debat)
9.00-10.30 W1 Language and Content (P. Alemani & P. Veciño)
Room 13 (96)
W46 The Phonetics of English: what teachers need to know (C. Helot)
Room 14 (50) Room 17 (53) Room 19 (32) Room 20 (55) Room 21 (120) Room 22 (64) Room 23 (120) Santa Cecilia Auditoriu m
W3 Business English terms through a technique for teaching vocabulary (N. Avila) W2 Reading Comprehension- Strategies- Applications and Results (M. Archilla) W27 Enhancing self-esteem (Ricardo Cavallini) W19 Phonetics classes are a real drag... (T. Mc Queen & P. Luchini) W10 Battle of the Sexes- a light-hearted look at British television commercials (J. Goodchild) W8 I create, you create: creativity and multiple intelligences in class (M. Domínguez) W37 Nursery Rhymes in the Language Class: a Revaluation (B. Pena Lima) W48 Ready, steady, write. (A. Blair)
12.20-13.00 P20 Bilingualism: diversity vs uniformity (M. M. Michel Torino)
11.30-13.00 W40 Taking students off the beaten track (M. I. de Zabaleta, M. Rodríguez Sanmartino & M. Lazzaro) W13 Exploiting Brain Power to internalise the language better.(A. Leiguarda)
P4 Some remarks on the use of readers in the Literature class (C. R. Lothringer & Balbi) P2 Learning strategies: methodological implications. (A. Altamirano)
11.30-12.10 P15 Globalisation, the politics of cultural creation and the practice of ELT (P. López Cano)
P13 Present-day P24 An Insight into England: Myths and FCE/CAE writing skills: Reality (S. Ioli) approaches, assessment criteria and recommendations (M. Pardo Herrero)
11.30-13.00 W16 Realia and Technology in the Classroom (G. Martín & P. Veciño) 11.30-12.10 12.20-13.00 P12 Multiple P21 Teacher Growth Intelligences theory: through ComputerImplications for based Collaborative classroom Work (G. Moyano, V. management (D. Myslicki and M. I. Forquera) Santa) 11.30-13.00 W17 “What you get is ... What you see?: A new focus on the teaching of Literature” (M. Pilar Martínez & G. González) W15 Self and peer-observation through video recording as a tool for teacher development (C. López) W12 Dramatising stories and poems (A. Hopkins) W7 Noticing note-taking (G. Cerutti & G. Morera) W22 Portfolio assessment (Viviana Pisani) W9 How can we promote long-lasting learning? (P. Gelemur) W4 Designing lesson plans for online lessons (M. Carrier) W38 The syntax-lexicon interface and the advanced language teacher (P. Masullo) W18 Multi-dimensional approaches to language teaching (H, Masuhara) Panel de Asociaciones Profesionales
San Agustín Auditorium
Room 2 (30)
English Accents: Estuary English
“Marco Polo, TheTraveladventurer” The Group Santa Cecilia Auiditorum
9.00-9.40 P 43 Creating Knowledge Ecologies (Carolina Ruiz Montari)
The Common European Framework of Reference and its implications for language assessment 9.40-10.20 10.20-11.00 P7 The Treatment of P1 Grammar and Register Varieties in Discourse in ESL (Z. an ESP course. (G. Alvarez) Bulleraich )
Video: The Human Language:Part 2: Playing the Language Game “Acquiring the Human Language”.
PAPERS Room 1 (30)
Intercultural issues in Language Testing and Assessment
Semi-plenary by David Rosewarne, M.A.
Coffee break & Poster Presentations
Dave Allan, M.A.
Semi-plenary by
San Agustín Auditorium
Friday 21st September, 2001 10.00-11.00 11.0011.30 Semi-plenary by 11.30-12.30
FAAPI 2001 Friday 21st September, 2001 14.30-15.30
15. 3016. 00
Plenary By
Semi-plenary by
Dr. Brian Tomlinson
Michael Carrier, M.A.
Room 8 (50)
CP24 Fun, Lively Activities for Developing Vocabulary (K. Fraser- Pearson Education) Monseñor Derisi Auditórium
San Agustín Auditorium
P34 Kramsch’s dichotomies: facing the challenge (M. C. Sarasa, M. Calvete & J. A. Gómez) P16 Cooperative P31 Writing Teaching in in EFL as a Academic Writing recursive Courses (I. cognitive Martínez) process (M. Lucente) W 39 Shedding light in vocabulary learning techniques (M. Cuello, G. Ospital & B. Rondina) W11 Argentina in English (J. Goodchild)
“To Be or not To Be” The Buenos Aires Players Santa Cecilia Auditorium
P22 Another concrete contribution: environmental terminology (N. Muñoz Maradona)
Coffee break & Poster Presentations
Room 5 (54)
San Agustín Auditorium
Room 3 (30)
Room 4 (84)
21.00 onwa rds
The Use of IT in EFL: Training and Resources for Teachers
Humanising the Coursebook
18.00-19.00 18.00-19.00
16.00-16.40 16.00-17.00
Room 1 (30)
Room 2 (30)
W14 What content? Whose culture? Where to go and how to get there (C. Lizárraga, S. Granado & A. Terán)
W23 Celebrating Diversity; the challenges of Mixed-Ability classes (A. Pron)
Room 7 (60)
W21 Using instructional design principles for the production of your instructional materials (R. Perez Galluccio)
Room 9 (50)
W24 Multiple Intelligences and the Entry Point Approach (C. Ramírez)
Room 13 (96)
W25 Intercultural issues in Language Testing and Assessment (Dave Allan)
Women Welcome Women World Wide Presentation
18.00-18.group30 20.00
CP26 Practice makes Perfect (A. Blair- Richmond Publishing)
CP21 Professional Development Courses in the UK for Teachers of English- the Chance to Find out all you Need to Know (D.AllanNILE) CP13 Expressions: Meaningful English Communication (F. LozanoHeinle & Heinle Thomson Learning) CP1 The ABC in Time Management (L Lewin- ACME Agency and ABS International)
CP40 Help your Students Access a Wider World with Trinity ESOL Spoken Examinations (Erna BerntzTrinity College London) CP10 Songs for debate and for fun (S.RomaniEstari Libros)
CP29 Language Learning and Language Acquisition at Primary Levels (M Pepanides & T. Thompson- SBS) CP9 International Teacher Training Institute. LCI Hastings- Courses available (V. RicharsonEmbassy CES)
CP12 Get your students to GO FOR IT (F. Lozano- Heinle & Heinle Thomson Learning) CP5 Teacher Development Programmes (S. Nihany- Bell International)
CP6 Join in: a MultipleIntelligence Course for Young Children (G. Mohr- CUP)
CP15 Learning Language Abroad (M. Frenkel de Frers- Interlink Language Centre)
CP4 Secondary School Programmes in Australia (S. StockerAustralia and New Zealand Travel)
CP45 Teacher Training Courses (Michael CarrierInternational House)
CP20 Maestros y Profesores.com, el Mejor Sitio Laboral para el Area Educativa (C. Eastman & C. Mc LeanMaestrosyprofesore s.com) CP42 Building a Sense of Achievement: The Right Tests for your School (G. BayaLiceo Cultural Británico)
CP11 Leadership V Programmes (M. PironelliEurocentres)
CP44 Stone Curry – The Best Soup I ever Tasted (Nicolas Ridley)
CP37 TOE GAT? The NonTOEFL Exam (M. Gallo ICANA)
CP41 California State University Master in TESOL, Buenos Aires-Los Angeles (M. Gallo & I. VillagarcíaICANA)
CP17 Latest Developments in Business English Exams (V. Botti Barnett- LCCIEB)
CP14 How to Become a Qualified Holistic Teacher & How to Start and Run you Own Holistic English Institute (G. BuscagliaIACA)
CP 19 Different Options of Teacher Training in the World (V.NatapofLenguas Educational Counselling)
Conference Dinner- Los Dos Chinos Brazil 780
FAAPI 2001 Room 14 (50)
Room 15 (50)
Room 17 (53) Room 19 (32)
W28 The Pragmatic domain of language awareness: raising pragmatic consciousness in the foreign language classroom (Daniel Fernández) W26 Developing Writing Skills with Younger Learners (Lise Bell)
W 51 Building a Wonderful World for Children (J. L. Morales) W34 Action Research: understanding instructions, a way towards autonomous learning? (G. Tavella)
FAAPI meeting
CP2 Main Feature: Video: Starring: Animals (A. Díaz & M. I. Recamán- Advice Bookshop)
CP7 Cambridge CP30 Learner’s Dictionary Embracing with CD ROM: an Pleasure effective reference Reading (M. T. and study tool for Manteostudents and Scholastic teachers (G. MohrArgentina) CUP) SEA (Schools of English Association) meeting
FAAPI 2001
Room 3 (30) Room 5 (54) Room 10 (30) Room 11 (35) Room 12(30)
Room 13 (96)
Room 14 (50) Room 15 (50) Room 17 (53) Room 18 (50) Room 19 (32) Room 20(55) Room 22 (64)
Room 24 (60)
Plenary by
Semi-plenary by
Semi-plenary by Prof. Paul Seddon
Dr. Cristine Helot
Daniel Reznik, M.A.
Bilingualism: social, affective and cognitive factors
E-mancipating the learner: exploiting the WWW for ELT
Improving Language Development for EFL teachers 10.00.-10.40
W29 The Magic of a Good Story (T. Larner & H. Finnerty)
P25 Reading Comprehension ESP courses: should learning strategies be taught? (A. Perez de Pereira & B. Aguilar de Espinosa) P23 An analysis of some recurrent segment errors by Spanish speaking trainees: from research findings to teaching implications and instructions (F. Negrelli) P32 Understanding the adult learner: an exploration of his built-in syllabus (Ana M. R. de Bergel) P30 What is a good test and who is it good for? (E. Lowen)
P35 Otherness in Literature (V. Storni Fricke) P40 A syllabus design for an ESP Reading course at University Level. (L. Fortuny) P18 “No es el chancho sino quien le da de comer”: Standards, foreign experts, local élites and linguistic imperialism (E. McDonagh) P36 Facilitating the development of teachers’ academic literacy: a blueprint for action (A. Traversa) P 44 Interactive Feedback (C. Arguimbau)
P38 The Karate Kid in the English Classroom: English, Learning and “the transversal contents”? (M. Aparicio) P 42 Self-access language learning: challenging our views on ELT? (C. Sassone) P37 A proposal for evaluating listening comprehension (I. Valsecchi, M. Edith Chiappello & Ana M. Longhini)
W30 Reading Skills: beyond the reading race (G. Lavagno)
W 5 The Principles of Brain-Compatible Learning (M. Casamassina) W31 Classroom power and the teacher student relationship (V. Richardson) W44 Words: just the tip of the iceberg (M. Rodríguez & M. Inés de Zabaleta) W43 Integrating Training in Learning Strategies (C. Lainz) 11.30-12.10
Room 2 (30)
P41 From Nominal compounds to efficient abstract writing (L. Fortuny et al) W20 Examining Oral Competence (S. Needham)
W33 Alternative Language Learning: a Holistic Class (M. Suárez) W35 Performance Assessment: Task + Rubrics (B. Wolff) W32 Global Issues in Focus (R. Sampedro) W36 Using short stories in the language classroom (L.Yael) W42 More than words (M. Luciani & N. Poloni) W41 Making Learning Memorable (J. Duncan & L. Szmuch) W47 A practical approach to modelling writing: developing the discussion genre (S. O’Neill) W49 Take advantage of your students (J. Hird)
“Camelot” Artspot Santa Cecilia Auditorium Video: The Human Language:Part 3: The Human Language Evolves “With and Without Words.“ San Agustín Auditorium
Room 1 (30)
Saturday 22nd September, 2001 10.00-11.00 11.0011.30
Coffee break & Poster Presentations
San Agustín Auditorium
FAAPI 2001
16.00—17.00 CP22 The Quick Placement Test: the Test that Makes your Life Easier (A. Birtles- OUP)
Ron White, M.A. Globalization and the futures of English Language Teaching San Agustín Auditorium
Room 8 (50)
Room 9 (50)
Room 13 (96)
Room 6 (90)
Coffee break & Poster Presentations
Room 5 (54)
17.00- 18.00
Monseñor Derisi Auditorium
16.00-1630 16.30-17.00 CP33 CP34 Assessing Bringing CPE Speaking Writing Up-toSkills: the Date in the CELS Range Revised of Exams, a Examination New (P. Approach Hargreaves, from UCLES UCLES) (A. Boffi CánepaUCLES) CP2 Main CP20 Feature: Maestros y Video: Profesores.co Starring: m, el Mejor Animals (A. Sitio Laboral Díaz & M. I. para el Area RecamánEducativa (C. Advice Eastman & C. Bookshop) Mc Leanmaestrosypro fesores.com) CP16 Cool CP28 The Britannia? R Multiple U up 4 it (Are Intelligence you up for it?) Theory in (M. Frenkel EFL Practice de Frers(M. Interlink Pepanides & Language T. ThomsonCentre) SBS) CP9 CP4 International Secondary Teacher School Training Programmes Institute (V. in Australia Richardson(S. StockerEmbassy Australia and CES & New Zealand Learning Travel) Centre Institute) CP18 CP19 Developing Different Materials and Options of Yourself.(B. Teacher TomlinsonTraining in Leeds the World Metropolitan (V.NatapofUniversity) Lenguas Educational Counselling)
CP8 London Tests of English: Communicati ve Tests for all Levels (E. LowenEDEXCEL London Examinations ) CP10 Songs for debate and for fun (S.RomaniEstari Libros)
CP23 Making the Most of Dictionaries in the Classroom (A. WatersOUP)
Santa Cecilia Auditorium
Room 4 (84)
Room 7 (60)
Saturday 22nd September, 2001 16.00-18.00
CP17 Latest Development s in Business English Exams (V. Botti BarnettLCCIEB)
CP36 Oh! What a wonderful world (J. L. MoralesMacmillan Heinemann)
17.00- 17.30
17.30- 18.00
CP39 Inside Out ( J. HirdMacmillan Heinemann)
CP11 Leadership V Programmes (M. PironelliEurocentres
CP4 Secondary School Programmes in Australia (S. StockerAustralia and New Zealand Travel)
APIBA SIGS Co-ordinators meeting
CP14 How to Become a Qualified Holistic Teacher & How to Start and Run you Own Holistic English Institute (G. BuscagliaIACA) CP43 Building a Sense of Achievement: the Right Tests for your School (G. Baya- Liceo Cultural Británico) CP27 An Educational Approach to English (S. OterminRichmond Publishing)
CP35 Mentoring Support Programme for Online Guided Individual Study (L. Orsi & P. Orsi-University of Illinois)
Raffle: Courses abroad
Closing Ceremony
Closing Ceremony Speech (Prof. Cristina Thomson de Grondona White) Raffle: Courses abroad APIBA Annual General Meeting