APIS Update 2013 Summer

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Address: 57 Wolgye-ro 45ga-gil, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 139-852, Korea Website: www.apis.seoul.kr

Issue 13.

Summer 2013 In this issue Graduation Year-End Concerts Summer School Introduction of New Faculty


From Dr. Kim’s Desk A Foreign Language Is Good, But More Foreign Languages Are Better! APIS is very pleased to announce that, starting this year, we will be offering Japanese and Chinese as an optional, extended ninth period program to elementary students. Though the courses are offered after school, they are offered as regular academic curricular offerings, with the same expectations and requirements of other in-school courses. We already offer Korean both as native and non-native languages at the elementary level. With the addition of both Chinese and Japanese, all three East Asian languages are now offered from Kindergarten all the way through grade 12. The expansion of the foreign language program at APIS will greatly enhance the opportunities for our students in building “East Asian competencies.” For those ES parents considering the expanded foreign language option, I have summarized what the research says about the most frequently asked questions on foreign language acquisition.

When is the best time to start foreign-language instruction?

The available research seems to fall on the side of the earlier the better. Some linguists talk about various windows of opportunities for learning a foreign language and there is a considerable debate about whether these “windows” ever close. What we know from brain research is that the part of the brain that is responsible for processing language develops according to a maturation time table and it is different for different components of language. For example, early exposure to foreign language is very important for pronunciation but not for vocabulary acquisition. Adult learners have an advantage in understanding the rules of grammar over young learners. Hence, the answer is not always clear-cut but the evidence is accumulating on the side of earlier introduction of foreign languages. For example, a recent research by Beverly Boyson, Martha Semmer, Lynn Thompson (Center for Applied Linguistics,) and Marcia Rosenbusch (Iowa State University), published in Foreign Language Annals, compared Westport, Connecticut students who started French in kindergarten and students who had French only in grades 5-8. Looking at the students’ oral and listening comprehension at the end of fifth and eighth grade, the researchers found that students who started French in kindergarten and had it every year through middle school did significantly better, providing “powerful quantitative evidence to support the early-start, long-sequence K-8 program as an effective model.”

Can you learn two foreign languages at the same time? You would already know the answer is yes if you had attended the presentation by Virginia Rojas (an expert on secondary language acquisition) at APIS two years ago. According to Rojas, linguists have found children capable of learning up to 8 languages simultaneously! Studies have shown that it is not only wrong but also counterproductive to think that it is better to learn one language properly first and tackle another language later. There is now a solid body of research countering the myth that exposure to two or more languages in childhood causes language disorder or language delay (Houwer, 1995). Biologically, our brain is not set to be monolingual – it is more than capable of learning multiple languages at the same time. In secondary language acquisition, experts such as Jim Cummins talk about “additive


bilingualism” (when learning a second language does not interfere with the learning of a first language) vs. “subtractive bilingualism” (when learning a second language replaces or takes away from the learning of the first language). The concern over subtractive bilingualism has nothing to do with biological predisposition but everything to do with factors that are socio-cultural and instructional. For many of our ES students who are already bilingual, Chinese or Japanese will be their third language (L3). Studies on the acquisition of a third language (L3) have shown that literacy in two languages facilitates the acquisition of a third (for example: Sanz, 2000; Cenoz & Valencia, 1994; Swan, Lapkin, Rowen, & Hart, 1990). Professor Cummins’ theory provides an insight as to why this occurs. Cummins believes that in the course of learning one language a child acquires a set of skills and implicit metalinguistic knowledge that can be drawn upon when working in another language. These skills and knowledge are called “common underlying proficiency (CUP)” and CUP expands when a new language is added. Hence, it becomes easier and easier to learn additional languages.

Will bilingualism/multilingualism affect my child’s intelligence? This is a loaded question as it begs the question of how one should measure “intelligence.” As already pointed out, it becomes easier and easier to learn additional languages. Some brain experts would say learning a new language is a complex cognitive activity and, as with all cognitive activities, the brain will develop as a result of language studies. ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) actually provides a host of references on studies that show the benefits of foreign language study on cognitive development and academic achievement (It is too vast to list here but well-organized references can be found at http://www.actfl.org/advocacy/discover-languages/what-the-research-shows). One noteworthy study shows that students who study a foreign language, even when this second language study takes time away from the study of mathematics, outperform (on standardized tests) students who do not study a foreign language and have more mathematical instruction during the school day. Those who have been in the profession of teaching foreign languages long enough know that we did not always believe multilingualism was good for intelligence. We actually thought that the opposite was true. The growing body of new research is changing this misunderstanding and is leading to a mega shift in perception about multilingual education. Furthermore, we know from research that anyone able to acquire one language, even if they are far below average intelligence, is able to acquire more than one language. I have one caveat to add here. These studies are significant insomuch as they show foreign language studies are not being harmful to development of intelligence as many had previously thought. These studies are not saying that the foreign language study is the best way to develop intelligence. Moreover, as I have always argued, “intelligence” is not the best predictor of our children’s success.

So, should you raise your children to become multilingual? Estimates suggest that 75% of the world’s population speaks more than one language. Multilingual, not monolingual, is the norm. Already many national school systems (those of Europe as well as those in Asia), often as a necessity, not as a choice, provide instruction in multiple languages. At APIS, the emphasis on foreign language learning is driven by our mission: knowing other languages and understanding other cultures is a crucial 21st Century skill set for the future leaders of the New Pacific Century. We envision our students becoming the bridge builders between the East and the West, utilizing their language skills in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and English. Finally, in considering these new opportunities to learn foreign languages at APIS, I would like our parents to consider the following advice from the experts:


1. Every child is different: there are some children who “take to” language learning more readily than others. One challenge is not to send a message to students that language learning is difficult and that one has a knack for it or not. We need to instill a growth mindset that all children can learn a second or a third language. The other challenge is to help develop in your child a genuine interest in learning a new language. After a full day of school, your child may not be ready for that 9th period Chinese or Japanese. There are many emotional or social needs for a child’s development and learning a new language may compete with other needs. You know your child best – weigh your child’s opportunity costs wisely. The experts say, whatever else, trust your parental intuition as to what is right for your child. 2. Once you do decide on a foreign language option for your child, it is important that you stick with it. Like nurturing artistic or musical talent, learning a language requires perseverance and practice. Experienced language teachers often say the desire and drive to learn a language are the single-most determining factors in achieving fluency. 3. Children’s use of two languages within one sentence is not a sign of confusion. Mixing languages in the same sentence or conversations is perfectly normal – all bilinguals do it, even adults. When they mix, it is often to fill in gaps in their vocabulary in one or the other language. Mixing does not mean that children are confused or impaired; they are simply using all of their language resources to express themselves. 4. Children do not just “pick up” a language: They need a strongly supportive and rich environment. Learning language is a process that takes many years and requires varied/extended exposure. 5. Language development in the early stages depends critically on vocabulary knowledge. The more words children know, the better they will learn to speak the language. Book reading is an excellent source of help in the acquisition of vocabulary.

References: Boyson, B., Semmer, M., Thompson, L., & Rosenbusch, M. (2013) Does Beginning Foreign Language in Kindergarten Make a Difference? Results of One District’s Study. Foreign Language Annals, 46(2) 246-263 Cenoz, J., & Valencia, J. F. (1994) Additive Trilingualism: Evidence from the Basque Country. Applied Psycholinguistics, 15, 195-207 Cummins, J. (2000) Language Power and Pedgogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. De Houwer, A. (1995) Bilingual Language Acquisition. In P. Fletcher & B. MacWhiney (Eds.) Handbook of Child Language. London: Blackwell Sanz Cristina (2000) Bilingual Education Enhances Third Language Acquisition: Evidence from Catalonia. Applied Psycholinguistics, 21, 23-44 Swain, M., Lapkin, S., Rowen, N., & Hart, D. (1990) The Role of Mother Tongue Literacy in their Language Learning. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 3(1), 65-81


認識你很高興 はじめまして 謝謝

下午好 4



From Dr. Kim’s Desk 외국어는 더 많이 배울수록 좋습니다! APIS에서는 외국어 프로그램을 유치원 및 초등학교 학생 (희망자 에 한해) 대상으로 확대 개설하였습니다. 이로써 2013-2014학년도 부터는 중고등학생뿐만 아니라, 유치원생, 초등학생 등 모든 학생

Bilingualism(감산적 이중언어)은 생물학적이 아닌 사회 문화적 혹 은 교육방법론적인 원인으로 볼 수 있습니다.

이 한국어 및 중국어/일본어를 정규과목으로 배울 수 있게 되었습

우리 학교 초등학교 학생들은 대부분 이중언어 사용자이기에 중국

으시리라 생각하며 조금이나마 궁금증을 해결해 드리기 위해 조기

운 외국어를 배우는데 촉진제 역할을 한다고 합니다. 언어학자 Jim

니다. 이와 관련, 학부모님들께서 외국어 교육에 대해 궁금증이 많 외국어 교육 관련 다양한 연구조사 결과를 요약해 드리고자 합니다.

외국어 학습 시기는 언제가 가장 좋은가요?

적정 시기에 대한 연구 결과를 종합해보면 빠를수록 좋다는 쪽으 로 의견이 모입니다. 사람의 언어 능력을 관장하는 뇌 기관은 시간

어나 일본어는 제3외국어가 되는데, 많은 외국어 습득 경험은 새로

Cummins 연구에 따르면 언어습득 과정에서 Common Underlying Proficiency (CUP) 라는 함축적, 상위언어적 지식 및 스킬이

형성되는데, CUP는 새로운 외국어를 배울 때마다 확장된다고 합 니다. 따라서 새로운 외국어를 배울 때 점점 수월해지는 것입니다.

이 지남에 따라 발달하는 것은 사실이지만, 언어는 복합적으로 구성

이중 언어, 다중언어는 내 아이의 지능에 영향을 미치나요?

다. 가령, 어릴 때는 어휘습득보다 발음을 익히기에 가장 좋고 성인

발한 활동의 결과로 뇌는 더욱더 발달하게 됩니다. (이와 관련된 다

되었기 때문에 각 구성을 발달시키는데 최적의 시기는 각각 다릅니 은 문법규칙에 대한 이해력이 빠릅니다. 따라서 무조건 어릴 때 외

국어를 가르치는 것이 좋다고 단정할 수는 없지만, 근래에는 조기

외국어 교육의 긍정적인 효과에 대한 연구에 힘이 더 실리고 있습 니다. 한 예로, 최근 Foreign Language Annals에 실린 연구조사 (Beverly Boyson 외 3)에서는 유치원부터 꾸준히 프랑스어를 배운

학생과, 초등학교 5학년~8학년 중에 시작한 학생들의 회화, 듣기 능

력을 측정하였는데, 같은 학년 및 수준일지라도 유치원 때부터 시작 한 학생들의 능력이 탁월한 것으로 나타난 바 있습니다.

동시에 외국어 2개 이상을 배울 수 있나요?

2년 전 APIS에서 개최한 제2외국어 전문가 Virginia Rojas 특강에

새로운 언어를 배우는 것은 매우 복합적인 뇌 활동이며, 이러한 활

양한 연구조사는 미국외국어교육협의회 ACTFL http://www.act-

fl.org/advocacy/discover-languages/what-the-researchshows 참조). 한 연구는 외국어 공부에 시간을 투자한 학생들이 외 국어를 공부하지 않고 수학 공부를 더 많이 하는 학생들보다 뛰어난 학업 성취도를 나타냈다고 밝힌 바 있습니다.

여기서 한가지 말씀드리고 싶은 것은 이러한 연구가 외국어 교육이 지능이나 학업성취도를 높이기 위한 최적의 방법이라는 것을 말하

는 것은 아닙니다. 더불어 제가 누차 강조하였듯이 높은 지능지수는 우리 아이들 미래의 성공을 보장하는 중요변수가 아닙니다.

8개국어까지 동시에 습득 가능하다고 합니다! 흔히들 외국어 하나

그렇다면, 자녀가 다중언어를 구사할 수 있도록 교육 해야 하나요?

어를 동시에 배우면 언어 체계에 혼란을 가져온다고 생각하는데 최

교육정책을 펼치고 있는 나라도 많습니다. APIS에서 외국어 교육

참석하셨다면 이미 정답을 아실 것입니다. 언어학자들은 아이들이

를 완벽히 배운 다음에 다른 외국어를 배운다거나 2개 이상의 외국 근에 이러한 연구가 잘못되었음을 입증하는 연구가 많아지고 있습

니다. 생물학적으로 사람의 뇌는 한 가지 언어만을 배우는데 적합 한 구조가 아닌, 여러 개의 언어를 동시에 배울 수 있는 충분한 능

력을 갖추었기 때문입니다. 일각에서 외국어 교육이 오히려 모국

어 발달을 저해한다며 우려를 표하지만, 이와 같은 Subtractive

전 세계 인구의 약 75%는 하나 이상의 언어를 구사하며, 다중언어 을 강조하는 이유는 APIS는 외국어 능력이 동서양의 가교 역할을

하는 21세기형 미래 지도자를 육성하는 데 반드시 필요한 자산이라

고 믿기 때문입니다. 마지막으로 방과 후 외국어 프로그램을 고려

하시는 부모님께 외국어 공부에 대한 전문가들의 몇 가지 조언을 소 개하고자 합니다.

외국어 교육 전문가들의 조언 1. 외국어 공부에 대한 흥미를 느끼는 데 있어 각각 아이들은 다릅니다. 외국어

국어를 열심히 배우고자 하는 동기부여가 없이는 외국어를 유창하게 할 수 없

습득에는 타고난 재능이 중요한 것이 아니라 누구든지 노력하면 제2 혹은 제3외

다고 합니다.

국어를 잘할 수 있다는 Growth Mindset을 심어주어야 합니다. 또 한가지 외국 어 교육에서 배우는 학생의 동기부여(motivation)가 중요합니다. 그런데 어린

3. 외국어를 배우는 자녀가 여러 언어를 혼용해서 사용하는 것은 언어에 대한

초등학생 자녀가 하루 종일 수업을 하고 9교시에 외국어를 추가로 공부한다는

혼란을 뜻하지 않는다고 전문가들은 말합니다. Language Mixing은 모든 다중

것은 어린아이에게 체력적으로나 정신적으로 너무 큰 부담이 될 수도 있습니다.

언어 사용자(성인 포함)에게 나타나는 지극히 자연스러운 현상입니다. 이것은

더불어, 지금 여러분의 자녀에게 가장 필요한 것은 외국어 교육이 아닐 수도 있

단지 자신의 모든 언어적 지식을 동원해서 자신을 표현하는 것뿐입니다.

습니다. 아이에게 필요한 다른 감성적, 사회 관계적 요구들을 먼저 만족시켜주 는 것이 더 중요할 수 있습니다. 전문가들은 외부영향에 이끌리지 말고 (즉, 다른

4. 잘 아시는 것처럼 외국어 실력은 하루아침에 얻을 수 있는 것이 아닙니다.

부모들이 어떻게 결정하던) 자녀를 가장 잘 알고 위하는 부모의 직감(parental

언어를 배우는 데에 많은 시간이 걸리며 그 언어를 접할 수 있는 다양하고 지속

intuition)을 믿고 결정하는 것이 현명하다고 합니다.

적인 기회 (exposure)가 필요합니다.

2. 외국어 공부를 한번 시작하면 꾸준히 하는 것이 필요합니다. 미술, 음악처

5. 초기 단계에서의 외국어 발달은 어휘 능력이 좌우합니다. 많은 어휘를 알수

럼 외국어 능력도 많은 인내와 연습의 시간이 필요합니다. 외국어 교사들은 외

록, 외국어를 더 잘 구사하며 독서는 어휘력을 늘리는 데 매우 큰 도움이 됩니다.


Chaplain’s Corner “Friendship, Forgiveness, and Freedom” “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:32 This year, the Christian Life Department began a new tradition of having an all school Chapel at the end of the year in which the graduating classes could bless one another. The 8th grade placed crosses around the necks of the 5th grade, the 12th grade did so for the 8th grade, and the 5th grade in turn placed crosses on the 12th grade. Through this simple ceremony, the students had a chance to proclaim, “Through the cross God assures us of friendship, forgiveness, and freedom.” In elementary school, everyone is expected to be friends with everyone else in their class. However, as students go on to middle school, students adjust to a new social reality of choosing friends and being chosen. Many of our 8th graders have been with their classmates since childhood. As a result, there is a chance that their reputation in high school will be marked by things that happened long ago. They want a fresh identity that God’s forgiveness can provide. Our seniors are now reveling in their freedom. However, they will soon discover that the chains that truly bind us are self imposed. Instead of complaining, “Why do my parents make me…” they will ask with the Apostle Paul, “Why do I do what I don’t want to do and not do the good I truly desire?” They will then learn to ask God for true freedom. Here then are 3 poems dedicated to the graduating classes.





It’s not easy. You know that. You make embarrassing mistakes, discover loyalty can be fake, and new rules for relationships make friendships a struggle. There is a competition for attention. So be quick at answering questions, and slow to show your emotions. Who’s going to get their way? Who has funny jokes to say? As you enter Jr. High, I’m not going to lie: the quest for friendships doesn’t get any easier. But through the cross, God is saying I offer you friendship.

It’s not easy. You know that. You’ve known each other forever, and all your mistakes they remember. Your pimples of September, who you asked out in October, family problems in November, the test scores in December. They remember. As you enter high school, not all things will be new. You enter with a reputation, in some ways you’re under suspicion, and in the gossip your past will be mentioned. But through the cross, God is saying I offer you forgiveness.

It seems easy. You say: Goodbye Hakwon, AP Tests, Goodbye mother’s nagging Peace out, I’m gone, can’t think of a thing I’ll be lacking. But some day in winter or perhaps even fall, spontaniety stalls. Why do conversations feel predestined, why do dreams feel clichéd? How do you deal when your choices leave you fully dismayed? When no one is making you do everything Why are you not excited for anything? You’re held hostage by the lazy you, the jealous you, and the fearful you. But through the cross, God is saying I offer you freedom.

Elementary News It has been another wonderful and successful year at Asia Pacific International School and it is with great enthusiasm that we look forward to the 2013 - 2014 academic year. There are far too many successes and wonderful events to mention here, but I would like to thank teachers, parents and students for your continued commitment and support of APIS. Thank you to the parent and teacher Field Day Team for your organization of our year-end field day and bbq. The new events run by parents were a big hit and the students enjoyed them. It was fabulous! Thank you for the support of our Kindergarten and Grade 5 Moving-Up ceremonies, which helped our students celebrate reaching a milestone in their academic careers. Thank you to the music department for their work on a wonderful end of the year music concert. Thank you to the teachers who did an exceptional job of implementing our new math program, Everyday Math. We continued to see exceptional math scores from our ES students on the MAP tests. Thank you to the parents for your willingness to learn the new online math support games etc. Next year promises to continue to see us grow as a school. As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, we were researching and beginning to revamp our Social Studies program into a more global program – one that is closer aligned with our mission statement goal of east meeting west. For the beginning grades, K5 and Grade 1, our program will remain much the same with only a few revisions. From Grade 2 to 5 we will be looking at expanding our focus so that it is more global and also aligned with the middle and high school program. Many of the expanding ideas are also in place at top international schools around the world. We will be continuing our great progress in literacy through the workshop model and challenging our students to reach even higher standards than they have already reached. When we said goodbye to each other for the summer, I felt we were all ready for a holiday. Students, teachers and parents had all worked hard to accomplish so much. Today as I write this, I already feel excitement about next year. I encourage everyone to have an enjoyable, restful summer and I look forward to greeting you in August for the start of another amazing year. Stephen Massiah Elementary School Principal


K5 is Movin’ On Up! “I will run this race and I will never stop. I’ll follow Jesus till the day I drop. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. When you’ve got such a lot. When you’ve got not a lot. WHAT? BE HAPPY!!!” Wide grins graced the faces of our eight APIS kindergarten students on June 3 as they sang and danced to their favorite chapel song, “I’m Gonna Jump Up and Down (Be Happy)” in celebration of their graduation to first grade. The Moving Up Ceremony is the capstone to another fulfilling school year and that K5 teacher, Mrs. Wucherpfennig, always looks forward to with great anticipation. “It’s always a joy for me to see how proud the children are of their accomplishments,” says Mrs. Wucherpfennig, “but what is also rewarding for me to see is some hesitation and a little bit of fear in their step because they don’t exactly know what is around the corner in first grade. I couldn’t be happier for them.” Other highlights of the Ceremony included a blessing prayer over the children by Pastor Zachary Luginbill, a light-hearted highlight video recapping the year in K5, and a congratulatory challenge from ES Principal, Mr. Stephen Massiah. Referring to the Robert Fulghum’s “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten,” he said, “our students not only learn how to read and write, but they also learn to say sorry when they have made a mistake. They learn what they need to learn in life.” An important encouragement, indeed, but K5 student David Jeong reminded the parents, faculty, and students about what he felt was most important about K5. He said,“I learned to read independently, and write independently.” But the number one favorite time of the day for the kindergarteners was recess! By far, the most exciting part of the Moving Up Ceremony was to see the young boys and girls walk proudly across the platform and receive their diplomas and APIS teddy bear in congratulations for a job well done in K5. Surely the chorus to their favorite chapel song now takes on an even greater meaning: “I’m gonna jump up and down Gonna spin right around I’m gonna praise Your name forever I’m gonna shout out loud Gonna deafen the crowd I’m gonna send my praise to heaven!”

Congratulations to our K5 students!


Moving Up to Middle School On June 4, eighteen of our 5th graders reached a new milestone by completing their final year as elementary school students. Family and friends gathered to celebrate with them as they transitioned into middle school with a moving up ceremony. The ceremony provided an opportunity for students to reflect on their time in elementary school and prepare for middle school. Elementary Principal Mr. Massiah shared a story with the graduating class about how one little boy made a difference. In this story, a man was walking along a beach and as he walked, he saw a young boy in the distance picking up starfish that had been washed up on the beach and, one at a time throwing them back into the water. The man asked the boy what he was doing, the boy replied, “I am throwing these washed up starfish back into the ocean, or else they will die.” “But you can’t possibly save them all, there are thousands on this beach, and this must be happening on hundreds of beaches along the coast. You can’t possibly make a difference.” The boy then looked up and said, smiling, “I’ve made a difference for that one.” Like the moral of the story, Mr. Massiah remarked, “As you move ahead, into middle school, plan on making a difference for those around you. Make one small difference at a time.” Mrs. Maldonado, K-8 School Counselor, also addressed the 5th graders, telling them to “step up to become more independent; step up to become a kind, loyal, person; step up to become a trustworthy friend” and also shared a poem by Rosemary Ammar titled, “It’s My Day to Shine.” Two 5th grade students were given the honor of speaking to their peers at the ceremony. The Student Representative Council President, Daniel Lim (Grade 5), reminisced over the past years of his life attending APIS. He talked about how he had grown along with the school and said, “When I was in 2nd grade, we built the auditorium and gym where we were able to have our Chapel and school events. In 3rd grade, we had the first Pacific Pencil publishing party. And in 5th grade, we had the culture festival and the carnival.” Jacob Kim (Grade 5) shared a few words for 4th graders about what to expect next year. “In Grade 5, you have more freedom. But you need to be responsible for your freedom.” He talked about how, in grade 5, you will use lockers instead of cubbies, and later on in the year, you will practice how to get to class on your own instead of walking in lines. But he warned the students about homework saying, “Homework is hard, so be prepared.” In celebration of their achievement, the fifth grade students performed “Awesome God,” a song they had performed at one of their Chapels this year. The APIS families who attended the ceremony also enjoyed watching the slideshow which summed up the exciting year 5th graders had with Ms. Sara Hall and Mr. Jeff Underhill. Again, congratulations to our 5th graders on their successful completion of elementary school!


Elementary Concert Celebrates Students’ Achievements The APIS Auditorium reverberated with sounds of cheering and affirmation as this year’s Elementary School Band concluded its musical offerings at the end-of-the-year concert on May 31. The concert was made even more special realizing that many Elementary School students who performed had never touched their instruments before the start of the school year. APIS Band Director, Mrs. Sophie Holbrook, commented, “the concert was a wonderful opportunity to show how much our students have improved. I am so proud of each and every one of them.” Each grade performed four to six pieces and the concert featured children’s favorites including, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight,” “Hobbit Dance,” and “Themes from ‘Harry Potter.’” The concert also featured Yuna Lee, a music student from the University of Toronto who came to APIS for an internship, who directed a couple numbers for the orchestra students. The concert was surely a great celebration of our student’s musical achievements. Well done, everyone!

Elementary School End of Year Concert Directed by Ji Sung Park & Sophie Holbrook

Grade 2 Violin Go Tell Aunt Rhody May Song Minuet No.1 Allegro Minuet No.3

Grade 3 Recorder Red River Valley Home on the Range Puff, the Magic Dragon Amazing Grace The Lion Sleeps Tonight Arirang

Grade 4 & 5 Orchestra Bagatelle

by Antonin Dvorak

Arranged by Robert Sieving

Amadeus! From Symphony No.25 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Arranged by Jamin Hoffman

Arlington Sketches

Grade 4 Band Royal Crown March

by Bruce Pearson & Barrie Gott

Hobbit Dance by Len Orcino

Minor Rock by Bruce Pearson & Barrie Gott

Grade 5 Band Majestica

by Brian Balmages

The Second Storm by Robert W. Smith

Atlantis by Anne McGinty

Themes from "Harry Potter" by John Williams Arr. by Paul Cook (combined with Grade 4 Band)

by Elliot Del Borgo

Friday, May 31, 2013 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM, APIS Auditorium

APIS Opens Foreign Language Program for Elementary Students Starting in the 2013-2014 school year, APIS will be extending Japanese and Chinese language instruction to the elementary division. Previously, the foreign language program was offered only at the secondary division. With this change, students at APIS will learn a foreign language from as early as Kindergarten and develop foreign language proficiency as they advance to middle and high school. While the courses will be offered during the 9th period as an optional class, it will count as a regular course and enrolled students will receive regular progress reports and report cards.


Parents Make Elementary Field Day A Memorable Event This year’s Elementary School Field Day was a fun-filled day, not only for students, but for our parents as well. On June 6, after the morning time of games and team-building activities involving water, balls, hoops, and hurdles, our mommys and daddys joined in on the numerous games organized by a special instructor (the School Director, Dr. Euysung Kim!). Together, students and parents wearing their I ♼ APIS t-shirts enthusiastically participated in True/False quizzes, Simon Says, Scavenger Hunt, and a game where students and parents mingled and walked in circles, but had to make groups of a specific number once the music stopped. The highlight was the dance competition, and our APIS moms and dads showed off not only their Gangnam Style, but also Gangbuk Style and APIS Style dance moves. Everyone enjoyed the delicious barbecue which the APIS dads had grilled. The ES Field Day was a great opportunity to bring together the APIS family and show school spirit. Thank you parents and teachers for organizing an event that will leave students with wonderful memories which will last a lifetime!


Secondary News Parting Thoughts for Our Senior Class (excerpts from the commencement speech)

Five parting thoughts I believe will help our seniors lead lives of purpose that not only work for them, but also help make the world a better place. One: Love others. Decide today that you will serve a cause greater than yourselves – That you will give something back, that you will seek significance not in what you take or make or amass, but in what you do to make the world a better place. While there are certainly countless examples of people in history who will be remembered for their wealth, what history remembers most are those who use that wealth to do good in the world. Two: Learn from your mistakes, but never be afraid to make them by trying something new. Perhaps one of the most disturbing things about formal education to me is the fact that all of our focus on grades can sometimes teach students to take the safe road, and shy away from anything risky in order to make the grade. Don’t let your life experience up to this point teach you to fear failure so much you fail to try. Three: Take responsibility for your actions, and always be willing to seek forgiveness. Our mistakes cannot define us unless we let them. When we take responsibility for our wrongdoing and honestly seek to correct the issue and do what it takes to avoid repeating the mistake, this begins to define us as people of character. Our mistakes do not define us, what we do with them defines us. When you admit you’re wrong and seek forgiveness, honestly working to change whatever it is you need to change and make things right, you begin to build a life of character, and when you build a life of character, you build a life worth living. Four: Be willing to forgive. I think the difference between justice and mercy is simply this: When we wrong others we want mercy, but when we are wronged, we tend to want justice. Somebody once told me, “Holding on to hatred and refusing to forgive someone is like eating rat poison and expecting the rat to die.” Holding on to bitterness, seeking revenge, being unwilling to forgive will eat at you like a cancer and destroy you from the inside out, and the worst part is, all your anger and bitterness usually doesn’t effect the person you’re upset with at all. Five: Never forget to love, laugh, and play. Life is way too short to not have fun. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: “To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, To find the best in others, To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” Go and succeed, we will miss you, but the world will be a better place with you out there in it. Congratulations Class of 2013!


Scott Paulin Secondary School Principal


Message from the Dean of Students It is hard to believe that another school year has come to an end. I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for all of their help, support, and interest in APIS this year. We have had another very busy and successful school year and parents, as partners in the education of their students, deserve much of the credit. It has been a pleasure working with your students this year and I am already planning for how I can better support students and families for next school year. Please remember that my door is always open and I am here to support you in whatever capacity possible. School may be “over” until August; however, each of us can continue to learn on a daily basis from the vast and exciting world around us. I challenge students to be creative and have fun this summer by spending time with family and friends. Academies can be a great source of learning; however, spending time with friends, engaging in sports competitions, visiting local museums, and reading good books can be just as rewarding and challenging. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many wonderful and amazing faculty and staff of APIS. Not only do we have wonderful teachers that care about the students and strive for excellence in preparing students for the future, but we also have an office staff that works tirelessly to ensure that the school runs smoothly and efficiently on a daily basis. Finally, just a few areas that we will be taking particular note of next year: Uniform: Enrolling in APIS, students and families are making a commitment to the policies that APIS puts in place to strengthen academic learning and growth. Students will be expected to adhere to the uniform policy in wearing the proper uniform at the correct time, being cognizant of the length of skirts and pants, as well as wearing the proper ties/bows, cardigans, and jackets. Students need to refer to the parent and student handbook for clarification. English as the Language of Instruction and Inclusion: APIS recognizes that all language is important and should be respected. We further recognize the importance of providing continued support to improve the fluency of the students’ native language. APIS has made a deliberate choice in promoting the use of English to create an inclusive school environment and to shape our tradition and organizational structure. Sending your student to APIS shows your support and commitment with this initiative and we appreciate your support at home. Attendance: APIS expects students to attend school at least 90% of the time. Our current policy allows students 9 period-absences, per semester, before receiving “no credit” for that class. The 9 period absences are calculated regardless of being excused or unexcused. Please be advised that Saturday School will not be offered next school year and students will be held responsible and accountable for the days that they are absent. Please be on the lookout for the attendance policy that will be communicated home at the beginning of the school year. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions of how I can better support you and your family, please do not hesitate to contact me at mjohnson@apis.seoul.kr or stop by my office. Matthew Johnson Dean of Students



Mission “Possible” is the Theme of the Secondary Concert Never let a student’s age shape your opinion about their ability to perform difficult music. This year’s Secondary End-of-Year Concert was one of the finest examples of APIS students tackling many challenging pieces with confidence and finesse. Over 150 students from grades 6-12 participated in this year’s concert, displaying a depth of skill and confidence rarely seen in young people. During the concert, there was a special moment to congratulate students who worked hard in the past year. Students who scored over 300 points by actively participating in National Honor Festivals, and taking up roles as section leaders were given Varsity Letters. APIS Band Director, Mrs. Holbrook said, “It is really rewarding to see our students grow each year. Students did not know where to put their fingers on their instruments; now they play this kind of great music.”

Secondary School End of Year Concert 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

- Program -

A Cappella Chorus,

directed by Hye Kyoung Yoon

● Mountain Spring (옹달샘) ● Mission Impossible

Select Orchestra,

directed by Ji Sung Park

● River Flows in You (Yiruma, Arr. Larry Moore)

- Presentation of Varsity Music Letters


High School Band, directed by Sophie Holbrook

● Entry of the Gladiators (Thunder and Blazes) (Julius Fucik, Arr. Andrew Balent)

Middle School Band,

● Adele in Concert

● Marche Militaire (Franz Schubert, Arr. L.C. Harnsberger) ● The Hunger Games

directed by Hye Kyoung Yoon

directed by Sophie Holbrook

(Arr. Michael Brown)

Middle & High School Chorus,

(Arr. Jay Bocook)

● Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da

Middle School Orchestra,

(John Lennon & Paul McCartney)

directed by Ji Sung Park

● You Raise Me Up (Rolf Lovland, Arr. Larry Moore) ● Thriller (Rod Temperton, Arr. Robert Longfield)

Jazz Band,

directed by Sophie Holbrook

● Big Noise from Winnetka (Bob Haggart & Ray Bauduc, Arr. Calvin Custer)

● Blue Skies


● Be Thou My Vision (Bob Chilcott) ● Medley from “Les Miserables” (Claude Michel Schonberg) ● At the end of the day ● I dreamed a dream ● Castle on a cloud ● Do you hear the people sing? ● On my own ● Bring him home ● Finale

(Irving Berlin, Arr. Roger Holmes)

● Gonna Fly Now


(Bill Conti, Ayn Robbins & Carol Connors, Arr. Victor Lopez)

High School Orchestra,

directed by Ji Sung Park

● Selections from “Chicago” (John Kander, Arr. Ted Ricketts) ● Music from “Wicked” (Stephen Schwartz, Arr. Ted Ricketts)

à Thursday, June 6th 5 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm 3 APIS Gym, 5th floor


APIS Receives Textbooks from the National Institute of the Korean Language The National Institute of the Korean Language donated three sets of Korean language textbooks (elementary, middle and high school level) to APIS. These textbooks are specially designed for students with multicultural backgrounds, different from the typical Korean language textbooks that are available in the bookstores. Korean language teacher, Ms. Nam Hee Kong said, “These books will be very helpful in teaching KAL classes.�

Introducing New SRC Members In the spring each year, secondary students elect new SRC members for the upcoming academic year. Here are the new presidents, vice presidents, secretaries, and treasurers who will be representing the voices of the student body in the 2013-2014 school year:







Jinny Choi (Grade 8)


Vice President

Seth Forrester

Grace Kim (Grade 7)

(Grade 8)





Grace Lim (Grade 8)



Daniel Suh (Grade 12)


Vice President

Chris Kim (Grade 12)

Sarang Yang (Grade 11)


Peter Kim (Grade 12)


Middle School Graduation Thirty nine 8th grade students concluded their middle school careers on June 5 during their 8th grade graduation ceremony. Ms. Tammi Wenzig, the Middle School Core Academic Coordinator and ELA and Social Studies teacher, prepared a special message for the graduating class. She reminded the students to never stop growing, and that for growth to happen, there has to be change. She then went on to talk about why “doing nothing is not an option.” She encouraged students, “When you find you’ve slipped away from your goals, when you know you need to apologize, when the path you’re taking is not leading where you want to go, when your actions and values aren’t matching, when you find out you’ve made a mistake...” to take the opportunity to make a change and grow from the experience. Students were then presented with their diplomas. Some students shyly posed for the camera after receiving their diplomas; while the excitement of graduation was more evident in other students as they posed in new and unique ways. Families and friends were also acknowledged during the ceremony as the graduates made their way into the audience to present red roses to those who had helped them along the way. This was a touching time for everyone who played an integral role in these student’s lives to celebrate alongside the graduates. Congratulations to all the 8th graders and we wish you all continued success in high school!



Class of 2013 Graduates from APIS

In June, the Class of 2013 became the second graduating class of APIS. They were warmly congratulated by family and friends as well as APIS alumni from the Class of 2012. Parents of the 2013 class presented the school with a special gift, a large school clock to be displayed in the school. They also provided a beautiful cake adorned with the school logo for the ceremony. The salutatorian and valedictorian speeches were very memorable. For the first time, they were given as one speech, as the salutatorian and valedictorian happened to be twins! Sophia and Grace Park shared many fond memories from APIS and expressed how these memories will never be repeated and are unique to each of the students of the class of 2013. In his commencement address (read an excerpt on page 12), Secondary Principal, Mr. Paulin, congratulated the students and encouraged them to live their lives serving a cause greater than themselves. He paused before offering his final thought, saying, “When I saw the seniors yesterday standing in front of the school, giggling, and squirting water at teachers coming out of the building, I realized I didn’t need to say this fifth thought but anyways, ‘never forget to love, laugh, and play’.” The senior graduation ceremony marks the end of 12 years of schooling and signals a new beginning. Congratulations to all the seniors and we look forward to seeing you “bridge the gap between the East and the West and welcome the exciting challenges of the New Pacific Century” in the coming years.



APIS Recognizes its Star Athletes Green Hawk pride was alive and well on June 4 as the APIS Athletic Department, under the leadership of Athletic Director Andrew Murphy, celebrated its annual Athletics Awards Banquet in the APIS gymnasium. As the school continues to grow, so does the depth, skill, and popularity of the sports as students participate in basketball, volleyball, and soccer. Every June, the APIS Athletic Department sets aside an evening to recognize its student athletes, congratulating them on their achievements and sportsmanship. Throughout the banquet, athletes reminisced about some memorable games from the year and over 150 awards were given out (including Varsity letters) for athletic achievement and accomplishments. The following notable awards were given to APIS students: Middle School Student Athletes of the Year Grace Kim (Grade 6) Junhee Chung (Grade 8) Middle School Athletes of the Year Jinny Choi (Grade 7) Daniel Bae (Grade 8) Varsity Student Athletes of the Year Sarah Choi (Grade 9) Dave Moon (Grade 10) Varsity Athletes of the Year Hannah Nam (Grade 11) Jae Kang (Grade 11)


Alumni Spotlight: Clara Song 1. Where are you going to school now? What things about your new school do you like? Are you happy with your decision to go to this school? Why/ Why not? I attend Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in Providence, R.I. It is located right next to Brown University and the two schools offer joint courses and share social and academic resources. RISD provides diverse programs and a community in which students are encouraged to develop their own critical perspectives. I am very happy to be studying in RISD, where I can concentrate on art and explore various areas of art. 2. What is your daily schedule like? Is college life different from what you expected? The first year academic program consists of three studio courses (drawing, Clara Song (Class of 2012) is a 2-D, 3-D) and two Liberal Arts courses. College life isn’t very different from freshman at Rhode Island School of Design majoring in Illustration. what I’ve expected because I was warned ahead of time how intense freshman year at RISD can be. The three studio classes start at 8 in the morning and finish at 5 although the dismissals might vary on the professors from time to time. I have to admit that there is a lot of work. Pulling an all-nighter and giving up lunch hour for sleep happen quite often during the midterm and final weeks. But I also have to admit that most of the time, there is enough time to get everything done. Time management is always the key thing! 3. Tell us about yourself as a former student at APIS. What are some of your memorable moments at APIS? When I was a student in APIS, I wanted to be a part of a big community with diverse people. However, after coming to RISD, I really missed the small close knit community at APIS. I even miss having lockers and eating food with all of my classmates in the cafeteria because in college, everyone has different schedules. 4. What was the most challenging part in preparing for college applications? How did you manage it? The most challenging part for me was writing college application essays, preparing my portfolio and doing the school tests all at the same time. It definitely was a very difficult time of my high school year. I went to the studio every day to work on the portfolio and school tests. But because I started on my portfolio early, I could finish it without having to rush and could take my time to look over all my work carefully. 5. What programs or sessions at APIS were helpful in preparing for college applications? Talking to the Mr. Maldonado about the applications was always helpful. Ms. Ahn also gave me very useful advice about my works and her support really helped me alot. 6. Lastly, what advice do you have for our seniors and juniors? Like I already said, time management is very important. It’s always better to begin working on your portfolio and hometest early than to procrastinate and rush through everything at the end. It’s also more important to develop your idea, philosophy, and concept over the techniques. Try your best and your hard work will pay off! I wish everyone the best of luck and, yes, enjoy high school when you can.



Summer School Greetings from the Summer School Director This year’s APIS summer school program was extremely successful as we had over 70 students participate in both elementary and secondary programs. For our elementary program we still focused on literacy and math, but also added technology art, drama, and vacation bible study to the program. The secondary school program offered English, algebra, biology, chemistry, history and college essay writing. In addition, many students participated in basketball camp and a summer chamber music program. The APIS summer school program is a four-week program, with both morning and afternoon classes, geared toward enriching our students both academically and socially. Our very qualified teachers are delivering detailed instruction and practice, focusing on the needs of each individual student. The summer program at APIS is a wonderful opportunity to give students in-depth skills and knowledge helping them to be more successful in the classroom. We were very pleased to once again be able to offer this program to all APIS families. Have a wonderful summer! Andrew Murphy Summer School Director

Elementary Summer School Program This year, the summer program for elementary students was designed to be more aligned with the elementary focus of creating great readers and writers, great mathematicians and also the school’s focus on technology. Essentially, the program was a 4-week program involving academics in the morning, and sports/bible study in the afternoon. Students also went on field trips once a week, and had the option of choosing art, drama, computer building, or guitar for elective courses. Divided by lower, middle, and upper grade levels, the elementary summer program was taught by Mrs. Jillian Iwanuk, Ms. Dawn Johnston, Mr. Jeff Underhill, Pastor Zach Luginbill, Mrs. Suanne Forrester and also assisted by our Class of 2012 graduates Sunna Mo and Jenny Kim.

Language Arts

In reading, the lower elementary students focused on decoding and making meaning as they read. They also studied the stories and life of Leo Leonni. In writing, students studied the different kinds of pattern books and students wrote their own pattern books. Middle elementary students started off the summer studying fables and after reading fables and studying their characteristics, they wrote a fable of their own. Students also studied fairy tales and wrote their own fairy tales. Upper elementary students enjoyed an author study of Lois Lowry through her books, “The Willoughby’s” and “Crow Call.” Their focus was on the discussion of author craft, writing a letter to the author and fun endings for “The Willoughby’s.”


Lower elementary technology class started off summer school by increasing students’ independence on the iPads. Our grade 1~2 students moved on to learning how to create iMovies, and created iMovies of their published pattern books which they had worked on during language arts time. Middle and upper


elementary students were hard at work learning and practicing typing, as well as creating blogs of their very own.


Elementary Math Skills Camp was an activity-based program. The aim was to help students to continue to develop the understandings and abilities necessary to be confident and competent in thinking and working mathematically in their daily activities. Elementary students participated in a variety of game based activities including Top-it, Name that Number, Hidden Treasure and many more. Students also worked hard to master levels in IXL and earn rewards. This program has given students a great opportunity to catch up and get a head start to begin the next school year strong.

Bible Study

The theme for Vacation Bible School was Athens Greece, where students learned about Paul’s dangerous journey from the Bible to share with others about the love of God through Jesus. Students participated in Olympic games such as discus and javelin. They also created some amazing crafts to take home like a Greek lyre that makes music and an authentic Greek scroll like scribes would write. Each day there was a drama activity that taught about how “God loves us all,” God loves us and takes care of us,” God loves us when others don’t,” God loves us and sent his Son, Jesus,” and “God loves us and wants us to share his love.”


During the three weeks of Sports Camp, students in grade one through six focused on kinetic, communication, and teamwork skills through three units: Locomotion Hand-Eye, Locomotion Foot-Eye, and Teamwork Communication. They enjoyed playing the sports of ultimate frisbee, kickball, dodgeball variations, badminton, tee ball, soccer, and more!

Elective Courses

In addition to the regular summer program, elementary students were given a choice to select art, drama, computer building, and guitar for elective courses. One of the most popular courses was computer building in which fourteen students learned all about computer parts and their vocabulary with Mr. Underhill. Discussion centered around how computer hardware was engineered for electrical and heat purposes, and students took apart an optical drive and hard disc drive to see what’s inside. Then students dismantled a working, whole computer desktop, removing and studying the purpose of each piece and part and reassembling before testing to be sure the computer was reassembled properly.


Secondary Summer School Program The secondary summer school program was designed to help students gain more confidence with their academics and also enrich their understanding of key concepts. While two academic courses, language and math, were offered for middle school students this summer, academic enrichment courses were offered for high school students. Similar to last year, a special college essay writing seminar was offered to rising seniors. Besides academics, students also had the opportunity to select chamber music and basketball for activities. Secondary summer school classes were taught by Ms. Tammi Wenzig, Ms. Dawn Johnston, Ms. Renee Draszkiewicz, Mr. Matthew Durham, Mr. Andrew Murphy, Mrs. Sophie Holbrook, and the visiting faculty Mr. Martin Walsh. Class of 2012 alum, Bill Kim, also assisted with basketball coaching.

Middle School Language Arts

The students in Middle School Language Arts focused on non-fiction this summer. They explored the possibilities of year-round school, debated “for” or “against,” and crafted essays to state their findings. In addition to writing non-fiction, students also explored some nonfiction reading with book clubs using the APIS Library Kindles. They chose topics that were interesting to them and made book clubs with others who also wanted to study the same things. From these books, students found more topics they wanted to investigate for their research non-fiction writing. This final writing product of the class stretched students to gather information, organize it, cite sources, and present it in an interesting way. Students found out that non-fiction doesn’t have to be boring and research opportunities are always present in our daily lives.

Middle School Math

This one-month enrichment program was designed for students who find math challenging and those who wanted more practice with basic skills and concepts. The program focused on algebraic concepts, computation, measurement and problem solving by practicing through a game play approach. Students truly enjoyed competing against each other in games such as Fraction War, Top-it, and the very popular, Name that Number. They challenged themselves to master levels in the Algebra section of IXL and worked in teams to create their own fun math skills board games. The class was a great success. The students gained confidence in their skills and everyone had fun too!

High School Academic Enrichment

This summer, Algebra, Biology, Chemistry, English, Modern World History, and U.S. History were offered to high school students who needed a better understanding of the core classes during the school year. The instruction was “blended” in which teachers used a standards-based curriculum delivered through an online environment.


The APIS summer school basketball camp was a valuable experience for all participants. It challenged athletes to practice basic motor skills as well as the more complex motor skills associated with basketball. This year’s classes were in the afternoon and designed not only to teach specific skill sets pertaining to basketball, but also important aspects that nurture good sportsmanship and a healthy lifestyle. “We


encourage our students not only to excel in a sport, but also understand the true meaning of perseverance and team spirit that come along with playing a competitive sport,” says Mr. Murphy.

Chamber Music

Chamber Music Class was a valuable musical experience for students as it helped them improve their musicianship and instrumental skills in a fun and relaxed way over the summer. For two weeks, each student had to prepare their music and learn it quickly. After practicing and rehearsing with each other to create perfect harmony, the Summer School Chamber Music class performed a concert on June 21 filled with challenging notes and rhythms. Being in a chamber ensemble is difficult...there is no more hiding in the middle of the band! The concert included song choices from many different styles and musical eras, including Baroque, Classical, Romantic and modern Jazz. Mei Mei Timpson, Seth Forrester, Shinyoung Lee, Grace Kim, Jinwoo Choi, Jeho Hahm, Chris Choi, and Harry Park all sounded terrific in their performance. Bravo!

Writing Effective College Application Essays

Offered only to rising seniors, this course was designed to give students a head start with their college applications. The instructor, Mr. Martin Walsh, who has served as the Dean of Admissions at Stanford University, has visited APIS every year during the summer and also during the school year for college admissions parent nights. During the two-week course, students learned practical ways to shape personal experience into compelling prose. The class began with a thorough analysis of the common application in order to better understand the purpose behind each question. Then, students read and evaluated a wide variety of application essays, developing a clear understanding of what makes for an effective personal essay. Finally, students shared ideas, gave feedback, and produced writing samples, which they can later use for their college applications.

College admissions expert Mr. Martin Walsh has served as admissions officer at Stanford University, Santa Clara University, and is currently on staff at Harker Prep school in Palo Alto, California. Mr. Walsh has years of experience behind the scenes as an admissions officer and contacts with admissions officers at numerous top-tier universities. This experience has uniquely equipped him to be able to provide the “insider” tips to writing successful college application essays.

News from the Communications Office Based on the parent surveys conducted last Spring, we will be publishing the monthly APIS Update only online starting with the 2013-2014 school year. In addition to the online monthly updates, however, we will be printing quarterly magazines containing the highlights of each fall, winter, spring, and summer.


2012-2013 School Publications

The Christian Life Center’s very first CD recording of praise music Elementary Art and Literary Magazine Pacific Pencil

Secondary Literary Magazine Pacific Pen

APIS Korean Literary Works Collection

2012-2013 Yearbook

Introducing New Faculty Marcel Ilie

Mathematics Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University / M.S. Aerospace Engineering, McGill-Concordia University / B.Sc. Engineering, University of Bucharest Dr. Ilie received his PhD in Aerospace Engineering from Carleton University and Master in Aerospace Engineering from McGillConcordia University (joint-program), both in Canada. His teaching experience spans over fifteen years, at both high school and university levels. In the last four years he has been teaching Aerospace Engineering at the university level and received several teaching and advising awards. He has taught high school math and science at American International School of Bucharest, Romania, John Rennie High School in Montreal and Chemistry at Saint Joseph’s Secondary School, Cornwall, Canada. Dr. Ilie is very passionate about teaching and interaction with students. He believes that teaching is not just conveying knowledge, but conveying enthusiasm. He also believes that teaching is an opportunity to make a real difference with students, awakening their curiosity and arousing their interest. He is very excited about being part of the APIS family, and exploring the rich culture of Korea which he now calls home.

Robert Sim

English B.Ed. Trent University / B.A. English, McMaster University Mr. Sim grew up in the small town of Milton, Ontario. He earned his B.A. from McMaster University where he majored in English literature. After graduating, however, he moved to Toronto where he worked for several years as a recording engineer. In 2006, Mr. Sim made the decision to come to Korea to teach ESL. His experiences in Korea encouraged him to pursue teaching professionally, and he returned to Canada to study intermediate-senior English and history education at Trent University. After completing his B.Ed, Mr. Sim returned to Korea where he worked for two and a half years in a public school. It’s been a long journey, but Mr. Sim is excited to join APIS, where he’ll have the opportunity to combine his interests in teaching, English, and music recording. He is looking forward to the upcoming school year and helping students develop their creative talents. In addition to those things already mentioned, Mr. Sim also enjoys reading, feeling frustrated on the tennis court, and (occasionally) laboring his way up mountains.


Donald Weller

Learning Support Specialist M.A. Adams State College / B.S. Pennsylvania State University Mr. Weller did not become a teacher until his mid-forties when he graduated with an Elementary Education degree from Penn State. After moving to Colorado he found that his true passion was to help students with learning difficulties. Mr. Weller went back to school and received a Special Education degree from Adams State College. Since 1998 he has worked with all ages of students, helping them reach their full educational potential. Having been born on a small dairy farm in Pennsylvania and always living in a rural area, Mr. Weller is excited to live and work in Seoul. In his spare time he likes to hike, bike, golf, play baseball or softball, sing, and play trumpet.

Melinda Baum

Chorus B.M. Excelsior College From an early age, music played a critical role in Ms. Baum’s life. Beginning piano lessons at age 5, music was as natural as child’s play and to this day, she continues “playing.” Ms. Baum began her undergraduate degree as a music therapy major at Michigan State University. After devoting eighteen years to raising three beautiful children, she completed her degree at Excelsior College and received her teaching certification from Western State University. For the past seven years, she has taught general music classes kindergarten through grade eight, secondary choir, as well as Basic and Advanced Placement music theory. Ms. Baum has been active in the Music Educators’ Association both nationally and within the state of Colorado as well as the American Orff Schulwerk Association. Students under her direction have been selected for statewide honor choirs including the Colorado All State Choir. Ms. Baum is passionate about the Orff Schulwerk approach to music education. Carl Orff said, “Tell me, I forget; show me, I remember; involve me, I understand.” It is with that in mind, that Ms. Baum actively involves students in music making through speech, singing, movement and instrument playing. Beyond making music, Ms. Baum enjoys spending her free time traveling, camping, hiking, and bicycling.

Megan Pendleton

Art M.Ed. Cambridge College / B.S. University of Vermont A native of Boston, Massachusetts, Ms. Pendleton received a Bachelor of Science degree in Art Education with a minor in Special Education from the University of Vermont. Since graduating, Ms. Pendleton has taught art in Vermont and Washington, DC. She also spent a number of years directing a summer program at the American School in Lugano, Switzerland. Over the last few years, she has worked in the museum field, developing studio art programming for teens and fostering partnerships through community outreach. Ms. Pendleton recently received a Master of Education degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Cambridge College, combining her love for art education with an interest in school administration. In her free time, Ms. Pendleton enjoys traveling, watching independent films, and reading. As an artist, her mediums include clay, oil pastel, and mixed media. She is excited to join the team at APIS and looks forward to working with middle and high school students in the art room.


Meg Hayne

Biology B.S. University of Northern Colorado Ms. Hayne graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a B.S. in Biology along with certification in Secondary Education. While at UNC, Ms. Hayne earned a position in the President’s Leadership Program, the National Society for Collegiate Scholars, and spent one year at University College in Cork, Ireland. After graduating, she began her teaching career at a small school in eastern Colorado. During her five years there, Ms. Hayne taught a variety of science classes and introduced the Flipped Classroom Model to her school. She enjoys integrating technology into her classroom to help students engage and connect with science. She hopes to inspire curious students to look for a deeper understanding of how the world works. In her teaching career, Ms. Hayne has had the opportunity to develop both school and state curriculum, has been the recipient of SMART classroom and Flipped classroom grants, and was chosen as a Siemen’s/Discovery Channel STEM Institute Fellow. Outside the classroom Ms. Hayne enjoys working with her local youth group, traveling, outdoor activities, and racing triathlons during the summer season.

Adella Woo

Mathematics / Learning Support M.Ed. Korea University / B.A. / B.Ed. University of British Columbia Ms. Woo graduated with a B.A. in Mathematics and a B.Ed. in Secondary School Mathematics from the University of British Columbia. While in school, she was elected to the Golden Key International Honor Society and worked as a teaching assistant at the Math department. Because of her background and experiences in Korea, Canada, and the States, she appreciates the balance of distinct cultures and enjoys working with a diverse group of students. Her passion for language and literacy has also led her to obtain a Certificate of TESL and a Certificate of Teaching Korean to Foreigners. Upon graduation, she took her first leap into the classroom as a math teacher at a private school in Vancouver and a Korean 12 teacher in Burnaby, Canada. She also taught math at an international school and Calculus at a university in Korea. She recently received her M.Ed. in Secondary School Mathematics from Korea University. During her spare time, Ms. Woo enjoys playing piano, dancing, and spending time with her husband and her son.

Rebecca Cyrus

Grade 4 M.E. Queens University of Charlotte / B.A. University of North Carolina at Charlotte Ms. Cyrus has 6 years of experience teaching various grades in an inner city school setting. She was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. Ms. Cyrus received her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of North Carolina at Charlottte and her Masters in Literacy Education K-12 from Queens University of Charlotte. She enjoys spending time outside school hours building personal relationships with students and was recently head coach for a health and wellness program for young girls called Girls on The Run. Outside of work Ms. Cyrus enjoys spending time with friends, traveling, running, hiking and anytime spent outdoors.


Binyan Yuan

Chinese B.A. Jiangxi Gannan Normal University Mrs. Yuan graduated from the Jiangxi Gannan Normal University in China, specializing in teaching Chinese as a Second Language. After graduating from college, she taught at Xi’an Bo-ai International School in China for five years where she taught students from Russia, Mongolia, South Korea and other countries. In 2011, in order to promote the educational and cultural exchanges and cooperation, the Department of Education of Shanxi Province dispatched Mrs. Yuan to a high school in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do, South Korea as a Chinese language teacher for two years. During this time, Mrs. Yuan enjoyed both teaching and living in Korea. She gained more experience in teaching Korean students and learned a lot about Korea and made many friends as well. Mrs. Yuan likes Korean food such as bulgogi, tteok-bokki, and kimchi. She believes her good memories of Korea will help make the transition smooth to APIS.

Jennifer Anne Hisko

Physical Education M.A University of New Brunswick / B.Ed., University of Western Ontario / B.A Wilfrid Laurier University Ms. Hisko has taught middle and senior level students in York Region, Canada. She holds an honors degree in Kinesiology and a master’s degree in curriculum development. Her masters studies sparked her desire to teach internationally and broaden her teaching and learning experience. Her passion for sports and fitness began at a young age when she competed as a gymnast. Here she developed the skills and perseverance necessary to compete as a varsity volleyball player, marathon runner, taekwondo competitor and coach. Following a successful secondment teaching Outdoor Environmental Education, Ms. Hisko was inspired to apply her knowledge within the school organization by designing the curriculum for high school Physical Education and Outdoor Educators. She is passionate about the impact that Physical Education can have in promoting self-efficacy, well being, muscular development, better knowledge of the human organism and wholesome social attitudes. She believes that quality PE has an important place in school curriculum. Ms. Hisko is looking forward to having her first full time Phys-Ed position because she can focus on her passion for fitness and promoting healthy active lifestyles! Other interests include playing guitar, singing, pottery kayaking, yoga and camping.

Emmalee Johnson Orchestra B.A. Luther College

Ms. Johnson graduated from Luther College with a B.A. in Vocal and Instrumental Music Education. Originally from Minnesota, Ms. Johnson began studying music from her mother at an early age. Studying both violin and voice, Ms. Johnson has been a member of many kinds of ensembles. Ms. Johnson is excited to be a part of Asia Pacific International School, encouraging students to think of music as a resource and tool for understanding others as well as themselves. Ms. Johnson has been an active member of both Lutheran and Methodist Churches, and is pleased to be joining the APIS Christian community. Outside of the classroom, Ms. Johnson enjoys listening to music, traveling,cooking, and being outside.


Michael J. Russell

Social Studies J.D. Washington University / B.A. Georgetown University Mr. Russell was lucky to live abroad and attend an international school as a child, spending time growing up in Italy and Iran, in addition to several years in his hometown outside New York City. He enjoys the diversity and possibilities that teaching in an international school and being part of an international community offer. He earned a JD from Washington University in St. Louis School of Law and a BA in history from Georgetown University. Following law school, Mr. Russell worked as an attorney with the Massachusetts state court system before finding his calling in education. For the last three years, Mr. Russell filled a variety of roles at the Taipei American School, substitute teaching in social studies and PE, coaching a variety of sports, and working in the school’s communications and advancement office. He also taught a class on American Law in Taipei. Michael enjoys playing hockey, tennis, basketball, and most any other game or sport. He also loves traveling, food, and getting to know new languages and cultures.

Shana G. Russell

Director of College Counseling B.A. Trinity College Ms. Russell graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, CT with a BA in English. She worked for several years in the television industry before transitioning into a career in education, beginning with a position in the admissions office at Washington University in St. Louis School of Law, as the Assistant Director of Admissions. When she and her family returned to the East coast of the United States, she enjoyed returning to her alma mater, Trinity College, as the Assistant Director of Admissions. For the past three years, she has worked as a college counselor at the Taipei American School in Taiwan. Ms. Russell and her family, husband Michael and son Teddy, are excited about exploring Seoul and joining the APIS community. On the weekends, the Russell family loves to get out on the sports fields, courts, and rinks, slowing down and enjoying a good book, movie, or cooking together, and traveling near and far.



Kirstan C. Beatty

K-12 Counselor M.S.Ed. Northern Illinois University / B.A. Hope College Ms. Beatty graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in Elementary and Special Education from Hope College in Holland, Michigan. She recently completed her Masters of Science in Education focusing on School Counseling from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Ms. Beatty grew up in the Chicago area and lived for nine years in Colorado. The majority of her career has been in special education at the middle and elementary school level. Before having children, she was a volunteer leader with Young Life for over ten years and has been recently volunteering at her church supporting women with mental health issues. Ms. Beatty is passionate about learning students’ stories and how it affects their education and overall well-being. Using her experience in special education and counseling, she is committed to supporting students and teachers in a variety of ways to allow for the best possible outcome for the student. She and her husband, Brian, have a daughter and son, Davis and Webb. They love to spend time outside, reading, playing guitar, cooking, camping and are very much looking forward to exploring all aspects of Korean culture. Recently Mrs. Emily Kim, Korean Department Chair, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and will be on maternity leave for a couple of months. During this time, Ms. Seoung-A Jung will be teaching Korean classes. APIS warmly welcomes Ms. Jung! Ms. Jung graduated from Kyungwon University with a Bachelor’s degree in Korean Language and Literature and is currently working towards her M.A. in Korean Language and Literature, (Concentration: Contemporary Fiction) at Kyungwon University. She has completed the ESL/ELL Program from Boston University and has the CELOP certificate. While she was in Boston, she assisted with teaching Korean Language and Culture at her church in Boston, MA. She also has experience teaching creative lessons on essay writing in Korean Elementary Schools (after school programs) and writing academies. Ms. Jung is an active member of her church, serving as a Sunday School teacher and worship helper. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and watching movies.


Last Day of School On the last day of school, each division held an end-of-year assembly to look back at the past year and to encourage and congratulate students on their achievements. During the assembly, the School Director gave out 4 awards on each of the 4 character traits: Aspire, Persevere, Integrity and Spiritual Growth. Congratulations to all the students!


SPire Award


erservere award


ntegrity award

S 32

piritual growth



Erica Shim (Grade 1) Louise Choi Schattle (Grade 2) Eunice Kwak (Grade 3) Joan Kim (Grade 4) Daniel Lim (Grade 5)

Jun Ha Ahn (Grade 6) Grace Kim (Grade 6) Seth Forrester (Grade 7) Noah Kim (Grade 7) Yejin Jang (Grade 8) Kenny Jang (Grade 9) Sarang Yang (Grade 10) Gloria Kim (Grade 11) Justine Oh (Grade 12)

Noa Lee (Grade 1) Claire Park (Grade 2) Sophia Park (Grade 3) Jardine Veri (Grade 3) Alina Kim (Grade 4) John Song Hyeon Kim (Grade 4) Cole Park (Grade 5)

Jung Woo Jang (Grade 6) Christian Cha (Grade 7) Taiga Baba (Grade 8) Yeakyoung Lee (Grade 8) Eddie Kim (Grade 9) Sophia Chung (Grade 10) Hana Kim (Grade 10) Danny Myung (Grade 11) Yoonjee Chung (Grade 12) Tiffany Kim (Grade 12)

Adelia Kwak (Grade 1) Kethaka Yattagoda (Grade 2) Jane Kim (Grade 3) Helen Kim (Grade 4) Rachel Ahn (Grade 5)

Daniel Suh (Grade 6) Kayley Suk (Grade 7) Claire Park (Grade 8) Charles Cho (Grade 9) Scott Choi (Grade 10) Jenny Park (Grade 11) Ji Eun Jang (Grade 12)

LuLu Timpson (Grade 1) Jeannette Kim (Grade 2) Matthew Kang (Grade 3) Jeany Park (Grade 4) Jacob Kim (Grade 5) Paulina Young (Grade 5)

Gerry Hwang (Grade 6) Megan Cho (Grade 7) Joon Woo Kang (Grade 8) Sarah Choi (Grade 9) Jennifer Lee (Grade 10) Paul Chung (Grade 11) Joanna Kim (Grade 12)

Editorial Team: Euysung Kim Director / Michelle Chang Art and Design Editor / Keumjo Shim Communications Officer / Ashley Stapleton Writing Staff

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