APIS Update 2016 2017 Winter (online)

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Winter 2016/2017


Address: 57 Wolgye-ro 45ga-gil, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01874, Korea Website: www.apis.org

In this issue First Semester Highlights Student Achievements NPC Academies Music Department Foreign Language Department




Dr.Kim’s Desk Euysung Kim, Ph.D. Founding Director

Deeper Learning for the 21st Century

In his article in Educational Leadership, Marc Tucker points out that the 21st century demands from our students the following skills and dispositions:

• Learn new things; • Relate to a constantly changing array of people from different backgrounds and with different views and skills; • Work independently with great focus and within tight timelines; • Make sound judgments on the fly; • Be trustworthy and ethical; and • Do the creative and imaginative work that machines can’t do.

The conclusion here is nothing new. Informed educators and popular authors, such as Daniel Pink, have been saying the same thing all along. Our school’s mission statement and the hibiscus model of APIS education are all about preparing our students for the New Pacific Century, which is our concept of the 21st century, with emphasis on the important link between the East and the West. Tucker’s article nonetheless makes two noteworthy points about 21st century education. First, I agree with Tucker that the “new” challenges of the 21st century, if anything, validate more than ever the value of the “traditional” liberal arts education. According to Tucker, what some people call 21st century skills were the very same skills valued by the ancient Greeks and by the master of the British Empire.

“We used to think that ordinary workers didn’t need them, so they only taught to the elites. But now, given the skills we need, we must treat all our students as elites,” writes Tucker.


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From Dr. Kim’s Desk We need not reach for some new ways of learning; what more people need, in order not to be replaced by a machine, is simply a solid liberal arts education. The purpose of liberal arts education was never to produce an expert of a body of factual knowledge but to train critical thinkers and self-reflective learners. Hence, we often advise our seniors that it does not matter which major they select in liberal arts education. Professional training and specialization comes into play at the graduate level. Before the age of automation, the rote education even at the college level could allow “white-collar” workers to survive. It will no longer be true. A quality liberal arts education has become even more critical. Tucker also points out that deeper learning is even more so important for the 21st century. Tucker says, “It’s simply not true that the profusion of knowledge in recent years makes

accumulation of knowledge unnecessary. Being able to analyze and synthesize will require students to know a lot about the material they’re analyzing and synthesizing.” This perspective flies in the face of the often-held perspective that knowledge and facts are not important learning goals in the age of Google. Even if one eventually forgets those learned facts, Tucker makes the point that they are nonetheless an important vehicle for analytical and critical thinking skills to be honed.



Along this line of argument, Tucker offers a healthy warning against project based learning tied to shallow academics.

“Sometimes a school will offer a year-long course on the geology, hydraulics, and industrial development of the local river and the politics, sociology, and economics of the communities that developed along its banks, but the teacher doesn’t know much more than her students about any of these things, so the course never gets beyond what the students can find on Wikipedia,” Tucker writes.

While his argument for deeper learning is well taken, Tucker shows limited understanding of the value of project based learning. Any pedagogical approach will fail to produce the intended result if not done right. There is no reason why project based learning is more inclined to shallow academics. I would in fact argue that the opposite is true. Project based learning, when done right, provides genuine opportunities to seek deeper learning. Why wouldn’t expert knowledge be sought when solving a genuine problem? Moreover, Tucker’s view of a teacher’s role in project based learning is not very 21st century. An effective teacher of the 21st century is not a keeper of knowledge; his or her contribution would indeed be limited if all it involved was rote learning. In project based learning, an effective teacher is a learning coach and partner in a student’s learning journey on a genuine, authentic path of inquiry.

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From Dr. Kim’s Desk APIS education is “traditional” in that we prepare our students for the best tradition of liberal arts education at the college level. Our emphasis on project based learning is tied to rigorous academics as an important pedagogical approach to nurture in our students those skills and dispositions needed for the New Pacific Century.

Reference: “Globally Ready” by Marc Tucker in Educational Leadership, December 2016/January 2017 (Vol.74, #4, p. 30-36).

21세기형 심층 학습! 교육 관련 전문잡지인 <교육 리더십(Educational Leadership)>에 게재한 글을 통해 저자 마크 터커(Marc Tucker)는 21세기에 대비하려면 우리 학생들에게 다음과 같은 기량과 자질이 필요하다고 강조합니다.

• 새로운 지식 습득하기 • 끊임 없이 변화하는 다양한 배경과 관점, 기량을 가진 수많은 사람들과 관계하며 이해하기 • 빡빡한 일정 속에서 더욱 집중력을 발휘하며 스스로 학습하기 • 즉각적으로 현명한 판단 내리기 • 윤리 의식을 갖고 남들이 신뢰할 수 있도록 행동하기 • 기계가 할 수 없는 창의적이고 풍부한 상상력을 요구하는 업무 감당하기

이러한 결론은 전혀 새로울 게 없습니다. 교육 전문가들과 다니엘 핑크(Daniel Pink) 같은 인기 작가들도 시종일관 동일 한 주장을 해왔습니다. APIS의 Mission Statement와 Hibiscus 교육 모델도 동서양의 긴밀한 연결을 강조하며 위와 같 은 21세기 능력을 양성하는 데 주안점을 두고 있습니다. 그렇지만 제가 이 기사를 흥미롭게 읽은 이유는 터커가 21세기 교육에 대해 제시한 다음 2가지 중요한 관점 때문입니다. 우선, 저는 21세기의 ‘새로운’ 도전은 아이러니컬하게도 “전 통적인” 인문 교육(Liberal Arts)의 가치를 더욱 더 부각시켜 주고 있다고 말하는 터커의 주장에 동의합니다. 터커에 따르 면, 우리들이 지금 21세기 기량이라고 부르는 것들은 고대 그 리스인들과 대영 제국시대에도 가치 있게 여긴 바로 그 기량 들입니다. “평범한 노동자들에겐 이런 기량이 전혀 쓸모 없다는 생각에 그 시대에는 엘리트들에게만 가르쳤습니다. 하지만 지금은 이 시대가 우리 자녀들에게 요구하는 기량들을 생각해봤을 때


W W W. A P I S . O R G

From Dr. Kim’s Desk 학생 모두를 엘리트처럼 교육시켜야 합니라”라고 터커는 쓰고 있습니다. 이 말은 우리가 21세기를 대비해서 새로운 학습 방식을 찾아나설 필요는 없다는 것입 니다. 사람들이 기계에게 일자리를 내주지 않기 위해 더욱 필요한 교육이 바로 철저한 인문 교육인 것입니다. 전통적으로 인문 교육의 교육철학은 암기를 통한 지식을 갖춘 전문가의 양산이 아니라 비판적인 사상과 자기 성찰적인 지식인을 양성하는 것이었 습니다. 이런 이유로, 우리는 인문학을 공부하기 위해 대학을 진학하는 졸업생들 에게 학부교육에서 앞으로 커리어를 준비하는 데 전공은 그다지 중요하지 않다고 조언합니다. 전문적인 지식 터득과 훈련은 대학원에서 본격적으로 이뤄집니다. 자 동화 시대 이전에는 심지어 대학에서도 주입식 교육이 이뤄졌었고 이렇게 주입식 교육을 받은 ‘화이트 칼라’ 노동자들만 이 생존할 수 있었습니다. 그러나 이제 더 이상은 아닙니다. 수준 높은 인문 교육이 훨씬 더 중요해졌습니다. 두 번째로 터커는 21세기 교육에서는 심층 학습이 훨씬 더 중요해졌다고 언급합니다. 터커에 따르면 “최근 몇 년 사이에 인터넷을 통해 더욱 쉽게 지식을 습득할 수 있게 되면서 더 이상 지식을 축적할 필요가 없어졌다고들 하지만, 이는 전혀 사실이 아닙니다. 학생들이 지식을 분석하고 통합하는 능력을 키우려면 우선 그들이 분 석하고 통합할 자료에 대해 많이 알아야 합니다.” 이러한 관점은 지식과 사실의 습득이 구글 시대에는 중요한 학습 목표가 아니라는 일반적인 관점과 상반됩니다. 우리가 배운 지식들을 결국에는 모두 잊어버린다 해도, 그것들은 분석적이고 비판적인 사고 능력을 키우는 데 있어 매우 중요한 수단이라는 점을 터커는 강조합니다. 이러한 주장들과 더불어, 터커는 얄팍한 수준의 학업과 연계한 프로젝트 기반 학습에 대해 경고합니다.



“예를 들어 어떤 학교에서는 학제간 프로젝트 기반 교육을 위해 지역 강의 형성을 설명하는 산업발전, 지질학 및 수력학 을 다룰 뿐만 아니라 강둑을 따라 발달한 지역사회의 정치, 사회, 경제 전반에 관해 연구하는 1년 교과과정을 제공합니 다. 정작 가르치는 교사도 학생들 이상으로 이러한 것들에 대해 많이 아는 게 아니어서 이 교과과정은 학생들이 위키피디 아에서 찾을 수 있는 지식 수준을 결코 뛰어넘지 못합니다.” 심층 학습에 대한 터커의 주장은 충분히 일리가 있지만, 프로젝트 기반 학습의 가치에 대해서는 저는 터커와 다르게 생각 합니다. 어떠한 교수법이 됐든 제대로 활용하지 않으면 소기의 목적을 달성하지 못합니다. 프로젝트 기반 학습이 본질적 으로 다른 교수법에 비해 더 피상적인 학업을 초래하는 경향이 있다는 주장은 전혀 근거가 없습니다. 저는 그 반대가 사 실이라고 주장하고 싶습니다. 프로젝트 기반 학습이 제대로만 이뤄지면 더욱 심도 깊은 학습을 모색할 수 있는 진정한 기 회를 제공합니다. 가상이 아니라 실질적인(authentic) 문제를 다루는 프로젝트 기반 교육에서 학생들이 전문적 지식을 습득하려는 동기(motivation)가 그 어떤 다른 교육 방식보다도 강하다는 연구결과가 많이 있습니다. 프로젝트 기반학습을 비판적으로 보는 터커의 관점은 21세기 교육에 있어서의 교사의 역할을 잘못 이해하고 있기 때문 이기도 합니다. 21세기 학습에서 유능한 교사의 역할은 필요한 모든 지식을 제공하는 지식 관리자가 아닙니다. 주입식 교육에서 선생이 학생보다 지식이 없다면 당연히 한계에 부딪힐 수 밖에 없습니다. 프로젝트 기반 교육에서 유능한 교사 는 모든 지식을 가진 지식 관리자가 아니라 학생들이 실제적인 탐구를 향해 나아가는 배움의 여정에 21세기 기량을 습득 할 수 있도록 지도하고 함께하는 학습 코치이자 파트너입니다. APIS 교육은 학생들이 대학에서 최고 수준의 인문학 교육을 받을 수 있도록 준비시킨다는 점에서 ‘전통적’입니다. 프로 젝트 기반 학습을 진행하는 데 있어 우리는 학생들이 New Pacific Century에 대비한 기량과 자질을 기를 수 있도록 심 도 깊은 학업과 병행하는 데 특별히 중점을 두고 있습니다.

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First Day of School


On Aug. 15, APIS Hawaii welcomed new residents in the form of goats and chickens, to provide hands-on learning about livestock raising and how animals both aid and impact the land and our lives.

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High School Music Retreat


New Residents 6

APIS Seoul welcomed students back on Aug. 16 for another fantastic year of learning.

On Sept. 2, APIS Seoul welcomed family members to an Assessment and Learning Expo. In subschool sessions, families had the opportunity to hear from APIS Director Euysung Kim, Pastor John Choi, Director of Christian Life Department and School Counselor Ward Milligan, and each principal. After each welcome session, parents could visit grade level classrooms and learn about assessment and classroombased learning. Afterward, there were open sessions to visit with foreign language, music, art, and physical education department members. The evening concluded with an NPC (New Pacific Century) Academy information session.


On Aug. 27, APIS Seoul secondary music students and their band, orchestra, and chorus teachers gathered together for the second annual APIS High School Music Retreat. Working with the theme, “divided by section, united in harmony,� the event featured ensemble rehearsals and team-building exercises and was designed to foster teamwork within and between the musical disciplines.


School Begins

APIS Hawaii faculty arrived on Aug. 8 and spent two weeks training for the year ahead and working in collaborative planning teams on our new project-based curriculum. Time was dedicated to understanding our core values (relationships, personalized learning, and fostering skills for success in college and life), and our focus area for the year: loving God and loving others.

Assessment and Learning Expo

Events In Brief

Faculty Arrive



On Sep. 5, APIS Hawaii students arrived for the first day of school and enjoyed a variety of team-building activities designed to help everyone get to know each other and introduce the core values and focus for the year. It was an exciting day of fun and learning that set the stage for a productive new school year.

On Sept. 7-9, APIS Seoul high school students went on a retreat to the Women’s Retreat Center in Gangwon Do. The main theme of this year’s retreat was “Masterpiece in the Making.” The high school SRC planned and coordinated a variety of fun activities during the retreat, including lanterns, a bonfire, an escape room team-building activity, a rail bike outing, and a final evening of dance, games, and karaoke. Throughout the retreat, students and faculty had the opportunity to connect and share in fellowship.




The Mid-Autumn Festival, one of the most celebrated holidays on the Chinese lunar calendar, occurs on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. At APIS Hawaii, middle school students introduced the legend of the festival during a special lunchtime presentation, and the high schoolers shared some well-known poetry. Then, everyone enjoyed authentic Chinese mooncakes. At APIS Seoul, elementary students enrolled in Chinese language classes also had the chance to make and savor traditional Chinese mooncakes.

Seoul 9/6-7 Hawaii 9/15

APIS Seoul elementary students enjoyed a fun field day in the sun on Sept. 9, the last day of school before the Chuseok Holiday.


Fall Extracurricular Activities Begin

High School Retreat


Mid-Autumn Festival

All APIS Hawaii students visited the World Conservation Congress Exhibition in Honolulu on Sept. 7. The World Congress meets every four years to bring together leaders from government, the public sector, non-governmental organizations, business, UN agencies, and indigenous and grassroots organizations to discuss and decide on solutions to environment and development challenges worldwide. Students and teachers visited booths and presentations by world leaders in the area of conservation.

Elementary Fall Field Day

World Congress


Fall extracurricular activities started up on Sept. 19, when APIS Seoul students could choose from a variety of activities to sign up for. Choices included old favorites and new options, including lego robotics, kickball, chamber orchestra, a cappella, and more!

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NHS Welcomes New Memebers


I love autumn


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On Sept. 26, the APIS chapter of the National Honor Society welcomed its new members at the official induction ceremony. Each year, high school students who are accomplished in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character are able to apply for admission into the national organization.

Agriculture Up Close

In addition to more than 20 different universities visiting APIS throughout the fall, APIS again hosted the Linden Fair on Sept. 30 to give high school students the opportunity to connect with admissions officers from 12 different schools on the same day.


APIS Hawaii middle school students visited Monsanto’s agricultural operations on Oahu where they learned about Monsanto’s operations in Hawaii and some of the intricacies of genetic modification. Students visited test plots to discuss corn breeding as well as pest control and the use of certain plants to help promote beneficial insects. The second half of the visit was with an entomologist who reviewed ways to promote a healthy diversity of insects, which can reduce pesticide usage. Students met caterpillars, the larvae of several insects, and newly hatched butterflies up close.


Lifelong Learner Time

The APIS Summer Reading Program is an annual program that encourages students to become lifelong readers. Students in kindergarten through Grade 6 who read 1,000 minutes or more this summer, and tracked their reading, were awarded a certificate and Summer Reading Program T-shirt at Chapel on Sept. 20, to celebrate their learning.

Linden Fair and Fall College Visits

Summer Reading Program Awards



As part of our Lifelong Learner Time, where students and teachers have two hours each week to pursue learning in any area of passion they select, parents, teachers, and students all enjoyed an Italian Food Night sponsored by Hannah Todd (Grade 6) and Allison Manley (math/science teacher). They spent a few weeks learning about and practicing Italian cooking, and then cooked a terrific meal for the entire community. Delicious!

In response to guest chapel speaker John-Michael Becker’s message on Oct. 6, the APIS community raised over 2 million KRW to contribute to Oak Tree Run, a fundraising event in which all money raised goes directly toward Oak Tree Project, a scholarship fund that supports orphans after they turn 18. APIS staff, students, and family members, including the entire boys volleyball team, participated in Oak Tree Run, held Oct. 15.

School Carnival The APIS Seoul forensics team celebrated strong showings at the first two KAIAC (Korean-American Interscholastic Activities Conference) forensics competitions of the school year, held Oct. 15-16 and Nov. 18-19.


NHS Tutoring Program Kicks Off

10/15-16 11/18-19


NHS (National Honor Society) members launched an NHS tutoring program on Oct. 17. Members created a website that lists brief bios of NHS members and their different subject matters of expertise. Interested students simply reach out to a tutor by email, express their need, and set up a time to meet. NHS wants everyone to have a successful school year! So far, 10 students have taken advantage of this fabulous new learning opportunity.


Global Issues in Action

Oak Tree Run 10/15

Forensics Team

On Oct. 20, APIS Seoul students, staff, and parents enjoyed a smilefilled, high-energy schoolwide carnival day. From apple bobbing and pumpkin decorating to soccer goal shooting, Korean PiĂąata, water games, pie your teacher, and hours of bouncing, there was something for everyone to enjoy! All proceeds were donated to Oak Tree Project.



APIS Hawaii high school students enrolled in the Global Issues in Action class worked hard throughout the first part of the year to ensure the Hawaii campus is disaster-prepared by creating a supply kit and developing a campus and community safety plan. They met with the Honolulu deputy fire chief and community disaster preparedness coordinator and developed a school Disaster Preparedness Plan and a Community Tsunami Evacuation Plan that they presented at the end of October to the school administration for adoption. W W W. A P I S . O R G


winter is here!


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The APIS Seoul high school music department participated in the KAIAC Large-Group Festival on Nov. 1, 2016 for the sixth consecutive year. The band, choir, and orchestra performed for a panel of three professional judges where each ensemble was critiqued, rated, and given a clinic following the performance. The KAIAC judges’ results included high honors for each APIS ensemble, with both orchestra and choir receiving gold, and band receiving platinum.

A Tale of Discovery

From Nov. 4 through Nov. 19, New Pacific Century Academy took over the Hawaii campus, when Hawaii welcomed 48 middle school students from Seoul! The academy was an action-packed time of exploration, hands-on learning, and personal growth for our students, as they stretched both their intellectual and social boundaries. Over the course of the academy, students learned about culture, innovation, and sustainability, but, more importantly, they had the opportunity to grow and develop the 21st-century skills we know are important for their future.


NPC Academy Seoul


NPC Academy Hawaii

From Oct. 31-Nov. 4, APIS Seoul elementary students enjoyed another fun-filled annual Read Across APIS event. This year’s theme was comics and graphic novels. From a guest author/illustrator Skype visit with Jarrett J. Krosoczka, to comic-themed rotation stations, guest readers and art teachers, reading buddies, and an elementary-wide field trip to the Korea Manhwa (comic) Museum, students had myriad opportunities to take in the joys of reading, writing, and making art.

KAIAC Large-Group Festival

Read Across APIS



In the Hawaii campus’s first theatrical production, the APIS Hawaii Players performed “A Tale of Discovery.” Seven student actors, along with Andrew Ris (Dean of Residential Life/Admission), wrote and performed a completely original play. Their action-packed story about exploration and friendship, premiered for all of the New Pacific Century Academy visitors in a sunny outdoor performance. Drama is alive and well on the Hawaii campus.


From Nov. 7-Nov. 21, middle school students in Seoul participated in the New Pacific Century Academy Seoul program, where students focused on research, team-building, and inquiry skills. Students began by asking various questions about themselves and the world. These questions led to the program’s two main themes: music and social issues. Using these two themes as a guide, students developed different research projects and questions. Their learning was displayed in final projects, which they had the opportunity to share with faculty and peers on Nov. 22.





Lifelong Learner Time


Middle School Lock-In


The annual secondary Christmas concert was presented the evening of Dec. 14, featuring APIS music students performing festive songs of the season. The elementary concert was presented Dec. 15 during the school day.

High school drama students, along with the support of a fabulous tech team, AP art students, and our new A Cappella group, performed “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play” by Joe Landry during an all-school chapel held the afternoon of Dec. 16, the last day of school before winter vacation.

Christmas Drama

Spirit Week

Students’ school spirit shone during APIS Spirit Week! From pajama day, twin day, and dress-like-a-teacher day, to a mannequin challenge and character day, students showed tremendous school spirit throughout APIS Spirit Week (held Nov. 28 - Dec. 2).

Christmas Concerts


From 6:30 p.m., Dec. 2 until 7:30 a.m. Dec. 3, APIS Seoul middle school students were locked in at school! The annual event kicked off with a rousing game of Capture the Flag. Teachers and students had fun running under the bright lights of the field, despite the windchill. Ward Milligan (director of Christian Life Department/counselor) delivered breakfast at 6 a.m. sharp, courtesy of McDonald’s. After breakfast, faculty and students were ready to head home for a long nap.

The APIS Hawaii Lifelong Learner Time (LLT) got off to a fantastic start. Every student and teacher selected a topic that they were interested in learning, or a skill they wanted to develop, and spent two hours each Wednesday learning, practicing, and improving in this area. Topics included movie making, language learning, comic writing, computer programming and app design, trail development, woodworking, and more. On Dec. 15, we held our first ever LLT Expo and Arts Fair to celebrate and share. W W W. A P I S . O R G




From the

Deputy Head of Academics

Scott Paulin Deputy Head of Academics

In his work, “Battling for the Soul of American Education,” John Abbot writes:

“The factory, rather than a moral, learning community, is the inspiration for traditional models of learning. When the factory was touted as the ideal organization for work and when most youngsters were headed for its assembly lines, making a mass public education system conform to the model of the factory may have seemed like a great achievement.”

Times have changed, however, and we are no longer preparing the bulk of our students for life on the assembly lines. This factory model of schooling is more about conformity and standardization, but the jobs our students are preparing for will require curiosity and the ability to learn, relearn, and create. Schools will best prepare students for their future if we find a way to break free of the factory model of education developed in the Industrial Age so that we can create schools suited for the challenges of the conceptual age. Paulo Freire argues that the basis of a critical classroom is for teachers to understand the primacy of curiosity. Before teachers can entertain methods or pedagogical approaches for an engaging classroom, “The teacher must be clear and content with the notion that the cornerstone of the whole process is human curiosity. Curiosity drives us to question, states Freire, “and to know, act, ask again, recognize. Curiosity, then, motivates us to not only want to know, but to reflect and to act upon that reflection.” At our Hawaii campus this year we created a two-and-a-half-hour block of time every Wednesday afternoon called Lifelong Learner Time (LLT). Each week during this time, teachers and students all work on a project, intellectual pursuit, or new skill they have selected on their own just because it interests them. Some students and teachers are building things, some are learning a new language, some are learning to play an instrument, and some are writing a novel, book of poetry, or screenplay. There are mini presentations along the way for all of us to share our learning journey, and there was a larger presentation and celebration at the end of the semester where teachers and students shared their experience with the larger school community and parents. It is exciting to see students and teachers across campus all diving into the opportunity to explore their own passions or curiosities each week! And students are learning fantastic things, and, more importantly, learning how to learn, relearn, and actually do something real with their learning.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

From the

Elementary School Principal Bruce Knox Elementary School Principal

A Reflection If you conduct a search on Amazon, you will find countless books on the value of self-reflection, on the role of reflection as a part of the learning process, and on the best way to go about “reflecting.” Over the past week, as I have been meeting with elementary teachers, we have been talking about “reflection” – the process of giving serious thought or consideration to something. I have been asking the teachers to “reflect” on their previous unit of teaching. To consider what they planned, how well they followed through with the plan, and whether or not they achieved what they hoped to achieve. At the same time, teachers have been asking their students to do some self-reflection on how they have been doing this semester. The end of a semester is one of those times when I cannot help but reflect on a lot of things. Things to be thankful for, things I would like to do better, things that have gone well, and things I would like to achieve. As I have been considering this semester, here are some of my reflections: It has been a busy semester! New student orientations, an open house, a field day, a carnival, a spirit week, field trips all over Seoul, after-school activities, Saturday football and choir, publishing parties, guest speakers, concerts, and students learning, learning, learning. As I reflected on this, I began to consider the amount of time and effort that has been given by the faculty and staff of APIS to plan and present all of these different events and learning opportunities. It is considerable.



And then I began to consider the people who make up the faculty and staff. From a principal’s perspective, I consider myself extremely fortunate to be working with such a talented, committed, energetic, and professional group of colleagues. They bring their smiles to APIS every morning and share them with all. And upon reflection, this is something incredibly valuable! I have also reflected that we have an exciting and full second semester ahead of us. So, as you arrive at the end of another calendar year, take a moment to reflect on your last six months. Take a moment to be thankful for the things you have, to be mindful of the things that haven’t gone as planned, and to be excited for the things that are just around the corner.

Artwork by Suki Park (Grade 2). W W W. A P I S . O R G




New Pacific Century Academy NPC (New Pacific Century) Academy is an opportunity for middle school students from both campuses to develop important skills that will prepare them for success in the 21st century. What follows is a collection of reflections and photos from each November 2016 NPC Academy.

New Pacific Century Academy Seoul By Jillian Iwanuk, Middle School Principal


At the start of NPC Academy Seoul, students spent time identifying a topic of interest. Students narrowed it down to two topics: music and social change. Students chose a research question within these two topics. Some students linked the two topics together. Others chose one or the other. Some of the questions the students sought to answer were:

Can music be a solution for social issues? How could K-pop affect the relationship between Asian countries or even countries outside of Asia? How does music affect trauma from war? How much influence do musicians have on society? How does music help people form social connections with each other? How and why does music affect the brain?

We Visited the Jusarang Orphanage By Charissa Kim, Grade 8 Student


On Nov. 10, a group of middle schoolers visited the Jusarang Orphanage (주사랑공동체) with Middle School Writer’s Workshop Teacher Megan Vosk. In Korean, “Jusarang” means God’s love. This orphanage started through Pastor Lee Jong-Rak’s son who was born with severe disabilities. Pastor Lee spent a lot of time taking care of his son in the hospital. There was another girl with severe disabilities in the bed next to his son. That girl stayed in the hospital with her grandmother because her parents left her at a very young age. One day, the grandma said to Pastor Lee, “Pastor, I have been noticing the way you were taking such good care of your son, and trying everything you could to help him stay as healthy as possible and shower him with love. I am very old, and I will die soon. This makes me concerned for my granddaughter. I know this is asking a lot, but would you be willing to take care of my granddaughter for me? If you accept my offer, then I will believe in Jesus Christ.” When Pastor Lee heard this, he knew that if this could save the grandma’s life, he could not decline this offer. So he promised her that he will do his very best to help her granddaughter grow in the best conditions possible. Today, that girl is still living healthily in the orphanage Pastor Lee founded, and she loves to smile. This field trip was such a great experience for me and my classmates, because every life is important. The way you are born does not define who you are. It’s your spirit that matters. Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.” Thinking back, I used to live as though nothing is a miracle. I missed out on a lot. Miracles are everywhere. Miracles are God, and God is forgiveness. For the longest time, I haven’t thought much about people in this world who are living like this because I was busy complaining about what I didn’t have and what I didn’t like. I believe in a God who wants to teach us to love everyone. I want everyone in this world to know that they are not alone. Whatever you may be going through, I am here to tell you that you are NOT alone. Miracles are God’s way of letting us know He’s here.

W W W. A P I S . O R G

Thoughts on War and Peace: An interview with Arn Chorn-Pond By Megan Vosk, Writer’s Workshop Teacher

Today we Skyped with Arn Chorn-Pond. Arn is the founder of the Cambodia Living Arts Foundation, which is an organization dedicated to preserving the musical traditions of Cambodia through education and arts initiatives. Arn is a survivor of the Cambodian genocide of the 1970s, and he shared his story and history with us. Arn was forced by the Communist Khmer Rouge to be a child soldier during the war. He suffered very much and lost many members of his family. He was lucky to be found and adopted by an American named John Pond – this saved his life. He later moved to the United States and faced bullying and racism. He overcame all of these challenges and is now a famous human rights activist. What struck me most about Arn was his positivity. Although he had a sad childhood, he was not angry or bitter. In fact, he said he “had no face for revenge.” Whereas most respond to violence with violence and hatred with hatred, Arn responded with love. Instead of dropping bombs, he played music. He told us that music and storytelling had helped him to heal from the pain and trauma of what he had experienced. Arn’s story is a reminder to us all to always choose kindness and love. I encourage you to read and learn more about his foundation here: http://www.cambodianlivingarts.org/.



A Trip to the Museum of Gugak By Alina Chong, Grade 8 Student

Today, at the Museum of Gugak, we learned more about Korea’s traditional music. We got to see, learn, and even try playing some of the traditional instruments. The music played in the past sounded really different from the music we listen to now. But it was interesting to see how the music we have now kind of came from the past. It was cool to learn more about Korea’s traditional music culture. The materials the instruments were made with are traditional Korean materials like wood and stone, which was really cool to see. I think this was an awesome field trip, because we got to learn about another way that people communicated in the past. W W W. A P I S . O R G




Life of a Peacekeeper: An Interview with Mr. Manuel Calzada By Marcus Kim, Grade 8 Student

Mr. Calzada, Sophie’s (Grade 8) father, called us via Skype yesterday. He is currently working as a field agent for the United Nations in Sudan. What we already knew about Sudan from Isra (Grade 7) and Fatima Eldei Ali (Grade 6) is that it is an Arabic-speaking African country that was divided in two through a war. Mr. Calzada is working with government officials in Sudan on a peacekeeping mission. He told us about the effects of the war in Sudan, and discussed the pros and cons of being a part of the UN. According to Mr. Calzada, where he works isn’t very dangerous right now, and the tension of war has subsided. When asked about the negative effects of war, Mr. Calzada expressed devastation and sadness. He told us about the lives of the people involved with the war and the connection between war and poverty. He also told us where wars happen and how they begin. He explained that civil wars are much more common than international wars, especially in poor countries where people aren’t meeting their basic survival needs. Apparently, the only education some children in war-torn areas receive is education in combat tactics. Since the war in Sudan lasted over 15 years, a generation of education has been lost, and the country is now torn apart. When Mr. Calzada was asked about how working for the UN has affected him, he said, “It has made me aware of what it really means to talk about the differences between developed and developing countries.”

A Special Visitor! Sophie Holbrook, Music Department Chair and Band Director

Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra trumpet player Jeff Holbrook visited our school and led a sharing session with the students on his thoughts and experiences about being a professional musician. The students prepared questions, such as “What makes music powerful? How does music help you? How can we learn more about music?” Mr. Holbrook discussed the importance of being around great music as much as you can: go to concerts, take part in your school music program, learn as much as you can from your music teachers, ask questions, find new music that excites you, and never give up on one of life’s greatest joys. Mr. Holbrook shared that when performing Beethoven’s 9th Symphony he feels the most emotion, describing that he has never felt a stronger power than when sitting in the middle of the orchestra during the fourth and final movement, Ode to Joy. In describing the feeling, Mr. Holbrook said, “It brings emotions that you can’t describe: awesome in the true meaning of the word, spirituality, and bone-shaking joy.” Through his trumpet lessons with great teachers at a young age, his top education at Interlochen, and The Juilliard School, Mr. Holbrook expressed the importance of soaking in learning and working hard to achieve success in a very competitive field. Throughout NPC Academy Seoul, students kept a reflection journal, and were matched with faculty advisors, whom they met with daily as a way to process their learning and deepen schoolwide connections.


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NPC Academy Hawaii kicked off with the arrival of students from Seoul. There were planned games and free time for students to explore the different activities around campus. In the evening, students enjoyed their grilled chicken dinner and an evening game of Bunko. The next two days were filled with getting to know each other through team-building activities and fun-filled beach trips.



The sixth grade definitely kept busy throughout NPC Academy. They visited the Bishop Hawaiian History Museum, where they saw an incredible variety of artifacts and stories relating to traditional Hawaiian society and life. They also learned about Polynesian voyaging techniques using knowledge of the wind, stars, and currents. Wednesday saw them visiting a surfboard factory and making their own mini-surfboard, and later they also began building and decorating their own ukuleles. They also hiked on the Hauula Loop Trail, experiencing the sights and sounds of this sacred and protected Hawaiian land.

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After two days of settling in, we started our formal classes. Sixth grade began their journey with a look at what culture is in terms of their own culture and the cultures of others. Students got hands-on experience playing authentic Hawaiian instruments. Seventh grade introduced the topics of transportation, innovation, and globalization. Students were asked to use recycled materials to make a 3-D model relating to the theme. Eighth grade began to explore the idea of sustainability and appreciate the nature of Hawaii. Students sketched naturalist drawings on a hike in the mountains and looked at new innovative forms of farming on campus, including aquaponics, hydroponics, and aquaculture.

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During the academy, eighth grade students visited our three goats who were a little shy at first but soon warmed up to bananas and some head rubs from our group. They also learned about our water system and how we pump well water using solar power to water our fields. Students were able to plant lettuce and flowers in our farm and learned about and tasted some native Hawaiian foods. They traveled to nearby Kahuku Farms, the Kapiolani Community College Farmer’s Market, and climbed to the top of Diamond Head State Mountain. They even spent some time walking around Waikiki, Honolulu’s most famous tourist area. Later in the week, the students headed out for the Mobile Education Station of Sustainable Coastlines in Haleiwa! The Education Station brought to the forefront of our minds the importance of the four R’s: REFUSE, REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE, in keeping the oceans and beaches of Hawaii clean.

Seventh grade learned about flight as a transportation innovation and had the opportunity to create their own foam airplanes, fly them, and then modify them with their own unique ideas. Afterward, they dove into the future of transportation, learning about teleportation, driverless cars, and drones. Seventh graders received their own nano-drones to fly and take home after NPC! Later in the week, seventh grade students had the privilege to visit the Aviation Museum on Ford Island. This museum was one of the first structures under attack during the infamous Pearl Harbor incident in World War II. The students were given a chance to fly flight simulators.



Our final day in Hawaii began with preparation time for presentations in the afternoon. After lunch, each grade level presented their learning. The sixth grade led it off with a mural of the different Hawaiian islands, as well as individual presentations on Hawaiian culture. The seventh grade followed up with seven hands-on stations including virtual reality, drones, airplane building, postcard making, photo timeline competitions, tin-can experiments, and a station to listen to the podcasts the students made. The eighth grade then led tours throughout the campus on the different farming techniques used in Hawaii and what sustainability means. They also presented an incredible mural created from microplastics they found on the beach. The sixth grade then ended the day with singing a farewell song in Hawaiian. It was a great day of presentations! Soon they will be headed back for home, but we will miss them all so much.

W W W. A P I S . O R G




From the

Christian Life Department Ward Milligan Director of Christian Life Department/Counselor

John Choi School Chaplain/Counselor The Christian Life Department’s main goal is to provide opportunities for people to meet and enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. It has been an exciting first semester and we are thrilled to have added Pastor John Choi to our Christian Life Team. Time is provided within the school timetable for separate elementary, middle, and high school chapel times. We aim for chapel messages to provide a springboard for students to reflect, discuss topics, and ask questions on an individual basis. Intentional, honest relationship and interactions with students and lifestyle modeling may be the most important thing we strive to do. Elementary: We continue the tradition of rotating song and dance leading responsibility among each of the grades across the elementary school. The students bring fresh energy each week and never fail to make worship a lot of fun. Pastor John has been teaching through the Bible, from Apostle Paul, Adam and Eve, Abraham, King David, and how all of it points to God’s greatest gift: Jesus Christ, His son. We’ve also learned along the way about obedience, honoring others, and having joy. The students across the elementary school have really been engaged during chapel and are a huge encouragement to us in the Christian Life Department. Secondary: The theme of this year’s high school retreat was “Masterpiece in the Making” with our central verse from Philippians 1:6: “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion” through which Pastor John invited students into God’s perfect love. Many thanks to seniors Grace J. Kim and Michelle Suh for their wonderful job designing the retreat T-shirts, to the staff-led band (Emmalee Johnson, Robert Sim, Melinda Baum, and Ryan Murfield), and to the SRC who planned and executed various activities, ensuring all students had a great time. We have introduced a program called Alpha in our secondary chapels, which has allowed us to alternate from large group sessions in the auditorium and smaller, more intimate groups in homerooms. The following information is from the Alpha series: “Alpha is a series of interactive sessions using videos and discussions to freely explore the basics of the Christian faith … Alpha really is for anyone who’s curious. The talks are designed to encourage conversation and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, honest, and informal environment.” All of the program materials can be accessed online for free at: www.alphayouthfilmseries.com. Large-group chapel times have mostly been led by Pastor John and Director of Christian Life Department Ward Milligan, but we’ve also had special guest speakers, including Tyler Sgrignoli (high school English teacher) and John-Michael Becker from Jerusalem Ministry and Oak Tree Project.


The approaching Christmas season is a time to focus on the gift of God’s Son and our saviour Jesus Christ. We wish everyone a wonderful winter break and a blessed Christmas. We look forward to exploring ways to share God’s Word in the coming new year. W W W. A P I S . O R G

From the

School Counselors Ward Milligan & Jodi Nielson School Counselors

It has been a busy and productive start for the school year, as we continue to work on living out the APIS and counseling mission: To support students to internalize and apply the skills needed to be lifelong learners who are vibrant, effective members of their community and the world. APIS will specifically address the domains of academic, career, personal/social, and global perspective. School counselors use the above four domains to systemically deliver the program, in consultation with school stakeholders. In the academic and career domain, counselors and teachers are supporting seniors and juniors to make decisions, manage their workload, and bring balance into their busy lives. In social and global perspectives, we continue to have weekly social skills classes with kindergarten through Grade 5, and every two weeks with middle school. Topics covered include the skills of active listening, developing empathy, strategies to solve problems, problem-solving steps, acts of compassion, understanding the APIS character traits (aspire, perseverance, integrity, and spiritualy grounded), and building a positive APIS community.



Activities provide opportunities to develop cooperation skills and develop empathy for others both near and far. For example, physically carrying water helped students understand what children without access to tap water deal with daily. Empathy changes our hearts to want to respond. The goal is to follow up with action steps to help others. Counselors also work with individuals and small groups to build these skills and problem solve.

W W W. A P I S . O R G




From the

High School Principal Andrew Murphy High School Principal

As the first semester comes to a close, it is a great time to reflect on the year that was and the new semester to come. The school year started with great experiences bonding at the annual high school retreat. Students and teachers started to build those deeper bonds that can only take place outside the classroom. Soon fall became winter and, with it, new events, activities, and sports. We have seen some great events, such as our annual carnival put on by our Student Representative Councils, PTO, and the school. I will remember this event fondly, as I, like many others, participated in this great fundraiser by taking a PIE in the face. My pie seemed to be larger than others! As we headed into winter break, we saw excellent basketball games and winter concerts. It is always amazing to see our wonderfully talented students succeed and achieve outside of class. The first semester wrapped up with a student production of “It’s a Wonderful Life.� What really impressed me was how the school came together as whole to help get the set ready. Although the play was put on by our drama class, the production felt like the entire community contributed to it. With all this going on, and more, it is easy to forget about all the learning, instruction, and assessments that are ongoing. What I find remarkable is that our students are able to be in drama, participate in clubs, sports, apply to colleges, and more, while still achieving academically. It is with gratitude that I say goodbye to 2016, feeling truly blessed to have served with this staff and these students, and to be able to see all their accomplishments. At the same time, I say to hello to 2017, with anticipation of learning what universities our seniors will decide to attend, what surprises our Student Representative Council has in store for us, and what our students will achieve in the new year. As we move to the second semester, I am eager to step back and watch the greatness happen here at APIS.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

Alumni Class Notes WHAT ARE YOU UP To THESE DAYS? Yoonjoo Gloria Kim

Yoonjoo Gloria Kim (Class of 2014) snaps a photo of herself in southern France during June, 2016.

Chris Daehong Kim



Only for a second can you take a photo on a street emptied by the red traffic filight. Chris Daehong Kim (Class of 2014) stands on a street in New York City.

Brian Kim

Brian Kim (second from left, Class of 2014) poses with his fellow coworkers at KBS. He worked as an intern researcher, helping with the production for an upcoming Korean history documentary that will go on air January 2017.

I AM...





Student Achievements Sophia Shin (Grade 11) auditioned and was cast in the

Seoul Shakespeare Company’s spring production of “The Winter’s Tale,” directed by Michael Downey. The Seoul Shakespeare Company is a professional theatre company and the only English Shakespeare theatre company in Seoul. Sophia joins APIS English Language Arts Teacher Sarah McRoberts, who also earned a role in the 18-member cast. The show will run the weekends of April 15-16, 22-23, and 29-30.

Richard Shim Jo (Grade 11) was award-

ed the Bronze Prize at the 12th English-Speaking Union Korea Public Speaking Competition (held Aug. 27 at Ajou University in Suwon, Gyeonggi), a biannual contest hosted by the Korea JoongAng Daily and the British Embassy.

Selected as a silver prize winner in the lower elementary age group, Yin Choi’s (Grade 2) artwork was chosen among thousands of other submissions in the 60th Korean National Student Art Contest held over the summer. The contest, hosted by Korea Art Promotion Association and supported by National Student Art Institute, determined award winners based on artistic talent, basic skills, expression, imagination, design, and overall merit.

On July 31, Matthew Choi (Grade 9) was awarded the Excellent Student Reporter Award from the Korea Herald Insight. Out of a field of 67 participants, his work was recognized as one of two Excellent Student Reporter awards for articles he submitted during the February-July 2016 reporting season.


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On Oct. 30, David Jeong (Grade 4) participated in the ninth annual Chinese Bridge Speech Contest, a Chinese language speech contest held in Seoul and sponsored by the Seoul Confucius Institute (an organization funded by the Chinese government) and Chinese Education Bureau. David was the first place winner among a field of first through sixth grade participants.

In the 57th Han Kook Children’s Daily Art Competition, Jeannette Kim (Grade 6) was awarded the Gold Award, the second highest honor one could receive in each age group. One of few selected award winners from among 95,647 submissions in 53 different participating regions of Korea, Jeannette’s artwork was recognized for its excellence by a panel of judges comprised of art professors and professional artists.

On Nov. 18, Sophie Yoo (Grade 11) and Julia Kim (Grade 11) were awarded first place in the 16th South Chungcheong Province KSL (Korean Sign Language) Competition, held at Korea Nazarene University. The Korean Institute for the Deaf and the Chungnam Institute for the Deaf sponsored the contest.



Seven APIS choral students were selected to participate in the Association of Music in International Schools Choral Festival March 2-5 in Abu Dhabi. Eugenie Kwon (Grade 11) singing alto; Mei-Mei Timpson (Grade 9) singing soprano; Brandon Sohn (Grade 12) and Andrew Kang (Grade 12), both singing tenor; and Gyu Young Lee (Grade 11), Joonwoo Kang (Grade 12), and Tim Lee (Grade 11) singing bass, were selected for the mixed choir. The following students were selected as alternates: Noah Kim (Grade 11), Sophie Yoo (Grade 11), and Gia Kim (Grade 11). Each student made an audio recording of three audition excerpts – one aria and two vocalise. There were hundreds of other applicants from nearly 100 international schools on five continents.

Three APIS band and orchestra students – Shinyoung Lee (Grade 12) on trumpet, Grace Y. Kim (Grade 12) on clarinet, and David Kim (Grade 11) on cello – were selected to participate in the Association of Music in International Schools Band and Orchestra Festival in Luxembourg from March 15-19. To win a spot in the festival, each student made an audio recording of five audition excerpts. There were hundreds of other applicants from more nearly 100 international schools on five continents. W W W. A P I S . O R G




From the

Foreign Language Department The Chinese, Japanese, and Korean departments celebrated the start of a new school year.

High school Japanese language students enjoyed using the new APIS kitchen classroom space to make Gyoza (dumplings filled with ground meat and vegetables and wrapped with a thin dough). Gyoza originated in China, but have become a very popular dish in Japan. In addition to Gyoza, 11th and 12th grade students also made Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki (savory pancake with various ingredients), which contain cabbage and noodles. Several high school classes participated in the “duck project” and made 36 cards that feature 36 different ducks described using the correct Japanese grammar and vocabulary they have learnt in class. The cards students made are also used to play games in class. Japanese AP and Level 5 students wrote Haikus. Elementary Chinese language classes celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival, one of the most-celebrated holidays on the Chinese lunar calendar, by making mooncakes together. During NPC Academy Seoul, middle school Chinese language classes made 炒饭 (fried rice), 饺子(dumpling), 麻婆豆腐 (spicy beancurd), and 宫保鸡丁 (Kung Pao chicken). Chinese Language Department Chair Grace Gao said the focus is on healthy food and all the steps that go into preparing, serving, and eating food. “Students bring their own ingredients, cook together, eat together, and clean up together. Having the cooking classroom makes it easier to learn and creates a fun atmosphere for learning.” As part of the cooking class, students also need to make a poster and video about the cooking project in Chinese.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

From the

Foreign Language Department

APIS won the honor to send two high school students to the 2017 Chinese language winter camp, sponsored by HanBan/Confucius Institute Headquarters in cooperation with Seoul Confucius Institute and held at Beijing Foreign Language University in China. Interested APIS high school students submitted an application that included an essay about why they wished to attend the camp. Rose Lee and Richard Cho (Grade 11) were selected to attend. The Korean department had all students (grades kindergarten through twelve) create bookmarks with beautiful Korean handwriting to celebrate Korean “Hangul” proclamation day (Oct. 9). This activity encouraged students to take pride in the worldwide recognition of Hangul and helped students appreciate traditional culture. Students chose favorite quotes and designed bookmarks that featured the quote written in Hangul along with artwork. Students exhibited their completed works on the tree located in the CLC (Christian Life Center). The Korean department published the fifth edition of the “Korean Language Arts Program Collection of Literary Works.” The theme for the cover design competition was: “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.” This competition was an opportunity for students to showcase their artistic talents and be recognized for their creativity. The winning designs were featured on the cover of the collection. Students will celebrate with a publishing party in January, which is when students will receive copies of the book. They will have additional opportunities to write creative pieces in a Korean writing contest, which takes place in March.



The foreign language department looks forward to the spring semester, and the fourth annual Asian Language Speech Showcase.

G11 David Kim

G11 Gia Kim

G2 Yurina Kimura W W W. A P I S . O R G




From the

Music Department Sophie Holbrook Music Department Chair The APIS music department is happy to introduce the newest member to our teaching faculty, Naarah Callender. Ms. Callender comes to us from Georgia, U.S. and brings with her a diverse experience in choral music education. Under Miss Callender’s direction, the Greenhawks Children’s Choir is a newly formed choral opportunity for our elementary students. The children in the GHCC are able to further their love of singing with choir practice each Saturday and extra performances throughout the semester. Well done, GHCC members and Ms. Callender!

Elementary students create, dance, sing, play, and experience music in many ways in their general music classes. The key to fostering a love of music in each child is for the students to enjoy their time making music. By participating fully in music before intellectualizing, the children love to make music in a safe and creative environment that welcomes all abilities. The beauty of music comes not from the correctness of performance, but from the process of creation. Seeing our elementary students make music will put a smile on anyone’s face! The middle school continues to learn music in two classes: Music Fundamentals and Band or Orchestra. This is the third year since implementing the Music Fundamentals class and the benefits of learning music in multiple ways allows for extended musical growth. When learning vocal techniques in Music Fundamentals, the students apply similar concepts to their band or orchestra instrument; when composing a melody on an Orff instrument, the students learn transposition to make the same melody on other instruments; and, when studying music of varying genres in choir, students realize comparisons across musical fields. Our middle school classes continue to strengthen in their overall musicianship, directly benefitting their practice and performance in the classroom and on stage. The high school student musicians began the year at our second annual APIS High School Music Retreat where the students attended a full day of rehearsals and team-building activities. The energy created and relationships strengthened at the retreat are still being felt in our daily rehearsals. At the conclusion of the day, each high school ensemble performed for each other in the auditorium and listened to APIS Director Euysung Kim speak about his experience in music. We were all reminded of how fortunate we are to be in a school that promotes music as one of life’s greatest gifts and values music as a beneficial and important part of learning. Music is an established part of the APIS culture and with that comes a sense of pride in our students. The concentrated effort on behalf of the entire department to study and take part in music exemplifies the best in us. We create, we harmonize, and we unite through the calming power of music.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

From the

Curriculum Coordinator Meg Hayne Curriculum Coordinator/Middle School Principal

As we look to the future, it is safe to say that the world will continue to be more digitized, more connected, and rapidly changing in so many ways. Those who will carry the torches of change and innovation are seated in our classrooms today. Along with rapid change in the needs of our future workforce must also come changes in how we prepare our students for that future. The Institute for the Future in Palo Alto, CA identified 10 skills that will contribute to success in these workplaces of the future. All of these skills center on the ability to connect and be flexible. Taking a closer look, we see the importance of connecting to people, connecting learning to deeper meanings or larger themes, adapting to new challenges, working with a diverse population in different cultural settings, and conceptual learning that results in both innovation and production. As the curriculum coordinator at APIS, I love to see teachers embrace these mindsets and approaches. I have been fortunate enough to observe classes, co-plan units, and even co-teach lessons that emphasize development of these skills. In elementary, transdisciplinary units approach big questions and themes from a number of different disciplines and guide students into the thinking skills that they will need to make the connections mentioned above. Middle school pushes forward in transdisciplinarity and design mindset with the New Pacific Century Academy in both Seoul and Hawaii. A number of high school teachers are opening up doors and opportunities for their students to research and design solutions that reach beyond the classroom. Across the board, our teachers are approaching learning so that students become curious problem solvers who can connect to their world and to the world of the future.



It is an exciting time to be a part of these educational changes, and I am thankful that APIS and our faculty are accepting the challenges of the future by preparing our students in the best ways possible.

Artwork by Lynnette Chung, Helen Kweon, and Aaradhya Bhaskar (Kindergarten). W W W. A P I S . O R G EDITORIAL TEAM: ■ Euysung Kim Director ■ Lily Jung Art & Design Editor ■ Sunok Nam Communications & PR Team Leader ■ Caroline Webster Lead Writer/Editor


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