APIS Update 2016 Summer

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Summer 2016


Address: 57 Wolgye-ro 45ga-gil, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01874, Korea Website: www.apis.org

In this issue Second Semester Highlights New Faculty Introductions Alumni Spotlight College Acceptances




Dr.Kim’s Desk Euysung Kim, Ph.D. Founding Director

Foster Your Passion!

Follow Your Passion! - or Even Better, Learning to Foster Your Passion! In a recent New York Times article, “grit” guru Angela Duckworth (University of Pennsylvania) notes that people often give advice to “Follow your passion.” But what do you do when you don’t know what you are passionate about? “As a psychologist who studies world-class achievers,” says Duckworth, “I can say the reality of following your passion is not very romantic. It takes time to develop a direction that feels so in-the-bones right that you never want to veer from it. Thus, my advice to young graduates is not to ‘follow your passion’ but rather, to ‘foster your passion.’” She gives three suggestions:

Move toward what interests you.

The advice given here is that a journey to developing one’s passion is not achieved with a perfect one step but through trial and error – making gradual adjustments to get closer to what feels right. “A good-enough fit is a more reasonable aim than a perfect one,” says Duckworth. For example, Duckworth tells us, Julia Child had no idea when she graduated from college that she would fall in love with French cuisine and start writing cookbooks in her late 30s. Students often fall into the trap of indecisiveness because every time when making a course selection or choosing an internship, they feel the weight of the whole world as if their future path will be determined with their choices. I am not advocating imprudence or rashness. But, I am advocating risk taking and courage to venture out beyond one’s comfort zone. There is no such thing as one perfect choice. When we make choices or engage in new experiences, we are making small marginal steps in an unpredictable, inefficient trial-and-error process to find our passion. This is actually the privilege of being young and what it is to be growing. Moreover, life is longer that what one thinks. The great advice given by Duckworth is: “Don’t overthink it.” All we want to make sure is that we wove in the direction of something that feels better than worse each time.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

From Dr.Kim’s Desk

Seek purpose.

People with passion show grit. Grit involves sticking with difficult tasks over a period of time, in pursuit of a long-term goal. According to Duckworth, people with passion and grit tend to think about their goals differently. For example, in a study of low-income high-school seniors heading for college, those who ultimately stayed on track for graduation had transcendent goals (they wanted to help others and make an impact on the world) versus goals focused on personal selfdevelopment. “People are hardwired not only to gratify their personal desires but also to care for others,” says Duckworth. “Self-oriented motives like interest and other-oriented motives like altruism are not mutually exclusive. In fact, personal interest and self-transcendent purpose are the dual engines of intrinsic motivation.” Our search for passion requires each one of us to ask, “In what way do I wish the world were different? What problem can I help solve? How can I contribute?” [Note: APIS is offering a course this year called “New Pacific Century Issues.” This course challenges the students to find sustainable solutions to 20 most pressing global problems that humanity must solve in the next twenty years. Students will be given complete freedom to choose their own project and to collaborate and share ideas with other students and researchers around the world who share the common purpose.]

Finish strong.

As already noted, the journey in developing one’s passion involves making different choices to try out possibilities and to make adjustments. Duckworth dabbled in a number of different areas before discovering her lifelong passion, psychological research. But she picked up valuable skills and insights in every job and opportunities. She believes it’s important to give 100 percent to every opportunity one is given. “Work as hard on your last day as on your first.” Unless you give everything you got to each opportunity, it will not truly reveal where your next step should be.



Reference: Duckworth, A. (2016, June 4). Graduating and Looking for Your Passion? Just Be Patient. The New York Times.

W W W. A P I S . O R G




From Dr.Kim’s Desk

열정을 계발하는 법을 배워라!

열정을 따르라! - 아니, 열정을 계발하는 법을 배워라! 인생의 성공요인으로 “Grit*” 의 중요성을 연구해온 펜실베니아 대학의 Angela Duckworth 교수는 New York Times 의 글에서 사람들이 흔히 “열정을 따르라”고 조언한다고 하지만 무엇에 열정을 갖고 있는지 모를 경우에는 난 감한 조언이라고 말합니다. 세계적으로 성공한 인사들을 연구해 본 결과, 자신이 진정으로 원하는 것이 무엇인지를 알고 방향을 찾을 때 까지는 많은 시간이 걸리기 때문에 Duckworth 교수는 어린 학생들에게 줄 수 있는 더 현실적 인 조언은 ‘열정을 따르라’는 것이 아닌 ‘열정을 계발하라’라고 주장합니다. Duckworth 교수는 열정을 개발하기위 한 세가지 조언을 제시합니다. (*Grit 이란 성공을 위해 다아가는 불굴의 정신을 의미합니다.)

흥미있는 일을 찾아가라. 여기서 중요한 것은 열정을 계발하기 위해서는 단 한번의 완벽한 단계가 있는 것이 아니라, 시행착오를 거치며 서서히 자신이 원하는 방향으로 조정해 나가야 한다는 것입니다. Duckworth는 모든 결정이나 선택에 있어서 “완벽함”을 추 구하는 것은 너무 가옥한 잣대일 뿐만 아니라 불가능한 것일 때가 많다는것을 강조합니다. 특히 우리가 미래를 미리 예측해서 결정하지 못하는 이상, 그때그때의 사정에 맞게 상황을 개선하는 방향으로 선택을 늦추지말고 진전하는 것 이 더욱 합리적일 수 있다”고 말합니다. 그 예로 Julia Child는 대학을 졸업할 때 까지만 해도 자신이 프랑스 요리와 사 랑에 빠져 30대 후반에 요리책을 쓰기 시작할 줄은 몰랐다는 이야기를 했습니다. 학생들은 종종 수업을 선택하거나 인턴쉽을 결정할 때에 막연함을 느끼고 순간의 선택에 의해 미래가 결정될 것이라는 막중한 압박감을 받습니다. 그들 에게 성급하거나 무모하게 결정하라는 것이 아니라, 자신의 한계를 넘어서 위험을 부담하고 모험을 할 수 있는 용기 를 가지라는 것입니다. 단 하나의 완벽한 선택은 없습니다. 예상하지 못했던 상황에서 시행착오를 겪고 새로운 것을


W W W. A P I S . O R G

From Dr.Kim’s Desk

경험하며, 한 걸음 한 걸음 나아가는 것이 열정을 찾는 길입니 다. 더하여, Duckworth는 “너무 많이 생각하지 마라”는 조언 을 합니다. 실패는 젊음의 특권입니다. 인생은 예상보다 훨씬 길고 기회도 예상보다 훨씬 많습니다. 인생이 실패했다고 생 각할 수도 있지만 실패 없는 지름길은 존재하지 않을 뿐더러 매 순간 더 나은 길을 찾아 나가면서 노력하면 됩니다.

목표를 추구하라 열정이 있는 사람들은 ‘Grit’을 보입니다. ‘Grit’이란 장기적인 목표를 추구하기 위해 어려운 일도 포기하지 않는 것을 말합 니다. Duckworth에 의하면, 열정과 ‘Grit’을 지닌 사람들은 목표를 다르게 생각합니다. 예를 들어, 대학에 진학하는 저 소득층 고등학생에 대한 연구에서 졸업까지 완료한 학생들 은 이기적인 목표보다는 다른 사람들에게 도움이 되고 세상 을 바꿀 수 있는 이타적이고 원대한 꿈을 가지고 있었다고 밝 혔습니다. “사람들은 자신의 개인적인 만족 뿐만 아니라 다른 이들을 위할 줄 아는 본능이 있다”고 Duckworth는 말하며, “흥미와 같이 자기 지향적인 동기와 이타심과 같은 타 인지향적인 동기는 서로 배제되지 않으며, 사실 개인적인 관심과 개인의 범위를 초월하는 목표는 내제적 동기의 이 중 엔진과 같다”고 설명하였습니다. 곧 남을 위하는 것이 본인을 위하는 것을 말합니다. 열정을 찾기 위한 과정에서 “내가 세상을 어떻게 바꾸고 싶은지, 어떤 문제를 해결할 수 있을지, 어떻게 기여할 수 있을지”를 스스로에게 물어



봐야 합니다. [Note: APIS는 이번 학년도 부터 “New Pacific Century Issues” 라는 수업을 개설하였습니다. 이 수업은 20년 안 에 반드시 인류가 해결하여야 할 가장 시급한 20가지 문제에 대한 지속가능한 해결책을 학생들이 찾을 수 있도록 도 전의 기회를 제공합니다. 학생들은 프로젝트를 고를 수 있는 선택권이 주어지며, 다른 나라의 학생과 연구원과 협력 하게 될 것입니다.]

모든 일을 인내를 가지고 끝을 내라 열정을 개발하는 여정은 다른 선택을 하고 여러 가능성을 시험해보고 조정하는 것입니다. Duckworth는 심리학 연 구라는 그녀의 평생 열정을 찾기 전 다른 여러 분야에서 시도해 보았습니다. 이것 저것 어려 경험을 하면서 단 한 번 도 낭비였던 시간은 없었다고 합니다. 그 모든 과정에서 가치있는 기술과 통찰력을 얻을 수 있었다고 그녀는 말합니 다. 그녀는 우리가 얻은 모든 기회에 100% 최선을 다해 끝까지 마무리 하는 것이 중요하다고 강조했습니다. “마지 막 날인 것 처럼 첫 날부터 열심히 일하라” 우리가 모든 기회에 최선을 다하지 않는다면, 다음 단계가 어디인지 보이 지 않을 것입니다.

W W W. A P I S . O R G


Events In Brief

3월 18일 APIS 하와이 캠퍼스에서는 중학생

부터 3월 6일까지 미국 하와이에 있는 APIS 캠퍼스

함께 2월 24일 Waimea Bay에서 열

들의 예술적 재능과 기량을 펼칠 수 있는 Arts

에서 각종 활동에 참여하고 문화에 대한 이해의 폭을

Night이 열렸습니다. 스피치 발표, 기타 연주 뿐

넓히는 시간을 가졌습니다.


만 아니라 사진, 미술, 조각 작품들이 전시되었고 학생들이 직접 제작한 영화도 상영되었습니다.

MS Arts Night

린 서핑대회를 참관하였습니다.


The Hawaii campus celebrated its students’ artistic achievements at a middle school arts night on March 18. The event featured speech and guitar performances; photography, painting, and sculpture; and the screening of a student-created film.

중학생 및 고등학생들은 올해 GCP를 위해 2월 27일

하와이 캠퍼스 학생들은 교사들과



Spring Concerts

“Geology Rocks!”


Both middle and high school student traveled to the APIS Hawaii campus for this year’s Global Citizens Program. The students experienced a variety of adventures and physical challenges, while broadening their cultural understanding.

Students and staff from the Hawaii campus attended the Quiksilver Big Wave Invitational, known as “The Eddie,” a big wave surfing tournament, at Waimea Bay on Feb. 24.

GCP Trip to Hawaii

Eddie Aikau Surf Competition



On Feb. 26, APIS first and fifth graders teamed up to present a musical about science, “Geology Rocks!” Comprised of 12 songs, including solos and choral performances, the musical was a fast-paced, rollicking journey that incorporated a crash course in earth science. 2월 26일 APIS 1학년과 5학년 학생들은 함께 과학을 소재로 한 뮤지컬 “Geology Rocks!” 를 선보였습니다. 관객들은 12개의 노래 및 공연으로 이루어진 뮤지컬을 통해 지구 과학에 대해 재 미있게 배울 수 있었습니다.

The music department presented three concerts this spring, starting with orchestra featuring classical favorites on March 10. The second concert was performed by four different APIS bands on March 14, and the choir concert gave a performance that won high ratings at recent festivals on March 24. 이번 봄 콘서트는 3개의 단독 콘서트로 이루어졌습니다. 3월 10 일에는 클래식 음악을 선보인 오케스트라, 3월 14일에는 4개의 밴드의 다양한 연주를 선보였습니다. 그리고 3월 24일 합창 콘서 트에서는 외부 음악대회에서 수상한 곡을 들려주었습니다.


W W W. A P I S . O R G

The school celebrated its annual International Day on March 25 at the APIS gym. Multiple booths were installed to inform about different countries dance, culture, games, history, and/ or food. Seventh and eighth grade students played a particularly large role this year, creating and staffing more than half of the booths.

On April 11, students at the Hawaii campus took a field trip to Hawaii News Now in Honolulu. Students took a tour around the studio and participated in Q&A session with the Hawaii News Now Sunrise anchors. The students also visited the Star Advertiser production center and learned about newspaper production.

3월 25일 APIS에서는 International Day 행사를 개최하였습니 다. 체육관에는 다양한 부스가 설치되어 민속춤, 문화, 게임, 역 도 마련되었습니다. 올해는 특히 7,8학년 학생들의 참여가 활 발하였으며 학생들은 전시자료를 만들어 특정 나라 문화와 역

International Day

사에 대해 소개하였습니다.

On April 10, APIS students, parents, and teachers traveled to the Hawaii Theatre Center to hear the Japanese violinist Midori Goto‘s performance with the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra. 4월 10일 하와이 캠퍼스 학생, 교사, 및 학부모 들은 일본인 바이올린 연주가 미도리 고토와 하 와이 교향악단과의 협연을 듣기 위해 Hawaii Theatre Center를 방문하였습니다.

Hawaii News Now 방송국에 다녀왔습니다. 학생들은 Hawaii News Now Sunrise 앵커들과 질의응답 시간을 가졌 으며 Star Advertiser production center를 견학하며 신문발 행 작업에 대해서도 배울 수 있었습니다.

! ha o Al



Spring Concerts



Asian Language Speech Showcase

Hawaii Theatre Center


4월 11일 하와이 캠퍼스 학생들은 호놀룰루시에 있는

Field Trip to Hawaii News Now

사에 대한 설명과 전시자료 뿐만 아니라 맛있는 다른 나라 음식

On April 28, APIS held its Asian Language Speech Showcase, celebrating the school’s East Asian language offerings and students’ advancements in the langauge courses. Close to 60 students across grades 1-12 participated, presenting musical compositions, skits, and speeches in their nonnative languages. 4월 28일에는 외국어 부서에서 Asian Language Speech Showcase를 개최하였습니 다. 1학년 부터 12학년까지 약 60명이 참여한 이번 발표회에서는 학생들이 한국어, 중국어, 혹은 일본어로 노래, 콩트, 웅변 등을 통해 유 창한 외국어를 자랑하였습니다.



APIS hosted the KIMEA Solo and Ensemble Festival on April 30. Students from eight schools participated, and 151 solos or ensembles had their performances critiqued by professional adjudicator. Many students spent hours preparing for this event, hoping to earn Gold or Platinum rating. 4월 30일 APIS에서는 KIMEA Solo and Ensemble Festival을 개최하였 습니다. 총 8개의 학교에서 참여하였 으며 151개의 솔로 또는 앙상블팀이 평가를 받았습니다. W W W. A P I S . O R G


ing party에서는 학생, 교사, 학부모들이 초등

Secondary SRC members hosted a talent show on May 20 and awarded monetary prizes to the top three performing students. Elementary SRC hosted an elementary talent show on June 1, after months of planning and weeks of auditions. They awarded candy-filled trophies to the SRCvoted winners.

부 학생들의 글과 미술작품을 관람하고 학생들

5월 20일 중고등부 학생회에서 Talent Show

을 격려하는 시간을 가졌습니다. 이번 행사에

를 개최하여 1,2,3 위를 수상한 팀에게 상금

Darren Farrell 아동 도서 작가를 초청하여 특

을 전달하였습니다. 한편, 몇주간 기획 및 오디

별강연 및 소규모의 워크숍을 진행하였습니다.

션을 거쳐 6월 1일에는 초등부 Talent Show

A little bit of Italy was brought to Seoul on May 27, when the APIS prom was held at the Novotel in Gangnam with the theme “Midnight in Milan.”

가 열렸습니다. 학생회 멤버가 투표하여 선정

5월 27일 “밀라노의 밤”이라는 테마로 APIS

된 1,2,3 위에게 사탕이 가득찬 트로피를 수여

prom이 강남 노보텔에서 열렸습니다.

Family, friends, and APIS staff celebrated the elementary students’ writing and art projects at the Pacific Pencil publishing party. The event also featured a talk and workshops with children’s author/ illustrator Darren Farrell. 5월 12일 개최되었던 Pacific Pencil publish-




More than 120 students displayed their talent in visual, musical, and spoken word arts at the 2nd Annual Arts Night. Teachers, families, and friends attended the evening event on May 13, which featured vocal performances and art shows in the gymnasium, as well as the community mural-making accompanied by orchestral ensembles in the art studio, and more. 제 2회 Arts Night에서는 약 120명의 학생들이 시각적, 음악적 예 술 뿐만 아니라 스피치 발표를 선보였습니다. 5월 13일 늦은 저녁 학교 체육관에서는 작품 전시회가 있었고, 미술 스튜디오에서는 앙상블이 연주되는 가운데 학생, 교사, 가족, 친구들이 벽화 그리기 작업에 함께 참여하였습니다.


W W W. A P I S . O R G


Drama Presentations

Secondary Arts Night



Talent Show

Pacific Pencil Publishing Party




Seniors Lina Kim and Jeho Hahm each directed a one-act play for the spring performance of the drama class, presented on May 27. Lina selected “The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet” by Peter Bloedel for her directorial debut, and Jeho chose “13 Ways to Screw up Your College Interview” by Ian McWethy. 12학년 학생 두명이 감독이 되어 5월 27일 1인 기획 드라 마 공연을 관객들에게 선보였습니다. Lina Kim은 “The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet” 라는 Peter Bloedel의 작품 을, Jeho Hahm은 Ian McWethy의 “13 Ways to Screw up Your College Interview” 작품을 보여주었습니다.

5월 31일 Athletic Awards Banquet은 12학년 학생 3명(Lina

Approaching the end of the school, several classes at APIS were honored with special ceremonies for reaching milestones in their education: the kindergarteners who are moving up to first grade next year, the fifth graders who are preparing to start middle school, and the eighth graders who were looking toward starting their high school years.

Kim, Lynn Kim, Kenny Jang)이 진행하였습니다. 이날 다양한

학기말이 다가오면서 Moving Up을 축하하는 행사가 6

경품이 학생들에게 나눠졌고, 각 시즌에서 수고한 학생 선수들이

월 7일, 8일날 열렸습니다. 초등부, 중등부, 그리고 고등

박수 갈채를 받았으며, 끝으로 배구, 축구, 농구 시즌의 하이라이

부로 진학하는 우리 유치원, 5학년, 8학년 학생들, 축하

트를 담은 영상을 함께 시청하였습니다.


Moving Up 6/1




Year-End Concerts



ES Field Day

Athletics Awards Banquet

The 2016 Athletic Awards Banquet was held on May 31 to celebrate our students’ sportsmanship and leadership. The night was emceed by three seniors, Lina Kim, Lynn Kim, and Kenny Jang. Raffle prizes were given out, student athletes were honored, and a video fast-tracking all the highlights of the volleyball, soccer, and basketball seasons was enjoyed by all.

Music filled the school once more at end-ofyear music concerts held on June 1 and June 2. This was a grand celebration showcasing all the learning from the music class. Students’ performances featured pop tunes at the secondary level, and collaborations between band and orchestra at the elementary level.

On June 4, faculty and staff, along with family and friends honored the members of the APIS Class of 2016 as they completed their K-12 education and prepared to head off to college.

APIS Field Day took place on June 8. The soccer pitch in front of the school building was the center of attraction, where the elementary students played various games and activities, like flag tag and tug of war. Following the barbecue lunch, students cooled off with fun water games in the afternoon. The day of sports ended with ice cream for everyone.

6월 1일, 2일 학교에는 음악소리가 울려퍼졌습

6월 4일에는 많은 학부모, 친

다리기 등 다양한 야외 게임에 참여하였습니다. 맛있는 바

니다. 지난 한해 동안 학생들이 음악수업에서

척, 교사, 친구들의 축하를 받

베큐 점심을 먹은 후 오후에는 학생들이 가장 좋아하는 물

배운 모든 것을 보여준 이번 콘서트에서 중고

으며 12학년 학생들이 그간

총 싸움이 이어졌습니다. 시원한 아이스크림을 먹으며 운동

등부 학생들의 팝송 연주와 초등부 밴드와 합창

의 교육 과정을 모두 마치고

회를 마쳤습니다.

간의 콜라보레이션 공연이 마지막 콘서트를 화

졸업을 하였습니다.



6월 8일에는 우리 초등부 학생들이 기다리고 기다렸던 APIS Field Day가 열렸습니다! 학생들은 깃발 빼앗기, 줄

려하게 장식하였습니다.

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From the

Deputy Head of Academics Scott Paulin Deputy Head of Academics

At our high school graduation ceremony, I challenged the departing seniors with the question, “What will you do with the time remaining, now?” I posed this question and then offered up the following thoughts, advice, if you will, on how to use the time well, and it can be summed up in this one idea:

Choose to Love The typical graduation platitudes usually focus on the graduate, but I believe the key to a life well lived is to focus on others rather than on ourselves. Seek significance not in what you take or make or amass, but in what you do to make the world a better place, what you do to demonstrate love for others. You can decide to spend your life on a career, or the constant pursuit of the next great thing, but when thrill turns ill, and time rusts and wears away at all the stuff you have gathered, it will be the people you have loved and who have loved you that truly last. Don’t spend your life on stuff that doesn’t really matter – invest it in the lives of others. You see, I believe with all my heart that this is our purpose in life. In the Bible, in Mark Chapter 12: 28 – 31, we see Jesus’ thoughts on the subject. 28




One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

Love God, and Love Others If we continually try to look outside ourselves and seek ways to serve others, to love extravagantly, to hold relationships in higher regard than position, possession, or power, that’s when we get it right. Each of us has to decide what to do with the time we have remaining, but here’s what I know for certain. The time remaining will be messy, and wonderful, and heartbreaking, and exhilarating, and terrifying, and joyous, and so much more. What makes it all bearable in the difficult passages is the people in our lives who love us. What makes it all worth while in the victories and joys of life is the people in our lives who love us. Likewise it is our love that makes the difficult journeys bearable and the joyous moments memorable in the lives of those we choose to love. This isn’t easy. No matter how strong my resolve to live for something greater than myself, to love others, and cultivate relationship over everything else, I hate to admit how often I make selfish decisions instead of choosing to love. We will all fail at this from time to time. But when we do the question is the same: What will we do with the time that remains? Will we continue down a path of seeking our own best interest, or will we refocus on others and choose to love? It is my hope that the students, families, and faculty of APIS is a community known for the way we love and serve others. This is the mark of a life well lived.


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From the

Principal Bruce Knox Principal

This Too Shall Pass When the Persian Sufi poets first penned this phrase, it was, as legend has it, inscribed on a ring for a king, to make him happy when he was sad. It was to remind the king that everything is fleeting and that things change. Summer is also a time of change. The Spring has sprung, new life is everywhere maturing into its new season, slowly creeping towards the Fall where the cycle of decay and renewal begins. For our school, we revel in the opportunity for renewal through our Summer. We contemplate the year that has passed and look forward with optimism to the new year ahead of us. We consider our successes and our failures. We identify areas for improvement and quietly ponder how we will make that next step. We take the time to recharge, refresh, revitalise. And we consider what has passed. And, oh my, what a fantastic list of accomplishments there are to be listed when we consider the year we have just experienced. For a small school, we really do “punch above our weight.” Our students, our staff, and our faculty have worked tirelessly through the year to present publishing parties, concerts, dramatic performances, athletic exhibitions, debate competitions, business competitions, PTO meetings, visits to local community centers, art exhibitions, GCP trips, speech showcases, movies, animations, sculptures, constructions, etc, etc, etc — all amplifying the wonderful learning to be found amongst the APIS community.



But as the saying goes, this too shall pass. As for the king of old, there is happiness as we contemplate the passing. Happiness as we consider what great things we might accomplish as the new, the next, the soonto-be edges inexorably closer. For it is this wonderful sense of the impending “next” that should inspire us to leap a little higher, run a little faster, be a little more compassionate or accepting or confident. The passing of a year helps us focus on the next, allowing us to reform and renew and become a better version of what we were before. While it was originally penned for a king, “this too shall pass” is a message for us all!

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Introducing New Faculty Erik Brodnax Dr. Erik Wimbley-Brodnax is pleased to be joining APIS this year after spending five years as an admissions professional in Hong Kong and then in his hometown of Denver, Colorado. A graduate summa cum laude in anthropology from Princeton University, Dr. Wimbley-Brodnax discovered the power of tertiary education in elite settings when he earned the thesis prize. Moving on to the University of Chicago for his doctorate in cultural anthropology seemed like the logical next step. While at the University of Chicago, Dr. Wimbley-Brodnax began working part-time for college admissions. After undertaking a Fulbright in Dakar, Senegal, Dr. WimbleyBrodnax eventually became Assistant Director of Admissions, and his passion was born for working with young people as they pursue their college and career goals. Dr. Wimbley-Brodnax enjoys quality time with his shih tzu, Felix, and reading theology books when he has downtime. He loves sports, but that pleasure is tempered by the joy he takes in classic literature. On a warm Sunday, after church, he can be found reading G.K. Chesterton while watching a rugby match. He is thrilled with moving to Seoul and looks forward to making it home.

Richard Harris After graduating with a joint degree that consists of education studies and design & technology, Mr Harris embarked on a fruitful teaching career in London. He rapidly progressed through his teaching career holding positions such as; Lead Teacher, Assessment for Learning Coordinator, Cross-Curricular Coordinator and Head of Art/Design & Technology in an OFSTED rated ‘Outstanding’ British high school. While taking on these leadership roles he was responsible for whole school staff training, mentoring trainee teachers, organising student events/ conferences and collaborating with a range of universities. Outside the classroom it may be interesting to know that Mr. Harris was a registered British athlete who represented Kent in 5 and 10K distance races and also coached soccer for the Premier League soccer club Fulham Football Club. In his free time, he also enjoys reading, painting, model making and mixed martial arts.


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Catherine Gassner

Ms. Gassner was born and raised in California in a small town east of San Francisco. She attended several public schools and graduated with an IB Diploma. Upon graduating high school she moved to the big city of Los Angeles, California, where she studied Southeast Asian history at the University of California, Los Angeles. During her time at UCLA she began tutoring inner-city children and fell in love with working in education. After graduating from UCLA with a B.A. in history, Ms. Gassner volunteered with an educational nonprofit organization called City Year, Los Angeles. During this year she tutored inner-city children, ran an afterschool program, and worked on several community service projects. She completed over 1,900 hours of community service during this one year and loved every minute of it. She then decided to go to graduate school to become an official teacher and moved north to attend the University of San Francisco. She had the opportunity to continue her work with inner-city children as a teacher for several years in San Francisco before moving to work internationally with her husband. Ms. Gassner is extremely excited to be in one of the most intriguing and advanced cities in the world and looks forwards to trying all of the amazing food!



Joseph Gassner Mr. Joseph Gassner is originally from Southern California, USA. He is the eldest of three brothers and grew up enjoying the great outdoors and diverse environments that California so beautifully supplies. Having an international upbringing, he was fortunate enough to travel to Japan on numerous occasions and learn about the traditions and cultures of the Far East. His higher education years included studying political science at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he met his wife Catherine, who teaches kindergarten at APIS. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in political science, Mr. Gassner then gained a teaching degree specializing in social science and English. He then taught AP social science in a variety of schools in California, which included a high school in Oakland where he taught students from disadvantaged backgrounds. This experience taught him the importance of pastoral care in teaching and of delivering his students meaningful and challenging learning experiences. After completing his Master of Arts in education, Mr. Gassner and his wife moved to Vietnam to teach at the Singapore International School. He made a positive impact at the school by designing and implementing the social studies curriculum for the secondary school, serving as chair on the WASC committee for school improvement, and coaching soccer after school. When not teaching, Mr. Gassner enjoys playing tennis, reading philosophy, listening to hip-hop, trying new cuisines, and traveling with his wife.

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Naarah Callender Naarah Callender has been studying choral music for more than a decade, both as a participant and as a conductor. Through her experiences in middle and high school choir, she found her calling to be a music teacher. After two years of teaching at the Kennesaw Charter Science and Math Academy in Kennesaw, Georgia, she found that her desire to teach increased. Ms. Callender is the director and founder of an afterschool children’s choir, The Children’s Chorus of Kennesaw, consisting of students aged 8-11. In 2014, Ms. Callender was elected as president of Kennesaw State’s ACDA Student Chapter. The organization led volunteer projects in the music community, including assisting the Atlanta Opera’s performance at a local middle school. Prior to her teaching at APIS, Ms. Callender was a choir intern with the Roswell Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir in Roswell, Georgia. In this position, she participated in the choir, and assisted several youth choir tours and mission trips in a way that combined her love of teaching and her faith. Ms. Callender considers her work as a teaching artist at the Atlanta Music Project the position that impacted her the most drastically. The organization strives to bring free, quality music to the underserved youth of Atlanta. After experiencing reaching such a diverse group of students, Ms. Callender found another passion in teaching students of various backgrounds and music for social change, using music as a vehicle to present opportunities these students otherwise would not be able to have. Aside from teaching and listening to music, Ms. Callender enjoys reading, learning new languages, and is always open to trying new things.

Roger Tu Mr. Tu graduated from Cornell University with a B.S. in chemical engineering and M.A.T. in science education. After 10 years teaching at an inner-city high school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he moved overseas to teach at Concordia International School Shanghai in Shanghai, China, where he served as a volleyball coach, helped with the robotics team, advised a service organization, and led several service trips in China and Southeast Asia. After teaching at Concordia for eight years, Mr. Tu spent a year volunteering as the director of service learning for the Concordia Welfare and Education Foundation, a Hong Kong-based NGO focused on poverty alleviation in China and Cambodia. He has been very involved in various ministries in his home churches, including youth ministry, outreach, and the audio/visual team. Mr. Tu likes to cook, play board games, and go on service trips.


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Amanda Meyer After graduating summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Art in Biology from the College of St. Benedict St. John’s University, Mrs. Meyer began her career in connecting youth with science as a Project Lead at the Science Museum of Minnesota. This early, project-based experience still continues to influence how she approaches science education today. She earned a master’s degree in education from the University of St. Thomas and has taught a variety of science classes, including biology, ecology, anatomy & physiology, and AP biology, for the last 13 years in private and public high schools in Minnesota. Her teaching philosophy embraces the ideal Welcome that science is not just a set of facts to be memorized, but a manto ner of inquiring about and interacting with the world. Technology is woven throughout Mrs. Meyer’s classes to support learning, APIS! increase collaboration, and encourage creative problem-solving. Along with teaching biology classes, she was also the District Technology Integrationist at her previous school, helping students and teachers with digital tools in the classroom. She served as the Biology Discipline Representative on the Minnesota Science Teachers Association board, and has won various teaching awards including the KEYC Golden Apple Award, WEM Outstanding Educator Award, the Medtronic Foundation Science Teaching Award, and the Fox 9 Super Scientist Award. In her free time, Mrs. Meyer enjoys running, reading, playing board games, and traveling with her husband and two sons.



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Adam Nollsch Mr. Nollsch is a recent graduate from the University of Northern Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in middle/junior high school science with additional endorsements in chemistry and earth sciences. Before coming to APIS, Mr. Nollsch student taught at Oberoi International shool in Mumbai, India. While student teaching in Mumbai, he found a passion for teaching in international schools. During his free time, Mr. Nollsch enjoys playing table tennis, hanging out with friends, and traveling.

Wendy Wilson As a midwestern native, Ms. Wilson began her teaching career as a student teacher in the Chicago Public Schools. It was there that she embraced the abundant cultures represented in her classes and sought to make diversity a focus in her career. Ms. Wilson’s experience has included teaching across all grade levels, K-12 with English and history at the secondary level. In addition, she has extensive experience as a gifted education coordinator where she worked to enhance the curriculum by finding the gifts within all learners. She has also served as an Assistant Principal, an International Baccalaureate Creativity, Action & Service coordinator, district level staff development facilitator, and an adjunct professor of coursework centered around the methodologies of SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity). Ms. Wilson enjoys coming to school each day and learning alongside her students by employing innovative methods that embrace project based inquiry. In her free time, she might be found at a Shakespearian performance, getting lost in a used book, store hunting for yet another Austen crafted codex to add to her collection, hiking up some beaten trail along a stream, or whipping together a concoction of ingredients in the kitchen that is always sure to include garlic. 16

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Mr. Sgrignoli has earned a Bachelor of Arts in journalism with a focus in communications and a Master of Arts in English education, both from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where he met Emily, now his wife, and where his love for teaching was fostered. He has attended more than four colleges throughout his educational career and considers himself to have mastered the art of nomadic sophistication. After earning a degree in journalism, Mr. Sgrignoli spent two years working for the American College of Physicians, where he aided the marketing and communications team in drafting news releases for media interests and published several op-ed articles in various journals. Though he found himself in the field of news Tyler Sgrignoli media, his heart pined for the podium. After returning to school and earning his teaching certification, Mr. Sgrignoli served as an English educator at the Auburn School, a private Virginia charter school for students with special needs, where he taught ELA to seventh to tenth graders. He has also taught English in the public sector for the past three years, where, through facilitative teaching strategies and cooperative learning, he has led ninth to eleventh grade classes such as American literature, research theory, dystopian literature, and biotech English. Outside of the classroom, Mr. Sgrignoli relishes trying new foods and restaurants, pretending to be knowledgeable about cooking, and trekking with his wife and dog.



Emily Sgrignoli Mrs. Sgrignoli has been teaching high school art at the Center for the Fine and Performing Arts for the past four years, a large high school outside of Washington D.C. specializing in the arts. During this time she has taught students at all levels ranging from entry level art courses to AP art courses. Prior to living in Washington D.C., Mrs. Sgrignoli attended college at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she earned her B.F.A. in painting and ceramics as well as her Bachelor of Science in art education K-12. During her time in school, she led art club, National Art Education Association, artist critique groups, international Bible study, and worked as a teaching assistant in a 3D Design course. During her summers she worked as an art teacher for the Young Rembrandts and as the Ceramics Director at Camp Cayuga. She has taught private artist workshops and private painting lessons for two years. Her passion for teaching centers around challenging students to build confidence through pushing the limits on their creativity, to solve problems visually while fostering their technical skills through practice. Having always considered herself first a learner, Mrs. Sgrignoli is always practicing her skills as an artist in her spare time and she frequents artist workshops and courses to constantly develop as an artist. Mrs. Sgrignoli has exhibited her work in group and solo shows across the region. She also works casually as a freelance artist selling her artwork to private and public collectors. In her spare time, Mrs. Sgrignoli enjoys spending time with her husband, Tyler, the great outdoors, hiking, movies, and yoga.

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Julia Chun Ms. Chun obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics and life science with distinction from the University of British Columbia and went on to complete a secondary education program at the same university. During that time she received a scholarship in mathematics education from the University Women’s Club of Vancouver for being an outstanding female math teacher and mentor. Ms. Chun has over five years of experience in the fields of mathematics and science education, including two and a half years teaching students of differing English proficiency in South Korea. She has also worked as a teaching assistant at the Department of Botany at the University of British Columbia and has worked extensively with diverse student populations including aboriginal, mature, ESL students and students with disabilities. Ms. Chun believes that students learn best when they take ownership of their own learning. She encourages students to think for themselves and make their own discoveries and monitor their own progress. She is passionate about ensuring that students understand why and how certain math properties work and does this by getting to the underlying basis of the concept. In her free time, Ms. Chun likes to read, take ballet classes and practice yoga.

Jay Leroy Mr. “J� grew up in London, Ontario, in Canada where he completed his B.A. in sociology at the University of Western Ontario. Throughout high school and university Mr. J participated in a large variety of ompetitive sports. He was a provincial track athlete, professional lacrosse player and standout wide receiver for his university football team. Upon completion of his studies he took on various youth coaching positions where he found his passion for helping young athletes realize their full potential. In 2008, Mr. J attended Southern Cross University in New South Wales, Australia, where he completed his Bachelor of Education. Since then Mr. J has been traveling and teaching around the world and sharing his knowledge and love of sports with students of all ability levels. He has travelled to 35 different countries; he coached and taught P.E. in Australia, the United Kingdom and, most recently, in Japan where he served five years as athletics director and PE teacher. Mr. J believes in a balanced holistic approach to educating his students; allowing them to explore physical education through many different activities and experiences. These days Mr. J enjoys taking part in anything fitness or sport related. He currently plays basketball and rugby on a weekly basis, and you can always find him in the gym trying to keep fit.


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From the

Director of Christian Life Ward Milligan Director of Christian Life The fourth quarter at APIS has been filled with many inspirational and affirming activities. Mr. Knox and Mr. Milligan were pleased to represent APIS at the first annual Seoul Missions Luncheon. They were made aware of many Christ-centered missions that currently take place in Seoul and afforded the opportunity to foster important connections for future partnerships in ministry. Following on that theme, Theia partnered with a couple of local ministries to provide the members with an opportunity to have real impact in the lives of people here in Seoul. The biggest impact was on the lives of our Theia members, as was evident during their testimonies at the annual Theia dinner. We are eternally grateful for the amazing leadership provided by Mrs. Kern, for without her encouragement and leadership, these events would not have taken place.

The Christian life department is grateful for those parents, students, faculty, and staff who faithfully uphold APIS in prayer. The Christian life department is also eternally grateful for the years of faithful service Pastor Zachary has provided to APIS. He has developed many positive relationships with our students, particularly our elementary students and those who participate in the leading the worship service during our weekly chapels. We wish Pastor Zach and his wife and all of God’s rich blessings as they move to the next chapter in God’s calling for them.



There are many wonderful things being done daily and weekly by the wonderful, devoted staff at APIS. We are grateful that God does not wait for the Christian life department to initiate His work. God is at work in the hearts of our devoted staff, and we are grateful.

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From the

School Chaplain Zachary Luginbill School Chaplain

What an amazing year God has blessed us with during our chapel times and other Christian life activities. It has been a joy to focus on our yearlong theme, “APIS live,” which is the reminder that God wants us to continuing growing in faith as He helps us to learn more about what it truly means to live through character. So often we can get distracted and lose sight on the bigger picture of what life is all about, which is why each week at chapel is a good time to consider the joy found in Christ, who is the source of life. During second semester, secondary students were challenged to consider how God doesn’t just want us to know about Him, but God wants a close relationship with us as we invite Him into our everyday activities and decisions. We also took a look at the life of Joshua from the Bible who was able to overcome fear and trust God, just like we can do the same to push past the things we worry and stress about as we focus on God. Elementary chapel finished the year with some fun and important themes. In January we talked about self-control, which is choosing to do what you should do, not what you want to do. February’s theme was cooperation, because the Bible is filled with examples where, “two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9 NIrV) Then in March we learned about hope because of the cross where Jesus died for our sins so we can have a relationship with God now and forever. April and May’s themes were perseverance and contentment, which are both helpful to finish the year strong and focused on all the good things God has done for us. It has been my pleasure to serve God here at APIS, and I pray that Jesus would continue to be a valued part of this community in the future. God bless.


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From the

School Counselor Jodi Nielsen School Counselor

Growing and changing What an exciting year we had, full of student academic and social growth. Students across APIS have been working on building a positive community in their classrooms in how they communicate, make decisions and work together. Thank you parents for all of the time and love that you put in with your children. To foster this continued growth over the summer break there are some suggested activities below.


Provide opportunities for your child to become more independent. • dress themselves • tie shoes • go to the bathroom independently and wash their hands • brush teeth

Grade 5 moving to grade 6

Help your child build their organizational skills. • buy and practice using organizing materials such as calendars or files • help them organize electronic files on their laptops • establish good sleep and exercise habits • provide healthy boundaries related to screen time



Grade 8 moving to grade 9

Help your child stay balanced. • help them set healthy sleep and exercise habits • balance the time that they spend online with other activities • help them organize electronic files on their laptops • discuss how to have a balanced schedule that includes time for homework, afterschool activities, friends, family and relaxation

Grade 11 moving to grade 12

Help your budding senior build resilience and balance. • re-establish healthy sleep, exercise and study habits • friends and study are important help students to balance both • have open discussions related to future plans (career, college, unique paths to reach goals)

If you are leaving APIS

Help your child transition well following the principles of RAFT.

Reconciliation- encourage your child to end relationships, even challenging ones, well. Affirmations- have your child thank people who have helped them. Farewells- say goodbye to people and places that are important to your child. Think destination- think realistically about your new destination.

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From the

College Counseling Director Erik Brodnax Director of College Counseling The Key to Writing the First Draft of Your Common Application Personal Statement So, you are seated at your desk. The midday sun is streaming through your window and you can feel the day heating up. A bead of sweat starts to trickle down etching the line of your spine. It initiates at the base of your skull and flows in a thin stream down to the small of your back. You have sat down and are preparing to begin your Common App Personal Statement. Only problem is, and this makes you sweat even more, you don’t know where to begin much less how to tell a good story. In what follows I will give you the steps to writing your first draft.

Brainstorm The first step in any good piece of writing that is not of an argumentative nature but rather is a mode of storytelling, is to outline. The only way to reach a place to outline, is to brainstorm first. What does brainstorming even mean? Let’s take an image. Think of a storm in your mind; a sort of tornado. Tornadoes pick up different things in the environment and strew them about in a rather haphazard manner. That is what brainstorming does. Take a given topic that interests you and in a non-judgmental manner jot down whatever comes to mind. The key is not to edit: you are the tornado and you are picking up your thoughts at random and writing them down. Don’t judge! Just write. Now that you have a general idea of what you want to say in your statement, CHOOSE A COMMON APP QUESTION THAT BEST FITS WITH THE THEMES IN YOUR BRAINSTORM.

Outline or Preparing a Storyline Now, it is time to outline. First off, it is a good idea to put the question at the top of your page (cut& paste), for easy reference. Then, think in terms of the parts of the prompt that you have to address. Answer each part and make these headings in your outline. A standard outline is in a narrative structure with an Introduction, a rising action, a peak in the action, and then a resolution of your story and a conclusion, where you tie everything together.

Start Writing Once you have your outline you are ready to begin drafting your response to the prompt you chose. Three TIPS for writing: • Look at the initial thoughts that began this article. The technique used is called SHOWING vs. Telling. When you show, you use exciting verbs, exciting nouns, and images, sounds, smells, and feelings. You SHOW more than you tell (although some telling is necessary). • Write with an audience in mind. Have someone in mind to whom you are writing. Possibilities include: the admissions officer who is an expert at what the school wants; the admissions officer who is a young alum and who wants the school to be exciting; a professor or the Dean of Admissions at the college. • Remember to be creative. If you are using phrases that you have heard a million times used by others or in others’ writing (clichés) then you are not being creative or original. Be different; try something new. Challenge yourself to write something no one has ever written. That’s the way to get started!


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From the

Dean of Students Andrew Murphy Dean of Students

It is so hard to believe that our school year has come to a close. The end of the school year is a time to celebrate the accomplishments of our school and its students and acknowledge our committed faculty. It is a time to look back at our successes and begin making plans to build on those successes. APIS is a very special place where a sense of pride and community is evident in everything that we do! Even as the school year ends the school still seems abuzz as summer school activities and programs motors on. The excitement of the last day of school can only be matched by anticipation for the start of the next year. As I reflect on what has been another great year at APIS, I am left truly believing that APIS is a wonderful and special learning environment. You feel it as you enter the door, walk across the parking lot or attend a school function. Our students have pride for their school and themselves. This shows through in the classroom, on the playground, on the basketball court, on the stage and through all of our community. Our progress and our desire for continuous school improvement are because of them. We continue to put our students first!



I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of our families, parents, and volunteers for their dedication, time, energy, prayers, generosity and support of our efforts throughout the school year. We could not have done it without you. “Thank you” for partnering with us in the education of our children. To our teachers and students I would like to say “Thank you” for another amazing school year. Have a wonderful, safe, restful, and fun-filled summer vacation! I look forward to seeing you all in August.

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From the

Foreign Language Department Foreign-language focused events, celebrations, publications, and field trips took center stage during the second half of the year. Events included International Day (March 25), Asian Language Speech Showcase (April 28), Pacific Pencil magazine and publication party (May 12), STAMP language assessments, and the upcoming first edition of Chinese writings from all secondary students enrolled in Chinese classes at APIS.

Korean language students participated in the sixth annual Korean Writing Contest. This was also the sixth year of the Pacific Pencil exhibition and magazine, in which elementary school students displayed their heartwarming essays, stories, and poems written in Korean, as well as English. In spring, Korean teachers and juniors visited the Gwanghwamun Historical Museum where students gained appreciation for the cultural significance of Korean history and had the chance to observe the development of Korea at a glance. This experience allowed students to study Korean culture in an analytical, critical, and speculative way and to review events of historical significance. Korean language department chair Emily Kim says, “We hope that students find joy in learning Korean, and we promise to raise awareness and interest in Korean pride and identity.” The Chinese department is publishing its first Chinese writing collection. All secondary Chinese class students will choose one of their writing assignments from the 2015-2016 year to be included in the publication. The counselor of education section from the Chinese embassy wrote the introduction to the first edition. Chinese language department chair Grace Gao shared, “We hope this electronic magazine will be published on the APIS website and that we can continue to develop it every year, showing growth and improvement.” The Japanese department is planning for a new class next year, a post-AP-level Japanese class for advanced Japanese students. In addition to the many shared foreign language events this spring, the Japanese department celebrated several Japanese cultural events with students, including Japanese Children’s Day, tanabata (Star Festival), and ohanami (flower viewing), a Japanese tradition of enjoying the ephemeral beauty of flowers (often specifically cherry blossoms). To share ohanami together, students prepared Japanese food, such as yakisoba, and picnicked surrounded by cherry blossom trees. For tanabata, celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month (July 7), Japanese teachers introduced the traditional story that involves two star-crossed lovers and the Milky Way. On tanabata, people write wishes on small strips of colored paper called tanazuku and hang them on bamboo trees. Japanese students and teachers wrote their own wishes to celebrate Tanabata; their beautiful wish trees decorated the Japanese classrooms. Foreign language teachers applaud the effort and growth of all their students and encourage students to seek out opportunities to maintain their fluency over the summer.


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From the

Music Department Sophie Holbrook Music Department Chair Another year has passed that has been filled with music in all forms: sightreading, practicing, listening, auditioning, rehearsing, and performing. The students who have been part of the APIS music department for many years know that what is most important within the music classes is teamwork. It is not the notes and rhythms that make the experiences memorable, but the connections and relationships made through the process of creating music. Music allows the students to express themselves in ways that they otherwise may not be able to, and to relieve stress by taking part in one of life’s greatest joys.

The Spring semester of 2016 was filled with several music festivals that took our students from Seongnam to Incheon to Seoul to Doha, Qatar and Luxembourg, representing APIS on the national and international level. As part of KIMEA (Korea International Music Educators Association) and AMIS (Association for Music in International Schools) our students have the opportunity to audition for multiple festivals each year. This is above and beyond what the students do in music class every day and demonstrates their commitment to their instrument or voice as they prepare extra and difficult repertoire. The music for next year’s high school festivals has already been posted and the students are encouraged to begin practicing over the summer. It’s never too early to begin audition preparation! As we say farewell to this year’s group of seniors, it is important for them to remember to take music with them to their next adventure. While each student may not be able to bring their instrument to their new dorm room or participate in a daily music ensemble, it IS possible to keep music in their lives through listening, appreciation, and keeping music close to their heart. Music does not need to end at the conclusion of the final concert and can remain a part of your student life in college. While the experience may be different, you can find a local band, a church choir, or a string orchestra within your college community. The philosophy of music teaching at APIS goes beyond skill technique and repertoire performance; if the students graduate with a deep love of music, that is a success.



Congratulations to our orchestra director, Ms. Emmalee Johnson, who has been appointed as the next KIMEA President. She will lead the organization next school year and provide excellent leadership to the KIMEA member schools. Ms. Johnson will undoubtedly contribute a strong sense of care and guidance at the helm, with good humor as well! May you all find much needed rest over the summer!

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From the

Instructional Coordinator Pat Hallinan Instructional Coordinator An Emphasis on Integration Innovative educators are always looking for ways to create a curriculum that is rigorous, relevant and engaging; one that is better suited to the needs of 21st century learners. This semester, teachers in the Elementary School have been redesigning curriculum and developing standards-based, integrated units of inquiry that will better equip our students with the skills, knowledge and understanding they will need to gain the personal and social benefits that will allow them to prosper in the globalised world of the 21st Century.

Next Generation Science standards, AERO Social Studies standards, Common Core ELA standards, Writers Workshop standards and Readers Workshop standards have been the foundation on which the integrated curriculum has been redesigned. An integrated curriculum is all about helping learners learn by making connections across subjectmatter lines and emphasizing unifying concepts. An integrated curriculum helps each child learn best because: • it focuses on the process involved in the development of thinking and learning, allowing students to use higher order thinking skills • it is ‘understanding-driven’, deepening students’ understanding of the way the world works • it gives students a more holistic view of the world • topics are explored in context • it involves students in active inquiry learning rather than passive absorption of facts and knowledge • it equips students with the tools and skills necessary for learning independently • it encourages children to develop the 21st century skills needed for ◦ critical thinking & problem solving ◦ effective communication ◦ collaboration & team building ◦ creativity & innovation The 2016-2017 school year will see the implementation of four theme-based integrated units of inquiry in each of the elementary grades. Two of the units will be science-based and two social studies-based. These units will create a spiralling curriculum where knowledge and skills are built upon each year. The spiralling will dovetail into middle school where integrated curriculum has already begun across some disciplines in some units. Congratulations to the innovative educators at APIS who are working hard to create a meaningful curriculum that prepares our students for life in this globalised world of the 21st century.


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From the



n response to the recent request from the last PTO meeting for PTO tab on the school website, Mr. Knox recognized the need and indicated that the work was in progress. Parents who are interested in PTO may search and browse PTO news, events, and coffee meeting notes, when the PTO site is published. We believe this website is going to be an informative and useful space for the school as well as the PTO members. Pre-used uniform sale is expected to be scheduled for the fall, with much interest from parents. Good quality items of used uniform can be purchased at very reasonable prices at the sale. Last agenda discussed in the meeting was the PTO membership fee. We think that PTO fee for the next year can be reduced to the half of the original price, ₩50,000, due to the fact that the remaining balance seemed to be enough for PTO use. This will be discussed once more at the first PTO meeting in the fall. Thank you for your interest and participation in all of our PTO events and news.

5월 31일 PTO 커피 미팅을 가졌습니다. 첫 번째 안건은 학교 홈페이지에 PTO 탭을 추가하는 사안으로, 교장 선생님께 긍정적인 답변을 받은 상태입니다. 학부모님께서 언제든지 홈페이지를 방문하여 PTO와 관련된 소 식, 커피미팅 결과, 공지사항 등을 통해 소통할 수 있게 될 것이라고 기대합니다.



중고 교복판매에 대해서는 대부분의 학부모님들이 원하고 있으므로 차기 PTO에서도 가을 즈음에 계획할 것 으로 생각됩니다. 마지막으로, PTO membership fee에 관하여 논의하였습니다. 현재까지 예전 PTO 운영지침서에 제시된 금 액인 5만원으로 모금하였으나, 이번 PTO회의에서 회비가 많다고 판단되어 금액을 반으로 줄이는 것을 제안하 였습니다. 다음학기 첫 PTO 미팅에서 한 번 더 논의될 예정입니다. 항상 저희의 활동에 관심을 가져주셔서 감사합니다.

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Student Achievements

James Chung (G12)

Jeff Jeon (G12)

Youna Jeong (G12)

Lauren Kim (G11)

Martin Kim (G11)

Andy Lee (G12)

Justin Um (G12)

Lia Kim (G11)

Lia Kim (Grade 11, Hawaii campus) was selected for an Emperor Science Award — a new program that provides opportunities for students in 10th and 11th grade to work on cancer research alongside a university-level mentoring scientist. Lia learned in January that she was one of the 100 students (out of 1,200 who applied) to be selected. As an award winner, Lia will participate in research this summer at Oregon Health and Science University with Dr. Lisa M. Coussens, associate director for basic research at Knight Cancer Institute.

Jeho Hahm (Grade 12) was named a National Merit Scholarship Finalist, an honor

conferred on students (U.S. citizens only) who performed particularly well on the PSAT. A National Merit Scholarship Finalist is a tremendous recognition by itself, but Jeho was also selected as a winner of a National Merit $2500 Scholarship. He will attend Dartmouth College in New Hampshire this fall, where he plans to study political science, with the hope of pursuing a career in government policy. In March, 200 students from 44 international schools gathered at Luxembourg International School to form AMIS choirs. Five students from APIS were selected to participate — Joonwoo Kang, Sarah Yoon, and Lia Kim, all Grade 11, and Noah Kim (Grade 10). Sandra Kim (Grade 12) was selected but was unable to attend. In March, AMIS held its International Honor Band and Orchestra Festival at the American School of Doha in Qatar, hosting nearly 200 studentmusicians. Jeho Hahm (Grade 12, percussion), Chris Kim (Grade 12, trumpet), Jeewon Kim (Grade 12, clarinet), Grace Kim (Grade 11, clarinet), and Shinyoung Lee (Grade 11, trumpet) were selected to participate.


The following AP Studio Art students were honored as recipients of Scholastic Art and Writing Awards for 2016: James Chung (Grade 12) Silver Key, two Honorable Mentions; Jeff Jeon (Grade 12) Gold Key, two Honorable Mentions; Youna Jeong (Grade 12) Silver Key, Honorable Mention; Lauren Kim (Grade 11) Honorable Mention; Martin Kim (Grade 11) two Silver Keys; Andy Lee (Grade 12) Honorable Mention; Justin Um (Grade 11) Gold Key; and Lia Kim (Grade 11, Hawaii Campus). Artworks were judged on originality, technical skill, and emergence of personal voice/vision.

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APIS middle school students walked away with an impressive number of awards at Korea’s National History Day event, held Feb. 27 at KIS. First place awards went to Justine Kim, Clara Oh, and Alina Chong (all Grade 7) in Group Website and to Anna Frankl and Mei-Mei Timpson (both Grade 8) in Performance. Second place awards went to Lucy Lee and Ella Kim (both Grade 8) in Group Documentary and to Charissa Kim, Jeany Park, and Kimberly Ho (all Grade 7) in Group Exhibit. A third place award went to Francesco Oh and Justin Lee (both Grade 8) in Group Website.

Alumni Spotlight: John Kim 1. Where are you going to school now? What things about your new school do you like?

John Kim (Class of 2015), second from the right), poses with friends in front of the library of Columbia University. John is a freshman majoring in economics and sustainable development.

I go to Columbia College at Columbia University. I went off to college with high hopes, and I could not have asked for a better college experience. Among the best aspects of attending college included the freedom to choose the classes I want to take, the ability to intern in the city while maintaining an academic life, and going out with friends on Thursday nights (we have no classes on Fridays). Columbia’s core curriculum is one thing that all students have in common, meaning great exposure to people of different academic and personal backgrounds. 2. What surprised you about living away from Korea?

Living away from Korea can take a toll because staying away from family in itself is hard. Most students find it difficult to adapt to their new environments, but I truly enjoyed myself in New York City. In this aspect, it is important that one is familiar with the college they are applying not only academically, but also geographically. 3. Tell us about yourself as a former student at APIS. What are some of your memorable moments at APIS? The things I remember the most from my high school years include time spent learning in the orchestra, at Model UN meetings, and in the classroom. Though the second semester of my senior year did indeed go by slowly, it seems as if everything else that happened in high school went by in an instant.



4. What was the most challenging part in preparing for college applications? How did you manage it? The most challenging part in the college application process was choosing a best-fit school. I was lucky enough to be able to visit several college campuses during the summer prior to the fall before my senior year. This played a key role in helping me decide what school would be the best match for me, and made me realize how much the environment around campus (if there is a campus, that is) has an impact on the college experience. I was able to get through this process with the full support of my family and the encouragement of friends. 5. What programs or sessions at APIS were helpful in preparing for college applications? Taking advantage of APIS college counseling was key for my application preparation. Talking with my college counselor, Mrs. Russell, helped me plan ahead of time, allowing me the ability to apply early decision to Columbia. 6. Lastly, what advice do you have for our seniors and juniors? It is always important to define your needs and meet your expectations. In simple terms, this is the process of goal-setting, which can help you find organization in your life. Planning ahead for applications is important, but there is no need to stress yourself during application season because you have been preparing for the application all along during high school (and perhaps even before). It is a matter of how you package yourself.

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Alumni Class Notes Hyokjin Han After graduating high school, I continued my education in University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. After two years at UIUC I decided to serve my country as an auxiliary police — an alternative to military service. I was assigned as an inter-

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preter at the Mapo police station’s foreign affairs section after finishing training at Nonsan. Working as an interpreter for the chief of Mapo police station, I went to formal events, and met high ranking personnels.

Working at the Hongik police precinct showed me the darker side of the society. My experience as an auxiliary police was life-changing.

Jaehoon Lee I am a sophomore in Hitotsubashi University in Japan studying business. I am happy that I have settled in Japan and am looking forward to successfully graduating college.

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Angie Kim It has been four years since I left APIS. it was an honor to have attended such an amazing school. I have been enrolled in Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and I am soon going to get a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts majoring in textiles. With this degree I can be a fine art textiles artist, interior textiles designer, medical textiles designer, or an apparel textiles designer. For now, I am concentrating on apparel textiles but I am sure that I would someday try different areas of textiles industries as well.


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Alumni Class Notes

Estelle Tcha After graduating from APIS, I became a five-year dual degree student at Tufts University and the School of the Museum

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of Fine Arts, Boston. My goal is to do what I


love with the people I love around me, and after four years of constant trial and errors. I am [now] a step closer to that goal. I

realized that with every shot at trying something out of my comfort zone, whether it was taking an upper level biological anthropology class (yikes) or applying to an internship position totally unrelated to my past experiences, I would at the most move forward and at the least learn something new. I explored various studies in humanities and fine arts, and met a lot of friends that frankly taught me more than the classes I found them in. Joining the Tufts Equestrian team and Tufts Consulting Collective also helped me find like-minded people. Outside of school, I followed my interest in media and interned at SBS, starting from stage/set design to eventually helping produce live broadcasts of Brazil during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. I then ticked off “living in New York” on my bucket



list by working with the VP of international business and special editorials at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. This summer I am excited to work for Samsung C&T Fashion Group. I am relieved to have an extra year left ahead of me to extend my college experience. I plan to focus more on my art and to study abroad in Europe — and also to be responsibly irresponsible for one last time.

Hans Lee Upon being discharged from the Korean military, I went to Israel for an internship for three months. After my internship, I had to prepare a

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new portfolio for my college in accordance with the Art Center college’s requirement. I am back in California and enjoying my college life again.

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W W W. A P I S . O R G EDITORIAL TEAM: ■ Euysung Kim Director ■ Nicole Suh Art & Design Editor ■ Josephine Shim Communications & PR Team Leader ■ Susan Craton Writing / Editing Staff ■ Caroline Webster Writing / Editing Staff

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