FRAMEWORK Brickworks is committed to social and environmental responsibility. As one of Australia’s largest and most diverse building products manufacturers, we believe we have a responsibility to our shareholders, employees, industry, environment and the wider community. With the aim of improving Brickworks’ sustainability disclosure; we developed a Sustainability Framework which links our sustainability commitments with our business strategy. Central to the framework is our business purpose “We create beautiful products that last forever”. Our framework also defines our approach to sustainability reporting, and is based on four key topics – Our People, Community, Environment and Responsible Business. An expanded materiality assessment was completed in FY19, providing updated guidance on material issues of importance to our stakeholders. These material issues formed the basis of reporting coverage in the key topic areas. Material issues identified include: improving resource efficiency, waste management, reducing energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions, climate risk (understanding carbon risks and opportunities), strengthening environmental compliance, engaging closely with local communities, sustainable supply chain (responsible procurement), developing innovative building products (innovation and sustainable products), corporate conduct (governance), health, safety and wellbeing. This report outlines our approach to managing these material sustainability issues, a review of our sustainability performance during FY19 and disclosure of our ambitions for FY20.
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