PERFORMANCE Brickworks monitors its environmental performance and compliance in accordance with its Environmental Management System, aligned with ISO14001:2004, utilised across the company.
ENVIRONMENTAL MANGEMENT SYSTEM Manufacturing and raw material sites are audited regularly by internal and external auditors. Any issues are reported as either a hazard or an incident and rectified in a timely manner. During FY19, fifteen external and two internal site audits were undertaken, meeting our audit target of seventeen. Hazard and incident reporting are undertaken in accordance with our Risk Management Framework, involving assessment of the likelihood of an event occurring, the potential impact of each event and the controls and processes in place to continually mitigate each risk. This information is reported to Divisional and Group management. Issues of material concern are reported to the board monthly. During the last year, we made a range of improvements to core components of our Environmental Management System, including the implementation of site level environmental plans and environmental awareness training. Continuous improvement to the system and training will continue during FY20.
in FY19, of which Austral Brick’s implemented by April 2019, including: ◗ A donation of $50,000 to Wingecarribee Shire Council for the restoration of the Bong Bong Common ◗ A minimum of $50,000 for training and auditing of Austral Bricks staff ◗ $51,960 in royalties and administration levies ◗ Recovery of the Regulators investigation and monitoring costs of $15,500 Austral Bricks has continued to work closely with the Resource Regulator to ensure all aspects of the Enforceable Undertaking are addressed. To prevent similar non-compliances from occurring, Brickworks undertook a mining due diligence and reviewed compliance registers to ensure that all requirements were clearly identified and understood.
During FY19, we received zero prosecutions and one uncontested infringement notice for $250, relating to the offsite discharge of turbid stormwater at our Parns clay pit in WA. An immediate response was undertaken to comply with the issued notice, and an improved dewatering procedure implemented at the site. Our FY20 target remains at zero environmental fines.
In FY18, Austral Bricks received an Enforceable Undertaking for breaching the Mining Act 1992 at two clay pits in southern NSW. Details of the Enforceable Undertaking was determined
During FY19, the Austral Bricks Horsley Park NSW Hydrogen Fluoride Emissions Reduction Program was closed out and a Scrubber Installation Program was commenced. At Austral
During FY20, a rollout of online software will commence to support the Environmental Management System.
7 Reported environmental fines and penalties include those received and paid during the reporting year (ending 31 July). Penalties received regarding property and penalty notices are excluded. All figures reported in Australian dollars. Reported fines and penalties are associated with Australian operations only.
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