Kids’ Activities
Some activities have fees More details at
#15 24Carrot Farm (530) 391-8582 You-Pick & Farm Tours #38 Abel’s Apple Acres (530) 626-0138 Lead-line Horse & Pony Rides, Maze, Johnny Appleseed Measuring Tree, Photo-Op Cutouts, Family of Cows #20 Apple Ridge Farms (530) 647-0613 Hay Bale Maze, Nature Trail, Gem Mining #22 Argyres Orchard (530) 644-3862 You-Pick Pick Family Outing #56 Bluestone Meadow (530) 621-1830 Barrel Train Rides, Rubber Duck Races, Puppet Theater, Gold Panning, Giant Bubbles #100 Camino Ridge (530) 644-1594 You-Pick Blueberries #5 Delfino Farms (530) 622-0184 You-Pick Pumpkin Patch, Corn Maze, Nature Trail #14 Denver Dan’s Apple Patch (530) 644-6881 You-Pick Apples, Cookin’ Kids, Tours, Jam & Vinegar Tasting #40 Fudge Factory Farm (530) 644-3492 Kids Play Area #84 Harris Tree Farm (530) 644-2194 Nature Trail, Scavenger Hunt, You-Pick Berries, Pumpkins & Apples, Santa Visits during Christmas Season #1 High Hill Ranch (530) 644-1973 School, Group, & Walking Tours, Hay Rides, Face Painting, Trout Fishing, Pony Rides #91 Indian Rock Tree Farm (530) 622-4087 Gold Mine, Indian Hut, Trout Stream #9 Larsen Apple Barn (530) 644-1415 Larsen Museum #23 Mill View Ranch (530) 622-6885 Kid’s Town, Farm Animals, Field Trips/Tours, Kids Crafts #18 O’Halloran’s Apple Trail Ranch (530) 644-3389 You-Pick Pumpkins, Sunflowers & Christmas Trees, Indian Corn, Johnny Appleseed Tree #16 Patrick’s Mountain Grown (530) 647-6033 You-Pick Berries (Members Only) #10 Rainbow Orchards (530) 644-1594 Hay Bale Hop-a-Crooked-Mile, Pumpkins, Winter Squash & Indian Corn, Fresh Cider Mill, Grassy Orchard Play Area #12 Sloan Winters Mountain Orchard & Garden (916) 860-9207 – Hay & Tractor Rides, You-Pick Pumpkin Patch, Farm Animals, Jam Samples #133 Smokey Ridge Farmstand & Winery (530) 626-5077 You-Pick Pumpkins & Chestnuts, Donkeys & Sheep
201 7 Calendar of Events Please contact individual farms to verify event time, date and location.
More details at event calendar, and the official Apple Hill app. All area codes 530 unless noted otherwise.
JAN-DEC: YEAR ROUND FARMS OPEN: See more on page 41 JUNE JUNE: BERRY FARMS OPEN: Check individual farms for dates and availability: #12, #15, #16, #23, #45, #48, #84, #100 JUNE FRIDAYS: SUNSET SIPPIN’: #32 Boeger Winery 622-8094 JUNE 4: WHITE ON WHITE DINNER & MUSIC #10 Rainbow Orchards 644-1594 Benefits El Dorado Images of Hope JUNE 11: BARBERIAN BASH!: #32 Boeger Winery 622-8094 JUNE 17 & 18: FATHER’S DAY WEEKEND: #27 Time Out Spa 644-0314 JUNE 17 & 18: LAVENDER FESTIVAL 10AM-4PM: #56 Bluestone Meadow 621-1830 JUNE 18: FATHER’S DAY PICNIC: #26 Lava Cap Winery 621-0175 JUNE 24: KIDS PIE-MAKING: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 JUNE 25: PROGRESSING IN PROVENCE - A ROSE’ PARTY: #6 Madrona Vineyards & #60 Rucksack Cellars 644-5948 JULY JULY: BERRY FARMS OPEN: Check individual farms for dates and availability: #12, #15, #16, #23, #45, #48, #84, #100 JULY FRIDAYS: SUNSET SIPPIN’: #32 Boeger Winery 622-8094 JULY 15: HIGH TEA 2-4PM RESERVATIONS REQUIRED #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 JULY 22: CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY BBQ: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 JULY 29: KIDS PIE-MAKING: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 AUGUST AUG: BERRY FARMS OPEN: Check individual farms for dates and availability: #12, #15, #16, #23, #45, #48, #84, #100 AUG FRIDAYS: SUNSET SIPPIN’: #32 Boeger Winery 622-8094 AUG 5: WINE & WEENIE~THE DOG DAYS OF SUMMER: #32 Boeger Winery 622-8094 AUG 6, 20: 9:30AM-2PM MAKE YOUR OWN BLACKBERRY JAM RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 AUG 25: CAMINO BARN DANCE: #10 Rainbow Orchards 644-1594 Benefits Camino Community Action Committee AUG 26: LUAU PARTY: #50 Fenton Herriott Vineyards 642-2021 AUG 26: KICK-OFF HARVEST DINNER – RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: #6 Madrona Vineyards 644-5948 AUG 26: KIDS PIE-MAKING: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885
Events, continued
SEPT 2: OPENING DAY OF MOST APPLE HILL FARMS SEPT. 2: 14TH ANNIVERSARY #25 Wofford Acres Vineyards 626-6858 SEP 3: 2-4PM HIGH TEA IN THE ORCHARD RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 SEPT 10: 9:30AM-2PM MAKE YOUR OWN BLACKBERRY JAM RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 SEPT 23 & 24: 21ST ANNUAL KIDS WEEKEND & JOHNNY APPLESEED DAY: #5 Delfino Farms. 622-0184 SEPT 24: JOHNNY APPLESEED DAY: See for participating farms and activities SEPT 23: KIDS PIE-MAKING: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 OCTOBER OCT 1: GIRL SCOUT SCARECROW CONTEST: 10-1PM #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 OCT 27 - OCT 29: NEVADA DAY SPECIALS: See for participating farms and activities OCT 28: KIDS PIE-MAKING: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 NOVEMBER NOV 5: APPLE HILL HARVEST RUN: Benefits Camino School. See NOV 11: VETERANS’ DAY SPECIALS: Free Donut to all Service Persons #10 Rainbow Orchards 644-1594; Veteran’s Day Celebration #12 Sloan Winters Mountain Orchard & Garden 916-860-9207 NOV 18: HOLIDAY SAMPLER: #32 Boeger Winery 622-8094 NOV 18: OPENING DAY OF MOST APPLE HILL GROWER CHRISTMAS TREE FARMS- See individual tree farms for dates and availability NOV 19: BONFIRE, CHILI & S’MORES WITH SANTA: 12-3PM #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 NOV 25: KIDS PIE-MAKING: #23 MILL VIEW RANCH 622-6885 LATE NOV: VISITS WITH SANTA: #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 - Call for details DECEMBER DEC: VISITS WITH SANTA: #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 - Call for details MARCH 2018 & MORE MARCH 31, 2018: EASTER EGG HUNT: #23 Mill View Ranch Call for details 622-6885 APRIL 2018: EDWA PASSPORT WEEKENDS: #26 Lava Cap Winery 621-0175, #6 Madrona Vineyards 644-5948, #60 Rucksack Cellars MAY 12 & 13, 2018: MOTHER’S DAY WEEKEND: #27 Time Out Spa 644-0314
For more events visit the Apple Hill events calendar at
Apple Hill Legacy Farms: Sustaining a Way of Life 2017 - 2018 Map & Farm Guide since 1964