Kids’ Activities
2018 Event calendar
Events, continued
SEPTEMBER #38 Abel’s Apple Acres (530) 626-0138 Horse & Pony Rides, Maze, Sand Art #20 Apple Ridge Farms (530) 647-0613 Hay Maze, Nature Trail, Gemstone Mining, Face Painting (Sat/Sun only)
Some activities have fees. More details at
#22 Argyres Orchard (530) 644-3862 You-Pick Family Outing #56 Bluestone Meadow (530) 621-1830 Train, Pumpkin Trebuchet (launcher), Puppet Theater, Giant Bubbles #100 Camino Ridge (530) 644-1594 You-Pick Blueberries #5 Delfino Farms (530) 622-0184 Pumpkin Patch, Corn Maze, Farm Animals (Babydoll Sheep) #14 Denver Dan’s Apple Patch (530) 644-6881 Cookin’ Kids, Tours for kids #40 Fudge Factory Farm (530) 644-3492 Kids Play Area, Alpacas, Face Painter, Balloon Artist, Fudge Sampling #84 Harris Tree Farm (530) 644-2194 Nature Trail, Scavenger Hunt, You-Pick Berries, Pumpkins & Apples, Santa Visits during Christmas Season #1 High Hill Ranch (530) 644-1973 Hay Rides, Face Painting, Fishing Pond, Pony Rides #9 Larsen Apple Barn (530) 644-1415 Larsen Museum (self-guided), Park (lawn play, picnic) #91 Indian Rock Tree Farm (530) 622-4087 Gold Mine, Indian Hut, Trout Stream #23 Mill View Ranch (530) 622-6885 Kid’s Town, Pigs, Chickens, Bunnies, Field Trips/Tours, Kids Crafts #18 O’Halloran’s Apple Trail Ranch (530) 644-3389 You-Pick Pumpkins, Sunflowers & Christmas Trees, Indian Corn, Johnny Appleseed Tree, Nature Trail #10 Rainbow Orchards (530) 644-1594 Hay Bale Hop-a-Crooked-Mile, Pumpkins, Winter Squash & Ornamental Corn, Popcorn, Fresh Cider Mill, Grassy Orchard Play Area #12 Sloan Winters Mountain Orchard & Garden (916) 860-9207 – Tractor Hay Rides, Pumpkin Patch, Farm Animals (goats & chickens), school tours, birthday parties, tours of organic farm, produce samples #133 Smokey Ridge Farmstand (530) 626-5077 Pictures on the tractor
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Please contact individual farms to verify event time, date and location. More details at event calendar, and the official Apple Hill app. All area codes 530 unless noted otherwise. JAN-DEC: YEAR ROUND FARMS OPEN: See more on page 35
JUNE BERRY FARMS OPEN: Check individual farms for dates and availability: #15, #16, #23, #45, #48, #84, #100 FRIDAYS: SUNSET SIPPIN’, 6-9PM: #32 Boeger Winery 622-8094 3: WHITE ON WHITE DINNER & MUSIC #10 Rainbow Orchards 644-1594 Benefits El Dorado Images of Hope 9: KIDS FUN DAY WITH GAMES & BBQ: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 16 & 17: FATHER’S DAY WEEKEND: #27 Time Out Spa 644-0314 23 & 24: LAVENDER FESTIVAL: #56 Bluestone Meadow 621-1830 17: FATHER’S DAY PICNIC: #26 Lava Cap Winery 621-0175 23: HIGH TEA 2-4PM Reservations Required. #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 23: KIDS PIE-MAKING: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 24: PROGRESSING IN PROVENCE - A ROSE’ PARTY: #6 Madrona Vineyards 644-5948 & #60 Rucksack Cellars 647-2113 30: BARBERIAN BARBERA BASH!, 11AM-4PM: #32 Boeger Winery 622-8094
JULY BERRY FARMS OPEN: Check individual farms for dates and availability: #15, #16, #23, #45, #48, #84, #100 FRIDAYS: SUNSET SIPPIN’ 6-9PM: #32 Boeger Winery 622-8094 14: HIGH TEA 2-4PM Reservations Required. #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 14 & 21 & 28: SUMMER MUSIC SERIES: #26 Lava Cap Winery 621-0175 21: KIDS FUN DAY WITH GAMES & BBQ: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 21 & 22: BOTTLE YOUR OWN, 12PM-4PM: #50 Fenton Herriott Vineyards 642-2021 22: BLACKBERRY JAM CLASS, 9:30AM--2PM: Reservations Required #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 28: KIDS PIE-MAKING: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885
AUGUST BERRY FARMS OPEN: Check individual farms for dates and availability: #15, #16, #48, 84 FRIDAYS: SUNSET SIPPIN’, 6-9PM: #32 Boeger Winery 622-8094 4: WINE & WEENIE~THE DOG DAYS OF SUMMER, 11AM-4PM: #32 Boeger Winery 622-8094 4 & 11 & 18 & 25: SUMMER MUSIC SERIES: #26 Lava Cap Winery 621-0175 11: SIPPING UNDER THE STARS, 8-10PM: #50 Fenton Herriott Vineyards 642-2021 AUG 18: HIGH TEA 2-4PM RESERVATIONS REQUIRED #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 18: KIDS PIE-MAKING: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 19, 28:BLACKBERRY JAM CLASS, 9:30AM--2PM: Reservations Required #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 23: EL DORADO COUNTY CHAMBER MIXER; #60 Rucksack Cellars 647-2113 25: LUAU PARTY, 5:30PM-8:30PM: #50 Fenton Herriott Vineyards 642-2021 25: KICK-OFF HARVEST DINNER: Reservations Required #6 Madrona Vineyards 644-5948 continued on next page
1: OPENING DAY OF MOST APPLE HILL FARMS 2: 15TH ANNIVERSARY, 12-4: #25 Wofford Acres Vineyards 626-6858 2: HIGH TEA IN THE ORCHARD, 2-4PM: Reservations Required #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 6: FARM TRAILS QUILT TRAIL PAINTING CLASS: Reservations Required #10 Rainbow Orchards 644-1594 8: TREASURE HUNT IN KIDS TOWN: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 9: BLACKBERRY JAM CLASS, 9:30-2PM: Reservations Required #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 14-16: CHUGGER SHOW: #1 High Hill Ranch 644-1973 15: KIDS PIE-MAKING: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 15 & 22: HANDS ON HARVEST, 10AM-1PM: #50 Fenton Herriott Vineyards 642-2021 22 & 23: 22ND ANNUAL KIDS WEEKEND & JOHNNY APPLESEED DAY: #5 Delfino Farms. 622-0184 23: JOHNNY APPLESEED DAY: See for participating farms and activities 29: PUMPKIN PATCH OPENS: #20 Apple Ridge Farms 647-0613
OCTOBER WKNDS: HAUNTED HOUSE & SMALL PUMPKIN PAINTING: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 7: 10-1PM GIRL SCOUT SCARECROW CONTEST: #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 26: NEVADA DAY SPECIAL: Complimentary a la mode with any pie piece purchase: #5 Delfino Farms 622-0184 26 - OCT 28: NEVADA DAY SPECIALS: See for participating farms and activities
NOVEMBER 3: HARVEST FESTIVAL: #6 Madrona Vineyards 644-5948 4: APPLE HILL HARVEST RUN: Benefits Camino School. See 11: VETERANS’ DAY SPECIALS: FREE DONUT TO ALL SERVICE PERSONS (Nov 5-11) #10 Rainbow Orchards 644-1594; VETERANS’ DAY CELEBRATION #12 Sloan Winters Mountain Orchard & Garden 916-860-9207: Complimentary a la mode with any pie piece purchase by veterans: #5 Delfino Farms 622-0184; Free jam with pie purchase for Vets (Nov 11) and 10% discount any day for Vets: #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 17: OPENING DAY OF MOST APPLE HILL GROWER CHRISTMAS TREE FARMS- See individual tree farms for dates and availability 17: KIDS PIE-MAKING: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885 17 & 18: BONFIRE, CHILI & S’MORES WITH SANTA, 12-3PM: #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194
Look for the sign of Quality
DECEMBER VISITS WITH SANTA: #84 Harris Tree Farm 644-2194 - Call for details or check website 1: CHRISTMAS IN THE CELLAR: #6 Madrona Vineyards 644-5948 8: HOLIDAY CELLAR-BRATION, 2-4PM: #50 Fenton Herriott Vineyards 642-2021 8, 15, 22: SANTA & FREE PICTURES: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885
APRIL 2019 APRIL 2019: EDWA PASSPORT WEEKENDS: #26 Lava Cap Winery 621-0175, #6 Madrona Vineyards 644-5948, #60 Rucksack Cellars 647-2113 APRIL 20:EASTER EGG HUNT: #23 Mill View Ranch 622-6885
5/8/18 4:00 PM