Digital Advertising Taking The Lead
As per recent reports digital advertising is all set to take the high point in 2015. There has been over 35percent growth last year in digital advertising and this will continue to increase in this year as well. The major impact to be seen is in social media portals, mobile forums and videos. The reason for this is the growing need for socializing and being noticed by people through these forums. People today are most active on these social platforms since it's through these forums that people all over the world can interact with each other without meeting physically. Every ad agency in India today needs to utilize the potential that these portals hold to gather as much consumer insights as possible. Also these are excellent when it comes to promoting and marketing a brand since it helps to reach a wide variety of T.G. at once and also helps to target the potential and existing customers efficiently. If we take the example of Facebook alone, it has the maximum no. of users compared to any other social portal. Out of that, ninety five percent users use Facebook mobile application which is gathering equal amount of momentum as the platform itself. Even Twitter has the maximum