Why Is It Important To Know The Company’s Vision And Mission Before Branding?

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We generally fix our destination before starting any ride and we take the most suitable route towards it. The same way when a company starts its journey, it establishes its own vision and mission that drives it a long way and makes it reach its organizational goals. A company’s vision guides about future. It is how a company wants to accomplish in the coming days. For example: Amazon’s vision is to become the most customer-centric company. The mission states what a company does today to achieve future goals. Example: “We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection, and the utmost convenience”. Amazon in its mission states that it offers goods to its customers at the lowest possible prices and convenience. It even bet to have the best collections one can choose from. Branding is a process through which a company captures the attention of the customers towards its brand. It is really crucial to know the company’s

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