Ar-Risalah Isu 33: Norma Baharu: Hikmah COVID-19

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AR-RISALAH TERBITAN KE-33 Mei - Ogos 2020 ISSN 2424-8207



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Isu 33 (Mei - Ogos 2020) ISSN 2424-8207




Encik Mohd Raman Bin Daud

Pembaca Pruf Ustazah Nurhafizah Azman

Penyumbang Bahan

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Ustaz Ahmad Helmi Bin Mohd Hasbi

Dr Norhisham Bin Main Dr Shamsiah Bte Abdul Karim Ustazah Nur jannah Bte Shonar Ukht Tan Nurul E’zzati Bte Abdul Hadi Ustaz Muhammad Suhaili Hilmi Bin Mohamad SIrat Akh Ahmad Ubaidillah Bin Mohamed Khair

Arahan Seni & Pereka Grafik Rafiz Raman

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Ms 5 – Wasatiyah Dalam Menjalani Norma Baru Ms 11 – Instilling New Norms

Ms 4






Ms 22 – Mei – Ogos 2020


MEMORI MENUNTUT ILMU Ms 30 – Into the Unknown

KENALI ASATIZAH Ms 20 – Bermulanya Detik Kerjayaku...

Ms 15 – Islamic Endowment: A Sustainable Financing Vehicle For Muslim Organisations



KENALI PERGAS Ms 28 – A Fruitful Journey for A Young Ustazah


TINTA ILMU Ms 33 – Book Review: Evergreen Advice From Al Ghazali Ms 35 – Puisi: Tembok Masjid dan Pak Haji



KALAM EDITOR Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang

Assalamu’alaikum wR wB para pembaca yang dihormati Iktibar COVID-19 – ‘SEKALI BAH, SEKALI PANTAI BERUBAH’


ELURUH dunia ternyata masih lagi dicengkam COVID-19. Ada negara seperti New Zealand dan Korea Selatan tampak berjaya mengawalnya. Malangnya, setelah kepungan dikurangkan dan kelonggaran diberikan, ombak kedua pandemik ini menjerut kembali. Jelaslah, selagi belum ditemui vaksin untuk mengebalkan manusia, selagi itulah ancaman wabak ini tetap ada Sehingga pada 16 September tahun ini, hampir 30 juta insan mengidapnya dan hampir sejuta jiwa terkorban, menurut Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO). Selagi kemanusiaan dirantai takut akan wabak ini, dunia tidak dapat kembali ke cara atau paradigma sebelumnya. Hal ini bak dipetiakan orang tua-tua – sekali bah, sekali pantai berubah. Antara erti ‘bah’ ialah gelombang besar laut atau ‘tsunami’. Misalnya, dari lipatan sejarah Aceh: negara di hujung pulau Sumatera ini pernah digoncang gempa dan dilanda tsunami, antara lain, pada abad ke-15M, tetapi bangkit sebuah kerajaan hebat dalam abad ke-17M. Sekali lagi Aceh dilanda gempa dan tsunami pada 26 Disember 2004 yang menghentikan perang saudara sehingga terbina sebuah pemerintah berteraskan syariah. Penularan COVID-19 akan memakan masa untuk ditangani rapi hatta sekalipun diperolehi vaksin berkesan, ujar kalangan pakar penyakit berjangkit. Oleh itu, dunia terpaksa mendisiplinkan cara ke arah memastikan kebersihan, amalan mesra alam dan pembangunan mampan (sustainable development) dalam semua aspek. Inilah juga antara teras mesej Islam sejak awal.


Kian ketara bahawa COVID-19 telah merobah tatacara dunia dari segi perhubungan sehinggalah penakatan insan. Namun agak keterlaluan untuk akur pada kesimpulan sesetengah pihak bahawa kononnya pandemik ini telah memancarkan cara hidup ‘bersih’ ala Muslim seperti selalu membersihkan diri yang ibarat berwuduk, memakai pelitup yang serupa berniqab, dan kejatuhan kadar faedah ke paras sifar bererti urusan kewangan tanpa riba yang dianjurkan Islam. Apapun, hayatilah peringatan Allah SWT: “Barangkali kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan barangkali kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 216). Ertinya ada ‘hikmah’ dan kebaikan di sebalik timbulnya peristiwa seperti wabak ini. Berusaha dan berdoalah kita agar para pemimpin, cendiakawan sehingga setiap Muslim menjadi insaf dan bangkit untuk lebih berkesan dalam membangun diri, keluarga, masyarakat, nusa dan seluruh kemanusiaan. Perubahan bermakna mendukung prinsip atau teras hidup anjuran Ilahi, tetapi tabah melalui penyesuaian demi menyusun hidup lebih baik. Seyogia, umat Islam telah membangun tamadun gemilang selama 700 tahun (abad ke-7 hingga 14 Masihi) tetapi kemudian kelam selama 700 tahun selanjutnya. Maka kini, terserlah peluang untuk bangkit kembali!

Daripada fakir MOHD RAMAN DAUD



WASATIYYAH DALAM MENJALANI NORMA BAHARU Ustaz Ahmad Helmi Bin Mohamad Hasbi Peneliti Kajian



Iyad Kamil Ibrahim Az-Zibari, “VII. Moderat (Al-Wasathiyyah),” dalam Fikih Tadarruj - Tahapan-Tahapan Dalam Membumikan Syariat Islam (Pustaka AlKauthar, 2017), ms: 84.



EJAK menularnya virus COVID-19 dari China pada Disember 2019, kebanyakan negara terpaksa membuat perubahan perit yang mendadak – dari siasah, ekonomi sehingga amalan bersosial. Langkah wajib memakai pelitup, senantiasa memelihara kebersihan, jarak sosial selamat dan kepungan (lockdown) sehingga menutup sempadan telah dilaksanakan. Semua ini dilakukan demi melindungi nyawa dan memerangi wabak ini. Dalam pada itu, dunia mengalami kemelesetan besar yang menggugat. Maka timbullah kebiasaan atau norma baharu yang dijangka berpanjangan selagi

Ini merupakan suatu kewajipan utama dari segi hak asasi manusia.

belum ditemui vaksin untuk membentengi virus ini. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengajak masyarakat Islam merenung erti norma baharu akibat COVID-19 menurut landasan Islam iaitu wasatiyyah. WASATIYYAH SEBAGAI AMANAH Kehidupan bertanggung jawab berteraskan wasatiyyah merupakan suruhan Allah SWT:

ُ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ َٰ َ َ َ َ ُ‫اك أ َّم ًة َو َس ًط ا ِّل َت ُك ُون وا ش‬ ْ ‫وك ذ ِل ك ج ع ل ن‬ ‫� َد َاء َع ل‬ َ‫َّ َ َ ُ َ َّ ُ ُ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ش‬ ‫� ًيدا‬ ‫اس وي ك ون الرس ول ع ل ي‬ ِ ‫ك‬ ِ ‫الن‬

“Dan demikianlah, Kami jadikan kamu satu umat yang pilihan lagi adil, supaya kamu layak menjadi orang yang memberi keterangan kepada umat manusia dan Rasulullah pula akan menjadi orang yang menerangkan kebenaran perbuatan kamu.” (QS Al-Baqarah: 143) 6

ً Para ulama mentafsirkan wasat (‫ ) َو َس ط ا‬di dalam petikan ayat tersebut, antara lain, dengan beberapa makna: • pertengahan; • sederhana, berpada-pada atau moderat; • seimbang, dan • adil Keunggulan umat Islam pada zaman Rasulullah kerana kejayaaan meraih kehidupan adil dan ihsan yang cemerlang sehingga mendapat pujian Allah SWT: “Kamu adalah umat yang terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia, menyuruh kepada yang makruf dan mencegah daripada yang mungkar dan beriman kepada Allah.” (QS. Ali Imran: 110) Adil dapat difahami sebagai membuat keputusan atau tindakan dengan saksama atau diertikan sebagai meletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya. Adil menjadi penyebab yang membolehkan umat ini menjalankan tanggung jawabnya sebagai saksi ke atas umat lainnnya.1 Seorang Muslim yang hendak berlaku adil (ulul al-bab) dalam memutuskan sesuatu, perlu terlebih dahulu bertanggung jawab (berakhlak) dalam pelaksanaan bersandarkan ilmu yang hakiki atau benar. Tegasnya, keahlian atau kepakaran diperlukan dalam melaksanakan amalan agar tercapai keputusan adil dan ihsan. Jika tidak, akan berlakulah kerosakan. Hari ini, umat Islam membentuk 1.8 bilion daripada 7.8 bilion penduduk dunia. Keadaan di kebanyakan 57 negara majoriti Muslim (yang kebetulan anggota Pertubuhan Kerjasama Islam atau OIC) dikatakan ‘daif’ dari segi ekonomi, pelanggaran hak asasi manusia, gejolak politik dan rendah pencapaian pendidikan, kesihatan dan perumahan. Jadi, dengan penularan wabak COVID-19, dapatkah umat Islam mengatasinya dan


muncul sebagai umat terbaik seperti umat yang awal atau sebaliknya? ILMU SEBAGAI TONGGAK Menurut Prof Emeritus Mohd. Kamal Hassan (1942- ), sarjana Islam ternama dari Malaysia, wasatiyyah perlu berdiri di atas tiga asas iaitu 1. ilmu, 2. iman dan 3. takwa.2 Ilmu perlu beserta dengan dua tonggak atau nilai luhur iaitu iman dan takwa yang kededuanya membentuk ‘akhlak terpuji’. Umat Islam terawal dikatakan ‘ummiy’ atau buta huruf iaitu kurang berilmu, namun ‘akhlak’ mereka amat luar biasa. Setelah pendidikan tersusun diperkenal, para pengikut sahabat (tabiin) dan para pengikut selanjutnya membangun ilmu menerusi sistem madrasah sehingga universiti terawal dunia (Universiti alQarawiyyin di Fez, Maghribi pada 859M). Hasilnya, umat Islam telah membina sebuah tamadun dunia selama 700 tahun (abad ketujuh sehingga ke-14M). Dengan pemupukan akhlak terbaik sebagai keutamaan, ilmu yang berguna dapat diperolehi. Hubungan akhlak dan ilmu saling melengkapi (complementary). Tanpa akhlak, ilmu (termasuk teknologi) boleh tersasar atau tidak digunakan untuk kebaikan. Tanpa ilmu, akhlak tidak akan tumbuh berkembang untuk dijadikan teladan. Banyak dalil daripada Al-Quran dan Sunnah yang menekankan peri penting insan mencari ilmu untuk memantapkan iman dan takwanya. Hayati maksud firman-Nya:

َّ ُ َّ َ ْ َ ْ ْ ُ ُ َّ ْ ُ ‫ات‬ ‫الل ال ِذ ي نَ� َآم ُن وا ِم‬ ‫ي�ف ِع‬ ٍ ‫نك َوال ِذ ي نَ� أوت وا ال ِع َل َد َر َج‬ “Allah meninggikan darjat orang-orang yang beriman di antara kamu, dan orangorang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan ugama (dari kalangan kamu) - beberapa darjat.” (QS Al-Mujadilah:11)

ُ َ َْ ْ ‫ُْت‬ ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ ‫ال‬ َ‫ك َة َف َق ْد أ ِ ت ي‬ �‫و‬ ‫ال‬ ِ ‫ك ة َم ن َي ش ُاء ۚ َو َم ن ُي ؤت‬ ِ �‫ي ؤ ِ ي‬ َْ ‫َّ َّ َّ ُ ُ ْ أ‬ َ َ َ ً َ ًْ َ ‫اب‬ ِ ‫خ ي�ا ك ِث ي�ا ۗ وم ا ي ذك ُر ِإل أول و الل َب‬ “Allah memberikan hikmah kebijaksanaan (ilmu yang berguna) kepada sesiapa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Dan sesiapa yang diberikan hikmah itu maka sesungguhnya ia telah diberikan kebaikan yang banyak. Dan tiadalah yang dapat mengambil pengajaran melainkan orang-orang yang menggunakan akal fikirannya.” (QS An-Nahl:43)

Muhammad Haniff Hassan, “Konsep Wasatiyyah Dari Sudut Pandangan Prof. Kamal Hassan,” Wasat (blog), February 1, 2015, wasat/konsep-wasatiyyah-dari-sudutpandangan-prof-kamal-hassan/ , (Akses pada 13 Julai 2020).


Oleh itu, setiap orang Islam yang mampu, masyarakat dan pemerintah Muslim perlu memastikan kesuburan institusi pendidikan dan peluang untuk meraih pendidikan wajib dan jika dapat percuma, setinggi yang terdaya. Ini merupakan suatu kewajipan utama dari segi hak asasi manusia. Hakikatnya, kemunduran banyak negara majoriti Muslim kerana sistem pendidikannya yang lemah. Kadar tinggi muslimah atau wanita Islam yang buta huruf kerana tidak dapat belajar akan menjejas bukan saja asuhan anak, bahkan kesejahteraan rumah tangga dan masyarakat. Seyogia, Rasulullah berpesan kepada kita: “Menuntut ilmu itu wajib bagi setiap Muslim.” (HR Ibn Majah, nombor 229). ADIL DARI SEGI AKHLAK DAN ILMU Sarjana ternama Mesir, Sheikh Mohammed al-Ghazali al-Saqqa (1917– 1996), menyedari kepincangan umat Islam dari segi akhlak dan ilmu. Beliau memberikan amaran keras bahawa telah berlaku kejahilan pasca moden di Dunia Islam yang menjejas jati diri Muslim sendiri. Kemiskinan umat Islam moden terpapar lebih pada akhlak dan ilmunya berbanding kebendaan semata.3 Kejahilan tadi diperburuk oleh sikap malas dan bodoh sombong sehingga mencetuskan amalan keji dalam kalangan ummah.4



Muhammad Al-Ghazali, “Pengislaman Ilmu Atau Ilmu Islam,” dalam Warisan Pemikiran Islam Menurut Syara’ dan Rasional (Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2003), ms:3.



Al-Quran, 2:34, 2:258, 40:56,

‘None of Us Have a Fear of Corona’: The Faithful at an Outbreak’s Center, world/asia/coronavirus-malaysiamuslims-outbreak.html?auth=loginemail&login=email (Akses pada 20 Julai 2020)


Data kemaskini pada 19 Julai melalui pautan WHO - (Akses pada 20 Julai 2020)


Florida’s Anti-Maskers Are Taking a Stand | NowThis, com/watch?v=433b5RJ9BME (Akses pada 13 Julai 2020)


Wearing masks vs. constitutional rights, wearing-masks-vs-constitutional-rights/ (Akses pada 13 Julai 2020)


Wearing masks ‘purely a health issue,’ says Fauci, news/2020-06-25/Wearing-maskspurely-a-health-issue-says-FauciRBwquCtUEU/index.html (Akses pada 20 Julai 2020)


Ketika COVID-19 mula menular, Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) telah menggesa seluruh jagat agar mengamalkan pemakaian pelitup, mengelakkan percampuran ramai dan memastikan jarak selamat. Hal ini perlu dilakukan kerana virus atau kuman yang membunuh ini dapat biak terapung dalam udara selama beberapa hari dan menular menerusi pelepasan cecair ketika bercakap, bersin atau batuk. Oleh itu, amalan kebersihan untuk membasmi kuman amat mustahak. Namun, hal ini ditertawakan dan diejek oleh segelintir umat Islam, termasuk sebuah gerakan agama sehingga tercetus jangkitan dalam beberapa pertemuannya di Kuala Lumpur dan tertular di negara jiran termasuk Singapura.5 Data WHO menunjukkan Amerika Syarikat menampung kes tertinggi wabak ini (25.2% dari jumlah keseluruhan dunia)6 berbanding China yang merupakan punca wabak ini. Mengapa? Jawapannya: terdapat dalam kalangan pucuk pimpinan Amerika dan warga negara kuasa besar ini meremehkan ancaman wabak ini. Mereka mengabaikan pemakaian pelitup, pelaksanaan jarak selamat dan sebagainya. Di Florida, bantahan terhadap arahan memakai pelitup dan jarak selamat telah berlaku sehingga mencetuskan jangkitan yang besar.7 Antara sebab utama tindakan kalangan pimpinan dan warga Amerika ialah anggapan bahawa memakai pelitup dan jarak selamat itu tidak adil kerana menyekat kebebasan mereka.8 Anehnya, Amerika mempunyai ramai para pakar penyakit berjangkit termasuk tokoh terkenal, Dr Anthony Fauci, yang merayu agar pimpinan dan warga Amerika bersikap sabar dan realistik dalam menghadapi wabak maut ini.9 Jelaslah, sikap degil dan bodoh sombong telah menjejas Amerika sendiri walaupun ia mempunyai sejumlah universiti terbaik di dunia seperti MIT dan Harvard!


PENERAPAN WASATIYYAH PADA NORMA BAHARU COVID-19 Memanglah norma atau kebiasaan baharu menjejas keselesaan dan rutin harian kehidupan insan. Namun, ia wajib dipatuhi demi melindungi nyawa sehinggalah urusan sesama manusia. Sesungguhnya, melindungi jiwa merupakan perkara utama daripada lima aspek maqasid (pegangan) Syariah Islam dalam rangka melaksanakan wasatiyyah. Memang tiada orang suka dirinya dipantau. Namun pendaftaran digital “SafeEntry” amat mustahak demi memastikan jangkitan dapat dikesan demi mengelakkan penularan yang lebih luas. Sesungguhnya hal ini pun bukan perkara ‘baharu’ bagi orang Islam yang bertakwa kerana menginsafi bahawa setiap tindak-tanduk dirinya senantiasa dipantau oleh malaikat yang mencatatkan kebaikan dan keburukan amalannya (aspek muraqabah). Norma baharu dalam suasana COVID-19 memaksa sebahagian besar orang yang bekerja secara giliran dan fleksibel sama ada di rumah, pejabat atau di mana saja tanpa diperhatikan oleh penyelia, bos atau majikannya. Namun, bagi orang Islam yang bertakwa, hal ini tidak akan menjejas daya penghasilannya kerana ‘pintu rezeki’ ditentukan oleh kegigihannya bekerja secara jujur (bukan curi tulang atau mengelat) demi mendapat keredhaan Ilahi. Begitu juga dengan pelajar Islam yang perlu belajar rumah secara talian. Tanpa pengawasan guru sekolah, apatah lagi guru disiplin, tidak bermakna dia boleh menonton televisyen atau bermain ‘game’ dan mengabaikan tugasan sekolah dengan alasan sakit dan sebagainya. Dengan jarak selamat, orang Islam tidak dapat berjabat tangan ketika memberi salam. Namun, hal ini tidak mengurangi


ukkhuwah kerana ada amalam ‘salam ala mufti’ (juga disebut salam sufi Turkey) boleh dilakukan, perbincangan secara talian dapat dijayakan dan usaha membantu dari segi penghantaran makanan ke rumah saudara Muslim yang susah (termasuk ibu bapa sendiri sehingga sanak-saudara) sehingga menderma untuk keperluan masjid dan badan Islam. Demi kejayaan wasatiyyah pada norma baharu, pengurusan waktu yang berkesan menjadi kian genting. Ia perlu diatur dengan itqan (tekun). Ini untuk memastikan produktiviti sentiasa tinggi dan dapat dikekalkan. Menurut maksud Surah Al-‘Asr, mereka yang tidak dapat menjaga masanya dengan baik dianggap sebagai dalam kerugian. Prinsip wasatiyyah menitikberat aspek kecemerlangan dalam apa jua urusan atau amanah dan jauh daripada penyimpangan (rasuah).10 Dalam konteks ini, Nabi (saw) berpesan: “Sesungguhnya Allah ‘AzzaWa-Jal kasih apabila seseorang daripada kamu melakukan sesuatu amalan dengan secara tekun.” Umat Islam merupakan 15 peratus penduduk Singapura, iaitu sebuah negara maju yang pertama di Nusantara atau Asia Tenggara. Dari segi luaran, krisis atau kemelut wabak COVID-19 memanglah merupakan suatu ujian buruk yang kita khuatiri. Namun ingatlah akan maksud firman-Nya: ‘’Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka akan dibiarkan (saja) mengatakan: Kami telah beriman, lantas tidak diuji lagi? Sungguh Kami telah menguji orang-orang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orangorang yang benar dan mengetahui orangorang yang dusta.’’ (QS Al Ankabut: 2-3). Kehebatan umat Islam terawal sehingga dipuji Allah SWT kerana ketabahan kental menangani ujian besar dan muncul sebagai pembela keadilan dan keihsanan.

Hakikatnya, umat Islam di Singapura perlu berasa syukur kerana terdapat pelbagai bantuan pemerintah serta badan-badan Islam yang tersedia. Oleh itu, kita amat perlu bersabar dalam menghadapi masalah kehilangan perkerjaan, terputus hasil pendapatan, terpaksa berjauhan dengan orang yang tersayang dan sebagainya.

10 Iyad Kamil Ibrahim Az-Zibari, “VII. Moderat (Al-Wasathiyyah), ms: 85.”

Dek wabak ini, umat Islam perlu terus giat menimba ilmu secara online atau dalam talian – ilmu untuk lulus ujian sekolah sehingga ilmu Quran atau agama daripada asatizah. Kita perlu membiasakan diri menggunakan komputer dan telefon bijak bukan sekadar untuk bertanya khabar tetapi menimba ilmu dan meneguhkan akhlak terpuji. Masjid-masjid kita harus terus mendampingi setiap warga kejiranan dengan mendapat kontak dan sekali gus menyebarkan mesej Islam untuk

Prinsip wasatiyyah menitikberat aspek kecemerlangan dalam apa jua urusan...

saling tolong-menolong dalam waktu sukar ini. Misalnya, ibu tunggal yang mendapati kesulitan perlu dihubungi demi meringankan bebannya dan membantu dalam asuhan anak-anaknya. Gelandangan Muslim boleh dibantu untuk mendapatkan teduhan sementara di masjid – menjelang adanya flat sewa atau flat milik sendiri. Para belia Muslim yang sedar juga boleh memainkan peranan mereka. Dengan bimbingan asatizah terlatih, mereka boleh dijadikan duta untuk mendekati dan menghubungi teman-teman sebaya demi meningkatkan semangat jaya diri mereka untuk bersaing dan maju. 9


11 Al-Imam an-Nawawi, RiyadhusSalihin, Hadis 27, riyadussaliheen/introduction/27 (Akses pada 13 Julai 2020)

Muhammad Hashim Kamali, “Manifestation of Wasatiyyah,” dalam The Middle Path of Moderation in Islam: The Quranic Principle of Wasatiyya, Religion And Global Politics (Oxford University Press, 2015), ms 53.



Ibid, ms 56.

Konsep ‘berserah’ kepada Allah tidak bermakna pasrah melulu, tetapi berusaha dengan gigih menimba ilmu dan memperbaik akhlak sehingga tercapai cita-cita dengan penuh kesungguhan dan mendamba keredhaan-Nya. Jika inilah menjadi motivasi umat Islam pasca COVID-19, maka akan tercapailah visi dalam sabda Nabi (saw): “Amat menakjubkan urusan seorang Mukmin kerana setiap urusannya adalah baik dan itu tidak akan berlaku kepada seorang pun kecuali kepada seorang Mukmin (yang sempurna keimanannya). Jika dia mendapat sesuatu yang mengembirakan dia bersyukur, maka itu adalah kebaikan baginya. Jika dia ditimpa kesusahan dia bersabar, maka itu adalah kebaikan baginya.”11 PENUTUP Prinsip wasatiyyah mengajak masyarakat Muslim secara khususnya kepada jalan kebaikan dan pembaikan. Antara aspek wasatiyyah yang perlu diamati adalah keseimbangan dalam menemukan kemanfaatan (maslahah) dan mengelakkan kerosakan (mafsada) yang lebih besar. Aspek ini perlu dinilai dengan disiplin ilmu dan akhlak yang mematuhi syariah.12 Apabila berdepan dengan isu yang runcing, prinsip wasatiyyah menganjurkan kita bersabar menghadapi kemudaratan demi mengelakkan darurat yang lebih besar:

‫ت‬ ‫روع أعظمهما ض�را ب�رتاكب‬ ‫إذا تعارض مفسد�ن ي‬

‫ف‬ ‫أخ� ما‬

“Jika bertemu dua mafsadah, maka mafsadah yang lebih besar harus dihindari dengan cara mengambil (menjalani) mafsadat yang lebih ringan”


Wasatiyyah hendaklah dilaksanakan secara muafakat dan majmuk (pluralistik) dengan mengambil kira pelbagai pandangan13, walaupun daripada pakar yang bukan Islam. Ini supaya ranah (domain) ilmu dapat terus berkembang dan tidak terhad atau jumud. Seyogia, tamadun Islam yang awal mengambil kira masukan (input) dari Yunani (Greece), Rom, Farsi, India, China dan sebagainya. Tradisi keilmuan Islam membuktikan bahawa tiada halangan dalam menampung kepelbagaian pandangan asalkan tidak melanggar lunas Syariah. Ini sekaligus menjadikan umat Islam sebagai golongan pertengahan, sederhana, seimbang lagi adil dalam menghidupkan persekitaran damai di jagat yang berbilang kaum, agama, budaya dan bahasa.

INSTILLING NEW NORMS Dr Norhisham Bin Main Head of Division and Senior Consultant, Supportive Care & Palliative Medicine and Senior Consultant, Geriatric Medicine, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital




t the start of January 2020, the world was alerted to a possible virus outbreak of a nature similar to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that occurred in 2003. This outbreak was attributed to a new novel coronavirus that has since been identified as SARS-CoV. The viral infection, now known as COVID-19, was initially confined to the city of Wuhan. However, its continued spread despite lockdowns has led to a global pandemic that has severely affected many countries. The impact of the pandemic has had wide and far reaching ramifications on many sectors from social, work, religious to economic sectors. Singapore implemented precautionary measures against COVID-19 in January 2020. A multi-ministry taskforce was formed to manage the outbreak when the number of confirmed cases with COVID-19 started increasing locally. The DORSCON (Disease Outbreak and Response Condition) level was progressively raised and has been at DORSCON Orange since 7 February 2020. Subsequently, the taskforce introduced safe distancing measures on 26 March 2020 and eventually implemented a circuit breaker on 7 April 2020. After seeing a decline in community cases, various sectors were reopened in phases as the taskforce urged continued caution and advised people to maintain the necessary precautions in order to reduce the likelihood of another wave of infections. Precautions that were implemented at the outset included measures and advisories to observe personal hygiene, hand washing and being responsible when unwell. In addition to these, there were educational efforts to raise awareness and educate on the efforts to limit further spread of the virus. These efforts have been and continue to be effective. In fact, these efforts have become part of our daily lives that many are describing them as a new norm.

PERSONAL HYGIENE It would seem strange that reminders on personal hygiene and washing hands are even mentioned since these should be part of our daily routine. However, before this current pandemic, we may not have paid as much attention to hand washing as we do now. A cursory wash or wetting of the hands are ineffective at removing potentially infective material on our dirty hands. Scientific evidence has taught us that the COVID-19 virus may survive longer on some surfaces. When our hands come into contact with such contaminated surfaces, the virus is transferred onto our hands which then transmit the infection to others when we shake hands, or to ourselves when we touch our face. The reminders are thus intended to improve the standards of hand washing and reiterate the importance of the seven steps of handwashing, and using soap. A hadith from the Prophet Muhammad pbuh states that “cleanliness makes up half of one’s iman (faith)” (Sahih Muslim: no.223) which further exemplifies the importance of cleanliness. Muslims pray 5 times a day where they are required to do ablution beforehand. Hand washing is the first step in ablution. When coupled with the use of soap, it helps reduce transmission and protects us as the virus is washed away and killed with soap and water. The importance of meticulous hygiene during any infectious disease outbreak must be reiterated as it has been shown to break the chain of transmission. In the past, we would go to the mosques to take our ablution. Ablution areas at mosques are particularly crowded during congregational prayers on Fridays and Hari Raya. There would be long queues and crowding within a confined space such that it would be easy to transmit infections. Aerosolisation also occurs when gargling, rinsing mouths or washing nostrils. Aerosolisation from an infected person within a confined space that is crowded could have disastrous consequences. 12


FACE MASKS The advisory on the use of face masks at the start of the outbreak initially advised those who were unwell to wear one so as not to spread any illnesses to others. With better understanding of the mode of transmission and the presence of a pre-symptomatic phase, it became mandatory for everyone to wear a mask. This would reduce the risk of unknowingly acquiring the infection from others. Wearing a mask when one goes out became part of our lives. There were some who took time to get used to it – forgetting to put it on when going out or simply putting it on wrongly. Infographics helped many to learn how to put them on correctly. Then there were those who resisted putting on masks and had to face the law under our country’s existing Infectious Disease Act and newly-enacted regulations to contain the pandemic. The demand for masks had an economic impact as new home-based businesses sprung up and existing ones switched to making reusable masks. It also sparked creativity as masks were made more fashionable with a variety of designs, patterns and colours. Masks, that are usually worn in the healthcare settings, are now used by the public in the community including work areas. It is not surprising that even in places of worship, masks are worn. When the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) allowed congregants to pray in the mosques, its Fatwa council advised that it is permissible for congregants to wear masks during prayers. The pandemic situation and the highly infectious nature of the virus are among the considerations for this fatwa. Elsewhere in other muslim countries, the same was communicated. Muslim scholars have added that muslims have a role to help ensure that the virus is not transmitted. This supported the use of masks during congregational prayers and when performing religious activities at holy sites in Mecca and Madinah at Saudi Arabia. SOCIAL DISTANCING At the height of the pandemic in Singapore, all places of worship, including mosques, were closed to prevent further spread of the virus. Most Muslims are aware of the closure of Masjid Al-Haram in Mecca because of the pandemic. The eventual opening of mosques worldwide saw new precautionary measures put in place. In Singapore, our mosques were reopened in phases with added measures like to take ablution at home, to bring personal prayer mats and a limit of 5 prayer places only that are spaced at least 2 metres apart. The subsequent phase had mosques resuming congregational prayers limited to 50 persons. Congregants were advised to continue wearing masks, bring their own prayers mats and take ablution from home. Entry to the mosques require prior registration in order to avoid overcrowding and allows for fairer distribution for congregants who want to come to the mosques to perform Friday and other daily congregational prayers. Registration also facilitates contact tracing. Contact tracing is the process of identifying individuals who have come into contact with an individual with an infectious disease like COVID-19. In addition, the TraceTogether mobile phone application that was developed locally further adds to the accuracy of contact tracing. It helps in identifying those who were at the same place with the infected persons. It is important to be aware when we have had such contact so that we may monitor our own health and seek medical attention early.



Mosques like other public institutions have also instituted temperature screening at entry points to identify those who may have a fever. Those with fever are denied entry and advised to seek medical attention. At these entry points, safe distancing measures are in place and it is common now to see people keeping a distance while queuing. The exit points are also separate from entry points to facilitate movement of people and to prevent crowding at the entry and exit points. Businesses and office-based workers started working from home during the circuit breaker to ensure that operations and other work continues. Staff members of mosque have also been encouraged to work from home where possible. This is in line with the multi-ministry taskforce’s efforts to reduce the number of people out commuting or present in the workplace. We had to learn how to use different software quickly to facilitate working from home. Meetings are no longer held face to face and instead, done virtually over various platforms. Our schools had to adopt home-based learning when the circuit breaker was imposed nationwide in a bid to stem the spread of the virus. Like schools, madrasahs were closed and their students attended online lessons. Hence, Islamic religious education could thus continue. Adult religious education and religious sermons are now conducted online too. They are also a means to provide support not only spiritually but also psychologically which are important during this trying period. Sermons for Friday congregational prayers are telecast over the web on SalamSgTV and other platforms. The Hari Raya AidilFitri sermon which our Mufti delivered was also online. The same was done for our Hari Raya AidilAdha. Making the sermons available online is beneficial for those who are unable to attend Hari Raya prayers in the mosques. An important change this year due to the pandemic is that a number of muslims will not be able to perform congregational prayers due to restrictions on numbers. Others are encouraged not to attend congregational prayers due to their high risk of falling dangerously ill from the virus should there be any contact with an infected person. Vigilance in monitoring our own health and looking out for loved ones as well as each other while we go about our daily activities is critical in the ongoing efforts to overcome this COVID-19 outbreak. The threat from the pandemic is a long haul. There are new waves of infection in areas previously declared virus-free, it is evident that we have to face the reality of a protracted effort to deal with the outbreak. Some of the effective measures that are in place to prevent and contain the spread of infection have to remain to keep us and our loved ones safe. These measures that permeate our individual lives at work, socially and religiously are the new norms. Our individual responsibility in complying to these measures, collectively helps our families, friends and Singapore to overcome this pandemic. Our support for each other – #SGUnited, #SGTeguhBersatu – will help us through this period. While we continue with these efforts, we pray for a better outcome.





A SUSTAINABLE FINANCING VEHICLE FOR MUSLIM ORGANISATIONS By Dr. Shamsiah Bte Abdul Karim Director and CEO Pergas Investment Holdings



The establishment of this Endowment fund (PERLU) is of paramount importance to ensure that our ulama1 continue to provide the leadership and guidance to the Muslim community in light of the challenges facing our ummah today

Ustadz Mohamad Hasbi Hassan, President of Pergas, Berita Harian, 24th April 2020

Ulama is the Arabic term to mean Muslim scholars who possessed deep Islamic knowledge and uphold high moral and ethical standards. See definition by (Ibrahim Hilal, t.t, 252-253), which define Ulama as the legacy to uphold the traditions of the Prophet and helpers (wali) of Allah.


Willie Cheng (2008), The Charity Eco System. https://ink.library. cgi?article=1018&context=lien_research


More information on PERLU at https://


Pergas Investment Holdings (PIH) was set up in 2013. See more information on PIH at about/ ( accessed on 14 July 2020).


INTRODUCTION MANY non-profit organisations face perennial challenges to fulfil their mission and accomplish their raison d’être without sustainable income. Since its inception in 1957, Persatuan Ulama dan Guru-guru Agama Islam Singapura (Islamic Religious Scholar Association of Singapore or better known as Pergas) has been struggling to remain viable. Its main role is to raise the quality of Islamic education and welfare of the Islamic religious teachers (Asatizah) in Singapore. For a dakwah or missionary body like Pergas, to be self-sustaining is one of its major challenges. Philosophically, money is not an end in itself but it is required to further a worthy cause2. Therefore, to be financially strong in the long run will ensure Pergas’ success for the very cause it is set up to be. PERLU- PERGAS ENDOWMENT LEGASI ULAMA FUND Pergas has benefited from several fund raising methods such as direct alms (sadaqah or infaq) or via on-line platform, zakat (tithes) collection, Friday donation at mosques and organising charity events. Recently, Pergas has set up an endowment and a legacy fund called PERLU (Pergas Endowment Legacy Ulama fund)3. Pergas has also created a wholly-owned subsidiary cum social enterprise, Pergas Investment Holdings (PIH)4 to fund its activities. This article attempts to explain the mechanics of PERLU.




Sunan Ibn Mãjah no. 237

BH 24th April 2020, heading: ‘Pergas lancar dana khas bagi kelasterian ulama’ (Pergas launches a special fund to support ulama).


See annual report in Pergas website. annual-report/ -accessed 13 July 2020.


In Surah Al Imran, verse 92, Allah (s.w.t.) says: “By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give (freely) of that which you love”. Abu Hurairah r.a. reported that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said “When a man dies, all his acts come to an end, except three; enduring charity (sadaqah jarriyah), or knowledge (by which people benefit), or a pious offspring who prays for him”.5 The act of creating an endowment which is an enduring fund (sadaqah jariyah) is highly encouraged in Islam in order to enjoy thawab (rewards in the Hereafter). It is also a practical solution in advocating the welfare of needy Muslims and aiding dakwah organisations to be financially stable. PERLU was launched on 24th April 20206. It takes the model of a legacy fund (wakaf) as well as an endowment adopted by many universities, philanthropic institutions and charities. The model is illustrated in the diagram below:

For many charities, usually the donations they received are immediately disbursed to beneficiaries during the financial year or may be brought forward to the next one or two years. Hence, there is no sum of money accumulated as capital to generate future income. However, for PERLU, the amount donated will form a seed capital to generate future income. Its targeted amount is SGD$20 million. Yet, this is a rather small amount for an endowment. With 4% interest rate, the fund can generate $800,000 annually. Given Pergas’ growing expenses, such an amount is insufficient.7 There are 4 elements tied to PERLU’s success: I. donors; II. capital; III. trustees/management, and IV. beneficiaries 17



Surah Ali Imran verse 92.

Administration of Muslim law Act Cap 3. See footnote 5.


Harvard University Endowment is the largest education endowment in the world see 10

Nuffield, F.I.S. (5 Mar. 2007). “Endowments, Volatility and Time”. Nuffield Foundation Investment Seminar,


DONORS The generous act of giving is a key to the success of any endowment or wakaf (legacy fund). Usually, givers or donors are motivated by thawab or the perpetual rewards in the Hereafter as stated in the Qur’an and Hadith.8 There are several ways that donors can contribute – one-off donation, monthly or annual donation via bank or a life-time large donation called bequest. Many philanthropists want their names to be remembered by establishing foundations. They set aside substantial amount of their wealth. Muslims are allowed to will one-third of their estates for such purposes.9 It is not unusual for donors to dedicate their endowments for specific purposes. Some donors are more inclined towards education, some on poverty eradication, others on health or spiritual- religious cause. In the case of PERLU, it wants to complement Pergas’s mission – to uphold the legacy of the Prophet by strengthening the institution of ulama and ensuring the nurturing of Islamic religious teachers and the development of Islamic education as the beacon of strength of Muslims in Singapore, and even to the larger ummah. CAPITAL Monies collected for PERLU will be invested in Shariah-compliant funds or investment instruments to generate income. It needs to explore sustainable investment strategy that could withstand changing conditions. It must be diversified and of course, shariah-compliant. To invest its funds, PERLU will seek to colloborate with credible banks or financial institutions. Singapore is a haven for local and international investors. For example, in this land scarce country, investment in property is a popular asset allocation strategy. Income can be derived from rents or the appreciation of property over time. However, there are limits to costly property investment. Next, PERLU has to study successful Shariah-compliant endowments which are very few. Many successful endowment models, including Harvard University’s (worth US$40.9 billion in 2019)10, are not Shariah-compliant. There are many spinoffs from creating an Islamic endowment such as presenting more opportunities for Muslims to invest in shariah-compliant investment products. The number of global Muslims now is 1.7 bilion and growing. With the increasing supply of shariah compliant products, endowment portfolios can be increasingly diversified. PERLU will create a stable portfolio which is not high risk. According to a research by Nuffield Institute: the longer the investment horizon, the higher the risk a portfolio can take.11 TRUSTEES/ MANAGER The roles of trustees and manager are critical to ensure PERLU would give the best returns of its investments to its beneficiaries and to protect the trust (amanah) of the donors. PERLU Trustees are Pergas and its wholly-owned subsidiary Pergas Investment Holdings (PIH). They must ensure good governance in PERLU in terms of transparency in the collection, investment and utilisation of funds which must be reported accurately and regularly to the donors.



Global Sadaqah is a crowdfunding platform for all Muslim related alms and donations . See https://globalsadaqah. com/ for more information.


Trustees or the managers are also entrusted to persuade donors to its many fund raising efforts. With the advent of fintech technology donation platform, PERLU has partnered with a global sadaqah12 crowdfunding platform to attract potential donors. BENEFICIARIES The beneficiaries of PERLU are those belonging to Pergas’ mission and vision – development and well-being of asatizah, helping the poor and needy, educational assistance for Muslims and spurring the progress of Islamic religious education and da’wah. The foundation of Pergas is the asatizah, hence priorities are given to them. CONCLUSION Pergas is a newcomer to an endowment journey. But, it is never too late to start something worthwhile and enduring. Building community assets and ensuring their growth will benefit the community and the ummah, as well as the givers. Hopefully, Pergas’ move will inspire more Muslim organisations to develop their own endowments for their viability.




BERMULANYA DETIK KERJAYAKU... Ustazah Nurjannah Binte Shonar Penolong Eksekutif PA dan Sekretariat, Pergas

saya masih berkhidmat sebagai guru ganti sementara selama empat bulan di sebuah pusat pengajian Islam. Sujud syukur kepada Allah! Perasaan gembira tidak terkira diundang untuk menyalurkan khidmat di Persatuan Ulama dan Guru-Guru Agama Islam Singapura (Pergas) yang sudah terkenal sejak 1957. Walaupun begitu, saya masih gementar. Sebabnya, inilah pertama kali saya dapat ‘pekerjaan’. Saya minta tunjuk ajar ayah dan ibu, kalangan guru dan kenalan terdekat. Hati terus berdoa meminta petunjuk-Nya. Ada yang pendapat bahawa sebagai siswazah, saya wajar bertugas di tempat yang menawarkan kedudukan lebih mantap dari segi pangkat dan gaji. Sebaliknya, kakitangan pelatih atau intern lebih sesuai untuk mahasiswa/i tahun akhir atau yang bakal tamat pengajiannya.

ADA KERJA UNTUK SAYA? Soalan itu berserabut dalam minda saya sekembali dari Mesir selepas empat tahun menuntut ilmu pada tahun 2018. Pada usia mentah 23 tahun, cukupkah dengan sekeping ijazah sahaja tanpa sebarang pengalaman, untuk saya melamar pekerjaan? Suasana ekonomi dunia tidak menentu, keresahan saya mencengkam. Ramai orang kehilangan pekerjaan di seluruh jagat, termasuk Singapura. Kisah siswazah muda menganggur bukanlah perkara baru. Pasaran menentukan permintaan untuk pekerjaan, bukan sebaliknya. Niat saya teguh dalam mendambakan pekerjaan murni iaitu mengabdi diri dalam bidang dakwah. Dalam hati ini, sering berdoa agar Allah meredhai. Alhamdulillah, saya dilamar untuk menjadi kakitangan pelatih atau intern staff bagi Himpunan Asatizah Muda (Young Asatizah Assembly, YAA) yang bernaung di bawah Jabatan Kepimpinan Agama (RL). Lamaran itu berlaku ketika 20

Lama juga saya renungkan. Tentu ada hikmah yang Allah ingin tunjukkan kepada saya. Ini bukan peluang yang harus disesiakan. Saya tidak fikirkan sangat akan soal pangkat atau ganjaran. Yang lebih utama ialah mutu pengalaman dan kesan khidmat untuk masyarakat. Setiap hari saya bermuhasabah setelah diberitahu bahawa jawatan itu boleh saya mulakan setelah selesai berkhidmat di pusat pengajian itu. Bagi saya, selagi ada restu ibu dan ayah, maka cukuplah untuk mengambil keputusan mengorak langkah baharu. Prinsip saya ialah ibu ayah di tingkat teratas keutamaan sebelum membuat keputusan dalam kehidupan. Doa dan restu mereka bak penyelamat hidup anak di dunia dan juga akhirat kelak. Ini tertinta dalam hadis daripada Abdullah Bin Amr yang mengkhabarkan bahawa Nabi (saw) bersabda:

َ َْ

َ َ ‫َ َ ُ َ َّ ف‬

َ َْ َ

‫َ َ َّ ف‬

‫َ خ‬ ‫لل � خ‬ َ ‫س ِط ال َوا ِلد ْ ي ِ ن�‏”‏ ‏‬ ِ ‫‏ “‏ ِرضا ا‬ ‫لل ِ ي� ِرضا الوا ِلد ْي ِ ن� وسط ا ِ ِ ي‬ “Keredhaan Tuhan adalah di atas keredhaan orang tua, dan kemurkaan Tuhan di atas kemurkaan orang tua.” (HR Imam At-tirmidzi)


Setelah membuat keputusan untuk menerima tawaran tadi, saya terus berdoa untuk memupuk hati saya agar tidak menaruh harapan menggunung. Insan boleh merancang, tapi Allah sebaik-baik Perancang dan Penentu. Subhanallah! Ketika sesi temuduga pertama, saya terlalu emosi dalam menjawab pertanyaan. Saya menitiskan air mata dalam menerangkan apakah khidmat yang bakal disumbangkan kepada Pergas. Alhamdulillah, saya dihubungi untuk memulakan kerjaya (walaupun dalam tempoh ujian) pada 12 Jun 2019. Saya cukup bangga kerana mengetahui Pergas memiliki visi dan misi suci untuk melestari dan memajukan warisan para nabi. Seolah-olah hasrat saya sewaktu belajar di Mesir, kini terkabul. Sebab, saya pernah meletakkan niat sedemikian! Dengan cara ini, dapatlah saya merapati asatizah dan ulama, sambil mendampingi masyarakat Islam di tanah air sendiri. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, thummal Hamdulillah. Saya bersyukur diberi kepercayaan oleh para pegawai Pergas untuk melaksanakan acara Predeparture Program dari segi perancangan, persiapan logistik dan sebagainya. Ketika itu, saya sempat beramah mesra dan memberi suntikan semangat kepada para pelajar sebelum meneruskan pengajian di luar negara. Pada 1 Ogos 2019, Pergas telah melancarkan bibliografi asatizah serta tajuk penulisan mereka sempena pameran Khazanah Sarjana Islam: Warisan Penulisan 100 Tahun (Treasures of Muslim Scholars: 100 Years of Literary Heritage’). Buku ini memaparkan sebahagian daripada karya ulama dan asatizah Singapura. Dalam projek ini, saya diberi peluang dalam aspek pameran, termasuk memberikan penjelasan kepada para tetamu di Perpustakaan Negara. Pada mula, berat hati saya untuk menerima tugas berat ini kerana kurang ilmu dan pengalaman yang boleh menjejas imej Pergas.

program telah dijayakan khususnya untuk asatizah, pelajar madrasah dan masyarakat Singapura. Sewaktu di Mesir, saya tidak termimpi untuk bersua ulama besar. Tapi di tanah air sendiri, peluang itu menyerlah, alhamdulillah. Teringat akan pesan baginda:

َ َ ْ ْ َ‫َ ُ ْ أ‬ َْ ‫أ ك ِر ُموا ا ُلع َل َاء ف ِإ نَّ ُ� ْم َو َرثة الن ِب َي ِاء‬

“Muliakanlah para ulama sesungguhnya mereka itu pewaris para nabi.” (HR Saidina Jabir Ibn Abdullah) Tempoh ujian kerja saya selama enam bulan sampai di penghujungnya. Saya bersyukur dapat menimba ilmu dan pengalaman daripada ‘telaga’ Pergas. Malah, saya mendamba untuk berkhidmat lagi. Ada beberapa teman kerja bercerita bahawa mereka terus berkhidmat selepas tempoh ujian. Bagaimana saya kelak? Usia, rezeki dan ajal adalah rahsia Ilahi. Saya yakin dan pasrah kepada-Nya.

َ ْ َ ُ ۤ َ َّ ْ َ ُ ُ َ ّٰ َّ ‫اب‬ ٍ ‫اِ ن الل َ ي ْ�زق من يشاء ِبغ ي ِ� ِحس‬ “Sesungguhnya Allah memberikan rezeki kepada sesiapa yang dikehendaki-Nya dengan tidak dikira.” (QS Ali ‘Imran, ayat 37) Setelah pulang dari bercuti bersama keluarga, berita kejut tapi menceriakan menyambut saya. Saya diundang temuduga di Pergas untuk berkhidmat di jabatan lain, alhamdulillah! Perjalanan saya masih jauh. Sungguh saya syukuri ialah suasana muhibah bak keluarga di Pergas. Semoga Allah merahmati usaha kami menjayakan visi dan misinya. Demi ummah, demi Singapura.

Tapi jika bukan sekarang, bila lagi? Saya tabahkan hati merebut peluang pembelajaran amali (praktikal) itu. Khidmat yang paling berbekas pada minda saya ialah ketika diberi peluang turut mengendalikan program Bersama Masyaikh Pergas yang menampilkan tokoh tersohor dari Mesir, Fadhilatu As-Shaykh Profesor Dr. Ali Gomaa. Pergas memanfaatkan kehadirannya melalui kerjasama dengan beberapa pertubuhan dan masjid di Singapura. Lebih 10 21




9 & 16 Mei Program Majlis Tadarus Al-Quran telah berlangsung menerusi wadah Google Meet. Acara tahunan ini sering dianjurkan pada bulan Ramadhan bagi pelajar IPIP dan Alumni.

Mei – Ogos 2020

MEI 1-20 Mei Program bersiri ‘Nur Ramadan’ telah ditayangkan di Pergas TV sebanyak 10 episod. Antara kandungan perkongsian asatizah ialah penghayatan Ramadan dengan sebaik-baiknya. 1 - 24 Mei Pergas TV dilancarkan sempena bulan Ramadan secara langsung di Youtube Pergas yang menyiarkan rancanganrancangan menarik pada setiap hari.

13 Mei Program bicara (talk show) di Facebook bersama Suhaimi Yusof bagi memperkenalkan dana PERLU dengan tajuk ‘Apa Jadi Bila Ulama Dah Takde Lagi?’ bersama Ustaz Mohd Hasbi Hassan, Ustaz Mohd Yusri Yubhi dan Dr Shamsiah Abdul Karim.

8 Mei Program Majlis Usrah MPP ditujukan untuk ahli Majlis Pelajar Pergas dan pelajar IPIP bersama Ustaz Fadhlullah. Berlangsung melalui wadah Zoom, topik usrahnya ialah ‘Cahaya Ramadhan’.

11 – 14 Mei Program Daurah Tholabah mengenai kitab Bidayatul Hidayah dihadiri para pelajar pra-universiti 1 Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah yang diadakan di madrasah itu.



15 Mei

16 Mei

Program ‘Majlis Usrah MPP’ bersama Ustaz Abu Bakar bertajuk ‘Nuzul al-Quran’ telah berlangsung di wadah Zoom.

Sesi Pra-tonton bagi Kursus Diploma Pasca-Siswazah Kaunseling Islam telah diadakan secara dalam talian. Ia dihadiri 28 asatizah. 17 Mei Program Majlis Khataman Al-Quran di bawah bimbingan Ustaz Ahmad Shamsuddin telah diadakan secara langsung melalui Facebook dan Zoom. Ustaz Dr Firdaus Yahya juga telah diundang untuk mengadakan perkongsian dengan para peserta program tersebut. Program Adopted Charity yang diusahakan bersama antara Majlis Pelajar Pergas (MPP) dan Jabatan Kebajikan dan Keahlian Pergas serta Free Food For All (FFA) telah mengagihkan habuan, juadah iftar serta barangan keperluan harian kepada klien dan asatizah yang bernaung di bawah skim bantuan kewangan Pergas.

15 Mei

19 Mei

Sebuah artikel mengenai ‘Pergas tekankan pentingnya tubuh dana endowmen’ telah diterbitkan di Berita Harian.

E-Risalah mengenai ‘Panduan Amalan Sunnah’ telah diterbitkan dan boleh dimuat turun di lelaman Pergas. Pelancaran tidak rasmi (soft launch) bagi Pergas Radio telah diwartakan di lelaman social media Pergas. 21 Mei Program Asatizah Turun Padang bersama Ustazah Siti Khadhijah Binte Shabbeer Ahmed dan kakitangan Pergas yang menziarahi penerima zakat Fisabilillah dipancarkan di Zoom. 23 – 24 Mei Takbir Raya SG Teguh Bersatu yang telah berjaya mengumpulkan sebanyak 140 rakaman video takbir yang telah diudarakan di Pergas TV.



JUN 2 Jun Permohonan bagi Pergas Postgraduate Scholarship telah dibuka kepada umum sehingga 24 Julai 2020. 3,4, 10 & 11 Jun Program Arabic Intensive Course mengenai kitab AlMuqaddimah Al-Ajrumiyyah telah diadakan untuk bakal mahasiswa universiti Al-Azhar secara dalam talian. 18-19 Jun Latihan (1) dalam talian SkillsFuture for Digital Workplace dengan kerjasama NTUC Learning Hub untuk penerima Pakej Rahmah Dipertingkat telah diadakan. 19 Jun Bermulanya pengajian kursus Diploma Pasca-Siswazah Kaunseling Islam secara dalam talian. 22-23 Jun Latihan (2) dalam talian SkillsFuture for Digital Workplace dengan kerjasama NTUC Learning Hub kepada penerima Pakej Rahmah Dipertingkat diadakan. 24 Jun Program Wasatiyyah Online, episod 2 dengan tajuk, ‘Selalulah Bersangka Baik, Bersangka Buruk Jangan Sekali’, telah diudarakan di lelaman Facebook Pergas. Dihoskan Ustazah Saidatunah Nafisah episod kali ini telah menampilkan sekali lagi penceramah Ustazah Dr Sakinah Saptu. 26 Jun Sebuah artikel mengenai ‘Tawar ibadah korban di Bangladesh, daging ditinkan untuk pelarian Syria, Palestin di Jordan’ telah diterbitkan di Berita Harian.


27 Jun Program ‘talk show’ diadakan di Facebook bersama Suhaimi Yusof dan Noreha Bajuri dengan tajuk ‘Menghayati Erti Pengorbanan Di Sebalik Covid-19’ bersama Ustaz Mohd Hasbi Hassan, Ustazah Nadia Hanim dan Dr Shamsiah Abdul Karim. 29 Jun Program bicara diadakan di Facebook Berita Harian Singapura dengan tajuk ‘Korban Luar Negara Berbaloi?’ bersama Ustaz Syed Muhammad Abdullah Alsagoff.



17 Julai

1 Julai

Program ‘Daurah Tholabah’ mengenai kitab Aqidatul ‘Awwam dihadiri para pelajar Diploma 1 Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah yang diadakan di madrasah itu.

Bermulanya pengajian secara ‘blended-learning’ bagi semua program pengajian di bawah Institut Pengajian Islam Pergas (IPIP).

18 Julai Pergas dan PPIS Oasis telah menganjurkan bersama webinar bertajuk ‘Islam & Fostering’ bagi keluarga titipan dan juga bakal keluarga titipan.

11 Julai

Program ‘Hari Orientasi Pelajar’ untuk pelajar program SPI-SLPI bagi pengambilan Julai 2020 telah dijalankan melalui wadah Zoom. Program ini telah diserikan dengan perkongsian motivasi oleh Ustazah Kalthom Muhammad Isa yang bertajuk ‘Ilmu, Iman dan Ihsan’ serta perkongsian mengenai Majlis Pelajar Pergas (MPP) oleh Setiausaha, Ukht Nur Haini Mohd.

Latihan pengendalian e-learning diadakan untuk Asatizah IPIP bimbingan Ustazah Tan Nurul Hafidzah.

12 Julai

24 Julai

Latihan khas untuk kumpulan Asatizah Takhassus, Institut Pengajian Islam Pergas (IPIP), telah dianjurkan menerusi wadah Zoom. Latihan ini disampaikan oleh Ustazah Tan Nurul Hafidzah Abd Hadi.

Program ‘Daurah Tholabah’ mengenai kitab Aqidatul ‘Awwam dihadiri para pelajar Diploma 1 Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah yang diadakan di madrasah itu.

29 Julai

14 Julai Pemeteraian Memorandum Perjanjian antara Pergas dan Club Heal telah diadakan bagi pembangunan dan latihan asatizah.

Program ‘Wasatiyyah Online’, episod 3 dengan tajuk, ‘Hidup Lebih Indah Dengan Mata Hikmah’, telah diudarakan di lelaman Facebook Pergas. Episod kali ini telah mengundang Ustaz Jalaluddin Hassan sebagai penceramah dan Ustaz Firdaus Azhari selaku pengacara.



30 Julai


Pelancaran rasmi Pergas Radio diwartakan dengan programprogram baru yang telah dimuat naikkan bagi para pendengar.

4 - 6 Ogos Program latihan ‘Career Preparation Guide’ telah dianjurkan khas buat mahasiswa universiti di MDIS. 6 Ogos Pameran Maya ‘Khazanah Ulama Islam: 100 tahun Warisan Penulisan Singapura’ telah dilancarkan di laman web rasmi Pergas.

31 Julai Khutbah Hari Raya Aidiladha dan khutbah Jumaat telah disampaikan menerusi wadah Pergas Radio. Sebuah artikel mengenai ‘Pelbagai cara dilakukan bagi korban dalam era Covid-19’ telah diterbitkan di Berita Harian.

12 Ogos Pakej Rahmah Khas dengan kerjasama Muis telah dilancarkan untuk membantu asatizah yang terjejas oleh kesan COVID-19. 15 Ogos Pengagihan daging Korban telah diadakan di Pergas.

31 Julai – 3 Ogos Pelaksanaan Korban dan Akikah di Australia, Bangladesh dan Indonesia.



15, 22 dan 29 Ogos

26 Ogos

Program ‘Situational Counseling’ telah diadakan melalui wadah Zoom dengan tajuk-tajuk berikut oleh para pembimbing daripada Club Heal: ‘Coping with Adjustment Disorder, Depression & Anxiety’, ‘Caring for Caregivers’ dan ‘Resilience’.

Program ‘Wasatiyyah Online’, episod 4 dengan tajuk, ‘Sebab Perlunya Sifat Inklusif’, telah diudarakan di lelaman Facebook Pergas. Episod kali ini telah mengundang sekali lagi, Ustazah Kalthom Muhammad Isa sebagai penceramah. Ia dihoskan Ustazah Ummi Salamah Samat.

19 Ogos Rancangan khas dilancarkan sempena awal Muharram dengan tazkirah bertajuk ‘Pengalaman Masa Lalu, Persiapan Masa Depan’, dilengkapi bacaan doa akhir dan awal tahun.

Program ‘Diskusi Ilmiah: Ulum Quran’ yang bertajuk ‘Sains dalam al-Quran’ untuk pelajar program Sijil Lanjutan Pengajian Islam (SLPI) telah disampaikan oleh Ustaz Dr Firdaus Yahya melalui Zoom.

28 Ogos Program ‘Knowing Our Thinkers’ yang mengupas tesis bertajuk ‘Pemikiran Sosio-Agama Ahmad Sonhadji Mohamad melalui Khutbah 1971-1980’ telah disampaikan oleh Ustaz Dr Mohamed Qusairy Thaha.

20 Ogos

30 Ogos

Program pelancaran bangunan ‘Paradise@Pergas’ telah diadakan di MDIS yang diserikan Presiden Puan Halimah Yacob dan disaksikan oleh rakan rangkaian serta staf Pergas dan Pergas Investment Holdings (PIH) melalui wadah Zoom.

Mesyuarat Agung Pergas telah diadakan melalui wadah dalam talian.




A FRUITFUL JOURNEY FOR A YOUNG USTAZAH Ukht Tan Nurul E’zzati Binte Abdul Hadi


S I embarked on my “little journey” with Pergas, I began to discover my hidden abilities. The journey had taught me a lot of wisdom, particularly on managing my time, multi-tasking, resilience, patience, and getting out of my comfort zone. I was assigned as a Project Assistant for Pergas Mobile Exhibition on Treasures of Muslims Scholars: 100 Years of Singapore Literary Heritage. This exhibition is a continuation of our last year’s exhibition held with the support from the National Heritage Board. Our initial plan was to host a physical exhibition with the collaboration of the Masjid An-Nur in commemorating its 50thanniversary. Furthermore, we had already planned and structured the programs accordingly. Unfortunately, we had to halt all our plans due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We needed to find a suitable alternative solution. Hence, the Pergas virtual exhibition was transpired! WHY A VIRTUAL REALITY EXHIBITION? It is undeniable that technology has reshaped our world and transformed our lives. In most urban settings, we could find many people being too occupied with their gadgets. Technology makes life easier as we can access information anywhere and at any point in time. Similarly, one of our main objectives of rendering this exhibition in the form of Virtual Reality (VR) as we want it to be accessible globally. With no restrictions of time, space and location, VR enables visitors from all over the world to have access to the exhibition at the comfort of their homes. The VR exhibition is also made available on the Pergas Exhibition website in order to draw various types of people, such as the visual and kinesthetic users. Visual users would probably prefer to explore on our exhibition


Photo of our Virtual Reality Exhibition site.

website as they associate details with the things that they see. While kinesthetic users who love hands-on experiments would probably prefer exploring our VR, using the range of interfaces and features that would certainly fascinate them. Furthermore, with the current pandemic situation, all visits to physical exhibits have to be suspended. This VR will, therefore, be a good initiative towards Pergas’ objective of highlighting the contributions of our past scholars while at the same time offering our virtual guests an enthralling experience. CHALLENGES One of the biggest challenges of my assignment was time management. I face difficulty in juggling my time between work commitments and course assignments as both require full commitment and dedication. Currently, I am a first-batch student of the Postgraduate Certificate in Islam in Contemporary Societies (PCICS). This program is conducted by MUIS Academy as it aims to nurture a generation of confident, compassionate, and competent asatizah professionals with the knowledge and skills required to provide relevant religious guidance. For example, this year, during the month of Ramadhan, I could recall the time that I had only an hour of rest


after work before PCICS’ class commenced that evening. My classes were mostly taken online, yet I was already physically and mentally drained from work. At times, I wonder how certain people can cope while juggling between work and study? Working on this project alone involved a lot of brainstorming, creativity, research, exploring conceptual ideas, and linking with different vendors. I had to start from scratch, with zero knowledge of my particular role as a project assistant. Besides that, I was not part of the committee that was involved in last year’s exhibition. There were many things that I did not know. I need help from my dear colleagues. Also, I did some groundwork research too by outsourcing at least three different vendors with VR content expertise, identifying which of these three vendors ideally fit into Pergas’s requirements, writing proposals after proposals, designing the exhibition’s floor plan layout, suggesting relevant images and videos be displayed in the VR, scanning books and artifacts, prepare slides for presentations to Pergas’s president, top management and staffs, prepare narration voice-over script and copyright infringement details.

FRUITFUL LESSONS I have learned some valuable lessons that have impacted me throughout this “little journey.” Often when dealing with deadlines, it is important to be resilient. There are times when I think it was too much for me to handle, I stopped or paused. When the dust settled, I continued and finished what was left. I remembered there was a time when I wanted to scan a book’s contents and covers, the printer was ‘on hold’. I had about ten books or more to scan at that point. Another situation was when I had to provide feedback to the vendor on corrections. After the rectifications by the vendor, problems occurred in another part of the VR. I had to continuously re-check and reviewed it till we both eventually agreed to call it a night. This had taught me the important lesson of patience in arriving at a desired outcome.

Photo of our Virtual Reality Exhibition site.


Photo of our Virtual Reality Exhibition site.

On top of that, I had to manage both Pergas exhibition website and the VR. To ensure no grammatical errors or missing words, I had to review and re-read the contents repeatedly before providing specific feedback to the vendors to update in the system. And the most important thing is to ensure that both of the contents in the exhibition website and VR are in sync. Indeed, these were tedious tasks that entailed a lot of patience and steadfastness! Alhamdulillah, finally everything was over, and I am glad that I managed to pull it through. True to the saying that says, “Tough times don’t last; tough people do.”

Alhamdulillah, as I am writing this, we had launched both of our exhibition website and VR exhibition last week, on 6th August 2020. I felt a great sense of relief as if a huge boulder on my back had been lifted! This is indeed a big achievement for me as I have never envisioned myself working on a national project. I am deeply honored and thankful to be granted the opportunity and trust of this project by Pergas. I was a green horn, yet Pergas still provided me with a good platform to learn, aspire, and develop. I would not succeed without the support of my management team, my supportive colleagues and my loving family. I hope with this little initiative; it will inspire future asatizah to emulate our past Muslim scholars in contributing to humanity, insya-Allah. This VR is our salute to our past Muslim scholars for their great works. The writer is a graduate from International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) 29




UCH of life itself remains unknown to many of us, including the latest infamous pandemic known as COVID-19.

However, as a servant and vicegerent (khalifah) bestowed by Allah, the Almighty, we are tasked with responsibilities upon ourselves, humanity and the universe. Allah says in the holy Quran, Surah Al-Maidah, verse 105:

َ َّ َّ َ َ ُ ُّ ُ‫أَ ُّ َ َّ نَ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َ ْ ُ َ ُ ْ َ َ ض‬ ‫الل‬ ‫ي� ي�ا ال ِذ ي� ءامنوا عليك أنفسك ال ي‬ ِ ‫� ْك َّمن َضل ِإذا ْاه َتد ْي تُ ْ� ِإل‬ َ ُ َ ُ ْ ُ ُ ِّ َ ُ َ ً َ ْ ُ ُ ْ َ ‫ك ِب َ�ا ك ْن تُ ْ� ت ْع َملون‬ ‫مر ِجعك ج ِ�يعا فينبئ‬

INTO THE UNKNOWN Ustaz Muhammad Suhaili Hilmi Bin Mohamad Sirat Meaning: “O you who believe! (take care of yourselves for) upon you is the responsibility of your own selves. He who has gone astray can do you no harm provided you are rightly guided. Towards Allah is the final return of you all, then will He inform you as to what you have been doing.” The pandemic is a challenge of a generation, a real test that affects almost all nations on earth in this post-modern era. What are the REAL reasons behind it? One of which one can find in the Quran (Surah Al-Ankabut, verse 2):

َ َّ َ َ َ ْ ُ ُ َ ْ ُ َ ۡ َ ُ ُ ‫أح ِسب ٱلن‬ ‫اس أن ُي تۡ َ�ك ٓوا أن َيقول ٓوا َء َام َّنا َو ۡه ل ُيف َت ُنون‬ Meaning: Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, “We believe”, and that they will not be tested? Undoubtedly, COVID-19 is Allah’s creature. The air-borne virus, unseen to the naked eyes, is mightier than what man can perceive, according to Ibn Sina (known to the West as Avicenna, 980-1037AD, the first modern doctor during the height of the Islamic civilisation in the Medieval Age.



BE RESPONSIBLE Can we, as Muslims, overcome this formidable challenge and come back stronger than before? That is how Allah is testing His servants while conveying His Mercy and Compassion upon us. For me, the most important lesson during this trying period is the need of moral support from our close ones. Let me share my first-hand experience managing the New Normal arising from the pandemic that changes our facets of life. I am an undergraduate of Al-Azhar University, in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Majoring in Arabic language and literature, I plan to accomplish many things for my graduating year. For instance; taking up translation course, compiling photos of the city of a thousand minarets and so on. Most of these would have been scheduled after my 2nd term examination. The news on COVID-19 broke out in late December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Honestly, I was in my own world. I could not imagine the impact of the disease. Then flurry of news burst out about the increasing number of infected people and those who succumbed to the disease. By March 2020, it became a global crisis. Egyptian government took tough measures when COVID-19 cases began to appear in some of their governorates (provinces). Soon, a national lockdown was declared on midMarch 2020 which included suspension of educational institutions. Two weeks went by like a blink of an eye, yet the number of cases went up. The authority extended the lockdown to two more weeks. Al-Azhar students were advised to stay safe at their accommodations (including rented house, lodges or dormitories) and go out only for essentials. Initially, there were no internal and external lectures. We disciplined ourselves to do our lesson revisions. Thankfully later, some Al-Azhar’s lecturers went for online platforms just to make up for their external classes. Such a scene reminded me of a hadith narrated by Abdullah Bin Omar (r.a.): “Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “We are all shepherds and we are all responsible for those who are under our hands (i.e. in our flocks). An administrator is a shepherd. The man is the shepherd of the family. A woman is the shepherd of her husband’s home and children. We are all shepherds and we all are responsible for our duties as such.” (HR al-Bukhari, no.7225) The pandemic tasked us to be more mutually responsible on our hygiene and taking care of the environment in order to live side by side, safe and peacefully. HIDDEN BLESSINGS Apart from home-based learning, my housemates and I developed a stronger bond. We have more time for games of cards, meals and sharing stories and experiences. Before the lockdown, we seemed to be preoccupied with our own schedules. I am grateful for the change that allow me for self-reflection and reconnect with friends and relatives, thanks to smart phone and IT. Abu Hurairah (r.a.) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “By Him in Whose hand is my soul! You will not enter paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. May I inform you of something, if you do it, you will love each other: Promote greetings amongst you (by saying as-salamu `alaykum to one another).” (HR Muslim, no.203)



The lockdown was extended as the situation in Egypt worsened each day. Some time in late March, the Singapore Embassy in Egypt encouraged us to return. The move was made possible with the help of Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Quick decision had to be made within a few days – to remain in Egypt or return. We consulted our family members. We were worried about Al-Azhar’s decision on the second term examination. Would it be held or postponed? After much deliberations, most of us chose to head home. I wanted to be back with my family. I could not tarry any longer for Al-Azhar’s decision that might risk my well-being. Egypt is a Third World Country. Its health care standard and facilities could not cope with the rising demand, what more with the pandemic. Yet I was hopeful to return here when it would be safe to resume my study. On April 6, we set for home. We went through the safety measures (temperature screening, wearing masks and hand sanitising) before arriving at the Cairo airport. When we landed in Changi Singapore, officials from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) briefed us on the Stay-Home Notice (SHN) in the boarding rooms. In the course of the 14 days, we were isolated and fed in our respective rooms while our health was being monitored via WhatsApp calls and text messages. We were politely told to be discreet. Alhamdulillah, Al-Azhar embarked on online platforms at the end of March that allowed us to continue our studies. For two weeks in isolation, I looked at the outside world from the same window. I taught myself new skills in photography and videography. I tried hard to optimise my time and felt contented. I remember a hadith from Aisyah, Ummul Mukminin (r.a.) who narrated that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) who said: “Verily, Allah loves that when anyone of you does a job, he should perfect it.” (HR AlBayhaqi) In June 24, Al-Azhar announced its decision to conduct its examination in the campus for the graduating batches beginning from 1st July. However, the risky situation barred us from hurrying back to Egypt. There were only two options remain – wait for round two of the examination or to take a break from our studies until it was safe to resume. I opted for the second. Probably, it is better for me to contribute to the community at this juncture. What more I had the experience as an intern with Pergas’ Research Development Department. Among others, I did research assignments for publishing purposes and translated documents in three languages – Arabic, English and Malay. CONSTANTLY HOPEFUL The constant remembrance of Allah and selawat (salutations upon our Beloved Prophet) soothe me the most. In these uncertain times, daily Quran recitation and supplications helps to calm the soul. Since my student days in Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah, reading the Quran and reciting Al-Wird-al-Latif every morning has been part of my routine. Through the darkest of the night, one is hopeful to see the crack of dawn. Hence, be steadfast and strive hard for Allah’s blessings and mercy. The writer, 23 years old, is a final year undergraduate of Arabic language and literature at Al-Azhar University. 32



EVERGREEN ADVICE FROM AL-GHAZALI Akh Ahmad Ubaidillah Bin Mohamed Khair

Title: Advice to A Son (Ayyuhal Walad in Arabic) Author: Imam Al-Ghazali (1058-1111AD) English Translation: Al Haji Dr. Al-Zawawi and Muhammad Riedinger (2012) Publisher: A.S. Noordeen, Malaysia From the 8th century to the 14th century, the world witnessed the vast contributions of past Muslim scholars whose works were regarded as illuminating and eagerly translated in the West. Among them, the name Al-Ghazali (1058-1111AD), also known as Hujjat-ul-Islam or the ‘Proof of Islam’, stands out eminently until today. Imam Al-Ghazali, whose full name is Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Tusi al-Ghazali, also known as Algazel in the west, was born in Tabaran, a town in the district of Tus, Persia (present day Iran). Orphaned at a young age, he overcame many challenges to become the great scholar we know today. He was also a teacher, jurist, theologian, and above all, a writer. He lived an eventful life; beginning as a student of the famous Imam AlJuwayni (1028-1085AD) before rising to become the head of the famed Nizamiyyah College in Baghdad, the knowledge capital of the medieval world. Stirred by his spiritual crisis, he sought solace by travelling to Damascus, Jerusalem and the Haramain (Mecca and Medina) and became an ascetic (sufi). Afterwards, he returned to Tus and lived in seclusion (uzla), only returning to teach many years later. Many scholars view him as a ‘mujaddid’; a reformer who explored the links connecting Shariah (laws) and Tasawwuf (Islamic spiritualism) and philosophy. He authored more than 70 titles including his magnum opus, Ihya’ Ulumuddin (Revival of the Religious Sciences) and Mishkat AlAnwar (The Niche of The Lights) which are still widely read today. In this article, I will focus on his long letter known as Ayyuhal Walad – miniscule as compared to his other great works, yet significant. A REPLY TO HIS STUDENT Ayyuhal Walad (translated as ‘Advice to A Son’) is his reply to his former student’s letter who sought advice from him. This book is written in a warm tone, direct and simple with numbered points arranged systematically and supported with Quranic verses and ahadith. 33


The booklet is a short compendium of worthy advices to cleanse the soul. It is timeless and universal. Briefly, let me share THREE valuable points:

humility and only for the sake of seeking Allah’s pleasure. Otherwise, our good deeds will be in vain.



“You have asked, what is Tasawwuf? Tasawwuf is the name of two qualities: First is that the seeker should be obedient to Allah, i.e. he or she should be acting on the Shari’ah. And second is that the seeker is the one who is sympathetic and a doer of good towards all of Allah’s creations, which is not possible without purifying one’s soul from all evil qualities and then embellishing one’s soul with all good qualities.”

“… Every matter that is between you and other slaves of Allah should be conducted by you in such a way that if they do the same to you — what you are doing to them — then you will like it and will not be grieved by it. As it has been said in a Hadith: “My (Allah’s) slave’s faith (Iman) is never complete unless he/she likes for all human beings what he/ she likes for himself/herself.”

Regardless of our achievements in life, the wealth we gained, the status we put up, we should never forget the main purpose of our creation. Allah reminds us in the Quran (51:56), “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.”

There are many ways to worship Allah. One of which is by respecting and caring for the people around us, regardless of race and status. Imam Ghazali recalled a dialogue between Sheikh Hatim Ism (rahimahullah) and his teacher, Sheikh Shafeeq Balkhi (rahimahullah), on enmity.

With this verse in mind, we should remember that the act of worshiping Allah SWT comes only when we have purified or cleansed our hearts and souls, staying far away from negative traits such as greed and arrogance. Hence, the aim of Tasawwuf is to purify ourselves so that we can be closer to our Creator.

The former said, “… when I glanced at the people, I saw that every person is having enmity with someone else for some reason. Then I deliberated on the following verse, ‘Verily, Satan is your enemy so treat him as your enemy.’ (QS 35:6) After that, I developed the certitude that Allah’s saying is the truth, I should not have any enmity with anyone other than satan. Since then, I considered satan as my enemy and did not obey any of his orders.”

2. REALITY OF SINCERITY TO ALLAH “You have also asked, what is sincerity to God (ikhlas)? You should know that ikhlas is that, all of your deeds should be exclusively for the sake of Allah and His pleasure. Whatever you do, it should not be for show off — riya’. When you do good deeds, your heart should not be inclined towards people to impress them and to gain their praise. Your heart should not be pleased at the admirations of the people, nor should your heart be grieved at their complaints or criticisms.” Being a Muslim is not merely having faith (iman). It requires one to submit fully to Allah’s commandments, and one of them is to do good deeds and avoid wrongdoings. When performing a good deed, one may attract attention to gain praises that elevate his/her sense of pride to the point of arrogance. This is prohibited in Islam as every act of goodness must be carried out with 34

Imam Al-Ghazali’s advices in Ayyuhal Walad are both endearing and enduring. Likened as pearls in the deep sea, they are valuable to anyone who sincerely perseveres to attain them. Ayyuhal Walad has been translated into many languages and is available online. Do read it for its evergreen wisdom that may hopefully transform our perspectives. May Allah bless Imam Al-Ghazali and all true scholars of Islam for enriching our lives, ameen.

The writer is a fourth-year undergraduate in Yarmouk University, Jordan, majoring in Islamic Jurisprudence.


TEMBOK MASJID DAN PAK HAJI karya Ustaz Muhammad Husin Bin Masnin Guru Agama Bebas

Tembok itu masih menanti sepi tetamu istimewanya Pak Haji berjubah wangi berketayap seri bertasbih di jemari setelah kehilangan isteri sudut itulah tempatnya setiap hari beriktikaf menyendiri di tembok itulah Pak Haji munajat pada Ilahi di tembok itulah Pak Haji berzikir dan mengaji di tembok itulah Pak Haji melupakan urusan duniawi tembok itu merindukan doa Pak Haji yang dibacanya berulang kali: “ya Allah ya Tuhan kami, Kau selamatkanlah bumi ini Kau selamatkanlah manusia yang dizalimi Kau selamatkanlah kami dari malapetaka yang tidak diingini�

tetapi kini, apabila penduduk bumi diuji tembok itu hanya ditemani sunyi memandang kanan kiri Pak Haji berpelitup dan bersejadah peribadi setelah solat dia hanya berlalu pergi tembok itu pasti setelah hujan pergi akan hadir rona indah sang pelangi setelah ujian pergi akan hadir lagi Pak Haji menemani hubungan ini menjadi saksi sang permaidani yang juga merindui sentuhan dahi.

[01:58PM – 28 September 2020] 132B Canberra View, Singapura.


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