19 Feb

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soccer Pages 53 - 56

THE FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAILY IN FREE KUWAIT Established in 1977 / www.arabtimesonline.com emergency number 112


NO. 14968


150 FILS

Islamist group claims kidnapping of 7 foreigners

Photo by Rizk Taufiq

HH Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad AlAhmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah with the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Roger Gifford during a banquet held in honor of the Lord Mayor. — See Page 2

‘Active on SARS’ KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: The Ministry of Health has taken the required steps to prevent an outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in accordance with the directive of the World Health Organization (WHO), reports Al-Rai daily quoting Minister of Health Dr Mohamed Al-Haifi. Al-Haifi asserted there is no reason for the people to worry about the possible spread of SARS because all the necessary precautionary measures have been taken to protect public health. Continued on Page 12

Tehran scoffs at offer of gold DUBAI, Feb 18, (RTRS): Iran criticised on Monday a reported plan by major powers to demand the closure of a uranium enrichment plant in return for an easing of sanctions on Tehran’s trade in gold and other precious metals, Iranian media reported. The Islamic Republic, which says its nuclear programme is peaceful, started building the Fordow plant inside a mountain in secret as early as 2006, to protect it from air strikes. Last week Reuters reported world powers were planning to offer to ease sanctions barring trade in gold and other precious metals with Iran in return for steps to shut down Fordow. On Monday Ramin Mehmanparast, spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry, suggested the reported offer was unacceptable. “Lately they have said ‘Shut down Fordow, stop (uranium) enrichment, we will allow gold transactions’,” Mehmanparast said, according to the Mehr news agency. “They want to take away the rights of a nation in exchange for allowing trade in gold.” Western officials said last week the offer to ease sanctions barring gold and other precious metals trade with Iran would be presented at talks between Iran and world powers in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on Feb 26. They acknowledged it represented a relatively modest update to proposals that the six major powers made in talks last year. On Sunday, the head of Iran’s parliamentary national security and foreign policy committee, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, said Fordow would never be shut down and that proposing its closure was Continued on Page 12

■ ▼

US$/KD 0.28220/30

■ ▼

Yen/KD 0.003

Euro/KD 0.377

British £/KD 0.4367

▼ KS E -0.94 pts at closing, Feb 18 See Page 45

▲ Dow +8.37 pts at closing, Feb 15 ▼ Nasdaq -6.63 pts at closing, Feb 15 ▼ FTSE -9.17 pts at closing, Feb 18 ▲ Nikkei +234.04 pts at closing, Feb 18 ▼ Gold $1,610.75 per oz (London) ▼ ▼

NYMEX crude $95.41 per barrel Brent crude $117.21 per barrel 3-month $ LIBOR rate 0.29%

Qaeda link seen

Watchdogs promise action by summer

BAUCHI, Nigeria, Feb 18, (AP): A little-known Islamic extremist group claimed responsibility Monday for the kidnapping of seven foreign workers from northern Nigeria, threatening their safety if anyone tried to intervene and free them. The group that calls itself Ansaru issued a short statement, obtained by The Associated Press, in which it said its fighters kidnapped the foreigners Saturday night from a construction company’s camp at Jama’are, a town about 200 kms (125 miles) north of Bauchi, the capital of Bauchi state. Authorities said those kidnapped include one British citizen, one Greek, one Italian, three Lebanese and one Filipino, all employees of a Lebanese construction company called Setraco. The statement said Ansaru committed the abduction “based on the transgression and atrocities shown to the religion of Allah by the European countries in many places such as Afghanistan and Mali.” Currently, the French military is conducting operations with the Malian army to rout Islamic fighters who took over that country’s north in the weeks after a military coup there last year. “It is stressed that any attempt or act contrary to our conditions

EU takes aim at Google privacy policy

Continued on Page 12

BRUSSELS, Feb 18, (Agencies): European data watchdogs said on Monday they plan to take action against Google by this summer for its privacy policy, which allows the search engine to pool user data from across all its services ranging from YouTube to Gmail. The move is the latest in a skirmish between the web giant and Europe’s data protection regulators who view the privacy rules put in place in March by Google as “high risk,” although have stopped short of declaring them illegal. Regulators view the bundling of data on users as potentially constituting a high risk to individuals’ privacy.

Google last year consolidated 60 privacy policies into one, combining data collected on individual users across its services, including YouTube, Gmail and social network Google+. Users cannot opt out. In October, Europe’s 27 data regulators gave Google four months to change its approach, listing 12 “practical recommendations” for it to bring its privacy policy into line. On Monday the French privacy regulator, which last year led an initial inquiry into the tech giant’s new policy, said it would set up a further inquiry because Google had not yet addressed their con-

cerns. “Google did not provide any precise and effective answers,” the French regulator CNIL said. “In this context, the EU data protection authorities are committed to act and continue their investigations. Therefore, they propose to set up a working group, led by the CNIL, in order to coordinate their reaction, which should take place before summer.” Google said it did respond to CNIL on January 8 by listing steps already taken to address their concerns. Continued on Page 12

MPs submit more grillings Panel completes discussions on laundering, anti-terror bills By Nihal Sharaf and Abubakar A. Ibrahim Arab Times Staff

KUWAIT CITY, Feb. 18: Two more grilling requests against state ministers were submitted by lawmakers on Monday; bringing the total number of motions filed up to four since the National Assembly was elected in

December. MPs Saadoun Hammad and Nawaf Al-Fuzai filed a grilling motion against Oil Minister Hani Hussein on five proponents. They wish to question the minister on the dealings of the Petrochemicals Industries Company (PIC) with the Dow Chemical Company and recent promotions at the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) and its subsidiaries.

A general view shows destruction in the Baba Amr neighbourhood of the central Syria city of Homs Feb 11. Nearly one year after the fierce Syrian army takeover of Baba Amr, the former rebel stronghold in

The motion says that there is misconduct by Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI) and its partnership with Israeli fuel company Delek Group as well as financial and administrative irregularities and waste of public funds at foreign oil refineries belonging to Kuwait. It make accusations that KPI has continued to have partnerships Continued on Page 12

Homs, residents eke out a living in a devastated neighbourhood frozen in time with bullet-pocked walls, collapsed balconies, fallen telephone poles and abandoned appartments. (AFP) — See Page 12

Assad confident of victory

EU agrees to renew sanctions on Syria BRUSSELS, Feb 18, (Agencies): European Union governments agreed on Monday to renew sanctions against Syria for three months but said they would amend an arms embargo to provide more non-lethal support and technical assistance to protect civilians. The decision, taken at an EU foreign ministers’ meeting, was a compromise after weeks of disagreement between Britain, which was pushing for an easing of the arms embargo to help rebels

fighting President Bashar al-Assad, and a number of other EU countries opposed to letting more weapons into the country. “Technical assistance and protection of civilians will be easier,” French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said after the meeting in Brussels. He gave no details of what new support would be allowed in practice. Many EU governments are concerned any easing of the arms embargo

would only inflame the Syrian conflict, and it would be difficult to ensure any equipment reaches the right people. “There is no shortage of arms in Syria,” Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn said before the meeting. Several scenarios were under consideration during Monday’s discussions, EU officials said, including a full lifting of the arms ban for shipments to opposition groups. “We would’ve gone further, some

‘Act on obesity’ LONDON, Feb 18, (KUNA): Fizzy drinks should be taxed, fast food outlets near schools limited and new parents given specific advice on how to feed their children properly to help tackle spiralling levels of obesity, an influential medical group has demanded. The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AMRC), which represents nearly every one of Britain’s 220,000 doctors, is pressing ministers, Continued on Page 12

were against. This is a compromise,” said British Foreign Secretary William Hague at the close of talks with his 26 EU counterparts. “We will return to it in three months.” After weeks of “divisive” talk on whether to arm Syria’s rebels, the ministers in a lengthy session agreed to renew sanctions against President Bashar al-Assad until the end of May that notably bar the supply of any lethal weaponry to the country — regime or

rebel. But this was while “amending them so as to provide greater non-lethal support and technical assistance for the protection of civilians,” an EU statement said. The ministers would again “assess and review, if necessary, the sanctions regime” after three months, it added. Hague said details on goods or Continued on Page 12


In this file photo, country singer Mindy McCready performs in Nashville, Tenn. McCready died on Feb 17. She was 37. (AP) See Page 24

Snowdrops are seen Feb 18 in a garden in Cologne, Germany. Temperatures for Monday averaged 340F and partly cloudy with wind speed of 5-mph and humidity at 79%. Meteorologists forecast temperatures around freezing point for the coming week in central Germany. (AP)

LONDON: BBC journalists walked off the job Monday in a 24-hour strike to protest job cuts at the broadcaster. Staff mounted picket lines outside of the BBC’s studios in central London and around the country. Programs went on, but many shows were canceled, including the flagship morning news radio program “Today.” National Union of Journalists general secretary Michelle Stanistreet said poor decisions by the BBC leadership were leading to quality journalism

being compromised. The union says 2,000 jobs are at risk in BBC cost-cutting. Many will be eliminated through attrition, but about 30 jobs are targeted for compulsory layoffs. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

BRUSSELS: The European Union Monday announced that “informal contacts “ between the European Union and Gulf Cooperation Council negotiators on a free trade agreement continue Continued on Page 12




UK close political friend, worthy ally, trusted partner: Sheikh Nasser

‘Kuwait, Britain enjoy deep-rooted ties’ The following is a speech of HH Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad AlAhmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah at a banquet held in honour of the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Roger Gifford ❑ ❑ ❑

Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and Editor-in-Chief of the Arab Times and Al-Seyassah newspapers Ahmed Al-Jarallah

THE Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Roger Gifford Good Evening, First, please allow me to express my extreme pleasure in welcoming our Honourable Guest, the Right Honourable Alderman Roger Gifford, Lord Mayor of the City of London, on the occasion of his important visit to Kuwait. His presence with us during this month of national celebrations is indeed an excellent opportunity for him and the accompanying delegation to see and enjoy our country, clad in its festive robes and ornaments, as we prepare to mark our National Day and Liberation Day celebrations. The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Britain and Kuwait have enjoyed a unique and long-standing relationship over the last centuries. Their record on bilateral cooperation of mutual benefit covers all sectors: on the political, economic, commercial, cultural and educational fronts. In all of these areas, we have built a solid future-looking partnership whereby the common interests of both our countries and our peoples have been carefully engraved and considered. On the political level, we have enjoyed the most cordial and deeplyrooted relations, which have witnessed continuous flourishing over the years, culminating in the historic State visit of His Highness the Amir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber AlSabah, to the United Kingdom in November 2012.

Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Lord Mayor of the City of London Roger Gifford, former Parliament Speaker Jassem Al-Kharafi and MP Mubarak Al-Khurainej


Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Lord Mayor of the City of London Roger Gifford and MP Safa’a Al-Hashem

In 1999, I was honoured by His Highness the late Amir, Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad, to represent him in the celebrations held to mark the centenary of the friendship treaty between Kuwait and the United Kingdom, in the Presence of His Royal Highness the Duke of York and Lady Margaret Thatcher. More recently, I was also honoured, in May 2012, by His Highness the Amir, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad, to represent him personally in the celebrations held in the United Kingdom to mark the Diamond Jubilee of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. For Kuwait and the Kuwaiti people, the United Kingdom has always been a close political friend, a worthy ally, and a trusted partner. Nowhere can this vision of the steadfast position of Britain and the British people in the eyes of Kuwaitis be more transparent than in the immediate and courageous response of the United Kingdom to stand by Kuwait in its hour of need. On the economic and commercial levels, we have enjoyed a vigorous longstanding partnership. The vibrant partnership, as you indicated in your speech at Guild Hall in November 2012 at the banquet held in honour of His Highness the Amir “can trace its root back to the eighteenth century when we traded saffron and silks, satin and spices through Kuwait as a key trading post.”


Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and his guests

As a testimony of confidence in the solidity of our economic ties, Kuwait decided to anchor the Kuwait Investment Office, its overseas investment arm, in the City of London, exactly sixty years ago (in 1953). As a result, the past half century has witnessed the burgeoning of Kuwaiti investment not only in London and the United Kingdom, but indeed with the City of London acting as the essential launching pad for Kuwaiti investment all over the world. As His Highness the Amir mentioned in his speech at the banquet that you held in his honour at Guild Hall in November 2012: “We, in Kuwait, look forward to cementing the friendly relations which we enjoy with your country. We also seek to strengthen our investment ties through the work of the Kuwait Investment Authority, which was established in 1953 in London, and later expanded into continental Europe.” On the cultural and educational levels, there are numerous indications of the vigorous and flourishing relations that our two countries enjoy. Kuwaitis are currently considered one of the top visitors to the United Kingdom among the peoples of our area, and many of my countrymen have their second

(Pictures above and below): A number of prominent personalities

Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah with a guest


A number of prominent personalities

homes there. Britain was the first among western nations to receive Kuwaitis studying on state-sponsored scholarships, and in the early fifties of the last century, Kuwait decided to set up the Kuwait Education Office, located at that time at 113, Park Lane. Since then, there has been a dynamic increase in the number of Kuwaiti students, both state-sponsored and privately-financed, who are pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate studies in all fields of academic specializations in the United Kingdom. Indeed, since the liberation of Kuwait, the number of Kuwaiti students in the United Kingdom has more than tripled. As a result, thousands of Kuwaitis pride themselves in being products of prime British education, and over the years, many of them have, and continue to occupy, senior executive and leadership positions in the government and private sectors. On a personal level, I am proud to have had the opportunity to study in British schools in 1955, and to be the recipient of GCE certificates at Ordinary and Advanced levels before proceeding to pursue my university education at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. More recently, and as a token of my great affection and deep gratitude to the British education system, I had the pleasure of endowing a chair in International Relations, Security and Regional politics at Durham University, which is also the alma mater of the elder of my two sons. The Right Honourable Lord Mayor of the City of London, It is a great pleasure and we are delighted to welcome you, and attach great importance to your visit to our country. It is our deepest wish that your visit, Lord Mayor, will be considered a milestone in furthering and consolidating the historic ties of friendship, unwavering alliance, and warmest cordiality with which Anglo-Kuwaiti relations have traditionally been stamped.

Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Lord Mayor of the City of London Roger Gifford and Sheikha Dr Rasha Al-Sabah

A section of the guests

Photos by Rizk Taufiq

Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and Attorney Emad Al-Saif (Picture left): His Highness the former Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah shaking hands with MP Mubarak Al-Khurainej




Cabinet sets eyes on youth centers PM chairs weekly session HH the Amir, the Fifth Ring Road is to be named after the late UAE president Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan, in recognition of his efforts and role in serving Arab and Islamic interests. HH the Premier then briefed the Cabinet with the phone call he made to the First Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Humoud Al-Jaber AlSabah, who is currently in the After the meeting, Minister United Kingdom for medical of State for Cabinet Affairs checkups, where HH conveyed and Minister of State for greetings and gratitude of Sheikh Municipal Affairs Sheikh Ahmad Al-Humoud to everyone Mohammad Abdullah Alwho asked about his health. Mubarak Al-Sabah said KUNA PHOTO The Cabinet then discussed Cabinet was briefed with a let- HH the PM chairing Mon- political affairs in light of ter to HH the Amir Sheikh day’s Cabinet session reports on the overall current Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Aldevelopments in the political Sabah from Sudanese President Omar arena at Arab and international levels.

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18, (Agencies): The Cabinet held its weekly meeting on Monday at Sief Palace under the chairmanship of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber AlMubarak Al-Hamad AlSabah.

Hassan Al-Bashir, which enclosed an invitation to HH the Amir to participate in the donors’ conference, to be hosted by Qatar on April 7-8. The conference is to rally support and accelerate development process in the Darfur region.

It also reviewed a letter to HH the Amir from Sierra Leone’s incumbent President Ernest Bai Koroma. The letter enclosed an invitation to HH to attend the inaugural ceremony at the capital Freetown on Feb 22, 2013. On his part, Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr. Nayef Al-Hajraf briefed the Cabinet with the Ministry’s steps taken to re-activate youth recreational centers, in implementation of directives of HH the Amir in fostering the youth and providing them with best means for decent living. Also, and in accordance with directives of

Also: KUWAIT CITY: The Cabinet has instructed the ministers to look into files of undersecretaries, assistant undersecretaries and other officials in their respective portfolios to determine who were appointed through favoritism or the intervention of former lawmakers and other influential people, reports Al-Shahed daily quoting sources. Sources disclosed a former lawmaker had allegedly used his position to push for the appointment of some officials in various ministries even if he kept on attacking the previous government. Sources said the Cabinet is expected to issue a decision soon on the suspension or retirement of officials proven to have been appointed through preferential treatment and other questionable procedures.

Speaker concludes Qatar visit DOHA, Feb 18, (KUNA): Kuwait’s Parliament Speaker Ali Al-Rashed wrapped up here a three-day official visit and headed home. Al-Rashed discussed lawmaking relations and means to further develop them with Qatari Shura Council Chairman Mohammad Al-Khuleifi. Speaking to KUNA after the meeting, Al-Rashed, who is also with a host of MPs in a Gulf tour, said the meeting touched upon joint coordination during international conferences to be held in the future in a way that would serve interests of both the Kuwaiti and Qatari peoples. Also, an official invitation was extended to Al-Khuleifi and Council members to take part in the Arab Inter-parliamentary Union meeting that will take place in Kuwait next April, Al-Rashed pointed out.

Kuwait Today Civil ID info: 1889988 Site for checking travel ban www.kuwaitcourts.gov.kw/mojweb/NGeneral/Main.jsp

Prayer Timings Fajr ............................................... 05:05 am Sunrise ................................................ 06:24 Zohr ..................................................... 12:02 Asr ...................................................03:15pm Maghrib .............................................. 05:40 Isha ..................................................... 06:57

Weather Expected weather for the next 24 hours: By Night: Cool with light to moderate NW’ly to light variable wind, with speed of 08-30 km/h and some scattered clouds will appear. By Day: Sunny with light to moderate northerly to NE’ly wind, with speed of 12-35 km/h and some scattered clouds will appear. Station Max Min Rec Exp Kuwait City 24 15 Kuwait Airport 23 12 Nuwaiseeb 23 12 Wafra 24 11 Salmi 22 10 Abdaly 24 10 Jalaliyah 23 10 Failaka 23 14 Ahmadi Port 21 16 Qaruh Island 19 18 Umm Al-Maradem 21 17

4 days forecast - Weather Tuesday, Feb 19 Expected weathersunny scattered clouds Max Temp ..........................................24C Min Temp ...........................................12C Wind Direction .................................N-NE Wind Speed............................12-35 km/h Wednesday, Feb 20 Expected weather ...........................sunny Max Temp ..........................................25C Min Temp ...........................................12C Wind Direction ................................NW-N Wind Speed............................15-40 km/h Thursday, Feb 21 Expected weather ...........................sunny Max Temp ..........................................25C Min Temp ...........................................12C Wind Direction ................................NW-N Wind Speed............................12-35 km/h Friday, Feb 21 Expected weather ................partly cloudy Max Temp ..........................................24C Min Temp ...........................................13C Wind Direction ..............................NW-SE Wind Speed............................08-30 km/h

Marine Forecast Station

South Dolphin Ahmadi L/V Beacon M28 Beacon N6 Qaruh Island

Max Min Sea Exp Rec Surf

22 17 21 22 19

Today’s Waves Ht Direction

14 16 4ft 08 - 4ft 14 17 4ft 12 - 4ft 18 18 4ft


Umm Al-Maradem 21 Sea Island Buoy 20 Salmiyah 21

17 - 4ft 15 17 4ft 14 - 4ft


4-days forecast - Marine Tuesday, Feb 19 Expected weather........sunny + scattered clouds Sea state .....................slight to moderate Wave height ......................................2-5ft Max Temp ..........................................24C Min Temp ...........................................12C Wind Direction .................................N-NE Wind Speed............................12-35 km/h Wednesday, Feb 20 Expected weather ...........................sunny Sea state.....................moderate to rough Wave height .....................................3-6 ft Max Temp ..........................................25C Min Temp .........................................129C Wind Direction ................................NW-N Wind Speed............................15-40 km/h Thursday, Feb 21 Expected weather ...........................sunny Sea state .....................slight to moderate Wave height .....................................2-4 ft Max Temp ..........................................25C Min Temp............................................11C Wind Direction ................................NW-N Wind Speed............................12-35 km/h Friday, Feb 22 Expected weather ................partly cloudy Sea state .....................slight to moderate Wave height .....................................1-4 ft Max Temp ..........................................24C Min Temp ...........................................13C Wind Direction ..............................NW-SE Wind Speed............................08-30 km/h

Tide times at Shuwaikh Port 1st high tide:....................................07:15 2nd high tide:...................................17:30 1st low tide: .......................................0:30 2nd low tide: ....................................11:45 Sunrise: ...........................................06:24 Sunset: ............................................17:40

Recorded yesterday at Kuwait Airport Max temp ...........................................23C Min temp ............................................11C Max Rh..............................................63% Min Rh...............................................19% Max Wind.................................N 50 km/h Total Rainfall in 24 hrs................0.00 mm

Recorded yesterday at South Dolphin Min/Max/ Air Temp ........................13/20C Min/Max Rel Hum.........................35/71% Wind Direction/Wind Speed.....N/54 km/h Prev Wave Dir/Max Wave Ht..........N/1- ft Min/Max Sea Surface Temp..........16/17C Sea Current..............................Downdraft — Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Meteorological Dept.

deaths Abdullah Majed Al-Seraihed Al-Mutairi, 19 years old, buried on Monday. Condolences: Qasser, Block 3, St 2, Avenue 6, House 7, Tel: 660004702-99002080. Menawar Oshban Menawer Al-Harbi, 74 years old, buried on Monday. Condolences: Waha, Block 2, St 8, House 882, Tel: 99041525. Yousef Abdul Rasoul Bader Bouabbas, 82 years old, buried on Monday. Condolences: (Men) Dai’ya, Huseiniyat Boualyan, Tel: 99080325-90906333. (Women) Shaab, Huseiniyat Boushahri, Block 6, St 69, Tel: 97147774-66648383. Abdul Muhsen Abdul Aziz Yousef Al-Mizaini, 58 years old, buried on Monday. Condolences: (Men) Faiha, Diwan Al-Mizaini, Block 4, Al Rebat St House 11, Tel: 22541616. (Women) Faiha, Block 4, Al-Rebat St House 12. Sameera Izat Malass, 85 years old, widow of Rashed Ali Mohammad Al-Rumoh, buried on Monday. Condolences: (Men) Nahda, Block 1, St 117, House 14, Tel: 99731314-97193790. (Women) Ferdous, Block 8, St 1, Avenue 4, House 61, Tel: 99552027-99776764. Hamda Saleh Al-Enzi, 56 years old, wife of Yousef Mejhem Al-Sahli, to be buried on Tuesday at 09:00 am. Condolences: (Men) Bayan, Diwan Al-Enzi, Block 2, St 2, House 40, Tel: 99657788-99877746. (Women) Jaber Al-Ali, Block 2, St 12, House 21, Tel: 50611120. Metib Remaih Salem Al-Mutairi, 73 years old to be buried on Tuesday after Asr prayers. Condolences: Ferdous, Block 5, St 1, Avenue 12, House 3, Tel: 97171790.

Feb 18, 2013

Project images of Kuwait Institute for Science and Technology to be built on 27,000 m2 space outside Kuwait City.

Campus to accommodate 1,500 students

New university to be situated outside Kuwait City KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: KEO International Consultants have designed a new 27,000 m2 University for Kuwait Institute for Science and Technology that will accommodate 1,500 students. Central to the concept of the campus is the circulation concourse introduced as a three storey atrium connecting the various program elements with sufficient daylight filtering in through its sides. Program component wings housing the Administration, Academic faculty, Classrooms, Academic support, Laboratories and the

Graduate program have been placed in a parallel arrangement at various nodal points along the concourse with based on functional adjacencies. The academic wings housing the Classrooms, Laboratories and the Graduate programs are 3-floor blocks sitting astride the central concourse. Each of these wings terminates across the concourse in a node opening on to the circulation spine. Two small (220 seat) and one large (520 seat) lecture halls are accessed from the first floor through prefunction spaces connected to the cir-

culation. All of the component wings are separated by open ended landscaped courtyards creating shaded and controlled outdoor environments. Design Director at KEO International Consultants, Raj Patel says “The inspiration for the project stemmed from the site’s natural desert scape located outside the urban fabric of the city. The natural and contextual phenomenon of continuously shifting and realigning furrows in the sand formed by the movement of wind reflect in the striation of forms and organization of the

design.” The entire campus has been appropriately colored in sand tones emphasizing a horizontal movement similar to the shifting plane of the desert landscape. The rectilinear bar buildings end in dynamic angled objects which have been expressed in colored metal cladding. These linear wings resemble tensed levers arranged opposing each other with the central spine as a fulcrum, thus creating an overall appearance of movement and balance. Client: Company of Science & Technology Estimated Value: $38 million.




Media Forum tackles development in Gulf ‘GCC needs more efforts to boost economy’ DUBAI, Feb 18, (KUNA): The closing session of the fifth UAE-Kuwait Media Forum discussed topics related to economic development in the Gulf States on Monday.

Some photos from the event.

Event in line with national celebrations

Women volunteers hold cultural bazaar By Michelle Fe Santiago Arab Times Staff KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: A group of Kuwaiti women volunteers organised a cultural bazaar on weekend at the Souq Mubarakiya in line with the celebration of Kuwait National and Liberation days, showcasing Kuwaiti handmade products and some antiquities. “We have organised this bazaar for three consecutive weekends and the last one will be on Friday from 4 pm to 9 pm. The bazaar aims at promoting the rich culture and heritage of Kuwait. We want the citizens especially the young generation to relive our old culture vis-à-vis the modern times,” explained Suha AlQusaibi, who is a member of the group of Kuwaiti women volunteers. She added that the bazaar also aims at showing the expatriates in Kuwait the different products, handicrafts that are made by Kuwaitis in the country. “We want them to see the Kuwaiti creativity

and craftsmanship. We want to show everyone that there are also a lot of Kuwaiti women entrepreneurs who excel in their craft,” she pointed out. The venue was dotted with tables showcasing a wide array of products from clothes, shirts, traditional colourful daraa, food products, natural honey, perfume, bukhour, paintings, painted wine glasses, souvenir items and many more. One of the main attractions of the bazaar was the stall of Abu Mubarak who showcased the pure natural honey, bringing along with him a swarm of honey bees inside a portable beehive made of wood and glass, allowing people to see the swarm of honey bees inside it. “Honey is good for your health. This is all natural and it’s from Kuwait,” he explained to a group of Kuwaiti teenagers. Meanwhile, Umm Abdullah proudly showed the baby dresses that she crocheted that have the colours of the Kuwait national flag. She also made

some scarves, headbands, clips, gloves and other items especially for the national and liberation days celebration. Old photographs of the previous rulers of Kuwait were also put on display and sold by some of the participants in the bazaar. “As you can see, as you walk through the alley, you can see all the items that vividly depict Kuwait’s rich culture. This is what we want people to see. Our culture binds us together as one people and we believe by promoting cultural exchange between Kuwaitis and the expats, this would in turn boost unity and friendship,” outlined Al-Qusaibi. ‘As you can see, as you walk through the alley, you can see all the items that vividly depict Kuwait’s rich culture. This is what we want people to see. Our culture binds us together as one people and we believe by promoting cultural exchange between Kuwaitis and the expats, this would in turn boost unity and friendship,’ outlined Al-Qusaibi.

The session, which was entitled (forms of cooperation between the Gulf countries to achieve comprehensive economic development), was moderated by the Coordinator of the Forum Mansour Al-Ajmi and included Khaleej Times Editorin-Chief Raed Barqawi and Economic Counselor Dr Mohammed Al-Asoomi. The economic cooperation in the gulf has not reached the required level of ambition, noting that the Gulf States do not plan economically together as there is not a single unified strategy for their oil and investment, said Barqawi, who was one of the first speakers in the session. The private sector in the gulf does not attract GCC nationals, which is one of the challenges of the economic development the Gulf countries face, he added. For his part, Al-Asoomi said that there are achievements in the field of economy in the Gulf States, but it has not lived up to the level of ambition as the challenges lie in the executive departments in the GCC states. He added that the role required to implement the policies of the economy in the gulf needs more efforts from the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the executive bodies in all GCC countries. At the end of the session, the Forum organizers honored officials from the UAE Journalists Association, participants from Kuwait and all those who contributed in the establishment of this forum. A poetry evening was scheduled to be held tonight, in which the Kuwaiti poets Khalid Al-Mohsin and AtaAllah Farhan and the Emirati

Dutch ambassador addresses AUK students

Envoy highlights freedom of speech KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: His Excellency the Ambassador of The Netherlands Nicholaas Beets addressed an assembly of AUK students and faculty in a lecture held last week at AUK about freedom of expression in the Netherlands. The event was organized by the International Relations Department. In his speech, Ambassador Nicolaas Beets spoke about the origins of Dutch freedoms and the limits of freedom of speech. As a staunch defender and advocate of free speech, the Netherlands has a long Beets tradition of supporting political and religious freedom that dates back to the 18th century. Over the last decade, however, public upheaval erupted in the Netherlands in poets Hussain bin Souda and Awad bin Jaasoum will participate at, and it will be Bidah Al-Sahali. In addition, the Kuwaiti Consulate will be hosting a dinner ceremony this evening for the Forum’s Kuwaiti and Emirati participants. The two-day event is organized by Dubai Press Club, the United Arab Emirates Journalists and Kuwait Journalists Association, under the patronage of Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Chairman of Dubai Media Incorporated (DMI) Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Among Kuwaiti participants in the Forum, the Information Ministry, Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science, University of Kuwait, Civil Service Commission and Kuwait Airways Corporation.

response to the assassination of Dutch filmmaker Theodoor Van Gogh for his contentious film about Islamic culture, in 2004. The filmmaker had also sparked reaction in the Muslim world which prompted calls for government repression of Islam in The Netherlands. The incident posed a challenge and a limit to the freedom of expression in The Netherlands. The centerpiece of the lecture placed emphasis on a call for tolerance and stressed the importance of freedom of expression. To conclude the talk, the Ambassador cited the 18th century French philosopher, Voltaire, who said, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” Ambassador Beets entered the Netherlands Foreign Service in 1979 and has worked as a junior diplomat at the Netherlands Embassies in Paramaribo, Jakarta, Khartoum, and at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague. Between 2004 and 2008, he served as Netherlands’ Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.




‘Abuse cannot harm Islam, Prophet’ KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18, (KUNA): College of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Kuwait University has organized a conference entitled ‘Insulting Islam and its Sanctities’, within its role in the government program to highlight moderation of Islam, fighting extremism as well as its role in enlightening and informing the Muslim community through studying the phenomenon of insulting Islam and its sanctities. College Dean Dr Mubarak Al-Hajri recalled in his speech at the conference the numerous cases in which Islam and its sanctities were defamed and insulted as

well as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). “We know for sure that these abuses cannot harm our religion, our Prophet and our holy places as it has been proven throughout history that Islam spreads quickly when its enemies start defaming or insulting the faith”. Among the most important reasons for holding the conference he said is to show to the world the leniency of Islam and stop those who carry out demolition or destructive acts against buildings and public utilities. He pointed out that such acts distort and undermine the Islamic religion.

He said that the conference aims to address the phenomenon of insulting Islam and its sanctities to know the reasons, motives and objectives as well as to determining the legitimate concept for those acts offensive to Islam and Muslims. For his part, Mauritania Mufti Sheikh Ahmad Al-Murabet said the reasons and motives behind insulting Islam and its sanctities lie in the failure of Muslims to adhere to their religion and Muslims being weak to resist. He called on Muslims to unite against the enemies of Islam.

DIWANIYA a digest of public opinion Foreign meddling will add fuel to fire

Govt, rivals talks only way out “WE ARE optimistic following attempts by Heir Apparent in the Kingdom of Bahrain Sheikh Salman Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa who is attempting to resume the dialogue between the government and the opposition following ‘a deep crisis’ between the two parties that brought the sisterly country — the Kingdom of Bahrain — into a circle of oppression, violence, counterviolence, arrests and killing, and imprisonment of several opposition leaders and political activists. Besides the country witnessed worst sectarian divisions in its history,” columnist and former Director of Culture Department at the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL) Waleed AlRujaib wrote for Al-Rai daily Monday. “In February 2011 the Kingdom of Bahrain entered a dark tunnel and according to some sources serious dialogue between the government and the opposition members is the only way out of this tunnel Al-Rujaib irrespective who the opposition members are, Sunnis or Shiites, and return to the reform mode, openness, freedom and genuine democracy which His Majesty the Monarch of Bahrain had called for at the outset of his reign. “There is a glitter of hope to bring Bahrain out of the current dangerous impasse following the order which was issued earlier by the King of Bahrain calling on the concerned authorities in his country to abide by report issued by UN envoy Bassiyouni on the Bahraini crisis. “The monarch has also called for punishing security forces if they are found guilty of surpassing their authority during the demonstrations in Bahrain particularly since we know the action of the Bahraini security authorities had put deep cracks in national unity among the brotherly people of Bahrain. “However, on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Bahraini people peaceful marches and gatherings demanding constitutional and political reforms amid hopes for a national dialogue - we hope the latter will be serious about this issue and as a first sign release all political prisoners and return to the country the atmosphere of freedoms and openness, particularly since we know the country witnessed some setbacks that only served the hardliners in both the government and the opposition simultaneously. “Meanwhile, we say the regional intervention in the internal affairs of Bahrain and that of the Gulf at large, will achieve nothing on the ground except agitate sectarian discords, given the fact some of the sectarian Islamic groups in the Arabian Gulf are encouraging oppression in the region saying the Shiites of Bahrain are loyal to the Islamic Republic of Iran or what they call ‘The Safawi State’. “This happens although the Bahrainis — Sunnis or Shiites — have turned down foreign intervention in the internal affairs of their country, but this doesn’t mean there are no sectarian fanatics among both sides (Sunnis and the Shiites) in the Kingdom. “Nevertheless, under the technological evolution which distinguishes our age under the overwhelming changes currently sweeping the Arab countries and the world at large, the security solutions to deal with the local crises are no longer acceptable on international and humanitarian levels. “Given the above, the world under the telecommunication revolution has been transformed into a small village and this shall enable all people throughout the world to monitor closely the details of the events that may occur in any country. “Consequently based on the above, we call to exclude all security solutions to deal with the Bahraini crisis and establish a serious and constructive dialogue between the concerned parties to avert divisions and sectarian discords among the components of the brotherly people of Bahrain and prevent the regional parties from interfering in the internal affairs of the country. “In the meantime, we hope such a dialogue will bring constitutional and political reforms in the Kingdom of Bahrain and enable the people of Manama to effectively participate in determining its fate, decisions and ultimately enable various denominations of Bahrainis to bask in freedoms and equality in a way that shall maintain their unity on the basis of constitutional and equal patriotism.”

Also: “From time to time through arguments among political parties in the country, we are used to seeing some parties adopting certain political opinions against both the Constitution of Kuwait and the political system which has been concluded among various components of the Kuwaiti society through ‘a social contract’ that was realized more than half a century ago,” columnist, Professor at Kuwait University and former MP Dr

Abdulmohsen Jamal wrote for AlQabas daily Monday. “Some of the unconstitutional opinions in question and in the context of ‘political obstinacy’, we found the relevant people calling for the formation of an ‘elected government’. This happens although those who put forward such an idea know before others that this is some kind of ‘political provocation’. “Moreover, these people have realized that the Constitution in its Article No 56, has settled the issue of formation of the government and selection of ministers because the Constitution stipulates ‘The Amir shall, after the traditional consultations, appoint the Prime Minister and relieve him of office’. “Meanwhile, the explanatory memo of this article says the traditional consultations which shall precede the appointment of the prime minister, will be held with the former speakers of the National Assembly, the incumbent speakers, the former premiers and the chiefs of the political groups who may help the Head of the State with their opinion the formation of any new government. “In light of the above, we wonder, how the so-called elected government will be formed without the revision of the Constitution, particularly since we know that some of the incumbent National Assembly members still reject any proposal that calls for revising the Constitution.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “Does the country with all its potential security forces – the military and the police, and particularly the State Security Service has full information about individuals and people of the so-called fifth column?” columnist Mohammad Al-Mullah wrote for Al-Shahed daily. “If we have this information about some serious espionage networks and terrorist cells then why do we not arrest the members of these cells? “Why are we silent about the activities of some personalities who are influential from the financial and political point of view and are directly involved with cells outside Kuwait? “There are those who try to harm the Gulf states and an example is the United Arab Emirates which has unearthed a terrorist cell which has the names of some Kuwaitis, and then there are those whose names surfaced during the unrest in Bahrain and others who are linked to the al-Qaeda network. “The question is: Are the security authorities in Kuwait aware of these facts? If they are, then why don’t they take action?” ❑ ❑ ❑ “Those who boycotted the last National Assembly elections and gave themselves the name ‘opposition’ have failed to take part in the Kuwaiti political decision-making. However, everything seems to run smooth without their participation,” columnist, former MP and general manager of the Scope Satellite TV Talal Al-Saeed wrote for Al-Seyassah daily. “The train has left the station without this bunch of people – those who boycotted the elections and threw their support behind the so-called MPs of the nullified Parliament. They were thinking everything will stop in their favor but it did not happen. “However, it is regretful to see they were able to influence the new members in an abnormal manner, since they too have embraced the ideology of aggravation and escalation and tend to believe the government is in their pocket. “Surely I argue on this point because there are some MPs in the current Parliament who believe in this ideology but there are also some ministers who want to prove that the government is not in the pocket of the MPs.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “It is clear in terms of what is occurring now that every Member of Parliament is competing to submit grilling requests against ministers, irrespective whether there is any truth in what they say or it is just a provocation. If this has become a habit then we say what is the difference between this Parliament and the former assemblies,” columnist Abdulrahman AlAwwad wrote for Al-Sabah daily. “What is surprising is many MPs are not happy with what is happening now, considering this is not a positive sign. This was stated frankly by MP Abdullah Al-Bathali when he said it is clear all authorities in Kuwait are keen to deduce the principle of constitutional and legal procedures to tackle violations and this includes the right to file grilling requests against ministers to hold the government to account and push it forward in the direction of accomplishments. “We hope the meeting today, between Speaker of Parliament Ali Al-Rashed and the MPs will bring a kind of harmony.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “It seems violence has become widespread in every aspect of our lives. We see many people dealing roughly with children, workers and housemaids; not to mention the vio-

lent reactions on the roads and in public markets. I think it is now time for us to solve the problem,” Dr Bassam Al-Shatti wrote for Alam Al-Yawm daily. “The process of eliminating violence usually starts by looking into the family which shapes the personality of the children. We should not also forget the crucial role played by the schools and teachers in molding the characters of children. The media also plays a role, as well as the legislators who enact laws in line with the values of the society and in the interest of the people. “Violence can be minimized, if not totally eradicated, if people know how to control their anger, negative feelings or bad behaviors, which might lead to the spread of corruption and national instability. Under such circumstances, everyone must do their part in addressing the issue before it gets out of proportion and wreaks havoc in our society.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “Throughout history, deposition of tyrants through popular strikes or revolutions, an armed local movement or even foreign military interference has lead to their end. However, most of the time when one tyrant leaves, another takes his place on the throne,” columnist Dr Ghanim Al-Najjar wrote for Al-Jaridah daily. “The victors of World War II made an attempt to develop the international criminal justice, which however was still their aspect and attempt for justice. Even the most democratic countries such as United States of America refuse to punish tyrants. “However, the development of the International Criminal Law, not in terms of its text but in terms of its practice, has become a true challenge for the tyrants. They now have only two options – either defy the international stance against tyranny or grant people their well-deserved rights such as freedom, which however will gradually weaken the power of the tyrants.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “Clearly, there is a huge mix-up in the oil companies, particularly Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC), as it has come to my attention that violations were committed in the recent promotions and appointments of higher positions in the company, where those ‘unconnected’ are bound to ‘rot’ in one position forever,” columnist Muhammad Hassan wrote for Al-Shahid daily. “For those who respect the law and avoid corruption or ‘’wasta’’, it’s impossible to get promotion in KNPC because promotion to higher positions is mainly for those who know their way to the board of directors of KNPC or people with connections in the office of Oil Minister or those who are affiliated to certain political factions. “With regard to scholarships under the development program, the conditions set by KNPC administration are easy. All that is needed is to score 600 points in the TOEFL exams. The word ‘impossible’ is overrated and it is like they are telling us we don’t want to give you the scholarship. “Honorable Oil Minister, could you please tell us under which standards the annual employee appraisals are based, and how it works, given that assessments take place 2 months before the end of fiscal year? I believe the honorable Minister of Oil should put to account KNPC board of directors if he knows that manipulation and corruption take place in the company. The problem could be worst than imagined if he doesn’t know what is going on. “The issue needs to be investigated, and I hope MP Khalid Al-Adwa will find questions to ask the Oil Minister, considering the number of questions he put to the Minister of Commerce and Industry.’’ ❑ ❑ ❑ “A friend has commented on the ongoing dispute between the group of former MP Mohammad Hayef on one side, and the National Labor Bloc (NLB) and Islamic Constitutional Movement (ICM) on the other side. He said the groups have taken a toll on their members but I believe the issue is deeper than what my friend thinks,” columnist Nasser Al-Abdali wrote for Al-Kuwaitiyah daily. “Apparently, both the NLB and ICM have decided to return to the right political track. The birth of the opposition coalition to include the Democratic Forum and the National Democratic Coalition was a huge step for them to get back to their senses. Now what remains to be done is the presentation of new agendas in line with the Constitution and laws to mark the end of the political wrangling era. “It is then up to the leaders of the Liberal Bloc to take up the role of securing democracy after it almost got squashed by tribal and Islamic groups. The liberals are in a better position at the moment because they can now lead the political struggle to solidify democracy, while the latest action taken by the ICM also deserves commendation.”

— Compiled by Zaki Taleb




Banned goods seized from Iran boat

Bangladeshi expat perishes in fall from 2nd floor of building By Meshal Al-Sanousi

Part of ‘Shield’ exercises: MoD

Special to the Arab Times

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: A Bangladeshi expatriate died when he fell from the second floor of a building in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh. According to security sources, when the Operations Room of Ministry of Interior received information from the Egyptian guard of the building about a tenant who fell from the second floor and bleeding profusely from the head, securitymen and paramedics rushed to the location. They examined the victim and discovered he had died. His corpse was referred to the Forensics Department. Preliminary investigations by securitymen revealed that the vic-

‘Blast that of jet breaking sound barrier’ KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18, (KUNA): The Ministry of Defense said Monday that the sound of explosion heard this morning was that of a fighter jet of the Kuwaiti Air tim was in a disoriented state when he was standing near the window and he fell when he lost balance. A case was registered and investigations are ongoing to determine if there is a criminal intent behind his death. ❑

Force breaking the sound barrier. The Ministry Directorate of Moral Guidance and Public Relations headed by Army General Staff said in a press state-

Goods seized: Customs officers of Doha Port confiscated old artificial teeth, expired food products and imitation sportswear from a boat that arrived at the port from Iran. According to sources, when the officers suspected an Iranian

ment that this incident occurred during preparations for the implementation of the Peninsula Shield exercise (9), which will take place in Kuwait in the coming days. boat carrying goods, they checked it to discover old artificial teeth, expired food products and imitation sportswear in the boat. The items were referred to the concerned authorities and a case was registered for investigations.

Indian, B’deshi, Egyptian dead in various accidents Maid says raped by sponsor’s son

Top: The protest begins. Above: Al-Tarrah talking to the protesters.

Bedouns stage new protest By Abdulnasser Al-Aslami Special to the Arab Times Bedouns organized another rally Monday after Asr prayer and marched from AlSha’abi Mosque in Taima area to commemorate the third anniversary of the first demonstration they held to demand social and civil rights, citizenship and proper living conditions. The protesters raised banners and chanted national slogans in the presence of heavy security and Special Forces, demanding release of the detainees arrested in previous demonstrations. They pressed for referral of detainees’ files to the judiciary to decide their fate. Major General Ibrahim Al-Tarrah again intervened in the rally and asked for some minutes to convey their grievances to HH the Amir, as the protestors insisted it was

inappropriate to be identified as violators, as their situation has yet to be identified by the Constitution or law. At the same time, they refused the recent statements by some officials who claim that Bedouns have obtained their civil rights, indicating they are still deprived of driving license. They reiterated the demonstrations will continue until all Bedouns have received the Kuwaiti citizenship or ‘die in the land of Kuwait’. They called for the head of Central System for Remedying the Status of Bedouns Saleh Al-Fadhalah to be removed. Meanwhile, thanks to the intervention of Jahra Security Chief Major General AlTarrah who stressed that intimacy and understanding must prevail-particularly in the National Days celebration, the protestors dispersed the rally peacefully.

Syrian stabbed, in ICU

Six hurt in different quarrels By Meshal Al-Sanousi Special to the Arab Times

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: Six individuals sustained injuries due to quarrels that occurred in Salmiya, Amghara and Fahaheel. In details, a quarrel between two Egyptian expatriates in Amghara Scrapyard resulted in head injury and hand fracture to one of them while the other sustained injuries and bruises. According to a security source, when the Operations Room of Ministry of Interior received information from one of the expatriates about the injuries he sustained during a quarrel at a private shop for selling scraps in Amghara, securitymen and paramedics rushed to the location and referred the two

expatriates to Jahra Hospital for treatment. Investigations revealed that a quarrel rose between them, which developed to a physical fight. Necessary action was taken against them. Meanwhile, a 17-year-old Kuwaiti citizen was referred to Mubarak Hospital when he sustained injuries during a quarrel with another Kuwaiti youth inside a restaurant in Salmiya. Furthermore, a quarrel between two Kuwaiti citizens and three Syrian expatriates resulted in injuries and bruises to the two Kuwaiti citizens. One of the Syrian expatriates was stabbed on the shoulder and was referred to the Intensive Care Unit in critical condition. Investigations are ongoing to determine the cause of the quarrel.

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: An Indian man, whose identity has not been disclosed, recently ended his life by swallowing pesticide inside his home in Farwaniya, reports Al-Rai daily. Acting on information police and paramedics rushed to the house and took the victim to a hospital but he was declared dead upon arrival. According to police the man received bad news from ‘home’. Meanwhile, a Bangladeshi man working for a home delivery restaurant died on the spot following a traffic accident in Jahra, reports AlShahed daily. According to security sources the victim was involved in a head-on collision with a Jeep carrying Qatari number plate. The corpse of the worker has been referred to Forensics. Police are investigating the incident. In another development, an Egyptian man fell to his death in AlZahra from a building under construction, reports Annahar daily. A senior project official said the worker fell from scaffolding after losing his balance. The corpse of the victim has been referred to Forensics. Police are investigating the incident. ❑

‘Douse tension’: The government has asked Parliament Speaker Ali Al-Rashid to douse tension between the two authorities and ensure they maintain close coordination for the good of the country and its people, reports Al-Anba daily quoting sources. Sources said the government expressed resentment over incessant threats made by several MPs to grill a number of ministers within a just short period after the inauguration of the Parliament. Sources disclosed the government has admitted it is impossible to implement its development plans or address pending issues under such circumstances; hence, the need for the Speaker to step up and calm down the situation. Sources confirmed the Speaker has agreed to convey the message of the government to the lawmakers and remind them about the priorities that require cooperation between the two authorities. ❑ ❑ ❑ ‘Sharing info vital’: A top-level security source said the Kuwaiti and Bahraini security authorities are exchanging information since the Bahraini authorities unearthed a terrorist group which was planning to blow up the King Fahd Causeway, reports AlAnba daily. The source explained Kuwaitis are either part of the group or support the group members. The source added, sharing information is vital for both Kuwait and Bahrain. ❑ ❑ ❑

Wasmi in libel suit: Five people, three of them Special Forces men — Colonel Shukri Abdullah Al-Najjar, Colonel Abdullah Safah Al-Mullah, Colonel Bader Nasser Al-Mansour and Saud Hmoud AlWawa’an Al-Shimmari and Ahmed Hussein Malek — have filed lawsuits against Dr

Obaid Al-Wasmi demanding KD 5,001 temporary compensation, reports Al-Watan Arabic daily. The lawsuits are based on what happened at the Diwaniya of former MP Jamaan AlHarbash two years ago. The plaintiffs are accusing Al-Wasmi of offending them and causing them deep moral damage. The lawsuits were filed after the Court of First Instance ruled in favor of Al-Wasmi. ❑ ❑ ❑

Sponsor’s son rapes maid: A Filipino housemaid, accompanied by a lawyer from her embassy has filed a complaint with the Ahmadi Police Station accusing the son of her sponsor of raping her, reports Annahar daily. The maid said she was sleeping in her room and the son forced his way into her room and raped her. When the maid informed the father, the man reportedly got angry and locked her inside the house. He also threatened to deport her if she dared inform the police. The sponsor and his son will be summoned for interrogation. ❑

News in Brief

Victim of brutal husband: A Filipino woman has filed a complaint with the Sabah Al-Salem Police Station accusing her Turkish husband of brutally assaulting her, reports Al-Kuwaitiah daily The wife, who works at a beauty parlor, said her husband was jealous of her and one evening when she returned from work he suddenly lost his temper and beat her for no reason. The wife then bit her husband in the face and escaped from the house

The liquor and drug traffickers with the contraband seized.

Kuwaiti duo, Bedoun held with liquor, drugs By Munaif Nayef Special to the Arab Times Two Kuwaiti citizens and a Bedoun were arrested for possession of different types of drugs, bottles of imported liquor and KD 3,300 earned through drug trafficking.

screaming for help. She then called the Operations Department of the Ministry of Interior and police and paramedics rushed to the spot and took the woman to a hospital. According to a medical report the wife has broken fingers, several injuries and bruises on her body. Police are looking for the husband. ❑

Gas leak hurts two: Two workers - an Egyptian and a Pakistani — were rushed to the Adan Hospital after they allegedly inhaled toxic gas which had leaked inside Centre 28 in Al-Manaqeesh oil fields, reports a local Arabic daily. Acting on information technicians from the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) rushed to the spot and capped the leak before finding the fault. ❑

Activists freed: The Public Prosecutor released former lawmaker Dr Walid Al-Tabtabaei and 14 activists without bail, reports Al-

suspects and arrested them. They found pieces of hashish, rolls of cocaine and large quantity of other drugs as well as imported liquor bottles and a large sum of money. The suspects and items were referred to the concerned authorities for necessary legal action against them.

Anba daily. The suspects were summoned for interrogation following a complaint filed by the Ministry of Interior. They were found guilty of violating laws during the ‘Dignity of Nation’, which was held in Keifan. The released persons are: Dr Walid Al-Tabtabaei, Rania Al-Sa’ad, Hnouf Al-Sayer, Rana Al-Saadoun, Abdullah Al-Rassam, Abdulwahab Al-Rassam, Hamad Al-Olayan, Rashid Al-Fadhalah, Hamad AlKhalidi, Rashid Al-Enzi, Bader AlGhanim, Abdulaziz Bouhamd, Meshaal Al-Zaydi, Walid AlSha’alan and Fawzi Al-Qassar. Sources added the accused were interrogated on several charges such as participating in an unauthorized gathering, non-compliance with orders of the securitymen, assaulting securitymen, disrupting traffic and disturbing the residents of Keifan.

Chinese woman in Hawalli and stealing four cell phones, two computers and Ipad, reports Al-Anba daily. The woman told police the three men were armed with sharp objects.

China woman robbed: Police are looking for three unidentified persons for breaking into the home of a

3 held for theft: Two Kuwaitis and a Bedoun were arrested by securitymen on routine duty in Kabad area for theft. The suspects were apprehended with a number of stolen ID cards and bank cards in their possession. Security sources said patrol officers came across a vehicle parking at the roadside with three people inside it and approached them for inspection. Then they discovered the men were wanted by law for theft after checking their details. The officers found many bank cards and civil ID cards after conducting a search inside the vehicle. Sources said the suspects were earlier wanted in Fintas and Andalous police stations respectively for similar offenses.

Monday accident toll

‘Fine unlawful’: A court in Kuwait recently ruled in favor of the Global Klering House Systems company which was forced to pay KD 59,321 in fines by the General Administration of Customs (GAC), reports Al-Shahed daily quoting reliable sources. The sources said this happened when the company signed an agreement with the company to develop, operate and maintain support facilities for the GAC but the latter failed to provide land for the company and as a result it could not fulfill the terms and conditions of the contract. However, following failure to live up to the terms of the contract, the GAC said the company had violated the terms of the contract and ordered it to pay fine. The court ruled the decision to impose fine on the company unlawful. ❑ ❑ ❑

Cluster bombs found: Acting on information bomb disposal experts rushed to an unidentified location in Kabd and cordoned off an area containing four cluster bombs, reports Al-Shahed daily. A Kuwaiti man called the Operations Department of the Interior Ministry when he saw strange objects a few meters away from a highway. Security authorities are combing the area looking for more explosives.

According to security sources, when the Directorate General for Drug Control received information about two Kuwaitis and a Bedoun involved in drug trafficking, a team was formed for investigations. After confirming the tipoff and taking necessary legal measures, they raided the apartment of the

3 Kuwaitis among 6 injured By Munaif Nayef

Director General of Kuwait Municipality Eng. Ahmad Al-Subaih revealed that Municipality teams from all six governorates organized inspection campaigns recently against vehicles that were abandoned or placed for sale illegally by roadsides or lots. He indicated that the Municipality departments have taken necessary legal procedures to continue such campaigns round the clock in order to eliminate such a negative phenomena. He explained that the abandoned vehicles will be lifted if the owners fail to remove them 48 hours after stickers have been placed on the vehicles.

Special to the Arab Times KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: Six individuals including three Kuwaiti citizens sustained injuries due to traffic accidents that occurred throughout the country on Monday. In details, the driver of a cementmixer vehicle sustained injuries when the heavy vehicle toppled on King Fahad Expressway near Sabah Al-Salem Area. The accident also caused a heavy traffic jam that lasted for two hours. Paramedics rushed to the location with securitymen and firefighters and referred the driver to Adan Hospital for treatment. Firefighters shifted the vehicle from the road while securitymen organized the traffic. Meanwhile, a Bangladeshi expatriate sustained injuries and fractured his hand when his vehicle collided with another. Paramedics rushed to the location and referred the victim to

Adan Hospital for treatment. A Kuwaiti youth sustained injuries when his vehicle collided with another on Fifth Ring Road near Salmiya. Paramedics rushed to the location and referred the victim to Mubarak Hospital for treatment. Similarly, a Kuwaiti citizen sustained injuries when his vehicle collided with another on Fifth Ring Road near Andalous. Paramedics rushed to the location and referred the victim to Mubarak Hospital for treatment A Bangladeshi expatriate fractured his arm when a speeding vehicle hit him as he was crossing a road in Mahboula. Paramedics rushed to the location and referred him to Adan Hospital for treatment. In addition, a 17-year-old Kuwaiti citizen sustained injuries and fractured his leg when his vehicle toppled on the road between Egaila and Jaber Al-Ali. Paramedics rushed to the location and referred him to Adan Hospital for treatment.




Israeli public asked to choose logo

Israelis, Palestinians in US ahead of Obama visit JERUSALEM, Feb 18, (AFP): Israeli and Palestinian officials are beating a path to Washington ahead of next month’s state visit of US President Barack Obama to Jerusalem and Ramallah, officials on both sides said on Sunday. Palestinian negotiator Mohammad Shtayyeh said that he and colleague Saeb Erekat would meet administration officials midweek to stake out Palestinian positions on the conflict with Israel. “The Palestinian delegation will arrive in Washington on Wednesday to begin meetings with US officials on Thursday,” he told AFP. The White House has not announced specific dates for the Obama visit, his first to Israel and the West Bank as president. Israeli media reports and a Palestinian official have said that it will run from March 20-22 and take in talks with both Israeli and Palestinian leaders in Jerusalem and Ramallah. The White House has kept expectations deliberately low, saying Obama has no plans to use the trip to push new proposals to break the more than two-year deadlock in peace talks. Shtayyeh said that he and Erekat would “clarify the Palestinian position” with particular reference to Israel’s accelerated building of settlements in the occupied West Bank and annexed east Jerusalem, land the Palestinians see as part of their future state. On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that his talks with Obama would focus on Iran’s nuclear programme, the conflict in Syria and long-stalled stalled peace talks with the Palestinians. He said that Israeli negotiator Isaac Molcho had just returned from discussions on the issue in Washington and that

Wrongful imprisonment: prisoners

Jailed Omanis on hunger strike in protest DUBAI, Feb 18, (RTRS): Twenty-one Omanis jailed for slandering the country’s ruler have gone on hunger strike in protest against what they say is their wrongful imprisonment, a lawyer said on Monday. The prisoners, jailed for terms of up to 18 months last year for criticising Sultan Qaboos on social media websites, stopped eating on Friday and have been taken to hospital, the lawyer, Yakoub Al Harthy, told Reuters. “My information is that they are still in hospitals for treatment because of their hunger strike. They demand the high court overrule the prison sentences because they claim they are not guilty as charged,” he said. The comments against Sultan Qaboos – in power for 42 years and now the longest-ruling Arab head of state

- were made during protests in late May that grew out of strikes in the oil sector, which accounts for most state revenue. The rulings were part of a crackdown on dissenters after Oman quelled its own version of Arab Spring protests last year. Oman – which sits astride the Gulf sea lane through which much of the world’s oil trade is shipped – tried to placate protesters by creating tens of thousands of public sector jobs. But perceived failures and delays in implementation of the promises kept protests simmering and some popular anger was directed against the once-sacrosanct figure of the sultan.

Israeli National Security Advisor Yaakov Amidror would travel to the US capital in the coming week for further discussions. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office is asking the public to choose an official logo for next month’s state visit of Obama by voting for one of three proposed designs on Facebook. Participants have until 1400 GMT on Tuesday to choose

their favourite design by clicking “like’ on Netanyahu’s Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/HEBPMO), a statement from the prime minister’s office said. One option is a Star of David made out of smaller red and blue stars on a white background and the caption “President Obama In Israel 2013 Unbreakable Alliance” in English and Hebrew.

Israel police raid home of Palestinian hunger striker West Bank protesters demand release of detainees JERUSALEM, Feb 18, (Agencies): Israeli police raided overnight the east Jerusalem home of a Palestinian prisoner who has been on long-term hunger strike, arresting his brother, family members and a police spokeswoman said on Monday.

Israel who has been refusing food since August.

“At 2:30am (0030 GMT), Israeli forces barged into our house without any warrant or order and locked us all in one room while five men attacked Shadi and took him away,” his sister Shireen told AFP. “Lawyers were not allowed access to him and he had a secret hearing without a lawyer The raid took place in Issawiya on the northern outskirts of annexed east which handed him a four-day detention,” she said. Jerusalem at the family home of Samer Issawi, a 33-year-old prisoner being held by Israel police corroborated the arrest of Shadi Issawi, with spokeswoman Luba Samri saying: “I can confirm he was arrested,” but without giving any further details. In a separate development, a Jerusalem court was to hold a Tuesday hearing on Samer Issawi’s case, his sister said. “Tomorrow at 2:30pm at Jerusalem Magistrates Court, there will be a hearing for Samer,” she said, adding that he had not been due in court until March 14. “We don’t know what to expect.” Over the weekend, the European Union expressed concern over the deteriorating health of Issawi and three other longterm hunger strikers, urging Israel to respect its human rights obligations towards the prisoners and permit family visits. As well as Issawi, it expressed concern about Tareq Qaadan, 40, Jafar Ezzedine, 41 and Ayman Sharawna, 36, all of whom have been refusing food for an extended period. Qaadan and Ezzedine, who both come from Araba village in the northern West Bank, were arrested on Nov 22 in a sweep which saw troops detaining 55 “terror operatives,” prisoner rights group Addameer says. Both were handed a threemonth detention order and began refusing food on Nov 28 to protest against their being held without charge under a proceWomen chant slogans, give the victory sign and display photoNablus, Feb 18. Israel is holding some 4,500 Palestinians for dure known as administrative graphs of detained persons during a rally calling for the release of charges ranging from throwing stones to undertaking deadly milidetention. Palestinian prisoners jailed in Israel, in the West Bank city of tant attacks. (AP) Meanwhile, Palestinians blocked roads and held marches across the West Bank on Monday 28 killed on Sunday as violence surges to protest the fate of thousands of their countrymen held in Israeli jails and demand the release of four detainees on hunger strike. The hunger strikers include Samer Issawi, 35, whose health The Baghdad Operations Command, which is blew up in Karrada in central Baghdad, security BAGHDAD, Feb 18, (AFP): Al-Qaeda’s front has severely deteriorated after responsible for security in the capital, said in a and medics there said. group in Iraq has claimed a wave of bombings staging an on-again, off-again statement that security forces defused a total of Another roadside device went off in Saidiyah targeting Shiite areas of Baghdad that killed at strike for more than 200 days. six car bombs, including three in Sadr City. in the capital’s south. least 28 people Sunday, in the latest violence to The men were all in stable condiHeavy security measures were put in place Al-Qaeda’s front group is widely seen as hit Iraq as it struggles with protests and a politition, said a spokeswoman for after the Sadr City attacks, with some areas weaker than during the peak of Iraq’s sectarian cal crisis. Israel’s prison authority, Sivan closed off. bloodshed from 2006 to 2008, but is still capable The al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq Weizman. Gunmen also carried out two attacks in north of carrying out mass-casualty attacks on a regu(ISI) carried out the attacks “in revenge for Israel is holding some 4,500 Iraq on Sunday, killing a police captain in front lar basis. alleged criminal acts by the Shiite-led governPalestinians for charges ranging of his home in Mosul and shooting dead a footResidents of Sadr City were enraged by the ment in Sunnis areas of the capital,” said the from throwing stones to underball player and wounding two others near bombings, and hospitals in the area were quickSITE monitoring service, which tracks extremist taking deadly militant attacks. Kirkuk, security and medical officials said. ly crowded with people searching for relatives. Internet forums. Their incarceration is a sensitive The attacks brought the number of people “What did we do? We’re always the victims Three car bombs struck the sprawling Sadr issue for Palestinians, who see killed in violence this month to at least 158, of conflicts between politicians,” one woman City slum in the north of the city on Sunday, car them as heroes of their struggle according to an AFP tally based on reports from shouted. bombs exploded in Ameen, Al-Husseiniyah and for liberation from the Jewish security and medical officials nationwide. The carnage could have been even worse. Kamaliyah in the east, and a roadside bomb State.

Iraq’s al-Qaeda wing claims Baghdad blasts

‘Protect Iranian dissidents’

US lawmakers chide Obama WASHINGTON, Feb 18, (RTRS): US lawmakers complained on Sunday that President Barack Obama had failed to protect Iranian dissidents from persecution by Tehran following a deadly attack on their camp near Baghdad, and urged they be allowed back to their long-time base in Iraq. A congressional delegation led by Dana Rohrabacher, chairman of the Republican-controlled House subcommittee on Europe, said that the Obama administration should not have backed the movement of members of Iranian dissident group Mujahadin-e-Khalq, or MEK, to a place where they would not be safe. At least five people were killed in a Feb 9 rocket attack on their base in the former US military compound “Camp Liberty” in the

western part of the Iraqi capital. The attack was condemned by the United Nations. “It was unethical for the United States to have endorsed the relocation of the people whom we promised to protect to Camp Liberty, where we knew they would not have proper protection, just because it wants to please Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the ruling mullahs of Iran,” the delegation said in statement after meeting Iranian dissident leaders in Paris. The MEK, which calls for the overthrow of Iran’s clerical rulers and fought alongside the forces of former Sunni dictator Saddam Hussein in the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, was relocated last year from its long-time Iraqi home in exile at Camp Ashraf.

Cars vandalised in N. West Bank NABLUS, Feb 18, (AFP): Suspected Jewish extremists slashed the tyres of cars in a northern West Bank village and scrawled Hebrew graffiti on a nearby wall, Palestinians and Israelis said on Monday. Hafez Abu Obaya, head of the Yasuf council, told AFP the incident had taken place overnight Sunday, saying: “Settlers wrote ‘price tag’ on a wall and punctured the tyres of three cars nearby.” He said the attack took place as the Israeli “army raided four houses and arrested a man in his early 20s.” A police spokeswoman confirmed to AFP three cars had their tyres burst in the village located south of Nablus and that the words “Price tag (for) stone terror” were scrawled on a nearby wall.

Turkish gendarmerie fire water cannon and tear gas as they clash with hundreds of protesters trying to enter a courthouse in Silivri near Istanbul on Feb 18, where prosecutors are scheduled to deliver their final arguments in the case against 275 people accused of plotting to overturn the Islamic-leaning government. A verdict in the four-year long case involving 275 defendants, including Turkey’s former military chief Iker Basbug and other army officers as well as lawyers, academics and journalists, is expected in the coming weeks. (AFP)

Members of a Palestinian family react after Israeli bulldozers demolished their family house in the Arab East Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Hanina on Feb 18. Palestinian homes built without a construction permit are often demolished by order of the Jerusalem municipality. (AFP)

Despite fresh rebuff

Tunisia PM pushes plans to form govt TUNIS, Feb 18, (Agencies): Tunisian Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali was Monday to resume talks with political party leaders aimed at forming a new government of technocrats, despite a fresh rebuff from his own ruling Islamist party Ennahda. Complicating a political crisis that has engulfed Tunisia following the February 6 assassination of a leftwing politician, media reports said President Moncef Marzouki’s centre-left Congress for the Republic party was about to split. Jebali, who is number two in Ennahda, was to meet party political leaders from 1500 GMT over his controversial proposal to form an apolitical party, following up talks that began on Friday, officials said. He has vowed to step down if his initiative is thwarted, and on Monday he came under fresh attack from his own party.

Technocrats “The initiative of a government of technocrats does not meet the needs of the present time,” Ennahda’s consultative council said in a statement. “We remain committed to the formation of a coalition government which derives its legitimacy from the October 23, 2011 elections and would be open ... to achieve the goals of the revolution.” It urged the government to work on the basis of a “political programme that implements the transition, drafts the constitution and holds democratic elections.” Ennahda, which was repressed under ousted dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, won the 2011 polls and controls the key foreign, interior and justice ministries in the coalition cabinet, as well as 89 seats in the 271-strong National Constituent Assembly. But it is divided between moderates, among whom Jebali is the most prominent, and hardliners, represented by its head Rached Ghannouchi, who are refusing to give up the key portfolios, insisting on the

party’s electoral legitimacy. Jebali proposed his initiative following a political crisis triggered by the murder in broad daylight of Belaid, a leftist opposition leader and outspoken government critic. The family of Belaid has accused Ennahda of orchestrating his killing, which enflamed simmering tensions between liberals and Islamists in the once proudly secular Muslim nation and sparked the worst political crisis since ther revolt. Belaid’s murder came after months of failure by the ruling coalition to overhaul the government, and sparked bloody clashes between opposition supporters and police, as well as attacks on Ennahda offices. After meeting the leaders of the main parties on Friday, Jebali said more talks on the new administration would be held Monday and that a previous Saturday deadline for its formation had been cancelled, with no new date set. Tunisian media on Sunday expressed deep concern over the ongoing uncertainty. “There are huge fears that this initiative, which has the backing of most of the opposition and the public, will be buried tomorrow, plunging Tunisia into a new cycle of conflict and political wrangling,” said Le Temps daily. The media reported on Monday meanwhile that Mohamed Abbou, head of the secular Congress for the Republic, an ally of Ennahda, was defecting along with several other MPs from the party. MPs Lazhar Chemli and Souhir Dardouri had already announced their resignations from the party, reports said. Tunisia’s private radio Mosaique FM, Shems FM and the daily newspaper La Presse, citing informed sources, said Abbou too was formalising his resignation. The Congress for the Republic had emerged as the second force in the country, behind Ennahda, winning 29 seats in the assembly in the October 2011 election.

Sidelights Iranians apologise: Iran’s parliament has apologised to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for a heated row during an impeachment session, joining the president, speaker and chief justice in pledging obedience to the supreme leader. Khamenei at the weekend had rebuked the deputies for their role in the squabbling that Khamenei broke out in the February 3 impeachment session, during which President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and speaker Ali Larijani got into verbal fight. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Protests in Turkey: Hundreds of protesters clashed with police on Monday outside a prison complex where the mass trial of almost 300 people accused of scheming to topple the elected Turkish government drew to a close. Police used water cannon and pepper spray to disperse the crowd as demonstrators, including many relatives of the accused and army supporters, tried to breach the security barricade outside the compound in Silivri, a small town on the outskirts of Istanbul. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Yemen jails 3: A Yemeni court on Sunday sentenced three Albanians arrested in the eastern Hadramawt province to six years in prison for smuggling arms and explosives into the country, a judicial source said. The three were arrested in December as they smuggled 179.5 tonnes of ammunition in a ship and were found guilty of trafficking military equipment

Focus on security

Sudan, Saudi hold joint drill KHARTOUM, Feb 18, (AFP): The navies of Sudan and Saudi Arabia have launched their first joint military exercises in the Red Sea, the official SUNA news agency reported on Sunday. The training is to run until Wednesday and focus on anti-smuggling operations and “boosting security and stability”, SUNA quoted Sudan’s military spokesman Sawarmi Khaled Saad as saying. Two Saudi naval vessels and troops are participating, he said. The exercise comes after warships from Iran, with which Saudi Arabia has tense relations, docked at Port Sudan last October and December. At the time, Saad described the Iranian port calls as part of normal military exchanges between the two states. Israeli officials have expressed concern about arms smuggling through Sudan, and the visits by Tehran’s navy came after Khartoum accused the Jewish state of an Oct 23 air strike against a military factory in the capital. into Yemen, the source said. The judge “read the verdict in which the defendants were sentenced to six years and the ship and explosives confiscated,” the source added, saying their case was heard by a court specialised in terrorism cases. (AFP)




Implication reignites debate over Europe’s approach

Bulgaria presses EU to toughen Hezbollah stance BRUSSELS, Feb 18, (RTRS): Bulgaria urged other European governments on Monday to take a harder stance towards Hezbollah after blaming the Islamist movement for a bus bombing that killed five Israelis at a Bulgarian Black Sea resort last year. Bulgaria’s implication of Hezbollah in the attack in the city of Burgas has reignited a debate over Europe’s approach to the Shi’ite Muslim group. The European Union has resisted pressure from the United States and Israel to blacklist Hezbollah, arguing this could destabilise a fragile government in Lebanon and contribute to instability in the Middle East. Hezbollah is a major player in Lebanese politics and its support is vital to the authority of Prime Minister Najib Mikati. Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov was expected to present detailed findings of an investigation into the July 2012 Burgas attack at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels on Monday. On his way into the meeting, Mladenov told reporters Europe should take collective measures against Hezbollah. Asked whether that meant the EU should blacklist the movement, he replied: “Given the fact that we’ve already made quite firm statements about where we believe the responsibility for that attack lies, I think the answer is quite obvious”. Other European officials have said steps short of blacklisting Hezbollah could be taken first. That could mean

Nobody in Somalia above the law: PM

$50k for info on journalists’ killers MOGADISHU, Somalia, Feb 18, (AP): The Somali government is offering a $50,000 reward for information that leads to the convictions of those killing journalists, the country’s prime minister said. Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon said over the weekend that the reward will help ensure that such killers are brought to justice. Somalia is one of the world’s most dangerous countries in which to practice journalism, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Last year 18 Somali journalists were killed, but no arrests were made. So far this year one reporter has been killed, bringing to 45 the total number of journalists killed here since 2007. The National Union of Somali Journalists said last year that impunity is a fundamental problem in Somalia. It said no one has been convicted for the deaths of the journal-

ists. Judicial reform is at the heart of the government’s efforts to ensure killers of journalists are brought to justice, Shirdon said during a meeting with journalists on Saturday. The prime minister called the meeting to discuss the government’s relationship with the media and listen to journalists’ concerns, following the killing of journalist on January 18 and two recent arrests of reporters, according to a statement from his office. “I respect the important work you do in Somalia in what are often extremely difficult circumstances and I understand your concern,” the prime minister said. “One journalist killed is one journalist too many. We don’t want any to be killed.” He said that nobody in Somalia is above the law, including government officials.

A Malaysian armed policeman (left), mans a security check in Sahabat 7 on the road leading to Tanjung Tanduo, in the areas where suspected Philippine militants are holding off, on the Malaysian island of Borneo on Feb 18. Followers of a Philippine sultan who crossed to the Malaysian state of Sabah this month will not leave and are reclaiming the area as ancestral territory, the sultan said on Feb 17 amid a tense standoff. (AFP)

asking the EU policing agency Europol to coordinate investigations into Hezbollah’s presence in Europe. Much will depend on evidence provided by Bulgaria linking Hezbollah to the attack, EU diplomats say.

Officials have said, for example, that France appears to have softened its traditionally staunch opposition to blacklisting the group, saying “all options” were on the table, provided the evidence is strong.

NATO kills insurgent behind soldier’s death

French and Malian forces ‘take control’ of Bourem US legislators on fact-finding mission GAO, Mali, Feb 18, (Agencies): Hundreds of French and Malian soldiers have retaken the jihadist stronghold of Bourem, a town where many radical Islamic fighters were believed to have fled, officials and witnesses said Sunday.

French and Malian forces initially dislodged them from Gao without much resistance.

About 1,000 forces from France, Mali and other African countries are now in the town of Bourem, according to a French military official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t permitted to speak to press. The joint military operation was launched Saturday afternoon as part of the ongoing effort Militants launched two suicide attacks last week on a checkpoint leading into Gao on to secure Gao, where the radical militants invaded one week ago and exchanged gunfire with the road from Bourem, raising fears of a protracted insurgency in northern Mali after Malian forces for hours. “As the general has said, the jihads are always close,” the official said. Meanwhile, a delegation of US lawmakers met with military officials in Mali’s capital on Monday, and urged caution as the French-led military intervention to wrest back control of the country’s north from the alQaeda fighters entered its fifth week. French President Francois Hollande unilaterally launched the intervention last month after the extremist groups began a push south. They later reached out to allies for logistical help. The United States is providing C-17 transport planes and in-air refueling, as well as help with intelligence gathering, but has ruled out sending troops. The four lawmakers are led by Sen Chris Coons, a Delaware Democrat who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee that oversees Africa issues. After meeting with French military officials as well as their Malian counterparts, Coons told The Associated Press by telephone: “My initial impression is that the French are very confident that their military intervention has been swift, decisive and effective in driving the jihadists completely out of towns in the north.” The four person delegation also includes Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-GA, Rep. Karen Bass, D-CA, a ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Locals welcome a French soldier in Bourem, northern Mali, on Feb whose members are accused of having supported the al-QaedaSubcommittee on Africa, and 17. Mali’s military detained eight Arab men last week in Timbuktu, linked groups which overran northern Mali last year. (AP) Rep Terri Sewell, D-AL. raising fears of further reprisals against the region’s Arab minority In related news, European Union foreign ministers on Monday formally approved the launch of a 500-strong EU military mission to train the Malian army, which has already begun work on the ground. A first group of 70 EU miliLAHAD DATU, Malaysia, Feb 18, end 40 years of conflict in the Philippine Philippines. Kiram said his followers — tary arrived in the west African (Agencies): A peace deal between the south risked stirring instability by alienating some 400 people including 20 gunmen — nation 10 days ago, and Philippines and Muslim rebels has alienated powerful clan leaders. were resolute in staying despite being corMonday’s ministerial greenlight traditional rulers and their followers about Jamalul Kiram III, 74, a former Sultan of nered by security forces, with the Kuala was the final phase in setting up 100 of whom have occupied a village in near- the Sulu region of the southern Philippines Lumpur government insisting the group the European Union Training by Malaysia, a member of the old ruling fam- and brother of the man Philippine provincial return to the Philippines. Mission (EUTM), which has a ily said on Monday. authorities regard as sultan, said the peace “Why should we leave our own home? In 15-month mandate to shape up The stand-off with police in Malaysia’s deal had handed control of much of Sulu to fact they (the Malaysians) are paying rent (to the ramnshackle Malian army. eastern state of Sabah has threatened to spark Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebels, us),” he told reporters in Manila. EU foreign policy chief tension between the Philippines and ignoring the sultanate. The southern Philippine-based Islamic sulCatherine Ashton said the misMalaysia, whose ties have been periodically He said the group of sultan loyalists had tanate once controlled parts of Borneo, sion “is going to be of enormous frayed by security and migration problems gone to Malaysia as a protest action in including the site of the stand-off, and its importance in support of the along their sea border. response to what they saw as the unfair peace heirs have been receiving a nominal yearly Malian army,” a poorly Security analysts had warned that the his- deal, and they would not back down. compensation package from Malaysia under a equipped and trained force withtoric peace deal signed by the Philippine gov“Those people are willing to die for our long-standing agreement for possession of out the capacity to maintain the ernment and Muslim rebels last October to cause,” Jamalul told Reuters in the Sabah. country’s territorial integrity.

Sultan says followers won’t leave Borneo

‘Malaysia standoff result of Philippine peace deal’

2 people killed

Gunmen attack NATO convoy in Pakistan PESHAWAR, Pakistan, Feb 18, (AFP): Gunmen in a restive Pakistani tribal region on Monday attacked a convoy of vehicles carrying military equipment bound for NATO operations in Afghanistan, killing two people, officials said. The convoy of some 25 vehicles came under attack after it got stuck in a traffic jam in Landi Kotal town in the Khyber tribal region. “At least three unidentified gunmen opened fire on the convoy, killing a driver and his helper and damaging two vehicles,” senior local administration official Shakil Burki told AFP.

He said the gunmen fled after the attack, adding that one person in the convoy was also injured. A senior local police official confirmed the incident and casualty toll. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the assault, but Pakistani Taleban have often attacked NATO convoys. Khyber is one of the seven semiautonomous northwestern tribal regions where Pakistani military has launched a series of operations against Taleban and al-Qaeda linked militants. Washington considers the tribal belt the main hub of Taleban and al-Qaeda rebels plotting attacks on the West and in Afghanistan.

Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders (second left), meets with Malian Prime Minister Diango Sissoko (third left), at the Egmont Palace in Brussels, on Feb 18. Cissoko begins a visit to Brussels for talks on the humanitarian situation in Mali. (AFP)

NZ to keep team in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan, Feb 18, (Agencies): An Afghan soldier-turned-insurgent who was feted by the Taleban for killing an American soldier during an insider attack in eastern Afghanistan last year has been killed in a raid, the US-led international coalition said on Monday. NATO identified the insurgent as Mahmood and said that he and an accomplice, identified only as Rashid, died in last Wednesday’s operation in eastern Kunar province’s Ghaziabad district. No other details were provided. Mahmood is thought responsible for the May 11 killing of US Army 1st Lt. Alejo Thompson, who died during an insider attack on a base in Kunar. The attack also wounded two American soldiers. Mahmood, in his early 20’s and who went only by one name later fled. Thompson, 30, a father of two, was from Yuma, Arizona. He was based at Fort Carson, Colorado. “Afghan and coalition forces confirmed today the death of the two Taleban insider attack facilitators, Mahmood and Rashid, during a security operation in Ghaziabad district, Kunar province, Wednesday,” the coalition said in a statement. “Mahmood was responsible for the death of one American service memKarzai ber during the May 11, 2012, insider attack in Kunar province.” It added that “Rashid was Mahmood’s associate and a former Afghan National Army soldier who facilitated and assisted with insider attack planning and execution.” After he fled, a man named Mahmood was highlighted in a Taleban video that showed him being welcomed as a hero while entering an insurgent camp. In the video, he was shown in his Afghan army uniform, his US-made M-16 assault rifle, and with garlands of flowers around his neck.

Defected The Taleban claimed he had defected to their side. Killings by uniformed Afghans of foreign soldiers and civilians rose dramatically last year. According to NATO, so-called insider attacks killed 61 coalition personnel in 45 incidents last year, compared to 35 killed in 21 attacks a year earlier. This tally does not include the Dec. 24 killing of an American civilian adviser by a female member of the Afghan police because an investigation of the reportedly mentally unstable woman is continuing. In some cases, militants have donned Afghan army or police uniforms to attack foreign troops. And a number of attacks have also been carried out by members of Afghan security forces against their own comrades. Insider attacks have dropped sharply after NATO forces took steps to mitigate them, including having armed “guardian angels” looking over troops as they sleep. There has been only one insider attack so far this year, the Jan 7 killing of a British soldier in southern Helmand province by a man in an Afghan army uniform. Foreign military casualties have sharply decreased as Afghan forces take the lead for security and the coalition takes a back seat. So far this year, eight foreign soldiers have died, including three Americans. US troop deaths declined overall, from 404 in 2011 to

295 in 2012. More than 2,000 US troops and nearly 1,100 coalition troops have died in Afghanistan since the US invasion in late 2001. By comparison, more than 1,200 Afghan soldiers died in 2012 compared to more than 550 in 2011, according to data compiled by the Washingtonbased Brookings Institution. There are about 100,000 foreign troops currently in Afghanistan, including about 66,000 from the United States. President Barack Obama last week announced that he could cut American troop number by 34,000 within a year. Allied countries are expected to also draw down.

Also: WELLINGTON, New Zealand: New Zealand has announced it will keep a small team of military personnel in Afghanistan to help coalition forces after it formally withdraws from the country in April. The group of 27 will be primarily based in Kabul undertaking planning and intelligence duties. Included are three elite special-forces troops. New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key said Monday the country remains committed to international efforts to improve the security and prosperity of Afghanistan. Most of the 27 will operate under an initial one-year commitment through April 2014. Last year, New Zealand announced it was withdrawing from the country in April 2013, five months earlier than previously planned. The country has stationed about 145 soldiers in central Bamiyan province since 2003. Ten New Zealand soldiers have died during the conflict. ❑

President Hamid Karzai has issued a ecree banning Afghan security forces from requesting airstrikes during operations in residential areas. Monday’s order comes two days after Karzai announced plans for the decree amid anger over a NATO airstrike requested by the national intelligence service that killed at least 10 civilians. Critics have expressed concerns that the ban will hobble Afghan troops who rely heavily on air support to gain the upper hand in the fight against insurgents on the ground. But the top US commander in Afghanistan, Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, has said he believes the American-led NATO coalition can operate effectively under the terms of the ban. ❑

Despite grinding poverty and more than three decades of war, a New York-based artist believes 10,000 pink balloons can help bring peace and happiness to Afghans on the streets of Kabul. Yazmany Arboleda has already unleashed coloured balloons in India, Japan and Kenya. He hopes that Afghanistan can be the next to benefit from “simple happiness” despite being in the grip of an 11-year Taleban insurgency. “The actual date will be a surprise. Once people will wake up, they will see an explosion of colours,” he told a news conference on Monday. Although the majority of the estimated four million who live in Kabul struggle with poverty and war, Arboleda spoke of the pleasures a simple coloured balloon could bring. “In India, people thought it was a national day they didn’t know about. In Japan, some people thought we were selling balloons. In Kenya, some of them thought we were having a job fair.




‘It was really a war ... everybody lost’

Syria’s Baba Amr devastated and frozen in time HOMS, Syria, Feb 18, (AFP): Nearly one year after the fierce Syrian army takeover of Baba Amr, the former rebel stronghold in the central city of Homs, residents eke out a living in a devastated neighbourhood frozen in time. Bullet-pocked walls, collapsed balconies, fallen telephone poles and abandoned apartments make up the desolate scene. Baba Amr gained notoriety when hundreds of Syrians were killed during two months of army bombardments and combat with the outgunned rebels. It was also where veteran journalist Marie Colvin of the Sunday Times and budding French photographer Remi Ochlik

met their death in a regime raid on an activist media centre in February last year. A month later, Assad made a rare visit to the devastated district to mark the “victory” of his troops, offering promises broadcast on state television that Baba Amr would rise again and return to “normal life”. But 11 months later, the wind whistles through bombed-out buildings and the streets are littered with rubble, an AFP journalist reported during a tour of the district escorted by government troops. There is no sign of reconstruction and most of the district’s 35,000 inhabitants have not returned. The few who did come back are furious

MPs submit

Ex-MP Faisal Al-Mislim was absent during the court session as he was unwell while Rashid Al-Enezi testified. Major General Al-Dosari insisted that he did not order the protestors to enter the premises but had directed them towards Erada Square. He denied the claim that he had received an order to shut the gate of the premises to prevent protestors from exiting the place, adding that the paths leading to Yawm Al-Bahar, Kuwait Airways Corporation building and Othman Mosque were open, which thousands of people used as exits. During his submission, ex-MP Khaled Al-Sultan queried, “How did the National Assembly Speaker know that the penalty for the suspects will be life imprisonment?” He protested against referring the incident as ‘Storming of the National Assembly’ because he claimed the gates were open. He faulted the complaint lodged by former speaker of National Assembly Jassem Al-Khorafi regarding forceful storming of the National Assembly building. He indicated that some power groups of the parliament presented the case to make it seem like destruction of public facilities. The incident occurred on Nov 16, 2011 following an opposition rally at the Erada Square when the protesters were marching to the residence of former Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Mohammad AlAhmad Al-Sabah to demand his resignation. At this time several youths, political activists and former MPs Musallam AlBarrak, Waleed Al-Tabtabaei, Faisal AlMuslim, Salem Al-Namlan, Mubarak AlWalan, Mohammed Al-Khalifa, Jamaan Al-Harbash, Khaled Al-Tahous, Falah AlSawagh and Mohammed Al-Mutair stormed the Parliament building. Besides storming the Parliament building, the suspects are facing many other charges such as damaging government property, disrupting parliamentary sessions, assaulting securitymen and security guards manning the Parliament and inciting securitymen to disobey their commanders.

Continued from Page 1 with Delek Group since 2007 in violation of a law on the boycott of Israel. “The Oil Ministry continues to intentionally allow KPI stations in Europe to sell alcohol and pornographic magazines which is punishable by the Penal code,” it added. The grilling also outlines that financial and administrative violations were being committed by two foreign mediators hired by KPI that are being covered up by the company. Furthermore, MP Nawaf Al-Fuzai filed to grill Minister of Finance Mustafa AlShammali on the issue of citizens’ loans. The motion contains three proponents on the Central Bank of Kuwait’s oversight procedures of commercial banks and financial institutions and the banks’ procedures of granting loans’ to citizens and alleged breaches of contracts. The lawmaker claims that the banks’ operational systems are faulty and that the CBK has failed to supervise the banks loan procedures and interests. MP Saadoun Hammad said that evidence has been provided with the grilling motions and will be discussed during the debate. On his part, Al-Fuzai said his grilling against the Finance Minister “does not seek to discuss the write-off of citizen loans or loan interests, but seeks justice through the application of law and that is by removing the banks’ board of directors.” He added that “none of the board of directors of any bank was deposed of even though violations of the law were committed thousands of times.” “Many Kuwaiti families were wronged and the Finance Minister did not perform his duties properly,” he stated. The grilling motions of MP Hussein Al-Qallaf against Minister of Communication Salem Al-Uthaina and MP Faisal Al-Duwaisan against Minister of Interior Sheikh Ahmad Al-Humoud Al-Sabah are on the agenda of this week’s parliament session. Al-Qallaf’s grilling is on the re-hiring of high-ranking officials after they were investigated and convicted by committees formed at the ministry as well as alleged violations committed at the ministry. Meanwhile, Al-Duwaisan’s grilling is on the Interior Minister’s alleged “slackness in regards to the threat of Zionist espionage to Kuwait due to a security deal with an Israeli security company” and “the adoption of policies that violate the ethics and values that are upheld by security personnel, therefore compromising their role and respectability within society.”

Suitable Al-Duwaisan said that “if the Interior Minister does not attend the grilling session, he will be considered as resigned and if HH the Amir decides it is suitable to use Article 106 of the Constitution than that is fine but find the cause.” Article 106 of the Constitution states: “The Amir may, by a decree, adjourn the meeting of the National Assembly for a period not exceeding one month. Adjournment may be repeated during the same session with the consent of the Assembly and then only once. A period of adjournment is not counted in computing the duration of the session.” “I will not object or withdraw my motion if it is postponed and if the minister is incapable of facing the grilling then he should resign,” continued AlDuwaisan. He said there is “a big difference between this Assembly and the annulled one” and dismissed predictions that the Assembly might be dissolved saying that “it will be more costly for the government than the Assembly.” “I believe the Assembly will continue for four years without dissolution,” he stated. The Legal and Legislative Committee of the National Assembly on Monday completed discussions on the government money laundering and antterrorism draft laws in the presence of representatives from the ministries of Interior, Justice and Finance. Speaking to reporters, committee chairperson MP Masouma Al-Mubarak said the committee has accomplished the most important law. She added the committee will meet again on March 3, 2013 to look into the bill again and then submit it to the Parliament for approval. She added, that by putting finishing touches to this law the committee has accomplished something important for the country and the people “particularly since this law will improve the image of Kuwait at the international level.” She said the committee has done its duty and played its part concerning this bill. She queried the government role in such an important bill which was collecting dust for several years. In another development, the Criminal Court adjourned to March 18 the case filed against 69 individuals, including nine former lawmakers who were accused of storming the National Assembly building on the Black Wednesday. The court listened to submissions of ex-MP Khaled Al-Sultan and Assistant Undersecretary for Public Security Affairs Major General Mahmoud Al-Dosari before adjourning the case to summon four other witnesses.

‘Act on Continued from Page 1 councils, the state-run National Health Service (NHS) and food organisations for action on what it calls “the greatest public health crisis affecting the UK”, the Guardian newspaper said Monday. In a report the AMRC said doctors from across the medical profession are united in their concerns, and criticised the present and previous governments for insufficient and ineffective attempts to tackle the problem. One in four adults in the UK is obese, figures say, a number expected to double by 2050. Doctors fear the obesity crisis is becoming “unresolvable”, and are calling for society “as a whole” to act before it becomes irreversible. The report also drew parallels with the campaign against smoking, saying: “Just as the challenges of persuading society that the deeply embedded habit of smoking was against its better interests, changing how we eat is now a matter of necessity.” The need for action is urgent to break the cycle of “generation after generation falling victim to obesity-related illnesses and death,” it added. Professor Terence Stephenson, the chairman of the AMRC, told the Guardian the report was not a full solution to obesity, but outlines what needs to be done now before the NHS can no longer cope. For its part, The Department of Health (DoH) acknowledged that the threat posed by obesity in both adults and children was one of today’s most important public health challenges.

‘Active on Continued from Page 1 In another development, Al-Haifi unveiled his plan to meet different sectors in the ministry every Sunday to ensure positive atmosphere in the work place at all times and to better serve the people. Meanwhile, the minister admitted Kuwait needs more hospitals to meet the needs of the growing population. He said no new hospital has been constructed since 1978; hence, the importance of increasing the bed capacity of the existing public hospitals.

Islamist group Continued from Page 1 by the European nations or by the Nigerian government will” endanger the hostages, the statement read. The statement offered no conditions, suggesting the group would later contact authorities to make a ransom demand. Police and security officials in Nigeria did not immediately respond the statement. Greek and Italian diplomats have confirmed their citizens were abducted. Britain’s Foreign Office said Monday it is aware of reports that a number of foreign nationals including a British national were abducted. It said the Foreign Office is in contact with the Nigerian authorities. The US Embassy in Nigeria’s capital,

with the belligerents for prolonging what they deem a futile battle, blaming rebels who bit off more than they could chew and the regime that laid waste to their neighbourhood in retaliation. On a street corner leading to the cemetery of the eastern district, Fatima sits on the sidewalk alongside her husband, watching their grandchildren playing in the street. “I do not want to talk about the past, it is a real human tragedy,” said the sexagenarian, who had was “lucky” to find her home still standing. “We were pulled into this conflict and neither side was concerned about us or our children’s lives. I detest them all,” she said.

“It was really a war, but everybody lost,” said her eldest son, 34. In the western part of Baba Amr, the former rebel headquarters where Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik were killed, an oppressive silence greets journalists as they walk about the district, followed by soldiers. But one man felt the urge to approach and tell his account. For 33-year-old Khaled, the din of battle was still vivid: “You could not even stick your nose out the window.” “We were surrounded by army fire on one side and the gunmen on the other,” said the young man, who returned with his wife and four children to repair their home.

At a local cooperative, a men and women queue patiently to buy gas cylinders for cooking and heating. But at the sight of journalists they turn away their weary faces. “People here are tired of the media,” a soldier said. The only sign of hope is that the three neighbourhood schools have reopened their doors. Samer, 12, is eager to go back to class after missing a year of his studies. “A lot of my friends left, so I had to make new friends,” he said. With no end in sight to the conflict, which has left hundreds of thousands displaced or refugees in neighbouring coun-

tries, Baba Amr offers a stark illustration of the devastating effect of war on the country’s urban fabric. According to one soldier accompanying the journalists, those who have returned to Baba Amr are not all residents. “There are many displaced families who came seeking shelter here after the fighting ended,” he said. Authorities estimate the destruction at $33 million. But as survivors await the reconstruction of Baba Amr to get under way, they are lost in painful memories and deeply bitter. “How will my life be different if Assad stays or goes?” says Khaled. As-Safir said that Assad had met with unnamed Lebanese politicians in Damascus during which he assured them that Syria’s future belonged to his camp. “We are sure we will win, we are reassured by the political and military developments,” Assad was quoted as telling the visiting politicians, the Lebanese newspaper said. “We are convinced that the future is ours... Syria has the willpower to defeat the conspiracy,” said Assad, according to As-Safir. He said those “loyal” to his regime “represent the absolute majority of Syrians”.

EU takes Continued from Page 1

A Syrian opposition fighter re-loads a grenade launcher in the Jabilleh neighbourhood of the eastern city of Deiz Ezzor, during clashes with regime forces as they try to retake the area on Feb 16. UN-Arab League peace envoy

Lakhdar Brahimi on Feb 17, urged international backing for a Syrian opposition offer to begin talks with the regime, which he proposed be held in United Nations offices. (AFP)

UN investigators say both sides commit murder, torture

‘Refer Syrian war crimes to ICC’ GENEVA, Feb 18, (RTRS): United Nations investigators said on Monday that Syrian leaders they had identified as suspected war criminals should face the International Criminal Court (ICC). The investigators urged the UN Security Council to “act urgently to ensure accountability” for violations, including murder and torture, committed by both sides in a conflict that has killed an estimated 70,000 people since a revolt against President Bashar alAssad began in March, 2011. “Now really it’s time...We have a permanent court, the International Criminal Court, who would be ready to take this case,” Carla del Ponte, a former ICC chief prosecutor who joined the UN team in September, told a news briefing in Geneva. The inquiry, led by Brazilian Paulo Pinheiro, is tracing the chain of command to establish criminal responsibility. “Of course we were able to identify high-level perpetrators,” del Ponte said, adding that these were people “in com-

Abuja, issued a statement earlier Monday saying none of those taken were US citizens. In January 2012 Ansaru declared itself a breakaway group from Boko Haram, the north’s main terrorist group, analysts say. Boko Haram, whose name means “Western education is sacrilege,” has launched a guerrilla campaign of bombings and shootings across Nigeria’s predominantly Muslim north. Boko Haram is blamed for at least 792 killings last year alone, according to an AP count. Ansaru’s aims are unknown — but they have a different message from Boko Haram, according to Raffaello Pantucci, a senior research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute in London. “They seem to disagree with some of Boko Haram’s strategies — in particular, they disagreed with Boko Haram’s tendency to kill Muslims,” Pantucci said. “They seem to be more internationally focused, they talk a lot more in global jihad terms and they seem very eager to cultivate that side of their image. It makes them more dangerous.” An analysis published Monday by Stratfor, a US-based private global intelligence firm, suggested Ansaru had stronger ties with al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, the Africa branch of the terror network. It warned that there likely will be more attacks by Ansaru targeting Westerners and Western interests in Nigeria, as well as neighboring nations. “Kidnappings in northern Nigeria probably will become more frequent,” Stratfor warned. “As al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb comes under more pressure in northern Mali, it will use all available means, including its affiliate groups, to continue its insurgency.” The attack Saturday in Jama’are saw gunmen first assault a local prison and burn police trucks, authorities said. Then the attackers blew up a back fence at the construction company’s compound and took over, killing a guard in the process, witnesses and police said. The gunmen appeared to be organized and knew who they wanted to target, a local construction worker who witnessed the attack told the AP. He said the Nigerian household staff members at the residence were left unharmed, while the foreigners were quickly abducted. The worker spoke on condition of anonymity

mand responsibility...deciding, organising, planning and aiding and abetting the commission of crimes”. She said it was urgent for the Haguebased war crimes tribunal to take up cases of very high officials, but did not identify them, in line with the inquiry’s practice. Del Ponte, who brought former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to the ICC on war crimes charges, said the ICC prosecutor would need to deepen the investigation on Syria before an indictment could be prepared. Pinheiro, noting that the Security Council would have to refer Syria’s case to the ICC, said: “We are in very close dialogue with all the five permanent members and with all the members of the Security Council, but we don’t have the key that will open the path to cooperation inside the Security Council.” Karen Koning AbuZayd, an American member of the UN team, told Reuters it had information pointing to “people who have given instructions and are responsible for government pol-

as he’s not authorized to speak to journalists. Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, in a statement issued Monday through his office, condemned the attack and said he ordered security agencies to “take all necessary action” to locate and rescue the abducted construction workers. “He assures the relatives of the kidnapped foreign workers as well as the governments of their countries that the federal government and its security agencies are doing everything possible to find their abductors and ensure the safe release of all those they abducted,” the statement issued by spokesman Reuben Abati read. The Ansaru statement hinted that it would kill the hostages and vaguely referenced a previous kidnapping. The group earlier claimed the kidnapping in December of a French national working on a renewal energy project in Nigeria’s northern Katsina state. Britain also linked Ansaru to the May 2011 kidnapping of Christopher McManus, who was abducted with Italian Franco Lamolinara from a home in Kebbi state. The men were held for months, before their captors killed them in March 2012 during a failed Nigerian military raid backed up by British special forces in Sokoto, the main city in Nigeria’s northwest. Authorities initially blamed Boko Haram for the kidnapping, something that it denied. That apparently represented the public’s first brush with the group, whose motivations remain murky, but whose threat is increasingly real for foreigners in northern Nigeria. In November, Britain’s interior ministry announced that a parliamentary order that makes membership in or support of Ansaru a criminal offense.

Tehran scoffs Continued from Page 1 “meant to help the Zionist regime (Israel)”. Mehmanparast said talks on the nuclear issue must take account of Iran’s sovereign rights. “We are ready for negotiations, negoti-

icy, people who are in the leadership of the military, for example”. The inquiry’s third list of suspects, building on lists drawn up in the past year, remains secret. It will be entrusted to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, upon expiry of its mandate at the end of March, the report said. Pinheiro said the investigators would not speak publicly about “numbers, names or levels” of suspects, adding that it was vital to pursue accountability for international crimes “to counter the pervasive sense of impunity” in Syria. The investigators’ latest report, covering the six months to mid-January, was based on 445 interviews conducted abroad with victims and witnesses, as they have not been allowed into Syria. “The ICC is the appropriate institution for the fight against impunity in Syria. As an established, broadly supported structure, it could immediately initiate investigations against authors of serious crimes in Syria,” the 131-page report said.

ations that have a logical approach which officially recognises our rights completely. Of course steps must be concurrent and of equal weight,” he said. Israel, assumed to be the Middle East’s only nuclear-armed power, has threatened to attack Iran if diplomacy and sanctions fail to curb its nuclear work, raising fears of a regional war. Fordow lies at the heart of concerns over Iran’s nuclear activities because of the enrichment of uranium to a fissile concentration of 20 percent, which the US and its allies say is a major step towards developing nuclear weapons capability. Iran says its aims are purely peaceful and that it enriches uranium to a higher grade to make isotopes for medical purposes.

EU agrees Continued from Page 1 expertise — such as trainers, helmets or protective clothing — likely to flow to Syria would be issued in the coming days, and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said legal experts would ensure the change was in line with common policy. “It’s not about military support,” said Ashton. “It’s about how to make sure to give the best possible support to the protection of civilians.” Hague however said the agreement to amend the arms embargo “establishes an extremely important precedent.” The bloc’s wide-ranging measures against Syria, including the arms ban but also targeting scores of Assad cronies and regime-friendly firms, as well as oil, trade and finance, expire at the end of the month. Their renewal requires unanimity. Meanwhile, Assad said he is confident his troops will win the conflict ravaging Syria, as new calls were made on Monday for the International Criminal Court to launch a probe into war crimes. Assad’s comments, published in Lebanon’s pro-Damascus newspaper AsSafir, came as the European Union renewed sanctions against Syria while amending them to enable nations to provide more “non-lethal” and technical support to help protect civilians.

“We have engaged fully with CNIL throughout the process and will continue to do so,” Al Verney, a spokesperson said. He added that the privacy policy did respect European law. The pooling of anonymous user data across Google services, is a big advantage when selling online ads. Google and other large internet groups such as Facebook provide free services to consumers and earn money from selling ads that they say are more closely targeted than traditional TV or radio campaigns. The California-based firm said previously that the changes are designed to improve the user experience across the various Google products, and give the firm a more integrated view of its users, an advantage enjoyed by Apple and Facebook. “We have engaged fully with the CNIL throughout this process, and we’ll continue to do so going forward,” it added. European data protection agencies had recommended to Google that it improve information provided to users, particularly on the categories of data being processed, and for what purposes and services. CNIL said they had also asked Google to specify precise periods it would hold onto personal data. CNIL said that by Monday that Google had not provided “any precise and effective answers to their recommendations.” Given Google’s failure to act, “EU data protection authorities are committed to act and continue their investigations,” said CNIL, adding they would meet on February 26 to approve a working plan on their actions against Google. European states’ data agencies differ widely in their investigative and enforcement powers.

Newswatch Continued from Page 1 to take place. Negotiations for a free trade agreement with the EU were suspended by the Gulf Cooperation Council in 2008, noted a press release on the EU’s free trade agreements. In December 2011, the EU decided to begin talks on a Comprehensive Free Trade Areas with Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia, to “upgrade” the current trade agreements with these couantries (KUNA) ❑ ❑ ❑

BANGKOK: British kickboxer on Monday pleaded not guilty to the murder of a former US marine as he appeared in court on the Thai resort island of Phuket, his lawyer said. Lee Aldhouse, 30, is accused of stabbing to death 23-year-old Dashawn Longfellow — who was in Phuket after sustaining a combat injury in Afghanistan — following a bar fight in 2010. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑ COPENHAGEN:

Denmark has granted political asylum to a Ukrainian former acting defence minister who served under jailed expremier Yulia Tymoshenko, a Danish government source said on Monday. Valery Ivashchenko, who served in Tymoshenko’s second cabinet in 2009 and 2010, is the latest of her allies to flee Ukraine since President Viktor Yanukovich came to power three years ago. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

BRUSSELS: The European Union agreed a raft of new sanctions on Monday against North Korea in retaliation for the country’s nuclear test last week, EU officials said. The measures range from financial to travel bans and asset freezes against individuals. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

LONDON: Phytopharm said its major drug hope for treating Parkinson’s disease had failed in a clinical trial, the latest British biotech company to disappoint after showing early promise. Shares in Phytopharm fell more than 80 percent on Monday after it said its drug, Cogane, showed no benefit over placebo in the treatment of more than 400 patients with early-stage Parkinson’s, a neurodegenerative disease. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

LONDON: The lives of 95 babies could be saved every hour — 830,000 a year — if new mothers started breastfeeding their newborns in the so-called “power hour” immediately after the birth, a British charity said on Monday. If babies receive colostrum — the mother’s first milk — within an hour of birth, it will kickstart the child’s immune system, making them three times more likely to survive, according to a report by Save the Children. (KUNA)




‘Sexual offences against women rise in India’

PM pushes parliament for new anti-rape law NEW DELHI, Feb 18, (AFP): India’s prime minister said Monday he hoped parliament which resumes this week would enact a tough law against rapists following the fatal gang-rape of a student in New Delhi. The comments came two weeks after the government passed temporary measures to toughen the punishments for rapists, following outraged protests over the case of the 23year-old student who was gang-raped on a bus in December. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told reporters his government hoped the budget parliament session which opens Thursday would pass a permanent law to tackle crimes against women. “It is our hope that parliament will urgently pass the necessary legislation to enact a comprehensive law in this regard,” he said. “It is indeed a matter of shame that, notwithstanding the gains we have made, incidents of violence and sexual offences against women are on the increase,” Singh said on the sidelines of a function in New Delhi. Under the changes approved by the cabinet and the president earlier this month, the minimum sentence for gang-rape, rape of a minor or rape by policemen or another person in authority will be doubled to 20 years from 10 and can be extended to life without parole. The temporary decree recommended capital punishment for the rapist in case the victim died after an attack or went into a coma. Under the existing law, a rapist faces a term of seven to 10 years.

Rights groups voice concern over recent hangings

India stays executions of 4 to hear appeal NEW DELHI, Feb 18, (AFP): India’s Supreme Court Monday delayed the execution of four death-row convicts until it hears an appeal later in the week as rights groups voiced growing concern over recent hangings in the country. The Supreme Court said it would hear a plea on Wednesday from the four accomplices of slain “bandit king” Veerappan, who were sentenced to death in 2004 for their role in a landmine blast in southern India that killed 22 policemen. “In the meantime the execution of the death sentence

of the four convicts shall remain stayed,” the Supreme Court said. Colin Gonsalves, the men’s lawyer, said he was seeking to have their sentence commuted to life imprisonment “for the mental distress they have suffered during the inordinate eight-year delay in deciding on their mercy plea”. The court’s ruling could be a precedent-setting decision for many other inmates who have been lingering on death row for years, lawyers said. President Pranab Mukherjee last week rejected the mercy plea of the four men being held in Belgaum jail in Karnataka state.

The decree, which must be turned into law by parliament in six months, also created a new set of offences such as voyeurism, groping, stalking or indecent gestures. The vicious assault on the student by six drunken men sparked a chain of events including surging street protests, the decree and installation of special fast-track courts to punish rapists. Five of the suspects are being tried in one such court in

New Delhi on charges of murder, gang-rape and kidnapping. The victim died of horrific injuries in a Singapore hospital where she had been sent for further treatment. A sixth suspect faces trial in a juvenile court. Parliament’s new session, where the 2013-2014 budget will be unveiled on Feb 28, could see a showdown between Singh’s government and the opposition over a bribery scandal involving the purchase of 12 British-built helicopters.

Pakistan Shiites demand government protection from militants, 89 killed Demonstrators refuse to bury bomb attack victims city, vowing to continue their sit-in until the authorities take action against the extremists behind the attack which also wounded more than 200 people. Two girls aged seven and nine were among the dead after the bomb, nearly a tonne of explosives hidden in a water tanker, tore through a crowded market in a neighbourhood dominated by ethnic Hazara Shiite Muslims. On Monday, the home secretary of southwestern Baluchistan province, Akbar Hussain Durrani Demonstrators poured onto the streets across the country, shutting down the largest said the death toll from Saturday’s bomb had risen to 89, including 33 Afghans, with 204 other city Karachi and closing the road from the capital to Islamabad airport, in angry protest people wounded. at Saturday’s bombing that killed at least 89 people in Quetta. “We have certain clues about terrorists involved in past attacks and targeted killings which I cannot disclose at the moment but we are working on them,” Durrani told a news conference. Thousands of mostly women, but also men and children, blocked a road in the southwestern Last month suicide bombers killed 92 people at a snooker hall in another Hazara neighbourhood of Quetta. Protesters are furious at the authorities’ failure to tackle rising attacks on Shiites. Volunteers armed with automatic rifles and pistols Monday guarded the streets of Hazara Town, the scene of Saturday’s attack, an AFP reporter saw. It is customary for Muslims to bury the dead as soon as possible and police said they were in talks to end the protest, which has proved a powerful gesture before. After the Jan 10 snooker hall attack, Shiites staged a similar protest for four days. They only buried the dead after Islamabad sacked the provincial government and imposed governor’s rule in an apparent attempt to improve security. The banned militant group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) claimed responsibility both for Saturday’s attack and the snooker hall bombing, as well as a February 1 attack on a Shiite mosque in northwest Pakistan that killed 24. There is anger and frustration at the apparent inability or unwillingness of the authorities to tackle the LeJ. In Quetta Amin Shaheedi, the vice-president of the Shiite Wahdatul Muslemeen party, demanded control of the city be handed over to the army. Pakistani Shiite Muslims women protest against bomb attack in Quetta on Feb 17. The death toll from a devastating bomb attack on Shiite Muslims “Terrorists are roaming freely in southwest Pakistan rose to 89 Monday, as the community threatened protests if swift action was not taken against the killers. (AFP) and we are not given any protection. Our protest will continue until we get protection,” he told reporters. Violence between Pakistan’s majority Sunni Muslims and Shiites, who account for around a fifth of the country’s 180 million people, has surged in recent years, with the southwestern province of Baluchistan a particular flashOfficials said one of the bombers blew himself The government introduced the changes in PESHAWAR, Pakistan, Feb 18, (AFP): Suicide point. Pakistan’s biggest city and up at the gate, outside Zeb’s office, and the second 2011 in a bid to contain systemic violence. Critics bombers stormed the offices of a top Pakistani commercial heart Karachi came to managed to enter the control room, home to the have argued that lack of reforms had alienated official in the northwest on Monday, killing five a halt as public transport workers switchboard. tribesmen and made it easier for militant networks people in the latest high-profile attack as the counand traders stopped work Monday “The control room, which was in a separate to recruit young men to take up arms to fight the try prepares to hold elections. after a Shiite party called a protest portion, collapsed. Assistant political agent Khalid Pakistani government. Mutahir Zeb, the government’s representative strike, residents said. Mumtaz Kundi, who was present in the control Police said 12 people were wounded when two in the semi-autonomous tribal district of Khyber, Schools were closed, traffic room, was seriously wounded,” said Shahid. attackers opened fire and then blew themselves up was unhurt but his deputy was seriously wounded was off the roads and attendance Peshawar bomb disposal chief Shafqat Malik at the complex, which contains Zeb’s office, in the attack as officials in the city of Peshawar in offices was thin. Several politisaid the bombers were carrying up to eight kilos of police cells to detain suspected militants, and resdiscussed preparations for the elections. cal and religious parties have explosives. idential quarters. There was no claim of responsibility. The backed the strike call. Jamil Shah, spokesman for the main governZeb and a meeting of party officials and military has long been fighting Taleban and Protesters on the edge of the ment-run Lady Reading Hospital, said five people prospective electoral candidates discussing other Islamist insurgents in Khyber, which capital Islamabad also shut down were killed and seven others admitted with serious arrangements for the elections at his office were straddles a key NATO supply route into the main road leading to the airinjuries. Four security officials and a civilian man the target, senior police official Imran Shahid told Afghanistan, where US-led combat troops are port, witnesses told AFP. aged around 60 were among the dead, he said. AFP. due to leave next year. In the second largest city Muhammad Iqbal Afridi, local leader in the “First they opened fire and lobbed a hand The upcoming general election will mark the Lahore, hundreds of Shiites opposition Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party headed grenade and killed two local police officials. Then first time adults are eligible to vote and political demonstrated to press demands by retired cricket star Imran Khan, said he heard they entered in the compound and a gunfight parties allowed to operate in the tribal belt, parts of for military action against extremists in Quetta. heavy gunfire. erupted,” Shahid said. which are strongholds of Islamist militants.

QUETTA, Pakistan, Feb 18, (Agencies): Thousands of Pakistani Shiites refused for a second day Monday to bury victims of a devastating bomb attack on their community, demanding protection against record levels of sectarian violence.

Kashmiri children stand next to a photograph of Kashmiri man Mohammed Afzal Guru as students sit in a candle light protest demanding the return of his mortal remains to his family in Srinagar, India, Feb 17. Guru was hanged Feb 9 in a New Delhi jail and buried there. Guru had been convicted of involvement in a 2001 attack on India’s Parliament that killed 14 including five gunmen. (AP)

Deadliest in B’desh history

War crimes ‘trials’ reopen old wounds DHAKA, Feb 18, (AFP): When Ranajit Rinku heard the “Butcher of Mirpur” had been jailed for life for mass murder during Bangladesh’s liberation war, he couldn’t believe a man with so much blood on his hands could escape the gallows. Like most Bangladeshis, Rinku had been taught that the nine-month conflict was one of the deadliest in history, with an estimated three million people killed by the Pakistani military and their local militia allies. After Bangladesh’s domestic war crimes tribunal ruled on February 5 that Abdul Quader Molla, a top official in the Islamist Jamaat-e-Islami party, was responsible for more than 350 killings in a Dhaka suburb, opposition parties decried the verdict as a travesty of justice designed to settle scores.

Leniency But Rinku focused his outrage on what he saw as the leniency of the sentence — no matter that the 31-year-old was not even born when the war broke out in March, 1971. So he decided to head to an intersection in downtown Dhaka where hundreds of thousands of his fellow Bangladeshis have been staging round-theclock protests with the single demand: that Molla and his Rinku fellow defendants be hanged. “I have slept only 20 hours in the last eight days. We won’t stop protesting unless all the collaborators are hanged,” Rinku said. The parents of Rinku, a member of Bangladesh’s minority Hindu community, had to flee their village in northern Rangpur district in 1971 after it was attacked by a militia allied to the Pakistani army. “So many people died at the hands of these killers yet there was no justice for the last 42 years. Our leaders have compromised with these killers and rehabilitated them. It’s our last chance to wipe out this shame,” he said.

Similar reactions have been seen throughout Bangladesh after the court started delivering their verdicts on 12 alleged war criminals last month. The protests in Dhaka have drawn poets, academics, singers, journalists, war veterans and even members of the national cricket team. The demonstrators have renamed Shahbag intersection New Generation Roundabout, comparing it to Tahrir Square, the cradle of Egypt’s 2011 revolution. The legacy of the nine-month war has defined much of Bangladesh’s post-independence politics but successive governments including the country’s founder Sheikh Mujibur Rahman failed to bring the war criminals to book. Sheikh Mujib, the father of current premier Sheikh Hasina, briefly outlawed Jamaat in the 1970s. But after his assassination in 1975, the ban was lifted by a military regime led by the husband of Hasina’s main rival Khaleda Zia of the Bangladesh National Party (BNP). The scale of the carnage is the subject of huge dispute. The government says three million were killed but independent estimates put the figure much lower, between 300,000 and 500,000. Many Bangladeshis believe the current Jamaat leadership was behind the pro-Pakistani militias responsible for the killings of professors, doctors and journalists. Both Jamaat and BNP say the charges are bogus while international rights groups have found gaping holes in the war crimes laws and the proceedings. The International Crimes Tribunal, a domestic set-up with no international oversight, has also been dogged by controversy ever since its creation in 2010.

Collusion Leaked internet calls point to collusion between a presiding judge, the prosecution and government. A key defence witness was allegedly abducted by plainclothed police outside the court. But protesters dismiss such criticism.

Top Pak official’s office stormed

Suicide attack kills 5 in NW Pakistan

Maldives summons Indian envoy

Male seeks ex-leader’s arrest MALE, Feb 18, (Agencies): Maldives police on Monday said a court warrant had been issued to arrest former President Mohamed Nasheed, who remained in the Indian High Commission after taking refuge there six days ago. Nasheed, the Maldives’ first democratically elected leader, left office last year in contested circumstances. He entered the Indian High Commission, or embassy, in the capital on Wednesday as police tried to arrest him in connection with a court case. Nasheed has called for the formation of a caretaker government to ensure free

and fair presidential polls in the Indian Ocean archipelago, scheduled for September. “We have received the court order to arrest Nasheed,” Police spokesman Hassan Haneef told Reuters. “We will follow international protocols and not go inside the high commission.” Meanwhile, the Maldives has summoned India’s ambassador and made a strong protest over a standoff involving opposition leader Mohamed Nasheed who has taken refuge in the Indian embassy, an official said Monday.

Lanka rescues 32 boat people COLOMBO, Sri Lanka, Feb 18, (AP): Sri Lanka’s navy says it has rescued 32 Myanmar nationals whose wooden vessel began sinking while making a perilous journey to Australia. A navy statement says the rescue was made about 250 nautical miles off the island’s eastern coast on Saturday. Those rescued are being treated for acute dehydration. The group comprising 31 adult males and a boy had been at sea without food for 21 days when the navy rescued them after being informed by a local fishing boat.

Myanmar nationals rescued off Sri Lanka’s eastern coast on Saturday lie on the floor at a hospital in Galle, Sri Lanka. The navy said it has rescued 32 Myanmar nationals whose wooden vessel began sinking while making a perilous journey to Australia. (AP)

Bangladesh war crimes protest

Islamist killed in shoot out DHAKA, Feb 18, (AFP): Police firing rubber bullets shot dead a protester on Monday in demonstrations in eastern Bangladesh as a strike called by the largest Islamist party paralysed life across the nation. At least 14 people have been killed during protests against government trials of Jamaat-eIslami party leaders for atrocities allegedly committed during the 1971 independence war from Pakistan. The Jamaat-e-Islami declared the latest strike to protest against the death last Friday of four of its activists in police shooting in the southeastern city of Cox’s Bazaar. The new violence erupted in the town of Chouddogram, a day after parliament amended war crime laws to allow groups, not just individuals, to be prosecuted for war crimes. It also amended the law to ensure the Jamaat leaders can be swiftly executed if convicted and the verdict challenged if the sentence is less than death. Police said the man’s death on Monday came when they fired rubber bullets at about 200 brick-hurling Islamist demonstrators. “One Shibir (Jamaat student wing) activist died after being shot by a rubber bullet in the head,” police constable Shahadat Hossain told AFP, adding two other protesters were injured in the police firing. In the capital Dhaka, security was tight with the government

deploying border guards in addition to over 10,000 policemen. Roads in Dhaka and intercity highways were largely empty while many shops and offices were shut. A young man was killed in the city after a bus lost control trying to evade bricks thrown by strikers, privately owned Independent TV reported. The demonstrations and counter-demonstrations have intensified since a top Jamaat leader was sentenced to life imprisonment earlier this month for mass murder in the 1971 war — a penalty judged too lenient by the demonstrators. Late on Friday Ahmed Rajib Haider, a blogger who helped organise the anti-Islamist protests, was hacked to death with a machete near his Dhaka home. Eight Jamaat leaders, including its chief and deputy chief, and two from the main opposition Bangladesh National Party are still on trial by the court for alleged atrocities in the war which government claimed three million lives. Both parties say the trials by the government-appointed war tribunal are based on bogus charges and part of a political vendetta against the opposition. The government rejects the accusations, saying the trials are needed to heal the wounds of the war. It accuses Jamaat leaders of being part of proPakistani militias blamed for much of the 1971 carnage.




World News Roundup Superstorm ‘Safety issue’

Sunken debris tourism threat MANTOLOKING, New Jersey, Feb 18, (AP): On the surface, things look calm and placid. Just beneath the waterline, however, it’s a different story. Cars and sunken boats. Patio furniture. Pieces of docks. Entire houses. A grandfather clock, deposited in a marsh a mile (1.6 kms) from solid land. Hot tubs. Tons of sand. All displaced by Superstorm Sandy. “We did a cleanup three weeks ago. Then when we went back the other day, you could still see junk coming up in the wash,” said Paul Harris, president of the New Christie Jersey Beach Buggy Association, which helps take care of beaches on which the group goes surf fishing. “They go and clean it again, and two days later, you have the same thing again. There’s nothing you can do about it; you can’t vacuum the ocean.” Coastal areas of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut are racing to remove untold tons of debris from waters hardest hit by the Oct. 29 storm before the summer swimming and boating seasons begin — two of the main reasons people flock there each year and the underpinning of the region’s multibillion-dollar tourist industry. The sunken debris presents an urgent safety issue. Swimmers could cut themselves on submerged junk, step on one of thousands of boardwalk nails ripped loose, or suffer neck or spinal injuries diving into solid objects. Boats could hit debris, pitching their occupants overboard, or in severe cases, sinking.

A plaque that contains medals (from left), the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, the Army Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal and the World War II Victory Medal are seen after they were presented to Hyla Merin along with a Silver Star by Army Capt. Zachariah L. Fike, Feb 17, 2013, during a ceremony at her home in

Long-missing WWII medal awarded in LA Hyla Merin grew up without a father and for a long time never knew why. Her mother never spoke about the Army officer who died before Hyla was born. The scraps of information she gathered from other relatives were hazy: 2nd Lt. Hyman Markel was a rabbi’s son, brilliant at mathematics,

Carried The cleanup won’t be easy, fast or cheap. “The amount of debris that needs to be removed is mindboggling,” New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said, ticking off the statistics in his state: 1,400 vessels sunk, broken loose or destroyed during the storm. In just one shore town alone, Mantoloking, 58 buildings were washed into Barnegat Bay, along with eight vehicles, and a staggering amount of sand carried from the ocean beaches into the bay. “Everything you can imagine is sitting in our waterways,” he said. Barnegat Bay is likely to have some no-go zones in place for at least part of the spring and summer as cleanup work progresses. “Big Al” Wutkowski, a locally famous striped-bass fisherman who volunteers as the Barnegat Bay Guardian for the American Littoral Society environmental group, is worried about what still lurks beneath the waves. “When people start putting their boats back in the water in April, I know they’re going to start hitting stuff,” he said. “It’s impossible not to hit stuff. It’s also a lot shallower in places now. A lot of the lagoons are filled in with sand. People can’t get their boats in or out.” Florida-based contractor AshBritt Environmental removed 42 boats from New Jersey waterways in recent weeks. Others were corralled by the State Police, or by private salvage companies acting on behalf of owners. Property owners are not being held financially responsible for debris that washed or blew off their property into waterways unless they hire a private company to retrieve a boat they plan to repair and keep, according to the state Department of Environmental Protection.

Contracts The state, which issued contracts last week for the water cleanup work, plans to seek full reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency as part of $60 billion in Sandy relief approved by Congress. Much of the work will involve cranes atop barges that pluck the largest debris from the bottom. Divers could be used for smaller pieces. Once that’s done, many waterways will need to be dredged, with the sand placed back on beaches. The private owners of an amusement pier that collapsed in Seaside Heights, New Jersey, pitching the Jet Star roller coaster into the ocean, are working with insurers to devise a plan to dismantle the ride and get it out of the ocean. Seaside Heights also plans to send teams of divers to scour the ocean bottom in popular swimming areas before letting people back into the water, fearing parts of the wooden pier, metal pieces from boardwalk rides and other debris still linger in the ocean.

Thousand Oaks, Calif. (Inset): This undated image provided by Hyla Merin shows 2nd Lt Hyman Markel with his bride, Celia Markel. Markel was a rabbi’s son, brilliant at mathematics, the brave winner of a Purple Heart who died in 1945. (AP)

the brave winner of a Purple Heart who died sometime in 1945. Aside from wedding photos of Markel in uniform, Merin never glimpsed him. But on Sunday, decades after he won it, Merin received her father’s Purple Heart, along with a Silver Star she never

knew he’d won and a half-dozen other medals. Merin wiped away tears as the Silver Star was pinned to her lapel during a short ceremony attended by friends and family at her home in Westlake Village, a community straddling the Ventura and Los Angeles

county lines. The other medals were presented on a plaque. “It just confirms what a great man he was,” Merin said tearfully. “He gave up his life for our country and our freedom. I’ll put it up in my house as a memorial to him and to those who served.” (AP)

Shootings Newtown hopes to turn tragedy into transformation moment Hyla Merin holds a plaque that contains medals (from left), the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, the Army Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, European-AfricanMiddle Eastern Campaign Medal and the World War II Victory Medal along with a Silver Star that was pinned to her Army Capt Zachariah L. Fike during a ceremony at her home, Feb 17, in Thousand Oaks, Calif. (AP)

America US woman killed: An 18-year-old Chicago woman was killed on the same day her sister sat on the stage behind President Barack Obama, listening to him push for gun control legislation. Janay Mcfarlane was shot once in the head around 11:30 pm Friday in North Chicago, Lake County Coroner Thomas Rudd told the Chicago Sun-Times. Mcfarlane, the mother of a 3-month-old boy, was in the Chicago suburb visiting friends and family. North Chicago police said two people are being questioned in connection with Mcfarlane’s death, but no charges have been filed yet. “I really feel like somebody cut a part of my heart out,” Angela Blakely, Mcfarlane’s mother, said. Blakely said the bullet that killed Mcfarlane was meant for a friend. Hours earlier, Mcfarlane’s 14-year-old sister sat feet from Obama at Hyde Park Career Academy, where he spoke about gun violence and paid tribute to Hadiya Pendleton, the 15-year-old honor student fatally shot last month in a South Side park. Police have said it was a case of mistaken identity, and two people have been charged. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑ 100 fire victims remembered: Survivors of a 2003 nightclub fire that killed 100 people and relatives of those killed huddled together in bitter cold Sunday in West Warwick, Rhode Islands, at the site of the disaster to mark the 10th anniversary of the fire. Some brought flowers and paid their respects at the handmade crosses that dot the site for each person who died. Others cried and spoke of missing their loved ones and the difficulty of moving past such trauma. “People that weren’t here really don’t understand why we can’t let this stuff go. I was 30 seconds away from dying,” said Walter Castle Jr., 39, a survivor who suffered third-degree burns in his lungs, throat and bronchial tubes. He said he lost many friends and was in counseling until 2009. Recently, as the 10th anniversary approached, he began having terrible nightmares and had to go back into counseling.

Community emerges as theme NEWTOWN, Connecticut, Feb 18, (AP): Ian and Nicole Hockley lived across the street from Adam Lanza, but they never got to know him or his family before the 20-year-old gunman killed their young son and 25 other people inside Sandy Hook Elementary School. In the weeks since the Dec 14 shooting in Newtown, the couple said they have wondered whether more community involvement in Lanza’s life might have prevented the bloodshed. “If I had reached out to them, would things have been different? I don’t know,” Nicole Hockley said. “I do have a regret there, without a doubt. But would it have made a difference? I will never know.” Coming together has been a popular theme at vigils and concerts held in tribute to the 26 people killed inside the schoolhouse. For some of the families who lost loved ones, a renewed focus on community would be a silver lining to the tragedy. The Hockleys are among the families working with Sandy Hook Promise, a local grass-roots group dedicated to the idea that community members could support each other and turn “tragedy into a moment of transformation.”

Meetings Tim Makris, a co-founder of the group, said it has been facilitating community meetings, meetings with other communities that have been involved in gun violence, and meetings with groups on different sides of the political debates on such issues as gun control. He said everyone agrees the bloodshed should not have happened, and that is a starting point. “We are creating a dialogue and different thinking, and therefore common ground,” he said. The parents of another shooting

‘Criminally irresponsible’

Gun raffles stoke debate after shooting CONCORD, New Hampshire, Feb 18, (AP): Police chiefs in New Hampshire wanted more money for their youth training program. A youth hockey team in North Dakota needed more ice time. Both saw giving away guns as the answer. From car dealerships to political parties to hockey teams to yes, even police chiefs, gun giveaways are an attractive way to make money or draw in customers. But in the wake of the deadly shooting rampage in a Connecticut elementary school, such raffles are drawing criticism as the ease of obtaining firearms fuels a nationwide debate over gun control measures. The New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police is raffling off a gun every day in May, including a Ruger AR-15-style rifle with a 30round magazine similar to the one used in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that killed 20 children and six educators in December. The players in West Fargo’s Youth Hockey Association will raffle off 200 guns and an allterrain vehicle next month. Up for grabs are shotguns, handguns, hunting rifles and semi-automatic rifles. Both raffles were planned long before the shooting in Newtown

invigorated calls for increased gun control. That didn’t stop critics from blasting the raffles as, at best, in poor taste and, at worst, criminal. John Rosenthal, founder and director of the Massachusettsbased Stop Handgun Violence, called the chiefs’ raffle “insane” and “criminally irresponsible.” “In 33 states — including Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont — the winner of this AR-15 can turn around the same day and sell it to anyone without an ID or background check,” Rosenthal said. “They should cancel their raffle and give away a nice mountain bike or snowmobile.” Jonathan Lowy, director of the legal action program at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said he knows of no state in which the raffle would be illegal. But “having these gun giveaways and gun raffles can trivialize the seriousness of firearms,” Lowy said. In a letter posted on the chiefs association website, Salem Police Chief Paul Donovan extended his sympathies to the families of those killed in Newtown but stressed it and other tragic shootings “are contrary to lawful and responsible gun ownership.” Donovan, who did not respond to interview requests, wrote that the

raffle’s rules require that winners meet all applicable state and federal laws, including background checks. The goal of the raffle — to raise $30,000 to offset the cost of the weeklong police cadet training academy — has already been met. The 1,000 raffle tickets, at $30 apiece, sold out last month. Three of the guns being raffled off are named on a list of weapons that would be prohibited under a proposed ban introduced by Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein in the wake of the Sandy Hook rampage. That proposal would also ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. While the Newtown shooting has intensified the criticism of the chiefs’ raffle, other giveaways have had similarly inauspicious timing. After a 2011 shooting rampage in Arizona wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed six others, the county Republican Party raffled off a Glock handgun to raise money for voter outreach. Its slogan was “Help Pima GOP get out the vote and maybe help yourself to a new Glock.” The Republican Party’s interim county chairman said at the time he didn’t think there was anything inappropriate about the promotion.

victim, Chase Kowalski, have started a foundation in the hope of building community centers in his honor, first in Newtown, and then in other communities. “We would like to see families get back to core family values,” Rebecca Kowalski told WTIC-AM. “It’s not about dropping your kid off at some

place to play. It’s about going with your child and playing with that child and being an intricate part of their lives.” Lanza has been described as a loner who lived with his divorced mother and enjoyed playing violent video games. He killed Nancy Lanza inside their 3,100-square-foot (288-square-

meter) home, shot his way into the school on Dec.14, gunned down 20 children and six educators, and committed suicide as police arrived, according to investigators. The Hockleys, whose 6-year-old son, Dylan, was killed, have since moved to another neighborhood in Newtown.

“It’s just very tough,” he said. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Disabled man faces execution: A mentally-handicapped man was to be put to death in the US state of Georgia on Tuesday, despite protests from human rights activists and mental health advocates calling the execution a miscarriage of justice.



Warren Hill, a 52-year-old African American, is reported to have an IQ of 70, putting him below the threshold for mental disability. “There is no dispute among the experts that Mr Hill is mentally retarded,” attorney Brian Kammer wrote in an appeal seeking leniency for his client in Washington.(AFP)

“Because Mr Hill’s execution would be a fundamental miscarriage of justice, this Court must stay Mr Hill’s imminent execution and vacate his death sentence,” he added in another appeal. After spending the last 21 years on death row for killing a fellow inmate, Hill was scheduled to die last July. (AFP)




Gun Control ‘Lists show lack of gun expertise’

Ban would protect over 2,200 firearms WASHINGTON, Feb 18, (AP): The US Congress’ latest effort to pass an assault weapons ban would protect more than 2,200 specific firearms, including a semi-automatic rifle that’s nearly identical to one of the guns used in the bloodiest shootout in FBI history. One model of that firearm, the Ruger .223 caliber Mini-14, is on the proposed list to be banned, while a different model of the same gun is on a list of exempted firearms in legislation the Senate is considering. The gun that would be protected from the ban has fixed physical features and can’t be folded to be more compact. Yet the two firearms are equally deadly. “What a joke,” said former FBI agent John Hanlon, who survived the 1986 shootout. He was shot in the head, hand, groin and hip with a Ruger Mini-14 that had a folding stock. Two FBI agents died and five others were wounded. Hanlon recalled lying on the Miami street as brass bullet casings showered on him. He thought the shooter had an automatic weapon. Both models of the Ruger Mini-14 specified in the proposed bill can take detachable magazines that hold dozens of rounds of ammunition. “I can’t imagine what the difference is,” Hanlon said. President Barack Obama has called for restoring a ban on military-style assault weapons and limiting the size of ammunition magazines, building on public outcry after 20 young children were shot dead at close range at a Connecticut school in December by a gunman using his mother’s legally purchased, highpowered rifle. A bill introduced last month by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a fellow Democrat, would ban 157 specific firearms designed for military and law enforcement use and exempt others made for hunting purposes. It also would ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

Enable Yet there are firearms that would be protected under Feinstein’s proposal that can take large-capacity magazines, like the ones used in mass shootings, that enable a gunman to fire dozens of rounds of ammunition without reloading. Feinstein said in a written response to questions from The Associated Press that the list of more than 2,200 exempted firearms was designed to “make crystal clear” that the bill would not affect hunting and sporting weapons. The gun industry, which is fighting any sort of ban, says gun ownership in the US is the highest it’s ever been, with more than 100 million firearms owners. Sales jumped after the Connecticut shooting, with some gun owners protesting any restrictions and pointing to the Second Amendment to the Constitution’s guaranteed right to bear firearms. Feinstein’s proposal is the only sweeping piece of legislation designed to ban assault weapons currently being considered. But some gun experts say the lists of banned and exempted firearms show a lack of understanding and expertise of guns. “There’s no logic to it,” said Greg Danas, president of an expert witness business and firearms ballistic laboratory. “What kind of effect is it going to have?” Feinstein’s bill defines an assault weapon as a semi-automatic firearm with a detachable magazine that has one of several military characteristics that are specified in her legislation. Examples of those characteristics include a pistol grip, which makes a firearm easier to hold, and a forward grip, which makes the firearm easier to stabilize to improve accuracy. The definition is similar to the one in Congress’ original ban on assault weapons, which went into effect in 1994 and was widely criticized for outlawing firearms based on cosmetic features. Feinstein was behind the 1994 law which, at the time, protected more than 600 firearms. The current bill would exempt by name and model more than 2,200 firearms by name and model.

Worked Feinstein said her staff had worked for more than a year to draft updates for the ban that expired in 2004, and it was apparent in the wake of recent mass shootings that now was the time to introduce a new bill. She said her staff consulted with law enforcement agencies and policy experts for months to create the expanded list. Naming firearms that would remain legal under an assault weapons ban is a politically motivated gesture that was used to help pass the original ban in the early 1990s, people familiar with the process said. Any firearm that does not fall

within the law’s definition of an assault weapon would not be banned. As a result, the list gives vulnerable politicians cover from constituents who do not want to give up their firearms. For example, a politician can look at the list and assure a constituent that the government would not ban the firearm he or she loves to use for deer hunting. Under the 1994 law and the currently proposed one, the government would not have the authority to take away guns people already legally own. The ban would only apply to specific firearms manufactured and sold after the law is enacted. A list of exempted firearms was not part of Feinstein’s original assault weapons ban two decades ago, said Michael Lenett, one of the lead congressional staffers on gun control issues in 1994. A separate bill in circulation exempted far fewer hunting and sporting firearms, Lenett said. The purpose of creating such a list was to assure people that the government was not going after any legitimate hunting or sporting weapons. “The other purpose of the list was to have a high-profile way of assuring certain folks — including legislators — that we would not be going after their weapons that they use for those legitimate purposes,” Lenett said. But gun experts say the lists in 1994 and the expanded lists of today don’t make much sense. “The bill demonstrates a shocking ignorance of the product they are purporting to regulate,” said Lawrence Keane, senior vice president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade association that represents gun manufacturers. It’s based in the same Connecticut town where the December shooting occurred. “I have no idea how they arrived at this list. It would seem to be random, bordering on throwing darts at a dart board.” For instance, Feinstein’s current proposal includes exemptions for three specific types of the M-1 Carbine, an assault rifle designed for the military that the US currently bans from being imported. A draft of the legislation, created and modified in November and early December last year, banned the M-1 Carbine and didn’t exempt any models, according to a copy obtained by the AP. Feinstein said there was disagreement among firearms experts, law enforcement and gun safety organizations about whether to include the M-1 Carbine on the list of banned weapons.

Definition “It has been used in multiple police shootings, and was originally used by US soldiers on the battlefield,” Feinstein said. “On the other hand, it comes in models that would not meet the military characteristics test.” She said she decided to limit banned weapons to those that met the definition outlined in the bill. At a Jan 30 hearing by the Senate Judiciary Committee on gun violence, National Rifle Association President Wayne LaPierre said Feinstein’s bill is “based on falsehoods to people that do not understand firearms, to convince them that the performance characteristics of guns that they are trying to ban through that bill are different than the performance characteristics that they’re not trying to ban.” The Ruger Mini-14 is a perfect example. The model that has a fixed stock would be exempted by Feinstein’s ban; the weapon was protected in the 1994 law as well. A Ruger Mini-14 with a collapsible and folding stock would be illegal. The guns fire the same caliber bullet and can take detachable magazines that could hold dozens of rounds of ammunition. The folding stock only reduces the gun’s length by 2.75 inches, according to the manufacturer’s website. “It’s irrelevant,” Edmund Mireles, an FBI agent who survived the Miami shootout, said of the differences in features. “They’re equally dangerous.” Mark D. Jones, a senior law enforcement adviser for the University of Chicago Crime Lab, said the folding stock does not affect the firearm’s lethal potential. “Given that both firearms will accept a 30 round or larger magazine, it renders the differences between them entirely cosmetic,” Jones said. Kristen Rand, the legislative director at the Washington-based Violence Policy Center, said the Ruger Mini-14 model that would be banned under Feinstein’s legislation is easier to hold while firing because it has a pistol grip, and it’s easier to hide because it has a collapsible stock. That’s what makes it more dangerous that the Ruger Mini-14 with the fixed stock which would be exempted under the Feinstein bill, she said.

In this Dec 31, 2009 file photo, President Barack Obama watches the ball after making a putt on the ninth green during his golf match at Mid-Pacific County Club in Kailua, Hawaii. Obama played golf Sunday with Tiger Woods, the White House said Sunday. Once the sport’s dominant player before his career

was sidetracked by scandal, Woods joined Obama at the Floridian, a secluded and exclusive yacht and golf club on Florida’s Treasure Coast where Obama is spending the long Presidents Day weekend. The two had met before, but Sunday was the first time they played together. (AP)

In a first, Obama plays golf with Tiger Woods President Barack Obama saw firsthand how golf is played at the highest level on Sunday, teeing off with Tiger Woods, the world’s No. 2 golfer who is rebuilding a once-squeaky clean image tarnished by a messy 2010 divorce. Obama, an avid weekend golfer, and Woods, who won his 75th title

last month, played together for the first time at the exclusive Floridian Yacht and Golf Club, which was surrounded by a cordon of security. “It’s good to see you play well again,” Obama told Woods, according to GolfDigest.com. Less than a month after starting his second term, Obama is on a

three-day golf getaway in Florida, while his wife, Michelle, and their daughters, Malia and Sasha, are skiing in Colorado. On Saturday he received instructional tips from Woods’ former swing coach, Butch Harmon. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama and Woods were joined on the course by

US Trade Representative Ron Kirk and Jim Crane, the resort owner who also owns the Houston Astros baseball team. Tim Rosaforte, a Golf Channel analyst and Golf Digest writer, broke the news, tweeting that Woods holed out from a greenside sand bunker on the first hole. (RTRS)

‘Leaked immigration draft devised as backup’

WH downplays Obama plan In this Sept 7, 2006 file photo, President Barack Obama’s top immigration adviser Cecilia Munoz is seen in Washington. (AP)

America ‘Vote should go on’: Republican opponents are sending signals that former Sen. Chuck Hagel’s bid to become defense secretary will probably allow his Senate confirmation vote to proceed in the coming week. Critics said Hagel, a decorated Vietnam combat veteran, is a “radical” unqualified to lead the US military. A top White House official expressed “grave concern” over the delayed confirmation vote, adding that there was nothing to worry about in any disclosures that may yet come. “No, I don’t believe he’s qualified,” Sen. John McCain said of his fellow Republican and former Senate colleague. “But I don’t believe that we should hold up his nomination any further, because I think it’s (been) a reasonable amount of time to have questions answered.” McCain and other Republicans have angered President Barack Obama by delaying him from rounding out his second-term national security team, which includes Hagel and John Brennan, the White House counterterrorism adviser who is awaiting confirmation to become CIA director. Former Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry assumed his post as secretary of state at the beginning of February. Critics contend that Hagel, who snubbed McCain by staying neutral in the 2008 presidential race between McCain and Obama, isn’t supportive enough of US ally Israel and is unreasonably sympathetic to Iran, which has defied international pressure to halt its pursuit of material that could be used to make nuclear weapons. Hagel’s nomination also became ensnared in Republican lawmakers’ questioning of how the White House handled the Sept. 11 attack against a US diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, in which the US ambassador and three other Americans were killed. Hagel was not involved in the administration’s response. Repbublican senators also have challenged Hagel’s past statements and votes on nuclear weapons, and his criticism of President George W. Bush’s administration. Republicans last week delayed a confirmation vote, but have indicated that one will be allowed when senators return from a break on Feb 25. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, another leader of the opposition to Hagel, referred to a letter he received from Hagel in response to questions about past statements on Israel. Graham said that, as a result, he’ll take Hagel “at his word, unless something new comes along.” Still, the weeklong delay buys Hagel’s opponents even more time to rally additional opposition. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑ WH seeks balanced way: President Barack Obama is concerned about the effect that looming, drastic across-theboard budget cuts will have on the middle class, his new chief of staff said Sunday in Washington. Congressional

WASHINGTON, Feb 18, (AP): The White House is downplaying its draft immigration proposal that leaked to the media over the weekend as merely a backup plan if lawmakers don’t come up with an immigration overhaul of their own. It won’t be necessary, Republican and Democratic lawmakers alike are telling the Obama administration. White House chief of staff Denis McDonough said Sunday that President Barack Obama wants to “be prepared” in case the small bipartisan group of senators fails to devise a plan for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States. In response, lawmakers assured the White House they are working on their own plan — and warned that Obama would be heading toward failure if the White House gets ahead of them. The immigration issue is the rare one with a decent chance of being approved by a bitterly divided Congress this year. The surge of interest in addressing the famously tangled immigration system, which languished as an issue during Obama’s first term, has come since the country’s growing number of Hispanic voters went strongly for Obama in last year’s election. Nervous Republicans who once talked up deportation are looking for alternatives instead.

Prepared “We will be prepared with our own plan if these ongoing talks between Republicans and Democrats up on Capitol Hill break down,” McDonough said, adding he’s optimistic they would not crumble. But he was equally realistic about the fierce partisanship on Capitol Hill. “Well, let’s make sure that it doesn’t have to be proposed,” McDonough said of the president’s pitch, first reported on USA Today’s website late Saturday. Even so, the administration is moving forward on its own immigration agenda should one of Obama’s top priorities get derailed. The administration’s proposal would create a visa for those in the country illegally and allow them to become legal permanent residents within eight years. The proposal also requires businesses to know the immigration status of their workers and adds more funding for border security. It drew immediate criticism from Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, one of the eight lawmakers searching for a comprehensive plan. “If actually proposed, the president’s bill would be dead on arrival in Congress, leaving us with unsecured borders and a broken legal immigration system for years to come,” said Rubio, who has been a leading Republican spokesman on immigration. Many of the details in the administration’s draft proposal follow the broad principles that Obama previously outlined. But the fact the administration is writing its own alternative signaled

Republicans predicted the cuts would start as scheduled next month and blamed Obama not only for doing little to stop them but for the idea itself. The cuts, called the sequester, would drain $85 billion from the government’s budget over the coming seven months. Actual cuts may be around 13 percent for defense and 9 percent for other programs because lawmakers delayed their impact, requiring savings over a shorter period of

Plenty of roadblocks on immigration plan

Aide ‘seeks’ to finish journey WASHINGTON, Feb 18, (AP): Cecilia Munoz, President Barack Obama’s chief domestic policy adviser, keeps a framed letter from the late Democratic senator and immigration advocate Ted Kennedy in her West Wing office. “We didn’t complete the journey, but we’ll get there,” Kennedy wrote in 2007 following the collapse of bipartisan efforts to overhaul the nation’s fractured immigration system. For Munoz, a veteran of that fight and many earlier ones, completing the journey has never felt more possible. As head of the White House Domestic Policy Council, it’s Munoz who is leading Obama’s effort to break through years of partisan gridlock and provide a pathway to citizenship for millions of people living illegally in the United States. “There is a definite lift in her step,” said Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s senior adviser. “But she’s not taking anything for granted.” Sharp shifts in the political landscape have put an immigration overhaul tantalizingly close for Munoz and the president. Hispanics made up 10 percent of the electorate in the November election, and Obama won more than two-thirds of their votes, in part because of the conservative immigration positions staked out by Republicans during their presidential nominating contest. The general election forced some Republican lawmakers to reconsider their opposition to comprehensive immigration changes, clearing the way for the swift consensus that has emerged between the White House and a bipartisan group of lawmakers in recent weeks. The areas of agreement include a road to citizenship for most of the 11 million illegal immigrants already in the US, strengthening border security, making the legal immigration system more effective, and cracking

down on businesses that employ illegal immigrants. But filling in the details is expected to be contentious and emotional, with plenty of roadblocks. USA Today reported Saturday that the White House is circulating a plan to create a visa for illegal immigrants living in the US The proposal would allow them to become legal permanent residents within eight years. Many conservatives oppose a citizenship path for illegal immigrations, calling it “amnesty.” Few people know the obstacles ahead in the immigration debate better than Munoz, who spent two decades as an immigration rights activist at the National Council of La Raza, the nation’s largest Hispanic advocacy organization. She earned a reputation as a fierce advocate with a wealth of knowledge of immigration policy, testifying frequently on Capitol Hill and providing guidance to several lawmakers, including Kennedy. At times, Munoz has broken with her own party in order to fight for immigrants’ rights. In 1996, she led opposition to a provision in President Bill Clinton’s welfare law that made legal immigrants who were not citizens ineligible for food stamps and other public assistance. The lobbying by Munoz and others forced Congress to soften some of the restrictions. Janet Murguia worked in Clinton’s legislative affairs office then and found herself at odds with Munoz. “I’ve been on both sides of Cecilia, and I want to make sure I don’t have to be on that side again,” said Murguia, who later worked with Munoz at La Raza and now serves as the organization’s president. Some of the same obstacles Munoz faced as an immigration advocate have followed her to the White House.

Obama wants to address immigration sooner rather than later and perhaps was looking to nudge lawmakers to move more quickly. The tactic could complicate the administration’s work with Congress. David Axelrod, who was a senior adviser to Obama’s re-election campaign, acknowledged Monday that it likely was a mistake for news of the Obama immigration plan to be made public. Appearing on MSNBC, Axelrod said that “the mistake here was to disseminate it so widely within the administration” and said he believes that White House officials would “take it back” if they could.

Republican Rep. Paul Ryan, his party’s vice presidential nominee last year, said the timing of the leak suggests the White House was looking for “a partisan advantage and not a bipartisan solution.” “Leaking this out does set things in the wrong direction,” said Ryan. “There are groups in the House and the Senate working together to get this done and when he does things like this, it makes that much more difficult to do that.” Freshman Rep. Joaquin Castro, a Democrat, called the leaked plan “incomplete” and said both parties in Congress and the White House need to work together on a solution.



time. Last week, the White House last week let loose a list of ways Americans would feel the cuts, from longer waits at airport security to as many as 13,000 teachers being laid off. Outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta told a congressional panel that the sequester would hollow the US military because it would give the Pentagon little leeway in deciding how best to spend the money. (AP)




World News Roundup Rescues Charges opposed

Rescue comes with a ... cost UTAH, Feb 18, (RTRS): After an all-terrain vehicle accident in the Utah desert last spring, 53-year-old Mikki Babineau expected a long recuperation for collapsed lungs and 18 broken ribs. What the Idaho woman didn’t expect was a $750 bill from the local Utah sheriff’s office for sending a volunteer search and rescue unit to her aid, a service for which the sheriff in that county regularly charges fees. Just a handful of states, including Oregon, Maine and Babineau’s home state of Gingery Idaho, have laws authorizing local agencies to bill for rescues when factors such as recklessness, illegal activity or false information led to the predicament. Lawmakers from the Rockies to the Appalachians periodically question why adventurers who incur costs should not have to pay the price — literally. That debate has heated up this year as legislators in at least two states have sought, so far unsuccessfully, to enact laws to allow fees for rescues. “In the rare case where a person took unnecessary risks, that person should be sent a bill,” said Wyoming Republican Representative Keith Gingery, who tried but failed to pass such a law in his state.

Fireworks illuminate Pristina’s skyline on Feb 17, during celebrations marking the fifth anniversary of Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia. (Inset): A Kosovo Albanian youth poses for a picture near the ‘NEWBORN’ monument painted with flags of the countries that have

Objections That few states currently allow such billing is chiefly due to objections by national search and rescue groups, who say the prospect of payment could prompt people to delay seeking needed aid, possibly making a dangerous situation worse. But that has not stopped lawmakers from considering such laws. Legislators in New Hampshire, for example, are seeking to shore up search and rescue funds by establishing fees ranging from $350 to $1,000. That legislation, designed to address deficits in a state rescue fund paid through licensing of hunters, snowmobilers and other outdoor recreationists, is pending before a New Hampshire House committee. A similar effort to impose payment in Wyoming came to naught this year after Gingery failed to persuade a state House panel last month to approve a provision to give county sheriffs — who in many Western states oversee search and rescue teams — the right to recover rescue costs. The issue came to the fore last winter in the state’s Teton County, home to mountains as perilous as they are scenic, when a group of snowmobilers entered the back country near a steep pass northeast of Jackson Hole and required a helicopter rescue. When the county later asked them to contribute to the $14,000 cost of the operation, an attorney for the snowmobilers wrote a letter contending local officials had no authority to ask for reimbursement.

Issue Wyoming’s Gingery and other backers of billing those saved say the issue is broader than money. Billing for rescues, they argue, would place ill-prepared hikers, skiers and snowmobilers, especially those engaged in extreme sports, on notice. Recent advancements in outdoor equipment, navigational devices and off-road vehicles are allowing greater access to remote areas by more people with fewer outdoors and survival skills, complicating rescue missions, Gingery said. Rescue expenses are also rising in states like Idaho, where gas taxes cover part of the tab. Since July, nearly $85,000 has been distributed for searches from a state fund. That compares to roughly $63,000 for all of fiscal year 2012 and about $71,000 the year before, Idaho State Police documents show. Search and rescue groups say their services make up just a fraction of the emergency costs incurred by law enforcement and medical agencies nationwide, and that efforts to bill for rescues are tied to rare but highly publicized incidents in which the stranded made foolish errors in judgment. “There is a lot of hue and cry about recovering rescue costs, but we never question people’s right to dial 911 for authorities, fire departments and paramedics and we don’t begrudge those costs,” said Howard Paul, spokesman for the Colorado Search and Rescue Board, which oversees 50 volunteer teams in that state.

recognized Kosovo’s independence marking the 5th anniversary since Kosovo seceded from Serbia in capital Pristina on Feb 17. Serbia rejects Kosovo independence. (AFP/AP)

Russia Spat over Magnitsky case has dented US-Moscow ties

Attempts to block trial rejected

Armenian President Serge Sarkisian casts his ballot during presidential election in Yerevan, Armenia, Feb 18. For all that, incumbent Serge Sarkisian is widely expected to cruise through Monday’s voting easily, likely getting the 50 percent plus one vote tally necessary to avoid a second round. Six other candidates are on the ballot. (AP)



Europe Chief targets espionage: The head of Germany’s military intelligence said in a rare interview that one of his main challenges was to protect defence projects from industrial espionage by the Chinese and Russian secret services. The Military Counter-intelligence Service has until now kept a much lower public profile than Germany’s two other larger federal spy agencies — the BND, which gathers foreign intelligence, and the BfV, charged with domestic intelligence. Chief Ulrich Birkenheier told Die Welt in an interview published on Monday that “espionage against international defence projects” was a growing challenge, with foreign agents trying to get hold of information about military trials of new defence products. “Russian and Chinese secret services are still trying to recruit German soldiers. We have to investigate that and prevent it,” Birkenheier told Die Welt in the agency’s first media interview in its 57-year history. (RTRS) ❑

MOSCOW, Feb 18, (Agencies): A Russian court on Monday pressed ahead with plans to try a dead whistleblowing lawyer on tax evasion charges, despite an attempt by relatives to block a trial they say is inhuman and politically motivated. Sergei Magnitsky died in 2009 after complaining he was denied treatment as his health declined in jail, prompting the United States last year to bar entry to Russians accused of involvement in his death or human rights abuses. Critics say the posthumous trial, which the state says is possible under legal changes made last year, is a cynical act by President Vladimir Putin to hit back against Washington. Magnitsky’s lawyers refuse to defend him in the trial and boycotted a pre-trial hearing at the Tverskoi Court in Moscow on Monday. The court rejected their attempt to stop a state-appointed lawyer defending Magnitsky. “Exploitation of the decree ordering the post-mortem prosecution of my son by the Russian Federation’s Prosecutor General ... is illegal,” Magnitsky’s mother, Natalya, said in a statement read out by the family’s lawyer, Nikolai Gorokhov. “From the civil point of view, it is cynical and inhuman,” she said. Court spokeswoman Alexandra Berezina said a pre-trial hearing due on Monday had been postponed until March 4 to give the defence lawyer appointed by the state time to prepare. She did not say when the trial itself would begin. Putin, back in the presidency since Prosecutors are expected to ask for a sentence of 20 years in a mental asylum for Deyanov because he has chronic paranoid schizophrenia and the payment of 200,000 euros ($267,000) in

May despite the biggest protests since he rose to power in 2000, has dismissed international criticism over the case, saying in December that Magnitsky had died of a heart attack at the age of 37. Although Putin has rejected suggestions Magnitsky was tortured in prison, the Kremlin’s own human rights council has voiced suspicions he was beaten to death.

Accused Magnitsky’s former employer, investment fund Hermitage Capital, says the lawyer was killed because he had accused law enforcement and tax officers of stealing $230 million from the state by setting up bogus tax refunds. Gorokhov says the dead can be prosecuted in Russia only at the request of relatives seeking to rehabilitate a loved one. This has not happened in this case, which the family says is politically motivated. Gorokhov says the trial is intended to discredit Magnitsky and Hermitage owner William Browder, who is to be tried in absentia, and paint them as the criminals. “The fact that this posthumous trial is going ahead indicates that justice in Russia is turning into raw and outright blasphemy,” a statement issued by Hermitage said. It said the court’s order to the state to appoint a lawyer to defend Magnitsky against the will of his relatives was reminiscent of the treatment of political opponents during Soviet dictator Josef Stalin’s “purges” of compensation to the victim’s family. Deyanov is accused of stabbing and decapitating 60-year-old Jennifer Mills-Westley inside a Chinese general goods store in the tourist spot of Los

Cristianos beach in Arona on the southern side of Tenerife in May 2011. Police arrested him as he was struggling with a security guard and trying to escape, reportedly shouting “God is

‘Road accident’

UK cyclists killed

Man on trial in Spain: A Bulgarian man with a history of mental health problems went on trial Monday accused of decapitating a British woman at a shop on the Spanish holiday island of Tenerife. Deyan Valentinov Deyanov, 29, attended the opening hearing of the trial at the provincial court in Santa Cruz de Tenerife on Spain’s Canary Islands accompanied by his lawyer, a court spokeswoman said. “We don’t know how long the trial will last,” she said.

1937. Hermitage also says the Russian authorities have opened a new criminal investigation against it and ordered HSBC bank to provide it with financial information dating back to 1996. It said details of the new case were not yet clear. No Russian official has been convicted of any crime related to Magnitsky’s death and Browder has said several officials allegedly involved in the tax fraud are living lives of luxury. The case against Magnitsky was initially closed after his death in November 2009, but authorities reopened it in 2011 as international criticism over his death – and Russia’s apparent reluctance to hold anyone criminally responsible – mounted. Magnitsky and Browder were charged last year, weeks before the United States adopted the Magnitsky Act, which imposes asset freezes and bars from entry to the United States anyone suspected of a role in his death. Russia responded with a law that imposed similar measures in return and also barred Americans adopting Russian children, adding to tension that has increased since Putin’s return to the presidency last May. “The preliminary hearing has been postponed to March 4 at the defence’s request,” a court spokeswoman told AFP, declining to name the lawyers appointed by the court to defend Magnitsky and his former employer, Hermitage Capital chief William Browder, who is being tried in absentia.

Bulgarians attend a protest in front of the Bulgarian Parliament building in Sofia on Feb 17. Protesters threw rocks, firecrackers, bottles, eggs and tomatoes at the police line manning the headquarters of Czech power producer CEZ and the president’s office to protest against sky-high January electricity bills in the EU’s poorest country, as the government drags its feet on liberalizing the energy market. (AFP)

LONDON, Feb 18, (AP): A British couple’s round-the-world cycling odyssey has ended in tragedy, with both of them killed in a road accident in Thailand. Peter Root and Mary Thompson, who had been chronicling their journey in a blog, died Wednesday when they were hit by a pickup truck in a province east of Bangkok, Thai police said Monday. The couple, both 34 and from Guernsey in the Channel Islands, left Britain in July 2011 and had cycled through Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and China. The trip was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the couple, who met in art school and spent six years saving money and planning their journey, Peter’s father Jerry Root told the Associated Press in an interview.

on Earth”. Witnesses said they saw a man leave the store with the woman’s bloodied head in his hand, which he then threw on the pavement. The victim’s daughters, Sarah Mears and Sam Gomes, said returning to Tenerife for the trial would be “daunting” and asked for the media to respect their privacy. (AFP) ❑

Prez secures re-election: Armenian President Serzh Sarksyan was on course to secure a new fiveyear term with about 58 percent of the votes cast in a presidential election on Monday, an exit poll showed. The exit poll by the Baltic Surveys/The Gallup Organization, reported by Sarksyan Armenian television after voting ended, put Sarksyan’s nearest rival, U.S.-born Raffi Hovannisian, on 32 percent. (RTRS) ❑

Adopted boy murdered: A woman in the US state of Texas has killed her adopted Russian son, the Kremlin’s envoy for children said Monday, outlining the latest alleged abuse of an adopted Russian child by American parents. “Three-year-old Maxim was beaten (according to the investigators) by his adoptive mother, who fed him psychoactive drugs over a long period of time,” ombusdman Pavel Astakhov said on his office’s Twitter feed @RFdeti. “He died before the arrival of the ambulance called by his adoptive mother. According to the autopsy report, the boy had many injuries.” Russia has long complained about the treatment of Russian orphans adopted by American parents and in December controversially passed a law banning adoptions of Russian children by Americans. Astakhov said the murder took place in late January and expressed unhappiness with Washington’s response. “The Russian embassy found out despite the lack of reaction by the State Department,” said Astakhov. (AFP) ❑

Lawmaker’s body found: The body of a kidnapped Russian lawmaker has been found in a cement-filled barrel in a cellar outside Moscow in suspected retribution for unpaid debts, investigators said Monday. “The body of Mikhail Pakhomov, a lawmaker from Lipetsk city council, has been found in one of the cellars of a private garage in a metal barrel filled with cement,” the Investigative Committee said in a statement. Investigators said they had detained eight people in the case including the suspected mastermind, a former top official in the Moscow regional government, after discovering the body over the weekend. Pakhomov, 37, disappeared on February 12 in the central Russian city of Lipetsk. Police said they immediately suspected murder after witnesses saw a man being dragged into an SUV against his will and after they found Pakhomov’s jeans, one of his boots and his cell phone. Investigators said they believed the motive to be money that Pakhomov owed suspected mastermind Yevgeny Kharitonov, who formerly headed the Moscow region’s housing services ministry. (AFP)




Italy Momentum clear

Scandals boost Grillo’s ‘5-Star’ ROME, Feb 18, (RTRS): Comic Beppe Grillo’s anti-establishment 5-Star Movement appears to be stealing momentum from Silvio Berlusconi after a string of scandals that have hit the main political parties just before Italy’s election. Publication of polls is illegal in the two weeks leading up to the vote. But several electoral experts who have seen private surveys told Reuters that Grillo’s movement is the only one that is thought to be gaining significantly since the blackout period began. Monti The 5-Star Movement was at about 16 percent when the blackout started, trailing behind the centre-left coalition led by Pier Luigi Bersani on almost 35 percent and Berlusconi’s centre-right bloc on around 30 percent. However, analysts say it is thought to have gained in the past week, as a series of high-profile scandals has further discredited the big parties. Berlusconi’s potential voting pool is the one where Grillo is gaining most, experts say. This would stall the remarkable progress that Berlusconi has made since storming back onto the political stage in December. The progress made by Grillo’s young movement of protester and Internet activists as the Feb 24-25 election date nears has underlined his status as potentially the biggest wild card in the race.

Strollers walk in the snow on the Feldberg near Schmitten, central Germany, on Feb 18. Meteorologists forecast temperatures around freezing point for the coming week in central Germany. (AFP)

Horsemeat France partially renews Spanghero license

UK shoppers buy less meat

Alliance He has ruled out forming an alliance with any of the mainstream parties but could play a decisive role in determining the shape of the next parliament and whether a new government enjoys a strong majority or not. High profile scandals at Italy’s third-largest bank Monte dei Paschi, defence group Finmeccanica or oil major Eni have highlighted close links between the political and business elite and fuelled his maverick message. The gains by Grillo’s movement may favour the formation of a stable government if they come at Berlusconi’s expense and hand the centre-left a clear victory. But they could also muddy the result in the Senate, where the election law makes winning a clear majority more difficult. Under Italian electoral law, the coalition or party that wins the biggest share of the vote gains an automatic majority of some 54 percent in the lower house. The Senate is decided on individual contests in the regions, which have varying numbers of seats, based on their size. The gap between the two main coalitions contending for power has stayed broadly stable, and outgoing Prime Minister Mario Monti’s centrist bloc is still in fourth place but sliding, experts say. Before the blackout period for polls, Berlusconi had made races in the key regions that determine the Senate line-up too close to call, notably the affluent northern region of Lombardy. There is thought to be little change to this picture with less than a week to go before the vote.

Clear The 5-Star Movement’s positive momentum is clear even without knowing the trend of the polls. On Saturday, 30,000 turned out in Turin’s central square on a frigid evening to hear Grillo speak, several times as many as Berlusconi drew to an indoor rally in Turin the next day. That Berlusconi is aware of the Genoa comic’s charge is suggested by the increasingly hostile rhetoric the four-time premier is using against the 5-Star Movement. “We made an ugly discovery about Grillo’s candidates,” Berlusconi said on Sunday in Turin. “We discovered that 80 percent are members of the extreme left.” “There is a very high level of discontent and disgust in Italy with the way the country has been run, and that is the source of Grillo’s popularity,” said one analyst, who asked not to be named. Grillo founded his movement three years ago pledging to sweep away the “dead” conventional political parties, which he says are corrupt, inept and wasteful. He has used corruption scandals in Lombardy and Lazio, the region around Rome — which were both ruled by Berlusconi’s People of Freedom (PDL) party — in his stump speeches.

German President Joachim Gauck (left), listens to a statement made by Ismail Yozgat (center), who displays a picture of his son Halit killed by the small neo-Nazi group National Socialist Underground (NSU) in Kassel in 2006, during a meeting with relatives of the victims at the Presidential residence Bellevue castle in Berlin on Feb 18. The neo-Nazi group NSU is accused of murdering nine Turkish and Greek immigrants and a policewoman from 2000 to 2007. (AFP)



Europe Dutroux denied parole: A Belgian court denied parole to child killer Marc Dutroux on Monday, ruling he could not be freed with a security tag on his ankle as there was no prospect of him fitting back into society. Dutroux, 56, was sentenced in 2004 to life in prison for kidnapping and raping six girls and killing four of them in the 1990s. In prison since his 1996 arrest, he became eligible this year to request early release with an electronic ankle band. The court said that it considered whether Dutroux would be able to integrate into society, whether he would commit new crimes, whether he would seek contact with the victims and whether he showed remorse regarding his victims. “The court analysed the first issue and came to the conclusion that there was evidence against. This gives the court the opportunity to immediately deny the request,” Luc Hennaert, court president, told reporters after the hearing. Neither Dutroux nor his lawyer attended the court session. In Belgium, electronic ankle bands are often used to allow police to monitor a detainee’s whereabouts outside prison and to alert them if the person moves beyond a permitted area. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

LONDON, Feb 18, (Agencies): The discovery of horsemeat in products sold as beef has shocked many British consumers into buying less meat, a survey showed on Monday. The furore, which erupted in Ireland last month and then spread quickly across Europe, has led to ready meals being pulled from supermarket shelves and damaged people’s confidence in the food on their plate. It raised concerns over food labelling and the complex supply chain across the European Union, putting pressure on governments to explain lapses in quality control. A fifth of adults said they had started buying less meat after traces of horse DNA were found in some products, according to the poll conducted by Consumer Intelligence research company. “Our findings show that this scandal has really hit consumers hard, be it through having to change their shopping habits or altering the fundamentals of their diet,” David Black, a spokesman for Consumer Intelligence, said. The online poll, conducted on Feb 14-15, questioned more than 2,200 adults on their spending habits following the horsemeat scandal. It gave no specific figures on how much meat people were buying, focusing only on broader trends. More than 65 percent of respondents said they trusted food labels less as a result. “(Brands) will have to put in place really stringent ways of checking that what’s being delivered and what’s on the label is indeed what’s in there,” Black said. In the month since horsemeat was first identified in Irish beefburgers, no one is yet reported to have fallen ill from eating horse but many superings and shootings for independence for the Basque Country of northern Spain and southwestern France. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Gas blast toll rises: At least five peo-

markets and fast food chains are already struggling to save their reputations. Governments across Europe have stressed that horsemeat poses little or no health risk, although some carcasses have been found tainted with a painkiller given to racehorses but banned for human consumption.

Surveyed More than 60 percent of adults surveyed said they would now buy meat from their local butchers, the poll said, while a quarter of adults said they would now buy more joints, chops or steaks instead of processed meat. France, meanwhile, partially renewed the sanitary licence of a meat-processing firm that was suspended after it was accused of passing off 750 tonnes of horsemeat as beef and sparking a Europe-wide food scandal. Agriculture Minister Stephane Le Foll told AFP that Spanghero would be allowed to resume its production of minced meat, sausages and ready-toeat meals but would not be allowed to stock frozen meats. Spanghero’s licence to handle meat was suspended last Thursday after the French government said an initial inquiry showed it had knowingly sold 750 tonnes of horsemeat mislabelled as beef over a period of six months. That horsemeat found its way into 4.5 million “beef” products that were sold by 28 different companies in 13 European countries, said the findings of the probe by the DGCCRF antifraud office. Le Foll said the results of a full inquiry into the activities of Spanghero — where veterinary experts have been carrying out inspections at its plant in the southple, three of them children, have died and 11 were injured in a gas explosion that destroyed an apartment building in the eastern Czech Republic on Sunday, rescuers said. “We have registered 11 injured people

Recalled Most recently, German discount supermarket Lidl on Monday said it had recalled Combino brand “Beef Tortelloni,” sold at its stores in Austria, after tests showed it contained horse meat. Aigner said Germany, Europe’s largest economy, will step up testing, and be looking for any meat not clearly noted on the label – not just horse. “I can’t say this is the end,” she told reporters. “We have to count on other cases being discovered.” Traces of horse meat have turned and so far five victims, of them three under 18 years,” local fire brigade spokesman Petr Kudela told AFP after rescuers had found bodies overnight. The previous toll had stood at two dead and 11 injured. Czech media said one of the

1 in 3 Britons wants to stay in EU — poll

Txeroki expresses ‘regret’: The former military chief of the Basque separatist group ETA on Monday expressed “regret” for the victims of the banned group’s violent campaign for a homeland straddling France and Spain. Miguel de Garikoitz Aspiazu Rubina, also known as Txeroki, said ETA “regrets the damage” caused to victims as he appeared along with nine other suspected ETA members in a Paris court on charges of kidnapping a Spanish couple and their son in France in 2007. A Spanish court in 2011 sentenced him in absentia to 377 years in prison for 20 attempted assassinations. Txeroki, who was arrested in France in 2008, read out a statement in the Paris court calling on the French government to seize the opportunity to resolve the Basque conflict. ETA is blamed for more than 800 deaths in a four-decade campaign of bomb-

western town of Castelnaudary — would be ready by Friday. The criminal investigation by the DGCCRF anti-fraud office into the wider horsemeat scandal is continuing. Spanghero on Friday again insisted it was not responsible for the mislabelling that has seen supermarket chains across the continent pull millions of suspect food products from their shelves. “I don’t know who is behind this, but it is not us,” said Spanghero boss Barthelemy Aguerre, adding that the accusations were putting his 300 workers’ jobs on the line. “I will prove our innocence.” Elsewhere, German officials on Monday vowed tighter controls on meat products and stronger penalties for companies that violate food-labeling rules as more items marketed as “all beef” were pulled from supermarket shelves after testing positive for horse meat. Consumer Protection Minister Ilse Aigner and her state counterparts announced a 10-point plan seeking to allay Germans’ fears after five national supermarkets recalled lasagna, chili, tortellini and goulash – all with traces of horse meat.

A man rides his bicycle past torn electoral posters in Rome, on Feb 18. Media mogul and former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi is heading a center-right coalition in the Feb 24-25 national elections, although he has been unclear if he will seek the premiership if they win. In the last electoral polls, before the start of the law-enforced pre-electoral ban, center-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani was leading, with Berlusconi’s alliance in second, followed by center-right parties supporting a Mario Monti agenda. (AP)

LONDON, Feb 18, (AFP): Only one in three Britons would vote to stay in the European Union in a referendum promised by Prime Minister David Cameron, according to a poll published in the Financial Times on Monday. Fifty percent of Britons would vote to leave the bloc, 33 percent would vote to stay in and 17 percent would not vote, the survey by Harris Interactive for the newspaper found. Cameron said in a speech on January 23 that he wants to renegotiate Britain’s relationship with the EU and then put the new terms to the British public in an in-out referendum by the end of 2017. Of those Britons who said they would vote to leave the EU, 12 percent said they would definitely change their minds if there was a successful renegotiation while 47 percent said they possibly would, but 41 percent said it would make no difference.

up across Europe in frozen supermarket meals such as burgers and lasagna, as well as in in beef pasta sauce, on restaurant menus, in school lunches and in hospital meals. Millions of products were pulled from store shelves in Britain, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway after the scandal broke, and supermarkets and food suppliers were told to test processed beef products for horse DNA. In Poland, animal rights campaigners heckled traders at one of Europe’s biggest horse-trading fairs on Monday to try to prevent them selling the animals for meat. Horse breeders have been coming to the open-air fair at Skaryszew the same day every year for the past three centuries, but the tradition is under pressure from activists and, this year, from concern about the Europe-wide trade in horse meat. Starting in the early hours of Monday morning, small groups of activists approached breeders at the fair, in a town about 120 km (75 miles) south of the Polish capital, and tried to prevent them selling their horses. In one confrontation, an activist shouted at a breeder: “You won’t sell that horse. That horse is ill.” Some of the breeders got into angry confrontations with the activists, though there were no physical clashes. One trader swore at the activists and told them to go away. “This is none of your business,” he said. In other news, German discount chain Lidl has pulled two ready-made meals from the shelves of its Finnish and Swedish stores amid fears they could contain horsemeat, the company said on Monday. victims was a pre-schooler and two were school-aged children. “We cannot rule out the toll may rise because we’re looking for another person,” local police spokeswoman Sona Stetinska told AFP. She added the search had been temporarily suspended as “the building is not stable enough.” (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Charges dropped – Cyprus AG: Cyprus’ attorney general on Monday dropped manslaughter and other charges against four defendants on trial for a 2005 plane crash that killed 121 people because a Greek court had already convicted three of them in a separate trial. Greek investigators blamed the crash of the Helios Airways flight outside Athens on human error after an unpressurized cabin knocked out both pilots soon after the Boeing 737-300 took off from Cyprus. A Greek court earlier this month upheld a conviction against former Helios managing director Demetris Pantazis, chief pilot Ianko Stoimenov and operations director George Kikides on a misdemeanor charge of negligent manslaughter. Attorney General Petros Clerides told The Associated Press that he dropped the charges because European Union laws stipulate that defendants tried and convicted in one EU country can’t be tried for the same crime in another EU country. Pantazis and Kikides are Cypriots. Stoimenov is a Bulgarian national. (AP)




World News Roundup Indonesia A small step

Media gives women voice JAKARTA, Indonesia, Feb 18, (AP): A judge being interviewed for a Supreme Court job jokes that women might enjoy rape. A local official takes a 17-year-old second wife, then quickly divorces her by text message. Both cases reflect attitudes toward women’s rights and safety that have persisted for years in this Southeast Asian archipelago nation of 240 million people. The difference now: Both officials are at risk of losing their jobs. Women in this social-mediaobsessed country have been rallying, online and on the streets, against sexist comments and attacks on women. The response is seen as a small step for women’s rights in Indonesia, where the government is secular and most people practice a moderate form of Islam. “We are living in a different era now,” said Yudhoyono Husein Muhammad of the National Commission on Violence Against Women. “... Now we have supporting laws and social media to bring severe consequences and social sanctions.” Still, rights groups say the country remains far behind on many issues involving gender equality and violence. Rape cases often are not properly investigated, and victims are sometimes blamed. And although it is rare to divorce by text message, as Aceng Fikri did last summer, unregistered polygamous marriages such as his are common. Fikri, chief of Garut district in West Java province, called it quits four days after marrying his teenage bride in July. He claimed she was not a virgin, which she denied.

A spectacular snake goddess leads the Chinese New Year parade in Sydney on Feb 17. (Inset): Performers entertain the crowds at the Chinese New Year parade in Sydney on Feb 17. The parade

Australia Assange sees legal defense in politics

Opposition leaps ahead in polls

Chatter A photo of the couple posted on the Internet slowly began to stoke chatter - and then rage. The outcry spread by local media and on Twitter, blogs, Facebook and popular mobile phone networking groups such as BlackBerry and Yahoo Messenger. Thousands of people took to the streets in December to protest. Students and women’s rights activists in Garut demanded that he resign, trampling and spitting on photos of his face before setting them ablaze outside his council building. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono responded by issuing a rare public condemnation of the 40-year-old official and his illegal marriage. The Supreme Court late last month recommended that the president dismiss Fikri for violating the marriage law, and police are investigating the case because it involves a minor. Outrage also erupted in social media in January after Judge Muhammad Daming Sunusi told a parliamentary selection panel for Supreme Court positions that it could be a mistake to impose the death penalty for rape because both the attacker and the victim “might have enjoyed” it. The remark reportedly drew laughter from panel members. Sunusi later apologized and said he been joking. “Enough is enough!” said Muhammad, of the commission on violence against women. “Our officials should no longer mess around and issue ridiculous statements even as a dumb joke.” Not only was Sunusi rejected for a job on the Supreme Court, but the country’s Judicial Commission has recommended that he be dismissed from his position on the South Sumatra High Court. But the Supreme Court would have to agree, and it has said such punishment would be too severe because he made the remark in an interview, not during a trial.

Criticised Sunusi is hardly the first in Indonesia to be criticized for his comments about rape. In 2011, after a woman was gang raped on a minibus, thenJakarta governor Fauzi Bowo drew protests after warning women not to wear miniskirts on public transportation because it could arouse male passengers. Bowo lost his reelection bid last year. A sex-trafficking case involving a 14-year-old girl prompted Education Minister Mohammad Nuh to say last year that not all girls who report such crimes are victims: “They do it for fun, and then the girl alleges that it’s rape,” he said. His response to the criticism he received was that it’s difficult to prove whether sexual assault allegations are “real rapes.”

featured more than 3,500 performers from Australia and China, including 120 performers from Shenzhen, Sydney’s official partner city for this year’s festival. (AFP)

This Aug 19, 2012 file photo shows WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange making a statement to the media and supporters at a window of Ecuadorian Embassy in central London. (AP)



Asia China ships in disputed waters: Chinese government ships entered waters around disputed islands Monday, Japan’s coastguard said, as a senior Japanese diplomat prepared for meetings in Beijing aimed at mending frayed ties. Three state-run Maritime Surveillance vessels were in territorial seas off the Tokyo-controlled Senkaku Islands, which Beijing calls the Diaoyus and claims as its own, for three to five hours, the coastguard said. They left the 12-nautical-mile zone by about 2:00 pm (0500 GMT), it said. Kyodo News Agency reported that Japan had made a formal protest to China about what it believes is an incursion into its sovereign waters. It was the latest in a series of incidents at sea that have also included confrontations between warships, with Japan claiming Chinese vessels locked their weaponstargeting radar onto a ship and a helicopter. Beijing has denied the charge, which rang alarm bells for commentators already warning of the growing possibility of a military exchange that could have disastrous consequences for the region. The row between Asia’s two largest economies blistered in September when Tokyo nationalised three islands in the chain, in what it said was a mere administrative change of ownership. But North Korea’s nuclear test last week somewhat dampened the rhetoric, with the international community keen for China to come onboard a broad move to pressure its sometimes-irksome ally. The Japanese foreign ministry is planning to dispatch Shinsuke Sugiyama, in charge of Asian and Oceanian affairs, on Tuesday for talks with Wu Dawei, China’s special representative for Korean Peninsula affairs, local media said.(AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

SYDNEY, Feb 18, (Agencies): Australia’s opposition coalition has increased its lead as support for Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her Labor Party wanes ahead of September elections, according to a poll published on Monday. The Herald-Nielsen poll for Fairfax newspapers found the opposition would win 55 percent of the vote, against 45 percent for the Labor-led government. As a single party, without minority backers, Labor would win just 30 percent of first preference votes — a fall of five points since the last Nielsen survey in December. The coalition climbed four points by the same measure, taking its primary vote to 47 percent. Opposition leader Tony Abbott overtook Gillard in the preferred prime minister stakes, surging nine points to 49 percent while the prime minister dropped five points to 45 percent. Gillard sought to downplay the figures, which suggest that her gamble in announcing the election nearly eight months before polling day was not well received by voters. “We see a lot of opinion polls,” Gillard told Seven Network television. “If I spent time worrying about them and commentating on opinion polls then I wouldn’t have the time to get my job done.

Tradition “So each and every day I just let that wash through and I focus on what I need to do as prime minister.” Gillard broke with tradition by fix-

foreign ministry restated its “firm opposition” to the blast but mentioned no reprisals — a mild reply compared to the condemnation and threats of tough sanctions by the US and other nations. Beijing has propped up Pyongyang since the 1950-53 Korean War, for fear of

ing the September 14 election date well ahead of time, hoping to force the opposition to detail its policies and costings. However Labor’s retreat from a much-vaunted promise to restore the budget to surplus this year, the failure of a controversial mining tax to raise much revenue and corruption scandals have dominated headlines. The prime minister’s approval ratings plunged six points to 40 percent and her disapproval level rose six to 56 percent. The national poll of 1,400 voters, taken from Thursday to Saturday, found the gap between Gillard and former Labor prime minister Kevin Rudd had widened. Sixty-one percent of respondents favoured Rudd against 35 percent for Gillard. Despite his protests to the contrary, speculation is rife of another Rudd tilt at the Labor leadership either before the polls or after election defeat. Rudd was deposed by Gillard, then his deputy, in a shock party-room ouster before the 2010 elections. He mounted a challenge last February but lost 71-31 in a secret leadership ballot. Nielsen pollster John Stirton told the Sydney Morning Herald the results were a bad sign for Labor. “It confirms that the trend to Labor that ran from May to November last year and appeared to stall over Christmas is now heading in the opposite direction.” ❑

CANBERRA, Australia: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange regards his

instability that might bring refugees into its territory, a US-led military escalation in the region or even a unified Korea with a US military presence next door. While Washington has pressed Beijing to use its trade and aid leverage over its dependent neighbour, some in China

claim the US in fact holds greater sway as it can offer North Korea its most-soughtafter prize of a security guarantee. “The United States should take the major share of blame for rising tensions on the peninsula,” the China Daily said, citing a researcher from the state-affiliated

WikiLeaks Australian Citizens Alliance spokeswoman Sam Castro said last week that if Assange was elected and was unable to take his Senate seat, another nominated WikiLeaks Party member would be chosen to fill the vacancy. The party would run on a platform of transparency in government, she said. Assange’s election campaign already has the endorsement of his parents. His father, Sydney architect John Shipton, said he will be the chief executive of the newly-formed party. “The party stands for what Julian espouses — transparency and accountability in government and, of course, human rights,” he added. Assange’s mother Christine Assange said public support indicated he would be elected. “There is a lot of enthusiasm in people for a change,” she said. Assange told the website the Swedish allegations against him were “falling apart” and police should drop the case. The US Department of Justice has been investigating WikiLeaks since the secret-busting website began distributing hundreds of thousands of classified US documents. But few details of that investigation have been made public. Assange’s supporters suggest the Swedish case is being pursued as an avenue to extradite him to the US, though the Swedish government denies it.

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. “The US did not respect the security concerns of (North Korea) and that is the reason why the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula has not been solved,” it said, paraphrasing an expert from the respected Tsinghua University. (AFP)

Empathy for weak strong theme in story

Forgotten work by author uncovered

China paper blames US: A Chinese state-run newspaper blamed Washington Monday for the North Korean nuclear crisis and another stressed Beijing’s limited scope for action, six days after tensions rose with a third atomic test. The finger-pointing came as China’s

bid to become an Australian senator as a defense against potential criminal prosecution in the United States and Britain, a news website reported on Monday. Assange spoke to The Conversation website at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where he was granted asylum in June to avoid extradition to Sweden on sex crime allegations. If he wins a Senate seat at elections on Sept 24, Assange told the website that the US Department of Justice would drop its espionage investigation rather than risk a diplomatic row. The British government would follow suit, otherwise “the political costs of the current standoff will be higher still,”Assange told the website. Assange supporters last week enrolled him to vote in Victoria state, a necessary step toward being nominated as a candidate. Nominations for the Senate are likely to close on Aug 22, and the six-year term of office would begin on July 1, 2014. Australians living overseas can enroll to vote and consequently run as a Senate candidate if they left Australia within the past three years and intend to return within six years of their date of departure. Assange said he was last in Australia in June 2010. Assange plans to register a new political party, the WikiLeaks Party, to run Senate candidates in several Australian states. He told the website he was sure the party would attract the minimum 500 fee-paying members required to be registered.

Residents salvage their belongings while floods inundate the city of Manado on Feb 17. At least 13 people were killed over the weekend in Indonesia after heavy rains triggered floods and landslides, officials said. Flooding and landslides hit North Sulawesi province’s capital city Manado early Sunday, killing 10 people and prompting another 1,200 to be evacuated, national disaster management agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said. (AFP)

TOKYO, Feb 18, (AFP): A previously unknown short story by Japan’s first Nobel Prize-winning author Yasunari Kawabata, best-known for the novel “Snow Country”, has been uncovered by researchers decades after his death. Written early in his career, “Utsukushii!” (“Beautiful!”) appeared in April and May 1927 in a newspaper in Fukuoka, western Japan, Takumi Yasunari Ishikawa of Rikkyo University and his fellow researchers found, Ishikawa told AFP Monday. Ishikawa and Hiroshi Sakaguchi, publisher and director at a literary muse-

um in Fukuoka, discovered the unrecorded work while looking back through the paper’s archives. It was verified as a genuine article by the Kawabata Foundation, he said. The Kawabata Foundation is a body dedicated to preserving the late author’s work, and annually awards a prize named after him. “Utsukushii!” is the story of an industrialist who buries a young girl in his disabled son’s grave after she suffers an accident while visiting the tomb. On the common gravestone, the father inscribes: “A beautiful young boy and beautiful young girl sleep together”. Loneliness and empathy for the weak are strong themes in the story, which was first published when Kawabata was 27, immediately after the release of “The Dancing Girl of Izu,” Ishikawa said.




Africa ‘Darfur recovery needs $6b’: The economic recovery of Sudan’s war-ravaged Darfur needs an estimated $6 billion, the region’s top official said on Sunday in Khartoum, appealing for international support 10 years after an insurrection began. Eltigani Seisi made the comments in an interview with AFP ahead of an April 7-8 donors’ conference in Qatar. Analysts are sceptical that major funds will be forthcoming. “If the international community refrains from providing support then how could we be able to stabilise the situation on the ground?” Seisi said. “And how could the Ban people of Darfur have dividends for peace?” United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon reported in January that a 2011 armistice deal, signed in Doha, has yet to bring “concrete peace dividends” for Darfur’s neediest. The UN says 1.4 million still live in camps for people displaced by fighting. “I am increasingly concerned that this lack of meaningful progress will erode the confidence of the people of Darfur and the international community in the Doha document,” Ban said. He called it “particularly regrettable” that provisions for the voluntary return of the displaced, the disbanding of militia, and reconstruction and development have not been implemented. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

$50k for info on killers: A Somali official says in Mogadishu the government is offering a $50,000 reward for information that would lead to the convictions of those killing journalists. Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon said over the weekend that the reward will help ensure that such killers are brought to justice. Somalia is one of the world’s most dangerous countries in which to practice journalism, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Last year 18 Somali journalists were killed, but no arrests were made. So far this year one reporter has been killed, bringing to 45 the total number of journalists killed here since 2007. The National Union of Somali Journalists said last year that impunity is a fundamental problem in Somalia. It said no one has been convicted for the deaths of the journalists. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Runners throw paint powder at the finish line of the Kolorfest race in Guatemala City on Feb 17. About 1,500 people participated in the event to raise money for charities. (AFP)

Venezuela Supporters celebrate

Chavez makes surprise return

Ramphele launches new party: Respected anti-apartheid activist Mamphela Ramphele launched a new political party on Monday to challenge South Africa’s ruling ANC, saying selfinterested and corrupt leaders were threatening the continent’s biggest economy in Johannesburg. Invoking the spirit of Nelson Mandela and the optimism that prevailed at South Africa’s first all-race elections in 1994, Ramphele said the dream of the “Rainbow Nation” was dying under the African National Congress (ANC). “Our society’s greatness is being undermined by a massive failure of governance,” she said, urging South Africans to “build our nation into the country of our dreams”. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

Supporters of Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa celebrate his re-election, outside the Carondelet presidential palace in Quito on Feb 17. (AFP)

DRC peace agreement to be signed: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will attend a signing ceremony next week in Addis Ababa for an accord aimed at pacifying the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, his spokesman said Sunday in United Nations. Ban’s spokesman, Martin Nesirky, told AFP that invitations for the ceremony went out on Friday. “He intends to be at the event on Feb 24 in Addis Ababa. All the invited presidents have committed to either be there or delegate power to sign,” he said. The Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Angola, Congo, South Africa and Tanzania are expected to sign the framework agreement, after refusing to do so at an African Union summit in Addis last month. UN officials have said that the disagreement had not been over the content of the agreement, but over procedural concerns. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

First Lady describes ‘illness’: Nigeria’s first lady has described details of a mystery illness she had that the country’s presidency refused to discuss. Patience Jonathan, wife of President Goodluck Jonathan, talked about the illness at a church service Sunday at Aso Rock, the nation’s presidential villa. Jonathan said she had her “intestine and tummy opened” and later fell unconscious for a week. She said she had “eight or nine” surgeries in all and some “sold my things off” because they thought she was dead. The first lady said: “My doctors said all hope was lost.” In September, Jonathan disappeared from public view. Officials said she had “food poisoning” and was receiving medical treatment abroad. She returned in October visibly thinner. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Awareness campaigners arrested: A community group in Zimbabwe says a pastor and three activists were arrested for holding a voter education meeting a day after President Robert Mugabe announced March 16 as the date for a referendum on a new constitution. The Center for Community Development said Sunday the four were campaigning for people to register as voters for the referendum and national elections later in the year. They were detained in police cells in Chegutu town, 100 kms (60 miles) southwest of Harare, on unspecified charges after the Saturday meeting. Under sweeping security laws, political gatherings require police clearance. The Zimbabwe prime minister’s party has called for the security laws to be urgently repealed ahead of polling. Another two rights and democracy groups have been raided by police in the past week. (AP)



Lat/Am Correa celebrates victory: Ecuadoran leader Rafael Correa insisted his revolution is unstoppable as he celebrated victory Monday in the country’s presidential election, with early results giving him a huge 33-point lead over his main rival. “Nobody is going to stop this revolution. We are making history,” said Correa in Quito, claiming outright victory in the first round of the vote. “We are building our small homeland, and a larger one, too” he said Sunday, referring to Latin America. With 54 percent of the ballots counted, Correa was ahead with nearly 57 percent of the vote, compared to banker Guillermo Lasso’s 23.7 percent. To avoid a second round run-off, Correa must secure either 50 percent of the valid votes or 40 percent with a 10-point lead over the nearest contender. And the numbers indicated there was little that could stop him from achieving this goal. Lasso, who served as finance minister during an economic crisis in the 1990s, conceded defeat shortly after the results were announced. “Decent people like you, my family and my co-workers recognized the victories of other, and this night, I want to recognize the victory of President Rafael Correa,” Lasso said in his concession speech. Correa, 49, told a crowd from the balcony of the presidential palace that he was determined to continue serving his people and ensuring the country’s progress. “And I’d like to take this chance to dedicate this victory to that great Latin American leader who changed Venezuela, Comandante Hugo Chavez Frias,” Correa said, the cancer-stricken Venezuelan president a swift recovery in Cuba. Charismatic in his supporters’ eyes and authoritarian to his foes, Correa’s announcement came shortly after polls closed in an election he had been widely expected to win. Correa, a Roman Catholic supporter of left-leaning liberation theology, grew up in lower-middle class surroundings, mostly separated from his father who served time in a US prison on minor drug charges. At a time when such social mobility was no small feat, Correa was able to rise up and get a Masters at the Catholic University of Leuven, in Belgium, and go on to earn a doctorate in economics from the University

CARACAS, Feb 18, (Agencies): Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez made a surprise return from Cuba on Monday more than two months after surgery for cancer that has jeopardized his 14-year rule of the South American OPEC member. The 58-year-old socialist leader’s homecoming will fuel supporters’ hopes he could return to active rule but there was no new information on his medical state and Chavez might be simply hoping to smooth a transition. After a six-hour operation in Cuba on Dec 11, Chavez had not been seen or heard in public until photos were published of him on Friday. “We have arrived back in the Venezuelan fatherland. Thanks, my God! Thanks, my beloved people! Here we will continue the treatment,” Chavez said via Twitter after flying in. There had been speculation Chavez was not well enough to travel despite wanting to return for continued treatment for the disease he was first diagnosed with in mid-2011. But Vice President Nicolas Maduro said Chavez flew in at about 2:30 am local time (0700 GMT) from Havana and was in a military hospital in Caracas, where a crowd was gathering. “I remain attached to Christ and trusting in my nurses and doctors,” Chavez also tweeted. “Onwards to victory forever! We will live and we will conquer!” He added his thanks to Cuban leaders Raul and Fidel Castro for his treatment there. Fidel Castro on Monday hailed President Hugo Chavez’s return to his native Venezuela after spending two months in Cuba for cancer surgery and convalescence. In a letter published by the official of Illinois, in the US. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Correa calls for resolution: Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa called on Europe Sunday to quickly settle the fate of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange who has been holed up in the country’s embassy

Cuban news agency, the former Cuban president said he was happy that for the Venezuelan people “a long and anxious wait” was over, thanks to what he called Chavez’s physical strength and the dedication of Cuban doctors. Chavez’s arrival thrilled supporters in the nation of 29 million people, where his common touch and welfare policies have made him an idol to the poor. “It’s fabulous news, the best thing possible,” Chavez’s cousin, Guillermo Frias, told Reuters from the president’s rural birthplace in Barinas state. “Venezuela was waiting for him, everyone wants to see him. Welcome home! Thank God he’s back!” Fireworks could be heard going off in some Caracas neighborhoods as news spread and celebrations began among “Chavistas.” Government ministers were jubilant with one singing “He’s back, he’s back!” live on state TV. They asked Chavez’s euphoric supporters to respect the peace of patients at the military hospital. Chavez’s arrival implied some improvement in his condition, at least enough to handle a flight of several hours. But aides have emphasized in recent days his state remains delicate. “It’s a complex, difficult situation, but Chavez is battling and fighting for his life,” Foreign Minister Elias Jaua said during the weekend as he described a recent visit to Chavez.

Operation The December operation in Havana was his fourth for the cancer first detected in his pelvic area in June 2011. On Friday, the government published photos showing Chavez lying in a hospital. Officials said he was breathing through a tracheal tube and in Britain for eight months. “It’s a diplomatic situation for which a solution must be found... as quickly as possible,” Correa told reporters in Quito shortly after declaring victory in presidential elections, saying the Australian’s fate lies “in Europe’s hands.” Assange, a former computer hacker and

struggling to speak. Chavez’s pre-dawn return was a typical surprise move for the former soldier whose rule has combined constant political theatrics with thundering anti-US rhetoric, tough treatment of opponents and lavish spending of oil revenues on the poor. Opponents have been decrying government secrecy over Chavez’s condition, and some have called for a formal declaration that he is unfit to rule. That would trigger a new presidential election within 30 days, probably between Maduro and opposition leader Henrique Capriles.

Favorite Maduro, a 50-year-old former bus driver, is Chavez’s preferred successor and would be favorite to win a close vote in such a scenario. “Uncertainty over a possible presidential election remains intact, despite the president’s return,” Venezuelan political analyst Luis Vicente Leon said. After winning re-election in October last year, and wrongly declaring himself cured, Chavez was unable to attend his own swearing-in ceremony in January. To the fury of his foes, Venezuela’s Supreme Court ruled that he remained president and could be sworn in later. That could now happen at the military hospital. “Now the president is back, there can be no doubt about the democratic institutions working in Venezuela,” Information Minister Ernesto Villegas said. “There were some who dream of unseating Chavez and the revolution, but here we always said Chavez is the president elected and re-elected by will of the Venezuelan people.” Chavez’s return will eclipse national debate over a recent devaluation of Australian citizen, founded the WikiLeaks anti-secrecy website that enraged Washington by releasing cables and war logs relating to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in the biggest security breach in US history. Assange fled to Ecuador’s embassy in June after losing his battle in the British

Three-month tour

Blogger in Brazil

Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez (left), says goodbye to her family upon departing from Havana’s airport on Feb 17. (AFP)

SAO PAULO, Feb 18, (AP): Cuban dissident blogger Yoani Sanchez has arrived in Brazil — her first stop in a three-month tour of 12 nations. Sanchez was barred from leaving Cuba for the last decade. But she’s taking advantage of the communist island’s relaxation on travel restrictions. Sanchez arrived in northeastern Brazil early Monday. She’s expected to participate in the screening of a documentary on press freedom in Cuba in which she appears. Sanchez was greeted by a small group of protesters calling her a CIA agent upon arriving in Brazil.

the local currency. It has proved highly popular among Venezuelans but opposition parties see it as evidence of economic incompetence by the government. Unlike previous returns to Venezuela after treatment, state media showed no images of Chavez this time. His lengthy absence in Cuba had fuelled a long-held opposition accusation that Venezuela’s government was being manipulated and directed from Havana. Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro is a political mentor and father figure to Chavez and Castro visited him regularly in the hospital. Some 20 Venezuelan students have spent the past four days chained up close to the Cuban Embassy in Caracas in protest of what they see as interference from Havana in internal affairs. Capriles welcomed Chavez back but pointedly said he hoped it would mean a return to order in government and attention to Venezuelans’ daily problems. Meanwhile, Venezuela’s foreign minister, Elias Jaua, said Sunday that President Hugo Chavez has asked his diplomats to seek improved relations with the United States. Chavez has had a rocky relationship with Washington for years, though the United States remains the top buyer of oil from Venezuela. “We want to have a good relationship with the United States, but we are not desperate,” said Jaua, speaking in an interview broadcast on the local Televen TV channel. The US Embassy in Caracas has been without an ambassador since July 2010 when Chavez rejected the US nominee for ambassador, accusing him of making disrespectful remarks about Venezuela’s government. That led Washington to revoke the visa of the Venezuelan ambassador. courts against extradition to Sweden, where he faces questioning over allegations of rape and sexual assault. Ecuador granted Assange asylum in August but Britain has refused to allow him safe passage. By helping him, Ecuador “did what it had to do in the framework of its sovereignty,” Correa said, urging European courts to take up the matter. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Farmer killed in restive area: A farmer was killed in a restive area of Honduras plagued by tensions between large landowners switching to higher-earning crops and landless workers, a group said Sunday in Tegucigalpa. Jose Trajo, 55, was shot dead late Saturday in San Isidro de Tocoa in the Aguan region of northern Honduras, the local farm workers’ union reported. More than 90 people have been killed in the past three years in the Aguan Valley. In 2009, farm workers began squatting illegally on property owned by large landholders that was being converted to growing African palm. Landowners have hired guards to protect the holdings. The farm workers, however, say the land should be theirs because the government gave it to them in a 1980 land reform. Things were further complicated in 1992 by legal changes that enabled the farmers to sell their plots, which some apparently did to larger landholders. (AFP)




World News Roundup Ecology Disease threat

Bird invasion brings horror NASHVILLE, Tennessee, Feb 18, (RTRS): Millions of birds have descended on a small Kentucky city this winter, fouling the landscape, scaring pets and raising the risk for disease in a real-life version of Alfred Hitchcock’s horror film, “The Birds.” The blackbirds and European starlings blacken the sky of Hopkinsville, Kentucky, before roosting at dusk, turn the landscape white with bird poop, and the disease they carry can kill a dog and sicken humans. “I have seen them come in, and there are enough that if the sun is just right, they’ll cloud your vision of the sun,” said HopkinsvilleChristian County historian William Turner. “I estiTribble mate there are millions of them.” David Chiles, president of the Little River Audubon Society, said the fact that migratory flocks are roosting in the city rather than flying further south is tied to climate warming. “The weather, the climate plays a big role,” said Chiles, the bird enthusiast who also teaches biology at Hopkinsville High School.

Feed “They somehow establish a roost south of where the ground is frozen solid,” he explained. “They are ground feeders, feeding on leftover crops and insects. If the fields are frozen solid, they can’t feed.” Although the birds have not turned on humans as in the classic 1963 Hitchcock movie featuring vicious attacks on people in a small northern California town, the city has taken defensive measures. The south-central Kentucky city of 35,000 people, about an hour north of Nashville, has hired a pest control company to get rid of the interlopers. Henry Jako, general manager of McGee Pest Control, said crews use air cannons and “bird-bangers” – similar to bottle rocket fireworks aimed into the trees where the birds roost. The artillery attacks are disturbing some locals as well as the birds. “It scares my little dog to death,” said Christian County JudgeExecutive Steve Tribble. “I don’t know what it does other than move the birds from one tree to the next.” Jako said that in the worst-affected neighborhoods, multiple cannons and consecutive blasts are being used to keep the birds moving.

Huge When they fly away, the birds leave behind a huge volume of excrement. “I’ve got an apple tree that has almost turned white,” Tribble said. “Any vehicle parked outside is covered up. I guess it’s good for folks that have car washes.” Historian Turner said that the blackbird invasion this year is the worst he’s witnessed since the late 1970s, when Hopkinsville suffered a similar bird blitz. “We aren’t seeing the temperatures go as low as zero like we used to. Now we very often don’t even see temperatures in the teens around here,” Jako said. “If the birds are comfortable, they are going to stay around,” he added. The birds also pose a serious health hazard because their droppings can carry a fungal disease called histoplasmosis, which can cause lung infections and symptoms similar to pneumonia, according to the Centers for Disease Control website. “It does become a matter of public health,” said Dr. Wade Northington, director of the Murray State University Breathitt Veterinary Center, an animal disease diagnostic facility whose territory covers a 200mile (322-km) radius from Hopkinsville, including parts of Tennessee, Illinois and Indiana. “The blackbirds are able to harbor this organism ... so it can be shed in their droppings and it becomes a problem, especially where they tend to roost in extremely high numbers,” he said. It can cause illness in humans, and is particularly dangerous for people with compromised immune systems or respiratory ailments, he said. It can be fatal for canines. Turner, who suffered histoplasmosis decades ago after excavating family property that once held a chicken coop, describes the disease as debilitating. “I didn’t have any energy, and I didn’t have much appetite and lost weight,” he said. The droppings contaminate the soil, making it unhealthy for years. It is a worry for dog owners, said Northington. “It can be very expensive and take months to get it arrested and get an animal cured from it,” Northington said.

This handout photo released on Feb 18 by the European Southern Observatory shows a celestial landscape of vast, glowing clouds of gas and tendrils of dust surrounding hot young stars. This infrared view reveals the stellar nursery known as NGC 6357 in a new light. It was taken as part of the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey, which is currently scanning the Milky Way in a bid to map our galaxy’s structure and explain how it formed. (Inset): This undated composite image courtesy of

NASA shows the distribution of dark matter, galaxies, and hot gas in the core of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 520, formed from a violent collision of massive galaxy clusters. The natural-color image of the galaxies was taken with NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii. Superimposed on the image are ‘false-colored’ maps showing the concentration of starlight, hot gas, and dark matter in the cluster. (AFP)

Space High-powered tools track cosmic particles

Black matter breakthroughs seen

Chief Phil Lane of the Yankton Dakota and Chickasaw First Nations speaks on the steps of City Hall during the ‘Forward on Climate’ rally to call on President Obama to take strong action on the climate crisis on Feb 17, in Los Angeles, California. Organizers say the rally, which is led by Tar Sands Action Southern California and Sierra Club, is composed of a coalition of over 90 groups and coincides with similar rallies in Washington DC and other US cities. (AFP)



Discovery Keystone pipeline protested: Thousands of protesters gathered on the Washington’s National Mall on Sunday calling on US President Barack Obama to reject the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline proposal and honor his inaugural pledge to act on climate change. Organizers of the “Forward on Climate” event estimated that 35,000 people from 30 states turned out in cold, blustery conditions for what they said was the biggest climate rally in US history. Police did not verify the crowd size. Protesters also marched around the nearby White House, chanting “Keystone pipeline? Shut it down.” Among the celebrities on hand were actresses Rosario Dawson and Evangeline Lilly, and hedge fund manager and environmentalist Tom Steyer. The event came days after a bipartisan group of US senators made the latest call for Obama to approve the $5.3 billion pipeline, seen by many as an engine for job growth and another step toward energy independence. A new poll by Harris Interactive showed 69 percent of respondents said they support construction of the pipeline, with only 17 percent saying they oppose it. One of Sunday’s main organizers, cli-

BOSTON, Massachusetts, Feb 18, (AFP): For decades, the strange substance called dark matter has teased physicists, challenging conventional notions of the cosmos. Today, though, scientists believe that with the help of multi-billion-dollar tools, they are closer than ever to piercing the mystery — and the first clues may be unveiled just weeks from now. “We are so excited because we believe we are on the threshold of a major discovery,” said Michael Turner, director of the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago, at an annual conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Dark matter throws down the gauntlet to the so-called Standard Model of physics. Elegant and useful for identifying the stable of particles and forces that regulate our daily life, the Standard Model only tells part of the cosmic story. For one thing, it does not explain gravity, although we know how to measure gravity and exploit it for our needs. And the Standard Model has been found to account for only around four or five percent of the stuff in the Universe. The rest is dark matter, making up 23 percent, and dark energy, an enigmatic force that appears to drive the mate activist Bill McKibben, said that approving the pipeline, which would transport crude oil from the oil sands of northern Alberta to refineries and ports in Texas, would be akin to lighting a “carbon

Test confirms pieces came from outer space

Scientists claim meteorites discovery MOSCOW, Feb 18, (AFP): Scientists announced the discovery Monday of dozens of tiny fragments of a massive meteor whose ground-shaking shockwave hurt 1,200 people and damaged buildings across five regions of Russia. The giant space rock streaked spectacularly over the central city of Chelyabinsk on Friday before exploding with the force of 30 of the nuclear bombs dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima during World War II. There was initial disappointment when Russian emergency ministry workers who scoured a lake where at least some of the fragments were believed to have fallen were unable to find anything in their initial search over the weekend.

But members of the Russian Academy of Sciences who conducted chemical tests on some unusual rock formations they found on Sunday said the pieces had come from outer space. “We confirm that the particles of a substance found by our expedition near Lake Chebarkul really do have the composition of a meteorite,” RIA Novosti quoted Russian Academy of Sciences member Viktor Grokhovsky as saying. Grokhovsky’s Urals Federal University separately posted a photograph of a person holding a tiny piece of a black shiny rock between his index finger and thumb. “This meteorite belongs to the class of regular chondrites,” the university statement said in refer-

ence to a type of meteorite that contains small mineral granules. Grokhovsky said the rock in question — one of a set of 53 that measure no more than a centimetre (half an inch) in length and were found in the snow near the lake — was composed in part of iron as well as chrysolite and sulfite. The emergency ministry said it could not comment on the scientists’ find because it was focusing on the search for a much larger meteorite that could have blasted an eight-metre (26-foot) ice hole in the lake. “That was quite a large hole in the ice sheet cover, and we are looking for an object of a corresponding size,” ministry spokesman Vyacheslav Ladonkin said by telephone.

expansion of the Universe, which accounts for around 72 or 73 percent. “On the cosmology side we now understand that this mysterious dark matter holds together our galaxy and the rest of the Universe,” said Turner. “And the tantalizing thing on the cosmology side is that we have an airtight case that the dark matter is made

of something new... there is no particle in the Standard Model that can account for dark matter.” The dark matter theory was born 80 years ago when Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky discovered that there was not enough mass in observable stars or galaxies to allow the force of gravity to hold them together.

To track these phantom particles, physicists rely on several methods and tools. One is the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) aboard the International Space Station (ISS), which captures gamma rays coming from collisions of dark matter particles.

bomb” that could cause irreparable harm to the climate. “For 25 years our government has basically ignored the climate crisis: now people in large numbers are finally demand-

ing they get to work,” said McKibben, founder of the environmental group 350.org. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

‘Illegal excavations’

18 mosaics stolen

A Filipino protester shouts slogans during a rally near the US Embassy in Manila, Philippines on Feb 18. Activists protested the alleged destruction of the coral reef by the USS Guardian, a US minesweeper, which ran aground off Tubbataha Reef, a World Heritage Site, southwest of the Philippines on Jan 17. (AP)

DAMASCUS, Feb 18, (AFP): At least 18 ancient mosaics depicting scenes from Homer’s “The Odyssey” have been stolen in northern Syria, the culture minister was quoted as saying on Sunday. “These mosaics were stolen during illegal excavations” on archaeological sites in the wartorn country’s northeast, Lubana Mushaweh said in an interview published on Sunday by the government daily Tishreen. “We have been informed that these mosaics are now on the Syrian-Lebanese border,” she said without elaborating. As the nearly two-year Syrian revolt has morphed into an armed insurgency, experts say fierce fighting and deteriorating security have left the country’s extraordinary archaeological heritage susceptible to damage and prey to a rising number of looters.

Hummingbirds migrating earlier: Ruby-throated hummingbirds are migrating to North America weeks earlier than in decades past, and research indicates that higher temperatures in their winter habitat may be the reason. Researchers say in Charleston, South Carolina the early arrival could mean less food at nesting time for the tiny birds that feed on insect pests, help pollinate flowers and are popular with birdwatchers. “Hummingbirds are charismatic, and they do things that fascinate us,” said Ron Johnson, a scientist at Clemson University and one of the study’s authors. “They fly backward, and they hover, and they will come to feeders at homes so people can easily see them.” Johnson and colleagues from Clemson; Taylor University in Upland, Indiana; and the University of Nebraska last month published an article on the migration of the hummingbirds in The Auk, the Journal of the American Ornithologists Union. The birds, which weigh little more than a nickel coin, fly hundreds of miles (kilometers) over the Gulf of Mexico from their wintering grounds in Central America to arrive in North America. The research compared data on their first arrival times from 1890 to 1969 with arrival times during the past 15 years or so. (AP)

‘Best collection of movies we’ve had in 20 years’

Oscars best picture nominees hits, too, for a change


NEW YORK, Feb 18, (AP): How accurate is “Zero Dark Thirty”? Is “Lincoln” an epic of historical recreation or a high school history lesson? What did you think of “Django Unchained”? Can we get Anne Hathaway something to eat, already? As a crop, this year’s nine best picture nominees has been one of the most talk-provoking, op-Edgenerating bunches in recent Oscar history. From “Argo” to “Life of Pi,” they’ve largely been popular at the box office, too. This year, the question “Have you seen ...?” has been a frequent one, and often the reply has been positive. The movies have been

debated, criticized, mulled over and tweeted. Above all, they’ve been relevant. That hasn’t always been the case, particularly in years where most best-picture candidates — and this is no slight to their worthiness — have struggled to surpass $100 million at the domestic box office. Last year, of the nine nominees, only “The Help” managed to pass that threshold. This year, five have (“Argo,” “Les Miserables,” “Lincoln,” “Django” and “Life of Pi”) and two more are very close (“Zero Dark Thirty” and “Silver Linings Playbook”).

Proved Many of this year’s nominees have done particularly well over-

seas. Ang Lee’s “Life of Pi” has proved an international juggernaut, approaching $600 million worldwide. The most heartwarming story of this year’s Oscars isn’t necessarily the 9-year-old star of “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” Quvenzhane Wallis. It could very well be the pervasive success of serious films for adults. Part of what makes this year’s class remarkable is that they aren’t obvious box-office draws. Westerns are supposed to be dated. Excessively detailed stories about congressional politics aren’t usually popcorn-munching hits. Religious-minded films centered on an unknown young actor and a

digital tiger adrift on a boat don’t typically steamroll like a superhero blockbuster. “The movies worked,” Harvey Weinstein, co-chairman of the Weinstein Co., which released “Silver Linings Playbook” and “Django Unchained,” said at a recent Producers Guild of America event. He called the best picture nominees “the best collection of movies we’ve had in 20 years” and claimed the studios have a new boldness to “just go for it.” That’s probably overstating the artistic drive of the studios, which are already on to releasing their typical mid-winter dreck ahead of their bloated summer franchise

films. But the studios are also well represented at this year’s Oscars: Warner Bros. has “Argo,” Universal has “Les Miserables,” Disney has “Lincoln,” Fox has “Life of Pi” and Sony has “Zero Dark Thirty.”

Financing Several of those films were produced with outside financing, but they all benefited from the strong distribution and marketing of a major studio. It all points to strong health for Hollywood: A star-studded awards gala of nine varied movies to cap a boffo 2012. The year’s domestic box office hit a record $10.8 billion and the number of tickets sold

increased for the first time in three years. “The good news is there’s a robust body of moviegoers seeing quality films. That’s the real story,” says Peter Guber, the veteran producer and chairman of Mandalay Entertainment who produced the best picture-winning “Rain Man,” among others. “I have great hope that the films this year that did all this business will spawn more adult films and more films that have thoughtful content. I hope that will be the case, I really do,” says Guber. “But if you look at the lineup for this year, what you’ll see is sequels, remakes, re-dos, prequels and franchises.”




Models present creations by Margaret Howell during the 2013 Autumn/Winter London Fashion Week in London on Feb 17. (AFP) — See Page 25

Film Movie has action, suspense and spectacle LOS ANGELES: The fifth movie in the Bruce Willis “Die Hard” franchise scored the biggest box-office action over the US holiday weekend, beating out love story “Safe Haven,” which came in third for the Friday-through-Sunday period. “A Good Day to Die Hard,” with Willis returning as the tenacious, wisecracking hero John McClane, pulled in $25 million at US and Canadian theaters over the three days, according to studio estimates. The tally was expected to approach a total of $40 million for the five days that began with Thursday’s Valentine’s Day and ends with Monday’s Presidents Day holiday in the United States. “Die Hard” beat “Safe Haven,” an adaptation of a Nicholas Sparks novel that was aimed at luring couples during the week of Valentine’s Day. The film, which stars Julianne Hough and Josh Duhamel, pulled in $21.4 million over the three days. Last weekend’s box office winner, the Melissa McCarthy comedy “Identity Thief,” stayed strong and ended up taking second place with $23.4 million from Friday to Sunday. Willis prevailed with his reprisal of a role he played four previous times starting with the original “Die Hard” in 1988. Those movies grossed $1.1 billion around the world and made Willis a global action star. In the new movie, McClane travels to Russia to help his estranged son, a CIA operative played by Jai Courtney, in a fight to prevent a nuclear weapons heist. Chris Aronson, president of domestic distribution at 20th Century Fox studio, said the film performed “right on par with our expectations,” which was near $40 million for the five-day period. Audiences were about 55 percent male and 45 percent female, with just over one-third under the age of 25 and twothirds 25 and older, which Aronson said was in line with the franchise’s last installment. “It just shows the consistency

Int’l hit ‘Pi’ flips H’wood formula LOS ANGELES, Feb 18, (AP): In mathematical terms, divide the circumference of the world by its diameter, and you have pi. In Hollywood terms, add a United Nations mix of ingredients and you have the blockbuster “Life of Pi.” With 11 Academy Awards nominations — second only to “Lincoln” with 12 — and the sort of global box-office receipts normally reserved for superheroes, “Life of Pi” is one of the most unusual megahits ever to hit the big-screen. Approaching $600 million at the box office worldwide, the film is by far the top-grosser among the nine best-picture nominees — with $200 million more than “Les Miserables” and “Django Unchained,” its closest rivals. “Life of Pi” has action, suspense and spectacle, but it’s a thoughtful, contemplative, internalized film, a philosophical and even cryptic story that touched something in the worldwide psyche resulting in business in the realm of more traditional Hollywood hits such as “The Hunger Games,” “Men in Black 3” and “Brave.” Though backed by 20th Century Fox, the film has an international sensibility that “Life of Pi” director Ang Lee hopes will gradually become part of everyday business in Hollywood, which has a long history of telling tales — even overseas ones — with an American perspective.

Talent “It’s a global movie culture. The mainstream cinematic language was largely set up by Hollywood, Americans, therefore it’s American. Some European directors, but it was an American spirit,” Lee said. “I think the film language that’s established here, that’s the biggest obstacle when you try to do something different. You know, the world views things differently. They

of the fan base,” he said. The opening was nearly double the total of the original “Die Hard,” adjusted for inflation, but down significantly from the previous three films in the franchise, according to figures from boxofficemojo.com. The film added another $61 million to its total at internation-


have different life experiences.” As does the talent behind “Life of Pi.” The film is based on the best-selling novel by Canadian author Yann Martel, a globetrotting writer born in Spain. Lee grew up in Taiwan, went to film school at New York University and has become one of Hollywood’s most-eclectic filmmakers, turning his martial-arts epic “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” into a critical and commercial smash and winning the best-director Oscar for “Brokeback Mountain.” Along with Lee, who’s up for best director and best picture as a producer on “Life of Pi,” the film’s Oscar-nominated collaborators include American screenwriter David Magee, Canadian composer Mychael Danna, Chilean cinematographer Claudio Miranda and Indian lyricist Bombay Jayashri, who sings the theme song, which she co-wrote with Danna. The film’s largely Indian cast is led by newcomer Suraj Sharma as teenage Pi Patel and Irrfan Khan as adult Pi, with French superstar Gerard Depardieu and British actor Rafe Spall co-starring. “Every big movie doesn’t need to be American. This movie had virtually nothing American about it,” said Gitesh Pandya, who runs the website Boxofficeguru.com. “The more we see examples of these unorthodox films with global settings that are actually making the cash registers ring, it’s a step in the direction of trying to find more of them.” “Life of Pi” follows the spiritual journey of an Indian youth who creates his own multicultural, interdenominational world view by embracing Hindu, Islamic and Christian beliefs and practices. Pi Patel’s faith is terribly tested after he’s shipwrecked on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger


al box offices, performing especially well in Russian, Japan and the United Kingdom. News Corp’s 20th Century Fox spent about $92 million to produce the latest “Die Hard” sequel. It hit theaters on Valentine’s Day, and, in addition to “Safe Haven,” faced another romance movie in “Beautiful

— the story offering an even more terrible narrative as Pi later relates an alternate version of his adventures. Sounds like the stuff of an intriguing lower-budgeted arthouse film. But shot in 3-D with expensive computer animation to create a lifelike tiger and other creatures, “Pi” cost a whopping $120 million with no guarantee it could ever pay for itself. 20th Century Fox executives ultimately decided it had enough international appeal to justify the risk.

Beautiful “I’d be kidding you to say that we knew it would reach these levels,” said Jim Gianopulos, Fox studio chairman. “But it’s a big, beautiful world out there, and when you deliver a film that has the strength of story, the emotionality, the spirituality and the spectacle of a film like ‘Pi,’ people show up.” Hollywood studios once counted on domestic audiences for most of a movie’s revenue. But overseas markets have been Hollywood’s growth area, with international audiences now accounting for twothirds or more of receipts on many films. The ratio is even higher on “Life of Pi,” which has taken in a respectable $108.5 million domestically but a remarkable $460 million — four-fifths of its total — from overseas fans. That includes $90.8 million in China, $45.4 million in Great Britain, $29.9 million in Russia and $19.8 million in Mexico. The film comes four years after “Slumdog Millionaire,” another surprise smash about an Indian youth facing grave challenges. “Slumdog” took in $377 million worldwide and won the 2008 best-picture Oscar. Two such films don’t constitute a new

Creatures.” Fox promoted “Die Hard” with commercials encouraging moviegoers to “get some action” on Valentine’s Day. “Safe Haven” stars “Dancing with the Stars” alum Hough as a young woman who meets a widower played by Duhamel. Privately held Relativity Media produced the

wave of Hollywood openness to foreign flavors, though. “Remember after the success of ‘Slumdog,’ there was a lot of talk of a lot more films like that set in similar locations, and it just didn’t happen,” said Nitin Govil, assistant professor at the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. “Anytime you get a success like this, there’s an attempt to kind of genericize it. But the thing that makes these successful is that they’re singular. Maybe not one-offs, but certainly not formulaic.” And Hollywood remains a formulaic place, with stories mostly reflecting American tastes. There have been small steps toward diversity in characters and a broader world view in themes, thanks partly to inroads by such overseas directors as Lee, Peter Jackson, Alfonso Cuaron, Guillermo del Toro, John Woo and Neill Blonkamp. “I don’t see that as mainstream yet. Someday. The establishment is the establishment. The film grammar was established that way. Patterns. I think for the majority of films they make, they will still follow that. That’s the formula. You have to respect that if you’re serious about money,” Lee said. “It’s just that I think they have to be more opened up to different types of filmmaking,” added Lee, who figures the enormous business “Life of Pi” did overseas will help that along — a bit. “It’s a gradual thing. It’s not going to dramatically change anything. But just look at the number. You have to pay attention to it. The number of what the world did on this movie. The market in America didn’t dwindle. It’s everybody else in the world. They stood up. They did their share.”

film for $28 million. The studio said “Safe Haven” was on track to finish second for the Thursday-to-Monday period, with total sales of $34 million, beating industry projections. “Beautiful Creatures,” the supernatural love story about a teenage girl with magical powers, made its debut with $7.5

million at the box office to rank sixth in the three-day tallies. The film was another of several Hollywood films aiming to capture the “Twilight” and “Hunger Games” audiences of teenage girls with adaptations of popular young adult novels. (RTRS)




People & Places Oscars Beauty on loan

Celebs vie for perfect looks LOS ANGELES, Feb 18, (RTRS): Hollywood stars wanting to look their best for Tinseltown’s biggest night of the year are being offered beauty treatments ranging from the lavish to plain loony such as $250,000 black diamond nail varnish and bird excrement facials. The Academy Awards on Feb. 24 are almost as much about fashion as they are about films, with the televised red carpet arrivals and ceremony drawing an estimated audience of one billion people worldwide. It’s a night when women — and men — spare no expense to out-dazzle other Oscargoers and ends a two-month run of awards shows to reward the top Jolie stars and films of the previous year. “It’s the grand finale to the awards show season so celebrities pull out all the stops when it comes to fashion and beauty,” said style expert Sam Saboura, a fashion host on the cable channel TLC. “They’re willing to go to any extreme to perfect their look and make a statement on the red carpet.” In the past, the ever-youthful actress Demi Moore, 50, has admitted to having leeches put on her skin to detoxify her blood. Gwyneth Paltrow once arrived at a premiere with her back covered with circular bruises from “cupping,” a kind of acupuncture said to encourage blood flow and ease stress.

Writer Chris Terrio accepts the Writers Guild Award for Outstanding Script, Adapted Screenplay onstage at the 2013 WGAw Writers Guild Awards at JW Marriott Los Angeles at LA. (Inset): Writer

Mark Boal, winner of the Writers Guild Award for Best Original Screenplay poses in the press room during the 2013 WGAw Writers Guild Awards at JW Marriott Los Angeles at LA. (AFP)


Pocket-sized Angelina Jolie told Vanity Fair in 2011 that her sons Maddox and Pax had pedicures in which fish “eat the dead skin off your feet” while music impresario Simon Cowell was reported to carry pocket-sized inhalable oxygen shots to maintain his looks. This year, there’s a twist on the long-practised use of injectable dermal fillers to smooth facial creases and plump up the skin. Enter the Vampire FaceLift, which mixes filler with the patient’s own blood. Plastic surgeon Paul Nassif, who offers the service in his Beverly Hills office, says this process involves removing a tube of blood from the patient, isolating certain components and then mixing it with a dermal filler to inject back into the skin. “It’s a one-two punch,” Nassif told Reuters. “You get an immediate response from the filler, and the long terms benefits is new collagen formation, natural volume and healthier skin.” For those who are needle-averse, bird poop could be the answer to brighter skin. Shizuka New York Day Spa in Manhattan offers a Geisha Facial, an hour-long treatment that involves applying nightingale bird droppings in powder form to the skin. The droppings, which salon owner Shizuka Bernstein imports from Japan, are said to contain natural enzymes which exfoliate the skin.

‘Les Miz’ is music to the ears of Cinema Audio Society

Writers Guild honors ‘Argo’, ‘Zero’

Crispin Struthers receives the award for Best Edited Feature Film (Comedy or Musical) for his work on ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ during the 63rd Annual ACE Eddie Awards held at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on Feb 16, in Beverly Hills, California. (AFP)



Options “There are so many drastic options to exfoliating the skin like chemical peels and microdermabrasion,” Bernstein told Reuters. “But if you want a more natural approach, this will give you great results as well. Dead skin is removed, skin tone is brighter and you’re left with a radiant look.” When it comes to hair, Santa Monica-based The Broot, an allnatural hair treatment bar, has a secret not-on-the menu ingredient — bull testicles. Owner Samira Asemanfar said her Persian family had used them for generations, boiling testicles bought from a local butcher to extract a broth of protein and hormones that’s added to treatments to strengthen and repair hair. “Clients have told us their hair felt thicker, more repaired, more fortified. One client said her hair grew faster,” said Asemanfar. It’s no secret that designer gowns and jewels are often borrowed for the red carpet. These days, many designers have some last-minute tricks for looking taller and slimmer for the thousands of photographers and TV crews at the Oscars who transmit images around the world within minutes. Hong Kong-based shoe company iiJin has an invisible wedge inside every pair of its shoes, giving wearers an extra two to five inches (5-12 cm) in height depending on the style. Dresses from NUE by designer Shani Grosz all come with built-in compression fabric to make the wearer look a size smaller, reducing the need for figure-hugging, slimming under garments.

Variety LONDON: Famed jeweler Bulgari said on Sunday it would put eight pieces of the late actress Elizabeth Taylor’s jewels on display at its Beverly Hills boutique, more than a year after the Hollywood star’s world-class collection fetched record prices at auction. The exhibition of pieces from that sale will include jewels Taylor obtained and wore during well-documented times in her storied life, including the filming of “Cleopatra,” which launched her romance with Richard Burton, Bulgari said. Included are Taylor’s first piece of Bulgari jewelry, an emerald-and-diamond brooch which achieved a record per-carat price for any emerald at the Christie’s sale. The brooch sold for $6,578,500, setting a record price for an emerald jewel and emeralds per carat at $280,000. An emerald and diamond necklace which sold at the Christie’s auction for $6.1 million, and a diamond and gold sautoir set with six ancient Roman coins acquired for $5.9 million, will also be shown along with other diamonds, sapphires and more. The jewels, widely reported to have been bought from the Taylor estate by Bulgari at the December 2011 auction of her collection at Christie’s, will go on display this week in advance of next Sunday’s Academy Awards, Bulgari said. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

LOS ANGELES, Feb 18, (Agencies): US film and television writers gave their top two movie awards on Sunday to “Zero Dark Thirty” and “Argo” in the final Hollywood guild awards show before next week’s Oscars. Writer Mark Boal won the Writers Guild of America award for Best Original Screenplay for “Zero Dark Thirty,” which chronicles the intense US manhunt and daring raid that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Asked backstage what message he hoped to send to audiences with the film, Boal said: “I think (director Kathryn Bigelow) said it best when she said she wanted to shine a light on a dark decade. I don’t know that I could put it any better than that.” “Argo,” about the Hollywoodassisted rescue of American hostages in Iran during the 1979 revolution, earned writer Chris Terrio WGA’s trophy for Best Adapted Screenplay. “I’ve never actually won a callyour-name award before,” an overwhelmed Terrio said backstage at the awards. The WGA awards gave the winning films a last boost in the race for the Oscars, the world’s top film honors, because many guild members also belong to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences that hands out the Oscars on Feb 24. The guild gave a special nod to “Lincoln,” honoring screen writer Tony Kushner with a special award recognizing work that embodies the spirit of civil rights and liberties. “Lincoln,” a drama about President Abraham Lincoln’s fight to abolish slavery, was up against “Argo” for

was one of the most high-profile victims of phone-hacking by the former British tabloid the News of the World, and has

WGA’s Best Adapted Screenplay. “Argo” and “Lincoln” are considered front-runners for this year’s Best Picture Oscar, although “Argo” recently has taken a slight edge after also nabbing the top prize from both the director and producer guilds, which each have strong records of predicting Oscar winners. ❑ ❑ ❑ “Argo” racked up yet another guild victory on Saturday night, taking home the American Cinema Editors’ ACE Eddie Award for Best Edited Feature (Dramatic). “Silver Linings Playbook” won the award for Best Edited Feature (Comedy or Musical). The award is an unusually reliable predictor of the film-editing Oscar, and adds to a substantial guild-awards haul for “Argo” that also includes honors from the Producers Guild, Directors Guild and Screen Actors Guild. The Writers Guild announces its winners on Sunday. “Silver Linings Playbook” has less overall success this awards season, but has dominated at shows that also include separate categories for comedies. Over the last 20 years, the group’s drama winner (including one tie) has gone on to take home the editing Oscar 16 times, while the comedy/musical winner has done so once. In those 20 years, the ACE winner has gone on to win Best Picture 12 times. Last year was one of the times the ACE Eddie winner and Oscar winner didn’t match: “The Descendants” and “The Artist” won ACE Eddies, while “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”

since become a campaigner for a more responsible press. “In answer to some journos. Am

thrilled my daughter now has a brother. Adore them both to an uncool degree. They have a fab mum,” Grant said in a

Olympic ceremony

Boyle wins prize

LONDON: Hugh Grant, the British actor and campaigner for tighter press regulation, has announced on Twitter that he has become a father for a second time after a newspaper obtained his new son’s birth certificate. Grant said he was “thrilled” to become a father again, reportedly with Chinese actress Tinglan Hong, but urged the press to leave his family in peace. The 52-year-old star of “Notting Hill”

won the Oscar. This year’s ACE Eddie Awards category for Best Edited Feature Film (Dramatic) almost exactly matches the Oscars category for Best Film Editing, with “Argo,” “Life of Pi,” “Lincoln” and “Zero Dark Thirty” all nominated. The only difference is that Oscar voters also nominated “Silver Linings,” while ACE Eddie voters put that film in the comedy or musical category and went with “Skyfall” in the drama group. In other film awards, Pixar’s “Brave” continued its strong guild showing by winning the honor for animated feature. “Searching for Sugar Man” won the award for documentary-feature editing, adding to its own plethora of awards. On the television side, one of the two “Breaking Bad” episodes nominated in the one-hour commercial-TV series category won, while the pilot for “The Newsroom” was honored in the one-hour non-commercial-TV category and “Nurse Jackie” won among half-hour series. ❑ ❑ ❑ “Les Miserables” has been named the best work of 2012 by the Cinema Audio Society, a non-profit organization that honors the art of sound mixing in film and television. The film, for which director Tom Hooper recorded his actors singing live on the set, was considered the favorite for the CAS Award and for the sound-mixing Oscar. In addition to working with vocal tracks recorded in difficult circumstances, its mixers had to contend with prominent orchestral music throughout the film’s near three-hour running time.

Nicole Kidman (centre), attends a special screening of the movie ‘Stoker’ at The Curzon in London, Feb 17. (AP)

LONDON, Feb 18, (AP): Director Danny Boyle’s Olympics opening ceremony has been named theater event of the year at London’s Whatsonstage awards. Boyle’s spectacular panorama of British history and culture beat an eclectic list that included the “Globe to Globe” Shakespeare season and Susan Boyle musical “I Dreamed a Dream.” “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” was named best new play at Sunday’s awards, and “The Bodyguard” best new musical. A Chichester Festival production of “Sweeney Todd” won five prizes including best actor and actress in a musical for Michael Ball and Imelda Staunton.

Three of the five nominees matched the Oscar nominees in the sound mixing category. “Skyfall,” “Les Miserables” and “Lincoln” were nominated by both groups, but the CAS added “The Hobbit” and “Zero Dark Thirty” while Academy voters went for “Argo” and “Life of Pi.” In its 19-year history, the CAS winner has matched the Oscar winner 10 times, including three of the last four years. In the animation category, which the CAS handed out for the first time this year, Pixar’s “Brave” picked up its second award of the night, following its victory across town at the ACE Eddie Awards. Although “Wreck-It Ralph” and “ParaNorman” won many more critics’ awards, “Brave” has established itself as a clear favorite of the Hollywood guilds. ❑ ❑ ❑ An Australian film about a woman in need benefiting from the kindness of others won top honors at the world’s biggest short-film festival. “We’ve All Been There” director Nicholas Clifford received the Tropfest first-place award Sunday from judging panelist and “Avatar” actor Sam Worthington. Worthington said earlier about judging the festival, “It’s not about budget, it’s not about box office, it’s about pure entertainment and that to me is what film should be about. Not all that other junk.” Clifford joked later that he gets grief about resembling Worthington, so their meeting “is going to give everyone a bit more ammunition to throw at me.”

Twitter message on Saturday evening. He later added: “And to be crystal clear. I am the Daddy.” His announcement was in response to a story in Britain’s Mail on Sunday reporting that the child, Felix Chang, was born in a west London hospital on Dec 29. The tabloid cited the birth certificate, issued on Feb 14. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

PARIS: There is no high like playing before a live audience for Chinese-born classical superstar Lang Lang, who says it helps him “transform” into a better person and pianist. The 30-year-old, who got a standing ovation after a performance late Saturday at the famed Paris auditorium Salle Pleyel, also said there was no shortcut to glory in the field of classical music. “There are a million ways to learn music that can be more flexible but the process of practice you can’t shorten it... You can’t say I can practice one hour and that’s it,” he told AFP. “I started to learn classical music when I was two,” he said. “When I was eight, I used to practice six hours a day. You must do it.” Lang Lang, who is on tour for 300 days every year on average, finished recording Bartok’s Concerto number 2 under the baton of Simon Rattle, with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the day before the Paris concert. (AFP)




Film ‘Blancanieves’ wins

Stars criticize govt austerity MADRID, Feb 18, (AFP): Spanish stars lashed out at government austerity measures at the prestigious Spanish film awards, the Goyas, on Sunday which saw Pablo Berger’s “Blancanieves” take the top film award. The critical tone of the ceremony was set by presenter Eva Hache’s opening monologue which touched on spending cuts to health and eduction and allegations of slush fund financing at the ruling Popular Party and corruption by the Spanish king’s son-inlaw Inaki Urdangarin. Celebrities then repeatedly used their moment in the spotlight when collecting awards during the ceremony broadcast live on public teleWatts vision TVE to strike out at the government’s handling of Spain’s economic crisis. Maribel Verdu dedicated her Goya win for best actress to “all those who have lost their home, their future, even their lives due to an unfair system.”

Evicted Campaigners say hundreds of thousands of people have been evicted from their homes in the crisis brought on by the collapse of Spain’s housing market in 2008 which has caused the jobless rate to soar to a record 26 percent. Outrage has been fanned by a string of suicides of people reportedly driven to despair by the prospect of eviction, including a retired couple in Mallorca last week. Verdu received her Goya for her role as the evil stepmother in “Blancanieves”, a silent, black-andwhite Spanish retelling of the Snow White story. She beat out Naomi Watts, Penelope Cruz and Aida Folch. Candela Pena, who won the best supporting actress for “Una Pistola en Cada Mano”, railed against steep cuts to health care. “I saw my father die at a public hospital where there were no blankets to cover him, no water. I have a child and I don’t know what kind of public education he will receive,” she said.

Jose Sacristan speaks after winning the best actor award for his role in ‘El muerto y ser feliz’ during the annual Goya film awards in Madrid, Spain, Feb 17. (Inset): Spanish actress Macarena

Film ‘Love and death story’ Austria’s official Oscar entry

‘Amour’ could have a happy ending

US director Robert Zemeckis poses for photographers before a press conference to promote his film ‘Flight’ in Seoul, South Korea, Feb 18. (AP)

Squeeze Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s government has slashed health spending by seven billion euros ($9.1 billion) a year as part of a campaign to squeeze 150 billion euros out of the crisis-racked country’s budget by 2014. Many actors wore stickers with a drawing of a pair of scissors and the word “NO” in a sign of protest against the spending cuts. The president of the Spanish film academy, Enrique Gonzalez Macho, lashed out against the “brutal” rise in the sales tax which saw the cinema admission tax jump from 8.0 percent to 21 percent. “Consumption of culture has suffered a very strong drop and therefore lower revenues, which has been accompanied by the strong social costs, the closure of companies and a significant rise in unemployment which has reached alarming figures,” he said. “Blancanieves” picked up 10 Goyas in all, including for best original screenplay and best original score. The French blockbuster “Les Intouchables” won the best European film prize. The film, directed by Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano, has become the second biggest box office hit in France and the biggest selling French film overseas of all time.

Variety BERLIN: Half a life-time ago, artist Yoko Ono lay in an Amsterdam hotel bed with husband John Lennon, staging a weeklong “bed-in” for peace and feeling they were very alone in their activism. Today, Ono, whose own energy for campaigning has never tired, sees a world full of activists, maintaining her energy and faith in humanity. “When John and I did the bed-in, not many people were with us. But now there are so many activists, I don’t know anyone who is not an activist,” she told Reuters in an interview in Berlin on Monday, her 80th birthday. “Even the corporations - John always used to say the corporations need to be with us... Corporations now say 10-20 percent of their profits will go to such and such charity. They have to do that almost for people to feel good about it.” The late Beatle and Ono’s 1969 bed-in to protest against the Vietnam war was repeated in Montreal, Canada. Press attention was huge, but much of it was mocking. Ono, who gave a sell-out concert in

Garcia gestures after winning the best new actress award for her role in ‘Blancanieves’. (AP)



Plagiarism probe Germany’s entry for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest is being investigated after allegations that it copied elements of last year’s winner, a television station reported Monday. NDR said it had “commissioned a musical audit” to examine claims that the song “Glorious” by German band Cascada, chosen Thursday to represent Germany, was a rip-off of “Euphoria” by Swedish artist Loreen. NDR spokeswoman Iris Bents said the station would publish the results of the study when they were available but played down the allegations. “Every year there are attempts to create scandals around the Eurovision Song Contest and the participants,” she said. She said the catchy techno-pop song “Euphoria”, which smashed the competition in 2012 with a massive 372 points, had also been accused of being a copy of work by French DJ David Guetta and Barbadian pop star Rihanna. The producers of “Glorious” have rejected all allegations, Bents said. Cascada’s lead singer Natalie Horler, who was born in Germany to British parents, told local news agency DPA: “If you like, we can superimpose one song on the other. They are two different songs.” But according to a phonetics expert quoted in the Bild am Sonntag weekly, the two songs are “absolutely identical” at the beginning. “The chorus uses the same accentuation, the ending peaks with the same combinations. The singers even use the same breathing methods,” said the expert, Tina John. The Eurovision Song Contest, an annual pop music extravaganza broadcast across Europe but also in dozens of countries around the world, will take place this year in the southern Swedish city of Malmoe on May 18. (AFP Berlin on Sunday alongside their son Sean Lennon which closed with the anthem “Give peace a chance”, said it was still critical to stand up for peace despite new conflicts in the intervening decades.

LOS ANGELES, Feb 18, (RTRS): Austrian director Michael Haneke will arrive at the Academy Awards ceremony with his stark drama “Amour” vying for a surprising five Oscars including Best Picture, despite its distinctly non-Hollywood ending. The French-language film that tackles death and aging is up against Best Picture favorites “Lincoln” and “Argo” on Feb 24, as well as competing for Best Director, Best Foreign Language Film and Best Original Screenplay and Best Actress. No foreign language film has won the top prize in the 85-year history of the Academy Awards. But “Amour” and its journey to the Oscars could have a happy ending as it is pegged as favorite for Best Foreign Language Picture, an award for which Haneke’s “The White Ribbon” was nominated in 2010. “Amour” is Austria’s official entry for Best Foreign Language Film. Haneke, 70, who is one of Europe’s top directors and a master of the unhappy ending, admits “Amour” is not easy viewing, focusing on the physical and psychologi“I don’t want to be drowning in sadness. I think we have to stand up and change the world,” she said. The artist, born to a wealthy Japanese family in Tokyo in 1933, has recently become a passionate opponent of fracking, a controversial procedure which has sharply lifted energy output in the United States but which critics fear pollutes drinking water deep underground and could increase earthquake risks. “Fracking is an incredible risk to the human race, I don’t know why they even thought of doing it,” she said. Ono, whose birthday is being marked by a major retrospective of her work in Frankfurt, said she feels she is becoming freer in her art.

cal suffering at the end of life. The film details the everyday struggles and indignities of elderly Parisian couple Anne and Georges as they confront Anne’s slide toward death.

Difficult “It’s no walk in the park, but it’s difficult and serious, and that makes it contemplative,” Haneke told Reuters by phone from Madrid, where he is directing the Mozart opera “Cosi Fan Tutte.” In “Amour,” Georges, played by veteran French actor Jean-Louis Trintignant, cares for bed-ridden Anne, played by Emmanuelle Riva, who has difficulty moving and speaking following a stroke. One day when Anne is particularly beset by pain, Georges suffocates her, presumably out of love and to end her suffering. Riva, 85, earned a Best Actress nomination for her role and made Hollywood history as the oldest actress to be nominated for the leading female award. Haneke, known for 2001’s “The Piano Teacher” and 1997’s “Funny Games” and its 2007 Hollywood remake, said the story was motivated by an aged aunt in poor health “My attitude has changed... I’m allowing things to happen in a way I hadn’t planned before,” she said. Asked about her feelings on becoming an octogenarian, she said: “I’m surprised. It is a miracle in a sense that I am 80, I am proud about it. Not everybody gets there.” (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts: US President John F. Kennedy’s Air Force One bomber jacket sold for $570,000 at an auction on Sunday of items that belonged to a longtime aide, nearly 50 years after the president’s assassination. The jacket was among thousands of items, including letters, photographs and books, that had been tucked away in

who asked him to help her commit suicide. “I loved her very much and to watch her suffer was very difficult, but I certainly couldn’t help her (kill herself) because I’d be thrown in jail,” Haneke said. “Personally, I don’t believe I could’ve done it anyway.” Haneke’s aunt killed herself at the age of 93.

Honor “Amour” has already won wide acclaim, winning the top honor at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival and Best Foreign Language Film at Hollywood’s Golden Globe Awards in January. The film is vying for the Best Foreign Language Oscar alongside “Kon-Tiki” from Norway chronicling Thor Heyerdahl’s 1947 transPacific expedition on a raft; Chilean political drama “No,” with Gael Garcia Bernal; Danish period drama “A Royal Affair”; and “War Witch,” a Canadian drama about an African child soldier. Critics have applauded “Amour” for its heart and tenderness, but have cautioned moviegoers about the bleak storyline as Anne slowly dissolves on screen. drawers and file cabinets at the home of David Powers, who died in 1998, said Dan Meader, auction appraiser at John McInnis Auctioneers. They were discovered in recent years by relatives as they prepared Powers’ Arlington, Massachusetts, residence for sale, Meader said. Powers was close to the president throughout his political career, from 1946 until his assassination in 1963. He later remained close to the Kennedy family and became curator of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston before retiring in 1994. The auction included personal effects that reflected Powers’ years of shared history with Kennedy and his family. Among

The New York Review of Books’ Francine Prose called the drama the “ultimate horror film ... far scarier and more disturbing” than classics such as “Psycho” and “The Shining.” Tom Long at The Detroit News echoed those sentiments: “In many ways it’s the best horror film I’ve ever seen. At the same time, it’s hard to recommend; I believe I will be struggling to forget this film as long as I live.” Roger Ebert, of the Chicago SunTimes, cautioned, “Old age isn’t for sissies, and neither is this film.” Haneke noted how audiences have found “Amour” mirrors their own experiences, as it did his own. “I believe that it has been a bit exaggerated how the film has been portrayed as so shocking, but the truth is always shocking ... we all grow old and nearly all of us get sick,” he said. “People have said it’s just like what happened to me and my family. It indeed crosses generations as young people see how their grandparents die, become ill or simply suffer, and now their parents are in the same situation. It’s a matter that affects everyone.” them are dozens of letters from former first lady Jackie Kennedy and books inscribed by the president. “The amazing thing about this whole thing is that it shows the personal connection,” Meader said. “This is stuff that’s true, it’s pure, it’s right from the family home ... right from the president’s best friend.” The auction began on Sunday morning and continued into the night, with Kennedy’s Air Force One leather bomber jacket selling for $570,000 plus a buyer’s premium, he said. The jacket was initially expected to fetch $20,000 to $40,000 or more. “There’s never been an auction like this,” Meader said, adding that the auction was taking a long time and would likely continue until late at night. (RTRS)

Well-known for Shakespearean roles

British actor Richard Briers dies at 79

Hong Kong actor and director Jackie Chan poses for photographers during a promotional event for his latest movie, CZ12, or Chinese Zodiac, in Seoul, South Korea, Feb 18. (AP)

LONDON, Feb 18, (AP): British actor Richard Briers, an avuncular comic presence on TV and movie screens for decades, has died at the age of 79. Briers’ agent, Christopher Farrar, said the actor died at his London home on Sunday. A former heavy smoker, he had suffered from emphysema. Briers starred in the 1970s sitcom “The Good Life” as Tom Good, a man who decides to quit the Briers urban rat race for a life of self-sufficiency in suburbia. The show, which contrasted the back-to-the land Goods with their conventional neighbors the Leadbetters, made stars of its core cast - Briers, Felicity Kendal, Penelope Keith and

Paul Eddington - and is regularly voted one of the greatest British sitcoms of all time. It aired in the US as “Good Neighbors.” Briars also starred in comedy-drama “Ever-Decreasing Circles,” Scottish Highlands drama “Monarch of the Glen” and a host of other shows. In later life he became well-known for Shakespearean roles. He joined director Kenneth Branagh’s Renaissance Theatre Company in 1987 after deciding, he said, that “I had gone as far as I could doing sitcoms.” For Branagh he took on roles including King Lear, Malvolio in “Twelfth Night” and the buffoon Bottom in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” He also appeared in several Branaghdirected films, including “Henry V,” ‘’A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” ‘’Peter’s Friends” and “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein”




People & Places Media Doubts remain

Can Streamys be net Globes? NEW YORK, Feb 18, (RTRS): Nerd Chris Hardwick, 1990s rap icon Vanilla Ice and a gallant troupe of YouTube stars have the same mission this weekend — to turn the unknown Streamy Awards into the Golden Globes of online video. That’s why Tubefilter, which conceived the show to honor the best in online video and helped produce its first two iterations, has partnered with Dick Clark Productions, the company that produces the Globes, as well as the American Music Awards and the Academy of Country Music Awards. Vanilla Ice Unlike those events, this show will not be broadcast — it will stream online — but DCP and Tubefilter have planned the event like a major awards show. They recruited Hardwick, a popular figure with the young, male online community. A former radio DJ turned stand-up comedian and creator of Nerdist Industries, he is something of a professional emcee, hosting podcasts and TV shows — and an unavoidable presence at Comic-Con in San Diego. They’ve set it at the Palladium, square in the middle of Hollywood, with an after party on the Sunset Strip.

In this undated file photo, country singer Mindy McCready performs in Nashville. Tenn. (Inset): Yellow crime-scene tape blocks off the front of a home in Heber Springs, Ark, where country singer

Mindy McCready was found dead in an apparent suicide on Feb 17. She was 37. (AP)

Credibility Deep-pocketed companies like Coca-Cola have agreed to sponsor the show, adding a veneer of credibility to a show three years removed from disaster. Technological glitches, tasteless jokes and streakers marred the 2010 edition, prompting the board of directors of the International Academy of Web Television, which produced the show, to pen a selflacerating memo. “Last night in the end was a step backwards for all of us,” Michael Wayne, the board of directors for the IAWTV, wrote. “Like you we watched the show with great embarrassment as our industry was ridiculed and debased.” He concluded with: “I hope you will judge us not by how hard we have fallen, but by how well we get up, dust ourselves off, and learn from our mistakes.” Yet IAWTV abandoned the show, launching its own awards that occur during January’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The Streamys took three years off, and Tubefilter brought in DCP to, in the words of DCP’s Ariel Elazar, “reinvigorate the brand.” Still, doubts remain. “An awards show should highlight the best of what it’s honoring for the public outside of that community to have an understanding of what’s going on. Because of problems over the last few years of shows attempting to do that and failing miserable, we may still be too early,” Rafi Fine, who with his brother Benny constitute popular YouTubers The Fine Brothers, told TheWrap.

Optimism The Fine Brothers created original video content for each of the first two shows, and though apprehensive, expressed some optimism that the show has found the right formula. They are nominated nine times and are also presenting. Tubefilter co-founder Drew Baldwin said the first two shows suffered because they were tailored to people in the industry rather than outside fans. Taking a cue from the Grammys and AMAs, they hope to overcome that problem with Hardwick and memorable musical performances. The lineup mixes well-known musical acts like Vanilla Ice and Soulja Boy with YouTube talent, such as DeStorm and Mike Tompkins. “At the Golden Globes, Dick Clark brought out Bill Clinton, and it was one of those moments where everyone was freaking out,” Baldwin said. While few would equate Vanilla Ice with the former president, the goal this year is to inspire through collaboration. Just as the Grammys pair iconic musicians with up-andcomers, Streamy producers hope pairing nouveau digital stars with more mainstream talent will push the awards toward the mainstream without alienating its core audience. The third edition of the Streamys arrive at a golden time for the online video industry. Premiere Hollywood talent has jumped into the space, writing, directing, producing and starring in shows for YouTube, Yahoo and others. YouTube stars like The Annoying Orange and Fred have amassed enough fans on YouTube — with millions of subscribers — to cross over into television and film. Successful shows like Yahoo’s “Burning Love” are screening at film festivals like South by Southwest.

Obit ‘Singer mostly remembered for dramatic moments’

McCready dies in apparent suicide Pink performs at the Staples Center on Feb 16, in Los Angeles. (AP)



Variety LONDON: Swedish DJ Avicii notched up his first British number one single on Sunday while the “Harlem Shake” Internet sensation made a stunning debut in third place, the Official Charts Company said. “I Could Be The One”, a collaboration between 23-year-old Avicii, whose real name is Tim Bergling, and Dutch DJ Nicky Romero, entered the charts in top spot, bettering his two top five releases in 2011. It sold 8,000 more copies than “Thrift Shop”, by American hip-hop artist Macklemore featuring producer Ryan Lewis and singer Wanz, which slipped a place to second. New York DJ Baauer’s “Harlem Shake” burst into the charts in third after it became a massive Internet hit and spawned a dance craze with echoes of the global success of South Korean rapper Psy’s “Gangnam Style”. A flood of videos featuring the song have appeared on YouTube and have attracted 44 million hits since appearing at the start of the month. “Harlem Shake’s arrival at Number 3 underlines just how quickly this track has turned into a bone fide phenomenon,” said Martin Talbot, Managing Director of the Official Charts Company. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑ VIENNA: Slovak soprano Edita Gruberova is anything but reticent when it comes to what she wants from her audience. “If the applause lasts less than 20 minutes, it bothers me,” says Gruberova who, at 67, is celebrating the 45th anniversary of her first stage appearance with a concert performance of “La Straniera” on Monday. She describes the event as “a personal gift which I am happy to share with my treasured fans.” Performing with Gruberova in Vincenzo Bellini’s opera are tenor Jose Bros, mezzosoprano Sonia Ganassi, and baritone Paolo Gavanelli. The performance will be streamed live from Vienna’s ornate Musikverein concert hall. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

HEBER SPRINGS, Arkansas, Feb 18, (AP): Perhaps there was one heartbreak too many for Mindy McCready. The former country star appears to have taken her own life Sunday afternoon in Heber Springs, Arkansas. Authorities say McCready died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot to the head and an autopsy is planned. She was 37, the mother of two young sons. If confirmed, it was at least her fourth suicide attempt since 2005, ending a series of tumultuous public events that marked much of the singer’s adult life. Speaking to The Associated Press in 2010, McCready smiled wryly while talking about the string of issues she’d dealt with over the last half-decade. “It is a giant whirlwind of chaos all the time,” she said of her life. “I call my life a beautiful mess and organized chaos. It’s just always been like that. My entire life things have been attracted to me and vice versa that turn into chaotic nightmares or I create the chaos myself. I think that’s really the life of a celebrity, of a big, huge, giant personality.” This time it seems the whirlwind overwhelmed McCready. Her death comes a month after that of David Wilson, her longtime boyfriend and the father of her youngest son. He is believed to have shot himself on the same porch of the home they shared in the small wooded community of large lakefront houses about 65 miles (100 kms) north of Little Rock, Arkansas, and his death also was investigated as a suicide. It was the most difficult moment in a life full of them. McCready issued a statement last month lamenting his death. And she called him her soul mate and a caregiver to her sons in an interview with NBC’s “Today” show.

LOS ANGELES: Shadow Morton, a 1960s pop-song writer and producer whose biggest hits include “Leader of the Pack” and “Remember (Walking in the

“I just keep telling myself that the more suffering that I go through, the greater character I’ll have,” she said, according to a transcript of the interview. Like so many times before, McCready showed a little toughness in the midst of a personal storm, again endearing herself to her fans. But as usual, the brave face for the camera hid a much more complicated internal struggle that surfaced publicly time and again over the past 10 years.


quickly Sunday night on Twitter, with major country stars paying their respects to the onetime Nashville darling. “Too much tragedy to overcome. R.I.P Mindy McCready,” wrote Natalie Maines of The Dixie Chicks. And Carrie Underwood added: “I grew up listening to Mindy McCready...so sad for her family tonight. Many prayers are going out to them...” Melinda Gayle McCready arrived in Nashville in 1994 still in her teens with tapes of her karaoke vocals and earned a recording contract with BNA Records. She had a few memorable moments professionally, scoring her first No. 1 hit almost immediately. “Guys Do It All the Time,” a selfassured dig at male chauvinism, endeared her to female fans in 1996. She also scored a hit with “Ten Thousand Angels,” and her album of that title sold 2 million copies. Beyond that, though, she’s mostly remembered for a string of dramatic moments as she spent the next 15 years chasing another huge hit. Her problems included a custody battle with her mother over one of her sons, arrests, overdoses and discord in her love life.

This time, along with her remembrances of finding Wilson as he lay dying, she also answered questions about whether they’d argued earlier that evening about an affair and if she’d shot him. “Oh, my God,” the “Today” transcript reads. “No. Oh, my God. No. He was my life. We were each other’s life.” It’s unclear what circumstances led to McCready taking her own life, but it appears she was struggling again with twin issues that have persisted for years — substance abuse and the custody of her children. She checked into court-ordered rehab and gave her children up to foster care earlier this month after her father asked a judge to intervene, saying she’d stopped taking care of herself and her sons and was abusing alcohol and prescription drugs. It’s not clear where her sons, 6-yearold Zander and infant Zayne, were Sunday. A deputy stationed outside McCready’s home Sunday night referred questions to the Cleburne County sheriff, who was unavailable. Yellow crime-scene tape cordoned off the front yard and a dark-colored pickup truck sat in the driveway. News of McCready’s death spread

She made headlines in April 2008 when she claimed a longtime relationship with baseball great Roger Clemens. Published reports at the time said she met the pitcher at a Florida karaoke bar when she was 15 and he was 28 and married. Clemens denied the relationship. A decade earlier she was engaged to actor Dean Cain, but the two never married. She also had a turbulent relationship with Billy McKnight, a country singer who is the father of her oldest son. McKnight was arrested in 2005 on

Sand),” has died. He was 71. Family friend Amy Krakow confirmed with The Associated Press on Sunday that Morton, born George Francis Morton, died

Thursday in Laguna Beach, California. The Shangri-Las, a girls group from Queens, New York, gained fame after recording both “Remember” in 1964, and


‘Fear of flying’

Barker skips tour

Singer Alicia Keys performs during halftime of the NBA All-Star basketball game on Feb 17, in Houston. (AP)

LOS ANGELES, Feb 18, (RTRS): Travis Barker will skip the Australian tour of pop-punk band Blink-182, citing a long-term fear of flying that worsened after he survived a fatal crash nearly five years ago that killed two friends. “I’m sorry to announce I won’t be joining Blink-182 on this Australian tour,” Barker, 37 and drummer for the group, wrote on Facebook. “I still haven’t gotten over the horrific events that took place the last time I flew when my plane crashed and four people were killed, two being my best friends.” Barker was one of two survivors of the 2008 crash when a private plane he was on burst into flames during an aborted takeoff. He spent several months in hospital with injuries.

charges of attempted murder after authorities say he beat and choked her. During this period she also pleaded guilty to obtaining the painkiller OxyContin fraudulently at a pharmacy and got probation. She violated the probation with a drunken driving arrest in May 2005, a few days before McKnight was arrested. And in July 2007, she was arrested in Florida on misdemeanor charges of scratching her mother, Gayle Inge, on the face during a scuffle and resisting sheriff’s deputies. Less than a year later, McCready was arrested and charged with violating her probation by falsifying her community service records relating to the 2004 drug charge. A month later, she entered an extended care facility for undisclosed treatment, and followed that with a 60-day jail sentence. Inge took custody of Zander. There were at least three suicide attempts between July 2005 and December 2008. She tried to get help in an unusual way, joining the cast of “Celebrity Rehab 3” with Dr Drew Pinsky. McCready came off as a sympathetic figure during the show’s run. Pinsky called her an “angel” and in an interview in 2010 said it appeared McCready was doing “rather well.” McCready is the fifth celebrity to pass away since appearing on Pinsky’s show and the third from Season 3. Alice in Chains bassist Mike Starr and “Real World” participant Joey Kovar both died due to overdose. In the months after her stint, she said she found some peace and told The Associated Press in early 2010 she hoped to get her career restarted, write a book about her experiences and begin production on a reality show with her brothers. then “Leader of the Pack,” which Morton co-wrote with Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich. The Shangri-Las became famous starting in 1964 with Morton’s hits. Morton was born in Brooklyn and moved to Long Island as a teenager. Krakow said he is survived by three daughters, a sister and three grandchildren. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

LONDON: British rocker Tony Sheridan, best known as an early collaborator of The Beatles and mentor during the Fab Four’s legendary spell in Hamburg, has died aged 72, his family announced. A statement posted on social networking site Facebook on Saturday read, “Our beloved father and friend! Thank you for your love and inspiration. You left us today at 12.00 pm.” The singer/guitarist, who died in Hamburg, performed on some of the Beatles’ earliest recordings after meeting John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and original drummer Pete Best in Germany in the early 1960s. He was then a well-known figure in the Hamburg club scene and joined forces with the quartet to record tracks including “My Bonnie,” “The Saints” and “Ain’t She Sweet” under the name Tony Sheridan and the Beat Brothers. (AFP)




Fashio n

Vivien ne We stwoo d

Paul S mith Paul S mith

LONDON: Tweed checks at Mulberry, punk styling at Preen, pretty vintage-style dresses at Temperley London. Designers showcased their latest autumn and winter collections at London Fashion Week on Sunday, and the diversity meant there was something for every woman. Preen, by designer duo Justin Thornton and Thea Bregazzi, opened day three of the five-day event with sleek, clean tailoring combined with biker-style zips. The punk references returned later, when iconic designer Vivienne Westwood brought her eccentric mix of fashion and politics to the tartan and flamboyant outfits on her catwalk. The flame-haired Westwood, 71, is known as much for her designs as her activism, and on Sunday she marched down her Red Label catwalk dressed in a T-shirt printed with a giant image of her face and the slogan “I’m Julian Assange.” The designer has been selling the Tshirts to support the founder of the secrets-busting organization WikiLeaks, whom she has called a “real hero.” Not everyone agreed with Westwood’s politics, but many at her show admired her designs. Jackets and blazers were beautifully tailored to accentuate the waist and hips, and dresses and coats were draped and folded in all the right places to draw the eye to the curves. The colorful palette included delicious plums, teals, and metallics. A darker palette of navy, deep burgundy and bottle green featured at heritage brand Mulberry, which focused its collection on rich leather and English checks. Plaids and hounds-tooths, which were also seen at Emilia Wickstead, seem to be emerging as a trend in London this season. Meanwhile, Alice Temperley, whose elegant designs are favored by the Duchess of Cambridge, offered Hitchcock-inspired full skirts, jewel-print jacquard separates, and decadently embellished evening gowns. L’Wren Scott, the American designer, former model and partner of Mick Jagger, also showed her catwalk display in London for the first time Sunday. The biannual fashion week is set to unveil even more new styles in the next two days. Industry giant Burberry Prorsum, best known for its classic trench coats, is set to display more Englishinspired styles at a star-studded show Monday. Also Monday, celebrity designer Tom Ford is presenting his first full catwalk show in London. Young London-based designers Christopher Kane and Erdem are also joining him on the show schedule.

Marios Schwa b

LONDON Above and below: Models display creations by Paul Smith, Marios Schwab, Vivienne Westwood, Unique and Temperley London during the 2013 Autumn/Winter London Fashion Week in London on Feb 17. (AFP)

Marios Schwa b

blouses, illusion necklines and bejeweled evening gowns. “It’s from a bygone era but we all secretly want to look like that,” Temperley said backstage after the show.

Preen Sophisticated and sleek with a little bit of punk: Preen’s latest collection for autumn and winter hints at an edgy biker girl, but any rebelliousness is tamed by a minimalist aesthetic and clean modern tailoring. The label unveiled long-line, mannish jackets, leather h t i Sm and fur Paul bikers, and short dresses with open backs or plunging Vnecks. Everything was designed in a strict color palette of black, red and white, though leopard prints (in those hwab same colors) helped to os Sc i r a M break up the monotony. Biker zips were definitely a theme — they were everywhere, on jackets, on the front and back of the hips, and up the side of a leather skirt.

Paul Smith

Vivienne Westwood Red Label The grand dame of British fashion not only caused a stir with her catwalk activism; she also divided opinion with her outrageous makeup looks for the models. Chalky white faces were paired with eyes and lips outlined in stark, cartoonish lines, a look that got everyone talking. Still, it’s the clothes that most people came for, and Westwood didn’t fail to wow. A metallic zebra-stripe was printed on coats and a striking prom style dress with stiff underskirts, and an iridescent foil-like tight biker jacket that shimmered purple and green was paired with harem pants dripping in sequins.

Mulberry Mulberry played to its strengths — tra-

wood West e n n e Vivi Checks were used in many forms, including supersized, sequined, and on panel details on shoulders and sleeves. Deep, autumnal shades dominating the collection, and even the floral prints were muted and dark.

Temperley London ue Uniq on Lond rley e p m Te ditional English design themes with a whimsical twist. The latest collection by the heritage brand, best known for its leather hand-

bags, featured rich leather capes and coats in mohair, wool or luxurious sheepskin.

ood estw W e nn Vivie Some of the outerwear was adorned with high furry collars, and many sported pretty — if not very practical — bell sleeves that end just above the elbow.

Alice Temperley has based her latest womenswear collection on the classic style of “The Birds” actress Tippi Hedren. The British designer, who admitted that she is obsessed with the romance and glamour of old movies, showed highwaisted full skirts paired with simple cashmere jumpers, swing coats, sheer

There was no room for the winter blues at London Fashion Week on Sunday as Paul Smith embraced colour blocking for his autumn/winter collection. The British designer, who continues his expansion into Asia this year with new shops in Beijing and Shanghai, created his trademark boyfriend jackets and trousers in contrasting pinks, blues, greens and oranges. “It is very much about the mix of colour,” Smith told AFP backstage after the catwalk show in the Tate Britain museum on a cold winter’s evening in London. “I’m not really a very extravagant designer in terms of lots of things happening, so I’ve always relied on little surprises, bits of colour,” he said, opening his suit jacket to reveal a bright and printed lining. (Agencies)



BSK field trip to zoo

Students study animal conservation

click Drinking problem?: You are no longer alone! Confidential helpline 99641389. ❑ ❑ ❑ Narcotics Anonymous: NA can help with addiction problems. Totally confidential: 94087800 English/Arabic. ❑ ❑ ❑

Cancer online support group: If you are Cancer patient or family member fighting with this deadly disease, come join our online support group. Best way of dealing with this disease is providing support and share our experience with each other. There are lot of things which even doctors can’t tell so be member of this website and start sharing your experiences which may help others. October is recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM). The primary purpose is to promote self examination and screening mammography as the

BSK Year 4 students

THIS year the Year 4 students from The British School of Kuwait have been supporting their learning about animals and habitats with trips to the Kuwait Zoo and The IMAX cinema at the Scientific Centre. They were thoroughly enjoyable trips where the students got to see first hand how animals adapt to and live in their habitats and also how orphan elephants and orangutans are affected by human intrusion on their lives. The students studied different man-made habitats provided at the zoo and made sketches of the animals in their habitats to note similarities and differences to their natural habitats. They were extremely interested in the current conservation work in reintroducing orphans back into the wild and were

indeed inspired to take a more active part in conserving and thinking about looking after our planet. On return to BSK, the students followed up the field trips with further research and studies of different environments from all around the world.They made useful observations to support their knowledge and understanding of animal habitats. It was clear to all just how much the children enjoyed the experiences and how it enhanced their schoolwork. Both fieldtrips reinforced for teachers, parents and children that learning takes place everywhere, in and out of the classroom. BSK has a varied programme of trips in Kuwait and overseas to support its rounded education of interactive learning.

most effective way to save lives by detecting breast cancer at early stage. For more information visit: http://fightingwithcancer.webs.com/

Latest IBL registration: Indian Bowling League Season 4 will commence in March 2013. Kindly register your teams before that. It’s a mix of different nationalities and open to all. It’s fun and a good indoor sport. You will learn many things about it that you never knew. Email your applications to uly334@gmail.com IBL Season 3 – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set =a.10151366929589939.510911..5125449 38&type=1&l=63ddf1e93d Feb 21

Bangladesh Embassy closure: The Continued on Page 28





people & their pets By Valiya S. Sajjad

Look out for the Arab Times series, the Pet Palace, and read about how people and their animals enrich each other’s lives.

Arab Times Staff


ou can’t call him a rescued cat, because though he was found lounging on the street, he never seemed in need of help. He was happy, trotting hither and thither, scavenging garbage cans that were like skyscrapers to him. He is smaller than its wheels. Yet, he is called Big B. Kannan found Big B very adorable, and decided to rescue him, whether he liked it or not. When Kannan picked him up, the kitten protested, snarling in indignation, breaking out his claws. When Kannan put him down and patted him, and scratched his scruff, Big B purred in the comfort of busted itch. That won him over. Big B became friends with Kannan instantly.

The Palace welcomes submissions by our readers. If you’d like to tell the world about your pet, send us a photograph and accompanying article for publication.

— Editor

Today, he occupies a large part of Kanna’s day. Almost the whole of Kannan’s free time is devoted to Big B. Kannan has taken a strong liking for the kitten. “I am no big animal lover,” he says modestly casting his eyes down. “But something about this kitten makes me love him. I don’t know what it is. Probably, it’s the fact that he has got a cocky air about him. He doesn’t seem to care much about anything. I am sure, if I were to put him back on the street tomorrow, he would take to it like a fish to water. Somehow, he is not the sniveling, pestering-for-love types.” Why the name Big B? Kannan says it’s not because he is a fan of the timeless Indian superstar, Amitabh Bachan, who has earned the title Big B from all the awe he has inspired over the decades. The kitten in his strut personified the angry-

young-man image of the celluloid hero. Big B is working well as a name, because when people first hear it, the kitten’s physical incongruity with his handle makes anyone laugh out, and paves the way for people to take a liking for him. Big B likes milk and chicken. He also eats biscuits. Kannan is in the process of toilet training his kitten, and is nearly 90 percent successful. When asked if Big B is fond of playing, Kannan scratched his chin unsure of what to say. “I think I like to play with him more than he likes to play with me.” And so when Kannan is around, Big B is busy too, chasing plastic butterflies drawn on a string by Kannan, or running after ping pong balls. Time has been fleeting in Kannan’s house ever since Big B entered it.

Hala February

click Latest Continued from Page 26 Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Kuwait will remain closed on Thursday, Feb 21 on the occasion of the Shahid Dibash and International Mother Language Day. Feb 22

Jhoom Barabar Jhoom: Indian Youth Society brings another unique show “JhoomBarabarJhoom” featuring world famous ghazal and qawwali singer Sabri Brothers and his team on Feb 22 at 6:30 pm sharp at Kuwait Medical Association Auditorium, beside Mubarak Al Kabeer hospital, Jabriya, Kuwait. Young talents from Kuwait will be another attraction of the evening. For more details, please contact: 66127231, 69674121, 66869007, 67738135 and 99225378. Email iyskuwait@gmail.com; Web Page: www.iyskuwait.com Feb 24

Pakistan Embassy closure: The Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan will remain closed on Feb 24-26 on the occasion of National Day and Liberation Day of Kuwait. The embassy will resume its work on Feb 27. Feb 25

Some photos from the event

Curtorcares 7-a-side tourney:

Embassy of India participates in Hala February festival The opening ceremony of the 14th Hala February Festival (HFF) 2013 was organized with much pageantry and enthusiasm on Feb 15, at 1400 hrs at Salmiya’s Salem Al-Mubarak Street. HFF is being organized by the State of Kuwait since

February 1999 mainly to promote tourism. HFF organizing committee organizes art, sports, live shows and entertainment events during the month. This year the festivities will continue till March 9. Embassy of India, Kuwait also joined in the cel-

ebrations by participating in the opening ceremony on Feb 15. The Indian pavilion was exquisitely decorated with Indian artifacts, handicraft items, imitated jewellery, handcrafted Indian sarees, Incredible India posters and tourism material and

other items. A large number of visitors came to the India pavilion and showed keen interest in the exhibits. Many of them, especially children, took the opportunity to take photographs posing with the exhibits.

Curtorcares United Club will hold their one-day seven-a-side tournament on Feb 25, 2013 at Sabah Hospital Ground, Shuwaikh. Clubs desiring to field two teams please contact Nicholas Rebello on mobile number 97993276 or Seby on 99053718. ❑ ❑ ❑

India Embassy closure: The

New Look Young engineer opts for job in private sector

Khalid a role model to new generation This is the second and last in a series of articles on Khalid Adel AlIbrahim, a civil engineer and a young pioneer in his own right. — Editor

By Lidia Qattan Special to the Arab Times


halid Al Ibrahim is one of the first young Kuwaitis engineers practically having to force his way into the private sector, which to this time of writing is still reluctant in employing Kuwaitis, because of the reputation they have of being lazy and unreliable. This is not true, there are lots of young Kuwaitis with the knowledge, the brain-power and the ambition of proving their worth, willing to work hard to gain the experience they need if given a chance; but the government system, as Khalid realized, is still ruled by the mentality of the sixties, when the oil revenues were pouring in, and those, who by circumstances were bounded to a certain trend of life no longer productive, were looking for employment in the government, some turning to the Kuwait Oil company, others to government departments. Kuwait was then in great need of technicians, specialists and workers in many fields, at the same time it needed to develop a diversified economy in order not to rely heavily on the oil revenues. Under the wise guide of the Amir, Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem the Kuwaiti government implemented a farsighted strategy that enabled the distribution of the money to the people, with buying their houses standing on the way of city planning with a generous offer.

Strategy This enabled many of the newly rich to start their own business in commercial enterprises, establishing factories, even engaging in agricultural projects spurred and aided by the government. The strategy worked but from the start the private sector began relying on foreign workers because they needed specialized personnel and also because Kuwaitis looking for a job had the

Khalid Adel Al-Ibrahim opportunity of a steady employment in government sectors in one field or another, they also higher wages and privileges the private sector could not afford. At the same time a flood of workers from abroad were pouring in; this in the fifties and sixties created a unique situation with which the government had to deal with. While priority of job was given to Kuwaitis, the country needed a specialized workforce it did not have, so while specialized labor and other workers were recruited from abroad, the education department made a strong effort in training the local potentials in various specializations. Obviously in this situation what was needed was the full cooperation of every ministry with the Employment Department to prevent too many workers entering the country in order to keep the job market in equilibrium and grant to fresh Kuwaiti graduates a job. Failing in gaining the cooperation of every ministry the Employment department soon became entangled in a situation in which the government has become the greatest employer in the country, in fact it covers 90 per cent of the market while the private sectors only covers the 10 per cent. Open education from kindergarten to University and beyond has spurred Kuwaitis to specialize in almost every field of the local job market while

workers from abroad are still pouring in. At the same time the private sector seeks to employ self-motivated people who are willing to work hard for longer hours and for less money than the government sector is offering. Private companies also expects 100 percent commitment from its employees, those not doing their job or are not making an effort in improving their performance are dismissed; at the same time a change in their agenda may trigger the need of reducing the number of staff, so there is the chance one may lose his job. On the other hand a Kuwaiti government employee is assured of a steady income; even if he fails in his performance he is either ignored or might be transferred to another department, but he can’t be dismissed. This policy not only tends to spoil employees, it also spreads the idea that all Kuwaitis are lazy and unreliable. As mentioned there are many young people with brain-power, the will, the stamina and the ambition of making something of their life. Though the salary in the private sector is less and they have to work longer hours, they are willing to work hard in private enterprises because everyone does his job in the best of his ability, while having the advantage of working on a broader scale of involvement that could lead to new opportunities of career.

Experience Khalid Al Ibrahim is one of those young people who purposely looked for a job in the private sector to gain the first-hand experience he needed in his field, which he could hardly get in the government sector for reasons already mentioned. The situation began in the sixties when many of the young graduates returning home from colleges and universities abroad, with their mind full of ideas and the enthusiasm of applying their knowledge in useful undertaking and willing to work hard in spurring the development of their country, were thwarted in their expectation of proving their worth; some turning cynical others becoming indifferent to what was happening. The situation worsened with the spread of the so called Wasta and its

corrupting influence on the whole system, when incapable officials reaching high positions through wasta began spreading injustice among employees, giving little or no consideration to those working hard, while giving privileges to those hardly doing any work. Obviously this situation has been causing drag in the system, for those employees who were striving to do their best became so frustrated that they either became unconcerned following the flow, or sought employment in the private sector for the satisfaction of working in an environment in which everyone else is doing his job, even competing with one another. This in itself gives them pride and dignity; for after all human life is made of feeling and emotions. Khalid and others young graduates proving their serious intention in the private sector might eventually create a difference of opinion about Kuwaitis being spoiled and unreliable But for the country to be moving ahead Khalid believes the government has to change the system in which every ministry has to cooperate with every other ministry for the sake of the future of the country. The policy implemented in the sixties due to certain circumstances has been long overdue; a new agenda has to be implemented to meet new living conditions and solve the crisis the old system has created in the job market, in which too many people on the job not only encourages laziness, it also causes stagnation in every sector while giving to the Lidia Qattan wasta ample opportunity for spreading corruption.

Education He believes that the key in every development is education which should be revised to meet new requirements. Besides its important cultural import, education provides specialization, and specialization in turn leads to cooperation which is the key to all healthy

developments – social, political economic and cultural. He sees imperative the revising of the whole system of education, to give to the new generation the tools its needs in assuming new responsibilities, as the Kuwaiti did in the past at the very first hint of oil in the land with the discovery at Bahra in 1934. That spurred the more alert of them taking immediate steps for the future, centering their agenda on education based on the radical revision of the school curriculum to give to the young generation of men and women the tool they needed in assuming the responsibility of carrying the country on to a new level of development when the oil revenues would become available. From the fifties when the new source of revenue began pouring in, there was a substantial number of young people ready to take over and assume their responsibility in an expanding administration encompassing the social, political, economic and cultural development in the life of the nation. It was from the education system that sprang every branch of civil administration, which enabled Kuwait to become an exemplary welfare democratic state with a new status quo in regional and world affairs in less than two decades. Every new development holds a challenge one must face to move with the flow. Change is constant and unavoidable and Kuwait has both the brain power the stamina and the imagination for planning ahead of time; but there must be a will, the will to act, to take initiative and carry it out to the end. Khalid is one of those serious young Kuwaitis concerned with the future of his country. He believes that change begins with individuals of faith willing and ready to work, unafraid of taking chances. Having been brought up by loving parents who knew how to guide their children in becoming an asset to their country, he is trying to guide his own progeny on the same principles he himself was brought up, thereby perpetuating the cycle of a healthy-minded, emotionally mature generation of young people capable and willing to carry on the responsibility they will have to shoulder.


Embassy of India will remain closed on the following days during the month of February 2013: Feb 25, 2013 – Monday, National Day of Kuwait Feb 26, 2013 – Tuesday, Liberation Day of Kuwait ❑ ❑ ❑

HMWA organizes grand prog: Hyderabad Muslim Welfare Association is going to organize a grand yearly programme on the life of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) titled “Prophet Mohammed Greatest Social Reformer on 25th feb 2013 soon after Friday prayer in Masjid-e-Abdullah Al Mehri next to famous Edi Stores and in front of Titanic building in Salmiya. Prominent scholars from kuwait will speak on the selected topics focusing life of Prophet (PBUH) and his message to whole humanity and in particular to Muslim Umma. Dear Brothers it is yet again a great opportunity to learn more and more about Seerah of our beloved Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). And to show our Passion, love and respect to our beloved religion of Islam and enlightened our lives with good deeds preached by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) HMWA executive committee request all the members and people from Hyderabad and other areas to participate in great numbers and bring your near and dear ones and get educated ourself with the message of Islam which is Peace, love and service to humanity. For further details Contact 99481599, 50605074, 66605881 Feb 28

YMCA membership campaign: YMCA Kuwait is conducting membership Campaign until Feb 28. Persons who wish to become a member of YMCA Kuwait and persons who would like to contribute their time, efforts and services for the society and humanitarian causes may please contact – 97542985. March 4

The Arabic Poetry Competition at AUK: The Arabic Literature Club at AUK will be holding ‘The Arabic Poetry Competition 2013’ on March 4, 5:00-8:00 pm at the AUK Auditorium. The event will include Formal Arabic and Nabati (colloquial) poetry recitation by student contestants. Each participant will present two poems that will be juried by a panel of judges. Keynote speakers of the event will include poets Waleed Al-Qallaf, Hamad Al-Zemami and Mariam Fazil, who will recite their poetry before the

Continued on Page 29



Embassies of Republic of Azerbaijan, Ukraine hold joint presentation on tourism

‘Extreme tourism very popular among locals in Kuwait’ By Cinatra Fernandes Arab Times Staff

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: The Embassies of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Ukraine in Kuwait held a joint presentation on the tourism opportunities in their respective countries at the premises of the Embassy of Ukraine, Sunday evening. “We have organised this presentation with my friend and colleague, the Ambassador of Azerbaijan, to present our two countries that share a strong friendship and strategic partnership”, said Volodymyr Tolkach, Ambassador of Ukraine to Kuwait. He added, “We would like to use this opportunity to present some information about our touristic potential and I hope that this event will be one little step to bring our countries closer to the people of Kuwait through touristic exchange.” Azeri Ambassador Tural Rzayev echoed the sentiment and reiterated, “We have a big potential for tourism and its growth.”

Leisure Both countries present options for leisure, business and medical tourism. Natalia Vakulenko, Business Development Manager at Worldwide Hotel Reservations Co delivered the

presentations. Beginning with the Republic of Azerbaijan she described the scenic topography of the country located in the Caucasus, endowed with a variety of landscapes from mountain ridges, crests and plateaus to the 800 kms eastern coastline along the Caspian Sea. As such, the country offers richness of flora and fauna for visitors.

Expansion She highlighted that since Azerbaijan was in a stage of intensive economic expansion with the development of the oil industry and has enjoyed high growth rates in the region, the government was constantly realizing programmes aimed at the favourable legal and economic conditions for the development of small, medium and large businesses, attraction of foreign investment and the contribution of modern technologies in the production, development and strengthening of the financial and banking system as a basis of a stable, progressive development of the country. Baku, the capital, is a large industrial and cultural centre that presents both modernity and the promise of future development with the tangible heritage of the past, ‘good alternative to Turkey and Lebanon’, Vakulenko

Azeri Ambassador Tural Rzayer (left), and Ukrainian Ambassador Volodymyr Toucach (right), at the press conference.

said. Culture and cuisine is very close to Arabic culture, world famous carpet weaving industry. Other highlights include mud treatments, hunting expeditions, trekking, ski resorts, the discovery of a fruit paradise with 40 different kinds of apples. Emirates, Fly Dubai, Qatar Airways and Turkish Airways fly to Azerbaijan from Kuwait. There are 10 five star

hotels, out of which four international chains are JW Marriott, Hilton, Four Season Baku and Park inn by Radisson; there are several four star hotels as well as budget accommodation available. Travelling within the country, visitors can avail of rental cars, taxis, metro or buses. Ukraine, for its part, also boasts beautiful landscapes, ancient history

Photos by Ahmad Al Nalab

Presenter Natalia Vakulenko

and unique culture with actively developing tourism infrastructure. Vakulenko highlighted the four distinct cities of Kyiv, Lviv, Odessa and Crimea. Complexes Kyiv, the capital, was the cradle of ancient Slavic culture and major features include unique museum com-

plexes as well as the architechtural ensemble of Khreshchatyk, the Denpr slopes and Kyivan chestnut trees. Lviv, the largest economic and cultural centre of western Ukraine, concentrates about half of the country’s architectural monuments and was entered into the World Heritage list in 1998. Odessa, located in the south of Ukraine, is regarded as the ‘sea gate’ as well as the ‘capital of humour’. Autonomous Crimea is a unique international and historical preserve and the biggest tourism centre of the country where numerous monuments reflect historical events and culture of different époques. “Extreme tourism is very popular among locals in Kuwait and they frequently ask about hunting, diving, fishing, parachuting, mountain trekking and skiing”, Vakulenko said. Popular services in medical tourism include plastic surgery especially fat removal, dental and gynecology among others. Hotel accommodation ranges from five star luxuries to budget accommodation. Turkish Airlines and Fly Dubai offer daily and weekly flights to the different cities. For more details and visa inquiries, interested parties can get in touch with the Embassies.


click Latest Continued from Page 28 audience. The event will include an awards ceremony for the top three winners of the competition. March 16

Lighthouse Academy marks 40 yrs: The Lighthouse Academy invites all former students, staff and parents to our 40th year Anniversary celebration. Date: March 16, 2013, Time: 11:00 – 3:00 pm, Venue: National Evangelical Church of Kuwait. RSVP to: elcacademy@hotmail.com. Donations are accepted for Smartboards and Student Fund for Scholarships. April 12

Mika Singh live in concert: Creative Indians Association and Raja Company W.L.L. join hands in announcing the Biggest Asian event of 2013. “Mika Singh - Live in Concert” will be held on 12th April, 2013 at the Abbas AlOstad Hall, Al-Arabi Stadium, Mansouriya starting from 7 pm onwards. With Super Hits like Dhinka Chikka, Pyaar ki Pungi, Chintaa taa Chitaa, Subah Hone Na De and many more, Mika Singh is currently ranked as No. 1 in Bollywood. An excellent performer on stage, Mika was honored by Shah Rukh Khan as the Achiever for 2012 at the Colors Screen Awards held recently.This concert promises to be a treat for one and all. Knowing well that a concert of such epic proportions requires an equally well equipped venue converted into the ideal concert hall – the audiences as well as the auditorium will have elevated seating to ensure the best view in the house for all and off course special acoustics that will ensure Mika’s voice is heard at its best.Mika Singh will be accompanied with his entire troupe and there is no doubt that this promises to be a rocking event which is definitely not to be missed. So mark your calendars today for MIKA on the 12th of April, 2013. Ticket sale details will be announced soon.Visit and register on our website www.hot-stepper.com for timely updates on the event.

Theater & Music March 6

KLT Box Office shows: The Kuwait Little Theatre Box Office is now open for ‘An Evening with Andrew Lloys Weber’. The collection of songs for this show is dazzling, including numbers from well known shows such as Evita, Cats, Phantom of the Opera, Sunset Boulevard and many more. There really is something for everyone’s musical taste in what is guaranteed to be an evening of beautiful music. Directed and produced by KLT regulars, Mike Ricketts and Helen Newton, it’s sure to be an evening you should not miss! Show dates are: Wednesday 6th March, Thursday 7th March and Thursday 8th March. Book now by logging on to www.theklt.com April 12

Konkani drama: Comedian Agostinho will present in Kuwait his new Konkani drama ‘Corruption Kabar?’ on Friday, April 12, 2013 at 4:30 pm at the Kuwait Medical Association Hall, Jabriya. The star cast includes veteran Sabina Fernandes, Jessica Gomes, comedian Janet, Jr Nelson, Salu de Loutolim, Jaju Fernandes, Filipe Almeida, Sylvester Vaz, comedian Selvy Correia, comedian Agostinho Temudo and above all the singing sensation Seby de Divar. For more details, contact tel 99923176, 99540232 or e-mail flexq8@yahoo.com Aug 30

Konkani Drama: M.A. Production is Continued on Page 30

A photo from the German tourism road show launch

Tourism road show kicks off in Kuwait

Germany ideal holiday spot for Arab families By Valiya S. Sajjad Arab Times Staff

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: A tourism road show “Family Holidays and Youth Travel to Germany” was held at Missoni Hotel Sunday showcasing hotels and tourist operators from different parts of Germany. The road show will be held in Doha, Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the coming days. Some of the tourist spots represented at the show were Baden-Baden, Cologne, Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Rhineland, Hamburg, Black Forest Highlands, Munich, SouthWest Germany, Stuttgart, Wald & Scholsshotel Friedrichsruhe, Wiesbaden Marketing and Bayerische Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn. One of the main draws at the road show was Ingolstadt Village, which houses some of Germany’s most attractive shopping hotspots. This shopping destination features a series of luxury outlets offering generous discounts all year round. For tourists interested in a mixture of shopping, history and gastronomy, Cologne is the ideal destination. City life blends with the charm of old town in this exciting destination. Cologne is famous for its museums, and is renowned for its leading medical centers that attract scores of medical tourists from the Gulf every year. More information can be obtained from Cologne Tourist Board’s website, www.colognetourismus.de.

Office was the tour operator to BadenBaden, providing services including booking of hotels, airport shuttle and transfers, sightseeing programs and arranging professional guides and translators among others. Their sightseeing programs to Black Forest and Alsace region in France were the highlights. They can be emailed at bbt@badenbaden.com. For visits to Berlin, VisitBerlin provides a wide range of travel packages and also issues the official tourist ticket, the Berlin WelcomeCard. Their phone number is +49 30 25 00 25. Frankfurt Tourist + Congress Board provides services to tourists to Frankfurt, which is a metropolis in the heart of Europe. www.frankfurt-tourismus.de has more details. Rhineland has evolved into the health destination of Germany with several areas of healthcare including research and medical facilities intertwining here. Health Destination Rhineland is a company that provides services to visitors seeking to benefit from the modern healthcare system in this region.

www.health-destination.travel contains more details. For nature lovers, the Black Forests Highlands would be a dream spot with lovely landscapes and the “atmospheric lake” Titisee. To book your accommodation in this busy location, contact Hoschswarzwald Tourismus through www.blackforesthighlands.info.

Information Hotel Concorde Berlin, Hotel Palace Berlin, Radisson Blu Hotels and Lufthansa Airlines were also present at the road show. Embassy of Germany in Kuwait, which was also present at the road show, gave out visa information. It said that visa applicants will have to come in person to provide biometric data or fingerprints. Fingerprint scans stored in VIS can be re-used. Children under the age of 12 are exempted from fingerprint scans. Visa applications can be submitted at Al Qabas Assurex, which operates outside the embassy at Sanabel Tower, Mezzanine, Opposite Public Authority for Minors Affairs, Kuwait.

Booking Duesseldorf, which is situated at the river Rhine, is known as Germany’s fashion capital. If planned well, tours to this place can be exciting as it hosts some of Europe’s best arts and culture fairs. Duesseldorf Tourist Board can be contacted at www.visitduesseldorf.de. Baden-Baden Convention & Visitors

German officials at the event

If you get a multiple entry Schengen visa, you may return any number of times within the 180-day period, but the combined stay within the region must not exceed 90 days. After a series of successful promotional tours over the past years, the German National Tourist Office (GNTO), the local affiliate of the German National Tourist Board (GNTB) in Dubai, launched yesterday from the Kuwaiti capital its recurring road show “Dallal fi Almania” (“Feel Good in Germany”) 2013. “Figures for travellers from the Arab Gulf States are increasing at a faster rate than ever; with this, the GCC countries continue to represent one of the top twenty source markets in the German tourism industry” said Antje Roeding-Boudier, Director of the Marketing & Sales Office of the German National Tourist Office (GNTO) in the Gulf region. According to statistics from the Federal Statistical Office, overnight stays by travellers from the GCC totalled 1,216,490 in the first eleven months of 2012. “Given the family-oriented demand characterizing this important region, the GNTO and its partners aimed at providing with this year’s workshop theme a more detailed view on the multitude of offers that make Germany the ideal holiday destination for Arab families and young travellers,” Roeding-Boudier said. “For spending a holiday together as an Arab family, Germany is the perfect destination. Visitors of all ages will love going to theme parks, water parks, castles, museums and fun pools, getting close to nature in the national parks, and engaging in active pursuits such as cycling, swimming and walking; moreover, young people will find that travelling to Germany is simple, safe and affordable, and there are lots of special offers. Getting around is quick and easy

thanks to the excellent roads and the superb infrastructure for coach and train travel,” she explained.

Attractions In total, twenty two partners, representing the accommodation, attractions, tourism services, transportation and healthcare services sectors in Germany, supported the realisation of the road show “Dallal fi Almania” 2013. In light of the continuously expanding popularity of Germany as a tourist destination for families from the GCC countries, the guests from the Arabian Gulf’s travel industry and media enthusiastically took part in the road show. The staged activities involved discussions, exchanges as well as one-to-one workshop sessions, which provided extensive networking opportunities to the participants. This networking and the informative dialogue established between the German and Arab counterparts continue to be the most appreciated aspects of this successful promotional tool created by GNTO. GNTO has been promoting Germany intensively in the Gulf region over the past years, showcasing Germany’s diversified tourist offers and launching various initiatives for the travel trade and local media representatives. In addition to GNTO’s annual road show ‘Dallal fi Almania’, other measures included study tours, training and presentations for travel trade representatives aimed at informing the regional audience more broadly about what Germany as a travel destination has to offer to its guests. Particularly relevant is the Germany Travel Mart™ (GTM), the largest workshop for incoming tourism to Germany, which in 2013 will be held in Stuttgart from May 5 to 7. On occasion of this event, the GNTO in the Gulf region will be joined by hosted buyers and media representatives from different GCC countries.C



Some photos from the event

Mini cultural show main highlight

IDAK holds book release ceremony

The Class X French students of FAIPS-DPS visited ‘Le Notre’, the popular French restaurant near Kuwait Towers on 16th January, 2013. The educational trip was arranged with a view to familiarize the students to the French cuisine and hospitality. The students walked into the quintessential French ambience and were welcomed on the magnificent staircase of the restaurant. A brief tour of the restaurant followed by an informative session with the chef exposed them to

the various services provided and the etiquettes that need to be followed at the table. They were then treated to appetizing starters and mouth-watering main course and desserts. The students marveled with amazement at the different facets of French life. They came away with the sense of appreciation at the opportunity to taste the delectable French cuisine and to hone their language skills.

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: On Friday, 15 February 2013 Indian Dentists’ Alliance in Kuwait (IDAK) under the patronage of the Indian Embassy, Kuwait Dental Association (KDA) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) released two books in a gala function at the Crown Plaza Hotel. The chief guest for the occasion was Dr. S.K. Ojha, Officiating Secretary, Dental Council of India (DCI). The other dignitaries who actively participated in the occasion were His Excellency Shri Satish Mehta, the Indian Ambassador to Kuwait, Dr. Yusuf Al-Duwairi, Assistant Undersecretary, Dental Affairs of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Jawad Behbehani, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Kuwait University, Dr. Ibrahim Ismael, Secretary, Kuwait Dental Association and Dr. Mohammed Al-Muthairy, Chairman, Kuwait Medical Association and the Ambassador of Nepal to Kuwait, H.E. Mr. Madhuban Prasad Paudel. The General Secretary Dr. Anil George Phillip introduced and welcomed all the dignitaries on the Dias and thanked them for gracing the function. In his message, the President Dr. John Joy Manappallil highlighted all the achievements of IDAK and encouraged IDAK members to go beyond the call of duty and engage in providing service to the community. In a surprise announcement, he announced that the Kuwait Dental Association (KDA) has granted an affiliation to IDAK. The Indian Dentists’ Alliance is henceforward formally affiliated to the KDA. He praised Dr. Yusuf Al-Duwairy, Assistant Undersecretary, Dental Affairs for his tireless efforts in raising the standard of dental care in Kuwait. The first book “The Oral Health Guide” Volume 3 was released by Dr. Yousef Al-Duwairy, Asst. Undersecretary, MOH and the first

click Theater & Music Continued from Page 29 all set to present a Konkani Drama (Tiatr) “MOJE DHUVENCHEM KAZAR” to be staged on 30 August 2013 with an emotionally charged storyline, humour and music, written by M.Dias and directed by Sylvester Vaz & M.Dias to be held at Kuwait Medical Association Auditorium (near Blood Bank), Jabriya. Popular actors and singers will be flown from India including Seby de Divar – Goa’s singing sensation, John D’Silva – Goa’s best known comedian and character artiste, Yvonne – new sensation in comedy, Fr Nevel Gracias (Vell’lekar) – well known actor and writer, Sylvester Vaz – Hitman of Konkani stage, besides a few prominent well established actors and singers from the tiatrist fraternity in Kuwait. The proceeds of this drama will be sent to Old Goa Retreat Centre. Please make note in your diary to attend this must-to-see by all parents and children, and support this noble cause. Await for more details how to obtain your entry passes or email: dias_q8@yahoo.com Tel: +965 66698257, 99616965, 65095345. http://goablog100.blogspot.com/2013/02/ moje-dhuvenchem-kazar.html

Some photos from the event


India International School bids farewell to Class XII Feb 7 was an extraordinary day for class XII students of Indian International School as it marked the momentous farewell ceremony with ‘Fusion-empowering minds’ as its theme. Attired in modish style and panache, the seniors were escorted in by class XI with the lightning of the candles to mark the glorious beginning in their career. The programme was graced by the presence of the director Malayil Moosa Koya, Principal F.M.Basheer Ahmed, vice principal Narender Kaur KG (HOS) Shifana Muizz, Council members Salim, Mrs Sameena, Mrs Sapna Rauf, Mrs Indulekha, Mrs Sophyand the teachers. The remarkable day began by invoking the Almighty to confer blessings and seeking guidance our seniors in their future endeavors. Recitation of the verses from the

Holy Quran was given by salim and its authentic translation by Mymoon. Welcome speech was proposed by Hansen and Sinta respectively. Following this was a spectacular dance performance by girls of class XI.It was medley-a conglomeration of dance performed with a variety of songs entrancedthe audience. After this was a message given by Hamna and Ayesha Farekha to boost the morale and confidenceof the seniors. An enthralling PowerPoint presentation delineated by Imran and Lalita showcased the childhood days of the seniors to reminisce the splendid moments of their yester years. The highlight of the programme was a pantomime depicting “Education Opens Doors” enlightened everyone, the essence of seeking education and fostered a spirit of

learning. The moving part of the programme was an emotional speech delivered by Munazza and Sumaya of class XII which left everyone in tears. Following this was a heartwarming song presented by class XI choir. To create an aura of fun, frolic and entertainment and to cherish some treasured moments in the treasure trove, exciting games were organized by Abbas and Ayesha Sogay for the seniors, which everyone enjoyed to the fullest. Director Malayil Moosa Koya addressed the gathering with his poignant message to the outgoing students. He focused on the important role played by the school and the teaching faculty in molding the lives of the students towards an enriching destiny. He further advised them to remember the school and

the teachers as they played a vital role in the process of sowing the seeds of education. Further he appreciated the head girl Munazza Sharafuddin for her commendable speech. Principal, F.M.Basheer Ahmed addressed the gathering and enlightened everyone with a PowerPoint presentation with an aim to develop a holistic personality focusing on life skills. It was an enriching session for the outgoing students to pass out successfully in the upcoming board exams and advised them to make this glorious Decennial Year a successful one. The programme came to an end with vote of thanks proposed by Probhjot Kaur following a scrumptious lunch. India International School wishes all its students best of luck for the board exams and bless them with a prosperous future.

Football Coaching Course: The next P.G.A. Everton Football Coaching Course at the new location by Abdullah Al-Rujaib High School, Bayan Block 7, Masjed Al-Aqsa Street. Courses are available for boys and girls aged from 3 to 18 years. For further details see http://www.pga-kuwait.com.kw/ or contact academy Director Mike on 99981327 or Executive Director Baker on 66918666. ❑ ❑ ❑ KLL registration: Kuwait Little League (KLL) has kicked off registration for the 2012-2013 baseball and softball season. The various divisions and corresponding age groups are as follows: Tee Ball: Boys and Girls — 5 to 7 years old; Minors: Boys and Girls — 8 to 10 years old; Majors: Boys and Girls — 11 to 12 years old; Juniors: Boys and Girls — 13 to 14 years old; Seniors: Boys and Girls —15 to 18 years old; Softball: Girls only — 11 to 18 years old.

copy handed to the Ambassador, H.E. Shri Satish C. Mehta. The theme of the book was ‘Cosmetic Dentistry’, and it was written in Arabic and English in simple, non-technical language to enable the common man to easily understand the cosmetic aspects of dentistry. The second book titled “The Foreign Dentists’ Handbook for Kuwait” was released by Dr. Ibrahim Ismael, Chairman, Kuwait Dental Association and the first copy handed over to Dr. Jawad Behbehani, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Kuwait University. The book will help new, Non-Arabic speaking dentists’ to communicate with their patients and introduce them to the rich culture and heritage of Kuwait. An oration lecture titled “Current Status of Dental Education in India” was given by the chief guest Col. Retd. Dr. S.K. Ojha. The highlight of the evening was a spectacular and colorful Mini Cultural Show showing the rich culture and heritage of India. IDAK ladies performed semi-classical and Rajasthani folk dances to enchanting music. The IDAK children wearing Kuwaiti costumes danced to a popular Kuwaiti song and enthralled the guests. The last dance saw all the participants waving Kuwait and Indian Flags signifying the IndoKuwait friendship. The function ended with a grand dinner at the “Al Baraka Hall,” of Crown Plaza Hotel. IDAK thanked all its members, its volunteers, office bearers and participants for making the program a grand success. IDAK also thanked all its sponsors and well-wishers for making the event a success; especially its premium sponsors YIACO, Zayani, ATC, Quality Source, Al Mulla Exchange, Al Badr Scientific, Taiba Hospital and Ashraf and Company. Special thanks to Mr. Saji, Banquet Manager of Crown Plaza, Drishya Videos and My Tour Compass for their support. Challenger* – Boys and Girls — 7 to 12 years old (for children with special needs). Persons who deem themselves eligible as volunteer baseball coaches, umpires or team parents are also welcome to register. For registration and more information please visit www.Q8LL.ORG. ❑ ❑ ❑

Kwt-Brits football supporters: A new football supporters website for British expats living and working in Kuwait has been set up by an Everton supporter, Trevor Powell. The Kuwait Brits Football Supporters Association (KBFSA) site aims to provide contact information for supporters of each others’ whereabouts and also in the future hopes to organise social events such as quizzes and even five-a-side matches on a home international teams basis. We need expats to register their support and hence we can then start to cast around for a suitable meeting venue. The site can be accessed at www.kbfsa.co.uk. ❑ ❑ ❑

Kuwait Cricket for schools: Kuwait Cricket, the apex body of cricket in Kuwait would like to invite school cricket teams to participate in their tournaments which are planned to be held at the turf ground at Sulaibiya. Kuwait Cricket intends to conduct two cricket tournaments for U-15 and U-18 school children who should have valid Kuwait residence and be a student of their respective school. Physical Education officials or Managers of various schools in Kuwait are hereby requested to contact Murali Kutticode on 99542107 for more information. The tournaments will be played on Saturdays at Sulaibiya grounds and the matches will be 30 overs. Participation of school cricket teams will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in ensuring the success of the open cricket tournament and we look forward to your confirmation of attendance. Any inquiries may be directed to the contact phone numbers or email addresses mentioned below: A meeting of School representatives will be arranged shortly and please feel free to contact Kuwait cricket with your positive feedback. Contact details: Murali Kutticode, Director, Junior & Corporate cricket Tel: 99542107 or kutticode@yahoo.com

Continued on Page 31



Fitness ‘Walking for health’

Musician takes to LA streets to drop pounds and get fit NEW YORK, Feb 18, (RTRS): People who believe a healthy lifestyle is expensive should speak to “Papa” Joe Aviance, a Los-Angeles musician who lost 250lbs using the city’s sidewalks as his treadmill, its parks as his gym and a discount store as his health food destination. The formerly 450-lb (204-kg) Aviance said he owes his now fit 200-lb body to walking five miles (eight kms) a day, every day around his inner-city Los Angeles neighborhood. “I thought, ‘What’s the easiest exercise I can do? I can’t afford the gym, so I’ll use the street,’” said Aviance, who was unemployed when he began his fitness regime in 2011.

“I like to say the sidewalk is my treadmill.” He swapped his junk food for vegetables and trail mix, purchased mostly from a discount shop, and laced up his walking shoes. At first, drenched in sweat, he barely made it around the block, despite the motivating fastpaced dance music blasting from his headphones. Each day he went a little farther.

Reap Five miles, or 10,000 steps, a day is a goal for most healthy adults walking for activity, according to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Michele Stanton, a fitness instruc-

tor and author of “Walk Off Weight,” said to reap the full benefits of walking you need to maintain a brisk pace, defined by ACSM as three-tofour miles (4.8 to 6.4 kms) an hour. “That’s not your window-shopping pace,” said Stanton, who is based in Coopersburg, Pennsylvania. “At about three miles (4.8 kms) per hour a rough calorie burn estimate is 100 calories per mile.” Stanton said that once a walker hits four miles (6.4 kms) per hour the burn picks up. “After five miles (eight kilometers) per hour walking becomes harder than running,” she said. Because walking carries a lot less risk for injury than high-impact activ-

ity, it is ideal for high-risk populations, sedentary and overweight people, even if their long-term goal is to run, she said. Even walking in the living room has benefits. “There was a 2012 study that had people step in place during the commercial breaks of a TV show,” Stanton said. Over the hour, they took about 2,000 steps and burned some 148 calories.

Programs Pennsylvania-based fitness expert Leslie Sansone has been creating “walk at home” programs for 25 years. Her latest DVD is “Just Walk: Belly Blasting Walk”

“I owned a fitness center in the 1980s, and I wanted to get the walkers to come inside,” she said. “So we started walk aerobics. It struck a nerve.” Sansone said where you walk changes the fitness experience. “If you’re outdoors walking in the wind and up and down curves and hills, you’re going to react in a different way than if you’re on a treadmill, where you can pump up the pace,” she said. Indoors, Sansone uses music to set the pace. “If they keep a pace, it doesn’t matter what the movement is, they’re going to gain fitness,” she said, adding that she would rather see people increase intensity than time.

“It’s that hurry-up pace that gets you around the 15-minute mile,” Sansone said. “That’s the cardio goal for health and weight loss.” Sansone said most of her clients are women, but lately more men and teenagers are picking up the pace. These days, Aviance practically dances his route, regularly pausing for a set of push-ups in the park and encouraging onlookers to follow his footsteps. “I’ve got about five kids that I’ve helped,” said Aviance, who has become a neighborhood advocate for health and wellness. “And all people I see on street who ask me what I’m up to.”


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Courses March 24

AWARE Spring Arabic courses: “The AWARE Management is glad to inform interested Western expatriates that Spring Arabic language courses with new textbooks and curricula will begin on Sunday March 24, 2013 until Tuesday May 3, 2013. AWARE Arabic language courses are designed with the expat in mind. The environment is relaxed & courses are designed for those wanting to learn Arabic for travel, cultural understanding, and conducting business or simply to become more involved in the community. We cater to teachers, travelers & those working in the private business sector. Arabic classes at the AWARE Center are unique because students are provided with the chance to practice their Arabic through various social activities that aim at bringing Arabs and Westerners together. AWARE Arabic courses highlight: ■ Introductory to Level 5 Arabic language basics ■ Better prepare you for speaking, reading and writing Arabic ■ Combine language learning with cultural insights ■ Taught in multi-nationality group settings ■ Provide opportunities to interact with Western expatriates and native Kuwaitis/Arabs. Note: Due to some of AWARE’s clients’ busy schedules during week days, AWARE Center has decided to offer Arabic classes every Saturday for beginners (Introductory Arabic) and Level 1 Basic. Don’t miss this opportunity! For more information, please call 25335260/80 or log onto: www.aware.com.kw.” ❑ ❑ ❑

Kuwaiti jewelry designer Muneera Al Sharhan with her work table.

NYF – yoga classes: Yoga classes available for all age groups and different health problems, weight reduction, depression etc by well experienced Indian female yoga teacher near Al-Rashid Hospital, Salmiya. Separate workshop, meditation, advanced breathing exercise classes, healing courses available according to the requirements of different schools, hospitals and organizations at your place. For more details contact 99838117, 99315825. ❑ ❑ ❑

Photos By Anwar Daifallah

Some jewelry designs by Muneera Al Sharhan

Muneera’s works are original expression

Salsa & jive classes: If you want to stay fit – Take the dive, with salsa and jive, two left feet won’t stop the beat. Join now as individual or couple. Unleash your potential. Individual attention to all students guaranteed. For details contact: 97979816/94445711. ❑ ❑ ❑

Free Arabic course: IPC and all its branches is opening Free Arabic Language Course for non-Arab Ladies accessible in beginners and advance levels. Class in Islamic and Quran courses are also presented in different languages. Registration is on! Call the nearest IPC branch: Rawdah: Offers 2 alternatives for Level 1 — Call: 22512257. 1. Once a week class (4-month course); 2. Twice a week class (2-month course) Salmiyah: 25733263, 97533263; Kheitan: 24730137, 99285459; Mangaf: 23723002 ext 124/123; Jahra: 24558830, 97533948. ❑ ❑ ❑ TIES Russian Classes: TIES Center Russian Club is glad to announce the start of Russian Language Courses. We offer classes for all levels, from beginners to advance level. TIES Russian Courses are intended for all Arabic speakers who wish to learn Russian as a second language or simply as a hobby. Throughout the course the students will learn how to read and write in a friendly, relaxed and welcoming environment. For more information/registration kindly contact us 97226650. ❑ ❑ ❑ TIES Arabic course: TIES Center offers Arabic classes. We offer classes for all levels, from beginners to advance. TIES Arabic classes are intended for all expatriates who wish to learn Arabic (business, basic communication, hobby, fun, etc…). Throughout the course the students will learn how to read, write and speak Arabic in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. For more information please contact 25231015-6; mobile 97228860/96682792 or visit our website at www.tiescenter.net. ❑ ❑ ❑ AWARE Winter Arabic course: ‘The AWARE Management is glad to

Jewelry with a narrative of their own By Chaitali B. Roy uneera Al Sharhan’s creations are not just something to wear because they match a dress or an outfit, rather they are pieces of art that have narratives of their own. “Jewelry has always fascinated me because of the powerful connection people can make with them and their capacity to hold and represent our secrets and our dreams. I enjoy creating a world, a story or a history through these objects. I hope that people who wear my work will be creating their own stories as well. The things we choose to put on our body say a lot about who we are. My pieces command attention alone, and when worn, shift the authority to whoever is wearing them,” says the young jewelry artist in her website. Earlier this month, Muneera Al Sharhan had her first solo exhibition of contemporary jewelry works at Bayt Lothan, sponsored by Sabah Al Ahmad Centre for Giftedness & Creativity. Bayt Lothan provides a platform for young Kuwaiti artists to exhibit their talents, by hosting such events and giving the artists the exposure they require. Unusual, asymmetrical, quirky, Muneera’s one of a kind works of art make us forget that jewelry is meant to be worn. Her work table on display included a wide array of interesting

tools, miniature anvils, drawings and sketches. “These are sketches of the kind of women who I think can wear my jewelry. She has to be someone interesting, someone strong, someone who has the gumption to carry my kind of work.” Conference And it is true. Most of Muneera’s works bring a strong sense of individuality. They are an original expression combined with skilled craftsmanship. And, not everybody can carry her work with the kind of confidence it requires. “ But I do have some pieces that are easier to wear,” she is quick to add. “ I basically want the wearer to form a connection with the piece they wear. They should not be conscious while wearing it. They should enjoy it, understand it and interpret it in their own way.” The world of jewelry making is teeming with creativity with designers coming up with works far removed from mass-produced jewelry. Muneera blends silver, porcelain, camel-hair, hand dyed cotton string, beads, pearls, wood and metal to produce threedimensional contemporary art jewelry. She lovingly fingers an unusual piece inspired by bukhour. “I wanted to think out of the box,” she said showing me the brooch which carries a lingering fragrance of bukhour. “In this piece I followed the actual shape of a bukhour wood.” Her creations border-

ing on abstractions portray different stories and emotions. “This necklace for instance is inspired by smoke. I tried to hand forge and shaped the metal to make it look as organic as smoke.” She has large pieces in wood and pearls inspired by the sails of old boats. “These are ear hangers,” she said. “They are actually light, despite their size. I thought of making something bigger than traditional earrings. I thought it would be fun.” Her works are like conversation pieces by virtue of their shape and texture. “I want people to focus on the piece itself, on its shape and on the story behind it.” Jewelry is personal, she says and when one wears it, they create their own story or their own journey with it. A large silver broach in the shape of a woman in abaya stands out. “This is a humorous piece. I call her a ‘superwoman’ after the women in old Kuwait who looked after the entire household when their husbands went out to sea.” Trained Muneera started making jewelry as a child. “I have made jewelry since I was in elementary. I was forever stringing, beading, using wires to make my jewelry, so when I told my parents I wanted to study jewelry making, they gave me the go ahead.” A Bachelor of Fine Arts in Jewelry and Metalsmithing from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), she

loves to work with her hands, giving shape and life to her designs. “I can say I am the first person to be trained in contemporary jewelry in Kuwait. And I also make my jewelry using metals and silvers through casting and hand fabrication.” Her time in RISD, one of the leading art universities in the US trained her not only in traditional jewelry making, rendering and drawing techniques, but also led her to explore contemporary jewelry. “I love to make jewelry with my own hands. I love to sketch out my design, figure out the material and interpret my designs. I have the best time ever working with my hands.” Muneera al Sharhan seeks inspirations in emotions, environment and heritage. For her degree project in her senior year, she sought inspiration in a sense of nostalgia. She called this collection Mukaani which in Arabic means ‘my place’. “I worked on this when I was living away from home. While I was here, the past or my heritage never interested me, but once I started living in the US I was filled with nostalgia, for a world which I was never a part of. I started reading about Kuwait’s past and sought inspiration from it. I tried to connect myself to Kuwait’s history and tried to interpret my connection with it.” Her experiments with the past led her to use material such as camel-hair, an unusual material in her jewelry making. “ In the past camel-hair was used

for shelter and clothing. I used it as a rope to string the different components in each jewelry piece.” She also used unglazed porcelain clay which reminded her of the white facade of old Kuwaiti mud buildings, and wood which had association with sails and boats. Some of her ceramic pieces are inspired by local architecture. Intricate A double-sided beautiful hinged bracelet called ‘Fireej’ or neighborhood with intricate work on miniature pictures hand painted using glass enamel over copper squares is one of her most interesting work. It does exactly what its creator wanted it to do. It launches a dialogue; kick starts a conversation on Kuwait’s past and reiterates a strong sense of connection with one’s identity. Jewelry is a tradition in many countries of Asia. It is also a good tool to build bridges between cultures. Jewelry tells stories with many layers. The story belongs to the creator, to the wearer and to the person who is simply looking at it. And for Muneera Al Sharhan, her jewelry is a part of her identity as an artist and as a Kuwaiti. “You cannot expect heritage to continue as it is, it will change form. I am a Kuwaiti and I believe I have the freedom to interpret my heritage the way I see it,” says the young designer who wants to explore new styles, new material and set new trends.

inform you that Winter 2 Arabic language courses with new textbooks and curricula begins today and runs until March 18, 2013. AWARE Arabic language courses are designed with the expat in mind. The

environment is relaxed and courses are designed for those wanting to learn Arabic for travel, cultural understanding, and conducting business or simply to become more involved in the community. We cater

to teachers, travelers and those working in the private business sector. Arabic classes at the AWARE Center are unique because students are provided with the chance to practice their Arabic through various

social activities that aim at bringing Arabs and Westerners together. AWARE Arabic courses highlight: ■ Introductory to Level 5 Arabic language basics

■ Better prepare you for speaking, reading and writing Arabic ■ Combine language learning with cul-

Special to the Arab Times


Continued on Page 32



individual emergency. Sometimes, it is apparent that due to lack of this updated data we face the difficulty of tracing the details of the person. This registration will pave the way for Embassy to have reliable data. It is important that we do our part, to help the Embassy to serve its community. Please visit embassy website: www.indembkwt.org. ❑ ❑ ❑

click Courses Continued from Page 31 tural insights ■ Taught in multi-nationality group settings ■ Provide opportunities to interact with Western expatriates and native Kuwaitis/Arabs. Note: Due to some of our clients’ busy schedules during week days, AWARE Center has decided to offer Arabic classes every Saturday for beginners (Introductory Arabic) with effect from Feb 9, 2013 until March 16, 2013. Don’t miss this opportunity! For more information, please call 25335260/80 or log onto: www.aware.com ❑ ❑ ❑

Quiz Night for Ladies: TIES Center Ladies Club invites all ladies to the educative & entertaining session of quiz night (2nd Wednesday of every month). Time: 6 pm till 8 pm. You can come with your family and enjoy the quiz night together. Refreshments will be provided. For more information/registration,contact 25231015/6 or 97228860 or visit www.tiescenter.net. ❑ ❑ ❑ Free fitness classes: Free fitness classes at B.FIT studio in Salmiya! Classes include Zumba, Masala Bhangra workout, aerobics, toning & much more. Contact +965-65077062 for further information. Hurry and enroll now !” ❑ ❑ ❑

TIES Center Arabic Course: TIES Center is glad to announce the start of Arabic Courses which runs until March 7, 2013. We offer classes for all levels from beginners to advance level. TIES Arabic Classes are intended for all expatriates who wish to learn Arabic for whatever purpose – business, basic communication, as a second language or simply as a hobby. Throughout the course the students will learn how to read, write and speak Arabic in a friendly, relaxed and welcoming environment. For more more information/registration, contact 25231015/6 or 97228860 or through the following address amina@tiescenter.net. ❑ ❑ ❑

Latino dancing classes: Salsa & Bachata classes learn the moves, unleash your potential live the experience of true Latin dancing. We provide individual attention to students. You can join as an individual or as a couple. Salsa classes on Monday and Wednesday from 8 pm to 9 pm. Bachata classes every Sunday from 8 pm to 9 pm. For details contact: 55885102, 99885102.


Islamic classes in French: The Enlightenment into Islam is offering Islamic Classes in French for ladies. Timings 4:30 to 7 pm. Every Wednesday. Please register at the office (Women’s Section), 2nd floor. For more information please contact us. Telephone 25362684, 99789954, 99507076, 97743327. Fax 25342573 (attention — Enlightenment into Islam)

General April 9

NPIS organizes annual fun fair: New Pakistan International School is going to organize annual fun fair at Sha’ab Park on March 9 from 8 :00 am to 4:00 pm. All are welcome. You can buy tickets from the school office during working hours. ❑ ❑ ❑

AWL registration: Ladies, all nationalities, wishing to join the American Women’s League (AWL) of Kuwait should call 99039723 and visit their Facebook page. ❑ ❑ ❑

St Paul’s Anglican Church: St

A combo piture from the event

Fairy tales come alive at Bhavans annual day The much awaited occasion, in the agenda of any school is undoubtedly the Annual Day. Scripts to be written, the cast to be selected, recordings to be done, costumes to be stitched, props to be done, the entire school is agog with excitement. Children and teachers are on their feet, trying to come up with their best, the creative juices flowing all around. Not to be left behind are the prize winners, who reap the rewards of their hard work through the entire year. Everyone doing their bit, the whole unit working as one, with one mission — a spectacular show, and that was what it was.

IES, Bhavans completed six glorious years In Kuwait, with each passing year gaining a new height. This year’s Annual Day celebration added a new feather in its cap as technology prevailed and the whole presentation got a new facelift with the digital backdrop instead of regular background curtains. Only schools with talent and qualified personnel can venture into this sort of technique and produce a motion picture effect on the stage. The theme for the Annual day for the Primary was fairytales which is obvious from the title “Once upon a time” As Albert Einstein said it once “If you want your children to be intelligent, read

them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” The proceedings of the day began with the recitation of the verses from the Holy Quran followed by Lighting of the Ceremonious Lamp by the Chief Guest, P.N. Santhanagopal, Joint Director, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, India, Guest of Honour, Mrs. Kalyani MukherjeePrincipal Kuwait Indian School, Krishnadas Menon-,Director, Bhavans Kuwait, N.K. Ramachandran Menon,Chairman, Bhavans, Middle East and Madame Sudha Ramachandran. The privilege to extend a warm wel-

come to the chief guest for the day was vested on the Junior Head Boy, Master Daniel Thomas and Junior Head Girl Sana Nazim Parkar. The Chief Guest, the veteran educationalist and one of the key policy makers of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan P.N. Santhanagopal echoed his concern about the present generation. He said that the idea of education is to unsettle the minds of the young and inflame their intellects. It is the duty of the teacher to create thoughtful citizens, to help children to gain self esteem and confidence. The teacher is just a facilitator and helps the students to learn how to learn.

PSME notice: We are inviting all Filipino Mech’l. Tech, CPM, ME, RME, PME, Masteral and PhD in Mechanical Engineering, who are currently working here in Kuwait to join the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers Kuwait Chapter (PSME-Kuwait Chapter). The main objective of the Society is to uplift the Mechanical Engineering profession, by a Continuing Professional Education (CPE) programs, like seminars, technical training, research and further studies. Moreover, we are also focusing on Professional Upgrading of members through the Special Professional Licensure Board Examinations (SPLBE) for OFW’s which are held yearly in KSA, UAE and Qatar. Any interested person can contact the following: Engr Ernie A. Blanza, 97772741; Engr Benito B. Bulawan, 66336370; Engr Jonil G. Puracan, 66456245; Engr Francisco L. Olpindo, 97634388; Engr Arturo L. Palomar, 55116178; Engr Joseph De Chavez 66427247; Engr Marlon M. Diego, 97119630; Engr Tito S. Tubil, 67766503; Engr Gene A. Rivera, 97298337; Engr Alfredd M. Avila, 60001578. ❑ ❑ ❑

Believers’ Baptist Church (BBBC) in Mangaf invites you to visit us for our weekly services in English. Friday morning Bible teaching starts at 10:30 am. The Sermon and Children’s Church begins at noon. On Monday evening we hold our prayer meeting and Bible study at 7 pm. For more details, please call 66220416 or email faithful.stewards@gmail.com ❑ ❑ ❑ you had a challenging week? Want to hear something different for a change? Something positive and energizing? At Father’s Love International Ministries, you will find all these and much more … Love, Laughter, Life, Liberty. You will find a community of God-loving believers, who come every Friday, Saturday and Monday to praise and worship together, pray together and listen to God’s word together at the Father’s House. There is always a word of blessing and edification for everyone who comes to Father’s House. So don’t be left out! Come join the family! You will be restored, revived, and renewed and greatly rewarded! Father’s Love Encounter Services on Fridays — 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Bible Study on Saturdays — 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Empowerment Services on Mondays — 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. For directions please call 99664030, 66550209. www.fathersloveim.com ❑ ❑ ❑

‘Tell me I will forget; show me I may remember; involve me I will understand.’ The famous Chinese proverb was depicted elegantly, beautifully and indescribably on the stage while the tiny tots of Indian Learners Own Academy celebrated their highly anticipated open day in two lovely segments on Jan 30-31, 2013. Children see magic because they

look for it. The purest and the most thoughtful minds are those who possess a love for colours. It was a magical potpourri of talents displayed in a way that the whole show took the audience to a fanciful world of fantasia and rhythmic gyration. The whole show was a commemoration to Friedrich Froebel, the great German educator who started the first

kindergarten in the history of education. The school principal Mrs Asha Sharma through the annual report paid a glance to the significant school events dotting the 2012 calendar. Learning how to learn is the trump card for a successful student of 21st century. Mrs Sharma emphasized the inevitability of change, the need to provide apt avenues to develop the latent skills of the students

and the importance of the emotional engagement in the deeds and the tasks undertaken. The resonant regards for the institution pulsated in the parent. The unparalleled support from the teachers and parents has undoubtedly buoyed the resilient spirit of the budding artists. The elated parents left with contentment when the panoramic presentation came to an end.

First AG Church Meetings: First Assembly of God Church Kuwait Worship Meetings on all Fridays from 9:30 am 12:15 pm and Fasting Prayer on all Thursdays from 7 pm - 9:15 pm at NECK Compound (Hall of Hope, Ground Floor, Front of Baptism Pool) Kuwait City. Cottage meetings on all Mondays from 7.30 pm - 9 pm at scheduled places. Fasting prayer on third Wednesday, Thursday & Friday of every month. Sunday School on all Fridays from 7.30 am - 9 am at Abbasiya Parsonage (Abbasiya Supermarket bldg). Ladies prayer meeting on Wednesdays from 5 pm - 7 pm at scheduled places. C.A Youth Meeting on last Thursday of every month from 7 pm - 9 pm. Transportation provided to all parts of Kuwait. For more information contact Pastor V.D Thomas (97251639/24312630), Bro Abraham George (99384503/24768495). www.firstagkuwait.com. E-mail: firstagkwt@gmail.com. ❑ ❑ ❑ Talalog Khutba for Filipinos: The Ministry of Awqaf, Islam Presentation Committee, & Kuwait Philippine Cultural Center (KPC Center) invites all Filipino Muslim & Muslima to hear Khutba (Sermon) in Tagalog every Friday at Marzouq Al-Badr Mosque, Abu Bakr AlSiddeeq St (at the back of Ambassador Supermarket and SM Supermarket, near Salhiya Police Station & Kuwait Airways Bldg) in Kuwait City. There will be a community gathering and lunch after Friday prayers at KPC Center in Farwaniya. For further information, please call KPC Center, Tel 4712574. ❑ ❑ ❑

Indians urged to register: Kozhikode District NRI Association (KDNA), registered with Indian Embassy Kuwait is urging all Indian nationals in Kuwait to register their name in Indian Embassy official website. Association reminded all the Indians to utilize the facility provided in the embassy website www.indembkwt.org. Association understands that more than 600,000 Indians are living in Kuwait but about 4,000 nationals have only registered their details until now. Association has already started the registration for its members. Complete data of Indian nationals in Kuwait will help to get easy reference about the person moreover can find out their Indian contact details in case of any

BBBC weekly services: Bible

Father’s Love Int’l Ministries: Have

Ugandans register with UIK: Are you a Ugandan living and working in Kuwait? Would you like to get in touch with other Ugandans in Kuwait both socially and professionally? Then please get in touch with us. We would like to invite you to register with the Ugandans in Kuwait (UIK) association, an informal organization of Ugandans living and working in Kuwait. The purpose of this exercise is to get together as Ugandans and to consider taking the first steps to establishing a more formal organisation. This association is voluntary. It is designed to create a forum for Ugandans in Kuwait to foster a sense of community, to communicate more effectively with each other and to encourage Ugandans out here to work together. We are also planning a celebration to mark 50 years of Ugandan’s Independence this year. If you have any questions regarding this association or if you are interested in registering, then please send us an email at ugandansinkuwait@gmail.com. We hope to hear from you soon. ❑ ❑ ❑

Paul’s Anglican (Episcopal) Church of Kuwait has worship services in English, every Friday at 10:30 am and every Sunday at 6:30 pm at its church building in Ahmadi. The Chinese worship service is also held on Fridays at 10:30 am in Ahmadi. On Saturdays an Anglican worship is held at Hall of Hope No. 2 of NECK in Kuwait city at 5.15 pm. Bible classes for children and teens are held during the Friday worship in Ahmadi. You are invited to come and enjoy the services and fellowship after the worship services. Please visit our website: http://www.stpaulskuwait.com. For more information, you may call 66396539, 23985929 or email at chaplain@stpaulskuwait.com. ❑ ❑ ❑

The F.A.I.P.S. (Fahaheel Al Watanieh Indian Private School, Ahmadi) Kindergarten hosted a very enriching workshop on ‘Changing Milestones’, The first of its kind,on the morning of Feb 9 in the School Auditorium .Well attended by the teachers of almost all the Indian schools in Kuwait, this workshop turned

out to be a milestone in the learning processes of all present! This interactive workshop was conceived and conducted by, Ms Sangeeta Bawa, a seasoned and experienced teacher herself. Mrs, Anju Dheman, Principal, FAIPS declared the session open with her inspiring words. The com-

prehensive agenda detailed in minuteness the execution of a 21st century kindergarten learning programme. From understanding of the self, adult-child interaction to academics, Ms Bawa inculcated the sense of learning using day to day mediums around us. The dramatization task saw even the most hesitant

teachers coming on to the stage and taking a lead...thus giving the moral that happiness and joyful learning can turn even the most simple syllable sound so interesting! The beaming and excited expressions of the participants said it all. They all went back more enriched with innovative teaching methodologies!

ENK’s worship service: Every Nation Kuwait (ENK) invites you to our Worship Service every Friday, 9 am at Royal King Palace Restaurant, Kuwait City. Pls contact: 99248990 for more details.



‘West-end’ quality production delights audiences

BAIA stages ‘We Will Rock You’, delivers on their promise KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: ‘We Will Rock You’ and the BAIA cast certainly delivered on their promise. Performed at ‘The Shakespeare Theatre’ BSK over 3 days audiences were treated to a “westend” quality production that had them laughing, clapping, stomping their feet and joining in with famous Queen numbers. The cast, aged from 7 years old to the more mature adults, certainly worked hard to impress. From the opening “Radio GaGa” to “We are the Champions” this talented cast never let up on pace and sheer enthusiasm. The leads of Galileo and Scaramouche were played superbly by Elia Al-Haddad and Leyla Yilmaz; two promising young actors who certainly held the audience’s attention with their feisty chemistry and wonderful voices especially in “Under Pressure” and “Who Wants to Live Forever”. It was certainly a joy to see newcomers to the BAIA stage and they certainly made their mark. Kimberly Lewis was outstanding as Killer Queen gave a rich performance layered with humour and belting out fantastic numbers such as “Play The Game” and “Another One Bites The Dust”. Meaghan Devlin and Stephen Grimes also newcomers to BAIA, though not Kuwait performances, gave the audience an opportunity to join in with “I Want It All” and brought even more energy to an already fast paced first act leaving the audience a chance to get their breath back during the interval. Yousef Al Munzari was totally mesmerising as the aging ‘hippy’ Pop and his singing of “Days of Our Lives” was beautifully sung with just the right amount of feeling and sensitivity. His natural comic timing was a joy to see and his telling of the story had the audience hanging on his every word. The audience even applauded his mode of transport as a Harley Davidson was ridden on stage by its owner Ed AbouSada who certainly enjoyed the experience. Lastly, a special mention

Some scenes from the play

must be made to a stalwart of BAIA Jake Al-Dhooki. This was to be his last performance after many years of performing with BAIA and he certainly left his mark with

an outstanding performance playing Khashoggi. Jake yet again managed to bring to the stage a mixture of menace, comic timing, dance and singing. His rendition of “The Seven Seas of Rye”

will be warmly remembered for the sheer energy and vocal range he gave this number. There has never been a more likeable character to tread the boards at BAIA

and he will be sorely missed by everyone. All at BAIA, and I am sure, all who have seen Jake perform, will want to wish him all the very best for the future. All that remains is to thank the whole

cast for a memorable night’s entertainment. You certainly are “Champions” and finishing off with the classic “Bohemian Rhapsody” left us wanting more. Just as it should be!

Cinema Cinema programme from Thursday 14/2/2013 to Wednesday 20/2/2013

Bullet To The Head (Dig) (Silvester Stallone, Jason Momoa) Sharqia 1

13:30, 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Muhalab 1 13:30, 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 15:30 (Daily) Fanar 1 18:00, 22:00 (Daily) Marina 2 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Avenues 1 12:45 (Thu, Sat, Mon, Tue) 17:15, 21:45 (Daily) 00:05 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 360° 7 14:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 16:15, 18:30, 20:45, 22:45 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Al-Kout 4 20:00 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Grand cine 4 13:30, 15:30, 17:30, 20:30, 22:30 (Daily)

Safe Haven (Dig) (Julianne Hough, Josh Duhamel) Sharqia 1 Muhalab 1 Fanar 3

15:45, 20:00 (Daily) 17:30, 19:45, 22:00 (Daily) 13:30, 23:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 19:30 (Daily) Marina 1 16:30, 20:45 (Daily) Avenues 5 13:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 18:30 (Daily) Avenues 10 13:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 16:00, 18:15, 20:30, 22:45 (Daily) 01:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 360° 9 17:15 (Daily) 360° 11 12:45 (Thu, Sat, Mon, Tue) 15:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 17:15, 19:30, 21:45 (Daily) 00:05 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Al-Kout 4 13:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 17:30, 22:15 (Daily) Bairaq 2 16:15, 20:30 (Daily) Grand cine 3 14:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 (Daily)

Gambit (Dig) (Colin Firth, Cameron Diaz) Sharqia 1 Fanar 1

18:00, 22:30 (Daily) 13:45, 00:05 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 20:00 (Daily) Marina 2 15:45, 22:15 (Daily) Avenues 2 13:15 (Thu, Sat, Mon, Tue) 15:15, 01:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 17:15, 19:15, 21:15, 23:15 (Daily) 360° 2 14:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 16:15, 18:15, 20:15, 22:15 (Daily) 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Al-Kout 3 13:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 17:45, 22:00 (Daily) Bairaq 3 13:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 17:30, 21:45 (Daily) Grand cine 2 13:00, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:15 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri)

Grand cine 5 13:00, 14:00 (Daily)

(Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney) Sharqia 2

14:15, 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 20:15 (Daily) Muhalab 3 14:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 18:30, 22:45 (Daily) Fanar 4 16:45, 20:30, 22:30 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Marina 3 18:30, 20:30 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Avenues 4 12:30, 23:45 (Thu, Sat, Mon, Tue) 14:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 17:00, 19:15 (Daily) 21:30 (Sun to Fri) Avenues 11 13:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 15:45, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 360° 10 13:15 (Thu, Sat, Mon, Tue) 15:30, 17:45, 20:00, 22:15 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 360° 12 12:30 (Thu, Sat, Mon, Tue) 14:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 17:00, 21:30 (Daily) 19:15 (Sat to Thu) 23:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 360° 13 13:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 16:00, 18:15, 20:30, 22:45 (Daily) 01:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Al-Kout 2 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Mon) 15:00, 01:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 21:00, 23:00 (Daily) Bairaq 2 14:00, 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 18:30, 22:45 (Daily) Laila 16:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 22:30 (Daily) Grand cine 6 13:00, 15:30, 18:00, 20:15 22:30 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri) Grand cine GC 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:00 (Daily) 00:15 (Thu, Fri)

3Ala Gosety (Dig) (Ahmed Helmi, Ghada Adel, Edward, Hasan Hosny) Sharqia 2 Muhalab 3 Fanar 5

Marina 2 Avenues 5 Avenues 6

360° 1

The Snow Queen (Dig-3D) (Ivan Okhlobystin, Nyusha) Sharqia 2 Muhalab 3 Fanar 4 Marina 3 Avenues 9 360° 5 360° 6 Al-Kout 1 Bairaq 1

12:30 (Thu, Sat, Mon) 16:15 (Daily) 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Mon) 16:45 (Daily) 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Mon) 15:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 18:45 (Daily) 13:15 (Thu, Sat, Mon) 16:45 (Daily) 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Mon, Tue) 15:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 17:00, 19:00 (Daily) 13:15 (Sat) 14:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00 (Daily) 12:45 (Thu, Sat, Mon) 14:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 16:30 (Daily) 12:30 (Thu, Sat, Mon) 14:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 16:00 (Daily)

360° 9

Al-Kout 1 Bairaq 1 Plaza Laila Ajial 2

18:00, 22:30 (Daily) 20:30 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Mon) 15:15, 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 17:30, 19:45, 22:00 (Daily) 13:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 17:45, 20:00 (Daily) 16:00, 21:00 (Daily) 23:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 12:30 (Thu, Sat, Mon, Tue) 15:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 (Daily) 01:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 13:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 16:15, 18:45, 21:15 (Daily) 23:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 12:30 (Thu, Sat, Mon, Tue) 14:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 19:45, 22:15 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 18:15, 22:30 (Daily) 17:45, 20:00, 22:15 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 15:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 21:45 (Sat, Sun, Tue, Wed) 18:00 (Daily) 19:45, 22:00 (Daily)

Muhalab 2 Fanar 2


Zahra’a Area, South Surra, 6th Ring Road, corner of King Faisal Highway

2. Ajial

Ajial Complex, Fahaheel

Ajial 1

3. Al Bairaq

Between Jaber Al Ali East & Al Agalia West

Metro 2

4. Al Fanar

Al Fanar Complex, Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya

5. Al Kout

Al-Kout Complex, at the end of the Coastal Road, Fahaheel

6. Al Muhalab

Al Muhalab Complex, Behind Hawalli Clinic, Hawalli

7. Al Sharqiya

Arabian Gulf Street, Souq Sharq, near the Amiri Hospital

8. Granada

Abraq Khaitan, off the Old Airport Road

9. Laila Gallery

Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya

10. Marina

Marina Mall, Between Salem Al Mubarak Street & Arabian Gulf Street, Salmiya

11. Metro

Metro Complex, Farwaniya, near Crowne Plaza Hotel & Farwaniya Garden

12. Plaza

Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya

13. The Avenues

The Avenues Mall, Al Reggai near Al Rai, 5th Ring Road & Ghazali Road Intersection

Lokpal (Dig-Malayalam)

Metro 1

NB: Friday no show before 1:30 pm On Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday no show before 3.30 pm and after 11.15 pm in Sharq, Mohalab, Fanar, Marina, Al Kout, Bairaq, 360 and Avenues. On Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday no show before 5:30 pm in Plaza, Laila, Ajial, Metro and Granada. Regular show KD3:000; 3D-Digital — KD3.500; VIP show — KD6.000. ‘On Monday, price is KD1.500 except Digital movies. Movies inquiries and Fax Back hotline 1803456

18:15, 22:45 (Daily) 12:30 (Thu, Sat, Mon) 23:00 (Daily) 01:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Avenues 3 14:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 16:15, 18:30, 20:45, 23:00 (Daily) 01:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 360° 8 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Mon, Tue) 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 15:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 17:30, 19:45, 22:00 (Daily) Al-Kout 1 20:30 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Bairaq 3 19:30 (Daily) 23:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Grand cine 1 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:15 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri)

Broken City (Dig)

15:30, 21:30 (Daily) 00:05 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 360° 4 13:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 16:00, 18:30, 21:00 (Daily) 23:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Al-Kout 3 15:30, 19:45 (Daily) 00:05 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Laila 20:15 (Daily) Grand cine 7 13:30, 16:00, 19:45, 22:00 (Daily) 00:15 (Thu, Fri)

Save Your Legs! (Dig) (David Lyons, Brenton Thwaites) Sharqia 3 Muhalab 2 Fanar 3 Marina 1 Avenues 8 360° 5

(Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe)

Marina 3 Avenues 7

Imax film programme at The Scientific Centre

Sunday Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Tornado Alley 3D 10:30 am, 2:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 7:30 pm, 9:30 pm To The Artic 3D 11:30 am, 3:30 pm Flight of Butterflies 3D 12:30 pm, 6:30 pm Born to be Wild 3D 4:30 pm, 8:30 pm

Monday Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Born to be Wild 3D 10:30 am, 3:30 pm, 9:30 pm Tornado Alley 3D 11:30 am, 5:30 pm, 7:30 pm Flight of Butterflies 3D 12:30 pm, 2:30 pm 8:30 pm To The Arctic 3D 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm

Tuesday Grand Al-Hamra, tel: 22270333, www.grandcinemas.com

Marina 1

Sharqia 3 Muhalab 2 Fanar 2

15:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 18:45, 21:45 (Daily) 15:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 18:30, 21:30 (Daily)


14. The Scientific Center Opp Holiday Inn, Salmiya, Gulf Road IMAX

15. Grand Cinemas

18:30 (Daily) 21:45 (Thu, Fri, Mon) 15:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 18:30, 21:30 (Daily) 15:45, 22:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 18:45 (Daily) 21:45 (Sun, Tue, Wed)

(Mohanlal, Kavya Madhavan) Ajial 4

16:30, 22:45 (Daily) 15:45, 22:15 (Daily) 16:00, 20:15 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 22:30 (Daily) 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Mon, Tue)

Al-Kout 2

18:45 (Daily) 18:00 (Daily) 17:30, 21:45 (Daily) 18:45 (Daily) 18:15, 20:15, 22:15 (Daily) 15:15 (Fri, Sat) 17:15 (Tue to Sun) 19:15, 21:15, 23:15 (Daily) 01:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 19:00 (Daily)

The Guilt Trip (Dig) (Barbra Streisand, Seth Rogen) Fanar 1 16:00 (Daily)

Marina 1 Avenues 1

14:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 15:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 19:30 (Daily) 360° 15 13:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 15:45, 18:00, 22:30 (Daily) Al-Kout 2 17:00 (Daily) Grand cine 8 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:15, 22:15 (Daily)

Snowflake, The White Gorilla (Dig) (Claudia Abate, Pere Ponce) Fanar 3 15:45 (Daily) Marina 3 Avenues 8 360° 3 Al-Kout 4 Bairaq 3 Ajial 2

15:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 14:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 16:15 (Daily) 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Mon, Tue) 15:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) 17:00, 19:00 (Daily) 15:45 (Daily) 15:30 (Daily) 16:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 18:00 (Daily)

Special 26 (Dig) (Hindi) (Kajal Agarwal, Manoj Bajpai) Avenues 7 18:30 (Daily) 360° 14 Ajial 3

17:30 (Daily) 16:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 19:00, 22:00 (Daily)

Warm Bodies (Dig) (Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer) Avenues 8 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 360° 15

20:15 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon)

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (Dig-3D) (Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton) Avenues 9 20:45, 22:45 (Daily)

Mama (Dig) 12:30 (Thu, Sat, Mon) 14:30, 01:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 20:45 (Daily) 13:45, 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 20:15 (Daily) 14:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon)

(Prabhas, Anushka Shetty)

1. 360°

00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) 360° 3 21:00, 23:00 (Daily) 360° 6 00:05 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon) Grand cine 5 17:00, 20:30, 22:30 (Daily)

(Jessica Chastain, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) Sharqia 3

Mirchi (Dig-Telugu)

How to find us

A Good Day To Die Hard (Dig)

Jayanta Bhai Ki Luv Story (Dig-Hindi) (Vivek Oberoi, Neha Sharma) 360° 14 14:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue) ‘The Snow Queen’, starring Kristen Bell, Josh Gad, Idina Menzel is now showing in Kuwait cinemas

20:30 (Daily) 23:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Mon)

Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Tornado Alley 3D 10:30 am, 3:30 pm 6:30 pm, 8:30 pm Flight of Butterflies 3D 11:30 am, 5:30 pm, 9:30 pm To The Arctic 3D 12:30 pm, 7:30 pm Born to be Wild 3D 2:30 pm Journey to Mecca 4:30 pm

Wednesday Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am To The Arctic 3D 10:30 am, 2:30 pm, 6:30 pm Tornado Alley 3D 11:30 am, 5:30 pm, 7:30 pm, 9:30 pm Flight of Butterflies 3D 12:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 8:30 pm Born to be Wild 3D 4:30 pm

Thursday Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Flight of Butterflies 3D 10:30 am, 2:30 pm 6:30 pm To The Arctic 3D 11:30 am, 8:30 pm Tornado Alley 3D 12:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 7:30 pm, 9:30 pm Born to be Wild 3D 4:30 pm

Friday Fires of Kuwait 2:30 pm Tornado Alley 3D 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 8:30 pm To The Arctic 3D 4:30 pm, 7:30 pm Born to be Wild 3D 6:30 pm Flight of Butterflies 3D 9:30 pm

Saturday Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Flight of Butterflies 3D 10:30 am, 1:30 pm, 8:30 pm Tornado Alley 3D 11:30 am, 2:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 7:30 pm, 9:30 pm To The Arctic 3D 12:30 pm, 6:30 pm Born to be Wild 3D 3:30 pm Journey to Mecca 4:30 pm Notes: All films are in Arabic. For English, headsets are available upon request. “Fires of Kuwait” is in English. Arabic headsets are available upon request. Film schedule is subject to changes without notice. For information call 1848888 or visit www.tsck.org.kw



Horoscope By Jacqueline Bigar Happy birthday for Tuesday, Feb 19, 2013: This year you experience some tension regarding what you want to do and the way in which you go about executing those goals. Others might feel as if you are sending them mixed signals. You can go from being deeply emotional to highly intellectual within a few minutes. Confusion surrounds your communication. If you are single, you could have a few startsups to relationships with different people. Potential partners might be confused by your varying needs, but the right person won’t be. If you are attached, the two of you need to work on your communication. Many events happen quickly around you. GEMINI can’t understand your feelings, yet he or she loves your ideas. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1Difficult

Capricorn - (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

*** Focus on each task on your to-do list, and work toward meeting your goals. Your ability to move through a problem marks your interactions. Others trust you to get the job done. Understand what your expectations are from a certain situation. Tonight: Lighten up and relax.

Aquarius - (Jan

20 - Feb 18)

**** The unexpected occurs, and you might profit from the outcome of handling it the way you want. Others might take a little while to regroup. If you are wondering what’s going on, try to walk in their shoes. You are in the mood to overindulge. Tonight: Ever playful.

Pisces - (Feb 19 - Mar 20) **** Stay close to home. You might want to reconsider an investment involving real estate or your domestic life. Investigate and discuss different courses of action with a family member or room-

home decor

mate. You will come to a mutually acceptable idea as a result. Tonight: Order in.

Aries - (Mar 21 - Apr 19) **** You have a way with words that is clear and concise. Right now, whether confusion lies on your side or someone else’s, do your best to clear it up. Not pointing fingers leads to good will and continued ease when relating on a one-on-one level. Tonight: Be clear and direct.

Taurus - (Apr 20 - May 20) *** You might have made an error financially — or maybe someone else has, yet you’re the one who has to deal with it. Don’t turn down someone’s offer to help. Once your finances are back in order, you can make that purchase you’ve been eyeing. Tonight: Treat yourself on the way home.

Gemini - (May 21 - June 20)

***** Go full speed ahead. Don’t worry about the outcome of a situation. Rethink a personal matter involving a child or a new friend. Clearly there is a lot of caring between the two of you. If a misunderstanding occurs, don’t take it personally. Tonight: All smiles.

Cancer - (June 21 - July 22) **** You are able to make a difference, and you will do your best to make someone feel more comfortable. Don’t worry so much about the long-term implications of a situation, as it might not be the best time to clear the air. Tonight: Get a little extra R and R.

Leo - (July 23 - Aug 22) ***** Listen to news with a touch of cynicism. You might sense that someone has distorted the story or left out an important fact. Show interest and ask questions. Others appreciate your attention. A meeting takes a positive turn, which leads to suc-

indoor gardening

cess. Tonight: Find your friends.

Virgo - (Aug 23 - Sept 22): *** Others will look to you to take the lead, so do so. You might be confused by recent events. Ask questions and trust your judgment. Your friends and loved ones will demonstrate their caring because of your kind personality. Tonight: Burn the midnight oil.

Libra - (Sept 23 - Oct 22) ***** Take an overview. You know what you did wrong, but you also might be curious about others’ reactions. Explore this further by asking questions. Your creativity and gentleness might seem like a ploy to some, but that is who you really are. Tonight: Watch someone open up.

Scorpio - (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

beauty tips

**** Work with individuals rather than groups, and you will be happier with the results. You might need to sort out some recent confusion. How you feel about someone could change once you put a misunderstanding to bed. Tonight: Opt for togetherness.

s - (Nov 22 - Dec 21) Sagittarius - (Nov 22 - Dec 21) **** You always have strong opinions. Allow others to make the first move and express their ideas and feelings. Everyone, including you, gets to see the end results of his or her actions. On some level, this experience could be important. Tonight: Defer, defer, defer.

Born today: Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473), actor Benicio del Toro (1967), singer/songwriter Smokey Robinson (1940)

taste buds

lightbulb vase

cadetia taylori

body wrap

mushroom pasta

Supplies: Incandescent lightbulb; Tweezers; Precision or other small screwdriver; Needle-nose pliers; Flower; Twine, string or plastic bottle cap Instructions: Wear gloves and eye security for the duration of this craft. Using a tweezers remove the silver- or brass-colored disk from the top of the lightbulb. As the disk is taken out, you’ll require to expose the insides of the bulb. The black component under the metallic disk is not metallic or plastic, but glass. Very carefully insert the position of a precision screwdriver into the hole and twist and pry until the black glass snaps. Dump the insides of the bulb on to your perform surface area till your bulb is entirely vacant. You may possibly need to rinse the leftover shards of glass out of the bulb. If you prepare to dangle your vase, tie a piece of twine all around the silver cap securely. Then, simply fill your bulb vase with water and set in your preferred flowers.

This plant, commonly known as Taylor’s Cadetia, is originated from Australia and New Guinea. This plant is only 3 to 4 inch in height. It has slender succulent green leaves atop straight stems with 1/3 inch crystalline white flowers with velvety contrasting lip. The flowers are fragrant. Site: Humidity should be high, above 60 percent, air circulation good. Lighting seems to be a variable requirement. Temperature: Temperature should be on the warm side of Intermediate, night temps at or just above 60°F and day temps to 85°F. Water: Should not be allowed to dry for long. Needing no rest period, watering and fertilizing should be carried on throughout the year.

To get the most out of your at-home body wrap experience, warm your room so that you can lie down comfortably and quietly. Light candles, burn essential oils and play some soft relaxation music. Take a warm shower before applying the wrap to open pores. Drink lots of water to help flush out toxins before, during and after the wrap. Have a hot bath a couple of days after the treatment to release accumulated toxins. Ingredients: Measure out 1 cup green clay, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1/4 cup sea salt and 2 cups water. Method: Boil the water, stir in the sea salt until it dissolves. Add the olive oil, green clay and selected herbs. Stir until a paste forms and set the mixture aside to cool. Once the paste is cool enough to handle, rub onto your body and cover with towels or sheets cut into strips. Wait one hour before removing.

Ingredients: 1 cup whole wheat pasta; 250g button mushrooms; 250g chanterelle mushrooms; 1 medium leek; 4 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil; 5-6 cloves garlic, minced; 2 small shallots, minced; 1/2 cup (125 ml) cream; 1 Tbsp (15 ml) each fresh thyme, tarragon, rosemary and sage; Freshly grated asiago cheese Method: Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water; set aside. Cut mushrooms and leek in 1/2” (1 cm) slices. For best effect, cut the leek diagonally. Heat oil in a large saucepan and sauté garlic and shallots for two minutes. Add mushrooms and leek; sauté for four to five minutes. Stir in cream and fresh herbs. Reduce by half. Add pasta and mix well. Garnish with asiago and serve at once. Serves two.

Dear Abby Son should move his stuff or pay storage By Abigail Van Buren Dear Abby: While I always enjoy your column, I thought your advice to “Wants My Space” (Dec. 14), whose son “Dustin” moved away five years ago and expects her to keep his room as he left it, was off the mark. I would have told Dustin what I have told both of my daughters several times: It is not “your” room; I merely let you use it. Not only is “Wants” not obligated to use her home as a storage facility, she’s doing her son a disservice by doing it under these circumstances. At 24, he needs to learn that if he wants a service, it’s his obligation to procure it. There are plenty of businesses that can fulfill his needs at a reasonable price. — Matt in Providence Forge, Va. Dear Matt: For the most part, readers agreed with you, and they offered their own “take” on how to accomplish the removal of the young man’s belongings: Dear Abby: An acquaintance of mine had a similar problem with his son. The son expected his dad to provide storage space at no charge for an indefinite length of time. My friend Abigail Van Buren told his son: “No way! You get it out of here within six months, or I’ll sell it and keep the money for storage fees.” He didn’t think his father would actually do it. Well, he was wrong. And now the younger siblings don’t even think of leaving any of their stuff at the father’s house. — Shirley in Chula Vista, Calif. Dear Abby: My parents, while not upset with still having their four adult children’s belongings in their home, solved their dilemma in a unique way. One Christmas we all gathered at their house and were delighted to find heaps of presents under the tree. Concerned that our folks had way overspent, imagine our surprise when we unwrapped the packages and found all of our own belongings! It was an inventive and effective way to clear out the attic and basement. We still talk about it to this day — a warm Christmas memory. — Katie in Neward, Del. Dear Abby: “Wants” is blessed that Dustin voiced his desire for his mom to keep his stuff. My mother continued asking me if I wanted my stuff for years. I said no, until one day, yes, I did. My parents are no longer alive, and I treasure the little stuffed dog that was my very first Christmas present. I’d advise “Wants” to return some of the items to her son from time to time in the form of gifts. To him, they are treasures, and they can be returned in a way that won’t make him feel betrayed. — Irene in Owosso, Mich. Dear Abby: Dustin should either pay rent to his mother or move his stuff out. If he doesn’t, he has abandoned it and she can dispose of it as she sees fit, since it’s her house to do with as she pleases. In all fairness, a deadline is reasonable, but it’s been five years — why give him six more months? Enough mollycoddling. — Enough is enough Dear Abby: Dustin may be lucky his mom wants his stuff out. My mom insisted on keeping my room exactly as I had left it as a shrine. I was glad not to have to move all my coin, toy and stamp collections and the other things from my first 18 years. However, subsequently Mom allowed a young male relative to use my room, and he lost, stole or destroyed all of my memories. I was and am still sad, but I never told my mom ‘cause “that’s life.” — Charlie in Florida ❑

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. (Source: Universal Uclick)

Kuwait Town Malayali Christian Congregation (KTMCC) has conducted a family get-together to the executive committee members and its organizations at the parish hall of National Evangelical

Church in Kuwait. President Babu Varughese presided over the meeting. Samuel H. Lal, the Executive Director, K.C. Joseph, the Zonal Director of India Every Home Crusade and Thomas

Mathew, National Director of India Gospel Movement (IGM) were the special guests. The entertainment program conducted by C.M. Abraham was enjoyed by all the attendees. Secretary

Roy K. Yohannan, John M. John, K.P. Koshy and Joseph M.P. felicitated the chief guests and said such gathering will help to boost the close association among the members.

Muslim Educational Society (MES) Kuwait conducted training program for students on ‘how to prepare for examination’ at Kuwait Medical Association hall, Jabriya. This unique was organized for

the secondary class students and presented by Anwar Adam Sait. More than 70 students from eighth standard to plus two class attended and benefitted from the course.

The program instilled the confidence to face the examinations and cleared the fear from mind — said one of the students. It was highly motivational and useful, he said. The function started with the

welcome speech of MES treasurer Said Ali. MES memento to the instructor Anwar was presented by V.K. Mohammed Sherif, N. Mohamed Rafi, Ashraf Ayur, Sadiq Ali and Saleh Batha.

what’s on today ■ Maramon Convention: In connection with the commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of establishing Marthoma parish in Kuwait, Gospel convention in line with the 118-year-old Maramon Convention nostalgically called as Maramon Convention of Desert, will be conducted under the auspicious of Kuwait Center Marthoma Joint Fellowship, from 7.00 pm at National Evangelical Church and Parish Hall from Feb 18-22, 2013 except on Feb 20 (Wednesday) when it will be conducted at Ahmadi Marthoma Church at 7:00 pm. For more details contact Rev K.A. Varghese (President), 66222951; Rev C.V. Simon (Chairman), 50180905; Varghese Joseph (Convener), 99806840 and Jacob Varghese (Coordinator), 97959347. ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ KTAA meeting: The Kuwait Textile Arts Association under the auspices of the Sadu

House cordially invites you to the presentation: “Al Bisht: the Elegant Traditional Men’s Cloak of the Gulf”. In this month of celebrating Kuwait’s proud heritage and independence we are delighted to have Reyad Al Baghli speak about one of Kuwait’s oldest trades started by his family more than 150 years ago. Come learn about the history of the bisht, how and when to wear one and how the delicate gold braiding “zari” is woven into every bisht. Doors open today at the Sadu House at 6:00 pm for 6:30 pm start. RSVP: wovenpieces@yahoo.com or SMS 97584757. Location: Al Sadu House, Gulf Road in front of the National Museum, Kuwait City, Kuwait. ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ AWARE diwaniya: “The AWARE Center cordially invites you to its diwaniya presentation entitled, “History Of Kuwait’s

Democracy,” by Albara Alwohaib today at 7:00pm. February is the time of national holidays in Kuwait. This year also, Kuwait will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its parliament. But the country had been going through some political crisis. So how did that happen? What are the roots of those crises. Albara Alwuhaib is going to answer these questions and many more in the next Diwanya. Albara Alwuhaib is an engineer, who works for the ministry of interior & was sent to work as an assistant manager to the Kuwait Memorial Museum. He is also doing volunteer work to a number of non-profit organizations including the Aware Center, Kuwaiti Human Rights foundations, & Kuwait Transparency Society. He is also a founder of a book club, which is part of Aljalees project. In June 2012, he gave a presentation entitled, “The Kuwaiti

emergency number 112 Resistance,” to the American Army at Camp Arifjan. For more information, please call 25335260/80 or log onto: www.aware.com.kw ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Jewelry exhibition: FA Gallery presents collectible jewelry exhibition by Lama Hourani until Feb 23. The exhibition will feature her latest collections of handmade artto-wear pieces and timeless classics. Lama Hourani is a Jordanian jewelry designer residing between Amman, Barcelona and Shanghai. Hourani was recently honored as a global leader for 2012 by the World Economic Forum for her contribution to society, winner of the best innovative Design Award under the Young Arab Designers category by The Middle East Watches, Jewellery & Pens Awards. For details log on to www.thefagallery.com



Couch slouch

‘iCarly’ star Cosgrove cast in NBC’s ‘Girlfriend in a Coma’ pilot LOS ANGELES, Feb 18, (RTRS): Now we know, we know that NBC’s “Girlfriend in a Coma” comedy pilot is series — because it’s just added Miranda Cosgrove. Cosgrove, star of the Nickelodeon hit “iCarly,” will play Evie, a small—town, overachieving loner, who can’t shake the legacy of being the daughter of “Coma Lady” (played by Christina Ricci). When her mother wakes up, her world

is turned upside down, and every hope she ever had of keeping her nose to the grindstone, saving money, and getting grades for an out-of-state college is thrown out the window. Based on Douglas Coupland’s book, “Girlfriend in a Coma” is being written by Liz Brixius (“Nurse Jackie,” “Go On”), who’s also executive producing. Dick Wolf, Peter Jankowski and

Danielle Gelber are also executive producing the project, which comes from Wolf Films and Universal Television. In addition to “Girlfriend in a Coma,” Cosgrove stars in “Despicable Me 2,” which is slated for a July 3 release. “iCarly” wrapped up its run on Nickelodeon in November after seven seasons. ❑

“Breaking Bad” star Dean Norris has lined up another job as the hit AMC drug drama begins to wind down to its conclusion. Norris, who plays DEA agent Hank Schrader on “Breaking Bad,” has joined the cast of CBS’s “Under the Dome,” an adaptation of the Stephen King book of the same name. The series, which has received a 13-

episode order, focuses on the small Maine town of Chester’s Mill, which finds itself placed under a giant dome. Norris will play Big Jim, a used-car dealer and councilman of the town. The series — which premieres on CBS June 24 — cast “Pan Am” actor Mike Vogel as Barbie, an Army vet who’s in town on a mysterious mission. ❑

Rupert Grint is about to acquire another set of powers. Grint, known for playing Ron Weasley in the “Harry Potter” movie series, has signed on as the lead in “Super Clyde,” the pilot from “Raising Hope” creator Greg Garcia. “Super Clyde,” which has been given a pilot order from CBS, follows Clyde (Grint), a meek, unassuming fast food worker who decides to become a superhero.

tv highlights Animal Planet 05:55 Call Of The Wildman 06:20 Escape To Chimp Eden 06:45 Vet On The Loose 07:10 Vet On The Loose 07:35 Wildlife SOS 08:00 The Really Wild Show 08:25 Too Cute! 09:15 Dogs 101 10:10 Crocodile Hunter 11:05 Wildest Africa 12:00 Animal Cops Phoenix 12:55 Call Of The Wildman 13:20 Wildlife SOS 13:50 Shamwari: A Wild Life 14:15 Shamwari: A Wild Life 14:45 Animal Precinct 15:40 Wildest Africa 16:30 Escape To Chimp Eden 17:00 The Really Wild Show 17:30 Dogs 101 18:25 Animal Airport 18:50 Animal Airport 19:20 My Cat From Hell 20:15 Bondi Vet 20:40 Safari Vet School 21:10 Call Of The Wildman 21:35 Escape To Chimp Eden 22:05 Wildest Arctic 23:00 Wildlife SOS 23:55 Venom Hunter With Donald Schultz 00:50 Animal Cops South Africa 01:45 Killer Jellyfish 02:35 I'm Alive 03:25 Wildest Arctic 04:15 Wildlife SOS 05:05 Venom Hunter With Donald Schultz 05:55 Call Of The Wildman

BBC Lifestyle 06:20 House Swap 07:05 Perfect Day 07:30 Indian Food Made Easy 08:00 Homes Under The Hammer 08:50 Bargain Hunt 09:35 Bargain Hunt: Famous Finds 10:20 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Specials 11:40 MasterChef 12:30 Come Dine With Me: South Africa 13:25 The Hairy Bikers USA 13:50 New Scandinavian Cooking 14:20 Holmes On Homes 15:10 Bargain Hunt 15:55 Bargain Hunt: Famous Finds 16:40 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Specials 18:00 Homes Under The Hammer 18:50 The Hairy Bikers USA 19:15 Baking Made Easy 19:45 Rhodes Across The Caribbean 20:30 Come Dine With Me 21:20 Perfect Day 21:45 Celebrity Fantasy Homes 22:30 Bargain Hunt: Famous Finds 23:15 Bargain Hunt 00:00 Homes Under The Hammer 00:50 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Specials 01:30 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Specials 02:10 Come Dine With Me 02:55 Holmes On Homes 03:45 MasterChef 04:35 House Swap 05:20 Bargain Hunt 06:05 Living In The Sun


Boomerang 06:00 Bananas In Pyjamas 06:25 Gerald McBoing Boing 06:45 Jelly Jamm 07:00 Ha Ha Hairies 07:25 Baby Looney Tunes 07:50 Lazy Town 08:15 Krypto The Superdog 08:40 Jelly Jamm 09:05 Gerald McBoing Boing 09:30 Cartoonito Tales 09:55 Bananas In Pyjamas 10:20 Ha Ha Hairies 10:45 Lazy Town 11:10 Krypto The Superdog 11:35 Baby Looney Tunes 12:00 Jelly Jamm 12:25 Gerald McBoing Boing 12:50 Cartoonito Tales 13:15 Krypto The Superdog 13:40 Lazy Town 14:00 A Pup Named Scooby-Doo 14:25 Tom And Jerry Tales 14:50 Sylvester And Tweety Mysteries 15:20 Johnny Bravo 15:45 Tom & Jerry 16:10 Pink Panther And Pals 16:35 The Garfield Show 17:00 What's New Scooby-Doo? 17:25 Sylvester And Tweety Mysteries 17:50 Tom And Jerry Tales 18:15 The Looney Tunes Show 18:40 Taz-Mania 19:05 Moomins 19:30 Daffy Duck's Movie: Fantastic... 20:45 Moomins 21:10 Dexters Laboratory 21:20 Johnny Bravo 21:35 Puppy In My Pocket 22:00 The Garfield Show 22:25 What's New Scooby-Doo? 22:50 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries 23:15 Tom & Jerry Tales 23:40 The Looney Tunes Show 00:05 Taz-Mania 00:30 Pink Panther And Pals 00:55 Moomins 01:20 Tom & Jerry Kids 01:45 A Pup Named ScoobyDoo 02:10 Puppy In My Pocket 02:35 Wacky Races 03:00 Looney Tunes 03:25 Duck Dodgers 03:50 Dastardly And Muttley 04:00 Dexter's Laboratory 04:30 Wacky Races 04:55 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries 05:20 Tom & Jerry 05:45 The Garfield Show 06:00 Bananas In Pyjamas

Cartoon Network 06:05 Ben 10 06:30 Ben 10 06:55 Angelo Rules 07:00 Casper's Scare School 07:30 Casper's Scare School 08:00 Mucha Lucha 08:25 Johnny Test 08:45 Adventure Time 09:05 Total Drama World Tour 09:30 Total Drama World Tour 09:55 Ben 10: Omniverse 10:20 Young Justice 10:45 Thundercats 11:10 Regular Show 12:00 The Amazing World Of Gumball 12:50 Foster's Home For... 13:15 Foster's Home For... 13:40 Courage The Cowardly Dog 14:30 Powerpuff Girls 15:20 Angelo Rules 16:10 Batman: The Brave And The Bold 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 Ben 10: Omniverse 17:20 Transformers Prime 17:40 Johnny Test 18:00 Level Up 18:25 The Amazing World Of Gumball 18:50 Adventure Time 19:15 Regular Show 19:40 Mucha Lucha 20:05 Total Drama World Tour 20:30 Total Drama World Tour 20:55 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 21:20 Hero 108 21:45 Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge 22:10 Grim Adventures Of... 23:00 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 23:25 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 23:50 The Powerpuff Girls 00:40 Chowder 01:30 Bakugan Battle Brawlers 01:55 Bakugan Battle Brawlers 02:20 Foster's Home For... 02:45 Foster's Home For... 03:10 Courage The Cowardly Dog 04:00 The Amazing World Of Gumball 04:25 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 04:50 Adventure Time 05:15 The Powerpuff Girls 05:40 Generator Rex 06:05 Ben 10

Crime & Investigation 06:00 Murder Casebook With Fred Dinenage 07:00 The FBI Files 08:00 The


Al-Jazeera 00:00 NEWSHOUR 01:00 News 01:30 Viewfinder Latin America 02:00 NEWSHOUR 03:00 News 03:30 Inside Story 04:00 Witness 05:00 NEWSHOUR 06:00 News 06:30 People & Power 07:00 News 07:30 The Stream 08:00 News 08:30 News 09:00 Al Jazeera World 10:00 News 10:30 Inside Story 11:00 News 11:30 The Stream 12:00 News 12:30 Viewfinder Latin America 13:00 NEWSHOUR 14:00 News 14:30 Inside Story 15:00 Revolution Through Arab Eyes 16:00 NEWSHOUR 17:00 News 17:30 The Stream 18:00 NEWSHOUR 19:00 News 19:30 Earthrise 20:00 News 20:30 Inside Story 21:00 NEWSHOUR 22:00 News 22:30 The Stream 23:00 Al Jazeera World


MBC Action 09:00 Cold Case 09:45 CSI 10:30 Bones 11:15 Most Daring 12:00 Top Gear USA 13:00 CSI 13:45 Cold Case 14:30 Bones 15:30 Top Gear USA 16:30 The Bourne Ultimatum 18:00 WWE Raw 20:00 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life 22:00 NCIS 23:30 Action Ya Dawry 00:00 The Quest 02:00 Action Ya Dawry 03:00 Rome 04:00 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life 05:30 Top Gear USA 06:30 NCIS 07:45 Bones 08:15 Human Target

MBC 2 09:00 Welcome To Mooseport 11:00 Judge Dredd 13:00 Wedding Crashers 15:00 The Cat’s Meow 17:00 Red 19:00 Baby Mama

tv today FBI Files 09:00 Psychic Detectives 09:30 Psychic Detectives 10:00 Crime Stories 11:00 Snapped: Women Who Kill 11:30 Snapped: Women Who Kill 12:00 The First 48 13:00 The Devil You Know 14:00 Curious & Unusual Deaths 14:30 Curious & Unusual Deaths 15:00 Murder Casebook With Fred Dinenage 16:00 The FBI Files 17:00 Psychic Detectives 17:30 Psychic Detectives 18:00 Crime Stories 19:00 The FBI Files 20:00 Murder Casebook With Fred Dinenage 21:00 Snapped: Women Who Kill 21:30 Snapped: Women Who Kill 22:00 The Devil You Know 23:00 I Didn't Do It 00:00 Evil Up Close 01:00 Born To Kill 02:00 Watching The Detectives 03:00 Evil Up Close 04:00 I Didn't Do It 05:00 Snapped: Women Who Kill 05:30 Snapped: Women Who Kill 06:00 Murder Casebook With Fred Dinenage

Discovery Channel 06:05 American Guns 07:00 Mythbusters Dirty Dozen 07:50 Life On A Wire 08:45 Outback Truckers 09:40 Border Security 10:05 Auction Kings 10:30 Auction Kings 10:55 How Do They Do It? 11:25 How It's Made 11:50 Gold Rush 12:45 Gold Divers 13:40 Around The World In 80 Ways 14:35 Border Security 15:05 Auction Kings 15:30 Auction Kings 16:00 Fine Dining With Bear Grylls 16:55 Outback Truckers 17:50 Mythbusters 18:45 American Guns 19:40 How Do They Do It? 20:05 How It's Made 20:35 Auction Kings 21:00 Auction Hunters 21:30 Flying Wild Alaska 22:25 Man, Woman, Wild 23:20 Finding Bigfoot 00:15 Flying Wild Alaska 01:10 Man, Woman, Wild 02:05 Finding Bigfoot 03:00 Mythbusters 03:55 Border Security 04:20 Auction Kings 04:50 Auction Hunters 05:15 How Do They Do It? 05:40 How It's Made 06:05 American Guns

Disney Channel 06:00 Phineas And Ferb 06:15 Suite Life On Deck 06:40 My Babysitter's A Vampire 07:05 A.N.T. Farm 07:30 Phineas And Ferb 07:40 Phineas And Ferb 07:55 Jessie 08:20 Good Luck Charlie 08:45 Doc McStuffins 09:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 09:25 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 09:35 Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of Friendship 09:45 Mouk 10:00 Jonas 10:25 So Random 10:50 Hannah Montana 11:15 Sonny With A Chance 11:40 Kim Possible 12:05 Shake It Up 12:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 12:55 Phineas And Ferb 13:20 Austin And Ally 13:45 Art Attack 14:10 A.N.T. Farm 14:35 Suite Life On Deck 15:00 My Babysitter's A Vampire 15:25 Shake It Up 15:50 Austin And Ally 16:15 Jessie 16:40 A.N.T. Farm 17:00 Good Luck Charlie 17:30 Gravity Falls 17:55 Suite Life On Deck 18:20 Austin And Ally 18:45 Phineas And Ferb 18:55 Phineas And Ferb 19:10 A.N.T. Farm 19:35 Good Luck Charlie 20:00 Jessie 20:30 That's So Raven 20:50 Cory In The House 21:15 Phil Of The Future 21:40 Hannah Montana 22:05 Good Luck Charlie 22:30 Good Luck Charlie 22:55 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:20 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:45 Hannah Montana 00:10 Hannah Montana 00:35 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 01:00 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 01:25 Replacements 01:50 Replacements 02:15 Emperor's New School 02:40 Emperor's New School 03:05 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 03:30 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 03:55 Replacements 04:20 Replacements 04:45 Emperor's New School 05:10 Emperor's New School 05:35 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 06:00 Phineas And Ferb

Disney Junior 06:00 Jungle Junction 06:15 Jungle Junction 06:30 Little Einsteins 06:50 Special Agent Oso 07:05 Special Agent Oso 07:15 Jungle Junction 07:30 Jungle Junction 07:45 Handy Manny 08:00 Special Agent Oso 08:15 Imagination Movers 08:40 Cars Toons 08:45 Handy Manny 09:00 The Hive 09:10 New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 09:35 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 09:50 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 10:05 Doc McStuffins 10:20 Doc McStuffins 10:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 11:00 Lilo And Stitch 11:30 Cars Toons 11:35 Mouk 11:45 Art Attack 12:10 The Adventures Of Disney Fairies 12:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 13:00 Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of Friendship 13:10 Doc McStuffins 13:25 Handy Manny 13:40 Jungle Junction 13:55 Timmy Time 14:05 The Hive 14:15 Mouk 14:30 Little Einsteins 14:55 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 15:20 New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 15:45 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 16:00 The Little Mermaid 16:25 Lilo And Stitch 16:55 Imagination Movers 17:20 Handy Manny 17:35 The Hive 17:45 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 18:10 Doc McStuffins 18:25 Doc McStuffins 18:40 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 18:55 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 19:10 The Adventures Of Disney Fairies 19:35 New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 20:05 Timmy Time 20:15 Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of Friendship 20:25 Doc McStuffins 20:40 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 20:55 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 21:10 The Hive 21:20 Timmy Time 21:30 Mouk 21:45 Handy Manny 22:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 22:25 The Hive

BBC World 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC World News 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 World Business Report 07:45 BBC World News 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 Hardtalk 09:00 BBC World News 09:30 World Business Report 09:45 Sport Today 10:00 BBC World News 10:30 BBC World News 11:00 GMT With George Alagiah 11:30 GMT With George Alagiah 12:00 Impact With Mishal Husain 12:30 Impact With Mishal Husain 13:00 Impact With Mishal Husain 13:30 Hardtalk 14:00 BBC World News 14:30 BBC World News 15:00 BBC World News 15:30 World Business Report 15:45 Sport Today 16:00 BBC World News 16:30 BBC Focus On Africa 17:00

21:00 Two For The Money 23:00 Jurassic Park III 01:00 30 Days Of Night 03:00 Wushu Warrior 04:30 Mission Of Justice 06:00 The Cat’s Meow 07:30 Shortcut To Happiness

OSN Movies Action HD 06:00 Season Of The Witch 08:00 True Justice: Urban Warfare 10:00 Deadly Hope 12:00 Tank Girl 14:00 True Justice: Urban Warfare 16:00 Do No Harm 18:00 Tank Girl 20:00 Deadtime Stories 2 22:00 Soldiers Of Fortune 00:00 Kill List-R 02:00 Deadtime Stories 2 04:00 True Justice: Urban Warfare 06:00 Tank Girl

OSN Cinema 05:00 Little Big Soldier 07:00 Stolen Lives

Sports TV listings — See Page 48 — 22:35 New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 23:00 Timmy Time 23:10 Animated Stories 23:20 Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of Friendship 23:30 Jungle Junction 23:45 Handy Manny 23:55 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 00:20 Little Einsteins 00:50 Special Agent Oso 01:00 Special Agent Oso 01:15 Lazytown 01:40 Jungle Junction 01:55 Jungle Junction 02:10 Handy Manny 02:20 Handy Manny 02:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 03:00 Lazytown 03:25 Special Agent Oso 03:40 Special Agent Oso 03:50 Imagination Movers 04:20 Handy Manny 04:30 Handy Manny 04:40 Special Agent Oso 04:50 Special Agent Oso 05:00 Timmy Time 05:10 Lazytown 05:35 Little Einsteins 06:00 Jungle Junction

Disney XD 07:00 Kickin It 07:25 Phineas And Ferb 07:50 Almost Naked Animals 08:15 Pokemon: BW Rival Destinies 08:40 Slugterra 09:05 Scaredy Squirrel 09:30 Ultimate Spider-Man 09:55 Zeke & Luther 10:20 Kick Buttowski 10:45 I'm In The Band 11:10 Rekkit Rabbit 11:35 Rated A For Awesome 12:00 Iron Man Armored Adventures 12:25 American Dragon 12:50 Kick Buttowski 13:20 Pair Of Kings 13:45 Zeke & Luther 14:10 Scaredy Squirrel 14:35 I'm In The Band 15:00 Ultimate Spider-Man 15:25 Kickin It 15:50 Rekkit Rabbit 16:15 Pair Of Kings 16:40 Almost Naked Animals 17:05 Lab Rats 17:30 Slugterra 18:00 My Babysitter's A Vampire 18:25 Scaredy Squirrel 18:50 Phineas And Ferb 19:15 Phineas And Ferb 19:40 Mr. Young 20:05 Slugterra 20:30 My Babysitter's A Vampire 20:55 I'm In The Band 21:20 Rated A For Awesome 21:45 Rekkit Rabbit 22:10 Phineas And Ferb 22:35 Ultimate Spider-Man 23:05 Kick Buttowski 23:30 Scaredy Squirrel 07:00 Kickin It

E! Entertainment 06:00 THS 07:50 Behind The Scenes 08:20 Giuliana & Bill 09:15 Giuliana & Bill 10:15 30 Best & Worst Beach Bodies 12:05 Married To Jonas 12:35 Married To Jonas 13:05 Ice Loves Coco 13:35 Ice Loves Coco 14:05 Kourtney & Kim Take New York 14:30 Kourtney & Kim Take New York 15:00 Style Star 15:30 E!es 16:30 Behind The Scenes 17:00 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 18:00 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 19:00 E!es 20:00 Married To Jonas 20:30 Giuliana & Bill 21:30 Giuliana & Bill 22:30 Fashion Police 23:30 Chelsea Lately 00:00 Opening Act 00:55 Style Star 01:25 E! Investigates 03:15 Behind The Scenes 03:40 Extreme Close-Up 04:10 E!es 05:05 E!es 06:00 15 Remarkable Celebrity Body Bouncebacks

Food Network 05:40 Chopped 06:30 Iron Chef America 07:10 Unwrapped 07:35 Unwrapped 08:00 Food Network Challenge 08:50 Kid In A Candy Store 09:15 Unwrapped 09:40 Food Crafters 10:05 Barefoot Contessa - Back To Basics 10:30 Barefoot Contessa - Back To Basics 10:55 Cooking For Real 11:20 Easy Chinese 11:45 Easy Chinese 12:10 Mexican Made Easy 12:35 Mexican Made Easy 13:00 Iron Chef America 13:50 Symon's Suppers 14:15 Unique Sweets 14:40 Unique Sweets 15:05 World Cafe Asia 15:30 Easy Chinese 15:55 Easy Chinese 16:20 Food Crafters 16:45 Chopped 17:35 Barefoot Contessa - Back To Basics 18:00 Barefoot Contessa - Back To Basics 18:25 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 18:50 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 19:15 Symon's Suppers 19:40 Charly's Cake Angels 20:05 Guy's Big Bite 20:30 Chopped 21:20 Chopped 22:10 Iron Chef America 23:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 23:25 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 23:50 Guy's Big Bite 00:15 Guy's Big Bite 00:40 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 01:05 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 01:30 Andy Bates Street Feasts 01:55 Andy Bates Street Feasts 02:20 Unwrapped 02:45 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 03:10 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 03:35 Guy's Big Bite 04:00 Guy's Big Bite 04:20 Kid In A Candy Store 04:50 Unique Sweets 05:15 Charly's Cake Angels 05:40 Chopped 06:30 Iron Chef America

Fox TV 05:30 What About Brian 06:30 Flash Forward 07:00 Baby TV 08:00 Ghost Whisperer 09:00 AlMaw3ed Al3emyani 10:00 Flash Forward 11:00 CSI Miami 12:00 The Block 13:00 Al Qalb Al Maftooh 14:00 The Killing 15:00 MasterChef Australia 16:00 What About Brian 17:00 Scrubs 17:30 CSI Miami 18:30 The Block 19:15 Al Qalb Al Maftooh 20:00 MasterChef Australia 21:00 The Listener 22:00 Scrubs 22:30 CSI Miami 23:30 MasterChef Australia 00:30 Al Qalb Al Maftooh 01:30 Lie To Me 02:30 The Listener 03:30 Ghost Whisperer 04:30 CSI Miami 05:30 Lie To Me 06:30 Flash Forward

Investigation Discovery 06:20 Ghost Lab 07:10 Murder Shift 08:00 Life Or Death: Medical Mysteries 08:50 Street Patrol 09:15 Street Patrol 09:40 Real Emergency Calls 10:05 Who On Earth Did I Marry? 10:30 On The Case With Paula Zahn 11:20 Murder Shift 12:10

BBC World News 17:30 World Business Report 17:45 Sport Today 18:00 World News Today With Zeinab Badawi 18:30 World News Today With Zeinab Badawi 19:00 World News Today With Zeinab Badawi 19:30 World Business Report 19:45 Sport Today 20:00 Business Edition With Tanya Beckett 20:30 Hardtalk 21:00 BBC World News America 21:30 BBC World News America 22:00 Newsday 22:30 Asia Business Report 22:45 Sport Today 23:00 Newsday 23:30 Asia Business Report 23:45 Sport Today 00:00 Newsday 00:30 Asia Business Report 00:45 Sport Today 01:00 BBC World News 01:30 Asia Business Report 01:45 Sport Today 02:00 BBC World News 02:30 Asia Business Report 02:45 Sport Today 03:00 BBC World News 03:30

09:00 A Fall From Grace 10:45 John Carter 13:00 Shanghai 15:00 Black Forest 17:00 Feed The Fish 19:00 When Love Is Not Enough 21:00 Madea's Big Happy Family 23:00 Chloe-R 01:00 Feed The Fish 03:00 When Love Is Not Enough 05:00 Shanghai

OSN Movies Festival 05:00 The Terminal 07:15 Elevator Girl 09:00 My Afternoons With Margueritte 10:45 Bobby Jones: Stroke Of Genius 13:00 Justice For Natalee Holloway 15:00 My Afternoons With Margueritte 17:00 Loosies 18:45 The Evening Star 21:00 A Separation 23:00 Arc 01:00 George Harrison: Living In The Material World 04:30 A Separation 06:30 The Evening

Disappeared 13:00 Life Or Death: Medical Mysteries 13:50 Street Patrol 14:15 Street Patrol 14:40 Forensic Detectives 15:30 On The Case With Paula Zahn 16:20 Real Emergency Calls 16:45 Who On Earth Did I Marry? 17:10 Disappeared 18:00 Murder Shift 18:50 Forensic Detectives 19:40 On The Case With Paula Zahn 20:30 Disappeared 21:20 Nightmare Next Door 22:10 Couples Who Kill 23:00 Couples Who Kill 23:50 Deadly Women 00:40 I Almost Got Away With It 01:30 Dr G: Medical Examiner 02:20 Ghost Lab 03:05 Couples Who Kill 03:55 Deadly Women 04:45 I Almost Got Away With It 05:30 Dr G: Medical Examiner 06:20 Ghost Lab

ITV Granada 05:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 07:00 Durham County 08:00 60 Minute Makeover 09:00 Jeremy Kyle USA 10:00 Emmerdale 11:00 Coronation Street 12:00 Come Dine With Me Ireland 12:30 Coach Trip 13:00 Agatha Christie's Marple 15:00 Durham County 16:00 60 Minute Makeover 17:00 Jeremy Kyle USA 18:00 Emmerdale 19:00 Coronation Street 20:00 Come Dine With Me Ireland 20:30 Coach Trip 21:00 Lewis 23:00 Murdoch Mysteries 00:00 60 Minute Makeover 01:00 Jeremy Kyle USA 02:00 Emmerdale 03:00 Coronation Street 04:00 Come Dine With Me Ireland 04:30 Coach Trip 05:00 Lewis

Nat Geo Adventure HD 06:15 David Rocco's Dolce Vita 3 06:40 Food Lover's Guide To The Planet 07:10 Delinquent Gourmet 07:35 Delinquent Gourmet 08:05 Chasing Che: Latin America On A Motorcycle 08:30 Chasing Che: Latin America On A Motorcycle 09:00 Bondi Rescue: Bali 09:25 My Sri Lanka With Peter Kuruvita 09:55 Cycling Home From Siberia With Rob Lilwall 10:20 Destination Extreme 10:50 Racing To America 11:45 Market Values 12:10 The Best Job In The World 12:40 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled 13:35 David Rocco's Dolce Vita 3 14:00 Food School 14:30 Delinquent Gourmet 14:55 Delinquent Gourmet 15:25 Chasing Che: Latin America On A Motorcycle 15:50 Chasing Che: Latin America On A Motorcycle 16:20 Bondi Rescue: Bali 16:45 My Sri Lanka With Peter Kuruvita 17:15 Cycling Home From Siberia With Rob Lilwall 17:40 Destination Extreme 18:10 Racing To America 19:05 Market Values 19:30 Travel Madness 20:00 Delinquent Gourmet 20:30 Delinquent Gourmet 21:00 David Rocco's Dolce Vita 3 21:30 Food School 22:00 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled 22:55 David Rocco's Dolce Vita 3 23:20 Food Lover's Guide To The Planet 23:50 Exploring The Vine 00:15 Kimchi Chronicles 00:45 Around The World For Free 01:40 A World Apart 02:35 Long Way Down 03:30 Banged Up Abroad 04:25 City Chase Rome 05:20 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled 06:15 David Rocco's Dolce Vita 3

Nat Geo Channel HD 06:00 Adventure Wanted 07:00 Engineering Connections 08:00 Naked Science S2.5 09:00 Jurassic C.S.I. 10:00 Great Migrations 11:00 Adventure Wanted 12:00 Animal Mega Moves 13:00 Hooked 14:00 Adventure Wanted 15:00 Engineering Connections 16:00 Naked Science 17:00 Jurassic C.S.I. 18:00 Great Migrations 19:00 Departures 20:00 Jurassic C.S.I. 21:00 Shark Men 22:00 Departures 23:00 Engineering Connections 00:00 Naked Science S2.5 01:00 The Known Universe 02:00 The Known Universe 03:00 Departures 04:00 Jurassic C.S.I. 05:00 Shark Men 06:00 Departure

Nat Geo Wild HD 05:35 Snow Leopard of Afghanistan 06:30 Expedition Wild 07:25 Swamp Men 08:20 Caught In The Act 09:15 Man v. Monster 10:10 Shane Untamed 11:05 Animal Mega Moves 12:00 Bears Of Fear Island 13:00 Expedition Wild 14:00 Swamp Men 15:00 Caught In The Act 16:00 Man v. Monster 17:00 The Phantom Cat 18:00 Animal Mega Moves 19:00 Man v. Monster 20:00 The Phantom Cat 21:00 Caught In The Act 22:00 Man v. Monster 23:00 Shane Untamed 00:00 Animal Mega Moves 01:00 The Pack 01:55 Triumph of Life 02:50 Dangerous Encounters 03:45 World's Deadliest Animals 04:40 World's Wildest Encounters 05:35 The Phantom Cat 06:30 Triumph of Life

NDTV Good Times 006:00 Tele Shopping 06:30 Yogacity 07:00 Chakh Le India 07:30 Lock Stock And Two Smoking Tikkas 08:00 Lock Stock And Two Smoking Tikkas 08:30 Do It Sweet 09:00 Vicky Goes Foreign – Canada Tadka 09:30 Ten Things To Do Around The World 10:00 Ten Things To Do Around The World 10:30 Vicky Goes Veg 11:00 Royal Reservation Project Living 11:30 Lock Stock And Two Smoking Tikkas 12:00 Lock Stock And Two Smoking Tikkas 12:30 2 For The Road 13:00 Chakh Le India Kacha Rasta 13:30 Hihway On My Plate 14:00 Yogacity 14:30 Whatever Whenever Wherever 15:00 Royal Reservation Project

Hardtalk 04:00 BBC World News World Business Report 04:45 BBC News 05:00 BBC World News World Business Report 05:45 BBC News 06:00 BBC World News

04:30 World 05:30 World

CNN International 06:00 Quest Means Business 07:00 The Situation Room 08:00 World Sport 08:30 African Voices 09:00 World Report 10:00 World Report 11:00 World Sport 11:30 Talk Asia 12:00 World Business Today 13:00 Amanpour 13:30 News Special 14:00 World One 15:00 Piers Morgan Tonight 16:00 News Stream 17:00 World Business Today 18:00 International Desk 19:00 Global Exchange 20:00 World Sport 20:30 News Special 21:00 International Desk 22:00 Quest Means Business 23:00

Living 15:30 Do It Sweet 16:00 Gourmet Central 16:30 Tech Grand Masters 2 17:00 Heavy Petting 17:30 Highway On My Plate 18:00 Chakh Le India Kacha Rasta 18:30 A Whole New World 19:00 A Whole New World 19:30 I am Too Sexy For My Shoes 20:00 Yogacity 20:30 Life Is A Beach 21:00 Model TV classic 21:30 Bikini Destinations 22:00 Tele Shopping 22:30 Tele Shopping 23:00 Tele Shopping 23:30 Tele Shopping 00:00 Tele Shopping 00:30 Tele Shopping 01:00 Tele Shopping 01:30 Tele Shopping 02:00 Tele Shopping 02:30 Tele Shopping 03:00 Tele Shopping 03:30 Tele Shopping 04:00 Tele Shopping 04:30 Tele Shopping 05:00 Tele Shopping 05:30 Tele Shopping

OSN Comedy 06:00 Seinfeld 06:30 Hope & Faith 07:00 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 08:00 Less Than Perfect 08:30 Less Than Perfect 09:00 The Simpsons 09:30 How I Met Your Mother 10:00 Modern Family 10:30 Hope & Faith 11:00 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 12:00 Seinfeld 12:30 Less Than Perfect 13:00 Less Than Perfect 13:30 Hope & Faith 14:00 Malibu Country 14:30 Modern Family 15:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:30 The Daily Show Global Edition 16:00 The Colbert Report Global Edition 16:30 Seinfeld 17:00 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Raising Hope 19:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:30 Modern Family 20:00 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 21:30 The Colbert Report 22:00 The New Normal 22:30 American Dad 23:00 Veep 23:30 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 01:00 The Colbert Report 01:30 The New Normal 02:00 American Dad 02:30 Veep 03:00 The Simpsons 03:30 Raising Hope 04:00 Less Than Perfect 04:30 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 05:30 Less Than Perfect 06:00 Seinfeld

OSN First 05:00 Good Morning America 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Coronation Street 09:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:00 Jane By Design 13:00 Private Practice 14:00 Jane By Design 15:00 Live Good Morning America 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 18:00 Emmerdale 18:30 Coronation Street 20:00 In Plain Sight 21:00 Homeland 22:00 World Without End 01:00 Homeland 02:00 World Without End 03:00 In Plain Sight 05:00 Good Morning America

OSN Aksyon TV 05:45 Relasyon 07:45 Wanted With Raffy Tulfo 09:45 Punto Asintado 11:45 Aksyon Solusyon 13:45 Cristy Ferminute 14:45 T3 Reload: Balita't Serbisyo, Ora Mismo! 15:15 Aksyon 16:00 Dekalibre 16:30 Presinto 5 17:00 Bilang Tao 17:15 Andar Ng Mga Balita 18:15 Sagupaan! UFL Philippines Playoff Series 23:00 Pilipinas News 23:25 Reaksyon 23:45 T3 Reload: Balita't Serbisyo, Ora Mismo! 00:15 Medyo Late Night With Jojo A. All The Way 00:45 Aksyon 01:30 Astig 01:45 Good Morning Club 03:45 Andar Ng Mga Balita 04:45 T3 Reload: Balita't Serbisyo, Ora Mismo! 05:15 Pilipinas News 05:40 Bilang Tao 05:45 Relasyon

OSN GMA Life TV 06:25 Tim Yap Show 06:40 Taste Buddies 07:05 Golden Heart 07:35 Misery 08:05 Kusina Master 08:30 Quickfire 08:40 Sarap At Home 08:50 Pinoy Sine Klasika 10:30 Balitanghali 11:40 Quickfire 11:50 Sarap At Home 12:00 Golden Heart 12:30 Misery 13:00 Reel Life 1 14:50 Balitanghali 16:00 Camera Cafe 16:05 Personalan 16:50 Kusina Master 17:10 Reel Life 2 19:00 The 700 Club Asia 20:00 Mars 20:35 Personalan 21:20 Tim Yap Show 21:40 Balitanghali 22:45 Golden Heart 23:15 Misery 23:45 Camera Cafe 23:50 Kusina Master 00:10 Reel Life 1 02:05 The 700 Club Asia 03:05 Reel Life 2 05:00 Camera Cafe 05:05 Mars 05:40 Personalan 06:25 Tim Yap Show

GMA Pinoy TV 05:10 Unang Hirit 07:45 Kaya Mong Gawin 08:20 Bukod Kang Pinagpala 08:50 Forever 09:20 Reporters Notebook 09:50 Paroa 10:20 Yesterday's Bride 10:50 Pahiram Ng Sandali 11:25 Eat Bulaga 13:20 Imbestigador 14:10 24 Oras 15:20 Forever 15:50 Bukod Kang Pinagpala 16:20 Kaya Mong Gawin 16:50 Paroa 17:20 Temptation Of Wife 17:50 Indio 18:20 24 Oras 19:30 Pahiram Ng Sandali 20:00 Yesterday's Bride 20:30 Eat Bulaga 22:15 Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho 23:05 Idol SA Kusina 23:40 Saksi 00:15 Imbestigador 00:50 Temptation Of Wife 01:25 Indio 02:00 Yesterday's Bride 02:35 Pahiram Ng Sandali 03:10 Wish Ko lang 04:05 Kaya Mong Gawin 04:45 Saksi 05:10 Unang Hirit

OSN Kapatid TV5 06:00 Ang Latest 06:30 Good Morning Club 08:30 Alabang Housewives 09:00 Jeepney Jackpot: Pera O Para 09:30 Sharon 10:30 Face To Face 11:30 Ang Latest 12:00 Never Say Goodbye 12:45 Kidlat 13:30 Wowowillie 15:30 Face To Face 16:30 Alabang Housewives 17:00 Jeepney Jackpot: Pera O Para 17:30 Aksyon 18:15 T3 Reload: Balita't Serbisyo, Ora Mismo! 18:45 Wowowillie 20:45 Never Say Goodbye 21:30 Kidlat 22:15 Pilipinas News

Amanpour 23:30 CNN Newscenter 00:00 Connect The World With Becky Anderson 01:00 Amanpour 01:30 World Sport 02:00 Piers Morgan Tonight 03:00 World Report 03:30 World Sport 04:00 Anderson Cooper 360 05:00 Piers Morgan Tonight 06:00 Quest Means Business

OSN News 06:00 MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell 07:00 NBC Nightly News 07:30 ABC World News With Diane Sawyer 08:00 NBC Nightly News 08:38 ABC Nightline 09:06 MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 10:00 MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell 11:00 ABC World News Now 11:30 Live ABC World News Now 12:00 NBC Early Today 12:30 ABC America This Morning 13:00


05:00 B-Girl

OSN Movies Comedy

OSN Movies Kids

06:00 The Winning Season 08:00 ScoobyDoo 10:00 The Ladykillers 12:00 Mrs. Miracle 14:00 The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom 16:00 The Ladykillers 18:00 Zookeeper 20:00 Paul 22:00 Love And Other Drugs-R 00:00 Super 02:00 Paul 04:00 Zookeeper 06:00 The Ladykillers

06:00 Cars 2 08:00 Moomins And The Comet Chase 10:00 The Great Bear 11:30 Tom And Jerry & The Wizard Of Oz 13:00 The Happy Cricket 2 14:30 Mia And The Migoo 16:00 Zathura: A Space Adventure 18:00 The Great Bear 20:00 Hey Arnold! The Movie 22:00 The Happy Cricket 2 23:30 Zathura: A Space Adventure 01:15 Moomins And The Comet Chase 02:45 Hey Arnold! The Movie 04:30 The Happy Cricket 2 06:00 The Great Bear

OSN Movies HD 05:00 Kings Ransom 07:00 Take Shelter 09:00 Larry Crowne 10:45 War Horse 13:15 B-Girl 14:45 Certain Prey 16:30 Larry Crowne 18:15 Transformers: Dark Of The Moon 21:00 Young Adult 23:00 The Debt 01:00 Ondine 03:00 Larry Crowne

OSN Premiere 06:30 Shark Tale 08:00 The Eagle 10:00 My Best Friend's Wedding 12:00 Johnny

22:40 Reaksyon 23:00 Face To Face 00:00 Ang Latest 00:30 USI (Under Special Investigation) 01:00 Pilipinas News 01:25 Reaksyon 01:45 Mondo Manu 02:00 Wow Mali 02:45 Kung May Hirap, May Ginhawa 03:45 T3 Reload: Balita't Serbisyo, Ora Mismo! 04:15 Aksyon 05:00 Sharon 06:00 Ang Latest

OSN MnITV 06:30 Ikaw SA Puso Ko 07:00 Especially For You 07:30 The Daily Top 10 08:30 M&L Presents 10:30 Sabarday Night 11:30 Kalipay SA Kasakit 12:00 Honorabol 12:30 Ikaw SA Puso Ko 13:00 Pinoy Movie Fiesta 15:00 Iskul Bukol 16:00 The OPM Show 16:30 Stop, Talk And Listen 17:30 Kalipay SA Kasakit 18:00 Honorabol 18:30 NBI Files 19:30 Ikaw SA Puso Ko 20:00 Pinoy Movie Fiesta 22:00 Especially For You 22:30 The Daily Top 10 23:30 The OPM Show 00:00 NBI Files 01:00 Stop, Talk And Listen 02:00 Pinoy Movie Fiesta 04:00 Kalipay SA Kasakit 04:30 Honorabol 05:00 The Daily Top 10 05:30 In The Fishbowl 06:30 Ikaw SA Puso Ko

OSN Pinoy Extreme 05:00 PBA Greatest Games 07:00 Stoplight TV 08:00 Greatest Games MVP 10:00 Kamao Kontra Kamao 11:00 Greatest Games MVP 13:00 PBA Greatest Games 15:00 Kamao Kontra Kamao 16:00 Inside Motoring 17:00 Greatest Games MVP 19:00 Greatest Games MVP 21:00 Inside Motoring 22:00 Kamao Kontra Kamao 23:00 Greatest Games MVP 01:00 Greatest Games MVP 03:00 Oras Ng Himala 04:00 Kamao Kontra Kamao 05:00 PBA Greatest Games 07:00 Inside Motoring

TFC Kapamilya Channel 2 05:00 Umagang Kay Ganda 08:00 Kris TV 09:00 Inazuma 11 09:30 Blue Dragon 09:45 You're Still The One 10:20 Oh La La Couple 11:00 Minute To Win it 11:30 Be Careful with my Heart 12:30 It's Showtime 14:30 May Isang Pangarap 15:30 Precious Hearts Romance: Paraiso 16:15 A Gentleman's Dignity 16:45 Pinoy True Stories 17:15 Rooftop Prince 17:45 Kahit Konting Pagtingin 18:30 TV Patrol World 19:30 Juan dela Cruz 20:15 Ina Kapatid Anak 21:00 Apoy Sa Dagat 21:45 Kailangan Ko'y Ikaw 22:15 Bandila 23:00 XXX 04:15 Patrol ng Pilipino 05:00 Umagang Kay Ganda

The History Channel 06:00 Pawn Stars 06:30 American Restoration 07:00 Ancient Aliens 08:00 Pawn Stars 08:30 Storage Wars 09:00 Mud Men 10:00 Pawn Stars 10:30 American Restoration 11:00 Pawn Stars 11:30 Storage Wars 12:00 Ancient Aliens 13:00 Pawn Stars 13:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 14:00 American Restoration 14:30 American Restoration 15:00 Pawn Stars 15:30 American Restoration 16:00 Mud Men 17:00 Pawn Stars 17:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 18:00 American Restoration 18:30 American Restoration 19:00 Pawn Stars 19:30 American Restoration 20:00 Mud Men 21:00 Pawn Stars 21:30 Storage Wars 22:00 Ancient Aliens 23:00 Storage Wars 23:30 Storage Wars Texas 00:00 American Pickers 01:00 Pawn Stars 01:30 Storage Wars 02:00 Ancient Aliens 03:00 Storage Wars 03:30 Storage Wars Texas 04:00 American Pickers 05:00 Mud Men 06:00 Pawn Stars

The Style Network 06:10 Chicagolicious 07:05 Clean House: New York 08:00 Videofashion News 08:30 Videofashion News 09:00 Videofashion Daily 10:00 Open House 10:30 Big Boutique In The City 11:00 Top 10 11:25 Top 10 11:55 Giuliana & Bill 12:25 Giuliana & Bill 12:55 Tia And Tamera 13:50 Videofashion News 14:20 Videofashion Collections 14:50 Dress My Nest 15:15 Dress My Nest 15:45 How Do I Look? 16:40 How Do I Look? 17:35 Giuliana & Bill 18:30 Giuliana & Bill 19:25 Tia And Tamera 20:25 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane 21:20 The Amandas 22:15 The Amandas 23:10 Jerseylicious 00:05 Chicagolicious 01:00 Fashion Police 02:00 Videofashion News 02:25 Videofashion Collections 02:55 Big Rich Texas 03:50 Big Boutique In The City 04:20 Jerseylicious 05:15 Glam Fairy 06:10 Chicagolicious

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Movement outraged by advertisements

Senegal women told ‘all black’ beautiful and healthy DAKAR, Feb 18, (AFP): Outraged by adverts urging women to bleach their skin, a spontaneous movement has emerged in Senegal arguing that black is beautiful — and to act otherwise is to risk one’s health. The campaign sprang up in response to advertisements that appeared in the capital Dakar last year for a cosmetic cream called “Khess Petch”, or “all white” in the local Wolof language. The posters promised “rapid action” and “results in 15 days”. They showed before and after pictures of a young woman who started out black and ended up with fair skin through depigmentation, locally known as “kheessal” or bleaching. “We were scandalised (by a poster) suggesting that black is not beautiful because it recommends that young women should transform themselves in a fortnight,” said Aisha Deme, who runs the cultural website Agendakar.com. “In a spontaneous response, we wanted to elevate the black woman and we launched “Nuul Kukk”, which means “all black”, the young woman added, a flower pinned in her mass of frizzy hair. So the campaigners put up their own posters in the Senegalese capital, this time showing a proud black woman. The work was done for free by fashion photographer Stephane Tourne and advertising professionals. The Nuul Kukk campaign, which is highly active online and has its own

Low-income boys get the most short-term benefit

Better TV might improve children behavior SEATTLE, Feb 18, (AP): Teaching parents to switch channels from violent shows to educational TV can improve preschoolers’ behavior, even without getting them to watch less, a study found. The results were modest and faded over time, but may hold promise for finding ways to help young children avoid aggressive, violent behavior, the study authors and other doctors said. “It’s not just about turning off the television. It’s about changing the channel. What children watch is as important as how much they watch,” said lead author Dr. Dimitri Christakis, a pediatrician and researcher at Seattle Children’s Research Institute. The research was to be published online Monday by the journal Pediatrics. The study involved 565 Seattle parents, who periodically filled out TVwatching diaries and questionnaires

measuring their child’s behavior. Half were coached for six months on getting their 3-to-5-year-old kids to watch shows like “Sesame Street” and “Dora the Explorer” rather than more violent programs like “Power Rangers.” The results were compared with kids whose parents who got advice on healthy eating instead. At six months, children in both groups showed improved behavior, but there was a little bit more improvement in the group that was coached on their TV watching. By one year, there was no meaningful difference between the two groups overall. Low-income boys appeared to get the most short-term benefit. “That’s important because they are at the greatest risk, both for being perpetrators of aggression in real life, but also being victims of aggression,” Christakis said.

The study has some flaws. The parents weren’t told the purpose of the study, but the authors concede they probably figured it out and that might have affected the results. Before the study, the children averaged about 1-1/2 hours of TV, video and computer game watching a day, with violent content making up about a quarter of that time. By the end of the study, that increased by up to 10 minutes. Those in the TV coaching group increased their time with positive shows; the healthy eating group watched more violent TV. Nancy Jensen, who took part with her now 6-year-old daughter, said the study was a wake-up call. “I didn’t realize how much Elizabeth was watching and how much she was watching on her own,” she said. Jensen said her daughter’s behavior improved after making changes, and

she continues to control what Elizabeth and her 2-year-old brother, Joe, watch. She also decided to replace most of Elizabeth’s TV time with games, art and outdoor fun. During a recent visit to their Seattle home, the children seemed more interested in playing with blocks and running around outside than watching TV. Another researcher who was not involved in this study but also focuses his work on kids and television commended Christakis for taking a look at the influence of positive TV programs, instead of focusing on the impact of violent TV. “I think it’s fabulous that people are looking on the positive side. Because no one’s going to stop watching TV, we have to have viable alternatives for kids,” said Dr. Michael Rich, director of the Center on Media and Child Health at Children’s Hospital Boston.

website, Twitter feed and Facebook page, features local stars, including the rapper Keyti, the stylist Dior Lo and women’s rights activist Kine Fatim Diop. The campaign is also backed by dermatologist Fatimata Ly, who has been

fighting the “kheessal” practice for 10 years as part of the International Association for Information on Artificial Depigmentation. For Ly, skin-bleaching is a public health concern because “in the general

population, 67 in every 100 women practice artificial depigmentation.” These products reduce the body’s ability to “defend itself against (various) infections”, and they also “have broader effects on health, such as diabetes and

high blood pressure,” she added. The skin-lightening phenomenon exists in several sub-Saharan African countries and in the black diaspora. In Senegal, “it is mainly a feminine practice, even if you find it among men in

some particular groups, such as performers,” Ly said. Whitening creams, milks and gels contain substances initially intended for therapeutic purposes, such as corticosteroids and hydroquinone, and should only be prescribed by doctors, according to Ly. “Unfortunately, you can find them all across the Senegalese market. They are products that are very accessible,” she said. At between one euro ($1.3) and 1.5 euros ($2) per product — five or six times cheaper than in a chemist’s shop — they are also affordable, Ly said as she showed pictures on her computer of the damage caused by bleaching products, ranging from swollen legs, bruises and open wounds to blemished skin and burns. Women are nonetheless drawn to the products because they believe they will make them more beautiful, according to researchers and doctors, and Deme says it’s an uphill battle to convince women otherwise. “Today’s society imposes criteria for beauty on us... Everybody promotes women with fair skin: the papers, magazines, video clips,” said Deme. “What we recommend today is just to stop depigmentation. We should stop importing these products and selling them, so that there are no more scandalous advertisements,” she added. “It will take as much time as it takes, it will be long, but we have to fight.”

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The promo poster of ABK’s Al Tajer account.



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credit facilities by Kuwait banks KAMCO Research

Loan portfolio grows 5% to record KD 26.9b Personal facilities up by 19.5 pct KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: Credit facilities extended by Kuwaiti banks have gained momentum during 2012 compared to marginal growth rates recorded during 2011 and 2010. The loan portfolio of Kuwaiti banks grew at 5 percent in 2012 to record KD 26.9 billion ($ 95.4 billion) at the end of December-12 representing around 54 percent of 2012 forecasted GDP. This growth rate is favourably compared to the 1.6 percent and 0.4 percent recorded during 2011 and 2010, respectively. Despite the low appetite for credit, banks’ conservative lending policies, and the restructuring of corporate debt along with delay in implementing a dozen of infrastructure and economic projects, the credit market has witnessed signs of recovery in 2012 that will most likely continue through 2013 driven by the easing of political tension in the country along with the gradual restoration of confidence in the private sector and the recovery of the property market and the local bourse. During 2012, banks have extended additional credit of KD 1.28 billion ($4.5 billion) with personal facilities contributing to around 87 percent of this increase followed by the credit to the real estate sector and trade which added around KD 378 million and KD 171 million, respectively. On the contrary, credit to investment companies shrank by KD 475 million on the back of continuing debt problems faced by the sector. Driven by the increase in the salaries of the public sector and the strengthening of purchasing power of Kuwaiti nationals, personal facilities have been following a continuous upward trend since February 2011, increasing by 19.5 percent to record KD 10.1 billion at the end of December-12, representing 37 percent of banks’ loan portfolios. During 2012, personal facilities grew at 12.4 percent fuelled by high consumption and robust growth in the retail sector accompanied with the significant increase in public sector salaries. However, growth in credit facilities for

the purchase of securities, which account for 27 percent of personal facilities, remained stagnant during 2012 at 2.5 percent. Nonetheless, the share of this credit component remains high as it accounts for around 10 percent of local banks’ loan portfolio at KD 2.71 billion ($9.6 billion). This high concentration might expose banks to further risk given the volatility in the local and regional markets. Following 5 consecutive years of strong growth rates over the period 2004-2008 with a CAGR of 34.5 percent fuelled by buoyant market and ample liquidity, growth in credit to the purchase of securities slowed down significantly during 2009 to 1 percent and then followed a downtrend in 2010 and 2011 with a yearly contraction of 4.6 percent and 2.1 percent, respectively. This drop came on the back deleveraging amid high market risk and volatility in local and international markets. This made banks shift their lending policy by extending credit to households and the productive economic sectors guaranteed by sustainable cash flows.

Slowdown Chart 2 depicts the share of loans utilized for the purchase of securities to total personal loans since Dec-05 indicating a slowdown in contribution mainly due to deleveraging of retail investors who are invested in the stock market coupled with banks’ being more conservative in extending credit after the global financial crisis. Loans to the purchase of securities peaked in September-2008 to account for 36 percent of banks’ personal loans portfolios and then followed a downward trend to stand at 27 percent as of Dec-12. The contribution of Loans to the purchase of securities of banks’ personal loan portfolio has averaged around 30 percent based on monthly figures since Dec-2005 which is considered high on the international standard. On the other hand, chart 3 depicts the share of personal loans to banks’ loan portfolio since Dec-05 indicating a slowdown in contribution in the early years before stabilizing from the period 2008-2011 and moderately picking up in 2012. As seen in chart 4, During the period 2005-2012, bank’s loan portfolio grew at a 7-year CAGR of 12.5 percent from KD 11.8 bn at the end of Dec05 to reach KD 26.9 bn in Dec-12; while personal loans grew at a slower 7-year CAGR of 10.1 percent from KD 5.1 bn to reach KD 10.1 bn over the same period.

Continued on Page 39

Collaboration enters 4th year

Harvard Business School, IBS to conduct ‘program’ KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: Dr Mohammad Yousef Al-Hashel, Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Banking Studies (IBS), announced that the IBS will work with Harvard Business School for the fourth year in a row to present an executive education program for banking and finance executives in the GCC region. The Governor pointed out that the program is one of the strategic developmental projects the banking sector is pursuing, led by the Central Bank of Kuwait, organized by the IBS and financed by the IBS member and financing banks.

Upgrade The program, said the Governor, aims to upgrade the skills of the Kuwait and GCC national workforce, of which executives comprise the key component. He mentioned that the program was conducted for the first time in 2010 as an exclusive event for the Kuwaiti banks. After the tremendous success of that first program, several GCC Banking Institutes showed keen interest in a repeat event. With the Harvard Business School showing interest in taking the program to the GCC level, the second program was conducted in 2011 in Dubai addressing the GCC banking and financial sectors. Organizing the program at the GCC level continued in 2012 with Doha, Qatar as the location. This year the program will be held in Muscat, Oman at the Shangri-la resort. The Governor pointed out that communication with Harvard Business

School started in 2009 to organize the school’s first custom program in the GCC region. The Governor affirmed that the Harvard Business School is very selective in conducting custom programs, especially those beyond its campus in Boston, USA. The School’s desire to continue to work with IBS, Kuwait on these projects reflects how satisfied the school is with this collaboration. Considering the design of the program has continued to be extremely successful, this year’s program, the Governor explained, will have a similar design. The title “Managing Strategically, Leading for Results” captures the program two integrated themes: ‘Strategic Management’ and ‘Leadership’. The program will be held during March 9-14, 2013 for six consecutive days. It is aimed at upper middle executives of levels such as department heads. Dr Al-Hashel affirmed that executive education programs held by Harvard Business School in the GCC region adhere to the School’s high standards thus ensuring that participants and their banks will be provided with the same quality of learning experience for which the school is so well known. At the end of the program, participants will receive a Harvard Business School certificate, verifying that they have completed the program. The Governor elaborated that the world-famous Harvard Business School case studies will be the main learning tool in the program; these case studies are written by the school’s faculty and are used in numerous universities and executive development centers.

‘New strategy led to 10% profit growth, 9% rise in assets’

KFH earnings exceed expectations: CEO KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: Kuwait Finance House (KFH) CEO Mohammad Al-Omar mentioned during an interview with Najwa Asran from CNBC Arabia, that KFH net profit in 2012 is KD 88 million, which is 10% more than last year. Total revenues of KFH Group reached KD 1 billion, and KD 437 million of them were generated from Kuwait. He noted that the profits exceeded all expectations, despite local and global market circumstances. However, he stressed that such success is considered to be the fruits of the new strategy and restructuring plan that positively affected numerous important financial indicators. Assets increased by 9% to exceed KD 14 billion, while the growth of KFH Group deposits increased by 6%. The budget witnessed an increase in returns on shareholders’ equity by 8%, and net profit increased by 9%. Earnings per share increased by 10%, and the increase in total revenues reached 7%. He added that KFH pumps KD 178 million in profits into the market, compared to

KD 152 million last year. This underlines the bank’s successful new strategy. He went on to say that the bank’s dividends are good and within the range of KFH’s set plans. KFH had announced to its clients cash dividends by 10%, while dividends on

deposits, which are the highest in the market, were as follows: 2.147% for five year deposit, 1.932% for continuous investment deposits, 1.503% for Sudra deposit, and 1.288% for investment saving accounts. Provisions dropped to reach KD 255

Mohammad Al-Omar, CEO Kuwait Finance House seen during an interview with CNBC Arabia.

million compared to KD 231 million last year, while the group’s bad loans dropped from 9.4% to 5.7%. Regarding KFH Kuwait, bad loans dropped to 5.4%, while ratio of expenses to revenues dropped from 78% in 2011 to 68% in 2012. Concerning development projects in Kuwait, Al-Omar expressed his optimism that the government and the National Assembly are keen to achieve progress; especially that there are important issues that must be solved, such as housing, since the number of housing requests reached 100,000, which is a high number. Al-Omar stated that KFH will continue to expand globally to seize the best investment opportunities, and also added that KFH achieved 14% growth in the retail sector, while the revenues of its overseas banks increased noticeably. KFH-Malaysia’s assets, revenues and operative profits increased, while KFHTurkey achieved an increase in revenues by 40%. The revenues of subsidiary banks in general increased by 19%.

Al Eid Food Co earns KD 0.76 million in 2012

ABAR chalks KD 0.59 mln profit in Dec qtr KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: Kuwait Stock Exchange announced that the Board of Directors of Burgan Company for Well Drilling (ABAR) met on Feb 14 and approved the interim financial statements of the company for the nine months ending Dec 31, 2012. The company reported a profit of KD 597,123 for the three months ending Dec 31, 2012 compared to a profit of KD 538,295 earned during the same period of 2011. Particulars Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2011 (9 months ending) Profit (Loss) (KD) 1,288,481 881,502 Earnings per share (fils) 6.15 4.21 Total current assets 25,221,076 23,577,738

Total assets 157,664,891 Total current liabilities 40,763,460 Total liabilities 102,703,686 Total shareholders’ equity 54,961,205

164,098,911 44,608,385 110,870,323 53,228,588

The total expenses from transactions amounts to KD 870,220. ❑ ❑ ❑ Board of Directors of Al Eid Food Company (Al Eid) met on Feb 17 and adopted the annual financial statements of the company for the year ending Dec 31, 2012. Particulars Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2011 Profit (Loss) (KD) 762,646 690,704 Earnings per share (fils) 10.67 9.66 Total current assets 13,726,577 12,328,397

Total assets 14,661,493 Total current liabilities 3,609,637 Total liabilities 5,795,185 Total shareholders’ equity 8,866,308

13,478,442 3,655,160 5,374,780 8,103,662

The Board of Directors of the company recommended bonus shares of 12 percent of the nominal value of the shares 12 shares per 100 shares for the fiscal year ending Dec 31, 2012. Note that these recommendations are subject to approval by the shareholders and the competent authorities. ❑ ❑ ❑ Capital Markets Authority approved Osoul Investment Company (Osoul) annual financial statements of the compa-

ny for the year ending Dec 31, 2012, dated Feb 14, 2013. Particulars Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2011 Profit (Loss) (KD) 173,477 178,348 Earnings per share (fils) 0.920 0.945 Total current assets 6,324,636 6,902,609 Total assets 20,990,972 22,801,083 Total current liabilities 1,451,910 2,182,112 Total liabilities 1,575,729 3,810,653 Total shareholders’ equity 19,421,020 18,965,318

The total revenue from transactions is worth KD 258,197 and total expenses from transactions with related parties amounting to KD 27,987. The Board of Directors will meet later to discuss the distribution of dividends for the fiscal year ending Dec 31, 2012.




Burgan Bank announces winners of Yawmi Account daily draw Burgan Bank announced today the names of the five lucky winners of its Yawmi account draw, each taking home a prize of KD 5,000. The lucky winners for the daily draws took home a cash-prize of KD 5000 each, and they are: Bedour Amer Abdulreda Bakhesh, Faisal Faleh Ayed Alsubaei, Rangwala Fakhruddin Ahmed Ali , Emad Abdulrazzaq Ahmad Alfahad and Hamad Turkey Mohammad Al-Mutairi.

With its new and enhanced features, the Yawmi Account has become more convenient, easier, and faster for customers to benefit from. Now, customers will be eligible to enter the draw after 48 hours only from opening the account. Customers are also required to deposit KD 100 or equivalent only to enter the daily draw, and the coupon value to enter the draw stands at KD 10. The newly designed Yawmi account has been launched to provide a highly

innovative offering along with a higher frequency and incentive of winning for everyone. Today, the Yawmi account is a well understood product, where its popularity can be seen from the number of increasing account holders. Burgan Bank encourages everyone to open a Yawmi account and/or increase their deposit to maximize their chances to becoming a daily winner. The more customers deposit, the higher the chances they receive of winning

the draw. Opening a Yawmi account is simple, customers are urged to visit their nearest Burgan Bank branch and receive all the details, or simply call the bank’s Call Center at 1804080 where customer service representatives will be delighted to assist with any questions on the Yawmi account or any of the bank’s products and services. Customers can also log on to Burgan Bank’s www.burgan.com for further information.

Burgan Bank logo

Deal marks General Atomics’ first sale of UAVs in Mideast

UAE signs $1.4 bln defence contracts, including drones ABU DHABI, Feb 18, (RTRS): The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has signed defence contracts worth 5.2 billion dirhams ($1.4 billion), including one for unmanned aerial drones, a spokesman for the country’s military said on Monday. The largest deal, worth 1.4 billion dirhams, was for 750 mine-resistant, ambush-protected, all-terrain vehicles from Oshkosh Corp. The UAE’s armed forces also agreed to buy an undisclosed number of Predator drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), from privatelyowned US firm General Atomics in a deal worth 722 million dirhams. “UAVs are significant for any armed forces in present times. There is a lot of demand for these,” Major General Obeid al-Ketbi told reporters at the largest arms exhibition in the Middle East, held in Abu Dhabi. The UAE awarded the contract to purchase the drones to a local company, International Golden Group, which will buy them from the US firm. The deal marks General Atomics’ first sale of an unarmed version of its Predator drones in the Middle East. The UAE and Saudi Arabia are

among several countries, according to diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks, asking US officials to buy armed drones but which have been rebuffed. Washington says its commitments to the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), a non-binding international agreement designed to limit the spread of long-range precision weaponry, restrict drone exports. General Atomics’ export-variant Predator will have no “hard points” to attach missiles and would be deliberately engineered to make adding new weaponry impossible, the company said last year. Ketbi said the UAE, which faced little of the political unrest seen during the Arab Spring upheaval across the region, had drone manufacturing capabilities domestically. “There is definitely a chance to export abroad,” he said. Other UAE military contracts were awarded to Russia’s KBP which got a 472.7-million-dirham deal to supply ammunition. Local defence firm Tawazun won a 720-million-dirham contract to procure laser guided rockets.

Funds to be disbursed annually

UAE to grant Bahrain $2.5b for development DUBAI, Feb 18, (RTRS): The United Arab Emirates will grant Bahrain $2.5 billion to help fund development projects in the Gulf Arab country, state-owned Bahrain News Agency (BNA) reported on Monday. The money, to be disbursed on an annual basis over the next 10 years, would finance projects in housing, electricity, water, infrastructure and social services, the BNA said. In March 2011, after a pro-democracy uprising in Bahrain and protests demanding jobs and clean government in Oman, wealthier Gulf Arab neighbours pledged $10 billion each to those countries over 10 years to

ease tensions and support economic development of the two small nonOPEC oil exporters. Bahrain, which depends on crude from a field it shares with Saudi Arabia for some 70 percent of its budget revenue, said last June that it had not received any of the pledged money so far, and it was unclear when the funds would start to flow. Analysts have said Saudi Arabia, which supports Bahrain’s Sunni rulers politically, could give the state more oil from the shared Abu Safa field if Manama’s budget runs into trouble.

Co ready to respond: chief

Showa Shell awaits govt guidance on Iran imports TOKYO, Feb 18, (RTRS): Japanese oil refiner Showa Shell Sekiyu is waiting for guidance from the government on crude imports from Iran before deciding on contractual volumes for the year starting April, its president said on Monday. Tough US and European sanctions aimed at forcing Iran to halt its nuclear programme has made shipping and paying for Iranian oil difficult, cutting the Middle Eastern country’s overall oil exports by more than half in 2012. “If Japan and the United States agree for a need to strengthen sanctions, we expect a decrease in volumes,” Jun Arai told reporters on the sidelines of a press conference, when asked about Showa Shell’s plans for Iran purchases. Whether the company will further curb Iranian oil imports or keep volumes steady at current levels depends on talks between the United States and Japan, Arai added. Showa Shell, which counts Royal Dutch Shell and Saudi Aramco as its

main shareholders, is estimated to have cut its contracted Iranian crude volumes to around 60,000 to 70,000 barrels per day (bpd) for the year ending March 31 from 100,000 bpd a year earlier. “Even if the volumes were to be cut drastically, that would have no impact on us at all,” Arai said. He added that the company stood ready to respond no matter what the governments decide without giving any more details. Japan’s crude imports from Iran fell 39.5 percent in 2012 to 189,076 bpd, trade ministry data showed, in line with falls among other Asian buyers as the sanctions bite. The United States has been granting waivers from financial sanctions to countries that have taken significant steps to cut purchases of Iranian crude. Japan’s waiver is up for renewal next month. Showa Shell is 35 percent owned by Royal Dutch Shell and about 15 percent owned by Saudi Aramco.

Egyptian currency will not collapse: presidential aide Economy to chart weaker-than-projected growth CAIRO, Feb 18, (RTRS): The Egyptian pound will not collapse and its incremental depreciation has stabilised, a senior aide to Islamist President Mohamed Morsi said on Sunday. Essam Haddad, Morsi’s deputy chief of staff and foreign policy adviser, told Reuters in an interview that he did not expect the pound to fall further after it lost more than 8 percent against the dollar since the start of the year. “I think it has reached a level of stability,” he said. “So as long as it (depreciation) is going incrementally and in a way that is market-sensitive, then there is no harm in this,” Haddad said. More than two years of political instability following the overthrow of president Hosni Mubarak in 2011 has triggered a flight into dollars. The Egyptian pound has faced extra pressure since late last year, when violent protests against President Mohamed Morsi erupted, setting back hopes for economic recovery. Violence flared again in Egypt on Sunday, with thousands blocking access to the harbour in Port Said to demand justice over the deaths of dozens of people in riots last month. That violence was triggered by anger over the death sentences handed down to 21 people from Port Said for their involvement in a soccer stadium disaster in the city a year ago.

Recover Presidential adviser Haddad said of the Egyptian currency: “”What we have to be very careful of is to (avoid) a drastic change, or a complete fall or collapse. And this is something we are not seeing in the foreseeable future and we hope that it will recover.” A black market in hard currency has sprung up in recent weeks due to a shortage of dollars, with street traders quoting the pound at more than 7 to the dollar compared to an official rate of 6.73. Regulated foreign exchange bureaux are swamped by demand for dollars and cannot meet the demand, the head of the foreign exchange department at the Chambers of Commerce said. A senior business leader affiliated with the ruling Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan Malek, told Reuters in an interview that people expected further devaluation of the pound. “I’m not, of course, a technical (expert) but people expect a little bit of devaluation in the future,” he said when asked whether he expected a further depreciation of the currency to help exports and tourism. He said the economy was going through a very difficult period because the transition to democracy launched by the 2011 uprising that toppled former president Hosni Mubarak was not yet complete and institutions were not working fully. Asked about such concerns, Haddad said: “When the situation starts to stabilise more on the political side, I believe the Egyptian pound will be even stronger.” There had been calls from the business

Malek says Egypt economy won’t collapse, sees recovery

Pound has further to fall: business leader CAIRO, Feb 18, (RTRS): Egypt has begun devaluing its currency to help revive the economy and meet the conditions of an expected IMF loan and the depreciation has further to go, a business leader in the ruling Muslim Brotherhood said on Sunday. Hassan Malek, chairman of the Egypt Business Development Association and a senior informal adviser to President Mohamed Mursi, told Reuters the government had begun steps to cut the budget deficit and stabilise the country’s finances, but tougher measures would have to wait until after parliamentary elections expected in April. “We have started already some increase in taxation, and there is the devaluation of the pound and we raised some prices of petrol and gas,” Malek said in an interview. “Normal people in the street now understand that there is a price that we will have to pay for the IMF agreement.” Asked whether he expected a further depreciation of the Egyptian currency to help exports and tourism, he said: “I’m not of course a technical (expert) but people expect a little bit of devaluation in the future.” Malek stressed he was speaking in a personal capacity and not on behalf of the government or the governing Islamist Freedom and Justice Party. The Egyptian pound has lost some 8 percent against the dollar since the start of the year and a black market has sprung up with the local currency being traded at more than 7 pounds to the dollar, compared to an official rate of 6.73. Foreign exchange bureaux are overwhelmed by demand for dollars which are in short supply due to political turmoil. Malek said the economy was going through a very difficult period because the transition to democracy launched by the 2011 uprising that toppled former community to change the exchange rate to boost the economy by improving exports and making Egypt more attractive for foreign investors, and those changes had now occurred, he said. “Market forces will act on this and decide what is the best value for the Egyptian pound,” Haddad added. Egypt’s central bank governor said late on Sunday he had no fears of dollarisation and added the bank had reduced the amounts offered at its US dollar auctions in order to set aside hard currency for imports of crucial goods. Foreign investors are eyeing Egyptian households’ dollar holdings as a critical gauge of trust in the authorities. Investors are watching closely for evidence of a significant rise in ordinary Egyptians’ dollar holdings. “I am not worried about dollarisation,” Hisham Ramez said in an interview with CBC channel late on Sunday. “Household dollarisation is at far lower rates than those that would scare one,” he

President Hosni Mubarak was not yet complete and institutions were not working fully. Political turmoil has severely hit tourism, a major foreign currency earner, and many wealthy Egyptians are keeping their money abroad rather than investing in their country. “The Egyptian economy is not going to collapse,” he said. “The real problem is the delay in building constitutional democratic institutions. That’s why the present government feels it is temporary and of course we know we are in a transitional period.”

Conclude Malek said he hoped Egypt could conclude a long-delayed $4.8 billion loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund before the election, although sensitive measures such as cuts in subsidies should be implemented gradually. Malek, who was imprisoned under Mubarak with top Muslim Brotherhood leader Khairat el-Shater, his friend and business partner, said he was actively trying to persuade wealthy Egyptians to return and invest in the country. Asked if he was personally involved in trying to persuade billionaires who have left Egpyt and had their assets frozen or been convicted of economic crimes to come home, he said “Yes. I am inviting everyone to come to Egypt. It is very important to prioritise legislation and court cases should be solved first... before these people come back.” Malek confirmed he was in contact with former Mubarak-era trade minister Rachid Mohamed Rachid, a respected liberal economist and businessman who fled to the United Arab Emirates during the uprising, and would like him to return to Egypt. Rachid was sentenced to five years in jail and fined $1.57 million in absentia in said. In an attempt to control the rate of the pound’s decline, Egypt’s central bank introduced regular dollar auctions in December. Having initially offered sums of $75 million per auction, the bank has reduced the amounts sold. Last week it offered $40 million at each of its dollar sales. Reserves have fallen to $13.6 billion, less than the $15 billion needed to cover three months worth of imports.

Egypt’s annual economic growth rate will hit 3 percent by endJune, below the government’s projected 4 percent because of political instability, the Planning and International Cooperation Minister said on Monday. In remarks reported by the state news agency, Ashraf al-Araby also said the rate of annual growth was around 2.5 percent in the three months ending in December. Egypt’s fiscal year runs from

July to June. Referring to the 4 percent growth rate targeted by the government, Araby said: “The current political events hampered that.” The Egyptian economy has been hit by more than two years of turmoil since the popular uprising that swept Hosni Mubarak from power in February 2011. The unrest has driven away tourists and investors. President Mohamed Morsi’s efforts to get the economy moving again have been hit since late November by unrest set off by what his opponents saw as an attempt at political domination - a claim rebuffed by his administration. The instability has triggered a flight into US dollars and an 8 percent fall in the value of the Egyptian pound. The country’s reserves of hard currency have also dipped, falling to $13.6 billion in January - below the $15 billion level needed to cover three months worth of imports.

Since Dec-05, loans to trade and industries witnessed gradual growth to reach KD 2.5 billion and KD 1.8 billion, respectively. During the period 2006-2012, loans to trade grew at a CAGR of 8.8 percent whereas loans to industries grew at a much faster rate of 21 percent. However in 2012, loans to industries seemed to be stabilized as it grew at 1 percent compared to 8.2 percent in 2011 while loans to trade grew 7.4 percent in 2012 from 0.4 percent in 2011. Chart 8 illustrates loans to trade and industries share of banks’ loan portfolios since Dec-05 indicating that the combined amount for the two sectors has averaged around 15.5 percent of total banks’ credit facilities. Share contribution has been quite volatile during the aforementioned period and has

reached a low of 14.4 percent in March and April 2008, peaked during the financial crisis in Jan-09 to 16.2 percent before heavily slumping once again to 14.6 percent. Nevertheless, credit facilities extended to these two sectors began to recover gradually to currently stand at 15.8 percent as of Dec-12 after hitting a record high of 16.5 percent in August-2008. Chart 8, which depicts the change in outstanding loans across the major economic sectors during FY-11 and FY-12, reflects a considerable growth in personal loans and credit to real estate sector and financing trade along with shrinking credit to ICs due to the strict lending policies followed by local banks and deleveraging in the financial sector. During 2012, credit to the real estate sector grew by KD 375 mn, while growth in personal facilities showed significant improvement to KD 1.1 bn fuelled by the increase in consumption and the reassessment of banks strategies that became more retail-focused. On the other hand, credit to ICs fell by KD 475 mn, indicating the deterioration in operating environment, weak financial standing of some major players along with the restructuring of some highly leveraged firms and the significant losses incurred by the sector originated mainly from drop in the prices of equities and real estate.

Also: CAIRO:

Loan portfolio Continued from Page 38 Loans to the real estate and construction sectors, which together amount to KD 8.85 billion accounting for 32.9 percent of banks’ loan portfolios, gained momentum during 2012 and advanced by KD 407 million, a growth of 4.8 percent; Chart 5 shows that since 2008, growth in the real estate loans has started to lose momentum driven by the slowdown in property market and the depreciation in asset prices. Following a 3-year CAGR of 40 percent over the period 2004-2007, growth in loans to the real estate & construction sectors dropped sharply to 17 percent in 2008 then to 10 percent in 2009 and remained flat in 2010. Given the slowdown in the real estate market and the challenging business environment faced by real estate companies and contractors, high exposure to this sector by banks indicates that further correction in the real estate market might expose local banks to higher credit risk and weigh down on asset quality. The following chart illustrates the combined share of loans to real estate and investment companies to total bank loans over the period 2006-2012. The high concentration of banks’ loan portfolios in the

real estate and financial services sectors which together accounted for an average of 42 percent of credit facilities over the last 7 years, is a clear signal of high risk embedded in the banking sector. As seen, since 2005 banks’ loan portfolios have been witnessing an uptrend and accordingly, the share of loans to real estate and investment companies has followed. However, as the financial crisis deepened, credit facilities extended to investment companies began to decrease as ICs experienced the downfall of the stock market. On the other hand, loans to real estate and construction continued the uptrend yet at a slower rate as the property market witnessed a decline in prices driven by oversupply in the commercial segment.

As a result, credit facilities extended to these two sectors remained stagnant during the period from July-07 until Aug-11 comprising an average of 44 percent of total banks’loans portfolios before slowing down to currently stand at 40 percent in Dec-12. The most significant repercussion of the financial turmoil was the sudden evaporation of credit to investment companies (ICs) in the last quarter of 2008 that followed easy credit in the per-crisis era when loans to ICs grew at a CAGR of 55 percent over the period 2004-2007. Since then, credit slowed down to 19 percent in 2008 and 1.2 percent in 2009 and then followed a steep downward trend in the years that followed dropping by 16 percent in 2011.

Banks remain cautious in extending additional credit to ICs given the challenging business environment and the deterioration in their financial standing and credit profile; accordingly, credit facilities to ICs fell during 2012 by 20 percent to KD 1.91 billion, representing 7.1 percent of banks’ loan portfolios down from a percentage contribution of 12 percent before the crisis. We believe that banks’ non-performing loans of ICs will most likely remain high and as a result will continue to pressurize banks’ profitability in 2013 by booking additional provisions. However, liquidation of collaterals held against ICs credit along with debt restructuring remains the optimal options for some banks to avoid additional provision.

2011 for profiteering and squandering public funds. Several such sentences have recently been annulled on appeal and retrials ordered. Asked about his contacts, Malek said : “It is a personal initiative with the coordination of the authorities. But it’s not my decision (whether or not to pardon Rachid). The decision in the end is for the court and the government.” Asked whether all big businessmen were welcome to return regardless of the roles they played in the Mubarak era, he said: “I have no personal opposition towards any person... if their debts and obligations are first fulfilled.” Malek said his organisation was also trying to broker a solution to Cairo’s debt to foreign energy companies producing oil and gas in Egypt such as BP, Gas Natural, Petronas, Shell and Dana, that has accumulated since the 2011 uprising. He disputed the figure of $9 billion cited by consultancy Executive Analysis and European diplomats for the total energy debt, saying it was far less, but declined to give a number. “Some of their contracts needed to be reviewed because they were not balanced to cover both the national interest and the company interest. So some licences were suspended when they expired, which made a bit of a problem,” Malek said. “We tried to encourage them by giving them more concessions and rescheduling these payments (owed by Egypt). We opened other opportunities in the same field such as refineries and other projects they can take. Up to this moment, none of these companies has decided to leave,” Malek said. He acknowledged that most foreign energy companies were still holding back on new investments in Egypt. “They want to see these problems tackled first. They want to see a clear road map, which is normal in such an environment.”



40 Gulf Bank sponsors Al-Bayan Bilingual School’s Carnival Gulf Bank recently sponsored Al-Bayan Bilingual School’s Carnival which took place on the schools premises. The event was organized by the school’s Student Council and National Honor Society (NHS). The Carnival opened its doors to all students and their families as well as the general public from 10 am to 7 pm, and a number of activities for different age groups were organized. Alongside the entertainment, a well organized bazaar representing various entrepreneurs displayed their products and services to the public. The objective of the carnival was to increase awareness and support by raising funds for the

A promo photo of the carnival

school as well as contributing 25% of the funds to a charity. NHS is a prestigious committee within schools, colleges, and universities all around the world in which a group of students get elected to the society based on the four principles of character, leadership, service, and scholarship. The students work together to organize events for the benefit of the community and the student body thereby raising school spirit and simultaneously getting a sneak preview at leadership positions in the real world. Student Council, a student government, is well known internationally in almost all schools and colleges.

Arabtec contract Dubai’s Arabtec Holding has won a contract worth more than 1 billion dirhams ($272.3 million) to construct a Fairmont-branded hotel in Abu Dhabi, the firm’s latest win in the oilrich emirate where its top shareholder is based. The contract, awarded by Abu Dhabi-based National Investment Corporation, covers building the hotel as well as maintaining the development and its electro-mechanical works for one and two years respectively, the statement said. (RTRS)

Eurozone current account surplus narrows

ECB chief says low interest rates can cause problems BRUSSELS, Feb 18, (AFP): The head of the European Central Bank on Monday outlined the risks of keeping interest rates low for a long period, suggesting the ECB is unlikely to slash rates further from already record lows. Speaking to members of the European Parliament in Brussels, Mario Draghi also reiterated the bank’s view on the level of the euro on the foreign exchange markets, saying talk of a currency war was “really excessive”. “Naturally, the ECB is aware of the challenges arising from a protracted period of low policy rates,” Draghi said, a week after the bank decided to keep its main interest rate on hold at a record low 0.75 percent. He said that low interest rates for a long time could harm the returns for savers and investors as well as possibly fuelling bubbles in house prices. In a low interest rate environment, banks might also have less incentive to monitor credit risk properly “and may provide too many loans to non-profitable business,”

Draghi said. Draghi said current interest rates were “accommodative”, which analysts often take to mean that the bank is unlikely to cut them further. Turning to the exchange rate, Draghi said: “I find really excessive any language referring to currency wars” amid concerns that the euro is too strong on the foreign exchange markets and worries over the weak Japanese yen. He referred to the statement made by the Group of 20 countries in Moscow over the weekend, where leading powers vowed they would not target specific forex rates or devalue currencies to make them more competitive. “I urge all parties to exercise very, very strong verbal discipline. I think the less we talk about this the better,” said Draghi. Some eurozone countries, notably France, have expressed concern that the level of the euro, which has risen recently on the foreign exchange markets, could hurt exports and dampen any nascent recovery in the eurozone. Paris wants the eurozone to arm itself

Morales nationalizes airport

Workers union, police clash at Iberia strike MADRID, Feb 18, (RTRS): Striking union workers clashed with police at Madrid’s Barajas airport on Monday on the first day of a week-long strike over more than 3,800 pending job cuts at Spain’s flagship airline Iberia. More than 80 Iberia flights were cancelled as workers at the carrier began a series of five-day walkouts that are expected to cost the airline and struggling national economy millions of euros in lost business. Hundreds of workers flooded into Terminal 4 at Barajas — the biggest airport in Spain — to noisily protest, chanting and whistling, with one group staging a sit-in. About 2,000 people demonstrated outside the terminal. The police beat some strikers with truncheons to keep them away from the doors of the international airport, Iberia’s Madrid hub, and forcefully threw others out of the terminal. At least five protesters were arrested. Previous strikes have cost Iberia between 2 million euros and 3 million euros a day, a spokesman told Reuters. Delayed Flights from other airlines were delayed at airports across Spain, including at Madrid and Barcelona, as Iberia baggage handlers, also working for other airlines, joined strikers. Air stewards and ground staff are holding three five-day strikes in February and March to protest against management plans to axe jobs and cut salaries at the lossmaking airline. Some 10 percent of long-haul flights and half of domestic flights will be grounded this week. Labour unions kicked off the strikes with demonstrations in the morning at most Spanish airports, including Barcelona. At an 8 km march (5 miles) around Barajas, protesters blamed British managers at the airline group for job cuts threatened in Spain. Demonstrators waved Spanish flags and banners saying “British go home”. Iberia, which merged with profitable British Airways in 2011 to form the International Airlines Group (IAG), reported a loss of 262 million euros ($349.78 million) in the first nine months of 2012. “Nobody is safe from being sacked,” said Elias Gonzalez, a maintenance supervisor at the Barajas protest who has worked for Iberia for 27 years. “There was an initial deal with the company when the merger with the British was agreed, but now there is disagreement.” Although skeleton staff were on duty and the airline had rescheduled most passengers or returned them their money, some people were left stranded. “When we come for tourism, we don’t want to be bothered by strikes,” said Robert, a French tourist who did not want to give his last name.

“Everyone has their problems but they shouldn’t bother people who bring in money. That’s also business.” Queues formed as some staff abandoned check-in desks while unionists shouted in the airport. The Feb. 18-22 strike coincides with school holidays in Britain and France, Spain’s biggest source of tourists. Tourism accounts for around 11 percent of Spanish economic output and is one of the country’s few growth sectors in a prolonged recession that has pushed the unemployment rate above 26 percent. In anticipation of the strike, Iberia has cancelled 415 flights between Monday and Friday, and as many as 1,200 flights operated by various airlines will be disrupted because some Iberia workers handle baggage for other airlines at airports around Spain. Some 70,000 passengers will be affected. About 86 percent have been given a different flight, including those operated by other airlines, while 14 percent have asked for refunds. The airline says restructuring is vital to return the Spanish unit to profitability while unions say the IAG management is degrading pay and benefits in Spain through its new low-cost airline Iberia Express. Iberia is just one of several companies in Spain, including Vodafone and bailed-out lender Bankia, to lay off workers. It is fighting an uphill battle against low-cost operators, a depressed domestic economy and competitors which are in better shape after having already gone through restructuring processes. Sabadell Bolsa analysts said the total 15 days of strikes could cost Iberia between 50 million euros and 100 million euros of losses. Also: LA PAZ, Bolivia: Bolivian President Evo Morales says he’s nationalizing a Spanish-owned venture that runs the country’s three main airports and is ordering the military to make sure the facilities stay operating. Morales’move Monday is the latest in a series of nationalizations he has ordered of mostly Spanish investments in what he considers public utilities. The affected company, SABSA, runs the airports in the cities of La Paz, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba. It is a joint venture between Barcelona-based Abertis Infrastructuras SA and AENA, Spain’s airport authority. The move annulled a 1996 contract that was set to expire in 2015. Morales said Abertis-AENA didn’t make promised investments. In January, his government took over a subsidiary of the Spanish-owned electrical grid company Iberdrola. Spain’s government has issued a statement deploring the takeover.

EU head urges lawmakers to pass 2020 budget BRUSSELS, Feb 18, (AFP): EU chair Herman Van Rompuy urged lawmakers Monday to “think twice” before voting down a cut in the bloc’s budget for the rest of the decade. “With a budget of one percent of the EU’s GDP, we aren’t going to be able to resolve all the problems of unemployment,” European Union President Van Rompuy said in a tense presentation to the European Parliament. “It’s a contribution,” he said of the deal for a seven year budget agreed

at an all-night summit on February 78 that would give Brussels a guaranteed outlay of 908.4 billion. The budget deal, to cover years 2014 through 2020, is a cut of some three percent on the 2007-13 package. “We need to keep a sense of proportion,” he said, urging MEPs to “think twice” about rejecting the compromise figures — a first-ever realterms cut in six decades of the EU — in a July vote. In a debate that saw Van Rompuy

largely isolated — save for English Conservative MEP Martin Callanan — the former Belgian premier said a failure by the parliament to back the budget would hit scientific research and investment, key drivers for growth and jobs. “Big projects depend on this,” he said, stressing that “to avoid any delays and uncertainty, I urge parliament and (EU leaders) “to conclude (negotiations) quickly” or face “deadlock.” Parliament head Martin Schulz has

warned the summit deal was unacceptable while European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso also urged lawmakers to stand firm in negotiations. The leader of the EU-wide group of conservative MEPs, Joseph Daul, said his members were mainly demanding “a watertight commitment to a review clause within two-to-three years.” Socialists counterpart Hannes Swoboda said “there will be no majority for (this deal) in this chamber.”

with an exchange rate policy. The external value of the euro should not be left to market forces, French President Francois Hollande has argued. But Draghi hit back saying: “The

exchange rate is not a policy target, but it is important for growth and price stability.” He also denied that the euro was too strong, saying it was “around its long term average.” On the economy, the ECB chief

said: “We enter 2013 in a more stable financial environment than in recent years” and predicted “a very gradual recovery” later in the year as the 17-nation eurozone battles with recession.

He acknowledged that austerity in many countries was strangling economic growth but insisted it was “unavoidable” for nations, especially those labouring under high debt, to reduce their public deficits.

Green shoots of recovery still to push through stony ground Purchasers’ surveys likely to be better but not great LONDON, Feb 18, (RTRS): A raft of business surveys this week will be combed over for confirmation of hopes that a dire fourth quarter of 2012 marked the cyclical trough for the world economy.

An index based on questionnaires sent to euro zone procurement executives is likely to show activity is picking up, according to economists polled by Reuters. The same goes for the closely watched monthly poll conducted by Germany’s Ifo Institute and a barometer of confidence among US housebuilders. But the green shoots of recovery still have to push through stony ground. Notably, the euro zone’s advance purchasing managers’ index (PMI) for February is expected to remain below the 50 mark which separates expansion from contraction. “The big picture should be one of gradual improvement, but let’s not forget that both the PMI and the euro zone’s economic sentiment indicator are at levels which have historically been consistent with contraction,” said Nick Kounis, an economist with ABN AMRO in Amsterdam.


Strikers (left), of Spanish airline Iberia clash with baton-wielding police (right), at Madrid-Barajas airport on Feb 18, in Madrid, as they launched a five-day action against job cuts. Iberia’s cabin crew, ground staff and maintenance workers are striking from Monday to Friday in the first of a series of three five-day strikes to protest plans to axe 3,800 jobs.

CEO sees growing threat from Istanbul, Gulf airports

Heathrow boss wants faster airports report LONDON, Feb 18, (Agencies): A decision on how and where to expand the UK’s airport capacity should be fasttracked to prevent Britain falling behind competing hubs in Europe and the Middle East, according to the boss of London’s Heathrow airport, which wants a third runway. “In terms of timing, we’d like the decision quicker ... we think it’s urgent,” Colin Matthews, the chief executive of Heathrow Ltd, formerly the British airports operator BAA, said on Monday. The Davies Commission was set up late last year to examine ways to expand UK airport capacity but is not due to report until after the next general election in 2015. Options being considered include building a third runway at Heathrow, west of London, an entirely new four-runway hub in the Thames estuary to the east or expansion of the capital’s secondary airports at Gatwick to the south of the capital or Stansted to the northeast. Under pressure from liberals and green groups, David Cameron’s Conservative-led coalition government overturned a decision to build a third Heathrow runway after it came to power in 2010. It also ruled out expanding London’s smaller airports. “For the decision, whatever it is, to stick it will need broad support so if it’s just one political party or one narrow

section of opinion formers then the decision that is taken will probably be untaken a few months later as it was before,” said Matthews. “However, getting that broad agreement may take time.” Heathrow, Europe’s busiest airport, is falling behind rival European hubs in the battle for lucrative routes to emerging markets because of the constraints on growth. A study by the Frontier Economics consultancy has shown Paris Charles de Gaulle and Germany’s Frankfurt have 1,000 more annual flights to the three largest cities in China than Heathrow.

Hubs Matthews says that Istanbul’s Ataturk airport as well as growing hubs in the Gulf could also take traffic from European airports in the coming years. Earlier on Monday Heathrow Ltd posted a strong rise in its profits, largely driven by an increase in the fees it charges airlines using its airports Heathrow, Stansted, Southampton, Glasgow and Aberdeen. Controlled by Spanish infrastructure group Ferrovial , Heathrow said its 2012 earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation rose 11.6 percent to 1.26 billion pounds ($1.96 billion) on revenue up 8.1 percent at 2.46 billion pounds. The operator has increased airport tariffs

by an average of 12.5 percent since April 2011. The company said passenger traffic at Heathrow rose 0.9 percent to 70 million during the year, while traffic at London Stansted fell 3.2 percent to 17.5 million. The group last week unveiled a 3 billion-pound five-year investment plan, which could see passengers facing a rise in ticket prices. Including interest payments on debt and one-off items, Heathrow reported a net loss of 40.9 billion pounds ($63.3 million) in 2012, compared with a loss of 191.5 million pounds a year earlier. The airport saw an 8 percent rise in revenue to 2.46 billion pounds for the year of the London Olympics, and an underlying profit of 46.4 million pounds. There were 471,341 flights to and from Heathrow in 2012, just below its absolute capacity of 480,000. Owner Heathrow Ltd. — formerly BAA — said that “unlike its rivals in France, Germany, the Netherlands and Dubai, Heathrow is full and its capacity constraints prevent any meaningful increase in the numbers of flights and routes.” “This means the country’s ability to trade with emerging economies is constrained, with potential long-term consequences for UK trade, jobs and economic growth,” it said.

Fiscal austerity, high unemployment, debt paydowns by households and weak bank lending all point to Europe’s recovery being tepid in 2013. What is more, a muddied outcome to Italy’s general election on Feb 24/25 could revive worries about the capacity of Europe’s third-largest economy to reignite growth after more than a decade of stagnation. That in turn could disturb the calm that has settled over the euro since the European Central Bank in September removed any immediate threat to the currency’s survival by promising to act as a conditional bond buyer of last resort through its Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme. Douglas Roberts, an economist with Standard Life in Edinburgh, frets that the ECB’s pledge is dulling Europe’s appetite for reform. For instance, the recent failure of a big property lender in the Netherlands and troubles at Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Italy’s third largest bank, were a reminder that work to strengthen the euro zone’s banking sector is far from complete. “The longer OMT seemingly does its work, it is a hindrance to progress elsewhere,” Roberts said. In the United States, one of the obstacles to rapid recovery is the prospect of a $100 billion reduction in across-the board government spending kicking in on March 1 unless politicians reach a lastminute agreement. Economists at Credit Suisse estimate the cuts could reduce average annual GDP growth to 1.5 percent from 2.0 percent this year and to 2.3 percent from 2.5 percent in 2014. Uncertainty over tax and spending policies is an extra weight on households, already hit by an increase in payroll taxes at the start of the year that is likely to hold back spending for several months. “You see a consumer who is a little bit nervous about whether policymakers in Washington are doing the right thing,” said Jason Ware, chief analyst at Albion Financial Group in Salt Lake City. He said a trio of reports – the National Association of Home Builders index, housing starts and existing home sales – would be important to gauge the extent to which the recovering housing sector will help to offset the drag from fiscal policy. Minutes from the most recent meetings of central banks in the United States, Japan, Britain and Australia are likely to underscore just how weak the world economy was in late 2012. Economists at JP Morgan estimate that global growth last quarter slowed to a rate of 1.3 percent, less than half the trend pace and one of the worst outcomes – except for formal recessions - dating back to the 1990s.




EU-US trade talks promise prizes, pitfalls Agreement could be template for global standard-setting LONDON, Feb 18, (RTRS): Forthcoming transatlantic trade talks might offer a fresh incentive for Europe to worry a bit less about protecting past economic gains and focus a bit more on securing sources of future prosperity. The negotiations, announced last week and due to start in June, are also an important chance for the European Union to rejuvenate political ties with the United States as Washington pivots towards a rising Asia. The talks will be tough. Successive

attempts to prise open markets over the past 15 years made some progress but ultimately failed. This time round, extensive consultations have convinced officials that an agreement can be forged at a lower political cost. One reason is that agriculture, a constant thorn in the side of negotiators, is less of a bilateral bugbear than it was even two years ago thanks to changes in the global market for farm produce, said Fredrik Erixon, director of the European Centre for International Political Economy, a think tank in Brussels. What’s more, the world’s two largest economies are anxious to tap into new sources of growth. They estimate that by

2027 a comprehensive pact could add 0.5 percent a year to the EU’s gross domestic product and 0.4 percent to U.S. output. But the belief in Brussels and Washington that they will not have to cross too many negotiating red lines drawn by powerful vested interests will be quickly tested, Erixon said. “It will become much clearer that you’re not going to get an agreement that can deliver short and medium-term economic gains or longer-term dynamic gains unless you’re willing to do supplyside reforms,” he said. Indeed, Erixon said the European Commission, the EU’s executive branch, sees the talks as an opportunity to try to

push through some deep-seated changes to improve the 27-country bloc’s economic performance. Governments have shown a greater appetite for reform in response to the global financial crisis, notably in pensions and labour markets. But Ben Noteboom, chief executive of Randstad, the world’s second-largest global recruitment firm, said he would give Europe an overall mark of less than six out of 10. He said Europe had no choice but to keep up the momentum of reform given the challenges it faces from an ageing population and, especially, the hollowing-out of medium-skilled jobs due to technological change and competition

from emerging markets. The United States and the EU are eying a “21st century” agreement that, as well as scrapping tariffs, sweeps away many non-tariff barriers, such as differences in technical standards, that are annoying speed bumps in an age when goods sourced around the globe cross borders at dizzying speed. Yet earlier this month, the same EU showed its 20th century face by concluding a budget for 2014-2020 in which farm subsidies still gobble up by far the biggest share of spending. Agricultural handouts were cut, but France and other major farming nations thwarted attempts to shift a greater slice of EU spending towards steps to boost

investment and competitiveness. Simon Evenett, a professor of international trade at St Gallen University in Switzerland, agreed that a way would have to finesse differences over agriculture for Washington and Brussels to grasp what both see as the big prize — designing the next generation of business regulations and inducing the rest of the world, notably China, to sign on to them. Richard Baldwin, a professor of international economics in Geneva, said the fear of being excluded from global standard-setting and regulatory harmonisation was a key reason why this round of trade talks might succeed.




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UK infrastructure fund Two major pension schemes have joined Britain’s first multibillion-pound infrastructure fund, giving a boost to the government’s efforts to tap pension savings for projects such as roads and power plants that might help fuel growth. The London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA) and Lloyds TSB have joined The Pension Infrastructure Platform (PIP), bringing the number of signatories to ten and total backing for the fund so far to £1 billion ($1.6 billion), PIP said on Monday. PIP is an investment fund backed by major corporate and local pension funds, such as the BT, BAE Systems and British Airways pension funds, with a £2-billion target size. (RTRS)

‘Germany to escape recession’ last quarter of 2012, as weak demand in other eurozone countries hurt exports. Were its economy to decline again in the current quarter, Germany would technically be in recession, defined as two quarters running of economic contraction. But the Bundesbank joins other economic experts and observers who believe last year’s dip in growth will prove short-lived. (AFP)

Germany, Europe’s biggest economy, will avoid the recession that has engulfed many of its partners in the region and return to growth in the first quarter of 2013, the Bundesbank said on Monday. “As it currently looks, a plus in economic output can be expected in the first quarter of this year,” the German central bank said in its February monthly report. German gross domestic product (GDP) shrank by 0.6 percent in the

Insight Most national tax rules pre-date widespread rise of multinationals

In Europe’s tax race, it’s the base, not rate, that counts LONDON, Feb 18, (RTRS): In late November, members of the American Chamber of Commerce gathered at the Four Seasons hotel in Dublin for a Thanksgiving lunch of roast turkey and pumpkin pie and a declaration of hospitality from Ireland’s finance minister. “We’re a friendly country for investors and one of the key elements of the friendliness of the package is the 12.5 percent tax rate,” Michael Noonan said. “I want to tell you once more, that’s not negotiable.” Noonan’s comment alluded to attempts by some fellow European Union countries to persuade Ireland to increase its official corporation tax rate, one of the lowest in the developed world. The 12.5 percent rate, Irish politicians often say, is core to Ireland’s ‘brand’ as an investment location. But low headline taxes are just one reason companies like to base themselves in Ireland, and not even the most important. Many of the multinationals gathered at the Four Seasons that day pay far less than 12.5 percent tax, their accounts show. Ireland helps them do this by generously defining what profit it will tax, and what it will leave untouched. And it’s not just Ireland. The amount of profit a country taxes - commonly known as the tax base - has been shrinking for multinationals in many European countries over the past decade or so, experts say, a fact easily lost in talk about headline rates. Countries have found that reducing the base agreeing to not tax some profits that a company makes - helps attract firms and, they hope, jobs. But as recent protests against corporate tax avoidance in Britain highlight, voters are beginning to question that tactic. If taxpayers see governments helping companies to

avoid taxes, it could hurt their ability to tax everyone else. That is a point made by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, a Paris-based club of rich economies, which last week called for an overhaul of the entire international corporate tax system.

Concern Most national tax rules pre-date the widespread rise of multinationals, it said, and desperately need to be updated. Perhaps the most pressing concern is the tax base. “The problem of the tax base is clearly more important than the tax rate,” says Sven Giegold, a German Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the Green Party and a member of the EU parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. “And that’s, interestingly, exactly the opposite of the public debate.” The situation is particularly severe in Europe, a single market of more than 500 million people. Tax competition is a global phenomenon but European countries are especially vulnerable, because EU rules bar members from hindering capital flows. Multinationals which set themselves up in smaller countries such as Ireland, Luxembourg or the Netherlands can pay low taxes, not just on profit earned in those places, but also on that earned in much bigger markets such as the UK or Germany. And sometimes, they may not have to pay any tax at all on profits earned in those bigger markets. Their host countries allow them to send it offshore to tax havens. “This is a huge problem in the EU because you have a common market but you have 27 different corporate tax systems,” said Kimberly Clausing, a

Professor of Economics at Oregon’s Reed College who specialises in corporate tax avoidance. If you look at headline tax rates alone, you might think tax competition in Europe had ended. Between 1980 and 2007, average EU corporate income tax rates fell from more than 45 percent to almost 25 percent, according to data from the OECD and the EU. Since then, though, they have shed just one percentage point. But the more stable headline rates say nothing about how countries define a company’s tax base. Take, for example, the Netherlands, which has a history of tax leniency dating back 120 years. Today, its headline corporation tax rate of 25 percent is actually above the EU average. But by being selective about how it defines taxable profit, it offers many firms a much lower effective tax rate, tax advisers and executives say.

Reduce The country allows foreign companies to reduce their taxable profit by making payments to affiliates for loans, the use of brands and other services, said Kees van Raad, Professor of International Tax Law at the University of Leiden. And while many other countries charge withholding taxes on such payments, the Dutch usually do not. Tax deals are often agreed in advance with companies that are considering basing themselves in the Netherlands, so they know where they stand. That was the experience of coffee chain Starbucks, which established its European headquarters in Amsterdam in 2002. The company received a ruling which gave it a “very low” tax rate, Troy Alstead, the company’s Chief Financial Officer, told a UK parliamentary committee in November, although

the firm declined to provide further details. In 2011, Starbucks’ European headquarters declared a pre-tax profit of just 500,000 euros on sales of 73 million euros. Starbucks says it follows the tax rules of all the countries where it operates. The Dutch tax authority declined to comment. Some tech firms shift much bigger amounts. Amazon.com Inc’s main operating unit, based in Luxembourg, faced a headline tax rate of 30 percent. But for 2011 it managed to report a taxable profit of just 29 million euros on 9.1 billion euros of sales at its Luxembourg-based EU headquarters by paying hundreds of millions to a taxexempt affiliate, which is also based in Luxembourg. Such policies mean firms like Amazon - which employs many thousands of people in France, Germany and the UK, and has billions of dollars of sales in these countries - don’t have to declare any profits there. Instead, it can apportion almost all its European profits to an office of 200 people in Luxembourg City. The Luxembourg tax office declined comment. Amazon said it abides by the tax rules in every country where it operates.

Payments Similarly, Google’s international headquarters in Dublin made taxdeductible payments to a Bermudan subsidiary via a Dutch affiliate. The arrangement is known as a “Double Irish Dutch sandwich”: the Irish-registered entity cuts its taxable profit by paying a Dutch affiliate, which pays a subsidiary in a tax haven. Using a Dutch affiliate means withholding taxes don’t have to be paid. In 2011, Google Ireland reported tax-

able profit of 24 million euros on turnover of 12.5 billion. Its Bermudan unit was responsible for “substantially all” of the group’s $8 billion in overseas pre-tax profit, according to regulatory filings. Google said it abides by the tax rules in every country where it operates. The Irish tax authority and department of finance declined to comment on Google or other companies, although Irish officials said the approach is to simply agree a level of profit that could be reasonably attributed to the number of employees in the country. In Google’s case, this was 2,000 people at the end of 2011, most of those in telesales. One senior tax official said: “We charge tax on the profits that arise from the activities carried out here.” There is no evidence that countries like Ireland or the Netherlands are breaking international tax rules, says Professor Michael Devereux, Director, Centre for Business Taxation & Professor of Business Taxation at Oxford University, adding that countries are free to design their tax systems as they see fit. Larger countries have joined the competition. One way to compete is by introducing a ‘patent box’, also known as an ‘innovation box’. In recent years, France and Spain as well as the Netherlands and Belgium have all adopted such a system, offering tax rates as low as 5 percent. Britain is due to introduce its version in April. Patent boxes allow companies to pay a lower tax rate on profits linked to patented innovations. Governments say it’s a way to encourage innovation and high-value jobs in research and development. But critics see it as tax avoidance, albeit government-sanctioned and

in palatable form. Typically, a patent box tax system will ignore a large chunk of earnings made on a product which contains a patented item. “Even if the patented element of a product is minor, 100 percent of income arising from the product falls into the regime,” accountants KPMG wrote of the UK patent box in a brochure. The mechanism rewards commercialisation of existing patents, rather than the development of new ones, said Helen Miller, senior research economist at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, an independent think tank. The European Commission estimated in December that around 1 trillion euros is lost to tax evasion and avoidance every year, and called on member states to cooperate better. One radical solution - approved in a vote last September in the European Parliament - is for the EU to adopt a totally new approach to taxing companies, known as the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB). This would see countries apportioned a share of a company’s profits based on sales and staffing; each could then tax that profit how they saw fit. Such a move would make it much harder, if not impossible, for companies to shift profits. However, the European parliament only has advisory powers in relation to tax. A European Commission spokeswoman said the Commission backed the idea, but that every member state must agree before a directive becomes binding. Ireland, the Netherlands and the UK have either opposed the CCCTB or withheld support.



BERLIN: Otto Beisheim, billionaire founder of retail giant Metro and one of Germany’s richest people, died Monday aged 89, the firm said, reportedly taking his life due to an incurable illness. “He was suffering from an incurable disease and departed this life due to the hopelessness of his health situation,” said a statement from the Otto Beisheim group. Mass circulation daily Bild said he committed suicide. Founder of Metro Group, which now comprises 2,200 retail outlets in 32 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, Beisheim amassed a fortune estimated by Forbes in its 2012 billionaires list at $3.3 billion (2.4 billion euros). According to Forbes, he was the 344th richest person in the world and the 22nd wealthiest person in Germany. Beisheim brought the concept of cash and carry wholesaling, where retailers pick up goods themselves and pay for them immediately, to Germany in the 1960s after Beisheim witnessing its success in the United States. He set up the first cash and carry shop in Muelheim an der Ruhr, in western Germany, in 1964 and almost instantly enjoyed a roaring trade. He exported the concept first in Europe, then worldwide, establishing the “Cash and Carry,” “Media Markt” and “Real” chains in countries from China to France. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑ ATHENS: Greek lender National Bank (NBG) on Monday said it had completed a buyout offer for rival Eurobank to create “the country’s largest bank group”. Over 64,000 Eurobank shareholders had agreed to swap their shares, enabling NBG to garner about 84 percent of the smaller bank’s stock, NBG said. “National Bank and Eurobank are uniting their forces to create the country’s largest bank group which will be able to successfully meet the challenges to Greece’s monetary and credit system,” NBG’s chief operating officer Alexandros Tourkolias said in a statement. NBG had offered 58 new shares for 100 shares of Eurobank. The new National Bank group will have assets of over 170 billion euros and serve 18 million customers daily. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑ MADRID: The burden of bad loans held by Spanish banks eased for the first time in 17 months in December as a “bad bank” began to mop up risky assets, the Bank of Spain said Monday. The ratio of doubtful loans, mostly mortgages, extended by Spanish banks fell to 10.44 percent of total credits from a record 11.38 percent the previous month, the central bank said. The decline in bad loans to 166.45 billion euros ($222 billion), the lowest level since May last year, broke a string of 17 straight months of rising bad-loan ratios in the Spanish financial system. Spain is shoring up its banks after they were hammered by a property market crash in 2008, using a European Union rescue loan obtained last year of up to 100 billion euros. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

BRUSSELS: The European Central Bank chief says a financial rescue package for Cyprus must be accompanied by close and continuous monitoring of its progress in implementing antimoney-laundering policies. Mario Draghi on Monday told European lawmakers that it is not sufficient to put all relevant laws on the books, adding the crucial part is implementing them. Cyprus is seeking a bailout from its European partners to stabilize its ailing banks and keep the government afloat, likely totaling as much as 17 billion euros ($23 billion), or roughly the equivalent of the country’s annual gross domestic product. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑ STOCKHOLM: For the first time since the mid-1990s, sales of the 100 biggest arms dealers excluding China declined in 2011 as the economic crisis prompted budget cuts, a Stockholm-based think tank said on Monday. The 100 companies’ total sales declined, including inflation, by five percent from the previous year, the first time a drop has been registered since 1994, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said. Even excluding inflation, the total fell, to $410 billion (307 billion euros) from 412 billion euros in 2010. (AFP)




no change in law to curb tax avoidance, says Cameron British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Monday he did not want to change the law to outlaw “aggressive tax avoidance”, but said the practice raised moral questions and that multinationals should pay the tax they owe. Speaking in Mumbai on the first day of a three-day visit to India, Cameron said his government was doing what it could to cut corporation taxes and expected companies to reciprocate by paying their fair share of tax.

“The message to business should be, ‘If we are cutting this rate of tax down to a good low level, you should be paying that rate of tax, rather than seeking ever more aggressive ways to avoid it’,” he told a group of workers at Hindustan Unilever Ltd . The amount of tax that multinationals pay in Britain has become a sensitive issue after it was shown that companies such as Starbucks, Amazon and Google have been using legal loopholes to

sharply cut their tax bill. Britain, Germany and France called for such loopholes to be closed internationally at a meeting of the G20 in Moscow last weekend and London wants to make the issue a centrepiece of its presidency of the G8 group of nations this year. On Monday, Cameron questioned the value of making a clear distinction between tax evasion and tax avoidance. “I think the problem with that is that there are some forms of tax avoidance

Former Group Chairman of Indian conglomerate Tata Group, Ratan Tata speaks at a business seminar attended by Indian industrialists and a huge business delegation accompanying British Prime Minister David Cameron in Mumbai on Feb 18. (AFP)

that have become so aggressive that there are moral questions that we have to answer about whether we want to encourage or allow that sort of behaviour,” he said. However, Cameron said he didn’t think it was right to legislate on the issue. “Some would say, ‘Just change the law to make aggressive avoidance illegal’, but, with respect to my friends in the accountancy profession, it is difficult to do that.” (RTRS)

Scandal hangs over Cameron’s visit

‘Nothing to hide’ in helicopter deal, says India’s PM NEW DELHI, Feb 18, (Agencies): India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Monday the government had nothing to hide in a $750 million deal for AgustaWestland helicopters that has been suspended by the Defence Ministry over allegations of kickbacks. The ministry has asked AgustaWestland, owned by Italy’s Finmeccanica, to show by Friday that no bribes were paid in the deal and says it is ready to cancel the purchase outright. The helicopter company says it will comply with the request. India has already received three of the 12 luxury aircraft it bought to transport political leaders, including the prime minister. In his first comments on the affair since

Italian police arrested Finmeccanica head Giuseppe Orsi last week, Singh said the government wanted to debate the issue in parliament, which begins a new session on Wednesday. “Parliament is the appropriate forum to discuss all issues raised by the opposition. We are ready for any discussion,” Singh told reporters. “We have nothing to hide.” The furore over the helicopter deal follows a string of graft cases that have buffeted Singh’s government, which is nearing the end of a second five-year term and faces elections due in early 2014. The opposition is expected to raise the issue once parliament opens. A Defence Ministry official said the decision to send a show cause notice to Finmeccanica, the first step toward scrap-

Singapore says probe underway

Huawei denies work in US death linked field SINGAPORE, Feb 18, (RTRS): Chinese telecommunications company Huawei said on Monday it had not worked with an institute in Singapore on any projects in the specialist field of an American engineer who died mysteriously last year shortly after leaving the institute. Britain’s Financial Times said on Saturday that Shane Todd had been working on “what was apparently a joint project” between Singapore’s Institute of Microelectronics, or IME, and Huawei shortly before he died last June. His parents have said he was murdered because of his involvement in the project, which they say involved exporting sensitive military technology to China. IME declined immediate comment. Singapore police said they were still investigating the death of Todd, 31, and would submit their evidence to a coroner. Singaporean pathologists concluded in an autopsy last June that he died by hanging in his Singapore flat. “IME approached Huawei on one occasion to cooperate with them in the GaN field, but we decided not to accept, and consequently do not have any cooperation with IME related to GaN,” Huawei said in a statement.

Radars Todd’s area of expertise was Gallium Nitride (GaN), an advanced semiconductor material which has both commercial and military purposes. It is used in things from blue-ray disc players to military radars. Huawei said that the development of GaN technology was commonplace across the telecommunications industry. Reuters reviewed evidence the family presented supporting its theory a few weeks after his death, including emails, other documents and photographs. Interviews with the family, colleagues and friends revealed conflicting views on Todd’s state of mind before his death, the nature of his work and how he died. Colleagues said that he was increasingly depressed in his last few months, but said that his concerns appeared to centre on a sense of failure about his work, and an ambivalence about returning to the United States. Researchers in unrelated fields have also questioned how, if his work was so sensitive, he was able to take home computer files from his office. His family retrieved a hard drive which included work files in his flat. IME is part of a network of research institutes managed by governmentrun Agency for Science, Technology and Research, or A*Star.

A former A*Star researcher now working in the United States pointed out that IME and other A*Star institutes were not military research organisations. At the heart of the family’s theory is that Todd was concerned for his safety because of a project with a Chinese company. They believed, through information from his colleagues and from his computer files, that the company was Huawei. Reuters can’t independently corroborate their views about the role of Huawei or the circumstances of Todd’s death.

Blocked Huawei is one of the world’s largest telecommunication equipment companies, but has been blocked from some projects in Australia and deemed a security risk by the US congress on the grounds that its equipment could be used for spying. Huawei has routinely denied such accusations and has said it is not linked to the Chinese government. Todd’s parents said in interviews in July that Singapore police and IME had failed to properly investigate his death after his body was found hanging from a door in his Singapore apartment on the evening of June 24, two days after he quit IME. Singapore police say they have handled the case as they have handled other cases, and their procedures follow high international standards. They said in such cases of unnatural death, “no prior assumptions” were made about the cause. The parents did not immediately respond to emails requesting comment on the Financial Times report but Todd’s mother, Mary, said in a telephone interview with Reuters last July that he had been scared. “I had been talking to him for months for at least an hour every week and he told us he was afraid of being murdered because of his contacts with the Chinese government,” she said. “He quit his job because of it.” Huawei declined to say whether they had been working on other projects with IME. Colleagues said shortly after Todd’s death that he had told them at one point he had been working on a project with Huawei but that it was not sensitive or high-level in nature. One described it as carrying out “measurement test reports” of semiconductors. The Financial Times said that Todd had been involved in proposing a joint project with Huawei. While it did not say whether the project was approved, it quoted his parents as saying that subsequently he complained to them of being asked to do things with a Chinese company he did not identify that made him uncomfortable.

Japan premier ramps up pressure on central bank TOKYO, Feb 18, (AFP): Japanese premier Shinzo Abe ramped up pressure on the central bank Monday, signalling he may move to limit its independence if it fails to achieve an ambitious inflation target. His comments come just days after talks between finance heads of the Group of 20 leading economies avoided accusing Tokyo of orchestrating a fall in the yen by following an aggressive policy of monetary easing. The prime minister — who swept to power in a landslide election win in December — warned that failure by the Bank of Japan to meet the two-percent target could open the door to “revising the BoJ law”.

Abe has previously warned he might change a law guaranteeing the bank’s independence if it did not follow his prescription of big spending and aggressive monetary easing to rescue the economy from decades of weak growth and deflation. Threats to the BoJ’s independence have come in for criticism globally, with German central bank chief Jens Weidmann last month calling the moves “disturbing abuses”. The BoJ, under pressure from Japan’s conservative government, last month unveiled the inflation target, which is aimed at dragging the country out of its long-running deflation, along with a plan for unlimited easing.

ping the deal, was taken partly to fend off expected political pressure in parliament. Finmeccanica could be blacklisted for several years in India if the government scraps the deal. Defence analysts IHS Jane’s say this would put at risk some $12 billion in defence contracts being chased by Italy’s second biggest employer. India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which began an investigation of the deal after Orsi’s arrest, is due to send an investigator and a judicial officer to Rome this week along with Arun Kumar Bal, a senior official overlooking acquisitions at the Defence Ministry. The team is due to meet Italian prosecutors, the CBI said. The team’s goal is “to gather as much evidence as possible relating to the allegations of corruption”, said ministry

spokesman Sitanshu Kar. Italian police allege Orsi employed three middlemen who channelled millions of dollars in bribes to Indian officials, including to former air force chief S.P. Tyagi, in order to manipulate the tender in a way that favoured the Italian helicopters. Orsi says the allegations are untrue. Officials from the prime minister’s office during this government and a previous administration took part in a decision to change the maximum altitude the helicopters could fly, a change that helped AgustaWestland enter the contest. Officials involved have defended the change and deny corruption. Tyagi has denied all wrongdoing, as has his cousin, Sanjeev Tyagi, who Italian police say set up meetings between the

company and the air chief. Sanjeev Tyagi says the accusations, made to police by a former business associate, Guido Haschke, are untrue. Haschke was arrested in October but later released. Information from his interrogation, along with conversations recorded using phone taps and bugs form a large part of the police case against Orsi, who resigned as chief executive of Finmeccanica on Friday. Police found a cache of documents pertaining to the investigation under a bed in the house of Haschke’s mother after overhearing a conversation in which he said he had hidden some papers in the house. The British prime minister is likely to face further questions about the contract — the helicopters are being manufactured

in southwest Britain — with the Indian government keen to be seen to be acting tough on a new graft scandal. “We did ask (Britain) in November and they said that since the Italians are investigating let us await the outcome (of that probe),” Indian foreign ministry spokesman Syed Akbaruddin told AFP. Indian investigators will travel to Italy as ealy as this week as part of an inquiry into the matter, a spokesperson for the Delhi-based Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said Sunday. Cameron, who will be accompanied by a large business delegation, will be far keener to address new areas for trade and investment between Britain and its former colony, whose economy has slowed sharply but still offers vast potential.

British PM on India ‘trade’ trip as graft scandal erupts Cameron hopes New Delhi may consider Eurofighter if French deal fails MUMBAI, Feb 18, (RTRS): British Prime Minister David Cameron flew into India on Monday promising to try to revive Indian interest in the Eurofighter even though New Delhi has chosen a Frenchmade rival and as a graft scandal is engulfing an AngloItalian helicopter deal. Making his second visit to India as prime minister, Cameron’s trip comes days after a similar trade mission by French President Francois Hollande, underlining how Europe’s debt-stricken states are competing to tap into one of the world’s fastestgrowing economies. Cameron’s delegation, which includes representatives of more than 100 companies, is the biggest taken abroad by a British premier and includes four ministers and nine MPs. But the timing of the trip is not ideal. India said on Friday it wanted to cancel a $750 million deal for a dozen helicopters made by AgustaWestland, the AngloItalian subsidiary of Italy’s Finmeccanica, over bribery claims.

Intend That will not make Cameron’s job of persuading India to buy more civil and military hardware easier, and Indian officials have told the local press they intend to press Cameron for “a fully-fledged report” on what Britain knows about the scandal. Britain has said it wants to wait until the end of the Italian investigation before commenting in full, but has given India an interim report on the subject. “This is something for the Italian and Indian authorities to deal with and I’m sure they will,” Cameron told reporters on Monday, saying issues had been raised that needed to be settled. Cameron said he would tell the Indian government that the Eurofighter jet, which is partly built in Britain, remains an attractive option if India decides to review a multi-billion dollar deal to buy 126 French-made Rafale fighters. New Delhi rejected the Eurofighter last year. “(Eurofighter) Typhoon is a superior aircraft,” he said, adding that the consortium that built it had said it would “look again” at the price. Such a deal could

Move part of Beijing’s drive to secure energy and maritime routes

China takes over Pakistan’s port ISLAMABAD, Feb 18, (AFP): China took control Monday of a strategic Pakistani port on the Arabian Sea, as part of a drive to secure energy and maritime routes that also gives it a potential naval base, sparking Indian concern. The Pakistani cabinet approved the transfer of Gwadar, currently a commercial failure cut off from the national road network, from Singapore’s PSA International to the state-owned China company on Jan 30. It had not been clear when the actual handover would take place, but Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari presided over the signing of a memorandum of understanding on Monday that was broadcast live by local television. “The contract of operation of Gwadar port is formally given to China. Today, the agreement is transferred from the Port of Singapore Authority to China Overseas Ports Holding Company Limited,” Zardari announced. “The award of this contract opens new opportunities for our people... It gives new impetus to Pakistan-China relations.” The Pakistanis pitched the deal as offering an energy and trade corridor that would connect China to the Arabian Sea

On Feb 6 Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony said New Delhi was concerned by Pakistan’s decision to transfer management of the deep-sea port to China, which has interests in a string of other ports encircling India. Pakistan foreign ministry spokesman Moazzam Ahmad Khan dismissed those concerns last week, telling reporters: “This is not something that any other country should have any reason to be concerned

about.” Gwadar is part of the southwestern province of Baluchistan, the most deprived part of Pakistan despite being rich in oil and gas deposits. The province is gripped by a separatist insurgency and record levels of sectarian violence. On Saturday, a bomb killed 89 people in a Hazara Shiite Muslim neighbourhood of the provincial capital Quetta, barely a month after twin suicide bombers killed 92 people at a Hazara snooker hall elsewhere in the city. Zardari said the building of infrastructure around the port will also promote economic activity in Gwadar and Baluchistan. But some analysts warn that it may be some time before Pakistan can benefit from China’s takeover of Gwadar, stressing that the connecting roads and an expanded Karakoram Highway still need to be finished. They also suggest that security concerns have made China more cautious about big investment projects in Pakistan. In 2004, three Chinese engineers helping to build Gwadar were killed in a car bombing. The same year, two Chinese engineers working on a hydroelectric dam project in South Waziristan were kidnapped and one of them died.

involve technology transfer and industrial participation, he said. “I will make clear the Typhoon is still available.” A British government source said on Friday that London had noted that Hollande hadn’t finalised the Rafale fighter jet deal during his own trip. Cameron told his hosts they should open up their economy because Britain had done the same for Indian firms. He said he was proud of the fact that Indian companies like Tata group, the owner Jaguar Land Rover, had such a strong foothold in the British economy, but said he expected a reciprocal arrangement. “Britain is an open economy and we encourage that investment,” he said. “I think, in return, we should be having a conversation about opening up the Indian economy, making it easier to do business

here, allowing insurance and banking companies to do more foreign direct investment.” India still had outdated rules and regulations, Cameron complained. Investors have been clamouring for years for India to open up Asia’s thirdlargest economy to more foreign investment. But their entreaties have been resisted by Indian opposition groups worried about potential damage to home-grown businesses. At a time when Britain’s government is struggling to get its economy growing, officials see India, projected to become the world’s third largest economy by 2050, as a key strategic partner in what Cameron has called a “global race”. “India is going to be one of the leading nations in this century and we want to be your partner,” Cameron told Indian work-

ers at Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Companies travelling with Cameron include BP, BAE Systems, De La Rue, Diageo, EADS UK, HSBC, JCB, Lloyd’s, the London Stock Exchange, London Underground, Rolls-Royce and Standard Chartered. Cameron’s visit to India, which won independence from Britain in 1947 and whose colonial history remains a sensitive subject for many Indians, will take in Mumbai and New Delhi. Cameron says the two countries enjoy a “special relationship”, a term usually reserved for Britain’s ties with the United States, but it is a relationship undergoing profound change. For now, Britain’s economy is the sixth largest in the world and India’s the 10th. But India is forecast to overtake its old colonial master in the decades ahead.

and Strait of Hormuz, a gateway for a third of the world’s traded oil, overland through an expanded Karakoram Highway. Experts say it would cut thousands of kilometres off the distance which oil and gas imports from Africa and the Middle East have to travel to reach China. “Gwadar port will enhance trade and commerce not only between Pakistan and China but also in the region,” said Zardari. China paid about 75 percent of the initial $250 million used to build the port but in 2007 PSA International won a 40-year operating lease. Then-ruler Pervez Musharraf was reportedly unwilling to upset Washington by giving control of the port to the Chinese.


Young Singaporeans feel a sense of disconnect

Youth turning their backs on ‘Singapore Dream’ SINGAPORE, Feb 18, (RTRS): Ong Hui Juan spent nearly four years working in a British bank in Singapore, but decided to leave last year to pursue her passion of working with youth — an unusual and surprising decision in the achievement-oriented city state. But Ong, 25, is just one of a growing number of young Singaporeans who are turning their backs on the material joys of the long-cherished “Singapore Dream,” summed up as the “Five C’s” — cash, car, credit card, condominium and country club membership — to do what they enjoy, even at much lower pay. “I wanted to get out of a nine-to-five job. It was waiting for bonus after bonus, promotion after promotion. That didn’t really appeal to me,” said Ong, who studied banking and finance at university, but had worked with young people on the side. “I don’t need to be very rich as long as I have enough to get by for myself and my family, and I continue to have the flexible

time I have now.” Young people may want to slow down, but the government does not. Singapore has long counted on its people as its biggest resource, the one that helped drive its transformation from a sea port with few natural resources into a key financial centre after independence in 1965.

Emphasis The government has also placed a strong emphasis on practical skills such as science and mathematics in schools, with Singapore students usually excelling in international tests. It is just one part of what has made Singapore one of the world’s richest countries, with gross domestic product per capita of S$63,050 ($50,123) in 2011, 48 times the level in 1960, according to government statistics. Not one to rest on its laurels, though, the Singapore government recently released a nearly 80-page “white paper” calling for higher productivity in its workforce and

projecting population growth by as much as 30 percent by 2030. But far from going along, some young Singaporeans feel a sense of disconnect from the traditional paths that are laid out ahead of them as part of this striving — get into a top school, land a high-paying job and hope that their children can build on their achievements. “The institutional set up of Singapore makes it remain a more materialistic society, when the government always puts economic growth, and therefore materialistic achievement, as a first priority,” said Chung Wai Keung, assistant professor of sociology at Singapore Management University. “When the foundation of Singapore society is getting more secure, the younger generation can afford to make decisions different from the mainstream.” There are signs that more are already doing so, in part because financial firms have been shedding jobs the past few years, said Andrea Ross, Managing

Director — Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia, at recruiting consultancy Robert Walters. “Redundancies across the board are still continuing within financial services globally, and Singapore youngsters are becoming more confident to take up jobs in industries they have a strong personal desire to be part of,” she added. The School of the Arts in Singapore, opened in 2008, has had around 1,000 applicants for only 200 spaces each of the last three years. MaryAnn Loo, an artist in her late 20s, said younger people may have greater freedom to pursue their interests as they have been raised in relatively more comfortable conditions than their parents or grandparents. Loo herself became a full-time artist at the end of last year and is staging her first solo exhibition. She previously studied psychology in university and had worked as a retail assistant and a freelancer on film and TV sets.




TAQA eyes $800 mln project bond in March Abu Dhabi National Energy Co (TAQA), the state-owned energy and utility firm, plans to issue an $800 million bond next month to refinance a power and water plant, a daily newspaper reported on Monday. Proceeds from the bond sale will be used to refinance bank debt linked to the Shuweihat S2 power plant, TAQA’s Chief Financial Officer Stephen Kersley, told The National newspaper. “We expect to get a deal to market some time in March. It could be a $800 million deal,” Kersley told the daily. “The market seems very enthusias-

shareholders back rights issue

tic to receive our paper and we expect a lot of interest as it is a landmark deal for the region.” Sources told Reuters in September that a bond, part of a $2.2 billion refinancing plan, was expected in 2012, with a final decision on timing dependent on the issuer obtaining a credit rating. TAQA, rated A and 72.5 percent governmentowned, is a familiar name in global debt markets, and will be able to secure lower borrowing costs for what will be a rare project bond from the region. It raised $2 billion from a two-part bond sale in December. (RTRS)

Shareholders of Qatar Insurance have approved plans for a rights issue worth 963.2 million riyals ($264.6 million) and to sell a 20percent stake to sovereign wealth fund Qatar Holding, the insurer said on Monday. The company will sell 21.4 million new shares to existing shareholders priced at 45 riyals each, a bourse filing said. Like most rights issues in the

Gulf Arab state, the proposed price is a significant discount to the market price. Qatar Insurance shares closed on Sunday at 71.6 riyals. The planned capital increase, which still needs regulatory approval, is open to those holding shares on Feb. 14 and will happen once a bonus share issue has been completed. (RTRS)

Turkey treasury Turkey’s treasury will issue a lira-denominated sukuk on Feb 20 as part of its strategy to boost domestic savings and widen the investor base, the treasury said on Monday. The issue will be made through a direct sale to banks, according to a statement published on the treasury’s website. Bids will be collected on Feb 19 until 4 pm (1400 GMT). The treasury said on Jan 31 that it was planning to issue a lira-denominated sukuk in February worth 1.5 billion lira ($849 million). (RTRS)

Most Gulf markets sluggish amid profit booking

Saudi slips 0.2% as investors continue to shun blue chips DUBAI, Feb 18, (RTRS): Most regional markets declined or ended flat on Monday as investors booked recent gains and Saudi Arabia’s index fell for a second straight day in a post-earnings season lull. The kingdom’s index slipped 0.2 percent, trapped in a 142-point range for the last four weeks, as investors continued to shun blue chips. Most index heavyweights petrochemical and banking shares — reported modest growth in earnings for the fourth quarter of 2012, disappointing investors. “The market is lagging in direct response to the company results,” said Hesham Tuffaha, a Riyadh-

based fund manager. “Investors are not seeing a real catalyst in blue chips, which dominate the market. There is no more doubledigit growth.” Banks and petrochemical shares account for about 60 percent of market capitalisation. Investors are also concerned over whether recent gains on global markets will be sustained. Banks and petrochemical stocks weighed on the Saudi market, with bellwether Al Rajhi Bank slipping 0.4 percent. Small- and mid-cap stocks are drawing much of the flow of funds, with some companies believed to be in strong growth phases. Companies such as Jarir

Marketing and retailer Fawaz AbdulAziz Alhokair are among the favourite picks, Tuffaha said. But Jarir slipped 0.5 percent on profit-taking on Monday and Alhokair was flat. Elsewhere, banks led declines on Dubai’s bourse as it slipped for a third straight session. Investors have been buying United Arab Emirates equities in recent months as a tentative recovery in property prices improved the earnings outlook for 2013. “Although sentiment might be improving, we expect the wave of profit-taking to continue following the double-digit returns of UAE shares so far in 2013,” Al Masah Capital said in a note. “We

favour, at the moment, a larger allocation to the Saudi market.” Dubai’s index declined 0.5 percent, trimming 2013 gains to 16 percent. Emirates NBD, Dubai’s largest lender, fell 1.8 percent while Emaar Properties eased 0.2 percent. Abu Dhabi’s measure ticked up 0.07 percent to a fresh 39-month high. Property stocks were the leading gainers; Aldar Properties and Sorouh Real Estate, which are in the process of merging, rose 4.8 and 6.3 percent. Small-cap Eshraq Properties jumped 9.1 percent. The three stocks were the most traded on the exchange on Monday. In Egypt, the measure eased

0.08 percent. EFG-Hermes fell 2.4 percent and Orascom Telecom Media and Technology shed 3.1 percent. In Qatar, the benchmark climbed 0.2 percent to 8,795 points, up for the first session in three since it reached a 10-month high last week. It faces major technical resistance at 8,8448,910 points, where it formed three peaks between April 2011 and April 2012. Saudi Arabia ■ The index slipped 0.2 percent to 7,057 points. Dubai ■ The index declined 0.5 percent to 1,882 points.

Abu Dhabi ■ The index ticked up 0.07 percent to 2,971 points. Qatar ■ The index gained 0.2 percent to 8,795 points. Egypt ■ The index eased 0.08 percent to 5,691 points. Kuwait ■ The index eased 0.01 percent to 6,406 points. Oman ■ The index ended flat at 5,897 points. Bahrain ■ The index gained 0.1 percent to 1,096 points. See Also Page 45

investment funds Funds Fund Manager Valution Valued date Currency Net Asset Prev NAV Prev NAV Dated Value (NAV) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

National Bank of Kuwait

Private Equity Funds

Money Market Funds

Watani KD Money Market Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly Feb 5, 2013 KD 1.377 1.377 Jan 29, 2013 Watani KD Money Market Fund (Islamic) NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly Feb 5, 2013 KD 1.161 1.161 Jan 29, 2013 Watani Foreign Currency Money Market Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly Feb 5, 2013 USD 1.284 1.284 Jan 29, 2013 Watani Foreign Currency Money Market Fund (Euro) NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly Feb 5, 2013 Euro 1.236 1.237 Jan 29, 2013 Watani USD Money Market Fund (Acc NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly Feb 5, 2013 USD 1.091 1.090 Jan 29, 2013 to Islamic Shariah principles) Equity Funds NBK Gulf Equity Fund NBK Weekly Jan 31, 2013 USD 1.049 1.038 Jan 23, 2013 NBK Kuwait Equity Fund NBK Weekly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.656 0.653 Jan 23, 2013 NBK Qatar Equity Fund NBK Weekly Jan 31, 2013 USD 1.357 1.342 Jan 23, 2013 Islamic Ijara Fund IX Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 USD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic Ijara Fund X Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 USD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic Ijara Fund XI Wafra Capital Partners LP Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 USD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Thahabi Ijara Fund V Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 USD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Thahabi Ijara Fund VI Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 USD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Thahabi Ijara Fund VII Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Nov 30, 2012 USD 10.000 10.000 Oct 31, 2012 Islamic KD Ijara Fund I Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 KD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic KD Ijara Fund II Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31, 2012 KD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic KD Ijara Fund III Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31, 2012 KD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic KD Ijara Fund IV Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 KD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic KD Ijara Fund V Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 KD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Alternative Funds Watani US Real Estate Income & Growth Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Monthly Sept 30, 2012 USD 1,000.000 1,000.000 June 30, 2012 Watani European Real Estate Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Quarterly Sept 30, 2012 Euro 1,000.000 1,000.000 June 30, 2012 Central European Real Estate Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Quarterly Sept 30, 2012 Euro 10,000.000 10,000.000 June 30, 2012 Islamic European Real Estate Fund – A Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Quarterly Sept 30, 2012 USD 1,000.000 1,000.000 June 30, 2012 Islamic European Real Estate Fund – B Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Quarterly Sept 30, 2012 USD 1,000.000 1,000.000 June 30, 2012 Islamic Asian Real Estate Fund Wafra Investment Advisory Group Inc Quarterly Sept 30, 2012 USD 1,000.000 1,000.000 June 30, 2012 Islamic China India Real Estate Fund Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Quarterly Sept 30, 2012 USD 1,000.000 1,000.000 June 30, 2012 R.Estate Security Funds Islamic Global RE Securities Fund Class A Wafra Capital Partners L.P. Monthly Dec 31, 2012 USD 1,062.376 1,048.180 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic Global RE Securities Fund Class B Wafra Capital Partners L.P. Monthly Dec 31, 2012 USD 1.017.974 1.013.814 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic Turkey Real Estate Fund Wafra Capital Partners L.P. March 19, 2008 USD 1,000.000 Multi Asset Funds Thahabi Multi Asset Fund – Con Portfolio Frontier Capital Management (Jersey) Ltd Monthly Dec 31, 2012 USD 93.044 92.730 Nov 30, 2012 Thahabi Multi Asset Fund – Mo Portfolio Frontier Capital Management (Jersey) Ltd Monthly Dec 31, 2012 USD 82.671 82.140 Nov 30, 2012 NBK Frontier Multi Asset Fund – Con Portfolio Frontier Capital Management (Jersey) Ltd Monthly Nov 30, 2012 USD 92.730 92.410 Oct 31, 2012 NBK Frontier Multi Asset Fund – Mo Portfolio Frontier Capital Management (Jersey) Ltd Monthly Nov 30, 2012 USD 82.140 81.586 Oct 31, 2012 NBK Frontier Multi Asset Fund – Plus Portfolio Frontier Capital Management (Jersey) Ltd Monthly Nov 30, 2012 USD 66.330 65.623 Oct 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Gulf Bank Al Basha’er GCC Equity Fund Kwt. Fin. & Inv. Co. & Gulf Fin. House Monthly Jan 31, 2013 USD 7.270 6.9878 Dec 31, 2012 Coast Fund Coast Investment Co. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.644 0.643 Dec 31, 2012 Sanaya Dow Jones Kuwait Index Fund Industrial & Financial Investment Co. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.629 0.614 Dec 31, 2012 Markaz Capital Preservation Programs 1 Monthly Nov 30, 2012 KD 0.959 0.959 Oct 31, 2012 Markaz Capital Preservation Programs 2 Monthly Nov 30, 2012 KD 0.960 0.995 Oct 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Commercial Bank Tijari Islamic Fund Commercial Bank of Kuwait Tw. Monthly Feb 14, 2013 KD 0.324 0.325 Feb 7, 2013 Tijari Indian Fund Commercial Bank of Kuwait Weekly Feb 11, 2013 KD 0.840 0.841 Feb 5, 2013 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Al Ahli Kuwaiti Fund Al Ahli Bank Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.943 0.928 Dec 26, 2012 Al Ahli Gulf Fund Al Ahli Bank Monthly Jan 28, 2013 KD 0.824 0.794 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Boubyan Bank Boubyan KD Money Market Fund Boubyan Bank Weekly Feb 5, 2013 KD 1.021 1.021 Jan 29, 2013 Boubyan Sukuk Fund Boubyan Bank Daily Dec 25, 2013 USD 770.110 1,001.180 May 11, 2011 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Burgan Bank Burgan Financial Fund Burgan Bank Daily Jan 2, 2013 KD 1.009 1.009 Dec 31, 2012 Burgan Equity Fund Burgan Bank Monthly Jan 27, 2012 KD 1.845 1.828 Dec 23, 2012 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Local Fund

Al Raed Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Feb 14, 2013 KD 0.993 0.991 Feb 7, 2013 Kuwait Investment Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.651 0.624 Dec 31, 2012 Al Hilal Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Feb 4, 2013 KD 0.583 0.583 Jan 31, 2013 KIC Bond Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.930 0.929 Dec 31, 2012 Al Atheer Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.072 1.044 Dec 31, 2012 International Global Bond Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly Feb 13, 2013 USD 22.740 22.730 Feb 6, 2013 Diversified Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly Feb 13, 2013 USD 17.540 17.500 Feb 6, 2013 European Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 Euro 15.800 15.500 Dec 31, 2012 Pacific Equity Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Feb 13, 2013 USD 32.700 35.520 Feb 6, 2013 Al-Awaed Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2012 KD 0.917 0.914 Dec 31, 2012 North American Equity Fund Kuwait Investment Co Tw. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 USD 13.870 13.210 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

lnternational Financial Advisors Local Fund

IFA Islamic Fund International Financial Advisors Monthly Oct 21 2012 KD 0.200 0.195 Sept 30, 2012 IFA Investment Fund International Financial Advisors Monthly Oct 22, 2012 KD 0.284 0.275 Sept 18, 2012 International IFA International Guaranteed Fund International Financial Advisors Monthly Dec 31, 2010 KD 9.040 0.703 Nov 30, 2010 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

National Investment Co. (NIC) Equity Funds

Al- Wataniya Fund NIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.617 0.599 Dec 31, 2012 Al-Safwa Fund NIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.461 0.457 Dec 31, 2012 Al-Darji Fund NIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.461 0.453 Dec 31, 2012 Mawarid Fund NIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.555 0.537 Dec 31, 2012 Zajil Fund NIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.745 0.733 Dec 31, 2012 Al Mada Investment Fund NIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 USD 0.650 0.615 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al Mal Investment Al Huda Islamic Fund Al Mal Investment Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.399 0.395 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Coast Investment Co. Coast Investment Fund Coast Investment Co Daily Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.664 0.643 Dec 31, 2012 Coast Pearl Fund Coast Investment Co Dec 31, 2012 KD 0.790 0.789 Nov 30, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Kuwait Financial Centre (Markaz) Mumtaz Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Feb 14, 2013 KD 4.149 4.164 Feb 7, 2013 MIDAF Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Feb 14, 2013 KD 3.082 3.080 Feb 7, 2013 Islamic Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Feb 14, 2013 KD 1.624 1.633 Feb 7, 2013 Markaz Arabian Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Feb 14, 2013 USD 2.850 2.829 Feb 7, 2013 FORSA Financial Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 3.996 0.963 Dec 31, 2012 Energy Fund Kuwait Financial Center Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.772 0.772 Dec 31, 2012 Real Estate Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.374 1.375 Dec 31, 2012 Markaz Fixed Income Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Feb 14, 2013 USD 10.780 10.740 Jan 31, 2013 Markaz Idikhar Fund Kuwait Financial Center Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.447 0.446 Dec 31, 2012 Markaz Islamic Income Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Oct 31, 2012 KD 0.219 0.218 Sept 30, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Kuwait & Middle East Financial & Inv. Co. Al Rou’yah Fund KMEFIC Monthly Jan 21, 2013 KD 1.423 1.367 Dec 31, 2012 Gulf Gate Fund KMEFIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.857 0.824 Dec 31, 2012 Al Awsat Money Market Fund (USD) KMEFIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.688 0.688 Dec 31, 2012 Al Awsat Money Market Fund (USD) KMEFIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 USD 4.787 4.784 Dec 31, 2012 Amwal Islamic Money Market Fund KMEFIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.549 0.549 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Global Investment House

Money Market Funds Islamic Real E. Funds

Kuwait Finance & Investment Co (KFIC) Al Wasm Fund KFIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.396 0.384 Nov 30, 2012 Al Basha’er GCC Equity Fund KFIC & Gulf Finance House Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 USD 7.270 6.988 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

KAMCO KAMCO Investment Fund KAMCO Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.977 0.940 Dec 31, 2012 Kuwait Private Equity Opportunities Fund KAMCO Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.678 0.678 Dec 31, 2012 Kuwait Education Fund KAMCO Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.428 1.428 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al Madar Finance Shuwaikh Real Estate Fund Al Madar Bi-weekly Dec 31, 2012 KD 1.438 1.486 Sept 30, 2012 US Index Fund Al Madar Monthly Feb 15, 2013 USD 1.856 1.850 Feb 8, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al Madina Finance & Investment Co. India Fund Al Madina Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.873 0.845 Dec 31, 2012 Al Madina Fund Al Madina Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.473 0.473 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Wafra International Investment Co. Wafra Equity Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.855 0.819 Dec 31, 2012 Wafra Bond Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.001 0.998 Dec 31, 2012 Fajir Islamic Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.619 0.589 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Shuaa Capital Co. Saudi Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Weekly Jan 28, 2013 USD 8.470 8.470 Dec 20, 2012 The Arab Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Monthly Feb 12, 2013 USD 24.440 24.180 Feb 5, 2013 Emirates Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Monthly Feb 12, 2013 AED 7.370 7.340 Feb 5, 2013 Qatar Gate Fund (Q) Shuaa Capital Monthly Jan 31, 2013 QAR 94.840 89.110 Dec 31, 2012 Qatar Gate Fund (N) Shuaa Capital Monthly Jan 31, 2013 QAR 93.200 87.830 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Investment Dar Co. Al Dar Real Estate Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.134 1.133 Dec 31, 2012 Al Dar Funds of Fund Al Dar Asset Management Weekly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.470 0.470 Dec 31, 2012 Al Dar Money Market Fund Al Dar Asset Management Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.872 0.868 Jan 21, 2013 Al Dar Securities Fund Al Dar Asset Management Weekly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.550 0.524 Dec 31, 2012 Al Nokhba Fund Al Dar Asset Management Monthly Dec 31, 2012 KD 0.406 0.408 Nov 30, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Global Umbrella Fund - US Global Umbrella Fund - Asia/Japan Global Distressed Fund Zenith Fund Mayur Hedge Fund Global KD Bond Fund GCC Large Cap Index Fund Al-Mamoun Fund A Al-Mamoun Fund B GCC Large Cap Fund Al-Noor Fund Global Saudi Equity Fund Global KD Money Market Fund Global USD Money Market Fund Global US Real Estate Fund GCC Real Estate Fund Global Asia Real Estate Fund Global Real Estate Ijarah Fund

Al Aman Islamic Fund Al Aman Investment Monthly Feb 14, 2013 KD 0.907 0.911 Feb 7, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Housing Finance Co (ISKAN) Masaref Investment Fund ISKAN Weekly Feb 14, 2013 KD 0.907 0.911 Feb 7, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Gulf Investment Corp. Gulf Bond Fund Gulf Investment Corp Weekly Feb 8, 2013 USD 13.920 13.910 Jan 31, 2013 Gulf Premier Fund Gulf Investment Corp Weekly Feb 7 2013 USD 21.550 21.630 Jan 31, 2013 Gulf Islamic Fund Gulf Investment Corp Weekly Feb 7, 2013 USD 6.620 6.700 Jan 31, 2013 GIC KD Bond Fund Gulf Investment Corp Monthly Feb 7 2013 USD 0.980 0.980 Jan 31, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Ahli United Bank (formerly BKME)

Kuwait Investment Co.

Fixed Income Funds Index Funds Equity Funds

Global Opportunistic Fund Global Quarterly Sept 30, 2009 USD 106.060 107.180 Global Opportunistic Fund II Global Quarterly Sept 22, 2009 USD 110.920 110.390 June 30, 2009 Private Equity Fund Global Quarterly Sept 30, 2009 KD 0.829 0.859 June 30, 2009 Global Buyout Fund Global Monthly Sept 30, 2009 USD 564.740 603.390 June 30, 2009 Country Fund Palestine Dedicated Fund Global Monthly Dec 31, 2012 USD 86.740 91.810 Sept 30, 2011 Global Egypt Fund Global Monthly Jan 31, 2012 USD 38.740 38.110 Dec 31, 2011 Sectoral Funds EPADI Fund Global Weekly Feb 5, 2013 USD 108.770 108.550 Jan 29, 2013 Islamic Funds Global GCC Islamic Fund Global Weekly Feb 5, 2013 USD 89.010 89.250 Jan 29, 2013 Al-Durra Islamic Fund Global Monthly Feb 14, 2013 KD 1.173 1.168 Feb 7, 2013 Global Islamic Fund of Funds Global Weekly Dec 31, 2012 USD 67.276 76.860 Aug 31, 2011 Global Islamic Fund Global Monthly June 28, 2012 KD 1.271 1.286 March 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al Aman Investment

Al Ahli Bank

Hedge Funds

Funds Fund Manager Valution Valued date Currency Net Asset Prev NAV Prev NAV Dated Value (NAV) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global

Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Weekly Monthly Weekly Weekly Weekly Bi-weekly Bi-weekly Bi-weekly Weekly Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly

Nov 30, 2012 Nov 30, 2012 Nov 30, 2012 Nov 30, 2012 Dec 31, 2012 Jan 31, 2013 Feb 07, 2013 Feb 07, 2013 Feb 07, 2013 Feb 12, 2013 Feb 10, 2013 Feb 10, 2013 Feb 14, 2013 Feb 05, 2013 June 30, 2012 June 30, 2009 June 30, 2009 Dec 31, 2008


148.640 114.260 168.060 94.840 94.020 0.824 1.319 0.534 0.534 120.660 168.016 166.442 1.114 134.320 0.265 0.675 0.850 850.790

152.630 117.130 167.850 94.910 92.180 0.819 1.331 0.539 0.539 120.160 168.573 166.016 1.114 134.440 0.378 0.710 0.857

Sept 30, 2012 Sept 30, 2012 Sept 30, 2012 Oct 30, 2012 Nov 30, 2012 Dec 31, 2012 Jan 31, 2013 Jan 31, 2013 Jan 31, 2013 Jan 29, 2013 Feb 05, 2013 Feb 05, 2013 Feb 10, 2013 Jan 29, 2013 March 31, 2009 March 31, 2009 March 31, 2009

Al Awasat Money Market Fund Ahli United Bank Monthly April 30, 2012 KD 1.132 1.104 Sept 30, 2010 Al Amin Islamic Market Fund Ahli United Bank Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.142 1.142 Dec 30, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Bayan Investment Co Ea’mmar and Estethmar Fund Bayan Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.442 0.411 Dec 31, 2012 Al Themar Securities Fund Bayan Investment Co Weekly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.452 0.445 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Tharwa Investment Co. Tharwa Investment Fund Tharwa Investment Co Weekly Feb 14, 2013 KD 1.237 1.212 Jan 31, 2013 Tharwa Islamic Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly Feb 14, 2013 KD 0.702 0.683 Jan 31, 2013 Tharwa Arab Investment Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly Feb 14, 2013 USD 1.251 1.422 Jan 31, 2013 Tharwa World Fund Tharwa Investment Co Weekly Jan 31, 2013 USD 1.073 1.042 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Bank Al-Bilad Al Seef Fund Bank Al-Bilad Daily Feb 10, 2013 KD 0.517 0.524 Feb 3, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Commercial International Bank Commercial Int’t Bank Fund I CI Asset Management Weekly Feb 17, 2013 EGP 197.050 196.780 Feb 12, 2013 Commercial Int’t Bank Fund II (Istethmar) CI Asset Management Weekly Jan 17, 2013 EGP 61.760 63.260 Jan 10, 2013 CIB and Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt Fund CI Asset Management Weekly Jan 24, 2013 EGP 42.620 42.540 Jan 17, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Noor Financial Inv. Co. Noor Islamic Fund Noor Financial Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.678 0.676 Dec 31, 2012 Noor Real Estate Income Fund Noor Financial Investment Co Monthly July 31, 2013 KD 1.124 1.126 June 30, 2012 Noor Kuwait Islamic Equity Fund Noor Financial Investment Co Monthly June 30, 2013 KD 0.633 0.636 May 31, 2011 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Kuwait Real Estate Investment Consortium Kuwait Real Estate Fund Kuwait Real Estate Investment Consortium Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.692 1.685 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Manafae Investment Co. Manafae First Fund Manafae Investment Co Monthly Dec 31, 2012 KD 0.665 0.665 Dec 26, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al Zumorroda Investment Co. Zumorroda GCC Fund Al Zumorroda Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.558 0.528 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al Safat Investment Co. Al Safat Local Shares Equity Fund Al Safat Investment Co. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.201 0.204 Nov 30, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al-Imtiaz Investment Co. Al-Imtiaz Investment Fund Al-Imtiaz Investment Company Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.847 0.847 Dec 31, 2012 Al-Imtiaz Real Estate Fund Al-Imtiaz Investment Company Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.889 0.889 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

BankMuscat BankMuscat MSCI Kuwait Fund BankMuscat Daily Feb 13, 2013 USD 0.426 0.426 Feb 12, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al-Muthana Investment Co. Muthanna Islamic Index Fund (MUDX) Al-Muthana Investment Company Daily Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.384 0.376 Dec 31, 2012 Muthanna GCC Islamic Banks Fund Al-Muthana Investment Company Weekly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.636 0.615 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

CapCorp Investment Co. CapCorp Local Fund CapCorp Investment Company Weekly Feb 14, 2013 KD 0.936 0.924 Feb 7, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Amar Finance & Leasing Co. Amar Real Estate Fund Amar Finance & Leasing Company Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.901 0.901 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al-Dhow Investment Co.

Waed Real Estate Fund Al-Dhow Real Estate Company Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.906 0.922 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al-Fouz Investment Co.

Al-Fouz Real Estate Fund Al-Fouz Investment Company Annual Sept 30, 2012 KD 0.997 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Securities House Co.

Diyar Real Estate Investment Fund Securities House Company Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.949 0.991 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

A’ayan Leasing & Investment Company

Awa’ed Real Estate Fund A’ayan Leasing & Investment Co. Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.680 0.680 Dec 31, 2012 Makaseb Estate Fund A’ayan Leasing & Investment Co. Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.716 0.724 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Industrial & Financial Investment Company Direct investment Fund

Industrial and Financial Investment Co. (IFIC)

Jan 31, 2013




Dec 31, 2012




Name: Kuwait Sharia Compatible Indices

Providers: Al Madar Finance & Investment Co.

Description: Index of Sharia compatible companies traded on the KSE

Website: www.almadar-fi.com

Index name Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Composite Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Kuwait Only Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Active Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Banking Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Investment Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Insurance Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Real Estate Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Industrial Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Services Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Food Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Islamic Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Non Kuwaiti Sector Kuwait Stock Exchange Index - Price S&P 500 DJ Islamic Index.


Today’s value as of February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 February 18, 2013 February 17, 2013 February 17, 2013

Today’s closing value 203.90 199.28 86.99 334.37 95.01 25.43 56.06 143.97 284.11 276.01 154.27 249.30 6,405.73 1,519.79 2,392.51

Prev closing value 203.72 199.11 87.96 334.84 95.32 25.43 56.11 143.68 282.88 278.73 154.41 249.18 6,406.67 1,519.79 2,392.91

% change 0.09% 0.09% -1.10% -0.14% -0.33% 0.00% -0.09% 0.20% 0.43% -0.97% -0.09% 0.05% -0.01% 0.00% -0.02%

1-week change 0.53% 0.54% 2.16% -0.11% 1.93% 4.10% 1.41% 1.02% 0.64% -0.04% 0.50% 0.37% 1.34% 0.12% -0.19%

3-month change 5.20% 4.69% 13.80% 2.22% 14.29% 33.72% 2.44% 8.23% 6.13% 10.48% 4.83% 8.32% 10.25% 9.58% 8.18%

YTD change 2.92% 2.82% 13.50% 0.48% 7.46% 18.72% 4.68% 2.23% 3.76% 4.14% 2.68% 6.94% 7.94% 8.37% 5.13%

12-month change 7.56% 6.14% 13.80% 4.98% 40.96% -21.80% 23.26% -3.47% 6.99% 18.51% 7.23% 21.11% 5.30% 11.65% 5.32%

Investcorp buys Hydrasun

24-month change -5.71% -7.37% 25.09% -6.70% 95.89% 4.12% 32.12% -15.14% -12.35% 13.45% -2.13% 20.31% -2.34% 13.38% 3.13%

Bahrain-based investment manager Investcorp has bought a controlling stake in Scotland-based oil field services provider Hydrasun, taking its $1 billion Gulf Opportunity Fund closer to full deployment. Investcorp has been selling assets and making new investments as financial markets recover from the twin blows of the Arab Spring uprisings and the global financial crisis.

The company did not disclose the size of the stake or the value of the deal, but said it bought the holding from Equistone Partners Europe Limited. “It’s in the middle market range,” Mohammed al-Shroogi, Investcorp’s president for the Gulf business, said on Monday. “The size of the transaction is between the $150 million and $300 million range.” (RTRS)

Combined Group dives 40 fils; Zain stagnates

KSE little changed after volatile trade By John Mathews Arab Times Staff

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: Kuwait stocks closed nearly flat on Monday as the investors consolidated their gains after the 6-day rally which lifted the stocks to a nine-month high. The index pared steep early losses to end 0.94 pts lower at 6,405.73 pts. The sentiment was downbeat amid profit taking in some of the mid and low caps. The KSX 15 gauge eased 0.44 pts to 1,030.72 pts and is down almost 16 pts so far during the month while the weighted index fell 0.73 pts to 429.04 pts. The volume turnover meanwhile ticked higher after receding sharply on Sunday. 485.15 million shares changed hands — up 2.87 percent from the day before. KSE has rallied over 310 points during January driven primarily by earnings optimism. The sectors closed mostly in the red. Oil and gas outpaced the rest with 2.61 percent upswing whereas real estate slipped 0.72 percent, the worst performer of the day. Volume wise, financial services dominated with 39.57 percent market share and real estate came in next with 36.82 percent. Combined Group Contracting Co dived 40 fils and the counter saw

41,000 shares changed hands over 5 deals. Kuwait Food Co (Americana) dropped 20 fils and Automated Systems was down by same measure. Credit Rating and Collection Co fell fils. Kuwait Portland Cement Co shed 20 fils and United Industries Co edged 2 fils lower to 100 fils. National Industries Group continued to stagnate at KD 0.218 off slight early session lows. The stock has erased 8 fils from start of the month while year-to-date, it has added 4 fils. Wataniya Telecom gyrated in broad range before closing unchanged at KD 2.420 and Zain followed suit with a volume of 4.88 million shares. Zain has earned KD 252.14 mln and earnings per share of 65 fils in 2012 and the Board of Directors has recommended a cash dividend of 50 %. Agility added 10 fils after stagnating on Sunday.

Lower The market opened weak and pulled sharply lower in early trade as selling pressure weighed on some of the counters. The index hit the day’s lowest level of 6356.1 pts and clawed back marginally before trading sideways for almost 2 hours. It rose steadily thereafter and managed to pare back most of the losses by close. Top gainer of the day, Soor Fuel Marketing Co spiked 9.8 percent to KD 0.280 and Zimah climbed 7.22 percent to stand next. Tahsillat dived 8.93 per-

distribution of 5% bonus shares. Ahli United Bank dropped 10 fils and Commercial Bank of Kuwait followed suit. Moody’s Investors Service has downgraded the global local and foreign-currency deposit ratings of CBK to ‘A3/Prime-2’ from ‘A2/Prime1’. Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait was not traded during the session. Burgan Bank retreated 10 fils to KD 0.540 after stagnating on Sunday and Kuwait International Bank was up 5 fils with a volume of 1.41 million shares. The bank has recorded a net profit of KD 13.16 million and earnings per share of 14.1 fils in 2012. The Board of Directors has recommended a cash dividend payout of 7 percent.

Steady Photo by Anwar Daifallah

The photo shows the ticker board at Kuwait Stock Exchange. The bourse trod water on Monday.

cent, the steepest decliner of the day, and Investors Holding Group topped the volume with 108.48 million shares. The market spread was skewed towards the losers. 42 stocks advanced whereas 52 closed lower. Of the 142 counters active on Monday, 50 closed flat. 7890 deals worth KD 38.59 million were transacted — a 19.90 percent increase in value from the day before. On the upside, Hilal Cement Co rose 10 fils and Burgan Well Drilling Co followed suit to close at KD 0.190. Aref Energy Holding Co added 6 fils

and Gulf Petroleum Investment Co too was up by same measure on back of 19.69 million shares. Metal and Recycling Co too gained 6 fils while Contracting and Marine Services Co added 10 fils to settle at KD 0.156. In the banking sector, National Bank of Kuwait was unchanged at KD 0.990 while Gulf Bank rose 5 fils to KD 0.415. The bank’s income before provisions amounted to KD 121.4 million, up 13% from the year before while net profit was almost flat at KD 30.9 million. The Board has recommended the

Kuwait Finance House held the ground steady at KD 0.810 after seesawing earlier in the session . The lender has chalked a 24 percent rise in Q4 earnings. “Although revenue growth indicators were positive and given available information likely to be within expectations, the levels of provisions taken by the bank lead to the significant mismatch against our forecast,” Naveed Ahmed, senior financial analyst at Global Investment House, said in a note. National Investment Co was flat at KD 0.152 and KIPCO too did not budge from its earlier close of KD 0.405. Securities House Co took in 1

fils after trading over 24 million shares and Securities Group Co rose 6 fils to end at KD 0.124. International Finance Co flunked 1 fils and International Financial Advisors edged 2 fils down to 53 fils. The company has announced selling 4,450,000 of Kuwait Clearing Co. shares to International Finance Co for KD 3,471,000 generating a profit of KD 267,049 profit , which will be reflected in fourth quarter results. KAMCO knocked off 6 fils while Sokouk Holding Co and Noor Financial Investment Co clipped 1 fils each. Kuwait Financial Centre Co ( Markaz) fell 2 fils.. The company has has recorded a net profit of KD 4.12 million and earnings per share of 9 fils in 2012 rebounding from KD 356,000 loss and loss per share of 1 fils last year The bourse has been cautious so far during the week and had added 8.09 pts in last two sessions. The index has rallied 160.62 pts from start of the month and is trading almost 8 percent higher year-to-date. KSE, with 213 listed companies, is the second largest bourse in the region. In the bourse related news, Mabanee Company has penciled a net profit of KD 33.27 million and earnings per share of 53.28 fils in 2012 — soaring from KD 20.78 profit and 34.2 fils in the year before. The Board of Directors has recommended a cash of 20 % plus 10 % bonus shares




India’s Jet shares fall after Etihad says revising deal Shares in Jet Airways fell as much as 6.8 percent on Monday, a day after the chairman of Etihad Airways said the Abu Dhabi-based carrier needed to revise the terms of a pending deal to buy a stake in the Indian airline. Etihad Chairman Sheikh Hamed bin Zayed al-Nahayan told Reuters on Sunday it was too soon to say when a final agreement between the two carriers would be struck. The deal would be the first since


India relaxed ownership rules in September and allowed foreign carriers to buy up to 49 percent in local carriers, which are battling stiff competition and high operating costs. Jet shares have more than doubled in value in the past 10 months to reach a high of 647.80 rupees on Jan 28. But in the past three weeks they have slumped as much as 11 percent as the companies struggled to seal an agreement. At 0546 GMT, Jet shares were

down 5.35 percent at 584.9 rupees in a Mumbai market that rose 0.25 percent. Finding a way around Jet’s complicated shareholding pattern and having a significant say in Jet’s board decisions could be Etihad’s concerns, said Rajan Mehra, an industry expert and the India head of US-based private jet operator Universal Aviation. The founder of Jet is likely to convert shares owned by its holding

Qatar to open new airport in April

company into his personal stake to comply with foreign investment regulations, an Indian government source has said. Tail Winds Ltd, the Isle of Manbased investment vehicle of Jet founder Naresh Goyal, currently holds 79.99 percent of Jet Airways. According to Indian rules, foreign companies can hold a maximum 49 percent stake in local carriers, but so-called non-resident Indians like Goyal are exempted. (AFP)

Energy-rich Qatar will open on April 1 a new airport with a capacity to handle 30 million passengers, as the Gulf state vies to increase its share of transit air travel, an official said Monday. “The annual capacity of Hamad International Airport will be 30 million passengers when it opens on April 1,” the head of Qatar’s Civil Aviation Authority Abdul Aziz alNuaimi told AFP. He said the cost of building the

new hub over nearly eight years has “exceeded $15 billion.” Eleven foreign budget carriers will be the first airlines to use the new facility, while the emirate’s flag carrier, Qatar Airways, joining in the second quarter of 2013, he said. The new airport spreads over 29 square kms (11.2 square miles), and features two runways stretching 4.85 kms (three miles) and 4.25 kms (2.64 miles) respectively. (AFP)

bottomline Europe stocks sag on economic

worries; US holiday thins trade

ed global fertiliser marketing group now aiding the product story,” Liberum Capital analyst Ash Lazenby said. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

TOKYO: Tyre maker Bridgestone said Monday its net profit last year soared 67 percent to $1.83 billion as it cemented a recovery from a year earlier when the quake-tsunami hammered Japan’s manufacturers. Bridgestone said it earned 171.61 billion yen in the year to December as sales rose 1.0 percent to 3.04 trillion yen, with the bottom line partly boosted by higher tyre prices. Unlike many Japanese firms, Bridgestone reports its financial results on a calendar-year basis. The company “focused on increasing the sales of highly competitive products... improving manufacturing productivity, enhancing technology and effectively utilising our management resources”, it said in a statement. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

COPENHAGEN: Carlsberg says that net

Yen resumes fall after G20

profit in 2012 grew 6 percent year-onyear to 5.5 billion kroner ($980 million), or slightly more than forecasted. The Denmark-based brewing group says annual sales increased 3 percent to 67.2 billion kroner ($12 billion) despite a sluggish beer market in Western Europe, which accounts for 42 percent of the group’s sales by volume. Carlsberg said in a statement Monday that in the fourth quarter the group managed to gain lost momentum in the key Russian market, where by the end of 2012 it accounted for 38.3 percent of the country’s total beer sales. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

HONG KONG: Disneyland in the southern Chinese city of Hong Kong has turned a profit for the first time since it opened in 2005, theme park officials said Monday. The park earned HK 109 million ($14 million) in 2012 and its revenue rose 18 percent to HK$4.27 billion ($550 million). The park’s losses had steadily narrowed from HK$1.6 billion in 2008, the year it started disclosing financial figures, to HK$237 million in 2011. Legislators and analysts have blamed the park’s poor performance on its small size. It’s the smallest of Burbank, Calif.based Disney’s parks worldwide. But the 311 acre (126 hectare) park, set on reclaimed land on Lantau island, will be a quarter bigger once an expansion is completed later this year. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

LONDON, Feb 18, (Agencies): The yen resumed falling on Monday after Japan signalled it would push ahead with expansionist monetary policies having escaped criticism from the world’s 20 biggest economies at the weekend. Industrial metals also dipped and European shares were soft on lingering worries about the economic outlook, especially for the euro zone. While the risk of an inconclusive outcome in Italy’s forthcoming election added to investor concerns.

PARIS: Shares in French bank Natixis leapt by almost 19 percent in early trading on Monday after an announcement that a change in the bank’s links to parent bank BPCE would generate an exceptional dividend. The price of Natixis shares jumped to 3.38 euros, against an overall decline in the market of 0.41 percent. Banking group BPCE which comprises the Caisses d’Epargne group of savings banks and the Banques Populaires, and its subsidiary Natixis said on Sunday that they would simplify their cross-shareholdings. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

However, activity was curtailed by the closure of markets in the United States for the Presidents’ Day holiday. The yen, which has dropped 20 percent against the dollar since midNovember, fell further after financial leaders from the G20 promised not to devalue their currencies to boost exports and avoided singling out Japan for any direct criticism. The dollar rose 0.5 percent to 93.95 yen, near a 33-month peak of 94.47 yen set a week ago. The euro added 0.3 percent to 125.40 yen, to be midway between Friday’s two-week low of 122.90 and a 34-month high of 127.71 yen hit earlier this month. Strategists said the yen was likely to stay weak, though its decline could lose momentum until it becomes clear who will be taking the helm at the Bank of Japan when the current governor steps down on March 19. Meanwhile the euro dipped slightly against the dollar when European Central Bank president Mario Draghi said the currency’s recent gains made any rise in inflation less likely and added that he had yet to see any improvement in the euro zone economy. The comments left the euro down 0.2 percent at $1.3334 . Elsewhere in the currency market, sterling hit a seven-month low against the dollar, after a key policymaker made comments about the need for further weakness and recent poor data which has kept alive worries of another British recession. Sterling fell 0.25 percent to $1.5476 having earlier touched $1.5438, its lowest since July 13. A big week for data on the outlook for the world’s economy weighed on other riskier asset markets following the recent dire fourth-quarter growth numbers for the euro zone and Japan, along with Friday’s soft US manufacturing figures. In European markets, attention is focused on the euro area Purchasing Managers’ Indexes for February and German sentiment indices due later in the week which could affect hopes for a recovery this year. The worries about the outlook for Italy were encouraging investors back into

ABU DHABI: The chief of the Eurofighter Typhoon said on Monday that it is still in the race for a fighter jet deal in India as British Prime Minister David Cameron began his tour to win new trade in the Asian country. “We believe the Eurofighter is still there,” Eurofighter Chief Executive Enzo Casolini said at a press briefing in Abu Dhabi. “We are on standby, in case they come back to us.” India started exclusive talks with France’s Dassault Aviation for an order of 126 Rafale jets worth $10 billion in January 2012, over the competing Britishbacked Typhoon. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

LONDON: British minnow Europa Oil & Gas, which snapped up two areas off Ireland’s coast before big companies came to see the region as a new bright spot for exploration, said it has received partnership interest from oil majors. Europa, capitalised at just £14 million ($22 million), began the process needed to find a partner at the end of January to gain help in funding the hunt for oil and gas on the two positions it picked up in 2011 off the southwest coast. “We’re encouraged by the stature of the companies that are coming in. Household names, if you like,” Europa’s chief executive Hugh Mackay told Reuters on Monday. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

JOHANNESBURG: An Irish media company has sold off its newspaper group in South Africa, including The Star and newspapers in Cape Town, to a local investment group for $227 million, the firm has announced. Dublin-based Independent News & Media PLC said the sale, which would require approval from its shareholders and regulators in South Africa, would see its newspapers and other holdings go to a consortium led by Sekunjalo Holdings. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

BANGALORE, India: Man Group’s incoming Chief Executive Emmanuel Roman plans to nearly double the size of the hedge fund firm’s executive committee as part of a management shake-up at the company, the Financial Times reported on Sunday. Details of the reshuffle were announced to senior staff in a memorandum, a copy of which was seen by the Financial Times, the paper said on its website. As part of the overhaul, Roman plans to appoint several former colleagues to the executive committee which will now meet on a weekly basis, the financial daily said. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

LJUBLJANA: Slovenia’s largest bank, state-owned NLB, said Monday that losses widened in 2012 and that it needs 400 million euros ($534 million) in fresh capital to meet European regulatory requirements. Nova Ljubljanska Banka (NLB) said that bad loans pushed it to a loss of 273.5 million euros in 2012 compared with a loss of 239 million euros in 2011 and that it expects to be in the in 2013 too. “The situation in the Slovenian environment and in the bank remain very serious,” chief executive Janko Mevlja told journalists. Problems at Slovenia’s banks, struggling under a mountain of bad debt, have raised speculation that the former Yugoslav republic, once a model newcomer to the European Union and the eurozone, may need a bailout. (AFP)

LONDON: Potash development company Sirius Minerals Plc said it signed a marketing agreement with fertilizer trader Keytrade AG, sending its shares up as much as 13 percent. Switzerland-based Keytrade will market up to 1.75 million tonnes per annum of polyhalite produced at Sirius’ flagship York potash project. “We see the deal positively impacting the project financing, with a well-respect-

safe-haven German government bonds on Monday, with 10-year Bund yields easing 3.5 basis points to be around 1.63 percent. European equity markets were taking their lead from corporate earnings reports which have been reflecting the sluggish economic conditions across the region. Danish brewer Carlsberg, which generates just over 60 percent of its sales in western Europe, became the latest to report a weaker-than-expected quarterly profit, sending its shares to their lowest level in almost a month. The 5.8-percent drop for shares in the world’s fourth biggest brewery helped send the FTSEurofirst 300 index of top European shares down 0.2 percent. Germany’s DAX, France’s CAC-40 and Britain’s FTSE-100 ranged between 0.4 percent up and 0.15 percent lower.

in a labour dispute. Anglo American shed 2.8 percent, among the top FTSE fallers. On Friday, it had managed gains despite poor earnings, as investors had hoped it had put a torrid 2012 — in which production was marred by industrial disputes — behind it. At the close, the FTSE 100 was down by 10.07 points, or 0.2 percent lower, at 6,318.19 points, with the materials sector — which includes commodity-related stocks such as miners — taking 6.6 points off the index.

Asia Asian markets were mixed Monday, with Tokyo surging thanks to a weakening yen after a weekend G20 meeting ended without accusing Japan of orchestrating a recent slide in its currency. The Japanese unit resumed its downward trend as dealers welcomed the end of the Moscow talks, which came amid concerns that Japan’s new aggressive monetary policy could spark a currency war. Tokyo climbed 2.09 percent, or 234.04 points, to 11,407.87 and Sydney added 0.59 percent, or 29.5 points, to end at 5,063.4, around highs not seen for about four-and-a-half years thanks to strong corporate results. Seoul was flat, edging up 0.73 points to 1,981.91. However, Hong Kong eased 0.27 percent, or 62.62 points, to 23,381.94, while Shanghai, returning after a week-long Lunar New Year break, fell 0.45 percent, or 10.84 points, to 2,421.56. The BoJ, under pressure from Japan’s new conservative government, last month unveiled a plan for unlimited monetary easing and a target for two percent inflation as part of a bid to beat lingering deflation. However, the moves sparked charges of manipulation, particularly in Europe, with some warning of a currency war in which nations weaken their units in a bid to boost exports. In Shanghai, shares rose on their first day after the long holiday, with dealers optimistic about the domestic economy following strong trade data at the beginning of the month. In other markets: ■ Taipei rose 0.47 percent, or 36.88 points, to 7,943.53. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. was 1.90 percent higher at Tw$107.0 while Cathay Financial Holdings surged 5.10 percent to Tw$37.1. ■ Manila closed 0.67 percent higher, adding 43.59 points to 6,565.23. Property firm Megaworld rose 2.7 percent to 3.78 pesos and Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. added 0.4 percent at 2,850 pesos. ■ Wellington rose 0.42 percent, or 17.74 points, to 4,214.48. Telecom was up 1.58 percent at NZ$2.26, Fletcher Building added 1.47 percent to NZ$9.00 and Air New Zealand eased 0.39 percent to NZ$1.26.

Europe Europe’s main stock markets mostly fell on Monday after a weekend meeting of the Group of 20 leading economies ended with Japan being spared an accusation of unfairly devaluing its currency. London’s FTSE 100 index of leading companies slid 0.16 percent to 6,318.19 points, while Frankfurt’s DAX 30 rose 0.46 percent to 7,628.73 points Paris’ CAC 40 added 0.18 percent to 3,667.04 points. Milan’s FTSE Mib fell 0.51 percent to 16,406 points and Madrid’s IBEX 35 also dropped 0.51 percent, to end the day at 8,108.9 points. “Equity indices have traded marginally lower through the session as traders take pause for thought with US markets closed for the President’s Day public holiday,” said CMC Markets trader Matt Basi. On the corporate front Monday, shares in mining company Anglo American fell 2.75 percent to 1,983 pence after 13 people were wounded in gunfire and machete attacks outside one of its facilities in South Africa. In France, shares in Natixis bank leapt by nearly a quarter in Monday trading after an announcement that a change in the bank’s links to parent bank BPCE would generate an exceptional dividend.

UK Britain’s top share index fell on Monday, with the mining sector hit by low commodity prices and a resurgence in industrial unrest. However, the index remained above the key support level of 6,300, keeping it around five-year highs. The mining sector was the main drag on the FTSE 100, losing 0.9 percent after copper fell to a three-week low. Volatile copper miner Kazakhmys was a top faller on the index, losing 2.8 percent. Miners specialising in gold fared little better, with the commodity having hit a 6 month low last session. Fresnillo lost 0.7 percent in Monday’s session. Anglo American saw losses and volume pick up in afternoon trade after a clash at Anglo’s Amplats platinum mine

■ Singapore closed 0.15 percent, or 5.07 points, higher at 3,288.14. Singapore Airlines fell 0.27 percent to Sg$10.93 and Singapore Telecom gained 0.86 percent to Sg$3.51. ■ Jakarta edged up 0.05 percent, or 2.26 points, to 4,612.05. Cigarette producer Gudang Garam rose 0.40 percent to 50,650 rupiah while Bank Negara Indonesia fell 1.70 percent to 4,325 rupiah. ■ Kuala Lumpur shares lost 0.43 percent, or 7.00 points, to close at 1,620.93. UEM Land closed flat at 2.24 ringgit while Axiata lost 0.5 percent to 6.27. ■ Bangkok gained 0.12 percent, or 1.77 points, to 1,523.29. Coal producer Banpu fell 1.58 percent to 373.00 baht and energy giant PTT Plc lost 1.40 percent to 352.00 baht. ■ Mumbai rose 0.17 percent, or 32.93 points, to 19,501.08 points. State-run gold importer MMTC rose 8.71 percent to 599.75 rupees but Jet Airways fell 7.7 percent to 570.75 rupees.

Oil Oil prices traded narrowly mixed on Monday in quiet trading as dealers mulled the outcome of a G20 weekend meeting amid a public holiday in the United States. Brent North Sea crude for delivery in April edged up three cents to stand at $117.69 a barrel in late London deals. New York’s main contract, light sweet crude for March, fell 29 cents to $95.57 a barrel. The IEA, representing oil consumers, last week trimmed its world oil demand forecast for 2013 on Wednesday. It said the marginal cut of 85,000 barrels a day was in line with the prospect for a slowdown forecast by the International Monetary Fund, which last month cut its world growth estimate for 2013 to 3.5 percent from 3.6 percent.

Gold Gold moved lower on Monday, with volumes easing as US markets closed for the Presidents’ Day holiday, while a lower euro and flat European shares also hurt investor interest. Physical buying from Asia, where Chinese participants returned to the market from a one-week holiday, helped prices recover from Friday’s six-month low. Gold edged down 0.1 percent to $1,607.06 by 1600 GMT, having fallen as low as $1,598.04 on Friday on heavy technical selling pressure. Prices slipped 3.8 percent last week, the largest weekly drop since May last year. US gold for April delivery inched up 0.1 percent to $1,610.60. The metal’s inability to break above $1,700 eroded investor sentiment in recent weeks. This led to Friday’s selloff, when successive falls through key support levels set a new lower technical range between $1,550 and $1,625, making the metal vulnerable to further losses in the short term, traders said.

exchange rates – Feb 18 US dollar BEC Muzaini Dollarco Commercial Bank Gulf Bank NBK Burgan Bank ABK Oman KBE

Sterling pound

Transfer .280950 .283100 .283300 .283050 .281900 .284000 .281900 .284000 .281900 .284000 .281200 .283300 .281900 .284000 — — .283100

Cash .432087 .441087 — .443000 .434000 .445000 .431170 .444877 .434820 .443850 .434500 .443530 .431810 .443520 — .467000 —

Buy Sell Sell Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Sell

Buy Sell Sell Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Sell

Cash .465550 .515550 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Cyprus Pound

Yemeni riyal

Buy Sell Sell Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Sell

Transfer Cash Draft — — — — — — — — — .693000 .694330 .694330 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Cash Draft Transfer .128700 .127700 .127700 .136700 .137700 .137700 — .001322 .001322 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .280950 .283100 .283300 .283050 .281900 .284000 .281900 .284000 .281900 .284000 .281200 .283300 .281900 .284000 .287900 .287900 .283100

Danish kroner BEC Muzaini Dollarco Commercial Bank Gulf Bank NBK Burgan Bank ABK Oman KBE

BEC Muzaini Dollarco Gulf Bank ABK KBE

Transfer .431087 .440087 .439960 .439880 .436536 .439788 .435028 .441766 .436320 .440850 .436000 .440530 .436290 .440490 — .475000 .443900

Cash .279700 .283350 .282100 .283500 .275000 .285000 .279400 .286000 .276900 .285500 .276200 .274800 .279400 .285500 — — —

Draft .465550 .515550 — — .050384 .050759 .050136 .051040 .050310 .050820 .046462 .046997 .050160 .051280 — — —

Indian rupee

Transfer .465550 .515550 — — .050384 .050759 .050136 .051040 .050310 .050820 .046462 .046997 .050160 .051280 — — —

travellers cheques BEC Commercial Bank Gulf Bank Al-Ahli Bank

Draft .431087 .440087 .439960 .439880 .436536 .439788 .435028 .441766 .436320 .440850 .444600 .436000 .436290 .440490 .444400 .475000 .443900

Cash .004928 .005329 – .005450 .004000 .006750 — — — — — — — — — — —

US dollar .2828000 .2840000 .2840000 .284000

Draft .005149 .005219 .005210 .005212 — .005257 — .005286 — — .005094 .005093 .005158 .005246 — — .005220

Transfer .005149 .005219 .005210 .005212 — .005257 — .005286 — — .005094 .005093 .005158 .005246 — — .005220

Sterling .4445000 .4510000 .4417660 .4404900

Euro Cash .372384 .379384 — .381000 .374000 .383000 .371071 .383266 .374190 .382760 .339010 .347320 .371740 .382140 — — —

Draft .372384 .379884 .379200 .378350 .375857 .378657 .374391 .380586 .375690 .379760 .380190 .340510 .375600 .379530 .378620 .382570 .383200

Japanese yen Transfer .372384 .379884 .379200 .378350 .375857 .378657 .374391 .380586 .375690 .379760 .380190 .344320 .375600 .379530 .378620 .382570 .383200

Pakistani rupee Cash .002610 .002890 — .003100 — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .002855 .002895 .002885 .002882 — .002906 — .002924 — — — — — .002954 .002951 .003175 .002885

Euro — .3870000 .3805860 .3795300

Draft .090830 .096830 .094810 .009565 — — – — —

Draft .294400 .312400 .003010 .004010 .002999 .003021 .002984 .003033 .029926 .030293 .003588 .003636 .029933 .030290 — .003200 —

Transfer .294400 .312400 .003010 .004010 .002999 .003021 .002984 .003033 .029926 .030293 .003588 .003636 .029933 .030290 — .003200 —

Sri Lanka rupee

Transfer .002855 .002895 .002885 .002882 — .002906 — .002924 — — .003233 — — .002954 — 003175 .002885

Thai baht Cash .091240 .096740 — .009650 — — — — —

Cash .292600 .312400 — .004550 — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Cash .001957 .002537 — .002950 .002000 .003500 — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .001932 .002237 .002230 .002230 — .002249 — .002263 — — .002546 — — .002311 — .002510 .002245

Transfer .001932 .002237 .002230 .002230 — .002249 — .002263 — — .002546 — .002311 — .002510 .002245

South African rand

Transfer .090830 .096830 .094810 009565 — — — – —

Cash — — — — — — — — —

Draft Transfer — — — — — — — — — — .032207 .032207 — — — — — —

local gold BEC Muzaini Exchange

Swiss franc Cash .292600 .310600 — .310000 .303000 .315000 — — .300260 .310530 .279180 .289100 — — — — —

Draft .292600 .310600 .307430 .306330 .304773 .307044 .302987 .309030 .304260 .308030 .283180 .286600 .304200 .308200 — — —

Transfer .292600 .310600 .307430 .306330 .304773 .307044 .302987 .309030 .304260 .308030 .297119 .299506 .304200 .308200 — — —

Bangladesh taka Cash .003294 .003894 — .003850 — — — — — — — — — — — .004250 —

Draft .003537 .003592 .003573 .003568 — .003612 — .003628 — — — — — — — .004170 .003582

Transfer .003537 .003592 .003573 .003568 — .003612 — .003628 — — .004017 — — — — .004170 .003582

Korean won Cash — — — — — — — — —

Draft — — — — — — — — —

Gold 999 kg — 15,060.000

Transfer — — — — — — — — —

Canadian dollar Cash .276054 .284554 — .287000 .278000 .288000 — — — — .277897 .282890 — — — — —

Draft .274054 .283054 .282450 .284685 .279690 .281774 .278337 .283636 .279390 .282730 .286988 .277020 .279360 .282840 — — .286800

Transfer .274054 .283054 .282450 .284685 .279690 .281774 .278337 .283636 .279390 .282730 .286988 .277020 .279360 .282840 — .267000 .286800

Philippine peso Cash .006957 .007237 — .007200 — —

Draft .006511 .006981 .006970 .006960 — .007043 — — .007092 — — — — — .006449 — — — — — .007302 .006000 .006467 — — — .007010

Transfer .006511 .006981 .006970 .006960 — .007043 — .007092 — — .006449 — — .007302 .006467 — .007010

Swedish kroner Cash .406450 .456450 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .406454 .456450 — — .044505 .044836 .044249 .045071 .044420 .044890 .041155 .041482 .044310 .045240 — — —

Transfer .406454 .456450 — — .044505 .044836 .044249 .045071 .044420 .044890 .041155 .041482 .044310 .045240 — — —

Saudi riyal Cash .074910 .075493 — .077000 .072000 .076000 .074348 .076409 .074100 .076790 .073684 .075774 .074190 .076290 — — —

Australian dollar Cash .283219 .294719 — — .288000 .300000 — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .281219 .293219 — — .290117 .292279 .288609 .294035 .289820 .293260 .284712 .286988 .290000 .292960 .237000 — —

Transfer .281219 .293219 — — .290117 .292279 .288609 .294035 .289820 .293260 .284712 .289490 .290000 .292960 .237000 — —

Draft .074960 .075600 .075577 .075445 .075193 .075754 .075079 .075874 .075100 .075790 .075640 .072340 .074960 .075760 — — .075650

Transfer .074960 .075600 .075577 .075445 .075193 .075754 .075079 .075874 .075100 .075790 .074280 .075640 .074960 .075760 — — .075650

Hong Kong dollar Cash .034453 .037203 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .033953 .037053 .036531 — .036350 .036620 .036215 .036805 — — — — .036360 .036620 — — —

Transfer .033953 .037053 .036531 — .036350 .036620 .036215 .036805 — — — — .036360 .036620 — — —

UAE dirham Cash .076150 .077299 — .077100 .076528 .077297 .075923 .078035 .076530 .077300 .075223 .077374 .076474 .077242 — .078600 —

Draft .075650 .077100 .077172 .077040 .076781 .077353 .076671 .077489 .076700 .077370 .077237 .074510 .076480 .077380 .078390 — .077180

Transfer .075650 .077100 .077172 .077040 .076781 .077353 .076671 .077489 .076700 .077370 .075832 .077237 .076480 .077380 — .078390 .077180

Singapore dollar Cash .225271 .231271 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .224271 .230271 .228740 — .227366 .229060 .226389 .230270 .227080 .229330 .216673 .218433 .227050 .229590 — — —

Transfer .224271 .230271 .228740 — .227366 .229060 .226389 .230270 .227080 .229330 .222630 .216673 .227050 .229590 — — —

Syrian pound

Iranian tuman

Lebanese pound

Malaysian ringgit

Cash Draft Transfer .003158 .003158 .003158 .003378 .003378 .003378 — — — — — — — .003073 .003073 — — — — — — — — — — — —

Cash Draft Transfer .000078 .000079 .000079 .000080 .000079 .000079 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Cash Draft Transfer .000139 .000174 .000174 .000239 .000194 .000194 — .190100 .190100 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Cash Draft Transfer .088808 .087656 .087656 .094808 .094656 .094656 — — — .093500 .091408 .091408 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Gold 999 10 tola 1,802.3400 1,772.000

Gold ounce — 483.000

Gold gm 22k — 13.785

Gold gm 21k — 13.150

Gold gm 18k — 11.275

100 gm 999 – —

10 gm 999 – 157.000

Bahraini dinar Cash .745003 .753003 — .750000 .745590 .753084 .739544 .760031 .745590 .753080 — — — — — — —

Draft .744503 .753003 .752760 .749375 .748043 .753615 .746823 .754716 .747250 .754020 .740873 .750398 .745770 .754160 — — .752600

Transfer .744503 .753003 .752760 .749375 .748043 .753615 .746823 .754716 .747250 .754020 .740873 .750398 .745770 .754160 — — .752600

Jordanian dinar Cash .394173 .401673 — .400000 .390000 .405000 — — — — — — — — — .415000 —

Transfer .393717 .401217 .400230 .399000 — .401697 — .402266 — — .394853 .398939 .396210 .402800 .401670 .415000 —

Transfer .393717 .401217 .400230 .399000 — .401697 — .402266 — — .394853 .398939 .227050 .229590 .401670 .415000 —

Indonesian rupiah Cash .000024 .000030 — — — — — — —

Draft .000024 .000029 — — — .000030 — — .000299

Transfer .000024 .000029 — — — .000030 — — .000299

Omani riyal Cash .729812 .735492 — — .730919 .738265 .724115 .411103 .730920 .738260 .735741 — — — .752000 — —

Draft .724312 .735312 .736130 — .732493 .737950 .731242 .739198 .731730 .738240 .734440 .722120 .730140 .739480 .748000 — —

Transfer .724312 .735312 .736130 — .732493 .737950 .731242 .739198 .731730 .738240 .734440 .719020 .730140 .739480 .759930 — —

Egyptian pound Cash .039475 .042174 .042100 .042500 .042000 .047000 — — — — — — — — — .056000 —

Draft .039991 .042021 .042003 .042005 — — — .042398 — — .047830 .049026 — .042730 — — .042000

Transfer .039991 .042021 .042003 .042005 — — — .042398 — — .047830 .049026 — . 042730 — — .042000

New Zealand dollar Cash .233080 .242580 — — — — — — —

Draft .231080 .241080 — — .236175 .241132 .237130 .240590 —

Transfer .231080 .241080 — — .236175 .241132 .237130 .240590 —

All rates in KD per unit of foreign currency




Sherman’s Lagoon — By J. P. Toomey





Mutts — By Patrick McDonnell

Hagar The Horrible — By Chris Browne

Beetle Bailey — By Mort Walker

Scratch pad

odds ’n’ ends MONTPELIER, Vermont:

Garfield — By Jim Davis

Baby Blues — By Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott

People with suitcases gather on Masaryk Square in Zabreh, central Moravia, Czech Republic, on Feb 17, 2013, for an attempt to bring a record number of suitcases to one place. 579 people with suitcases came to the place to honor Czech adventurer, traveller and gold digger Jan Eskymo Welzl. The record will be officially registered in the Guinness Book of Records. (AFP)

contract b r i d g e By Steve Becker

Conceptis Sudoku


The grid must be so completed that every row, column and 3x3 box has every digit from 1 to 9 inclusive.

DIRECTIONS: Fill each square with a number, one through nine. ■ Horizontal squares should add to totals on right. ■ Vertical squares should add to totals on bottom. ■ Diagonal squares through center should add to total in upper and lower right.

Yesterday’s solution


Answer to yesterday’s puzzle

Today’s Challenge Time 8 Minutes 39 Seconds Your Working Time __ Minutes __ Seconds

Word by Word



Every man is the architect of his own fortunes. Kul emrein yasnai qadaraho be nafsehe.



Six thousand and forty eight Setat alaaf wa thaman wa arbaoun

Would fancy grade maple syrup by any other name taste as sweet? Lawmakers in Vermont are pondering that question as they consider whether to drop the US state’s traditional maple labeling system in favor of an international one. The change pits tradition versus a desire to be a bigger player in world markets. Vermont is the No. 1 maple syrup producer in the United States, but its unique labeling standards put it at odds with the other big producers, including Canada. The state Senate last week passed and sent to the House a measure to drop fancy, grade A medium amber, dark amber and grade B. (Fancy is the lightest and mildest, while grade B is the darkest and has the strongest maple flavor.) In their place would be several types sharing a grade A label, with descriptive phrases following: golden color and delicate taste; amber color and rich taste; dark color and robust taste; very dark color and strong taste. Sen. Kevin Mullin initially argued against the measure before reluctantly going along. “We should not be following everyone else in lockstep and ... giving them the ability to try to pretend that syrup made in another state is anywhere near as good as the syrup made in Vermont,” he said. Mullin later said he was mollified by assurances that the changes would be phased in over three years and that producers wouldn’t have to throw out containers already printed with the existing labels. State Agriculture Secretary Chuck Ross said the changes have largely been pushed by the industry, though the agency has conducted a series of public hearings to address the concerns of the more reluctant producers. Thanks to improvements in technology and growing interest by landowners, Vermont’s syrup production has roughly doubled in the past decade, to the extent that supply vastly exceeds any demand that would come from a state of about 626,000, Ross said. “What’s become clear is that the majority of syrup produced in the state of Vermont is sold in national and international markets,” Ross said. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑ PARIS: A French father who wants visiting rights with his young son is spending a fourth day protesting atop a crane, but says he’ll consider coming down after France’s justice minister agreed to meet with a fathers’ activist group. Justice Minister Christiane Taubira is scheduled to meet Monday afternoon with SOS Papa. The divorced man on the crane in the eastern city of Nantes, Serge Charnay, wants France to strengthen its law on shared custody. He was convicted of taking his son on an unauthorized vacation for two months in 2011, and said he regretted nothing because “if I hadn’t I wouldn’t have seen him.” (AP)




Concern about pace of progress in preparations

IOC makes visit to Rio after warning organizers SAO PAULO, Feb 18, (AP): IOC inspectors are making their first visit to Rio de Janeiro since telling 2016 Olympic organizers that time is ticking and preparations need to be speeded up. The IOC’s coordination commission began its fourth visit to Rio on Monday to meet with local organizers and monitor the progress made at venues and infrastructure sites for the first Olympics in South America. The International Olympic Committee said in December that “time is ticking” and organizers must attack the project “with all vigor.”

IOC President Jacques Rogge said last week he doesn’t think he will need to show Rio organizers a yellow card to publicly warn them about delays, but Brazil is under pressure to show that preparations are on track. The visit comes amid leadership changes and uncertainty about the budget and location of some sports venues. It also comes less than a week after a surprising decision by the IOC executive board to drop wrestling from the list of 25 sports guaranteed a berth in the 2020 Games, and just days after the arrest of double-amputee Olympic and Paralympic

sprinter Oscar Pistorius on murder charges. It’s the first time the IOC panel visits Brazil since it became public that the ousted presidents of the local badminton and ice sports federation asked the IOC to probe court interference and accused the Brazilian Olympic Committee of not complying with the Olympic Charter. With three years to go until the Olympics, there’s been some concern with the pace of progress in Rio’s preparations. The Rio committee has a newly appointed CEO and just made changes in the position of chief financial officer, and

Authorities reject accusations

Dreams fade for unpaid Sochi migrant workers SOCHI, Russia, Feb 18, (AFP): Tashkent Ibragimov initially jumped at the chance to work on Sochi’s Olympic construction, hoping the earnings would help his family in Uzbekistan. Instead, the job left him broke and humiliated. Having already worked in Russia’s far estern Vladivostok constructing hotels for last year’s high-profile Asia-Pacific Economic Summit, Ibragimov “thought it would be good in Sochi as well.” But the 31-year-old said he was cheated out of his salary by a subcontractor building a hotel for some of the 300,000 sports fans expected to descend on the Black Sea resort city for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. “We didn’t send money home for six months,” the father-of-three told AFP in broken Russian, explaining how his BERLIN, Feb 18, (RTRS): boss would only give Wrestling is ready to change and out sporadic cash correct the mistakes that led to allowances to him the sport’s surprise 2020 and his group of 15 Olympic exit last week, interim workers instead of international federation (FILA) paying a monthly chief Nenad Lalovic said on salary as agreed. Monday. Lalovic who was elected at On top of feeling the weekend after a vote of no powerless and frusconfidence triggered the resigtrated at having to Kozak nation of president Raphael continuously fight for Martinetti, said FILA board memhis paycheck, Ibragimov, as foreman of his bers had been left in the dark group, was under added pressure from his about the International Olympic co-workers. Committee (IOC) vote. Relatives of co-workers from the same The IOC Executive Board last impoverished area as Ibragimov blamed week surprisingly recommended him when their cash transfers didn’t arrive wrestling be dropped from the and went so far as to harass his family Games in 2020 as the organisaabout it back home in the western tion seeks to revamp its sports Uzbekistan town of Beruni, he said. programme to keep it attractive “My grandfather couldn’t take the stress, to voters and sponsors. he died of a heart attack because of this,” “I am surprised by the IOC Ibragimov said bitterly. decision because we (FILA His story is just one example of what bureau members) were kept rights group say is a system of unjust treatwithout information,” Serbian Lalovic told Reuters in a interment of migrants by the firms working on view on his way back from the Sochi’s sites. FILA meeting in Thailand. Earlier this month, international rights “No one even knew that there group Human Rights Watch published a was an IOC commission working report highlighting the “exploitation” at on these problematic sports. As Sochi, contrasting the abusive treatment of bureau members we did not migrant labourers with the “big hopes and have this information. dreams” for Russia’s athletes at the Games.

Wrestling can change: chief

“Now, why we did not have the information is another question that needs to be answered,” he said. Wrestling, which featured in the first modern Games in 1896 and all editions since apart from 1900, was also a sport of the ancient games in Olympia. It has now been added to a list of candidate sports that includes squash, karate, wakeboarding, roller sports, sports climbing, wushu, and baseball and softball as a joint sport. A shortlist from the eight sports vying for the empty Olympic place left by wrestling will be drawn up at an IOC Executive Board meeting in St Petersburg in May. The IOC will elect the winning sport to be included in the 2020 Olympics in September in Buenos Aires. Wrestling technically has the chance to return but it looks very unlikely that the IOC session would vote back in the sport which its own executive board recommended for exit.

OLYMPICS Titled “Race to the Bottom” and based on dozens of interviews with workers, it calls on Russian authorities and the International Olympic Committee to address rights violations such as wage arrears, the confiscation of identification documents and inadequate rest periods between long shifts. Russian authorities have rejected the accusations, while the main agency overseeing construction, Olympstroi, said it had conducted more than 1,300 checks for violations and received only five complaints from workers via the hotline numbers made available on various posters in the city. But the workers are mostly from Central Asia, with a limited knowledge of Russian, and are often wary of complaining out of fear of deportation, said Semyon Simonov, who runs a consultation centre for migrants in Sochi for watchdog Memorial. The authorities are concealing “massive human rights violations on the Olympic venue sites,” he said. “Clearly everything leads to the very top... they know everything in Olympstroi and in (Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry) Kozak’s department, but they choose to ignore the problems due to the worker shortage.” With preparations running behind schedule, more than 22,000 additional workers will be needed to finish the construction work on time, a government report said this month, according to Kommersant business daily. Finding out who is responsible for unpaid wages is not straightforward and requires wading through a complex web of subcontractors, said Memorial lawyer Alexander Popkov, who works with Simonov. The chain of subcontractors also means that the enormous sum invested in Olympic development — over $50 billion — mostly goes to middle-men. “This huge stack of money melts away to pennies on its way to the worker,” Popkov said. Large contractors often deny violations which are committed by the smaller firms carrying out the actual construction, he told AFP.

Most labourers don’t even have copies of their contract, according to Simonov, who puts the number of migrant workers in Sochi at over 40,000, much higher than the official figure of 15,700. “Many people leave (Sochi) with no money,” he said. Unemployed and broke, some migrants end up in dire circumstances that push them towards crime, which in turn fuels nationalist sentiment among locals. Over the past two years, swastikas and SS signs have become widespread in a city that has always been a melting pot of many Caucasus ethnic groups, Simonov said. In January, investigators charged two Sochi teenagers with inciting hatred for attacking migrant workers from Central Asia and spreading “nationalist rumours.” Scarred by his experience, Ibragimov said he has stopped working on Olympic venues — but he isn’t ready yet to leave Sochi, where he has just found employment with a non-Olympic contractor.


Aljazeera Sport 05.30 Golfing World Programmes +10 05.45 Sao Paolo vs Ituano (R) Brazil League - Paulista A1 1 06.30 Arsenal Club Channel +10 08.00 Adrien Broner vs Gavin Rees (R) Boxing 1 09.00 Qatar League Review (R) League Summaries 1 09.30 Livomo vs Modena (R) Italian League - Serie B +10 10.30 Tigre vs Boca Juniors (R) Argentine Premier League 1 11.15 Harlequins vs Leicester Tigers (R) Rugby - AVIVA Premiership +10 12.15 Paulista Corinthians vs Palmeiras (R) Brazil League - Paulista A1 1 13.00 WTA Dubai (excl UAE) WTA Tennis +10 14.00 Golden Boy - TBA (R) Boxing 1 15.00 IAAF World Indoor Championship (R) IAAF World Indoor Championships 1 16.00 Al Gharafa vs Lekhwiya Qatar Stars

tv today

League Football +6 16.45Al Khor vs El Jaish Qatar Stars League Football +2 16.45 Al Arabi vs Al Sailiya Qatar Stars League Football +1 18.00 Al Sadd vs Al Rayyan Qatar Stars League Football +5 19.00 Al Kharaitiyat vs Qatar Qatar Stars League Football +2 Al Wakrah vs Umm Salal Qatar Stars League Football +1 22.00 Porto vs Malaga UEFA Champions League Football +5 22.00 Arsenal vs Bayern UEFA Champions League Football +3

Fox Sports Middle East 06:00 Super Bowl Highlights: III: New York Jets v Baltimore 06:30 Super Bowl Highlights: IV: Kansas City v Minnesota 07:00 America’s Game: 1968 New York Jets 08:00 School of Golf - Chapter 28: Releasing the Club 08:30 Morning Drive

there’s still no official budget for the games. The city also hasn’t overcome uncertainty over the venues for rugby, field hockey and golf. Rio announced last year the rugby venue won’t be built where it

source of a legal dispute. Rio committee president Carlos Nuzman recently downplayed the notion of delays or any major problems related to the city’s preparations. IOC spokesman Mark Adams said in December that “there is time, but time is ticking, and they (organizers) need to carry on attacking this one with all vigor.” The IOC was in Rio in November for the official debriefing of the 2012 Games, when London organizers shared their knowledge of hosting the Olympics. The commission’s three-day trip will

OLYMPICS was originally planned, while a location for the field hockey arena was still being negotiated with the sport’s international federation and the land where the golf course will be constructed remains the

focus on Rio’s preparations, though, and it will be led by commission president Nawal El Moutawakel and IOC Executive Director Gilbert Felli. Nearly 20 people are part of the commission, which is aimed at giving support to local organizers and monitoring the overall development of the games’ project. Since the commission’s last visit in June, the 2016 Rio committee said it “has made progress in important areas of the project,” including the Olympic Park, the sports venues at the Deodoro Park, the renovation of the port area and hotel infrastructure.

Search for answers ahead of slain Steenkamp funeral ‘Why my little girl’ JOHANNESBURG, Feb 18, (AFP): The family of Oscar Pistorius’s slain girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Monday prepared to hold a funeral service for the 29-year-old model, as her bereaved mother pleaded for answers about the death of “the most beautiful person who ever lived”. The former cover girl, who was shot dead at Pistorius’s luxury home in Pretoria on Valentine’s Day, will be cremated on Tuesday in her home town of Port Elizabeth, in a private ceremony for family and friends. Pistorius, a double amputee who became a sporting hero to millions when he competed at the Olympics last year, has been charged with killing Steenkamp and will appear in a Pretoria court on Tuesday for a bail hearing. In an interview published on Monday, Steenkamp’s mother described her death as “horrendous.” “Why my little girl? Why did this happen? Why did he do this?,” June Steenkamp told the Times of South Africa. “What for?” “She had so much of herself to give and now all that is gone. Just like that, she is gone... In the blink of an eye and a single breath, the most beautiful person who ever lived is no longer here.” “All we have is this horrendous death to deal with... to get to grips with. All we want are answers... answers as to why this had to happen, why our beautiful daughter had to die like this.” More than 100 people are expected to attend an hour-long memorial service Tuesday for Steenkamp, a law graduate who had been going out with the 26-year-old Pistorius since late last year. Well-wishers have already begun placing bouquets of flowers outside the family home. On Saturday a celebrity television show aired haunting footage of Steenkamp speaking about the need to leave a positive mark on life, words laden with unintended poignancy after her death. “Not just your journey in life, but the way that you go out and make your exit is so important, you have either made an impact in a positive way or a negative way,” Reeva Steenkamp said. Her uncle Mike Steenkamp said the

In this Aug 5, 2012 file photo, South Africa’s Oscar Pistorius starts in the men’s 400-meter semifinal during the athletics in the Olympic Stadium at the 2012

family had been overwhelmed with offers of help and sympathy. “We have received a lot of condolences from all over South Africa and around the world as well. We have received a lot of support.” Police says Steenkamp was shot four times in the early hours of Thursday by a pistol owned by Pistorius and died of her wounds at the scene. His family has insisted that the evidence will refute “any possibility of a premeditated murder or indeed any murder at all”. Defence lawyers are expected to argue at Tuesday’s hearing that there are “exceptional circumstances” for Pistorius to be granted bail, a request that will be opposed by the state. That request means the hearing is likely to offer more details about what happened in the early hours of Valentine’s Day at Pistorius’s upmar-

Summer Olympic in London. Paralympic superstar Oscar Pistorius was charged, Feb 14. (AP)

ket home in a gated estate in the South African capital. Unconfirmed reports have suggested Pistorius mistook Steenkamp for an intruder, while other reports said she was beaten with a cricket bat before being shot multiple times. Pistorius, who broke down sobbing in his first court appearance on Friday, has built up a powerful team of lawyers, medical specialists and public relations experts for his defence. Stuart Higgins, a former editor of British tabloid The Sun, whose lengthy list of clients includes British Airways, Chelsea FC and Manchester United football club, will be handling public relations in the case. One of the lawyers, Kenny Oldwage, acted for the driver in a 2010 accident that killed former president and anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela’s great-grandchild Zenani.

The driver was acquitted. Pistorius is a national icon who inspired people around the world when he became the first double amputee to compete against able-bodied athletes in the 2012 London Olympic Games. The events of February 14 have put Pistorius’s career on hold, forcing him to cancel races in Australia, Brazil, Britain and the United States between March and May. “I have decided that following these tragic events that we have no option but to cancel all future races that Oscar Pistorius had been contracted to compete in, to allow Oscar to concentrate on the upcoming legal proceedings,” manager Peet van Zyl said. Sponsors and partners are in the meantime maintaining their contractual commitments awaiting the outcome of the legal process, Van Zyl said in a statement.

‘You can win back heart of fans’

Sumo grand champ sees good future

Helen Langehanenberg of Germany rides her horse ‘Damon Hill’ during the Reem Acra FEI Dressage World Cup on Feb 17, in Neumuenster. (AFP) 09:30 Academy: Greg Norman - Short Game 10:00 GCT Golf Central International 11:00 GF European Tour Africa Open Final Rd. 14:00 Drag Race High 14:30 My Ride Rules 15:00 Pinks All Out Houston 16:00 Phuket Asia Pacific Ironman Championships 2013 17:00 Pac-12 Men’s Basketball USC at Cal 19:00 NHL: Carolina Hurricanes at Montreal Canadiens 21:30 Drag Race High 22:00 My Ride Rules 22:30 Pinks All Out Houston 23:30 NHL: Carolina Hurricanes at Montreal Canadiens 02:00 Golf Central International 01:30 Phuket Asia Pacific Ironman Championships 2013 03:30 Sea Master 04:00 NHL: San Jose Sharks at St. Louis Blues 06:30 NHL: Los Angeles Kings at Edmonton Oilers

TOKYO, Feb 18, (AFP): Newlycrowned sumo grand champion Harumafuji said Monday he sees a good future for the ancient but scandal-tainted Japanese sport as well as for his own career as a top fighter. Harumafuji was promoted last year to become sumo’s first new grand champion for five years. He is the third Mongolian in succession to reach the sport’s top rank, or yokozuna. The 28-year-old said he adheres to a strict training regimen not only to build up his strength but also to become an admired yokozuna who can give inspiration and hope to his audience. “Scandals could hit any world. You can only work from scratch to win back the heart of fans,” he told the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan. Sumo is gradually emerging from a series of scandals that have tainted its

OSN Sport 1 HD 07:00 Super Rugby 08:00 Trans World Sport 09:00 Snooker The Welsh Open 12:00 ICC Cricket 360 12:30 Super League 14:30 Premier League Darts 18:00 European PGA Tour Highlights 19:00 Super Rugby 20:00 HSBC Sevens World Series Highlights 20:30 HSBC Sevens World Series Highlights 21:00 HSBC Sevens World Series Highlights 21:30 Futbol Mundial 22:00 Trans World Sports 23:00 Super Rugby 00:00 European PGA Tour Highlights 01:00 Futbol Mundial 01:30 Premier League Darts 05:00 Super League 07:00 HSBC Sevens World Series Highlights

OSN Sport 2 07:00 ICC Cricket 360 07:30 Inside The

centuries-old image. Match-fixing, drug use and bullying allegations have eroded its popularity, although it still has a huge following. To the disappointment of many of his fans, Harumafuji — whose real name is Davaanyam Byambadorj — ended his first regular 15-day “basho” tournament as a yokozuna in November with just nine wins and six losses. Sumo advisers criticised him as unsuitable for the rank. But the grand champion swept to an impressive victory in the latest tournament in January, winning all 15 bouts. “I have a good future ahead of me,” said Harumafuji, clad in a grey silk kimono with his topknot relaxed at a slant — the style for casual occasions rather than ring appearances. He said his tough training schedule involving “lots of sweat and tears” PGA Tour 08:00 PGA European Tour Highlights 09:00 PGA Tour Highlights 10:00 Top 14 12:00 Trans World Sport 13:00 Futbol Mundial 13:30 ICC Cricket 360 14:00 Snooker 17:00 Super Rugby 19:00 UFC Countdown 20:00 UFC The Ultimate Fighter 21:00 WWE Bottom Line 22:00 WWE SmackDown 00:00 UFC The Ultimate Fighter 01:00 Trans World Sport 02:00 Top 14 04:00 Futbol Mundial 04:30 ICC Cricket 360 05:00 PGA European Tour Highlights 06:00 PGA Tour Highlights

OSN Sport 3 06:00 Golfing World 07:00 Golfing World 08:00 Trans World Sport 09:00 World Pool Masters 10:00 World Cup of Pool 11:00 Top 14 Highlight 11:30 Pro 12 13:30 Golfing World 14:30 World Pool Masters 15:30 World Cup of Pool 16:30 Pro 12

never let him down when he got in the ring. “I think you can become (the second-ranked) Ozeki if you work as hard as if you could die (in training),” Harumafuji said. “But I think you have to be destined, on top of making the hard effort, to become a yokozuna.”

SUMO Harumafuji, a relative lightweight at only 133 kgs (293 pounds), became the 70th grand champion since the first was declared in the 17th century. He is only the fifth foreigner to hold the title. Japanese sumo fighters have struggled to maintain standards in recent years, with many promising potential wrestlers shunning the rigorous training or being lured away by more lucrative sports. 18:30 Top 14 Highlight 19:30 Adventure Challenge 20:00 Trans World Sport 21:00 Golfing World 22:00 European PGA Tour Highlights 23:00 World Pool Masters 00:00 World Cup of Pool 01:00 Dubai World Cup Carnival 05:30 Top 14 Highlight 06:00 Golfing World

OSN Sport 4 07:00 WWE NXT 08:00 WWE Bottom Line 09:00 Ping Pong World Championships 10:00 US Bass Fishing 11:00 NHL 13:00 WWE Experience 14:00 Prizefighter 17:00 V8 Supercars Highlights 19:00 NHL 21:00 UAE National Race Day Series 22:00 UFC TUF 23:00 WWE NXT 00:00 WWE Bottom Line 01:00 NHL 03:00 Ping Pong World Championships 04:00 US Bass Fishing 05:00 NHL 07:00 WWE Vintage Collection

Note: All timings local Other TV Listings Page 35




Pakistan hindered by lack of home tests, says Misbah Team slammed for lack of aggression

Australian cricketer Jodie Fields (left), celebrates the dismissal of West Indies cricketer Merissa Aguilleria during the final match of the ICC Women’s World Cup 2013 between Australia and West Indies at the Cricket Club of India’s Brabourne stadium in Mumbai on Feb 17. (AFP)

Australia A beat England Lions

S A set for ranking windfall JOHANNESBURG, Feb 18, (Agencies): South Africa are set to pocket $450,000 after they guaranteed the number one position in the ICC Test Championship beyond the April 1 cut-off date for prize money to be awarded in 2013. The Proteas’ four-wicket victory over Pakistan in the second Test at Newlands on Sunday means they now cannot be caught at the top of the rankings by nearest rivals England, who are in New Zealand, or Australia, who are touring India. The prize money is a significant increase from previous years, when $175 000 was given the teams topping the Test or one-day international championship table. While South Africa have sealed the number one spot, the battle for second, third and fourth positions is still alive with 13 points separating second-ranked England from fifth-ranked India. The nation that claims second position at the cut-off date will pick up $350,000, while the team finishing third will collect $250,000 and fourth takes home $150,000. ICC Test Championship table (before the start of South Africa-Pakistan Test series): Rank Team Points 1. South Africa 124 2. England 118 3. Australia 117 4. Pakistan 109 5. India 105 6. Sri Lanka 92 7. West Indies 91 8. New Zealand 78 9. Bangladesh 0 Zimbabwe are currently unranked as they have played insufficient matches. In Hobart, Australia, Australia A bowled England Lions out for 193 to secure a 122-run win with eight overs to spare Monday and take a 2-0 lead in the five-match limited-overs series. After losing captain Aaron Finch (0) in the first over, Australia’s second-string squad reached 315 with big contributions from Joe Burns (114) and Callum Ferguson, who stroked 74 from 78 balls. Warwickshire paceman Rikki Clarke, who has two Test caps for England, returned 4-55. Four Australia A bowlers took two wickets apiece in the England A reply, which was spearheaded by James Taylor’s 79. Alister McDermott, the 21-year-old son of former Australian pace spearhead Craig McDermott, finished off the tailenders and returned 2-19. Australia’s test squad is in India preparing for a

four-Test series. ❑ ❑ ❑ West Indies captain Darren Sammy and bighitting opener Chris Gayle have been left out of the squad to face Zimbabwe in a three-match ODI series which starts on Friday. Sammy is rested after playing every match for the West Indies in the past two years with Dwayne Bravo taking over the captaincy. “Gayle has asked to miss the ODI Series and has been granted permission accordingly,” said a West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) statement. No reason was given for Gayle’s decision to skip the series. The West Indies endured a disappointing tour of Australia which ended last week. They lost all five one-dayers before clinching a morale-boosting 27-run win in a one-off T20 international in Brisbane in their last outing. Zimbabwe will play three ODIs against West Indies in Grenada on February 22, February 24 and February 26. The tourists will also play two Twenty20 internationals as well as two Tests. West Indies squad (for first two matches of three-day series): Dwayne Bravo (captain), Tino Best, Darren Bravo, Johnson Charles, Narsingh Deonarine, Sunil Narine, Veerasammy Permaul, Kieron Pollard, Kieran Powell, Denesh Ramdin, Kemar Roach, Andre Russell, Ramnaresh Sarwan. ❑ ❑ ❑ New Zealand called opening bat Hamish Rutherford and paceman Tim Southee into the one-day squad Monday as replacements for injured duo Martin Guptill and Mitchell McClenaghan. The pair were hurt during the Black Caps’ nail-biting win in the first one-day international against England on Sunday, Guptill straining a hamstring and McClenaghan a muscle in his side. Guptill went off injured during the threewicket win in Hamilton but came back to score the winning runs in dramatic fashion, belting four fours and a six while playing on one leg to see his team home and finish on 27 not out. Physiotherapist Paul Close said Guptill would definitely miss the second ODI in Napier on Wednesday and would be assessed before the final fixture in the series in Auckland on Saturday.

CAPE TOWN, Feb 18, (Agencies): Pakistan captain Misbah-ul-Haq reiterated his belief that the continued boycott of his country by international sides is hindering their chances of becoming the leading test nation. Ongoing security concerns mean the last test match played in Pakistan was against Sri Lanka in 2009, one of just four home fixtures for the side in the last seven years. In that time, the Pakistanis have played “home” matches in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah and even England. Four years ago, armed militants attacked the tourists’ team bus in Lahore, killing eight Pakistanis and wounding six Sri Lankan players, with the incident bringing an end to tests in the country for the foreseeable future. There was hope that Bangladesh

CRICKET would tour last month, but that too has been shelved over safety concerns. “There is no doubt that this is a problem for us, it is difficult to be the top cricket team in the world when you do not play in your home conditions,” Misbah told reporters in South Africa, where Pakistan are currently touring. South African captain Graeme Smith offered his sympathy for Pakistan’s plight, but admitted he would chose not to tour the country if a proposed visit was put forward. “I obviously sympathise with their situation. I have been to Pakistan five times in the past, but I would have serious concerns as to my safety going there under present circumstances.” Little experience Misbah added that the fact his side played just six test matches in 2012 gave little opportunity for the players to gain experience in the longer form of the game. “We have played some very good test cricket in the last two-and-a-half years, but not enough matches. If you look at the experience in this South African side, they have players with over 100 matches and others with more than 50. “Because we have not played much, our team has players with just a few games and little experience. That makes it difficult to compete.” The Pakistan side that lost the second test of the three-match series against South Africa on Sunday had a combined 277 test caps between them, with Younus Khan (81) the only player with more than 50

South African cricketer Graeme Smith (captain), plays shot on day 4 of the 2nd Test match between South

appearances. The Proteas, by contrast, had amassed 597 caps, with five players having passed 50 and Morne Morkel on the cusp with 49. However, it could be argued that the touring side’s relative inexperience has more to do with the rebuilding of the team than a lack of matches, as since the start of 2010, Pakistan have played 28 tests to South Africa’s 30. South Africa lead the current series 2-0 with the third and final test starting at Centurion on Friday. In Karachi, Pakistan’s cricketers came under fire Monday after their series defeat in South Africa, with former players blaming the team’s timid approach for their loss in the second Test. South Africa, the number one ranked team in Test cricket, beat the visitors by four wickets in the Cape Town Test on Sunday to take an unassailable 2-0 lead in the three-match series. Former captain Inzamam-ul-Haq said Pakistan had looked overawed by the world’s top team.

Africa and Pakistan in Cape Town at Newlands on Feb 17. (AFP)

“This Pakistan team had the ability to beat South Africa but they seemed to be thinking a lot about their rival’s world number one status and that their bowling is very dangerous,” Inzamam told AFP. Pakistan lost the first Test in Johannesburg by 211 runs after crumbling to 49 all out in the first innings in the face of the hosts’ hostile pace bowling attack. Inzamam worked with the team as a “batting consultant” before their oneday tour of India in December and there were calls for him to be kept on permanently, though nothing came of them. “Pakistan must show more aggression in its approach,” said Inzamam, who hit an unbeaten 92 in Pakistan’s last Test win in South Africa in 2007. “What I saw was that a batsman scores 50 in 150 balls, that gives bowlers more domination. Once a batsman is set he should attack and score freely.” Inzamam said Pakistan should have gone for the kill when they had South Africa wobbling at 164-6 in their first

innings. Instead, spinner Robin Peterson hit a gutsy 84 to guide the hosts to 326, just 12 short of Pakistan’s first innings total of 338. Pakistan then collapsed from 147-4 to 169 all out in their second innings, setting a modest 182-run target. Pakistan were missing rising paceman Junaid Khan and another former captain, Rashid Latif, who said the batsmen needed to set a bigger total for the bowlers to defend. “It was a small target and our pace attack had one debutant (Mohammad Irfan), one bowler staging a comeback after 18 months (Tanveer Ahmed) and one on the downslide of his career (Umar Gul),” said Latif. Latif backed captain Misbah-ul Haq to carry on but urged the Pakistan board to bring in Inzaman and fast bowling legends Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis as coaches. Former opener and ex-coach Mohsin Khan blamed the coaching staff, saying there was a lack of planning to target South Africa’s weaknesses.




Hull KR set to unleash Travis Burns on Super League LEEDS, United Kingdom, Feb 18, (AFP): Hot-on the heels of Hull KR’s first Super League win of the season against Widnes on Sunday, coach Craig Sandercock told

Robins fans that new signing Travis Burns is chomping at the bit to get going. Sandercock snapped up the stand-off from Penrith Panthers in the close season

but the 29-year-old has had to kick his heels while serving out a suspension. Burns’ route back into the fold may have to wait until round five against

Warrington, but after watching his side get off the mark with a comprehensive 44-18 victory over Widnes, led by Michael Dobson’s 16-point haul, things are sud-

denly looking up for the New Craven Park outfit. “Travis will be available in round five and everyone connected with the club is

excited,” said Sandercock. “We’re not expecting miracles from him, he’s not played for a long time, but it’s exciting to have him back soon.”




Stephens knocked out in Dubai 1st round Bartoli, Cirstea advance DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Feb 18, (AP): Sloane Stephens lost in the first round of the Dubai Championship on Monday, the latest setback for the rising American star who reached the Australian Open semifinals. Stephens, who has reached a career high 16 in the world rankings since knocking out Serena Williams in Melbourne, lost to Sorana Cirstea of Romania 5-7, 6-3, 62. “It was a rough day, and I think she obviously played some good tennis,” Stephens said. “Every match isn’t going to go the way you want it, and obviously I got a little frustrated. Things happen, but, I mean, no need to dwell on it.” Eleventh-ranked Marion Bartoli also advanced, coming from a set down to beat Klara Zakopalova of the Czech Republic 3-6, 6-4, 6-1. She was joined by former No. 1 Ana Ivanovic, who overcame a sore right shoulder to beat Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova of Russia 6-3, 7-6 (5). Last week, the 19-year-old Stephens lost to Zakopalova in the third round of the Qatar Open after wasting two match points. She smashed her racket afterward. Monday’s match was much the same. Stephens led 5-4 when the 30th-ranked Stephens Cirstea hit two double-faults, but the Romanian broke back. Stephens broke a second time and won the set. More poor serving from Cirstea allowed Stephens to get the early break in the second, but then the Romanian settled

TENNIS down, breaking an increasingly frustrated Stephens twice to win the set. At one point, Stephens let out a scream after a missed shot and then was warned by the chair umpire for racket abuse when she slammed her racket down after hitting a forehand wide to fall behind 5-3. Cirstea broke Stephens three times in the third to go up 52 and finished it off when the American hit a weak return and then a backhand volley long. Cirstea, who lost to Caroline Wozniacki in the second round of the Qatar Open, said she was giving away too many free points off her serve. She had 10 double-faults in the first two sets but only two in the decider. She also won all three of her break points and saved seven of 11. “I started the second quite positive and I knew I had to be just a little more careful at the key points if I would turn it around,” Cirstea said. After beating an injured Williams at the Australian Open,

Marion Bartoli of France returns the ball to Karla Zakopalova of Czech Republic during the first day of Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Feb 18. (AP)

Stephens was being billed as the future of American tennis — even though she hasn’t yet won a professional tournament. “The first week at home was really tough. Everyone was like, ‘Oh, my God, I want to see you,’” Stephens said last week in Doha. “Of course I had people tweeting me and stuff. And I wanted to make time for my friends and see like the people who I was supposed to see.” Some of her recent woes can be blamed on health problems. She pulled out of the Fed Cup against Italy this month

after aggravating an abdominal muscle injury and picking up a stomach virus. Still, Stephens said little has changed from Australia and she hasn’t let all the hype get the best of her. “Obviously it’s really tough week in and week out playing perfect tennis and just really being able to execute,” Stephens said. “Some days you’re going to be on the court and it’s not just going to turn out the way you want. Like today, I didn’t play my best tennis, and last week I didn’t play my best tennis, but you just kind of got to move on.”

Ivanovic appeared to be cruising toward victory after jumping out to a 4-0 lead in the second set, but then began struggling with her serve, allowing the Russian to break back twice and force the tiebreaker. Pavlyuchenkova saved one match point but then hit a forehand long on the second, prompting Ivanovic to let out a screech of relief. “It was very tough. It was kind of getting difficult,” Ivanovic said. “She really started striking the ball a lot deeper and harder when she had her back against the wall sort of toward the end of the second set.”

Nadal remains fifth in ATP rankings

Zhang, Liu win titles as Japanese pair fall

Serena confirmed as oldest world No.1

Chinese dominate Kuwait Open

PARIS, Feb 18, (AFP): Serena Williams was confirmed as the world number one despite her defeat against Victoria Azarenka in the Qatar Open on Sunday, as the two rivals swapped places in the latest WTA rankings released on Monday. The 31-year-old American becomes the oldest ever woman to claim top spot following her run to the Doha final, moving 265 points clear of Azarenka with Russia’s Maria Sharapova remaining third. “I never thought I would be here again,” she said tearfully to a cheering crowd after her victory over former Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova on Friday was enough to guarantee her climb back to the top. “Oh, my gosh, I’ve been through so much. I never thought I would be here.” After winning Wimbledon and the US Open last year, Williams’ total of Grand Slam titles has risen to 15, only

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18: The reigning Olympic and World Champion Zhang Jike of China defeated his compatriot Ma Long 6-11, 11-8, 11-6, 11-8, 11-4 to clinch Men’s Singles title at the ITTF 2013 World Tour of Kuwait Open on Monday. Long made a fast start by taking the first game sensing danger, Zhang up his game level to take the second game after a hard battle. The pair traded blow for a blow to the delight of the fans with the advantage in favor of Zhang. There was no turning back for Zhang as he went on to win the third and fourth games. It was the eighth final for Zhang with five victories and three losses. Meanwhile, China’s Liu Shiwen defeated Singapore’s Feng Tianwei 4-11, 12-10, 11-8, 11-2, 3-11, 11-8 to reign supreme in the in a classic women’s final. Feng was in imperious form in winning the first game easily. Liu held her nerves to claim the second which could have gone either way from there Liu was in ascendancy as she grabbed the third and fourth games. Feng responded after these hiccups to dominate the fifth game. The sixth game was a ding dong off

TENNIS three fewer than retired greats Martina Navratilova and Evert, who together are second on the all-time list behind Steffi Graf with 22.

Standings 1. Serena Williams (USA) 10590 pts (+1) 2. Victoria Azarenka (BLR) 10325 (-1) 3. Maria Sharapova (RUS) 9715 4. Agnieszka Radwanska (POL) 7750 5. Na Li (CHN) 6130 6. Angelique Kerber (GER) 5400 7. Sara Errani (ITA) 4820 8. Petra Kvitova (CZE) 4510 9. Samantha Stosur (AUS) 3835 10. Caroline Wozniacki (DEN) 3570 11. Marion Bartoli (FRA) 3215 12. Nadia Petrova (RUS) 3000 13. Ana Ivanovic (SRB) 2896 14. Maria Kirilenko (RUS) 2701 15. Dominika Cibulkova (SVK) 2695 16. Sloane Stephens (USA) 2535 (+1) 17. Roberta Vinci (ITA) 2535 (-1) 18. Lucie Safarova (CZE) 2065 19. Ekaterina Makarova (RUS) 1950 (+1) 20. Julia Gvrges (GER) 1915 (-1)

Also: PARIS: Rafael Nadal, back in business after a seven-month injury layoff with success in the Brazil Open, remains in fifth place in the latest ATP rankings released on Monday. The Spanish former world number one, who has yet to fully shrug off the lingering effects of his knee problems, beat Argentina’s David Nalbandian 6-2, 6-3 in Sao Paulo for Sunday’s title. World No.1 Novak Djokovic

The victorious Behbehani team

Behbehani edge Enigma in thrilling finale The final match of GC Classic League Plate Cup was held between Behbehani vs Enigma at Jleeb Ground organised recently by GC Consult. The match, as expected lived up to its billing of being played by two equally matched teams and went down to the wire. Behbehani emerged victorious by 5 wickets and 2 overs to spare. Engima captain called Toss correct and elected to bat first. Thahir opened the bowling an excellent spell of three overs with pervez in the process. The first wicket partnership between muzaffar and naser yielded 62 runs and laid the foundation for Enigma to pile up a huge score with the contribution of Zahoor with his 52 knock. Behbehani managed to pull things back with the excellent over by Naser with one wicket, Omar by One wicket and followed by Mazhar in a a row. Enigma was finally restricted to 182 runs. Behbehani went in to bat to chase the target of 183 runs in 20 Overs, Hassan and Arshad given a good

retains his comfortable lead over Roger Federer with the top ten places unchanged. ATP Rankings 1. Novak Djokovic (SRB) 12960 pts 2. Roger Federer (SUI) 9855 3. Andy Murray (GBR) 8480

start with 16 runs in first over, unfortunately Arshad got caught after making 15 runs in 5 balls.Then Hassan (82) took over with Tahir (24) to develop a good partnership of 88 runs and got out LBW, followed by Nabil (18) and Omar (20) took the pressure to finish their side to victory. Hassan was declared as Man of the Match on his excellent knock of 82 runs in 27 Balls. Gulf Consult Organizer Asad Baig, Muralikutticode, Arjunaand their entire team announced that “GC Classic League Plate Cup”- Twenty20 Cricket Cup 2012 -2013 is a successful event and will continue to encourage the players by conducting these kind of tournaments again and again.” He concluded with heart full thanks for each and every one for spending their valuable time with this event and to all the people who coordinated for the event to make it a grand success and mainly to the Umpires for the unconditional support”.

4. David Ferrer (ESP) 6865 5. Rafael Nadal (ESP) 5755 6. Tomas Berdych (CZE) 4485 7. Juan Martmn Del Potro (ARG) 4410 8. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (FRA) 3515 9. Janko Tipsarevic (SRB) 3125 10. Richard Gasquet (FRA) 2880 11. Nicolas Almagro (ESP) 2540 12. Marin Cilic (CRO) 2535

13. Gilles Simon (FRA) 2370 (+1) 14. Milos Raonic (CAN) 2305 (-1) 15. Juan Monaco (ARG) 2220 16. John Isner (USA) 2125 17. Stanislas Wawrinka (SUI) 1990 18. Tommy Haas (GER) 1815 (+4) 19. Andreas Seppi (ITA) 1730 (-1) 20. Philipp Kohlschreiber (GER) 1720 (-1)

TABLE TENNIS affair with Liu coming on top to win the title. There were surprise winners in the men’s doubles as Xu, Xin and Yan An upset the top seeds Ma Long and Zhang Jike 6-11, 11-9, 12-10, 11-4. After losing the game many thought it was going to be easy day for the top seeds but the third seeds had different ideas as they fought back to win the last three games. In women’s doubles final Japanese pairing of Kaumi Ishikawa and Misaki Morizono fell to China’s Ding Ning and Li Xiaoxia 11-4, 11-5, 11-9. After two easy game victories, the Japanese duo lifted their game to give the Chinese pair hard battle, but their brave effort fell short.

Bahrain Grand Prix, be it on the track or off of it, and we would like all the fans to ‘Imagine Your Moment’ and feel the excitement of our upcoming Grand Prix,” declared circuit chief executive Sheikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa. Last year’s grand prix took place under the more controversial slogan ‘UniF1ed — one nation in celebration”, which drew accusations that the island’s authorities were using the race to make a political statement. The Bahrain International Circuit said last year’s race attracted “up to 70,000 people” and they expected to exceed that due to the growing popularity of the sport in the Middle East.

“BIC hopes to come close to matching its biggest-ever turnout to the Bahrain Grand Prix weekend of 100,000 fans in 2010,” the statement said. The Grand Prix will be the fourth round of the 19-race championship and is the biggest sporting event hosted by the strategically-placed country that serves as a base for the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet. Two people were killed on Thursday on the second anniversary of the uprising to demand democratic reforms, with the unrest continuing into Saturday when hundreds of stonethrowing youths clashed with police firing teargas.

LONDON, Feb 18, (RTRS): A significant drop in Chinese viewers pushed down Formula One’s global television audience last year, according to figures compiled by the sport’s commercial rights holder. “The majority of our established markets brought larger audiences throughout 2012 than they delivered in 2011,” Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone said in a foreword to the 2012 global broadcast report. “A small handful of territories didn’t meet expectations in terms of reach, with the Chinese market suffering a decrease which could not be absorbed by a significant number of increases elsewhere,” added the 82year-old. “Overall, the audience remains at well over half a billion viewers globally.” The Chinese audience is one of the youngest, with more than 10 perEcclestone cent of all viewers under the age of 16 and a quarter under 25. However, the report said scheduling clashes with other events, particularly in the latter part of the year, made a “significant dent” in both audiences and the level of coverage offered. A total of 229 hours was broadcast in 2012 in China, compared to 322 in 2011, which led to the overall reach dropping to 48.89 million viewers — about four percent of the Chinese population — from a previous 74.5 million. The report said that while Formula One lagged sports such as NBA basketball, which have become ‘ingrained’ in Chinese sports culture, it remained comparable with the majority of European sports despite the decreased audience. The 2012 report did not give a precise figure for the global audience, which was 515 million in 2011. Television coverage of the sport was aired in 185 territories with 110 broadcast partners. Brazil was the sport’s largest market by both reach and average audience with 85.55 million people in total tuning in to watch the record 20 races.

Alonso to test new Ferrari

Bahrain hoping for near-record turnout BAHRAIN, Feb 18, (RTRS): Bahrain is hoping for a near-record turnout at this year’s Formula One Grand Prix despite continued violent unrest and political turmoil in the Gulf kingdom. The 2011 race was cancelled after a bloody crackdown on anti-government protests but last year’s went ahead despite international pressure on the sport not to go and concerns for the safety of teams and personnel. Organisers said in a statement on Monday that they had started their official 60-day countdown to the April 21 race at the Sakhir circuit under the slogan “Imagine Your Moment”. “There is always a special moment or two for whoever attends the

F1 global viewing figures fell in ’12

Montpellier’s William Accambray (up) takes a shot during the Champions League handball match Montpellier AHB vs Chekhovskie Medvedi on Feb 17, at the Arena hall in Montpellier, southern France. (AFP)

LONDON, Feb 18, (RTRS): Fernando Alonso will test his new Ferrari for the first time in Spain on Tuesday while former champions Williams bring Formula One’s ‘launch season’ to a close as the last team to unveil their 2013 car. There will not be much fanfare, if any, at either event when the second of three pre-season tests gets underway at Barcelona’s Circuit de Catalunya. In days gone by, the unveiling of new cars was an excuse for excess — whether it be through extravagant presentations in glamorous locations or enlisting the Spice Girls as part of the show — but the current age of austerity has made such lavish gestures a thing of the past. Forget putting the car on a plinth in Venice’s St Mark’s Square (Benetton 2001) or hiring the Cirque du Soleil to perform at London’s Albert Hall (Jordan 1998). The norm this year has been for the bright and shiny new cars to be pushed out of the garage into the sunlight and then sent on their way after a few brief words from the team boss and drivers.




Photos by Hans Up

FBAA group shot

Eton-Metlife, Toyo Tires trail

NADEC solid at top of FBAA By Jose Gabriel Special to the Arab Times

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 18:NADEC continued to dominate the 27th FBAA Conference 8th Toyo Tires Cup at Fahaheel Sports Club, Friday with the tournament set to enter its third week. NADEC won all its four matches to finish the second week at the top of the standings while Eton-Metlife were in second place, Toyo Tires third, Worley Parsons fourth, McDonalds fifth and AMEC sixth. The tournament is being held over nine categories: Cat 1(Men’A), Cat 2 (Higher B/Lower B),Cat 3 (Lower B /Higher C1),Cat 4 (Higher C1/Higher C2),Cat 5 (Lower C), Cat 6 (Ladies A/B), Cat 7 (Ladies B/LowerC) , plus Mixed D and Mixed D Kids .

Cedric Isidro

Maureen Ita-as

Raiza Elamparo

Rico Eustaquio

McDonalds vs Worley Parsons

McDonalds earned a 4-3 win and collected 40-18 points against Worley Parsons. Cat1 – McDonalds collected a3-1 win and 9-3 points as Joenel and Arnel edged Leeforp and Sunil 16-15, 12-15, 15-8 ,Anthony and Rommel overpowered Bon and Michael 15-6, 15-9 and Joenel with Anthony thumped Leeforp and Bon 15-11, 15-10. Worley Parsons scored through Sunil and Michael who outlasted Arnel and Rommel 15-11, 1416, 15-8. Cat 2 – Both teams had 2 wins and 6 points each. McDonalds scored through Charles and Alvin who brushed aside Aldrin and Tim 15-8, 15-13 while M. Shahbaz and Alvin overcame Joel and Tim 16-14, 15-13. Worley Parsons bounced back through Saravanan and Joel who tamed Hans and M. Shahbaz 17-15, 15-8 while Saravanan with Aldrin hammered Hans and Charles 1510, 15-10. Cat 3 – McDonalds generated a 3-1 win and 10-2 points driven by Nichols and Shiraz who tamed Ethelbert and Jun 17-15, 17-15 while Nichols and Danny crushed Ethelbert and Brehn 15-7, 15-4 and the pair of Shiraz and Roma overpowered Jun and Aileen 15-12, 15-6. Worley Parsons did not go home empty handed when Brehn and Aileen outlasted Danny and Roma 13-15, 15-6, 15-8. Cat 4 – Both teams had 2 wins each

BADMINTON but McDonalds scored 7-5 points through Cris and Freddie who overcame Jay and Danny 15-11, 19-18 while Cris and Michael thumped Jay and Jeanette 15-13, 15-8. Worley Parsons retaliated through Jeanette and Rochelle who hammered Michael and Regina 15-12, 15-9 while Danny and Rochelle beat Freddie and Regina 6-15, 16-14, 16-14. Cat 5 – Worley Parsons pulled off a landslide victory when Jenny and Beth overpowered Gerry and Ayla 15-13, 151 , Shirly and Irwin crushed Farhad and Bien 15-12, 15-6, Jennie and Shirly thrashed Gerry and Farhad 15-9, 15-5 and Beth with Irwin overwhelmed Ayla and Bien 15-7, 15-11. Cat 6 – McDonalds achieved a 2-1 win and 5-4 points as Emz and Beth edged Noraiza and Catherine 12-15, 1715, 15-9 while Emz and Jade thumped Noraiza and Myline 15-11, 15-8. Worley Parsons scored through Catherine and Myline who tamed Beth and Jade 15-7, 15-11. Cat 7 – Worley Parsons acquired a 30 win and 8-1 points against McDonalds through Kenneth and Nancy who overcame Psyche and Lei 15-8, 19-17 while Nancy and Alene outlasted Lei and Stefan 15-6, 12-15, 15-7 and Kenneth with Alene overwhelmed Psyche and Stefan 15-5, 15-10. Eton-Metlife vs AMEC

Eton-Metlife accomplished a 5-2 win and collected 50-28 points against AMEC. Cat 1 – Both teams had 2 wins each while Eton-Metlife scored 8-4 points through Sherwin and James who thumped Joms and Jong 15-12, 15-12 while James and Kiesha hammered Jong and Noel 15-6, 15-7. AMEC retaliated through Marlad and Noel who outlasted Gerry and Kiesha 15-13, 13-15, 15-8 while Joms and Marlad edged Sherwin and Gerry 19-17, 13-15, 15-13.

Psyche Palado

Cat 2 – Eton-Metlife pulled off a landslide victory driven by Roman and Janette who overcame Gene and Ryan 18-16, 15-6 while Jonathan and Joey tamed Jeth and Jeanette 15-12, 15-12, Roman and Jonathan edged Gene and Jeth 15-11, 13-15, 15-10 and the pair of Janette and Joey beat Ryan and Jeanette 10-15, 15-10, 15-10. Cat 3 – Eton-Metlife completed a 3-1 win and collected 9-3 points against AMEC through Medo and Anne who overwhelmed Kessha and Jellica 15-12, 15-8 while Sultan and Medo hammered Rico and Keesha 15-9, 15-13 and the tandem of Vicente and Anne outlasted Sonny and Jellica 15-12, 10-15, 17-15. AMEC scored through Rico and Sonny who beat Sultan and Vicente 13-15, 159, 16-14. Cat 4 – Eton-Metlife achieved a 3-1 win and 7-5 points against AMEC based on Rico and Swamy who edged Rommel and Bala 10-15, 15-13, 15-12 while Holden and Shy thumped Nihar and Danilo 15-8, 15-11 and Rico with Holden outlasted Rommel and NIhar 15-12, 11-15, 15-10. AMEC scored through Bala and Danilo who tamed Swamy and Shy 15-12, 15-4. Cat 5 – Eton-Metlife pulled together another total victory through Robert and Elsie who hammered Beng and Ell 15-12, 15-5 while Felina and Nelia tamed Vanessa and Joseph 15-12, 15-11, Robert and Felina edged Beng and Vanessa 17-15, 13-15, 15-13 and Elsie with Nelia outlasted Ell and Joseph 1015, 15-9, 15-9. Cat 6 – AMEC scored a 2-1 win and 6-3 points handed by Maureen and Stella who brushed aside April and Cecille 15-9, 15-10 while Stella and Marivic thrashed Cecille and Tanette 15-7, 15-5. Eton-Metlife scored through April and Tanette who beat Maureen and Marivic 18-16, 15-12. Cat 7 – AMEC acquired a 2-1 win and 6-3 points against Eton-Metlife based on Maria and Ahmad who thumped Ayem and Antonette 15-13, 15-7 while Marilou and Ahmad brushed aside Edelyn and Antonette 15-10, 15-9. Eton-Metlife scored through Edelyn and Ayem who overpowered Marilou and Maria 15-11, 15-9. NADEC vs Toyo Tires

NADEC achieved a 4-3 win and 4236 points against Toyo Tires. Cat 1 – Toyo Tires accomplished a 31 win and 9-3 points against NADEC through Eduard and Ahmad who overpowered Ron and Anthony 15-10, 15-9 while Joshua and Eduard brushed aside Albert and Ron 15-7, 15-11 and Marvin with Ahmad overcame Allan and Anthony 15-13, 17-15. NADEC scored through Albert and Allan who hammered Joshua and Marvin 15-10, 15-9. Cat 2 – NADEC pulled off a landslide victory against Toyo Tires brought by Talat and Kenjie who edged Joel and

Stefan Kapetanovic

Swamy Elengovan

Jonathan 6-15, 15-11, 15-7 while Eric and Franklin overcame Jojo and Cesar 15-11, 17-15, Talat and Eric edged Joel and Jojo 15-13, 14-16, 18-16 and the pair of Kenjie and Franklin outlasted Jonathan and Cesar 8-15, 15-11, 15-12. Cat 3 – NADEC gained a 3-1 win and 9-3 points against Toyo Tires through Tony and Mark who overcame Lawrence and Allan 16-14, 19-18 while Ernel and Roxanne thumped Ketz and Cheyenne 15-13, 15-12 and Tony with Ernel overpowered Lawrence and Ketz 15-5, 15-13. Toyo Tires scored through Allan and Cheyenne who outclassed Mark and Roxanne 15-6, 15-7. Cat 4 – Both teams had 2 wins each while NADEC scored 7-5 points when Butch and Elmer who brushed aside Modesto and Dodong 15-12, 15-8 while Elmer and Lorelie overcame Dodong and Nasser 15-10, 19-18. Toyo Tires bounced back through Cedric and Nasser who edged Citadel and Lorelie 13-15, 15-10, 16-14 while Modesto and Cedric overpowered Burtch and Citadel 15-11, 15-8. Cat 5 – Toyo Tires collected a 3-1 win and 9-3 points against NADEC driven by Riyadh and Gren who hammered Lito and Sheryl 15-9, 15-13 while Riyadh and Belinda thumped Lito and Daisy 15-13, 15-10 and Gren with Gay edged Sheryl and Art 15-10, 10-15, 159. NADEC scored through Daisy and Art who outlasted Belinda and Gay 1416, 15-7, 15-7. Cat 6 – Toyo Tires scored a 2-1 win and 4-5 points through Ritz and Ashley who outlasted Kristine and Julie 12-15, 15-8, 15-11 while Welmyn and Ashley beat Arlene and Julie 11-15, 15-4, 1511. NADEC scored through Arlene and Kristine who overwhelmed Welmyn and Ritz 15-10, 15-7. Cat 7 – NADEC acquired a 2-1 win and 6-3 points against Toyo Tires as Carlos and Jedric edged Wendy and Tet 12-15, 15-12, 15-13 ,and Jedric with Luisa thumped Tet and Loren 15-11, 157. Toyo Tires scored through Wendy and Loren who outlasted Carlos and Luisa 9-15, 15-6, 16-14.

Ketz Luna

Shahbaz and Alvin outlasted Kenjie and Franklin 6-15, 15-10, 17-15. NADEC scored through Talat and Kenjie who beat Hans and M. Shahbaz 13-15, 15-7, 15-12. Cat 3 – McDonalds pulled off a landslide victory against NADEC brought by Nichols and Shiraz who hammered Tony and Mark 15-13, 15-10 while Danny and Roma edged Ernel and Roxanne 5-15, 15-10, 15-8, Nichols and Danny brushed aside Tony and Ernel 15-13, 15-11 and Shiraz with Roma beat Mark and Roxanne 515-9, 8-15, 15-8. Cat 4 – McDonalds gained a 3-1 win and 9-3 points against NADEC through Cris and Freddie who overcame Butch and Elmer 15-9, 19-17 while Michael and Regina tamed Citadel and Lorelie 17-15, 15-9, Cris and Michael overpowered Butch and Citadel 15-8, 15-9. NADEC scored through Elmer and Lorelie who brushed aside Freddie and Regina 15-10, 15-8. Cat 5 – NADEC pulled together a landslide victory driven by Lito and Sheryl who overcame Gerry and Ayla 17-15, 15-10 while Daisy and Art thrashed Farhad and Bien 15-7, 15-2, Lito and Daisy crushed Gerry and Farhad 15-9, 15-4 and Sheryl with Art tamed Ayla and Bien 16-14, 15-8. Cat 6 – NADEC gathered a 2-1 win and 6-3 points against McDonalds through Arlene abd Kristine who beat Emz and Beth 18-16, 16-14 while Kristine and Hulie brushed aside Beth and Jade 15-13, 15-7. McDonalds scored through Emz and Jade who outclassed Arlene and Julie 15-13, 15-10. Cat 7 – NADEC collected a 2-1 win and 4-5 points against McDonalds handed by Carlos and Jedric who edged Psyche and Lei 15-11, 9-15, 15-13 while Jedric and Luisa outlasted Lei and Stefan 15-11, 15-17, 15-11. McDonalds scored through Psyche and Stefan who thumped Carlos and Luisa 15-11, 15-8. Toyo Tires vs AMEC

Toyo Tires gathered a 5-2 win and

NADEC vs McDonalds

NADEC collected a 4-3 win and 4038 points against McDonalds. Cat 1 – NADEC scored a 3-1 win and 9-3 points against McDonalds through Albert and Allan who thumped Joenel and Arnel 15-6, 15-10 while Ron and Anthony brushed aside Anthony and Rommel 15-9, 15-11 and Allan with Anthony brushed aside Arnel and Rommel 15-7, 15-9. McDonalds scored through Joenel and Anthony who hammered Albert and Ron 15-10, 15-9. Cat 2 – McDonalds accomplished a 3-1 win and 8-4 points against NADEC driven by Charles and Alvin who thumped Eric and Franklin 15-6, 15-11 while Hans and Charles edged Talat and Eric 10-15, 15-11, 16-14 and M.

Cheyenne Lampian

48-30 points against AMEC. Cat 1 – Both teams had 2 wins each while Toyo Tires scored 7-5 points through Eduard and Ahmad who edged Marlad and Noel 14-16, 15-13, 15-13 while Marvin and Ahmad thumped Jong and Noel 15-4, 15-12. AMEC bounced back through Joms and Jong who outlasted Joshua and Marvin 15-10, 13-15, 15-10 while Joms and Marlad edged Joshua and Eduard 15-13, 10-15, 15-6. Cat 2 – AMEC accomplished a 3-1 win and 9-3 points against Toyo Tires based on Gene and Ryan who overwhelmed Joel and Jonathan 15-11, 1510 while Gene and jeth edged Joel and Jojo 15-5, 10-15, 16-14 and the pair of Ryan and Jeanette hammered Jonathan and Cesar 15-10, 15-12. Toyo Tires won through Jojo and Cesar who beat Jeth and Jeanette 15-12, 12-15, 15-12. Cat 3 – Toyo Tires pulled off a landslide victory as Lawrence and Allan edged Rico and Sonny 11-15, 15-7, 1513 while Ketz and Cheyenne outlasted Keesha and Jellica 9-15, 15-12, 15-11, Lawrence and Ketz overcame Rico and Keesha 15-12, 16-14 and Allan with Cheyyene tamed Sonny and Jellica 1513, 15-8. Cat 4 – There was another total victory by Toyo Tires driven by Modesto and Dodong who beat Rommel and Bala 915, 15-8, 15-11 while Cedric and Nasser edged Nihar and Danilo 15-12, 14-16, 15-12, Modesto and Cedric outlasted Rommel and Nihar 15-8, 11-15, 15-11 and the tandem of Dodong and Nasser beat Bala and Danilo 15-17, 16-14, 155. Cat 5 – Toyo Tires gained a 3-1 win and 9-3 points through Riyadh and Gren who edged Beng and Ell 18-16, 10-15, 15-6 while Riyadh and Belinda hammered Beng and Vanessa 15-9, 15-7 and the pair of Gren and Gay thumped Ell and Joseph 15-10, 15-9. AMEC scored through Vanessa and Joseph who beat Belinda and Gay 15-11, 11-15, 15-10. Cat 6 – Toyo Tires achieved a 3-0 win and 7-2 points through Welmyn and Ritz who edged Maureen and Stella 715, 15-11, 15-12 while Ritz and Ashley beat Stella and Marivic 14-16, 19-18, 15-12 and the tandem of Welmyn and Ashley thumped Maureen and Marivic 15-10, 15-13. Cat 7 – AMEC completed a 2-1 win and 5-4 points when Maria and Ahmad edged Tet and Loren 15-10, 12-15, 15-6 and Marilou with Ahmad thumped Wendy and Loren 15-6, 15-8. Toyo tires scored through Wendy and Tet who overpowered Marilou and Maria 15-10, 15-10. Eton-Metlife vs Worley Parsons

Antonette Climaco

Eton-Metlife achieved a 4-3 win but both the teams were tied on 39 points. Cat 1 – Eton-Metlife pulled off a landslide victory driven by Sherwin and James who overpowered Leeforp and Sunil 15-8, 15-7 while Gerry and Kiesha

edged Bon and Michael 15-10, 11-15, 15-8, Sherwin and Gerry outlasted Leeforp and Bon 15-10, 16-18, 15-13 and James with Kiesha thrashed Sunil and Michael 15-3, 15-7. Cat 2 – Eton-Metlife gathered a 3-1 win and 7-5 points through Roman and Janette who tamed Saravanan and Joel 15-7, 15-10 while Jonathan and Joey edged Aldrin and Tim 15-7, 13-15, 15-7 and Janette with Joey outlasted Joel and Tim 15-13, 12-15, 15-10. Worley Parsons scored through Saravanan thumped Roman and Jonathan 15-6, 1511. Cat 3 – Eton-Metlife completed a 3-1 win and 8-4 points when Medo and Anne overpowered Brehn and Aileen 15-9, 15-9 , Sultan and Medo edged Ethelbert and Brehn 16-14, 11-15, 15-13 and the pair of Vicente and Anne thrashed Jun and Aileen 15-7, 15-9. Worley Parsons scored through Ethelbert and Jun who brushed aside Sultan and Vicente 15-10, 15-12. Cat 4 – Worley Parsons gained a 3-1 win and 8-4 points brought by Jay and Danny who outlasted Rico and Swamy 15-12, 13-15, 15-5 while Jay and Jeanette edged Rico and Holden 15-8, 715, 15-10 and Danny with Rochelle crushed Swamy and Shy 15-8, 15-8. Eton-Metlife scored through Holden and Shy who beat Jeanette and Rochelle 10-15, 15-13, 19-18. Cat 5 – Both teamsscored 2 wins and 6 points. Eton-Metlife scored through Felina and Nelia who edged Shirly and Irwin 15-9, 11-15, 15-8 while Robert and Felina overcame Jennie and Shirly 18-16, 15-7. Worley Parsons bounced back through Jennie and Beth who overwhelmed Robert and Elsie 15-13, 15-10 while Beth and Irwin beat Elsie and Nelia 15-11, 9-15, 15-9. Cat 6 – Worley Parsons achieved a 21 win and 6-3 points through Noraiza and Catherine who brushed aside April and Cecille 15-11, 17-15-15 while Catherine and Myline outlasted Cecille and Tanette 15-11, 10-15, 15-13. EtonMetlife scored through April and Tanette who edged Noraiza and Myline 11-15, 15-13, 15-12. Cat 7 – Worley Parsons generated a 30 win and 8-1 point brought by Kenneth and Nancy who thrashed Edelyn and Ayem 15-7, 15-9 while Nancy and Alene overwhelmed Ayem and Antonette 15-12, 15-11 and the pair of Kenneth and Alene beat Edelyn and Antonette 6-15, 15-13, 15-8.

Mixed In the Mixed event Ahmed and Bassam overwhelmed Aireen and Kris 15-6, 15-12 before they thrashed Miguel and Emelyn 15-2, 15-4, tamed Raiza and Kathy 15-8, 15-13, and brushed aside Johnny and Gerry 15-10, 15-6. Meanwhile, Aileen and Melissa edged Raiza and Kathy 11-15, 15-12, 15-13 before they beat Celine and Carlo 13-15, 15-13, 15-9 while Johnny and Gerry thumped Aireen and Kris 15-10, 15-11. In the other matches, JM and Nadia brushed aside Celine and Carlo 15-11, 15-4 before they beat Miguel and Emelyn 15-13, 15-8, edged Raiza and Kathy 15-12, 14-15, 15-11 while JM and Leala overpowered Aireen and Kris 15-7, 15-4 , thumped Aileen and Melissa 15-5, 15-8, edged JM and Nadia 15-10, 6-15, 15-7 and overwhelmed Raiza and Kathy 15-9, 15-9; and Celine and Karlo outclassed Miguel and Emelyn 15-11, 15-11 before they outlasted Johnny and Gerry 13-15, 1514, 15-12.

Overall Team Standings Rank Team name 1 2 3 4 5 6

W L Matches Pts Teams won won played NADEC 4 0 60 176 4 ETON-METLIFE 3 1 55 155 4 TOYO TIRES 2 2 62 177 4 WORLEY PARSONS 1 3 50 155 4 McDONALDS 1 3 43 133 4 AMEC 1 3 42 139 4

FBAA organizers would like to thank Toyo Tires – Abhay Chaturverdi and Sunild Nanda, Abdulhadi Almailem – Exclusive Distributors of Good Year, Toyo, Continental & Hankook Tires, McDonalds – Fadi Rezek, Safer Al Maousherji & Arnold Saad, Amec – Amir Khan & Alan Armstrong, Worley Parsons – Martin Davies & Richard Ferfon, NADEC – Jun Panaguiton, Eton Properties – Alene Valencia and Metlife Alico – Kris Clarinan.




J-League celebrates 20 years

Soccer in Japan benefits from grass-roots level TOKYO, Feb 18, (AP): Two decades since kickoff, football is still on a rapid ascent in the Land of the Rising Sun. The sport has made huge strides in Japan since the professional J-League was founded 20 years ago. The women’s team is the World Cup champion and the men are determined to prove themselves against the world’s elite football nations. Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, the J-League has gone from a competition that imported aging veterans — England’s Gary Lineker and Brazilian Zico to name but two — to a production line for quality players like Shinji Kagawa of Manchester United and Inter Milan defender Yuto Nagatomo. Guided by former AC Milan boss Alberto Zaccheroni, the men’s national team is on the brink of qualifying for its fifth straight World Cup. Earning a place at the marquee event didn’t always come so easily. In 1993, the year the J-League started, Japan failed to qualify for the 1994 World Cup when it conceded a goal at the very end of a 2-2 draw with Iraq on neutral ground at Doha, Qatar.

What became known as “The Agony of Doha” raised concern that the sport wouldn’t take off in Japan. Japanese players were too small, many argued, to compete against bigger International rivals, and lacked the proper mindset to play a game that relied so much on individual creativity. Some suggested Japan should stick to baseball, a sport that had been around since the 1800s and was more suited to the country’s group mentality.

SOCCER But with characteristic perseverance, Japan’s players used the disappointment of Doha as a source of motivation and qualified for their first World Cup in 1998. American Tom Byer, a former professional player and youth development coach in Japan who has spent the past 20 years in the country, attributes its success to development at the grassroots level.

“The reason things are so good in Japan right now is that there is massive investment in youth soccer,” said Byer, who took notice of Kagawa at a youth clinic many years ago. “If you look at the countries that are doing well now, they are not just doing well at the top end but at the grass-roots level as well.” Byer also says football benefits from a Japan Football Association annual budget of $168 million, one he figures is among the largest in the world. Japan is the only country from East Asia taking part in the under-17 World Cup in the United Arab Emirates later this year and Junji Ogura, honorary president of the JFA, reflected on the organization’s philosophy of developing the sport at all levels. “We need to look at what we have to do in strengthening our national teams in each age category,” Ogura said. “We’re committed to producing talented coaches and referees, coaching and educating young players, developing women’s football and improving football’s overall environment.”

Football at all levels got a huge boost in Japan two years ago when the women’s team beat the United States 3-1 in a penalty shootout, becoming the first Asian team to win the Women’s World Cup. The victory touched off nationwide celebrations at a time when Japan was recovering from the disastrous 2011 earthquake and tsunami. On the men’s side, Japan surprised many at the 2010 World Cup by advancing past the group stage with wins over Cameroon and Denmark before losing on penalties to Paraguay in the knockout stage. With the promising result in South Africa, the feeling of many is that Japan is poised to take the next step by competing with the world’s elite football powers. Zaccheroni was hired in 2010 and so far Japan’s results have been encouraging under the 59-year-old Italian. Japan beat Argentina 1-0 in Zaccheroni’s first game in charge and then went on to win a record fourth Asian title with a 1-0 win over Australia at the 2011 Asian Cup.

Merrick earns 1st PGA Tour victory Langer wins ACE Group Classic PACIFIC PALISADES, California, Feb 18, (Agencies): Local favourite John Merrick won his first PGA Tour title by beating fellow American Charlie Beljan in a sudden-death playoff for the Northern Trust Open at Riviera Country Club on Sunday. Journeyman Merrick sealed victory with a rock-solid par at the second extra hole, the driveable par-four 10th, after laying up off the tee with an iron and hitting his approach to 18 feet.

GOLF Hunter Mahan hits his tee shot on the 12th hole during the final round of the Northern Trust Open at Riviera Country Club on Feb 17, 2013 in Pacific Palisades, California. (AFP)

WGC Match Play champ set to start

Familiar foes await McIlroy, Woods LOS ANGELES, Feb 18, (AFP): World number one Rory McIlroy and number two Tiger Woods will face familiar foes in the opening round of the World Golf Championships Match Play Championship on Wednesday. As the top overall seed, Northern Ireland’s McIlroy heads the Bobby Jones quarter of the draw and will face 64th seed Shane Lowry of Ireland while Woods, top seed in the Gary Player quarter, will face fellow American and friend Charles Howell.

GOLF Lowry and Sweden’s Fredrik Jacobson were outside the top 64 in the world when the field was set last week, but gained entry because Phil Mickelson and Brandt Snedeker opted not to play. Jacobson improved his seeding with his tie for third in the Northern Trust Open on Sunday and will face South Africa’s reigning British Open champion Ernie Els in the first round. World number three Luke Donald, who won the title in 2011 to launch a stellar year that saw him gain the world number one ranking and win both the European and US money titles, heads the Sam Snead quarter and will open against Germany’s Marcel Siem. South African Louis Oosthuizen is the fourth overall seed and top of the Gary Player quarter and will open against Scotland’s Richie Ramsay. McIlroy missed the cut in his only start of the season so far, the European Tour’s Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship. He’ll be making his US season debut and will be under extra scrutiny thanks to his switch to equipment manufacturer Nike.

McIlroy lost last year’s final to American Hunter Mahan, who will launch his title defense against Italy’s Matteo Manassero. Mahan had a disappointing finish at the Northern Trust Open, seizing a share of the final-round lead Sunday before dropping three shots in his last four holes to wind up tied for eighth. Not surprisingly he wasn’t yet sounding pumped up about his title defense in the first of the year’s elite WGC events. “I’ll get excited when I get there,” Mahan said, although he loosened up a little when reflecting on the idiosyncracies of match play in general. “Match play is fickle,” he said. “You can play great and go home in the first day. It’s really six individual tournaments against world class competition. You have to step on the first tee on the first day and play well.” Woods won the WGC Match Play event in 2003, 2004 and 2008. He lost to Nick Watney in last year’s second round. The 14-time major champion will be seeking a second US PGA Tour win of the season in as many starts after a triumph at Torrey Pines in January.

Draw Jones Bracket Rory McIlroy (NIR) vs Shane Lowry (IRL) Rickie Fowler (USA) vs Carl Petterson (SWE) Dustin Johnson (USA) vs Alexander Noren (SWE) Graeme McDowell (NIR) vs Padraig Harrington (IRL) Bubba Watson (USA) vs Chris Wood (ENG) Jim Furyk (USA) vs Ryan Moore (USA) Charl Schwartzel (RSA) vs Russell Henley (USA) Zach Johnson (USA) vs Jason Day

(AUS) Hogan Bracket Louis Oosthuizen (RSA) vs Richie Ramsay (SCO) Branden Grace (RSA) vs Robert Garrigus (USA) Keegan Bradley (USA) vs Marcus Fraser (AUS) Ernie Els (RSA) vs Fredrik Jacobson (SWE) Justin Rose (ENG) vs KJ Choi (KOR) Bill Haas (USA) vs Nicolas Colsaerts (BEL) Sergio Garcia (ESP) vs Thongchai Jaidee (THA) Matt Kuchar (USA) vs Hiroyuki Fujita (JPN) Player Bracket Tiger Woods (USA) vs Charles Howell (USA) Gonzalo Fernandez-Castano (ESP) vs Francesco Molinari (ITA) Webb Simpson (USA) vs David Lynn (ENG) Peter Hanson (SWE) vs Thomas Bjorn (DEN) Lee Westwood (ENG) vs Rafael Cabrera-Bello (ESP) Martin Kaymer (GER) vs George Coetzee (RSA) Jason Dufner (USA) vs Richard Sterne (RSA) Hunter Mahan (USA) vs Matteo Manassero (ITA) Snead Bracket Luke Donald (ENG) vs Marcel Siem (GER) Paul Lawrie (SCO) vs Scott Piercy (USA) Steve Stricker (USA) vs Henrik Stenson (SWE) Nick Watney (USA) vs David Toms (USA) Adam Scott (AUS) vs Tim Clark (RSA) Jamie Donaldson (WAL) vs Thorbjorn Olesen (DEN) Ian Poulter (ENG) vs Stephen Gallacher (SCO) Bo Van Pelt (USA) vs John Senden (AUS)

Best of the Rest Olympiakos enjoy comforts: Olympiakos Piraeus rebounded from their Europa League defeat to Levante with a 2-0 away victory over Skoda Xanthi on Sunday to maintain their dominant domestic form at the top of the Super League. Olympiakos, who were resoundingly beaten 3-0 by the Spanish side in the first leg of their last-32 clash in midweek, produced an impressive display to claim the three points thanks to goals from Portuguese midfielder Paolo Machado and Algeria striker Rafik Djebbour. Machado curled home a superb longrange free kick after 29 minutes to put the Reds ahead and top scorer Djebbour netted his 17th goal of the season from close range to cap a fine win. Olympiakos maintained their 16point lead at the summit over secondplaced Asteras Tripolis, who were 2-1 winners at struggling Veria. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

Hamsik robbed at gunpoint:

Napoli forward Marek Hamsik has been robbed of a luxury Rolex watch by three masked men at gunpoint, according to Italian media reports Sunday. ANSA news agency said Hamsik escaped uninjured from the attack which happened on Sunday following his side’s scoreless home draw against Sampdoria in Italy’s Serie A. The report said Hamsik had momentarily stopped in his BMW X6 car on the motorway as he drove his wife to the airport after the game at the San Paolo stadium, and was approached by three masked men on scooters. They smashed his car window before taking Hamsik’s luxury watch after threatening him with a gun. The wife of the Slovakian international fell victim to robbers several years ago, and the player is not the first from the club to be targeted by criminals. The club’s star striker, Uruguayan Edinson Cavani, and Swiss defender Valon Behrami have both been robbed in recent years while the partners of for-

mer Napoli forward Ezequiel Lavezzi now at Paris Saint-Germain - was also mugged. ❑ ❑ ❑

Donovan to return to Galaxy: Landon Donovan will rejoin the defending Major League Soccer champion Los Angeles Galaxy in the last week of March, the club said on Sunday, but the striker's US national team status remains unknown. Donovan requested a leave of absence from the team after helping the Galaxy with their fourth MLS crown last December and has not played for the US team since then either as he ponders his future plans a year before the World Cup. "After a series of collaborative discussions between Landon, his representative and our key club leaders, we've agreed to allow Landon to remain on an extended leave of absence and return to training with the team during the final week of March," Galaxy general manager and coach Bruce Arena said. (AFP)

Beljan missed the green long to the left after using a driver. He left his chip short and then, after a long-range approach putt from just off the fringe, lipped out with a par putt from five feet. Merrick and Beljan both parred the first extra hole, the uphill 18th, where Beljan had to sink a nerve-jangling sixfooter to keep the playoff alive. “Growing up here in LA, I just wanted to come to this tournament,” Merrick, who was born in Long Beach, said greenside after booking a place at this year’s Masters. “Now to win it, this is a dream come true.” Merrick, 30, studied at the nearby University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and said earlier this week he had probably played at least 30 rounds at Riviera as a student. The duo had finished the 72 regulation holes on 11-under-par 273, Merrick closing with a two-under 69 and Beljan sinking an 18-foot birdie putt at the last for a joint best-of-the-day 67. “To make that putt on 18 and hear the roar, was really special,” said Beljan, who won his first PGA Tour title at the Children’s Miracle Network Classic in November despite suffering a panic attack midway through the tournament. “Obviously not the way I wanted to end it, but you know what, you win some, you lose some, and that’s how it goes.” Swede Fredrik Jacobson finished one stroke shy of joining the playoff after agonisingly missing a five-foot putt to bogey the par-four 18th. Jacobson signed off with a 69 to share third place at 10 under with 2011 Masters winner Charl Schwartzel of South Africa (70) and American Bill Haas (73), the overnight leader. US Open champion Webb Simpson (71) was a further stroke back in a tie for sixth with fellow American Josh Teater, who stormed home with an eagle-birdie finish for a 69. On another sun-soaked day at Riviera where the challenging par71 layout ran fast and firm, the scoreboard fluctuated wildly as players repeatedly advanced and then stumbled. Haas, three ahead overnight, made a roller-coaster start with birdies at the first and third and a bogey at the second moving him to 13 under and two strokes in front of playing partner Simpson. Though Haas did well to save par at the short sixth, where he sank an 11-foot putt, he bogeyed the seventh and eighth for his lead to be cut to just one shot at 11 under. He then safely parred the ninth to reach the turn in one-over 36, a stroke in front of Hunter Mahan, Merrick, Jacobson and Simpson. However, Haas again stumbled with a bogey at the difficult 10th after his tee shot ended up well left of the target and his approach rolled through the green into the back right bunker. Merrick, who had earlier birdied the 10th, edged a stroke clear when he sank a nine-footer to birdie the par-five 11th, before pumping his right fist in delight. A bogey by Mahan at the parfour 12th handed Merrick a two-shot advantage but Langer Mahan trimmed it back to one when he drained a 24-foot birdie putt at the par-three 14th. Moments later, Merrick bogeyed the 13th after ending up in the right rough off the tee and missing the green with his approach to slide back into a share of the

John Merrick holds the winner’s trophy after his victory in the Northern Trust Open golf tournament at Riviera Country Club in the Pacific Palisades area of Los Angeles on Feb 17. (AP)

Asian Tour optimistic despite turbulent ’12 SINGAPORE, Feb 18, (RTRS): Despite law suits from members, an unrelenting turf war with OneAsia and the apparent loss of their marquee event, Asian Tour CEO Mike Kerr remains optimistic about the circuit’s future. Attempting to draw a line under a turbulent 2012, the Northern Irishman and executive chairman Kyi Hla Han kicked off celebrations for the Asian Tour’s 10th season in Singapore last week by outlining their visi on for the decade ahead with some lofty ambitions. Kerr, who took up the role in March, said that by 2023, Asian Tour members would compete “for well over $100 million a year through a full season of 38 or 39 events.” Quite a leap from the eight tournaments with a total prize fund of just over $10 million scheduled so far for 2013, which begins with the modest $300,000 Myanmar Open on Thursday. “People certainly shouldn’t be criticised for having goals or a vision,” Kerr told Reuters after announcing the plans at Singapore’s Laguna National Golf Course. “If you look at the Asian Tour today, lets say $50 million, and you grow that by 10 percent a year over the next 10 years we easily meet $100 million. “Then you look at the growth rates we have had over the past 10 years and we have far exceeded the 10 percent each year.” Kerr, who worked previously in Asia for sports channel ESPN-Star Sports, targeted Vietnam, Cambodia and Brunei as major markets to fuel the growth of the Tour which last year hosted 26 events, not including world golf championship

WSG are the global media and marketing partner for OneAsia, the Asian Tour’s bitter rivals, with the discord arguably slowing the growth of both circuits in recent seasons. “I think having the confusion in the market certainly from the inception of OneAsia in 2009 has been detrimental to Asian golf — no question about that,” Kerr said. “OneAsia for me is competition and all businesses have competition and it is not really my place to say what will and will not happen to OneAsia,” he continued.

lead with Mahan. Mahan’s title bid unravelled as he bogeyed 15 and 17, and Jacobson made a late run with consecutive birdies, almost holing out with his approach at the parfour 15th and sinking a 14-footer at the short 16th to join Merrick at the top. But Jacobson also faltered with his bogey at the last, leaving the stage clear for Merrick and Beljan to battle it out for the title. In Naples, Florida, Bernhard Langer’s second ACE Group Classic title in three years involved a little more drama on Sunday then he would have preferred. The German two-putted for par from 50 feet on the 18th to finish at 12-under

204, surviving three bogeys and a double bogey to finish one stroke ahead of Jay Don Blake at TwinEagles’ Talon Course. The winner in 2011 and the runner-up last year, Langer earned his 17th victory on the tour. It’s the seventh year the 55year-old has won at least one tournament on the tour. “I’m certainly relieved now, having won,” Langer said. “It was definitely a grind. I was hoping to come down to the last hole with, whatever, a three-shot lead or something, make it easy.” Blake’s 20-foot birdie putt on the 18th looked like it had a chance until the last few feet, when it turned and grazed the edge of the cup.

tournaments and majors. Kerr is expecting 28 tournaments on the Asian Tour for 2013 with co-sanctioned US PGA and European Tour events taking the prize money up to over $50 million when the calendar is completed. However, the likelihood of one of those featuring the $6 million Singapore Open — proclaimed as ‘Asia’s Major’ by the circuit in recent years — is bleak. “The SGA (Singapore Golf Association) signed an agreement with World Sports Group (WSG) and they control the rights for the next five years and the way that golf works is they should be approaching whatever international federation or body of players that they want to play in their event,” Kerr said. “They haven’t made any approach to the Asian Tour and we don’t believe they have made an approach to the European Tour so the two partners and two playing bodies that were involved last year don’t seem... we haven’t been approached, that’s all we can say.”

OneAsia rivalry




Participants pose with the Celtic coaches

Celtic coaches deliver two-day coach education workshop The Premier Goal Academy organsied a visit to Kuwait by Senior International Academy Coaches from Glasgow Celtic F.C., under the patronage of HE the Minister of Education, Dr. Nayef Falah Al-Hajraf and HE the British Ambassador, Frank Baker. The Celtic Coaches, Mark Tobin,

Graeme Colmer and Michael McIlroy delivered a two day Coach Education Workshop in Bayan focussing on the development and coaching of young players. Over sixty enthusiastic coaches attended the program, representing the Kuwait Football Federation, Kuwait Clubs, Ministry of Education Supervisors and Sports

Teachers, Kuwait Referees Association, Embassy staff and Coaches from Academies, Private Schools and Universities. The workshop covered current coaching methodologies and provided opportunities for the coaches to participate in practical drills, giving an insight into the expectations and technical skills

Motherwell look to cement second spot

Stokes on Celtic mission after ‘injury-hit’ season GLASGOW, Feb 18, (AFP): Celtic striker Anthony Stokes feels he is making up for lost time in an injury-plagued season after netting three goals in his past four appearances for the Hoops. Injury problems have dogged the Irish international causing him to miss five months of the season but he grabbed a double against Dundee United on Saturday to go with a strike against Kilmarnock last month. The striker’s current deal is up in the summer but his manager Neil Lennon has hinted Stokes could earn himself a contract extension if his current run of form continues. Celtic take on St Johnstone at McDiarmid Park on Tuesday and Stokes hopes he can add to his goal tally if his manager unleashes him against Steve Lomas’ side. “I’m judged on goals and that’s what I look back on at the end of the season,” the 24-year-old said. “Obviously every player wants to play as much game time as possible and I’m no different. But I know I will have to perform in training and when I get my opportunity on the pitch and that’s what I’m trying to do. “If you are hitting over 20 goals you are having a reasonably good season but it’s hard now, coming back from injury and missing so many games, but I just want to score as many as I can before the end of the season and have an impact on the team.” Celtic could move a massive 21 points clear at the top of the Scottish Premier League with a win against St Johnstone, who slipped to sixth place following their weekend defeat to Ross County.

SOCCER But despite such an advantage the Irish striker insists there were will be no let-up from his team-mates in their pursuit of the title. We demand it from ourselves to perform in each game and the attitude of the fans is they want to see us winning every game,” Stokes said. “That’s the mentality we go out with every week so we won’t be taking our foot off the pedal until the end of the season. “It’s always nice to wrap it up as early as possible but even if we do we are going to be expected to win every game anyway so, whether we sew it up early or not, I don’t think it is going to change the mentality of how we go into the games.” Elsewhere on Tuesday, Motherwell aim to cement their claim on second spot with a win against Dundee United. Stuart McCall’s side moved two points clear in second with a convincing 3-0 win over nearest challengers Inverness Caledonian Thistle at the weekend. English striker Michael Higdon scored a double in the win and he hopes Motherwell can build on that win, starting with the visit of Dundee United who suffered a demoralising 6-2 defeat to Celtic. “We want to carry on the way we are going,” Higdon said. “We’re in a good position and have a couple of games in hand on the teams around us. “It’s good we have a game coming up on Tuesday because we would rather play

required in the modern game. Glasgow Celtic F.C. are the current Scottish Premier League Champions and League leaders, in addition to having qualified for the European Champions League knock out stages, and have established the Celtic Way methods which have proved to be most successful in developing young

players up to Champions League standards. The visit has been sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Porsche Centre Kuwait, Behbehani Motors Company, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Go Sport, Wrigleys Extra and Aquafina. Coaches from the Premier Goal Academy will be integrating the Celtic

Way methods highlighted during the visit during the next Coaching Course Program commencing 8th March at Bayan Block 7, next to Abdullah AlRujaib High School. The courses are suitable for boys and girls aged 3 to 18+ years and further details are available on http://www.pga-kuwait.com.kw/

Allen stands firm, helps Blues edge out Canucks Blackhawks extend season-opening streak VANCOUVER, Feb 18, (Agencies): Rookie goaltender Jake Allen shook off the concession of a gametying goal in the final minutes of regulation to make a string of key stops as the St Louis Blues sealed a 4-3 shootout win over the Vancouver Canucks on Sunday. Vancouver’s Mason Raymond forced overtime when he beat Allen with just 1:47 left in the third period to make 3-3, but the first-year netminder refused to remain despondent.

Jose Adolfo Valencia #20 of Portland Timbers tries to get around Ty Harden #2 of San Jose Earthquakes during the second half of the game against the San Jose Earthquakes at Jeld-Wen Field on Feb 17, in Portland, Oregon. The game ended in a 3-3 draw. (AFP)

‘Leeds victory just a starter’ MANCHESTER, United Kingdom, Feb 18, (AFP): Manchester City manager Roberto Mancini believes his team’s commanding 4-0 FA Cup victory over Leeds could be the springboard for an unlikely onslaught on leaders Manchester United at the top of the Premier League. City currently trail their cross-city neighbours by 12 points, with speculation mounting over Mancini’s future given their current indifferent form. Mancini, who ended City’s 35-year wait for silverware when he led them to the 2011 FA Cup, would do his chances of holding on to the job a power of good were he to lead them to success in this season’s tournament. But the Italian insisted that if his side perform as they did in advancing to the quarter-finals of the FA Cup, they can overhaul United in the league. “In Italy, you say a game like this is like brodino soup, a starter,” said Mancini. “I hope it can help us to start to win in the Premier League. “I am happy because it was important to win after losing to Southampton. If you score two goals in the first 20 minutes it’s easier, but you know the FA Cup is a difficult competition and Arsenal yesterday, Everton, other teams who play in the Premier League, are out of this competition. “Every team plays like it is the Champions League final. You should play 100 percent if you want to win.”

than train, especially when we are on winning form.” Fixtures Tuesday Motherwell v Dundee Utd, St Johnstone v Celtic

ICE HOCKEY Allen made five saves in overtime, finishing with 28 overall, and blocked Vancouver’s two shootout attempts to ensure St Louis (9-5-1) won for the third time in a row and he remained unbeaten in his first three starts. “I am not getting too far ahead of myself,” Allen told reporters, having been filling in for starter Jaroslav Halak, who has been sidelined with a groin injury since Feb 1 but is finally ready to play. “You are not going to win forever you just want to keep making the most of your chances.” Ryan Kesler scored the first goal of the game, in only his second contest of the season after recovering from injury, and Henrik Sedin added another to give Vancouver a 2-1 first period lead after T.J. Oshie had equalised for the visitors. Andy McDonald netted an equaliser in the second and Patrik Berglund’s deflection in the third put St Louis 3-2 ahead before Raymond completed the scoring. Oshie and McDonald each netted shots in the shootout to give the vising Blues a perfect three-game road trip. “We kind of got shocked into playing the right way after a home stand that was definitely less than stellar,” said captain David Backes. “We knew it was time to put up or shut up.” The Canucks (8-3-3) have now lost two straight since ending a six-game winning streak but still lead the Northwest Division by three points over Minnesota. Roberto Luongo had 20 saves in the loss to end his streak of four straight victories. He has, however, yet to lose a start in regulation this season. In Chicago, Brent Seabrook and Jonathan Toews each scored a goal and added an assist to help lead the Chicago Blackhawks over the Los Angeles Kings 3-2 on Sunday, extending their seasonopening points streak to 15 games. Patrick Sharp also scored for the Blackhawks (12-0-3), who matched the 1984-85 Edmonton Oilers for the second-longest season-opening points streak in NHL history. Chicago is one away from the league record, set by Anaheim in 2006-07, and will try to match the

NHL Results/Standings WASHINGTON, Feb 18, (RTRS): Results from the NHL games on Sunday. Pittsburgh 4 Buffalo 3 CHICAGO 3 Los Angeles 2 Minnesota 3 Detroit 2

Pittsburgh New Jersey NY Rangers NY Islanders Philadelphia

NY Rangers Boston Calgary St Louis

Western Conference

Atlantic Division

Central Division

W 11 9 8 6 6

L 5 3 5 7 9

OTL 0 3 1 1 1

GF 52 41 38 45 38

GA 38 36 35 47 49

PTS 22 21 17 13 13

GF 37 40 43 35 46

GA 31 34 36 30 54

PTS 20 19 18 16 13

GF 41 55 35 35 41

GA 37 45 53 46 51

PTS 17 15 12 11 11

Chicago St Louis Nashville Detroit Columbus

W 9 9 9 7 6

L 2 4 6 6 9

OTL 2 1 0 2 1

W 8 7 4 5 5

L 4 6 6 8 9

OTL 1 1 4 1 1

W 12 9 7 7 4

L 0 5 3 6 9

OTL 3 1 5 2 2

1 2 3 3

GF 51 52 30 40 34

GA 31 48 29 44 48

PTS 27 19 19 16 10

GF 41 33 35 39 31

GA 33 38 38 47 38

PTS 19 16 15 13 11

GF 50 37 41 40 30

GA 37 33 43 41 36

PTS 23 17 17 16 12

Northwest Division Vancouver Minnesota Edmonton Calgary Colorado

W 8 7 6 5 5

L 3 6 5 5 7

OTL 3 2 3 3 1

Pacific Division

Southeast Division Carolina Tampa Bay Florida Winnipeg Washington

Washington Winnipeg Dallas Vancouver(SO)

Eastern Conference

Northeast Division Boston Montreal Toronto Ottawa Buffalo

2 3 4 4

Anaheim San Jose Dallas Phoenix Los Angeles

W 11 7 8 7 5

L 2 4 7 6 6

OTL 1 3 1 2 2

Note: Overtime losses (OTL) are worth one point in the standings and are not included in the loss column (L)

mark Tuesday against Vancouver. Mike Richards scored two powerplay goals in the third period to pull the Kings within one after Chicago had built a 3-0 lead. Penguins 4, Sabres 3 In Buffalo, New York, defenseman Paul Martin scored with 2:04 left and Pascal Dupuis had two goals and an assist to lift Pittsburgh to a victory over Buffalo. Sidney Crosby also scored and had two assists, including a pass that set up Martin’s goal. Pittsburgh (11-5-0) won its third straight and improved to 8-2 in its past 10 games to move ahead of idle New Jersey atop the Eastern

Conference standings. The Penguins were forced to rally after squandering a 2-0 lead. Dupuis tied it at 3 with 5:17 left before Martin got his second of the season off a deflection in front of the net. Rangers 2, Capitals 1 In New York, Derek Stepan’s power-play goal early in the third period snapped a tie and completed New York’s rally past Washington. Washington, which lost to New York in the second round of last year’s playoffs, had been 11-5-2 in its last 18 regular-season games against the Rangers. New York is 5-1-1 in its past seven games.

Ryan Suter #20 of Minnesota Wild attempts to get the puck away from Pavel Datsyuk #13 of the Detroit Red Wings during the third period of the game on Feb 17, at Xcel Energy Center in St Paul, Minnesota. The Wild defeated the Red Wings 3-2. (AFP)

Carl Hagelin tied it for the Rangers in the second period after defenseman John Carlson put Washington ahead in the first. Wild 3, Red Wings 2 In St Paul, Minnesota, Dany Heatley, Jason Zucker and Torrey Mitchell all scored in the second period to rally Minnesota over Detroit. It was Minnesota’s first regulation win since Jan. 29 and just the second time it scored at least three goals in regulation over the last nine games. Damien Brunner and Pavel Datsyuk scored for Detroit, which has lost three straight for the first time since March 10-21 of last season. Bruins 3, Jets 2 In Winnipeg, Manitoba, Brad Marchand scored 36 seconds into the third period to lift Boston to a win over Winnipeg. Tyler Seguin and Daniel Paille also scored, and Patrice Bergeron had two assists for the Bruins (9-2-2). Tuukka Rask stopped 22 for Boston to earn his seventh win of the season. Alexandre Burmistrov had a goal and an assist for Winnipeg (5-8-1), while Evander Kane recorded his fourth goal of the season and first in nine games. Flames 4, Stars 3 In Dallas, Steve Begin, Matt Stajan and Roman Horak each scored their first goals of the season in the third period and Calgary overcame a twogoal deficit to beat Dallas. Begin snapped a 3-3 tie with 9:30 remaining. After Chris Butler’s slap shot from the left point was blocked in front, Begin outbattled two Stars defenders to get to the loose puck and fire a wrister that beat goaltender Richard Bachman.




Defeat leaves race wide open

Impressive Sochaux end PSG unbeaten run PARIS, Feb 18, (AFP): Paris Saint Germain clearly need the cool head and experience of David Beckham on the evidence of a careless showing Sunday at struggling Sochaux, where the French title hopefuls slid to a shock 3-2 loss. With the former England star set to make his grand entrance in next weekend’s ‘clasico’ against bitter rivals Marseille, PSG, chasing a first league crown since 1994, had expected to cruise six points clear of Lyon who showed their own mettle earlier with a 4-0 thrashing of Bordeaux. Instead, the Parisians slid to their fourth league loss of the campaign to leave the race

for the championship wide open. The capital club, bankrolled for the past two seasons by Qatari cash, now have 51 points from 25 matches for just a three-point lead over Lyon with Marseille just two points further back to add spice to next week’s encounter. Paris turned in one of their all too frequent off-colour showings to underline just what a Jekyll and Hyde outfit Carlo Ancelotti’s side are. Midweek had brought an away win at Valencia to leave PSG with one foot in the quarter-finals of the Champions League but Sunday brought an uncomfortable reality check as Sochaux showed

up several flaws in their visitors’ armoury. Beckham was not the only missing piece in the jigsaw as Jeremy Menez, Thiago Silva and Thiago Motta were all

SOCCER out of action, but they did not lack flair and potential match-winners in the shape of Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Javier Pastore. Alex Costa gave PSG the lead on the half hour with a header from a Pastore corner. But Sochaux roared back and

Sebastian Roudet smacked home the equaliser left-footed four minutes later. Ten minutes after the restart Giovanni Sio, their new French-Ivorian signing from Wolfsburg, scored a beauty after a one-two with Roudet. Having already slain Marseille at home earlier this year, Sochaux were good value for their lead but on 76 minutes PSG levelled through Mamadou Sakho, who touched on another Pastore corner though home defender Jerome Roussillon appeared to get the final touch over the line. But with six minutes remaining, Cedric Bakambu fed Algerian midfielder

Ryad Boudebouz down the right for Sloan Privat. The French Guiana-born striker nodded back for Bakambu, who forced home the winner. Elsewhere Sunday, Saint Etienne saw a four-match winning run come to an end with a 1-1 draw at Reims which allowed Nice, 1-0 winners at Bastia on Saturday, to move above Les Verts in to fourth spot. Standings Paris SG Lyon Marseille Nice Saint-Etienne Rennes Lorient

P 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

W 15 14 14 11 11 12 10

D 6 6 4 9 8 4 9

L GF GA Pts 4 47 16 51 5 43 24 48 7 32 29 46 5 37 28 42 6 37 19 41 9 37 32 40 6 41 39 39

P W D L GF GA Pts Bordeaux 25 9 11 5 26 20 38 Montpellier 25 11 5 9 40 32 38 Lille 25 9 10 6 32 25 37 Valenciennes 25 9 6 10 34 36 33 Toulouse 25 8 8 9 32 32 32 Ajaccio 25 7 10 8 28 33 29 Sochaux 25 7 5 13 25 36 26 Bastia 25 7 5 13 29 51 26 Brest 25 7 4 14 25 36 25 Reims 25 5 9 11 22 29 24 Evian 25 5 8 12 25 38 23 Troyes 25 3 10 12 28 46 19 Nancy 25 3 9 13 22 41 18 Note: Ajaccio deducted two points (plus one suspended) because of incidents following league match with Lyon on May 13, 2012. Note: Standings read as played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against and points.

Ex-chiefs get life bans

Shanghai take ‘row’ to FIFA BEIJING, Feb 18, (Agencies): Chinese club Shanghai Shenhua will take its battle against star striker Didier Drogba’s move to Turkish side Galatasaray to football’s governing body FIFA this week, domestic reports said Monday. The Ivory Coast striker left the club in acrimonious circumstances last month, with Shanghai saying he had breached his contract. “We now have evidence which we believe will give Shenhua a 99 per cent chance of winning a lawsuit at FIFA,” a lawyer acting for the club told the Sina web portal. The anonymous source from “Shenhua’s legal team” said papers would be submitted to the sport’s governing body on Wednesday. The report said Shenhua will provide evidence that Drogba breached his contract and that Galatasaray had violated FIFA rules by luring a player away from his current club. Shenhua declined to comment when contacted by AFP. Chinese media previously reported Drogba had asked FIFA to nullify his contract after the c l u b Drogba defaulted on payments following a shareholder dispute dating back to September. Drogba came off the bench to score five minutes into his Galatasaray debut on Friday, a 21 victory over the Turkish league’s bottom club Akhisar. The striker signed an 18month, 10 million euro ($13.5 million) deal with the Istanbul side, who are due to play German side Schalke 04 on Wednesday in the last 16 of the Champions League. Drogba — a Champions League winner with English Premier League side Chelsea last season — had signed a two-anda-half year deal with Shanghai in June last year on a reported salary of $300,000 a week.

SOCCER Drogba’s exit from Shanghai followed that of former Chelsea teammate French striker Nicolas Anelka, who joined Italian giants Juventus on loan. Two former Chinese soccer chiefs have been banned for life after they were jailed in June for accepting bribes while Shanghai Shenhua have been hit by a points deduction for next season, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Monday. Nan Yong, the former head of Chinese soccer, was sentenced to 10 and a half years for taking bribes worth more than 1.48 million yuan ($237,500) while his predecessor Xie Yalong received an identical sentence and was also fined 200,000 yuan. In total 58 people have been punished by the Chinese Football Association’s (CFA) discipline commission, concluding a threeyear long push to clean up rampant corruption in the sport. Former CFA deputy head Yang Yimin and World Cup referee Lu Jun, once hailed as China’s “Golden Whistle”, were among 33 people banned from soccer for life. Four former Chinese national team players Shen Si, Qi Hong, Jiang Jin and Li Ming, all jailed for up to six years in June for match-fixing, were also handed life bans. ❑

Germany have organised a friendly international against Paraguay in Kaiserslautern on Aug 14 as part of their preparations for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, the German football association (DFB) said on Monday. “The game against Paraguay is a welcome affair for us ahead of the World Cup in order to familiarise ourselves with the typical South American style... and players with outstanding technical skills,” Germany coach Joachim Loew said.

Benfica’s Lima, from Brazil, vies for a high ball with Academica’s Joao Real (right), during their Portuguese league soccer match at Benfica’s Luz Stadium in Lisbon, Feb 17. Benfica won 1-0. (AP)

Real record 4th home win in row Atletico rout Valladolid MADRID, Feb 18, (AFP): Real Madrid recorded their fourth consecutive home league victory with a 2-0 win over Rayo Vallecano despite playing for 72 minutes with 10 men. Alvaro Morata and Sergio Ramos got the goals in the opening 12 minutes but Ramos’ night took a turn for the worse just six minutes later when he saw two harsh yellow cards in quick succession. Despite their numerical advantage though Rayo failed to create too many clear-cut chances and their best effort

SOCCER was comically blocked by their own player as Leo Baptistao failed to evade Piti’s driven shot towards goal. Before the game much had been made of the fact that Rayo’s Piti and Leo had scored more league goals than Madrid’s two leading strikers Gonzalo Higuain and Karim Benzema. With Higuain suspended, Jose Mourinho choose to start Morata and leave Benzema on the bench. Three minutes in and the Portuguese was vindicated as Mesut Ozil’s cut-back was turned in by the 20-year-old from close range. Kaka then fired wide with a good opening but Rayo should also have been level inside seven minutes as Chori Dominguez was played in by Roberto Trashorras after Pepe had given the ball away and the Argentine’s shot whistled just past Diego Lopez’s far post. Everything seemed to be going to plan for the hosts five minutes later though as Ramos outmuscled his marker to head home Ozil’s free-kick.

However, Ramos then saw two yellow cards in barely 30 seconds as he first brought down Trashorras and then was harshly dismissed when a cross from the left struck his trailing arm. Rayo almost took advantage straight away as Alejandro Galvez headed just over from the resulting free-kick. Madrid were soon back on the attack and Cristiano Ronaldo uncharacteristically missed a great chance to make it three as he latched onto another fine Ozil through ball but just left himself too tight an angle after rounding Ruben in the Rayo goal and could only find the side-netting. Rayo had plenty of possession as they tried to make their man advantage count but the best chance they carved out before the break fell to Trashorras and he blasted over from the edge of the area. The home fans were then incensed

when Lass wasn’t shown a second yellow card for handling in a similar manner to Ramos and referee Jose Luis Paradas Romero’s decision not to sent the Guinean off nearly became even more controversial as his cross was almost converted by Leo at the back post with 12 minutes remaining. Try as they might though Rayo couldn’t find a way through as Real held on to cut the gap on Atletico Madrid in second to four points with Barcelona a further 12 clear at the top of the table. Atletico Madrid moved back to within 12 points of Barcelona a comfortable 3-0 win over Valladolid. Radamel Falcao got the visitors off to the perfect start with his 20th league goal of the season as he pounced from a yard after Dani Hernandez had made a fine save to deny Diego Godin. Diego Costa then made it 2-0 seven minutes into the second-half as he smashed home Koke’s knockdown and Cristian Rodriguez rounded off a first away win in six league games for Diego Simeone’s men in stoppage time. Standings W D L GF GA PTS 21 2 1 80 27 65 17 2 5 47 23 53 15 4 5 60 22 49 12 6 6 37 21 42 12 4 8 34 35 40 10 7 7 38 30 37 12 1 11 33 41 37 11 3 10 31 35 36 10 4 10 30 36 34 Sevilla 24 9 5 10 33 35 32 Getafe 24 9 5 10 32 43 32 Espanyol 24 8 7 9 31 34 31 Valladolid 24 8 6 10 32 32 30 Granada 24 7 5 12 23 34 26 Athletic Bilbao 24 7 5 12 29 47 26 Osasuna 24 6 7 11 20 27 25 Real Zaragoza 24 7 3 14 23 34 24 Celta Vigo 24 5 5 14 22 31 20 Real Mallorca 24 4 6 14 23 45 18 Dvo La Coruna 24 3 7 14 28 54 16 Note: Standings read as Played, Won, Drawn, Lost, Goals For, Goals Against, Points. Barcelona Atletico Madrid Real Madrid Malaga Valencia Real Sociedad Rayo Vallecano Real Betis Levante

Atletico Madrid’s Colombian forward Radamel Falcao (right), vies with Valladolid’s Serbian defender Antonio Rukavina during the Spanish league football match Real Valladolid CF vs Atletico de Madrid at Jose Zorilla Stadium in Valladolid on Feb 17. (AFP)

P 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

Tigres maintain lead

Trezeguet goal puts River Plate joint top LONDON, Feb 18, (Agencies): Striker David Trezeguet volleyed the only goal as River Plate beat Estudiantes 1-0 to join Lanus as the only teams with two wins from two matches in Argentina’s “Final” championship. With half an hour gone at a packed Monumental on Sunday, midfielder Ariel Rojas crossed from the left and Trezeguet met the ball with a firsttime shot that hit the ground and bounced over goal- Trezeguet keeper Agustin Silva into the net. “It wasn’t the perfect match but there was a lot of enthusiasm from the players, it was a deserved victory,” Trezeguet told reporters. “It’s a great personal satisfaction to score again at the Monumental and in front of this great crowd,” the former France striker added after his first league goal since September. Lanus took their tally to seven goals in two matches when they crushed crushed Newell’s Old Boys 3-0 away in Rosario. River’s arch-rivals Boca Juniors, licking the wounds of a shock home defeat by Mexico’s Toluca in a midweek Libertadores Cup match, drew 0-0 at Tigre. Boca, Tigre and Godoy Cruz, who beat Union 2-1 in Mendoza on Saturday, have four points. Independiente, who had right back Julian Velezquez sent off for a second booking in the 21st minute, stunned title holders Velez Sarsfield 1-0 away on Saturday thanks to central defender Cristian Tula’s goal on the stroke of halftime. The win boosted a Red Devils side tormented by the threat of relegation while for “Inicial” championship winners Velez it was a second defeat in succession after losing away to Ecuador’s Emelec in the

Libertadores Cup last week. In Mexico City, UANL Tigres drew 1-1 against Santos Laguna to remain at the top of Mexico’s first division, while Guadalajara Chivas continued their mediocre start to the season with a 1-1 tie against Puebla in the weekend’s action. America couldn’t capitalize on Tigres dropping points and remain in second in the Clausura championship after seven rounds of matches, drawing 2-2 draw against Toluca on Saturday. In other results this weekend, Atlas defeated Monterrey 2-1, Pachuca won 2-1 against Cruz Azul, Leon overcame San Luis 2-0, UNAM Pumas beat Morelia 1-0, Jaguares got a 2-0 victory against Tijuana and Queretaro drew 1-1 against Atlante. Tigres went behind in the 2nd minute when Colombian Darwin Quintero sent a long range shot from the right wing into the top corner

SOCCER and out of reach of ‘keeper Enrique Palos. Brazilian Juninho took advantage of a defensive mistake to volley in and level the scores in the 37th. Puebla’s Felix Borja gave his side the lead in the 52nd but it only lasted two minutes, when Marco Fabian scrambled the ball over the line for Chivas. Chivas, one of Mexico’s most popular clubs, has now only one victory from the seven games in the Clausura. Toluca’s Diego Novaretti headed home in the 19th, with Raul Jimenez finishing off a swift counter-attack to equalize for America in the 34th. Paraguayan Osvaldo Martinez drilled in a penalty eight minutes from the end to put America in the lead, but Gerardo Rodriguez scored in the sixth minute of second half stoppage time for Toluca.


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Malaga on a roll heading into Porto showdown

Ramsey warns Arsenal ahead of Bayern clash LONDON, Feb 18, (AFP): Arsenal midfielder Aaron Ramsey has urged his team to learn from their previous mistakes as they bid to resurrect a stuttering season against Bayern Munich in the Champions League last 16 on Tuesday. The prospect of an eighth consecutive season without silverware swam sharply into focus at the weekend when Arsenal were eliminated from the FA Cup by second-tier Blackburn Rovers. With Arsenal having already gone out of the League Cup to fourth-division Bradford City and with a 21-point deficit to make up on leaders Manchester United in the Premier League, it leaves the Champions League as the London club’s only viable shot at a trophy. Arsenal’s last two experiences of the round of 16 have ended in disappointment, with a 4-3 aggregate defeat by Barcelona in 2011 followed by a loss to

AC Milan by the same scoreline last year. The 2006 finalists’ hopes of European glory last season were crushed in a 4-0 first-leg loss in Milan, and Ramsey says his side cannot afford to let the tie with Bayern get away from them. “Of course Bayern will be a tough game, but we are confident that on our day we can give anybody a good match,” he said. “We will all have to be switched on on the night.” It was a different story in the previous campaign, when Arsenal beat Barca 2-1 in the home leg, only to go down 3-1 at Camp Nou, and Ramsey says a similarly positive first-leg performance will be required on Tuesday. “We put ourselves in a good position against Barcelona, but unfortunately did not take it into the second leg,” said the Welshman.

Buss was 80

Lakers owner dies LOS ANGELES, Feb 18, (AP): Jerry Buss, the Los Angeles Lakers’ playboy owner who shepherded the NBA franchise to 10 championships from the ‘80s Showtime dynasty to the Kobe Bryant era, died Monday, his assistant said. Buss died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, said Bob Steiner, his assistant. He was 80. He’d been hospitalized for cancer, but the immediate cause of death was kidney failure, Steiner said. Under Buss’ leadership since 1979, the Lakers became Southern California’s most beloved sports franchise and a worldwide extension of Hollywood glamour. Buss acquired, nurtured and befriended a staggering array of talented players and basketball minds during his Hall of Fame tenure. Few owners in sports history can even approach Buss’ accomplishments with the Lakers, who made the NBA finals 16 times through 2011 during his 32 years in charge, winning 10 titles between 1980 and 2010. The Lakers easily are the NBA’s winningest franchise since he bought the club. Few owners have ever been more beloved by their players than Buss, who always referred to the Lakers as his extended family. Working with front-office executives Jerry West and Mitch Kupchak, Buss spent lavishly to win his titles despite lacking a huge personal fortune, often running the NBA’s highest payroll while also paying high-profile coaches Pat Riley and Phil Jackson. Always an innovative businessman, Buss paid for the Lakers through both their wild success and his own groundbreaking moves to raise revenue. He cofounded a basic-cable sports television network and sold the namBuss ing rights to the Forum at times when both now-standard strategies were unusual, adding justification for his induction into the Pro Basketball Hall of Fame in 2010. Magic Johnson and fellow Hall of Famers Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and James Worthy formed lifelong bonds with Buss during the Lakers’ run to five titles in nine years in the 1980s, when the Lakers earned a reputation as basketball’s most exciting team with their glamorous Showtime style.

“Then, against AC Milan it was a big mountain to climb, which we nearly did at home (by winning 3-0). “Hopefully this time we can get in another strong position in the first leg, and I am sure we will be more experienced about what to do in the away leg.” Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger says he will not have any trouble motivating his players after Saturday’s shock 1-0 loss to Blackburn at the Emirates Stadium. “It is not difficult at all. It is our job,” the Frenchman said. “If we feel sorry for ourselves, we would be completely wrong. We have a massive game on Tuesday night and we have to show that we have some response in the team.” Last year’s beaten Champions League finalists, Bayern already seem certain to end a three-year wait for major silver-

ware due to their sensational form in the domestic arena. A gritty 2-0 win at Wolfsburg on Friday was their 10th victory away from home this season and allowed them to preserve a mammoth 15-point lead over Arsenal vs Bayern Al Jazeera sport +3 22: 00 local

Porto vs Malaga Al Jazeera sport +5 22:00 local

defending champions Borussia Dortmund in the Bundesliga. Bayern have failed to go beyond the last 16 only once in the past four seasons, and prevailed 3-2 on aggregate when they last met Arsenal in the round of 16 in the 2004-05 campaign. Bayern are yet to concede a goal in 2013, but despite the stark contrast

between their imperious recent record and Arsenal’s struggles, Belgian centreback Daniel Van Buyten anticipates a stern test. “Arsenal are one of the best teams in Europe,” he told the official Bayern website. “They have tremendous potential in attack, they have very strong individual players and a very good team. But we also have quality and want to show it on the pitch. It will be a good game.” He added: “I’ve got butterflies, but that is normal for every player, I think. Champions League games are just something special and even more so against an English club. We are all looking forward to it.” Wenger can take heart from Arsenal’s excellent home record against German clubs. In 12 previous encounters with repre-

sentatives from the Bundesliga, Arsenal have won nine, drawn one, and lost only two, while Bayern have won just twice in 15 previous away games against teams from England. Malaga may have hit a vein of form at just the right time going into Tuesday’s Champions League last-16 tie with FC Porto. The weekend’s hard-fought 1-0 win over Athletic Bilbao means the Andalusian side travel to Portugal on the back of two successive wins for the first time in two months. And manager Manuel Pellegrini declared himself happy with his side’s preparation as he believes it is important to carry a positive momentum into their return to European action. “To go into that game winning is different than doing so after a defeat,” he told the club’s website.

West win third in row over East in All-Stars

Won Jackson then led Shaquille O’Neal and Bryant to a threepeat from 2000-02, rekindling the Lakers’ mystique, before Bryant and Pau Gasol won two more titles under Jackson in 2009 and 2010. Although Buss was proudest of his two hands full of NBA title rings, he also was a scholar, Renaissance man and bon vivant who epitomized California cool — and a certain Los Angeles lifestyle — for his entire public life. The father of six rarely appeared in public without at least one attractive, much younger woman on his arm at USC football games, boxing matches, poker tournaments — and, of course, Lakers games from his private box at Staples Center, which was built under his watch. Buss earned a Ph.D. in chemistry at age 24 and had careers in aerospace and real estate development before getting into sports. With money largely from his Santa Monica real-estate ventures, Buss bought the then-struggling Lakers, the NHL’s Los Angeles Kings and both clubs’ arena — the Forum — from Jack Kent Cooke in a $67.5 million deal that was the largest sports transaction in history at the time.

Qadsiya-Arabi faceoff KUWAIT CITY, (KUNA): The two teams, Al-Arabi and Qadsiya, will faceoff in the final match of the current season (2012-2013) at Kuwait Sports Club stadium in Keifan. The two most popular local teams are seeking to win the tournament for the seventh time, with Qadsiya ahead of AlArabi by only two points, recorded as a result of the previous matches in the championship. Al-Arabi which won the tournament, last year, will try to retain the title, counting on a group of professional players, while Qadsiya, which includes elite local and foreign players, will seek to make up for last year’s heavy loss to its archfoe. Qadsiya had beaten Al-Tadamon in the two matches during the tournament, 5-1 and 1-0. It also kicked Al-Jahraa out of the race with two matches that ended in the team favor — 2-0, 1-0. Al-Arabi had defeated Kuwait Club with penalties after drawing in the two games, 1-1. Result of the two matches with Kathma were: 3-1 and 1-1.

East Team’s Joakim Noah from France, of the Chicago Bulls (left), and Dwyane Wade of Miami Heat defend against West Team’s Blake Griffin of the Los Angeles Clippers during

Paul named MVP HOUSTON, Texas, Feb 18, (AFP): Chris Paul scored 20 points and passed out 15 assists to spark the Western Conference over the Eastern Conference 143-138 on Sunday in the 62nd NBA All-Star Game.

produce at least 20 points and 15 assists in one game. “To be mentioned with those guys, it’s an honor,” Paul said. “To be on the court with all

NBA scoring leader Kevin Durant had a game-high 30 points for the West and Paul’s Los Angeles Clippers teammate Blake

BASKETBALL Griffin added 19 points, both of them jamming down spectacular slam dunks thanks to set-up passes from Paul. Clippers guard Paul was voted the NBA All-Star Game’s Most Valuable Player as the West won the annual showdown of elite hoops talent for the third time in a row and fourth time in five games. “You just never expect something like this,” Paul said. “All these great players I have the chance to play with, it’s an honor and a privilege.” Paul joined Magic Johnson and Isiah Thomas as the only All-Star Game players to

West Team’s Chris Paul of the Los Angeles Clippers holds the most valuable player trophy after the NBA All-Star basketball game, Feb 17, in Houston. The West beat the East 143-138. (AP)

the NBA All-Star basketball game, Feb 17, in Houston. (AP)

these guys I don’t get the chance to play with, it’s an privilege.” Carmelo Anthony led the East with 26 points and 12 rebounds while LeBron James added 19 points and Paul George contributed 17. The West led 69-65 at half-time and had the same margin, 108-104, entering the fourth quarter when a showy game of dunks and flashy moves found intensity. Back-to-back 3-pointers by Kyrie Irving pulled the East within 119-118, but Durant had two slam dunks in an 8-2 West run to boost the lead to 127-120. Anthony sparked a 6-2 East run to pull his side within 129-126 but Paul followed with a 3-pointer and Kobe Bryant played tight defense on James in what became a man-onman rivalry between playmakers in the final minutes. Bryant made a driving layup and blocked a James shot to set up a fast break slam dunk by Durant to put the West ahead 136-126. Bryant later added another block of James as the two traded taunts on the court. Durant became the first player to score at least 30 points in three consecutive NBA AllStar Games. Paul answered an East basket with his fourth 3-pointer of the game and after George hit back-to-back 3-pointers, Griffin answered with a free throw and a fast break slam dunk that included a pass to himself off the backboard. Spectacular slam dunks by James,

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Durant and Griffin produced the most sparkling moments of the first half. Dwyane Wade set up Miami teammate James for the East but made one of his best passes to Tyson Chandler for a running onehanded alley-oop jam while Bryant and Paul kept Durant and Griffin set up for dunks. “If they run, I have fun just assisting and passing the ball,” Paul said. Durant made 8-of-12 shots for 19 points in the first half while every basket by Griffin in the first half came on a slam dunk. Big men Dwight Howard and Tim Duncan tried to see who could sink a rare 3-pointer first while guards took turns dribbling between the legs of rivals as the players used the lighthearted matchup for fun moments that regular NBA games rarely allow. “You need a three, give it to me,” West center Howard said. Before the game, played on the 50th birthday of NBA legend Michael Jordan, James — a modern-day displayer of Jordan’s gravity-defying, high-leaping moves — tweeted his best wishes to six-time NBA champion Jordan. “Happy 50th MJ! U inspired a kid from Akron Ohio without u even knowing,” James tweeted. “All by just playing the game u loved. I appreciate what u did for the game and don’t take it for granted.” James ended the messages with the hashtag GOAT for Greatest of All Time.

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