21 Feb

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THE FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAILY IN FREE KUWAIT Established in 1977 / www.arabtimesonline.com emergency number 112


NO. 14970


150 FILS

Buzz builds on new ‘Baba’ for domestics

Nod to KD 2bn boost for small, medium business

Domestic labor firm eyed By Nihal Sharaf Arab Times Staff

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: Discussions between the National Assembly and the executive authority are underway to establish a National Company for Domestic Labor, revealed MP Kamel Al-Awadhi on Wednesday. Al-Awadhi said he held a meeting with the Kuwait Investment Authority Continued on Page 5

Other Voices

Fund would finance up to 80% of enterprise By Abubakar A. Ibrahim and Nihal Sharaf Arab Times Staff

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: The Parliament Wednesday unanimously approved the Financial and Economic Affairs committee report on the National Fund for Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises in its first and second read-

ings. The bill has been referred to the government for approval and implementation. According to the law, a KD 2 billion capital is allocated for the fund to achieve the objectives of the Small and Medium Enterprises. The law also stipulates that the fund will finance a maximum of 80 percent of the enterprise and the applicant will bear the remaining 20 percent.

The law describes the Small and Medium Enterprises to include industrial, business, farming, handicraft, service, intellectual activities or any economic project which directly contributes to developing and diversifying the national income sources and meets the needs of local or foreign market as well as providing job opportunities to citizens and developing value of free work in them and the self-ability in any of the fields mentioned above. During the discussion of the bill, Chairman of the Continued on Page 14

It is…unacceptable By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil

SOME activists are making what observers call the last minute move to refer the lawsuits of the jailed tweeters to the international organizations, while the Human Rights Watch has called for canceling the law that puts behind bars anyone who violates the dignity of the Amir. Such moves are usually made to clear the conscience of something which is bound to happen... but the rule of justice considers the social networking website ‘Twitter’ a public place, where insults and defamatory statements have become the way of life. However, anyone who uses the criminal terminology should bear the consequences of Al-Baghli what he/she has said. They should neither look for consolation nor ‘new human rights principles’. I will narrate a story to demonstrate the ill-mentioned Twitter. Frankly speaking I do not have a Twitter account and don’t plan to have one because I do not need it. In Belgium, two judges from a criminal court were forced to Continued on Page 14


Parliament comes back to its senses By Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

A boogie boarder rides a wave on the Banzai Pipeline off Ehukai Beach Park on the North Shore of O’ahu, Hawaii this week. (AP)

Fears overplayed

No arms race seen in N-Iran RIYADH, Feb 20, (RTRS): Fears that an Iranian nuclear weapon might trigger an atomic arms race across the Middle East are overplayed, a US security thinktank said on Tuesday, arguing that countries like Saudi Arabia face big disincentives against getting the bomb. Western powers believe Iran is trying to develop a nuclear weapon under cover of a civilian atomic electricity programme, a charge Tehran denies. Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter, is engaged

in a fierce rivalry with Shi’ite power Iran and is seen in Western countries as the most likely Middle Eastern state to seek an atomic weapon if Iran did the same. Analysts have also said an Iranian nuclear weapons capability might persuade Egypt and Turkey to seek a bomb too. Israel, which has never declared its atomic weapons capability, is thought to be the Middle East’s only nucleararmed power now although Iran’s east-

Cameroon orders rescue of French YAOUNDE, Cameroon, Feb 20, (Agencies): Military helicopters are searching for a vacationing French family of seven kidnapped in Cameroon and security around the region is being increased amid tensions over France’s role in western Africa. Cameroonian President Paul Biya ordered tight security measures and urgent steps to free the hostages, who include four children. They were kidnapped by armed gunmen in the country’s far north on Tuesday and whisked toward Nigeria. A ministry statement said the Cameroonian government is in contact with Nigerian and French authorities. Officials suggested the involvement of Boko Haram, one of Nigeria’s Islamic extremist sects. Nigeria’s borders were also put on red Continued on Page 14

▼ ▼

US$/KD 0.28205/15

■ ▼

Yen/KD 0.003

ern neighbour Pakistan has atomic weapons. In December 2011, former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki al-Faisal said that if Tehran did gain nuclear weapons capability, Saudi Arabia should consider matching it. Riyadh has also announced plans to build 17 gigawatts of atomic energy by 2032 as it moves to reduce domestic oil consumption, freeing up more crude for export.


Euro/KD 0.3773

British £/KD 0.4319

▲ KS E +18.02 pts at closing, Feb 20 See Page 47

▼ Dow -109.97 pts at closing, Feb 20 See Page 48

▼ Nasdaq -49.19 pts at closing, Feb 20 ▲ FTSE +16.30 pts at closing, Feb 20 ▲ Nikkei +95.94 pts at closing, Feb 20 ▼ Gold $1,588.50 per oz (London) ▼ ▼

Continued on Page 14

NYMEX crude $94.88 per barrel Brent crude $115.70 per barrel 3-month $ LIBOR rate 0.29%

SAN FRANCISCO: Apple on Tuesday said it suffered a cyber attack similar to the one recently carried out against Facebook, but that it repelled the invaders before its data was plundered. The maker of iPhones, iPads, iPods, and Macintosh computers said it is working with law enforcement officials to hunt down the hackers, who appeared tied to a series of recent cyber attacks on US technology firms. “The malware was employed in an attack against Apple and other companies, and was spread through a website for software developers,” Apple said in an email response to an AFP inquiry. The malicious software, or malware, took advantage of a vulnerability in a Java program used as a “plug-in” for

Continued on Page 14

‘Iran Guard behind Bahrain terror cell’ ABU DHABI, Feb 20, (RTRS): Bahrain has accused Iran’s Revolutionary Guard of setting up a militant cell to assassinate public figures in the Gulf Arab kingdom and attack its airport and government buildings. Bahraini authorities said on Sunday they had arrested eight Bahrainis in the group, with links to Iran, Iraq and Lebanon. The kingdom, base for the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet, has been in political turmoil since protests erupted there in 2011, led by majority Shi’ite Muslims demanding an end to the Sunni monarchy’s political domination and full powers for parliament. Bahrain has accused Shi’ite Iran of fuelling the unrest, an accusation Tehran has consitently denied. In a statement published by the official Bahrain News Agency late on Tuesday, Bahrain’s head of public security said the cell was part of a group called the “Imam Army” Continued on Page 14

WELL DONE, Parliament Speaker Ali Al-Rashid for directing the National Assembly towards the right path through the postponement of interpellations until the next term. This will definitely push the wheels of development forward. It will pave the way for the approval of projects and draft bills which serve the interests of citizens. It also marks the end of parliamentary dictatorship — the biggest obstacle to development efforts. Kudos to the lawmakers for responding positively to this initiative; thereby, removing doubts from the minds of Kuwaitis who have been wondering whether they are witnessing a period of achievement or escalation due to the irresponsible acts of the toppled parliamentary majority which had transformed the legislature into a police station and bombarded ministers with a barrage of inquests to settle personal scores. The wise step taken by the Parliament Speaker was a relief to the entire nation, considering it can no longer tolerate the escalation of tension that led to the ouster and dissolution of the previous legislative authorities. People are now waiting for the achievements and development projects which have been suspended for 30 years. The quick and genuine response of the lawmakers to the call of the Speaker is a clear indication that the people are no longer interested in any electoral show. The entire nation knows that most lawmakers are efficient and responsible. Therefore, the lawmakers must bear in mind that the Kuwaitis want to see the implementation of development projects and this is possible only through a strong coordination between the executive and legislative authorities. The current Parliament should learn from the experience of its predecessor whose toppled majority had nothing in mind but to instigate chaos until it killed itself politically. In case the current lawmakers follow in the footsteps of the members of the toppled majority, they will harm not only themselves but also Kuwait. The people do not want this kind of legislature. Al-Rashid is a competent judge with vast experience in the political field. He is wise enough to realize that the current phase should Continued on Page 5 Email: ahmed@aljarallah.com Follow me on:





Aiwa Few hold favorable views

40 pct of voters say Valentine’s Day a commercial ploy by firms By Valiya S. Sajjad Arab Times Staff OCCASIONS like Valentine’s Day is a commercial gimmick by companies to sell their merchandise, say voters on an online poll Arab Times conducted this week. Close to 40% of the voters held this view. Speaking to the Arab Times, respondents who agreed with this view said the meaning of ‘Love’ has been hijacked by commercial enterprises to further their business agendas. Most advertisements on Valentine’s Day target the youth, “because they are highly likely to celebrate such occasions. For this reason, Valentine’s Day has come to represent Eros, with emphasis on couples.” The second largest number of votes went for the view that such celebrations are corrupting young minds. Respondents said that the media is flush with erotic content, which is often passed off as romance, and the youth have muddled ideas about love and sex. “Many youngsters think that love is all about physical relationship, and their festivities culminate in immoral activities.” However, there were some who held favorable views about Valentine’s Day. About 15% of the voters felt occasions like these draws attention to tender feelings like love in an otherwise dog-eat-dog world. Many couples who spoke to the Arab Times said Valentine’s Day gave them an

excuse to take a break from their tight schedules and give gifts to each other, and rekindle love in their lives. “Often times we don’t realize days are fleeting and that our hearts are getting numb towards each other. Love wanes if we don’t deliberately give ourselves a pause from our hectic days, and try to give our loved ones some time and concern.” They felt that Valentine’s Day serves this purpose well, especially when the idea that this day is dedicated to love plays strongly in your mind. About 9% of the voters reiterated the same thoughts, saying this day helps in revoking love relationships. Respondents expressed their wish that the import of the day should be broadened to revoke love not only between couples but also between siblings, parents and children, friends, neighbors and colleagues. “Perhaps, we should start giving out cards and gifts to even strangers on the road.” A small percentage of voters took a negative view saying that it promotes love relationship between unwed partners. When people who supported this view were asked to explain their position, they said that Valentine’s Day is an excuse for the youth to propose to one another, and pretend they are in love without being serious. “This leads to fly-by-the-night relationships that cause a lot of pain and suffering to one of the partners, mostly women.”

MoE to cancel 654 jobs for non-Kuwaitis KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: The Ministry of Education intends to cancel 654 jobs for nonKuwaitis in July as per the recommendation of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) on the implementation of the Kuwaitization policy in government institutions, reports Al-Rai daily quoting sources. Sources disclosed Director of the Jobs Regulation and Budget Department at the CSC Bader Al-Hamad has informed Ministry of Education Undersecretary Mariam Al-Wateed

that the directive is based on the results of a study conducted by the commission earlier on the enforcement of CSC decision number 31/2007 or the Kuwaitization policy. In his letter, Al-Hamad stressed the need for the Ministry of Education to coordinate with its finance counterpart, which is in charge of preparing the general budget of the State, to ensure the cancelled jobs are no longer included in the First Chapter (salaries) of the ministry’s budget for fiscal 2013/2014.

Kuwaiti athlete to climb up Tahrir Tower in memory of Father Amir Sheikh Nawaf thanks nationals on his 7th anniversary KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20, (KUNA): Kuwaiti athlete Ali Al-Edan continues preparations to climb up Al-Tahrir Tower in Kuwait on Febr 26, in memory of His Highness late Father Amir Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah AlSalem Al-Sabah. Al-Edan said in remarks to KUNA, as part of his annual activities and in celebration of the National Days of Kuwait, he would climb up the stairs of Al-Tahrir Tower in memory of Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem AlSabah who devoted his time and efforts in serving his country. This event will be held under the auspices of Sheikha Fadya Saad Al-Abdullah, he added. “My choice of climbing AlTahrir Tower was because of it being the second highest tower in the Middle East, and the fifth worldwide,” he said. Climbing sky-high towers in Kuwait and abroad is an action aimed to spread awareness of healthy lifestyle and manifesting importance of practicing sports, he affirmed. A total of 750,000 Kuwaitis are suffering from obesity, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Health, Al-Edan said. Obesity is considered as one of the most dangerous diseases regarding its negative effects on one’s health, and on the performance of the vital organs of the body, he stated. Al-Edan is planning to ascend Cairo Tower on Feb 29, in memory of late Sheikh Fahad AlAhmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah who served his country, the Arab and Islamic nations, especially in the sports field. This event will be patronized by President of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad AlAhmad Al-Sabah. Al-Edan, aged 54, expressed his hope that this sports effort would serve humanitarian and sports causes. Al-Edan has climbed up AlTahrir Tower and Kuwait Towers on several national occasions, and in memory of many Kuwaiti figures, besides climbing CN tower in Canadian city of Toronto. Meanwhile, His Highness the Deputy Amir, Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad AlJaber Al-Sabah issued a statement of thanks on Wednesday expressing appreciation for the kindly words and gestures by nationals and residents on the seventh anniversary of his taking oath as Crown Prince. His Highness remarked the words and gestures expressed heartfelt joy and reflected the close-knit fabric of the Kuwaiti society. He prayed The Almighty bless our homeland with lasting prosperity, stability, and security and ever inspire its citizens to work for development and high repute among world nations. His Highness also extended his greetings to fellow citizens on the 52nd anniversary of the State of Kuwait’s independence and the 22nd anniversary of its liberation, coinciding Feb 25 and 26.

Photos by Iehab Qurtal

Above: some photos from the ‘Star Choice’ gala dinner for employees.

Sheraton holds ‘Star Choice’ gala dinner for employees Kuwait’s Sheraton and Four Points Sheraton Hotels recently organized the “Star Choice” gala dinner for employees, as part of unique activities organized by Star Wood International Hotels and Resorts Company on reg-

ular basis. The event enjoys massive patronage of clients booking to lodge in hotels and resorts across Europe, Africa and Middle East. The General Manager of Four Points Sheraton Munir Ameer enlight-

ened the audience about the management’s plan to expand the hotel and open an annex in the last quarter of the year. The management honored outstanding employees with memorabilia plaques during the event.

KU, KFAS sign ‘stem cell’ cooperation deal KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20, (KUNA): Kuwait University and Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) have signed a research cooperation agreement to create a register for the donors of stem cells and placenta through a relevant research project. The deal was inked by KFAS DirectorGeneral Adnan Shihab-Elddin and Deputy Director of Kuwait University for Research Hassan Al-Sanad. Shihab-Eldin commended the

research project, supervised by Dr Salem Al-Shemeri, as part of a plan purposed to provide priority services in the health sector in the State of Kuwait. He said several malignant and nonmalignant blood diseases could be treated by using stem cells, but he complained that the main obstacle to this medical procedure is the lack of donors. For his part, Al-Sanad spoke highly of existing cooperation between the Kuwait University and the KFAS in the

field of scientific research. He hoped that the research project would be a first step towards the creation of a national register for stem cells in Kuwait, thus contributing to finding practical solutions to treat several diseases. He noted that his university seeks to find a congenial atmosphere for revamping the level of scientific research in the country by means of propping up institutional capabilities and establishing a base of distinguished researchers and specialists.

Kuwait Today Prayer Timings Fajr ................................................. 05:03 am Sunrise .................................................. 06:22 Zohr ................................................. 12:02 pm Asr ..........................................................03:16 Maghrib ................................................ 05:42 Isha ...................................................... 06:59

Wind Speed .............................25-50 km/h Sunday, Feb 24 Expected weather..............................dusty Max Temp ............................................25C Min Temp .............................................16C Wind Direction......................................NW Wind Speed .............................20-45 km/h

Weather Expected weather for the next 24 hours:

By Night: Cold with light to moderate north westerly wind, with speed of 08-28 km/h. By Day: Sunny with light to moderate north westerly to northerly wind, with speed of 08-28 km/h.

Kuwait Weather Station

Kuwait City Kuwait Airport Nuwaiseeb Wafra Salmi Abdaly Jalaliyah Failaka Ahmadi Port Qaruh Island Umm Al-Maradem

Max Rec

Min Exp

26 25 23 25 24 26 25 24 23 21 21

15 09 11 10 10 09 08 14 16 17 17

4-days forecast - Weather Thursday, Feb 21 Expected weather.............................sunny Max Temp ............................................26C Min Temp .............................................09C Wind Direction ..................................NW-N Wind Speed .............................08-28 km/h Friday, Feb 22 Expected weather..........................sunny + .........................................scattered clouds Max Temp ............................................25C Min Temp .............................................10C Wind Direction .............................NW-VRB Wind Speed .............................06-28 km/h Saturday, Feb 23 Expected weather.....clouds to decrease + ...................................................rising dust Max Temp ............................................29C Min Temp................................................15 Wind Direction .......................................SE

Marine Forecast Station

Max Min Exp Rec

South Dolphin Ahmadi L/V Beacon M28 Beacon N6 Qaruh Island Umm Al-Maradem Sea island Buoy Salmiyah

22 17 21 23 21 21 21 22

Sea Surf 16 08 16 14 17 17 17 16

16 16 18 17 -

Today’s Waves Ht 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft 4ft


4-days forecast - Marine Thursday, Feb 21 Expected weather.............................sunny Sea state .......................slight to moderate Wave height .......................................1-4 ft Max Temp ............................................26C Min Temp .............................................09C Wind Direction ..................................NW-N Wind Speed .............................08-28 km/h Friday, Feb 22 Expected weather..........sunny + scattered .........................................................clouds Sea state .......................slight to moderate Wave height .......................................1-4 ft Max Temp ............................................25C Min Temp .............................................10C Wind Direction ............................NW-VRW Wind Speed .............................06-28 km/h Saturday, Feb 23 Expected weather ........cloudy to decrease Sea state...........................................rough Wave height .......................................4-8 ft Max Temp ............................................29C Min Temp .............................................15C Wind Direction .......................................SE Wind Speed .............................25-50 km/h Sunday, Feb 24 Expected weather..............................dusty

Civil ID info: 1889988 Site for checking travel ban www.kuwaitcourts.gov.kw/mojweb/NGeneral/Main.jsp

deaths Khaled Waleed Al-Thahi, 26 years old, buried on Wednesday. Condolences: (Men) Shuhada, Block 4, St 413, House 8 Tel: 99331139, 69616888. (Women) Adan, Block 6, St 6, House 25, Tel: 97993444. Khaleel Ali Salman Al-Salman, 58 years old, buried on Wednesday. Condolences: Salwa, Block 1, Mutanabi St, Huseiniyat Al-Imam Al-Husein, Tel: 97608881, 99341514. Haya Saleh Al-Bati, 81 years old, widow of Ali Husein Al-Bati Al-Khaldi, buried on Wednesday. Condolences: Jaber Al-Ali, Block 4, St 32, House 13, Tel: 66728717. Mohammad Bekhait Al-Dahaam, 64 years old, to be buried on Thursday at 09:00 am. Condolences: (Men) Khaldiya, Diwan Al-Dahaam, Block 4, St 40, House 4, Tel: 24848343. (Women) Qosour, Block 7, St 40, House 7, Tel: 25428644. Mohammad Ali Abdul Aziz Al-Hazai, 47 years old, buried on Wednesday. Condolences: (Men) Mansouriya, Al-Huseiniya Al-Abbasiya, Tel: 66118744. (Women) Adan, Block 2, St 37, House 2, Tel: 99074421. Abdullah Meileth Al-Saleh Al-Rasheedi, 77 years old, buried on Wednesday. Condolences: (Men) Rehab, Block 3, St 104, Tel: 66424532. (Women) Abdullah Al-Mubarak, Block 9, St 927, House 8, Tel: 50266999. Mubarak Jaza Mubarak Al-Usaimi, 48 years old, buried on Wednesday. Condolences: (Men) Riqqa, Block 2, St 16, House 336, Tel: 66282222. (Women) Naeem, Block 2, St 20, House 2. Zabaran Mohammad Fahad Al-Ajmi, 71 years old, buried on Wednesday. Condolences: Saad AlAbdullah, Block 9, St 922, House 22 Tel: 66661156, 99793426. Mohammad Ibrahim Yousef Al-Ebaidli, 86 years old, to be buried on Wednesday. Condolences: (Men) Mangaf, Block 1, St 165, House 2, Tel: 55558266, 97652128. (Women) Mangaf, Block 3, St 3, House 281, Tel: 23729445. Nafei Shbat Muhsen Al-Afasi Al-Mutairi, 55 years old, buried on Wednesday. Condolences: (Men) Abdullah Al-Mubarak, Block 8, St 834, Tel: 99892604. (Women) Saad Al-Abdullah, Block 10, St 58, House 6, Tel: 66040939.

Feb 20, 2013 Sea state ......................moderate to rough Wave height .......................................3-7 ft Max Temp ............................................25C Min Temp .............................................16C Wind Direction......................................NW Wind Speed .............................20-45 km/h

Min temp..............................................12C Max Rh................................................57% Min Rh.................................................18% Max Wind ................................NE 32 km/h Total Rainfall in 24 hrs ....................00 mm

Tide times at Shuwaikh Port

Recorded yesterday at South Dolphin

1st high tide:......................................10:15 2nd high tide: ....................................19:35 1st low tide: .......................................03:45 2nd low tide: ......................................14:00 Sunrise: .............................................06:23 Sunset: ..............................................17:41

Recorded yesterday at Kuwait Airport Max temp.............................................24C

Min/Max/ Air Temp ..........................16/21C Min/Max Rel Hum ..........................30/82% Wind Direction/Wind Speed.......N/28 km/h Prev Wave Dir/Max Wave Ht ..........N/2 - ft Min/Max Sea Surface Temp ...........16/17C Sea Current ...............................Downdraft — Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Meteorological Dept.




Unions refute news on plan to hold civil disobedience march Bad governance, graft halt development: Dalal

KUNA photo

His Highness the Deputy Amir, Crown Prince received on Wednesday morning at Bayan Palace His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. His Highness also received the Minister of Justice, Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Shareeda Abdullah Al-Muosherji. (KUNA)

embassy row By Valiya S. Sajjad Arab Times Staff

Feb 25, 2013, Monday, for National Day of Kuwait, and Feb 26, 2013, Tuesday for Liberation Day of Kuwait.

Australia The Embassy of Australia has announced that Kuwaiti citizens can apply for and receive visit visas in at least 10 working days through www.immi.gov.au. All other processing of visas and immigration matters are handled by the Australian Visa Application Centre located in Al Banwan Building, 4B 1st floor, Al Qibla Area, Ali Al Salem Street, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Visit www.vfs.ae for more info. The Embassy of Australia does not have a visa or immigration department in Kuwait. All processing of visas and immigration matters are conducted by the Australian Consulate General in Dubai. Email: info.ausdxb@vfshelpline.co (VFS), immigration.dubai@dfat.gov.au (visa office). Tel: +971 43551958 (VFS), +971 45087200 (Visa Office), Fax: +971 43550708 (Visa Office). Notary and passport services are available by appointment at the Australian Embassy only on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Appointments can be made by calling the embassy on 22322422.

Bangladesh The Embassy of Bangladesh will be closed on Thursday, Feb 21, 2013, on the occasion of Shahid Dibash and International Mother Language Day.

Pakistan The Embassy of Pakistan will remain closed from Feb 24-26, 2013, for the National Day and Liberation Day of Kuwait.

Peru The Embassy of Peru is located in Sharq, Ahmed Al Jaber Street, Al Arabiya Tower, 6th Floor. Working days / hours: SundayThursday / 09:00 am - 04:00 pm. Residents in Kuwait interested in getting a visa to travel to Peru and companies attracted to invest in Peru are invited to visit the permanent exposition room located in the Embassy. For more information, please contact: (+965) 22267250/1

Sri Lanka The Embassy of Sri Lanka will be closed on Feb 25 and 26, 2013, for the National Day and Liberation Day of Kuwait.

UK The British Embassy will be closed on Monday, Feb 25, on the occasion of Kuwait’s National Day.

Canada USA The Embassy of Canada in Kuwait announced that it does not have a visa or immigration department and that all processing of visa and immigration matters including enquirers is conducted by the Canadian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Individuals interested in working, studying, visiting or immigrating to Canada should contact the imenquiry@international.gc.ca. the Embassy of Canada is located at Villa 24, Al Mutawakei St, Block 4 in Da’aiya. Please visit the embassy website www.Kuwait.gc.ca. The embassy is open from 7.30 to 15.30 hrs Sunday through Thursday.

France The Embassy of France will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, Feb 25 and 26, for Kuwait’s National Day and Liberation Day.

India The Embassy of India announced that it will remain closed on the following days:

The US Embassy in Kuwait has launched a new streamlined visa application, the DS160, which replaces and combines all previous forms. All non-immigrant visa applicants will use this new form. With the new form, applicants will have to upload a visa photograph and submit the form via the Internet. The applicant will print just one confirmation sheet upon completion of the DS-160. For additional information, please visit the US Embassy website: http://kuwait.usembassy.gov. The site contains a complete list of application requirements, links to the new application and the online appointment system. ❑

Editor’s note: The Embassy Row column is dedicated to serving the needs of all embassies in Kuwait by publishing information on their activities free of charge every weekend. All embassies are therefore welcome to send information on their functions to the Editor, Fax No. 24818267.


KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: A number of unions have denied information which has been posted on the social networking websites that the unions plan civil disobedience march Thursday at all ministries and state institutions, reports a local Arabic daily. Chairman of the Union of Civil Service Commission (CSC) and member of the Kuwait Trade Union Federation Ali Al-Tuwaijri stressed he has no idea about the issue at present. He explained Kuwait will be celebrating national holidays and many employees are expected to be absent Thursday. On the other hand, the president of the Kuwait Trade Union Federation Fayez Al-Mutairi said civil disobedience does not address the issue, but rather complicates it. He stressed, the union has not called for any sit-in and will not. AlMutairi said disagreements should be resolved through negotiations. Head of the Union of the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Bandar AlNasafi said the Council of the Unions do not have the right to conduct civil disobedience movement without the approval of the General Assembly members, so any decision or an invitation by any union before a meeting of the General Assembly is a violation of the regulations. Meanwhile, member of the 2012 nullified parliament Attorney Mohammad Al-Dalal says the development in Kuwait has been suspended because of bad governmental management and corruption, reports AlKuwaitiah daily. He indicated that dialogue with the authority is useless if the latter persists on taking lone responsibility of decision making, as it will try to impose its agenda. He pointed out that the stance of the authority in Kuwait towards the Arab Spring countries is contradicting, as it officially gives support through media forum in these countries while it rejects it in Kuwait. He warned the government from its incessant attempts to impose its agendas, which will escalate the political chaos in the country. He stressed the necessity for developing the political life in the country in the current phase, adding that the matter requires approval of some constitutional and legislative amendments. He reiterated that the real problem lies in the fact that the right for decision-making is with only the authority.

Parliament comes Continued from Page 1 not be against the will of the nation and His Highness the Guardian who repeatedly asked the members of previous parliaments to cooperate with the government for the good of the country. Al-Rashid did not miss the chance to work with a national conscience so that Kuwait does not pay a high price in case the incumbent lawmakers refuse to act wisely and insist on toeing the same path the toppled majority had taken. He has realized how the nation breathed freely when this majority got out of the parliamentary scene and how the people have pinned hope on the present legislature whose members will definitely admit defeat in front of the group that violated the law once they deviate from the right path. Yes, the grilling requests against some ministers are not biased or suspicious like those submitted by the previous lawmakers. These requests have strong points and the lawmakers have the right to evaluate the performance of Cabinet members. However, these requests came with unreasonable propaganda, similar to that of the previous parliaments which hindered the development process. Moreover, these inquests are not in the interest of the public even if they lead to a no-confidence motion against the ministers. This is exactly what the lawmakers should have understood from the very beginning, particularly since most of them claim to be against grilling and the suspension of legislative work. They must have realized that the nation and His Highness the Guardian — the father of all authorities — will hold the National Assembly liable for its misdeeds. Again, we congratulate Al-Rashid for a

Photo by Rizk Taufik

Wednesday’s Assembly session in progress

‘Create a vision for reform to be out of the chaos’ KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: Former lawmaker and exminister of Justice Ahmad Baqer says the current situation especially with the social and political disharmony is one of the most difficult situations faced by Kuwait, which has strongly affected the national stability and development, reports AlSeyassah daily. During a seminar organized by the Group of Conservatives under the theme ‘Reform vision is the merit of the current period’, Baqer indicated that everyone wants the division to end during this period, but it is impossible to do so without the use of tenets of Islamic Sharia. He suggested that the best way out of the present chaos is by creating a vision for reform through necessary dialogue with transparency. He said some people’s actions seem focused on destroying the country, adding, “No one has the right to insult HH the Amir under any circumstances”. He reminded that citizens are under an oath of allegiance to HH the Amir. He also expressed displeasure over attempts to tarnish the image of the judiciary, which he insisted is a major pillar in the country. “Irrespective of the level of justification, it is impossible to change an atrocity with a much severe atrocity”, said the Islamist politician.

job well done. He has strengthened coordination between the lawmakers. In this manner, he cut short the celebration of the group which has violated the law. This group is disappointed and beaten because Al-Rashid has spoiled their chance of ‘victory’. Furthermore, Al-Rashid has given a glimmer of hope to the Kuwaitis who can now trust the Parliament whose majority has agreed on postponing inquests until the next term. This is definitely a positive sign as it shows the legislature is willing to cooperate with the executive authority. The government is then expected to welcome the Parliament again because it has finally come to its senses.

Buzz builds Continued from Page 1 officials (KIA) to discuss the “objectives and aspects of the company and mechanisms to implement the project”. He noted that the officials “expressed their support for the project and will take a period to develop the steps that can be taken” in that regard. Al-Awadhi added that the Minister of Finance Mustafa Al-Shammali expressed his support for the project. He assured that he will push towards the establishment of a National Company for Domestic Labor, noting that he will “submit the project as a draft law if his efforts with the government were not fruitful”. It is worth mentioning that, based on information made available to the Arab Times, a Domestic Labor Law was proposed by the government to establish a standard for domestic workers’ rights under the authority of the Interior Ministry. Discussions on the bill were not tabled due to the dissolution of parliaments.




Police probe as Arab expat, B’deshi found dead in room Indian working in oil firm commits suicide By Munaif Nayef and Mishal Sanousi Special to the Arab Times

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: The remains of an Arab expatriate were found dumped in an open desert area in Saad Al-Abdullah area. The deceased had no identification card on him. The body was referred to Forensics for autopsy to identify his identity. Meanwhile, a Bangladeshi expatriate died of unknown causes in his room at a company accommodation in Sabah Al-Salem. Al-Seyassah was told that the Operations Room of the Interior Ministry was notified of the incident by a Bangladeshi expatriate who said his compatriot was unconscious. Paramedics accompanied securitymen to the scene, examined the body and confirmed he was dead. The remains were referred to Forensics. The informant told police during investigation that he tried to wake the man but he didn’t get up, so he informed the Operations Room right away. Roommates of the deceased person were detained for investigation. A case was registered. ❑ ❑ ❑ Indian kills self: An Indian expatriate in his 40s working in one oil company at Umm Al-Aaish committed suicide by hanging himself with a rope tied to the ceiling of the company’s storeroom. Security sources the corpse was taken to Forensics by Criminal Investigation Department, and a case was registered. ❑ ❑ ❑ Baby’s body dumped: The body of a new born baby wrapped in cloth was dumped along the Sixth Road, opposite Saad Al-Abdullah. Acting on information, security operatives led by Jahra Security Chief Major General Ibrahim Tarrah rushed to the scene and found the body of a baby boy wrapped in cloth. Medical Emergency Men referred the corpse to Forensics, and

Top: Body of baby boy wrapped in cloth found dumped on the road. Above: The body of an unidentified Arab expat thrown in the desert near Saad AlAbdullah area.

a case was registered for investigation. ❑ ❑ ❑

Kuwaiti dies in mishap: A Kuwaiti died and 11 other persons were injured in traffic accidents recorded in different parts of the country in the last 48 hours. The Kuwaiti died when his vehicle overturned on Kabad Motorway. The body was referred to Forensics by

paramedics after the operations Room was notified about the accident. A case was registered. In another incident, six Arab workers sustained various degrees of injuries when their vehicle overturned on Doha area. They were referred to Sabah Hospital by paramedics for medical attention. Two vehicles collided in Jahra area and resulted in injuries to two juveniles. Paramedics carried them to

Jahra Hospital for treatment. Meanwhile, a Pakistani expatriate was severely injured in a traffic accident on Fahaheel Expressway opposite Jabriya. The man was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of Mubarak Hospital and his condition is stable. And, a 37-year old Kuwaiti woman and an Asian expatriate suffered various degrees of injuries when their vehicle overturned. The injured people were referred to Adan Hospital by Medical Emergency Men. ❑ ❑ ❑ Parents threatened: A wayward youth threatened to kill his parents and assaulted the housemaid at their family house in Fahaheel area. Security sources said parents of the youth filed a report with the Operations Room, and securitymen rushed to the location and arrested the suspect. He has since been placed under detention and will be referred to Public Prosecution. ❑ ❑ ❑ Egyptians in brawl: An Egyptian expatriate was injured in different places of his body after engaging his compatriot in a fight at the parking lot of the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Educational Area. Security sources said both Egyptians are working at Mubarak AlKabeer Educational Area and they fought because of a former disagreement. The injured person presented a medical report stating the injuries he sustained as a result of the fight and filed a case in the area police station. He explained works in the same section with his compatriot, and he engaged him in the fight while they were leaving the work premises. The other member of the feuding party was arrested. A case was registered for investigation. ❑ ❑ ❑ Indian assaulted: An Indian expatriate in his 40s was severely beaten and injured by another Asian in Jleeb Shuyoukh. Acting on information, paramedics rushed to the scene and referred the Indian to Farwaniya Hospital with severe head injury. A case was registered for investigation.

Car, cash snatched at knife-point KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: A Bedoun youth informed Sulaibiya policemen that two men stole his vehicle and KD 500 at knifepoint, says Al-Seyassah. He provided police with description of the vehicle. A case was registered for investigation. Meanwhile, an unknown individual stole seven water-pumping machines worth KD 4,700 from a vehicle service center in Fahaheel. According to security sources, an

Egyptian expatriate, who works as an incharge in the service center, filed a case at the police station of the area, informing securitymen that an unknown individual stole seven machines from the center. Securitymen and officers from General Department for Criminal Evidences rushed to the location to lift fingerprints and collect other evidences. Investigations are ongoing to arrest the suspect and retrieve the seven machines.




‘Speed up funds for displaced Syrians’


a digest of public opinion

Kuwait gives $2 mln GENEVA, Feb 20, (KUNA): The Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, Chairman of the International Islamic Charitable Organ-ization (IICO) Dr Abdullah Al-Maatouq urged here Wednesday donor countries on the need to speed up transfer funds pledged at the international conference for Syria, which was held in Kuwait last January.

Photos by Mahmoud Jadeed

Top and above: Yousef Al-Enezi talks to students at KU workshop.

‘Kids prone to infection’

Finding cure for HIV rather than treatment By Joana Saba Arab Times Staff KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: The Faculty of Medicine at Kuwait University hosted a seminar workshop by bioinformatics analyst Yousef Al-Enezi, outlining the process behind the spread of HIV, as well as past treatments and prospective bio-nanotechnological cures. Al-Enezi is a graduate from Loyola University, Chicago, and his research in various institutions has focused mainly on finding nanotechnological approaches to finding a cure for HIV, rather than treatment. His lecture focused on explicating the process by which HIV functions and spreads to a non-medical audience, using analogies from everyday life and popular culture. Al-Enezi began by noting, “For every resident of Kuwait, there is a child with AIDS/HIV. Most of these children do not make it past the age of two.” He continued, noting that in most cases, AIDS in children is spread through pregnancy, breastfeeding and rape. Al-Enezi then went on to draw parallels between the autoimmune system and security forces, with different types of anoimmune cells represented by different types of security forces. He then outlined the way in which the HIV cells infiltrate the brain — the central system, or “library” — which is responsible for maintaining and replicating all the “information” the body needs to function’ DNA and RNA. He stated that HIV infiltrates the central system, initially disguising itself as normal cells, and imitating the process of replication. However he made a distinction by likening the brain’s natural replication system to that of a computer word processor, whilst HIV’s functioned as a typewriter; more prone to error. Al-Enezi then outlined the way in which this process can be stopped using nanotechnology through a biomimetic approach, which relies on finding natural structures which are predisposed to combating the properties of HIV cells. In particular, he spoke of deactivating HIV’s latency, through substances which could induce the body to react to a pathogen that is not there. However, there are natural blockages in the body that must be overcome for this to take place, including the renal system, the immune-system, and the blood-brain barrier, amongst others. He concluded by stressing, “We have to find a way to make (this process) stealthy... — that is use HIV’s own tricks against it.” He further noted that they had succeeded in doing this and infiltrating the brain-blood blockage in a mouse’s brain, which serves as a model for the human brain. Yousef Al-Enezi’s research was on the way to being taken up by the University of Oxford, but he stated that he wanted instead to bring it to Kuwait to give it the upper hand on the global platform.

News in Brief Speaker congrats Al-Babtain: National Assembly Speaker Ali Al-Rashed sent a letter of congratulations on Wednesday to the Chairman of the Foundation of Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain’s Prize for Poetic Creativity, the Kuwaiti writer and poet Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain on the occasion of being chosen by the American-Arab AntiDiscrimination Committee (ADC) as Goodwill Ambassador and Personality of the Year. In the letter, Al-Rashed expressed his heartfelt congratulations to Al-Babtain, in recognition for his role in extending the bridges of communication between different peoples with the initiative of saving the Arabic language by publishing various literary works around the world. (KUNA) ❑ ❑ ❑

Changes eyed in health sector: Assistant Undersecretary for Public Health Affairs at Ministry of Health Dr Qais Al-Duwairi says new changes will be implemented in the School Health Sector to handle certain significant programs, reports Al-Rai daily. During the inauguration of the first meeting of GCC School and Youth Health Committee held at Holiday Inn Hotel for which Al-Duwairi represented the Minister of Health Dr Mohammad Al-Haifi, he pointed out that the committee is the brainchild of Council of GCC Health Ministers. He indicated that the School Health Sector affiliated to the ministry cooperates with school clinics for implementing health consolidation and comprehensive orientation programs. ❑ ❑ ❑ Vaccination system streamlined: The Minister of Health, Mohammad Barrak Al-Haifi, incorporated the vaccination system via the electronic health file of infants and children. Al-Haifi told KUNA that a special electronic page was designed for vaccinations’ table and all other related important information, pointing out that each file will show if the child suffers from any allergies that contradict with the scheduled vaccination. (KUNA)

“The Syrians are going through hell, and their tragedy requires all of us to redouble efforts in order to support them in their ordeal,” Al-Maatouq, also Amiri Diwan Advisor in the State of Kuwait, told KUNA after the seventh meeting of the Syria Humanitarian Forum, which concluded Tuesday evening. “The member states praised the donor conference, held in Kuwait, and the role of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah AlAhmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah in the success of this initiative,” he added. Meanwhile, Permanent Mission of the State of Kuwait to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva, Ambassador Dhirar Al-Razouqi said here Wednesday that Kuwait’s contribution with $2 million to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) comes in support of its vast humanitarian activities. “The meeting with the UNICEF’s Deputy Executive Director, Yoka Brandt, during the delivery of the grant, addressed the role of UNICEF in dealing with the crisis of the Syrian children,” he told KUNA. The organization has a long history in dealing with such cases, especially the rehabilitation of children of humanitarian disasters as it supports the Syrian children refugees in the neighboring countries, he noted. The discussion with Brandt also addressed making sure that the aid reaches the displaced Syrian children inside and outside of Syria, the UN Envoy added. The Ambassador noted that this aid was planned prior to what was announced at the donors’ conference hosted in Kuwait in January. For her part, Brandt hailed Kuwait’s donation, stating that “whoever follows up with the Syrian children’s crisis, discovers that more than two million children are victims of violence inside and outside of Syria.” She explained that the Syrian children are facing several problems, such as lack of health care and education and water shortage, therefore, “every step taken to help them is necessary”.

‘All violations to be probed’ KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: Recent donations collected by charitable organizations and foundations endorsed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor yielded KD 353,218, under the supervision of Universal Charity Foundation (UCF), reports Al-Seyassah daily quoting reliable ministry sources as saying. The same sources said it’s useless the inquiries forwarded by MP Essam Al-Dabbous to the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor on alleged violations and thefts detected in funds collected during the donation campaign. They noted the Department of Charities and Foundation bars the collection of cash donation and only allows donation via Knet, adding any violation uncovered will be referred for investigation.

‘Political parties must bury the hatchet’

‘Unite to counter Iranian designs’ “THE United Arab Emirates (UAE), has purchased from Russia military weapons worth more than $2 billion,” columnist Mohammad Al-Mulla wrote for Al-Shahed daily Wednesday. “Of course, such a deal is political in nature and aimed at boosting the military might of the Emirates. This happens although there is a French military base in the country. “In this context, we say that all GCC countries are currently striving to strengthen their military might and this can be mostly attributed to ‘noconfidence’ of the member states in their ally — the United States of America — particularly since we know that the latter has seemingly reached a compromise with the Muslim Brotherhood Group. “We should also ignore Washington’s political practices in dealing with the GCC countries over the issues of freedoms and application of democracy, given the fact these represent just some type of slogans to serve the owners of the real interests in the region. “In this context, we cite the freedoms in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen. The citizens in these countries have lost their dignity and security and as such they would like to see the same experiment repeating itself in the Gulf region. “Nevertheless, mother America, I would like hereby to tell you that we and our leaders are living hand in hand and are proud of the dignity of our countries. “Apart from the above, we attribute the conclusion of the weapons purchase deals by the GCC states can also be mainly ascribed to the news reports which have been leaked about the Al-Mulla Iranian schemes which are expected to be carried out following the downfall of the Syrian regime to attack both the civilian and military objects in Kuwait during the first raid and then deploy as many as 400,000 Iranian soldiers from the Revolutionary Guard in the south of Iraq in collaboration with the pro-Iran parties in Baghdad. “It seems this deployment is aimed at occupying Al-Khafji and Al-Dhahran of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to coincide with air and sea attacks on the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Qatar simultaneously, given the fact Khamenei himself will supervise the prospective military campaigns. As such, we found Iran is in a haste to possess the nuclear bomb as swiftly as possible. “In this connection, we say the Iranian Revolutionary forces are estimated at 1.7 million personnel and the Iranian concerned authorities have summoned the reserve forces from Iranian Army, the Revolutionary Guard and the armored divisions to keep them ready for dealing with the prospective war. “In the meantime, we should not forget that Tehran had deployed many spy cells in the Gulf countries. These cells are trained how to transfer the data about these countries to Iran in addition to create sedition among Arab countries. Not just that, Iran has groomed thousands of elements to carry out suicide operations in the region when the need arises. “This plan, however, is known to all political leaders in the Gulf countries, but the most dangerous thing in this connection is the fact that Iran at the moment has spy networks and sleeper cells in the entire Gulf region from Kuwait to Oman and these networks and cells are coordinating with each other. “But the question is: Do we in Kuwait, in cooperation with the great powers, are ready to deal with such a prospective ‘black day’? And are the State Security forces capable of arresting traitors and plotters who are planning to pave the way for the implementation of sabotage operations? “Given the above, I would like to call on the Kuwaiti government to set up a necessary scenario that may be required to deal with the prospective war — God forbid. “In the meantime, I would like to appeal to all Kuwaiti political powers to protect our national unity and confirm allegiance to our wise leadership and obey the orders given by HH the Amir. “We pray to Almighty Allah to protect him and his honest Heir Apparent to surmount any prospective ordeals.”

Also: “The dialogue between the government of Bahrain and the opposition forces will neither satisfy Iran nor some people in our country, because this dialogue at the outset constitute cooperation between the two parties to build Bahrain — the homeland for both the government and the opposition,” columnist Dr Mohammad bin Ibrahim AlShaibani wrote for Al-Qabas daily Wednesday. “However, if all concerned parties have given their consent to start the dialogue, then all of them must stop their demonstrations, marches and media attacks against each other. “Not just that, they should stop both direct and indirect criticisms against each other and keep in mind that the dialogue will lead either to cooperation and mutual understanding or to aggravation of the crisis. “Apart from the above, the relevant parties should realize that there is a difference between dialogue and negotiation, because through negotiations the conflicting parties request the other more concessions. “But what is currently taking place in the Kingdom of Bahrain is different. In other words, we have observed that while the government is involved in a dialogue with the opposition, we found demonstrations taking place in some areas. “Not just that, these demonstrations are rife with violence and devastation and many people from both the parties have died during these demonstrations including children and military personnel. “Such being the case, we suggest the Iranian government should stop supporting the Bahraini opposition and let the Bahrainis solve their own problems and crises just like in the past — centuries ago.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “Food safety is the basic requirement for sustenance of mankind and maintenance of his health. This is the reason why food producers indicate the expiry date of consumable food items on the packages”, columnist Dr Bahijah Behbehani wrote for

Al-Qabas daily. “When a food item exceeds the prescribed expiry date, it becomes poisonous and affects the digestive system of the body, leading to paralysis. “The quantity of expired food items discovered in Kuwait has escalated; this catastrophic system obliges the Government and the National Assembly to be decisive about the procedures required to examine food items before allowing their entry into the country. “It is not enough to test samples of those items in a single laboratory of the Ministry of Health, where the result determines the purity and safety of the food items. Based on a report from the Services Sector of the Municipality, it is obvious that the Kuwait Municipality lacks adequate technical personnel. The qualified officials of the Municipality are incapable of determining the validity of imported food items, since they lack required equipments to carry out the job and small laboratories that should be at Salmi and Abdali borders. Government should issue penalties against the owners of companies that are involved in cheating through violation of hygiene of imported food items in order to make huge profits at the expense of people’s health.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “The tension between the current lawmakers and former ones who are inciting people to protest against the ‘one man one vote’ decree, and the attempt of the government to control the situation remind me of an article I wrote on December 13, 2012 after the parliamentary elections”, columnist Waleed Jassem Al-Jassem wrote for Al-Watan Arabic daily. “In that article, I had written that despite all attempts by the Opposition to create mess in the country prior to the parliamentary elections, people yet voted that day and helped in establishing the Parliament. In addition, HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak declared the formation of his Cabinet. Since some troublemakers are against the ‘one man one vote’ parliament, it is important for the PM and his Cabinet to be aware of the huge responsibilities on their shoulders. Since Kuwait is in a critical stage, if the Constitution is not accurately applied and respected, the country would encounter extreme chaos that would result in bad consequences for the people. “The above is part of what I wrote in that article. The current government and lawmakers are in big trouble. Governments come and go without realizing any achievements that will benefit the people.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “In democratic countries whose experience is similar to the Kuwaiti democracy, respect for principles and constitutional traditions is nonexistent,” Nasser Al-Abdali wrote for AlKuwaitiah daily. “Each of the authorities – the Parliament and the government – is keen on breaching the rights of the other. In other words, the government wants the lawmakers to act like ordinary employees whose aim is to finalize one or two transactions. “On the other hand, the lawmakers want the members of the Cabinet to act as secretaries who complete transactions on their behalf. They also expect to receive confirmation of the completed transactions in an envelope, along with a red rose or perfume. “The current constitutional texts were drafted for a certain culture which is no longer applicable to us. These texts cannot solve our problems anymore. It is then important to reconsider the existing government structure to change the misconception in the minds of citizens that the authority was formed only to satisfy their whims.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “The incident of storming the National Assembly shook the entire Kuwait because it was broadcast by all news agencies and the local and Gulf satellite channels,” columnist, former MP and general manager of the Scope Satellite TV Talal Al-Saeed wrote for Al-Seyassah daily. “The event was aired live because it was abnormal and more because it was the first time that Kuwait was a victim of an unruly mob that had broken into a government building in such a disgustful manner. So there was every reason for the event to be documented. “We are not here to discuss the penalty or punishment, because we believe in our fair judiciary. The issue is in the hands of the judiciary which will give its verdict sooner than later. There are three degrees of litigation to enforce the verdict.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “We mentioned yesterday that our National Assembly is about to be the only Parliament in the world that is plagued with the interpellation phobia,” columnist Abdulrahman Al- Awwad wrote for Al-Sabah daily. “Nonetheless, interpellation constitutes a big crisis and it may result in suspension of the interests of country and the people instead of solving the problems of the citizens, but what we see is aggravation of issues. “In spite of our belief in the importance of letting the MPs practice their constitutional rights to grill the ministers, we were happy when we heard the Assembly had agreed to postpone the two grilling requests which have been filed against the ministers of Interior and Communications to the next session. “We agree with HH the Prime Minister who has called this a wise decision. The citizens and likeminded people are delighted – citizens who are looking forward for cooperation between the government and Parliament in the best interests of the country.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “The court verdict to cancel the decision of the Minister of Information to shut down the AlYawm satellite TV channel represents a condemnation of the behavior of the media blackout and trying to suppress freedoms and openness,” columnist Nasser Khamis Al-Mutairi wrote for Annahar daily. “The Al-Yawm satellite TV channel has opened the doors for the free and transparent dialogue and to publish any event without insults or prejudice and exercised its informational work professionally and raised the ceiling of the street to an angry response from the government authorities. “We hope the return of the channel promises viewers a new beginning and will open yet anoth-

er new window – the window of freedom and openness after our mass media was a victim of contamination by ‘some’ who had poisoned it with factional and sectarian sentiments.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “Democracy and royalty are two completely different concepts, as the former is based on principle of freedom of selection and the latter is inevitable. Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate both concepts,” Fahad Rashid Al-Mutairi wrote for Al-Jarida daily. “First of all, the number of votes obtained in democracy is essential to name the president of a country, while ancestral line identifies the person who ascends a throne. A democratic elected president is held responsible for his actions by his nation, whereas a king is answerable before Almighty God. An elected president may commit mistakes and yet a king is never at fault, as he is the one to correct mistakes made by other people. “The wishes of an elected president are merely proposals that may fail, while the wishes of a king become instructions that must be carried out. Does it mean that royalty is the acronym for dictatorship? In fact it is not necessary but difficult to say that a person who ascends a throne by kinship is democratically-elected president”. ❑ ❑ ❑ “We desperately need to celebrate in February the anniversaries of our National Day and Liberation Day,” columnist, former MP and general manager of the Scope Satellite TV Talal AlSaeed wrote for Al-Seyassah daily. “Here we are not talking about the official celebrations but we are talking about the general popular feelings because there are those who have tried to eliminate or freeze them by using all available means and have even issued fatwas to deny these festivities. “There is no doubt they have succeeded in eliminating the national feelings and killed the patriotic hearts of the citizens and now they have come up with another address — the address of party affiliation or sectarian or tribal belonging to replace national affiliation for reasons which are no longer hidden.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “Due to many confused factors in Egypt following the revolution and a cycle of political instability, the news coming from the streets and squares have become more common than news reports coming from palaces, salons and meeting rooms,” columnist Salah Al-Sayer wrote for AlAnba daily. “And due to the importance of Egypt and its status and its influential role in the Arab world following the deterioration of the situations in Cairo or loose political conflicts, all news reports coming from Egypt are disturbing, especially economic news reports. “However, all news reports coming from Egypt are annoying, especially those related to the economy; the foreign investments have reached a frightening level due to the political instability as published in the Al-Hayat newspaper, citing information provided by the Central Bank of Egypt.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “The interpellation is a constitutional tool and the right of every MP to check government performance in the best interest of the citizens,” columnist Hassan Al-Muhaimzi wrote for AlSabah daily. “Recently it was noticed that some MPs had resorted to this constitutional tool to such an extent it earned them public resentment. “However, the grilling requests have brought us back to square one — the atmosphere of resentment and aggravation which was the scenario during the past assemblies which had led to the suspension of vital projects and accumulation of files and issues of citizens that require urgent solutions. “Starting from the keenness to put this assembly on the right path to avoid the errors and faults of the past assemblies, the Speaker of the National Assembly Ali Al-Rashed called the MPs for discussion and pointed out the constant interpellations may hamper the performance of the National Assembly. “He stressed on the accomplishments to be made by the Parliament and the necessity of cooperation between the two authorities — the executive body and the legislature.” ❑ ❑ ❑ “Immediately after the last parliamentary election, one of the political groups held a meeting in the presence of Parliament Speaker Ali Al-Rashid and various news agencies that were invited to cover the event due to its significance-as it was setting the road map for the new parliament,” Dr Haila Hamad Al-Mukaimi wrote for Al-Nahar daily. “One of the points I raised was the importance of having a new concept of interpellation, but I hardly finished explaining my point before one of the MPs cut me short, affirming they could not let go of interpellation and would continue using the tool. “I remember this incident because we are still waiting for more grilling proposals to be presented, and having a new understanding of grilling would become handy only if the issue had been dealt with from the very beginning. “The current parliament is criticized for breaching the six months grace period government requested to prove its sincerity and devotion to better performance. However, it seems the government is the one fueling interpellation. What are we supposed to understand from provocative statement issued by the Minister of Finance about writing off loans? “The statement contradicts that of the Minister of State who was trying to create calm when he said the issue was being reviewed. “The Interior Minister also seems to ignore the current Assembly, over and above the recent appointments in oil sector, where personnel have been hired upon partisan and sectarian affiliations. “In short, the way the government deals with the parliament has not changed, therefore, the parliament ought to deal with the government in a more professional manner, although it shouldn’t be done in the manner that calls for muscles flexing and showing off in the media. The parliament has to follow up the outcome of interpellation and persist toward reform.”

— Compiled by Zaki Taleb




Top official from ‘Jawazat Hawalli’ in visa peddling Briton on visit visa beaten, robbed KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: The General Immigration Department (security sector) has arrested a senior official from the Hawalli Labor Department for allegedly trading in residence permits, reports Al-Shahed daily. The official was reportedly caught for manipulating the file of 90 establishments and inflating their personnel recruitments. A police source said the arrest came after the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Zhikra Al-Rashidi had referred the files of some suspicious employees who trade in visas for favor of fake companies. The same source said, the senior official was visiting the office after working hours and adding more laborers to the files of companies, the extra visas were then sold to prospective buyers. The official had access to the computer system because he knows the passwords of his staff. He has been referred to the authorities. ❑

Briton beaten, robbed: Police are looking for three unidentified persons for assaulting a British man, stealing about KD 1,000, credit cards, his passport and his visit visa, reports Al-Rai daily. The Briton has filed a complaint with the Salmiya Police Station. He told police

the incident happened when he was walking along a street in Salmiya. The three men got out from the car, beat and drove off with the loot. The Briton has provided police with information about the car of the thieves. ❑

‘Sex organs’ seized: Customs officers at the Kuwait International Airport Air Freight department recently foiled an attempt by unidentified persons to smuggle male and female sex organs made of rubber from an Asian country, reports Annahar daily. The contraband was found hidden in a consignment of stationary and house utensils. The consignment has been confiscated. The daily did not give more details. ❑

Call traders caught: Personnel from the Criminal Investigation Department recently raided three locations in Abu Halifa and Murgab and arrested a number of Asians for trading in overseas calls, reports Al-Shahed daily. A police source said police acting on a tip-off raided the ‘communications cabins’ in the two places after getting a warrant from the Public Prosecution. The Asians then guided police to a hideout from where three Bangladeshis were offering the same illegal service. Police have confiscated from the illegal service providers, sophisticated devices used to steal telephone lines, stopwatches and Thuraya satellite phones.

The dead horse is carried away by Municipality.

Motorist kills horse A horse died on the spot after it was hit by an unidentified motorist on the Blajat Street in Salmiya, reports Al-Rai daily. The horse had reportedly escaped from its owner. According to security sources the mishap happened during the inauguration of Hala February Festival. Reports say the man had permission from the Interior Ministry to use the horse in the celebration. However, the animal reportedly became nervous and escaped from the owner, who failed to control the animal and came under the wheels of the car. Traffic was blocked for some time until a crane was called to the site of the accident and the carcass of the horse carried away by a Municipality truck.

Father gets girl’s custody By Jaber Al-Humoud Special to the Arab Times

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: The Personal Status Court, chaired by Judge Ahmad Al-Shimmari, has overturned a ruling on granting a Kuwaiti woman the custody of her daughter and gave the privilege to the father. Case files indicate the woman left for Finland with her daughter 13 years ago but they didn’t come back to Kuwait. The couple had the child in 1999 and then they got divorced. In 2000, the woman left the country along with her daughter. Attorney Hassan Al-Ajmi, lawyer for the plaintiff, said his client has exhausted all means to get his daughter in order to raise her according to the traditions and customs of the country. However, there came a point in his life that he got tired of searching for his daughter. Al-Ajmi added the court had earlier instructed the woman to allow her ex-husband to be with their daughter during Eid holidays and every Thursday but the ruling was not implemented because they are no longer residing in Kuwait. Meanwhile, the Fast Track Court of Appeals, presided over by Judge Amr Obaed, overturned the verdict of a lower court which had previously ordered suspension of executing a ruling on the payment of KD 100 fine for blackmail. The payment should start from the date of the issuance of the ruling in return for the transfer of the right of a citizen to benefit from a plot. Attorney Abdulhamid Al-Sarraf revealed the court has instructed the other party to take the necessary steps at the Public Authority for Industry (PAI) to ensure transfer of the right to use the plot, in addition to the payment of KD 100 blackmail fine to his client daily.

Couple doing drugs: Police have arrested a Kuwaiti man and his girlfriend for consuming drugs, reports Al-Rai daily. Patrolmen on duty stopped a motorist for reckless driving on the Chalet Road and while issuing a citation they discovered he was under the influence of drugs. Police have also seized from the man two sachets of heroin. ❑

Kilo hashish seized: The Hawalli police have arrested an Egyptian man for trafficking in drugs, reports Al-Watan Arabic daily. The trafficker was driving along a street in Hawalli and looked confused when police patrol passed by. Police have seized from the man one kilo of hashish. The contraband and the suspect have been referred to the General Department for Drug Control. ❑

Shoplifters arrested: Police have arrested three youths (a bedoun, a Saudi and a Yemeni) for shoplifting from a well-known commercial complex, reports Al-Kuwaitiah daily. According to security sources the suspects were seen on the CCTV cameras stealing 300 CDs containing films, cartoons and play station games. The daily added, the sales staff alerted the security guards and after the suspects left the cash counter without paying for the loot, they were detained and handed over to the area police station.

Gang acquitted of spreading immorality By Jaber Al-Humoud Special to the Arab Times

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: The Misdemeanor Court presided over by Judge Hussain Al-Qallaf acquitted seven Kuwaiti citizens including two women, who were accused of inciting immorality by spreading indecent pictures through mobile phones. According to the court files, the suspects were accused of misusing mobile phones for exchanging messages containing indecent pictures and immoral comments. The defense counsel Lawyer Abdulmohsen AlQattan faulted the intention of the informant, stressing that he had no right to complain about the suspects. He pointed out that there was a lack of substantial evidences to back the complaint, which he claimed was malicious and fabricated. He indicated that the informant used the complaint to take revenge on the second suspect (a woman) due to marital conflicts between them. He stressed that the detectives should have carried out thorough investigations based on Article 39 of the law on court procedures.




South Yemeni separatist leaders arrested

Yemen military aircraft crash kills 12 SANAA, Feb 20, (AFP): A Yemeni military aircraft ploughed into a building in a residential neighbourhood of Sanaa on Tuesday, killing the pilot and at least 11 civilians, medics and witnesses said. Medics said the toll, which included two children and three women and left another 22 injured, was expected to rise Several hours after the crash rescue teams were still sifting through the rubble in search of any survivors in the Qadissiya area of homes and shops near Change Square, epicentre of the 2011 uprising that ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh. A military source identified the plane as a Russian-made Sukhoi SU-22 attack aircraft, but was unable to say what caused the crash that he said killed pilot Mohammed Shaker. The defence ministry said the pilot was returning to his base after a training mission and had asked authorisation to land when suddenly the aircraft lost altitude and crashed. An investigation is underway. “I saw the plane drop and we were afraid it would crash on Sanaa University, but the pilot crashed on nearby buildings,” said Mohammed al-Sabri. The aircraft hit one building on Rabat Avenue in eastern Sanaa, then smashed into another before finally crashing on top of a third, witnesses said. An AFP correspondent said the building was badly damaged and that several ambulances rushed to the scene as helicopters hovered overhead. A loud explosion shook the area when the crash occurred, witnesses said. Thick black smoke billowed over the district,

Muscat consultative council voices concern

Fears for health of 30 jailed Oman hunger strikers MUSCAT, Feb 20, (AFP): A member of Oman’s consultative council voiced concern Wednesday for the health of 30 jailed activists who have been on hunger strike for the past 12 days, as activists said some of them were in hospital. “We are concerned, as are their families, about the deterioration of the health conditions of the detainees after 12 days on hunger strike,” said Malek al-Abri, a member of Oman’s elected Majlis al-Shura (consultative council). The council “is in contact, at all levels” with the government to allow a delegation to visit Samayl central prison, 60 kms (37 miles) south of Muscat, to “inquire about the situation of the hunger strikers,” Abri told AFP. The hunger strike was first launched by 17 cyber

activists in protest at delays in their appeals after they were jailed for between six to 18 months for “unlawful assembly and violating the Cyber Law.” They were later joined by 13 other prisoners protesting their conditions of detentions, according to activists. Their appeals will be considered by the Supreme Court on February 25 and a final decision will be made on March 4, according to Abri. An activist, who requested anonymity, said that “some of the hunger strikers were hospitalised after they lost consciousness”. Two of them — Saeed al-Hashmi and Abdullah al-Arimi — were still in hospital, the activist said.

where several cars were ablaze. Panicked residents took to the streets, many screaming. “We heard a loud explosion and we thought it was a mortar shell that landed on the neighbourhood,” one of the residents, Taha al-Inad, told AFP. An air base is located near the Sanaa international airport, just 15 kms (nine miles) north of the capital.

Tuesday’s crash was the latest in a series of air accidents in the impoverished Arabian Peninsula country. Meanwhile, police arrested two separatist leaders in south Yemen, ahead of planned rival rallies to mark the first anniversary of ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh’s ouster, a security official and activists said on Wednesday.

Palestinians, Israelis clash at rally UN urges swift solution on hunger striking prisoners HAWARA, West Bank, Feb 20, (AP): Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli soldiers at a pair of rallies in the West Bank on Tuesday in support of four imprisoned countrymen on hunger strike, as hundreds of inmates said they were refusing food for the day in a show of solidarity.

exploding fireworks at soldiers, who fired back tear gas and sound bombs. During the clashes, a Palestinian speeding on a motorbike knocked over a soldier. The army said he was lightly injured. Much of the attention has surrounded prisoner Samer Issawi, whose health has severely deteriorated after an on-again, off-again hunger strike stretching more than 200 days. Issawi, 35, suffered a new setback on Tuesday when a Jerusalem judge rejected his request The unrest escalated already heightened tensions over the hunger strike, which has to be freed on bail. Issawi is set to be sentenced this month for violating the terms of an earlier release from prison. Later Tuesday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged a swift prompted anti-Israel protests across the West Bank in recent days. In unrest in the northern West Bank town of Huwara, about 200 youths hurled rocks and solution to resolve the plight of Palestinian prisoners who are on hunger strike. UN spokesman Martin Nesirky said Ban was deeply concerned about the rapidly deteriorating condition of the hunger strikers, especially Issawi. Israel is holding some 4,500 Palestinians for charges ranging from throwing stones to undertaking deadly militant attacks. Their incarceration is an emotional issue for Palestinians, who see them as heroes of their struggle for liberation from Israeli occupation. Virtually every Palestinian knows someone who has served time in an Israeli prison. Issawi and another hunger striker, Ayman Sharawneh, were prisoners who were freed as part of a 2011 exchange that released hundreds of Palestinians, many of them militants involved in deadly attacks, in exchange for an Israeli soldier held by Hamas-backed militants. Israel’s prison service said Issawi served six years of a 26year sentence for militant activity. Israel says he was arrested in July for violating the terms of his release by leaving his Jerusalem home and entering the West Bank three times. He was convicted this month for violating the terms of his release, and for pressuring an eyewitness to lie to interrogators about his Palestinian women attend a protest in solidarity with Palestinian prisserving time in Israeli jails were refusing food in solidarity with four fellow location, said lawyer Andre oners held in Israeli jails in Gaza City, on Feb 19. Some 800 Palestinians inmates who have been on long-term hunger strike, officials said. (AFP) Rosenthal. He is expected to be sentenced later this month, Rosenthal said. Issawi was hospitalized over the weekend after he lost consciousness, but his lawyers say his condition improved after receiving an IV drip containing vitamins and minerals. Sharawneh has refused food for JERUSALEM, Feb 20, (AFP): Former foreign and to do that “we must unify forces. talks under former prime minister Ehud Olmert in more than 70 days. He halted his minister Tzipi Livni will be Israel’s negotiator in “This is exactly what Tzipi Livni and I are doing 2008. strike for a month and resumed it talks with the Palestinians in the emerging coalitoday,” he said. “We both know we need to put Peace talks have been stalled since September two weeks ago. Sharawneh, who tion government of Prime Minister Benjamin aside our differences, get over old rivalries and 2010, with Palestinians demanding Israel stop was arrested in January 2012, has Netanyahu, his bloc said on Tuesday. join forces for our country,” said Netanyahu. building settlements in the occupied West Bank not been sentenced. Israel’s high Livni, who heads the centrist HaTnuah party, Livni headed the opposition during most of and east Jerusalem before a resumption of negoticourt is expected to hear would serve as justice minister and “negotiator Netanyahu’s latest term as premier. ations, and Israel rejecting any pre-conditions to with the Palestinians to reach an agreement that Netanyahu said they would act together “to protalks. Sharawneh’s appeal on Feb. 20. would end the conflict,” said the agreement dismote a process with the Palestinians aimed at Rekindling the peace process will also be on the There were no details on the original tributed by the Likud-Beitenu alliance. reaching peace between two state-nations. agenda on the upcoming visit of US President accusations against Sharawneh or HaTnuah, which campaigned for renewal of “Today Israel is reaching out its hand in peace Barack Obama, who announced he would be how he had violated the terms of his peace talks with the Palestinians, is the first party another time,” he said. “We want to negotiate. I reaching the region in the spring, with Israeli release. to join Netanyahu’s new coalition. will insist that any process will safeguard Israel’s media putting the date at March 20. The other two hunger strikers After the government comes into place, “a minsecurity and national interests.” The agreement between Netanyahu and Livni’s are being held on administrative isterial team for the peace process with the Livni noted that “the diplomatic process is at the parties also states that a member of HaTnuah will detention, a system where prisonPalestinians will be formed headed by the prime centre of our lives”. receive the environment portfolio. ers can be held without being minister and participated by the justice minister, “This reality is what is bringing the US presiLivni has previously served as justice and forcharged for months at a time. defence minister and foreign minister,” said the dent here on a visit next month,” said Livni. eign minister. Amani Srahna of the Palestinian agreement. Nimr Hammad, political adviser to Palestinian Netanyahu, whose rightwing list won a narrow Prisoners Club, a group representSpeaking alongside Livni on Tuesday night, president Mahmud Abbas, said in a statement to victory with 31 of the Knesset’s 120 seats in last ing the interests of Palestinians Netanyahu said Israel faced “huge challenges.” AFP that “Livni’s appointment to be in charge of month’s election, has been struggling to piece held by Israel, said 800 inmates in “The threats from Iran, Syria and Hezbollah do negotiations with Palestinians could be a positive together a government facing key diplomatic and three prisons were participating in not stop for a moment. To deal with these threats, sign, if she gets the full mandate and powers to foreign policy issues. Tuesday’s one-day hunger protest. we need to form a broad and stable government lead them.” He has repeatedly declared his desire for the The prisoners include those that unifies the people,” he said. “Livni was deep into the details of the negotia“broadest possible national unity government” to belonging to the militant Islamic “In addition to our commitment to security, we tions, she has extensive knowledge and a clear lead the country through “a decisive period” of its Jihad faction, which has led previmust make any effort possible to promote a vision of a solution, she knows what could lead to history, listing moves to restart negotiations with ous mass hunger strikes. responsible peace process with the Palestinians” failure or success,” he said of her position in peace the Palestinians as one of his top priorities.

Ex-FM to serve as justice minister in new coalition

Livni to lead peace team in new Israeli govt

News in Brief Saudi withdraws SL envoy: Saudi Arabia says it has called back its ambassador to Sri Lanka following a similar move by the South Asian nation to protest the kingdom’s beheading of a Sri Lankan domestic worker last month. The two countries have been at odds since the January execution of Rizana Nafeek, who was convicted in the death of a Saudi baby in her care in 2005. The case spurred global appeals for leniency because she was 17 at the time of the infant’s death. She had denied strangling the 4-monthold boy. The official Saudi Press Agency

said on Wednesday that the ambassador was called to Riyadh for consultations. Sri Lanka withdrew its ambassador to the Gulf kingdom after the execution. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Protests in Italian’s case: Palestinian human rights groups and NGOs on Wednesday demanded that a Gaza court explain why it had cut the life sentences handed to two men for the murder of an Italian national. The statement was issued a day after a military court accepted an appeal by two Salafist militants who were convicted last year of the kid-

nap and murder of Italian activist Vittorio Arrigoni in April 2011. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Probe on child’s head on Net: The Israeli army said Tuesday it has launched an investigation after a soldier allegedly posted a picture on Instagram of a Palestinian child’s head in the crosshairs of his sniper rifle. The picture, which went viral on the Facebook-owned picture-sharing website before it was removed, shows a child sitting with his back to the sniper’s telescope, with its crosshairs on the left side of his head. (AFP)

An electoral commission official registers Palestinian women at a registration tent set-up along a street in Gaza City on Feb 20. Palestinian electoral officials are updating voter rolls in the West Bank and Gaza in a vital step towards eventual elections. (AFP)

Yemeni civilians and first responders try to recover charred bodies of the driver and passengers on the wreckage of a burnt taxi at the site of a plane crash in Sanaa, Yemen, Feb 19. A Yemeni official says a military plane on a training exercise crashed into a neighborhood in the country’s capital, Sanaa, killing and injuring scores of people. (AP)

Marzouki suffers setbacks

Tunisia seeks new PM to escape crisis TUNIS, Feb 20, (AFP): Tunisia was in political limbo on Wednesday as President Moncef Marzouki suffered setbacks in his bid to replace Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali, who quit after failing in his plan to form a non-partisan cabinet. Talks between Marzouki and Rached Ghannouchi, head of Islamist Ennahda party, ended inconclusively, dashing hopes of a soon end to Tunisia’s deepest political crisis since the revolt that ousted Zine El Abidine Ben Ali two years ago. “For the moment we have no name,” said Ghannouchi, whose party holds the majority in the National Constituent Assembly, after his meeting with Marzouki. He added that he was in “talks with Jebali” to continue in his post. Jebali announced his resignation late on Tuesday, saying he had failed in his efforts for a solution to the long-running crisis. He stressed when he resigned he would not sign on again as prime minister under “any initiative that does not fix a date for new elections. What about the constitution? What about elections?”

Deadlock As well as the row over the new government, there is deadlock over the drafting of a constitution, with parliament divided over the nature of Tunisia’s future political system 15 months after it was elected. Ghannouchi after Wednesday’s talks with Marzouki said “numerous parties have expressed their desire to be part of” a new government. “I hope that forming of the government will not go beyond this week,” he added. Adnene Mancer, spokesman for the presidency, said it was hoped that a candidate for the premiership would be known by Thursday. “The issue is in the hands of the party that has the majority in Ghannouchi the National Constituent Assembly. Ennahda has not yet decided on its candidate,” he said. Tunisia was plunged into the crisis when leftist politician Chokri Belaid was shot dead outside his home in Tunis on Feb 6. Though no one claimed responsibility, Belaid’s family accused Ennahda of being behind the killing, which the party vehemently denied. The assassination did little to ease the misgivings of liberals and secularists who believe Ennahda is failing to rein in religious extremists threatening the stability of Tunisia. Belaid’s murder also sparked deadly street protests as well as strikes, which Jebali attempted to defuse by announcing plans for a non-partisan cabinet of technocrats to lead Tunisia into early elections. The proposal quickly foundered and Jebali received a final rebuff by his own Ennahda party on Monday, prompting him to carry out his threat the next day to resign if he failed to win sufficient support. Names being mentioned for the prime minister’s post are Health Minister Abdelatif Mekki and Justice Minister Noureddine Bhiri, both from Ennahda. Marzouki was pursuing his efforts, with a meeting scheduled later Wednesday with Maya Jribi from the opposition Republican party, which has in recent days made it clear it is ready to support a cabinet comprising a mix of politicians and technocrats.




‘Threats, challenges still remain’

Group warns against return of Mali displaced GENEVA, Feb 20, (Agencies): Malians displaced by the Islamist takeover of northern Mali last year and planning to return to their homes in the wake of France’s military intervention still face sharp threats and challenges, a watchdog warned Wednesday. The Geneva-based Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) said that a survey on the ground showed that an overwhelming majority of Malians who fled the conflict zone aimed to go home soon. But the risk, said the IDMC, is that they could be forced to hit the road again even though a French-led offensive has rolled back Islamist fighters. “The military intervention has not cured all evils,” said Elizabeth Rushing, the IDMC’s Mali analyst. “Invisible threats remain with reports of on-going ethnic tensions alongside fears that Islamist militants will regroup in the mountains, where they are believed to have fled, to continue their campaign of guerrilla-style raids and suicide bombings in the north,” she added. Some 380,000 people have fled northern Mali since the conflict broke out a year ago, including more than 150,000 who sought refuge in neighbouring countries, according to recent UN figures. The country imploded following a coup last March by soldiers who blamed the government for the army’s humiliation at the hands of Tuareg rebels, who had launched an uprising in the north two months earlier. Al-Qaeda-linked fighters hijacked the Tuareg rebellion and took control of the north.

Emergency assistance for victims of conflict

EU gives 22 million euros in aid to Mali BRUSSELS, Feb 20 (AFP): The EU announced Tuesday it was sending an additional 22 million euros ($29 million) in humanitarian aid to victims of the conflict in Mali. The European Commission said this brings its emergency assistance since the start of the crisis last year to 115 million euros. “Our top priority in Mali is to stabilise the very fragile food security situation which has been aggravated by the impact of the violence,” EU Commissioner for International Cooperation Kristalina Georgieva said in a statement. “We mustn’t forget that apart from the 167,000 Malians who have taken refuge in neighbouring countries

and 227,000 more who have fled the fighting in the north, there are a million people affected by the crisis in the north in urgent need of food assistance,” Georgieva said. Earlier this month, the EU provided aid worth 20 million euros to help restore law and order in Mali as well help to restore basic state services. The EU said recently it would resume a programme of development aid totalling 250 million euros for Mali as it returns to a democratic government after a military coup in early 2012 opened up the west African country to Islamist rebels who seized control of the north before being pushed back by French forces.

Though the French-led intervention launched last month has helped push back the Islamist militias, Mali’s army is struggling to restore security. Besides security fears, Mali and neighbouring countries in the Sahel region have been in the grip of a chronic food crisis for years. “There is no food. And an undercurrent of tension and instability remains. There are real concerns that premature and uncoordinated return will leave thousands at risk of being displaced again,” said Rushing. The IDMC said the international community should scale

up aid efforts fast, and do more to help coordinate the return of displaced Malians. “There is a real threat that the country will continue to slide down a slippery slope to perpetual chaos if the international community drops the ball on Mali at this crucial crossroads,” warned Rushing. Meanwhile, Malian authorities are investigating claims of torture, killings and reprisals by its own soldiers against minorities suspected of links to Islamist militants — accusations that threaten to jeopardize international support for fighting terrorism in the Sahara.

Attacks by NATO and Afghan forces kill at least 25 rebels Fighting expected to intensify in spring KABUL, Afghanistan, Feb 20, (Agencies): NATO and Afghan forces have killed at least 25 insurgents and three of their commanders in separate operations around the country, Afghan and coalition officials said Wednesday.

withdrawing and handing the lead role for security to the Afghans.

Fighting is also expected to intensify as the traditional spring fighting season gets under way after the heavy snows that blanket much of northern and eastern Afghanistan starts melting. The US-led International Assistance Force has about 100,000 troops in the country, including about 66,000 from the United States. America is expected to pull out 34,000 of its The size and scope of the latest operations were an indication that the Afghan war is troops within a year and its allies are also expected to scale back considerably. Afghan forces far from over after 11 years of conflict, even as US and foreign forces begin rapidly are to take the lead for security starting in the spring – months ahead of schedule. An Afghan security operation on Tuesday in Mehterlam, the capital city of eastern Laghman province, killed 15 insurgents, the Interior Ministry said Wednesday. The ministry said the insurgent’s commander, identified as Qari Almas, was also killed in the raid. Also Tuesday, joint operations by Afghan and coalition troops killed 10 insurgents in southern and eastern Afghanistan, NATO said. The coalition said five insurgents were killed in the lawless Andar district of eastern Ghazni province, three died in an operation in eastern Logar province, and two were killed in southern Helmand province. Both the Andar and Helmand killings were carried out by what NATO called “precision strikes,” usually a reference to an airstrike. An Afghan official said a NATO airstrike killed a senior Taleban commander in southern Helmand province on Tuesday. Ismail Khoutak, the director of the Joint Operations Center in the region, identified the insurgent as Khan Mohammed, also known as Shamssullah. He said Mohammed commanded insurFile photo shows Afghan villagers gather near a house destroyed in from the previous year, the UN said Feb 19, in a sign of the changgents in the Mus-a-Qala district. an apparent NATO raid in Logar province, south of Kabul, ing mission as international forces prepare to withdraw combat Afghanistan. The number of US drone strikes in Afghanistan jumped forces in less than two years. (AP) NATO confirmed in an 72 percent in 2012, killing at least 16 civilians in a sharp increase announcement that the Taleban commander had been killed in the operation. Meanwhile, the commander of US-led forces in Afghanistan said recently he would comply with President Hamid Karzai’s order banning Afghan security forces from seeking NATO air MIAMI, Feb 20, (AP): An elderly Muslim citizen of the United States,” Khan said. 2009 campaign against the Taleban. support. Karzai said that he cleric on trial in the US for allegedly funneling The prosecution’s case is built largely on “There was no justice there,” he said. “The would issue a decree ordering an tens of thousands of dollars to the Pakistani FBI wiretaps and recorded in-person conversa- majority of the victims were innocent people, end to local security forces callTaleban terrorist organization vehemently tions in which Khan is heard apparently prais- and there was no investigation.” ing in NATO air strikes amid denied any connection to Islamic extremists ing attacks committed by the Pakistani Khan took the stand after his lawyers abannew tensions over civilian casuand insisted he does not harbor anti-US views. Taleban, including some in which US person- doned an unusual attempt to have defense witalties caused by such attacks. Hafiz Khan, 77, on Tuesday rejected gov- nel were killed. The Taleban is also linked to nesses testify via video link from Islamabad. Air strikes have been an ernment charges that he sent at least $50,000 to al-Qaida and to attempted attacks in the US, The link was shut down last week just a few important weapon in the fight the Taleban for use in violent attacks against such as the failed 2010 bombing in New York’s minutes into the second witness, and US against Taleban insurgents, but both US and Pakistani interests overseas. bustling Times Square. they have also proved hugely District Judge Robert Scola refused to allow “We are innocent of these accusations,” said In some of those calls, Khan appears to be any more delays. controversial as they have led to Khan, speaking in Pashto through an inter- advocating the overthrow of Pakistan’s govnumerous civilian deaths. Most of the witnesses either could not or preter. “We have no connection with them ernment, such as one in which he says that would not come to the US to testify. US General Joseph Dunford, whatsoever. We hate them.” “God should turn the government upside down who took charge of the US-led One witness who did testify said he handled Khan, who became a US citizen after arriv- and let it be scattered completely.” NATO force in the war-battered ing in 1994, said he is proud to live in the counIn testimony Tuesday, Khan said he was some $30,000 of Khan’s transactions in country last Sunday, said he was Pakistan, insisting they were for innocent and try, is registered to vote and doesn’t even know angered by the Pakistani army’s decision to prepared to comply with how to fire a gun. The imam of a Miami temporarily shut down a religious school, or business purposes not connected to the Karzai’s order, made after a Taleban. mosque said he concentrates mainly on Islamic madrassa, that he owns in his ancestral Swat NATO air raid killed 10 civilians Khan was scheduled to continue testifying studies and teaching — something he feels Valley. Khan said he was also upset by what he including women and children utterly free to do in the US because of its guar- viewed as overly aggressive and violent army Tuesday and could face prosecution crossin eastern Afghanistan on anteed rights. “It is really a good thing to be a actions against dissidents and the poor in their examination as early as Wednesday. Wednesday night.

‘Khan sent thousands of dollars to Pak terrorists’

US imam takes stand, denies Taleban ties

Suspected Somali speed boats intercepted

Dutch, Spanish navies detain 9 ‘pirates’ THE HAGUE, Feb 20, (AFP): The Dutch and Spanish navies on Tuesday detained nine alleged pirates off the Somali coast, the Dutch defence ministry said in a statement. A helicopter took off from Dutch frigate De Ruyter early Tuesday after a Panamian-registered vessel said it had felt threatened. The helicopter intercepted one high-speed boat and detained “some” of the suspects, the ministry said. Spanish frigate Mendez Nunez also dispatched a helicopter which intercepted another speedboat, detaining more suspects, all of whom are now aboard the Dutch ship. The ministry said those on board the detained skiffs had thrown objects overboard and tried to head off in different directions.

After a spike at the start of the last decade, successful pirate attacks on commercial vessels sailing off the Horn of Africa have diminished, deterred by the European Union Naval Force’s anti-piracy operation Atalanta. Meanwhile, two men who attempted to hijack a Japanese tanker off the coast of Oman have appealed against their 10 year jail sentence. The two Somali nationals, who were convicted earlier this month in the first piracy case to be heard in Japan, filed the appeal with the Tokyo High Court recently, according to Kyodo News. Tokyo District Court meted out the 10-year jail term, saying that Mohamed Urgus Adeysey and Abdinur Hussein Ali’s acts were “heinous” and typical of Somali pirates, who seek to obtain a ransom by taking hostages on the high seas.

An Afghan amputee practices walking with his prosthetic leg at one of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) hospitals for war victims and the disabled in Jalalabad on Feb 20. The ICRC orthopaedic project, which began in 1988 in Kabul, now has seven centres in various Afghan provinces. (AFP)

French Minister of Foreign Affairs Laurent Fabius (right), gives a press conference with Malian Prime Minister Diango Sissoko after their meeting on Feb 19, at the Foreign Affairs Ministry in Paris. (AFP)

‘Troops pull out in weeks’

Moment of reckoning for the French military PARIS, Feb 20, (Agencies): It’s crunch time in Mali for the French military. Radical Islamist fighters spent weeks on the run from Malian cities under a French ground and air assault — but they’re brazenly fighting back this week at French troops. The French, meanwhile, are tightening a dragnet against the al-Qaeda-linked militants in one of their last remaining redoubts, mountain sanctuaries near Algeria’s border. France’s government said Wednesday it’s still hoping to pull out of its thorny Mali operation in the coming weeks. Defense analysts say that if France wants to make that work, and avoid getting bogged down in a protracted, Afghan-style occupation, now’s the time to hit hard — dismantling the hideouts and killing all the insurgents they can — to crush what it fears is a growing terrorist threat that could spread to Mali’s African neighbors and even as far as Europe.

Fallout French and Malian authorities on Wednesday sifted over the fallout from a nearly sixhour gunfight Tuesday, when about 30 jihadist fighters surprised a 50-troop French reconnaissance patrol about 50 kilometers (30 miles) south of the town of Tessalit in the Adrar des Ifoughas region, and opened fire with machine guns. Hollande The farmore-muscular French called in support from Mirage fighter jets, helicopter gunships, and armored vehicles firing 105mm cannons. By the end, more than 20 insurgents and one French legionnaire were killed, French officials said. The French operation in the area, code-named “Panthere,” or panther, is continuing for a third day Wednesday. President Francois Hollande insists that France — eager for African forces to help stabilize the impoverished West African country and its wobbly central government — is entering the final phase of its operation. But he says France will “go all the way — that’s to say, arresting the last terrorist chiefs in northern Mali.” Defense analysts are blunter. The extremists “have their backs against the wall,” said Francois Heisbourg, president of the International Institute for Strategic Studies think tank, and adviser to France’s Foundation for Strategic Research. “They have been clobbered. And the best time to hit a guy is when he’s on the ground on his back.” Heisbourg estimated there are about 1,200 to 2,000 radical Islamic fighters in three extremist movements in northern Mali: al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and its allies; the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa, or MUJAO; and Ansar Dine. The groups controlled northern Mali for 10 months until the French incursion began Jan 11. Heisbourg cautioned that if rebel fighters headed south to Niger, home to higher mountains than the Ifoghas, it could present longer-term problems for counterterrorism forces. The French have backing from Malian soldier, as well as forces from nearby Chad who are seen as battle-hardened and used to operating in harsh desert terrain and working with local Tuareg tribes. French authorities are not yet clear if the zone between Gao, northern Mali’s largest city, and the Niger border has

been fully scrubbed of the insurgent threat, officials say. Officials in France are aware of the perils of trying to predict a quick end to counterterrorism operations, which can foment suicide bombings and other guerrilla tactics that defy resolution through military force. One comparable example is the eastern African country of Somalia, where it took a UNbacked force of African troops — backed by US drone and aircraft strikes on targeted militant leaders — many years to degrade al-Shabab insurgents enough to allow the formation of a functional transitional government. Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told France-2 Television on Wednesday that France hopes to start moving out its 4,000 troops in Mali within weeks but, at the same time, he acknowledged that the counterterrorism operation in the Ifoghas range will continue “for a while.” Even as France talks about an eventual handover to Malian and other African forces, French troops are greeted warmly in Malian cities by waves from women selling their vegetables in piles on the street, and children who cheerfully shout “Mali! Mali!” as the soldiers pass. Gao Mayor Sadou Diallo said about 1,000 French troops are in the Gao region, along with about 3,000 Malian and African soldiers. He said he hoped the French won’t leave the job half-done. “I am optimistic that they won’t leave without finishing their work,” he says. “We don’t want them to stay for years. We hope that MUJAO is wiped out, that elections can be held and that development can begin.” At the Nour mosque in Gao, Imam Alassane Maiga puts the French intervention in the plainest of terms: “If they had waited until September, we would have been dead” — referring to the initial timetable planned for international troops to start fighting alongside Malian forces.

Mission UN discussions about an African force for Mali have been under way for months, alongside efforts for a European Union training mission to help the Malian military. But while the world was waiting for those to come together, the extremists who had been imposing strict Islamic law on northern Mali started moving toward the capital in January. So France struck back, sending troops into help Malian forces push the radical fighters back. A French soldier and more than 20 Islamist rebels were killed during what appeared to be the first clashes in the Adrar des Ifoghas mountain range where militants have taken refuge in northern Mali, French officials said on Tuesday. Speaking on a visit to Athens, Hollande said serious fighting had broken out and was continuing in the remote area that straddles the MaliAlgeria border, resulting in several casualties among the rebels and one French legionnaire. “At this moment we have special forces that are in an extremely precarious zone of the Ifoghas,” Hollande said. “It’s where the terrorist groups that we stopped before have pulled back to.” The soldier is the second French casualty since Paris intervened in Mali last month when Islamist rebels, after hijacking a rebellion by ethnic Tuareg MNLA separatists to seize control of the north in the confusion following a military coup, pushed south towards the capital Bamako.




Mantel’s criticism described as ‘venomous attack’

Tabloid slams novelist over Kate comments LONDON, Feb 20, (AP): A novelist, a duchess and a tabloid newspaper have ignited an explosive debate in Britain: Is it all right to criticize a pregnant Kate? The Daily Mail on Tuesday ran a front-page broadside against two-time Booker Prize-winning author Hilary Mantel for what it called her “venomous attack” on the former Kate Middleton, now the Duchess of Cambridge. Within hours, the Internet was ablaze. Prime Minister David Cameron joined in the criticism of Mantel while others rushed to her defense. In a speech earlier this month, the writer had characterized the 31-year-old wife of Prince William as “a jointed doll on which certain rags were hung ... a shop-window mannequin, with no personality of her own.” Mantel said that Kate, as a royal consort, “appeared to have been designed by committee and built by craftsmen, with a perfect plastic smile and the spindles of her limbs hand-turned and gloss-varnished.” Mantel’s speech, made at the British Museum and reprinted this week in the London Review of Books, was about the British public’s complex relationship with royalty over the centuries - a relationship both symbiotic and voyeuristic. The speech looked at the way the public and the press both glorify and destroy royals, from Anne Boleyn to Princess Diana, casting them in roles and stories in which “adulation can swing to persecution, within hours.” But for the Daily Mail, this became “an astonishing and venomous attack on the Duchess of Cambridge.” The newspaper’s front page juxtaposed pictures of the

Arts Council asked for help

British neighborhood wants its Banksy back LONDON, Feb 20, (AP): A London neighborhood wants its Banksy back. A stencil by the famed, secretive graffiti artist of a young boy sewing Union Jack bunting on an antique sewing machine appeared on the side of a bargain store last May. Interpreted as an ironic comment on Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations — 60 years on the British throne — and it drew art-lovers to the gritty Turnpike Lane area. Last week it vanished, leaving nothing but a rectangle of exposed brick — only to reappear on the website of a Miami auction house. Listed as “Slave Labor (Bunting Boy),” it is due to be sold Saturday with an esti-

mated price of between $500,000 and $700,000. The lawmaker representing Turnpike Lane, Lynne Featherstone, says she has asked the building’s owner for an explanation but has yet to receive a reply. Poundland, the store that occupies the building, said it had nothing to do with the removal. “(It’s) totally unethical that something so valued should be torn without warning from its community context,” Featherstone said. Local authorities have asked Britain’s Arts Council for help in getting the artwork back. Alan Strickland, a councilor with local Haringey Council, said the mural had become “a real symbol of local pride” in an area badly hit in England’s August 2011 riots.

author and the duchess alongside the front-page headline: “A plastic princess designed to breed.” It quoted Mantel’s speech at length, although it did not note that the 60-year-old author was describing what she saw as a view of Kate constructed by the press and public opinion. Online reaction was divided, with some defending Mantel’s words as provocative and thoughtful and others

calling them hurtful. Cameron - on a trip to India - said Mantel’s comments were “completely misguided and completely wrong.” Claudia Joseph, author of “Kate: The Making of a Princess,” said it was unfair to describe Kate as lacking in personality. Joseph said the duchess was instead someone who “has learned to keep her feelings hidden and private.”

Ex-wife to be retried in case that toppled British minister Jury fails to agree on verdict LONDON, Feb 20, (RTRS): The ex-wife of fallen British minister Chris Huhne will face a retrial for perverting the course of justice by helping him dodge a driving ban in 2003, after a jury failed to reach a verdict on Wednesday. Huhne, once considered a likely successor to Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg as leader of the Liberal Democrats, pleaded guilty to the charge on Feb. 4. Huhne has been warned to expect a prison sentence. His sentencing has been deferred until

the end of the retrial of his ex-wife, Vicky Pryce, which is expected to start on Monday. The inconclusive end of Pryce’s first trial was the latest twist in a long-running scandal that toppled Huhne from his cabinet post and has gripped the British public with salacious revelations about the private lives of a once powerful couple. The allegation against the estranged pair is that they falsely informed police that she was driving his car when it was flashed by a speed camera in March 2003. She took penalty points on her licence which, if he had taken them, would have resulted in a six-month driving ban. The deception, which took place at a time when the couple were happily married, remained a family secret for eight years but came back to haunt Huhne after the acrimonious break-up of his 26-year marriage to Pryce. He abruptly left her in June 2010 when his long-term affair with bisexual former aide Carina Trimingham was about to be exposed in the press. Details of the trio’s private lives were splashed all over the newspapers for days. Months later, Pryce told two newspapers about the 2003 points incident in what the prosecution at her trial described as an act of revenge against Huhne.


Protesters chant slogans and wave banners after French MEP and leader of the French Front National Marine Le Pen arrives at the Cambridge Union in Cambridge, north of London on Feb 19. Protestors greeted far-right leader Marine Le Pen as she arrived to

accept an invitation to address the debating society, who ‘welcome the opportunity to discuss, debate and challenge Mme. Le Pen, who has had an unquestionable impact on French and European politics.’ (AFP)

French right-wing leader calls for ‘New Deal’ on immigration

Le Pen slams Soviet EU in UK speech CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom, Feb 20, (AFP): French right-wing leader Marine Le Pen called for a “New Deal” on immigration and slammed the emergence of a “Soviet European Union” during a fiery speech at Britain’s Cambridge University on Tuesday. Around 100 protesters gathered outside to denounce the National Front leader, who spoke in French on what she claimed were the main political issues “in France, Europe and the world” in front of 300 members of the Cambridge Union Society. “I have campaigned forcefully for Europe to halt immigration and the Schengen agreement and to prepare for a return to national currencies,” she said, highlighting the need for a “strong state” in France, which she claimed had been weakened by the EU. She urged “a New Deal on immigration” and said that “the Soviet Union European (was) emerging slowly but

surely.” Le Pen also pushed for “the end of the Francafrique” — referring to the dubious ties France has had with its former colonies — and added she hoped France would stop taking responsibility “for the misery of the world” because it did not have the resources. She also warned that the twin “totalitarian” ideologies of “Islamism and globalism” threatened the existence of France and Britain in the 21st century, comparing them to communism and Nazism in the previous century. Le Pen revealed she had “political relations with UKIP”, the British antiEuropean Union party, but had “no contact with the BNP”, Britain’s far-right party. The 35-minute speech was followed by an hour-long exchange of questions and answers with students, which concluded with applause. Before that, Le Pen was greeted by angry protesters carrying placards reading “No platform

for fascism” and “F for Fascism, N for Nazism, down with the National Front.” Banners were also deployed with messages including “Le Pen, never again” and “(Cambridge Student) Union, you like rapists and fascists” in protest at the invitations issued by the Cambridge Union Society. The student association sparked controversy in the past by inviting Marine Le Pen’s father Jean-Marie, the shamed former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Meanwhile, Britain is very unlikely to quit the EU in a referendum, its speaker of parliament said Wednesday, despite a poll earlier this week showing otherwise. “I think that the idea that we will march through the exit door is extremely unlikely,” Speaker John Bercow told students during a lecture at Vilnius University in Lithuania.

The jury were shown an email from Pryce to a journalist in March 2011 in which she wrote “I definitely want to nail him”. The first news reports about the points appeared in May 2011 and police then started investigating the matter, culminating in criminal charges against Huhne and Pryce in February 2012. Huhne, who was energy secretary in the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government, resigned from that post when the charges were announced. Pryce pleaded not guilty, arguing that Huhne had used “marital coercion” to force her to take his points. Huhne and Pryce had been supposed to stand trial together but his 11th-hour guilty plea on the morning the trial was due to start meant that Pryce was alone in the dock. Her trial revealed intimate and painful details of the feuding couple’s past. In particular, seeking to bolster her marital coercion defence by showing that in certain circumstances she could be bullied by Huhne, Pryce said he had pressured her into have an unwanted abortion in 1990. The court also heard colourful snippets from months of discussions in 2010-2011 between Pryce and journalists keen to publish a story with the potential to bring down a minister. In one email read in court, a Mail on Sunday journalist asked Pryce’s intermediary if there was “lift-off” for an article, in the form of Pryce confirming the points story. “If so, I suspect he will be an ex-minister by Sunday lunchtime,” the journalist wrote.

3 Britons held in Dubai on drug charges

UAE denies Britons’ abuse allegations LONDON/DUBAI, Feb 20, (RTRS): Three Britons held in Dubai on drug charges say they were tortured by police after their arrest while on holiday in July 2012, a human rights group said on Wednesday, drawing a swift denial from authorities in the Gulf Arab emirate. Grant Cameron, Karl Williams and Suneet Jeerh, all 25 years old, say police subjected them to beatings and threatened them with guns, according to Reprieve, a London-based legal charity which campaigns for prisoner rights. Dubai police denied any torture had taken place. A source in the police said they were aware of the allegations and that they had had dealings with the British consulate regarding the case. A neutral party was appointed to investigate if any torture had taken place but had found the claims to be untrue, the source said. Dubai’s public prosecutor was

also aware of the case and the investigation, the source added. Reprieve said Williams had electric shocks administered to his testicles, adding that a Reprieve lawyer had met the three men in prison and drawn up draft witness statements. “They pulled down my trousers, spread my legs and started to electrocute my testicles. It was unbelievably painful. I was so scared. Then they took off the towel and I could see that there was a gun pointed at my head,” Williams was quoted as saying. The three men say they were also forced to sign documents in Arabic, a language none of them speak, Reprieve said. A spokesman for the British Foreign Office confirmed that Britain had been providing consular assistance to three British nationals detained in July 2012 in the United Arab Emirates.

Vicky Pryce, former wife of British energy minister Chris Huhne, arrives at Southwark Crown Court in London, on Feb 20. The jury is still deliberating after retiring to consider its verdict on Feb 14, in the cast against Pryce, in which she is charged with perverting the course of justice by taking her ex-husband’s speeding points in 2003. (AFP)

Britain’s Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (right), visits the kitchens at Hope House charity in south London on Feb 19. The Duchess visited Hope House, an all-female rehabilitation centre which is one of the projects run by her patronage, Action on Addiction. (AFP)

Britain’s Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, meets Charlie, a black labrador puppy who will be trained to detect Type 1 diabetes as she visits Medical Detection Dogs (MDD) charity in Great Horwood, outside Milton Keynes, north of London, on Feb 20. The charity trains dogs to assist people with life threatening health conditions such as aggressive Type 1 diabetes, and to research the early diagnosis of cancer by smelling samples from hospitals. (AFP)

Kenny issues full apology

Ireland ‘apologises’ to church laundry victims DUBLIN, Feb 20, (AP): Ireland ignored the mistreatment of thousands of women who were incarcerated within Catholic nun-operated laundries and must pay the survivors compensation, Prime Minister Enda Kenny said Tuesday in an emotional state apology for the decades of abuses in the so-called Magdalene Laundries. “By any standards it was a cruel, pitiless Ireland, distinctly lacking in a quality of mercy,” Kenny said, as dozens of former Magdalenes watched tearfully from parliament’s public gallery overhead. Kenny told lawmakers his government has appointed a senior judge to recommend an aid program for the approximately 1,000 women still living from the residential workhouses, the last of which closed in 1996. He also pledged Kenny government funding for the erection of a national memorial “to remind us all of this dark part of our history.”

Consigned A government-commissioned report published two weeks ago found that more than 10,000 women were consigned to the laundries after being branded “fallen” women, a euphemism for prostitutes, even though virtually none of them were - and instead were products of poverty, homelessness and dysfunctional families. More than a quarter were directly referred by public officials, such as judges or truancy officers, and all spent months or years in menial labor without access to education. Most did laundry for local hotels, hospitals and prisons, while others scrubbed floors or made rosary beads for the church’s profit. “The Magdalene women might have been told that they were washing away a wrong, or a sin. But we know now - and to our shame - they were only ever scrubbing away our nation’s shadow,” Kenny said. “I believe I speak for millions of Irish people, all over the world, when I say we put away these women because, for too many years, we put away our conscience.” Kenny’s voice faltered with sorrow as he neared the end of his address and addressed the former Magdalenes directly. “As a society, for many years we failed you. We forgot you or, if we thought of you at all, we did so in untrue and offensive stereotypes. This is a national shame, for which I say again: I am deeply sorry and offer my full and heartfelt apologies,” he said. Lawmakers and spectators applauded. Opposition leader Micheal Martin, whose Fianna Fail party in government refused calls to investigate the state’s role in the laundries, said Ireland spent decades treating

the Magdalene women as shameful outcasts. “They continued to live and work in conditions which were morally unacceptable and should have been stopped,” he said. Tuesday’s state apology marks another step in Ireland’s two-decade effort to come to grips with the human rights abuses committed in Catholicrun institutions following Ireland’s independence from Britain in 1922, when the fledgling state gave church authorities substantial authority over the education of the young and care for the poor. Over the past decade Ireland has published five investigations into the church’s serial cover-up of crimes by pedophile priests in the Dublin Archdiocese and two rural Catholic dioceses; the sexual, physical and psychological abuse of tens of thousands of children consigned to statefunded industrial schools since the 1930s; and now, as a final piece of that puzzle, the Magdalene laundries.

Paid A taxpayer-funded compensation fund established in 2002 has already paid out more than 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) to more than 13,000 former residents of the industrial schools, but the previous Fianna Fail government refused to extend that aid to former Magdalenes, arguing that the laundries were private businesses beyond the state’s control or responsibility. This month’s approximately 1,000-page report disproved that claim, finding that 26 percent of laundry workers were sent there directly by state authorities, while the approximately dozen laundries all were subject to regular government inspections. Advocates for the women say they should have received pay and retirement pensions but instead lived lives closer to slaves, locked into their rooms at night and often bewildered as to why they were even there. And Kenny said after meeting groups of former Magdalenes in Dublin and London last week, “I have come to the view that these women deserve more than this formal apology, important though it is. I also want to put in place a process by which we can determine how best to help and support the women in their remaining years.” He said the president of Ireland’s Law Reform Commission, Judge John Quirke, has been tasked with producing by May a compensation program for former Magdalenes to include cash payments, and access to free medical care and counseling. “The government will establish a fund to assist the women based on his recommendations,” he said. Pressure groups have called for the government to provide each former laundry resident payments of 50,000 euros to 100,000 euros ($67,000 to $135,000) and full state pensions, a difficult bill for an Ireland struggling to reduce a 15 percent unemployment rate, slash deficits and escape from its 2010 international bailout.




‘Rebels disciplined and brave’

Bloody stalemate in battle for Damascus DAMASCUS, Feb 20, (RTRS): Rebel fighters in Damascus are disciplined, skilled and brave. In a month on the frontline, I saw them defend a swathe of suburbs in the Syrian capital, mount complex mass attacks, manage logistics, treat their wounded — and die before my eyes. But as constant, punishingly accurate, mortar, tank and sniper fire attested, President Bashar alAssad’s soldiers on the other side, often just a room or a grenade toss away, are also well drilled, courageous — and much better armed. So while the troops were unable to dislodge brigades of the Free Syrian Army from devastated and depopulated neighbourhoods just east of the city centre — and indeed made little effort to do so — there seems little immediate prospect of the rebels overrunning Assad’s stronghold. The result is bloody stalemate. I watched both sides mount assaults, some trying to gain just a house or two, others for bigger prizes, only to be forced back by sharpshooters, mortars or sprays of machinegun fire. As in the ruins of Beirut, Sarajevo or Stalingrad, it is a sniper’s war; men stalk their fellow man down telescopic sights, hunting a glimpse of flesh, an eyeball peering from a crack, use lures and decoys to draw their prey into giving themselves away. Grenades Fighting is at such close quarters that on one occasion a rebel patrol stumbled into an army unit inside a building; hand grenades deafened us and shrapnel shredded plaster, a sudden clatter of Kalashnikov cartridges and bullets coming across the cramped space gave way in seconds to the groans of the wounded. From Jan 14, having reached Damascus from Lebanon by way of undercover opposition networks, I spent four weeks in Ain Tarma, Mleha, Zamalka, Irbin and Harasta — rebel-held areas forming a wedge whose apex lies less than a mile to the east of the walled Old City, with its ancient mosques, churches and bazaars. Once bustling suburbs are all but empty of life, bar the fighters; six months of combat, of shelling and occasional air strikes have broken open apartment blocks to the winter winds of the high Syrian plateau and choked the streets with rubble. Battling the cold in woollen skihats or chequered keffiyeh scarves, swathed in layers of cotton and leather jackets, a few thousand unshaven men, many from nearby peasant villages, some who deserted Assad’s army, defend a patchwork of barricades and strongpoints, served by cars ferrying ammunition and rations and led by commanders using handheld radios and messenger runners. Regular Days are punctuated by regular halts for prayer in a conflict, now 23 months old, that has become increasingly one pitting Syria’s Sunni Muslim majority, stiffened by Islamist radicals, against Alawites led by Assad; they have support from Iran, from whose Shi’ite Islam their faith is derived. Typical of the frontline routine was an attack that a couple of dozen men of the brigade Tahrir al-Sham — roughly “Syrian Freedom” — mounted in Ain Tarma on Jan 30, aiming to take over or at least damage an army checkpoint further up the lane. I photographed one two-man fire team crouch against a breezeblock garden wall, about 50 metres from their target. In blue jeans, sneakers and muffled against a morning chill, their role was to wait for comrades to hit the army position with rocketpropelled grenades then rake the soldiers with their AK-47 automatic rifles as they were flushed out into the open. There was little to make a sound in the abandoned streets. The attackers whispered to each other under their breath. Then two shots rang out. One of the two riflemen, heavy set and balding, screamed in pain and collapsed back on the tarmac. The day’s assault was going wrong before it even started. Another fighter crept over to help. Realising the casualty was gravely hurt, two more came up and they dragged the man’s inert bulk back across the street, through a narrow gap to relative safety. Battlefield first-aid is helpless in the face of single shot to the belly. The man died in minutes, his gut ripped through and his blood warming the bare concrete floor. But there was no time to mourn — the army was alerted to the squad’s presence. As the rebels regrouped, a tank

shell struck the deserted building, sending shattered concrete and dust raining down on us and the survivors ran for cover, ready to fight another day. Having captured large areas last July before the front lines again congealed in the capital, the rebels stepped up attacks last month, trying to weaken Assad’s grip on the outlying neighbourhoods surrounding the fortified centre of Damascus and pushing across the main ring road in the neighbourhood of Jobar. Among the boldest offensive moves I saw was an assault by what appeared to be several hundred fighters on a sprawling army barracks in the Irbin district. It was striking for the level of coordination it displayed among numerous units which, lacking uniforms, donned bandannas in bright pinks, reds and oranges to identify their loyalties and reduce the risk of “friendly fire”. Attack One group also brought up a Soviet-built T-72 tank to take part in the Feb 3 attack. Crewed by men who evidently had been trained in the army, it may have had little ammunition, however. The infantry skirmish for control of the barracks involved teams of fighters, their colourful headscarves at odds with grim faces and attempts at camouflage, stealing up to a two-metre perimeter wall that stretched for hundreds of metres around. On a misty morning, they tried to maintain surprise, but once the shooting began there was no turning back, no sign these men might recently have been fearful civilians. They poured sustained rifle fire through gaps in the wall, tossed grenades over it and did what they could to avoid incoming rounds. One man poked the head of a store-window manikin, fixed on a pole, into a hole in the perimeter, hoping a sniper could be tempted to betray his position. It was a wise precaution. I saw another man picked off later as he aimed through a similar gap. By afternoon, helped by their tank, they had breached the defences and were inside the compound, looking for enemies, intelligence and, especially, more weapons to carry off. They knew the position itself would be hard to hold — too big and open and vulnerable to familiar retaliatory air strikes. In the end, at dusk, they pulled back. One commander said 150 of the attackers had been wounded and 20 were killed, a toll to add to the 70,000 the UN estimates have died in this war. Rebel weaponry The bulk of the rebel armoury is made up of Soviet- and Chinesemade AK-47s, similar to those among Assad’s troops. Most rebels have one, though not always many magazines of bullets. I also saw US-made M4 carbines and Austrian Steyr assault rifles not commonly supplied to the Syrian government. Western-allied Sunni Arab leaders in the Gulf have been arming the fighters. Snipers use Russian Dragunovs and I also saw an American Barrett, a heavy-calibre rifle capable of puncturing metal. The rebels also have rocket-propelled grenades and some heavier anti-tank weapons — at least enough to discourage their opponents from trying to roll their armour through their lines. One day, I watched a man fire an antiquated, probably 1960s vintage, Soviet B-10 recoilless rifle, a heavy, bazooka-style cannon normally mounted on a little trolley and weighing about 70 kg (150 pounds); the rebel fighter simply hefted it onto his shoulder and blasted a heavy round somewhere down the road. Capable of improvising, I also saw men use a shotgun to blast a fuse-lit, home-made grenade at their enemy. Further from the fighting lines, some vestiges of ordinary life goes on for those civilians who have not joined the army of refugees. Often without electricity or running water, residents try to survive; a few shops sell vegetables, or meat kebabs. Moving around, glimpses of normality can be startling, as I found, turning a corner to find children playing in the street. Other surprises were less pleasant. One Saturday, Jan 26, I was following a rebel patrol in Mleha, crawling from house to house through holes smashed in walls to evade the snipers. Just ahead, those in front emerged to find themselves face to face with some equally astonished soldiers. Gunfire, grenades and screams followed. I threw myself to the ground. Both sides quickly pulled back, the wounded gasping and dragged to safety.

A Syrian girl cries following an explosion in the northern city of Aleppo, on Feb 20. The UN says at least 70,000 people have been killed in the near two-year

conflict, and puts the number of Syrians who have fled their homeland at more than 850,000. (AFP)

Rebels down Syria warplane as air raid kills 14, says NGO Saudi Arabia, Qatar press for more help BEIRUT, Feb 20, (Agencies): Syrian rebels downed a warplane over Hammuriyeh on Wednesday, shortly after an air strike killed at least 14 people and wounded dozens more in the Damascus province town, a watchdog and activists said. Amateur video shot by activists and distributed by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights showed a warplane firing from the sky and then going down in flames after apparently being hit. “It’s gone up in flames! Allahu akbar (God is greatest)! The (rebel) Free Syrian Army air defence battalions have hit a MiG warplane!” cried the cameraman filming the video. Lacking sophisticated weaponry, rebels fighting President Bashar alAssad’s regime have frequently used heavy machineguns to shoot down warplanes deployed to strike insurgent enclaves across the country. “The shelling and bombardment in Eastern Ghuta province on Wednesday was fierce,” Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP, adding that the warplane was shot down as it was bombarding the town. The air strike killed 12 men, a woman and a child, said the Britain-based watchdog which relies on a network of activists, medics and lawyers on the ground for its information. A video filmed by activists in Hammuriyeh and distributed on Facebook showed residents in the aftermath of the strike pouring water on a burning corpse on the ground, and another two in destroyed vehicles. The video, which AFP is unable to verify, also showed a lorry on fire and widespread destruction in the area. Elsewhere, clashes raged between rebels and troops in the northern province of Aleppo, days after rebels launched an assault to seize the international airport and other air bases in the region. “The clashes around Kwayris military airport were fierce today, and there were also intermittent battles around Aleppo international airport and Nayrab military air base,” said Abdel Rahman. Activists say the rebels’ assault is aimed at stopping warplanes from taking off, and at seizing ammunition, while rebels say it is part of a bid to expel troops from the north. Saudi Arabia and Qatar share the West’s alarm at the rise of al Qaedaaligned groups in Syria, but say the answer is for outsiders like them to be more involved in backing rebels there. The two Gulf Arab states rooting for President Bashar al-Assad’s overthrow appear to be chafing at Western pressure to keep out of the fight, arguing that building ties through aid and advice to favoured opposition groups is the only way to ensure other, hardline Islamist factions are sidelined. The United States and Europe want to avoid arming rebel militias for fear that weaponry will find its way to ultra-orthodox Sunni Muslim groups close to jihadis like al Qaeda. Assad cites such militants, often seen as the most effective fighters on Syria’s battlefields, to justify using relentless force in a two-year-old war that has cost some 70,000 lives. Attacks carried out by such groups against the Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shi’ite Islam that dominates Syria’s power and security structures, have aggravated sectarian rifts in many Arab states including some in the oil-rich Gulf. The United States in December listed the al Qaeda-endorsed al-Nusra Front in Syria as a terrorist group. But Saudi Arabia and Qatar are signalling that the longer the war drags on, the stronger such hardliners will get, while other groups will likely struggle if denied meaningful aid, according to a Gulf Arab official, analysts and diplomats.

It is … unacceptable Continued from Page 1 close their Twitter accounts after they were caught exchanging tweets which caused uproar in the media and judicial circles. The incident happened last autumn when one of the judges wrote on his tweet asking the other judge if he has the right to slap a witness, the other judge replied saying he will make the witness laugh. Both judges were interrogated about the tweets that were published in newspapers and both were told to close their accounts. The exchange of words on Twitter is similar to chatting in a public place. Therefore, when some people talk about freedom of speech it shouldn’t be taken lightly, because everything has a limit and the limit has been set by law and ethics. One young Kuwaiti lawyer told me there is a law which punishes anyone who is heard insulting another person even if the person who insulted the other did so from a closed room but was heard by a passer-by. According to the law this is considered insult or defamation. Therefore it is irrational for someone to call it freedom of speech to exonerate the youths or others from media or Twitter crimes. Al-Shahed daily published in detail the voting on the new labor law in the private sector - the voting took place in March 2010. In that law one article forbid labor unions from involvement in political and sectarian agendas which are of no interest for members. Most people who voted ‘for’ were former MPs in the 2012 Assembly — the same people who are now inciting labor unions to support their cause, through statements, marches and strikes... and this is something unacceptable. It was also totally unacceptable and disgusting to see pictures of children in chains flashed across newspapers. These kinds of scenes are uncivilized and inhuman in all aspects and the Interior Ministry must shoulder the responsibility. We are calling on the ‘justice authority’, public prosecutors and judges to issue a stern warning for personnel from the Ministry of Interior to prevent such incidents from happening again. We condemn this incident because it is totally unacceptable. e-mail: ali-albaghli@hotmail.com

Nod to KD 2bn Continued from Page 1 committee, Yousef Al-Zalzalah expressed the need to pass this bill to give what he called opportunities for young Kuwaiti to depend on themselves “and I wish that my colleagues will give a nod to this bill to set the stage for the youth since the bill is fully studied.” The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Anas Al-Saleh added “this law was long-awaited and that is a completion to the unemployment law which the Parliament approved the previous day. Rapporteur of the committee Safa AlHashim explained the law came after many years of waiting and if passed it will serve as a channel for opening the door of hope for the youth. She added, the government should take advantage of the law to prove its quality of performance. She said the law talks about achieving the dream of HH the Amir of transforming Kuwait into a financial and commercial hub because Kuwait is a one-sided source of revenue. She suggested the responsibility of this fund should be the Savings and Credit Bank and not the ministerial administration so as to avoid bureaucracy and long administrative process. In this regard she cited the example of United Arab Emirate

(UAE) which has adopted a similar project successfully by placing it under the supervision of the development bank. She added the small and medium enterprises is not only designed to end the problem of unemployment but also build a real economy for the country and cited the example of the British experiment with Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) which she said had started with £2 billion fund and successfully made profits of several billions. For his part, MP Khalid Al-Shulaimi praised the committee for completing the bill. He added, the small and medium enterprises are important for the country’s economy and that is why they are given serious attention and support by the developed countries such as the USA and Europe. He added though he fully supports the project, he is concerned about the 20 percent that will be paid by the citizen before opting for the SME which cost about KD 300,000 to KD 500,000 “which makes it look like the projects is not meant to those with limited income but rather to children of rich and the elite people who can afford this huge money,” he added. He suggested, the 20 percent be reduced to 10 percent so that ordinary citizens can afford to take part in the project. Al-Zalzalah explained that this issue was taken into account and was discussed at length and came to the conclusion that any applicant who does not have the 20 percent will be provided with necessary documents to enable him/her to take the loan from bank and will be supported until the business picks up. MP Khalid Al-Adwa pointed out that 95 percent of Kuwaiti’s revenues come from the oil and that for more than 50 years of exporting oil Kuwait could not find another source of income, so the small and medium enterprises projects will serve as another source of income of the country. He added the KD 2 billion fund allocated for the project is big money “So I advise the minister to use it judiciously by employing people based on their qualification and competency not on favoritism or political or sectarian or tribal affiliations. The Assembly also approved an amendment to the Companies Law in its first and second deliberations and another bill on judicial arbitration in its first deliberation as well as four international agreements pertaining to crises situations and combating crime, corruption and money laundering. The National Assembly also rejected the Public Prosecution request to lift the parliamentary immunities of MPs Nawaf Al-Fuzai and Abdulhamid Dashti in press misdemeanor cases filed against them. On another note the Finance and Economic Affairs and the Legal and Legislative Committees were tasked with studying amendments to the Rental Law. It also tasked the Audit Bureau of investigating the contract and files of Olympic Council of Asia building. Meanwhile, the Parliament Speaker Ali Al-Rashed has assured the postponement of the interpellations against the Communications and Interior ministers are “not a stamp of innocence granted to the Cabinet.” He said the dates of the grilling debates will be set at the beginning of the next legislative round in October as a top priority unless the Assembly votes otherwise.

‘Iran Guard Continued from Page 1 which included Bahrainis at home and abroad and members of other nationalities. “Investigation has also revealed that a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard codenamed ‘Abu Naser’ masterminded the whole terror operation,” the agency quoted public security chief Major-General Tariq Hassan al-Hassan as saying.

Abu Nasser supplied the group with $80,000, Hassan said, and instructed it to gather information, recruit and obtain weapons storage in Bahrain.

No arms race Continued from Page 1 However, a report by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) says that although there is some risk that Saudi Arabia would seek an atomic bomb, it would more likely rely on its ally, the United States, to protect it. “The conventional wisdom is probably wrong,” the report said. Even if Saudi Arabia wished to acquire a bomb, “significant disincentives would weigh against a mad rush by Riyadh to develop nuclear weapons”. CNAS, based in Washington, was set up in 2007 as a non-partisan thinktank aiming to develop US security policy.

Cameroon orders Continued from Page 1 alert in the hunt for the kidnappers believed to be in the country or heading to the country, said Nigeria’s comptroller general of immigration, Rilwan Musa. “We have already sent alert messages across the northeast borders and all other borders of the nation,” he said. “We have told our men to be on the alert. We have given the borders posts all the supports they need to tackle them whether in the day or at night.” The kidnapping came as thousands of French troops are deeply involved in a military intervention against Islamic extremists who had taken control of a big part of the West African country of Mali.

Newswatch Continued from Page 1 Web-browsing programs. A “small number” of computer systems at Apple were infected but they were isolated from the main network, according the Silicon Valley-based company. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

TOKYO: Japanese officials probing the emergency landing of a Boeing Dreamliner said Wednesday that the plane’s battery pack was improperly wired, but added this was unlikely to have caused it to overheat. A series of problems with Boeing’s nextgeneration aircraft sparked multiple probes around the world and the grounding of the entire Dreamliner fleet last month after the domestic All Nippon Airways (ANA) flight was forced to land. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑ LONDON: British rockers Muse got the 2013 BRIT Awards off to a rousing start on Wednesday with “Supremacy”, complete with fireworks and a full orchestra standing on balconies behind them. Scottish singer Emeli Sande was the first winner on the night when she was named best British female and the best group award went to Mumford & Sons, who, along with Sande, were nominated for three awards going into British pop music’s biggest night. Justin Timberlake, wearing a shiny black tuxedo and matching bow tie, sang “Mirrors”, continuing his pop comeback ahead of the scheduled March release of “The 20/20 Experience”, his first album since 2006. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

LONDON: Kevin Ayers, who founded the British band Soft Machine and was a leading figure in the psychedelic music scene, has died at the age of 68 in southwestern France, officials said Wednesday. Ayers died at his home in the village of Montolieu, the local mayor’s office said. (AFP)




Indian govt plans to present annual budget

Let parliament function, PM tells opp NEW DELHI, Feb 20, (RTRS): Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh pleaded with opposition parties on Wednesday to allow parliament to function during a session that begins this week, when the government plans to present the annual budget and legislation on economic reform. The last two sessions of India’s federal parliament have been disrupted by opposition members protesting against corruption, reforms and affirmative action policies, although the winter session in December finally managed to conduct business for a few days. The month-long monsoon session in August and September passed only four bills out of 30 due to be debated. “It is our sincere hope that we will have a productive, constructive debate leading to agreed solutions to the many national problems that our country faces,” Singh told reporters after addressing parliamentary leaders from all parties. “Parliament is a forum for discussion, for dialogue and all parties have an obligation to ensure that parliament runs smoothly.” Singh is grappling with the worst economic slowdown in a decade and faces a general election next year. The assembly session begins on Thursday with an address by the president. Debates begin on Friday. The government plans to present bills for insurance and pension reform that will open those indus-

4 people detained for questioning: police

Three young Indian sisters raped and murdered MUMBAI, Feb 20, (AFP): Three sisters aged between six and 11 were raped and murdered before their bodies were dumped down a village well in rural western India, police said on Wednesday. The bodies of the three schoolgirls were found last week, two days after they went missing on Feb 14 from their home in the Bhandara district of Maharashtra state, police superintendent Aarti Singh told AFP. “The bodies of the three young girls were found in a well, with their schoolbags and footwear,” Singh told AFP by phone from Nagpur, adding they were aged six, nine and 11. “The post-mortem has confirmed that the girls

were raped and then murdered.” No arrests have been made but Singh said four people had been detained for questioning and investigations were still under way. Family members said the girls had gone out to look for their mother who was out of the house and no one heard from them again. The incident led to protests by villagers, Singh said, echoing angry rallies in the capital New Delhi after the brutal gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old student on a bus in December. That incident sparked a nationwide debate about the treatment of women and girls and their safety in India.

tries to more foreign investment and to change land acquisition laws to make it easier for companies to buy land for industrial and infrastructure projects. It will present the annual budget for the fiscal year ending in March 2014 next week. Also planned are a food security bill to provide subsidised grain for the

poor, the setting up of an anti-graft ombudsman and the approval of an ordinance providing for harsher punishment for perpetrators of sex crimes. The ruling coalition, headed by the Congress party, is technically in a minority but is supported by regional allies.

British premier says colonial massacre in India ‘shameful’ Cameron lays wreath at memorial of victims at Jallianwala Bagh AMRITSAR, India, Feb 20, (AFP): British Prime Minister David Cameron visited the site of a colonial-era massacre in India on Wednesday, describing the episode as “deeply shameful” while stopping short of a public apology.

British Prime Minister David Cameron (center), visits the Golden Temple, Sikh’s holiest shrine, along with Chief Minister of Punjab state Parkash Singh Badal (second from left wearing glasses), in Amritsar, India, Feb 20. Cameron also laid a mourning wreath at Jallianwala Bagh,

On the last leg of a three-day trip aimed at forging deeper economic ties, Cameron took the bold decision to visit the city of Amritsar and tackle an enduring scar of British rule over the subcontinent, which ended in 1947.

the site of a notorious 1919 massacre of hundreds of Indians by British colonial forces. More than 300 Indians were killed during the massacre on unarmed Indians attending a rally, which galvanized the national independence movement. (AP)

Group urges int’l action on Sri Lanka

‘Shot’ reporter says govt now protecting him COLOMBO, Feb 20, (Agencies): A Sri Lankan reporter shot in the neck at home last week said on Wednesday that the government had since given him protection and urged his supporters not to “rush into conclusions” over the attack. Faraz Shauketaly, an investigative journalist at the privately-owned Sunday Leader newspaper, was shot on Friday night in an assassination attempt linked by some to his reporting on alleged graft in the energy sector. Rights groups have condemned the attack, saying it was the latest in a series of attempts to intimidate and silence the country’s independent press. Shauketaly said in a statement that Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse was now providing him “adequate protection”. The 54-year-old journalist added that “it would be unfair and inequitable to rush into conclusions” about the attack until authorities completed their investigation into the incident. His newspaper said the shooting brought back memories of the assassination of its founding editor, Lasantha Wickrematunge, who was gunned down in January 2009 while driving to work. Meanwhile, an international think tank says Sri Lanka is becoming an autocracy where the rule of law and post-war recon-

Tit-for-tat move after execution of nanny

Saudi Arabia recalls envoy from Sri Lanka RIYADH, Feb 20, (AFP): Saudi Arabia has recalled its ambassador from Colombo in a tit-for-tat move amid tensions after a Sri Lankan nanny convicted of murder was beheaded in the kingdom, the official SPA news agency reported. “Based on the decision by the Sri Lankan government to withdraw its ambassador from the kingdom, the (Saudi) foreign ministry has recalled its ambassador in Sri Lanka for consultations,” SPA reported late Tuesday quoting a ministry spokesman. Tensions between both countries have been strained since the Jan 9 execution at a prison in Riyadh of Sri

Lankan maid Rizana Nafik, who was only 17 when she was charged with smothering a four-month-old baby in Saudi Arabia in 2005. Nafik was found guilty of smothering the infant in her care after an argument with the child’s mother, the Saudi interior ministry said. Last month, Sri Lanka’s Information Minister Keheliya Rambukwella announced that women under 25 were now banned from going to Saudi Arabia to work as maids, adding that it was the first step towards a worldwide travel ban for low-paying jobs. The United States and the United Nations have led international condemnation of the execution.

ciliation are under threat, calling for global action. Brussels-based International Crisis Group said in a report Wednesday the “politically motivated” impeachment of Sri Lanka’s chief justice last month dismantled

the last institutional check on the president and military. The group also said the lack of power sharing and safeguarding of minority rights in the island nation could feed ethnic tensions.

Dressed in a dark suit and bowing his head, he laid a wreath at the memorial to the victims at Jallianwala Bagh where British troops opened fire on thousands of unarmed protesters in 1919. In a message in the visitors’ book, he wrote: “This was a deeply shameful event in British history and one that Winston Churchill rightly declared at the time as ‘monstrous’. “We must never forget what happened here. And in remembering we must ensure that the United Kingdom stands up for the right of peaceful protest around the world.” He later defended his decision not to say sorry, explaining that it happened 40 years before he was born and “I don’t think the right thing is to reach back into history and to seek out things you can apologise for”. “I think the right thing is to acknowledge what happened, to recall what happened, to show respect and understanding for what happened,” The Guardian newspaper quoted him as saying. The number of casualties at the Jallianwala Bagh garden is unclear, with colonial-era records showing about 400 deaths while Indian figures put the number killed at closer to 1,000. S.K. Mukherjee, the secretary of the Jallianwala Bagh memorial trust, spent half an hour guiding the British leader around the site, showing him a well into which 120 people jumped to their deaths as well as bullet holes in the walls. Mukherjee said Cameron had struggled for words but had told him he was “regretful and this should not happen ever again” as he left the memorial which has 20,000 visitors a day. The incident saw soldiers under General Reginald Dyer’s command open fire on men, women and children in the enclosed area in one of the most infamous episodes of Britain’s colonial rule that helped spur the independence movement. But the move to visit the site is seen as a gamble by Cameron, who is travelling with British-Indian parliamentarians, and could lead to calls for similar treatment from other former colonies or even other victims in India.

Rising prices being protested

Violence marks India strike NEW DELHI, Feb 20, (AP): Sporadic violence broke out in India on Wednesday as labor unions began a two-day strike to protest rising prices and government policies to open the economy. Millions of factory and bank employees stayed away from work and public transport was shut down in most big cities after major trade unions called the countrywide strike. A labor leader was fatally crushed when he tried to stop buses from leaving a terminal in the northern city of Ambala. Workers armed with iron rods smashed factory windows and set a fire truck and several cars on fire in Noida, an industrial suburb of New Delhi.

Factory owners said police did not come to their aid despite frantic calls to them. “The windows of many factories in Noida were broken. We called the police but they were delayed, and meanwhile the damage was done,” said Pankaj Shah, a factory owner. In New Delhi, buses and the subway system were crowded as few taxis and motorized rickshaws plied the streets. Banks were shuttered, but most shops were open. Trade unions oppose government policies to open the retail, banking and aviation sectors to foreign investors in an effort to jumpstart India’s sputtering economy.

An Indian boy selling flowers, lamps and other religious offerings reacts to camera at Sangam, the confluence of the Rivers Ganges, Yamuna and mythical Saraswati, during Maha Kumbh festival, in Allahabad, India, Feb 19. Millions of Hindu pilgrims have been attending the Maha Kumbh festival, which is one of the world’s largest religious gatherings that lasts 55 days and falls every 12 years. (AP)

Ethnic Hazaras protest outside Pakistan’s Sydney consulate in Sydney on Feb 20, over bombings targeting the Shiite minority in Pakistan. On the weekend a bomb at a market at Hazara Town, a Shiite Hazara neighbourhood in the suburbs of Quetta, killed 89. It followed a double suicide attack on a snooker club in Quetta in January in which 92 died. (AFP)

‘We want govt to take visible steps’

Anger, scuffles as Pakistan Shiites bury bomb victims QUETTA, Pakistan, Feb 20, (AFP): Scuffles broke out Wednesday as Pakistani Shiite Muslims buried the 89 victims of a second major bomb attack in five weeks, which has highlighted the government’s inability to stem sectarian violence. Shiite leaders called off a three-day nationwide protest demanding army protection after the government promised those responsible would be arrested in a “targeted operation” and relatives of the dead compensated. But for many of the mourners, the deal was insufficient. Around 1,000 people, shouting anti-government slogans and beating their chests, quarrelled with community leaders who agreed late Tuesday to call off their sit-in on a main road in the southwestern city of Quetta. Similar protests had been held in other major cities including Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, paralysing key routes and neighbourhoods. In Quetta on Chaudhry Wednesday, an angry mob of young people and women, crying and screaming, initially refused to bury the dead, an AFP reporter said. Mourners pelted stones at the car of a government official, as the burials got under way, prompting security forces and then protesters to fire into the air. No-one was hurt in the incident. As the bodies, wrapped in white shrouds and placed in wooden coffins, were buried in a row of graves, hundreds of volunteers formed a human chain in a symbol of solidarity and protection. Shiites, who make up around 20 percent of the mostly Sunni Muslim population of 180 million, are facing record numbers of attacks, raising serious questions about security as nuclear-armed Pakistan pre-

pares to hold elections by mid-May. The 89 people were killed when a massive bomb tore through a market in the Quetta suburb of Hazara Town on Saturday. Suicide bombers killed 92 others at a Hazara snooker hall on January 10 in another area of Quetta. Outlawed militant group Lashkar-eJhangvi (LJ) claimed responsibility for both attacks. The government says four men have been killed and more than 170 others arrested, including a purported mastermind of Saturday’s attack. But mourners told AFP they thought nothing would change. “We are in severe shock, we want the government to take visible steps,” said college student Kazim Ali, mourning a relative. “The army is our last hope. We want a comprehensive military operation.” Pakistani security forces frequently detain people en masse after major bombings but few if any are charged. Courts have repeatedly detained and released the head of LJ, Malik Ishaq, on bail, most recently last September. Ali Raza, 35, asked how up to 1,000 kilos of explosives were smuggled into Hazara Town, the suburb where the attack took place. “Why are they killing us? What is our crime?” Raza said, shovelling mud onto one of the graves. “How did terrorists transport such a huge amount of explosives here? The government will have to take some serious steps.” Soldiers from the paramilitary Frontier Corps and police were deployed in all markets and on roads in Quetta city as the burials took place, while troops searched every vehicle heading towards the Hazara Town area. Pakistan’s top judge has also demanded to know why the authorities had failed to arrest LJ culprits and took no action after the January 10 attack. Chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry summoned senior officials to explain why they had failed to act on a purported intelligence report.

News in Brief India moves to end Male standoff: A Maldivian court Wednesday postponed the trial of opposition leader Mohamed Nasheed, who has taken refuge in the Indian embassy, as New Delhi sent an envoy to try to end the political standoff. The court postponed the hearing scheduled for Wednesday after police said they were unable to arrest the former president and bring him before the magistrate, according to Nasheed’s party. “The hearing was cancelled after police informed the court that they were unable to bring Nasheed (to court),” a spokeswoman for Nasheed’s party, Shauna Aminath, told AFP. Former foreign minister Ahmed Naseem said the government could re-schedule another hearing “at any time” and try to arrest Nasheed again. Presidential spokesman Masood Imad confirmed that the hearing had been cancelled but insisted that the case was still pending. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

India stays executions: India’s Supreme Court on Wednesday extended a stay on the hanging of four death-row convicts by six months after rights groups voiced growing concern over recent executions in the country.

Nepalese ex-prince suffers heart attack BANGKOK, Feb 20, (AFP): Former Nepalese crown prince Paras Shah is in intensive care in Thailand after suffering a heart attack, the Nepalese embassy in Bangkok said Wednesday. Shah, 42, who had been living in Thailand, was admitted to hospital late Tuesday, acting Ambassador Dornath Aryal told AFP. “Doctors said his condition is improving and he needs a full examination,” he said. Bangkok’s Samitivej Hospital confirmed that Shah had been admitted but declined to discuss his condition. Shah, who as crown prince was unpopular for his playboy lifestyle, was arrested for cannabis possession on the Thai resort island of Phuket in October.

The lawyer for the four accomplices of slain “bandit king” Veerappan who were sentenced to death in 2004 for a deadly blast in southern India had approached the Supreme Court because he believed their executions were imminent. Colin Gonsalves has said he is seeking to have their sentences commuted to life imprisonment “for the mental distress they have suffered during the inordinate eightyear delay in deciding on their mercy plea”. But the court on Wednesday said another Supreme Court bench was hearing a similar case to that of the four men and it would await its ruling. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

3-day strike begins in Kashmir: Most shops and businesses are shut in Indian-controlled Kashmir after separatists called for a three-day strike to demand the return of the body of a Kashmiri man secretly executed and buried in the Indian capital. The strike began Wednesday and authorities imposed a ban on the assembly of more than four people to prevent protests in the region. Kashmir was rocked by violent anti-India protests after Mohammed Afzal Guru was hanged in a New Delhi jail Feb 9. He was convicted of involvement in a 2001 attack on India’s Parliament. (AP)




World News Roundup Shooting Trail of carnage

Calif rampage leaves 4 dead TUSTIN, California, Feb 20, (AP): A violent rampage that left four dead began in the pre-dawn hours Tuesday when a 20-year-old killed a woman in his southern California home and sped away in his parents’ car, authorities said. An hour later, it was over — but not before Ali Syed had killed two more people during carjackings, shot up vehicles on a busy freeway interchange and left three others injured in a trail of carnage that stretched across 25 miles (40 kms) in suburban Orange County. One driver Syed was forced from his BMW at a stop sign, marched to a curb and shot in the back of the head as other commuters watched in horror. “He was basically executed,” Santa Ana police Cpl. Anthony Bertagna said. “There were at least six witnesses.” Syed later killed himself. He lived with his parents at a residence where the first victim, an unidentified woman in her 20s, was slain, Tustin police Chief Scott Jordan said. He was unemployed, taking one class at a local community college, Jordan said. The woman was not related to the shooter and it wasn’t known what she was doing at the home, said Orange County sheriff’s spokesman Jim Amormino.

Fired Syed’s parents were in the house at the time, fled the residence when shots were fired, and reported it, he said. Jordan said Syed stated to one carjacking victim: “I don’t want to hurt you. I killed somebody. Today is my last day.” The killings happened not long after a bloody saga that gripped Southern California for six days, as former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner eluded a massive manhunt after killing three people. Dorner died Feb. 12 from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head after a fiery gun battle that left one police officer dead. Americans have been embroiled in a fierce debate over gun violence, as the Obama administration wages an uphill battle to get Congress to approve new gun control laws, including a ban on military-style assault weapons like the one used in a Connecticut elementary school shooting that left 20 children dead in December. The proposals would not ban the type of shotgun apparently used in Tuesday’s shooting spree. US Vice-President Joe Biden sought to reassure Americans of that Tuesday as he pushed the government’s case in an online video as part of a Facebook town hall hosted by Parents Magazine. He said he himself keeps two shotguns and shells locked up at home but insisted that nobody needs an assault rifle for protection. He said banning such high-powered weapons would not amount to an infringement on the Second Amendment of the Constitution, which guarantees citizens the right to bear arms.

Motive Jordan said there was no indication of a motive in Tuesday’s shootings, but he sought to assure residents that the violence was over. The violence began early Tuesday morning, when deputies responded to a call from Ladera Ranch, a sleepy inland town about 55 miles (88 kilometers) southeast of Los Angeles. They found the woman shot multiple times. From Ladera Ranch, police said the gunman headed north and pulled off a highway in Tustin, about 20 miles (12 mile) away, with a flat tire and other damage to his parents’ car. A man who was waiting in a shopping center parking lot to carpool with his son saw Syed had a gun and tried to escape in his Cadillac, Jordan said. Syed ran after the car as it drove away and fired his shotgun through the back window, striking the driver in head but not killing him. Syed then crossed the street to a gas station, where he approached the driver of a pick-up and asked for his keys, Jordan said. “He says something to the effect of, ‘I’ve killed somebody. Today’s my last day. I don’t want to hurt you. Give me your keys,’” he said. “He hands over the keys and he gets in the truck and leaves.”

Orange County Sheriff deputies investigate a crime scene on February 19, 2013 in Tustin, California. (Inset): Investigators walk past a tarp covered body in Orange, Calif, Feb 19. (AFP/AP)

Education Call for more active federal role

Schools in crisis, reforms not working Denice Tarrant holds her two-weekold grandson Maxwell Reed as she pays for dinner at All Around Pizza in Virginia Beach, Va, on Feb 18, where anyone who carries a gun or brings a concealed handgun permit is offered at 15 percent discount. (AP)



America Defense to seek new trial: Lawyers for the Salvadorian man convicted of killing a Washington intern say his prosecution was “predicated on a lie,” and they intend to file a motion for a new trial. The arguments from attorneys for Ingmar Guandique were included in records of previously closed hearings in the Chandra Levy case that were unsealed Tuesday in Washington. Levy was an intern for the US Bureau of Prisons whose 2001 murder attracted attention in the US because of her romantic relationship with a California congressman Gary Condit. Guandique is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador and was convicted in 2010. He is serving a 60-year prison sentence. The case hinged on a jailhouse informant who said Guandique had confessed to killing Levy. The documents show prosecutors learned a year ago about a problem with a witness but it is not clear if that person was the informant. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑ Court halts Georgia execution: A US appeals court halted the execution Tuesday of a Georgia man who killed a fellow prisoner in 1990, issuing a last-minute order to allow more time to consider claims that he’s mentally disabled. The 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals granted the stay of execution as Warren Lee Hill was being prepared for lethal injection. In a 2-1 decision, a panel of the US appeals court said further review is needed of recent affidavits by doctors who changed their minds about Hill’s mental capacity. “In other words, all of the experts — both the State’s and the petitioner’s — now appear to be in agreement that Hill is in fact mentally retarded,” judges in the majority wrote in their order. Earlier in the day, the state parole board, the Supreme Court of Georgia and the US Supreme Court had all declined to stop the execution. Hill was sentenced to death for the 1990

WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (RTRS): A federal commission on Tuesday said the U.S. education system had “thoroughly stacked the odds” against impoverished students and warned that an aggressive reform agenda embraced by both Democrats and Republicans had not done enough to improve public schools. The report from the Equity and Excellence Commission — a panel of 27 scholars, civil rights activists, union leaders and school officials — describes an American public education system in crisis. The commission, which was dominated by more liberal members, called on the federal government to take a more active role in public education — traditionally considered a local matter — by pushing states to desegregate schools, equalize funding and demand better training for beginning teachers. The group also echoed President Barack Obama’s recent call for universal preschool. Poor and minority students “are having their lives unjustly and irredeemably blighted by a system” that saddles them with ill-prepared teachers, crumbling schools and low academic expectations, the report said.

Systemic “No other developed nation has inequities nearly as deep or systemic; no other developed nation has ... so thoroughly stacked the odds against so many of its children,” the panel concluded. But even as it sounded a call to action, the report noted that other beating death of fellow inmate Joseph Handspike. Authorities say he used a board studded with nails to bludgeon Handspike while he slept and other prisoners pleaded with Hill to stop. At the time Hill was already serving a life sentence for murder in

Lecture on quantum mechanics

Prof strips, shows 9/11 tape in class NEW YORK, Feb 20, (AP): Columbia University says it’s reviewing a science class in which a professor stripped to his underwear and showed 9/11 video footage during a lecture on quantum mechanics. The Frontiers of Science class on Monday morning with Professor Emlyn Hughes also included two other participants dressed in black, one of whom used a sword to destroy a stuffed animal. Video of the event was posted to Bwog, the online home of Columbia’s monthly undergraduate magazine. It starts with the professor stripping with his back to the students as music plays and an image of a

skull is projected on a screen. Later, two stuffed animals are placed on stools, one of which is stabbed by a person with a sword. In the background, a video shows the fall of the World Trade Center and an image of Osama bin Laden. A female student watching Hughes could be heard repeating, “What is happening?” as the performance went on. It ended with the professor returning to the stage. “In order to learn quantum mechanics, you have to strip to your raw, erase all the garbage from your brain and start over again,” Hughes said. The professor didn’t respond to an email from The Associated

Press seeking comment. In a statement, the university said, “Universities are committed to maintaining a climate of academic freedom, in which the faculty members are given the widest possible latitude in their teaching and scholarship. However, the freedoms traditionally accorded the faculty carry corresponding responsibilities.” It added, “While one must exercise caution in judging excerpts from a lecture or short presentations from an entire course outside of their full context, the appropriate academic administrators are currently reviewing the facts of this particular presentation in quantum mechanics.”

commissions have raised equally urgent cries in decades past. Among them are a Nixon-era panel on school financing in 1972 and the Reagan administration’s sweeping indictment of public schools, “A Nation at Risk.” None of those bold calls to action, the panel said, has led to durable improvements. “In 1983, ‘A Nation at Risk’ famously spoke of the ‘rising tide of mediocrity’ that threatened our schools,” the report said. “Nearly 30 years later, the tide has come in — and we’re drowning.”

The 52-page report offered tepid reviews, at best, for key elements of the bipartisan education reform agenda that has swept the United States since “A Nation at Risk.” That agenda calls for opening more charter schools, which are publicly funded but privately run; rating teachers in part by their students’ performance on standardized tests; and making it easier for elite college graduates and mid-career professionals to take up teaching without traditional training. The report argued instead for more rigorous teacher training and cau-

tioned that too much emphasis on standardized test scores harms teacher morale and risks narrowing the curriculum to test preparation. Only a few paragraphs in the report looked at charter schools, with the panel urging more research on their performance. In a sweeping dismissal of the reform agenda of the past 15 years — an agenda that has been championed by the Democratic Obama administration, as well as leading Republicans — the panel concluded that “reform efforts to date have been poorly targeted.”

the 1986 slaying of his girlfriend, Myra Wright, who had been shot 11 times. Hill has received support from various activists and from former president Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn. “Georgia should not violate its own pro-

hibition against executing individuals with serious diminished capacity,” President Carter said in a statement. Hill’s lawyers argue that he is mentally disabled and therefore shouldn’t be executed. The state maintains that the defense

Stanford ‘1st’

College raises $1b

In this image taken from video from KCTV, firefighters battle a massive fire at Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, Mo, Feb 19. A car crashed into a gas main Tuesday evening in an upscale Kansas City shopping district, sparking a massive blaze that engulfed an entire block and caused multiple injuries, police said. (AP)

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 20, (AP): Stanford University has set a new record for college fundraising, becoming the first school to collect more than $1 billion in a single year, according to a report released Wednesday. For the eighth straight year, Stanford ranked first in the Council for Aid to Education’s annual college fundraising survey, which shows that elite institutions continue to grab a disproportionate share of donor dollars. In the 2012 fiscal year, roughly 3,500 US colleges and universities raised $31 billion, 2.3 percent more than the previous year.

failed to meet its burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Hill is mentally disabled. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Cadaver dogs search in blast: Cadaver dogs searched through the smoldering rubble of a Kansas City restaurant after a gas explosion sparked a massive blaze in an upscale shopping district. More than a dozen people were injured Tuesday evening in the blast and resulting fire, which occurred just after 6 pm and completely destroyed JJ’s restaurant. There were no reports of fatalities by Tuesday night, though authorities cautioned that could change because it was unclear how many people were inside at the time of the blast. Kansas City Fire Chief Paul Berardi said cadaver dogs were called to the scene because of the size of the conflagration. “I would always fear there are fatalities in a scene like this,” Berardi said. He said results of the search would take hours and that he expected his crews would be working the scene through the night. City Manager Troy Schulte said it appeared an accident by a utility contractor had caused the blast, and a statement from the utility Missouri Gas Energy late Tuesday reiterated that possibility, but Berardi and others cautioned that the cause was still being investigated. (AP)




Supreme Court Top court limits police detentions

The sniff is up to snuff, court rules WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (RTRS): The US Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that “the sniff is up to snuff” in a Florida case on how police may use dogs to track down illegal drugs. In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court gave law enforcement authorities greater authority to use dogs to uncover illegal drugs, upholding a police dog’s search of a truck that uncovered methamphetamine ingredients inside. The justices said that training records had established the reliability of Aldo, a German shepherd, in sniffing out contraband, and that Florida’s Supreme Court erred in suppressing evidence he found in Clayton Harris’ pickup truck. “The question — similar to every inquiry into probable cause — is whether all the facts surrounding a dog’s alert, viewed through the lens of common sense, would make a reasonably prudent person think that a search would reveal contraband or evidence of a crime,” Justice Elena Kagan wrote for the court. “A sniff is up to snuff when it meets that test.”

Custody row

‘US case not moot with child abroad’

Validity Harris’ case is one of two the court is considering this term about the validity of evidence obtained by drug-sniffing dogs. A decision has yet to be issued in the second case. Tuesday’s decision could make it easier for police to use dogs to sniff for drugs without first having to show with great specificity how well-trained the dogs were. The court has often allowed dog searches, including of luggage at airports and cars at checkpoints. Harris’ case has been watched closely by criminal defense advocates. A Liberty County, Florida, K-9 officer named William Wheetley had allowed Aldo a “free air sniff” outside Harris’ truck during a June 2006 traffic stop, after the defendant had appeared nervous and refused to consent to a search inside. Harris’ lawyers challenged the search, questioning whether Aldo’s certification and performance showed that he was reliable in sniffing out drugs. But Florida’s Supreme Court concluded that the state had not sufficiently established how well-trained Aldo was, or how reliable his nose was. It therefore ruled the evidence of the methamphetamine ingredients should not have been admitted against Harris, who pleaded no contest but was given a right to appeal. Kagan, however, wrote that Wheetley reasonably believed there was contraband inside the truck based on Aldo’s training, and that Harris failed to show that Aldo was unreliable.

Reason She said it was enough that a dog’s “satisfactory performance” in a certification or training program provided sufficient reason for an officer to trust its alert, even though errors “may abound” when dogs get put to the test in the field. “Law enforcement units have their own strong incentive to use effective training and certification programs, because only accurate drug-detection dogs enable officers to locate contraband without incurring unnecessary risks or wasting limited time and resources,” Kagan wrote. Glen Gifford, a public defender representing Harris, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Gregory Garre, a former US solicitor general representing Florida, said, “We’re very pleased with the decision.” The other dog sniff case, also from Florida, focused on a search on the doorstep of a home by a chocolate Labrador retriever, Franky, who had a strong record of sniffing out drug stashes. The search uncovered marijuana growing inside. During oral arguments in October, several justices expressed concern that searches uncovering illegal drugs inside homes could infringe the expectations of privacy that people have there, and which might not exist elsewhere. In 2001, a divided US Supreme Court banned the police’s use of thermal imaging technology from afar to peer inside homes, because they could uncover things that deserved privacy. The case is Florida v. Harris, US Supreme Court, No 11-817. ❑ ❑ ❑ The US Supreme Court on Tuesday made it harder for police to detain people far away from a suspected crime scene when the only justification for the detention is to make it safer and easier to conduct a search of the scene. By a 6-3 ruling that did not follow its typical ideological divisions, the court said police in Long Island, New York, violated defendant Chunon Bailey’s rights by detaining him so they could search his basement apartment a mile (1.6 km) away. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority that police may detain people in connection with executing a search warrant, but need another rationale to detain people far

WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (AP): The United States court system does not lose jurisdiction in international custody disputes simply because the child involved is no longer in the country, the Supreme Court said Tuesday. That unanimous ruling is the latest in the battle between a US soldier, Army Sgt 1st Class Jeffrey Lee Chafin, and his estranged Scottish wife, Lynne Hales Chafin, over their daughter. Chafin wants to appeal a federal judge’s decision to let Lynne Hales Chafin take their daughter back to her native Scotland. But the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Chafin’s appeal was moot because the 6year-old girl has now been in Scotland for more than a year, and that his only remedy is in Scotland’s courts. Chief Justice John Roberts said that was wrong. “Such return does not render this case moot; there is a live dispute between the parties over where their child will be raised, and there is a possibility of effectual relief for the prevailing parent,” Roberts said. “The courts below therefore continue to have jurisdiction to adjudicate the merits of the parties’ respective claims.” The Chafins married in Scotland in 2006; their daughter was born in 2007. The family lived in Germany until Chafin was deployed in Afghanistan, and mother and daughter moved to Scotland. Chafin transferred to the state of Alabama in 2009, and was joined by his family the next year. The Chafins agreed to divorce in 2010, and Lynne Chafin was deported in February 2011. She sued to take her child with her, citing the 1980 Hague convention on international child abductions, which is designed to return children illegally taken from member countries. She said their daughter’s residence was Scotland, and that her husband illegally retained the child in the United States. A federal judge agreed, and ordered the girl be taken to Scotland. The judge also refused to stay the order. The mother and child boarded a plane and left the country. Chafin appealed to the circuit court, which said the case was moot because the girl was in her official residence of Scotland.

from the scene. “Once an occupant is beyond the immediate vicinity of the premises to be searched, the search-related law enforcement interests are diminished and the intrusiveness of the detention is more severe,” Kennedy wrote. Neither Bailey’s lawyer nor the US Department of Justice immediately responded to requests for comment. Twenty-four US states had filed a brief supporting the government, while Bailey drew support from several criminal-defense groups and the American Civil Liberties Union. Bailey had been pulled over in a parking lot by police who had tailed him and another man for about five minutes after he had left a home in Wyandanch, New York. This occurred after a confidential informant told police he had observed a gun while buying drugs at the home from a man known as “Polo,” whom Bailey resembled. The police soon found Bailey’s keys to the home during a “patdown” search. Bailey was unable to persuade his trial judge to suppress the key and statements made to police as evidence resulting from an unreasonable seizure, and was later found guilty of firearms and drug possession charges.

Maricris Arce poses for a picture at her home in Anaheim, California, on Feb 15. Arce, a native of the Philippines, said she was separated from her husband for five years after coming legally to the US, and he wasn’t present for the birth of their first child. (Inset): US Sen John McCain, R-Arizona, listens to a ques-

tion during a town hall, on Feb 19, in Sun Lakes, Arizona. McCain defended his proposed immigration overhaul to an angry crowd in suburban Arizona in the latest sign that this border state will play a prominent role in the national immigration reform debate. (AP)

GOP urged to help craft bipartisan reform bill

Obama reaches out to 3 sens

WCBS Television anchorman Rob Morrison, (left), stands with his attorney Robert Skovgaard, during his arraignment in Superior Court on Feb 19, in Stamford, Connecticut. Morrison was arrested Monday night on charges of attacking his wife, Ashley Morrison, at their Connecticut home. He is charged with strangulation, threatening and disorderly conduct and ordered to stay 100 yards away from his wife except when they’re both at work. (AP)

WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (Agency) US President Barack Obama reached out directly on Tuesday to key Republican senators negotiating a sweeping US immigration overhaul and urged them to help craft a bipartisan reform bill as soon as possible. Facing criticism for not getting personally involved in the delicate process on Capitol Hill, Obama made phone calls to three US senators — Marco Rubio, John McCain and Lindsey Graham — part of a “Gang of Eight” group of Republicans and Democrats working on an immigration package. Obama stepped in amid tensions with Republicans over the weekend leak of details of a backup immigration reform plan the White House is drafting in case the congressional effort stalls or breaks down. The Democratic president told the three Republicans that he supports the Senate immigration initiative and “hopes that they can produce a bill as soon as possible that reflects shared core principles on reform,” the White House said in a statement. But repeating a warning that Obama has already issued in public, the White House also said “he is prepared to submit his own legislation if Congress fails to act.”


America Obama cranks up blame game: President Barack Obama cranked up the blame game Tuesday in Washington over “meat cleaver” budget cuts due in 10 days, warning of dire damage to the US economy and accusing Republicans of refusing to compromise. Obama surrounded himself with uniformed emergency workers who he said may not be able to respond to distress calls when stinging automatic billion-dollar cuts known as the “sequester” come into force on March 1. “If Congress allows this meat cleaver approach to take place, it will jeopardize our military readiness, it will eviscerate job-creating investments in education and energy and medical research,” Obama said. Emergency responders may not be able to properly respond to disasters, border patrol agents will see their hours cut and FBI agents will be furloughed, he warned. “Federal prosecutors will have to close cases and let criminals go,” Obama warned. “Air traffic controllers and airport security will see cutbacks ... Thousands of teachers and educators will be laid off.” Obama wants to use a “balanced” mix of spending cuts and tax revenue increases achieved by closing loopholes used by the wealthy to cut the US deficit, and says he will not sign a bill that harms the middle class. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑


Rubio, a rising Cuban-American star in his party and considered crucial to winning conservative backing for any reform deal, had dismissed the White House draft, which included an eightyear path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, as seriously flawed and “dead on arrival in Congress.” Rubio’s office had denied assertions by the White House over the weekend that it had been engaged with them on the immigration issue, but administration officials insisted again on Tuesday that the sides had held a series of stafflevel meetings. Obama’s calls on Tuesday, including one to Rubio while he was visiting Jerusalem, may help calm the waters for now. “Senator Rubio appreciated receiving President Obama’s phone call to discuss immigration reform,” said Rubio spokesman Alex Conant. “The senator told the president that he feels good about the ongoing negotiations in the Senate, and is hopeful the final product is something that can pass the Senate with strong bipartisan support.” Obama emphasized in last week’s

The White House, however, is counting on many Republicans feeling the pressure to move swiftly on immigration reform after they were chastened by Latino voters’ rejection in the November election. Obama, who met last week with top Democrats involved in the Senate effort, told the Republicans on Tuesday that “commonsense reform needs to include strengthening border security, creating an earned path to citizenship, holding employers accountable, and streamlining legal immigration,” the White House said. “He thanked the senators for their leadership, and made clear that he and his staff look forward to continuing to work together with their teams to achieve needed reform,” the White House said. Meanwhile, Arizona took center stage in the national immigration debate Tuesday as Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano toured the state’s border with Mexico and McCain defended his proposed immigration overhaul to an angry crowd in suburban Phoenix. The presence of the top officials is the latest sign that Arizona will play a prominent role in the immigration debate as Obama looks to make it a signature issue of his second term. Napolitano toured the border near Nogales with the highest-ranking official at US Customs and Border Protection, the incoming chairman of the Senate’s homeland security committee and an Arizona congressman. Napolitano, a former Arizona governor, said afterward that comprehensive immigration reform will strengthen the US border against criminals and other threats. Also Tuesday, McCain hosted two town hall meetings in Arizona, during which he defended his immigration plan to angry residents concerned about border security. A bipartisan group of sena-

the house.’” “You don’t need an AR-15 (semi automatic rifle) ... it is harder to use, and in fact you don’t need 30 rounds to protect yourself. Buy a shotgun.” Biden’s typically colorful language came as he made a point that no one needed a fast-firing assault weapon to assure

their own defense, and to fulfill their constitutional-guaranteed right to bear arms. Following the massacre of 20 young children at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut last year and other rampages, the White House is calling on Congress to reinstate a ban on assault weapons.



State of the Union address the importance of creating a clear path to citizenship for the estimated 11 million immigrants who are in the United States illegally. Many Republicans stress that there must first be measurable progress in securing the nation’s borders, a condition that will be hard for the president to accept if it drags out the legalization process.

‘Buy a shotgun’: US Vice President Joe Biden told Americans Tuesday in Washington that a few blasts of a shotgun should be ample for self defense, as he pushed White House gun reform plans. “If you want to protect yourself get a double barreled shotgun,” Biden said, on a Facebook forum hosted by “Parents Magazine” as he related advice he once gave to his wife Jill, as their home in Delaware was in a secluded area. “‘Jill, if there is ever a problem, walk out on the balcony, flick that double-barreled shotgun and fire two blasts outside

Store fronts remain closed until the boardwalk that was damaged by Superstorm Sandy can be replaced, Feb 19, in Seaside Heights, New Jersey. Governor Chris Christie has estimated that damage in New Jersey caused by Superstorm Sandy could reach $37 billion. (AFP)

tors ‚Äî including Arizona Republicans McCain and Jeff Flake ‚Äî want assurances on border security as Congress weighs what could be the biggest changes to immigration law in nearly 30 years. Arizona is the only state with both of its senators working on immigration reform in Congress, a sign of the state’s widely debated border security issues. Immigration activists and elected officials say it’s only natural for Arizona to continue to be in the forefront in the national conversation on immigration after years of internal debate on how to handle the huge influx of illegal immigrants. Arizona gained international recognition as an epicenter of the US immigration debate when it passed its tough anti-immigrant law in 2010. A handful of other states ‚Äî including Alabama, Indiana, Georgia, South Carolina and Utah ‚Äî have since adopted variations of Arizona’s law. “No state in this country has had more experience with enforcement-only immigration laws than Arizona,” said Todd Landfried, executive director of Arizona Employers for Immigration Reform, which opposes the state’s tough immigration laws. During a heated town hall gathering in the Phoenix suburb of Sun Lakes, McCain said the border near Yuma is largely secure, but said smugglers are using the border near Tucson to pump drugs into Phoenix. He said immigration reform should be contingent on better border security that must rely largely on technology able to detect border crossings.

Identity McCain said a tamper-proof Social Security card would help combat identity fraud, and noted any path to citizenship must require immigrants to learn English, cover back taxes and pay fines for breaking immigration laws. “There are 11 million people living here illegally,” he said. “We are not going to get enough buses to deport them.” Some audience members shouted out their disapproval. One man yelled that only guns would discourage illegal immigration. Another man complained that illegal immigrants should never be able to become citizens or vote. A third man said illegal immigrants were illiterate invaders who wanted free government benefits. President Barack Obama also wants Congress to impose limits of the size of fast-firing magazine clips and to close loopholes in background checks required by current laws for people buying guns. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Florida plans to amend law: State officials in Florida plan to amend a new state law that has turned thousands of unwitting foreign tourists into illegal drivers and may make it hard for them to collect insurance claims if they get in auto accidents while visiting the state. “We will work with the legislature to amend the law this year so it does not burden international visitors to our state, who make up an important part of our tourism industry,” a spokesman for Governor Rick Scott wrote in a statement to Reuters on Tuesday. The law, which went into effect largely unnoticed on Jan. 1, requires foreign drivers to have an international driver’s permit from their home country. The intent was to make sure all drivers in Florida held a license translated into English, but many frequent visitors from Canada, England and other English-speaking countries have visited the state without realizing they needed the documentation. The Canadian Automobile Association is warning members that insurers may not pay claims for any accident they have while driving without an international drivers permit in Florida. (RTRS)




World News Roundup Diplomacy ‘Listening tour’

Kerry first trip to EU, Mideast WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (Agencies): John Kerry will visit nine countries in Western Europe and the Middle East on his first trip as US secretary of state to consult allies on topics including Syria’s civil war, the State Department said on Tuesday. Kerry will travel to London, Berlin, Paris and Rome, where he is expected to attend a gathering of senior officials from nations supporting the Syrian opposition and to meet with opposition members. He then heads to Turkey, which has taken in an estimated 180,000 refugees fleeing the vioKerry lence in Syria, as well as to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said. The emphasis on traditional US allies in Europe and the Gulf on the Feb 24-March 6 trip differs from that of Kerry’s predecessor Hillary Clinton, whose inaugural journey as the top US diplomat took her to Japan, Indonesia, South Korea and China.

Played Nuland played this down, saying that if Kerry had added an Asian stop, “an already long excursion would be even longer.” Kerry was likely to visit Asia early in his tenure, Nuland said. He will not travel to Israel and the Palestinian Territories on this trip, she said, because Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is working to form a government after the country’s Jan 22 election. The spokeswoman said Kerry thinks of the trip, his first since taking over from Clinton on Feb 1, as a “listening tour” that will allow him to touch base with key allies in Europe and the Middle East and to focus on the upheavals in the Arab world. One theme, she said, will be confronting “the challenge from extremists seeking to hijack some of the Arab Spring revolutions.” Kerry wants to discuss “how we are approaching that whole complex of issues from Libya, to Tunisia, to Egypt, to Syria (to) the combined challenge of Iran,” she added.

Dwindling In Egypt, Nuland said the new secretary of state plans to stress the importance of “encouraging greater political consensus and moving forward on economic reform.” Since the street revolution that toppled former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak two years ago, Egypt has witnessed constant political strife among Islamists, secularists and former regime supporters. The country’s economy has steadily deteriorated, with foreign exchange reserves dwindling, tourism drying up and the currency, the Egyptian pound, having lost 14 percent of its value since the 2011 revolt. The State Department never formally announced Kerry stops in Israel or the West Bank on his first trip, but officials had included them among the most likely destinations and predicted that the 2004 presidential candidate’s visit would lay the groundwork for Obama’s upcoming visit. In Paris, Kerry will discuss France’s intervention in Mali. And in Rome, he will attend a meeting with Syrian opposition leaders. Not on the agenda as of yet is a face-to-face meeting with the foreign minister of Russia, which up to now has stymied American efforts to halt the violence in Syria through international sanctions or other pressure. Washington also charges Moscow with providing Assad continued military and diplomatic support two years into a civil war that has claimed some 60,000 lives.

Also: NEW YORK: Former US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will give paid speeches now that she’s left the government. The New York-based Harry Walker Agency says on its website that Clinton has joined it exclusively for her future speaking engagements. The agency represents high-profile figures who give paid speeches to organizations, conferences and companies. Its roster includes Clinton’s husband and former president Bill Clinton and Bono of the band U2. It’s not uncommon for prominent former public figures to join the lucrative speech circuit after leaving office.

President Barack Obama, with first responders behind him, speaks in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office building on the White House Complex in Washington, Feb 19, to urge Congress to come up with an alternative plan to avert automatic spending cuts set to kick in on March 1, 2013. (AP)

Pentagon Congress to be notified of furlough plan

Defense tries to protect war funding

Newly appointed Supreme Allied Commander in Europe (SACEUR) US General John Allen looks on following a meeting of NATO Defense Ministers at NATO headquarter in Brussels in this Oct 10, 2012 photo. (AFP)

Canada Office of religious freedom unveiled: Canada’s prime minister unveiled on Tuesday an office of religious freedom tasked with protecting and advocating on behalf of religious minorities under threat around the world. Housed in Canada’s foreign affairs ministry, the new office will oppose religious hatred and intolerance and promote pluralism “as a Canadian foreign policy priority,” said a statement. Thus it is expected to be” an important vehicle through which Canada can advance fundamental Canadian values including freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law worldwide.” At a Toronto-area Ahmadiyya mosque, Prime Minister Stephen Harper listed examples of Shia Muslims in Iraq, Coptic Christians in Egypt, Bahais in Iran, Ahmadis in Pakistan, and Christians and Falun Gong practitioners in China who faced “repression, imprisonment, and even death.” “Around the world, violations of religious freedom are widespread — and they are increasing,” Harper said. “Throughout history and in our own day, governments that violate religious freedom are also prone to impose themselves in every other sphere of life,” he added. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Police raid city hall: Quebec’s anticorruption squad on Tuesday raided Montreal city hall, asking employees to leave the building as they searched through files. A spokeswoman for the anti-corruption unit, known as UPAC, confirmed evidence was being gathered of alleged fraud and breach of trust there, as well as at eight other locations, including the offices of several boroughs. Montreal’s former mayor resigned in November after witnesses in a corruption probe linked him to an alleged mafia scheme, in which his party received kickbacks from construction bids, and said the mayor was aware of illegal party financing and campaign spending. The commission, headed by Superior Court Justice France Charbonneau, is investigating alleged graft, bid-rigging and kickbacks in the awarding of government construction contracts in the Canadian province. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑ Body found may be tourist: A body found in a large water tank on top of a downtown Los Angeles hotel on Tuesday may belong to a 21-year-old Canadian woman who went missing under suspicious

WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (RTRS): The Pentagon is expected to notify Congress this week that it plans to put some 800,000 civilian employees on unpaid leave for up to 22 days in the coming months if a new $46 billion budget cut goes into effect on March 1, a defense official said on Tuesday. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said congressional notification could come as early as Wednesday. Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter told reporters in late January that congressional notification of the furloughs would come “in the next few weeks.” The Defense Department, which is considering having workers take off one day per week for 22 weeks, is required to notify Congress 45 days before furloughing employees. Individual employee notification is required 30 days in advance and is expected to take place in the coming weeks, the official said. With the department nearly five months into its fiscal year, it is running out of time to provide congressional notification and still be able to carry out the plan, which Carter said would save as much as $5 billion. “Obviously this is a terrible thing to have to do to our employees and to the mission,” Carter told reporters in January. “But it’s necessary because it’ll save $5 billion and we have to find that money.”

Reasons for my decisions are personal: General

Allen retirement opens Europe command slot


WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (AP): President Barack Obama is looking for a new candidate to lead American and allied forces in Europe after his first choice, Marine Gen John Allen, bowed out Tuesday and announced his intention to retire for what he called personal reasons. “The reasons for my decision are personal,” Allen said in his statement. “I did not come to it lightly or quickly, but given the considerations behind it, I recognized in the end it was the only choice I could make. The move further clouds the picture for Obama as he repositions key figures on his national security team and in key military leadership roles. The White House is fighting for Senate confirmation of Chuck Hagel as defense secretary; a confirmation vote was stalled last week by Republicans but is expected to happen next week. Obama also is switching commanders at Central Command, which is responsible for US military operations throughout the greater Middle East, and Africa Command. After meeting with Allen at the White House, the president issued a brief statement praising Allen’s service. He called the 57-year-old Allen “one of America’s finest military leaders, a true patriot, and a man I have come to respect greatly.”

Allen appeared to be a shoo-in as the next top commander of allied forces in Europe. Obama nominated him last Oct 10, but in November Defense Secretary Leon Panetta stunned many by announcing that Allen was being investigated for potentially inappropriate email exchanges with a Florida socialite, Jill Kelley. Panetta put Allen’s nomination on hold. Last month, shortly before Allen completed a 19-month tour as the top US commander in Afghanistan, the Pentagon announced that Allen had been cleared of any wrongdoing and the White House said it was prepared to re-nominate him for the Europe job. Even so, it was not clear that Allen would choose to go ahead with a Senate confirmation hearing, given the nature of the email probe. An Iraq war veteran with a reputation as an astute strategist, Allen took over in Kabul in July 2011, succeeding Gen David Petraeus, who quit to become CIA director. Allen relinquished command Feb. 10 to a fellow Marine general, Joseph Dunford. Allen said retiring from the military was “the only choice I could make.” Although he did not explain his reasons in detail, Allen said “my primary concern is for the health of my wife, who had sacrificed so much for so long.” He served 38 years in

the Marine Corps. In retiring, Allen passed up Obama’s offer to promote him to the Europe job, which is one of the more prestigious jobs in the military. It carries the dual responsibilities of commanding NATO troops from allied headquarters in Belgium and heading the US European Command, a separate organization based in Germany. The US has about 80,000 troops based in Europe. It’s unclear who Obama will nominate for that job. The current commander, Navy Adm. James Stavridis, had planned to leave last year, but was asked to stay on until Allen could take over. He is expected to remain until a successor is confirmed. Army Gen. Carter Ham might have been a logical choice, in part because he previously served as commander of all US Army forces in Europe. But he is scheduled to retire this year. He currently serves as commander of US Africa Command. In a written statement Tuesday, Allen he wants to focus on helping his wife, Kathy, cope with health issues. He was not specific about her ailments, but The Washington Post quoted Allen on Monday as saying that his wife suffers from a combination of chronic health issues that include an autoimmune disorder.

The unpaid leave would not affect uniformed personnel, whose jobs and pay have been exempted from the cuts by President Barack Obama. But Carter said 44 percent of Defense Department civilians are veterans and most do not work at a desk in Washington but carry out other functions in communities across the country. The Pentagon is facing $46 billion in across-the-board budget cuts on March 1 under a mechanism known as sequestration unless Congress takes action to delay them. The rigid cuts, which hit programs equally regardless of strategic importance, were ordered in the Budget Control Act of 2011 in an effort to force lawmakers to negotiate an alternative package of reductions to curb the government’s trillion dollar deficits. But Congress failed to reach a deal. The cuts — which total about $500 billion over a decade — were sup-

posed to go into force on Jan. 2, but lawmakers delayed them until March 1 in order to have more time to try to achieve a deal. Little headway has been made since then. The reductions come as the Pentagon is already trying to implement $487 billion in cuts to projected spending over a decade that were also part of the Budget Control Act. Pentagon officials accepted those cuts and integrated them into a new defense strategy unveiled last year, but they have expressed alarm over the additional reductions, saying they will cause a readiness crisis this year and do damage over the long run. Some analysts are skeptical, however, saying Pentagon officials are exaggerating the likely effects of the cuts in an effort to pressure Congress into taking steps to stop the reductions.

The US Air Force Space Command cautioned recently that if new budget cuts take effect, some of its round-theclock missile-warning operations would begin working bankers’ hours — raising concerns about detecting missiles targeting America. But when questioned about these dire predictions by a concerned lawmaker last week, General Mark Welsh, the Air Force chief of staff, explained that flexibility in the system would let Space Command focus the cuts that take effect on March 1 on redundant, backup radar systems.

Across the military services, officials are sounding similar warnings about the $46 billion in budget cuts beginning March 1 that will slash nearly every military program or activity by a flat percentage. But even as they raise the alarm about everything from layoffs to reduced flying hours, defense officials are trying to assess how much flexibility they have to protect their most vital missions from the worst effects of the cuts. Concern about the level of flexibility seems to depend upon where you sit. Military and civilian defense officials say they are facing a trio of converging constraints that give them little leeway to protect the most vital programs and projects. But some outside analysts say the Pentagon is exaggerating the likely damage to pressure Congress to avert looming cuts.

circumstances while staying there late last month, police said. Elisa Lam, a student from Vancouver, British Columbia, who was visiting Southern California on her own, was last seen at the Cecil Hotel on Jan 31. Los Angeles Police detectives had characterized her disappearance as suspicious. A security video taken in an elevator at



Try “What our Air Force space commander has decided to do is to try and concentrate the cut so that we are not at risk of not having warning of an incoming missile,” Welsh told the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee.

the hotel and released by the LAPD last week showed Lam acting strangely, hiding in a corner and repeatedly peering around the elevator doors into the hallway. A body had been found in one of four large water tanks on top of the Cecil Hotel early on Tuesday after a maintenance worker went up to investigate reports of low water pressure, a Los Angeles police

spokeswoman said. Detectives were on the scene, but had not yet determined whether the remains were those of the missing woman, the spokeswoman said. Some two dozen firefighters could be seen cutting through one of the four large, cylindrical water tanks under a canopy that shielded them from news helicopters overhead. (RTRS)




Vatican ‘Election conclave’

Pope considers issuing ‘decree’ VATICAN CITY, Feb 20, (AFP): Pope Benedict XVI may issue a decree to bring forward the start date for a conclave of cardinals to elect his successor to earlier in March, the Vatican said Wednesday. He may, however, stop short of setting a formal framework for future resignations. “The pope is considering a Motu Proprio Pope Benedict (decree) in the coming days... to clarify a few specific aspects of the apostolic constitution on the conclave,” spokesman Federico Lombardi said. It would be up to the pope to judge whether it was “necessary and opportune” to intervene on when the meeting to elect his own successor should begin, Lombardi said. Historian Ambrogio Piazzoni said “the pope is the only one who can legislate until the last minute”. The decree would have to come before Benedict formally resigns his powers on Feb 28 at 1900 GMT. He will become only the second pope to resign of his own free will in the Church’s 2,000-year history. The Apostolic Constitution promulgated in 1996 by Benedict’s predecessor, the late pope John Paul II, states the conclave must begin between 15 and 20 days after the start of the popeless “Sede Vacante” (“Vacant Seat”) interregnum, usually after the death of a pope. The delay is normally to allow time for cardinals from around the world to gather in Rome following the death of a pope and to organise the funeral. The period of mourning is normally set at nine days. The current version of the constitution does allow the cardinals some leeway in “interpreting doubtful or controversial points” — except for the election — as long as “a majority of cardinals agrees.” In meetings known as “congregations” starting on March 1, cardinals could therefore themselves agree to bring forward the start of the conclave. Lombardi earlier had said the conclave would likely start on March 15, 16, 17, 18 or 19, stating there was no reason to alter the current rules. But on Saturday he signalled that some cardinals had asked for the date to be brought forward, arguing that many of them were already in Rome. Many cardinals are to attend a final audience with the pope on February 28, just hours before he retires to a life of quiet contemplation initially at the papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo and then in a Vatican monastery. The conclave is expected to bring together the world’s 117 “cardinal electors” and meets in secret in the Sistine Chapel until a two-thirds majority is found in favour of a candidate to be the pope. Bringing forward the date of the start of the conclave would help prevent any overlap with Easter, which this year falls on March 31, and the preceding Holy Week, which begins on March 24. ❑ ❑ ❑ Teams of builders are hard at work in an idyllic spot in the Vatican gardens: a monastery with a breathtaking view over the dome of St Peter’s Basilica and the skyline of the Eternal City where Benedict XVI will live when he is no longer pope. The Vatican has likened the pope’s retirement on a hillside within the walls of the world’s smallest state to the Biblical Moses interceding with God on a mountain while battles raged in the valley below. His life in the two-storey brick building will set up an unprecedented arrangement in the Church’s 2,000-year history — a pope and his predecessor living within a stone’s throw of each other. The “Mater Ecclesiae” monastery used to be home to eight cloistered nuns from different countries and orders who supported the pope with their prayers. Late pope John Paul II invited the nuns to stay there and had a special chapel built for them next to the main building, which was constructed near the site of an older monastery set up to defend St Peter’s from Saracen invaders in the 9th century. It is this haven of peace where the Vatican has said Joseph Ratzinger will live out his final days, together with his secretary Georg Gaenswein and a few housekeepers from a lay religious order that has looked after the 85year-old pope until now.

A view of a grotto inside the pope’s summer residence of Castel Gandolfo, in the town of Castelgandolfo, south of Rome, Feb 20. Immediately after his resignation on Feb 28, Pope Benedict XVI will spend some time at the papal summer retreat in Castel Gandolfo, overlooking

Lake Albano in the hills south of Rome where he has spent his summer vacations reading and writing. (Inset): A view of the garden of pope’s summer residence of Castel Gandolfo, in the town of Castelgandolfo, south of Rome. (AP)

Scandal Imported lasagne brand pulled from shelves in Hong Kong

‘Horsemeat’ spreads to Asia

Picture taken on Feb 18, shows the University Hospital in Innsbruck, where Belgium’s Prince Laurent is staying after being injured in a ski accident. (AFP)



Europe Tax refund promise mailed: Silvio Berlusconi has caused outrage among political rivals by sending letters to millions of Italians promising to reimburse tax they paid in 2012, in a final drive for votes before elections this weekend. The official-looking envelopes read: “Important notice: reimbursement of IMU 2012”, referring to an unpopular property tax brought in by the technocrat government of Mario Monti. “The refund will be available either through a transfer into your bank account, or to you personally at the counter of the post office,” the letters say. Democratic Party leader Pier Luigi Bersani, whose centre-left coalition was leading in the last opinion polls published before a pre-election blackout, called the letter a “scam”. “This is a way of campaigning which I just can’t accept. It’s time to be serious,” he said. Former anti-mafia prosecutor Antonio Ingroia, who leads a small centre-left group, was even more scathing. “With the letter sent to Italians promising money in exchange for votes, Berlusconi has committed one crime, possibly two,” he wrote on his website, calling for the centre-right leader to be prosecuted. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

PARIS, Feb 20, (AFP): Europe’s horsemeat scandal spread Wednesday to Asia where an imported lasagne brand was pulled from the shelves in Hong Kong, as Czech officials ordered similar action on frozen meals mislabelled “beef”. A host of top players have been caught up in the spiralling scandal including Nestle, the world’s biggest food company, top beef producer JBS of Brazil and British supermarket chain Tesco. Hong Kong authorities ordered ParknShop, one of the biggest supermarket chains in the city, to remove lasagne made by frozen food giant Findus, one of the firms at the centre of the scandal. The product was imported from Britain and made by French firm Comigel. Hong Kong’s Centre for Food Safety said the item “might be adulterated with horsemeat which has not undergone tests for veterinary drugs”. “The product was removed from our stores last week following the government’s instructions,” a ParknShop spokeswoman told AFP. The chain, owned by tycoon Li Ka-shing, has about 280 stores in Hong Kong and the neighbouring gaming hub of Macau. A spokeswoman at the government’s food and environmental hygiene department said only one contaminated product had so far been sold in Hong Kong. In Europe, the Czech Republic became the latest country embroiled bers on Tuesday hit an upscale diamond jeweller in central Paris, making off with valuables estimated to be worth up to three million euros (four million dollars), police said.

in the affair, with food inspectors ordering Tesco to withdraw Nowaco brand frozen “beef” lasagne after detecting horsemeat. The Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority said it had found horse DNA in two samples of the Nowaco meals manufactured by the Tavola company in Luxembourg. Inspectors “ordered the seller to immediately withdraw the products from its network,” the authority said in a statement. “The producer is Tavola S.A. based in Luxembourg and the importer and distributor is Nowaco,” Czech food authority spokesman Pavel Kopriva told AFP. “So it was made by Tavola in Luxembourg and put in Nowaco’s packages.”

Supplier “We are very sorry about the situation and we will discuss the matter with the supplier,” Tesco spokesman Jan Dvorak told the CTK news agency, adding the chain had protectively withdrawn the product earlier. Supermarkets in Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Finland, France, Austria, Norway, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Slovenia have all removed meals from shelves. The Czech authority noted that horsemeat is sold for human consumption in the country, but that if not mentioned on the product label it was misleading to consumers and could lead to a fine of up to three The two men armed with handguns held up the De Beers stand in the Printemps department store in the early evening heist. A source close to the police inquiry said they did not fire their

$4 mln worth of heist: Armed rob-

weapons and no one was injured. De Beers declined to comment on the attack. The heist comes less than 24 hours after masked thieves staged a spectacular

‘Selling drone motors’

2 Iranians charged

Prince injured in accident: Belgium’s Prince Laurent was injured during a skiing holiday in Austria and remained under observation on Wednesday in a local hospital to monitor internal bruising. The royal palace said that doctors want to make sure that there is no risk of bleeding from his injury, which is close to the liver. The palace said the accident happened on Tuesday afternoon in near Innsbruck in western Austria. The 49-year-old prince is the third child of King Albert. A year ago, Dutch Prince Friso, was left in a coma after being engulfed by an avalanche while skiing in Austria. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

million koruna (118,000 euros, $159,000). Spanghero, the French firm that sparked the food alert by allegedly passing off 750 tonnes of horsemeat as beef, was on Monday allowed to resume production of minced meat, sausages and ready-to-eat meals. But the company, whose horsemeat found its way into 4.5 million “beef” products sold across Europe, will no longer be allowed to stock frozen meat. Under the ban it cannot act as middleman between slaughterhouses and food-processing companies, the situation which allegedly allowed it to change labels on horsemeat from Romania and sell it on as beef. The firm’s sanitary licence was suspended last Thursday after it was accused of passing off huge quantities of mislabelled meat over a period of six months. Investigators on Wednesday conducted a second day of raids on Spanghero’s headquarters in Castelnaudary in southern France, a source close to the probe said, adding they had already seized several documents and copied computer records. About 60 workers from French company Fraisnor, which produces fresh lasagne, demonstrated on Wednesday in the northern town of Feuchy for state financial aid, saying their sales had dived 70 percent after the scandal. The company, which manufactures about 700 tonnes of fresh lasagne a month, is on the point of laying off some of its employees.

Serge Charnay (center), a French father who was denied access to his son, lies on the ground on Feb 20, surrounded by white paint reading ‘One parent too many?’ as he takes part in a protest called by SVP Papa, a French association ‘defending fathers’ rights, in front of Nantes’ courthouse, western France. Charnay made headlines in France over the weekend after he spent four days perched on a giant crane. The 42-year-old is battling to win back the right to see his son, born in 2006, after losing all visiting rights when he was accused of kidnapping the boy. (AFP)

BERLIN, Feb 20, (AP): Two Iranian men have been charged with allegedly smuggling dozens of German-made aircraft motors to Iran to be used in its Ababil III surveillance and attack drone, federal prosecutors said Wednesday. Germany prohibits the export of goods to Iran that could be used for military purposes, abiding by international sanctions. Iman J. L., a 30-year-old German-Iranian dual national, and Iranian Davood A., 54, have both been charged with violating German export laws, said prosecutors’ spokesman Marcus Koehler. The men, whose last names were not given in accordance with German privacy laws, face two to 15 years in prison if convicted. The Ababil is believed to have a maximum range of about 145 kms (90 miles) and can fly up to 4,300 meters (14,000 feet) high.

five-minute robbery on the tarmac at Brussels airport, stealing diamonds worth $50 million (37 million euros). (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

‘Generalised corruption’ denied: Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy insisted Wednesday his country did not suffer from “generalised corruption”, in the wake of a scandal rattling his ruling party. “It is not true that there is a generalised state of corruption in Spain,” he told parliament in his first stateof-the-nation address. “Spain is a clean country going through tough times in which cases of corruption emerge just like in any other,” Rajoy added. Rajoy “The exceptions are representative only of themselves, as in any place where bad weeds grow.” He proposed to introduce tougher criminal penalties for corruption and other reforms to corruption law. Rajoy has faced calls to resign over a corruption scandal battering his ruling Popular Party. He has rejected as false account ledgers published by El Pais newspaper that purportedly showed undeclared payments to him and other members of the conservative Popular Party. It was the biggest in a series of scandals implicating numerous politicians. It sparked anger among Spaniards at a time when they are being asked to make sacrifices with lower salaries, benefit cuts and lost jobs. An online petition calling for Rajoy’s resignation and snap elections, posted on change.org, has garnered more than 1.1 million signatures. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Thousands rally in Armenia: Thousands of opposition supporters rallied in the Armenian capital on Wednesday against President Serzh Sarkisian’s victory in elections seen as a crucial democratic test for the ex-Soviet state. Some 5,000 supporters of the former foreign minister and Sarkisian’s top challenger in Monday’s presidential polls, Raffi Hovannisian, gathered in Yerevan’s central Liberty square to demand the overturn of the election results, an AFP correspondent said. “We must return to our people its victory!” Hovannisian told the crowd, insisting that he was the true winner. “Those who are misappropriating the power must be brought before justice.” Sarkisian won the elections with 58.64 percent of the votes against Hovannisian’s 36.75 percent, the central election commission said. “Hovannisian has won. He must become our president. Sarkisian must go,” 64-year-old pensioner Susanna told AFP. “We want change in our country, Serzh (Sarkisian) cannot bring in such change,” said 58-year-old construction worker Vartan Babayan. The European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule hailed on Wednesday the democratic progress Armenia demonstrated during the vote, but stressed that the country needs to address shortcomings identified by international monitors. “We welcome further progress made by the Armenian authorities in their efforts to hold these presidential elections in line with international standards,” the two said in a joint statement. “We expect a number of outstanding concerns to be followed up appropriately in the future,” they added. Observers from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly said the election was an improvement on past polls but lacked real competition after two leading candidates pulled out late last year. (AFP)




World News Roundup Russia ‘Property scandal’

Putin ally quits govt MOSCOW, Feb 20, (RTRS): An ally of Vladimir Putin resigned from the Russian parliament on Wednesday to fight accusations that he failed to declare ownership of property in the United States and to protect the reputation of the president’s party. Vladimir Pekhtin, who had already stepped down as head of parliament’s ethics committee, denied owning real estate abroad despite documents posted by bloggers on the Internet showing his Pekhtin name on the deeds of property in Florida worth $2 million. The allegations are an embarrassment for Putin and his United Russia party, which Pekhtin represented in the State Duma lower house, and a rare victory for protest leaders in an online campaign to publicise alleged cases of official corruption. The resignation appears designed to deflect any criticism of Putin and the party. “I will not dwell on my personal feelings but I want to say one thing: I am clean before the law, have never violated and never will violate either the spirit or the letter of the law,” Pekhtin, 52, said in a speech to the State Duma. He said the apartments in Florida were owned by his 35-year-old son Alexey and that he needed time to defend himself against allegations which might be used against United Russia, the government, his family and parliament. “If it was only about me, then rest assured that I know how to take a blow,” he said.

Opposition deputies wearing tee-shirts reading ‘Vote personally’ block the Ukrainian parliamentary in Kiev on Feb 20, as they try to prevent the opening of the session. The head of Ukrainian oppo-

Child ‘Bruises found on Max’s body’

Played “During all this time, people will be trashing my name, people will be trashing the United Russia party, of which I was one of the founders, people will be trashing my family. I just don’t want that.” Pekhtin stepped down as head of the State Duma’s ethics committee last week for the duration of an investigation. A day earlier, Putin had submitted a bill to parliament that is intended to prevent officials stashing illicit wealth abroad. It was not clear whether Putin had played any role in Pekhtin’s resignation but the Kremlin quickly welcomed the decision. “What Pekhtin has done is honest and honourable. It’s not a question of accusations, it’s not a question of breaking the law, it’s a question of an honourable deed,” said Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov. The documents posted by anticorruption bloggers online show Pekhtin’s name on the deeds of three properties in Florida, one of which was bought for about $1.3 million. Documents seen by Reuters also carry the name of his son Alexey. The law does not prevent officials from owning property overseas, but Pekhtin’s critics say he neglected to include the real estate in declarations he made for the State Duma on his property and income.

Swindlers The accusations against Pekhtin first came from Alexei Navalny, one of the leaders of the biggest protests since Putin first rose to power in 2000. “That’s it. We’ll no longer be seeing this glorious representative of the Party of Swindlers and Thieves on the State Duma’s website,” Navalny wrote on his blog. “Now he can move for good to Miami and live there peacefully.” Putin, who returned to the Kremlin last May after four years as premier, has said tackling corruption is a priority. But opinion polls show Russians are sceptical he will succeed, and the scandal around Pekhtin could further undermine confidence in his ability or desire to crack down on corruption. The head of Russia’s central bank said in an interview that nearly $50 billion was transferred out of Russia illegally in 2012, a sum equivalent to about 2.5 percent of gross domestic product. Putin called in December for “a whole system of measures to ‘deoffshore’ our economy”, an initiative intended to take the wind out of the sails of protesters who regularly describe Russia’s ruling party as “swindlers and thieves”. But the bill he submitted last week is weaker than one proposed by the State Duma which would not allow apparatchiks to own property abroad or to open foreign bank accounts.

sition party UDAR (Punch) and boxing heavy-weight World champion Vitaliy Klitschko (right), listens to an unidentified opposition deputy of the party wearing tee-shirts. (AFP)

Russia probes adopted boy’s death

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin (right), shakes hands with King Abdullah II of Jordan during their meeting in Putin’s Novo-Ogaryovo residence, outside Moscow on Feb 19. (AFP)



Europe ‘Texts to stay in Russia’: A disputed collection of Jewish writings will remain in Russia because returning it to a New Yorkbased group would set a precedent paving the way for more such claims dating back to Soviet times, President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday. Dispute over the Jewish books and documents claimed by the Chabad-Lubavitch group adds to tensions between Moscow and Washington, which have seen ties deteriorate over human rights and security issues since Putin’s return to the Kremlin in May. “The Schneerson Collection belongs to Russia,” Putin said in a grand new Jewish museum in Moscow, in referring to texts held in Russian libraries and archives, some of them confiscated by the Soviet Union from Nazi forces during World War Two. A Washington judge in January ordered Russia to pay $50,000 a day in fines for failure to adhere to a 2010 ruling to return the collection, triggering angry reaction from Moscow, which called the decision “absolutely unlawful and provocative”. “If we now open a Pandora’s box and start satisfying similar requests, there will be no end to these claims. Maybe one day we will be able to do this, but now we are absolutely not ready for this. This is impossible,” Putin said. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

MOSCOW, Feb 20, (Agencies): Russian investigators have opened an inquiry into the death of an adopted 3-year-old boy in the United States in a case that could aggravate a row with Washington over adoptions in Russia. Russian officials said they are concerned that Maxim Shatto, whose Russian name is Maxim Kuzmin, may have been badly beaten before his death on Jan 21 in his home in Texas. Moscow seized on the case as justifying a new law banning adoptions of Russian children by Americans, a measure that has escalated a tit-fortat row with Washington over trade and human rights. “I would like to draw your attention to yet another case of inhumane treatment of a Russian child adopted by American parents,” Konstantin Dolgov, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s human rights representative, said in a statement. Shatto was adopted with his younger brother Kirill from an orphanage in Pskov in northwest Russia. US authorities said the circumstances surrounding the boy’s death were under investigation, and the results of an autopsy were pending, according to the Ector County Sheriff’s office. Texas child welfare authorities were also investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect in the case, a process that can take a month in the last two years at least, very, very ineffectively,” Verzilov told AFP in an interview. “The groups Putin depends on are connected to the economy, and in Russia, the economy is connected to the price of oil. So

or more, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services spokesman Patrick Crimmins said on Tuesday. Crimmins said one of the main priorities was ensuring the safety of the boy’s 2-year-old brother, who remains in the home.

Opened Russia’s Investigative Committee, a government body in charge of criminal investigations, has opened 10 investigations into actions suspected of “threatening the lives and health” of Russian-born children in the United States. “The Investigative Committee will take all necessary measures to ensure that the killer of a Russian child suffers the most severe punishment,” it said in a statement. In Washington, US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said it was local law enforcement’s responsibility to investigate the boy’s death. “It is a terrible tragedy that this child has died. But none of us, not here, not anywhere in the world, should jump to a conclusion about the circumstances until the police have had a chance to investigate,” Nuland told reporters at her daily briefing. She said the State Department had been working with the Russian consulate in Houston and the embassy in Washington to put Russian officials in touch with authorities in Texas. Putin doesn’t have any grounds for political optimism, because his political and economic system is really weak,” he added. . (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Ukraine ex-leader accused: A top

Justified Moscow has said its ban was justified by the deaths of 19 Russianborn children adopted by US parents in the past decade, and what they perceive as lenient treatment of the parents. The US embassy in Moscow did not immediately comment. A 3-year-old boy whose death fueled a fight over American adoptions of Russian children was prosecutor in Ukraine says his office has collected evidence that former President Leonid Kuchma was involved in the brutal killing of an investigative journalist. Heorhiy Gongadze was kidnapped in September 2000, and his decapitated body

Shaken by protests

Bulgaria govt quits

‘Band case shows Putin weak’: Pussy Riot icon Nadezhda Tolokonnikova is behind bars, but her husband is unbowed, saying the punk band’s controversial case has exposed the weaknesses in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s rule. Visiting Geneva for a gathering of human rights campaigners, Pyotr Verzilov said that the Kremlin’s tough handling of its opponents shows, paradoxically, that Putin is no longer the strongman he’s made out to be. “Putin has been managing the country,

The United States has previously refused to hand over data to Russian investigators, and the two countries do not have bilateral extradition agreements, meaning the Russian probe is likely to be purely symbolic. Russia banned US adoptions as of Jan 1 in retaliation for the US Magnitsky Act, drawn up over concern about the death in a Russian prison of anti-corruption lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in 2009. The act will deny visas to Russians accused of human rights abuses and freeze their assets in the United States. The head of the Russian lower house of parliament’s committee for family, women and children called for all children who had already been adopted in America to be returned to Russia. American families adopt more Russian children than those of any other country, with more than 60,000 cases since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, including 962 in 2011.

A demonstrator throws a rock to riot police during clashes on the sidelines of a protest against the government in downtown Sofia on Feb 19. (AFP)

SOFIA, Feb 20, (AFP): Bulgaria’s prime minister announced Wednesday the surprise resignation of his government after days of sometimes violent rallies, paving the way for early elections in the European Union’s poorest member. “It is the people who put us in power and we give it back to them today,” Boyko Borisov told parliament. “I will not participate in a government where the police beat up people or where threats for protests replace political dialogue. If the street wants to govern the country, let it do it.”

brought into a West Texas hospital unresponsive and bruised on several parts of his body, a medical examiner’s investigator said Tuesday. Russian authorities have blamed the Jan 21 death of Max Alan Shatto on “inhuman treatment” at the hands of the American family that adopted him, but the medical examiner’s office said it couldn’t immediately be determined if the bruises were intentional or accidental.

Also: MOSCOW: Russia expressed “serious worry” Wednesday over the fate of a Russian boy adopted by an American woman who did not reveal that she is a lesbian, Moscow’s latest broadside in a growing war of words over adoption. The ministry’s human rights envoy Konstantin Dolgov said the situation in which the boy was placed under his new American family subjected him to conditions “harmful to his psychological health”. The statement by Moscow is the second this week concerning the fate of a Russian child and comes two days after Russian authorities accused a Texas couple of murdering three-year-old Maksim Kuzmin. In the latest case of alleged mistreatment of Russian adoptees, the Russian foreign ministry accused a US woman of bringing a Russian boy into a lesbian partnership. was found in a forest several months later. Kuchma’s former guard then released secretly recorded tapes in which a voice resembling Kuchma’s is heard conspiring against the journalist. First Deputy Prosecutor General Renat Kuzmin told Russia’s Ekho Moskvy radio Wednesday that his office has “enough evidence” to prove Kuchma’s involvement in the crime. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Talks broach issue: Talks between Serbia and Kosovo, which Serbia considers a renegade province, are broaching one of the most delicate issues dividing them — so-called parallel rule of northern Kosovo by the Serbian government. Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic and Kosovar Prime Minister Hashim Thaci were meeting Tuesday in Brussels with European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton. It is the fifth meeting between the prime ministers. The issue is the status of the northern part of Kosovo, dominated by ethnic Serbs. Serbia discretely exercises virtual control of the area through parallel police forces and other institutions. Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008, has been recognized as independent by many nations, but not by Serbia. Nevertheless, normalizing relations with Kosovo is a condition for Serbia if it wishes to join the EU. (AP)




Japan Long-stalled treaty

Change ‘eyed’ over abduction TOKYO, Feb 20, (AFP): Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will be under pressure when he meets US President Barack Obama this week to pledge progress on a longstalled treaty to prevent the snatching of children by a Japanese parent in international divorce cases. Abe is expected to promise that Japan will follow through on a decades-old pledge to ratify the Hague Convention on child abduction, giving some legal muscle to hundreds of foreign fathers — including Watanabe Americans, French and Canadians — kept apart from their half-Japanese children. “Those are only the reported cases,” French Senator Richard Yung told AFP during a recent trip to Tokyo to press officials on the issue. Japan is the lone member of the G8 industrialised nations — the others being the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Russia and Canada — not to have adopted the 32-year-old international treaty. Key allies including the US, France and Britain have long demanded Tokyo step into line. Diplomats say ratification of the Hague Convention could come during Japan’s current parliamentary session, which ends in the summer. That would make it the 90th state to adopt the treaty, which is aimed at securing “the prompt return of children wrongfully removed or held” in another treaty state.

In this photo taken on Feb 18, villagers and rescuers look at the rocks piled up after a landslide in Longchang Township in the city of Kaili, southwest China’s Guizhou Province. The cliff collapsed

Hacking Commercial cyber spying offers rich payoff

US eyeing penalties for cybertheft

Offer “These cases are particularly cruel — birthday or Christmas presents are returned,” said Yung, who added that he met a vice foreign affairs minister but was refused a sit down with Justice Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki. The changes would also offer hope to hundreds of thousands of Japanese fathers who face similar estrangement under domestic custody laws. Japan is unique among major industrialised nations when it comes to the children of estranged parents. Courts do not recognise joint custody — for foreigners or Japanese nationals — and almost always order that children live with their mothers, leaving desperate fathers with almost no recourse to see their children. Many lose touch with their offspring if the ex-spouse blocks access, a common occurrence due to the widely held opinion that child rearing is a task for women, while men earn the money. Yasuyuki Watanabe, the deputy mayor of a small Japanese town, has not seen his daughter in years. After the country’s devastating 2011 quake-tsunami disaster, he says he tried to make contact with the now five-year-old girl.

Intervene “And my wife called the police on me,” he said. Michael, a foreigner who has lived in Japan for three decades, had a messy divorce that ultimately saw two of his three kids tell a Japanese court they had no wish to ever see their father again. That, he says, was the product of “brainwashing” by his ex-spouse. Michael, which is not his real name, has never met his two grandchildren. Sometimes, judges do order the custodial parent to send photos of a child to their former spouse, or to allow a short monthly visit. But police almost never intervene when those orders are commonly ignored. Ratification of the convention would not automatically change Japanese laws, but it offers hope for hundreds of thousands of Japanese men cut off from their kids, including Watanabe who said he recently met with the justice minister. “I told him how the judicial system is malfunctioning and that judges encourage these abductions, whether it is international or in Japan,” he added. But ratifying the treaty alone is no silver bullet and there are fears that future changes to domestic laws could lack both scope and substance, warned Yung, who cited public opinion as the biggest weapon in winning the fight for access.

on Monday morning, burying five people, including two children inside the work sheds, Xinhua said. (AP)

In this Nov 7, 2012 photo, US and Chinese national flags are hung outside a hotel during the US Presidential election event, organized by the US embassy in Beijing. (AP)

Asia Prison camps liken to Holocaust: North Korea’s prison camps are a closedoff world of death, torture and forced labour where babies are born slaves, according to two survivors who liken the horrors of the camps to a Holocaust in progress. “People think the Holocaust is in the past, but it is still very much a reality. It is still going on in North Korea,” Shin Donghyuk told AFP through an interpreter on the sidelines of a human rights summit in Geneva. Shin himself spent his first 23 years in a prison camp in the secretive country, where he says he was tortured and subjected to forced labour before making a spectacular escape seven years ago — and giving the outside world a rare first-hand account of life inside the camps. The 30-year-old is the only person known to have been born in such a camp to flee and live to tell the tale, and was portrayed in a book by journalist Blaine Harden published last year called “Escape from Camp 14: One Man’s Remarkable Odyssey From North Korea to Freedom in the West.” Camp 14 — a massive slave labour camp comprising a number of “villages”, factories, farms and mines — is one of five known prison camps in North Korea believed to house as many as 200,000 people. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Envoy warns SK of ‘final destruction’: South Korea faces “final destruction” if Seoul and its allies continue to push for tougher UN resolutions against North Korea’s nuclear programme under its leader Kim Jong-Un, Pyongyang warned Tuesday. “We have never recognised the propagandist resolutions on sanctions by the UN Security Council,” North Korean envoy Jon Yong Ryong told a session of the UN Conference on Disarmament. “As the saying goes, ‘a newborn puppy knows no fear of a tiger.’ South Korea’s erratic behaviour could only herald its final destruction,” he insisted. North and South Korea traditionally trade barbs at the UN forum — which meets regularly in Geneva and focusses on a raft of global arms-control issues. But in the wake of North Korea’s latest nuclear test last week and a global outpouring of condemnation, the rhetoric was unusually high-pitched Tuesday. South Korea’s ambassador, Kwon Haeryong, hit back. He said that Pyongyang’s secretive regime would do better to ensure a better life for its people, in a country which has suffered intermittent famines in the past two decades. “Everybody knows that North Korea is committing enormous resources to developing nuclear weapons and a missile capability. But it is very regrettable that a chronic food shortage persists and continually threatens people,” Kwon said. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Taiwan plans troops withdrawal: Taiwan plans to withdraw troops from two

WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (AP): Evidence of an unrelenting campaign of cyberstealing linked to the Chinese government is prompting the Obama administration to develop more aggressive responses to the theft of US government data and corporate trade secrets. A report being released Wednesday considers fines and other trade actions against China or any other country guilty of cyber-espionage. Officials familiar with the administration’s plans spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the threatened action. The Chinese government denies being involved in the cyberattacks cited in a cybersecurity firm’s analysis of breaches that compromised more than 140 companies. On Wednesday, China’s Defense Ministry called the report deeply flawed. Mandiant, a Virginia-based cybersecurity firm, released a torrent of details Monday that tied a secret Chinese military unit in Shanghai to years of cyberattacks against US companies. Mandiant concluded that the breaches can be linked to the People’s Liberation Army’s Unit 61398. Military experts believe the unit is part of the People’s Liberation Army’s cybercommand, which is under the direct authority of the General Staff Department, China’s version of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As such, its activities would be likely to be authorized at the highest levels of China’s military. The release of the Mandiant report, complete with details on three of the alleged hackers and photographs of one of the military unit’s buildings in Shanghai, makes public what US authorities have said less publicly for years. But it also increases the pressure on the US to take more forceful action against the Chinese for what experts say has been years of systematic espionage.

Escort “If the Chinese government flew planes into our airspace, our planes would escort them away. If it happened two, three or four times, the president would be on the phone and there would be threats of retaliation,” said Shawn Henry, former FBI executive assistant director. “This is happening thousands of times a day. There needs to be some definition of where the red line is and what the repercussions would be.” For state-backed cyber spies such

islets near the Chinese mainland and will turn the former battleground into a tourist attraction as relations improve, officials said Wednesday. The two tiny islets, Tatan and Ertan, form part of the Taiwan-controlled Kinmen island group off southeast China’s Xiamen city and are currently manned by around 120 soldiers. Kinmen county magistrate Lee Wuo-shih

Army rejects hacking allegations

Portrait of accused cyberspy unit emerges BEIJING, Feb 20, (Agencies): Unit 61398 of the People’s Liberation Army has been recruiting computer experts for at least a decade. It has made no secret of details of community life such as badminton matches and kindergarten, but its apparent purpose became clear only when a US Internet security firm accused it of conducting a massive hacking campaign against North American targets. Hackers with the Chinese unit have been active for years, using online handles such as “UglyGorilla,” Virginia-based firm Mandiant said in a report released Tuesday as the US prepared to crack down on countries responsible for cyber espionage. The Mandiant report plus details collected by The Associated Press depict a highly specialized community of Internet warriors working from a blocky white building in Shanghai: ■ Recruiting the spies: Unit 61398, alleged to be one of several hacking operations run by China’s military, recruits directly from universities. It favors high computer expertise and English language skills. A notice dated 2003 on the Chinese Internet said the unit was seeking master’s degree students from Zhejiang University’s College of Computer Science and Technology. It offered a scholarship, conditional on the student reporting for work at Unit 61398 after graduation. ■ Cyberspy workplace: Mandiant says it traced scores of cyberattacks on US defense and infrastructure companies to a neighborhood in Shanghai’s Pudong district that includes the 12-story building where

Unit 61398 is known to be housed. The building has office space for up to 2,000 people. Mandiant estimates the number of personnel in the unit to be anywhere from hundreds to several thousand. The surrounding neighborhood is filled with apartment buildings, tea houses, shops and karaoke bars. ■ The unit 61398 community: While the building’s activities may be top secret, Unit 61398’s status in the community as a military division is not. It turns up in numerous Chinese Internet references to community events, including a 2010 accord with the local government to set up a joint outreach center on family planning. Other articles describe mass weddings for officers, badminton matches and even discussion of the merits of the “Unit 61398 Kindergarten.” Other support facilities include a clinic, car pool, and guesthouse – all standard for the military’s often self-contained communities across China. ■ The pipeline: The Mandiant report describes a special arrangement made with China Telecom for a fiber optic communication infrastructure in the Unit 61398 neighborhood, pointing to its need for bandwidth and its elite status. The contract between the two refers to Unit 61398 as belonging to the General Staff Department 3rd Department, 2nd Bureau, and says China Telecom agreed to the military’s suggested price due to “national defense construction” concerns. ■ Modus operandus: The cyberspies typically enter targeted computer networks through “spearfishing” attacks, in which a company

official receives a creatively disguised email and is tricked into clicking on a link or attachment that then opens a secret door for the hackers, Mandiant says. The cyberspies would steal and retransmit data for an average of just under a year, but in some cases more than four years. Information technology companies were their favorite targets, followed by aerospace firms, pointing to a key area of interest as China seeks to develop its own cutting-edge civilian and military aircraft. ■ Online handles: Mandiant identifies three of the unit’s hackers by their screen names. It says one of them, “UglyGorilla,” was first detected in a 2004 online forum posing a question to a cybersecurity expert about whether China needed a dedicated force to square off against an online cohort being mustered by the United States. The user of another screen name, “Dota,” appears to be a fan of Harry Potter; Mandiant said references to the book and movie character appear as answers to his computer security questions. China’s defence ministry Wednesday rebuffed a report linking its People’s Liberation Army to sophisticated cyberattacks on US firms, saying there was no internationally agreed definition of hacking. The 74-page analysis by the American Internet security firm Mandiant provided one of the most detailed accounts of large-scale hacking operations that many Western experts have long believed receive official Chinese support.

as a Chinese military unit implicated by a US security firm in a computer crime wave, hacking foreign companies can produce high-value secrets ranging from details on oil fields to advanced manufacturing technology. This week’s report by Mandiant Inc. adds to mounting suspicion that Chinese military experts are helping state industry by stealing secrets from Western companies possibly worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The Chinese military has denied involvement in the attacks. “This is really the new era of cybercrime,” said Graham Cluley, a British security expert. “We’ve moved from kids in their bedroom and financially motivated crime to state-sponsored

cybercrime, which is interested in stealing secrets and getting military or commercial advantage.” Instead of credit card numbers and other consumer data sought by crime gangs, security experts say cyber spies with resources that suggest they work for governments aim at betterguarded but more valuable information. Henry, the president of the security firm CrowdStrike, said that rather than tell companies to increase their cybersecurity, the government needs to focus more on how to deter the hackers and the nations that are backing them. James Lewis, a cybersecurity expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said that in the

past year the White House has been taking a serious look at responding to China. “This will be the year they will put more pressure on, even while realizing it will be hard for the Chinese to change. There’s not an on-off switch,” Lewis said. In denying involvement in the cyberattacks tracked by Mandiant, China’s Foreign Ministry said China too has been a victim of hacking, some of it traced to the US Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei cited a report by an agency under the Ministry of Information Technology and Industry that said that in 2012 alone foreign hackers used viruses and other malicious software to seize control of 1,400 computers in China and 38,000 websites.



Tuesday discussed the plan for the two islands with minister without portfolio Lin Cheng-ze. “The minister has in principle agreed to our plan of troop withdrawal from the two islets... once the plan is completed, it will be another crucial sign of the improving ties between Taiwan and the mainland,” Lee told AFP. The two islets, which together have an

area of little more than one square kilometer (0.4 square mile), are about four kilometres (2.5 miles) from Xiamen at the nearest point. While the two islets may soon be emptied of soldiers, there is no indication that Taiwan will terminate its garrison on much-larger Kinmen island any time soon. The exact number of soldiers there is a secret. (AFP)




World News Roundup Africa Ellison arrives in Mogadishu: A US congressman visited Somalia’s capital on Tuesday, the first visit in years by a member of Congress to what until recently was considered one of the world’s most dangerous cities. Keith Ellison, a Democrat from Minnesota, said his visit to Mogadishu fulfilled a request from his constituents with ties to Somalia. Minnesota has one of the largest populations of SomaliAmericans in the US. Ellison, the first Ellison Muslim elected to Congress, noted that the US government in mid-January recognized the Somali government for the first time since the country fell into anarchy in 1991. “We’ve seen 20 years of warlordism, 20 years of terrorism, of refugees streaming across the border into every neighboring country, piracy in the gulf,” Ellison told The Associated Press in a phone interview from neighboring Kenya. “But a stable Somalia will bring this all to an end, and I think we need to be a part of the solution. I’m telling you, investing money in Somalia is sending good money after good. We should now see Somalia as a trading partner and a partner of educational exchanges.” (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑ Clashes kill 60 rebels: The

US Marines (left) are given cobra blood during a jungle survival program as part of the annual combined military exercises, Cobra Gold 2013, at a navy base in Sattahip on Feb 20. Cobra Gold is a joint, multi-national military training exercise that focuses on maintaining and improving military-to-

military relationships among nations sharing common goals and security commitments in the AsiaPacific region, including the US, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia. (Inset): A US Marine drinks cobra blood during a jungle survival program. (AFP)


Asia Afghan people smuggler jailed: An Afghan man who helped organise an Australia-bound boat trip on which 90 asylum seekers drowned was sentenced Wednesday to six years’ jail in Indonesia for people-smuggling. Prosecutors had earlier this month sought a seven-year term for 20-year-old Dawood Amiri, alias Irfan, who was described by the judge as a middle man in the smuggling operation. “Dawood Amiri was found legally and convincingly guilty of committing people smuggling crimes,” chief judge Mariana, who goes by one name, told the court. “The defendant’s actions caused death,” Mariana said, adding that Amiri had been a “middle man” in a larger syndicate, “not an intellectual actor”. Rescuers managed to save 110 of around 200 asylum seekers, from Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, who were onboard when the boat sank on June 21 in the Indian Ocean off the remote Australian territory of Christmas Island — closer to Indonesian Java than mainland Australia. Prosecutors had said during the trial that Amiri “knew that the ship had exceeded its normal capacity but still forced the boat to leave for Australia.” (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Filipino rebels storm pineapple plantation

Manila on ‘right track’: govt Twenty-year-old Dawood Amiri, alias Irfan arrives at the East Jakarta court prior to his trial in Jakarta, Indonesia, Feb 20. (AFP)

Asylum seekers detained: Indonesian police have arrested 26 Sri Lankans asylum seekers who were stranded after their boat hit a reef as they tried to reach Australia’s Christmas Island, an official said Tuesday In Jakarta. Based on a tip-off from local fishermen, police arrested the 17 men and 6 women, as well as three children, off an island in Jakarta’s Thousand Islands chain on Monday morning, senior police officer Bungin Misalayuk told AFP. “They are all Sri Lankan nationals who planned to sail to Christmas Island. Their boat was stranded at Tidung Island,” he said, adding that the wooden boat’s captain and crew have gone when police arrived at the site. “They are all in good condition and being held at an immigration detention centre,” he said. Indonesia is a common transit point for asylum seekers trying to reach Australia’s Christmas Island, which is closer to Java than mainland Australia. Many board leaky wooden vessels that sometimes never make their destination. Hundreds of boatpeople have died in recent years, while many more are being held in detention centres after being stopped while attempting to make the perilous journey. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

US presses Laos: A US rights envoy on Monday appealed to Laos for more information on a prominent activist missing for two months, saying the case was having a “chilling effect” on civil society groups. Sombath Somphone, the 62-year-old founder of a non-governmental organisation campaigning for sustainable development, disappeared in Vientiane while driving home on Dec 15. CCTV images showed him being taken away from a police post by two unidentified individuals. “It’s been incredibly frustrating to not have more visibility into the progress of the investigation,” Daniel Baer, deputy assistant secretary for the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, told AFP by telephone from Vientiane after talks with the Lao vice foreign minister. “I was assured that they are investigating — that’s what the vice minister told me — but I made sure that he understood that not having more information is not helpful,” Baer said, expressing disappointment that he was unable to meet any officials from the



Scuffles at event Mounted police restored order as scuffles broke out outside an Australian venue where Dutch farright politician Geert Wilders was speaking, but authorities said Wednesday that no arrests were made. Populist Wilders spoke on Tuesday night in Melbourne, receiving a standing ovation from several hundred people who had heard him warn that mass migration from Islamic nations could change Australia. Police horses were brought to the Melbourne venue as protesters attempted to block the entrance, but there were no major incidents. “We didn’t have any arrests made,” a Victoria police spokeswoman told AFP. Wilders is also due to speak in Sydney on Friday, but an event in the western city of Perth has been cancelled after a venue could not be found to host the controversial politician. The right-wing MP said at a press conference ahead of his Melbourne engagement that while he wanted a ban on Islamic immigration, he was not trying to incite violence. Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu has urged people to ignore the Dutchman while the Islamic Council of Victoria said it trusted the community would “see through his hateful speech and dismiss it for the empty rhetoric that it is.” (AFP)

MANILA, Feb 20, (Agencies): The Philippines said Wednesday it was on “the right track” in seeking to have a UN tribunal strike down China’s claims to most of the South China Sea, after the Chinese government rejected the process. President Benigno Aquino’s chief aide, Rene Almendras, said the government expected China to ignore the plan to bring the matter up at the United Nations and stressed the case could still proceed without Beijing’ approval. “We will follow the process whether they agree to it or not,” Alemndras told reporters. “Of course, we are of the opinion that we are on the right track... we would not have started it if we did not think that we would have enough basis to file all these issuances.” The Philippines announced last month it had applied for its dispute with China over the South China Sea to be arbitrated under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, a 1982 treaty signed by both countries.

Resources The Philippines wants the tribunal to declare Chinese claims to most of the sea, which is believed to sit atop vast natural resources and is home to rich fishing grounds, as unlawful. But China says it has sovereign rights over nearly all of the South China Sea, even waters approaching the coasts of the Philippines and other Southeast Asian nations. On Tuesday China announced it had rejected the Philippines’ call for

Rights and Labour. “The government needs to take concrete steps to ensure a level playing field so that all political participants — repre-

UN arbitration, insisting on bilateral negotiations with its less powerful neighbour. Although China has recently sent ships into the South China Sea to enforce its claims and established a local government to rule over the contested waters, it warned the Philippines not to increase tensions. “The Philippine side (should) keep its word not to take any action that magnifies and complicates the issue,” foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters in Beijing. Under the UN convention’s rules, the arbitration can proceed even if China declines to participate. China can choose to ignore any eventual ruling by the tribunal. Nevertheless, a UN verdict that its claims were unlawful would be a diplomatic blow.

Also: MANILA, Philippines: More than 100 communist guerrillas stormed one of the world’s largest pineapple plantations in the southern Philippines, killing a guard and torching farm equipment in their biggest attack this year, officials said Wednesday. At least two other guards and a villager were shot and wounded by the New People’s Army guerrillas, who barged into a residential, recreational and office complex on the vast plantation of Del Monte Philippines Inc. late Tuesday in Manolo Fortich town in Bukidnon province, Army Lt Col Eugenio Osias said.

senting a wide ranges of views — are able to compete fairly in the July elections, including Sam Rainsy,” he said. Sam Rainsy, seen as Prime Minister

MANILA, Philippines: Philippine police say masked gunmen have helped three Chinese nationals, including two serving life sentences on drug charges, escape from jail guards who were driving them to court. Regional police chief Benito Estipona says about 20 men armed with assault rifles and wearing ski masks blocked a vehicle carrying the Chinese to the trial court Wednesday in Trece Martirez township in Cavite province south of Manila. The gunmen disarmed the guards and escaped with the three in a van that they later abandoned.

Hun Sen’s main rival, lives in France to avoid prison for a string of convictions that critics contend are politically motivated. (AFP)

Woman raped

Thai man arrested

ministry of public security. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

‘Allow Rainsy to compete’: A top US official Tuesday called on Cambodia to allow opposition leader-in-exile Sam Rainsy to compete in a general election this year expected to sweep the country’s strongman leader back into power. “The credibility of these elections will be judged by whether the political opposition is allowed to participate fully and fairly,” said Michael Posner, US Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human

Shortly before the assault, the Maoist guerrillas, who were disguised as army soldiers, blocked a patrol car carrying three police officers at a bridge in Manolo Fortich and seized weapons from them, Osias said. Reinforcement troops clashed with the rebels for 20 minutes prior to the Del Monte attack, but the guerrillas managed to withdraw and proceed to the plantation, where they shot to death a guard at the gate and later wounded two other guards, regional police chief Catalino Rodriguez said. The Maoist rebels burned farm equipment and destroyed a number of computers in an office. They ransacked buildings and seized firearms at the plantation’s Camp Phillips, a scenic complex of country homes, a golf course and a clubhouse for farm officers and workers, Del Monte senior manager Ramon Velez said.

A Filipino buys smoked fish which are sold at P20 (US $.50) in downtown Manila, Philippines on Feb 20. Smoked and dried fish are popular in poor communities in the country. (AP)

BANGKOK, Feb 20, (AFP): Thai police said they had Wednesday arrested a man for the rape of a 20-year-old Scottish woman who had hoped to work as an English teacher in the Southeast Asian country. The 25-year-old Thai suspect was arrested at his house in the southern city of Nakhon Si Thammarat based on evidence from closed circuit television cameras and witness accounts, officials said. “He confessed that he raped her twice,” provincial city police commander Colonel Sompong Thiparpakul said by telephone. “Medical examinations confirmed that she was raped,” he added.

Sudanese army said Tuesday in Khartoun that at least 60 rebels had been killed in clashes in the country’s south, while the main rebel group there accused the government of launching assaults to divert international attention away from a security vacuum in Darfur. The army’s spokesman, Col. Sawarme Khalid, said Sudanese troops retook control of the strategic Mafo area in the Blue Nile state. He said Sudanese troops sustained “minor casualties.” The rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM-N) said the government in Khartoum was hoping to use the strikes near South Sudan to undermine peace talks in Ethiopia set for early March. The two neighbors are in talks over border security and oil exports. SPLM-N fought alongside southern rebels during a 21-year civil war with Khartoum. The army spokesman told the official Sudan News Agency that some rebels retreated and crossed the border into South Sudan. Khartoum has frequently accused South Sudan of supporting the rebels near Sudan’s southern border. Since the South’s independence in 2011, Juba maintains it has cut off support for the rebels. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Rebels had ‘external support’: UN leader Ban Ki-moon renewed claims Tuesday that rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have had “external support” and warned that conflict could erupt again. Ban’s latest report on DR Congo to the UN Security Council did not single out any country for backing the M23 rebels, who briefly seized the main eastern city of Goma in November. But UN experts have said the rebels were aided by Rwanda and Uganda, and Ban said the group conscripted child soldiers in Rwanda. Both countries have strongly denied involvement in the uprising against the DR Congo government. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑ Police raid office: Zimbabwe police raided the offices of a leading election monitoring group on Tuesday in the latest of what activists fear is a deliberate move by authorities to harass them ahead of a referendum on the constitution. Police forcibly entered the offices of the Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) by breaking part of the perimeter wall and confiscated documents, a human rights lawyer said in Harare. No arrests were made. “They had a search warrant to search for subversive material, documents, gadgets, recordings and to look for illegal immigrants,” Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights spokesman Kumbirai Mafunda told AFP. Police have in recent weeks targeted non-governmental organisations as the country readies for a crucial constitutional referendum on March 16. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Protestant church torched: A church under construction in the largely Muslim archipelago of Zanzibar was set ablaze early Tuesday, 48 hours after the murder of a Roman Catholic priest, but there were no casualties, police said in Zanzibar, Tanzania. “The evangelical church of Siloam was set on fire by unknown men. There were no casualties and the fire was extinguished,” Mohamed Mhina, spokesman for the police on the semi-autonomous Tanzanian island chain said. Only part of the church, on the main island of Unguja, was burned, along with several dozen chairs. Attackers demolished the church last year, in what was variously described as a dispute over land ownership and a religiously motivated attack. It was in the process of being rebuilt. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑ Gbagbo faces charges: Former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo was prepared to go to any lengths — including using lethal force — to cling to power after losing elections in 2010, and should stand trial for his alleged involvement in post-election violence, the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor said Tuesday. Fatou Bensouda said the world’s first permanent war crimes tribunal must mete out justice to Gbagbo for victims of the violence that plunged his country, once a beacon of democracy in West Africa, into bloody chaos. “We will show that Gbagbo and forces under his control are responsible for the death, rapes, serious injuries to, and arbitrary detention of, countless law abiding citizens” considered supporters of his rival Alassane Ouattara, Bensouda said in The Hague, Netherlands. (AP)





Potent force

Heredia has political aura LIMA, Feb 20, (RTRS): Humble crowds adore her populist gestures. Fans and critics alike call her the co-president. Her husband, a rebellious army officer turned moderate leader, says people who think his wife is too influential are sexist. Peru’s first lady, Nadine Heredia, is a potent political force. A telegenic 36year-old mother of three who started the Nationalist Party along with President Heredia Ollanta Humala, she weighs in on a range of policy issues behind the scenes and, in public, often serves as the government’s messenger. Her prominent role has made her more popular than Humala — so popular that she is widely viewed as a potential successor to the 50-year-old president. She is arguably her party’s only viable candidate after Humala and could become Peru’s first female president if an antinepotism law is struck down to allow her to run in 2016. Though Heredia insists she has no such plans, she has a remarkable knack for headlining events that feel like campaign rallies, often touching on her parents’ roots in Ayacucho, a poor province in the Andes.

A police officer takes part in a security operation on Feb 13, in a street of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Mexico. According to official figures, violence has decreased from 3,116 violent

Mexico Narco-ballads backs to drug state

Opportunities “Many of you might be migrants who have come to the capital looking for opportunities,” she recently told cheering fans in Puente Piedra, a hardscrabble neighborhood on the outskirts of Lima where she led a workshop on preventing dengue fever. “We have to help each other because I’m the daughter of migrants and know the obstacles one has to overcome!” After the speech, Heredia was whisked away in a dinky motorcycle taxi, one of the three-wheeled put-puts common in the developing world. It was festooned with balloons. Minutes later, bodyguards ushered her into her real ride: an imposing SUV. Heredia is as comfortable on the streets as she is posing for the covers of society magazines in designer gowns. Her approval rating of 60 percent is 7 points higher than her husband’s, Ipsos says. That is remarkable because Humala’s twinning of pro-investment economic policies with expanded social welfare programs has made him Peru’s most popular leader in years. Still, his often reserved nature — he did not speak in public for the first two weeks of his term — has made him reliant on his outgoing wife. When Humala first entered politics he tried to improve his wooden speaking style by studying recordings of himself, according to a founder of his party. Humala has since begrudgingly embraced public speaking but lacks the inspired zeal of his predecessor, the grandiloquent Alan Garcia. Humala often mumbles or mixes concepts by speaking off the top of his head.

Candidate When people ask if she will be a candidate, Heredia relies on a pair of stock phrases: “I’m not thinking about this now,” or “This isn’t in my plans.” Neither amounts to a categorical denial. Aides said Heredia was not taking political questions at this time, but they emphasized that she ignores polls and that her role is to support her husband by “walking alongside him — neither in front nor behind him.” Heredia has won the respect of other powerful women in the Americas — including two former first ladies. At a women’s development forum in Lima in October, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — thought to be considering a run for president in 2016 — was keen to spend time with Heredia, whose story resonates with her own, according to a former US State Department official. Argentine President Cristina Fernandez has spoken in glowing terms about Heredia. “I made a complaint to President Humala that I must mention. When I saw him walking alone I asked ‘Where’s Nadine?’” she said during Humala’s visit to Buenos Aires in November. “She’s a charming woman and a true political force,” said Fernandez, who succeeded her late husband, Nestor Kirchner, as president.

deaths in 2010 to 759 in 2012, in this city of 1.3 million inhabitants. (AFP)

Life returns gingerly to city of death

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff waves with a handkerchief during the National Meeting of Peasant Women in Brasilia on Feb 19. (AFP)



Lat/Am Iranian envoy visits Cuba: An Iranian presidential envoy has arrived in Cuba for the second such visit in less than a year, the Foreign Ministry said Tuesday, in a sign of close ties between two foes of the United States. Iran’s vice president for international relations, Ali Saeidlo, arrived Monday night in Havana as a special envoy of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad for talks with Cuban officials. In May 2012, Saeidlo visited Cuba to deliver an invitation from Ahmadinejad for President Raul Castro to attend the summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, which was held in Tehran in August. Then, Saeidlo met with Vice President Jose Ramon Machado and the two countries confirmed their desire to enhance already strong bilateral relations. Ahmadinejad himself visited Havana in January of last year. Havana supports Iran’s right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, while Tehran is against the trade embargo the US has maintained against communist Cuba for the past 50 years. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Castro meets delegation: A sevenmember US congressional delegation met on Tuesday with Cuban President Raul Castro, official media reported, to improve relations that have been strained since US government contractor Alan Gross was imprisoned there in 2009. Members of the group, which arrived on Monday, also met with Gross, said a delegation member who asked not to be identified. A statement issued by the Cuban government on Tuesday said Castro and Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez met first with Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont to discuss “issues of interest for both countries,” then held talks with other lawmakers. Leahy met with Castro, Rodriguez and Gross last year. The senator, who spoke with reporters on Monday in Havana, said Gross’s fate and reforms under way in Cuba would top the group’s agenda. The Cuban statement, released Tuesday with video of the meeting, said the US delegation also held meetings with parliament president Ricardo Alarcon and Rodriguez.

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico, Feb 20, (AFP): A young crowd filled “El Rudo” bar in Ciudad Juarez, laughing at jokes, downing beers and dancing to Shakira tunes, no longer afraid to go out after dark in the Mexican city once known as the world’s murder capital. Just over a year ago, the 30 university students would have stayed locked indoors after sunset, like many people in Juarez, afraid of falling victim to a stray bullet, carjacking or kidnapping amid a raging war between drug cartels. But after more than 10,500 murders in the past six years, the killing frenzy is finally fading, shops are reopening and people are going out at night again in the desert city bordering Texas. “We were scared to go out in the street. We couldn’t do anything,” said Vicente Martinez, a 21-year-old university student sipping a beer with five friends at the lucha librethemed “El Rudo” bar on a recent Tuesday night. “But now that things have changed, we can enjoy ourselves again,” he said. The carnage has dropped sharply since peaking at 3,116 deaths in 2010, when more than 300 bodies piled up in a single month, according to official figures.

Homicides Last year, 759 people were murdered in the city of 1.3 million, and 2013 has kicked off with even more promising figures: just 27 homicides were recorded last month and only 10 in the first three weeks of Leahy was expected to issue a statement on Wednesday. Other members of the delegation included Republican Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona and Democratic Senators Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, Democratic Representative Jim McGovern of Massachusetts and Representative Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat who represents Gross’ district

February. “This used to be a ghost town,” Mayor Hector Murguia told AFP. “Today we can say it clearly: Ciudad Juarez is like Palermo (Sicily), Medellin (Colombia), New York or Chicago. It took them 10 years to lower the crime rate when it took us two years.” “You can see it in the streets. The city is alive on Thursdays or Fridays. We have come back and returned to the condition we were in when things were good,” he said. The reason behind the relative peace in Ciudad Juarez is up for debate. Local authorities credit the arrival of a new, hard-nosed city police chief in 2011, along with efforts to provide better weapons and equipment to the 2,600-strong municipal force, tougher sentencing laws, and a slew of arrests. But some officials and security experts say the violence has fallen because the powerful Sinaloa cartel, led by elusive kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, triumphed in a war for lucrative US drug trafficking routes against the Juarez cartel. “It’s the most credible reason,” a Mexican government official told AFP on condition of anonymity. While Juarez heals, the violence continues unabated across the country, with the Pacific resort town of Acapulco the new murder capital. More than 70,000 people have died in the drug war since 2006 — one in seven in Juarez. President Enrique Pena Nieto, who took office in December, has unveiled a $9.2 billion nationwide in Maryland. (RTRS) ❑ ❑

Prez to eradicate extreme poverty: President Dilma Rousseff on Tuesday raised the monthly stipend of 2.5 million people living below the poverty line to make good on her promise to eradicate extreme poverty in Brazil, a nation with enormous income gaps between rich and poor.

crime prevention program, and his government has cited Juarez as a model for other cities. His predecessor, Felipe Calderon, had focused a $473 million effort there to repair the city’s social fabric, named “We Are All Juarez,” after 14 young people and two adults were gunned down at a house party in January 2010, a massacre that became a symbol of the city’s senseless violence.

Flee The runaway crime caused people to flee, with a 2010 study by the non-governmental Juarez Citizen Security and Coexistence Observatory showing that more than 230,000 people had fled the city. But businesses that were extortion targets are putting up “open” signs again in this city of wide boulevards, small shopping centers and low-rise buildings. Some 115 restaurants, bars and clubs have reopened, according to city figures. Factories, the city’s economic lifeblood, went from employing 230,000 people in 2007 to 143,000 in 2010, partly due to the US economic crisis. They hire 210,000 today. Javier Zarragoicoechea, the 28year-old co-owner of El Rudo, decided to open the bar early last year as violence waned. “I think that the city will get better,” he said. “We had a very difficult test, and I think it will remain in every resident’s conscience. It will be even better than before the violence began.” His friend Marcos Enriquez, 30, said his bar, La Playita, was losing She said she has almost met her antipoverty target halfway through her fouryear term, though Brazil’s last census points to 700,000 Brazilian families who still live in extreme poverty but are not registered on government social programs. Success in the war on poverty would garner useful political capital for a possible re-election bid by Rousseff in 2014 and compensate on the welfare front for

Chavez back home

Public await glimpse

People carry coffins containing the remains of people whose bodies were excavated, to a church in Cuzco, Peru, Feb 19. Authorities turned over to families 26 coffins containing the remains of people from various towns whose body parts were excavated from 250 graves since November. According to Peruvian authorities, the victims, including women, children and village authorities, were killed by both members of the Shining Path militant group and the army between 1980 and 2000, and are among tens of thousands of Peruvians who died during the Maoist-inspired insurgency. (AP)

CARACAS, Feb 20, (AFP): Venezuelans on Wednesday had yet to get a glimpse of their ailing president three days after he returned home from a two-month trip to Cuba for cancer treatment. Admitted to the military hospital in Caracas upon his arrival Monday, the once-omnipresent leader has stayed out of the public eye — even as his supporters took to the streets to welcome him back. On Tuesday, it was unclear whether Chavez had even seen Bolivian President Evo Morales, who stopped over in the capital to visit his close ally on his way to the United States. Venezuelans had neither seen nor heard from their usually ubiquitous head of state since he left for Havana on December 10 for another round of cancer surgery, though on Friday the government released photos of him bedridden but smiling.

customers and money during the bloodshed, but clients have returned and he invested in a new club six months ago.

Also: MEXICO CITY: Mexico’s top court has lifted a ban on ballads that sing the praises of drug lords in the home state of the country’s most powerful cartel. The northwestern state of Sinaloa barred bars and clubs that sell alcohol from playing “narcocorridos” in May 2011, and closed down venues that ignored the rule, arguing that such music glorifies crime. But a Supreme Court official said Tuesday that it had scrapped the ban in Sinaloa, which is the homeland of Mexico’s most wanted man, the Sinaloa cartel’s fugitive kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. “Narcocorridos,” part of the norteno musical genre, recount the exploits of drug bosses, from their love stories to their violent clashes with police and soldiers in both live concerts and on jukeboxes. The genre is popular, making inroads in the United States and other Latin American nations, but it has irked Mexican authorities. A popular band, Los Tigres del Norte, was barred last year from performing in the northern state of Chihuahua, one of the regions most hit by a drug war that has left 70,000 people dead since 2006. Performers have also fallen victim to the country’s drug violence for refusing to compose a song for a drug capo or because the song did not go down well with the gangs. her failure to deliver strong economic growth. With a stroke of her pen, Rousseff raised monthly stipends for the remaining 2.5 million people known to be living below the poverty line, raising their income to 70 reais ($35) a month through the so-called Bolsa Familia, or Family Grant program, the country’s flagship social program for the past decade. “We are turning the page on our long history of social exclusion that had perverse roots in slavery,” Rousseff said in Brasilia, after signing the decree authorizing the increase, which will go into effect on March 18. There are still extremely poor Brazilians, she acknowledged, but the government does not know who or where they are because they have not signed onto Brazil’s national register of social programs. They could be as many as 700,000 families, or 2.5 million people, based on census data. “The state will have to go and find them to include them before they come knocking on our door,” Rousseff said. “But the most difficult part has been done. Soon there will be no Brazilians steeped in extreme poverty.” Brazil’s internationally praised monthly stipend program has pulled 36 million people from extreme poverty since it was first expanded in 2003 by Rousseff’s predecessor and political mentor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. In eight years in office, Lula oversaw an economic boom that helped create a vast middle class in a country long known as a society of haves and have-nots. (RTRS)




World News Roundup

In this photo made on Jan 24, 2013 in Chicago, University of Illinois-Chicago computer scientist Jason Leigh, co-inventor of the CAVE2 virtual reality system, stands in the CAVE2. (Inset): In this photo taken on Jan 24, 2013, in Chicago,


brain surgeon Ali Alaraj talks about the first time he viewed the brain using the CAVE2. (AP)


‘Fibonacci’ CAVE2 technology ‘a national treasure’

Nature follows number series

Using 3D worlds to visualize data

By Lee Reich


hat do pine cones and paintings have in common? A 13th century Italian mathematician named Leonardo of Pisa. Better known by his pen name, Fibonacci, he came up with a number sequence that keeps popping up throughout the plant kingdom, and the art world too. A fibonacci sequence is simple enough to generate: Starting with the number one, you merely add the previous two numbers in the sequence to generate the next one. So the sequence, early on, is 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and so on. To see how it works in nature, go outside and find an intact pine cone (or any other cone). Look carefully and you’ll notice that the bracts that make up the cone are Fibonacci arranged in a spiral. Actually two spirals, running in opposite directions, with one rising steeply and the other gradually from the cone’s base to its tip. Count the number of spirals in each direction — a job made easier by dabbing the bracts along one line of each spiral with a colored marker. The number of spirals in either direction is a fibonacci number. I just counted 5 parallel spirals going in one direction and 8 parallel spirals going in the opposite direction on a Norway spruce cone. Or you might examine a pineapple. Focus on one of the hexagonal scales near the fruit’s midriff and you can pick out three spirals, each aligned to a different pair of opposing sides of the hexagon. One set rises gradually, another moderately and the third steeply. Count the number of spirals and you’ll find eight gradual, 13 moderate and 21 steeply rising ones. Fibonacci numbers again. Scales and bracts are modified leaves, and the spiral arrangements in pine cones and pineapples reflect the spiral growth habit of stems. To confirm this, bring in a leafless stem from some tree or shrub and look at its buds, where leaves were attached. The buds range up the stem in a spiral pattern, which kept each leaf out of the shadow of leaves just above it. The amount of spiraling varies from plant to plant, with new leaves developing in some fraction — such as 2/5, 3/5, 3/8 or 8/13 — of a spiral. Eureka, the numbers in those fractions are fibonacci numbers! You can determine the fraction on your dormant stem by finding a bud directly above another one, then counting the number of full circles the stem went through to get there while generating buds in between. So if the stems made three full circles to get a bud back where it started and generated eight buds getting there, the fraction is 3/8, with each bud 3/8 of a turn off its neighbor upstairs or downstairs. (AP)

A Russian technician of the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) looks at a monitor during the inauguration of a system for monitoring and correction, part of the Russian Global System of Satellite Navigation (GLONASS), at Brasilia’s University, in Brasilia on Feb 19. This GLONASS station, the first built outside Russia, is an important step to improve the efficiency of its navigation system - Russia’s new rival to the US-made Global Position Service GPS. (AFP)

Space NASA regains station contact: The International Space Station regained contact with NASA controllers in Houston after nearly three hours of accidental quiet, the space agency says in Washington. Officials say the six crew members and station are fine and had no problem during the brief outage. NASA spokesman Josh Byerly said something went wrong around 9:45 am. EST Tuesday (1445 GMT during a computer software update on the station. The outpost abruptly lost all communication, voice and command from Houston. Communication was restored less than three hours later, Byerly said “We’ve got our command and control back,” he said. Station commander Kevin Ford was able to briefly radio Moscow while the station was flying over Russia. Normally, NASA communicates with and sends commands to the station from Houston, via three communications satellites that transmit voice, video and data. Such interruptions have happened a few times in the past, the space agency said. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Caltech prez to lead university: California Institute of Technology President Jean-Lou Chameau plans to step down from the top job at the prestigious institute to lead a new Saudi Arabian university. Caltech announced Chameau’s decision in a letter Tuesday in Pasadena, California, with officials thanking him for his commitment to expanding resources for “high-risk, high-reward research.” In his resignation letter to the community, Chameau said there’s historical significance to his new job as president of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. With significant resources and a lofty mission, Chameau’s new role will have him leading a school poised to “have a dramatic impact on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Middle East and the world,” he said in a statement Tuesday. Chameau was provost of the Georgia Institute of Technology before he became Caltech’s eighth president in 2006 — a role

CHICAGO, Feb 20, (AP): Take a walk through a human brain? Fly over the surface of Mars? Computer scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago are pushing science fiction closer to reality with a wraparound virtual world where a researcher wearing 3D glasses can do all that and more. In the system, known as CAVE2, an 8-foot-high screen encircles the viewer 320 degrees. A panorama of images springs from 72 stereoscopic liquid crystal display panels, conveying a dizzying sense of being able to touch what’s not really there. As far back as 1950, sci-fi author Ray Bradbury imagined a children’s nursery that could make bedtime stories disturbingly real. “Star Trek” fans might remember the holodeck as the virtual playground where the fictional Enterprise crew relaxed in fantasy worlds. The Illinois computer scientists have more serious matters in mind when they hand visitors 3D glasses and a controller called a “wand.” Scientists in many fields today share a common challenge: How to truly understand overwhelming amounts of data. Jason Leigh, coinventor of the CAVE2 virtual reality system, believes this technology answers that challenge. “In the next five years, we anticipate using the CAVE to look at really large-scale data to help scientists make sense of that information. CAVEs are essentially fantastic lenses for bringing data into focus,” Leigh said. The CAVE2 virtual world could change the way doctors are trained and improve patient care, Leigh said. Pharmaceutical researchers could use it to model the way new drugs bind to proteins in the human body. Car designers could virtually “drive” their new vehicle designs.

Simulation Imagine turning massive amounts of data — the forces behind a hurricane, for example — into a simulation that a weather researcher could enlarge and explore from the inside. Architects could walk through their skyscrapers before they are built. Surgeons could rehearse a procedure using data from an individual patient. But the size and expense of roombased virtual reality systems may prove insurmountable barriers to widespread use, said Henry Fuchs, a computer science professor at the University of North Carolina at

Moon, asteroid mining lucrative prospect

Space likely for rare earths search SYDNEY, Feb 20, (AFP): The quest for rare earths vital to some of modern life’s most indispensable technologies may see mining robots jet to the stars within decades, a world-first conference in Australia was told Wednesday. Yttrium, Lanthanum and the other 15 minerals which make up the group of elements known as rare earths are crucial to everything from wind turbines and hybrid cars to cruise missiles and the ubiquitous smartphone. As technology advances so too does demand for the elements which, although relatively abundant, require laborious and wasteintensive processing to be freed from surrounding rock. They are a precious commodity — so precious scientists are now looking beyond Earth’s reaches for new supplies, with moon and asteroid mining becoming a lucrative prospect, according to researchers and tech firms gathered in Sydney for the world’s first formal “OffEarth Mining Forum”. “It’s about joining the dots,” explained conference convenor Andrew Dempster from the Australian Centre for Space Engineering. “I think we’ve got to the point where people are saying ‘yeah, I think we can do this’.” A cross-section of the space and

mining industry’s top minds have gathered to swap ideas about the latest advances in space and mining technology, from Rio Tinto and Sandvik to NASA and Japan’s space agency JAXA. Rene Fradet, of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory — the organisation behind the current Mars Curiosity Rover mission — believes space mining will be possible and economical within 20-30 years. But Dempster thinks it could be quicker than that. “Most of the technology already exists, but there needs to be a business case. It depends on making that business case.” Like the challenges, the costs are substantial: to transport one kilogram to the moon is $100,000, and none of the cutting-edge completely automated technology comes cheap. One delegate, NASA affiliate Berok Khoshnevis from the University of Southern California, has developed technology to make waterless sulphur-based cement from the loose rubble on Mars and Earth’s moon. Matthew Dunbabin, from the Australia’s government’s science agency CSIRO, has done a large-scale simulation of using mining machinery in space and told delegates the main issue was electrical power. Few space missions had

attempted significant excavations — the sum total of all NASA’s Apollo missions had been 382 kilograms and the Mars programme had netted in the order of “grams”, Dunbabin said. Gravity, temperatures, atmospheric pressure, radiation and the consistency of surfaces themselves all present unique problems, complicated by the fact that operations in space would have to be largely automated and remote-controlled. Space drilling also throws up the question: who owns the moon’s resources? SingTel Optus lawyer Donna Lawler likened it to the law of the high seas, where energy firms can mine in international waters without claiming territorial ownership. More than 100 countries including the US have ratified the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which holds signatory nations responsible for activities in space but it is as yet untested. It may be soon if space mining joins the moon landings in the annals of science fiction-turnedreality. “There’s nothing really science fiction about any of this. In many ways a lot of the technology already exists, I don’t think we really have to invent much science,” said Dempster.

Chapel Hill, who is familiar with the CAVE technology but wasn’t involved in its development. While he calls the CAVE2 “a national treasure,” Fuchs predicts a smaller technology such as Google’s Internet-connected eyeglasses will do more to revolutionize medicine than the CAVE. Still, he says large displays are the best way today for people to interact and collaborate. Believers include the people at Marshalltown, Iowa-based Mechdyne Corp., which has licensed the CAVE2 technology for three years and plans to market it to hospitals, the military and in the oil and gas industry, said Kurt Hoffmeister of Mechdyne. In Chicago, researchers and graduate students are creating virtual sce-

narios for testing in the CAVE2. The Mars flyover is created from real NASA data. The brain tour is based on the layout of blood vessels in a real patient. Brain surgeon Ali Alaraj remembered the first time he viewed the brain using the CAVE2.

aneurysms and determining proper treatment, said Andreas Linninger, UIC professor of bioengineering, chemical engineering and computer science. But it’s not all serious business at the lab. In his spare time during the past two years, research assistant Arthur Nishimoto has been programming the CAVE2 computer with the specifications for the fictional Starship Enterprise. He now can walk around his life-size recreation of the TV spacecraft. The original technology, introduced in the early 1990s, was called CAVE, which stood for Cave Automatic Virtual Environment and also cleverly referred to Plato’s cave, the philosopher’s analogy about shadows and reality.

he believed would complete his career, leading to retirement in Pasadena, where Caltech is based. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Asteroid impact zone found: Scientists have discovered a 200-kilometrewide (125-mile-wide) impact zone in the Australian outback they believe was caused by a massive asteroid smashing



Fiction “You can walk between the blood vessels,” said the University of Illinois College of Medicine neurosurgeon. “You can look at the arteries from below. You can look at the arteries from the side.... That was science fiction for me.” Would doctors process information faster with fewer errors using CAVE2? That’s the question behind a proposed study that would compare CAVE2 to conventional methods of detecting brain

into Earth more than 300 million years ago. Andrew Glikson, a visiting fellow at the Australian National University, said the asteroid measuring 10 to 20 kms in diameter was a giant compared to the plunging meteor that exploded above Russia a week ago. While that event set off a shockwave

that shattered windows and hurt almost 1,000 people in the Urals city of Chelyabinsk, Glikson said the consequences of the Australian event would have been global. “This is a new discovery,” Glikson told AFP on Wednesday, describing the impact zone in South Australia’s East Warburton Basin. (AFP)

‘I have fulfilled my dream 100 percent’

Berlin fest winner heads home to scrap dealing life


POLJICE, Bosnia, Feb 20, (RTRS): Berlin film festival winner, actor, scrap dealer, father, husband or outcast on the fringes of society? The flowers and cheering which greeted Berlin film festival 2013 best actor Nazif Mujic on his return home to Bosnia this week are the latest in a string of unbelievable surprises for a poor Roma who has spent a lifetime on the fringes of society. “I have fulfilled my dream 100 percent,” Nazif Mujic told reporters upon his arrival in northern Bosnia on Monday. Mujic has become unexpectedly

famous by playing himself in “An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker”, a film based on the grim circumstances of his real life and which also stars his wife Senada Alimanovic. The movie lays bear a particular period in Mujic’s lifelong struggles to provide for his wife and two daughters in a society where money appears to be more important than human life.

Cheer The fact that Mujic and his family are Roma adds an extra dimension of injustice and alienation, but Bosnian director Danis Tanovic’s

tale is more universal. School children in the northern village of Poljice were let out of classes to cheer the unemployed Roma who supports his wife and three children by collecting scrap metal. “Bravo, Nazif,” neighbours applauded as he drove a car down a moody road towards his rundown house in the nearby hamlet of Svatovci. That’s a far cry from the treatment which set the whole ball rolling towards his new-found notoriety in Tanovic’s film, which tells the story of Mujic’s efforts to get medical treatment for his preg-

nant wife after she falls and has a miscarriage. “I still think this is a dream,” Alimanovic said on Monday, carrying in her arms their six-monthold son whom they have named Danis in honour of the film’s director. Despite their pleas for understanding and help doctors sent the couple away. Told it would cost about 500 euros to pay for an operation, Mujic knew he could never raise the money, and so went back to the hospital and to charities, begging for help. In the end, the only way to succeed was to break the law.

Tanovic read about the case in newspapers and talked the couple into appearing as themselves in a kind of docu-drama with a total budget of only 30,000 euros ($40,100).

Dressed “Nobody should experience what I experienced ... only because of 980 marka (about 500 euros),” said Mujic, still dressed in the suit he wore at the festival awards ceremony. He said the film and award have not changed his life but have changed the “feeling in his heart”. “I hope this film will send a

message to everyone in Bosnia,” he said. Romas are among minority groups who are not recognised as “constituent nations” in Bosnia, where only Serbs, Croats and Bosnian Muslims or Bosniaks can run for top offices. Mujic said his only wish is to get a permanent job and health insurance. But he is aware it was unlikely in Bosnia, where around 43 percent of people are registered as unemployed. Until then Mujic said he would carry on collecting scrap metal. “My children must live on something.”




A model presents a creation by Haizhen Wang during the 2013 Autumn/Winter London Fashion Week in London on Feb 19. (AFP) – See Page 31

Film How much fiction is OK in fact-based films? LOS ANGELES: Oscar-winners Michael Douglas and Jamie Foxx will present at this year’s Academy Awards telecast, the show’s producers said Tuesday. In addition, Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd, neither of whom has an Oscar or even a nomination to their names, have been named as presenters. Foxx won his Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of Ray Charles in “Ray” (2004) and was nominated for Best Supporting Actor that same year for his work as a heroic cab driver in “Collateral.” Douglas earned his statue for arguing that “Greed is Good” as the rapacious Gordon Gekko in “Wall Street” (1987). He earned another Oscar for producing 1975’s Best Picture winner “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” Aniston’s credits include “Marley and Me,” “Along Came Polly,” “The Good Girl” and “Office Space.” She costarred with Rudd in the critically panned “Wanderlust.” Rudd’s credits include “This Is 40,” “I Love You, Man” and “The 40-Year-Old Virgin.” This year’s crop of Oscar presenters includes Melissa McCarthy, Liam Neeson, Ben Affleck, Jessica Chastain, Jennifer Lawrence, Sandra Bullock and “Marvel’s The Avengers” cast members Robert Downey Jr, Samuel L. Jackson, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner and Mark Ruffalo. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑ LOS ANGELES: “Jurassic Park 4” is hitting theaters in 2014, but franchise producer and new Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy won’t be involved, a spokeswoman for Lucasfilm told TheWrap on Tuesday. “Kathleen Kennedy will not be producing the next installment of ‘Jurassic Park,’” the company’s representative said. “She is currently focusing her time on leading Lucasfilm Ltd. and getting ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ underway. “ Her Kennedy/Marshall Company partner and husband,

Does audience deserve truth? NEW YORK, Feb 20, (AP): The scene: Tehran’s Mehrabad airport, January 1980. Six US diplomats, disguised as a fake sci-fi film crew, are about to fly to freedom with their CIA escorts. But suddenly there’s a moment of panic in what had been a smooth trip through the airport. The plane has mechanical difficulties and will be delayed. Will the Americans be discovered, arrested, even killed? CIA officer Tony Mendez, also in disguise, tries to calm them. Luckily, the flight leaves about an hour later. If you saw the film “Argo,” no, you didn’t miss this development, which is recounted in Mendez’s book about the real-life operation. It wasn’t there because director Ben Affleck and screenwriter Chris Terrio replaced it with an even more dramatic scenario, involving canceled flight reservations, suspicious Iranian officials who call the Hollywood office of the fake film crew (a call answered just in time), and finally a heart-pounding chase on the tarmac just as the plane’s wheels lift off, seconds from catastrophe. Crackling filmmaking — except that it never happened. Affleck and Terrio, whose film is an Oscar frontrunner, never claimed their film was a documentary, of course. But still, they’ve caught some flak for the liberties they took in the name of entertainment.

Criticized And they aren’t alone — two other highprofile best-picture nominees this year, Kathryn Bigelow’s “Zero Dark Thirty” and Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln,” have also been criticized for different sorts of factual issues. Filmmakers have been making movies based on real events forever, and similar

charges have been made. But because these three major films are in contention, the issue has come to the forefront of this year’s Oscar race, and with it a thorny cultural question: Does the audience deserve the truth, the whole truth and nothing but? Surely not, but just how much fiction is OK? The latest episode involved “Lincoln,” and the revelation that Spielberg and his screenwriter, the Pulitzer-winning playwright Tony Kushner, took liberties depicting the 1865 vote on the 13th amendment outlawing slavery. In response to a complaint by a Connecticut congressman, Kushner acknowledged he’d changed the details for dramatic effect, having two Connecticut congressmen vote against the amendment when, in fact, all four voted for it. (The names of those congressmen were changed, to avoid changing the vote of specific individuals.) In a statement, Kushner said he had “adhered to time-honored and completely legitimate standards for the creation of historical drama, which is what ‘Lincoln’ is. I hope nobody is shocked to learn that I also made up dialogue and imagined encounters and invented characters.” His answer wasn’t satisfying to everyone. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd called on Spielberg this weekend to adjust the DVD version before it’s released — lest the film leave “students everywhere thinking the Nutmeg State is nutty.” One prominent screenwriting professor finds the “Lincoln” episode “a little troubling” — but only a little. “Maybe changing the vote went too far,” says Richard Walter, chairman of screenwriting at the University of California, Los Angeles. “Maybe there was another way to

Frank Marshall — who is producing the fourth film in the “Jurassic” series with Steven Spielberg — initially spilled the beans in a tweet on Sunday. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

LOS ANGELES: CBS Films has acquired US rights for



“Inside Llewyn Davis,” the Coen Brothers’ look at the Greenwich Village folk scene in the 1960s. The film stars scar Oscar Isaac (“Drive”), Carey Mulligan (“An Education”), John Goodman (“The Big Lebowski”) and Justin Timberlake (of music and

do it. But really, it’s not terribly important. People accept that liberties will be taken. A movie is a movie. People going for a history lesson are going to the wrong place.” Walter says he always tells his students: “Go for the feelings. Because the only thing that’s truly real in the movies are the feelings that people feel when they watch.” Carson Reeves, who runs a screenwriting website called Scriptshadow, says writers basing scripts on real events face a constant problem: No subject or individual’s life is compelling and dramatic enough by itself, he says, that it neatly fits into a script with three acts, subplots, plot twists and a powerful villain.

Truthful “You just have to get rid of things that maybe would have made the story more truthful,” says Reeves, who actually gave the “Lincoln” script a negative review because he thought it was too heavy on conversation and lacking action. He adds, though, that when the subject is as famous as Lincoln, one has a responsibility to be more faithful to the facts. Screenwriter and actor Dan Futterman, nominated for an Oscar in 2006 for the “Capote” screenplay, has empathy for any writer trying to pen an effective script based on real events, as he did. “This is fraught territory,” he says. “You’re always going to have to change something, and you’re always going to get in some sort of trouble, with somebody,” he says. Futterman recalls seeing “Lincoln” and wondering briefly why Connecticut would have voted the way the movie depicted it. On the other hand, he says, he has so much admiration for Kushner’s achievement in writing an exciting movie about 19th-centu-

more frequently fashion and movies fame). The film is written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen and produced by Scott Rudin and the Coens. CBS Films is planning a theatrical release in the second half of 2013. From the bluegrass that underscored “O Brother,

ry legislative history that he’s inclined to overlook the alteration. Futterman also doesn’t begrudge the “Argo” filmmakers, because he feels they use a directorial style that implies some fun is being had with the story. “All the inside joking about Hollywood — tonally, you get a sense that something is being played with,” he says. He recalls his own object lesson in the difficulty of writing about real people and events: In “Capote,” he combined three of Truman Capote’s editors into one, for the sake of the narrative. He ended up hearing from the son of New Yorker editor William Shawn, actor Wallace Shawn, who wasn’t totally pleased with the portrayal of his father. Futterman says he was sympathetic to those concerns and would certainly have addressed them in the script, had he anticipated them. Of the three Oscar-nominated films in question, “Zero Dark Thirty” has inspired the most fervent debate. The most intense criticism, despite acclaim for the filmmaking craft involved, has been about its depictions of interrogations, with some, including a group of senators, saying the film misleads viewers for suggesting that torture provided information that helped the CIA find Osama bin Laden. There also have been questions about the accuracy of the depiction of the main character, a CIA officer played by Jessica Chastain; the real person — or even combination of people, according to some theories — that she plays remains anonymous. Mark Boal, the movie’s screenwriter, said in a recent interview that screenwriters have a double responsibility: to the material and to the audience.

Where Art Thou?” to the gospel songs that permeate their remake of “The Ladykillers,” music has played a crucial role in many of the Coen Brothers films. Rarely has it been so front and center, however. According to a profile in the New York Times last month,

the film will focus on a few weeks in the life of a folk singer as he tries to break through. It will also feature full-length performances of folk hits from the time and may even have an appearance by a young Bob Dylan, who was just hitting it big at the time. (RTRS)




People & Places Film ‘Immersive’ feel

‘Pi’ new kind of story telling LOS ANGELES, Feb 20, (AFP): Director Ang Lee wanted to offer filmgoers an “immersive” experience with “Life of Pi,” his Oscarnominated 3D fable about an Indian boy trapped on a boat with a tiger. Claudio Miranda helped him do it. The Chilean-American cinematographer, a veteran of 3D filmmaking who himself is up for an Academy Award on Sunday, says bringing Yann Martel’s philosophical novel to the silver screen was no easy task. “You just can’t put a boy and a tiger on a boat together, ever. You know that you’re going Lee to be in the hands of visual effects to put the tiger in for you, and then just hope it doesn’t look like a cartoon,” Miranda told AFP. The film is up for 11 Oscars, including best picture, best director, best adapted screenplay and best cinematography, earning the second highest number of nominations after Steven Spielberg’s presidential drama “Lincoln.” To recreate the world of Pi, who is stranded on the boat with the Bengal tiger in the Pacific after a shipwreck, the crew had to build a huge water tank of 90 by 30 meters in Taiwan.

Workers built stands and red carpet area at the closed Hollywood Boulevard prior to Oscars, the 85th Academy Awards, in front of the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, California, on Feb 19. The cer-

emony is scheduled for Feb 24. (AFP)

Control Miranda says that was the only way to control the light and decide how the waves would move in a film where the ocean is nearly a character itself. “We just wanted to make it feel immersive. There’s something very different about water and 3D and how that feels,” said the 47-year-old Miranda, who previously did 3D camera work on “TRON: Legacy.” “There was a big concern that they (the public) were going to be sick” due to the 3D movement of the water, he said. “There’s a lot of editing choices and horizon choices that make you feel less sick.” The extra work paid off: even though “Life of Pi” earned mixed reviews from critics, reviewers were nearly unanimous in their praise of the film’s stunning visuals. “Ang is very experimental,” Miranda said of the Taiwanese-born director, already a best director Oscar winner in 2006 for gay cowboy romance “Brokeback Mountain.” “He wanted to find new ways for storytelling. He felt like really exploring 3D.” Miranda said the success of his cinematography was due in part to his decision to break with some of the rules most follow when shooting in 3D.

Oscars ‘Losers’ to go home with $45,000 gift bags

Voting closes after fierce campaigns

Indian Bollywood actress Shrddha Kapoor attends the premiere of Hindi film ‘Kai Po Che’ in Mumbai. (AFP)

Sharp “There are a lot of rules on things on 3D and I looked at them and I said well, maybe, and maybe not. Some people think that you need everything sharp and I don’t agree,” he explained. For a scene near the film’s end, “everything falls out of focus naturally. If you’re bored with the story and you start looking around the screen, and you see something soft, your eyes are going to feel comfortable,” he said. Among the most memorable scenes in the film is a religious ceremony in India twinkling with 50,000 candles — lit by 2,000 crew members — and a whale jumping in phosphorescent waters.

Variety NEW YORK: Christian Bale is bracing to climb Mount Everest. The Welsh actor is in talks to star in “Everest,” a film about two deadly days on the world’s tallest mountain that Baltasar Kormakur is in talks to direct for Universal and Working Title, multiple individuals close to the project told TheWrap. The film tells the same story as Jon Krakauer’s book “Into Thin Air,” but is not an adaptation of it, according to one of those individuals. Krakauer wrote the book about a twoday span in 1996 when eight people died on Mount Everest while attempting to reach the summit. It became known as “The Mount Everest Disaster.” Krakaeur was on assignment for Outside magazine, ascending in a party led by Rob Hall. Hall’s group, one of several on the mountain, lost four people, including Hall. That was the deadliest single year in the history of Everest. Universal and Emmett/Furla will cofinance the project while Universal and Working Title, partners since 1999, will produce together. They have worked on films such as “Les Miserables” and “Atonement.” All parties cautioned that the deals for Bale and Kormakur are not done. The director and Working Title have been trying to get the project off the ground, but would need to shoot this summer. While



Director, star reunite David O. Russell can’t get enough of Jennifer Lawrence. The “Silver Linings Playbook” director has signed on to direct Lawrence in “The Ends of the Earth,” which The Weinstein Company acquired worldwide rights to on Tuesday. Both Russell and Lawrence are nominated for Oscars this year for “Silver Linings,” Russell for his direction and script and Lawrence for Best Actress. Weinstein distributed that movie as well. “Argo” scribe Chris Terrio wrote the script for “Ends,” which tells the story of oil tycoon Ernest Marland and his downfall after he is caught in an affair. Escape Artists’ Todd Black, Steve Tisch and Jason Blumenthal are producing. “Jennifer Lawrence is one of the most versatile actresses we have ever seen,” the producers said in a statement. “Her performance in Silver Linings was transcendent and was truly the heart and soul of the film. Jennifer was basically asked to play 4 personalities — depressed, sexy, romantic and a wild dancer — and did them all brilliantly. After seeing that performance we knew we had our anchor for ‘The End of the Earth.’” As if two collaborations weren’t enough, Lawrence also signed on to Russell’s next project, an untitled film about the FBI’s Abscam sting operation. “She is the most dedicated person I know,” Russell said of Lawrence in a statement. “She is devoted to her family and they have been the true inspiration for her character and integrity. Her acting is effortless and she always makes it look easy.” (RTRS) establishing shots will be taken in Nepal, they will film most of it in Kormakur’s native Iceland, the glaciers there are a facsimile of Everest. Nobody wants to be in Iceland during the winter. Sony has a competing Everest-themed project, also named after the mountain, which Doug Liman will direct. Tom

LOS ANGELES, Feb 20, (RTRS): Voting for Sunday’s Oscars, the highest honors in the movie industry, closed on Tuesday evening after a big spending campaign by Hollywood studios and the first online balloting system in the 85-year history of the Academy Awards. More than 5,800 movie industry professionals who are members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences were invited to vote in 24 Oscar categories, starting on Feb 8 and ended at 5 pm PST on Tuesday (0100 GMT On Wednesday). The results will be tabulated at a secret location by accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, who deliver the envelopes with the winners’ names from backstage at the Feb 24 Oscars ceremony, televised live from Hollywood. With the races for Best Picture, Director, Actress and Supporting Actor considered too close to call by awards pundits, movie studios have been blasting newspapers, radio, trade publications and television with promotions for their nominees. The Los Angeles Times estimated that Warner Bros, the studio behind “Argo,” and Walt Disney Co, which is distributing “Lincoln,” had spent about $10 million each in Oscar campaigns in recent weeks. The two movies are locked in a tight contest for the top Oscar prize – Best Picture. PricewaterhouseCoopers say there has never been a security breach in the secret voting in the 79 years it has worked with the Academy on the balloting process. This year, the accounting firm faced another challenge – the introduction of online voting for the first time, alongside the option of traditional paper ballots mailed out to Academy members

Hardy is attached to star as famed mountaineer George Mallory. Bale last appeared in “The Dark Knight Rises,” and has made three movies since then — “Knight of Cups,” a Terence Malick film also starring Teresa Palmer and Natalie Portman, an untitled Malick

around the world. “It’s a very robust system with a number of security features,” Rick Rosas, who has worked on the Oscars with PricewaterhouseCoopers since 2001, told Reuters of the electronic method. He said more than half of the Academy’s members voted online. The online system was hit by glitches and complaints from some of the Academy’s members, most of whom are over 50 years old, when the system went live in December for Oscar nomination choices.

Problems Some members reported problems with passwords and user names and voting for Oscar nominations was extended by 24 hours. The Academy later reported a high turnout of voters. The move to electronic voting is aimed at speeding up the Academy Awards process, especially for members who work or live overseas. Steven Spielberg’s presidential drama “Lincoln” goes into Sunday’s Oscar ceremony with a leading 12 nominations, including Best Picture, followed by “Life of Pi” with 11, musical “Les Miserables” and comedy “Silver Linings Playbook” with eight apiece, and Iran hostage thriller “Argo” with seven. The upcoming Academy Awards show is the 85th, a significant anniversary that in past years might have brought a reunion of past winners, special film clips or some sort of recognition on the Oscar show. But this year, the number 85 has been quietly retired, and so has the phrase “Academy Awards.” Both disappeared from official AMPAS materials about three weeks ago. “We’re rebranding it,” Oscar

film starring Ryan Gosling, Rooney Mara, Michael Fassbender and Portman, and “Out of the Furnace,” a Scott Cooper thriller co-starring Zoe Saldana, Casey Affleck and Willem Dafoe. Both “Knight” and “Furnace” will open in theaters this year.

show co-producer Neil Meron told TheWrap on Monday. “We’re not calling it ‘the 85th annual Academy Awards,’ which keeps it mired somewhat in a musty way. It’s called ‘The Oscars.’” During TheWrap’s interview with Meron and his partner Craig Zadan, Meron said they were under the impression that the new approach would continue in the future. Academy spokeswoman Teni Melidonian confirmed that the change has happened for the upcoming show, but described it as the kind of typical adjustment in the ad campaign and overall message that takes place every year in consultation with the show’s producers and the network, ABC. “It is right for this show, but we could easily go back to using ‘Academy Awards’ next year,” she said. The majority of the show’s posters and advertising materials focus on host Seth MacFarlane and the phrase “The Oscars,” with no mention of how long the Academy has been hosting this shindig and no use of the phrase “Academy Awards.”

Phrase And Academy press releases dealing with the upcoming show, which used to routinely mention the number, stopped doing so around the beginning of February. The last such AMPAS release appears to have come on Jan 29; since then, every release has found ways to avoid the phrase “85th Academy Awards.” It’s hard to say that the Academy is completely turning its back on its history, given that this year’s show includes a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the James Bond movies and a tribute to movie musicals of the

Bale will next star in David O. Russell’s follow-up to “Silver Linings Playbook” alongside Bradley Cooper and Jeremy Renner. That should shoot in the spring, before “Everest” would get going. Kormakur, whose last film was “The Deep,” previously worked with Working

Holiday box office

Latest ‘Die Hard’ tops

US. actor Richard Gere salutes the photographers during a photo-call of the movie ‘Arbitrage’ in Rome, on Feb 19. (AP)

LOS ANGELES, Feb 20, (AFP): The latest in the long-running “Die Hard” action series, with Bruce Willis reprising his starring role, topped the holiday weekend box office across North America, industry data showed Tuesday. Twenty-five years after the first film about tough New York cop John McClane, the new one, “A Good Day to Die Hard,” hauled in $24.8 million, or $28.6 million including Monday’s Presidents Day, said tracker Exhibitor Relations. The fifth installment of the “Die Hard” movie series has Willis’ McClane travel to Russia to help an adult son get out of trouble.

past decade. But it is consciously (if quietly) looking not to use a big round number when trying to woo viewers closer to the age of Quvenzhane Wallis (9) than Emmanuelle Riva (85), and trying to get less formal by making the show’s nickname its official name. Meanwhile, Oscar nominees who don’t end up with a coveted gold statuette at the Academy Awards on Sunday won’t go home empty handed after all. Los Angeles-based marketing firm Distinctive Assets will be handing out its annual “Everyone Wins at the Oscars Nominee Gift Bag”, valued at more than $45,000, to the talented and well-dressed “losers,” the company said on Tuesday. Among the items in the gift bags, known as swag bags, are trips to Australia, Hawaii and Mexico, personal training sessions, hand-illustrated tennis shoes, appointments for injectable fillers and ‘portion-controlled’ dinnerware for those watching their figure, Distinctive Assets said in a statement. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which hands out the Oscars, stopped its practice of giving gift baskets to presenters and performers in 2007 after the practice came under closer scrutiny from US tax authorities. Celebrities who receive gifts and free trips at awards shows are expected to declare them to the Inland Revenue Service as income and pay the appropriate taxes. The Distinctive Assets gift bag is not endorsed by the Academy but has been creating consolation goodie bags for 11 years now. The bags are delivered to the losing nominees to their homes directly or through their agents or publicists.

Title on “Contraband,” which starred Mark Wahlberg. Emmett/Furla and Universal partnered on Kormakur’s most recent project, “2 Guns,” a crime drama starring Wahlberg and Denzel Washington. That opens in theaters this August. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

SEOUL, South Korea: Jackie Chan wants his latest film to spread the message about how China’s national artifacts are being looted and sold. “Chinese Zodiac” or “CZ12” is about a man who finds and recovers 12 bronze zodiac animal heads historically depicted as being looted from China’s Summer Palace by colonialists. The blockbuster’s director, writer, producer and star, Chan said he was upset after seeing three of the bronzes being auctioned while he lived in Hong Kong. “I wanted to give you and people around the world a message through a movie” about the looting, he told reporters Monday in South Korea. Hailed as an action-comedy superstar with Asian and Hollywood success, Chan repeated past remarks that his future films may not be in the action genre. “I have thought about retiring and in the case of action movies, I think ‘Chinese Zodiac’ may be my last blockbuster-scale action movie,” he said. (AP)




Oscars Best actress race

Battle of youth vs experience LOS ANGELES, Feb 20, (RTRS): A young widow, a bayou girl, an elderly woman, a mother and a CIA agent battle it out on Sunday for the Best Actress Oscar, a race that includes the youngest and oldest nominees in the category’s history. Jennifer Lawrence of “Silver Linings Playbook,” 9year-old Quvenzhane Wallis from “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” 85year-old star of Riva “Amour” Emmanuelle Riva, “The Impossible” lead Naomi Watts and “Zero Dark Thirty’s” Jessica Chastain are competing for their first Academy Award. “Any one of these five can win, it’s one of the most hotly contested races in recent memory,” Scott Feinberg, lead awards analyst for The Hollywood Reporter, told Reuters. In the long movie campaign season, awards have been split between Lawrence, Chastain and Riva. Lawrence, 22, who picked up her first Oscar nomination in 2011 for “Winter’s Bone,” was nominated for her portrayal of an endearing young widow in quirky comedy “Silver Linings Playbook.”

Bested The actress won the Golden Globe and Critics’ Choice awards in the comedy acting categories, and bested Chastain for the Screen Actors Guild trophy. “Jennifer Lawrence fits the perfect profile of a winner. (The voters) love an ingenue at the peak of her career,” Tom O’Neil of awards website GoldDerby.com told Reuters. “She is queen of popcorn pictures with ‘The Hunger Games’ franchise and she is delivering the kind of dramatic performance in ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ that merit her the ultimate crown,” he added. Chastain, who landed her first Oscar nod for supporting actress for the 2011 film “The Help,” has picked up the Critics’ Choice Best Actress award, and the Golden Globe for drama actress. Yet Chastain, 35, an early Oscar front-runner for her role as dogged CIA agent Maya in the Osama bin Laden manhunt thriller “Zero Dark Thirty,” has seen some of her support wane in the wake of criticism for the film’s portrayal of torture, and director Kathryn Bigelow’s omission from the Oscar director’s race.

This undated theater image released by The Publicity Office shows a scene from the musical ‘Les Miserables’. (AP)

‘Les Miserables’ musical is Broadway-bound Someone is dreaming the dream: “Les Miserables” is coming back to Broadway. Producer Cameron Mackintosh said Tuesday in New York that the national tour of the epic musical about life in 19th-century France will make a stop on Broadway in March 2014 at a Shubert theater. The move comes on the heels of

history. A revival was mounted in 2006 but closed in 2008. Mackintosh, who has also been involved in producing “The Phantom of the Opera,” ‘’Mary Poppins,” ‘’Miss Saigon” and “Cats,” is betting that the appetite for “Les Miserables” will only be increased by the movie. History has shown he might be right: Film ver-

sion of such shows as “Chicago” and “The Phantom of the Opera” haven’t hurt their box offices on Broadway. Victor Hugo’s monumental 1862 novel about a decades-long manhunt, social inequality and redemption features the songs “I Dreamed a Dream,” ‘’On My Own,” ‘’Do You Hear the People Sing?” and “One

Day More.” It has been seen by nearly 65 million people worldwide in 42 countries and in 22 languages. Mackintosh’s production has music by Claude-Michel Schonberg, lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer from the original French text by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel and additional material by James Fenton. (AP)

Oscars ‘Argo’ holds an edge in Best Picture race

Oscars set for cliffhanger ending Musician Justin Moore performs at NASH FM 94.7’s ‘NASH BASH’ country music concert at Roseland Ballroom on Feb 19, in New York. (AP)

Fueled The race between Chastain and Lawrence has been fueled by reports of a rivalry between the two, which Chastain was forced to deny through her Facebook page last week, calling Lawrence “utterly charming and a great talent.” But with French actress Riva winning Best Actress at Britain’s version of the Oscars this month, the star of foreign-language entry “Amour” could pull off an upset. At age 85, Riva is the oldest Best Actress nominee for her performance as a retired music teacher felled by a series of strokes in “Amour.” Many pundits believe this year is an opportune time to recognize the French actress for her five-decade film career. “Riva may be helped by the fact that people want to do this now. They’re not going to put it off for her as they might for the other nominees, who are all considerably younger,” Feinberg said. Chastain and Watts, 44, are nominated for playing characters based on real people. But Feinberg suggested that Watts, who plays a mother torn from her family by a tsunami in “The Impossible,” had another advantage. “(Voters) like to see that kind of physical transformation and Naomi is playing a real person, which they think is a taller order ... you need to provoke more than respect, you need to provoke awe or enthusiasm,” Feinberg said. “The problem with Jessica Chastain, as good an actress as she is, the part is very cold. It’s hard for people to get excited about it,” he added. O’Neil noted that the 5,800 members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences — a predominantly male, over 50s group of movie professionals who select the Oscar winners — often vote for younger, attractive actresses in a close contest. That would give Lawrence or perhaps child star Wallis an edge. Wallis was a surprise Oscar nominee for her first acting role in mythical drama “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” playing a defiant young girl in an impoverished Louisiana bayou community.

the Oscar-nominated big screen adaptation directed by Tom Hooper and starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway. It will mark the third time the show has made it to Broadway. The original landed in 1987 and played 6,680 performances, ranking as the thirdlongest-running musical in Broadway



Variety NASHVILLE, Tennessee: There will be a British invasion of the main stage at Bonnaroo this year. Paul McCartney and Mumford & Sons are among the headliners for the 2013 Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival in Manchester, Tennessee. The four-day festival, held on a rural 700-acre (283-hectare) farm, always features an eclectic roster, but the June 13-16 event is even more varied than usual. Returnees Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers also hold down a headliner spot. Then things get a little crazy with R&B star R. Kelly, alternative queen Bjork and Wu-Tang Clan celebrating its 20th anniversary. Wilco, Pretty Lights, The Lumineers, The National, The xx, Kendrick Lamar, A$AP Rocky, Nas and ZZ Top also top the list announced Tuesday by “Weird Al” Yankovic via Bonnaroo’s YouTube channel. Tickets go on sale at noon EST on Saturday. McCartney, the former Beatle and recent frontman of a brief collaboration with the surviving members of Nirvana, will be making his first appearance at the event. Mumford & Sons, fresh off its album of the year win at the Grammy Awards, return to Bonnaroo after a memorable 2011 second-stage performance that stretched more than an hour, drew friends Old Crow Medicine Show and had fans hanging off fences to get a better view. Other top-of-the-list performers include Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Animal Collective, Daniel Tosh, David Byrne & St. Vincent, Passion Pit and Grizzly Bear. The festival hosts more than 120 acts. More will be announced later. There are a few curiosities on the list. Glam-punk Billy Idol and Odd Future member and mystery man Earl Sweatshirt are scheduled to perform. Jim James will host a Soul SuperJam with John Oates, Zigaboo Modeliste of the Meters and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

LOS ANGELES, Feb 20, (RTRS): Sunday’s Oscar ceremony is set for a cliffhanger ending after a topsy-turvy awards season that has left the two top prizes — Best Picture and Best Director — too close to call. With just days to go before the movie industry’s highest honors are handed out on Feb. 24, awards watchers are keyed up for one of the most exciting nights in recent Academy Awards history. Despite entering the Oscar race with a leading 12 nominations in January, the front-runner Best Picture status of Steven Spielberg’s presidential drama “Lincoln” has been undermined by a slew of awards picked up Ben Affleck’s Iran hostage thriller “Argo.” But an “Argo” win despite Affleck’s omission from the Best Director shortlist would defy the conventional wisdom that says the Oscar for Best Film usually brings a trophy for its director. Review “Argo” would be the first movie to take home the statuette for Best Picture without its director winning even a nomination since “Driving Miss Daisy” in 1990. “Everything is kind of haywire, so those of us in the (awards prediction) business are all left scratching our heads and saying what does it mean?” said Matt Atchity, editor in chief of movie review website Rotten Tomatoes. After beating “Lincoln” at the

LONDON: Rapper Jay-Z will return to the London Olympics site this summer where he performed at the 2012 Paralympics as the sporting complex takes on a new life as the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Justin Timberlake and Jay-Z were named on Tuesday by live music promoter Live Nation Entertainment as headline acts for the Wireless Festival on July 12 and July 13.

Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild, directors, producers and writers guilds, “Argo” now has the edge in the Best Picture race. “Even if ‘Argo’ wins for Best Picture, which is kind of a foregone conclusion at this point, it still feels exciting because ‘Argo’ has managed to keep this underdog status even though it has been winning every award,” Dave Karger, chief correspondent for Fandango.com told Reuters. “If ‘Lincoln’ wins, ironically it will be considered an upset even though it has the most nominations. That’s what’s strange about this year — all the rules seems to be turned on their heads,” Karger added.

Competition A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday underlined the stiff competition. Some 17 percent of the 1,443 people questioned in the United States between Feb 15 and 19 thought that “Lincoln” was most likely to win Best Picture, but the same percentage gave their backing to musical “Les Miserables.” “Argo” was thought most likely to take home the Oscar by 8 percent of those questioned, while “Django Unchained” and “Life of Pi” tied with 4 percent. Some 41 percent of those asked in the Reuters/Ipsos poll were unsure which movie would win on Sunday. Unlike last year when silent film “The Artist” had the race sewn up weeks ahead of the Academy Awards

Other acts will include Snoop Dogg, John Legend, Frank Ocean, Emeli Sande, Rita Ora, and DJ Calvin Harris. Last month Live Nation said it had secured exclusive rights in 2013 to host concerts in the Olympic Park and Stadium complex in east London that was designed so it could be transformed into a space for entertainment, leisure and work after the Games. The announcement was a boost for the

ceremony, four films have moved in and out of the front position six times since September, according to movie pundits at Goldderby.com. They include quirky comedy “Silver Linings Playbook” which won the top prize at the Toronto film festival, and “Les Miserables” the screen version of hit French Revolutionary stage show which has a strong fan following but which got mixed reviews.

Front-runner “The fact the front-runner has changed so many times has made it exasperating, but almost more fun,” said Karger. “Argo” is thought to have come through less because of a sympathy vote for the snub to Affleck and more because of its deft blend of thriller with a satire on Hollywood movie making. The movie is based on the true story of the CIA rescue from Islamic revolutionary Tehran of six US diplomats who pretended to be producing a fake film. “I think people genuinely love that movie and it’s very inclusive to the Hollywood professionals who are voting on these awards. It allows people in Hollywood to say, we helped get those hostages out, and there is an appeal there,” Atchity said. “The critical reaction to ‘Lincoln’ tended to be that it was a very educational and really impressive film but it didn’t grab you emotionally the way some of the other nominees did.”

British government which pumped public money into the London 2012 Games, adamant the Olympic site would not become an expensive white elephant. “This is a stellar line up of stars that is set to bring the house down this summer at Queen Elizabeth Park London. It proves that our fantastic Olympic park is now a destination of choice for world class musical events,” London Mayor

‘Children author’

Preussler dies

Italian conductor Riccardo Chailly rehearses with the Gewandhaus Orchestra in Leipzig, eastern Germany on Feb 19. Chailly, who is also the musical director of the Leipzig Opera House, will turn 60 on Feb 20. (AFP)

BERLIN, Feb 20, (AP): Otfried Preussler, a bestselling German children’s author who created “The Robber Hotzenplotz” and “The Little Witch” books, has died. He was 89. His publisher says Preussler died Monday at his home in Prien am Chiemsee. The Stuttgart, Germany-based Thienemann publishing house said in a statement Wednesday that 50 million copies of Preussler’s books were printed worldwide and translated into more than 50 languages. Preussler won the European Youth book prize for his novel “Krabat,” published in 1971 and translated in English as “The Satanic Mill,” in 1973.

Directors Tom Hooper (“Les Miserables”), Kathryn Bigelow (“Zero Dark Thirty”) and Quentin Tarantino (“Django Unchained”) were also left off the Oscars short-list although their movies earned nominations. That leaves Spielberg as presumed favorite for a third Best Director Oscar after victories with 1990s films “Schindler’s List” and “Saving Private Ryan.” But don’t count out David O. Russell for “Silver Linings Playbook,” and Ang Lee, the self-effacing Taiwanese director who brought Yann Martel’s mythological shipwreck survival novel “Life of Pi” to the big screen. “No one thought that book was filmable, and yet Ang Lee was able to pull it off. When you think this was the same man that made ‘Brokeback Mountain,’ ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ and ‘Sense and Sensibility,’ he is so versatile it’s astonishing,” said Karger. “Lincoln” is distributed by Walt Disney Co and 20th Century Fox, a unit of News Corp; “Argo” is distributed by Warner Bros., a unit of Time Warner; “Les Miserables” is distributed by Universal Pictures, a unit of Comcast Corp ; “Life of Pi” is distributed by 20th Century Fox; “Zero Dark Thirty” is released by Sony Corp’s movie studio arm; “Silver Linings Playbook” and “Django Unchained” are distributed by privately held Weinstein Co.

Boris Johnson said in a statement. Live Nation said this would be Jay-Z’s only European show this year and Timberlake’s sole British festival appearance. Earlier this month the two US singers appeared together at the Grammys to perform their collaboration “Suit & Tie” off Timberlake’s first new album in seven years that is due out on March 18. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

LOS ANGELES: British singer Morrissey has convinced a Los Angeles concert venue to not sell meat at concessions during his performance next month. The longtime animal rights activist and former singer for 1980s rock group The Smiths urged the Staples Center arena to shutter the concession stands of fast food chain McDonald’s and to halt the sale of meat by other outlets at the venue for his March 1 performance. “We respect Morrissey’s lifestyle and his concern for the wishes of so many of his fans and are happy that we are able to honor his requests in this manner,” Lee Zeidman, the arena’s general manager, said in a statement on Tuesday. Staples Center operator Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) said the arena will also roll out a special line of meatless food concessions, including vegan sloppy Joes, vegan sushi, and hummus and pita bread. “I don’t look upon it as a victory for me, but a victory for the animals,” the “Irish Blood, English Heart” singer said earlier this week. (RTRS)



Bid to develop community

GUST launches Cultural Club

click Drinking problem?: You are no longer alone! Confidential helpline 99641389. ❑ ❑ ❑ Narcotics Anonymous: NA can help with addiction problems. Totally confidential: 94087800 English/Arabic. ❑ ❑ ❑

Cancer online support group: If you are Cancer patient or family member fighting with this deadly disease, come join our online support group. Best way of dealing with this disease is providing support and share our experience with each other. There are lot of things which even doctors can’t tell so be member of this website and start sharing your experiences which may help others. October is recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM). The pri-

A photo from the event

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: The Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) students launched a new student club called the Cultural Club. The Cultural Club mission is to support the intellectual, social and cultural development of our community. The Cultural Club also hopes to educate, promote and expose GUST students to the multi-cultural disciplines of art, history and education topics in general. For their launch, they invited young Kuwaiti writer Yousef Ramadhan to talk about his hit book, as well as Marina FM radio show host and GUST Alum, Ali Najim, to talk about his success in his field. The two guests talked about their journeys in writing and radio show presenting in Kuwait, touching on the different lessons and life stories and experience you gain along the way, both good and bad. They discussed the mentality differences

between men and women and how those differences shape the society we’re in. At one part of their lecture, the gentlemen talked to the audience about how their careers had changed them and their lives completely, whether by being a writer with a hit book or one of the youngest, most liked radio show hosts. They also talked about how they affected each other’s lives, especially when writing their new book to be released later this year. The event was a successful launch for the Cultural Club, who hopes to introduce the GUST student community to more inspiring youth and leaders in Kuwait through their events and lectures. GUST prides itself in allowing its students to excel and express themselves both academically as well as socially and intellectually and wishes the Cultural Club the best of luck in their future events.

mary purpose is to promote self examination and screening mammography as the most effective way to save lives by detecting breast cancer at early stage. For more information visit: http://fightingwithcancer.webs.com/

Latest IBL registration: Indian Bowling League Season 4 will commence in March 2013. Kindly register your teams before that. It’s a mix of different nationalities and open to all. It’s fun and a good indoor sport. You will learn many things about it that you never knew. Email your applications to uly334@gmail.com IBL Season 3 – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set =a.10151366929589939.510911..5125449 38&type=1&l=63ddf1e93d Feb 24

Pakistan Embassy closure: The Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan will remain closed on Feb 24-26 on the

Continued on Page 30



Job market for new grads ‘terrible’

Graduates from fashion’s ‘cradle’ of talent chase dream LONDON, Feb 20, (RTRS): As London Fashion Week closes, Britain’s budding designers must tackle the challenge of finding employment in an economy where most recent university graduates are struggling for work and in an industry that is notoriously competitive. London has a reputation as a cradle of new fashion talent, with the Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design boasting an illustrious list of alumni including Alexander McQueen, Stella McCartney, Christopher Kane and John Galliano. The London-based school showcases its graduate talent every year in a show for fashion week, luring headhunters looking for up-and-coming talent to offer their labels.

A lucky few will be tapped on the shoulder for positions at top brands. But most will have to settle for employment that doesn’t advance their dreams beyond internships that pay little or nothing at all and jobs on the bottom of the career ladder. More than one in three of all recent UK graduates were employed in lower skilled jobs in the final three months of 2011, according to the UK statistics office.

Attends Veteran fashion journalist and trustee of graduate fashion week Hilary Alexander told Reuters the numbers of graduates also seems to be increasing each time she attends the show at Central Saint Martins. “Every year there seem to be

more...Obviously they all can’t become fashion designers,” Alexander said. Figures from the University of Kent show there are more than 4,000 textile and design graduates in the UK competing for around 500 jobs every year. “We have the talent. That has unquestionably been our strength for decades,” Natalie Massenet, founder of online fashion retailer Net-a-Porter and Chairman of the British Fashion Council said at the start of London Fashion Week. Central Saint Martins student Eilish Macintosh, who won the L’Oreal Bursary Award for her collection of black jersey dresses decorated with rope in hangman knots, said she

would love to find a job but has no offers at the moment. “To be honest I’m just going to see what opportunities come up,” Macintosh said. Marie Rydland moved from Norway to London to take advantage of the city’s fashion scene.

Patchwork Rydland, who presented a menswear collection of floor length ivory kaftans with a patchwork of silver and blue embroidery said job hunting would have to wait until after her exams. “Everybody makes their portfolio and then it’s about going out there and getting contacts,” she said. Designers at London Fashion Week said that a great attitude, creative

vision and work experience were key traits for any new hires entering the country’s £21 billion ($32.6 billion) fashion industry. “Be prepared to do lots of work experience and work hard at it,” designer Alice Temperley advised applicants, describing the job market for new graduates as “terrible”. While Temperley pays all her interns, the pressure to curb unpaid internships has made it harder to get work experience. Journalist Alexander said the emphasis should be on new innovative skills when training fashion students. “We need to channel the talents into the whole digital arena...(Mary) Katrantzou, Holly Fulton, Peter

Pilotto are using digital printing,” she said. Others have expressed concern that fashion schools are not preparing their students well enough for the world of work. “Many fashion schools do not provide enough training in pattern cutting, which is a fundamental skill for any young designer,” Imran Amed, a fashion business advisor, adding that those who do have these specialist skills are sought after. British designer Paul Smith echoed this after his show at Tate Britain. “They really need to know how to put a garment together,” Smith said. “A lot of people think fashion is just about networking, getting out there but now it’s reality time.”


click Latest Continued from Page 28 occasion of National Day and Liberation Day of Kuwait. The embassy will resume its work on Feb 27. Feb 25

French Embassy closure: On the occasion of National Day and Liberation Day of Kuwait, Embassy of France in Kuwait will close its doors on Monday and Tuesday corresponding to Feb 25-26, 2013. ❑ ❑ ❑ Sri Lanka Emb closure: The Embassy of Sri Lanka will be closed for public from Feb 25 and Feb 26, 2013 in lieu of ‘Liberation Day and National Day’ of Kuwait. ❑ ❑ ❑ British Embassy closure: The British Embassy will be closed on Monday, Feb 25 on the occasion of Kuwait National Day. The embassy will re-open on Tuesday, Feb 26. The Visa Application Centre (VAC) will be closed on the same date above. The opening hours of the Visa Application Centre are 0930-1630 for submissions, and 1600-1730 for passport collection. Application forms remains available online from the UKBAs’ website. www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk or the Visa Application Centre’s website: www.vfsuk-kw.com. The UK Visa Application Centre is located at: 4B, First Floor, Al Banwan Building (Burgan Bank Branch Office Building) Al Qibla area, opposite Central Bank of Kuwait, Kuwait City. For any further inquiries, please contact the Visa Application Centre: Website: www.vfs-uk-kw.com, email: info@vfs-ukkw.com, tel 22971170. The Consular Section will also be closed on the same dates. For information on the British Embassy services, visit the British Embassy website: www.ukinkuwait.fco.gov.uk ❑ ❑ ❑ Curtorcares 7-a-side tourney: Curtorcares United Club will hold their one-day seven-a-side tournament on Feb 25, 2013 at Sabah Hospital Ground, Shuwaikh. Clubs desiring to field two teams please contact Nicholas Rebello on mobile number 97993276 or Seby on 99053718. ❑ ❑ ❑

India Embassy closure: The Photos by Hajar Al Baghli

Some photos from the event

Ancient robe endows respectability, dignity to wearer

Sadu House celebrates tradition of bisht By Chaitali B. Roy Special to the Arab Times


t was but appropriate that Kuwait Textile Arts Association should celebrate the tradition of bisht in their monthly meeting in February, just a few days before the National Day and Liberation Day commemorations in Kuwait. And it was also appropriate that the event took place in Sadu House, the graceful old heritage building on Gulf Road, the home of ‘sadu’ and an apt backdrop to the heritage craft of bisht-making. On Tuesday Feb 19, at 6:30 pm. Linda Fouke, President of KTAA and members of her committee welcomed a full house to an event packed with information, history, anecdotes, demonstrations and to top it all gifts as books written by the presenter himself. It could not get any better than this.

Heritage The speaker for the evening was Reyadh Al Baghli, an old friend of KTAA who spoke of ‘The Bisht: The Traditional Men’s Cloak of the Gulf’. Al Baghli belongs to a family that has kept alive the heritage craft of bisht making in Kuwait against odds that include decreasing number of skilled craftsmen and resources and an increasing westernization of culture. According to the KTAA website the Al Baghlis can trace their roots to

a famous oasis in Saudi Arabia called Al Ahsa, which incidentally has been home to the best bisht tailors for over 200 years. The story of urbanization is Kuwait is closely linked to migration and like many others the Al Baghlis migrated to Kuwait in the 18th century carrying with them the tricks of their trade and set up home and business in Kuwait. “As a family, we have been into bisht-making for the last 150 years,” recalled Reyad Al Baghli. “At first we setup shop in the merchant’s market and then shifted to what is known as the bisht market in 1939.” The Al Baghli family established a factory for making bishts which is considered the oldest factory in Kuwait. Increasing modernization led to a decline in the number of skilled weavers, but Al Baghli’s grandfather was determined to keep the craft alive. And years later his son and grandson continue the tradition successfully.

Costumes The story of traditional costumes in the Middle East is an ancient one, though for most part it is undocumented. “ Although Reyad Al Baghli said that historically the tradition dates back to a thousand years, I believe it goes back more than 2000 years,” observed Dr Ali Al Najdeyah, a tutor of Interior Design at Kuwait University, master weaver and con-

sultant to Sadu House and the official translator for the evening. “There is evidence of Arabs wearing bishts both in the desert and cities. I have seen movies in which Jesus and Moses are shown dressed in bishts, albeit their bishts are different from the ones here.” In his well-structured presentation Reyadh Al Baghli touched upon the tradition, types, colours, ways to wear, styles of stitching and sewing and the use of zari. Al Baghli’s presentation also included some very interesting images, a workstation with craftsmen displaying their work and a live demonstration of the way to wear and fold a bisht. Throughout the ages outdoor Arab male costume is considered complete only when a bisht or an outer mantle is added. The bisht is same in concept to the abaya worn by women and differs only in textile,colour and embellishment and in the way it is worn. While women drape the abaya from the centre of their crown, men wear the bisht cloak fashion on their shoulder.

Occasion Worn over thoubes, bishts are traditionally made of camel hair, wool, and cotton though today’s modern versions are also made of lightweight sheer voile. The colours of the bisht depend on the occasion and time of the day, but they range from white,

beige, and cream to the darker shades of brown, grey and black. “The bisht was an important item of the men’s apparel. People from different income groups would own bishts, depending on their social status and purchasing power. Now, there are two types of bishts depending on whether the occasion is casual or formal. Then there is the summer bisht and the winter bisht,” said Al Baghli.The light coloured bisht or the ‘darboia bisht’ is worn during the day and the darker ones are reserved for the evening. Interestingly black is recommended for celebrations and formal occasions. “The summer bisht is often made of thin sheer where the weft and warp are apart and therefore loose and thin.” In the past bishts were worn often, but now they are reserved for special occasions. Traditionally, the bisht has two sleeves but it can be worn with only one arm through the sleeve and the other wrapped around loosely and tucked into the side. Three types of embroidery are used in making the bisht which include the gold stitch, silver stitch and silk stitch. The thread used to make these beautiful embellishments is called ‘zari’ Black bishts with gold trimming is the most popular. The metal threadwork is secured with a yellow

thread to form a band around the neckline bending in two small decorative tassled tie cords. There is also a gold soutache trimming along the shoulder line and around the hand openings. With time, innovations have been introduced. Al Baghli showed custom-made bishts in different colours including one made in the colours of Kuwait’s flag. “During my daughter’s wedding, I got a bisht stitched to match the colour of my wife’s outfit,” he smiled.

Elegance Nowadays the number of bisht makers is less than 20 in Kuwait. Although important personages, including the Amir, scholars, and ministers wear the bisht often, yet the tradition of wearing the bisht is slowly going down. “We should try different ways to increase its longevity. One way could be to make bishts mandatory for students at graduation ceremonies in Kuwait,” said Al Baghli. Bishts are available in different price ranges depending on the material and the tailoring. For centuries this long flowing robe has endowed respectability and dignity on the wearer. It is said that no other garment in the Middle East can provide the same elegance and one can only hope that this tradition continues for a long time to come.

Embassy of India will remain closed on the following days during the month of February 2013: Feb 25, 2013 – Monday, National Day of Kuwait Feb 26, 2013 – Tuesday, Liberation Day of Kuwait ❑ ❑ ❑

HMWA organizes grand prog: Hyderabad Muslim Welfare Association is going to organize a grand yearly programme on the life of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) titled “Prophet Mohammed Greatest Social Reformer on 25th feb 2013 soon after Friday prayer in Masjid-e-Abdullah Al Mehri next to famous Edi Stores and in front of Titanic building in Salmiya. Prominent scholars from kuwait will speak on the selected topics focusing life of Prophet (PBUH) and his message to whole humanity and in particular to Muslim Umma. Dear Brothers it is yet again a great opportunity to learn more and more about Seerah of our beloved Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). And to show our Passion, love and respect to our beloved religion of Islam and enlightened our lives with good deeds preached by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) HMWA executive committee request all the members and people from Hyderabad and other areas to participate in great numbers and bring your near and dear ones and get educated ourself with the message of Islam which is Peace, love and service to humanity. For further details Contact 99481599, 50605074, 66605881 Feb 28

YMCA – Global Peace Rally: The revered spiritual head of the MarThoma Syrian Church, His Grace The Most Rev Dr Philipose Mar Chrysostom, who has earned the respect and love of all sections of the society through his witty humour and noble deeds, has ventured to lead a yearlong Global Prayer and Peace Rally from Kanyakumari to Chicago. The rally is an attempt to mobilize people’s response across the world by highlighting topics close to the mind of Mar Chrysostom such as renaissance of values

Continued on Page 32



Haizhe n Wan g

Fashio n

Haizhe n Wan g

LONDON: Spectral outfits and chilling winter prints capped off London Fashion Week on Tuesday, as the fashion season baton moves from the British capital to Milan. London, one of the four major international fashion hubs alongside New York, Milan and Paris, attracts more than 100 million pounds ($154.43 million) in orders each season, according to estimates from the British Fashion Council (BFC). Britain is also increasingly drawing high-profile names to its fashion industry, which has a direct value of 21 billion pounds ($32.43 billion) to the Britain’s $2.5 trillion economy, BFC figures show. American designer Tom Ford made his catwalk debut in London this week, while pop-star Rihanna chose to launch a clothing line with British retailer River Island. Ghostly girls in white Edwardian lace and black veils circled the vast space of the Tate Modern museum’s tanks for Anglo-French design duo Meadham Kirchhoff on the final day of fashion Above and below: week. Models display The predominantly monochrome colcreations by Haizhe lection, which included outfits of black n Wan Aminaka velvet with white collars and long silk g Wilmont, Maria skirts, was inspired by lyrics from the Grachvogel, Beatles song “Helter Skelter”. Haizhen Wang A spokeswoman for Meadham and Emilio de Kirchhoff declined to comment on la Morena durwhether using the song for a show at the ing the 2013 Tate was a deliberate reference to Charles Autumn/Winter Manson, whose interpretation of it as a London Fashion Week prophecy of racial war led him to go on a in London on Feb 19. murder spree 1969 that included the (AFP/AP) killing of actress Sharon Tate. The pair told Elle UK it was an obsession with perfection that inspired the designs. “I was thinking about perfection, being the perfect homemaker,” Meadham told the publication in an online posting. “People want to trivialise women’s interests...I bake all the time; keep my home clean. I’m obsessed with perfection; that’s what got me going in the first place,” he said. Belgrade-born Roksanda Ilincic echoed the mood at her show, where models in pale pink and black drifted down the catwalk. “It was really about creating that special modern feel of a haunted beauty – mix of opposites,” Ilincic said. British designer Maria Grachvogel printed the skeletal branches of trees in winter onto a sheer white blouse for one of the final shows at London’s Somerset House, which hosted John Rocha, Jasper Conran and Issa London to packed audiences. Grachvogel, who used hues of bone, oxblood and lichen in her 34 piece collection, said London was going from strength to strength as a fashion capital. “London has always been known for its young creative Wilmont Aminaka spirit and its young talent, but I think what’s happening now is that the young talent is growing up,” Grachvogel told Reuters after the show. el “We’ve got the luxury brands of the rachvog Maria G future – we have some already – but it’s getting stronger and stronger,” she said. carpet reception earlier in the week, as did Luxury British label Burberry Prorsum veteran designer Vivienne Westwood’s drew international celebrities to its red Red Label, another British fashion industry torchbearer. But London is best-known for its upand-coming talent, such as Fashion Fringe show of sharply tailored separates, draped award winner Haizhen Wang, whose dresses and quilted jackets served as a

Amina ka Wi lmont

Maria Grach vogel

LONDON have a knock-on effect on culture and Made in Italy. After New York and London, it’s the turn of Italy’s luxury capital: charcoal greys, burnt oranges, hot reds and glitter have dominated the catwalks so far and all eyes are on Milan to bring that touch of Italian sophistication. But as houses show off their hotly-awaited autumnwinter 2013 collections to global fashionistas, Italians will be flocking to the polls Sunday and

Wang Monday Haizhen to elect

Wang Haizhen finale for fashion week. Wang, who was mentored by Burberry’s chief creative officer

a new government which could boost or reduce funding for the arts. The crisis has hit the na industry hard, and its re o M la e future is far from certain. Emilio d “It’s not an easy challenge. New York, Paris and London have a lot of fire power,” said Mario Boselli, head of the Italian Chamber of Fashion. “Our only exit strategy is excellence. But, for their part, public institutions and politicians have to support Made in Italy harder,” he said. Gucci is set to kick off the fashion extravaganza, which will see 69 Italian el g o v h c ra and international brands — including two Maria G new arrivals — strutting on runways in a week of shows, boutique openings, cockChristopher Bailey, follows in the foottail presentations and parties. steps of former Fashion Fringe winner Frankie Morello, Alberta Ferretti Erdem Moralioglu, who has gone on to and No. 21 follow on Wednesday, opengarner international appeal and also preing a packed schedule with overlaps in sented at London Fashion Week this seatime slots bound to cause logistical son. (RTRS) problems for fashionistas and reportedly ❑ ❑ ❑ sparking heated spats between top designers. (AFP) MILAN: Italy’s top luxury brands take to the catwalks for Milan fashion week Wednesday, as the industry waits keenly for general election results which may



Legal Eagle Kuwait’s legal system has three levels

Pandey feels need for more affordable litigation services By Valiya S. Sajjad Arab Times Staff


e has been working in Kuwait for over 10 years as senior legal advisor, and in his experience the most important developments in Kuwait’s laws are the amendments in labor law and the recently issued revised company’s law. Pankaj Pandey works under the seniorship of Advocate Yousef Abdullah Al Qurousi, who has been Pandey’s mentor in many ways. Expatriate lawyers have some limitations working in Kuwait, says Pandey. Only Kuwaiti lawyers are permitted to present arguments in the

court, and expatriates lawyers work behind the scene preparing the case papers and arguments for the defence. Kuwait’s litigation system has three levels. Among them the court of first instance and the court of appeals are most important as disputing parties mostly fight out their differences in these two courts. Pandey has worked on several business and domestic cases which were argued in these two courts.

Memorable One of Pandey’s most memorable cases pertains to a dispute between a Kuwaiti sponsor and an expatriate restaurateur, who was sent an eviction

notice by the sponsor because he wanted higher rent. However, according to the contract there wasn’t much scope to increase the rent and he was seeking other excuses to reclaim the restaurant to lease it out again for a better deal. The defendant’s side was strong. The case was fought out at the chamber for lease disputes in the main General Court. The general court has many chambers, each dedicated to a particular type of litigation. There are chambers for civil cases, commercial cases, lease-related disputes, administrative issues, labor, and family matters among others. The number of chambers keeps growing

as the complexity of life increases, feels Pandey. “We might soon need special chambers for copyrights litigations, and cyber crimes and so forth.” The plaintiff in the case went for higher appeals, but failed as his claim was very weak. On the topic of appeals, Pandey noted that disputes involving claims of money that are less than KD 1,000 cannot be appealed in a higher court, once the lower court issues a ruling. For claims up to KD 5,000, appeals on judgments can be taken to the partial appeals court, and for higher sums, appeals can go to the high court or even to the court of cassa-


Assesses The Court of Cassation is the final level, the highest appellate court of the land. It mostly, reviews judgments issued by lower courts and assesses if the judgments violate any law. This court does not accept new evidences. Pandey feels that there is a need to provide more affordable litigation services to ordinary people. He took the example of a tenant in an apartment, who fell afoul with his landlord over the issue of rent. The landlord increased the rent by KD 20 at will in spite of the contract. The tenant went to the court. However, the landlord

foisted a false case of violation against the tenant, who needed the services of a lawyer to fight the case. The minimal fee for a lawyer to appear in court on behalf of a client is KD 500, which is nearly twice the excess amount the tenant would have to pay in a year according to the revised rent. This cost factor, says Pandey, often acts as a strong off-putter, discouraging people from taking recourse to law in times of need. This commercial element in legal services is actually distancing justice from the common man, Pandy added, requesting authorities to think of ways of addressing this issue.

Alternative Medicine


Efficacy of gemstones varies

‘Choose right stone for health benefits’ By Mia Ponzo Special to the Arab Times


ast week we began talking about the benefits of gemstones or any mineral, rock or stone for our health, both physical and spiritual. So, we established that stones really do have health benefits in many ways, and anyone can tap these benefits by simply choosing the right stones. We talked about methods of establishing whether or not a particular stone, rock, etc. is beneficial to a particular person (since they all don’t have the same benefit to each individual) (if you missed last week’s article, email me and I will send it to you). So, this week we are going to talk about some of the benefits we can get from stones, either gemstones or regular rocks or minerals.

Natural In a distinctive initiative, the Australian College of Kuwait (ACK) organized a sports and arts trip for 96 of its students to the United Arab Emirates. Accompanied by 8 supervisors, the students competed in a series of friendly games against the American University of Dubai (AUD). The sports component of the trip consisted of numerous friendly matches in football, volleyball, basketball and table tennis. Both male and female ACK teams tasted moments

of success and pride. Student clubs from both educational institutions, including drama, art, photography and video, held several meetings and discussion groups where they shared their experiences, information and expertise. The trip, organized by 1Boxoffice Services, ended successfully with ACK’s students returning back to Kuwait carrying with them an unforgettable experience, new alliances and glory.

Physiotherapy key for complete recovery

A look at common football injuries By Xsenia D’Abramo Special to the Arab T imes


s football is the most popular sport in Kuwait, one would expect to see a large majority of various injuries as a result. This article will aim to review the most common injuries in today’s modern game, discuss research related to these injuries, appreciate the differences between children and adult injuries, review common anatomy in relation to these injuries, and finally explore treatment ideas and rehabilitation exercises.

tured more often in football, as a result of an inversion twisting of the foot or ankle.

Assessment On physiotherapy assessment, players will most commonly present with severe pain at the site of injury. They will have difficulty or inability to weight bear on the affected limb while walking as well as have pain with palpation along the fracture site. There will likely be swelling of the area and +/- bruising (which may develop 1-2 days post injury).


Treatment and healing

One of the most common injuries seen in football amongst children are lower limb fractures. In children, the tibia (shin bone) is the largest weight bearing bone in the body. Football is one of the most common causes of tibial fractures in children alongside motor vehicle accidents and falls. A fracture of the tibia, otherwise known as the “footballer’s fracture,” accounts for between 2-20% of all football injuries. Often the fibula (a non-weight bearing bone) is fractured along with the tibia. In most cases, fractures are obtained through direct contact of the bone, despite the wearing of shin pads. Other common fractures obtained through football include metatarsal fractures, which account for 9% of all fractures sustained through sport. The mechanism of injury is again, direct trauma, primarily excessive rotational forces through the foot and ankle and additionally, overuse. Direct trauma is usually caused by a player kicking the sole of an opponent’s boot, or by an opponent stepping on a player’s foot. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th metatarsals are the most commonly fractured with this mechanism of injury. However, the 5th metatarsal is frac-

Healing time for tibial fractures generally ranges between 3-6 months. Immediate immobilization is required to optimize bone healing. This is most commonly done through casting of the fractured limb. If a fracture is suspected players should be taken to the hospital for appropriate care, as surgery is often needed. After obtaining a metatarsal fracture, one can expect to return to sport between 6-8 weeks. Ice therapy is initially helpful to decrease swelling and pain. Immobilization with non-weight bearing for 6-8 weeks is recommended and again the player should be sent to the hospital to confirm the fracture with an x-ray. Once the bone has healed physiotherapy can begin, focusing on restoring the function of motion, range and strength of the injured area.

click Latest Continued from Page 30

Hamstring injuries Research has shown that hamstring injuries have been the highest recorded football injury, accounting for 40% of all injuries through all seasons. There are two main reasons for this. In the past, people used to spend much of their time bending while performing manual labour tasks, while these days, the majority of people’s days are spent sitting down. As a in public life, achieving economic soundness devoid of opulence, open respect to various traditions, dialogue between different religions and a refined and enriched social order to better the life of common man. YMCA Kuwait is privileged to welcome and honour the participants of the Global Peace Rally lead by Mar Chrysostom. This unique event is sched-

result, we have lost our original hamstring length. Furthermore, hamstring injuries are largely the result of lack of stretching and sport-specific training. Which seems to especially lack in children, as coaches are not demonstrating appropriate stretching or frequency of stretching.

worse. Initial treatment includes, RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Following your injury as stated above you should see a physiotherapist who will provide treatment as well as appropriate exercises to allow you to return to sport and aide in the prevention of a future hamstring strain.

Hamstring strains

Ankle sprains

Nearly all hamstring injuries are obtained through overstretching in the eccentric phase (lengthening of the muscle). Determining the severity of a hamstring strain is organized into a grading system. Grades 1-3 are used to identify the degree of injury which is done so by your physiotherapist or doctor. Typically in a grade 1 strain players will not feel symptoms until after the game, only minimal pain and swelling will present, and return to sport is within 3-4 weeks. With a grade 2 tear, skin discoloration occurs, limping may be present, and the player will feel moderate to severe pain with bending and straightening the knee. Return to sport is roughly 4-8 weeks. Finally, with a grade 3 hamstring tear there will be a complete rupture of the muscle fibers, severe pain and skin discoloration, bruising due to muscle bleeding and much difficulty with walking. Return to sport will be no sooner than about 4 D’Abramo months. Players should seek medical attention (either a doctor of physiotherapist) if you suspect a grade 2 or 3 tear.

Inversion ankle sprains account for 40% of all athletic injuries and 29% of all football injuries. The mechanism of injury is forced plantar flexion(toes pointed down) and inversion (turning inward) of the ankle as the body’s center of gravity rolls over the foot. Common instances when inversion sprains occur include stepping on uneven surface on the pitch, slipping on wet grass, or an opponent landing on a players ankle forcing an inversion sprain. Assessment of an ankle sprain is similar to that of the hamstring with the 1-3 grading system. As above players should seek a physiotherapist if they suspect a 2nd or 3rd degree tear. Treatment is initially much the same with the RICE principle. Additionally, it is suggested that players wear a brace or get their ankle taped once returning to sport. Treatment is focused on range of motion, strengthening, sport-specific exercises, and regaining one’s balance. ❑ ❑ ❑

If you suspect a strain, stop! Continuing to play will only make it

The author of this article is Xsenia D’Abramo who is a Canadian physiotherapist at Fawzia Sultan Rehabilitation Institute (FSRI). Xsenia has a Bachelor’s degree of Medical Rehabilitation Physiotherapy from the University of Manitoba, Canada and a Certificate in Level 1 Acupuncture. For an appointment contact FSRI at 2572-0338, or visit our website at www.fsrikuwait.org. FSRI is located in Salmiya, Baghdad street in the Amaia Residence Building, 1st Floor.

uled to be held in Kuwait on Thursday, Feb 28, 2013 at NECK, Kuwait City from 7:00 pm onwards. The program will be inaugurated by Maha Al Berjes (Arab Human Right Commission Chairperson & President of Human Rights Commission Kuwait). Dr Hilal Al Sayer (Former Health Minister Kuwait), MarThoma Valiya Metropolitan

HG The Most Rev Dr Philipose Mar Chrysostom, Bishop Rt Rev Thomas K. Oommen (CSI Madhya Kerala Maha Edavaka), HG Dr Elias Mor Athanasius Metropolitan (Malankara Jacobite Syrian Christian Church - Thrissur Diocesan Bishop) and HG Dr Thomas Mar Athanasius Metropolitan (Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church - Kandanad East


As everyone knows, each rock or stone is made up of certain natural constituents. Each of these components has a certain vibration or the other. If you know anything about color therapy, you will know that certain colors have certain qualities that can be both beneficial and sometimes detrimental to our health and wellbeing. For example, red is a kind of action color. So, people who feel lazy, lethargic, and tired all the time can benefit from the color red, because it will help to energize their bodies and get their glands working faster or better than before. Now, this is more globally true than not. Similarly, blue is good for people who are too active and need to slow down a bit. For this reason it is good for many people to have blue bedrooms, or blue green colors around their bedrooms. Certain colors also can help us to feel hungrier or less hungry. This is why you see certain colors in restaurants, kitchens, etc. Some colors make people want to spend money more, so stores might use these colors to increase their sales. Of course, none of these concepts are 100 percent true all of the time, but we can generalize and say that they work at least most of the time with most people. But gemstones and rocks work a little differently than this, although we can certainly benefit from the colors of the stones in a similar way.

Energetic So, when it comes to gemstones, certain ‘“rules” of color therapy may apply. Like, most rubies are red, so if you feel tired and lethargic, you may be able to benefit from a bright red ruby to help you feel more energetic. Any other stone that is bright red or flaming orange might also help in this regard. A nice deep purple amethyst might work in a similar way. Likewise, if you feel too active or are stressed out all the time, you might be able to benefit from a blue stone. So, perhaps a blue sapphire, dark turquoise, topaz or another similar stone might help. Or a washed out color amethyst might also help to calm you down. In fact, the purple color of most amethysts can be useful for most conditions, because it has such an equalizing effect. Green stones like emeralds can be beneficial for Diocesan Bishop) will be the guests of honour. March 4

Arabic Poetry Competition at AUK: The Arabic Literature Club at AUK will

most people with most problems, because the green color is generally healing for everyone. Similarly diamonds tend to be very beneficial to most people too, for similar reasons, since all of the colors are represented in the diamond. The make-up of the stone or rock can also be of benefit. Just as certain colors have certain vibrations (we have talked about vibrations before), so do the minerals that combine to make up different stones and rocks. So, we can benefit from the stones by having them near us or touching us. Just having certain vibrations around us can change the whole atmosphere around us basically. This is one reason why we test the stones to see how they make us feel. Of course, the reaction of the body to the stones is completely unconscious and happens spontaneously. We can test the stones blindly, with the person’s eyes closed, with their hands behind their backs, or any other way, so there is no thought process involved (for example, if there is a certain stone that a person likes, they may unconsciously become stronger, but based on their like for the stone, not because it actually made them stronger). So, that is why we test blind. Usually though, even if they are trying to be strong, if the stone isn’t good for them, they will become weak anyway, no matter what they do.

Effects There are certain stones that seem to be good for most people and others that are very specific, that most people don’t do well with, but some do. Stones like amethyst, emerald, ruby, diamond and lava are generally good for everyone. Stones like citrine, topaz (especially smoky topaz), tiger’s eye, peridot, etc. are often not good for people and thus, testing should be done before these stones are used even for jewelry. I can’t tell you how many times I have tested people that wear certain stones in jewelry, and when we test them they turn out to make them weaker, thus possibly disrupting their health. There are many benefits that a person can get from using gemstones or rocks, including: joint relief, heart relief, tumor relief, energy changes, hormonal effects, stress reduction, insomnia relief, digestive relief, and a lot more. In fact, in certain extreme cases, they can be the difference between feeling good and feeling downright terrible. And remember, the stones don’t have to be expensive. They can be the most inexpensive stones around. For example, if you can’t afford diamonds, you can use lava, which is mostly made up of the same components as diamonds (carbon), or if you can’t afford rubies, you can use red quartz, which is very similar. So, no matter what your budget is, you can benefit from the energy of gemstones and rocks. So, let’s get healthy! ❑ ❑ ❑ Email me: miaponzo@yahoo.com don’t forget to visit us at: www.kuwaitliving.com Check out more health information at: www.squidoo.com/lensmasters/miaponzo

be holding ‘The Arabic Poetry Competition 2013’ on March 4, 5:00-8:00 pm at the AUK Auditorium. The event will include Formal Arabic and Nabati (colloquial) poetry recitation by student

Continued on Page 33



Expert captures biology, behavior of regal birds in book

Falcons most obedient creatures By Valiya S. Sajjad Arab Times Staff


e is the only man in the world to record 15 different vocalizations of the falcon, and is the first researcher to ever conduct a taxonomical investigation of this regal predator. Dr Zubair Medammal is in Kuwait on an academic tour to further his vast knowledge on falcons. At the Kuwait Falcon Hospital in Sulaibikhat, he witnessed the love and awe falcons commanded in Kuwait like elsewhere in the region. Dr Zubair’s muse began during his visit to the UAE in the early 90s, when an accidental visit to Sheikh Zayed Falcon Research Hospital aroused his interest in the bird. However, due to economic reasons, it was not until two years later that he registered under the late Dr E.A Abdul Shukoor for a research on falcons. Renowned scholar Dr P.A. Aziz, Director of Salim Ali Ornithology Center, India, was his coguide. Most of his research took place in the UAE, with intermittent visits to other Gulf States. After six arduous years of study, Dr Zubair earned his PhD. He also spent a tiny part of his research days in Stuttgart, Germany, to investigate artificial breeding of falcons.

Study Falcon is the fastest living thing in the world touching speeds exceeding 350 kmph in flight, besting even the speed of Japan’s Bullet Train. They can turn their heads 360 degrees, and have very sharp eyesight. The Arabian passion for the falcon dates back deep into history, and falconry enjoys the patronage of most royalties in the region to this day. Appreciative of Dr Zubair’s efforts, Sheikh Hamdan Ibn Mohammed Bin Rashed Al Maqtoum, currently Dubai’s crown prince, granted him permission to study the falcons in his desert farm. It is from here that Dr Zubair captured

Dr Zubair Medammal with a falcon

Food Cutting-edge cuisine finds success

Lightner makes splash with Atera NEW YORK, Feb 20, (RTRS): Making it in New York is tough for a young chef, but Matt Lightner managed to replicate the success he achieved at his Castagna restaurant in Portland, Oregon, in the Big Apple with relative ease. Critics have raved about his cooking for its inspiration from nature and his use of cutting-edge techniques to transform local ingredients, such as freezing foie gras to make it appear like peanuts. Michelin has awarded two stars to Lightner’s Atera restaurant in New York, even though it has been open less than a year. The 32-year-old native of Norfolk, Nebraska, worked at top European restaurants such as Noma in Denmark and Mugaritz in Spain. He recently spoke to Reuters about his culinary journey and his success with Atera. Question: Were you surprised about the rapid success of Atera? Answer: “(Atera is) a very personal dining experience from things I like and things I had. So you never know when you are doing things that are not typical. When people don’t have a reference point to it, it could always go either way. We feel we have been very lucky and fortunate that we have had the support we have been getting.” Q: What do you think is the ingredient to its success? A: “It always has to be the food first. We are such savvy diners nowadays that ambiance is not enough ... We wanted to make something different, something challenging, but make it approachable, make it delicious and make it with the best products we could possibly find. It’s been a formula that’s worked out pretty well.” Q: What did you learn when you worked in Europe? A: “Spain has been my biggest influence. At Mugaritz, just the way they look at things ... We have tortilla. We have leeks and all different kinds of things. Now let’s look at things through different lens. Now let’s start creating recipes and not just changing classic recipes to fit us. Through rediscovery, you end up doing something new, grounded in years of history, that becomes appealing again.” Q: How does foraging inspire your cooking? A: “The idea of foraging is that you look for unique things, which bring inspirations. These are products you can’t get at the farmers markets. A lot of them are wild, indigenous ingredients. These are ingredients which are lost and could be rediscovered. They could be micro-seasonal. A certain bush produces a small berry, and it lasts a week. That’s the fun, inspiring thing about foraging.” Q: Do you think the foraging trend is overdone? A: “I think the trend will start to slow down. Unfortunately, that happens, I think. A lot of it is driven by the restaurants and also the press as well. When things are hot, they’re hot, and they want to talk about them. When things are popular, people go down in that direction.” Q: Why did you decide to become

French Laundry named best eatery

NYC has most top 10 US restaurants NEW YORK, Feb 20, (RTRS): New York City is arguably the top culinary destination in the United States with six of the 10 best restaurants in the country, a survey released on Wednesday showed. The French Laundry in Yountville, California, founded by chef Thomas Keller, was named the best restaurant by a panel of experts, followed by the Gramercy Tavern, Le Bernardin, Momofuku Ssam Bar and Eleven Madison Park, which are all in the Big Apple. “This (New York) is still considered by most chefs the ultimate proving ground of their talents and their ability to run a restaurant,” said Colman Andrews, editorial director of The Daily Meal, on the the food website’s annual poll. In last year’s poll, New York City had five of the top 10 restaurants, with Le Bernardin taking first place and The French Laundry coming in fifth after placing first the previous year. More than 150 food critics, writers and bloggers voted in the third annual survey of 101 Best

a chef? A: I grew up in the Midwest. My parents’ had gardens, cooked and canned. I grew up in the 1980s and 1990s, when my mom was working two jobs and my dad was working one job with hours enough for two ... “My mom would always cook these classic dishes she grew up with. When we would go out to dine somewhere, it would be a time we could forget a lot of the stuff that was going on. It was really a time when we could relax and have fun. I always wanted to make dishes that make people very happy. Then cooking fell into a necessary point when I wanted to make money when I was 15 year old. ... I wanted to pursue doing something with my hands.” Scallops cured with fresh herbs and pine, grapefruit and geranium 8 scallops 1 branch of white pine, or spruce 1 cup of picked tarragon 1 cup of picked fennel fronds 1 cup picked dill 1 tblsp of fresh yeast, or 1 tsp of dried 2 tblsp of sugar 2 tblsp of salt 1/4 cup of cold water Finely chop the pine and herbs together. Mix all dried ingredients. Then carefully add in the water to make a slight paste, add all herbs and toss this mixture together with the scallops. Place in an airtight container for 12 hours. 2 grapefruit 1 large leaf of rose geranium 3 tblsp of grape seed oil

Restaurants in America. They considered the cuisine, region, atmosphere, level of “buzz” and price range. Andrews praised Keller for his attention to details, adding that “every part is done perfectly,” and said the Gramercy Tavern and its award-winning head chef Michael Anthony also had very high standards. “It’s good as it’s ever been,” he added. Blue Hill at Stone Barns in Pocantico Hills, just north of New York City, captured sixth place on the list. Chef Dan Barber’s restaurant does not have a menu but offers a daily farmers’ feast which ranges from five to 12 courses. Chef Jean-George Vongerichten’s ABC Kitchen landed the seventh spot in the survey, while celebrity chef Mario Batali’s Babbo, which is known for its modern Italian cuisine, came in eighth. Rounding out the top 10 were Girl & the Goat, a gastropubstyle restaurant in Chicago, and Cochon in New Orleans, which is known for its southern Cajun food. 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar

1. Segment the two grapefruit, making sure to reserve all the juices. Take half of the juice and pulp, and place in a small saucepan with the rose geranium and cook down on low heat until consistency of a jam, roughly 5-10 minutes. Cool immediately. 2. Discard the geranium leaf and mix the mixture with the other grapefruit pulp, the vinegar and the grape seed oil. Lightly season with a touch of salt. Keep in the refrigerator. 3. To prepare the scallops, carefully whip the marinade without using any water. Prepare a grill, either gas or charcoal. It is important that the grate on the grill is very clean and very hot. Now carefully mark the scallops on each side, but it is important that you do not cook scallops but lightly char them. Chill the scallops for at least half an hour in the cooler. Once they are chilled, gather a large platter and slice the scallops about 1/4 inch thick vertically and carefully arrange on the base of the platter. 4. At this point it is good to use any seasonal herbs and flowers as garnish. We normally use at this time of year fennel that is beginning to bloom, fresh dill, fresh tarragon, the small leaves of lemon balm, and an assortment of flowers - pineapple sage, bergamot flowers, borage flowers, and tangerine marigolds and lemonscented marigolds. 5. Dress the scallops with the grapefruit and rose geranium, sprinkle with some flaky sea salt and carefully arrange all your picked herbs and flowers on top, covering the complete surface of the scallops.

click Latest Continued from Page 32 contestants. Each participant will present two poems that will be juried by a panel of judges. Keynote speakers of the event

some of the rarest falcon vocalizations for sonogram analysis. He remembers the long arduous nights he spent in the farm waiting for a falcon’s shrill cry that would give new behavioral insights. Among the different calls he captured were territorial, alarm, mobbing, challenge, uttering, whining, chattering and creaking calls, each with a meaning of its own. Falcons are amazing hunters, and their speed maximums are achieved during their downward swoops to snag a prey. A bird called Houbara Bustard is the falcon’s natural prey.

Rewards Falconers in the region are excited when Bustards temporarily land in the Gulf States en route their migration to China. In the UAE, falconers in the royal family offer up to 15,000 Dirhams for a tip off on a sighting of Bustard flock in the wilderness. Some Bedouns work as professional informers on Bustards, collecting handsome rewards for correct information. According to customs still extant, the sum is handed over along with a feather of a Houbara Bustard killed by the falcon. However, the hunt for Bustards has motives other than the thrill of sport. Houbara Bustard meat is believed to be an aphrodisiac and is valued highly. After a successful kill, the flacons are shortchanged by their owners with chicken or pigeon meat that is deftly replaced, while the trophy kill goes for the purpose of enhancing sexual powers in men. Dr Zubair explains that this exchanging of meats has to be carried out with extreme artfulness and agility as the flacons are very possessive of their games. They show little mercy to scavengers that fancy their kill. The bustard hunt is a veritable dog fight in the air, with both birds endowed with powerful qualities. Houbara Bustards are bigger than falcons, their wingspan and tail feathers measuring two times longer. will include poets Waleed Al-Qallaf, Hamad Al-Zemami and Mariam Fazil, who will recite their poetry before the audience. The event will include an awards ceremony for the top three winners of the competition. March 16

Lighthouse Academy 40 yrs: The Lighthouse Academy invites all former students, staff and parents to our 40th year Anniversary celebration. Date: March 16,

Moreover, Houbara Bustards have a tacky weapon, called Taml, which is a slimy missile they squirt at their predators. Falcons hit by Taml get their feathers stuck together, disabling flight. Bustards are also gifted with deadly flight maneuverability, changing course without the slightest drop in speed that can flummox the flacons. However, speed and aggression of the flacons triumph in the end.

Member In Dr Zubair’s estimate, falcons are the most obedient creatures on earth, better than even dogs. The phenomenon of HMV (His Master’s Voice) alluding to an animal’s degree of obedience to its master is highest among falcons. Release the Falcon Project in the UAE is another annual event that Dr Zubair looks forward to eagerly. Falcons that are slow are released back into the wild in places like Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and places around that region, which is a natural home to falcons. In recognition of his valuable services to falconry, Dr Zubair was awarded a membership in the prestigious Emirates Falcon Club in 2001, and became the only non-Arab member of the club. He is also a regular guest at the annual Arab Hunting Show, traditionally held in Dubai and now relocated to Abu Dhabi. He is also the executive member of WWF, DNHS and Nature Care Society among others, and has won the Outstanding Young Personality Award by Junior Chamber International for his works. Biology and Behavior of Falcons is a book he published, which has now been translated into Arabic. Dr Zubair is in the task of raising funds to publish the Arabic version. During his stay in Kuwait, this flacon enthusiast will be liaising with research and environmental organizations to probe ways of cooperation to benefit the science of falconry. 2013, Time: 11:00 – 3:00 pm, Venue: National Evangelical Church of Kuwait. RSVP to: elcacademy@hotmail.com. Donations are accepted for Smartboards and Student Fund for Scholarships. April 12

Mika Singh live in concert: Creative Indians Association and Raja Company W.L.L. join hands in announcing the Biggest Asian event of 2013.

Continued on Page 35



Horoscope By Jacqueline Bigar Happy birthday for Thursday, February 21, 2013: This year, dare to dream. That step will be important in turning a fantasy into a reality. Speak up about these desires. Your immediate circle of friends might be changing because you are transforming. A new person in your life could be quite controlling, which could become problematic. Don’t bring this person in close until you know him or her better. If you are single, summer 2013 could bring a very special suitor. Enjoy this connection. If you are attached, you will be unusually content with each other. Schedule a wonderful retreat together. CANCER is as intuitive as you are. Listen to him or her. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2So-so; 1-Difficult.

Capricorn - (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

**** You can be a hard person to resist. You are more than willing to play devil’s advocate. You take this role rather seriously. A person you play this role with might not be as secure as you would like. Try to straighten out this issue. Tonight: Your treat.

Aquarius - (Jan

20 - Feb 18)

**** If you are able to avoid a difficult person, you could have a nearly perfect day. Accomplish what you must, but take some time for yourself. Schedule an appointment or a checkup. Include some exercise, or take a walk if you can. Tonight: Run an important errand.

Pisces - (Feb 19 - Mar 20) ***** Your creativity comes forth, which brings you many opportunities. Honor what is happening around you, and find the space to incorporate more of a specific experience into your life. You will feel better as a result.

home decor

Tonight: Act like this is the beginning of your weekend.

Aries - (Mar 21 - Apr 19) *** You have plans, and you are goal-oriented. Events easily could change your schedule around in the morning, which leaves the remainder of the day to play catch-up. Your intuition guides you through complicated situations. Tonight: Remain sensitive to a difficult person.

Taurus - (Apr 20 - May 20) **** Understand someone’s opposition. Ask yourself whether this is a knee-jerk reaction or a well thought-out response. You have a choice to make, but approach a power play with care. If you don’t, it could be a waste of time. Tonight: Hang out with friends and family.

Gemini - (May 21 - June 20)

*** Put the reins on spending if you see some smoke signals floating around you. Your response could be more significant than you are aware of. Root out the issue with care, and you probably will be happier as a result. Tonight: Make weekend plans with close friends.

Cancer - (June 21 - July 22) **** Listen to others who seek you out. They might perceive you as being more powerful than you think you are. Give yourself space to do what you feel is necessary, and appreciate that others could be putting you on a pedestal. Tonight: Follow your own ideas.

Leo - (July 23 - Aug 22) *** Respond to situations after listening to your inner voice. You might need — and want — to back off, at least for a little while. Your gregarious nature could demand a different outlet. Handle what needs to be done in solitude.

indoor gardening

Tonight: You don’t have to tell everyone everything.

Virgo - (Aug 23 - Sept 22): ***** Zero in on what needs to happen. Your creativity might be challenged by someone, and you’ll have to come up with quite a few ideas. Brainstorm with a friend who often doesn’t agree with you; you will have several solutions to choose from. Tonight: Take a stand.

Libra - (Sept 23 - Oct 22) **** Reach out for more information, as you might not have all the facts. Someone in your domestic life could let you know how little he or she thinks you know. Detach from the situation, and you just might find this matter to be humorous. Tonight: Good times happen.

Scorpio - (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

beauty tips

**** Others who are involved in a project you’re working on will join you in a brainstorming session. Whatever the objective of this meeting is, you’ll find that a certain individual can be unusually challenging. Don’t lose sight of your objective. Tonight: Read between the lines.

Sagittarius - (Nov 22 - Dec 21) **** Understand what is happening with someone. This person might need you to make more of an effort to get together. A money issue could be the root of the problem. Recognize a liability, and establish a boundary, if need be. Tonight: Listen rather than speak.

Born today: Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt (1979), actor Kelsey Grammer (1955), civilrights activist John Lewis (1940)

taste buds

frame tray

tagetes erecta

back pain position while sleeping

grape squash

Supplies: Simple frame, at least 11’’ x 17’’ Filler paper Scissors Instructions: Open and empty the photo frame. Arrange the filler paper and seal the frame.

Tagetes erecta or American marigolds are plants typically two to three feet in height with a flower head so full as to become almost spherical in a range of yellow and orange shades. Site: Does best in full sunlight and medium humidity. Temperature: 50-75°F Water: Keep the soil evenly moist

A pillow under his head will support the neck. Pillow between knees will also improve comfort. If sleep on back, place pillows under knees and small pillow in the palm of his back. Do not sleep on their stomachs at least put pillow under hips. Sleep on a firm mattress. While it is too soft, slide a piece of plywood by 1.3 cm thick (1/2 inches) under mattress to increase its rigidity.

Ingredients: 500gms black grapes; 500gms sugar; 6 cups water; 1/2 tsp citric acid; 1/2 tsp grape essence Method: Cook the grapes for 15 minutes. As soon as it cools, squeeze well and sieve. Make sugar syrup, add citric acid. Add the grape juice and essence to above and mix well. Store the squash in a bottle. To serve, take 1/4 glass of squash and mix it with water.

MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram one of the most prestigious engineering colleges now in Kerala inaugurated their Alumni Association of Kuwait recently. MESCE Alumni inaugural function was hosted at Hotel Rajadhani Palace, Khaitan on Feb 14. The official inauguration was done by Mohamed Rafi,

President MES Kuwait (MES Kuwait Unit is registered with Indian Embassy of Kuwait and involved in many educational and social welfare programs for the needy people.) The overwhelming response by the members was appreciated and the association’s future plans and activi-

ties were then detailed by the new association President Shanu Basheer. Followed by felicitation by distinguished guests. Lot of fun filled events, cultural activities were also performed and during dinner the members were found rejoiced to reunite with their old friends and shared their campus memories.

Dear Abby Man is slow to seal the date with a kiss By Abigail Van Buren Dear Abby: I’m a 43-year-old single mom with three young boys. I am also a veteran and getting ready to go back to school. I have been dating a gentleman for two months now, and we get along great. He’s three years older than I am and good with my kids and family. I like him a lot and we seem to have a LOT in common — more than most. I really want him to kiss me, but I don’t want to seem pushy. He’s a real gentleman. We have gone from hugs to holding hands while sitting on the couch watching television. I don’t mind taking things slow, but ... How do I find out if he wants to kiss me or not? Sometimes it seems like it, but then he seems afraid to. How do I let him know it’s OK? Sorry I seem like a teenager. — Confused in Idaho Dear confused: This man isn’t taking things slow. Glaciers have been known to move faster. Two months is a very long time to wait for a first kiss. The next time you find yourself sitting on the couch and holding hands with him, you have my permission to turn to him and say, “I’d love it if you kissed me.” If that doesn’t do the trick, then face it — his feel- Abigail Van Buren ings for you are only brotherly. ❑ ❑ ❑ Dear Abby: You have written about children in grocery stores before. Would you please address the risk to children by allowing them to stand in grocery shopping carts? I see it all too often, and I don’t think the parents/grandparents realize that if the child falls out and lands on his or her head, neck or back, the child could end up paralyzed or dead. The adult must be the rule setter and protect the child. But too often it’s the child setting the limits, and the results can be tragic. — Concerned shopper in New York Dear concerned shopper: I’m glad to oblige. Many markets equip their shopping carts with seat belts to secure tiny passengers and avoid this problem. That way, any liability that might stem from a child falling would lie directly where it belongs, with the adult who should have been using common sense. ❑ ❑ ❑ Dear Abby: My oldest friend owes me a lot of money. I loaned it to her when she was being evicted. She has now come into some money and is going on a cruise. I asked her to repay me before the trip. She said she “needs the cruise for her mental health.” I am shocked and very angry. When I lost my temper and told her off, she accused me of being “greedy and moneyobsessed.” Abby, I helped her when she needed it! What should I do? — Furious in San Francisco Dear furious: When your “friend” returns from her sea cruise, see if you can get her to agree to a repayment plan for the sake of YOUR mental — and financial — health. However, if she refuses, you may have to write off the loan as tuition in the school of experience. Your mistake was not getting the terms of the loan in writing. ❑ ❑ ❑ Dear Abby: I have two sons who will graduate from college on the same day. My wife and I would like to attend both ceremonies, but for obvious reasons, we cannot. How do I resolve this dilemma? — Father in Texas Dear father: Divide and conquer. You attend one graduation and your wife the other. To decide which one, you and the Mrs. should draw straws. ❑ ❑ ❑ Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. (Source: Universal Uclick)

what’s on today THURSDAY ■ Bangladesh Embassy closure: The Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Kuwait will remain closed on Thursday, Feb 21 on the occasion of the Shahid Dibash and International Mother Language Day. ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Maramon Convention: In connection with the commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of establishing Marthoma parish in Kuwait, Gospel convention in line with the 118-year-old Maramon Convention nostalgically called as Maramon Convention of Desert, will be conducted under the auspicious of Kuwait Center Marthoma Joint Fellowship, from 7.00 pm at National Evangelical Church and Parish Hall from Feb 18-22, 2013 except on Feb 20 (Wednesday) when it will be conducted at Ahmadi Marthoma Church at 7:00 pm. For more details contact Rev K.A. Varghese (President), 66222951; Rev C.V. Simon (Chairman), 50180905; Varghese Joseph (Convener), 99806840 and Jacob Varghese (Coordinator), 97959347. ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Jewelry exhibition: FA Gallery presents collectible jewelry exhibition by Lama Hourani until Feb 23. The exhibition will feature her latest collections of handmade art-to-wear pieces and timeless classics. Lama Hourani is a Jordanian jewelry designer residing between Amman, Barcelona and Shanghai. Hourani was recently honored as a global leader for 2012 by the World Economic Forum for her contribution to society, winner of the best innovative Design Award under the Young Arab Designers category by The Middle East Watches, Jewellery & Pens Awards. For details log on to www.thefagallery.com ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ First AG Church Meetings: First Assembly of God Church Kuwait Worship Meetings on all Fridays from 9:30 am 12:15 pm and Fasting Prayer on all Thursdays from 7 pm - 9:15 pm at NECK Compound (Hall of Hope, Ground Floor, Front of Baptism Pool) Kuwait City. Cottage meetings on all Mondays from 7.30 pm - 9 pm at scheduled places. Fasting prayer on third Wednesday, Thursday & Friday of every month. Sunday School on all Fridays from 7.30 am - 9 am at Abbasiya Parsonage

(Abbasiya Supermarket bldg). Ladies prayer meeting on Wednesdays from 5 pm - 7 pm at scheduled places. C.A Youth Meeting on last Thursday of every month from 7 pm - 9 pm. Transportation provided to all parts of Kuwait. For more information contact Pastor V.D Thomas (97251639/24312630), Bro Abraham George (99384503/24768495). www.firstagkuwait.com. E-mail: firstagkwt@gmail.com.

FRIDAY ■ Jhoom Barabar Jhoom: Indian Youth Society brings another unique show “JhoomBarabarJhoom” featuring world famous ghazal and qawwali singer Sabri Brothers and his team on Feb 22 at 6:30 pm sharp at Kuwait Medical Association Auditorium, beside Mubarak Al Kabeer hospital, Jabriya, Kuwait. Young talents from Kuwait will be another attraction of the evening. For more details, please contact: 66127231, 69674121, 66869007, 67738135 and 99225378. Email iyskuwait@gmail.com; Web Page: www.iyskuwait.com ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Football Coaching Course: The next P.G.A. Everton Football Coaching Course at the new location by Abdullah Al-Rujaib High School, Bayan Block 7, Masjed AlAqsa Street. Courses are available for boys and girls aged from 3 to 18 years. For further details see http://www.pgakuwait.com.kw/ or contact academy Director Mike on 99981327 or Executive Director Baker on 66918666. ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Father’s Love Int’l Ministries: Have you had a challenging week? Want to hear something different for a change? Something positive and energizing? At Father’s Love International Ministries, you will find all these and much more … Love, Laughter, Life, Liberty. You will find a community of God-loving believers, who come every Friday, Saturday and Monday to praise and worship together, pray together and listen to God’s word together at the Father’s House. There is always a word of blessing and edification for everyone who comes to Father’s House.

Items for the What’s On page can be sent directly to the Arab Times, P.O. Box 2270, 13023, Safat or faxed to 24818267 or e-mail to arabtimes@arabtimesonline.com. All items on this page are published as a courtesy to the public. These announcements can include birthday greetings, weddings, social functions or any other non-commercial events. Photographs of all events are welcome. So don’t be left out! Come join the family! You will be restored, revived, and renewed and greatly rewarded! Father’s Love Encounter Services on Fridays — 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Bible Study on Saturdays — 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Empowerment Services on Mondays — 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. For directions please call 99664030, 66550209. www.fathersloveim.com ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ St Paul’s Anglican Church: St Paul’s

Happy birthday to our dear mama. May God bless you always and keep you safe, keep smiling. Love from Thambu, Shambu and Srambical.

emergency number 112

Anglican (Episcopal) Church of Kuwait has worship services in English, every Friday at 10:30 am and every Sunday at 6:30 pm at its church building in Ahmadi. The Chinese worship service is also held on Fridays at 10:30 am in Ahmadi. On Saturdays an Anglican worship is held at Hall of Hope No. 2 of NECK in Kuwait city at 5.15 pm. Bible classes for children and teens are held during the Friday worship in Ahmadi. You are invited to come and enjoy the services and fellowship after the worship services. Please visit our website: http://www.stpaulskuwait.com. For more information, you may call 66396539, 23985929 or email at chaplain@stpaulskuwait.com. ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ BBBC weekly services: Bible Believers’ Baptist Church (BBBC) in Mangaf invites you to visit us for our weekly services in English. Friday morning Bible teaching starts at 10:30 am. The Sermon and Children’s Church begins at noon. On Monday evening we hold our prayer meeting and Bible study at 7 pm. For more details, please call 66220416 or email faithful.stewards@gmail.com ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ First AG Church Meetings: First Assembly of God Church Kuwait Worship Meetings on all Fridays from 9:30 am 12:15 pm and Fasting Prayer on all Thursdays from 7 pm - 9:15 pm at NECK Compound (Hall of Hope, Ground Floor, Front of Baptism Pool) Kuwait City. Cottage meetings on all Mondays from 7.30 pm - 9 pm at scheduled places. Fasting prayer on third Wednesday, Thursday & Friday of every month. Sunday School on all Fridays from 7.30 am - 9 am at Abbasiya Parsonage (Abbasiya Supermarket bldg). Ladies prayer meeting on Wednesdays from 5 pm - 7 pm at scheduled places. C.A Youth Meeting on last Thursday of every month from 7 pm - 9 pm. Transportation provided to all parts of Kuwait. For more information contact Pastor V.D Thomas (97251639/24312630), Bro Abraham George (99384503/24768495). www.firstagkuwait.com. E-mail: firstagkwt@gmail.com. ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ENK’s worship service: Every Nation Kuwait (ENK) invites you to our Worship Service every Friday, 9 am at Royal King Palace Restaurant, Kuwait City. Pls contact: 99248990 for more details.



Overheard in the Souk

the grapevine ● All of us would have accosted Uncle Scrooges in our lives with varying degrees of miserliness. But here is a man in Abbasiya whose miserliness defies belief. He makes household purchases only during sale or special offers, including the vegetables. And as great offers come rarely, he makes the best use of them, stocking up to the hilt. A room in his house is filled with stockpiles of yearly rations of everyday items. Soaps, toothpastes, biscuits, shaving blades, milk powder, rice and all kinds of odds and ends. The interesting thing is that he even stocks perishable goods like vegetables, eggs and bread. Not surprisingly, his children fall sick frequently from food poisoning, because their father insists on using partially rotten vegetables by snip-

ping out the affected parts. Sometimes they fall so sick that they have to be taken to private hospitals, where our customer is forced to part with KD 20 bills with much heartburn. He also likes to stock up 100-fil trinkets and suchlike as they can be handed out as gifts at parties. He works out his math like this: a 500-fil gift in return for a hearty dinner for his entire family is a great bargain. He is an object of humor in the neighborhood. Jokes have started circulating about him, and he is well on his way to becoming a legendary icon of ridicule. ❑ ❑ ❑ ● The plan in place to stamp out Iqama/human trafficking and gradually replace expat labor looks and

sounds really perfect on paper. Adhering religiously to the plan could see the authorities solve outstanding multifaceted and difficult issues at a single go. Apart from the lucrative visa/Iqama peddling business, there is also this problem of some companies embarking on needless recruitment drives that result in excess labor being dumped in the system without jobs, resulting in all sorts of social problems. There should be information sharing among the various national institutions and ministries regarding manpower needs of the country at any point in time so that the need for any external recruitment will be done and supervised in accordance with the available statistics. Strict supervision and harsh penalties here should be key if the objectives

of the plan are to be achieved in accordance with the spirit and letter of the current labor law. ❑ ❑ ❑ ● It is believed that in order to really understand a new culture, it is important to partake in its wedding and funeral. There are marked differences in how we, predisposed by mores, behave at such events; some grieve in quiet dignity while others prefer a more public lamentation. In the ever evolving microwave society of today, the Internet is the new portal of cathartic relief and no one takes to it with the commitment and passion of lovelorn teenagers — liking, sharing and tagging other people in the misery of their heartbreak. Even as the epidemic of sappy e-mail forwards

has just barely trickled down to the state of non-existence, a surge is seen on social networking sites that can be accounted as an overshare. If you are guilty of this, I would suggest therapy. Otherwise, have the courtesy to maintain an anonymous blog or tumble that mercifully spares those who know and love you. ❑ ❑ ❑ ● Some good things never last and what more to bad things? Nothing lasts forever and life is a constant change. People always look for better things, better life, better environment and better public governance if not the best to address the needs of the people. Change can come expectedly or unexpectedly just like in the case of

this Asian embassy where its nationals in the country have been fed up of its alleged corruption and inefficiency. Finally, some are now on their way out. Some tweety birds have been singing that the skunks who have been emitting stinky trails will be thrown out of the doorstep soon. They can no longer stay in the premises for the stink has become uncontrollable and cannot be contained anymore. Spectators of the whole circus are becoming sick and tired of the old routine. Some of the chimpanzees doing the trapeze while a buffoon-looking ballerina in her tutu does the pirouette. Tweety birds have been chirping that a new cast will soon be coming to join the circus in town. Out with the old and hello to the new!

Tongues Wag click Latest Continued from Page 33 “Mika Singh - Live in Concert” will be held on 12th April, 2013 at the Abbas AlOstad Hall, Al-Arabi Stadium,

Mansouriya starting from 7 pm onwards. With Super Hits like Dhinka Chikka, Pyaar ki Pungi, Chintaa taa Chitaa, Subah Hone Na De and many more, Mika Singh is currently ranked as No. 1 in Bollywood. An excellent performer on stage, Mika was honored by Shah Rukh Khan as the Achiever for 2012 at the Colors Screen Awards held recently.This concert promises to be a treat for one and all. Knowing well that a concert of such epic proportions requires an equally well equipped venue converted into the ideal

concert hall – the audiences as well as the auditorium will have elevated seating to ensure the best view in the house for all and off course special acoustics that will ensure Mika’s voice is heard at its best.Mika Singh will be accompanied with his entire troupe and there is no doubt that this promises to be a rocking event which is definitely not to be missed. So mark your calendars today for MIKA on the 12th of April, 2013. Ticket sale details will be announced soon.Visit

and register on our website www.hot-stepper.com for timely updates on the event. April 13

Scrabble for Kids returns: After a 3 month long hiatus where children were given time for their studies, Scrabble returns back at the Better Books in Salmiya on Saturday afternoons from 2.30 pm onwards. The sessions will start on April 13th. This is a great opportunity to

hone up your word skills and to learn to be strategic at this mind game. Kids between 9 and above are welcome. Registrations are on and you can contact me, Rohaina @ 66634224. Email me at rainaveer@hotmail.com.

Theater & Music April 12

Konkani drama: Comedian Agostinho will present in Kuwait his new Konkani

drama ‘Corruption Kabar?’ on Friday, April 12, 2013 at 4:30 pm at the Kuwait Medical Association Hall, Jabriya. The star cast includes veteran Sabina Fernandes, Jessica Gomes, comedian Janet, Jr Nelson, Salu de Loutolim, Jaju Fernandes, Filipe Almeida, Sylvester Vaz, comedian Selvy Correia, comedian Agostinho Temudo and above all the singing sensation Seby de Divar. For more details, contact tel 99923176, 99540232 or e-mail flexq8@yahoo.com

Cinema Cinema programme from Thursday 21/2/2013 to Wednesday 27/2/2013

6 Bullets (Dig) (Jean-Claude Van Damme, Joe Flanigan) Sharqia 1 Muhalab 1

14:45, 17:00 (Daily) 15:15 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Fanar 1 17:45, 22:15 (Daily) Marina 1 13:45, 18:00 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Avenues 10 14:15, 16:30, 21:00, 23:15 (Daily) 360° 7 13:15 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 15:30, 17:45, 20:00, 20:15 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Al-Kout 2 13:45, 20:00 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Bairaq 1 16:45 (Daily) 23:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Grand Cine 2 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 22:15 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri)

360° 9

Al-Kout 3

Bairaq 2


The Shock Labyrinth (Dig-3D) (Al Maeda, Yuya Yagira) Sharqia 2 Fanar 4 Avenues 9

Beautiful Creatures (Dig) (Alice Englert, Viola Davis) Sharqia 1 Muhalab 1

21:30 (Daily) 12:45 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 19:45 (Daily) Fanar 3 21:45 (Daily) 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Marina 1 20:15 (Daily) Avenues 8 13:30, 16:00, 18:30, 21:00 (Daily) 23:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 360° 2 14:30, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Al-Kout 4 21:30 (Daily) 00:05 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Grand Cine 1 14:00, 16:30, 19:45, 22:15 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri)

The Snow Queen (Dig-3D) (Ivan Okhlobystin, Nyusha) Sharqia 2 Muhalab 3 Fanar 4

Marina 3 Avenues 9 360° 6 Bairaq 1

14:00 (Daily) 15:30 (Daily) 13:30 (Fri) 12:30 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 14:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 13:30 (Daily) 13:15 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 15:15, 17:15 (Daily) 14:15, 16:15, 18:15 (Daily) 12:45 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 14:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue)

22:45 (Daily) 01:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 12:45 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 15:00, 17:15, 19:30, 21:45 (Daily) 00:05 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 17:30, 19:45, 22:00 (Daily) 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 13:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 16:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 20:15, 22:30 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 16:00, 22:30 (Daily)

360° 4

Al-Kout 1

18:15 (Daily) 20:30 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 19:15, 21:15, 23:15 (Daily) 01:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 14:15, 16:15, 18:15, 20:15, 22:15 (Daily) 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 14:00 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon)

From Up On Poppy Hill (Dig) (Masami Nagasawa, Junichi Okada) Sharqia 3 Muhalab 2

Fanar 3

Marina 2 Marina 3 Avenues 1

360° 3 Al-Kout 4 Bairaq 3 Plaza Ajial 2

12:30 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 14:30, 18:30 (Daily) 12:30 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 14:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 16:30 (Daily) 12:45 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 14:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 16:45 (Daily) 14:30 (Daily) 17:45 (Daily) 12:30 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 14:30, 16:30, 18:30, 20:30 (Daily) 13:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30, 21:30 (Daily) 13:30, 15:30, 17:30 (Daily) 14:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 16:00, 18:00 (Daily) 16:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 15:30, 17:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue)

Mama (Dig) (Jessica Chastain, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau)

Snitch (Dig) (Dwayne Johnson, Susan Sarandon) Sharqia 2

Muhalab 3

Fanar 1

Fanar 4 Marina 3 Avenues 5

Avenues 6

360° 1

16:00, 18:15, 20:15, 22:30 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 17:30, 19:45, 22:00 (Daily) 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 13:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 20:00 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 16:00, 18:15, 22:30 (Daily) 15:30, 19:45, 22:00 (Daily) 13:45, 16:00, 18:15, 20:30, 22:45 (Daily) 01:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 12:45 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 15:00, 17:15, 19:30, 21:45 (Daily) 00:05 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 13:45, 16:00, 18:15, 20:30,

Sharqia 3 Muhalab 2 Fanar 2

16:30, 22:30 (Daily) 18:30, 22:30 (Daily) 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 17:00, 19:00 (Daily) 01:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Marina 1 16:00, 22:45 (Daily) Avenues 2 14:00, 18:30, 20:45, 23:00 (Daily) 01:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 360° 8 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 15:15, 17:30, 19:45, 22:00 (Daily) 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Al-Kout 1 18:15, 22:45 (Daily) Bairaq 3 20:00, 22:00 (Daily) 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Grand Cine 3 15:00, 17:30, 20:30, 22:30 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri)

Mon, Tue, Wed)

How to find us 1. 360°

Zahra’a Area, South Surra, 6th Ring Road, corner of King Faisal Highway

2. Ajial

Ajial Complex, Fahaheel

3. Al Bairaq

Between Jaber Al Ali East & Al Agalia West

4. Al Fanar

Al Fanar Complex, Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya

5. Al Kout

Al-Kout Complex, at the end of the Coastal Road, Fahaheel

6. Al Muhalab

Al Muhalab Complex, Behind Hawalli Clinic, Hawalli

7. Al Sharqiya

Arabian Gulf Street, Souq Sharq, near the Amiri Hospital

8. Granada

Abraq Khaitan, off the Old Airport Road

9. Laila Gallery

Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya

10. Marina

Marina Mall, Between Salem Al Mubarak Street & Arabian Gulf Street, Salmiya

11. Metro

Metro Complex, Farwaniya, near Crowne Plaza Hotel & Farwaniya Garden

12. Plaza

Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya

13. The Avenues

The Avenues Mall, Al Reggai near Al Rai, 5th Ring Road & Ghazali Road Intersection

Sharqia 3

20:30 (Daily)

16:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 19:00, 22:00 (Daily)

Kai Po Che! (Hindi) (Amrita Puri, Sushant Singh) Avenues 7 18:30 (Daily)

Mirchi (Dig-Telugu) (Prabhas, Anushka Shetty) Ajial 1 Metro 2

15:30, 18:30, 21:30 (Thu) 15:45, 18:45, 22:00 (Thu)

Haridas (Dig) (Tamil) (Kishore, Sneha) Ajial 2

19:15, 22:15 (Daily)

Romans (Dig) (Malayalam) (Kunchacko Boban, Biju Menon) Ajial 4 Metro 1

15:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 18:45, 21:45 (Daily) 15:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 18:30, 21:30 (Daily)


NB: Friday no show before 1:30 pm On Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday no show before 3.30 pm and after 11.15 pm in Sharq, Mohalab, Fanar, Marina, Al Kout, Bairaq, 360 and Avenues. On Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday no show before 5:30 pm in Plaza, Laila, Ajial, Metro and Granada. Regular show KD3:000; 3D-Digital — KD3.500; VIP show — KD6.000. ‘On Monday, price is KD1.500 except Digital movies. Movies inquiries and Fax Back hotline 1803456

15. Grand Cinemas

(Sanjay Dutt, Vivek Oberoi) Avenues 7 15:30, 21:30 (Daily) Ajial 3

14. The Scientific Center Opp Holiday Inn, Salmiya, Gulf Road IMAX

Grand Al-Hamra, tel: 22270333, www.grandcinemas.com

Imax film programme at The Scientific Centre

Sunday Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Tornado Alley 3D 10:30 am, 2:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 7:30 pm, 9:30 pm To The Artic 3D 11:30 am, 3:30 pm Flight of Butterflies 3D 12:30 pm, 6:30 pm Born to be Wild 3D 4:30 pm, 8:30 pm

Monday 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Muhalab 2 20:30 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Fanar 2 15:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 19:00, 23:00 (Daily) Marina 2 12:30 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 18:30 (Daily) 01:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Avenues 4 12:30 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 14:45, 17:00, 19:15, 21:30 (Daily) 23:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Avenues 11 13:30, 15:45, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30 (Daily) 00:45 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 360° 10 13:45, 16:00, 18:15, 20:30, 22:45 (Daily) 01:00 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Al-Kout 2 16:00, 18:00, 22:30 (Daily) Bairaq 2 18:15 (Daily) Laila 20:30 (Daily) Grand Cine 6 13:00, 15:30, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30 (Daily)

00:45 (Thu, Fri)

Gambit (Dig) (Colin Firth, Cameron Diaz) Fanar 1 Marina 2 Avenues 2 360° 5

Al-Kout 3

15:45 (Daily) 16:30 (Daily) 16:15 (Daily) 12:30 (Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 14:30 (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 18:30, 22:30 (Daily) 00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 15:30 (Daily)

Save Your Legs! (Dig)

Avenues 7

13:00 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) Al-Kout 4 19:30 (Daily) Grand Cine 8 14:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 (Daily)

Broken City (Dig) (Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe) Avenues 7

00:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 360° 3 23:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 360° 6 20:00 (Daily) Grand Cine 7 13:30, 16:00, 19:45, 22:00 (Daily)

3Ala Gosety (Dig)

(David Lyons, Brenton Thwaites) Avenues 1 360° 5

22:30 (Daily) 16:30, 20:30 (Daily)

Bullet to the Head (Dig)

(Ahmed Helmi, Ghada Adel, Edward, Hasan Hosny) Sharqia 1

(Sylvestor Stallone, Jason Momoa) Avenues 1 12:30 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 22:15 (Daily) 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) Grand Cine 4 13:30, 15:30, 17:30, 20:30, 22:30 (Daily) 360° 6

Muhalab 1

Fanar 5

Safe Haven (Dig) (Julianne Hough, Josh Duhamel)

Marina 2 Avenues 3

Al-Kout 1 Bairaq 1 Laila Plaza

12:30 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 19:15 (Daily) 00:05 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 17:30 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 22:15 (Daily) 13:00 (Thu, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 15:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 17:30, 19:45, 22:00 (Daily) 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 20:30, 22:45 (Daily) 14:15, 16:45, 19:15, 21:45 (Daily) 00:15 (Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 16:00, 20:15 (Daily) 19:00, 21:15 (Daily) 18:15 (Daily) 18:45, 21:45 (Thu, Tue, Wed)

Jabardasth (Dig) (Telugu) (Siddarth, Samantha) Muhalab 1 16:00 (Fri) Plaza Ajial 1

A Good Day To Die Hard (Dig) (Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney)

Zila Ghaziabad (Dig) (Hindi)

Metro 2

‘From Up on Poppy Hill,’ starring Sarah Bolger, Chris Noth, Anton Yelchin is now showing in Kuwait cinemas.

18:15, 21:30 (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) 15:30 (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 18:30, 21:30 (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) 15:45 (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 18:45, 22:00 (Fri, Sat, Sun,

Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Born to be Wild 3D 10:30 am, 3:30 pm, 9:30 pm Tornado Alley 3D 11:30 am, 5:30 pm, 7:30 pm Flight of Butterflies 3D 12:30 pm, 2:30 pm 8:30 pm To The Arctic 3D 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm

Tuesday Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Tornado Alley 3D 10:30 am, 3:30 pm 6:30 pm, 8:30 pm Flight of Butterflies 3D 11:30 am, 5:30 pm, 9:30 pm To The Arctic 3D 12:30 pm, 7:30 pm Born to be Wild 3D 2:30 pm Journey to Mecca 4:30 pm

Wednesday Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am To The Arctic 3D 10:30 am, 2:30 pm, 6:30 pm Tornado Alley 3D 11:30 am, 5:30 pm, 7:30 pm, 9:30 pm Flight of Butterflies 3D 12:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 8:30 pm Born to be Wild 3D 4:30 pm

Thursday Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Flight of Butterflies 3D 10:30 am, 2:30 pm 6:30 pm To The Arctic 3D 11:30 am, 8:30 pm Tornado Alley 3D 12:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 7:30 pm, 9:30 pm Born to be Wild 3D 4:30 pm

Friday Fires of Kuwait 2:30 pm Tornado Alley 3D 3:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 8:30 pm To The Arctic 3D 4:30 pm, 7:30 pm Born to be Wild 3D 6:30 pm Flight of Butterflies 3D 9:30 pm

Saturday Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Flight of Butterflies 3D 10:30 am, 1:30 pm, 8:30 pm Tornado Alley 3D 11:30 am, 2:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 7:30 pm, 9:30 pm To The Arctic 3D 12:30 pm, 6:30 pm Born to be Wild 3D 3:30 pm Journey to Mecca 4:30 pm Notes: All films are in Arabic. For English, headsets are available upon request. “Fires of Kuwait” is in English. Arabic headsets are available upon request. Film schedule is subject to changes without notice. For information call 1848888 or visit www.tsck.org.kw



Couch slouch

Michael Jackson’s son gets television showbiz job LOS ANGELES, Feb 20, (Agencies): The late King of Pop’s eldest child, “Prince” Michael Jackson, has started work as a television showbiz reporter, the show employing him announced Tuesday. The 16-year-old landed the job — or the show’s producers landed him — for Entertainment Tonight, starting by interviewing stars of an upcoming remake of

“The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.” “I’m looking to become well-rounded as a producer, director, screenwriter and actor,” he said after being mentored through interviews with James Franco, Zach Braff and director Sam Raimi, of “Oz the Great and Powerful.” Jackson’s father, who died in 2009 aged 50, played The Scarecrow in the

1978 feature film “The Wiz: The Super Soul Musical Wonderful Wizard of Oz,” directed by Sidney Lumet. ET correspondent Brooke Anderson, who gave the younger Jackson some onscreen tips on interview technique, said he seems so much wiser and older than 16. “That’s what most of my people say. That was all thanks to my dad. He raised

me right,” said the teenager. He said he now wants to interview “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” director Peter Jackson. “I just love the way he shoots (and how) he brings things and depicts it back to life. I used to study his movies with my dad, put the volume off and just watch it, just the shots to see how he put

it together,” he said. ❑ ❑ ❑ David Axelrod, the former White House senior adviser and senior strategist for both of Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns, has signed on with NBC News and MSNBC as a senior political analyst, NBC said Tuesday in Los Angeles. In his new capacity, Axelrod will be a

frequent contributor across all broadcasts and platforms for both outlets. Axelrod, who has worked on political campaigns for almost 30 years, started his career as a journalist with the Chicago Tribune, spending eight years at the paper as a political writer, columnist and City Hall bureau chief before switching to a career in politics in 1984.

tv highlights Animal Planet 05:55 Call Of The Wildman 06:20 Escape To Chimp Eden 06:45 Wildlife SOS 07:35 Wildlife SOS 08:00 The Really Wild Show 08:25 Breed All About It 08:50 Breed All About It 09:15 Dogs 101 10:10 Weird Creatures With Nick Baker 11:05 Wildest Arctic 12:00 Animal Cops Phoenix 12:55 Call Of The Wildman 13:20 Wildlife SOS 13:50 World Wild Vet 14:45 Animal Precinct 15:40 Wildest Arctic 16:30 Escape To Chimp Eden 17:00 The Really Wild Show 17:30 Dogs 101 18:25 Rescue Vet 18:50 Rescue Vet 19:20 Extraordinary Dogs 19:45 Cats Of Claw Hill 20:15 Bondi Vet 20:40 Wild Africa Rescue 21:10 Rescue Vet 21:35 Escape To Chimp Eden 22:05 Wildest Arctic 23:00 Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan 23:55 Max's Big Tracks 00:50 Animal Cops South Africa 01:45 I Was Bitten 02:35 I'm Alive 03:25 Wildest Arctic 04:15 Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan 05:05 Max's Big Tracks 05:55 Rescue Vet

BBC Lifestyle 06:25 House Swap 07:10 Perfect Day 07:35 French Food At Home 08:10 Homes Under The Hammer 09:00 Bargain Hunt 09:45 10 Years Younger 10:35 Bargain Hunt: Famous Finds 11:20 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Specials 12:00 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Specials 12:40 Come Dine With Me 13:30 Rick Stein's Spain 14:20 Holmes On Homes 15:10 Bargain Hunt 15:55 Bargain Hunt: Famous Finds 16:40 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Specials 17:20 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Specials 18:00 Homes Under The Hammer 18:50 The Hairy Bikers USA 19:15 The Hairy Bikers USA 19:40 Baking Mad With Eric Lanlard 20:05 French Food At Home 20:30 Come Dine With Me 21:20 Perfect Day 21:45 Celebrity Fantasy Homes 22:30 Bargain Hunt: Famous Finds 23:15 Bargain Hunt 00:00 Homes Under The Hammer 00:50 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 01:35 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 02:20 Come Dine With Me 03:10 Holmes On Homes 04:00 MasterChef 04:25 Bargain Hunt 05:10 Living In The Sun 06:05 House Swap


Boomerang 06:00 Bananas In Pyjamas 06:25 Gerald McBoing Boing 06:45 Jelly Jamm 07:00 Ha Ha Hairies 07:25 Baby Looney Tunes 07:50 Lazy Town 08:15 Krypto The Superdog 08:40 Jelly Jamm 09:05 Gerald McBoing Boing 09:30 Cartoonito Tales 09:55 Bananas In Pyjamas 10:20 Ha Ha Hairies 10:45 Lazy Town 11:10 Krypto The Superdog 11:35 Baby Looney Tunes 12:00 Jelly Jamm 12:25 Gerald McBoing Boing 12:50 Cartoonito Tales 13:15 Krypto The Superdog 13:40 Lazy Town 14:00 A Pup Named Scooby-Doo 14:25 Tom And Jerry Tales 14:50 Sylvester And Tweety Mysteries 15:20 Johnny Bravo 15:45 Tom & Jerry 16:10 Pink Panther And Pals 16:35 The Garfield Show 17:00 What's New Scooby-Doo? 17:25 Sylvester And Tweety Mysteries 17:50 Tom And Jerry Tales 18:15 The Looney Tunes Show 18:40 TazMania 19:05 Moomins 19:30 Pink Panther & Pals 19:45 The Garfield Show 20:00 Sylvester And Tweety Mysteries 20:20 Tom And Jerry Tales 20:45 Moomins 21:10 Dexters Laboratory 21:20 Johnny Bravo 21:35 Puppy In My Pocket 22:00 The Garfield Show 22:25 What's New ScoobyDoo? 22:50 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries 23:15 Tom & Jerry Tales 23:40 The Looney Tunes Show 00:05 Taz-Mania 00:30 Pink Panther And Pals 00:55 Moomins 01:20 Tom & Jerry Kids 01:45 A Pup Named Scooby-Doo 02:10 Puppy In My Pocket 02:35 Wacky Races 03:00 Looney Tunes 03:25 Duck Dodgers 03:50 Dastardly And Muttley 04:00 Dexter's Laboratory 04:30 Wacky Races 04:55 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries 05:20 Tom & Jerry 05:45 The Garfield Show 06:00 Bananas In Pyjamas



Cartoon Network

tv today 10: Ultimate Alien 04:50 Adventure Time 05:15 The Powerpuff Girls 05:40 Generator Rex 06:05 Ben 10

Crime & Investigation 06:00 Murder Casebook With Fred Dinenage 07:00 The FBI Files 08:00 The FBI Files 09:00 Psychic Detectives 09:30 Psychic Detectives 10:00 Crime Stories 11:00 Snapped: Women Who Kill 11:30 Snapped: Women Who Kill 12:00 Psychic Detectives 12:30 Psychic Detectives 13:00 The Devil You Know 14:00 Psychic Detectives 14:30 Psychic Detectives 15:00 Murder Casebook With Fred Dinenage 16:00 The FBI Files 17:00 Psychic Detectives 17:30 Psychic Detectives 18:00 Crime Stories 19:00 The FBI Files 20:00 Murder Casebook With Fred Dinenage 21:00 Snapped: Women Who Kill 21:30 Snapped: Women Who Kill 22:00 The Devil You Know 23:00 Beyond Scared Straight 00:00 After The First 48 01:00 Evil Up Close: Crossbow Cannibal 02:00 Watching The Detectives 03:00 After The First 48 04:00 Beyond Scared Straight 05:00 Snapped: Women Who Kill 05:30 Snapped: Women Who Kill 06:00 Murder Casebook With Fred Dinenage

Discovery Channel 06:05 American Guns 07:00 Mythbusters 07:50 Unchained Reaction 08:45 Outback Truckers 09:40 Border Security 10:05 Auction Kings 10:30 Auction Hunters 10:55 How Do They Do It? 11:25 How It's Made 11:50 Magic Of Science 12:20 Time Warp 12:45 Mythbusters 13:40 Mythbusters 14:35 Border Security 15:05 Auction Kings 15:30 Auction Hunters 16:00 Desert Car Kings 16:55 Outback Truckers 17:50 Mythbusters 18:45 American Guns 19:40 How Do They Do It? 20:05 How It's Made 20:35 Auction Kings 21:00 Auction Hunters 21:30 Sons Of Guns 22:25 First Week In 23:20 Outlaw Empires 00:15 Sons Of Guns 01:10 First Week In 02:05 Outlaw Empires 03:00 Mythbusters 03:55 Border Security 04:20 Auction Kings 04:50 Auction Hunters 05:15 How Do They Do It? 05:40 How It's Made 06:05 American Guns

Disney Channel 6:00 Phineas And Ferb 06:15 Suite Life On Deck 06:40 My Babysitter's A Vampire 07:05 A.N.T. Farm 07:30 Phineas And Ferb 07:40 Phineas And Ferb 07:55 Jessie 08:20 Good Luck Charlie 08:45 Doc McStuffins 09:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 09:25 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 09:35 Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of Friendship 09:45 Mouk 10:00 Jonas 10:25 So Random 10:50 Hannah Montana 11:15 Sonny With A Chance 11:40 Kim Possible 12:05 Shake It Up 12:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 12:55 Phineas And Ferb 13:20 Austin And Ally 13:45 Art Attack 14:10 A.N.T. Farm 14:35 Suite Life On Deck 15:00 My Babysitter's A Vampire 15:25 Shake It Up 15:50 Austin And Ally 16:15 Jessie 16:40 A.N.T. Farm 17:00 Good Luck Charlie 17:30 Gravity Falls 17:55 Suite Life On Deck 18:20 Austin And Ally 18:45 Phineas And Ferb 18:55 Phineas And Ferb 19:10 A.N.T. Farm 19:35 Good Luck Charlie 20:00 Jessie 20:30 That's So Raven 20:50 Cory In The House 21:15 Phil Of The Future 21:40 Hannah Montana 22:05 Good Luck Charlie 22:30 Good Luck Charlie 22:55 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:20 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:45 Hannah Montana 00:10 Hannah Montana 00:35 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 01:00 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 01:25 Replacements 01:50 Replacements 02:15 Emperor's New School 02:40 Emperor's New School 03:05 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 03:30 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 03:55 Replacements 04:20 Replacements 04:45 Emperor's New School 05:10 Emperor's New School 05:35 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 06:00 Phineas And Ferb

06:05 Ben 10 06:30 Ben 10 06:55 Angelo Rules 07:00 Casper's Scare School 07:30 Casper's Scare School 08:00 Mucha Lucha 08:25 Johnny Test 08:45 Adventure Time 09:05 Total Drama World Tour 09:30 Total Drama World Tour 09:55 Ben 10: Omniverse 10:20 Young Justice 10:45 Thundercats 11:10 Regular Show 12:00 The Amazing World Of Gumball 12:50 Foster's Home For... 13:15 Foster's Home For... 13:40 Courage The Cowardly Dog 14:30 Powerpuff Girls 15:20 Angelo Rules 16:10 Batman: The Brave And The Bold 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 Ben 10: Omniverse 17:20 Transformers Prime 17:40 Johnny Test 18:00 Level Up 18:25 The Amazing World Of Gumball 18:50 Adventure Time 19:15 Regular Show 19:40 Mucha Lucha 20:05 Total Drama World Tour 20:30 Total Drama World Tour 20:55 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 21:20 Hero 108 21:45 Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge 22:10 Grim Adventures Of... 23:00 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 23:25 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 23:50 The Powerpuff Girls 00:40 Chowder 01:30 Bakugan Battle Brawlers 01:55 Bakugan Battle Brawlers 02:20 Foster's Home For... 02:45 Foster's Home For... 03:10 Courage The Cowardly Dog 04:00 The Amazing World Of Gumball 04:25 Ben

06:00 Jungle Junction 06:15 Jungle Junction 06:30 Little Einsteins 06:50 Special Agent Oso 07:05 Special Agent Oso 07:15 Jungle Junction 07:30 Jungle Junction 07:45 Handy Manny 08:00 Special Agent Oso 08:15 Imagination Movers 08:40 Cars Toons 08:45 Handy Manny 09:00 The Hive 09:10 New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 09:35 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 09:50 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 10:05 Doc McStuffins 10:20 Doc McStuffins 10:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 11:00 Lilo And Stitch 11:30 Cars Toons 11:35 Mouk 11:45 Art Attack 12:10 The Adventures Of Disney Fairies 12:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 13:00 Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of Friendship 13:10 Doc McStuffins 13:25 Handy Manny 13:40 Jungle Junction 13:55 Timmy Time 14:05 The Hive 14:15 Mouk 14:30 Little Einsteins 14:55 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 15:20 New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 15:45 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 16:00 The Little Mermaid 16:25 Lilo And Stitch 16:55 Imagination Movers 17:20 Handy Manny 17:35 The Hive 17:45 Mickey Mouse


BBC World

00:00 NEWSHOUR 01:00 News 01:30 People & Power 02:00 NEWSHOUR 03:00 News 03:30 Inside Story 04:00 Al Jazeera World 05:00 NEWSHOUR 06:00 News 06:30 Earthrise 07:00 News 07:30 The Stream 08:00 News 08:30 News 09:00 Revolution Through Arab Eyes 10:00 News 10:30 Inside Story 11:00 News 11:30 The Stream 12:00 News 12:30 People & Power 13:00 NEWSHOUR 14:00 News 14:30 Inside Story 15:00 Witness 16:00 NEWSHOUR 17:00 News 17:30 The Stream 18:00 NEWSHOUR 19:00 News 19:30 Viewfinder Latin America 20:00 News 20:30 Inside Story 21:00 NEWSHOUR 22:00 News 22:30 The Stream 23:00 Revolution Through Arab Eyes

06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 06:45 BBC World News 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 World Business Report 07:45 BBC World News 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 Hardtalk 09:00 BBC World News 09:30 World Business Report 09:45 Sport Today 10:00 BBC World News 10:30 BBC World News 11:00 GMT With George Alagiah 11:30 GMT With George Alagiah 12:00 Impact With Mishal Husain 12:30 Impact With Mishal Husain 13:00 Impact With Mishal Husain 13:30 Hardtalk 14:00 BBC World News 14:30 BBC World News 15:00 BBC World News 15:30 World Business Report 15:45 Sport Today 16:00 BBC World News 16:30 BBC Focus On Africa 17:00

MBC Action

Dresses 01:00 The Breed 02:30 21 Grams 04:30 One Hour Photo 06:30 The Hottie & The Nottie

09:00 Without A Trace 09:45 The 4400 10:30 Knockout Sportsworld 11:15 Most Daring 12:00 WWE Marathon 15:30 Action Ya Dawry 16:30 The Quest 18:00 The Mentalist 19:00 WWE Afterburn 20:00 Sorrority Row 22:00 Nikita 23:00 Action Ya Dawry 00:00 Cradle 2 The Grave 02:00 Action Ya Dawry 03:00 Californication 04:00 Sorrority Row 05:45 NCIS 06:30 Nikita 07:15 Top Gear USA 08:15 Human Target

Disney Junior

OSN Movies Comedy 06:00 Just Crazy Enough 08:00 ScoobyDoo! Curse Of The Lake Monster 10:00 12 Dates Of Christmas 16:00 12 Dates Of Christmas 20:00 Tucker And Dale vs Evil 22:00 Spread-R 02:00 Tucker And Dale vs Evil 06:00 12 Dates Of Christmas


OSN Movies Action HD

08:30 Furry Vengeance 11:00 Mortal Kombat 13:00 88 Minutes 15:00 Timeline 17:00 War Of The Worlds 19:00 X-Men: The Last Stand 21:00 16 Blocks 23:00 27

06:00 Enter The Phoenix 08:00 True Justice: Violence Of Action 10:00 Mission: Impossible 12:00 Secret Window 14:00 True Justice: Violence Of Action 16:00 The Scorpion King

Sports TV listings — See Page 50 — Clubhouse 18:10 Doc McStuffins 18:25 Doc McStuffins 18:40 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 18:55 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 19:10 The Adventures Of Disney Fairies 19:35 New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 20:05 Timmy Time 20:15 Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of Friendship 20:25 Doc McStuffins 20:40 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 20:55 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 21:10 The Hive 21:20 Timmy Time 21:30 Mouk 21:45 Handy Manny 22:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 22:25 The Hive 22:35 New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 23:00 Timmy Time 23:10 Animated Stories 23:20 Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of Friendship 23:30 Jungle Junction 23:45 Handy Manny 23:55 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 00:20 Little Einsteins 00:50 Special Agent Oso 01:00 Special Agent Oso 01:15 Lazytown 01:40 Jungle Junction 01:55 Jungle Junction 02:10 Handy Manny 02:20 Handy Manny 02:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 03:00 Lazytown 03:25 Special Agent Oso 03:40 Special Agent Oso 03:50 Imagination Movers 04:20 Handy Manny 04:30 Handy Manny 04:40 Special Agent Oso 04:50 Special Agent Oso 05:00 Timmy Time 05:10 Lazytown 05:35 Little Einsteins 06:00 Jungle Junction

Disney XD 07:00 Kickin It 07:25 Phineas And Ferb 07:50 Almost Naked Animals 08:15 Pokemon: BW Rival Destinies 08:40 Slugterra 09:05 Scaredy Squirrel 09:30 Ultimate Spider-Man 09:55 Zeke & Luther 10:20 Kick Buttowski 10:45 I'm In The Band 11:10 Rekkit Rabbit 11:35 Rated A For Awesome 12:00 Iron Man Armored Adventures 12:25 American Dragon 12:50 Kick Buttowski 13:20 Pair Of Kings 13:45 Zeke & Luther 14:10 Kid vs Kat 14:35 I'm In The Band 15:00 Ultimate Spider-Man 15:25 Kickin It 15:50 Rekkit Rabbit 16:15 Pair Of Kings 16:40 Almost Naked Animals 17:05 Lab Rats 17:30 Slugterra 17:55 Cars Toons 18:00 My Babysitter's A Vampire 18:25 Scaredy Squirrel 18:50 Phineas And Ferb 19:15 Phineas And Ferb 19:40 Fort Boyard - Ultimate Challenge 20:05 Slugterra 20:30 My Babysitter's A Vampire 20:55 I'm In The Band 21:20 Rated A For Awesome 21:45 Rekkit Rabbit 22:10 Phineas And Ferb 22:35 Ultimate Spider-Man 23:05 Kick Buttowski 23:30 Scaredy Squirrel 07:00 Kickin It

AlMaw3ed Al3emyani 04:00 AlMaw3ed Al3emyani 05:00 AlMaw3ed Al3emyani 06:00 AlMaw3ed Al3emyani

Investigation Discovery 06:20 Ghost Lab 07:10 Murder Shift 08:00 Life Or Death: Medical Mysteries 08:50 Street Patrol 09:15 Street Patrol 09:40 Real Emergency Calls 10:05 Who On Earth Did I Marry? 10:30 On The Case With Paula Zahn 11:20 Undercover 12:10 Disappeared 13:00 Life Or Death: Medical Mysteries 13:50 Street Patrol 14:15 Street Patrol 14:40 Forensic Detectives 15:30 On The Case With Paula Zahn 16:20 Real Emergency Calls 16:45 Who On Earth Did I Marry? 17:10 Disappeared 18:00 Undercover 18:50 Forensic Detectives 19:40 On The Case With Paula Zahn 20:30 Disappeared 21:20 Nightmare Next Door 22:10 Couples Who Kill 23:00 Kidnap And Rescue 23:50 True CSI 00:40 I Almost Got Away With It 01:30 Dr G: Medical Examiner 02:20 A Haunting 03:05 Kidnap And Rescue 03:55 True CSI 04:45 I Almost Got Away With It 05:30 Dr G: Medical Examiner 06:20 A Haunting

ITV Granada 06:00 Dirk Gently 07:00 Underbelly 08:00 60 Minute Makeover 09:00 Jeremy Kyle USA 10:00 Emmerdale 11:00 Coronation Street 12:00 Come Dine With Me Ireland 12:30 Coach Trip 13:00 The Jury 14:00 Dirk Gently 15:00 Underbelly 16:00 60 Minute Makeover 17:00 Jeremy Kyle USA 18:00 Emmerdale 19:00 Coronation Street 20:00 Come Dine With Me Ireland 20:30 Coach Trip 21:00 The Syndicate 22:00 Marchlands 23:00 Case Histories 00:00 60 Minute Makeover 01:00 Jeremy Kyle USA 02:00 Emmerdale 03:00 Coronation Street 04:00 Come Dine With Me Ireland 04:30 Coach Trip 05:00 The Syndicate 06:00 Marchlands

Nat Geo Adventure HD

06:00 THS 07:50 Behind The Scenes 08:20 E!es 09:15 Ice Loves Coco 09:45 Ice Loves Coco 10:15 THS 12:05 Opening Act 13:05 Opening Act 14:05 Kourtney & Kim Take New York 14:30 Kourtney & Kim Take New York 15:00 Style Star 15:30 THS 16:30 Behind The Scenes 17:00 Married To Jonas 17:30 Married To Jonas 18:00 E! News 19:00 THS 20:00 Giuliana & Bill 21:00 Married To Jonas 21:30 Fashion Police 22:30 E! News 23:30 Chelsea Lately 00:00 Opening Act 00:55 Style Star 01:25 15 Most Infamous Child Star Mugshots 03:15 Behind The Scenes 03:40 Extreme Close-Up 04:10 THS 05:05 THS 06:00 THS

06:15 David Rocco's Dolce Vita 3 06:40 Food Lover's Guide To The Planet 07:10 Eccentric Uk 07:35 Eccentric Uk 08:05 Amish: Out of Order 09:00 Meet The Amish 09:55 Bondi Rescue 10:20 Bondi Rescue 10:50 Bondi Rescue 11:15 Bondi Rescue 11:45 Travel Oz 12:10 Travel Oz 12:40 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled 13:35 One Man & His Campervan 14:00 Food School 14:30 Eccentric Uk 14:55 Eccentric Uk 15:25 Living With The Amish 16:20 Meet The Amish 17:15 Bondi Rescue 17:40 Bondi Rescue 18:10 Bondi Rescue 18:35 Bondi Rescue 19:05 Travel Oz 19:30 Travel Oz 20:00 Eccentric Uk 20:30 Eccentric Uk 21:00 One Man & His Campervan 21:30 Food School 22:00 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled 22:55 David Rocco's Dolce Vita 3 23:20 Food Lover's Guide To The Planet 23:50 Geo Sessions 00:15 Geo Sessions 00:45 Long Way Down 01:40 Into The Drink 02:05 Into The Drink 02:35 Cruise Ship Diaries 03:30 Treks In A Wild World 03:55 Eccentric Uk 04:25 Banged Up Abroad 05:20 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled 06:15 David Rocco's Dolce Vita 3

Food Network

Nat Geo Channel HD

E! Entertainment

05:40 Chopped 06:30 Iron Chef America 07:10 Unwrapped 07:35 Unwrapped 08:00 Food Network Challenge 08:50 Kid In A Candy Store 09:15 Unwrapped 09:40 Food Crafters 10:05 Barefoot Contessa Back To Basics 10:30 Barefoot Contessa Back To Basics 10:55 Cooking For Real 11:20 Easy Chinese 11:45 Easy Chinese 12:10 Mexican Made Easy 12:35 Mexican Made Easy 13:00 Iron Chef America 13:50 Symon's Suppers 14:15 Unique Sweets 14:40 Unique Sweets 15:05 World Cafe Asia 15:30 Easy Chinese 15:55 Easy Chinese 16:20 Food Crafters 16:45 Chopped 17:35 Barefoot Contessa - Back To Basics 18:00 Barefoot Contessa - Back To Basics 18:25 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 18:50 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 19:15 Symon's Suppers 19:40 Charly's Cake Angels 20:05 Guy's Big Bite 20:30 Chopped 21:20 Chopped 22:10 Iron Chef America 23:00 Crave 23:25 Crave 23:50 Unique Eats 00:15 Unique Eats 00:40 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 01:05 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 01:30 Andy Bates Street Feasts 01:55 Andy Bates Street Feasts 02:20 Unwrapped 02:45 Crave 03:10 Crave 03:35 Unique Eats 04:00 Unique Eats 04:20 Kid In A Candy Store 04:50 Unique Sweets 05:15 Charly's Cake Angels 05:40 Chopped 06:30 Iron Chef America

Fox TV 05:30 Ghost Whisperer 06:30 Flash Forward 07:00 Baby TV 08:00 Ghost Whisperer 09:00 AlMaw3ed Al3emyani 10:00 Flash Forward 11:00 CSI Miami 12:00 The Block 13:00 Al Qalb Al Maftooh 14:00 Glee 15:00 MasterChef Australia 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Ugly Betty 18:00 Ugly Betty 19:00 Movie: The Secret Life of Words 20:30 Movie: No Problem 23:00 Ugly Betty 00:00 Ugly Betty 01:00 Movie: The Secret Life of Words 03:00

BBC World News 17:30 World Business Report 17:45 Sport Today 18:00 World News Today With Zeinab Badawi 18:30 World News Today With Zeinab Badawi 19:00 World News Today With Zeinab Badawi 19:30 World Business Report 19:45 Sport Today 20:00 Business Edition With Tanya Beckett 20:30 Hardtalk 21:00 BBC World News America 21:30 BBC World News America 22:00 Newsday 22:30 Asia Business Report 22:45 Sport Today 23:00 Newsday 23:30 Asia Business Report 23:45 Sport Today 00:00 Newsday 00:30 Asia Business Report 00:45 Sport Today 01:00 BBC World News 01:30 Asia Business Report 01:45 Sport Today 02:00 BBC World News 02:30 Asia Business Report 02:45 Sport Today 03:00 BBC World News 03:30 The 3: Battle For Redemption 18:00 Secret Window 19:45 Beverly Hills Cop 21:30 The Kingdom 23:30 The Godfather III 02:30 Beverly Hills Cop 04:15 True Justice: Violence Of Action 06:00 Secret Window

OSN Cinema 05:00 An Invisible Sign Of My Own 07:00 Blank Slate 09:00 Henry's Crime 11:00 Restitution 13:00 The National Tree 15:00 Love Takes Wing 17:00 Ip Man 2 19:00 Toast 21:00 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 23:15 The Inbetweeners 01:00 Ip Man 2 03:00 Restitution 05:00 The National Tree

OSN Movies Festival 05:15 Frozen 07:00 Roger And Me

06:00 Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy 07:00 Engineering Connections 08:00 Naked Science S2.5 09:00 Fight Masters 10:00 Crash Science 11:00 Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy 12:00 Situation Critical 13:00 Hooked 14:00 Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy 15:00 Engineering Connections 16:00 Naked Science 17:00 Fight Masters 18:00 Crash Science 19:00 Perilous Journeys 20:00 Dogtown 21:00 Shark Men 22:00 Perilous Journeys 23:00 Engineering Connections 00:00 Naked Science S2.5 01:00 Nordic Wild 02:00 World's Deadliest Animals 03:00 Perilous Journeys 04:00 Dogtown 05:00 Shark Men 06:00 Perilous Journeys

Nat Geo Wild HD 06:30 Sahara 07:25 Triumph of Life 08:20 My Life Is A Zoo 09:15 Ultimate Animal Countdown 10:10 Inside Nature's Giants 11:05 The Lion Ranger 12:00 Monster Fish 13:00 Wild Alaska 14:00 Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy 15:00 Catching Giants 16:00 Ultimate Animal Countdown 17:00 Attack of the Big Cats 18:00 World's Deadliest GPU 19:00 Moray Eels: Alien Empire 20:00 Attack of the Big Cats 21:00 My Life Is A Zoo 22:00 Ultimate Animal Countdown 23:00 Inside Nature's Giants 00:00 The Lion Ranger 01:00 Monster Fish 01:55 Sahara 02:50 Shane Untamed 03:45 Tiger Man 04:40 World's Wildest Encounters 05:35 Attack of the Big Cats 06:30 Sahara

NDTV Good Times 06:00 Tele Shopping 06:30 Yogacity 07:00 Chakh Le India 07:30 Lock Stock And Two Smoking Tikkas 08:00 Lock Stock And Two Smoking Tikkas 08:30 Do It Sweet 09:00 2 For The Road 09:30 Whatever Whenever Wherever 10:00 Cooking Isnt Rocket Science 10:30 Vicky Goes Veg 11:00 Gadget Guru 11:30 Ten Things To Do Around The World 12:00 Ten Things To Do

Ideas Exchange 04:00 BBC World News 04:30 World Business Report 04:45 BBC World News 05:00 BBC World News 05:30 World Business Report 05:45 BBC World News 06:00 BBC World News

CNN International 06:00 Quest Means Business 07:00 The Situation Room 08:00 World Sport 08:30 Talk Asia 09:00 World Report 10:00 World Report 11:00 World Sport 11:30 I Report For CNN 12:00 World Business Today 13:00 Amanpour 13:30 Open Court 14:00 World One 15:00 Piers Morgan Tonight 16:00 News Stream 17:00 World Business Today 18:00 International Desk 19:00 Global Exchange 19:45 CNN Marketplace Middle East 20:00 World Sport 20:30 Open Court 21:00 International Desk 09:00 Call Of The Wild 10:45 Sunshine State 13:00 Le Syndrome Du Titanic 15:00 Call Of The Wild 16:45 Lorenzo's Oil 19:00 Swing Kids 21:00 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo-R 23:45 25th Hour 02:00 Burning Man 03:45 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo-R 06:15 Swing Kids

OSN Movies HD 05:00 Battle For Terra 06:45 Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules 09:00 Puss In Boots 11:00 The Beaver 13:00 Senna 15:00 Mr. Popper's Penguins 16:45 Puss In Boots 18:30 The Avengers 21:00 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 23:15 Albert Nobbs 01:15 Columbus Circle 02:45 The Avengers 05:15 Senna

Around The World 12:30 Vicky Goes Foreign – Canada Tadka 13:00 Chakh Le India Kacha Rasta 13:30 Highway On My Plate 14:00 Yogacity 14:30 Heavy Petting 15:00 A Whole New World 15:30 A Whole New World 16:00 Gourmet Central 16:30Model TV classic 17:00 Olive It Up 17:30 Highway On My Plate 18:00 Chakh Le India Kacha Rasta 18:30 Gadget Guru 19:00 2 For The Road 19:30 Great Drives 20:00 Yogacity 20:30 Life Is A Beach 21:00 Model TV classic 21:30 Bikini Destinations 22:00 Tele Shopping 22:30 Tele Shopping 23:00 Tele Shopping 23:30 Tele Shopping 00:00 Tele Shopping 00:30 Tele Shopping 01:00 Tele Shopping 01:30 Tele Shopping 02:00 Tele Shopping 02:30 Tele Shopping 03:00 Tele Shopping 03:30 Tele Shopping 04:00 Tele Shopping 04:30 Tele Shopping 05:00 Tele Shopping 05:30 Tele Shopping

OSN Comedy 06:00 Seinfeld 06:30 Hope & Faith 07:00 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 08:00 Less Than Perfect 08:30 Less Than Perfect 09:00 The Simpsons 09:30 Allen Gregory 10:00 The Mindy Project 10:30 Hope & Faith 11:00 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 12:00 Seinfeld 12:30 Less Than Perfect 13:00 Less Than Perfect 13:30 Hope & Faith 14:00 Raising Hope 14:30 The Mindy Project 15:00 Allen Gregory 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 16:00 The Colbert Report 16:30 Seinfeld 17:00 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 2 Broke Girls 19:30 Modern Family 20:00 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 21:30 The Colbert Report 22:00 The Big C 22:30 Louie 23:00 Veep 23:30 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 01:00 The Colbert Report 01:30 The Big C 02:00 Louie 02:30 Veep 03:00 The Simpsons 03:30 2 Broke Girls 04:00 Less Than Perfect 04:30 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 05:30 Less Than Perfect 06:00 Seinfeld

OSN First 05:00 Good Morning America 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Coronation Street 09:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:00 Jane By Design 12:00 Franklin & Bash 13:00 The Finder 14:00 Jane By Design 15:00 Live Good Morning America 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 18:00 Emmerdale 18:30 Coronation Street 19:00 Drop Dead Diva 20:00 American Idol 00:00 American Idol 03:00 Drop Dead Diva 05:00 Good Morning America

OSN Aksyon TV 05:45 Relasyon 07:45 Wanted With Raffy Tulfo 07:45 Wanted With Raffy Tulfo 09:45 Punto Asintado 11:45 Aksyon Solusyon 13:45 Cristy Ferminute 13:45 Cristy Ferminute 14:45 T3 Reload: Balita't Serbisyo, Ora Mismo! 15:15 Aksyon 15:15 Aksyon 16:00 Crime Klasik 16:30 Presinto 5 17:00 Bilang Tao 17:00 Bilang Tao 17:15 Andar Ng Mga Balita 18:15 Sagupaan! UFL Philippines Playoff Series 23:00 Pilipinas News 23:25 Reaksyon 23:45 T3 Reload: Balita't Serbisyo, Ora Mismo! 23:45 T3 Reload: Balita't Serbisyo, Ora Mismo! 00:15 Medyo Late Night With Jojo A. All The Way 00:45 Aksyon 01:30 Astig 01:45 Good Morning Club 03:45 Andar Ng Mga Balita 04:45 T3 Reload: Balita't Serbisyo, Ora Mismo! 05:15 Pilipinas News 05:40 Bilang Tao 05:45 Relasyon

OSN GMA Life TV 05:40 Personalan 06:25 Tim Yap Show 06:40 Fashbook 07:05 Golden Heart 07:35 Misery 08:05 Kusina Master 08:30 Quickfire 08:40 Sarap At Home 08:50 Pinoy Sine Klasika 10:30 Balitanghali 11:40 Quickfire 11:50 Sarap At Home 12:00 Golden Heart 12:30 Misery 13:00 Reel Life 1 14:50 Balitanghali 16:00 Camera Cafe 16:05 Personalan 16:50 Kusina Master 17:10 Reel Life 2 19:00 The 700 Club Asia 20:00 Mars 20:35 Personalan 21:20 Tim Yap Show 21:40 Balitanghali 22:45 Golden Heart 23:15 Misery 23:45 Camera Cafe 23:50 Kusina Master 00:10 Reel Life 1 02:05 The 700 Club Asia 05:05 Mars 07:05 Golden Heart

OSN GMA Pinoy TV 05:10 Unang Hirit 07:45 Reporters Notebook 08:20 Bukod Kang Pinagpala 08:50 Forever 09:20 Born To Be Wild 09:50 Paroa 10:20 Yesterday's Bride 10:50 Pahiram Ng Sandali 11:25 Eat Bulaga 13:20 I-Witness 14:10 24 Oras 15:20 Forever 15:50 Bukod Kang Pinagpala 16:20 Idol SA Kusina 16:50 Paroa 17:20 Temptation Of Wife 17:50 Indio 18:20 24 Oras 19:30 Pahiram Ng Sandali 20:00 Yesterday's Bride 20:30 Eat Bulaga 22:15 Reporters Notebook 23:00 Born To Be Wild 23:40 Saksi 00:15 Tunay Na Buhay 00:50 Temptation Of Wife 01:25 Indio 02:00 Yesterday's Bride 02:35 Pahiram Ng Sandali 03:10 Kaya Mong Gawin 05:10 Unang Hirit

OSN Kapatid TV5 06:00 Ang Latest 06:30 Good Morning Club 08:30 Alabang Housewives 09:00 Jeepney Jackpot: Pera O Para 09:30 Sharon 10:30 Face To Face 11:30 Ang

22:00 Quest Means Business 22:45 CNN Marketplace Europe 23:00 Amanpour 23:30 CNN Newscenter 00:00 Connect The World With Becky Anderson 01:00 Amanpour 01:30 World Sport 02:00 Piers Morgan Tonight 03:00 World Report 03:30 World Sport 04:00 Anderson Cooper 360 05:00 Piers Morgan Tonight 06:00 Quest Means Business

OSN News 06:00 MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell 07:00 NBC Nightly News 07:30 ABC World News With Diane Sawyer 08:00 NBC Nightly News 08:38 ABC Nightline 09:06 MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 10:00 MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell 11:00 ABC World News Now 11:30 Live ABC World

OSN Movies Kids 06:00 Hop 08:00 The Ugly Duckling Goes On Holiday 10:00 Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chipwrecked 11:30 Queen Of The Swallows 13:00 Pacific Pirates 14:30 Valentina 16:00 Mickey's Twice Upon A Christmas 18:00 Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chipwrecked 20:00 Wheelers 22:00 Pacific Pirates 23:30 The Ugly Duckling Goes On Holiday 01:00 Wheelers 02:45 Pacific Pirates 04:30 The Ugly Duckling Goes On Holiday 06:00 Wheelers

OSN Premiere 06:00 Dr. Seuss' The Lorax 08:00 Treasure Buddies 10:00 Glee: The Concert Movie 11:45 X-Men: First Class

Latest 12:00 Never Say Goodbye 12:45 Kidlat 13:30 Wowowillie 15:30 Face To Face 16:30 Alabang Housewives 17:00 Jeepney Jackpot: Pera O Para 17:30 Aksyon 18:15 T3 Reload: Balita't Serbisyo, Ora Mismo! 18:45 Wowowillie 20:45 Never Say Goodbye 21:30 Kidlat 22:15 Pilipinas News 22:40 Reaksyon 23:00 Face To Face 00:00 Ang Latest 00:30 Wasak 01:00 Pilipinas News 01:25 Reaksyon 01:45 Kanta Pilipinas 02:45 Istorifik! Pidol's Kwentong Fantastik 04:15 Aksyon 05:00 Sharon 06:00 Ang Latest

OSN MnITV 05:30 Mustard Seed 06:30 Ikaw SA Puso Ko 07:00 Especially For You 07:30 The Daily Top 10 08:30 Pinoy Movie Fiesta 10:30 NBI Files 11:30 Kalipay SA Kasakit 12:00 Honorabol 12:30 Ikaw SA Puso Ko 13:00 Pinoy Movie Fiesta 15:00 Ok Ka Fairy Ko 16:00 The OPM Show 16:30 Stop, Talk And Listen 17:30 Kalipay SA Kasakit 18:00 Honorabol 18:30 This Is Life 19:00 Ikaw SA Puso Ko 20:00 M&L Libre 22:00 Especially For You 22:30 The Daily Top 10 23:30 The OPM Show 00:00 Ok Ka Fairy Ko 01:00 Stop, Talk And Listen 02:00 Go Channel 02:30 Drama Special 03:30 Pinoy Movie Fiesta 05:30 In The Fishbowl 06:30 Popstar Diaries

OSN Pinoy Extreme 05:00 PBA Greatest Games 07:00 Inside Grand Prix 08:00 Greatest Games MVP 10:00 Kamao Kontra Kamao 11:00 Greatest Games MVP 13:00 PBA Greatest Games 15:00 The Main Event 16:00 Motoring Canada 17:00 Greatest Games MVP 19:00 Greatest Games MVP 21:00 Motoring Canada 22:00 The Main Event 23:00 Greatest Games MVP 01:00 Greatest Games MVP 03:00 Oras Ng Himala 04:00 The Main Event 05:00 PBA Greatest Games 07:00 Motoring Canada

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Health Drug overdose deaths up

Diet drinks may not fuel appetite WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (Agencies): Take another sip of that Diet Coke without fear that it may be spurring your appetite. Apparently, diet soda drinkers don’t eat any more sugary or fatty foods than people who stick with water instead, according to a U.S. study. Some researchers have proposed that drinks sweetened with artificial sugar might disrupt hormones involved in hunger and satiety cures, causing people to eat more. Others hypothesized that diet beverages could boost the drinker’s preference for sweet tastes, translating to more munching on high-calorie treats. “Our study does not provide evidence to suggest that a short-term consumption of diet beverages, compared with water, increases preferConcern raised ences for sweet foods and beverages,” wrote lead researcher Carmen Piernas in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Piernas, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public PARIS, Feb 20, (AFP): Health, and her colleagues, looked Exposure to higher levels of at 318 overweight or obese adults fine particulates — the airin North Carolina, all of whom said borne pollution that is an they consumed at least 280 caloemerging problem in many Asian cities — causes a sharp ries’ worth of drinks each day. rise in deaths from heart One third of the participants attacks, a study published on were advised to substitute at least Wednesday said. two daily servings of sugary beverResearch published in the ages with water. Another third was European Heart Journal pointed instructed to substitute diet drinks, the finger at so-called PM2.5 including Diet Coke and Diet pollution, which comprises tiny particles measuring 2.5 Lipton Tea. micrometres across or less. “Artificial sweeteners are a lot They are mainly generated sweeter than regular sugar, on the by burning coal and oil for order of 250 times sweeter, so power stations, and petrol and that’s where the concerns came diesel for transport. from,” said Vasanti Malik, a nutriAround 30 times smaller tion researcher from the Harvard than a human hair, PM2.5 particles have long been identiSchool of Public Health, who was fied as a respiratory problem, not part of the study. as their size enables them to After three and six months, peolodge deep in the lungs. Less ple reported their food and beverunderstood, though, is their age intake on two different days in impact on cardiac health. detail. A previous publication Cathryn Tonne at the showed that participants in both London School of Hygiene groups lost weight. and Tropical Medicine led a study into 154,000 patients in According to the new report, England and Wales who had water and diet beverage drinkers been hospitalised for a heart reduced their average daily calories attack between 2004 and relative to the start of the study, 2007. from between 2,000 and 2,300 They followed the patients calories to 1,500 to 1,800 calories. for more than three years after At both time points, people in the their release from hospital. During this period, nearly two groups were eating a similar 40,000 of them died. amount of total calories, carbohyAfter stripping out factors drates, fat and sugar. that could skew the picture Six months in, the only differsuch as socio-economic staences were that members of the tus and smoking, the water group ate more fruit and vegresearchers found a clear link etables, and people randomized to between exposure to PM2.5 diet beverages ate fewer desserts, and early death. It far surpassed the risk compared to their diet habits at the from exposure to bigger partistudy’s onset. cles called PM10, which are “That’s sort of the opposite of 10 micrometres across. what you would expect if con“We found that for every 10 sumption of diet soda increased the microgrammes per M3 in preference for sweets,” Malik told PM2.5, there was a 20-perReuters health. cent increase in the death rate,” said Tonne. Some studies have suggested an If PM2.5 levels had been increased risk of cancer tied to cerreduced to their natural backtain artificial sweeteners, but conground rate, the total number vincing evidence is lacking, Malik of deaths would have fallen by said. 4,873, or 12 percent. In addition, a French study, The average exposure to which appeared in the same jourPM2.5 in England was 11.0 microgrammes per m3, with nal, found that Frenchwomen who the highest in London, which drank beverages sweetened with was 14.1 microgrammes per either real or fake sugar were more m3. The lowest was in northlikely to be diagnosed with diaeast England, which had 8.4 betes over 14 years than those who particles per m3. stuck with water. By comparison, the World Piernas warned that everyone in Health Organisation (WHO) her study was heavy and trying to sets down guidelines of a maximum of 10 microlose weight, so the findings may grammes of PM2.5 per cubic not apply to normal-weight people metre as an annual average who drink a lot of diet beverages. exposure, and a maximum of “We’re trying to reduce sugar25 microgrammes per m3 sweetened beverage intake in the over a 24-hour period. population for obesity, so the next In Beijing last month, PM2.5 logical question is, what substitutes levels reached 993 microgrammes per m3, almost 40 can be used?” Malik said. times the WHO’s recommend“I think (diet drinks) can be coned safe limit, triggering an outsumed in moderation, along with cry. other beverages - water, coconut “The pollution in Beijing is water, sparkling water, that type of a huge cause for concern,” thing.” said Pier Manucci, a profes-

Smog causes rise in ‘heart deaths’

Drug overdose: Drug overdose deaths rose for the 11th straight year, federal data show, and most of them were accidents involving addictive painkillers despite growing attention to risks from these medicines. “The big picture is that this is a big problem that has gotten much worse quickly,” said Dr Thomas Frieden, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which gathered and analyzed the data. In 2010, the CDC reported, there were 38,329 drug overdose deaths nationwide. Medicines, mostly prescription drugs, were involved in nearly 60 percent of overdose deaths that year, overshadowing deaths from illicit narcotics. The report appears in Tuesday’s Journal of the American Medical Association. It details which drugs were at play in most of the fatalities. As in previous recent years, opioid drugs — which include OxyContin and Vicodin — were the biggest problem, contributing to 3 out of 4 medication overdose deaths. Frieden said many doctors and patients don’t realize how addictive these drugs can be, and that they’re too often prescribed for pain that can be managed with less risky drugs. They’re useful for cancer, “but if you’ve got terrible back pain or ter-

sor at the University of Milan and a leading European authority on thrombosis, when asked to comment on the study.

rible migraines,” using these addictive drugs can be dangerous, he said. Medication-related deaths accounted for 22,134 of the drug overdose deaths in 2010. Anti-anxiety drugs including Valium were among common causes of medication-related deaths, involved in almost 30 percent of them. Among the medication-related deaths, 17 percent were suicides. The report’s data came from death certificates, which aren’t always clear on whether a death was a suicide or a tragic attempt at getting high. But it does seem like most serious painkiller overdoses were accidental, said Dr Rich Zane, chair of emergency medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. The study’s findings are no surprise, he added. “The results are consistent with what we experience” in ERs, he said, adding that the statistics no doubt have gotten worse since 2010. Some experts believe these deaths will level off. “Right now, there’s a general belief that because these are pharmaceutical drugs,

An ophthalmologist does surgery on an eye in Manila on Jan 16, 2011. Germandesigned implants aimed at restoring vision to patients blinded by retinal dis-

ease have succeeded in the second phase of trials, researchers reported on Wednesday. (AFP)

Retinal implants clear new hurdle German-designed implants aimed at restoring vision to patients blinded by retinal disease have succeeded in the second phase of trials, researchers reported on Wednesday. The device was tested for up to nine months among nine people with retinitis pigmentosa, an inherited disease in which light receptors on the

back of the eyeball degenerate and eventually cease to function. “Of the nine patients observed in the study, three patients were able to read letters spontaneously,” Retina Implant AG, a nine-year-old technology startup company that invented the device, said in a press release. “During observation in and outside

the laboratory, patients also reported the ability to recognise faces, distinguish objects such as telephones and read signs on doors.” The study appears in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, a journal published by Britain’s de-facto academy of sciences. The device consists of a tiny light-sensitive chip measuring

3mm by 3mm (0.11 x 0.11 inches), which sends electrical signals down the optic nerve to the brain, providing a “diamond-shaped” black-and-white image with a field of 15 degrees. Attached to the retina, the implant is powered via a thin cable which connects to a small coil fitted under a fold of skin behind the ear. (AFP)

Robot-assisted hysterectomies increase

Software helps fight cancer

This June 3, 2012 file photo shows actress Linda Lavin at the 57th Annual Drama Desk Awards in New York. Lavin and Debbie Gravitte are headlining the third annual concert to benefit the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation. The event set for Feb 25, at Birdland Jazz Club will also feature actress Emily Bergl from ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’ and singer Max von Essen, from ‘Evita.’ (AP)

Health Hep C drug achieves goal: Gilead Sciences Inc said its experimental hepatitis C drug sofosbuvir, in a late-stage clinical study, was clearly superior to historical cure rates at both 12 and 16 weeks of treatment in patients who were not helped by prior therapy. The cure rate for those with genotype 2 and 3 of the serious liver disease was significantly higher for patients who received 16 weeks of treatment: 73 percent versus 50 percent for those treated for 12 weeks, according to study results released on Tuesday. Both rates were far higher than the comparable 25 percent historic cure rate — or sustained virologic response (SVR) — for these types of patients. “Fusion is the fourth Phase III trial of sofosbuvir that has met its primary endpoint with no significant adverse events,” Sanford Bernstein analyst Geoffrey Porges said in a research note. “We believe these results represent the final piece of de-risking for the asset, and approval is as close to certainty as it can be,” he added. In the latest trial, genotype 2 patients fared better than those with genotype 3, which is more difficult to treat. Rates of SVR, which is considered tantamount to a cure, were also lower in patients suffering from cirrhosis, typically among the sickest of hepatitis patients. The study tested sofosbuvir in combination with the older oral hepatitis treatment ribavirin in patients who did not respond to prior treatments with ribavirin and injectable interferon. . (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

Demand for Botox ups: Botox, fillers and chemical peels were among the most popular cosmetic treatments in the United States and fueled growth in the plastic surgery industry for the third consecutive year, according to statistics released on Tuesday. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons said 14.6 million procedures were done in 2012, an increase of 5 percent from 2011. “For the third consecutive year, the overall growth in cosmetic surgery continues to be driven by a significant rise in minimally invasive procedures, while surgical procedures remain relatively stable,” Gregory Evans, the president of the society, said in a statement. Botox treatments rose 8 percent last year to 6.1 million procedures, along with the skin-smoothing treatment microdermabrasion. Demand for fillers to smooth out wrinkles jumped 5 percent, while laser hair removal treatments rose 4 percent and chemical peels jumped 2

LONDON, Feb 20, (RTRS): In an unlikely tie-up, astronomers and cancer researchers have joined forces to study breast tumours using image analysis software originally developed to explore the distant stars. The automated system offers a speedy way to test if tumours are aggressive and may mean pathologists one day no longer have to peer down a microscope to spot subtle differences in tissue samples. Scientists at the University of Cambridge said on Wednesday that astronomical algorithms, or problem-solving procedures, adapted to biology had proved much faster and just as accurate as traditional tumour analysis procedures. Astronomers have long used sophisticated computer systems to help pick out indistinct objects in the night sky, and the software used by the Cambridge team first developed to help spot planets that might harbour life outside our solar system. But such star-gazing skills have gone largely unnoticed in biomedical field, at least until now. “In shows that we don’t cross-communicate as much as we ought to,” said lead researcher Raza Ali, a pathologist from Cancer Research UK’s Cambridge Institute.

Samples Ali and colleagues studied just over 2,000 tumour samples and found the astronomical algorithm system could process them in a day, compared to the week they would have taken to analyse manually. They now plan a larger international study involving samples from more than 20,000 breast cancer patients to refine the approach. Studying tumour samples is a key part of breast cancer treatment since differences can show whether or not a tumour expresses a certain protein. A “positive” result means a patient may be suitable for a targeted drug like Roche’s Herceptin. Some diagnostics companies are already looking at other ways to automate the analysis of tumour samples but Ali said this was the first example of exploiting know-how adapted from astronomy. The team of Cambridge cancer researchers and astronomers, who published their findings in the British Journal of Cancer, have placed all their algorithms and images in the public domain in the hope of encouraging further collaboration.

Also: NEW YORK: The proportion of women having their uterus removed using robotic-assisted surgery increased from one in 200 procedures in 2007 to almost one in 10 in 2010, according to a new study. However, the tool didn’t reduce complications linked to hysterectomy or otherwise improve women’s outlook after surgery, researchers found. And it raised the cost of the procedure by almost onethird. “This is clearly in some ways a waste

Doctors questioned

‘Off-label’ chemo use on the rise NEW YORK, Feb 20, (RTRS): About one-third of chemotherapies are used to fight cancers that drug regulators never approved them to treat, says a new study. Chemotherapies — drugs that kill rapidly dividing cells — are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to fight specific cancers, but there’s nothing stopping doctors from prescribing the drugs “off-label” to treat other types of tumors. Some researchers have questioned whether doctors were prescribing the expensive and toxic drugs outside of their intended use, according to the study’s researchers, led by Rena Conti, an assistant professor of health policy and economics at the University of Chicago. “The main criticism of off-label prescribing has been the concern that it jeopardizes patient safety because the full risk-benefit ratio is often not completely understood,” wrote the University of Toronto’s Dr. Monika Krzyzanowska, who published an editorial accompanying the study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology on Tuesday. But that doesn’t mean the billions of dollars spent on off-label chemotherapies are wasted, according to Conti. “We don’t know what the outcomes are. We can’t make a judgment of whether the off-label use we docu-

ment … is appropriate or inappropriate,” said Conti. For the new study, the researchers used a national prescription database from US cancer doctors to estimate how the most common intravenous or injected chemotherapies were used in 2010. They found ten chemotherapies that were still protected from competition by patents. They ranged from almost 500,000 doses of Genentech’s Avastin or bevacizumab — approved to treat brain, colorectal, lung and kidney cancers — to about 53,000 doses of Celegene’s Vidaza or azacitidine — used to treat certain blood disorders. Overall, about 70 percent of the doses of the ten chemotherapies were used “on-label,” which means the doses were used in line with FDA approval. The other 30 percent was used to treat cancers the drug regulators never approved. The researchers also looked at whether the off-label use of chemotherapies was supported by the National Comprehensive Care Network (NCCN), a group that publishes its own guidelines on cancer care. They found that 14 percent of chemotherapies were prescribed off label but were supported by the NCCN’s expert opinion, and 10 percent were prescribed without NCCN or FDA support.

of resources,” said Joel Weissman from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, who co-wrote an editorial published with the study. “It’s a waste because there are equally good options and one is just more expensive than the other,” he told Reuters Health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 600,000 hysterectomies are performed each year in the US. Researchers led by Dr Jason Wright from Columbia University in New York analyzed records from more than 260,000 women who had the procedure because of endometriosis, bleeding or fibroids between 2007 and 2010. During that time, the number of women treated both robotic and standard minimally-invasive surgery, rather than open surgery, increased. During robotic or minimally-invasive non-robotic surgery, a similar proportion of patients — between five and six percent — had complications such as bladder injuries or bleeding. There was also no difference in women’s chances of needing a blood transfusion or requiring further care at a nursing home post-surgery, based on procedure type. The only advantage to robotic surgery

was a drop in the proportion of women staying longer than two days in the hospital — 20 percent, versus 25 percent of those who had standard minimally-invasive surgery, also known as laparoscopy. On average, the bill for a robot-assisted hysterectomy was about $8,900, compared to $6,700 for surgery without the robot, Wright’s team wrote Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Surgery-assisting robots, marketed by the company Intuitive Surgical, run for about $1.5 million. The equipment is used for a range of procedures, and often marketed heavily by hospitals. One recent study suggested men who get robotic surgery for prostate cancer have fewer complications, at least in the short term, than those who have standard prostatectomy — but again, the robot-assisted procedures were more expensive. “Robotic surgery has definite advantages in certain clinical situations,” Weissman said. But hysterectomy doesn’t appear to be one of them. “What’s happening is you have an expensive technology that’s being used for less and less necessary things,” he said.

percent. Overall, minimally invasive treatments accounted for 13 million procedures in 2012, while surgery such as breast enlargements and facelifts dropped 2 percent to 1.6 million. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

Teva reach settlement: Gilead Sciences Inc said it has agreed with Israel’s Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd to settle a lawsuit relating to patents protecting



Viread, a treatment for HIV infection and chronic hepatitis B. As per the agreement, Gilead said Teva will be allowed to launch a generic version of Viread on Dec 15, 2017. “This settlement removes some uncertainty and minimizes further distraction and investment of human and financial resources associated with this litigation,” Gilead’s chief operating officer, John Milligan, said in a statement late on Tuesday. (RTRS)




Making a copy of patented invention prohibited

US Court tilts toward Monsanto in battle with farmer WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (AFP): The US Supreme Court appeared on Tuesday to side with Monsanto against an Indiana farmer accused of having pirated the genetically-modified crops developed by the agribusiness giant. At stake is whether farmers can reproduce genetically-modified seeds on their own without paying for the technology again each growing season, which Monsanto says would stifle biotechnology innovation. Critics counter that Monsanto is asserting ownership over a now nearly ubiquitous life form, which would allow it to share in the occasional profits of struggling farmers but insulate it from the risk they face. Vernon Hugh Bowman, the 75-year-old soybean farmer at the center of the controversy, claims he acted in good faith and poses no threat to the multi-billion dollar genetically modified seed industry. “I’ve done nothing wrong,” Bowman said before the Supreme Court on Tuesday. “If I had done something wrong, no matter how big, they would have the right to come after me.” In a lawsuit filed in 2007, Monsanto accused Bowman of infringing on its intellectual property rights by replanting, cultivating and selling herbicide-resistant soybean seeds it spent more than a decade developing. The patented seed, which allows farmers to aerially spray Monsantomade Roundup herbicide over their

Officials accused of hiding the real truth

Reports of toxic milk trigger scare in Balkans BELGRADE, Feb 20, (AP): Some milk in the Balkans has been contaminated by a naturally occurring cancer-causing toxin and consumers are accusing officials of hiding the real truth of how serious the problem is. Most health officials agree that the milk is safe and that even higher levels of aflatoxins — a fungus linked to mildewed cattle feed — are not harmful in small amounts. Serbian officials have refused to have milk pulled off store shelves and appealed for calm Tuesday before official tests show conclusive results. But a warning by a regional official on his personal website has fueled doubts about the official line, suspicions fed by the region’s widespread corruption and the cozy ties between politicians and industry. Worry has grown among con-

sumers in the 10 days since the media first reported that the toxin had been found in some milk products after an extremely dry summer provided conditions for the poisonous mold to grow, mostly in corn that is used as animal feed. Very high doses are linked to cancer, especially of the liver, but experts say a person would have to drink a gallon a day for years to see any health effects. Serbia’s National Consumers’ Association maintained that the levels of aflatoxins were within the allowed limits. The organization said that 17 kinds of milk had been tested, and in 13 the toxin levels were on the upper limits, but not exceeding them. But a senior agricultural official broke from the official stance, claiming on his personal website that out of 35 tested

milk samples in Serbia, 29 had higher levels of aflatoxins than allowed. He published a list of various brands of milk with high levels, saying the government was keeping them secret. “If you ask me whether to buy milk, the answer is ‘no,’” Goran Jesic, the official in charge of Serbia’s breadbasket region of Vojvodina, told a media conference. “I am a father of two children and that is why I published the results and I will always do that.” Milk is still widely available on store shelves and there have been no official numbers on how sales have responded. But his warning has hit a nerve with many in the Balkans who are fed up with what they consider politicians who are greedy and out of touch with everyday people. Some Serbs fear that the authorities are hiding the real contamination

levels in order to save the milk industry from collapse. Officials have said the milk is safe without revealing specific figures or how widespread the contamination is. “No more milk for me and my family, at last for a while,” said Dragica Jovanovic, a Belgrade homemaker, as she shopped at a downtown grocery store. “I don’t believe them about anything. They would kill for a profit.” Opposition politicians appealed to the government to come out with comprehensive milk contamination figures to avoid panic from spreading. “Is the government on purpose refusing to withdraw milk from the store shelves, hiding the truth and jeopardizing the health of the population?,” asked the head of the national parliament’s health committee, Dusan Milosavljevic.

entire fields, was invented in 1996 and is now grown by more than 90 percent of the 275,000 US soybean farmers. Bowman claims to have respected his

contract with Monsanto and purchased new Roundup Ready seeds each year for his first planting. But he says hard times forced him to

purchase a cheaper mixture of seeds from a grain elevator starting in 1999, which he used for his second planting. The mixture included Roundup Ready

soybeans, which Bowman was able to isolate and replant from 2000 to 2007. Monsanto attorney Seth Waxman argued that Bowman was able to profit

from the seed giant’s technology without having to pay for it, comparing the case to software piracy. “Without the ability to limit reproduction of soybeans containing this patented trait, Monsanto could not have commercialized its invention, and never would have produced what is, by now, the most popular agricultural technology in America,” he argued. “Having committed hundreds of millions of dollars in 13 years to develop this technology, in the very first sale of an article that practices the patent, it would have exhausted its rights in perpetuity.” Monsanto, which won earlier rulings in lower courts, appeared to have also convinced the nation’s highest judicial body. “Why in the world would anybody spend any money to try to improve the seed if as soon as they sold the first one anybody could grow more and have as many of those seeds as they want?” Chief Justice John Roberts asked. Justice Stephen Breyer, a more progressive jurist, appeared to agree. “You know, there are certain things that the law prohibits. What it prohibits here is making a copy of the patented invention. And that is what (Bowman) did,” he said. Bowman’s attorney, Mark Walters, countered that extending Monsanto’s rights to the less reliable grain elevator seed would allow it to profit from the crop without sharing the farmer’s risk.

Warba Bank appoints Al-Terkait as Chief Technology Officer Warba Bank today announced the appointment of Haitham AbdulAziz Husain Al- Terkait as Chief Technology Officer. Al-Terkait’s brings significant experience of the IT sector, and his appointment will play key role in developing the Bank’s business in line with its targets and strategic direction Al-Terkait will play a key role as the bank continues to build its share of the Islamic Banking market. With a clear ambitious vision, the bank is confident

that Al-Terkait will effectively contribute in implementing the strategy and enhance the banks direction and continuous development. Al-Terkait’s joins the bank following a long and distinguished career within the IT banking sector, alongside experience of working in other sectors. In a career spanning 22 years, AlTerkait has held senior positions at Kuwait Finance House (KFH) and Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research



Nikkei KRX 100 All Shares Sensex Hang Seng

Change +95.94 +90.98 +4.16 +7.03 +163.50

(KISR), including the role of IT Infrastructure Services Manager and IT Quality and Control Unit Manager. He was also an executive member of numerous committees related to Information Technology. Given his significant expertise, he was also a project leader in the banking as well as the petroleum sectors through KISR which included projects like systems automation Projects, Information security systems projects

and advanced control projects. Al-Terkait experience will effectively contribute towards the growth and development of the bank’s expansion plans of its future projects to become one of the leading financial Islamic institutes in the area of information technology. The appointment will contribute effectively towards the use of latest technology available in the banking sector to be employed to serve Warba Bank’s customers.

Haitham Al-Terkait, Chief Technology Officer.


Closing pts 11,468.28 4,346.56 4,145.45 19,642.75 23,307.41



All Ordinaries DAX CAC 40 Euro Stoxx 50

-13.40 -23.55 -25.94 -22.02

Closing pts 5,114.40 7,728.90 3,709.88 2,640.35


School to represent Kuwait in Bucharest International finals

KMBS wins Global Management Challenge By Michelle Fe Santiago Arab Times Staff KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: The Kuwait Maastricht Business School team won the top spot and bested five other teams in the national final event of the Global Management Challenge held on Tuesday in the Khaled Al-Kharafi Hall at the Kuwait Stock Exchange under the auspices of the Ambassador of Romania to Kuwait Vasile Sofineti. The KMBS team composed of Wafa’a Salman, Sameh Antoun and Mohammed Adel Abouzeid will be representing Kuwait in the International final of the Global Management Challenge in Bucharest, Romania in April this year. Landing on second place was the Al Hajery Group followed by the Envision Team. Other participating teams were from the Gulf Cryo, Kuwait Stock

Exchange and Arab Financial Brokers. The Global Management Challenge is the largest Strategy and Management Competition in the world. It is the largest international event based on business simulations, in which more than 500,000 university students and company managers participate in this event throughout the world. The concept of the competition emerged in 1980 in Portugal by the SDG — Simuladores e Modelos de Gestão — in partnership with the weekly newspaper Expresso. Expresso has not only given a great amount of national coverage on the competition, but has also contributed immensely to the globalization process. The Global Management Challenge consists of a Management Simulation in which each team runs a Company, with the objective of getting the highest company share price on the simulated Stock exchange.

“We worked with several strategic decisions and thinking and we moved the company to raise the share price from a lower share price to a higher share price. The company was losing in the beginning and at the end, it has retained earnings and it has lots of cash and income,” shared Salman, a freelance trainor who along with her team members found the simulation very challenging. She added that whatever they have studied in the business school, they were able to practice and implement it during the whole exercise. “Since inception, the Global Management Challenge is constantly updated with the newest business challenges incorporating real life scenarios. To be able to fly an airplane, a pilot must spend several hours in a simulated environment because the highest performance is demanded of him and the same goes

with a manager,” stated Randa Haidar, the Managing Director of Adnar Group that spearheaded the event in Kuwait. She outlined that to be able to manage a company, a high performance is demanded of managers, therefore, a simulated environment is the best practice to get them in there to be able to manage a company. “Simulating a real business environment is a blessing because bad decisions have zero effect on the company’s resources in a simulated environment,” she stated as she congratulated all the teams and welcomed distinguished guests to the awarding ceremony that included Ambassador Sofineti, Kuwait Stock Exchange Training Director Wafa’a Al-Jassem and SDG Technical & Sales Manager Joao de Assis Ferreira who flew in from Portugal. “Some say that the axis which the world is turning around is money but I say that the

axis that the world is turning around is management. Management never sleeps and is involved in everywhere — how you manage your time, your health, the education of your children, your house and so on. Management and managers are the ones running the world that is why it all depends on the quality of management,” cited Ambassador Sofineti in his speech as he congratulated all the winners in the competition. He wished the Kuwait team all the best in the upcoming international final that will be hosted by Romania for the second time. “I’m very pleased and honoured to witness the birth of a new generation of talents, of managers. I’m happy to witness again this event. For the human imagination, the sky is the limit. Imagination, good training and great courage represent the troika of success in life,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Al Jassem also congratulated all the winners as she enjoined everyone to keep coming up with innovative business ideas to power the local business community as well as the international business arena. “The Global Management Challenge gives managers an opportunity to manage a company, without running real-world risks, and taking top management decisions, the competitors are given the opportunity to analyse Financial and Economic Indicators; broaden their views on Corporate Strategy; interact with the different Functional Areas of a Company; understand the Market Conditions in which they compete and Customer Satisfaction; and become aware of the impact of their Decisions on the Organization itself, within an environment designed to encourage and develop teamwork,” explained Ferreira.

Kuwait Energy revenue up 29 percent y/y in Q4 Production jumps 16.1% to 17,442 boepdd KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: Kuwait Energy, one of the fastest growing independent oil and gas exploration and production companies in the Middle East, today announced an update on its financial and corporate activities during its fourth quarter. Highlights

Photos by Ahmad Al-Nakeeb

(Top): The Kuwait Maastricht Business School team receive their certificates of recognition. (Above): The second place winner Al Hajery Group pose with their certificates.

EPS clocks 1.34 cents

UGB chalks $11 million net profit during 2012 MANAMA, Bahrain, Feb 20: United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) (“UGB”), the asset management and investment banking platform of the KIPCO Group, has announced its financial results for the 2012. Key Financial Highlights for 2012: ■ Net profit of $11.0 million (2011: $1.5 million) ■ Basic earnings per share of 1.34 cents (2011: 0.18 cents) ■ Total income before interest and other expenses $93.1 million (2011: $108.6 million) ■ Net profit in Q4 2012 of $6.1 million (2011: Q4 net loss of $12.5 million) ■ Total assets for 2012 of $1.23 billion (2011: $1.78 billion) ■ Capital adequacy ratio of 23 percent (2011:18 percent) exceeding the minimum regulatory requirement of 12.5 percent

Financial Performance UGB’s net profit for the 2012 increased by 7.3 times to $11.0 million compared to $1.5 million in 2011, with a similar increase in basic earnings per share to 1.34 cents from 0.18 cents in 2011. The increase in net profit is due to improved results of major associates, increased fees and commission income and reduced interest and operating expenses. UGB’s total assets stood at $1.23 billion as at Dec 31, 2012, down from the $1.78 billion recorded at the end of 2011. UGB managed to reduce leverage by $0.4 billion and repay loans from internal resources. UGB balance sheet remain strong with total equity of $478.2 million (2011: $603.2 million) and a capital adequacy ratio of 23 percent (2011: 18 percent), well above the Central Bank of Bahrain’s minimum level of 12.5 percent. UGB’s Board of Directors will not be recommending any more dividend for 2012 beyond the $96.5 million, in kind dividend distribution

approved by Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders on 19th December 2012 ((2011: Nil). Commenting on the year results, Masaud Hayat, Chairman of UGB, said: “We have delivered on our commitment made last year of deleveraging our balance sheet, managing our cost base and improving our recurring revenue stream. UGB’s results show the strength of our asset base which continues to deliver the required returns. UGB is well positioned to take advantage of certain opportunities that are consistent with our strategy of investing in our core activities and markets” UGB, the merchant banking subsidiary of KIPCO Group. Its proprietary investments include assets in commercial banking, real estate, private equity, and quoted securities. As of Dec 31, 2012 assets under management exceeded $8.0 billion (Dec 31, 2011: $7 billion). UGB’s core subsidiaries, associates and joint venture include: Burgan Bank, KIPCO Asset Management Company (KAMCO), North Africa Holding Company, Al Sharq Financial Brokerage Company, Manafae Investment Company, Millennium Private Equity Limited, Royal Capital Company, Syria Gulf Bank, United Networks (formerly United Cable Company), United Gulf Financial Services — North Africa, United Industries Company, Takaud Savings & Pension Company, United Capital Transport Company, Overland Real Estate Company and United Real Estate Company. UGB and its subsidiary KAMCO have a proven track record of successfully completing more than 60 investment banking transactions for its clients since 2001 with an aggregate value of over $8 billion including corporate finance, advisory, new issue placement and underwriting, corporate restructuring, bond issuance and merger and acquisition.

■ Q4 revenue up 29.4%, year-on-year, to $59.0 million (Q4 2011: $45.6 million) ■ Q4 production up 16.1% year-onyear, to 17,442 boepd (Q4 2011: 15,018 boepd) ■ Q4 operating profit up 30.1% yearon-year to $38.9 million (Q4 2011: $29.9 million) ■ Q4 operating profit up 3.2% quarteron-quarter to $38.9 million (Q3 2012: $37.7 million) ■ Kuwait Energy-led consortium selected by the Government of Afghanistan to negotiate Exploration and Production Sharing Contracts (EPSC) for two Blocks in Afghanistan ■ Financial close reached on debt facility of up to $165 million, with the International Finance Corporation and Deutsche Bank

Progress Kuwait Energy Chief Executive Office, Sara Akbar,said:”I am pleased to announce another quarter of year-onyear increases in revenue, profits and production. The quarter also saw us make strategic progress in Afghanistan and extend our access to capital via a new reserve-based lending facility. These are very exciting times for the company and I look forward to the future with confidence.” Kuwait Energy participated successfully in the second Afghanistan Bid Round for hydrocarbon exploration licences and submitted bids for Block I (Sanduqli) and Block IV (Mazar-iSharif) in a consortium together with Dragon Oil (International) Limited (DOIL), Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortakligi (TPAO) and Ghazanfar Investment Limited. Both blocks are located in the Balkh province of Northern Afghanistan, at the border with Uzbekistan. Subsequently, the consortium has been selected by the Government of Afghanistan to negotiate EPSCs for both Blocks with negotiations set to be concluded within the first half of 2013. Kuwait Energy is to operate the Sanduqli block jointly with DOIL, while the

REAM earns KD 673,099 in 2012

GIC records KD 9.3m net profit KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: Gulf Insurance Company (GIC) has announced net profit of KD 9.3 million ($33 million), or 50.54 fils per share, for the financial year ended December 31, 2012 with an increase of 30.4 percent or KD 2.16 million ($7.7 million) over the profit reported for the same period last year. The Board of Directors has recommended the distribution of 25% cash dividend (25 fils per share) for the financial year ended Dec 31, 2012. This recommendation is subject to the approval of the GIC General Assembly and that of the regulatory authorities. GIC increased its shareholder equity by 9.6 percent or KD 6.4 million ($22.8 million) to bring it to KD 73 million ($259 million) as at Dec 31, 2012. This is compared to KD 66.5 million ($236.3 million) reported in 2011 after the distribution of 20 percent cash dividends and 5 percent bonus shares for that financial year. The gross written premium grew 8.6 percent over the sum reported for the previous year, increasing KD 11.5 million ($40.9 million) to reach KD 145.4 million ($516.4 million). Net value of investments and cash came to KD 147.3 million ($523.4 million) as at Dec 31, 2012. This represents an 8.4 percent increase of KD 11.4 million ($40.7 million) from 2011. GIC’s net technical reserves were raised from KD 80.2 million ($285 million) on Dec 31, 2011 to KD 88.2 million ($313.5 million) as at Dec 31, 2012. This increase of KD 8 million ($28.4 million) represents a 10 percent rise and is in the interest of supporting the company’s operational activities and to protect the policy holders rights, thereby strengthening GIC’s ability to sustain emergencies and risks that may rise in the future. Total assets increased to KD 298.3 million ($1.06 billon) as at Dec 31, 2012. This is an increase of KD 31.6 million ($112.2 millon) or 11.8 percent from 2011. ❑ ❑ ❑

Board of Directors of Sanam Real Estate Company (Sanam) met on Feb 20, 2013 and adopted the annual financial statements of the company for the year ending Dec 31, 2012. Particulars Dec 31, 2012 Profit (Loss) (KD) (22,350) Earnings per share (fils) (0.18) Total current assets 1,411,686

Sara Akbar, CEO, Kuwait Energy Co.

Dec 31, 2011 (2,505,244) (20.64) 2,243,705

Mazar-i-Sharif block will be operated by TPAO. Kuwait Energy will take a 30% working interest in the operated block and 25% in the non-operated block. Financially, the Company achieved financial close during the quarter (Dec 19) on a new reserve based lending facility of up to $165million with the International Finance Corporation and Deutsche Bank. The debt facility is to finance near-term capital activities although the first draw down of $60 million has been used to repay the previous IFC reserve based lending facility.

Total assets 11,200,736 Total current liabilities 87,872 Total liabilities 110,435 Total shareholders’ equity 11,090,301

12,327,754 1,207,782 1,229,304 11,098,450

Total revenue from transactions is worth KD 191,638 and total expenses from transactions amounts to KD 35,947. The Board of Directors of the company recommended not to distribute profits for the fiscal year ending Dec 31, 2012. Note that these recommendations are subject to approval by the shareholders and the competent authorities. ❑ ❑ ❑

Kuwait Stock Exchange announced that the Board of Directors Real Estate Asset Management (REAM) met on Feb 20, 2013 and adopted the annual financial statements of the company for the year ending Dec 31, 2012. Particulars Dec 31, 2012 Profit (Loss) (KD) 673,099 Earnings per share (fils) 6.47 Total current assets 3,935,996 Total assets 17,583,100 Total current liabilities 1,409,364 Total liabilities 1,845,968 Total shareholders’ equity 15,650,550

Dec 31, 2011 520,904 5.01 4,088,339 17,194,601 1,378,902 1,781,321 15,332,566

Total revenue from transactions is worth KD 941,084 and total expenses from transactions amounts to KD 555,217. The Board of Directors of the company recommended distributing cash dividends of 5% of the nominal value of the shares 5 fils per share for the fiscal year ending Dec 31, 2012. Note that these recommendations are subject to approval by the shareholders and the competent authorities. ❑ ❑ ❑

Capital Markets Authority approved Strategia Investment Company (Strategia) annual financial statements of the company for the year ending Dec 31, 2012, dated Feb 19, 2013. Particulars Dec 31, 2012 Profit (Loss) (KD) 10,514 Earnings per share (fils) 0.07 Total current assets 13,530,950 Total assets 13,558,170 Total current liabilities 124,045 Total liabilities 201,334 Total shareholders’ equity 13,356,836

Dec 31, 2011 19,631 0.13 13,476,615 13,507,422 219,750 249,859 13,257,563

The total expenses from transactions with related parties amounts to KD 224,964. The Board of Directors will meet later to discuss the distribution of dividends for the fiscal year ending Dec 31, 2012.

❑ ❑ ❑

Capital Markets Authority approved Commercial Facilities Company (CFC) annual financial statements of the company for the year ending Dec 31, 2012, dated Feb 19, 2013. Particulars Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2011 Profit (Loss) (KD) 15,872,000 14,190,000 Earnings per share (fils) 31 27 Total current assets 147,285,000 177,909,000 Total assets 291,750,000 306,543,000 Total current liabilities 44,415,000 56,245,000 Total liabilities 122,243,000 142,558,000 Total shareholders’ equity 169,507,000 163,985,000 The total expenses from transactions amounts to KD 474,000.

The Board of Directors will meet on March 4, 2013 to discuss the distribution of dividends for the fiscal year ending Dec 31, 2012. ❑ ❑ ❑

Board of Directors of Kout Food Group (KOUTFOOD) met on Feb 19, 2013 and adopted the annual financial statements of the company for the year ending Dec 31, 2012. Particulars Dec 31, 2012 Profit (Loss) (KD) 4,361,199 Earnings per share (fils) 60 Total current assets 15,813,438 Total assets 43,342,540 Total current liabilities 9,946,088 Total liabilities 12,369,252 Total shareholders’ equity 31,350,476

Dec 31, 2011 4,082,147 56 15,009,323 41,010,742 10,273,693 12,500,425 28,721,529

The total expenses from transactions amounts to KD 358,373. The Board of Directors of the company recommended distributing cash dividends of 30% of the nominal value of the shares 30 fils per share for the fiscal year ending Dec 31, 2012. Note that these recommendations are subject to approval by the shareholders and the competent authorities. ❑ ❑ ❑

Kuwait Stock Exchange announced that the Board of Directors approved Kuwait United Poultry Company (KUPCO) annual financial statements of the company for the year ending Dec 31, 2012, dated Feb 19, 2013. Particulars Dec 31, 2012 Profit (Loss) (KD) 1,898,025 Earnings per share (fils) 16.95 Total current assets 5,525,057 Total assets 19,065,679 Total current liabilities 2,601,417 Total liabilities 3,368,690 Total shareholders’ equity 15,696,989

Dec 31, 2011 2,608,605 23.3 5,209,362 17,644,204 2,260,880 3,285,370 14,358,834

The Board of Directors of the company recommended cash dividends of 5% of the nominal value per share of 5 fils per share for the fiscal year ending Dec 31, 2012. Note that these recommendations are subject to approval by the shareholders and the competent authorities.

Q4 financial and daily average working interest production: Q4 2012 Q4 2011 Change Q4 2012 Q3 2012 Change Revenue ($ million) 59.0 45.6 +29.4% 59.0 59.5 -0.8% Production average (boepd) 17,442 15,018 +16.1% 17,442 17,520 -0.4% *Revenue reported is sales less profit petroleum and is based on management accounts which are unaudited.

Q4 production: Country of operations Egypt Oman Yemen Ukraine Russia Total

Daily average working interest production (boepd) Q4 2012 Q4 2011 12,303 10,118 2,955 2,892 711 573 637 819 835 617 17,442 15,018




HSBC wins Global Investor Sub Custody award HSBC Bank Middle East Limited, Kuwait received top honours in the 2013 Global Investor Sub Custody Survey. The results that were released in February showed that HSBC’s Sub Custody Services ranked first in the Weighted, Unweighted and Weighted by Importance categories in Kuwait and 6 other markets in the MENA region. The award is a testament to the exceptional service delivered by the team in

Kuwait. “HSBC Securities Services was launched in Kuwait in 2005. The team in Kuwait comprises personnel with a rich experience of working in international markets as well as a mix of local talent who have a very good understanding of the Kuwait market. HSBC is the only bank that offers custodian services in ten MENA markets, affirmation of our strong global connectivity. This enables us to

adopt best practices from our branches worldwide, thereby ensuring that our clients get the same consistent high level of service across our global branch network and the MENA region,” said Simon Vaughan Johnson, CEO of HSBC in Kuwait. HSBC Securities Services in Kuwait offers a full range of sub-custody services to foreign institutional investors investing in the Kuwait capital market.

Simon Vaughan Johnson, CEO of HSBC in Kuwait.

Bahrain hangs on as banking centre Number of licensed financial firms stable despite political turmoil MANAMA, Feb 20, (RTRS): When Ahli United Bank, Bahrain’s largest lender by market value, announced this week a rise in profits for 2012, it was more than good news for the bank alone. It was a sign that the island kingdom is surviving as a regional financial centre. Two years after pro-democracy protesters inspired by the Arab Spring uprisings blockaded Bahrain’s financial district, political tensions still weigh on its banking industry. This is deterring some investment

and inflows of money, and making it harder for Bahrain to compete with other centres such as Dubai. But contrary to fears at the time, a mass exodus of financial firms from Bahrain has not happened and local banks are proving resilient, allowing the island to remain a hub for financial services in the Gulf. Bahraini authorities have mounted an active campaign to persuade financial institutions to stay in the country. Economic support to Bahrain from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, which are politically allied to the Bahraini government, has helped that campaign. “Though Bahrain’s 2011 political crisis weakened growth potential and damaged the country’s reputation as a business services hub, we believe a post-crisis status quo has been established,” Standard & Poor’s said in late January as it upgraded the outlook for Bahrain’s credit rating, a low-investment grade BBB, to stable from negative. The survival of Bahrain’s financial industry is important to the country of about 1.3 million people; its oil resources are not as lavish as those of some of its Gulf neighbours. Bahrain’s financial sector makes up 17.1 percent of its economy, which had an output of $29 billion in 2011, according to the latest central bank figures. The industry is a major employer of local citizens, with Bahrainis accounting for 66 percent of the sector’s workforce. When protests closed down Bahrain Financial Harbour in the days following the outbreak of unrest on Valentine’s Day 2011, forcing bankers to work from other locations, the fear was that many might never come back. The protests were put down by force but sectarian tensions between majority Shias and minority Sunnis have persisted, with skirmishes between angry youths and security forces in villages outside the capital still reported almost daily. Political talks began on Feb. 10 in an effort to end the deadlock, but there have been few signs of progress so far. Two people were killed on the second anniversary of the uprising.


Photos by Jennifer Mascarenhas

(Top): The award winners pose for a photo with Alderman Roger Gifford, Lord Mayor of the City of London (fourth from left); BBF Chairman Paul McKay is second from left, and Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Kuwait His Excellency Frank Baker is sixth from left.

(Above left): Alderman Roger Gifford, Lord Mayor of the City of London (center), posing for a photo with some of the BBF members and their guests. (Above right): Alderman Roger Gifford, Lord Mayor of the City of London (second from left), handing over the award to one of the recipients.

Natalia earns Merit, Lewinton takes Lifetime Achievement awards

AMEC wins BBF Excellence Award By Paul Francis X. Fernandes Arab Times Staff KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: The British Business Forum (BBF), the voice of the British business community in Kuwait, held its 18th Annual BBF Excellence Awards evening at the Holiday Inn Salmiya, Feb 17. This event is the highlight of the BBF business year, recognizing and rewarding business people in the private and public sector for their contribution to British business in 2012. The awards were presented by the Right Honorable Alderman Roger Gifford, Lord Mayor of the City of London who took the opportunity to announce a new Mansion House scholarship to be made available to Kuwaiti citizens to enable them gain experience in the finance sector in the world’s financial capital, the City of London. The award presentations were made in the presence of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Kuwait His Excellency Frank Baker and Chairman of BBF, Paul McKay. In his opening speech, McKay made reference to the long history of British international business successes, reflecting on their impact on everyday life and language. McKay thanked the organizers and awards committee for their hard work and commitment in preparing for the event, before voicing the BBF’s gratitude to the event’s sponsors; Wataniya Telecom, Gulf Bank, MENA Holdings and BECS, for their contribution and support, without which the gala event could not have taken place. This year the top award, the Excellence Award, went to AMEC for its outstanding contribution to British business during 2012. AMEC won several major contracts on behalf of UK industry, notably the environmental remediation services contract and the project management contract for the Fourth Refinery, as well as gaining extensions to existing contracts with KOC and KNPC.

Increase As a result of these successes, AMEC’s Kuwait-based personnel will increase from 350 to over 1,000 within

18 months, supporting an annual revenue stream of GBP75 million at peak. The Excellence Award was presented to Alan Armstrong, AMEC’s Kuwait Operations Director on behalf of the company in light of his inspirational leadership, steerage of the corporate vessel and continued commitment to high quality service delivery, without compromising the values of safety, people and the wider business community within the host market. AMEC is a world-leading FTSE-100 engineering, project management and consultancy services company with 29,000 employees worldwide. The Award of Merit was presented to Natalia Vakulenko of Jumbo Tour and Travel Company WLL for her services in supporting trade workshops by the British Embassy, as recognized by governmental body Visit Britain. Natalia Vakulenko represented Jumbo Travel actively last year and supported several trade workshops, including Destination Britain and Ireland (DEBI) at the British Embassy in Kuwait. Visit Britain recognized the support extended by Jumbo Tour and Travel, and singled out Natalia for her particular contribution. Natalia is a business development manager with a background in both the hotel and travel trade. The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to John Lewinton for his decades of support and service to British business in Kuwait across a number of sectors. Lewinton came to Kuwait in 1983 with the ambition of doing a two-year contract “to get Gulf experience on my CV.” After almost 30 years, he is still enjoying his life here.

Roles Over the years, Lewinton has taken key roles in both Kuwaiti and British companies in Kuwait. Notably, he has developed the systems and processes at several Kuwaiti firms, enabling them to gain ISO 9000 accreditation, including the first Kuwaiti firm to gain such accreditation. Like many among the international community at the time, Lewinton spent over four months in hiding from the Iraqi invaders, before assisting the Kuwaitis’ ‘Free Kuwait Campaign’ after being

evacuated to London. One of Lewinton’s homemade videos of Iraqi looting became a key part of that campaign. A Certificate of Excellence was awarded to Greham Raynham of Bond Bryan Architects, for having the commercial courage and conviction as a UK SME to establish its operations here in Kuwait as the hub for the Gulf region. Bond Bryan Architects are a UKbased architectural practice which has established a studio in Kuwait to develop business opportunities in the MENA region. Bond Bryan Architects have since inception over 20 years ago grown to become a UK top 50 architectural practice with over 80 professional, technical and support staff operating from offices in Sheffield, Westerham and Kuwait. Greham is responsible for MENA operations and is based in Kuwait.

Contribution A Certificate of Excellence was awarded to Mary Eckersall of Kuwait English School (KES), for her contribution to British style education whilst serving in Kuwait, ensuring students receive every opportunity to successfully complete their studies in UK universities. Eckersall took up her role at KES in 2002, and her passion to facilitate students of KES to take up places at British universities is unflagging. She has formed excellent links with universities and currently, KES students are represented at over twenty leading UK universities including Oxford, King’s College, University College London and Imperial College London. A Certificate of Excellence was awarded to Emily Naylor of Ernst and Young, for taking the initiative as a young businesswoman to come to Kuwait early in her working life and establish herself successfully here. Naylor first came to Kuwait in December 2009 to work for Ernst & Young, shortly after completing her Masters degree in Human Resource Management at Durham University. At Ernst & Young, she is part of the People & Organization team which provides Human Resources consulting services to clients within the public and private sectors across the MENA

region. Having completed three years with the firm, she has recently been offered an in-house scholarship to join the UK office for a period of three months. A Certificate of Excellence was awarded to Alghanim Travel for support to UK business over the last 60 years, particularly British Airways, as exemplified by an Excellence in Partnership Award from British Airways in 2012. Alghanim Travel has shown dedication and commitment to both British Airways and its customers, including recognized corporate clients such as AMEC, the British Council and the British community in Kuwait. Alghanim Travel is the oldest and leading General Sales Agent and Retail Travel Agency in Kuwait and has been the General Sales Agent for British Airways since 1948. The Certificate was presented to General Manager Zaid Al-Kubaizi on behalf of the firm. In addition to the formal awards, a Special Mention was made to Gula Al Sharafi at UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) for excelling at her role as a commercial officer where Gula has, over a period of more than 13 years, represented the interests of UK business. In the healthcare sector, Gula has developed excellent contacts within Kuwait and earned the confidence and respect of UK companies working in the field. The gala evening was a great success and this high profile promotion of the Award winners, together with an opportunity to promote British business success confirms the BBF Excellence Awards as the premier business awards ceremony of the year in Kuwait. The Excellence Awards were launched in 1997 to celebrate individual successes of men and women in business not just from Britain but the wider Kuwaiti community for their achievements in British business excellence. It is open to organizations of any size and entries are received from those who feel they have made a discernible difference to enhance Britain’s business interests.

Some banks did choose to leave the island in the aftermath of the uprising. The biggest blow was the departure of France’s Credit Agricole, which said in late 2011 that it was moving its regional headquarters and about 60 staff to Dubai. Japan’s Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi moved most of its people to Dubai in mid-2012, leaving a small presence behind. However, worries about a disastrous hollowing-out of Bahrain’s banking industry were misplaced. Assets in Bahrain’s banking system have fallen to $194.9 billion last November from $222.2 billion at the end of 2010, just before the uprising. This contrasts with growth in other Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but does not suggest a mass pull-out of money from the country. The number of banks and financial institutions licensed in Bahrain has remained roughly steady; it was 407 at the end of the third quarter of last year, against 406 at end-2010, central bank data shows. A trickle of departures has also been offset by the granting of new licences, some to foreign institutions; 14 licences were awarded in 2012. Global asset manager PineBridge Investments opened its Middle East headquarters in Manama last month. “They’ve done a good job preventing a mass exodus of financial firms,” said Jeffrey Singer, chief executive of the body managing the rival Dubai International Financial Centre. Many factors are behind Bahrain’s survival. Abdulkarim Bucheery, chairman of the Bahrain Association of Banks, an industry body, cited an established infrastructure and regulatory framework and a qualified local workforce. Bahrain benefits from hosting the headquarters of the influential Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions, whose standards are used in whole or in part by regulators of Islamic finance around the world. Boyd Winton, director of financial services at Bahrain’s Economic Development Board, said the island could co-exist with rapidly expanding centres elsewhere in the region. He noted that London, Paris and Frankfurt all worked as banking hubs despite their proximity. “Just because one place is a financial centre doesn’t mean another place can’t have a financial industry,” he said. Pledges of financial support from Bahrain’s wealthy Arab neighbours have helped; those countries undertook in March 2011 to provide a combined $10 billion in aid over 10 years. This appears to have reassured Saudi and other foreign depositors in Bahrain that it is safe to keep money there.

Strong Ahli United Bank, which saw its 2012 net profit climb 8.1 percent to $335.7 million, is among several Bahraini banks that have so far announced higher 2012 earnings. In a report last week, the government said bank lending began to pick up last year, setting the stage for strong economic growth in 2013. “I think 2012 will start to see the beginning of the growth cycle...and I think 2013 will be building on that growth,” said Bucheery, also chief executive of local lender BBK. However, there is a split between the health of local, retailfocused banks and Bahrain’s investment houses, which mostly operate under Islamic principles. These firms relied on fees from arranging local real estate deals and are struggling to reinvent themselves after the uprising compounded the collapse of the property market. One of the most prominent examples is Gulf Finance House, which has required multiple debt restructurings since 2010. The central bank of Bahrain has been active in recent months in trying to strengthen these institutions, asking them to increase capital, encouraging revenue diversification and, in some cases, merge, Winton said. Nevertheless, the future health of Bahrain as a banking market will not be assured as long as the political unrest continues. Ahli United’s chairman Fahad al-Rajaan said the bank’s 2012 profit growth came despite a “continuing uncertain and challenging business and operating environment”, which would persist into 2013. Although the current, relatively low level of unrest rarely has a direct impact on the lives of expatriate bankers in Bahrain, it is not an incentive to relocate families to the island. Tight, time-consuming screening of travellers arriving at Bahrain’s airport because of heightened security concerns could interfere with business travel. And the unrest may make it harder for authorities, preoccupied with the political crisis, to respond to financial competition. S&P said in its January report that there had been a “relegation of economic policymaking” in Bahrain since 2011. Dubai, which has over twice as many registered financial firms as Bahrain, hopes to take advantage. Last month, it launched a drive to become the global centre for Islamic finance regulation - a direct challenge to Bahrain’s dominance.




Bank Muscat gets $195 mln equity investment from IFC Bank Muscat agreed on an equity investment worth 75.1 million rials ($195.1 million) from the International Finance Corp, it said on Wednesday, a move which will bolster the capital base of Oman’s largest lender. The World Bank unit will buy into the bank through a private share placement which will represent 5.28 percent of Bank Muscat’s capital following the investment, a statement

to the Oman stock exchange said. IFC will purchase shares at 0.66 rials each, the statement said, a 5.8 percent premium to Tuesday’s closing price. Bank Muscat shares rose 1.6 percent Wednesday as at 0805 GMT. This is not the first time which IFC has made a capital-linked investment in Bank Muscat. In December 2011, the pair signed a $170 million subordinated loan which was used to strengthen the bank’s capital position and pro-

StanChart hires ex-RBS banker Emmet

vide dollar funding for lending to small and medium-sized businesses. The latest transaction is still subject to regulatory approval, as well as the assent of existing Bank Muscat shareholders. Should this be garnered, the deal should close in mid-May, the statement added. Bank Muscat said last week it was close to an agreement with a reputable international institution about a private share placement. (RTRS)

Standard Chartered Plc has hired Tom Emmet, previously with Royal Bank of Scotland , to head its mergers and acquisitions business in the Middle East and North Africa, Standard Chartered said on Wednesday. Emmet, one of the most senior investment bankers in the region, was previously head of corporate finance and equity capital markets at RBS. The part-nationalised bank

decided a year ago to exit M&A, bowing to pressure from the British government to shut down risky operations. In his new role, Emmet will report to Andrew Suckling, Standard Chartered’s global head of M&A, and Daniel Azzi, regional head of global markets and co-head of wholesale banking for the Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan. “The Middle East is one of Standard

Chartered’s strategic markets and we continue to work closely with our clients to support their increasing M&A ambitions,” Suckling said. Emmet will replace Apoorva Shah, who previously headed the unit and is leaving the bank to pursue other opportunities, the lender said in a statement. Shah had joined the British lender from Deutsche Bank in 2010, where he was running M&A for the MENA region. (RTRS)

Economic reforms, IMF loan may be delayed

Political instability erodes gains by Tunisia economy TUNIS, Feb 20, (RTRS): Political instability in Tunisia looks set to slow growth of its economy this year just as business was starting to recover strongly from the turmoil following the 2011 revolution. The economy grew 3.5 percent from a year earlier in the third quarter of 2012, according to the most recent official data. That was a rebound from a shrinkage of 1.8 percent for full-year 2011, when the ouster of president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was accompanied by a wave of labour unrest and street violence that drove away foreign tourists. Just a few weeks ago, government officials were predicting expansion of around 4.5 percent for 2013 — in line with the average growth rate in the decade before the uprising. But the killing on Feb 6 of human rights lawyer and opposition leader Chokri Belaid has ravaged the immediate outlook for the economy, underlining the fragility of the region’s recovery in the

wake of the Arab Spring uprisings. Former central bank governor Mustafa Kamal Nabli said Tunisia’s economy now faced a difficult year during which the government would have difficulty funding its budget deficit. “The restoration of political stability and security is a priority because there will be no investment, and no tourism or exports, without stability,” he told the local Attounissia newspaper. The death of Belaid, a fierce critic of Tunisia’s Islamist-led government, was the country’s first politically motivated assassination in decades, so it does not necessarily indicate a pattern of political violence. But by upsetting a delicate truce between secular and Islamist groups in the country, it has raised the threat of major unrest; one policeman was killed in street protests that swept the country after the assassination, with crowds attacking offices of the Ennahda ruling party in

China financing modernisation

Sudan govt eyes railway revival to boost economy ATBARA, Sudan, Feb 20, (RTRS): On rail tracks in Atbara, Sudan’s main railway city, stray engines and empty coaches from trains built in Europe, India and the United States, some more than 50 years ago, stand still in the scorching heat. The trains broke down years ago and many of the coach windows have been smashed, while the tracks they stand on are derelict. Sudan was once home to Africa’s largest railway network, with more than 5,000 kms (3,100 miles) of track running from the Egyptian border to Darfur in the west, Port Sudan on the Red Sea coast and Wau in what is now South Sudan. Today, after decades of mismanagement and neglect, most of the country’s rail track is out of service. But the government, with the help of Chinese money and expertise, wants to rebuild it and restore some of the industry’s former glory. Modernising the railways, Khartoum hopes, will boost the export of livestock and products such as cotton and gum arabic - an edible gum taken from acacia trees and used in soft drinks and drugs. That would help support Sudan’s economy, which has been plunged into crisis by the loss of most of the country’s oil production since it split from South Sudan in 2011. “We need the railway,” said transport minister Ahmed Babiker Nahar. “Road traffic is expensive. The railway is cheaper, faster, safer and has a bigger capacity. Livestock arrives in better condition by rail.” The government’s plan will require considerable investment. State railway operator, the Sudanese Railway Corp, has just 60 trains left in operation. And they cannot travel at more than 40 kms an hour because the British-designed wooden sleepers and tracks, mostly laid between 1896 and 1930, are too weak. “The entire rail network is broken down,” said Makawi Awadh Makawi, head of the Sudanese Railway Corp “We have no passenger trains operating anymore and transport only 10 percent of the cargo traffic in Sudan.” Most goods are transported along Sudan’s poor road infrastructure. Makawi said China, Sudan’s biggest aid donor and one of the biggest investors in the African country, and South Korea had agreed to replace and repair old freight and passenger trains. Khartoum is also in talks with Ukraine about buying trains and railway track.

Contracts He would not disclose details of the train contracts. China typically funds development projects in Sudan by granting loans which pay Chinese firms doing the work on the ground. Chinese state firms built up much of Sudan’s oil industry before the secession of South Sudan and have also built a major dam on the Nile, as well as cross-country roads and are due to build a new airport in Khartoum. Sudan should become a transport route for some of South Sudan’s oil production once the two countries can agree an arrangement. As part of a drive in Africa to secure raw materials and oil, Chinese firms have also invested in Sudan’s gold industry. “We have a contract with the Chinese for 100 passenger and 100 cargo cars and another deal for 50 cars for oil tanks,” said Nahar, adding that South Korea had delivered 13 locomotives so far. Work to renew the rail tracks started last year when China’s Shanghai

Hui Bo Investment Co (SHIC) opened a plant in north Khartoum, opposite the Sudanese capital’s main train station, and is producing 1,200 concrete sleepers a day, according to its Sudanese manager Sharaf Nasser. Within two years, officials hope to renew between 1,000 and 2,000 kms of track across the country. In a first sign of progress, a daily cargo train has started running from Khartoum to Atbara, some 300 kms north of the capital, from where a line to Port Sudan is now being rebuilt. Officials hope to restart the line from Khartoum to Nyala in Darfur via North Kordofan state, where most gum arabic is produced, although no start date has been set. A map in the manager’s office of SHIC’s plant marks the next vision: extending the rail line from Nyala into neighbouring Chad. Sudan announced plans this month to give Chad fixed storage space in Port Sudan to encourage bilateral trade. In its heyday the state railway operator used to control river trade along the Nile, as well as Sudan’s ports and the country’s telegraph network, in addition to its rail traffic. Until the 1980s it also owned extensive housing compounds, social clubs and hotels to serve more than 30,000 employees. “The railway made up 40 percent of GDP in 1959,” said Nahar, referring to the total combined income from the railways, ports, river trade and hotels at that time.

Glorious In Atbara, where the railway divides the city in two, there are reminders of a glorious past. One half looks like any other Sudanese town, with low-rise buildings and bustling street vendors, while in the other half, virtually a ghost town, dozens of elegant villas, built by the British to house railway managers, are now derelict. Among the few occupied buildings is a large colonial-style villa, used as a Sudan army post. The railway’s decline began in the 1980s when the late President Jaafar Nimeiri, fighting economic turmoil, ordered layoffs and cut funds for the railway after failing to break the power of the Communist Party and the trade unions, which frequently ordered rail strikes, paralysing the economy. More than 20,000 workers were fired within a decade, most of them after a strike in 1989 after President Omar Hassan al-Bashir came to power in an Islamist coup. “This regime (under Bashir) destroyed the railway,” said Kamal Hussein, a Communist Party member who was fired in 1989 after working as a railway accountant in Atbara and Khartoum for 23 years and now works for a private firm. “I was fired for political reasons. I had to leave the company housing,” said Hussein, who still thinks of the railway as one big family. “The railway was the engine of the economy.” Governments since have struggled to raise funds to maintain railway infrastructure, including buying new trains. At SHIC’s spanking new factory in Khartoum, manager Nasser says the concrete sleepers being produced will allow trains to travel at high speed. “The new sleepers will allow travel of 180 kms per hour,” he said. That would facilitate the shipment of goods across the country including the transport of livestock and agricultural products, which account for around 20 percent of Sudan’s exports, according to central bank data.

Tunis and elsewhere. The threat of violence already seems to have been enough to damage Tunisia’s tourism industry, a major earner of foreign exchange and source of jobs. “The effect is disastrous for tourism...Bookings for French tourists are down by 80 percent compared to the same week last year,” said Khaled Allani, a hotel manager in the major eastern resort town of Hammamet. The number of tourist visits to Tunisia last year climbed 30 percent to about 6 million. The industry is estimated to provide some 7 percent of the country’s gross domestic product and 400,000 jobs in a population of about 11 million. Tourism is also important to pay Tunisia’s bills abroad; tourism receipts totalled 1.09 billion dinars ($699 million) in the third quarter of last year, offsetting more than a third of the country’s trade deficit of 2.83 billion dinars.

A second threat to the economy is that Tunisians could start waging political battles through industrial action. Belaid’s killing prompted labour union UGTT, Tunisia’s biggest, to call the country’s first general strike for 34 years on Feb. 8. “The general strike caused the state Treasury losses of about 280 million dinars,” estimated former finance minister Hussein Dimassi, predicting that the losses would force the government to cut economic development spending this year. A third risk is that the political turmoil could distract the government from drafting policy reforms needed to strengthen its finances — while even if such reforms are drafted, it may be hard to win public support for them in such a politically charged atmosphere. Tunisia has been in talks with the International Monetary Fund on obtaining a $1.78 billion loan, but it is expected

to have to reassure the IMF that it is shoring up its budget position with politically sensitive steps such as limiting spending on food and fuel subsidies. Such undertakings may have become a lot more difficult to give since Belaid’s death, partly because the shape of the government that will rule until the next elections, which are expected by the end of the year, is no longer clear. After the assassination, Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali proposed forming a nonpartisan, technocratic cabinet to run the country until the elections. But senior members of his own Ennahda party rejected that proposal, prompting Jebali to resign on Tuesday. Tunisia may soon resemble Egypt, where the expected signing of a $4.8 billion loan agreement with the IMF, and reforms to the state’s subsidy system, have been held up for months by a worsening political climate. “Once a new government is named, we

will enquire about its intentions/mandate. Once the political situation is clarified, we’ll assess how best to help Tunisia,” IMF spokeswoman Wafa Amr told Reuters in an email on Tuesday. Economic disaster is by no means inevitable. New foreign direct investment jumped to 3.00 billion dinars in 2012 from 1.62 billion in 2011, partly because of privatisations, according to official data. Last year’s total exceeded the 2.17 billion dinars recorded in 2010, before the revolution. The data shows that because of Tunisia’s strengths, including its educated population and proximity to Europe, foreign investment held up fairly well even in 2011. So long-term corporate investors are unlikely to change their view of Tunisia merely because of a few weeks of unrest this year; investment inflows may continue if the political outlook stabilises in coming months.

Economy far from collapse as US tightens sanctions on Iran Tehran power use falls, exports rise as crisis bites DUBAI, Feb 20, (RTRS): Hossein Ahmad, an Iranian who runs a jewellery shop in wealthy Dubai, marvels at the spending power he sees on show during his monthly trips to Tehran, a year after US sanctions largely froze Iran out of the global banking system. Shops in the Iranian capital are crowded. Finding a seat at good restaurants can be difficult. And the ski resorts in the mountains north of Tehran continue to attract Tehran’s glamorous and well-heeled. “The economy has problems with the sanctions, yes. But it’s still working,” he says. “It isn’t as bad as people outside the country think.” Sanctions are clearly having an impact; the country’s oil revenue has been slashed and other trade disrupted; a weak currency has sent the prices of some imports soaring, destroying jobs as some factories using imported parts have folded. But they are not close to having the “crippling” effect envisaged by Washington. The Iranian government has found ways to soften the impact, and Iran’s economy is large and diverse enough to absorb a lot of punishment. So at talks next week with the world’s major powers in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Iran seems unlikely to feel under overwhelming pressure to back down on its disputed nuclear programme, which the West suspects is a cover to make weapons. “The government had a long time to prepare for economic war,” said Mohammad Ali Shabani, an Iranian political analyst based in London. “If you’re talking about collapse, that is not happening.” Iran’s oil and gas exports, which previously accounted for three-quarters of total exports, plunged last year because of international sanctions, and they may fall further as Washington makes it even harder for Tehran to obtain payment for them. The International Energy Agency estimated last week that Iran’s oil exports may have dropped below 1 million barrels per day in January from 2.2 million bpd in late 2011, costing the country over $40 billion in lost revenues last year. That loss is manageable, however,

for a nearly $500 billion economy, and Iran has taken steps in the past year to put the economy on an emergency footing, partially offsetting the drop in inflows of wealth with a reduction of outflows. Imports of luxury goods including foreign cars and mobile phones were banned, state media said, while the government cut subsidies for students studying abroad. Gold exports were controlled to make capital flight from the country harder. Most importantly, the government presided late last year over a slide in the Iranian rial, which lost about two-thirds of its value against the US dollar in the free market before stabilising in its current range around 36,500.

Slide It is not clear whether authorities deliberately engineered the slide, which caused panic among businessmen and brief street protests in Tehran, but the end result suits a government that is hunkering down to resist more years of sanctions. Since the state controls the oil sector, it can divert most of Iran’s remaining hard currency supplies where it wishes. It is using special exchange centres to sell dollars at cheap rates to importers of basic foods, medicines and other essentials. Meanwhile, the mass of Iranians who want dollars for other purposes - to import luxuries, travel overseas or move their savings abroad - must buy them at the expensive market rate. This cuts demand to send money out of the country. The outcome, analysts say, is that Iran may avoid an external payments crisis even if oil exports fall further. Its foreign reserves are estimated by private economists to have dropped to around $70-80 billion from just above $100 billion at the end of 2011; the fall may slow and eventually halt as the currency depreciation and other emergency policies take hold. Iranian-born economist Mehrdad Emadi, of the Betamatrix consultancy in London, said statements by officials in Iran suggested they had identified $60 billion as a safe minimum level for reserves, and would take further steps to restrain imports if necessary to protect that level. “We are not even in the neighbourhood of a critical situation for the balance of payments,” he said. Oil used to provide about two-thirds of government revenues, so the sanctions

have hit state finances hard. But once again, the weak rial has come to the government’s aid, letting it make money by selling some of its petrodollars to the private sector at much higher prices than a year ago. The International Monetary Fund estimated in October that Iran would post a general state budget deficit of 3.9 percent of gross domestic product this year - easily bearable for a government with gross debt of only about 9 percent of GDP. The sanctions are, however, sapping Iranians’ living standards as the weak rial pushes up inflation through higher import costs. Chicken prices, for example, nearly tripled in a year as the cost of buying feed from abroad jumped. The official inflation rate hit 27.4 percent at the end of 2012. Including imported goods, actual inflation is believed to be roughly twice as high. A small jar of Nescafe now costs about 230,000 rials ($6.30 at the free market rate) in a Tehran store, up from 120,000 rials a few months ago. Higher import costs, as well as inefficient management, have made it hard to obtain some medicines. Hospitals have reported shortages of drugs to treat cancer, diabetes and other diseases. The auto sector, which built over 1.6 million vehicles in 2010, has been devastated by more expensive imported parts. Output roughly halved in the past year, and thousands of people lost their jobs as some parts plants closed, local media said.

Nuanced But the picture is more nuanced. Some companies such as home appliance makers, which were being undercut by cheap imports, are now growing strongly because the rial’s drop has made them more competitive, Shabani said. Iranians seeking to escape inflation and unable to move their money out of the country are building new homes, boosting the construction and carpentry industries. These mini-booms are reflected in flashy new cars cruising Tehran’s streets and luxury apartments going up in its affluent neighbourhoods. The stock market hit a record high this week. Emadi estimated that while some of Iran’s top industrial centres could haemorrhage jobs because of the sagging oil and auto industries, overall the economy was unlikely to shrink more than around 2 or 3 percent this year. Meanwhile, government subsidies and

handouts are expected to continue softening the impact of inflation on Iran’s poorer families by keeping staple foods such as bread, rice, sugar and edible oil affordable for them. Parliament agreed last month to allocate a further $2 billion to support low-income families. The rial’s depreciation has halved the savings of the middle class and destroyed some of their businesses, but “those at the top and bottom of the pyramid haven’t seen a dramatic amount of change”, said Emad Mostaque, a strategist who follows Iran at London-based NOAH Capital Markets. This uneven distribution of the pain of sanctions is why, for Washington, they could prove counter-productive: they are doing most damage to a group that might be expected to push for political change in Iran. “The middle class, people with fixed incomes, pensioners are under a lot of pressure. They are too exhausted to rise up,” Shabani said.

Also: DUBAI: A fall in electricity demand in Iran’s sanctions-hit economy led to a 29percent rise in its power exports over the last 11 months, the state news agency IRNA said on Tuesday. Iran’s economy has been battered by sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union which have slashed its oil exports and hobbled the wider economy by severing links to the global financial system. Electricity demand is a key indicator of economic health as falling consumption typically reflects lower industrial activity and plant closures. Iran has exported 10,000 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity since the start of the current Iranian year on March 20, 2012, up from 7,758 GWh the previous year, IRNA reported, citing data from the energy ministry. The sanctions have targeted oil exports because the West believes Tehran is funding a nuclear weapons programme with oil revenues. Iran denies any plans to develop nuclear weapons. Western governments have pressured Iran’s biggest customers in Asia to reduce their Iranian oil imports over the last year but sanctions have not been imposed on power exports. Iran is a net exporter of electricity on an annual basis — trading with Armenia, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iraq and Afghanistan — but suffers from supply shortages at peak times.

French minister says Rafale sale talks restarted

UAE close to fighter jet decision: official ABU DHABI, Feb 20, (RTRS): The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is close to deciding whether to buy British or French fighter jets, after nearly five years of talks and numerous diplomatic visits. French firm Dassault’s Rafales jets and the BAE Systems — backed Eurofighter Typhoon are in a closelycontested race to win the deal for at least 60 new aircraft to replace the UAE’s Mirage fleet. “It’s still an open field and a decision will be made in a short period of time,” UAE military spokesman Obeid Al Ketbi said at a defence show press conference said this week. It was the first official comment from the UAE since Abu Dhabi Crown Prince

Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, who is also deputy supreme commander of the UAE armed forces, called Dassault’s terms “uncompetitive and unworkable” in December 2011. In talks for the sale since 2008, the comments were a blow to Dassault and opened the door to the Eurofighter. But the French firm’s star may be rising. Trailed by nearly 100 staff and reporters, Sheikh Mohammed visited the Dassault chalet at the biennial defence show to talk with French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and then had lunch with him public. Sheikh Mohammed went next to the UK pavilion but it was a far shorter visit for the Eurofighter hopefuls although he spoke at length with British

Defence Equipment Minister Philip Dunne. Le Drian confirmed this week that negotiations on the jet sale had restarted. Both French President Francios Hollande and British Prime Minister David Cameron have been in the Gulf Arab state in recent months to push their respective jets. “We believe that our approach to the UAE through the UK government is a realistic approach and we hope it can come to a positive conclusion,” Enzo Casolini, Eurofighter’s chief executive, said in Abu Dhabi this week. The British are offering industry participation. A metal piece that links the fighter’s engine to the fuselage is being manufactured in the UAE. The Typhoon

is developed by a consortium of BAE, Finmeccanica and EADS. “Making a deal with Eurofighter means you would have three corporate companies which are the biggest in Europe. This is a huge opportunity for industrial participation,” said Casolini. Industry experts and firms who have done business with the UAE say it may wait to see which manufacturers land $11 billion in fighter jet deals with Brazil and South Korea, expected in the first half of this year, before making their own call. Saudi Arabia and Oman both have orders for Typhoons while Dassault is striving to ink a first sale for the Rafales. Both fighter jets waged combat missions in Libya in 2011.




Egypt economy grew 2.4 pct in 2012 H2 OCI shares deal faces delay as regulator queries plan CAIRO, Feb 20, (RTRS): Egypt’s economy grew 2.4 percent in the last half of 2012, the government said on Wednesday, citing consumer spending as a main driver for an economy battered by two years of political turmoil. The Arab world’s most populous economy has struggled to recover since an uprising ousted President Hosni Mubarak in February 2011. The unrest drove away tourists and investors. On Monday, Egypt’s minister for plan-

ning and international cooperation said the annual economic growth rate would hit 3 percent by the end of June — below the government’s projected 4 percent — due to political instability. The cabinet said in a statement on Wednesday that the economic growth rate was 2.4 percent in the first half of the 2012/13 fiscal year, which began last July. It did not give a comparative figure, but earlier said the rate of annual growth for the three months ending in December was 2.5 percent. Egypt is seeking a $4.8 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), though many economists expect a deal will not be concluded until after parliamentary elections due to get under way in April or May.

Government officials have repeatedly said they expect an IMF delegation to arrive soon to complete talks on the loan, which was agreed in principle in November but postponed in December at Cairo’s behest because of the political turmoil. The cabinet statement said it expected to complete a revised economic programme “within a few days” for presentation to “the Egyptian and international community” and the IMF, but did not say when it would send it to the international lender.

Also: CAIRO: A deal that would see Bill Gates and other US investors inject $1 billion in fertilizer and construction firm OCI NV has been hampered by Egyptian regula-

tors’ request for clarification of the deal. The Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA) wanted more information on an offer by Dutch-listed OCI NV to acquire ordinary shares of its Egyptian-listed subsidiary Orascom Construction Industries, OCI NV said. This move will delay completion of a deal under which US investors will pay shareholders who choose to sell their ordinary, Egypt-listed shares, said Mohsen Adel, vice chairman and managing director of Pioneer Funds, a financial institution. “The new disclosures will not affect the course of the deal but will extend the time,” he said. The transaction may see one of Egypt’s biggest firms disappearing from

the local stock exchange. Dutch-listed OCI NV announced the deal in January, under which holders of OCI’s global depository receipts were offered shares in OCI NV, while holders of the firm’s Egypt-listed ordinary shares got the option of cash or OCI NV shares. Omar Darwazah, head of investor relations for the Egyptian company said the question of a delisting had yet to be settled. “It is not yet clear,” he told Reuters, noting that shareholders also had the option to reject both the cash offer and the share swap. Under Egyptian law, companies must have a free float of at least five percent of their capital on the stock market. Darwazah denied OCI was turning its back on the country. “This does not mean

that OCI is exiting Egypt. The stock exchange doesn’t change the fact that we have billions of dollars invested in Egypt,” he said. OCI wanted to improve its ability to fund global expansion with international capital, he said, noting that obtaining financing in Egypt has become very difficult. The country is beset by economic and political uncertainty and Moody’s agency cut the credit ratings of five Egyptian banks last week. OCI said on Feb 13 that shareholders had approved the offer at meetings in Cairo. However, OCI NV said the Egyptian-listed OCI SAE would need another extraordinary general meeting due to the regulator’s request.




Egypt offers convicted investors ‘reconciliation’ The Egyptian government moved on Wednesday to entice back convicted investors who have fled the country, offering them arbitration that could overturn verdicts issued in absentia and that may lead to “full reconciliation”. With the country deep in economic crisis, the move signals that Egypt may be seeking to draw on the finances and expertise of exiled business leaders associated with

ousted president Hosni Mubarak. In a statement, the government said such a reconciliation would lead to the cancellation of jail sentences and unlock the investors’ frozen assets. The cabinet agreed on Wednesday to amend a law related to investor guarantees and incentives, it said. This would add a “clause stipulating that in the case of a court verdict issued in absentia

oil price forecast to remain stable in 2013: expert

convicting (someone), it is possible to take measures to reexamine the case”. This would be at “the request of, and in the presence of a special defender of the investor”. The result of reconciliation would be “cancellation of the order to arrest and jail him, and ending the ban on dispensing and managing their assets, and dropping the criminal case for the investor”. (RTRS)

Price of the crude oil is forecast to remain stable, and possibly turn bearish, during the current year, according to an expert in the field in exclusive remarks to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA). Price of the Brent crude is predicted to range between $95 and $105 per barrel, as a result of various geopolitical factors, forecast recovery of economies of the euro zone states and the United States,

according to Dr. Abdul-Samee’ Behbehani, whose remarks came in the quarterly report issued by KUNA, as part of a series of regular reports about oil and economic issues, published by the national news agency. Another expert, Sheikh Fahad Al-Daoud Al-Sabah, predicted that the United States, currently involved in development of the sector of Shale oil, would hike its

output of the crude by 900,000 barrels this year. KUNA’s Deputy Chief Editor for Economic Affairs Awatef Al-Hasawi said the first chapter of the threesection report shed light on global marketing of the crude, competition in the hydrocarbon sector, oil demand in the domestic market, pricing of the Kuwaiti crude, liquefied gas and oil derivatives. (KUNA)

China’s January foreign direct investment down 7.3%

India’s FDI slumps 19 pct to $1.1 bln in December NEW DELHI, Feb 20, (AFP): Foreign direct investment (FDI) in India slid by 19 percent to $1.1 billion in December 2012, marking a blow to government efforts to draw vital funds to overhaul the country’s shabby infrastructure. India has said it needs to attract around $1 trillion in investment over the next five years to overhaul its dilapidated infrastructure from ports to airports and highways in order to boost flagging economic growth. In December 2011, the country drew $1.35 billion in foreign direct investment. In the eight months from April to December foreign investor inflows fell by some 42 percent compared to a year earlier to $16.94 billion, according to data on the web site of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion. Overseas investors have increasingly been giving a wide berth to the country of 1.2 billion people, until recently seen as a rewarding destination for foreign money. Investors have been deterred by a string of graft scandals, suffocating red tape, high inflation, sharply slowing growth

and fierce opposition to government moves to further open up the economy and make it easier to do business in India. Longer term, the government says it still believes foreign direct investment in India will pick up as investors seek new sources of income growth. Finance Minister P. Chidambaram has sought to boost foreign investment since taking charge of the ministry last August, telling officials to fast-track foreign direct investment approvals. The government has said it is hoping that its recent steps to liberalise India’s economy and invite more investment in the retail, aviation, insurance and other sectors could increase foreign inflows.

Also: BEIJING: Foreign direct investment in China declined in January, official data showed Wednesday, extending a downward trend after falling on an annual basis in 2012 for the first time in three years. FDI, which excludes financial sectors, fell 7.3 percent from the year before to $9.27 billion, the commerce ministry

Unions react furiously

CEO mocks ‘three hrs a day’ French workers PARIS, Feb 20, (AFP): The head of US tyremaker Titan sparked an uproar in France on Wednesday by mocking French workers for putting in only “three hours” a day and saying it would be “stupid” to invest in the country. Titan chief executive Maurice Taylor’s incendiary remarks came as France’s economy is struggling in the face of increasing global competition, with leading companies announcing thousands of job cuts in recent months. The country’s Socialist government has vowed to tackle France’s productivity gap — blamed by critics on high wages and reduced working hours — but is facing opposition from powerful labour unions. The letter from Taylor to French Industrial Renewal Minister Arnaud Montebourg was in response to a request for Titan to consider investing in a loss-making Goodyear tyre plant in Amiens, northern France. “I have visited that factory a couple of times. The French workforce gets paid high wages but only works three hours,” Taylor said in the letter, dated Feb 8 and obtained by French business daily Les Echos. “They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three. I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that’s the French way!” Goodyear said last month it was set to close the plant, which employs 1,173 workers, following five years of failed talks with unions. Taylor said Titan had a long history of buying and turning around troubled factories but in this case was not in any way interested.

Talent “Sir, your letter states that you want Titan to start a discussion. How stupid do you think we are? Titan is the one with the money and the talent to produce tyres. What does the crazy union have? It has the French government,” Taylor wrote. The standard length of the working week in France is 35 hours. The letter drew a furious reaction from unions. “This is an insulting letter,” said Mickael Wamen, the CGT union’s representative at the Goodyear plant, saying it showed Taylor “belongs more in an insane asylum than at the head of a multinational corporation”. He said the union was planning to

file a lawsuit in the United States against Goodyear and Titan over the closure of the plant. Titan had one point been touted as a potential saviour of the factory, which produces tyres for agricultural vehicles and which Goodyear says it was forced to close after unions repeatedly rejected efforts to cut costs. France’s Communist Party also expressed outrage at the letter, calling it “an appalling provocation coupled with xenophobia against French workers.” It urged the government to pass a law forbidding profitable companies from laying off workers. Montebourg refused to comment on the letter, telling journalists: “I don’t want to harm French interests.” He said he would provide an answer to Taylor in writing. Government spokeswoman Najat Vallaud-Belkacem said that the letter in no way reflected broader US views of investing in France.

Largest “I would remind Mr Taylor that France remains the largest recipient of US investment in Europe and there are probably very good reasons for this,” she told journalists. The opposition UMP party’s Bernard Accoyer, who served as speaker of the National Assembly under right-wing ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy, said that while the letter was clearly “mocking caricature”, it raised important questions about French labour relations. “It is not completely unfounded,” he told LCI television, saying that France’s “serious competitiveness problem” was linked with the “extremist hardliner” views of some unions. Taylor, who made an unsuccessful run for the Republican nomination in the 1996 US presidential election, said that France’s low productivity was putting its industry at risk from emerging powers China and India. “The French farmer wants cheap tyres. He does not care if the tyres are from China or India and these governments are subsidising them,” he wrote in the letter. “Titan is going to buy a Chinese tyre company or an Indian one, pay less than one euro per hour wage and ship all the tyres France needs. You can keep the so-called workers.”

S&P ‘warns’ risk of Cyprus default material and rising LONDON, Feb 20, (RTRS): Cyprus faces a “material and rising risk” of defaulting on its sovereign debt, especially if the euro zone and International Monetary Fund do not come up with aid, rating agency Standard & Poor’s said on Wednesday. Crippled by its exposure to Greece, Cyprus needs 17 billion euros ($23 billion) from the euro zone to recapitalise its banks and to finance the government over the next three years. S&P’s comments come as the island gears up for a runoff presidential election on Sunday pitting a conservative in favour of a swift bailout deal against a Communistbacked candidate who supports a bailout but with fewer harsh austerity measures. “We see at least a one-in-three chance that we could lower the Cyprus sovereign ratings again in 2013, for example if official financial assistance from the (European bailout fund) ESM and/or IMF is not forthcoming, leaving the Cypriot authorities few choices apart from to

restructure its financial obligations,” S&P’s head of EMEA sovereign ratings Moritz Kraemer said in a report. “We could also lower the ratings if we believe the (Cypriot) authorities are not able to fulfill the conditions that would be attached to an official assistance programme.” S&P currently rates Cyprus at CCC+, well into non-investment grade “junk” bond territory, with a negative outlook. Cyprus asked for international aid eight months ago after its banks suffered huge losses on exposure to a restructuring of Greek sovereign debt and due to difficulties in accessing international capital markets shut to it because of fiscal slippage since mid-2011. Its bid for aid has been delayed, however, by an incumbent leftist government slow to negotiate bailout terms, by worries among lenders over the island assuming a mountain of debt it may not be able to afford to repay, and by German charges that Cypriots are lax on tackling money-laundering.

Indian wages set to grow by over 10%, leading Asia NEW DELHI, Feb 20, (AFP): Even with India’s economy growing at its slowest pace in a decade, average salaries in the country are projected to jump by more than 10 percent in 2013, a new survey forecast on Wednesday. That is far below the blistering 15 percent wage growth pace set before the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis when India’s economy was expanding at near double digits. But India leads in forecast salary rises across key Asia-Pacific nations with its projected average 10.3-percent increase the highest followed by

China, where wages are seen growing by 9.3 percent, according to global staffing services company AonHewitt. “Business sentiment is strengthening,” Sandeep Chaudhary, consultant at AonHewitt, told a news conference to announce the results of the survey of 518 Indian companies ranging from auto manufacturers to infrastructure firms. A government statistics agency has forecast the economy will grow by 5.0 percent in the current financial year to March 2013, the weakest in a decade,

though Finance Minister P. Chidambaram says he is confident he can steer expansion up to six-toseven percent next year. After India and China, the Philippines will post the next biggest wage rise of 7.2 percent this year, followed by Malaysia with 6.0 percent, Hong Kong with 4.8 percent, Singapore with 4.7 percent and Australia with 4.2 percent. Japan is expected to give workers the lowest rise among Asia-Pacific nations of just 2.4 percent, the survey showed.

Salaries in the United States and in Britain are forecast to increase by around three percent in 2013, Chaudhary said. Globally the highest pay rises will be in inflation-hit Venezuela and Argentina where increases are seen in the mid-20 percent rage. The divide in India between the highest and the lowest paid is still vast despite mounting public concern about a lack of equal distribution of the fruits of economic growth in the country where hundreds of millions of people still live in desperate poverty.

announced. It was also down from December’s $11.7 billion. The comparison with January 2012 is affected by seasonal factors as China’s annual Lunar New Year holiday fell in that month but came in February this

year. But as there were more business days in January 2013 the year-on-year decline underscores the weakness. China takes a week off during the annual holiday, the country’s biggest, as hundreds of millions of people travel

back to their hometowns for celebrations. Commerce ministry spokesman Shen Danyang acknowledged the decline was “not small”, but stressed that the number of foreign companies newly investing in China rose 34.3 percent to 1,883 during

the month. The ministry announced last month that FDI in China declined for the first time in three years in 2012 amid economic turmoil in developed markets and a prolonged slowdown at home.

Japan’s top Iranian oil buyer JX cuts ’13 contract by 12% Tokyo posts record $17.4 bln trade deficit in Jan TOKYO, Feb 20, (Agencies): Japan’s top buyer of Iranian crude JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corp has cut by 12 percent the volume it plans to import under an annual deal, an industry source said, helping ensure the world’s thirdlargest oil consumer remains exempt from US sanctions on Iran. The cut will reduce JX’s imports from the OPEC-member by 10,000 barrels per day (bpd) from a year earlier to 73,000 bpd, said the source who has direct knowledge of the matter. That’s a loss of around $420 million for Iran for the full year at today’s prices, according to Reuters calculations. The United States requires buyers of Iranian crude to show they are reducing purchases every time it renews a sixmonthly waiver from sanctions aimed at forcing Tehran to abandon a controversial nuclear programme. Tough measures by the West slashed Iranian oil exports by more than half last year as buyers struggled to pay for the oil and find tankers to ship it.

Power Iran says it is enriching uranium to fuel power plants, not make bombs. JX had two annual contracts with Iran, one with a larger volume running from January-December and a smaller one from April-March. The company only renewed the bigger contract last year, and cut the volume by 10,000 bpd from a year earlier to 83,000 bpd. The second one, for 10,000 bpd, has been on hold after expiring in March 2012 and remains so, the source added. The refiner imported the full volume agreed under the January-December deal, the source said. The source declined to be identified because terms in the contract bind the buyer and seller to confidentiality. Other Japanese buyers of Iranian oil, which sign annual supply contracts starting in April, typically start talks on renewal around mid-February. They include Showa Shell Sekiyu , Cosmo Oil Co and Idemitsu Kosan Co. Japan’s second-biggest buyer of Iranian crude, Showa Shell, is waiting for

Political dynamics could complicate leading candidate’s prospects

Abe seeks support for BoJ succession TOKYO, Feb 20, (RTRS): Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is keen to avoid a rerun of the debacle in 2008 when the seat for the Bank of Japan governor was left open for weeks, so he is carefully calculating the odds that potential candidates will win vital opposition support. Those political dynamics could complicate prospects for leading candidate Toshiro Muto, a former top finance ministry official who was rejected for the job five years ago when the opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) nixed his appointment. Unlike in 2008, the DPJ is not flatly ruling out ex-bureaucrats now, but doubts remain about its stance. Political insiders, who declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the topic, say support of the DPJ or other smaller opposition parties is key in deciding who gets the job. Abe’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and its smaller partner lack a majority in parliament’s upper house, which must approve of the government’s nominee. “The over-riding point is that the nomination goes smoothly with as little controversy as possible in parliament,” said Jesper Koll, director of equity research at JP Morgan in

Tokyo. Abe has vowed to end the deflation that has plagued Japan’s economy for decades and has made it clear he wants aggressive monetary policy action from the replacement for Masaaki Shirakawa, who steps down with two deputies on March 19. So far Abe, who staged a rare come-back as premier when the LDP surged back to power in December, has won high support rates from voters for his take-charge image, but must keep up the momentum ahead of an election for the upper house in July. “They have a 10-out-of-10 so far in terms of proposals being implemented. The supplementary budget was implemented and the BOJ set a 2 percent inflation target in record time,” Koll said. Economics Minister Akira Amari said on Tuesday that Abe would “lay the ground work” for agreement with the opposition after the returning from a Feb 21-24 trip to the United States, where he will explain his “Abenomics” recipe for big spending and hypereasy monetary policies to President Barack Obama.

Abe’s government has said it wants to decide on the nominees by the end of February. An agreement between the main parties on Tuesday to scrap a rule that any nominee whose name was leaked to the media was automatically disqualified makes it easier to hold unofficial talks with opposition parties, political sources said. The Democrats, the biggest opposition bloc when the BOJ governor’s term expired in 2008, refused then to approve government candidates such as Muto who were former finance ministry officials, arguing it could compromise the central bank’s independence. That lead to a gap of several weeks before an appointment could be made to fill the vacancy. While the LDP and its partner hold a two-thirds majority in parliament’s lower house, they have only 102 seats in the 242-member upper chamber, where six seats are currently vacant. The two-thirds majority in the lower house can over-ride the upper chamber to pass laws, but not on personnel matters. Winning the backing of the Democrats, who have 87 upper house seats, would clearly be the easiest strategy.

guidance from the government on crude imports from Iran before deciding on contractual volumes for the year starting April, its president said on Monday. Showa Shell is estimated to have cut its contracted Iranian crude volumes to around 60,000-70,000 bpd for the year that will end March 31 from 100,000 bpd a year earlier. Cosmo Oil Co has also cut volumes to about 15,000 bpd in the year to March 31 from about 40,000 bpd a year earlier, an industry source familiar had told Reuters in January.

due to rising prices and the weakening yen. The provisional data released Wednesday show exports for the world’s third-biggest economy rose 6.4 percent to 4.8 trillion yen ($51.2 billion) in January from a year earlier, the first year-on-year increase in eight months. Imports jumped 7.3 percent to 6.43 trillion yen ($68.6 billion.) A weakening in Japan’s currency over the past few months has helped boost exports by making its products more price competitive overseas. But it has also inflated the value of resource-scarce Japan’s imports of crude oil and other commodities, which offset a recovery in demand for Japanese-made vehicles and machinery. The trend is hindering Japan’s longtime strategy of relying heavily on exports to drive growth and adds to pres-

sure for stronger domestic demand at a time when the workforce is aging and shrinking and corporate investment remains feeble. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is expected to seek help from Japan’s ally the US in a visit later this week to Washington, where he plans to appeal to President Barack Obama for wider access to cheaper exports of US shale gas, Kyodo News Service and other local reports said Wednesday. Abe’s office would not confirm those reports. But it did say that “the government of Japan attaches utmost importance to the necessity of cooperation in the areas of resources and energy, particularly considering our current stringent energy situation,” after the March 2011 disasters.

Also: TOKYO: Japan posted a record 1.63 trillion yen ($17.4 billion) trade deficit in January as rebounding exports lagged behind surging imports of crude oil and gas


Flight equivalent to 2.5 pct of GDP – study

Russia cbanker slams vast criminal cash export MOSCOW, Feb 20, (RTRS): Russia’s central bank chief complained on Wednesday that some 2.5 percent of the national income was illegally siphoned abroad last year — a revelation critics said showed the extent of corruption under Vladimir Putin. Bank of Russia chairman Sergei Ignatyev, who is about to retire, reckoned much of that sum, close to $50 billion, was controlled by a single group of people; he did not identify them but many saw it as an indictment of the “Kremlin capitalism” which has taken hold since Putin first became president in 2000. One prominent critic called it “state money-laundering”. “You get the impression that they are all controlled by one well organised group of people,” Ignatyev told

Vedomosti newspaper in a front-page interview after a Bank study found more than half the flows involved firms linked to each other. “With a serious concentration of efforts by law enforcement agencies, I think it is possible to find these people,” added Ignatyev, 65, who will retire in June after 11 years running an institution which has won widespread respect for integrity.

Urgent No successor has yet been named. He called for urgent legislation what would allow banks to close down accounts suspected of being used for dubious purposes and urged lawmakers to tighten rules on setting up companies. Yet in an indication of its sensitivity,

Ignatyev did not touch at all on the subject of illegal capital flight in testimony on Wednesday to the Federation Council, the upper house of parliament. Nor was he asked about it by lawmakers. Asked by a reporter beforehand to identify the “well organised group” he had spoken of, Ignatyev declined comment. The central bank study found that $49 billion, or around 2.5 percent of gross domestic product, was spirited illegally out of Russia last year. It gave no comparative figures. “It can be payment for narcotics ... ‘grey’ imports ... bribes and kickbacks to officials (and) managers making largescale purchases,” Ignatyev told Vedomosti. “It can be schemes to avoid tax.” Of the total illegal outflow, the central

bank estimated that $14 billion was linked to trade, with the rest made up of $35.1 billion in “dubious” capital transfers. The latter represents 60 percent of last year’s officially reported total net capital outflow of $56.8 billion. The Kremlin took note of the central bank’s conclusions, but spokesman Dmitry Peskov called its figures “highly exaggerated”. Peskov cited state-backed research showing capital flight from Russia was much lower. William Browder, the founder of a $4billion investment fund who was barred from Russia in 2005, said Ignatyev’s comments showed a vast state moneylaundering scheme was operating in Russia involving officials from the top down.




Britain raises less than hoped from 4G mobile auction Britain’s government raised a lessthan-expected amount from its 4G mobile auction that will result in five companies providing the country with super-fast mobile Internet services, a watchdog said Wednesday. Telecoms watchdog Ofcom said the total bidding came to £2.341 billion ($3.615 billion, 2.692 billion euros), significantly less than the £3.5 billion forecast last year by the government. The licence fees cover a period of 20 years.

“After more than 50 rounds of bidding, Everything Everywhere Ltd, Hutchison 3G UK Ltd, Niche Spectrum Ventures Ltd (a subsidiary of BT Group plc), Telefonica UK Ltd and Vodafone Ltd have all won spectrum,” Ofcom said on Wednesday. “This is suitable for rolling out new superfast mobile broadband services to consumers and to small and large businesses across the UK,” it added in a statement.

Vodafone, which successfully bid £790 million for its licences, welcomed the outcome. “We’ve secured the low frequency mobile phone spectrum that will support the launch of our ultra-fast 4G service later this year,” Vodafone UK chief executive Guy Laurence said in a separate statement. “It will enable us to deliver services where people really want it, especially indoors.”

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said ministers were not to blame for the total bids coming in below expectations, claiming that the £3.5-billion estimate was made by the Office for Budget Responsibility, the government’s economic-forecasting body. “The figure that (finance minister) George Osborne talked about wasn’t plucked out of thin air. This was actually verified by the independent Office for Budget Responsibility,” (AFP)

NY launches bid to help tech startups Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Tuesday launched an initiative to attract high-tech startups, the latest step in his campaign to turn New York into an East Coast version of Silicon Valley. The “We Are Made in NY” initiative includes a new website “that brings together city resources to help entrepreneurs and attract new startups,” the mayor’s office said in a statement. The website includes a list of

job openings at some 900 local hightech startups. Currently there are more than 3,000 openings. Bloomberg’s initiative also includes a digital, subway and bus ad campaign promoting “Made in NY” tech companies. “Growing our local tech industry is an important part of our economic development strategy to bring new businesses to our city and more job opportunities to New Yorkers,” Bloomberg said. (AFP)

Analysts say metal will need a lot of momentum to break significantly lower

Gold risks falling out of bed as $1,525/ounce looms LONDON, Feb 20, (RTRS): Gold’s slide this week to a six-month low has brought it in sight of $1,525 an ounce, a critical support price which, once breached, could fatally reverse its 12-year rise. The metal has bounced off that level three times since falling from record highs in September 2011. Since then, prices have traded in a broad sideways channel, with $1,800 an ounce capping gains and $1,525 lending support. “That’s the big one, as far as the longerterm technical picture is concerned,” independent technical consultant Cliff Green said. “Only a break below there changes things. Until that breaks, I would still consider the long-term uptrend to be firmly intact, and that this is a consolidation within it.” “A break beneath $1,525 changes everything. It creates a big top and threatens that longer-term bull cycle completely, probably turning it into a new bear cycle. It’s critical.” Gold prices fell to a sixmonth low of $1,588.29 an ounce in early afternoon trade in Europe on Wednesday,

after breaking $1,625-1,630, its previous 2013 low, late last week. While vulnerable to more losses, gold will need a lot of momentum to break significantly lower, according to technical analysts, who study the patterns left on charts by past price moves to determine the future direction of trade. “We have a whole batch of support between the mid-August low at $1,590, going all the way back to the May low at $1,527,” Axel Rudolph, a senior technical analyst at Commerzbank, said. “From the whole period between May and August, you have a very big triangle formation, and that should offer a lot of support in the area.” Spot gold prices fell nearly $150 an ounce from their early May high to a low of $1,527 later that month, and struggled to break definitively back through the $1,630 an ounce level. They failed to close a day’s trading above there until Aug 21. A break of Wednesday’s low would open prices up to a further decline. Societe Generale analyst Stephanie Aymes identi-

BoE predicts sluggish growth

UK cbank seen to restart asset purchase – survey LONDON, Feb 20, (RTRS): The Bank of England is more likely than not to fire up its dormant printing presses and inject another wave of cash into the economy before the year is out, a Reuters poll found. According to the snap poll of 50 economists, taken after minutes from the Monetary Policy Committee’s February meeting showed three of the nine members voted for more purchases this month, there is a median 51 percent chance it will happen. The mean likelihood of an increase was slightly higher, at 55 percent. The poll pointed to the central bank making one more 25 billion pound foray into money printing, taking its total spend to 400 billion pounds. This is the first poll since October to suggest, albeit only narrowly, further stimulus. 25 of the 37 common contributors in this poll and one taken ahead of the February meeting upgraded their probability for an increase to QE this year. “The MPC seems to be expecting a relatively decent recovery in the economy this year. Our expectations are that the economy will continue to struggle this year,” said Samuel Tombs, UK economist at Capital Economics.

Sinking Britain’s economy has broadly flat-lined over the last two years and is at risk of sinking into an unprecedented triple-dip recession this quarter. The BoE only predicts sluggish future growth and a Reuters poll taken last week forecast GDP would grow 0.9 percent this year and 1.6 percent next. But separate data on Wednesday showed the number of people in work hit an all-time high late last year while a recent purchasing managers’ survey showed the country’s dominant service sector returned to growth in January. Governor Mervyn King and two other policymakers wanted to relaunch the programme of asset purchases earlier this month, showing the Bank came surprisingly close to taking more action to support growth.

Wednesday’s poll gave a 35 percent chance a majority would fall in behind King and vote for an when the MPC next meets on March 7. King, who retires at the end of June and was outvoted for only the fourth time since he took office in 2003, was joined by Paul Fisher and David Miles in calling for an additional 25 billion pounds injection.

Outvoted Michael Saunders at Citi, who has long expected QE to be restarted, noted that on the last two occasions King was outvoted the majority of the MPC as a whole fell in behind him the following month. “If there are further hints of fragility in upcoming economic data, then a majority for QE may well come together in the next month or two,” he said. Many economists had been reluctant to predict further easing as inflation has remained stubbornly high but the Bank has been taking a more flexible approach to inflation targetting. That approach is also a hallmark of Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney, who will succeed King in July, though Carney’s enthusiasm for bond purchases is less certain. “The MPC minutes today were about as dovish as they come, given the Committee last week published a forecast for inflation that only just managed to get back to the 2 percent inflation target in three years time,” said David Tinsley, UK Economist at BNP Paribas. “This vote when taken with the Inflation Report projections also highlights that the current inflation targeting framework is being stretched to breaking point.” The MPC did vote unanimously this month to leave Bank Rate at the record low of 0.5 percent this month, where they have been since March 2009, although a cut was considered. Only two of 50 economists in Wednesday’s poll have a rate hike pencilled in over the forecast horizon through to June next year but as in all recent surveys medians saw no change.

UK workers would rather splurge on holiday than save LONDON, Feb 20, (RTRS): More than half of British workers would rather spend spare cash on a holiday than save it for their retirement, a survey from banking group HSBC said on Wednesday. Some 58 percent of employees in Britain would choose to pay for a holiday over retirement if they could afford to save for only one of these options in a year. This was a higher percentage than in the other countries surveyed in the bank’s latest The Future of Retirement report. In Britain, only 38 percent of workers

are regularly putting money aside for retirement, according to the HSBC study, based on data from more than 15,000 people in 15 countries. Out of the 15 countries surveyed, only Egypt had fewer retirement savers than Britain with 29 percent. The countries with the highest percentage of savers were Taiwan and India with 67 percent and 62 percent respectively. HSBC’s report pointed to data from the United Nations showing that the number of people over the age of 60 would match

those under the age of 15 by 2050, with retirees making up around 1-in-5 people on the planet. “People are living longer, through tougher economic times, but expectations about their standard of living in retirement remain unchanged,” Simon Williams, group head of wealth management at HSBC, said. “As a result, millions of people around the world are facing years of hardship after their savings run out.” Currently, nearly half of workers cov-

ered in the HSBC’s survey have never saved towards their retirement. In Britain, the government is trying to address the shortfall in pension savings with an “auto-enrolment” scheme to get more people into a workplace pension. Countries surveyed in HSBC’s report, which is published regularly, were Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States.

fies intermediate support after that at $1,586. “Since early October, prices have been trending downwards within a descending channel, and that is more or less the limit of that channel,” she said.

“You also have $1,586 and $1,555 as the starting points of the last surge in prices from the lows of July and August,” she added. The $1,600 level proved resilient earlier this week, helped by a return of Chinese buyers to the market

after the Lunar New Year holiday. Gold’s more than $50 an ounce drop last week has left it in oversold territory, according to its 14-day relative strength index (RSI) which stands at 23.5, its lowest since last May. Any reading below 30

signals oversold conditions. But the metal still looks vulnerable, analysts said. Its repeated failure to clear $1,800 an ounce in 2012 hurt investors’ confidence in the metal, causing traders to cut bets on rising prices.

US housing starts decline as wholesale prices rise in Jan Core PPI gains 0.2 percent WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (AP): US homebuilders began work at a slower pace in January than in December. But all of the drop occurred in the volatile area of apartment construction, which sank 24 percent. By contrast, the rate of single-family homebuilding rose 0.8 percent. Even with the overall decline, the pace of home construction in January was the third-highest since 2008 and was evidence of continued strengthening in residential real estate. And in an encouraging sign for the rest of the year, applications for building permits, a signal of future construction, topped December’s rate. Applications for permits are at

their highest point since mid-2008. The Commerce Department said Wednesday that builders started work at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 890,000 homes last month. That was down 8.5 percent from December, when housing starts had hit an annual rate of 973,000, the most since June 2008. Analysts had expected a decline on January construction, given the sharp gain in December. December had initially been reported at an annual rate of 920,000. On Wednesday, the department revised up the December pace to 973,000. January’s was only the second drop in construction in the past six months. It still left the annual pace of homebuilding 23.6 percent higher than a year ago. Economists noted that building permits keep increasing. Dan Greenhaus, chief global strategist for BTIG, said the increase in permits suggested that the January decline in construction starts would be temporary and that “as the year progresses, housing starts will continue to push higher.” Greenhaus said he wouldn’t be surprised if construction starts topped 1 million for 2013. The US housing market is slowly regaining its health after stagnating for roughly five years after the housing boom collapsed. Steady job gains and nearrecord-low mortgage rates have encouraged more people to buy.


A construction worker works at a new home under construction in Chicago. (AP)

Layoff notices most likely first move

Merkel says euro exchange US govt won’t ‘collapse’ on March 1 rate of $1.3-$1.4 ‘normal’ BERLIN, Feb 20, (AFP): German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday that a euro exchange rate of $1.30-$1.40 was “normal”, in an unusual comment on foreign exchange markets. “Euro rates of between 1.30 and 1.40 (against the dollar) are normal in the historical context of the euro,” Merkel told an economics conference here, amid concerns in some quarters that the euro is too strong against other currencies. She said that Germany was determined to push for a “free movement” of exchange rates and says that in this respect the recent statement by finance ministers from the group of 20 developed and developing countries was a “good signal”. At a recent meeting in Moscow, G20 powers undertook not to target specific exchange rates or devalue currencies to make them more competitive, amid concerns of “currency wars”. Some eurozone countries, notably France, have expressed concern that the level of the euro, which has risen recently on the foreign exchange markets, could hurt exports and dampen any nascent recovery in the eurozone.

And some have accused Japan of deliberately trying to engineer a lower exchange rate for its currency, the yen, in a bid to boost exports. The yen has tumbled over the past few months, as the Bank of Japan has vowed to implement aggressive monetary easing. Without mentioning Japan directly, Merkel noted that “we are again seeing that there are still efforts to maybe weaken one’s own currency through certain monetary policy measures and therefore create better export opportunities.” She said: “We at least do not think a great deal of carrying out an active exchange rate policy.” This seemed to be a veiled attack on French President Francois Hollande who said recently that the external value of the euro should not be left to market forces. European Central Bank President Mario Draghi told the European Parliament on Monday that the euro was “around its long term average” and said it was crucial for leaders to exercise what he called “very, very strong verbal discipline.” “I think the less we talk about this the better,” said Draghi.

WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (RTRS): Just as computers worldwide did not crash on Jan. 1, 2000, in the “Y2K” scare and Earth itself did not shatter on Dec 21, 2012, as some interpreters of the Mayan calendar predicted, March 1, 2013, will not be remembered as the day the US government disintegrated. The Obama administration and even some Republicans are warning of mass government layoffs and services collapsing when “sequestration” begins in 10 days, unless a gridlocked US Congress finds a way to circumvent the start of the $85 billion in federal budget cuts. But what actually happens on March 1? “Nothing. Nothing happens,” said a senior congressional aide who is keeping a close eye on the looming budget cuts. While that might be somewhat of an exaggeration, the immediate impact is seen as minimal due to several safeguards, official and unofficial, that will keep the spending cuts from hitting Americans like a meat cleaver on March 1. Senior administration officials on Tuesday had no concrete examples of what would immediately befall the country when the cuts begin. Ultimately, however, they would pare everything from military programs to space exploration between March 1 and the end of the fiscal

year on Sept. 30. Food inspections, air traffic control, law enforcement and education programs also would be among those hit. “This moves forward on a rolling basis,” White House budget office controller Danny Werfel acknowledged last week after testifying to Congress, explaining that the full force of the $85 billion in cuts would not be felt immediately. But, he cautioned: “It’s very harmful as you go forward. On a seven-month time frame you’re going to see the effects relatively quickly.” Senior administration officials said Republicans would be blamed for cuts that did come into force.

Austerity If allowed to run their course, the austerity measures could cost 750,000 jobs and keep weak economic growth stunted for the rest of 2013, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office warns. These spending cuts, decided in 2011 amid a fever in Congress for deficit reduction, were meant to be so painful that they would goad Republicans and Democrats into reaching an alternative agreement on where to cut back. The cuts “will visit hardship on a whole lot of people,” President Barack Obama warned on Tuesday.

And they are only the first installment in a decade’s worth of required cuts totaling $1.2 trillion. While some furlough notices will be issued to government workers, there will be few outward signs on March 1 that the cuts have been launched. Under the law, retirees are shielded and so their Social Security checks will arrive on schedule at the beginning of March and every month thereafter. Similarly, the elderly and the disabled will not see their federally backed Medicare healthcare curtailed at all over the seven months. Every US soldier will get paid and the Defense Department will be allowed to shift funds to ensure that combat operations and “critical military readiness capabilities” are not degraded, according to the Obama administration. Unofficially, many members of Congress are betting that a few weeks into the automatic spending cuts, Democratic and Republican leaders will get serious about negotiating a replacement to the sequestration and the $85 billion in spending cuts will not have had time to really bite. And so on March 1 and in the days immediately after, while no dramatic shakeup is anticipated, there will be some early tremors.

A steady rise in prices reflects, in part, fewer homes for sale. The supply of previously occupied homes for sale has reached its lowest level in more than a decade. And the pace of foreclosures, while still rising in some states, has slowed sharply on a national basis. That means fewer low-priced foreclosed homes are being dumped on the market. Those trends, and the likelihood of further price gains, have led builders to step up construction. Last year, builders broke ground on the most homes in four years. US wholesale prices rose only slightly in January after three straight declines, the latest sign that inflation is posing no threat. It means the Federal Reserve has room to keep interest rates at record lows without worrying about igniting inflation. The Labor Department said Wednesday that its producer price index rose 0.2 percent last month, the first increase since September. Gasoline and other energy prices fell, while food prices jumped 0.7 percent after dropping sharply in December. The index measures the cost of goods before they reach consumers. Wholesale prices are what manufacturers and farmers receive for their products. In the past 12 months, wholesale prices have risen just 1.4 percent, down from a 4.1 percent increase for the 12 months that ended in January 2012. Excluding the volatile food and energy categories, core prices rose 0.2 percent in January. They have risen a mild 1.8 percent over the past 12 months. “The annual growth rates ... are no threat to the Fed’s inflation target,” Paul Dales, an economist at Capital Economics, said in a note to clients. The Fed’s target inflation rate is 2 percent. If prices were to begin rising rapidly, the central bank might be forced to raise rates to try to slow inflation. Wholesale gas prices dropped 2.1 percent in January, the department said. Since then, pump prices have risen sharply. That is likely to push up inflation at the wholesale and consumer levels in coming months. Nationwide, the average price of gas was $3.75 a gallon ($1 a liter) on Tuesday, according to AAA. That’s an increase of 45 cents a gallon in just the past month. Vegetable prices jumped 39 percent in January, led by increases in the cost of broccoli, cauliflower, and lettuce. Cheese, soft drink and candy prices also jumped. Meanwhile, pharmaceuticals and communications equipment led core prices higher.




Kuwait’s trade surplus with Japan narrows Kuwait’s trade surplus with Japan narrowed 5.6 percent in January to JPY 80.3 billion ($861 million) from a year earlier, shrinking for the first time in three months, the Finance Ministry said Wednesday. But Kuwait maintained black ink with Japan for the 60th consecutive month, the ministry said in a preliminary report. Kuwaiti overall exports to Japan edged down 1.9 percent to

JPY 93.6 billion ($1.0 billon) for the first monthly decline since October, while imports from Japan jumped 28.1 percent yearon-year to JPY 13.3 billion ($143 million), up for the fourth straight month. Middle East trade surplus with Japan widened 10.9 percent to JPY 1.096 trillion ($11.8 billion) last month, with Japan-bound exports from the region expanding 9.8 per-

Qatar rejoins bid for Greek ex-airport lease

cent from a year earlier. Crude oil, refined products, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and other natural resources, which accounted for 97.9 percent of the region’s total exports to Japan, grew 9.3 percent on the year, with crude oil alone rising 5.4 percent. The region’s imports from Japan increased 3.1 percent, as shipments of automobiles were robust. (KUNA)

Qatar has rejoined a public competition to develop the former Athens airport, one of the prized sites of Greece’s privatisation drive, a Greek spokesman said on Wednesday. The emirate “has signed the confidentiality agreement and is returning to the Hellinikon tender,” government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou told To Vima radio. “This is important news,” he

added. Qatari Diar, a subsidiary of the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), had pulled out of the tender in January prior to a visit to Doha by Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras. Greek reports at the time had suggested that the Qatar would discuss only a direct assignment of the contract. The three other bidders are Elbin Cochin Ltd from Israel, London &

Regional Properties from Britain, and Lamda Development of Greece. The former airport of Hellinikon, a disused Olympic park that is considered one of the cash-strapped nation’s most attractive property assets, was originally put up for sale in December 2011. Reports at the time said the government hoped to raise at least 5.0 billion euros from the sale. (AFP)

Mideast Stocks Dubai bourse gains, Saudi eases 0.1 pct

Abu Dhabi jumps 1.6%, closes above key psychological level DUBAI, Feb 20, (RTRS): Abu Dhabi’s measure closes above a key psychological level as confidence in local equities spurs investors to increase risk. The emirate’s index rises 1.6 percent to close at 3,011 points, breaking through the key 3,000 level for the first time since November 2009. Telecom operator Etisalat, the largest listed stock, is the main support. It gains 2.9 percent to a threemonth high, after posting quarterly earnings. Etisalat wrote down the value of businesses in Pakistan and Sudan by a combined $769 million. It made a quarterly

profit of 854.3 million dirhams, according to Reuters calculations. SICO Bahrain forecast the firm to post a profit of 2.8 billion dirhams. Trading in Etisalat is restricted to UAE nationals. Dubai’s measure also climbs, up 0.4 percent to 1,923 points, a fresh 39-month high. Bellwether Emaar Properties rises 0.4 percent, extending 2013 gains to 33.6 percent. A recovery in property prices and a pick-up in demand have helped boost the stock, but Emaar last month missed estimates on fourthquarter earnings. “Whether or not this rally will last depends if the economic improvement

continues and if the global macro picture remains benign,” says Fadi Al Said, head of investments at ING Investment Management. Dubai’s small and medium-cap stocks are catching up to gains in bluechips. Dubai Investments and Dubai Islamic Bank add 1.9 and 0.5 percent respectively. “UAE’s small- to mid-caps are usually very illiquid but if there is no limitation in that regard, it’s a very good place to look for value.” Saudi Arabia’s measure is steady in early trade, with selling pressure muted after three sessions of losses. The kingdom’s index eases 0.1 per-

cent to 7,020 points, trimming yearto-date gains to 3.2 percent. Saudi Arabia’s market is outperforming some regional peers due to growth weakness in bluechips and some disappointing fourth-quarter earnings. Shares in Etihad Etisalat (Mobily) and Yamama Saudi Cement shed 1.0 and 3.4 percent respectively. Small-caps dominate trade. Northern Cement, which made its debut on the exchange earlier this month, slips 1.1 percent. The stock has seen a steady decline after a surge in the first session. “The cement sector is steady as a whole but most of the factories are

producing at capacity,” says Alhassan Goussous, chief executive officer at Bakheet Investment Group. “The new companies’ margins are well know.” Bulk prices of cement is capped at 240 riyals a ton in Saudi Arabia, limited earnings growth for manufacturers. Elsewhere, Qatar’s measure slips 0.3 percent to 8,757 points, heading for its fourth decline in last five sessions since it hit a 10-month peak. The market is little moved after a sovereign fund said it will create a new $12 billion investment firm and list it on the exchange. Qatar Navigation is the main drag, falling 1.4 percent. Industries Qatar

sheds 0.2 percent. Elsewhere, Oman’s index gains 0.5 percent to 5,940 points, while Kuwait’s measure ticks up 0.03 percent to 6,388 points. In Egypt, Commercial International Bank will be in focus after the country’s biggest listed bank said fourth-quarter net income rose 7 percent year-on-year to 588 million Egyptian pounds. Industrial stocks may face selling pressure after the government announced new fuel prices for many sectors, which industry sources said were 50 percent higher than previous levels.

See Also Page 47

investment funds Funds Fund Manager Valution Valued date Currency Net Asset Prev NAV Prev NAV Dated Value (NAV) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

National Bank of Kuwait

Private Equity Funds

Money Market Funds

Watani KD Money Market Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly Feb 19, 2013 KD 1.378 1.377 Feb 5, 2013 Watani KD Money Market Fund (Islamic) NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly Feb 19, 2013 KD 1.162 1.161 Feb 5, 2013 Watani Foreign Currency Money Market Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly Feb 19, 2013 USD 1.284 1.284 Feb 5, 2013 Watani Foreign Currency Money Market Fund (Euro) NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly Feb 19, 2013 Euro 1.238 1.238 Feb 5, 2013 Watani USD Money Market Fund (Acc NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly Feb 19, 2013 USD 1.091 1.091 Feb 5, 2013 to Islamic Shariah principles) Equity Funds NBK Gulf Equity Fund NBK Weekly Feb 14, 2013 USD 1.047 1.049 Jan 31, 2013 NBK Kuwait Equity Fund NBK Weekly Feb 14, 2013 KD 0.647 0.658 Jan 31, 2013 NBK Qatar Equity Fund NBK Weekly Feb 14, 2013 USD 1.368 1.357 Jan 31, 2013 Islamic Ijara Fund IX Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 USD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic Ijara Fund X Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Jan 31, 2013 USD 10.000 10.000 Dec 31, 2012 Islamic Ijara Fund XI Wafra Capital Partners LP Cayman Islands Monthly Jan 31, 2013 USD 10.000 10.000 Dec 31, 2012 Thahabi Ijara Fund V Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Jan 31, 2013 USD 10.000 10.000 Dec 31, 2012 Thahabi Ijara Fund VI Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 USD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Thahabi Ijara Fund VII Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Nov 30, 2012 USD 10.000 10.000 Oct 31, 2012 Islamic KD Ijara Fund I Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 KD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic KD Ijara Fund II Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31, 2012 KD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic KD Ijara Fund III Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31, 2012 KD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic KD Ijara Fund IV Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 KD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic KD Ijara Fund V Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Monthly Dec 31 2012 KD 10.000 10.000 Nov 30, 2012 Alternative Funds Watani US Real Estate Income & Growth Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Monthly Sept 30, 2012 USD 1,000.000 1,000.000 June 30, 2012 Watani European Real Estate Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Quarterly Sept 30, 2012 Euro 1,000.000 1,000.000 June 30, 2012 Central European Real Estate Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Quarterly Sept 30, 2012 Euro 10,000.000 10,000.000 June 30, 2012 Islamic European Real Estate Fund – A Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Quarterly Sept 30, 2012 USD 1,000.000 1,000.000 June 30, 2012 Islamic European Real Estate Fund – B Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Quarterly Sept 30, 2012 USD 1,000.000 1,000.000 June 30, 2012 Islamic Asian Real Estate Fund Wafra Investment Advisory Group Inc Quarterly Sept 30, 2012 USD 1,000.000 1,000.000 June 30, 2012 Islamic China India Real Estate Fund Wafra Capital Partners L.P Cayman Islands Quarterly Sept 30, 2012 USD 1,000.000 1,000.000 June 30, 2012 R.Estate Security Funds Islamic Global RE Securities Fund Class A Wafra Capital Partners L.P. Monthly Dec 31, 2012 USD 1,062.376 1,048.180 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic Global RE Securities Fund Class B Wafra Capital Partners L.P. Monthly Dec 31, 2012 USD 1.017.974 1.013.814 Nov 30, 2012 Islamic Turkey Real Estate Fund Wafra Capital Partners L.P. March 19, 2008 USD 1,000.000 Multi Asset Funds Thahabi Multi Asset Fund – Con Portfolio Frontier Capital Management (Jersey) Ltd Monthly Dec 31, 2012 USD 93.044 92.730 Nov 30, 2012 Thahabi Multi Asset Fund – Mo Portfolio Frontier Capital Management (Jersey) Ltd Monthly Dec 31, 2012 USD 82.671 82.140 Nov 30, 2012 NBK Frontier Multi Asset Fund – Con Portfolio Frontier Capital Management (Jersey) Ltd Monthly Nov 30, 2012 USD 92.730 92.410 Oct 31, 2012 NBK Frontier Multi Asset Fund – Mo Portfolio Frontier Capital Management (Jersey) Ltd Monthly Nov 30, 2012 USD 82.140 81.586 Oct 31, 2012 NBK Frontier Multi Asset Fund – Plus Portfolio Frontier Capital Management (Jersey) Ltd Monthly Nov 30, 2012 USD 66.330 65.623 Oct 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Gulf Bank Al Basha’er GCC Equity Fund Kwt. Fin. & Inv. Co. & Gulf Fin. House Monthly Jan 31, 2013 USD 7.270 6.9878 Dec 31, 2012 Coast Fund Coast Investment Co. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.644 0.643 Dec 31, 2012 Sanaya Dow Jones Kuwait Index Fund Industrial & Financial Investment Co. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.629 0.614 Dec 31, 2012 Markaz Capital Preservation Programs 1 Monthly Nov 30, 2012 KD 0.959 0.959 Oct 31, 2012 Markaz Capital Preservation Programs 2 Monthly Nov 30, 2012 KD 0.960 0.995 Oct 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Commercial Bank Tijari Islamic Fund Commercial Bank of Kuwait Tw. Monthly Feb 14, 2013 KD 0.324 0.325 Feb 7, 2013 Tijari Indian Fund Commercial Bank of Kuwait Weekly Feb 18, 2013 KD 0.840 0.840 Feb 11, 2013 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Al Ahli Kuwaiti Fund Al Ahli Bank Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.943 0.928 Dec 26, 2012 Al Ahli Gulf Fund Al Ahli Bank Monthly Jan 28, 2013 KD 0.824 0.794 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Boubyan Bank Boubyan KD Money Market Fund Boubyan Bank Weekly Feb 19, 2013 KD 1.022 1.022 Feb 12, 2013 Boubyan Sukuk Fund Boubyan Bank Daily Dec 25, 2013 USD 770.110 1,001.180 May 11, 2011 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Burgan Bank Burgan Financial Fund Burgan Bank Daily Jan 2, 2013 KD 1.009 1.009 Dec 31, 2012 Burgan Equity Fund Burgan Bank Monthly Jan 27, 2012 KD 1.845 1.828 Dec 23, 2012 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Local Fund

Al Raed Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Feb 14, 2013 KD 0.993 0.991 Feb 7, 2013 Kuwait Investment Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.651 0.624 Dec 31, 2012 Al Hilal Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Feb 18, 2013 KD 0.583 0.583 Feb 4, 2013 KIC Bond Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.930 0.929 Dec 31, 2012 Al Atheer Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.072 1.044 Dec 31, 2012 International Global Bond Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly Feb 13, 2013 USD 22.740 22.730 Feb 6, 2013 Diversified Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly Feb 13, 2013 USD 17.540 17.500 Feb 6, 2013 European Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 Euro 15.800 15.500 Dec 31, 2012 Pacific Equity Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Feb 13, 2013 USD 32.700 35.520 Feb 6, 2013 Al-Awaed Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2012 KD 0.917 0.914 Dec 31, 2012 North American Equity Fund Kuwait Investment Co Tw. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 USD 13.870 13.210 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

lnternational Financial Advisors Local Fund

IFA Islamic Fund International Financial Advisors Monthly Oct 21 2012 KD 0.200 0.195 Sept 30, 2012 IFA Investment Fund International Financial Advisors Monthly Oct 22, 2012 KD 0.284 0.275 Sept 18, 2012 International IFA International Guaranteed Fund International Financial Advisors Monthly Dec 31, 2010 KD 9.040 0.703 Nov 30, 2010 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

National Investment Co. (NIC) Equity Funds

Al- Wataniya Fund NIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.617 0.599 Dec 31, 2012 Al-Safwa Fund NIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.461 0.457 Dec 31, 2012 Al-Darji Fund NIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.461 0.453 Dec 31, 2012 Mawarid Fund NIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.555 0.537 Dec 31, 2012 Zajil Fund NIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.745 0.733 Dec 31, 2012 Al Mada Investment Fund NIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 USD 0.650 0.615 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al Mal Investment Al Huda Islamic Fund Al Mal Investment Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.399 0.395 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Coast Investment Co. Coast Investment Fund Coast Investment Co Daily Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.664 0.643 Dec 31, 2012 Coast Pearl Fund Coast Investment Co Dec 31, 2012 KD 0.790 0.789 Nov 30, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Kuwait Financial Centre (Markaz) Mumtaz Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Feb 14, 2013 KD 4.149 4.164 Feb 7, 2013 MIDAF Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Feb 14, 2013 KD 3.082 3.080 Feb 7, 2013 Islamic Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Feb 14, 2013 KD 1.624 1.633 Feb 7, 2013 Markaz Arabian Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Feb 14, 2013 USD 2.850 2.829 Feb 7, 2013 FORSA Financial Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 3.996 0.963 Dec 31, 2012 Energy Fund Kuwait Financial Center Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.772 0.772 Dec 31, 2012 Real Estate Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.374 1.375 Dec 31, 2012 Markaz Fixed Income Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Feb 14, 2013 USD 10.780 10.740 Jan 31, 2013 Markaz Idikhar Fund Kuwait Financial Center Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.447 0.446 Dec 31, 2012 Markaz Islamic Income Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Oct 31, 2012 KD 0.219 0.218 Sept 30, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Kuwait & Middle East Financial & Inv. Co. Al Rou’yah Fund KMEFIC Monthly Jan 21, 2013 KD 1.423 1.367 Dec 31, 2012 Gulf Gate Fund KMEFIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.857 0.824 Dec 31, 2012 Al Awsat Money Market Fund (USD) KMEFIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.688 0.688 Dec 31, 2012 Al Awsat Money Market Fund (USD) KMEFIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 USD 4.787 4.784 Dec 31, 2012 Amwal Islamic Money Market Fund KMEFIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.549 0.549 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Global Investment House

Money Market Funds Islamic Real E. Funds

Kuwait Finance & Investment Co (KFIC) Al Wasm Fund KFIC Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.396 0.384 Nov 30, 2012 Al Basha’er GCC Equity Fund KFIC & Gulf Finance House Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 USD 7.270 6.988 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

KAMCO KAMCO Investment Fund KAMCO Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.977 0.940 Dec 31, 2012 Kuwait Private Equity Opportunities Fund KAMCO Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.678 0.678 Dec 31, 2012 Kuwait Education Fund KAMCO Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.428 1.428 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al Madar Finance Shuwaikh Real Estate Fund Al Madar Bi-weekly Dec 31, 2012 KD 1.438 1.486 Sept 30, 2012 US Index Fund Al Madar Monthly Feb 15, 2013 USD 1.856 1.850 Feb 8, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al Madina Finance & Investment Co. India Fund Al Madina Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.873 0.845 Dec 31, 2012 Al Madina Fund Al Madina Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.473 0.473 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Wafra International Investment Co. Wafra Equity Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.855 0.819 Dec 31, 2012 Wafra Bond Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.001 0.998 Dec 31, 2012 Fajir Islamic Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.619 0.589 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Shuaa Capital Co. Saudi Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Weekly Jan 28, 2013 USD 8.470 8.470 Dec 20, 2012 The Arab Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Monthly Feb 12, 2013 USD 24.440 24.180 Feb 5, 2013 Emirates Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Monthly Feb 12, 2013 AED 7.370 7.340 Feb 5, 2013 Qatar Gate Fund (Q) Shuaa Capital Monthly Jan 31, 2013 QAR 94.840 89.110 Dec 31, 2012 Qatar Gate Fund (N) Shuaa Capital Monthly Jan 31, 2013 QAR 93.200 87.830 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Investment Dar Co. Al Dar Real Estate Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.134 1.133 Dec 31, 2012 Al Dar Funds of Fund Al Dar Asset Management Weekly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.470 0.470 Dec 31, 2012 Al Dar Money Market Fund Al Dar Asset Management Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.872 0.868 Jan 21, 2013 Al Dar Securities Fund Al Dar Asset Management Weekly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.550 0.524 Dec 31, 2012 Al Nokhba Fund Al Dar Asset Management Monthly Dec 31, 2012 KD 0.406 0.408 Nov 30, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Global Umbrella Fund - US Global Umbrella Fund - Asia/Japan Global Distressed Fund Zenith Fund Mayur Hedge Fund Global KD Bond Fund GCC Large Cap Index Fund Al-Mamoun Fund A Al-Mamoun Fund B GCC Large Cap Fund Al-Noor Fund Global Saudi Equity Fund Global KD Money Market Fund Global USD Money Market Fund Global US Real Estate Fund GCC Real Estate Fund Global Asia Real Estate Fund Global Real Estate Ijarah Fund

Al Aman Islamic Fund Al Aman Investment Monthly Feb 14, 2013 KD 0.907 0.911 Feb 7, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Housing Finance Co (ISKAN) Masaref Investment Fund ISKAN Weekly Feb 23, 2013 KD 0.914 0.907 Feb 14, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Gulf Investment Corp. Gulf Bond Fund Gulf Investment Corp Weekly Feb 8, 2013 USD 13.920 13.910 Jan 31, 2013 Gulf Premier Fund Gulf Investment Corp Weekly Feb 7 2013 USD 21.550 21.630 Jan 31, 2013 Gulf Islamic Fund Gulf Investment Corp Weekly Feb 7, 2013 USD 6.620 6.700 Jan 31, 2013 GIC KD Bond Fund Gulf Investment Corp Monthly Feb 7 2013 USD 0.980 0.980 Jan 31, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Ahli United Bank (formerly BKME)

Kuwait Investment Co.

Fixed Income Funds Index Funds Equity Funds

Global Opportunistic Fund Global Quarterly Sept 30, 2009 USD 106.060 107.180 Global Opportunistic Fund II Global Quarterly Sept 22, 2009 USD 110.920 110.390 June 30, 2009 Private Equity Fund Global Quarterly Sept 30, 2009 KD 0.829 0.859 June 30, 2009 Global Buyout Fund Global Monthly Sept 30, 2009 USD 564.740 603.390 June 30, 2009 Country Fund Palestine Dedicated Fund Global Monthly Dec 31, 2012 USD 86.740 91.810 Sept 30, 2011 Global Egypt Fund Global Monthly Jan 31, 2012 USD 38.740 38.110 Dec 31, 2011 Sectoral Funds EPADI Fund Global Weekly Feb 5, 2013 USD 108.770 108.550 Jan 29, 2013 Islamic Funds Global GCC Islamic Fund Global Weekly Feb 5, 2013 USD 89.010 89.250 Jan 29, 2013 Al-Durra Islamic Fund Global Monthly Feb 14, 2013 KD 1.173 1.168 Feb 7, 2013 Global Islamic Fund of Funds Global Weekly Dec 31, 2012 USD 67.276 76.860 Aug 31, 2011 Global Islamic Fund Global Monthly June 28, 2012 KD 1.271 1.286 March 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al Aman Investment

Al Ahli Bank

Hedge Funds

Funds Fund Manager Valution Valued date Currency Net Asset Prev NAV Prev NAV Dated Value (NAV) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global

Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Weekly Monthly Weekly Weekly Weekly Bi-weekly Bi-weekly Bi-weekly Weekly Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly

Nov 30, 2012 Nov 30, 2012 Nov 30, 2012 Nov 30, 2012 Dec 31, 2012 Jan 31, 2013 Feb 07, 2013 Feb 07, 2013 Feb 07, 2013 Feb 12, 2013 Feb 19, 2013 Feb 19, 2013 Feb 14, 2013 Feb 05, 2013 June 30, 2012 June 30, 2009 June 30, 2009 Dec 31, 2008


148.640 114.260 168.060 94.840 94.020 0.824 1.319 0.534 0.534 120.660 167.666 166.492 1.114 134.320 0.265 0.675 0.850 850.790

152.630 117.130 167.850 94.910 92.180 0.819 1.331 0.539 0.539 120.160 168.016 166.442 1.114 134.440 0.378 0.710 0.857

Sept 30, 2012 Sept 30, 2012 Sept 30, 2012 Oct 30, 2012 Nov 30, 2012 Dec 31, 2012 Jan 31, 2013 Jan 31, 2013 Jan 31, 2013 Jan 29, 2013 Feb 10, 2013 Feb 10, 2013 Feb 10, 2013 Jan 29, 2013 March 31, 2009 March 31, 2009 March 31, 2009

Al Awasat Money Market Fund Ahli United Bank Monthly April 30, 2012 KD 1.132 1.104 Sept 30, 2010 Al Amin Islamic Market Fund Ahli United Bank Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.142 1.142 Dec 30, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Bayan Investment Co Ea’mmar and Estethmar Fund Bayan Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.442 0.411 Dec 31, 2012 Al Themar Securities Fund Bayan Investment Co Weekly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.452 0.445 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Tharwa Investment Co. Tharwa Investment Fund Tharwa Investment Co Weekly Feb 14, 2013 KD 1.237 1.212 Jan 31, 2013 Tharwa Islamic Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly Feb 14, 2013 KD 0.702 0.683 Jan 31, 2013 Tharwa Arab Investment Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly Feb 14, 2013 USD 1.251 1.422 Jan 31, 2013 Tharwa World Fund Tharwa Investment Co Weekly Jan 31, 2013 USD 1.073 1.042 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Bank Al-Bilad Al Seef Fund Bank Al-Bilad Daily Feb 10, 2013 KD 0.517 0.524 Feb 3, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Commercial International Bank Commercial Int’t Bank Fund I CI Asset Management Weekly Feb 17, 2013 EGP 197.050 196.780 Feb 12, 2013 Commercial Int’t Bank Fund II (Istethmar) CI Asset Management Weekly Jan 17, 2013 EGP 61.760 63.260 Jan 10, 2013 CIB and Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt Fund CI Asset Management Weekly Jan 24, 2013 EGP 42.620 42.540 Jan 17, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Noor Financial Inv. Co. Noor Islamic Fund Noor Financial Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.678 0.676 Dec 31, 2012 Noor Real Estate Income Fund Noor Financial Investment Co Monthly July 31, 2013 KD 1.124 1.126 June 30, 2012 Noor Kuwait Islamic Equity Fund Noor Financial Investment Co Monthly June 30, 2013 KD 0.633 0.636 May 31, 2011 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Kuwait Real Estate Investment Consortium Kuwait Real Estate Fund Kuwait Real Estate Investment Consortium Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 1.692 1.685 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Manafae Investment Co. Manafae First Fund Manafae Investment Co Monthly Dec 31, 2012 KD 0.665 0.665 Dec 26, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al Zumorroda Investment Co. Zumorroda GCC Fund Al Zumorroda Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.558 0.528 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al Safat Investment Co. Al Safat Local Shares Equity Fund Al Safat Investment Co. Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.201 0.204 Nov 30, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al-Imtiaz Investment Co. Al-Imtiaz Investment Fund Al-Imtiaz Investment Company Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.847 0.847 Dec 31, 2012 Al-Imtiaz Real Estate Fund Al-Imtiaz Investment Company Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.889 0.889 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

BankMuscat BankMuscat MSCI Kuwait Fund BankMuscat Daily Feb 13, 2013 USD 0.426 0.426 Feb 12, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al-Muthana Investment Co. Muthanna Islamic Index Fund (MUDX) Al-Muthana Investment Company Daily Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.384 0.376 Dec 31, 2012 Muthanna GCC Islamic Banks Fund Al-Muthana Investment Company Weekly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.636 0.615 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

CapCorp Investment Co. CapCorp Local Fund CapCorp Investment Company Weekly Feb 14, 2013 KD 0.936 0.924 Feb 7, 2013 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Amar Finance & Leasing Co. Amar Real Estate Fund Amar Finance & Leasing Company Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.901 0.901 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al-Dhow Investment Co.

Waed Real Estate Fund Al-Dhow Real Estate Company Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.906 0.922 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Al-Fouz Investment Co.

Al-Fouz Real Estate Fund Al-Fouz Investment Company Annual Sept 30, 2012 KD 0.997 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Securities House Co.

Diyar Real Estate Investment Fund Securities House Company Monthly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.949 0.991 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

A’ayan Leasing & Investment Company

Awa’ed Real Estate Fund A’ayan Leasing & Investment Co. Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.680 0.680 Dec 31, 2012 Makaseb Estate Fund A’ayan Leasing & Investment Co. Quarterly Jan 31, 2013 KD 0.716 0.724 Dec 31, 2012 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Industrial & Financial Investment Company Direct investment Fund

Industrial and Financial Investment Co. (IFIC)

Jan 31, 2013




Dec 31, 2012




Name: Kuwait Sharia Compatible Indices

Providers: Al Madar Finance & Investment Co.

Description: Index of Sharia compatible companies traded on the KSE

Website: www.almadar-fi.com

Index name Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Composite Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Kuwait Only Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Active Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Banking Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Investment Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Insurance Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Real Estate Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Industrial Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Services Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Food Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Islamic Sector Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Non Kuwaiti Sector Kuwait Stock Exchange Index - Price S&P 500 DJ Islamic Index.


Today’s value as of February 20, 2013 February 20, 2013 February 20, 2013 February 20, 2013 February 20, 2013 February 20, 2013 February 20, 2013 February 20, 2013 February 20, 2013 February 20, 2013 February 20, 2013 February 20, 2013 February 20, 2013 February 19, 2013 February 19, 2013

Today’s closing value 203.23 198.65 87.28 334.37 95.98 25.43 55.30 143.46 282.61 278.73 154.19 247.37 6,404.82 1,530.94 2,407.52

Prev closing value 203.92 199.31 86.74 336.05 95.83 25.43 55.13 142.83 284.76 276.01 154.73 248.89 6,386.80 1,519.79 2,391.02

% change -0.34% -0.33% 0.63% -0.50% 0.15% 0.00% 0.30% 0.44% -0.75% 0.98% -0.35% -0.61% 0.28% 0.73% 0.69%

1-week change -0.22% -0.23% -2.47% -0.61% -0.57% 4.10% -0.25% 0.00% -0.02% -0.03% -0.34% 0.38% 0.32% 0.76% 0.52%

3-month change 2.13% 1.87% 11.99% 0.10% 13.77% 34.43% 0.42% 6.92% 1.44% 8.16% 2.95% 6.26% 8.77% 10.06% 8.57%

YTD change 2.58% 2.49% 13.88% 0.48% 8.56% 18.72% 3.26% 1.87% 3.21% 5.16% 2.63% 6.12% 7.93% 9.16% 5.79%

12-month change 8.15% 6.79% 11.68% 7.40% 47.07% -21.80% 18.68% -4.27% 6.90% 22.12% 9.24% 18.76% 5.03% 12.47% 5.43%


Al-Baraka earnings

24-month change -1.91% -3.60% 32.57% -4.57% 102.17% 8.45% 36.44% -12.96% -7.36% 18.53% 0.35% 23.66% 0.17% 13.99% 3.78%

Bahrain-based Islamic lender Al Baraka Banking Group recorded a 24-percent increase in fourth-quarter net income, the bank said on Wednesday, with business expansion and improved asset quality aiding profit growth. The bank, which has operations across the Middle East, Asia and Africa, made a net attributable profit of $26 million for the final three months of 2012, compared with $21 million in the corresponding period of 2011, it said in a statement. (RTRS)

Exchange rate of the US dollar against the Kuwaiti dinar remained stable at KD 0.282, the euro rose to KD 0.378 compared to Tuesday’s figures, said the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) on Wednesday. The exchange rate of the sterling was down to KD 0.435. (KUNA)

United Projects Co jumps 40 fils; Zain retreats

KSE resumes uptrend with 18.02 pts rise By John Mathews Arab Times Staff

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: Kuwait stocks resumed upswing on Wednesday after ending in red in last two sessions. The index climbed 18.02 pts in choppy trade helped by speculative buying in some of the small and mid caps. The banks were largely muted whereas the other frontline stock ended mostly lower. The sentiment was predominantly caution - laced as investors eye cues to sustain the momentum. The KSX 15 measure eased 2.82 pts to close at 1,028.88 points while weighted index inched 0.06 pts lower to 428.75 points. The volume turnover meanwhile slumped below the 400 million mark to hit the lowest level so far during the month. 300.84 million shares changed hands — down 29.13 percent from the day before. It has soared past the 800 million mark on Feb 7th to hit a multimonth high. The sector closed mostly in the positive territory. Industrials outpaced the rest with 0.78 percent rise whereas healthcare dropped over 2 percent, the worst performer of the day. Volume wise, real estate dominated with 37.61 percent market share and financial serv-

ices stood close behind with 37.34 percent United Projects Co spiked 40 fils to KD 0.630 while Contracting and Marine Services Co rose 10 fils. Combined Group Contracting Co gained 20 fils and Kuwait Food Co (Americana) followed suit to wind up at KD 1.840. Boubyan Petrochemical Co rose 10 fils and Kuwait Foundry Co was up by same measure. The company has notched a net profit of KD 173,477 and earnings per share 0.920 fils in 2012, down from KD 178,348 profit and 0.945 fils EPS in the year before. Bourse heavyweight Zain slipped 10 fils to KD 0.790 whereas Wataniya Telecom held the ground unchanged at KD 2.400 after pulling lower in the year before. Agility was down 10 fils at KD 0.560. The stock has rallied 70 fils from start of the month while year-to-date it has climbed 50 fils.

Drifted The market opened wavy and moved sideways in early trade. The index drifted slightly lower to trough at 6383.78 pts before resuming the range bound trading as investors toed caution. It however ticked higher in the final minutes and managed to close with modest gains. Top gainer of the day, Kuwait Gulf Links rallied 9.26 percent to KD 0.118 and United Real Estate Co climbed 7.6 percent to stand next. The company has posted a net profit of KD 22.52 million

amounted to KD 121.4 million, up 13% from the year before while net profit was almost flat at KD 30.9 million. The Board has recommended distribution of 5% bonus shares. Commercial Bank stagnated at KD 0.680 and Al Ahli Bank too did not budge from its earlier close of KD 0.510. Burgan Bank was flat at KD 0.540. The stock has erased 40 fils from start of the month while year-to-date it has added 10 fils.


Photo by Anwar Daifallah

The photo shows a broad view of the Kuwait Stock Exchange. The bourse saw modest gains on Wednesday.

and earnings per share of 19.9 fils in 2012. Massaleh slid 5.32 percent, the biggest loser of the day, whereas Investors Holding Group topped the volume with 54.53 million shares changing hands during the session. Mirroring the day’s gains, the winners slightly outnumbered the losers. 49 stocks advanced whereas 45 closed lower. Of the 148 counters active on Wednesday, 54 closed lower. 5953 deals worth KD 29.34 million were transacted — a 16.60 percent fall in value from the

day before. Shuaiba Industrial Co rose 8 fils to KD 0.214 and Kuwait Portland Cement Co gained 20 fils to wind up at KD 1.140. Jazeera Airways however as flat at KD 0.385 off slight early highs. The carrier has chalked a net profit of KD 13.94 million and earnings per share of 38.37 fils in 2012. In the banking sector, National Bank of Kuwait trimmed early gains to close unchanged at KD 0.990 and Gulf Bank followed suit to end at KD 0.415. Gulf Bank bank’s income before provisions

Kuwait Finance House clipped 10 fils after trading over 1 million shares. The lender has posted a 24 percent rise in Q4 earnings. “Although revenue growth indicators were positive and given available information likely to be within expectations, the levels of provisions taken by the bank lead to the significant mismatch against our forecast,” Naveed Ahmed, senior financial analyst at Global Investment House, said in a note. Boubyan Bank pulled up from early lows to close unchanged at KD 0.650 while Kuwait International Bank was up 5 fils at KD 0.300. Ahli United Bank held the ground steady at KD 0.820. Commercial Facilities Co rose 5 fils to KD 0.340 while International Financial Advisors was flat at 55 fils. National Investment Co fell 2 fils whereas KIPCO added 10 to the previous close. Kuwait Financial Centre Co (Markaz)

was flat at KD 0.142. The company has has recorded a net profit of KD 4.12 million and earnings per share of 9 fils in 2012 rebounding from KD 356,000 loss and loss per share of 1 fils last year International Financial Advisors was down 4 fils after trading 6.94 million shares and First Investment Co eased 2 fils to KD 0.116. Noor Financial Services Co stagnated at 59 fils and Al Tamdeen Investment Co followed suit. KAMCO ticked 2 fils higher. National Industries Co held steady at KD 0.216 with a volume of 2.64 million shares and Gulf Cables too did not budge from its earlier close. Kuwait Pipes wiped off 2 fils while RISCO erased 5 fils. National Real Estate Co sagged 4 fils after trading 4.6 million shares and Union Real Estate climbed 10 fils. Mabanee Company closed flat. The bourse has been mixed so far during the week and has climbed gained 7.18 pts in last four sessions. The index has rallied 159.71 pts from start of the month and is trading 7.93 percent higher year-to-date. KSE, with 213 listed companies, is the second largest bourse in the region. In the bourse related news, Ahli United Bank has recorded a net profit of KD 4.36 million and earnings per share of 60 fils in 2012, up from KD 4.08 million profit and 56 fils EPS in the year before. The Board of Directors has recommended a cash dividend payout of 16% plus 5% bonus shares.




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Deutsche Boerse cautious after profits down in 2012

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hurt investor sentiment. Deutsche Boerse’s group net profit fell by 24.6 percent to 645 million euros in 2012. Net revenues were down 8.9 percent at 1.932 billion euros and operating profit, as measured by earnings before interest and tax (EBIT), fell by 16.6 percent to 969.4 million euros. In the fourth quarter alone, net profit rose by 9.4 percent to 165.4 million euros, while operating profit declined by 19.8 percent to 185.2 million euros on a 12-percent decline in revenues to 447.7 million euros. (AFP)

remain at the same level as in the second half of last year,” Pottmeyer said, which would represent a drop over the year as a whole of about 5.0 percent. Pottmeyer insisted, however, that Deutsche Boerse was “well-positioned” to continue growing over the coming years by boosting its activities in Asia. Chief executive Reto Francioni said Deutsche Boerse’s results last year had been hit by the “ongoing uncertainty about the global, eurozone and US economies,” which had

German stock market operator Deutsche Boerse expressed caution on Wednesday for the outlook for the current year after earnings were hit last year by the “challenging” market environment. “If the situation on the capital markets improves, we see net revenues of more than 2.0 billion euros ($2.7 billion) this year,” compared with 1.93 billion euros in 2012, finance chief Gregor Pottmeyer told a news conference here. However, “if the environment remains unchanged, our net revenues will

bottomline Stocks slip as investors await

Fed minutes; dollar ticks higher

“We’re aware of the trading anomalies the day before the announcement,” said Federal Bureau of Investigation spokeswoman Kelly Langmesser. “And we’re consulting with the SEC to see if a crime was committed.” The Securities and Exchange Commission said Friday it had identified highly suspicious Heinz trades made one day before Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital announced they were acquiring the condiment giant in a $28 billion deal. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

CAIRO: Commercial International Bank, Egypt’s biggest listed bank, said on Tuesday fourth-quarter net income rose 7 percent year-on-year to 588 million Egyptian pounds ($87.4 million). CIB said in a statement it made “record” revenue of 5.34 billion pounds for full-year 2012, and net income of 2.23 billion pounds for the full year. Egyptian banks such as CIB have been able to keep their bottom lines growing thanks partly to high interest rates paid by the state last year for its short-term borrowing. State borrowing costs soared as foreign investors exited the local treasury market, tax receipts suffered from a weak economy and the government boosted spending to meet popular demands for better living standards after an uprising against President Hosni Mubarak in 2011. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

Oil falls on Saudi move; gold slides NEW YORK, Feb 20, (Agencies): Global equity markets faltered on Wednesday as a mixed reading of US housing data took the shine off this year’s stock rally, while oil prices fell as the prospect of increased Saudi supply offset optimism spurred by an improving worldwide economy.

NEW YORK: Herbalife, the company caught in the middle of a hedge fund dogfight, says it’s doing just fine, thanks. The company, which sells weight-loss products and other dietary supplements, said late Tuesday that profit and revenue both rose in the fourth quarter — but it predicts slower sales growth this year. It’s a key earnings period for Herbalife, which has been whipsawed this year by the opinions of two long-sparring hedge fund moguls. Carl Icahn heralds Herbalife as a great deal and last week disclosed a 13 percent stake in the company. Bill Ackman calls it a fraud and is shorting the stock, meaning he’s betting it will go down. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

RABAT: Banque Centrale Populaire (BCP), one of Morocco’s three biggest lenders, said on Wednesday that its net profit grew 5.6 percent to 3.21 billion dirhams ($384 million) in 2012. Deposits increased 10 percent to 201.9 billion dirhams which represented a 27.9 percent market share, the bank added in a statement. BCP, in which the government is a shareholder, collected 74.2 billion dirhams of remittances from Moroccans living abroad during the year — a 4.5 percent increase — although total transfers by migrant workers to the country fell 4 percent. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

An index of world shares rose to a 41/2-year high before turning lower. Investors were cautious ahead of the release of minutes from the Federal Reserve’s most recent meeting later in the day, which are expected to provide insight into the US central bank’s thinking on policy.

LONDON: Countrywide Holdings, Britain’s largest estate agent by revenue, plans to return to the stock market after nearly six years in private hands, hoping a fragile housing market recovery will be enough to tempt investors amid growing demand for new issues. The company, bought for 1.1 billion pounds ($1.7 billion) by a US private equity firm in May 2007, said on Wednesday it planned to raise 200 million pounds by selling new shares. It will use the money to repay some debt and grow the business, including through acquisitions. Countrywide declined to say what it might be worth after floating, but expected to be included in the London Stock Exchange’s FTSE-250 index of mid-cap companies. (RTRS) ❑ ❑ ❑

ROUND ROCK, Texas: Dell Inc. on Tuesday posted another quarter of declining sales and profits, deepening a downturn that disenchanted shareholders and culminated in the slumping personal computer maker’s recent decision to take its stock off Wall Street in a $24.4 billion deal. The proposed sale, announced just two weeks ago, diminished the importance of the numbers released Tuesday. The fourth-quarter report became even less significant when the company canceled CEO Michael Dell’s previously scheduled participation on a conference call to discuss the results with analysts. Michael Dell, who founded the company 29 years ago, is leading the buyout, which is facing opposition from two of Dell Inc.’s biggest shareholders. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Global equity markets have surged over the last seven months as major central banks repeatedly delivered monetary support to weak economies. But a more than 7 percent rise in the S&P 500, the US benchmark, so far this year has given investors pause as to how much further the rally can go. MSCI’s all-country world equity index rose to 359.37 points, its highest level since June 2008, before retreating to trade down 0.17 percent on the day at 357.45. Wall Street slipped lower and the FTSEurofirst 300 index index of top European shares closed down 0.26 percent to a 1,168.72. European shares fell as surprise dividend cuts by British insurer RSA and Lufthansa and weak results from the likes of Accor, Europe’s biggest hotelier, and miner BHP Billiton weighed on sentiment. RSA was the biggest single declining stock after it cut its dividend by a fifth after weak investment returns, sending its shares down 14.9 percent. Lufthansa, Europe’s biggest airline, shed 6.2 percent to close at 15.00 by withholding a dividend for the second time in three years. Oil prices fell with news on expectations of greater supply of crude. Saudi Arabia, the world’s top exporter of crude oil, expects to raise its output in the second quarter to satisfy higher demand from China and drive economic recovery elsewhere, oil industry sources said, but the exact rise in volume was unclear. The dollar edged higher against the yen on the perception the data showed an overall improvement in the US housing market. The euro trimmed losses against the dollar to trade 0.28 percent lower at $1.3348.

PARIS: French bank Credit Agricole said Wednesday it posted a record 6.47 billion euro ($8.7 billion) loss for 2012 after booking a massive fourth quarter charge but was now “turning the page”. The bank said it would be launching a three-year strategic plan aimed at saving 650 million euros. In the fourth quarter alone, the bank posted a loss of 3.98 billion euros, mostly due to exceptional items. Part of the loss, 838 million euros, was due to Credit Agricole’s exit from its Greek bank Emporiki. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

NEW YORK: Office Depot Inc. said Wednesday it will buy OfficeMax in an all-stock deal that would transform the office-supply retail sector. Boca Raton, Florida-based Office Depot Inc. and Naperville, Illinois-based OfficeMax said holders of OfficeMax shares will receive 2.69 shares of Office Depot for every OfficeMax share they own. That’s equal to about $13.50 per share, based on Office Depot’s $5.02 per share closing price Tuesday, giving the deal a total value of about $1.2 billion. OfficeMax had about 86.7 million shares outstanding as of Oct 26, according to SEC filings. It is a 3.8 percent premium to OfficeMax’s closing price of $13 on Tuesday and a 26 percent premium to OfficeMax’s closing price on Friday, before word of negotiations leaked out. (AP) ❑ ❑ ❑

MUMBAI: Shares in India’s debt-laden Kingfisher Airlines rose five percent Tuesday after its parent firm United Breweries said it would raise the sum it can lend to the carrier, which is desperate for cash. Kingfisher, controlled by Indian liquor baron Vijay Mallya, rose five percent — the maximum daily limit — to trade at 10.53 rupees. The rise came a day after the UB Group said it would more than double its cap on loans for Kingfisher to 7.5 billion rupees ($136 million) from three billion rupees earlier — a step that needs shareholder approval. Kingfisher has been heading for collapse since its lenders last week said they planned to recover $1.5 billion worth of loans given to the airline, as it has failed to produce a convincing business plan. (AFP)

NEW YORK: The FBI is examining possible insider trading in Heinz shares ahead of last week’s buyout announcement, after US regulators identified suspicious trades from a Swiss account, a spokeswoman said Tuesday.

US US stocks fell on Wednesday, pressured by a drop in energy shares as investors found few reasons to buy equities following a rally that has held major indexes near five-year highs for around

three weeks. Equities have been strong recently, to the point that the day’s modest decline was the largest for the S&P 500 since Feb 4. The index has jumped about 7 percent so far this year and is on track for its eighth straight week of gains. However, many of those weekly gains have been slight, with equities trading within a narrow range for the past few weeks, suggesting valuations may be stretched at current levels. Energy companies were among the weakest, hurt by disappointing results and a 2.2 percent drop in crude oil prices. The Energy Select Sector SPDR fell 0.9 percent, though it remains up 10.1 percent for the year. Newfield Exploration tumbled 7.7 percent to $25.20 while Devon Energy Corp dropped 4 percent to $58.17. Both companies posted fourth-quarter losses, with Devon hurt as it wrote down the value of its assets by $896 million because of weak natural gas prices. Housing shares also declined, pressured by weaker-than-expected results at Toll Brothers Inc and a drop in groundbreaking to build new US homes, also known as housing starts, in January. Toll Brothers’ stock fell 5.4 percent to $34.91, but is up about 8 percent so far this year, building on a jump of nearly 60 percent in 2012. The Dow Jones US Home Construction index lost 4 percent. The Dow Jones industrial average was down 12.13 points, or 0.09 percent, at 14,023.54. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index was down 6.20 points, or 0.40 percent, at 1,524.74. The Nasdaq Composite Index was down 19.10 points, or 0.59 percent, at 3,194.49. The Dow’s losses were limited by Boeing Co, up 1.4 percent at $75.67 after a source told Reuters that the company had found a way to fix battery problems on its grounded 787 Dreamliner jets.

that group net profit had fallen by 24.6 percent to 645 million euros ($866 million).

UK Britain’s benchmark equity index edged up on Wednesday to touch fresh five-year highs but its failure to close above a key technical level led some traders to expect a minor, near-term selloff. The blue-chip FTSE 100 index closed up 0.3 percent, or 16.30 points higher, at 6,395.37 points — its highest level since early 2008. The FTSE fell towards the end of the trading session, however, down from an intraday high of 6,412.44 points. Traders said the fact the index could not hold above the 6,400 point level, seen by many as key to more near-term gains, meant it was now more likely that the market would fall in the coming sessions. Monetary stimulus measures by central banks have supported equities in spite of the weak economy, which is why most investors remain bullish on stocks this year. A Reuters poll showed that the Bank of England was expected to inject more cash into the economy in 2013.

Asia Asian markets mostly climbed on Wednesday, with dealers taking a positive cue from Wall Street and Europe, following a surge in investor confidence in eurozone powerhouse Germany. Japanese shares posted healthy gains as the yen softened and data showed exports rose for the first time in eight months in January, although the country still posted its worst ever monthly trade deficit. Tokyo added 0.84 percent, or 95.94 points, to 11,468.28, while Sydney was up 0.33 percent, or 16.8 points, to 5,098.7 points — its highest close since September 2008. Seoul jumped 1.95 percent, or 38.81 points to 2,024.64 and Hong Kong was up 0.71 percent, or 163.50 points, at 23,307.41, while Shanghai added 0.60 percent, or 14.27 points, to 2,397.18. In other markets: ■ Taiwan rose 68.22 points, or 0.86 percent, to 8,029.1. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co added 1.87 percent to Tw$109.0, while Hon Hai Precision was 0.83 percent higher at Tw$84.8. ■ Manila rose 0.42 percent higher, or 27.85 points, to a record 6,648.57. SM Investments Corp. gained 0.70 percent to 1,007 pesos while Megaworld Corp rose 0.26 percent to 3.90 pesos. ■ Singapore closed up 0.40 percent, or 13.12 points, at 3,308.89. Capitaland increased 1.52 percent to Sg$4.01 and Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation gained 0.50 percent to Sg$10.03. ■ Kuala Lumpur shed 1.74 points, or 0.11 percent, to close at 1,613.33. DiGi.com lost 1.9 percent to 4.61 ringgit, while Telekom Malaysia slipped 1.3 per cent to close at 5.15. YTL Corp

Europe European stock markets diverged on Wednesday, with London gaining on an increasing prospect of more cash stimulus from the Bank of England, while Paris dropped on profit-taking, analysts said. At closing, London’s FTSE 100 index of leading companies gained 0.26 percent to 6,395.37 points while Frankfurt’s DAX 30 dipped by 0.30 percent to 7,728.90 points and in Paris the CAC 40 fell 0.69 percent to 3,709.88 points In company news, shares in Vodafone slipped 0.61 percent to 162.50 pence after the British mobile phone giant said it had successfully bid £790 million ($1.21 billion, 903 million euros) for a 4G licence to provide super-fast mobile Internet access across Britain. Deutsche Boerse fell 0.64 percent to 47.35 euros after the German stock market operator said its earnings were hit last year by the “challenging market environment.” Deutsche Boerse said in a statement released in Frankfurt late on Tuesday

added 1.3 percent to 1.60 ringgit. ■ Bangkok added 0.95 percent, or 14.57 points, to 1,546.64. Power giant Electricity Generating Public Co lost 0.66 percent to 151.50 baht, while Thai Airways International added 4.08 percent to 25.50 baht. ■ Mumbai edged up 0.04 percent, or 7.03 points, to 19,642.75. Reliance Industries rose 3.13 percent to 875.35 rupees.

Oil Crude oil futures fell sharply on Wednesday, joining in a commoditieswide sell off led by gold, as selling accelerated amid unconfirmed talk in the market that a hedge fund was forced to liquidate substantial positions. Liquidation of long positions built up during the recent rally and the triggering of sell-stop orders accelerated the slide, brokers and traders said. Expectations that Saudi Arabia intends to raise its production in the second quarter to meet higher demand from China and nurture global economic recovery weighed on oil prices, as did data showing US housing starts slumped 8.5 percent in January. Brent April crude fell $1.60 to $115.92 a barrel by 12:06 pm EST (1706 GMT), having dropped as low as $115.05 after reaching $117.66. Expiring US March crude was down $2.07 at $94.59 a barrel, having traded from $93.92 to $97.07. US April crude was down $2.15 at $94.95 a barrel, having slumped as low as $94.21.

Currencies The dollar is rising even after the US government reported that housing construction slowed in January. The dollar is up against the euro, the currency used by 17 European countries, as well as the Japanese yen and the Canadian dollar. The British pound fell below $1.53 Wednesday for the first time since June following reports that the Bank of England was getting more concerned about Britain’s economy. If the country takes more economic stimulus measures such as lowering interest rates, it could cause the pound to fall in value.

Gold Precious metals slid on Wednesday, with gold hitting a seven-month low and platinum, palladium and silver falling more than 3 percent, as investors liquidated commodities ahead of closely watched US Federal Reserve minutes. Selling of gold accelerated as the metal broke through a series of key technical levels, including last week’s low of $1,598 an ounce and trendline support around $1,586. Spot gold fell as much as 1.6 percent to its lowest since July at $1,578.06 an ounce, and was at $1,579.86 at 1610 GMT, down 1.5 percent. The metal looks vulnerable to further losses, with $1,575 and $1,564 seen as further support levels.

exchange rates – Feb 20 US dollar BEC Muzaini Dollarco Commercial Bank Gulf Bank NBK Burgan Bank ABK Oman KBE

Sterling pound

Transfer .280600 .282750 .282950 .282700 .281550 .283650 .281900 .284000 .281550 .283650 .281200 .283300 .281550 .283650 — — .282700

Cash .430415 .439415 — .443000 .432000 .444000 .431170 .444877 .433020 .442030 .434500 .443530 .430020 .441410 — .467000 —

Buy Sell Sell Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Sell

Buy Sell Sell Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Sell

Cash .468560 .518560 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Cyprus Pound

Yemeni riyal

Buy Sell Sell Sell Buy Sell Buy Sell Sell

Transfer Cash Draft — — — — — — — — — .693000 .693470 .693470 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Cash Draft Transfer .128500 .127500 .127500 .136500 .137500 .137500 — .001321 .001321 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .280600 .282750 .282950 .282700 .281550 .283650 .281900 .284000 .281550 .283650 .281200 .283300 .281550 .283650 .287900 .287900 .282700

Danish kroner BEC Muzaini Dollarco Commercial Bank Gulf Bank NBK Burgan Bank ABK Oman KBE

BEC Muzaini Dollarco Gulf Bank ABK KBE

Transfer .429415 .438415 .438430 .438490 .434727 .437970 .435028 .441766 .434520 .439030 .436000 .440530 .434480 .438390 — .475000 .442100

Cash .279350 .283000 .281750 .283500 .275000 .284000 .279400 .286000 .276550 .285150 .276200 .274800 .279050 .285150 — — —

Draft .468560 .518560 — — .050622 .050999 .050136 .051040 .050540 .051050 .046462 .046997 .050550 .051590 — — —

Indian rupee

Transfer .468560 .518560 — — .050622 .050999 .050136 .051040 .050540 .051050 .046462 .046997 .050550 .051590 — — —

travellers cheques BEC Commercial Bank Gulf Bank Al-Ahli Bank

Draft .429415 .438415 .438430 .438490 .434727 .437970 .435028 .441766 .434520 .439030 .444600 .436000 .434480 .438390 .444400 .475000 .442100

Cash .004922 .005323 – .005450 .004000 .006750 — — — — — — — — — — —

US dollar .2832500 .2850000 .2840000 .2836500

Draft .005164 .005234 .005228 .005228 — .005277 — .005286 — — .005094 .005093 .005170 .005259 — — .005238

Transfer .005164 .005234 .005228 .005228 — .005277 — .005286 — — .005094 .005093 .005170 .005259 — — .005238

Sterling .4405380 .4450000 .4417660 .4383900

Euro Cash .374118 .361118 — .381000 .375000 .384000 .371071 .383266 .376030 .384620 .339010 .347320 .373510 .383670 — — —

Draft .374118 .381618 .380850 .379575 .377629 .380446 .374391 .380586 .377530 .381620 .380190 .340510 .377390 .381040 .378620 .382570 .384900

Japanese yen Transfer .374118 .381618 .380850 .379575 .377629 .380446 .374391 .380586 .377530 .381620 .380190 .344320 .377390 .381040 .378620 .382570 .384900

Pakistani rupee Cash .002607 .002887 — .003100 — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .002852 .002892 .002877 .002875 — .002899 — .002924 — — — — — .002950 .002951 .003175 .002877

Euro .3799850 .3830000 .3805860 .3810400

Draft .090650 .096650 .094850 .009540 — — – — —

Draft .294200 .312200 .003029 .004030 .003013 .003035 .002984 .003033 .030083 .030454 .003588 .003636 .030087 .030448 — .003200 —

Transfer .294200 .312200 .003029 .004030 .003013 .003035 .002984 .003033 .030083 .030454 .003588 .003636 .030087 .030448 — .003200 —

Sri Lanka rupee

Transfer .002852 .002892 .002877 .002875 — .002899 — .002924 — — .003233 — — .002950 — 003175 .002877

Thai baht Cash .091120 .096620 — .009650 — — — — —

Cash .294200 .312200 — .004550 — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Cash .001954 .002534 — .002950 .002000 .003500 — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .001919 .002224 .002217 .002214 — .002340 — .002263 — — .002546 — — .002308 — .002510 .002230

Transfer .001919 .002224 .002217 .002214 — .002340 — .002263 — — .002546 — .002308 — .002510 .002230

South African rand

Transfer .090650 .096650 .094850 009540 — — — – —

Cash — — — — — — — — —

Draft Transfer — — — — — — — — — — .032207 .032207 — — — — — —

local gold BEC Muzaini Exchange

Swiss franc Cash .301127 .310627 — .310000 .303000 .315000 — — .301170 .311450 .279180 .289100 — — — — —

Draft .302127 .309127 .307890 .307340 .305418 .307696 .302987 .309030 .305170 .308950 .283180 .286600 .304970 .308830 — — —

Transfer .302127 .309127 .307890 .307340 .305418 .307696 .302987 .309030 .305170 .308950 .297119 .299506 .304970 .308830 — — —

Bangladesh taka Cash .003261 .003861 — .003850 — — — — — — — — — — — .004250 —

Draft .003537 .003592 .003568 .003564 — .003607 — .003628 — — — — — — — .004170 .003581

Transfer .003537 .003592 .003568 .003564 — .003607 — .003628 — — .004017 — — — — .004170 .003581

Korean won Cash — — — — — — — — —

Draft — — — — — — — — —

Gold 999 kg — 14,700.000

Transfer — — — — — — — — —

Canadian dollar Cash .274732 .283232 — .287000 .276000 .288000 — — — — .277897 .282890 — — — — —

Draft .272732 .281732 .280980 .282920 .278253 .280328 .278337 .283636 .277940 .281260 .286988 .277020 .277780 .281090 — — .285300

Transfer .272732 .281732 .280980 .282920 .278253 .280328 .278337 .283636 .277940 .281260 .286988 .277020 .277780 .281090 — .267000 .285300

Philippine peso Cash .006948 .007228 — .007200 — —

Draft .006509 .006979 .006961 .006952 — .007036 — — .007092 — — — — — .006449 — — — — — .007293 .006000 .006467 — — — .006995

Transfer .006509 .006979 .006961 .006952 — .007036 — .007092 — — .006449 — — .007293 .006467 — .006995

Swedish kroner Cash .408730 .458730 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .408730 .458730 — — .044679 .044012 .044249 .045071 .044580 .045050 .041155 .041482 .044600 .045400 — — —

Transfer .408730 .458730 — — .044679 .044012 .044249 .045071 .044580 .045050 .041155 .041482 .044600 .045400 — — —

Saudi riyal Cash .074817 .075400 — .077000 .072000 .076000 .074348 .076409 .074010 .076700 .073684 .075774 .074100 .076190 — — —

Australian dollar Cash .284552 .296025 — — .290000 .300000 — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .282552 .294552 — — .291573 .293748 .288609 .294035 .291520 .294970 .284712 .286988 .291620 .294300 .237000 — —

Transfer .282552 .294552 — — .291573 .293748 .288609 .294035 .291520 .294970 .284712 .289490 .291620 .294300 .237000 — —

Draft .074867 .075070 .075484 .075350 .075100 .075660 .075079 .075874 .075010 .075700 .075640 .072340 .074860 .075670 — — .075540

Transfer .074867 .075070 .075484 .075350 .075100 .075660 .075079 .075874 .075010 .075700 .074280 .075640 .074860 .075670 — — .075540

Hong Kong dollar Cash .034408 .037158 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .033908 .037008 .036489 — .036307 .036578 .036215 .036805 — — — — .036310 .036580 — — —

Transfer .033908 .037008 .036489 — .036307 .036578 .036215 .036805 — — — — .036310 .036580 — — —

UAE dirham Cash .076055 .077204 — .077100 .076433 .077201 .075923 .078035 .076430 .077200 .075223 .077374 .076501 .077270 — .078600 —

Draft .075555 .077005 .077077 .076945 .076685 .077257 .076671 .077489 .076600 .077280 .077237 .074510 .076380 .077290 .078390 — .077075

Transfer .075555 .077005 .077077 .076945 .076685 .077257 .076671 .077489 .076600 .077280 .075832 .077237 .076380 .077290 — .078390 .077075

Singapore dollar Cash .225543 .231543 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Draft .224543 .230543 .229390 — .227708 .229407 .226389 .230270 .227370 .229620 .216673 .218433 .227410 .229870 — — —

Transfer .224543 .230543 .229390 — .227708 .229407 .226389 .230270 .227370 .229620 .222630 .216673 .227410 .229870 — — —

Syrian pound

Iranian tuman

Lebanese pound

Malaysian ringgit

Cash Draft Transfer .003154 .003154 .003154 .003374 .003374 .003374 — — — — — — — .003073 .003073 — — — — — — — — — — — —

Cash Draft Transfer .000078 .000079 .000079 .000080 .000079 .000079 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Cash Draft Transfer .000138 .000173 .000173 .000238 .000193 .000193 — .189900 .189900 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Cash Draft Transfer .087450 .087450 .087450 .094450 .094450 .094450 — — — .093500 .091180 .091180 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Gold 999 10 tola — 1,730.000

Gold ounce — 471.000

Gold gm 22k — 13.460

Gold gm 21k — 12.845

Gold gm 18k — 11.010

100 gm 999 – —

10 gm 999 – 157.000

Bahraini dinar Cash .744074 .752074 — .750000 .744666 .752151 .739544 .760031 .744670 .752150 — — — — — — —

Draft .743574 .752074 .751830 .748445 .747114 .752687 .746823 .754716 .746320 .753090 .740873 .750398 .744850 .753230 — — .751500

Transfer .743574 .752074 .751830 .748445 .747114 .752687 .746823 .754716 .746320 .753090 .740873 .750398 .744850 .753230 — — .751500

Jordanian dinar Cash .393678 .401178 — .400000 .390000 .405000 — — — — — — — — — .415000 —

Transfer .393222 .400722 .399730 .398510 — .401202 — .402266 — — .394853 .398939 .395710 .402310 .401670 .415000 —

Transfer .393222 .400722 .399730 .398510 — .401202 — .402266 — — .394853 .398939 .395710 .402310 .401670 .415000 —

Indonesian rupiah Cash .000024 .000030 — — — — — — —

Draft .000024 .000029 — — — .000030 — — .000299

Transfer .000024 .000029 — — — .000030 — — .000299

Omani riyal Cash .728906 .734583 — — .730130 .737350 .724115 .411103 .770900 .778700 .735741 — — — .752000 — —

Draft .723403 .734403 .735220 — .731584 .737040 .731242 .739198 .772500 .779900 .734440 .722120 .729240 .738560 .748000 — —

Transfer .723403 .734403 .735220 — .731584 .737040 .731242 .739198 .772500 .779900 .734440 .719020 .729240 .738560 .759930 — —

Egyptian pound Cash .039423 .042122 .042100 .042500 .042000 .047000 — — — — — — — — — .056000 —

Draft .039930 .041960 .041515 .041945 — — — .042398 — — .047830 .049026 — .042680 — — .041510

Transfer .039930 .041960 .041515 .041945 — — — .042398 — — .047830 .049026 — . 042680 — — .041510

New Zealand dollar Cash .231796 .241296 — — — — — — —

Draft .229796 .239796 — — .236175 .241132 .236410 .239440 —

Transfer .229796 .239796 — — .236175 .241132 .236410 .239440 —

All rates in KD per unit of foreign currency




Sherman’s Lagoon — By J. P. Toomey





Mutts — By Patrick McDonnell

Hagar The Horrible — By Chris Browne

Beetle Bailey — By Mort Walker

Scratch pad

odds ’n’ ends WELLINGTON:

Garfield — By Jim Davis

Baby Blues — By Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott

A camel stands in the snow on Feb 19 at the zoo in Frankfurt am Main, western Germany. (AFP)

Conceptis Sudoku


The grid must be so completed that every row, column and 3x3 box has every digit from 1 to 9 inclusive.


contract b r i d g e By Steve Becker

DIRECTIONS: Fill each square with a number, one through nine. ■ Horizontal squares should add to totals on right. ■ Vertical squares should add to totals on bottom. ■ Diagonal squares through center should add to total in upper and lower right.

Yesterday’s solution


Answer to yesterday’s puzzle

Today’s Challenge Time 1 Minutes 7 Seconds Your Working Time __ Minutes __ Seconds

Word by Word


(Kul Shai)

Everything comes to him who waits. Man sabar hassal ala kul shai.



A penguin dubbed Happy Feet junior has been found stranded 2,000 kms (1,250 miles) from home in New Zealand, reviving memories of another wayward penguin that washed up in 2011. The latest wandering stray was discovered close to death on the coast south of Wellington over the weekend and taken to the capital’s zoo suffering from malnutrition and kidney failure. Wellington Zoo veterinary surgeon Lisa Argilla said it was a juvenile royal penguin, which had drifted far from a breeding colony in sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island and was believed to be the first ever seen in the North Island. “He’s probably left Macquarie in February last year and been caught in a current as he’s been feeding and ended up here,” she told AFP. “He’s in terrible condition, absolutely emaciated with his kidneys not functioning. Hopefully we can reverse that, feed him up and bring him back to good health but it’s touch and go at the moment.” The original Happy Feet, named after the hit 2006 animated film, was an emperor penguin stranded near Wellington in June 2011, attracting worldwide interest during its eight-week recuperation at the zoo. A New Zealand research ship eventually released the penguin into the Southern Ocean after it received visits from celebrities such as Stephen Fry and best wishes from New Zealand Prime Minister John Key. (AFP) ❑ ❑ ❑

Six thousand and fifty Setat alaaf wa khamsoun Tomorrow: You Too Can Be a Genius

A brown bear dubbed Mike by its fans has been shot and killed by gamekeepers in a mountainous border region in southeastern Switzerland after several run-ins with locals, Swiss officials said on Wednesday. How to deal with the bear, known as M13 by authorities, had sparked controversy between gamekeepers and environmentalists far outside the Graubuenden canton, which borders on Italy and Austria and where the animal was most often spotted. Swiss gamekeepers said Mike, given the name by creators of a Twitter account set up to track him and spread his fame, had increasingly pushed into populated areas and shown no fear of people, presenting a major safety risk. “The bear’s behaviour couldn’t be changed,” wildlife wardens in the canton — home to famous winter holiday resorts like St Moritz, Klosters and Davos — said in a statement. Mike’s adventures, such as breaking into beehives belonging to a school in the town of Poschiavo, were closely monitored after he was fitted with a tracking device last June. (RTRS)




‘Blade Runner fought with lover’ Police offer confused testimony in Pistorius case

‘Identifying a partner city’

USOC sounding out 35 cities for 2024 Oly ‘bid’ CHICAGO, Feb 20, (AP): The US Olympic Committee is looking for cities interested in bidding for the 2024 Summer Games. The US Olympic Committee is looking for cities interested in bidding for the 2024 Summer Games. The USOC sent letters to the mayors of 35 cities on Tuesday to gauge interest in a potential bid to bring the Summer Olympics back to the country for the first time since 1996. “Our objective in this process is to identify a partner city that can work with us to present a compelling bid to the IOC and that has the right alignment of political, business and community leadership,” USOC CEO Scott Blackmun said in the letter. Following failed bids by New York and Chicago for the 2012 and 2016 Olympics, the USOC is taking a measured approach before moving ahead with a new campaign and wants to be sure it has a good chance of winning. “This letter does not guarantee that the USOC will bid for the 2024 Games, but rather is an initial step in evaluating a potential bid,” the committee said. The letters were sent to mayors of the country’s 25 largest cities including New York, Chicago and former Olympic host cities Los Angeles, Atlanta and St. Blackman Louis - and 10 others. The USOC has also said it would consider whether to bid for the 2026 Winter Olympics, although the bigger and more prestigious Summer Games would seem to be the preference. The US hasn’t hosted the Summer Olympics since Atlanta in 1996; Salt Lake City was the last American city to stage the Winter Games in 2002. Los Angeles, Dallas and Tulsa are among the cities that have expressed interest in hosting the 2024 Games. New York, Chicago and San Francisco have either bid or expressed interest in bidding in the past and could also get in the mix. New York finished fourth in the international bidding for the 2012 Olympics, which went to London. Chicago suffered a stinging firstround exit in the vote for the 2016

OLYMPICS Games, which were awarded to Rio de Janeiro. Chicago’s defeat was blamed partly on the revenue-sharing feud between the USOC and IOC. The two sides have since resolved the dispute and signed a new agreement that clears the way for a US bid. USOC leaders have also worked hard to improve the committee’s standing in the international Olympic community. “Now more than ever, we need to use the power of the Olympic and Paralympic Games to encourage our youth to be active and engaged in sport,” Blackmun wrote. Other cities around the world that have expressed interest in bidding for the 2024 Games include Paris, Rome, Doha, Dubai, and Durban, South Africa. The IOC vote on the 2024 Games will be held in 2017. The USOC is skipping the bidding for the 2020 Olympics. The three candidates for those games are Istanbul, Madrid and Tokyo, with the IOC to vote on Sept 7 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The USOC said Tuesday it has 21/2 years to decide whether to submit a 2024 bid and would do so in an “economically efficient way.” While New York and Chicago were selected by the USOC after a domestic bid process that cost up to $10 million, the USOC said it would embark on any new bid

Player fined

Japan announces ‘squad’ for WBC MIYAZAKI, Japan, Feb 20, (Agencies): Two-time defending champion Japan announced its final 28-man squad on Wednesday for the World Baseball Classic. With Major League Baseball players like Ichiro Suzuki and Yu Darvish opting to sit out the March 2-19 tournament, Japan manager Koji Yamamoto chose his players out of 33 candidates from the domestic professional leagues. Yamamoto’s 13-member pitching staff is led by 24year-old right-hander Masahiro Tanaka, who played for Japan at the 2009 tournament and had a record of 10-4 with a 1.87 ERA last season for the Rakuten Eagles. “There were some very difficult decisions,” Yamamoto said. “The five players who didn’t make it could easily represent Japan, but we had to take a lot of things into consideration for a short tournament like this.” Japan opens title defense on March 2 at Fukuoka Dome against Brazil in Group A, which also includes China and Cuba. Japan won the first two championships, beating Cuba in the 2006 final and South Korea in 2009. ❑ ❑ ❑ A former Taiwan baseball star has been ordered to compensate his team Tw$6 million ($203,000) for his role in a match-fixing scandal that rocked the island two years ago, a court said Wednesday. Pitcher Chang Chih-chia, 32, was found to have hurt the image of his team La New Bears — since renamed the Lamigo Monkeys — and ordered to pay the hefty sum, the Taichung district court in central Taiwan said. The Lamigo team was quoted by the Apple Daily newspaper as saying that it hopes the record compensation will serve as a warning to other players. Sources in Taiwan’s professional baseball league, who asked not to be named, confirmed it was the largest compensation amount ever forced on a player.

through “a thoughtful but more efficient process.” The USOC letter sought to remind the mayors of the huge undertaking involved in hosting the Olympics. Blackmun noted that the operating costs would be in excess of $3 billion, a figure that does not include venue construction and infrastructure costs. The city would also require 45,000 hotel rooms, an Olympic village for 16,500 athletes and officials, an international airport and a workforce of up to 200,000, the letter said. “The Games have had a transformative impact on a number of host cities, including Barcelona, Beijing and London,” Blackmun said.


Aljazeera Sport 06.00 Getafe vs Celta Vigo (R) Spanish league Primera Division +2 08.15 Real Sociedad vs Mallorca (R) Spanish League Primera Division +2 10.00 LA Liga (R) Programmes +2 11.00 Valencia vs Mallorca (R) Spanish league Primera Division +2 12.45 Getafe vs Celta Viga (R) Spanish league Primera Division +2 13.00 WTA Duba (excl UAE) Tennis +10 14.30 Espanyol vs Betis (R) Spanish league Primera Division +2 16.15 Real Madrid vs Rayo (R) Spanish league Primera Division +2 18.00 Real Sociedad vs Levante (R) Spanish league Primera Division +2 20.00 LA Liga (R) Programmes +2 20.00 Rubin vs Atletico UEFA Europa League +4 20.00 Lyon vs Tottenham UEFA Europa League +3 21.00 Cluj vs Inter UEFA Europa League +10 Genk vs Newcastle UEFA Europa League +7 21.00 Dnipro vs Basel UEFA Europa League +2 21.00 Lazio vs Monchengladbach UEFA Europa League +1 21.00 IAAF Indoor - Stockholm Athletics 1 21.00 TBA (L) UEFA Europa League +2 22.45 Creteil vs PSG French League Handball 2 23.00 Chelsea vs Sparta Prague UEFA Europa League football +3 23.05 Fenerbahce vs BAE Borisov UEFA Europa League football +10 23.05 Benfica vs Leverkusen UEFA Europa League football +9 23.05 Bordeaux vs

tv today

PRETORIA, Feb 20, (Agencies): Witnesses heard arguing, a woman screaming and gunfire at the house of “Blade Runner” Oscar Pistorius the night he shot dead his model girlfriend, police told a South African court Wednesday. Pistorius’s defence team played down the reliability of the claims as the South African sporting hero sought bail for the Valentine’s Day killing that he insists was a horrible accident and not intentional, as prosecutors aim to prove. Police also said Pistorius had previously been arrested at his Pretoria home for assault, although he was not charged, and faced further charges of possessing an unlicensed gun. A woman who lives in the same highly secured complex as Pistorius “heard talking that sounded like non-stop fighting from two to three in the morning,” hours before she was killed, Prosecutor Gerrie Nel said. Another witness reported hearing gunshots, screams and then more shots, police said. “We have the statement of a person who said after he heard gunshots, he went to his balcony and saw the light was on. Then he heard a female screaming twothree times, then more gunshots,” Detective Hilton Botha said. But Pistorius’s legal team disputed these accounts as police said the witnesses were at least 300 metres (nearly 990 feet) from the house. And the prosecution, which wants to prove that the Paralympian had deliberately planned to kill Reeva Steenkamp, was forced to admit that Pistorius’s claim that he mistook her for an intruder matched the crime scene. “It sounds consistent,” Botha said. Steenkamp, a 29-year-old model, was shot three times through the bathroom door early on Feb 14, with wounds to her head, elbow and hip. She was declared to have died later by medics who found her covered in bloodied towels and wearing white shorts and a black vest. Botha was forced to admit police had missed a bullet that hit the toilet basin in their investigation and which the defence’s forensic team discovered four days later. Botha also conceded he did not wear protective clothing in his inspection, which may have contaminated the scene. Pistorius, the first double amputee to compete against able-bodied athletes in the Olympics in London last year, says he shot Steenkamp by mistake through a

Oscar Pistorius appears on Feb 20, at the Magistrate Court in Pretoria. Pistorius battled to secure bail as he appeared on charges of murdering his model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp (inset) on Feb 14, Valentine’s Day. (AFP)

locked bathroom door, believing she was a burglar. “I had no intention to kill my girlfriend,” he said in an affidavit read to the court on the first day of his bail hearing Monday. The 26-year-old said he kept a firearm under his bed at night because he had been a victim of violence and burglaries before and had received death threats. But the state prosecutor said the athlete would face an additional charge of possessing unlicensed .38 special calibre ammunition. A police search of his home also found testosterone and needles in a dresser in his bedroom, Botha said.

Defence lawyer Barry Roux however said the sex hormone was an acceptable supplement. “It’s a herbal remedy and he can use it and he has used it before,” he said. The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) announced that Pistorius was drug-tested before and during last year’s Paralympic Games in London and on both occasions the results were negative. But the International Olympic Committee said they did not test Pistorius during the Olympics and did not have his samples. Magistrate Desmond Nair said earlier he could not rule out that there was some

planning involved in the killing, which may be considered as a premeditated murder, setting a high bar for bail. The bail hearing was adjourned until Thursday. Pistorius’s defence team and family looked confident at the end of Tuesday’s session while the prosecution’s lawyers held worried discussions. The athlete, who off the track has had a rocky private life with stories of rash behaviour, beautiful women, guns and fast cars, has built up a powerful team of lawyers, medical specialists and public relations experts for his defence. In 2009, Pistorius admitted to a newspaper that he slept with a pistol, machine gun, cricket bat and baseball bat for fear of burglars. He runs on carbon-fibre blades, which inspired his nickname, after being born without the fibulas in both of his legs which were amputated below the knee when he was a baby. Pistorius revealed he earned 5.6 million rand ($640,000) a year and owned the $570,000 house where the killing took place as well as two other homes. His career has been put on hold since the shooting, forcing him to cancel races in Australia, Brazil, Britain and the United States between March and May. Two of his American sponsors, Nike and sunglasses maker Oakley, announced they were dropping Pistorius from their advertising campaigns, which have earned him millions of dollars in endorsements. French cosmetics firm Clarins said Wednesday it was suspending a fragrance advertising campaign featuring Pistorius. In related story, the detective leading the police investigation into Pistorius’ fatal shooting of his girlfriend offered confusing testimony Wednesday, at one point agreeing with the athlete’s defense that officers had no evidence challenging the runner’s claim he accidentally killed her. Testimony by Botha left prosecutors rubbing their temples, only able to look down at their notes as he misjudged distances and acknowledged a forensics team left in the toilet bowl one of the bullet slugs fired at Reeva. However, Botha still poked holes in Pistorius’ own account that he feared for his life and opened fire on Valentine’s Day after mistaking Steenkamp for an intruder. Pistorius’ lead defense lawyer, Barry Roux, asserted when questioning the detective – who has 16 years’ experience as a detective and 24 years with the police – that it was not a banned substance and that police were trying to give the discovery a “negative connotation.” “It is an herbal remedy,” Roux said. “It is not a steroid and it is not a banned substance.”

Yordanov returns gold in protest

Medallists urged to lobby IOC for wrestling TOKYO, Feb 20, (Agencies): Japanese wrestling chiefs on Wednesday urged Olympic medallists the world over to join forces to save their sport from the chop at the 2020 Games. Tomiaki Fukuda, vice president of the international wrestling federation FILA, said in Tokyo he had proposed the lobbying plan in letters to all executives of the organisation. The medallists, including three-time Olympic champions Alexander Karelin of Russia and Saori Yoshida of Japan, are being asked to gather in the Russian city of St. Petersburg when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) executive board meets on May 26-31. “I have proposed that they lobby the IOC executives and hold rallies to state

‘Blame swimmers not coaches for London flop’ SYDNEY, Feb 20, (RTRS): Nick D’Arcy believes his fellow swimmers have to take responsibility for Australia’s disappointment in the London Olympic pool last year rather than blaming coaches and team management. The controversial 25-year-old, who swam well outside his personal best to crash out of the 200 metres butterfly in the semi-finals in London, said the review of team culture released on Tuesday was deliberately inflammatory. The Bluestone review said team management had failed to prevent a “toxic culture” from developing in the swimming squad, which produced Australia’s worst Olympic results in 20 years. The review said abuse of alcohol

WRESTLING our case there,” Fukuda, also president of the Japan Wrestling Federation, told a news conference. “We have been insufficient in lobbying the IOC. Russia has promised to mobilise all medallists, including Karelin,” he said. Fukuda said he had also proposed the heads of all 180 national wrestling federations write a letter to IOC president Jacques Rogge asking him to help keep the sport part of the Games. Earlier this month the 15-member IOC executive voted to drop wrestling from the Olympic programme. The sport has been part of every modern Olympics,

Dinamo Kiev UEFA Europa League football +7 23.05 Olympiacos vs Levante UEFA Europa League football +2 23.05 Viktoria Pizen vs Napoli UEFA Europa League football +1 23.05 Liverpool vs Zenit UEFA Europa League football

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apart from in 1900. It will remain on the programme for 2016 in Rio de Janeiro but faces a fight against seven other sports for inclusion in 2020, a Games that Tokyo is bidding to host. ❑

Bulgarian wrestling federation president Valentin Yordanov sent back his Olympic gold medal from the 1996 Atlanta Games on Wednesday, protesting

Fox Sports 06:00 Big Ten Men’s Basketball Wisconsin at Northwestern 08:00 Courtside Jones 08:30 ASP Surfing World Championships Billabong Pipe Masters: Hawaii 09:00 Playing Lessons -Rickie Fowler 09:30 Morning Drive 10:30 GolfNow Washington D.C. 11:00 Golf Central International 11:30 GolfNow -Arizona 12:00 Sports Unlimited 13:00 Big Ten Men’s Basketball Minnesota at Ohio State 15:00 Pass Time 15:30 101 Cars You Must Drive Wankels and Wankers16:00 Pinks All Out Phoenix 17:00 Courtside Jones 17:30 Big Ten Men’s Basketball Wisconsin at Northwestern 19:30 Big Ten Women’s Gymnastics Ohio State at Michigan State 21:30 Courtside Jones 22:00 Big Ten Men’s Basketball Minnesota at Ohio State 24:00 Big Ten Men’s Basketball Wisconsin at Northwestern 02:00 Pass Time 02:30 101 Cars You Must Drive Wankels and Wankers 03:00 Pinks All Out Phoenix 04:00 ASP Surfing World Championships Billabong Pipe Masters: Hawaii 04:30 NHL: Boston Bruins at Tampa Bay Lightning 07:00 Big Ten Women’s Gymnastics Ohio State at Michigan State 09:00 Academy: Tom Lehman -Short Game 09:30 Feherty Michelle Wie 10:30 Golf Fitness -Mark Wilson 11:00 Golf Central International

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Ten Sports 06.00 UEFA Champions League 2012/13 AC Milan vs Barcelona 20/02/13 (R) 08.00 FIH 2013 Men’s Hockey world league round #2 H/L’s: India vs Oman 08.30 WWE Raw 2013 11.25 FIH 2013 Men’s hockey world league round #2 H/L’s: Fiji vs China 12.55 FIH 2013 Men’s hockey world league round #2 H/L’s: India vs Oman 13.25 FIH 2013 Men’s hockey world league round #2 (New Delhi): Bangladesh vs Oman 14.55 FIH 2013 Men’s hockey world league round #2 H/L’s: Fiji vs China

and prescription drugs, as well as flouting of curfews and bullying, had gone unchecked and contributed to the underperformance. “Some of things outlined there were designed to be inflammatory more than anything else,” D’Arcy told Triple M radio on Wednesday. “I think we’re just trying to look for excuses and trying to pass the buck. I certainly didn’t perform the way I would have liked to. I take full personal responsibility for that.” D’Arcy is no stranger to controversy having been expelled from the team for the 2008 Beijing Olympics for attacking a team mate in a bar and breaking his jaw, nose and eye socket. After some outcry, he was allowed to swim in London

against the International Olympic Committee (IOC) recommendation to drop the sport from the Games. “As a sign of protest I am returning my gold medal, won at the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, to the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne,” seven-times world champion Yordanov wrote in a letter to IOC president Jacques Rogge shown at an emotional news conference.

15.25 FIH 2013 women’s hockey world league round #2 (New Delhi): Fiji vs India 16.55 FIH 2013 men’s hockey world league round #2 H/L’s: Bangladesh vs Ooman 17.25 FIH 2013 men’s hockey world league round #2 (New Delhi); Ireland vs India 19.00 WWE Raw 2013 20.55 UEFA Europa League 2012/13: Lyon vs Tottenham Hotspur 21/02/13

OSN Sport 1 HD 07:00 PGA Tour 12:30 HSBC Sevens World Series Highlights 13:00 HSBC Sevens World Series Highlights 13:30 HSBC Sevens World Series Highlights 14:00 HSBC Sevens World Series Highlights 14:30 ICC Cricket 360 15:00 Trans World Sport 16:00 Super Rugby 17:00 Futbol Mundial 17:30 Live Dubai World Carnival 22:00 Live PGA Tour 02:00 HSBC Sevens World Series Highlights 02:30 Premier League Darts 06:00 Trans World Sport

OSN Sport 2 06:30 PGA European Tour Weekly 07:00 Trans World Sport 08:00 PGA European Tour Highlights 09:00 PGA Tour Highlights 10:00 Super League 12:00 Futbol Mundial 12:30 PGA European Tour Weekly 13:00 Inside The PGA Tour 13:30 PGA Tour 19:00 Trans World Sport 20:00 PGA Tour

despite having declared himself bankrupt when his victim won A$180,000 ($186,300) in compensation in a civil case in 2011. He was also forced to leave the London Olympic village straight after his event last year as punishment for posing with firearms and posting the pictures on social media in the run-up to the Games. Nevertheless, he said he thought the barrage of criticism aimed at head coach Leigh Nugent since the Bluestone review and another independent review with a wider remit were published on Tuesday was misplaced. “Leigh Nugent did a wonderful job. He was always there to support and offer guidance to athletes,” he said.

Las Vegas will host the 2015 world wrestling championship in the first qualifier for what could be wrestling’s final appearance as an Olympic sport in the 2016 Rio Games. The sport’s governing body selected Las Vegas over bids from several other cities including Tehran, New Delhi, Panama City, and Sochi, site of the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Highlights 21:00 UFC Countdown 22:00 Live Premier League Darts 01:30 WWE NXT 02:30 Dubai World Cup Carnival 07:00 PGA Tour

OSN Sport 3 06:00 Golfing World 07:00 Golfing World 08:00 Total Rugby 08:30 Futbol Mundial 09:00 World Pool Masters 10:00 World Cup of Pool 11:00 Premier League Darts 14:30 Golfing World 15:30 World Pool Masters 16:30 World Cup of Pool 17:30 Total Rugby 18:00 Snooker The Welsh Open 21:00 Golfing World 22:00 Trans World Sport 23:00 Super Rugby 01:00 Total Rugby 01:30 Super Rugby 03:30 Trans World Sport 04:30 European Tour Weekly 05:00 Golfing World 06:00 Total Rugby

OSN Sport 4 07:00 WWE SmackDown 09:00 Ping Pong World Championships 10:00 US Bass Fishing 11:00 NHL 13:00 WWE Vintage Collection 14:00 WWE Bottom Line 15:00 Prizefighter 18:00 UAE National Race Day Series 19:00 WWE NXT 20:00 UFC TUF 21:00 UFC 00:00 WWE NXT 01:00 UFC TUF 02:00 UFC 157 Countdown 03:00 Ping Pong World Championships 04:00 US Bass Fishing 05:00 NHL 07:00 WWE NXT

Note: All timings local Other TV Listings Page 36




18 drivers to participate

Kuwait National Rally round four slated for Saturday By Iddris Seidu Arab Times Staff KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: Round four of the Kuwait National Rally 2013 has been scheduled for Saturday, 23rd February, 2013 in front of the Seashell Hotel in the Julai’a circuit in the Ahmadi governorate under the patronage of Ahmadi governor Sheikh Dr Ibrahim Al-Duaij Al-Sabah with 18 drivers and co-drivers confirmed to participate. The two-round 91-kilometer rally will officially kick off after a stewards meeting Friday in the lobby of Safir International Hotel in Fintas after scrutineering of the vehicles at the Car Wash base in AlRai, which involves thorough technical checks by mechanical experts on all participating vehicles in the rally on the pit. The rally will be in two stages with one being run in the Bneider circuit and the other in AlZour. Speaking to the Arab Times, a member

of the rally organizing committee and Clerk of the Course (COC) for the rally, Mishari Al-Sabti said after three successful rounds, motorsport enthusiasts are assured they’re going to be witnessing a more action-packed round-4 rally in the sands of the Julai’a circuit in the south of Kuwait. He said four of the 18 vehicles set to participate in the race are S2000 models of Ford and Mini-Cooper. On Saturday, Feb 23, 8:00 am-8:30 am, the cars are put under Parc Ferme in circuit after which the rally starts officially at 9:30 am in front of the Seashell hotel in Juai’a. Provisional results for the rally will be announced at 3:30 pm the same day followed by final results and awards ceremony for winners on the podium. The rally is being organized by the Kuwait Quarter Mile Automobile and Motorcycle club under the chairmanship of Sheikh Athbi Nayef Al-Sabah who also steers the rally organizing committee.

Sheikh Nayef

Sheikh Ali-Fawaz

Sheikh Athbi Al-Naif Al-Sabah, thanked all the relevant state authorities especially the Interior Ministry for supporting the event with fire-safety personnel and equipment, emergency medical evacuation ambulances, security personnel to ensure a smooth running of the event. Al-Sabti laid out the entire program of all the events leading up to the rally including the rally proper slated for Feb

23. He urged all motorsport enthusiasts to attend the event in their numbers since there would be no fee charged. According to the program, publication of the final list of rally participants as approved by the organizers will be done at 9:00 pm local time, Thursday, Feb 21 with the opening of the media accreditation center at 10:00 pm same day. On the same day at the venue they’d be media safety briefing to all accredited media personnel covering the event as well as media badge distribution that shuts the door on all further media application submissions. Parc fermé, literally meaning “closed park” in French or reconnaissance of the rally circuit will follow later Friday evening to ensure the racing circuit area is secured before and post-race. According to FIA Formula One regulations, the area must be sufficiently large and secure so as to prevent unauthorized access to the cars, while allowing techni-

cal checks to take place. Essentially, cars in this area must not be touched by anyone without express permission of the FIA stewards. The post-race podium ceremony immediately follows after the race ends and results are collated. Of the 18 participants, eleven come from Kuwait while seven will be coming from other GCC countries. Among the foreign participants in the race are three from Saudi Arabia, two from Qatar, one from Lebanon and one from Jordan. Kuwait’s Mishal AlNejadi who lost five minutes in the third round due to a rear-axle malfunction is driving a Mini Cooper S2000 and currently leads the pack with 48 points followed by Mufeed Mubarak at 33 and Masoud Saleh 25 points. Mohammed Harqan of Qatar leads the 4X4 category with 43 points followed by Saudi Arabia’s Ibrahim AlMuhanna at 40 and Kuwait’s Salem Athafeeri at 30. Sheikh Ali Fawaz AlSabah, chairman of the Kuwait Quarter Mile Club

expressed his happiness at teams joining the race from outside Kuwait, adding that “with the technical and administrative crews so active added to the high levels of preparations and logistical arrangements, the Kuwait championship round 4, rally in light of all the interests, both locally and abroad is going to be a resounding success. He also wished all participants success. He also thanked Dr Sheikh Ibrahim Duaij Al-Sabah Ahmadi Governor for his extraordinary contribution for the betterment of motor sport in Kuwait, noting that cooperation governmental bodies from emergency medical ambulances and other contingency arrangements from the Kuwait Municipality, has had a tremendous impact on the speed of completion of preparations. He added “This is what we sought during the preparation period and it was all achieved in light of concerted efforts by all relevant authorities concerned.”

England win in 2nd ODI Anderson shines

A mini set to roll in the rally.

Afridi, Malik recalled for ODI series

Du Plessis keeps T20 captaincy JOHANNESBURG, Feb 20, (RTRS): South Africa have retained Faf du Plessis as captain of their T20 squad for the twomatch cricket series against Pakistan starting on March 1 after AB de Villiers asked not to be considered for the role. De Villiers will remain in charge of the one-day international (ODI) set-up, giving South Africa different skippers in all three formats of the game. Du Plessis was in charge for the 2-1 T20 series victory over New Zealand last month.

CRICKET Cricket South Africa announced their squads for the shortened versions of the game on Wednesday, with the side also set to take on Pakistan in five ODI matches in March. ❑ ❑ ❑ Pakistan cricket selectors have recalled the flamboyant Shahid Afridi and former captain Shoaib Malik for next month’s

one-day international series in South Africa. Both allrounders played in December in the drawn Twenty20 series against India but were ignored for the one-day series. However, the selectors have turned back to the old pros after Pakistan’s batsmen struggled in the ongoing test series against the Proteas. Pakistan trails 2-0 in the threetest series with the last test beginning at Centurion from Friday. ❑ ❑ ❑ Former Sri Lanka seam bowler Chaminda Vaas has been appointed head bowling coach to the national team for two years. Sri Lanka Cricket said in a statement Wednesday that the 39-year-old Vaas, who has the most number of test and one-day international wickets for his country after Muttiah Muralitharan, will lead a threemember unit that will also comprise former seam bowling coach Champaka Ramanayake. Vaas captured 355 wickets in 111 tests and 400 wickets in 322 ODIs.


NAPIER, New Zealand, Feb 20, (AFP): A five-wicket haul by James Anderson backed by a dominant England batting display set up an eight-wicket win over New Zealand in the second one-day international in Napier on Wednesday. Facing a series defeat after an upset loss in the first match in Hamilton, England bounced back after standout performances from Anderson and upand-coming batsman Joe Root. England’s top order rose to the occasion, with half-centuries to captain Alastair Cook (78), Jonathan Trott (65) and Root

CRICKET (79), the 22-year-old tipped as a future star. But the foundation for England’s victory came from a miserly five for 34 from Anderson, who swept through New Zealand’s batsmen to restrict the home side’s total. “We gave them nothing to get going really, we took some wickets and put them under pressure,” Cook said. Anderson’s scalps included both the Black Caps opening batsmen and Ross Taylor. His century late in New Zealand’s innings threatened to set England a formidable total, along with a quickfire 74 from 36 balls from Brendon McCullum. The Black Caps made a slow start after being sent into bat on a tame wicket and were all out for 269 after 48.5 overs, with England reaching the target of 270 after 47.4 overs. “We were probably about 20 runs under par... with 270, I thought we needed early

Trent Boult of New Zealand bowls against England during their second one-day international cricket match at McLean Park in Napier on Feb 20. (AFP)

wickets but we weren’t able to get them,” said Black Caps skipper McCullum. New Zealand, missing injured opener Martin Guptill, were pedestrian, with the

first boundary coming when Hamish Rutherford pulled a delivery from Anderson in the fifth over. Anderson dismissed openers B.J.

NAPIER, New Zealand, Feb 20, (AFP): Scoreboard in the second one-day international between New Zealand and England at McLean Park on Wednesday. NEW ZEALAND B. Watling c Cook b Anderson.....................7 H. Rutherford c Cook b Anderson..............11 K. Williamson b Woakes............................33 R. Taylor c Buttler b Anderson.................100 G. Elliott c Bairstow (sub) b Finn...............23 B. McCullum c Woakes b Broad................74 J. Franklin c Root b Woakes .......................1 N. McCullum c Buttler b Anderson ..............7 T. Southee b Woakes ..................................2 K. Mills not out .............................................3 T. Boult c Woakes b Anderson ....................1 Extras (lb 3, w 3, nb 1) ................................7 Total (all out; 48.5 overs) 269 Fall of wickets: 1-12 (Watling), 2-19 (Rutherford), 3-91 (Williamson), 4-143 (Elliott), 5-243 (B.McCullum), 6-245 (Franklin), 7-254 (N.McCullum), 8-261 (Southee), 9-267 (Taylor), 10-269 (Boult) Bowling: Anderson 9.5-2-34-5, Finn 10-133-1, Woakes 10-0-68-3, Broad 9-0-69-1, Swann 10-0-62-0 ENGLAND A. Cook c&b Southee ................................78 I. Bell c Rutherford b Williamson ...............44 J. Trott not out............................................65 J. Root not out ...........................................79 Extras (lb 1, w 3)..........................................4 Total (2 wickets; 47.4 overs) ....................270 Fall of wickets: 1-89 (Bell), 2-149 (Cook) Bowling: Mills 6.4-0-43-0, Boult 9-1-55-0, Franklin 5-0-32-0, Southee 9-0-54-1, N. McCullum 10-0-46-0, Williamson 8-0-39-1. Toss: England, who elected to bowl Result: England win by eight wickets, levelling the three-match series 1-1 Umpires: Gary Baxter (NZL), S Ravi (IND) TV umpire: Rod Tucker (AUS) Match Referee: Roshan Mahanama (SRI)

Watling (7) and ODI debutant Rutherford (11) cheaply as New Zealand’s frustration mounted and the home side were on just 22 runs after 12 overs.




Johnson’s family puts WS ticket, other items up for auction WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (AP): The ticket is for Row 1, Section B, Seat 7 of the Lower Grand Stand at Griffith Stadium. Game 7 of the 1924 World Series. The perforations are still intact — it was never torn in two by a ticket-taker. It’s the only one of its kind known to still exist. It had been sitting for decades in one of 32 scrapbooks created by the wife of Walter Johnson, the Hall of Fame icon who on Oct 10, 1924, was the winning pitcher for the Washington Senators in a 12-inning classic against the New York Giants. The victory gave the nation’s capital its only World Series title to date. “My theory is that the ticket was hers and she walked in with him. Who’s going to ask her for her ticket? She’s Walter Johnson’s wife,” said Hank Thomas, Johnson’s grandson. “She just walked

into the stadium and never had to use her ticket. She brought it back and put it in the scrapbook.” The ticket is one of several gems from Johnson’s career up for bids Saturday at Heritage Auctions in New York. Other items include the personalized framed copy of Johnson’s plaque from his Hall of Fame induction, a handwritten congratulatory letter from Ty Cobb, the “Notice to Player of Release or Transfer” signed by Senators owner Clark Griffith after Johnson’s final season in 1927, and an engraved six-piece tea set celebrating the 20th anniversary of Johnson’s signing with the team. Johnson’s daughter, Carolyn Thomas, who just turned 90, has been the keeper of the memorabilia. She and her son, Hank Thomas, said it was simply time to

In this photo taken on Feb 15, Carolyn Thomas, 90, daughter of Washington Senator’s pitching great Walter Johnson holds a photo of herself as an infant with her father during an interview in her home in Washington. (AP)

start parting with it. “It’s always just been around,” Hank Thomas said. “And the few times you’d haul it out of the closet and look at it, mostly just to show somebody else, I always enjoyed it. I loved having this stuff, but I’m going to enjoy seeing these guys — because it’s a live auction — the guys that win it are going to be so thrilled. There are some real Walter fans out there. It’s going to take some money, but they’re going to win it and they’re going to be so happy. “So let’s get the stuff out of the closet, let’s get some money that we can use from it, and let’s turn it over to the next generation of collectors. We’re all temporary custodians of this stuff.” That said, there are certain items that will remain in the family because they are

just too special to sell. Hank Thomas has the first postcard his grandfather sent to his grandmother when they were dating, signed “Walter J.” There are also items that will stay because they are part of the decor in Carolyn Thomas” house, including a foot-high bronze statue of Johnson and a collage of photos of Johnson in poses with Cobb, Griffith and Christy Mathewson. There’s another one with Johnson, Babe Ruth and Douglas Fairbanks together on the set of 1924 movie “The Thief of Bagdad” — a priceless convergence of entertainment and sports. And there’s one with Carolyn Thomas and her father taken in 1924. She’s in a frilly bonnet sitting on an oversized glove. He’s in his 1924 Washington uniform with the straight, classic “W” on both the sleeve and the hat.




Johnson helps Miami edge Virginia

No. 1 Indiana beats No. 4 Michigan State 72-68 EAST LANSING, Mich, Feb 20, (AP): Victor Oladipo shook off a sprained left ankle with a spectacular performance to lift top-ranked Indiana to a 72-68 win over No. 4 Michigan State on Tuesday night. Oladipo’s go-ahead putback, dunk and free throws in the final minute gave him 19 points to go along with nine rebounds, five steals and a block. Not bad for a guy who didn’t play after halftime of his previous game, just three days earlier, because of the injury. Hoosiers coach Tom Crean insisted that the junior shooting guard ‘’wasn’t even close’’ to 100-percent healthy. Indiana (24-3, 12-2 Big Ten) broke a first-place tie in the conference — with four games left in the regular season — and moved a step closer toward earning top seeding next month in the NCAA tour-

nament. The Hoosiers had lost 17 straight — since 1991 — on the road against the Spartans. Michigan State (22-5, 11-3) blew opportunities at the line. Trailing by three with 3.7 seconds left,

BASKETBALL Harris was fouled on a 3-point attempt. He missed the first one — setting off sighs in the sold-out arena — and after making the second, he deliberately missed the third. Indiana got the rebound — Oladipo grabbed it, of course — and he hit two free throws to seal the win. ‘’We were right there,’’ Gary Harris said somberly. ‘’And, we could’ve won.’’

Stringer tries to notch 900th win

Syracuse women hit Rutgers 58-45

Keith Appling had missed the front end of a one and one with a little more than a minute left. ‘’I’d say I was more upset than surprised,’’ he said. Cody Zeller had 17 points — nearly doubling what he had in the previous matchup against Michigan State — while Jordan Hulls and Christian Watford scored 12 each for the Hoosiers. Miami 54, Virginia 50 In Coral Gables, Fla, following the Miami Hurricanes’ latest down-to-thewire victory, Shane Larkin was asked where the win ranked this year. ‘’Umm ...’’ he said, mulling over the question before coach Jim Larranaga interrupted. The Hurricanes’ unprecedented season to savor took another thrilling twist

Tuesday. Reggie Johnson made a tiebreaking layup with 5.7 seconds left, and the No. 2-ranked Hurricanes overcame a ragged offensive performance for the second game in a row to beat Virginia 54-50 and remain unbeaten in the Atlantic Coast Conference. Durand Scott added two clinching free throws with four seconds to go for the Hurricanes, who earned their 14th consecutive victory. The win came two nights after they rallied late to beat Clemson 4543. The Hurricanes (22-3, 13-0 ACC) improved to 12-0 at home. They hold a 31/2-game edge over second-place Duke in the ACC as they chase their first league basketball championship. Missouri 63, Florida 60 In Columbia, Mo, Laurence Bowers

missed Missouri’s ugliest loss of the season, a 31-point blowout at Florida last month. His certainly made his presence felt in the rematch. Bowers played his best game of the season with 17 points and 10 rebounds, plus the go-ahead shot with 1:15 to play, helping the Tigers erase a 13-point deficit midway through the second half and rally past No. 5 Florida 63-60 to stay unbeaten at home. Phil Pressey added 10 assists, seven points, six rebounds and three steals for Missouri (19-7, 8-5 SEC). Pressey, whose wild play has contributed to the Tigers 15 road record, was conscious about distributing the ball instead of doing it all himself and didn’t take a shot the first half. Pressey had 10 turnovers and two points

with six assists the first meeting. ‘’The guy I was really impressed with was Pressey, because I thought he was, at our place, crazy,’’ Florida coach Billy Donovan said. ‘’I really thought he did a terrific job of running his team.’’ Bowers missed five games with a strained right knee at the start of conference play. Before Tuesday, he hadn’t been quite the same player in six games back and missed nine of 10 shots in a two-point loss at Arkansas on Saturday. Butler 68, Duquesne 68-49 In Indianapolis, Butler is getting back to full strength, and it shows all over the court. Rontei Clarke is pulling defenders outside, Andrew Smith is exploiting them inside and Roosevelt Jones is opening things up for his teammates.

Nets edge out Bucks in OT

SYRACUSE, NY, Feb 20, (AP): This waiting game is getting old for C. Vivian Stringer. Trying for the third time to notch her 900th career victory, Stringer watched her Rutgers Scarlet Knights commit 13 turnovers in the second half Tuesday night as No. 21 Syracuse rallied for a 58-45 victory. Kayla Alexander and Elashier Hall converted three-point plays to key a decisive second-half spurt that helped deny the Hall of Famer that signature milestone. ‘’It would be real nice to get it,’’ Stringer said. ‘’It’s a burden. Can we get this over with? How long do we have to keep this thing going?’’ Stringer, a Hall of Famer in her 42nd season as a head coach, is seeking to become just the fourth women’s coach to reach 900 wins along with Pat Summitt, Jody Conradt and Sylvia Hatchell, who reached the mark on Feb 7. Only three Division I men’s coaches have reached 900 victories — Mike Krzyzewski, Bob Knight and Syracuse’s Jim Boeheim, who reached the milestone in December in the Carrier Dome. The Scarlet Knights have lost three straight since Stringer earned her 899th career victory against Cincinnati. They lost 6057 at DePaul when Brittany Hrynko hit a 3-pointer with 10.2 seconds to break a tie, then played a spirited first half against No. 3 Connecticut on Saturday before suffering a 65-45 setback. Stringer’s next chance will come Saturday afternoon at St John’s, though this game seemed there for the taking after both teams struggled through an awful first half. Stringer likes to play a slowdown game, and it couldn’t have been any slower. The teams combined for 24 turnovers, missed 49 of 63 shots attempted, netted only six points off 24 offensive rebounds as neither team led by more than four points and Stringer Rutgers left the floor at the break with a 1915 lead. ‘’I don’t know whether we’re tight,’’ Stringer said. ‘’I could

BASKETBALL see that we were anxious. It wasn’t anything that Syracuse was doing, necessarily. We had a sloppy game, terrible sloppy. I don’t know how to explain it. I don’t know what it was.’’ Syracuse (22-3, 10-2 Big East), which has its best record in program history through 25 games, broke a three-game losing streak against Rutgers (14-11, 5-7) and upped its home record to 12-0. ‘’I want her (Stringer) to get it — she means a lot to women’s basketball — but I want to win, too,’’ Syracuse coach Quentin Hillsman said. Alexander, who has nine double-doubles and 28 for her career, the most of any active Big East player, got in early foul trouble and finished with seven points, eight rebounds and three blocks in 25 minutes. Rachel Coffey led the Orange with 17 points and freshman Brianna Butler had nine. Monique Oliver paced the Scarlet Knights with 23 points and 16 rebounds. Rutgers shot 25.9 percent (15 of 58) and committed 23 turnovers. Syracuse wasn’t much better, shooting 26.6 percent (17 of 64) with 17 turnovers. But the Orange held onto the ball in the second half with only three turnovers, and Coffey went 3 for 3 from behind the arc to keep the Scarlet Knights at bay in the closing minutes.

NBA Results/Standings WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (RTRS): Results and standings from the NBA games on Tuesday. Toronto 96 Washington Charlotte 105 Orlando Brooklyn 113 Milwaukee (OT) Memphis 105 Detroit Chicago 96 New Orleans Denver 97 Boston Utah 115 Golden State San Antonio 108 Sacramento Phoenix 102 Portland

88 92 111 91 87 90 101 102 98

Eastern Conference

NY Knicks Brooklyn Boston Philadelphia Toronto

Indiana Chicago Milwaukee Detroit Cleveland

Miami Atlanta Washington Orlando Charlotte

Oklahoma City Denver Utah Portland Minnesota

LA Clippers Golden State LA Lakers Sacramento Phoenix

San Antonio Memphis Houston Dallas New Orleans

Atlantic Division W L 32 18 32 22 28 25 22 29 22 32 Central Division W L 32 21 31 22 26 26 21 34 16 37 Southeast Division W L 36 14 29 22 15 37 15 38 13 40 Western Conference Northwest Division W L 39 14 34 21 31 24 25 29 19 31 Pacific Division W L 39 17 30 23 25 29 19 36 18 36 Southwest Division W L 43 12 34 18 29 26 23 29 19 35

PCT .640 .593 .528 .431 .407

GB 2 5-1/2 10-1/2 12

PCT .604 .585 .500 .382 .302

GB 1 5-1/2 12 16

PCT .720 .569 .288 .283 .245

GB 7-1/2 22 22-1/2 24-1/2

PCT .736 .618 .564 .463 .380

GB 6 9 14-1/2 18-1/2

PCT .696 .566 .463 .345 .333

GB 7-1/2 13 19-1/2 20

PCT .782 .654 .527 .442 .352

GB 7-1/2 14 18-1/2 23-1/2

Brooklyn Nets center Brook Lopez (11) tries to block a shot by Milwaukee Bucks forward Ersan Ilyasova (7) in the second half of their NBA basketball game at Barclays Center, Feb

19, in New York. (AP)

Gallinari proves golden for Nuggets in Celtics win NEW YORK, Feb 20, (Agencies): Joe Johnson hit a tying 3-pointer in the closing seconds of the fourth quarter and then his buzzer-beating jumper at the end of overtime lifted the Brooklyn Nets to a 113-111 victory over the Milwaukee Bucks on Tuesday night. Johnson finished with 24 points, and Brook Lopez and Deron Williams added 19 each as the Nets snapped a 13-game losing streak against the Bucks dating back to March 30, 2009. Brandon Jennings scored 34 points to lead the Bucks. Ersan Ilyasova had 21 points, Monta Ellis added 18 and Larry Sanders 14. Jennings saw his short jumper go in and out with 15 seconds left in overtime. After a Nets timeout, Johnson was intentionally fouled by Luc Mbah a Moute with 5 seconds left. The Nets inbounded again and Johnson won the game with his foul line jumper over Mbah A Moute. Bulls 96, Hornets 87 In New Orleans, Luol Deng scored 20 points and Chicago snapped a two-game skid. The Bulls took the lead for good late in the first quarter, but didn’t put the Hornets away until Deng’s clutch jumper from the top of the key with 44.8 seconds left put Chicago up 94-87 after New Orleans had pulled within five points on Eric Gordon’s 3-pointer. Carlos Boozer added 17 points and 10 rebounds, and Joakim Noah had 15 points and 17 rebounds for Chicago, which outrebounded New Orleans 47-39 and had 15 second-chance points. Gordon finished with 20 and Anthony Davis had 15 points and 10 rebounds for New Orleans, which saw its two-game winning streak snapped after committing nine of its 15 turnovers in the final quarter. Greivis Vasquez had 11 points and 10 assists. Grizzlies 105, Pistons 91 In Auburn Hills, Michigan, Mike Conley scored 19 points, Zach Randolph had his 31st double-double and Memphis won its fourth straight game Tuesday night, 105-91 at Detroit. Randolph had 15 points and 10 rebounds and the Grizzlies rode a strong second half to win in both teams’ first game since the All Star break. Brandon Knight and Jonas Jerebko each scored 13 points and Jose Calderon added 10 points and seven assists for the Pistons, who have lost two of their last three at home. The Grizzlies trailed by as many as 11 points in the first half, but ended it on a 23-3 run to lead 53-42 at intermission. The Pistons managed just one basket in the final eight minutes of the half and had twice as many turnovers as field goals

(8-4) in the second quarter. Raptors 96, Wizards 88 In Washington, DeMar DeRozan and Rudy Gay scored 24 points apiece, and Toronto won a matchup between slow-starting, coming-onlately teams. Playing with an improvised scoreboard, horn, game clock and 24-second clock because of a malfunction in the scoring system, the Raptors took the lead for good in the second quarter and won their fifth straight game, putting them one victory shy of last season’s total. The Raptors have also won three in a row on

BASKETBALL the road for the first time since 2007 and are 6-2 since Gay arrived last month from the Memphis Grizzlies in a three-team trade. Rookie Bradley Beal, back in the starting lineup for the first time since taking time off to heal a sprained right wrist, scored 25 points for the Wizards, who had won eight of nine at home. Bobcats 105, Magic 92 In Orlando, Florida, Kemba Walker and Gerald Henderson each had 24 points, Byron Mullens added 20 points and 12 rebounds and Charlotte survived Orlando’s second-half comeback. Mullens has had at least 20 points and 10

rebounds in three of the Bobcats’ last five games. The Bobcats have won two of their last three and also snapped a string of seven consecutive road losses. Charlotte begins a three-game home stand on Wednesday against Detroit. Suns 102, Trail Blazers 98 In Portland, Ore, Goran Dragic had 16 points and a career-high 18 assists as Phoenix snapped a four-game losing streak. Wesley Johnson came off the bench to score a season-high 14 points for the Suns, who led by as many as 19 points and survived a late Portland rally. J.J. Hickson had 25 points and 16 rebounds for his 28th double-double of the season for the Blazers, who lost their sixth straight to match their season-high The Blazers pulled to within 96-92 on rookie Damian Lillard’s 3-pointer with 3:57 left in the game. Marcin Gortat’s dunk and Luis Scola’s layup slowed the rally, but Nicolas Batum made a 3-pointer to close the Blazers within 100-95 with 2:35 to go. Spurs 108, Kings 102 In Sacramento, California, Tony Parker had 30 points and 11 assists to give San Antonio its 15th win in their last 16 games. Danny Green scored 21 points, including 5for-8 shooting on 3-pointers, for the Spurs, who have the top overall record in the NBA (43-12)

as well as the best road mark (21-10). Kawhi Leonard added 15 points and Manu Ginobili 12 as San Antonio won at Sacramento for the 10 straight time. Brois Diaw had 10 points and Tim Duncan added nine points and 14 rebounds for the Spurs. Isaiah Thomas scored 22 points for the Kings, who have dropped three straight. Tyreke Evans had 20 points, Marcus Thornton added 16, and Jason Thompson and DeMarcus Cousins had 11 each. Nuggets 97, Celtics 90 In Denver, Danilo Gallinari and Ty Lawson each scored 26 points to help Denver snap a three-game losing streak. Andre Miller and Kosta Koufos added 11 points apiece and Kenneth Faried had 16 rebounds to go with his seven points to help the Nuggets gain a split of their season series with Boston, which beat Denver in triple overtime last week to end the Nuggets’ nine-game winning streak and start their losing streak. Jeff Green had 20 points off the bench to lead the Celtics, who have been playing well despite losing Rajon Rondo (torn ACL), Jared Sullinger (back surgery) and Leandro Barbosa (torn ACL) to season-ending injuries in the past month. Avery Bradley added 17 points and Courtney Lee had 15 for the Celtics, who lost their fourth in a row to the Nuggets in Denver. Jazz 115, Warriors 101 In Salt Lake City, Al Jefferson scored 24 points, Gordon Hayward added 17 in his return from a shoulder injury and Utah extended Golden State’s losing streak to six games. Seven Jazz players scored in double figures, and Utah got 47 points from its reserves. The Jazz made 10 of 21 3-pointers, including three by Randy Foye. Stephen Curry led Golden State with 29 points, Jarrett Jack had 19 off the bench and David Lee contributed 18 on 9-of-13 shooting. Lee’s runner and Curry’s fourth 3-pointer pulled the Warriors within 93-87 with 9:47 remaining. That’s as close as they would get. ❑

Phoenix Suns guard Jared Dudley (left), and Portland Trail Blazers guard Damian Lillard scramble for a loose ball during the second half of an NBA basketball game in Portland, Ore, on Feb 19. (AP)

Philadelphia 76ers guard Jason Richardson, sidelined for the remainder for the NBA season, underwent successful left knee surgery on Tuesday, the team announced. Richardson, a 12-year NBA veteran who has not played since having the knee drained of fluid on January 18, had an articular cartilage lesion on the medial condyle of his femur bone repaired at New York’s Mt Sinai Medical Center. Recovery time was expected to be from six to nine months, meaning Richardson might not return until the 2013-14 NBA campaign has already started.




FTAK family pose for a group shot after the event

AMEC edge DMDA 7-6

Top Spinners hand KOC first loss at Spring Tennis tourney By Iddris Seidu

Blackhawks outlast Canucks in shootout

Arab Times Staff

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: Defending champions Top Spinners took full advantage of Friday’s merry weather to continue their winning streak handing KOC their first loss with a 10-2 thrashing as the KOCTC/FTAK 2013 Spring Invitational Team Tennis Tournament entered week two at the Kuwait Oil Company Tennis Club in Ahmadi. AMEC also edged DMDA 7-6 in the other match of the day. Under the clear weather and serene atmosphere, the four tennis teams slugged it out on match day two of the tournament, with DMDA pitted against AMEC in the opening clashes. AMEC had a narrow edge over their opponents who despite their gallant efforts were unable to match the AMEC talent. AMEC on courts 1 & 2, registered the first set win with Rey and Lonnie subjecting DMDA’s Bernie & Russell to an 8-5 set win run after some tough tit-for-tat exchanges that saw the two determined sides battle it out with lightening speed hits to and fro that left the DMDA duo finally struggling to catch up as they finished 3 sets down. But DMDA’s pair Orly and Joseph played strongly in the next game, outpacing AMEC’s Mike & Hezer to finish their CC-1 game by the same 8-5 set win.

Tampa Bay downs Toronto 4-2 CHICAGO, Feb 20, (AP): The Chicago Blackhawks beat the Vancouver Canucks 4-3 in a shootout Tuesday to give them 16 straight games with at least one point, matching the NHL record to start a season. Patrick Kane and Andrew Shaw scored in the tiebreaker for the Blackhawks (13-0-3), who earned their third consecutive win and joined the 2006-07 Anaheim Ducks as the only teams to record at least one point in the first 16 games of a season. The Ducks got off to a 12-0-4 start that year and won the Stanley Cup.

TENNIS Roland & Rey again won the next match 8-4 against Raed & Russel to send DMDA edging ahead in the third match but the determined AMEC plotted a come-back strategy that saw them win four sets in succession, 8-4, 8-4, 8-6, 8-6 in the BB-1, CC-2, CC-3 and AA-3 categories. AMEC feeling victory slip through their fingers mastered all strategies and skills to win six of the final seven sets, thus finishing the match with 7 set wins and 84 points against 6 sets and 74 points for DMDA. AMEC won both ladies matches in the game. Top Spinners went up against KOC on courts 3 & 4 in the AA category matches which were tightly contested with two winding up being decided through a tie-breaker and Top Spinners taking the rest to pick up a category win. The category B-B matches played were also close with each team counting their points diligently but in the end, Spinners took three match wins and the KOC team won one match. The category B-B win of Spinners gave them their second category point. The Ladies matches were short but Spinners managed to dominate the game roping in another category point into their kitty. The category C-C matches were not completed with a match outstanding. KOC team took one match while Spinners had 2 sets wins. With three category points in their kitty and a category C-C match left outstanding, Top Spinners could be declared winners even if KOC took the outstanding C-C game. For the AA-1 category, Spinners’ Dacer & Miclat played very well to defeat KOC’s pair of Ephraim & Warly, limiting them to 7 points while they had 8 at the finish. KOC won the next set on the backs of Winston & Mohammed who battled Spinners’ Danny & Bernie to garner 8 points against 6 for Spinners to walk away with the CC-1 set win. But that marked the end of KOC’s celebrations in the match as the defending champs rallied to take control of proceedings, convincingly winning ten of the remaining twelve matches while KOC only managed to win one with the other one to be played at a later date. The final scores for the match stood at 10 set wins for Spinners who garnered 93 points against 2 set wins and 65 points for KOC. Game day three next weekend, will AMEC Engineers vs. KOC Falcons while Top Spinners take on DMDA Architects. Can’t wait to see the explosive action! Team Standings RankTeam 1 Top Spinners 2 Koc Falcons 3 Dmda Architects 4 Amec Eng

W 2 1 0 1

L 0 1 2 1

P 6 3 3 4

(Top and above): players seen in action during the competition

Mayweather signs record-breaking deal TORONTO, Feb 20, (RTRS): Eighttime world champion Floyd Mayweather has left HBO in favor of a 30-month, six-fight deal with Showtime and its parent company CBS in what is being called the richest pact in boxing history. Financial terms of the deal between the undefeated boxer and Showtime/CBS, announced on Tuesday in a statement by Mayweather Promotions, were not disclosed. In making the announcement, Mayweather also confirmed a May 4 fight with Robert Guerrero which will mark the fighter’s Showtime debut. Widely recognized as boxing’s top pound-for-pound fighter, Mayweather (43-0, 26 KOs) has been a part of boxing’s four biggest non-heavyweight pay-per-view events. The 35-year-old fighter was listed as the highest paid athlete in 2012 by Forbes after earning $85 million from two fights against Victor Ortiz and Miguel Cotto. Filipino southpaw Manny Pacquiao ranked second with earnings of $62 million. According to the statement, Mayweather averages more than 1 million pay-per-view buys per event, the highest of any boxer, and if all six

fights take place it could result in the richest individual athlete deal in all of sports.

Chicago will go for the record Friday night when it hosts the San Jose Sharks for the second time in a week. But it could be without Marian Hossa for that one after the star forward had to be helped off the ice during the third period following a forearm to the back of the head from Vancouver forward Jannik Hansen. Alexander Edler and Kevin Bieksa each scored in the final 2:42 of regulation for the Canucks, who opened a four-game trip with their third consecutive loss. Daniel Sedin had a goal and an assist, and twin brother Henrik had two assists. Hossa had two goals and Patrick Sharp scored in regulation for the Blackhawks, who have won seven of eight overall. Ray Emery, subbing again for injured Corey Crawford, made 29 saves to improve to 6-0 this season. Canadiens 3, Rangers 1 In New York, Alex Galchenyuk snapped a tie early in the third period and Montreal held off New York for its fifth consecutive win. Montreal had 18 shots and made the most of very little offense against Henrik Lundqvist. The Canadiens tied it late in the second on Max Pacioretty’s goal and went ahead for good when Galchenyuk matched Pacioretty with his second of the season 1:48 into the third. Carey Price was only slightly busier than Lundqvist, making 24 saves for his third win during Montreal’s surge. Peter Budaj won the previous two, including a 3-0 home victory over Carolina on Monday. Raphael Diaz added an empty-net goal with 1:06 remaining for the Canadiens, who have outscored opponents 15-5 during their streak. Defenseman Anton Stralman netted his second of the season in the second

Nail Yakupov #64 of the Edmonton Oilers skates against Jake Muzzin #6 of the Los Angeles Kings during an NHL game at Rexall Place on Feb 19, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The Los Angeles Kings won 2-1. (AFP)

period, but it wasn’t enough for the Rangers, who played without top-line forward Rick Nash (undisclosed injury) and had a five-game point streak snapped (4-0-1). Lightning 4, Maple Leafs 2 In Tampa, Florida, Steven Stamkos scored his 10th goal and Benoit Pouliot had three assists as Tampa Bay beat Toronto. Vincent Lecavalier, Alexander Killorn and Matthew Carle also scored for the Lightning, who have won two in a row after an 0-5-1 skid.

ICE HOCKEY Toronto goalie Ben Scrivens had his bid for a third consecutive shutout thwarted midway through the first period on Lecavalier’s goal. The Maple Leafs, 7-3-0 on the road this year, got goals from Mikhail Grabovski and James van Riemsdyk. Jets 2, Sabres 1 In Buffalo, New York, Ondrej Pavelec made 29 saves to help Winnipeg snap a three-game skid with a win over Buffalo. Andrew Ladd and Bryan Little scored for the Jets, who won for the third time in 10 games while opening a season-high five-game road swing. Jason Pominville scored for Buffalo, once again booed by its home crowd. The Sabres are 4-10-1 in their past 15 and have dropped consecutive home games for the first time since last

February. Senators 3, Islanders 1 In Ottawa, Andre Benoit and Dave Dziurzynski scored their first NHL goals, and Craig Anderson made 37 saves to lead Ottawa over New York. Colin Greening also scored for the Senators. Travis Hamonic scored for the Islanders, who got 23 saves from Rick DiPietro in his third start this season. Predators 4, Red Wings 3, OT In Nashville, Tennessee, Shea Weber scored 44 seconds into overtime to give Nashville a victory against slumping Detroit. Craig Smith, Gabriel Bourque and Roman Josi also scored for the Predators, who had lost their last two games. The Red Wings have dropped four straight. Daniel Cleary, Jordin Tootoo and Pavel Datsyuk had the Detroit goals. Coming down the right side, Weber collected the rebound of Colin Wilson’s shot and beat a diving Jonas Gustavsson, who replaced injured goalie Jimmy Howard midway through the first period. Sharks 2, Blues 1 In St Louis, Antti Niemi made 25 saves and Tim Kennedy scored in the third period to help San Jose end a seven-game losing streak with a victory over St. Louis. The Sharks’ skid was their longest since a 10-game slide in November 2005. Joe Thornton also scored for San Jose, which began the season with a franchise-record seven successive wins. St Louis has dropped five consecutive home games. The Blues also had a three-game winning streak halted. They were coming off a 3-0 road trip with wins in Detroit, Calgary and Vancouver. Kennedy scored the go-ahead goal at 13:02 on a shot from the left faceoff circle that eluded goalie Jake Allen, who had won the first three starts of his career. Kings 3, Oilers 1 In Edmonton, Alberta, Jeff Carter scored the go-ahead goal with 49.6 seconds remaining in regulation to lift Los Angeles over Edmonton. After the Oilers turned the puck over at the Kings blue line, Carter beat goalie Nikolai Khabibulin through the legs with a quick shot. Los Angeles then put the game away with an emptynet goal by Jarret Stoll. Colin Fraser also scored for the Stanley Cup champions, who have won three of four. Jonathan Quick made 23 saves. Sam Gagner had a goal for the Oilers and Khabibulin stopped 35 shots.

NHL Results/Standings

Also: MUMBAI: Indian International Olympic Committee (IOC) member Randhir Singh is confident the world amateur boxing federation (AIBA) will soon lift its ban on the country’s pugilists, the official told Reuters on Wednesday. The AIBA suspended the Indian Amateur Boxing Federation (IABF) in early December for “possible manipulation” of its elections, in the wake of a wider Olympic ban that has sent shockwaves through sport in the South Asian country. Randhir, Indian Olympic Association (IOA) secretary general during the previous regime, said he asked AIBA chief Wu Ching-kuo to lift the ban on the country’s boxers when he spoke to the Taiwanese official on Tuesday. “I spoke to Wu and told him that the boxers should not be made to suffer for no fault of theirs,” Randhir said by phone. “I will be sending an official letter today. I am very hopeful that AIBA will lift the ban on the players and let them participate.

WASHINGTON, Feb 20, (RTRS): Results & Standings from the NHL games on Tuesday: Winnipeg 2 Buffalo 1 Montreal 3 NY Rangers 1 Ottawa 3 NY Islanders 1

Tampa BAY San Jose Nashville Chicago Los Angeles

Eastern Conference

Pittsburgh New Jersey NY Rangers Philadelphia NY Islanders

L OTL 5 0 3 4 6 1 9 1 9 1

Montreal Boston Toronto Ottawa Buffalo

L OTL 4 1 2 2 7 0 6 2 10 1

GA 38 38 38 49 57

PTS 22 22 17 15 13

GF 46 37 48 40 47

GA 35 31 40 32 56

PTS 23 20 20 20 13

GF 41 59 37 35 41

GA 40 47 47 56 51

PTS 17 17 13 12 11

Chicago Nashville St. Louis Detroit Columbus

Carolina Tampa Bay Winnipeg Florida Washington

L OTL 5 1 6 1 8 1 7 4 9 1

W 13 8 9 7 4

L OTL 0 3 4 5 6 1 6 3 10 2

GF 55 39 53 43 36

GA 34 38 50 48 51

PTS 29 21 19 17 10

GF 44 33 36 37 39

GA 37 38 41 43 51

PTS 20 16 15 13 13

GF 53 39 44 41 33

GA 39 34 41 43 37

PTS 25 19 18 17 14

Northwest Division Vancouver Minnesota Edmonton Colorado Calgary

Southeast Division W 8 8 6 4 5

2 1 3 (OT) 3 (SO) 1

Central Division GF 52 42 39 45 46

Northeast Division W 11 9 10 9 6

Toronto St. Louis Detroit Vancouver Edmonton

Western Conference

Atlantic Division W 11 9 8 7 6

4 2 4 4 3

W 8 7 6 6 5

L OTL 3 4 6 2 6 3 7 1 6 3

Pacific Division Anaheim San Jose Phoenix Dallas Los Angeles

W 12 8 8 8 6

L OTL 2 1 4 3 6 2 7 1 6 2




‘Helping autistic children’

Hyundai RunKuwait 2013 set to kick off Feb 23 By Michelle Fe Santiago Arab Times Staff KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: Runners in Kuwait are now gearing up for the Hyundai RunKuwait 2013 that will kick off on February 23 to 27 under the patronage of HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. “Hyundai RunKuwait 2013 will be a five-day journey wherein sprinters will be running the distance of 240 kms from the northern border to the southern border of the country, nearly 50 kilometres a day,” stated Yousef Al-Qanai, CEO of Aymstrong and team leader for Hyundai RunKuwait 2013 during the press conference held on Wednesday at the Hotel

Missoni. He added that Hyundai RunKuwait 2013 will be held for a good cause, to help autistic children at the Applied Behaviour Centre (ABC). RunKuwait was first held in February 2012, when a group of runners led by AlQanai ran from the northern border to the southern border of Kuwait as a symbol of determination, willpower, and teamwork. This to show that a monumental endeavor can be overcome with the right people with a common goal. This year it has been renamed to Hyundai RunKuwait 2013 wherein AlQanai will be joined by his team members namely Muna Al-Wazzan, Bader AlFilkawi, Fahad Al-Ibrahim, Reem AlAwadi , Mohammed Hassan and Ahmed

Mousa from Egypt. The public can join in the Support Run on Feb 25 to help raise funds for the autistic children at the ABC. Hyundai Kuwait has expressed its full support to the event during the press conference. “The company values the opportunity to support the success of such event which carries the meaning of solidarity and providing the right help for both children with autism and their families, while also promoting healthy living and the importance of exercise,” stated Raed Turjuman , the Managing Director of the Northern Gulf Trading Co. the exclusive distributor of Hyundai Motors in Kuwait. He added that Hyundai is here to support initiatives with such challenges. “We believe new thinking creates new possibilities, as this

distance through Kuwait run for interdependence and supporting the children with autism,” he pointed out. Al-Qanai explained the mechanics of the event wherein sprinters will resume running daily at 8 am in designated places. Equipped in advance, none from the running team can return to his or her home until the end of the trip. The first day of the journey will begin from the northern border, heading 50 kilometres south. On the second day, February 24, runners will arrive in Jahra Road at the Martyr Sheikh Fahad Al-Ahmad Hall, which will be the resting point for that day. Al-Qanai outlined that on the third day runners resume running from Jahra until Kuwait Towers passing by Sulaibikhat

through Jamal Abdel Nasser Street, the Arabian Gulf Road, enroute to the Scientific Centre where the three-kilometre Support Run will be held. The Support Run will start from the Scientific Centre on the Arabian Gulf Road to the Asnan Tower on Belajat Road. Runners will get back on their journey on the fourth day from Mishref running along the Fahaheel Expressway and rest at the Fahaheel area. On the fifth and final day, runners are expected to complete their run by reaching the Kuwait- Saudi Arabia border. Bader Al-Filkawi, part of the Hyundai RunKuwait 2013 relay team informed that the relay team consisting of five runners will be on rotation and change every five

kilometres while the remaining four accompanying them will be riding a Hyundai Santa Fe 2013 model, provided by the Northern Gulf Trading Co. “The trip is a unique experience in Kuwait and we are all excited to see it happen on its second year. We have been preparing physically and mentally for this journey and will keep on fighting from the northern desert of Kuwait to its southern border,” he stated. Details of the run can be checked online on www.runkuwait.com Finally, Al-Qanai thanked the Northern Gulf Trading Company, Ali Abdulwahab & Sons through its Nike Stores as well as the golden sponsors namely Asnan Tower and Mada Communication for supporting the Hyundai RunKuwait 2013.

Radwanska into Dubai last eight Serena withdraws from Dubai with injury DUBAI, Feb 20, (Agencies): World number four Agnieszka Radwanska overcame a misfiring serve to beat Kazakh teenager Yulia Putintseva 7-5 6-3 in the second round of the Dubai women’s tennis

championships on Wednesday. The Pole, who received a first-round bye, lost three of her first four service games on an overcast centre court and she will need to improve if she is retain her Dubai title, with Petra Kvitova or Ana Ivanovic awaiting her in the next round. “For me, the first match is always a bit tricky,” Radwanska told reporters. “I didn’t hit on the centre court here this year, and I was just practising outside — it was actually much faster. I was surprised — the ball is just not going anywhere and it was tough for me.” Serving at 3-3, Radwanska saved four break points after falling 0-40 behind, but Putintseva was undeterred and she earned another break point with a forehand winner down the line that fizzed past the advancing Pole. Rattled, the 2012 Wimbledon finalist double-faulted to fall 4-3 behind. Radwanska, 23, responded by coming to the net more frequently to force Putintseva, ranked 101 in the world, to play on the back foot. The Kazakh, seeking her third victory over a top-50 player, was found wanting and Radwanska broke for 4-4, with six out of eight games going against serve. Putintseva, who beat Britain’s Laura Robson in an all-teenage first-round battle, prefers brute force over finesse and although a fast hitter, she consistently played the ball too short, allowing Radwanska to stay in rallies with relative ease.


Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland returns to Yulia Putinseva of Kazakhstan during the third day of Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on Feb 20. (AP)

Gasquet blown out by Muller

Isner dumped out at Memphis MEMPHIS, Tennessee, Feb 20, (Agencies): Denis Istomin took advantage a sluggish John Isner to eliminate the third-seeded American 6-4, 6-3 on Tuesday in the US National Indoor Tennis Championships. Isner struggled through a number of unforced errors and at least a handful of double faults. Istomin of Uzbekistan, ranked 63rd in the world, broke Isner in the seventh game of the first set as Isner hit two shots into the net and sailed a backhand long in the game. After gaining another break in the fifth game of the second set, Istomin won the set at love on Isner’s serve, game point coming on a cross-court passing shot with Isner at the net. The victory was Istomin’s first win over a top-20 opponent since he defeated Fernando Verdasco of Spain, then ranked 18th, in the London Olympics last year. “I know it’s going to be a difficult match for me, and I need to concentrate and take each chance I had,” Istomin said. “I did this. I did good. I broke him in the first set, and then I started to feel better on the returns, and I started to read where he served.” Earlier in the day, fourth-seeded Sam Querrey of the United States defeated Alejandro Falla of Columbia 6-3, 6-3 to advance to the tournament’s second round. In the late match, fifth-seeded Kei Nishikori of Japan ousted qualifier Illya Marchenko of Ukraine 6-4, 7-5. In the women’s draw, third-seeded Sabine Lisicki of Germany defeated qualifier Madison Keys of the United States 7-5, 6-3 and seventh-seeded Magdalena Rybarikova of Slovakia beat American Lauren Davis 7-6 (2), 6-2. ❑ ❑ ❑ In Marseille, Frenchman Richard Gasquet’s rich vein of form came to an abrupt halt on Tuesday as he was beaten in the first round of the Marseille Open, going down 2-6, 6-4, 7-6 (7/5) to journeyman Gilles Muller of Luxembourg.

Gasquet, seeded five and one of five Top 10 players competing in Marseille, could only blame himself as he had battled back to one set all and led 5-2 in the decider, but wilted in the face of the risk-all approach of his left-handed opponent. Muller, ranked 70th in the world, sealed victory on his first match point, putting in a brilliant return of serve before finishing it off with a volley. It brought to an end a terrific run for Gasquet, who had won 15 of his previous 17 matches this year, collecting the titles at Doha and Montpellier to boot. “I was a catastrophe from the moment I went 5-2 up,” admitted Gasquet. “It is me who committed the mistakes. I was a little tired but at the same time I was eager to do well here. This match was not to be for me.

TENNIS “The umpire was useless, I was useless, everyone was useless,” stormed the 26-year-old. Muller’s reward is a second round clash with gritty Spaniard Marcel Granollers, who beat another Frenchman the talented but injury-prone Gael Monfils 6-4, 6-4. Gasquet’s compatriot Benoit Paire, who was the beaten finalist in Montpellier, also bowed out, beaten by India’s Somdev Devvarman, who has slumped to 354th in the rankings following an injury. “I was sick and unable to get out of bed for two days,” said Paire. “However, having played so feebly I cannot get out of here fast enough.” It wasn’t all doom and gloom for the home players as Michael Llodra eased through to the second round by beating Belgian David Goffin 6-2, 6-4. Llodra, primarily known for his doubles play, set up a rematch of last year’s final here with defending champion Argentina’s Juan Martin Del Potro, who is coming off a title win in Rotterdam last Sunday.

The Pole was too out of sorts to fully exploit her opponent’s shortcomings but as the overcast sky gave way to a muggy desert sun she also upped the playing temperature on court, earning two set points with a flat forehand winner down the line. She needed only one as a tempestuous Putintseva smashed an attempted winner long. Radwanska’s greater pedigree — she has 12 tour singles titles to her name, while Putintseva has never made it beyond the second round of a tournament — eventually told, and she won five of the last six games. Former world number one Caroline Wozniacki routed Chinese qualifier Jie Zheng 6-0 6-1, while Russian veteran Nadia Petrova had a similar romp against Spain’s Carla Suarez Navarro, winning 6-1 6-0. Meanwhile, Serena Williams has withdrawn from the Dubai Championships because of a lower back injury. Williams took over the No. 1 ranking last week in Qatar, the sixth time in her career she has been the top-ranked player in the world. Last year, she won the Wimbledon and US Open titles, as well as the Olympic gold medal. Second-ranked Victoria Azarenka, who beat Williams in the final in Qatar last week, also withdrew from the tournament in Dubai, citing a bone bruise in her right foot. ❑ ❑ ❑ Third-seeded Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland defeated Paolo Lorenzi 6-3, 63 on Tuesday to reach the second round of the Copa Claro clay-court tournament in Buenos Aires. Wawrinka dominated the Italian throughout the match and closed out with a forehand down the line. Second-seeded Nicolas Almagro of Spain also reached the second round Monday. Top-seeded David Ferrer’s late match against Agustin Velotti was postponed after rain earlier pushed the schedule back leaving only a few hundred fans on hand at the Buenos Aires Lawn Tennis Club. ❑ ❑ ❑ Retired German tennis great Boris Becker will headline the XV Habanos Festival, an event in Cuba designed to promote cigars and tobacco use, organizers said Tuesday. “It will be my first time in Cuba, and I’ve heard some great things,” Becker said, according to a statement from the CubanSerena Spanish company Habanos S.A., which is organizing the event. “I can’t wait to truly get to know the great culture of the Cuban people.” “As a Habano aficionado, Montecristo and Partagas are among my favorites, since they are two brands that can be proud of their supreme quality,” he said.

Some of the attendees and sponsors.

Yousuf Al-Qanai with fellow runners.

Yousef Al-Qanai with his Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah.




Isidro grabs ‘Wheel the Chair Challenge’ title Al Humaidan, Izumi take second and third respectively By Jose Gabriel Special to the Arab Times

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: Filipino Action Shooting Team (FAST) Vice President Cesar Isidro finally found the bulls-eye for the first time this year to bag the “Wheel the Chair Challenge” title in the weekly fun shooting competition, held every Tuesday evening at the Mayadeen Shooting Range in Subhan. Isidro was one of the only three shooters to get an over-two hit factor on his way to the crown in a competition which saw the top three shooters leaving all others in their wake. While Isidro emerged the best after showing a straight shooting arm and being fleet of foot, Abdulrahman Al Humaidan and FAST Tournament Director Hiroaki Izumi were just off the pace to finish second and third respectively. Meanwhile, the FAST organizers have decided to continue with the yearly competition called “FAST League 2013”. This competition is based on the average points of the 10 best fun shoots of each competitor for the whole year, and although some Tuesdays results will not be published, the scores will be counted towards this competition. The categories are FAST members and Professional. Officials have also modified the qualification rules for Professionals- -apart from 10 titles in a year, the number 1 in the FAST League will also move to Professional class. Major competitions within the year will not be included. Coming to the shoot proper, “Wheel the Chair Challenge” was another brilliant creation of FAST Tournament Director Raja Sulaiman. At the start of the shoot, the gun was required to be in Condition 3- -magazines off the gun but with one magazine placed on top of the table and the other holstered. Based on the shooters game plan they could load the magazine in whatever combination they wanted for the 20 bullets. However, it was mandatory on how to go about the course. The initial position for the shooter was behind a chair. Upon an audible command, the chair was required to be pushed towards a table but the shooter was then required to be seated to engage the first 4 targets from about 10 meters. The second station saw the competitors engage two targets through a window using the left hand. On their right was a door that needed to be opened but they had to stand on a platform and engage the other two targets with their right hand. All these targets were at about 7 to 10 meters.

Photos by Ahmad Al Naqeeb

FAST officers & members pose for a shot after the event

Cesar Isidro — ‘Magnificient 7’

Hiroaki Izumi — ‘Magnificient 7’

Boris Prodanov — ‘Magnificient 7’

Waleed Hussein — ‘Magnificient 7’

Mohammadd Al Sadoon — ‘Magnificient

Chris Veitch — ‘Magnificient 7’

Robert Zhou

Raja Sulaiman

Richard Swan

Ashley Grayston

Reggie Buenafe

Robert Naungayan

Raymond Ramos

Rob Caringal

Lucas Ebin

Jonathan Ebin

ably get 4th place with a 1.9266 hit factor when he displayed the right stance and a firm grip that brought him 12 Alpha, 2 Bravo and 6 Charlie after a safe run of 43.60 seconds. Waleed Hussain was placed in the “Tough 5” when his accuracy led him to a perfect shoot with 10 Alpha, 8 Charlie and 2 Delta in 42.36 seconds for a 1.7941 hit factor and in the process he beat his good buddy Mohammed Al Shatti to join the Magnificent 7 for the first time. FAST Tournament Director Mohammed Al Sadoon requires no introduction and this week despite 2 misses — when he appeared to be in a hurry — he had 14 hits in Alpha and 4 in Charlie. This kept him in the premium line up as he had a reasonable time of 40.87 seconds for a 1.5170 hit factor. FAST Tournament Director Chris Veitch and one of the “Three Musketeers” tried to run fast in his vintage shoes to finish in 36.95 seconds. In the process he missed a shot, which is not his norm, but he still managed a 1.3261 hit factor based on 5 Alpha, 10 Charlie and 4 Delta to retain his place in the “Magnificent 7”. Cesar Isidro, Mohammed Al Sadoon and Chris Veitch were the only survivors from last week in the premium line up while Abdulrahman Al Humaidan, Hiroaki Izumi, Boris Prodanov and Waleed Hussain joined them. Abdelrahman Abubakar dropped out while Hamad Al Mansour, Ronil Paul Garcia and Zachariya AbdulHusain failed to take part in the shoot this week. FAST Tournament Director and another member of the “Three Musketeers” Richard Swan did well as he had a perfect shoot- -despite the injury he sustained in a football game earlier in the week – as he managed to stay on the heels of his buddy Chris with a 1.2019 hit factor composed of 5 Alpha, 1 Bravo, 4 Charlie and 10 Delta in 41.60 seconds.

Abdullah Guinda has improved a lot as he not missed being in the arena since he joined late last year. This week registered a 1.1183 hit factor based on 9 Alpha, 6 Charlie, 4 Delta and 1 miss in 50.97 seconds. Mohammed Al Shatti, who has been missing for quiet a while due to call of duty, seemed to be suffering from “jet log” as he was having a hard time pushing the chair and finished the course in 43.61 seconds although

he managed to put together 10 Alpha, 7 Charlie and 3 misses for a 0.9402 hit factor. His second run saw him display a massive improvement as he had a 1.7533 hit factor with a perfect shoot which brought him 13 Alpha and 7 Charlie — although it could have been better if he had pushed his chair a bit more faster — in 49.05 seconds. Ashley Grayston has started to pick up on his performances after a few

weeks of participation as he compiled a 0.8795 hit factor composed of 7 Alpha, 9 Charlie, 2 Delta and 2 misses in 53.55 seconds. His 2nd attempt saw him improve to a 1.2590 hit factor when his bullets landed in 10 Alpha, 7 Charlie, 2 Delta and 1 miss in 50.04 seconds. Steve Gardner, who also joined the competition a few weeks ago — acquired a positive score of a 0.5415 hit factor when he completed the run in

SHOOTING The final station had a low fence in front of two targets that had to engaged whilst moving and had been placed at 10 meters. Non- compliance of the rule cost the shooters a procedural error. An aggregate scoring method was applied to calculate the final score of each competitor with a bullet in Apha bringing 5 points, while hits in Bravo and Charlie brought 3 points and Delta 1 point but the shooters could also earn a lot of penalties as a miss and a procedural error saw a deduction of 10 points each. The total score was then divided by the time taken to complete the shoot to arrive at the final average of each competitor. This fun shoot could not have been a success without the commitment of the Filipino Action Shooting Team (FAST) officers, who organized the event, led by FAST President Chito Lamigo and FAST Vice-President Cesar Isidro–guided by Eric Ragma one of the finest Range Officers in the arena to ensure safety – with the support of Range Director Gen. Ahmed Al Saleem. FAST Vice President Cesar Isidro’s consistent participation in the fun shoots over the years finally bore fruit when he clinched this week’s title after compiling a 2.4819 hit factor with the highest hits in Alpha – 18 and 2 Charlie in 38.68 seconds. Despite being the second shooter to go over the course, Abdulrahman Al Humaidan — who was participating in the shoot for only the second time – showed that he is not new to the sport when he had 15 hits in Alpha and 5 in Charlie in a reasonable time of 39.08 seconds that saw him walk home with a 2.3030 hit factor. With this kind of shooting everyone was of the opinion it will not be long before Al Humaidan is in the driver seat. FAST Tournament Director Hiroaki Izumi could have snatched the title if his magazine hadn’t fallen out which resulted in him taking a longer time of 40.58 seconds although he put together 16 Alpha, 2 Charlie and 2 Delta that saw him become the last person to register with an over-2 hit factor- 2.1686 and earn a place in the “Magical 3”. Izumi who never fails to run again if time permits showed some real class when he achieved a 2.5658 hit factor the second time around. This was more remarkable considering that it took some time to rectify a gun malfunction. He finished the course in 30.40 seconds with 11 Alpha, 7 Charlie and 2 Delta but 2nd attempts are not counted towards the competition. Boris Prodanov joined the small list of names without a miss to comfort-

‘Wheel the Chair Challenge’ Standings

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Name Cesar Isidro Abdulrahman Al Humaidan Hiroaki Izumi Boris Prodanov Waleed Hussain Mohammed Al Sadoon Chris Veitch Richard Swan Abdullah Guinda Mohammed Al Shatti Ashley Grayston Steve Gardner Raja Sulaiman Abdelrahman Abubakar Nhett Bernardo Robert Zhou Damhar Usman Lambert Bernardo Sunny Andrade

Time 38.68 39.08 40.58 43.60 42.36 40.87 36.95 41.60 50.97 43.61 50.03 53.55 36.51 29.70 33.90 60.88 68.29 29.69 34.74

1 2 3 4

Waleed Al Mutawah Jarrah Al Adwani Eric Ragma Willie Santos

21.47 27.64 22.79 23.76

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Waleed Al Mutawah Jarrah Al Adwani Hiroaki Izumi Mohammed Al Shatti Ashley Grayston Steve Gardner Sunny Andrade

18.72 21.56 30.40 49.05 50.04 37.78 42.51

A B C 18 2 15 5 16 2 12 2 6 10 8 14 4 5 10 5 1 4 9 6 10 7 7 9 8 5 2 1 10 8 6 7 1 5 7 5 7 5 3 8 5 2 PROFESSIONAL 14 5 16 3 5 11 8 1 5 2nd ATTEMPT 14 1 4 12 1 6 11 7 13 7 10 7 6 1 7 5 3




2 2 4 10 4 2 4 4 3 2 3 2 1 4 1 1 4 4

2 1 1 3 2 3 3 3 5 5 6 8 9


1 1 2 2 2 4

1 4 8



Points 96 90 88 84 76 62 49 50 57 41 44 29 17 11 5 3 -8 -40 -55

Overall 2.4819 2.3030 2.1686 1.9266 1.7941 1.5170 1.3261 1.2019 1.1183 0.9402 0.8795 0.5415 0.4656 0.3704 0.1475 0.0493 -0.1171 -1.3473 -1.5832

86 90 62 32

4.0056 3.2562 2.7205 1.3468

86 82 78 86 63 16 -42

4.5940 3.8033 2.5658 1.7533 1.2590 0.4235 -0.9880

53.55 seconds and had 8 Alpha, 5 Charlie, 4 Delta and 3 misses. He tried to beat his time in his next run but fell short on the targets that resulted in a negative score. FAST Tournament Director and another member of the “Three Musketeers” Raja Sulaiman and the brain of this week’s quest generated a positive score- -0.4656 hit factor despite the fact that he sweat a lot on his own piece of work. His bullets brought him 2 Alpha, 1 Bravo, 10 Charlie, 4 Delta and 3 misses in 36.51 seconds. Abdelrahman Abubakar, who vacated his sit in the “Magnificent 7”, traded speed for accuracy to complete the course in 29.70 seconds. He, however, earned 3 misses and 2 procedural errors when stopped in the mandatory shooting while moving that pulled down his score to a 0.3704 hit factor after his bullets hit 8 Alpha, 6 Charlie and 3 Delta. Nhett Bernardo joined his brother Lambert at the bottom of the table when he compiled a 0.1475 hit factor based on 7 Alpha, 1 Bravo, 5 Charlie, 2 Delta and 5 misses in 33.90 seconds. Newcomer, Robert Zhou was not bad in his first participation as he did not walk home empty handed. He achieved a 0.0493 hit factor when he completed the run in 60.88 seconds with his bullets bringing him 7 Alpha, 5 Charlie, 3 Delta and 5 misses. On the other hand 3 veteran shooters failed to walk home with any points: Damhar Usman who earned 6 misses, FAST Tournament Director Lambert Bernardo who gathered 8 misses and FAST Treasurer Sunny Andrade who did not appear to be in his best form when he shot twice but collected 9 and 8 misses respectively. On the other hand, the Professional Class saw young Waleed Al Mutawah reign in the category with a whooping 4.0056 hit factor after displaying the fastest feet — only 21.47 seconds over the course — and a keen eye for the targets which brought him 14 Alpha, 5 Charlie and 1 Delta. His second run saw him go over the course in only 18.72 seconds with another mindblowing 4.5940 hit factor with his bullets landing in 14 Alpha, 1 Bravo, 4 Charlie and 1 Delta. Jarrah Al Adwani, who initiated the run, was also very good he finished with a 3.2562 hit factor based on 16 Alpha, 3 Charlie and 1 Delta in 27.64 seconds. His 2nd attempt saw him improve his score to collect a 3.8033 hit factor when he hit 12 Alpha, 1 Bravo, 6 Charlie and 1 Delta. Eric Ragma, one of the finest range officers in the arena, was defeated by his students as he finished 3rd with a 2.7205 hit factor after completing the run in 22.79 seconds and placing the bullets in 5 Alpha, 11 Charlie and 4 Delta. Willie Santos seemed to be in a hurry as he had to go to his office. He acquired a 1.3468 hit factor when he collected 2 misses and a procedural after he held the pistol with both hands in the mandatory right hand shooting although he put the rest of the bullets in 8 Alpha, 1 Bravo, 5 Charlie and 4 Delta in 23.76 seconds. Meanwhile, FAST officials have announced that all newcomers wishing to participate in the weekly shoots must come to the range well ahead of time for a “dry run” over the course. The aim of this dry run is to ensure the newcomers safety as well as that of all those present at the range. Those newcomers who fail to turn up for this dry run will not be allowed to take part in the actual competition. On the other hand, FAST officials would like to invite everyone on Tuesday evenings to their Weekly Fun Shooting Competitions at the Mayadeen Shooting Range in Subhan. For details, contact FAST President Chito Lamigo 9958-2781.




Scared players need support Gill steps down

Fifa calls for strict ‘match-fixing’ laws

Ed takes on top role at Man U

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 20, (Agencies): Football authorities vowed Wednesday to excise the “cancer” of match-fixing but said tougher laws were needed worldwide to smash criminal syndicates suspected of rigging hundreds of matches. FIFA’s director of security Ralf Mutschke told a two-day gathering with Interpol that the world governing body’s “zero tolerance” for match-fixing must be buttressed by “the right policies for law enforcement and the football community”. The meeting follows revelations a fortnight ago that almost 700 matches worldwide, including Champions League ties and World Cup qualifiers, were targeted by gambling gangs. “We are banning players and referees for life but criminals are out there free — they get no sentence. That’s wrong,” Mutschke told reporters when asked to comment on Singapore’s refusal to arrest a key suspect wanted in Italy and suspected of rigging games. “We have to bring in governments to change legislation and laws. Many countries do not have laws to fight match manipulation,” Mutschke said. He pointed to the November acquittal of three players in Switzerland accused of committing fraud by throwing games, where a judge said there was no obvious victim. Mutschke said FIFA was cooperating with the Council of Europe to draft legislation to fight match-fixing, with hopes it would be implemented across the continent. FIFA’s legal team will also press the Acting President of the Asian Football case at a May meeting of national sports Associaiton Zhang Jilong leaves for a ministers in Berlin where match-fixing is coffee break during the two day condue to be discussed, he said. ference by Interpol and FIFA to comAbout 150 delegates from Asian footbat match fixing in football in Kuala ball associations, player and referee repLumpur on Feb 20. Football authoriresentatives and government agencies ties vowed to ‘eradicate this cancer’ of are meeting in the Malaysian capital of match-fixing from the game, saying Kuala Lumpur, home to the Asian they would push for tougher laws at Football Confederation (AFC). the start of a two-day conference here “We are ready to work hand-in-hand to with Interpol. (AFP) eradicate this cancer from the game. AFC will not rest until this plague is

Hoops increase lead


St Johnstone, Celtic ‘draw’

completely stamped out in Asia,” the AFC’s acting president Zhang Jilong said in a speech. But he later admitted to AFP that eradication “could be difficult, especially in Asia”, where gambling is widespread and flourishing. Indicating the scale of football corruption in Asia, China on Monday handed out 33 lifetime bans in its biggest ever match-fixing scandal, which left senior officials in jail and saw the Shanghai Shenhua squad stripped of its 2003 title. Other scandals in the region include one that engulfed South Korea’s KLeague, one of Asia’s most successful competitions, where corruption revelations in 2011 left 41 players with lifetime bans. “Match-fixing is too complex and widespread for one organisation to fight it alone. To fight this, we need a joint and coordinated effort,” Zhang said. Peter Velappan, a retired former AFC general-secretary, told AFP that football authorities must also press for strict punishments in any laws aimed at match-fixing. “This move to criminalise it is exactly what is needed but it must be clear and hard from the start to be a good example,” said Velappan. According to European police agency Europol, 380 suspicious match results have been identified in Europe, among nearly 700 worldwide, with the problem tied to a criminal syndicate based in Singapore. Police in Singapore are calling for hard evidence before acting against Dan Tan Seet Eng, a Singaporean whose name has cropped up in probes across several countries. Mutschke said that “to the best of our knowledge” FIFA’s World Cup tournament, the finals of which will be held in Brazil next year, has not been infiltrated by organised crime. Fearful footballers in Asia need better protection, education and a trusting environment before they can aid whistleblowing against match-fixing, the regional head of world player union FIFPro told Reuters. “We have still got a long, long, long way to go in addressing the fears players have in Asia,” Schwab said in a telephone interview. “Unless players fully understand their rights and obligations then they are not going to be in a position to report suspicious behaviour or even approaches to be involved in fixing matches. “We have got players in Asia that are fearful of even forming a players’ association or reporting contractual breaches so that level of fear needs to be addressed.” While the revelations of the European police investigation rippled around the world, the least surprised Mutschke corner was Asia, where match-fixing has been long identified as a problem with recent issues in South Korea, Malaysia and China. Schwab, an Australian who was elected to the FIFPro board in 2008, said that the fearless criminals allegedly orchestrating the match-fixing posed a great concern for possible player confessions. “You are dealing with organised crime who will take whatever measures are necessary to implement their plan. “Players, if they are going to report instances, not only need someone to report it to who they trust, they also need to be protected and there need to be security arrangements around them. “As you can imagine, these are all resource-intensive and rather sophisticated operations so sport needs to take it very, very seriously.”

GLASGOW, Feb 20, (AFP): Substitute Nigel Hasselbaink struck late to secure St Johnstone a deserved 1-1 draw with Scottish Premier League leaders Celtic at McDiarmid Park to bring to an end the champions six league match winning run. Celtic, who had made just one change from the side that thrashed Dundee United 6-2 on Saturday, dominated proceedings in the first half as they battered the St Johnstone goal before Efe Ambrose headed them into a 37th minute lead. But the home side improved after the interval and a marginal offside decision against Steven McLean denied them a 55th minute equaliser. If the first decision had been questionable then there looked nothing wrong with Frazer Wright’s 68th minute header from Liam Craig’s free-kick but once again they were denied by the assistant referee’s flag. However, St Johnstone were not to be denied and with ten minutes remaining Hasselbaink curled a cracking shot past Fraser Forster from the edge of the box to earn his side their fifth point out of nine against Celtic this season. Despite their winning run coming to an end the Glasgow giants increased their lead at the top of the table to 19 points after nearest rivals Motherwell lost 10 to Dundee United. Celtic manager Neil Lennon was at a loss to explain how his side hadn’t won. “The first half was the best football I have seen here under my tenure. We were absolutely

SOCCER magnificent and I don’t think the scoreline reflects the performance,” he said. “How we didn’t win the game is beyond me. We were absolutely awesome first half. But if you don’t take your chances you always give teams a bit of encouragement.” His St Johnstone counterpart Steve Lomas admitted his side had been lucky early on. “We rode our luck in the firsthalf between some great saves from Alan Mannus and some great blocks,” Lomas said. “But we said to the lads to hang in there and all credit to the subs coming on as they gave us a major impact and Nigel scored a great goal.” St Johnstone were under pressure from kick-off and keeper Alan Mannus was kept busy as he twice denied Gary Hooper. Lassad Nouioui was next to come close as he sent a glancing header just wide of the post from Emilio Izaguirre’s cross. The home side’s first real chance didn’t materialise until the 27th minute when Ambrose took a poor touch and allowed Mehdi Abeid to turn and fire in a shot on goal but the ball flew into the side-netting. Celtic’s pressure finally paid off in the 37th minute when Ambrose gave them a deserved lead.

Bayern Munich’s German goalkeeper Manuel Neuer punches the ball as Arsenal’s German defender Per Mertesacker jumps to head during the UEFA Champions

League round of 16 football match between Arsenal and Bayern Munich at the Emirates Stadium in north London on Feb 19. Bayern Munich won 3-1. (AFP)

Chelsea target long Europa League run Liverpool on brink PARIS, Feb 20, (AFP): Last season’s Champions League winners Chelsea headline the four English clubs vying for a berth in the last 16 of the Europa League on Thursday, as several highprofile names stare at the exit door. Chelsea go into the second leg of their tie with Sparta Prague at Stamford Bridge holding a 1-0 advantage thanks to Oscar’s late strike a week ago in the Czech capital. “We still have to concentrate to make sure we get the right result but we’re in a good position now so we have to follow it through,” said midfielder Frank Lampard. Despite the ignominy of becoming the first Champions League winners to bow out at the group stage, Lampard, who is just three goals shy of Bobby Tambling’s club record tally of 202, insisted more European success was still firmly on Chelsea’s radar. “If it’s hard (to focus on the Europa League after dropping out of the Champions League) then we’d better change that very quickly because we’re in this competition now so we have to get our attitude right. “The Europa League is a fantastic competition to try and win, so that’s what we have to do.” Three-time UEFA Cup winners Liverpool will need to overturn a two-goal deficit against 2008 UEFA Cup winners Zenit St. Petersburg to prevent a premature end to their European campaign at Anfield. Fresh from Sunday’s 5-0 battering of Premier League rivals Swansea City, Spanish defender Jose Enrique hopes Brendan Rodgers’ side can replicate that performance on Thursday. “It was a good reaction from the team,” he said. “It was a really hard game against Zenit so it is good for us to have this result because now our confidence is there for the next game, which it is really important we win. “They (Zenit) spent a lot of money so they have good players so we have

to keep a clean sheet and then to score as many as we can.” Meanwhile, Gareth Bale’s brace ensured Tottenham travel to Lyon leading 2-1 on aggregate. Two stunning free-kicks from the Wales international handed Spurs a slender advantage, but the Londoners stressed their approach would remain the same at Stade Gerland. “We are a team that normally score away from home so we hope to cancel out their advantage - we will set out the same way to try to attack,” insisted manager Andre Villas-Boas. Former Lyon goalkeeper Hugo Lloris again appears set to miss out against his old club with Villas-Boas likely to opt once more for reserve custodian Brad Friedel, while England striker Jermain Defoe remains sidelined with an ankle problem. Newcastle will be greeted by subzero temperatures as they make the trip to Kharkiv for their second-leg fixture against Metalist. Alan Pardew’s men were left to rue their profligacy as they were held to a goalless stalemate by the Ukrainian outfit last time out. However, the Magpies could be

Rubin Kazan’s players run for a ball during team’s training session, at Luzhniki Stadium, in Moscow, Russia on Feb 20. Rubin will play their Europa League round of 32 soccer match against Atletico Madrid on Thursday. (AP)

Rubin vs Atletico Aljazeera Sport+4 20:00 Local

Lyon vs Tottenham Aljazeera Sport +3 20:00 Local

Cluj vs Inter Aljazeera Sport +10 21:00 Local

Genk vs Stuttgart Aljazeera Sport +9 21:00 Local

Kharkiv vs Newcastle Aljazeera Sport +7 21:00 Local

Dnipro vs Basel Aljazeera Sport +2 21:00 Local

Lazio vs M’gladbach Aljazeera Sport +1 21:00 Local

Chelsea vs Sparta Aljazeera Sport +3 23:00 Local

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boosted by the return of France international Hatem Ben Arfa from a hamstring injury that has kept him out since early December, while January recuit Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa says there is plenty of reason for optimism. “It’s fair to say we did have our chances to come away with victory (at St. James’ Park) but unfortunately we couldn’t,” said the former Montpellier centre-back. “However there were a lot of positives to take out of the match and we’ll go away in the second leg, try and get one or two goals and come away with a victory.” Two goals from Rodrigo Palacio at the San Siro helped Inter Milan to a 2-0 first-leg advantage over Romanian side CFR Cluj, but a steep task awaits holders Atletico Madrid in Russia after the Spaniards suffered a 2-0 home defeat to Rubin Kazan. Italian title challengers Napoli must overturn a three-goal deficit away to Czech league leaders Viktoria Plzen if they are to progress, a feat never achieved before in the Europa League.

LONDON, Feb 20, (Agencies): Former investment banker Ed Woodward will take on the top executive role at Manchester United from July, working with manager Alex Ferguson to hire new players for the 19-times English soccer champions. Woodward, who joined the club in 2005 after its takeover by the American Glazer family in a controversial 790 million pounds ($1.2 billion) deal, replaces longserving chief executive David Gill who is stepping down after a decade in the role, the club said on Wednesday. Woodward will retain the title of executive vice chairman but take on the duties vacated by Gill, 55. A 40-year-old Briton, Woodward worked with the Glazers on their takeover of the club when he was a banker with JP Morgan and then joined United where he helped to organise the club’s successful commercial expansion. He played a prominent role in United’s $2.3 billion flotation on the New York Stock Exchange last August and has recently been hosting conference calls with investors Gill when the club publishes its financial results every three months. As part of United’s reorganisation, commercial director Richard Arnold, who has done a series of sponsorship deals around the world, is promoted to the role of managing director. United regularly attract crowds of 75,000 to their Old Trafford Stadium and claim to have more than 650 million followers across the globe - making them one of the world’s most popular soccer clubs. Fans and investors who have bought shares in the club will be keen to see how Woodward gets on with Ferguson, the Scot who has managed United since 1986 and led the club to 12 Premier League titles and two European Champions League triumphs.

SOCCER Ferguson, 71, said he was sorry that Gill was leaving but welcomed the appointment of Woodward. “He is a young man with the energy and drive to help keep United at the forefront of the game and to help us maintain our success on the field,” he said in a statement. Woodward’s role will involve helping to agree transfer fees and wage packages for new additions to a squad that includes England forward Wayne Rooney and Netherlands striker Robin van Persie. A vocal section of United supporters accused the Glazers of overloading the club with debt and harming its chances of competing with the top teams in Europe. After a barren season in 201112, the signing of Van Persie from Arsenal last August for a fee put at 24 million pounds by local media has helped to silence the critics. United lead the Premier League by 12 points and are well placed to reach the last eight of the Champions League after a 11 draw with fellow European heavyweights Real Madrid in Spain last week. Gill, 55, joined United in February 1997 as finance director and has been chief executive since 2003. He will remain a club director. He has been moving more into the politics of the game, having been appointed vice chairman of the English Football Association last year, and will seek a place on the executive committee of UEFA, European soccer’s ruling body, in elections scheduled for May.

Also: LONDON: Cardiff’s bid to join Welsh rivals Swansea in the Premier League suffered a setback when the leaders of the second-tier Championship went down to a 2-0 defeat at home to Brighton on Tuesday. The Bluebirds remained top of the table but saw their lead cut to five points after goals from Andrea Orlandi and an injurytime effort from Jose Ulloa gave the Seagulls victory in a match where Cardiff hit the woodwork four times. Brighton remained seventh. Second-placed Hull won for the third match in a row to close the gap on Cardiff after a 2-0 win at home to Indian-owned Blackburn Rovers, unable to follow up their FA Cup victory against Arsenal. Mohamed Gedo slotted home from close range in the 52nd minute before a 67th minute volley from Ahmed Elmohamady secured all three points for the Tigers. Watford, still with hopes of securing one of the two automatic promotion places at the end of the regular season, remained third, three points behind Hull, with a 2-0 win away to Ipswich Town.


ARAB TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2013 thursday— (all times are kuwait local) 12:00 futbol mundial ........................................ osn sport 2 14:00 wwe bottom line ..................................... osn sport 4 15:30 world pool masters .................................. osn sport 3 20:00 lyon vs tottenham - football .......... al jazeera sport +3 21:00 cluj vs inter-football .................... al jazeera sport +10 21:00 iaaf indoor - athletics ......................al jazeera sport 1 22:45 creteil vs PSG - handball ..................al jazeera sport 2 23:00 chelsea vs sparta prague - football .. al jazeera sport+3



Jones strike earns Schalke draw at Galatasaray

AC Milan stun Barcelona 2-0 Muntari, Boateng score MILAN, Feb 20, (Agencies) : AC Milan stunned Barcelona 2-0 in the first leg of their Champions League last-16 tie on Wednesday, beating the Spanish giant for the first time in eight matches. Kevin-Prince Boateng gave Milan the lead in controversial circumstances in the 57th minute. Cristian Zapata appeared to handle Riccardo Montolivo’s assist in the buildup.

Galatasaray’s players celebrate their first goal during an UEFA Champions League football match between Galatasaray and FC Schalke 04 at the Ali Samiyen Stadium in Istanbul on Feb 20. (AFP)

IOC makes visit

Workers return to Maracana SAO PAULO, Feb 20, (AP): Construction was back under way at Maracana stadium on Tuesday as the IOC arrived to inspect the venue which will host the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro. But in the second day of its three-day visit, the IOC coordination commission for the 2016 Games was met by news that the venue of the diving competition may be switched to a different location after a request by the international swimming federation, and the company claiming ownership of the land where the Olympic golf course will be built said it will officially notify the IOC about an ongoing legal dispute.

OLYMPICS Work had been halted at Maracana on Monday as employees demanded better wages and benefits, but they returned to the construction site after Rio’s governor got involved in the negotiation and said a better offer was going to be made. The union representing the workers said a full-scale strike was still possible depending on the new offer, but work was under way as the IOC’s coordination commission stopped by the iconic football stadium, which is being refurbished for the 2014 World Cup and the Rio Games. “Everything was normal when the IOC visited,” said Nilson Duarte, the president of the union representing the workers. “A decision on a strike will be made by the end of the week, but it appears that there will be an agreement that will fulfill the workers’ demands.” A strike would likely create problems to get the stadium ready for the Confederations Cup, the World Cup warm-up tournament which will be played June 15-30. Maracana will host three matches, including the final. The stadium was originally scheduled to be ready in December but FIFA was forced to extend its deadlines because of ongoing delays. Although the Maracana shouldn’t give the IOC much of a headache, the Olympic golf course may be reason for concern as construction is yet to begin with three years to go before the sport makes its return to the games after more than 100 years.

See Also Page 50

Barcelona players protested but to no avail and Gerard Pique was booked in the process. Sulley Muntari sealed the win nine minutes from time with a well-worked goal. It was a deserved win for Milan, which contained Barcelona’s potent attack impressively, allowing them just two shots on target all match. The result caps a stunning turnaround of fortunes for Milan. Massimiliano Allegri’s side started the season dreadfully and was 15th in the Italian league after eight games. They are now third. In Istanbul, Schalke 04 brushed off poor recent form to earn a 1-1 draw at Galatasaray in the Champions League last 16, first-leg clash on Wednesday despite the hosts fielding Didier Drogba and Wesley Sneijder. After Turkey striker Burak Yilmaz gave Galatasaray an early lead at the Turk Telekom Arena, US midfielder Jermaine Jones equalised on the stroke of half-time to give Schalke a slim advantage ahead of the March 12 sec-

SOCCER ond leg. Schalke have now lost just one of their last ten European away fixtures, including victories at Olympiakos and Arsenal, in sharp contrast to their recent Bundesliga form. After just one victory in their last 12 games, this was a huge improvement by the Royal Blues. Despite Drogba and Sneijder making their Champions League debuts for the ambitious Turkish club since joining last month from Shanghai Shenhua and Inter Milan respectively, both had quiet games as the hosts failed to dominate. The game started at a frantic pace with both teams focusing on attack while leaving plenty of space at the back. The hosts took the lead when Yilmaz, with a superb first touch, flicked the ball with his heel over marker Benedikt Hoewedes and slammed his shot past Schalke goalkeeper Timo Hildebrand after just 12 minutes. The Germans had their chances as Hoewedes’ header found Dutch striker Klaas-Jan Huntelaar, back in the side after a two-week break with a burst blood vessel in his left eye, but he could not stab the ball over the line. Ex-Schalke midfielder Hamit Altintop hammered the underside of the cross bar for Galatasaray in a busy opening period while Schalke’s Jefferson Farfan was only denied when defender Semih Kaya turned his shot around the post. Jones is suspended for the return leg on March 12 after his appeals for a booking against Selcuk Inan saw him earn a yellow card of his own on 35 minutes. But the US international redeemed himself when he converted a brilliant pass from Farfan to hit the back of the net after a fast break for the equaliser on 45 minutes which will be invaluable in the return leg. Schalke had a let off with 25 minutes left when Drogba put Yilmaz in a great position, but Hildebrand blocked the shot just as the offside flag went up. Huntelaar smashed a shot over the bar with 75 minutes before making way for Finland’s Teemu Pukki, while both Yilmaz and Yilmaz Sabri Sarioglu both tested Hildebrand at the other end. With Borussia Dortmund having earned a 2-2 draw at Donetsk and after Bayern Munich’s impressive 3-1 win at Arsenal on Tuesday, all three Bundesliga clubs now have a strong chance of making the quarter-finals.

AC Milan’s Kevin Costant (right), fights for the ball with FC Barcelona’s Lionel Messi during the Championships League football match between AC Milan and FC Barcelona on Feb 20, at San Siro Stadium in Milan. (AFP)

Wenger has few options to save Arsenal’s season

Bayern set sights on final victory BERLIN, Feb 20, (RTRS): Bayern Munich’s sparkling 3-1 victory at Arsenal in their Champions League round of 16 first leg on Tuesday confirmed the German side’s focus is firmly set on making amends for two final defeats in the last three years. Bayern will be hoping their trip to London was not the last this season with the Champions League final being held in the English capital in May. “This was a superb performance, a top game from us,” Bayern CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said early on Wednesday as the team gathered in their London hotel. “Although we still have to have a lot of respect for the second leg in March. “But we have taken a big step. If we do not get distracted - and I believe we will not - then this could be a long run we have a ahead of us.” Where other teams may have buckled under they weight of unfulfilled expectations after losing finals in Madrid in 2010 and more importantly last year in their home stadium, Bayern look to have become even stronger. A string of good transfers in the offseason, including holding midfielder Javi Martinez, who has formed an efficient partnership with Bastian Schweinsteiger, and top-scorer Mario Mandzukic have added considerable depth to their squad. They have now won all six of their games this year, dominating each one from the start. With a 15-point cushion in the league and the domestic title all but sewn up, Bayern have the luxury of switching their focus to winning the European title for first time since 2001. In the past two seasons, Bayern have been forced to play second fiddle to Borussia Dortmund in the Bundesliga. This campaign, the Bavarians have led from the front and maintained their purpose despite the possible distraction of securing the services of the highly sough-after former Barcelona coach Pep

Guardiola for next season. “Obviously we are getting more and more confident but we still need to win every game,” Rummenigge said. “We should not think too far ahead because the Champions League does not allow for mistakes. We are still in the round of 16 and there is some way to go, so let’s be patient.” With only one goal conceded in their last six games and their two-season title drought seemingly set to end in May, Bayern look well-equipped for the return leg on March 13. “This was a texbook performance in the first half. I have not seen a Bayern team that has played as good as we did in the first half hour,” club boss Uli Hoeness said as he heaped praise on his players. “We still have a lot to do until (the final). But right now I am dreaming only of the quarter-finals,” Hoeness added. Long-serving Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger can do very little to sal-

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The indefatigable Jack Wilshere is carrying the team almost alone but the midfielder jumped to the defence of Wenger, who won three Premier League titles in 1998, 2002 and 2004. “It’s nothing to do with the manager he puts us on the pitch, it’s down to us to perform,” he told reporters. “The players have to take responsibility, we’re man enough to take it. The manager has been here 16 years and he’s done a great job so you can’t question him.” However, celebrity fans such as British US talk show host Piers Morgan and golfer Ian Poulter are among those to have called for Wenger’s departure and it is difficult to see what the manager can do to ease the pressure. First-half strikes from Toni Kroos and Thomas Mueller already had Arsenal against the wall but Mario Mandzukic’s bizarre third goal after Lukas Podolski had pulled one back against his old club means last-16 progression looks impossible. Not even a 2-0 win in Munich in three weeks’ time will be enough, though that looks highly unlikely given Arsenal’s current naivety in defence and fickleness in attack. Thomas Vermaelen, still easily Arsenal’s best centre half despite some lapses this term, had to switch to left


Malaga’s Argentina defender Martin Demichelis (left), view with Porto’s Colombian forward Jackson Martinez during the UEFA Champions league round of 16 first leg football match FC Porto vs Malaga CF at the Dragao stadium in Porto on Feb 19. (AFP)

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back following Wenger’s bungled attempts to fill the role and that left Per Mertesacker coming back into the heart of the backline. The tall German lumbered about like a zombie butler in a horror movie, a pale imitation of the man Bayern would have remembered from his Bundesliga days. Midfielder Aaron Ramsey again looked out of his depth and main striker Theo Walcott proved for the umpteenth time that despite a lucrative new contract he is not the finished article.

See Also Page 57

Published by: Arab Times Publishing House



vage even pride from what looks like being another trophyless season after Tuesday’s 3-1 Champions League home defeat by Bayern Munich. The last-16 first-leg loss exposed the lack of strength in depth which has contributed to the Londoners going out of both domestic cup competitions, lying fifth in the Premier League and looking poised to bow out of Europe. Bundesliga leaders Bayern had the luxury of bringing on Dutch World Cup runner-up Arjen Robben and prolific Germany striker Mario Gomez in the second half but a glance at Arsenal’s bench showed no such riches and Wenger’s hands are largely tied. The Frenchman, at Arsenal since 1996, failed to bring in attacking quality in the January transfer window and the club look doomed to an eighth season without a trophy, leading fans to question whether they still have the right man in charge.

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