ARAI TECH PUSHING THE BOUNDERIES OF HELMET TECHNOLOGY Arai is leading in innovative helmet technology. If you’re looking for a new helmet, you might be asking yourself; can there really be that much difference these days between one brand and another? And if so, are these differences that do exist, pretty slim? The simple truth is, while there are indeed a lot of helmets out there, there is still only one Arai. Our technology is what makes us truly different. Here you can find out the background of not only this technology, but also the philosophy and the passion that drives us in making the best helmet possible.
It is the shell that really works.
The following three topics are key in this respect:
Impact absorption capacity is measured by dropping a helmet with a headform inside it onto a rigid anvil. The impact energy transmitted to the headform should stay below specified level. When the helmet meets this requirement, consumers and the industry as well may assume that the helmet is therefore capable of protecting the wearer’s head at real life impacts.
1 Shell Configuration
But there is a significant difference between test speeds and real life speed. The velocity of a helmet at the time of impact during tests is less than 28 km/h! This is true for even the most stringent motorcycle helmet standard in the world. Kinetic energy goes up in proportion to square of velocity. Therefore the head of a rider at 100 km/h is carrying more than 10 times(!) the amount of energy than the headform during a standard impact test. This kind of energy is far more than the impact absorption capacity of any helmet. Yet, in the real world there are helmets that have proven to protect riders’ heads in actual accidents at even higher speeds. This fact alone tells that there is quite a difference in the nature of impacts under real world and test lab conditions. In the real world, it is seldom that an impact is aligned straight towards the center of the head, as is the case during impact tests. Instead, the impact can originate from any location, from any direction, at any speed, any angle and by any object. Therefore only if the outer shell is constructed and functions properly, there may be the possibility that a decent portion of the impact energy is diverted by sliding over, or by glancing off, the object hitting it. This explains how some helmets do a good job even in accidents at racing speeds where huge energies are involved.
About the Arai Standard
About the ‘’Basic Principles’’
Impact velocity
When a helmet is caught by an obstacle, this may cause rotational and acceleration forces. When the helmet slides, energy is diverted. Round, smooth surfaces of outer shells offer the best chance to slide during or after impacts from any direction.
sliding in horizontal direction keep traveling in horizontal direction
max. speed
28 km/h
sliding in horizontal direction
Kinetic = 1 energy 2
shock absorbing test
at 100km/h speed
velocity at 28 km/h speed = 7.75
velocity at 100 km/h speed = 27.78
1 2
1 2
(7.75) 2
= 30.03 mass The difference
(27.78) 2
= 385.80 mass
12.85 times
2 Shell Laminate
To divert the energy of an impact, a shell needs to function as a “sled” to slide over uneven surfaces or to glance off obstacles hitting it. The strong laminate material of the outer shell needs to be able to sustain the impact load, as well as to resist deformation that could cause rotational forces, in order to perform this role.
sliding in horizontal direction
generate rotational energy at the point of damage
headform shock absorbing liner
in the real world
shock absorbing liner
shock absorbing test
generate rotational energy from horizontal traveling
There are ways to make a helmet shell that performs excellently under test lab conditions. Yet, when it comes to real world performance, what needed are solid basic properties that are less likely to fail you. And that is exactly what Arai has been doing throughout its long history. The role of the outer shell in real world conditions is far more important than in a test lab.
Impact management test
Shell penetration test
Test anvils simulate impact objects in real accident scenarios, and there are different anvil configurations. A fllat anvil may simulate impact against flat road surface. A kerbstone anvil may be used to simulate impact against curbstone or a guardrail. When an anvil shape is more round, the contact surface of the impact becomes less and that will cause more stringent impact energy to the helmets. The Arai Standard specifies impact management test to be conducted with a hemispherical anvil that has a much smaller contact impact surface (causing higher breaking energy) than flat or kerbstone anvils.
kg mass In the event of fall, the rider’s 3penetration head may hit against the road test striker surface or slide in unexpected directions. The possibility that the helmets hit against for instance a guardrail, motorcycle foot pegs or any other object in the road shoulder may not be quite low. Performance evaluation against hard, sharp objects might therefore be important for motorcycle helmets. Outer shells should offer certain toughness, that is why the Arai Standard defines shell penetration test with a 3 kilo sharp tip metal striker, falling from 3 meter height anywhere on the helmet above its test line.
ECE R22-05
Impact velocity
* 7.75m/s
XXS, XS, S size
Peak acceleration
Impact velocity
not exceed
275 G
M, L size
Peak acceleration not exceed
275 G
XL size
Peak acceleration not exceed
Peak acceleration not exceed
275 G
264 G
XXL size
Peak acceleration not exceed
243 G
*7.75 m/s for first impact second impact velocity depends of test headform size
The Arai Standard does not specify fixed impact points and requires any point above its test line needs to comply to the requirements.
ECE R22-05 Test area
SNELL 2010
SNELL standard requires 2 time impact at the same spot while ECE R22-05 requires a single impact test line
RIGID OR SOFT OUTER SHELL? shock absorption by liner squash
Satisfying both ECE R22-05 and Snell M2010 performance requirements
SNELL 2010
ECE R22-05
SNELL 2010
ECE R22-05 requires maximum peak acceleration should not exceeds 275G while SNELL standard requires lower maximum peak acceleration depending on size ranges.
3 Shock Absorption The true role of impact absorption in real world conditions is to act as a suspension at the time the energy is diverted. Good suspension eases the transmission of the impact to the rider’s head.
The “Basic Principles” are a summary of what we have been observing decade after decade. In fact, we have never made helmets that contradict with these principles throughout the history of Arai. Thanks to this fact, we can present these “Basic Principles” without hesitation. Yet, it may not be the same for manufacturers with a different historical background. The number of helmets on the market today that conflict with these principles is in fact overwhelming. Why? Because these principles may not only be annoying to some manufactures. Even to such an extent that they completely dismiss the principles. By the plain facts do us justice. The principles should therefore be acknowledged. Not only for ourselves, but especially for the sake of our fellow riders and the helmet industry in general.
The self established Arai in-house standard is a series of tests performed in addition to mandatory national standards. That is the so called “Arai Standard” and it is applied to most Arai products to provide superior helmet performance for motorcyclists.
The difference between industrial and motorcycle helmets
1. No helmet is used: the head hits the wall and stops almost instantly. The brain however keeps on moving due to inertia and smashes against the inside of the skull resulting in considerable injury. .
shock absorption by shell destruction
No one knows where it hits! crown region
frontal region occipital region
Let’s look at two types of helmets to make a comparison for a shock absorbing test. In this test the helmet is dropped from a certain height with a metal alloy headform to determine peak acceleration. The test will be done with two completely different helmets: Typ A: R igid outer shell with soft density inner shell (as Arai) Typ B: S oft outer shell with hard density inner shell (as the helmets with injection molded shells)
Either Type A or B may pass the same standard. But the reason why B may pass is that a non-rigid shell breaks itself and absorbs impact energy in doing so. The remaining energy, which the shell cannot absorb is then absorbed by the hard density inner shell, which can also work as part of shell function. Note that the absorption of the non-rigid shell may not be enough to absorb large impact energy and/or multiple impacts which hit the same impact sights because the harder density inner shell may not sufficient to absorb the total energy that received throughout. The Type A helmet spreads the force of the impact evenly across
wider surface, the soft density inner shell then easily absorbs the retaining energy that is transferred through the outer shell, even when multiple impacts are applied. Helmets designed as Type B may save much weight in the shell. However, when we talk about higher performance helmet shells, there should be another requirement in addition to “light weight”, and that will be “strong enough”.
2. With helmet against a flat wall: the impact energy is absorbed by the inner shell. The velocity of the brain is reduced during a much longer period of time resulting in less injury for the brain.
Type A helmet under impact: the impact force is diverted across the wider surface of the outer shell. The soft inner shell absorbs impact energy by compressing the inner shell material.
Type B helmet under impact: the impact force is not diverted across the wider surface of the outer shell but absorbs the energy with limited surface resulting direct transmission to the inner shell. The hard inner shell receives direct impact transmission and transfers the impact force to the skull and brain.
Everybody is familiar with the sight of construction workers wearing their white or yellow safety helmets. Why don’t motorcycle riders use the same, cheap, helmets? The reason is that they are made for a completely different purpose. Construction helmets are designed to protect against impacts from outside such as a falling brick or a bolt lost by a colleague working high above him. Motorcycle helmets are designed, strange as it may sound, against impacts from the inside. The impact energy that causes injury comes from opposite directions and that is why these helmets must be so different. Also read the caption about the Arai ‘’Basic Principles’’ for a better understanding of this matter.
It is the general thought that a helmet must protect the head from an impact from an object from the outside. But motorcycle helmets must handle much more than just that simple task. During a motorcycle accident, the mass of the head increases the impact energy significantly: the helmet itself stops quickly at the impact, but inertia makes the head inside it carry on. When a motorcycle helmet hits the road surface for instance, the head may impact right through the inner shell and hit the inside of the outer shell.
To explain this phenomena, take a look at the following examples of possible impact against a wall:
3. With helmet (or cushioning device) hitting a protruding object: the rigid outer shell distributes the impact force over the complete surface of the outer shell. The inner shell absorbs the remaining impact energy. The brain will suffer less harm.
A 4-ENG Why Arai 2013.indd 1
11-09-12 12:21