T H E A R C H B I S H O P S PA L D I N G H I G H S C H O O L S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2022-2025
D ear Friend of Archbishop Spalding, We are pleased to share with you Building on Success: a three-year strategic initiative for Archbishop Spalding High School. Created on the foundation of over 55 years of excellence in Catholic college-preparatory education, Building on Success arrives when our school has never been stronger. Over 900 Spalding stakeholders participated in focus groups, surveys, and individual conversations including students, alumni, faculty/ staff and current/past parents. The Archbishop Spalding community is determined to build on our success. Through this initiative, we will confidently advance our Catholic mission. Our guiding principles will keep us focused on the singular strengths of Spalding’s mission, while preparing for a stronger, more robust future. The hard work of the plan lies ahead. Our gifted teachers and staff have mapped initial action steps, with timelines, measurables, outcomes and responsibilities. In partnership with the Spalding Board of Directors and Strategic Planning Committee, we will continue to execute and update Building on Success over the next three years. We invite your continuing support and prayers, and thank you in advance for all you do on behalf of Archbishop Spalding High School. One in Christ,
Kathleen Mahar President Emerita
Brian Kohler President
The P l anning P ro cess During the 2021-22 school year, Archbishop Spalding High School launched a comprehensive planning process to position the school for continued success. Over 900 school stakeholders participated in the initial stage – assessing current school strengths and challenges, and offering “big picture” recommendations for the future. Through focus group discussions and online surveys, Spalding constituents offered their best thinking on the school’s future. This input was then shared with the Spalding Strategic Planning Committee and ultimately the school’s Board of Directors with an assignment to articulate a vision and core strategic priorities for the next three years. Highlights of the process: •
Spalding’s core strength is its singular, “One in Christ” culture. In every planning meeting, this emerged as the greatest differentiator in the Spalding experience.
With the culture as the foundation, many other building blocks of excellence were identified: strong Catholic values, rigorous academics, commitment to each student as an individual, competitive athletics and co-curriculars, and reputation in the extended community.
Consensus recommendations for measurable, goal-centered strategic action fell into one or more of five core areas: o Community o Culture o Programs o Facilities o Funding
The time is now for Spalding to move forward and build on the school’s strong foundation and address a changing, educational horizon.
C ommunit y . . . Focus on the people who make the difference at Spalding: students, faculty/ staff, parents and families, alumni, and friends. •
Attract and retain the most qualified faculty and staff.
Strengthen the commitment to diversity within the school community.
Identify optimal student enrollment and adopt strategies to secure it.
Establish a formal three-year enrollment and retention plan.
Commit the financial resources required to achieve these objectives.
Culture . . . Formalize and expand the impact of Spalding’s singular “One in Christ” culture. •
Maintain and advance the “One in Christ” commitment to Catholic values.
Define and articulate the defining elements of the Spalding Culture.
Use the differentiating features of Spalding’s culture as a central marketing message for admissions and advancement activities.
Articulate Spalding’s culture when welcoming those new to the community.
P ro grams . . . Ensure the Spalding student experience continues to be transformative. •
Maintain a commitment to a curriculum that serves a broad range of learning styles and abilities, preparing students for college and beyond.
Avoid complacency with the current academic success, looking to improve or design new programs that enhance current offerings.
Continue prioritizing students’ social emotional health by implementing local and national best practices.
Foster and strengthen relationships with colleges and employers to best prepare students for their next experiences.
Facilities . . . Continue to renovate, upgrade and enhance the learning environment. •
Review the existing master facilities plan and prioritize next improvements that maximize the student experience.
Sequence renovations and upgrades in a practical and fiscally feasible way.
Fund the improvements through a targeted major gifts initiative.
Explore campus and facility options to address the potential impact of Old Mill West High School.
Make safety and security a priority in all campus improvement planning.
Funding . . . Achieve the strategic vision within a realistic financial model. •
Develop a three-year funding model that includes tuition, fundraising and other revenue sources.
Prioritize faculty compensation, increased need for tuition assistance and enhanced academic programming.
Grow the endowment to provide a longer-term revenue source.
Continue to strengthen Spalding’s culture of philanthropy, including the planned giving program.
In Eve r y thing Give T hanks... 1 Thessal on ian s 5 :1 8
Action Steps In the spring of 2022, the Spalding Board of Directors endorsed two next action steps:
1 2
Task school administration with mapping a detailed strategic action plan – complete with timelines, measurable outcomes, and areas of accountability – that flows from the five consensus strategic priorities. Authorize a major gift initiative – under the Building on Success banner – to fund items in the plan that require a capital response (specifically, facility improvements and endowment).
Both of these actions commenced prior to the end of the 2021-2022 school year, with the expectation that the plan and initiative will be executed, refreshed and updated over the next three years.
Thank You We would like to acknowledge and thank those who have stewarded the strategic planning process.
Aaron Hockel
Regina O’Hara
Sharon Bogdan
Bonnie Klemm
Jeff Parsons
Ray Bonner
Brian Kohler
Dan Russell
Kaycie Bowen
Dan LeDuc
Christy Puglisi
Ryan Collins
Page Linden
Allegra Scott
Lawrence Dixon
Kathy Mahar
Kathy Wagner
Michael Gardiner
Jeff Matton
Bill Weber
Shannon Gilligan
Kevin Niemeyer
Jennifer Weissmueller
8080 New Cut Road Severn, Maryland 21144-2399
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Vision Statement As an inclusive Catholic community, Archbishop Spalding High School develops academically prepared, socially responsible, culturally compassionate students. Our vision is for alumni to be engaged, productive servant leaders in the endeavors they pursue.
w w w. arc h b i sh op spa l di n g .org